re-, nuj*' ^.<, rVHONER, PRINTER, & a»as3^a^sa^2- ffaaQIUDQIN&Glik SraillMQV, PRINCETON, N. J SAMUEL AGNEW, OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. Division o | Case, D" Shelf, Ejection..'... ^....JL | j?*^**, ; J; se<==^Q SOB B / a^o SELECT PSALMS A N D HYMNS. UT QUISQJJE DE SCRIPTURIS SANCTIS, VEf, BE PROPRIO INGENIO POTEST, PROVOCATUR IN MEDIUM DEO CAN ERE. TERTULL, APOL. XXXIX, SELECT PSALMS FROM THE O L D a i-r d NEW V E R S I O N S: FOR THE USE OF St. JAMES's CHURCH, MANCHESTER. All Things mujl he fulfilled which were written in the Pfalms concerning me. * LUKE XXIV. 44. . "OMNES PENE PSALMI CHRISTI PERSONAM sustinent: filium ad patre:: — tertull. adv. p pax. xi* MANCHESTER*. PR1N.TED BY G. SWINDELL: MDCCLXXXIX, PREFACE, THOSE facred compofitions, which the Hebrews ftyie Sepber Tebillim, the Book of Praises, and to' which the Septuagint pre- fixed the title of Psalms, are an epitome of the Bible, adapted to the various purpofes of religious worfhip. The prayers and praifes of the Church have been offered up to the throne of*grace, from age to age, in the language of this infpired volume. And it appears to have been the ma- nual of the Son of God, in the days of his incarnation, and frequently the fubjeei of his difcourfes. He reafoned with the Fharifees con- cerning the Sonfnip of the Median from the hundred and tenth Pfalm. He pronounced on the crofs the beginning of the twenty fjcond. He expired repeating part of the twenty- firil. And after his refurreclion, he reminded, his difciples that all things which- were written in the I the Prophets, and the Pfalms, concerning hi'm- felf, mull be accompiifhed. Thus [ iv. ] Thus he, the fountain of wifdom and know- ledge, who fpake as never man fpake, chofe to folace himfelf, in his greater! agony, and to breathe out his Soul, in the Pfalmift's form of words rather than his own. In this Selection from the Old and New Versions, I have chiefly omitted the defcrip- tive, hiftcrical, and imprecatory Pfalms ; and brought into one view a considerable number of thofe beautiful and experimental verfes, which before were feparated by narrations, references, or prophecies. This liberty, I hope, will not be confidered as a violation of their native cohe- rence ; the fame method being commonly purfued in fermons, and frequently permitted to thofe who give them out in public. Happy are they who make melody in their hearts to the Lord ; without which no external mulk, ever fo exact and harmonious, can be pleafing in his ear. To him, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, be afcribed eternal adoration ! C. BAYLEY. MANCHESTER. iyS9. IN D X, A LL laud and praife with heart and -voice 15 All people that on earth do dwell . . 53 As pants the hart for cooling ftreams . Be thou, O God, exalted high Blefs God, my foul; thou Lord alone Bleft is the man whom thou, O Lord Come, Holy Gho-ft, eternal God . . Come, Holy Ghoft, our fouls infpire Come, Holy Spirit, God of might Do thou, O God, preferve my foul Erect your heads, eternal gates For thee, O God, our conftant praifje Give praifes unto God the Lord . God is our refuge in diilrefs . ' . Happy the man whofe tender care . Have mercy, Lord, on me .... Have mercy on us, Lord .... He's bleft, whofe fins have pardon gain'd He that hath God his guardian made . How bleft. are they who always keep . How bleu: is he who ne'er confents . . How good and pleafant mull it be 3i ?S 79 34 2? 2> 3° 33 16 45 64 3 47 Ho;v INDEX. How pleafant is thy dwelling place How vaft mud their advantage be . In God, ye people, always truft Inltruct me in thy ftatutes, Lord I ftrive each action to approve . I waited long and fought the Lord I will regard and tlaink upon . Jehovah reigns, let all the earth . Let all the juft to God with joy Let all the lands, with fhouts of joy Let me with light and truth be ble(l Lord, in thy wrath reprove me not Lord, let me know my term of days Lord, number out my life and days Lord, who's the happy man that may My God, my God, why leav'ft thou me My Shepherd is the living Lord . . ' foul infpir'd with facred love ly/oulpi fe the Lord, fpeak &C. foul with patience waits No change of times fhould ever fhock O all ye people, clap your hands . O ail ye nations, biefs our God O come, lcud anthems let us fing G G:,d of hofts, the mighty Lord G God, my gracious God, to thee O Holy C?hoit, into our fou.s O Holy Spirit, guide aright . O Lord, fend out thy light and truth O Lord, thy mercy, my lure hope 36 49 40 33 11 80 26 18 O Lord, f N D E X. O Lord, thy goodnefs doth afcend O Lord, turn not thy face away . . O praife the Lord, for he is good O praife the Lord with one confent . O praife the Lord, in that bled place O praife the Lord, and thou, my foul O praife the Lord, with hymns of joy O praife ye the Lord, prepare your glad voice O render thanks and blefs the Lord . O render thanks to God above . O Thou, to whom all creatures bow . O what a happy thing it is . . . Praife ye the Lord, for he is good . Praife ye the Lord; our God to praife Since mercy is the grace .... Sing to the Lord a new made fong . Sing to the Lord a new made fong Sing ye with praife unto the Lord . So teach us, Lord, the uncertain fum That man is bl eft who ftands in awe . Thee I'll extol, my God and King . The good man's way is God's delight The heavens declare thy glory,. Lord The Lord defcended from above . The Lord does them fupport that fall The Lord, the univerfal King . . The mighty God, the Eternal hath thus fpok The place of other facrince . The very entrance to thy word . Though wicked men grow rich or great Thou, Lord, bv ftri&efl fearch haft known Page, INDEX. Thou, Lord, out of thy boundlefs ftore Through all the various fcenes of life Thy mercies and thy love . . Thy mercies, Lord, fhall be my fong To all that fear his holy name . To blefs thy chofen race To celebrate thy praife, O Lord . To God your voice in anthems raife To God, the mighty Lord To Zion's hill I lift my eyes . . When God arofe to take my part When I pour out'my foul in prayer . WThile finful crouds, with falfe defign Whom then in heaven, but thee alone With cheerful notes, let all the earth Withdraw not, Lord, thy help . With glory clad, with ftrength array'd With one confent let all the earth With quiet mind on God depend . . Ye boundlefs realms "of joy . Ye people all, with one accord . Ye princes that in might excel Ye faints§frid fervants of the Lord Page. 34 18 13 43 42 37 6 39 69 66 9 54 21 39 63 3i 47 52 21 74 28 15 62 VERSIONS by different Authors. BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne . . 93 Behold, how good a thing .... 106 Bleft is the man, fupremely bleft. ... ^6 Give INDEX, Page. Give to our God immortal praife ... 108 Glorious is the Lord moft high .... 89 Grace every morning new . . . . , 10/ Had not the Lord, we now may cry . . 102 Hail, glorious angels, heirs of light . . 124 Hallow and make thy fervants meet . #123 I'll praife my Maker, while I've breath . 112 Infinite God, to thee we raife . . . . 121 Let every tongue thy goodnefs fpeak . . 1 1 1 Lord, in thy wrath no more chaftife . . 81 Lord of the worlds above 91 Median ! joy of every heart 119 Mefiiah! joy of every heart 122 My God, my King, thy various praife . 109 My God, permit my tongue . ... 90 My heart is full, O Chrift, and longs . .87 O God the Son, thy fway we own . . 88 O how overjoy'd was I 101 Open the gates of righteoufnefs .... 99 O Thou, who when I did complain ... 96 Praife the Lord who reigns above . . . 117 Praife ye the Lord, immortal choir . . .115 Praife ye the Lord; 'tis good to raife . . 112 "Regent of all the worlds above . . . . 116 Sweet is the memory of thy grace . . . no Sweet is the work, my God, my King . . 92 Thee INDEX. Thee will I love, O Lord, my power The Lord, I now can fay, is mine . The Lord my pafture fhall prepare The Lord fuftains the world he made The fpacious firmament on high . This is the day the Lord hath made Thou, the God of power and grace To the hills I lift my eyes . . . Turn us' again, O Lord ..... Vouchfafe to keep me, Lord, this day We praife our God with one accord . We too the joyful found have heard . When Ifrael freed from Pharoah's hand When Ifrael out of Egypt came _, . When our redeeming Lord .... Who in the Lord confide ...» Ye nations who the globe divide . Ye fervants of God, whofe diligent care Ye, who dwell above the ikies . . . Page. *3 97 «5 3/ 84 99 81 100 104 120 118 105 94 95 104, 103 97 108 i*3 X^**4* mf% (jjgp *** ♦*.-*♦ £ J^x>cc>«OO^xxxxxxxxx^ SELECT PSALMS. PSALM I. i TJOW bleft is he who ne'er confents [ By ill advice to walk ; Nor Hands in furriers' ways ; nor fits Where men profanely talk ! 2 But makes the perfeft law of God His bufinefs and delight ; Devoutly reads therein by day, And meditates by night. 3 Like fome fair tree, which, fed by ftreams, With timely fruit does bend, He ftill mall flourifh, and fuccefs All his defigns attend. 4 For God approves the juft man's ways, To happinefs they tend ; But finners, and the paths thev tread, Shall both in ruin end. v„ A • psalm ( 4 ) PSALM IV. 1 rr-iHE place of other facrifice X Let righteoufnefs fupply ; And let your hope, fecurely fixt, On God alone rely. 2 While wordly minds impatient grow, More prosperous times to fee, §till let the glories of thy face Shine brightly, Lord, on me. 3 So (hall my heart -o'erflow with joy More lafting and more true, Than theirs, who ftores of corn and wine Succeiuvely renew. 4 Then down in peace I'll lay my head, - And take my needful reft ; , No other guard, O Lord, I crave, Of thy defence pofleft. psalm vi. o. v. i T ORD, in thy wrath reprove me not, JL^ Though I deferve thy ire, Nor yet correct me in thy rage, O Lord, I thee defire. 2 My foul is troubled very fore And vex'd exceedingly ; But, Lord, how long wilt thou delay To cure my mifery ? 3 Lord, ( 5 ) 3 Lord, turn thee to thy wonted grace, Some pity on me take ; Oh ! fave me, not for my deferts, But for thy mercy's faiie. 4 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft Immortal glory be ; As was, and is, and fhall he ftill To all eternity. SAIM VIII. O bow Within this earthly frame, Through all the world how great art thou ! How glorious is thy name ! 2 In heaven thy wonderous acts are fung, Nor fully reckon 'd there ; And yet thou mak'ft the infant-tongue Thy boundlefs praife declare. 3 Through thee the weak confound the ftrong, And crufh their haughty foes ; And fo thou quell' ft the wicked throng, That thee and thine oppofe. 4 When heaven, thy bounteous work on high, Employs my wondering fight ; The moon, that nightly rules the fky, With ftars of feebler light ; 5 What's man, O Lord, that thus thou lov'ft To keep him in thy mind ? A z Or ( 6 ) Or what his offspring, that thou prov'ft To them fo wonderous kind ? 6 Him next in power thou didft create To thy celeftial train ; Ordain'd with dignity and ftate, O'er all thy works to reign. 7 O thou, to whom all creatures bow Within this earthly frame, Through all the world how great art thou ! How glorious is thy name ! PSALM IX. i rTn O celebrate thy praife, O Lord, l_ I will my heart prepare ; To all the lift'ning world thy works, Thy wonderous works declare. 2 The thought of them mall to my foul Exalted pleafures bring ; Whilft to thy name, O thou mofl high ! Triumphant praife I fing. 3 All thofe who have his goodnefs prov'd Will in his truth confide ; Whofe mercy ne'er forfook the man, That on his help relied. 4 Sing praifes therefore to the Lord, From Sion his abode; Proclaim his deeds, 'till all the world Confefs no other God. r s A I. M ( 7 ) PSALM XV. i Y ORD, who's the happy man that may I j To thy bleft courts repair ? Not, ftranger-like, to vifit them, But to inhabit there ? j 2 'Tis he whofe every thought and deed By rules of virtue moves; Whofe gen'rous tongue difdains to fpeak The thing his heart difproves. 3 Who never did a flander forge, His neighbour's fame to wound; Or hearken to a falfe report, By malice whifper'd round. 4 Who vice, in all it's pomp and power, Can treat with juft neglect ; And piety though cloth'd in rags, Religioufly refpeft. 5 Who to his plighted vows and truft Has ever firmly ftood ; And though he promife to his lofs, He makes his promife good. 5 The man who by his fteady courfe Has happinefs infur'd, When earth's foundation (hakes, mall frand* By Providence fecur'd. A^ PSAL'i ( 8 ) PSALM XVI. 1 TT Strive each attion to approve _1 To God's all-feeing eye; No danger fhall my hopes remove, Becaufe he ftill is nigh. 2 Therefore my heart all grief defies, My glory does rejoice ; My flefh fhall reft in hope to rife, Wak'd by his powerful voice. 3 Thou, Lord, when I refign my breath, My foul from hell fhalt free ; Nor let thy Holy-One in death The leaft corruption fee. 4 Thou fhalt the paths of life difplay, Which to thy prefence lead ; Where pleafures dwell without allay, And joys that never fade. PSALM XVIII. i "^TO change of times mould ever mock JJ^J My firm affection, Lord, to thee ; For thou haft always been a rock, A fortrefs and defence to me. z Thou my deliverer art, my God ; My truft is in thy mighty power : Thou art my fhield from foes abroad, At home my fafe-guard and my tower. 3 Let ( 9 ) 3 Let the eternal Lord be prais'd, The rock, on whofe defence I reft : O'er higheft heavens his name be rais'd, Who me with his falvation bleft ! PSALM XVIII. p. 2. HEN God arofe to take my part, The confcious earth did quake for fear; From their firm pofts the hills did ftart, Nor could his dreadful fury bear. ■w 2 He left the beauteous realms of light, Whiirt heaven bow'd down it's awful head : Beneath his feet fubftantial night Was, like a fable carpet, fpread. 3 The chariot of the King of kings, Which active troops of angels drew, On a ftrong tempefVs rapid wings, With molt amazing fwiftnefs flew. 4 Black watery mifts and clouds confpir'd With thickeft fhades his face to veil ; But at his brightnefs foon retir'd, And /ell in mowers of fire and hail. 5 Through heaven's wide arch a thundering peal, God's angry voice did loudly roar : While earth's fad face with heaps of hail, And flakes of Are was covered o'er. 6 His fharpen'd arrows round he threw, Which made his fcatter'd foes retreat ; Like ( io ) Like darts his nimble light'ning flew, And quickly nnifh'd their defeat. . 7 The deep it's fecret ftores difclos'd ; The world's foundations naked lay, By his avenging wrath expos d, Which fiercely rag'd that dreadful day. PSALM xviii. o. v. i '"J VHE Lord defcended from above, X. And bow'd the heaven's high : And underneath his feet he caft . The darknefs of the Iky. 2 On cherubs and on cherubim Full royally he rode : And on the wings of mighty winds Came flying all abroad. PSALM XIX. 1 HPHE heavens declare thy Glory, Lord, • X Which that alone can fill ; The firmament and ftars exprefs Their great Creator's fkill. 2 The dawn of each returning day Frefh beams of knowledge brings : From darkeft night's fucceflive rounds Divine inftrudtion fprings. 3 Their powerful language to no realm Or region is confin'd : 'Tis nature's voice, and underftood Alike by all mankind. 4 Their ( » ) 4 Their do&rine does it's facred fenfe Through earth's extent difplay ; Whofe bright contents the circling fun Does round the world convey. 5 From Eaft to Weft, from Weft to Eaft, His reftiefs courfe he goes : And, through hisprogrefs, cheerful light And vitai warmth beftows. PSALM XXII. i T\/TY God, my God, why leav'ft thou me, J^VX When I with anguim faint? O ! why lb far from me remov'd, And from my loud complaint ? 2 My blood like water fpill'd, my joints Are rack'd, and out of frame ; My heart diffolves within my breaft, Like wax before the flame. 3 Like blood-hounds, to furround me, they In pack'd afTemblies meet : They pierc'd my inoffenfive hands, Theypierc'd my harmlefs feet. 4 As fpoil, my garments they divide, Lots for my vefture caft : Therefore approach, O Lord, myftrength8 And to my fuccour hafte, 5 Withdraw not then fo far from me, When trouble is fo nigh : Oh! ( 12 ) Oh ! fend me Help ! thy Help, on which I only can rely. PSALM XXIII. O. V. Y Shepherd is the living Lord, Nothing therefore I need : In paftures fair, near pleafant ftreams, He fetteth me to feed. 2 He fhall convert and glad my foul, And bring my mind in frame ; To walk in paths of righteoufnefs, For his moft holy name. 3 Yea, though I walk in vale of death* Yet will i fear no ill ; Thy rod and ftafF do comfort me* And thou art with me frill, 4 And in the prefence of my foes My table thou malt fpread : Thou wilt fill full my cup, and thou Anointed haft my head. 5 Through all my life thy favour is So frankly fhew'd to me, That in thy houfe for evermore My dwelling place fhall be. PSALM XXIV. i Y7 RECT your heads, eternal gates : JJ*/ Unfold, to entertain The ( '3 ) The King of glory : fee ! He comes With his ceieftial train. 2 Who is the King of glory ? who ? The Lord for ftrength renown'd, In battle mighty, o'er his foes Eternal Victor crown'd. 3 Erect your heads, ye gates, unfold, In ilate to entertain The King of glory : fee ! He comes With all his mining train. 4 Who is the King of glory ? who ? The Lord of Hofts renown'd : Of glory he alone is King, Who is with glory crown'd. psalm xxv. THY mercies and thy love, O Lord, recall to mind ; And gracioufly continue ftill, As thou wert ever, kind. Let all my youthful crimes - Be blotted out by thee : And, for thy wonderous goodnefs fake, In mercy think on me. His mercy and his truth The righteous Lord difplays, In bringing wandering tinners home, And teaching them his ways. 4 He ( H ) He thofe in juftice guides, Who his direction feek ; And in his facred paths mall lead The humble and the meek. Through all the ways of God Both truth and mercy fhine, To fuch as with religious hearts, To his bleft will incline. PSALM XXV. P. 2, 1 OINCE mercy is the grace i^ That moft exalts thy fame, Forgive my heinous fin, O Lord, And fo advance thy name. 2 Whoe'er with humble fear, To God his duty pays, Shall find the Lord a faithful guide, In all his righteous ways. 3 His quiet foul with peace Shall be for ever bleft, And by his numerous race the land Succeflively pofleft. 4 For God to all his faints His facred will imparts; And does his gracious covenant write In their obedient hearts. psalm PSALM XXIX. E Princes that in might excel, Your grateful facrifice prepare ; God's glorious actions loudly tell, His wond'rous power to all declare. Y 2 To his great name frefli altars raife ; Devoutly due refpect afford ; Him in his holy temple praife, Where he's with folemn ftate ador'd. 3 'Tis he that with amazing noife, The watery clouds in funder breaks ; The ocean trembles at his voice, When he from heaven in thunder fpeaks. 4 How full of power his voice appears I With what majeftic terror crown'd I Which from the roots tall cedars tears, And ftrews their fcatter'd branches round. 5 God rules the angry floods on high; His boundlefs Avay mail never ceafe ; His people he'll with ftrength fupply, . And blefs his own with conftant peace. psalm xxx. o. v. \ A LL laud and praife with heart and roicej jf\ O Lord, I give to thee ; Who didft not make my foes rejoice, But haft exalted me. B z O ( 16 ) s O Lord, my God, to thee I cried In all my pain and grief : Thou gav'ft an ear and didft provide To eafe me with relief. 3 Thou, Lord, haft brought my foul from hell, And thou the fame didft fave From them that in the pit do dwell, And keep'ft me from the grave. 4 Sing praife, ye faints, that prove and fee The goodnefs of the Lord : In honour of his Majefty Rejoice with one accord. PSALM XXXII. i TJE's bleft whofe fms have pardon gain'd, J[ 1 No more in judgment to appear ; Whofe guilt remiffion has obtain'd, And whofe repentance is fincere. 2 While I conceal'd the fretting fore, My bones confum'd without relief: All day did I with anguifh roar, But no complaints aftuag'd my grief. 3 Heavy on me thy hand remain'd, By day and night alike diftrefs'd ; Till quite of vital moifture drain'd, Like land with fummer's drought opprefh 4 No fooner I my wound difclos'd, The guilt that tortur'd me within. But ( U ) But thy forgivenefs interpos'd, And mercy's healing balm pour'd In, 5 . Thy favour, Lord, in all diflrefs, My tower of refuge I mufl own ; Thou malt my haughty foes fupprels, And me with fongs of triumph crown. PSALM XXXIII. 1 T ET all the juil to God with joy I j Their cheerful voices raife ; For well the righteous it becomes To fmg glad fongs of praife. 2 Let harps, and pfaiteries, and lutes, In joyful concert meet ; And new-made fongs of loud applaufe The harmony complete. 3 For faithful is the word of God, His works with truth abound ; He juftice loves ; and all the earth Is with his goodnefs crown'd. 4 Our fouls on God with patience wait ; Our help and ihield is he ; Then, Lord, let frill our hearts rejoice, Becaufe we trufl in thee. 5 The riches of thy mercy, Lord, Do thou to us extend ; Since we, for. all we want or wifh, On thee alone depend. B 2 psalm ( iS ) PSALM XXXIV, i ^T^HROUGH all the various fcenes of life, JL In trouble and in joy; The praifes of my God fhall ftill My heart and tongue employ, 2 Of his deliverance I will boaft, Till ail that are diftrefs'd, From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to reft:. 5 O ! magnify the Lord with me, ith me exalt his name : When in diftrefs to him I call'd, Ke to my refcue came. 4 O ! make but trial of his love. Experience will decide How bleft they are, and only they, Who in his truth confide. 5 Fear him, ye faints, and you will then Have nothing elfe to fear ; Make you his fervice your delight, He'll make your v/ants his care. PSALM XXXV I. * Lord, thy mercy, my fure hope, The higlieft orb of heaven tranfcends \ Thy facred truth's unmeafur'd fcope Beyond the fpreading fkv extends. 2 Thy ( >9 ) 2 Thy juftice, like the hills, remains ; Unfathom'd depths thy judgments are ; Thy providence the world fuftains ; The whole creation is thy care. 3 Since of thy goodnefs all partake, With what aimrance mould the juft Thy fhelt'ring wings their refuge makep And faints to thy protection truft ! 4 Such guefts mail to thy courts be led, To banquet on thy love's repaft ; And drink, as from a fountain's head, Of joys that mall for ever laft. 5 With thee the fprings of life remain ; Thy prefence is eternal day ; O ! let thy faints thy favour gain; To upright hearts thy truth difplay, PSALM XXX. O. V. 1 f~\ Lord, thy goodnefs doth afcend \J Above the heavens mofi high : So doth thy truth itfelf extend Unto the cloudy iky. 2 Much more than hills both high and ileep; Thy juftice is expreft : Thy judgments like the feas moft deep, Thou fav'fr both man and beaft. 3 Thy mercy is above all things, O God, it doth excel : B 3 I ( 20 ) In Iruft whereof, as in thy wings, The fons of men mall dwell. 4 Within thy houfe they mail be fed With plenty at their will : Of all delights they mall be fped, And take thereof their fill. 5 Becaufe the well of life mofl pure Doth ever flow from thee : And in thy light we are full fure Eternal light to fee. 6 From fuch as thee defire to know, Let not thy grace depart : Thy righteoufnefs declare and mow, To men of upright heart. PSALM xxxvii. p. i. . AnpMiOUGH wicked men grow rich or great., Yet let not their fuccefsful flate Thy anger or thy envy raife : For they, cut down like tender grafs, Or like young flowers, away fhall pafs, Whofe blooming beauty foon decays. 2 Depend on God, and him obey, So thou within the land malt ftay, Secure from danger and from want : Make his commands thy chief delight, ' And he, thy duty to requite, Shall all thy earneft wifhes grant. # 3 In ( w ) 3 In all thy v/ays truft thou the Lord.,. And he will needful help afford To perfect every juft defign : He'll make, like light ferene and clear* Thy clouded innocence appear, And as a mid -day fun to fhine. PSALM XXXVII. p. 2. 2 TT7TTH quiet mind on God depend, \ V And patiently for him attend ; Nor let thy anger fondly rife, Though wicked men with wealth abound. And withh^tccefs the plots are crown'd, Which they malicioufly devife. 2 From anger ceafe, and wrath forfake ; Let no ungovern'd pafiion make Thy wav'ring heart efpoufe their crime : For God fhall finful men deftroy; Whilft only they the land enjoy, Who truft on him, and wait his time. 3 How foon fhall wicked men decay ! Their place mail vanifh quite away, Nor by the ftri&eft fearch be found : Whilft humble fouls poifefs the earth, Rejoicing ftill with godly mirth, With peace and plenty always crown'd. ■w PSALM xxxv n. p. 3, HILE finful crowds, with falfe defigE, Againft the righteous few combine, And ( tt ) And gnafh their teeth, and threatening ftand ; God fhall their empty plots deride, And laugh at their defeated pride ; He fees their ruin near at hand. They draw the fword, and bend the bow, The poor and needy to o'erthrow, And men of upright lives to flay ; But their ftrong bows fhall foon be broke, Their fharpen'd weapon's mortal ftroke Thro* their own hearts fhall force it's way. A little with God's favour bleft. That's by one righteous man pwefs'd, The wealth of many bad excels ; For God fupports the juft man's caufe^ But as for thofe that break his laws, Their unfuccefsful power he quell s. His conftant care the upright guides, And over all their life Dreudes ; Their portion fhall for ever laft : They', when diftrefs o'erwhelms the earth. Shall be unmov'd, and even in dearth The happy fruits of plenty tafte. psalm xxxvi i. p. 4. THE good man's way is God's delight, He orders all the (reps aright Of him that moves by his command ; Though he fometimes may be diftrefs'd* Yet mail he ne'er be quite opprefs'd For God upholds him with his hand. 2 Obferve ( n ) z Obferve the perfect man with care,:. And mark all fuch as, upright are : Their rougheft days in peice fhall end : While on the latter end of thofe Who dares God's facred will oppofe, A common ruin fhall attend. 3 God to the juit will aid afford, Their only fifeguardis the Lord, Their ftrength in time of need is he > Becaufe on him they ftill depend, The Lord vvili timely fuccour fend, And from the wicked fet them free. PSALM xxxix, i T ORD, let me know my term of days, 1 j How foon my life will end ; The numerous train of ills difclofe, Which this frail ftate attend. 2 My life, thou know'ir is but a fpan, A cypher Aims my year, And every man in beft eflate, But vanity appears. 3 Man, like a lhadow, vainly walks, With fruitlefi cares opprefs'd ; He heaps up wealth, but cannot tell By whom 'twill be polTefs'd. 4 Why then mould I on worthlefs toys With anxious care attend ? On thee alone my ftedfaft hope Shall ever, Lord, depend. < H ) PSALM XXXIX. O. V. i T ORD, number out my life and days, § j Which yet 1 have not pafl ; So that I may be certified How long my life mall laft. 2 For thou haft pointed out my life, m length much like a fpan : My age is nothing unto thte, So vam is every nun. 3 Man walketh like a made, and doth In vain himfelf annoy In getting goods, and cannot tell Who mall the fame enjoy. 4 Therefore, O Lord ; what wait I for, What help do I defire ? Truly, my hope is even in thee, I nothing eife require. PSALM XL. O. V. I Waited long and fought the Lord, And patiently did bear ; At length to me he did accord My voice and cry to hear. He brought me from the dreadful pit, Out of the mire and clay : Upon a rock he fet my feet, And he did guide my way. 3 Ta ( *S ) 3 To me he taught a pfalm of praife.., Which I mult mew abroad : And fing new ibngs of thanks always3 Unto the Lord our God. PSALM XLl. i 1 [TAPPY the man, whofe tender care X JL Relieves the poor diftrefs'd : When he's by trouble compafs'd round, The Lord mall give him reft. 2 The Lord his life, with bleflings crown'd, In fafety mail prolong ; And difappoint the will of thofe That leek to do him wrong. 3 If he, in languishing eftate, Oppreft with ficknefs lie ; The Lord willeafy make his bed, And inward fcrength fupply. PSALM XLII. i A S pants the hart for cooling flreams, jt\. When heated in the chace ; So longs my foul, O God, for thee, And thy refrefhing grace. 2 For thee, my God, the living God, My thirfty foul doth pine ; Oh ! when Ihall I behold thy face, Thou Majeity divine ! 3 Why ( i6 ) 3 Why reftlefs, why caft down, my foul? Truft God, and he'll employ His aid for thee, and change thefe fighs, To thankful hymns of joy. 4 Why reftlefs, why call: down, my foul ? Hope ftill, and thou fhalt fing- The praife of him, who is thy God, Thy health's eternal fpring. PSALM XLIII. i T ET me with light and truth be bleft ; JL/ Be thefe my guides to lead the way, Till on thy holy hill I reft, And in thy facred temple pray. 2 Then will I there frefh altars raife To God, who is my only joy ; And well-tun'd harps, with fongs of praife, Shall all my grateful hours employ. 3 Why then caft down, my foul? and why So' much opprefs'd with anxious care ? On God, thy God, for aid rely, Who will thy ruin'd ftate repair. PSALM XLIII. O. V. Lord, fend out thy light and truth, And lead me with thy grace ; Which may conduct me to thy hill, And to thy dwelling-place. 2 Then ( *7 ) a Then (hall I to thy altar go, With joy to worfhip thee : And on my harp give thanks to thee, 0 God, my God molt dear. 3 Why art thou then fo fad, my foul, And frett'ft thus in my breaft? Still truft in God ; for him to praife 1 hold it always belt. 4 By him I have deliverance From all my pain and grief? He is my God who doth always At need fend me relief. P(ALM XLVI. j f~^ OD is our refuge in diftrefs ; VJT A prefent help when dangers prefs ; . In him, undaunted, we'll confide ; Though earth were from her center tofs'd, And mountains in the ocean loft, Torn piece-meal by the roaring tide. 2 A gentler ftream with gladnefs (till, The city of our Lord (hall fill, The xoytl feat of God moft high : God dwells in Sion, whofe fair towers, Shall mock the affaults of earthly powers. While his almighty aid is nigh. 3 In tumults when the people rag'd, And kingdoms war againft us wag'd, He { 1% ) He thunder'd, and difpers'd their powers : The Lord of hofts conducts our arms, Our tower of refuge in alarms, Our Father's Guardian-God, and ours. 4 Submit to God's almighty fway ; For him the heathen fhall obey, And earth her fovereign Lord confefs : The Lord of hofts condufts our arms, Our tower of refuge in alarms, As to our fathers in diftrefs. PSALM XLVII. t /**X All ye people, clap your hands, V_y And with triumphant voices fing ; For force the mighty power withftands Of God, the univerfal King. 2 God is gone up, our Lord and King, With fhouts of joy and trumpet's found ; To him repeated praifes fing, And let the cheerful fong go round. 3 Your utmoft fkill in praife be /hewn, For him who all the world commands, . Who fits upon his righteous throne, And fpreads his fway o'er heathen lands. psalm xlvii. o. v. I "tTE people all, with one accord, X Clap hands, fhout and rejoice ; Be glad, and fing unto the Lord, With fweet and pleafant voice. 2 For ( *9 ) 2 For high the Lord and dreadful isr His wonders manifold ; A mighty king he is likewife, In all the earth extoll'd. 3 Our God afcended up on high With joy, and pleaiant noife, The Lord goes up above the Iky With trumpet's royal voice. 4 Sing praifes to our God, fing praife, Sing praifes to our king ; For God is king of all the earth, All Ikilful praifes fing. PSALM XL VII I. i ^pHE mighty God, the Eternal hath thus X fpoke, And all the world he will call and provoke : E'en from the earl and fo forth to the weft, Out of Sion, which place he liketh beft, God will appear moil excellent ; Our God will come before long time be fpent. 2 Devouring fire (hall go before his face, A temped great fhall round about him trace, Then mail he call the earth and heavens bright, To judge his folk with equity and right : Saying, go to, and now my faints aiTemble, My pad they keep, their girts do not dilTemble. 3 To Father, Son, and Spirit, ever blefs'd, AH honour, praife, and worfhipbe addrefs'd; C 2 As ( 30 ) As it was done in ages long ago, As now it is, and mail continue To To the laft bounds and date of time extended, And ftill endure when time it's courfe has ended. PSALM LI. * T T AVE mercy, Lord, on me, X X As tnou wert ever kind > Let me oppreft with loads of guilt, Thy wonted mercy find. 2 Warn off my foul offence, And cleanfe me from my fin ; For I confefs my crime, and fee How great my guilt has been. 3 Againfr. thee, Lord, alone* And only in thy fight, Have I tranfgrefs'd; and though condemn'd, Muft own thy judgments right, 4 Make me to hear with joy Thy kind forgiving voice ; That fo the bones which thou haft broi May with frefh ftrength rejoice. 5 Blot out my crying fins, Nor me in anger view ; Create in me a heart that's clean, An upright mind renew. yi ( 3> ) PSALM LI. P. 2. i <¥ Y 7TTHDRAW not, Lord, thy help, V V Nor caft me from thy light ; Nor let thy holy Spirit take It's everlafting flight. 2 The joy thy favour gives Let me again obtain ; And let thy Spirit's firm fupport My fainting foul fuilain. 5 Sol thy righteous ways To finuerb will impart ; Whilft my advice mail wicked men To thy juil law convert. 4. Do thou unlock my lips, With forrow clos'd, and fname ; So mall my mouth thy wondYous praiJSe To all the world proclaim. PSALM LVII. 1 TJ E thou, O God, exalted high ; Jj> And, as thy glory fills the Iky, So let it be on earth difplay'd, 'Till thou art here, as there, obey'd. 2 O God, my heart is fix'd, 'tis bent It's thankful tribute to pr^fent ; And, with my heart, my voice I'll raife To thee, my God, in fongs of praife. C 3 ( i* ) 3 Awake, my glory ; harp and lute, No longer let your firings be mute ; And I, my tuneful part to take, Will with the early dawn awake. 4 Thy praifes Lord, I will refound To all the liftening nations round : Thy mercy highelt heaven tranfcends ; Thy truth beyond the clouds extends. 5 Be thou, O God, exalted high : And, as thy glory fills the fky, So let it be on earth difplay'd, Till thou art here, as there, obey'd. p s A L M LX1I i TN For God, ye people always truft ; Before his throne pour out your hearts God, the merciful and juft, His timely aid to us imparts. 2 The vulgar fickle are and frail ; The great difTcmble and betray ; And, laid in truth's impartial fcale, The lighten1 things will both out-wei^a 3 Then truft not in oppreflive ways ; By fpoil and rapine grow not vain ; Nor let your hearts, if wealth increafe, £e fct too much upon your gain. 4 For God has oft his will exprefs'd, And I this* truth have fully known ; To ( 33 ) To be of boundlefs power poffefs'd, Belongs, of right, to God alone. 5 Though mercy is his darling grace, In which he chiefly takes delight ; Yet will he all the human race, According to their works requite. PSALM LX11I. i ^~X GOD, my gracious God, to thee \^_y My morning prayers fhall offer'd be ; for thee my thirity foul does pant; My fainting fiefh implores thy grace, Within this dry and barren place, Where I refreshing waters want. 2 O ! to my longing eyes once more, That view of glorious power reftore, Which thy majeltic houfe difplaysj Becaufe to me thy wcnderous love, Than life itfelf does dearer prove, My lips fhall always fpeak thy praife. 3 My life, while I that life enjoy, In bie fling God I will employ, With lifted hands adore his name : My foul's content mail be as great, As theirs who choiceft dainties eat, While I with joy his praife proclaim. 4 When down I lie fweet fleep to find, Thou, Lord, art prefent to my mind ; And ( 34 ) And when I wake in dead of night : Becaufe thou ftill doft fuccour bring, Beneath the fhadow of thy wing I reft with fafety and delight. PSALM LXV. i T70R thee, O God, our'conftant praife J/ In Sion waits, thy chofen feat ; Our promis'd altars there we'll raife, And all our zealous vows complete. 2 O thou, who to my humble prayer Bidft always bend thy liftening ear; To thee mall all mankind repair, And at thy gracious throne appear. 3 Our fin? (though numberlefs) in vain To ftop thy flowing mercy try; Whilft thou o'erlook'ft the guilty Main, And waiheft out the crimfon d\e. 4 Bleft is the man, who, near thee plac'd, Within thy facred dwelling lives ! Whilft we, at humbler diftance, tafte The vaft delights thy temple gives. PSALM LXV. p. 2. i ^TT^HOU, Lord, out of thy boundlefs ftore, £ With rain reliev'ft the thirfty ground: Mak ft lands, that barren were before, With corn and ufcful fruits abound. 2 OH ( 35 ) 2 On rifiug ridges down it pours, And every furrow'd valley fills ; Thou mak'ft them foft with gentle fhowers, In which a bleffc increafe diftils. 3 Thy goodnefs does the circling year, With frem returns of plenty crown ; And where thy glorious paths appear, Thy fruitful clouds drop fatnefs down. 4 They drop on barren forrefts, chang'd By them to paftures frem and green: The hills about, in order rang'd, In beauteous robes of joy are feen.. Large flocks with fleecy v/ool adorn The cheerful downs ; the vallies bring A plenteous crop of full-ear'd corn, And feem for joy to fhout and fmg, F S A L M LXVI. 1 T ET all the lands, with fliouts of joy8 I j To God their voices raife ; Sing pfalms in honour of his name, And fpread his glorious praife. 2 And let them fay, how dreadful, Lord, In all thy works, art thou ! To thy great power thy ftubborn foes ShaM all be forc'd to bow. 3 Thro' all the earth, the nations round Shall thee their God confefs'; And, ( & ) And, with glad hymns, their awful dread Of thy great name exprefs* O ! come, behold the works of God, And then with me you'll own, That .he to all the fons of men Has wonderous judgments fhown. PSALM LXVI. P. 2. i /~\ All ye nations, blefs our God, \J And loudly fpeak his praife ; Who keeps our foul alive, and ftill Confirms our ftedfaft ways. 2 O \ come, all ye that fear the Lord v Attend with heedful care, Whilft I what God forme has done. With grateful joy declare. 3 As I before his aid implor'd, So now I praife his name ; Who, if my heart had harbour'd fin, Would all my prayers difclaim. 4 But God to me, whene'er I cry'd. His gracious ear did bend ; And to the voice of my requeft, With conftant love attend. 5 Then blefs'd for ever be my God, Who never, when I pray, With -holds his mercy from my foul. Nor turns his face away. PSALM ( 37 ) PSALM LXVIl TO blefs thy chofen race, In mercy, Lord, incline ; And caufe the brightnefs of thy face On all thy faints to thine : That fo thy wonderous way May through the world be known £ Whilft diftant lands their tribute pay, And thy falvation own. Let differing nations join To celebrate thy fame ; Let all the world, O Lord, combine To praife thy glorious name. O let them fhout and fing, Diflblv'd in pious mirth ; For thou, the righteous Judge and King, Shalt govern all the earth. Let differing nations join To celebrate thy fame ; Let all the world, O Lord, combine To praife thy glorious name. Then God upon our land Shall conftant bleflmgs mower; And all the world in awe mail ftand Of his refiftlefs power. PSALM t js ) PSALM LXVII. O. V 1 T TAVE mercy onus, Lord, J[~X And grant to us thy grace : To mew to us, do thou accord, The brightnefs of thy face. 2 That all the earth may know The way to godly wealth : And all the nations here below May fee thy faving health. 3 Let all the world, O God, Give praife unto thy name : And let the people all abroad Extol and laud the fame. 4. Throughout the world fo wide Let all rejoice with mirth ; For thou with truth and right doft guide The nations of the earth. . 5 Let all the world, O God, Give praife unto thy name ; And let the people all abroad Extol and laud the fame. 5 Then mall the earth increafe, Great ffore of fruit fhall fall, And then our God, the God of peace, Shall ever blefs us all. PSALM ( 39 ) PSALM LXVIII, i /TAO God your voice in anthems raife ; X Jehovah's awful name he bears ; In him rejoice, extol his praife, Who rides upon high-rolling fpheres. 2 Him, from his empire of the fides, To this low world, companion draws, The orphan's claim to patronize, And judge the injur'd widow's caufe. 3 For benefits each day beftow'd, Be daily his great name ador'd ; He is our Saviour and our God, Of life and death the fovereign Lord. PSALM L XXIII. i TT7HOM then in heaven, but thee alone, VV Have I, whofe favour I require? Throughout the fpacious earth there's none That I befides thee can defire. 2 My trembling flefh and aking heart, May often fail to fuccour me ; But God ihall inward ftrength impart, And my eternal portion be. 3 For they that far from thee remove, Shall into fudden ruin fall : If after other Gods they rove, Thy vengeance mall deftroy them all. £> 4 But (T 4* ) 4 But as for me, 'tis good and juft That I mould ftill to God repair ; In him I always put my truft, And will his wonderous works declare. PSALM LXXVII. O. V. 1 T Will regard and think upon Jt The working of the Lord : And all his wonders part and gone, I gladly will record. 2 Yea, all his works I will declare, And what he did devife : To tell his fa&s I will not fpare, And all his counfels wife. 3 Thy works, O Lord, are all upright, And holy all abroad : What one hath ftrength to match the might Of thee, the Lord our God ? 4 Thou art a God that doll: forth mow Thy wonders every hour : And fo doit make thy people know Thy virtue and thy power. PSALM LXXXIV. OGOD of holts, the mighty Lord, How lovely is the place, Where thou, enthron'd in glory, fhew'ft The brightnefs of thy face ! 2 Mv ( 4* ) 2 My longing foul faints with defire To view thy bleft abode ; My panting heart and flefh cry out For thee the living God. 3 O Lord of holts, my King and God, How highly bleft are they, Who in thy temple always dwell, And there thy praife difplay ! 4 Thrice happy they, whofe choice has thee Their lure protection made ; Who long to tread the facred ways That to thy dwelling lead ! 5 For God, who is our fun and fhield, Will grace and glory give ; And no good thing will he with-hold From them that juftly live. PSALM LXXXIV. O. V. i TTOW pleafant is thy dwelling-place, JL X O Lord of hofts, to me ? The tabernacles of thy grace, How plea&nt, Lord, they be ! 2 My foul doth long full fore to go Into thy courts abroad ; My heart and flefh cry out alfo For thee the living God. -; Oh they be bleffed that may dwell Within thy houfe always : D 2 F(* ( 4* ) For they all times thy facls do tell, And ever give thee praife. 4 Yea, happy fure like wife are they, Whofe ftay and ftrength thou art: Who to thy houfe do mind the way, And feek it in their heart. sj From ftrength to ftrength they go full fart, No faintnefs there fhall be : And fo the God of gods at laft In Sion they do fee. PSALM LXXXV. i nr^ O all that fear his holy name I His fure falvation's near; And in it's former happy ftate Our nation fhall appear. 2 For mercy now with truth is join'd, And righteoufnefs with peace, Like kind companions, abfent long, With friendly arms embrace. 3 Truth from the earth fhall fpriog, whiift heaven Shall itreams of juilice pour ; And God, from whom all goodnefs flows, Shall endlefs plenty fliower. 4 Before him righteoufnefs fhall inarch, And his juft paths prepare ; Whiift we his holy ftcps purfue, With conitant zeal $nd care. V S A 1 M ( 43 ) PSALM LXXXVI. 1 T"\0 thou, O God, preferve my foul, I 3 That does thy name adore ; Thy fervant keep ; and him, whofe truft Relies on thee, reftore. 2 To me, who daily thee invoke, Thy mercy, Lord, extend ; Refrefh thy Servant's foul, whofe hopes On thee alone depend, 3 Thou, Lord, art good ; not only good, But prompt to pardon too ; Of plenteous mercy to all thofe Who for thy mercy fue. 4 To my repeated humble prayer, O Lord, attentive be ! When troubled, I on thee will call, For thou wilt anfwer me. PSALM LXXXIX, i rTHHY mercies, Lord, mail be my fong, JL My fong on them {hall ever dwell : To ages yet unborn my tongue Thy never-failing truth fhall tell. 2 For thy ftupendous truth and love, Both heaven and earth juft praifes owe, By choirs of angels fung above, And by afiembled faints below. D 3 3 What ( 4+ ) 3 What feraph of celeftial birth To vie with Ifrael's God fhall dare ? Or who among the gods of earth, With our almighty Lord compare ? 4 With reverence and religious dread, His fervants to his houfe lhould prefs : His fear through all their hearts mould fpread. Who his almighty name confefs. 5 Lord God of armies, who can boaft Offtrength and power, like thine renown'd; Of fuch a numerous faithful hoft, As that which does thy throne furround ? 6 Thou doft the lawlefs fea control, And change the profpecl of the deep : Thou mak'ft the fleeping billows roll, Thou mak'fl the rolling billows fleep, 7 In thee the fovereign right remains Of earth and heaven : thee, Lord, alone The world and all that it contains, Their Maker and Freferver own. S Thy arm is mighty, ftrong thy hand, Yet, Lord, thou doll: with jullice reign : Pofleft of abfolute command. Thou truth and mercy doft maintain ! psalm xc. ■s O teach us, Lord, the uncertain Aim Of our ihort days to mind ; That ( 45 ) That to true wifdom all our hearts May ever be inclin'd. 2 Oh to thy fervants, Lord, return, And fpeedily relent ! As we of our mifdeeds, do thou Of our juft doom, repent. 3 To fatisfy and cheer our fouls, Thy early mercy lend ; That we may all our days to come, In joy and comfort fpend. 4. Let happy times with large amends Dry up our former tears ; Or equal at the leaf! the term Of our afflicted years. 5 To all thy fervants, Lord, let this Thy wonderous work be known ; And to our offspring yet unborn, Thy glorious power be mown. 6 Let thy bright rays upon us mine, Give thou our work fuccefs ; The glorious work we have in hand, Do thou vouchfafe toblefs. A L M X C I H E, that hath God his guardian made* Shall under the Almighty's lhade Secure and undifturb'd abide : Thus ( 46 ) Thus to my foul of him I'll fay, He is my fortrefs and my ftay, My God, in whom I will confide. 2 Thy tender love and watchful care Shall free me from the fowler's fnare, And from the noifome peftilence : Thou over me thy wings fhait fpread, And cover my unguarded head ; Thy truth mail be my ftrong defence. 3 No terrors that furprife by night, Shall thy undaunted courage fright ; Nor deadly ihafts that fly by day : Nor plague of unknown rife that kills In darknefs, nor infectious ills That in the hotteft feafons flay. 4 A thoufand at thy fide fhall die, At thy right hand ten thoufand lie, While thy firm health untouch'd remains : Thou only malt look on and fee The wicked's difmal tragedy, And count the finner's mournful gains. 5 Becaufe, with well-plac'd confidence, Thou mak'ft the Lord thy fure defence, And on the Higheft doft rely ; Therefore no ill mail thee befall, Nor to thy healthful dwelling fhall Any infectious plague draw nigh. 6 For he, throughout thy happy days, To keep thee fafe in all thy ways Shall give his angels ftricl commands ; And ( 47 ) And they, left thou mould chance to meet With fome rough ftone to wound thy feet, Shall bear thee fafely in their hands. psalm xcn. i T TOW good and pleafant muft it be Jti To thank the Lord moft high ! And with repeated hymns of praife, His name to magnify ! 2 With every morning's early dawn, His goodnefs to relate ; And of his conftant truth, each night, The glad effects repeat. 3 To ten-ftring"d instruments we'll flng, With tuneful pfalt'ries join'd; And to the harp, with folemn founds, For facred ufe defign'd. 4 For through thy wonderous works, O Lord, Thou mak'ftmy heart rejoice ; The thoughts of them mall make me glad, And fliout with cheerful voice. PSALM X C I 1 1 . i TT7TTH glory clad, with ftrength array'd, \ V The Lord, that o'er all nature reigns, The world's foundation ftronglv laid, And the vaft fabric ftill fuftains. How ■ ( 4* ) z How Aire eftablim'd is thy throne, Which £hall no change or period fee ! F.or thou, O Lord, and thou alone, Art God from all eternity. 3 The floods, O Lord, lift up their voice, And tofs the troubled waves on high; But God above can ftiil their noife, And make the angry fea comply. 3 Thy promife, Lord, is ever fure; And they that in thy houfe would dwell, That happy ftation to fecure, Muft (till in holinefs excel. ■B PSALM XCIV. LEST* is the man whom thou, O Lord, In kindnefs doth chaftife ; And by thy facred rules to walk Doft lovingly advife. 2 This man mall reft and fafety find In feafons of diftrefs : Whilft God prepares a pit for thofe, That ftubbornly tranfgrefs. 3 For God will never from his faints His favour wholly take ; His own pofTeflion and his lot He will not quite forfake. 4 The world mail then confefs thee juft In all that thou haft done ; And ( 49 ) And thofe that chufe thy upright way Shall in thofe paths go on. p s A l m xcv. 1 /~\ Come, loud anthems let us fing, \J Loud thanks to our almighty Ring, For we our voices high mould raife, When our falvation's rock we praife. 2 Into his prefence let us hafte, To thank him for his favours part: To him addrefs, in joyful fongs, The praife that to his name belongs. 3 For God the Lord, enthron'd in flate, Is, with unrival'd glory, great ; . A King fuperior far to all, Whom, by his title, God we call. 4 The depths of earth are in his hand, Her fecret wealth at his command ; The ftrength of hills, that reach the ikies, Subjected to his empire lies. 5 The rolling ocean's vaft abyfs By the fame fovereign right is his ; 'Tis mov'd by his almighty hand, That form'd and fix'd the folid land. 6 O let us to his courts repair, And bow with adoration there ; Down on our knees devoutly all ^Before the Lord our Maker fall. PSALM ( 50 ) PSALM XCVI SING to the Lord a new-made fong ; Let earth, in one aflembled throng, Her common patron's praife refound : Sing to the Lord, and blefs his name, From day to day his praife proclaim, Who us has with falvation crown'd : To heathen lands his fame rehearfe, His wonders to the univerfe. Proclaim aloud, Jehovah reigns! Whofe power the univerfe fuitains, And banifh'd Juftice will reftore : Let therefore heaven new joys confe/s, And heavenly mirth let earth exprefs ; It's loud applaufe the oceans roar j It's mute inhabitants rejoice, And for this triumph find a voice. For joy let fertile vallies fing, The cheerful groves their tribute bring ; The tuneful choir of birds awake, The Lord's approach to celebrate, Who nowfets out, with awful ftate, His circuit through the earth to take ; From heaven to judge the world he's come, With juftice to reward and doom. psalm xcvi, o. v. 'S ING ye with praife unto the Lord, New fongs with joy and mirth ; Sinj ( 5« ) Sing unto him with one accord* All people on the earth. 2 Yea, fing unto the Lord alway, Praife ye his holy name : Declare and mew from day to day Salvation by the fame. 3 Among the people all declare His honour round about : To fhew his wonders do not fpare In att the world throughout. -r For why ? the Lord is great in might, And worthy of all praife : And he is to be fear'd of right, Above all Gods always. psalm x cvi i . i JEHOVAH reigns, let all the earth J In his juft government rejoice ; Let all the ifles, with facred mirth, In his applaufe unite their voice. -2 You, who to ferve this Lord afpire, Abhor what's ill, and truth efteem : He'll keep his fervants fouls entire, And them from wicked hands redeem. 5 For feeds are fown of glorious light, A future harveft for the juft ; And gladnefs for the heart that's right To recompenfe his pious truft. E 4 Rejoice, ( 5* ) 4 Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord, Memorials of his holinefs Deep in your faithful breafts record, And with your faithful tongues confefs. PSALM XCVIII. Cant ate Domino. !S ING to the Lord a new-made fong, Who wonderous things has done ; With his right-hand and holy arm The conquefi he has won. z The Lord has through the aftonifli'd world Difplay'd his faving might, And made his righteous a&s appear In all the heathens, fight. 3 Of Ifrael's houfe, his love and truth Have ever mindful been : Wide earth's remoter!: parts the power Of Ifrael's God have feen. 4 Let therefore earth's inhabitants Their cheerful voices raife, And all with univerfal joy Refound their maker's praife. PSALM C. ■w ITH one confent let all the earth To God their cheerful voices raife ; Glad ( 53 ) Glad homage pay with awful mirth, And fing before him fongs of praife. 2 Convinc'd that he is God alone, From whom both we and all proceed ; We, whom he chufes for his own, The flock that he vouchsafes to feed. 3 O enter then hi? temple gate, Thence to his courts devoutly prefo, And ftill your grateful hymns repeat, And ftill his name with praifes blefs. 4 For he's the Lord, fupremely good, His mercy is for ever fure ; His truth, which always firmly ftood, To endlefs ages fhall endure. PSALM C. O. V. 1 A LL people that on earth do dwell, jIjl Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice : Him ferve with fear, his praife forth tell, Come ye before him, and rejoice. 2 The Lord, ye know, is God indeed! Without our aid he doth us make : We are his flock, he did us feed, And for his fheep he doth us take. 3 O enter then his gates with praife, Approach with joy his courts unto : Praife, laud, and blefs his name always, For it is feemly fo to do; 4 For ( 54 ) For way ? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever fare : His truth at all times firmly ftood, And mall from age to age endure. PSALM CI I. I TT7HEN I pour out my foul in prayer., \V Do thou, O Lord, attend j To thy eternal throne of grace Let my fad cry afeend. i O hide not thou thy glorious face In times of deep diftrefs; Incline thy ear, and, when I call, My forrow foon redrefs. 3 My days juft hardening to their end, Are like an evening ihade : My beauty does, like wither'd grafs, With waning luftre fade. 4. But thy eternal ftate, O Lord, No length of time fhall wafte ; The memory of thy wonderous works From age to age fhall laft. psalm cm. MY foul, infpir'd with facred love, God's holy name for ever biers ; Of all his favours mkidful prove, And ilill thy grateful thanks exprefs. 2 'TIS ( 55 ) 2 'Tis he that all thy fins forgives, And after ficknefs makes thee found ; From danger he thy life retrieves, By him with grace and mercy crown'd, 3 The Lord abounds with tender love, And unexampled afts of grace ; His waken'd wrath does flowly move ; His willing mercy flies apace. 4 God will not always harfhly chide, But with his anger quickly part ; And loves his punimment to guide, More by his love than our defert. 5 As high as heaven it's arch extends Above this little fpot of clay ; So much his boundlefs love tranfcends The fmall regards that we can pay. 6 As far as 'tis from eaft to weft, So far has he our fins remov'd ; Who, with a father's tender bre Hath fuch as fear'd him always lov'd. psalm c 1 1 1 . p . 2 . i >~T~VHE Lord, the univerfa! King, Jl In heaven hath fixt his lofty throne : To him, ye angels, praifes n;ig, In whofe great ftrength his power is mown, 2 Ye that hisjufl commands obey, And hear and do his facred will ; E 3 ye ( 5« ) Ye hofts of his, this tribute pay, Who ftill what he ordains fulfil. 3 Let every creature jointly blefs The mighty Lord : and thou, my heart, With grateful joy thy thanks exprefs, And in this concert bear thy part. psalm civ. i TJLESS God, my foul; thou, Lord, alone, J3 PoffefTeft empire without bounds ; With honour thou art crown'd ; thy throne Eternal Majefty furrounds. z With light thou doit thyfelf enrobe, And glory for a garment take : Heaven's curtains ftretch beyond the globe, Thy canopy of Hate to make. 3 God builds on liquid air, and forms His palace-chambers in the fkies ; The clouds his chariots are, and ftorms The fwift-wing'd fteeds on which he flies. 4 As bright as flame, as fwift as wind, His minifters heaven's palace fill, To have their fundry tafks affign'd ; All pleas'd toferve their Sovereign's will, 5 In praifing God, while he prolongs My breath, I will that breath employ ; And join devotion to my fongs, .Sincere as is in him mv jov. 6 When ( 57 ) 6 While finners from earth's face are hurl'd, My foul, praife thou his holy name, 'Till with my fong the liftening world Join concert, and his fong proclaim. p s A l m civ. o. v. i T\/TY foul praife the Lord, fpeak good of his J.VJL name : O Lord, our great God, how doft thou appear So pafiing in glory, that great is thy fame; Honour and majefty in thee mines moft clear ! 2 With light as a robe thou haft thyfelf clad ; Whereby all the earth thy greatnefs may fee : The heavens in fuch fort thou alfo haft fpread, That they to a curtain compared may be. 3 His chamber-beams lie in the clouds full fure, Which as his chariots, are made him to bear ; And there- with much fwiftnefs his courfe doth endure, • Upon the wings riding of winds in the air. 4 He maketh his fpirits as heralds to go, And lightnings, to ferve we fee alfo preft : His will to accompliih they run to and fro, To faveand confume things, as feemethhim beft. 5 By angels in heaven of every degree, And faints upon earth all praife be addrefs'd, To God in three perfons, one God ever blefs'd ; As it has been, now is, and always (hall be. PSALM ( 58 ) PSALM CV. 1 /~\ Render thanks, and blefs the Lord ; \_/ Invoke his facred name ; Acquaint the nations with his deeds, His matchlefs deeds proclaim. 2 Sing to his praife in lofty hymns, His wonderous works rehearfe ; Make them the theme of your difcourfe, And fubjecl of your verfe. 3 Rejoice in his almighty name, Alone to be ador'd : And let their hearts o'errlow with joy, That humbly feek the Lord. 4 Seek ye the Lord, his faving ftrength Devoutly ftill implore : And, where he's ever prefcnt, feek His face for evermore. PSALM CV. O. V. 1 •'MVE praifes unto God the Lord, VJT And call upon his name : Among the people all declare His works, to fpread his fame. 2 Sing joyfully unto the Lord, Y ea, fing unto him praife : And talk of all his wonderous works, That he hath wrought always. 1 In ( V ) 3 In honour of his holy name Rejoice with one accord; And let the heart alfo be glad Of them that feek the Lord, 4 Seek ye the Lord, and feek the Itrength Of his eternal might : Yea, feek his face incefiantly, And prefence of his fight. PSALM CVK i /^\ Render thanks to God above> \_J The fountain of eternal love ; Whofe mercy firm through ages paft Has ftood, and mall for ever laft. 2 Who can his mighty deeds exprefs, Not only vaft, but numberlefs ! What mortal eloquence can raife His tribute of immortal praife ! 3 Happy are they, and only they, Who from thy judgments never itray; * Who know's what's right ; nor only fo, But always practife what they know. 4 Extend to me that favour, Lord, Thou to thy chofen doit afford ; When thou return'ft to fet them free, Let thy falvation viiit me. 5 O may I worthy prove to fe Thy faints in full pro/perry e tv! > That ( 6o ) .'.'tat I the joyful choir may join, And count thy people's triumph mine. 6 Let Ifrael's God be ever Weft. His name eternally confeft ; Let all his faints with- full accord, Sing loud Amens — praife ye the Lord. psalm cvi. o. v. i T) RAISE ye the Lord, for he is good, JL His mercy lafts alway : V/ho can exprefs his noble a&s, Or all his praife difplay ? i They blefcd are that judgment keep. And juftly do alway : With favour of thy people, Lord, Remember me 1 pray. 3 And with thy faving health, O Lord, Vouchfafe to vint me : That I the great felicity Of thy elect may fee. 4 And with thy people's joy I may A joyful mind potiefs: And may, with thy inheritance, A cheerful heart exprefs. psalm cxi, ■p RAISE ye the Lord ; our God to praife Mv foul her utmoft power mall raife; With ( 61 ) With private friends, and in the throng Of faints, his praife fhall be my fong. 2 His works, for greatnefs, though renown'd^ His wonderous works with eafe are found By thofe who feek for them aright, And in the pious fearch delight. 3 His works are all of matchl'efs fame, And univerfal glory claim ; His truth, conhrm'd through ages paft, Shall to eternal ages laft. 4 By precepts he has us enjoin'd, To keep his wonderous works in mind ; And to pofterity record, That good and gracious is our Lord. 5 Juft are the dealings of his hands, Immutable are his commands , By truth and equity fuftain'd, And for eternal rules ordain' d. 6 Who wifdom's facred prize would win, Muft with the fes r of God begin ; Immortal praife and heavenly fkill Have they who know and do his will. PSALM C X I I . THAT man is bleft who frauds in awe Of God, and loves his facred law : His feed on earth fhall be renown'd, And with fuccefhve honours crown'd ! 2 His ( 6z ) 2 His houfe the feat of wealth mall be, An inexhaufted treafury ; His juftice, free from all decay, Shall bleflings to his heirs convey. 3 The foul, that's fill'd with virtue's light, Shines brighteft in affliction's night : To pity the diftrefs'd inclin'd, As well as j uft to all mankind. 4 His liberal favours he extends, To fome he gives, to others lends : Yet what his charity impairs, He faves by prudence in affairs. 5 Befet with threatning dangers round, Unmov'd fhall he maintain his ground ; Thefweet remembrance of the juft Shall flourifh when he fleeps in duft. PSALM CXI 11^ i *\7E faints and fervants of the Lord, j[ The triumphs of his name record ; His facred name for ever blefs^ Where'er the circling fun difplays His rifing beams, or fetting rays, Due praife to his great name addrefs. 2 God through the world extends his fway ; The regions of eternal day But ihadows of his glory are : To him, whofe majefry excels, Who made the heaven in which he dwells, Let no created power compare. 3 Though ( 6i ) S Though 'tis beneath his (late to view In higheft heaven what angels do> Yet he to earth vouchfafes his care : He takes the needy from his cell, Advancing him in courts to dwell, Companion of the greateft there. p s A L m cxvii, 1 ^X/1™ cneerful notes, let all the earth V V To heaven their voices raife ; Let all, infpir'd with godly mirth, Singfolemn hymns of praife. 2 God's tender mercy knows no bound, His truth fhall ne'er decay : Then let the willing nations round, Their grateful tribute pay. PSALM cxvin. 1 S~\ Praife the Lord, for he is good, V^/ His mercies ne'er decay ; That his kind favours ever lair, Let thankful Ifrael fay. 2 Then open wide the temple-gates, To which the j ait repair, That I may enter in, and praife My .great deliverer there. 3 Within thofe gates of God's abode To which the righteous prefs, F Since ( 64 ) Since thou haft heard, and fet me fafe, Thy holy name I'll blefs. 4 That which the builders once refus'd, Is now the corner ftone ; This is the wonderous work of God, The work of God alone. 5 This day is God's : let all the land Exalt their cheerful voice : Lord, we befeech thee, fave us now, And make us ftill rejoice. PSALM CXIX. Pi I. ALEPH. i T TOW bleft are they, who always keep J. JL The pure and perfect way 1 ' Who never from the facred paths Of God's commandments ftray ! 2 Thrice bleft ! who to his righteous laws Have ftill obedient been ! And have with fervent humble zeal His favour fought to win. 3 Such men their utmoft caution ufe, To fhun each wicked deed ; And in the path which he directs With conftant care proceed. 4 Thou ftriclly haft enjoin'd us, Lord, To learn thy facred will ; And all our diligence employ Thy ftatutes to fulfil. 5 Oh ( 6S ) 5 Oh then that thy mofl holy will Might o'er my ways preiide I And I the courfe of all my life By thy direction guide 1 PSALM CXIX. P. 5. HE., 1 TNSTRUCT me in thy ftatutes, Lord, j[ Thy righteous paths difplay ; And I from them, through all my life, Will never go aftray. 2 If thou true wifdom from above Wilt gracioufly impart ; To keep thy perfect laws I will Devote my zealous heart. 3 Direct me in the facred ways To which thy precepts lead ; Becaulb my chief delight has been Thy righteous paths to tread. 4 Do thou to thy moft juft commands Incline my willing heart ; Let no defire of worldly wealth From thee my thoughts divert. psalm cxix. P. 17. PE. i f a VHE very entrance to thy word X Geleftial light difplay s : And knowledge of true happinefs To fimple minds conveys. F 2 With ( 66 ) z With eager hopes I waiting Rood, And fainted with defire, That of thy wife commands I might The facred fkiil acquire. 3 With favour, Lord, look down on me, Who thy relief implore; As thou art wont to vifit thofe Who thy bleft name adore. 4 Directed by thy heavenly word, Let all my footfteps be ; Nor wickednefs of any kind Dominion have o'er me. PSALM CXXI. 1 ^T*'0 Zion's hill I lift my eyes, X From thence expecting aid ; From Zion's hill, and Zion's God, Who heaven and earth has made. 2 Then thou, my foul, in fafety reft, Thy guardian will not fleep ; His wa*chful care, that Ifrael guards, Will Ifrael's monarch keep. 3 Shelter'd beneath the Almighty's wings. Thou flialt fecurely reft, Where neither fun nor moon fhall thee By day or night moleft. 4 At home, abroad, in peace, in war, Thy God fhall thee defend : Condi ( to ) Conduct thee through life's pilgrimage Safe to thy journey's end. psalm exxx. i T\/TY *"ou* witn Patience v/a"lts XVX For thee the living Lord : My hopes are on thy promife built, Thy never-failing word. T 2 My longing eyes look out For thy enlivening ray ; More duly than the morning watch, To fpy the dawning day. 3 Let Ifrael truft in God, No bounds his mercy knows ; The plenteous fource and fpring from whence Eternal fuccour flows. 4 Whofe friendly flreams to us, Supplies in want convey ; A healin^fpring, a fpring to cleanfe And warn our guilt away. PSALM CXXXIII. i T T OW vafi muft their advantage be, XTL How great their pleafure prove, Who live like brethren, and content In offices of love ! 2 True love is like that precious oil Which pour'd on Aaron's head, F 3 Ran ( 68 ) Ran down his beard, and o'er his robes, It's coftly moiflure fhed. 3 'Tis like refrefhing dew which does On Hermon's top diftil ; Or like the early drops that fall On Zion's fruitful hill. 4 For God to all, whofe friendly hearts With mutual love abound, Has firmly promis'd length of days With conftant bleffings crown'd. psalm cxxxiii. o. v. 2 /~\ What a happy thing it is, V_y And joyful for to fee, Brethren to dwell together Ln Friendfhip and unity. 2 'Tis like the precious ointment, that Was pour'd on Aaron's head ; Which from his beard down to the fldrrs Of his rich garments fpread. 3 And as the lower ground doth drink The dew of Hermon-hill ; And Zion, with his filver drops, The fields with fruit doth fill . 4 Ev'n fo the Lord doth pour on them His bleffings manifold : Whofe hearts and minds fincerely do This knot faft keep and hold. PSALM ( «9 ) "PSALM CXXXV. O And magnify his name ; Let all the fervants of the Lord His worthy praife proclaim. 2 Praife him, all ye that in his houfe Attend with conftant care ; With thofe that to his outmoft courts*. With humble-zeal repair. 3 For this our trueft intereft is, Glad hymns of praife to fing ; And with loud fongs to blefs his nameJ: A moft delightful thing. psalm cxxxv I. i '"TT^O God, the mighty Lord, X Your joyful thanks repeat ; To him due praife afford, As good as he is great : For God does prove Our conftant friend ; His boundlefs love Shall never end. z To him, whofewonderous power All other gods obey, Whom earthly kings adore, This grateful homage pay : For God, &c. 3- By ( 70 ) 5 By his almighty hand Amazing works are wrought ; The heavens, by his command, Were to perfection brought : For God, &c. 4 He fpread the ocean round About the fpacious land ; And made the rifing ground Above the waters ftand : For God, &c. 5 Through heaven he did difplay His numerous hofts of light ; The fun to rule by day, The moon and liars by night ; For God, &c. 6 Ke does the food fupply On which all creatures live ; To God, who reigns on high, Eternal praifes give : For God will prove Our conftant friend ; His boundlefs love Shall never end. psalm " cxxxix. THOU, Lord, by GrideS fearch haft known My riunjj-up and lying-down ; My fecret thoughts are known to thee, Known long before conceiv'd by me. 3 Thine ( 7' ) 2 Thy eye my bed and paths furveys, My public haunts and private ways ; Thou know'ft what 'tis my lips would vent, My yet unutfer'd words' intent. 3 Surrounded by thy power I ftand, On every fide I find thy hand : O (kill, for human reach too high. ! Too dazzling bright for mortal eye ! 4 Oh could I fo perfidious be, To think of once deferring thee ! Where, Lord, could I thy influence fhun ? Or whither from thy prefence run i 3 If up to heaven I take my flight, 'Tis there thou dwell'ft enthron'd in light Or dive to hell's infernal plains, 'Tis there almighty vengeance reigns. 6 If I the morning's wings could gain, And fly beyond the weftern main, Thy fwifter hand would firft arrive, And there arreft thy fugitive. PS.U M CaLV. P. I. I ^TpKEE I'll extol, my God and King, J[ Thy endlefs praife proclaim : This tribute daily 1 will bring, And ever blefs thy name. z Thou, Lord, beyond compare art great, And highly to be prais'd ; Tto? ( 72 ) Thy majefty, with boundlefs height, Above our knowledge rais'd. 3 Renown M for mighty ads, thy fame To future times extends ; From age to age thy glorious name Succeilively defcends. 4 Whilft I thy glory and renown, And v/onderous works exprefs ; The world with me thy might mall own, And thy great power confefs. PSALM cxlv. p. 2. i ^npVriE Lord does them fupport that fall, X And makes the proftrate rife ; For his kind aid all creatures call, Who timely food fupplies. 2 Whate'er their various wants require With open hand he gives : And fo fulfils the juft defire Of every thing that lives. 3 How holy is the Lord, how juft ! How righteous all his ways ! How nigh to him, who with firm trull: For his aiuftance prays 1 4 He grants the full defires of thofe Who him with fear adore, And will their troubles foon compofe, When they his aid implore. PSALM ( 73 ) PSALM CXLVI. 1 /^\ Praife the Lord, and thou, my foul, V^/ For ever blefs his name ; His wonderous love, while life mall laft, My conftant praife fhall claim. 2 On kings, the greateft fons of men, Let none for aid rely ; They cannot fave in dangerous times, Nor timely help apply. 3 Depriv'd of breath, to duft they turn, And there neglected lie ; And all their thoughts and vain defigns Together with them die. 4 Then happy he, who Jacob's God For his protector takes ; Who ftill, with well-plac'd hope, the Lord His conftant refuge makes. 5 The God that does in Zion dwell Is our eternal King : From age to age his reign endures, Let all his praifes fing. PSALM CXLVI I, i /~V Praife the Lord with hymns of joy, \J And celebrate his feme ! * For | .d comely 'tis To praife hib holy name. z He ( 74 ) « He kindly heals the broken hearts, And all their wounds dothclofe; He tells the number of the ftars, Their fevepal names he knows. g Great is the Lord, and great his power, His wifdom has no bound : The meek he raifes, and throws down The wicked to the ground. 4 To God, the Lord, a hymn of praife With grateful voices fing : To fongs of triumph tune the harp, And ftrike each warbling ftring. Hallelujah-. PS AIM CXLVIII. 1 XT'E boundlefs realms of joy, \ Exalt your Maker's fame ; His praife your fongs employ Above the ftarry frame ; Your voices raife, ye cherubim And feraphim, to fing his praife. 2 Thou moon, that rul'ft the night, And fun that guid'ft the day ; Ye glittering ftars of light, To him your homage pay : His praife declare, ye heavens above, And clouds that move in liquid air. y Let them adore the Lord, And praife his holy name, By whole almighty word They all from nothing came : An4 ( 75 ) And all mall laft from changes free j His firm decree ftands ever fait. 4 United zeal be mown, His wonderous fame to raife, Whole glorious name alone Deferves our endlefs praife. Earth's utmoftends his power obey ; His glorious fway the fky tranfcends. 5 His chofen faints to grace, He fets them up on high, And favours Ifrael's race, Who flill to him are nigh, Oh therefore raife your grateful voice, And ftill rejoice the Lord to praife. PSALM . CXL1X. 1 /~\ Praife ye the Lor«, prepare your glad \J voice, His praife in the great affembly to fmg. In our great Creator let Ifrael rejoice, And children of Zion be glad in their King. 2 Let them his great name extol in the dance ; With timbrel and harp his praifes exprefs : Who always takes pleafure his faints to advance, And with his falvation the humble to blefs. 3 With glory adorn'd, his people mall fing To God, who their beds with fafery does iliiekr; G Their ( 76 ) Their mouths filPd with praifes of him their great King ; Whilfl a two-edged fvvord their right hand fhall wield. PSALM C L . V l £~\ Praife the Lord, in that bleft place \_J From whence his goodnefs largely flows; Praife him in heaven, where he his face Unveil'd in perfect glory mews. 2 Praife him for all the mighty acts Which he in our behalf hath done ; His kindnefs this return exacts, With which our praife mould equal run. 3 Let the flirill trumpet's warlike voice Make rocks and hills his praife rebound; Praife him with harp's melodious noife, And gentle pfaltery's friver found. 4 Let all that vital breath enjoy, The breath he does to them afford, In juft returns of praife employ ; Let every creature praife the Lord ! •too ocoe coo3 oooo too* oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo ooo>oooo •*»• oooo eooa oooo oooo > too ooes oooo Vent Creator Spirit us. p. I. i /""^tOME, Holy Ghoft, eternal God I V_>| Proceeding from above, Both from the Father and the Son, Th« God of peace and love. 2 Vifit (77 ) z Vifitour minds, and into us Thy heavenly grace infpirc ; That truth and godlinefs we may Purfue with full defire. 3 Thou art the very Comforter In all grief and diftrefs : The heavenly gift of God moft high, Which no tongue can exprefs : 4 The fountain, and the living fpring Of joy celeftial : The fire fo bright, the love fo fweet, And undtion fpiritual. 5 Thou in thy gifts art manifold, Whereby ChrinVs church doth (land ; In faithful hearts writing thy law, The finger of God's hand. 6 According to thy promife made, Thou giveft fpeech with grace : That through thy help God's praifes may Refound in every place. Veni Creator Spirit us. p. 2. 1 /^\ Holy Ghoft, into our fouls \J Send down thy heavenly light ; Inflame our hearts, with fervent love, To ferve God day and night. 2 Our weaknefs ftrengthen and confirm, Which feeble is and frail : G 2 That ( 7« ) That neither devil, world, nor flefh, Again!! us may prevail. 3 Cur enemies put far from us, And help us to obtain Peace in our hearts with God and man, The beft and trueft gain. 4 And grant, O Lord, that thou being Our leader and our guide, We may efcape the fnares of lin, And never from thee Hide. 5 Such rreafures of thy powerful grace Grant, Lord, to us, we pray ; That thou may'ft be our Comforter At the laft dreadful day. Veni Creator Spirit us. From the Office of Ordination : i i^OME, Holy Ghoft, our fouls inipi;: , V^i And lighten with celeftial fire, Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who doll thy fevenfold gifts impart. 2 Thy blefled unction from above, Is comfort, life, and fire of love ; Enable with perpetual light r The dulriefs of our binded fight. 3 Anoint, and cheer our foiled face With the abundance of thy grace. KeeD ( 79 ) Keep far our foes, give peace at home I Where thou art guide no ill can come. 4 Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee of both to be but One ; That through the ages all along This, this may be our endlefs fong Fraife God, Sec. Prayer to the Holy Ghojl, to be fung before the Sermon, p. I. i pOME, Holy Spirit, God of might, \_j The" Comforter of all : Teach us to know thy word aright, That we may never fall. 2 O Holy Ghoft, vifit our land, Defend us with thy fhield : Againft all fin and wickednefs, Lord, help us win the field. 3 O Lord, preferve our king, and blefs His counfel, that they may Be fled i aft in the gofpel of Our Saviour Chrili alway. 4 O Lord, that giv'ft thy holy word, Send preachers plenteoufly : That in the fame we may accord, And therein live and die. G 3 Pnp. . ( So ) Prayer to the Holy Ghofl, to be fung before the Sermon, p. i. 1 S~\ Holy Spirit, guide aright \^J The preachers of thy word, That thou by them may*ft cut down fin, As it were with a fword. 2 Depart not from thy pafrors pure, But aid them at their need ; Who break to us the bread of life, Whereon our fouls do feed. 5 Convert all thofe that are our foes, And bring them to thy light : That they and we may all agree, And praife thee day and night. 4 In our time give thy peace, O Lord, To nations far and nigh : And teach them all thy word, that they May fing to thee, Moil-High. The Lamentation of a Sinner. 1 y~V Lord, turn not thy face away \^J From him that lies proftrate, Lamenting fore his finful life, Before thy mercy-gate; 2 Which thou doft open wide to thofe, That do lament their fin : O fhut it not againft me, Lord, But let me enter in. 3 Call ( 8i ) 3 Call me not to a ftritl account How I have lived here : For then I know right well, O Lord, Moft vile I lhall appear. 4 So come I to the throne of grace, Where mercy doth abound, Defiring mercy for my fin, To heal my deadly wound. 5 O Lord, I need not to repeat, What I do beg or crave : For thou doit know, before I afk, The thing that I would have : 6 Mercy, good Lord, mercy I afk, This is the total fum, For mercy, Lord, is all my fuit ; O lee thy mercy come ! ioa«t»oc ccoe e«-.» ceo* ooco ace* oooo •coo oeoc coos cc»e »oo» oc a i ;«»o eoos coc o cot s xoa vest The following Verjions are more modern. PSALM VI. 1 T ORD, in thy wrath no more chaftife, 1 j Nor let thy whole difpleafure rife Again ft a child of man : Have mercy, Lord, for I am weak ; And heal my foul difeas'd and iick, And full of fin and pain. 2 Body and foul thy judgments feel, Thy heavy wrath afflicts me ftiil : Oh when flail it be o'er ! Turn / • ( fc ) Turn thee, O Lord, and fave my foul, And for thy mercy's fake make whole, And bid me fin no more. 3 The Lord hath heard my groans and tears, The Lord fhall ftill accept my prayers, And all my foes o'erthrow : Shall conquer and deftroy them too, And make e'en me a creature new, A iinlefs faint below. PSALM VIII. i r I ^HOU, the God of power and grace, L Whom higheft heavens adore, Callefl babes to fing thy praife, And manifeft thy power : Lo ! they in thy ftrength go on, Lo ! on all thy foes they tread, Caft the dire accufer down, And bruife the ferpent's head. 2 Yet, when I furvey the Ikies And planets as they roll, Wonder dims my aching eyes, And fwallows up my foul ; Moon and ftars fo wide difplay, Chant their maker's praife fo loud, Four infufferable day, And draw me up to God ! What is man, that thou, O Lord, Haft fuch refpect to him ! Comes from heaven the incarnate Word, His creature to redeem ; Wherefore ( 83 ) Wherefore wouldft thou iloop fo low ? Who the myftery fhall explain ? God is fleih, and lives below, And dies for wretched men ! 4. Sovereign, everlafting Lord, How excellent thy name ! Held in being by thy word, Thee all thy works proclaim : Through this earth thy glories mine, Through thofe dazzling worlds above* All confers the fource divine,' The almighty God of love ! PSALM XV11I. 1 'THHEE will I love, O Lord, my power: X My rock and fortrefs is the Lord, My God, my Saviour, and my tower, My horn and ftrength, my fhield and fword; Secure I truft in his defence, I truft in his omnipotence. 2 Still will I invocatehis name, And fpend my life in prayer andpraiie, His goodnefs own, his promife claim, And look for all his faving grace, 'Till all his faving grace I fee, From fin and hell for ever free. 3 Pie fav'd me in temptation's hour, Horribly caught and compafs'd round, Expos'd to fatan's raging power, In floods of fm and forrow drown'd, Condemn \i ( *4 ) Condemn'd the fecond death to feel, Arretted by the pangs of hell. 4 To God, my God, with plaintive cry, I call 'd in agony of fear, My humble wailing pierc'd the Iky, My groaning reach'd his gracious ear. He heard me from his glorious throne, And fent the timely refcue down. PSALM XIX. i ' | ^HE fpacious firmament on high, X With all the blue ethereal Iky, And fpangled heavens, a fhining frame, Their great Original proclaim : 2 The unwearied fun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power difplay, And publiihes to every land, The work of an Almighty Hand. 3 Soon as the evening fhades prevail, The moon takes up the wonderous tale, And nightly to the liftening earth Repeats the ftory of her birth : 4 While all the ftars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And fpread the truth from pole to pole. 5 What though, in folemn filence, all Move round the dark terreftrial ball : What ( 85 ) What though nor real voice nor found Amid their radiant orbs be found : 6 In reafon's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice, For ever fmging, as they ihine, The hand that made us is divine. psalm xxiii. 1 / i VHE Lord my pafture mall prepare, X And feed me with a fhepherd's care; His prefence (hall my wants fupply, And guard me with a watchful eye ; My noon-day walks he mall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the fultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirfcy mountains pant, To fertile vales, and dewy meads My weary, wandering fteps he leads ; Where peaceful rivers, foft and flow, Amid the verdant iandfkip How. 3 Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overfpread, My ftedfaft heart mall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord, art with me Mill ; Thy friendly crook mail give me aid, And guide me through the dreadful made. 4 Though in a bare ard rugged way, Through devious lonely wilds 1 itray, Thy bounty fhall my pains beguile : TJie barren wildernefs fhaii fmiie, With ( 85. ) With fudden greens and herbage crown'd* And ftreams mall murmur all around. PSAL M XXXII, i TJ LEST is the man fupremely bleft, X) Whofe wickednefs is all forgiven, Who finds in JefVs wounds his reft, And fees the fmiling face of heaven. 2 The guilt and power of fin is gone From him that doth in Chrift believe ; Cover'd it lies, and ftill kept down, And buried in his Saviour's grave. 3 Bleft is the man to whom his Lord No more imputes iniquity, Wliofe fpirit is by grace reftor'd, From all the guilt of fatan free. 4 Free from defign or felfiih aim, Harmlefs and pure, and undefiTd, A fimple follower of the Lamb, And harmlefs as the new-born child. 5 Thou art my hiding-place ; in thee I reft fecure from fin and hell, Safe in the love that ranfom'd me, And fhelter'd in thy wounds I dwell, 6 Still mail thy grace to me abound, The countlefs wonders of thy grace I ftill fhall tell to all around, And fmg my great deliverer's .praife. r s A L M ( 8? ) PSALM XXXVI. i ^"T^HE Lord fufrains the world he made, X Thy love preferves both man and beafl; Beneath thy wing's almighty made Thefonsof men fecurely reft ! They who frequent thy hallow'd place Shall banquet on thy richeft grace. 2 Their fouls (hall drink the cryftal ftream Which ever ifiues from thy throne : Fountain of joy and blifs fupreme, Eternal life and thou art one; To us, to all fo freely given, The light of life, the heaven of heaven ! 3 Stay then with thofe that know thy peace, The fimple men of heart fincere, From all their foes and fins releafe, From pride and luft redeem them here ; Thy utmoft faving grace extend, And love, Oh love them to the end. 4. The prayer is feal'd ; we now forefee The downfall of our inbred foes : Jefus hath got the victory, His own right-hand our fins o'erthrows; • Deftroys their being with their power ; They die, they fall to rife no more. psalm xlv. p. I. I 1\/TY 'heart is full, O Chrift, and longs .iVJL It's glorious matter to declare ! Of thee I make my loftier fongs, And will not from thy praife forbear ; H My ( 88 ) My ready tongue makes hafte to fing The beauties of my heavenly King. 2 Fairer than all the earth-born race, Perfect in comelinefs thou art ; ReplenifrVd are thy lips with grace, And full of love thy tender heart ; God ever bleft, we bow the knee, And own all fulnefs dwells in thee. 3 Gird on thy thigh the Spirit's fword, And take to thee thy power divine, Stir up thy flrength, almighty Lord, All power and majefty are thine ; Afiert thy wormip and renown, O all-redeeming God, come down. 4 Come, and maintain thy righteous caufe, And let thy glorious toil fucceed, Pifpread the victory of thy crofs, Ride on, and profper in thy deed, Through earth triumphantly ride on, And reign in all our hearts alone. PSALM XLV. P. 2. >: /~V God the Son, thy fway we own, \Jf Thy dying love doth all control ; juftice and grace fupport thy throne, Set up in every faithful foul ; Stedfaft it ftands in them, and fure, When pure as thou, O Chrift, art pure. 2 Lover ( S9 ) 2 Lover thou art of purity, And hateft every jpot of iin, Nothing profane can dwell with thee, Nothing unholy or unclean : And therefore doth thy Father own His glorious likenefs in his Son. 3 Therefore he hath his Spirit fhed, Spirit of joy, and power, and grace, Immeafurably on thy head ; Firft-born of all the chofen race! From thee the facred unclion fprings, That makes thy fellows priefts and kings. 4 Thee, Jems, King of kings, and Lord Of lords, 1 glory to proclaim, From age to age thy praife record, That all the world may learn thy name And all mall foon thy grace adore, When time and fm fhall be no more. PSALM XL VI I. 1 f~^ LORIOUS is the Lord moll high, VJT Terrible in majefty ; He his fovereign fway maintains, King o'er all the earth he reigns. 2 He the people fhall fubdue, Make us kings and conquerors too, Force the nations to fubmit, Bruife our fins beneath our feet. H 2 3 He ( 'jo ) 3 He ft all bkfs his ranfom'd ones, Number us with Ifrael's fons ; God our heritage fhall prove, Give us all a lot of love. 4 Jefus is gone up on high, Takes his feat above the Iky : Shout the angel-choirs aloud, Echoing to the trump of God ! 5 Sons of earth, the triumph join, Pralfe him with the hoft divine, Emulate the heavenly powers, Their victorious Lord is ours. 6 Shout the God enthroird above, Trumpet forth his conquering love > Praifes to our Jefus fmg, Praifes to our glorious King ! 7 Power is all to Jefus given, Power o'er hell, and earth, and heaven ! Power he now to us impart^ : Praife him with believing hearts. PSALM LXIII. MY God, permit my tongue This joy, to call thee mine ; And let my early cries prevail To taftc thv love divine. 2 Wirhu ( 9i ) 2 Within thy churches, Lord, I long to find my place, Thy power and glory to behold, And feel thy quickening grace. 3 For life without thy love No relifn can afford ; No joy can be compar'd with this, To ferve and pleale the Lord. 4 In wakeful hours of night, I call my God to mind : I think how wife thy counfels are, And all thy dealings kind. 5 Since thou haft been my help, To thee my fpirit flies, And on thy watchful providence My cheerful hope relies. 6 The fhadow of thy wings My foul in fafety keeps : I follow where my Father leads, And he fupports my fteps. ? s A L M LXXX1V. LORD of the worlds above, How pleafant and how fair, The dwelling of thy love, Thy earthly temples are ! To thy abode my heart afpires, With warm defires to fee my God ! H 3 z Oli ( £ J 2 O happy fouls that pray Where God appoints to hear : O happy men that pay Their conftant fervice there ! They praife thee (till: and happy they That love the way to Zion's hill. 3 They go from ftrength to ftrength, Through this dark vale of tears, 'Till each o'ercomes at length, 'Till each in heaven appears. O glorious feat ! Thou God our king Shalt thither bring our willing feet. 4 God is our fun and fhield, Our light and our defence ; With gifts his hands are nll'd, We draw our blefiings thence : Ke fhall bellow upon our race Kis faving grace, and glory too. 5 The Lord his people loves, His hand no good witholds From thofe his heart approves, From holy humble fouls, Thrice happy he, O God of hoilir, Whole fpirit trufts alone in thee ! psalm xcn. Sabbath Day. SWEET is the work, my God, my King, To praife thy name, give thanks, and ling; To fhew thy love by morning-light, And talk of all thy'truths at night. 2 Sweet ( 93 ) 2 Sweet is the day of facred reft, No mortal cares mould feize my breaft ; Oh may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of folemn found ! 3 My heart mall triumph in the Lord, And blefs his work, and blefs his word ; Thy works of grace how bright they fhine ! How deep thy counfels I how divine ! 4 I foon mall fee, and hear, and know, What mortals cannot reach below : And all my powers find fweet employ, In. that eternal world of joy. psalm c. Jubilate Deo, i TJEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, j£5 Ye nations, bow with facred joy : Know that the Lord is God alone ; He can create, and he deftroy. 2 His fovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and form'd us men ; And when like wandering fheep we ftray'd, He brought us to his fold again. 3 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful fongs-, High as the heavens our voices raife -r And earth, with her ten thoufand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with founding praife. .4. Wide as the world is thy command, Vaft as eternity thy love, Finn ( 9+ ) Firm as a rock thy truth mall ftand, When rolling years lhall ceafe to move. r s A l m cxiv. 5 II 7HEN Ifrael freed from Pharoah's hand, \ V Left the proud tyrant and his land, The tribes with cheerful homage own Their King ; and Judah was his throne. 2 Acrofs the deep their journey lay, The deep divides to make them way : Jordan beheld their march, and fled With backward current to his head. 3 The mountains fhock like frighted fheep ; Like lambs the little hillocks leap : Not Sinai on his bafe could itand, Confcious of fovereiga power at hand. 4 What power could make the deep divide ? Make Jordan backward roil his tide ? Why did ye leap, ye little hills ? And whence the fright that Sinai feels ? 5 Let every mountain, every flood Retire, and know the approaching God, The king of Ifrael : fee him here ; Tremble thou earth ; adore, and fear ! 6 He thunders, and all nature mourns ;j The rock to (landing pools he turns ; Flints fpring with fountains at his word, And fires and feas confefs the Lord. psalm ( 9> ) PS A L M CXIV. i TT7HEN Ifrael out of Egypt came, W And left the proud oppressor's land. Conducted by the great I AM, Safe in the hollow of his hand; The Lord in Ifrael reign'd alone, And Judah was his favourite throne. 2 The fea beheld his power, and fled, Difparted by the wonderous red, Jordan ran backward to his head, And Sinai felt the incumbent God ; The mountain's fkip'd like frighted rams, The hills leap'd after them as lambs. 3 What ail'd thee, O thou trembling fea, What horror turn'd the river back ? Was nature's God difpleas'd at thee ? And why fhould hills and mountains (hake ? Ye mountains huge, who fkip'd like rams, Ye hills, who leap'd as frighted lambs ! 4 Earth, tremble on, With all thy fons, In prefence of thy awful Lord, Whofe power inverted nature owns Her only law his fovereign word : He makes the centre with a nod, And heaven bows down to Jacob's God. 5 Creation varied by his hand The omnipotent Jehovah knows : The fea is turn'd to foiid land, The rock into a fountain flows ; And ( 96 ) And all things, as they change, proclaim Their Lord eternally the fame. PSALM CXVI. 1 f^\ Thou, who when I did complaid, V^/ Didft all my griefs remove, O Saviour, do not now difdain My humble praife and love. 2 Since thou a pitying ear didft give, And heardft me when I pray'd, I'll call upon thee while I live, And never doubt thy aid. 3 Pale death, with all his ghaftly train, My foul encompaft round, Anguifh and fin, and dread, and pain, On every fide I found. 4 To thee, O Lord of life, I pray'd, And did for fuccour flee : O fave (in my diftrefs I faid) The foul that trufts in thee ! 5 How good thou art, how large thy grace ! How eafy to forgive ! The helplefs thou delight'ft to raife : And by thy love I live: 6 Then, O my foul, be never more With anxious thoughts diftreft, God's bounteous love doth thee reftore To cafe, and joy, and reft. 7 My ( 97 ) My eyes wo longer drown 'd in tears , My feet from falling free, Redeem'd from death, and guilty fears> O Lord, I'll live to thee ! P S A L M CXVII. i 'X/'E nations, who the globe divide, JL Ye numerous nations fcatter'd wide, To God your grateful voices raife : To all his boundlefs mercies fhown His truth to endlefs ages known Require our endlefs love and praife. 2 In trouble on the Lord I cried, And felt the pardoning word applied ; He anfwer'd me in peace and power, He pluck'd my foul out of the net, In a large place of fafety fet, And bade me go and fin no more. 3 To him, who reigns enthron'd on high. To his dear Son, who deign'd to die, Our guilt and errors to remove ! To that bJeft Spirit, who grace imparts, Who rules in all believing hearts, Be ceafelefs glory, praife, and love ! PSALM CXVII I. T HE Lord, I now can fay, is mine, And confident in ftrength divine, Nor man, nor fiends, nor flefh I fear : Jefu< ( 9« ) Jefus the Saviour takes my part. And keeps the iflues of my heart, My helper is for ever near. 2 Wherefore I foon my wifh fhall fee On all who hate and ftrive with me, My full redemption now draws nigh ; My enemies fhall all be flain, And not one fpot of fin remain ; It's relicks mall for ever die. 3 The voice of joy, and love, and praife, And thanks for his redeeming grace, Among the juftified is found : With fongs that rival thofe above, With fhouts proclaiming Jem's love, Both day and night their tents refound. 4 The Lord's right-hand hath wonders wrought. Above the reach of human thought, The Lord's right-hand exalted is ; We fee it frill ft retch 'd out to fave, The power of God in Chrift we have, And Jefus is the Prince of peace. § I fhall not die in fin, but live, To Chrift my Lord the glory give, His miracles of grace declare, When he the work of faith hath done, When I have put his image on, And fruit unto perfection bear, PSALM ( 99 ) PSALM CXVIII. P. 2. i y^XPEN the gates of righteoufnefs, V^ Receive me into Chrift, my Peace ; That I his praifes may record : He is the truth, the life, the way, The portal of eternal day, The gate of heaven is Chrift my Lord. 2 Through him the juft mall enter in, Sav'd to the uttermoft from fin : Already fav'd from all it's power : The Lord my righteoufnefs I praife, And calmly v/ait the perfect grace, When born of God I fin no more. 3 jefus is lifted up on high, Whom man refus'd and doom'd to die, He is become the corner-ftone ; Head of his church he lives and reigns, His kingdom over all maintains, High on his everlafting throne. psalm cxvm. 4 /"T"MrIIS is the day the Lord hath made, J[ He calls the hours his own ; Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praife furround the throne. z To-day :he rofe and left the dead, And fatan's empire fell ; To-day the faints his triumphs fpread, And all his wonders tell. I 3 Hofanna ( ioo ' ) 3 Hofanna to the anointed King, To David's holy Son : Help us, O Lord, defcend, and bring Salvation from thy throne. 4 Bleft be the Lord, who comes to men With mefiages of grace ; Who comes in God his Father's name To fave our finful race. 5 Hofanna in the higher! ftrains . The church on earth can raife ; The higheft heavens, in which he reigns. Shall give him nobler praife. psalm cxxi. TO the hills I lift my eyes, The everlafting hills, Streaming thence in frefh fupplies, My foul the Spirit feels : \J Will he not his hejp afford ? Help, while yet I afk is given : God comes down : the God and Lord That made both earth and heaven. See, the Lord thy keeper ftand Omnipotently near: Lo ! he holds thee by thy hand, And banifhes thy fear ; Shadows with his wings thy head, Guards from all impending harms ; Round thee and beneath are fpread The everlafting arms. 3 Thee ( roi ) Thee, in evil's (torching day, The fun mall never frnite ; Thee, the moon's maligned ray- Shall never blaft by night : Safe from known or fecret foes, Free from fin and fatan's thrall ; God, when flefli, earth, heli oppoie, Shall keep thee fafe from all. Chrift mall blefs thy going out, Shall blefs thy coming in, Kindly compafs thee about, Till thou art fav'd from fin ; Like thy fpotlefs Saviour thou, Fill'd with wifdom, love, and power; Holy, pure, and perfect now., Henceforth and evermore. PSALM CXXII. I i /'"X How overjoy'dwas I, V_y When the folemn hour drew nigh I Summon'd to the houfe of prayer, Flew my foul to worfhip there. Come, my cheerful brethren faid, Let us go with holy fpeed ; Let us hafte with one accord To the temple of our Lord. 2 Running at his kind command, There our ready feet fhall Hand, Still within the facred gate Will we for his mercy wait : I 2 Lcve ( 102 ) Love the channels of his grac£r Reverence the hallow'd place : Where our Lord records his name, Stay we in Jerufalem. 3 God hath built his church below, Labour'd all his art to fhew ; Each with each the parts agree, Jbram'd in perfect fymmetry. There the chofen tribes go up, TeiHfy their gofpel-hope, Praife, and blefs the incarnate Word, Shout the name of Chrifl, the Lord ! PSALM CXXIV. i T TAD not the Lord, we now may cry, JlI Appear'd his people to fufiain, The threat'ning floods that dafiYd the Iky, Had whirl'd us down to hell again : O'erwhelm'd us in the gulph beneath, And plung'd our fouls in endlefs death. 2 But God hath quell'd their angry pride, And kept us in our evil hour, His name be bleft and glorified, He hath not left us to their power, His word reitrain'd their lawlefs will, And bade the raging fea be ftill. 3 He pluck 'd the prey out of their teeth, Our fouls have 'fcap'd the fowler's fnarej Broke thro* the toils of fin and death; And lo ! our helper we declare, The C '°3 ) The Lord of heaven and earth proclaim, And blefs the almighty Jefu's name. PSALM CXXV. WHO in the Lord confide, And feel his fprinkled blood, In florins and hurricanes abide Firm as the mount of God : S ted fait, and fixt, and fure, His Zion cannot move, His faithful people ftand fecure In Jefu's guardian love. As round Jerufalem The hilly bulwarks rife, .So God protects and covers them From all their enemies :. On every fide he flands, And for his Ifrael cares, And fafe in his almighty hands Their fouls forever bears. O let us frill abide In thee, all-gracious Lord, Till every foul is fanftified, And perfe&iy reftor'd : The men of heart fincere Continue to defend, And do them good, and fave them here, And love them to the end. I 3 PSALM ( io4 ) PSALM CXXVI. P. I. WHEN our redeeming Lord Pronounc'd the pardoning word, Turn'd our foul's captivity, O what fweet furprife we found! Wonder afk'd, (< And can it be !" Scarce believ'd the welcome found. And is it not a dream ? And are we fav'd through him > Yes, our bounding heart replied, Yes, broke out our joyful tongue, Freely we are jufHfied ; This the new, the gofpel-fong ! The Heathen too could fee Our glorious liberty : All our foes were forc'd to own, God for them hath wonders wrought : Wonders he for us hath done, From the houfe of bondage brought. To us our gracious God His pardoning love hath fhew'd. Now our joyful fouls are free From the guilt and power of iin. Greater things we foon lliall fee, We lliall foon be pure within. PSALM CXXVI. P. 2. TURN us again, O Lord, Pronounce the fecond word, Loofe our hearts, and let us go Down the Spirit's fulleft flood, Freely ( '05 ) Freely to the fountain flow, All be fwallow'd up in God. Who for thy coming wait, And wail their loft eftate, Poor, and fad, and empty ftill, Who for full redemption weep, They mall thy appearing feel, Sow in tears, in joy to reap. Who feed immortal bears, And wets his path with tears, Doubtlefs he fhall foon return, Bring his fneaves with vaft increafe, Fully of the Spirit born, Perfected in holinefs. PSALM CXXXII. i ^T7"E too the joyful found have heard,' V V That God is coming to his place ; Here in the wildernefs prepar'd ; Our Lord a holy church fhall raife : 2 For this our willing foul fhall go, And lowly at his footftool lie, Where'er his tent is pitch'd below, And for a glorious temple cry. 3 Arife, O Lord, into thy reft, Thou, and thy ark of perfect power, God over all, for ever bleft, Thee, Jefus, let our hearts adore. 4 Thy ( io6 ) 4 Thy priefts be cloath'd with righreoufhefs> Thy praife their happy lives employ, The faints in thee their all pofTefs, And fhout the fons of God for joy. 5 O for thy love, thy Jefu's fake, Us, thy anointed ones receive, In the Belov'd accepted make, And bjd us to thy glory live. psalm c XXX III. p . i . i T)EHOLD, how good a thing X) It is to dwell in peace, How pleafing to our king This fruit of righteoufnefs ; When brethren all in one agree Who knows the joys of unity ! 2 When all are fweetly join'd, True followers of the Lamb, The fame in heart and mind, And think and fpeak the fame ; And all in love together dwell, The comfort is unfpeakable. 3 Where unity takes place, The joys of heaven we prove ; This is the gofpel-grace, The unttion from above, The Spirit, on all believers ftied, Defcending fwift from Chrift our head. 4 "Where unity is found, The fweet anointing grace Extends. ( 107 ) Extends to all around, And confecrates the place; To every waiting foul it comes, And fills it with divine perfumes. PSALM CXXXIII. P. 2. G RACE every morning new, And every night, we feel; The ibft refrefhing dew, That falls from Hermon's hill ! On Zion it doth fweetly fall, The grace of one defcends on all. Even now our Lord cloth pour The blefling from above, A kindly, gracious mower Of heart-reviving love, The former and the latter rain, The love of God, and love of man. In him when brethren join, And follow after peace, The fellowship divine He promifes to blefs ; His grace and Spirit to bellow, Where two or three are met below. The riches of his grace In fellowship are given, To Zioivs chofen race, The citizens of heaven ; He fills them with his choiceil flore, He gives them life for evermore* TiALU ( io8 ) PSALM CXXXIV . i X7E fervlnts of God, whofe diligent care \ Is ever employ'd in watching and prayer ; With praifes unceafing your Jefus proclaim, Rejoicing and blefling his excellent name. 2 'Tis Jefus commands, come all to his houfe, And lift up your hands, and pay him your vows: And while ye are giving your Maker his due, The Lord out of heaven fhall fanctify you. psalm cxxxvi. i /^ IVE to our God immortal praife ! V "J Mercy and truth are all his ways ; Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your fong. 2 Give to the Lord of lords renown, The King of kings with glory crown ; His mercies ever fhall endure, When lords and kings are known no more. 3 He built the earth, he fpread the fky, And fix'd his ftarry lights on high : Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your fong. 4 He fills the fun with morning light, He bids the moon direct the night : His mercies ever fhall endure, When fun and moon fhall fhine no more. 5 The ( *°9 ) 5 He fent his Son with power to fave From guilt, and darknefs, and the grave ; Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your fong. 6 Through this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heavenly feat : His mercies ever mall endure, When this vain world fhall be no more. PSALM CXLV. 1 "]\/TY God, my King, thy various praife J^VX Shall fill the remnant of my days; Thy grace employs my humble tongue, Till death and glory raife the fong. 2 The wings of every hour mail bear Some thankful tribute to thy ear : And every fetting fun mail fee New works of duty done for thee. 3 Thy truth and juftice I'll proclaim ; Thy bounty flows, an endlefs ftream ; Thy mercy fwift, thy anger flow, But dreadful to the ftubborn foe. 4 Thy works with fovereign glory fhinc, And fpeak thy majefty divine ; Let Britain round her mores proclaim The found and honour of thy name. 5 Let diftant times and nations raife The long fuccefllon of thy praife ; And ( no ) And unborn ages make my fong , The joy and labour of their tongue. 6 But who can fpeak thy wonderous deeds Thy greatnefs all our thoughts exceeds Vail and unfearchable thy ways ; Vaft and immortal be thy praife ! PSALM CXLV. 7, &C 1 QWEET is the memory of thy grace, ^ My God, my heavenly king ' Let age to age thy righteoufnefs In founds of glory fing. 2 God reigns on high, but not confines His goodnefs to the fkics ; Through the whole earth his goodnefs mines, And every want fupplies. 3 With longing eyes thy creatures wait On thee, for daily food ; Thy liberal hand provides them meat, And fills their mouths with good. 4 How kind are thy companions, Lord! How flow thy anger moves ! But foon he fends his pardoning word To cheer the foul he loves. 5 Creatures, with all their endlefs race, Thy power and praife proclaim ; But we, who tafte thy richer grace, Delight to blefs thy name, P S A I. M ( I" ) PSALM CXLV. 14. &C. i 1 ET every tongue thy goodnefs fpeak, JL* Thou fovei\ig.i i^rd of all; 1 hy ftrergthning hands uphold the weak, /ind raiie the poor that fall. 2 When forrow hows the fpirit down, Or virtue lies diftreft, Beneath the proud oppreiibr's frown, Thou giv'ft the mourner reft. 3 The Lord fupporrs our infant days, And guides our giddy youth ; Holy and jult are all thy ways, And all thy words are truth. 4 Thou know'ft the pains thy fervants feel, Thou hear ft thy children cry, And their beft wifhes to fnlfil Thy grace is ever nigh. ; Thy mercy never mail remove From men of heart fincere ; Thou fav'ft the fouls, whole humble love Is join'd with holy fear. 6 My lips mail dwell upon thy praife, And fpread thy fame abroad : Let all the fons of Adam raife The honours cf rheir God ! E P S A L M ( 112 ) PSALM CXLVI. 1 T'LL praife my Maker while I've breath, J[ And when my voice is loft in death, Praife ihall employ my nobler powers ; My days of praife mail ne'er be paft, While life and thought and being laft. Or immortality endures. 2 Happy the man whofe hopes rely On A Intel's God ; he made the Iky, And earth, and feas, with all their train : His truth for ever Hands fecure ; Ke faves the oppreft, he feeds the poor, And none mall find his promife vain. 3 The Lord pours eye-fight on the blind, The Lord fupports the fainting mind ; He fends the labouring confeience peace; He helps the ftranger in diftrefs, . The widow and the fatherlefs, And grants the prifoner fweet releafe. 4 I'll praife him while he lends me breath, And when my voice is loft in death, Praife fhall employ my nobler powers; My day* of praife fhall ne'er be paft, While life and thought and being laft, Or immortality endures. PSALM CXLVI i. i^AISE ye the Lord; 'tis good to raife Our hearts and voices in his praife; His nature and his works invite To make this duty our delight. z He ( 1*3 ) i He form'd the ftars, thofe heavenly flames, He counts their numbers, calls their n \\ His wifuom's vaft, and knows r.o bound, A deep where all our thoughts are drc 3 Sing to the Lord ; exalt him high, Who fpreads his clouds around the Iky, There he prepares the fruitful rain, Nor lets the drops defcend in vain. 4 He mikes the graft the hills adorn, And clothes the fmiling fields with corn; The beaft.3 with food his hand* fupply, And the young ravens when they cry. 5 What is the creature's fkill or force ? The fpright y man or warlike horfe I The piercing wit, the aclive limb ? All are too mean delights for hirn. 6 But faints are lovely in his fight* He views his children with delight ! He fees their hope, he knows their fear^ And looks and loves his image there, p s a l m ex l v I 1 1 . i \7^> ™ho dwell above the (tier, X Free from human miseries ; Ye, whom higheft heaven imbowers, Praife the Lord with all your powers, 2 Angels, your clear voices raife ; Him, yi [y armies, praife $ K 2 ( >'4 ) Sun and moon with borrow'd light. All ye fparkling eyes of night. 3 Water hanging in the air, Heaven of heavens hispraife declare ; His deferved praife record ; His, who made you by his word. 4. Let the earth his praife refound, Mpnftrous whales, and feas profound; Vapours, lightning, hail and fnow, Storms, which were he bids you, blow, 5 Flowery hills and mountains high ; Cedars, neighbours to the fky : Trees and cattle, creeping things; All that cut the air with wings. 6 You, who awful fcepters fway, You, accuftom'd to obey, Princes, judges of the earth, All of high, and humble birth : 7 Youths and virgin*, flouriftring In the beauty of your fpring; Ye, who were but born of late, Ye, who bow with age's weight ; 8 Praife his name with one confent: O how gfleat 1 how excellent ! Than the earth profounder far ; Higher than the higheft ftar. 9 He will his to glory raife ; Ye, his faints, refound his praife r Yet ;( "5 ) Ye, his Ions, his chofen race, Blefs his love, and fovereign grace, PSALM CXLVI1I. i TJ3-AISE ye the Lord, immortal choir, J7 1 hat fill the realms above ; Praife him who form d you of his fire, And feeds you with his love. 2 Shine to his praife, ye cryftal ikies* (je Moor of his abode : Or veii in fti oufand eyes, Jtef< lighter God. .' Thou reftlefs globe of golden li jfe beams create our d Join with th-; leen of night, To own your boi ;• ;. nds, yc (hall bear his :; ad, -ugh :he ethei For when ids chariot is lie mal. w. 5 She _ Lcrd, ye furging (i In your eternal roar ; Let wave to wave refbund his praife, And iiiore reply ro fac 6 Wave your -pin:-:, To him thai hies yen grow; Sweet clutters bend th dues On every thankful bough. * 3 7 ( »<5 ) 7 Let the mrill birds his honour raife, And climb the morning fky ; While groveling beafts attempt his praife In hoarfer harmony. 8 Thus, while the meaner creatures fing, ^ Ye mortals take the found ; Echo the glories of your King 'i hrough ail the nations round. PSALM CXLV1II. 3. Sunt Mcgz, and Stars, Praife ye the Lord. 1 T^ EGgNT of all the worlds above, :iou fun, whofe rays adorn our fpherc, And with unwearied fwiftnefs move ri o form the circle of the year : 2 Praifj the Creator of the fkies, Who decV3 thy orb with borrow'd rays; Or may the fun forget to rife, ... he forgets his Maker's praife. 3 Thou reigning beauty of the night, far queen of filence, filver moon : Whofe paler fires and female light Are fofter rivals of the noon : 4 Arife, and to that fovereign power, Waxing urs pay ; Who bac'e t'^ee rule the dufky hours, And half fupply the abfent day. 5 Ye glittering frars, that gild the (kies, When darknefs has her curtain drawn, rl hat ( "7 ) That keep the watch with wakeful eyes, When bufmefs, cares,' and day are gone : 6 Proclaim the glories of your Lord, Difpers'd through all the heavenly ftreet, Whofe bound efs treafures can afford So rich a pavement tor his feet. 7 Thou heaven of heavens, fapremely bright, palace of the court divine, Where with inimitable right The Godhead condefcends to Urine : 8 Praife thou the. great at, Who fcatters lovely beams of grace On every angel, every fai Nor veils the luftre of his face. 9 O God of glory, God of love, Thou art the fun that mak'ft our days ; Mlditall thy wonderpni works above Let earth and duft attempt thy praife ! PSALM CL. i TJRAISE the Lord, who reigns above, And keeps his court below, Praife the holy Gcd of love, And all his greatnefs mew : Praife him for his noble deeds, Praife him for h:s irrtchlefs power ; Him, from whom al! good proceeds, Let earth and heaven adcre. 2 Celebrate the eterra1 God With harp and pfaltery, Timbrel? ( nS ) Timbrels foft, and cymbals loud" In his high praife agree : Praife, him every tuneful firing, All the reach of heavenly artr All the powers of mufic bring, The mufic of the heart. 3 Kim in whom they move and live. Let every creature fmg, Glory to their Maker give, And homage to their King ; Hallowed be his name beneath, As in heaven on earth ador d, Praife the Lord in every breath ; Let all things praife the Lord'. Te Deum Laud am us. p . I . i TT7'^ Praifc our God with one accord,. V V ri hee we confefs to be the Lord ; The fpacious earth adores thy name, Father of everlafling fame. 2 To thee aloud all angels cry, The heavens, and all the powers on high ; loth cuerubim and feraphim Continual fongs of praife proclaim. O holy, holy, holy Lord ! Great God of fabaoth ! (they record) With fplendbur of thy glory fpread, Is heaven and earth repieniihed. '4 The apoftle's glorious company Praife thee, O God, perpetually ; The ( "9 ) The prophets alfo join to raifc The fong of univerfal praife. 5 The noble and victorious hoft Of martyrs make of thee their boaft ; The holy church throughout the earth Acknowledge and extol thy worth, 6 Father of bcundlefs Majefty I Thy true and only Son moft high ! Alfo the fweet Remembrancer, The Holy Ghoft, the Comforter ! Te Deum Lav. damns, p. 2. i Tk /TESSIAH ! joy of every heart, _[VJL Thou, Thou the King of glory art \ Thou art, before all time begun, The Father's everlafting Son. 2 Then, undertaking in cur room, Didlt. not abhor the virgin's womb : The pains of death o'ercome by thee Made heaven to all believers free. 3 At God's right hand thou haft thy feat, And in the .Fathers glory great. - We do believe that thou (halt come To judge us, and to feal our doom. 4 Lord, help thy fervants, whom (when loft) Thy bleed redeem d at fo great coft ; Place them on evcrlafting thrones Of glory, with thv holy ones. 5 Thy ( 120 ) 5 Thy people, Lord, do thou protect. And bief's thy heritage elect, Govern thy church, and, Lord, advance For ever thy inheritance. 6 Thy mercy, Lord, to us difpenfe, According to our confidence j Lord, 1 have put my truft in thee, 0 let me not confounded be ! Vouchfafe, 0 Lord, to keep us this Day nXiithout Sin.. Te Deum. i "1 TOUCKSAFE to keep me, Lord, this day V Without committing fin, And with me let thy Spirit itay, Till he is fixt within. 2 Thou can ft from every fin fecure ; And is it not thy will Still to preferve thy fervant pure From every touch of ill ? 3 Whate'er I afk, the truth hath faid, 1 furely mall receive : I afk to be made free indeed, And without fin to live. 4 Whate'er I afk in faith I have, As fure as God is true ; My faithful God is ftrong to fave, i he is ready too. 5 Willing he is that all fhould live From all their fins fet free : Lord,, ( «I ) Lord, I thy folemn word receive, Thy oath to refcue me. Vouchfafe to keep me, Lord, this day* And every day from fin, Until thou take it ail away, And bring thy nature in. Te Deum Laudamus. p. I. i JNFINITE God, to Thee we raife J, Our hearts, in folemn fongs of praife ; By ali thy works on earth ador'd, We wormip Thee, the common Lord, The ever j ailing Father own, And bow our fouls before thy throne. 2 Thee all the choir of angels fings, The Lord of hofts, the King of kings ! Cherubs proclaim thy praife aloud, And feraphs fhout the triune g o d 1 And holy, holy, holy, cry, Thy glory fills both earth and fky ! 3 God of the patriarchal race, The ancient feers record thy praife, The goodly apoftolic band In higheft joy and glory ftauci, And ail the faints and prophets join To extol thy majefty divine. 4 Head of the martyr's noble heft, Of Thee they juftly make their boaft; The church to earth's remoter! bounds Her heavenly founder's praife refounds, AvA ( 125 ) And frrive with thofe around the throne To hymn the myftic. Three in One. 5 Father of endlefs majefty, All might and love they render Thee, Thy true and only Son adore, The fame in dignity and power, And God the Holy Ghofl declare, The faints eternal Comforter. TV Deum Lauda mus. P. 2. MESSIAH ! joy of every heart, Thou, thou the King of glory art ! The Father's everlafting Son ! Thee, thee we moft delight to own ; For all our hopes on thee depend, Whofe glorious mercies never end. 2 Bent to redeem a (infill race, Thou, Lord, with unexampled grace •Into our lower world did ft come, And ftoop to a poor virgin's womb, Whom the heavens cannot contain, Our God appear'd — a Child of man ! 3 When thou hadft render'd up thy breath, And dying drawn the fting of death, Thou didrr. from earth triumphant rife, And ope the portals of the ikies, That all who truft in thee alone Might follow, and partake thy throne. ... 4 Seated at God's right hand again, Thou doft in all his glory reign, Tho« ( its ) Thou doft, thy Father's image, mine In ail the attributes divine, And thou in vengeance clad (halt come To feal our everlafting doom. 5 Wherefore we now for mercy pr?y, O Saviour, take our fins away; Before thou as our Judge appear In dreadful majefty fevere, Appear our advocate with God, And lave the purchafe of thy blood, Te T)eum Laudamus. p. 3. i TJ ALLOW, and make thy fervants meet, X A And with thy faints in glory feat, Suftain, and blefs us by thy fwa , And keep to that tremendous day, When all thy church (hall chant above The new eternal fong of love. 2 Rejoicing now in glorious hope That thou at laft wilt take us up, With daily triumph we proclaim, And blefs and magnify thy name, And wait thy great nefs to adore When time and death mail be no more. j Till then with us vouchfafe to (ray, And keep us pure from fin to-day, Thy great confirming grace beftow, And guard us all our days bdow, And ever mightily defend, And fave, O fave us to the end ! 4 Stil) ( «4 ) 4 Still let us, Lord, with love be bleft, Who in thy guardian mercy reft, The weakeft foul that trufts in thee, -Extend thy mercy's arms to me, And never let me lofethy love, Till I, even I, am crown'd above. O ye Spirits and Souls of the Righteous, blefs ye the Lord, &c. Benedicite. i T TAIL, glorious angels, heirs of light, J[~JL Ye h'gh-borri fons of fire ! Whofe hearts burn chaite, whofe flames mine bright, All joy, yet all deiire. 2 Hail, holy faints, who long in hope And expectation fat, Till for it's King, heaven didfet ope It's everlafting gate. 3 Hail, great apoflles of the Lamb, Who brought that early ray, Which, from our fun, reflected came, And made a glorious day. 4 Hail, generous martyrs, whofe ftrong hearts Bravely rejoie'd to prove, How weak, pale death, are all thy darts Compar'd to thofe of love. 5 Hail, all ye happy fpirits above, Who make that_glorious ring About the fparkling throne of love, And there for ever ling. 7 Great ( 1*5 ) 6 Great Lord, among their crowns of praife, Accept this little wreath, Which, while their lofty notes they raife, We humbly fmg beneath. GLORIA P A T R I, &c. S. M. As Pfalm 25. To God the Father, Son, And Spirit, glory be ; As 'twas, and is, and ihall be fo To all eternity. C. M. As Pfahu 1. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, The God whom we adore, Be glory, as it was, is now, And fhall be evermore. L. M. As Pfalm 1.00. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, The God whom heaven and earth adore, Be glory, as it was of old, Is now, and fhall be evermore. Chorus to Veni Creator Spirit us. Page 78. Praife to thy eternal merit, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. L, M. ( t»6 ) L. M. By B p. Ken n. As Pfalm 57. Praife God, from whom all blefiings flow ; Praife him, all creatures herr below ; Praife him above, ye heavenly hoft, Praife Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. As Pfalm 113. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, The God whom heaven's triumphant hoft, And fuffering faints on earth adore, Be glory as in ages paft, As now it is, and fo mail laft, When earth and heaven mall be no more, As Pfalm 148. To God the Father, Son, And Spirit ever blefs'd, Eternal Three in One, All worihip be addrefs'd, As heretofore it was, is now, And lhall be fo for evermore. SELECT HYMN VT QUISQJJE DE SCRIPTURIS SANCTIS, VEL DE PROPRIO INGENIO POTEST, PROVOCATUR IN MEDIUM DEO CAN ERE. TERTULL, APOL. XXXIX. / SELECT H Y M N S FROM VARIOUS AUTHOR S. They fung as it were a new Song before the Throne, rev. xiv. 3. SOLITI ESSENT CONVEN1RE CARMENQUE CHRISTO QUASI DEODICERE. PLIN.EP.L.X, MANCHESTER: PRINTED BY G. SWINDELLS, MDCCLXXXIX, PREFACE. PSALMS and HYMNS, fung with humble- adoration, difFufe a calmnefs ail around us, give a proper turn to our thoughts, ;md purify and exalt our paffions. They ftrengthen our de- votion, cheriih divine impulfes, and advance praife into holy rapture, St. Paul therefore writes to the Coloffians ; f Chrift. He applies the blood of fprink- ling, fan&ifies, and feals obedient Believers with the power cf truth and love, the glory of the chriftian difpenfation. He directs their goings, and prepares them for that facred day, when Chrift fhall come again, to crown them with glory, honour, and immortality. May we never reft fatisfied with a fmall degree of holy animation. Let the love of God, the grace of Chrift, and the fellowihip of the Holy Ghoft fill our fouls : then fhali we emulate the celeftial choirs in finging the unfearchable riches of Christ ! while our "hearts burn with love " unto Kim that loved us, and warned us from our fins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priefts unto God and his Father ; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." C BAY LEY- MANCHESTER, 1789. GENERAL CONTENTS. Advent .... . Page. 6 to 1 8 Cbriflmas .... • 19 — 37 Old and New Tear • v38 - 47 Epiphany .... • 48 — 50 Lent, Penitence, Temptation, Fajiing 51 — 150 PaJJlon Week • 1.5 1 — 152 Good Friday, and the Sacrament • i53 — 236 Eafier .... • 237 — 246 The Afcenfion of Chrift • 247 — 256 IVhitfuntide • 257 — 271. Trinity - 272 — 282 Difpenfation of the Spirit • 283 — 305 Baptifm of Water and the Spirit • 306 — 315 On various Qccajions . • 3,6 — 379 Funeral .... • 380 — 401 Praife and Thank/giving • 402 ad fine m. ^x> And God himfelf is bora! 3 See th' eternal Son of God A mortal fon of man, Dwelling in an earthly clod, Whom heaven cannot contain ! Stand amaz'd, ye heavens, at this ! See the Lord of earth and fkies ! Humbled to the duft he is, And in a manger lies ! 4 We the fons of men rejoice, The Prince of peace proclaim, With heaven's hoft lift up our voice, And fhout Immanuel's name : Knees and hearts to him we bow, Of our flefh, and. of our bone, Jefus is our brother now, And God is all our own ! HYMN XXVII. i ; ET earth and heaven combine, 1 j Angels and men agree, To praife in fongs divine Th' incarnate Deity, Our God contracted to a fpan, Incomprehenfibly made man. C 2 z He ( 30 ) 2 He laid his glory by, He wrapp'cl him in our clay, Unmark'd by human eye, The latent Godhead lay ; Infant of days he here became : And bore the mild Immanuel's name. 3 See in that infant's face The depths of Deity, And labour while ye gaze To found the myftery : In vain; ye angels gaze no more, But fall, and filently adore. 4 Unfearchable the love That hath the Saviour brought, The grace is far above Or men or Angel's thought; Suffice for us that God we know, Our God is manifeft below. 5 He deigns in flefh t* appear, Wideft extremes to join, To bring our vilenefs near, And make us all divine : And we the life of God fliall know, For God is manifeft below. 6 Made perfect firft in love, And funttify'd by grace, We' lhall from earth remove, And fee his glorious face ; His love mail then be fully fhew'd, . And man fliall all be loft in God. H Y M N ( 3i ) H Y M H XXVI 1 1. Gratitude for the Incarnation, F ATHER, our hearts we lift Up to thy gracious throne, And blefs thee for the precious gift Of thy incarnate Son ; The gift unfpeakable We thankfully receive, And to the world thy goodnefs tell, And to thy glory live. Jefus, the holy child, Doth by his birth declare That God and man are reconcile, And one in him we are : Salvation through his name To all mankind is given, And loud his infant-cries proclaim A peace 'twixt earth and heaven. A peace on earth he brings, Which never more mall end : The Lord of hofts, the King of Kir gs> Declares himfelf our friend : ArTumes our flefh and blood, That we his Sp'rit may gain ; The everlafting Son of God, The mortal fon of man. Hic kingdom from above He doth to us impart, . And pure benevolence and love O'erflow the faithful heart : C 5 Chang'd ( 3* ) Chang'd in a moment, we The fweet attraction find, With open arms of charity Embracing all mankind. O might they all receive The new-born Prince of Peace ; And meekly in his Spirit live, And in his love increafe ! Till he convey us home, Cry every foul aloud, Come, thou defireof nations, come, And take us up to God. HYMN XXIX. Matt. i. 21. Hag. ii. 7. Luke xvii. 2Y. 1 /^iOME, thou long-expetted Jefus, V^ Born to fet thy people free, From our fears and fins relieve us, Let us find our reft in thee : Ifrael's ftrength and confolation, Hope of all the earth thou art, Dear defire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. 2 Born thy people to deliver, Born a child, and yet a King, Born to reign in us for ever, Nov/ thy gracious kingdom bring : By thy own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone ; By thy all-fufficient merit Raife to us thy glorious throne. HYMN ( 33 ) HYMN XXX. 1 T ET angels and archangels ling I j The wonderful Immanuel's name, Adore with us our new-born King, And ftill the joyful news proclaim ; All earth and heaven be ever join'd To praife the Saviour of mankind. 2 The everlafting God comes down To fojourn with the fons of men : Without his majefty or crown The great Invifible is feen\ Of all his dazzling glories (horn, The everlafting God is born ! 3 Angels, behold that infant's face, With rapt'rous awe the Godhead own, 'Tis all your heaven on him to gaze, And carl: your crowns before his throne ; Though now he on his footftool lies, Ye know he built both earth and Ikies. 4 By him into exiftence brought, Ye fang the all-creating Word ; Ye heard him call our world from nought ; Again, in honour of your Lord, Ye morning ftars, your hymns employ, And fnout, ye fons of God, for joy. HYMN XXX] T HE Creator of all, To repair our fad fall, From ( 34 ) From heaven ftoops down ; Lays hold of our nature, and joins to his own. Our Immanuel came, The whole whole world to redeem, And incarnated fhew;d That man may again be united to God ! And fhall we not hope After God to wake up, His nature to know ? His nature is finlefs perfection below. To this heavenly prize By faith let us rife, To his image afcend, Apprehended of God, let us God apprehend. HYMN XXXII. i A LL-WISE, all-good, almighty Lord, x\. Jefus, by higheft heavens ador'd, E'er time its courfe began ; How did thy glorious mercy ftoop To take the fallen nature up, When thou thyfelf wert man ? 2 The eternal God from heaven came down, The King of Glory dropp'd his crov/n, And veil'd his majefty ; Emptied of all but love he came ; Jefus, I call thee by the name Thy pity bore for me. 3 Didft ( 35 ) 3 Didft thou not in thy perfon join The natures human and divine, That God and man might be Henceforth infeparably one ? Hafte then, and make thy nature known Incarnated in me. 4 I long thy coming to confefs, Thy myftic power of godlinefs, The life divine to prove : The fulnefs of thy life to know, Redeem'd from all my fins below, And perfected in love. HYMN XXXIII. i A LL glory to God in the fky, jr\. And peace upon earth be reftor'd ! O Jefus, exalted on high, Appear our omnipotent Lord : Who meanly in Bethlehem born, Didft ftoop to redeem a loft race, Once more to thy creatures return, And reign in thy kingdom of grace. 2 When thou in our flefh didft appear, All nature acknowledg'd thy birth ; Arofe the acceptable year, And heaven was open'd on earth ; Receiving its Lord from above, The world was united to blifs, The giver of concord and love, The Prince and the Author of peace. 3 O wouldft ( 36 ) O wouldfl thou again be made known, Again in the Spirit defcend ; And fet up in each of thy own A kingdom that never fhall end. Thou only art able to blefs, And make the glad nations obey, And bid the dire enmity ceafe, And bow the whole world to thy fway. Come then to thy fervants again, Who long thy appearing to know ; Thy quiet and peaceable reign In mercy eftablifh below : All forrow before thee mail fly, And anger and hatred be o'er, And envy and malice fhall die, And difcord afflict us no more. No horrid alarum of war Shall break our eternal repofe : No found of the trumpet is there, Where Jefus's fpirit o'erflows : Appeas'd by the charms of thy grace, We all fhall in amity join, And kindly each other embrace, And love with a paflion like thine. R HYMN XXXIV. Ifaiah ix. 6. EJOICE in Jefii's Birth ! To us a Son is given, To ( 37 ) To us a Child is born on earth, Who made both earth and heaven ! His Shoulder props the fky, This univerfe fuftains ! The God fupreme, the Lord moft high, The King Mefliah reigns ! Our Counfellor we praife Our Advocate above, Who daily in his Church difplays His Miracles of love. The Almighty God is he ; Author of heavenly blifs ; The Father of eternity, The glorious Prince of peace. hymn xxxv. FATHER, thou haft beftow'd On Man the incarnate God : Shining in our Nature's Night, In our mortal flefh reveal'd, Him, the true eternal Light Earth's remoteft ends beheld. But will he not again Appear on earth to reign ? Yes, the Light of life divine All mankind mail foon receive ; Chrift in every foul mall fhine, Chrift in every heart mail live. O that we now might feel Thy gift unfpeakable ! Father, ( 38 ) Father, for thy Son we wait: Now thy great falvation fend, Sole immortal Potentate, King of faints, till time fhall end. HYMN xxxvi. Frail Life, and Succeeding Eternity, i ^T^HEE we adore, eternal name ! 1 And humbly own to thee, How feeble is our mortal frame, What dying worms we be ! 2 Our wafting lives grow ihorter frill, As days and months increafe ; And every beating pulfe we tell, Leaves but the number lefs. 3 The year rolls round, and fteals away The breath that nrft it gave ; Whate'er we do, where'er we be, We're trav'ling to the grave. 4 Dangers ftand thick through all the ground, To pufh us to the tomb ; And fierce difeafes wait around, To hurry mortals home. 5 Great God, on what a (lender thread Hang everlafting things ! Th' eternal ftates of all the dead, Upon life's feeble firings ! 6 Infinite ( 39 ) 6 Infinite joy, or endlefs woe Depends on every breath ! And yet how unconcern'd we ga Upon the brink of death ! 7 Waken, O Lord, our drowfy fenfe, To walk this dang'rous road ; And if our fouls are hurry'd hence, May they be found with God ! Y HYMN XXXVII. The ne-iv Tear. E worms of earth arife, Ye creatures of a day, Redeem the time, be bold, 'be wife, And caft your bonds away : Shake off the chains of fin, Let all affembled here, With hymns of praifes, ufherin The acceptable year. The year of gofpel grace Like us rejoice to fee, And thankfully uiChrist embrace Your proffer'd liberty ; Pardon and peace are nigh, Which every foul may prove ; The Lord, who now is pairing by, Makes this the time of love. 2 Saviour and Lord of all, Thy proffer we receive, D Obedient ( 4° ) Obedient to thy gofpel call That bids us turn, and live ; Our former years mif-pent, Though late, we deeply mourn, And foften'd by thy grace repent, And to thy arms return. With fear, and grief, and fhame, Our folly we bemoan ; But wonder at the patient Lamb, Who lets us ftill alone : Thy patience lifts us up, Thy free unbounded grace, And all our fear is loft in hope, And all our grief in praife. 3 To Thee, by whom we live, Our praife and lives we pay; Praife ardent, cordial, conftant give, And ihout to fee thy day : Thy day of faving grace, Thy confecrated year, When the bright fun of righteoufnefs Doth to our world appear. Rifen, we know, Thou art, With healing in thy wings, We feel, we feel it in our heart, The life thy prefence brings ! The feal and earneft this, Our pardon we receive, And look with Thee in glorious blifs Eternally to live. HYMN ( 4* ) H V M N XXXVI i I. The Jubilee. Joel ii. i. i TJ LOW ye Trumpet, blow J3 The gladly folemn found, • Let all the nations know To earth's remoter!: bound, • The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ranfom'd finners, home ! 2 Exalt the Lamb of God, The fin atoning Lamb; Redemption by his Blood Thoughout the world proclaim : The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ranfom'd finners, home ! 3 Ye who have fold for nought Your heritage above ; Shall have it back unbought, The gift of Jesu's love ; The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ranfom'd finners, home ! 4 Ye flaves of fin and hell, Your liberty receive, And fafe in Jesus dwell, And bleft in J e s u s live : The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ranfom'd finners, home! 5 The Gofpel-Trumpet hear, The news of pardoning grace, D 2 Ye ( > > , Ye happy fouls, draw near, Before your Saviour's Face : The year of jubilee is come ; Return to your eternal home. Jesus, our great High-Prieft, Hath full atonement made ; Ye weary fpirits reft, Ye mournful fouls be glad, The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ranfom'd finners, home! HYMN XXXIX. The Tear of Releafe. Ifaiah lxi. I, 2, 1 A LL praife to the Lord whofe trumpet we J~\ hear, ^ Which fpeaks in his word the feftival year : The loud proclamation of freedom and thrall, And gofpel falvation is publim'd to all. 2 The year of releafe even now is begun, And pardon and peace with Jesus Tent down : Eternal redemption through Him we obtain, And prefent exemption from paflion and pain. 3 Ye Spirits enflav'd your liberty claim, Believe, and be fav'd through Jesus's name: That infinite Lover of finners embrace, And gladly recover his forfeited grace. 4. With jcyfulleft news your prifons refound, Your fetters are loofe, your fouls are unbound : Refume ( 43 ) Refume the poffeflion for which ye were born, F vom fat an' s oppreffion to heaven return. c HYMN XL. Keb. xi. 14, 16. iOME, let us anew our journey purfue, ^ With vigour arife, And prefs to our permanent place in the fkies. Of heavenly birth, though wandering on earth, This is not our place, But ftrangers and pilgrims ourfelves we confers. 2 At Jefus's call we gave up our all ; And ftill v/e forego, For Jefus's fake, our enjoyments below. No longing we find for the country behind, But onward we move, And ftiil we are feeking a country above. 3 A country of joy without any alloy, We thither repair, Our heart and our treafure already are there. We march hand in hand to ImmanuePs land ; No matter what chesr We meet with on earth, for eternity's near. 4 The rougher our way the ihorter our Hay, The troubles that come Shall come to our refcue, and haften us home. The fiercer the blafl the fooner 'tis pall, The tempefts that rife Shall glorioufly hurry our fouls to the fkies. D 3 HYfttft ( 44 ) HYMN XL I. Jam. iv. 14. 2 Tim. iv. 7. 1 /^lOME, let us anew our journey purfue, V^i Roll round with the year, And never ftand ftill till the mafter appear ; His adorable will let us gladly fulfil, And our talents improve By the patience of hope, and the labour of love. 2 Our life is a dream, our time as a ftream Glides fwiftly away, And the fugitive moment refufes to ftay : The arrow is flown, the moment is gone, The millennial year Rufhes on to our view, and eternity's here ! 3 O that each in the day of his coming might fay, " I have fought my way through, " I have finim'dtheworkthoudidftgivemetodol" O that each from his Lord may receive the glad word, " Well and faithfully done, " Enter into my joy, and fit down on my throne ! " HYMN XLII. Luke jriii, 7, 8, 9. THE Lord of earth and Iky, The God of ages praife, Who reigns enthron'd on high, Antient of endlefs days, Who ( 45 ) Who lengthens out our trial here, And fpares us yet another year. 2 Barren and wither'd trees We cumber'd long the ground, No fruit of holinefs On our dead fouls was found ; Yet doth he us in mercy fpare Another and another year. 3 When juftice bar'd the fword To cut the fig-tree down, The pity of our Lord Cried, let it ftill alone ! The Father mild inclines his ear, And fpares us yet another year. 4 Jesus, thy fpeaking blood From God obtain'd the grace, Who therefore hath beftow'd On us a longer fpace, Thou didft in our behalf appear, And lo ! we fee another year ! 5 Then dig about our root, Break up our fallow ground, And let our gracious fruit To thy great praife abound, O let us all thy praife declare, And fruit unto perfection bear. hymn x L I 1 1 . i QING to the great Jehovah's praife ! i3 All praife to him belongs, Who ( 46 ) Who kindly lengthens out our days, Demands our choiceft fongs : Whofe providence has brought us through Another various year, We all with vows and anthems new Before our God appear. Father, thy mercies paft we own, Thy ftill continued care, To thee prefenting, through thy Son, Whate'er we have, or are ; Our lips and lives mail gladly fhow The wonders of thy love, While on in Jefu's fteps we go To fee thy face above. Our refidue of days or hours Thine, wholly Thine fhall be, And all our confecrated powers A facrifice to Thee : Till Jelus in the clouds appear To faints on earth forgiven, And bring the grand fabbatic year The jubilee of heaven. H Y M N XL IV. P/ulm xc. i /~*\ God I our help in ages pall, \_J Our hope for years to come, Our ihelter from the Itormy blaft, And our eternal home. 2 Under ( 47 ) 2 Under the fhadow of thy throne Still may we dwell fecure ; Sufficient is thy arm alone, And our defence is fure. 5 Before the hills in order ftood, Or earth receiv'd her frame, From everlafting thou art God, To endlefs years the fame. 4 A thoufand ages in thy fight Are like an evening gone ; Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rifing fun. 5 The bufy tribes of flefh and blood, With all their cares and fears, Are carried downward by the flood, And loft in following years. 6 Time, like an ever-rolling ftream, Bears all it's fons away ; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day. 7 Oh God ! our help in ages paft, Our hope for years to come ; Be thou our guard while life mall laft, And our perpetual home. HYMN ( 4« ) H Y M N XLV. Worfiip Mint all ye Gods. &c. Pf. xcvii. 6, 9. 1 ' 1 vHELordis come! the heavens proclaim X His birth, the nations learn his name; An unknown ftar directs the road Of eafcern fages to their God. 2 All ye bright armies of the Ikies, 1 Go, worfhip where the Saviour lies : Angels and kings before him bow, Thofe gods on high and gods below. 3 Let idols totter to the ground, And their own worfhippers confound : But Judahfhout, but Zion fing, And earth confefs her fov'reign King. HYMN XLV1. Where is he that is born King ? tfJV. Matt. ii. 2, 8. 1 YT THERE is the holy heaven-born child, \ V Heir of the everlafting throne, Who heaven and earth hath reconcil'd, And God and man rejoin'd in one ? 2 Shall we of earthly kings enquire, To courts or palaces repair ? The nation's hope, the world's defire, Alas ! we cannot find him there. 3 Then ( 49 ) 3 Then let us turn no more afide, But ufe the light himfelf imparts : His Spirit is our fureft guide, His Spirit glimmering in our hearts. 4 Drawn by his grace we come from far, And fix on heaven our wifhful eyes : ' That ray divine, that orient ftar Directs us where the infant lies. 5 See there ! the new-born Saviour fee, By faith difcern the great I AM ; 'Tis he ! the Eternal God ! 'tis he That bears the mild Immanuel's name, 6 The Prince of peace on earth is found, The Child is born, the Son is given ; Tell it to all the nations round, Jehovah is come down from heaven. 7 Jehovah is comedown to raife His dying creatures from their fall ! And all may now receive the grace Which brings eternal live to all. 8 Lord, we receive thy grace, and thee With joy unfpeakable receive, And rife thy open face to fee, And one with God for ever live. HYMN ( 50 ) HYMN X L V I I . When they faiv the Star, they rejoiced. Matt. ii. 10. i QONS of Men, behold from far, i^ Hail the long-expected ftar ; Jacob's ftar, that gilds the night, Guides bewilder'd nature right. 2 Fear not hence that there fhall flow Wars or peftilence below ; Wars it bids and tumults ceafe, Ufhering in the Prince of peace. 3 Mild he fhines on all beneath, Piercing through the fhades of death ; Scattering error's wide-fpread night, Kindling darknefs into light. 4 Nations all, far off and near, Hafte to fee your God appear ; Hafte, for him your hearts prepare ; Meet him manifefted there. 5 There behold the Day-Spring rife, Pouring eye-fight on your eyes ; God in his own light furvey, Shining to the perfect day. 6 Sing, ye Morning-Stars, again ; God defcends on earth to reign ! Deigns for man his life t'employ, Shout, ye Sons of God, for Joy. HYMN ( 5' ) HYMN XL VI II. Job. xiv. i. i Tim. ii. 4. 1 A ND ami born to die ? 2± To lay this body down ? And muft my trembling fpirit fly Into a world unknown ? A land of deepeit lhade, Unpierc'd by human thought : The dreary regions of the dead, Where all things are forgot 1 2 Soon as from earth I go, What will become of me? Eternal happinefs or woe Muft then my portion be ! Wak'd by the trumpet's found I from my grave mall rife, And fee the judge with glory crown'd, And fee the flaming flue 3 O thou that would ft not have One wretched fmner die ; Who dy'dft thyfelf my foul to fave From endlefs mifery ! Shew me the way to fhun Thy dreadful wrath fevere, That when thou comeft on thy throne I may with joy appear. 4 Thou art thyfelf the way, Thyfelf in me reveal ; So (hall I fpend my life's fhort day Obedient to thy will : E So ( 5* ) So fhall I love my God, Becaufr he firft lov'd me ; And praifc thee in thy bright abode, To all eternity. HYMN XLIX. i A ND ami only born to die ? j[\ And muft I fuddenly comply With nature's ftern decree ? What after death for me remains, Celeftial joys or helliCh pains, To all eternity ? 2 How then ought I on earth to live, While God prolongs the kind reprieve, And props the houfe of clay ! My fole concern, my fingle care, To watch and tremble, and prepare Againft that fatal day ! 3 No room for mirth or trifling here, For worldly hope or worldly fear, If life fo foon is gone : If now the Judge is at the door, And all mankind muft ftand before The inexorable throne ! 4 Nothing is worth a thought beneath, But how I may efcape the death That never never dies ! How make my own Election fure, And when I fail on earth, fecurc A manfion in the Ikies. 5 Jefus ( 53 ) 5 Jefus, vouchfafe a pitying ray, Be thou my guide, be thou my way To glorious happinefs ! Ah, write the pardon on my heart ! And whenfoe'er I hence depart, Let me depart in peace 1 HYMN L. Prayer for Con-viSlion. i T^ATHER of omniprefent grace, JP We feem agreed to feek thy face > But every foul alfembled here Doth naked in thy fight appear : Thou know'ft who only bows the knee, And who in heart approaches thee. 2 Thy fpirit hath the difference made Betwixt the living and the dead ; Thou now doft into fome infpire The pure, benevolent defire : Oh that even now thy powerful call May quicken and convert us all I 3 The finners fuddenly convince, • O'erwhelm'd beneath their load of fins ; To-day, while it is call'd To-day, Awake and ftir them up to pray : Their dire captivity to own, And from the iron furnace groan. 4. Then, then acknowledge and fet free The people bought, O Lord, by thee ; E 2 The ( 54 ) The fheerifor whom their fhepherd bled For whom we in thy fpirit plead ; Let all in thee redemption find, And not a hoof be left behind. HYMN LI. Prayer for one convinced of Sin, | "Y? ATHER of lights from whom proceeds i? Whate'er thy every creature needs, Whofe goodnefs, providently nigh, Feeds the young ravens when they cry j To thee I look, my heart prepare, Suggeft and hearken to my prayer. 2, Since by thy light myfelf I fee Naked, and poor, and void of thee ; Thy eyes muft all my thoughts furvey, Preventing what my lips would fay ; . Thou feeft my wants ; for help they call, And ere I fpeak thou know'ft them all. 3 Thou know'ft the bafenefs of my mind, Wayward, and impotent, and blind ! Thou know'ft how unfubdu'd my will, Averfe to good, and prone to ill : Thou know'ft how wide my pafiions rove, Nor check'd by fear, nor charm'd by love. 4 Fain would I know as known by thee, And feel the indigence I fee ; Fain would I all my vilenefs own, And deep beneath the burden groan ; * Abhor ( ss > C Abhor the pride that lurks within, Deteft and loath myfelf and fin. 5 Ah ! give me, Lord, myfelf to feel, My total mifery reveal ; Ah give me, Lord, (I ftill would fay) A heart to mourn, a heart to pray : My buunefs this, my only care, My life, my every breath be prayer I HYMN LI I. i John ii. i. i T E SU S, my Advocate above, I My Friend before the throne of love ; If now for me prevails thy prayer, If new I rind thee pleading there : If thou the fecret wifh convey, And fweetly prompt my heart to pray ; Hear, and my weak petitions join, Almighty Advocate, to thine. 2 Fain would I know my utmoft ill, And gro^in my nature's weight to feel, To feel the clouds that round me roll, The night that hangs upon my foul ; The darknefs of my carnal mind, My will perverfe, my pafnons blind, Scatter'd o'er all the earth abroad, Immeafureably far from God. 3 Jefus, my heart's defire obtain ! My earneft fuit prefent and gain : My fulnefs of corruption fhow, The knowledge of myfelf bellow : E3 A ( 5<5 ) A deeper difplicence at fin, A (harper fenfe of hell within ; A ftronger ftruggling to get free ; A keener appetite for thee ! Oh fovereign Love, to thee I cry ! Give me thyfelf, or elfe I die ! Save me .from death i from hell fet free! Death, hell, are but rhe want of thee, Quickened by thy imparted flame, Sav'd, when pofleft of thee I am ; My life, my only heaven thou art ! O might I feel thee in my heart ! HYMN L I 1 1 . Prayer for Repentance. Luke xviii. 1 3 1 QAVIOUR, Prince of Ifrael's race, i5 See me from thy lofty throne ; Give the fweet relenting grace, Soften this obdurate itone ; Stone to ftefh, O God, convert, Caft a look and break my heart ! 2 Ey thy fpirit, Lord, reprove, All my inmoft fins reveal ; Sins againfl thy light and love ; Let me fee, and let me feel ; Sins that crucify'd my God, Spilt again that precious blood. 3 Jefus, leek thy wandering fheep, Make me reffclefs to return ; Bid ( 57 ) Bid me look on thee and weep, Bitterly as Peter mourn ; Till I fay, by grace reftor'd, Now thou know'ft, I love thee, Lord 4 Might I in thy fight appear, As the Publican diilreft, Stand, not daring to draw near, Smite on my unworthy breaft ; Groan the Tinner's only plea, God, be merciful to me ! 5 Oh ! remember me for good, Palfing through the mortal vale ! Shew me the atoning blood. When my ftrength and fpirit fail ; Give my gafping foul to fee Jefus crucify 'd for me ! H Y M N LIV. EARY of wandering from my God, And now made willing to return, I hear, and bow me to the rod ; For thee, not without hope, I mourn ; I have an advocate above, A friend before the throne of love. ■ WE; 2 O Jefus, full of truth and grace, More full of grace than I of fin. Yet once again 1 feek thy face, Open thy arms and take me in, And freely my backflidings heal, And love the faithlefs finner Hill. 3 Thou ( 5« ) 3 Thou know'ft the way to bring me back, My fallen fpirit to reftore ; O ! for thy truth and mercy's fake, Forgive, and bid me fin no more ! The ruins of my foul repair, And make my heart a houfe of prayer. 4 Ah, give me, Lord, the tender heart, That trembles at the approach of fin I A godly fear of fin impart ; Implant, and root it deep within ! That I may dread thy gracious power, And never dare to offend thee more ! HYMN LV. Prayer for Light. Ifaiah 1. io. THOU God unfearchable, unknown, Who ftill conceal1 ft thyfelf from me, Hear an apoftate fpirit groan, Broke off and banim'd far from thee : But confcious of my fall, I mourn, And fain I would to thee return. Send forth one ray of heavenly light, Of gofpel-hope, or humble fear, To guide me through the gulph of night, My poor defponding foul to cheer : Till thou my unbelief remove, And fhew me all thy glorious love. A hidden God indeed thou art ! Thy abfence I this moment feel : Thy ( 59 ) Vet muft I own it from my heart, Conceal'd thou art a Saviour ftill -% And though thy face I cannot fee, I know thy eye is fixt on me. 4 My Saviour thou, not yet reveal'd, Yet will I thee my Saviour call; Adore thy hand from fin with-held : Thy hand fhall fave me from my fall : _ Now, Lord, throughout my darknefs mine, And (hew thyfelf for ever mine ! HYMN LVI. John v. 7. i } ORD, I defpair myfelf to heal, B j I fee my fin, but cannot feel : I cannot till thy fpirit blow, And bid the obedient waters flow. 2 'Tis thine a heart of rlefh to give, Thy gifts I only can receive ; Here then to thee I all refign ; To draw, redeem, and feal is thine. 3 With fimple faith to thee I call, My light, my life, my Lord, my all : I wait the moving of the pool ; I wait the word that fpeaks me whole. 4 Speak, gracious Lord, my ficknefs cure, Make my infected nature pure : Peace, righteoufnefs and joy impart ; And pour thyfelf into my heart. HYMN ( 6o ) HYMN LVII. JESUS, the Tinner's friend, to thee, Loft and undone, for aid I flee; Weary of earth, myfelf, and fin ; Open thy arms, and take me in. A manfion for thyfelf prepare ; Difpofe my heart, by entering there, 'Tis this alone can make me clean, 'Tis this alone can caft out fin. At laft I own it cannot be, That I fhould fit myfelFfor thee ; Here then to thee I all refign ; Thine is the work and only thine. What fhall I fay thy grace to move ? Lord, I am fin, but thou art love : I give up every plea befide, Lord, I am loft, but thou haft dy'd. HYMN LVIII. 1 TESUS, whofe glory's ftreaming rays, J Though duteous to thy high command ; No feraphs view with open face, But veil'd before thy prefence ftand. 2 How mall weak eyes of flefh, weigh'd down With fin, and dim with error's nigh, Dare to behold thy awful throne, Or view thy unapproached light ? 3 Reftore ( 6i ) 3 Reftore my fight ! let thy free grace An entrance to the holieft give I Open my eyes of faith 1 thy face So mall I fee ; yet feeing live. 4 Thy golden fcepter from above Reach forth ; fee my whole heart I bow ; Say to my foul, thou art my love, My chofen 'midft ten thoufand thou ! 5 O Jefus, full of grace! the fighs Of a fick heart with pity view ! Hark how my filence fpeaks ; and cries, Mercy, thou God of mercy fhew. 6 I know thou canft not but be good ! How fhould'it thou Lord, thy grace reflrain? Thou Lord, whofe blood fo largely fiow'd To fave me from all guilt and pain. HYMN LIX. Micah vi. 6, 8, i IT THEREWITH, O Lord, (hall Idraw near, V V And bow myfelf before thy face ? How in thy purer eyes appear? What (hall I bring to gain thy grace ? 2 Will gifts delight Almighty God ? Can they waih out my guilty ftain ? Rivers of oil and feas of blood, Alas ! they all mull flow in vain. 3 Whoe'er ( 62 ) 3 Whoe'er to thee themfelves approve, Muft take the path thy word hath fhew'd Jufticepurfue, and mercy love, And humbly walk by faith with God. 4 But though my life henceforth be thine. Prefent for paft can ne'er atone : Though I to thee the whole refign, I only give thee back thy own. 5 What have I then wherein to truft. ? I nothing have, I nothing am ; Excluded is my every boaft, My glory fwallow'd up infhame. 6 Guilty I ftand before thy face, On me I feel thy wrath abide : 'Tis juft the fentence mould take place, 'Tis juft j but O, thy Son hath dy'd ! 7 Jefus the Lamb of God hath bled, He bore my fins upon the tree ! Beneath my curfe he bow'd his head ! 'Tis finifh'd 1 he hath dy'd for me. i T T 7ILD as the untaught Indians' brood, V V The chriftian favages remain ; Strangers, yea enemies to God, They make thee fpill thy blood in vain. 2 Thy people, Lord, are fold for nought, Nor know they their Redeemer nigh ; They ( 63 ) They perlfti whom thyfelf has bought, Their fouls for lack of knowledge die. 3 The pit it's mouth hath open'd wide, To fwallow up it's carelefs prey : Why mould they die, when thou haft died, Haft died to bear their fins away ? 4 Why fhould the foe thy purchafe feize ; Remember, Lord, thy dying groans : The merits of thy fufferings thefe, Oh, claim them for thy ranfom'd ones ! 5 Extend to thefe thy pardoning grace, To thefe be thy falvation fhow'd : Oh, add them to thy chofen race ! Oh, fprinkle all their hearts with blood ! 6 Still let the publicans draw near, Open the door of faith and heaven, And grant their hearts thy word to hear, And witnefs all their fins forgiven. HYMN LXI. i IT 7E bow before thy gracious throne, W And think ourfelves fincere : But fhew us, Lord, is every one Thy real worfhipper ? z Is here a foul that knows thee not, Nor feels his want of thee ? A ftranger to the blood which bought His pardon on the tree ? F 3 Convince ( 64 ) 3 Convince him now of unbelief, His defperate ftate explain : And fill his carelefs heart with grief And penitential pain. 4 Speak with that voice which wakes the dead, And bid the leper rife, And bid his guilty confcience dread The death that never dies. 5 Extort the cry, what muft be done To fave a wretch like me ? How mall a trembling finner fhun That endlefs mifery ? 6 I muft this inftant now begin Out of my fleep to wake : And turn to God, and every fin Continually forfake. 7 I muft for faith inceflant cry, And wreftle, Lord, with thee : I muft be born again, or die To all eternity. H V M N LXII. Prayer againft the Power of Sin. Ifaiah Ixiv. 1 . OThat thou wouldft the heavnes rent. In majefty come down ; Stretch out thy arm Omnipotent, And feize me for thy own. 2 Defcend ( 6; ) 2 Defcend and let thy lightening burn The ftubble of thy foe : My fins o'erturn, o'erturn, o'erturn, And make the mountains flow ! 3 Thou my impetuous fpirit guide, And curb my headftrong will ; Thou only canft drive back the tide, And bid the fun ftand frill. 4 What though I cannot break my chain, Or e'er throw off my load ! The things impoffible to men, Are poifible to God. 5 Is any thing too hard for thee, Almighty Lord of all ? Whofe threat'nings looks dry up the fea, And make the mountains fall ? 6 Who, who fhall in thy prefence ftand, And match Omnipotence ? Ungrafp the hold of thy right-hand, Or pluck the finner thence ? 7 Lo ! to the hills I lift my eye ! Thy promis'd aid I claim ; Father of mercies glorify Thy favourite JESu'sname! 8 Salvation in that name is found, Balm of my giief and care ; A medicine for my every wound, All, all I want is there 1 F z HYMN ( 66 ) HYMN LXIII. -i YESUS, Redeemer, Saviour, Lord, J The weary finners friend ; Come to my help, pronounce the word, And bid my troubles end ! 2 Deliverance to my foul proclaim; And life, and liberty; Shed forth the virtue of thy name, And Jefus prove to me ! 3 Thou canlt o'ercome this heart of mine ; Thou wilt victorious prove ; For everlafting ftrength is thine, And everlafting love. 4 Thy powerful fpirit fhall fubdue Unconquerable fin ; Cleanfe this foul heart, and make it new, And write thy law within. Bound down with twice ten thoufand ties, Yet let me hear thy call ; My foul m confidence mall rife, 6 hall rife and break through all. Speak, and the deaf mall hear thy voice, The blind his light receive: The dumb in fongs of praife rejoice, The heart of ftone believe. The iEthiop then fhall change his fkin, The dead mall feel thy power, The ( 67 ) The loathfome leper mall be clears And I mall fin no more. HYMN LXIV. i QTILL for thy loving kindnefs, Lord, s5 I m tny temple wait : I look to find thee in thy word, Or at thy table meet. 2 Here in thy own appointed ways I wait to learn thy will : Silent I ftand before thy face, And hear thee fay, '* Be ftill !" 3 " Be ftill ! and know that I am God I" 'Tis all I live to know ! To feel the virtue of thy blood, And fpread it's praife below ! 4 I wait my vigour to renew, Thy image to retrieve ; The veil of outward things pafs through, And gafp in thee to live. 5 I work ; and own the labour vain : And thus from works I ceafe : I ftrive ; and fee my fruitlefs pain, Till God create my peace. 6 Fruitlefs, till thou thyfelf impart, Muft all my efforts prove, They cannot change a fmful heart, They cannot purchafe love. F3 • ( 63 ) I do the thing, thy laws enjoin, And then the ftrife give o'er : To thee I then the whole refign, I trull in means no more. I truft in Him who ftands between The Father's wrath and me : Jefus, thou great eternal Mean, I look for all from thee. HYMN LXV. i /"^OME, O thou all-vi&orious Lord; V^i Thy power to us make known : Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break thefe hearts of ftone. 2 Oh ! that we all might now begin Our foolifhnefs to mourn ; And turn at once from every fin, And to our Saviour turn. 3 Give us ourfelves and thee to know, In this our gracious day ; Repentance unto life beftow, And take our fins away. 4 Conclude us firft in unbeliejf, And freely then releafe ; Pill every foul with facred grief, And then with facred peace. 5 Impoverish, Lord, and then relieve, And then enrich the poor ; The ( 69 ) The knowledge of our ficknefs give. The knowledge of our cure. 6 That bleffed fenfe of guilt impart, And then remove the load ; Trouble and warn the troubled heart In the atoning blood. 7 Our defperate ftate through fin declare. And fpeak our fins forgiven, By perfect holinefs prepare And take us up to heaven. HYMN LXVI. SPIRIT of faith come down, Reveal the things of God, And make to us the Godhead known, And witnefs with the blood : 'Tis thine the blood to apply, And give us light to fee, Who did for every finner die Hath furely died for me, : No man can truly fay That Jefus is the Lord, Unlefs thou take the veil away, And breathe the living word : Then, only then we feel Our intereft in his blood, And cry with joy unfpeakable, Thou art my Lord, my God ! 3 Oh ( 70 ) I Oh that the world might know The all-atoning Lamb ! Spirit of faith, defcend and mow The virtue of his name ; The grace which all may find, The faving power impart, And teftify to all mankind, And fpeak in every heart ! \. Infpire the living faith, (Which whofoe'er receives The witnefs in himfelf he hath, And confcioufly believes) : The faith that conquers all, And doth the mountain move, And faves whoe'er on Jefus call, And perfects them in love. HYMN LXVII. Y gracious loving Lord, To thee what mail I fay ? Well may I tremble at thy word, And fcarce prefume to pray ! Ten thoufand wants have I : Alas! I all things want ! And thou haft bid me always cry, And never never faint. i Yet, Lord, well might I fear, Fear even to afk thy grace : So oft have 1 alas ! drawn near, And mock'd thee to thy face : With ( 71 ) With all pollutions ftain'd Thy hallow'd courts I tread : Thy name and temple I profan'd, And dar'd to call thee God ! I But oh ! the jealous God In my behalf came down : Jefus himfelf the ftronger fhow'd, And claim'd me for his own. My fpirit he alarm'd, And brought into diftrefs : He lhook and bound the ftrong man arm'd In his felf-righteoufnefs. t Faded my virtuous mew, My form without the power : The fin-convincing fpirit blew And blafted every flower. My mouth was ftopp'd, and mame Cover'd my guilty face : I fell on the atoning Lamb, And I was fav'd by grace. o HYMN LXVIII. That I could repent ! With all my idols part, And to thy gracious eye prefent A humble, contrite heart ! A heart with grief oppreft, For having griev'd my God ; A troubled he?rt, that cannot reft, Till fprinkled with thy blood ! 2 Jefusj ( 7* ) ! Jefus, on me befcow The penitent defire ; With true fincerity of woe, My aching breaft infpire : With foftening pity look, And melt my hardnefs down, Strike with thy love's refiftlefs ftroke, And break this heart of ftone I o HYMN LXIX. That I could repent ! O that I could believe ! Thou, by thy voice, the marble rent. The rock in funder cleave ! Thou, by thy two-edg'd fword, Mv foul and fpirit part, Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break my ftubborn heart. 2 Saviour, and Prince of peace, The double grace beftow, Unloofe the bands of wickednefs, And let the captive go : Grant me my fins to feel, And then the load remove ; Wound, and pour in, my wounds to heal, The balm of pardoning love. 3 For thy own mercy's fake The dreadful thing remove, And into thy protection take The prifoner of thy love ; In ( 73 ) In every trying hour Stand by my feeble foul, And fkreen me from my nature's power Till thou haft made me whole. |. This is thy will I know, That I mould holy be, Should let my fin this moment go, This moment turn to thee ; O might I now embrace Thy all-fufHcient power, And never more to fin give place, And never grieve thee more. H Y M N LXX. i A H ! whither fhould I go, Xjl Burden'd, and fick, and faint ? To whom fhould I my trouble mow, And pour out my complaint ? My Saviour bids me come, Ah 1 why do I delay ? He calls the weary finner home ; And yet from him I ftay. 2 What is it keeps me back, From which I cannot part ? Which will not let my Saviour take PoffefTion of my heart ? Some evil thing unknown Muft furely lurk within : Some idol, which I will not own, Some fecret bofom-fin. 3 Jefusj ( 74 ) 3 Jefus, the hinderance mow, Which I have fear'd to fee : Yet let me now confent to know What keeps me out of thee. Searcher of hearts, in mine Thy trying power difplay ; Into its darken: corners mine, And take the veil away. 4 I now believe, in thee Compafiion reigns alone : According to my faith, to me O let it, Lord, be done ! In me is all the bar, Which thou wouldft fain remove Remove it, and I fhall declare • That God is only love. HYMN LXXI. Tr uft in Providence. Pfalm xxxvii. 5. 1 y^OMMIT thou all thy griefs Y_>i And ways into his hands, To his fure truth and tender care, Who earth and heaven commands; Who points the clouds their courfe, Whom winds and feas obey, He fhall direct thy wand 'ring feet, He fhall prepare thy way. 2 Thou on the Lord rely, So fafe ihalt thou*go on : Fix ( 75 ) Fix on his work thy ftedfaft eye, So mall thy work be done : No profit canft thou gain By felf-confuming care, To him commend thy caufe, his ear Attends the fofteft prayer. I Thy everlafting truth, Father, thy ceafelefs love, Sees all thy children's wants, and knows What beft for each will prove ; And whatfoe'er thou willft Thou doft, O King of Kings ! What thy unerring wifdom chofe, Thy power to being brings. j. Thou every where hall way, And all things ferve thy might, Thy every aft pure blemng is, Thy path unfullied light : When thou arifeft, Lord, What fhall thy work withftand ? When all thy children want, thou giveft, Who, who fhall flay thy hand ? HYMN LXXII„ C^ IYE to the winds thy fears, y Hope, and be undifmay'd ; God hears thy fighs, and counts thy tears, God fhall lift up thy head ; Through waves, and clouds, and ftorms, He gently clears thy way ; Wait ( 76 ) Wait thou his time, fo mall this night Soon end in joyous day. 2 Still heavy is thy heart, 5 Still fink thy fpirits down ? Call off the weight, let fear depart, And every care be gone ; What though thou ruleft not, Yet heaven, and earth, and hell Proclaim, God fitteth on the throne, And ruleth all things well. 3 Leave to his fovereign fway To chufe and to command, So fhalt thou wondering own his way, How wife, how ftrong his hand ; Far, far above thy thought His counfel fhall appear, When fully he the work hath wrought, That caus'd thy needlefs fear. 4 Thou feeft our weaknefs, Lord, Our hearts are known to thee ; O lift thou up the finking hand, Confirm the feeble knee ; Let us in life, in death Thy ftedfaft truth declare ; And publifh with our lateft breath, Thy love and guardian care. HYMN LXXIII. Judgment. i if T 7 HEN rifmg from the bed of death, W O'erwhelm'd with guilt and fear, ( 11 ) I view my Maker face to face, O how mall I appear ! 2 If yet while pardon may be found, And mercy may be fought ; My foul with inward horror fhrinks, And trembles at the thought ! 3 When thou, O Lord, malt ftand difclos'd In majefty fevere, And fit in judgment on my foul, O how (hall I appear ! 4 O may my broken, contrite heart, Timely my fins lament, And early with repentant tears, Eternal woe prevent. 5 Behold the forrows of my heart, Ere yet it be too late ; And hear my dying Saviour's groan, To give thofe forrows weight. 6 For never mail my foul defpair Her pardon to fecure, Who knows thy only Son hath died, To make that pardon fure. HYMN LXXIV. Prayer for Power to ^with/land Temptation. I OHEPHERD divine, our wants relieve i5 In triis our eyil day : To all thy tempted followers give The power to watch and pray. G 2 2 Long ( 7» ) 2 Long as our fiery trials lafr., Long as the crofs we bear, O let our fouls on thee be caft, In never-ceafing prayer. 3 The fpirit of interceding grace Give us in faith to claim ; To wreftle till we fee thy face, And know thy hidden name. 4 Till thou thy perfect, love impart, Till thou thyfelf beftow, Be this the cry of every heart, I will not let thee go. 5 I will not let thee go unlefs Thou tell thy name to me ; With all thy great falvation blefs, And make me all like thee. 6 Then let me on the mountain top Behold thy open face ; Where faith in fight is fwallow'd up; And prayer in endlefs praifr. H Y M N LXXV. IESUS, my ftre'ngth and hope, On thee I caft my care, With humble confidence look up, And know thou hear'ft my prayer. Give me on thee to wait, Till I can all things do, On ( 79 ) On thee almighty to create, Almighty to renew, 2 I want a fober mind, A felf-renouncing will, That tramples down and cafts behind The baits of pleafing ill : A foul inur'd to pain, To hardihip, grief, and lofs ; Bold to take up, firm to fuftain. The confecrated crofs. 3 I want a godly fear, A quick difcerning eye, That looks to thee when fin is near, And fees the tempter fly ; A fpirit ftill prepar'd, And arm'd with jealous care, For ever Handing on it's guard, And watching unto prayer. 4 I reft upon thy word ; The promife is for me, My fuccour and falvation, Lord, Shall furely come from thee : But let me ftill abide, Nor from my hope remove, Till thou my patient fpirit guide Into thy perfect love. HYMN LXXVI. H ELP, Lord, to whom for help I fly, And ftill my tempted foul ftand by G 3 Throughout ( So ) Throughout the evil day ; The facred watchfulnefs impart, And keep the ifliies of my heart, And ftir me up to pray . My foul with thy whole armour arm. In each approach of fin alarm, And mew the danger near, Surround, fuftain; and ftrengthen me, And fill with godly jealoufy, And fanctifying fear. If near the pit I rafhly ftray, Before I fully fall away The keen conviction dart, Recal me by that pitying look, That kind upbraiding glance which broke Unfaithful Peter's heart. In me thy utmoft mercy fhow, And make me like thyfelf below, Unblamable in grace ! Ready prepar'd and fitted here, By perfect holinefs to appear' Before thy glorious face. HYMN LXXVII. Watch big in all Things. i TESUS, my Saviour, Brother, Friend, J On whom I caft my every cane : On whom for all things I depend, Infpire, and then accept my prayer. 2 If ( Si ) 2 If I have tafted of thy grace, The grace that fure falvation brings If with me now thy fpirit flays, And hovring hides me in his wings. 3 Still let him with my weaknefs flay, Nor for a moment's fpace depart ; Evil and danger turn away, And keep till he renews my heart. 4 If to the right or left I ftray, His voice behind me may I hear, " Return, and walk in Chrift thy way, " Fly back to Chrift, for fin is near." 5 His facred unction from above Be ftill my comforter and guide ; Till all the hardnefs he remove, And in my loving heart refide. 6 Jefus, I fain would walk in thee, From nature's every path retreat ; Thou art my way, my leader be, And fet upon the rock my feet. 7 Uphold me, Saviour, or I fall ; O reach me out thy gracious hand ! Only on thee for help I call, Only by faith in thee I fland. HYMN LXXVIII c OME, Saviour, Jefus, from above ! Afllft me with thy heavenly grace ! Empty ( 82 ) Empty my heart of earthly love, And for thyfelf prepare the place. 2 O let thy facred prefence fill, And fet my longing fpirit free! Which pants to have no other will, But night and day to feaft on thee. 3 While in this region here below, No other good will I purfue ; I'll bid this world of noife and fhow, With all its glittering fnares adieu. 4 That path with humble fpeed I'll feek, In which my Saviour's footfteps mine; Nor will I hear, nor will I fpeak Of any other love but thine. 5 Henceforth may no prophane delight Divide this confecrated foul ; PofTefs it thou, who haft the right, As Lord and Matter of the whole. 6 Nothing on earth do I defire, But thy pure love within my breaft ; This,, only this will I require, And freely give up all the reft. HYMN LXXIX. i piOME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, \^4 One God in perfons three ! Bring back the heavenly blefling loft By all mankind and me. 2 Thv ( s3 > z Thy favour, and thy nature too, To me, to all reftore ; Forgive, and after God renew, And keep us evermore. 3 Eternal Sun of Righteoufnefs, Difplay thy beams divine, And caufe the glories of thy face Upon my heart to fnine. 4 Light in thy light O may I fee, Thy grace and mercy prove ! Reviv'd, and cheer'd, and bleft by thee, The God of pardoning love ! 5 Lift up thy countenance ferene, And let thy happy child Behold, without a cloud between, The Godhead reconcil'd ! 6 That all-comprifing peace beftow On me, through grace forgiven ; The joys of holinefs below, And then the joys of heaven I H Y M N LXXX. Christ our Refuge in Temptation. T ESUS, Lover of my foul, J Let me to thy bofom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempeft ftill is high : Hide ( «4 ) Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the ftorm of life is paft ; Safe into the haven guide, 0 receive my foul at laft. Gther refuge have I none, Hangs my helplefs foul on thee ; Leave, ah ! leave me not alone, Still fupport and comfort me : All my truft on thee is ftay'd, All my help from thee I bring ; Cover my defencelefs head With the madow of thy wing. Thou, O Chrift, art all I want, More than all in thee I find : Raife the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the fick, and lead the blind : Juft and holy is thy name ; 1 am all unrighteoufnefs ; Vile, and full of fin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cover all my fin : Let the healing ftreams abound, Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of thee ; Spring thou up within my heart, Rife to all eternity. HYMN ( 8$ ) HYMN LXXXI. After Recovery. SON of God, if thy free grace Again hath rais'd me up, Call'd me ftill to feek thy face, And given me back my hope : Still thy timely help afford, And all thy loving-kiiidnefs fhow ; Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go. By me, O my Saviour, ftand In fierce temptation's hour ; Save me with thy out-ftretch'd hand, And fhew forth all thy power : Oh ! be mindful of thy word, Thy all-fufiicient grace beftow : Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never kt me go. Give me, Lord, a holy fear, And fix it in my heart : That I may from evil near, With timely care depart. Sin be more than hell abhorr'd : Till thou deftroy the tyrant-foe Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go. Never let me leave thy breafr, From thee, my Saviour, ftray ; Thou art my fapport and reft, My true and living way : My ( 85 ) My exceeding great reward In heaven above, and earth below : Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go. HYMN LXXXII. In Danger. O Almighty God of love, Thy holy arm difplay ! Send me fuccour from above In this my evil day. Arm my weaknefswith thy power, Gracious God appear within ! Be my fafeguard and my tower Againft the face of fin. Could I of thy ftrength take hold, And always feel thee near, Confident, divinely bold, My foul would fcorn to fear : Nothing fhould my firmnefs fhock, Should the gates of hell aflail, Were I built upon the rock, They never could prevail. Rock of my fiuvation, hafte, Extend thy ample (hade, Let it over me be call: ; And fkreen my naked head : Save me from the trying hour ; Thou my fure protection be ; Shelter ( *7 ) Shelter me from fatan's power, Till I am fix'd on thee. Set upon thyfelf my feet, And make me furely ftand ; From temptation's rage and heat Cover me with thy hand : Let me in the cleft be plac'd ; Never from my fence remove ; In thy arms of love embrac'd, Of everlafting love. HYMN LXXXIII. Cbrijl our Hiding-place. TO the haven of thy breaft, O Son of man, I fly ; Be" my refuge and my reft, For Oh the ftorm is high ! Save me from the furious blaft, A covert from the temper! be Hide me, Jefus, till o'erpaft The ftorm of fin I fee. Welcome as the water- fpring In a dry barren place ; Oh defcend on me, and bring Thy fweet refrefhing grace ; O'er a parch'd and weary land As a great rock extends it's fhade, Hide me, Saviour, with thy hand, And fkreen my naked head. H 3 In ( 88 ) In the time of my diftrefs Thou haft my fuccour been, In my utter helplefsnefs Reftraining me from fin : Oh ! how fwiftly didft thou move To fave me in the trying hour I Still protect me with thy love, And fhield me with thy power. HYMN LXXXIV. FIRST and laft in me perform The work thou haft begun : Be my fhelter from the ftorm, My fhadow from the fun : Sprinkle ftill the mercy-feat, And bring thy Father's anger down ; Screen me, Jefus, from the heat And terror of his frown ! Let thy merit as a cloud Still interpofe between : Plead the atonement of thy blood, Till I am cleans 'd from fin : Weary, parch'd with thirft, and faint, Till thou the abiding fpirit breathe, Every moment, Lord, I want The merit of thy death. Never mail I want it lefs, When thou the gift haft given, JFill'd me with thy righteoufnefs, And feal'd the heir of heaven : ( «9 ) 1 lhall hang upon my God Till I thy perfect glory fee, Till the fprinkling of thy blood Shall fpeak me up to thee. H Y M N LXXXV. The Pool at Bethefda. John v. 2, 3. TESUS, take my fins away, J And make me know thy name ! Thou art now, as yefterday, And evermore the fame : Thou my true Bethefda be, I know within thy arms is room : All the world may unto thee, Their houfe of 'mercy, come. See me lying at the Pool, And waiting for thy grace ! Oh come down into my foul, Difclofe thy angel-face ! If to me thy bowels move ; If now thou doft my ficknefs feel, Let the fpirit of thy love The helplefs finner heal. Perfons thou doft not refpe£l ; Whoe'er for mercy call Thou in no -wife wilt rejec~l : Thy mercy is for all. Thou wouldft freely all reftore, Would all the gracious feafon find ; H 2 Fill ( 9° ) Fill with goodnefs, love and power, And with a healthful mind. Mercy then there is for me, (Away my doubts and fears) Plagu'd with an infirmity, For many tedious years. Jefus caft a pitying eye ! Thou long haft known my defperate cafe Poor and helplefs here I lie, And wait the healing grace. HYMN LXXXVI. LONG hath thy good fpirit ftrove With my diftemper'd foul ; But I ftill refus'd thy love, And would not be made whole. Hardly now at laft I yield, I yield with all my fins to part : Let my foul be fully heal'd, And throughly cleans'd my heart. Pain and ficknefs at thy word And fin and forrow flies : Speak to me, Almighty Lord, And bid my fpirit rife ! Bid me take my burden up, The bed on which thyfelf didft lie, When on Calvary's fteep'top, My Jefus deign'd to die. Bid me bear the hallow'd crofs, Which thou haft borne before Walk- ( 9' ) Walk in all thy righteous laws, And go and fin no more. Jefus, 1 on thee alone For perfevering grace depend ! Love me freely ; love thy own; And love me to the end ! HYMN L XXVV 1 1 . LAMB of God for finners flain, To thee I feebly pray : Heal me of my grief and pain, Oh take my fins away ! From this bondage, Lord, releafe : No longer let me be cppreft : Jefus, Mailer, feal my peace, And take me to thy breait ! Wilt thou cart, a fmner out, Who humbly comes to thee ? No, my God, I cannot doubt, Thy mercy is for me. Let me then obtain thy grace, And be of paradife poffeft : Jefus, Mafter, feal my peace, And take me to thy breait ! Worldly wealth I do not want ; Be that to others given : Only for thy love I pant ; My all an e#rth and heaven. This the crown I fain would leize, The good wherewith I would be bleft : Jefus, Mafter, feal my peace, And take me to thy breail 1 H a ' 4 This ( 9* ) This delight I fain would prove, And then refign my breath, Join the happy few whofe love Was mightier than death 1 Let it not my Lord difpleafe That I would die to be his gueft. ! Jefus, M after, feal my peace, And take me to thy breaft ! D HYMN LXXXVIII. Convinced of Backjliding. EPTH of mercy, can there be, Can my God his wrath forbear ? Me, the chief of fmners fpare ? I have long withftood his grace Long provok'd him to his face Would not hearken to his calls Griev'd him by a thoufand falls. I have fpilt his precious blood, Trample^ on the Son of God : Filld with pangs unfpeakable ! I, who yet am not in hell ! Whence to me this wafte of love Afk my Advocate above ! See the caufe in Jefu's face, Now before the throne of grace. Lo! ( 93 ) Lo ! I cumber ftill the ground : Lo ! an Advocate is found ! " Haften not to cut him down ** Let this barren foul alone.' ' Jefus fpeaks and pleads his blood ! He difarms the wrath of God ; Now my Father's bowels move ; Juftice lingers into love. Kindled his relentings are ;_ Me he now delights to fpare : Cries' " How mail I give thee up ?" Lets the lifted thunder drop. There for me the Saviour ftands ; Shews his wounds and fpreads his hands ! God is love ! I know, I feel : Jefus weeps ; and loves me ftill ! HYMN LXXXIX. JESUS, anfwer from above : Is not all thy- nature love ! Wilt thou not the wrong forget ? 'Suffer me to kifs thy feet ? If I rightly read thy heart, If thou all compaflion art, Bow thy ear, in mercy bow ! Pardon and accept me now. Pity from thy eye let fall j By a look my foul recal ; Now ( 94 ) Now the ftone to flefh convert, Caft a look and break my heart. Now incline me to repent ! Let me now my fall lament : Now my foul revolt deplore ! Weep, believe, and fin no more* i TI7HEN, gracious Lord, when fhall it be V V That I fhall find my all in thee ! The fulnefs of thy promife prove, The feal of thy eternal love ? 2 Thee, only thee, I fain would find, And call: the world and flefh behind : Thou, only thou, to me be given, Of all thou haft: in earth or heaven. 3 When from the arm of flefh fet free,- Jefus, my foul fhall fly to thee : Jefus, when I have loft my all, I fhall upon thy bofom fall. 4 Whom man forfakes thou wilt not leave, Ready the out-cafts to receive : Though all my fimplenefs I own, And ail my faults to thee are known* 5 Ah wherefore did I ever doubt ! Thou wilt in no wife cafe me out, Under thy mighty hand I ftoop ; Oh lift the abject finnerup ! 6 Lord ( 95 ) Lord, I am blind ; be thou my fight ! Lord, 1 am weak ; be thou my might ! A helper of the helplefs be, And let me find my all in thee ! hymn xci. The Woman of Canaan. Matt. xv. 25, 28* i T ORD, I cannot part with thee ; I j I will not let thee go : Mercy, mercy upon me, Thou Son of David mow ! Vileft of the finful race On thee importunate I call : Help me, Jefus ; mew thy grace ; Thy grace is free for all. 1 Nothing am I in thy fight, Nothing have I to plead : Unto dogs it is not right To carl: the childrens' bread. Yet the dogs the crumbs may eat, That from their matter's table fall : Let the fragments be my meat : Thy grace is free for all. 3 Give me Lord the victory, My heart's defire fulfil; Let it now be done to me According to my will ! Give me living bread to eat, And fay, in anfwer to my call, Canaanite, ( 96 ) Canaanite, thy faith is great \ My grace is free for all. If thy grace -for all is free, Thy call now let me hear : Shew this token upon me, And bring falvation near. Now the gracious word repeat, The word of healing to my foul ; Canaanite, thy faith is great ! Thy faith hath made thee whole. hymn xcn. JESUS, Friend of finners, hear, Yet once again I pray ; From my debt of fin fet clear, For 1 have nought to pay : Speak, Oh fpeak the kind releafe, A poor backfliding'foul reftore : Love me freely, feal my peace, And bid me fin no more. Though my fins as mountains rife, And fwell and reach to heaven, Mercy is above the fkies, I may be ftill forgiven ; Infinite my fins increafe, But greater is thy mercy's ftore : Love me freely, feal my peace, And bid me fin no more. Sin's deceitfulnefs hath fpread A hardnefs o'er my heart ; But ( 97 ) But if thou thy fpirit fhed, The ftony mall depart : Shed thy love, thy tendernefs, And let me feel thy foftening power ; Love me freely, feal my peace, And bid me fin no more. For this only thing I pray, And this will I require ; Take the power of fin away, Fill me with chafte defire ; Perfect me in holinefs ; Thy image to my foul reftore : Love me freely, feal my peace, And bid me fin no more. hymn xcm. • i y^V Thou, whom fain my foul would love, \J Whom I would gladly die to know, This veil of unbelief remove, And fhow me all thy goodnefs, fhow; Jesus, thyfelf in me reveal, Tell me thy name, thy nature tell. 2 Haft thou been with me Lord fo long, Yet thee my Lord, have I not known ? I claim thee with a faultering tongue, I pray thee in a feeble groan : Tell me, Oh tell me, who thou art, And fpeak thy name into my heart. 3 If now thou talkeft by the way, With fuch an abjecl worm as me, Thy ( 93 ) Thy myfteries of grace difplay, Open my eyes that I may fee ; That I may understand thy word, And now cry out, it is the Lord 1 HYMN xciv. i TESUS, in whom the weary find J Their late but permanent repofe, Phyfician of the fin-ftck mind, Relieve my wants, aflwage my woes ; • And let my foul on thee be caft, 'Till life's fierce tyranny be paft. 2 Loos'd from my God, and far remov'd, Long have I wander'd to and fro, O'ef earth in endlefs circles rov'd, Nor found whereon to reft below ; Back to my God, at laft I fly : For Oh the waters (till are high ! 3 Selfifh purfuits, and nature's maze, The things of earth for thee I leave : Put forth thy hand, thy of grace, Into the ark of love receive ! Take this poor fluttering foul to reft, And lodge it, Saviour, in thy breaft ! 4 Fill with inviolable peace, 'Stablifh and keep my fettled heart ; In thee may all my wanderings ceafe, From thee no more may I depart ; Thyutmoft goodnefs call'd to prove, Lov'd with an everlafting love. HYMN 99 ) HYMN XCV. i T^ATHER of Jefus Chrift the Juft, J/ My Friend and Advocate with thee, Pity .a foul that fain would truft In him who liv'd and died for me ; But only thou canft make him known. And in my heart reveal thy Son. 2 If, drawn by thy alluring grace, My want of living faith I feel, Shew me in Chrift thy fmiling grace, What flefh and blood can ne'er reveal ; Thy co-eternal Son difplay, And call my darknefs into day. 3 The gift unfpeakable impart ; Command the light of faith to mine ; To mine in my dark, drooping heart, And fill me with the life divine : Now bid the new creation be 1 O God, let there be faith in me. h y M n xcvi. i /^lAST on the fidelity V^i Of my redeeming Lord, I fhall his falvation fee, According to his word : Credence to his v/ord I give, My Saviour in diftrefTes pail Will not now his fervant leave, But bring me through at laft. 2 Now ( ioo ) Now as yefterday the fame, In all my troubles nigh, Jefas on thy word and name I ftedfaftly rely, Sure as now the grief I feel, The promis'd joy I foon mail have ; Sav'd again, to linners tell Thy power and will to fave. To thy bleffed will refign'd, And ftay'd on that alone, I thy perfect ftrength mall find, Thy faithful mercies own ; Compafs'd round with fongs of praife, My All to my Redeemer give ; Spread thy miracles of grace, And for thy glory live. HYMN XCVII. i TOATHER, in the name I pray J/ Of thy incarnate Love, Humbly afk, that as my day My fuffering ftrength may prove ; When my forrows moft increafe, Let thy ftrongeft joys be given ; Jefus, come with my diftrefs, And agony is heaven. 2 Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, For good remember me ! Me, whom thou haft caus'd to truft For more than life on thee : With ( ioi ) With me in the fire remain, Till like burniftr d gold I mine, Meet, through confecrated pain, To fee thy face divine. hymn xcviix. In AJjUclion or Pain. y i >-|~HIOU Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace, X For thee my thirfty foul doth pine 1 My longing heart implores thy grace, Oh make me in thy likenefs mine ! 3 With fraudlefs, even, humble mind, Thy will in all things may I fee j In love be every wifh refign'd, And hallow'd my whole heart to thee. 3 When pain o'er my weak nefh prevails, With lamb -like patience arm my breaft. ; When grief my wounded foul aiTails, In lowly meeknefs may I reft. 4. Clofe by thy fide ftill may I keep, Howe'er life's various current flow ; With ftedfaft eye mark every ftep, And follow thee where'er thou go. 5 Thou, Lord, the dreadful fight-haft won ; Alone thou haft the wine-prefs trod : In me thy ftrength'ning grace be fhown, Oh may I conquer through thy blood ! I 2 6 So ( 102 ) 6 So when on Sion thou fhalt ftand, And all heaven's hoft adore their king, Shall I be found at thy right hand, And free from pain thy glories fing. hymn xcix. Repentance 3 and Faith in Chriji. Pfalm li. Thou that hear'fl: when Tinners cry, Though all my fins before thee lie, Behold me not with angry look, But blot their memory from thy book. 2 Create my nature pure within, And form my foul averfe to fin : Let thy good fpirit ne'er depart, Nor hide thy prefence from my heart. 3 1 cannot live without thy light, Call out and banifh'd from thy light : . Thy faving ftrength, O Lord, reftore, And guard me that I fall no more. 4 Though I have griev'd thy Spirit, Lord, His help and comfort itill afford : And let a wretch come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. 5 My foul lies humbled in the duft, And owns thy dreadful fentence juft ; Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye, And fave the foul condemn'd to die. 6 Then ( io3 ) 6 Then will I teach the world thy ways, Sinners mall learn thy fovereign grace : I'll lead them to my Saviour's blood, And they mall praife a pardoning God* 7 Oh may thy love infpire my tongue, Salvation mall be all my fong ; And all my powers mail join to blefs The Lord, my ftrength and righteoufncft. HYMN C. Prayer for divine Influence, i >nr~\[-IOU great nryfterious God unknown, X V/hofe love hath gently led me on, Even from my infant days, My mmoit foul expofe to view, And tell me if I ever knew Thy juftifying grace. 2 If I have only known thy fear, And followed with an heart fmcere, Thy drawings from above; Now, now the farther grace beftow, And let my fprinkied confeience know Thy fweet forgiving love. 3 Short of thy love I would not ftop, A ftranger to the gofpel-hope, The fenfe of fin forgiven ; I would not, Lord, my foul deceive,. Without thy inward witnefs live, That antepafl of heaven. I 3 4 If ( i*6 ) 3 Farewel honour's empty pride t Thy own nice uncertain guft, If the leaft mifchance betide, Lays thee lower than the duft : Worldly honours end in gall, Rife to day, to morrow fall. 4 Lord, how happy is my heart While it after thee afpires 1 True and faithful as thou art, Thou malt anfwer it's defires : I (hall fee the glorious fcene Of thy everlafting reign. HYMN CXXV. 1 X?OOLISH Vanity> fareWeI> JP More inconftant than the wave \ Where thy foothing fancies dwell, Pureft tempers they deprave : He, to whom I fly, from thee Jesus Christ mail fet me free. 2 Never may my wandering mind Follow after fleeting toys, Since in God alone I rind \ Solid and fubftantiai joys : Joys that never overpaft, Through eternity fhall laft. ' HYMN CXXV I. BJeJfed are they that mourn. Matt. v. 4. G RACIOUS foul, to whom are given Holy hungerings after heaven, Reftlefs (< M7 ) RefHefs breathings, earneft moans, Deep, unutterable groans, Agonies of ftrong defire, Love's fupprefl, unconfcious fire. Turn again to God thy reft, Jefus hath pronounc'd thee bleft : Humbly to thy Jefus turn Comforter of all that mourn : Happy mourner, hear, and fee, Claim the promife made to thee. Lift to him thy weeping eye, Heaven behind the cloud defcry : If with Chrift. thou fuffer here, When his glory fhall appear, Chrift. his fuffering fon mail own ; Thine the crofs, and thine the crown. Juft. through him behold thy way Shining to the perfecl day : Dying thus to all beneath, Fafhion'd to the Saviour's death, Him the refurrection prove, Rais'd to all the life of love. hymn cxxvu. i XT THAT if here a while thou grieve, VV God fliall endlefs comfort give: Sorrow may a night endure, Joy returns as day-light fure : Praife fhall then thy life employ : Sow in tears, and reap in joy. L 3 2 Doth ( 123 ) Doth thy Lord prolong his flay .: Mercy wills the kind delay : Hides he itill his lovely face ? Lo ! he waits to ihew his grace : Seems he abfent from thy heart ? He will come, and ne'er depart. Gently will he lead the weak, Bruiled reeds he ne'er will break ; Touch d with fympathizing care, Thee he in his arms (hall bear ; Blefs with late but lailing peace, Fill with all his righteoufnefs. Couldft thou the Redeemer fee, How his bowels yearn on thee 1 How he marks with pitying eye, Hears his new-born children cry, Bears what every member bears, Groans their groans, and weeps their tears ! H Y h n cxxvm. \ T?EEBLY then thy hands lift up, X* Hope, amid ft difpairing hope : Stand beneath thy load of grief, Stagger not through unbelief; Make thy own election fure, Faithful to the end endure. 2 God, to keep thee fafe from harms, Spreads his everlafting arms, Feeds ( **9 ) Feeds with fecret ftrength divine, Waits to whifper, " thou art mine ! " His that thou may'ft ever be, He will mew himfelf to thee. Meekly then perfift to mourn, He has promis'd to return : Call on him, he hears thy cry ; Soon he will, he muft draw nigh ; This the hope, which nought can move, God is truth, and God is love ! hymn cxxix. i T TOW happy is the man, jfjL Who fees his mifery, Who ever feels his nature's chain, Xor murmurs to be free. z Who waits in patient hope, And languishing for home, With cheerful confidence looks up, And fays, my Lord will come. 3 He neither hopes nor fears Evil or good below, But fighs for God, and lets his tears In fecret filence flow. 4 Oh that I thus refign'd Might bear my nature's load ! Oh that in me were fuch a mind To leave the whole to God 1 5 With ( '30 ) With him to truft my caufe, And quietly endure, Till he remove the hallow'd crofs, And all my ficknefs cure 1 6 I would (but thou canft tell) I would be humble, Lord, My burden every moment feel, And tremble at thy word. 7 I would be ftripp'd of all, And calmly wait thy ftay ; Poor at thy feet, and helplefs fall, And weep my life away. 8 I would be truly ftill, Nor fet a time to thee, But aft according to thy will, And fpeak, and think, and be. 9 I would with thee be one, And till the grace is given, Jnceffant pray, Thy will be done In earth, as 'tis in heaven. hymn cxxx. IS there no balm of love Within thy bofom found, My anguifh to remove, And heal my fpirit's wound ? Or, wilt thou, Lord, my cure difclaim, Who need of healing' have ? Becaufc ( "3> ) Becarufe the fmner's chief I am Wilt thou refufe to fave ? Moft helplefs is my foul Of all the fin-fick race ; Thou therefore make it whole, In honour of thy grace : More honour will thy grace receive By freely pard'ning me, Than if ten thoufand finnerslive Converted all to thee. Come then and mew thy art, Phyiician moil divine, Bind up my broken heart, Pour in thy oil and wine ; Into my heart the Spirit pour Of love, and joy, and peace ; To perfect health my foul reftore, To perfecl hoiinefs. hymn cxxxi. JESUS, thou all-redeeming Lord, Who preacheft ftill the gofpel-word, In thefe thy Spirit's days ; My helplefs foul with pity fee, And fet me now at liberty, By juflifying grace. Where two or three thy prefence claim, Affembled in thy faving name, Thy faving power is near : Sure as thou art in heaven above, Thou ( 132 ) Thou in the Spirit of thy love, And God in thee is here. Myfelf alas ! I cannot raife, Or lift my heart in prayer and praife, Or rectify my will ; I own, cut off from human hope, To lift a fallen fpirit up, With man impofTible. But Oh ! thou feeft my defperate cafe, Pronounce the word of pardoning grace, And call me, Lord, to thee ; Infpeak the power into my heart, And fay this moment, loos'd thou art From thy infirmity. hymn cxxxn. LAY but thy hand upon my foul, And inilaiitaneouily made whole, My foul by faith mall rife ; Shall rife by faith and upright ftand, And anfwer all thy juft command, In all it's faculties. Strait as the rule, the written word, My foul in righteoufnefs reftor'd, Thy image fhall retrieve, That ancient rectitude divine ; And in a land of darknefs fhine, And to thy glory live. Thine, Jefus, thine alone I am ; And ought I not my Lord to claim, With all thy righteoufnefs ? ( "33 ) I ought, I do thy love receive, Arid now thou doft my fins forgive. And bid my bondage ceafe. The fabbath of my foul I fee, The day of gofpel-liberty, No more inthrall'd, oppreft; And lo ! in holinefs I rife, To claim the reft of paradife, And heaven's eternal reft I HYMN CXXX1II. Daniel ix. i /""\ God, the great, the fearful God, V^/ To thee we humbly fue for peace, Groaning beneath a nation's load, And crufh'd by our own wickednefs; Our guilt we tremble to declare, And pour out our fad fouls in prayer. 2 Thee we revere, the faithful Lord, Keeping the cov'nant of thy grace, True to thy everlafting word, Loving to all who feek thy face ; And keep thy kind commands, and prove Their faith by their obedient love. 3 But we have only evil wrought, Have done to our good God defpite, Rebellious with our Maker fought, And finn'd againft the gofpel-light ; Departed ( 15+ 1 Departed from his righteous ways* And fallen, fallen from his grace. But Oh, forgiveneiTes are thine, Far above all our hearts conceive ; The glorious property divine Is ftill to pity and forgive ; . With thee is full redemption found, And grace doth more than fin abound. O Lord, according to thy love, Thy utmoft power of love we pray, Thy anger and thy plague remove ; Turn from JerufaUm away The curfe and punifhment we feel, Thouknow'ft we are thy people ftill. h y ■ H cxxxiv. NOW, Lor d, acknowledge us for thine, Regard thy humbled fervant's prayer, And caufe on us thy face to mine, The ruins of thy church repair ! Oh for the fake of Chrift, the Lord, Let all our fouls be now reftor'd. 2 My God, incline thy ear and hear, Open thy eyes our waftes to fee, •. Thy fallen, defolate Sion cheer, The city which is nam'd by thee, Nor for our cry the grace be mown, But.hear, in Je'fus hear thy own. AH ( 135 » 3 All our defer t we own is hell, But fpare us for thy mercy's fake, We humbly to thy grace appeal, And Jefu's wounds our refuge make ; Oh let us all thy mercy prove, The riches of thy pardoning love. 4 O Lord, attend, O Lord, forgive, O Lord, regard our prayer, and do : Haft-en, my God, and bid us live, The fulnefs of thy mercy fhew : The city, and thy people own, And perfect all our fouls in one. H Y M R CXXXV. i TT7H0 is the trembling finner, who VV That owns eternal death his due, Waiting his fearful doom to feel, And hanging o'er the mouth of hell ! 2 Peace, troubled foul, thou need'ft not fear, Thy Jefus cries, Be of good cheer: Only on Jefu's blood r He died, that thou might'ft never die. exx: A Guilty foul, by fin oppreit, t Weary of wandering after reft, Wretched, and bare, and poor, and blind, I now my want of all things find. M 2 All < 136 ) 2 All things I want, but one is nigh, My want of all things to fupply ; Pardon, and peace, and liberty, Jefus, I all things have in thee. hymn cxxxvu. Waiting for Redemption. i T Am not worthy, Lord, that thou J. To fuch an abjett worm mould 'ft bow, Or enter my poor foul : But only fpeak the gracious word, And I mail be at once reftor'd, And perfectly made whole. 2 A begging Bartimeus I, Naked, and blind, for mercy cry, If mercy is- for me ; Jefus, thou Son of David, hear, Stand ftill, and call, and draw me near, And bid the finner fee. ^ A leper at thy feet I fall ; And ftill for mercy, mercy call, Till I am purg'd from fin ; With pity fee my defperate cafe, And Oh ! put forth thy hand of grace, And touch my nature clean. 4 Borne by the prayer of faith I lie ; And long to meet thy pitying eye, And feebly gafp to heaven : Oh make in me thy power appear, And anfwer, Son, be of good cheer, Thy fms are all foi given. 50 ( 137 ) 5 O Son of Man, thy power make known, That all with me may gladly own, Thou canft on earth forgive, Bid me take up my bed, and go, Caufe me to walk with thee below, And then to heaven receive. HYMN CXXXVIII. 1 /"X Saviour, caft a pitying eye, \J A finner at thy feet I lie, And will not hence depart Till thou regard my ceafelefs moan ; Oh fpeak, and take away the ftone, The unbelieving heart. 2 Till thou the mountain-load remove I groan beneath my want of love> Oh hear my bitter cry : • Without thy love I cannot live, Give Jefus, Friend of Tinners, give Me love, or elfe I die. 3 Doft thou not all my fufferings know, Doft thou not fee my eyes o'erflow, My labouring bofom move ? Why do I all this burden bear ? Need I to thee the caufe declare ? Thou know'ft I cannot love. 4 Thou then, O God, thy hand lay to, And let me all the means look through, M 2 And ( i3» ) And truft to thee alone; To thee alone for all things truft, And fay to thee, Who fav'ft the loft, Thy only will be done. hymn cxxxix". Lord, fave us; nve perijb. Matt. viii. 25. 1 jT^ OD of my falvation, hear X_J In this my time of need ; See the day of battle near, And fkreen my naked head ; Send me fuccour from on high, And hide me till the ftorm is o'er; Save me, fave me, or I die, I fall to rife no more. 2 Thou haft oft my refuge been, And thou art ftill the fame ; Snatch me from the jaws of fin, Oh quench the violent flame ; Bring the great falvation nigh, Stir up thy interpofing power ; Save me, fave me, or I die, I fall to rife no more. 3 Help on thee, thou mighty One, For all mankind is laid ; Let it now on me be fhown, Be thou my prefent aid, Oh come quickly, and ftand by My foul throughout the trying hour; Save me, fave me, or I die, I fall to rife no more. 4 Help ( 139 ) 4 Help me now, but let me null My want of help confefs ; Hang upon thy arm, and feel My utter helplefsnefs ; Only this be all my cry, Till thou my ruin'd foul reftore Save me, fave me, or I die, I fall to rife no more. HYMN CXL. The Multitude fought to touch him. Luke VI. 1 9. 1 f> OD arife, thou jealous God, VJT An43 ) HYMN CXLIV. In Temptation. JESUS, hear a Tinner's prayer, Lo ! I flee Unto thee, Call on thee my care. If, O Lord, I have found favour In thy fight, Be my might, Be my loving Saviour. To my foul in fore temptation Let thy aid Be convey'd, Shew me thy falvation. Chrift the tempted, hear my crying, Sinner's friend, Succour fend, See my foul is dying. Lord, I cannot ceafe from finning Till thou art In my heart Ending as beginning. Jefus, for thy love I languiih, Only love Can remove All my grief and anguifh. I ihall all in thee inherit, Thirft no more, If thou pour. Into me thy Spirit. Jefa's love than fin is ftronger ; When I prove Jefu's love I ihall fin no longer. 9 Faithful ( 144 ) 9 Faithful to thy fpirit's leading, I mall reft On thy breaft, Find my long-foughf Eden. 10 Neither life nor death mall fever j When thou art In my heart Thou art there for ever. HYMN CXLV. In Ajjlidion. i A ND mall I, Lord, the cup decline, jTjL So wifely mixt by love divine, And tafted firft by thee ? The bitter draught thou drankeft up, And but this Angle facred drop Hall thou refer v'd for me. 2 Lo ! I receive it at thy hand, And bear by thy benign command - The falutary pain ; With thee to live I gladly die, And fuffer here, above the fky With my dear Lord to reign. 3 Here only can I fhew my love, By fufFering my obedience prove ; But when thy heaven I mare, I cannot mourn for Jefu's fake, I cannot there thy cup partake, I cannot fuffer there. 4 Full gladly then for thee I grieve, The honour of thy crofs receive And ( 145 ) And blefs the happy load ; Who would not in thy footfteps tread, Who would not bow with thee his head, And fympathize with God ! HYMN CXLVI. i TESUS, thy fovereign name I blefs ! J Sorrow is joy and pain is eafe To thofe that truft in thee ; All things together work for good To me the purchafe of thy blood, The much-lov'd finner me. 2 With thee, O Chrift, on earth I reign In all the awful pomp of pain ; But fend me piercing eyes The eternal things unfeen to fee, The crown of life referv'd for me, And glittering through the fkies. 3 As fure as now thy crofs I bear, I mail thy heavenly kingdom fhare, And take my feat above ; Celeftial joy is in this pain ; It tells me, I with joy fhall reign In everlafting love. 4 The more my fufferings here increafe The greater is my future blifs ; And thou my griefs doft tell : They in thy book are noted down ; A jewel added to my crown Is every pain I feel. 3 So ( H6 ) So be it then, if thou ordain, Croud all my happy life with pain, And let me daily die : I bow, and blefs the facredfign, And bear the crofs by grace divine, Which lifts me to the Iky. HYMN c XL VI I. 1 /^V BEDIENT to the voice of God, \^JF I foon fhall quit this earthly clod> Shall lay my body down ; The immortal principle afpires, And fwells my foul with ftrong defires To grafp the Harry crown. 2 The more the outward man decays, The inner feels thy ftrengthening grace, And knows that thou art mine : Partaker of my glorious hope, There mall I after thee wake up, Shall in thy image fiiine, 3 Thou wilt not leave thy work undone, But finifli what thou hail begun, Before I hence remove ; Oh make me, Saviour, as thou art, Koly, and meek, and pare in heart, And perfected in love. 4 Thou wilt cut fhort thy work of grace, And perfect in a babe thy praife, And flrength for me ordain, Thy ( «47 ) Thy blood mall make me throughly clean, And not one fpot of inbred fin Shall in my flefh remain. Dear Lamb, if thou for me couldft die, Thy love fhall wholly fanttify, Thy love fhall feal me thine ; Thou wilt from me no more depart, My all in life and death thou art, Thou art for ever mine. HYMN CXLVIII. i T N humble faith on thee I call, J[ Saviour, and fovereign Lord of all, My Brother and my Friend : Lead me my few remaining days, And flnifli thy great work of grace, And love me to the end. 2 Till I from all my fins am freed, Oh may I lean my languid head On thy dear loving breaft : Thou, Jefus, catch my parting breath, And let me fmoothly glide through death To my eternal reft. 3 Saviour, bring near the joyful hour, The fulnefs of thy fpirit pour ; And while I here remain, Chrift let it be that lives, not I ; Or now, permit me now to die ; To die is greater!: gain. N 4- Come ( H* ) Come then, my health, my hope, my home, My love, my life eternal come, Me to thyfelf receive ; Soul, flefh, and fpirit fan&ify, And bid me live in thee to die, And die in thee to live. HYMN CXLIX. 1 /~\UT of myfelf for help I go, \J Thy only love refolv'd to know, Thy love my plea I make ; Give me thy love ; 'tis all I claim ; Give for the honour of thy name, Give for thy mercy's fake. 2 Canft thou deny thy love to me ? Say, thou incarnate Deity, Thou Man of forrows fay : Thy glory why didft thou infhrine, In fuch a clod of earth as mine, And wrap thee in my clay ? 3 Ancient of days, why didft. thou come, And ftoop to a poor virgin's womb, Contracted to a fpan ? Flefh of our flefh why waft thou made ? And humbly in a manger laid, The new-born fon of man ? 4 Why didft thou in this vale of tears, For more than thirty mournful years, A life ( H9 ) A life of fuffering lead ? Why did thy eyes with tears o'erflow ? Why wouldft thou chufe to want below A place to lay thy head ? H Y II N CL. For the Tempted, i "71 yfEEK, patient, Son of God and man, 1VJL With us in our temptations flay ; Our fainting, feeble minds fuftain, And keep throughout the evil day ; The evil day of doubts and fears, And fightings, till thy face appears. 2 We have not an High-Prieft in thee Wrho cannot our afflictions feel 1 The tempted foul's infirmity With kind concern affects thee frill ; Touch'd with our every grief thou art, And bleeds for us thy pitying heart. 3 Us, and our brethren in diftrefs, Patent within thy kingdom keep ; Sure all thy fulnefs to pofTefs, Our harveit in the end to reap ; Thy finlefs nature to retrieve, And glorious in thy image live. HYMN CLI. Lam. iii. I. Sol. Song iii. 3, 4. 1 I am the man that have known , Diftrefs by the ftroke of his rod ; N 2 And ( '5° ) And ftill through the anguifh I groan, And long for the prefence of God : The happy in Jefus may fleep ; But Oh ! 'till in me he appears, Be this my employment to weep, And water my couch with my tears. 2 Or rather, if any are nigh Forlorn and affli&ed like me, All night let us lift up our cry, And mourn his appearing to fee : (As watchmen expecting the morn) Look out for the light of his face, And wait for his mercy's return, And long to recover his grace. 3 Ye watchmen of Ifrael, declare If ye our Beloved have feen, And point to that heavenly Fair, Surpafling the children of men : Our Lover and Lord from above, Who only can quiet our pain, Whom only we languifh to love, Oh where mail we find him again. 4 The joy and defire of our eyes, The end of our forrow and woe, Our hope, and our heavenly prize, Our height of ambition below ; Once more, if he fhew us his face, He never again mail depart, Detain'd in our clofeft embrace, Eternally held in our heart. H Y M N ( is« ) HYMN C L II . Who in the days of , 13 c. Heb. v. 7, 8. 1 f A ^HOU man of griefs, remember me ! X Thou, Jefus, never canft forget Thy laft myfterious agony, Thy fainting pangs, and bloody fweat ! 2 When, wreftiing in the ftrength of prayer. Thy fpirit funk beneath it's load ; Thy feeble flefh abhorr'd to bear The wrath of an almighty God. 3 Father, if I may call thee {o, Regard my fearful heart's defire ! Remove this load of guilty woe, Nor let me in my fins expire. 4. I tremble, left the wrath divine, Which bruifes now my wretched foul, Should bruife this wretched foul of mine Long as eternal ages roll. 5 To thee my laft diftrefs I bring ! The heighten'd fear of death I find : The tyrant brandifhing his fting Appears, and hell is clofe behind. 6 I deprecate that death alone, That endlefs banifhment from thee : Oh fave, and give me to thy Son, Who trembled, wept, and bled for me. N 3 HYMN ( II* ) HYMN C L 1 I I . My Soul is exceeding for roivful. Matt. xxvi. 38. 1 'HT^HE man of forrow now X Thou doft indeed appear, Beneath my guilty burden bow, And tremble with my fear. 2 Thy pain is my relief, And doth my load remove, For Oh, if all thy foul is grief, Yet all thy heart is love. HYMN CLIV. He fell on his face and prayed. Matt. XX vi. 39. 1 II /HAT poflure mould I ufe, who fee VV The proftrate Son of God In tears, in mortal agony, And bath'd in his own blood ? 2 A fcnfe of Jefu's grief unknown, Father, to me impart, And hear his humble Spirit groan In my poor broken heart. HYMN CLV. By thy fa/ling, and temptation ; by thy agony , and bloody fweaty &c. Litany. 3 TJ Y thy farting and temptation JO Mortify our vain defires, Take ( »53 ) Take away what finful pafllon, Appetite, or flefh requires : Arm us with thy felf-denial, Every te.npted foul defend, Save us in the fiery trial, Make us faithful to the end. By thy forer fufferings fave us, Save us when contorm'd to thee, By thy miferies relieve us, By thy painful agony ? When beneath thy frown we languiih, When we feel thy anger's weight, Save us by thy unknown anguifh, Save us by thy bloody fweat. By that higher!: point of paiTion, By thy fufferings on the tree, Save us from the indignation Due to all mankind and me : Hanging, bleeding, panting, dying, Gafping out thy lateft breath, By thy precious death's applying, Save us from eternal death. h y M N CLV % There was darknefs, lSct Matt, xxviii. 45, ALAS ! and did my Saviour bleed ? And did my Sovereign die ? Would he devote that facred head For fuch a worm as I ? z Was ( '54 ) 2 Was it for crimes that I had done He groan'd upon the tree ? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And iove beyond degree ! 3 Well might the fun in darknefs hide, And ihut his glories in ; When Chrift, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's fin ! 4 Thus might I hide my blufhing face, While his dear crofs appears ; DilTolve my heart in rhankfulnefs, And melt my eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I ov/e ; Here, Lord, I give myfelf away, 'Tis all that I can do. HYMN CLVII. The Vail of the Temple 55 ) 'Tis done ! the precious ranfom*s paid, " Receive my foul," he cries ! See, where he bows his facred head ! He bows his head and dies, 4 But foon he'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory mine : O Lamb of God ! was ever pain, Was ever love like thine ! HYMN CLVIII. Lam. i. 12. John xix. 5. 1 "^7E that pafs by, behold the man ! \ The man of griefs condemn'd for you I The Lamb of God, for finners (lain, Weeping to Calvary purfue ! 2 See how his back the fcourges tear, While to the bloody pillar bound ! The ploughers make long furrows there, Till all his body is one wound. 3 His facred limbs they ftretch, they tear, With nails they fatten to the wood His facred limbs — expos'd, and bare, Or only cover'd with his blood. 4. See there ! his temples crown'd with thorns ! His bleeding hands extended wide, His ftreaming feet, transfixt and torn ! The fountain gufhing from his fide ! 5 Where ( >5<5 ) 5 Where is tiie King of Glory now ! The everlafting Son of God ! The Imihortai hangs his languid brow, The Almighty faints beneath his load, 6 O thou dear fuffering Son of God, How doth thy heart to finners move ! Oh cleanie me by thy precious blood, And fill me with thy dying love ! HYMN CXLIX. The Earth did quake, \3c* Matt, xxvii. 51, 52. 1 f I VHE earth could to her centre quake, X Convuls'd while her Creator died : Oh ! let my inmoft nature make, And die with Jefus crucified. 2 At thy laft gafp the graves difplay'd Their horrors to the upper fkies ; Oh ! that my foul could burft the fhade, And quicken'd by thy death arife. 3 The rocks could feel thy powerful 'death* And tremble, and afunrierpart : Oh ! rend with thy expiring breath, The harder marble of my heart. 4 Thy grace I fnrely fnall receive ; Thy death hath bought the grace for me ; Be this my whole defire to live, To live, and then to die in thee. HYMN ( 157 ) HYMN CLX. Js it nothing to you, &c. Lam. i. 12, 1 A LL ye that pafs by, to Jefus draw nigh: XX. To you is it nothing that Jefus mould die ? Your ranfom and peace, your furefy he is, Come, fee if there ever was forrow like his. 2 For what you have done his blood muft atone : The Father hath punifh'd for you his dear Son. The Lord in the day of his anger did lay Your fins on the Lamb, and he bore them away. 3 He anfwer'd for all, Oh come at his call, And low at his crofs with aftonimmentfall. But lift up your eyes at Jefus's cries : Impalfive he fuffers, immortal he dies. 4 He dies to atone for fins not his own : Your debt hath he paid, and your work hath he done. Ye all may receive the peace he did leave, Who made interceffion, " My Father, forgive!" 5 For you and for me he pray'd on the tree ; The prayer is accepted, the fmner is free. The finner am I, who on Jefus rely, And come for the pardon God cannot deny. 6 My pardon I claim, for a finner I am, A finner believing in Jefus's name. He purchas'd the grace, which now I embrace; O Father, thou know'fthe hath died in my place. 7 His ( '5« ) His death is my plea, my Advocate fee, And hear the blood fpeak that hath anfwer'd for me : Acquitted I was, when he bled on the crofs, And by lofing his life he hath carried my caufe. HYMN CLXI. John i. 14. 1 TT7HAT could my Redeemer move V V To leave his Father's breaft ? Pity drew him from above, And would not let him reft ; Swift to fuccour finking man, Sinking into endlefs woe, Jefus to our refcue ran, And Goo appear'd below. 2 God in this dark vale of tears A man of griefs was ieen : Here for three and thirty years He dwelt with finful man. Did they know the Deity ? Did they own him, who he was ? See the friend of finners, fee ! He hangs on yonder crofs ! 3 Glorious Saviour of my foul, I lift it up to thee ; Thou haft made the firmer whole, Haft fet the captive free : Thou my debt of death haft paid ; Thou haft rais'd me from my fall ; Thou haft an atonement made ; My Saviour died for all. HYMN ( '39 ) HYMN CLXII. LAMB of God, whofe bleeding love We now recall to mind, Send the anfwer from above, And let us mercy find; Think on us, who think on thee, And every ftruggling foul releafe : Oh remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. By thy agonizing pain, And bloody fweat, we pray, By thy dying love to man, Take all our fins away : Burft our bonds, and fet us free, From all iniquity releafe : Oh remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. Let thy blood by faith applied The finner's pardon feal, Speak us freely juftified, And all our ficknefs heal : By thy pafTion on the tree, Let all our griefs and trouble ceafe : Oh remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. Never let us hence depart Till thou our wants relieve, Write forgivenefs on our heart, And all thy image give : O Still ( i6o ) Still our fouls fhall cry to thee Till perfected in holinefs : Oh remember Calvary, .And bid us go in peace. hymn c l x 1 1 1 . i /*~^ OD of unexampled grace, VJT Redeemer of mankind, Matter of eternal praife We in thy paflion find : Still our choiceft ftrains we bring, Still the joyful theme purfue, Thee the friend of finners fing, Whofe love is ever new. 2 Endlefs fcenes of wonder rife With that myflerious tree, Crucified before our eyes Where we our Maker fee : Jefus, Lord, what haft thou done ! Publifh we the death divine, Stop, and gaze, and fall, and own Was never love like thine ! 3 Never love nor forrow was Like that my Jefus fhow'd, See him ftretcn'd on yonder crofs, And crufh'd beneath our load ! Now difcern the Deity, Now his heavenly birth declare ! Faith cries out, 'tis he, 'tis he, My God that fuffers there ! 4 Lord, { i6i ) 4 Lord, we blefs thee for thy grace And truth which never tail, flattening to behold thy face Without a dimming vai4 : We (hall fee our heavenly King, All thy glorious love proclaim, Help the angel-choirs to fing Our dear triumphant Lamb. HYMN CLXIV. 1 TESUS drinks the bitter cup ; J The wine-prefs treads alone, Tears the graves and mountains up By his expiring groan : Lo ! the powers of heaven he makes ; Nature in convulfions lies, Earth's profoundeft centre quakes, The great Jehovah dies ! 2 Dies the glorious Caufe of all, The true eternal Pan, Falls to raife us from our fall, To ranfom fmfu'l man : Well may Sol withdraw his light, With the fufferer fympathize, Leave the world in fudden night, While his Creator dies. 3 Wrell may heaven be cloath'd in black, And folemn fackcloth wear, Jefu's agony partake, The hour of darknefs mare : O 2 Mourn ( ■*» ) Mourn the aftonifh'd hofts above, Silence faddens all the Ikies, Kindler of feraphic love, The G©d of angels dies. O my God, he dies for me ! Unutterable fmart ! See him hanging on the tree — A fight that breaks my heart ! Oh that all to thee might turn ! Sinners ye may love him too, Look on him ye pierc'd, and mourn For one who bled for you. Weep o'er your defire and hope, With tears of humbleft love ; Sing, for Jefus is gone up, And reigns enthron'd above ! Lives our head to die no more ; Power is all to Jefus given, Worfhipp'd as he was before, The immortal King of heaven. HYMN CLXV. i TTEARTS of Hone, relent, relent, || Break, by Jefu's crofs fubdu'd, See his body mangled, rent, Cover'd with a gore of blood ! Sinful foul, what haft thou done ? Murder'd God's eternal Son ! 2 Yes, ( i6j ) Yes, our fins have done the deed, Drove the nails that fix'd him here, Crown'd with thorns his facred head, Pierc'd him with the foldier's fpear, Made his foul a facrince ; For a finful world he dies. Shall we let him die in vain ? Still to death purfue our God ? Open tear his wounds again, Trample on his precious blood 1 No ; with all our fins we part, Saviour take my broken heart ! HYMN CLXVI. i V I MS done ! the atoning work is done ; J[ Jems the world's Redeemer dies I All nature feels the important groan, Loud echoing through the earth and fkies. The earth doth to her centre quake, And heaven as hell's deev> gloom is black ! 2 The temple's vail is rent in twain, While Jefus meekly bows his head, The rocks refent his mortal pain, The yawning grare gives up their dead, The bodies of the faints arife, Reviving as their Saviour dies. 3 And fhall not we his death par: In fympathetk anguiln groan ? . O Saviour, let thy pafiion (hake Our earth, and rend our hearts of ftone. O 3 To ( i;'/ melting eye Vile men, deferving endiefs woe ! Amazing love !— did Jefus die? 5 He died, to raife to life and joy The vile, the guilty, the undone ; Oh let his praife each hour employ, Till hours no more their circles run ! 6 He died !— ye feraphs tune your Tongs, Refound, refound the Saviour's name : For nought below immortal tongues Can ever reach the ponderous theme. H Y M N CXC. i piOME, great Redeemer, open wide V> The curtains of the parting iky ; On a bright cloud in triumph ride, ' ' And on the wind's fwift pinions fly. 2 Come, King of kings, with thy bright train, Cherubs, and feraphs, heavenly hoit • Afiume thy right, enlarge thy reign ' >\s far as earth extends her coafts. 3 Come, Lord and where thy crofs once flood, i here plant thy banner, fix thy throne: Subdue the rebels by thy word. And claim the nations for thy own ~r^O Jefus our exalted Lord, X Dear name, by heaven and earth ador'd * Fain would our hearts and voices raife A cheerful fong of facred praife. 2 But all the notes, which mortals know, Are weak and languishing and low ; Far, far above our humble fongs, The theme demands immortal tongues. 3 Before his throne of grace we meet, And humbly worfhip at his feet : Oh let our warm affections move In glad returns of grateful love I 4 Let faith our feeble fenfes aid, To fee thy wonderous love difplay'd, Thy broken flefh, thy bleeding veins;, Thy dreadful agonizing pains. 5 Let humble penitential woe, With painful pleafing anguiih flow ; And thy forgiving fmiles impart Life, hope, and joy to every heart. HYMN ( 1 89 ) .HYMN CXCIV. i l\/rY Saviour, who this deed hath done ? _[VX Who could thy facred body wound ? No guilt thy fpotlefs heart hath known, No guile hath in thy lips been found. 2 'Tis T have done the dreadful deed ! 'Tis I thy facred fleili have torn : My fins have caus'd thee, Lord, to bleed; Pointed the nail, and flx'd the thorn. 3 My Saviour, how fhall I proclaim ? How pay the mighty debt I owe ? Lei all I have, and all I am, Ceafelefs to all thy glory mow. 4 Too much to thee I cannot give ; 'loo much I cannot do for thee : Let all thy love, and all thy grief, Graven on my heart for ever be ! 3 The meek, the ftill, the lowly mind, Oh may 1 may learn from thee, my God : And love, with ibfteft pity join'd, For thofe that trample on thy blood ! 6 Still let thy tears, thy groans, thy fighs, O'errlow my eyes, and heave my breaft, 'Till loofe from earth and flefli I rife, And ever in thy bofom reii. H Y M N ( 19® ) . H Y M N CXCV. Come, for all things tare now ready. Luke xiv. 17.. 1 /^OME, finners,to the gofpel-feaft ; \^ji Let every foul be jefu's gueft ; You need not one be left behind ; For God hath bidden ail mankind. 2 Sent by my Lord, on you I call ; The invitation is to all : Come all the world, come, fmner, thou ! All things in Chrift are ready now. 3 Come all ye fouls by fin oppreft , Ye reftlefs wanderers after reft ; Ye poor, and maim'd, and halt, and blind, In Chrift a hearty welcome find. 4 My meffage as from God receive : Ye all may come to Chrift, and live : Oh let his love your hearts conftrain, Nor fuffer him to die in vain ! His love is mighty to compel : His conquering love cement to feel : Yield to. his love's refiftkfs power ; And fight againft your God no more. See him fet forth before your eyes, That precious, bleeding facrilice ! His orrer'ct benefits embrace, And freely now be fav'd by grace ! 7 Tfcis ( »9« ) This is the time; no more delay !' This is your acceptable day : Come in, this moment, at his call, And live for him who died for all ! hymn cxcvi. i QINNERS, obey the gofpel-woid ! j^ Hafte to the fupper of my Lord : Be wife to know your gracious day ! All things are ready i come away ! 2 Ready the Father is to own, And kifs his late returning fon : Ready your loving Saviour ftands, And fpreads for you his bleeding hands, 3 Ready the fpirit of his love Juft now the flony to remove : To' apply and witnefs with the»blood, And wafh, and feal the fons of God. 4. Ready for you the angels wait To triumph in yourbleft eftate : Tuning their harps they long to praifo ^he wonders of redeeming grace. 5 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft Is ready with their mining hoft : All heaven is ready to refound, " The dead's alive ! The loft is found. r H Y M N ( 192 ) HYMN CXCVII. i /^lOME then, ye Tinners, to your Lord, V>i In Chrift to paradife reftor'd, His proffer'd benefits embrace, The plentitude of gofpel-grace. 2 A pardon written with his blood, The favour and the peace of God ; The feeing eye, the feeling fen.Ce, The myftic joys of penitence : 3 The godly grief, the pleafing fmart, The meltings of a broken heart : The tears that te.ll your fins forgiven : The fighs, that waft your fouls to heaven : 4 The guiltlefs fhame, the fweet diitrefs, The unutterable tendernefs ; The genuine, meek humility ; The wonder " Why fuch love to me !" 5 The o'erwhelming power of faving grace, The fight that veils the feraph's face ; The fpeechlefs awe that dares not move* And all the filent heaven of love. hymn CXCVII I. i Cor. ii. 2. i "Y7AIN, delufive world, adieu, V With all of creature- good, Only Jefus I purfue, Who bought me with his blood ! All I *9$ ) All thy pleafures I forego, 1 trample on thy wealth and pride 5 Only jefus may 1 know, And Jefus crucified 1 2 Other knowledge I difdain, 'Tis all but vanity : Chrift, the Lamb of God was flain, He tailed death for me ! Me to fave from endlefs woe, The fin-atoning victim died ! Only Jefus may I know, And Jefus crucified ! 3 Here may I fet up my reft, My. fluctuating heart From the haven of his breaft: Shall then no more depart : Whither mould a finner go ? His wounds for me fland open wide ; Only Jefus may I know, And Jefus crucified ! 4 Him to know is life and peace, And pleafure without end; This is all my happinefs On Jefus to depend; Daily in his grace to grow, And ever in his faith abide : Only Jefus may I know, And Jefus crucified ! KYMN ( '94 ) HYMN CXCIX. i ^T^URNING to my reft again, X The Saviour 1 adore. He relieves my grief and pain, And bids me weep no more : Rivers of Salvation flow From out his head, his hands, his fide ; Only Jefusmay I know, And Jefus crucified. z Him in all my works I feek, Who hung upon the tree ; On]y of his love I fpeak, Who freely died for me : While I fojourn here below, Of nothing may I think befide ; Only Jefus may 1 know, And Jefus crucified. 3 Oh that I could all invite, This faving truth to prove : Shew the length, and breadth, and height, And depth of Jefu's love! Fain I would to finners fhow The blood by faith alone applied : Only Jefus may I know, And Jefus crucified. hymn cc. i TTOW fhall I commend the grace il Which all with me may prove ; Magnify thy mercy's praife, Thy all -redeeming love ? Oh! ( 195 ) Oh ! 'tis more than tongue can tell t Who the myftery mall explain ? Angels, that in ftrength excel, Would fearch it out in vain. Far above their nobleft fongs, Thy glorious mercies rife ; Praife fits filent on their tongues, And wonder lulls the fkies ! Oh ! might I with them be one, Loft in holy rapture fall ; Caft my crown before thy throne, Thou Lamb that died'ft for all. hymn- c c i . Why -jo ill ye die, 0 Houfe oflfrael. Ezekiel xviii. 3 1 , 1 QINNERS, turn, why will you die ? O God, your Maker, afksyouwhy? God, who did your being give, Made you with himfelf to live. He the fatal caufe demands, Afks the work of his own hands, Why, ye thanklefs creatures, why Will ye crofs his love, and die ? 2 Sinners turn, why will you die ? God, your Saviour, afks you why : God, who did your fouls retrieve, Died himfelf that you might live, Will you let him die in vain ? Crucify your Lord again ? R Why, ( "96 ) Why, ye ranfom'd Tinners, why Will you flight his grace and die ? 3 Sinners-turn, why will you die ? God, the Spirit, aiks you why : He, who all your lives hath ftrove, Waits to manifeft his love. Will you not the grace receive ? Will ye.u flill refufe to live ? Why, ye long-fought Tinners, why Will you grieve your God and die ? 4 Dead, already dead within, Spiritually dead in Tin, Dead to God while here you breathe, Pant ye after Tecond death ? Will you ftill in Tin remain, Greedy of eternal pain ? O ye dying finners, why, Why will you for ever die ? h y m n Cl.l. * '1/[7HAT could your Redeemer do VV More than he hath ddne for you r To procure your peace with God, Could he more than fhed his blood ? After all his wafte of love, All his drawings from above, Why will you your Lord deny ? Why will you refolve to die r 2 Turn, he cries, ye Tinners turn : By his life your God hath Tworn, He ( '97 > He would have you turn and live, He would all the world receive* If your death were his delight. Would he you to life invite ? Would he afk, obteft, and cry, Why will ye refolve to die ? Sinners, turn while God is near: Dare not think him infmcere : Now, even now, your Saviour Hands, All day long he fpreads his hands ; Cries, ye will not happy be ; No, ye will not come to me ! Me, who life to none deny : Why will you refolve to die ? Can ye doubt if God is love ! If to all his bowels move ? Will ye not his word receive ? Will ye not his oath believe ? See, the fuffering God appears ! Jefus weeps ! believe his tears ! Mingled with his blood, they cry, Why will you refolve to die ? hymn c c 1 1 1 . i T TOLY Lamb, who thee receive, XjL Who in thee begin to live, Day and night they cry to thee, As thou art, fo let us be ! 2 Jefus, fee my panting breaft See, I pant in thee to reft ! R 2 R 2 Gladly ( *9* ) Gladly would I now be clean ; Cleanfe me now from every fin. 5 Fix, Oh fix my wavering mind ; To thy crofs my fpirit bind; Earthly paflions far remove : Swallow up our fouls in love. 4. Duft and afhes though we be, Full of guilt and mifery, Thine we are, thou Son of God : Take the purchafe of thy blood 1 5 Who in heart on thee believes, He the atonement now receives : lie with joy beholds thy face, Triumphs in thy pardoning grace. 6 See, ye finners, fee the flame Rifmg from the flaughter'd Lamb ; Mark the new, the living way, Leading to eternal day. 7 Jefus, when this light we fee, All our foul's athirft for thee : When thy quickening power we prove, All our heart diilblves in love. 8 Boundlefs wifdom, power divine., Love unfpeakable are thine ! Praife by all to thee be given, Sons of earth, and hofts of heaven. HYMN ( '99 ) HYMN CCIV. Is there no Balm in Gikad ? Jer. viii. 22. i X7ES, there is, moft holy God, JL Balm, abundant balm in thee, Rivers of atoning blood, Streams of living purity ! Pour the blood upon my foul Plunge me in the cleanfing wave, Clofe my wounds, and make me whole. Shew forth all thy fkill to fave. a Thee I feek, my pardoning Lord, Waits my longing foul for thee : Oh be mindful of thy word, Oh be merciful to me ; On my heart thy goodnefs feal, Bid me in thy image rife, Mounted on thy holy hill, Ravifh'd thence to paradife. HYMN CCV. I TESUS, my life, thyfelf apply, ■ J Thy holy fpirit breathe 9 My vile affeftions crucify, Conform me td thy death. * Conqueror of hell, and earth, and fin, Still with thy rebel ftrive ; Enter my foul, and work within, And kill, and make alive ! R 3 1 Mors ( 200 ) re of thy life, and more I have, i Adam dies : ..viour, in thy grave, Thr: thee may rife. 4 Reign in me, Lord, thy foes control . j would not own thy (Way ; Diftufe thy image through my foul, Shine to the perfect day. ttei : : ' 1 remains of fin, a] me thy abode ; Oh ! make me glorious all within, A temple buiit by God. H Y M K CCVv 'F OREYER here my reft (hall be, (e to thy bleeding fide ; neve, and ail my plea, - ivioor died ! 2 V; ing ; -.ur and my God, Fou tb thy bk ' And cleanfe, and keep me clean. 3 V.'afh me, aj me thus thy c [fa me, a: .ou art : a fh me, but . t alone, My hands, my head, my heart. v 2CI ) : of thy bl Till hope in full : And all mv foul be love. a y mm cc- IX God we pur our truft ; If we our fins con Faithful he is, and j ...: From all unrighteoufnefs To cleanfe us all, hot'-; me, We lhali from all our fins Surely in us the hope Of glory lhall appear ; Sinners, your heads lift up, .mption near ; . . ice with me, We lhall from all our fins be free. Who Jefu's furTerings ihare', My fellow pi n jw, Ve foon the wreath ihall w O: imphant bro. Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me, We lhall from our fins be free. : is fure, And never can rem We lhall in heart be pure And perfected in love ; Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me, We lhall from all our fins be free. Then ( 202 ) 5 Then let us gladly bring Our facrifice of praife, Let us give thanks and fing, And glory in his grace ; Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me, We fhall from all our fins be free. HYMN CVIII. Faith in Chriji our Sacrifice. Heb. x. 4., 10. i TVfOT all the blood of beads X^l On Jewifh altars flain, Could give the guilty confcience peace, Or wafh away the flain. 2 But Chrift, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our fins away ; A facrifice of nobler name, And richer blood than they. 3 My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of thine, When like a penitent I fland, And there confefs my fin. 4 My foul looks back to fee The burdens thou didil bear, When hanging on the fhameful tree, And hopes her guilt was there. 5 Believing, we rejoice To fee the curfe remove ; We blefs the Lamb with cheerful voice, And fmg his bleeding love. HYMX ( 203 ) HYMN CCIX. i O0ME, let us join our cheerful fongs \^j With angels round the throne, Ten thoufand thoufand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. z Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry, To be exalted thus ; Worthy the Lamb, our hearts reply, For he was {lain for us. 3 Jefus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine ; And bleflings more than we can giv? Be, Lord, for ever thine. ^ The whole creation join in one, To blefs the facred name Of him that fits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. HYMN CCX, i T~>ROM all that dwell below the flues, JP Let the Creator's praife arife; Let the Redeemer's name be fung, Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends thy word ; Thy praife mail found from fhore to more, 'Till funs mall rife and fet no more. 3 Your ( 204 ) 3 Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring, In fongs of praife divinely fing ; The great falvation loud proclaim, And fhout for joy the Saviour's name : 4 In every land begin the fong, To every land the Arams belong ; In cheerful founds all voices raife, And fill the world with loudeft praife. HYMN CCXI. I A LMIGHTY Lord, moft merciful, J[\. Thefe thanks unfeign'd, thefe vows receive ; Thou, who when bath'd in tears I lay, Didft hear, and quickly me relieve. Chorus. Great God from all eternity, Oh may pur prayers afcend to thee. 2 Plung'd deep in woe, of hope bereft, Deftru&ion threaten'd me around, Remorfe was mine, and black defpair, , And I no ray of comfort found. Great God, fcfr. 3 For ever Oh recorded be The moment when thy grace beftow'd, Through Chrift, the fight of pardoning love, And led me to this bleft abode. Great God, fcfr. a. Siruce ( *°5 ) 4 Since treading virtue's facred paths Alone fecures the mind's content, May the remainder of my days In ferving thee be always fpent. Chorus. Great God from all eternity, Oh may our prayers afcend to thee. HYMN CCX{K *This do in remembrance of me. I Cor. xi. 24. 1 T~* AT, drink, in memory of your friend ; JPy An eafy tafk injoins our Lord ; Who death and tortures bore, that we Might be to endlefs blifs reftor'd. 2 Yes, we'll record thy matchlefs love, Thou deareft, tenderer!:, beft of friends; Thy dying love the nobleft praife Of long eternity tranfcends. 3 'Tis pleafure more than earth can give, Thy beauties through thefe veils to fee ; Thy table food celeftial yields, And happy they who feaft with thee. 4 But Oh what vaft tranfporting joys, Shall fwell our breafts, our tongues infpire, When we his fweet majeftic form, With proftrate cherubs, fhall admire ! 5 When thefe vile bodies all refin'd, Perfect and glorious as his own, Unwearied mall our minds obey, And join to make his favours known ! HYMN ( 206 ) H Y M N C C X 1 1 I . 1 T*NEEP in our breaft let us record 1 J The ftory of our dying Lord ; As we his kind memorials view, Our wonder and our fongs renew. 2 Prevent me, O almighty grace ! Nor let me e'er fo treacherous prove, To crucify my Lord afrefh, And render hate from all his love. hymn ccxiv. i T TAIL facred feaft, which Jefus makes, X JL Memorial of his nefh and blood ! Thrice happy he, who here partakes That facred ftream, that heavenly food ! 2 Why are fuch bleflings all in vain Before unwilling hearts difplay'd ? Was not for us the Victim flaih ? ATe we forbid the children's bread ? 3 Oh let thy table honour d be, And furnifh'd well with joyful guefts ; Let every foul falvation fee, That here it's facred pledges taftes ! 4 Revive thy dying churches, Lord, And bid our drooping graces live ; And now that energy afford, Which J efu's love alone can give. HYMN ( *97 ) n Y M N ccxv. i /"^\LTR Spirits join to adore the Lamb ; V_y Oh that our feeble lips could move In ftrains exalted as his name, And melting as his dying love 1 2 Was ever equal pity found ? The Prince of heaven refigns his breath, And pours his life out on the ground, To fave us from eternal death. 3 In vain our mortal voices drive To fpeak companion fo divine ; Had we a thoufand iives to give, A thoufand lives fhould all be thine, H Y M N CCXV I. 1 A T thy command, our deareft Lord, J~\_ We here attend thy dying feaft ; The bread thy broken body fhows, The wine thy blood ihed for each gueft. 2 Our faith adores thy bleeding love, And trufts for life in one that died ; We hope for heavenly crowns above, From a Redeemer crucified. 3 Let the vain world pronounce it fhaine, And fling their fcandals on thy caufe ; We come to boaft our Saviour's name, And make our triumphs in his crofs. S 1 With ( 208 ) 4 With joy we tell the fcoffing age, He that was dead hath left the tomb ; He lives above their utmoft rage, And we are waiting till he come. HYMN ccxvu. t A ND can we call to mind jLJL The Lamb for finners (lain, And not expect to find What he for us did gain, What God to us in him hath given, Pardon, and holinefs, and heaven ? t We now forgivenefs have, We feel his work begun, And he mall fully fave, And perfect us in one, Shall foon in all his image dreft Receive us to the marriage-feaft. j This token of thy love We thankfully receive, And hence with joy remove With thee in heaven to live, There, Lord, we fhall thy pledge reftore, And live to praife thee evermore. HYMN CCXV1II E TERNAL Spirit gone up on high, Blefiings for mortals to receive, Send ( 209 ) Send down thofe bleflings from the fky To us thy gifts and graces give ; With holy things our mouths are fill'd, Oh let our hearts with joy o'erftow ; Defc.end in pardoning love reveal'd, And meet us in thy courts below. 2 Thy facrifice without the gate Once offer'd up we call to mind, And humbly at thy altar wait, Our intereft in thy death to find : We thirft to drink thy precious blood, We languifh in thy wounds to reft, And hunger for immortal food, And long on all thy love to feaft. 3 Oh that we now thy fleih may eat, It's virtue really receive, Impower'd by this immortal meat The life of holinefs to live : Partakers of thy facrifice, Oh may we all thy nature mare, Till to the holieft place we rife, And keep the feaft for ever there. G hymn ccxix. IVE us, O Lord, the children's bread, By minifterial angels fed, (The angels of thy church b^low) Nouriih us with preferving grace Our forty years, or forty days, And lead us through the vale of woz. S 2 2 Strengthened ( m ) Strengthened by this immortal food, Oh let us reach the mount of God, And face to face our Saviour fee : In fongsofpraife, and love, and joy, With all thy firft-born fons employ An happy, whole eternity. HYMN CCXX. SURELY now the prayer he hears : Faith prefents the crucified ! Lo ! the wounded Lamb appears, Pierc'd his feet, his hands, his fide ; Hangs our hope on yonder tree, Hangs, and bleeds to death for me ! hymn ccxxi. Subjcflion to Christ. 8 TESUS, to thee my heart I bow; J Strange flames far from my foul remove Faireft among ten thoufand thou, Be thou my Lord, my life, my love. 2 All heaven thou fill'ft with pure defire : Oh mine upon my frozen breaft; With facred love my heart infpire, And let me thy hid fweetnefs tafte. 3 I fee thy garments roll'd in blood, Thy flreaming head, thy hand, thy fide All ( 2H ) All hail, thou fuffering, conquering God ! Now man mall live, for God hath died ! 4 Oh kill in me the rebel fin, And triumph o'er my willing breaft; Reftore thy image, Lord, therein, And lead me to thy Father's reft. 5 Let earthly loves be far away ! Saviour be thou my love alone ; No more may mine ufurp the fway, But in me thy great will be done. " 6 O thou true witnefs, fpotlefs Lamb! All things for thee I count but lofs ; My fole defire, my conftant aim, My only glory be thy crofs t HYMN CCXXIK The Wwld h ct-ucifijd unto mi* Gal. vi. 14, t "I T7HEN I furvey the wonderous crofs VV On which the Prince of glory died, My richer! gain I count but lofs, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I mould boaft, Save in the death of Chrift, my God ; All the vain things which charm me moft I facrifice to Jefu's blood. 3 See from his head, his hands, his fttt, Sorrow and love now mingled down ! S j Did ( 2>2 ) Did e'er fuch love and forrow meet. Or thorns compofe fo rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a prefent far toofmall ; Love fo amazing, fo divine, Demands my foul, my life, my all. H Y M N CXXI1I. He is altogether lovely. Sol. Song v. 16. i * 1 MIE wondering world inquires to know JL Why I mould love my Jefus fo r All human beauties, all divine, In him alone unite and mine. 2 His countenance more graceful is Than Lebanon, with all it's trees ; And glory, like a crown, adorns Thofe temples once befet with thorns. 3 Compaflions in his heart are found, Hard by the fignals of his wound : His facred fide no more mail bear The cruel fcourge, the piercing fpear. 4 His heavenly hands upon the tree Were nail'd, and torn, and bled for me : And when I faint, he o'er my head The banner of his love will fpread. 5 Though once he bow'd his feeble knees, Loaded with fins and agonies ; Now ( 2I3 ) Now at his feet the feraphs ftand, And wait to know his high command, 6 All over glorious is my Lord ; Mull he belov'd, and yet ador'd : His worth if all the nations knew, Sure the whole earth would love him too ! hymn ccxxiv. Ye are made nigh by the Blood of Chrift. Eph. ii. 1 3 1 /^\F him who did falvation bring, \J Oh may we ever think and iing ; Arife, ye guilty, he'll forgive, Arife, ye needy, he'll relieve. ^ Afk but his grace, and lo ! 'tis given ; Afk, and he turns your hell to heaven : Though fm and forrow wound my foul, J efus, thy balm will make it whole. 3 To cleanfe from fin he fhed his blood, He died to bring us near to God ; Let all the world fall down, and know That none but God fuch love could fhow. 4 Infatiate to this fpring I fly ; I drink, and yet am ever dry : Ah ! who againft his charms is proof ! Ah ! who that loves can love enough. HYMN ( *H ) HYMN CCXXV. Chriji on the Cro/s. i X^iOME^Holy Ghoft, fet to thy feal, \^j Thy inward witnefs give, To ill our waiting fouls reveal The death by which we live. i Spectators of the pangs divine Oh that we now may be, Difcerning in the facred fign His paflion on the tree. 3 Give us to understand the found Which told his mortal pain, Tore up the graves, and fhook the ground. And rent the rocks in twain. 4 Repeat the Saviour's dying cry, In every heart fo loud, That every heart may now reply, " This was the Son of God 1" HYMN CCXXV I. i 1 ET Him, to whom we now belong, I j His fovereign right affert, And take up every thankful fong, And every loving heart. He juftly claims us for his own Who bought us with a price j The < 2i5 ) The Chriftian lives to Chrift alone, To Chrift alone he dies. 3 Jefus, thy own at laft receive, Fulfil our heart's defire; And let us to thy glory live, And in thy caufc expire. 4 Our fouls and bodies we refign, With joy we render thee Our all, no longer ours but thine To all eternity ! hymn ccxxvn. 1 TTAPPY the fouls to Jefus join'd, JfX -And fav'd by grace alone ; Walking in all his ways, they find Their heaven on earth begun. 2 The church triumphant in thy love, Their mighty joys we know ; They fing the Lamb in hymns above, And we in hymns below. 3 Thee in thy glorious realms they praife. And bow before thy throne ! We in the kingdom of thy grace j The kingdoms are but one. 4 The holy to the holieft leads ; • From thence our fpirits rife : And he, that in thy ftatutes treads, Shall meet thee in the fkies. HYMN i 2>6 ) HYMN CCXXVII1. 2 A^OD of all-redeeming grace, VJT By thy pardoning love compelPd, Up to Thee our fouls we raife. Up to thee our bodies yield. 2 Thou our facrifice receive, Acceptable through thy Son, While to Thee alone we live, While we die to Thee alone. 3 Juft it is, and good, and right, That we fhould be wholly thine, In thy only Will delight, Jn thy blefTed fervice join. 4 Oh that every thought and word Might proclaim how good thou art, Holinefs unto the Lord Still be written on our heart. hymn ccxxix. THOU very pafchal lamb, Whofe blood for us was fhed, Through whom we out of Egypt came ; Thy ranfom'd people lead. Angel of gofpel grace, Fulfil thy character, To guard and feed the chofen race, In Ifrael's camp appear. 2 Throughout ( 2I7 ) Throughout the defart-way Conduct us by thy light, Be thou a cooling cloud by day, A cheering fire by night. Our fainting fouls fuftain, With bleflings from above, And ever on thy people rain The manna of thy love. hymn ccxxx. I QEIZ'D by the rage of finful man, i5 I fee him bound, and bruis'd, and (lain, 'Tis done, the martyr dies ! His life to ranfom ours is given, And lo ! the nerceft fire of heaven Confumes the facrince. z He fuffers both from man and God, He bears the univerfal load Of guilt and mifery ; He fuffers to reverfe our doom ; And lo ! my Lord is here become The bread of life to me ! HYMN CCXXXI. l /^V Thou eternal Victim, flain, \J A facrifice for guilty man, By the eternal Spirit made An offering in the fuiner's flead, Our ( *i8 ) Our everlafting prieft art thou, And plead 'ft thy death for finners now. 2 Thy offering ftill continues new, Thy vefture keeps it's bloody hue, Thou ftand'ft the ever flaughter'd Lamb, Thy priefthood ftill remains the fame, Thy years, O God, can never fail, Thy goodnefs is unchangeable. 3 Oh that our faith may never move, But ftand unfhaken as thy love, Sure evidence of things unfeen, Now let it pafs the years between, And view thee bleeding on the tree, My God, who dies for me, for me ! hymn ccxxxu. i f^\ Thou who hanging on the crofs, V/ Didft buy our pardon with thy blood, Canft thou not ftill maintain our caufe, And nil us with the life of God, Blefs with the bkflings of thy throne, And perfect all our fouls in one ? 2 Lo, on thy bloody facrifice For all our graces we depend ! Supported by thy crofs arife, To finifh'd holinefs afcend, And gain on earth the mountain's height, And then faluteour friends in light. | HYMN ( 2'9 ) HYMN CCXXXIII. i y~v GOD of our forefathers, hear, \^J And make thy faithful mercies known; To thee, through Jefus, we draw near, Thy fuffering well-beloved Son : In whom thy fmiling face we fee ; In whom thou art well-pleas'd with me, z With folemn faith we offer up, And fpread before thy glorious eyes, That only ground of all our hope, That precious, bleeding facrifice, Which brings thy grace on finners down, And perfects all our fouls in one. 3 Acceptance through his only name, Forgivenefs in his blood we have ; But more abundant life we claim Through him who died our fouls to fave J To fan&ify us by his blood, And fill with all the life of God. 4 Father, behold thy dying Son, And hear the blood that fpeaks above, On us let all thy grace be fhown, Peace, righreoufnefs, and joy, and love ; Thy kingdom come to every heart, And all thou haft, and all thou art. HYMN CCXXXIV. 'AH. give me, Lord, my fins to mourn, My fins which have thy body torn ; T Give ( 220 ) Give me with broken heart to fee Thy laft tremendous agony : There wept for me the Son of God ; "Who bought my pardon with his blood. Oh could I gain the mountain's height, And look upon that piteous fight ! Oh that with Salem's daughters I Might (land and fee my Saviour die ; Smite on my breaft and inly mourn, But never from thy crofs return! H Y M N CCXXXV. Sacrament a Sign and Means of Grace. i YESUS, at whofe fupreme command, J We thus approach to God, Before us in thy vcfture ftand, Thy vefture dipt in blood. 2 Obedient to thy gracious word We break the bailow'd. bread, Commemorate thee, our dying Lord, And truil on thee to feed. 3 Now, Saviour, now thy felf reveal, And make thy nature known, Affix the facramental feal, And ftamp us for thy own. 4 The tokens of thy dying love Oh let us all receive, And ( 221 ) And feel the quickening fpirit move, And fenfibly believe. 5 The cup of blefling, bled by thee, Let it thy blood impart ; The bread thy myftic body be, And cheer each languid heart. 6 The grace which fure falvation brings Let us herewith receive ; Satiate the hungry with good things, The hidden manna give. 7 The living bread fent down from heaven In us vouchfafe to be : Thy flefh for all the world is given, And all may live by thee. 8 Now, Lord, on us thy flefh bellow And let us drink thy blood, Till all our fouls are fill'd below, With all the life of God. H Y If N CCXXXVI. JESUS, dear redeeming Lord, Magnify thy dying word, In thy ordinance appear, Come, and meet thy followers here. In the rite thou haft enjoy n'd Let us now our Saviour find, Drink thy blood for finners fhed, Tafte thee in the broken bread. T 2 * Thou ( 222 ) 3 Thou our faithful hearts prepare, Thou thy pardoning grace declare, Thou who haft: for finners died, Shew thyfelf the crucified ! 4 All the power of fin remove, Fill us with thy perfect love, Stamp us with the flamp divine, Seal our fouls for ever thine. HYMN CCXXXVII, j T ORD of life, thy followers fee I j Hungering, thirfling after thee, At thy facred table feed, Nourifh us with living bread. 2 Cheer us with immortal wine, Heavenly fuftenance divine, Grant us now a frelh fupply, Now relieve us, or we die* HYMN CCXXXVIII. r S~\ Thou pafcnal Lamb of God, \Jr Feed us with thy fleih and blood, Life and ftrengththy death fupplies, Feaft us on thy facrifice. 2 Quicken our dead fouls again, Then our living fouls fuftain, Then in us thy life keep up, Then confirm our faith and hope. 3 Still, 5 Still, O Lord, our ftrength repair, Till renew'd in love we are, Till thy utmoit. grace we prove, All thy life of perfed love. HYMN CCXXXIX. 1 A MAZING myftery of love ! jt\_ While potting to eternal pain, God faw his rebels from above, And ftoop'd into a mortal man. 2 His mercy caft a pitying look, By love, meer caufelefs love inclin'd, Our guilt and punimmc-nt he took, - And died a Victim for mankind. 3 His blood procur'd our life and peace, And quench'd the wrath of hoftile heaven; J uftice gave way to our releafe, And God hath all my fins forgiven. x Jefus, our pardon we receive, The purchafe of that blood of thine, And now begin by grace to live, And breathe the breath of life divine. H Y M R CCXL. WORTHY the Lamb of endlefs praife, Whofe double life we here fliall prove, The pardoning and the hallowing giace, The childlike and the perfect love. T 3 2 W» ( "4 ) 2 We here mall gain our calling's prize, The gift unfpeakable receive, And higher'ftill in death arife, And all the life of glory live. 3 To make our right and title fure, Our dying Lord himfelf hath given; His facriflce did all procure, Pardon, and holinefs, and heaven. 4 Our life of grace we here (hall feel, Shed in oar loving hearts abroad, Till Chrift our glorious life reveal, Long hidden with himfelf in God. 5 Come, dear Redeemer of mankind, We long thy open face to fee, Appear, and all who feek fhall find Their blifs confummated in thee. 6 Thy prefence fhall the cloud difpart, Thy prefence fhall the life difplay, Then, then our all in all thou art, Our fulnefs of eternal day ! H Y MN CCXLI. AUTHOR of life divine, Who haft a tabie fpread, Furnifh'd with myftic wine And everlafting bread, Preferve the life which thou haft given, And feed, and train us up for heaven. 2 Our ( "5 ) Our needy fouls fuftain With frefh fupplies of love, Till all thy life we gain, And all thy fulnefs prove, And ftrength'ned by thy perfeft grace, Behold without a vail thy face. HYMN CCXLII, JESUS, we thus obey Thy laft and kindeft word, Here in thy own appointed way We come to meet our Lord ; The way thou haft enjoin'd, Thou wilt therein appear ; We come with confidence to find Thy fpecial prefence here. Our hearts we open wide To make the Saviour room ; And lo i the Lamb, the crucified, The finner's friend is come ! His prefence makes the feaft, And now our bofoms feel The glory not to be expreft, The joy unfpeakable. With pure celeftial blifs He doth our fpirits cheer, His houfe of banqueting is this, And he hath brought us here : He ( 226 ) He doth his fervants feed With manna from above ; Kis banner over us is fpread, His everlafting love. He bids us drink and eat Imperifhable food ; He gives his flefh to be our meat, And bids us drink his blood. Whate'er the Almighty can To pardon'd fmners give, The fulnefs of our God made man, We here with Chrifl receive. HYMN CCXLIII. i T T 7E have in the defart tarried V V Long, and nothing have to eat, Comfort us through wandering wearied, Feed our fouls with living meat : Still with bowels of companion See thy helpiefs people, fee, Let us tafte thy great falvation, Let us feed by faith on thee. HYMN CCXLIV. SINNER, with awe draw near, And find thy Saviour here, In his ordinances frill, Touch his facramental cloaths, Prefent in his power to heal, Virtue from his body flows. 2 His ( 227 ) His body is the feat Where all our bleffings meet, Full of unexhaufted worth, Still it makes the fmner whole, Pours divine erTufions forth, Life to every dying foul. Pardon, and power, and peace, And perfect righteoufnefs From that facred fountain fprings ; Wafh'd in his all-cleanfmg blood Rife, ye worms, to priefts and kings, Rife in Chrift, and reign with God, HYMN CCXLV. This do in remembra?zce of me. I Cor. xi. 2« i A ND fiialll let him go ? /\, If now I do not fee I The flreams of living water flow, Shall I forfake the well ? z Becaufe he hides his face Shall I no longer flay, Cut leave the channels of his grace, And caft the means away I 3 He bids me eat the bread, He bids me drink the wine, No other motive, Lord, I need, No other word than thine. 41 ( "8 ) \ I cheerfully comply With what my Lord doth fay j Let others afk. a reafon why, My glory is to obey. [ Becaufe he faith, Do this, This I will always do, Till Jefus come in glorious blifs, I thus his death will Jbew, HYMN CCXLVI. i TESUS, I blefs thy facred name J For favours fo divine ; All that I have, and all I am, Shall be for ever thine. 2 Here peace and pardon fweetly flow : Oh what delightful food ! Here is a balm for all my woe, With every needful good. 3 Now may the God of boundlefs grace, The God of hope and love, Fill each believing foul with peace, And every doubt remove. HYMN CCXLVI I. Sacrament a Pledge of Heaven. ■w ITH myftical wine he comforts us here, And gladly we join, 'till Jefus appear, With ( 229 ) With hearty thankfgiving his death to record : The living, the living fhould fing of the Lord. 2 He hallow'd the cup, which now we receive, The pledge of our hope with Jefus to live, (Where forrow and fadnefs fliall never be found) With glory and gladnefs eternally crown'd. 3 The fruit of the vine (the joy it implies) Again we fliall join to drink in the fkies, Exult in his favour, our triumph renew; And I, faith the Saviour, will drink it with you. HYMN CCXLVIII. i > I VHEE, King of faints, we praife, X For this our living bread, NourinVd by thy preferving grace, j\nd at thy table fed. Who in thefe lower parts Of thy great kingdom feaft, We feel the earneft in our hearts Of our eternal reft. 2 Yet ftill an higher feat We in thy kingdom claim, Who here begin by faith to eat The fupperof the Lamb. That glorious heavenly prize We furely fhall attain, And in the palace of the fkies With thee for ever reign. HYMN ( *3o ) HYMN CCXLIX. 1 A LL glory and praife to Jefus our Lord ! ,/X His ranfoming grace we gladly record ; His bloody oblation, his death on the tree Hath purchas'd falvation in heaven for me. 2 The Saviour hath died for me and for you ; The blood is applied, the record is true ; The fpirit bears witnefs, and fpeaks in the blood. And gives us the fitnefs for living with God. HYMN CCL. 1 Q OON as I tafte the heavenly bread, ^ What manna o'er my foul^js ihed, Manna that angels never knew ! Victorious fweetnefs fills my heart, Such as my God delights to impart, Mighty to fave and fin fubdue. 2 I had forgot my heavenly birth, My foul degenerate clave to earth, In fenfe and fin's bafe pleafures drown'd, When God afTum'd humanity, And fpilt his facred blood for me, To wafh and lift me from the ground. 3 Upborne by him, I mount, I fly ; Regaining fwift my native Iky, I wipe my ftreaming eyes, and fee Him whom I feek, for whom I fue ; My God, my Saviour, there I view, And live with him who died for me. H Y M N ( *3i ) HYMN CCLI. i QONS of God, triumphant rife, ^ Shout the accomplifhd facrifice ; Shout your fins in Chrift forgiven, Sons of God, and heirs of heaven. 2 Ye that round our altars throng, Liftening angels, join the fong : Sing with us, ye heavenly powers, Pardon, grace, and glory ours ! 3 Chrift, of all our hopes the feal, Peace divine in him we feel ; Pardon to our fouls applied, Dead for all, for me he died. 4 Sin mall tyranize no more, Purg'd it's guilt, diffolv'd it's power : Jefus makes our hearts his throne, There he lives and reigns alone. 5 Grace our every thought controls, Heaven is open'd in our fouls ; Everlafting life is won, Glory is on earth begun. 6 Chrift in us ; — in Him we fee Fulnefs of the Deity : Beam of the eternal Beam ; Life divine we tafte in him. U . 7 Him ( 232 ) 7 Him by faith we tafte below, Mightier joys ordain'd to know, When his utmoft grace we prove, Rife to heaven by perfect love. HYMN C C L 1 1 . *' Therefore with Angels and Archangels ," &c. i T ORD and God of heavenly powers, fl j Theirs — yet oh ! benignly ours ; Glorious King, let earth proclaim, Worms attempt to chant thy name. 2 Chrift to laud in fongs divine, Angels and Archangels join ; We with them our voices raife, Echoing thy eternal praife. 3 Holy, holy, holy Lord, Live, by heaven and earth ador'd! Full of thee, they ever cry, Glory be to God molt high I HYMN CCLIII. Glory be to God on high, &c. Comm. Service. i ? I ^O God be glory, peace on earth, JL To all mankind good-will ! We blefs, we praife, we worihip thee, And glorify thee ftill. 2 And ( 233 ) 2 'And thanks for thy great glory give, That fills our fouls with light ; O Lord ! God ! heavenly King i the God And Father of all Might. 3 And thou, begotten Son of God, Eefore all time begun ; O Jefus Chrift.! God 1 Lamb of God! The Father's only Son I 4 Have mercy, thou that tak'fl: the fins Of all the world away ! Have mercy, Saviour of mankind, And hear us when we pray ! 5 O thou who fitt'ft at God's right-hand, Upon the Father's throne ! Have mercy on us, thou, O Chrift, Who art the Holy One ! 6 The Lord, who with the Holy Ghoft, Whom earth and heaven adore, In glory of the Father art Moft high for evermore. HYMN CCLIV. i A~\BJECTof all our knowledge here, \_J Our one defire and hope below, Jefus, the crucified, draw near, And with thy fad difciples go : Our thoughts and words to thee are known, We commune of thyfelf alone. U 2 2 How ( *34 ) 2 How can it be, our reafon cries, That God mould leave his throne above r Is it for man the Immortal dies ! For man, who tramples on his love ! For man, who nail'd him to the tree ! O Love ! O God ! He died for me I 3 Why then, if thou for me haft died, Doft thou not yet thyfelf impart ! We hope to feel thy blood applied, To find thee rifen in our heart, Redeem'd from all iniquity, Sav'd to the utmoft, fav'd through thee, 4 O Lord, if thou indeed art ours, If thou for us haft burft the tomb, Vint us with thy quickening powers, Come, to thy mournful followers come, Thyfelf to thy weak members join, And fill us with the life divine. h y m N CCLV. Ought not Chrifi to ha-ve fujfered ? Luke xxiv. 25, 26. 1 r I AHEE, the great prophet fent from God, X Mighty in deed and word we own ; Thou haft on fome the grace beftow'd, Thy rifing in their hearts made known ; They publifh thee, to life reftor'd, Atteiting they have feen the Lord. 2 Let us, no longer flow of heart, With humble joy believe thy word ! The ( 235 ) The prophets' only aim thou art; They fang the fufferings of their Lord, Thy life for ours a ranibm given, Thy rifing to infure our heaven. 5 Ought not our Lord the death to die,. And then the glorious life to live ? To ftoop and then go up on high ? The pain, and then the joy receive ? His blood the purchafe-price lay down, Endure the crofs, and claim the crown ? 4 Ought not the members all to pafs The way their head had pafs'd before ? Through fufferings perfected he was, The garment dipt in blood he wore, That we with him might die, and rife, And bear his nature to the ikies ! HYMN CCLVI. He expounded unto them, iffc. Luke xxiv. 27, 30. 1 ^^TOW, Jefus, now the veil remove, JLSi The folly of our darken'd heart, Unfold the wonders of thy love, The knowledge of thyfelf impart ; Our ear, our in molt foul we bow ; Speak, Lord ; thy fervants hearken now. 2 Make not as thou wouldft farther go, Our friend, and counfellor, and guide, But ftay, the path of life to mew, Still with our fouls vouchfufe to abide, U 3 Conftrain'd ( 236 ) Conftrain'd by thy own mercy flay, Nor leave us at our clofe of day. 3 Come in, with thy difciples fit, Nor fufrer us to afk in vain, Nourifh us, Lord, with living meat, Our fouls with heavenly bread fuftain Break to us now the myftic bread, And bid us on thy body feed. 4 Honour the means ordain'd by thee, The great unbloody facrifice, The deep tremendous myflery ; Thyfelf in our enlighten'd eyes Now in the broken bread make known, And fhew us Thou art all our own. HYMN CCLVII. FATHER, God, we glorify Thy love to Adam's feed, Love that gave thy Son to die, And rais'd him from the dead ; Kim for our offences flain, That we all might pardon find, Thou haft brought to life again The Saviour of mankind. By thy own right-hand of power Thou haft exalted him. Sent the mighty conqueror, Thy people to redeem : King of faints, and Prince of peace, Him thou haft to finners given, Sinners C 237 ) Sinners from their fins to blefs, And lift them up to heaven. 3 Father, God, to us impart The gift unfpeakable, Now in every waiting heart Thy glorious Son reveal ; Quicken'd with our living Lord Let us in thy Spirit rife, Rife to all thy life reftord, And thank thee in the fkies. HYMN CCLVIII. Matt, xxviii. 1 A LL ye that feek the Lord who died, j[\. Your God for finners crucified, Prevent the earlieft dawn, and come To worfhip at his facred tomb. z Bring the fweet fpices of your fighs, Your contrite hearts, and ftreaming eyes, Your fad complaints, and humble fears ; Come, and embalm him with your tears. 3 While thus ye love your fouls to employ, Your forrows lliall be turn'd to joy : Now, now let all your grief be o'er! Believe ; and ye (hall weep no more. 4 An earthquake hath the cavern fnook, And burn: the door, and rent the rock ; The Lord hath fent his angel down, And he hath rolPd away the {tone. 5 A. ( 238 ) 5 As mow behold- his garment white, His countenance as lightning bright; He fits, and waves a flaming fword, And waits upon his riling Lord. 6 The Lord of life is rifen indeed, To death deliver'd in your ftead ; His rife proclaims your fins forgiven, And fhews the living way to heaven. 7 Go tell the followers of your Lord, Their Jefus is to life reftor'd ; He lives, that they his life may find : He lives to quicken ail mankind. HYMN CCdLIX. COME ye that feek the Lord, Him that was crucified, Come liften to the gofpel word, And feel it now applied : To every foul of man The joyful news we fhew, Jefus for every finner ilain, Is rifen again for you, The Lord is rifen indeed, And did to us appear, He hath been feen, our living head, By many a witnefs here. We, who fo oft denied Our Matter and our God, May thruft our hand into his fide, And feel the ftreaming blood. 3 Rais'd ( 239 ) 3 Rais'd from the dead we are The members with their Lord, And boldly in his name declare The foul -reviving word : Salvation we proclaim Which every foul may find, Pardon and peace in Jefu's name, And life for all mankind. 4 Oh might they all receive The bleeding Prince of peace ! Sinners, the glad report believe Of Jefu's witneffes : He lives, who fpilt his blood ; Believe the record true, The arm, the power, the Son of God Shall be reveal'd in you. H Y M N CCLX. j * 1 MIE Lord is rifen ! He who came X To fuffer death, and conquer too, Is rifen ; let our fongs proclaim The praife to man's Redeemer due ; To him whom God in tender love, Always alike to blefs incliir d, Sent to redeem us from above ; To fave, to fandlify mankind. Chorus, Worthy of all power and praife, He who died, and rofe again : Lamb of God, and flain to raife Man, to life redeem'd— Am en. 2 That ( 240 ) That life which Adam ceas'd to live, When to thisr world he turn'd his heart, And to his children could not give, The fecond Adam can impart. We, on our earthly parent's fide, Could but receive a life of earth ; The Lord from heaven, he liv'd and died, And rofe to give us heavenly birth. This mortal life, this living death, Shews that in Adam we all die ; In Chrift we have immortal breath, And life's unperifhing fupply : He took our nature, and fuftain'd The miferies of it's finful ftate ; Sinlefs himfelf, for us regain'd To paradife an open gate. As Adam rais'd a life of fin, So Chrift the ferpent-bruifmg feed, By God's appointment, could begin In us the birth of life indeed : He did begin ; parental head, As Adam fell, fo Jefus ftood ; Fulfill'd all righteoufnefs, and faid 'Tis finifh'd ! on the facred wood. To tread the path that Jefus trod, Aided by him, be our employ ; To die to fin, and live to God, And yield him the. fair purchas'd joy : To all the laws that love has made Stedfaft, unfhaken to attend ; He died, he rofe, himfelf our aid, Lo ! I am with you to the end. HYMN ( 2 + « ) HYMN CCLXI. Refurreciion of Chrift. Luke xxiv. 34. 1 T7ES, the Redeemer rofe ! X The Saviour left the dead ; And o'er our hellifh foes High rais'd his conquering head : In wild difmay, the guards around Fell to the ground, and funk away. 2 Lo ! the angelic bands In full affembly meet, To wait his high commands, And worfhip at his feet; Joyful they come, and wing their way From realms of day to Jefu's tomb. 3 Then back to heaven they fly, The joyful news to bear ; Hark ! as they foar on high What mufic fills the air ? Their anthems fay, " Jefus wlfb bled " Hath left the dead; — He rofe to-day." 4 Ye mortals, catch the found, Redeem'd by him from hell ; And fend the echo round The globe on which you dwell : Tranfported cry, U Jefus who bled " Hath left the dead, no more to die." 5 All-hail, ( *4J ) 5 All-hail, triumphant Lord, Who fav'ft us with thy biood ! Wide be thy name ador'd, Thou riling, reigning God ! With thee we rife, with thee we reign, And empires gain beyond the flues'. hymn CCLXII. i y^HRIST, the Lord, is rifen to day, Hallelujah. V^ Sons of men and angels fay : Hallelujah. Raife your joys and triumph high ; Hallelujah. Sing ye heavens, and earth reply. Hallelujah. 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won : Lo ! our Sun's eclipfe is o'er ! Lo ! he fets in blood no more. 3 Vain the ftone, the watch, the feal, Chrift hath burft the gates of hell ; Death in vain forbids his rife, Chrift hath open'd paradife. 4 Lives again our glorious King ! Where, O death, is now thy fting ? Once he died our fouls to fave, Where's thy victory, boafting grave r 5 Soar we now where Chrift has led, Fo llowing our exalted head ; Made like him, like him we rife, Ours the crofs, the grave, the fkies. HYMN ( 243 ) HYMN CCLX1II. i TESUS Chrift is rifen to day ; I Sons of men and angels fay, Who fo lately on the crofs, SufFer'd to redeem our lofs. 2 Hymns of praifes let us fing Unto Chrift our heavenly King, Who endur'd the crofs and grave, Sinners to redeem and fave. 3 But the pains which he endur'd Our falvation have procur'd ; Now he reigns above the Iky, Where the Angels ever cry ; Hallelujah. HYMN CCLXIV. i A NGELS, roll the ftone away, jt\. Death yield up thy mighty prey : See he rifes from the tomb, Glowing with immortal bloom. 2 'Tis the Saviour ! Angels, raife Fame's eternal trump of praife ; Let the earth's remoteft bound Hear the joy-infpiring found. 3 Now, ye faints, lift up your eyes, Now to glory fee him rife, In long triumph up the Iky, Up to waiting worlds on high. X 4 Hence ( 244 ) 4 Heaven difplays her portals wide, Glorious hero, through them ride ; King of glory, mount thy throne, Thy great Father's and thy own. 5 Praife him, all ye heavenly choirs, Praife, and fweep your golden lyres ; Shout, O earth, in rapturous long, Let the {trains be fweet and ftrong. 6 Every note with wonder fwell, Sin o'erthrown and captiv'd hell ; Where is hell's once dreaded King ? Where, O Death, thy mortal fting ? HYMN CCLXV. j TJOSANNA to the Prince of light, XI Who cloth'd himfelf in clay : Enter'd the iron gates of death, And tore the bars away. 2 Death is no more the king of dread, Since our Immanuel rofe ; He took the tyrant's fting away, And fpoil'd our hellim foes. 3 See, how the Conqueror mounts on high, And to his Father flies, With fears of honour in his flefh, And triumph in his eyes. 4 There our exalted Saviour reigns, And fends his bleflings dowa; Our ( Hi ) Our Jefus fills the middle feat Of the celeftial throne. 5 Raife your devotion, mortal tongues, To reach his bleft abode : Sweet be the accents of your fongs To our incarnate God. 6 Bright Angels, ftrike your loudefl firings, Your fweeteft voices raife ; Let heaven and all created things Sound our Immanuel's praife. h v m n c c l xv i . ChriJVs Refurreclion and Afcenfion, Pfalm xxiv. 7. 1 /~\UR Lord is rifen from the dead, \J Our Jefus is gone up on high ; The powers of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the Iky. Z There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the folemn lay ; t{ Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ; " Ye everlafting doors, give way 1" 3 Loofe all your bars of many light, And wide unfold the ethereal fcene ; He claims the manfions as his right ; Receive the King of glory in. 4 " Who is the King of glory, who ?" The Lord that all his foes o'ercame, X 2 The ( 246 ) The world, fin, death, and hell o'erthrew ; And Jefusis the Conqueror's name. 5 Lo! his triumphal chariot waits, And Angels chant the folemn lay ; " Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gafes ! " Ye everlaiting doors, give way." 6 " Who is the King of glory, who ?" The Lord of glorious power poiTeft, The King of faints and angels too, God over all, for ever blelt. HYMN CCLXVII. Chrijl dying , rifing, and reigning, i * J"E dies ! the Friend of finners dies ! JljL Lo ! Salem's daughters weep around : A folemn darknefs veils the Ikies ! A fudden trembling makes the ground ! Come, faints, and drop a tear or two For him who groan'd beneath your load ! He fhed a thoufand drops for you, A thoufand drops of richeft blood ! 2 Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies for man ! But lo ! what fudden joys we fee, Jems, the dead, revives again ! The rifing God forfakes the tomb : (In vain the tomb forbids his rife) Cherubic legions guard him home, And fhout him welcome to the fkies. 3 Break ( HI ) 3 Break off your tears, ye faints, and tell How high our great Deliverer reigns ; Sing how he fpoil'd the hofts of hell, And led the monfter death in chains : Say, " Live forever, wonderous King 1 " Born to redeem, and ftrong to lave!" Then afk. the monfter — " where's thy fting? " And where's thy victory, boafting grave?" HYMN CCLXVI1I. 0 every one that thirjletb, cjfr. Ifaiah lv. I. i f~> OME, ye finners, poor and wretched, V_>* Weak and wounded, fick and fore ! Jcfus ready ftands to fave you, Full of pity, love, and power : He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. 2 O ye thirfty, come, and welcome ; God's free bounty gloriry : True belief, and true repentance, Every grace that brings us nigh ; Without money, Come to Jefus Chrift and buy. 3 Let not confcience make you linger, Nor of fitnefs fondly dream ; All the fitnefs he requireth Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you, cTis the Spirits glimmering beam. X 3 4 Come, ( *4* ) Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Loll and ruin d by the fall, If you tarry till you're better, Yoa will never come at all; Not the righteous, Sinners Jefus came' to call. Agonizing in the garden, Lo, your Maker proftrate lies ! Oh the bloody tree behold him ; Hear him cry before he dies, " It is finifh'd !" Sinners, will not this fuffice ? Lo, the incarnate God afcended, Fleads the merits of his blood j Venture on him, venture freely, Let no other truft intrude ; None but Jefus Can do helplefs finners good. Saints and angels, join'd in concert, Sing the praifes of the Lamb; While the blifsful feats of heaven Sweetly echo with his name : Hallelujah !- Sinners, here, may fmg the fame. HYMN CCLX1X. Christ feen of Angels. I Tim. iii. 16. o Ye immortal throng Of angels round the throne, Join ( 249 ) Join with our feeble fong To make the Saviour known : On earth ye knew his wonderous grace, His beauteous face in heaven ye view. 2 Ye faw the heaven-born child In human flefh array' d, Benevolent and mild, While in the manger laid : And praife to God, and peace on earth, For fuch a birth, proclaim'd aloud. 3 Ye in the wildernefs Beheld the tempter fpoil'd, Well known in every drefs, In every combat foil'd ; And joy'd to crown the Victor's head, When fatan fled before his frown. '4 Around the bloody tree Ye prefs'd with ftrong delire, That wonderous fight to fee, The Lord of life expire ; And, could your eyes have known a tear, Had dropp'd it there in fadfurprize. 5 Around his facred tomb A willing watch ye keep ; • Till the bleft moment come To roufe him from his fleep : Then roll'd the ftone, and all ador'd Your rifmg Lord, with joy unknown. 6 When all array'd in light The mining Conqueror rode, Ye ( 250 ) Ye hail'd his rapturous flight Up to the throne of God ; And wav'd around your golden wings, And flruck your firings of fweeteft found, 7 The warbling notes purfue, And louder anthems raife ; While mortals fmg with you Their own Redeemer's praife ; And thou, my heart, with equal flame, And joy the fame, perform thy part. HYMN CCLXX. i OINNERS, rejoice ; your peace is made, i3 Your Saviour on the crofs hath bled : Your God, in Jefus reconcil'd, On all his works again hath fmil'd : Hath grace through Chrift and bleflings given, To all on earth and all in heaven. 2 Angel's, rejoice in Jefu's grace, And vie with man's more favour'drace ; The blood, that did for us atone, Confer'd on you fome gift unknown ; Through Jefu's pains your joy abounds, Ye triumph by his glorious wounds. 3 Him ye beheld, our conquering God, Return with garments roll'd in blood ! Ye faw, and kindled at the fight, And fHI'd withfhouts the realms of light, With ( *s« ) With loudeft hallelujahs met, And fell and kifs'd his bleeding feet. Nor angel-tongues can e'er exprefs The unutterable happinefs ; Nor human hearts can e'er conceive, The blifs wherein through Chrift ye live But all your heaven, ye glorious powers, And all' your God is doubly ours '. H Y M N CCLXXI The Kingdom of Chrift. Phil. iv. 4. REJOICE, the Lord is King ! Your Lord and King adore ; Mortals, give thanks and ling, And triumph evermore : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, With humble fear, ye faints, rejoice. Jefas the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love, •1 he had purg d our ftains, He took his feat above : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, With holy joy, ye faints, rejoice. His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth and heaven, The keys of death and hell Are to our Jefus given : Lift ( *52 ) Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice aloud, ye faints, rejoice. He all his foes mall quell, Shall all our fins deftroy, And every bofom fwell With pure feraphic joy ; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again, I fay, rejoice. Rejoice in glorious hope, Jefus the Judge fhall come ; And take his fervants up To their eternal home : We foon fhall hear the Archangel's voice, The trump of God fhall found, rejoice. HYMN CCLXXII. i TTAIL the day that fees him rife, il Raviflrd from our wifhful eyes I Chrift awhile to mortals given, Re-afcends his native heaven. 2 There the pompous triumph waits, Lift your heads, eternal gates ! Wide unfold the radiant fcene, Take the King of glory in ! 3 Him though higheft heaven receives, Still he loves the earth he leaves j Though ( *J3 ) Though returning to his throne, Still he calls mankind his own. 4 Still for us he intercedes, Prevalent his death he pleads ; Next himfelf prepares our place, Harbinger of human race. 5 M after (we may ever fay) Taken from our head to-day ; See thy faithful fervants, fee, Ever gazing up to thee I 6 Grant, though parted from our fight High above your azure height : Grant our hearts may thither rife, Following thee beyond the fkies. 7 Ever upward let us move, Wafted on the wings of love ; Looking wh?n our Lord mail come, Longing, gafping after home, 8 There we fhall with thee remain Partners of thy endlefs reign ; There thy face unclouded fee, Find our heaven of heaven in thee. HYMN CCLXXIII. Love on a Crofs and a Throne. ■N OW let my foul by faith arife, And view my Lord in all his love ; Look Look back to hear his dying cries, Then mount and fee his throne above. 2 See where he languifh'd on the crofs ; Beneath my fins he groan'd and died ; See where he fits to plead my caufe By his almighty Father's fide. 3 If I behold his bleeding heart, There love in floods of forrow reigns ; He triumphs o'er the killing fmart, And buys my pleafure with his pains. 4 Or, if I climb the eternal hills, Where the dear Conqueror fits enthron'd, Still in his heart companion dwells Near the memorials of his wound. 5 How mall a pardon'd rebel iliow, How much I love my gracious God ? Oh may I banifh every foe ; And hate the fins that coll his blood. H Y M N CCLXXIV, i T J He bore my fins upon the tree I Beneath my curfe he bow'd his head ; >Tis finifh'd ! he hath died for me. 2 For me I now believe he died : He made my every crime his own ; Fully ( *55 ) Fully for me he fatisfied ; Father, well-pleas'd behold thy Son ! 3 See where before the throne he ftands, And pours the all-prevailing prayer : Points to his fide, and lifts his hands, And mews that I am graven there. 4 He ever lives for me to pray ; He prays that I with him may reign ; Amen to what my Lord doth fay, Jefus, thou canfl not pray in vain. HYMN CCLXXV. 1 TESUS, thou fovereign Lord of all, The fame through one eternal day, Attend thy feebleft followers' Gall, And Oh inftruit us how to pray I Pour out the fupplicating grace, And ftir us up to feek thy face ! 2 We cannot think a gracious thought, We cannot feel a good defire, Till thou, who calPdft a world from. nought, The power into our hearts infpire ; And then we in thy fpirit groan, And then we give thee back thy own. 3 Jefus, regard the joint complaint Of all thy tempted followers here t And now fupply the common want, And fend us down the Comforter : Y The ( 256 ) The fpirit of ceafelefs prayer impart, And fix thy agent in our heart. * 4 To help our foul's infirmity, To heal thy fin-fick people's care, To urge our God-commanding plea, And make our hearts a houfe of prayer ; The promis'd interceifor give, And let us now. thyfelf receive. 5 Come in thy pleading fpirit down To us, who for thy coming ftay !' Of all thy gift's we ark but one, We alk the conftant power to pray ; Indulge us, Lord, in this requeft ! Thou wilt not then deny the reft. HYMN CCLXXVI. John xiv. i, 2, 3. 5 TESUS, we long to know thy name, J To-day as yefterday the fame Our Lord and Saviour be, That comfort of the troubled heart, The gift unfpeakable impart, That faith which is in thee. 2 Surely we do in God believe ; Yet Oh ! we ftill muft fear and grieve Till thou the fecret tell, The end of thy departure fhew, The heaven -infuring faith beftow, And all thy love reveal. .3Us ( 2>7 ) 3 Us by thy fpirit certify, That we, even we fhall in the Iky Our happy manfions find, There in thy Father's houfe above, Celeftial thrones of glorious love For us, and all mankind. 4 Art thou not our forerunner gone To claim the kingdom for thy own, Through thee to all men given, To challenge and prepare a place For us, and every child of grace, And write our names in heaven ? HYMN CCLXXVII. 1 TJ>ATHER of everlafting grace, JP Thy goodnefs and thy truth we praiie* Thy goodnefs and thy truth we prove : Thou haft in honour of thy Son The Gift unfpeakable fent down, The Spirit of life, and power, and love. 2 Thou haft The Prophecy fulml'd, The grand original compact, feal'd. For which thy word and oath were join'd ; The Prcmlfe to our fallen head, To every child of Adam made, Is now pour'd out on all mankind. 3 The purchas'd Comforter is given, For Jefns is return'd to heaven To claim and then The Grace impart : Y 2 Our ( *58 ) Our day of Pentecoft is come, And God vouchfafes to fix his home In every poor expecting heart. Father, on thee in faith we call, And own thy promife is for All ; While every one that afks receives, Receives the gift and giver too, And witnefles that thou art true, And in thy Spirit walks and lives. HYMN CCLXXVIII. TOT to a fingle age confin'd, For every foul of man defign'd, O God, we now that Spirit claim : To us the Holy Ghoft impart, Breathe him into our panting heart, Thou hear'ft us afk in Jefu's name. Send us the Spirit of thy Son, To make the depths of Godhead known, To make us mare the life divine; Send him the fprinkled blood to apply, Send him our fouls to fanctify, And fhew and feal us ever thine. So fhall we pray, and never ceafe, So mail we thankfully confefs Thy wifdom, truth, and power, and love With joy unfpeajcable adore, And blefs and praife thee evermore, And ferve thee like thv hofl above. 4 Til ( 259 ) Till added to that heavenly choir, We raife our longs of triumph higher, And praife thee in a nobler ftrain, We would outfoar the feraph's flight, And fing with all our friends in light Thy everlafting love to man. HYMN CCLXXIX. i Q INNERS, lift up your hearts,, ^ The promife to receive ! Jefus himfelf imparts, He comes in man to live ; The Holy Ghoft to man is given ; Rejoice in God fentdown from heaven. i Jefus is glorified, And gives the Comforter, His Spirit to refide In all his members here : The Holy Ghoft to man is givgn ; Rejoice in God fent clown from heaven. ; To make an end of fin, And fatan's works deftroy, He brings his kingdom in, Peace, righteoufnefs, and joy : The Holy Ghoft to man is given ; Rejoice in God fent down from heaven. Sent down to make us meet To fee his glorious face, And grant us each a feat In that thrice happy place : Y 3 ' The ( 260 ) The Holy Ghoft to man is given ; Rejoice in God fent down from heaven. From heaven he ihall once more Triumphantly defcend, And all his faints reftore To joys that never end ; Then, then, when all our joys are given5 Rejoice in God, rejoice in heaven. HYMN CCLXXX. i TTVVTHER, admit our lawful claim, J/ Let us that aflc receive ; To us that afk in jefu's name Thou --wilt thy Spirit give. 2 If evil we, by nature know To give our children food, Much more thou wilt on us bellow The foul-iuitainmg good. 3 Our holy heavenly Father thou Regard ft thy childrens' prayer : Anfwer, and fend, Oh fend us now The promis'd Comforter. 4 We feek, thou know'ft we feek thy face ; Let us the bleffing find : Open the door of faith and grace To us, and all mankind. Surely ( 26l ) 5 Surely then wilt, we dare believe, For Jefu's fake alone, Thou wilt to us the Spirit give, Give all good gifts in one. ' H Y M N CCLXXXI John xiv. 1 6. i TESUS, we hang upon thy word, J Our faithful fouls have heard from thee Be mindful of thy promife, Lord, Thy promife made to all and me, Thy followers who thy fteps purfue, And dare believe that God is true. 2 Come then, dear Lord, thyfelf reveal, And let the promife now take place ; Be it according to thy will, According to thy word of grace ; Thy forrowful difciples cheer, And fend us down the Co?nfcrter. 3 He vifits now the troubled breaft, And oft relieves our fad complaint, But foon we lofe the tranfient gueft, Butfoon we droop again and faint, Repeat the melancholy moan, Our joy is fled, our comfort gone. 4 Haften him, Lord, into our heart % Our fure infeparable guide ; Oh ( 262 ) Oh might we meet and never part, Oh might he in our heart abide ; And keep his^ioufe of praife and prayer, And reft and reign for ever there. ■j HYMN CCLXXXII, John xiv. 16. ESUS, thy word we dare believe ! To us the Father in thy name Another Paraclete* mail give ; Another, yet with thee the fame. 2 The Father mail thy Spirit fend, Send him no more to take away, Send him to guide us to the end, And always in his temple flay. 3 The Comforter mall furely come, And all the heirs of glory feal, And God in us {hall fix his home, And in his church for ever dwell. 4 He doth in all his faints refide, The promised Paraclete is given, The Saviour's word is verified, The Holy Ghojl fent down from heaven. Pleader ; Advocate, sr Comforter. 5 We ( 263 ) HYMN CCLXXXIII. John xiv. 16, 17. 1 T^ATHER, glorify thy Son, j/ Anfwer his prevailing- prayer ; Send that mterceffor down. Send that other Comforter, Whom believingly we claim, Whom we afk. in Jefu's name. 1 Now we know by faith and feel Him, the Spirit of truth and grace ; With us he vcuchfafes to dwell, With us, though unfeen, he flays ; All our help, and good we own Freely flows from him alone. 3 Yet, alas, we cannot reft Help'd with an external guide, 'Till the tranfitory gueil . Enter, and in us abide : Give him, Lord, thy Spirit give, In us confiantlj to live. ± Wilt thou not the prorriife feat, True and gracious as thou art, Send the Comforter to dwell Every moment in our heart ? Yes, thou wilt the gr^ce beftow, Jelusfaid, it mail be fb ! H V M H ( a6t > HYMN CCLXXXlV 1 /"\ Happy ftate of grace \^_J In which by faith we fland ! Who Jefu's word obeys, And keeps his kind command, Communion ciofer frill mail know, And God mail dwell in him below. 2 Not to thofe earlier! days The promife was connn'd : The Spirit of his grace Extends to all mankind, And all, who love the Lord, receive The Lord within their hearts to live. 3 O Son of God, to thee We make our bold appeal ; Wouldft thou the Deity To ail the world reveal ? Thou, Lord, the faithful witnefs art ; Return the anfwer in our heart. 4 Come quickly from above And bring the i ather down, Infufe the perfect love. Make all the Godhead known, Come, Father, Son, and Spirit, come, And feal us thy eternal home. H Y M K ( *«s ) H Y M N CCLXXXV. Ik that Day, fcfc. Ifaiah xii. I, 2, 3, 4, 1 TTAPPY foul who fees the day, X~l The glad day of gofpel-grace ! Thee my Lord (thou then wilt fay) Thee will I for ever praife. Though thy wrath againft me burn'd, Thou doit, comfort me again ; All thy wrath afide is turn'd, Thou haft blotted out my fin. 2 Me, behold ! thy mercy fpares, Jefus my falvation is : Hence my doubts, away my fears, Jefus is become my peace. Jan, Jehovah is my Lord, Ever merciful andjuft, I will lean upon his word, I will on his promife truft. 3 Strong I am, for he is ftrong, Juft in righteoufnefs divine ; He is my triumphal fong, All he has, and is, are my mine. Mine; and yours, whoe'er believe ; On his name whoe'er fhall call, Freely fhall his grace receive; He is full of grace for all. 4 Therefore fhall ye draw with joy Water from faivation's well ; Praife fhall your glad tongues employ, While his ftreaming grace ye feel. Each ( z66 ) Each to each ye then mall fay, Sinners, call upon his name ; Oh ! rejoice to Tee his day : See it, and his praife proclaim. HYMN CCLXXXVI. Sing unto the Lord, Uc. Ifaiah xii. 5, 6. 1 ^^ LORY to his name belongs, Vjf Great and marvellous, and high : Sing unto the Lord your fongs, Cry, to every nation cry ! "Vv'onderous things the Lord hath done, Excellent his name we find ; This to all mankind is known ; Be it known to all mankind ! 2 Sion, fhout thy Lord and King, lfrael's holy one is he ! Give him thanks, rejoice, and fing, Great he is, and dwells in thee. O the grace unfearchable ! While eternal ages roll, God delights in man to dwell, Soul of each believing foul. ■j HYMN CCLXXXVII. John xiv. 25, 26, 27. ESUS, we on that word depend, Spoken bv thee while prefent here : The ( & ) The Father in thy name will fend The Holy Ghost, the Comforted. Z That Promife made to Adam's race. Now, Lord, in us, even us fulfil, And give the Spirit of thy grace, To teach us all thy perfect will. 3 That heavenly teacher of mankind, That guide infallible impart, To bring thy fayings to our mind, And write them on our faithful heart. 4 He only can the words apply Through which we endlefs life poiTefy And deal to each bis legacy, His Lord's unutterable peace. 5 That peace of God, that peace of thine, Oh might he now to us bring in, And fill our fouls with power divine, And make an end of fear and fin, 6 The length and breadth of love reveal, • The height and depth of Deity, And all the fons of glory feal, And change and make us all like thee ! H Y M N CCLXXXVIII. Peace I leave with you. John xiv. 27, 'S' WIOUR, Lord, who at thy death Peace didft to thy church bequeath, Z Now ( 268 ) Now confer the peace on me, Bring me now my legacy. 2 Grant me, for thy mercy's fake, Me who no return can make, That which I can never buy, Save, and freely juftify. 3 Grant me (not as mortal men Give, and aik their gifts again) Peace, which none can take away, Peace which fhallfor ever flay. 4 J And all thy pardoned people fill With plenitude of grace ! 3 Shine forth with all the Deity Which dwells in thee alone : And lift us up, thy face to fee, On thy eternal throne ! 4 Jehovah, God the Spirit, fhine, Father and Son to fliow ; With blifs ineffable divine OurravihYd hearts o'erflow. 5 Sure earneft of that happinefs, That human hope tranfcends ; Be thou our everlafting peace, When grace in glory ends. 6 Thy blefling, grace, and peace we claim. Great God in Perfons Three ; That incommunicable name, Afcribing now to thee. 7 We focn fhalljoin the harping hofr, And fing thy faints among, To father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, The new eternal fong. H Y m ft ccci. Iloly, holy, holy is the Lord of Hefts. Ifaiahvi. 3. ■h AIL, holy, holy, holy Lord, Whom One in Three we know ; By ( *79 ) By all thy heavenly hoft ador'tf, By all thy church below, 2 One undivided Trinity With triumph we proclaim : The univerfe is full of thee, • And fpeaks thy glorious name. 3 Thee, Holy Father, we confefs ; Thee, Holy Son, adore : Thee, Spirit of truth and holinefs, We worfhip evermore. 4 The incommunicable right, Almighty God, receive ! Which angel-choirs, and faints in light* And faints embodied give. 5 Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord, (Our heavenly fong fhall be) Supreme, efTential One, ador'd In co-eternal Three 1 K Y m n cccu. i TTOLY, holy, holy Lord, 11 God the Father and the Word ! God the Comforter, receive Bleflings more than we can give ! z Mixt with thofe beyond the iky, Chanters to the Lord moft high; We our hearts and voices raife, Echoing thy eternal praife. A a 3 One ( 28o ) 3 One inexplicably Three ; One in fimpleft unity, God, incline thy gracious ear, Us thylifping creatures hear! 4. Thee, while duft and afties lings, Angels fhrink within their wings ; Proftrate Seraphim above Breathe unutterable love. 5 Happy they who never reft, With thy heavenly prefence bleft : They the heights of glory fee, Sound the depths of Deity 1 6 Fain with them our fouls would rife ; Sink as low, and mount as high ; Fall o'erwhelm'd with love, or foar ; Shout or filently adore ! 1 A">OME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, V_^/ Whom one all-perfed God we own ; Reftorer of thy image loft, v Thy various offices make known : Difplay, our faUen fouls to raife, Thy whole oeconomy of grace. 2 Jehovah in three perfons come, And draw, and fprinkle us, and feal, Poor guilty, dying worms, in whom Thou doft eternal life reveal : The ( ill ) The knowledge of thyfelf beftow, And all thy glorious goodnefs ihow. 3 Soon as our pardon'd hearts believe That thou art pure, effential love, The proof we in ourfelves receive Of the three witnerTes above ; Sure as the faints around thy throne. That Father, Word, and Spirit, are one, 4 O that we now in love renew'd Might blamelefs in thy light appear! Wake we in thy fimilitude ; Stampt with the triune character ; Flefh, fpirit, foul to thee refign, And live and die entirely thine. hymn ccciv, 1 TTrE praife the Trinity ador'd V V By all the holts above ; And one thrice holy God and Lord Through endlefs ages love. 2 Triumphant hoft ! they never ceafe To laud and magnify The triune God of hoiinefs, Whofe glory fills the Iky. 3 Whofe glory to this earth extends, While God himfelf imparts, And the whole Trinity defcends Into our faithful hearts. A a z i 282 ) 4 By iaith the upper choir we meet, And challenge them to fing, Jehovah on his mining feat, Our Maker and our King. 5 But God made flefli is wholly ours, And afks our nobler ftrain ; The Father of celeftial powers, The Friend of earth-born man ! 6 Ye feraphs, neareft to the throne With rapturous amaze ; On us poor ranfom'd worms look down, For heaven's fuperior praife ! 7 The King whofe glorious face ye fee, For us his crown refign'd ! That fulnefs of the Deity ! He died for all mankind ! HYMN CCCV. 1 ^TpHEE, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, J[ Inexplicably one and three, As worihipp'd by the heavenly hoft, Thy church on earth we worfhip thee. 2 Three uncompounded perfons, one, One undivided God proclaim ; In eflence, nature, fubftance one, Through all eternity the fame. 3 One perfon of the Sire we praife, Another of the Son adore, Another ( *83 ) Another of the Spirit confcfs, Equal in majeiry and power. 4. To each the glory appertains, The Godhead of the three in one : And one fupreme Jehovah reigns, High on his eveiiafling throne. 5 The Father, Sen, and Spirit of love, One uncreated God we hail ! Not fully known by faints above, • To us incompreheniible. 6 The Father, Sen, and Spirit of grace, All-wife, almighty, and moft high : One true eternal God we blefs, And fpread his fame through earth and fey. 7 The Father is both God and Lord : Both God and Lord is Chrift the Son : The Holy Ghoft, the glorious Third, Both God and Lord his people own. 8 Both God and Lord we him believe, Each perfon by himfeif we name : Yet not three Gods or Lords receive, But one eflentially the fame. HYMN CCCVI. 1 /~\ All creating God, \_J At whofe fupreme decree, Our body rofc, a breathing clod, Our fouls fprang forth from thee. A a 3 2 For ( 2B4 ) For this thou haft defign'd. And form'd us man for this : To know, and love thyfelf, and find In thee our endlefs blifs. HYMN CCCVII. OMay thy powerful word Infpire a feeble worm To rum into thy kingdom, Lord, And take it as by ftorm ! Oh ! may we all improve The grace already given, To feize the crown of perfect love, And fcale the mount of heaven. HYMN C C C V 1 1 I COME, holy celeftial Dove, To vifit a forrowful breaft '. My burden of guilt to remove, And bring me afTurance and reft : Thou only haft power to relieve A fmner o'erwhelm'd with his load, The fenfe of'acceptance to give, And fprinkle his heart with thy blood. With me if of old thou haft ftrove, And ftrangely with-held me from fin ; And tried by the lure of thy love My worthlefs afFeclions to win ; The ( *8j ) The work of thy mercy revive, Thy uttermoft mercy exert, And kindly continue to drive, And hold 'till Fyield thee my heart. 3 Thy call if I ever have known, And figh'd from myfelf to get free, And groan'd the unfpeakable groan, And long'cl to be happy in thee ; Fulfil the imperfect defire, Thy peace to my confcience reveal ; The fenfe of thy favour infpire, And give me my paraon to feel. 4 Mod pitiful Spirit of grace, Relieve me again, and reftore ; My fpirit in holinefs raife, To fall and to fuffer no more. Come, heavenly Comforter, come, True witnefs of mercy divine ; And make me thy permanent home, And feal me eternally thine. h y m A cccix. // is expedient for- you that I go away. John xvi. 6, 7. 1 TESUS, once thy love we tafted, J Cheer'd by thee with living bread : But how fhort a time it lafted 1 Oh how foon the joy is fled ! Where is now our hoafted Saviour, Where our rapture of delight ! Haft ( 2S6 ) Haft thou, Lord, withdrawn thy favour, Art thou vanifh'd from our fight ? 2 Yet thou haft the caufe unfolded, Could we but the truth receive, Thou in humbling love haft told it, Needful 'tis for us to grieve. After a fhort night of mourning We again mall fee thy face, Triumph in thy full returning, Glory in thy perfect grace. 3 For thy tranfient outward Prefence We thy endlefs love fhall feel, Seated in our utmoft effence Thou malt by thy Spirit dwell : Jefus come ! thyfelf the giver, Let us now the gift receive ; Let us live in God for ever, God in us for ever live ! H Y M N CCCX. John xv. 26, 27. JESUS, our exalted head, Regard thy people's prayer, Send us in thy body-f ftead The abiding Comforter ; From thy dazling throne above, Prom thy Father's glorious feat Send thy Spirit of truth and love, The eternal Paracleie, z God ( 287 ) z God of God, and light of light, Thee let him now reveal, Juftify us by thy right, And ftamp us with thy feal, Fill our fouls with joy and peace, Wifdorn, grace, and utterance give, Conftitute thy witnefTes, And in thy members live. 3 By the Holy Ghoft we wait, To fay, thou art the Lord, Sav'd, and to our firft eftate In perfect love reftor'd, Then we fhall in every breath Teftify the power we prove, Publifh thee in life and death The God of truth and love. h y m n cccxi. i John iv. 16, 2 Cor. vi. 16. i T OVE divine, all loves excelling, X_j Joy of heaven, to earth come down* Fix in us thy humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies crown ! Jefus, thou art all compaflion I Pure, unbounded love thou art : Yifit us with thy falvation ! Enter every trembling heart, 2 Come, Almighty to deliver, Let us all thy grace receive ; j Suddenly return, and never, Never more thy temples leave : Thee ( ^38 ) Thee we would be always bleffingj Serve thee as thy holts above ; Pray, and praife thee without ceafing, Glory in thy perfect love. Finifh then thy new creation, Pure and fpotlefs let us be : Let us fee thy great falvation, Perfectly reftor'd in thee ; Chang'd from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we caft our crowns before thee, Loft in wonder, love, and praife. HYMN CCCXI The Spirit it/elf bearcth witnefs, &c. Rom. viii. 16. 1 TT7HEN mall I hear the inward voice, V V Which only faithful fouls can hear? Pardon, and peace, and heavenly joys Attend the promis'd Comforter : Oh ! come, and righteoufnefs divine, And Chrift, and all with Chrift is mine. 2 Oh that the Comforter would come ! Nor vifit as a tranfient gueft, But fix in me his conftant home, And keep poffeflion of my breaft ; And make my foul his lov'd abode, The temple of indwelling God ! 3 Come, ( *89 ) Come, Holy Ghoft, my heart infplre ! Atteft that I am born again : Come, and baptize me now with fire, Nor let thy former gilts be vain : Grant me the fenfe of fin forgiven : Oh give the earned of my heaven. Grant the undubitable feal That afcertains the kingdom mine ? The powerful ftamp I long to feel, The fignature of love divine 1 Oh flied it in my heart abroad ! Fulnefs of love, of heaven, of God ! HYMN CCCXI1I. ■ i /^OME, Holy Ghoft, all-quickening fire, V^> Come, and in me delight to reft : Drawn by the lure of ftrong defire, Oh ! come and confecrate my breaft : The temple of my foul prepare, And fix thy facred prefence there ! 2 If now thy influence I feel, If I in thee begin to live ; Still to my heart thyfelf reveal ; Give me thyfelf, for ever give : A point my good, a drop my ftore, Eager I afk, i pant for more. 3 My peace, my life, my comfort thou, My treafurc and my all thou art ! True ( 290 ) True witnefs of my fon-fhip, now Engrave a pardon on my heart : Seal of my fins in Chrift forgiven, Earneft of love, and pledge of heaven. Come then, my God, mark out thy heir, Of heaven a larger earneft give ! With cleareft light thy witnefs bear I More fenfibly within me live : Let all my powers thy entrance feel, And deeper ftamp thyfelf the feal ! HYMN CCCXIV. John vii. 38, 39. j TESUS, from whom all bleflings flcto, J The gift divine I afk of thee 5 The living water now beftow, Thy Spirit, and thyfelf on me : Thou, Lord of life the fountain art : Oh could I find thee in my heart. z Thee let me drink, and thirft no more For drops of finite happinefs : Spring up, O well, in heavenly power, In ftreams of pure, perennial peace 9 In joy, that none can take away, In life, which (hall for ever ftay. 3 Father, on me thy grace beftow, Unblameable before thy light, Whence all the ftreams of mercy flow : Mercy,, thy own fupreme delight, To ( 29* ) To me for Jefu's fake impart, And plant thy nature in my heart. 4 Oh may I fhew the fpirit within, Which purges me from every ftain, Unfpotted from the world and fin, My faith's integrity maintain ; The truth of my religion prove By perfect purity and love. hymn cccxv, COME, Holy Spirit, fend down thofe beam-: Which gently flow in filent ftreams From the eternal throne above : Come, thou enricher of the poor, Thou bounteous fource of all our ftore, Fill us with faith, and hope, and love. Come, thou our foul's delightful gueft, The wearied pilgrim's fweeteft reft, The fainting fufferer s bell: relief : Come, thou our paffion's cool allay ; Thy comfort wipes all tears away, And turns to peace and joy, all grief. All glory to the facred Three ; One everlafting Deity ! All love and power, and might and praife! As at the firft, ere time begun, May the fame homage ftill be done When earth, and heaven itfelf, decays. B b HYMN ( 292 ) HYMN CCCXVI. Breathing after the Holy Spirit. i f> OME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, V_> With all thy quickening powers ; Kindle a flame of facred love In thefe cold hearts of ours. s Look how we grovel here below, Fond of thefe earthly toys ; Our fouls, how heavily they go To reach eternal joys I 3 In vain we tune our formal fongs, In vain we ftrive to rife ; Hofanna's languifh on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Father, ftiall we then ever live At this poor dying rate ? Our love fo faint, fo cold to thee. And thine to us fo great ? 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers ; Come, filed abroad a Saviour's love. And that fhall kindle ours. h y M n* CCCXVI i. The imtnejpng Spirit. ■w HY fhould the children of a king Go mourning all their days & Great ( zr> ) Great Comforter, defcend and bring Some tokens of thy grace 1 2 Doft thou not dwell in all thy faints, And leal the heirs of heaven ? When wilt thou banifh my complaints ; And fhew my fins forgiven : 3 AfTure my confcience of her part In theJ^edeemer's blood ; And bear thy witnefs with my heart, That I am born of God. 4 Thou art the earneft of his love, The pledge of joys to come ; May thy bleil wings, celeftial Dove, Safely convey me home ! HYMN CCCXVIII. FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghoft, One in three, and three in one, As by the celeftiai hoft Let thy will on earth be done : Praife by all to thee be given, Glorious Lord of earth and heaven ! Vileft of the finful race, Lo ! I anfwer to thy call : Meaneft vefTel of thy grace, Grace divinely free for all: Lo, I come to do thy will, All thy counfel to fulfil, B b 2 3 Ir ( 294 ) If fo poor a worm as I May to thy glory live, Al! my actions fanftify, All my words and thoughts receive ; Claim me, for thy fervice claim, All I have, and all I am. Take my foul and body's powers ; Take my memory, mind and will j All my goods, and all my hours, All I know and all I feel! All I think, or fpeak, or do : Take my heart : but make it new ! Now, O God, thy own I am : Now I give thee back thy own : Freedom, friends, and health, and fame, Confecrate to thee alone : Thine I live, thrice happy I ! Happier ftill, if thine 1 die. hymn cccxix. The Lord, he is the God. i Kings xviii. 39, i A-i-AHOU God that anfwereft by fire, Jj On thee in Jelu's name we call : Fulfil our faithful heart's defire, And let on us thy fpirit fall. 2 Bound on the altar of thy crofs My old offending nature lies : Now, for the honour of thy caufe, Come, and confume the facrifice ! 3 Confume ( 295 ) j Confume our fins as rotten wood, Confume the ftony hearts within : Confume the duft, the ferpent's focd, And lick up all the ftreams of fin. 4 It's body totally deftroy ! Thyfelf the Lord, the God, approve ! And fill our hearts with holy joy, And fervent zeal, and perfect love ! 5 Oh that the fire from heaven might fall ! Our fins, it's ready victims, find ! Seize or our fins, and burn up all, Nor leave the leaft remains behind. 6 Then (hall our proftrate fouls adore ; The Lord, he is. the God, confefs : He is the God of faving power ! He is the God of hallowing grace ! H Y M N CCCXXX. / am come to fend fire on the earth. Luke xii. 49. 1 f^\ Thou, who cameft from above \J The pure celeftial fire to impart,. Kindle a flame of iacred love On the mean altar of my heart. 2 There let it for thy glory burn With inextinguiihable blaze, And trembling to it s fource return, In humble love, and fervent praife. B b 3 3 Jefus, ( *9* ) 3 Jefus, confirm my heart's defire, To work, and fpeak, and think for Thee Still let me guard the holy fire, And ftill ftir up thy gift in me. 4 Ready for all thy perfect will, My acts of faith and love repeat ; Till death thy endlefs mercies feal, And make the facrifice compleat. HYMN CCCXXXI. Receive ye the Holy Ghoft% John xx. 21 1 QEE, Jefus, thy difciples fee, O The promis'd blefling give ! Met in thy name, we look to thee, Expecting to receive. 2 Thee we expect, our faithful Lord, Who in thy name are join'd : We wait, according to thy word, Thee in the midft to^ find. 3 With us thou art aflembled here : But Oh thyfelf reveal ! Son of the living God, appear ! Let us thy prefence feel. 4 Breathe onus, Lord, in this our day, And thefe dry bones thall live : Speak peace into our hearts, and fay, " The Holy Ghoft receive 1" q Whom ( 29; ) 5 Whom now we feek Oh may we meet \ Jefus, the crucified, Shew us thy bleeding hands and feet, Thou who for us haft died. 6 Caufe us the record to receive ! Speak, and the tokens (hew ! " Oh ! be noi faiihlefs, but believe In him who died for you !" h y M n cccxxu. Xom. viii. 15, 16. 1 TT7HSN mail I fee the welcome hour V V That plants my God in me ! Spirit of health, and life, and power, And perfect liberty! 2 Jefus, thy all-viclorious love Shed in my heart abroad ! Then (hall my feet no longer rove, Rooted and fixt in God. 3 Love can bow down the ftubbcrn neck, The ftone to fiefh convert ; Soften, and melt, and pierce, and break An adamantine heart. 4 Oh that in me the facred fire Might now begin to glow ! Burn up the drofs of bafe defire, And make the mountains flow ! 5 Oh - r. - - I '- :•- - I MIC *£? /» z : 1 •' . At thar tran/porting word, • -"• I'd break throug '.'■'_,_. _>;_: .;.- ;; ./_;.:; :~. ;_ ., HtMS cccxxir. : T"^ .T.THER of glory, to tay n*me Jt7 Immoral prahe we £: Who deft m act ox gr_ iaa, Our lives he nuxfam'd *rida h^ ow-^ i died to make our pei. 5 To thy Almighty Spi: _. s as near to thae ., i trains ui up for hcav. 1 me a, with their unkv .. God, And tpreftd his honours and their j : Through nation: i ~ ( 300 ) 5 Let faith, and love, and duty-join, One general fongto raife, Let faints in earth and heaven combine, In harmony and praife. HYMN CCCXXV. The Incomprebenjibility of God. i £~^ OD is a name my foul adores, VJT The Almighty Three, the Eternal One: Nature and grace, with all their powers, Confefs the infinite unknown. 2 Thy voice produc'd the feas and fpheres, Bid the waves roar, and planets mine ; But nothing like thyfelf appears, Through all the fpacious works of thine. 3 Still reftlefs nature dies and grows ; From change to change the -creatures run ; Thy being no fucceifion knows, And ail thy vaft defigns are one. 4 Thrones and dominions round thee fall, And worihip in fubmilfive forms ; Thy prefence makes this lower ball , This little dwelling-place of worms. 5 How fhall affrighted mortals dare To fing thy glory or thy grace, Beneath thy feet we lie fo far, And fee but fliadows of thy face ? 6 Who ( 30i ) Who can behold the blazing light ? Who can approach confuming flame ? None but thy wifdom knows thy might ; None but thy word can fpeak thy name, HYMN CCCXXXVI. To Wifdom. l TJ* TERNAL wifdom, thee we praifc, X2j Thee the creation fings : With thy lov'd name, rocks, hills and Teas, And heaven's high palace rings. z Thy hand, how wide it fp reads the fky ! How glorious to behold ! Ting'd with a blue of heavenly dye, And ftarr'd with fparkling gold. 3 Thy glories b^aze all nature round, And ftrike the gazing fight, Through ikies, and feas, and folid ground,,. With terror and delight. 4 Infinite ftrength and equal fkill Shine through the worlds abroad; Our foulswith vaft amazement fill, And fpeak the Builder God. 5 But ftill the wonders of thy grace Our fofter paflions move ; Pity divine in Jesu's face We fee, adore, and love, HYMN ( 3°z ) HYMN CCCXXVII. Our God for e-ver and e-ver. Pfalm xlviii. 14. THIS, this is the Cod we adore, Our faithful unchangeable friend ; Whofe love is as great as his power, And neither knows meafure nor end : 'Tis Jefus the firft and the laft, Whofe Spirit fhall guide us fafe home ; We'll praife him for all that is paft, And truft him for all that's to come. HYMN CCCXXVII I. 1 ke Peace of God Jhall keep, C5>. Phil. iv. 7, ! ' I ^HE peace which God alone reveals, X And by his word of grace imparts- Which only the believer feels, Direct, and keep, and cheer our hearts. 2 And may the holy Three in One, The Father, Word, and Comforter, Pour an abundant bleifing down On every foul affembled here ! HYMN CCCXXIX. May the Grace, CiJV. 2 Cor. xiii. 14, MAY the grace of Chrift our Saviour, And the Father's boundlefs love, With the Holy Spirit's favour, -Reft upon us from above ! Thus ( 3°3 ) Thus may we abide in union With each other, and the Lord -y And poffefs, in lweet communion, Joys which earth can not afford. HYMN CCCXXX. The Worjhip of Heaven. John xvii. 14. o H for a fweet, infpiring ray, To animate our feeble {trains, From the bright realms of endlefs day, The blifsful realms where Jefus reigns ! 2 There, low before his glorious throne* Adoring faints and angels fall ; And with delightful worfhip own His fmile their blifs, their heaven, their all. 3 Immortal glories crown his head, While tuneful hallelujahs rife ; And love, and joy, and triumph fpread Through all the alTemblies of the fkies. 4 He fmiles, and feraphs tune their fongs To boundlefs rapture while they gaze ; Ten thoufand thoufand joyful tongues Refound his everlafting praife. 5 There all the followers of the Lamb Shall join at lafl the heavenly choir; Oh may the joy-infpiring theme Awake our faith and warm defire ! € c 6 Dear ( 3~T"SHUS faith the mercy of the Lord, X I'll be a God to thee ; I'll blefs thy numerous race, and they Shall be a feed for /ne. 2 Abraham believ'd the prcmis'd grace, And gave his fons .to God, But water feals the bieiiing now That once was feai'd with blood. 3 Thus Lydia fanclified her houfe, When me receiv"d the word ; Thus the believing Jailor gave His houfehokl to the L 4 Thus later faints, eternal King, Thy ancient truth embrace : To thee their infant offspring bring, And humbly claim the grace. h v m x ccexxxv. 1 ^T^HUS did the fons of Abraham paf3 X Under the bloody feal of grace The young difciples bore the yoke, Till Chrift the painful bondage broke. C c 3 2 By ( 3°* ) 2 By milder ways doth Jefus prove His Father's covenant, and his love ; He feais to faints his glorious grace, And not forbids their infant race. 3 Their feed is fprinkled with his blood, Their children fet apart for God ; His Spirit on his offspring fhed, Like water pour'd upon the head. 4 Let every faint with cheerful voice, In this large covenant rejoice : Young children, in their early days, Shall give the God of Abraham praife. HYMN CCCXXXVI. Infant Baptifm. FATHER, if fuch thy fovereign will, If Jefus did the rite injoin, Annex thy hallowing Spirit's feal, And let the grace attend the fign ; The feed of endlefs life impart, Seize for thy own this infant's heart. Anfwer on him thy wifdom's end In prefent and eternal good ; Whate'er thou didft for man intend, Whate'er thou haft on man beftow'd, Now to this favoured babe be given Pardon, andholinefs, and heaven. 3 In ( 3°9 ) 3 In prefence of thy heavenly holt, Thyfelf we faithfully require ; Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghcil, By blood, by water, and by fire, And fill up all thy human ihrine, And feal our fouls for ever thine. HYMN CCCXXXVII. Infa?it Bapiifm. \ f* OD of eternal truth and love, V_X V'ouchfafe the promis'd grace we claim, Thy own great ordinance approve, This child baptiz'd into thy name Partaker of thy nature make, And give £//* all thy image back. z Bom in the dregs of fin and time, Thefe darkeft, laft, apoftate days ; Burden'd with Adam's curfe and crime Thou in thy mercy's arms embrace, And wafh out all his guilty load, And quench the brand in Jefu's blood. H Y Bl N CCCXXXV1II. MY Saviour, and my fovereign Prince, Reigns far above the fkies ; But brings his graces down to fenfe, And helps my faith to rife, zMv ( 3*o ) z My eyes and ears mall blefs his name, They read and hear his word ; My touch and tafte mall do the fame, When they receive the Lord. 3 Baptifmal water is defign'd To feal his cleanfing grace, While at his feaft of bread of wine, He gives his faints a place. 4 But not the waters of a flood Can make my fiefh fo clean, As by his Spirit and his blood He'll warn my foul from fin. 5 Not choiceft meats, or nobleft wines, So much my heart refrefh, As when my faith goes through the figns, And feeds upon his riefh. 6 I love the Lord, that ftoops fo low To give his word a feal : But the rich grace his hands beftow, Exceeds the figure ftill. HYMN CCCXXXIX. i TMTHER, Son, and Holy Ghoft, JP In folemn power come down 1 Prefent with thy heavenly hoft, Thy ordinance i:o crown : See a finful worm of earth 1 Blefs to him the cleanfing flood ! Plung { JU ) Piling him by a fecond birth Into the depths of God. z Let the promis'd, inward grace Accompany the fign : On his new-born foul imprefs The character divine ! Father, all thy love reveal ! Jefus, all thy name impart [ Holy Ghofl renew and dwell For ever in bis heart t HYMN CCCXL. At the Baptifm of Adults, 1 Z^iOME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, V^i Honour the means ordain'd by thee ! Make good our apoilolic boaft, And own thy glorious miniftry. 2 We now thy promis'd prefence claim, Sent to difciple all mankind, Sent to baptize into thy name, We now thy promis'd prefence find. 3 Father, in thefe reveal thy Son, In thefe for whom we feek thy face : The hidden myftery make known, The inward, pure, baptizing grace. 4 Jefus, with us thou always art: Effettuate now the facred fign ; The ( 3>2 ) The gift unfpeakable impart, And blefs the ordinance divine. 5 Eternal Spirit, defcend from high, Baptizer of our fpirits thou ! The facramental feal apply, And witnefs with the water now ! 6 Oh that the fouls baptiz'd therein May now thy truth and mercy feel ! May rife, and waffi away their fin : Come, Holy Ghoft, their pardon feal ! HYMN CCCXLI. Chrift baptized in Jordan. Matt. iii. 6, 1 6, 1 7. 1 TN Jordan's tide the Baptift Hands, J_ Immerfing the repenting Jews; The Son of God the rite demands, Kror dares the holy man refufe : Jefus defcend s beneath the wave, The emblem of his future grave. 2 But lo ! from yonder opening fkies, What beams of dazzling glory fpread ! Dove-like the eternal spirit flies, And lights on the Redeemer's head ; Amaz'd they fee the Power divine Around the Saviour's temples Ihine. 3 Attend, my foul, hear, and adore ! What founds are thofe that roll along, Not ( 3-3 ) Not like loud Sinai's awful roar, But foft and fweet as Gabriel's fong ! '* This is my well-beloved Son, " I fee well-pleas 'd what he hath done." 4 Thus the eternal Father fpoke, Who fhakes creation with a nod ; Through parting Ikies the accents broke, And bade us hear the Son of God : Oh hear the awful word to-day, Hear all ye nations and obey ! HYMN CCCXLII Buried with Chrift in Baptifm. Rom. vi. 4. 1 TESUS, mighty King in Sion ! J Thou alone our guide fhalt be ; Thy commifTion we rely on, We would follow none but thee. 2 As an emblem of thy paffion, And thy victory o'er the grave ; We who know thy great falvation Are baptiz'd beneath the wave. 3 Fearlefs of the world's defpifmg, We the ancient path purfue ; Buried with our Lord, and rifing To a life divinely new. * HYMN ( m > HYMN CCCXLIII. ETERNAL Spirit, heavenly Dove, On thefe baptifmal waters move ; That we through energy divine, May have the fubftance with the fign. H V M N CCCXLIV. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. We humbly dedicate our powers ; If with Jehovah's biefling crown'd, Immortal happinefs is ours. HYMN CCCXLV. An Addrefs to the Holy Spirit. DESCEND, celeftial Dove, And make thy prefence known ; Reveal the Saviour's love And feal us for thy own, Unblefs'd by thee our works are vain, Nor can we e'er acceptance gain, When our incarnate God, The fovereign Prince of light, In Jordan's fwelling flood Receiv'd the holy rite, In open view thy form came down, And Dove-like flew the King to crown. The day was never known, Since time began it's race, On ( 3'S ) On which fuch glory fhone, On which was fhewn fuch grace, As that which fhed, in Jordan's ftream, On Jefu's head the heavenly beam. Continue ftill to fhine, And fill with holy fire : This ordinance is thine, Do thou our fouls infpire ! " Till time fhall end" thy promife runs, Thou wilt attend on all thy fons. H V M N CCCXLVI. Practical Impr$ JESUS, great Shepherd of thyiheep, J To thee for help we fly : Thy little flock in fafety keep ! For Oh the wolf is nigh ! 2 He comes, of hellifh malice full, To fcatter, tear, and flay : He feizes every wandering foul, As his own lawful prey. 3 Us into thy protection take, And gather with thy arm ! Unlefs the fold we firft forfake, The wolf can never harm. 4 We now defy his cruel power, While by our fhepherd's fide : The fheep he never can devour, Unlefs he firft divide. Oh ( 3^9 ) 5 Oh do not furFer him to part The fouls that here agree ! But make of us one mind and heart, And keep us one in thee ! 6 Together let us fweetly live ! Together let us die ! And each a ftarry crown receive, And reign above the fky. ■t HYMN CCCL, Luke xxiv. 32. ALK with us, Lord, thyfelf reveal, Speak to our hearts, and let us feel The kindling of thy love. 2 With thee converfing, we forget All time, and toil, and care : Labour is reft, and pain is ftveet, If thou, my God, art here. 3 Here then, O God, vouchfafe to fcay, And bid my heart rejoice : My grateful heart mail own thy fway, And echo to thy voice. 4 Thou called me to feek thy face : - 'Tis all I wiih to feek : To attend the whifpers of thy grace, And hear thee inly fpeak. D d 3 5 Let ( 320 ) Let this my every hour employ, 'Till 1 thy glory fee ! Enter into my mailer's joy, And find my heaven in thee. HYMN CCCLI. i /"*\^R lire is hid with Chrift in God V^/ Cur life mail foon appear, And fhed his glory all abroad On all his members here. 2 The heavenly treafure now we have In a vile houfe of clay ; But he mail to the utmoft fave, And keep it to that day. 3 Our fouls are in his mighty hand, And he mail keep them ftill ; And you and I may furely ftand With him on Sion's hill ! 4 Him eye to eye we there fhall fee ; Our face like his fhall Ihine : Oh what a glorious company, When faints and angels join ! 5 Oh what a joyful meeting there ! In robes of white array'd, Palms in our hands we all fhall bear, , And crowns upon our head. 6 Then let us lawfully contend, And right our paffage through ; Bear ( 321 ) Bear in our faithful minds the end, And keep the prize in view. 7 Then let us haften to, the day, When all mall be brought home ! Come, O Redeemer, come away I O Jefus, quickly come I HYMN CCCLII. AND if our bodies part, To different climes repair ! Infeparably join'd in heart The friends of Jefus are ! Jefus, the corner-ftone, Did firft our hearts unite ! And (till he keeps our fpirits one, Who walk with him in white. Oh let our heart and mind Continually afcend, That haven of repofe to find, Where all our labours end ? Where all our toils are o'er, Our fufferings and our pain ! Who meet on that eternal ihore Shall never part again. O happy, happy place, Where faints and angels meet ! There we fliall fee each other's face, And all our brethren greet. 6 The ( 322 ) The church of the firft-born ! We fhall with them be*bleft, And, crown'd with endlefs joy, return To our eternal reft. With joy we fhall behold, In yonder bleft abode, The patriarchs and prophets old, And all the faints of God. To gather home his own God fhall his angels fend, And bid our blifs on earth begun In deathlefs triumphs end. hymn c c c L 1 1 1 . AND are we yet alive, And fee each others face ? Glory and praife to Jefus give For his redeeming grace ! Preferv'd by power divine To full falvation here, Again in Jefu's praife we join, And in his fight appear. What troubles have we feen ! What conflicts have we paft ! Fightings without, and fears within, Since we affembled laft : But out of all the Lard Hath brought us bv his loye : And ( J*3 ) And ftill he doth his help afford, And hide our life above. 5 Then let us make our boaft Of his redeeming power, Which faves us to the uttermoft, 'Till we mall fin no more : 6 Let us take up the crofs, 'Till we the crown obtain, And gladly reckon allthings lof-, So we may Jefus gain. HYMN CCCL1V. Fellowjbip* i TESUS, Lord, weMook to thee, J Let us in thy name agree ; Shew thyfelf the Prince of peace : Bid our jars for ever ceafe. 2 By thy reconciling love, Every ftumbling block remove ; Each to each unite, endear : Come, and fpread thy banner here ! 3 Make us of one heart and mind, Courteous, pitiful, and kind ; Lowly, meek in thought and word, Altogether like our Lord. 4 Let us each for other care, Each the other's burden bear ; To thy churchy thy pattern give, Shew how true believers live. Free ( 3H ) 5 Free from anger and from pride,, Let us thus in God abide ; All the depths of love exprefs, All the heights of holinefs I 6 Let us then with joy remove To the family above : On the wings of angels fly ; Shew how true believers die. HYMN CCCLV. i YESUS, foft, harmonious name, J Every faithful heart's defire ! See thy followers, O Lamb, All at once to thee afpire : Drawn by thy uniting grace, After thee we fwiftly run : Hand in hand we feek thy face ; Come, and perfedt us in one ! 2 Mollify our harfher will : Each to each our tempers fuit By thy modulating (kill, Heart to heart, as lute to lute : Sweetly on our fpirits move 1 Gently touch the trembling firings ! Make the harmony of love Mufic for the King of kings ! 3 Jefu's love be all our fong : While we Jefu's praife repeat, Glide our happy hours along, Trample fin beneath our feet : Far, t 32; 1 Par from forrow, guilt, and fear, Till we take our feats above, Live we all as angels here, Only fing, and praife, and love ? HYMN CCCLVI. 1 TJEACE be on this houfe beftow'd, J7 Peace on all that here refide ! Let the unknown peace of God With the man of peace abide ! Let the Spirit now come down : Let the blefting now take place ! Son of peace, receive thy crown, Fulnefs of the gofpel-grace. 2 Chrift, my Mafter and my Lord, Let me thy fore-runner be : Oh be mindful of thy word ! Vifit them, and vifit me ! To this houfe and all herein, Now let thy falvation come ! Save our fouls from inbred-fin : Make us thy eternal home ! 3 Let us never, never reft 'Till the promife is fulfill'd : 'Till we are of thee poffrft, Pardon'd, fan£tified, and feal'd : 'Till we all, in loverenew'd, Find the pearl that Adam loft, Temples of the living God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghofl. HYMN ( 3^6 ) HYMN CCCLVII. I ^T^HOU God of truth and love, X We feek thy perfect way, Ready thy choice to approve, And providence obey, Enter into thy wife deiign, And fweetly lofe our will in thine. 2 Why haft thou caft our lot In the fame age and place ? And why together brought To fee each other's face ; To join with fofteft fympathy, And mix our friendly fouls in thee ? 3 Didft thou not make us one, That we might one remain, Together travel on, And bear each other's pain, Till all thy utmoft goodnefs prove, And rife renew'd in perfect love ? 4 Surely thou didft unite Our kindred fpirits here, That we hereafter might Before thy throne appear ; Meet at the marriage of the Lamb, And all thy glorious love proclaim. 5 Then let us ever bear The bleffed end in view. And ( 3*7 ) And join with mutual care, To fight our pa nag? through ; And kindly help eacii other on, Till all receive the Harry crown. 6 Oh may thy Spirit feal Our fouls unto that day ! With all thy fulnefs fill, And then tranfport away ! Away to our eternal reft, Away to our Redeemer's breaft f HYMN CCCLVIII. 1 beheld, and Io, &c. Rev. vii. 9, 10. LIFT your eyes of faith, and fee Saints and angels join'd in one : What a countlefs company Stands before yon dazzling throne ! Each before his Saviour ftands, All in milk-white robes array'd, Palms they carry in their hands, Crowns of glory on their head. Saints, begin the endlefs fong, Cry aloud in heavenly lays ; Glory doth to God belong, God, the glorious Saviour, praife : From him our falvation came, Him, who reigns enthron'd on high ; Glory to the bleeding Lamb, Let the morning ftars reply. E e 3 Angel ( 3*8 ) 3 Angel-powers the throne furround, Next the faints in glory they, Lull'd with the tranfporting found, They their filent homage pay : Proftrate on their face before God and his Mefliah fall, Then in hymns of praife adore, Shout the Lamb that died for all. 4 Be it fo, they all reply, Him let all our Orders praife, Him that did for finners die, Saviour of the favour'd race : Render we our God his right, Glory, wifdom, thanks, and power, Honour, majefty, and might, Praife him, praife him evermore ! HYMN CCCLIX. Arrayed in white Robes. Rev. vii. 13, 17. 1 tT7HAT are thefe array'd in white, VV Brighter than the noon-day fun, Foremoft of the fons of light, Neareft the eternal throne ? Thefe are they that bore the crofs, Nobly for their Mafter flood, Sufferers in his righteous caufe. Followers of their dying God. 2 Out of great diftrefs they came, Wafh'd their robes by faith below, In ( 329 ) In the blood of yonder Lamb, Blood that wafhes white as mow : Therefore are they next the throne, Serve their Maker day and night, God re fides among his own, God doth in his faints delight. More than conquerors at laft, Here they find their trials o'er, They have all their fufferings pan:, Hunger now and thirft no more ;. No excefhve heat they feel From the fun's directer ray, In a milder clime they dwell, Region of eternal day ! He that on the throne doth reign, Them the Lamb fhall always feed, With the tree of life fuftain, To the living fountains lead : He fhall all their forrows chafe, All their wants at once remove, Wipe the tears from every face, Fill up every foul with love. HYMN CCCLX. Tell me, O Thou, &c. Sol, Song i. 7. THOU Shepherd of Ifrael, and mine, The joy and defire of my heart, For clofer communion 1 pine, J long to refide where thou art : E e 2 The ( 330 ) The pafture I languish to find, Where all who their Shepherd obey, Are fed, on thy bofom reclin'd, Are fcreen'd from the heat of the day. 2 Ah ! mew me that happier! place, The place of thy people's abode, Where faints in an extafy gaze, And hang on a crucified God : Thy love for a finner declare, Thy paflion and death on the tree ; My fpirit to Calvary bear, To fuffer and triumph with thee. 3 'Tis there with the lambs of thy flock ; There only I covet to reft, To lie at the foot of the rock, Or rife to be hid in thy breaft : 'Tis there I would always abide, And never a moment depart ; Conceal'd in the cleft of thy fide, Eternally held in thy heart. HYMN CCCLXI. I S~*\ Thou God of my falvation t \_J My Redeemer from all fin ; Mov'd by thy divine compafiion, Thou haft died my heart to win I will praife thee ; Where mail I thy praife begin ? 2 Though unfeen I love the Saviour, He hath brought falvation near, Manifefts ( 33i ) Manifefts his pardoning favour, And when Jefus doth appear, Soul and body Shall his glorious Image bear. 3 While the angel-choirs are crying, Glory to the great I AM! I with them would ftill be vying ; Glory, glory to the Lamb ! Oh how precious Is the found of Jefu's name. 4 Now I fee, with joy and wonder, Whence the healing ftreams arofe, Angel-minds are loft to ponder Dying love's myfterious caufe ; Yet the bleifmg Down to all, to me it flows, 5 This hath fet my heart on fire, Strongly glows the flame of love ; Higher mounts my foul, and higher, Struggles for it's fwift remove ; Then I'll praife thee In a nobler ftrain above. 6 Angels now are hov'ring round us, Unperceiv'd they mix the throng, Wondering at the love that crowa;d us. Glad to join the holy fong : Hallelujah, Love and praife to Chrift belong. E e 3 HYMN ( 332 ) HYMN CCCLXII. O God, thou art.mj God. Pf. lxiii. 1,2, 3,4, 5. 1 S"\ God, my God, my all thou art ! \_J E'er mines the dawn of rifing day ; Thy fovereign light within my heart, ' Thy all- enlivening power difplay. 2 For thee my thirlty foul doth pant, While in this defert land I live : And hungry as I am, and faint, Thy love alone can comfort give. 3 In a dryland behold I place My whole defire on thee, O Lord : And more I joy to gain thy grace, Than all earth's treafure can afford. 4 More dear than life itfelf, thy love My heart and tongue mall ftill employ ; And to declare thy praife will prove My peace, my glory, and my joy. 5 In blefiing thee, with grateful fongs, My happy life lhall glide away; The praife that to thy name belongs Hourly with lifted hands I'll pay. 6 Abundant fweetnefs, while I fmg Thy love, my ravim'd foul o'errlows ; Secure in thee, my God, and King Of glory that no period knows. 7 Mv ( 333 ) My foul draws nigh and cleaves to thee : Then let, or earth, or hell afTail ; Thy mighty hand mall fet me free ; For whom thou fav'ft, he. ne'er fhall fail. HYMN CCCLXIII. i ] JTOWdo thy mercies clofe me round, X X For ever be thy name ador'd ! I bluili in ail things to abound ; The fervant is above his Lord ! 2 Inur'd to poverty and pain, A fufTering life my Saviour led ; The Son of God ! the Son of Man ! :■ He had not where to lav his head But lo ! a place he hath prepar'd For me, whom watchful angels keep ; Yea, he himfelf becomes my guard ; He fmooths my bed, and gives me fleep. 4 Jetus protects ; my fears be gone ! What can the rock of ages move ? Safe in thy arms I lay me down, Thy everlaiting arms of love. 5 While thou art intimately nigh, Who, who fhall violate my reft ? Sin, earth, and hell I now defy ; I lean upon my Saviour's breaft. 6 I reft beneath the Almighty's made, My griefs expire, my troubles ceafe ; Thou ( 334 ) Thou, Lord, on whom my foul is ftaid, Wilt keep me ftill in perfect peace. 7 Me for thy own thou lov'ft to take, In time and in eternity : Thou never, never wilt forfake A helplefs foul that trufts in thee. HYMN CCCLX1V. When 1 remember thee upon my bed, Pf. lxiii. 6, 7. 1 r 1 ^HY name, O God, upon my bed, X Dwells on my lips, and fires my thought ; With trembling awe, in midnight fhade, I mufe on all thy hands have wrought. 2 In all I do I feel thy aid ; Therefore thy greatnefs will I fing : O God, thou bidftmy heart be glad, Beneath the fhadow of thy wings. 3 Wherefore in confidence I clofe My eyes, for thine are open ftill ; My fpirit, lull'd in calm repofe, Waits for the counfels of thy will. 4 After thy likenefs let me rife, If here thou will ft me longer ftay ; Or clofe in mortal ileep my eyes, To open them in endltfs day. 5 Still let me run, or end my race, I cannot chufe, I all refign ; Con trad, ( 335 ) Contrail, or lengthen out my days, Come life, come death, for Chrift is mine, HYMN GCCLXV, Love of God better than Life. Pfalm lxiii. i {*> RE AT God, indulge my humble claim 5 VJ" Be thou my hope, my joy, my reft ! The glories that compofe thy name, Stand all engag'd to make me bleft. 2 Thou great and good, thou juft and wife, Thou art my Father and my God I And I am thine by facred ties, Thy fon, thy fervant bought with blood, 3 With heart, and eyes, and lifted hands, For thee I long, to thee I look ; As travellers in thirfty lands Pant for the cooling water-brook. 4 Even life itfelf, without thy love, Nolaftingpleafurecan afford; It would a tirefome burden prove If I were banim'd from thee, Lord ! 5 I'll lift my hands, I'll raife my voice, While I have breath to pray or praife ; This work mall make my heart rejoice, And fpend the remnant of my days. HYMN* ( 336 ) HYMN CCCLXVI. Pf. cxxxix. i, 12, 24. 1 /~\ Thou, to whofe all-fearching fight, VJ? The darknefs fhineth as the light, Search, prove my heart, it pants for thee ; Oh burft thefe bonds, and fet it free. 2 Wafh out it'sftains, refine it's drofs, Nail my affections to the crofs ! Hallow each thought ; let all within Be clean, as thou, my Lord, art clean. 3 If in this darkfome wild I ftray, Be thou my light, be thou my way; No foes, no violence I fear, No fraud, while thou, my God, art near. 4 When rifmg floods my foul o'erflow, When finks my heart in waves of woe, Jefus, thy timely aid impart, And raife my head, and cheer my heart. 5 Saviour, where'er thy fteps I fee, Dauntlefs, untir'd I follow thee ; Oh let thy hand fupport me ftill, And lead me to thy holy hill ! 6 If rough and thorny be the way, My ftrength proportion to my day; Till toil, and grief, and pain mail ceafe, Where all is calm, and joy, and peace. H y m N ( 337 ) HYMN CCCLXVII. Review of God's mercies. i TT THEN all the mercies of my God VV My rising f°ul furveys, Why, my cold heart, art thou not loft In wonder, love, and praife ? 2 Thy providence my life fuftain'd, And all my wants redreft, While in the iilent womb I lay, And hung upon the bread. 3 To all my weak complaints and cries Thy mercy lent an ear, Ere yet my feeble thoughts had learn'd To form themfelves in prayer. 4 Unnumber'd comforts on my foul Thy tender care beftow'd, Before my infant-heart conceiv'd From whom thofe comforts flow'd. 5 When in the flippery paths of youth, With heedlefs fteps I ran, Thy arm, unfeen, convey'd me fafe, And led me up to man. 6 Through hidden dangers, toils, and deaths. It gently clear'd my way, And through the pleafing faares of vice, More to be fear'd than they. 7 Through every period of my life Thy goodnefs I'll purfue ; And ( 35* ) And after death, in diftant world?, The pleafing theme renew. 8 Through all eternity to Theex A grateful long I'll raife ; But O ! eternity's too fhort To utter all thy praife. HYMN CCCLXVIII. Heb. iv. i. i John iv. 18. * L ORD, I believe a reft remains To all thy people known, \ reft, where pure enjoyment reigns, And thou art lov'd alone. z A reft, where all our foul's defue ' Is fixt on things above ; Where fear, and fin, and grief expire, Caft out by perfect love. 3 Oh that I now the reft might know, Believe, and enter in ! Now, Saviour, now the power beftow, And let me ceafe from fin. 4 Remove this hardnefs from my heart, This unbelief remove ; To me the reft of faith impart, The fabbath of thy k>ve. y I would be thine, thou know'ft I would, And have thee all my own : Thee ! O my all-fufficient good I I want, and thee alone. 6 Thy ( 339 ) 6 Thy name to me, thy nature grartf ! This, only this be given ; Nothing befide my God I want, Nothing in earth or heaven. 7 Come, O my Saviour, come away, „ Into my foul defcend ; No longer from thy creature flay, My author, and my end 1 8 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghofr, And feal me thy abode ; Let all I am in thee be loft, Let all be loft in God ! HYMN CCCLXIX. 1 /A Joyful found of gofpel-grace, \^/ Chrift fhall in me appear ! I, even I, fhall fee his face ; I fhall be holy here. 2 The glorious crown of righteoufnefs To me held out I view ; Conqueror through him I foon fhall feize And wear it as my due. 3 The promis'd land from Pifgah's top, I now exult to fee ; My hope is full (O glorious hope !) Of immortality. 4 He vifits now this houfe of clay ; He fhakes his future home ; F f O would' ft ( 34° ) O would'ft thou, Lord, on this glad day, Into thy temple come. 5 With me I know, I feel thou art, But this cannot fufHce, , Unlefs thou planted in my heart A coniiant paradife. 6 My earth thou watered from on high, But make it all a pool : Spring up, O well, I ever cry, Spring up within my foul. 7 Come, O my Gdtl, thyfelf reveai ! Fill all this mighty void : Thou only canft my fpirit fill ; Come, O my God, my God ! 8 Fulfil, fulfil my large defires, Large as iminity ! Give, give me all my foul requires, All, all that is in thee 1 HYMN CCCLXX. INFINITE, inqxhaufted love ! Jefus and love are one: If Hill to me thy bowels move, They are reib ain'd to none. V/hat fhall I do my God to love ! My loving God to praife ? The length, and breadth, and height to prove, And depth of fovereign grace? 3 The ( 34' ) 3 The Saviour's grace to a!l extends, Jmmenfe and imconfm'd ; From age to age it never ends; It reaches ail mankind. 4 Throughout the world it's breadth is known : Wide as infihity ! So wide it never pafs'd by one, Or it had pafs'd by me. 5 The depth of all -redeeming love, What angel-tongue can tell ? Oh may I to the utmoft prove, The gift unfpeakable ? 6 Come quickly, gracious Lord, and tr.1 PofTefuon of thy own ! My longing heart vouchsafe to make Thy everlafting throne ! 7 AfTert thy claim, maintain thy right, Come quickly from above ; And fink me to perfection's height, The depth of humble love. HYMN CCCLXXI. 1 TESUS, to thee alone I fly, J On whom my help is laid : Oppreft by fins I lift my eye, And fee the fhadows fade. 2 Soon as I find myfclf forfook, The grace again is given : F i z A figh ( 3A2 ) A figh cau reach thy heart, a look Can bring thee clown from heaven. 3 Believing on my Lord, I find A fare snd prefent aid : On thee alone then let my mir.u Be every moment ftayM. 4 Whate'er in me feems wife or good, Or ftrong, I here difclaim : Then warn my garments in thy bleed, O thou atoning Lamb. 5 Jefus, my ftrength, my life, my reft, Orr thee will I depend : Till fummon'd to the marriage feaft, "When faith in fight fhall end. H Y M H CCCLXXII. i TY7HAT is our calling's glorious hope, W But inward hoiinefs ? For this to Jefus I look up, I calmly wait for this. 2 I wait till he fhall touch me clean, Shall life and power impart : Give me the faith that cafts out fin, And purify my heart. 3 This is the dear redeeming grace, I or every fmner free : Surely it fhall on me take place, The chief of finners me. a. From ( 343 ) 4 From all iniquity, from all He mail my foul redeem : In Jefus I believe, and mall Believe myfelf to him. 5 When jefus makes my heart his home My fin mall all depart : And lo ! he faith, I quickly come, To fill and rule thy heart. 6 Be it according to thy word ! Redeem me from all fin; My heart would now receive thee, Lord Come in, mv Lord, come in ! H Y M N CCCLXXIII. ATHER, to thee my foul I lift, My foul on thee d Convinc'd that every perfect gift From thee alone defce. ■f 2 Mercy and grace are thine alone, And power and wifdom too : Without the Spirit of thy Son We nothing good can do. ; cannot fpeak one ufeful word, One holy thought conceive, Unlefs, in anfwer to our Lord, Thyfelf the blefiing g i 4 His blood demands the purchas'd grace His blood's availing pica F f3 ( 344 ) Obtain'd the help for all our race, And fends it down to me. 6 From thee, through Jefus, we receive The power on thee" to call, In whom we are, and move, and live ; Our God is all in all ! HYMN CCCLXXIV. I Lift my eyes to thee, Thou gracious, bleeding Lamb. That I may now enlighten'd be, And never put to fharrre. Never may I remove Out of thy hands my caufe, But reft in thy redeeming iove, And hang upon thy crofs. Teach me the happy art In all things to depend On thee ! O never, Lord, depart, But love me to the end ! 4 Still ftir me up to ftrive With thee in ftrength divine : And every moment, Lord, revive 1 his fainting foul of mine. Perfift to fave my foul 1 hroughout the fiery hour, Till I am every whit made whole, And mew forth ail thy power. Through ( 3+5 ) . Through fire and water bring Into the wealthy place; And teach me the new fong to Ting When perfected in grace 1 . Oh make me all like thee, Before 1 hence remove ! Settle, confirm, and ftablifli me, And build me up in love. Let me thy witnefs live, When fin is all deftroy'd ; And then my fpotlefs foul receive, And take me home to God. HYMN CCCLXXV. Heavenly Joy en Earth. i OOME, ye that love the Lord, \^ji And let your joys be known Join in a fong with fweet accord, While ye furround his throne : 2 Let thofe refufe to ring Who never knew our God ; But fervants of the heavenly King May fpeak their joys abroad. 3 The God that rules on high, That all the earth furveys, That rides upon the ftormy fky, And calms the roaring feas : This . ( 346 ) This awful God is curs, Cur Father and our Love ; He will fend down his heavenly powers To carry us above. There we fhall fee his face, And never, never fin : There, from the rivers of his grace, Drink endiefs pleafures in. Yes ? and before we rife To that immortal irate, The thoughts of fuch amazing biifs Should conftant joys create. The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; Celeftial fruit on earthly ground Prom faith and hope may grow : Then let ourfohgs abound, And every tear be dry : We're marching through Immanuel's'ground To fairer worids on high. H Y J.l N CCCLXXVI. Gcd all in all, Pf. lxxiii. 25. 1 7\/T^ God, my life, my love, 1VJL To thee, to thee I call j I cannot live if thou remove, For thou art all in" all. z Thy ( 547 ) 2 Thy finning grace can cheer This dungeon where I dwell ; 'Tis paradife whc n thou art here ; If thou depart 'tis hell. 3 The fmilings of thy face, How amiable they are, *Tis heaven to reft in thy embrace, And no where elfe but there. 4. To thee, and thee alone, The angels owe their blifs ; They fit around thy gracious throne, And dwell where Jeiusis. 5 Not all the harp? above Can make a heavenly place, If God his refidence remove, Or but conceal his face. 6 Nor earth, nor all the fky, Can one delight afford ; No, not one drop of real joy, Without thy prelcnce, Lord. 7 Thou art the fea of love, Where all my pleafures roll ; The circle where ray paffions move, And centre of my foul. 8 To thee my fpirits fly With infinite deiire : And yet how far from thee I lie ! Dear Jefus, ruife me higher. HYMN . H Y M N CCCLXXVI1. 1 T Want a principle within JL Of jealons godly fear, A fenfibility of fin, A pain to feel it near. 2 That I from thee no more may part, No more thy goodnefs grieve, The filial awe, the flefhly heart, The tender confcience give. 3 Quick as the apple of an eye, O God, my confcience make ; Awake my foul when fin is nigh, And keep it (till awake. 4 If to the right or left I ftray, That moment, Lord, reprove ; And let me weep my life away, For having griev'd thy love, 5 Oh may the leaft omiflion pain My well-inftru&ed foul, And drive me to the blood again, Which makes the wounded whole. HYMN CCCLXXV11I. JESUS, we look to thee, Thy promis'd prefence claim ! I'liou in the midit of us fhalt be Aflcmblcd in thy name. 2 Thy ( 349 ) 2 Thy name falvation is, Which here we come to prove : ■ Thy name is life, and health, and peace: And everlaiting love. 3 Not in' the name of pride Or felfiihnefs we meet : From nature's paths we turn afide, And worldly thoughts forget. 4 We meet the grace to take, Which thou haft freely given : We meet on earth for thy dear fake, That we may meet in heaven. 5 Prefent we know thou art : But Oh thyfelf reveal ! Now, Lord, let every humble heart The mighty comfort feel ! 6 Oh! may thy quickening voice, The death of fm remove ; And bid our inmoit fouls rejoice, In hope of perfedt love ! HYMN CCCLXXIX. 1 T _JE wills that I mould holy be : X"~l That holinefs I long to feel, That full, divine conformity To ail my Saviour's righteous will. 2 See, Lord, the travail of thy foul Accompliih'd in the change of mine; And ( 35° ) And plunge me every whit made whole, In all the depths of love divine ! 3 May I not ftagger at thy power, Or doubt thy truth, which cannot move : Haften the long expected hour, And blefs me with thy perfect love. 4 Jems, thy loving Spirit alone Can lead me forth, and make me free : Burft every bond through which I groan, And fet my heart at iiberty. 5 Now let thy Spirit bring me in, And give thy fervant to poffefs The land of reft from inbred fin, The land of perfect holinefs. 6 Lord, I believe thy power the fame, The fame thy truth and grace endure : And in thy bleifed hands 1 am, And trull thee for a perfect cure. 7 Come, Saviour, come, and make me whole ! Entirely all my fins remove : To perfect heairh reftore my foul ; To perfect holinefs and love. HYMN CCCLXXX. Little Children lo-ve one another. i /~^ IVER of concord, Prince of peace, V_J Meek, lamb-like Son of God, Bid ( 35« ) Bid our unruly paflions ceafe, ExtinguiuYd with thy blood. 2 Subdue in us the carnal mind, It's enmity deftroy, With cords of loveth' old Adam bind, And melt him into joy. 3 Us into clofeft union draw, And in our inward parts Let kindnefs fweetly write her law, Let love command our hearts. 4 Oh let thy love our hearts conftrain I Jefus, the crucified, What haft thou done our hearts to gain ? LanguiuYd, and groan'd, and died. 5 Who would not now purfue the way Where Jem's footfteps mine ? Who would not own the pleafing fway Of charity divine ? 6 Saviour, look down with pitying eyes, Our jarring wills control, Let cordial kind affections rife. And harmonize the foul. 7 Oh let us find the ancient way, Our wondering foes to move, And force the heathen v/orld to fay, e< See how thefe chriftians love !" G g HYMN ( 35* ) 'J HYMN CCCLXXXI. OIN'D in one Spirit to our head, Where he appoints we go, And frill in Jefu's footfteps tread, And do his works below. 2 Oh let us ever walk in him, And nothing know befide, Nothing defire, nothing efteem, But Jeius crucified. 3 Clofer and clofer let us cleave To his belov'd embrace, Expect his fulnefs to receive, And grace to anfwer grace. 4 While thus we walk with Chrift in light, What (hall our fouls disjoin ? Souls which himfelf vouchsafes t' unite In fellowfhip divine. <* We all are one who him receive, And each with each agree, In him, the One, the truth we live, Bleft point of unity. 8 Partakers of the Saviour's grace, The fame in mind and heart, Nor joy, nor grief, nor time, nor place, Nor life, nor death can part. 7 Oh ( 353 ) Oh let us haften to the day, Which fhall our flefh reliorc, For death fhall then be done away, •And bodies part no more. HYMN CCCLXXXil. Sol. Song ii. 8, &c. i A | VHE voice of my Beloved founds j[ Over the rocks and rifing grounds, O'er hills of guilt, and feas of grief, He leaps, he flies to my relief* 2 Now, through the veil of flefh, I fee With eyes of love he looks at me ; Now in the gofpel's cleareft glafs He fhews the beauties of his face. 3 Gently he draws my heart along, Both with his beauties and his tongue; Rife, faith my Lord, make hafte away, No mortal joys are worth thy flay. 4 The Jewifh wintry ftate is gone, The mifts are fled, the fpring comes on ; The facred turtle-dove we hear Proclaim the new, the joyful year. 5 The immortal vine of heavenly root BlofToms, and buds, and gives her fruit ; Lo, we are come to tafte the wine ; Our fouls rejoice, and blefs the vine, G g z 6 And ( 354 ) 6 And when I hear my Jefus fay, *' Rife up, my love, make hafte away," My heart would fain outfiy the wind> And leave all earthly loves behind. HYMN CCCLXXX1V. Sol. Song ii. 8, 12. Chorus. i * I KHE voice of my Beloved founds, & White o'er the mountain tops he bounds ; He flies exulting o'er the hills, And all my foul with tranfport fills. Duetto. Gently doth he chide my ftay, Rife, my love, and come away. Chorus, 2 The fcatter'd clouds are fled at laft, The rain is gone, the winter's paft; The lovely vernal flowers appear, The warbling choirs enchant our ear. Duetto. Now with fwectly penflve moan. Cooes the turtle dove alone. Chorus . The voice of my, &c. H Y M W ( 355 ) H Y M S CCCLXXXV. Sol. Song ii. 14, 16, 17. 1 T"XEAR Lord, my thankful heart receives X 3 The hope thy invitation gives ; To thee my joyful lips fhall raife The voice of prayer, the voice of praife. 2 I am my Lord's, and he is mine ; Our hearts, our hopes, our pafhons join : Nor let a motion, or a word, Or thought arife, to grieve my Lord. 3 Till the day breaks, and ftiadows flee, Till the fweet dawning light I fee, Thy eyes to me -ward ever turn, Nor let my foul in darknefs mourn. 4 Be like a hart on mountains green ; Leap o'er thefe hills of fear and fin : Nor guilt, nor unbelief divide My love, my Saviour, from my fide, H Y M N CCCLXXXVI. Sol. Song iii. 11. 2 TESU3, thou everlafting King, J Accept the tribute which we bring, Accept thy well deferv'd renown, And wear our praifes as thv crown. G g 3 2 Let. ( 356 ) 2 Let every a& of worihip be Like our efpouials, Lord, to thee : Like the bleft hour when from above We firft receiv'd thy pledge of love. 3 The gladnefs of that happy day, Oh may it ever, ever flay ! Nor let our faith forfake it's hold, Nor hope decline, nor love grow cold ! 4 Each following minute as it flies Increafe thy praife, improve our joys, Till we are rais'd to fing thy name At the great fupper of the Lamb. HYMN CCCLXXXVII. Chrijl the Fountain of Life. i T^OUNTAIN of life to all below, J? Let thy.falvation roll, Water, repleniih, and o'erflow Every believing foul. 2 Into that happy number, Lord, Us weary finners take : Jefus, fulfil thy gracious word, For thy own mercy's fake. 3 Turn back our nature's rapid tide, And we fhall flow to thee, While down the ftream of time we glide To our eternity. 4 The ( 357 ) 4 The well of life to us thou art, Of joy the fwelling flood : Wafted by thee with willing heart We fwift return to God. 5 We foon fnall reach the boundlefs fez, I-nto-thy fulnefs fall, Be loft, and fwallow'd up in thee, Our God, our all in all. HYMN C C C L XXXV III. yifus my all, i TT7HY mould I fear the darkeft hour, W Or tremble at the tempter's power ? Jefus vouchfafes to be my tower. 2 Though hot the fight ; why quit the field ? Why muft I either flee or yield, Since Jefus is my mighty fhield ? 5 When creature -comforts fade and die, Worldlings may weep ; but why fhould I ? jefus ftill lives, and Mill is nigh. 4 Though all the flocks and herds were dead, My foul a famine need not dread, For jefus is my living bread. 5 I know not what may foon betide, Or how my wants fhall be fupplkd ; But Jefus knows, a*nd will provide. 6 Though ( 358 ) 6 Though fin wrtuld fill me with diftrefs, The throne of grace I dare addrefs ; For Jefus is my righteoufnefs. 7 Though faint my prayers, and cold my love, My ftedfaft hope fhail not remove, While Jefus interceeds above. 8 Againft me earth and hell combine ; But on my fide is power divine ; jefus is all, and he is mine. H VM V CCCLXXX1X. The name of jfejk i 1 ^JOW fweet the name of Jefus founds AX. In a believer's ear ? It fooths his forrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded fpirit whole, And calms- the troubled breall ; 'Tis manna to the hungry foul, And to the weary relt. 3 Dear name ! the rock on which I build', My fhield, and hiding-place ; My never-failing treafury, fill'd With boundiefs {tores of grace. 4 Jef^ ! ( 355 ) 4 Jefii3 ! my Shepherd, Hufband, Friend, My Prophet, Prieft, and King ; My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praife I bring. 5 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmeft thought; * But when I fee thee as thou arc, I'll praife thee as I ought. 6 'Till then I would thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath ; And may the mufic of thy name Refrelh my foul in death. H Y M N CCCXC. Enoch walked with God. Gen. v. 24, 1 i^H ! for a defer walk with God, \J A calm and heavenly frame ; A light to mine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! z Where is the bieMednefs I kf> When firit I faw the Lord ; Where is the foul-refreihing view Of jefus, and his word r 3 What peaceful hours I once enjoy 'd ! Kow fweet their memory ftill ! But rhey have left an aching void, The world can never fill, 4 Return* ( 3&o ) 4 Return, O holy Dove, return, Sweet mefienger of reft ; I hate the fins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breaft. 5 So ftiall my walk be clofe with God, Calm andferene my frame? A purer light mall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. hymn cccxci. The happy Change, 1 T CRD, I thank thee for that grace 1 j Shining in thy lovely face ; Thou appeareft reconcil'd, Call'lt me thy beloved child : 2 Once I felt thy wrath reveal'd, Till thy grace my pardon feal'd; Sunk in grief, defpondent I Saw thee then in love pafs by. 3 Doubts and fears had fill'd my breafl, Banifh'd peace, and joy, and reft ; Till the voice, that calms the fea, Gently whifper'd, " Come to me." 4 With that word, a power convey'd Help'd me to lift up my head : Then prefented to my view, Thee I faw in bloody hue \ 5 From ( 36' ) 5 From thy hands, and feet, and fide, I beheld a crimfon tide, Gufhing plenteous down that tree, Where thou bow'dfl thy head for me. 6 Here I wafh'd, and wafh'd again, Dropp'd my load of guilt and pain ', While the Spirit loudly cried, " Thou art freely juftined." HYMN CCCXCII. The Rof of Sharon. Sol. Song ii. x. i JESUS, the faints' perpetual theme1? J What fragrant odours fill the name Of lovely Sharon's Rofe ! As ointment poured out, it fpreads A fweet perfume, an un&ion fheds, Whence joy celeftial flows. 2 But when that perfect day fhall mine, That.cloudlefs day when all-divine My foul fhall wing it's way ; Freed from this clod which damps it's flight I'll foar aloft, and balk in light Of fempiternal day. 3 Then un-impeded fhall my eye My wounded Lord with joy defcry, And mark his prints of love ; At his piere'd feet my -crown I'll caft, His praife fhall with my being laft, Who died, but lives above. 4- At ( & ) 4 At light of him, whofe once marr'd face Now mines with glory, and with grace, Oh how my joys mail rile ! Haften the'moment, Lord, when I Shall lay this houfe terreflrial by, To dwell in paradife ! K Y M N CCCXC1II. Chriji precious to the Believer, i Peter ii. 7. 1 TESUS, I love thy charming name; J '1 is mufic to my ear ; Fain would I found it out fo loud, That earth and heaven might hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to my foul, My tranfport, and my truft : Jewels to me are empty toys, And gold is fordid duft. 3 All my capacious powers can wifli In thee moll richly meet : Nor to my eyes is light fo dear, Norfriendfhip half fo fweet. 4 Oh may thy grace ftill cheer my heart, And Ihed it s fragrance there ; The nobleft balm of all it's wounds, The cordial of it's care ! 5 I'll fpeak the honours of thy name With my laft labouring breath ; Then fpeechlefs clafp thee in my arms, The antidote of death. HYM ( 363 ) HYMN CCCXCIV, Make me a cleafi hearty 0 God. Pf. li. ic. 1 /^V For a heart to praife my God ! \J A heart from fin fet tree ! A heart that always feels thy blood, So freely fpilt for me ! 2 A heart refign'd, fubmifiive, meek, My dear Redeemer's throne, Where only Chriil: is heard to fpeak, Where Jefus reigns alone : 3 A humble, broken, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean, Which neither life nor death can part From him that dwells within. 4 A heart in every thought renew'd ; And fill'd with love divine ; Perfect, and right, and pure and good, A copy, Lord, of thine. 5 Thy tender heart is (till the fame, And melts at human woe ! Jefus, for thee diftreft I am; I want thy love to know. 6 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart, Come quickly from above, Write thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, beft name of love. H h hymn ( 3«4 ) HYMN CCCXCV. Jc/uu i TESUS ! a name of fweeteft found : J How faft it chains the willing ear ! It fpreads delicious fragrance round, At once to gratify and cheer. 2 By it, the heavenly ho ft above, And e?.ch redeemed faint below, Are kindled into holy love, And feel their hearts with rapture glow. 3 Who that hath ever felt the pain, The anguifh of a wounded heart, And found all other means in vain, To heal the wound, or eafe the fmart ! 4 Who that has known it's faving might, To refcue from the power of fin, Can hear this name without delight, Can hear, and feel no flame within ? 5 Jefus ! a name of fweeteft found ! It chains, it charms the captive ear, And fpreads baifamic odours round, The wounded heart to heal and cheer. HYMN CCCXCVI. The faithfulnefs cf God in the Prcmi/es, B EGIN my tongue, fome heavenly theme, And fpeak fome boundlefs thing, The ( 3*5 ) The mighty works, or mightier name, Of our eternal King. 2 Tell of his wonderous faithfulnefs, And found his p : 'id, Sing the fweet promife of his grace, And the performing God. 3 Proclaim " Salvation from the Lord, " For wretched dying men," His hand hath wxi -d word, a an immortal pen. 4 Engrav'd, as in eternal brafs, The mighty promife fhines ; Nor can the powers of darknefs raze Thofe everlafting lines. 5 His every word of grace is ftrong, As that which built the fkies j The voice, that rolls the ftars along, Spake all the promifes. 6 Oh, might I hear thy heavenly tongue But whifper, Thou art ?nine ! Thofe gentle words mould raife my fong To notes almoil divine. 7 How would my leaping heart rejoice, . And think my heaven fecure 1 I truft the all-creating voice, And faith defiresno mor^. H V ( t ( 366 ) HYMN CCCXCVII. Christ's Death t Viftory, and Dominion, Sing my Saviour's wonderous death, He conquer'd when he fell ; 'Tisfinijh'd, faid his dying breath, And fhook the gates of hell. 2 'Tisfinijh'd, our Immanuel cries, The dreadful work is done ; Hence mall his fovereign throne arife, His kingdom is begun. 3 His crofs a fure foundation laid For glory and renown, When through the regions of the dead He pafs'd to reach the crown. 4 Exalted at his Father's fide Sits our victorious Lord ; To heaven and hell his hands divide The vengeance or reward. 5 The faints from his propitious eye, Await their feveral crowns, And all the fons of darknefs fly The terror of his frowns. HYMN cccxcvin. Pf. lxxix. ii. o Thou that hangedft on the tree, Our curfe and fufferings to remove, Pity ( 3*7 ) Pity the fouls that look to thee, And fave us by thy dying love. 2 We have no outward righteoufnefs, No merits, or good works to plead ; We. only can be fav'd by g. ace ; Thy grace will here be free indeed. 3 Save us by grace, through faith alone, • A faith thou muft thyfelf impart; A faith that would by works be fhewn, A faith that purifies the Leart. 4 A faith that doth the mountains move, A faith that mews our fins forgiven ; A faith that fweetly works by love, And afcertains our claim to heaven. 5 This is the faith we humbly feek, The faith in thy all-cleanfmg blood ; That blood which doth for firmer s fpeak, O let it fpeak us up to God ! HYMN CCCXCIX. i y^ANST thou reject our dying prayer, \^/ Or caft us out who come to thee ? Our fins, ah, wherefore didft tnou bear ! Jefus, remember Calvary ! 2 Number'd with the tranfgreiTors thou, Between the felons crucified, Speak to our hearts, and tell us now, Wherefore halt, thou for finners died ! H h 3 3 For ( 368 ) 3 For us waft thou not lifted up, For us a bleeding viftim made? " That we, the abjecls, we might hope, • Thou haft for all a ranfom paid. 4 Oh might we with our clofing eyes, Thee in thy bloody vefture fee ; And caft us on thy facrifice : Jefus, my Lord, remember me ! 5 Thou art into thy kingdom come : I own thee with my parting breath : God of all grace, reverfe my doom, And fave me from eternal death. 6 Haft thou not wrought the fure belief, I feel this moment in thy blood ? And am not I the dying thief? And art not thou my Lord, my God ? 7 Thy blood to all our fouls apply, To them, to me thy Spirit give, And I (let each cry out) and I With thee in paradife mail live. H y mn cccc. For a Jick Friend. i QEE, gracious Lord, with pitying eyes, i3 Beneath thy hand a fufferer lies, Thy mercy, not thy anger proves j And he is fick whom Jefus loves, 2 Hit ( 369 ) 2 His to thy own afflictions join, Accept, exalt, and count them thine ; Thy paffion, which remains, fulfil, And fuffer in thy members ftill. 3 His ficknefs feel, endure his pain, His burden bear, his crofs fuftain ; Grieve in his griefs, and figh his fighs, And breathe his wifhes to the Ikies. 4 Enter his heart, pofTefs him whole, Infpire, and aftuate his foul ; Him/elf no longer let it be That fuffers, or that lives, but thee. 5 Thyfelf through fufferings perfett made, Conform him thus to thee his head ; Refine, and raife his virtue higher, When tried and purified by fire. 6 So when his eyes behold thee near, And thou his hidden life appear ; Bright in thy likenefs mail he mine, And glorious all, and all divine. HYMN CCCC1. For the King. 1 Tim. ii. 2. 1 QOVEREIGN of all, whofe will ordains O The powers on earth that be ; By whom our rightful Monarch reigns, Subject to none but thee. 2 Lo ( 57= ) 2 Lo ! in the arm? of faith and prayer, : bear him to thy throne ! Re:. _ eculiar a : Lord's anointed 3 With favour look upon his fzce : * Thy love's paviilion fpread ; And watchful troops of angels place jund his facred head. 4 Guard him from all who dare oppofe Thy delegate and thee ! From open and from fecret foes, From force : :.y ! : us, for conscience fake, revere The man of d ; Honour and love thy image here, i bltfs his mild command. 6 Thou only didfl the blefiing give : Th* Lord, be thine ! Let all T: me. - T " m obey, The fpirit of grace impart ! Kis dear, his facred burden lay C.\ -- "t ! g Still let us pray, and never ce'fe, Defend him, L- i ! 'Stablifft his throne in glorious peace, t. to the end ! HYMN . ■-' I HYMN CCCCII. F --,:■■ *"•:" .":: A • •/ •' -.: ."•'.'■' A _■.:. .".: ": . _ i T ORD, people pray 1 j For all that h And thy vicegerent's reign; R . And lo ! we humbly pray for m . - 2 Jefos, rvant guard, •if.:: Through pi : . :"s and peaca ma! lead. . And in 5 Preferve him, Providence divine, _ :.;::::icu> '. To kfcefl _cn. Ihower thy blefSngs down, - and pow ft Uth, proiper:: on and o a ( 372 ) HYMN CCCC1I i YT^ATHER, behold, with gracious eyes, Jj The fouls before thy throne ; Who riow prefent their facrifice, And feek thee in thy Son. 2 Well pleas'd in him, thyfelf declare ; Thy pardoning love reveal : The peaceful anfwer of our prayer To every confcience feal. 3 On me, on all, fome gift beftow ; Some blefling now import : The feed of life-eternal fow In every waiting heart. 4 Thy loving, powerful Spirit fhed, And fpeak our fins forgiven ; And hafte throughout the lump to fpread The fanctifying leafen. 5 O Father-, glorify thy Son, And grant what we require ; For Jefu fake, the gift fend down, And anfwer us by fire. 6 Kindle the flame of love within, Which fhall to heaven afcend ; And now the work of grace begin, Which iliall in glory end. HYMN ( 373 ) HYMN CCCCIV. Pilgrim concluded. 1 /""> UIDE me, O thou great Jehovah, V_3T Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but thou art mighty, Hold me with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven, Feed mc till I want no more. 2 Open, Lord, the chryftal fountain, Whence the healing ftreams do flow ; Let the fiery-cloudy pillar Lead »e all my journey through : Strong Deliverer, Be thou ftiil my fun and fhield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears fubfide : Bear me through it's fwelling current, Land me fafe on Canaan's fide ! Songs of praifes I will ever give to thee. hymn ccccv. As the Sufferings of Christ abound in us, fo our Confolation alfo aboundeth by Christ. 2 Cor. i. 5. ■c OME on, my partners, in diftrefs, My comrades through the wildernefs, Who ffcill your burdens feel ! A while ( 374 ) A while forget your griefs and fears, And look beyond this vale of tears To that celeftial hill. 2 See where the Lamb in glory ftands, Incircled with his radiant bands, And join the angelic powers : For all that height of glorious blifs Our everlafting portion is, And all that heaven is ours. 3 Who fuffer with our matter here, We mail before his face appear, And by his fide fit down ; To patient faith the prize is fuft, And all, that to the end endure The crofs, fhall wear the crown. 4 Thrice blefTed blifs, infpiring hope ! It lifts the fainting fpirits up ! It brings to life the dead ! Our conflicts here fhall foon be paft, And you and I afcend at laft, Triumphant with our head. 5 That great myfterious Deity- We foon with open face fhall fee — The beatific fight Shall fill the heavenly courts with praife, And wide diffufe the golden blaze Of everlafting light ! HYMN ( 375 ) HYMN CCCCVI. Blejfednefs of Go/pel Times. Ifai. lii. 7, 8, 9, Id, Matt. xiii. 16. 1 TTOW beauteous are their 'feet, J~l Who (land on Zion's hill! Who bring falyation on their tongues. And words of peace reveal. 2 How charming is their voice ! How fweet the tidings are ! xt Zion, behold thy Saviour -King" He reigns and triumphs here. 3 How happy are our eyes, That fee this heavenly light ; Prophets and kings defir'd it long, But died without the fight. 4 How happy are our ears* That hear this joyful found, Which kings and prophets waited for, And fought, but never found. »' 5 The watchmen join their voice, And fvveeteft. notes employ ; Jerufalem breaks forth in fongs, And deferts learn the joy. 6 The Lord makes bare his arm Through all the earth abroad ; Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and their God. I i H Y M M ( 376 ) HYMN CCCCVII. At the coming of a Minifter. 1 T X 7ELCOME, welcome, bleffed fervant, \ V Meffenger of Jefu's grace ! Oh how beautiful the feet of Him that brings good news of peace, Welcome herald, Prieft of God, thy people's joy. 2 Saviour, blefs his melfage to us, Give us hearts to hear the found Of redemption, dearly purchas'd, By thy death and precious wounds ; O reveal it, To our poor and helplefs fouls. 3 Give reward of grace and glory To thy faithful labourer dear , Let the inceij'fe of our hearts be Offer'd up in faith and prayer ; Blefs, Oh blefs him Now, henceforth, for evermore. hymn ccccvni. Prayer for Minifter and People. i TTVEAREST Saviour, help thy fervant \J To proclaim thy wonderous love ! Pour thy grace upon this people, That thy truth they may approve : Blefs, O blefs them, From thy mining courts above. 2 Now ( 377 ) Now thy gracious word invites them To partake the gofpel-feaft : Let thy Spirit fweetly draw them; Every foul be Jem's guell ! Oh receive us, Let us find thy promis'd reft. Come, thou foul-transformiiig Spirit, Blefs the fower and the feed : Ler each heart thy grace inherit, Raife the weak, the hungry feed. From the gofpel Now fupply thy people's need. K Y M n ccccix. DifmiJ/Ion. i T ORD, difmifs us with thy blefling s 1 j Fill our hearts with joy and peace, Let us all, thy love pofTeffing, Triumph in Redeeming Grace. O refrefh us, In this dry and barren place. 2 Thanks we give and adoration, For thy go/pel's joyful found ; May the fruits of thy falvation, In our hearts and fives abound, Ever faithful To the truth may we be found. 3 So whene'er the fignal's given, Us from earth to call away, I i 2 Borne ( 378 ) Borne on angel's wings to heaven.. Glad the fummons to obey ; May we ever Reign with Chriji in endlefs da\\ HYMN CCCCX. The People's Prayer for their Mini/1 er. i TT 7ITH heavenly power, O Lord, defend, V r Him whom we now to thee commend; His perfon blefs, his foul fecure, And make him to the end endure. z Gird him with all-fufficient grace ; Direct his feet in paths of peace ; Thy truth, and faithfulnefs fulfil, And help him to obey thy will. 3 Before him thy protection fend ; Oh love him, fave him to the end ! Nor let him, as a pilgrim, rove Without the convoy of thy love. 4 Enlarge, inflame, and fill his heart, In him thy mighty power exert: That thoufands yet unborn may praife The wonders of redeeming grace. H Y M N ( 379 ) HYMN CCCCXI. On the dangerous lUnefs of a Minifier o Thou, before whofe gracious throne, We bow our fuppliant fpirits down, View the fad breaft, the ftreaming eye, And let our forrows pierce the Iky. 2 Though we have finn'd, and juftly dreaci The vengeance hovering o'er our head ; Yet, power benign, thy fervant fpare, Nor turn afide thy people's prayer. 3 Avert thy fwift defcending ftroke, Nor finite the fhepherd of the flock* Left o'er the barren wafte we ftray, To prowling wolves an eafy prey. 4 Reftore him finking to the grave, Stretch out thy arm, make hafte to fave^ Back to our hopes and wifhes give, And bid our friend and father live. 5 Bound to each foul by tendereft ties, In every breaft his image lies, Thy pitying aid, O God, impart, Nor rend him from each bleeding heart. 6 Yet if our fuppHcations fail, And prayers and tears can nought prevail, Condemn'd on this dark defert coaft, To mourn our much lov'd Leader loft. Be ( 38o ) 7 Be thou his ftrength, be thou his flay, Support him through the gloomy way, Comfort his foul, furround his bed, And guide him through the dreary made. 8 Around him may the angels wait, Deck'd with their robes of heavenly flate, To teach his happy foul to rife, And waft him to his native Ikies. HYMN CCCCXII. J 'acob gathered up his feet, 13 V. Gen. xlix. 33. 1 QHRINKING from the cold hand of death, i5 I t0° mau" gather up my feet, Shall foon refign this flee:ing breath, And die, my father's God to meet. 2 Number'd among thy people, I Expect with joy thy face to fee ; Becaufe thou didft for finners die, Jefus, in death remember me. 3 Oh that without a lingering groan, I may the welcome word receive 1 My body with my charge lay down, And ceafe at once to work and live. HYMN CCCCXII. M Flejk is Grafs. Ifaiah xl. 6/ 7, 8. t >T*"^HE morning flowers difplay their fweets, And gay their filken leaves unfold, As ( 38i ) As carelefs of the noon-day heats. And fearlefs of the evening cold. 2 Nipt by the wind's unkindly blaft, •Parch'd by the fun's directer ray, The momentary glories wafte, The fhort-hVd beauties die away. 3 So blooms the human face-divine, When youth it's pride of beauty fhows Fairer than fpring the colours mine, And Tweeter than the virgin- rofe. 4 Or worn by flowly-rolling years, Or broke by ficknefs in a day ; The fading glory difappears, The fhort-UVd beauties die away. 5 Yet thefe, new rifing from the tomb, With luftre brighter far fhall Ihine ; Revive with ever-during bloom, Safe from difeafes and decline. 6 Let ficknefs blaft, and death devour, If heaven muft recompenfe our pains ; Perifh the grafs, and fade the flower, If firm the word of God remains. HYMN CCCCXIV. 1 knoiM that, i3 V. Job xix. 25, 26, 27 . 1 T KNOW that my Redeemer lives, X He lives, and an the earth mail ftand ; And, ( 3*2 ) And, though to worms my flefh he give?, My duft lies number'd in his hand. 2 In this re-animated clay, 1 furely fhall behold him near ; Shall fee him, at the latter day, In all his majefty appear. 3 I feel what then fhall raife me up, The eternal Spirit lives in me ; This is my confidence of hope, That God I face to face mail fee. 4 My own, and not another's eyes, The King fhall in his beauty view ; I fhall from him receive the prize, The crown, to his obedience due. 5 Even now I tafle that blifs divine, The glorious joy of angels prove ; A whole eternity is mine, A whole eternity of love ! HYMN CCCCXV. 1 heard a Voice from Heaven, tSi. Rev. xiv. 13. 1 TTJARK ! from heaven a voice I hear ! XA Sweet it vibrates in my ear, Joyful news to mortals brings From the immortal King of kings, 2 u BlefTed are the dead who reft, On the dear Redeemer's breaft ; Peaceful in his arms they lie, Kappy in their Lord they die-i" 3 Death ( 383 ) 3 Death, an harbinger of peace, Brings to them a fweet releafe ; Wafh'd in ChrifVs atoning blood, Straight they mount they fly to God t 4 Angels bear them on their wing, While the heavenly convoy ling ; " Welcome to the promls'd reft, Welcome to your Saviour's breaft i" 5 Salem ope's it's pearly gates, Where the Mediator waits, Waits to clafp them to his heart, Waits a kingdom to impart. 6 Now they walk the gdden-ftreet> Where their once-lov'd friends they meet, Palms they all triumphant bear, Emblems of their victory here. 7 Glorious as the fun they mine, Deck'd with garments all-divine, Crowns of gold their heads adorn5 Brighter than the blufhing morn. 8 Now the ftorm's for ever o'er, Now they've gain'd the blifsful fhon*. Where, throughout the happy plains, Peace uninterrupted reigns. 9 More than conquerors through the Lamb, They his victories now proclaim ; Cart their crowns before the throne, Sav'd by rich free grace alone. io Loft C 384 ) 10 Loll in wonder now they gaze, On the dear Immanuel's face f While as ages roll along, Jel'us ftill is all their fong. HYMN CCCCXVI. My Prefencejball go nvitb thee. Ex. xxxiii 14. 1 TpvEATH cannot make my foul afraid, JL/ If God be with me there : Soft is the paflage through the fhade, And all the profpect fair. 2 Might I but climb to Pifgatfs top, And view the promis'd land, My foul would long her flefh to drop, And pray for the command. 3 I would renounce my all below, If my Creator bid ; And run, if I were call'd to go, And die as Mofes did. 4 Jefus, the vifion of thy face Hath overpowering charms : Scarce fhall I feel death's cold embrace, If Chrift be in my arms. 5 Swift to the place of pure delight, Where faints triumphant reign ; My foul mall wing her joyful flight, j^rom forrow, fin, and pain. 6 There ( 3»S ) 6 There everlafting fpring abides, And never-withering flowers : Death, like a narrow ftream, divides This heavenly land from ours. 7 Could I but climb where Mofes flood, And view the landfcape o'er ; Not death's dark vale, or icy flood, Should fright me from the more, 8 Clafp'd in my heavenly Father's arms, I would forget to breathe ; And lofe my life amidft the charms Of fo divine a death. HYMN CCCCXV1I. Job. xiv. 14. Ifaiah xxv. 8. Rev. vii. 9. — xxii. 1, 1 A ND let this feeble body fail, j£x. And let it faint or die, My foul fhall quit the mournful vale, And foar to worlds on high ; 2 Shall join the difembodied faints, And find it's long-fought reft, That only blifs for which it pants In the Redeemer's breaft. 3 In hope of that immortal crown I now the crofs fuftain, And gladly wander up and down, And fmile at toil and pain. 4 I fufter my appointed years, Till my Deliverer come, And I 386 ) And wipe away his fervant's tears, And take his -exile home. 5 Oh what has Jefus bought for me ! Before my raviih'd eyes Rivers of life divine I fee, And trees of paradife I 6 I fee a world of fpirits bright, Who tafte the pleafures there ! . They all are rob'din fpotlefs white, And conquering palms they bear. 7 Oh what are all my fufterings here, If, Lord, thou count me meet With that enraptur'd hoft to appear, And worfhip at thy feet. 8 Give joy or grief, give eafe or pain, Take life or friends away : But let me find them all again In that eternal day. HYMN CCCCXVI1I. 1 / I sO that Jerufalem above X With joy will I repair, While in the flefh, my hope and love, My heart and foul are there. 2 There my exalted Saviour ftands, My merciful High-prieft, And ftill extends his wounded hands To take me to -his breaft. 3 What ( 3»7 ) 3 What is there here to court my flay, To hold me back, from home, While angels beckon me away, And Jefus bids me come ? 4 For mould I fuddenly remove. That hidden life to mare ; I fhall not lofe my friends above, But more enjoy them there. 5 There we in Jem's praife fnall join, His boundlefs love proclaim, And folemnize in fongs divine The marriage of the Lamb. 6 Oh what a bleffed hope is ours ! While here on earth we ftay, Ev'n now we tafte the heavenly powers, And antedate that day. 7 We feel the refurre&ion near, Our life in Chrift conceal'd, And with his glorious prefence here Our vefTels mail be fill'd. HYMN CCCCXIX. The Chriftian departing. 1 TJAPPY foul, thy days are ended, fl All thy mourning days below ; Go, by angel-guards attended, To the fight of Jefus go. K k 2 Waiting ( 383 ) 2 Waiting to receive thy Spirit, Lo ! the Saviour Jtands' above, Shews the purchafe of his merit, Reaches out the crown of love. 3 Struggle through thy lateft paflion, To thy dear Redeemer's breaft, To his uttermoft falvation, To his everlafting reft. 4 For the joy he fets before thee, Bear a momentary pain, Die, to live the life or glory, Suffer, with thy Lord to reign. H Y M Is7 CCCCXX. Burial of a Chriftian. HY do we mourn departed friends, Or fhake at death's alarms ? Fis but the voice that Jefus fends To call them to his arms. ■w 2 Are we not tending upward too, As faft as time can move ? Why mould we wifh the hours more flow To keep us from our love ? Why mould we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? There the dear flefh of Jefus lay, And left a fweet perfume ! 4 The ( 3§9 ) 4 The graves of all his faints he bleft, And foftened every bed ; Where mould the dying members reft, But with their dying head ■ 5 Thence he arcfe, afcending high, And ihew'd our feet the way : Up to the Lord our flefti fhall fly, At the great rlfmg day. 6 To all who his appearing love He opens paradife ; And we fhall join the holts above, And we fhall gain the prize. 7 Then let the laft loud trumpet found, And bid our kindred rife ; Awake, ye nations, underground, Ye faints, afcend the Ikies. HYMN CCCCXXI. Triumph over Death, in hope of the Refurreflicn. I A ND muft. this body die ? - Jt\, This well-wrought frame decay ? And muft thefe active limbs of mine Lie mouldering: in the clary ? Corruption, earth, and worms Shall but refine this flefn, 'Till my triumphant fpirit comes To put it on afrefh. Kk 2 3 God, ( 39° ) God, my Redeemer lives, And often from the fkies Looks down, and watches all my duft, Till he mall bid it rife. Array 'd in glorious grace, Shall thefe vile bodies fhine, And every fhape, and every face Be heavenly and divine. Thefe lively hopes we owe, Lord, to thy dying love ; May we adore thy grace below, . And fing thy power above. Saviour, accept the praife Of thefe our humble fongs, "Till tunes of nobler found we raife With our immortal tongues. HYMN CCCCXXI1. The Chrijlian departed. \ J^TTMS finifh'd, 'tis done ! the fpirit is fled ! J^ Theprifonerisgone,thechriftianis dead! The chriftianis living in Jefus's love, And gladly receiving a kingdom above. 2 All honour and praife are Jefus's due: Supported by grace, he fought £ij way through ; Triumphantly glorious, through Jefus's zeal, And more than victorious o'er fin, death, and hell. 3 Then t 391 ) 3 Then let us record the conquering name, Our Captain and Lord with fhoutings proclaim : Who truftin his paffion, and follow our head, To certain falvation we all mail be led. 4 O Jefus ! lead on thy militant care, And give us the crown of righteoufnefs there : Where, dazzled with glory, the feraphim gaze, Or proftrate adore thee in filence of praife. 5 Thou, Lord, wilt difplay thy fign in the Iky, And bear us away to manlions on high ; Wilt give us the kingdom, the purchafe olivine, And crown us "in heaven eternally thine. H Y M N CCCCXXIII. 1 TJ E jGICE for a brother deceas'd, Xv. Our lofs is his infinite gain ; A foul out of prifon releas'd, And freed from his bodily chain; With longs let us follow bis flight, And mount with bis fpirit above, Efcap'd to the manilons of light, And lodg'd in the Eden of love. 2 Our brother the haven hath gain'd, Out-flying the tempeft and wind, His reft he harh (boner obfain'd, And left bis companions behind ; Still tofs d on a lea of dillrefs, Hard toiling to make the bleit. more, Where all is aflurahce and peace, And forrow and iin are no more. K k 3 3 There ( 392 ) 3 There all the fhip's company meet, Who fail'd with the Saviour beneath, With fhouting each other they greet, And triumph o'er trouble and death : The voyage of life's at an end, The mortal affliction is paft, The age, that in heaven they fpend, For ever and ever (hall laft. HYMN CCCCXXIV, I TTOSANNAH to Jefus on high ! X X Another is enter'd bis reft, Another is 'fcap'd to the fky, And lodg'd in Immanuel's breaft, The foul of our Jijler is gone To heighten the triumph above, Exalted to Jefus's throne, And clasp'd in the arms of his love. z How happy the angels that fall Tranfported at Jefus's name ; The faints whom he fooneft mail call To Ihare in the feaft of the Lamb ! No longer imprifon'd in clay, Who next from his dungeon mail fly, Who firft fhall be fummon'd away — My merciful God — is it I ? 3 O Jefus, if this be thy will, That fuddenly I fhould depart, Thy counfel of mercy reveal, And whifper the call to my heart ; Oh ( 393 ) Oh give me a fignal to know, If Toon thou wouldft have me remove, And leave the dull body below, And fly to the regions of love. HYMN CCCCXXV. i T" O! the prifoner is releas'd, 1 j Lighten'd of his flefhly load ; Where the weary are at reft, He is gather'd into God ! Lo ! the pain of life is paft, All his warfare now is o'er ; Death and hell behind are caft, Grief and fuffering are no morel 2 Yes, the chriftian's courfe is run, Ended is the glorious ftrife ; Fought the fight, the work is done, Death is fwallow'd up of life : Borne by angels on their wings, Far from earth the fpirit flies, Finds his God, and fits, and lings, Triumphing in paradife. 3 Join we then with one accord, In the new, the joyful fong ; Abfent from our loving Lord We mall not continue long : We fhall quit the houfe of clay, We a better lot fhall fliare ; We fhall fee the realms of day, Meet our happy brother there. 4 Let ( 394 ) 4 Let the world bewail their dead, Fondly of their lofs complain ; Brother, friend, by Jefus freed, Death to thee, to us, is gain ; Thou art enter'd into joy : Let the unbelievers mourn ; We in fongs our lives employ, Till we all to God return.' H Y M N CCCCXXVI. BleJJed are the Dead, \$c. Rev. xiv. 13 i T TAJIK! a voice divides the fky \ XI Happy are the faithful dead, In the Lord who fweetly die, They from all their toils are freed \ Them the Spirit hath declar'd Bleft, unutterably bleft ; Jefus is their great reward, Jefus is their endlefs reft. 2 Follow'd by their works they go, Where their head had gone before, ReconciPd by grace below, Grace had open'd mercy's door : Juftified through faith alone, Here they knew their fins forgiven ; Here they laid their burden down, Hallow'd, and made fit for heaven. 3 Born into the world above, Angels now our brother greet, Bear him to the throne of love, Place him at the Saviour's feet : Jefii' ( 395 ) Jefus fmiles and fay?, " Well done ! (( Good and faithful fervant thou ! " Enter, and receive thy crown, " fteign with me triumphant now.'* 4 Angels catch the approving found, Bow, and blefs the juft award ; Hail the heir with glory crown'd, Now rejoicing with the Lord : Fuller joys ordain'd to know, Waiting for the general doom, When the archangel's trump fhall blow, " Rife, ye dead, to judgment come." HYMN CCCCXXVII. Behold, the Bridegroom comet h. Matt. XXV. 7 1 T TEARKEN to the foiemn voice, X. A The awful midnight cry ; Waiting fouls- rejoice, rejoice, And fee the bridegroom nigh ! Lo ! he comes to keep his word, Light and joy his looks impart ; Go ye forth to meet your Lord, And meet him in your heart. 2 Ye, who faint beneath your load Of fin, your heads lift up ; See your dear redeeming God, He comes, and bids you hope : In the midnight of your grief, Jefus doth his mourners cheer ; Lo ! he brings you fure relief ! Believe, and feel him here ! 3 Ye, ( 39« ) 3 Ye, whofe lines are girt, ftand forth ! Whofe lamps are burning bright, "Worthy in your Saviour's worth, To walk with Chrift in light : Jefus bids your hearts be clean, Bids you all his promife prove ; Jefus comes to caft out fin, And perfect you in love. 4 Wait we all in patient hope, "Till Chrift the Judge (hall come ; We (hall fo on be all caught up To meet the general doom ; In an hour to us unknown, As a thief in deepeft night, Chrift fhall fuddenly come down With all his faints in light. 5 Happy he, whom Chrift mail find Watching to fee him come ; Him the judge of all mankind Shall bear triumphant home : Who can anfwer to his word ? Which of you dares meet his day ? " Rife, and come to judgment," — Lord, We rife, and come away : HYMN CCCCXXVIII I TTAPPY who in Jefus live, AX But happier ftill are they Who to God their fpirits give, And 'fcape from earth away : Lord, ( 597 ) Lord, thou read'ft the panting heart, Lord, thou hear'ft the praying figh, Oh 'tis better to depart, 'Tis better far to die. 2 Yet if fo thy will ordain For our companions' good, Let us in the rlefh remain, And meekly bear the load. When we have our grief fill'd up, When we all our works have done ; Late partakers of our hope, And fharers of thy throne. 3 To thy wife and gracious will We quietly fubmit, Waiting for redemption full, But waiting at thy feet : When thou wilt the bleffing give, Call us up thy face to fee, Only let thy fervants live, And let us die to thee. H Y M N CCCCXXIX. Profpecl of Heaien. HOW happy then are we, Who build, O Lord, on thee ! What can our foundation ihock ? Though the fhatter'd earth remove, Stands our city on a rock, On a rock of heavenly love. A houfe ( 393 ) A houfe we call our own, Which cannot be o'erthrown ; In the general ruin fure, Storms and earthquakes it defies : Built immoveably fecure, Built eternal in the ikies. High on Immanuel's land, We fee the fabric ftand, From a tottering world remove, To our ftedfail manfion there : Our inheritance above Cannot pafs from heir to heir. Thofe amaranthine * bowers, Unalienably ours, Bloom our infinite reward ; Rife, our permanent abode ; From the founded world prepar'd, Purchas'd by the blood of God. Oh ! might we quickly find The place for us defign'd ; See the long-expected day Of our full redemption here ! Let the fhadows flee away ! Let the new-made world appear ! High on thy great white throne, O king of faints, come down ! In the new Jerufalem, Now triumphantly defcend ; Let the final tramp proclaim Joys begun, which ne'er mall end. H Y M * Unfading, i Pet. i. 4. { 399 ) HYMN CCCCXXI. llev. i. 7. i "^JOT all the Archangels can tell J^ The joys of that holieft place* Where Jefus is pleas'd to reveal The light of his heavenly face ; Where caught in the rapturous flame The fight beatific they prove, And walk in the light of the Lamb, And bafk in the beams of his love. z Who then upon earth can conceive, The blifs that in heaven they fhare : Who then this dark world would not leave, And cheerfully die to be there ? }Tis good at thy word to be here, ,rl is better in thee to be gone, And fee thee in glory appear, And rife to a fhare of thy throne. 3 To mourn for thy coming is fweet, To weep at thy longer delay : But thou whom we halten to meet Shalt chafe all our forrows away : The tears mall be wip'd from our eyes When thee we behold in the cloud, And echo the joys of the fkies, And fhout to the trumpet of God. LI HYMN ( 4©° ) HYMN CCCCXXXI. Rev xxi. io, ii, 22, 23. 1 y\ WAY with our forrow and fear ! 2\ ^Ty'e f°°n ^a^ recover our home; 'I he city of faints mall appear, The day of eternity come : From earth we fhall quickly remove, And mount to our native abode, The houfe of our Father above, The palace of angels and God. z Our mourning is all at an end, When rats'd by the life-giving word, We fee the new citydefcend, Adorn'd as a bride for her Lord ; The city (o holy and clean, No forrow can breathe in the air-: No gloom of affliction or fin, No fhadow of evil is there 1 3 By faith we already behold That lovely, Her walls are of jafper and gold, As cryftal her buildings are clear ; Immovably founded in grace, She ftands as fhe ever hath ftood, And brightly her builder difplays And flames with the glory of God. 4 No need of the fun in that day, Which never is follow'd by night, Where Jefus's beauties difplay A pure and a permanent light : The ( 40i ) E Lamb is their light and their fun^ And lo ! by refle&ion they ihine, With Jefus ineffably one, And bright in effulgence divine 1 5 The faints in his prefence receive Their great and eternal reward, In Jefus, in heaven they live, They reign in the fmile of trieir Lord : The flame of angelical love Is kindled at Jefus's face ; And all the enjoyments above Confiit in the rapturous gr/ze. HYMN CCCCXXXII. Here nve have no continuing City. Keb» xiii. 14, 1 T EADER cf faithful fouls, and guide JL, Of all that travel to the Iky, Come, and with us, even us abide, Who would on thee alone rely : On thee alone our fpirits f While held in life's uneven way. 2 Strangers and pilgrims here below, This earth we know is not our place., And haiten through the vale of woe, And reftlefs to behold thy face : Swift to'our heavfpfly country move, Our everlafting home above. 3 We've no abiding city here, But feek a city out of fight, Thither our fteady courfe we User, Afpiring to the plains cf light : * L 1 2 Jerufi { 402 ) Jerufalem, the faints' abode, Whofe founder is the living God. 4 Patient the appointed race to run, This weary world we raft behind, From ftrength to ftrength we travel on, The New jerufalem to find ; Our labour this, our only aim, To find the New Jerufalem. 5 Through thee, who all our fins haft borne > Freely and graciouily forgiven, With fongs to Zion we return,. Center ding for cur native heaven ; That palace of our glorious king, We find it nearerwhile we fing. 6 Rais'd by the breath of love divine, We urge our way with ftrength renew'd^ The church of the firft-born to join, We travel to the mount of God ; With joy upon our heads arife, And meet our captain in the Ikies. HYMN CCCCXXIII. The God of Abraham. i /-TT^HE God of Abraham praife, X Who reigr*i|ftnthron'd above ; Ancient of everlafling days, And God of Love. Jehovah, great I AM ! By earth and heaven con fell ; I bow and blefs the facred name, For ever blefs 'd. ( 4°3 ) 2 The God of Abraham praife, At whofe fupreme command, From earth I rife — and feek the joys At his right-hand : ' I all on earth forfake, It's wifdom, fame and power; And him my only portion make, My ihield and tower. 3 The God of Abraham praife, Whofe all-fuflicient grace • Shall guide me all my happy days In all my ways : He calls a worm his friend ! He calls himfeif my God ! And he mall fave me to the end, Through Jefu's blood. 4. He by himfeif hath fworn, I on his oath depend, • I (hall, on eagle's wings upborne, To heaven afcend : I mall behold his face, I fhall his power adore, And fing the wonders of his grace For evermore. HYMN CCCCXXXIV. P. 2. 1 '-pVHOUGH nature's ftrength decay, X And eartti and hell withftand, To Canaan's bounds I urge my way, At his command : The watery deep I paf*, With Jefus in my view ; L 1 3 And ( 4°4 ) And through the howling wildernefs* My way purfue. The goodly land I fee, With peace and plenty blefs'd ; A land of facred liberty, Andendlefs reft; There milk and honey flow, And wine and oil abound, And trees of life for ever grow, With mercy crown'd. There dwells the Lord our King, The Lord our Righteoufnefs ; Triumphant o'er the world and fin, The Prince of peace : On Zion's facred height, His kingdom ftill maintains ; And glorious with his faints in light. For ever reigns. He keeps his own fecure, He guards them by his fide, Arrays in garments white and pure His fpotlefs bride : With ftreams of facred blifs, With groves of living joys, With all the fruits of paradife, He ftill fupplies. HYMN CCCCXXXV. P. 5. B EFORE the great Three-One They all exulting ftand ; And ( 4°5 ) And tell the wonders he hath done. Through all their land : The liit'ning fpheres attend, And fwell the growing fame ,* And fing, in longs which never end, The wonderous name. The God who reigns on high The great Arch-angels fmg, And Holy, Holy, Holy, cry, Almighty King ! Who was, and is, the fame ; And evermore mail be ; Jehovah — Father — Great I AM I We worfhip Thee. Before the Saviour's face The ranfom'd nation's bow, O'erwhelm'd at his almighty grace, For ever new : . He fhews his prints of love . They kindle to a flame ! And found through all the worlds above,. The flaughter'd Lamb. The whole triumphant hoft Give thanks to God on high ; Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, They ever cry : Hail, Abraham's God — and mine I I ^oin the heavenly la All might and majefty are thine, And endlefs praife. HYM>! ( 4°6 ) HYMN CCCCXXXVI. Dejiring to lo8 ) 3 Shall I, to footh the unholy throng, Soften thy truths, and fmooth my tongue ? To gain earth's gilded toys, or flee The crofs, endur'd, my God, by thee ? 4 What then is he, whofe fcorn I dread ? Whofe wrath or hate makes me afraid ? A man ! an heir of death ! a Have To fin ! a bubble on the wave ! 5 Yea, let man rage ; fince thou wilt fpread Thy fhadowing wings around my head : Since in all pain, thy tender love, Will flill my fure refrefhment prove. 6 Saviour of men, thy fearching eye Doth all my inmoft foul defcry : Doth ought on earth my wifhes raife ? Or the world's pieafure, or it's praife ? 7 The love of Chrift doth me conftrain, To feefc the wandering fouls of men : With cries, entreaties, tears to fave, To fnatch them from the gaping grave. 8 For this let men revile my name, No crofs I fhun, 1 fear no fhame : All hail, reproach, and welcome pain ! Only thy terrors, Lord, reftrain. 9 My life, my b'ood, I here prefent ! If forth/ truth they may be fpent, Fulfil thy fovereign counfel, Lord, Thy will be done, thy name ador'd '• 10 Give ( 4*9 ) Give me thy ftrength, O God of power; Then let winds blow, or thunders roar 3 Thy faithful witnefs will I be : 'Tis fixt : I can do all through thee 1 H V M N * CCCCXLV1II. God exalted above abo-ue all Praifj. 1 T7« TERNAL power, whofe high abode Jtl/ Becomes the grandeur of a God, Infinite length?, beyond the bounds Where ftars revolve their little rounds. 2 Thee while the firfl archangel fmgs, Ke hides his face behind his wings ; And ranks of mining thrones around, Fail worshipping, and fpread the ground. 3 Lord, what fmll earth and afhes do I We would adore our Maker too ! From fin and daft to I zry, The Great, the Hoiy, and the Higfc! 4 Earth from afar hath heard thy fame, And worms have learnt to Hip thy name ; But Gh ! the glories of thy mind Leave all our foaring thoughts behind. 5 God is in heaven, and men below : Be fhort our tunes ; our words be few ! A folemn reverence checks our fongs, And praife fits fiient on our tongues. Hy.\: n ( 420 ) R Y M N CCC CXLIX. Ccme, Lordjcfus. Rev. xxii. 21. i TT7EEN mail thy lovely face be feen ? I V V When ihall our eyes behold our God? What lengths of diftance lie between ? And hills of guilt ? a heavy load ! 2 Ye heavenly gates, loofe all your chains. Let the eternal pillars bow, Bleft Saviour, cleave the ftarry plains, And make the cryftal mountains flow. 3 Kark ! how thy faints unite their cries, And pray and wait the general doom ? Come, Thou ! the foul of all our joys, Thou, the 'defire of nations, come! 4. Our heart -firings groan with deep complaint, Our flefh lies panting, Lord, for thee ; And every limb and every joint Stretches for immortality. 5 Soon mall our cheerful eyes furvey The blazing earth and melting hills ; And fmile to fee the lightning play, And flafh along before thy wheels. 6 Kark ! what a fhout of violent joys Joins with the mighty trumpet's found ! The angel herald makes the Ikies, Awakes the graves, and tears the ground. 7 Ye ( 4*1 ) n Ye {lumbering enly^hoft Stands waiting at ; our g os ; Let every facred, fleeging a- ft Leap into life ; for Jefus co. 8 Jefus, the God of might and love, New-moulds our limbs of cumberous clay, Quick as feraphic flames we move, To reign with him in ei.diefs day. HYMN CCCCL. How dreadful is this place. Gen. xxviii. 16, 17-. 1 T Ol God is here, let us adore, • \ j And own, how dreadful is this place ! Let all within us feel his power, And filent bow before his'face ! Who know fyis power, his grace who £rove, Serve him with awe, with reverence love. 2 Lo, God is here ! him day and night United choirs of angels fing. : To him enthron'd above all height, Heaven's hoft their noblelt praifes bring : Difdain not, Lord, our meaner fong, Who praife thee with a Hammering tongue. 3 Gladly the toys of earth we leave, Wealth, pleafure, fame, for thee alone : To thee our will, foul, fleih we give ; Oh ! take, Oh : feal them for thy own : Thou art the God : thou art the Lord : Be thou by all thy works ador'd ! 4 Being ( 422 ) 4 Being of beings, may our praife Thy courts with grateful fragrance fill ; Still may we fland before thy face, Still hear and do thy fovereign will; To thee may all our thoughts arife, Ceafelefs, accepted facrifice ! HYMN CCCCLI. Tie Hcufe of God. Gen. xxviii. 17. 1 TN heavenly majefty and grace, J[ When God doth to his church appear, We cry, how dreadful is this place ! With holy joy, and humble fear That dares nGt in his prefence move, Cur fouls adore his glorious love. 2 Our hearts overflow with praife and prayer Whene'er he doth his Son reveal, His prefence makes a Bethel here, His glory doth the temple fill, We find in Chrift. to finners given, The houfe of God, the gate of heaven ! HYMN CCCCLII. My Son give me thy Heart. Prov. xxiii. 26. j TESUS, thou doll not fue in vain, J Or afk what 1 can never give : Thyfelf haft plac'd the power in man His proffer'd Saviour to receive ; While knocking at the door, Thou art, And fayeft, " My Sc/: give me thy heart !" 2 Come ( \n ) 2 Come in, thou fuppikant divine, I hear thy voice, and open now : Take my poor heart, no longer mine, Enter with all thy fulnefs, thou ; Take my poor heart, ('tis all thy own) And never leave thy humble throne. HYMN CCCCL III. Beboti, the Bridegroom cometb. Matt. xxv. 6, i TTE comes! the heavenly bridegroom comes, X. JL Preceded by the midnight cry ! Sinners and faints forfake their tombs> Go forth, and meet him in the iky. 2 How dreadful is the tinner's fate, Who wakes at laft to ileep no more, Who knocks and calls, alas ! too late, When death for ever ihuts the door. 3 To feal the univerfal doom The Son of man mall bow the fky, With all his holy angels come, With ail his Father's majefty i 4 All nations in that day mail meet, Arraigned at his tremendous bar, Behold him on his glorious feat : And, O my foul, fhall I be there ! 5 Molt gracious, moft tremendous Lord, The fentence which proceeds from thee> For punifiiment, as for reward, Muft ftand through all eternity. N n 6 Ah ! ( 4H ) Ah ! give me hozv thy voice to hear, Which calls in mercy fo divine, That, when thou doit as judge appear, Thou may'ft acknowledge me for thine, HYMN CCCCL1V. di the Shadow of a great Reck, Ifaiah xxxii. i IT* TERNAL rock, projea thy made, trj Extend to me thy friendly aid, While at thy foot, a (inner I, Weary, and fpent, and dying lie. 2 Covered by thee, my foul would reft With pardon and falvation bleft, 'Till through thy riven fide I rife, And meet my Saviour in the Ikies. 3 That hiding-place I long to find, That facred covert from the wind ; Thou man of grief, thou God of love, Receive and keep my foul above. 4 Conceal me from the furious bJaft Till all the ftorms of life are paft, Or let the lateli tempeft come, And drive me to my heavenly home, hymn ccccr.v. i TESUS, guard thy gathered iheep J Who thy voice begin to know ; Day ( 4*5 ) Day and night in fafety keep, Help us after them to go : Eyeing them with fix'd regard, By thy word and Spirit led, Walk we in the works prepar'd, Clofe in all thy footiteps tread. 2 In thy pilgrimage with men, (Objecls of thy conftant care) Thou didffc all their grief fuftain, Labouring, watching unto prayer : Thou whole nights in prayer didft fpencl> On the mount for us employ Jd, Prompt the helplefs to defend, Prevalent with man and God. 5 By no private wants compell'd, Only love infpir'd thy breaft, Love thy fteady hands upheld, Love infore'd the kind requeft : And mall we refufe to join, We who all the good receive, Reap the fruit of toil divine, By the prayer of Jefus live ? ^ Jefus, hear our earneft cry, Execute thy love's defign ; Bring thy great falvation nigh,. Claim a ranfom'd world for thine : Take the purchafe of thy blood, (Blood that fpeaks our fins forgiven;) Let it bring us near to God, Let it pray us up to heaven ! N n z HYMN C 4*6 ) HYMN CCCCLV-I. John i. 12. 1 >*npHEE, Jefus, full of truth and grace,. X My God, my Saviour, I embrace, To all thy creatures given, My Prophet, Prieft, and King receive, And in thy only name believe, For pardon, grace and heaven. 2 Sole felf-exifting God, I own The merit of thy death alone Hath ranfom'd all mankind, And every dying Have in thee, With peace and perfect liberty, May life eternal find. 3 Light of my foul, I follow thee, In humble faith on earth to fee Thy perfect day of love, And then, v/ith all thy faints in light, ri o gain the beatific fight Which makes their heaven above. H Y M K cccclvi i« The Lord's Day. 1 / a VHE Lord is rifen indeed, X And bids his members rife ! Ye faints, by Jefus freed, Purfue him to the Ikies : Thi ( 427 ) This is the day the Lord hath made ; Rejoice, and be for ever glad. 2 On this triumphant day Peculiarly his own, He calls his church to pray, And fing around his throne j To vie with the redeem'd above, Rejoicing in his pardoning love, 3 Jefus, to us impart Thyrefurreclion's power, And teach our quicken'd heart It's living Lord to adore, To vie with the redeem'd above. Rejoicing in thy pardoning love.. 4 Us by thy peace allure Thou doft our fins forgive, And then our fpirits pure Unto thyfelf receive, To keep the day of reft above, Rejoicing in thy heavenly love, H Y M N CCCCLVI1I, The RefitrreSion. AIL, the happy morn fo glorious ! "ome, ye faints, your grief give o'e"; Sing how Jefus rofe victorious, N n 3 By H" : ; - 7_"r.- : :_:: --- ■ T: - DLnu ■ :: 7 7. _~ ;:._-.: ;. ; : : : : . : ~- • _ ~ . : " - • v - - * ~"; • : *'. r*. t t r : : t : t i ;~r -• "':—::.£...:: r.i; :•:■_•;*: - :' 1;i i" ■ C 430 ) HYMN CGCCLX. ' The Refurretlion. i ' ■ ^HE fun of righteoiifnefs appears X To fet in blood no more ! Adore the fcatterer of your fears, Your rifing fun adore. 2 The faints, when he refign'd.his breath Unclos'd their fleeping eyes ; He breaks again the bands of death, Again the dead arife! 3 Alone the dreadful race he ran,. Alone the wine-prefs trod ; He died and fuffer'd as a man : He rife.s as a God ! 4 In vain the ftone, the watch, the feal Forbid an early rife To him who breaks the gates of hell, And opens paradife. HYMN CCCCLXi. A Prayer for Faith* 1 T?ATHER, I ft retch my hands to thee> JP No other help I know : » If thou withdraw thyfelf from me ! Ah ! whither ihall I go ! 2. What did thy only Son endure Before I drew my breath ! What ( 43i ) What pain, what labour to fecure My foul from endlefs death. ; O Jefus, could I this believe, 1 now mould feel thy power;. Now my poor foul thou wouldir. retrieve., Nor let me wait one hour. 4 Author of faith, to thee I lift My weary, longing eyes ; Oh let me now receive that gift : My foul without it dies. 5 Surely thou canft not let me die I Oh fpeak, and I mail live ! And here I will unwearied lie Till thou thy Spirit give. 6 The worfi offmners would rejoice, Could they but fee thy face; Oh let me hear thy quickening voice, Andtafte thy pardoning grace. H Y M N CCCCLXII. On tie Crucifixion. i TH^ROM whence thefe dire portents around, X/ That earth and heaven amaze ? Wherefore do earthquakes cleave the ground, Why hides the fun his rays i z See, ftreaming from the accurfed tree, His all-atoning blood ! la ( 432 ) Is this the infinite ! 'tis he, My Saviour, and my God ! 3 For me thefe pangs his foul a flail, For me the death is borne : My ftn gave fharpnefs to the nail, And pointed every thorn. 4 Let fin no more my foul enflave ! . Break, Lord, the tyrant's chain ; Oh lave me whom thou cam'ft to fave, Nor bleed nor die in vain \ H y m :*- CCCCLXIII. Chriflt my Redeemer. 1 A RT thou not, Lord, already mine I jtx. Anfwer if mine thou art ! Whifper within, thou love divine, And cheer my drooping heart. 2 Oh tell me now my peace is made. And bid the Tinner live : The debt's difcharg'd, the ranfom's paid, My Father will forgive. 3 Behold, for me the victim bleeds, His wounds are open'd wide ; Forme the blood of fprinkling pleads* And fpeaks me juftified. 4- Oh could I lofe myfelf in thee ! Thy depth of mercy prove, Thou ( 433 ) Thou vaft unfathomable fea Of unexhaufted love ! 5 My humbled foul, when thou art near, In duft and allies lies ! How mail a fmful worm appear, Or meet thy purer eyes ? 6 I loath myfelf when God I fee, And into nothing fall ^ Content, if thou exalted be, And Chrift be all in all. HYMN CCCCLXIV. The AlonvncnU I T ORD, take my heart, and let it be | j For ever clos'd to all but thee ! Seal thou my breaft, and let me wear That pledge of love for ever there. z How bleft are they who' ftill abide Clofe fhelter'd in thy bleeding fide ! Who life and ftrength from thence derive, And by thee move, and in thee live ! 3 What are our works but (in and death, 'Till thou thy quickening Spirit breathe ! Thou giv'ft the power thy grace to move, Oh wonderous grace! Oh boundlefs love! | How can it be, thou heavenly King, That thou fhouldft us to glory bring ? Make ( 334 ) Make flares the partners of thy throne? Deck'd with a never-fading crown ? 5 Hence our hearts melt, our eyes o'erflow, Our words are loft : nor will we know, Nor will we think of ought befide " My Lord, my love is crucified." HYMN CCCCLXV. He! every one that thirflelh, &C Ifaiah lv. I. 3 TJO! every one that thirfts, draw nigh, JL A ('Tis God invites the fallen race) Mercy and free falvation buy, Buy v/ine, and milk, and gofpel grace. z Come to the living waters, come, Sinners, obey your Maker's call, Return, ye weary wanderers, home, And find my grace reach'd out to all. • 3 See from the rock a fountain rife ! For you in healing ftreams it rolls : Money ye need not bring, nor price, Ye labouring, burthen'd, fm-fick fouls 4 Nothing ye in exchange (Trail give : Leave all you have, and are, behind : Frankly the gift of God receive, Pardon and peace in Jefus find. j In fearch of empty joys below, Ye' toil with unavailing (trite : Whither ( 435 ) Whither, ah ! whither would you go I I have the words of endlefs iife. 6 I bid you all my goodnefs prove, My promifes for all are free : Come, tafte the manna of my love, And let your foul delight in me. HYMN CCCCLXVi. Hope for Mercy* i f^\ Jefus, of thee I enquire, \^J If ftill thou art able to fave I The brand to pluck out of the fire, And ranfom my foul from the grave ? The help of thy Spirit reftore, And mew me the life-giving blood : And pardon a (inner once more ; And bring me again unto God. z O Jems, in pity draw near ! Come quickly to help aloft foul ! To comfort a mourner appear ; To make a poor Lazarus whole The balm of thy mercy apply : (Thou feeft the fore anguifh I feel) Save, Lord, or I perifh, I die ! Oh fave, or I fink into hell 1 3 I fink, if thou longer delay Thy pardoning mercy to (how : Come quickly, and kindly difplay The power of thy pafiion below .' By all thou haft done for my fake, One drop of thy blood 1 implore ! O o Now ( 436 ) Now, now let it touch me, and make The fmner a finner no more ! HYMN CCCCLXVII. Fear of offending. $ f~* CD of all grace and majefly, VJF Supremely great and good, If I have mercy found with thee, Through the atoning blood ; The guard of all thy mercies give, And to my pardon join A fear, left I mould ever grief e The gracious Spirit divine. 2 Rather, I would in darknefs mourn The abfence of thy peace, Than e'er by light irreverence turn Thy grace to wanton nefs : Rather I would in painful awe, Beneath thy anger move, Than fin againft the gofpel law Of liberty and love. 5 But Oh ! thou wouldft not have me live In bondage, grief, or pain ; Thou doft not take delight to grieve The heiplefs fons of men : Thy will is my falvation, Lord ; And let it now take place, And let me tremble at the word Of reconciling grace. I Still ( top ) 4 Still may I walk as in thy fight? My flrift obferver fee ; And thou, by reverent love, unite My childlike heart to thee. Still let me, 'till my days are pair/ At Jefu's feet abide ; So fhall he lift me up at laft, And feat me by his fide. H Y M N CCCCLXV1II. Wrejllivg yacob. i /^tOME, O thou traveller unknown,. V>* Whom ftill I hold but cannot fee ; My company before is gone, And I am left alone with thee : With thee all night I mean to ftay,. Andwreltle 'till the break of day. 2 I need not tell thee who I am, My mifery or fin declare ; Thyfelf haft call'dme by my name ; Look on thy hands, and read it there t Sut who, I afk thee, who art thou : Tell me thy name, and tell me now. 3 'Tis love ! 'tis love ! thou diedft for me 1 I hear thy whifper in my heart ; The morning breaks, the fhadows flee, Pure, univerfal love thou art : To me, to all, thy bowels move, Thy nature, and thy name is love. O o 2 4 My. ( 438 ) My prayer hath power with God ; the gfaee Unfpeakable 1 now receive ; Through faith I fee thee face to face ; I fee thee face to face and live ! In vain I have not wept and ftrove ; Thy nature, and thy name is love. I know thee, Saviour, who thou art, Jefus, the feeble finner's friend ; Nor wilt thou with the night depart, But ft ay, and love me to the end : Thy mercies never fhall remove, Thy nature, and thy name is love. Wilt thou not yet to me reveal Thy new unutterable name ? Tell me, 1 ftill befeech thee, tell ; To know it now refolv'd 1 am : Wreftling, I will not let thee go, 'Till I thy name, thy nature know. HYMN CCCCLXIX* United to the Church. 1 TESUS, to thee our hearts we lift : J May all our hearts with love o'erflow^ With thanks for thy continued gift, That ftill thy precious name we know ; Retain our fenfe of iin forgiven, And wait for aft our. inward heaven. 2 What mighty troubles haft thou fhown Thy feeble, tempted followers here ? We ( 439 ) We have through fire and wafer gone : But faw thee on the floods appear ;. But felt thee prefeat in the flame,, And fhouted our Deliverer's name. : 3 When ftronger fouls their faith forfook, And luli'd in worldly, hellifn peace, Leap'd defperate from their guardian rock j And headlong pi u ng'd in fin's abyfs : Thy ftrength was in our'weaknefs fhown, And hull it guards and keeps thy own. 4 All are not loft, nor wandered back : All have not left thy church and thee : There are who fuller fcr thy fake, Enjoy thy glorious infamy; Efteem the fcandal of the crofs, And only jfeek divine applaufe. 5 Thou who haft kept us to this hoi: -, Oh ! keep us faithful tj the end : When rob'd with majefry and powe , Our jcfus ihall from heaven defcend, His friends and confeilbrs to own, And feat us on a glorious throne. H Y M N CCCCLXX. Tnrt in God, NOW I have found the ground wherein^ Sure my foul's anchor may remain; The wounds of Jefus for my fin, Before the world "s foundation flain : O o 3 Whofe ( 44° ) Whofe mercy mall unfhaken Hay, When heaven and earth are fled away. 2 Father, thy everlafting grace Our fcanty thought furpafTes far : Thy heart ftill melts with tendernefs ; Thy arms of love ftiil open are, Returning finners to receive, That mercy they may tafte and live ! 3 O love, thou bottomlefs abyfs ! My fins are fwallowed up in thee; Cover'd is my unrighteoufnefs, Nor fpot of guilt remains on me, While Jefu's blood, through earth and Ikies, Mercy, free, boundlefs mercy cries. 4 With faith I plunge me in this fea, Here is my hope, my joy, my reft ; Hither, when hell afTails, I flee, I look into my Saviour's bread : A. way fad doubt, and anxious fear; Mercy is ail that's written here. 5 Though waves and ftorms go o'er my head, Though ftrength and health, and friend: be gone, Though joys be withered all and dead, Though every comfort b* withdrawn, On this my ftedfaft foul relies, Tather, thy mercy never dies. 6 Fixt on this ground will I remuin, Though my heart fail, and flefh dec This I 44-1. ) This anchor fnall my foul fuftain, Though earth's foundations melt away ; Mercy's full power I then fhaii prove, Lov'd with an everlafting love. HYMN CCCCLXXI. Divine Love. i . JESUS, thy boundlefs love to me J No thought can reach, no tongue declare; Oh knit my thankful heart to thee, And reign without a rival there ! Thine, wholly thine, alone I am : Be thou alone my conftant flame ! 2 Oh grant that nothing in my foul May dwell, but thy pure love alone 1 Oh may thy love poffefs me whole, My joy, my treafure, and my crown ! Strange flames far from my heart remove: My every adl, word, thought, be love. j O Love, how cheering is thy ray ? All pain before thy prefence flies ; Care, anguifh, forrow, melt away, Where'er thy healing beams arife : O Jefus, nothing may I fee, Nothing defire or feek but thee. 4 Unwearied may I this purfne ; Dauntlefs to the high-prize afpire : Hourly within my foul renew This holy flame, this heavenly fire : And ( 4& )' And day and night be al! my care To guard this facred treafure there. HYMN CCCCLXX1I. Divine Love. x. T\/TY S?viour, thou thy love to me, iVA In fliame, in want, in pain, haft fhow'd ; For me on the accurfed tree Thou pouredft forth thy guiltlefs blood : Thy wounds \ipon my heart imprefs, Nor ought fhali the lov'd ftamp efface.. 2 More hard than marble is my hearty And foul with fins of deepeft ftain ; But thou the mighty Saviour art ; Nor flowd thy cleanfing blood in vain : Ah foften, meit this rock, nnd may Thy biood warn, all thefe ftains away ! 3 Oh I that I as a little child May follow thee, and never reft Till fweetly thou haft breath'd thy mild And lowly mind into my breaft ! Nor may we ever parted be, Till I become one fpirit with thee. 4 Still let thy love point out my way : Howwond'rous things thy lore hath wrought; Still lead me, left I go aft ray ; Direct my word, thought : And fliould i, foon may I hear Thy voice, and know that love is near. 5 In ( 44-5 ) In fuftering be thy love my peace ; In weaknefs be thy love my power ; And when the ftorms of life fhall ceafe, Jefus, in that important hour, In death as life, be thou my guide, And fave me, who for me haft died. HYMN CCCCLXXIII, Divine Love. i ^TT^HGU hidden love of God, whofe height, X Whofe depth unfathom'd, no man knows ; I fee from far thy beauteous light, I only flgh for thy repofe : My heart is pain'd, nor can it be At reft, till it finds reft in thee. 2 Thy fecret voice invites me ftill The fweetnefs of thy yoke to prove ; And fain I would : but though my will Seem fixt, yet wide my paffions rove ; Yet hinderances ftrew all the way ; I aim at thee, yet from thee ftray. 3 'Tis mercy all, that thou haft brought My mind to feek her peace in thee ! Yet while I feek, but find thee not, No peace my wandering foul (hall fee : Oh ! when mail ail my wanderings end, And all my fteps to thee -ward tend? 4 Is there a thing beneath the fun, That itriyes with thee ray heart to fhare ? Ah! ( 444 ) Ah ! tear it thence, and reign alon-e The Lord of every motion there ! Then mall my heart from earth be free, When it hath found repofe in thee. HYMN CCCCLXX1V. Divine Low. i S~\ ! Hide this felf from me, that I V^/ No more, but Chrift in me, may live I My vile afYettions crucify, Nor let one darling luft furvive : In all things nothing may I fee, Nothing defire, or feek, but thee. 2 O Love, thy fovereign aid impart, To fave me from low-thoughted care! Chafe this felf-wili through ail my heart, Through all it's latent mazes there : Make me thy duteous child, that I Ceafelefs may Abba, father, cry. 3 Ah no ! ne'er will I backward.turn : Thine wholly, thine alone I am i Thrice happy he who views with fcorn Earth's toys, for the.e his conftant name ! Oh ! help that I may never move, From the bleft footfteps of thy love. 4. Each moment draw from earth away, My heart, that lowly waits thy call ; Speak to my inmolt foul, and fay, j, am thy lQve, thy God, thy all! To> ( 445 ) To feel thy power, to hear thy voia To tafte thy love, be all my choice. HYMN CCCCLXXV. Divine Love. 3 rTFUIOU hidden fcurce of calm repofe, X Thou all-fufficient love divine j My help and refuge icom my iocs, Secure I am, if thou art mine : And lo ! from fin, and grief, and fhame, I hide me, Jefus, in thy name. 2 Thy mighty name falvation is, And keeps my happy foul above ; Comfort it brings, and power and peace, And joy, and everlaftiag love : To me, with my dear name, are given Pardon, and holinefs, and heaven, 3 Jefus, my all in all thou art, My reft in toil, my eafe in pain 5 The medicine of my broken heart, In war my peace, in lofs my gain ; My fmile beneath the tyrants frown, In lhame my glory and my crown. 4 In want my plentiful fupply, In we?knefs my almighty power : In bonds my perreft fiberty, My light in fatan's cfark^ft hour; In grief my joy unfpeak able, My life in death, my heaven in hell. iilVMK ( 446 ) II Y M N CCC-CLXXVI. Divine Love. J r I ^HEE will I love, my ftrength, my tower, I Thee will I love, my joy, my crown ! Thee will I love with all my power, In all my works, and thee alone ; Thee will I love, till the pure fire Fill my whole foul with chafte defire. 2 Ah ! why did I To late thee know, Thee lovelier than the fons of men ? Ah ! why did I no fooner go To thee, the only eafe in pain ? Afham'«d I figh, and inly mourn, That I fo late to thee did turn. 3 In darknefs willingly I ftray'd ; I fought thee, yet from thee I rov'd ; Far wide my wandering thoughts were fpread. Thy creatures more than thee I lov'd ; And now if more at length I fee, 'Tis through thy light, and comes from thee. 4 I thank thee, uncreated Sun, That thy bright beams on me have fhin'd ! I thank thee, who haft overthrown My foes, and heal'd my wounded mind ; I thank thee, whofe enlivening voice Bids my freed heart in thee rejoice. 5 Upold me in the doubtful race, Nor fufferme again to ft ray : Strengthen ( 447 ) -jgthen my feet with Heady pace Still to prefs forward in thy way : My foul and flefh, O Lord of might, Fill, fatiate with thy heavenly light. 6 Give to my eyes refreihing tears, fc Give to mv heart chafte hallowed fires, Give to my foul, with filial fears, The love that all heaven's hofl infpires ; That all my powers with all their might, In thy fole glory may unite. 7 Thee will I love, my joy, my crown, Thee will I love, my Lord, my God, Thee will I love beneath thy frown, Or fmile, thy fceptre, or thy rod ; What though my flefh and heart decay ? 'Vhec fhall I love in endlefs day L H Y M N CCCCLXXVII Praife, IvI Y God I am thine, what a comfort divine , What a bleffing to know that my Jefus is In the heavenly Lamb thrice happy I am, And my heart doth rejoice at the found of his name. 2 True pledures abound in the rapturous found : And whoever hath found it, hath paradife found. My Jefus to know, and feel his blood flow, Is life everlafting, 'tis heaven below ! Pp 3 Yet ( 443 ) 3 Yet onward I hafte to the heavenly feaft : That, that is the fulnefs ; but this is the tafte. And this I mall prove, till with joy I remove, To the heaven of heavens in Jefus's love. HYMN CCCCLXXV-1II. Fraife. ALL thanks to the Lamb, who gives us to meet : His love we proclaim, his praifes repeat : We own him our Jefus, continually near, To pardon, and blefs us, and perfecl: us here. In him v/e have peace, in him we have power, Preferv'd by his grace throughout the glad hour : In every temptation, he keeps us to prove His utmoft falvation, his fulnefs of love. 3 When we would ha^efpurn'd his mercy and grace, To Egypt return'd, and fled from his face, He hinder'd our flying (his goodnefs to mow) .And ftopt us, by crying, " Will ye alfo go £" Ar Oh ! what fhall I do my Saviour to love ? To make us anew, come, Lord, from above ! The fruit of thy paffion, thy holinefs give ! Give us the falvation of all that believe. 5 Come, Jefus, and loofe the ftammerer's tongue, And teach even us the fpiritual fong : Let us without ceafing give thanks for thy grace, And glory, and blefling, and honour, and praife. 6 Pronounce ( 44-9 ) Pronounce the glad word, and bid us be free : Ah, hall thou not, Lord, a bleiiing for me? The peace thou haft given, this moment imparl And open thy heaven of love, in my heart I HYMS CCCCLXX1X'. Praife. i 7& /TY Father, my God, I long for thylova, J.VJL Oh! filed it abroad, fend Chriil from above; My heart ever fainting, he only can cheer ; And all things are wanting till Jefus is here. 2 Oh! when mallmy tongue be fill'd with thy praife, While ail the day long, I publilh. thy grace ; Thy honour and glory .to iinners forth (hew, Till fmners adore thee, and own thou art true. 5 -Thy ftrength and thy power I now can proclaim, Preferv'd every hour through Jefus's name; For thou art (till by me, and holdeft my hand, No ill can come nigh me, by faith while I ftand. 4 Thou holdeft my foul in fpiritual life, My foes doff control, and quiet their ftrife ; Thou ruleft my paffion, my pride, and felf- will,. To fee thy ialvation thoubidfc me— Hand ftill ! 5 I itand and admire thy out-ftretched arm, I walk through the fire, and fufFer no harm; Aifaulted by evil, I fcorn to fabmit, The world and the devil fall under rav feet. . P p 2 . 6 1 ( 45° ) 6 I pFaife thee, O Lord, I trample on fin, Forwith me art thou, and fnalt be within ; While ftronger and ftronger in Jefus his power 1 go on to conquer, till fin is no more. HYMN CCCCLXXX. Thankf giving. l /^\H what fhall I do my Saviour to praiie, K^J So faithful and true, fo plenteous in grace ! So ftrong to deiiver, fo good to redeem The weakeft believer that hangs upon him ! 2. How happy the man, whofe heart is &t free, The people that can be joyful in thee ! Their joy is to walk in the light of thy face, And ftill they are talking cf Jefus's grace. 3 Their daily delight (hall be in thy name, They fhaTI as their right thy righteoufnefs claim ; Thy righteoufnefs wearing, arid cleans'd by thy blood* Bold fhall they appear in the prefence of God. 4 For thou art their boaft, their glory and power; And I alfo truft to fee the glad hour, My foul'f new creation, a life from the dead, The (jay of falvation, that lifts up my head. 5 For Jefus my Lord is now my defence ; I truft in his word, none plucks me from thence ; Since I have found favour, he all things will do, Mv King and my Saviour fhall make me anew. 6 ''• ( +5' ) 6 Yes, Lord, I fnall fee the blifs of thy own, Thy fecret to me ihall foon be made known - For forrow and fadnefs 1 joy ihall receive, And fhare in the gladnefs of all that believe H Y M N CCCCLXXXI. General Thank/giving. i f^\ Heavenly King, look down from above, \J Afiifl as to fmg thy mercy and love : So fweetly o'errlowing, fo plenteous the flore.> Thouftili art bellowing, and giving us more. z O God of our life, we hallow thy name, Our bufinefs and ilrife is thee to proclaim ; Accept our thanfgiving for creating grace ; The living, the living ihall mew forth thy praife, 3 Our Father and Lord, almighty art thou : Prefer ) 5 Vifit, Lord, with thy falvation, Every providential gueft, Every friend and kind relation, Take into thy people's reft : Confcious of thy facred prefence, Let them feel the loving fear ; Cry with blifsful acquiefcence, God, the pardoning God is here. 6 Prince of peace, if thou art near us, Fix in all our hearts thy home, By thy laft appearing cheer us, Quickly let thy kingdom come* Anfwer all our expectation, Give our raptur'd fouls to prove, Glorious, uttermoft falvation, Heavenly, everlafting love ! HYMN CCCCXC. Safety in Chriji. 1 TTAPPY fouls, who Chrift obey, _L X They are fafe, and only they ; Hidden is their life above, All wrapt up in Jefu's love. 2 When his judgments are abroad, By his timely warnings aw'd, They to him their fpixits give, Clofer to their Saviour cleave. l Calm on tumult's wheel they fit, Trample death beneath their feet, Own their all o'er-ruling Lord, Smile at the deftroyer's fword. 4 Thank? ( 401 ) 4 Thanks to the atoning Lamb, We are fhelter'd in his name ; We our Lord begin to know, Ranfom'd from the world below. 5 While we walk with him in light, Neither men nor friends affright ; Us, whom Jefu's blood doth arm, Kill they may, but cannot harm. 6 Oh that all our friends might feel How fecure in Chrift we dwell ! Oh that all our foes might pupve God, a pardoning God of love ! H Y M N CCCCXCI. ChriJVs CommiJJjon. i T\ AISE your triumphant fongs XV. To an immortal tune, Let the wide earth refound the deeds Celeftial grace has done. ) 2 Sing how eternal love It's chief Beloved chofe, And bade him Faife our wretched race From their abyfs of woes. 3 His hand no thunder bears, Nor terror clothes his brow ; No bolts to drive our guilty fouls To fiercer flames below. Qjl 2 4 'Twas ( 4°2 ) 4 'Twas mercy fill'd the throne, And wrath ftocd filent by, When Chrift was fent with pardons down To rebels doom'd to die. 5 Now, Tinners, dry your tears, Let hopelefs forrows ceafe ; Bow to the fceptre of his love, And take the offer'd peace. 6 Lord, we obey thy call, We lay an humble claim To the falvation thou haft brought, And love and praife thy name. H Y M N CCCCXC1I. Going to a new Habitation. i ^TT^HE Son of man fupplies JL My every outward need, Who had not, when he left the fkies, A place to lay his head : He will provide my place, And in due feafon mow Where I mall \v\u my few fad days Of pilgrimage below. i No matter where or how I in this defart live, If, when my dying head I bow, Jefus my foul receive : Bleft with thy precious love, Saviour, 'tis all my care To rsach the purchas'd houfe above, And find a manfion there. 3 An ( 463 ) 3 An houfe with hands not made . Haft thou not bought for me ? The full ftupendous price was paid In blood on yonder tree ! But e'er thou call me hence, Lord, with thyfelf, impart The pledge of my inheritance* And fill my loving heart. 4. An heir of endlefs blifs Now in a tent I dwell, Till thou my fpotlefs foul difmifs To joys unfpeakable. Till thou in that glad day Make all thy glories known, And to the heavenly houfe convey,. And bid me fhare thy throne. HYMN CCCCXCIII. David returned to blefs bis Houfe. Chron. xvi. 4. 3. 2 / 1 MiE power to blefs my houfe X Belongs to God alone : Yet rendering him my conllant vows, I bring his bleiTing down : When two or three are met In Jefu's name to pray, He doth our cancel'd fins forget, And turns his wrath away. 2 Shall I not then engage My ho afe to ferte the I ord, To fearch the foulrC©nverting page, And feed upon his word ; Oa 3 t* ( 4% ) To afk with faith and hope The grace his Spirit fupplies, In prayer and praife to offer np Our daily facrifice ? 3 Merciful God, on me The refolute mind bellow. On all my favour'd family, In David's ftep$ to go : Let each his fin efchew Thro' thy retraining grace, Our father Abraham's iteps purfue, And walk in all thy ways. 4 Saviour of men, incline The hearts which thou haft made, "Which thou haft bought with blood divine-. To afk thy promised aid : Me, and my houfe receive, Thy family to increafe, And let us in thy favour live, And let us die in peace. HYMN CCCCXCIl. Fa?nily Worfnip. i TJ AVE not we redemption found JLJL And righteoufnefs through grace ? Let our houfes then refound With our Redeemer's praife ; Let our fouls to him afpire, Who died that we might live forgiven, Emulate the angelic choir, And tafte the joys of heaven. 2 Jefus* .( 4 219 73 *53 230 25 35 hear 42 meet 44 & 34 157 237 204 223 5i 52 322 169 20S 181 32i 385 389 227 144 27 243 168 Art INDEX. Art thou not, Lord, already mine Attend, ye children of our God At thy command, our deareft Lord Author of life divine Awake, awake the facred fong Away with our fears Away with our Ibrrow and fear . , Before the great Three-One . . . Begin, my tongue, fome heavenly theme Behold the Saviour of mankind Bleft be the Father and his love . . Blow ye the trumpet, blow , . . Breathe in praife of your Creator . . By thy fatting and temptation . • . Canft thou reject our dying prayer . . Caft on the fidelity . . . . Chrift the Lord is rifen to day Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft: . Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft . Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft: . Come, guilty fouls, and flee away . . Come, great Redeemer, open wide Come, Holy Ghoft, fet to thy feal . . C?me, Holy Ghoft, all quickening fire Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove Come,- Holy Spirit, fend down thofe beams 291 Come, Holy ceieftial Dove Come, let us anew, our journey purfue Come, ]et us anew, our journey purfue Come, let us join our cheerful tongs Come, let us ufe the grace divine - . Come on, my partners in diftrefs . . 3*7 99 242 82 2S0 311 121 185 214 z29 292 284 43 44 203 456 373 Come, E X. :, O thou all victorious Lord Come, O thou Traveller unknown . Come, Saviour, Jems, from above Come, flnners, to the gofpel fes Come then, ye (Inners, to your Lord Come, thou Fount of every bleffing Come, thou long expected jefus Come, ye Ilnners, poor and wretched Ccme, ye that love the Lord * Come, ye that feek the Lord . Comfort, ye minifters of gr Commit thou all thy grie/s . . ■ Creator, Spirit, by whofe aid Deareft Saviour, help thy fervant Dear Lord, my thankful heart receives Death cannot make my foul afraid Deep in our breaff. let us record Dep'h of mercy, can there be Defcend, celeftiai Dove . Eat, drink, in memory of your Friend Eternal Power, whcfe high abode . Eternal Rock, project thy lhade Eternal Spirit, gone up on high Eternal Spirit, heavenlv Dove . . Eternal Spirit, we confefs Eternal Wifdom, thee we praife Father, admit our lawful claim Father, behold with gracious eyes . Father divine, thy piercing eye Father, glorify thy Son . Father, God, we glorify 26a 119 263 236 Father, INDEX. Father, how wide thy glories fhine Father, how wide thy glory mines Father, if fuch thy fovereign will Father, in the name I pray • Father, I ftretch my hands to thee Father of everlafting grace Father of glory, to thy name . Father of jefus Chrift the Juft Father of lights from whom proceeds Father of omniprefent grace Father, our hearts we lift Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft Father, thou haft beftow'd Father, to thee my foul I lift Feebly then thy hands lift up Firft and laft, in me perform Foolifh vanity, farewel For ever here my reft fnall be Fountain of good, each blefiing flows Fountain of life to ail below . From all that dwell below the fkies From whence thefe dire portents around Giver of concord, Prince of peace . Give to the winds thy fears Give us, O Lord, the children's bread Glory be to God on high Glory be to God on high Glory to his name belongs God arife, thou jealous God . God o^ all grace and majefty . God of all redeeming grace . God of eternal truth and love INDEX. God of my falvation, hear God of unexampled grace God is a name my foul adores . Gracious foul, to whom are given Great God, indulge my humble claim Great God of heaven and nature, rife Great God of hofts, attend our prayer Guide me, O thou great Jehovah . Hail, Father, Son, and Spirit great Hail, God the Son, in glory crown'd Hail, Holy Ghoft, Jehovah, Third . Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord . Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord . Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord . Hail, Progeny divine Hail, facred feaft, which Jefus makes Hail the day that fees him rife . Hail the happy morn fo glorious Happy foul, thy days are ended Happy foul, who fees the day Happy fouls, who Chriu: obey Happy the man that finds the grace . Happy the fouls to Jefus join'd Happy who in Jefus live . Hark, a voice divides the Iky . • Hark,, from heaven a voice I hear . Hark the glad found ! th^ Saviour comes Hark ! the herald angels fing Have we not redemption found Hearken to the folemn voice Hearts of ftone relent, relent . He comes, he comes, the Judge fevere He comes, the heavenly bridegroom comes 423 He INDEX. Help, Lord, to w] . Holy Lamb, who thee receive . Hoi" Houfe of our ir feet . : . .2 grace ...... fus i lam Lord, tint then I, I am : . - my eye:> tot! I love my Shepherd's voice 3 i of the : Infinite, inexhaufted L In God we put our truft . In he y and grace . In humble faith on thee I call . In Jordan's tide the baptift Hands Is there no balm of love I Gng my Saviour's wonder pus death I want a principle within Gc-1 the Father, blefs . a name of Aveeteft found , anfwer from above m : ~9 434 »97 fing 469 73 533 129 397 »94 35^ 136 *49 3S1 3+4 415 no 34° 2CI 422 312 130 366 54^ 277 364 93 INDEX, Pate> Jefus, attend, thyfelf reveal Jefus, at whofe fupreme command Jefus Chrifr is rifen to cby [efus, dear redeeming Lord Jefus drinks the bitter cup Jefus, faithful to his word efus, Friend of fmners, hear efus, from whom all blefiings flo* efus, God of ourfalvation efus, great Shepherd of thy fheep efus, guard thy gathered fheep efus, efus, efus, hear a tinner's prayer I blefs thy (ajcred name . I love thy charming name efus, in whom the weary find efus, Lord, we look to thee . efus, Lever of my fcul efus, might;.- King in Zion efus, my Advocate above efus, my all, to heaven is gone efus, my life, thyfelf apply . efus, my Lord, my G efus, my Saviour^ Brother, Friend efus, my ftrength and hope efus, once thy love we tatted . efus, our ex .'.. . J head efus, Redeemer, Saviotfr, L efus, -foft, harmonious name . efus, take my fins :\ efus, the Lamb of I . bled efus, the name high over ail . efus, the faints' perpetual theme i'efus, the fianer's friend, to thee t efus, thou all redeeming Lord I N D.E X. Jefus, thou art the Mighty God Jefus, thou deft not fue in vain jefus, thou everlafting King" . Jefus, thou fovereign Lord of all Jefus, thy blood and Righteoufnefs Jefus, thy boundlefs love to me Jefus, thy fovereign name I blefs Jefus, thy word we dare believe Jefus, to take away our guilt . Jefus, to thee alone I fly . • Jefus, to thee my heart I bow . Jefus, to thee our hearts we lift Jefus, united by thy .grace Jefus, we hang upon thy word Jefus, we look to thee Jefus, we long to know thy name Jefus, we on that word depend Jefus, we thus obey Jefus, when faith with fixed eyes Jefus, vvhofe glory's ftreaming rays J oin all the glorious names Join all ye joyful nations Join'd in one Spirit to our head Lamb of God for fmners flain Lamb of God, that in the bofom Lamb of God, whofe bleeding love Lay but thy hand upon my foul Leader of faithful fouls, and guide Let angels and archangels fing Let earth and heaven agree Let earth and heaven combine . Let God the Father live . Let him, to whom we now belong INDEX. Lift your eyes of faith and fee Light of life feraphic fire Light of thofe whofe dreary dwelling Lo, God is here, let us adore . • Lo, he comes, with clouds defcending Long hath thy good Spirit ftrove Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye Lord and God of heavenly powers . Lord, difmifs us with thy blefiing Lord, God, omnipotent to blefs Lord, how (hall wretched finners dare Lord, I believe a reft remains . Lord, I cannot part with thee . Lord, I defpair myfelf to heal . Lord, I thank thee for that grace , Lord of life, thy followers fee . Lord, take my heart, and let it be Lord, thou haft bid thy people pray Lo! the prifoner is releas'd Love divine, all loves excelling Lover of fouls, thou know'ft to prize Lovers of pleafure more than God . May the grace of Chrift our Saviour Meek, patient, Son of God and Man Meet and right it is to fing Meet and right it is to fing My Father, my God, I long for thy lov My God I am thine, what a comfort divine My God, my life, my love My God, -the fpring of all my joys My gracious, loving Lord My Saviour, and my fovereign Prince My Saviour, thcu thy love to me My Saviour, who this deed hath done S f INDE X. Not all the archangels csn tell Not all the blood of beafts Not to a fmgle age con fin 'd Now begin the heavenly theme Now far above the ftarry flues . Now I have found the ground wherein Now, Jefus, now the veil remove . Now let my foul by faith arife . Now, Lord, acknowledge us for thine O all creating God .... O almighty God of love . Obedient to the voice of God . Object of all our knowledge here Of him who did falvation bring O God, my God, myall thou art O God of good, the unfathom'd fea . O God of our forefathers, hear O God, our help in ages part . Cf God, the great, the fearful God . O Heavenly King, look down from above Oh, for a clofer walk with God Oh, for a heart to praife my God Oh, for a fvveet infpiring ray . Oh, for a thoufand tongues to fmg Oh, happy ftate of grace Oh, hide this felf from me, that I . Oh, let thy love conftrain Oh, may thy powerful word . Oh, might I with thy faints afpire . Oh, that I could repent . . Oh, that I could repent Oh, that I had the iilver wings Oh, that the Lord indeed i N D E X. Oh, that thou wouldft the heavens rend Oli, unexampled love . ... Oh, what (hall I do my Saviour to praife O Jefus, of thee I enquire O 1 joyful found of gofpel grace O Love divine, how fweet thou art . O Love divine, what hail thou done . On Britain, long a favoured ifle O Righteous God, thou Judge fupreme O Saviour, cart a pitying eye . O thou, before whofe gracious throne O thou eternal victim ilain O thou God of my falvation O thou pafchal Lamb of God . O thou, that hear'it when finners cry O thou, to v/hofe all-fearching fight O thou, who cameft from above O thou, who hangedft on the tree O thou, who hanging on the crofs . O thou, whom fain my foul v/ould love Our Father, whofe eternal fway Our life is hid with Chrift in God Our Lord is rifen from the dead Our fouls with reverence, Lord, bow down Our fpirits join to adore the Lamb . Out of myfeif for help I go O ye immortal throng Peace be on this houfe beftow'd Peace be to this habitation Peace, doubtful heart, my God's I am Plung'd in a gulph of dark defpair . Praife, everlafting praife be paid S f 2 Page. £4 16/ 3*5 • 45* 107 178 469 Raite \ INDEX. Raife your triumphant fongs Rejoice for a Brother deceas'd Rejoice in glorious hope . R.ejoice in Jefu's birth Rejoice, rejoice, ye fallen race Rejoice, the Lord is King Saviour, Lord, who at thy death Saviour, Prince of Ifrael's race See, gracious God, before thy throne See, gracious Lord, with pitying eyes See, Jefus (lands with open arms See, Jefus, thy difciples fee See, Lord, thy willing fubjecls bow See, finners, in the gofpel glafs Seiz'd by the rage of finful man Seraphs, with elevated ftrains . Shall I for fear of feeble man . Shepherd divine, our wants relieve Shrinking from the cold hand of death Since thou haft bid me come to thee Sinful, and blind and poor Sing to the great Jehovah's praife Sing to the Lord a new melodious fon Sing, yeranfom'd finners fing . Sinners, lift up your hearts Sinners, obey the gofpel word . Sinners, rejoice ; your peace is made Sinners, turn, why will ye die . Sinner, with awe draw near Spirit of faith, come down Spirit of truth, eifential God . INDEX. Son of God, if thy free grace . Sons of God, triumphant rife . Sons of men, behold from far . Soon as I tafte the heavenly bread Sovereign of all, whofe will ordains Stay, thou infulted Spirit, flay Still for thy loving kindnefs, Lord Stretch 'd on the crofs the Saviour di Surely now the prayer he hears Talk with us, Lord, tfiyfelf reveal The Creator of all . The day or Chrifr, the day of God The earth' could to her centre quake Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghofr Thee, Jefus; full of truth and grace Thee, King of faints, we praife Thee, the great - : fent from God Thee, we adore, eternal name-. Thee will I love, my ftrength, my towe The God of Abraham praife . The Lord is come, the heavens proclaim The Lord is rifen ! He who came The Lord is rifen indeed The Lord Jehovah reigns The Lord of earth and iky The Lord of fabbath let us praife The man of forrows now The morning flowers difplay their fweets The peace which God alone reveals The power to Wefs my houie . i'he Son of man fupplies The fun of righteousnefs appears • Sf3 Page* INDEX. The voice of my Beloved founds The voice of my Beloved founds The wifdom own'd by all her fons The wondering world enquires to know This, this is the God we adore Thou God of glorious majefty Thou God of truth and love . Thou Gcd that anfwerefr by fire Thou God unfearchable, unknown . Though late I ail forfake " . zh nature's ftrength decay Thou great it. yfteriouf Gcd unknown Thou hidden love of C i fe height Thou - urce of ca-m repofe . Thou quick and dead Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace Thou man of griefs, remember me . Thou heart's defire - Ifrael, and mine . 1 Lamb Abraham j d , O Gcd, upon my bed . :Ti3 done ! the atoning work is done 'Tis finifh'd, 'tis done ! the Spirit is flei To Father, Sen, and Holy Ghoit To G peace on- earth To ]efus; ted Lord To our Redeemer s glorious name . To that jerui" To :.. of thy breaft Try us, O Cod, and fearch the ground Turning to my reft again is the con t our Lord . Page. 353 354 272 212 502 l6 326 294- 172 4° 3 103 443 445 14 101 *5* 140 329 216 3°7 163 3H „ 232 182 3S6 87 31: 194 306 Vain INDE X. Vain delufive world, adieu Weary of 'wandering from my God Weary fouls that wander wide . We bow before thy gracious-throne We have in the defart tarried . Welcome, welcome blefTed fervant We lift cur rifing hearts to * We praife the Trinity adord What are thefe arrayed in white What could my K.edemer move What could your Redeemer do What if here awhile the What is our calling's glorious hope What pofture mould 1 > fee ail the mercies of lis Lord, when mall it feroiis crofs ie bed of d teat the inward U I fee the welcome hour face be feen When we arp from our burdens freed Where is the holy heaven born child Wherewith, O Lord, fliall I draw near While o er our guilty land, O Lord Who is as the chriftian great Who is io great a God as ours . Who is the trembling finner, who n thou dolt guard, O King of kin Why do we mourn departed friends Why ihould I fear the darkeil hour gs Page, 192 INDEX. Page. Why mould the children of a king . . . 292 Wild as the untaught Indian brood ... 62 With glorious clouds encompafs'd round . 174 With heavenly power, O Lord, defend . 378 With joy we meditate the grace . . . 108 With myfticai wine he comforts us here . . 228 World adieu, thou real cheat . ... 125 Worthy the Lamb of endlefs praife . . . 223 Would Jefas have the fmner die . . . 165 Yes, the Redeemer rofe . .... 241 Ye?, there is, molt holy God . ... 199 Ye that in his courts are found . ... 470 Ye that pafs by, behold the man . . . 155 Ye virgin fouls, arife . . ... 12 Ye worms of earth, arife . ... 39 Yonder, amazing fight ! I fee . . . . 179 Young men and maidens, raife . .... 454 by the Rtnj. C. BAYLEY, d. d A SERMON on Galatians iv. 6. preached in the Epifcopal Chapel at Hay field y Derbyjkire, on Trinity Sunday. Second Edit. - - - Price 4d. The SWEDENBORGIAN DOCTRINE of a TRINITY .considered: or, Strictures on a late Publication, entitled, The Scripture Doctrine of a Trinity, vindicated; ac- cording to the Principles of the illuminated Ema- nuel Swede \borg. With Remarks upon a Sermon on Gal. iv. 6. - - - - - Price is. An ENTRANCE into the SACRED LAN- GUAGE ; containing the neceffary Rules of Hebrew Grammar in English; with the original Text of feveral Chapters, feledt Verfes, and ufeful Hiflories, tranflated verbatim and ana- lyfed. Likewife fome felect Pieces of Hebrew Poetry. The whole digefled in fo eafy a Man- ner, that a Child of feven Years old may arrive at a competent Knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures with very little affiftance. Small Oftavo. ------- Price 5$. fewcd ERRATA. Page. Line. Preface, i. 18. twenty-firft r. "thirty-firfl" Pfalms. 19. 17. xxx. r. xxxvi. 23. 19. year, r. years, 29. 13. xlviii. r. L. 48. 14. doth r. doft 1.41. 1. ye Trumpet r. ye the Trump 12. Thoughout r. Throughout 60. 24. nigh r. night 58. 20. thy of r. thy hand of 99- 9- grace r. face in. 12. ides r. ifle 125. 24. Now r. How 178. 24,. tafte r. hafte 185. 18. holt r. holts 416. 26. and heaven r. for heaven. 456. 10. unalterable r. un inter able 472- 22. body r. bloody .s