wa m IH ISHl WtttHm Mm E ft iwiitin / N SC5 =£/5"o6 'Y'PlSif^r I' / '- ^ scs #/$a£ j (I**** hk^eik t-^X HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH _ limns of ttjt Carls Cijutcfr BEING TRANSLATIONS FROM THE POETRY OF THE LATIN CHURCH, ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR ICUtb "fcvmns for Sunoa^a ano XClceft=S)a\)s BY THE REV. JOHN BROWNLIE AUTHOR OF "HYMNS OF OUR PILGRIMAGE," ETC. ETC. WITH HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES BY THE REV. C. G. M'CRIE, D.D. AUTHOR OF "PUBLIC WORSHIP OF PRESBYTERIAN SCOTLAND," ETC. ILontion JAMES NISBET & CO. 21 BERNERS STREET i8g6 Printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON & Co. At the Ballantyiie Press k PREFACE THIS volume is intended for hours of de- votion, and the vast storehouse of sacred poetry of the Latin Church has been put under tribute to supply the material. If an apology should be required for the book, it may perhaps be enough to say that, while south of the Tweed Latin hym- nody has had considerable attention paid to it, the subject has hitherto been all but neglected in Scotland. There may be reasons for this — we believe there are ; but with these we have nothing to do here. The fact remains that, while Anglicans can point to a long list of names worthily asso- ciated with this department of Christian literature, including such well-known hym- nologists as Trench, Neale, and Newman, PREFACE we in Scotland have only two : Robert Campbell, author of the " St. Andrews Hymnal/' and Dr. Hamilton M'Gill, author of " Songs of the Christian Creed and Life," with the addition of Dr. Horatius Bonar, who, besides reflecting the spirit of the poetry of the Early Church in many of his own hymns, has left us also a few skilful renderings of the original. The present volume is, we believe, the first of its kind produced by Scotsmen and Pres- byterians. In making a selection, the translator has experienced no difficulty in regard to the quantity and quality of material at hand; indeed, he has laboured under an embar- rassment of riches. But the choice has been made from the best, and care has been taken to use only those hymns that might be acceptable in point of doctrine to the most fastidious. It has been the aim of the translator to give the idea and spirit of the Latin verses, PREFACE vii and except in a very few instances abso- lute faithfulness to the original has been observed, with as much literalness as it is possible to give to work of this sort. As a rule the original measures have been retained, and only in a few pieces, where change seemed desirable, have diffe- rent measures been adopted. For the original text, the following collec- tions have been used : — Daniel, H. A. Thesaurus Hymnologicus. 5 vols. Halle and Leipzig, 1841-56. ... Mone, F. J. Lateinische Hymnen des Mittel- alters. 3 vols. Freiburg, 1853-55. Wrangham, D. S. " The Liturgical Poetry of Adam St. Victor. 3 vols. London, 1881. Newman, J. H. Hymni Ecclesicz. Oxford and London, 1865. Neale, J. M. Hymni EcclesicE. London, 185 1. Trench, R. C. " Sacred Latin Poetry." London, 1886. The translator desires to give expression to his sense of indebtedness to Dr. M'Crie, PREFACE whose share in this work is by no means confined to the Introduction and Notes. It was at his instigation that the task was at first undertaken, and his help and co-opera- tion as the work of rendering progressed, were ungrudgingly given. It will be cause for thankfulness to the translator if the work of some of the happiest hours of his life should meet with the ap- preciation and approbation of his fellow- countrymen, and awaken their interest in a department of devotional literature which has been too long neglected. PORTPATRICK, November 1895. INDEX OF LATIN TITLES Sundays and Week-Days- Die, dierum principe . 3 O nata lux de lumine 5 Tu Trinitatis Unitas '. 7 Deus Creator omnium 9 Deus, ego amo Te, nee ii Lucis Creator optime *3 Aurora jam spargit polum 15 Jesu, dulcis memoria 17 Deus, ego amo Te, nam 20 Te lucis ante terminum 22 Jam meta noctis transiit 23 Labente jam solis rota. 25 Splendor Paternce glorioe 27 Salvator mundi, Domine 30 Christe, lumen perpetuum 32 Nox atra rerum contegit 34 Jam lucis orto sidere 36 Jam sol recedit igneus 3S x INDEX OF LATIN TITLES Advent- page Christe, precamur annue .... 41 In noclis umbra desides .... 43 Veni, Veni, Emmanuel ! . . . • 45 Christmas — Nato nobis Salvatore 49 Puer natus in Bethlehem . . . 52 Heu ! quid jaces stabulo .... 54 Quicumque christum quseritis ... 57 Epiphany — Jesu, nostra Redemptio . . . .61 Dei canamus gloriam .... 63 Deus-Homo, Rex coelorum ... 65 Passion Week— Vexilla Regis prodeunt 69 Pange, lingua, gloriosi, proelium 72 Lustra sex qui jam peregit 75 Crux ave benedicta .... 7S Horae de Passione d. n. Jesu Christi . 80 Tu qui velatus facie 80 Hora qui ductus tertia 81 Crucem pro nobis subiit 82 Beata Christi passio . 82 Qui jacuisti mortuus . • 83 INDEX OF LATIN TITLES xi Easter- page Finita jam sunt proelia .... 87 Plaudite, coeli 89 Mortis portis fractis 91 Alleluia, dulce carmen 93 Ascension— Sterne Rex altissime .... 97 Fostquam hostem et inferna . . . ico Coelos ascendit hodie .... 102 O Christe, qui noster poli . . . .104 Whitsuntide— Veni, Creator Spiritus . . . .109 Veni, Sancte Spiritus . . . .111 O fons amoris, Spiritus . . . .114 Trinity— Tu Trinitatis unitas 117 O Pater Sancte, mitis atque pie . . 118 Adesto, Sancta Trinitas . . . .119 All Saints— Pugnate, Christe milites . . . .123 Audi nos, Rex Christe . . . .125 xii INDEX OF LATIN TITLES Communion — PAGE Eja O dulcis anima 129 O Esca viatorum 131 Jesu, dulcedo cordium . . . . 133 Verbum supermini prodiens . . 135 Death and Judgment — Gravi me terrore pulsas . . . . 139 Appropinquat enim dies . . . -143 Heaven— Jerusalem luminosa 149 Urbs beata Hierusalem (Part I.) . . 153 Urbs beata Hierusalem (Part II.) . .154 HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION The Latin poetry of the Christian Church pre- sents a tempting field for the exercise of scholar- ship and research. The relation in which it stands on the one hand to the classic poetry of Greece and Italy, and on the other to the Liturgies of the Eastern Church, the placing of accent in the room of quantity, and the rise and growth of rhyme — these and such-like mat- ters will always prove attractive to experts and specialists. They are, however, quite beyond the scope of this brief paper. Those who wish to make an exhaustive study of a subject which has many sides and a copious literature, would do well to betake themselves to such standard works as are noted below. 1 The general reader 1 Mone's Laleinische Hymnen des Mittclalters ; Daniels Thesaurus Hymnologicus ; Tischer's KircJunlieder-Ltxicon ; xiv HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION may find something to profit and to interest him in the following general survey. The title placed on our Saviour's cross, setting forth His accusation — "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews," was written in three languages — in Hebrew and in Greek and in Latin. That collocation of languages gives the order in which the hymnody of the Church developed. Hebrew hymnody is contained for the most part in the Hebrew Psalter ; for the distinction between psalms and hymns is not one that admits of being applied to all Hebrew poetry. Our Lord and His disciples, as they went out to the Mount of Olives after the institution and first observance of the Supper Sacrament, sang a portion of the Great Hallel, which consists of Psalms cxiii. to cxviii. inclusive. Their doing so is described in the New Testament as singing "an hymn," just as the singing of Paul and Silas Trench's " Sacred Latin Poetry; " Neale's " Latin Hymns and Sequences," and " Essays on Liturgiology and Church History; " Duffield's "Latin Hymn-Writers and their Hymns ; " Roundell Palmer's " Hymns : their History and Development in the Greek and Latin Churches, Germany, and Great Britain ; " Julian's " Dictionary of Hymnology." HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION xv in the Philippian prison is said to be singing hymns unto God. 1 In the Eastern or Greek Church hymnody was in both private and public use from earliest times. The oft-quoted letter of the younger Pliny, written soon after his arrival as Proconsul in the provinces of Bithynia and Pontus, which took place in a.d. no, informs the Emperor that it was the practice of the Christians to meet together on a certain day and sing antiphonally (secum inviceni) a hymn to Christ as their God ; while the "Apostolical Constitutions," which take us back to the life of the Church in the second or third centuries, enjoin the use of morning and evening hymns of praise for God's beneficence by Christ. From the ample stores of Oriental hymnology there have come into modern collections many of their gems, thanks to the scholarship and versifying skill of Dr. Neale, Keble, and Canon Bright. To the first named we are indebted for such well-known 1 Matt. xrvi 30, vfjLvr)(TavT€s ; Acts xvi. 25, vfj.j/ovv, A.V. — "Sang praises unto God;" R.V.— -"Were . . . singing hymns unto God." xvi HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION renderings of Greek sacred pieces as " Fierce was the wild billow," and, " The day is past and over," as also for "Art thou weary, art thou languid ? " From the author of the " Christian Year " we have a beautiful English rendering of a first or second century Greek hymn, preserved by Basil, " Hail, gladdening Light, of His pure glory poured ; w and from Canon Bright we have the vesper or " lamplighting hymn," with its opening invocation, " Light of gladness, Beam Divine." The Western Church came under Eastern influence in the matter of hymn composition in the fourth century. The first to compose hymns in Latin verse was Hilary of Poitiers. This theologian was banished to Phrygia by the Emperor Constantius, because of his defence of the Nicene Creed from the attacks of the Arian party. During the bishop's exile, his daughter, Abra, wrote to inform him that she had been sought in marriage, although only in her thir- teenth year. This drew forth a reply in which the father left the decision to her own choice, indicating at the same time a personal prefer- HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION xvii ence for continued virginity. Enclosed in the communication were a Aymnus matutinus and a Aymnus vesperinus. The morning hymn, beginning Lucis largitor sploidida, is still ex- tant, and has been styled "the oldest authen- tic original Latin song of praise to Christ as God." It is, however, more than doubtful if the one for evening use survives; for the hymn, Ad cceli clara non su??i digitus sidera, given in the Benedictine edition of Hilary's works, belongs to the sixth or seventh century, and is probably of Irish authorship. Another name associated with the rise of sacred Latin poetry is that of Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. It will ever be to the glory of this fourth century Father that Augustine ascribed to him his conversion, and sought baptism at his hands. His illustrious convert tells, in the ninth book of his " Confessions," how the bishop defended the churches of Milan against the intrusion of Arian modes of worship, in spite of the efforts put forth by Justina, mother of the Emperor Valentinian, to obtain one of the basilicas for the use of the party she favoured. b xviii HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION Alarmed by a report that he might be removed by force, the devout people of the city sur- rounded the bishop day and night, ready to die with him rather than allow him to be apprehended. He, on his part, to stimulate their zeal and sustain their courage, supplied them with hymns to sing in honour of the Trinity. "Then," writes Augustine, "it was first instituted that, after the manner of the Eastern churches, hymns and psalms should be sung, lest the people should wax faint through the tediousness of sorrow ; and from that day to this the custom is retained, divers (yea, almost all Thy) con- gregations throughout other parts of the world following herein." Well nigh a hundred hymns have at one time or another passed under the title Ambrosian, but the number of authenti- cated pieces is pitiably small, not exceeding four. In that small group the Te Deu?n laudamus, at one time ascribed to the Bishop of Milan, does not find a place. For, as in the case of the Gloria in Excelsis Deo, the Dies Irctan i as well as metrical renderings of the Decalogue, the Song of Zacharias, of Mary, of Simeon, and of Elizabeth. In the case of the Church of Scotland, the first edition of the Book of Common Order, published in 1564, gave only the Psalms; but the Bassandyne edition of the same book, pub- lished eleven years afterwards, contained five " Spiritual Songs ; n that of 1587 gave ten, while some subsequent reprints have no fewer than fourteen. Among these, "commonly used in the Kirke and private houses," will be found 11 The Song of Simeon, called Nunc Dimittis" " The Song of Blessed Marie, called Magnificat" and Vent, Creator, The English of the last named is taken from the First Prayer Book of xxvi HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION Edward VI., published in 1549, and is the ver- sion of this old hymn which occurs in "The Fourme of Ordering Priestes," the longer and older of the two renderings already referred to. How it has fared with Latin hymns in Protestant service-books from Reformation times to the present day is too wide a field of inquiry to enter upon at the close of this brief intro- duction. This it is safe to affirm, that no hymnal with any claim to completeness will be found to omit such sacred and classic pieces as, " Brief life is here our portion," " Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire," " Jerusalem the golden," " Jesus! the very thought of Thee," " Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts," " O come, all ye faithful," "O Jesus, King most wonderful;" and all these are translations or paraphrases of early Latin hymns. With the increase of interest in all that con- cerns the praise of God's children, which is so marked a feature of recent times, there has come an ever-growing appreciation of the grandeur and beauty, the spiritual depth and longing wistfulness that characterise the great body of HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION xxvii Latin hymnology; and, as the result of this appreciation, the finest and sweetest products are finding a larger place in quarters from which, at no very far back point of time, they were altogether excluded. Of this we have a striking illustration in the contents of the most recent attempt to construct a hymnal for use in Presbyterian Churches. In the " Draft Hymnal/' prepared by a joint - committee of the three leading denominations in Scotland, there arc 557 hymns. Of these, five are confessedly translations from the Greek, and twenty-six from the Latin. With the Latin renderings the names of Bishop Cosin, Dryden, Sir Walter Scott, Caswall, Chandler, Neale, and Ray Palmer stand honourably associated. Ayr, October 12, 1895. Suntags an& Meefe H>ags Sun&ay /IDorning DIE, DIERUM PRINCIPE By Charles Coffin, born at Ardennes in 1676 ; Rector of the University of Paris, 171 8 ; died, 1749. The most of his hymns appeared in the Paris Breviary of 1736. In that service-book this is the hymn for Sunday at Matins. O day, the chief of days, whose light Sprang from the dark embrace of night, On which our Lord from death's grim thrall Arose, True Light, to lighten alL 11 Death trembling heard the mighty Lord, And darkness quick obeyed His word; — O shame on us ! our tardy will Is slow His summons to fulfil. in While Nature yet unconscious lies, Come, let us, sons of light, arise, And cheerful raise our matin lay To chase the dark of night away. 4 HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH IV While all the world around is still, Come, and with songs the temple fill, Taught by the saints of bygone days, Whose words were song, whose songs were praise. Loud trump of Heaven, our languor shake, And bid our slumbering spirits wake ; Teach us the nobler life, and give, O Christ, the needed grace to live. VI O Font of love ! Our steps attend ; Those needed gifts in mercy send j And where Thy word is heard this day, Give Thou the Spirit's power, we pray. VII To Father and to Son be praise, To Thee, O Holy Ghost, always. Whose presence still the heart inspires With sacred light and glowing fires. O NATA LUX DE LUMINE The oldest text kn own of this hymn is from a tenth-century MS. It is i?i the Sarum Breviary (1495), a ^ s0 * n ^at of Aberdeen (1509), which is substantially that of Sarum, and one of the very few surviving service-books of the Pre- Reform at ion period in Scotland. O Light that from the light wast born, Redeemer of the world forlorn. In mercy now Thy suppliants spare, Our praise accept, and hear our prayer. 11 Thou who didst wear our flesh below, To save our souls from endless woe, Of Thy blest Body, Lord, would we Efficient members ever be. in More bright than sun Thine aspect gleamed, As snowdrift white Thy garments seemed, When on the mount Thy glory shone, To faithful witnesses alone. HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH IV There did the seers of old confer With those who Thy disciples were ; And Thou on both didst shed abroad The glory of the eternal God. From heaven the Father's voice was heard That Thee the eternal Son declared ; And faithful hearts now love to own Thy glory, King of heaven, alone. VI Grant us, we pray, to walk in light, Clad in Thy virtues sparkling bright, That, upward borne by deeds of love, Our souls may win the bliss above. VII Loud praise to Thee our homage brings, Eternal God, Thou King of kings, Who reignest one, Thou one in three, From age to age eternally. TU TRINITATIS UNITAS Attributed by some, but with a small degree of probability, to Gregory the Great. The hymn occurs in all the editions of the Roman Breviary, as also in the Sarum, York, and Aberdeen Breviaries. O Thou Eternal One in Three, Dread Ruler of the earth and sky, Accept the praise we yield to Thee, Who, waking, lift our songs on high. ii Now from the couch of rest we rise, While solemn night in silence reigns, And lift to Thee our earnest cries, To give Thy balm to heal our pains. in If in the night by Satan's guile Our souls were lured by thought of sin ; O bid Thy light celestial smile, And chase away the night within. i 8 HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH IV Purge Thou our flesh from every stain, Let not dull sloth our hearts depress ; Nor let the sense of guilt remain, To chill the warmth our souls possess. To Thee, Redeemer blest, we pray, That in our souls Thy light may shine \ So we shall walk from day to day, Unerring in Thy way Divine. VI Grant it, O Father, in Thy love, Grant it, O One-begotten Son, Who with the Spirit reign above, Now, and while endless ages run. Sun&ap Evening DEUS CREATOR OMNIUM ' St. AMBROSE, born at Lyons, Aries, or Treves in 340 ; consecrated Bishop of Milan in 374 ; died on Easter Eve, 397. He introduced antiphonal chanting into the Western Church, and laid the foundatio?i of Church music, which Gregory systematised. I Thy works, O God, Thy name extol, Thou Ruler of the worlds that roll ; The day is clad in garments bright, And grateful sleep pervades the night, 11 That weary limbs from labour free, By rest for toil prepared may be ; And jaded minds awhile forget The anxious thoughts that pain and fret. in Fast fades the sunlight in the west ; Thy hand we own our day hath blessed ; Now from the accuser's power we flee, And lift our prayers in song to Thee. io HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH IV O Thou hast stirred our hearts to sing, Hast tuned the praise our voices bring ; From earth's vain loves our love hast won, Hast lured our thoughts that heavenward run. So, when the rayless gloom of night Hath quenched in dark the expiring light, Faith waves the ebon clouds away, And dark is light, and night is day. VI That sin may ne'er an entrance make, May slumber ne'er our souls o'ertake ; Faith, wakeful, keeps the soul secure, And sleep is sweet, and deep, and pure. VII The mind from sin's enticements free, O let our dreams be thoughts of Thee ; And by no envious foe oppressed, Vouchsafe to Thy beloved rest. O DEUS, EGO AMO TE, NEC AMO TE, UT SALVES ME Attributed to Francis Xavier. Born at the Castle Xavier, near Pan? pel una, Spain, in 1506; graduated at the Paris University, where he became acquainted with Ignatius Loyola ; as a Jesuit ?nissiona?y visited India, Trava?icore, Ceylon, Malacca, and Japan; died, when near Canton, in 1552. The original of this hymn is supposed to be a Spanish sonnet. All that can be said of the Lati?i version is that it is probably by Xavier, or by some German Jesuit, and is at least as early as 1668. O God, I love Thee, not alone Because Thou savest me, And those who love not in return Are lost eternally. Thou art mine own, O Christ ; Thine arms Embraced me on the Cross ; Thou didst endure the nails, the spear, The bitter shame and loss. 12 HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH in O sorrows numberless were Thine, And all were borne for me — The bloody sweat, the cruel death Of bitter agony. IV Why, therefore, should I love Thee now, O Jesus, ever blest ? Not lest in hell my soul be cast, Not that in heaven it rest. No other hope my love inspires, And wins my heart for Thee — I only love Thee, Christ, my King, Because Thou lovest me. LUCIS CREATOR OPTIME By Gregory, surnamed the Great, born at Rome about 540 ; succeeded Pelagius iti tlie Papal Chair, 590 ; sent August i?ie 07i a mission to Britai?i in 596 ; died in 614. He ranks among the Four Lati?i Doctors t and because of the services he rendered to the ritual of the Church y he zvas styled Magister Cseremoniarum. The Gregorian tones or chants are the fruit of his study of sacred music. Thou, blest Creator of the light, From whom the day its splendour brings, Thy word the earth to beauty woke, When light came forth on glowing wings. The circle of the day is Thine, The morn, and night in one are bound ; — O hear our earnest prayer as now The gloomy shades are gathering round ; 14 HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH in O free our souls from guilty stains, That we Thy favour still may know ; And let no thought the mind possess, To bind the heart to earth below. IV That we may beat at heaven's fair gate, Where safely stored our treasure lies, Purge us from every filthy stain, Teach us all evil to despise. Hear us, O Holy Father, hear, And Thou the Everlasting Son, Who with the Holy Spirit reign'st While the eternal ages run. /I&onfcas /iDornfno AURORA JAM SPARGIT POLUM Placed by Duffield in a class which contains hymns formerly called Ambrosian, but now known to be the work of other hands. George Cassander, the liberal Catholic collec- tor {1^6) y writes " Incognitus auctor" after the hymn, which has a place in several old Hymnaria, such as the Durham, the Cotton ian, and the Harleian. I Now daylight floods the morning sky, And earthward glides the approaching day, The dancing rays of sunlight chase The gathered fears of night away. ii Hence dreams that cloud the soul ! away, Ye terrors grim of midnight born ! Whate'er the dark of night hath bred, Die in the light that greets the morn ! in So when the day eternal breaks, — That day for which our spirits long,— Its light may fall to bless our souls, E'en while we raise our morning song. 1 6 HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH IV To God the Father throned in heaven, To Christ the one begotten Son, And to the Holy Ghost be praise, Now, and while endless ages run. flDon&ap JEvcniriQ JESU, DULCIS MEMORIA Generally, and there seems little reason to doubt correctly, ascribed to Bernard of Clairyaux. Born in 1091 at his father s castle near Dijon in Burgundy ; died, 11 53. The monk of Citeaux, the first Abbot of Ct 'airvaux, the Papal controversialist and the preacher of the Second Crusade, is better known in our day as the author of a hymn regarded by many as tlie sweetest and most Evan- gelical in mediarual hymnody. The poem from which the hymn is taken consists of nearly fifty quatrains on the name of Jesus, known as the Joyful Rhythm of St. Ber- nard. In the Ro7na?i Breviary three hymns are taken fro?n the Rhythm, Jesu dulcis menioria, Jesu Rex Admir- abilis, and Jesu decus angelicum. I O Jesus, when I think of Thee, True gladness fills my heart : But joy unspeakable 'twill be To see Thee as Thou art. 11 O blessed name ! No note more sweet, No music so divine ; Its charms the dearest fancies greet That with my memory twine. 18 HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH ill To those who come with sin confessed, Thy name their hope inspires ; And every needy soul is blessed, And granted all desires. IV To those who seek, ah ! Thou art found Far more than all desire — A living fount whose streams abound, A flame of heavenly fire. What tongue can e'er the charm express ? What words its beauty show ? For Thy dear name's sweet loveliness No heart can ever know. VI Who only taste the heavenly bread, They hunger for the feast ; Who drink of Christ, the Fountainhead, But find their thirst increase. JESU, DULCIS MEMORIA 19 VII O Jesus, to my Fainting heart When wilt Thou come to speak ? O, when to me Thy bliss impart, And more than I can seek ? VIII O I will feed and hunger still, O I will drink and pine Till Thou my famished spirit fill With that blest name of Thine. ZTues&as /iDomfna O DEUS, EGO AMO TE, NAM PRIOR TU AMASTI ME Credited by many to the co?nposer of the hymn which opens with identically the same line, but proceeds quite differently. It is, however, doubtful if this is the composition of Xavier ; more probably it is the breathing of desire on the part of some now unknown German Jesuit of the seven- teenth century. My heart goes forth in love to Thee, O God, who first hast loved me ; My freedom, lo, I lay aside, Thy willing slave whate'er betide. May memory ne'er a thought suggest, That comes not forth at Thy behest ; And may the mind no wisdom know, That God all wise doth not bestow. O DEUS, EGO A MO TE 21 ill May nothing be desired by me, Save what I know is willed by Thee ; And what of Thine I e'er attain, I render back to Thee again. IV Take what Thou gavest — all is Thine ; Dispose as suits Thy will divine ; Rule, Lover of my soul ; I rest In Thy blest will who knowest best. That I may love Thee as I will, O let Thy love my bosom fill ; This gift alone endureth aye — All else are dreams that flit away. TTuesfcas Evening TE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM Sometimes ascribed to St. Ambrose. It is found in eleventh- century Hymnaria of the Eriglish Church, a?id in the Breviaries of Rome, Paris, Sarum, York, a?id Aberdeen, generally as a hymn at Compline. I Maker of the world, we pray, Ere the dark of night surround us, Let Thy love beside us stay, Throw protecting arms around us. ii Phantoms of the night away ! Let no evil dream affect us ; Pure as falls the light of day, From the taint of sin protect us. in Hear us, Father, when we cry ; Hear us, Christ, Thy grace extending ; Hear us, Spirit, throned on high, Three in one, through years unending. XKPle&nes&a^ /iDorning JAM META NOCTIS TRANSIIT This morning hymn is one of four attributed to St. Hilary. Bom at Poitiers early in the fourth century; became bishop of his native town about 350; died 13th January 368. His sai?it'sday [which gives name to Hilary Term in English law courts) is celebrated on 14th January, in order not to trench upo?i the octave of the Epiphany. Gone are the shades of night, The hours of rest are o'er ; New beauties sparkle bright, And heaven is light once more. To Thee our prayers shall speed, O Lord of light divine \ Come to our utmost need, And in our darkness shine. 23 24 HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH III Spirit of love and light, May we Thine image know, And in Thy glory bright, To full perfection grow. IV Hear us, O Father blest, Hear us, O Christ the Son, And Comforter the best, Now. and till life is done. Me&nes&as Evening LABENTE JAM SOLIS ROTA By Charles Coffin. See page 3. Chandler s tra?isla- tion, beginning, "And now the sun's declining rays," is for " Ninth Hour, or three in the afternoon," of Sunday. In " Hymns Ancient and Modern " Chandler s rendering is given as an evening hymn, and with coyisiderable alterations, the first line being, "As now tJie suns declining rays " (No. 12). Now sinks the glowing orb of day, And silent night comes on apace ; So gains our life the appointed goal, That marks the limit of our race. O Christ, uplifted on the Cross ! Thine arms were stretched towards the sky; Grant us with love that Cross to seek, And folded in those arms to die. 26 HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH in Now to the Father throned on high, And unto Christ His only Son, And to the Spirit, glory be, Now, and while endless ages run. Ubursfca^ Aorntng SPLENDOR PATERN^E GLORIA This morning hymn is the complement of JEteme rerum Conditor, and, like if, almost indisputably by St. Am- brose. Its use was generally for Matins or Lauds on Moudav ; by some monastic orders it ivas used daily. I From the Father's throne descending, Light from out the realms of light ; Font of light, all light transcending, Brighter day in day most bright. Shine, True Light, in radiant brightness, Flashing forth perpetual ray ; May Thy Spirit's searching lightness, Fill our souls with endless day. in Father, come we humbly bending, — Father of Almighty grace, Who hast glory never ending. Banish every sinful trace. 28 HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH IV When to do Thy will inclining, Quell for us the tempter's wrath ; Ne'er in trial's hour repining, Lead us in the upward path. May Thy rule our minds enlighten ; Let no sin our lives defile ; Fervent faith our spirits brighten, Knowing nought of fraud or guile. VI Christ, the Bread of Life bestowing, Faith our daily cup shall fill ; Draughts of joy for ever flowing, Drink we from the Spirit's rill. VII Thus our life in beauty gliding — Purity like dawn of day, Faith like sun at noon abiding, Eve that knows no twilight grey. SPLENDOR PATERN& GLORIA 29 VIII Forth in beauty rides the Morning — Be Thy glory on us poured ; Son, the Father's love adorning, Father in th' Eternal Word. Uburs&as Bvening SALVATOR MUNDI, DOMINE Author unknown. Found in the Hymnaria of Sarum, and York, also in the Sarum, York, Hereford, and Aberdeen Breviaries. Used at Eton in Latin original at evening service until about 1830. I Thou who hast led our steps this day, Blest Saviour of the world, we pray, Through all the night Thy care extend, And save us to our journey's end. 11 Be present with us, Lord, who wait, And lift our cry at mercy's gate ; Take all our load of sin away, And change our darkness into day. in Free Thou our minds from careless sleep, Our souls from sin's allurements keep ; And may our flesh from every stain, All pure, we pray Thee, still remain. 30 SALVATOR MUNDI, DOM IN E 31 IV To Thee of purity the spring, Our prayers ascend on soaring wing ; Hear Thou our cry, and with the morn May purity our souls adorn. Glory be unto God always, To Christ the Son eternal praise ; Glory to God the Spirit be, From age to age eternally. ffri&as /IDornfng CHRISTE, LUMEN PERPETUUM By Magnus Felix Ennodius, born at Aries about 473 ; beca?ne Bishop of Pavia about 514 ; died, 521 ; buried on ijth July of that year, which day is observed as his stival by the Ro?nan Church. I Christ, the light that shines eternal,— Light that gilds the rolling spheres, Dawn upon our night, and keep us Pure as light when day appears. 11 Let no gin of Satan snare us, Let no enemy oppress ; Wakeful aye with garments spotless, May we walk life's wilderness. in Keep our hearts in Thy safe keeping, Be Thy flock Thy special care ; In Thy fold in mercy tend them, Guard their footsteps everywhere. CHRISTE, LUMEN PERPETUUM 33 IV And our souls shall sing triumphant When Thy light our eyes shall see, And the vows we owe are rendered, God, the