V :.■$> ^Jp H f THE DOXOLOGY Approval : The finging Glory to the Father, Son and HolyGhoft in the Worftip of GOD, Its lawfulnels and expediency proven from the Holy Scriptures, Councils and Fathers, and the Scruples of the Weak thereanent, cleared. b Y Mr. ROBERT EDWARD, Mmifter of the G'fpr! of Chrift at Murrois. Ka' COt 7W cPb^AV Ketl WVaLpifictV XAl *7rpO 'TTViV^AJt, VVV KAl Ali y ka\ uslis AtuvAtlcdv AidvcoV; a[ja\v* St. Chryfofionjus in Lytwgia. i Cor. 1 1, 1 6. Quod fi quis vidcrur comemiofus efle\ nos cjuimodi confucudinem non habemus, Deque Ecclefiae Dei Doxologiam refpuere. Rem. 1 5. $, 6. Now the God oj patience and confolation, grant you to be like-minded one towards another, according to Chnfl Jtfus : Tnat ye may with one mind and one mouth glorifie 6od % tvtn the Father of our Lord jfefus Chri(l. S D I N B V \G H, Printed bv the Heir of \Audreu> ^inderfon, Printer to the King's moft Sacred Majelty, Anno DOMINI, M. DC LXXXI1I. To the Right Honourable GEORGE F>arl of Aberdene? Vifcount of Farmertin, Lord Haddo,Methlick,Tarves and Kelle ; Sheriff principal of Edinburgh and Aberdene : Lord High - Chancellor SCOTLAND, My Lord, WHatfbever Maxim relating to Reli- gion, albeit it be neither Funda- mental nor Orthodox, yet thefe Perfons who are entangled in Er- rour, and Slaves to their Corruption 5 if they fancy that Maxim to be both Fundamental and Orthodox, cloie The Epiftle Dedicatory: dole with it in their Judgment > embrace it in their Will, and dandle it upon the kneesof their Affefti- ons 5 yea, they idolize it as fondly and furiouQy as thefe Pagan Efhtfians did their Image of Diaza, Baf)l Ww# 2 ub. de spifit» when the one Was fick Santto contra eunomium Arianum, i_ ~\C^ . Km- ca P- 3°« Sufficitns t{l iniuicitU the Other allO 5 out ^ t prion,bus diff entire & tno- Church and State are Ot ris fmilitudo res efl quavis ctnJH- a nearer union, for thefe '"wW* 'UtdMms (ocitt*. fame Perions both for Souls and Bodies are Subjtdsand Servants to God in Chrift, united by the fame Faith and Worfliip, in relation to Eternal Happinefs, and Subje&salfo to one and the lame King on Earth, united by the fame Laws, in relation to their civil and external Well-being $ and as the Spiritual Concernment and Eternal Salvation o that Body will more af- ft& it then its lliort and external Well-being on Earth, (b any Member in that Body difjoynted^ in regard of Spiritual-union, will caufe fuch a ftir* and trouble, as during the time of its dislocation^ the whole Body will beio tormented, that no ci- vil Bonds will prevail to compofe them : They will brag to facrifife their Temporal Life, for their Eter- nal Salvation 5 hence an jet h debates ^envpngs ^wraths ^ ft'jfes^ mckk^ings^ whijperwgs, foeliwgs, tumults^ 2 Cor. 12 20. then covfufion And every evil work^ James 3. 16. Wherefore as a companionate Member of the MyfUcal Body of Jefus, the leaft of the ions of Ltviy whom the Holy Ghoil hath made Overleer of The Efiftle Dedicatory. of apart of the Flock of God, I have written this little Treatife for information of the Judgment of the weak Lambs of the chief Shepherd, who being unskilful in the word of Righteoufhefs, refufe to fing the Doxology, becaufe of their Doubts and Scruples, which by this Treatile, through the help of God, I have endeavoured to remove, that there be no longer divifiori in Judgment, Affe&ion and Worfhip, upon that account. My Lord) All the Miferies and Confufions in this Land, (more than fourty Years continuance,) began at Schifn in the Church, which is well known by fad experience, and its Tragical Hiftory is writ- ten with red Capital Letters of Blood, that he who runs may read it 5 with the blood of his Royal Majefty, now a glorified Martyr, with the blood of many Nobles and Wotthies, and thoufands of other Subjcds : therefore the King of kings, in His gracious Providence, with his Vicegerent over thefe Kingdoms, hath placed your Lordfhip in the civil Watch-Tower of this Kingdom, to efpy and prevent Sedition in the State, and confequently to have a watchful Eye againft Schifm in the Church 3 efpecially feing the great fundamental Maxim of fbme in this Kingdom, was not only dangerous to the State confequentially, and by its tendency, but fubftantialiy fuch. And feing the purpofe of this little Treatife is for healing and preventing of further Schifm arid Error in Judgment, tending to Sedition, Ihaveprefum. ed 7 he £ pi file Dedicatory^ ed to intreat your Lordfhips Patrociny , for albeit it be little in quantity, yet its Subjeft-matter isfb glorious, to wit. Singing glory to our in 'finitely glo- rious God 5 and the duty (6 unqueftionable, that the Univerfal Church will joyn in the Praftice with your Lordlhip, and fay Amen $ not only the reformed Churches, butalfo all thefe of the Greek and Latine Communion, yea, all Chriftians to the ends of the Earth. My fecond Attra&ive, Are the many and rich Talents of Grace and Gifts with which the Father of Lights hath eminently endued your Lordfliip of knowledge and prudence, of Piety and Juftice, of Zeal to the true Chriftian Keligion,and Loyalty to his Majefty, by which your Lordfhips know- ledge and deep Judgment, ye are able exaftly to ponder the weight and validity of the Reafons brought to prove the lawfulnefs of finging the Doxology, and the levity and weaknefs of the pre- tended Reafons brought againft it. Therefore trufting your Lordfhip will follow his fteps, on whom the Spirit of the Lord did reft, the fpirit of wifdom and under ft An ding, the fpirit of council and mighty the fpirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord^ Ifa. 1 1. 2. And that you will pioufly obforve the holy ways and (lately fteps of the Lord's Providence towards you, and fo under- fiand the loving kjndnefs of the Lord, Pfal. 107. VerfAdSk^ and ffal^ hi. 2. The works of the Lord trtgrut) fought out of all them that have flea jure (a) there- The Epiftle Dedicator/. therein 5 and the flighting of this pious and plea- fant Duty, is a great fin, Pfai 28, 5. Becavfe they regard not the works of ihe Lord, nor the operation of Lis hands, ke'jhall dejiroy them, and not build them up. I am confident, your Lordfhip with much Spiritual-pleafure and joy in the Lord, hath ob- ferved his loving Kindnefs to you, as to another CMofes drawn out of the Waters, Exod. 2, io# to be a fele&ed Servant, faithful in all the Houfe of God, Heb. 3, 5* another Elialqm, on whofe Shoul- ders the Lord hath laid the Government, Ifa.22.20. and as your Lord {hips Father of bleffed Memory died a Martyr for his Loyalty to his King, with many other Worthies 5 fo oar Kings Majefty, matchlefs for Piety in Life and Death, gave all thefe Worthies a meeting, in dying a glorious and royal Martyr for the Liberty of his loving Subjefts j and as the wife and greatly beloved Daniel, one of the children of the Babylonifh Captivity, of the feed cf the Princes, was io endowed with gifts and graces by the Father of the Fatherlefs, that he was thought worthy to fit Judge in the gate of the Kingdom, Dan. 2. verf. bft, So your Lordfhip, thfc fon and heir of your Martyr Father, being a Fatherlefs-chiid of the late fad Captivity in Scot- land, defending as the righteous heir from the ancient and honourable Family of the Barons of Haddo-, one of the ancient Families in this Kingdom of Scotland, being call: upon the care of your heavenly Father, having enabled youby more then ordinary The Epijlle Dedicatory. ordinary gifts and graces, and advanced you through many orderly fteps of Dignity, hath at laft cauied your Lordfliip to fit fupream Judge in that very City and Judgment-feat, where your Father fuffered fo fad and un juft a Sentence 3 there- fore fliall Men fay, Verily there is a reward for the righteous, zerily there is a God that judgeth in the earth, Pfal. 58. laft verfe. The Fountain of Civil Honour is the Kings Majefty, and that Power and Priviledge he hath received from the King of kings, and accordinglv, Jifiher 6.6. the word of the King was, What jh U be done to the man whom tl e King d: light eth to Lo- vonr } but it is fure that the fupream Fountain of this honour is the King of kings, who giveth forth a Rivolet of this Priviledge of Honour to all Kings under Him, fo that when the King cf kin by His over-ruling and gracious Providence, puts it in the heart and hand of a Chriftian King under Him, to fet his heart and eye upon a deferving and worthy Perfon 5 then the Glory of Gods ftately fteps of over-ruling Providence, and a work befeeming a gracious and a juft King j )yned toge- ther, is confpicuous and not our to every good Chriftian within that Sphere of jurifdi&ion, and this fame \$ the happy ]unUo of the King of kings, and his Vice-gerent in thefe united Lands for ad- vancing your Lordfliip : What more fuitable then this, fprthe fon and hciroi a royal Martyr Father, to advance the fon and heir of a loyal Martvr (a 2) Subje&. the glory of the Giver, to the good and comfort of his Neighbour, but the more comfortable advantage is that to his own Soul, a Spiritual gain of Peace with God, which pafleth all underftanding* and jo\ unfpeakable and glorious, which is Heaven upon Earth, and converging with better then Angels, having his converfation in Heaven ^having the Heart mortified and crucified to the World, and all its Riches and Honours, which to them are lofs and drofs, being put in the ballance with Chrift, Phil. %. 7,8. and as this is rare to be found to be honourable, and honoured of all Men, and yet to be humble, Riches to encreafe, and yet not to fct the Heart upon them, to abound in Plenty to the Cups run- ning over, and yet be temperate, and the ienfual and inferiour Powers of the Soul not to blind and then enflave the rational Powers thereof is rare to be found, and flows from more then ordinary Grace 5 hence your Lordfhip may well infer, that all the -external Honour and Dignity which the Lord hath conferred upon you, which are good Gifts in themfelves (and not to be flighted,) yet they aie of far lefs value then the inward Spiritual and Heavenly Graces wherewith the God of all Grace hath beautified your Soul. As The EpiJIle Dedicatory. As it is a matter of fad lamentation to the Godly, and of mourning in fecret, when they fee the evil example of great Ones fo prevalent upon the lives of others, as Prophancnefs to lift up the Horn, and Satan to ereft his Throne, and Piety be Heart- broken, then (lighted, then mocked, all which Sins kindle much Wrath, and bringeth down fore and inevitable Judgments upon a Land ; fo in the contrary, it is matter of great joy to all the God- ly in the Land, for which they render hearty Praifesto the God of Heaven, and looks upon it as a token for Good, (that the Lord mil wake us glad, according to the days wherein he hath affliffed us, and the years wherein vce have feen evil : ) even your Lordfhips good example, for the good example of the great, is more prevalent and efFe&ual upon the Hearts and Lives of Men, then the moft eloquent Orairy or convincing Reafons can prevail upon them, for the Orator is not able conftantly to be beating upon the Ears of his Hearers, but will weary on his part, and the Hear- ers naufeat on their part £ but for the good and holy example of the pious Life of the Great, is not an exhortation to Holinefs once a Week, or once a Day, but continually without Interup- tion, and cries aloud without Noiie D and insinuates without Affectation : Therefore, every pious Rul'r, firft, and moft confidereth the All-feeing- Eye of his Maker- ^jrhnm he muft give account} fo in the fecond place, he confidereth the Eye of his The Epiftle Dedicatory. his Inferiour looking upon him, and ready to make the Rulers life and a&ions his Pattern, Chin- ing with all Grace and Vertue, will be fo preva- lent and confpicuous, that it will caufe Prophane- nefs to be afraid and hide it felf, and caufe Piety and Vertue receive their due eftimation and honour, that fo the Lord's Glory and the Kingdom of Jefus may be advanced, and many Souls gained and faved, and thus the Lord may take pleafure in his People, and yet delight to do us good, and (ay, Pfal, 192 verf 14. This is my reft, here will J dwdl fir ever, for 1 have defired tt-> and make our land Hephziba and Beula 5 Which God cf gods, and Judge of all the Earth, as He hath multi- plied Honours upon your Lord (hip, fo it is the Hope, Expedatipa, and Prayer of all good Stib- jefts in this Land, that your Lordihips chief frudy, and conftant endeavour, may be, to promote the Lord's Glory, by a coi.ftant tenour of Piety and Juftice-> that the mountains may bring peace to the people, and the little hills by right eoufnefs, PfaL 72. verf 3. that ye may raife up the foundations of many generations, and be called the repairer of the breaches, Ifa. 58. verf. 12. That the Church and Kingdom may long eoj^gr ; your Lordfhip, as one of their great Bkffingsfrbm the Lord & That Mercy and Truth may meet to- gether, and Righteoufnefs and Peace ,kifs each . other, Pfal 9 85. So ttafcj^he^good Hand of your God upon you, TrutH and Piety, Order and The Epijlle Dedicatory. Unity,* Peace and Profperityin Church and State may abound 5 that after many good days, ye may obrain that Approbation, Well done good and faith- full fervant^ enter into the \oy of thy Lord 5 which is the fincere and fervent Prayer of, Tour Lordfhip mofi humble Muyyois, the 20. of r an d devoted Servant- February, 1683. ROBERT EDWARD. 7 I RRATA. / ERRATA. IN the Preface, Page 4. Line 29. for nho y read nhicb. In the Con- tens, p. 2. 1. 9. for Cor. r. Chr. p. 6. I. 42. for Stf«* Satanins, r, Samofatenus* p. *Wi. 1. iaft, for Strinium r. Sjrmium. p. 13. 1.8, for videbent, r.vi^. p. 23. I 45. for Rout a, r.Tomo. p. 41. 1.2$. after d/

;«!. 1. 17. dele it. ^/ir offor //rw/ JEfwpM, rf>rj are recommended to the discretion of the Christian Reader. PREFACE T O T H E Christian Reader. HE whofe Name fhall be called Wonderful, CounfcIIer, The Mighty God, The Everlafting Father, The Prince of Peace, even He was tritely called Wonderful, becaufe of His two Natures y and there wonder jul> if not aljo unft eatable union. (i) counfeller, for in Him dwtlleth (i) HvAuo qvamv &avyyy\od$ y allthetreafuresofivijdomandY&ow- c&JpWJaK, et^l/a/pfc]a>*, et^opiratf, ledge. Col. 2. $• the Mighty God, inconfufe, inconvertibilitcr, indi- the fame to us,a Child born, Ifa. 9.5. vulfe & inleperabilitcr, Concil. 7he Everlafting Father, and to us a chalcedon. Aft. 5. Anno Domini Son given, the Prince of Peace be- 451. Epifcop. 6 go. Quod 8c con- ing ourPeace, Eph« 2.14,1$* and firmatur in Synodo 6. o£comen* Veace-ma\er, our Ranfom and Re- Conslantinop. Anno68i. Epif. 289. deemer, wonderful in His love. to non modo quoad Chrifti duas na- us, whofe dimenfionspaffeth Aposlo- turas, fed&duas in eo volunrates acknowledge, Eph. 3. 19. who naturale$ 5 8cduasduarumnaturarum loved not His life unto the deaths 8c voluntatum operationes vel pu- fer his love was (Irongtr then Death, en, ) Supper being ended, He in- liter 8c incomprchenfibilf tcr. culcates Love and union as the badge of His Difciples, John 13. 34,3$. John 1$. 12, 17. the fame again third and fourth timt t and in His Prayer, ]ohn caf.ij. after that Hisj*re- The Preface to the Chriftian .Reader. ''well Sermon before His death, ingeminates His Petitions to HisFathtr, that thefe whom thou hath given me, may be one, verf. u.and 21. and the third time* verf. 23. Should not the Commands and Prayers of a dying Lord, and lover oj His Brethren and Spoufe, bt highly regarded, and care- fully obeyed, backed with the imreaties of the HolyOboft by his P en-man, mosl pathetic all-/. 1 Cor. 1. 10. I befeech yon brethren, by the Name of our Lord jefusChrift, that ye all fpea\tht fame thing, that there benodivifi* ons amongft you, that ye be per felly joined together in the fame mind, and in the fame judgement, Philip. 2.2. jfthere be any confolationin Ckrifl. if any comfort in love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mer- cies, fulfil ye my joy, that ye beii&minded, having the fame love, being of we accord, of one mini ', So exceeding wonderfully the two Natures of God and Man were united, to unite chriftians to God In Cbrifi, and in them to one another, and our Saviour His bedywasrentto fyep His Church from rent, His Soul a%d Body feparate to l>??p His Church jrom\eparation , He payed before His death for their union-, Hi diid to unite them, and the HolyGhofty the God of Peace and Love, thrgts them in the Name of the Lord Jefus^to be united in one mind, and in one judgement ', and yet alace, how many in this Land; who prbfefs tbemf elves the Brethren and Sislers if Jtfus, left their firft Love, and violated this commanded union with their Brethren and Mother Church of Scotland, who did once bang up- on her Breafts, and fueled the Breasts of her Confolations, I fa. 66. 11. were dandledon berfyees, and nurfed with the fin cm mili^of the word, 1 Pet. 2.2. yet too many of theft, not only defpife their Mother Church, but a!f) run from her in fcattered and confuted Troups, as if they were fining in the dayoj Battelfromthefwordofthe turfuer, yea fame cry out and fa ear they •will lend their ear no mere to their Mothers Instruction, they will have no more of her Mil^nor eat of her B Y tad in the Lords Supper, nor pollute ihiir Children with her Baptljm, and albeit their Mother cry after them with bowels of tender efi chriftian companion, they anjwer with difdain, Stand by thy lelf, come doc "near to me," for I am holier then thou, if a. 66. 5. fee what is the Lords anfwer to the\e, thefe are a fmoke in my note, a fire char buroeth all chc day 3 and beheld it is written, before me I will not keepfilence, bat will recompenfc, even recompenfeit into their bo- fome , That, your words to your father Church are the fame in fubftance with thefe forecited **» Ifaiah, is clear to any impartial Reader, therefore I in- treat you in the bowels oj Jtfus chrijl, let not that fire and fmofy of your Separation provoke the Lord any longer. At prtfut J intena not to\urvey all the particulars of the prefent Schifm, but only this, viz. the refufing to fing the Doxology in the public^ mr- (hip tf God, which ma^es a fad and unckri(lian»lify Rent, for in one P'.d Effett of the iPor\: In tm next place, I intend the .furtherance of the Pucr, and Profptrity of my Mother- churchy in clearing, and Rimoving of miftat>es, among the Children , % at leasts to ma^e the Rent and Breach lefs % that the weal^might be lengthened , and confirmed in their Judgement^ in their Sir.giig the Doxologie , that the Scruplous may be informed, the Ave>fe cominctd, and Reclaimed, Contentions and Swellings pacified* andremovtd, asfar as Relates to the Doxologie, that all with one Heart i Mouth m.i) Sing, Glory to Godfather, Son and Holy Ghoft,and as mj God and Saviour wasftbjeel to his Blefied Virgin Mother, and hath com- manded me to be metl^ and lowly, Match. 11.29. So in all due humili- tie, as one oj the Ua(l of the Sons of my Mother church, -what 1 have -writ- ten on this Subjeft , injubmifjion^ I lay it down at her Feet , fully reviv- ing to oby the Law of my Father in Heaven , which is not to defpife , or forfafy the Law of my Spiritual Mother on Earth. Prov* 1.8. and Pro* 6. 20. Teat our Father in Heaven may have all the Glory , His Church Edi- ii:a:ion , and the Lambs of chrijl their Mill^, which [ball be my defire, dnd Prayer at the Throne oj Grace. THE P & &&* &* A j%# sb< a dfc da dfc >&&* *$**.*&. THE CONTEN TS of the Several Chapters. Chap. L PRoveth the great Fundamentally oj the VoElrine of the mo(l bltfied Tri- nity, from the Sacred Scriptures , and illupateth it by Fathers, and Councils , and modern Divines -, and anfwers the common Objeftion. Chap. I T. Containeth a Catalogue of the chief Blafphemers of the Bhffed Trinity the fir(t 400. rears j with the many evils oj Sin and mifery, that fol- lowed thereupon -, and how the Lord from Heaven , and His Church on Earth, gave ejfeftuall and prevalent Teftimony againftthem. Chap III. (ontaineth the rife of the Arian Herefy, in the Fourth Century their Peife* cution, and dftivity , their Fafbood, injuftice , and Cruelty, and the Tefiimonie , both of God, and His Church againji them. Chap. IV. Jfa unanimous Practice, and Appointment of the univer fall Church , for Singing the Doxologic , beOcmfionofSatan> and his Suppofls great Opposition to the Doftrine of the Trinity, and in that their war agiinft God. Chap. V. The caufe of the continuance of tbe Doxologic, in after Ages, viz. The continuance of the churches Perfecution, and Temptation from Arians, and other Blajphemers of the Trinity , as Eutichians within,and Ma- humitans without the church *, and the Rife and Growth of the Sociuian Herefie, notwithstanding Gods witness againft them, and the Church, and Magipats endeavours in many Kingdoms, thefe Blafphemous Antltrinitarlan Heretic^, remained and nested with Anabaptifb, and Quakers,**// three Blafphemous Aotitrinltarian HereticJ^s, which gives fufficient caufe, for the continuance of the Doxologic Chap VI. 7te lawfulnefs of Singing the Doxologic proven by thefe Arguments. ■ 1: Btcaufe alichriftians are Baptised in the Name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. 2. They believe, or profefs their Faith, in Father, Son and Holy Ghofl. 3. Ihey believe Father, Son,and Holy Ghoft to be their Creator, Redeemer and Sanftifier. 4. Their*Faith, and Hope of Eternal Glorjtjs from father * Son and HoliGhott. 5; Godfather, Son and, ~ - -' - -' 4 - Holy The Contents. Holy Gho/lmade all things, and efpecialh for His Glory. 6. 7his Lord &f Glory often calls mins tongue His Glory. 7. From the praclife oj the Saints and Angels 8. From Gods Command 9. the Appointment and Vraclicc of 'tit univeyfal Church. 10. The indivifibility oj the mrfhip we give to God one in Ffience , and three Verjons llluftrat by Fathers, and Councils* Chap. VII. the lawfulmfs-offinghg the Doxologie, proven by the induclion of all it's Vans 12. from tie three Holi* Ifa. 6. 3. Chap. VIII. 13, Rtafon from that Song, Revel- 5. 9. 14. From Qods Command 1 Cor. 16. 20. lllu[lrat by Councils and Fatbits. Chap. IX. 15. Reafonfrom the necejjar viffvenceof theChr'iflians rvorfoip , as in leading 0] the r, or d y l J raier, and Sacraments , thty exceedingly diffet fromchrijtians^jal not then alfo be a difference betwixt thecbr ifti ax fing- ing cfYfalms, and the Jcwes, by finging the Doxologie. 16. Astbt Jewes in their Pfalms of David, clofe many of them with a Doxol gie, anfwering to the me a fare of their Light difpenftd to them, in the Old Te {lament. So it becomes the Chriftianto have a Doxologie anfwerable to their greater meajure of light oj the Trinity in thtNew Teftament. 1 7* Keafon founded upon thefignification of Jehovah Elohim, which is often in the Doxologie of the Old Testament. Chap. X. A Realon given for firging the Doxologie, fatisfaftory to every flrong Chri- slian , and that born in alfo uOon theweal^ Cbriflian, by Scripture Reafon. Chap. XI. The Reafons why the General Afimbly was not in power to lay afide tht Doxologie , proving their great reluclancy to their own deed 3 with fever at other circumstances alleviating the jam t. Chap. X!L Ibat invalid Scruple anfwered, becaufe the Doxologie is not to be found al- together in one place of Scripture , and the convenience of finging is proven* Chap. XIIL The many evils that flow from the refufing to ftng the Doxologie. Chap. XIV. An exhort atory conclufion to the flrong and orderly Cbriflianjo receive and imbrace with nfi chrifiian Love and tendtrnefs every wea^ Chri(iian t who (ball return from their wandring in Error, to live inOrder and Uni- ty in the Bofome of their Mother Church. THE ^ *KF - h i Tm i > i I t fyf t t If n DOXQLOGYi Approvcn. CHAP. I. The great fundamental^'/ oj the marine oj the moU bleffed Trinity, proved from the Sacred Scriptures, and illuflrated by Fathers, Councils, ani Modern Divines, and the great Objeftion anfwtrtd. AMongftall the Divine lnfymbolo Athanafii ab ecclefn MyftericsofChriftian univeri'ali recepto, utpote in princi- Religion which ic pic, &finefidem in t^initate perfo- hath pleafed God in narum effe neceffariam ad jalutent His infinite Wifdom, (iW Ira 8sm ivIftdJb kcu^iMa Mercy &Goodnefs,to reveal to His tv povtiAi cigala 4/ y.{i 'jitffi- Church on Earth, on which they sws Kctt (le/idaf tfirivw GaQwAl are to build thcirFaith andSalvati- a this Myflcry of the Trinity takes leff.difp. theoU pau 1. p*g<\l*s up three. C 2 This 1 The Doxtlogy Approver. This facrcd Myftery is moft dogmi de trinitate efl; fundamental* clearly manifefted in our Saviour's ka[^jw \ imo jundamtntum fun- Bipcifm, Mat. 3. 1^.17. Luf^ 3. damtnti^ quia fmdat alia dogma- 21,22. John 1.52. 33. The Fa- ta fundament di a ^ quod mukis i- chcr fpeaksfrorn Heaven, 'this is bid probata & Me Ian A. loci com- ply vpe 11 beloved Son, while at the mun. cap. 27. fumma Evangel it e* iame time the Son is baptized in rudite comprehenfa est in verbis bap- Jordan, and the Holy (Jhoft came tifmi. down from He^en hi the likenefs Eufebiiis. Pamphilus in cone. Ni- of a Dove, and lighted upon Goid fjgino fatetur fymb'olum Nicenum paw the Son, and abode npon Him. *rts film verbis difjerre a fymbolo Moreover, The Sacrament of quod inquit nos ab epifcopis ante- Baptifm being ordained , of God, greffis tccepimus, cumqu'e Uvatro Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, baptifmatis abluti efftrnus audivi- the firft Sacrament of the Cove- mus, Socrat. bift. eccltf I. 1. c. $. nantot Grace $ in it all rhe Pro- & Theodorer. lib. 1. cap. 12. mifes of Mercy and SalvatioD arc Socrates H//2. lib .7. cap. 17. t&led to Believers, and by itChri- Judaus requirtns bapti^ariy ante flians are folemnly entered into baptifmi participationem multis die- the Church and Houfe of God : fo bus fidem chnftianam addifcere* cum that the Contemner of this Sacra- precibus, &iejuniis prtecipitur, i* meat debarreth himfetf from Sal- dent cap. 30. lib, 7. gens Surgun- vation. Therefore God Himtelf dorum a Paganifmo converfa petit hath appointed this Program to be Baptifmum q-ne pott feptem dies in prefixed upon the Porch of His eis catecbifandis impenjos cumprace, Church, that this Almighty God & jejunio vctnm obtinuere bine ca- In whole Name we are baptized, non.46. Cone. Laodicen. anno dom. and in whom we Believe, is Fa- 364. Bapti\i«nos nportet fidei fym- ther, Son, and Holy Ghoft } and boumdifcere. &baptirintireddere. it cannot be fupponed, but that Symbolum Con .Nicer*, anno. dom. thefe Men and Women who were 32 5. Conftantinopolirani anno dom. Profeiyred. and being Pagans be- 381. Chalcedon. annodom. 4$r. fore* admieted to the benefits of Symbolum hihmitiu Symbol urn quod Chriftian Baptifm, behoved to babet Irenaeus lib. 1. adverfus H.eri- take a time to learn the Grounds fescap.2. pri mum concilium Tole- of their Religion : therefore the tan. cone. Later amm in omni bus pr$2.nftrcipendunt baptifmum. Satan ut fid em noflram ab ipfis radicibas convelleret, partim de di- deeper in thepoyfonable Cup of vinafiiii, & Spirit us Sancli ejj'en- Blafphemy againft the blefled Tri- tin 5 partim de perfonali diftinttione nity then the old Arrians, hath ingentespugnasfmpermovebatjCA- veryflighringly written of the Sa- vin. mftitut. lib. 1. cap.ii.. §2r. crament of Biptifrru Servabat tamen Dominus in Papa- The fecond great Myftery of turenafciturifuo tempore populi [e- Chriftun Religion, is, that the mtn% manebat falvns baptifmus In Word was made Flefh, Joh.1.1^. patris, Filii, & Spiritus Sanfti no- and this rhe Holy Ghoft calls the mn . quamvisperigrina linm* ufu % great Myftery of Godlinefs, God &multisaliis confpurcatus]uper(li- minifefted in the Flefh, 1 Timoth. tionibus : manebat frufira toties op- chap, 3. verf. 16 . which Myftery, pugnatum unitatis etTenti*, & tri- via that the Word, the fecond Pcrfoo, 4 The Doxclogy ^jipproven. Perfon,God theSon was incarnate, nitatis perforatum fund anientHWtfi- and not the Father, or the Holy nebat doarina de duabus Chrifli na- Ghoft j this cannot be known and t*rls t Bcza epi{t. 8 1. believed aright,until firft we know & believe that there are three diftinft Perfons in theGodhead^therefore our Saviour, Job. 1 7. 3. joyns thefc two together, 7his is life everlafl* ing, to j*noiv tbee the only vut God, and Jtfiu cb+i% whom thru haft jent , and the Apoftle Paul, Coloff. 2. 2. to the acknowledgment of the myftery of God, and of the Father, andofcfoisi. If it be objefted, that it feems to be a hard faying, That the Know- ledge and Faith in God, and three Perfons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and in Chrift God and Man in one Perfon, is necefiary to Solva- tion ; Seing both theie are profound Myfteries, fo far above Humane Rcafon and Capacity, I anfwer, firft, Not only thefe two are great Myfteries, but ajfo the whole Gofpel is a Divine Revelation of a conti- nued traftof Myfteries, Marf^. u. Rom. 16. 25,25. Eph. 3. 9.15,19. Coloff. i, 25,27. called the great M y fiery of God linefs, 1 rim. 3. i6\ for there is nooiher Name under Heaven given among Men, whereby we ffiiifl be faved, but the Name of Jefus, AUs 4. 1 2. who is the Cap- tain of our Salvation, Hib. 2. 10. the Author of Eternal Salvation, Hib. 5.9. and the Gofpel is called the Knowledge of Salvation, Lul>. 1,77. the Word of Salvation, ACls 13. 25. the Way of Solvation, Acts i5. 17. the Salvation of God, /4cfr 28. 28. the Power of Godto Sal- vation, Kvn. 1. 16. the great Salvation, Rib. 2. 3. fo that whofoever will not believe thefe Gofpel Myfteries, is damned. I anfwer fecondiy, that to Divine and Saving Fairh, as fuch demonftrative knowledge in the Logical Senfe, fariefs comprehenfive knowledge is required j but the Lordcondefcending to Mans Humane weak Capacity, accepts of Faith, albeit apprehenfive Knowledge £0 before it, not alwayes requiring that they know bow fuch a thing is true, but that howfoever it is true : And becaufeofihc myftenoufnefs of thefe Gofpel Divine Truths, there is a neceiTi:;. for a Chrifthn to deny himfelf, before he can follow Chrift, Man. \6. 24. deoy his carnal Wit nd corrupt Reafon, therefore in the Lord's work of Mao % Conversion, in which He applys His exceeding great and M : c ty Power, Efjb. 1. 1 9. He cifts down Imaginations, and every high rfjing th*t exakerh irfelf againft the Knowledge of God, and bringeth in*o captivity every thought unto the obedience of Chrift, 2 C#r.io.$« where albeit the Almighty Hand of God is firft in order, and chief in -he work, vet the Chriftian himfelf, willingly confents to cap- tivate all his carnal Imaginations and Thoughts, and over the belly of them a!!, gives the aflent of Faith to the Myfteries of the Gofpel, be- caufethey are the Truth of God, who is infinite in Truth, and cannot Lie •, for he who picufly and humbly captivates his Thoughts to Chrift, will flop the mouth of all Objections of corrupt Reafon, with Abraham, againft Hht Doxology A f proven. 5 tgainflbope believing in bofe, Rom. 4. 18. which aflcnt ofFaith gives God far more Glory, then the aflent of Science, which flows naturally from the force of that natural Lighc, born in by the knowledge of the Caufe j but the aflent of Faith ii fupcrnatural, being a fupcrnatural Grace and gift of God, with all its degrees ; And becaufe the Myfte- ry of the Trinity, and Chrift's Incarnation, were fo high above Man's corrupt Rcafon, therefore in the firft 400. Years of thc.Ncw Tcfhmenr, Satan wrought mightily in the Children of Difobedience, and did find It an eafie work to raifc up many blafphcmous Hereticks, who in the pride of their undaunted Heart, refufed to captivate their corrupt Rea- fon to believe the Myfteries of the Trinity and Incarnation, which were not contrary to Reafon, but above it. CHAP. II. this Chapter hath three Parts Firft, a Catalogue of the Chief Ring- leading Heretic^ againfi the Doclrine of the Sacred Trinity, the firft 400. TV*™. ^Secondly, The many evils of Sin and Mifery , that followed upon theft Herefies. Thirdly, How the Lord and His church oppofed and confounded them* AS for the Roll of the Ring leading Hereticks , after our Lord's Afccnfion,(intending brevity)We pafle by all the Errors, or He- refies mentioned or foretold in the NewTeftament.Aitfrrfc.24. v 9. and 24.^. 20.1/. 29 t *nd$o.siftsi$ Rom- 16. v. 17, and 18. Gal. 1.6,7. Col. 3. v. 1. CoL 9. v. 10. C0I.2.V.2. {Tim- l. 2O.C0/.9. 1. 2 Tim* *• v. 17, 18. 2 Tim. 3. 8. 2 Tht$. 2. v. 8. Albeit therein be in-, fianccd diverfe Doftrines of Devils, and St. peter foretells, that fomc Tvouid deny the Lord that bought them 9 2 Pet. ^.4. and Sr. John2Epifl. 4. 3. mentions many Antlchrifts in the General, and denycrsof Chrift, but panicularizeth none as fuch ; for Simon Magus, Aft. 8. 18. Was a bapHfed Chriflian, and falling in the Sin of Simonie in amoft grofs manner , was juftly and bitterly rebuked by the Apoftle Peter : And Ecclefiaftick Hyftoriographers record, that thereafter he returned with 'he Doge to his vomitc , and with the Sow, to the wallowing in the myte *, went to Rope, and turned to his old trade of witchcraft, where he was admired for his Lying Satanical Wonders ( as before his Baptifm) he had been admired In Samaria,/4tf. 8. v. 9, 10. and blafphemouflv called himfelf, Fa- (b) Eufeb. bift. Ecclef. lib. * ther,Son, and Holy Ghoft. f b) cap. 1. & cap- 12.13, 14. lgna- Cerinthus blafphemcd Chrift tiuiEpiftola ad'tralefios Ireneus* jefus to be only a Man, and not lib. 1. cap. 20. Juftinus Martjl the Meffia. 4nno vom. 75. Apologia fecund* jufins. The The Doxology Approve?/* (c) Irentus, lib. lib.$. cap. $.Eufeb. (f/The third Ring-IeaderHeretick Ebiojti vented the like Blafphc- mies*, bv occafion of which three tfcretickh,and their manyfollowers, the Apoftle St. John> who lived to this rime, wrot the Gofpel , In which his chict intent is to prove, itre/ie $i. and maintain a^ainft thefe Blas- phemous Herencks, that Chrifi is God snr Man in one Perfon,( d ) Ctrdon Buiphemed, that the God of the Old Teftament was noc Chnf T "i Father, Anno Dom. 143. (i) Valtntinus , of whom came xhtOtnoflic\s^c) ftedtbtDo&rine paflim multis rtjutat. oi the Scrcd Trinity, and made up a fiction as i 1. cap. ?$. & lib. 3. cap.. 2. (d) Irinius lib. 1. cap. z6. L;i- jtbius lib. 3. cap. 21. lgnatious tpifl. ad TrallianoS) Epipbar.ihs (e) lweus lib. 1: cap. zZ. Euftt. lib. 4. cap* 10. (i ) Euftb. lib. 4. cap. 10* Ireneus lib. 1. cap. i. & alibi were of three Gods, Anno Dom- 145. ( f ) ( a ) Tbeodotus, That Chrlft was oaly M*n, he denyed Chirift to be the Word ]oh 1. \.An. Dim. 194. ( I ) praxeas denyed the JTri- nitv, his r ollowers were called ? atrip offtani , Anno Dom. 210. ( c ) Mtlcbi%tdtciani blaf- phemed* that Mtlcbi^tdtcl^ was greater then Chrif>. ( d ) Sabellius denyed the blef- fed Trinity. C e ) Samofatenus , denyed ChrifttobeGod, Anno Dom. 269. (/) Mzatt and his Followers denyed Chrift,and the Holy Ghoft to be God. ( g ) ^r2u,denyedthefecond Perfon of the bleffed Trinity to be one in fubftance, co-e quail and co-eternall with God the Father, he was confuted in the Council of N/^,hisBlafphemy condemned,and heExcommunicated, An.Dom.$2$* ( h ) Phctinius fell umo the herefie of Sabellius and Sam. Sata- nius, he was condemned in the Council otSninim. ( a; Eufeb. lib. 5. cap. kit. E- umcum priori^ -refutat, Ignatius, nominatim Epifl. ad Tralianos. ( b ; hos rtfuut Term!. ( c 3 Eos rtfuut. Tcrtul. ( d ) Euf. lib. i.cap.$. YtfuU* tar ad Athanafio. ( e ) Damnatus in Concilio Anti- ochtnOyAnr.o Dom. 272. ( j ) Euf lib- 7. cap- 2$. So- crat. 1. lib. \. cap: 17. Exorrus tfi AnnoDom. 276. turn Auguftinl- us multus & eruditus refutavit. (g) Damnatus a 318. Epifcopis* Secret. lib.\. cap. 3, 4. 5. The- odoret,?^. cap.i^. Sozomen lib. 1. cap. 16. Anno Dora. 325. ( h ) Socrat; lib. 2. cap* 24. 1 Bafilio mfigno in difpuutioru de* Vifiut* ytoftdnm The Dixobgy Approver?. y ( i ) MACtdonius, denyed rhc ( | ) Socrares, lib. 2. cap. 35* Holy Chart to be God, Anno Dom. a b Athanafio & Bafilio rtfuutks. 7,60. He was condemned in the General Councllof Conflantinople. ^noDom.tfi. ' ck; Socrar# liL 1 . uf . i ift mk) N^id^thePer. ho ^ concilio contril Neftorium Cy- fonal Union of Chrift s Divine and r , l|us mgnm Minuit partem. Humane Natures , Therefore was J condemned by a General Council* at Epbefus by 2co. Bifhops, Anno Dorr.. 451. And being ob(iin3t, was banimed by the Emp. Tbeodofius Albeit thefe forementioned Heriticks all Btafphemcd the Sacred Tri- nity, yet none of them, but were poyfoned with moe Errors be(Hes f for man$ corrupt heart is a too fercill (oil to receive sauns Inventions* ( / ) One of the Antients , by reading the Blafphernies of Here- ( 1 ) Di onifius Epifcopus Alex- ticks, did not on^condemne andrinus Eut. lib. 7. cap. 6. An* them, but alio abhorred them the no Dom. 260. morej Sol wifh every Chriftian Reader of this Little Catalogue to make the like good ufe of ir, for the Learned read them at length, in the large Volums, and from this Caralogue , the Learned may Colled the Rcafon , why theiubull Ser- pent, the Enemy of Gods Glory, and Mans Salvation, wasiomuc fee againft the Doftriae of the Trinity •, even becaufe of it's great tunda- mcntality, in the Chrifttan Saving Faith. Inthcfecond Part of the Chapter follows the manyfold , and fade evils, both of Sin and Mtlery that were caufed by thefe Blafph^mous Hetccicks. i. The Lord of Glory was in a High Depj^e difhonourrd, and greatly provoked *o anger-, So that the Learned , and Pious, in there confuming leal, and holy Indignation, did admire the Lords long Suffering Patience; crvingouc, God km long thai the adversary n- b ? hall the enemy blafpheme thy name for ivtr ? PfaL 74. 10. 2. Too many followed rhofe Blafpheming Heretkki, and their Per« nitious wayes* and that often in the particular Kingdom, where their Blwfphcmy was firfk invented, and fometimes rhdr Pt/iilenn ^u$ Breath fpread abroad, and infefted moe Kingdoms with their Poy- fon. 3 Satan, and the power of Darknefle fometimes fcemed to triumph, and Wickedncfs to lift up it's horn on h*gh, and the fmoakoftheBottornlefs Pit ro darken the Face of the Eanh. 4. Many weak Chriftians , and tender Limbs or Chrit ft ge< red, •nd flumbled , being troubled with the Words of Hcredcks, 4m ft to D the 8 The Doxology Apfrovcn. the fubverting of their Souls , now in a fainting condition , their hearts , being moved as the Trees of the Wood with a mighty Wind ? and many in danger to pcrifh, for whom Chrift died. 5. The fade condition of thefe Flocks, no doubt, moved theif Paftors, in holy Zeal, like St. Faul> to wifh thefe incorrigible He; rcticks , who did what in them lay, tode'»roy the Flock of God, Atjjf curfed from the Lord, as they were cut off from the Church, Ga/. 5? 12 even thefe wandring Srars , to whom is referved the blacknefs of darkuefs for cv*r, ]udt v. 13. 6. Sometime unliable Church men , were Deceived, and Infnared, who, when. Learned, Eloquent, or both, they prevailed mightily, both in City and Countrey* Like tha: time, when the Great Red Dragons Tall , did draw the third part of the Stars of Heaven , and caft them to the Earth, RtviL 12. $ 4. Hence afe^rfull Rent, and Schifme was made in the Church j Hence came Biting, Devouring, and Confumjpg one another, Gal. $. 15. 7. The Jew and Pagan, were hardened in their Errors, and a fiumbling blo^k inruperable bid in the way o^JJfeir Conversion. 8. ThcJ^,*( and in after Ages the T«r£ joyning with them ) did gladly ^rafp at'tiie opportunity, to increafe the Fire of Conrcntion, by joyning whb the He re ricks and Apoftats, and ftrengtbning their hanls againftthe Orthodoxy And took the more boldnefle to Blaf* pheme that worthy Name by which we ace named, .lam, 2. 7. 9. The frequent and beautiful meetings of the Flocks of Chrift, being Seduced , Diminifhed, and Scattered, caufed their Faithful Paftors to offend. Mourn and Lament thefe of their r locks that had fallen j Like the Loving Mother, weeping over, not One only, but Many of Her Children dying together : And to ly all nighcinSack- cloath , and weep betwixt the porch and the Aitar, to be in great heavinefs, and continiuHorrow of heart , aftdT-almbft to tolfli them- felves accurfed from Chrift , for the welfare of Bis Church, and their Flocks therein, Rom. 9.21. 10. When fomciime the FaSion of Hereticks grew ftrong^ as in particular of the Arians, having , by the fuhtility of the Serpent, obtained the Secular Power to joyn , and fide with them, and lb did many Years Pcrftcutc the true Church of Chrift 5 not only to the fpoyl- ing of their Goods Imprifonment , or Baoifhnient , but alfo many •thoufands having fuffered Cruel Torments, at laftSealled the True Faith of Chrift with their Blood af-i Death : ^ Of which A'ian Perfe- ction againft the true Church of Chrift, we intend hereafter to give )Ou a more particular accompt. Follows the third part of the Chapter, wherein we fhall give you a Compendious accompt of the Good and Holy Means, which the God of Truth , who walks in the midft of the fevea Golden CandlcfiicKs add Tie Doxofogy Approver.

wn Dayes, but alio all the Herefies that Blafphemcrs had fpread before their time , and by Painfull and zealous Preaching of the Truth, tbev Confirmed their Flocks and iurnifhed them with Power- full prefervattves againft the Poyfon of Seducers. ( a ) A fecondMean, Bcfide the thoufand thoufand Chriftians that ( a ) Ignatius & JuTmus in fuis Scaled the.Chtiltianijpaich of the Epislnlis Juftinus epiflola ad phi- Trinity with thefr Blood, and lippenfes Dominus mittens Apo- Death \ among them many Pious, slolos \uffit bapti\ire in nomenP at* is and Learned B ; fhops, not only fili] & Spiritus Sancli Sf]£ %($ defended the Truth of God by iva Iciivvuo's , 7\t w \?h their Pen, and Writings, as afore- svavypairtwavlas , etwtt fifV'Jpft* (aid ; but alfo Scaled that Truth hpo%[Ai?t& Epist. nter chri- Admiration aad Confufion of their slianos bortatur,Romanos &ad jurat D 2 their IO The Doxobgji A p proven. their tormenting Enemies, idly: ut eorumnullus folicitet magiflratum Mi^acl s manifefted without them Romanum ut Ignatiam a morte li- in their Dej'th,as theLcarned may berate ; fajfns fe exultaturum tor* read in the Church Hiftory; often menta, & mortem pro Chnflo fub- the wild beafts refuting rode- ire-, & martjrium evader e ft om- vourthem, and fometimes the fire mnino abnuere j fed infiexibiliter to burn them. ( b ) Yea; $dly. the dejiderare : qv alls fort it udo inpluri* Lord wmu ht many Glorious Mi- bus martyribus fuit confpicua. racltsa r .theGraves ofMarryres after ' theirD- atruofwhich there aremany Ex i i»plcs in the Church Hiftorv. The Fourth Mean, wher as Solomon laith, in the multitude of counfetlers there is fafety -, Th re fore the Doftors of the Primitive ( b ) Hu\us infiantia in Poly- carpi manyro commemor antur h&c mracula in itintread ignem voce e Ccelo 'onfort&tur 2.dum si at in igne ingtm flamma ad di r tantiam cor- pus circumvillat , quafi Unclum dei attingere renueris it a. ut miles illud Church did meet in Councils, as obfervans \_flimma crudelior~^?o- the faw need, in this or that licarpf corpus baftci conjode*it ($) Jvinpdom} bur (omedmes alfo, f r cli combufii corpus fuavifjimum^ they did rn^ct more tolemnly in & y ig" antifunum emifit odorem •greater numbers fomenmes 3, Eukb.hiQ. Ecclef. lib. 4. cap. ja. or 4. fomet mes 6*00 Bifhops to- gether , befides moe then the double number of Presbyters^ and thefe of h^ moft Learned, and Hous Divines, that were in the Chriftian World , our of Afia, Africa , and Europe by long , and perilous jour- lli s , eroding Sea , and Land, begiuning with (a) fac- ing and pravtng. To which Councils r>fpiclive, the then reign- ing He reticks were Summoned to apuear , and appearing were ex- amined anent tkt ir Errors, their Errors refuted yet fcldome, rhemtclves converted, but ifobiilnn, their mouths flopped; their Errors, and Biafphemics condemned, and accurfedj them/elres Excommunicato and fomedmes alfo Bani fhed by the fu- prcam civil rviagiitrate, and for the furder confirmation of the Faith of following Generations, and efUblifhmcnt of the Pofleriry in the Truth. The Church did put in regiftrr , the proceedings of rhele famous Council!*, whether Nationally or Generall againft thefe feve- rall Heretkks : As alfo their fcverail Ads, for Order and Decency, which Books are extant to this day in great Volumes; As for thefe Hcreticks , albeit the Lord did permit them for a fea- fon, to try His People, if they would cleave to His Truth, or not, Vent. 13. 3. And that the approved might be made manifeft, 1 at. «• J3« (a ) Patres Synodi Ninrni je- juni um indixerunt.ut Deus utilitati Ecclefiayum confultum vellet^ Teo; doret in ancorato. and fometime, The Dexology Approver*. II ii; 13: Yet the Lord blciTed the pains of His faithfnll Serving againftthem, So that thefe Storms vvcre turned to aCalme, and thefe Hercticks wholly made known , and He who fets bounds to the proud waves of the Sta, fer alio bounds to Satans Malice j and put a hook in the nofeof thefe Blafpheracrs. The Fijtb Mean , The Lord from Heaven did manifeft His Wrath and Indignation fignaliy againff fame of the fpeciall Ring-leading He* rcticks, or clfc by the hand of the civil Magiftrat. ( b ) Simon Magus , at Rome, by the help of Devils did flee in ( b )Euf lib. 2. caf.i. 13,14. the Air , but fell down and was Egcfippus lib' 3* cap. 2. Epi- bruited to death, at the prayers of phanius lib. 2. her. 22. the Apoftlc Peter. Secondly, Elimas the Sorcerer, was by God, miracuJoufl> (mitten withbhndnefs, for his Ami chri- flian perverfnefs, Afts 1%. 11. ( c ) Thirdly, Mont anus , and ( c ) Euf. lib. $. Up. 15, his Prophettis Maxirriha hanged 18. themfeWes. ( d ) Fourthly , Theodotus by force rookhb flight towards Hea- ( d ) Euf. lib. $. cap. 14* ven. but fell down, and died mi- ferably. Fijihlj, Buddas or Terebinthus, Nicen through Sorcery did flie up in theAir,but tc.l down and brake his neck. ( e ) 'Sixthly, Manues a Perfian Heretick, the Ring of Perfia cauf- ( c ) SocMt. lib. V. Uf. 17. eH take off his ikin, flayed alive, filled it with Chattc , and hang- ed it up at the Gate of the City. ( a ) Seventhly, A*hs being obferved by the Bifliop of Alex- ( /) Socratas lib. v. up. 21; andria, that he was a dangerous Heretick and mighty proud while he Is under Procefs, intends to come to the Church of Alexandria to morrow,m a prefumptuons man- ner ? wherefore the Bifliop, all that night flayed in the Church, with Faltii.g, and Prayers and Tears wreftling againft Arm * who, to mor- row going to that Church , a fuddcrj Terror of Conference, and ve- hement knifed of B lly did aflault hfm, that he was forced to go afidc to the next piblick Jack*, where all his t^wells guJhed out * a fi t Death. 1 2 Tke Doxology Appronten. Death-bedforfovilean excrement of Satan, whofe breath had bred the moft deadly peftilency that ever was in the World, whofe man- ncr of Death w:s a rn rev to the World, and a Beaken of hi* Ship- wrack, fixed by the Almighty, upon the dangerous Rock of hisBlaf- phemous Herefie. ( g ) Eight If , Priscbillianus* ( g) Proffer in chionico* Anno D0W.4OO. being, condemned by a Church Council at Burduux for his Blafphemies againft the Trini- ty, with others of his Stamp, was beheaded by the Emperour Maximus. All rhe forefaid Blafphemersof the Trinity, the Lord iiigmatized with a miferable death , to the terror of others. CHAP. III. Containeth the rift of the Arian Hen fie in the Fourth Century, their Perfe- ction and Aftivity, their Falfloood, injufiice and Cruelty ; and the prevalent Tejtimony both oj God and His Church againft them. AS in the firft 300. Years after our Lord's Afcenfion, His Church was (ore vexed by Ten hloody Perfections, railed by Pagan Emperours, and moletled by Antitrinit arian Heretick?, of which wc have given you a fhort view in the former Chapter *, So in this fourth Century, Satan the pacherof Lies, Anne Dom. 324. filled the Heart of Arius (a proud Prefbyter in Alexandria) with Blafphemies againft the fecond Pcrfon of the BK fled Trinity 5 wherefore, the hmous Council of nice, confining of $ 18. Biftoops, conveencd partly for examining and confounding of Arius Error in the Year 325. where after long difpute granted to the Advcrlary, his blafphemous Error was condemned, and he Excommunicate : Notwithstanding, thereafter his Errors fpread HkeaGangrm. and that chiefly by occafion of two Emprrours Con- (lantius and Valence, whom the A r ians feduced to their Herefie, and fo the Arian obnining the Arm, and Countenance of the Civil Power to their wicked Faftion, they left no mean uneffeyed to encreafe and ftrengthen their Parry, and fpread their Poffon, which wc intccd to treat of is this Chapter, in thde particulars. Fi*ft, Their indefatigable p-ins in convceaing Church Councils, Secondly , The Fal/hood and Injustice in their Proceedings. Thirdly, Their hellifh Policies. Fourthly, Their monftruous Cruelty againft the Orthodox. Fifthly, The Lord's witneffirg againft them, both by His Church and His own immediate H«md of Juftice upon them. To return to the firft of thefe, in imitation of the Orthodox and true Church, like Satan, they transformed themfdves into Angels of Light, did conrefcn CouUtta* foractime in one Gay and Kingdom, and fomc- dme The Doxology Approver*. 13 time In another, as they judged mod expedient for their purpofc j where they compofed divcrfe Creeds, but all Heterodox, and differing from the Nicen Creed j * Their firft Council held at TyrHs, (a) The iccond at Jerafalm, The third at * Socrat. lib. 2. cap. 32. J*)?ne Antiochy where they compofed brtviter rolligit numeruiafymbolorum their firft /*r;*» Creed,(6) Fourth- Arrlanoruit particulatim & oppi- ly,Four prime leading Arians pre- datim novem vidtbtnu fenredto the Emperour afecond {a) Socrat. Lib. v. cap. 22. Arian Creed, (c) Fifchiy, The (b) Socrat. Lib. 2. cap. 14. Asians in the Eaft fent a long f^ Socrat. //fc. 2. cap. 14. Creed to the Bimopsinthc Weft, (d) Socrat.- lib. 2. c*/\ 14. which they rejefted. (d) Sixth- (0 Sozomen W.3. ctfp.io. So- ly, At Syrmium in lllyria the <4r** crat. /*£.2. cap.2$. ans wrote two Creeds, (*) Se- (/]) $ocrat. //b.2. cap.29. Sozcr venthly, In a Council at Ariminum, men /i^.4. cap. 16. the ^ritf«5 wrote afixth Creed, f/j ({) Sozomen lib.±. cap.iS. Eightly, At Ntca in Thrafia the ffr) Socrat. lib.2. cap.$i: Arians wrote a Creed, which dc- {O Theodoret. lib.2* cat>.$i. ceitfully they called the Nicen (\) Ar k°i t**ltis pfeudofynodis Creed, (g) Ninthly, The Arians convocatis in quatuor jattiones abi- held a Council at StUncia in lfau- trt> quarum quaqut prion infanior^ ria y (hj Their laft two Councils prima faftio petit in omnibus fymbo* they held at Conftantinople and An- lis hoc txpungtndum quod filius fit tioch, where chey Decr'ce, that the patri motfios : faftiofecunda quod word Subftance (;) and Pcrfon, fit in fymbolis txprimtndum {ilium of one Subftance, of another Sub- t(fe patri lyLomiov, ttriiafattio fi- ice, all thefe (l>) bcexpunged Hum tfft patri tantummodo oyLoioyi out of all Creeds * By all which quirta faftio filium effe patri ayopo- we may perceive the Arian apply- toy difftmilem & hi funt epptllati ing all his Oars, going to and fro, anomei, & s7iQx7toi & $£vKovjtt 9 and walking up and down in the quod blafphmartnt filium efje s£ m Earth, comparing Sea and Land ovrcov tx non exiftmtibus hi txpnfit to conveen Councils, thereby to damnanturinfymboloN\cevio&hu- framc Mifchief by a Law, to en- jus quart* jaftioiis juit ipfe Arlus fcage and inflave unliable Souls, . Sozomen lib.4. cap.2i>23. by the Shadow of aChruch San- ation, making Profelytes, length- ening his Faction* Having fpoken of their indefatigable Pains, let us in the fimd place obferve their deceitful Dealling, thef r Deeps and Devices, which the Father of Lies (the old and crooked Serpent) had taught them: Firft, Euftbius Biftop of Nic omtdia beingjuftly degraded by that Or- thodox Council of Hich f or his obftinacy in Arianifa and he, toge- ther 14 "The Doxokgy Appr$vtf?s ther with iJri'ur, banifhed by the Emperour Conflantine, he wrote to the Emperour a penitential Letter, wherein he fubferived the Hictn Creed, (a) (but with a double Hearty ) and fo was rcftored to his (a) Socrat. lib.i. cap.io. Place and Function $ and Arius (b) Socrat. lib. I. cap. 10. followed his example, (b) both in fubferivingand diflfembling, remaining in the gall of Bitternefs with Simon Magus, and in the Synagogue of Satan -, wherefore fhortly there- after the Lord purged His Church of Arius > by an extraordinary and hoyible death, even then when he was in the height of his Pride, go- ing to that Church in grandour, where he had fpewed out his Blafphe- nriesagainft the Son of God, even that King of Saints, who thought ic 00 robbery to be equal with His Father, commands him to halt, not permitting him to enter iato the Houfe of God to pollute it, but thruft him into a common Jacks by the way. where the Lord caflout all his Intrals with his Excrement$,and caft him effe&ually out of His Church, and flopped his blafphemous Mouth. Notwithftanding all this great and vifible Judgment on Arius y his Brother in Evil ( Eufebius of Nico- mdia) would not learn Righteoufnefs, but hardened his heart in Pride, turned an obftinate and violent Perfecuter of the true Church and Saints, (<;) and chief Leader of the (c) Socrat. lib.i. cap.2 5. Arian¥i8\on y adding ^Perjury to his Blafphemy. thirdly As the Avians were Perfidious in their beginning, (0 in their Progrefs, they learned at the Accufer of the Brethren, to turn impu- dent falfe Accufers of the Orthodox Church men, which they afted in thefe forementioned pretended Church Counfels -, And firft, the great Athanafius, who as a divine Hero, flood in the Breach for the true Church, to whom both the Emperour and Bifhop of Rome deferred great refpeft in their Letters,^) yet him they flrived ro affront in their (d) Socrat. lib>2. cap.iB. Councils, and fafly accufe that he had cutted off a Man'* Hand, which Hand they produced in their Coun- cil, having the Man himklf fafl in Pr iron , but by good and remark- able Providence, the Man efcaped out of their Prifon, and came to Athanafius \nCo\Mc\, with both his Hands whole, to the great condi- tion of his accufing Arian Enemies. Thereafter they produced an im- pudent Whore accufing Athanaliusoi Adultery with her, but Atbana-. pus fo convinced her in the face of the Svnorf, that (he had not a word to anfwer : But Euftithius the Orthodox Bifhop of Antiochia, him they accufed alfo of Adultery with another impudent Whore, whom the Ariansiuboxntd. and (he did fwear it -, and albeit the innocent Bifhop did conftaatly affert his innocence, yet they degraded him, and ob- The Dtxology Approve*?. I * tained at the Emperour to banifh him - y but thereafter, that wicked Wo- man ( inthejuft Judgment of God) falling Sick, and dying in great bodily Torments, confdled her grievous fin of Tcrjury againft Innocent gtbiusj and that the Avians hid hired her with a Sum of Mo- (a) Theodorct. lib*$.cap.2U Dcy. 0) A jourtb inftance of their deceit and fubtilty, The Arian perceiv- ing by more then y>« Years fad experience, that the Creed of that fa- mous Council of Nice had given their curfed Caule a deadly wound, they craftily refolve to conveen a Council in that fame City o(Nice, and there write an Arian Creed to their own mind, and vent it for the old Orthodox When Creed, and fo to deceive the Vulgar : But He whofc Throne is in Heaven, had them in derifion , for when the Arians be- gan to conveen in that City of Nfa, the Lordfent a great Earthquake, which caufed the Arians(\\\i\\ fear) flee out of the City : (b) But that (b) Hieronimus ad annum domini Plot failing them, they hardened 372. their Neck like an Iron Sinew, and with a Whores Forehead, perfift in a like wicked Defign ; fbr f underftanding that in Thracia, the next adjacent Country, there is 2 Town called Nfte«, thither they haften, and hold their Couucil, and conclude upon a blafpemous Arian Creed, deceitfully calling It the (V) Sozomen. lib.+.cap.i$. Nicen Creed". A fijth inftance of their Falfhood in thefe their many Councils, where Satan had his Throne, and Ar.tichrift kept the Chair -, They wrote nine r e?erai Creeds, not ail confirming or explaining the former Creed, burfomcof them containing Contradictions, of which them felvcs were afhamed, (d) for a Liar fhould have a good Memory ; yea, in the (d) Socrat. lib.2. cap .25. laft of thefe Councils they ratifie their Council at Seleucia and its Creed, and curfed the Creed at •» Ariminum,beci\ik it was notHstc- (*) Socrat. //i.4. cap>$. rodox enough, (e) As we hive fee n the Aftivity, Perfidity and Falfhood of the Ari&t in fprcadins their Herelie, fointhe fourth place we fhall take a view of their Htllifh Cruelty, praftifed againft the Orthodox and true Church of God : For they poyfoned ( with their Arianifm ) the Emperour Conftantius, who began his Reign Anno Dom. 5^6. andValcnce, vvhobe- gan hu Reign AnnoVtom. $66. thefe two Emperours they inftigatc to raife cruel and bloody Fcrlecution againft the Orthodox during the time of their Empire, of which we fihail only mention a few notable Inftanccs. E Firftjp 1 6 The Doxolcgy A$ frozen. Firft, The Arians tt conftanti- noplt raifed a great Tumult of Se- dition, that many Christians were (<*} Socrat. lib.2. cap.$. troden under Foot to Death. («) Secondly, The Anan Emperour Conftantius having banifhed the Or- thodox Bifhop of Conjlantinople, the Arians ftrangled him in his Exile, and the Orthodox Eifhop of AdrianopU died in Prifon with - (b) Socrat. lib.2* cap.iu Torments. Qb) Thirdly, Great Persecution was raifed by the Arians in the Cities ofthe Eaft againft the Orthodox Chriftians, by Banifhment, fpoil- ing of their Goods, and fuadry (c) Socm.libA..cap.22* kinds of Torments, (c) ? Fourthly, The Arians at Alexandria upon the Lords Day invaded with Arms the Orthodox, and having kindled a great Fire, apprehend- ed Orthodox Virgins ( who, ss they thought, would fooneft yield to them,) thefe they threatned with Burning unlefs they turned Arian - 7 but perceiving thefe holy Virgins invincible Courage, rcfolute to die Martyrs for the Glory ofthe Sacred Trinity, they violently in the open Streets, pulled off all their Clothes, to out them to fhame, and mocked them in their nakednefs \ but thefe Virgins being of undaunted Cou- rage to fuffer for the Nime of Chrift, them the Arians fo wounded on the Face, that their neareR Relations did hardly know them } and four- tyMen they fcourged with Rods, that fomecf them died, yet they re- fufed to give their dead bodies to their Friends to bury } and thefe who outlived their Scourging, pare -of them they Bammed, of others not banifhed, the Chirurgians had great difficulty to pull out the Thorn Pricks out of their Ficm. At that fame time, the Arians killed moe ^en thirty Orthodox Bi/hopsin Egypt and Lybia, and banifhed flxteen moe, whereof fome died in their cruel ufage by the way, others died In the place of their Banifhment 5 of which Martyrs the World was (d) Socrat. li'0.2. cap.2$. BOt worthy, (d) Fifthly, In Constantinople and the Country about, many Orthodox iifhops were banifhed by the Arians, and other ofthe Orthodox that refufedto communicate with the Arians they cruelly tormented their Bodies, and then fcobbing their Mouths, violently thrufl in the facra- ftiental Elements of the Lords Supper, and that not only oi Men and Women, but alfo of Children, and thefe who were moft reluftant they detairied in Prifon and Torments, that fo the Arian intended by this his Tie P.oxology Approved ly his work to get the honour that the Orthodox did com municare with them, butprophane forcing proved the Arian Communion to be the Table of Devils ; yea, they thruft the Pipes of fome holy Women into a Chert, and doling its lid, cut off their Papes with a Saw,and others (a) Socrat. Hb>2. cap.%0, tlr.y burnt off their Papes with a Thcodorer. litol cap.iq. red hot Iron, (a) Sixthly, The Asians in AUxandria confpired with the Jervsmd Pagws, and all three raifed greac Perfecntionagainft the true Chriftl- ans there 5 they apprehended the holy Virgins, (tripped them naked as they were born, and led them through the Streets, obfeenely mock- ing them, and if any Beholder (inChriftian compaflion) didfpeakbut one word in their favours,they were driven away with Wounds j there- after, many of the Virgins they ravifhed, fome they killed, and re fufed to give their Bodies to their Parents to be buried 5 yea, in this Tumult the A'iun and Pagan committed fo great abomination that I am afham- ed to render them in Engli(h> (0)3 moft profane Pagan being a (b) Theodoret. lib 4. cap. 20, chief After of thefe Abominati- ons, acted both in the Pulpir, and on the Alrar of the chief Church of A-.exandria ; it was too like a Stage-Play of Satansdivi fing agaicft God's Word and Worfhi:, the moft profane the Devil could devife, and all this afted in the, pretence of the Avian Bifhop, whom the Pagan Spokefman thus faluted, Bijbop ! who denies the Son oj God> thy com* ing is welcome to us> {c) our god Serapis tmhracrtb thee, and brought (^) Theodoret. lib.$. cap.22i thee hither ; obferve how well the Devil and the Arian does aggree, like Heart and Joy : This Pagan god StrApis, had a Church in Alexandria where he was worshipped, and in it a monftruous great Image, at that time much worfhipped by the Pagans there. What true Chriftian can read the Perjury Faifhood and hellifh Cruelty of the Arian, and their athciftlcfal profaning of the Lord's Supper, and not look upon them as incarnate devils, agaimx thefe antichriftian and profane bloody Arians, who blafphemed both the Son and Holy Ghoft. The Orthodox Church were moft zealous to defend the Truth, and for that caufe, to fing the Doxology in their publick Wor/hip,exaftly according to the words of the Holy Scriptures: For then the Arian alfo keeped the Tinging of their own Doxology, but Ir was different from the Orthodox and Holy Scriptures. Now, confidering the true Churches hard condition, when the Arians perse- cute them, and yet thefe holy Chriftians were moft willing to iuffer Martyrdom for the Name of Jefus, and alfo to fing the Doxology, there- in profefting their Faith in one God, In three Perfons, Father, Son and Holy Ghoft, equal in Powcr*nd Glory : Now, I would afk the £ 2 Chriftian 1 8 The Doxohgy A f proven. Chriftian now a days, If the Lord in His Providence did put them now In fuch a condition, to be perlecuted to the death by the prevailing Arian, whether or not they would be content to fuffcr Martyrdom in defence of the honour of Chrift, and alfo with the Orthodox Chriftian to fing the Doxology : would they both fing and fuffer as thefc did, who are now finging triumphant Songs to Father, Son and Holy Ghoft, hiving trode Satan and Arians under-foot; I willingly judge in Charity tothefe weak Lambs, thev would then with the Orthodox Chriftians, both joyn in Paging the Doxology, and alfo in fuffering with them for the Name of Jefus ^ Then I a-fk them again, if they would have lung the Doxology if rhey had been going to the Stake to die ia defence of the honour of Chriftagsinft the cur fed Arian ; then have they not as good reafon and caufc to fing Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Ghoft, for His merciful Providence to them, who knowing their weaknefs bet- ter then themfelves, hath preferved them from fuch an hour of temp- tation, and fiery tryal, not fuffering them to be tempted above that they are able : But furthermore, I give you this warning, that if ye af- firm with the three Children, you would fing in your fiery trial, but refufe to fing now when ye arc preferved from it : Look to your fclves that ye be not tempting God to caufc you fuflfer Arian Perfection,- that then ye may praife the glorious Trinity better, which now ye refufe, becaufe the Lord frees you from Arian Perfection ; this fore Trial the Lord avert. In the laft part of this Chapter, we fhallobferve the Teftimony gi- ven by God and His Church in this fourth Century cHcfly againft the Arian ; Firft, As for the true Church, they were nor deficient to bear witnefs to the Truth, but as opportunity ferved, they convcened Or- thodox Councils, and among o- thers, one at Sardica, (a) of 370, (*) Socrat. lib. 2. cap>\6. Orthodox Bifhops, where the Asi- ans Accufations againft Athanafius and other Orthodox Bifhops were Aamined, and all found falfe and forged.Another Council at Jeruft- {b) Socrat, lib a. caj.19. lem,(b) AnnoDom.$$i. A third at idillan of $oo.Bi(hops(Oin which (0 Theodoret. lib-2. caf.i $. Councils they ratified the Ortho- dox Truth and Nice* Creed ; and before that AnnoDom. 563. a Coun- cil of about 200. Bifhops at Ariminum ratified the fame Orthodox Man Creed. 1' „ ,', As the Orthodox Church, during the time of the Arian Perfection, notwithftandirg of all the cruelty ufed againft them, the Churchmen give Teftimony againft the Arian, by Preaching, Writing,and Difputes, and both the Church-men and their FJpcks by valiant fuffering of Mar- The Doxokgj Apfrovcn. 19 tyrdom, and fealing the Truth with their Blood : So the Lord Himfclf from Heaven, (fivers ways did bear TclTimony againfi the Arian, and for His Truth; fir ft, in granting Signs and Wonders to be done by the Orthodox Church in this fourth Century, and In the Arians hotteft Perfection, when in the mean time, the Arians had no Miracles amongit them, nor did they pretend to any ; a*d although they had pretended to work Miracles, yet the Arians Miracles had been nothing but Satans lying Wonders : But God honoured even the perfecute Or- thodox to work glorious Miracles*,for inftance,the Arians having baniflv- ed fomc Orrhodox Chrifiians to a remote Wand irr the Sea, where the Pagans worshipped the Devil, feated in a Grove, thefe baniflied Or- thodox Chriftiar.s firft caft {a) but the Devil cut of the Pagan Priefte (a) Socrar. lib. 4: cap.19. Daughter, then converted her asd her Parents, and at lift the whole Pagans of that Ifland to the Chri- ftian Faith. So the Devil could not ftapd before thefe Orthodox Chri- ftians. A fecond fnftance, Mofes an Orthodox Chrifiian was famous for working of Miracles, who coming to Alexandria, refufed to receive Confecration to aBifhoprick from Lucius Bifhop of Alexandria, (tf) (b) Socrat* lib. 4. Cap.29. becaufe he was an Arian, but re- proved him fharply, proving him to be altogether void of the true Principles of Chrhtian Religion ; but that fame worker of Miracles jrc- ceived Confecration from the Orthodox Clergy to the faid Bimoprick. As the Lord did bear Teftimony to the Orthodox Chriftians, and their Faith, by giving them the gift of Miracles, and not to the Arian, (o did that Lord as Judge of the World declare and manifeft His Wrath againft the chief Avian Perfecurers in this Century. Firfl ioflance, Conftantius the firft Arian perfecting Emperour, who as he vyasfalfc to God in turning Arian, fo his kinfman Julian ( whom he choifed to be General of his Army ) turned falfe to him, who having rebelled, Conftantius leads an Army againft him, but died by the way in Silicia % fore lamenting, and repenting of his Arian Herefje.(^) Second in- (c) Theodorct. lib.p. ^p.32- fiance* The other Arian Empe- rour Valence was Sataos evil In- ftrument, perverting the Goths to Arianifm, ( of which Poyfon they were not cured fome hundreds of Years therafter,) (dj and for (d) Socrat. lib. 4, cajp.2*;. the Etpperours reward, the Goths rebelling, beat him and his Army In Battel, and he flying to 4 little Tower, 2d The Doxology dprjrovtn. Tower, they burnt the Tower and him with Fire. Qa) Third infiance, (a) Theodoret. Hb 4. capo. & The Wrath of God was remarkable Hieronimus cbronico ad annum 282. In the death of George the Arian Bifhop of Alexandria, ( whofe cruelty is mentioned in this fame Chap- ter before, in the fixch inftancc of the Arian Cruelty, where this Arian George was Ringleader,; for not many Years after theforefaid infiance of Perfection, the Pagans in Alexandria raifed a feditious Tumult a- gainft thefaid George, pulled him out of the Church by the Ears, tied him to a Camel then did tear him in pieces, and burnt him and the (b) Socrat. lib^. cap.2* Camel to Afhes.f/b; CHAP. IV. The unamimous practice and appointment of the univerfall church, for (wging of the Doxology, bicaufe Satan and his Juppoftsmad and ftupendious oppofuion of the Doctrine of the Trinity, and Jo warring againfj, God. THe Glorious Trinity of Perfons in the God -head, belngthe great fuadamental Article of our Chrifiian Faith, and that Chrift is the Son of God, the fecond Perfon of the blefled Trinity j upon which Rock the Chrifiian Church is built, Matth. 16. 18. By which Name they are laved, Acls 4. 12 Even the great myftery of godli- neffe , God rnanifefted in the Flefh, which Myftery cannot be known, nor believed aright to Salvation , unlefs w£ firft know and believe that the Sonfent by, and fremthe Father , was incamat, and not the Fa- ther , John 17. ;♦ To this point we have fpoken in the firft Chapter; Therefore Saran, in the three firft Centuries ftirred up mod Hereticks againft the Sacred Trinity , and the Incarnation of the Son of God, to which we have fpoken in the 2d. chapter. Thirdly, The Arians, who rofc in the Fourth Century , being more Aftive and Subtil, Falfe, Bloody and prevalent , then any Hereticks which were before them, perfected the true Church of God, in an Hellifh manner, for this caufe, the then Orthodox Church, as they ufed many good means, for ftrcngthening the Chriftians in the Faith, and confuting , con- founding of Hereticks, as Preaching, Difputs , Writtings, Councils, and Church Cenlure , by Excommunication : all which Means, the God of Heaven Countenanced , and Blefled with good Succefs: So in that Fourth Century, the True Church, in their Publick Worfliip did appoint , that at the clofe of finging the P/fc/», they fhould fing this Doxology, Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghofi 9 io which Deed they have imitate the Lords own Example, command- ing The I)$xology dppicven. 2 1 xogMofet* M™ thtnfort mite ye this Song for you, and UACbit the ildren of ifrael , put it in tbtir months , that this Song may be a. witntfs for me again(l the Children of Ifraei, Deut- ji. 19. So the Primitive Church perceiving , by fad experience , Satans inceflant malice, in fUrring up Hercticks againft the Sacred Trinity, and Mans Natural! weaknefs, and pronncis to liften to Error, and believe Lies, cfpecially againft the bleficd Trinity , moft prudently and Pioufly aggrced, and unanimoufly to fing the Doxology to th*bleflcd Trinity, in the publick Worfhip of God . to be a Wimefsagainft the Arian,*n& other Blafphemers of the Trinity , and for Confirmation of the Ortho- dox , and found Believers in the True Faith , for SiDging Glory to God> Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, being in it lelf, aLawfull, and Holy unqueftionable Duty ot Chriftians , albeit there were neither ! Heretick to oppofe, and Blafpheme, the Trinity , nor Devil to tempt I them to that wicked Deed, then finding both wicked Men and Devils, ! by Experience, enemies to that found and faving Truth, makes the Ifinging of theDoxoIogy , befides it's Law fulnels, and Expediencyto be moft ufcful! , aud edifyiug for the People of God, and a ftrong pre- fcrvative againft Antltrinitarian Herefies. H.tz we are not to think,that the Doxology,or praifing of the Holy Trinity , was not ufed by the Doftors of the Church , thefe burning and mining Lights, before and befide the publick finging in the Church, for the Sacred Trinity being the great Fundamental of the Chriftian Faith , and objeft of Divice Worfhip, thefe Doftors ordi- narily clofed their Prayers , or Sermons, or other Writcings with the D^xolcgy, Anno Dom. 165. Volicarj/us^ Bifhop of Smirna ( who had been the Difciple, of the beloved D^fciplc , St John) dying a glo- rious Marty re, in pretence of many thoufand Jews , Vagans and Cbri- (liansjQzdy to ftcp into the Fyre.clofed his heavenly Prayer thus, I glorifi t' ee through the evcrlafting high Pricft Jefus Chrift, thy wcl- be ? ovedSon, tc whom with the, and the Holy Ghoft, be all Glory, Wo Id without end, Amen. Here this ble (Ted Martyr not only fcallcd the Doctrine of the blefled Trinity with his Death, but alfo theBlcffed Clorious Trinity , Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft Sealled that fame Faith of this Faithfull Martyr with many miracles at his Death; of which we wrot in the fecond^ Chapter.( b ) About the Year of ( b ) E"f. iib.q. /;//?.. caf. 19. Chrift, 190. Clemens Alex andrinus writeththus, Letuspraifc Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, who one, is all, and in whom arc all , altogether Good, BcautifuIUWife^andJuft, to whom be Glorv , now and for ever, (a) In the Year of Chrift (a) lib. 3. pxdagog. 32? . The famous Councillof Nice- having condemned /ZrZ/i;, and his Blafpheming Aflociats, for deny- to* 22 The Doxokgy Affroven. ing the Co-eternity of the Son, and Holy Ghoft with the Father , they writ a Synodical Letter to the Churches of Alexandria^ o£g]pt y Lybia* and Ptntapolis y which they clofe with a Doxology to the Sacred Tri- nity, Thus, By the help of God, the Father Almighty, and our Lx>id Jcfus Chrift, with the grace of the Holy Ghoft , to whom be glory for ever , Amen. ( i ) The Synodical Epiftle of the ( b ) Socrat. lib. i. cap. 6. Council of lllyricum clofeth thus j fheodortt lib. i. cap. 9. thefe things arc imafted to the glo- ry of the Father, Son, arid Holy Ghoft for ever. Jo%AKcu<7rf0ffKvvria'ts f lci vralpHgl So\omtn clofeth the Preface to ^duci kai 7a ayico ^thv^aJi 11$ his Church 11 ftory to Chrifr, 1U ciicdva*; - auw t Socmen lib. 5. with God the Father, and Holy cap. 19. walipa kai vm cq$ Ghoft be Glory for ever, Amen. o^tuov iSqZa^ov ka\a %v wapa- ( c ) Macar'ius a Church-man J\ww %$ c V V maia av/o and ipth. a fi. lib. 9. cap 24 Ait eos cecini^t Homoiies with theDoxology. About Voxologiam ad finem Pfalmodij. ihe Yeir of Chrift $60. in the (ej Leontius tamttfi firdibus Church ofAntiocby being aPatri- Ananse blafphemia fuh inquinatm arct^all See at Publick Wordiip, tamen eas callide admodum occul- were conveened moft part Or- tare fluduit, Etenim cum clerum y & thodox, but fome Arians mixed haicam etiam multitudinem. in duos with them, when they came to partes divijam cerneret Ortbodoxos that part of the Wormhip, which adbibentes conjunclionem & Filio y a Chronologer ( d ) writes, wa$ & Spiritui Sanclo y Arianus vtro immediady, afcer their Tinging the ante Filium ( Per. ) ante Spirit urn Pfalm, then the Orthodox d*d Sanclum ( in. ) praponere y Jpfe to- ling the Doxology, Glory to the tarn glorificationem tacitusjecum re* Father, and the Son , and the citavit adeo ut qui ei proximi y e* Holy Ghoft, according to the rantfolum banc particulam in [ecu la, Doftrine of the Ween Council* feculorum audirent y bac Theodorc- But the Arians who were with tus, lib. 2. cap. 24. Ex Atbanafio. them in the Church, differing Regnante Anaflafio di uteri us Aria from the Orthodox, fang Glory novum Confiantinop. Epifcopm cum to the Father, by the Son, there- quendam* Barbam nomine bapti\art by purpofing, that the Father was intende*et y & fpreta dominicajn* greater ttren the Son, which differ- (litutione (liceret baptiv^atur Barbas ence in the finging, being perceiv- m 70 wop* % *n£\oc> Si s/« b cd by Ltbntiust e) then Bifhop ayto wivfj.*% buc ditto aqua in of Antiocb y and inclining to Arian- colmbetbra evanidt Bar has vera ifmty putting ftfs hand to his arreptH fu£i txivit & M mirAculum The Doxology isipproven. 23 }ray Hairs, faid, when this (now hoc cunftis fignificdvitjliee fcribi* s melted there will be much thtodorus left or in collefttvtris lib* 4ire, by Age, and Experience, 2. & Nicephorus cali(li> lib* 16. mdHumane Prudence, he did fore- hifl. Eccltf. caf. 2,$. ce the Storm of the An an perfecution of which I have fpoken iome- vhat in the $d. chap- of this Treatife, for the Orthodox did fing the Doxology, according to the Words of our Siviour in the Gofpel, n the Words of His Divinr Inftitution of Baptifme, Matth. 28. 19 All ;hrec in one manner to the «. Father, and the Son, and the Holy Stroft^ but the Arian did fing Glory to the Father, by the Sou, In the Holy Ghoft, where, obferve, that the Arian as yet did not . altogether refufe to fing the Doxology upon any pretended reafonor fcruple of Confc'tence as fome men do now , but it is like the ting- ing of the Doxology was^hen performed by the Orthodox with fuch Zeall, and unanimity , that the Arian was as yet afraid, or afhamed altogether to refufe the finging of it, as fome now do. Ba(U the great, who lived in the Year of Chrift $69* in his Book concerning the Holy Ghoft, cap. 27. He writs, tbatthamoft ancient Fathers did fing Gods praife, to Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, ac- cording to the Word in Baptifm , and thefe two great Doftors Bafil aud chryfojtom, who were contemporary Bifhops in the Greek Church each of them wrot a Greek Liturgy, being their Mother tongue, which both arc ufed at this day, in all the Chriftian Churches of the , World, that are within the Greek Communion : ( a J The one Ly- (a) In Lyturgta, Sr. B*/?/pro- turgy on the Sabbath Dayes ( b ) pc finem kai 001 7M \Ai \uiVAiUiVUV Aj/ffl* In the Year of Chrift $70. St. Jerome wrot to Vamafus, Blfkop of Rome, that in all the Churcheiof Rome, Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, as it was in the ( * ) Rome u Council* f*i* beginning, is now, and forever, 625. editionis Varificnfis. F be 24 Ihe Doxslegy Approver be fuog alwayes at the end of the PJalm, ( b ) About the Year of our ( b ^.ConciUumVaictfeprovin- Lord 444. in the Council of Va- cialefuo Imperio Theodoti) inmoris [on, an A& is made, becaufe of cap. 7. cujus titulusac propter hart- the unbelief of ArianHzrenks. ticorum incredulitatem pofi gloria, Becaufe not only in theApofto- Vatri, &c. ficut erat in principio, lick See, but alfo throughout all &c. fimper dicatur » quia nonfolum theEaft, and in all Afiicf^ and in ftde apnftolica jed etiamper totam Italy, to guard againft the deceit b*ientem N & totam Ajricani vet of Hercticks Blafpheming, that \taliani propter H&eticorum afluti- theSonofGod was not ever with am qui id filium non femper fuifc, the Father, but began ro be in fid in tempore capifit blafphmtnt in time \ therefore, in all their clof- omnibus cUufulis poft Gloria patri, Ings- of fingings in the publick &c.ficut trat in frincivio, Sec. di- Worfhip, after thefe Words, GIo- catur y etiam&nos univnfis Eccle- ry to the Father, Son, and Holy fi'isnoflris ita dicendum ejfe decrtve- Ghofl in ail thefe other Churches mus. is added, as f it was in the begin- ning, fowe appoint that the fame Words ( as it was in the begin- ning) be mentioned in the Dox- ology in all our Churches alfo. ( c ) Symbol im Nicenhm ( c ) Hence we may obferve, in fine. 7«V *Qsu<*1i& w**8omwi ka\ anc pointed at Vafon>foi their Aft roA/*H<*» 2MW7U. bears the contrarc, that it w,-s ufed in Churches fat and near, be- fore that time , which Jeromes defite to Damaf us proves : But t! U Ad at Va\on gives the clear reafon of the addition, vi\. Fo guard the ftock of Chrift the better agsinft Avian Hereticks, whereof (ome faid there was a time when the Son cf God was not. Alexander Patriarch of Alexandria, one of the chief Fathers in the When Council, to refute the Ari- an, brings that Text (d) among ( d ) Sscrat. lib. 3. cap. 3. many others, John i. 1. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was Sod, by him all things wen made, and If he made all things, then he Ik before the world,and alfo before that beginning,and confequently Eternal, as that Father reafoneth well, and St. Ba/il after him, for it were nonfenfe to fay that there were priority of time in Ef c ™ u y 5 For Arius faid there was a time, when God was not a Father : There- fore tte infallible Thcologufc of St. ]ohn began his EvangeH with tncje The Doxofagy Approver?. 25 words, Intending in his Gofpcl, to affcrt Chrifls Godhead againft two abominable Hcreticks in his time. Lbion and Ctrinthus at whom zirius had learned his Blafphemics, and from this fame Text, Calvin refutes both the old Avian and Servetus a vile Blafphcmcr f his own contemporary, who w^s burnt at Genevah , for a moft blafphcmous HeretL k. In the Year of Chrift 627. in the third Council of Toledo, confining of the Church-men oiSpain^ and Giiitii inaft , whom- ever fayes not Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghoft let him be accurfed \ by faying they mean finging , For then four hundred years before that, the Doxology was fung in all the Temples of the univcrfal Church* And fo in this Council, all ol them in the clofc of the fame, in the praifes of God, they cryed, Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, as the Learned may read in the Tomes of Councils , by this curfing mentioned in this Councill , It appears, they judged , that no Orthodox Chriftian would rcfufe to Ting the Doxology, they did not imagine any will refufe except a Htretick. In the Year of Chrift, 622, in the Fourth Councill of Toledo % there arc fome accufed , for rejecting the Sacred Hymnes compofed by Hilar) znAAmbrofe two famous Saints, and being received, and ufed in the Churches, yet thefc Men refuted to ling them, becaufe they were not in the Holy Scripture, for which refusal they were Excom- municat, yet thefc fame very Men , did not fcruple nor refofc to fing the Doxology, which was then conftantly fung in the Church, at the clofc of every Pfalm : Hence it is probable, that thefe men who re- fufed to fing the Churches Holy Hymnes, and were willing to fing the Doxology, dideftimat it of a higher rank, and counted it in with Di v ine and Spirituall Song*. ( a ) The Learned have ob- ( a ) JVo^sp e^wVeflW/./o* fcrved, that die Artan perfecuti- yAty* vutv,$cc. 1- dome from their Lord in Heaven, Uti honor es* Bafil torn. 2. Epift. with acclamations of praife from 205. pag. 1074. all their contemporary Chriftians without all malignant murmure , or obloquie 5 which was a fharp fpur to haftcn Chriftians to run that rage , for ingenuous fpirits know what humane applaufc will do even to the godly, to encourage F 2 them a 6 The Doxology Approver . them to a good aftion, and roufe them up to their Duty* even al- JowedbyGod, Phil. 4 -8. Whadbever things are of good report, if there be atiy venue, and if there be any praife think on thefe things : But in this fourth Century, the Chriftian fuffenng Perfection, and Death fr vvat not from Pagans, but from thefe that called* themfelves Chriftians, even the Arian, who being prevalent, and putting to Death the Orthodox Christians, yet the Arian cryes out , thefe are cot true Chriftians , but we '•> they are juflly fuffering Death for Er- rors in Chriftianity ; Therefore writs the Learned, that- the Martyrs in the fourth Perfection their reward will be greatefl in Heaven. And becaufe this Perfecution was fo much the fadder to the Ortho- dox Chriftian, and in this Century, the King of Saints , who promis- ed His prelence to His Church on Earth, fecmed to be a flee p, like that Matth. £. 24. while the Ship is filled with waves: yet in the mean time , though thus he had decreed , to let His brittle Vefiel, and His Difciples fuffer a Storm , yet therefore he provided two ex- cellent Pilots in this Century, and indued them with fo great a mea- fure of Piety, Learning undaunted Courage , and Prudence, that the one fucceeding to the other, in the Eaftern Church, where the Arian Storm did moft rage ; by Difpute, and Writing, and couragious Suf- ferings, they faced the Enemy, and kept the Flock of Chrift toge- ther. Athanafins Patriarch of Alexandria, and after him Bafil Arch- blftiop of Cafarea , both which keep the Styl of Great, untill this day* for they got it, becaufe of their worth, Atbanafius, even from the Arian Emperour Conflantins , and Bafil from the Apoftat Emperor Julian : As is to be feen in both their Letters of record, with St. Bafil s Letters of (harp rebuke , which did become a pious Bifhop to]ulim m Apoftat. As for the Arian , as ye read in this Chapter before , in finging of the Doxology , fliuned to fmg it according to the Scriptures, Glory to the Father , and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghoft, but by the Son in the Holy Ghoft, which was a deceitfull Invention, and the Church Hiftory tells us the thing it felf ,but does not unfold the intrigue and myfteryofit j which St. Bafil hath done at full length * for that their finging in that their new devifed way , was a fubtil trick of the Devil, for under it they couched their Error, and Blafphemy •, only giving Gfory to God the Father , and for the Son, confidering him only as the Fathers Inftrument , but not equal with Him in Glory, and far lefs the Holy Ghoft, which depths of Satan are found out by St. Bafil, to the fhame of the Arian, of which he writs at large , which the Learned do read. ( a ) And that they were fo obftinat in their Er- ( a ) Bafil tomo 2. lib. de rors , that nothing could prevail fpiritu fancio contra Arianus caf. to gab them to fing the Doxology 2, 3, 4, 5. and 25. cap. n. 10. according The Doxtlogjt Approver 27 according to the Scriptures, ( b) ( b ) lib. it fpirjtu fanfto.caf. That they would as foon quite 2$. aAXct t** yw«t* atirmivl* their tongue, as quite that form ft«Mo» t5 rmtpoyw 1*u%v jW;dp7* ofDoxologv, which they ufed : K&t , fcilicet ifti ciiius abjeftarent where St. B*(il grants, that heir lingua* quamhanc vocem recipeant; way of finging the Doxology & idem cap. 25. Doxologiam might be cxponed in an Ortho- Ariani recital tibi Patn honor dox fenfe according to the Scrip- & gloria per unigenitum filium tuunt tures^but was not to be fuffered in in fpiritu fanclo , qui fermo nunc thefc Hereticks , becaule ir was ufitatior eft iftis ipfa, ut ita loquar well known they fang them in an refpiratione, & cap. 29. in oritntt Heretical and Blafphemous fenfe, Or thoaoxidignofc mt fuos ab Arianis againfl the Son and Holy H no Doxologix. Ghoft. Yet reflefting upon the ArUn praftice, oblerve, that they did choifeit as a lefs evil, and fcandal to fing the Doxology with (omc change of the ftiort fyllabcs of inter jeftions,conjunttions then not to fing ic at all * For to have refufed the fmging of it, had been a ftiort- er cut 5 but the reafon* was , publick fhame would not fuffer rhem altogether to fcperat from the Orthodox Church, in that fo unquefti* onable a duty,and fo well known a part, of the Chrifiians publick wor- fhip, then lee thefc in Scotland % who call themfelves Orthodox, and rcfufe altogether to fing the Doxology, either one way or other, fee to it , and I befeech them to commune with their own hearts, and fruit upon their own Breaft, and amend. They who arc pleafcd to read the Hiftory of the An an Perfecution in this fourth Century, will perceive the true Church of Chrifi at a ve- ry low ebb, and under one of the greateft eclipfes that ever it fuffered fincethe two Difciplcs faid, we trusted that it had been Hf, Luk.24.2i; andthe eleven Apoftles were weeping infecrer, Marf^ 16. 10. yet the Lord who brought David out of hi Deeps, aud Daniel out of the Lions Den, and the three Children out of the feven times kr ttcr Furnace, Jonah out of the Whales belly, and Lazarus out of the grave, and com- manded the dry fcattcred Bones to rtand up a ftrong Army, £^£.37.10; and in the beginning, commanded Light to fhine out of Darknefs, and bringeth Good out of Evil, out of the Churches Perfecution and low condition, brought the more glory to His own Name,and more ftrength of Filth to His Church, whereby the Avians ungodly way of proceed- ing when they got the Power in their hand,they declared to the World what they were, even not the true Church of Chrifi, but rhe Seed of the Serpent, promoting their Religion by Injuftice and Perjury, the Children of Abaddon and Apolljw, that Liar and Murderer from the beginning, John 2. 44. promoting their hcllifh Religion by cruel tor- menting and murdering of the Orthodox, they being the firft that ufur p- ed 28 The Doxokgy Appnvtu. ed the name of Chriftian, withall, intending to propagate their Religi- on wf th Fire and Sword, which is not Chrifte way, nor of Hi* true Chriftians, but of Antichrifiians ; and therefore in persecuting of the true Church, as they had harried it at the Pagans, who lived before them, fo they were gbd to rake the help of the Pagans who lived with them -j therefore the Lord at lafi brought the Arian toconfufion, and put thtir lying Lips to fiience, fo that ever thereafter, they were hated and abhorred, and defpa ; red ever to prevail any more as they hid done. The fecond Good which the Lord brought out of this Evil, was the perfite fetling of the ChrifKan Fairh, the Lord bellowing on the Or- thodox fuch Courage to fuffer, fuch F/ith and Conftancy, and heaven- ly Joy, that the Arian was confounded thereby; yea, and while the Orthodox were (ufTcring for the Glory t>f God and His Truth, the Lord from Heaven/iid approve and icA His* Truth which they believed and profe(Ted,even making them His Infirumenrs ro work glorious Miracles j but in the mean time the An an wrought no Miracle, nor (6 much as pretended to work any King Miracle, as Jinnts and fambrts did againlt MofiSi to the hardning ot Pharaoh ; wherein I obferve the Lord's won- derful Providence lo over- ruling the A'ian, that they did not fo much as mint to a Miracle, whereas the Miracles cf the Orthodox Church were undenyable, and thus the Lord from Heaven did dicide the Con- traverfie betwixt 'he Arian and the Orthodox in favours of His Church, and this the Lord's doing did (o confirm them in the true Faith of the blefled Trinity, thar the gates of Hell ever fince was not able fo to bangle if, andalfo His Church which had ufedthe Doxology to the blefled Trinity in their pubjick Worfhip before that time, was now more confirmed in their Pradice, and refolute to make ufc of it with- out fail ever thereafter, efpccially in the publick Worfhip. In this Chapter at Page 24. we Ipoke anent the addition put to the Doxologv, mentioned in the Council of Vaufon (as it was in the Be- ginning.) If fome object thar that addition is obfeure, and does not clearly affert the Eternity of rhe Trinity before the World began, as (for ever ) in theclofe of the Biology aiTerts the Eternity of the Tri- nity for ever after the World : Ianfwer, we have proven indeeyably from the Church Hiftorv, that thefe words (as it was in the Beginning) in the Doxology are taken from the firft Chapter and flrft Verfe of St. Jobn\ Gofpel, which word?, the Holy Ghcfi there made ufe of, to af- fer t the Co»eternity of the Son with the Father, and therefore thac fame Text was ufed by the Fathers of the Nicen Council againft Arius y who denied the proceeding Eternity of the Son with the Father \ and rhe Fathers of the Council of Symium againfi the Arians writ, that Ebion and Crinthus who were blafphemous Hereticks in the days of the ApoftlcSt.JMn, denied the Godhead of the Son, and confequently his Co-eternity with the Father : And therefore as the fcope of all S*. J JoM% The Doxology Approver 29 JohnU Gofpel is chiefly to prove ChrtfVs Godhead agajnft thefe two He- rcticks, fo albeit that firll Proportion, in the Beginning was the word, taken alone, by way of reparation from rhe following words, will not prove any Eternity or Co eternity with the Father •, yet joyn it in co- herence with the following words, and tha: will clear the righf Senfc of this Beginning in the firft of John^ and the Beginning mentioned in the Doxology, and ye will find it the lame in Senfc with the firft words in holy Writ, Gene], i. i. In the beginning God made Heaven and Earth > and the fame work of Creadon is here attribute to the Son, in the third following Verfe, all things are made by Him, &c. fo that the Senlc of thefc werds in tin Beginning, both in i he beginning of Genefis % and beginning of jWw's Gofpel, is clearly this, as from the Beginning was the Word, and that Word was God, fo is no*/ and ay ftiall laft * And as in the Beginning all things were made by Him, and (o He was Eernai before the World that He made in the beginning of Time, as in the beginning of Genefis God was E r ernal before the making of the World, for to take any tingle Propofition in Scripture, and admit no Senfc to it but that which that one (ingle (eparate Proportion will af- ford, andfo-admit no further clearing of its Senfc from antecedent and confequent Scriptures. The Fathers ajid Dodors of the Church have ever made that practice the m rk of a Hererick, or at beft of a heretical and contentious Spirit, fo that the mefning of the words, as it was in the Beginning, compared with the reft of the Verfe, In the beginning tv as the Wordy and the Word was God, is afmuch in Senfe, as if the (d ' Vide (Is Bafil in Tomo prim9> Doxology had faid, as it was from in locum, i John i. Prov* 8* 23. Eternity is now aad ay flial lafi (a) C fl \ P. V. The caufe of the continuance nj the Doxology in aftet Ages, viz. The con- tinuance 0) the Churches Perfecution, and 7>mptat%onfrom Arians, and other Bliifphemers of the Trinitjiy as Emichians withfa and Mahume- ranes without the church ; and the Rife and Growth of the Sociniao Herefiiy notwith(ianding Gods witnefs agaiyjt them^ and the Church and Magi fir ats endeavours in many KJngJows, theft Blafphemous Anti- trinitarian Heretic^*, remained and netted with Anabaptifts and Qua* kcrs, all three Blafphemous Anritrinitarian Heretic £.j, which gives fuf* ficient caufe for the continuance of the Doxology; IN this fifth Chapter I intend to give a brief account of the Molefla- tionand Pcrfccution that the Church of Chrifi fuffcred from the remnant of Arjans^ and other Antitrinitarian Blafphemcrs, beginning 4 Ml 30 The Doxology \jifproven. at the fifth Century, and continued to this very prefent time ; there- fore I divide it in two parts, The firft containing the Antitrinitarians for 1000. Years, even to the fixreenth Century j The fecond part con- taining a lift of the chief Socinians, £h*tys 9 and others who deny the Sacfed Trinity. In the, beginning of the fifth Century, the great Tempcftof the Arian Powcr'and Perfection was much abated in the Mercy of God, who -will not\ufi>r the rod of the wictyd to ly always on the lot of the Righteous, list the Righteous put fonh their hand to iniquity, Pfal. 125. 3. And among the many other means u(cd by the Church againft thefe blafphcmous Heresies, the Lord blefTed that mean. efpe- cialiy of the Churches Councils , efpecialiy thefe General Councils of Wet, Efhefus, Constantinople and chalcedon, which ( as B:\a well cha- rafterizeth them ) holieft Meet- ings the Sun (aw fincc the days of (a) Beza Epifl. 81. Ampliffimus the Apoftles, who proved (againft tile Nicense, Ephifmae, Chalcedo- thefe Blafphemcrs ) terrible as an necfis, Synodi conefffus •, quo nihil Army with Banners, and like a ur.quam fanftus nihil Augufiius ab Rock on the Sea -fhorethar breaks Apoftolorum exceffu Sol unquam a* all the Waves that violently beat fpexit,qui putat fundament urn omnis upon it, but it felf remains whole Rdigionis, ideflvtri Deicognitio- and immovable, {a) for why, the nem maximos illos, & praftantifji- Chriftian Faith of thefe General mos angelos Dei noH tenuiffe, fine Councils was built upon the Rock, indignus e[i qui in Ecclefia Deifen- againft which the Gates of Hell tiatur* fhall never prevail, Mat. 16. 1 8. In this fifth Century and fome following, not only the Arians were not altogether extindt but ftill remained a Prick in the fide of the true Church, efpecialiy thefe barbarous Nations, who were not under the command of the Chriftian Emperours, to wit, Goths and Vandals, who were turned Arians, and perfecuced the true Church fo tar as they had Power or Opportunity. Secondly, In thf midft of this Century arofe another fort of He- (b) Beza, Itidem extrcuit Eccle- reticks called Eutichians , Blaf- fiarn craffijfmum iUud Eutichis de- phemers againft Chrift , who liriumannosplusminustrecentosfub- vexed the true Church about 300. inde interpolates, & novo quodam Years, and fometimes were cruel fuco oblitis erroribus renafcens. Pcrfecuters. (b) Before the Arian and Eutichian Hereticks were cruflied, Satan ftir- red up the Mahumnans, who are profeffed Blafphcmers of the Sacred Trinky. In the Year of Chrift 441. The Vandals in Afric\ being Arians^ (c) Profpcr. in chronica. put to death the Orthodox Chri« ftiani by cruel Torments. (0 -***! The Voxology A f proven. 3 1 Anno Cbrifll 447. ^rofe a mad Monk, who falfly taught the mixing together of ChrilVs two Natures, and fo deftroying them both, he was condemned by a General Council at Chtlctdon, of 650. Biflioptt Anno Domini 4^1. This Hcrefie continued the longer, and prevail- (d) Evagrius /*5.2$$. & e*p.8* ed the more, becaufe of twrj Em- & cap.io. & lib$. Mp.$.*ddtl. pcrours Anafiatius and Htraclius &lib.\. cap.$ i & 10. favourers of the lame, (d) Anno 489. Many Orthodox Bi- fhops in Africa were banifhed by the Arians who were prevalent (1) PalmeriuS in ih*n* there, (e) Honor icas King of the Vandals* Arians in Afric\ banifhed more then 400. Orthodox (/) Bi- (^f ) KntorAus chronic^ pif till (hops, fome he burnt to Afhes, and fome of them their Tongues were pulled out, who flying to Conftantinople, Jpoke rairaculoufly (g) Evagrlus //fc.4. caf.i^&iy, as if they had had Tongues. (£.) Anno 448. The Euticbians in Alexandria, flew the Orthodox Bifhop Proterius in the Church, harlcd his body throgh the Streets, and gnafhed his Bowels with their (a) Evagrlus lib.2. fip.8. Teeth, {a) Anno 496. Many Manicbtans, who alfo were Blafphcmers of the blefied Trinity, were detcfted at Rom, and their Books burnt. * Honoricus King of the Vandalism in AfricJ^ being ArUn % baniflicd at once^coo.OrthodoxChriflians.^J Anaftafius the Empcrour, Anno Pom. (b)C(nturiaMagdtburgefis 520. Commanded not a Trinity \ butt Quaternity to be worfhipped , he was (c) PttTHS Viaconus €£ fmitten with a thunder bolt, and fo dy- Vlatina. cd in his wicked Reign, goo. Orthodox were killed, and fome Orthodox Bifhops baniflhed ( c ) ( d ) Theodoricus Arian King oitht Gotbts in Italy perfecuted ( A ) CenturU Migdhtgtnpi the Orthodox there, and the King CtnturU 6. Up, ft of the Allan Gotbes\n Spain (lew his own natural Son for turning Orthodox. ( f ) The Gat bts In Spain, who ( e ) Magdtbkrgtnps CtntiriU had long pcrfecut the Ortho- anuria tf. ggp 9, 4ox Chrifiiao, they were at lad G CODfcricd 5 a The Doxologj dpproven. converted to the true Faith Anno • • In the feventh Century , the Monotbolites, which were a Branch of the Euticbian tferefie troubled the true Church , for the Empcrour Conftance was a Monotholite , aod alio Htraclius Arjovaldus King of Lombards was an Arian, Anno Dom. 640. Rotbarius another of their Kings was Arian alfo, in the feventh Century, bdidc the trouble 'hat t e Church endured from the £«- ticbian, aod Monotholite Here ticks, which were chiefly in the Eafkrn Church at Conftantinople , and Alexandria , fo be the Arians b In this Century arofe Mabumet, and compofrd his Alcaran, Anna Dom. 622% In which Blaiphrmoufly they deny the blcfTed Trinity ; Thefe notonlvfpread, and prevailed mightily in Apa, and Ajricfc, but alfo eroded the Hellefpont, and moleftcd Greece, bo'h with the Sword , andBlafphemies j yea, alio they eroded the Medirerranian over agaimi Spain , and Italy, at Uft, Anno Dom. 829 came over with a Navy, from the Coaft of Barbxr), and fporled Rome , and returned co /^jV^ withthePrey, and again, Anno Dom. 845. (/7 cam£ over and fpoiled flow? the aa'. time, and Anno Dom. 033. ( f ) palmer ins In cbxonito. came over the third time, and fpoiled Genoa. In the *]tb Century , the Orthodox Church gave Teftimony againft Hcreticks, In a Council held at Rome, Anno Dom. 6$o. of a ico Bi- ffaops, and upward, where the Monotbolites zndihtAntitrinitarians were condemned, and another there of 125, Bifhops, and a third ac to'nfiaritinoplt, Anno Dom. 681. of 150. Bifhops. And as the true Church gave Teftimony againft the Antitr ink arian Ucreticks, fo the Lord from Heaven, by His fignal Judgements ; For Tlrft, Honoricus King of Randalls in Africf^ an Arian, and cruel perfecuter of the Orthodox , was long tormented with Venemous Boils j at laft was ronlumed with Worms, and fo ended his wretched fife. Secondly ,ia this fame Century, Tbeodoricus King of the Gothes in Ita- ly a vile Arian, having murdered an Orthodox Noble Man Sena tour, named Symachus,thcTeaher fhortly fatting at Table, the head of a great Fi/h dreffed in aDiflifet before him, which he imagined to be the head o? Svnacbus, and was fo ftupificd, thar he dyed with fear. Abaliardus, a profefTorin Paris, about the year 1 143. wror Blak phemouflv againft the bleffed Trinity, whom Bernard refuted, and then there conveened a Council of Church- men in France, where he ( a.) Carom* folio 258. v*s confuted, convinced, converted («) The Doxology %*pproven. 33 In the Year, 1215. In the Council of Lat er an, ]oacbim Abbas (b ) Caw^t folio 260. his Erronious Book againft the Trinity* was condemned, to which he fubmitred ( b) If it he objfted, that feing, In the Church Hiflory, and Councils, from the frventh Cenrury ro the fifteenth , there is only mention of tw,o Antitrinitarian Heretic^, and consequently thele Blafphemou* Herefies being now banifhed, and buried ; and feing It is granted, that the D xology was firft appointed to be fungin the Church, by occfion of Antitrinitarian Heretic^s^ov confirming io the Faith, the Lords People asainft their Blafphemies, why then was it any longer continued afrer the caufc was removed ? I anfwer, becaufe the Church then perc ived, by comfortable rxperiencc, that the conftaot fing- ing of the Doxology in the Publick Wormip of God, had proved am excel ent mean, to confirm Chrifiiansin thcDo&rine, and Faith of the Trinity, and to guard them againfi the temptations of Saran, and his fuppofis, and their own corruption, who were all yM, lying in wait , to blow at the Afhes of the lirtle fpunks of the faid old Blafphe- mies , thatfeemedtobc buried rrjany hundred years before. This Is Ctf'rmtyietaphore, and accordingly it came to pafte, for in the year of ChrM 1531. Satan did fill the heart, and furnifhed the pen of a Spaniard Strvttus with the Blafphcmies, and black Vcnome of that Old Serpent , and now we intend to begin the 2d. Part of this Chap- ter, and to manifeft to every Chrifiian Reader, that if the univerfal Church had good caufc to appoinrthe tinging of the Doxology be- caufe of the Blafphemies of the Ariam againft the Sacred Trinity : So now in this ol4 and doting Age of the World , the Church have much cauic to continue that ancient practice, for the new, and late oppofer* of this bleilcd Trinity in chis Age, are more blafphemous then ever the old Arian was , of which the rile and growth in Europe , we intend to give you a fummir account; Fir ft> Thac Spaniard Strvttus being a Phyfician by profeflfion, tra- velled 30. Years in Po/f, Hungary, and Tranfalvania , pr aft ifing Me- dicine, but infecllng Souls with his Blafphemies ( a worfe difeafe then all his Bodily Cures ) For which he was firft apprehended , andlm- prifoned at Lions in France , but efcaped Prifon there, afterward hav- ing written fomc Books agaiaft the Sacred Trinity , he was appre- hended at Geneva , for his Blafphemies, and obftinancy In them, was condemned by the Magiftrat , and burnt quick, Anno Dom. 1555. ( a ) G^f^jjuflpunKhingof him, is apprbven by the Cantons f a ) Be^* Epifl 8i« of Tygurie (b ) Scajfufmm (c) ( b ) Calvin. Epifl. 157. Mtlanfton % md(d)v£colampadius ( c ) Calvin. Kpift. 15,8: rcfuts him , and Calvin alfo, in ( d ) Calvin. Epi(t* tislnjlithtionts, &Opufcula, and G 2 Mil- 34 The Doxolcgy Appovcn. MUnthin\nh\i Fourth Volumne, who, id the Year, ijj6. wrk $ to the Vefalians vulgo the Veifle , that if any maintained Strvttu* Errors, he fhould be expelled one of their Town : and Cardinal Ho[m s one of the three, that prcfided in the Council of Trent In his Works, ( e ; B*%a Epift. 81. In nni- folio, 3$2. Writs, that Servetus co Serveto revocatifunt ab injeres juftly deferved fo to die for his Somafatenus, Arius & Eutiches, Blafphemies, and Bt%a gives a Marcion & Apollinaris, quodibi- Juft, but black Tcftimooy of him. dim erudite piobat induction: f t ) comfa.ra.tivA* Strvttus, having ftrongly fer- mented four Difciples 5 to wit, Valentinus,Gentilis, Alciat of Milan, Gibradus, and Blandrat*. Firft, Valentinus fpread his Errors fecrec- ly In Geneva, , for which , being taxed, renunced themunder hisown hand, under painofperjurie*, notwithftanding began tofpteadthem the fecond time ; for which he was imprifoned , and to be Hberat from Prifon, wrot a fecond Recantation of his Blafphemies > and ac the comrrJhd of the Magiftrat, burnt them publiekly with his own hands: Thereafter fpread his Errors in France, zndltalj. Arius was but once perjured, but he twice ^ then he went to Pole t where he did meet with Blandrata and Alciat his old Companions •, which two hadalfo fled out of Geneva , and thefe three fpread their Errors in Vole two years , untlll the King of Pole banifhed them out of his Do- minions •, then Gentilis wandered through Auflria , Moravia and Savoy, at laft was apprehended within the confines of the Republick of JB*r»,and f° r his doubled perjury, and obftinancy in his Blafphemies againft the bleiTed Trinity , was judicially condemned at Bifn by the Magiftrat, and burnt in the Year of Chrift, 155CJ. (a ) The Hid- fa) Bucan. loco 1. quefl. ory whereof Is written at length, Seft. 5. Beza episl. 81. by h Y itius ProfcfTor at Bern. Third Blandrata a Pnyfician, difpur often againft Calvin at Geneva^ thereafter in Germany, Helvetia and Tole vented his Errors, at laft turn- ed Arian, Anno Dom. 15^9. and wrot againfi the Trinity, Fauftus Softnus in his Book of Epiilles, pag. 687. calls Blandrata his great Patron , to be ever in honour with him , but at laft Blandrata, was fuffocat in his bed by his own brother (on, and died ( b ) ( b) Bi\a epifl. 81. mifcrably. The Fourth Alciot turned Mahu- ( c ) Btye epift* 16: nit an, and fled to Turfy. ( c ) Gilbraldusdied of the Peftilcnce, Bi\a writes of other two, where of the one irowncd himfelfin awe!!. The other Ocbinus , how mifcr able he died, all polt kacw, a$ writs &IA , and Cardinal Hofius. &*** The Doxology AppronStn. 35 StiUtirus\n fole wrot againft the Sacred Trinity, which the Or thodox Synod in Pole condemned, and the Divines of Hidetbtr£> and Tigvit rciutcd, and Ci/wnalfo, , ^n.D^.i56^ndBf^i$68.(^)/fff. f d ) Mtqtfpisl.adPolonos 28. i567aBook written ztAlbaJuliaby the Hcreticks in Sarmatia and TranfilvdnU it refuted at large, by Zanckius de tribus Elohim, Gtorgius Paulus, Superintendent of the Hc- reticall Churches in the Dioces of Croco , of whom writs Bt\a Epiii. 8 J . Statonus againft whom Be\a writs Epift. 1$, and 16. Andrew Dudithius, fomctime a Bimop in Hungarie, and a confpicu- ous member of the Trent Council , he left the Roman Church ; to hin We\* writs his firft Epift. Anno Dom. 1570. both large and loving, yecatlaft he fell in the fnareof the Tranfilvanian Heretics. Silvanus Paftor in ttydtlbirg turns Anan , and Traitor againft his Prince Palatine ; For thefe two crymes, he was beheaded, Anno Dom, 1522. His Colleague Menyrxs efcapingoutof Prifon, went firft to Pole, then to Tranfilvania , at lad to Constantinople, and there turned a circumcifed Turfy 5 he dyed crying, and roaring moft terribly, that theTV^jfaid^ they never faw fuch a fearfull death, and that he was a Child of Satan; and the Reader may think no wonder of his def- perac death, fcing he had renounced his Saviour, and Baptifme. Sadelius in Pole denyed Chrilis Divine Nature, and the New Tefta- ment. Iuelius Syfinus an Italian, forcfaking the Errors of the Roman-churchy Calvine wrotan Epi flic to him, Anno Dom. 1555. of him Bc^a writs Epift. 81. ^ Fauitus Soclnus , his Nephew leaving Italy , came to Tyguri, with his Uncles Papers, where He fpent three years in privat Srudies, he was of a quick wit, but too proud, and bold, he confefieth in his writs, that he had lictleLogick, Greek, or Hcbrcw,he went to Tra n- filvania , and there fpread his Errors, he was in fuch repute with thcfcHereticks, that even at this day they aredefigncd Socinians. Francifcus Davidis, about the Year 1580, Superintendent in Van- filvania, to that Seft of Hereticks, denyed that Chrift was God, or the Meflias* orfhould be worfhipped; For which the Prince of Tran- filvania caft him in Prifon, where he turning mad, dyed in difpair, affirming hefaw the Devils came to take him away with them. Poleologus a Dominican at Rome,, fled to Poland ; turned A ri* *rr, but was brought back to Rome, and burnt. Smalcius Socinian Preacher at Racovia , wrot a large Socinian Catcchifm, Printed, Anno Dom. 1608. As Socinus had written ano- ther , and ftill the Socinians are bufie fcribling their Blafphemies, and Prindng them , as Goflavins > Anna Dom. 1612. And Nico! aides Anno. Do*. 16 14. An 36 The Doxology Approver*. An Advocat at ?aris y Anno Dom. 1616. caufed Print Abailarius his BUfphemies, vvfyich had been condemned, and accurfed, by a Church Council , above 500. years before. Anno Dom. 1620" Servetus ( a )7rieeps cerberus diabolicum pbantafma & illufio: ( b ) Inftruftionum biflorico Theologicarum, lib. 1. cap. 7* Books were turned in Dutch, and Printed in Be Igia in which he blaf- phemes the moft bleflcd Trini- ty. ( o Doftor Forbes, Anno Dom. 167, \. refutes a differtation of a certain Socinian then newly written. ( b) Anno Dom. 1642; CreUias, Socinian Preacher at Racovia , hath Printed a Book agaioft the Trinity , and after him , Stycbmanus. The Socinians not only increafed in Pole , and Tranfilvania , but a!fo arecome to £?/£**, where they confort with the Arminian 9 tor Anno Dom. 16 1 1. The Orthodox Synod in Pole wrirs to Partus, regrat- ing, that the Socinians in Vole made much of Arminius, and now the later Arminianszvc poyfoncd with Socinianifm , as is dear from the ( c ) Socinanljmi conjutatl torn. writtings of Epifcopius their Chif- 1. fag. 52. tain, ( c ) ft was granted in- deed, that the Socinians zrchzmfazd Belgia by publick Proclamation of the States of the fatherlands , ye: nocwkhfianding, many Socinians lurk there, under the notion of Remonstrants^ and Anabaptists , both which Seels are tolerat there, and who ail thre- pyn 5 and agree in ! many of their Opinions , as writs Hoorn hi*\ Divinity Profefforat Utrigbty Anno Dom. 1650. (a) Anno Dom. 16 $8. Sartor 'ins a Socinian at Amfieriam wrot a Let- ter to Adam Fran£ Socinian Preacher at claudiopolis, which the Prince of Tr anfilvania inter- cepted, and caufed Print, where is written, that in Holland there is a great harveft of Socinians.(a) The Socinians do not only lurk, and multiply in Belgia ; but which is lamentable , are creepc over to England, Mr. Edwards Gan- grene parte. prima, Printed at Lon- don ; Anno Dom. 1646. Wrirs, That here the Dodrineof the Tri- nity by too, too many is called a Vclfingium, Tonbcrgium. Popifh Tradition* and part, third (a) Voetius it tolerantU Antitrinitariorum miniflri rirnon- (ir antes non pauci in Socinianis erroribus deprebenfi inter quos celt' brts Htndricus Slatius Adolphus Venator Geftcrani duo , & com- plures in Zuid. Hollandia. Ann- Dom. 16 1 8. &i6\$. Idem Voeti- us in thejebks de ntceffitate. & Mi- litate dogmatis de trinitatefcribit, quod Remonftr antes inter fuos tole- rentjovinnt, prombveant eos omnes quos Socinianis aut Anabaptifticis Erroi ibus , aut pejoribus opinioni* bus delibutos % probe noverint E.G. P'g< The Doxology Aftrwtn. 37 fig. 58. Thus he writs, all men may fce,that many In England are Ari- ans , and Antitrinitarians, he wrirs z\io y pag. 136. a Letter from Hfl/- rVri to London, dated 1646. Here we burn the Books of the Socinian Errors, and they dare not be fold in thefe parts-, but at London, is taught Blafphcmy againft God, and his Chrlft : and a Minifter in Hol- land, wrot a Letter, dated Oftober 18. 1646. to fome Miniftcrs In Lon- don, that dlverfc Englifh Merchants were Peeking to buy Socinns Works, and Crellius, &c. from a Stationer In Holland*, and when the Stationer anfwered, that thefe Books wctc prohibit by the States General, the Merchant replyed, neverthelefs you may tranfport them from other Nations, and we fhall give you for th«ra what you will, and the Generall Aflembly in Scotland, Anno Dom. 1648. Seff. 43. Writs thus, Socinianifmt isnow (pTc*d\u England. As for our fenti- ment upon the Socinian, there was in the ancient Church two Here- tics , that were moft dangerous, and prevalent ; Firft, the Arian, then the Pelagian , both which the Orthodox Church zealoufly oppofed, and juftly condemned ', but the brc Socinian hath drunk in all the poy* fon both of the Arian and Ve'igian, and much more. Secondly, That as the Ancient Church did condemne Arius, and Velagius in their Councils, and being obftinat, Excommunicat them; So the Ancient Fathers ( b ) de- nyed the Arian to dekrve the ( b } Athanafius oratione prima, nameofChriftian,yea,the moderns contra Arianos multis probat Arl- both Papifts and Luther ians, that anos non debere dici chnjlianos. wrot againft the Socinians, deny idmfcribit Trv odoretus, lib. 2. them alfo to be Chriftians, the cap. 16. Fulgentius & Hilarius ai fame doth Gomarus and Doflor impumrtm Confhntium. Forbts in his Theological Inttrufti- ons, lib. \o.cap. i^Seft. 14. de- Dyes the Socinian Baptifm to he valid. The Profcffbrs of Leyden, Anno pom. 1598. gave their judgment of Ofterodius the Socinian his Writs, that they led Men very near to Tvrcijm -, and Grotius writing of the Piety of the States of Holland f*ltb, Seing Htrtfit is the Venom of the church, and that fuddenly wording, yet there are degrees in Herefies, whereof fome are more hurtful then others, but a reorfc Hire fit then Socinianifm is not to be found j at the very mentioning of which all tht godly ftiould fhrink. Againft this Hercfic, not only the Civil Magiftrate and Church, but alfo the God of Heaven by His immediate Hand of Providence hath gi- ven Tcftimony -, the Magiftrate hath put them to death, not only in the reformed Church, but alfo the Roman Church : Thus the Parlia- ment of Pole being informed Anno Dom. 1638. that the Socinians In R* covia had begun to print a Book of BUfphcmlcs againft the Sacred Trinity, 3 8 The Doxology Apprfrvct*. Trinity, (a) they did cake from them their Bibliotheck, Printing- (a) Vbri titutus, Tormmum houfe, and Prefs, and being many, Tbrono 7ritnitatm deturbans. banimed them the Town : A$ for the immediate Hand of God upon the Socinian, it is remarkable both in Temporal and Spiritual Judgments, that fomeof them were their own Murderers, and others of them died in Defpair, others renunced Chrift and turned Mahumetan. Thus having fpoken of the Secinian, remains a word of the Anabap- tifl and 4>«tf£er, whoalfo are Blafphemers of the Triahy 5 That the Anabaptifis are (uch, the Profef- forsof Uyden are fufTicient Wit- (b) Projtjf. Leidenf."^. 23. in neffes ^ (b) As^forthe Quakers, antitbtfi Sabellius & Praxias, & who not only are in England and ho die libertinij & Anabaprilte Ji eland, but even fome of them qiiidam, trinominm Deum (latuen- fcattered in Scotland j It's well te j, & perfonarum realem diftinclio- known by many of their own print; nem tollentes, modumqut tantum pa* cd Pamphlets, and by the Books tejaclionis varium inducentes Pa- of others, their mid Pranks, and trim incarnatum pajfumque revera. Blafphemics, aqd Difputes againft flatuunt. the Sacred Trin'ty ; for inftance* The phanatic^Hiftory printed at London, Anno Dom. 1660. pag. $4. In a publick Difputeat Cambridge they denied the Sacred Trinity, with Blafphemics that f abhor to write •, And Anno Dom. 1657. a Book print- ed at London, by John Stalham % called the Reviler rebuked, wherein he refutes Quafyr, Richard Fairnworth, who printed and fpread a Pamphlet about that time, wherein he denied the HolyGhoft to be a Perfon in the Trinity. Therefore as the Univcrfal Church of old did pioufly and wifely appoint and praftifc the tinging of the Doxology, to confirm the Flock of Chrift againft the dangerous Blafphemics of Arius, and other Antitrinitarian Hereticks^fo to this day the Univcrfal Church do ftill continue that prafiice to guard their Flocks againft the Blafphe- mics 6f Anabaptifis and Quakers, bur efpecially Socinians, who in hor- rid and hcililh Elafphemies outdo the old Anan. CHAP, Tfe Doxology Approved. 3 j C H A P. V F. the lawfulnefs of Sinking the Doxology proven by thtfe Augments. \. te+ cau\e all Christians are bjpti^td in the Name of Father^ bon, and Holf iff. 2. They btlitve, or prof eft their Faith, in Father, Son, and HolyGho(l. i. They believe Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft to be their Creator, Kedeemr, and Sanftifier. 4* Their Faith, and Hope of Ettr- ml Gfory, is from Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. 5. God, Father^. Son, and Holy Ghofl y made all things, and efpecially for His Glory* 6. t-his Lord of Glory oft fn calls Mxn x s Tongue His Glory. 7. From the praclice o\ the Saints and Angels. 8. From God's Command, 9. Thz Appointment and Praclice of the univerfal Church. 10. The indivifibi* lity of the mrftip we give to God one in Effence* and. three l>trfont % illn* (Irate by Fathers and Councils. IN the former Chapters, T having defcribrd the occafion upon which the Univerfal Church did appoint the fingfng of the Doxology, to wit, The abounding of BUfphemers againft the Trinity, proven in the firft three Chapters* secondly, The unanimous Agreement of the Church for fingingthe Doxology in the fourth Chapter, and thereafon of its continuities in the Church to this day, even becaufe the Church ever fmcc hath never altogether wanted fome blafphemous Hereticks within the Church,bef>d£$ the Tur^ and ^n*,both deniers of the Trinity without rhe Church. Follows the fecond part of this Treatife,which is fnbdivi eup my glory. Pfal. ic8.u J will fing praife -with my glory. Pfal- \6 9. My heart is glad, my glory Ytjoycttbi which glory, the Maker of the Tongue ( Attsi. 26.) ex- pones to be the Tongue, in thefe word?, My heart did rejoice, and my tongue w as glad. Pfal. 30. 12. That my glory may' (ing fraife unto thee, and not be filent, Lord my God : Shall then. Mans Tongue, his glory, be commanded filence by Man, and not to fing glory to God the Fa- ther, Son, and Holy Ghoft, when his Maker gave him his Tongue to fing glory to his Maker. Seventh Reafon, That which is the prafticc of the Angels, and of all the Saints in Heaven and Earth, is lawful, but to fing glory to God Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft,, is the practice of the Angels L«£.2.i4. The heavenly hoft fang glory to God, and Rev. $. 1 j. All in Heaven and in Earth did fing glory to God. Eighth Reafon, That which is commanded of God is lawful, but to fing glory to God is commanded by God, I prove the laflumption, Pfal. $6.1,2, Thefe commanded, Sing unto the Lord, mdverf.$. declare kis'glorj, and verf 7, B.giveunto the Lord the glory due unto ais Name&c. Ninth Reafon, That which hath been the conftitution and conftant practice of the Univerfal Church thefe 1300- Years without fcrople, wrcfiifai; and ftill retained!;) all the reformed Churches, after their purgation The Dtxologj Afprrutn. 41 purgation from Idolatry and SupcrfHtion, that Is lawful 9 the fame Argument is ufed by St. Paul, 1 Cor. II. i5. to flop the mouth of th* Contentious, to wic, rvekave nofnchcu(lom> neither the Churches of Goid Tenth Reafon, (*) That which is commanded by God is lawful \ (a) Rationisfundamtntumillutlr*- but to fing glpry to Father, Son, turn. Juftinus Martyr, in txpofi- and Holy Ghoft, is commanded tione fidei five tinam, duas, vet trts by God > Therefore, &c. I prove perfonas pmjeramus, necejje efianimo' the mi nor % the glory commanded femper poffidere &%opt § m .. idem in Sym- at that fame time (hill afcribe that bolo tyas sr popati kai pava* tv glory to ail the threcPerfons,\vhich 1f lA £i A«7pusT*i %fra>v onv aa* if he do not, he is worfoipping an ^ Vco fa ^ 7W , ctyiawiaM 90. Idol, and not the true God j then, ii70t whatever thought of a Chriftian Is Bafilius magnus /6 , . ^^^ finging glory to God .nd lawfully ^g f ^ 7et %^ and fquaIIy ln hu Mind is g,v,ng * y *fhw 2 ^A ffnlv?h ry a \ \ ? | S0 ? , i a f nd «* h«reticidifrumpant(tfan U- Holy Ghoft then It is lawful for -w ^^^^1 him at that lame time to give that NaZ Uzenus 0ratt 40 . ^ ^ glory exprefsly with his Tongue in f£Ln6lm baptlfmiL ^J£ ^ to Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, ,^/l . + m fT <\ * * forallthcwor0.ip.nd Adoration 'i* 9 "™ 4 '' "W ' *fV» «* that the Chriftun gives to God, """*/"' ™<*<* T f *>««,. ^ fhou!d,and is rightly |iven to God £" A *'" w ^ V«- '** one in Eflence, and three in Per- P r %' ***. 7 * «*>< W*mns. fens, Father, Son,and Holy Ghoft, r> w « W«»««* *'« > who all three have one Almighty £ " ty'-'W' V*\ l V* ™< *£'*' Power, one Will, one external T Vl*/"'/*- . Aftion, in hearing our Prayers.and Ephiphanfui Htrtft 62. §.5. granting our Requefts, and there- *"• ***Qsif, pi* KVfjtTK, yi* fore the Worfhip given to them is fofyuyt* *r*. indivifible, therefore Perlins faith H * c udem tfi d <>^ rtna commuu- well, writing on MMh. 6. vtrf. 9. ter Scholafiicorum Alenfii irtfummt H s *rf 4s The Doxology i^pfroven. We jjtoutd wrflrip the whole Trinity theologia parte ?♦ queft. 3. memhro Mnjunftly, and not one Perfon alone, 1; Articulo^. Aquinas 2.2. ^«^. 4»i token rve name God alone, -we 81. articuh 3. & quest. 84. . 13. ry to God Father, Son, and Holy §.2. Sinonconfideramns tresperfo- Ghoft. nas in dtitate , nudum, & inane duntaxatDeinomen fine veto Deo in carebro noslro volitat, & §. 6, ubi in Scripturis ft [implex Dei mentio 9 & indefinita non minus ad V ilium y & Spiritum Sanclumpertinet nomen hoc quam adpatrem. Et §. 20. Ineundem (enfum hmctiusmedull. lib. 1. c.6. §. 26. Eqmlis honor omnibus perfonis divinis eqtialiter a nobis debetur. The ninth Reafon in this Chapter being taken from the Cuftomeof the Church, and that in Imitation of the Apoftle Paul, iCor. u. vet. \6. For in this prefent Cafe, the duty being provco lawfull, ac- cording to the Word of God, which we have done in the former eight Reafons \ the practice of the Church ( if the Apoftles Argument fiold good ) Is efficient warrand to clear the Conlcicnce, of every particular Chriftian , for doing of the duty -, therefore, albeit we nave handled before fomewhat of the Antiquity, and Uoiverfality of this Practice, in finging the Doxology, and uftng it in ourDevotion, yet for furdcr clearing of that truth, and iatisfaftion to the fcrupulous, we fhall clear it yet more from Antiquity ^ St. Bafil, who was mighty In the Scriptures, and a Son of thunder againft the Arian in his time, and To took occafion to write of the Doxology, being the great badge, and ftandard ofChrifiinaity againft the Avian, writs thus, ( a ) That ( a ) Bafil tomo 2d* lib. defpiritu he received the Cuftome of fing- fanfto, cap. 29. confuetudinem pfal- ing Glory to the Father , as an lendi Doxologiam habemus accep- Heirfhip from his Fathers, learned tarn ab antiquum Patrum & pro* it at him that baptized him, and avorum, pag. 218. citat non folum cites many of the Ancienr Fathers, Irenzum, fed eHMonyfium Alex- tven tothedayesof the Apoftles andrium, ad Dionyfium Roma- that u(cd the Doxology, and thac num his verbis fcribentem, congru- the Fathers before him did ap- entet nosfotma. a Senioribus accept I point it to be fung in their Kirks, concordibus votis Patri, & filio and as this (hows If s antiquity, fo Domino nofiro Jefu cbrifto 9 cum Spi* he The Dcxology Atfroven. 43 he writs accordingly of his unWcr- tu fanclo (it gloria, & impmum in ttfH din from the Eait arid the ftckla (ecniorum : imo teftatur Clemen- WMMfopoumiAiMCappadocU,. tern cujus multe extant Epi ft olx Ninons and Odea long before aduqat Apofiolts conttmporariurn hi, time' and the memory of ail juifie ufum D 9 xologid y & Originem, n en uled the Doxolo*y. * ^«*« Hiftoricum, & Grego- Buc if it be objected, that yet num Tbaumaturgon, & Firmilant- h% uncertainwhen theChurch full urn in fuis libris, quod ad fuam began to fine the Doxology in the fraxtn lib. de Spirit* Sanflo, cap. pubiick worfhip of God, and 7; p^g.i^ dtfiipfo ita ftribh, therefore it is tobercjtfted, I an- o* ep iteyov > m c/ jrafy* (wer , Ffrft The duty being law- tfa«j> *<** » 4 us/* *syo^v$t> or/ iiJog» fiil % and infallibly grounded on jen* srajpi **/ utj/k Jiakcli [;.{]& the Word of God, fo it cannot be %vr\t^%vJ\o^ohoyiA7^A(7a,youiv. denved,but the ufing of it is very ( t> ) Bafil de [pint u fanclo. % cap. Ancient, in the Chutch of Chrift. 27. uSstov Tf ovov%t qi& in Cbrilto attenlione dignafunt^A- in the Church forfuch a thing to ppftolicum autem nuncupo de autho be done, but only this, the r e interim minimejolicitus,Apojloli? Church hath r.o fuch cufloine, there- Cfrt ^ ma%no fcriQtorum veterum fore, would he fay, this is as flrong c jf en f u adfcribiturfive quod ab illis as a Church Aft- 1 Corinth* if. incownune conferiptum, ac aditiaz 16. I am glad that the Synod of txi(limzhant, (iv e quod compendium Divines did not rejeft the Apollo- iftud ex doclrina. per eorum manus lick Creed, but has retained ic at t r adit a, bona fide colieBm, tali elt- the end of their Shorter Cate- ^ confirmndum ctnftrunt y ntque 44 The Doxology Approver. to the Scriptures, and very anci- initiofutritproftftum y ntcaiunh all* ent , and in all thefe It aggrees^ quo privatimfuifftconfcriptumvtrtt(t with the Doxology, then if you re-* quamfimilt ah ultima, ufqut mtmoria. rain your Creed, albeit none tell facrofanftx inter piosomnts author i- who firft wrote it,or when it was tatis fuifft confttt; quod unlet ch- firft made ufc of, fo I plead for the randumeftj&txtra omntm contraver- Doxology, that fame priviledge, fiampofitum habtmus totam in to that albeit it cannot be proven fidti noflr* hi(loriam fuccinftt, di- from Scripture , when it began to jiincloqut or dint rtctnfcri nihil be ufed, yet it having all the autemcontintriquodfolidis[criptiir& good properties of the Creed, ttjlimonip non fit confignatum: quo fliould be retained in the Church intclltfto dt authortvel anxit labo- as long as the Creed, rare, vtl turn alioquo digladiari Yea, feing the Creed retains nihil attintt^nift quifortenonfuficiat the ftyle Apoftolick, becaufe of ctrtamhibm fpiritus jancliverita- it's great Antiquity ,fofome of the ttm, ut non fimul inttlligat aut learned incline to think, that the cujus ort nunciata , aut cujus manu Djxol'ogy is alfo of Apoftolick an- defcripta futrit. tiquity, for that it wa* ufed in the Church long before the Hi cm Creed. It was proven by Bafils words, and Athanafius, who wssa youag Presbyter at the Council of Ni ct t and there a great refuter of Arius , yet long before he dycd > Bafil writs diverfe Letters to him, Epifl- 47. And diverfe following reve- rencing' his Gray Hairs,but (0 as they were Bifhops contemporary,aod Ba^il writs, that the D.xology was ufed \t\Europ, and Afia long be- fore the Council of Nict even pad the memory of M*n , and feing in the Primitive Kirk many Catechumine Men and Women were fokmn- ly Baptized in their publick wormip, who had chiefly learsedin their Catechifm the Doftrine of the Trinity, and gave a confeffion of it at their Baptifm themfelvcs , and in that their publick worfhip were alwayes fung holy Hymnes to Gocl ( as the learned know ) what more probable then that thefe, especially the Catechomeni who were now Chriftians of underftanding, as they were Baptized prefenrly in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and gave aConfeflion of their Faith, in Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, that they alfo in their pub- lick worfhip did fing Glory, to that Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, in whofe name they were newly Baptized. Some afks thequeftion, upon what Text of Scripture the Doxology Is chiefly founded, for.anfwer: It hath two parts, to wit, The three Pcrfons of the Trinity , which are the objeft of that worfhip: Second- ly , the Glory given to them, which is the Aft of wormip in the Dox- ology, accordingly, the giving of Glory to God Is founded on many Scriptures, but there is one full, and exprefs, Rom. ir. the laft vtrfe, Of biff) And through him % and to him ait til things, to whom hi glory for tvtr > The Doxohgy Apfroven. 45 tver, Amin. But fcing the object of the worfhip, In three diftinaPcr- fons of the Trinity is moft clear in the Words of the Baptifroal inftl- lucion, Mttth. Uft, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghoft ', therefore with Athanafius,Ba?il, and the reft of the Greek Fathers, we think that the Doxology is chiefly grounded upon that Text in Matthew. It is true, fomeof the Learned would build it on that Text, Rom. fj. And that becaufe they alleadge the three Perfons of the Trinity infmuate here, which though ic Lombardus lib.i- (men* diflinft. were granted, that the three Per- %6.capitub $.putat cum Auguftino fons are there infinuat, yet the in Jib. i.de trinitate 9 cap.6 in toco Other Text being full and exprefs, prtditto 1 1. capitis ad Romanos in- and the ftrongeft Bulwark againft digitari diStinttionem triumperfo- the Avian, therefore that Text in •narumiaflibi certm eft eo loco nonfa- Matthew, is the chief ground for tis perfpicuum datur fundamentum the Doxology, for to glorify God fidei triumperfonarumtrinitatis,& according to that Text in the Ro- pro argumento invincibili quod £«- mans is fo general , that the Avian nomius Arianus i(lam textam ctiat, could cafily fubferibe to fuch a ut patet Bafilei,lib\ i. contra Eu- Doxology. • nominium dum dat confejftonem fue fidei y pag. 7. Credimus. inquit, in unum Deum, ex quo font omnia, & in unm unigenitum deifilium e un- dent verbum dominum nop urn Jtfum Chrifium per quam funt omnia, & in unumSpiritum Santtum paracletum. Hcec Ari j con feffio fidei intrinita- temfuboltt hunc locum ad Romanos & ipfe Arianus prius r ump ere t quam confitereturfe credere in Patrem Vilhm & Spiritum Santtum aut ita pro. ferret Doxologiam, ut fcribit Bafilius. C H A ?. VIT, Ihe lawfulness of finging the Doxology , proven by the Induction of all it Parts 12. from the three Holies, Ifa. 6. $. IN this Chapter we prove by Induclion, thatall the Parts of the Dox- ology are in the Holy Scriptures, from whence we deduce this Reafon , that Divine Glory which in the Holy Scripture fs given ro Fa- ther, Son, and Holy Ghoft, that fame Divine Glory is lawfull to fing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft; we prove the iffumptfon, that Glory hgimi to Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, Rom. 11. v.Utt, To God be tlorj for ever, 1 Tim; i, 17. To God be honour and glory for- for ever and ever, Amen. 2 Tim. 4. i#. To God be glory for ever and rwrj 1 Tim. 6. v- 16. To God be honour and power ei/erlafting for ever ]udc v. laft, p god bt glory mw and fortvfy 4flM,*GiIy 14. si T9 46 Th Dexology Approver*. Yo God and our father be glon for 'ever and ever, Amen, and the fame Words Philip. 4. 20- Secondly, Glory to God through Chrifl , thete words you (hall find , Rom. 16. v. lafi Epb. 3.21. Htb. 1^20, 21. Thirdly, To Chrifl be glory nnr? and for ever, Amen. 2 Peter 3. v. laft, Revel. 16. Revel. $.12. He is the Lord of glory, 1 Corinth. 2.8. James 2. l.He is crowned with glory flcb.2. 9. The Lords glorious branch Ilaiah, n. 10. The Holy Ghoft, Pet. 14. 14. The Spirit of glory is glorified. Thus we have proven from Scr:p:ure thefe parts of the Doxology, Glory to the Father, to the S% and Holy Ghoft, for now and ever „* There remains one word ro be cleared in the Doxology, to wit, As it -was in the beginning , for clearing of which, we wrot in the end of the fourth Chapter , that thefe words were added to the Doxology, becaufe of Arian Heretic^ end thst in the fourth Century , when ArU us denyed that the Son was with the Father from all eternity, but af- firmed that there was a time when the Son was not, and thefe Ancient Dodors of the Church, knowing that the firft Words in St. Johns Gof- per, in thefe tmee Verfes, wen- indited by the Holy Ghoft, and writ- ten by the Apoftle John his Pen man, to after t the Co-eternity of the Son with the Father , and that againft Ancient Hereticks , who lived in the Apoftle St. John's rime, and were Blafphemers of Chrifl, the Church therefore hath made choife of that fame Tcxr, as fitted again ft the Arians {a) Thus hive we cleared , that all the Words in (a) Alexander Alexandria Epifcopus the Doxology, are exprefs Scrip- ConcilijNiceni Mtmbrum Arij Blaf- turc, and according tnereurubj phemifs infenfiffimus, infua Kpiftola and if any objeft , that it follows ad omnes ubique gentium fratresfcri- not to be lawfully fung in the bit Arium affereretempus aliquando Church, except it were in Scrip- fuifie cum filius Dei non effet, quod ture, all contiguous together as fie rtfut&t in initio Evangili{ Joan- one of the Pfalms of David^ to nis. Inprincipio erat verbum, ita- thefe in this place, I only give q*e non erat ttmpus cum non tfht thisAnfwer, That the reformed Socrates 7; &. 1. cap. 3. & Syrmi- Church of Frni J'or.ohoyiav toyiot the Lord fitting on a Throne, and & i„ divi f e f ub . fame Lord of Hofls, in the 8. v. i nnutnSi ntc Angelosnec Homines it. (peaks in the plural number who here nee audtre colere ejfintiam divi- will go for us , juft fo , Gen. 1. nm% & non unt co [ ert trls ptr fonas ut 26. And God [aid let us make man f k p ra nrobatum, hoc idem Athanafius after our likjnefs : which fpeech aitdeteftandosacproculabigenioseffe the learned agree to be fpoken Afanoi dicentes *c /i ipf! interfuis- by ,, J iC L » Trim 7' * e * im angelosillos in pritnis vocibus condly. We fhall prove that glo- exc lamandifanSlus maxima voce ufos ry to the three dlflmft Pcrfons of f & {n ftcuadis mm „ m tm m the Trinity is meant here, Firjl, vtet intmit adhuc fubmifmi, That glory to the Father is meant ac frimm f an aificationem propriam none will deny, no not the Anan, ltgitHmmqu( t a t jtcmd / m m . nor Soeiman. secondly, we prove tm injtrioris i ttx mtim td . that glory to the Son li alfo meant hucgTadttim dettritlis conditionis here, for God the Son was alfo &. Jn u „ dm f ententiamfcribi( . here , for the Prophet ifaiab faw ^^ G j Nazianxenl/,* His glory here which is proven ttr diilogo p r i mo resjonfieneaiin. John 12 41. The Prophet Ifaiab t(rrogation r m I? . Ep fp h ; n!as inin , fow Chrllts glory, and fpakc of ^5,0,^^^. blnded their eyes, and hardened >\ I r , ' ,. » ' ' tr i^V their hearts, Verfe\o. which com- ivl ? l f l ft*"™ 2RA* miffion llaiab received, i/i,V«& 5. ?«"» Gre - V^'Tvn J ,0. after he had feenCh ifts glory, L" ^* r f?'' B i?» Ghrifoftom. d>. then if God the Son was here, the g^ori,, ut Dam.fcenus, hb t j. a* holy is to him. Thirdly, the «"*•*?* fidei, cap. 10. merpre. Holy Ghofl was here, which I ta }u r quod ter fanSlusfit mbusjtrfo. prove, it was the Holy Ghofl here * is ™ t ' t »W'™-4™*W?' which fpaketo the Prophet;/.,. >* "j** 1 b'ptftfecunduMthiop- 6. 9 .T»t Lord(aid, e otell this- « W«f ?«»««; Wf rf W h but 4«; 88. a 5 . That fame W?» F,/ ' w & s t mtus S * na,ls > x Lord 4 8 The Doxology Approve*?* Lord is the Holy Ghoft; well fpake nunc &femper,& infecuU feculorufH the Holy Ghoft by Ifaiab the Pro- phet unto our Fathers, faying, Go ante this people and ]ay y hearing ye [hall hear, and [hat not underhand, &c. Then feing the Scriptures prove the three Perfons cxprefly were here, it cannot be deoyed, but the three holies were to the three Perfons ; therefore the Doftors of the Ancient Church, and univerfal Councilis , and ap- pro ven Orthodox Divines, unanL moufly teach, that he^e the Sera- Amen. Anno Dom. 451* Hie bym- nus trijagius in Concil eecumen. Chaledon. 6 30. Epifcoporum fuit cantatus, & inter aclu bujus Con- cili) rifertHT) & poftta EcclefitL univerfalis eo hymno eft ufa, ut col- ligitur ex Conftantinopolitana S«- nodo. 5. Prafidente Menu* ejusfe* dis Patriarcba, ubi Pcrrus Gna- pheus Antiochte Epifcopus damnt- tus quod in fua Ecclefia Ljturgia He m retice trifagio , Sanclus, Sanftus, Sanclus addidijfet qui pro nobis fbims in their Chore are finging crucifixus eft, ubiper ter fanftus in- a Doxology to the blefTed Trinity, terpretantur , trts Perfonas Trinita- and confequently this Doxology tis , ut videreeftin Episiola moni* Is a Scripture Song, therefore the t nri a adeundem Gna^hcum y priori- DMnes of wtttminsiir Synod, in bus conftntiunt TheodoretusjVrwe- thcir Notes upon Revel. 4 at the ne , ido. d> curandisGrec.affefto. 8» Verfe Tinging the like three Ho- Cyrillus in eumtextum, Augiitinus lies with therein the d.of ifaiab 3. fermone 38 dt tempore, Et hac ea Verfe, which they alfo quoat, and coment thus ; .They contiually praife God, and fet out the Tri- nity of the Perfons in the God- head. Did not the Angels, in this 6. of ifaiah fing the Doxology to the Glorious Trinity ? The univerfall Church in their General Councill have taught fo, and alfo praftifed accordingly , The Fathers, both "before, and after that Councill, demeft fententia tbeologotum, mo- dernorum Calvini inftitutjib.i.cap. 13. If. 6. cap. § 11. & 1$. & 28. Zanchij tomo. 1. lib- 1. cap. 2. Ifa. 6. cap. Seraphim occinunt Patri Vilio (3* Spiritui Sanclo, quod m^Antitrinitarij Tranfil- vanij negmt) bunc textum nunquam mihi eripient. ?oUm fyntagmate lib. p. cap. 1$. Profeffores Leidenfes difp. y.tbefi J 6. Bucan. loco 3. § lAmtCmeduH. lib. 1. cap. 5 § 17* with calvine, and the reft of the reformed Church tcached fo , and the Synod of Divines in their Notes oh the Revelation teached fo 5 will ye not then go along with the Univerfall, and Reformed Church, or will ye go along with the Synod of Divines on the Revelation; to that Synod you gave the Credit to draw up your Creed, or Confcffion of Faith, and Cate. chifms, and will ye not give them credit in the matter of the Doxolo- gy, that the Heavenly Seraphims fang Glory to Father, Sop, and Holy Ghoft, fhail the Angels come from Heaven to Earth, to give you a good example to fing the Doxology, will neither the Univerfal Church The DoxoUgf Approvcn. 49 Church on Earth, nor Angels in Heaven move you to follow their holy example , I anfwer, it will move all thefe on whom that Judge- ment hath not fallen , pronouueed, ifaiab 6. 9, 10. Bear inditd, but under/land not , mafy the heart of this people fat : As ye love your Souls, bewar of that Judgement , which is my prayer for you at the Throne of Grace. CHAP VIII. 13. Reafonjrom that Song, Revel. 5. 9. 14. From Gods Command, 1 Chr. x6. 20. lllu(lratby Councils and Fathers. THe thirteenth reafon is taken from the $.Chap.of theBook of Reve- lationjhus collected ; John the Divine (aw a vifion in Heaven,and heard them fing a new Song, verf. 9. continuing to the end of the Chzpter : and verf. 13. Every creature "which is in heaven , and on the eaith, and under the earthy and fuch as are in the fea, and all that are in them, heardl faying blejjing, bonou*, glory, and power be unto him that /tfftb upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Here the t h, jrfity of Tinging is fo great, that ic comprehends the univerfal ar rch of all Chriftians, yea, of all the Apgels in Heaven, and all Saints ~ Heaven and Earth , both the Church Militant, and Triumphanr. What are they finging ? Blejfing, honour, glory, and power. 3. To whom do they fing this Doxologie ? I anfwer, to him that fits upon the throne, and to the Lamb: And that the weak may better undcrftand that there arc two Perfons of the Godhead diftinftly expreft here, fojfe them more clearly diftinguifhed in the 6. ver[. in the midft of the Throne^ flood a Lamb, who came and too^tbe Eoo^ out of the right hand of him that fat upon the Throne, Verf.*]. And that both the Father and the Son fat upon the fame Throne, Revel. 3. 21. at the end, I amfet down with my Father on his Throne. And Revel. 22. 3. and 1. verfts , both the Throne of God and of the Lamb , and not Thrones. But the weak may fay that the Holy Ghoft is cot named in this Song ? To whom I anfwer, that ic is the Doftrineand Faith of the univerfal Church, con- taining all Chriftians, from the rlfing of cheSun to its going down, Athanafius lib. 1. dt Communis Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, efientia tnumperfonarumprobatTri~ one and that fame glorious God nitatem federein Throno, Nazian- fit and reign conjunctly upon one zenus Orat* 26. Docet Spiritum and that fame glorious Throne in Santtnm effe Patre Filioque, adTh& Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft be the Name of God , and three di- ftinft Perfoqs in the Godhead are to be known aud believed necefla- rily to falvation by all Chriftians who arc baptized in that Name; and feeing God in his mercy and goodnefs hath made Baptlfm a Seal, applving to Chriiiians be- nefits of unfpeakable v^lue , f,iven by Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, (hail it not then be Gods due from man, and mans duty to God , to give God the glory due unto his Name, even to rhis his Name, Fa- ther, Son, and Holy Ghoft, yea, ophMutn in eundem fenfum & Gre-; gorius, Nazlanzenus Oratione^o. quit e(l in fanRum baptifma> ovojuat fiKOivov Ta>v rvco*{ V> W 8«o/w» *$iiovt i* uno nomine Trinieas appeliati Arium refellat idem in Ancorato , § 22. rpiet* QHtv ov(h fjL$i fltji^t«ft€i/M Trinita* in um nomine nominata Gaudentius ftt* mone 14. non ait in baptifmi infli- tutione in nominibus fed in nomi* ne quia unum Trinitatis eft nomen & Ambrofius, lib. 1. de Spirit* Santto, cap. 14. in baptifmo unum and tofiogit , for proof of which, nomen quia ums e$ Deus % Augufti- amongft many Texts take the 23. nus//fr. 3. contra Mjximlnianum f cap. 22. unum nomen quia bi tres junt unum. Fulgentius ad Fell- ccm notar»m> cap. 2. nomen unum Dcitatis qn >d tnplicari non potefi idem obfervant. Lombardus & A- quinas. Verfe of the forcfaid Chapter, 1 Cbron. 16. Sing unto the Lord all the earth. So that from thefe three Texts , 1 chron. 16". 23. and 29. with Mm 28. and 19 I colleft this conclufion , all baptized in the Name of 'he Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, fliould fingGlory to the Father, Son, and HoljGbofll and if any object that 1 Chron. 1$. 29. by Gods name is meant himfelf , I anfwer, beitfo, but God himfelf is Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Now Chriftian, when you have read thefe reafons , I intreat you to lay them to heart, efpecia II y the firft nine, being moft plain, and pon- der in each reafon the firft two fentenccs , which no Chriftian will or dare deny, albeit he know no more but the common grounds of reafon, and Chrifilanity : and if you grant both the firft fentences, and yet deny the third fentence following on that reafon, then know that truth hath got the viftory, and you are convinced : And if you affent noc to fing the Doxologie, ye detain ibe truth in unrighteoufnefsj Rom. U i8» and rebel againft the light, and hate the light, John 3. 20. And they who wilfully harden thcmfclves, would not embrace the truth, albeit Chrift the wUdon of the Father were Preaching it unto them, unlcfle he 52 The DoxeUgy Afprwtn. he did apply his Almighty gracious power,as he did to Sai*l\n hls'con- verfion, Afts 9. ver. $, 6. Which he docs noc ordinarily on thofe that harden thcmfclves, and clofe their eyes againft the light, darting in upon their underftanding -, for he re/ifis the proud, butgiveth trace to the humble^ and lowly. The Apoftle fpeaks of unreafonable men, by which are meant the unbeliever, and un regenerate For the true be- liever his faving Faith clears up, and fortifies his reafon : Therefore if thou be a furoifhed and true believer, and grant the truth of the firft twofentencesofany one, or all the reafons, then thou will affent to the third fcntence, which is, to fing Glory to the Father, Son, and Ho- ly Ghofi j and if thou find thy heart inclining to confent, then blow at that fpunk that is kindled in thy foul by the Holy Ghoft, and go to thy knees in all humility, fincerity, and fclf-denial, and beg of him to lead thee In all truth, and to fhew thee the good and the right way , and whether it will tend more to the glory of God, to fing Glory to the Fa- ther, Son, and Holy Ghoft, or to be dumb and filent, and fay in your heart, I will not fing glory to God, even when my fcllow-Chriftians are fingingit. Do you believe with all your foul that God fent his Son from Heaven to earth to bring you from earth to Heaven -, that Chrift fuffcrcd the forrows of death and hell, to fa vc thee from endlefs torments, and will ye refufe to fing glory to him for fo doing and (uffering for you *, If a poor brother of Jefus were asking an alms from you, and you would not give him one mite, and yet would fay at that fame time to ftan- ders by, if that poor man were going to Prifon , I would give him a great fum of money to relieve him, would they believe you, or rather kugh you to fcorn?5o when you are defircd to fing glory to the bleffed Trinity, and ye refufe to do it, who would believe you that you would fuffer tormenting flames for the glory of that bleffed Trinity. I know you will fay you have fome reafons why you refufe to fing the Doxo- logie , but ye would have no reafon to refufe martyrdome ? I anfwer, your corruption, that prompts you with excufes to refufe to fing the Doxologie % which is the eafier duty , would furnifti you with more excufes to fhun burning j fo that ye who will not give God his due honour, to fing glory to him, it is too like would never fuffer mar- tyrdome for him, and fo the true ground of your refufing is want of true Faith, VhiL 1. 29. To you it is given in the behalf of Chrifl, not on* ly to believe in him, but alfo to fuffer for bis f&fy* As for your pretences and excufes you bring for not finging the Doxologie, lay it to heart, that your excufes which your prejudged Confciencc it may be accepts of, fo as to give you a feeming and de- ceitful peace for a time j yet truft not that he who is greater then your Confciencc will accept of thele excufes, which in this life men who arc blind , and partial Judges in their own caufc thinks to be good The Doxokgy Approve*, 53 good and relevant. Our Saviour in the Gofpcl gives a lift of excufera of themfelves, but the Judge of quick and dead tells the true reafon *hich theexcufers would not have told , Mat* 22. 5. they made light of it : But I intreat you make it not a light thing torefufc to fmg Glo- ry to Father, Son, and HolyGho(l * for thefercafons I have fet be- fore you are founded on the Word of God, by which wc fhall be judg- ed, and your pretences and excufes in that day will be burnt with the hay and Hubble, 1 Cor. 3. 1 2. CHAP. IX. 15. Reafon from the neceffary Difference of the cbriflUns mrfbip, as in Reading of the Word, Prayer, and Sacraments, they exceedingly differ from christians, jhall not then alfo be a difference betwixt the Christian finging of Plalms, and the Jews : by finging the Doxology. 16. As the Jews in their Pfalms of David, ctofe many of them with a Doxology, anfwering to the meafure of their Light difpenfed to them in the Old teftament, fo it becomes the chriflian to have a Doxology anfwerable to their greattr meafure of Light of the Trinity in the NewTeftament. 17. Reafon, founded upon the fignificationoj Jehovah Elohim, which is of- ten in the Doxology 0) the Old Teftament. TAke three Reafons more to be pondered by the judicious andun- byaflcd Chriflian, The fir'ft is thus grounded, the Worfhip of God confifts in two parts, either God fpeaks to us, or we fpeak to God s God fpeaks to us in the Word, read, or cxponed by Preaching; We fpeak to God by Prayer, iuiting things needful to Soul and Body, or by Praifes of His infinite Excellencies, and for His Benefites. Thefe two laft, to wit, Petitions or Praifes, are either done without Song or In a Song ; but fo it is, that God in His infinite Wlidom and Goodnefs hath made the Chriflian Worftiip in the New Teftament to differ from the Jews Worfhip in the Old Teftament, in fulnefs, clearnefs, and comfortablenefs ^ they had only the Old Teftament, we have the New Teftament added to it -, they had the Old Teftament read andexponed by the Church-men and Prophets, we hflve Old and NewTeftament both read, exponed and preached more plainly and fully to our greater faving Knowledge and Comfort, for the least in the kingdom of Heaven is greater then John Baptift, Mattb. 11. 11. Secondly, Our Prayers and Prailes of God in the New Teftament are proportional to the Word read and preached, even more full, clear and comfortable then the Jew had in the Old Teftament •, but fo it is that the obftinate and impenitent Jew refufed to joyn with us Chriftians in any of thefe three parts of the Worfhip of God y they will not hear the Gofpcl read, be- caufc 54 The Doxology Approved caufe It Is the Gofpcl of ChriG, *hom they rtjeft and blafpheme -, they will doc hear the Word preached, bee ufe rot frtacb Chrifi crucified^ frbicb is to the Jews aftumblitg-bloclz i Cor. i. 23. Thirdly, They will not joyn with us in Prayer, for they refufe to pray to Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and they will ftek nothing from God in the Name ofChrift. Fourthly, They rejeft our Sacraments, for they refufe to be baptized in the Name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, nor yet win they communicate with us, becaufe it is the Communion of the Body and Blood of Chrifi : Seing then the all- wife Lord hath made the Chriftian to differ from and excell the Jew in the Word and Sacra- dents, In Preaching 2nd Praying, is it not convenient and fuitable to the other parts of our Chriftian Worfhip, that we differ from them io our finging alfo, which is not a divers part of Worfhip diftinft from Prayer and Praifes without Song, but a divers manner of pronouncing It ; for example, all that is in the Pfalms, that is fung to God with a Tone 5 it Is lawful for a Chriftian to worfhip God with thefe fame words without a Tone or Song, 4n Prayer and Thankfgiving $ fo they differ not upon the matter, but in the manner or* pronouncing them : But the adding of the Chriftian Doxology to the clofeof our finging of the PJalm, makes a fuitable difference betwixt the Chriftians finging of the Pfalm with the Doxology, and the Jew in their Worfhip finging the feme Pjalm without the finging of the Chriftian Doxology : More- over, Is It convenient or decenr, thata^ew who blafphemes the Son of God, and denies the bleffed Trinity, whoarc without the Commu* oion of Saints, that they mail have it to fay or brag, although I abhor to joyn with the Sow, (for fo they call the Chriftian,) nor will I heat their Gofpel read or preached, nor will I joyn with them in Prayer, ( for they abhor the Name or Chri^ ; ) yet fays the Jew, I will not abhor to joyn with them in finging the Pfalm> for they fing nothing but the |>falmsof 'David juftas we do, they fing in their Mother Tongue as we do in the Hebrew ? would not the Chriftian think himfelf affronted at the Jms offer, and if any in the Church refufed to fing the Doxology, he could fay I am free to refufe the Doxology as fomeof your Chri- ftians refufe. 2. Many of the Pfalms clofe with a Doxology or Praife to God, (ome one way iorae another, and this Doxology is moft often in the laft Vcrfe* butfometimes in the /wa/* Verfe, and then the laft Verfe is fome particular reafon and ground given for that particular Doxology. Thefe who pleafe to fearch the Pfalms more diligently will find it fo, to wit, Pfal. 18. and 75. in their laft and ftnuit Verfes-, and in all thefe Pfxlms following you mayobferve a particular Doxology in the laft Vcrfeof every one of them, to wit, Pfalm 7,8, 13,21524,26, go, 35* 4i»4* **> 57, i9%6u66 % 68, 71, 7*, 89* 97 99, Pjo. i©£, »»• "*» 124,136,140)145. andbefides, there are other fJUmstim all clofe The Doxology Af\>YO r otti. 55 with one and the fame Doxology, to wit, Praife ye the Lord. Vfaltn 104, 105, 106, 11$, ii<5, 117, 135, 146, 147, 148,149, i$o. Halite lujjb, and in the Book of the Revelation> chap. 19. three Companies end their Praifes to God with that fame Hallelujah, retaining the Hebrew in the Gree^ Text* The firft Company much People, verf f 1,2,3. dole their Praifes with Hallelujah. Secondly, The twenty fcur Elders, and four living Creatures, in the fecond Chore, clofe Amen t Hallelujah. Thirdly, Another great multitude, verf. 6. being commanded, give their Hallelujah. And as many of the Pfalms clofe with a Doxology, fo fome of the fcripturai Songs, as Exodus 1$. 18. Jfaiah 12.6. ifaiah 38.20. Haba^- tyift 3. 18, and 19. 1 Chronicles \6. 36. Now, as in the Old Teftamcnc the Lord had teached the Jews to clofe their Songs and Pfalms with a Doxolcgv, (for in them I find a Doxology about fourty eight times, ) foin the NewTeflament, feing it hath pleafed God to reveal Himfclf more fully th*n He was pleafed to do in the Old Teftament to the Jew 3 and make the* Doftrinc of the Trinity the badge of Chriflian Baptifmj, and that Doctrine being (0 much oppofed and blafphcmed by Jervs % Tu y ks and Heretic fa (hall it not then be lawful and expedient for the Chriflian, now the only Church of God, to clofe their Pfalms with fuch a Doxology as may not only be a confeflfion of their Faith lo that great fundamental of the Trinity, and foundation of Chriftlanity, buc ajfo todifcern the true Chriflian Church from the Jews Synagogue, who are now Lo-amwi and Lo-ruhamah t Hof. 1. 6*, 9. and fo diftinguifti them from all other Meetings who pretend to worfhip the true God, and arc but Antichrifiian Synagoguescf Satan, and Blafphemers of the glorious Trinity. The laft Reafon may be thus grounded, Amongft th£ ten feveral Names whereby God (in the OW Teflamcnt) hath been pleafed to dc« fun Himfelf, Jthovah Rlobim are the two chief : Flfrft, Jehovah is HIST £ff Dti nomtn Vropriutti Gods moA proper Name, mod JL M >, n ,, • im „^„ m n.,*» m often ufed in the Old Tertamenr, * * W H*' ("'« mT *? Hm " it comes from an Hebrew word thai *#' <*• 4-) nunqum itgiW cm fignlfies To Be, and fo Jehovah fig- f x » * m vel P'i*A tU u * ulu »* nies Gods Etfence and Being of ^ nunquam mutetu^nradics Himfelf, and the giving of Being n 71 quod idem cm nin j M t tft to all His Creatures \ therefore trit&ita Spirit us Santt us inter pi* Kxod.6.$. the Lord prefers His tatur, Apocal. cap. 1, verf 9, cp Name Jehovah to His other Name *} w ^ ozpyjpwo* httyz QKVftOM God Almighty, for this Name im- &m fignificat Dei effe, & txi(len« plyes Gods Almighty Power, to tentiam Deo ejfentia(tm f adeoqai. wit, Eljhaddai, but Jehovah im- aterntM) & $mnij tntis crenti can- portcth Gods infinite Perfections 5 K nhercforc 56 Tht Doxologj Approver*. therefore P/4//83. 1 8* God alone fativam, intflt, & mfervari, & tlkN i ' l ^"; * " ® Pfal l7' Names, to wit, Jehovah, which is ^57* u ' r " /^ fcMfa" *»»'*» *i/** of the Singular Number, for albe- c J?\ tttX duo nmin(L J eh <> vah E1 °" It often in the Old Teftamcnt God ^ mi ' Vi \ bl e ratla * initio ™»orkm defign Himfelf by other moe P^alogi,£^ Jehovah Elohim, N«*mes, as God Almighty, Lord of hinc ff 9 ut ^flm Pfalmis, ac aliis Hojis, Godoflfrael,Szc. yet moft ?> mn " * f"*f ?f> ? on r * ro 4 often He defigns Himfclf Jehovah l ?"" e J eho * ah £ oh . lm |W ?" ^««- EMrf», which is ordinarily ren- l W m V<* Pfalmi claufulam ad- dercd in the Bible, Lord God? 1 un f m > ad infinHandamfrnttiffim* For anfwerto the queftion pro- ^mutis glorificationem, vcr.gra. poned, generally it is this, That PfaIm x 44- verfult. beatitudmts albeit from thefe two words there P°P uU cu ! us Jehovah Vn 7N ;„ cannot be demonftratc the Unity hisDoxologiis tres funt notabiliores of the Godhead, and Trinity of (prima circa initium regni Dividis thePcrfoni by a convincing Ar- P^ mo Mbro Chronicorum cap. id. gument againft obftinate Jews and vtrf.%5. ubi Pfalmum in publicocetti 4ntitrinitarianRcreticki,yet from cUudit Doxologia bent di ft us Jeho- !t may be brought a probable Ar- v *h Elohim afeculo ufque infeculum gument to moderate and fober tm dixerunt totus populus, Amen* fpirited Chrlftians, to prove that 2 « Doxologia Jehovah Elohim eft mofis^hi other Pen* men" of the The Dokology 9sfpproven. Old Tefiament, who thernfclvcs undoubtedly did know the Myftc- ry of the Trinity, as Mofes,David 9 Jfuiih, &c. and therefore when they did fo often write thefe two Names of God together Jehovah Elohim, the firft being the Singular Number, the fecoHd the Plural, did thereby intimate the Unity of the Eflence in the Godhead with 57 primo libro Chron. tab. 29. ubi con* vocatis regni ordinihus, qui cum Davide aurum argentum* &c. lit Tempi* ftruciuram liberaliter obtule* runt % turn Dtvid bene dixit publice Jehovah Elohim, verf. n, &c. dtindt verf. 20. edixit David toti congregationi benedicite nunc Jeho- vah Elohim fie benedixerunt total congregatio Jehovah Elohim, bac the Trinity of Perfons \ therefore quidem Davidis, & congregations Parens on Gentfis, pag. 23. having bentdittio videtur abfque cantu Din difpute the queftion , at length obtata. 3. Davidis Doxologia fo- concludes, Ho godly Man will de- Umnior Jehovah Elohim videtur ny the probability of this reafen prorfus ultima jam mor/bundi inquit drawen from Elohim, joined with ' Tremeliius fanttam ipfius animaw Another word of the Singular "Hum- Deo reddentis, Pfal. 72. 18, 19. be- ber as it is here with Jehovah ; and nediElus fit Jehovah Elohim, v. I9. fo think the iveflminfter Synod & bentdittum nomen gloria ejus in Notes, on the firrt two words of feculum, impleawque gloria ejus Genefis, Elohim Bara, the firft tota tena, Amen & Amen, huic Elohim being in the Plural Num- Davidis Voxnlogiee ferapbim, Ifai. ber jovned with Bara in the Sin- cap»6- verf. p flantes clamabant gular Number, He did creat j and Trinitati Doxologiam ut fupra pro- that Mofes, and the reft of the batum e(i hujus traclatus pagini Pen-men of the Holy Scriptures in 47. pltna efl omnes terra gloria: the Old Tefiament did know this ejus ; quod quam belle refpondet &• Myftery, is out of queftion to the quafiimplet verb*Dwld\$ nempt im- Doftors, both of the Reformed pie f Grace made with Adam in Paradice, the feed oj the woman fbould tread down the head of the Serpent, which our blcfled Saviour was to the Saints in the Old Tcftamenr, as well as to us the mi, the Truth and the life, Joh. 14. 6. and the fame to day, yeflerday, and for ever, Heb.13.9, So that as the believing Jews and Church of God in the Old Tcftament, did believe the Doftrine of the Trinity (albeit we grant that that My- ftery of the Trinity was not fo clearly revealed to thefe Saints in the Old Teftamcnr, as it is now to us Chriftians under the New Tcftament) aflerted to them In many Teftimonies of Scripture •, fo they, reading and hearing the Hebrew Text, which was their Mother Language, and therein two Names of God fo often joyned together Jehovah Elobim, the one in the Singular, the other in the Plural Number, the Holy Ghoftand His Penmen did thereby Infinuateto them the Doftrine of^ the Sacred Trinity -, and according to this, in many of the Hebrew ' Pfalms, and feme Spiritual Songs, there is a Doxology to Jehovah Blobim, clofingthe Pfalm, to wit, thefe Pfalms following, 76,80,84, 90,92,99, 144, 146, and 1 Chron. 1 6. $6. and chap. 29. verf. so. and ¥\&U 72. verf. 18, »d 19. If then the Jew clofed many Pfalms with the Doxology to the blefled Trinity, /hall not the Chriftian, to whom the Myftery Is more clealy revealed, and in which he is baptized, and without which he cannot be faved, (for no Salvation without Chrift, Afts 4. 12. ) and he who denieth the Son hath not the Father, 1 John 2. 23. and as the HolyGhoft proceeds from the Father and the Son, Joh.i$.26. fo he who hath not the Spirit of the Father and Son dwelling Jn him is none of Chrifts, Rom. 8.9. therefoie the Jew, T^, and Xntitrinitaria* Hereticks, who are afhamed of the Name of Chrift ia this Life, Chrift will be adiamed of them when He comes in His Glory with His holy Angels, Mar^ 8. 38. But for us Chriftians, let us not be afhamed to believe and confefs to onr Salvation, and give Glory to Fa- ther, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and with that Doxology to clofe the Pfalm with it all our life, yea, alfo dole our days with it on the Death- bed, following the example t>f that fweet Singer of 'Jfrael, Ffal.72. which he fang at the clofe of his days, a Prayer for his fon Solomon, a Prayer full of comfort and faith in the Son of God, this Pialro he clofcs with The Doxology Afyrovzti. $9 with a Doxology to Jehovah Elohim, ver. 16. Bleffed be Jehovah Elohim, the God of l(r*c\ 9 and bleffed be His glorious Name for ever and ever, and let the wools Earth be filled with His glory, Amen, and Amen. So, as the Jeiv had their Doxology Glory to Jekovah Elohim for ever, and we have Elohim more clearly manifefted, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, then fhallic not be lawful for Chriftians to fiog Glory to Father, Sod* and Holy Ghoft for ever. For further clearing Jehovah Elohim y its intimating the Doftrine of the Trinity, as I have obferved in the Hebrew Text of the Old Tefta- menr, that thefe two Names of God when put together, efpccially ia the Prophets, are moft ordinarily ufed (although not always ) upon one of thefe two occafions, Firft, When the Lord is to difference and contradiftinguifti Himfelf from all falfe ^and Pagan gods, and then ordi- narily it is rendered in the Englifh Bible, the Lord my God, or thy God, or the Lord otfTfftd, or your God. Secondly, It is ufed when the Lord is giving to His Church (ome notable Promifcof a great Deliverance, ci- ther bodily or (piritual in the Miffiab, and fo an evaogellck Promifc, and both thefe ways Jehovah Elohim imimm* Trinity, for the Pagans, all confcfTcd a Deity, but none of them Trinity in Unity. As for affix- ing Jehovah Elohim to evangelick Promifcs in the OldTeftamcnt, it might be the moft proper Name to lafinuate a Trinity which was to be yet more clearly manifefted in the Gofpel ; were it not that I intend brevity, I could inftanceboth thefe, and clear them from many Scrip- tures in the Old Teftamcnt. CHAP. X. A Reafon given for finging fif Doxologie, fatisfaclorj for every chriflian , and that born in alfo upon the ma\ Qhriftian , by S flYong ral Reafon. a i m . ISupponedin the Preface, that theflrongChriftian and learned was fo clear in their judgement, of finging the Doxologie, that all the former Arguments I brought, was only for fatisfying of the weak \ and all thefe reafens arc well known to the learned ; but becayfe I know the learned does not any thing, efpecially in the matters of God, but that for which their Confcience is clear* and the warrand of their Conscience is the holy Word of God : and therefore the learned ia finging the Doxologie, are perfectly aftured that the fame is grounded upon the infallible Word of God, or deduced from it by clear and good €o The Ddxology Af proven] good confequeece, and they know Cum tenellk cbriHi Agnift & ** that the Ddxologie is of this nature; fermone juslitia imperitis ad ardua which reafon of the ftrong is thus progredi non exfediat at mditis framed, whatfocver is clearly law- in Cbrijlofortibus eft abmdi comper- fulfrom the light of Nature, and turn dottrinam evangelicam de the Word of God,that to the rcli- Cbriftiani certitudine propria fain- gious Chriftian Is lawful to do; tis a plurimis peffime abufam t$t but to fmg glory to God is clear namut Pontificii Recedunt averita- from the light of Nature, and from te ex una. part, it a Ecclefia refor- the holy Scriptures, therefore it is mat* pars maxima, fed peffima, re- lawful for the religious Chriftian cedunt a veritate ex alia parte y dum to do it. Firft, It is clear from nullus non impiorum crepat ufque ad the light ol Nature, becaufermny infaniam ipfttm effe certiffimum de learned Pagans, who had no more [uafalute : proinde ad bujus verita- but the light of Nature , did fmg tis exaftiorem invefiigationem & in holy Hymns of praife to their Verbo Dei trutinatione , proftfio- gods ; this is abundantly clear io res chriftianifmi funt primo divi- Humane Hiftory, and uodenyablr. dendi in vere credentes ad falutem, Secondly , The Holy Scriptures & in reliquos profitentes {idem ore, ire full of it, efpecially the Book fed non endentes corde , quibus ta- rt the Vfalms, commanding us to men contingit fides dogmatica,hifjto- fing praifes to God; now this rica, vet littralis facrarum Scrip- proves infallibly the general , that turarum in qua fide Sat anas pra- It is lawful to fing glory to God .- omnibus impiis excelht , attamen Which Conclufion being proven, I vere credentibus folis y at non om* make up a fecond Reafon, and nibus certitudo falutis contingit, rakes the proven Conclufion for itaqtie jmt fubdividendi in fortes the Major 3 and I reafon thusjtis & infirmos , infirmis in fide certi- unqueilionably lawful to fing glory tudo falutis non contingit, quia ob to God, I ailume, God is Father, dtfeftum cognitionis Scripturarum Sob, and Holy Ghoft; then it is nonpoffunt refleElere in fnos actus fi- unqueftionably lawful ro fing Glory dei & alia fidei, 7W/.v$ta , qua to Father, Son, and Holy Gboft, funt Dei or din aria media Chriftia- and if any think themfelvesflrong, num ad certitudinem falutis pro- and being under prejudice, are vebentia , & in farticulari infir- not fatisfied with this reafon , I m/is Cbrifiianns in cognitione puer would ask them if their Infant- nequit colligere fuam certitudinem Baptifm was not an aft of lawful fyllogiftice, boccine quicunque ere* Wor/hip, and done in faith of the diderit in cbrifiumfalvabitur , at Miniftcr that Baptized , and of ego credo in Cbriftum , ergo ego fal- their Parent that required and re- vabor nam infirmus in fide licet pof- ceived that Sacrament ft>r their fit ditere ego credo idque vere jfr ufe; in both which I judge the fincere tamennon cum ijla certitu* Minifter confecrat and admini- ftrat The Doxohgy Atyrovtn. €\ fint the Sacrament lawfully , and dine fuptr quam poffit fundari cmi- their Parents lawfully received tudo condufionis , & fit cum con* them from the Lavcr of Regenc- clufio ftquatur dtbiliorim partem, ration , and yet I would gladly infirmi conclufto non certo eonclu- know from thele that arc not con- dit ipfi certitudinem falutis, proin tent with Tinging the Voxologie, folus fidelis fortis in fide cirtitu- becaufe it is not exprefs in 5crip- dintm fulutis adipifcitur, nee bi ture, that the Chriftian fmgglory o'mnts nam non pauci in fide for* to Father, Son, and Holy Gboji, Us btri\ bodie incidunt in fligi- why then do they not rcjeft their tium fcandalofum confeientiam vaf* Infant-baptifm becaufe it is not tantemprotinus, & moraliter 5 & exprefs in Scripture Baptise in- judicialiter, btfterna ctrtitudo fa- fants, but well proven to be law- lutis evanefcit quid quod alius non. ful by neceffary conftquence from minus in fide fortis heri, incidit in Scripture, which with the uni- deli quium folaminns bodie cum]o- ▼crfal Church we think a fuffici- bo, quod non fuit caufatum pec- ent ground for Infaot-baptifm. cato flagitiofo *, Jed ob alios fines; And what is the caufe that Anti- juflo, & Sanfto Deo cognitos , & pedobapti(ls have fallen in that er- in Scbolis Ibeologorum obfervatosi ror , and fepjrac ftom the true Quod ad Cbrijlianos non credentes Church? Even becaufe they were ad \xlutem, eft certo certius eorum too deep in that opinion, that ne- nullum certitudinem falutis adipif ceflary confequence horn Scrip- ci. Ettamenbosjubdividimus in turc Is not fufficient warrand for bjpocritas Scrifturarnm fciolos, & an aft of religious Worfhip , of profanos in fltgitiisvj>lutantes % bo- which error ye would be aware, rum uterque jaftat certitudinem ft- left it draw you into other grear- lutis, ad diverfo modo , flagi- cr errors rhen you are aware of. tiofus dum jaftat certitudinem pro- 2. What exprefs Scripture had pria \alutis, novitje mentiri y athy- Rabab to receive the Spies , con- poor it arum multi afjerunt & ali- ccal them, and fend them away qualiter gaudtnt in ceriimdini fafely, Jo[hua 2. 9. &c. Heb. 1 1. falutis , quorum error ejl prafum» 31. Jam. 3.2$. AH which that ptionis -, nam quod ad minor em flie did in Faith, is proven clear- fy llogijmi ( Ego credo ) fibi ip* ly from thefe quoted Scriptures, fis imponunt, mm vete opinantur then her faith was good, and ac- fe credere, licet eorum fides non ceprable to God, albeit only built fit accepta h Deo adfalutem, proin- on good conlequcnces from Scrip- de inferunt conclufionem ego faU cur c vabor aqualiter prafumptuofam , 3. I ask of you John who comes cum affumptione, qui bjpocrit* in to Church , and Communicats, fua affumptione ego credo menu- taking the Lords Supper, whether tiuniur Logice , fed non Ethice. your worfhip be in faith, which I Qbrifitinis ittqut fie diyifis& A fc charity fuppoa it U $ but where b 6i The Doxology Ap^roven. is your exprefs warrand in your jubdivifis in claffes tor urn pars Bible, you fohnjuch a man, come multo minim/, fed tamen optima and worfhlp, and take the Lords certitudinem proprie (aim is acqui- Supper as the pledge of your fal- rit , nmpt jolummodo fortts & in yation ? Thcfe words are not to cognitione Scripturarum , Fide & be found in the whole Scripture, Sandtifieatione itaqut ab hac ctr- why then dare ye come to worfhip titudine removentur non folium flx~ and take the holy Sacraments ? • I githfi & hypocrite quin & Agni \ think ye will or fhould anfwer, Cbrifti tenelli qua tales quin &for- becaufe in the exprefs Word of Us in fide aut fub deliquio gra- God there is a general invitation ; tia fanciificantis, aut gratia fola- Come to me all ye that labour, and minis. dre heavy laden> and- 1 "will give you Hispofitis inter eruditos videtur reft , Mat* 1 i. 28. From which banc queJlionem p$ffe agitari num jit gracious general invitation I fup- piijpbiU, autfalltm probabile clri- pon ye affume in fmcere and good slianum pofle effe certum de ft a faint ft Confcience I John am heavy loa- & eundem non effe certum de hac den, and labours to be freed of veritate> bonum esi& IxPtJit Cbri* my burden by all the good means siianum p[ailere Doxologiam Pairi Appointed by God preparatory to filio & fpixitui fincio> ratio dubi*. that holy Sacrament, which if you tationis eslhac^ probavimus nullum can truly affirm in the fight of Cbri[iianum habere certitudinem pro- God, then I dare affure you in the vria falutis nifi in cognitione religi- Nime of Jefus that your worfhip- ofafcripturarum y in fide, &funfti- ping, and communicating is in fie atione for tern: atvix tUvtrif- faith, albeit you have not exprefs mile banc fort em chriftianum acqui- warraBd in your Bible for you fiviffe artitudinem propria fil:ais y fuch an one by name to commu- qua Veritas est difficillima acqui- nicate. fitu quia multum txcedit lumen c\ly. You John believes to be natura y & folum fundatur in lumine fay^d, but no cxprefle warrand gratia.at hac Veritas Deus eftlicite have you in your Bible, that you hjmno glorificandus Fater, Filius % Jdbniuch a one /hall befaved.yet & Spiritus Sanclus hac propofnio I fuppon with you in charity, your non folum fundatur in bimintferip- Aft of Faith to be allowed, and turarum, & gratia , fed etiam in accepted of God, and to be com- lumine natura, ut prqbatumesi. fortableto your Soul , for I fup- Alia ratio probans ctrtitudinem pone It well grounded on the falutis effe vtritatem acq ui fitu Word of God, His Promife, and difficiliorem quam em pradiftam Command, whofoever believes in de Doxologia hac tfl plurimi qui* Chrifl (hall be faved, John 5. 16. bus nunquam contingit certitudo and John 6. 40. But I John fuch a vera falutis quia impoffibilis at tx one believe in Jefus Chrift, there- eifdm non pauci qui callent finfum fwc I John fach a one /hall be fav- ' * edj The Doxologjl Approve*?. ble,alrogether & de fua falute inctrti idem eft but deducedfrom thcScriprurc by nempe Dtum Patrem. Filium. & Spi- infallible confequence , I could ritum San6tum\ nam )uftificatus proceed further in this poinr,buc credit in Deum toto corde, Pa* Y *m z becaufe rhe Bib:s are nor able to Filium & Spiritum S'nclum* & in bearic, and rhe Learned are fully Cbrislum QiMfyoTrov fibi falvator>m 9 clear in th?s Truth, I fhall not in- at hypocrita credit effe Deum turn* fi/r, and thefe who will not aflenc que effe Patrem y Filium. & Spiri- tot^e Truth, the defeft is in turn Sanctum, & Scripturas Dei themfclvcs, and not in the Truch, Vtrbum effe veras, at neutiqutm ere* for Children, fo long as they are dit in Deum. ?at Y em % FUium^ & fuch, will think, fpeak and under- Spiritum San 61 urn , & in ctyris'ium ftaad as Children, for which the faluwem fidei juftificante co* : Puri- ftrong Chriftianfhou d ootdefpitc ficante, rcnovante, & ip r umDco in the Babes, but confidcr they were chriflo vinculo Spiritus Sintli in once Babes themfelves, and 00 o£tanum anient e hypocrite fides eft the other hand, the Children L fhould ** #4 Th* Doxology Approve*?. ftould not prefume, nor overvvcan more fptculativa in cerebro fluftu* the ■•• fclves, nor judge uncharitably ans at credentis ad falutemin cnrde of the firong, bur that they fmg radicatapiequt fiducialis &pracli- the Doxologvin F ith ; ground- ca. cd-orf-ir Hrong Scripiu al Conie- qoVnce, as when the weak ChrifHan takes his Sacrament, and I rc^ueil the weak Chnttian to think fobe'rly of himfelf ; when David a Man according to Gods own heart, faid in finceriry, Pfalm 131. 2. I have quitted my felj as a child that is weaned 6j his mother, aod if ye will wfk wrurein he lo behaved, he tells you himlelf he did not alpireiii rhinus too high for him. If every ChrifHan would do fo, there would be more peace in the Church. CHAP. XL The R'afins why the General Afftmbly was not in power to Uj afjd* the D *xologs, proving thti- gfdt rtluftancy to their own deed , with fe- ver al othtr circumstances alleviating the} arh fcUrry two Stf- fi ns mentioned id the Index of the imprinted Afrs thereof, but the lay ng aftdcof the Doxology is not mentioned in the Printed Ads of that Aficmbly, n^r yet in the index of the Imprinted Afts, there- fore , feing rhere is no mention in the Rtgifter of the Church, to prove toPofierity, that the Doxology was laid afide , it may put fame to demurr in that affair, feing rherc is no leg*! proof of it txtanr. $ti!j. I anfwer, though the laying afide of the Doxology was res gefia % yet feing there is not a word of it in the Regifier of the Church, the laying of it afide, will come under the Notion of an unwritten Tra- dition to Pofterity, $dly. I anfver, Thic it is to beconfidered whe- ther or not the G'.nerjll Aflf mbly was in poteflate, and had lawful! power to lay afide the Doxology, for in their National Covenant, they gam their Religion as rcform-d , at the firft expelling of Idolatry, and was Ratified in Parliament, in Anno Dom. 1560. And it's Con- feflion of Faith to be Chrifts true and perfeft Religion that they fhal adhere to it all their dayes , to which they bind themfeives with Solemn 2nd fearful! Curfes > butfo it is, That ac the (aid Reformati- on, in the Lvturgy then appointed , and Printed, at the beginning of the pfalm Book, G'ory to the Father, and to the Son y and to the Holy Ghost, as itwasintbe beginning % is now, and aye fhtll U(l,M cxwnt in Tie l^ovology Apprdvet?l 6$ in Prim} yci, in that Pfalm Book of he Church of Scotland of the oldE^iri^n, there is great vjriery of the Mectcr Pocfies and left any of them having their diverfe Tune mould want the Dox^'ogy fung at the clo(e of it, each or thefe diverfe Pocfies have a divert Dox- olo^y one in fub^ance with rhe ordinar Doxologw bur « iff^rin^ in (ome words, be lug frame i to be fung according to rhe particular mu- fica! Tunes all which Doxo'ogies were in ule in the Church of Sen' land after the Reformation, which Book is yet tx r ant Printed at Ah* Ann tnm privilegio , in Anno Dom. 1638. So that the National Covenant compared with our frft Rtformari»n engadgeth us in ail Scotland, not to quite the Doxnlogv. under the pain of peijurv 5 as for rhar fore- faid Lvurgy of Scotland , which was Prnred , and bound in wlhrhe Pfalw Book , it was drawn up by the General Afiembly, Anno Dom* i$6o. and 1^5 and 1567. TheFourh Anfwer, The General Aflcmbly, 1*39. AuguH go. Which day, thir Affemblv hath enafted, thus, the GenFil Affemhlf dering, that the intended Rjomatinn being recovered, may he eUabltfh- ed -, O'dains, that no Innovation, which way diflirbe the peace gj it. Church, and m^ty divifiw, be fnddenly proponed* or enafted but jo as the motion be fi-jl communicat to the feventl Synoas* Vresbf.ri's, and ■ Churches , that the matter may be approven by all at home* and Commis fl- ows may cme melt prepared , unanimously to conclude with fettled deliberation ufontbefi points* in the general Afcmbh : Which Aft of Aflcmbly, as it was prudently made, lb accordingly printed there- after, for io the General Afleonly, Anno Dm. 1641. Angufl 6. There are four Overtures Printed with trie Afts of that Afiembly to be ad- vifed by Prefbyrers againft rhe next Aflcmbly -, So that 'his laudable Aft was carefully obeyed in other things, but not fo in. laving afide the Do--:ology: For it was done abruptly, without the koowledge,jor ad- vertifement of particular Church s, Prefhytrics orSyoods, wholhould' have been acquainted before, snd canvafted the marter 3 before any thing had been determined in the General Aflem >ly anenr the Doxolo- gy , and the la\ing of it afide, which was an innovation fuddenly pro- poncd, and inftantiy pafied to the dffcom forming divifion of them- felves from all tranfmarin Protefhnts, yea, and from t&e univlerfal Church. Fifthly, Id the Solemn League and Covenant of Scotland and Eng'and, approven bv the General Aflcmbly of Scotland^ Anno. Dom. 1645. Augult if. In thefaid League and Covenant , with hands lif-cd up to the mofl high God, they fwearfrocerclv , and conilamly to end jv r the prefervation of the Reformed Religion in the Chutch of So 'and in Worfhip ( but then the Church of Scotland in rhcir Wo;fh pdid fing the Doxology,^ to endeavour the R? formation of Reli ion in tngltnd and Ireland In Worfhip, &c. according to the Example of the L 2 beft 66 7he Doxofcgy x^pproven. be: Reformed Churches but then, and to rjiisday the beft Reform- ed Churches did ufe ? ard lillufe rheDoxolog in the Worfhip of Gu<3, 6i is o oe fee n in rhc particular t'falm B oks, ia Hdvetia, Ge- nevd y France and H«( land, &c. Here in the Solemn League and Co- ventor , are two tycs on the Covenanters in both Nations to ufe the Doxology. # Sixt»ly, The feme G neral Afiembly Anno Dm. 164$. A f -er their approbation of he League and Covenant , in their Anfwcr to 'he Sy- Dcd 01 Divines in England Auguft 19 Writ thus, That mmay be more clojtly wutdto the tieii Reformed Chu^bes in mrfhip, &c. Bur foitwas, •thacS otland. and the btfi Reformed Churchr 5, dm then, and to this day u(e the Dox»logy, and in another Ltter of the laid AiTembly, to the Parliament of England . they vvrit thus, That the Purpofe , arj End c) 'b? League and Covenant, is > jor fitting , and holding ]aii 0] Unity and Unformity betwixt the Churches 0) this Ifland, and tot bi\t Reformed Courches beyond Sea; bur ill trvfr Churches bc\ond Scjs , did then, and ftilidots r o this day fingrhe Doxology , then furely the Church of Scotland^ even after their taki* g the League and Covenant, as it did tye them to keep rhe Doxology, fo »hcy fincerely purpoied to keep It, and their pi fticc was conform, Seventhly, The General AiTembly, Anno Vom. 164$ Feb. 9. pofl merid. SJj. o By their Ad, they etiablifh the putti g J n xecuti- on the Directory, notwir* nandisg, in the clofc of tha- Aft, they difTent from England cxpr< fl. in two particulars, anrnr me mjnner of givin? the Lords Supper. As alfo Sefi. )6. 0\ xhr Aflcmbly. they freely diffen from the u'eftmin f ier ^nod, in other two particulars as alfo, they provide, that this fhall be ro prejudice rothe Order and Practice of thi* Church , in fuch pinicuais as reappointed by the Books of Di(cipline,and Arts of General Adembli^s, and are no o her- wife ordered and appointed in thr Directory : And 'his A ft is not only to be U -mid Printed in the General Afleiibly, Anno 164$ But alfo thefaid Di tctory was Printed at Edinburgh, in the (aid Yeir, by Order botn ot Church ai*d State , and the fortfaid Act of the General AiTembly of Scotland Printed , and prefixed it- Now among thefe particu ars, ia which tie Church of Scotland pre- fervcth her Right, and protefls timoufly , notwirhfianiingthe De- reftory, and wherein thr Direftor> harh not appointed o'herwayes, the fingina-of the Doxology , and the ordin^r manner of Blcffin? the Lords People', at rheclofe of the PuMick Worfhip are two; tor ei- ther of which arc particularly ordered in the Directory contrarily,as for tie Doxology, no mention to fing it . or *ot tofingit. 2dly. For the bl.iimg of the Congregation, thefe are their Words, Let the Minister difvifstbe Congregation rtitk a folemn bi sftng, but no particu- lar word of a Dircitory, mentioning uther the bleffmg in the" Old Tefta- The Doxolrgy Jpproven. 67 Tcftaroent , Kumb. 6. 24, 25 Or in tfie New Teftament, 2 Corinth. 13. 14. As they arc bo h m c ri ned in their rxprefs words, in our Scots Lyurgy, ac our R formation -, pag. 29 As alfo the faid Scots Lyrurgy harh hr D^xoiOjiy Pri-edinrhc P/a/w E^ok , fo that both from the N noial Covenant , ^nd Solemn League *nd Covenant from many Actso* General Aficmblies , and Letters °t thc frfd Affttubly, it is without doubt. and notour,that the Church of Scotland, when they ad ad.e the DoxoIokv , wtrc no uayes in power to do it, but on the concrarc, by both Covenants , and many other previous Oaths of thchr ovn, obliged Hill to retain it. and nut by quirting of it, fofaras to have made a Schifm from the R forced O urches, wi0,ircre is a Rule in the Word cf God, whether ye eat, or yt drinl^ do all to the glory oj God, Then every Church Aft fhould be done to the Glory o! God, then the rcnor of this Church Aft n u«t come to this, for rhi GWvof God, we lay afide tinging Glory to God Faihcr S n, an<< HMy Ghoft, this is a hard laving, and like a Paradox Foj hi that rethpraile , glorifrth me, Plalm 5013* idly. Corfidcr rh r t> t A mi^hry ran, and dots make Lawes to His Creature, ?nd H s W'M and infu ir G<>odnefle is a (ufficient RcafoD to Him, flat pro ratione voluntas, but Men bo;hin Church and State, thty ni .heir Laws bbfh are (nbj o to Ccnfure^nd control of thjSu- preart Lavs giver, ar,< therefore Mens Laws nrciinarly have a Rational Narra ivr on which they are ounned tor all rood Laws, are found* ed up- n good R rafoqs and R aforabie Men mould be led by reafoo- able Lj s, ep cially vvh n hey are invalidating one former Law, or Decree- not ou' ot u-.e, or forgotten ; bur ufed for many Years, with approbation ye.?, even to rhat very hour ; Then this Law required a verv crave and weighty Nhrrative, but the Aft for laying afide the Doxoiogy, ha noluch Parional Narrative, and in fo far, it is invalid -dit, from having th efTtnri^l ot an Afl. for it is like, they could no: have a rational Ni.ra v- furir, therefore, it was the prudency of the General Afirmbly, to bu y in filer ce both the Act, and it% Nir- ra r iv ; Thii fhc s their un^illingnefs to the r hing, and thereloref hope rhere may th- rather an Aft of Oblivion, or rcfciliory paflfe upon their iTprin^rdLAcl. Thiialy % Wc challenge the Roman Church, chit they lean too much to 6B the Dexology Appirwn, to unwrkren Traditions, bur I fear they may retort the Argument tfpon us, that fome of the Reformed Church, adhere »oo much to unwritten Tradition, for the lay in afide of fa- finding of the D Xolo- gy , is not in the Word of God, nor in any Aft of the Church , and therefore, ifthere^ be any unwritten Tradition, owned by the Re- formed Church, this mutt be it ', For why, fome peop e make as much dinn, and reluftancf , rofmg the Doxology, as fome of the Roman Cnurchdoes, for keping of their unwritten Trad?' ions. 4. No particular Church in this or that Kingdom ruth power to change any thing in the Publick Worfhip of God without the confene of the Supream Civil Magistrate ^ aumble not at this, for it is the Doftrine of the Church of Gene- va* (*) vwbo alio require the (a) Tbefes G.nev. Bezse, Anno confent of the flock, as needful, Dom. n%6 cap. 84 T«tf. 18 ha- which wa^grante by theGeneral rum denique Ugum & [latuendarum Aflembly of Scotland, 1639. and & tollendaruw poteftas ordinaria' yet in laying afide the Ooxologie & legitima nequit a paQoris unius without the fore-knowledge or arbitrio neque a folius alicujus Pref-' confent of their flocks, they went bnerii judiciopendere fed acceden- contra rv to their owq Aft , and te chiftiani Magi$*a r us confenfk alfo contrary to the Canon of the & author it ate cum denique & Qhurch of Geneva, for the Church comprobante grege ifla vtl pom* of Geneva very orderly requires vel aboleri debenu the content of the Magiftra e, and his Authority to any fuch innovation, but foit was that the confene of, the Magiftrate, fo far as we en learn, was not 3t all requred to the laying afide of the Doxologie^ and far lefs was ic obrained. And if that Aft of the Gen ral Aflembly, 161,9 Auguft 30. had been obeyed, to wit, that the faying afi le of the D xoUgie had firft been debated in Synods and Presbyteries, b fore !t had been prelenred to the General /^ffemblv, 1649 fconfidering the many reafons which I have brought, which judicious Presbyters would hive made ufe of) \\ \s very pro- bable to me that the General Affemblv forefaid had ret ined the Doxo- logie, notwithftandingof fome in England v\ho defired to lay it afide, and fo they had difiented in the matter of the Doxoiogie from thefe in England, as well as they diffewed from them in other particulars of far lefs moment, notwithftanding thty fo much wifhed union* $. Having proven by many reafons the invalidity of laying afide the Doxoiogie, vet becaufefome weak Christians have been ready to think that the General AiTemby in the year, 1640 did lay afide the Daxo- Ugie in the Publick Worfhip of God, becaufe they thought it unlaw- fultoufeit: Foranfwer, it is a very uncharitable thoughr to Judge of any Minifter of the Gofpel, and fuch as were members of the Ge- neral Affembly, or theft PivJne* in England^ that they were fo groflc- ly The Dnxology Approver. 69 ly Ignorant as ro think the fingii.g cf the Doxologit unlawful, a: That the Gen rjl AiTtmDlvnoroolv though' it not ut lawful (tor then they would h-v 1 i 1 ir afide wilhng'y, and rcgiftrat rheir deed in the Book ngie in Family Worfhip, acknowledging thar the Aflem- b ^ did onl\ la\ it afide in lublick V* orfhip. to plcafe fome Brcrhrens def.rc- in England, but the laying ot it afide in Families was not intend- ed b re 5\nod 7. When tht King* Majcfty returned home , and Church affairs were U tied, and the Doxologit with hi* M> jetties exprefs confent rc- afltimed, and put in practice again, then thefe Minifters who were prefenr in that Aflembly, 1649. and the reil of the Miniflers in Scot* land* who had all lutamitted tor laying it afide for a rime, left they (fcould Teem contentious, did more willingly re-af[ume it, then they Md it afide. „ <% 8 Thefe a:ed Minitters who are yet alive, ( for it is now 33/years pait) cantefiifie, that tharGeneral Aflembly, 1640 were far from any fcruple, or thoughrs of judging that the Doxologit was unlaw- ful. o. In rhe General Aflembly, 164$. Stff.i$. theyenaft, that the Minifies bowing in the Pulpit ( although a lawful cuttome in this Church ) be hereafter laid afide, for fatisfaftion of the defires of the Reverend Divines of the Syrod of England, and for uniformity wirh that Church (o much endeared, to ns : that then the General Aflembly declare rhfir bowing in the Pulpit a lawful cuttomr, then much more did they think fo of rhe Doxologie, for rhefinging of rhe Doxologit is of much moment, it being occifioned upon a mod weighty confedera- tion, to wit the fircngrhnirg of Chriftians againft the damnable here- fie of rhe Arian^ which herefie was not onlv damning, buc alio thefe Hereticks *t\ iviry, and bloody cruelty ( when they got power in their hands ) did rhreaten the utter fu^verfion of the true faith nfthf' Church otChriff, therefore theuniverlal CI urch fp e^d to the ends of the earth, have ever fincc unanimouflv kept the prafiicc of the Doxo- Ugiu 8. Their JO The Doxologf Approver. 8* Their laying afidc of the Doxologie wouid appear not to have been done cordially, bur btcaufe of the importunity of rhefein Eng- Und % for albeic thev had received the Directory, Anno Dom. 164$. at which time theie in England left the Doxolugie , who had imbraced theDireftoryi ycc fy all that impor uniry from England, the General Aflcmbly of Scotland did not lay afidc the Dnxologie until Augu^i, 1649. and when it was mentioned by the Moderator of the General Aflembly to be bidafide, Mr. David aide wood, an aged m, vvho had once with Scotland tak n the League and Covenant, and now had broken it in all its fix Articles, and we'ehinderers of the work of Reformarion in Eng'avd *, and the General Aftembly, Anno 1649. Sefl. 27. wrir, that now rheScftuiesin England were the prevailing party, who had fub- verted the Government, and appointed a vaft toleruion in England. As for thefe Brethren in England vvho requeued the Genital Af- fembly in Scotland to lay afide the finging of the Dox logie , no doubt they had takeo the League and Covenant , and on this account are cal- Icd Brethren ; but in that Covenant they did folemnly vow and fwear to Almighty God to reform Religion according to the beft reformed Churches 5 but all the reformed Churches have ftill retained the Doxo- logie, why then did not thefc Brethren in England fe ar that Oath, the mr\oftki truly godly, EccL 9. 2. And if any would thus excufe them, that they were perl waded bv fuch flrong reafons as thev thought libe- rate them from their Oath, in regard of finging the Doxologie , I an- fwer, grantin? that itispoflible they had fuch thoughts, asmav be in charity fupponed : To which I reply, If thev had , as they thought, fuch ftrong reafons convincing themfelvcs, then they were bound to impart that new and rare light unknown to the unircrfal Church for more The DtxoJogy Approver. 7 1 .nore then 1300. years, they fhould have imparted that fpiritual gifr, and not hid that talent of knowledge in their Napkin, nor fee their Candle under a Bufhel, but on a Candlcttick, to give light to all the houfe, not only of the reformed, but even of the universal Church* 2. It may bethought that they were obliged to clear themfclves of giving offence in feparating from the Reformed Churches, contrary to their Covenant, and quitting the Doxologie without fo much as ren- dering one rcafon for their making a breach from the reformed Churches in their uniformity in Worfhip, which they did (wear in their Covenant. I amalfoforry that with their quitting of the Doxologie, thefe in England did alio quite both the folemn bleffings in the Old and New Tefiament which the Reformed Church ufeth in theclofingof the pub- lick Worfhip thatthe^ would neither give God his due, nor his peo- ple ; not him his folemn glory, nor them their folemn blefling , and fo they have not left a blefling behind them, and ir is lh|e their way hath not been the more bieflcd in their deed : for as their laying afide of the Apoftolick blefling, 2 Cor 13, 14. (which Text the univerfal Church taketh for one of the chic f Texts in the Word of God for prov - ingthe great fundamental point of faith of the Sacred Trinity ) So the univerfal Church had made ufe of the Doxologie thefe many hundred years bygone, as a ftrong preservative againft feducing of people to er- rour anent the Trinity. As for the General Aflembly of Scotland, as they pioufly, and pru- dently, in thefe unfettled and reeling times, retained both thebleflings of the Old and New Tefiament in their Publick Worfhip, with the reft of the reformed Churches: Soft was a good prefage that in the Lords gcod time they would re-afturne and ting fclory to the blcffed Trinitv with the reft of the reformed and univerfal Church, as now they do ac this day , for which we give glory to the blcfled Tri- nity. CHAP. XII. C H A V. All. T\mt invalid Scr 'u pie anfweredj bscaufe the Doxologie is not to be found gttbtr in m place of Scripture^ and tbt conveniency of finging it THe Apoftle Paula a good PjAqt pro^cfleth he became all thing* to all men 9 that by all means be might favt fome % 1 Cor. 9. 22. So J am Informed that fomc Christians weak in knowledge, becaufe the General Affembly for a time did lay afide the Ooxologic , therefore they in an ignoraut miftakc thought it unlawful to be fung -, and they M arc 72 The Doxology Approve??* are promovec* in that crrour upon this weak reafon,becaufe the Doxo* logie is not exprefs in continued Scriptures , as the Pfalms of David are: I anlwer, firft, It a Preacher whom they like well Preach, or Pray, or Praife God in Profe, or without a Song, although neither of thtfe three, their Sermon, Prayer, or Prai(e, be exprefs Scripture, but only according to Scripture ( and I heartily wifh it be al waves foj then without all icruple they joyn in thefeas parts of Gods Worfhip, when neither that Sermon, Prayer, or Praife is the exprefs Word of God* bur if we praife God with a Tone, or Song, it muft either be in the Plalms oiDavid^ or elfe it is an abomination to them : But doth not the Apoftle commancTto praife God in Pfalms , hymns , and ffiri- tualSo*gi, Eph. §. 19. In which place the Learned dare not exclude am Hymn, or fpiritual Song in Scripture, and we have proven already the DoKulogie to be of this nature. 2. I infwer, whereas they fay nothing fhould be fung in Publick Worfhipbu exprefs Scripture, then let them be pleafed to learn this tfuth, that the Pfalms which they fing in Meeter or Verfe , are but a Paraphrafe, or fhort Commentary upon the Scripture for no Church nor Divine rejects the exprefs Word of God, but for Paraphrafe it is ordinary to rejeft one, ?nd authorize another, as the Church finds ex- pedient; and thus the General Aflembly of Scotland rejc&ed the old Paraphrafe of the Pfalms, as not fo fit as need were in fome things s and caufed make a new Paraphrafe in Meetcr , and authorized it to be u^ed in Churches, therefore no Paraphrae is the exprefs and pure Word of God, fo they are in a mil take Tinging an imperfect Commen- tary of mans making when thry think they are tinging the pure Word of God, and yet >ou fing it, without fcruple of Conference 5 then I rea- fonthat any judicious Chriftian understanding that ail the parrs of the Doxologie^rc either expefs Scripture, or fo infallible Divine funda- mental and faving truth, that they have .been received without fcruple • drcbiitradiftion thefe 1500. years by the univerfal Church-, fo that all that time not one Chriftian did carp at any one word of the Doxo- logie % but as for the Paraphrafe in Meecer upon the Pfalms, as that old Is rejected for its faults, fo fome do ob je& and carp at fome words and li?res in the new Paraphrafe, which ye fing without fcruple \ fo that by confequence a learned and judicious Chriftian will fing the Doxo- !ogie with more ciearnefs and contentment then fome lines of the new Paraphrafe, although I think that Ijft Paraphrafe acy defect in -it is compatible to the peaceable and moderate Chriftian ; for this I write , not that any mould rtjeft the late Paraphrafe, but that they who ac- cept of the Paraphrafe do not defpife or rejeft the Doxologie. . 3«\ !. anfwer, In our Pfalm Books in Scotland^ printed fhortly after the Reformation'' from Popery, we alfo printed with the Pfalms fome fpftfo*al Songs and holy ffymovvith liberty to fing them in the Church ; So The Doxolegy Apprevttt. 73 So the Church of Geneva, reformed Church of France and the Church of Belgia, have printed together with their Pfalms of David many Scriptural Songs and holy Hvmns, and hive authorized thdhi to He ung in the publick Worfhip of God, with the Loids Prayer. Ten Com- mandments, and the Apottolick Creed, all turned in Meeter. atid fuogin the Church j and dare any in Britain, who own the name of Procefiant, condemn this practice of the reformed Church be\ond Seas, without the deferved reproof of Ignorance, Pride and Pcrverf- nefs j therefore Mr. Baxter in his Method of Peace of Conscience pa<\ 4 1 r. writes thus, In my weak judgment, if H>mns and Pd'ms of Praife were new invented as fit for the ftate o the Gofpel Church and Wor* flifp, to laud the Redeemer come in the Flefir as expresh as the work of Grace is now exprefs : As Davids Pfalms were frrrd to the former ftate and infancy of rhe Church an^ more obfeure Revelations of the Mediator and His Grace, it would be no finful hum n; invemlpp, or addition, nor anv more want warn rid then our invm'irg 'he form and words of every Sermon we preach, or every Prayer that we make, or any Citechifm, or ConfefTionof Faith r nay it feems of fo great ufe- fulnefs, as is next to a nectffity, and if there be any convenient parcels of the ancient Church that are fit- ted to this ufe, they fhould dc- Petrus Martyr Comment, in quin- (ervcdly be preferred, for doubt- turn caput Judicnm v*i. §4. en- Icfs, if Gods ufuil folemn Worfhip randum nt in templis qutvis pro- on the Lords days were firmed and mifcue canantur f d ilia '.antummodo direfted to a pleafant delightful qua divinis Uteris continents, aut praifmg way, ic would do very qua indt juflis conclufiorJbus clici* much to frame the fpirirs of Chri- untur,& cum ve y bo Dei ad amiufium titans to joyfulnefs, thankfulnefs, confentiunt : nam [ijeneftrainventis. and delight in God, than which hominum aperiatur, vertndum efi nt there is no greater care for the mufica ecclefiafiica tandem ad nugas doubtful, penfive, and felf-ror- &\abulasri r idat, at approta? Hytn- menting frame of fome Chriftians : nos Ambrofii cani in Templis Symbo+ O try this Chrifiians,at the requeft lum Athanafii & Pfalmos Auguftin? of one who is moved by God to contra Donatiftas. importune you to it, lfa. 58. 14. Tnou {hall delight thy felf in the i.o*d, compare this with zepb. g. 17* The Lord-will rejoice over thee with joy, he will rest in his leve, he will re joyce over thee with finging. If it be objected that the Doxology is defective, bcaufe ir cxprcfieth not the unity of the Eficnce in the Godhead with the Trinity of the i'erfons, to wir, that we do not exprefs glory to God Father. Son, and Holy Ghoft I to which I anfwer, firft, That it is beyond all quc- flion that thefc three Perfons Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, are one . glorious God, aad fo all true Chriftians from the rifing of the Sun to its M 2 going ^4 The Doxology Approver?. going down, do firmly believe and unanimoufly profeft, therefore to flog it after that manner, no doubt were Orthodox * then ye will urge, why was it not fo appointed at firft to be fung in Churches ? for anlwcr to which queftion,I perceive that thewzftminfterSynod in theirDireftory, AzinoDom 1645. for Baptifm, have appointed the Sacrament of Bap- tiim to be adminiftrate in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, without adding one word more, albeit they did well know and believe that thefc three are one God, which no doubt they have done, following clo(s to the example of that great cloud ofWirnefles,to wit,theUniverfal.and particular^ the'reformedChurches, leii othrrwife they had prejfume$ to teach our Saviour, who h the rvif- dom of the Father, tofpc :k better and more full Divinity. And this leads us co the chief Ec cleft a. ariliquA fideyn yam in ins perfinas dhinas q fde* que trinitatis Doxologiam Jupa chnfli verbis baptifm. 'is tccura- tius ]unda r unt f j Con- ftantinop. fecund! acumen. & ab Ecrlefii univerfali in inn ap- probate mittunt libdfom urn Romam • ad Dmafm pif coyos ibidem convocatos in- quo ex* Anfwer, to wit, Why the Doxo- logy does not exprefs the uojot of the divine Eflence with the Tri- nity of Perfons even becau e thefe ancient Dolors of the Church and Apoflohck Men in their holy and due reverence given to our Savi ours words, when he appointed Chriftian Baptifm, baptizing them in the Name of the Father* and or the $on v and of the Holy Ghoft ; hibent fide? (me it TrinitaU to tbcDox logy would neither add jionem heat akoKoQov *v fctttzTiv nor alter from that divine Pattern, and accordingly Bafil the great writes, Episl.iB' We muft as we have received, even fo Baptize, arid, as we Baptize, cvnfo Be- lieve, and as we Believe, even (0 give Glory. As for the AriAn, about the Year of Chrift 360. in the Cathedral Church of Antiocb, tlie. Arians Tinging the Doxology, were obferved to change the words appointed by our Saviour iaChri- flian Baptifm, and inftead of fing- Ing Glory to the Father and fhe Son and the Holy Ghoft, did img Glory to ih' Father, by the Son, In the Holy Ghofi, which prefump- tuous change , the Orthodox Church did condemn, as flowing from an Aatichriftian heart, infpl- [ACfrt & : I > 11$ to oyouTA % sfoj; ; Kelt t« Via K&l TV 'TTViVUCt]©- ayU Th o- dorct. Hilt. Eclel lib.$ f cap.f. & Nazianzen his contemp Grand us ora T tionezi. Anno Dom ,81. vistvo- [A&t us irctjzpa km vicv %*f vrv&ppa aytov ouomtw Tt km Oy.GJo%cl cvne, iict) TO (6eL7rTi<7ua TWiihiwjiv iyjiy & idem Nazi- anz j Qraticne6. de SpiritiiSanclo tTTfWMVUV KctTZOa KAl VlOV V~'M WH'ucz ctyt'iv tw [/.lav Qzqtvtcl 75 KdLl cPw&UlV OTl CtmcO 'TTclCO, cPo- \* ^ly.t) Kf*l& W % (Licovcts lav etiovcovt awn. - ^od ad ^rUnornmper^rfm at "htrtticam VoxologU corriiftionem red The Doxology **pf>roven, 75 red from Hell,yet pretending fome- ab Ecclefu Orthodox* damnatam what of an Angel of Ligln,for their confute, Theodoretum H/(J. Reel. heretic. I Spirit was (een through lib. 2. cap. 24. ex Athanafio. theJrMaikJothit they did not \eef f2(l the Urn ^f founder dsyTim.ix^ m Others obj tt, To oblige Chnftians to fing the Doxology, is to take away their Chrillhn liberty, who fhould have it ftill in their option to fing it or not fine it when they p.'eafe? I anfwer, God never ap- pointed ChrlHian Liberty to war rand difordcrly Confufion, which God difowncth j for according, to this Objection, in a Church Meeting, there is one half atfuch a Diet that will notfing the Doxology, becaufe of their Chnftian Liberty, and the other half will fing it at that fame Si Ecclefia incolumitati bene pro* time becaufe of Chriftian Liberty; fpeftum volumus diligenter omnino and then who will deny this to be curandm e(lut diligenter omnia. & horrid j.nd fcandalous Confufion, fecundum ordinemfiant, ut cumin verv rhfhonourable to the God of hominum moribustanta infit diver- $11 Glory, who is not the Author fitasjantain animisvarietas,tanta of Confufion, j Cor. 4. 3$. and in ingeniis judiciifque pugna, neque hath commanded all things to be politia ulla. firma eftni/i certis legi- done decentlv and in order j and bus con(lituta y nee ni/ifiata qutdam therefore hath given power to His forma, fervari ritus quifpiaJn pote(t, Church to appoint fuch and fuch Inftitur. lib. 4. cap. 10. §.27. things to be done decently and in order,as is clear in Calvin's words. Jficbe objefted to the Chilians , tofing the Doxology fo often, to wit, onceatleall each dyet ofPublick Worfhip, is to make an Idol of i :. I anfwer rhatdefeft,thcy who lay any weight on this Ob;edion,it il of kno wlcdge,to wit.That the frequent praftifing of any lawfulDuty,in obedience ro lawful Authority , is to make an Idol of it, Dent. 6. v. 7, 8.9. The Lord Commands Parents to teach His Word diligently to th' Children, when thou fltteftin thine houfe, and -when thou tvalfysJ by the way , -when thoulyefl down . and token thou r yftft up, Sec. andin- :ats, D-ut. 11 v. i8 } 19 20. Does here the Lord command to mak^ an Idol of the Word , Pjal. i- 12. Bleffed is the man that me- '.its in the law of the Lo Y d day and night, is that, to make an Idol of Gods Law, 1 Tl eff. $ 17. Pray without cs a fing , istomake an Idol of Prayer then to fing the Dcxologyat the clofe cf the Pfalm, does not make an Idol of it, it being don;: to the Glory of God, and in obedi- ence to lawful! Aurhoriry, and fo for confciencc fake. 2. Anfwer, It is not the frequency of the Action, that makes it Idolatrous, but fruiting in the Action, although never fo lawfull, and albeit, but once done} if a covetous worlding find a rich Treafure , he makes it his Idol , the firft moment, fo he who would give the .half of his goods to A . the w y6 The Doxology Ap^roven. the poor at one dell, and rrufl in it, as a fufficient price to buy there .whh the Glory of Heaven , hath in (o doing committed Idolatry $ Anfwer, A' Chriftian mayabufe any Lawful Duty, by truftinginir and to idolize it, but it will not follow, r ha r therefore fuch aDut) is unlawfull in ic felf, as to give Alms to the Poor, &:. and there- fore fhouli not be commanded,bec*ufe it may beaoufed. 4. Anfvver.l Truftingin any Duty is a fin of the heart, which man cannot| Cee in his neighbour, and fo hath aeither ability to judge, nor yet Authority. ?. Anfwer, Be awar that thou who pretends Chriftian Liberty, and therefore refufes to flag t:ie Doxology , or elfe under pretence of fear to Idolize it, fee thou m^kc not an Idol of thy Chri- ftian Liberty , or of thy panick fear oi Idolizing rhe Duty, for in this condition , the Proverb is made rue , Toe fear of a man caufetb a fnare, Prov. 29* v. 2$. And that thou nukes an Idol of thy pretended liber- ty of Confcience, or pretend d fears of the Idolizing the commanded Duty, is thus proven, that whatfoevet i man prefers to his obedience to God, that he Idolizeth , but the diforderly Chriftian prefers the maintaining of his Chriftian Liberty, or pretended fear of Idolizing to the Duty of his obedience to God, Therefore he Idolizeth his Chri- ftian Liberty, and pretended fear of Idolizing, for God commands him to obey Superiour Powers in things Lawful, and therefore in parti* cular to fing the Doxology ,and all his anfwers is, his Chriftian Liberty, or fear of Idoliz ng forbid him to fing it, andfo he may fhake of ail obedience to God and Man, under pretence of Idolizing the Duty. Some (ay , they will not fing the Doxology, becaufe the Biiliops brought it in: Firft Anfwer, This Reafon is invalid ^ for the finging of the Doxology behig proven, to be a good andliwfull Deed, will ye abftain from a good Duty, becaufe he whom you fuppofc to be your enemy, advifesyou to do it: This conceit involves you in a fnare of your own making. If your enemy, to enfaare you, bid you fear God, will you not doit? I hope you will fay you will do it, notwichftanding then, abftain not from agoodPuty in contempt of any man. idly. Do the lawfull Ducv, lea ft your Schifm, and refufing give offence, I will afk you* Are you leffe oblidged to fing the Doxology then ourSiviour was oblidged to pay Tribute , but He payed Tri- bute, leaft He mould offend, Matth. 17. verfe laft. 2,dly. The word of God commands, if thy tntmy \hmgtf, givt him, meaty and does not the fame Lord by infallible confequence com- mand thee to take his meat, where he offers ir, thou ftandingingreac need of it : Then let it be fupponed, that providence pur you in fuch extremity , that ye are at the point of death for hunger, an.i the Bifhop in charity, at the Lords command offers you Meat, although you ac- count him your enemy, you are bound in Confcience before God to, take his adivife, and Meat both •, beware to fay you would rcfufe it;. fo; The Doxolcgj Approver*. jj for that would nor help, but we-ken your caufe, For if you in pride refufc his meat offered, ye are your own murderer, and being afelf- murdercr,)ou kill both your Soul,and your Body. therefore I hope hav- ing pondered vour twofold danger of Soul and Body, you will grant to take the Bifhops Meat, for your own good, and look on him as one fent of God for your Rood in that (trait, then ye will grant its lawfull for vou to obey the Bifhops advile. ±My. If the Bifhop dull recommend it to your Paroch Pafiure* who hath the charge ot your Soul to recommend it to each Family, to have Family Worfhip, would you ceafe from the Duty, becaufc it came of the Bifhcp, I think vou would not s and that becaufe you had a higher warrantf then the Bifhop , that made you to obey, even the God of H;avcn : Then although ye look not to the Bifhops dtfire, to ting the Doxology , obey the command of God, to glorifie him with all the Powers of the Soul, and Members of the Body, which he gave you ro glorifie him with them -, and if :he Bifhop exhort you to walk in the way to eaven, will you refufe to do it ? and I will affure you, in the N me of J-fus Chrift the great Bifhop of our Souls, be- fore whofe judgement ■■eat we rouft all appear, that notwithstanding your finfull contempt of Bifhops, jn that day you fhall fee many gi/hops who had been Ma tyrs, Confeffors, burning and fhinning Li^hts,5ons of Thunder, and Confolation, Handing in that day on the right hani of Jcfus Chrift, with their flocks, their Crown and joy, will you re- fufe to Hand on Chrifts right hand, becaufe many Bifhops will be there, or rather, will ye not be glad to back theEifhop in his way toglory,A* \ then your old new ligbr will be huried in Eternal Oblivion , and the Father of Lights will give you an new and eternal Light, to wit, thac Bifhops, which in your Error you misjudged , as going to hell, then ye will know aflu redly they were going to Heaven on better grounded Faith then you, ( ynur fcruples with which you troubled your felvrs, and the place in the World wherein you lived, will be all cleared, thtn your hard thoughts that you entertained of Bifhops and many other Christians, better-then your felves, will be blotted out of your judge- ment, to all Eternity, and if Mr. Caldtrwoods hopes do. not fail him, you will fing the Doxology in Heaven , with the Bifhops : But i a you, who are not the Lambs of Chrift, and truly regenerat, that ye prefurr.e not toclaim to this word, for ic is none of yours, but the Children* Bread. $f bly. Why do ye pretend your difguft of the Bifhops, to be the canfe of your rcf ufing to fing the Doxology, did you not refufe to fing it be- fore they were Re-eftablifhed, and that becaufc the General Aflembiy laiditafidc, whom ye obeyed, .then ye retufed to fing it before they returned, and if they had not returned, would you have refumed it. I think you will not fay it: Then if theBifhofs had not returned Oil to this day you would have rcfufed to fing ic. ithin 7 8 The Doxology vlpproven. 6Mj. I wilt give you betrer Information, yc with the reft of all this Kirk, are defired to reaffume the Doxology, by Authority of the King's Majefty , for yc know it is the will of God in His Word, toin- veft the King with a power to reftore the decayes of Religion, when they happen, and fo did the good Kings of Judab, AJab, Jehofaphat, 2nd Jofiab 'j and accordingly our Kings Majetfy, being, by the King of kings wonderfully and mercifully reftored to his Crowns and Seep. ters , according to his duty of thankfulneffe , and Authority from the Lord given to Him, He perceiving that the Doxology was laid afide, in a time of confufion, when there was no King in lfiael, even that part of the Kirk's publick Worfhip, wherein wc not on'y agree with the uni- verfall, but more efpecially, with the Reformed Kirks ; Therefore, king all the Reformed Churches with the Univeriall retained the Dox- ology, and the General AfTembly ot Scotland laid it afide, when they were not in power to do it, therefore the Kings Majefiy, by His Authority, wifely, and pioufly recommended the rcaffuming of the Doxology, therefore in refuting to fmg the Doxology, ye difobcy the King in that which is lawfull and right, therefore my requeft is to you to fear God and Honour the King, by Tinging the Doxology, and there- by you fhall firft honour God, Father. Son, and Holy Ghoft, and then your King, for albeit, at the calling off the Yoke of the Popes uf- urped Power , fome of the Reformed Kirks did quite the Government of the Kirk by Epifcopacy, yet none of thefe Kirks did ever affirm, that Monarchy, or Kingly Government was unlawful!, no, nor yet Epifcopacy, for albeit feme of them quite Epifcopal Government,be- caufe they had not Rents to fuftain them, yet they granted the Go-| vernment to be lawfull. I have more to writ upon this Point , but. it is not for the Babes, who have need of Milk and cot of ftrong Meat, There remains one doubt to be anfwered : becaufe theApofllePd/iZ (a) a-u^sspsiB^a rtddit conducens i Cor. 6. 12. (a) Hath adiftin&i- Pafior Spirituality utile hoc Mn on, All things an lawfull for mi t bum invenitur , John 16. 7. 1 Cor. but all things are not expedient? 10. 33. 1 Cor. 12. 7. Heb. 12. 10. therefore fome may fay according Anif. medul. Theolog. lib* 2. 6. i&i to this diftinftion, albeit the fing- res media dicitur expedire cum ornr.i- ing of the Doxology be lawfull for bus circumfiantiis confidtratis ad aChriftian, yet ic will not follow, gloriamDci&xdificationtmpYoxi- that it is expedient to fing ic, for mi jacit. aniwer, as we have proven by many Arguments the law fulneffe to fing it, fo we fhall clear the ex- I pediency which can be beft cleared from the Holy Scriptures, there- I fore, 1 Cor. 10. 28. The Apoftle fayes. All things are lawfull pr miA but all things edifie not. The Greek word, which is rendered expedi- ent, may be renderedf profitable, or conducing, that is, for cheChrf- 1 fiiansr The Doxology Approver*. 79 (Hans fpiritual good, and edification, but fo it is, that the finglng of the Doxology to the bleflcd Trinity is mnft conducing. Fir(l y To the glorv of God, idly. To the edification of the Chriliian, in the mod fundamental! point of all Divinity, and this was the true caufe, why the univerfall Church hath agreed (o unanimoufly thefe many hundred fears, to retain the Doxology in the publick worfhip, ann for guard- ng of the Lords Fl>ckagainft A-itrinitarian Blafphemous Hcreticks, fo that it cannot be objected, ic might be expedient then,but not now, forto the old A r ians arc no v arMed Socinians , Anabaftifts, ard Qua* fyrs, which Errors are come to our doors idly. If any will yet be contentious, to deny the expediencv of it, we Anfwer, that the moft competent Judge ou ea th ro prove it's expediency, is not this, or that privat Mm, nor yet this, or that privat Church but the univcrfalChurch, which to this day retain it, and ufe it, and therefore by their praftice they declare to all particular Chriftians, that they judge it not only lawful, but alfo expedient, which Is a fatisfaftory anfwer to all rational Chriftians. CHAP. XIII. The many evils that flow from the rejufing to fing the Doxology. HAving proven the Lawfulnefle, and Expediency of finging the Doxology, arid anfwered the Doubts, and Scruples to the con- trare, we mall haften co a clofe , having mentioned the evils that flow from the refufwgto flag the Doxology,' the Apoftle Paul, 2 Cor. 12. 20. Mentions the evils that flowed from their divisions at the Kirk of Corinth, to wic, debates, envyings, wraths, ftrij's, bacl^bitings, tvbif- perings,fweUings>tumults,ar\d all thefe are the fad effects of their divifi- ons , 1 Cor. ?,. 3. That fame Apoftle writting to the Galatians, hath yet fadder evils, Galat. 5.1$. if you bit and devour one another, ta\t heed that ye be not confumeed one of another, which judgement I pray God in his mercy ro avert from this Land, what bodily evil6 of Blood- fhed, Spoiling of Goods, Defolation of Families, many Widows, and Fatherlefs Children, thefe are the fad and fore evils , that they are very dull and fenfies, who takes not this to heart, but the fpirirual evils of Sin, and Scandal is far more prcvocking in the eyes of the Lord, and Firfl, The fin of Sedition ag'inft the lawfuil Magifrr3t, which not only brings down the wrath of God upon a Land, but Jf not repented of, ends in damnation to Soul and body, as appears, Rom. 13. From the beginning, anorherevil, the great Scandal given to the grieving of the Strong, and Humbling of the Weik, when they fee the Commands of the lawfuil Magifirat, commanding a rhing fo lawfuil, as tofingthe Doxology, yet to be contemned and flighted, ThcApoft'e N ?*A 80 The Doxology Approve*?. Vaul % \n thatfarae place, Rnm. 13. Says, we mould obey the Magiftrat, no. o iy lorfearof God* Wrath, and the Mjgiftrats Wrath, but alfc for coticitnei fify % is it not then ftrange Religion, when the Lord bids ency the M^g-ftrat in ail things lawful! and that for Confcicnce, fake, chat in the mean time, they who call themfelv s Chriftians, and conscientious will anfwer for Conlcience fake , we will refufe to obey the Magiitrar, can it here be fupponed that their Confcicnce that will not obev. B a good Confcicr.ce, when the Confcicnce in the Word named, Rom. 13 Is certainly meaned good conference , except ye will make it fuch Divinity as this *, Ir is good Comcience ia>es the Lord is His Word, to obey the Magifirat, in things lawful, and alio accord- ing to your refuiaf, it is good Confcience to difobey the Magiftrac therefore nc pleafed to confider, that there is a twofold fuperftirion,, Fir,t pofinve, which is mod ordinar, to which, the old ?harifus were much addicted ; There- isalfo a negative fuperftition, of which we rrver-x mple, colof. 2. 19 'fouchnot, tafte not, handle not \ there is toother example of the fame. Rom. 14 3. Where ye will find a fu- perHirious ( eat not ) uponconfi.leration of which two Texts, fee that ybui refufingro fing the D xologycome notin,in that categor\(fingnotJ in which olace ye may find a controverfy betwixt two forts of Chrifti- ans the ft rang in knowledge, and the weak 3 the flrong Chriftiao beheves thar he any eat any thing, and not afk quefiion, or fcruplc for confcience lake, and him the Apoftle approvcth, and alioweth, for him the Apo'lle defends a^ainft the weak Chriftian , in the end of the 3. vtrfe God hath received him^ ro wit, the flrong Chriflian, and albeit the weak Christian, whow fiiffThrooghliis ignorance to ((at not ) yer the Aooftle condemns him, becaulc he prouJIy , and igno- rantly though: theic things unclean, wherea* the Apoftle fayes. they were nor bhefean, and therefore theftron? maHe nofauple , but eat, and is approvrn of GoH. So in the 14. vvft of this. 14 '. Chapter, the weak th-uighr that unclean, which was boc unclear, and therefore re- fund to tit omnino cur indum ell ut de center this difference in fome Churches omnia &^cundnm ordinrm fiant^t one from another, will not allow cum in hnminum mribus tanta in fit in the fame Church fome to fing diver fit ai y tanta in animis varie- the Doxologie, fome not: For as tas, tanta in ingeniis , judiciijque Calvin did (lag it to the day of his pugna nequt politia ulla firnia esi % death, fo neither at that time, nor nip certis legibus conftituta, nee rip never b fore jr, was the fingins of fi (lata quadam forma fervari ritus the Doxologie called in queftion. quifpiam poteft. 3 Anfwcr , Albeit the univer(al Church hath judged fome things of lefs moment then that the univer- fal Church (hould be tved to an uniformity in them, bectufe Church Communion might be kept firm amongft diverfc Churches > notwith- N 2 ftanding 8 2 The Doxology Approven. Handing that they differed in fome fmaller particulars ; of which So* crates in his Church Hiftory, lib. $ rap. 2 i. writes at length , which the Learned know, yet there are fome mings belonging to the Church of fo weighty and important concernment, that the univerfal Church judged it no wayes expedient that particular Churches fhould be left to their own choile, but that the univerfal Church fhould agree upon one certain way wherein -ill particular Churches might keep uniformity ac- cording to the rule of Gods Word v for order, and decency, and peace; and therefore the learned know what contentions fell out in the fe- cond Century, betwixt the Church in the Weft, and the Churches in letter Afia^ for thefe in letter Apt kept their Feaft of Eafier the fame day that the Jews kept their Pafsover ; but the Chriftians in the Weft kept the^r F aft of Eafier upon the firft Sabbath day thereafter: And albeit in this mean time the forefaid Weft and Eaft Churches their judgement and praftice was diverfe upon that matter, yet on both fides they who were ftrong in knowledge ftill kept Church Communi- on one with the other, as Socrates proves learnedly in the forefaid Book and Chapter, fo that Poly carpus Bifhop of Smyrna, afterwards a glorious Martyr of Jefus Chrift, albeit he did celebrar Eafier in that fame day with the Jtws Pafsover, as ordinarily did all his Neighbour Bifhops in letter Apa> yet coming to Rome he Communicat with their Bfhop upon their Chriftian Sabbath day, which differed from his day of giving the Communion at home $ but becaufe there is infirmity and weakness in many Chriftians, therefore afrer that diverfe day of ke ing of Eafier raifed fuch broils and contentions betwixt the Eaft and Weft Church, that there was no vtfible nor feafible way for prevent- Ing a fearful rent and fchifm in the univerfal Church, until the general Council of Nice did appoint all to keep one day, which the univerfal Church hath kept ever fine* ; therefore Be%a in his 24. Epijt. and 14. § thereof, diftinguifheth well betwixt Ecciefiaftick conftirurions, fome arc univerfal. fome particular, and without all controvcrfie the fing- ingof the Dcxologie is of univerfal confutation *, for as we have pro- ven from anriqu : ry of Fathers, and Councils, the Tinging of the Doxo- logic was the praflice and judgement of the univerfal Church, there- fore as the univerfal Church refoived to keep Eafier upon a differing day from the Jew, who crucified the Lord of glory, and ftill blaf- phemes him, 3s Consiantine the Great infinuats in his pious Letters af- ter rhat Council of Nice \ fo that fame univerfal Church rcfolvcd to keep the Doxologie, as a reftimony againft the Arians , and all fuch blafphemous Antitrinitarian Hereticks. Then to apply , the finging of the Doxologie is like the keeping of Eafier on the Chriftian Sabbath day, and not with the Jew on their day, to which both the Civil Magiftrat by their Autho ity, and the Church by their Spiritual Authority did agree at the Council of Nice: as for that The Doxohgy Approven. 85 that Text which wc cited, Rom. 14. of Chriftians in two contrary o- pinion* ahout meat and dayts-, the Civil Magiftrat nor Church had not asyet incerponed their Authority, but it was fill! Arbitrary for the Migiftrats external power, they # being then all Pagans, to them both the Jcwifh and Chriftian Religion were accounted fupcrftitioD about words and names, as faid the Pagan Magiftrat , Atts 2$. 19. and they thought it below them to take notice of thefc things, as for the Church Authority, which was then Apoftolick, the Learned know the reaion wty they did not determine thefe queftions of meats and dayes, becaulc there was a time allotted of interim betwixt the death and honourable burial of the Jews Ceremonies, which time of their honourable burial was not yet expired : and the Epiftle to the Ro» mans was written in this interim, during which time the Jewifh Cere- moni s of meats and dayes, &c. were mortui to the ftrong Chriftian Jew, and they were freed of their yoak, by taking on Chrifts eafic yo:k, and to the weak Chriftian Jew who was not clear to quite thefe Ceremonies as yet during this interim they were indifferent, and not mortiferi: So that place forefaid, Rom, 14. I fear be mifapplyed by thefe th.t refufe to fing the Doxologie j for the cafe alters in this, the Doxologie is determined to be ufed both by the universal Church, and all civil Chriftian Powers, but thefc meats and dayes when St. Paul wrote to :hc RomanSyWcve yet left arbitrary, therefore Su?aul reprov- ed thefe weak Chrinins for their ignorance, in not eating: but how much more bitterly had he reproved and condemned them if their not eating had been a breach of the command of the Church and State, as now it is in refufing to fing the Doxologie ? Yet as the finging of the Doxologic agreed upon by the univerfal Church differs from the keep- ing of£*/Jron the Chriftian Sabbath, and not on the Jewifh Sabbath, in two particular 1 . } 1, The univerfal Church did more then 200. vears differ in keeping the Chriftian Ea(ler j but all that time not one iota of objection or fcruple againft the finging of the Doxologie. 2. The Scan- dalizing Act of difference of keeping Eafltr, was but once in the year, bur the refufing to fing the Doxologie is a fcandal every weekly Sab. bath. This your refufing to fing the Doxologie,which the univerfal Church judgcth to be lawful and expedient, isoffenfive and evil both to thefe within, and thefe without the Church } for thefe within the Church I make this Hypothefis, that there being many thoufand Proteftants beyond Seas who hear that fomc in Scotland have nude a feparation from their Mother Church, and yet thefe fame beyond Seas do not ftudy the particular grounds, or pretended caufes of that feparation ; yet thefc fame perfons being certainly Informed that thefe of the Scots feparation, among other differences, refufe to fing the Doxologic ? which refufal of theirs is fo notorious in their Publick Worflilp, that 84 The Doxobgy dp^roven. it is like the Oyntment upon the right hand, which cannot be hicf. Then whar will Proteftant Strangers over S-as conclude ? Eren this, that feing there is in Scotland Come who withour ju^ ciufc have aban- doned the Doxologie, contrary to the judgement and practice of the univerfal Church, then it is very like that their other pretencrs for their reparation are as unwarrantable ; this refuting ro fing the Doxo- logie is alfo an evil to thefe wir'nouc the Church j which I rhus illu- ftrat, aT^, ]w t or Pagan, being in the >vay of convcrfion toChri- fiianity 5 and having learned that there is one God, an) three Perfons^ Father, Son, and Holv Ghoft, for in chisNlo- gie, pretending Conscience for your refufing , ve are richer painted Tombs, and cunning Hypocrites, or op-nly propiane ones who pro- claim your fin like Sodom. Firft I fpeak to the Hypocrite. thou grave- ly affevers that you djre not fing the Doxologie, left you fhould wrong or grieve your Confcience: hut bow comes it to pafs that againft thy knowledge and Conscience thou lives in fecret hainous fins ? wilt thou in that day when thou gives account of thy felf to the all-feeing God the fearcher of hearts, and the eye-wknefs of thy fecret fins, pretend Coufciencc as thy defence for thy fchifm now in refuting to fing the Doxologie, when he who is greater then thy Conference knows thy, falfe and feigned words ? Ah ! thou wile rather be fpeechlefs then > Mat. 22/12. as now thou art when thou faouldft fing the Doxologie. Therefore to prevent trut difafter, I intreat you be not filent now, but fing the Doxotay, leaft in that day, the Judge of the Qu'ckand Dead declare, to thy confufion , tbatthy refufing to fing the Doxoiogy • J was 7/ 1 T) oxology \^4\ yroven. 8 5 ' vva$ not Confrlencc, nor Religion, but vain Glory, Intercft, Sclf- feekin^, ano F-tf ion. As for ^9u who liv in oppen (candalous fins. as DrunkenncfTc Whore- dome, &c. and \cc Hare lay, we cannot lin^ the D oology, becaufeof Confc'unce towards God, Toyou, hear the Lords amwer , Pfalm 50. 16 Unto the triced G d jiitb, what ba't thou to do to declare my flatutes } . ieing tk*u hatejt inlbuclion, teing partaker with the thief, dCLklterer andfclanderer. idly. Doth not thy own heart fmyt thec, as a mocker of God, jnd ..11 Religion , when^ thou pretends Confcicnce, and when ir I* feared long agoc 4 as with a hot iron, 1 Tim. 4. 2. 3/y. You rray indeed increase the number of your party, but you diminifh their credit, then let all who pretend ConCience, depart from iniquity, and fing the Doxolowy. When was it that the General AfTembly laid afide the Doxolo- gy *, even when the Army of the English Retells, (who had proved fal e to God, in the matter of Religion, faifr to the King, in matter of Loyalty, falfe and perfidious to Sco*Und, in (lead of rhankfulncfs to them f^r their advance, cjrne in againft them with the Sword, having cftablifhed a v .ft toleration, fo that , that Army ^as made up of the drofs, and dregs, and fcume of England , and even then, when Reli- gion in Scotland and England was in grcateft danger , then to lay afidc the Doxo.ocy, was like that inference, the enemy is approaching, therefore pu; out your Matches, then cor.fider the evils that immedi- ady, and inevitable came upon Scotland, after* they laid afide the Dox- ology , what glory wc loft, Firft, the purity of Religion, by their vaftrolleration, which, with their Sectarian and Blasphemous Army, they brought Into Scotland; Secondly, We loft our Liberties, for no mandurft wear aSs\ord, or Weapon for his defence, but this was a juit judgement , to take u Sword from a man , when he had killed his Father. (Y) And laft of all , St. Bapl (*j¥icSpijX& when he perceived the Avian not twV A^nth^^av mis 'xifint to quite the Doxolo^v .^together., "tKh^tv ^oG/u/tf even when the fingers, verfe 13. were, or one to make an found to be heard inpraif- ing and thanking the Lord, but this is far from the praftife of thefe, who will not joyn in the praifes, which difcord in the Lords Song, cannot be but difpleafing to him : So that luch praftife of finging and not finging at onetime, yea, worfe finging and grieving at one rime, for no doubt, he that fings not grieves at hin that fings , and looks very like the confufion , that was after the return of the Captivity, at the laying of the foundation of the Temple of Jerujulem , when one part was praifing and rcjoycing , another part weeping and howling, and the Iaft continued ev>l, Is a continued Heart-burning, and difcon- tent in the hearts of thefe, who refufe ti fing, and keeping a door open fiill for morefeperation. To clofe this Chapter, as Mr. Calderwood faid, in great zeall, in that forefaid General Aflembly, That he hoped to fing the Doxology In Heaven ^ So let noChrillian think it a paradox, for the learned do know , that it may be proven by found Divinity , for, if in Heaven, our praifes to God mail be perfect ( which 'smoftfurcly true ) then we mall praife him in all his Attriburs, in all his mighty Ads, efpecial- ly in his v\ ord, and everlafting Gofpel, then we fhall eternally glori- fie the infinitly glorious EtTence, in the my erious Trinity of the Per- fons $ for feing in Heaven there will be neither Petition, nor Pray- er, nor Preaching, which make up a great part of our worfhip on earth , and fo all our worfhip in Heaven mail be praifes, and that to all Eternity •, and feing our knowledge of God in Heaven fha II be far more perfeS then it was on Earth, and then we fhal fee God face to face, and know him in Effcnce, and Perfons more perfectly then we do now on Earth, and conlcquently , our love to Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft much more perfect, fo the perfeftion of our praifes and inceflantneflcj without wearing, (hall anfwer to our greateft perfection it The Dtxology Approver). 87 In knowledge^nd love toGod^hercforeit maybe chriftianlyfupponed* that we (hall joyn in Heaven with thefe four living Creatures, Rtvtl* 4. 8. who reil not day Dor night figging, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come \ where was this tnfacium uttered, The firft two Verfcs of this Chapter affirm, that it was in Heaven, who were the living Creatures that Jes, it wis the MinKters of the New Teframent. $dlj* What was the fubject of their praifes, the AiTembly Notes (jy , they continually praife God, and let out the Tri- nity of theperfons in the God-head. If any pleafeto objeft, the Church appointed the Doxology to be fung, to guard the Flocks of Chrift agahift Antitriniiarian Her ttic^s , but in Heaven there is no danger, for no Devil, nor Antitrinitaria* will be there to tempt, and the glorified Saints will be made perfect in Holinede, I anfwer, when ljaiab 6.2, 3. The Straphims cryed one to another, by way of Authcm, Holy, Holy , Holy is^ the Lord of bofls, the vpholt earth is full ofhisflorj, Here I hope was neither Axixn nor Anti- trinitariaH) yea, 1 affirm, according to the Seraphims tinging a Doxo- logy to the Trinity, that although there had never been Antitrinitari- an Heretic^, nor danger of Devils to tempt them to that herefie, fcing the Angels in Heaven did ling a Doxology to the blcffed Triqicy,whtcb is granted by theunivcrfal Church, dun (hall it not be lawfuil, expe- dient, and comely for Chriftuns to fing Glory to Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, whofe motto inBaptifm, is to be Baptized in Name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Therefore, to conclude this Chapter, thefe who have Scruple, or Doubts to fin£ the Doxology for want of knowledge, my prayer is to God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft . who is the Father of Ligh s, to reveal even this unto them, that we may with one Mind, and wihene Mouth glonfie God , even the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, Rom. 1$. 6. Now to Goii , b'arher, Son, and HoJyGholtbe glory in the Church, by Chrift Jefus throughout all Ages, world without end A* men* Ephtf 3. Chap, at the lift vtrji. CHAP. 88 The Doxology Approver*. CHAP. XIV. An txhorutory Conclufion to the (Irongand orderly chriflian, to receive and imbrace with all Chrifiian love and tendernefs every wea^ Chrifiian, tvho {hail return jrom their wandring in Error, to live in Order and Unity in the Bofom of their Mother Church. BE'mg now to conclude this little Treatife, As its (cope and aim is for healing and helping home of the wandriog Sheep, fo my work in this Chapter is co remove ail Stones and Stumbling-blocks out of the way of the weak Larfrbs returning to their Folds again ; and I be- feech you, put not the blame fo much upon thefc Lambs, as upon thefe Menwr/odrrw them away and milled them ^ and let all good Chri- ftians rejoyce in their return, and welcome them home, and that bc- caufc of tn? manifold Evils that this Kingdom was groaning under, which now God in HisMUrcy hath almoft removed ; Was not in ma- ny Families rhe Father againft the Son ? and a M^n's Enemies theieof his own Houfhold ? did not many Flocks fonakc their Fold and refiing. Place, and Itrayed in rhe gloon.y and dark Day ? was not the empty Walls of many empty Pjroch-Churches mourning ? and the Stones of- cmpnnels crying out? arid Paftors lamenting that their Flocks were de- parted? and a few left ? yea, fometimes the Paflor fo evil intreated, by his Flock turning Wolves, that he muft needs convey himfelf away out of that place, fome being fpoiled, fome wounded, forne killed, fome like defolate Widows mourning in fecret in a defolate Retirement, like Jeremiah in his wifhed Cottage in the Wildemefs, Jer. 9. 2. and for along time the Magistrate loath to ufe rigour, whicii made them the more inexcufable, and .it lafi they difplay an open Banner of Re- bellion> whereby they wilfully run themfeives into a Labyrinth of Miferies, to be killed and (polled, and many impoverifhed, and not a few fufTered death by the hand of Juffice, whofe infatuate Souls (with that four leaven of their dangerous Doftrincs) was at their death a far more fad fpe&acle to the Godly then their bodily death, which remem- bers me of David's bitter mourning for his traiterous fon Abfalom's death 5 and this Malady and fore Difeafe came to fo great a height, that it thrcatned death, which was more then once prevented by open- ing of a Vein, and many thought our Difeafe incurable, and that ic would turn at laft to be a rooted Hcftick to the confuming of the Mar- row 5 but blefied be our kind Samaritan, who beyond the expectation of many, and much more beyond our defervings, hath pitied us, for it was a time of love, and when we were lying in our Blood, he (aid Live, again he (aid Live, E^. 16". <5. even when the Enemy was fay- ing The Doxology Approven. 89 iog there Is no help for him in God, yet he harh poured In Wine and Cyl in our Wounds, *nH lettc n us ( by fweec experience ) know that there is both a I'fnfician and Balm in Gilead •, and the God of our Health hath rehuked that Feaver, and hath commanded and created deliverance : Then let every one of us rejovce in God, and count it our glory to be workers together with God : Is this a time of healing ? let u$ concur and contribute our help ; Is the Lord's Flock returning ? thenciftup. caO up, gather out the Stones ^ Hath the Lord Je(u$ awakeneid out of fl.cp. and rebuked the Winds and Seas, fo that novr there is a great Calm, then let us all help ro row to bring the VefTel to afafe Harbour; when te Lord is bringing back the captivity of His People, let our Mourhes be filled with laughcer and our Tongue with finging •, behold and fee, not one Dove alone returning to the Ark of their MorhcrChurch with an Olive branch, Gen. 8- 1 1. but a whole cloud of rhefe Doves are flying to their Windows, Jja. 60.8. Are not the Paftors returned to their Flocks with joy who went away weeping, returning with the full blcffingof the Gofpel of Chrifr, now to bring forth the peaceable fruits of Righteoufnefs of their fad and delolate re- tirement and widow-head, Lam. 3. 27, 28, 29. like St. Bafil returning from the Defart, and St. Athanaftus from his Exile \ and now that pro- mifed Blefling fhall be given them, ifa.. 30. v* 19. your eye {hdifee your Teachers. And now my Brethren, who had precious retirement to read, meditate and pray, and a (ad crofs to put you to it, then with Timothy, 1 Tim. 4. 1 5. let your profiting appear to all. Ye know what Luther writes, Prayers, Meditation and Temptation made good Theologues, and the Flocks that have been mifpending their time, had the more need to redeem the time. Now I turnmyfpeech unto you in this Church whoareftrong, and have overcome that evil one, and have obtained Grace to live orderly before God and His Church during the time of thefe Confufions 5 as your companionate Souls did grieve for Sin, weep in fecret before the Lord to enlighten, inform and reform them, to reclaim and reduce them, therefore harh the Lord given you a gracious return of your Prayers, in returning them j then open your loving Hearts, and em- brace them, and thefe hands that were with outftrcached arm lifted up to God for them, let your arms embrace them, and by word and dtcd y and contenuance, exprefs the finceritv of your love to them, and as the LoKl hath given you more knowledge then to them, let it be your gene- rofity not »o infulrover them, or defpifc them, but with all tendernefs to look down, bur to (ioopdown to their Weaknefs, and let the rig elder Brother fioop down \Mrh his Hand, to hold bv the hand or arm. a younger Brother learning to- Walk, and count it his Glory to fpeak with him in hisown childimDialeft^andtake little ftcps with them , then I befeech you in the bowels of Jefus, reproach them not for by- O 2 gones, 90 T'he Doxology Appro'Ven. gones, but pafs an ait of Oblivion, and in time coming, ufe all gentle- uefs and forbearance, and fo gain them to love you \ and in all things indifferent and undetermined if he be not clear (or the one way, con- defcend to him and follow his way ; bear with his infirmities, rafhnefs, incivilities and ignorances, and others over wealing themfelves as it they were ftrong in Knowledge •, this is an infirmity of many weak, and yet for Peace kke, the ftrong ought to bear with it : Now this Ducv of the Strong it) bearing wirh rhe Weak, the Lord prcficth much in His Word, 'Rom. i$. v. i, 2. Why hath the Lord given thee more Knowledge, Mortification, Patience, eH. then to the Weak, but for this end, to hear with their Infirmities ? for their Spiritual good,for which Sr. Paul gives you his holy example, i cor. 9. 22. For thewea^became laswea^ that 1 might gain the wea^ \ 1 am made all things to all men, that l mights by all means favefome : and chap. 10. v. 33. I plea\e £ll men in all things % not feeding my own profite, 'but the profite of many, that they may be faved : Here is a great placebo, and yet no Flatterer, but in his converfe ac- ceptable both to God and Man. The Spirit of Chrift is not a fowre, cenforious, fullen and carping Spirit, but meek, gentle and eafie to be intreated. When the Child as yet but an intrant in the World, and learning to fpeak, will afk the Parents fome chiidifh queftion, will the Parents be incenfed to infliftChaftifement,or rather will they not pafs it with this Meditation, when lw*s a child ,.I thought as a child, I under- flood and fpa\e as a child. 1 Cor. 13. 11. So, if any weak Babe in Chrift propone or dart any queftion in Religion (to which many Babes are too ready,) do not think that ye are always bound in Confcicnce to anfwer them, for many rimes oar Saviour did it not, Att. 1.6. Jo. 2 r~ 20. And the Apoftle to Timothy fpcaks of foolifh and unlearn- ed queftions, which produce frrife ar d no edification, 1 T/w. 5. 4, then let the ftrong wave the queftion with a general anfwer, Jo. \6. 19. or inftead of Speculation leading to praftice and holy life \ Lu%. 13. 23. Yea thirdly, It may be waved if it be beyond thefphereof the Larger Catechifm, for Qucftionators that furnifhes their common Difcourfe wirh Queftions are uniavoury company to the Godly, and the weak Chriftian fhould not be entertained by the ftrong Chriftian with Que- (Ho**; hisexprefsly againft the Apoftlesrule, Him that is wea^ in the faith receive ye, but not unto doubtful difputations, Rom. i^.ver.i. then let neither ftrong nor weak Chriftian fefpeciaily in Company ) move any qucftion of Religion, efpeciafly thefe that belong to the pre- icnt Differences, lcaft the Strong touch the Weak on the old Sore, and fo but grieve and irrirare, which no doufet grieves the Spirit of God, and is not the healing way : As for the Weak, I intreat them who have been wandring in Miftakes, to relolve in the ftrength of Chrift, in all time hereafter, to live orderly as to the Church, and loyally The Doxology Approve*?. $ l loyally as to the King and Rulers under him, and then he Is a curfe^ Man that will not be loving and kind to rhee. * Then let the ftrong imitat their Father in Heaven, who when his pro igal Son returns, no word of h s fin ( with which the elder Bro- iler did upbraid him) but ran, and met, and killed him, gave him new cloaths, and (hoes, adorned him with a Ring, feafted him and made merry, Lv\ i$ 20. He ran and met him, and jell on bis necf>and fyfftd fcim/and imitate the Son of God, the great and good Shepherd, who brings home on his moulder rcjoycingone wandering flieep, docs he not reioNce much more now then in reduceing fo great a flock ? And the Fathers kindnefs to his returning Prodigal, is (0 fweetafub- jeft, that I delight to mark in it further, that when the elder Brother uncharitably endeavoured to exafperat his Father againft his younger Brocher, calling up his old fins, the Father rejects the elder Brothers bitter Libel: See both the laft and 24. verfes, his Brother was dud} and is novo atiie, be was losl, and nr>w is jound j its gemination (hews Emphafis, he was loft when dead In fin, bur now alive to God to righ- teoutnefs j he was the loft and wandering Sheep, he is come home a penirent Tinner : And compare the 24. verfe with the laft yet more, my Son thy Brother he is fibb to thee, but fibber to me, which the words imply s therefore though ye woul I lee htm go as he came, yet will nor I, O dear younger Brother be not afraid to return, nor fcarr to come home, but firft fee that thou make thy peace with thy Fathcr,w/ir 2 r. And although fome churlifh elder Brother (like Eliab to.young David) would unchrifiianly chide thee, take courage, it is not that bitter Bro- thers hou(e thou arc coming home to, but thy Fathers j meditate and think on thefe things, for to be a ready antidote a£ainft the bitter Pills of fome $ and albeit fome of the ftronger Brethren be not fo kindly, comfort thy felf, here is thy Father pleading for thee, and fo is thy elder Brother in this fame Chap. Lufyi$6. who when he hath brought home his wandering fhecp, rejoycing calls rogerher his friends and neighbours, and fa*es, rejoyce with me: then allure thy foul that Chrifts real friends will rejoyce at thy return, welcome thee, imbrace and love thee as their own bowels. Then let us in this ^reat s& of charity, and tender love to the weak returning Lambs, imitat our blelled Redeemer , and elder Brother, vvhocamt from Heaven to E;rrh ro feek and fave the loft fheep, Lu^. 19. 20.who bears the Lambs in his bnfome, and leads them gently that are with young, Ifai. 4. 12. and will be more loath to over-drive them then Jacub his young Children and Flocks, Gen. 33. 14. Then be thou compaftionat towards them : Is the Saviour bearing them in his bofome ? then grieve them not, for he cannot but fee it, and be grieved . Is he leading them gently, then dare thou beat them back *ith word or reproach, like the piercings of a fword ? The 92 The Doxokgy Approver The Lord leads the lame and the blind in the way they do not know to Zion weeping, the woman with child, and (he that travel- led with child, Jer. 31.8. Mark the four forts in the world, the fit- reft objefts of mans companion, and help lame and blind, the woman with child, and travelling with child '-, and the flnt two rnoft deipi- cable, yet the Lord defpifes none of them j but feing they are weep- ing and coming to Zion, he is eyes to the blind.and legs to the lame \ therefore ftrive thou fo to d j with holy Job y 29. 1 5. And beware on the other hand to deferve the curie forla\ing a ^tumbling block before the blind,, or make them wander out of the way, Deut. 27. 18. Is ourbefled Saviour binding up that which was broken , lirength- nicg that which was fick? £^e£. 34. \6. For be will not brea\ the bwif- td reed> nor quench the fmo \ing flax. Mat. 12. 21. Then thcu ttrong Chriftian follow that fame trade, ftrengthen the weak hands, and con- firm the feeble knees of thefe Lambs. * Did the Son of God affume foul and body, flefh and blood , that he might give his firm to feed his Lambs ? and charges Peter as he loved him, feed bis Lambs. Joh.21. 19. And what kindnefs thou fhews to his Lambs , in the day of thy accounts he will count it up to thee as done to himfelf, Mat. 25.4$. Lay hold of rhis opportunity as a good Mercattoimploy to theu'termoft all thy talents of gifts and graces, lay them out in helping to bring home the Lambs of Chriii, and in learning to bear with che infirmities of the weak Limbs: Look to thy perfect copy that hath no blot in it. Job. 3. ve*f. 1 and downward: what pains our Lord takes on XicodemaSy bearing with his rudenefs and weaknefs in knowledge, though feme of his Questions were mofi chil- difh ; but our Saviour will not put out the fpunk ot hisfmoaking fbx, which kept kindling from that time forth, for he pleads Chnrtscaufe behind his back, fob. 7. 5. And as a true believer his faith kythed when the Apoflles were weaker in faith, durft not be fcen. nor kyth *, and with Jofepb of Arimatbe a waked on Chrift at a dad lift, and w/th living faith helped to enbalm and bury his Saviours body : What knows thou butfome of thefe weak Lambs whom now thou helps to come home, but hereafter when they grow fironger they truy help thee at a dead lift : Our Saviour did decree it, and forefee it in Nico- demus y no doubt, but thou can do neither. The woman of Samaria, Job. 4.7. when our Saviour is hungry, thirfty, andwcary ; about mid-day, after his journey, fhe not only refufes him a poor drink of water,but checks him for requiring it; not- withftanding he did not only bear with her uncivilly, but alfo he of- fers her better water ; which fhe not only refutes, l uz gives him cwo - checks in ftead of thanks for his offer: but he who did bear our fick- nefles, did bear with her infirmities, although he faid, How long {hall I be with mi how long [hall lfuffcr yon*, and this was a part of his pennancc The Dcxology Approver* 93 pcnnance for thy fins : then thou proud worm, (hall thou (form or Ikunnei at thy Lords command and example, to bear with iheia- firmrticsof the weak. lc is probable thou will propound this doubt, fhall I ihow all that k i.encis to thefc of which 1 may have probable grounded doi bts that they are not gracious ? For anlwer to thee, thou art not a fi Judge of hearts j it their Lord and thine hath beftowed on them the pnviledgcs of ihc vifiblc Church, and they profcis faith in that fame Saviour with thee, then he allows thee to judge charitably of them, and convert with them in Chriftun fellow (hip, and love j yea, doth rot our Lord, Jtytf. 9.10. who hates a!l workers ef iniquity, PfaL$.$. as Cuch, yet hcdidcoLvtrle with them, he cotidelcends to cat with Publicans and fionas, as their fpiritual Phyfician, who loved mercy better then Sa- crifice j for the prudent Phyfician will bear with maDy morofmes in fpeech and behaviour from his Patient, and all for their good, Intend- ing their health: And if fomc would objed, granting h to be a point much belonging to the Ph)ficians Calling and Trade, yet they doubt if ordinary Chriiiians be to tyed. I aniwer, Thou art as firongly bound as he by thy Chriflian Calling, bear ye one anotbtrs buy din, arJfo fulfil tbt Liwfif Chrifl, Gal. 6. 7. Rom. 15.1. The great Pbyiician will examine thee upon this his Law, as well as the Phyfician upon his Cures: tor 1! cu will find in the day of thy accounts , thou will be as well examined how thouimployed thy Talents of knowledge, morii- ficaiion, patience, and charity, in winning and tfrengrhning rhy weak brother, as well as the Phyfician hew he implcyed hislkili for healing of hisfick Patiems : See how the Creator of Angels condelcends to corverfe, ear and drink with Pu'licans and Tinners, to the ad* miiationand ignorant finful (tumbling of the proud Pharifees* thefe whited TOiiibs '. Sec and admire how rhat Lamb of God admire that woman, a great /Inner, known for inch in ali the Town fhc lived in, L&£. 7. $9. to kifs his feer without ceafing, when Simon the Pharifce intrcmean time, who had invired Chnlt to dinner, wondered that fuch a holy Perfon futTcred luch a vile (inner to touch him, but the i-ha- rifces were utterly ignorant of thisDcftrine, the iirong to (loop and fupport the weak, and their Satanical pride made them uncapable of it, for our Saviour who knew what was in man, defcribes them, L«£. 18. 11. They trufted in themfelves that they were righteous, and dif- pifed others, which two fins are inconfiftant with true Grace: then let the iirong Chriftian beware of thee two fife; and thus hitherro wc have let before the eves of your Soul the blefled example of our bleflcd Redeemer, then I befcech you, who are ftrong in Chrift,by the mceknersandgentiencfsofChriil, that yc bear with the infirmities of the weak Lambs, and count it your glory. But it is probable , chat fomc unwilling to this Duty, will ftri ! fhua 94 The Doxology tdpproven. fhune the jroak, as being abfurd, and fo no binding Duty, why, fay they, to bide the ftrong counterfite , and diflemble, and fain them- felves to be weak, when he isftrong; Ianfwer, their is a great differ- ence betwixt fimulation and diftimuladon, forthefirftis lawful, and our Saviour praftized ir,L/*£. 24. 28. Chrifl made as though he would have gone further, Be\a renders it ( fingtbat ) which I like not (0 well, the SyriacklGterpreterf facitbat tos puta r e ) But Aretius fimulabat: For clearing up of this Chriftian policy of fimulation, for the good of the weak Chriftian, Firfi, Al the time our Siviour was upon the ftage of this World, did he not hide the glory of his divine Nature, under the Rags of the mortality infirmities, and mifery of His hurnase nature, lfaiah 53. 2, 3. He bath no form nor comlinefs, there is no beauty, that Toe [hould defire him y verie 4. we did efteem him slric^en^fmittenofGod and affiifted , for he did not manifeft His Glory, but only to his own,, and that only in lome degrees, as, and when it pleafed himfelf, John 1. 14. And when the two Difciptes were going to Emmaus t Lufy 24. 16. their eyes were held that they did not know our Saviour, who dare challenge any fault here ? And when a C nftian in his lawfull acti- ons propones moe ends then one, which is lawfull for him, it is lawfull for him toconceall fome of thefe ends, that the King of kings condeicends ro mans weak capacity, as if he had eyes, cars, hands, feet, andpaflions, when all thefe are tnfinicly below his purity, and perfection, fotfie Parents and Nurfe fpeaksfuch broken language to the Babe, as it beft underftands , and the end makes it lawfull, the child 3 edification, and this fame makes the condefending of the ftrong to the weak lawfull and acceptable, Rom. 15. 2; Let every one of us pleafe his neighbour for his good to edification^ yea, St. Vaul caught the Corinthians with guile, 2 Cor. 12. 16, All Trades have their lecrets, fo practical Divinirv, and many cafes of Confcience: therefore Au- guflines anfwer upon this queftion, in his jo. £p//2. that rhefe fimula- tious, andftoopingsofthe ftrong to the weak, is not me ntientis^ a(lu, fed comp attends affeciu 9 but chat lame Apoftle 2 Cor. 1 1. 29. feems to aggravate this doubt, tvho is wea^, and I am notWea\, then StPaulls really weak with the weak, which feems repugnantia in adjeffo, when he was really ftrong, both in Knowledge, Faith, and Holinefs , how then was he weak ? I anfwer, through companion, and the more ftrong in Sanftification, the more fympathizing, and compaffionat, his Soul the more wounded with forrow,and fothe weaker through com- panion, and that in two conditions, Firft,to apply to the ftrong Chrifti- ao,are fome returning cordially to live in pcace,and order,and thou fe- ^ ing them weak, be weak with them, (looping to them, taking half fteps J with the weak Lambs,and not thy own ftrong long fteps,are they now! fhortly recovered out c( a dangerous ficknefs,be very anxious that you occafionnot them to relapfe 3 was their foot disjoynted, is it now fee right? The Doxtlogy Approver* \ 95 right? then help them to take eafte and even fteps ; there is another fort not yet come to land, but on a Ship broken plank wearing to fhoar, let rhy Soul oc weak for them, fearing and dreamy their link- ing, and be ufing all good means to bring them lafc to land, the Mo- ther though in good health, if me tee her Child weak, and in danger of death , in her companion will (he not turn really weak, and be ac the fowning for fear and grief. As we have let before vou thecximpleof God, and JcfusChrift our Peacemaker, fo we Anil prelVc the Duty, being fo accep able to Go \ and good men, with moe perfwafivcs, and firlr , fctng there is no gaming of our neighbours fpiritual good fo readily, asbv gaining their lore flrft , for then, and not tul then will chev rake advifc , or information, willingly, md therefore, the raotf effectual! way to gala them from their Error, is, to perfwade them of our love to t'lem, which is only befl accomp'imed by loving kindnefs , and carriage to- wards rhem, for ao man will take advife, Information, or counfeli from him whom hefufpeft*, or r hinks to be hisenemv. 2dl). Thou art ob ldgedin Confcitnce, ip thy judgement of chari- ty to look on him as an Elect, ir may be as reall as rhy fc If, then if thou have that charitable judgement, to think 'hy lelf Elect alio ; I. in the name of him who hatn elected you both, charge you to be kind to him, efpccially, if you were in Chrift before him ', fe what kindntfle Judak anftrong elder brother, many wa^es beftowed on his younger and weak brother Benjamin Gtn 44 33 / will bt a bond man to my io^i % and let my younger brother Benjamin go homt to bis father, what knows thou , but thy weak brother may be the beloved Benjamin ? th v ufe, and improve all thy gifts, and graces to bring home that darling Benja- min to his Father and thine. %dly. Look upon thy weak Brother as dear to Chrift as thy fclf, even the price of his Blood and Death, confider, Rom. 14. i$» and 1 Cor. 8. 11. And therefore beware of that fearfull hn of deftroying thy weak brother for whom Chrift dyed, by thy ftubborncfTe, and un- kindnefTe to him, be aware ro give him a fower look, or down look, thou little knows, how little a (tone will caufc his weak foot to Humble. 4(7. Look upon thy weak Brother as a Member of that fame Mvftf- call Body of Chrift with thy fclf, 1 Cor. 22. 17. Where the eve can pot lay to the leaft Member, the finger , or t^e, J hare not need of thee, verfe 20. But otltheother part, when the weakeft, or (milcft loeof thy foot is hurt, will not the Mouth crv, I am hurt, and fuffcr with it, aBd feek Cure , verfe 1 6. . The hand will apply the fafoe, and the eye fee that it be well and right done, then if thou be a wcH feingeye, and have but a little fore toe, yet he is a Member of chac fame MyfticallBody of Jcfus , who will feci his fore, and cure it. $6 The Doxology i^dpproven. $thly. Chrift Jefus is head of all that Myfticall Body, whereof bo'h that weak Lamb and thou art Members, anr he is a feeling and co n- paffionate head, Ephtj. 4. 15. And chy kmtfnefs to the weakeft of his Members, he will take it and repay it as done ro himfelf, If th u edify in love the leaft Member of his Myftica! Body, Ephtf. 4. 12. Or if thou defpife , and hurt the weakeft ofihefe hh M mbers, will not thitGIorL sHcad, whofe eyes are as a flame ot rue, Revel. 1. verft. fay, lbavefeen, 1 have feen. Exod. 3.7. 6thly. Look upon thy weak Brother , as a living Hone in that holy and fpintuai Temple, whereof Chrift is the foundation, and c'"irf cor- ner ftone and Chrift alfo the Mafter-bmlder, commands thee who are ftrong to polifti thy weak Brother, and build him up in the b* th, I Pet. 2. $. fthl y . C nfidcrhim as a little Temple to God, 1 Cor. 6 19. Then for thy LoriH fake, who d *ellsin it, help to polifti and ado n ir un. till the Cape-ftone be put on, this do at his command, u ho might have ic fr thee in thy natural condition, a leprous fton^, and caft thee into^hat unclean place withour the ' ity Ltvit. 14. 40. %tbjj. As he vholebody of BHicvers are Chriit^s Bryde , and Spoufe, hisSi'ter, his Dove, his Undcfiled , then this fame R ]? ion hath every particular Belkver ro Chrift ; Therefore help to deckand adorn his Spoufe ( che weaker the more tenderly ) as a Bride prepar- ed for her Hufband, let her not have cauff ro complain .-> her Hufland, that inftead of adorning thou did father roba d puhoff gthlf. Bew«r? '0 dildam that youngei Brother, for his vscaknefs, and infirmity, and ignorance at prefrnt, what knows rhou, burf-r all that he may redeem the time, and ovc rtaite thy lelf, and run bv hce and prove a ftronger Chriftian , and greater Saint , firft on Earth, and then in Heaven nor thy felf. 10/7. As truly as in nature thou was a Babe, before thou was a Main in ftrength and ftature, fo in Grace and Knowledge thou was once a Babe, and it may be profane alfo, which motive St. Paul prefieth. Tit. 3. 2, 3. Be gentle, (hewing alt meefyiefs to all men, for roe ourfelves Tverefomttimes joolijh, disobedient, deceived , Jervmg diver fe lufts and pleafuresy but it may be thou will fay, but I was never difloyal corny King, I anfwer, thank God for his good providence in rhv goo edu- cation, in regard of Loyalty, but has thou cot been difloyal to the King of kings , by many wicked lufts ? nrWj. What knows thou, but ere thou die, thySmt's condition may be as pi ifull and low, as the weakeft Lamb, rhar now thou ees rcurningtorhc Md, what knowsthou bu thou ma* fa be tempted. \it-ly If choi> be obliged inConinence to lav down thy life, for thv B ftthcr, i ] ' bn $.ve*le 6. then certamly ir is chif.fly forthc good if his S"ul, tvtn as Chn laid down Ms life for him, then thou art ft i ngly oblirgtd to t o the IclTcr D\rie for thv weak brothers (piruual good, even to be kind and corrp lin nat rowird him. Hath nor the Lord put it in the heart ot tht moft cruel Tyger, and devouing Lvon to jekind , and loving »o their young ones, and the Realon stie fjm. in the general, the Parents areftrong, and their young Ones weak, and has need of rheir help, and that Law of Go j in nature is obeyed, the Lvontfs gives fuck to her >ounjj weak CHes. and th cini'Dfttr draw* our the brcaft , and gives iuck to iheir young Ons, Lamnt 4 $. So rhy Lord commands thee who arc ftrong to liJprhy weak Cnrlftian Brother. I Ycajdoes not the whole ouiiding of Heaven andEjrth keep invioable, by thefe Laws which their, and our Creator gave them, for her own particular , and mutu 1 prtfervation> Fuft, theEirth furr ifheth Fe*el to feed the fire, and entertains it in its bowells, as appears in many Coun ries. idly. The Earth keeps alfn in its bowells the rrea- fures of wi»»d. which by their blowing, help to keep borh Air an* Wa- ter from corupri^. ^/y. TheSea turnifheth theE.r h with Water, fending ir 1 p o 'he Cloud*, . nd they 1 own to h Earth, and by conve\ia fc Wa'er r Vr ough rhe bow- lis oft! e Eirh t furr.ifh continu- all fpri >gs on r he tops ot he higheft mountains. 41 D^es not the ftars fenrt d wn their influx ces many hundred thouf nd myles from Hea- ven to Earb, and rules the four Seafons of tie Year, Job 38. virfe 31. 33 Yea, the Sun and Moon fend down heir t< fluenees, not only mui h conducing to the weib'ing of Man and Be^fi, bur alfoto he ve- getables, Dts. 33. 14* P>eciou& bruits brousrr forth by the Sunand Moon, yea, trnr influence. 1 pierces to the bottom of the Seas, and borrom of the M ^unrains j So in this lower World, the King of Saints hath a City His Temple, His Houfe, and every Believer is a ftone there- of, to which City i\\\\ Kingof Saints hath given Laws, even that the ftrong and able Citizen, (hall help to build the weak, that they may be fiiU the more firmly united to Chrift the Foundation by ftronger Kuowledyr, and Faith , and better polifhed by more holy Life. •U this Duty is great and good,fo many Graces arc required in the Soul I of the ftrong , for performiue this Duty to the weak, ^nd firft, ChrifMin love , for knowledge puffeth up , but thy charity will edify thv weak Brother, 1 co\ 8. I« Itfufferetb long, is ^ind envyetb not, VgBHUth not it felf is not faffed up, doth not behive tt ftlf unfeemly, is not ujilj provoked, thinfytb no evil> hopeth all tbines , endureth all u '***, P 2 1 cor. 9 8 The Doxology Af^roveti* 1 Cor. 15.4. If thou rhen have this Ch.ricy to thy Brother, howfweet a convrfe will it procure bctwix'thec and thy weak Brother. The feconn Gr»ace Humility, 1 Pel. 5 5. Cloathed with Hutu itv, in low- line is of Mi d. each eh * mmg other better thenhimfclf, Phil. 2. v. 3. Thirdly, M ;k c(s, Phil. 4 5, Gentle flawing all Meeknefs to all M n, fl vv to A ger, if thou oe of great underftandin*, P«ov. 14. 29. a , • aw VjIIj age to thee th< n if thou ha takrn in a City, Prov. 16.52. which three Graces are joyoed together, Epbef. 4. 2. and Co. off. 3. 12. as Decerning Gr-cesto the Eleft, and efpctally to Church men, who ftoulri be of he itrong Chrinians that we are fpeaking of, whofe office is to plcate he Flock tor good to their edification, 2 Cor. 13. 10. and fb uld do all things for their edifying. 2 Cox. 12. 19. gentle to all, in M< eknefs intruding the(e that oppcie 3 1 Tim. 3, 6* And here I will fpeak a little to my reverend Brethren of the Miniftry, cfpeci- ally to thefe v\ho have hid the moft grieved hearts for the wan- clring of their Flocks, and now finds their comfortable return, I hope I need not prefs you to lov- ing kindneis to ard them, for I Kas y&% etv ssmtp wetvlav *v- thisk every good Mmifkr of Jelus i^eiirm efieuna\efins oyja^Ads mi Chrift in this iunfto, will be fo Kefi oJo^as^ tx.nh.Msav' sowfopivoi ler in- jtct/ ywrw avviyuew lav v&hav % couat < % xt 1 ** 1° v*y lt > ov ttyahav 1i$ku$v r Jt. ovcijovcd, th the will rathei clii t to the other ex remity of io- du g^nct to rhem who return, and vsiUbe rar frr>rn aii tjrenefsand fovrnefs towards rhefc returning Lambs of hi -.* andaibeir hitherto they h.vc pojfi iv mticirri-d to thee, bv word or deed vetfeing their fc\:htr & thine harh forgiven them the tin thoufmd Talents and theeaHo. thenhKewife muf\ thou Chrif'ianly fo'g^ve rhefnall Mi r e< of Off ncc whi h any of the Flock hav^ committed againft thee, re- mcmbrin^thele words of great St. B:(ily who ensured th* heat of the day, 'in the rime of 'he Arian Perlecution and favs,tha r Church- men of all other would r>e moft a- bomm?ble, if they did nor love the reuniting ^f thr Members of Chriffs Msttical Body before all E Thh things, vea, and himfelf wifheth the re union of the Church more than his own life. Sjne quidm tffmus omninum mor- ulium abfurdiffimi fi fchifmut & &ifh*ftiontEccltft*rum6ble84rtmt nee mtmbr,,rum Chrifli cohorts coa- litionm ante omnia alia bona repw tartmus Tom. 2. cpiO 342. idem ep ; fi 26$. initio sv H tji >cctp<#* yx 1o<;dv]w V/jiv I'TTi^ietv w d£a$$ii'c ftrong Shoulders, and the Graces ab' vementioned requ red in the Strong fo> far D r\ proves no lefs . And therefore ye that are ftron^ in Knowledge , bu- wc k in Mortifica ion nd Sanftiflcation, no doub har raft will be more difficult to you * and rherefo; c m\ hum- ble advice to you is, that if y u find vou arc not I'ufficiently ftrong in Mortification and Patience as to bear with the Infirmities or them, beware o' falling in reafoningor Hiiputing with them, for rhar will make 00 Healing, but rather more Strife : But withall, I w uld charge you to make this choice, rather to bear with the weak Lambs then for pleafmg ioo % The Daxofogy Approve??. plcafiogof Men to bear too much with Sinners, which Is adifpleafing of God; and ?hou who will notftoop to bear with the infirmities of the Weak, does not thy Farher in Heaven bear with tny infirmities and groflcr fins ? does not thy Neighbour, with whom thou convcrfeth, bear with thee alio? nay, hedefcrvesnoe tobe^orn with, or live in Chriftian Society who is fo pafiionatc and wrathful, that he will nei- ther bear word or look, for in m ay things we tin 3ll, cfpecially in (ins of infirmity; beware thou be not like Job's Friends, who had (ome mraforcof Knowledge, and came with r>al purpnfe ro comforr their Friend, but for want of Charity they proved miserable Comforter?, and inftead of binding up his Soul wounds,ranckled them mor . As for you who are fironc both in Knowledge and Grace, 'hough the tafk He hard and difficult fometime to the ftrongeft Chriftian, as upon this account fometimes ye will have to do with a Lamb fo weak in Knowledge, that they will think you fcarce deferve the name of Chri- ftian, or that you have Grace, or are walking in the way ro He;ven-j thebeft confutation of thefe, is to live wi h them, and b» r. ( iflinMaccdfrom»hy Father, but witlnll Meckncfs and Gentlc- ncfsleod thv Ear,and thv Heart to found Inltruftion * and if thou wik keep Church Communion, and live orderly, thy H, avenly Father will more and more clear thee of thy doubis, and mlfbkes, and refolve ro fallow the advhe of the Apoftle, Pbilif. $♦ i<5. Which comes to \\ , that iciog thy Neighbour Chriftian, and you agree ta the Fundamentals, and laving Truths ofReligion, to wit, one Gatechifm, a C- uflion of Fairh, which are the compleat Rule to lead you both to He ven, walk joyntly together in that way of Faith, and Holy Lite-, a*:d for any other difference in opinion, till ye he cleared of your doubts, there is rJ6 danger for your soul to kc them lye afl et>. And for you that are Strong, remember that Precious Promife, Id the Covenant nf Grace, Their fin 1 -will remember no more, Heb. 8. 12* And none of his fins that he hath committed (hall be mentioned wo him t Ezek. 18. 22. and 33. i*. S^ in this be ycfoliowcrs of God as dear Children 4 , Ephef. 5. 1. Therefore 1 charge you, that their bvgone efcapes be mentioned no more, as you would have your Heave'nly Fa- ther keep that Covenant of Grace to you, In the day of your accounts* therefore let an Aft of Oblivion, in the Souls of the Strong in Gifcs and Grace be parted, in favours of the Weak, who have returned, or are in the way of returning to the Bofom of their Mother Church , that fo thefc Weak Lambs reflecting with an holy, and inward Indication againft themfclves, for their bygone IVT Hakes , and Wandrings, may rejoyce in the Lord, for the kindnefs, and Chrlfiian Brotherly Love, Humanity and Acceptance that they find, even from thefe whom be- fore they looked upon , during their feparation as caftawayes, and and now they find that Truth confirmed, Charity fujferetb long, and is lcjnd% all which Chriflian Kindnefle they finding invou, who are Strong>it may prove aftrong Convincing and Gaining Argument upon their Spirits, that you have been, and are Hill in the Right Way to Heaven -, Vol by this (hall all men fyow that ye are my difciples. if ye love one another, John 13. 3$ And he that dwells in love, dwells in God, and God in him. 1 Johu 4. 16. ^ And for you, beloved in the Lord, who through the good hand of God upon you, are returned to your Mother Church, to Communion in Word and Sacraments, lec there be noSchifm in your Worfliip, bec * /i +Th'i'l^iScfiogytopfroveh* m but joyn with your Mother Church, and Holy Church Llniverfaf, in fmging the Doxoiogy with them , make ftraight pa^hs for yoijr feet, lead that which is Lame be turned out of the vay, but rather let it be liealed, Hib. 12. 13. Do not, fo far as In you lyes make Jarue and hilting Worftiip, if you be filcnt , when others are finging Glory to their Gori ; ftia'l your loving Mothei Church receive yon again in her 'bofome, and will ye be untrnnktull and grieve her S^ul, in retaining that halt which ye learned firaying on the Mountains, and retjin ftiJI to be a fcandall to your Brethren, and a grief to her chat Dar^. you, Qod forbid. ** As the Lords Covenant with tioab, and with mankind in him, and Seallcd it with avifible Sign, to continue to *!1 Genendons, thithe would not any more deftrov the carrh with a fl od, and according to that Covenant rmh iterat His Promifc •, l have p^ced the [and fo the bound of the jta, by aperpetuall decree, that it cannot pafft it % and ihough the waves tofle themfelves, yet cannot it prevjj hough they roar, yet they cannot pafle over it •, I befeech the Lord, if it be His vill that fuch another Inundation of Errours , with fuch Confufion , and dif- 'orrier never overrun tnef three Kingdoms again, untill that day that th<* Lord fend forth His Angells, aud gather out of His K ngdom all things that offend, and the Kin? (hall feperat the Sherp from the Goats, and there fhall be perfect Union, in figging one Song, with one \ Heart and Mouth unto all Eternity, To Him .that fis upon the Throne, * and to the Lamb, and to the Holy GhoM , be Glory and Praife, And fhall be Glory and Praife, by all glorified Angels and Saints • Worl & without End. AMEN. F INI S. 4 ••