FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PWiaios 1 "2 * MAR 28 1934 CATHQL^o G;CAL , School and Sodality HYMNAL FIRST EDITION t PHILADELPHIA \ Geo. W. Gibbons, Publisher 906 Filbert Street 1900 Copyright, 1900. INDEX GOD. Coine, sound His praise abroad 66 Fading twilight tints are weaving 81 Father, before Thy footstool kneeling. . 84 Holy God, we praise Thy name 128 King of Ages, King victorious 151 Laudate Dominum 155 Lord, Thou wilt hear the prayer 167 My God, I love Thee not because 185 My soul, Thy groat Creator praise 189 My God, my life, my love 190 Nearer, my God, to Thee 194 Oh! Come, loud anthems let us sine. . . .254 Strike the harp in praise of God! 297 The earth, O Lord, rejoices 316 The wearied dove now trembling flies. .328 We praise Thee. O God. etc 362 THE HOLY GHOST. Come. Holy Ghost. Creator blest 61 Come, Holy Ghost, send down, etc 62 Vein, Creator spiritus 350 Vein, Sancte spiritus 352 PENTECOST. See the Paraclete Descending 286 CHRISTMAS. Adeste fideles 2 Angels we have heard on high 16 At last Thou art come 24 iii Christ was bom on Chrismtas Day.... 54 Come, let us gather round the crib." 62 Come. O divine Messiah 65 Earthly friends will change and falter. . 79 Hark! the herald angels sing 114 He came from His high throne, etc 116 Holy night, peaceful night 130 Like the dawning of the morning 160 Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas. .. .175 holy night! the stars, etc 212 < )h ! sing a joyous carol 257 See! Amid the winter's snow 284 See, the dawn from Heaven is breaking.285 Silent night, sacred night 287 The lights are bright in Bethlehem town.. 318 The snow lay on the ground, etc 321 We sing with the angels 363 We three kings from Orient are. ...... .364 What lovely Infant can this be? 365 When marshaled on the nightly plain. .368 While shepherds watched, etc 373 With glory lit, the midnight air 377 With hearts truly grateful 376 THE PASSION. Beneath the Cross, etc 37 By the blood that flowed from Thee. ... 48 Christians, who of Jesus' sorrows 54 Ecce Homo, see the Saviour 79 O blessed feet of Jesus 1!>6 O sacred feet, all gashed and torn 236 Oh! come and mourn with me, etc 2.">3 The Virgin Mary weeping stood 326 Two hands have haunted, etc 344 Vevilla regis prodeunt 353 THE PRECIOUS BLOOD. Above this world of tears 1 Blood of Jesus, saving fountain 43 Come, let us haste, etc 63 Glory be to Jesus, etc 92 THE RESURRECTION. Alleluia, alleluia, let the holv anthem rise 13 Bright sunbeams deck the joyful sky . . 44 Oh! the priceless love of Jesus 2r>:> One hour with Thee, O dearest Jesus. . . .266 Remember you, O gracious Lord 27'.) Saviour, when in dust to Thee 283 Soldiers of Christ, arise! 200 Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast. 291 Sweet is the face of nature'. . .'. 301 Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go 310 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing. . . .312 Take me, my Jesus, to Heaven 313 Though all the powers of Hell, etc 334 Vein, Jesu, amor mi 351 .What gift, dear Jesus, shall be mine. . . .361 When morniug gilds the skies 309 When morning is breaking 370 SACRED HEART OF JESUS. All for Thee, O Heart of Jesus 9 As the glow of morning, etc 21 As the radiant dawn, etc 22 Behold! how we've pierced Thee 34 Behold the Heart, etc 36 Close veiled in that sweet sacrament.. 56 Come, Sacred Heart of Jesus 65 Far across the lonely sea 83 Form your ranks, etc 88 Hark, the sound of the fight, etc 115 Hear the heart of Jesus pleading 118 Heart of Jesus, all in fire 121 Heart of Jesus, dearest treasure 122 Heart of Jesus, meek and mild 123 Heart of Jesus, Thou hast kindled ....124 Heart of Jesus, we are grateful 124 Heart of the Holy Child 125 I dwell a captive, etc 136 I rise from dreams of life 137 Litany of the Sacred Heart 165 Night folds her starry curtains round. .195 O dearest Lord, 'tis evening now 198 O Heart of Jesus, pierced for me 204 O Heart of Our Saviour, the joy, etc. .207 O Heart, whose prayer all prayers, etc. 209 O holy band of Leaguers, etc 210 O Jesus, dear, Thy Sacred Heart 215 O Lily of the field 220 O Love, supporting as Thine own 222 O Sacred Heart! all blissful light, etc. 237 O Sacred Heart, forever Thine 238 O Sacred Heart! O Love Divine 238 O Sacred Heart of Christ, our King 239 O Sacred Heart! our home, etc 240 O Sacred Heart, Source of all beauty 241 O Sacred Heart! sweet source, etc.... 242 O Sacred Heart! with burning love.... 243 O Sacred Heart, what shall I render Thee? 244 O you seraph's bright, etc 248 Oh! take me to Thy Sacred Heart 258 Oh! what could my Jesus do more.... 261 One heart, one soul, in Jesus' Heart. .266 Sacred Heart! in accents burning 280 Sacred Heart of Jesus blest 281 Sacred Heart, we Thee implore 281 Sweet Fount of love, dear Sacred Heart. 299 Sweet Heart of Jesus, ever yearning. . . .300 Sweet Heart of Jesus, source of love, etc 301 Sweet Jesus, May Thy Sacred Heart. . . .303 Sweet Lady of the Sacred Heart 306 Sweet Lily of the Sacred Heart 307 There is no heart like Thine, sweet Lord 330 To Jesus' Heart, all burning 339 To Thee, O Heart of Jesus 341 To Thy pure and burning Heart 342 Unto us is born a Saviour 347 Upon the altar night and day 348 When softly dawns the golden light 373 THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. Ah! whence to me the bliss ^.... 7 Approach not the altar 17 As pants the heart, etc 18 Awake, my soul, etc 33 Can it be that my God 49 In this Sacrament, sweet Jesus 139 Jesus, gentlest Saviour 144 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All 145 Jesus, my Lord, no tongue can say 145 Like a strong and raging fire 159 Lonely in the Tabernacle 162 Mother, into my heart to-day, etc 179 My God, my life, my all 186 My Jesus from His throne above 186 Mystery of love, whose depths divine. 192 Mystery of love, to Thee we turn 193 O Jesus, in Thy sacrament 216 O Lord, I am not worthy 221 O Queen of Heavenly flowers 234 O Salutais Hostia 245 On this sweet morn, O joy, etc 265 Pange, lingua, gloriosi 268 Peace, be still! over God's dwelling. .. .269 Preserve, my Jesus, oh! preserve 270 Saving Host, we fall before Thee 282 Sweet Jesus, hid for love of me 303 Tantum ergo sacramentum 313 The Lord of glory, oh! wondrous story. .319 Thou 'for whom I've long been sighing. 332 To-morrow morn, O joy. etc , in What happiness can equal mine? S? wft? ? nr ^viour wished to proVe" "Ira A^ ith steadfast faith I cling to Thee! '.'.'Hi IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Hail, Queen of the Heavens. . 1ftQ Immaculate, little dear .... |2g O fairest of all visions! J$ O Fnend conceived without a stain ""222 O KSF d , e ? r ' thy ^Ildren here. 223 O Mother! I could weep for mirth 99Q O purest of creatures, etc .[ ,[\[ ;||| NATIVITY B. V. M. Sweet Mary, let us praise thee 30 8 ANNUNCIATION B. V. M. Ave Maria, softly spoken . . oq Glory to God! Angels hosts are sinking 93 How pure, how frail, and white g 'i?4 Magnificat! Inspired' word ! [ Jg Unfold, unfold, ye golden gates, etc. \\\" 345 VISITATION B. V. M. Behold sweet Mary, etc dk TC hither thus in holy rapture ...'.' .' .' ." .' .' ."375 PURIFICATION B. V. M. Mother of God, unto the temple bring.. 182 PRESENTATION. Soft breaks the morn on Zion hills. .. -.289 DOLORS OF MARY. £- 0( l °! ™' erc - v! Iet us ran q fi Stabat Mater Dolorosa on? Stood the Mother weeping, sighing! ." .' ."295 ASSUMPTION B. V. M. Ascend, ascend, Imperial Queen 23 Sing, sing, ye angel bands ....[ \ 2 il viii THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Alma Redeniptoris Mater 14 Angel's Queen in beauty reigning 16 At eve's lone stilly hour 24 Maiden, of thee we sing 170 Mary, how sweetly falls that name.... 173 O Flower of grace, etc 201 O Heart of Mary, pure and fair 206 O Mother mine, how can they live 231 O Sweet Receptacle of grace 246 Of all virgins Thou art fairest 249 Oh, beautiful Thou art, etc 251 Oh! blest for e'er the mother 252 Oh, when shall we with angels bright. .262 On her throne of love and graces 263 Pure as carmels' snows, etc 271 Queen of our fount, Immaculate 272 Queen of empyreal Heavens, hail! etc.. 272 Queen of the fount, Immaculate 273 Rcgina Coeli, lactare, alleluia 276 Rejoice, rejoice, O earth and skies 277 Strew before our Lady's altar 296 The star of the ocean is risen, etc 322 The thoughts steal o'er me, etc 325 Through the world thy children raise. .335 Tints of crimson and of gold 336 Vast as ocean's briny water 349 Virgin mother, hear our song 355 Virgin Mother, Lady of Good Counsel. .355 Virgin Mother, with they sweet face bending 356 LOVE OF MARY. Ah, her smile, etc 5 Come, come, come to Mary, etc 59 Daily, daily sing to Mary 68 Daughter of a mighty Father 70 Fading, still fading, etc 81 Hail! all hail! great Queen of Heaven.. 100 Hail! full of grace and purity .101 Hail, heavenly queen, etc 103 Hail; holy Queen, enthroned above 105 Hail, holy Queen! loved mother, etc.... 106 Hail, Mary, full of grace, oh! band 106 Hail, Mary! queen and virgin pure 107 Hail, Queen of Heaven, the ocean star. 108 Hail, thou Star of Ocean, etc 110 Hail to the mistress of the Skies Ill Hail to thee, Mary! 112 Hear thy children, gentlest mother .... 120 It is the name of Mary 140 Let every voice, etc 156 Oh! how the Heart of Mary burns 255 The moon is in the heavens above 320 PETITIONS TO MARY. As the dewy shades of even 19 Ave Maria, guardian dear 26 Ave Maria! message from Heaven 27 Ave Maria, light and pure 29 Ave Maris Stella 30 Ave! now let prayer and music 31 Ave, Regina Coclorum 31 Ave Sanctissima 32 Bright Mother of our Maker, hail 44 Bright Queen of Heaven 45 Dark and Darker fall around 68 Day is declining, etc 71 Evening closes, evening closes 80 Fairest of Mortals 82 Help of Christians, while the combat.. 126 Holy Mary, mother mild 129 Holy Queen, we bend before thee 131 Jesu Mater, ave, thou Virgin, etc 142 Litany of the Blessed Virgin 152 List, sweet mother, etc 161 Listen, mother, to our sighing 161 Look down, O mother Mary 163 Loved Heart, all mild, all meek, etc.... 168 Maiden mother, meek and mild 170 Mary, dearest mother 171 Mary, hear my fervent prayer 173 Mater amabilis, ora pro nobis 174 Mother, dear, O pray for me 177 Mother, dearest, mother fairest 178 Mother, Mary, ah! how blissful 179 Mother Mary, at thine altar 180 Mother of God, my hope, etc 181 Mother of mercy, day by day 183 Mother of the Infant Jesus 184 My mother dear, my queen divine 188 My own dear mother Mary 188 Thy way to Heaven is on the deep . . . .191 O Mary, mother, lend thine ear 224 O Mary, Mother, sweetest, best 225 O Mary, my Mother, thou friend, etc.. 226 x O Mother, help, see us here kneeling. .228 O Mother loved, our sweet delight. .. .230 O Mother loved, whose starlike eyes . . . .230 O Merciful Mother, who didst stand 232 O Queen of the Holy Rosary 235 Oh! be thou mindful, etc 250 Oh! turn, most tender Mother 259 On this day, O beautiful Mother 204 Remember, oh! remember, dearest mother 278 Rose of the Cross, thou mystic flower.. 279 Salve, Regina, etc 282 Sweet, mother, turn those gentle eyes. .309 The dew is falling on the grass 316 The storm is wildly raging 323 To Thee, sweet Mother, Heavenly Queen 342 Unto thee our sighs are pleading 346 When by daily cares oppressed 366 When evening shades are falling 367 Wilt thou look upon me. Mother 376 With holy choirs of angels 379 MONTH OF MAY. Again with joy we greet Thee 3 Ah! must I leave, etc 6 As the gentle spring uncloses 20 Blessed are we as the children 39 Bright, spotless maiden, etc 46 Bring flowers of the dearest 47 Come, and chant the praises 57 Come, children, joyously 58 Come, gather round the altar 60 Come, let us twine, etc 63 Flowers are springing, etc 86 From nature's shady bowers 90 Glorious mother! from high heavens.. 91 Hail, virgin! dearest Mary 112 Hail, Virgin, spotless Mother 114 Joy of my heart! oh! let me pray. .149, 151 Let us mingle together 158 O Mary, on this festal day 226 O Mater admirabilis (2 versions) 227 Snow and rain have vanished 288 Sweet Lady of the Sacred Heart 305 Sweet May, thy sunny portals close.... 309 The bees are alive iu the clover 314 The sun is shining brightly 324 The v..\v is made, ere -, 0s This is the month of Mary ....\' g? Tie the month of our Mother ^7 JAe come, dearest Mother, etc Sr Wecome, dearest Mother, with' fondest We come to crown' with royal' state' '" '§» Welcome to this world of woe. " 1? We hail thee, smiling May gS With joy we've gathered' round thy snnne '.380 THE ANGELS. All hail, angelic power.. Angel voices in the air li nOUlltcniii cnii.ifi i- ! x_t Bounteous 10 spirit! guardian angel. .....'33 Bless me, befriend me _ T" 8 * 1 g Blest spins of light 4? Dear Angel ! ever at my side ra hSw kfnd1f!« I nf r0m *J eaven so * bright! 95 jcio^ kma it is of you to come . . 139 Michael prince of highest Heaven. . .' '. \ .176 « God how ought my grateful heart. . . .202 Oh. list my loved angel, etc. . . 256 Mveei angel of Merer etc. . 907 The gentle angel, walk, etc.." I:".' "."an Thou hast sorrowed the spirit etc ' taa lis the feast of our angels, etc .'..'.".li ALL SAINTS. O Jesus! let Thy anger cease 213 ST. AGNES. O holy martyr, spotless dove 911 Sweet St. Agnes, holy child .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. iJu ST. ALOYSUS. Angelic youth: at whose blest birth 13 Dearest saint, look down, etc 7* O Thou who on Thy natal day '.'. '. ...'/. 247 xii The youth who wealth and court de- spised .329 ST. ANNE. To Kneel at thine altar 339 ST. ANTHONY. O great St. I nlhony, we praise thee. . . .204 St. Anthony, we praise thee 2;»2 ST. CECELIA. Let the deep organ swell the lay 157 St. Cecelia, from out the splendor 293 AVhite rose of Koine, encrimsoned, etc. ..374 ST. IGNATIUS. Ye angels now be glad 382 ST. JOHN. When our Saviour gathered, etc -'ill ST. JOSEPH. All the Church, dearest Lather 11 August and tender saint 25 Dear guardian of Mary 73 Dear St. Joseph, each fond heart, etc.. . 7i> Dear St. Joseph, pure and gentle 76 Glorious Father, dear St. Joseph 91 Great St. Joseph, throned in glory 98 Hail! holy Joseph, true sponse, etc.... 104 Holy Joseph, dearest Father 128 Holy Patron, thee saluting 131 Leaning upon that noble breast 15.1 O Glorious St. Joseph 203 O holy St. Joseph! in thee we confide . .213 Vir fidelis et prudens 354 xiii ST. MICHAEL. O Jesus, life spring of the soul 219 ST. PATRICK. S^PlV 1 ? 0tes ' l0 Heaven ascending 97 Hail, glorious St. Patrick, etc '1$ Hail, patron of Erin, etc. J2? Hiberma's champion saint, all* nail! '. ' ] '. "127 ST. PHILOMENA. Blest Philomena . . 41 ST. ROSE OF LIMA. First floweret of the desert wild 85 ST. THOMAS. Blest St. Thomas, holy patron 42 CONFIRMATION. My God, accept my heart this day i 8 4 ACTS OF THANKSGIVING, ETC. Blessed be the love of Jesus 40 CONTRITION. God of mercy and compassion 95 xiv THE RELIGIOUS LIFE. Go ye forth, O Zion' daughters 94 DEATH. Come ye disconsolate, etc . .: 67 Dearest Lord, in some deim, etc 77 Jesus, ever-loving Saviour 143 O dearest Lord! We humbly crave 199 O heart of Jesus, who last gently pour- ed 206 Oh! turn to Jesus, Mother, turn 260 Pray for the dead! at noon and eve. .. .269 Treading the path of many days 343 When I am taken from this world of sadness 368 -sXgWs^ CATHOLIC School and Sodality HYMNAL THE PRECIOUS BLOOD. Above this world of tears and sighs I raise to God my soul, And gaze on Thee beyond those skies Where shining planets roll. I see around Thy throne divine The saints in bright array, And ask how came they to be Thine, And whence, blest souls, are they? Thou tellest me they meekly bore Privation, pain and loss, And cheerfully they traveled o'er The pathway of the Cross; And thus, from many griefs and pains, Have come to realms of light, And in Thy blood have washed from stains Those robes that look so white. And now, away from toil and strife, From sin and sinner's ways, From all the emptiness of life, They live the endless days. By Thee redeemed, by Thee embraced, With Thee for ever blest, Their Saviour's joy they see and taste, And on His bosom rest. precious blood in Jesus' veins! All wretched as I am, 1 ask Thee cleanse my soul from stains, O world-redeeming Lamb! God of earth, by Heaven adored, Before Thy mercy-seat 1 ask that o'er my soul be poured This saving balm and sweet. And though I suffer here below, And tread the thorny way, Thy blood will make me white as snow. And wash my sins away. And as my soul with ardor glow* To come to where Thou art. My hope is in the blood that flows From Thy most Sacred Heart. ADESTE FIDELES. Adeste fideles Laete triumphantes, Venite, venite in Bethlehem. Natum videte Begem Augelorum. Venite. adoremus, Venite. adoremus. Venite. adoremus Dominum. Deum de Deo, Lumen de lumiue. Gestant puellae viscera: Deum verum Genitum non factum, Venite, etc. 2 Cantet nunc Io! Chorus angelorum: Cantet nunc aula coelestium Gloria In cxcelsis Deo. Yenite ; etc. Ergo, qui natus Die hodierna, Jesu! tibi sit gloria Patris aeterni Yerbum caro factum Yenite, etc. GREETING TO MARY. Again with joy we greet thee, O fair and sunny May; 'Mid censer's breath and flowers bright, We sing our opening lay. Xow, wrapp'd in robes of beauty, Thou'st burst upon our view, Thy verdant pathway spangled With pearls of shining dew. CHORUS. Vive, vive Maria. Thou star of peerless ray, We bring our hearts, einbalm'd in love, To crown thee Queen of May; VYe bring our hearts to thee, our Queen of May. Thy lap is fill'd with blossoms That her sweet smile adorns Who bloom'd upon this fallen earth. hike lily 'midst the thorns. Then let us sing her praises All through her own sweet May, While daily at her altar Our humble gifts we lay.— Chorus. O gentle Queen of Heaven, From thy bright throne above, Ah, ever watch around our path With Mother's tender love. On thy poor wond'ring children, Look kindly as we pray. And bless us as we crown thee Our chosen Queen of May.— Chorus. ST. TERESA'S HYMN OF LOVE. Ah! give him that wishes The jasmine and rose. In thousand bright gardens No bud for me blows. I seek but the fragrance Of Nazareth's flower. Now blooming with seraphs In Heaven's glad bower. CHORUS. Let my eyes see Thee, List to my sigh, Good, gentle Jesus, Then let me die. A captive I languish, No friend can me cheer, Still dying while living, When Thou art not near; How long shall I tarry. Sweet Jesus, from Thee? Ah! haste the blest dawniug That shows Thee to me.— Chorus. When Jesus is absent Content flies away, The soul's dereliction Is felt night and day. 'Tis love that sustains ine, Till shadows give place To Heaven's bright vision. Thv beautiful face.— Chorus. MATER AMABILIS. Ah, her smile makes Heav'n rejoice, Eyes of saints to glisten, Even as angels, at her voice, Hush their harps to listen, And the light of Mary's eyes Adds a bliss to Paradise; Keep your joys, O ye unseen, We would wish no other, Angels, you may call her Queen, You cannot call her mother. CHORUS. Mother Mary, we turn to thee, Oh! let us then thine own true children bo. At the gate, on reaching home, You will find her standing, She will be the first to come. And meet you on the landing. At our weary exile's end. Mother, o'er our pillow bend. Show us. at our dying breath, Him we call our brother. In our life and in our death, Oh! be to us a mother.— Chorus. Christian, though your storm toss'd bark Ou the sea still linger. Can you call the way too dark. Shown by Mary's finger? Timid soul, where'er you are, She will be your guiding star. In her presence nothing harms, Tempest may not smother. Throw yourself into her arms. You cannot doubt your Mother.— Chorus. FAREWELL TO MAY. Ah! must I leave my Lady's altar. Where oft I've found such sweet de- light? My sad adieux must I now falter — Must joys so pure now wing their flight? CHORUS. Farewell, sweet month, sweet month of flowers — Farewell, loved shrine, thou dear re- treat; But ere have fled these happy hours My heart I'll leave at May's feet. Farewell., farewell. How sweet to sing my Mother's praises, And breathe to her my loving sighs; So fondly on me then she gazes — So softly beam her starlike eyes. — Cho, When I was tempted, sad and tearful. My angel to thy shrine me led: Thy smile dispelled the tempest fearful— The demon at thy presence fled. — Cho. There, from thy hands, with graces streaming- Hope sweetly flowed upon my soul, Thy arms, extended to me, seeming To woo me to thy loved control.— Clio. Those starry lights, so brightly glowing, Sweet Mother, round thy flow'ry shrine, Are but the symbols dimly showing The love of this fond heart of mine. — Cho. Ah! while my love to thee I'm singing To die this hour would be so sweet, Like those spring flowers now perfumes flinging, That bloom and languish at thy feet. —Cho. Ari! WHENCE TO ME THE BLISS. Ah! wiience to me the bliss. The joy, the Heavenly sweetness, That now in torrents pure My heart o'erflows? My soul, oh be thou silent. 'Tis thine own sw T eet Jesus. Who comes to thee this morn To be thy sweet relief. CHORDS. Sweet Jesus, I adore Thee, Within my happy heart; To me, O tender Jesus. Thy grace and love impart. My King Thou art, sweet Lord, Tho' hidden be Thy splendor; Thy radiance ever pure In bliss doth shine. And lowly 'mid its brightness, Trembling here before Thee, I kneel and humbly beg To taste the sacred streams.— Cho. When Death's dread hour draws nigh, And holds me in its darkness— When earth and friends depart, Wilt Thou be near? Ah, then, in Thy compassion, Turn Thine eyes upon me, And bid me come to Thee, Then call, then let me hear.— Cho. ALL FOR JESUS. "All for Jesus!" let us make This the key-note of our life; Let us take it as a shield, In our every care and strife. "All for Jesus!" let us say, When adversity draws nigh; "All for Jesus!" let's repeat, When temptation's winds blow high. "All for Jesus!" let us say When self-sacrifice implores; And the same when calms prevail, Or when loud the tempest roars. "All for Jesus!" let us say To the sorrow-stricken one; All for Him. Who. for our sake, Bore His heavy Cross alone. "All for Jesus!" let us say When the hour of death draws nigh; "All for Jesus I have lived, All for Him I wish to die." "All for Jesus!" may these words, ' Sounding through the scale of years, Give sweet music to each soul, Until Heaven's port it nears. ALL FOR THEE. All for Thee, O Heart of Jesus, All for Thee eternally, Naught for me, O Heart of Jesus, Save to be beloved by Thee. CHORUS. All for Thee, O Heart of Jesus All for Thee in life and death, All for Thee, dear Heart of Jesus, Till my latest dying breath, All for Thee, all for Thee. Not an object in this wide world Can true joy to me impart. Not an interest can allure me Save the glory of Thy Heart.— Clio. All for Thee, O Heart of Jesus, All the daily inward strife, All the soul's sharp crucifixion. All the weariness of life. — Cho. Thou hast taught me, O my Saviour, Where alone the heart finds rest, I have learned 'tis sweet to suffer, Fillowed on Thy Sacred Breast.— Cho. HYMN TO THE ANGELS. All hail, angelic powers! All bail, bright spirits blest! Oh, list our heartfelt prayer For guidance and for rest CHORUS. When will the angels come And call our souls away? The earth is dark as night, But Heaven is bright as day. Why stay we here so long. Poor exiles from the land, Where Mary sits enthroned Upon her Son's right hand?— Cho. Before the throne divine Our voices high we'll raise To God in Persons three. With hymns of endless praise.— Cho. GLORIOUS MYSTERIES. All hail, great Conqueror, to Thee. Arisen from the dead! Grant us the light and faith that we May in Thy footsteps tread. To Heaven thou dost ascend again, Sweet Saviour of our race, With hope our fainting hearts sustain To see in Heaven Thy face. O Holy Ghost, who didst descend In cloven tongues of fire, Our souls, which all too earthward tend. With burning zeal inspire. 10 Mother of God, enthroned above. Beseech thy Son anew To till our hearts with childlike love For thee, our Mother, too. All-gracious Queeu of angels, deign Our last request to hear; For us this crowning gift obtain, In grace to persevere. ALL THE CHURCH, DEAREST FATHER. All the Church, dearest Father, St. Joseph, Exults in her gladness and joy, For the Vicar of Jesus now gives Thee An empire no power shall destroy. And Thou, dearest Father, now steerest The bark of St. Peter through storm; And we know, tho' the dread cloud enfolds her, Thou the darkness to light will trans- form. Yes, the Church of thy Son in her mourn- ing Proclaims thee her patron for e'er, St. Joseph, oh! guard her for Jesus. Thy power in her favor declare. Oh! meet then it was. dear St. Joseph. That thy triumphs shall hallow the day Which entwined in the crown of our Mother That blossom which shall ne'er decay. 11 Then loud is the glad anthem pealing, Whilst the heart of the Church thrills with joy, St. Joseph, in all lands her patron, His power for her will employ. ALL YE WHO SEEK A SURE RELIEF. All ye who seek a sure relief In trouble or distress, Whatever sorrows vex the mind, Or guilt the soul oppress. cnoRus. Jesus, who gave Himself for you Upon the Cross to die, Opens to you His Sacred Heart; Oh! to that Heart draw nigh. Ye hear how kindly He invites, Ye hear His words so blest: "All Ye that labor, come to Me, And I will give you rest." What meeker than the Saviour's Heart. As on the Cross He lay? It did His murderers forgive, And for their pardon pray. O Heart! Thou joy of saints on high! Thou hope of sinners here! Attracted by those loving words, To Thee I lift my prayer. Wash Thou my wounds in that dear blood Which forth' from Thee did flow, New grace, new hope, inspire anew, And better heart bestow. 12 EASTER ALLELUIA. Alleluia, alleluia! Let the holy authein rise, And the choirs of Heaven chant it in the temple of the skies; Let the mountains skip with gladness and the joyful valleys ring With "Hosanna in the Highest" to our Saviour and our King. Alleula, alleuia! He endured the knotted whips, And the jeering of the rabble and the scorn of mocking lips; And the terrors of the gibbet upon which He would be slain, But His death was only slumber, He is risen up again. Alleluia, alleluia! like the sun from out the wave, He has risen up in triumph from the dark- ness of the grave; He's the Splendor of the Nations, He's the Light of endless day, He's the very Lord of glory, who has risen up to-day. Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed Jesus, make us rise From the life of this corruption to the life that never dies; -May we share with Thee Thy glory when the days of time are past, And the dead shall be awakened by the trumpet's mighty blast. 13 ALMA REDEMPTORIS. (From Advent till the Purification.) Alma Redemptoris Mater, quae pervia coeli Porta manes, et stella maris, succurre cadenti. " Surgere qui curat populo; tu quae gen- uisti, Natura mirante, tuum sanctum Geni- torem, Virgo prius ac posterius; Gabrielis ab ore Sumens illud Ave, peccatorum miserere. ANGEL VOICES. Angel voices in the air, Softly whlsp'ring ev'ry where; Oft so far and then so near That their words methinks I hear: Bi'eathing words so true and kind To the weary, burdened mind; Oh! sweet voices from above, Whisp'ring such sweet words of love. CHORUS. Oh, angel voices in the air, Softly whisp'ring ev'ry where; Oft so far and then so near That their words methinks I hear. Angel voices sweet I hear, Wafting mnsic to my ear; Music, borne on angel's wing. Such as they alone could sing; Telling of the Saviour's love. And His glorious home above; Bidding each and everyone To the Saviour's arms to come.— Cho. 14 Angel voices in the air, 'Tis glad tidings that yon hear; When yon speak of homes above And God's great redeeming love. Angel voices in the air, Would that I were only there. In that Heavenly home above, There to sing the Saviour's love.— Cho. THE AMIABLE AND ANGELIC YOUTH. Angelic Youth! at whose blest birth Bright choirs of Heavenly spirits thronged; How great the day which gave to earth A treasure that to Heaven belonged. CHORUS. Amiable and angelic Youth! Aloysius, pray for us: Amiable and angelic Youth! Aloysius, pray for us. O happy Youth! from thy first hour Thy steps e'er were to Heaven bound; Thou ne'er didst yield to demon's power, Nor fall 'neath sin which raged around. Cho. Thy guileless tongue and gentle heart From Jesus' heart were never riven; In things of earth thou hadst no part. For all thy thoughts were set on heaven. Cho. 15 Through Christ's sweet love, oh! pray for those For whoin He died upon the Tree; Through love thy soul has gained repose, Through love we hope to follow thee. Cho. QUEEN OF ANGELS. Angels' Queen in beauty reigning, Crowned art thou in yon Heavenly Land, Where myriad angels sing thy praises, And round thy throne forever stand. CHORUS. Regina Angelorurn. Wave o'er us thy sceptered hand. Hail, Holy Queen of Angels, Our hope, our life, our sweetness, hail. Queen of Angels, while we praise thee, Ev'ry prayer is -a link of gold That reaches from the earth to Heaven, Where each request is sweetly told. —Cho. Queen of Angels, strong and mighty, In thy voice there is power divine That moves thy own dear Son to mercy, Responsive to each pray'r of thine. —Cho. ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH Angels we have heard on high, Sweetly singing o'er the plains, And the mountains, in reply, Echo back their joyous strains. 16 CHORUS. Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Shepherds, why this jubilee, Why your rapturous strains prolong, Say what may the tidings be Which inspire your heavenly song? — Cho. Come to Bethlehem, come and see Him whose birth the angels sing, Come, adore on bended knee The Infant Christ, the new-born King. -Cho. APPROACH NOT THE ALTAR. Approach not the Altar with gloom on thy soul, Nor let thy feet falter from terror's con- trol, God loves not the sadness of fear and distrust, Oh! serve Him with gladness, the Gentle, the Just. His bounty is tender, His being is love, His smile fills with splendor the blue arch above; Believing, confiding, oh! enter always His courts with thanksgiving, His portals with praise. Bring meekly before Him the faith of a child, Bow down and adore Him with heart mi- defiled; And by the still waters, and through the green shade, With Mary, glad daughter, thy path shall be made. AS PANTS THE HART. As pents the hart for cooling springs, Among the rocks and barren sands, So doth my soul, O King of kings, Long for refreshment at Thy hands. CHORUS. My soul, O God, doth thirst for Thee. For Thee, the source of every grace. Oh! when shall I Thy beauty see, When shall I see Thee face to face? My tears have flowed by day and night, When I have felt Thy chastening rod; But wicked men enjoy the sight, And, mocking, ask, "Where's now thy God?"-Cho. Where art Thou, Lord, my Life, my All? Thou art above, around, within; Whate'er betides, on Thee I call, To save me, and to pardon sin.— Cho. Joy, then, and endless jubilee! Divine reward of faith and love: I hear the strains of harmony From the triumphant Church above. -Cho. 18 Why, then, my soul, art thou depressed? God is thy drink, and He thy food; Bequeathed to thee— His last bequest— His body and His precious blood.— Cho. AS THE DEWY SHADES. < As the dewy shades of even Gather o'er the balmy air, Listen, gentle Queen of Heaven. Listen to my vesper prayer. Holy Mother, near me hover; Free my thoughts from aught defiled. With thy wings of Mercy cover — Keep from sin thy helpless child. Thine own sinless heart was broken; Sorrow's sword has pierced its core. Holy Mother! by that token, Now thy pity I implore. Queen of Heaven! guard and guide me, Save my soul from dark despair; In thy tender bosom hide me, Take me, mother, to thy care. Mother of my Infant Saviour, Spouse of God, my plaint, oh! hear; Purest Virgin, Gracious Matron, Oh! relieve me by thy prayer. From thy happy seat in Zion Light me through this dark abode, Smile, oh! gently smile upon me, Tell my sorrows to my God. SWEET MARY. As the gentle spring uncloses, And the winter fades away. Sunlight glistens, lilies glow. As we greet the mouth of May. As we hail its peerless Queen, Mary, Mother of Delight, In her own especial season, Sing her praise from morn to night. CHORUS. Mary, mother sweet, Mary, mother fair, Virgin Queen of May. hear our prayer, Unto Jesus pray, that each day We may grow like thee, Queen of May. May is Mary's— she is ours— Thus the month is doubly dear; As we crown her with -our flowers, Angels gladly hover near! And the Blessed Jesus smiles On each humble votary, And our homage to His Mother Will requite most graciously.— Cho. Dearest Mother, we remember. How, at one request of thine, Jesus at the marriage feast Changed the water into wine; At our feast, oh! let the flood Of our tears thy pity move, Beg, oh! beg the Son to change them To the wine of perfect love.— Cho. Take us all 'neath thy protection. Heart and soul and senses take! Tell dear Jesus we are thine, And He'll bless us for thy sake; And the treasures of our Mary Up in Heaven we shall store, Naught shall steal them, naught corrode them— Thev shall last forevermore.— Cho. PRAYER TO THE SACRED HEART. As the glow of morning deepens in the sky, Or as sunset glories slowly fade and die. All the wide world over, like an incense rare, From the hearts of thousands rising up the pray'r. CHORUS. Sacred Heart of Jesus, fill'd with love for me, Kindle in my spirit truer love for Thee. Refuge of the sinful, stronghold of the weak, Comfort of the grieving, light for them that seek: These Thou art, O Jesus, yet we know but part Of the love which for us dwells within Thy Heart. 21 Each good act accomplished, vict'ry nobly won, Crosses bravely carried, duties brightly done— These are trials no longer, if we would but see, They are sent to lead us nearer unto Thee. In the fire of trial so my soul refine That it may be pleasing to Thy Heart Divine; In Thy loving mercy so transform it till Its supreme ambition be to do Thy will. SACRED HEART HYMN. As the radiant dawn is stealing Far up the glowing East, To Thy Faithful ones revealing Again the happy Feast; Sacred Heart, in spirit lowly, I consecrate to-day Heart and soul that I may wholly be Thine own, dear Lord, alway. chorus. Sacred Heart, Sacred Heart, Hear the prayers we now implore In living or in dying We may love Thee more and more. Thou art here in loving meekness Through ever-changing years; Thou hast strength in human weakness And balm for human tears. On the Cross Thy heart was bleeding My sins to wash away; Now Thy heart for mine is pleading With tenderest love to-day. 22 Thou, whose angel choirs are telling Of majesty divine, How canst Thou desire the dwelling Of such a heart as mine. Love Divine, grant that I never , From Thee by sin may part, And my hope and stay forever Will be Thy Sacred Heart. OUR LADY'S ASSUMPTION. Ascend, ascend, Imperial Queen! Ascend, and plead the cause of men! Ascend, and reign upon the throne Predestinated thine alone. Ascend, where none before have trod, Ascend, the mother of thy Gou. Oh, how for thee the angels sigh, Eager to waft thee to the sky! Too long for them the hours appear That strive to hold thee captive here, Where quenched in mists of earth below Thy rays of glory dimly show. Ascend, ascend, Imperial Queen! Forsake this limitary scene; Forsake this lower, darksome place, Which guilt and misery deface; A higher world invites thee on To splendor and dominion. EVENING HYMN TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN. At eve's lone stilly hour, When faint shadows rest on the silent streams, When the winds are hush'd, and the star- light gleams, Sweet Mother! I call on thee. Unto thy skrine I come, With a heavy heart by danger prest, As the trembling dove which had fled its nest, O Dulcis Maria, bear! Receive the stricken one From the guilt of sin and the threat'ning foe, Oh! protect thy child, and thy love bestow, Virgo Maria, audi! CHRISTMAS HYMN. At last Thou art come, little Saviour! And Thy angels fill midnight with song; Thou art come to us, gentle Creator! Whom Thy creatures have sighed for so long. choktts. All hail, Eternal Child! Dear Mary's little flower, Blooming in earthly bower. Hail, Mary's little one; Hail, God's Eternal Son; Sweet Babe, sweet Babe, Sweet Babe of Bethlehem. 24 . Thou hast brought with Thee grace aud pardon, Aud our souls overflow with delight; While our hearts are half broken, dear Jesus! With the joy of this wonderful night. -Cho. We've waited so long for Thee, Jesus; Art Thou come to us, dearest, at last? Ah! we bless Thee, fond joy of thy Mother, This is worth all the wearisome past. -Cho. TO HOLY FATHER ST. JOSEPH. August and tender Saint on high Enthroned 'mid Heavenly choirs, Hear the earnest prayers of our hearts, O'er whom earth's shadows lower. Unto thy tender watchful care The Lord of Heaven was given; In His dear name, thy children pray— Oh, guide us home to Heaven. Sainted Joseph, Father blest, The faithful fly to thee; In peril dread and anguish deep, Our hope, our comfort be. CHORUS. Earthly guardian of our God, The Church doth call on thee; In this her hour of darkest woe, Her strength, her pilot b*. 25 Thou wert once a child of earth, And felt its bitter woes; Look, then, to our welfare here. Aid us against our foes. For errors, clouds, obscure the truth, Faith's rays no longer shine, With the pure light of other days, In lands that once were thine.— Cho. AVE, MARIA. CHORUS. Ave, Maria, guardian dear Bright Mother of the blest, Us o'er life's sea, oh! calmly steer Unto the port of rest. Be our guardian, be our stay, While the darkness rides its round; Keep us till the morning ray Wake again our anthem sound.— Cho. Mother, taintless, undefiled, Sinless let our slumbers be; Mother of the sinless Child, Hear the prayer we raise to Thee.— Cho. Thou hast made our desert bloom; Mary, deign to hear our prayer; If to-night we seek the tomb, Shine upon the desert there.— Cho. 26 AVE MARIA! MESSAGE PROM HEAVEN. Ave Maria! Message from Heaven, Wafted by angels down to the earth, Hope of the fallen race, in mercy given, Ave Maria! Thou pre-elected, hearts now we raise to thee, Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Shadows break slowly, Dawn of salvation comes to earth's shore ; Then shall we sing to thee, sinless and holy, Ave Maria! Queen of creation, hope of the fallen race. Treasure of love and grace, Ave Maria! Ave Maria! WELCOME, MONTH OF MARY. Ave Maria! Star of Heaven, Guide of earthly pilgrims here, All my life to thee is given, Guard it with a Mother's care. CHORUS. Welcome, welcome, month of Mary, Emblem of the Virgin pure; Come, oh! come, our hearts are weary, Come, and all our sorrows cure. Ave Maria! Heavenly Mother, Smiling sweetly from above; Make us live with one another In unchanging bliss and love.— Cho. 27 Ave Maria! purest flower, In our hearts fore'er abide; Shield us in temptation's hour, In our wanderings be our guide.— Cho. Ave Maria! Star of even, When the hour of death is come, Take my soul with thee to Heaven, To its everlasting home. — Gho. ANNUNCIATION. Ave Maria, softly spoken, in the mid- night's hour, Ave Maria, dearest token of God's great love, of love's great power. The tidings blest of man's salvation, how their grandeurs in our hymns pre- vail; With Gabriel's voice the while we greet Thee and join him in that wond'rous Hail. Ave Maria, gratia plena, Ave Maria, gratia plena, Ave! Ave Maria, sinless maiden, fair art thou and full of grace, Earth is around thee, sorrow laden, oh! cheer it with thy beauteous face; It hears the joyful salutation, softly trem- bling on the midnight gale, With Gabriel's voice the while we greet Thee and join him in that wond'rous Hail. Ave Maria, gratia plena, etc. Ave Maria, near and nearer comes to us the joyful strain, Ave Maria, louder, clearer, the Church takes up the glad refrain: And oh! we pray thee, Virgin tender, that thy kind protection never fail, With Gabriel's voice the while we greet Thee and join him in that wond'rous Hail. Ave Maria, gratia plena, etc. AVE MARIA, BRIGHT AND PURE. Ave Maria! bright and pure, Hear, oh! hear me when I pray! Pains and pleasures try the pilgrim On his long and dreary way; Fears and perils are around me, Ave Maria, bright and pure, Ora pro me, ora pro me. Ave Maria! Queen of Heaven, Teach, oh! teach me to obey; Lead me on, though fierce temptations Stand and meet me in the way; When I fail and faint, my Mother, Ave Maria, bright and pure, Ora pro me, ora pro me. Then shall I, if thou, O Mary, Ait my strong support and stay. Fear nor feel the threefold danger Standing forth in dread array. Now and ever shield and guard me, Ave Maria! bright and pure, Ora pro me, ora pro me. 29 When my eyes are slowly closing:. And I fade from earth away. And when death, the stern destroyer, Claims my body as his prey, Claim my soul, and then, sweet Mary. Ave Maria! bright and pure, Ora pro me, ora pro me. AVE MARIS STELLA. Aye Maris Stella, Dei Mater Alma, Atque semper Virgo, Felix Coeli porta. Sumens illud Ave Gabrielis ore, Funda nos in pace, Mutans Evae nomen. Solve vincla reis, Profer lumen caecis, Mala nostra pelle, Bona cuncta posce. Monstra te esse matrem, Sumat per te preces Qui pro nobis natus Tulit esse tuus. Virgo singularis, Inter omnes mitis, Nos culpis solutos Mites fac et castos. Vitam praesta puram, Iter para tutum, Ut videntes Jesum Semper collaetemur. 30 Sit la us Deo Patri, Summo Christo decus, Spiritui Sancto, Tribus honor unus. Amen. V. Dirigatur, Domine, oratio mea, Ii. Sicut incensnm in conspectu tuo. SPANISH EVENING HYMN. Ave! now let prayer and music Meet in love on earth and sea! Now, sweet Mother! may the weary Turn from this cold world to thee. CHORUS. Ave! ave! now let prayer and music Meet in love on earth and sea! Ave! ave! now let prayer and music Meet in love on earth and sea. Yet when thus full hearts and voices, If o'erburdened souls there be, Dark and silent in their anguish, Aid those captives, set them free. -Cho. Touch them, every fount unsealing Where the frozen tears lie deep; Thou, the Mother of all sorrows. Aid, oh! aid to pray and weep!— Cho. AVE, REGINA. (From the Purification till Maunday Thursday.) Ave, Reglna Coelorum, Ave, domina angelorum, Salve radix, salve porta, Ex qua mundi lux est orta. 31 Gaude, Virgo gloriosa, Super omnes speciosa; Vale, o valde, decora, Et pro nobis Christum exora. AVE SANCTISSIMA. Ave Sanctissima, We lift our souls to thee, Ora pro nobis, Thou bright Star of the Sea. Guard us when sin is nigh,— Snares round our path are spread, Hear the heart's lonely sigh; Thine, too, hath bled. Thou that hast looked on death, Aid us when death is near; Whisper of Heaven to faith, Sweet mother, sweet mother, hear. Ora pro nobis! From sin our slumbers keep, Ora, mater, ora, Star of the deep. Ave purissima, List to thy children's prayer; Ave Maria, And take us to thy care. When darkness comes o'er us, Whilst here on earth we stay, Thy light shine before us, Guide of the way. 32 Thou that hast looked on death, Aid us when death is near; Whisper of Heaven to faith, Sweet mother, sweet mother, hear. Ora pro nobis, Let angels guard our sleep, Ora, mater, ora, Star of the deep. COMMUNION HYMN. Awake, my soul, the solemn hour ap- proaches When Jesus will His sweetness all dis- close. The bliss of paradise on earth encroaches, For He is nigh, thy Centre, thy Repose. CHORUS. Sweet Source of grace, sweet Pledge of love, My Heav'n on earth to be, My soul, draw nigh; I live—not I, But Jesus lives in me. TO OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL. Beauteous spirit! Guardian angel! Oh! how dear to us art thou, We will love thee, and invoke thee, Though we cannot see thee now. 33 CHORUS. Tray, oil pray for us with the Queen of Heaven, That our dearest Lord may bless And protect us, guide us safely Through this life to endless bliss. Dear Guardian Angel, watch over us! Dear Guardian Angel, watch over us! Dear Angel, pray and watch over us! Oh! how much we long to see thee In that happy realm above, And to hear thee sing the praises Of our Lord, with Heavenly love— Cho. Oh! celestial spirit, guide us, Hold us up, nor let us fall Into sin, but lead us safely To our Lord, our God, our All.— Cho. BEHOLD! HOW WE'VE PIERCED THEE! Behold! how we've pierced Thee, All gracious as Thou art. Our sins, oft repeated, Have wounded Thy sinless Heart. O Love! 'twas our insults— Ah! 'twas our cruel pride- That plung'd, on Golgotha, The spear in Thy helpless side! SOLO. O Heart! from that portal Came forth Thine eternal bride; The door of salvation Was opened on the true Ark's side. 34 CHORUS. O bruised Heart! O pierced heart, Dear Heart of Jesus! O meek Heart! O pure Heart, we live but in Thee! Sweet Heart of Jesus, Let us die in Thee! DUO. In seven fair streamlets Flows here a saving flood; Defiled, we draw near it, To wash in Thy precious Blood! Ah! ne'er let our baseness Wound Thee again, blest Heart! Our souls long to praise Thee, Inflamed by love's fiery dart. SOLO. Oh! grant this, dear Jesus! O Father, Spirit! we implore, Whose power and glory And kingdom last forevermore. CHORUS. O, bruised Heart! O pierced Heart, etc. VISITATION. Behold sweet Mary, as she hastens Her happy steps o'er Juda's hills. Her charity no danger chastens, And Hebron's house with joy she fills. Oh! blessed thou among all others, God's presence crowns thee with His grace, Most happy thou of all most happy moth- ers, Soon wilt thou gaze on the beauty of His face. 35 CHORUS. Blessed Mary, O happy, happy mother! With thee we magnify the Lord. Blessed Mary, O happy, happy mother, With thee we magnify the Lord. Then St. Elizabeth, awaking To holy joy and ecstasy, Exclaimed, in ardent transports breaking, "Ah! whence, ah! whence is this to me! The mother of my God and Saviour Unto this house salvation brings, Her presence breathes a peace and bene- diction, And in my soul it hath wrought most wondrous things." — Cho. THY KINGDOM COME. Behold the Heart! Whose love for men Transcends all praise of tongue or pen, Yet Whose Ardor burning And whose tender yearning Meet with coldness and disdain. CHORUS. O Sacred Heart, O Heart Divine, Thou art our hope. Thou art our home; All glory, love and thanks be Thine, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Kingdom come. The Kingdom of the Prince of peace, Whose reign of love shall never cease. Meek and humble Sovereign, All our passions govern, And our league of love increase, O reign of gentle lowliness. Of pure devoted holiness, Of the gracious merit Of a selfless spirit, Heal our wounds, oud sorrows bless. By all the love and rapture sweet, That* swayed the Blessed Marguerite, Let Thy Cross be ours, And Thy thorns our flowers, Thy blest flame our sure retreat. BENEATH THE CROSS. Beneath the Cross the mournful mother standing; Beneath the Cross we hear her gentle moan. The Well-Beloved her tender care com- manding. And as her Son she "takes Him to her own." CHORDS. Jesus said: "Son behold thy mother," And in that Son, her children we became Then, Mary blest, ah! show thyself our mother. For Jesus' sake thy tender care we claim. O Mother, thou above all mothers grieving. Within thy heart the seven-fold sword hath passed. When Jesus' heart upon the Cross was bleeding, Each drop of blood outpoured unto the last— Cho. MY ANGEL GUARDIAN. Bless me, befriend me, sweet Angel, I pray, Watch me, defend me, by night, by n \n lit and by day; Shelter, enfold' me within thy bright wings; Guide me, uphold me in life's wanderings. SOPRANO SOLO. . Beam on my gladness, Thy joy, thy joy I shall share! TENOR. Shine on my sadness, And sorrow, sorrow I'll bear; alto. My path, my path shall be clear: bass. alto. Go thou before me, my path, my path shall be clear; Hover thou o'er me, no foe then shall I fear; Bless me, befriend me, sweet Angel, I pray. Watch me, defend me, by night, by night and by day. Oh, may I never forget thou art near! Keep, keep me ever in love, in love and in fear. Waking and sleeping— in labor and rest, In thy sweet keeping my life shall be blest. SOPRANO. Angel so holy! whom God, whom God sends to me, TENOR. Sinful and lowly, my guardian, guardian to be, ALTO. The child, the child of thy care— BASS. Wilt thou not cherish The child, the child of thy care? Let me not perish— my trust is in thy prayer. Bless me, befriend me, sweet angel, I pray, Watch me, defend me, by night, by night and by day. BEHOLD THE MONTH OP MARY.. Blessed are we as the children of a mother Who in her grace surpasses all; Hasten, then, haste with gladness to her altar, There at her feet in meekness to fall. CHORUS. Behold the month of Mary, It passes like a white-winged dove, And through its hours of beauty Resound our strains of love. Beautiful Mary, sweetest of mothers. Oh! bless us, ere thy month departs; Beautiful Mary, sweetest of mothers. Receive our lays, receive our hearts. 39 Slowly the winter faded on the mountain, Leaving the streams all chainless free; Buds of the meadow, and waters of the fountain, All are awaking, sweet mother, for thee! — Cho. Bless, then, O Mary, the gifts of smiling nature, Sweeter than these there scarce could be; Fields in their beauty have yielded thee their treasure — Birds in their gladness are singing for thee. -Cho. We, too, will praise thee, pure and stain- less mother; We will unite with flower and bird, And, 'round thy altar, through all thy sacred season, Will lays of thy glory, thy beauty, be heard. —Cho. Here in the morn, and in the shades of even, We in our joy will bend each day; Flowers may fade, and the songs'of birds be missing- Love and devotion will never decay. -Cho. ACTS OF THANKSGIVING AND OFFERING. Blessed be the love of Jesus, Giving us His flesh and blood, Blessed His mother Mary, Mother ever kind and good. 40 Blessed be the great St. Joseph, Sing, then, with devotion true: "Dearest Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Heart aud life I give to you." HYMN TO ST. PHILOMENA. CHORUS. Blest Philomena, Virgin so fair, We come now to offer Ourselves to thy care. Temptations assail us, Our nature is frail, Let not thy help fail us. Hear our sad wail. — Cho. Child of benediction, • Daughter of light, Cheer us in affliction, Illumine our night. —Cho. Then, martyr of purity, Offer our vows Of faith and devotion To Jesus thy Spouse.— Cho. BLEST SPIRITS. Blest spirits of light! Ye who have not forsaken The children of earth, though fallen from bliss; Oh! still watch around us, our bosoms awaken To thoughts of a world that is brighter than this. 41 CHORUS. Ah! kindly watch over us, guard and pro- tect us, Sweet angels and guides, to the mansions of bliss, Sweet angels and guides, to the mansions of bliss. The lily of innocence fondly we'll cherish, Averting whatever its blossoms may stain; And, oh! if 'tis fading and ready to perish, Restore it, sweet angels, its beauty again. — Cho. ST. THOMAS, HOLY PATRON. Blest St. Thomas, holy Patron! Draw our hearts and hopes above; Bless us with a father's blessing, Shield us with a father's love. CHORUS. From thy starry throne of glory, In the shining light of Heaven, Thou wilt look upon thy children, To thy holy keeping given. We will onward in thy footsteps, We will upward to the goal; And thy mighty power shall strengthen. And thy whispered words console. —Cho. Keep us pure like thee, and teach us Earth's false brightness to despise, While we gaze with earnest longing On our home beyond the skies.— Cho. 42 By thy life and death so holy, By thy bliss with God on high, Grant that, like to thee, dear Patron, We for God may live and die.— Cho. BLOOD OF JESUS, WE ADORE THEE. Blood of Jesus, saving fountain! Whence all graces flow to men, Well-spring from the holy mountain! Pure beyond all mortal ken! Help thy servants, sweetest Saviour! Ransomed by Thy precious blood! Wash their souls in this blest laver, Cleanse them in this healing flood. CHORUS. Blood of Jesus, we adore Thee! Hear and grant Thy children's prayer! Blood of Jesus, we implore Thee! Save us from the demon's snare! Glowing on the Church's annals Like the sun's red rising beam; Through the sacramental channels, Plowing in a crimson stream! Crowning saints and cleansing sinners. Blessing every faithful soul;— In the race victorious winners Bear it radiant to the goal.— Cho. Hither haste, each guilty varlet! Hither haste, ye slaves of woe! Though your sins may be as scarlet, Christ can wash them white as snow! Full of faith and warm devotion, Bathing in the blood divine. In the depths of this great ocean. Like the stars, your souls shall shine. —Cho. BRIGHT MOTHER OF OUR MAKER. Bright mother of our Maker, hail. Thou Virgin ever blessed, The ocean's star by which we sail. And gain the port of rest. Whilst we this ave thus to thee From Gabriel's mouth rehearse. Prevail that peace our lot may be, And Eva's name reverse. Release our long entangled mind From all the snares of ill, With Heavenly light instruct the blind And all our vows fulfil. Exert for us a mother's care, And us thy children own; Prevail with Him to hear our prayer. Who chose to be thy Son. O spotless maid! Avhose virtues shine With brightest purity, Each action of our lives refine, And make us pure like thee. Preserve our lives unstained with ill In this infectious way, That Heaven alone our souls may fill With joys that ne'er decay. To God the Father endless praise, To God the Son the same; And Holy Ghost, whose equal rays One equal glory claim. BRIGHT QUEEN OF HEAVEN. Bright Queen of Heaven, Virgin most fair, Mary most gentle. List %o our prayer; Mother, protect us, Aid us to bring, Sweetly enfold us 'Neath thy shelt'ring wing. Star of the Ocean, Shedding soft light, Solace in sorrow, Rest 'mid the night; Send, in our slumbers, Peace from above, Shine on us ever, Bright Star of Love. Tho' night be lonely. Why should we fear While thy soft gleaming Shineth so near? Leading us gently 'Mid darkling gloom, Beck'ning us onward To our true home. Soon may the morrow Of bright endless day Chase the drear visions Of dark night away; Waft our lone spirits To Heaven's bright shore. Where we may love thee. And rest evermore. QUEEN OF MAY. Bright, spotless maiden, Heav'nly courts adorning, For endless years our happy eyes to greet, Joy of the angels, gentle star of morning, Hasten the day when we in Heav'n shall meet. CHORUS. Ah! what a joy, dear Mother, thee to see, And be in Heaven near thee, eternally! God's love around thee clothes thee with a splendor Eye hath not seen nor heart of man con- ceived; God's blessed angels their fond homage render, Sing evermore the work in thee achieved. — Cho. Joy of the ransomed saints, thy love pro- claiming, See in thy smile the love of thy dear Son, Love that redeemed them, grace that e'er sustained them, Till the long strife on earth was happily done.— Cho. BRIGHT SUNBEAMS DECK THE JOY- FUL SKY. Bright sunbeams deck the joyful sky, Hosannas fill the air; The world is shouting victory, And Hell is in despair. 46 This morn our mighty King arose From death's infernal cave; And many a Saint to welcome Him Hath left his ancient grave. In vain they sealed the Sepulchre, - And watched around His tomb, The Lord hath gain'd the victory, And death is overcome. Then weep no more at death's dark power, Let no more tears be shed; For why? the Vanquisher of death Is risen from the dead. O Jesus! may we ever live From sin and sorrow free; Then let us ever die to sin, And ever live to Thee. BRING FLOWERS OF THE RAREST. Bring flow'rs of the rarest, bring flow'rs of the fairest; From garden and woodland, and hill- side and vale; Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling The praise of the loveliest Rose of the dale. CHORUS. O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms to-day, Queen of the angles, Queen of the May. O Mary we crown thee with blossoms to-day, Queen of the angels, Queen of the May. Our voices ascending, in harmony blend- ing, Oh! thus may our hearts turn, dear Mother, to thee; Oh! thus shall we prove thee how truly we love thee, How dark without Mary life's journey would be.— Cho. O Virgin most tender, our homage we render, Thy love and protection, sweet Mother, to win; In danger defend us, in sorrow befriend us, And shield our fond hearts from con- tagion of sin.— Cho. Of Mothers the dearest, oh! wilt thou be nearest When life with temptation is darkly re- plete? Forsake us? oh! never! our hearts be they ever As pure as the lilies we lay at thy feet.— Cho. LITANY OF THE PASSION OF JESUS. By the blood that flow'd from Thee In Thy bitter agony; By the scourge so meekly borne, By Thy purple robe of scorn. CHORUS. Jesus, hear our pleading pray'r, O Thou who did'st our burden bear: Hear, oh! hear a sinner's cry, 'Tis of love the contrite sigh, Sweet Jesus, hear. 48 By tlie thorns that crown'd Thy head*, By Thy sceptre of a reed, By thy footsteps faint and slow, Weighed beneath Thy cross of woe.— Clio* By the nails and pointed spear, By Thy people's cruel jeer; By Thy dying prayer which rose, Begging mercy for Thy foes.— Cho. CAN IT BE THAT MY GOD. Can it be that my God Comes down from Heaven! Makes my heart His abode, To me is given! Yes, yes, within my breast Soon shall my Jesus rest, Soon shall He be my guest, Nor thence be driven. No, no, my trembling heart, Leave thee! no never! Never shall He depart, What can us sever? No, no, I hear him say, With My beloved I'll stay; My love shall ne'er decay, But last forever. Then, O my Jesus, come, Come to this dwelling; Make my poor heart now Thy home, Make Thine each feeling. Still, still, my blessed God, Feed me with this sweet food; Still with Thy sacred blood All my wounds healing. What save my God above Have I in Heaven? And what to win niy love. Can here be given ? Then, then, my happy soul. Thou shall alone control: Thou shalt possess the whole, To Thee still cleaving. Oh! for such love as this, What now returning; What shall return such bliss But a heart burning? Burning with flames of love Till with my God above His endless joys I prove, With Him sojourning. CHILD JESUS THE MOST BEAUTI- FUL. Child Jesus, the most beautiful Among the sons of men, 'Twould take a seraph's burning love Thy wondrous charms to pen; Yet in our childhood's lowliness We kneel before Thy shrine, To sing Thy praise and claim Thy care. Sweet Infant all divine. CHORDS. Dear Blessed One. we come to Thee Our childhood's years to crown. That on the bloom of innocence No sinful blight come down. 60 We'll seek Thee in Thy holiness, Thy loving aid to share, At noon and eve the while we raise Our hearts to Thee in prayer. Then with Thy blessing 'round us shed, Like heaven's serenest light, We'll feel, and joy is in the thought, Our weakness crowned with might. — Chb. We'll seek thee in Thy gentleness, To chase all strife away. If boist'rous passion would arise To rnar our thoughtless play. We'll seek Thee in obedience, In innocence and truth. Then, loving Jesus, Thou wilt bless The rosy dawn of youth. CHORUS. O Jesus, Mary, be it ours One priceless .mace to win. To keep the hearts we offer yon Unstained by aught of sin. CHRIST HAS DESCENDED. Jesus, sweet Jesus, my Treasure divine, Oh. with what rapture I call Thee all mine, Brilliant, celestial, my Glory, my Sun; Oh, that I loved Thee, Thou beautiful One. Christ has descended, angels on high Softly breathe o'er us. Jesus is nigh; The cherub, the seraph, in awe lowly bends, While Jesus the King of the Heavens de- scends. 51 Fountain of sweetness, Abyss of delight, Robed in Thy splendor, immortal and bright, Thou God of my heart! oh, when shall I flee Away from my prison, to love only Thee? Jesus, sweet Jesus, so priceless in worth, Joy of the angels and Hope of the earth; Strong are the links and bonds which con- fine My heart and my soul to Thee, Jesus all mine. CHRIST IS RISEN. Christ is risen from the dead, Alleluia, al- leluia! Risen as He truly said: Alleluia, alleluia! Oh, praise the Lord with grateful voice. Bless His Name, rejoice, rejoice! Alleluia, alleluia! Resurrexit, sicut dixit, Alleluia, alleluia! Angels clad in snowy white, Alleluia, alle- luia! Coming from the realms of light, Alleluia, alleluia! They bid us sing with grateful voice, Bid us all rejoice! rejoice, Alleluia, alle- luia ! Resurrexit, sicut dixit, Alleluia, alleluia! 52 Man was but a slave before, Alleluia, alle- luia! Mau is free foreverinore. Alleluia, alleluia! Now Heaven and earth, with grateful voice, Bid us all rejoice, rejoice! Alleluia, alleluia, Kesurrexit, sicut dixit, Alleluia, alleluia! CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN TO-DAY Christ the Lord is risen to-day, Christians, haste your vows to pay; Offer ye your praises meet At the Paschal Victim's feet. For the sheep the Lamb hath bled, Sinless in the sinner's stead; Christ the Lord is risen on high, Now He dies, no more to die! Christ, the victim undefiled, Man to God hath reconciled; When, in strange and awful strife,. Met together death and life. Christians, on this happy day. Haste with joy your vows to pay; Christ the Lord is risen on high, Now He dies, no more to die! Christ, who once for sinners bled, Now the first-born from the dead, Thronged in endless might and power, Lives and reigns for evermore. Hail, eternal hope on high! Hail, thou King of victory! Hail, thou Prince of life adored! Help and save us, gracious Lord! 53 CHRIST WAS BORN. Christ was born on Christmas day- Wreathe the holly, twine the bay; Christus natus hodie; The Babe, the Son, the Holy One of Mao • Mary. He is born to set ns free, He is born our Lord to be, Ex-Maria Virgine; The God, the Lord by all adored forever. Let the bright red berries glow Everywhere in goodly show; Christus natus hodie; The Babe, the Son, the Holy One of Mary. Christian men, rejoice and sing, 'Tis the birthday of a King. Ex Maria Virgine; The God, the Lord by all adored forever. Night of sadness, morn of gladness, Evermore, ever, ever; After many troubles sore, Morn of gladness, evermore and evermore. Midnight scarcely passed and over, Drawing to this holy morn, Very early, very early Christ was born. CHRISTIANS, WHO OF JESUS' SOR- ROWS. Christians, who of Jesus' sorrows Come the doleful tale to hear, See what streams of blood flowed for us- Blend, ah! blend at least a tear. Lo! for your own sins devoted, Bleeds the victim from on high, By His suff'rings animated, For Him live and for Him die. 54 In a lonely garden praying Conflicts rude oppress His soul, Fear and hope His soul assailing Strive by turns His will to rule. Now dotli tear command imperious. Now strong efforts love combines; Love at length prevails victorious, He to death Himself resigns. See, now Jesus is forsaken, Round Him press a ruthless band. See His Heav'nly cheeks are smitten By the merciless soldier's hand; Faithful spirits who with sorrow View'd from Heav'n this cruel deed, Shelter Him, or, arm'd w T ith terror. Wing on it with light'ning speed. Doom'd to death, new Isaac willing, Loaded with the heavy tree, In His heart our sins bewailing, He ascends Mount Calvary. Lo! His hands and feet nre pierc'd thro', On the bloody cross He lies; Streams of vital blood flow for you. Sinners, He's your sacrifice. Now, behold the Man of Sorrows, On the cross exalted high; Suffering, bleeding, dying for us. Now, behold salvation nigh; Satan, our great foe, lies vanquished. Mary's seed has bruised Ins head, Our redemption is accomplished, Jesus has our ransom paid. 55 He expires in sad convulsions; Future comfortless bemoans; Heaven and earth and all creation Trembling echo doleful groans. Ah! shall man a sight so awful, View alone with tearless eye? Grant, O Jesus! I may grateful With Thee mourn and with Thee die. Ah! descend not, clearest Saviour, Leave not Thou the tree of pain; Snve mankind, oh! Heavenly Lover. On the cross till death remain; But fulfill, oh! Lord. Thy promise. Draw our souls with chains of love; Banish sin and death far from us, Lead us to Thy realms above. SACRED HPLiRT. Close veiled in that sweet Sacrament, Our Jesus' Heart, our treasure lies, Love's priceless, dearest testament Is shrouded in that mystic guise. Our Jesus left His realms of light , On wings of love to earth He's flown, To dwell with us 'tis His delight, He makes our hearts His dearest throne. CHORUS. O Sacred Heart! how sweet 'twould be If we could die for love of Thee. O Sacred Heart! how sweet 'twould be If we could die for love of Thee, of Thee, of Thee. 56 Love is not love! O .angel's, weep; Ye virgins chaste, breathe bitter sighs, () earth, be clothed in mourning deep, Withdraw your light, ye radiant skies! For all our souls' dear Spouse hath died, For all His Heart with love doth burn;. Yet this meek Saviour men deride, And for His love make no return.— Cho, That Heart for us could do no more, In anguish deep It sighed and. bled, A cruel spear pierced through Its core,-. For us His last life's blood was shed: That spear, O Jesus! pierced Thy Heart,. That we within its depths might flee; Oh, wound our own with loves sweet darf,. Let us expire for love of Thee. — Cho. COME, CHANT THE PRAISES. cuoins. Come, and chant the praises Of our Mother blest, Bring her buds the fairest, Sweetest flow'rs and best. Behold thy loving children Gather'd round thy shrine, To claim from thee a mother's care, Grave and love divine. — Cho. Oh! teach us love of Jesus, Tench us love for thee: Obedient, patient, pure and mild May we ever be.— Cho. 57 And when this life is ended, Be thou at our side; As now we fondly trust in thee, That hour we'll then contide.— Cho. HYMN FOR SODALITY PROCESSIONS Come, children, joyously, Humbly and piously, With merry lay. CHORUS. Far be all care away, Let every heart be gay, For we will crown to-day Our Queen of May. Come! while your hearts are pure, Come, ere the world allure, From virtue's way.— Cho. Come, offer lilies white, Roses so sweet and bright At her feet lay.— Cho. Beg of her purity, Heavenly charity, With faith's bright ray.— Cho. Bring orange blossoms rare, Jessamine sweet and fair, Tulips so gay.— Cho. Weave now the sweet woodbine With graceful eglantine, Pride of the May.— Cho. Lilies from valleys green, Heartsease the fairest seen, Form her bouquet.— Clio. Gather sweet heliotrope, With flowers that gently ope, At dawn of day.— Cho. Scent-laden violets meek Her hidden virtues speak, Emblems are they.— Cho. COME, COME, COME. Come, come, come, to Mary each heart offer. Come, oh! come and praise our Immacu- late Queen. All Hail to the Virgin fair, Let's sing to her praise melodious strains, While the earth, wrapped in beauteous robes, Proclaims her our Queen Immaculate. Come, come, come, come praise our Love- ly Queen. Come, oh! come, and praise our Lovely Queen. This world, this world of sin and woe 'Neath Mary's smile grows like to Heaven. O peerless Queen! O Spotless Dove, 'Mid joyful hearts accept our praise. 59 CHORUS. Come, come, come, to Mary each heart offer, Come, oh! come and praise our Immacu- late Queen, All hail to the Mother of God, All hail to the Mother of God, All hail! All hail! Hail, hail, hail, hail, Holy Queen, loved Mother, Sweet bells are pealing through the rosy air. Like the lone star, whose bright beaming ray Guided the sages on their devious way, O Virgin most pure without spot, Pray for thy children, sweet blessings pour, Hail, hail, hail, hail, Holy Queen, loved Mother, Sweet bells are pealing through the rosy air. Bright Star of Eve, Our dark gloom dispel, where on thy heart nestled the Dove, While Angels sing sweet hymns of love, Shield us from sin, guide us to Heaven. -Cho. COME, GATHER ROUND THE ALTAR. Come, gather round the Altar, To Mary each heart offer, While gladly, as our Queen to-day. We greet her with the joyous May, Come, haste, each heart at her loved feet now lay. The ice-bonds of winter are broken, Again we hail sweet May, And Mary, bless'd Mary we're greeting As chosen Queen to-day. Come, gather round, etc. See, nature has donned all her gayest To greet our Mother Queen, And flowers the brightest and fairest Mary's children for her glean. Come gather round, etc. Then, Mary, our Queen and our Mother, Accept the hearts we bring; And, all through life's stormiest weather. Grant that to thee we may cling. Come, gather round, etc. COME, HOLY GHOST. Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest. And in our hearts take up Thy rest. Come with Thy grnce and Heavenly aid To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. O Comforter, to Thee we cry, Thou Heavenly gift of God Most High, Thou fount of life and fire of love. And sweet anointing from above, O Holy Ghost, thro' thee alone Know we the Father and the Son, Be this our never changing creed, That Thou dost from them both proceed. U Praise we the Father and the Son. And Holy Spirit with them one, And may the Son on ns bestow The gifts that from the Spirit flow COME, HOLY GHOST. CHORUS. Come, Holy Ghost, send down those beams Which sweetly flow in silent streams From thy bright throne above. O come, Thon Father of the poor! Thon bounteous source of all our store! Come, warm our hearts with love, with love divine, Come, warm our hearts with love, with love divine, Thou bounteous source of all our store 1 , Come, warm our hearts with love.— Clio. Come, Thou of Comforters the best, Come, Thou, the soul's delightful guest. The Pilgrim's sweet relief.— Clio. CHRISTMAS HYMN. Come, let us gather round the crib Of our young Brother dear, Our Jesus, Saviour, God and Friend, A helpless Babe lies here. A smile is beaming sweet and bright Upon His beauteous face. He holds tow'rds us His little hands. He longs for our embrace. 62 He bids us come, while yet the robe Of innocence is clean. While, sparkling more than ruby bright, His own blood spot is seen. THE SEA OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD. Come, let ns haste to the boundless sea, To the boundless sea of the Precious Blood! To bathe in its marvelous purity, To wash in its cleansing, saving flood! CHORUS. O Precious Blood of the Heart Divine! Make us holy, make us Thine. O Precious Blood of the Heart Divine! Make us holy, make us Thine. Here is the draught to quench our thirst, The gracious balm for our spirits sore; The soul in the Precious Blood immersed Is happy, is happy forevermore!— Clio. O Joy in life! O Hope in death! We place our fullest trust in Thee! The Precious Blood is our shield of faith, For time, dear Lord, till eternity.— Cho. COME, LET US TWINE. Come, let us twine a wreath most rare, To deck our May-day queen. Composed of flowers fresh and fair. With leaves of brightest green. 63 (5B'oRus: Mary, take the humble crown Thy children twine for thee, And from thy Heavenly throne smile down In love and clemency. Then search affection's garden through, And cull the choicest gem, All glistening bright with morning dew To grace her diadem.— Cho. The rose, the bright and queenly rose, The emblem of the love That in our. hearts most fondly glows, A fitting type will prove.— Cho. The lily with its petals white, From cankerous blights all free, Unsullied in its lustre bright, As Mary's child should be.— Cho. The violet with its soft blue eyes, And perfume sweet, will be An offering our Queen will prize Of our humility.— Cho. Thus from our hearts' own garden bed The choicest flowers we'll glean, With loving hands to deck the head Of May-day's beauteous Queen.— Cho. Thy subjects we are proud to be, And fondly own thy sway; Oh! may all hearts e'er bow to thee, And hail thee Queen of May!— Cho. 64 COME, O DIVINE MESSIAH. Come, O Divine Messiah, The world in silence waits the day When hope shall sing its triumph, And sadness flee away. Sweet Saviour, haste, come, come to earth Dispel the night and show Thy face, And bid us hail the dawn of grace. (Repeat first four lines.) Thou'lt come in peace and meekness, And lowly will Thy cradle be, All veiled in human weakness, Thy majesty we'll see. Sweet Saviour, haste, etc. O Thou, whom nations sighed for, Whom seer and prophet long foretold, Wilt break the captive's fetters, Redeem the long lost fold. Sweet Saviour, haste, etc. COME, SACRED HEART OF JESUS! Come, Sacred Heart of Jesus! Establish here Thy reign, Come, fix Thy throne within my heart, And loosen sin's dark chain; Come, banish from this poor, weak heart The world, myself, and sin; Suffer no 1 bought, uot wholly Thine To enter, Lord, within. Come, hasten, dearest Jesus, from Thy throne of majesty, To visit this poor heart which longs For Thee so ardently. And may Thy Body, may Thy Blood, On Calvary Crucified, Preserve my soul to eternal years Within Thy Wounded Side. And now, Sweet Mother, wilt Thou leave Thy blessed home in Heaven, To crown my Jesus, Sovereign King, Since He to me. is given; Present Him with my heart's poor throne, The sceptre of my will; And crown Him with my purest love— From thee, 'tis richer still. COME, SOUND HIS PRAISE ABROAD. Come, sound His praise abroad. And hymns of glory sing, Jehovah is the Sov'reign Lord, The Universal King. Praise ye the Lord, Alleluia, Traise ye the Lord, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Praise ye the Lord. He form'd the deeps unknown, He gave the seas their bounds; The wat'ry worlds are all His own, And all the solid grounds. Fraise ye the Lord, Alleluia, etc. Come, worship at His throne, Come, bow before the Lord: We are His works, and not our own, He formed ns by His word. Praise ye the Lord, Alleluia, etc. 3**" ' r " ~ : -./ To-day attend His voice, Nor dare provoke his rod; Come, like the people of His choice. And own your gracious God. Praise ye the Lord. Alleluia, etc. HYMN FOR FUNERAL MASSES. Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye lan- guish, Come, at the shrine of God fervently kneel; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish, Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can- not heal. Joy of the desolate, light of the straying, Hope when all others die, fadeless and pure; Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly say- ing: Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can- not cure. 67 DAILY, DAILY, SIXG TO MARY. Daily, daily sing to Mary. Sing, my soul, her praises due. All her leasts, her- actions worship, With a heart's devotion true. Lost in wondering Contemplation, Re her majesty confessed; Call her Mother, call her Virgin- Happy Mother, Virgin blest. She is mighty to deliver— Call her. trust her, lovingly. When the tempest rages 'round thee, She will calm the troubled sea. Gifts of Heaven she has given. Noble Lady, to our race- She, the Queen who decks her subjects With the light of God's own grace. Sing, my tongue, the Virgin's trophies Who for us her Maker bore. For the curse of old inflicted Peace and blessing to restore. Sing in songs of praise unending, Sing the world's majestic Queen. Weary not. nor faint in telling All the gifts she uives to men. THE CALABRIAX SHEPHERDS TO THE B. Y. M. Dark and darker fall around the shadows from the pine: It is the hour with hymn and prayer to gather round the shrine. Hear us, sweet Mother! Thou hast known our earthly hopes and fears. The bitterness of mortal toil, the tender- ness of tears. We pray thee first for absent ones, those who knelt with us here; The father, brother, and the son, the dis- tant and the dear. We pray thee for the little bark upon the stormy sea; Affection's anxionsness of love, is It not known to thee? The soldier, he who only sleeps his head upon his hand, Who only in a dream can see his own be- loved land. The wandering minstrel, he who gave thy hymns his earliest tone, Who strives to teach a foreign tongue the music of his own. Kind Mother, let them see again their own Italian shore: Back to the home which, wanting them, seems like home no more. Madonna! keep the cold north wind amid his native sees; So that no withering blight come down upon our olive trees; And bid the sunshine glad our hills, the dew rejoice our vines. And bid the healthful sea-breeze sweep in music through the pines. Pray for us that onr hearts and homes be kept in fear and love; Love for all things around our path, and fear for those above. Thy soft blue eyes are fill'd Avith tears— oh! let them wash away The soil of our unworthiness— pray for us, Mother, pray! We know how vain the fleeting; flowers around thine altar hung; We know how humble is the hymn before thine image sung. But wilt thou not accept the wreath and sanctify the lay; We trust to thee our hopes and fears—pray for us. Mother, pray: "MACULA NON EST IN TE." Daughter o. a mighty Father. Maiden patron of the May, Angels' forms around thee gather, "Macula non est in te." Mother of the Son and Saviour, Of the Truth, the Lrfe, the Way. Guide our footsteps, calm our passions. "Macula non est in te." Spouse of the Eternal Spirit. Blossom which will ne'er decay, Let us but thy love inherit, "Macula non est in te." 70 Daughter, Mother, Spouse of Heaven, Listen to our earnest lay, Sweetest gift to man e'er given "Macula non est in te." Here on earth we see but darkly, But we hail afar the day, When we'll see thee in thy splendor, "Macula non est in te." We are earth's, O thou who blossomed Lily in thy thorny way. (J uide and help us. love and bless us, "Macula non est in te." EVENING HYMN. Day is declining, soon will be shining All the pale stars. Tenderly beaming, -while we are dream- ing. Watch o'er our slumbers, thou Queen of the Stars. Open tny heart, O tender Mother, Humbly we kneel, breathing thy name; Thine is our love, ne'er shall another Kindle beside that holy flame. If near our dreams darkness should hover, Clouding their light with aught of sin, Safe in thine arms, O sweetest Mother, How can that dark shade enter in. Night closes round, shadows are falling, So, while the years pass, flow^eth time's sea, Grant us. sweet Mother, when death is calling, All our life's hopes may turn to thee. 71 DEAR ANGEL. Dear angel! ever at my side, How loving must thou be To leave thy home in Heaven to guard A little child like me. And when, dear spirit! I kneel down, Morning and night in prayer, Something there is within my heart Which tells me thou art there. Then, for thy sake, dear angel! now More humble will I be: But I am weak, and when I fall, Oh! weary not for me! Oh! weary not. but love me still For Mary's sake, thy Queen; She never tired of me, though I Her worst of sons have been. She will reward thee with a smile: Thou knowest what it is worth! For Mary's smiles each day convert The hardest hearts on earth. Then love me, love me, angel dear! And T will love thee more: And help me when my soul is cast Upon the eternal shore. 72 DEAR GUARDIAN OF MARY. Dear guardian of Mary, dear nurse of her child, Life's ways are full weary, the desert is wild: Bleak sands are all around us, no home can we see; Sweet repose of our Lady, we lean upon thee. For thou to the pilgrim art father and guide, And Jesus and Mary feft safe by thy side; Ah! blessed St. Joseph, how safe should I be, Sweet spouse of our Lady, if thou wert with me. O blessed St. Joseph, how great was thy worth. The one chosen shadow of God upon earth, The father of Jesus— ah! when wilt thou be, Sweet spouse of our Lady, a father to me? Thou hast not forgotten the long, dreary road, When Mary took turns with thee, bearing thy God, Yet light was that burden, none lighter could be: Sweet spouse of our Lady, oh! canst thou bear me? 73 A cold, thankless heart and a mean love of ease. What weights, blessed patron, more gall- ing than these? My life, my past life, thy clear vision may see; Sweet spouse of our Lady, oh! canst thou love me? Ah! give me thy burden to bear for a while; Let me kiss His warm lips, and adore His sweet smile; With her Babe in my arms, surely Mary Avill be, Sweet spouse of our Lady, my pleader with thee. When the treasures of God were unshel- tered on earth, Safe keeping was found for them both in thy worth. O father of Jesus, be father to me, Sweet spouse of our x^ady, and I will love thee. God chose thee for Jesus and Mary— wilt thou Forgive a poor exile for choosing thee now? There's no saint in Heaven, St. Joseph, like thee, Sweet spouse of our Lady, oh! deign to love me. 74 DEAR LITTLE ONE: Dear little One! how sweet Thou art, Thine eyes how bright they shine; So bright, they almost seem to speak When Mary's looks meet Thine! How faint and feeble is Thy cry, Like plaint of harmless dove, When Thou dost murmur in Thy sleep Of sorrow and of love. When Mary bids Thee sleep, Thou sleep'st. Thou wakest when she calls; Thou art content upon her lap, Or in the rugged stalls. Simplest of babes! with what a grace Thou dost Thy mother's will; Thine infant fashions well betray The Godhead's hidden skill. When Joseph takes Thee in his arms, And smooths Thy little cheek, Thou lookest up into his face So helpless and so meek. Yes! Thou art what Thou seem'st to be, A thing of smiles and tears; Yes! Thou art God, and Heaven and earth Adore Thee with their fears. 75 HYMN TO ST. JOSEPH. Dear St. Joseph, each fond heart is thrill- ing As we greet the glad feast of to-day, E'en nature re-echoes the homage Which thy children with loving hearts pay; Thro' the triumphant Church peals the chorus Which the angelic choirs intone; Up from the earth swells responsive the anthem To thee, "Patron of God's Church:" CHORUS. Oh! guard, then, the Church, dear St. Jo- seph; O'er the shadows of Calvary brood; Yet thy love is her sheltering haven, All her foes shall by thee be subdued. From Afric's sand and torrid plains, From Asia, dear St. Joseph's home, To where the sinking sun goes down To rest on Europe's coast of foam; And where Columbus' world doth sit Enthroned on ocean's heavy breast, One strain doth rise in union strong To claim St. Joseph, father blest.— Cho. DEAR ST. JOSEPH. Dear Saint Joseph, pure and gentle, Guardian of the Saviour Child, Treading with the » irgin Mother Egypt's deserts rough and wild. He who rested on thy bosom Is by countless saints adored, Prostrate angels in His presence Sing Hosannas to their Lord. Now to them no gift refusing, Jesus stoops to hear thy prayer; Then, dear Saint, from thy fair dwelling Give to us a father's care. Dear St. Joseph, kind and loving Stretch to us a helping hand; Guide us through life's toils and sorrows Safely to the distant land. In the strife of life be near us, And in death, oh! hover nigh; Let our souls on thy sweet bosom To their home of gladness fly. Hail, St. Joseph! Spouse of Mary, Blessed above all saints on high, When the death shades round us gather, Teach, oh. teach us how to die. Thou hast known a pilgrim's sorrows, But thy day of toil is o'er; Help us while we journey onward- Land us on the peaceful shore- Hail, St. Joseph! just and holy, Loving children breathe thy name, Here below, through toil and danger, Love and care from thee we claim. BE WITH ME THEN. Dearest Lord, in some dim future year, In some dim future month and day, Abides the hour, the solemn hour, When Thou shalt call my soul away. That year, That month, that day of days, Come soon? Come late? I know not when, O Thou, who rulest all my ways, , Be with me then, be with me then! 77 Somewhere on this globe of ours Is hid the spot where I must die. Where, 'mid the snows, or 'mid the flow era; . My shrouded form must coffined lie. If north or south, if east or west At home, abroad— I know not where, O Sacred Heart! O Fount of Love, Be with me there, be with me there! Is it by fire, by flood, by famine sore? By sudden stroke? by slow decay?— When death's dark angel ones my door, How shall it call my soul away? Hod only knows; He bends the bow. And He alone can fix the dart; Yet care I not when, or where, or how, If He will shield me in His heart. ST. ALOYSIUS. Dearest saint, look down from Heaven. From thy throne of glory there, On thy children who are raising Unto thee their song and prayer. CHORUS. Blest St. Aloysius. Throned in Heavenly glory. Bright is the crown that encircles Thy brow. Pray for thy clients who sing to thee now. Purest saint, with eyes so holy Never lifted but to God. Keep us, 'mid life's dazzling sunshine, In the path thy feet have trod.— Cho. Meekest saint, with voice so gentle, Haunt us with its soothing tone: And in tones of doubt and danger Bid the tempter to be gone.— Chcfi CHRISTMAS DAY. Earthly friends will change and falter, Earthly hearts will vary: He is born that cannot alter Of the Virgin Mary: Born to-day, raise the lay. Born to-day, twine the bay: Jesus Christ is born to suffer, Born for you; born for you. holly strew; Jesus Christ was born to conquer, Born to save, born to save, laurel wave. Jesus Christ was born to govern, Born a King, born a King, bay wreaths bring; .losus Christ was born of Mary. Born for all, well befall hearth and hall; Jesus Christ was born at Christmas, Born for all. EGCE HOMO. Ecce Homo, see the Saviour, Scourged by Pilate's stern command: Those He loved and blessed and toiled for, Void of pity, round Him stand. Xo complaining sound escapes Him, Neither murmurs, groans, nor sighs; But a world of bitter anguish Looks from His forgiving eyes. 70 Ecce Homo, robed in purple, By His blood more deeply dyed; Crowned with thorns, a reed His sceptre, While the cruel Jews deride. See the crimson drops outgushing O'er His sacred temple fall; While the crowd, untouched by pity, For His death more loudly call. Ecce Homo. Lord of glory, We behold Thee, scorn'd. reviled: May Thy sadly mournful story Make us humble, patient, mild. Bend our hearts to Thee forever. That we may earth's pomp lay down; And at last, in endless glory, See Thee wear Thy thornless crown. EVENING CLOSES. Evening closes, evening closes Over Cintra's mountain dim. Sweet the breeze from Jura's roses Whispers nature's Vesper hymn. CHORUS Holy Mother! Blessed Virgin! As we bow before thy shrine. Holy Mother, thou wilt shield us. While we chant our Vesper hymn. When night in darkness scowls above us. And our hearts are closed to sin, Holy Mother, thou wilt shield us While we chant our Vesper hymn.— Cho. FADING, STILL FADING. Fading, still fading, the last beam is shin- ing-; Ave Maria, day is declining: Safety and innocence fly with the light, Temptation and danger walk forth in the night. From the fall of the shade till the matin shall chime; Shield ns from danger and save ns from crime. CHORUS. Ave Maria, Ave Maria. Ave Maria, audi nos. Ave Maria! oh! hear when we call! Mother of Him who is Saviour of all; Feeble and failing, we trasl in thy might. In doubting and darkness, thy love be our light. Let us sleep on thy breast while the night taper burns, And wake in thine arms when the morn- ing returns.— Clio. EVENING HYMN. Fading twilight tints are weaving. Shadows creep o'er hill and dale. Slowly sinks the sun, while leaving Tranquil night the earth to fill. Safe Thy hands uphold above us Studded canopy divine; Proving, Father, Thou dost love us. By the^e glorious works of Thine. Saviour, all Thy works are saying To Thy children here below. Mortal, only thou art straying From the path thou shouldest go. Holy Father, till the dawning Make Thy love our Lamp to be, Futil our eternal morning Brings us safely home to Thee. FAIREST OF MORTALS. Fairest of mortals. Vase oi all blissful Grace: Mary our Mother. Protectress of this place. Oh! watch thou o'er our infancy. And guard our infant purity. CHORUS. Mother, oh! hear thy children's fervent pray'r! Mother, oh! hear, and take us to thy care. Fountain e'er flowing, Source of immortal life. Wellspring of favors, With hope and solace rife. Oh! be our strength, our hope, and stay. And save us from this fearful day.— Cho. From early childhood, Our hearts to God belong; Time but increases, And makes the ties more strong: Be thou always beside us. To lead, to rule, and guide us.— Cho. 82 Kind benefactress Of childhood's helpless years; O sweet protectress, In all its risks and fears: When life's last throes betide ns. Come down and stand beside us.— Clio. THE MARINER'S HYMN TO THE SACRED HEART. Far rfcross the lonely sea Silver rays of light are slanting. And the waves are softly chanting Sweet and solemn melody. Heart of Jesus, who dost guide Fisher barks across the billow Guard our dear ones on their pillow, And protect us, on the tide! Sacred Heart, the fisher's guide, oh! pro- tect and guide! When the stars have fled the skies. And the winds are fiercely blowing; When the current strong is flowing. And the raging surges rise, Thou who once didst safely guide Saintly fishers, storms bewailing In the bark of Peter sailing. Who didst calm the angry tide! Sacred Heart! the fisher's guide. Oh! protect us on the tide! S3 PRAYER FOR STRENGTH. Father, before Thy footstool kneeling, Once more my heart goes up to Thee. For aid, for strength to Thee appealing, Thou who alone canst succor me. Hear me, for heart and flesh are failing, My spirit yielding in the strife, An anguish wild, 'tis una vailing. Sweeps in a flood across my life. CHORUS. Oh! let me feel that Thou are near me, Close to Thy side I shall not fear; Hear me, O strength of Israel, hear me, Sustain and aid, in mercy, mercy hear. Help me to stem the tide of sorrow, Help me to bear Thy chastening rod, Give me endurance, let me borrow Strength from Thy promise, O my God. Not mine the grief which words may lighten. Not mine the tears of common woe; The pang with which my heartstrings tighten * Only the heart of God can know.— Cho. Into my soul Thy might infusing. Strengthening the spirit by Thy own. Help me, all other aid refusing. To cling to Tliee. and Thee alone. For I am weak; my feeble spirit Shrinks from life's task in wild dismay; Yd not that Thou that task would spare it. Father, for that I dare n"ot pray.— Cho. Jesus, our human form once bearing. Help by the mem'ry of that day When, painfully Thy dark cross bearing. E'en for a time Thy strength gave way. Beneath a lighter burden sinking, - Jesus, I east myself on Thee! Forgive, forgive the useless shrinking From trials* that I know must be.— Cho. ST. ROSE OF LIMA. First ilow'ret of the desert wild, Whose leaves the sweets of grace exhale, We greet thee, Lima's sainted child- Rose of America, all hail! When first appeared the infant smile, Beaming upon thy features meek, It seemed as if there blushed the while, The rosebud on thy virgin cheek. And hence thy name. St. Rose, was given, Not by earthly parents' choice; But by the Holy Queen of Heaven, Who bade thee in that name rejoice. And once, amid thy rapturous prayer. Thy Heavenly Spouse Himself came down, Most sweetly breathing in thy ear, "Rose of my heart, receive thy crown/' And whilst, amidst His glories now. Thou seest Him face to face, oh, deign, St. Rose, to hear thy suppliants' vow, That grace and glory we may gain. FLOWERS ARE SPRINGING. Flowers are springing, birds are singing, The earth is bright and gay; Then let ns weave a blooming wreath For our Mother's t'e&tal day. DUET. We'll twine the rose that early blows, With the lily of the vale; And violet we won't forget, That scents the morning gale. Repeat.— Flowers etc. DUET. Our floral crown we'll place around Her brows so Heavenly fair, And it will prove how much we love, Though gleams no diamond there. Chorus.— Flowers, etc. DUET. For rose will tell we love her well, Who loved us unto death; By lily-flower we'll own her power To win her sinless wreath. Chorus.— Flowers, etc. FOR I HAVE LOVED THEE WITH A LOVE. For I have loved thee with a love No mortal heart can show. A love so deep My saints in Heaven Its depths can never know. When pierced and wounded on the cross. Men's sin and doom were Mine, I loved thee with undying love, Immortal and divine. CHORDS'. Draw, draw us closer still to Thee, Sacred Heart divine, In joy or grief, in lite or death, Our hearts are ever thine. I loved thee ere the skies were spread; My soul bears all thy pains; To gain thy love My Sacred Heart In earthly shrines remains; Vain are thy offerings, vain thy sighs, Without one gift divine: Give, my child, thy heart to Me, And it shall rest in Mine. Send down, O Lord, Thy sacred lire Consume and cleanse the sin That lingers still within my soul, Let. Heavenly love begin; That sacred lire Thy saints have known Kindle, O Lord, in me. Thou, Thou above the rest O Lord, And all the rest in Thee. FORGET ME NOT. Forget Me not, 'tis thus My heart is plead- ing With thee for whom I fain again would die, Forget Me not, this Heart, for thee once broken. Still loves thee from Its glorious throne on high. 87 Forget Me not upon the silent altar, They pass Me by and leave Me all alone, They've love for all, enough for every other, For Me, their God, their heart is cold as stone. Forget Me not, for I am ever waiting For friends who'll for My bitter wrongs atone, Forget Me not, for I am ever craving Devoted hearts, who'll make My woes their own. Forget not all I have to thee imparted In the hushed stillness of Communion hour, That hour of hours when, on My Heart reposing, I've made thee know My love's o'ermas- tering power. Forget Me not in the weariness of sorrow. There is a home for thee, thy Saviour's breast, Be comforted, the day is ever nearing, When there thou'lt find thy long, thy endless rest. HYMN FOR THE LEAGUE OF THE SACRED HEART. Form your ranks, O all ye Leaguers of the Heart divine; Fight your battles with the mighty arms of pray'r And your conquering hosts shall gather round the holy shrine, Crowned as victors by the King, Whose love we share. 88 CHORUS. Heart of Jesus, -with love for us burning, Make us love Thee more and more with every clay. Heart of Jesus, with love for us burning. Make us love Thee more and more with every day. Christian men and Christian maidens and ye most faithful of all, Come and worship the sweet Heart of Christ our King; See how Jesus has repaired the guilt of Adam's fall, And the glory of such love we'll grateful sing. — Cho. Lo! Thy Heart, O dear Redeemer, is a fur- nace fierce, Ever burning with the fire of love divine: Grant that ever through our hearts tins Heavenly fire may pierce And transform them into loving hearts like Thine.— Cho. How ungrateful we have been in all the years gone by. For Thy mercies and Thy grace freely given! Heart of Jesus. Which so often we have caused to sigh. Add repentance as our final gauge of Heaven. STREW FLOWERS. From nature's shady bowers, All clustering with given, We've brought thee choicest flowers; Au offering to our Queen. We've culled the sweetest posies, Where sylvan waters play, Pinks, violets and roses, And jessamines so gay. CHORUS. Strew flowers! Strew flowers! Strew flowers on the way; For we will crown, Yes, crown to-day. Our lovely Queen of May. Flowers from the mountain, Flowers from the hill, Flowers from the fountain, Blossoms from the rill. Every bloom that blendeth Colors rich and rare, And every one that lendeth Fragrance to the air. — Cho. Flowers from the wildwood, Flowers from the field, Flowers from the hillside, Here their fragrance yield. In their beauty coming, Hither to our Queen; Amid the leaves entwining. The dewy pearls are seen. 90 HYMN OF CONSECRATION. Glorious Father, dear St. Joseph, Throng we round thy shrine to-day; For the sake of Jesus take us 'Neath thy guardianship for aye. Once like us He called thee father. Teacher, helper, guard and guide; Once like us He sought for safety At His father Joseph's side. Then, as 'round thy shrine we gather, Consecrating every heart, Take us for thy children, father, And thy blessing fond impart. Herod sought the Child to slay Him, But, through thee. He safety found. Still the demon seeks the children— Thou wilt still his arts confound. Keep us pure as thine own lily In baptismal blood-bought grace; If we fall, dear father, help us By our tears sin to efface.— Clio. Take us, then, beloved father. Thine own children e'er to be, 'Neath thy blessed eyes here daily We will do our task for thee, Lessons, prayers or play we'll give thee, Each in its allotted time, "All for Jesus, Mary, Joseph," Make of each an act sublime.— Cho. MAY HYMN. Glorious Mother! from high Heavens Down upon Thy children gaze, Gathered in thy own loved season, Thee to bless, and thee to praise. 91 See, sweet Mary, on thy altars Bloom the fairest buds of May; Oh! may we, earth's sons and daughters, Grow by grace as pure as they. Earth is darksome, we are weary, Satan setteth snares for all; Pray for us, O tender Mary, Pray to Jesus lest we fall. Many call upon thee, Mother, Some in manhood, some in youth, Some in age, in tender childhood- All in loving faith and truth. Raise thy voice for us to Jesus In this blessed month of thine; Raise thy pure hands up to bless us, As we linger 'round thy shrine. Bless, oh! bless us, now and ever. Thou who once the dark earth trod, And, when dying, waft our spirits To the bosom of our God. PRECIOUS BLOOD. Glory be to Jesus, Who, in bitter pains. Poured for me the Life-Blood from His Sacred Veins. CHORUg. Lift ye then your Voices, swell the mighty flood. Louder still, and louder, praise the Pre- cious Blood. Grace and life eternal in that blood I find, Blessed be His conpassion infinitely kind. -Cho. Blessed, through endless ages, be the pre- cious stream, Which from endless torment doth the world redeem.— Clio. There the fainting spirit drinks of life her fill; There, as in a fountain, leaves herself at will.— Oho. Oh! the blood of Christ; it soothes the Father's ire, Opes the gates of Heaven, quells eternal fire.— Cho. Abel's blood for vengeance pleaded to the skies; But the blood of Jesus for our pardon cries.— Cho. Oft as it is sprinkled on our guilty hearts, Satan, in confusion, terror-struck departs. -Cho. MAGNIFICAT, CHORUS. Glory to God! Angel hosts are singing. Israel's Holy One has for us become Mary's Son, Peace on earth to us bringing. Oh! Magnify the Lord, break forth in songs, my voice. In my Saviour adored my spirit doth re- joice. While time its course shall run all eyes shall proclaim What God hath to me done, and biassed call my name.— Cho. My loneliness He sought, on me His eyes He cast. And in me He has wrought a wonder un- surpassed ! His mercies to the just from age to age He shows, But hnmbles to the dust His proud and haughty foes.— Cho. The mighty ones He spurns, the humble He receives. Fills the soul that yearns; the rich in want He leaves. To us for Israel's sake His mercies still extend, For Abram as he spake His love shall never end.— Cho. HYMN FOR THE RELIGIOUS PRO- FESSION. Go ye forth. O Sion's daughters. See your King in bright array, Jesus crowned in His espousals. Joyful in His heart to-day: Come to-day. O spouse of Sion. From the leopard's heights around, From the Libanus and dens of lions. Haste, to-day thou shalt be crowned. 94 CHORUS. I'm Thine, my Jesus, Thine, forever, precious chains, thrice holy vows, From the world my heart ye sever, And bind me lo my Heavenly spouse. Come from lleinion's dewy mountain. Prince's daughter, spotless dove, Garden closed and sealed-up fountain, Thou. hast won thy Jesus' love; On thy brow thy Jesus places Lilied crowns of chastity. He decks thy soul with priceless graces. Robes it with His purity.— Cho. For the Spouse niongst lilies feeding. Home and friends, from you I part. He in solitude me leading, Sweetly speaks unto my heart; Not on Thabor's mountain only. Where I taste such joys to-day, But on Calvary's summit lonely, With my Jesus will I stay.— Cho. Poverty, my only treasure, For my share I've chosen thee, Lord. Thy will is all my pleasure, Obedient unto death I'll be; World, false world, adieu forever, 1 renounce your vaunted charms, Earth and Hell combined can never Tear me from mv Jesus's arms.— Cho. ACT OF CONTRITION. Cod of mercy and compassion, Look with pity upon me, Father, let me call Thee Father, 'Tis Thy child returns to Thee. 96 CHORUS. Jesus, Lord, I ask for mercy. Let rue not implore in vain. All my sins I now detest them, Never will I sin again) By my sins I have deserved Death and endless misery, Hell with all its pains and torments. And for all eternity.— Clio. THE DOLORS OF OFR LADY. God of mercy! let us run Where yon fount of sorrow flows; Pondering- sweetly, one by one, Jesus' wounds and Mary's woes. Ah! those tears Our Lady shed. Enough to drown a world of sin; Tears that Jesus' sorrows fed, Feaee and pardon well may win. CHOKUS. O Thou Mother! Fount of love! Touch my spirit from above. Make my soul to glow and melt With the love of Christ my Lord. O sweet Mother-Maid! through thy rare tears Obtain for me the lasting grace To forever look on Thy Son's face In Paradise with Thee, in Paradise with Thee. In Paradise with Thee, in Paradise with Thee. 96 His five wounds a very home For our prayers and praises prove, And Our Lady's woes become Endless joys in Heaven above. Jesus, who for us didst die, All on Thee our love we pour; In the Holy Trinity Worship Thee for- ever more.— Cho. GRACES FROM MY JESUS FLOWING. Graces from my Jesus flowing, Set the faithful breast on fire; Make the soul, with rapture glowing, Naught but Heav'nly bliss desire. CHORUS. Vain she thinks all transient joys. For eternal peace she sighs; Naught can then disturb her rest, With her God supremely blest. Here she may, from care retiring, Find a sweet and healing balm, All celestial love inspiring, Shed around a Heav'nlj- balm.— Cho. Here with purest love remaining, Jesus answers ev'ry pray'r: With His help; the soul sustaining, Makes her ev'ry blessing share.— Cho. HYMN TO ST. PATRICK. Grateful notes, to Heav'n ascending, To the world new joys proclaim, Faith and love together blending, We revere our Patrick's name. CHORUS. Happy Saint! in bliss adoring, Jesus, Saviour of mankind, Hear thy children thee imploring, May we thy protection find. Pagan priests their dark delusion Long had o'er Hibernia spread, Patrick came— and in confusion Demons from his presence fled.— Cho. Lo! their infant arms extending, Erin's children crave his aid, To their wants the saint attending, Soon their Heavn'ly call obey'd.— Cho. Prisons, insults, every danger, On our prelate's mission wait, Patrick still, to fear a stranger, Trusts to bounteous Heav'n his fate. —Oho. Sickness flies, his voice obeying, Sightless eyes behold the day, And the power of God displaying, Death unwilling yields his prey.— Cho. Mortals, with amazement seeing Senseless idols prostrate fall, Own the Author of their being, And proclaim Him Lord of all.— Cho. GREAT SAINT JOSEPH. Great St. Joseph, thron'd in glory, Thou art reigning in the skies, How we see thy transports glowing 'Neath the light of Mary's eyes. CHORUS. Glorious St. Joseph, guardian of Mary, In life's last hour wilt thou be nigh? Glorious St. Joseph, guardian of Mary, In life's last hour wilt thou be nigh? O great St. Joseph, pray for us! O great St. Joseph, pray for us! St. Joseph, pray, oh, pray for us! Thou wert as a shadow tender Of the great Eternal One, Shielding from the world's rude tempest Mary, Mother of His Son.— Cho. Ah, when life's long scene is closing, Holy patron, then be nigh; In that hour of bitter anguish Teach, oh! teach us how to die.— Cho. BEAUTIFUL ANGEL. Guardian angel from Heav'n so bright, Watching beside me to lead me aright, Fold thy wings round me, oh! guard me with love, Softly sing songs to me of Heav'n above. CHORUS. Beautiful angel, my guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, for I am thy child. Angel so holy! whom God sends to me, sinful and lowly, my guardian to be, Wilt thou not cherish the child of thy care? Let me not perish, my trust is thy pray'r. Ob! may I never forget thou art near; But keep me ever in love and in fear, Waking and sleeping, in labor and rest, In tby sweet keeping my life shall be blest. -Cho. Angel, dear angel, oh, close by me stay; Safe from harm shield me, all ill keep away, Then thou wilt lead me, when this life is o'er To Jesus and Mary, to praise evermore. —Cho. OUR LADY OF LOURDES. Hail! all hail! great Queen of Heaven! Hail! Sweet Notre Dame de Lourdes, "Neath whose care our weary exile Is from countless ills secured. Then let men and angels praise thee For each blessing thou'st procured, While in gladsome strains we're singing, Hail! sweet Notre Dame de Lourdes. Blessed be thou above all others, Mary, mistress of the spheres, Star of hope, serenely beaming, Through this darksome vale of tears. —Oho. Happy angels joy to own thee, O'er their choirs exalted high, Throned in blissful light and beauty, Empress of the starry sky.— Cho. As the fount is still unsealing Its pure treasures softly fair, May each drop be fraught with healing, Dearest Mother, at thy prayer.— Cho. JOYFUL MYSTERIES. Hail! full of grace and purity, Meek handmaid of the Lord; Hail! model of humility, Chaste mother of the Word. CHORUS. Queen of the Holy Rosary, With tender love look down, And bless the hearts that offer thee This chaplet for thy crown. By that pure love that prompted thee To seek thy cousin blest, Pray that the fires of charity May burn within our breast. — Cho. The blessing beg, O Virgin Queen, From Jesus, through His birth, By holy poverty to wean Our hearts from things of earth.— Cho. Most holy virgin, maiden mild, Obtain for us, we pray, To imitate thy Holy Child, By striving to obey.— Cho. By thy dear Son restored to thee This grace for us implore, To serve our Lord most faithfully. And love Him more and more.— Cho. 101 SAINT PATRICK. Hail, glorious St. Patrick, dear Saint of our Isle, On us thy poor children bestow a sweet smile, And now thou art high in the mansions above, On Erin's green valleys look down in thy love. CHORUS. On Erin's green valleys, on Erin's green valleys, On Erin's green valleys look down in thy love. Hail, glorious St. Patrick! thy words were once strong Against Satan's wiles and a heretic throng; Not less in thy might where in Heaven thou art: Oh! come to our aid, in our battle take part! In the war against sin, in the fight for the faith, Dear saint, may thy children resist to the death; May thy strength be in meekness, in pen- ance, and prayer Their banner the cross, which they glory to bear. 102 HAIL, HEAVENLY QUEEN. Hail, Heavenly queen! bail, foamy ocean's star! Oh! be our guide, diffuse tby beams afar! Hail, Motber of God, above all virgins blest! Hail, bappy gate of Heaven's eternal rest. CHORUS. Hail, foamy ocean's star! bail Heavenly queen, Ob! be our guide to endless joys unseen. Hail, full of grace! with Gabriel we repeat; Thee, queen of Heaven, from him we learn to greet; Then give us peace, which Heaven alone can give, And dead through Eve, through Mary let us live.— Gho. Oh! break our chains; thy guilty slaves re- lease; Oh! give us light, and let our blindness cease. Let every ill that preys upon our hearts Fly at thy voice, which every good im- parts.— Cho. Thy children say: O gracious mother, hear: From brimful eyes, oh! deign to wipe the tear. Our anxious prayers to God, thy Son, pre- sent, Whose life and blood for sinful man were spent.— Cho. 103 HAIL! HOLY-JOSEPH. Hail! holy Joseph, true spouse of Mary, hail! Chaste as the lily flow'r in Eden's peaceful vale. Hail! holy Joseph, father of Christ es- teem'd! Father be thou to those thy Son re- deem'd, Thy Foster Son redeem'd. CHORUS. Joseph, Holy Joseph, Listen to thy children's prayer. Joseph, Holy Joseph, Take us to thy care. Hail! holy Joseph, prince of the house of God, May His best graces be by thy sweet hands bestowed. Hail! holy Joseph, comrade of angels, nail! Cheer thou the hearts that faint, and guide the steps that fail. And guide the steps that f ail.— Cho. Hail! holy Joseph, God's choice wert thou alone; To thee the Word made flesh was subject as a Son. Hail! holy Joseph, teach us our flesh to tame, And, Mary, keep the hearts that love thy husband's name. That love thy husband's name.— Cho. 104 SALVE REGINA. Hail! holy Queen, enthroned above. Maria! Hail! Mother of mercy and of love, Maria! CHORUS. Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim, Heaven and earth resound the hymn, Salve, Salve, Salve Regina. Our life, our sweetness here below, O Maria! Our hope in sorrow and in woe, O Maria! —Clio. To thee we cry, poor sons of Eve. 6 Maria! To thee we sigh, we mourn, we grieve, O Maria! —Oho. This earth is but a vale of tears, O Maria! A place of banishment, of, fears, O Maria! — Cho. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, O Maria! Tow'rds us thine eyes compassionate, O Maria! —Cho. AVhen this our exile is complete, O Maria! Show us thy Avomb-born Jesus sweet. O Maria! —Cho. 105 HAIL, HOLY QUEEN. Hail, holy Queen! loved mother, to thee We, weak, erring mortals, in safety can flee; O'er sin and temptation salvation is won, Thou interceding with Jesus thy Son. Virgin most pure, without spot, without stain, Thine were all sorrows, anguish and pain. Sweet bells are pealing thro' eve's rosy air, Sancta Regina; oh, list' to our pray'r, Falling night's shadow's o'er valley and sea, Bright star of evening, our tho'ts turn to thee. Shield us, loved mother, in peril's dread hour, Pray for thy children, and sweet blessings pour. Like the lone star whose bright beaming ray Guided the sages on their devious way; Where on thy bosom was nestled the dove. While angels rejoicing smiled from above. Bright star of evening, our dark gloom dispel," Guide us to Heaven with Jesus to dwell. HAIL, MARY, FULL OF GRACE! Hail, Mary, full of grace; oh! bend On me, thy child, a mother's eye; Teach me to look to thee, and send To thee entreaty's earnest sigh. 106 "Behold thy Son!" what words of lore Were those our Blessed Saviour spoke! Affection's words, given out to prove His burden light and sweet His yoke. "Behold thy mother!" ah, what heart Responds not to so dear a name! Our mother blest, thy smile impart, And our cold hearts with love inflame. Then hear me when I lift to thee The accents of my humble race; Oh! keep me still, that I may be Sinless and pure, a child of grace. Oh! hear the prayers to thee we breathe Before thy Shrine this solemn eve! Accept our best affection's wreath, The chaplet fair that now we weave. HAIL, MARY! QUEEN AND VIRGIN PURE. Hail, Mary! queen and virgin pure. With every grace replete; Hail, kind protectress of the poor! Pity our needy state. O thou! who fill'st the highest place, Next Heaven's imperial throne! Obtain for us each saving grace, And make our wants thy own. How oft, when trouble filled my breast, Or sin my conscience pained, Thro' thee I sought for peace and rest, Thro' thee I peace obtained. HYMN TO ST. PATRICK. Hail, patron of Erin! bright star of the west. What land has not heard of thy fame; Dear— dear— to my soul is the Isle thou hast blest, And dearer, if aught, be thy name, To millions in darkness 'twas thine to give light, That light which can never decay; The Gospel soon banish'd idolatry's night And Christians bask'd in its ray. On thy steps, great saint! all blessings awaited, Though slav'ry has since been our doom; Yet the light of thy doctrine ne'er has abated, 'Twas the lamp that cheer'd through the gloom! Like the light that illumines the billowy sea, When darkness o'ershadows its breast, To guide the toss'd mariners, wan with dismay, To the haven of safety and rest. HAIL! QUEEN OP HEAVEN. Hail, Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star, Guide of the wand'rer here below! Thrown on life's surge we claim thy care, Save us from peril and from woe. CHORUS. Mother of Christ, Star of the Sea, Pray for the wanderer, pray for me. O gentle, chaste, and spotless Maid, We sinners make our prayers through thee, Remind thy Son that He has paid The price of our iniquity.— Cho. Sojourners in this vale of tears, To thee, blest advocate, we cry, Pity our sorrows, calm our fears, And soothe with hope our misery.— Cho. The while to Him who reigns above In Godhead One, in Persons Three, The source of life, of grace, of love, Homage we pay on bended knee.— Cho. THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Hail, Queen of the Heavens! Hail, Mistress of earth! Hail, Virgin most pure. Of immaculate birth! Clear Star of the morning. In beauty enshrined! O Lady, make speed To help of mankind! Hail, Mother most pure! Hail, Virgin renown'd! Hail, Queen, with the stars As a diadem crown'd Above all the angels In glory untold, Standing next to the King In a vesture of gold! 10!) O Mother of mercy ! O Star of the Wave! O Hope of the guilty! Light of the grave! Through thee may we come To the Haven of rest; And see Heaven's King In the Courts of the Blest. These praises and prayers 1 lay at thy feet, O Virgin of virgins! O Mary most sweet! Be thou my true guide Through this pilgrimage here, And stand by my side When death draweth near. STAR OF THE OCEAN. Hail, thou Star of Ocean, portal of the sky, Ever Virgin Mother of the Lord Most High. CHORDS. Evviva Maria, Maria Evviva, Evviva Maria, E chi la crea. Oh! by Gabriel's Ave, uttered long ago, Eva's name reversing, 'stablished peace be- low.— Cho. Break the captive's fetters, sight on blind- ness pour, All our ills expelling, ev'rv bliss implore. -Cho. no Show thyself a mother; offer Him our sighs, Who for us Incarnate did not thee despise. — Cho. Virgin of all virgins! to thy shelter take us; Gentlest of the gentle, chaste and gentle make us.— Cho. Still as on we journey, help our weak en- deavor; Till with thee and Jesus we rejoice for- ever.— Cho. Through the highest Heaven, to the Al- mighty Three, Father, Son and Spirit, One same glory be. —Cho. HAIL TO THE MISTRESS OF THE SKIES. Hail to the Mistress of the skies, The queen of seraphs bright; Our hope in gloom, Maria, rise And guide us unto light. O star of ocean's wave! While o'er life's sea we darkly glide, And fear and grief prevail, Illume our course, our pathway guide And cheer us as we sail. O star of ocean's wave! On thee we turn our weeping eyes, When round us dangers start, Then let thy radiant beams arise, And light and cheer each heart. O star of ocean's wave! 111 Then o'er life's sea we'll calmly steer, Unto the port of rest: Where thy bright beams shall ever cheer And shine npon the blest. O star of ocean's wave! HAIL TO THEE, MARY. Hail to thee, Mary! Maiden Mother of our race, Ave Maria, Ave full of grace. These sweet words, so thrilling, Trembling on the balmy air, Fell from lips angelic, This was Gabriel's prayer. Ave Maria! List, the Angelus chimes now fall! Ave Maria! Loud on thee we call! Still in thy splendor, Hosts of seraphs warble near; Oh! let us mingle with them. Mother dear. Loud our voices blending— Soar above the dreary vale, To thy throne ascending, Lady fair, all hail! Ave Maria! Vesper peals float on the air: Ave Maria! 'Tis the hour of prayer! MAY HYMN. Hail, Virgin! dearest Mary, Our lovely Queen of May! O spotless, blessed Lady, Our lovely Queen of May. Thy children, humbly bending Around thy shrine so dear, With heart and voice ascending, Sweet Mary, hear our prayer. Behold earth's blossoms springing In beauteous form and hue, All nature gladly bringing Her sweetest charms to you. We'll gather fresh, bright flowers, To bind our fair Queen's brow From gay and verdant bowers, We haste to crown thee now. The rose and lily wreathing, The humble violet fair, To thee their perfumes breathing With sweetness scent the air. The mignonette, the lilac, The sweet forget-me-not — The eglantine and myrtle, To grace your wreath we've brought. The heliotrope, sweet type of love, And star of Bethl'em, too — The lily of the valley Complete the wreath for you. And now, our Blessed Mother, Smile on our festal day. Accept our wreath of flowers, And be our Queen of May. 113 HAIL! VIRGIN, SPOTLESS MOTH- ER! CHORUS. Hail! Virgin, spotless Mother! We come to thee to-day, To bring thee fairest flowers And crown thee Queen of May. All hearts are now rejoicing, Their songs of praise arise To our sweet Mother Mary, To realms beyond the skies.— Clio Fair nature, crown'd with beauty, Now greets thee, Mother dear; Bright flowers waft their incense And sylvan choirs are near.— Cho. Sweet Mary, Queen of Heaven, O Virgin ever pure, Beneath thy snowy mantle We seek a refuge sure.— Cho. We long to see thee, Mother, Fain would our souls be free, Release the flutt'ring captives, And let them soar to thee.— Cho. HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SING. Hark! the herald angels sing: ''Glory to the new-born King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled." Joyful, all ye nations! rise, Join the triumph of the skies; With the angelic host proclaim: "Christ is born in Bethlehem." / 114 Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die; Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth." Hail! the Heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail! the Son of Righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings. SACRED HEART LEAGUE HYMN. Hark, the sound of the tight hath gone forth, For the Lord from the south and the north Hath commanded His soldiers to come. CHORUS. To arms! to arms! to victory! "Thy Kingdom Come," our war-cry be; For Christ, our Master, Christ, our King, Let all the earth and heavens ring. We must on with our banner unfurled: We must on, it is Jesus who leads: We must hasten to conquer the world With the sign of the Heart that bleeds. We must stand to our colors like men; Our Lord is a leader to love; For the wounded He heals; and the slain He crowns in His city above. We must march to the battle with speed; Upon earth our duty is strife; Oh, blest are the soldiers who bleed For the Saviour who died to give life. Christ our King is in Heaven above; Christ our King is on earth here below: And His is the standard we love. And His the sole watchword we know. THE LITTLE BABE. He came from His high throne to Bethle- hem a stranger, He had no house or home, His bed was a manger; Ah! pity, adore and proclaim the poor stranger, And love the little Babe that was born in a manger. The little Babe, the little Babe that was born in a manger; And loye the little Babe that was born in a manger. He has pardons and graces for those who'll come, choose them, But, ah! it is sad to think that many refuse them; But come you and seek them, and promise ne'er to lose them, And love the little Babe that was born in a manger. The little Babe, etc. He's on a bed of straw, the. beasts are around Him, Yet by a brilliant star the sages have found Him; They pity, they know, and adore the poor stranger, And love the little Babe that was laid in a manger. The little Babe, etc. 116 Now tell ine who is He, the wonderful stranger; And from whence can He be that lies in a manger; Do tell me, oh! tell me about that poor stranger; And who's the little Babe that lies in a manger? The little Babe, etc. He is the Prince of Peace, the prophets foretold Him, In Bethlehem of Juda they said we'd be- hold Him, Your Saviour, your King, oh! won't you now own Him, And love the little Babe, the sweet hope of Sion? The little Babe, etc. HE IS LOOKING THROUGH THE LATTICE. He is looking through the lattice. He sees, but is not seen, The dearest of all lovers, He is looking through the screen. The light of His omniscience Upon our darkness lies, Our hearts, our minds, our motives, Are open to His eyes. Oh, tell me, doth it thrill you To be so near His place'." To feel His breath upon you, Yet never see His face? Oh, tell me, doth His whisper, Across the lilies blown, Enkindle in each list'ner A passion all His own? Alas! He has been pleading- Unnoticed, years and years; His heart is bleeding, bleeding, His eyes are full of tears. Arise, oh, well-beloved, And follow Him with praise, For all His paths are beauteous, And peaceful all His ways. HEAR THE HEART OF JESUS PLEAD- ING. Hear the heart of Jesus pleading, "Come and sweetly rest in Me. With a peace and joy exceeding. Meek and humble ever be; In My heart, serene and holy, All your selfish cares resign." Dearest Jesus! meek and lowly, Make, oh, make our hearts like Thine. •'Purer than the lily's whiteness, Fairer than the fairest snows, In the beauty and the brightness Of your souls I seek repose; Calmly keep your hearts before Me. From the stain of passion free." Heart of Jesus, we implore Thee, Make, oh, make us pure like Thee. 118 Heart of love! in Thee confiding, We shall learn to do Thy will; In Thy sacred wounds abiding, Burning love our breasts shall fill. We shall bless Thee and obey Thee, Ever serve Thee faithfully; Sweetest Heart! we humbly pray Thee, Let us live and die in Thee. HEAR THY CHILDREN, GENTLE JESUS. Hear Thy children, gentle Jesus, While we breathe our evening prayer; Save us from all harm and danger, Take us 'neath Thy sheltering care. Save us from the wiles of Satan, 'Mid the lone and sleepful night; Sweetly may our guardian angels Keep us 'neath their watchful sight. Gentle Jesus, look in pity, From Thy glorious throne above; All the night Thy Heart is wakeful In Thy Sacrament of Love. Shades of even fast are falling, Day is fading into gloom: When the shades of death fall round us, Lead Thine exiled children home. HEAR THY CHILDREN, GENTLEST MOTHER. Hear thy children, gentlest Mother, Prayerful hearts to thee arise; Hear us while our evening "Ave" Soars beyond the starry skies. Darkling shadows fall around us, Stars their silent watches keep, Hush the heart oppressed by sorrow, Dry the tears of those who weep. Hear, sweet Mother, hear the weary Borne upon life's troubled sea; Gentle guiding star of ocean, Lead thy children home to thee. Still watch o'er us, dearest Mother, From thy bounteous throne above, Guard us from all harm and danger, 'Neath thy shelt'ring wings of love. HEART OF HEARTS. Heart of hearts, a love is thine, Madly tender, blindly true, Love in vastness so sublime, In excess so human too, Seems it more a burning grief, Pining, aching for relief. Seems Thou dost not, canst not live Save to sue us for Thy rest While to Thee all that we can give Is as nothing at the best, Wond'rous Lover, shall I say? Thou hast thrown Thyself away? 120 Drenched with anguish, steeped in awe, Thou must needs, insatiate still, Linger wearily below, Prisoned to Thy creature's will, While the current of our days Murmurs insult more than praise. Here I find Thee hour by hour, Waiting on Thy altar throne, Full of mercy, full of loye, Mutely waiting till we come, Waiting for a soul to bless, Some poor sinner to caress. Forth, then, from the fragrant bush, Where I almost hear Thee beat, Bid a benediction gush O'er me, through me, thrilling, sweet, Heart of Jesus full of woe, Fill mine till it break for Thee. THE SINNER'S APPEAL TO THE SACRED HEART. Heart of Jesus, all on fire, With Thy tender love aglow, Bleeding Heart for sinners pierced, I have dealt death's cruel blow. In the many years agone I have tasted thy pure joys, But I've bartered them for sin, Thy Heart's Blood for earthly toys. CHORUS. Sacred Heart, to Thee I turn, Covered with the guilt of years; Through the love Thou bearest Mary, Pity Thou my bitter tears. 121 Ah, ray heart was once Thy own, Once it spurned all taint of sin, Once 'twas robed in innocence, Naught save virtue dwelt therein; But, with black ingratitude, From my now desponding heart I have banished Thee, dear Lord, Sav not, though, "Thou cursed, depart!" — Cho. Oft Thy voice had called me back, But I turned from Thee away— Hell seems opening; life is closing, Mercy, Lord, ere dies the day! Heart of Jesus, Heart of Love, Let Thy mercy now enfold One more sinner in Thy bosom, Safe from misery untold. CHORDS. "Come, dear child, though filled with sin, Still My wounded, bleeding Heart Yearns to pardon and embrace thee! Come, though late, give Me thy heart!" HEART OF JESUS, DEAREST TREAS- URE. Heart of Jesus, dearest treasure, Joy of angels, hope of Heaven, Thou hast loved us without measure, All Thy riches to us given. Full of mercy, full of meekness, Naught refusing to our weakness, By the sunshine of Thy sweetness Drooping spirits' strength restore. 122 CHORUS. Heart of Jesus, throne of glory, Humbly kneeling, we adore Thee, Love celestial, we implore Thee; Make us love Thee more and more. Sin and Satan, 'gainst us leaguing, Rise in fury to affright us, Foul temptations, souls besieging, From Thy service would invite us. Hear and help us, Heart most tender, Lest in weakness we surrender; In the stronghold of Thy splendor Arm Thy children for this war.— Cho. HEART OF JESUS, MEEK AND MILD. Heart of Jesus, meek and mild, Hear, oh, hear thy feeble child; When the tempest's most severe, Heart of Jesus, hear. CHORUS. Sweetly we'll rest on Thy Sacred Heart, Never from Thee, oh, let us part; Hear then Thy loving children's prayer, Heart of Jesus, hear. Make me, Jesus, wholly Thine, Take this wayward heart of mine, Guide me through this world so drear, Heart of Jesus, hear— Cho. When I draw my latest breath, When my eyes shall close in death, Then, sweet Jesus, be Thou near, Heart of Jesus, hear.— Cho. 123 AD MAJOREM DEI GLOR1AM. Heart of Jesus, Thou bast kindled Iu our souls a restless flame, Urging us to work and suffer For cue glory of Thy name. May this thought of Thy great glory Hold us back from ev'ry sin, And increase the thirst within us, Souls for Thee and Heaven to wiu. Be it ours afar to carry Tidings of the saving Name; Ours thro' ev'ry clime and region God's great glory to proclaim. Hear us, good and gentle Jesus, Listen to our soul's desire; May our hearts consume within us With an Apostolic tire. Not from thought of selfish iut'rest Will we toil for Thee, O Lord; To exalt Thy Name and Kingdom Be on earth our sole reward. Recompense 'twill be hereafter, When we stand Thy throne beside, To behold Thee by our labors For all ages glorified. HYMN OF THANKSGIVING TO THE SACRED HEART. Heart of Jesus, we are grateful For Thy answer to our prayer; We have sought Thee, ever hopeful That Thy blessings we might share. Thou hast heard us interceding With Thy love which is untold, And in answer to our pleading, Lo! Thy treasures do unfold. 124 CHORUS. Heart of Jesus, we do thank Thee. We do love Thee more and more: Heart of Jesus, we do praise Thee, And we thank Thee o'er and o'er. Heart of Jesus, Thou hast taught us How to seek and how to tinu; And that lesson now has brought us To Thy Heart so sweet and kind. What we ask, with faith believing, Thou hast pledged Thy word to give, And Thy w T ord is not deceiving, But the truth by which we live. Heart of Jesns, whilst we waited, For the favors now obtained, Not a moment have we doubted That by prayer they would be gained. Thou hast told us that our treasure We must seek in Thy dear Heart; And we know that without measure Thou dost all Thy gifts impart. HEART OF THE HOLY CHI ED. Heart of the Holy Child, Hide me in Thee! Purest and undefiled, Purify me! Joy of my early life, Far from evil passions rife, Troubling this world of strife, Keep me with Thee. 125 Sweet Child of Bethlehem, Open Thine Heart: Lessons from Nazareth Deign to impart! Mary and Joseph dear. Let us be to Jesus near, With you we shall not tear From Him to part. MARY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS. Help of Christians, while the combat Deepens round us, we beseech thee. Let our prayerful voices reach thee, Grant us succor, lest we fall. Life on earth is ceaseless warfare. Many fears and cares oppress us, Many bitter foes distress us — Thou wilt save us from them all. First the artful world allures us, All its wealth before us flaunting. Of its ease and freedom vaunting. Of its pomp and vanity. Woe to us if we are dazzled By its boldness and profusion; Time dispels the world's illusion, Death unveils its treachery- Next the Devil would ensnare us, Of a Godlike wisdom telling. Man might conquer by rebelling 'Gainst the laws of Truth and Right. Woe. if doubt and pride should lead us Into Satan's fatal error, Life would be a day of terror. Death a mute and starless night. 126 Last the Flesh gives baneful counsel, Whispering of a life of pleasure, Without end and without measure Where its languid votaries dwell. Woe, if we by sense are blinded, Life in idle pastime spending, We should barter bliss unending For vain joys that leads to Hell. HIBERNIA'S CHAMPION SAINT. Hibernia's Champion Saint, all hail! With fadeless glory crown'd; The offspring of your ardent zeal This day your praise shall sound. CHORUS. Great and glorious St. Patrick, Pray for that dear country; The country of our fathers. Great and glorious St. Patrick, Hearken to the pray'r of thy children. Borne on the wings of charity, To Erin's coast you flew, Bade Satan from her valleys flee, And his dark shrines o'ertnrew.— Cho. Wand'ring thro' error's gloomy night, Our sires did lose their way; You chee.r'd their hearts with Heavenly light, With truth's consoling ray.— Cho. Oh! what a harvest crown'd thy toil. The earth, long curs'd, was bless'd; Each lovely virtue graced its soil. The sinner's heart found rest.— Cho. From faith's bright camp the demon fled, The path to Heav'n was clear'd, Religion rais'd her beauteous head, An isle of saints appear'd.— Cho. To God, who sent thee to our isle, Be endless glory giv'n! Oh! may He ever on it smile, And lead its sons to Heav'n.— Cho. HOLY GOD, WE PRAISE THY NAME. Holy God, we praise Thy name! Lord of all, we bow before Thee! All on earth Thy sceptre claim, All in Heav'n above adore Thee; Infinite Thy vast domain, Everlasting is Thy name. Hark! the loud celestial hymn Angel choirs above are singing! Cherubim and seraphim In unceasing chorus praising, Fill the Heavens with sweet accord; Holy! Holy! Holy Lord! Spare Thy people, Lord, we pray, By a thousand snares surrounded; Keep us without sin to-day, Never let us be confounded. Lo! I put my trust in Thee, Never, Lord, abandon me. HOLY JOSEPH, DEAREST FATHER. Holy Joseph, dearest Father, To thy children's prayer incline, Whilst we sing thy joys and sorrows And the glories which are thine. 128 How to praise tbee, how to thank thee, Blessed Saint, we cannot tell, Favors countless hast thou given, Can we choose but love thee well? Near to Jesus, near to Mary, And, kind Father, near to tliee, Keep us while on earth we wander, And in death our helper be. Sing we Joseph, spouse to Mary, And our Mother's blessed friend, Favors countless, mercies constant, Thou didst ever to us send. We have prayed and thou hast answered, We have asked and thou hast given, Need we marvel, Jesus, tell us, Joseph has the stores of Heaven. One more favor we will ask thee, Thou of all canst grant it best. When we die be thou still near us, Bring us safe to endless rest. HOLY MARY, MOTHER MILD. Holy Mary, Mother mild! O sweet, sweet Mother! Hear, oh, hear thy feeble child, O sweet, sweet Mother! CHORUS. Oh, exult, ye cherubim! And rejoice, ye seraphim! Praise her! praise her! Oh, praise our spotless Mother! Who on life's tempestuous son, O sweet, sweet Mother! Is cast alone: Oh, succor me, O sweet, sweet Mother!— Cho. Waves of sorrow o'er me roll, O sweet, sweet Mother! Storms of passion shake my soul, O sweet, sweet Mother!— Cho. Dangers press on every side, O sweet, sweet Mother! Star of Ocean, be my guide, O sweet, sweet Mother!— Cho. Brightest in the courts above! O sweet, sweet Mother! Joy of angels! Queen of Love! O sweet, sweet Mother!— Cho. Comfort of the sorrowing, hear! O sweet, sweet Mother! And grief and tears will disappear, O sweet, sweet Mother!— Che. HOLY NIGHT. Holy night! peaceful night, All is dark save the light. Yonder where tliey sweet vigil keep O'er the Babe who, in silent sleep, Rests in Heavenly peace. Holy night! peaceful night, Only for shepherds' sight Came with blest visions of angel throngs, With their loud Alleluia songs. Saying Jesus has come. 130 Holy night! peaceful night, Child of Heaven! Oh, how bright Thou didst smile on us when Thou wast born! Blest, indeed, was that happy morn, Full of Heavenly joy. HOLY PATRON THEE SALUTING. Holy Patron, thee saluting, Here we meet with hearts sincere Blest Saint Joseph, all, uniting, Call on thee to hear our pray'r. CHORUS. Happy Saint, in bliss adoring, Jesus, Saviour of mankind; Hear thy children thee imploring, May we thy protection find. Wordly dangers for them fearing, Youthful hearts to thee we bring, Grant, in virtue persevering, Vice may ne'er their bosom sting.— Cho. Thou who faithfully attended Him who Heav'n and earth adore; Who with pious care defended Mary, Virgin ever pure.— Cho. HOLY QUEEN, WE BEND BEFORE THEE. Holy Queen, we bend before thee, Queen of purity divine! Make us love thee, we implore thee, Make us truly to be thine. 131 CHORUS. Teach, oh, teach us, Holy Mother! How to conquer ev'ry sin; How to love and help each other, How the prize of life to win. Thou to whom a Child was given Greater than the sons of men, Coming down from highest Heaven To create the world again.— Cho. Oh, by that Almighty Maker Whom thyself, a Virgin, bore! Oh, by thy Supreme Creator Link'd with thee forevermore.— Cho. By the hope thy name inspired! By our doom reversed thro' thee, Help us, Queen of angel choirs! To a blest eternity.— Cho. HOW KIND IT IS OF YOU TO COME. How kind it is of you to come, Bright angel, from your starry home, And watch by night, and watch by day, Beside a sinful child of clay. How good and pure I ought to be, Who always live so near to thee; Beneath thine eyes the whole day 'round, Where'er I tread is holy ground. And if I had my wish, I would, Dear angel mine, be always good, This minute I would rather die Than say bad words, or tell a lie. I always feel disposed this way Whene'er I kneel me down to pray; But I forget when church is o'er, And am as naughty as before. O blessed guardian, kind and mild, Have pity on a poor, weak child; And pray that God will make me strong To do the right and shun the wrong. Thy bright wing shall be my shield, While battling on life's dusty field; Thine arms enfold me when I die, And waft me homeward to the sky. A SOUL'S DESIRE. How lovely, Lord, Thy chaste retreat! This holy chapel, still and sweet! Where calmly shines the altar light, As shines a fair star in the night! Lo! at the little shining door I knock, I plead, forevermore, "Open the portal, turn the key! And let my heart go in to Thee!" Cast not this wretched heart of mine Out of Thy little curtained shrine! But make of it a footstool meet Beneath Thy royal wounded feet! The blood that from those wounds distills Its every pulse with rapture thrills, Ah! dearest Lord, though I depart, Hold fast my heart, my yearning heart. 13?, And should it ever seek to stray From Thee away, from Thee away; Should e'er despise, or, faithless, quit The feet that were transpierced for it, Press Thou Thy gentle foot, sweet Christ! Upon the rebel, sin-enticed; And that most tender touch will then Recall the wand'rer home again. THE ANNUNCIATION. How pure, how frail, and white The snow-drops shine; Gather a garland bright, For Mary's shrine. CHORUS. Hail Mary, Hail Mary, Queen of Heaven! Let us repeat, And, place our snow-drop wreath Here at her feet. For on this blessed day She knelt at prayer, When lo! before her shone An angel fair.— Cho. Hail Mary! infant lips Lisp it to-day. Hail Mary! with faint smile, The dying say.— Cho. Hail Mary! many a heart, Broken with grief, In that angelic prayer Has found relief.— Cho. 134 THOU ART ALL MINE. I am my Love's and He is mine; O Earth, attend, ye Heavens, hear, Your mighty Lord, your King divine Is now my bosom's Guest most dear; Behold, the vast Creator makes His home within His creatures' breast, His realms of glory He forsakes, 'Tis in my heart He lov*es to rest. CHORUS. My dearest Lord, my Love, I'm Thine, And Thou, my Jesus, art all mine; My heart forever Thine shall be, Oh! keep it, Jesus, all for Thee. Close locked within His fond embrace, His Sacred Heart reclines on mine, Its throbbings flood my soul with grace. And rapturous love and bliss divine; My love to me, and I to Him, Who feedeth 'mongst the lilies pure, By crystal streamlet's margin dim. In deepest shades and haunts obscure. -Cho. I've found Him Whom my soul doth love, I'll hold Him fast nor let Him go; I've naught but Him in Heaven above, He is my all on earth below; Lo! angels near me hover 'round, From opening skies bright legions dart, For Jesus, their dear King, they've found Within the Heaven of my heart.— Cho. 135 I DWELL A CAPTIVE IN THIS HEART. I dwell a captive in this Heart, Inflamed with love divine; 'Tis here I live alone in peace, And constant joy is mine. It is the Heart of God's own Son, In His humanity, Who, all enamored of my soul, Here burns with love of me. Here, like the dove within the Ark, Securely I repose; Since now the Lord is my defence I fear no earthly foes, What though I suffer, Still in love I ever true will be; My love of God shall deeper grow When crosses fall on me. From every bond of earth, O Lord, Thy grace hath set me free; My soul, delivered from the snare, Enjoys true liberty. Naught more can I desire than this, To see Thy face in Heav'n; And this I hope since He on earth His Heart in pledge hath given. I NEED THEE, PRECIOUS JESUS. I need Thee, precious Jesus, I need a Friend like Thee, A friend to soothe and sympathize, A friend to care for me. I need Thy heart, sweet Jesus, To feel each anxious care, I long to tell my every want, And all my sorrows share. 136 I need Thy blood, sweet Jesus, To wash each sinful stain, To cleanse this sinful soul of mine, And make it pure again; I need Thy wounds, sweet Jesus, To fly from perils near, To shelter in these hollow clefts From every doubt and fear. I need Thee, sweetest Jesus, In the sacrament of love, To nourish this poor soul of mine With the treasures of Thy love. I'll need Thee, sweetest Jesus, When death's dread hour draws ni To hide me in Thy Sacred Heart Till wafted safe on high. LOVE OF THE SACRED HEART I rise from dreams of life, And an angel guides my feet To the sacred altar throne, Where Jesus' Heart doth beat. The lone lamp softly burns, And a wondrous silence reigns, Only with a low, still voice The Holy One complains. Ever pleading, day and night, Thou cans't not from us part; O veiled and w T ondrous Son! O love of the Sacred Heart. 137 Long, long I've waited here, And thought Thou heed'st not me, The heart of God's own Son Beats ever on for Thee. In the womb of Mary meek, In the cradle, on the tree, Heart of pure, undying love, It lived, loved, bled for me.— Cho. TO MARIA IMMACULATA. Immaculate; title dear To my poor lonely heart; No other brings Heaven's joy so near, .\or can such peace impart immaculate! music sweet 'Midst sin's discordant notes; The weary years fast onward fleet, While through my soul it floats. Immaculate! O my God! Well dost thon know our need Beneath the sharp, afflicting rod, Of Mary's help indeed! Immaculate! Mother dear, Preserve us lest we fall; When death shall come, oh! be thou near, Thou'rt, after God, our all. IN MUSIC'S SWEETEST STRAINS. In music's sweetest strains we'll sing; Our notes to God we'll raise; And make His sacred temple ring With hymns of love and praise. 138 Our tongues hosannas shall proclaim; Our hearts devoutly pray; Each morning and each evening themes Shall echo through the day. In. God's own house we'll sing His praise, For there His glory dwells; To Heav'n our hearts and songs we'll raise In sweetest canticles. As long as we have life and breath Our Maker we will praise; And when our voice expires in death, Death will perfect our lays. IN THIS SACRAMENT. In this Sacrament, sweet Jesus! Thou dost give Thy flesh and blood, With Thy soul and Godhead also, As our own most precious food. Yes,, dear Jesus, I believe it, And Thy presence I adore, And with all my heart I love Thee, May I love Thee more and more. Come, Sweet Jesus, in Thy mercy, Give Thy flesh and blood to me; Come to me, O dearest Jesus, Come, my soul's true Life to be; Come, that I may live forever, Thou in me and I in Thee; Living thus, I shall not perish, But shall live eternally. 139 IT IS THE NAME OF MARY. It is the Name of Mary Which we to-day proclaim; Come, all ye, Mary's children, To sing that lovely name. Come, sing that name, dear children. It is your mother's own; Unite your hearts and praises, And waft them to her throne. A name of power and sweetness, Her name to us so dear; A name of awe and grandeur, But grandeur free from fear. Sweet name all strong yet tender, That name we love so well, The joy of earth and Heaven, The fear and dread of Hell. A name by which we triumph O'er Hell's embattled foes, The victor's mead of glory And solace in his woes. Earth has no name so gentle, Nor Heaven one so sweet; A balm to wounded feelings, Bright light to wayward feet. The first word ever spoken By Jesus when a child, Was thy dear name, O Mother, He spoke it and He smiled, Oh! may thy name, dear Mother, On life's last fearful day, Be my last fervent prayer, Be all my hope and stay. 140 JERUSALEM. Jerusalem, my happy home, How I do sigh for thee! When shall my exile have an end, Thy joys when shall I see? CHORUS. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, my happy home, How do I sigh for thee! No sun, no moon, in borrowed light. Revolve thine hours away; The Lamb on Calvary's mountain slain Is thy eternal day.— Cho. From every eye He wipes the tear, All sighs and sorrows cease; No more alternate hope or fear, But everlasting peace.— Cho. The thought of thee to us is given Our sorrows to beguile; To anticipate the bliss of Heaven In His eternal smile. JESU DULCIS MEMORIA. Jesu dulcis memoria, Dans vera cordis gaudia, Sed super mel et omnia Ejus dulcis praesentia. CHO"! S. Jesu, Jesu, Jesu dulcis memoria. Jesu, Jesu, Jesu dulcis memoria. 141 Nil canitur suavius, Nil auditur jucundius, Nil cogitatur dulcius Quain Jesu Dei Filing. Jesu spes poenitentibus, Quam pius es petentibus, Quain bonus te quaerentibus, Sed quid invenientibus. JESU MATER, AVE. Jesu Mater, Ave, thou Virgin bright and fair, O Maria, salve! hear the exile's pray'r. When wild the tempest lowers, My spirit turns to thee; Then thro' its gloom, oh! sweetly smile, Thou star of life's dark sea. Then thro' its gloom, oh! sweetly smile, Thou star of life's dark sea. Mater, audi! O Virgin, hear! Oh, hear the exile's pray'r. Mater Angelorum, Bright Queen of Heaven's host, Salus Christianorum! Sweet hope of sinners lost, We ne'er shall cease to sing thy praise Until we reign with thee; Then prove to all a mother's love, Thou star of life's dark sea. Then prove to all a mother's love, Thou star of life's dark sea. Virgo semper pulchra, thou purest gem of Heaven, O Regina mea ! thy aid tp me be giv'n. A light amid life's troubled waves Thy name hath been to me, Oh, still protect my trembling bark, Thou star of this wild sea. Oh, still protect my trembling bark, Thou star of this wild sea. HYMN FOR A HAPPY DEATH. Jesus, ever loving Saviour, Thou didst live and die for me. Living, I will live and love Thee, Dying, I will die for Thee. Jesus by Thy life of death and sorrow Help me in my agony. Kindest Jesus, Thou wert standing By Thy foster-father's bed, While Thy mother, softly praying, Held her dying Joseph's heau. Jesus, by that death so calm and holy, Soothe me in that hour of dread. When the priest, with holy unction, Prays for mercy and for grace, May the tears of deep compunction All my guilty stains efface. Jesus, let me find in you a refuge, In Thy heart a resting place. Then, by all that Thou didst suffer, Grant me mercy in that day, Help me, Mary, my sweet mother, Holy Joseph, near me stay. Jesus, let me die, my lips repeating Jesus mercy, Mary pray. JESUS, GENTLEST SAVIOUR. Jesus, gentlest Saviour, God of might and power, Thou Thyself art dwelling In us at this hour. Nature cannot hold Thee, Heaven is all too strait For Thine endless glory, And Thy royal state. Out beyond the shining Of the farthest star Thou art ever stretching Infinitely far. Yet the hearts of children Hold what worlds can not, And the God of wonders, Loves the lowly spot. Oh! how can we thank Thee For a gift like this? Gift that truly maketh Heaven's eternal bliss. Ah! when wilt Thou always Make our hearts Thy home? We must wait for Heaven, Then the day will come. Now at last we'll keep Thee All the time we may; But Thy grace and blessing We will keep alway. When our hearts Thou leavest, Worthless tho' they be, Give them to Thy Mother, To be kept for Thee. 144 JESUS! MY LORD, MY GOD. Jesus! my Lord, my God, my All, How can I love Thee as I ought! And how revere this wondrous gift! So far surpassing hope or thought! CHORUS. Sweet sacrament, we Thee adore, Oh, make us love Thee more and mare! Had I but Mary's sinless heart To love Thee with, my dearest King, Oh, with what bursts of fervent praise Thy goodness, Jesus, would I sing.— Cho. Sound, sound His praises higher still, And come, ye angels, to our aid; 'Tis God! 'Tis God! the very God, Whose power both men and angels made.— Oho. Our hearts leap up, our trembling song Grows fainter still, we can no more: Silence! and let us weep— and die Of very love, while we adore. Great Sacrament of love divine! All, all we have or are, be thine. HYMN FOR COMMUNION. Jesus, my Lord, no tongue can say How great Tny love must be, To bring Thee down from Heaven to-day To dwell a while with me. Around Thine Altar Angels guard In reverent awe and fear: And yet, 'tis not for them, dear Lord, That Thou art dwelling here. 145 Is not the love of Heaven's bright host Of greater, worth than mine, That Thou shouldst prize my heart the most And claim it all as Thine? Ah, take it, then, poor, worthless thing, Since Thou wilt have it so; No other offering I might bring Wouldst Thou accept, I know. Jesus, while Thou art in my heart For this short happy hour, Life burdens, one by one, depart Before Thy magic power. Thy love is cheaply always bought Whate'er the price might be, And now can I refuse Thee aught When Thou art all for me? JESUS! SAVIOUR OF MY SOUL! Jesus! Saviour of my soul! Let me to Thy refuge fly, While the nearer waters roll, W hile the tempest still is nigh. SOLO. Hide me, O my Saviour, hide Till the storm of life is past; Safe into Thy haven guide, Oh! receive my soul at last. CHORUS. Jesus! Saviour of my soul! Let me to Thy refuge fly; Ave, Ave, Jesus mild, Deign to hear Thy lowly child. Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee, Leave, oh! leave me not alone, Still support and strengthen me.— Cho. All my trust in Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing.— Cho. JESUS, THE ALL BEAUTIFUL Jesus, the All Beautiful, Lo, we adore Thee! Make Thou our hearts like Thine, Oh! we implore Thee! Let never thought arise, Severing from Thee; Only Thy love we prize- Keep us with Thee. When heavy burdens fall, Crushing us low, Hear Thou Thy children's call, Lighten our woe. If, 'mid the dark'ning night, Hope seems afar, Send but one ray of light From Bethlehem's star. Sorrow may wound the heart, Grief come anew; Let earthly joy depart, Keep Thou us true. 147 HYMN FOR EASTER. Jesus! the Lord of Glory, Springs from the tomb with life immortal won. Darkness and Death before Him Flee like the clouds before the sun. No more hell languish, In pain and anguish, His charms shall ravish Eternity. Oh! banish sadness, And wake to gladness. From mortal badness He is free! Joy in the Heavens above us. Angels, exult! your King, your God, Is nigh: Joy! that the Lord so loved us, For us to suffer and to die. Oh! then returning With ardor burning And humbly mourning Our treachery. With God to bless us, His hand caress us, His lips address us. We are free. 148 JESUS, THE ONLY THOUGHT OF THEE. Jesus, the only thought of Thee With sweetness tills my breast But sweeter far it is to see And on Thy beauty feast; No sound, no harmony so gay Can art of music frame, No thoughts can reach, no words can say The sweets of Thy blessed name. Jesus, our hope when we repent, Sweet source of all our grace: Sole comfort in our banishment, Oh! what, -when face to face? Jesus! that name inspires my mind With springs of life and light More than I ask in Thee I find, And languish in delight. Come, then, dear Lord, possess my heart, Chase thence the shades of night, Come, pierce it with Thy flaming dart And ever shining light. Then I'll forever sing, To Him each tribute bring. Till joined with all his saints above In never ending love. JOY OF MY HEART. Joy of my heart! oh! let me pray To thee thine own sweet month of May. Mary! one gift I beg of thee, My soul from sin and sorrow free. Direct my wand'ring feet aright, And be thyself mine own true light. 149 CHORUS. Be love of thee the purging fire, To cleanse for God my heart's desire, Mother, be love of thee a ray From Heaven to show the Heav'nward way. Mary, make haste thy child to win From sin and from the love of sin; Mother of God! let my poor love A mother's prayers and pity move. Mary, when I come to die, Be thou, thy spouse, and Jesus nigh. CHORUS. When mute before the Judge I stand, My holy shield be Mary's hand; Oh! Mary! let no child of thine In hell's eternal exile pine. Sweet Day-Star, let thy beauty be A light to draw my soul to thee; We love thee, light of sinners' eyes, Oh! let thy prayers for sinners rise. Look at us, Mother Mary! see How piteously we look on thee. CHORDS. 1 am thy slave, nor would I be For worlds from this sweet bondage free, Oh! Jesus, Joseph, Mary, deign My soul in Heav'nly ways to train. Be love of thee, my whole life long, A seal upon my wayward tongue. Write on my heart's most secret core The five dear wounds that Jesus bore. Oh! give me tears to shed with thee Beneath the Cross on Calvary. 150 CHORUS. One more request, and I have done; With love of thee and thy dear Son More let me burn, and more each day, Till love of self is burned away. JOY OF MY HEART. (Another version.) Joy of my heart! oh! let me pray To thee thine own sweet month of May; Mary, one gift I beg of thee, My soul from sin and sorrow free. Thou, Mary, art my hope and life, The star-light of this earthly strife. Sweet day-star! let thy beauty be A light, to draw my soul to thee. Thou, who wert pure as driven snow, Make me as thou wert here below; O Queen of Heaven! obtain for me The glory there one day to see. Write on my heart's most secret core The five dear wounds that Jesus bore, Oh! give me tears to shed with thee, Beneath the Cross on Calvary. KING OF AGES. King of ages, King victorius! Loving Lord and bounteous God! To Thy feet I come, All-glorious! While Thy praise is spread abroad! In Thy mercy list to me! Humble plaints I breathe to Thee! O Sacred Heart, forever reign! Comfort and hope in every pain! Heart Divine! wherein is kindled Charity's eternal flame! From these chains (with joy unmingled), From these bonds of sin and shame Set all hearts forever free, That they may rejoice in Thee! O Sacred Heart, etc. Thou hast bound Thee with a promise, Pledged to us Thy royal word; While Thy mercy looks upon us, What dost Thou demand, dear Lord? Naught but, with a keen desire, On our earth to cast Thy fire. O Sacred Heart, etc. Glowing with a light eternal, Potent source of light and love! Swiftly speeds that flame supernal, Through this world, from realms above! King of souls, Thy children bless! Fount divine of holiness! O Sacred Heart, etc. LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Kyrie eleison. Christie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Christie audi nos. Christie exaudi nos. Pater de coelis, Deus, miserere nobis. Fili Redemptor mundi Deus, miserere nobis. Spiritus Sancte, Deus, miserere nobis. Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, miserere nobis. 152 Sancta Maria, Sancta Dei genitrix, Sancta virgo virginuin, Ora pro nobis Mater Ohristi, Mater divinae gratiae, Mater purissima, Ora pro nobis. Mater castissima, Mater inviolata, Mater intemerata, Ora pro nobis. Mater amabilis, Mater admirabilis, Mater Creatoris, Ora pro nobis. Mater Salvatoris, Virgo prudentissima, Virgo vereranda, Ora pro nobis. Virgo praedicanda, Virgo potens, Virgo clemens, Ora pro nobis. Virgo fidelis. Speculum justitiae, Sedes sapientiae, Ora pro nobis. Causa nostrae laetitiae, Vas spirituale, Vas honorabile, Ora pro nobis. 153 Vas insigne devotionis Rosa mystica, Turns Davidica, Ora pro nobis. Tunis eburnea, Donius aurea, Foederis area, Ora pro nobis. Janua coeli, Stella matutina, Salus infirmorum, Ora pro nobis. Refugium peccatorum, Consolatrix afflictorum, Auxilium Christianorum, Ora pro nobis. Regina angelorum, Regina patriarcharuin, Regina prophetaruin, Ora pro nobis. Regina apostolorum, Regina martyrum, Regina confessorum, Ora pro nobis. Regina virginum, Regina sanctorum omnium, Regina sine labe originali concepta, Ora pro nobis. 154 Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, parce nobis, Domine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata inundi, exaudi nos, Domine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Christe, audi nos. Christe, exaudi nos. V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei genetrix. R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Gratiam tuam quaesumus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde; ut qui, angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognoyimus, per passionem ejus et crucein ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eundem Christum, Dominum nostrum. Amen. LAUDATE DOMINUM. Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes, laudate eum, omnes populi. Quoniam confirmata est super nos miseri- cordia ejus, et viritas Domini manet in aeternum. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. HYMN TO ST. JOSEPH. Leaning upon that noble breast, See, Jesus sinks His head to rest; While myriad spirits soft descend, And lo! in awe they meekly bend. O man! how cold must be thy heart If in this scene thou tak'st no part. When 'tis for thee and thee alone A heart becomes Jehovah's throne. 155 Ye loving spirits, whilst ye Ihrong, Let me join. too. your seraph song; Strike but for ine one chord of love, That may resound in th' halls above. And thou, spouse of Mary, dear, Whose joy it was His voice to hear. Caress Him fondly, do for me, And 1 thv faithful" child wiii be. HOLY NAME OF MARY. Let ev'ry voice Swell seraph choirs in Mary's praise, And at her name Let all her children's hearts rejoice. Let time entone Her deathless lays And bear them on, And hear them on to endless days. Let ev'ry voice Sing Mary's praise, Let ev'ry name sing Mary's praise. That sweetest name First uttered by angelic tongue. Not born of earth, From Heaven itself its music came By circling sphere -It first was sung; And o'er the world, And o'er the world, the echoes rung. Then let us praise That name most sweet Till we shall dwell at Mary's feet. 15G Her gracious name Distills the healing balm of peace. Her gracious deeds The blessed with grateful love proclaim, To suffring souls She brings release, And even here, And even here, bids sorrow cease, O wondrous name, With charms replete, Our hearts and voices its praise repeat. ST. CECILIA. Let the deep organ swell the lay In honor of this festive day; Let the harmonious choirs proclaim" Cecilia's ever blessed name. Let the harmonious choirs, etc. Cecilia, with a twofold crown Adorned in Heaven, we pray look down Upon thy fervent votaries here, And hearken to their humble prayer. Let the harmonious choirs, etc. Rome gave the virgin martyr birth. Whose holy name has filled the earth; And from the early dawn of youth She fixed her heart on God and truth. Let the harmonious choirs, etc. Then from the world's bewildering strife In peace she spent her holy life- Teaching the organ to combine With voice to praise the Lamb divine. Let the harmonious choirs, etc. Most firmly did her heart withstand; She smiled upon the dread command To plunge her in a bath of fire. There to be tortured and expire. Let the harmonious choirs, etc. LET US MINGLE TOGETHER. Let us mingle together Voices joyful and gay, Singing hymns to our Mother— 'Tis her own month of May. Bring the choicest of flowers, Search the woodlands and grove, Wreathe a crown for our Lady As a pledge of our love. CHORUS. Let *us join, then, our voices With the chorus above, Angels singing thy glory— We thy mercy and love. What are the fast-fading roses, All the lilies that grow? Nothing worthy of Mary Has the world to bestow. Mary asks for a treasure- One that each can impart; Hear and grant her petition— "Sinner, give me thy heart."— Cho. Fairest Star of the Morning! Cheer our hearts with thy light; Pierce the clouds that hang o'er us In the region of night. Light our path o'er life's ocean, Guide us safe on our way; Hear the prayer of thy client In thy own month of May.— Cho. 158 LIKE A STRONG AND RAGING FIRE. Like a strong and raging fire In a narrow furnace pent Glows the Sacred Heart's desire In the Holy Sacrament. Round that sacred furnace thronging, Shall these hearts refuse to burn? Heart of love and tender longing, Shall we make Thee no return? CHORUS. Bending low in adoration, While our souls are borne above, Hear our hymn of reparation, Heart of Jesus! be our love! 'Twas to cast abroad Love's fire That our God from Heaven came; May those sparks our love inspire, May we burn with that blest flame! All our sins, our slights, our coldness, All our insults we deplore, Pardon, Lord! our daring boldness, We will never wound Thee more!— Cho. Blessed Lord! Thy heart is cloven With the cross of bitter woe, There are thorns around It woven, And the blood-drops from It flow; Let us take Thy cross, and bear it, Let Thy thorny crown be ours, 'Twill be sweeter far to wear it Than a crown of fairest flow'rs.— Cho. EXPECTATION OF B. V. M. Like the dawning of the morning On the mountain's golden heights, Like the breaking of the moonbeams On the gloom of cloudy nights, Like the secret told by angels Getting known upon the earth, Is the mother's expectation Of Messiah's speedy birth. You were happy, blessed Mother, With the very bliss of Heaven, Since the angel's salutation In thy raptured ear was given. Since the Ave of that midnight When thou wast anointed Queen. Like a river overflowing Hath the grace within thee been. And what wonders have been in thee, All the day and all the night! While the angels fell before thee To adore the Light of Light. Every moment did that burden Press upon thee with new grace; Happy Mother! thou art longing To behold the Saviour's face. Thou hast waited, child of David, And thy waiting now is o'er; Thou hast seen Him, Blessed Mother, And will see Him evermore. Oh! His human face and features! They were passing sweet to see; Thou beholdest them this moment: Mother, show them now to me. 1W LIST! SWEET MOTHER. List! sweet Mother, soft notes breaking Gently on the evening air, Holy thoughts, the mind awaking, Lead the soul to thee in prayer. CHORUS. Ave Maria! Beam of Heaven! Guide us o'er this life's dark sea, When our soul's frail bark is riven, In distress we call on thee. Ave Maria! Gently stealing! On the ear those accents come; While within, the heart's deep feeling Echoes back each angel tone.— Oho. Ave Maria! God has given Thee the power to aid us here, Shield us, guide us home to Heaven, Virgin Mother, lend thine ear.— Cho. LISTEN, MOTHER, TO OUR SIGHING. Listen, Mother, to our sighing: Shades of earth have gathered round, And we gaze on thy sweet picture, Seeking grace, which thou hast found. Thou hast trod the path of sorrow, All its pangs are known to thee; Let us follow in thy footsteps To the cross of Calvary. 161 Thy loved title of "Good Counsel" Ever lights the narrow way, Leading on to rest supernal In the everlasting day. Good, indeed, thy counsel leading O'er the path our Jesus trod. Mother! may it daily light us To the Taradise of God. Angel choirs are circling round thee, Golden harps resound with praise; And thy exiled children's voices Softly mingle humbler lays. We are gazing on thy picture, With its face so sweet and mild, And, with arms around thee twining, Clings thy God, the Saviour Child. LONELY IN THE TABERNACLE. Lonely in the Tabernacle Dwells thy Jesus uear, to-night, Bound by chains of love immortal, Here He finds His sweet delight. He has left His happy Heaven, Left His own dear Mother's side- Love and mercy brought Him thither, With His creatures to abide. But His Heart to-night is weary, Tears are glistening in His eyes— O thou cold ungrateful mortal! Canst thou hear untouched His sighs? Many long and dreary hours He has waited patiently; But the busy world, and selfish, Passes by unheedingly. 162 Not a soul has come to cheer Him In His lonely solitude; Or to thank with love seraphic Him who is their daily Food. None has come with longing spirit For the Treasure of the Dove,* None to mingle tears of sorrow O'er our Saviour's slighted love. Still, yes, still with love consuming, Burns His Sacred Heart to-night, Yearning pardon sweet to utter To the victims of sin's blight. "0. Thou Beauty ever ancient! O Thou Beauty ever new!' Too late have we known and loved Thee, To whose love our ransom's due. See, at last, dear lonely Jesus, Thy poor creatures at Thy Feet; Deign to take our icy cold hearts, Melt them into penance sweet; And, dear lowly Heart of Jesus, Ere we leave Thine Altar blest, Give us Thy sweet Benediction, Soon with Thee in Heaven to rest. * In early times the Blessed Sacrament was nol kept upon the Altar; it was kept in a silver vessel. generally in the form of a dove, suspended fron above. LOOK DOWN, O MOTHER MARY. Look down, O Mother Mary, From thy bright throne above, Cast down upon thy children One only glance of love. And if a heart so tender With pity flows not o'er Then turn away, our Mother, And look on us no more. 163 See how ingrate and guilty We stand before thy Son, His loving heart reproaches The evil we have done. But if thou wilt appease Him, Speak for us but one word, Thou only canst obtain us The pardon of our Lord. O Mary, dearest Mother, If thou wouldst have us live, Say that we are thy children, And then He will forgive. Our sins make us unworthy That title still to bear, But thou art still our Mother, Then show us a mother's care. Unfold to us thy mantle, There we are without fear; What evil can befall us If, Mother, thou art near? Dearest, sweetest Mother Thy sinful children save, Look down on us in pity Who thy protection crave. SORKOW T FUL MYSTERIES. Lord, by Thy prayer in agony On Olivet alone, Teach us to pray resigned like Thee, And say, "Thy will be done." Sweet Saviour, who didst bear for me The scourge's pains intense, Help me to fly all luxury, And mortify each sense. 164 By the sharp thorns so meekly borne, And scoffs and buffets rude, Teach us to bear all pain and scorn With holy fortitude. Lord, by Thy cross Thy people spare, And on us pity take; Help us our daily cross to bear With patience, for Thy sake. O Jesus, Victim for man's fall, Lamb slain on Calvary, Accept henceforth our lives, our all, In sacrifice to Thee. LITANY OF THE SACRED HEART. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God, Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mother, Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God, Heart of Jesus, of Infinite Majesty, Heart of Jesus, Sacred Temple of God, Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High, Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven, 165 Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity, Heart of Jesus, abode of justice and love, Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues, Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise, Heart of Jesus, king and centre of all hearts, Heart of Jesus, in Whom are all the trea- sures of wisdom and knowledge, Heart of Jesus, in Whom dwells the ful- ness of divinity, Heart of Jesus, in Whom the Father was well pleased, Heart of Jesus, of whose fulness we have all received, Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills, Heart of Jesus, patient and most merciful, Heart of Jesus, enriching all who invoke Thee. Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holi- ness, Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins, Heart of Jesus, loaded down with oppro- brium, Heart of Jesus, bruised for our offenses, Heart of Jesus, obedient unto death, Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation, Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection, Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconcilia- tion, Heart of Jesus, victim for sin, Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who trust in Thee, Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in Thee, Heart of Jesus, delight of all the saints. 166 Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, spare us O Lord. Lamb of God who lakesi away the sins of the world, graciously hear us. o Lord. Lamb of God who takest away the sius of the world, have mercy on as. v. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, r. .Make our hearts like unto Thine. LET US PRAY. O, almighty and eternal God, look upon the Heart of Thy dearly beloved Son, and upon the praise and satisfaction He offers Thee in the name of sinners and for those who seek Thy mercy; be Thou appeased, and grant us pardon in the name of the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. LORD! THOU WILT HEAR THE PRAYER. Lord! Thou wilt hear the prayer Of hearts overflowing; Wounded with grief and fear, For Thy love glowing. Lord, Tnou wilt not despise, ' Thou wilt, with tender eyes, View from the Heavenly skies Thy children mourning. Far from Thy holy path, Far from Thee wandering; Spare from Thy dreaded wrath The sinner returning. Spare, Lord! the sinner hear! Give us Thy holy fear, Grant us the contrite tear; Hearts with love burning. 167 LOVED HEART, ALL MILD, ALL MEEK. Loved Heart, all mild, all meek, all tender, The centre of our soul's repose; Blest he who basks within Thy splendor, Whence rest with light unceasing flows. Blest he who, in Thy heart confiding, Brings Thee the homage of his lays, Who, wealth and fame and pomp deriding, Deems serving Thee his highest praise. The skies, with dazzling glory beaming, Before Thy Heart's bright lustre pale. The sun, with peerless splendor gleaming, By Thee seems covered with a veil. Haste on, O Virgin, never falter! Bring thou thy off'rings to His shrine. More grateful gift ne'er graced God's altar Than that unsullied Heart of thine. O Heart of Mary, all so tender, Heart full of bounty and of grace, Illume us with thy Heart's bright splen- dor, Have pity on our blended race. Be thou our hope, our strength forever, And screen us with thy grace for aye; And, oh, when death life's thread will sever, Assist us, Mother, on that day. 168 MAGNIFICAT! INSPIRED WORD! Magnificat! Inspired word, From Mary's raptured bosom poured, My soul, with Mary bless the Lord, Magnificat! Magnificat! Oh! whence is this, That God should heed my littleness? Henceforward all my name shall bless. Magnificat! Magnificat! Praise God alone! The mercy of my Saviour own; For He hath mighty wonders done. Magnificat! Magnificat! His wondrous grace Is manifest from race to race To them that fear before His face. Magnificat! Magnificat! He hath brought down The proud man from his lofty throne, And lifted up the humble one. Magnificat! Magnificat! Grace for the poor! The poor who plead at Mercy's door; The scornful rich shall have no more. Magnificat! Magnificat! In me behold Fulfilled the promises of old To Abr'am and the fathers told. Magnificat! Magnificat! The song of praise To Father, Son, and Spirit raise! One God throughout eternal days. Magnificat! 169 MAIDEN MOTHER. Maiden Mother, meek and mild, Take, oh, take me for thy child! All my life, oh! let it be My best joy to think of thee. CHORUS. Thus, sweet Mother, day and night, Thou shalt guide my steps aright; And my dying words shall be, "Virgin Mother, pray for me!" Oh, pray for me! Oh, pray for me! When my eyes are closed in sleep, Through the night my slumbers keep; Make my latest thought to be How to love thy Son and thee.— Cho. Teach me, when the sunbeam bright Calls me with its golden light, How my waking thoughts may be Turned to Jesus and to thee.— Cho. And, oh, teach me, thro' the day, Oft to raise my heart and say, "Maiden Mother, meek and mild, Guard, oh! guard thy faithful child!" -Cho. MAIDEN, OF THEE WE SING. Maiden, of thee we sing, Mother of th' angels' King, Beautiful, radiant, Heavenly Queen; Maiden most meek and mild, God's Mother undefiled, Joy of the heavens, earth's Mistress su- preme. 170 CHORUS. Sing, then, ye cherubim, Sing, all ye seraphim, Join, earth, thy voices the chorus com- plete, Sing, Mary, Maiden and Mother most sweet. Thou art the Lily white, That to eternal Light Thy purest blossom dost grandly unfold; Thou, too, the thornless Kose On which the flower blows Whose fragrance Heaven and earth can- not hold.— Cho. Stars, with their golden sheen, Grown thee, celestial Queen, And the resplendent sun clothes thee with light; Low, as in homage meet, Bowed down beneath thy feet, Beameth the silvery crescent of night. —Cho. DAILY HYMN TO MARY. Mary, dearest Mother, From thy Heav'nly height Look on us, thy children, Lost in earth's dark night. CHORUS. Oh, we pray thee, loved Mary, fondly we entreat, Guide us to our sweet Saviour; We entreat thee, leave us at His feet, Mary, shield us from danger, Keep our souls from sin; Help thy exiled children Heav'n at last to win. Mary, purest creature, Keep us all from sin; Help us erring mortals Peace in Heav'n to win.— Cho. Daughter of the Father, Lady, kind and sweet, Lead us to our Father, Leave us at His feet.— Cho. Oh, we love thee, Mary, Trusting all to thee; What is past or present, What is yet to be.— Cho. Mother of our Saviour, Hear our pleading pray'r; Take us 'neath thy mantle, Hide, oh, hide us there!— Cho. Oh, not yet, sweet Mother, Is our love of thee What it will be one day In eternity.— Cho. MOTHER LOVED. Mary, hear my fervent prayer, Take me 'neath Thy care; O Mother loved, be my life, my stay, Guide and love me, save and protect me Till the dawn of eternal day. Mary, hear my fervent prayer, Take me 'neath thy care; O Mother loved, be my life, my stay. O Mother loved, watch over me, So helpless, tossed on life's rough sea; Kindly shed from Heaven above A Mother's sweet, fond smile of love, O Mother, loved, watch over me, From sin and danger keep me free; When temptation's waves angry flow, Thyself to me a mother show. O Mother loved, watch over me When life is bright and fair to see; Who so need Thy clear guiding ray As those that walk the flow'ry way? MARY, HOW SWEETLY PALLS THAT NAME. Mary! how sweetly falls that name On my enraptured ear! Oft do I breathe in accents low That sound when none are near. 173 CHORDS. Sing, O my lips, and joyf'lly exclaim, O Mary, how sweet is thy name. Thy form before me often comes When thou wert but a child— With Heav'nly beauty, and with eyes So serious and so mild.— Cho. I see thee gathering fragrant flowers To deck God's holy place; And with fond rapture I behold Thy infancy and grace.— Oho. Sweet as the warbling of a bird, Sweet as a mother's voice; So sweet to me is thy dear name, It makes my soul rejoice.— Cho. Bright as the glittering stars appear, Bright as the moonbeams shine, So bright in my mind's eye is seen Thy loveliness divine.— Cho. Through thee I offer my requests; And when my prayer is done, In ecstasy sublime I see Thee seated near thy Son.— Cho. STAR OF THE SEA. CHORUS. Mater Amabilis, Ora pro nobis, Pray for thy children who call upon thee, Ave Sanctissima, Ave Purissima! Sinless and beautiful, Star of the Sea. Ave Maria! O maiden, O mother, Fondly thy children are calling on thee; Thine are the graces nnclaimed by another, Sinless and beautiful, Star of the Sea. Ave Maria! the night shades are falling, Softly our voices arise unto thee; Earth's lonely exiles for succor are calling, Sinless and beautiful Star of the Sea! Ave Maria! thy children are kneeling, Words of endearment are murmured to thee; Softly thy spirit upon us is stealing, Sinless and beautiful Star of the Sea! Ave Maria! thou portal of Heaven, Harbor of refuge, to thee do we flee; Lost in the darkness, by stormy winds driven, Shine o'er our pathway, fair Star of the Sea! MERRY CHRISTMAS! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! For the Saviour came to-day; Ev'ry care and grief and sorrow From our joyful hearts, away! See the tree with lights all gleaming 'Mong the branches fresh and green! Ah, with what strange fruit 'tis laden, All we wish can there be seen. 175 CHORUS. Merry Christmas! merry Christmas, Merry Christmas to you all! Merry Christmas! merry Christmas, Merry Christmas to you all! Merry Christmas! Jesus brought us When He came from Heaven above. Tree of life, forever verdant, He hath shower'd on us His love. Kind and faithful friends and teachers, Pastor ever good and true, Thanks your loving children offer, Merry Christmas now to you!— Cho. PRAISE TO THE ANGELS. FIRST CHORUS. Michael, prince of highest Heaven, Noblest of celestial ranks, Lowly singing in thine honor, Bring me now our meed of thanks. SOLO. Mighty victor, all resplendent, Next to Mary thou dost reign; Come and bless us with thy presence, Bring with thee thy Heavenly train. SECOND CHORUS. Gabriel, silver-tongued and glorious; Raphael, healer of our woes; Blessed angels, gentle guardians, Be our aid, repel our foes. Breathe into our hearts your sweetness, Fill our souls with love divine; May your gracious presence ever Round your charge protecting shine. Repeat Chorus.— Gabriel, etc. THIRD CHORUS. We will honor, we will love, Blessed spirits, more and more, Our devotion still increasing, As your favors on us pour: SOLO. Till with you forever singing, In a glad, unending strain, God the Father, Son, and Spirit, Where the blessed ever reign. Repeat Chorus.— We will honor, etc. MOTHER DEAR. Mother dear, O pray for me, Whilst far from Heaven and thee 1 wander in a fragile bark O'er life's tempestuous sea. O Virgin Mother, from thy throne, So bright in bliss above, Protect thy child, and cheer my path With thy sweet smile of love. CHORUS. Mother dear, remember me; And never cease thy care 'Till in Heaven eternally Thy love and bliss I share. 177 Mother dear. O pray for me, Should pleasure's syreu lay E'er tempt thy child to wander far From virtue's path away; When thorns beset life's devious way, And darkling waters flow, Then, Mary, aid thy weeping child, Thyself a mother show.— Cho. Mother dear, O pray for me When all looks bright and fair, That I may all my danger see, For surely then 'tis near. A Mother's prayer how much we need, If prosperous be. the ray That paints with gold the flow'ry mead Which blossoms in our way.— Cho. OUR LADY OF HELP. Mother, dearest mother, fairest, Help of all who call on thee; Virgin purest, brightest, rarest, Help us, help, we cry to thee. CHORUS. Mary, help us, help, we pray, Mary, help us, help, we pray, Help us in all care and sorrow, Mary, help us, help, we pray! Lady, help in pain and sorrow. Soothe those racked on bed of pain; May the golden light of morrow Bring them health and joy again.— Cho. 178 Mother, help the absent loyed ones, Oh! we miss their presence here, Help our father, friend, our brother, Help them, guard them, far and near, -Cho. Help our priests, our virgins lowly, Help our Pope, long may he reign; Pray that we who sing thy praises, May in Heaven all meet again.— Cho. TO OUR LADY. Mother, into my heart to-day, Christ came, a loving guest, The same sweet Lord, a Babe that lay in thy lov'd arms to rest; And to thy throne in Heav'n above, I tarn, that I may win The faith, the gratitude, the love tbat shield the heart from sin. Wilt thou vouchsafe, from stain of earth to keep me pure alway? Check the words of pride and scornful mirth, and govern all I say? Oh, may the lips that stole apart thy dear Son to receive Ne'er use a word that His kind Heart would wilfully aggrieve. MOTHER MARY, AH, HOW BLISSFUL Mother Mary, ah, how blissful Is thy sweet and cherished name; 'Tis a music most delicious That our hearts doth so inflame. When the tempter comes to rob us Of God's holy grace divine; Sweetest Mother, we'll invoke thee By that potent name of thine. And when Death's stern Angel hovers Over us in life's last hour, Should onr souls in anguish shudder, Make us feel thy Heavenly power. Soothe, ah. soothe onr dying moments. Let us see thy loving face: Leave us not, then, dearest Mother, Let us die in Thy embrace. CONSECRATION TO MARY. Mother Mary, at thine altar. We. thy loving children, kneel With a faith that cannot falter, To thy goodness we appeal. We are seeking for a mother O'er the earth so waste and wide. And. from off His cross, our Brother Points to Mary by His side. CHORUS. Mother Mary, to thy keeping Soul and body we confide. Toiling, resting, waking, sleeping, To be ever at thy side. Life and death we trust to thee. 180 We have seen thy picture often, With thy little Babe in arms, And it ever seemed to soften All our sorrows with its charms; So we want thee for our Mother, In thy gentle arms to rest, And to share with Him, our Brother, That sweet pillow on thy breast.— Clio. MOTHER OF GOD. Mother of God! my hope, my life, my treasure, Look on thy child and hear me from above. Mother of God! what joy, what untold pleasure Thrills through the soul that thinks only of thy love. CHORDS. Mother of Jesus, mother most fair, Show to thy children a mother's love and care. Mother of God! my childhood days caress- ing, Fondly thy hands my steps have home- ward led; Mother of God! each moment counts a blessing Which o'er my soul thy watchful love has shed.— Cho. 181 Mother of God! if e'er iny heart, forget- ting Thy love unceasing that has guarded me, Mother of God! oh, then may regretting Recall my soul to love of God and thee. PURIFICATION B. V. M. Mother of God, unto the temple bring The Holy One, the Saviour, Christ the Lord and King. Blest Simeon sees the face desired so long, And lo! his transports break in ecstasy of song. CHORUS. Nunc dimittis servum tuuin, Domine, With blessed Simeon let us sing, With holy Anna's gaze prophetic, See in that Babe the Christ, our Son, our God, our King. St. Joseph bears the offspring lowly, While Mary clasps her son, her God, the Holy One, And Israel's mighty King. O Mary blest, Christ's ransom thou wilt pay, And bear Him in thine arms to Nazareth away, O Mother loved, then hold thy treasure fast, For all too soon for thee, His childhood will have passed.— Cho. 182 MOTHER OF GOD. Mother of God, we hail thy heart, Throned in the azure skies, While far and wide within its charms The whole creation lies. CHORUS. Mother of God, thy loving heart Hath Jesus made His dwelling place, Sinless heart, God's delight, all hail, Sinless heart, God's delight, all hail, Be our peace and refuge here on earth, Our delight for ever, ever more. Mother of God, who owns thy heart, Who owns that love of thine? If Jesus take not back His gift, Mother, thy peerless heart is mine. — Cho. Mother of God, He broke thy heart, That it might wider be, That in the vastness of its love There might be ample room for mo. -Cho. MOTHER OF MERCY. Mother of mercy! day by day My love of thee grows more and more. Thy gifts are strewn upon my way, Like sands upon the great sea-shore. Thy love for me, I know its worth, Ah! it is all in all to me. For what did Jesus love on earth One half so tenderly as thee? 183 Get me the grace to love thee more, Jesus will give if thou wilt plead. And, Mother, when life's cares are o'er, Oh! I shall love thee then indeed. Jesus, when His three hours were run, Bequeath'd thee from the Cross to me. And oh! how can I love thy Son, Sweet Mother! if I love not thee? MOTHER OF THE INFANT JESUS. Mother of the infant Jesus, Won't you take me for your child, Teach me to be like dear Jesus, Pure and humble, meek and mild? Oh! He must have loved you dearly, When He was a Baby here, He was God, and yet He often Whispered Mother in your ear. Won't you let me whisper with Him, Kneeling lowly at your feet? I don't dare to climb with Jesus, Do you hear, my Mother sweet? And when in your arms He nestles, Won't you tell Him I will try To be good, so He will take me Up to Heaven when I die? HYMN FOR CONFIRMATION. My God, accept my heart this day, And make it always Thine,— That I from Thee no more may stray, No more from Thee decline. 184 Before the cross of Him who died, Behold, I prostrate fall; Let every sin be crucified,— Let Christ be all in all! Anoint me with Thy Heavenly grace, Adopt me for Thine own- That I may see Thy glorious face, And worship at Thy throne! May the dear blood, once shed for me, My blest atonement prove,— That I from first to last may be The purchase of Thy love. Let every thought, and work, and word To Thee be ever given- Then life shall be Thy service, Lord, And death the gate of Heaven. THOU ART MY GOD. My God, I love Thee, not because I hope for Heaven thereby, Nor because they who love Thee not Must burn eternally. E'en so I love Thee and will love, And in Thy praise will sing, Solely because Thou art my God And my Eternal King. Thou, my Jesus, Thou didst me Upon the Cross embrace; For me didst bear the nails and spear, And manifold disgrace. 185 Then why, O blessed Jesus Christ, Should I not love Thee well? Not for the sake of winning Heaven Or of escaping Hell. Not with the hope of gaining aught, Not seeking a reward; But, as Thyself hast loved me, O, ever loving Lord. MY GOD, MY LIFE, MY ALL. My God, my life, my all, Thou'rt come to me to-day; What more can I desire, If Thou wilt with me stay? CHORUS. O Banquet of love, O Banquet divine, Thou source of all grace, glory and praise be Thine. Now hast Thou fixed Thy throne Within my very heart; It lives for Thee alone, For Thou its master art— Cho. HYMN FOR FIRST COMMUNION. My Jesus, from His throne above, A radiant look casts down on me; And seems to say, with fondest love, "My child, prepare, I go to thee." Then, Saviour, come, do not delay, Descend with speed from Heaven above, And on this great and glorious day Consume my heart with Thy pure love. 186 CHORUS. My dearest Lord, my love, I'm thine, And thou, my Jesus, art all mine, My heart forever thine shall be, Oh, keep it, Jesus, all for Thee. Thy words, sweet Lord, ring in my ear As strains of softest melody; They raise my hope, they calm my fear, And make me long to approach to Thee. Behold me, Lord, beneath this dome, And at this great and solemn hour, Imploring Thee to make Thy home Within my young heart's nuptial bower. — Cho. As for the cool and limpid stream The hart doth pant incessantly, So, dearest Lord, with love supreme My soul breathes forth her sighs to Thee, Oh, deign to hear my suppliant prayer, Oh, come, allay my parching thirst; No worldly love, no earthly care Within my youthful heart is nursed. -Cho. My voice I'll blend with Heav'n's sweet choir, In hymns of mellow symphony, To fitly praise my Heav'nly Sire, Who deigns to come and dwell with me. From this day hence, my Lord divine, I consecrate myself to Thee; Oh, may I be forever Thine, In time and in eternity.— Cho. 187 O SWEET MADONNA. My mother dear, my queen divine, My heart, my soul, my life are thine. All that I am, or e'er will be, For once, for all, I give to thee, And through thy sinless hands to Him Thy Son, whose Heart for us was riv'n. CHORUS. O sweet Madonna, hear me, From this dark world of woes Thy feeble child implores thee, Thy loving heart, thy heart, thy heart unclose. By all the love that made Him thine, To every suppliant at thy shrine, Queen Mother of our fallen race, In life, in death, impart this grace, From hour to hour to love thee more, Till Heaven is won and exile o'er.— Cho. MY OWN DEAR MOTHER MARY. My own dear Mother Mary, Ah, list, while I repeat, Thy name, O Mary sweet. In childlike loving accents, Within my heart it wakens Such tender thoughts and blest, My soul, this world forsaking, Before thy throne would rest. Thy name, O Mother Mary, Is music to my soul. 188 The cherubim are praising Thy beauty and thy grace, And Heaven is all illumined And ravished with thy face. Thy name, Mother Mary, Is music to my soul. MY SOUL, THY GREAT CREATOR PRAISE. My soul, thy great Creator praise, When, clothed in His celestial rays, He in full majesty appears, And, like a robe, His glory wears. CHORUS. Great is the Lord, what tongue can frame An honor equal to His name? The Heavens are for His curtain spread, Th' unfathomed deep He makes His bed; Clouds are His chariot when He flies On winged storms across the skies.— Cho. HYMN FOR CONFIRMATION. My God, accept my heart this day, And make it always Thine— That I from Thee no more may stray, No more from Thee decline. Before the cross of Him who died, Behold, I prostrate fall; Let every sin be crucified,— Let Christ be all in all! Anoint me with Thy Heavenly grace, Adopt me for Thine own, — That I may see Thy glorious face And worship at Thy throne! May the dear blood, once shed for me, My blest atonement prove, — That I from first to last may be The purchase of Thy love. Let every thought, and work, and word, To Thee be ever given- Then life shall be Thy service, Lord, And death the gate of Heaven. MY GOD, MY LIFE. My God, my life, my love, To Thee, to Thee I call: Oh! come to me from Heaven above And be my God, my all. My faith beholds Thee, Lord, Concealed in human food; My senses fail; but in Thy word I trust and find my God. Oh! when wilt Thou be mine, Sweet Lover of my soul! My Jesus dear, my King divine; Come, o'er my heart to rule. Oh! come and fix Thy throne In the midst of my heart; Oh! make it burn for Thee alone, And from thence ne'er depart. 190 Begone ye from my mind, Vain, childish, earthly toys; In my Jesus alone I find True pleasures, solid joys. OUR LADY OF THE SEA. My way to Heaven is on the deep, Where billows fret and foam; And o'er my soul the surges sweep, To drown my hopes of home. But tho' the waves and tempests war, My hope shall be in thee, Mother dear! bright Ocean Star, Sweet Lady of the Sea! The gale blows hard, the sky is dark, And mists obscure the shore, And many a strong and stately bark Has sunk to rise no more. O Star of Heaven! shine in the gloom, And guide my soul to thee, And save me from a sinner's doom, O Lady of the Sea! When wild temptations round me storm, Their fury thou shalt tame; The tempter flies before thy form, He trembles at thy name. Thy form I'll grave upon my breast, Thy name my strength shall be, And in thy care I'll sweetly rest, O Lady of the Sea! 191 Mother! why should I despair Though death rides ou the waves? 1 kuow thy love, I kuow thy prayer The trembling vessel saves. Oh! let thy loving prayer arise To Jesus' throne for me; Thy Son is Lord of earth and skies, O Lady of the Sea! MYSTERY OF LOVE. Mystery of love, whose depths divine The burning Seraphim adore. With Heaven and earth let us combine To love and praise Thee evermore. O Sacred Bread, O Banquet blest, Where God's the food and man's the guest. Sweet Sacrament, boon from above, Inflame our hearts with Thy sweet love. Beneath yon veil Thy splendors lie, All hidden from our mortal sight, But, dearest Lord, we feel Thee nigh, Who art our food, our strength, our light. Our solace in the hour of grief, In labor rest, in pain relief. Sweet Sacrament, etc. O Bread of angels, Food divine That fill'st the heart with sweetest bliss, Thy richest graces now are mine, And what has earth compared to this? Oh! without Thee the soul is dead, Thou art its life, celestial Bread. Sweet Sacrament, etc. 192 MYSTERY OF LOVE. Mystery of love, to thee we turn, As ocean waves unto the moon, And drink from flowing streams that burn Within thyself, O Heaven's boon. Magnet of hearts, our souls are thine, O'erflow them with thy love divine. * CHORUS. Sweet Sacrament, boon from above, Inflame our hearts with darts of love. Food of our souls, without thine aid, With toil o'erladen we must die, E'en as the summer flowers fade When wintry blasts are sweeping by, Thou giv'st unto the weary rest, And still'st the aching of each breast. -Cho. Upon our hearts, oh! lay Thy hand, Its saving touch will cure each ill, Dread storms are quelled at Thy com- mand, Then bid our passions: Peace, be still. O Cure of souls, we turn to Thee, Say but one word, our ills shall flee.— Cho. Pastor of souls, who lead'st Thy flock In fields of flowers with perfume sweet, And mov'st aside the thorn and rock That might retard the stumbling feet; To bring them where the streamlets flow, To bask secure in love's bright glow.— Cho. 193 Lover of souls! that fondly guardest The heart from earth's affection free, And with the bliss of Heaven rewardest The heart that beats alone for Thee. Oh! never let another dwell Within this breast Thou lov'st so well. — Cho. O Bread of angels! Food of love! That fill'st the heart with sweetest bliss, Thou art tka rarest boon above, And what has earth compared to this? Oh! without Thee the soul is dead, Thou art its life, Celestial Bread.— Cho. NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee. Deep in Thy Sacred Heart Let me abide, Thou hast bled for me, Sorrowed and died; Sweet shall my weeping be, Grief surely leading me, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 194 Friends may depart from me, Night may come down; Clouds of adversity Darken and frown; Still through my tears I'll see Hope gently leading me, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. What though the shadows fall, Naught shall I fear; When darkest seems the night, Morning is near. Sweet shall my trusting be, Sorrow still bringing me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. And when the goal is won, How like a dream, In the dim retrospect Sorrow will seem. Sweet will my transports be, Jesus, Thy face to see, When I have come, at last, Nearer to Thee. NIGHT FOLDS HER STARRY CUR- TAINS ROUND. Night folds her starry curtains round, As day hath faded on the hills, And through the silence so profound Calm peace a fragrant balm distils, A soothing voice like incense falls, All cares, all sorrows to beguile: Our Lord in love and pity calls, "Come to My heart and rest awhile." 195 CHORUS. Not man nor angel can portray, O dearest Lord, how sweet Thou art; To call us from our cares away To rest within Thy Sacred Heart. To serve Thee, Jesus, is to reign, Thy blessed bondage makes us free, We count it as our highest gain, Forsaking all, to follow Thee; Thrice happy are the hours and bright We spend beneath Thy dear control, Thy yoke is sweet, Thy burden light, Thy love the sunshine of the soul.— Clio. O dearest Lord, our steps restrain, That from Thy grace we ne'er depart, And closer draw the triple chain That binds us to Thy Sacred Heart; Then shall our wond'ring transports know The blessing to Thy spouses given— The hundredfold on earth below; Above, the endless joys of Heaven.. —Oho. TO JESUS CRUCIFIED. O blessed feet of Jesus, Weary with seeking me, Stand at God's bar of judgment And intercede, intercede for me. CHORUS. O loving risen Saviour, From death and sorrow free, Though throned in endless glory, Still intercede, intercede for me. 1?6 O hands that were extended Upon the awful tree, Hold up those precious nail-prints Which intercede, intercede for me.— Cho. O Side from whence the spear-point Brought blood and water free, For healing and for cleansing, Still intercede, intercede for me.— Cho. O head so deeply pierced With thorns that sharpest be, Bend low before thy Father And intercede, intercede for me.— Cho. O oacred Heart, such sorrows The world may never see As those which gave the warrant To intercede, intercede for me.— Cho. O COR AMORIS. O cor amoris victima, Coeli perenne gaudium, Mortalium solatium, Mortalium spes ultima, O cor dulce. O cor amabile! Amoris nostri saucium, Amoris nostri languidum, Fac mihi sit placabile. Quos abluisti sanguine, Venis apertis omnibus, Nos intimis recessibus, ' Semel receptos confine, Jesu! Patris cor uniam, Puris amicum mentibus, Puris amandum cordibus, In corde regnes omnium. 197 O DEAREST LORD. O dearest Lord, my Life, my Love, On Thee in prayer I humbly call, Oh, come to me from Heaven above; Thou art my food, my God, my all. CHORUS. Sweet Jesus, ah! deign with me to stay, Ah! may my heart be Thine alway. Oh! make my heart to Thee incline, Submissive to Thy holy will; Its every care to Thee resign, In life, in death, to love Thee still.— Cho. EVENING HYMN TO THE SACRED HEART. O dearest Lord, 'tis evening now, And 'neath our glad and wondering eyes The vision of Thy Sacred Heart In all its love and beauty lies. The day is past— it had its cares, Its sorrows and, perchance, its sin, And now each loving heart repairs Sweet peace and pardon here to win. CHORUS. Let love and gratitude essay To tell, dear Lord, how sweet Thou art, In calling us, at close of day, To rest, to rest within Thy Sacred Heart. The day is past, a soothing calm Falls dreamlike through the silent hours, And, oh! Thy love and peace are shed Like dew upon the folded flowers. They feel Thy strength who most are weak, They of thy peace more largely share Who seek that Heart, benign and meek, And cast their sins and sorrows there. — Cho. Sweet Jesus, it is joy to be Held captive in Thy presence here, When breathing silence wraps us round, For in the hush we feel Thee near. "To serve Thee, Jesus, is to reign," And sweet Thy yoke when borne with love, To die for Thee, oh! it is gain, When endless life awaits above.— Cho. LET LIGHT FOREVER ON THi^M SHINE. O dearest Lord! we humbly crave Thy mercy for the holy dead, Who suffer in the burning wave The rigors of Thy justice dread. O Jesus, unto our request In pity let Thy heart incline, And grant them, Lord, eternal rest- Let light forever on them shine. 199 Behold how patiently they bear The flames that cleanse, the pangs that thrill, And bless and praise Thee, even there Submissive to Thy holy will. Oh, by the pains that rack'd Thy breast From life's first dawn to life's decline, Grant— grant them, Lord, eternal rest- Let light forever on them shine. They've conquered in the holy fight— The shock of earth and Hell withstood; They are the heroes of Thy might, They are purchased of Thy blood. Then clasp them, Jesus, to Thy breast; For though they suffer, they are Thine. And grant them, Lord, eternal rest- Let light forever on them shine. Oh! listen to those piteous cries They waft to Thee by night, by day; The sob of love that vainly tries To rush unto its God away! By absence, more than pain, distressed, With love they burn, with love they pine; Then grant them, Lord, eternal rest- Let nght forever on them shine. OUR QUEEN IMMACULATE. O fairest of all visions! With meekly folded hands, Adoring eyes uplifted, Before her God she stands. 200 CHORUS. Mother pure, Virgin fair, Spotless dove, peerless Maid, Crowned Queen of God's creation Our Queen Immaculate. O fairest of all visions, That met the eager gaze Of Patriarch and Prophet In far primeval days.— Cho. O fairest of all visions, Our weary exile o'er, In thy unclouded glory We'll see thee evermore.— Cho. We'll see thee, Queen and Mother, Enthroned in royal state, In all thy virgin splendor, Our Queen Immaculate.— Cho. FLOWER OF GRACE. O Flower of Grace, divinest Flower! God's light thy life, God's love thy dower! That all alone, with virgin ray, Dost make in Heaven eternal May, Sweet falls the peerless dignity Of God's eternal choice on thee! Mother dearest! Mother fairest! Maiden purest! Maiden rarest! Help of earth, and joy of Heaven! Love and praise to thee be given, Blissful Mother! blissful maiden! 201 O Flower of God! divinest Flower! Elected for His inmost bower! Where angels come not, there art thou, A crown of glory on thy brow; While far below, all bright and brave, Their gleamy palms the ransomed wave. — Cho. O Mary! when we think of thee. Our hearts grow light as light can be; For-thou hast felt as we have felt, And thou hast knelt as we have knelt; And so it is— that utterly, Mother of God! we trust in thee!— Cho. TO OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL. O God, how ought my grateful heart To praise Thy bounteous hand, Who send'st Thy angel from above To be my guide and friend. My soul is surely something great, Meant for eternity, That angels thus should be employed In watching over me. When I, within my mother's arms, Enjoyed her fond embrace, He, hovering round, on airy wings, Divinely did me bless. When first I from my mother learned My Jesus' name to praise, He softly whispered to my heart, "How sweet are all His ways." Celestial Guardian, thus with thee, And by thy constant care, May I the world's corruption flee, And Heavenly blessings share. 202 GLORIOUS ST. JOSEPH. O, Glorious St. Joseph, With glad hearts we sing Our anthem of praise; Love and honor in hymn All gladly we hail thee On this festal day. 'Tis the month of our patron And bless us, we pray. God blessed thee on earth With graces so rare, We ask as thy children Those graces to share; And Mary our Mother Felt safe at thy side. W^e pray thee, dear saint, Be our patron and guide. Receive us as votaries Around thy shrine, As children of Mary, Oh! make us be thine; And guard us with Heavenly fostering care. Blest Father St. Joseph, Oh, list to our prayer. 'Tis thy festal day, And we all rejoice With grateful hearts And united voice, Saint Joseph, our patron, Saint Joseph, our guide. We pray thee, dear saint, Be our guardian and guide. 203 ST. ANTHONY. O Great St. Anthony, we praise thee, And for thy kind protection plead, While loving; gratitude portrays thee, Our helper in the day of need. We marvel at thy hallowed story, And the strength of that love divine, Which won for thee such weight of glory, And the crown of bliss that now is thine. Now art thou crowned in Heavenly splen- dor, In the light of yon blessed shore, While we our grateful homage render, And thy aid in every want implore. And, O great saint, in life's long trial, And our strife with the world and sin, Teach us thy love and self-denial, To the end that we the crown may win. O HEART OF JESUS. O Heart of Jesus, pierced for me, Pierce with Tliy love this heart of mine; Let me, with humble trust in Thee, Within Thy sacred wounds recline; For, oh! dear Lord, I love that Heart That broke for me on Calvary's tree, Temptation ne'er again shall part My Saviour and His love from me. 204 I love on those sweet wounds to think, Which Jesus bore for rny poor sake; I love of that dear Blood to drink Which He from Mary's veins did take. I love with solemn -thoughts to come To meet my Monarch on His throne, In this His lowly, earthly home, To love and call Him all my own. How little, oft, am I inclined To come and kneel where Jesus lives. How feebly I desire to find The blessing He so freely gives. Too easily my thoughts will stray From contemplation of His love, Too soon my mind roams far away Prom thoughts of my bright liome above. Collect, dear Lord, each wand'ring thought, Help me to fix my soul on Thee; That soul which Thy sweet wounds have bought Shall never wander far from Thee. Then, oh! my Jesus, Thou shalt be My soul's and body's all in all, From this world's tempting bondage free, Before Thy presence, Lord, I'll fall. Oh! give me, Lord, the grace to feel Still more of that devout intent Which loves its happiness to seal In Thy most Holy sacrament. Inflame my heart, by Thy sweet power, With ardent, burning love for Thee, Increasing daily, hour by hour, Still on to all eternity. 205 FUNERAL HYMN TO THE SACRED HEART. O, heart of Jesus, who hast gently poured Thy inward sweetness in this dying soul, Take her within Tny sacred wounds, dear Lord! And keep her spirit in Thy safe cou- trol; That there, released from pain and sad regret, Thy heart's best treasure she may ceaseless share; And intercede for all who tarry yet, Poor exiles in a land of sin and care. Cleanse her from every stain, O Love divine! Deep in the furnace of Thy glowing heart, Those gates of glory which eternal shine Before her happy vision rend apart! That there, etc. O HEART OF MARY. O Heart of Mary, pure and fair, There is no stain in Thee; In Adam's fall thou hast no share. From sin's control thou'rt free. CHORUS. O Heart of Mary, pure and fair, No beauty can with thine compare. From every stain of sin thou art free, Oh, make us pure in heart like Thee. 206 As some fair lily 'midst the thorns, Thou 'mongst Eve's daughters art; Celestial purity adorns Thy crystal depth, chaste Heart.— Cho. As children to their mother flee When storm clouds darkly lower. So loving hearts will haste to thee In sad affliction's hour.— Cho. And when from Thy loved Heart we'll go To that of Thy dear Son, Oh! -shall we leave Thee then? Ah! no, His Heart and Thine are one.— Cho. THE SACRED HEART OP JESUS. O Heart of our Saviour! the joy of the blest, The comfort and hope of the world, We fly to Thy refuge, by care all op- pressed, The banner of Hell is unfurled; An enemy crafty, and potent, and vile Takes aim with a fiery dart, Surrounded by dangers, we fly to Thy arms, And find a sweet home in Thy Heart. 207 Bright angels are round Thee, all breath- less with awe, Absorbed in deep, wondering delight— Thou sleepest, sweet Jesus, the altar upon, But Thy Heart watches all the long night; While man, still ungrateful, refuses to love, Preferring his own will to Thine; Refuses to eat of the Bread Thou hast brought, And feeds upon husks, like the swine. Unwearied, all mercy, Thou waitest for him, Still patient and gentle Thou arc- Insensible yet, he continues to sim And adds a new wound to Thy Heart. Blest Heart! ever burning with love for our souls, Overflowing with graces divine, Ever seeking to gain the weak hearts of our race, And offering to buy them with Thine. O Heart! whose delight is to dwell among men, Their joys and their sorrows to share: Refreshing the weary, enlightening the olind, Repelling all sadness and care. Great ocean of bounty ! O furnace of love! The joy of the Heavens and the earth. The terrors of demons, the hope of the iust, The source where all virtues have birth. We bring Thee young hearts where Bap- tism's bright dew Still glistens, untainted by sin; Pure hearts, ever blooming with virtue and love, Ever striving new graces to win: And hearts that were tempted, and left Thee for sin, Return, heavy laden and sore: Pronounce but the sentence, forgiving and kind, And bid them stray from Thee no more. THY KINGDOM COME. O Heart, whose prayer all prayers tran- scends, Thy kingdom come; To Thee my morning offering tends, Thy kingdom come; Thy spirit guide my soul to rise From things of earth, which worllings prize, To lasting goods beyond the skies; Thy kingdom come. O Heart that rests not day or night. Thy kingdom come; My work I to Thy work unite, Thy kingdom come; Of priceless worth, each act of Thine Was rich with merit all divine, Ennobled thus, I offer mine: Thy kingdom come. 209 O Heart that suffered for my sake, Thy kingdom come; Do Thou my heart Thy victim make, Thy kingdom come. My sufferings in themselves are naught, But yet with precious graces fraught, Which by Thy Precious Blood were bought, Thy kingdom come. O HOLY BAND OF LEAGUERS. O holy band of Leaguers of Jesus' Sacred Heart, A high and holy mission is given as your part, Each duty done, each suffering, each fer- vent prayer you pray May bring some soul to Jesus, who may have strayed away. And in the hour of danger, temptation, trial, loss, When we are all but falling beneath the heavy cross. The Sacred Heart of Jesus will all our sorrows bear, And we will find our refuge, our help and comfort there. Dear Lord, we wondering ponder Thy love so deep and strong, Thy sweet and gen'rous patience that waits for us so long, Take now our hearts, and place them within Thy wounded side. Teach us Thyself to love Thee, Who for our sakes hast died. 210 O HOLY MARTYR, SPOTLESS DOVE. O holy martyr, spotless dove, With joy we celebrate thy day; Thou dwellest now in bliss above, Where -tyrants o'er thee have no sway. CHORUS. Sweet Agnes, let thy pleading voice For us at mercy's throne be heard; Sweet Agnes, let thy pleading voice, For us at mercy's throne be heard. Thy cruel sufferings all are past, A crown of glory decks thy brow; Celestial light is round thee cast, And God is thine forever now.— Oho. Oh, pray that we may ever seek To be as free as thou from stain, As constant, fervent, pure and meek, Regardless of earth's fleeting pain. —Oho. And, holy saint, be this thy prayer, That, prizing not the world's renown; Through trials it may be our care To strive but for a Heavenly crown. —Oho. 211 O HOLY NIGHT. O lioly night! the stars are brightly shin- ing, It is the night of the clear Saviour's birth; Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world re- joices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees! oh, hear the angel voices! O night divine! O night when Christ was born! () night divine! O night, O night divine! CHORUS. Fall on your knees! oh, hear the angel voices, O night divine! O night when Christ was born! O night divine! O night, O night divine! I^ed by the light of Faith serenely beam- ing, With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand; So led by light of a star sweetly gleam- ing, Here came the wise men from the Orient land. 212 The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger. In all our trials born to be our friend; He knows our need, to our weakness no ptranger, Behold your King! before Him lowly bend; Behold your King, your King, before Him bend.— Cho. Truly He taught us to love one another, His law is Love, and His gospel is Peace; Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother, And in His name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we; Let all within us praise His holy name; Christ is our Lord! oh, then ever praise we His pow'r and glory ever more pro- claim. His glory, His glory evermore proclaim. —Cho. HYMN TO OUR PATRON. O holy St. Joseph! in thee we confide; Be thou our protector, our father, our guide; The flowers of our innocent childhood we twine In a fragrant white garland to lay at thy shrine. 213 Long ago didst thou teach the Lord Jesns to speak, And thine arms were His strength when His footsteps were weak. So lend us thy help in the days of our youth, So teach us to walk in the pathway of Truth. God saw thee so constant, so lowly, s.i mild, That He placed in thy keeping the Moth- er and Child, "ft ith the poor little hut could no palace compare, While Jesus and Mary and Joseph were there! When the years flowing o'er us shall smoulder away, When their ashes, down drifting, shall crown us with gray, Still loyal and true may we keep to our vow, To honor our saint as we honor nim now! St. Joseph, Christ's early protector and stay, Protect us aDd save us from evil, we pray. St. Joseph who guided the Child on His way, Oh, guide us, and guard us, and bless us, we pray! 214 St. Joseph, Christ's early protector and stay, Protect us and save us from evil, we pray; St. Joseph, who guided the Child on His way, Oh, guide us, and guard us forever, we pray! O JESUS DEAR, THY SACRED HEART O Jesus dear, Thy Sacred Heart Is fraught with purest love, Much Joy to me Thou dost impart, And comfort from above. Sacred Heart, celestial feast Of all the bless'd above, 1 hope in bliss thy sweets to taste, And glow with Heav'nly love. Thy Sacred Heart forever glows For penitents sincere, It proves Thy tenderness, that flows To hear and grant my prayer. 'Tis true my sins for vengeance cry, And draw me to despair; But to Thy Sacred Heart I'll fly, To find my refuge there. O Sacred Heart, thou source divine Of nexhausted love, Dissolve this frozen heart of mine With fire that burns above. 215 My tears shall never cease to flow Because from Thee I've strayed. Who, with such pains of weight and woe, My ransom freely paid. Thy Sacred Heart was pierced for me, And bled at every pore! From past offences set me free, Oh! them I shall deplore. Sacred Heart, celestial feast Of all the blessed above, 1 hope in bliss thy sweets to taste, And glow with Heavenly love. O JESUS, IN THY SACRAMENT. O Jesus, in Thy Sacrament, Wherever I may be, Still, still my heart retaineth The memory of Thee. It leaves me never, never, It haunts my very dreams, Like one perpetual sunshine, Within my soul it beams. CHORUS. Oh! can I e'er forget Thee Upon Thy altar throne? Ah! no, my heart keeps yearning For Thee, and Thee alone. 216 It rests on ev'ry sorrow, Just like a golden light, And like a ray illumines Dread desolation's night. Two objects lie before me, As on an open page, An immolated Victim— A God who died for me.— Cho. To stay before Thy altar throne And there each thought impart, To feel Thee there outpouring The spirit of Thy Heart: This is the earthly Heaven, O Sacrament divine! For naught save Heav'n can equal E'en one caress of Thine.— Cho. Yet, when I leave Thy presence dear To do Thy holy will, Thy mem'ry hovers round me, Thy beauty haunts me still. And still I hear Thee whisper Wherever I may be, Murmuring of Thy heart's love And how it throbs for me.— Cho. JESUS, MY GOD AND MY ALL. Jesus! Jesus! dearest Lord, Forgive me, if I say, For very love, Thy sacred name A thousand times a day. 1 love Thee so, I know not how My transports to control,— Thy love is like a burning tire Within my very soul. 217 Oh, wonderful! that Thou should'st let So vile a heart as mine Love Thee with such a love as this, And make so free with Thine. The craft of this wise world of ours Poor wisdom seems to me,— O dearest Jesus! I have grown Childish with love of Thee. For Thou to me art all in all, My honor and my wealth,— My heart's desire, my body's strength, My soul's eternal health. Burn, burn, O love, within my heart, Burn fiercely night and day, Till all the dross of earthly love Is burned and burned away. HYMN FOR THE FEAST OF ALL SAINTS. O Jesus! let thy anger cease; Thy Virgin Mother, for our peace, At thy tribunal pleading stands, And mercy earnestly demands. And ye, O Angels, who In nine Distinguish'd glorious orders shine, Preserve our minds, our hearts and wills, From present, past and future ills. Ye Prophets and Apostles plead Before our Judge, and intercede For sinners, that, by tears unfeign'd, His pard'ning grace may be obtained. 2J8 Ye crimson troops of Martyrs bright, And confessors array'd in white, Let us no longer exil'd roam, But call us to our Heavenly home. Chaste virgins! and ye truly wise, Who from the deserts filled the skies, For us an everlasting reign Amongst the saints of Christ obtain. From Christian lands the faithless chase Who Christian truths and faith deface, That all mankind united may One Pastor of our souls obey. To God, the Father, and the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One, Be equal glory, equal praise, For an eternal length of days. HYMN TO ST. MICHAEL. O Jesus, life-spring of the soul, The Father's power and glory bright, Thee with the angels we extol, From Thee they draw their life and light. Thy thousand thrones and hosts are spread, Embattled o'er the azure sky, But Michael bears Thy standard dread, And lifts the mighty cross on high. CHORUS. To God the Father glory be, And to His sole begotten Son, The same, O Holy Ghost, to Thee, While everlasting ages run. 219 He in thnt sign the rebel powers Did with their dragon prince expel, And hurl'd them from Heaven's high towers, Down like a thunderbolt to Hell. Grant us with Michael still, O Lord, Against the Prince of Pride to fight, So may a crown be our reward Before the Lamb's pure throne of light. — Cho. THE MONTH OF BLOOM. O Lily of the field, So radiant in thy grace, Close to my Lord's dear Heart Thy glowing cup I place, Fresh with that nectared dew, The first white dawn distils, Before the day has smiled Above the placid hills. O month of bloom, the world By thee is steeped in bliss, And wins, like Jesus' brow, A Virgin Mother's kiss; For she that month must love And in its joy take part, Which hymns, in strains so sweet, Her own Son's loving Heart. Bright lilies of the field, Like living tongues of flame, The ardors of his Heart Your petaled charms proclaim, And from the fresh June grass Of meadow lands we bear Your gorgeous blooms to aid The ardors of our prayer. 220 COMMUNION HYMN. O Lord, I am not worthy That Thou should'st come to me. But speak the words of comfort, My spirit healed shall be. And humbly I'll receive Thee, The bridegroom of my soul, No more by sin to grieve Thee, Or fly Thy sweet control. O LOVE DIVINE. O Love divine that stooped to share Our sharpest pang, our bitt'rest tear, On Thee we cast each earth-born care, We smile at pain while Thou art near. Though long the weary road we tread, And sorrow crowns each ling'ring year, No path we shun, no darkness dread, Our hearts still whispering, Thou art near. When drooping pleasure turns to grief And trembling faith is changed to fear, The murm'ring wind, the quiv'ring leaf Shall softly whisper, Thou art near. On Thee we fling our burd'ning woe, O Love divine forever dear, Content to suffer while we know. Living and dying, Thou art near. 221 TREASURES OF THE SACRED HEART. O Love, supporting as Thine own Our weight of cruel misery, The wine-press Thou dost tread alone, With none, with none, to comfort Thee! But from the vintage, red with blood, Thou showerest rarest gifts on us, O Sacred Heart, so true and good! How could we wound Thee, wound Thee thus? The gold and jewels Thou dost bear Are dripping with Thy sacred gore. O bleeding fingers! let us share That pure and priceless, priceless store! The love, the grace, Thou dost impart Our richest gold and gem shall be; Oh! grant these treasures of Thy Heart, And we are rich, are rich in Thee! O MAID CONCEIVED WITHOUT A STAIN. O Maid conceived without a stain, O Mother bright and fair; Come thou within our hearts to reign, And grace shall triumph there. Hail, Mary, ever undefiled, Hail, Queen of purity! Oh! make thy children chaste and mild, And turn their hearts to thee. 222 Thou art far purer than the snow, Far brighter than the day; Thy beauty none on earth can know, No tongue of men can say. O Mother, of all mothers best, Who soothest every grief, In thee the weary find their rest, And anguish'd hearts relief. Oh! then for us, thy children, plead, Thy pity we implore; That we, from sin and sorrow freed, May love thee more and more. Hail, Mary, ever undefiled, Hail, Queen of purity! O make thy children chaste and mild, And turn their hearts to thee. IMMACULATA. O Mary dear, thy children here Thy lovely shrine surround; When day's calm hours, like folded flow'rs, In fragrant dews are drowned. CHORUS. O Virgin pure, O Mary blest, We'll murmur, through our peaceful rest, Immaculata, Immaculata, Immaculata, our Virgin Queen. And while we sing, to thee we bring Our gifts, when day is done, Oh! may they be enhanced by thee, Meet tribute to thy Son.— Cho. 223 Oh, if when life's ray doth fade away, As sinks the sun to rest; Then be thou near, to soothe and cheer, With visions of the blest.— Cho. Then, wondrous thought, with transport fraught, In Heaven's untold repose; We'll bless alway the earthly day That brought so sweet a close.— Cho. O MARY, MOTHER, LEND THINE EAR. O Mary, Mother, lend thine ear To one thou hast e'er loved thy child, Thy forlorn child, oh, hear his prayer, Sweet Mother, Mary, Mother mild. See how my soul is tempest-tossed, Like the barque on ocean's wave, Unless thou guide it, 'twill be lost, Then save it, Mother, Mother, save. When hope's bright star withholds its glare, And Heaven, 't appears, frowns on thy child, He looks to thee, and grim despair Flies phantom-like before thy smile. Thy smile! what power it doth possess, To calm the soul, and give relief When anguish, 't seems, would burst the breast And all within gives way to grief. 224 O sweetest Mother, now I give Myself and all I have to thee For Jesus and for Thee I live In time and in eternity. O MARY MOTHER. Mary Mother, sweetest, best, From Heaven's immortal bowers Do gather for a little child A bouquet of sweet flowers. 1 wish my little heart to be A cradle fair and gay, Where blessed Jesus may repose This celebration day! My little child, I can obtain So bright a wreath for thee That Jesus will delight to come Within thy heart to be: I'll give thee lovely charity, More warm than rose's glow; I'll give thee Heavenly purity, More white than lily snow. Mother dearest, tenderest Mother, You know how frail I am, A very careless, thoughtless child, A weak and helpless lamb; But, oh! if thou wilt but send down Those precious flowers to me, I doubt not but, with thy good help, Well watered they will be. 225 O MARY, MY MOTHER. Mary, my Mother, thou friend of my bosom, Methinks I behold thee in glory array'd; 1 always have found thee, when life seem'd so toilsome, A gracious protectress whenever I stray'd. Bright Queen of my country, thee humbly addressing, With Gabriel, thv angel, I bid thee all hail! On! shed on an exile a mother's fond blessing! And guide me secure through this sor- rowful vale. CROWNING OUR LADY'S STATUE. O Mary, on this festal day, Look down from Heaven above, Smile sweetly on thy children here, Who offer thee their love. The earth is filled with flowers sweet, Their fragrance scents the air; The birds are singing canticles To thee, our Queen, most fair. Dear Mother, kneeling at thy feet, We consecrate to thee Our hearts and souls while time shall last^ And through eternity. Oh, deign accept this floral crown We offer thee to-day; Adorn our hearts with Heavenly flowers, Our dearest Queen of May! 226 MATER ADMIRABILIS. O Mater admirabilis, Fair Lily of the field, Ora, ora pro nobis. Thy loving children shield. CHORUS. O Mater admirabilis, Our life, our hope most sweet, Oh, ever guide our wandering steps Until in Heaven we meet. O Mater admirabilis, Our life, our hope, our joy. O Mater admirabilis, No language can proclaim The rare and wondrous sweetness That's blended with thy name.— Cho. O Mater admirabilis, Protect our lives from sin, That in the Heart of Jesus A resting-place we win.— Cho. MATER ADMIRABILIS. CHORUS. O Mater Admirabilis, List to our fervent prayer, Oh. let thy loving children Thy sweet protection share, O Mater Admirabilis, Our youthful hearts we raise In soft, soul-stirring melody. To sing Thy wondrous praise.— Cho. 227 Let angels swell the chorus, Let Heaven and earth proclaim, O Mater Admirabilis, The sweetness of thy name.— Cho. Before her loving image 'Tis truest joy to kneel, And gaze upon the beauties That faith and love reveal.— Cho. O Mater Admirabilis, 'Tis more than rapture's glow That cheers our lone and darksome way On this sad earth below.— Cho. O MOTHER, HELP. O Mother, help! see us here kneeling, From far and near, before thy shrine, With sin and pain our hearts are laden, Oh, make them pure and meek like thine. Oh, hear us, help us, Mother wild, Entreat for us thy holy Child; O Virgin, help, O Mother, pray! Send us rejoicing on our way. Here's rest for those whose hearts are weary, Here wounded hearts find healing balm; Here's light for those in darkness dreary; Here restless hearts find ever calm. Oh, hear us, help us. Mother bl-st: Here let our weary hearts fini iest. O Virgin, help! O Mother, pray! Send us rejoicing on our way. 228 Oiir earthly hopes like flowers are fading, Our joys like snow before the sun; And naught is left but fear and sorrow Till life's sad weary course is nm. O loving Mother, pure of heart, Our Life, our Hope, our joy thou art, O Virgin, help! O Mother, pray! Send us rejoicing on our way. IMMACULATE! IMMACULATE! O Mother! I could weep for mirth, Joy fills my heart so fast. My soul to-day is Heav'n on earth! Oh! could the transport last! CHORUS I think of thee and what thou art, Thy majesty, thy state: And I keep singing in my heart, Immaculate! Immaculate! When Jesus looks upon thy face, His heart with rapture glows, And in the Church, by His sweet grace, Thy blessed worship grows.— Cho. The angels answer with their songs, Bright choirs in gleaming rows: And saints flock round thy feet in throngs, And Heaven with bliss o'erflows. -Cho. Immaculate Conception! far Above all graces blest! Tbou shinest like a royal star On God's eternal breast.— Cho. 229 WATCH OVER US. O Mother, loved, our sweet delight. One glance but cast, so fondly bright, Watch over us. When dark night her mantle casts, When storms and wintry blasts, Hide heaven's azure hue, O thou, Star of Hope, shine through. Be love of thee, my whole life long, My sweetest joy, my gayest song, Watch over us. Shine, then, brightly, O' soft Star! With thy light driving far Mists that oft veil my soul, Clouds that e'er around me roll. Mother of God! our hope, our life- Sweet Mother, shield us in the strife. Watch over us. From all earthly toils set free, We'll quickly fly to thee; Let us rest in thy heart: From its depths we il ne'er aepart. MARY, QUEEN OF MY SOUL. O Mother loved, whose starlike eyes Are all the light I seek, Look from thy home above the skies And hear me whilst I speak. CHORUS. Oh, take me 'neath thy loved control, Queen of my soul; Mary! Mary! Queen of my soul. Mary! Mary! Queen of my soul. 230 Behold! where kings and shepherds meet Beneath that star divine, I bow me at thy sacred feet And give this heart of mine, This wayward heart of mine.— Chor. On Egypt's flight let me attend, And by thy toilsome way Thy meek endurance to me lend And ever for me pray.— Oho. On Calvary's dark and fearful height Again I kneel by thee, Amid the anguish of that night, Loved Mother, pray for me, O Mary! pray for me.— Cho. By all the sorrows once endured, The bliss that now is given, Oh! let my earnest cry be heard By thee, blest Queen of Heaven. —Cho. What dazzling glories now surround Thy home beyond the sky! E'en there thy faithful child is found To kneel with suppliant cry.— Cho. OH, MOTHER MINE. O, mother mine, how can they live Who know not love, not thee? How can their life have warmth or hope? How can they joyous be? Thou art my heart's happiness, Thou art the world to me. 231 How can they live who know thee not, When tempests round them roll, When dark temptation hides the light, That should their way control? In danger, Mother mine, thou art The anchor of my soul. How can they live who love thee not. When sorrow presses sore, When waves of desolation sweep Their wounded spirits o'er? I need thee, Mother mine, in joy, in grief, I need thee more. How can they die who love thee not, How can they hope to see The Son whom they profess to love, The while forgetting thee? Ah, Mother mine! I fear not death, if thou but pray for me. HELP OF CHRISTIANS. O, mournful —other, who didst stand Beside the cross on Calvary's hill, When our dear Lord for sinners died, And nature's heart in awe stood still; Dark days of sorrow didst Thou see, Inerefore in grief we turn to Thee. CHORUS. Oh, pray for us to Thy dear Son, Oh, pray for us, oh, pray for us When waves of sorrow o'er us roll. Oh, pray for us, gather round, When dark temptations gather round, Sustain and aid the fainting soul, And as we drift o'er death's ark tide, O help of Christians, be our guide. 232 When dangers gather round our way, And angry tempests o'er us roll, When all the world seems dark and drear, Do Thou with pitying eyes look down, Then be a star to light the gloom, And guide our wandering footsteps home. O Mother of our Throne-crowned King, A Mother's love we claim from Thee; Thou wert bequeathed to us by Him Our Mother and our help to be. Then, help of Christians, hear our prayer, And guide the children of Thy care. THE IMMACLLATE CONCEPTION O purest of creatures, sweet Mother! sweeet Maid! The one spotless womb wherein Jesus was laid! Dark night hath come down on us, Mother, and we Look out for thy shining, sweet Star of the Sea! Deep night hath come down on this rough-spoken world. And the banners of darkness are boldly unfurled; And the tempest-tost Church— all her eyes are on thee, They look to thy shining, sweet Star of the Sea! Oh, shine on us brighter than ever, then, shine! For the primest of honor, dear Mother, is thine; "Conceived without sin,' thy new title shall be, Clear light from thy birtn-spring, sweet Star of the Sea! Deep night hath come down ou us, Moth- er, deep night. And we need more than ever the guide of thy light; For the darker the night is, the brighter should be Thy beautiful shining, sweet Star of the Sea! TO OUR BLESSED LADY, ON THE EiVE OF HOLx COMMUNION. O Queen of Heavenly flowers, From sweet celestial bowers, Come, take my heart to Heaven to-night, And fill it with those graces bright; For ere the sun ascends the sky, Descending from His throne on high, Thy Jesus shall be mine. Jesus' Most Precious Blood Flowed o'er me from the Rood To-night, as near the Cross I felt, As though on Calvary I dwelt, By our dear Lord's authority, Anointed Hand, bestowed on me, From sin, sweet liberty. 234 Come, then, dear Mother mild, List to , thy pleading child — My soul, once dark as darkest night, The living waters have made white; It but remains Thee to adorn My soul with flowers and precious thorn- There Jesus loves to rest. When (worlds of joy to me), "Ecce Agnus Dei," From Sanctuary steps I hear, And know my God, my All is near, Then, flower-adorned of Jesus' choice, And blest by thy loved, clement voice, Bring back may yearning heait. OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY. O Queen of the Holy Rosary! Oh, bless us as we pray, And offer thee our roses, In garlands day by day, While from our Father's garden, With loving hearts and bold, We gather to thine honor Buds white, and red, and gold. O Queen of the Holy Rosary! Each mystery blends with thine The sacred life of Jesus, In every step divine. Thy soul was His fair garden, Thy virgin breast His throne, Thy thoughts His faithful mirror, Reflecting Him alone. 235 Sweet Lady of the Rosary! White roses let us bring, And lay them round thy footstool Before our Infant King. For, nestling in thy bosom, God's Son was fain to be The child of thy obedience And spotless purity. O Queen of the Holy Rosary! What radiance of love, What splendor and what glory Surround thy court above! Oh, in thy tender pity. Dear source of love untold, Refuse not this our offering, Our flowers white, red and gold SACRED FEET. sacred feet, all gashed and torn; Bruised by the hammer's cruel blows! Bathed in the life-blood, dripping down, From anguished heart in bitter throes. CHORUS. 1 press you to my lips in tears, With contrite sorrow, fervent sigh; Dear precious wounds, God's bleejding prayers, On, plead for me when death draws nigh. O mangled hands transfixed and wan, In suppliance raised to Heaven above! Pierced by the nails that torture wrung From breaking heart of burning love. — Cho. 236 sacred refuge, tender side, Rent by the lance with cruel thrust! There, where His heart is, let me hide! There, where His love is, let me trust! —Oho. O SACRED HEART. O Sacred Heart! all blissful flight of Heaven, Rapture of angels, beaming even bright, Ravishing joys in rich and radiant splen- dor Flow from Thy glory in torrents of de- light. O Sacred Heart! O hope of sinner's sor- row, Rest of the weary, careworn and op- pressed, Sweetly lead home earth's love estranged exiles, Where 'neath Thy love we may lie down and rest. O Sacred Heart, where shades of death are falling, Gather Thy children 'neath the wings of love, Hush us alls unheeded to the ground. Firm she clasps His trembling fingers To her bosom, white as snow, Right and left an angel lingers, Bearing instruments of woe!— Cho. 263 By thy grief, thy Son's dear passion, Mother Mary, hear our prayer! By thy love and deep compassion, Keep us ever in thy care! In life's toil and fretting changes, Be our refuge, oe our rest! And, through death's besetting dangers, Guide us safe to mansions blest!— Cho. ON THIS DAY, O BEAUTIFUL MOTHER. CHORUS. On this day, O beautiful Mother, On this day we give thee our love. Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover, Trusting thy gentle care to prove. SOLO. On this day, we ask to share, Dearest Mother, thy sweet care; Aid us ere our feet astray Wander from thy guiding way.— Cho. Queen of angels, deign to hear Lisping children's humble pray'r; Young hearts gain, O Virgin pure, Sweetly to thyself allure.— Cho. Rose of Sharon, lovely flow'r, Beauteous bud of Eden's bow'r; Cherished lily of the vale, Virgin, Mother, Queen, we hail.— Cho. 264 ON THIS SWEET MORN. On this sweet morn, O jay all words transcending, Our God will come in Eucharistic guise, Our hearts with His in sweet Commu- nion blending Will with rapture taste the bliss of Para- dise. CHORUS. Thy Jesus seeks to make His dwelling there; O Mother loved, our cold hearts prepare, With virtues bright thy children's hearts adorn, "For in their depths He u rest on this sweet morn." Now fading fast day's brilliant rays de- clining Tell that the morn, the day of love is near. That soon the Sun of ^ustice, brightly shining, In mercy veiled will to our souls ap- pear.— Cho. On this sweet morn will come to sacred seeming When we may say farewell to mortal strife, Haste, haste that dawn now in the fu- ture gleaming, That morn that leads us to eternal life. —Oho. 265 ONE HEART, ONE SOUL. "One heart, one soul, in Jesus' Heart," Sweet is the league of love Which binds our hearts so close for aye To Jesus' Heart above, No thought, no feeling, no desire Must claim in us a part, Till made all pure and sanctified, Lord, in Thy Sacred Heart. "One Heart, one soul," O wondrous power Of Jesus' Heart to bind; The hearts that else discordant were Here holy concord find. In Thee, with Thee, for Thee we work Thy message to impart, That all true rest and peace can gain, Lord, in Thy Sacred Heart. Dear Jesus, keep us in Thy Heart; Take our cold hearts away; Or make our hearts more like to Thine, More pure and meek each day. Ah, yes, e'en in this sinful world, This is the better part, What shall it be when safe for aye, Lord, in Thy Sacred Heart? ONE HOUR WITH THEE. One hour with Thee, O dearest Jesus, In silence, at Thy feet, One hour of rest, of joy, of bliss, My God, my God, how sweet To kneel before Thy earthly "throne, And gaze upon Thee there, To be one hour with Thee alone, And, oh! to be so near. 2G6 What can I do, what can I say, How praise, how thank, how love, What fitting homage can I pay, O angels from above? Lend me your voices for this hour, -Lend me your tongues to speak Some words of love, some /words of praise, For mine are all too weak. My God, my Father, friend, my All, How sweet this hour to me; What feast of love, of Heavenly light, These moments spent with Thee. Ah, words, my Jesus, cannot tell The rapture of this union, Whilst Thou art mine and I all Thine In this one sweet communion. OUR LORD IS RISEN. Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on high, The pow'rs of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. CHORUS. Who is the King of glory? who? The Lord that all His foes o'ercame, The world, sin, death and hell o'erthrew, And Jesus is -the conqueror's name. There His triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay; Lift up your neads, ye Heavenly gates, Ye everlasting doors, give way.— Cho. 267 Loose all your bars of massive light, And wide unfold th' ethereal scene; He claims these mansions as His right, Receive the King of glory in.— Cho. PANGE, LINGUA. Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium, Sanguinisque pretiosi, Quern in mundi pretium Fractus ventris generosi Rex effudit gentium. Nobis datus, nobis natus Ex intacta Virgine, Et in mundo conservatus Sparso verbi semine, Sui moras incolatus Miro clausit ordine. In suprema nocte coenae, Recumbens cum fratribus, Observata lege plene, Cibis in legalibus, Cibum turbae duodenae Se dat suis manibus. Verbo carnein, panem verum Verbo carnem efficit: Fitque sanguis Christi merum, Etsi sensus deficit; Ad firmandum cor sincerum Sola fides sufficit. 268 PEACE, BE STILL. Peace, be still! our God is dwelling, Silent on His altar throne; Let us kneel, our oosoms swelling, With a joy but seldom known. Heart of Jesus! come we hither With our Durdens meekly in, From a world where spirits wither, From a world whose breath is sin. CHORDS. Heart of Jesus! strength supernal! Send us power from above; Heart of Jesus! light eternal! Fill our souls with light and love! Thou hast called the heavy laden, Called the poor, the frail to Thee, See us, then, O Son of Maiden! None could poorer, frailer be! r J hou dost mow the woes and weakness Of a nature prone to ill, Heart of mercy! Heart of meekness! Be our shield, our succor still!— C ho. PRAY FOR THE DEAD. Pray for the dead! at noon and eve Lift up to GOd thy young request, Implore His goodness to relieve The suffering souls and grant them rest. Pray for the deaa! though faithfully they, Yet while the penalties remain, Must suffering purge the debt away, And penance cleanse the sinful stain. Pray for the dead! thy pray'rs, tho' weak, May yet be heard and bring 'them ease; For God will hear thy sighs, if meek— Thy tears, if offered up for peace. Pray for the dead! and while ye pray, Tremble lest sin thy soul o'ertake; Lest, when thine eyes are cios'd to-day, Thy soul in Purgatory wake. Pray for the deau! in holy fear, Pray that 0 Accende lumen sensibus; Infunde amorero cordibus: Infirnia nostri corporis Virtute firmans perpeti. Hostem repellas longius; Pacemque dones protinus Ductore sic te praevio Vitemus omne noxium. Per te sciamus da Patrem Noscamus atque Filium; Quoque utriusque Spiritum Credamus omni tempore. Deo Patri sit gloria, Et Filio, qui a mortuis Surrexit, ac Paraclito In saeculorum saecula. Amen. V. Loquebantur variis linguis Apostoli. Alleluia. R. Magnalia Dei. Alleluia. VENI, JESU, DOMINE. Veni, Jesu, Amor mi, Veni, Jesu Domine, Veni, Jesu, Amor mi, Veni, Jesu Domine. DUO. Come, oh! come, my Jesus, come, Make this yearning heart my home; Come, but ere Thou come, prepare For Thyself a dwelling there. 851 SOLO. Why is not my heart on fire? With an angel's pure desire. He whose smile makes angels blest, Come within my heart to rest; Come, no longer, Lord, delay: Veni, Jesu, Domine.— Veni, etc. DUO. Human heart can never know All the love Thou here dost show, Angel voices never tell* What it is with Thee to dwell. SOLO. Come, oh! come, my Jesus, see, How my heart doth yearn for Thee; DUO. Come and place Thy Heart as seal On whate'er I do or feel, Come to me and with me stay, Veni, Jesu, Domine. VENI, SANCTE SPIRITUS. Veni Sancte Spiritus, Et emitte caelitus Lusis tuae radium: Veni, Pater pauperum, Veni, dator munerum, Veni, lumen cordium. 352 O lux beatissiroa, Reple cordis intima Tuoruni fidelium; Sine tuo nomine Nihil est in homine, Nihil est innoxium. VEXILLA REGIS. Vexilla regis prodeunt, Fulget crucis rnysteriurn, Quo vita mortem pertulit, Et morte vitam protulit. Quae vulnerata lanciae Mucrone diro criminum Ut nos lavaret sordibus, Manavit unda et sanguine. Impleta sunt quae concinit David fideli carmine, Dicendo nationibus: Regnavit a ligno Deus. Arbor decora et fulgida Ornata regis purpura, Electa digno stipite, Tarn sancta membra tangere. Beata, cujus brachiis Pretium perpendit saeculi, Statera facta corporis, Tulitque praedam tartari. 353 O Crux, ave, spes unica, Hoc passionis tempore. Instead of this last line, on the Feast of the Finding of the Cross, is said, Paschale quae fers gaudium: On that of the Exaltation of the Cross: In hoc triumph] gloria, Piis adauge gratiam, Reisque dele crimina. Te, fons salutis, Trinitas! Collaudet omnis spiritus Quibus crucis victoriam Largiris, adde praemium. Amen. V. Eripe me, Domine! ab homine malo; R. A viro iniquo eripe me. GO TO JOSEPH. Yir fidelis, et prudens, Multum laudabitur, Et qui custos est Domini sui, Glorificabitur, Et florebit in aeternum, Ante Dominum. CHORUS. Ite ad Joseph! Ite ad Joseph et quid- quid dixerit vobis, facite! Ite ad Joseph! Ite ad Joseph et quid- quid dixerit vobis, facite! Ite ad Joseph! Ite ad Joseph! Ad Joseph! Ad Joseph! 354 HYMN TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Virgin Mother, hear our song While the angels round thee throng, Mother of the Prince of Peace, Giye our faith a sweet increase. Fill our souls with holy love, Look upon us from above, Life eternal now restore. Thee! O Mary, we implore. Heaven attests thy great acclaim, And we magnify thy name; Stay us in our wild career By thy gentle love so dear. Teach our hearts from day to day Offerings at thy feet to lay; Angel voices then shall blend In hosannas without end. Thou canst feel for souls distressed, Virgin Mother, highly blest, Thou canst dry our bitter tears, Mediate and calm our fears; Of thy glory grant a part, Consolation give each heart; May our glory ever be. Queen of Heav'n, to dwell with thee. VIRGIN MOTHER OF GOOD COUNSEL Virgin Mother, Lady of Good Counsel, Sweetest picture artist ever drew; In all doubts I fly to thee for guidance; Mother, tell me, what am I to do? By thy face to Jesus' face inclining, Sheltered safely in thy mantle blue, By His little arms around thee twining, Mother, what am I to do? 355 By the light within thy dear eyes dwelling; By the tears that dim their lustre, too; By the story that those tears are telling, Mother, what am I to do? Life, alas! is often dark and dreary, Cheating shadows hide the truth from view, When my soul is most perplexed and weary, Mother, tell me, what am I to do? Plead my cause, for what can He refuse Thee? Get me back His saving grace anew. Ah! I know thou dost not wish to lose me, Mother, tell me, what am I to do? Be, of all my friends, the best and dear- est; Oh, my Counsellor sincere and true, Let thy voice sound always first and dear- est, Mother, tell me, what am I to do? In thy guidance tranquilly reposing. Now I face my toils and cares anew. All through life and at its awful closing, Mother, tell me, what am I to do? OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL. Virgin Mother, with thy sweet face bend- ing To the Dear One nestling by thy side, Hear my prayer before thy Shrine ascend- ing, Lady of Good Counsel, be my Guide, 356 As to mayworn pilgrims once appearing, With shy glance the threatening clouds divide, Safe to port my fragile vessel steering, Lady of Good Counsel, be my guide. Should it chance in years that lie before me, Knowing best I should for worst decide; Oh! by thy sweet picture I implore thee, Lady of Good Counsel, be my guide. Be to me a mother ever loving, Though how oft thy children men deride; E'en thy Son they never ceased from scoff- ing, Lady of Good Counsel, be my guide. ST. JOSEPH. We call on thee, sweet St. Joseph, No one calls on thee in vain; And our eyes unto thee are turning In joy, in sorrow, and in pain. CHORUS. All hail to thee, O great St. Joseph, A father's care to us impart; Through life's long journeying attend us, Sweet friend of Jesus' Sacred Heart. Then hear us, O blessed St. Joseph, Thy protection we implore; Be Jesus, and Mary, and Joseph, The cry of our hearts evermore.— Cho. 857 MAY HYMN. We come, dearest Mother, this beautiful May-day To sing at thy altar our hymns full of love Dear Mother, oh, hear us, and show us the pathway To Heaven above. CHORUS. Sweet Mary, oh, shield us in moments of danger, Oh, give us thy blessing, sweet Mother of Love, Commend us to Jesus, thy Babe of the manger, And bring us in safety to Heaven above. Our hearts, dearest Mother, are filled with devotion; Thy beautiful image excites all our joy; Oh, make us, dear Mother, to feel love's emotion, Without earth's alloy. Ah! when, dearest Mother, thy sweet month is ending, And days we have loved so are fading away, Oh, take us, dear Lady, with angels ascending To Heaven's bright May. WE COME, DEAREST MOTHER, We come, dearest Mother, with fondest devotion, To place on thy shrine no pearls of the sea; The pearls of our hearts— the truest affec- tions- Dearest and best, we bring unto thee. O Mary! hear our prayer. Hail, highest and holiest— bright lily of Heaven, In the garden of God thou reignest su- preme, Chosen vessel of honor, Immaculate ever, Mother of Jesus! we hail thee our Queen. The rose and the lily of earth's early springtime, Mary, dear Mother, we wreathe for thee now, Draw nearer, bright angels, with songs of gladness, As we place fairest flowers on our dear Mother's brow. PROCESSION HYMN. We come to crowm with royal state The Image of our Queen, Who far above in Heaven's own light Is decked in glorious sheen. CHORUS. Of all the joys of loving hearts No joy can bring such bliss; Of all the triumphs that are ours No triumph is like this. And as we lift our voices up, We think the while we sing Of that bright home above the skies Where she is with our King.— Oho. O Mother, we can scarcely wait To see that sight so fair, Our pilgrim hearts are wearying To go and love thee there.— Cho. Think, Mother, think of that blest hour When, 'mid the solemn rite, We gave our trembling hearts to thee, Our youthful faith did plight.— Cho. We give them now, we give them aye, We pledge them at thy shrine; Forever make them true to thee, Forever make them thine.— Oho. WELCOME, MONTH OF MARY. Welcome to this world of woe, To each pilgrim here below; Nature's voice on hill and dale Bids you, Month of Mary, hail! Come, ye children of the spring, Fair and fragrant flow'rets bring, Welcome, Month of Mary. Come, that from your treasures sweet We may twine a chaplet meet, To be offered at the shrine Of the Mother Maid divine. Bring the rose, for in its hue Mary's ardent love we view. Welcome, Month of Mary. 360 Mystic Rose, the precious name Mary from the Church doth claim, In the lily's silver bells The purity of Mary dwells; In the myrtle's fadeless green Mary's constancy is seen, Welcome, Month of Mary. Month of bright and radiant skies, Tribute flowers greet your eyes», Come., for we are wearied here, Till your music greets the ear; Till your rosy fingers fair Scatter perfumes on the air. Welcome, Month of Mary. SON, GIVE ME THY HEART. What gift, dear Jesus, shall be mine, What offering is meet To place upon Thy holy shrine, Or lay down at Thy feet? And must I give Thee jewels bright, And choicest pearls, and gold, The snow-white herd upon the height, The fairest of the fold? Such gifts, dear Lord, Thou dost not ask, They are not mine to bring, Although it were love's sweetest task To find the offering. Nor would'st Thou richer be, though I With all I have should part; What Thou dost ask no wealth could buy, Thou askest for my heart. WE HAIL THEE, SMILING MAY. CHORUS. We hail thee, smiling May, Sweet Mary's month art thou, We bring thy buds to-day To twine upon her brow. Sweet May, thou art a month of flowers, Thy paths are fair and green; And of thy beauteous woods and bow'rs Our Mother is the Queen: And at her altars, day by day We'll come, our sweetest gifts to lay. —Cho. Sweet Mary, Queen of all the May, Thy care to us impart; And draw us nearer, day by day, To Jesus' Sacred Heart; And then, loved Mother, we shall be Dear to thy blessed Son and thee.— Cho. WE PRAISE THEE, O GOD. We praise Thee, O God, we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship Thee, the Father everlasting. To Thee all angels cry aloud. The Heavens and the powers therein, To Thee cherubim and seraphim continu- ally do cry aloud, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth; Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of Thy glory. The glorious company of the Apostles praise Thee. The goodly fellowship of the Prophets praises Thee. The noble army of Martyrs praise Thee. The holy Church throughout all the world doth acknowledge Thee, the Father of an infinite Majesty. Thine honorable, true, and only Son, also the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. Thou art the King of Glory, O Christ; The everlasting Son of the Father. Lord have mercy upon us; Lord, let Thy mercy light upon us, as our trust is in Thee. Lord, in Thee have I trusted; let me never be confounded. Amen. VENITE. We sing with the angels The glad Christmas song They sang in the midnight When Jesus was born. Venite, venite in Bethlehem. The beautiful angels Came down on that night And made through the darkness A pathway of light.— Venite, etc. They worshiped around Him, A radiant throng, And sang, as they worshiped, The beautiful song.— Venite, etc. They sought for the poorest Of outcasts on earth, And found little Jesus, The night of His birth.— Venite, etc. The night learned the sweet song, And sings it for aye, Yet sings it more sweetly When Christmas is nigh.— Yenite, etc. WE THREE KINGS. W T e three kings from Orient are; Bearing gifts, we traverse afar Field and fountain, Grove and mountain, Following yonder star. CHORDS. O star of wonder, star of light, Star with royal beauty bright, Ever leading, Still proceeding, Guide us to that perfect light. Frankincense to offer have I, Incense breathes a Deity nigh; Prayer and praising, All men raising, Worship Him, God on high.— Cho. Myrrh I bring, its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gathering gloom; Sorrowing, sighing, Bleeding, dying, Sealed in the stone-cold tomb.— Cho. 364 WHAT HAPPINESS CAN EQUAL MINE? What happiness can equal mine? I'ye found the object of my love: My Jesus dear, my King Divine, Is come to me from Heav'n above; A living God my food Divine. He chose my heart for His abode, He there becomes my daily Bread; There on me flows His healing blood; There with His flesh my soul is fed. A living God my food Divine. Dear Jesus! now my heart is Thine; Oh, may it from Thee never fly! Hold it with chains of love divine, Make it be Thine eternally. A living God my food Divine. Vain objects that seduced my soul, I now despise your fleeting charms: In vain temptation's billows roll, I lie secure in Jesus' arms. A living God my food Divine. WHAT LOVELY INFANT CAN THIS BE? What lovely Infant can this be That in the little crib I see? So sweetly on the straw It lies, It must have come from Paradise. Who is that lady kneeling by, And gazing on so tenderly? Oh! that is Mary, ever blest, How full of joy her holy breast. What man is that who seems to smile, And looks so blissful all the while? 'Tis holy Joseph, good and true, The Infant makes him happy too. What makes the crib so bright and clear? What voices sing so sweetly here? Ah! see behind the window-pane The little angels looking in. Who are those people kneeling down, With crooked sticks and hands so brown? The shepherds from the mountain top, The little angels woke them up. The ox and ass, how still and mild They stand beside the Holy Child; The little body underneath They warm so kindly with their breath. Hail, holy cave! tho' dark thou be, The world is lighted up from thee; Hail, Holy Babe! Creation stands, And moves upon Thy little hands. MOTHER, EVER COUNSEL ME. When by daily cares oppressed, And anxious thoughts overwhelm my breast, When I in doubt perplexed may be, Mother, ever counsel me! When sorrow and the cross are mine, I'll take them as the Will Divine, But in my grief I'll turn to thee; Mother, ever counsel me. 361 When peace and happiness control The wav'ring passions of my soul, My grateful heart will turn to thee, Mother, who dost counsel me. All through my life each passing hour Will need thy interceding power, When at thy shrine I plead with thee, Mother, ever counsel me. MARY, STAR OF THE SEA. When evening shades are falling O'er ocean's sunny sleep, To pilgrim hearts recalling Their home beyond the deep; When, rest o'er all descending, The shores with gladness smile, And lutes, their echoes blending, Are heard from isle to isle; CHORUS. Then, Mary, Mother Mary, Thou bright Star of the Sea, We'll pray to thee, our Mother, We'll pray, we'll pray to thee. The noonday tempest over, Now ocean toils no more, And wings of halcyons hover Where all was strife before. Oh! thus may life, in closing Its short tempestuous day, Beneath Heaven's smile reposing, Shine all its storms away.— Cho. 567 DESIRE OF HEAVEN. When I am taken from this world of sad- ness, With what joy I'll seek the skies! Jesus, I'll hasten to Thine Arms with glad- ness, Heaven is all I seek or prize. CHORUS. Blest abode, fair Sion loved and cherished When earthly joys have faded and per- ished, Oh! let me Thy splendors behold, Then let me taste Thy joys untold! Quickly depart! O cruel moments, hasten! Shall my exile ne'er have end? When shall these sorrows cease my heart to chasten? Jesus, soon Thy summons send.— Cho. Heaven has no sadness, sorrow or sighing, There I'll mourn and weep no more; There is no grief, no sickness or dying On that bright, unfading shore.— Cho. Evermore I hear their angel voices peal- ing, From my soul soft echoes rise; Brightly around me dreams of bliss are stealing Of my home beyond the skies.— Cho. STAR OF BETHLEHEM. When, marshaled on the nightly plain, The glittering host bestud the sky, One star alone of all the train Can fix the sinner's wandering eye. Hark, hark, to God the chorus breaks From every host, from every gem, But one alone the Saviour speaks, It is the star of Bethlehem. Once on the raging seas I rode, - The storm was loud, the night was dark, The ocean yawned, and rudely blowed The wind that tossed my found'ring bark. Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death struck, I ceased the tide to stem, When suddenly a star arose, It was the star of Bethlehem. It was my guide, my light, my all, It bade my dark forebodings cease, And thro' the storm and danger thrall It led me to the port of peace. Now safely moored, my perils o'er, I'll sing first in night's diadem, Forever and forevermore, The star, the star of Bethlehem. MAY JESUS CHRIST BE PRAISED. When morning gilds the skies, My heart awaking cries: May Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and pray'r To Jesus I repair; May Jesus Christ be praised! When you begin the day, Oh! never fail to say: May Jesus Christ be praised! And at your work rejoice, To sing with heart and voice: May Jesus Christ be praised! Be this at meals your grace, In ev'ry time and place; May Jesus Christ be praised! Be this, when day is past, Of all your thoughts the last: May Jesus Christ be praised! To God, the Word on high, The host of angels cry: May Jesus Christ be praised! Let children, too, upraise Their voice in hymns of praise: May Jesus Christ be praised! Let earth's wide circle round In joyful notes resound: May Jesus Christ be praised! Let air, and sea, and sky, Through depth and height reply: May Jesus Christ be praised! WHEN MORNING IS BREAKING. When morning is breaking And nature awaking, And sweet blossoms op'ning Their fragrance impart; When larks, high are singing, And sky and air ringing, "Then, Jesus and Mary, We give you our heart. CHORUS. O Jesus and Mary! O Jesus and Mary! O Jesus and Mary! We give you our heart." 370 When mid-day is smiling, And hands rest from toiling, The Angelus chiming His mercy imparts; While sweetly revealing A love never failing, "Then Jesus and Mary, We give you our hearts."— Cho. When ev'ning is closing, And nature reposing, And each worldly vision Of pleasure departs— When eyes meek and lowly Are turn'd to you solely, "Then Jesus and Mary, We give you our hearts."— Cho. HYMN TO ST. JOHN. When our Saviour gathered around Him, In His chosen hour of time, The loved twelve, His own appointed To the sacrifice sublime, At the feast of love supernal, On that Heart of love divine, Dear St. John, beloved disciple, It was given Thee to recline. CHORUS. St. John, beloved disciple, By the heart of love divine We implore Thee, aid Thy children, To their prayers Thy ear incline. 871 Oh, beloved above all others In His hour of deepest woe, Left He thee His own blest mother, To watch o'er her here below. Thine it was to pierce the heavens, Clearing space with eagle wing, And the glories of God's kingdom In rapt ecstacy to sing.— Cho. WHEN OUR SAVIOUR WISHED TO PROVE. When our Saviour wished to prove All the fullness of His love, He gave us, ere His life was spent, The thrice Holy Sacrament. It is here His burning heart Would to all its flames impart; Thus He speaks with love divine, Give me, oh! give me that heart of thine. When the dark and stormy night Fills the soul with wild affright, From the cloudlet where He hides Soon a ray of comfort glides. Where the tear of mis'ry falls, Where the voice of sorrow calls, Still He speaks with love divine, Give me, oh! give me that heart of thine. Can the saints' ecstatic flight. Can the winged seraphs' might To their Lord approach more near Than do we, poir sinners here? God Himself we hue receive. Nobler Gift He cannot gi r ~ j : Yet He breathes wit in !ov.» iliviiii*. Give me, oh! give me that heart of thine. CONSECRATION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS. When softly dawns the golden light, And shadows melt o'er land and sea, O sweet and Sacred Heart of Christ, ' We consecrate our souls to Thee! Before Thine altar's holy throne The while we humbly kneel and pray, We bring to Thee, to Thee alone — The off'ring of the new-born day. When all the day of toil is done, And twilight spreads her purple wing- When starry vigils have begun Before the Eucharistic King, x\s earth's poor lovers to the tryst, With ardor to the loved one flee O true and tender Heart of Christ, We haste to give the night to Thee! In joy or grief, in hope or fear, In sin, in suffering, and distress, Benold a refuge ever near, To heal, to comfort, and to bless. In light or darkness, life or death, In time and in eternity, Devoted Heart, with trusting faith, We consecrate our all to Thee. WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED THEIR FLOCKS. While shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. "Fear not," said he, for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind, "Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind." 373 "To you, in David's town, this day, Is born of David's line The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, And this shall be the sign: The Heavenly Babe you there shall find To human view displayed, All meanly wrapped in swathing bands, And in a manger laid." Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith Appeared a snlning throng Of angels, praising God, who thus Addressed their joyful song: "All glory be to God on high, And on the earth be peace, Great joy henceforth from Heaven to men Begin and never cease!" NEW HYMN TO ST. CECILIA. White rose of Rome, encrimsoned by thy blood! Virgin and martyr, throned on high in glory! The palm and the lily twine the Sacred Rood, Filling with fragrance thy sweet story! CHORUS. Angels and men now sound thy fame, Children of Mary loud thy praise are singing, Cecilia! patron, we claim List to our prayers in tuneful rapture ringing. 374 Queen of celestial song! thy golden lyre Breathes but of God. His gracious love and pardon; Dreaming, the seraphs touch thy lips with fire, Crown thee with roses from their gar- den.— Cho. Glory to God! who from the burning bath Drew thee, unharmed, thy maiden fears beguiling: Safe from the torture and the tyrant's wrath, Set thee in pastures green and smiling! —Cho. WHITHER THUS IN HOLY RAPTURE. Whither thus in holy rapture, Princely Maiden, art thou bent? Why so fleetly art thou speeding Up the mountain's rough ascent? Filled with the eternal Godhead! Glowing with the Spirit's flame! Love it is that bears thee onward, And supports thy tender frame. Lo, thine aged cousin claims thee, Claims thy sympathy and care; God her shame from her hath taken; He hath heard her fervent prayer. Blessed Mother! joyful meeting! Thou in her the hand of God! She in thee, with lips inspired; Owns the Mother of her Lord. 375 As the sun, his face concealing In a cloud, withdraws from sight, So in Mary there lay hidden He who is the world's true light. . Honor, glory, virtue, merit Be to Thee, O Virgin's Son! With the Father and the Spirit. While eternal ages run. WHO CAN WITH THEE COMPARE? Who can with thee compare, O Virgin, chaste and pure? To thee we all repair, Of thy protection sure; Though Queen in realms above. Thou hast a Mother's love. Our prayer, sweet Mother, hear, sweet Mother, hear; * Our prayer, sweet Mother, hear, sweet Mother, hear; In hope, in love appear The children of thy pain, And call on thee to clear Their souls from loathsome stain; To thee the chant of praise In grateful accents raise. Our prayer, sweet Mother, etc. PETITIONS TO MARY. Wilt thou look upon me, Mother. Thou who reignest in the skies? Wilt thou deign to cast upon me One sweet glance from those mild eyes? 376 OHORUS. O my Mother Mary, still remember What the Sainted Bernard said; None have ever, ever found thee wanting, Who have called upon thy aid. Wilt thou, Mother, hover over, On my pathway still to guide? Wilt thou whisper kind direction, To the angel by my side?— Cho. Wilt thou pray for me to Jesus, That His will I e'er may know? Wilt thou tell me, then, His pleasure, That I e'er may to it bow?— Cho. O my Mother, I petition, And I know thy aid will come; Angels praise thee for it, Mother, In thy everlasting home.— Cho. A NEW CHRISTMAS HYMN. With glory lit, the midnight air Revealed bright angels hov'ring there: In fear beheld the raptured swains When rose the Heaven-inspired strains. CHORUS. "Glory, glory, glory to God, and peace on earth, and peace on earth, Made glorious by the Saviour's birth, by the Saviour's birth." Then sweetly spoke the angelic voice, "Fear not; let Heaven and earth rejoice: The child in Bethlehem's crib that lies Is God descended from the skies."— Cho. 377 The choirs of Heaven still bless the morn When God through love of man was born. That God we humbly bow before, And praise with angels and adore.— Cho. WITH GRATEFUL HEARTS. With grateful hearts we breathe to-day The tender accents of our love, We carol forth a little lay To thee, great saint in Heaven above. CHORUS. O Joseph dear, from thy bright throne Incline thine ear unto our prayer, And o'er us all, as o'er thine own, Extend thy fond paternal care. More favored than earth's greatest king. Thou wert the guardian of that Child Around whose crib full choirs did sing, With cadenced voices soft and mild. -Cho. WITH HEARTS TRULY GRATEFUL. With hearts truly grateful, Come, all ye faithful, To Jesus, to Jesus in Bethlehem: See Christ your Saviour, Heaven's greatest favor. CHORUS. Let's hasten to adore Him; Let's hasten to adore Him; Let's hasten to adore Him; Our God and King. 378 God to God equal, Light of Light eternal; Carried in A T irgin's ever spotless womb. He all preceded, Begotten not created.— Cho. Angels now praise Him, Loud their voices raising. The Heavenly mansions with joy now ring. Praise, honor, glory, To Him who is most holy.— Oho. To Jesus this day born Grateful homage return, 'Tis He who all Heavenly gifts doth bring. Word uncreated. To our flesh united.— Cho. We, joyfully singing, Grateful tributes bringing, Praise Him and bless Him in Heavenly hymns; Angels implore Him, Seraphs fall before Him.— Cho. WITH HOLY CHOIRS OF ANGELS. With holy choirs of angels, Come, let us join our lays, With songs, O Queen of Heaven, We celebrate thy praise. CHORUS. Holy Mary, let us praise thee, From thy love we'll ne'er depart, Now, before thee we implore thee, Come and reign o'er every heart. 379 Beside thee, star of morning', Fair nature hides her face, And Heaven's bright adorning Is thy transcendent grace.— Cho. Earth, sin and darkness blended Could ne'er thy strength assail, To bless thee. God descended, Sweet lily of the vale.--Cho. HAIL, VIRGIN, SPOUSAL DOVE. With joy we've gathered round thy shrine, O Virgin, Spousal Dove, To offer in this sweet May time Our heart's most fervent love. OHORUS. O Mary, Mother, sweetest, best, Accept our wreath to-day; Receive our hearts, thou Virgin blest, And be our Queen of May. We've culled bright flowers fresh and fair. Blossoms of every hue, With violets meek and lilies rare, To twine a wreath for you. Sweet heliotrope and eglantine, And fragrant mignonette. With heartsease and bright myrtle green, Thy rosy crown we've se1. Then, dearest Mother, beg thy Son His grace to us impart; And when life's closing hour is come, Take us to His Sacred Heart. HYMN AFTER COMMUNION. With steadfast faith I cling to Thee, And press Thee, Lord, most tenderly Unto my weak and sinful heart, Well pleased to claim Thee as my part. Now Thou art mine and I am Thine! Ah! mortal words can ne'er define My happiness, thus close to be United, dearest Lord, to Thee. By day and night, I'll sing Thy praise, My voice in grateful anthems raise To Thee, dear Shepherd of my soul, Nor shrink beneath Thy meek control. This parting life sufficeth not, To thank Thee for my happy lot, So favored by Thy love to be — Ah! Lord 'twill take eternity. Had I a thousand lives to lay In sacrifice, each dawning day, It would, most holy, gracious Lord, Be for Thy love a poor reward. I cannot love Thee as I should, Nor even as my poor heart would; For pardon, then, I humbly crave, And beg Thee still my soul to save. Lord Jesus Christ, for Thee I live, Lord Jesus Christ, I beg Thee give Me grace to die thro' love of Thee, And be Thine own eternally. WITH TENDER LOVE. With tender love we come to thee, Dear guide and friend of Heaven's King, With hearts and voices joyously Our words of praise and prayer we sing. CHORUS. St. Joseph, loved, when life is dark, When waves of sin and sorrow rise, Guide thou our frail and trembling bark, Safe to the port beyond the skies. Kind Father, from thy throne above Look down upon thy children here, And help our wayward hearts to love The hidden life to me so dear.— Oho. O favor' d Saint, O lily fair, That bloom'd in beauty near the sod, Impart to us the perfume rare, Humility sends up to God.— Oho. HYMN TO ST. IGNATIUS. Ye angels, now be glad, And thou exult. O earth, Loyola's happy shade, Rejoice at thy saint's birth. CHORUS. Loyola's son, all hail, By angels crowned above, Ignatius, father dear, Accept thy children's love. On Pampeluna's walls Tlie leader of the band, Behold our valiant Saint Defends his native land.— Clio. Stretched on a bed of pain, Christ's holy life he reads, While for his misspent youth His heart now sorely bleeds.— Cho. GEO. W. GIBBONS Printer « * * Stationer and « School Furnisher 906 Filbert St., Philadelphia Chareh and School Supplies ATECHISMS; Medals, Children's Mass Books, Baptismal, Marriage and Pew Registers, Pew Receipts, Sick Call Books, Fair Books, Communion Cards, Sodality Registers, Etc. Pencil and Ink Tablets, Composition Books, Note Books, Examination Blanks, Drawing Books and Paper, Pens and Pen- cils, Etc. Exclusive Agency in Philadelphia and neighboring territory for the FIDELITY ADJUSTABLE DESK