• i ^ w • ^ 9 J j fc ps hj B O *i_ «** EH ^) 8 M- fe ^ k <* M o ^ M <*1 J0 ft ■J3 O 1 ^ J .2 Q $ % *** "5 « O •£ '% & #> ^c ^B ^ mur own or others , without a true and cer- :airt prohibition from the Law of God, mud )e pretended againft our obedience to lawful cowers. For Gods Law having already bound us to obey our Rulers , we cannot by my Power, or Covenants, or Agreenjents of )ur own,difoblige our felvcs : Otherwise men night evade a great part of their duty ^ and while they pretend to difpencc with the Laws :>f God, they (hould, in a fort, fee up them- iclves as above him. But if man command us :odifobey our Maker, we muftdifobey that :ommand, though with patient fubmiffion to fa ffcrings, 'without refiftance, or reproaching }f our Governours. And becaufe fome men of narrow prin- ciples, arc calling for AfTent to many more particulars (cfpecially about Church-Offices, andWorfhip, and Difcipline) and will not bear bear with thofejthat in fmaller things diflent { from them t especially if Minifters ^ I have! added 80. Thefts about the Offices of the ] Minifters of Chrift, containing fuch things'] as one would think,for Number and Quality 9 \ might be taken as fuffioentfor our Concord' and Communion with thofe whofe Opinions] hinder not the profperity of their Charity j and of the Church. And now cali meby what Name or Title thou feeft caufe ^ here thou haft my Profejfion and my Judgement about the matters of the Church : If thou defire to fee the practical part that will bear it , exemplified in any Forms ^ I (hould not refufe to give thee fuch Jarisfaftion upon any juft occafion. I know of no Title that well agreeth co the nature of that Rdigtin which indeed I bold, and which I have here propofed s and which I think would be fit for the Churches to agree in, but CHRISTIAN&CATH*)L1KE % andchefelown ; If thou give me any other, let him that maketh or ufcth it, be refponfible for it. Underftand alfo that this General Part , containing the Pefitives of the C at holikf Rt- L ligion y and fit materials of Cdtholike Concord % is Wat the fir fi Part of the Boek, the fecond in tended tended being iomewhat large ^ as containing the particular terms on which the Abaffines, Armenians, Greeks, Romanifts, Lutheranes , Calvinifts, Arminians,Contra-remonftrsnts , Epifcopal, Presbyterian, Independents, and moderate Anabaptifts (hoald be agreed ; and difcovcring that with rnoft of the parties, the jprcfent difagreements arc not fuch as (hould break Communion, and caufe them to rejeft each other as too many uncharitably do. I conclude with one neceflary Adver- tifement to thee, that if thou wouldft noc be cheated of thy Religion by thofe thac are ftill p^rfwading men that the effentials or Fundamentals of Religion asjdiftind from the Integral parts cmnot be known, becaufc no one certain perfed form of words is given to the Church which containeth thofe and none but thofe, remember that it is the matter and fence believed, Loved and Obeyed that is the efTence of Religion and necefTary to falvation for it felf-, but the Words art only Nee jfarj&s revealing or ex- prefiing the Matter : And therefore t ! >e fame form of Voords or fentences is not Ne- ceffarj alike to all.The molt General ^ordsjxtc inoft compre hen five, and moft certainly ta^e in all the matter : But then the panic filar things things which muft neceflarUy be underftood, arc not alike conceived of by all men by th6 helpe or ufe of General expreffions : A wife underflanding Chriftian when he faith but £ I believe in God the Father , the Son, and the Hoi) Ghift,'] doth djftinftly con- ceive of all thofe things that effentially con- ftitute fuch a true belief •, when perhaps an ignoranter weaker perfon muft have thofe Generals opened by more diftinft expreffions, and more particularly, before he can have a true apprehenfion of fuch effentials. And therefore the more Ignorant any perfon is, ( c&teris paribus) the more large, diftinft and particular his Creed or Profejfion fhould be ; becaufe he conceiveth of nothing but by very particular diftind: expreffions, when the judicious by a few words conceive of. as touch as the ignorant by many. Though much of the fecmd Part of this Treatife be long fincc prepared, yet fo great arethethreatningsof God to deprive me of opportunities of publike ferving him, and fo wonderful is the impatience of men againft Peace makers, ( as crofting their opinions^ in- terefts and dejignes) that I have great reafon to queftion whether ever it will fee the light : And therefore I intreat thee at the prefent prefent to accept of this imperfeft piece alone, from hinuhat is refolved by the help of Chrift, and in confidence on his promife, Afatth.5.9. to continue his endeavours fthoiagh weak and unfuccesful) for the Chur- ckes Peace ,t hough it coll him a thoufand mere injuries and flanders, and all that furious profperous malice can inflift,as being His fervant who will beare our charges, and fave us harmlefs in his work. Rich. 'Baxter. Er- i Errata* PAg. 4. 1. it. for [ tbefeventh dxy ] read [ the Sab* batbday]. pag. 10, 11. Thofe that would hare more brevity, may blot out [ to reconcile And Win? *ie ttnto God ] and all after [ Sanftifier ] to the end °f that Paragraph. Pag. 24. 1. 12. blot out [ and Cenfent] Pag. 61. 1. 1. blot out [ any] Pag. 68. 1. 3. for I great'] r. [ argent 3 and 1. 6* for I omit] r. I over-pafs ] The neceflary Grounds, Ends and Principles of a Univerfal Concord* between all faithful Paftors and Churches according to their capacity of Communion, OR our grounds. I. We take the Word of God for the Rule of our Faith, and Law of the Church, faf- ficientlj determining .of all that is of Standing , Vnivcrfal Necejftty or Duty, in order to Salvation and the Plcafing of God; and giving us f efficient General Pre tepts and Directions, for the determining of all foch circumftances in Worjhip and Holy Obedience^ as are not of flanding, univerial iNeccflity or Duty, but are mutable and va* riable: It is therefore none of our intent to make any Laws for our Brethren, or impofc any thing as Duty that God hath not ita- ?ofed. (a) [IWc II. We here fappofe and include the La* ef Nature and Revelation of the will of God by his works when we fpeak of the fufficien- cyof his Word. III. We fuppofc the Neceflity of Reafon and Illumination t zn& theufc of Means both Jnftituted, NaturaUndoi Arts, forthright undemanding of the Word ef Go i : and there- fore (hall take*////?./* for our Rule, which by thefe Helps and Means may be fuffitiently proved to be the fenfe of the Word or Work* ef God.* I V.Becaufe we are affured that the Primi- tive Churches were acquainted with the mind of God, in all the points of Necejfitj, about his Worfbip and the Government ofehe Church 9 and becaufc we bear a reverence to thofe times,and are not willing needlefly to fwerve from their example* -, we (hall therefore put nothing into this our Agreement as a ftand* ing % neceffary Duty^ in which we have not the confenc of thofe Ant ient Churches. V. Though our minift^rial Duty and Au- thority do arife from the Laws of Chrift himfelf-, yet in fubordination to him, we fubmic to the jufi commands of Magiftra\es % and thankfully accept of their encourage raenc aad Help, even in the matters of the houft feoufe and worflup of the Lord. And ther? fore we refolve to keep as neer their Directi- ons andLaws as we can, in congruence- with fcur Divine and princif*l Rule and grounds; and Ends, and in all things lawful to obey them. VT. And becaufe we are not Lords but Minifters, and have no forcible, Magifterial Power, but a Minifierial Authority to di- reft, perfwade and command as fervants in our Mafters name, and cannot govern people as their Paftors againft their wills, we (hall therefore expeft the Confent of our people, and not prefume to take them as members of our Churches and fpecial charge ; and bring them under the yoak of Difcipline, without their confent 9 or againft their minds and wills. VII. Becaufe we are all imperfeft, and heed the Advice and Help of others, and becaufe it is the will of God that his Churches and Servants live in Unity, we (hall, in cafes of Difficulty, and where the concurrence of our Brethren may promote our work, con- fult with them, and do as much of our work as we can, by their Advite and in a way of Ccnccrd. And thus we may confidently proceed as (a 2} gouig going upon fare grounds, and expeft the con- currence of ourBrethen, and be out of the reach of rational calumny, while we have the Holy Scripture, or the Law of Nature, difcerncd by Illuminated Reafon, for what we do : while we have the leading judgement of the Ancient Churches, the command, allow- ance, encouragement or permiflion of the Ma- gifirate, the confent of pur People % and oui Mrethrens concord and Advice. 2. (f~\lh Ends in this Agreement, are, \*J\. Ultimately the pleafing and Glori- fying of God. II. The faving our own and peoples fouls. III. The winning of unfan- dificd fouls to God. IV. The Prefervation and Edification, and obedient, fruitful, ex- emplary lives of thofe that are fandified. V. The fruitful and comfortable communion of Saints. VI* The right adminiftration of holy things, that Ordinances may be owned by God and profper. VII. The maintaining of Union and CommuniQn among the Chur- ches and miniftcrs ©f Chrift with more fuch like, which will be after menti- oned, 3. The 3. tT^He Pri»ciples which we proceed on ia •*■ order to the following Practices, are thcfe, andfachas thele. I. We are agreed that it is the. Dr;y of Ministers to Treath the Werd, ?,;iCl be iiRanE infeafon and out of feafon, and a* teach and endeavour to win as many to Chrift • as they can .• especially thole in their feveral Pa- rishes, for whole inftmftion rhcy. are ap- pointed by the magistrate, and have the pub- like maintenance. n. We are agreed that all members of the Vnivtrjal Church, that have opportunity ihould joyn themlelvcs as members to fome Particular Churches, for ordinary commu- nion of Saints, in pubhke worftup, and for the helping of each other in holy Obedience, ' andagainllfin , and that rhey (hould know their own Pattors, and the Pallors know their proper flock, as far as may be, in order to Ehe faithful difcharge of their great truft, Atts 14. 23. Titos I. 5. I Thetfal. 5. 12, 13. III. We are agreed that it is the duty of Pallors to Teach and Rule (or Guide) the Bocks, and to go before them as the Mini- (a 3) ftcrs Jlefs of Chrift, in the publike Adminiflnu tion of his holy Ordinances : And that it is the peoples duty to joyn with them in thi$ pablike worlhip, and fubmit to their due Adminlftrations, to hear them, and obey jthem,and to honour them and highly cfteera them in Love for their work and matters fake, and to be at peace among themfelvcs. IV. We are agreed that the Baptifm of Infants, giveth none a Right to the Church memberftiip and Priviledges of the Adult, unlc/s they add a perfonal profeffion (clear orobfeure) of their own faith. V, We are agreed that this Profeffion mud be Credible ; and therefore muft feem Vnderfl*nding % Deliberate , Voluntary^Serid$u 9 net Nullified or made invalid by a contra- ditting tongue er Life ; and that it muft Mate* riallj contain the whole effence rf Chriftia- pity : And that in order to their admittance to Church communion, men are not the fete Judges of their o^n profeffion, but it muft be Credible to them to whom it belongeth to ad- mit them to Communion. y I. We are agreed that ordinarily none art tQ be refufed Communion, that make fjtch 4 frefefjfion of Chriftianity, as above faid, and dejire Communion^ and confent to be members of of the Churches where they live, and to futr mit to Minifterialoverfight and Government* and to do the duty of fellow-members unto others • Yea though they arc weak in know- ledge and Grace, and duty , and want convenu ent expreflions. We (hall take up with a credible Profeffi- on ("that is[fuch as feemeth to be under- ftanding, deliberate, voluntary and ferious, not nullified by contrary words or deeds ) notwithftanding the weaknefTes of men. i. Becaufe we are not fearchers of the heart,, and therefore mud believe a credible perfon, till we can difprove him. 2. Becaufe we find the Scripture example guiding us in this way, jta. 2. 37, 38,4i- & 4- 4- &8. 13,37. & 16.33. Matth. IS.3,5, 6 . Rom. 10. 9. ; 3. -Becaufe we find that God doth much lay mens good or evil upon their own choice. 4. Becaufe we muft be tender of refufing the weakeft that Chrift doth not refufe, or of wronging men in fo great a matter as the Helps of their Salvation are. And yet we (hall receive no other, nor promifcuoufly admit all of our Pariflics in Common as now they are 1. Becaufe we know to our forcow too many of them to bcgrojlj ignerant of the Eficntids ef ChrU (a 4 5 JfrVwwj. fitfiitj. 2. And too many of them deny (in many places) thefaid cffentials. 3. And many of them never made a perfonal profejjion of Faith and Holinefs, for ought we know (and we cannot judge of latent things : ) 4. Many of them nullify their Profejfionsand inake them utterly incredible by notorious un- godly lives, and violating their Baptifmal covenant. 5. If they refufc cetfem, they refufe their own mercies •, and God or the Church do not give fuch priviledges to re- fuferss or non accepters. 6. If we take all thefc and fuch other as are unfit into the Church, and put them under Difcipline, that cannot bear it, we take the way to undo them •for ever, by making them defperatc enemies of the truth. For as their reigning fin is like to harden them againft reproof, and bring them under publike cenfure, fo when they find themfelves fhamed and caft out, they aremoft likely to hate the Minifter and his teaching, and ndver more to be profited by hirn : when as in the ftate of catechumens ,they would have remained lefs irritated, and fo rnore teachable and in. hope. 7. We can- not fpiritually£#»7/r and gevern* men againft their mils : and therefore cannot be their $aftmi nor undertake to doit againft their wills will**, or without their own confenr. 8. We have eaufcto judge that men would take it as a heynous injury, if we bring chem under this difpleafing Discipline without their own confent. 9. They canr ot perform th e Duty of Church members to God^ the Paflors or their Brethren^ without their owr* confentT and therefore they are not to be numbred ivith adult Church-members , nor re- ceive the Prrvilcdges o\ fuch. 10. The ex- cellent ends of Church Holinefs by Difcipline before cxp will be fruftrate, and the contrary n brought upon the Chur- hes which are and great. 11. The Rubrick and Canons direct us to deny the&t- :ranjsnt to the fear we refolve ther?- ore in fubordina: word of God to haverefpect to thefe directions of our Go« ycrnours. The powers both Civil and Ecclc- iaftical, did command and order in the book )f Common Prayer £ that none be admitted 9 the holy communion, till they tun fay the ^atechifm, and be confirmed. ] And they give :hefe Reafor.s for confirmation at full age " (t 1. Becaufe rhan wl^n children come to 'years of difcretion and have !earned what c their God- fathers and God-mothers pro- 'raifed for them in Baptifm, they may then "them. €C thernfeLves with their own mouth and their €c own confent t openly before the Church , "ratifie and confirm the fame • and alfo "promife that by the Qrace of God they n of the Judgement to come (pra judicium 'uturi JHaiciifUt Tcrtull.) when theimpuri- y of it by the negleft of Difcipline , may )roYoke him to punifh the Church for the ins which they connive at , and to with- iraw his Grace and difown his Ordinan- es. 12. Laftly, Difcipline is neceffary for the [capable J offendor himfelf , to fharne and irive him from his fin : andto the Penitent hat by that comfortable Ordinance of Ab- folution, they may be aflifted in applying the promifcto thcmfclves, and may be revived by hearing the voice of peace from the rcouth of of an authorized Meffenger of Chrlft. Thefe great and manifold ends and ufes to which God hath appointed the cxercife of the Key es, and the Government and holy Order of his Church, will cry out againft us, as great tranfgreffors, if we (hall wilfully neglcft fuch a needful work, having undertaken the Office! SO which it doth belong. V 1 1 L Yet we arc agreed that Difciplind muft not be made -a pretence to any unjufi cenforioufnefs, or rigor f much lefs to tjrannie or revenge : Nor mull we bring men to open fhame t or caft them out of our Gommuniori for fin repented of, confefedtndforfaken ^ nor yetforthemeer infirmities of Believers, or fins that are not fcandalons or grofs ; Nor muft Paftors prefumc by excommunicating Kings and Rulers, to difhonour them and en danger Obedience and Qvil peace. IX. We are agreed that as there muft be a perfonal communion of Christians for the worfhipping of God* and for holy walking in a particular Church, fo there muft be a com- munion of Churches, as far as nccclficy dotf| require, aod our capacity will allow : That fo they may communicate the truths and mer- cies which they receive % and may know how to receive or rcfufe fuch, as are received 01 rejedei reje&ed by any of the Churched ThePaftors therefore ( with other meet perfons) (hould npcet together ('having leave granted by the Civil Chriftian Magiftrate ) and hold correfpondency. to thefc ends as oft as they well can : As alfo for the helping and ftrcngtheningof each other, and doing the work of God in Concord, and other ends to be mentioned anon. X. Into this Communion we arc agreed,' that all fuch true Pafiors ( and Churches ) are to be admitted , as make a credible fre* fejfion of Faith and Holinefs •, and that fuch as deny this,ov are Heretickj, or of Jcandalota ungodly lives , rauft after a firft and fecond admonition , be reje&ed by the reft of the Pafiors and the Churches. ( So as in the man- ner they make no disturbance of Civil obedi- ence or Peace.) THE Chriftian Religion. ExprefTed I. briefly, in the ancient Creeds, the ten Com- mandments y and the Lords Prayer. And tt more largely in a Trofefsi- on taken out of the holy Scriptures $ Containing 1. The Articles ot the Chriftian Belief. 2. Our Confent to the Gofpel Covenant. 3 . The fum of Chriftian Duty. According to the Primitive Simplicity, Purity, and Pra&ice : Pitted to the right Inftru&ingof the Ignorant, the promo- ting of Holinefs, and the Charitable Concord of all true Believers. Which whofoever fincerely Believeth,Cohfen- teth to, and Pn &il'ct!i 3 (lull certain y uC faved. It h alfo by prefixed Jgjteflio'is, made a Cuechifm. By Richard Baxter. London Primed, 1660. T To fill up this vacant Page. *&E Vapifls Confefsion of the fufficiency of our Belief. Concil. Bafil. Orac. Raguf. Bin. p. 29?. [ The Holy Scripture in the literal I fcnfe,foundly and well under flood, is the Infallible and mofi fufficicnt Rule of faith. ] Bcllarm. dc verbo Dei, L 4.C. 11. I In the Christian doftrint both of Faith and Manners, fome things are, [imply necejjary to faU vation, to all-, as the knowledge of the Articles of the Apoftles Creel of the ten Commandments , and of fome Sacraments : The reft are nek fo Necejjary, that a man cannot be faved without the explicite $nor* ledge, belief and profejfion of them — The fe things that arefimpl} neceffary,and are Profitable to all, the Apoftles pre ached to aSL All things are written by the Apoftles which are Necejfary 1 al% *U which they openly preacht to all ] ( See the place. ) V • Coftenus Encbirid. c. i.p. 49. Non inficiamur praecipua Hlafi dei capita quae omnibus Chriftianis cognitu funt ad falutem ua At ccflaria, perfpicue fatis effe Apoftolicis fcriptis comprchenfa Tht The ChrifHan Religiw. I The Ancient Creed. I Believe in God the Father Almighty, MtMer of Heaven and Earth: And in fefus Chrifi his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy \Chofi y born of the Virgin Mary • fuffered under Pontius Pilate, I Believe in one God the Father Almighry^nuker of Heaven and earn , and of aU things vifibie and invisible ; and in one Lord JefusChrift the only breot- ten So»f God, be-otten or his Fathen^f ;re all worlds, God of God, Ughtof Light, very God of very God^begotren not made, be- ing of one fubftance with the Fa- ther, by whom all things were made : who for us men, and for ypOA Cru- ! our kl vat i° B came down from " ' heaven , and was incarnate bv the holy Ghoit of the virgin Mary, and was made man, and was cruci- fied alfo for us under Ponnu* Pi- cified , dead and buried he descended into Hell the third day he rofe again . late. He fuffered and was buried. ■A,„**, +L» A* * A L „r^.«> ! and the third day he rofe again from the dead; he afcenA accordin . to thr ; scnpr B re s , ani dedinto Heaven,and [ittteth] afcended into heaven, and frtcth *L ~l*. I J f sv J at the right hand of the Fathers m the right hand of God And helhall ccme a^ain with the Father Almighty, from glory to judge bo'h the quick and i i n n • J the dead ; whofe kingdom (hail thence he JballcometO judge \ ha veno end. And I believe in he quick and the dead. lbe-\ * he holy Ghoft , the Lord and heve tn the Holy Uhvjt ; the ; from the Father and the Son, who holy Cathclick Churchy thl\ with the Father and the Son to- u. J . y . 7 , gcther is wortnipped and glorifij Communion of SatntS \ the] td, who fpake by the Prophets. c ornvenefs ef fins ; ' the a** 1 believe oBeCatholike and /? [ J r i /j Apoftolike Chuich > I acknow- "efurreCTlon of the body A ledge one Baptifm for the rcmiiE, %na tne itje ivertejtwg,\ rcfurreaion of lhcJc ad,and the imen, I Ufc of clac world to come. %A*» or rhiee Lords. The Fachcr is made of none : neither Created, nor begotten, h The Son is of the Father alone : not made, nor created, bu *U begotten. F The holy Ghoft is of the Father,and of the Son;neither made U por created; nor begotten, but proceeding. The Chriflian Religion. 3 So there is one Father, not three Fathers $ one Son, not three Sons j one holy Ghoft,noi three holy G-ofts And in this Trinity none is afore or after o:her, nor.e is great- r or lefs then another. But tta whole three perfons be coetern.il together,and cc?quaL So that in all things, as is aforefaid, che Unity in Frinity and he Trinity in Unity is to be worfhi \^d. 1 He therefore that will be faved: e Trinity, Furthermore, it is neceffary to everl&ftin* fa ! varion ; that he Ifo believe rightly in the incarnation ci our Lord JefusChrlft, For the right faith is, that we believe andctJhfefs : that oar ord Jefus Chrift the Son of God, is God and man, God of the fubftance of the Fathcr,begotten before the worlds: nd man of the fubftance of his mother, born in the world. Perfect God and perfect man : of a reafonable foul, and hu- lane flefh fubfiiting. Equal to the Father as touching his Godhead : and inferiour ) the Father touching his manhood. Who although he be God and man : yet he is not two 3 Wt one thrift. One, not by Convcrfion of the Godhead into fle(h,butby tking of .le manh od Into God. One altogether , not by confufion of fubitance 3 but by unity of :rfon. For as the reafonable foul and flefh is one man : fo God and lan is one Chnft. Who fuflfcred for our falvation, defcended into hell, *ofe again Le third day from th- dead. He afcended into hiiven, and fitteth on the right hand o^the srther, God almighty, from whence he fhall come to judge the aick and the dead At whofe coming all men fhall rife again with their bodies : j id (hall give account for their own wo And they that haV^ done good- (hal 1 ft cverlafting : }d they that have dene evif, into everlafUng Sre. ^This is the Catholike faith: which except a man belie Y« j ^thfully, he cannot be faYed. 4 7 be chnflian Religton. The ten Commandments, Exod. 20. Gg)DfpafeeatttbefetBotf0,fapinff> 3 am tbe Lotfi tbp ©ou » toMcbbaDeb;misbctbeeo*ieoftbetonD of Cgypt> out of tbe joule of boufca e. Slbou \Wt b*tjc no otber ocoto befojte me. ©jen fbaft not mafee unto tbee anp graven image* ox anp lifce* ttCf« ©fany thin- than is ttti&eamtt abobe* Ql tljat tf III tilt ^art& bcncatlb o* tbat is in tbe toater tinner He eartb > &boH fealt not boto Bourn tfouelf to tfam? no* ferbe tbeni; fojt3 tbe lotfi tbp ^otiam aieaUras #et^ toiftring tbe fntqufcte« of t&e JFat^rs upon tie cuilbjm* nnto the tbteo anafourtb generation of tbein I t*)*t bate me ^ ana tbetomg mere? unto tyoufann* of tbem tbat lotieme^anD fceepmPcommanDments. Ebou (bait noc rake t&e name 0' tbe LojtD tbP 45o& in bain ; fc;t t&e Lot* tottl not bolD bun guiltlefs tbat taketb bis naim in bain* Remember tbe feabbatb Dav to Iteep tt boll? : fit &ap* ajalt tbou Iabour>a.iD 00 all tbp tuoifc s but tbefetantb Dap 19 tbe^ab* Ibatboftb^G^tJtbv^ocij in it tljou fljalt not Do ant> tuo^ 5 tbou> not tfep foujnoM^ Daiubter? tbpmamfenjant, no* tby matD* fenmnt, iwtbp cattebnoi tbe ftranotei* tbat tsUrtbtn tbygate*: %o% in fie Dav* tbe LojtD maDe beaten anD eartb ? tlje fea> ana all that tn tbem is? anD refteD tbefetoentbDaps toberefoje tbe to*D btefca tijc $etoent& Dat> antj ballotoeD it. honour rbp fatber anD tbv motber, tbat tbP Dags map be fong upon tbe lann u>bicbtbeLojDtbp©oD gibetbtbee. C&ouftalt not full. fTbou ibaltnot commit aDulterp* Cbeuiljat not (Teal. C&on foait not bearfrrtfc tomtefaa a? toe fojgibe our tiebtojia > 3n& lean n^ not into temptation > bnt neliber u^ from e*ri! > fo* tbine te tbe King* 8om> anD tbe $otm> anD tbe ©io^p 3 f^ eber> Amen, The Chriftlan Relight*. The Profession of the Ch r i s t i a n Religion. I. The Articles of the Chrifiian Belief. It is a Cc-tecbifm if y§u prefix to every Article, the JVueftiov, ao&at DOpou bclietoe i i . T>Here is one only God (*) Or i.OfGoD. I ^y m three perfon$ * che fubfiftcn- Father, Son and Holy Ghoft (b) : Who is SJ'iCor. Infinite in Being,Power,Wifdom and Good- 8.4,$. " nefs (c) : The Creator of all things (d)-,Our (b) Mat. moft abfolute Lord, moft Righteous Go- 28 _ **• vernour , and moft gracious Father(e). 1 17. Pfal. 139. 7, 8, 9. & 147. j . Ifa. 40. 17. (d) Neh. 5. €• Cc)Rcv.4.8.8ciy.3.Ex.34.^.Ezck.iS.4.Pfal.47.7. & 119. *3. Be I4<<9- ■ , > ' 2. God made man for /n ~„ I °f theC /T n A himfelf ( f ) in his own £ 7°*' Lmm J image (g) ; with Reafon (g) Gen. and freewill (h): endued ****• with wifdom and holinefs (i) . and put under ( h ) Dcuc * him the inferior creatures,for his ufc(k) :and 2?j ^oi, 3. 10. Ecclcf.7.29. (k) Pal 8. j 3 tf. B 4 bound 6 ' ThfChrifiian Religion. (1) Mar. bound him by the Law of Nature to adhere DcutV V t0 Gocl hlS Maker \ t0 BellCve h>m,fear him, ^ IO ,'.; love him, honour him and obey him with all & 1.32. his powers (I): Moreover forbidding him to (m; Gen. eat of the tree of Knowledge upon pain of a. i* 5 17- death (m). ^aM&V. ^ «ii j 3- Man being tempted Johns 4 l ^7/^ by Satan,did wilfully fin, Ro.^^12,^^^^ and lo tell from God ?8 Gcn.3. andHappincfs,under the havin g conquered (3) 1 Co, death, (h)- andatterward JV>* attended into Heaven (i) where he remain- pjy |#^ eth God and Man, in one perfon(k), and is 10 1 Pet. Lord of all, in glory with the Father (1). the 3.18,19. chief Prieft, and Prophet, and King of his OviTim Church (m)- interceding for us -, and teach- I§ IO '*l^ ingand ruling us, by his Spirit, Minifters, *[** and Word (n). OJA&2.9 (k) Afts 3 ii. Rom. 9«j. Heb.7. 24. (1J Al7« (0 Oal.4.6. John 3.6". 1 Cor.6*.i7.Rotn.8. Eph.i.ig.n.l and 8 The Chriflian Religion. 'd)Rev.x. and all that overcome and perfevere to F3- Co1 * the death , (hall live with Chrift in endlefs Icb'iK. S' 01 T fd): But the Unbelievers, impenitent z) Ma'-/ and unholy (hall be condemned to everlaft- ?i6.Loh. ing fire (ej. And this he hath commanded *rf*3^ his Ministers to preach to all the world (f) : Ihcf I4# And hath t0 '^ us 5 ^ iat: AH that are given 9. &2,. him of the "Father, (hall come to him, and :. Luke that he will in no wife caft them out, nor ; 3 • fhall any pluck them out of his hands, (g) Mat. 18. Mar. 16. i? 3 i6. aCor.$. 19* (g) Joh.tf.37 & 10. 28,29; 'jjoh .14. 6. The Holy Ghoft .&ij. 6. of the Holy f oft pr0C eeding from the xPcc.x. revealing and confirm* t h I ? h - jj ix, 12. ingthe Gofpel. hattier and the Son, did I 'et.i.n. lnipire and guide the Tim. 3/ Prophets, Apoftles, and Evangelifts, that ! Johi^. t h e y m ight truly and fully reveal thedo- .Eph.3. ft r j ne f chrift, and deliver it in Scripture t'gio? ' to the Church as the rule of our faith and f T.ia." life (a): and by abundance of Evident > 19. uncontrouledMiracles.andwonderfull gifts, Hm. 6. to be t h e g re at witnefs of C hrift^and of the •J- 1 *! truth of his holy word (b). * 29*3 *• ) Adsi. Z2. 4. & 5. 32. & 19. n> 19. Heb. 2. 3^4. Gal, 3.1, $$• job. 14. 12.&3.2. 1 Cor. 14. 7. Where 7 SeCbrifiidn Religion. 6 7. Where the Go- (a) Ads l0 f onr Smmfiemon fpel is ma£ j e known zj.i 7 ,i%. fSSlfiffiZ ^eHoly Ghoft by ic Jgfc fanfcfied. cloth enlighten the i6 I4 ioh. minds of all that (hall 6. 44 . Eze. be faved, and opening and foftening their 3&*$.Gal. hearts, doth draw them to believe in Chrift ^Aa (a) and turneth them from the power of l8% Satan unco God (b): Whereupon they arc (c)Col.i. joyned to Chrift the Headend into one ho- i*Eph.$. lyCatholick Church which is his Body, con- 3°>3i>32- fitting of all true believers (c): and are free- x qoJ.h. lyjuitified, and made the Sons of God (d)-, 12,13,17/ and a fan&ified peculiar people unto him(c), (djRom.3. and do Love him above all, and ferve him 24«&4« 2 4* fincerelyin holinefs and righteoufnefs (i) 9 ^YT\t\\ Loving and defiring the Communion of the j 4 . Saints (g)- Overcoming the Fle(h,the World (f)Rom.?. and the Devil (hj, and Hoping for Chrifts 5. Mat -i°- fecond coming, and for everlalting life (\). 3 7 ' l Cor ' D > D v ' £. 11. J-uke 1. 75. (2) 1 John 3. 14. 1 Per. 1. iz. Afts 14.2. (h)Gal. 5.17,14. 1 John 1.15. (i) 1 Cor. 1, 7. z Pet. 3. il 3 li. Tit. 1.2. & 3. 7. 8. At Death the (a) Luke i.Ofthe Judgment and fouls of the Juftified 2 3- 43. & execution. go to happinefs with \ 6 ^ Chrift,ahd the fouls of g PhiUi!' the wicked to Mifery (a); And at the end of 13. 1 Pet. this world the Lord Jefus Chrift will come 3-19- Luke again j 16 - z6 **- I o The ChriflUn Religion. dCb) Afts i. again , and will raife the bodies of all men : ii. i Cor. f rom t fe dead- and will judge all according L . x *• J°h. $. tQ their works ^ And che Righteous fhall L initio go into everlafting life, and the reft into tlxCor. j. everlafting punifhment (c): AH this I do j £°* , nnfeiqnedh ^believe. U(c) Mat. J A J la?. & 13. 41*42,4$. 2 Tim. 4.83 18. iThef. 1 8, 9, 10. & ii. John 17. x4. • II. 0/*r Confent to the G off el Covenant, with God the Father , Son and Holy Ghofi^ by which we are Chrifiians, and members of the Catholic!^ Church. Queft. A-{t yon willing ani refolved to Give up your , 5 ( felfto Godtbe Father, Son and Holy Gbojl, accord- !~ ing to the Gofpel dottrine which you pofefs ? (a; Luke yj Epenting of my fins, and renouncing ;J 5 j"'&7. XV the FL*(h;the V/orld and the Devil I j 9 . Rom 8. fa), I do take this one God to be my only .^3. Luke God (b) 5 and do heartily give up my felf un- wTh'f t0 ^ m ( c ) ' -^ ven t0 X ^ e ^ ut ^ er -> (<0 as m y ^\b) Exod.' Creator and Reconciled Father in Chrifi : ' 2,0.3. Deut. And to his Son fefpu Chrifi, as my Lord, and y6 i7.Jof. only Stvioptr, to Reconcile, and bring me ji4« * *• t0 unto God (e) : And to the Holy Ghofi as my to. V) 2 Cor. 8.$. (d) John 17. 3. 1 Cor.8.6. 2 Cor. 6. 17, 18. • John 1.3. Eph.4^6. (c) John 14.6. Luke 5, 14. & 14.26. f\fts9- tf.Rom, 6.12,16. Luke 19. 27. John?. 19. Santtifier -, The CbrtftUn Relighn. 1 1 Santlifier •, that he may further illuminate, (f) Mat. fandiHe and confirm me,and I may hold faft * 8 -* *• and obey the doftrine of Chrift, which was ^ £'*** revealed by his infpiration ? and witneffed by I3 ^ i 4 /x8. his gifts and Miracles, and is now contained Rom. 8. 9* in the Holy Scriptures h and that he may be l 3> ****■ in me the earnelt of my everlafting Happi- x ^ nefs with God (f). "ig^». & 3.;$, i*. 2 Cor. 1.22. & 5 -j. Ifa. 4 4, 3,435. Rom, i$. f. III. Thefttmm efCkriftianDutj. Qucft. what are _ ( . 1. /^Hrift hath appointed ,., *, ,. Tfc j# (^ that fe ffien ^ all be * M mean^ and da- ^ . . . .* w . . n •?/» thsQjHoimefs. Ordained his Mmiiters , to (b)Rom. preach theGofpelto theNa- J^ 7 ' 14 ' tions of the world (a), and make them his 2 xim 4 2? Difciples,Baptizing them in the name of the Afts 13.1! Father, Son and Holy Ghoft (b): and to &2.41. congregate his Difciples (c), and to over- (0 Afts *•• fee and Guide the feveral Congregations, /|\^ 6 ' 1# and each member thereof (d): Particularly, 7 ^ 8# ' to Teach them the word of God(e)^to Pray 1. Tim.*, and Praife God with them and for them (f): 17-Tit.L (e)Afts 20.20,31. Col. 1,28- Eph 4. 11,12,13. Mal.2.7. \ Tim. S 17.rO 1 Cor.i4.i^,26.Afts20.7,3^James$.i4. Afts^.4,& a.4i.Phil.i.4.Nch.ii.24.& 1x17.8c ?.$. & 8.4,^. to 12 The ChriftUn Religion. to adminifter the Lords Supper in remcm* (g)iCor; b rance of him (g)* (h) Efpecially on the io.i^ 4 " - Lords Day, which he hath appointed for (h)Heb.7. holy communion in fuch works ( i) : Alfo to 7 . Numb. Rebuke with authority the fcandalous and *; M- unruly (k) •, and to bind andrejed thofe ^i^A*" r ^ at: are °^ n ^ te 'y impenitent , and unre- ao.7°iCor! formed^ and to Abfolve and Reftore the Pe- *6.z. nitent, and confirm the weak (1). (k)Tit.2, i5.&i.9,iM Tim.j.i^.&3.j.fl)Mat. i8.i7^S.Tit.3. 10 ! 1 Cor 5. 4,5, 11,13. (a) Afts 2. it is therefore the Peoples Duty to joyn *\- T . with fuch Churches, for the aforefaid Wor- 5.17! Hcb. # ^P of God (a) • and to know, hear, fubmit 137. 17/ to 5 and obey thefe theirGuides that are over 24,1 Thef. them in the Lord •, (b) and to avoid Divifion 5- 12 '' *3- and Difcord, and to live in Unity, Love \£* ui6 - and Peace (c). (c) 1 Cor. 1. 10. & 3. 3. Rom. 16. 17. Eph. 4. 3, 15, itf. Phil 2.1,2,3. Rom. 1 j. 6. 2. The fecret Duties of 2. The fecret Du- Holmfs are thefe ; The ex- j (a) Jude ues ofHolmefs. emfe of raith ,R e pcntance, ' aI '?*l ** Love, Hope, Delight in God, and all other 1 j 1 " 2 graces (a) ; The mortifying of our fins-,efpe 1 1 Tim.4.7. C{ ^y Atheifm, Unbelief, and unholinefs ^ 1 lfa.*4v7.' hardnefs of heart, difobedience and un- tbankfulnefs, The ChrifttAn Rdtgton. 1 3 thankfnlnefs, flefh-pleafing , covetoufnefs, and Pride, (b): The diligent: Examining of 0>) Afts our own hearts, about our Eftates,our Du- z *' 16 - ties,and our fins(cj -.Medicating upon God, R° m 3 g * and his word and works •, efpecially of our Heb/3. 11 Redemption by JefusChrift ., and of Death, 13. Mat J udgement,Heaven,and Hell (d) • Watching * 5 •'%> * diligently over our Thoughts, Affeftions, Luk **** Words and Aftions(e): Refifting Tempta- j 1 .,.^' tions (f): And frequent and fervent Pray- 1 Cor. 3. cr to God, in the name of Chnft, with *&. Confeffion,Thankfeiving 3 and cheerful Prai- ( c )^^ v C~* f«\ l °> * Cor, fes (8>, M . 5 .Gal 6. 3, 4. Pfal. 4. 4. (d) Pfal.104. 34. & 1. 2. & 11^.^7,09, Gen. 24. 6$.Eph. 3. i8 5 19- Pfal. 90. 12. Luke 12. 3*. 2 Vet n, 12. (e) Luke 21. 36. Pfal. 141. 3. 1 Cor. 10. 12. Pfal.39.1 Prov. 4.23. (f) Eph. 6. 10. to i£. i Pet.5.9^ Jam^.7. (g)PfalJ 34. i.& 145. 2. 1 Thef5.17.Phil. 4. 6. John 16. 23. 3 .Parents and Mafters STbePnvateDHties muft diligently teach fa)Erf|#6# Ltio,is to others. their children and fer- 4 , 9 .Deut. vants, the word and fear 6 «ii 3 »a. • of God (a), and Pray with them, and for ^A&fo! them, and hinder them from fin (b),and ufe ' p rov ] all their power that they and their houfe- 12.6,15.8c holds may ferve the Lord (c): children and *3- *3* fervants muft willingly learn and obey(d): P^-ior. We muft feek inftruftion in the matters of * am - *• (c; Gen.13.1j.J0fh. 24.15. Cd)Col.3. 10.12, Eph.6. Deut.2i.i$ # our 1 4 7 he Chri'fiian Kelt gt on. F^mY*' ° Ur ^™ t{0n >^P- C] ^Y ofour Teathers(eJ: {% i Cor wemuft take heed ot chc company of temp t- i 4 35. " in 8> * nd ungodly perfons, and delight in [ffjPfal; the company and help of the Godly: We !x.i.& t*. muft lovingly andfaithfully give,and chank- |4. & 119. f u lly receive admonitions and exhortations 13. 2o? V# (0 ; Confeflingourfaulsonetoanother(g): Eph.5.^7, and ^ 7 Prayer, Pfalms, and edifying confe- 11. Lev. rcnce,anda holy converfation, provoking t* J 7. one another toLove^and to good works(h). Mat. 18. & 15. Heb. 3. IV Jam. ?. 20. 1 Pet. f, 5. Wlth J UlhCe and Jofli. 1.8. Mercy f a):Inferiors muft Ha.56.1. honour and obey them in the Lord (bj.-We (b) Rom. muft not injure, but preferve the Life, Cha- 13 i> *>3* ftity^Eftate^ame^and Rights of our Neigh- Eph^iV bour(c^) .-Notfeekingour 0w*agamfthis (c) Exod! welfare ( d^but doing as we would be done 20. Mat.?, by (e)-, forbearing and forgiving (f) •, and 17. to 48. loving our neighbour as our felvesYg) : Yea W Dcut. Joying our enemies; and doing good to all 5.21. Phil. s. ' / l X D ° J Zt . . according to our power (h). 1 Cor, 10. H> 3 3 . 6c 13 . 5. (e) Mat.7. 12. f) Col. 3. 13* (g)Mat.i9.i?.& 22.39. (h) Mat. 5.44.Gal.6.io. Heb.13.1tf. The Tta Agreement of the Affbciated PASTORS. I, T ;\ 7 E do each one for • Aft - '• Fof VVhimfelf, profefs jf*" * JJ' •JJ'f* 6urRefolution,intheitrength Aa. zo i8./i of Chrift , to be faithful and i Tim. 412, diligent in the works of our i3»i4>*5>i*- Miniftry • and to live an holy an( i V *' &Ct and exemplary life, in Piety , T p e ' tt , z , Juftice and Charity , accord- ing to the meafurc of our abilities • Efpeci- ally watching againft thofe fins that tend to the corrupting or dividing of the Church, and to the hindring of our Miniftry • and to thedifronourof the Gofpel,aud ot our holyprofefiion. II. We do profefs our Agreement and Arc, 2. For Refolution in the ftiength of Chrift , to be r ^ c f ^ c faithful and diligent in puHick Pleaching fi^fr the Gofpcl ; And in the perfonal inftrud- ingof all in our Parifhes, or undertaken limits 5 that will fubmit thereto ^ teaching the Ignorant the Principles of Religion } G endea- 1 6 The Agreement of the endeavouring in Love, Corripaflion and Meeknefs, and yet with fcrioulnefs and zeal, to convince the erroneous and oppofcrs , to awaken the prefumptuous and fecure, and help them io try the ftate of their fouls, and co fee and feel cheir fin and mifery, and return to God by Chrift that they may live ; to ftrengthen the weak; to raife the fain ^ to edifie and confirm the ftrong ^ and to comfort fuch as need confolation •, and to help them all to prepare for death and judgement, and for everlafting life : And all this, as frequently , conftantly and or- derly, as ourftrength,and time, and greater duties will permit. An. 3. Tor 1 1 j. That the Churches may be capable af omtof° { the Difci P line of Chrift > and conftituted *r£~a-!lVL afl d m ^d according to the Word of God , to be made an d the ends ot our Office and Labours may byalltha be attained, vye are Agreed and Refolved toj mil be ta~ take none for Adult members of the Chur- d*ltmm- c ^ es comm *tted to our [fecial charge, nor ad- bers," and nm them, as fuch, to Church-Communion partake of and Priviledges , but thofe that have firil their corn- made fome perfonal credible Profeffion of rnimwi. true chriftianity, that is, of Faith and Obe- dience, and as members of thofe Churches, iubmit to our Paftoral over-fight according to the Word of God, But all that make this jffociated Paftors. 17 this Profefllon of Chriftianity and Confent to live in Communion with th£ Church, and under the Miniftry and Dilcipline of Chrift, we {hall receive , though they be weak in knowledge, and utterance, and duties •, and lhall faithfully imploy our Minifterial abili- ties and care for their edification andfalva- tion. I V. We are Agreed and Refolved in the Arc. 4, F:r ftrength of Chrift, while we have ability P H ^ ! jfi and opportunity,to Congregate the people, wr ' ^ and hold conilant Affemblies, efpeoally on theLords-Dayes ^ and therein faithfully to perform the works of our office , in Read- ing the holy Scripture, Preaching, Praying , Baptizing , Praifing God , celebrating the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, and guid- ing the people in the whole publick worfhiji of God : And to manage our work wich as much prudence, and reverence, and love and compaffion to the peoples fouls, and with as much plainnefs and convincing evi- dence, authority, ferioufnefs, and zealous .importunity as we can ; Avoiding asfaras we are able, fuch things as corrupt and dis- honour Gods Ordinances, and tend to cor- rupt the peoples rtiincs with errour, pre- fumption , deadnefs, negligence , or other diftempers, difpleafing to the Lord, 1 8 The Agreement of the Art j.F#v v. Por the ends of our Office,in obedi- Vifapline. ence t0 t h e Lord^ we Agree and Refolve in theftrengthof Chrift, to exercif- (o much of Church-Government and Diftipline, in the Churches committed to our charge , as we difcern to be our certain duty • that is to keep order and decency in the holy Af- femblies, and fee that all be done to edifica- tion : Convi&ing feducers, and flopping the momhes of perverfe gain-fayers ^ Over- feeing the feveral members of our charge - and requiring them to walk obediently to Chrift , and do their duties towards each other ; to Reprove the grofs and fcanda- lous offenders : and if they continue impe- nitent or unrcformed , to tell the Church, or rebuke them before all •, ( and publickly pray for their recovery ) ; And if they hear not the Church, but remain impeni- tent and unreformed, after fufficient re- proof and patience, to put away fuch per- sons from among us, declaring againft them ihe threatnings of the Lord , and re- quiring them to forbear Communion with the Church , and requiring the Church to avoid them, and have no familiarity or communion with them , as peripns unmeet for the communion of Saints. And thofe that credibly profels Repentance, we are to Abfolvc jiffociattd Pajtors. jg AbfolveMinifterially in the name of Chrift, and comfort with thepromifes of Grace- receiving them, and requiring the people to receive them, as Brethren, into their Com- munion : but warning them to watch and fin fo no more, left worfe befall them. This holy Difcipline , by the help of God, we (hall exercife faithfully and impartially ■, but yet with caution and moderation ^ negled- ing no neceffary confultations with other Paftors , or concurrence of the Church : and confentin'g to be refponfible formale- adminiftrations. V I. For the Communion of Churches, Ait. 6. Fit and the ftrengthening our felves for the C r m ^ d ™ work of God , and helping one another °L A f^J m therein, and maintaining Unity, Love znd tions. Concord ^ We do Content to hold a Bro- therly communion and correfpondency ; And to that end, when neceffity or greater duty hindreth us not, we (hall meet at fuch convenient times and places, as (hall be ap- pointed or agreed on from time to time-, and (hall labour to improve thefe meetings to our mutual edification, in fuch confulta- tions, conferences or other holy exerciles , as our preient cafe (hall moft require. And we confent to deal faithfully inadvifing and adiuonifliing one another - and for the fatif- C 3 fa&ion iO The Agreement of the faftion of ihi Brethren ( to the fore-tnen- tioned ends ) to be refponhble, if any (hall charge us with Herefie, fcandal, fchilm, of male-adminiftration : And forbearing mat- ters without our line, toftudyand endea- Tour the promoting ot Truth, and Holinefs, and Unity among our felves , and with other Church. s, as we have a call. And alfo we agree by communicatory Letters upon all needful occafions,to certifie our Brec hren and ocher Churches of the ftate of our affairs, and of particular mem- bers, that thofe chat juftly have communion in one Church, or are excluded , may haye communion with other Churches, or be re- fufed by them accordingly , when there is juft occafion. And if any Brethren or Churches be pre- vailed over lo far by temptation, as un juftly to deny us their communion, in this way of AfTociation, Aflemblies,or Correfpondency, we fhail not therefore deny them to be our Brethren, or Churches of Chnft , but fhall Love and Own them , and have fo much Communion with them, as their diftance fhall leave them capable of , if they joyn with us in the Profeflipn and Practice of true Chriftianity, and of the points that are necejOfary to Church-conftitmion and com- munion , A(JocUted P *(tcrs . 2 1 munion, and are not proved guilty of herefie , ungodlinefs, or fuch kind of fchifai or fcandalous fins , for which the Scripture commandeth us to rejed men, and avoid them. But fuch as are thus guilty ( though they offer themfelves to affociate with us) we (hall refiife to hold communion with, till they credibly profefs Repentance , and ma- nifeft a Reformation. V 1 1. Becaufe it is a matter of great con- A ^. 7- of cernment to the honour of Chrift, the pro- °> If it be where Baptifm cannot be had, the de- fed is innocent * If where it may be had, it is finful ; but yet not fuch as nullifieth the perfons vifible Chriftianity. And no errours, offences or differences do exclude any totally from the Carholick Church, while all the effentials of Chriftianity are kept. 13. It is the will of Chrift that all Chri- ftians that have opportunity, be members of fome particular Church, as well as of the univerfal : that he may have the honour, and they the great and neceffary benefits, that by the Miniftry, Ordinances and Communion of Saints, is there to be ex- pefted. 14. A particular Chriftian Church ; A competent number of Chriftians coha- biting, who by the appointment of Chrift. and their own expreffed Confcnt, are uni- ted ( or aflbciated ) under one or more ■ Dz Paftors, 34 The Ojpcc of Chrijts Mmjters Paftors,for the right worfhippingof God in publike,and the Edification of the members,- in Knowledge and Holinefs, and the main- taining of their obedience toChrift, for the fafety, ftrength and beauty of the fociety, and thereby the Glorifying and pleafing of the Lord.] It is a Political organized fociety, that is here defined, and not a mcer Community that is incapable of the Sacra- ments and other Ordinances , and the benefits of 'them , for want of Over- feers. 15. Thofc Minifters that are placed in Parifhes, where are many forts of people, fome Ignorant of the effentials of Chriftia- nity, fome Apoftates, fome impious and of wicked lives, and fome that confent not to be members of their Paftoral charge, fhould teach them all that will fubmit and learn : For we are called to it by the Magiftrate and obliged by the publikc maintenance which we receive to that end • and engaged by the general com- mand of improving our talents, and ' the fpecial opportunity that we have there- unto. 1 6. This teaching of all our Parifhioners that will fubmit, muft be both perfonally andpublikely, as far as we have ability and opportunity. more largely opened. 3 j opportunity. The former muft be by Cate- chizing,' and conference • wherein we muft teach them firft the eflential points of Chri- ftianity, and labour to help them to the cleareft underftanding of the doftrine of Salvation •, and prefs it on their affe- &ions, and help them to difcern their fin and mifery, and do all that we can to • procure their conversion or edification, according to their feveral ftates ^ manage- ing the whole work with thofe holy affe- ftions , that the weight of it doth re- quire. 17. The great neceffity of our neigh- . bours, and the advantages of this familiar way, do tell us that this work of catechizing and conference is fo great a part of our duty , that we (hould doit with much dili- gence, prudence and conftancy.And the ge- neral precepts of doing all to edification and in order, oblige us ordinarily to appoint a ftated time and place where every family may come in order • And if we are able we (hould go to them, that cannot or will not eometous, if they will but hear us. 18. Thofe that are Baptized in Infancy, and there engaged to God in the holy Co- ' venant, (hould with all poffible care and diligence, be educated by the Parents, or Dj any The Of pee oj cnrtjts Mimjters any that have the tuition of them, in the Nurture ana admonition of the Lord, and taught betimes to know the doftrine of the Gofpel, and to believe in the Lord Jefus Chriit, and to Love God above all, and their neighbours as themfelves, and to hate iniquity, and live to God,andfirft to feek his Kingdom and righteowfnefs • To which end Parents ihould Catechize their Chil- dren, and daily be teaching them the word of God, and acquainting them with his fear and holy worfhip. And miniilers muft with fpecial care and diligence overfee the feveral families of their charge, and excite the Parents to this neceffary duty. And , alfo ihould themfelves affiil them herein, and Catechize fuch youth ( as well as all others that are Ignorant ) as often as they can ^ efpecially where Parents do neg- leftit. 19. AsTnfants are by baptifm admitted among the Infant-members of the Church, upon their Parents profeflionof Chriftiani- ty, and dedicating them to God-, fo muft they personally make a profeffion of their own faith, and own their baptifmal Cove- nant, and give up themfelves to God the Pather,Son and Holy Ghoft, before they are to be admitted into the number and Com- munion more Urgely opened. 2 7 munion of the Adult members of the Church ^ Which profeffion is to be tryed and approved of by the Paftors of the Church : And fo excellent a duty, to be carefully, and ferioufly, and folemnly per- formed, that the tranfition into the ftateand communion of the Adult, may ap- pear to be fo great and obfervable a thing, as may excite all to an anfwerabie care and diligence, in preparation thereunto, and to look after that faving faith and holineft, which they mult fo folemnly profefs. A: d Minifters (hould have a fpecial care, that they take nothing for a credible profef- fion, that is not fo : and corrupt not the Church by letting in uncapabie members, that muft either be caft out a^ain, to the grievous exaiperating them agamft -he Church and way of God, and fo to the apparent hazzard of their fouls ; or elfe muft live ungoverned in their wickednefs, to the great difhonour of God, and the provocation of his wrath againft them and the Church. 20. For the publike worfhiping of God, and our own Edification , the Paftors, where there is opportunity,muft congregate the people inafolemn Affembly in a con- venient place and time. And all that can D4 muft 3 8 7 be Office of Chrijts CWimflers muft conftantly there attend, preferring the publike worfhip of God before the private : much more before their world- ly bufineffes, that are not of flat neceflity to themfelves or others. 2i. In thefe publike Affemblies it is lawful for us to admit , even y Infidels to be prefent, and fuch Catechumen's as are yet unfit to be members of the Church, and there to teach , reprove and ex- hort them, and pray for them according to their ftate • though we may^ not re- ceive them to be members of the'Church, nor admit them to our fpecial com* munion. 22. Becaufe it is the holy Scriptures that eontaine that Gofpel of which we are Mi- nifters ^ and becaufe the honour of Gods holy word is to be preferred, and the people to beinftrufted in it, and taught to know it ^ it is therefore our duty in the folemn Af* femblies to read the word of God to the people, in a known tongue \ ( as Mofes and the Prophecs were read every Sabbath day in the Synagogues of the Jews. ) Such portions b'eing chofen, and order obferved, as the Paftors difcern to be moft for edifica- tion. 2$. Our publike preaching of the Go- fpel more largly opened. fpel (hould be from faith and holy expe- rience, with plainnefs, and perfpicuity, with reverence and gravity, with convincing evidence and authority, with fervent zeal, and perfwading importunity, with the ten- dered love and melting compaflion, with faithfulnefs , impartiality and prudence, fuiting both matter and manner to the neceflity of the hearers, arid with frequency and unwearied patience, waiting on God for the fuccefs. 24. The Paftor is to lead, and the peo- ple to confent and joynin heart in the pub- like prayers, and unanimoufly to pour out their fouls unto the Lord in penitent con- fefiion of fin, and fervent petition, and joyful thankigiving and praife; and this according to the direftion efent and commemorate the facrifice of Cb^M Body and Blood upon the Crofs, onct ^tfered up to God for fin : and are given in the name of Chrift unto the Church, to fignific and folemnize the re- newal of his holy Covenant with them, and fealing it unto them, and the giving of him- felf to them to expiate their (ins by his fa- crifice, and fanftifie them further by his Spirit, and confirm their right toeverlaft- ing life : and they are received, eaten and. drunk by the Church, toprofefs that they willingly receive Chrift himfelf to the ends aforefaid, (their Juftification, Sanftification and Glorification) and to fignifie and fo- lemnize the renewal of their Covenant with him, and their holy Communion with him, and with one another.] 35. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper containeth in it thefe three parts. 1. The Corporation of the Bread and Wine. 2. The Representation and Commemora- tion of the Sacrifice of Chrift. 3 . And the giving to, and participation by the Church. The Confecration hath chief refped unto God the Father ; the Reprefentation and £ Com- 48 The Office efchrifls Ul£ini{lcr$ Commemoration to the Son as facrificed: and the Giving and Participation, to the applying operations of the Holy Gboft. As it muftfirft be the Body and Blood of Chrift before it be facrificed, and firft offer- ed in facrifice to God, before it is offered for nouriftiment and falvation unto men ^ fo is it in the order of Sacramental represen- tation. 36 The Confecration is performed by the Churches offering up the Creatures of Bread and Wine to God to be accepted to this holy ufe : and by Gods acceptance of them,as dedicated thereunto. The Churches dedication is expreffed by the prefent a&i- on, and Gods acceptance is expreffed by his command and promife, and the minifterial acceptioaand benedi&ion. The Minifter in this a&ion is the agent of the people in offering or dedicating thefe creatures unto God, and he is Gods Agent or Minifter in receiving and blefling them. 37. In this dedication of the Bread and Wine to God to be the confecrated .matter of the commemorative repre tentative fa- crifice , the Church acknowledgeth the three grand relations of God to his people. 1. We acknowledge him the Creator and. Owner of all the Creatures. 2. We ac- 1 know- more largely opened. $$ knowledge him our Righteous Soveraign Ruler, whofe Law we have offended, and who hath received the attonement , and whofe Laws we do herein obey. And, 3. We acknowledge him our Father, or bounteous benefaftor , by whom we are fuftained, and whofe love we have forfeited, and with whom we defire by Chrift to be reconciled. 38. This confecration maketh not the Bread to be no Bread, or the Wine to be no longer Wine ; nor dorh it make any addition to, or change upon the glorified real Body of Chrift^ but it maketh the Bread to be Sacramentally thrifts Body 3 and the Wine to be Sacramentally his Blood 5 that is re- prefentatively : as an A&or in a Tragedy is the perfon whom he reprefenteth : or as in Inveititures, a fword is the honour of Knighthood, or a key is the houfe, or a twig or turf is the land, 39. Becaufe Chrift was to be invifibleto is, and the heavens muft receive him till the eltoration of all things, therefore as he lathfent his Spirit within to be his Agent n his members ^ fo hath he appointed his Ordinances without, and efpecially this vi- ble folemn Reprefentation and Comme- 'Inoration of his facrifice-, that our faith jo The Office of Chrifls Mhifters * might hereby be helped ,and our fouls might beraifed tofuch apprehenfions of his love and the mercy of our Redemption, as if we had even feen him crucified before our eyes, and this till his glorious return, when we (hall enjoy himvifibly in his glory. 40. As Chrift in his Interceffion, as our highPrieft in the heavens, procureth and conveyeth his benefits of falvation upon the account of his facrifice once offered on the Crofs •, fo doth the Church in this Com- memoration, prefent him unto God the Father, as the faerificed Lamb, in whom, they profefs themfelves to believe, and by whom alone they expeft falvation, and all the bleffings tending thereunto. .41. In this Commemoration the Mini- fter is chiefly the Agent of Chrift, in repre- fenting his voluntary offering up himfelf unto the Father in facrifice for fin : And lie is the Agent of the people, in that part of the Commemoration, in which they pro- fefs their Believing in a crucified Chriit, and thankfulnefs for him, and dependance on him as their hope. 42. Jefus Chrift having finiftied the work of Redemption, which he was to do on earth, in the days of his flefh, afcended and is glorified-with the Father, and being become! more Urgely eycnea^^^^^^f become the pcrfcft head and treafure of the Church, hath in his Teftament or new Co- venant made a free gift of himfelf and life to all that will receive him as he is offered . and he hath appointed his Minifters not on- ly to proclaim this gift unto the world, but alfo in his name to deliver it to the Church : And it is a great encouragement and com- fort to Believers, that it is aMinifteror Agent of Chrift himfelf, that by his com- mand, and in his name doth fay to them [[Take ye, eat ye, this is my Body which is broken for you.]] And £ this is my Blood of the New Teftament, which is (hed for you, drink ye all of it J • Chrift himfelf with his faving benefits , being herewith as truly offered to tbeir faith, as the iigns and re- prefentations are offered to their hands and mouths. Though it be ftill bur (confecrat- cd) bread and wine that doth reprefent, yet is it the very Body and Blood or Chrift that is reprefented • and Chrift himfelf as the Head of the Church, and fountain of our renewed life, and as our fpiritual nourifti- tnent, that is truly given us, and received by us. 43. It is therefore unmeet for any but a lawful Minifter of Chrift, who is authorized hereunto, to adminifter this holy Sacra- E 3 ment: ^J imOjfice of thrifts Mintjtcrs merit: bothbecaufe no other are called to it in the holy Scripture, nor can (hew any warrant for fuch an undertaking -, and be- caufe it is very injurious to the comfort of the Church, when they know not that the perfon hath any authority to deliver them fo great a mercy from tne Lord, nor whe- ther Chrift will own his miniftration. 44. The Minifters muft partake of this holy Sacrament with the Church ; not as they are the Agents of Chrift for the delive- ry of ir, but as they themfelves are his Difcu pies and members of the Chruch. 45. Before the receiving of this holy Sacrament we ought to examine our felves, that we may come preparedly with repen- tance for all known fin, and faith in Chrift, and an humble feeling of our own neceffi- tics, and a thankful fenfe of the love of God exprefled in our redemption by Chrift, and a hungnng and thirfting after him and his righceoufnefs, and with an unfeigned love unco our brethren, and a high eftimation of the union and communion of the Saints, iandwith arefointion to walk in holy obe- dience to God, in patient hope of the com- ing of Chrift, and of the everlafting King- dom, where we (hall be perfedly in him united: which holy affe&ions arcalfo to be be cxercifed in the time of our Communion in this Sacrament, and afterwards upon the review of what we have here received and done. 46. The Word and Prayer muft be joyn- ed with the Sacrament, The nature and ufe of it muft be opend,"and the people ex- cited to the exercife of the duties before mentioned. Sin muft be confefled and -la- mented, and mercy implored,and thankfully acknowledged, and the goodnefs of God, efpecialty manifefted in the work of our Redemption, muft with thegreateft admi- ration, alacrity and joy that we can attain to, be magnified and praifed , till rhis un- fpeakable love of God in Chrift hath drawn out our hearts in fervent love to him again. And it will be molt fuitable to this Eucha- riltical Ordinance, that the Church do fing fome Pfalm or Hymn of praife to God, for the mercies of our Redemption. 47. Thofeare to be invited to the Sup. per of the Lord that have thefe neceflary qualifications, in fome degree, and the reft to be acquainted with the danger of eating and drinking unworthily. Thofe only are to be admitted to the Table of the Lord that have the ufe of reafon, and can examine themfclves, and are members E 4 of 74 The °tP ce °J Chn P Mimpers of the Church, and have made a perfonal credible profeflion of faith and holinefs, and are not juftly,for herefie or any fcanda- lous fin, removed from prefent communion with the Church. 48. The ufing or not ufing of forms of prayer in the adminiftration of this Sacra- ment, is to be determined of, as aforefaid in the other parts of worlhip, according to the different abilities of Minifters, and ftate of the feveral congregations, and other ac- cidents that fhould weigh in fuch indifferent things. But as in the Adminiftration of Baptifm, it is ordinarily meeteft and moft fafe • to ufe the exprefs form of words which Chrift hathdirededusto, and the Church hath ftill ufcd, viz.. [I Baptize thee in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghoft] : fo in the Adminiftration of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, it is fafeft and meeteft that we ufe the words that Chrift by his example hath dirc&ed us to nfe. As Matth. 26. 26, 27, 28 . Lu\^ 22. 19,20. 1 Cor. 11.24,25. viz. [Take ye, eat ye, this is my Body which i* broken for A 7 ou, this do in remembrance of me^ and L This is the Blood of Chrift, even of the NewTeftament (or this is theNewTefta- ment in the Blood of Chrift) which islhed i* for •mon larglj opened. ^^^^f$ for many for the rcmiffion of fins •, drink ye all of it in remembrance of him.] 49. As it is not unmeet for the Church at other times when they afTcmble, to make a folcmn profeffion of the Chriftian faith and of holy obedience, to manifcft their conftancy therein ^ and to declare what do&rine it is chat we afTcmble to profefs, and topreferve it in the minds of all ; fo is it more efpecially meet, that at Baptifm and the Lords Supper, when we are folemiriy to renew our Covenant with the Lord, the Covenanters do renew this folemn Profeffi- on : To which end it is moft lafe to make ufe of the ancient forms of Confeffion, called, The Apoftles Creed, and the Nicene Creed- and alfo to recite the Ten Com- mandments, with a profeffion ofourcon- fent to the terms of the Covenant with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghoft. To which if we (at left fometimesj adjoyn fome fuller Explication of the Creed and Decalogue (fuch as is our Profeffion here before fet downj it will not be unprofitable or un- meet. And in fuch manner it may all be managed, and fuch figns or expreffions of confent required, as the Paftors (hall jadge meet for the attainment of the defircd ends, with liberty for fuch variations , as are neceffary 5 6 The Office ofChrifts Minifiers neceffary to prevent a dead formality, 50. At the difmiffion of the Affembly, it is meet that thePaftor do folemnly blefs them in the name of Chrift, to which he is authorized as an ad of his Minifterial Office. 51. Deacons are Church-Officers infti- tuted by the Holy Ghoft to be ferviceable to the Paftorsand the Church, by the diftri- bution of the Creatures dedicated to the Church-Communion, and taking care for the fupplying of the necefficies of the poor, out of the contributions or flock of tc the Church. 52. The fir ft day of the week isappoint- ed or feparated by the Holy Ghoft for the holy AfTemblics and publike worlhip of the Church and other holy exercifes * and is herein to be improved to the honour of God, and the edification of our felves and others : and all other imployments are therein to be avoided that any way hinder the holy duties of the day-, except fuch as become a greater duty, upon the account of Piety, Juftice or Mercy. That fome ftated time more largely ofened. 57 time be feparated to the publike fervice of God and the benefit of our fouls, is a thing that the law of Nature doth command ^ that this ftated time (hould be at leaft one day in feven , the reafon and equity (at leaft ) of the fourth Commandment doth acquaint us : that this day {hould be every firft day of the week, the Holy Ghoft in the New Teftament hath revealed to us • ac- quainting us with Chrifts nfing on that day (which laid the foundation of the change ) and of the AfTembling of his Difci- ples on that day , and his owning their Affcmbly by his appearing to them, and teaching them, and bleiling them, and giving them their commiffion and the Holy Ghoit, fob. 20. 1 9, to 24. The fame they did the next firft day, where he again ap- peared and owned their Affembly, and re- vealed himfelf unto them, fob. 20. 26,27. And that this was the pradiceof the Apo- ftles and the Primitive Chriftian Churches direded by them,appeareth ^#.20.7,8. Ji Cor. 16. 1,2. fo that it was called the Lords Day ,as the laft day before was called :he Sabbath, Rev.i.io. And to put us out of all doubt of the matter of /ad:, and con- fequentlyof the meaning ofthefe texts of Scripture ^ the certain Tradition and mod Concor- Concordant hiftory of the Church affureth us, that ever fincethe days of the Apoftles, the univerfal Church in all parts of the world, hath conftantly obferved the Lords Day in Commemoration of the Refurre dion of Chnft : which it is not poflible that they could have done, without contradi' dion and rebukes from the Apoftles them felves or fome of the Churches which they planted, if it had not been a certain truth. Thofe therefore that will be againft the holy obfervation of the Lords Day, muft either impudently deny the Teftimony of all Church Hiftory and Tradition, which with one confent affure us that it was ob- ferved univerfally in the Chriftian Churches from the Apoftles daies, as a thing by them eftablifhed and praftifed ^ or eile they mult imagine that all the diiperfed Churches through the worlds confpired in the teaching and pradifing. of fuch an error without any known re-< buke, wherein it had been moft eafie for any to have convided them to be flanderers of; the Apoftles, or the Ages that were before them. Having therefore fo much in Na- ture, in the fourth Commandment , in the New Teftament, and the Dodrine and Pradice of the univerfal Church, for our holy more UrgeJy opened. 5 9 holy obfervation of this day- it illbefeems any Chriftian to forfake all or any of thefe, and think now in the end of the world to find out the certain praftice of the Apo- files, better then all the Churches which they planted. 53. Seeing the Lords Day is purpofely fet apart for the celebrating of the memori- all of the Refurre&ion of Chrift, and fo of the work of our Redemption (as the Sab- bath was for the Commemorating of the work of Creation) , the work of the day muft be very muchEuchariftical, and the Church (hould be taken up in the thankful admiration of the myfterie and mercy of our Redemption, and in the affe&ionatc praifesofthe Lord our Redeemer, and an afpiring after the everlafting Reft, which he hath purchafed,and promifed,and prepared foruswithhimfelf. 54. Minifters muft not only perform the publike worftiip of God upon this day, but alfo exhort the people to improve the reft of it in private, by prayer,and medita- tion, and holy conference, and calling to mind the Word which they have heard • efpecially the Parents and Matters of fami- lies, who muft inftrud their children and feryants, and watch over them,and reftrain them hanK Bnfc So The Office of Chrtfts Mtniflers them from the violation of the day, and call them to an account of the dodxine they have heard, and the duties to be per- ^ forxred. 55. It is lawful, and a duty on other daie$ alfo, according to our necefiities and op- portunities, to Redeem fome time for the publikc worfliip of God. And whenever || thePaftors (hall call the Church together, to hear the Word,or perform holy worfhip, it is the peoples duty obediently and gladly to attend, if greater duties do not prohibit them. 56. When great affli&ions lie upon the Church, or anyufeful members of it ^ or when any great fins have been committed among them, it is meet that in publike by fafting and prayer we humble our felves before the Lord, for the averting of his difpleafure. And on fuch oceafions it is the Paftors duty to confefs his own and the peoples fins, with penitence and tendernefs of heart, and by his dodrine and exhorta- tion to endeavour effedually to bring the people to the fight and fenfe of their fin,and thedeferts of it, and to a firm refolution of better obedience for the time to come •, being importunate with God in Prayer for pardon and renewed Grace. 57. Upon mm largely opened. JT 57. Upon the receipt of any notable ex- raordmary mercies , the Church having pportunity, (hould Aflemble for publike 'hankfgiving unto God : wherein the aftors (hould ftir them up to the livelyeft snfe of the grcatnefs of their mercies, and ttd them in a joyful celebration of tbe raifes of their bountiful benefa&or. And it s lawful on thefe da ; cs to exprefs our joy n feafting and outward figns of mirth ^ >rovided that they be moderately and piritually ufed, and not to gratifie our fen- ual defires •, and that we relieve the poor n their ncceffities (which alfo on daies of humiliation and other feafons we rauft not brget.) 5 8. It is not unlawful or unmeet to keep an anniverfary commemoration of fome great and notable mercies to the Church, the memory whereof (hould be tranfmitted topofterity. 59. In all the modes and circumftances of worftiip which God himfelf hath left unde- termined, all Chriftians muft take heed of miking unneceflary things to be neceffary, and laying the unity and peace of the Church on things indifferent, and laying fnares for the confeiences of others ^ but mutt leave much to the prudence of the particular 6z The Of pee of Chrtjts Mintfters particular Paftors that are upon the place, to whom it belongs to fit fuch circum- ftantial^ to their peoples ftate ^ and the Churches in fuch things wherein they may fafely differ, muft be left to their liberty : Long and fad experience having taught us, that the violent impofing of unnecefTary things, is the engine of the Devil to tear the Church. 60. The marriage of Chriftians being a work of great concernment to themfelves* and meet to be publikely performed, and accordingly to be fanftified by the Word and Prayer •, it is convenient that it be folemnized by the Minifter, or at lealt that hecounfelland exhort them,and pray for a blefling on them : being firft fufficiently fatisfied of their capacity and necefTary pre- parations. Herein he is to acquaint them with the Inftitution, Nature and Ends of their Relations •, and the duties feverally and joyntly by them to be performed ., and the difficulties and temptations to be ex- pefted and provided for. Efpecially they are to be direfted to live together in holi- nefs,as the heirs of life, and to be very care- full and diligent in the holy education of their children, and governing their families for the Lord ; and to ufe the world as not abufing more largely ofened. 6$ abufing it, reraembring their approaching fcparation by death. And he is to fee that they folemnly enter into the Ma- trimonial Covenant, engaging themfelves to conjugal fidelity to each other, until they arefeparated by death. 61. The Paftors of the Churches muft not only Teach the people , and guide them in the publike worfhip ; but alfo muft faithfully Overfee them in private, endea- vouring to know and watch over each mem- ber of their flock, preferving them from he- refies, errours, and divifions : defending the Truth, confuting gainfayers and feducers • inftrufting the Ignorant, exciting the neg- igcnt • encouraging the defpondent ■ com- Porting the afflidted, confirming the weak, rebuking and admonifhing the diforderly and fcandalous, and direding all accordi- ng to their needs, in the matters of their salvation. And the people in fuch needs fhould have ordinary recourfe to them, as the Officers of Chrift, for guidance and re- folution of their doubts, and for affiftance n making their Salvation fure, and pro- :uring, maintaining or reftoring the peace p of 64 The office of Chrifts Mixiflers of their confciences, and fpiritual confola- tion. 62. Thofe perfons that are known te commit any grofs and fcandalous fin , fhould firft by private reproof and admoni- tion (uftleft wheVe the notorioufnefs and iheinoufnefs of the crime doth prefently call for publike reproof) be called to Repen- tance: And if they hear not the Repro- vers, or will not Reform, the Church muft be told of it ; and therein it \i moft conve- nient, that tfie Paftors be firft acquainted with the cafe ( to avoid contention and confufion^ ) before it be brought into the publike a/Tembly : And to that end it is convenient that there be ftated meetings where the Paftors and fome chofen members of the Church, (not as Officers 7 but the Deputies or Truitecs of the reft) fhould ju in their feveral capacities take cognizance of fuch offences -, that fo a unity and full fcj correfpondence may be held between the Paftors and the flock, and all things may be \ione advifedly, orderly, arid concordant- ly ; but where this cannot wellbe done, the B&ftor or paftors muft do their work with- out kv 63. Thofe perfons that by more private means will not be brought to neceflary J), r ; Repentance lis lie Si tIJC; ko mil ■gi aii more Urgelj opened. 6 5 Repentance and Reformation, muft by the Paflor be publikely reproved and admo- nilhed before the Churchy and there called to Repentance by the opening of their fin, and the judgements of the Lord, and plead. ing with them thofe Gofpel mercies and motives that fhould melt them into contri- tion. Andiftheluccefsdo not appear, ic is ordinarily meet that the Church fhould joyn in prayer for the offender, that God would give him repentance unto Hie. 64. If after fufficient waiting in the ufe )f thefe means, the offender ftili ren;a : n mpenitenr, ic is the duty of the Church ;q ejed him out of their communion. V? n the Pallors muft compaffionately di fe offence 1 hnpenicency , and [udgements that God hatb rfi , <>^d the Laws of Chrift & he Church to put fuch from amor g t ihd avoid them, and have no company with qem, that chty may be afhamed, or to D hem as Heart en Publicans : . nuft accordingly declare the perfon off ng to be unmeet for -Chriftian C * n, nd charge the people to aVoi. nd laveno tellowftip with him, and o forbear the Comnaunic finding him over to anfwer it at I Yz Chi 66 The Office dfchifis tMiniflers Chrift. Which fentence muft be accord- ingly executed by the Paftors, in refufing him the Ordinances proper to the Church, and by the people in avoiding familiari- ty and communion with him, till he bere- flored upon his Repentance. 65. It muft be a credible Profejfion of Re- pentance only that muft be accepted by the . Church either for the preventing of fuch a rejeftion^ or for reftoring the reje&ed. And ufually when the cafe is heinous and notorious, or the Church hath had the pub- like cognizance of it, they muft alfo have publike notice of the penitence of the offen- dor ; wholhouldwithremorfeof confeience and true contrition confefs his fin before the Congregation, and heartily lament it, and crave the prayers of the Church co God for pardon and reconciliation through Chrift, and alfo crave an Abfolution by the Mini* fter,andareftoration into the communion of theChurch.-Eut becaufe it much depend- eth on circumftances of the -cafe whether the Confeffion fliould be publike or pri- vate, or in what manner made, it is there* fore to be much left to the Prudence of the. Pallors, whom the people in fuch cafes arcj commanded to obey. 66. When a credible Profe/fion of Rej pentanct u more largely opened. B^ pentanceis made ( whether voluntarily by the Converted, or upon the Churches ad- monition by the fcandalous, or after ex- communication ) it is the duty of the Pa- llors to declare fuch Penitents in the name of Chrift to be pardoned and abfolved, and Minifterially to give them this Mercy from the Lord, in cafe their Repentance be fin- cere as they profefs ; And if the perfon were excommunicate, it is the duty of the Paftor to declare him again meet for the Communion of the Church, and require the Church to receive him with joy as a return- ing {inner, and not to reproach him with I his falls, but to forgive him, as Chrift for- giveth him •, all which they arc accordingly to perform • and the Penitent with Joy to receive his absolution, and to return to the Communion of the Church , and to a more holy careful obedient life. 67. When any by frequent Covenant- breaking, have forfeited the Credit of their words, the Church muft have teftimonyof the attual Reformation of fuch perfon s, be- fore they can receive their profeflions and promifes as credible any more. Though yet there is fo great difference here in per- lons and offences, that the particular cafes fnuft be much left to the prudence of the "F 3 Paflorr 68 The Office rf Chrtjts t^iinifters Paftors that are prefent, and know the per- fons and the whole cafe. 68. So great is the neceflity of the fick, and fo feafonable and advantagious the opportunity, that Minifters fhould not neg- ligently omit them,but in Love and tender- nefs inftrud: them, according to then* fevc- ral conditions : endeavouring the Conver- fion of the ungodly, and the ftrengthening of the weak, and comforting fuchasneed Confolation \ dire&ing them how to im- prove their affti&ion ^ and helping them to be truly fenfible of the evil of fin, the mifcarriages and negligences of their lives ^ the vanity of the world •, the neceflity and fufficiency of Chrift, and the certainty and excellency of the everlafting Glory : Pcr- fwading them to a pious, juft and charitable difpofal of their worldly eftate •, and to forgive fuch as have wronged them, and to be reconciled to thofe with whom they have been at variance-, and believingly to hope for that life with Chrift, which he hath pro- mifedtoall that are fanftified by his Spirit, and comfortably to commit their fouls to their Redeemer,and quietly reft in the Will, and Love, and Promiles of God • Refolving if God fhould recover them to health, to Redeem their time, and live as a people de- voted more largely opened. voted to his Glory. It is meet alfo that the Pallors pray for the ikk, boeh privately and publikely when it is deiired and thought fit. 69 The Burial of Christians fhould be decent and honourable, and chough it bs a thing indifferent in it felf, whether Ex- hortations, Funeral Sermons or Prayers be then ufed, yet becaufe the feafon is very advantagious for mens reception of holy inftruftions, it is convenient ( at leaft when defired ) that the Minifter do take that feafon as often as he can, to mind people pf their mortality , and the neccflity of a fpeedy preparation for their change : fo prudently managing all his Exhortations and Prayers, that the due end may be at- tained, and theabufe prevented as far as maybe. 70. The lives of Chrifts Minifters (hould be conformable to their holy dodxine : and fo exemplary in InnocencyJ.ove, Humility, Mceknefs,Patience, Contempt of the world, crucifying the defires of the flefh, and in a zealous heavenly converlation ; 'andin all works of Piety, Juftice and Charity, within their power, that the mouths of the enemies may bcilopped,andthe people ma and be convinced and dtre&ed, even by 1' i^ ujpcc oj lwijis MMjicrs their holy examples, and our felves may le faved, and the Chhftian Church and do- ftrine may be honoured, to the giory of the Holy Ghoft and of our Redeemer, and our heavenly Father. 71. As we have all one God, oneChrift, one Spirit, one Faith,andHope, and Love, one Covenant, and one Catholike Church/o fhould the Communion of Saints extend as far 3$ their capacity and opportunities will allow. And as particular perfons muft Aflbciate for perfonal Communion in pub-^ like worfhip, fo particular Churches fhould affociate for fuch Brotherly correfpondency and communion, as they are capable of, and their needs require ^ That by communica- ting the Truths and Mercies which they have received, and advifing together, and by a brotherly collation of their appr^hen- fioos, and improvement of their feveral gifts, the unity of the Churches may beprc- ferved, and difcords and uncharitablenefs may be avoided , and the beauty and ftrength of the Churches maintained. And therefore the Paftors of the neighbour Churches fnot excluding others that are &t) fhould meet as frequently, and at fuch times and more largely ofenea. and places, as the ends and works of tfi.e Affociation do require. 72. Into thefe AfFociations fueh Paftors and Churches (hould be received that make a credible Profeflion of Faith and Holinefs, and no other : And they that areHereticks, or of fcandalous ungodly lives, muft after a firft and feeond admonition, if they re- main impenitent , be rejected and dif- owned by the Faithful Paftors and Chur- ches. 73. Where the fixing of a Hated Prefi- dent in each of thefe AfTociation9 is rcquifite for the peace and edification of the Bre- thren, it may well be yielded to : but how- ever a fpecial care muft be had to prevent contentions and divifions : and therefore perverfe difputings muft befuppreffed • and , proud, felf-conceited, domineering perfons, and fuch as are of fiery, turbulent, conten- tious fpirits, and alio fubtile hereticks and dividers, muft be watched againft as the plague of the Churches, and all poflible charity, humility , meeknefs, felf-denyal, and zeal for holy concord, muft be exer- cifed. 74. Thofethat through diftance or im- pediments cannot, or through miftakes or peeviftinefs will not joyn in fuch ftated bro- therly 7* Toe Office of Chrtfis Mtmfters thcrly Affotiacions and AfTemblies, arc yet to be allowed the due eftimation and affedi- on of Brethren; and fo much Communion as at a diftance they are capable of, if they do but agree with us in a found profeflion of the fauh,and a holy converfation,and Mini- ftcrial fidelity in the main : but yet we mult difown the fin of their dividing, or negled, and as we have opportunity teftifie againft it. 75. Thefe Churches that cannot hold lo- cal Communion with one another through differences that deitroy not the EfFentials- of Chriftianity, (hould yet maintain a dear and tender Chriftian Love to one another, and profefs their owning each other as Chriftians, and Churches of Jefus Chrift,' and fhould agree together upon certain Jutland equal Rules for the management of their unavoidable differences, fo as may leaft prejudice charity and common good, and leaft harden the ungodly, or grieve the weak, or difhonour God, or hinder the fuccefs of Common, great and neceffary Truths upon the fouls of men ; contriving and amicably promoting the Caufe of Chri- ftianity, and every part of it, in which they are agreed 3 and fhould open their difagree- ments to the people as little as they can. 76. In more Urgly opened. jy 76. In cafes of tolerable difference, as Minifters and People muft maintain a fpeciai holy Love., and Communion as far as their differences will admit • fo muft they defire the well-fare and the Peace of one another, and not ftir up hatred or perfecution,againft each other, by odious nick-names, orex- afperatingthe Magiftrateor people againft diffenters ^ but fhould confent to the Liberty of each other, and help&o take off unjuft hatred, and to hinderal! unmerciful violence or rigor againft one another -, And all of us (hould watch againft and abhor that proud, felf-conceiced, domineering difpoli- tion that would make us cenforious, malici- ous, or cruel againft the weakeft fervantsof the Lord. 77. Yet muft we not under pretence of Charity, confent to any fuch noxious Liber- ty, as plainly tendeth to the wrong of the Church, and the poyfoning of the fouls of others 5 nor yet muft we confent to the errours of the beft. Though we are not the judges of the fearers of mens hearts, nor may not deal uncharitably with any, yet muft not heretical felf-conceited perfons be tolerated in the obftinate difperfing of their errours, to the definition or danger of mens fouls, nor to reproach and fpeak againft 74 The ofjce ofchrifls Minifters againft the weighty necefTary truths of God : Nor fhould &ny be tolerated to kindle the flames of uncharitablenefs and contentions in the Churches, by railing, re- proachful language againft the tolerable dif- fenters : But a healing, merciful, and profi- table , and not a deftruftive Toleration fhould be promoted, 78.The Paftorsof the Churches of Chrift have the power of the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, but not of the Temporal fword on earth : And though we determine not whether in cafes of Neceffity, it be lawful for Paftors to be alfo Magiftrates • yet it is certain that without Neceflity it fhould not be allowed ( their work requiring all their time and ftrength) and that as Paftors it belongeth not to them • But as the Magi- ftrate is the appointed officer of God, to Govern even Churches, Paftors, and Peo- ple, in the way of outward force, and Pa- ftors are his Officers to govern them by Spi- | ritual Condud ^ fo muft we be fo far from defiring to ufurp a fecular power, that we fhould ftill advife the Magiftrate to keep the fword in his own hand,and to take heed of putting compulfive power in the hands of Paftors, or enabling them to execute their paffionate difpleafure againft their bre- thren? more largely oytnta. 7 j thren- And as the Magiftrate muft not ufurp • the Paftors office, but only fee that we per- form itourfelves,and pumfhusif wedo not:, fo muft not the Paftors ufurp the Magiftrates office, but humbly and modeftly teach and advife him from the word of God, and re- prove him, and threaten him,and in cafes of extremity denounce the Wrath of Goda- gainft him,, and bind him over to the Tribu- nal of Heaven, to anfwer for his obftinate impenitent contempt • and then leave all the matter to that bar, and patiently fuffer if we be perfecuted by him •, Not doing any thing in the management of any ot our work,without a diae refpeft and reverence to his Authority, and a care of the common good that dependeth on his honour,but re- membring what is meet for him to hear,and for us as MefTengers of Chrift to fpcak. 79. Thofe Churches of feveral Nations that through diftance a»4 diverfity of fecu- Jar Governours, are uncapable of pergo- nal or local Communion with others,{hould yet confent as neer as may be in their holy profeffions, and praftifes \ not tying each other to any of their unncceffaty modes or forms, nor uncharitably cenfuringany tolerable diflenters , but owning thofe Churches that agree with them in the great and rjs The Of ft ce ef Chrijts Mtmftcrs * and neceflary things, & holding fuch corre- fpondence with rhem by Meffengers,as lhall he needful to the promoting of their Unity, Love and Peace, and of the Gofpel and common caufc of Chrift, and the defence of each other againft the common enemies of thcfe, as emergent occafiors fhall require and direft ehem. 80. To the aforefaid ufes,the Councils or Synods of Paftors are lawful and conve- nient in cafes chat require them, where the Paftors of feveral Churches and Nations may diliberate and determine in order to their Unity, of Doftrines and Practices- to be Agrreed in, and may ftrengthen the hands of one another. But yet, the Canons of fuch Councils are rather Agreements , then proper Laws, to their feveral members 3r ablent Brethren ; and bind in order to Unity and Concord by vertue of thofe Ge- neral Commands that require us to do the work of God in fuch Unity and Concord, and not by vertue of any proper fuperior Regimental power, which that Council hath ' over the particular Bilhopsof the Churches of Chrift. And as for General Councils, as we fhould to the forementioned ends regard and honour them above all other, if really fuch were lawfully aflembled • fo in this enlarged more large ij uyewca. ly manifcfted unto all •, and it (hall be irre- veriibly determined by Jefus Chrift,who (hall go into Life Everlafting^and who to everlaft- ing puniftiment. Cewe Lord Jcfus, Come quick]]. Novemb. 1 6. 1658. THE Author thought it not unfit here to annex the Defcription of that Order and Difcipline which h cxercifedby him, with his Afftjlant fiUow-Ta- flors, in the Parifh-Churcti of Kederminfter 5 m Ajfo- ciation with many Taftors of thsfe parts, who have Agreed to exercife fo much of the Mlnificrial Office , m by the Confetf of the Epifcopaly Trcsbyteriah, and Congregation na& s be[oagethtotbem. uhich being pkklijbed ^.i. May prevent mens injurious mif-reports of .9-4,7 Aflociatiens 5 and Xifcipline, which they may be drawn to by fallacious fame. 2. Ani may be an example for thofe Churches tba: by the Mdgip&tis art left at liberty , teworfb'p GoA in that Communion and Order which they judge mod agreeable to the v'ord of God, and the Vmverfal Confcit and Practice of the Primitive Church. The Order and Difcipline of this Qhurch agreeable to the Word of God. I. \V7 E are willing to Teach all in our ™ Tarifi, thedoftrineof Life , that: are willing to learn : Anddefire them all to bear the Word publikely preached , and to come to us to be Catechized or Inftrudcd. 1 1. Wc own all thofe as vifibleChriftians G 2 and and members of the Umvcrfal Church, that make a credible Profcffionof Chriftiantty , and deftroy it not by Heretie , or ungodly lives. I IT. So many of thefeas alio Confentto hold Communion with this Cliurch as mem- bers of. it, fubmitting to the Minifters and Difcipltnc of Chrift, we (hail efteem our flock and fpecial charge, and faithfully perform the duties of our Office for cheir^good, as we are able. IV. We defire that all the Youth of the Parifh will learn the principles of the Chriftia* Religion : and as foon as they underhand it , and are heartily refolved to give tip themfclvcs to Gadin Chrift through the ffirit, and to lctd a holy life, that they will come and acquainz us with their Faith and Refolution ; and be- fore the Church will make afolemn profefli- on thereof, and give up themselves to God in the ptrfonal owning their Baptifmal Covenant ; cither reciting the fore-going Creed or Pro- fe(fion,or, if they are unfit for publike fpeak- .'* n g>kv Conferring when we propound it u them ; or by any other fit expreffions. That fo we may publikcly pray for their confirma- tion • tion ; and if they Confent aifo to hold Com- munion with this Church , we may know them as our Charge , and Regiftcr their names. V. Thofe Parifhoners that defire us to Baptize their children, or to be themfelves admitted to the Lords Supper , and are noE members of this Church, ( becaufe they will noc) , we defire to come to us, fomc dayes before •, that fo we may be fatisfied of their Faith and Life : And if they feem true Chri- ffUns , and either bring a Certificate that they are members of any other fhurch, with which we are to hold Communion , or fhew that it is not from ungtrdlinefs that they refufe to live under Order and Difciplme, we (hall Baptize their children , and occasionally ad- mit them to our Communion. But if they *refcxndaloH4, we (hall require them firft to Profcfs their feriopu Repentance : And if they 'eturn to fcandal^t fhall after (lay rill we fee :heir Refurmacion (or of one of the parents fa cafe of Baptiim. ) VI. If any member of this Church do differ from us about the geflure in the Lords Supper (or any fuckCircumftanee) WC de- G 3 fa* fire them firft to cometouj^ and hear our Reafons : and if wc cannot fatisfie them, we will n&i hinder them from receiving it in any decent gefture they defire. VII. All members of the Church muft or- dinarily hold Communion with it, in the; Lords Supper and all Ordinances: and if a Brother grofly offend, they muft orderly and , prudently admonilh him ^ and if he hear thera not, tell the Church. VIII. Once a Moneth we have a meeting of the Magnates, Minifters, Deacons, and above twenty perfons chofen annually by the Church, as their Truftees or Deputies : Here the offendours muft be accufed, and heard, and dealt with f before the cafe be opened in the Church. And any that are juftly offended with any member , miy have Churchrjuftice. ( The Magiftrates prefence being only ad me- litis ejfe) and the chofen Truftces or Depu- ties beingno Ecclefiaftical Officers , nor pre- tending to Divine Inftitution as (uch : but only the fitted: of the people chofen to do thofe things which belong to the people (who cannot all fo frequently meet ) and having no. authoritative ruling Votes. IX. Thofe I X. Thofc that Repent not upon publike r Admonition t muft be caft out of our Commu- nion , and avoided as Heathens : But rhofe that are Penitent, muft be Abfolved , and lo- vingly received. X. If any of our People be offended at any th.ng in our Do&rine or Life, wc defire them before they vent their offence behind our backs,to come and lovingly tell it us,and hear us fpeak* And if we do not fatisfie x them, we defire chem to open the matter before the Mintftersof this Affociation, who are here Affembled every Moneth. And we (hall be- fore them, be refponfible, for our Doftrine, (for /^dminiftrations, and oar Lives. ( As we are alfo willing to be to the Magistrate , who only hath the power of the fword, even over the Paftors of the Church , and whom in all things Lawful we muft obey, and ngtrefift.) FINIS. k