.N^ '-f. BM 670 .P5 Y3 1919 Yannai . Ma hzor Yannai '^ MAHZOR YANNAI TEXTS AND STUDIES OF THE JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF AMERICA Vol. I-II. Geonica by Louis Ginzberg. I, the Geonim and Their Halakic Writings; II, Genizah Studies, N. Y., 1909, 8°, xii +210, 425 pp $3.00 Vol. III. Yerushalmi Fragments from the Genizah. Vol. I, Texts with Various Readings from the Editio Princeps, edited by Louis Ginzberg. N. Y., 1909, 4°, vi + 372+ixpp $5.00 Vol. rV. Sepher Shaashuim. A Book of Mediaeval Lore by Joseph Ben Meir Ibn Zabara. Edited by Israel Davidson, N. Y., 1914, 8°, cxxix + [6] + 197 + vii pp $2.00 Vol. V. Saadia's Polemic against Hiwi Al-Balkhi. By Israel Davidson, N. Y., 1915, 8°, 104 pp. .$1.00 Vol. VI. Mahzor Yannai. A Liturgical Work of the Vllth Century, edited from Genizah fragments, with notes and introduction by Israel Davidson, and with additional notes by Louis Ginzberg. N. Y., 1919, 8°, xlix+55 + ivpp .... $2.00 !?yc^>'t.5\ T-^ -aW* j^ix^^ -yiH-W Vv^^ji ^-.'^itS *i!>*i» f»«>*w>W «•( ^^ *P^*^3 ^ p^i^^Mj mm^^^E^^E^i^i^^ ,''y^ )*^4: I'tiVfA'm'^ri^'s^ MAHZOR YANNAI, WRITING OF THE XITH CENTURY Underneath Aquila's Greek Translation of the Bible in a Vlth century MS. (From Taylor's "Cairo Genizah Palimpsests") ^ %xti^ and &tttliie0 of tfie \^ DEC letoi0i) ^l^eoloffical &eminarp ot ^mttlca Vol. VI \^ iC, MAHZOR VaNNAI A Liturgical Work of the Vllth Century EDITED FROM GENIZAH FRAGMENTS WHH NOTES AND INTRODUCTION ISRAEL DAVIDSON PROFESSOR OF MEDIAEVAL HEBREW LITERATURE JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF AMERICA and additional notes by Louis Ginzberg PROFESSOR OF TALMUD JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF AMERICA NEW YORK THE JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF AMERICA 1919 THE-PLIMPTON- PRE3S MORWOOD-MASS-a-S -A TO THE MEMORY OF WOLF HEIDENHEIM (1757-1832) Foremost critical expounder of the Jewish liturgy. PREFACE The texts, edited for the first time in this volume, represent the remains of a large work of religious poetry, composed for every Sabbath of the year and grouped about the weekly portions of the Pentateuch, according to the divisions of the Triennial Cycle. The importance of these compositions for the history of mediaeval Jewish liturgy lies not only in their being the residue of a work lost for many centuries and up to recent times entirely unknown, but also in the fact, that through them we are able to get a clearer idea of the rise and the development of the liturgical poetry known as Piyyut. Yannai, the author of these religious poems, flourished in the seventh century and is, therefore, next to Yose ben Yose, the oldest Payyetan. He is also reputed to have been the teacher of Kalir, the best known of all mediaeval liturgists. Like so many other literary treasures brought to light in recent times, these poems were found in the Cairo Genizah, discovered by Dr. Schechter. Facsimiles of these manuscripts, which happened to be palimpsests, were published as long ago as 1897 and 1900 by two well-known English scholars, F. Crawford Burkitt and Charles Taylor. Owing, however, to the fact that the scholarly world was interested mainly in the lower writing of the VI PREFACE manuscripts which comprised parts of Aquila's Greek translations of the Bible, the nature of the upper writing in Hebrew and the identity of the author were not recognized until now. In identifying and presenting these Hebrew texts to the public, I not only experience the pleasure of contributing an important page to the history of Jewish literature, but I also have the feeling that it will serve as a striking illus- tration of the great importance of the Genizah as a source for Jewish history and literature. A generation has nearly gone by since the Cairo Genizah was rescued from oblivion. And though many great contributions to Jewish lore were made by the discoverer of the Genizah and his followers, still no scientific body or individual Maecenas has as yet appeared, willing to make the treasures of the Genizah accessible to the scholarly world at large. Well cared for as these manu- scripts are in the great libraries of England, their usefulness is nevertheless very limited as long as they remain shelved. Innumerable documents of the greatest importance in all departments of Jewish literature are waiting to be deciphered, elucidated and published. If this vast mass of documents were made accessible so that scholars the world over could consult them in their studies, Jewish historiography would be revolutionized; many obscure periods would be illumined and many difficulties solved. Let this volume serve as an illustration. If the two English scholars had not published the facsimiles, the Mahzor of PREFACE VII Yannai would very likely have remained unknown for many more years to come. Of course it would be too sanguine on the part of any individual investigator to entertain the hope, that by his own efforts he could bring about a wide-spread interest in this field of inquiry. But if by any chance, this modest contribution should, in the least way, help towards arousing a greater interest in the Genizah MSS. on the part of our leaders in Jewry, the editor would feel more than amply rewarded for his labors. Aside from the texts of the palimpsests I have incorporated in this volume a poem of Yannai from the valuable collection of Genizah MSS. in the library of Mr. E. N. Adler, who very gener- ously placed the original manuscript at my dis- posal. Through the kind offices of Dr. L. D. Barnett I obtained a photograph of the British Museum MS., Or. 6197, to which Dr. A. Marmorstein called my attention. The photograph reached me when the Hebrew part of this volume was already in type, but as it turned out to be only an incom- plete text of the poem printed below on pages 41 and 42, I was able to embody the variants in a supplementary note on page 42. In addition to the Genizah fragments it was also deemed advisable to gather here the few liturgical compositions of Yannai which have already been published previously. For the text of the Kerobah of the Great Sabbath use has been made not only of the Sabionetta and Venice editions, but also Vlll PREFACE of three MSS. in the Jewish Theological Seminary. One is the Mahzor MS. described by H. Gross in the Zeitschrift fiir Hehrdische Bibliographie, XI, 169 et seq. which will be designated as MS. A; the second is a MS. of Yozerot, designated as MS. B; and the third, designated as MS. C, is a Mahzor bearing the date of 1279 in the colophon. I take this opportunity of thanking my friend and colleague, Professor Alexander Marx, for calling my attention to these MSS., as well as for giving me a number of valuable suggestions and references. To my friend and colleague. Professor Louis Ginzberg, I am under even greater obligation for having enriched this volume with his vast erudition, in the form of additional notes to the text. I am also indebted to Mr. I. George Dob- sevage for his kind services in seeing the book through the press. In conclusion I wish to thank Dr. Cyrus Adler and the other members of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America for having made this publi- cation possible. I. D. New York, March 13, 1919. CONTENTS PAGE Preface v Introduction 1. Yannai in Modern Research ix 2. The Rise of the Didactic Piyyut xiv 3. The Cryptic Language of the Piyyut xix 4. Yannai's Liturgical Compositions as a Source for Halaka xx 5. Yannai's Mahzor and the Triennial Cycle xxi 6. The Causes of the Neglect of Yannai's Com- positions xxiv 7. Yannai and Kalir xxv 8. The Structure of Yannai's Kerobot xxvi 9. Yannai's Kerobah for the Great Sabbath xxxiv 10. The Fragments of Mahzor Yannai xxxviii 11. The Contents, Diction and Orthography of the Fragments xl 12. Texts Relating to Tannai, Arranged Chronolo- gically xliii Hebrew Texts and Notes i-iv and 1-55 INTRODUCTION I. Tannai in Modern Research Few men in Jewish literature have met with a fate such as befell the ancient Payyetan Yannai. Though undoubtedly of considerable prominence in his own day, and though well known and held in great esteem even as late as the tenth century,^ his works seem to have passed out of use in very early times, so that he became merely a name. In the course of centuries even his name disap- peared from the annals of Jewish history, and we look in vain for any record concerning him in the writings of the mediaeval chroniclers such as Sherira Gaon, Abraham b. David, Zacuto and Others. It is only within the last century that his name was rescued from oblivion. It was Rapoport who first drew attention to the record of an ancient Payyetan by the name of Yannai found in the Shibhale Halleket of Zede- kiah b. Abraham Anaw.^ In that ritual code, which was still in manuscript at that time, he found a responsum of R. Gershom, where Yannai is mentioned before Kalir and is described as "one of the ancient sages who composed Kerobot for every order of the year." ^ "But who is this * Comp. below, sect. 12, H. 2 In his Biography of Kalir, note 19 (y*m33 1829, ill). ' Comp. below, sect. 12, H. X MAHZOR YANNAI Yannal," exclaimed Rapoport, "and where else is he mentioned?" ^ A dozen years later,^ while engaged in his con- troversy with Luzzatto about the time and place of Kalir, Rapoport brought forth the ad- ditional information given him by Zunz, that in a certain liturgical manuscript, a note, emanating perhaps from Ephraim of Bonn, was added to the Kerobah D^nom nt^D ^21k, recited on the *' Great Sabbath," saying, that it was the composition of Yannai, the teacher of Kalir.^ As to the poem itself, Zunz pointed out that it was written in rime and had the alphabet and the name •'^r in acrostic.^ Some time later, Luzzatto made the assertion that the piyyut mubsn wdi an Ti<, which is printed in some rituals by itself and in others together with D^nam ntss "ji^, is likewise the com- position of Yannai.^ This assertion, based on internal evidence,^ was later corroborated by Zunz with evidence from an old manuscript, where this poem is clearly ascribed to Yannai. ^° -* Biog. of Kalir, be. cit. ^ nonona, VI (1841), 25. ^ Comp. below, sect. 12, I. ' n'D, ibid.; Literaturgeschichte, 28. 8 ■':N"'7Nt2"'N mmo, Leghorn, 1856, 10. ^ The evidence is that the pi'?"'D, or completing stanza, of the Kerobah DTiom nus "jin. beginning n"?""? yitb rx "3 P3i fits in well with the refrain rb'bT\ "sna "HM of the Piyyut d^dj an tn. Rapoport upheld Luzzatto in this opinion (tjoh 1863, 23). In my article on Yannai (J. Q. R., New Series, I, 107, note 8), 1 doubted Yannai's authorship of this poem. But I shall show later that there can be no doubt on this subject. The one is an integral part of the other. ^° Litg. 28, note 4. INTRODUCTION XI All this added information, however, was not sufficient to establish definitely the time and place of Yannai. And although Rapoport justly de- tected the influence of Palestine in the peculiar way in which the name of Yannai was spelt in the acrostic," he nevertheless clung to his theory that Kalir, and hence his teacher Yannai, flourished in Italy sometime during the second half of the tenth century.^2 In 1853, however, it was pointed out by Dukes, that Yannai was mentioned by Jehudi b. Sheshet, a pupil of Dunash b. Labrat; ^^ and in 1879 Harkavy brought to light the fact that Kirkisani, the Karaite contemporary of Saadia Gaon, men- tioned Yannai in his book of laws." Later on he found two other passages in the same work of Kirljiisani where Yannai is mentioned,^^ and in ]n3KmsD Saadia himself makes mention of our poet.^^ Again, in a fragment of an anonymous work on the art of poetry, coming from the time of Saadia, published by the late Doctor Schechter, "the poetic compositions of the celebrated Yan- nai" are cited as an example of rimed prose. ^^ In another composition of similar antiquity an " That is '^r, not 'xr. Cf. n^s VI, 26. 12 n^a, VI, 19, §8: "n^omn n^Vd^ns n^y^n n't iny lo^an ^^r 'n^. 13 D"'anpt>n:, Hannover, 1853, 2. Comp. also below, sect. 12, E. 1^ Tjon, vol. 23, p. 359. Comp. also below, sect. 12, A. 15 n-'nyo an inar, pp. 107-108. Comp. below, sect. 12, B, C. ^® Ibid., p. 51; also below, sect. 12, D. ^' Comp. below, sect. 12, G. Xll MAHZORYANNAI anonymous poet eulogizes the head of the acad- emy by saying that **the law of God was music to him and Yannai and Kalir were his garden and palace." ^^ All these data point to a much earlier period than the tenth century and from the fact that Kirkisani asserts that Anan, the founder of Kara- ism, made use of Yannai's liturgy cxrniXTn) as a source for his Halaka/^ it has become the ac- cepted opinion that Yannai must have flourished not later than the second half of the seventh century.^" Incidentally, this remark of Kirkisani carried with it also the implication that Yannai had composed an independent liturgical work, as the expression •'«:"' fiiXTn could not be taken in any other sense. This assumption gained strength from an ancient Book List, found in the Genizah and published by Poznansky in 1903, for in that list a book by the name of ^Nrn^KTn is actually recorded. 2^ On the other hand, the two new poems ascribed to Yannai which were discovered ^^ Ibid., F. According to Mann (J. Q. R., New Series, IX, pp. 154-155) Yannai is mentioned at the very beginning of this fragment, taking the expression '^3'' *'DST {Saadyana, p. 66, 1. i) as a poetical metaphor for 'wmitn. 13 Ibid., B, C. 20 Comp. Harkavy n'-nyo an inar 106; Brody (Jewish En- cyc, XII, 586) puts him as early as the first half of the seventh century. Elbogen {Der jud. Gottesdienst, 309) places him circa 700. 21 J. Q. R., XV, 77, No. 12. INTRODUCTION XIII by Wertheimer and published by him in 1901,22 even if genuine, point only to the possible ex- istence of other compositions by Yannai, but are no proof in themselves of the existence of a dis- tinct and comprehensive liturgical work by that ancient poet. But in 1910 it was my good for- tune to discover a fragment which actually con- tained quotations from Mahzor Yannai. ^^ This fragment, in addition to giving us the beginnings of four unknown poems by Yannai,-^ established the fact beyond any doubt that at one time there existed a Mahzor of Yannai. Withal, our information in regard to this Mahzor remained scant. There was no indication either of its extent or its nature. The statement of Rabbi Gershom that Yannai composed Kerobot for every order of the year was in itself not suf- ficiently clear, 2^ and Kirkisani's statement that 22 D'TE'n"' "TJJ, II (Jerusalem 1901) i8b and 19a. They were published from a MS. which he had sold to Oxford (Neu- bauer, Cat. II, 2708 r). 23 Comp. J. Q. R., N. S., Vol. I, 105 et seq. ^ These are: i) "'n "raa \v^b^ i"? dn; 2) niD ny ^Jtsa Nipna m; 3) moaniipDonmriD hdidn; 4) im« prn D-'n'^x •?«. In the article mentioned in the preceding note {loc. cit., p. 108) the fourth poem was overlooked. Correct also statement of Elbogen {I.e., 310). 2^ Note, for instance, the conclusions which- Graetz and Elbogen have reached in reference to Yannai's literary ac- tivity. The former states (Geschichte, V, 165) that Yannai wrote Kerobot for the Special Sabbaths, and the latter main- tains {I.e., 309) that he wrote Kerobot for Festivals, and both base their opinions upon this passage. XIV MAHZOR YANNAI Yannai's liturgical work was used by Anan as a source for his Halaka only made the problem more complicated. With the publication of the texts in this vol- ume, however, all difficulties are cleared up. It will be seen, first of all, that Yannai was a pro- lific writer, for the fragments of his Mahzor give evidence that this was a work of very large scope. It will also be seen that his compositions are sui generis, unlike those of Kalir, or his followers. Moreover, it will be shown that he preceded Kalir in developing the structure of the Kerobah, and in this respect he may truly be regarded as the teacher of Kalir. Finally, it will be shown from these texts that the theory of Yannai's Palestinian origin is the one most acceptable. Nothing is known of Yannai's life or his an- cestry; even his father's name is unknown. Like all the ancient Payyetanim he must have been a Hazan, and to judge from the abundance of allu- sions to Talmud and Midrash found in his compo- sitions he must have been well versed in Rabbinic lore. 2. The Rise of the Didactic Piyyut While it is not within the province of this study to deal with the rise of the Piyyut in general, I may be permitted, by way of introduction, to state briefly the conclusions to which Jewish scholarship has come on this point after a century of research. It is no longer doubted that Pales- tine was the cradle of the Piyyut. It is also no INTRODUCTION XV longer a matter of dispute that the development from the simple form of the older liturgy to the highly artificial diction and construction of the Kaliric type was a slow and gradual process, extending over several centuries, and that it did not spring suddenly into being as a result of the spread of Islam and Arabic culture.^^ It is not denied that the diffusion of Arabic learning and poetry gave an impetus to the development of the Piyyut, but it is quite certain that the Plyyut was in process of development long before Islam swayed the East. This much is accepted as certain.27 What is still in need of further elucidation is the question concerning the influences which shaped the development of the Piyyut. What were the forces that changed the simple liturgy ^ In his essay "Die Anfange der neuhebraischen Poesie" (M. G. W. J., Vol. 8, pp. 401-413; Vol. 9, pp. 19-29, 57-69) as well as in his History (Geschichte, Vol. 5*, pp. 161-167), Graetz maintains that the development of the Piyyut de- pended largely on the spread of Arabic culture among the Jews. He laid too much emphasis on the statement of Saadia ibn Danan that before Kalir rime was unknown in Hebrew poetry: bn:^ D-in "inn ^:tib •'3 tinsoi nain "nii'sm "nu'pa laai^ 'irriDiNa nvnn i:*? lyatyj ab) uyT nb b"^ Tbpn n^-i (Edelman, nnj: mon, Konigsberg, 1856, p. xviii) and made all his data subordi- nate to the view that the Jews borrowed the rime from the Arabs, as if it were a mathematical axiom. As a matter of fact, Zunz had already pointed out a greater antiquity for the rime (G. V. p. 392, note b), though the contact with the Arabs may have brought it into greater vogue. ^^ Comp. Elbogen, Der jiidische Gottesdienst, pp. 281-282, 285-286; Eppenstein in M. G. W. J., vol. 52, pp. 465-466. Xvi MAHZOR YANNAI to the highly complex hymn and the lucid Biblical phraseology to the artificial diction? The complexity of construction may perhaps be explained by ascribing it to the influence of Syriac poetry,^^ but it has never been convincingly shown why men like Kalir, who had such wonderful mastery of the Hebrew language, should have chosen to clothe their thoughts in cryptic language. A solution to this problem may, however, be derived from the accounts which have come down to us from the Middle Ages concerning the rise of the Piyyut. In the Sepher ha-Pardes ascribed to Rashi there is a statement by Joseph Ibn Plat in the name of his ancestor Benjamin b. Samuel of Constantinople, or Kastoria, that the Piyyut arose at a time when learning was on the decline, and that it formed a sort of substitute for the Midrash.2« While it is diflftcult to see how it is possible to connect the decline of learning with the progress of the Piyyut, — for the nature of the Piyyut presupposes a vast amount of erudition both on the part of the Payyetan and on that of his audience, — there is no reason to doubt that at 28 Comp. Zunz, Litg., pp. 23-24. 29 The passage reads: "rxioty I'a ro"" '"« 3"in ir:ipt cnpi -I'y, n'?k msin \ Vib^ b^'W'' bv ca't^n y-v;m rn •'a mm ^dt -i-'atn'? yb^^'' vr\ N?ty --jdo "oy'? Tnrn'71 Tarn"? n'rann bb:i-z ur\b ]^apna in^j^iU' n^o^nn vr\ p '?yi nmna mn3B' Tina msDn pnpm nm^tt' nn'^m D^mo n^a"' ma'rm jna jnn nsSi v^^n n^arsi nnnm nn^i (omyn idd Krakau, 1902, p. 252). ^^ Comp. Kobak, intt'", Vol, 6, p. 130. It was also printed by Koronel among other extracts from the Sepher ha-Ittim in his inj -I3T (Vienna, 1872, fol. 132a). ^^ Comp. Graetz, Geschichte, Vol. 5*, pp. 410-413; Heb. Translation, Vol. 3, p. 32 and p. 400, note 124. XVlll MAHZOR YANNAI emphasize the real import of this passage for the history of the Hturgy.^^ As far as I am able to ascertain, Eppenstein was the first to hit upon the real significance of this passage, when he cited it as a proof that at a certain period in the history of the Synagogue services the Hazan took over the function of the Darshan; in other words, that in addition to the purely devotional Piyyut, there came into existence also the didactic or Halakic Piyyut. ^^ But he also did not take full advantage of his own interpretation of the passage and did not draw any further conclusions from it. To me, however, it appears that in the light of these two " Halberstam concludes his article with the following words: 1X3 T'^^i] o'^xi ona Ti^n"? b'm DB'iTn "jsd nnann nia ta Tipnyn^ [DDipD Onc", ibid., p. 130). ^* Comp. M. G. W. J., Vol. 52, p. 467. It is strange, how- ever, that in the entire paragraph on Die Entwickelung der synagogalen Poesie, he does not cite the passage from the Pardes which expressly supports his theory in the words: TJyn oral manp tr-no oipaa noy. Another striking support of this theory is to be found in the Arukh. S.v. anp, the Arukh explains the Midrashic passage ""ip mm n'tk ,b-2r\ npsN '?3D ino Dts^Di yr\^ •'"jm (Pesikta, ed. Buber, 179a according to MS. Oxford) with the words W'^\ ]^-n .hjb'd "rya .Nipo "rya '^s. To this Benjamin Musafia adds the remark ^a ^^ ^"73 '■'S a'^N ma'rn "ryai D^rna. According to Kohut {ad loc.) the Greek word from which Musafia derives anp is dKpiySjys. Now, whether we accept Musafia's etymology or not, the fact remains that ^yv was taken to signify "one versed in the law," and as a matter of fact in our edition of Lev. R. 30, and in Buber's text of the Pesikta {I.e.) the word ^^'\p is substituted by iB'n. Additional proof from the ma'T printed here for the first time, will be brought below in sect. 9 INTRODUCTION XIX passages many things which formerly seemed not a little puzzling may now be made clear and intelligible. 3. The Cryptic Language of the Piyyut First of all, we find in these two passages a plausible reason why the early Payyetanim broke away from the simplicity of language which marks the " Stammgebete/' If we grant that the early Payyetanim had to introduce Halakic discourses and Midrashic homilies into the body of the prayers and at the same time had to guard against detection from the outside, we realize at once why they chose to speak in hints and allusions. One is strongly reminded of the secret epistle sent to Raba of Mahuza informing him of the fixing of the Calendar in the reign of Constantine II and the co-emperor Gallus (353 C. E.). *'A pair came from Rakkath" — so reads the letter according to the Talmudic tradition — "and an eagle caught them, and they had with them the things that are made in Luz. But by the mercy of God and their own merits they escaped. When the off^spring of Nahshon wished to appoint a prefect, the Edomite would not permit them. But the members of the assemblies gathered together and appointed a prefect in the month in which Aaron the Priest died." ^^ This reads like a cipher, yet it was still understood by R. Hananeel in the nth century, ^^ b. Sanhedrin 12*. The phrase n'^an in-": -ndi is undoubtedly a marginal gloss explaining n'?3 w^in onai which crept into the text. XX MAHZOR YANNAI who deciphered it as follows: ^^ "Two messengers were sent from Tiberias; on the way they were held up by some Roman official, but due to their observance of the laws of 'fringes,' they escaped. The Patriarch desired to make the year a leap- year at the regular time, but as the government did not permit, they decided in the month of Ab to make the following year a leap-year." " Even Prayers couched in cryptic language are not rare in Talmudic literature,^^ but the above passage is sufficient to show that the method of speaking in allusions was already in use in early times. The Payyetanim therefore have merely adapted an old method to new conditions. 4. Tannats Liturgical Compositions as a Source for Halaka Then again, from the testimony of the Karaite Kirkisani, we know that Anan, the founder of Karaism, drew in two instances upon the Piyyutim of Yannai for his legal sources.^^ How can we 36 Comp. "^NJin '-\ ad. loc, also iny s.v. a^ and ""'^n ad loc. 37 I follow R. Hananeel ad loc. 2S t^nna njcn n^^y D'Dann nan D"'cnn '3 niB'n b'nt nmp; comp. also Rashi ad loc. pmn "iSD ns'tn •nTV'3 r^^yo. Graetz {Gesch., Vol. 4, p. 343) assumes that they intercalated the month of Ab. Comp. also ibid., p. 491. For similar forms of speech in Talmud, comp. b. Erubin 53^ '131 naa nspa rbv -an moN ntsan nc*^3 x^ynca nin na an "an xnnox; also Moed Katon 9**. 38 Comp. Jawitz, n'Jitysnn n^arsn, in Hoffman's Festschrift, pp. 69-71. 3^ Comp. below, sect. 12, B, C. INTRODUCTION XXI explain this unless we say that, in addition to in- spiring his audience with rehgious devotion, the function of the Payyetan was also to expound the laws in his poems. Ingenious as this theory is and clear though the statements of Albargeloni and Joseph ibn Plat read, we nevertheless have had no positive evidence until now that there were Piyyutim which were Halakic to a large extent. Kalir's compositions do occasionally treat of laws, but they are overwhelmingly Agadic in character. An argument from the Azharot would not be to the point since they form a class by themselves, and the legal nature of the later Piyyutim, such, for instance, as Joseph Tob Elem's,^" are likewise no proof, since they also are only sporadic. The fragments of Yannai's Mahzor, however, give us for the first time positive support of this theory and do away with all doubt on the subject, for the Halakic nature of the Piyyutim in these fragments is self-evident. 5. Tannats Mahzor and the Triennial Cycle From the way in which these fragmentary poems are grouped around the Biblical sections, we can see that the work in its complete state must have formed a sort of Halakic Midrash to the Pentateuch in poetic form. This is in thorough agreement with the statement of R. Gershom that *° Comp. e.g., the Piyyut nas^nn"? ^'na «3n for the Great Sabbath. XXll MAHZOR YANNAI Yannai wrote Kerobot for each weekly portion of the Bible."*^ Mark the expression nDmD'?2^. He does not say naa'i nnty '?3'?, in which case the theme of the Kerobot might have been purely devotional. R. Gershom undoubtedly means to imply that the theme of each Kerobah was taken from the Biblical portion of the week. This is borne out by our fragments which comprise the remnant of seven Kerobot, grouped about seven different weekly portions of the Bible, beginning with the following verses: Leviticus 13:29, 14:1, 14:33, 15:1, 15:25, 21:1, 22:17. Viewed from the point of the annual cycle, five of these verses form the middle of the sections jmsD ynm and "iidn, and therefore could not have been taken as head- ings for Kerobot. But here, again, the theory of Yannai's Palestinian origin comes to our assist- ance. For, on examining the divisions of the Sedarim in the Book of Leviticus, based upon the Triennial Cycle, current in Palestine, we find that the seven verses used by Yannai as texts for his Kerobot exactly mark the beginning of seven Sedarim, namely Sedarim 8 to 12, 17 and 18 41 mm mo "^d*? nunp i3"di o'jiti'Nnn D-'oann ]q n-nty "sr '1 nn^. Comp. r^pbn '''72^ ed. Buber, p. 25. It is strange that Elbogen, in citing this passage, mistranslates it "dass Yannai fiir alle Festtage kerobot verfasst hat " {Der jiid. Gottesdienst, p. 309), whereas in a preceding chapter {ibid., p. 286), he states quite without any emphasis that "im Anschluss an die Peri- kopen des dreijahrigen Zyklus wurden auch Piutim fiir alle Sabbate verfasst," Comp. also his Studien zur Gesch. d. jud. Gottesdienstes, p. 47. INTRODUCTION XXUl of Leviticus.''^ The phrase noi mo b:h of R. Ger- shom now receives a fresh significance. It is for the Sedarim of the Triennial Cycle that Yannai composed his Kerobot. The weekly portions of the Bible in the annual cycle are usually desig- nated not as Sedarim but as nrtyna. We cannot, of course, adduce this as positive evidence that Yannai was a Palestinian, for it may be argued that the Triennial Cycle was also current in a few localities outside of Palestine. But it does prove that in his liturgical compositions Yannai took cognizance of the Palestinian rather than the Baby- lonian usage. On the other hand, since we know from Benjamin of Tudela that in Cairo, in 1170, the reading of the law in the synagogue of the "men of the land of Israel" was completed in three years,*' and since our fragments were found in the Cairo Genizah, we have the full right to assert that the Mahzor of Yannai was at one time in use at the Palestinian Synagogues of Cairo. ^2 In the Massora these Sedarim are designated as follows: (8) nxanp hb'x i« b'-x (9) n\nn nxn -lann (10) y:3 "nnan i3Tt (11) rrrf "3 tr^N tyxn ^^T: (12) air •'3 ntrxi (17) o'jnan *?« "tafrnDK-i (18) anp" ntyxT -isTi. Comp. rii'?n: mxipo Venice, 1524. mo rba miDon ^'Dj? mm; Saphir, tsd p« II, 230-231; Friedmann, •:mbr\ n^3 III, 230; Theodor, M. G. W. J., Vol. 35 (1886), pp. 406-409; Biichler, J. Q. R., V, 420, etc. In the texts given in the Hebrew part I place these designations at the head of their respective Kerobot. ^ See ro'» myoD, ed. Asher, p. 98. XXIV MAHZOR YANNAI 6. The Causes oj the Neglect of Tannais Compositions It is most likely that Yannai's Pi3ryutim were neglected and gradually fell into desuetude and were finally forgotten because of the fact that they were so closely connected with the Triennial Cycle and were so thoroughly Halakic in nature. The opposition of men like Albargeloni to the use of Piyyutim in the body of the prayers, as well as the ineptitude of such subjects for de- votional purposes, together with the fact that the Triennial Cycle itself was discarded, were the real factors that brought about the disappearance of Piyyutim like those of Yannai. Kalir, on the other hand, who took the substance of the Agada for his material, met with great popularity. Zunz says that Kalir's Piyyutim may be regarded in a certain sense as poetic Pesiktas.^* To character- ize Yannai's compositions in a similar way, we may say that his Piyyutim are Halakic Mid- rashim dressed in poetic garb. ** G. V.^ 396. Comp. also Rapoport, r'^D iny p. 176. From this point of view the Kaliric phrase D'smo nam B'nn Tty TiDB' nijnn (in his Piyyut nsDS ncxn), rendered by Arnheim "Neue Lieder und Tone der Dichtungen jubeln meine Lip- pen" (nnsr Glogau u. Leipzig, 1840, p. 178), receive a fresh meaning. It is "Dichtungen" which are supposed to take on the nature of Midrashim. Comp. also Zunz, Litg., p. 33, note 7. INTRODUCTION XXV 7. Tannai and Kalir The contrast between the popularity of KaHr and the neglect of Yannai is perhaps the origin of the legend, emanating from R. Ephraim of Bonn, that Yannai, having become jealous of the reputation of his pupil Kalir, threw a scorpion in his shoe which caused his death. '*^ To take this statement literally would certainly be absurd. We must regard it merely as an idiom, undoubtedly Oriental in origin, for expressing unfriendliness. And while I am unable to find a parallel for it, I have no doubt as to the correctness of the inter- pretation. It merely points to some unpleasant relations between Yannai and Kalir.^^ One point more touching both Yannai and Kalir must be cleared up before we proceed further in the study of our poet. Until now we held with Zunz that Kalir was "the Law giver" in the field of Kerobot.^^ We believed that it was he who first developed the structure of the Kerobah. But from our texts we will see that the Kerobah had its structure already perfected in the liturgy of Yannai. Whether he was the first to develop it or not is not safe to assert. At all events we must take away the credit from Kalir, though it remains true that the later Payyetanim modeled their compositions after those of Kalir, as the names T^p i:jr ,T*?p tD'^m etc. indicate."^ Yannai's *^ Comp. ion DT3 VI, 25, cited below sect. 12, 1. ^ Comp. also r\r\r\, N. Y., 1917, No. 22, p. 10. *' Litg.j p. 29. *^ Ibid., p. 34, note i. XXVI MAHZOR YANNAI compositions, though voluminous, must have dis- appeared at a very early date, or at least remained local, and had no influence on his successors. 8. The Structure oj Tannais Kerohot Let us then get a clear idea of the structure of the Kerobah as formed by Yannai. This will enable us to determine at a glance how much is missing in some of the Kerobot given below in the Hebrew part, and will also help us to decide whether the Piyyut DTiom niDQ '•i^K, the single Kerobah of Yannai found in print, has come down to us complete or not. A careful study of the text of our fragments will show that the Kerobah of Yannai consists of the following parts : ^^ I. Magen (pD). A poem inserted near the end of the first benediction of the Amidah, always containing half the Alphabet (from K to b) in acrostic, and followed by the Biblical verse with which the Seder of the Kerobah begins. This, again, is followed by verses from other parts of the Bible to which reference may have been made in the poem. ^® All printed Keroboth, whether of Yannai or other Payyetanim, are preceded by the introductory formula D-'Juai D'^onn niDD; in our fragment, however, this introduction is invariably missing. This in itself argues a later date for this introduction. As an additional argument for its later origin we may bring the fact that it consists of four riming phrases modelled perhaps after Kalir's "conclusions." Yan- nai always employs only three riming phrases in his "con- clusions." INTRODUCTION XXVU I a. Conclusion to Mage?i (na^nn, later called jnD) : A short verse, consisting of three riming phrases,^° beginning with the same word with which the preceding Biblical quotation concludes,^^ and leading up to the idea characteristic of the Benediction. This scheme of construction is not new with Yannai, for it is already found in the daily Kedushah. The piece beginning T3J ini inb n'?na is nothing else but the na^nn of the Kedushah. It begins with the words with which the last Bib- lical quotation of the Kedushah concludes, viz.: n^'i'?'?n *im in"? trs i^n'rK nb\vb 'n '■\\bn\^^ and leads up to the idea of the third benediction. In the Kedusha for the Musaf service of Sabbath this scheme is ^^ The "conclusions" in Kalir's and later Kerobot in- variably consist of four riming phrases. " The printers have often omitted the Biblical verses, because they did not realize the relationship between the verses and the "conclusions," and have thereby caused the opening of the "conclusions" to seem arbitrary. Further- more, they generally inserted there the word ?Tn to indicate that from there the cantor should begin to chant. This, of course, is a complete reversion of the original custom. For, surely, before the age of printed prayer books it was the Hazan who read the Piyyutim entire, not the congregation. In this connection, it may be well worth citing the following passage from the Responsum of R. Jair Hayyim Bachrach (TK^ mn No. 238) : ^notri .oian n''n inb^ nVnno "3 ^^-ipt itys« ^^^3 b":" "Tn-'D cai rm .r'cyn max-'C' p-\ nmann nba onanan nan «'?b' ,K3id n^y y2\'\p2 n: jnjon n^n^ n«n3 idi .onann an-'n'? loy d^oik ik .i"? D"':nNO nb^o ...nw-\ Y^^n nb'a: r^ya xinty /i3i D'^JDil D''ODn niDD onaiSB' hdd n^'n main xsM ...D'j'^Dton n^y itiyanac nyo pT ...ono nan d-iisin vn n"? oy \)am '.D''3iipi n'^mb fix pDH '?3'7 Dnann b^ nn^ax latysni .mNjn nnaity oy .mx"? ^^ The word n"'i'?'7n, being a response, was not taken into consideration. XXVlll MAHZOR YANNAI further developed thus : n«n b:i i^n m«2S 'n ^np mip nUD is followed by D'riy «'?» ITOD ; and 'nma^ira M2']pDt:i by is^ Nin )D)pDi:i and nnx 'n irn'?« 'n '?«i5y^ yoB' by irn'?« Kin "inX- II. Mehayyeh (n^nD). A poem inserted near the end of the second benediction of the Amidah, completing the acrostic of the Alphabet (from o to n), followed by the next verse of the Seder and other verses from various parts of the Bible. II a. Conclusion to Mehayyeh. Similar in structure to No. I, a. III. A poem of a Messianic character contain- ing the author's name in acrostic, followed by various Biblical verses. IV. Ki ■?« ^^'^P nnxi This superscription is placed in our fragments at the head of the Piyyutim which precede the Kedusha, and together with which they take the place of the third benediction in the repetition of the Amidah by the Hazan {v^r\ mm). In all printed rituals these Pi5ryutim are headed by two verses: Ps. 146:10 T\^\bbn -im ii"? p^s th'tk rb\t? 'n i'td'' and Ps. 22 :4 "rN-ity^ r\t7\T\ ^bt mip nnxi ; the former is sometimes introduced by the word idxji and to the latter are appended the words w •?«, without any apparent connection. There is no connection between the two verses themselves, nor between them and the Piyyutim that precede or follow. The difficulty with regard to Ps. 146:10 was not even noticed by commentators and literary critics, but the incongruity of the use of nj^k received the attention of a few scholars. Zunz regards the INTRODUCTION XXIX two words w'rx as belonging to the quotation from Ps. 22:4, but does not explain the connec- tion.^^ Arnheim (ad loc.) translates it by the exclamation, "O Gott!" without any further remark. Kobak takes it to be a sign that in cer- tain communities Ps. 22:4 was immediately fol- lowed by the Pi5ryut npiri D'ny'? «: *?« omitting the intervening poems.^^ Berliner explains the pres- ence of these two words in this place as follows: In the Kerobot of Kalir, he says, the quotation from Psalm 22:4 is always followed by a short Piyyut beginning w ■?« and ending dhdi xn: D^pi ""n li^np). In this respect, however, Kalir was not always followed by the other Payyetanim, and as a consequence many Kerobot do not have such a Piyyut. To supply this omission some communi- ties made use of the ancient prayer \>iyin nb\v^ Ni ■?« and inserted here the words nj^k as a reference to that prayer. The printers, however, inserted these words of reference even in Kerebot which contained the short prayer in question, and the result was all the more confusing. This is the substance of Berliner's remarks on this question.^^ A thorough examination, however, of the Kero- bot of Kalir and others will show that this state- ment is entirely erroneous. First of all, we will find that in most of Kalir's Kerobot this par- ticular section does not begin with xj'?x. In the Sabionetta Mahzor of 1560 the Kerobah b^nrn^ for the New Year is altogether without the words ^ S. P., p. 66. ^ men VII, p. 64. ^^ Randbemerkungen, II, p. 66. XXX MAHZOR YANNAI Ni^N in this particular section; and even in Kerobot where the words N3b« do occur at the beginning of this particular section, it is evident that they could not have been there originally. The Kerobah of Kalir for Shekalim begins in the Sabionetta edition ompsn bD iv^ 'par "D Ki *?«, but the context plainly shows that there is no connection between xi bi< and what follows. Secondly, we will find that in no Kerobah is this section ever mis- sing. It is true that it does not always begin with Ni ^N, but it is always present and always ends with the word mip. There was, therefore, no need of ever using the old prayer pyin D^iy"? «j •?« as a substitute. The use of the words kj^« in this place must therefore have come about in some other way. To clear up all these difficulties I suggest the following. The words tynp nnx and xa^x were ori- ginally used only as rubrics. Just as the first sec- tion of the Kerobah is called po and the second n-'nD, so is this fourth section, consisting of two parts, designated by the two rubrics unp nnx and Nj'?N. The reason for this is that since this sec- tion is the beginning of the Piyyutim which take the place of the third benediction, and since that benediction begins B'npnnK, or nnxmnp according to the Palestinian Ritual,^^ the poem was like- wise designated as mip nn«." The second part of this section, again, is always to be followed by ^^ Comp. Elbogen, Der jiid. GoUesdienst, p. 45. ^' This was preferable to nn« trnp because it echoes the Biblical verse Ps. 22:4, INTRODUCTION XXXI the ancient prayer pyin nb^v^ nj *?« and therefore was designated as Ki'rK. The whole section then received the designation nj bii — m'v? nnx. The copyist, however, faihng to see the significance of these catchwords, took trnp nnx as an abbreviated form of Ps. 22 .'4 and generously supplied the rest of the verse, letting the words Xi *?K stand. To return now to the question how Ps. 146:10 has come to be introduced here. The fact that our fragments show no trace of the use of this verse in this connection might lead us to the opinion that it is entirely due to the copyists. But this is not so. The most plausible explana- tion is this. This fourth section of the Kerobah under discussion is in all MS. texts preceded by a group of Biblical verses, which are of a Messianic character. It is therefore natural that they should conclude with Ps. 146:10 which speaks of Zion's God ruling forevermore. Hence it is not to be taken as the heading of the following Piyyutim but as the conclusion of the preceding group of Biblical quotations. The printers, however, have often omitted all the other verses and left this verse stand by itself, causing thereby the prevalent mis- comprehension that it is the heading of the fol- lowing Piyyutim. The absence of this verse in the Kerobot of our fragments may be explained on the ground that these Kerobot were intended for the ordinary Sabbaths, while all other known Kerobot are for special Sabbaths or holidays. That such a distinction was made may be seen from the fact that in Yannai's Kerobah niDD-JiH XXxii MAHZOR YANNAI D^nam for the Great Sabbath this verse does occur. The first poem of this section, i.e., the one desig- nated as srnp nnK% consists of a rimed passage without any acrostic ending with the word ^"iip. The formula mipi cnDT ^in D^pi ^n was, in my opinion, first used by Kahr, from whom it was borrowed by all later Payyetanim. In Yannai it does not occur.^^ The second poem of this section, i.e., the one referred to as «3^k, contains as acrostic only from the letter K to "^ and is fol- lowed by the ancient prayer n^iri o'^^y'? «3 ^«.^^ In our fragments this prayer is not reproduced in full. V. A poem with a complete acrostic of the al- phabet headed by part of the Biblical text of the Seder. ^^ In the Piyyut DTiam noa '':i« this passage concludes with the words t^np .cnm «^^3 Dj? which is the nearest approach to the Kaliric formula. This, by the way, proves that the reading ti'fipi is erroneous. The word cynp is to be taken as a word by itself, a sort of response. ^' In this connection attention may be drawn to the opinion of Rapoport (cited by Borges in Tjon VII, 23) that the prayer pyin o'^iy'? nj bn is the composition of Yannai, forming in fact the complement to the Piyyut nno ytt'n tn in the Kerobah D-nom ntja ■'Jin inasmuch as it completes the acrostic, and that it was afterwards transferred to the Kerobot of other Payyetanim. If this were the case it would be difficult to explain the frequent use which Yannai himself makes of this prayer in the Kerobot of our fragment. I have no doubt that pym d'tij?'? w "tk is much older than Yannai, and that already in his time it was so well known that it was only necessary to refer to it by the first two or three words, as is done In our fragment. INTRODUCTION XXXlll VI. Another poem with a complete acrostic of the alphabet, headed by one more verse from the Seder and introduced by the word p3i. VII. A third alphabetic acrostic, likewise headed with a verse from the Seder and introduced by the word p2^ VIII. A poem, every word of which forms part of an acrostic of the inverted alphabet (pntyri) without any introduction.^** It always begins with the words with which the preceding poem concludes, and is followed by three sub-sections: (a) A rimed passage without acrostic, lead- ing up to the quotation from Isa. 6:3, indicated by the catchword N-ipi." (b) A passage without rime, or acrostic, de- veloping the idea of the threefold use of the word mip and leading up to the quotation from Ezek. 3:12 indicated by the catchword nnDy*?.^^ (c) Continuation leading up to the quotation ®° In the Kerobah for Lev. 21, i (see Hebrew Text below), this section is also introduced by the word pai. Altogether it is a point well worth considering, whether the use of pai in this connection was not borrowed from the New Year liturgy, and whether we should not expect a threefold use of this formula corresponding to iins ;n pm .nns ;n psi, and cppns pm. On the various responsa dealing with the question of how many times P3t is used in the New Year liturgy, see "no"') nnno, p. 366, note 20. For the meaning of the word, comp. Zunz, S. P., p. 425. ®^ This corresponds to the opening passage of the Kedushah (isnyj). ®2 Corresponds to the Kedushah passage beginning w'rDmaa XXXIV MAHZOR YANNAI from Deut. 6:4, indicated by the catchword 63 IX. Consists of an alphabetic acrostic followed by a number of rimes of a Messianic character, leading up to Num. 15:41, indicated by the catchword nrn*?.®* Since the Kerobot were part of the Morning Service, the presence of Deut. 6:4 in the Amidah is another proof of Yannai's Palestinian origin. For we know from a responsum of Yehudai Gaon that in Palestine the yoB' was recited in the Kedusha of nnnc' and not in that of eioiD.^^ 9. Tannais Kerobah for the Great Sabbath If, now, we subject the Kerobah DTiDm ni3D ""Jix to the test of this scheme of construction, we shall find that four out of the nine sections are wanting. The first four sections are found complete, except- ing that the Biblical verses before the two con- clusions (i.e., I a and II a) are wanting either entirely or in part in printed editions.^^ These ^ Corresponds to the passage beginning 'iO)ptiio. ^ Corresponds to irn'r^ Kin inn. It is safe to assume that there was a fifth part to this section, leading up to the quota- tion of Ps. 146:10 and that its omission here is due either to the defective state of our MSS. or to the fact that like iiTn« Tn« it was used only in the Kerobot for Festivals and the New Year. ^ Comp. Glnzberg, Geonica II, 48, etc. Ginzberg also called attention to the fact that Kalir must have had the yoB' in the Kedushah of nnnty {ibid., p. 420). ^^ In the Sabionetta Mahzor some verses are cited but not all; in the ordinary editions the verses are entirely omitted. INTRODUCTION XXXV however, are found in three MSS. of the Jewish Theological Seminary,^^ showing that the omis- sions are due to the whims of the printer. The next poem, rnthzn u^d: dh tn, since it is introduced by the word p2i must, according to our scheme, be taken for the sixth section, and the last poem, beginning nb^b y:^b r« '3 ?33i and preceded by the introductory phrase mip nnx ^3 na^np n'?yn i? p3i y^t:'iai bi<']^\ is certainly section Villa, since it is without acrostic and leads up to the quotation from Is. 6:3. But here we are confronted with a number of difficulties. First of all, according to our scheme, section Villa is never introduced by pat; sec- ondly, the introductory word pm is always fol- lowed in Yannai's liturgy by a Biblical verse from the Seder, i.e. the Biblical portion of the week, which is not the case here; and thirdly, how are we to explain the use of the two successive phrases, ntj'np n'?yn "i"? p2i and n*?^*? tJs"? r« '3 P3T the one immediately following the other .?^^ All these difficulties, however, may be explained as follows. A perusal of our printed Mahzor will show that the pi'?D, that is the poem which immediately pre- cedes the Kedushah and corresponds to section VIII in Yannai's Kerobot, is always preceded by the introduction ntrnp n'?yn n*? p3T with the further differentiation, that in the Kerobot for the New ^' Comp. preface above, ^^ The apparently ungrammatical construction of r>< ""a P3i Titib is obviated in certain texts (e.g., MS. C) by reading T^S*? PN 1331. XXXVl MAHZOR YANNAI Year this introductory phrase ends with nnx -3 l'?Dirn'?N, in the Kerobot for the Day of Atone- ment it ends with n'?iDi "rniD i'td trn'?« nriK ""d and in the Kerobot for all other occasions it ends with irsj'iDi ^KiB'^ mip nns ^3.^^ In other words, the char- acter of the day is indicated in the concluding words of this introductory phrase. This intro- ductory phrase is undoubtedly a later interpola- tion and does not belong to the original composi- tion. Like the introduction n^:nji d^ddh ^dd in which the same method is adopted, ^° it must have been introduced by some later Payyetan. His object undoubtedly was to indicate the pi'?D of each Kerobah. Bearing this in mind we may explain the con- struction of the last section in the Kerobah under discussion as follows. The word pai of the phrase n"?^"? t^s*? T^^ '3 p3i is really the remnant of section VII, which, according to our scheme, should be preceded by pat and a Biblical verse. This verse, however, has been lost, together with the entire section VII, leaving only its introduc- tory word. The beginning of the section under discussion, in its original state, was really nb^b T^s"? r^< ''^ and is really section Villa. But the copyist erroneously ^' Since this is based on Is. 43 : 3 IT^O 'tnib" Binp T^'^x "'" ^:k "a The reading yc'ioi common in all editions is incorrect. '° For n'n it ends with iVd -jej pn'n m'^n'? D'jwnnat n'rsna "ninD tciB'a """up = Jewish people (Fragment i 1. 11^). ^" Comp. riDCU for hdb'J in Fragment 3 1. 20; ijjaua for iy332 {ibid., 1.32); ni3mip and -yin^p for nuanp and itnp in Frag- ment r I. 2, 20; ITy for T\V and y^S'^a for S?sd in Fragment 3 1.4, II. 81 Comp. Fragments X 1. 19 ; 3 1. 8, 14, 19; n 1. 18; n 1. 8, 19; T 1, 8, 20. 82 In Fragment n 1. 46 the words nys3 and nyss rime with nns-'S and nns:. Another instance of this is found in the Kerobah DTiam •'itsa •'xs section IP where n ,n and y rime together. ^ Comp. Cowley, The Samaritan Liturgy, Vol. 2, p. xxxv. ^ Comp. b. Erubin 53*^. INTRODUCTION xliii ing to some grammarians an instance of it is also found in the Bible. ^^ 12. Texts Relating to Tannai Arranged Chronologically Ahu Tusuf Tdkub Al-Kirkisdni (fl. first half of the tenth century). A. From Kitdb Al-Anwdr, cited by Harkavy, without indicating the chapter, in Ha-Magid 1879 (vol. 23, p. 359) and in abbreviated form, with slight modifications in the text and translation, in his .TnyominDT p. 107. p nN'72J7X IK DVT p -bv ni'i I'^J^m?/ inn^ ]d vys oy? npi "npnD'^"«D^n'?K 13-13 mSnpD2y tn^ipwnixniin'rNp . . . ,Tjai riTJiD n^Dson linixi id'?« r"^'?^ "iDi< '^3 «Q2n n^ -in-!« ,"7N-i5r .DHTJi DHJ-'ai ntv^KT '•Ni'' "rriD n"?"? n-'NiDt *^One who upholds the opinions of the Rabbis ^"^ has already argued and refuted those who say that the prayers are taken from the Psalms. In- asmuch as the Scriptures say 'that they may offer sacrifices of sweet savour unto the God of heaven, and pray for the life of the king, and his sons* [Ezra 6:10], how could the prayer for the life of Darius and his sons, he argues, be taken from the Psalms. . . . Furthermore, there is another proof from the verse: 'Bless ye God in full assemblies, even the Lord, ye that are from the fountain of Israel' [Ps. 68:27]. By this he meant the sages ^ I Kings 18, 21. ^ These two words are omitted in nnyo m inar. *^ Harkavy {ad loc.) maintains that this refers to Saadia. Xliv MAHZOR YANNAI of Israel who composed and brought forth many hymns and songs of praise to God, such as Yannai, Elazar and Phineas and others." B. Ibid., chapter i, section 2, paragraph 11. See ed. of Harkayy in Transactions of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society [Zapiski]], St. Petersbourgh, 1894, p. 284, 11. 16-22, cited pre- viously by him in n-'nyo 3"i inar pp. 107-108, and in his 'TNiB'^a mnan nmpV, given as supplement to the Hebrew translation of Graetz's History (''D''''"13T •TKity^vol. 3, pp. 503-504, 5o6««). ."' K J "^ n : N t n ^s nxnii Tin "i"?"! nix r« ?» t> ^xr n nn . D^'^n: D^can rnsy d^jisj^kih D^iiD-'sn p mia"?"? u"? D31 . njB'n '?a'?ty nnoi nno "ra"? manp ts^ai D^JitrNin n^oann p ,n^'?3nn ^a"? manp d^^dt □^Jic'snn D^Dann p n^'?p na nry'^K n DiD^ii'?p Iran n^i . nann D^r^jyi nnjx nan nnnai ma«a n^arm D^r^^yi nn^K oa n^arm D^'?nn b2b manp d^di n^n'rn^ n^n^ "t'st msa ms"? nanp ts^-si n^n "rni nanti'' i:yn^ ija D'?i5ra m . nann .nanani-'yia n^arn nD^nn'piiDD nioai nann n^r^^v ion nanan-iinai naiB'n ixa ny ".n^apn nasr inc' manp b^ib k"?! jno mo'?'? en . 'r'T n'?i2n mxD nwii iran ^* The force of the '7 in '?inb''? and im'? is hortative, i.e., '7NB''' and ■ioN\ ^^ Here ends the quotation from the Responsum of R. Na- tronai and what follows are the words of R. Gershom him- self. The expressions its mcnn and "ot T2B* in their present context do not fit well. I would suggest one slight correc- tion. The passage should read ip^yi ...it3 riwnn ...r^rD r"iai> p T13 "pD ,D^Di3 D^B'B'i HNDD inn ,D^T"iti' HNDD -inr nb^2Q D^DT in«T D^yanNi rnxD yniri ei'?N qe^ insdj n'?KD ym) .inri o^ynp . papiD niQ^b •'ID n''3DT '?b' mm"? nnn \>y rinaoDn nnjico ,Dmn T ""nnD ""'sy mx'? ins^b' D^aiK'nn Dnaon p nca ""a -inti d« nny) m'?i3D noDT nD3 ^a .ts^'rnn'? la"? niB^in .d^hn d-'di "jy pi noii nv::n d^^i:j» 'tnib''' ""Dan rn dkb' psd "ra r«^ .m'^jn'? nnoiy rny nnp*' ynpDT ynpD Vn*? . Dti'mD rr^an t^nn ^"pn nr n^n «■? nt di'?3 -isi« "t^jx miDan ,D^iiN2n nmBTii D^B^nDn .niD'pnm ly-ipn ^ana :'?n-!E''' noana -""ana p n'ma n'?yin «sn D'?a'? ,n3\n nnsDm n^D^n nan .pty"?;! naam r'?y r'sn"? nTny nT^ijna' .n^aijynn myspon nn« . n'?Nn o^Dnpn t i±> ^b:n: nn"" "jya^ na"? n"? . cran ■'o^a c^iirsn nn'?in xin ,tynn iik ti"? D^yiTi n'lh^n wi'^^-'^n u:^ k'tx ,na ny D^ym: ••n'ja D'-an D-'ita^a n'TK na-i"? lao . nn^nrD inn mia'na nnr D"':sa miN*? u"? d^kij laao nnrn n-'its'^Dn p nnx /^r nrnx bv ma trnnn^ty n»a «-iipn «sd'' ^Dan isa "laa Dnnxi ^aa-in ^niy .^'''B' ,pn '?jy on^nn^pno bN-iiT'' n«3 'n .-i^'rpn -iTy'?^ •'an "rty m ,''^:^ ••a ,nnK nyi bb:ib •rKnty .ij"? y^mnti^ p^«"iJ^ ^^^ V^^^ .:"nD'? n^y^asm nxDn b\^ n^ji:Ti n^snaa baa ynu nrn tDrsn .^^n^'ra ns'rsn d^d: an tn„ aran "rya Kin ""^r ^a p ID'Dn pi Nin 020X1 ; noa "rty mana -lontritj^ ••jan '?Kiir"' nntan innDa pn nsdji^ ■':aD ,13 '?3 V^^^ ^^'«^ "DTiDm ntsa ""iiX// tsran pnn3 DsniK' "n-'pTiy d-'TB' nn'''7Bxf -nDKOO n-mp!? n nmpna nnann ^ts' ddt ^ . a'j jrVi 'n ruts' /nanxa ^man ■''?33Nn Kiaoai ,nt j^jya nn-pnn "^ty jn-SDn pn jnu ^jk hd » . nnipon •'nr''jn in 13T tyxn ••B^ m^nn mo "ry nann: ^3 ksd3 n'rxn n^tDrsa noTt r^y^B's . n'on E^DD «ini .w:^ ^b^2 n-nnn nxnp nx ^o^'?c'nty N3-iyD "^a '?e' Dnp^'?n DiDn D3 . njB'n "ra b\i^ iidi -no ^2"? nnnp C3''^a ^^r ••d n"Dn -idke' no DK ^3 na"? ninaETn m'rnna psnon n"? n'?Nn D^c:raa ^d ,n-iipD '7y i^yo •"D my n'td^ «*?i .n naiy Nin ib'k -no^ nn^tyn nn'mn "td DDira y^'ran "3 nN-i3 ^rja"? -itrK nnnpn tD . hd'th ^rsy^ nt -innD3 py tyDriB'n nan"? nyo 3"a ^a"? ks*" ntoi ,minn "ra "ry ^isra jmo rya n^n nnnon .^ntm'? tiTtJ Dty «in "nanpui ^tm'? n^")^ QtJ' «in "anp. n'ponB' "inyn "rya ^"^atra lanaiE' D^tDrs*? "nnnp,, DB'a tyanc'n'? "["rnn ^nD "lya^ nc'p D^:e^Dn r^ pc'snn ^^r n^n nny unyn^ ^b"? "raN .nVBnn iina r^K'n mtn jtfh IK riKtn njiDnn b'^ N^sDon n^n xin dk . manp"? n'?a3iD mis iniB^ ."tyir D^D^ ^"p^Nt .o^'rnn'? pny ib'bk 'xty lan «in D^yi pax Dty i'?^BNi ,nDiKo i:"? yni n"? ^^r '?b' r^n nmp id d'?i« .nn •'ia bv wysB'm rni'?yBD nann n*? ym: k*? p loa .njnxD .imm "rn: "ry on^yo a"3 rt^rBi ."pna nan n^nc' r'^y n^yo n^Dn risrB iNty'? Da dipd hb Tina nt^aaa iNSoaty ^"a^ ""tars '?y ^dm nnyn TiBDin on^'by oai ,Kmpn ^Ta onnx"? o'pa rrr^B' na .lOBna laas' «SDaiy •'aBO ,yma ••n'ra lanD"? inx larB ^nna nannxa^ .o^aipn oa ^n^BTn .'?'?aa nianpn naian '?y -nx D^s-'Bon nnai la ^-"i ^^a" ^tarB r^ iDa E'DD n'7Kn o^ytapn "rsr *a^na„n nx TinanE' i^yn"? ^'? ^'^ my K'Dnc'nK' .ntn ponpn -ibidh i"? yataty yaiaoD ^n-aa' n'ti /oa Nine' D^'?aipDn mpan ^pn naa Nine' o^paa i'?^bk myian nnn n^npn moxa ."D^riD onaBa on mpa K'^a o^tarB// ^a "noxa 'j-nB' pnx ^a cixi .ia'?s« DnpiaD Ti'pa D^nnam ,n'?xn o^tarBa mpan riDB'a/. nnso ••n'pin nxr "raa nn^ myianai n^npn niDxa B'onB'n'? it^BK ^Ntr ^aBD .^"aa dhb' ^m noaa ^a ny nona ^p'pa on-'tyn antr ■•aBDT .xmpn ry rix '7a'?a'? ^b2D .iDtyn "ry nana v^ibh nioipo -nmn y^an*? ^osy^ nam nxn ••aK xnipn ^aB nxD nsn oiiaai noaai /nnyn bv nnyn n'o^n^ niiaa 'r^Kinsy ainsa-a ^t"? lo^Bna nn-^ .34 rr\vn ."bimn «ud3 j^y ' •^33„ rore "^y db' ^xr '•3 nD«3 nns *?» nso nnnon nsns n'rsj nx^Jty ^ .rn 'tnib'"' "•d"' nsn) "DMnnn ■'Bioa rax qb'i laE^i onnnn "B'Nns Nrra ksVkh .3-«B?y3) ■'W3B'«n ntpD3 "r^a wsoi «•? "^sx nnsio nniytDsy p-i k*? nnnaon n^'^on .(167 .(165 't riKsin ,n"n .yo .1276 'oy '?"-iB' nnas ' T 3 T B* K T U ti{y«nn n^n ^t ^3 i^yn^ niy . n-'b^ •^noai n'''?ts''K m'?'''?33 ityx CMatyx'? onnna B^DnB^niy pe^xim ,D^nnn •'trKin loir dk cnne' D-'JEj^sn pa ciDr ux ^Kipn •'D ,D"a ij"? ym: ^M-in '?ty rnn-'pnD . nncr nnsn •''rya 2«nD ••myn nsoa x'-dd ,pk3 n^nyo an b^ nn ]3 /jNDp-ip'?K spy nanni ••a tiK ,b222 m n''b2^pD rni noiNn •'^:^ ^tsrs iDC'sni py ^D-'a nn« ytDpa •'nNSD ^jn dj ."cm "iB'n on^'ry idd pyi ,bi^^^^ pK3 .•"••r nnnisa D^mp*? .na ny n-'ymi Ti'ra ciiva nya-ix 'rjy Dn^trNi n^Dipon nyaiN ."^^r nnnoa 'lav, : onnnx mxan D"''?Dn p naiasi' loa ly 'raK ."'■^r mtnD// Dtya o'-tDrD naoN cjd'? nx^jDj ^a no"? in-'sr n'7Kn IN imoa ,nm innDn ^sr winn nan bv m'?2 yir i^nx t^'-N n^n n*? na i3'"'S„ ^•'2'' ^3 n"D3-in DB'a laymD "tjp^n ••'ratr.y ^ynE' ^s '?y r]Ni . ima^x TtN3 n n'?jn '?''n .n^oa : b"^ * n"? n""'3E' .ns-'a nnpa riNBTi ;'7a\n n-oa rfr n'''>3ty ;i'7tya nty mna . nyan« ". pV nosa r3D ,n3a'7 mna «'?« ""^ }'x^ : 'a nnB'na ,D''y33 ncna xnaon '^'^n ^ .(.K^D .i^HNT nNsin) '"lai n3a'7 nxiy jbd"? "p^n nxsyn n« maib nn">'?y r^rb n'rnin miNT^n Nin n^'?sn trn^s ^"ra ^iK -nmnu niDipo nrm«3 Dm« ^nr-'Si -laon mna psy "isa ino ''noB' n'?«n nnyn"?^ .tin ^wiJl ^"7113: nnoHD ^31, nat? .iro ann*? n'a .pn«^u .p»a^ "HNTn n-nnn pi iT'E' TKl ]KTTn«T ^T :3KT IH T3 ^Knt^'' K T>12^ (^»DViJ |>t<'»i -itaJ Dpi b:^^^ KiSjf (rn::^ nno mry my ^iT'y n-'-n-'y Din •'D^'DD vir.vTi nvn (33ip^n^ n-'-'Tin nn:j:i nmn:! p"'nT' ••3 •"a ••3 ••^ TV TV 'V 'V y 'V 'V 'V 'V 12 13 14 15 -IB'T'I am 16 VIII m^tr'T p^:^ •? p r''i[y] p2 ''[Mil] ■•^W ['VlM^''^ ]nv2 2i l-n D n-'nDi n^DO [n'?yai '?^N5r T"n]ii Nsni ynio nnx ^d 22 viiia myna lawB' "i'^e' u-'NB' ninriD djdjh^ : noNDn '7B' ibhts kihb' ^"j ' •Msna )3i jnaiona p imptr taren nay^ noi: nrn Brsn 'a Tyn*? •'iki ' nDj?"?! .p^-iBTin •'^Dy -im: nrn tsrsn a^xn ••'dj? nou lonpB' ersne' nDxrt» mn ttren cnNn "ry D'xa o-'yjjn j'^-'aE'sc nn'ayn D^nm nbin ompn tDrane^ Kin "JBTI ursa D'';":yn nnm .mxn Nann" tib^2\:;2u D^aia D^trynn jcnm I'^in roy^ nr D-'aran "3^2 cnnnn D'^^ajo nt "sbt .i"? ompn araa n^riyn -no nan israa v'^n niNae' j"':yn noy^ mn "JB'n area v^n niNa Ksojn I'jyntB' ny nt . n«'?n pi jiB'Kin . nb-Na nimpna 'n nnn 'n aina"? iy?iy naion ^b- Din nn .n" n" "r's ' Tuno .'nia^yi KMT nnt^'s «^i .'mm d3 Om2'» dk 4 : (o-iis^a ^3^ Ksn^ in::^ .nc^n ^d^ Ksna nox nmn »nK^i< IX ty^KT pDT 7 VII "•an inn m (^^a^n '>^ 9 ^tyo rT\2 nsD DV2 •'D mT"*^ n^^b inty*? no-''? •'3 .".TJiDDa TB'y* :('o .3": D^'rnn) imna ty^ bB' Dinn .nprnro ."idi'^d 2 .(.n'^j ,NDp K3n) na-'T msns jic^a » . N""— " ,:"' NnpM '^y * /n ,'3 na^N * . (n"' .t"' n-'ycT') n'7m nra ptJ''?D ^ niB'M Dnaits^ .on-^y m<2^ .o^yjin rn"- vk naa'ra lyaa" dn .noiVD « . njnon *?« . £3*3 .j"" xnpM ® mxn "^y d-«3 D-yaan j'j-'sb'sb' mT3y b'-'B' m:nn "^y noi: nrn aran i» Dnaun n-rayn ^3 njoat iisd: dxt (pd: db'i '' ymsD ny3U .XDinjn '"y) nynty .d-'DT nn-'DB' ,ynn iib'"? om .r""'? n^iy msDD "3 «st2i n'?Nn nnipoa irNB' riN 'rtijn :«": myi ,n^3nn nx "jmn :«":] bn ,nnn moa ,nny "i'jj .niet ,-ipD' nny n^yon ,ni3:3 .dbti nans .de'h 'n'rn .mr nm3y ,ryn nns ,[i'?B' n'jB'cn .ipB* '7B' nucno SB'inn .i'tb' irsB' mnn3 D:3:n ,rnn ns bpbpan rin rars nin "^x n'?3 dddk n"? i:'?{y ]t3^'2n djd« .mm nsna r^"o .Q^nx r2 D'no .(3'"' mn '^y) -nisn n"?! mpn x'n ix"? i03 i'?b'd ej-'Din nt noy^i 5 « T'ltr •Dprnn pni:i:)i iippi:n lipai 'lannn-'s nnns 38 [linjj-n] iinvix 'ii''V^''i nnta^ i:''D'' in^dt ia"'X''p :inp 39 liwn. . . . nti'XD Dim ii'ipm: pniri c]i2^t2D ii'>::n 'n'':intr 'ii"'p:T li^'mc^ 4o nta:i i::!^** nnn man liyNi «np^m liDix ntr^n orn kdidi (nato^N «sn 42 ""'2' -nrno 4 "^a ^y nam d^did nya niM t\im hdjd pT.2) 23 n IDE' 7D «j . . . 2 t^lpl DO Ej'-ipa nnsin 24viiib "isn ''ii'''ipD]o 'p Toni ''i^aoD 'p "in^tD [""ynro] .... 'p'p'p noK^ 25 ITi^ty . . . . H*? ny 'p mm D^ip-" njn mn^ n"? ny 'p naio . . . . y-i 26 . . •DDn^B' nax^VD Dnny^ 27Viiic . . . .m iKT" . . . ""-D nnn'? o^'tdst m-no "td^b^ ^yri i3p'?n '"'■'D 28 nnt< D^oyD 29 ^[riNB'] ^ n^tyD"tt (J^nx^D:} ^:in [mmnvJpK^ tdd T]^pm n^sii njm^ 31 •'ii; 'nnsDai •'np np^n np . . . . 'T-'TD J^lpIT li'iiS '•iiN p'^yiT] 32 '>£3DDnt [nnn:i^ n]^ts^Dii 'mn-'ai pi"* nnn::i nmT 33 12 "Donn^ mn (nii^i'^u^ 12:1ft:? 122 nna^"'^ty a'Vtn mn::tai n-'S'-'^tj' nssD 34 1 n^:iiD'nsr ^Dtyin p 1D3 ^Bty n«iDD ^sfi' n:3 1:^:13 35 jhd:: «''n i? Ti'i'in Nin nnx ""^ ii''''m i:im« li'i'^n:: dti-'D 36 pTi:5^£jj ntap: Ti'imx nnDi 1:1''^:? n&XT la^inis^n nno 37 Mdd ■]ni''Dii'ny nsT «ipM (t^B .lyan nssin) '■' ynm NDininn bv now hth tarsn > /m nra'TD ynxa lano mnsn... nnao i« nxB' ne^a -nya rrn"' o mx^ .- i^csa ntn 'TE'on dn tncji ioxjb' baa it nxtJ' ; "y^jn cmaa -idn:e' hd"? tdt 2 .BmitynN ny nsoD ion n-'ne' -na ms'^D n nnsD : "^'an EmD"? tDT ' KB3an nnx ■??! .pT ony lixm*? n cnao'? Tiy» '"y .=^^3 i"?"^ '"^'^ * . D'a:}: 's c-i «Din:n '"y ir:3 pmn ■ry mnao nn-ntr ^r na'rD it mna rVjn Bmon '?y nm: nt dj * /131 b«1B^ 7 3 T-ir TriBiri y-iD "liiB^ "ns: '2\ <31D mNi'? d^o^ anx D^^n V2nn sr^Kn ^d 7 naaiy ""d -ik'tdh •'js'? -io«n "rxi tib^s ns N^tDnn"? i^s nx inn ba 8 H'T HB'yD ns "r^m I'np "^y 9 invnx pm:j (j'^iiDNi O'^im-'V^ ''^"jn msD "o " KBT V"i"i''5f» VJ"!^ ^^'^'^ ' Qt< ns'in nty« ^^"'23 ' ' »jnD nxxn nnTTi inEjnn jnn idkid^ (I'^vriiy mrivin mry^ 'ii J^ynsn ;a nyisn yij kdi3 mm pan nxm mnD"? v^na 13 11N tr-'Ni mn ya'-i 03"? nnin 'Ji "•«D''Ki'?nn '?d'? «snn o^jij; !?d'? n'rion 'Ji "omasy'? 15 . n*3 ,'3 nyn » .'t .i'-p wbnn « .n*' .n*"? .Dty » /n ,'n n'ynp « . y'B'a miB^Min nanan na^rnD n^n ^ )•<« nairn he^j? on, : 'a q^jro jmsD KDm:nn bv nnu nrn uran ^a » ."r'ry nnn njnsn .'a .n"" Nip''i " .'t .n": n-'ytr " .'3 .f'Dp D^'?nn " .'3 ,3'P DE' " BuRKiTT, Facsimile V [mnn nxn inn'^i nno"? nnnp] ^nmoa its mai D*»''n (^nnnox i-'^'n^:: M\mb ddt 'i? 'pan •?« K2im imnti orn jmson mm n\nn nxt ^0K'? hb'd 5 r3'02 my: nnn .'3 /-i"" Nnp"! ' TK ...jjT niir K*? iHD : («'^ c)^yD ,nyni3 riKsin) 'o ti->yD yntn KDininn b^f .'131 Di'?{y ok'td «"?« n^spn "jd"? jnoiy : ^'m ]wba Kim .nnniyni ir'?3 niyDtyos 'idj^ "ryDS B'Dntyo jo-'sn * nrnn cnNn ^y niN3n rnsnty Yin (ii^d n-nos) '7n-ik?» '^ty jjidd noj'? IB-pas' rKSin) Komin 3*3 '^y .'m 'a D'^nin 'n nnB'3 nsdj nt"? noni .insito'? ciid3 ...iniN mriD k^» nt Dn«3 n- isityD^ n'apn "^ab ntyp : (T" ^••yD ynin iy3i3 /131 HD- n itn . «'" n''"' ""jtyD '-y ' by nDOty y:i .npiy" iiy3 pnon" ti^riB' Dn« "33'? min .T'apnB' ■?*■) ' iDDonB' ^^D'rt> ynison rmn n-nn riNT idnj ns*? : '3 ti^yo y-nsD «Din3rin .r'?y pNS D'yajn Tn"? .'3— '« .n"" Nnp-'i * 6 2 T-TK? innm hdi na'y nn^n m -dm n t^x ivyb nx hdm -i*?! ,n3[i] 28 nxt HD'^-i tynp ^31"''' rmo ynr liOD ynn ny\s yi "py lamn na yix^i . . 29 JiTinrn ymtfa^o^n. ...[«] 3o ivb mmn^i ^•'iDts^n^ mnn xmp nnpn B'ND n:in3 m •'-12^0 (^^^ [n] 31 ti'N nanx3 pn lilts'^ n''pDn (»■?.... 1JT[tl'^] [:i] 32 pii n''-'' jnn iy:iia iv''">^i mjjDH nimip -ib'^ [i] 33 mp:? '>V::"'Di rnnxD ddi^'''' D'Ti^ttD □■'m [:a] (o[n] 34 cniT'^n («o[T] 35 O^anjaniDiiv [T] 36 ti;, t-lSi-^i (n^ [n] 37 i^jjs Q''^^ ">"i^n 1^ ^^SN TDn (nDpT** N^ nvnn [t:] 38 OapD -["ion"'''! fj^D yiDU'^ M^^b N-'tom s'^ r\\i;y\ i^^wi ....[*'] 39 nnia*' ny n^i lis [Q"ri<] 4f v mn"' Nin Trm ym^*a ("»[:!] 42 nine nn^ mt:'''! nnta'* naya nmts^nn '•iTn nm n:i n'7B'^ 'ji ipmo ^bivj nna'ai Dn«n n^sinn Nairn npis I6 ^^rnxD-n ""-^ nox 2']'ipb^ pmi? n\b^ di'tc' D^nac^ n^3 i<-in 'ii 17 rrnD '2 D-'mnji «iiti^i nriK mri^ 'r >9 iii ror\'^ &'«n n2x:n ny-i^' 'rsts'ii 20 (^"^n^in tsitys -D ,nDV» ]'\['s;b] eia'S ^23 r/::D ^nnn M 22 lys-'s fn yn en"? -jma 3211^ -i"?^! p\\:ipi<\ incn [inDNi] "nssp iys3 iiiya a'D 23 n"? nanK n'pyx •'d 'ji 7r'?^3N'?i i"? o^oin^i [D'^tyNi inniNi in]ND-iNi 24 sn"? r« 5jnn N\n ]rs i*? iNip nm[i ^3 'n dn: ixa-iN] 25 n^iD^n"? isan '?3 •'3 (iVnNmts nns^n n"? mntD i^sd ny . . . 26 iva •73 D21 [? n^yi'?] ''s ,9n3nK n^nn n3ny nno: ,n3D c^un n3r n"? ly d 27 ny 3tyn iyii« .'3 .T"? n-''?nn » 3 myn 3 moy '^^y'? '^y ;.t : ^ip * .'3 myn •''73J«n Nnoa '^y ; nac'i : 'ip * 'rfrnn n«iDi Dr6 kid 3'k« "rHnB^ ri« nao n'npn j^k^ :3" h'j'jd "y » 3 T")2y BURKITT, FaCSIUILB 1 IV^: ^nnjn nr^n^i nno^ nnnp] VI non NN-i DTN^ n nDTN (KJn n^T^ ' nDiN n^TD [n^] npn "piEi b.... nN. . . : . . n3« ■'ii. . . .3: stD^ 2 np-'^iD ''nn [^^] n»''ts' :d:t ^b 3 -Dials' NM n^MV ^i^TD (33nD , ^ i tainn p*? n-iiD': J<^ n^ nmn^n n-innm (" pi miDD*? 4 T^: 1D3 n-n'?n ntrivn ,^t'n nxnp n^m mD^ 5 D-iy^im j["^^< n^33 myi^j yjj •rinii p3i 9 vii iryty ira^ : ('■< ri-yo nyau nxsin) 't q^yc ynisa Nmmnn "^y nou » .'"^2^ nyisa imx np'?D ni^iy n^apn na ...rssn 'p-nbti? nyn mx ier VDS ityyjB' nDi'?3 ,Q''bv;bwQT] D^crsn raa nn rnnw Nanr nrrr arEjn » 'nty ^^y rnnx «3n tnnn ^ty m-xna nnx nnx rnn. '?b' npy» ,n'?n3 d^b^b' n'y-in njc-!? -laynx m"? ,'t ri'yo .nnayn htb''? rnxnana : noNO '^y) n-^on .ni'?iD3n n'^jen ba* n^na pn annn jyanti'n nt 'jsai ,(!0I 'ay II J"' "mna lo pD '»:{n'iB'i n^D '>n:jnD (»o[n] 43 ::'iTV"' "omT mi*" nvi (j[T] 44 'airx lYinna DDipn'' :nT''«D ^bb>i v^^t wsjn 1 nnsi^ BURKITT, FACSI^ILB II [n^'T' ^D tr-^K ^"^in nnn^^ nno^ nsnp] ID [3] nn "its'X 2 « nav^. ... [1] "DnD«n p:: ni , . . .nn. . . .D« in:{''''1 in-'ti'^? I •»Dn 3 [n] OV. .15^1 "itaStyDI liD IV . . [T] omoKi '?K-ity'' ""in "tk nan lax"? priK "pni n[{:'D] "^N •"''« -qti 5 ^^\iyi:3ip . . . . a^ 'ij nm^ ^2 nnpisi 'Ej v^' N'ln'! niii'ii n (ymn ^yi imn ^v V '^ [D]"'K'ii''n nv'intt' n^ 'n I r\bn n^ nirN t ]a 'tr '7 an-'^n ""nn dn nn^nDty d''^iv[^] whd o'inij'Ti is viii pi^f n^Dm n^n:i 'p iN^'iCp] n npiv nr^^N n. . . . •'tv- • • • 'S^ nns n^ -irD** hn^d 'i: 19 pi 13 («ynw •'3 'D 'y nph miTiDT npnxn 'D ixnD nanB'-'i ntr's* 'J 20 ^mTr tt'vn t^'? o ] [2] 1:3^-1 '? li-iin n**:} •'y:;''! 'lO nnta d:i Nsn '^ 21 •p-pii n-^n nn^TVT 'T (2*; ^: 'n Tin^T 1^ 'H Nin iy:i"'ii i^inv "i 22 nn'':}in ip n '« px n:Dn:3 ^nn. ... o 23 b \y2n2n n^'^n'? ij-'jnn nsin'? iisnn ny n'?'?p 24Viiia T^o 1[Ey^"i]p3 iJTOK d:i "msi "rnni pb^n iJE'npn nctrbi 25 ns "psDi m'?33i n^33 nb nsinm n^^ j<-ipT d"d ui)p 26Viiib IDTcmK n'?m]D 'p iniriT dind 'p in'?m "i^d 'p p^'pp nax^i liy^ 27 V P'PP . b^ wmat 'P ^rmpnsa n"?! ijnbnrn d^u mijnN 28 DnDiy*? irsryD nD3 «^i 'P w^miri:: 29Viiic "iiDr nnuB* n"'K'^"i I'^iab x-jp iidn^ "ra 30 nnoM nnnt:' NDT"! . . . . nnynB'D^pMnnna 31 15 1 T'TE' inanx iod insDiD ijod x o^yT. onx ^^n tsyo 24 id"? ... . n^DDn p "ry i^n Nin 25 ntin imiD3 nn'?^ nan r^nn mxi trnx on "itrn .... [n]SDiiDD 26 "in^Ji''?! "laia"? DK ^3 N-|3^J K"? 27 mn ^:3 n [nn] niDDa l5'U^< 28 ivb mn Dxnn n::: n^'n'' ]s 'DT d: d''d 1^ nis'in nran 29 nn . .^3:2 [nipnjn ipT::n a.T 30 m bv D"'0 N*?! D-iD ^v [m '^"'^"l] «^ □''::tt a^^niXDi i^-'^in *^'-ip jnr 34 'D^nnT ^jfv "ii^v ^'^i< ^i''o ni':2''ts'n v;^^^!) nxTsn *.^^in 35 ntiDir nnm n:in"'2 nn:"": ly on''^ ^cn nc-'x "iKtr Oit:'. . nni dvd 36 mn 11:2 mr-'n mn^i Dn*"^ p bv nirx DID ^DD n^a nn*'^ is"":!- am 37 mx^ :(n''3 ,n''3 nrx) man pn d'di praan "75? i^mE' no nr"? hibti ^ mn n"?! mn bv pa-i n-on n"? nan xmc* nya's m ri*m d'"0 rsn i'?pd'd n\n .(i^oD r\2-\ NipM) 't3i "D^an ^y pai nytyar, : ('' ci-yo nyau nxsin) 'n ri^yo y^^o NDin:nn ^y nou * ."nyisa "ipi ^ayn nx "rKntr i2'yr . . . .ixn mr ^b i nKn"*: . . . .di mpDD •> naji ""D ^v fl''DT' niy ns. .D [1] ']DD '>^'\p '2 DTiD TNti^ D'' b xin niiB^ HIT :ivn a\'T' itt^s:: i n'»''nn >3 D^nnn ix mr dn ns^n m mu inxDiD .Tnn n[Nn do] B^DHM n^ND'' Kin «•? -iB^N ly iTimnD •'D-'d ikiu jin -nan 'ii 'nrain rT"! V'^o' I5 •Dnnsy^ B^anai a"? '•niac''? i7 -|T pirn::. . .pmn irT p''em Ov ,7iV ^vr: '9 n''vn B'mn jCn*"] . . .xn nsD^i . .in. . .n-iinta n^D^ nm'' 20 i2'»«sn''i rniy" ,irNsn i:''nN ,ii''nn''ir trian^ 21 [^2N3T 'Ji] 8i:tyan^i i^ i^kst"! [qtis Kin o 'n "^k] nm&':i id*? a-o 22 •'jyti'in NDiNi 'n snnN "n'r^nn ^3 [nyjyixi] 23 .'3 .I^B NnpM 1 .n'V /J -y^D « . n"' /n avN » /K ,3"^ n'rnp * .B^s .ta"- •''rtyD * .': .T^ap n''7nn ^ . n" : np ' /n ,'1 ye'in * III 17 n T'lE' 'n riD''-! Tiy *'n 1^ nD3 Dim '3 mND"':fin]n52 in DN D''S''D 53 .T'n"' TDn nDiD ("spiD mpD ]nn''D 55 ':3 ^n DX nnon ns-ixp ':ji ntr« inn ininB' 56 '3 ^«in «DtD nn pni 57 VII nb2'^ p IV^"- P nnJ'' n'»m'' Dini'' ne^n Kin dT «in p''«Dl 'n nn? nin:j nan nv^in 'n 'n ::':«•» p^ V'i^^'> pb nntD'' n^D*" DD"* nnD"' (Ts tails'* «"'P'' natJ^"' i^-imnp Y? «"iP'' n:ia n^P 'ii''«'i^nn ^ND Din*' 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b B'llX «in 58 'n59 'n 'n60 'n 'n6i 'n 'n62 'n 'n63 64 VIII 2*, _2^, nanoa ' o3'p .ti^'p D^'?nn » .'3 .^D D-''7nn « .'3 ,l"l2 Nnp'T 8 ""J" TIT no 16 n:}T Kin insDitD:^ nnn nxDiiD . . . .na^x 39 v D''D. . . .'•a TDn Tm ,D''Dn2 'n"':i ^o (3SD"'aT nifi'L^tS'::] nnx iDn ,n"'D'' ntyi^ti'^ n^^b^ ^b^l 'pn::: «''n d-id^t v^^^ PP^d pta nn''T^ ]n 4i (ispmD . . . .nii^s ^i KDta^ pipn"" in-'-'^n n«i (nsxato'''' «*? p"iT DK mn^ ,'kd:d'''' mnian pn □« at 42 SDt^a "iinta niiB^ it: ""d ,kdid mpDn •'nn in-'-'in nmo xin Vis"? nti^K d''D'' o^nno-'n^ d:i i'^^nhn^'^n'^ :i3 a KDiiaD 45 Taylor, Facsimile 1 i^fiiD na^n*''' ,n''''nni d« di«di ■'hd 46 3«'? p i»D n^n*''' ,nND [y] pnn nn-'^vo'? n^ts^i ,]"nvn ::n vbv ^l^P ^^ p-inK D''"!'' msts'xa ,(«^ ["I] inKDitfi *•»"» nx iD^ty ,(2^1^112 ma^ n^tr'' o^tr 49 innnta ^v mnra ]:inp [k'':i"' mT" '':n '>:^ ik D'»"nn] M-itr3D DT rrri^ o pm 50 vi »iits^i N-'tartD OsTiB mn''! Titr:i ts^N s'ln inn mo: .'n .t'o NipM '^y 3 .'3 .l^tt NIpM * ,'n .'n n'^np » Taylor, Facsimile II [3] m«Dm mmnD mmi^ 2 TTX ^SD I li-'aiiim lanvx nx"'*» «^t i^-'T^: ]"»an nrnva 'o i» D">anT '»DroD ^^ onna-'y caD K^a •'wna cmiD 19 .«'- ,'n K'^nty ^ '"':'' inn a 18 i3''::D ntaD p^"* irnra v'li mi"* 66 li-Ti-nn Tin '?^in'» ii"'mn''ii j:)^nn*»i tynnni'* 68 irK'rinD^ irxsTn irriDDDi wnnn utibidi u-'Kin irmni« zoviiu ir^nnn \yp:n iryjioi irDTn iranDi tin'':n trTinoi irtrann irnaK^ai 7i •'E'-npD ^rtrnpDa "i^tynp'-n^ irtrn^P D-^yjii irB'npn B^npn latj^i 73 ItypnDiD 'p p"pp n^«"npi i^ cmDi i*? omw^Di isyr '•nk'i: ntrx 75 T-tmnD 'p ^Vn mp^m m-i^n nDtron -|trp3^ ntyx 'pa'? 'p p"pp -isninpisD'p nan 76 iB'K "td"? 'p iD3n m[D^^]3 inpD^ ib'K b^b 'p iT^nni snit^^n r'''?m3 n^y-iT 77 [Dn]Diy'? ns-int viiic r'^n*' DN D"D yB'DD impJ*? Dnx"? S^ND*' D« D«D nDK"" ^3 78 ytr 1*? nn'? Dn«b -id*''' dx 0"d ytna innr'? onn^ 79 .n*^ Ttnn '$< nne' "rp^ '"i? * 21 n T'Tty nya nnai tDsti^D nnn naipD n-i^ D'?E'n^ "dt dni irs 24 «3 *?« m^p nn«i IV. mp n'rn bv ''nnay mrfDi nnmy n^a^in nn^ny b^i'tet "^y djdi« 25 ^3 m\v t\t: '?yi trmp nac' ii ^yi i'?n n^n Nin ib'k d-ix no^y n'?'?^n ^d n'?n B'npn nnaisi' n"? 26 .31 n\n mn ie'k onxn mniD nxD^t: ^3 riTJi n'?^yn i: n^n Kin 27 7^mni irsirtD nnam ii^D"n« r^'^n ny iron "irDna lyn^^ ijntr^j 28 niy"'N^ nnivt2''n n''nv^ nss^Dn tk 29 ivb hin-iv"! '•n^'V iv^ P"'i nn 30 n-ian ^n**:!! nv^i n^''Bi D^Dn an nt^'K d'^dt nB'"'Dn n2 3i *atD3i 012113 ]ip3"i nDTN '•Di iinti'T nn« i^'iD nDTNT mx '?v nj<:an •'3 Dn« m 32 naiN •'D"'D^ nonn mn 33 (npnDi«^ iriT'Tnm T»t:''D3 inT'Dvn k^ •'3 laip nv'^^^ inD3n"'3 •'3 01313 ]ip3T 34 1^ niTD niD D13 "IS :iTD31 0PD'«a2a nii''">5 i^iTDi n^m '•di tit 35 o'las ns*ia3 u^yi^'L nn •'3 nnD3DM Dn''S ^v nn^3is>M n''D3n 36 Opdt Kin I'll* ''3 m^ ni Kin -js dt I'ln i^r^^n^nb n''''isi nn''n n^ Cjii'ilD 37 NaiDD nniD nn^ nap dn ^3 .»*■> q-'yo ynisa nya^n XDinam :'n naci' •'a'7C'n"' '•'y 2 /131 "niayn lys n i^nsyu : n^n .D^a nan n'B'xin '-y » .'1 ,'3 mj '■'y * "'•'2'' nuna 20 0PD''Dn p nxDiia *'p"'m D''DTn n^^i:!!:: h^db^d o'lynp ::2-nD XDta^ nxDita •'naitr :idiv'2 I n^i pino ^'•.n:^ '3 nir^iai t^i^h n«Diia '•^in a5ti''» «^ ds*'^ p nnn b:i^ n"? n^rf nmj asB^Da nan ••D"' 'ra r'ry aai^n nt^x 3Dtrnn "pa I4 r'?v 3trn -ic'N ^'?Dn n'?^'?a D3 ir:y oyai □•"mxaD rD** ba ^3 'it 'man nxDitsD n^n"* XDt: 15 D3 n*? 235y ah w^3 n'?y3 '?3ii irnpns b^ nny 13331 i:'?3 «Dt33 ^nji 'Ji ^'pnn nt 16 '11 *i:\iiu^ nn3 ir:iyi n'?i3Ko nsne^ nn\m D^Dna r6'?wD n'?a{yi ^v'^2 ikid ii«d '73 -3 17 «n3"T' nosy n^iix i^n*?! n3 is nbni '»nn ^taa CPn^D:i d'»xvi nV'^nD nan** "* iS'Nn K13'' ni^K b3 fi^Ni lixa nip" 21 D'»a3 nnsmNn '>12 D^'ca f rrr'n^ v. yni DN 'ii sptya ^310X1 "l^'ryD y^i vi-quh) D^a3 i^n-iNi 30 23 m:3 n«is nx .(I'a .I'n xnp-'i) "nmj nNooa, Kin ainan jik^ ^ .j^a ,'3 nbnp » /n /B Df * J3'3 .'d or « BuRKiTT, Facsimile FV [D-'jnan ^a "lasn nas-i n-iD"? ns lip] ('N S'"D Nip'1) n''nntDt2 «in'' n'^on ntDD^ nn^tD riD ^3 nnnrn o^pmtfDn n«T u^^bi^ niiDi Dts^sni imp*' K^ nnnp VI (lapmts'n «b n:nn:3 ""d ^vi n^ns im'? ni'':: ntJ^x nii'nDn B^nip nt^*'? □''nntaai D''iynpn"'a ^ip •^t^-nps E]tt'n''p nn^sTi ''«at2'»'» n"'V"'»^ iniDi« nti'N d^^"? /t ,'3 m'7n« '^y ^ .'3 .N^D DE' * D'Nn '"D may '7D-'3 mxa nVnrion T\bi2:i ^^ronurh iB'sn"? rin::i* ^aso * N3n Tnna pi ,('3 ,'« n^ya'^) ^nbn: d^33 rtJ''70 ."Pu nnn ""^n-Jtt h'pdd tyDntrn '-y) D^Dya"? D'B'?nnD "rm "n: D^'rysnty ^jdo "n2» nnn "n'rmu n'?D3 ti-Dne'n .('« ."rn 'y min-.i2 r'ro 23 8 VII 10 •'•'J'' inn a 22 (npnm'' "6 n:i'^2n in'>r\b'\ nt^«D ti'''ns''^T ('2pD'':}n n:: "ivti'^ V^**^ ^^^ Q''^'^ CJ^*" ::it:2 nm^'n •'s 40 n3''T DT iDD ht: dt nT:i niit n''nn ""^ 42 n''Di mnoTi ni? iin^"'i h-idt :nT ::'iTn •'5 43 (a^PiTiDmn ]''''j?» pnnTi «mt n-'ana ip-r::'' □•'D^n fn:ib nm-iD '»t» n''ts'a:i naia? •'Id pna''n n^i. . t]''iDn ■'d 44 (ivpinTin □"•Di:: n^^i^D n^a^ (i»PD''Dn ]n^n •'d^ w nxno? Othv^'^s «in nnon ns'»^fp (Tt^pn^s:: pip piDn -"D 4( nnxi T^ir^b nnxD ^j-'isn^ (n^nn^t'iB man^ in^n i'Eiii inn:} 1^ D13T 'N D^DT^ >2 'KJ11 "litan ins nn '« n'^BlD^ '^ 'fill C^pi^ Dnm^D '« Dn^n^V '"lati niXD riD xin v^ yns 'n ^3^ '4 'ta"''' n"? Natfi''n^ 1^ nmn 'k n*?^ '5 (x'^p'ta'''' K^ TiDv:: ^p Nin 'n i^d^ 'D« N^ 5"iia nsD :niD xin 'n in^DyV '7 'ts"''' N^ mnv^ 1^ '':'»e^ '« T»p2'? 'la"'"' N^ (I'^PTina TTJDn j^'K 'k pniJ^ '8 'tail «^ li^^n'' 1:1 '« ^ripb 'Qti N^ nsa nnt-j ^tiD 'k V"'*'^ '^ *'ia"''' N^ nmnia N^m nxDita ^D p''SD yD^ty^ 20 nt^s^ pi^i tat^ty Qtaiori -|aim C]''pn 21 viii n^smp iia^ipi ::np a-i^n nxm m D-inipa miST TpD a^vii^i nsiiJi ps:2 22 :'3 i^p nyiu '"5? ' .''n'7'iDD intj-x"? KDtiD irNi mtya incys'? NDO' n'7 iqnVt r3K'7g : 'i tT'yD '2 Nnc'is ii»N xnaon bv nou nt dj « ."m^'D no'? xin «di3d ."DSDn 27 T TTEy (apD2«:f n^i'rvna w^b^r^b Dii^^ n:i::y 12 D:ixn^T niV2^^b n^^n u^y^^'i pip m^^n n'ryx o-'n^a m'^iy oi ^n^Tyai o^B'aan -ip33 ipnn idt D^nn ddjsi'? 13 miop Dy n^ anyiB' nxi nij'y rxn^ psi '3i -"nbD Dmny ny ipi ntryK d^^k h ♦Dy^j^n yaB'^ («0PT!nD nDW l^iriT |T13D (30PD<.t:^ty i5«.-ipii QtQ'.^ty i:j-ip^^ 19 "[tynp DV :i^ ^V iir-npi nm n"" 20 DO nnTian onTn'riy *'n'?''sn n'33 DTinoan ^B>ip in '7K DTnN''3m 21 min3 r-iytj' ixn 'ii ^o^oyn 73? xip^ n'?sn n^3 ^n^a -a ^natD ^y 22 rnnsn .(u*-' ,3'3 xnp'i) "D'tyai D'-SB'sa ^p^ag :nm airan nrb » .0'- .n'Dp Dty * .n' :->-ip • BuRKiTT Facsimile III [S'^'T|T "it2;Kn 'nnn'^i nnD*^ niznp] lip-iDD TS''3 nts^K tr'»K np** tnp TDS ^5? Din'' •mxns •jKitr ^32 ^3 ^) 1-33 bw nn»« ^» ^2^ idn'? nts^D •?« ^'"' im^i 5 •ry I'jy- t« 'r^'^si rf?y pns "nsr pann w '3i ^n'riy^ ^"^"r unp" 7 JJ-IT 'iT »DnD 1^n3TD \'?''3r V3^3D "js DS^T^K ""•^^ ^D'?tri mi 'Ji m"rt» mub idd^ in^y^ 8 26 29 t T'TB' Dbiy*? Xi *?« 38 in'^y nnw -[•>« n^^'^i< [«] 39 nnrmD^i cnm'':^ [3] 4o n:2ni ••'•ty:} •':i-n2n ^3^ [n] 4i (23pn^iV "^ssn 3^ '^^^n^'^n bv [T] ^2 npi::'' '•'•ti^ ntj^:n^ ^ts's [D] 43 "''J'' TunD 28 iiDE' 1312 1*? mn n'^nna 23 DID 13 ]^N ntJ'K p"ip nman (:DpmD n^ r>< "iti'x ns^n dixd 24 iVa D^jriDT D''D^nn mj3"iip p p"ip3i rjHD p nsTDD ^3 D^o'^ityD ih^ai D^D^'rtJ' I'r^K d^d^'tb' 25 [rD^QD] p D^anD rnnpD nnB'"' D^Dn*? d^d^dd hud p "i'tds in^a p inxs inDr« p crxD 26 tS^np"? n^trnp -lints'? omnD -iina"? 27 (TOPDJD"''' x^ nriDj nn^ ita[n] 29 D3X'''' nts^N H^-'ND p'np (TDPDp:: mxn^ I**** dv:> no . . . . [:] 30 Dn:i3D N^ ^ipn Dmn''D m. . . . [i] 3i (BopDii^fn^ n'lnn □« [n] 32 Di«>c o'l-iD ]t2':i^"'"i niixnD niiifn nt^v'''* pii-i^ n''nm''[nD««3'i] 33 (jpD''^V» ]''« n''Di: [V] . . . • [t] 34 («3PD''^n» pN nnD n^v^ ikd!?*! nriD "•D'^iai •'i^j [n] 35 ^i3''np''TK 'J"'^''K» :3"'npD [t3] 36 nxn ••mriti'N^i n 37 /n /p D'^'mn » 31 n n^iB' npsjnn-'D i 12 [np] npsHTn^n IDl 13 . ..Dnsit^i 14 b'ipy\ 15 16 n Ti5y Ms. E. N. Adler, 287s FoL. 4A. li-imnx npiifi i3''::iDm 3 man ii''^^ ^''ps [myo] n-ion nnsnn nnm npixnl [■]''^D]Dn bni ^ npitfi ion nnti' 1 ["1kd]d p3D 8 [npi^in] pvini tDSti^nn na:!^! [np] I now [np] oi^nsitr'n II ■noy j'jn'? 3*2 '^y: n"T ^b' tiDio"? orD nihe' j-'SDi Nnyatr '7B' n^T Kin ^ 30 .1 myn 41 33 "rn^n nac'? nanp n'»5fn np snnvts'n tains n^**? 'n-'^D p''^3:j ,'«inti^ "tid:i ^d nsD"? 01 "131 ^onso n«3 "nan "73 nan ^'^t n*?^*?;! ^snn ^n^i n'oa sT-a «■? i^DK n^D^t nay^i ny '"ipw D'''?Si mpN*i "ipims «):iij:i n-i^ ^33 dtid .rasa n'pi idnd nou .1133 nw on^ra n'apn n':n i^b i3 m'?3 n n^JD uj^ki ""jan n« nsoo . nnsno ir'733 ; I'^s tl-'yo .n"?""?;! "sna "hm npd'd 'n3T Nnp'DD '"y] n'^-Vn ystsxa : x'-a-'D ^ , [.I'a c|T •iy3i3 .NQinjm /i . n'a .a"" nia*^ * a^mai .d-'Dbti -lyen p'nna nnon n^«n n-pioan "ra .'3 .n""? arx « .in'^'NT pT Ksa: ]nnKn jdi ,"3tJ'n picsn ion D'Diann "^aa .irjun ...i^r'rnn riJJDi ;:''^a -.uatynn tiiiDi iN'-'a nau ^ n:j Nin nr "yaN 'lai ir:D "7331 ''i333icr) nmaxa^ :''y^a-i rnn it no-rina Ksaa "3 lyE?"? B'M . onnn nr'rc'a pn tynntrn nb rniDTin 'yaaty •'xr '?»' inii"'B> HT "75; '"y .i-'rp i^ rmo^nn^ nm'.B'n'? "-d Tai rnn iD"'Din n-'jnnNn cp'-nyan . 50 myn Ni3a3 . nnsD n : p'ln^s « .ippma : E"'nyc' naij ' .(:"'? ,3" maty) n^na i:^a na« -"a aTi3n3 :k''"'3^d "» IIeHto njDj Vsi ,p3j irx nr "73] n^an n3D"'i pts^a innsj : p^nn^a " . ['a ,'n n^tt'XTs .ann mryo naon p'na irK nr n:] ('n ,'n 7^:^) ma"? icsj Nnp-'i ri'^yn-'i ]iB''?a : p'-\n'Si " . ['3 .k": iTyB'"' .is'ry T'ja cmsa Nipo Kim ,['3 ,a'' n-yET' ,n-isa nn npaji : b's} nnn npaai iib^d : p'nn^s 1* .nipn ir:yi l^n^ '"Vi amaa rn dk wd ntyx "yaa vn» nniK ta b'n : p'^nn-'Q " . [ 7 myn 37 may . nan m^i : p'nni a*m now » ["^Ti:n nintr'^ n^np] n*'mi'':3 b^^r2r]b "inn DTi^n V^s 1^3 1*SB^ I'un'? — lain '?n3n rac''? -isr onjsB'Nn b-ati db'-ijb' ntn Dran ^ 13 TKB' -JBD nn .HDD '7t:' pti-NT nr"? pig — ,(23 'oy n-'y^aty hjb' T'jon '■«y) ntOB "JiNg :'?^nnD ;iD:iy noan ano pi noan mip b& uoto no^-Ln me' mjn nV^bn msna '?ni::'"' nx-'s-o r^nxi nmaa nooo n'^nno lanoi ■□"nam n^DD Kin ,n':'y mo qor '-ib b-iiin r\2^ lirs p n"?! .■n'7'''?n "sna •'H'^i, : nra : Bra r)iD3'?i 'riac ]na nmp "iDyti''?^ : nn-ax pa nana "aa'rtt* ]irt» piD3 pn i«sD3 3'Dn3i .B'Tiyttn p'^na nnon n-'piDQn ^3 .'3 /^ 3rK " /ni '« .82 myn ni3D3 '"y i^^yi ei*"?K oy n'^n nin '«3''t8' no n^y " .ma*? yaK'"' : a-^nytyi p'nn non .dhn"? n3"'nn npno: x'^aa " .pna n^nnn TiRB'a oan-'ja ae'^'? Tnye' nnx ir-n : N'^a-a " .Dtnto w"? nB7 p nnsDa d'ds \ib rr'B'ysy loa im^a : x^p-s " 37 bt'MT] nac'? nanp n:n '?2^ nsi' n:n pn:5i n'^n^ Kisn "imsn i:n^T pji:! ns •'-nsn^ "msD v^^ nnt^v IP^k D^tD ^3 bv Dinm liTsn '-[trip vnn »°'Di ty-ipin n'?iy'n p$;in o'riy'? «: •?« V "n'r^'rn ^i^nn "'n^i pni vi .2 myn 32 moy ^^-y"? '^y » . mDiK"? Tin mo nr : p^nTs * . [DB' ,«np''D3 '•'y] 'rxnB'^'7 cnmn mo : p^in^s ^ ."yB'rig rfron ion 'ai k'^'Sd « wnp^Dsa imB' id3 ,Q''pVk ya^ts n2 ma'^a •'o-'Dana .ddm : p^nn'D ^ nnyn '^y D^trnn nxB'ai ,k3 XD^n^na 3^3 k^^dji .nV^'^n '^sna \ti : Npo's] ypin 13 nnxi .onn "in n-myyo nmo nVnns T'y bv note's i'?d [nyam e-'KOT ij"n ,m3D yB'n nnry lyssx nn'^a "D'oanaB' nsdj /i3i cymasn nn on'-Vy yETi nnsry "it" n3iB'n inr n3D n^hb' nnns n3D3 bna ,n''N3 E^^ny i^sn "rnj .nnDE'o ni33 .ids'? 1133 ,v3n'? 1133 ^m33 n3D "j^a 'o ,nm33 ni3D ,Dnso3 Kim mnK nxo inn .n»*x "yaa nn3 .■'3E'n m33 .nnsBTi -1133 ji"'3n .'?":3 . mnx pN3 Kim onso 1133 ('i .I'a niDE') 3^iK ryin 'nnrD^noxaB' id3 rim □•'3 ny^3on ; p^nn'S ^ ."ysn 1DD1TI :3""'3 nty ynm '73n iiaoni : 3'''3 nry ynri : n'o hdu ' .'imD'7B'3 ntn ersn nsdj D'msn3 •" isp '""B KisDi n5':r3D oiansi «*"'33 . n-iir d-b^tb zr nrn orsn "ry " ttiTB r'ry 2n3 ^k-ib^"" rm3y mo '7y3i .inx nnr Kin tyn-'an p'nn innDsi •«^2'' nuno 36 33"in n'?sm *m:{m »m^n .'omi^ yoBTi nnija yot^'D .i^nnxa ''orT'^nn ^v is« nnty niS'N .(n*" /K D'^oaiB') monn "ryo msm tea ,n'?ia3 on'jyns'? mn ip^nn-'S » (3"'" .a^D n-'yty") najn"" ra-'iN bv nns'- :in ^t id3 .noin jib''? : k'o-'B * «■?] m-isi ipysM nwnn ,npys ]w'? : p^nn-'s . nnxa nopa -ny^c' n-iuu d'?13 .[I'rsi IN imsi IN .ipyt) k"?}* nra nunn 'tinsd njijyo """33 '?3N n^Dienn noo "a*? Kin ht tnn nm: .sipm ]wb : K'-'S^a "^ /m Dy "^y nnm msn tipnm ypnn 33nm n'rsn wsni nDsn : ^"^2 nou . Nin rj-'-'a nou /m ny "ry nosni msm msm aanni nVsn ^ipnrn ypnn :3*''3 nou .'131 ny "ry nosni msn ^ipnni ypnn 33nm n'?sn n:sni msn "7*^ o p3D '73 i^N "rsN ."E'npi 01101 «iu^ NiH nnipOH b^ nou « . nosy •'3a3 moiy n'70 n-'hi ."mip^ .('T ,0""' n^yB'") onso na ''m3Di ]ib''70 .maon rp^nn^a ^ . Da"? : D-Disnn nou ^ .■pN-itr "33 n'?ty ab: la"? ny-ia nti-pnti' "ry : N^^a^a ' . CB^Jua n'jB'Dn -ib^n nn^K^y nn\n : 3''''3 ; •'B'Jii'? : ^"^3 nou ^^ .nnro: mB'y3 noin^c' Dm3X •':3 rp^nn-'a " . nyi3 : 3"^ nou ^^ .(n's /■• Tcvur) Dn'''73n "ry "ax pioa n^^ Kim Dm3yin ip^ima " '•-y] niDn3'7 rn n^innB'oi non3 nyi onso 0^1133 n-'snty : N''''3''a " . [B''3 ,3""' niDE' ]r\iv Dinni ,n3 'a NnV30 ; n'?-''?n •'sn3 "hm xpo^a Nnp'oa bv i-tt33n\nE' Dr3^ -.rt'-^bn "'sn3 'mi '"a Nnp"'Da3 noNB' no'? ton] " mr:i npntrai npTi mn orn mix .in'-s nin3 i'?b' r^'pw is n-'n no ono nnx , [n3p orn ims i'7N3 r'^y hb'p nn-ni . nnae^D rNi"? : coiann nou " 39 !?n3n nar"? nanp n^"»^ D51 np:i «n« ne^i -ioiis'd m^ 'n^'»i?n ^^ C)K DIM ^^ •'3 VTin m »pm VII VIII rf?'''?! imK yn"' Dr^ ori .or Tish ^am n^'-'? n'JS^ t'« '^ viii. onpD ,8-ioy «"iti' «-nnjT ,-idd i^trn^ n*? iti^m ,vnv nyn n'?^'?'? D^2"iy^ ,naiii nnnsi "ip2T iniri ,innJiON ijjtr'' m'?^'?T ,n"iDn n-'r niniN n^ri T'n'ts •'dj n^DT^ i^yj-n ]dti pyi "ny 'rs^ .n"?^*?! eity^-j .tiDi" p un-'tj'D ins N2'' iijoi Ji3 -d .n'-n' ; i"? Dii ...'73'? ymn m : 3'''3 zn'?-''? i"? eixi ...ymn dt : n'o nma * nriKi n'?-'7i orn ^'?B' ub)^ ymn """bti nnx : p'^nn-'S , eini ...ynin m : j''-3 nnNiy '?3'7 jnr tx [t\"h b^s] no p inop: mpjnB'3 ij^m "rsn it31 V33 *7tyiD .nnx loc'i nnx niK imN3 "^'T or 11x3 no-tt' nai , n'r"'? na'cn*? nonty m'73 : p^nrfs ^ i-Nn j3 K3'7 TTiy"? D'pnsb nj3 s'nNi 'k or pn n''B'«n3 'd*' nB'B'3 i^kd nTity /m rB'3y 3"-33i ,n'"mn» m Tns "no nt tare ins «i3"'n k3 ^nv^y\ x^-as * .ntynpn inx «in mn inDn b^ loipo a'^as d'tin .nt mD*? mtn 3*3 nsdj .tlDiD3 aba nnnca k3 n"? t^np nmn -innDsi .1^1 pai : BOityon nown nsdj 3''d dist n3'?a mDipon '?33 « .T^Sib rx 1331 : '31 N'"'33 ' . 3^3 ,'3 "TN-jn '^y 8 . rnxn "pisb nnsn i«Kn CDB'n nnnrs riE'iy nDxty nonn : p^nrr-D » . [Tinn"? 'r'^sE' "r^j] nan'jnD inpsn pnnn"? :p''nn''S '" :3*"'3 ;ny '?33i T^b'b ^ityji uv 3-iyi nnnsi ■ip3i naai nntri :n''"'3 nm: " .•ip3i n3:i nnen Dnp3 nyn nin"' r^'bi : '?''ti moa naiB^D nrn iDNon '?3 now j'"'33 ^ np3i inB'i nay •ntJ' t«iin:i idd tbtt n"? lE^im nnaioN ujty ni*?"'?! i-'non nT . ym ]DTi n'y ''SI n"?"^ tityji nonyi n::i onnsi n^"'^n m^nn nn: i^a nn n^''^ 13 :nni trnp '•^^n nsni^D n^*"^ '-rnnp ims riTints' m^D v^s'ii 'iN ]"«« mN "^a T3 ""isa b'X-iB''' mny 'db' "jsdi . mp nsp ibids p-ii pmo K-'SN nsp '?NnB'"' miaj? 'pysB' niDipoa p"ii .man nss 'nsa'? "osy'r nam nxn . t:*np mnn "jya nan i«SD n'tc .DnsDN "Kpi >n ntyiy ids ,pdd jie''? D-'triaa c"' : p'nn-'D ^ .(I""? .a"-' maty) nnso n^ i'7sri aTiana ,D3ioa 'tnib''' inp"? o ,n:iaD . miBi oaty oty "ry .'rn'r •'ua no'^a n^tmsa ty-i : p"nn^Q * . n"?^"? marrna nma : a'^-'a nma ^ «-iip ''bn nan Nf a (k"" ,«"a n-'ye'"') ina a^nac' ans irTi : p''-ir\''B * -iBK ,N-iip •''7N •'"tn '^Di n'?-'? d:i -ipa njin -laity ibn n'r-^'ja na -laity Tyt^a ia N-in na 'tnib'"' naity Tyt:' ma'ra '^'lya N^a:n in ns'ran smp "bx n^apn npa mE'y'?! nntn"? "izb &' 'lai Nns .n'^apn .nair -lax rxtn na^trnn lai nb-'bn nniM ^•'ara jvitq "naie^'?^ n'^a'^n naB-i .rpn ny'p itfy"? ipina n"?^"? aai aa"? . n'p^'ra na "lair : k^d", . n'7^'?a na naity i«'7an «iipB' nxnpn nvi» i'T'^ip^ "i^tj'o •'Ti: "IBID nn"? *''tS'iV ns'inn ^ddid^ "iDp '^sn'' nsDn d« ''D''Dn ""^^ta nMn^ ^ixj [□■•nan n^-Q 'i3i -in]n li^in*' iDDH 'tde'k i:x2n x'pd -non -ins "IV "i:t lin •"Ta d-jd"? n-Ti nrn "■"an .2708, 1 » ''d 3*n *'7"'iNpi nyu-'U no-'jsna iddj j3 ^ nDs"? 't^ r"?!? DDn Nim .n"" 'y a^n n^'ro-n"' "1:33 nrn nran o^ann laaai nya^nanyn 'n ^r^stt* ,586 XII n^"7:3Nn n^nsi'rp^sjyna nsna 'n pn^sa nt "?y Tyn nasi ."^"i'' 'in ne'iat'? .'JN^'D ,VJis '^y) riDiD n'^sn'? noiJE' era ioi'?d ,Nr)y3B^ :iti3 "jr db' Nim "ncia-ng ^B* 't"? U3^K ntn Oram xnyaB' nman n"! Kin t^'Tn mx 3"«i ,('3 'yn ,69 'oy ynysa . nrnxa pTiyo n^D ns'io-n n'^on naou pan ""rai .noa 'tb' noia n'?an'7 k'^n noa ,piDa3 '?'nnD rnn "pa .it iina a^Nm o'TB'n tb' "pioa ""ay nou nrn aran * . pioan nan nnx jt'SI IT'S "pa 'jb' iiE'Knn mna naton a^xn nrmxi ."Dya "lari" : n'?B'n"' ni^a ' ."B'ly "B^'B'n .DB' * nti ,'1 ,'j B'^nB' ny I'a ,'k B*"nB'a laub injia "a nr "ry n^ya nya^naiyn 'n * ;a n'7iy nxT "a : 'n /n B-'na* ny r^a .'k b'^hb' la "r'si ,n''Nan n'pioan ?a naian mya .'m npanna lanan 41 •'^j"' "inno 40 ^m«-in snB'is?! m«'?D n^'tddt n\vw' e^nnon n'n^«'?si ^'-naioi ^Dn ^3 ,i»n"' «■? yn):^) n^:^ «i^k lari cny njim d'^d"' -ididh /neiei mmxi yvhQ ■'D3 ta'o rnsio :k*''3 now ^ . m«113 «l"'^nDt : '31 '3 ,K*''3 HDU > .'tJi rnp nnx omno ont ^1^B nr« : s'o nou » Vlllb VIIIc IX bv n^om /Ti-D^i anoy n^3D ^3 .^njiuna i nx nnn lync^ '7'nnon Bra •'''33 n:!dj ntynp n'ryn i'ji J33i ^-nriDn inK io^do pi'^'o r js"? anajty nuya .'r'^iDn "nans «in ,in» p«3i TBD3 ,mnB3 ymw njn^ : idvdi ."ntnn nn3 yiOB' .nc"-'?'? D^Din: yDtyn^ '•ai .'131 ijytpji ^mp'- . D"''?nn3 I'p mDTo'7 irays non nrn arsn ' . [nyo^nttiyn myn] onoy p nti'D m3T3 d'pni loiVa ' . D- "^y nam "r's m "d"?! 't yp n^'^nn '-y * re^i3 E)3B'3i ('15 .b'd rrB'Ki3) nnN nn*? '^b'djb' nmn-- Bstyo n^rtv ]wni'z Yi » s^y T*"? naiDi n'7B'3 's Nny3D3 ^"02 n'^'nn d-'? ht on'sn (t'a .na^) sxt"? '^ti'DiB' . [-iyD"'\n:2nyn -lyn] .•^jya iNun «"? dhe' * .rnbiib nap "ityx onra ^ . [nyo"nt3nyn nyn] p's riK m3r3 133 dj ub-' d& "733 nnni '7yB' win » 43 •"•'3'« nnno 42 TfDvn^ man naty •'OD^ty iidD in'?iy nsr ••d TDts^'' «^i ms'' niiDp mnx 'T'D'' k^ .Tini^n d^d TDn n^ip nxnn *[m2J] K^n now d« [p*"^^ ini-'DK^ TTHDn "01 i^Ti]:i nna^^'D 'n"»::'i::n$; [d-id] mts^T' mns ncm ^jk "njati'ii ^2:3 ^^inD nn ma ['1:1 ip^ :2iK3n "Di -jin]a n:N3n p^ibth nrniNi .p^nKTi n'-TB'n tk' ""Pids -s 'jy noi: i'?''ni ]«3a tarsn * •■a B'^'rnn'? r« p^ntynn ^tr ibidi a^xn ^id nonty htdt . piosn •'lan nnN tnni tnn ^33 ciD'^on n« D'''?B'n'7 nosy'? nam o^jti-Dn ixn k"? nm D'oys "3 ,^D^ i^-'jd'tb' eran pT D'n33 yjo irN a^xn '"oe* ""r b\i^ m3npa (ivb) "yann pbnn Kajn"? nx-i . n'^xn .n'r mx ny .TDyn"? man noty -la"? "py nmna "jcty .-lai'^a 2 ,Toy^ «•? n"'BBn d'd : "y's ^"^wi .p-riyon myo Kintr pso "73 pNi .oima Nin p * . ty« "DC'i n"stin -i:yx nansn dn mas'? I'rsr n"? n^an d'-d 101*73 Kin "N^n noin dk^ its-'on ^ic'^aty '^''ji .p'^ncnn '"d "jsd TiSDin nxm n'ron * .n^an n'^iy ns-'ana' pras nny '7^<■l:^"' nx nsn nis "r^ii 'jKiti'"'? ^ja . 01213 nan m3 n'ran , n^d n'a n"'«'r3 '"y * .(n""? .t^o niDC ''y) natj'u ps "733 noi'^a ^ piDDa E'antyD tnnNn m XT'aai .D-'TB'n Tty b^ isid ny ja-'sn yan mipn n^as ^ .iniD'7B'a 'n '?Q''spa 't Oy. SIQJ'-D DiKyno t^ana '"33 a'j Nsaj nrn arsn qiD :nBDn myn D">B .n^ayn*? IISTl ICES'' : I'rNn nuicn mKnoun issa: db'i '^''i •'kj- 'i"? nyaiy'?^ niya «"B> 'a •T'an n^iy*? IS xm nam dk .Tac'^ "rxi ...12'? mnx .n-'a- n*? nTityn D"'31 ty •'"^ impa nana'' ...linaty D«T ...DDB'IJD ^733 ...n^tJ^VD n^3i3ny ...'21 D^ID 45 moVntt:'*! ,'mT''Tnn HDD ^j? in:i: n:inn^i ,n«T b nxn: nnx? .mtn^ ""^V DD«"n» ,'mnnn •'^nix •''•n-Dn d^i^i ,i:}ti'p^ •'"'^''0 nnv :ix^ ,i:2''dd:i |nn ]''T«'' i'?d .(^a .no nrx '"y) . nnnna aina trn-'sn Va iDt'^a * pp ,r-i3^N "raa ■'"en "js'? nan!? nsTina '?''ni ."u-'sna nan*? onm^ "p^sty "y^j » .('n /a VN'an) "pnaynn rann^ ]iB''7t3 k-'H "onn^ n'701 ,'n njnDxn TiiDsy "ra nnrn nann ^"m .pn"? Ti^x iin-aum (o'a ,n"y n'''?nn) Drff K^y cmNm mann * .nac na'rnn t^^n nanpa nom . i^'D n'D ]nnn:D '"'V ' ,''nDnv piDs '?D^ mjNT j-n^nnn di"' mo ]''va pi< . niDiti'n mpim mmn ,manv V^« ^^^ ^P^ ''^^'J ,nn^nD ^tr«"i npy*' ''iix:i mti^nn ,ma''23 nvs« '':i'':in .ma« n^b^ ^:2 D''Dn''T ,mmv "n'? Q^'Wi ^i"»i^ "'^^^^^ D''«''p:j ,''''ni-i:i my •'^''hiddt ,''-nvaT •'ipT ''''^''ti'''» mtrn ^itD*'^ ""nmr ,''"'n:n ^d^^ ••^itynn ,••''-12101 •'"'iian •'•'Dan .•'''n«2i ''•'D^'yi '•''"inn ,''''mniT •'•'d^'^x ''''^n:i . D''iy'ns naKDn n''^pT D''m»n jCts^ii D"'ti^i^< m''''n nn^'m "no-'K ynn-inD^ t^iyn^ ''^:: '•n^nr ,nnnt< osnD^n '•'n^B^^ •'vn*' ."nn-'D :i''''n ^y^ ''is:s ns'rn nmsn b^ ,nninn mn □''D^n laiD /n-i^ssn d'tid^ :nii^n ,d''''V» ''DIdv^ n'n ni3D .BQiDty Km»3 i:2n xnia ,n'>''a'i''D nanp:i nnnn .('B ,n'3 n^yB") am nasnon piDsn i^wbn mam"? "y^sty b^i 2 .('n ,'T arK) "ni w iJiiB'n «•? tic^o .TT'K-itt'a y-t » , N*y ,:"" ran'y * .nKD aim turn an*? D^'^'in (D^yo "moy) ■jniet' •«3ac? maan "y'T ^ .I'BD ,n'B ma« « 44 47 msDU nnyn iinon ID miDn nncy ns&'r n noin nxmu nioa "d- nnx yjjn u ma dnb' ir^n «3n TD K'KT i't'sb" dn '?"^^ .nx'rm N^nn nyo nnn rwyo^o "niibna^ 'a nxij ^"71 (n . nxiai an"? (3*5? n'O I"'"" '^''2 '"'^^"'^ 'a'7B'n"'aE? T^yn"? mxii .nr nt^N '7B' nana omn"? tdt (o D'^Kmax ^pbni ,a'y 'd Dty •''raaai .n nana Dinn"? una n"? D"'«nDNn ^D^ajy nxn: .n nana omna ennpn 'n -pis ;'? /' O'V" «nE3Din :i"7« n« ci-dik nyaia in^'ry Tyna^ nmpan nab'D mns mjn my iwan rins n man"? .T'tsa Ntynn tymo ; N^y .t""? rn'raytr nxsm i'?K tins n- '7yi ,0""'— r^a ,'i "^b'D "py moui t^oa r'n nan wnp-'ia irja"? nxsajt? ,D"'K3 D-'yjin I'r-'aB'aB' niTayn nana la^an b^ inyn bv may"? na^p nn^nn "nty to D-DT na-'aB'T nbrj nn n'-Bmaai ma^na 'a i:nKD nasae' mpaa t^♦anB'nB' iB^axi Nnaain Na^n"? '^y) n-JB^-'n nrnpanc :>": rvnb -"Oi-n . ;N:a n"? ""n I'^xn mvayn nxa ny-isty niT-ayi in^"?y cto n^yjiB' nn^ay liai ny-i^j"? o-yai r^ I'^nan C^'on . nyns"? D^yji ra '"^'n^n n"? o-'Bnnn nmpaa "raN p^'ry jfnb bri ^2nm maipa nannai .«npan iiti^a npo* laa a^aan iwb^ «im "rrn Vs (x» . nanx "^y I'^am "yy icnnB' na 'n ,'a nan v''n''& ViD:nb '"v .b''vb '■' 'yn '•'y .n'M a"'' ,'1 "VK^a'? Tan (a- ; maynn rn bv n trantyn la-'ani .mebnn ]wb2 -maN'ra xaaa Nin "ayai nan, (r . t"-" ,'i "bK'a'? jnao nt tnnai , o""'! n"" ,'1 ■''rtyaa onawn nnann rx n:iD «in «"■• inn c|1D ny itoa (n- . nna"? mpman rimnn msa nana xinty fnn nx "jpVpan yr? piaa (in /3 "bsm) oyj "am n^am piaan ""ay ayu nnin"? «np ja-'ani nmn "nan v^'J "laiVa (tb *nana Yi» n''«3iaE'nn b^ (»"' ,«'a T3 ...TV^-b^ ma'ra m "tyVe' aac' nr ,]v na'ra naaa m"?^ :'3 .a^sa nan n-'trxnaa 11K3 nnya 'n d: "a n-'yn'? MNm .'"ih b\^ onty "NsiDtyn "-ja m-a r'?Bi: jr ma'ra "a nyaayB' T^en*? nrnya '-y) n"'c^'?B' no'?a bv "vrb^ aaB' •'ana "inry^ nr rya ts^s •(50 'ay '"";) pnj3 D'Vii msiD r^^'J' yiT i^^^ .P^^ '^'"^^ i2"io nxtj-ip hk'k i« jy^w -non (k (mxno yansa d-'ndqd r^t:' Q'pni :'3 ^'yo 'a pis 'n nhc'id a"'? a""" nisd XDan"? ■'jn 3": 1NSD3 nr mo qiDai y^J^xa-^ mtra cy^j msno no'rna t«3 p P'sn b^n .(i"d ny J^D ,t3^'7i n""? ,3"- nipm) nyis yj: "^a"? n-'yjun dtii isyan my yaa nn-'B'NT i« nmpn idnd qiD N^n ^316^'K^^ miETi dk ^■'bnTih icdk "<« '""an inon -asa (3 . d':di« "'iB'a ic'sn "'"i3n Bna"? ty"" nt •'d'?i .n^jtyn mw"? i^tt'i irjs'^ti' lONan "rty na inn .insna n^nc'j n"? i'?''SX Nin mna msn rin ^33 yaan nca DNty Nin nnxn mnan nns DNiy "-Jcm .p"? isn i'?13B' ('n /n o^yja) miD D''a3n ]wb^ «-ipj»y nVin irc'D -"y D'yjj nsaiaB' ,y3:n ntrs dn i^^dx mno nNaion mNnae nnx nantr:; nay nsty tynsa ('i ,3"^ xip"!) nmnn "jy iB'n''D3 ""^n . {': /n D'^yjj '"y) nNna3 picsn "jy t«BDDNn nn 'n nsn a": '"y] .p ir« n3'?nn "^sk ,nbo nc'D i« wsnas . ['7''ian .NnpM ^y ic'n-'as ntn naa xsa: "a'^tyn^ai .i'7« n^:aD ""y maiy ynp ibt"? pn n'hb' ijon nxaia lai'^a (j (N^y ':) 'n na'?n k's ma-ia Najn"? hnt .n^yiap n-riy myaB'a3 "n-i'p^ O'cya . (K^y n":) n^Q en naioi yjin ]B lyas-'B' ny «bb r^'i' naxB* na"? tbi .on^'^y 3nd"' d-ic3 "ib'N3 n^yni-an "t^t (n pn'?mKn T3 r«B' .orja ddni tno "3 ir3'' .('itT'yD 'a piD 'a t .i""? c'ynn) n-'ay maB'na K'-an /iB'n ('a .x"" mac) . ['j'^ian .tipn dib''? tiis ik3 fK nt ■'s'71 ('t ,3": n^yiy) ■^y x^ian nnjn '"yi ,'73-n td3 nxno N-'m «bb j'^tys nrya rn nn« nsia my Vn (t . N^a /N D''y:3 n"'B3n ]wb^ «ip:ty no inn .qun "733 yaan ms"- ONty «in ma'' dn B^iT-aty pan i'-k (t na"? x'7 nr -a"? '?aK (a*' .a""' xnp-'i) man nna dni 3in3n ]wbo ('k ,'n n-ya:) mia xin nina i-iB'a b:i nx nyisn nnD3 nx nnB' mm "'■i3n r"iniD3 r«i3 IKi'sn ''n3njy ■7": p"? . m3iy Ypb insaiB ntyia qn nu '?3'? b'^y'? ibnb' laay ■'■i3n pnioty Nb« NBD ninon p mian iinn xaan ja mian na'rnn b)} nau la-'an nanty Tyn"? m"?! ."iintj jnan iniK Tionsy ins qian '^aa yaan ntra n« lai'^a (k'b ,'n cyai) "733 yjjn ntya Dxry m3iy vp"? inxaiB ntria dn t\M b:)'? 'j-'y'? iwan •'n3n d-3ii3b natyi: u ma"" d« b^» ;*iinB Kaon p mianc ,m3iy naan hkbid naon ■'B"'3 :ii:n 46 49 msDta nnjjn .\b nas« p"? tun n^apn -ioi'?3 .i"? "ibs p*?! Nin tun V's (id )ib6d «in in^i .ytyin ny in irx aio nub' n'apn lai'ra ,in" «"? ny-a aio "r^s (no pa : ntn Bran bv; n:isy«in miB'3 a": noN pi .('3 /i n-'tyxna) mN3 «nn ]it n"? ."Iiu- n't jn D"'DE'n p Tbv imn- po liiB^ iitynn dk •idi'?3 .on to •'jB'ni ion )d pe'Nnn nion" (id . ["^'lan .iionn ']:wb ]prf? t"i^ ht ■'D^J . ny-i yb^j ton •«'?»' r« nD^«' nJ? toni ,nyns r'^y ton n*? -["nb lan'^D y:D"» o« idi^s .dinj yjD" ^^s (td K-'Drf? i-D riK inn ■?« nmis enpn nm rao xsri:' ynn \wb '?y n"?k Dn«3 D''y3:n .('3 y^isD .'3 'sin NDinan) lau r« nip'rn'? inB'3 nx ."irys m3 3B" ynison "idi'73 .nayji 3B'"' "^idVj "^'s (nD .'131 mo 'T3nD n^ni .n^a Iib''? i^aan '?''x (dd .aiTy *3 IS*? )n» ^"s (: . noTM n^B'DJ n3t'? y^i (n: ji''n'> D-uy ni3m ntMJ •''?y3 py3 nnn >«nB^ pK iDrt>3 .nDDiB' D"':ik''3 B''n3 ^"s (3: .n3 Dl'^B' Enpon DipD K'^nB' ^Knty vnK3 noKJ o-paa "rn i'?« "idi'?3 .n-up mpi njoD"? "r's (j: n«"'T3n n-CKiD n'spn ^b^ u'ip H\n wi (t'" .ro niDtr) n'spn its; inat?^ ii3ai n"'n3En K'7t5' nn3 nV nvr *nyi 0"^ cnaT /tdd) '73'? cmp nN"DJ ^wntr' vinb' .(a^D ,1'3 KTP'l) "DtK V'Wm TDNJB' 1D3 nyjr nx n'''?y nmno rnn dmi nooen h^nb^ .van pKn nK iKoan dk V'-i (na . n'^K n''3pn T^ nNnpi "rKiE^^ n*?nj irnr VKne^ ri« D'KDDd D^yjjntr K'n ntn iD«Dn njin (na n'?iyn "M '?3B' n^n^ : a'oD '3 khdu in: 'ti ni3« '-y . mi^n nany K^na' citro i^K3 Dino mi^n i'>:7i /n3 Dm'?n onx ^:2^^ 'd ^*b 'Vcd C'nnD3i /n3 o-'ihin D"'N3n3n i'7N n'?nD n-nDD, 3'" t'-b n''?nn tmD3 inx DipD3 tyniao V3k .n-'cnnon •'3S •''?y -ibi "b]) mi'yn niyiyn 110x3 iD^ani .'mi'^n dbi3 nn'?yB' ny omisn ubd niDJ?B' lino*? nr "tb) . D>p''-nn b& D-Kin D-'Sun "jy mi'rn rfryo nsn^' ^"-^ p'-re"? nDKity noD 3": n3iD pi .^Knir ri« ^b' niDB' in "r'n o'emos nruDn nxn .*V33 rf?3inD HTitff bn^iT ri« IT "rnn, ^"b 0^31 '«nDD3 Ipt r3 D-'sy-nBD onKi ipt "jb nnni nixD d-^Q'^q cnx dn nnoBO nnpn p«n b'''\ (u .'131 Duprn nx D''na3D d'T^\.. rspiys 03^*3 "bt^ n3">pni# :*3 can .nao '"y .-lyj'? Dnn« n-'Dyo "b^ffo BmD3i ^aerr ppa ^SK^na' dib^d ^an 01^3 mpaa ris«>^ n^j myn '^y .^3n db* bv tarn •iaD3 ktd p^ nnyna tunac^ no *»y minn nrpDD TiDn rfrDn cnoB' "py (n: .«Sn 'oy "p^^Ki^J^iw DT?3B' niK'?D'? . nni iN3">n nB'K nnua "^'s (a: .(3*!? ."n ^K"'3n) ra'B'n «*?3 Nyi« nNn ^31 iie^d (d j'> ^-.jioty 'a /^in KDinin "f . djiddi dot nnini pB'n: r«3 on"? ib'n ^31 n^un b"! («d ^y lE^n-'aa "i"? "tkib^ 'n m •?> n^nB' no '^yi ,*iin''D33i vdqv 't b^ ddt n-'nn^ J^''P «Dp K33 "D'TB'ITn miD« K-'nB' Dn'?E' mt mi3y »6 ^a« n3nTi dbd3 pi T'nn -iDi'73 .onnt bK «'?i '^''s (3D .Bnaoi I'rinB' id3 nN:n3 oran) Nin onn "3... vt<2 iisnen an-'n'?!* "b-'DB minn n3n'7 idt na c- pao ^'?3 (jd .(1'3 .n'3 ,'T . Kipn }Di« Nsn : w^y n*s jninjo '-y (na "133 nn .n^by i« a iB^TEsty ('in nnn Y"Qp^ 'xn nnn n'-i-'s) -un np:"? insty ■7": (o nnipj Tity ""aa ty'' -ry mxT ■'s'^i .rnr'jy d^D3 mpan :'j .n"? D'''?nn "'sy d-'DB''? lity'70 CDty'? "lia Kim n:« "j'sty a^a ib^ski .-ijk na^na 'xn"? "ryoo h'ts rys ,('1 .'D Dioy) mo^ n« "^y imjKi ainan a-Tian yin jib''? nsjoD na ...nyae' -asj i"'^apo j^k mna 'n^ N^y i^p imnio a": "y (ta Hb y-in jity"? ny ^y nyisa np^aty ynisom ."yn inr k"? nn« v^i rsn "rN n"? ^a . n^apn "?sn iir .qtyya C11D laa Kin inou -n^ citqb' j""?! (na Nip-1) niDsyi D^TJ k'?o ntn nun n-n "jionK laa .my nnn ma pty^a n-'B^Dntro "r'tn (ea nnsn b^ nna'K'? omp nsu iiB^'rnB' "r"-!! .onsn '?b' isij"? ^ua Kin jxai ('3 .i^d nan Kin ]ity'?ni (n*'s v\'\d nan Kip-^i) mosyi CTja noiai ncai niya "j-^nno n'^in nTS'ty .ntyai niyo pn tiE6 Kin DDT1 ,('n ,?"» nan Kip-'i) "n^n"? -jb' jo pna nt jib^u noKB^ no"? tdt (^ .(K'y .t^p rnnnjD) n^Disa n'7Dj ndot loa .jno T1D1D1 D^KBinn noioD it qin "tk ('k .k"- 'rK'-n '-y) pnnoi yB'io 'n nnK '7*-i (k^ . pn "rao po"? on"? 'n" 'n Toni KnK 'n noKn Koyo -ko r'?y D"'?n Ka"" k'?b' kt onKO^ noKB' no"? ton (a^ noiKi ei'Dio ^WDni ('t ,t^D '•) KnpM) ''T''7y 0""^ ixa" k'tb? Kin idd .-'jin "ra idd mt "3 i'te' nnt loa K^n inmysi ,i3do k'?k nnK"? i"? Ka nb njtsp yasK "bn t\nv , top yoE'D nn-'JB'B' .oi'ra k'?i nysi nyt pa j^ki .myro nspnj inn"'B' noiKi it'diob' loa idkji man "''y i"? Ka inyns pniaa' b''^^ .idk: '?"sb' "?": (ib DB'i /K .ynisD .nyaia .Koimn) "yn k'sio yniso^ nn:nn ^"sy nt "^ai .inao K'n • Oddj 'j-'y'? '" mym I'tss B'n n'pn '"y .onsn "ry o-'Ka n^yjjn piayaB' niT'ayn yaB''? ton (n^ .iB's: nayin yaB'i pioan "ry "'tb'd E'nnoi IBID 13 Tpi,b '^KnE^'B' tsiE' nnnn "^a "jd bv na'?na nno ia^ :'a p'joy Kn^ao '"y (n^ nniD onKB' nnoaB' Kim maynn inn by nt noKoa B'DnB'o la^am ."mp'?'? .i"? rnnia *rsD nKDiB nan K-'Sin'? abw "na nis^n b^b'i dtb' n'apn opy^ : noxDn"? pia (i^ .(1003 DB'i /n ,3'"7 'n n'B'Kna) 3*3 "y^nnon 'n nnB' ]bT\b '-yi : Dn-ntD ynisoa uniB? n-'j-nn "j^m .nimK '7*sb' ^"j (t^ .'131 nnino nimiK n'n"? nsDDB' ir'n ,yna 131b6 TyaanB' mina rvbi nai'?a .nDDa niB'a : D^'jE'n'? nns (nl? • B'K nans3 iKwn 6 mm n'''?nn) ni'rina nnana iib^ piDsnB' yin" naai .yaa i:ib6 .nana nibna : '^''sb' ya (fi*> Hb yjD uiB''? iipnn] . J^an ,'n 'a 'sin .yniso Koinan '"y .n^n"? bv vnm ('n .a"- . [V^ion , nan uiB^'ra nip'?m ni'rinj "j^s ""^iki ,"''? nKna •D^aa 1^ rKB' "Di ,KQiD .ynisD ."jy : noa faiE'n nyanx^ : nyn^n nnann"? piao (o .'131 n^sia nB'K b'" nan b'':i nt "b'ji .(3''y .n^o anna) .'131 nmyn onpyn on ny3nKi b"^ (kd . n"3iiyD "r's (3D UK D-'VE'n'? bi'j nt "s"?] D3^ "ry n3SD ;n3t n'jy^B' nya Dm*?? niDuy db'sjb' b"t (3D . ["^'lon .'131 niDuy DmniE'sn layt : ma tnonn 51 msDunnyn pmm ,«Dis ^n" yr ib'k "^a nob nsdji Dtn pna: dk -lei^a .pmo yr nc'K "ra "y's (jd .«D0 Dy E^Tii Kin noKT npnn id: r" nt^^V '"^ r«ty irsn (3"y ,Ta) n'a «iw mt moy "o'Ttyn^a (ns irK n'laya nine stsb' "73 id: r' ntriy D'nya «Dtt anc' "ja a'y 'd ""raaa nt by naxjB' -npoa i^'sn -jd'? n-'nsy lyB''? ty: .satsD ir« piw at p dki ,id3 ]" nB'iy 1U3Da mpD 0W2 Nsai k*? iris*?! "ndisd irs ins pntB' ar^ nra pjjDa na'?n i:nKD nD«3 «■? y:ij n"?! od'h k*? nt r« 'inB? kdbd irx ntn npntB' Kin biss'de' :iki ,nt fn pnr dn I'ap lanoa .nssoa noKC nan n«»iBa irso ud n"?!!! "rax . t^n^sa nt KKjaonB' Tyn"? cri .nia-'n -t- "ry anin tiN ma'-n n'' "py y:i3 no ,ndo irx dik 3im ray"? K^ ta« (K'y n'o .osy) "'raaai (a*y .t^o) n'si i-oa •'D'?B'n"'3 «sdj ipini nns . n«DiB . ry^ n-ibia nrx n-ne' nan nan '?'"> (ne .('n /« n'''?a) db^ o'Dja: man D"'ar tkb' n'-an nno n'rnB'n'? nai'?a (id T^im )K3 p^en iiia nt*?! ('a ,'« o^at) rjD'^ty inn 'yair m- i'?"'aK an nKity at (to .nmo «in riD*? ib^k .cd" incn'? "nd man lynBai tiiVi'TDi iriB'K b^ aau'Dt ac^ae lasy yuab mate «im ty-aBTi t^'?y ntyp atnty b'-\ (no . (n"y 'ay .i^ao nai in"-*?** "not .': ,'k raiy '^y) i'tb' on^maKty "jeo Dn"? n«3 n«t roi» ''^va'? rn d« rmaai rw onB' onxn ns nai'ra (bd n«sin «Btn:na new pt ,]n«BiB nya n-B'jn nu^ya isisi nn: ay Dn^nioa ib'bk^ . j'B'i .nynsa ppi*? D'Jan m: idb'K mx CBBf d« : '1 ,ym:{a 'a am mana n-'aan iB'jy: d« ^'m .a^roa B'?iy!?ia3 p B^a'?n rn^ b« bhbs :'7''m b": (s '-yi . a'jiy -biiaa ane' nmn nan "jy nays' bib'b an"? nxa nxt .aiB'aa a-at ,B"'j'?it /im« n:B'n •?« Tm2« iB'yB' ania^ n'a a'a •''rtya B'-na • irby ^« i:anT am :'?'sb' •?": («s . aiB KtnE' "tkb '?apB' natan may inmn Tan"? ^^-^p w^a- atn Koin'B'a nai'^a (as ,ynn iib6 ^y B'iiy a^a K'n nana' B^emaa trsa k'jb' yni ,ynn iib''? «in vn -im (as '.nsa nan ma inyaa' 47 tnna b'v'7 ibk pi B'yaa"? nan y2 pbno ta^x la-'sn bax 'm 'a n'- wipna Bmen "-ai "b*? B"ri« .ynisa ray"? «"?« nt na« «■? B'nnan ""yyai . nyns"? nan iiB'n a-Niiasn laa 'a nxna ,'?"y'7 B'a myn ''y (ns my msis ^"'nB' nana E'aya nnea ;an itpa ib'K rya a-'B'aa wko B^'^B'n dk nai'pa (ns pnn •ryen "raK ^"y n'a niaa^ "'raaa pi xsaa "pn^an nx-a^ xaaan .nB'a n'^aai /"K "Emaai nia'?na nain "p-yy wbii/n laioa .iBtaa B'Bsy nsi'ra (is . B"''7B"'B' ny : (a^y /t) i'b maa*' -b^b^t '-y .aif laa sin bi'pd"' (ts .V^y'? 53 tnn '"yi .nnya -a^"? lyan nya anxn by nxaa^ nann «in (ns . an^by mysa ib'x amsn b'lt .lamys b'SB' b'a (bs Hipna naxB' nab tani ,nn« naa naxa «b pbt .nnpnaa natt at n^mn b^sty b-'a (p Kb nati at nBHQ nnB' p Nina' nb ynn ../by many ...nan mabn^ 'a .b-'^d 'i pine Kins' lanb naa Kin nnpnai ,"nasy -aaa iti nasy -asa it Kbx nnxa naKa .anyi nnsB bKiB'^ bE' DB'Ba Ksn Kb lyab mm ina ryannaa minn y^BB'n n'apn laiba («p "aKba iKnB' ira bKiE'" bE' jnae'a nms mm ina nyaE? mannb ira iB""Dm .kiibi ""'J'' Tuno 50 . D-'T yjn «•? ri3^ n-'h maam ^"2 (no . onTiipina n^V? o^una i«DQn *?« noi'ra .ns*? ii'^n nn^mpinni "j's (no . mr mny om "ej "ry nasixa )3bn abiy ^D^'?^ .'m ""ry pxa na"? "^'s '"rix (id .csTiNan '^BD yu^ 'pkie''' px"? mnan *?« nai'ra (to . in^ry nnptyan n-'nua jiyo 2inn ""x noiVa .mp^o 'jso '7's (no riK nnpiE« nimps (3'"' ,'n B"'nB') d^d "p^dk ?y n-'jra in na'N n^npn "ry Vt (ud . na nyap: ntyx "^ai nsi is "raa nxn n'on-'a) pis tyinoa noNty no ^"Ejy mm ,nn "yyi inn by nynp nxn idi'73 (y nxHB'C'' ,K"n nyo^Monyn'? msynno "'n3)n"'E'Nn3n nan nnoai (a""? .a^n pyr'?'?^'? B'''''y ,nn "ry D^om ,0^0 bu inim ,imn '7y mnni .oinn "?y o^oni .n^o '?y moiy nau n"? \mnD bax ,nn "^y nnaiy pxnty nau a'j n-'jcn nrnpoac' ym . nanxa an noKO x'y a"-" csy '-y "rax) a'y j"' •''?aaa ncn nrann a^a v^i 'ab^^r '^y .nan . r\''^ira ^B^yn ^p mnnaa cnnK'n naa ^Kre' a"? cc'? 'iNm (an noN nmn^ . yj: la nsn: '?''si:' b": (xy . nnji psD •''?a K-'n ninnxn n'?Dn (ay p)0Sin nx ntme' n'^-'s 'n snp^a nnjnn^ ixa ton jo^sna' pan r«i wxb't "t's (jy . nyi:{i nav "ry 't .'n pipana D'B'D n'^apnc' nnoiani D"'?aan om .nani nyns nao nDi'7a .n^oia r'?y a^t" b's (ny am nB'a^ '- ynm 'a 'sin KDinjna am jo^an nan"? mponi .naioa vpty Noinn by p irK n^apn bax inysai imx nnm a^baai t'abjo x^ao nn-'b may nsn xinsra cnno a"j tj-aix a^tyn nnyna iddjb' nnipon byi ''tms nnn anx ba' isu bao n"7n "a ''a-'ty', K^n mann nbanty noib ntyas 'k t anaa "y)} nisn "a"?] . t^oa xE^nn liB'bD ,iTBia rby pn" ipn"? c^ tabi 'p nixa '■? nsn: naicn nNCitr n^nnxn niNn . [b'lan ('a .I'a mac) ^ann p-nx n'-n nK^Ka iriTS'" rfB'Kna lawa inity niKtyn «in ,ynn it2 xan ib^n by cay naiba (ny lb «a ynn ns\n b'rn -abB' 'ni-i'^ pi ,yiT ynn ns'b na^yaa' mxB' "uan .naia my nmpon byi ,'"' .n^ba 'n n^B'^na '"y ,nbin nya nnan bab ix ihts'' nnx Ta ansb .T'^aa j^nn max si-m« nxnNyna on'-by n-'yna' .n'apnb lasy laroE' Dn« bab ruano n^nn n'^apn bB' wxian naiba (iy ."nmaa bN Kiajia : a-bE'nb b": (ry naxB' nab ram .B'uy axa «in nB'x na^aa an nxT ana B*:ynb ■'iNna' namE' b"! (ny bnn -a-'si .an a^xn rn a'^B'JNn aa njiB'^naB' (T"a ymsa .nyaia nssin) xaimna buD) B'UK axa myaa'aa b^uk axa riBrni . an a-'^n an nnm a^B^ixna nr baanj . :''\in ,': .n*-' 'n xnpn '^y .niaipa nanna nsbj an NinB- ('sn nnn naian HB'aD nar H^n^ .nE'nai msa naa «\n manc' ,'3 .n"-- 'n Nipna naxB' nob lan (ay .intN nB'mai npnoi ina nc-nai anx bB' nE^« nB'an Nim anb nr n-'n nE?« baxa bB' ayo aiyab iB'pa b'm .lE'pa mr aya b's (a bKiB'" la-nn: D-jJixnan •'T bya' /n .n"'' 'n Nipna naxB* nob torn .anb nan n'n nanaa) Nnrb aab n^ni ainan nanb Tan a'a K^n nnt nbana' paa r^i .mana .('a .a"- pnaba nbanB'D nn nE'xnB' -"y b-'T mbeB^ai^ 'a .a""' 'n »^p^'^2 naxB' nob ion (nb ."a-ana nanna x'n nn n^an sibn"' nn:iya nosy at Nin B^B"" ne^B'a n-aya 'i nxne' arn naiba .a-'an na^E'a nnxa ara man b's (aa . n'a— j^a 'x a-'ata mpai .B'bB'a nana nns nsn ibxa .mo: 53 nisDU nnyn "inx n^D tins'? n^-m db' mnE6 i"? -iidk non 'rnN'? d:331 nxoiBa b'^3i dk Vn (3p : 'n ^I'B nuoi 'n .^d m nityoa N^n n ns*?;! nipoi , na "^-Na Nina' ^b ynuB' . nnxi rns "ra ^y 2"n 'm ndod bii i*? naK nan mo NDjn"? '^y .csa n'3N'7D n'7'2t5 Vy nnniNon D^tmaa insd: nnsn nann (xap «•? n^JB'^n nmpoa .(po: cc^i .Ki-'a N^mya^ntiiyn'? mc'-nD ^naa) n'B'x-ian ."r^ats Nnua : N^y qiD b""? imnso '"y "raN .rn'^a nta Nsaa n""? nx-'ao mnuB' n^N"" ]a Dn:a 't b^ yiTn naxan"? tan la'^Dm ,'a .n^a mas (aap nxDiOD oniB'nB ^*y n':nam (maipa riKiaai naioa ninnxn naca '^y) nc-np . nasy"? nc'np rama .('N /a 'ax'^B) D'jnan rxTn msan oa'^'TN aman irL^-ba rnx Oap ;K''y 'J naiD '"y .men is nam n'anp"? ]na nxaio dn n^Njnn t'a N'-n n^c" np'rna (nap '"ro ^:v \ff'^ irxa n"? n'^iya "^ax .a^n n's mnaty ;'3 .x'a Nnso ; N^y 'p omat nN*i3 pV .nam nriNaiBB' o^anpi men n"?}* nrx nn"? ina riKaiaty D^anp .n^anp Nine' ■pNiB'-'a k"?}* inaa nana irKB' nnxn n^am "aB'a Dcna"? b^ la^an nanB? "^ la^an riynty ':B'n nnnm nnx '?a^ laijy hn Naa"? a'a 'Ncm n^anp"? NBaV a^ino nnr nxn: rc'Nnm .nam msa na nsaia pm mE'n n'tn nrxDonpVina riNaiBB' '•\ N-ip-'ia '^y b2Vi . nam a-anp nKBiaa' xapy 'na ipoa o^pman "jaty mc^a pa: . Naa-' «^ nnnN"? n^acm ,Naa^ msa na"? n:iB'Nn m^as : i^as n"?! n'7iy^ 3n:n « msaty n'apn nis o^man 'rmja n'^aatr ncnpn nam "jaa b"! (nap n^apn ^:b'?d pnx «T^n3B' nsTBg :'i i^a 't nipm '"y .n^B'an ma^ ny ona Vaan riBna n irw nnnn ^a qiD ny r^ae k"?! laaa nrt nr«B' irn ntynan i"? n^n^ji nar ."nan .'nnnB^n n B'-'B' mb^: nra «n m*?:- k"? napn^ T^a .a"^ xnaan nan"? jra (lap , ntn D'?iyn •'m'? iN^an vaNB- : N"'a .a^a xysa xaa '■'y (rap pi . njap ]'a (n^ira i^Tiija a"' .n^ap D'<'?nn '"y .n^ra) n'jnj r^ irims"? Naaa (nap pi .'mjian man"? r'^x^ : a"" ^i^yo 'a sncna mas xnaaai ,N''y 'd maa-a xm 'N «nB?ns ma« Nnaoa irsac' nai ."Naa'^B' nma "ran mjiaa^ : 'i ,'n nmaB-a I'ms-n n^nna nr '?y n^yn naa ."n'man n"?! n:cpn n'rwan mmx*?!^ 'a ci^yo . n'^iya in n-'w: yaB'aa n'^nac ."laND wmNi rnx ins"^ :'n ri'^yo de' .nibd '^y .oNn"? ia'7B'iTai .nnna'? pn ntB^ .-aVB'iTa man 55 niBDunnyn '>m pip3 BTns !?33 3iBn nine' n^apn -aa'? ku*? onx"? mnt i^xty K-n its-'en n:ii3 (nop nniK HipB' .-itra pnpn nancj d« bax ,r\bii nytra nn-'na' idd r5?3 x'n nonan d« •'in 1^ ")Di« nn-'n-ao nmx nre' «^i na-'ya XTity n^Tj "ra b'^an ^a by .^ub^ n- by .('n /'D NOP Kaa xnaoin) nbnjn nytya d'tc'd nn-n^ao nm« ny^ dni i^:b'? nbu' KbD'' n^apn laiba ,n:is-ia djut ntry^ ciisn"? n\nn dn on^janp naipn b^sty ■?': (bdp /n /a ma« '-y .psn"? on-'jaip lanpna' loa oa"? psi .b«nK^ ley inat naic' irx n^apnty b'li 'iai O'Duy ]nat b'sc "?': (Jp .-NnD inr bna na nn"? inw n'apn b'n (sap ; 'j ,t'a 'T Nnp"-! '■>y , abn mmn by Kbx nsa nbiyn r« Qbiyb noxB' nob idt (aip n'B Nor ^Dbtrn" ; tiioa i"" ,m '- .db' canin Noinan (:'" 'a 'sin) nb nb saimn .(a'y .n'D) -»;•' nuriD 54 Y»^ (3'D 'Dy '3 's:n) e^o •''rtyo Ennca mann"? m:':2 on la-sn nam . "im>Dn . Drn imx : n'-i msDina a^y i'p mama ^baa a'a '"yi .D-pn^a nsDiB Kipj no"? :('a 'a 'sin) n Nain:nn nan"? tan jB-'sm .n'piya n-tyy 't^sb' pso Va i"'k (rf^p n'apn"? n'na «'?« naoD nyia -Tna rx n'^iyn... nuanpn "raD nar'py n-hb' n'^iy nosy ,ntn tnnn niia by nioyj r-kyayi .ir'?y Nine n'^ap'? n'ny N'-hb' nViy nxnp: la"? .niaaipn ban n'jiya n'?iyn nx ntry n*apn .D^'pya tisia naip: nr« dk no'^iy nj^K n'riyne' idn p"?! nais •':a-ip on m'ny an (ibp naTD"? (a"y .k^d) I'd «ina 'in Knp^Dsai .t'ej 'i Nnp""i .N'y T'd 'i xnp-'DS '-y {fyp . n-'tyx'? mpDa rbiy p-ip "yy iniBme' (I'ls ,n'j D^'?nn) caia i^na d^h'^n n^aa pioan bn idi (nbp . N'y .n^a db' •''raaai (K'y /o) a"D niD wo^' "obB'TT' '•■y /aoiDa nrr^nB' T'onn '7B' iDB' bbn-' i