F-46.III _ * JttaSuJT _ ^« III X I- K li. z >■ < (0 Z z i u H III in z u. " Q z ^ < >■ a >• u < ^ oc Q a 111 U ° o z J 2 p < lU s f u. (0 3 O u n 1- z 5 u z a. > u SCA ^9iK^ /V^l ^»< «n §ect iny m\ % AND SPIRITUAL. SONGS ; ADAPTED TO PRATER, CONFERENCE AND CAIVIP-IMCIITINGS. COMPILED BY G. C. KE£RECIOUS Bible ! what a treasure Jl Does the word of God afford ! All I want for life or pleasure,] Food and med'cine, shield and swoid ; Let the world account me poor. Having this, I need no more. 14 liOLT 2. Food to which the world's a stranger^ Here my hungry soul enjoys ; Of excess there is no danger, Though it fills, it never cloys, On a dying Christ I feed, He is meat and drink indeed ! 3 When my soul is faint and sickly, Or when Satan wounds my mind. Cordials to revive me quickly, Healing med'cines here I find : To the promises I flee, Each affords a remedy. 4 In the hour of dark temptaion, Satan cannot make me yield ; For the word of consolation Is to me a mighty shield : While the scripture truth is sure, From his malice I'm secure. 5 Vain his threats to overcome me, When I take the Spirit's sword ; Then with ease I drive him from me, Satan trembles at the word. 'Tis a sword for conquest made, Keen the edge, and sharp the blade. 6 Shall I envy then the mise^, Doating on his golden store ? "Sure I am, or should be wiser, — I am rich 'tis he is poor. SCKIPTUREii. II Jesus gives me in bis word Food and med'cine shield and sword. HYMN. 11. P. M. 1 T row firm a foundation ye saints of Xx the Lord, Is laid for your failh in liis excellent word ; What moie can he say than to you he liath said, You who unto Jesus for refuge have fled ? 2. In every condition, in sickness, in healtli, In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealth, At home and abroad on the land, on the sea. As thy day& may demand shall thy strength ever be. 3 Fear not, I am with thee, O be ^ not di»- may'd, I now am thy God and will still give thee aid ; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand. 4 When thro' fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace all-sufBcient shall be thy sapply ; The flames shall not hurt thee, I only de- sign Thy dross to consume and thy gold t« T6- fifift. 16 KATIVITT 5 The soul that on Jesus hath leanM for re- pose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes ; That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shoke, PH never, no never, no never forsake, Nativity of Christ. HYMN. 12. P. M. t Tj^ ROM the regions of love, -*- Lo an angel descended, And told the strange news How the Babe was attended ; Go, shepherds, and visit This wonderful stranger, With wonder and joy, See your Christ in the manger. Hallelujah to the Lamb, Through whom vje have pardon^ WeHl praise him again fVhen we pass over Jordan S. Glad tidings I bring To you and each nation ; Glad tidings of joy Now behold your salvation : The heavenly hosts Unite their glad voices, And shout the Redeemer While heaven rejoice*. OE CHRIST. i Now glory to God In the highest is given ; Now glory to God Is re-echoed through heaven Around the whole earth Let us tell the glad story, And sing of hifs love, His salvation and glory. 4. Triumphantly ride In thy chariot victorious, And conquer with love ; O Jesus all glorious ! Thy banner unfurl, Let the nations surrender, And own thee their Saviour Their King and Defender. IT HYMN 13. P. M. 1 TTAIL! thou blest morn, vchcn the -tJ. great Mediator Down from the regions of glory descends ; Shepherd, go worship the babe in the man- ger, Lo, for his guide the bright angels attend. Brightest and best of the sons of the morn- ing, Shine on our darkness, and lend us thine aid^ Star in the east, the horizon adorning Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. 18 ORUCiFixiojr 2 Cold on his cradle (he devr drops are shining", Low lies his bed wiih the beasts of the stall; Ang-els adore him in slumber reclining, Maker, and Monarch and Saviour of all ! 3 Say shall we yield him, in costly devotion Odours of Edom, and oflenngs divine. Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the o* cean, Myrrh from the forest and gold from the mine ? 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gold would his favor secure ; Richer by far is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. Crucifixion and Resurrection, HYMN 14. L. M. 1 rxE dies, the Friend of sinners dies, XJL Lo ! Salem's daughters weep a- ^| round ; A solemn darkness, veils the skies ! A sudden trembling shakes the ground ! Come, saints, and drop a tear or two For him who groan'd beneath your load; He shed a thousand drops for you, A thousand drops of richer blood. 2 Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies for man ! But lo I what sudden joys we see : AND RESUBRECTlOir 19 Jesus the dead revives again ] The rising God forsakes the tomb ; {In vain the tomb forbids his rise) Cherubic Legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies. 3 Break off jour tears, ye saints and tell, How high your great Dehv'rer reigns : Smg how he spoil'd the hosts of hell, And led the mouster death in chains ! Sav, *' Live for ever, wonderous King'. Born to redeem and strong to save !" Then ask the monste*-, " Where's thy sting? And Where's thy victVy, boasting grave ?" HYMN 15 P. M. 1 Q AW ye my Saviour! >3 Saw ye my Saviour ! Saw ye my Saviour, my God ? O he died on Calvary, To atone for you and me, To purchase our pardon with blood. 2 He was extended, He was extended. So painfully nail'd to the cross O he bowed his head and died ! Thus my Lord was crucified. To atone for a world that was lost. 3 Jesus hung bleeding,' Jesus bung bleeding, 50 CRUCIFIXIOK . Three dreadful hours in pain : And the solid rocks were rent, Through creation's v^st extent, When the Jews crucitied the Lamb. 4 Darkness prevailed. Darkness prevailed, Darkness prevaiPd o'er the land ; And the sun refused to shine, While bis Majesty divine Was derided, insulted aud slain. 5 When it was finished, VVhen it was fioish'd. And the atonement was made ; 1 He was taken by the great, I And embalm'd in spices sweet, And was in a new sepulchre laid. ' 6 Hail ! mighty Saviour, Hail ! mighty Saviour, The Prmce and the author of peace; he burst the bands of death I And triumphant from the earih He ascended to mansions of bliss. 7 He's now interceding, He's now interceding. Pleading that smners may live ; Crying, ** See my hands and sid«, Father, I was crucified To redeem them ; I pray thee forg^ire." 8 *' I will forgive them, 1 will forgive them, AND RESURRECTION. tl When they repent and believe ; Let them now return to thee, And be reconcil'd to me, And sanation they all shall receive*^ For Ministers Sr Missionaries. HiTMN 16. C. P. M. 1 TTELP, Lord, the weakest instrument, jLI Thy sovereign gr^ce hath ever sent, To publish and proclaim The reigning power and peace of God, General redemption in thy blood. And pardon through thy name. $ Whilst preaching gospel to the poor. My soul impoverish, and secure By deep humility ; Safe in thy wounds a novice hide. Then shall I preach Thee crucified. And nothing know but Thee. 5 To exalt myself I would not speak, Or, proud of my own talents, seek ^The praise of flattering man ; But serve Thee with a single eye. And, while thy name I magniny. Thy approbation gain. 4 With pride that I may never swell. Or my suppos'd importance fee!, V ouchsaJe me. Lord, the grace SS FOR HIMSTKRS. To loathe myself in my own eyes. Myself denyj renounce, despise, And take the lowest place. 5 Here ma}'^ I covet no reward. Nor trifles, temporal regard, Or reckon earth my home : But things invisible desire, And wait for my appointed hire, Till the great Shepherd come. 6 A life of poverty and toil, A thousand lives, one gracious smile 01 thine will overpay. If thou receive me with " Well done ^ And for thy faithful servant own, . In that triumphant day. HYMN 17 P. M. 1 X AND where the banes of our fath JLi ers are sleeping ! Land where our dear ones and fond ones ar weeping ! Land where the light of Jehovah is shining We leave thee, lamenting, but not with re pining. 2 Dark is our path o*er the dark rolling c cean ; Dark is our hearts; but the fire ofdevotia AKD MISSIONIARIES. 3S Kindles within ; — and a far distant nation Shall learn from our lips the glad sound of salvation. 3 Hail to the land of our toils and our sorrows ! Land of our rest ! — when a few more to- morrows Pass o'er our heads, we will seek our cold pillows, And rest in our graves, far away o^er the bil- lows. Awakening and inviting. HYMiN J 8. P. M. 1 TTEAR the royal proclamation, XI The glad tidings of salvation r Published to every creature Of the ruined sons of nature — Jesus reigns ! He reigns victorious, Over heaven and earth most glorious, Jesus reigns ! 2 See the royal banner flying ; Hear the standard bearers ciying ; •* Rebels sinners, royal favour Now is offered by the Saviour" — Jesus reigns ! &g. 3 Hear ye sons o^ wrath and ruin. Ye who've wrought your own undoing; Here is life acd free salvation, Ofier'd to the whole creation ; Jesus reigns ! &c. S4 AWAKENING. 4 'Twas for you that Jpsus died ; And for you was crucified ; Conquer'd decth and rose to heaven, Life eternalthrougb him given ; Jesus reigni ! iic> 5 Turn, un'o tlie I^ord most holy : Shun the paths of vice and folly ; Turn, oi you are lost forever I Oh, now fly unto the Saviour — Jesus reigns I <5cc. C For this love, let rocks and mountains Purling streams and chryslal fountains, Roaring thunders, lightnings blazes Shout the great Messiah's praises : Jesus reigns ! kc. 7 Here is wine, and milk, and honey ; Come and purchase, without money; Mercies flowing like a fountain. Streaming from the holy mountain — Jesus reigris I &o, 9 Shout ye tongues of every nation, Christ has died for your salvation Shout with joyful acclamation, Bound aloud the proclamation — Jesus reigns ! fio% 9 Shout ye saints, make joyful mention Of him who wrou;^ht out your redemption; Shout the praise of Judali's Lion, J'he Almighty King of Zion — Jesus reigns ! &«. AWD INVITING. 25 10 Now our souls hare caught new fire ; Brethren, raise your voices higher ; Ang-els. shout the joyful story Through all the bright world of glory — Jesus reigns ! &g. H^MN 19. L. M. 1 ^INNERSj attend, the Saviour's come, ^ And calls for wretched souls like you; He brings the worst of rebels home, Forgives their sins and loves them too ! 2 Come, to the feast without delay, Before the gospel call is o'er ; Embrace the Saviour's grace to-day, Lest he should go and call no more. 3 Ten thousand souls have enter'd in, And found a soul reviving feast ; Come then poor souls with all your sins, And you shall all be welcome guests. 4 Those happy saints who've gone befoie, Were once in sin as vile as you ; O doubt the Saviour's love no more ; But come and taste his goodness too. HYMN 20. P. M. 1. /~^ OME, ye sinners, poor and needy, vy Weak aud wounded, sick and sore, B t$ AW&KEMINa Jesus ready stands to save you. Full of pity, love, and power ; He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. 2. Now, ye needy, come and welcome, God*s free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance ; Every grace that brings you nigh, Without money Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 5 Let not conscience make you linger ; Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you, ' Tis the Spirit's glimmering beam. 4 Come ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruis'd and mangled by the fall. If you tarry till you are better. You will never come at all. Not the righteous, Sinners Jesus came to call. 9 Agonizing in the garden, Lo ! your Maker prostrate lies ! Qn the bloody tree behold him ! Hear him cry before he dies, i.ND INVITING. C7 " It is finish'd !» Sinners, will not this suffice ? 6 Lo ! th' incarnate God ascending, Plead the merit of his blood ; Venture on him, venture freely ; Let no other trust intrude : None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. 7 Saints and angels join'd in concert, Sing the praises of the Lamb, While ihe blissful seats of heaven Sweetly echo with his name ; Hallelujah ! Sinners here may do the same, HYMN 21 P. M. 1 /^ OME, poor sinners, seek the Saviour, Vy Crucififd for Adam's race ; Let it be thy chief endeavor, To secure thine endless peace. Turn to the Lard^ and seek salvation, Sound the praise of his dear name, Glory, honor, and salvation, Christ the Lord is come to reign. 2 In thy death he has no pleasure. But would have thee turn and live ; •3 AWAKENIHO '• Turn," lie cries, thy sins I'll pardon, " And eternal life I'll give." S Now's the day of thy salvation, O improve the gracious day ; Do not slight his invitation. But his kind commands obey. 4 Never dream of heaven hereafter^ If thou art not " born again;" No external reformation R'er can save from endless pain. 5 Let not Satan then deceive thee, By an empty formal show, With no inward full assurance, Of redemption here below. 6 Trust to nothing for salvation, But to Jesus Christ alone; He's the only sure foundation, He's the chief, the corner stone. 7 Drop thy weapons of rebellion And Jehovah's word obey. Fly to Jesus' wounds for refuge And he'll wash thy guilt away. 8 Ask him now for true repentanw Saving faith and perfect love ; And for grace of perseverance, 'Till you reach the courts above. AND INVITING. 29 HYMN 22 P. M. 1 "IVrOW the Saviour stands a pleading, -L^ At the sinners bolted heart ; Now in heaven he's interceding, Undertaking sinner's part. Sinners^ canyon hate this Saviour 7 Will you thrust him from your arms 7 Once he died for your behaviour, Now he calls you to his charms 2. Now he pleads his sweat and blood-shed, Shows his wounded hands and feet ; Father, save them though they're blood- red, Raise them to a heavenly seat. S Sinners, hear your God and Saviour, Hear his gracious voice to-day ; Turn from all your vain behaviour, O repent ! return and pray. 4 O be wise before you languish On the bed of dyins strife ! Endless joy or dreadful anguish, Turn upon th' events of life. 5 Now he's waiting to be gracious, Now he stands and looks on thee ! See what kindness, love and pity, Shines around on you and me. r so PEIilTKKTIAL. •' Open now your hearts before him ; Bid the Saviour welcome in : Now receive, and adore him ! Take a full discharge from sin. 7 Come, for all things now are ready, Yet there's room for many more j O ye blind, ye lame and needy. Come to wisdom's boundless store. HTMN 23. L. M. Penitential. 1 /^ THAT my load of sin were gone V/ O that I could at last submit, At Jesu's feet to lay it down ! To lay my soul at Jesu's feet ! 2. Rest for my soul I long to find : Saviour of all, if mine ihou art, Give me tby meek and lowly mind, And stamp thine image on my heart. 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free ; I cannot rest till pure wilbin. Till I am wholly lost m thee. 4 Fain would I learn of thee, my God, Thy light and easy burden prove, fi£GEI7ERJLTI0N. Si The cross all stained with hallowM blood, The labour of thy dying love. 5 I would — but thou must give the power ; My heart from every sin release ; Bring' near, bring near the joyful hour, And fill me with thy perfect peace. 6 Come Lord the drooping sinner cheer, Nor let thy chariot wheels delay : Appear in my poor heart appear ; My God, my Saviour, come away ! Regeneration, HYMN 24 C, P, M, 1 TITTAK'D by the Gospel's powerful TT sound, My soul in sin and thrall I found, Exposed to endless woe : Eternal truth did loud proclaim, " The sinner must be born agaio'— *♦ Or down to luin go.^' H SurpnsM indeed, I could not tell Which way to shun the gate of hell, To which I then drew near ! I strove, Alas ! but all in vain; ♦' The'sinner must be born again,'' Still sounded in my ear. Si REGENERATIOK. 3 1 to the law, then ran for help ; But still I felt the weight of guilt, And no relief I found : While sin, my burden'd soul did pain, " The sinner must be born again,** Did loud as thunder sound I 4 God's justice then I did behold. And guilt lay heavy on my soul; It was a dreadful load: This solemn truth did still remain, " The sinner must be born again, " Or feel the wrath of God." 6 I heard some tell, how Christ did give His life to let the sinner live ; But him I could not see ; 1 read my Bible — it was plain The sinner must be born again. Or die eternally. 6 But, as my soul with dying breath, Lay gasping near the second death, Christ Jesus, I did see ! Free grace and pardon he proclaim'd I 1 trust, I then was born again In gospel liberty. 7 Not angels in the world above, Nor saints could glow with greater love, Than what I then enjoye'd ; My soul did mount on eagle's wings, FOR CHRISTIAlf CONVERTS. SS And glory, glorj, I did sing To Jesus, ray dear Locd I 8 Now with the saints I'll join to tell How Jesus savM my soul from hell, To sing redeeming love : Ascribe the glory to the Lamb, The sinner now is born again, To dwell with Christ above I , HYMN 25. P. M. 1 TTOW happy are they XX Who th eir Saviour obey. And have laid up their treasure above ! Tongue cannot express The sweet comibrt and peace Of a soul in its earliest love 1 2 That comfort was mine, When the favour divine I first iound in the blood of the Lamb j When my heart it believ'd What a joy I received, AVhat a heaven in Jesus's name ! S 'Twas a heaven below My Redeemer to know. And the angels could do nothing more, Than to fall at his feet, B2 . $4 FOR COMVERTS. And the story repeat, And the Lover of sinners adore. 7 Jesus all the day long Waf5 my joy and my song • O that all his salvation might see ' He hath lov'd me, I cried. He hath suffi?r'd and died, To redeem such a rebel as me. 5 On the wings of his love, I was carried above All sin, and temptation, and pain ; And I could not believe That I ever should grieve. That I ever should sutfer again, € I then rode on the sky, Freely justified I, Nor did envy Elijah his seat : My glad soul mounted higher In a chariot of fire, And the moon it was under my feet, 7 the rapturous height Ofthat holy delight Which 1 felt in the life — givmg blood Of my Saviour possest, I was perfectly blest. As if fill'd with the fullness of Goo. FOR CONVERTS. 5i HYMN 26. P. M. 1 T'LL sing- a song which doth belong A To all the people round me ; I'll spread the fame ot'Jesus's name, And tell how Jesus found me ; 'Twas in distress and wickedness, These words he spake unto me — *' O sinner, come ! in me there's room, how these words ran through me ! 2 I was Uke Paul who was call'd Saul, In bitter persecution ; 1 did disdam being born again, And call'd it all " delusion :" I fought the saints without restraint, Too proud to cry for mercy — Conviction strong did come along ; O how these things did pierce me ! 3 I did not know which way to go My sins appear'd like mountains ; All fill'd with woe, the tears did flow, My head was like a fountain : I thought I've been bo long in sin, How can I be forgiven ? Then Jesus came, O bless his name ! And fill'd my soul with heaven ! 4 I raised my voice and did rejoice, Sang glory, glory, glory. S8 roR coirrERTg. Tlien 1 did learn Jeaus was mine, what a pleasing story ! 1 love the Lord, I love his word, I love all that's around me ; Now brethren dear, don't it appear, That Jesus Christ has found me. 5 Come, sinners, now to Jesus bow, "While grace is ofier'd to you, Come as you are, to Christ repair, Or sin will quite undo you : With lovely charms and open arms, Now Jesus will receive you ; Come, sinners come, in him there^'s room And Jesus he will save you. HYMN 27. P. jM. 1 /^ OME, listenig angels assist me to sing-^ Ky The love of Jesus my heavenly King- : Great things for my soul he surely hath done, All glory to God for the gift of Lis Son. f 1 wanderM in darkness a stranger to God. Refusing his calls; and neglecting his word ; In romanceand novels I thought I should gain Some pleasure and knowledge, and honor ebtam. FOR CONVERTS. S7 3 At length the glad trumpet saluted my ears, And thunderings from Sinai, awakenM my fears ; The tears of repentance, they freely did run, For slighting my Saviour 1 cried Vm un- doue. 4 One night while in musing these words came with pov^er, " O do not be troubled, nor doubt any more, •• Believe thou in God ; believe also in me, " In the house of my Father are mansions for Ihee. 5 'Tis the voice of my Saviour my soul then rep'ied, For me he hath aufFer'd, for me he hath di- ed ; The blood of his wounds while he hung on the tree. Has purchased redemption and pardon for me. 6 Bless the Lord, O my soul, for the work he hath done. Such heavenly peace, in my soul he's be- gun ; V\\ give hira the glory while ou earth I re- main ; When I pass over Jordan I'll praise him a- gain. 38 FOR CONVERTS. 7 My soul is immers'd in a fountain of love. My heart and ray treasure's in heaven a- bove ; Through grace I'm determm'd I'll nev- er give o'er, Till safely I'm landed on Canaan's fair shore. HYMN 28. P. M. IXJfT'HEN souls are first converted, ▼ ▼ They mount on wings above. The world thinks they're distracted Because they're fiU'd with love : They fly from every evil, And trust in God alone, They long to get to heaven, Their most desired home. 2 The world, the flfsh and Satan, Beset them on each hand. Bestrew their paths with evil ; Debar them from that land : But Jesus still invites you, " Come follow, follow me, " And I v.'ill fight your battles, " And gain your liberty." S " O why are you dismayed," The Saviour now inquires, FOR CONVERTS. 39 When we are getting ready, - And just a going to rise ; To rise above, triumphing, To that bright world ofjoy, Where all things are provided, There's nothing to annoy. 4 In hopes of that blest morning. When all the saints shall come ; And we arrive at heaven, Our most desired home, I'll try to live a christian While here on earth I stay, I'll watch and I'll be sober, I'll watch and try to pray. HYMN 29. P. M. 1 TTOW happy, how loving how joyful XX 1 feel, I want to feel more love, yea more love and zeal, I want my love perfect, I want my love pure, That all things with patience I well may en- dure. 3 I want to be little more meek and more mild, More )ike my blest Master, and more like a child ; 40 FOR CONVERTS. More watchful, more prayerful, mo-e lo>r- \y in mind, More thankful, more gentle, more lovmg- and kind. 3 I want to have wisdom that comes from above ; 1 want my iieart filPd with the purest of love, I want my faitli stronger, my anchor-hope sure, And like a good soldier all hardships endure. 4 I want to be stripped of all human pride, All malice and angler I would lay aside ; From sin and from bondage I vt'ani to be free. And live, my dear Saviour, live only to thee. 5 While sufferin^f, enduring, in duty be- lieve, Forgiving if any my spirit should grieve : Remembering all times to watch and to pray And set out anew and begin every day. 6 My treasure, in heaven T want to lay up. Where no «>oth or rust will ever corrupt; Where no thief or robber will venture or dare, IVly heart and my treasure I want should bo tliere. 7 My faith and my hope, and my love and zeal, I want Ihem deep rooted within for to feel ; FOR CONVERTS. 4l My light I want clear that beholders may see How faith and good works in sweet union agree. 8 My union I want with the Father and Son, I want that perfected which grace has be- gun, With love and sweet union that sooihes eve- ry care, And with my dear brethren all burdens to bear. 9 Come love and sweet union to thee T do call, I want to feel more love, yea more love to all; come my bt.loved, come hasten to me, And fill up my vessel full as it can be. 10 Come brethren and sister?, both aged and youth, And all who are willing to walk m the truth; Come fill up your vessel with union and love, I'hen on our blest journey wem joyfully move. II When time is no more, from earth we'll remove, To dwell in the region of pure light and love, With Jesus our Saviour, and all holy men. We'll sing halleluiah forever, Amen. 4ft FOR CONVERTS. HYMN 30. p. M. I^ULpraise Ihee dear Jesus, delight of my soul, I'll praise the on times rocky shore— And sweet shall the tribute of gratiuJe loll, Till the sorrows of life are no more. 2 The green sliady vestments spread over the bow'r WavM lightly by zephyis, disclose The glory of God and the young fading flowV A land of eternal repose. 3 Unknowing to hope, and the SaTiour above, I long wandered a stranorer below, While the (^eep sighing breeze, th'-ough th« echoing groves ; Emitted sad murmurs of woe 4 At lengbt the wise Counsellor — high Prince of peace * Deign'd to visit my humble abode — From guilt set me free, and from sin spoke release, And restoiM a lorn exile from God. 6. Lo ! prostrate before Him, my spirit as- pires To join the angelical song, *lsaiab, Ix ,6. FOR CONVERTS. 45 And praise a Redeemer with fervent de&iresi To me kept a stranger so long. 6 Then, oh ! when He blessM cie, afiec- tiondivitae, What love in his look was expressed ! Long, long may it cheei the despondence of mine, And calm my once troubl^id breast. HYMN 31 P. M. I TESU S ! my Saviour, I know thou art cl mine, For thee all the pleasure of sin I lesign ; Of objects most pleasing, l lo?e thee best. Without thee I'm wretcded, but with thee Vm blest. ft Thy Spirit first taught me to knowlwai blind, Then taught me the way of salvation to find; And when I was sinking in gloomy despair, Thy mercy reliev'd me, and bid me not fear. 3 In vain I attempt to describe what I feel, The language of mortals, or angels must fail; My Jesus is precious, my soul's m a fiame, I'mrais'dto a rapture, while praisinQ^ his name. 44 FOR CONVERTS. 4 I find him in singing, I find him in prsjV, In blest meditation he always is thpre : My constant companion, O may we ne'er part ; All glory to Jesus he dwells in my heart. 5 My Saviour, I love thee, I love thee my Ijord, I love thy dear people, thy ways, and thy word ; With tender emotions I love sinners too, Foi Jesus hath died to relieve them from woe. HYMN 32. C. M. '"HAT strange desire is this to feel, That lifts my soul above, Such heavenly joys/and holy zeal, And such inflaming love ! 2 Nature wears a lovlierlace ; , It never look'd so sweet : I see a new and nameless grace, In every thing I meet. 8 The landscape smdes as Eden fair ; How sweet the vocal groves ' Ten thosand charms in earth and air, And every charm is love. FOR CONVERTS. 45 4 What throbs of tender sympathy, My bosom do distend ; In every human face I see A brother, and a friend. 5 But O ! through all this smilmg scene Of friend, and held, and flower — I trace methinks, a heavenly mind, A more than mortal power I 6 O'er all I gaze, and \v5th delight. But still my longing eye. Turns upward to another sight Beyond this lower sky. 7 O blessed Saviour, blessed Lord ! What language can express. How much 1 prize thy precious blood. Thy perfect righteousness. 8 This IS the secret charm I feel, . That carries me above ; That fills with joy, and fires with zeal. And sweetens all with love. HYMN S3. L. M. 1 '^J^^HEN converts first begin to sing, Their happy souls are on the wing, 46 FOR CONV£RTS. Their theme is all redeeming love. Fain would the}' be with Christ above. 2 With admiration they behold, The love of Christ that can*t be told, They view themselves upon the shore And think the battle all is o'er. 8 They feel themselves quite free from pain And think their enemies are slain; 1 hey make no dou\»t but. all is well. And Satan is cast down to hell. 4 They wonder why old saints don't sing, And make the heavenly arches ring — Ring with melodious joyfulsound. Because a prodigal is found. 5 But 'tis not long before they feel Their feeble souls begin to reel, They think their former hopes are vain. For they are bound in Satan's chain. 6 The morning that did shine so bright,. Is turned to the shades of night ; Their hearts that did with music sing Are now untun'd in every strmg. 7 ! foolish child, why didst thou boast^ 111 the enlargement of thy coast ? FOR C05FEETS. 47 \Vhy didst thou think to ffy away, Before thou leav'st the feeble clay ? 8 Come, take up arms and face the field, Come gird on harness, sword and shield ; Stand fast in faith, fight for your King, And soon the victory you shall win. 9 When Satan comes to tempt your minds, Then meet him with these blessed lines, Jesus our Lord has swept the field And we^re determin'd not to yield. HYMN 34 C. M. ITN evil long I took delight, •*- Una wed by shame or fear. Till a new object struck my sight,. And stopt my wild career. 2 I saw one hanging on a treey In agonies oi' blood j He fixed his languid eyes on me,. As near his cross I stood. 5 Sure never till my latest breath. Shall I forget that look ; He seemed to change me with his death, Though not a word he spoke. 48 FOR CONVERTS, 4 My conscience felt and own'd the guilt, And plung'd me in despair ; I saw my sins his blood had spilt/ And help'd to nail him there, 5^ Alas ! I knew not what I did. But now my tears are vain ; Where shall my tremblmg soul be hid,' For I the Lord have slain. € A second look he gave, which said, I freely all forgive ; This blood is lor thy ransom paid ; I died that^thou may'st live. 7 With pleasing grief, and mournful joy. My spirits now were fiU'd ; That I should such a life destroy. Yet live by him I kili'd. HYMN 35. 7 & 6. The heart healed by Merey. 1 C^ And led me bound and blind-; Till at length a thousand fears Came swarming o'er my mind. Where, (I said in deep distress,) Will these sinful pleasures end ? FOR CONVERTS. 4 9 How shall I secure my peace, And make the Lord my friend ? 2 Friends and ministers said much, The gospel to enforce ; But my blindness still was such, I choose a legal course : Much I fasted, watch'd, and strove, Scarce would shew my face abroad ; Fear'd almost to s'peak or move — A stranger still to God. 8 Thus afraid to trust his grace, Long time did I rebell ; Till despairing of my case, Down at his feet I fell : 1 hen my stubborn heart he broke, And subdu'd me to his sway j By a simple word he spoke — " Thy sins are done away." HYMN 36. P. M. 1 T^ANIEL'S wisdom may I know, -L^ Stephen's laith and spirit show John's divine communion feel. Moses' meekness, Joshua's zeal. Run like the unwearied Paul, Win the day and conquer alL C 50 FOR COXVEEfS, 2. Mary's love may I possess, Lydia's tender-heartedness, Peter's fervent spirit leel, Jame's, faith by works reveal, Like young Timothy may I Every sinlul passion fly. S Job's submission may I show, David's pure devotion know, Samuel's call, O ! may I hear, Lazarus' happy portion share : Let Isaiah's hallow'd fire All my new born soul inspire. 4 Mine be Jacob's wrestling pray'r Gideon's valiant stedfast care, Joseph's purity impart, Isaac's meditating heart, Abraham's friendship may I pro^e. Faithful to the God Hove. 5 Most of all may I pursue The example Jesus drew ; In my life and conduct show How he liv'd and walk'd below, Day by day through grace res lor'd. Imitate my perfect Lord. HlfMN S7. L. M. 1 r>EHOLD the sons, the heirs of God, XJ So dearly bought with Jesus' bkjod; PJE CONVERTS. 51 Are they not born to heavenly joys, And shall they stoop to earthly toys ! 2 Can laughter leed th' immortal mind ? Were spirits of celestial kind Made for a jest, a sport and play, To wear out time and waste the day ? 3 Doth vain discourse, or empty mirth. Well suit the honours of their birth r Shall they be fond of gay attire, Which children love, and fools admire ? 4 What if we wear the richest vest ? Peacocks and flies are better drest ; This flesh, with all its gaudy forms. Must drop to dust, and feed the wornas. 5 Lord, raise'our hearts, & passions higher; Touch our vain souls with sacred fire ; Then with a heaven-directed eye. We'll pass these glittering trifles by. 6 We'll look on all the toys below With such disdain as angels do ; And wait the call that bids us rise To mansions promis'd in the skies. On Prayer. HYMN 38. L ,M. 1 T3RAYER is appointed to convey, -*^ The bleissiiig God desingns to give: 5 2 PRAYER Long as they live should ChristianS'pray They learn to pray when first they live* S The christians heart his prayer indites, He speak as prompted from within ; The Spirit his petition wriies, And Christ receives and gives it in. S And wilt thou in dead silence lie, When Christ stands waiting for thy prayer? My soul, thou hast a friend on high, Arise and try thy int'rest there. 4 If pain afHict, or wrongs oppress, If cares distract, or fears dismay ; If guilt deject ; il'sin distress ; The remedy's before thee — pray. h 'Tis prayer supports the soul that's weak j Though thought be broken, language lame. Pray, if thou canst, or canst not speak • But pray with faith in Jesus' name. 6. Depend on Him ; thou canst not fail ; Make all thy wants and wishes known ; Fear not ; his merits must prevail : Ask but in laith, it shall be done. HYMN 29. L. M. ALL those who seek the throne of grace^ Are sure to find in every place j I-RAYER. 5 S To those who love a life of prayer, Our God is present every where. 2 The shady grove or burning plain^ The blooming Sfield or swelling main, Alike are sweet in secret prayer, For God is present every where. 3 In pining sickness, or in health, In poverty or grooving wealth, rhe humble soul delights in prayer. And God is present every where. 4 When Zion mourns and comforts fail, And all her foes do scoff and rail, 'Tis the7i a time tor secret prayer, For God is present every where. 5 When some backslide, and others fall, And few are found who strive at all ; The faithful find in secret prayer, That God is present every where. 6 Come then, my soul, in every strait, To Jesus come, and on him wait ; Who sees and every sigh does hear, And he will answer all true prayer. HYMN 40. P. M. GUIDE me, O thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land ; 5 4 PRATER. 1 am weak, but thou art mighty, Hold me with thy poweiful hand ; Bread of heav'n, Bread of heav'n, Feed me till I want no more. 2 Open, Lord, the chrystal fountain, Whence the healing" streams do flow ; Let the fiery cloudy pillar Lead me all rr y journey through ; Strong Deliv'rer, &. Be thou still my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side ; Songs of praises, &c, I will ever give to thee. HYMN 41. L. M. f PRAY on, my brethren, in the Lord ; Pray 'till you feel the power of God ; Pray 'till he drive your doubts away ; Pray 'till you see the gospel day. 2 Pray for the mourners ; see their griel j Pray 'till the mourners find relief j PRATEE, 5 5 Pray for the wicked every where ; Pray that garments may be clear. 3 Soon you shall have'your hearts desire ; Our God will answer as by fire ; You'll see th' etiect of fervent prayer. In the abundant grace you share. HYMN 42. C. P. M. TELL me no more of earthly toys^ Of smful mi r til and carnal joys. The things I lov'd before : Let me but view my Saviour's face. And feel his animating grace, And I desire no more. 2 Tell me no more of praise and wealth, Tell me no more of ease and health ; For these have all their snares ; Let me but know ray sins forgiven. But see my name enroll'd in heaven. And I am free from cares. 3 Tell me no more of lofty towers. Delightful gardens fragrant bowers, For these are trifling things ; The little room for me design'd, Will suit as well my easy mind, As palaces of kings. 56 RENOUNCING THE WORLD. 4 Tell me no more of crowding guests ; Of sumptuous feasts, and gaudy dress, Extravagance and waste ; My little table, only spread With wholesome herbs, and wholesome bread. Will better suit my taste. 5 Give me the bible in my hand, A heart to read and understand, And faith to trust the Lord ; I'd sit alone from day to day, Or urge no company to stay, Nor wish to rove abroad. ttYMN 43. C. M. FAREWELL, vain world, I bid adieu, Your glory I despise ! Your friendship 1 no more pursue, Your flatteries are but lies. 2 You promise happyiess in vain. Nor can you satisfy ; Your highest pleasure turns to pain, And all your treaures die. 3 Had I the Indies, East and West, And riches of the sea. REJOICING AND PRA.ISE. 6 7 Without my God I Could not rest, For lie 13 all to me. 4 Then let my soul rise far above> By laitli I'll take my wing ; To the eternal realms of love, Wiiere saints and angels sing. 5 There's love and joy that will not waste, There's treasures that endure ! There's pleasure that will last ! When time shall be no more.. Rejoicing and Praise. HYMN 44. 6 & 4. GLORY to God on high : Let heaven and earth reply- Prpiseye his name ! His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore ; And sing forevermore — Worthy the Lamb-. 2 All they around the throne Cheert ally join in one. Praising his name ; We Avho have felt his blooal, Sealing our peace with God, Sound Win dear name abroad — W\irthy the Lamb. C2 S 8 REJOIClirO AND PRAISE. $ Jrin all ye ransom'd race, Our Lord and God to bless ; Praise ye his name , In him we will rejoice, And make a joyful noise, Shouting with heart and voice — Worthy the Lamb. 4 What tho' we change our place — Yet we shall never cease Praising his name. To him our songs we bring-*- Hail him our gracious King. And without ceasing sing, Worthy the Lamb. HYMN 45. 8 & 7. 1 i^NE there is above all others, V/ Well deserves the name of Friend j His is love beyond a brother's Costly free and knows no end ; They who Jesus' kindness prove, Find it everlasting love, 2 Which of all our friends to save us, Could, or would have shed their blood.' But our Jesus died to have us, Reconcil'd in him to God • This is boundless love indeed ! Jesus i»'a friend in need. RSJOICING AKD PRAISE. 5 9 3 When he liv'd on earth abased, Friend of sinners was his name : — Now above all glory raised, He lejoices in the same : Still he calls them brethren, friends, And to all their wants attends. 4 Oh^ for grace our hearts to soften | Teach, us Lord, at length to love ; We, alas ! forget too often. What a Iriend we have above : But when home our souls are brought, We will love thee as we ought. B HYMN 46. P. M. URST, ye emerald gates, and bring: To my raptur'd vision. All the extatic joys that spring Round the bright elysian : Lo we lift our longing eyes. Break, ye intervening skies ; " Sun of Righteousness arise," Ope the gates of Paradise. 2 Floods of everlasting light. Freely Hash before him ; Myriads with supreme delighj, Instantly adore him ; Angelic triumps resound hie lame, 60. REJOICING AND PRAISE. Lutes of lucid gold proclaim All the iBusick of his name ; Heaven echoing the theme. S Four and twenty elders riss From their princely station ; Shout his glorious victories. Sing the great salvation ; Cast their crowns before his tlirone, Cry in reverential tone, Glory be to God alone, "Holy ! Holy I Holy One. 4. Hark ! the thrilling symphoiiies. Seem, methinks, to seize us : Join we too the holy lays — Jesus — Jesus — Jesus ' Sweetest sound in seraph's song, Sweetest note on mortal's tongue, Sweetest carol ever sung — Jesus — Jesus flow along. HFMN 47. C. M. 1 'iV/r Y soul doth magnify the Lord:, ITA My spirit doth rejoice In him my Saviour and my God ; I hear his joyful voice. 2 I need not go abroad for joy, I have a feast at home : REJOICING AND PRAISE. 6 1 My siglis are turned into songs. The Comforter is come 3 Down from above the blessed Dove Is come into my breast. To witness God's eternal love ; This is my heavenly least. 4 This makes me Abba, Father, cry With confidence ofsoul ; This makes me cry, my Lord, my God, And that without control. 5 There is a stream that issues forth From God's eternal throne, And iiom the Lamb — a livmg stream Clear as the crystal stone. 6 This stream doth water Paradise, It makes the angels sing ; One cordial drop revives my heart ; Hence all my joys do spring. 7 Such joys as are unspeakable And lull of glory too ; Such hidden manna, hidden pearls, As worldlings do not know\ Pause. 8 Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard, From fancy 'tis conceal'd 6 2 REJOICIXe AlfD FRAI8B. What thouj Lord, hast laid up for thine, And hast to me reveal'd. 9 I see thy face, I hear thy voice, I taste thy sweetest love • My soul doth leap — but O for wings — The wings of Noah's dove. 10 Then would I fly far hence away. Leaving this world of sin ; Then would my Lord put forth his hand, And kmdly take me in. 11 There would my soul with angels feast On joys that always last ; Bless'd be my God, the God of joy. Who gives me here a taste. HYMN 48. 7 & S. 1 ^AVIOUR, I do feel thy merit, •^ Sprinkled with redeeming blood ; And my troubled weary spirit Now finds rest m thee, my God. J I am safe, and I am h^py. While m thy dear arms I lie j &EJ0ICII7G AKD FRAISB. 6 S Sin and Satan cannot harm me. Whilst ray Saviour is so nigh. S Now I'll sing of Jesus merit, Tell the world of his dear name. That if any want his Spirit, He is still the very same. 4 He that asketh soon receivetb, He that geeks is sure to find j Whose,er en him believeth, He will never cast behind. 5 Now our Advocate is pleading With his Father, and our God * Now for us he's interceding. As the purchase of his blood, 6 Now methinks I hear him praying, " Father, spare them — I have died • And the Father answers saying, They are freely justified." HYMN 49. P. M. 1 "\7"E children of ZioD, who are aimiog^ X. for glory, Enlisted with Jesus, to fight agaiost ^&l\, 6 4 REJoici>'G and'phaisz. Kcw-Canaan'3 bri'D PfiAISB. 7 1 HYMN 55. P. M. 1 r^ THOU in whose presence \J My soul takes delight, On whom in affliction I call ; My comfort by day, And my song in the night, My hope, my salvation, my all. 2 Where dost thou at noon-tide Resort with thy sheep, To feed on the pastures of love ? For why in the valley Of death should I weep, Or alone in the wilderness roy& i 5 O why should 1 wander An alien from thee, And cry in the desert for bread, Thy foes will rejoice When my sorrows they see, And smile at the tears I hare shed. 4 Ye daughters of Zion, Declare, have you seen The star that on Israel shone .'' Say it in your tents My beloved has been, And where with his flocks h« is gooe ? i Thi This is my beloved. His form is divine. 72 REJOICING AND PRAISE. His vestments shed odours around ; The locks on his head Are as grapes on the vine. When autumn with plenty is crown'd, 6 The roses of Sharon, The lilies that grow In the vales on the banks of the streams. On his cheeks in the beauty Ot excellence glow. And his eyes are as quivers of beams. 7 His voice, as the sound Of the dulcimer sweet, Is heard through the shadows of death ; The cedars of Lebanon Bow at his feet, The air is perfumed with his breath. 8 His lips as a fountain Of righteousness flow, That waters the garden of grace ; From which their salvation The Gentiles shall know. And bask in the smiles of his face. 9 Love sits in his eye ids. And scatters delight Thro' all the bright mansions on high ; Their faces the cherubims REJOICING AND PRAISE. 7g "Veil in his sight, And tremble with fulness of joy. 1 He looks, and ten thousand Of angels rejoice. And myriads wait for his word ; He speaks, and eternity, Fill'd with his voice, Re-echoes the praise of the Lord. HYMN 56. P. M. 1 g^ JESUS, my Saviour, to thee I sub- v>r mit, With love and thanksgiving fall down at thy feet : In sacrifice offer my soul flesh and blood; Thou art my Redeemer, who brought me to God. 2 I'm happy I'm happy O wond'rous account! My joys are immortal, I stand on the mount; I gaze on my treasure, and long to be there, With Jesus aud angels my kindred so dear. 3 O Jesus, my Saviour, with thee I am blest! My life and salvation, my joy and my rest ! Tliy name be my theme, and thy love be " my sofig ; Thy grace shall inspire my heart and my tongue D 74 REJOICING AND PRAISE. 4 O who's like my Saviour ? j^he's Salem^s bright King 1 He smiles and he loves me, he learns me to sing rJl praise him, I'll praise him, with notes loud and shrill, While riyers of pleasure igy spirit doth fill. HYMN 57 C. M. 1 TTO W can I sleep while angels siog, JlL And all the-; saints on high Give glory to th' eternal King, The Lamb that once did die ; While guardian angels fill the room. And ho V 'ring round my bed, They join in iK^jler songs to him Who is their glorious Head. 5 O how can I inactive lie, And thoughtless all the night, While they celestial spirits praise The Lord with all their might ? Such joyful spirits never sleep, Their joys are ever new ; Then O, my soul, no longer cease To love and praise him too. S For I of all the race that fe^lj Or all the heavenly host, fiKJOICING AND PRAISE. 7 5 Have greatest cause, with humble zeal. To love and praise him most. Did God the Father love men so — As to give up his Son, To be a ransom, and redeem Them from the sins they've done ! 4 Did Jesus leave the Father's "breast, That heav'n of heav'ns on high, And come to earth, this world of woe, For guilty men to die ? And has the Holy Ghost apply'd The blood of Christ to me. To cleanse my guilty soul from sin, And set my spirit tree ? $ With me, O heaven and earth, admire. Who am of all the race The chief of sinners, and deserve In hell the lowest place ' » Yet mercy here and truth do meet, And God can justify — Thro' Jesug Christ's most precious blood, So vile a wretch as I. 6 No longer then will 1 lie here, But rise and praise and pray, And jom to sing while I enjoy A glimpse of heavenly day ; I'll view the glories of my lioid, 7 6 ~ REJOICING AND PRAISE. And serve him all my days ; For what he in his essence is, My soul shall sing his praise. HYMN 58. L. M. 1 \ WAKE, my soul, in joyful lays, -^^ And sing the great Redeemer's praise He justly claims a song from me, His lovmg-kindness — how free ! 2 He saw me ruin'd by the fall. Yet lov'd me, notwit hstanding all ; He sav'd me from my lost estate, His loving-kindness, O how great ! 3 Though num'rous hosts of mightj^ foes; Though earth and hell my way oppose; He safely leads my soul along, His loving-kindness, how strong ! 4 "W hefx trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gather'd thick, and thundered loud, He near my soul has always stood, His loving-kindness, how good ! 5 Often I feel my sinful heart Prone from my Saviour to depart ; But though I oft have him forgot. His loving-kindness changes not. REJOICING AND PRAISE. 7 7 6 Soon I shall pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers must fail ; ! may my last expiring- breath, His loviug-kmdness sing in death. 7 Then let me mount and soar away To the bright world of endless day ; And sing with rapture and surprise His loving-kindness in the skies. Christian warfare and triumph HYMN 59. C. P. M. J ^OME on, my partners in distress, ^^ My comrades through the Avilder- ness, Who still your bodies feel : Awhile forget your griefs and fears, And look beyond this vale of tears, To that celestial hill. 2 Beyond the bounds of time and space, Look forward to that heavenly place, The saints' secure abode ; On faith's strong eagle pinions rise , And force your passage to the skies. And scale the mount of God. 3 Who suffer with our Master here, We shall before his face appear, 7 8 CHRlSTIAlf WARFARE And by his side sit down ; To patient faith the prize is sure ; And all that to the end endure The cross, shall wear the crown. 4 Thrice blessed bliss-inspiring hope, It lilts the fainting spirits up ; It brings to life the dead ! Our conflicts here shall soon be past, And you and I ascend at htii, Triumphant with our Head. HYMN 60. P. M. 1 rri HE pure testimony, put forth in the A spirit, Cuts like a sharp two-edged sword, And liypocrues cow are most sorely tOF- mented, Because lhey,re condemn'd by the word* The pure testmiony discovers the dross, While wicked pro'fessois make light of the cross, And Babylon trembles for fear of her loss. 2 Is not the time come for the church to bo gather'd Into the one Spirit of God? Baptized by the Spirit into the same body. Partaking Christ's flesh and his blood, AND TRIUMPH. 7 9 They drink in one spirit, which makes them all see They're one in Christ Jesus, wherever they be, The Jevf and the Gentile, the bond and the free. 3 Then blow ye the trumpet in pure testi- mony, And let the world hear ii again : Then come ye from Babylon, Egypt and Sodom, And make your way over the plain, Then wssh all your robes in the blood of the Lamb, And walkin the spirit through Jesus' name, In pure testimony you will overcome. 4 The world will not persecute those iha ' are like them, But hold them the same as their own ; Tne pure testimony cries out separation, That causes your Jives to lay down. Coras out from foul spirits and practices too. The track of your Saviour keep still in your view, The pure testimony will cut the way through. 5 The great prince of darkness is must'ring his forces. To make you his pris'ners again, By slanders, reproaches, and vile perseeu* tion. 8 CHRISTIAN^WARFARE That you in his cause may remain, Then shun his temptations wherever they lay And ftar not his servants, whatever they say, The pure testimony will give you the day. HYMN 61. P. M. i "p RETHREN while we sojourn hercj -O Fight we must, but should not fear, Foes w^e have, but we've a friend. One that loves us to the end. Forward then with courage go, Long we shall not dwell below , Soon the joyful news will come. Child, your Father calls — come home. 2 In the world a thousand snares Lay to take us unawares, Satan, with malicious art, Watches each unguarded heart ; But from Satan's malite free, Saints shall soon victorious be ; Soon the joyful news Avill come, Child, your Father calls — come home. 3 But of all the foes we meet, None so apt to turn our feet. None betray us into sin Like the foes we have within. AND TRIUMPH. 8 1 Yet'\et nothing spoil your peace, Christ shall also conquer these • Then the joyful news will come, Child, your Father calls—come home. HYMN 62. C, M. 1 "pvIDST thou, dear Jesus suffer shame, -L/ And hear the cross for me .'' And shall I fear to own thy name, Or thy disciple be ? 2 Inspire'rny soul with life divine, And make me truly hold ; Let knowledge, faith, and meekness shine. Nor love, nor ztal grow cold. S Let mockers scoff, the world defame, And treat me with disdain ; Still may I glory in thy name. And count reproach my gain. 4 To thee I cheerfully submit, And all my powers resign ; Let wisdom pomt out what is fit. And I'll no more repine. R HYMN 63. 7'8. ISE, my soul, and stretch thy wiiigs, Thy better portion trace -, 2D 8 i CHRISTIAN WARFARF Rise from transitory things, Tow'rds heav'n thy native place : Sun and moon and stars decay ; Time shall soon this earth remove Rise, my soul and haste away, To seats prepar'd above* 2 Rivers to the jcean run, Nor stay in all their course ; Fire ascending, seeks the sun ; Both speed them to their source : So a soul that's born of God, Pants to view his glorious face : Upward tends to his abode, To rest in his em i) race. 3 Cease ye pilgrims, cease to mourn Press onward to the prize ; Soon our Saviour will return, Triumphant in the skies. Yet a season and you know, Happy entiance will be giv'n ^ All our sorrows left below, And earth exchanged lor heav'n. HYMN 64. P. M. 2 f\ WHEN shall I see Jesus, ^^ And dwell with him above, To drhik the flowing fountains AND TRIUMPH 8 3 Of everlasting- love ? When shall I be deliver'd From this vain world of sin, And with my blessed Jesus Drink endless pleasures in. 2 But now I am a soldier, My Captain's gone before. He's given me my orders, And tells me not to fear ; And if I hold out faithful A crown of life he'll give. And all his valiant soldiers Eternal life shall have. 3 Through grace I am determin'd To conquer though I die, And then away to Jesus, On wmgs of love I'll fiy : Farewell to sin and sorrow, I bid it all adieu, And you my friends prove faithful, And on your way pursue. 4 And if yoa meet with troubles, And trials on the way. Then cast your cares on Jesus And don't forget to pray ; Gird on the heav'nly armour. Of faith and hope arid love, 84 CHRISTIAN AVARFARE And when your race is enclecl, You'll reign with him above. 5 do not be discourag'd, For Jesus is yojr friend, And if you lack for knowledge, He'll not refuse to lend : Neither will he upbraid you, Though often you request, He'll give you grace to conquer And take you home to rest. HYMN 65. L. M. 1 npHERE is a heaven o'er yonder skies, -■- A heaven where pleasure never dies, A heaven I sometimes hope to see, But fear again 'tis not lor me. But Jesus, Jesus is my friend O hallelujah, Hallelujah, Jesus, Jesus is my friend, 2 I travel through a world of foes. Through conflicts sore my spirit goes; The tempter cries, I ne'er shall stand, Nor reach fair Canaan's happy land. But Jesus 4'c« i Come life, come death, come then what will, His footsteps 1 will follow still ; AND TRIUMPH. 8 5 "Through dangers thick, and hell's alarms, I shall be safe in his dear -arms. O Jesus v.^'C. 4 Then, O my soul, arise and sing, Tender's thy Saviour, Friend and Kingr; With pleasing smiles he now looks down, And cries 'press on', and here's tlie crown. Jesus «$-c. 5 " Prove faithful, then, a few more days. Fight the good fight and win the race ; And then thy soul with me shall reign,] Thy head a crown of glory gain." O Jesus, ^'C. Hi^MN 66. P. M. 1 'vipT^HAT hath the world to equal this, ^^t' The solid peace, the heav'nly blise, The joys immortal, love divine, The love of Jesus ever mine : Greater joys Pm burn to know, From terrestrial to celestial, A^'hen I up to Jesus go. 2 When I shall leave this house of clay. Glorious angels shall convey ; Upon their golden wings shall I Be wafted far above the sky , S 6 CHRISTIAN WARFARE There behold him free from harm f Beauties vernal spring eternal. In n:y lovely Jesus' arms. 3 Therein sweet silent raptures wait, Till the saint's number Is complete, Till the last trump of God shall sonnd. Break up the s^raves and tear the groum There descending with the Lamb, Ev'ry spirit shall inherit Bodies of eternal frame. 4 tiresome world, Avhen will rt end, When shall I see my heav'nly Friend ; "When will my lovely Jesus come. And take his wearv pilgrims home ! When shall I meet him in the sky, There adore him fall before him, And holy, holy, holy cry. HYMN 67. IPs , 1 /^ ZTON afHi<"-tpd with wave n^on wnv' Whom no man. c^n comfort, wiir. no man can save. Surrounded wifh troubles with terror d mavM, With toiling and nvsring" thy stren^^th is d cav'd. Loud roaring' the billcvs, now ni^h Ih overwhelm, AND TRIUMPH. 8 7 But skillful the pilot that sits at 'the helm; His wisdom conducts thee, Ins power shall defend Till he, all victorious, thy warfare shall end. 2 O fearful, O faithless, in mercy he ciies, .What tho' high the surges to affright thee arise : Still, still 1 am witli thee, my promise shall stand, Thro' tossings and tempests I'll bring thee to land. Forget thee I will not, I care for thy name, Engrav'd on mv heart, it sh .11 ever remain; The palms of my hands, ^hen I look on I pee The wounds I receiv'd, when I sufFer'd for thee. 3 The fearful, thefaithless,(he weakare my care. The helpless, the hopeless I bear their sad prav'r : Thro' great tribulation my people I brirg. And when they reach heav'a the louder they'll Sing. I feel at my heart, all thy sighs and thy groans For thou art most nigh me my fiosh and my bones. In all thy afflictions, though great is thy pain Th«y all are most needful, not one is m vain. 8 8 CHRISTIAN WARFARE 4 The day of eternal salvation dravrs near When Jesus onr leader shall dry ev'ry tear, Our bodies and souls shall his glory partake, When the trumpets shall sound and the na tioDS awalie. Fight on ye old soldiers, you'll soon be dis- charg'd, The war will be ended, your tre?sure en- larg'd. With singing and shouting, Iho' Jordan may roar ; We'll enter fair Canaan and rest on the shore. HYMN 68. C. M. 1 I ERUSALEM, ray happy homcj •^ O how I long for th^e ; When will my sorrows have an end ? Thy joys when shall 1 see ? 3 Thy walls are all of precious stonej Most glorious to behold ; Thy gatea are richly set with pearl. Thy streets are pav'd with gold. 5 Thy gardens and thy pleasant walks, My fitudy long have been ; Such dazzling views of human sight, Havo never yet been seen. AND TRIUMPH 8 9 4 If heaven be thus glorious, Lord, Why should I stay from thence ? What folly's this that I should dread To die and go from hence ! 5 Reach down, Lord thmearm of grace, And cause me to ascend, Where congregations ne'er break up, And sabbaths never end. 6 Jesus, my Lord to glory's gone, Him will I go and see ; And all my brethren here below, Will soon come after me. 7 My friends I bid you all adieu, I leave you in God's care, And if I never more see you, Go on, I'll meet you tiiere. 8 When we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We,ve no less days to sing God's praise. Than ;;vhen we first begun. HYMN 69. CM. 1 \ RISE and shine, O Zion, fair, -^ Behold thy light is come ; 9 CHRISTIAIf WARFARE. Thy glorioua, conqu'ring King- is near, To lake his exiles home. The trumpet's thund'ring thro' the sky, To set poor smners iree : The day of wonders now is nigh, TJie year of Jubilee. 2 Ye Heralds blow your trumpets loud, Throughout the earth and sky ; Go spread the news from pole to pole, Behold the judgment's nigh j Blow out the sun, turn up the earth, Consume the rolling flood : While every star shall disappear. The moon turn into blood. 3 Arise ye nations under ground. Before the Judge appear ; All tongues, all languages shall come, Their final doom to hear ; King Jesus on his azure throne, Ten thousand angels round ; While Gabriel Avith his silver trump, Echoes the dreadful sound. 4 The glorious news of gospel grace With sinners now is o'er. The irump in Zion now is still, And to be blown no more : The watchmen all have left their walls, AMD TRIUMPH. • 9 1 And with their flocks above. On Canaan's happy shore they sing, And shout Redeeming Love. 5 Come all ye pilgrims of the Lord, Whose hearts are joined in one ; Hold up your hands with courage bold, Your race is almost run : Above the clouds behold him stand, And smiling bid you come ; While angels beckon you away, To your eternal home. 6 To see a pilgrim as he dies, With glory in his view ; To heav'n he lifts his longing eyes, And bids the world adieu : While friends stand weeping all around, And loath to let him go. He shouts with his expiring breath. And leaves them all below- 7 Christians ! are you ready now. To cross the narrow flood ? On Canaan's happy shore behold, And see a smiling God ! The dazzling charms oi that bright world, Attract my soul above ; My tongue shall shou^ redeemmg grace, When perfected in love. 9 1 CHRISTIAN WARFARE 8 Go on my brethren in the Lord, I'm bound to meet you there ; Though you've to travel the enchanted, ground, Hold out and do not fear. Fight on, fight on, ye conqu'iing souls, The land keep still in view ; And when you reach fair Canaan's shore, I hope to meet with you. J^ HYMN 70. H. M, "ESUS at thy command, I launch into the deep, And leave my native land, Where sm lulls all asleep ; For thee I would the world resign, And sail to heaven with thee and thine. 2 Thou art my pilot, wise. My compass is thy word ; My soul each storm defies. While I have such a Lord ; I'll trust thy fiiithtulness and pow'r To save me in the trying hour. 3 The rocks and quicksands deep, Through all my passage lie ; Yet Christ will safely keep. And guard me with his eye : AND TRIUMPH 9S My anchor, hope, will firm abide, And every bois'trous storm outride, 4 Whene'er becalm'd I lie. And storms forbear to toss ; Be thouj dear Lord, still nigh, Lest I siiould suffer loss ; For more the treach'rous calmn I dread Than tempest bursting o'er my head. 5 By faith, I see the land — The port of endless rest : My soul thy sails expand, - And fly to Jesus' breast ; O may I gain the heav'niy shore, Where winds and waves disturb no more- 6 Come Holy Ghost, and blow A prosperous gale of grace ; AVaft me from all below. To heav'n, my destin'd place ; There, in full sail, my port I'll find, And leave the world and sin behind, HYMN 7L P. M. I "VTSyHEN sorrows encompass me round, \ ▼ And deepest distresses I see ; Astonished I cry, can a morlal be found, That's surrounded by trouble like me ? 9 4 CHRISTIAN WARFARa 2 Few momenlp of peace 1 enjoy,* And they are succeeded by pain : If a moment of praising my God I enjoy, I have hours again to complain. 3 O when shall my sorrows be o'er, O when shall my sufferings cease ! when to the bosom of Christ be convey'd. To the mansions of glory and peace 1 4 Ifsouls disembodied can know, Or visit their brottjer beneath ; 1 hope I shall join you, as shouting yoa go, After laying my corpse in the earth. 5 May no sorrows be vented that day, When Jesus hath called me home ; But with singing and shouting let eaoh brother cay, He has gone frona the evil to come. 6 My spirit to glory convey'd, My body laid low in the ground ; I wish not a tear on my grave to beshad^ But a!l join in praising around. 7 O'crwhelmn'd with the fulness of love, 1 then like an angel shall sing ; Till Christ shall descend with a shout f«wn above. And make all creation to ring. 8 Oar slumbering bodies obey, And quicker than thought shall arite ; AlfD TRIUMPH ^ 95 Hemoved in a moment g^o shouting away To the mansions above m the skies. HYMN 72. L. jyi. 1 IVrOVV to the pilgrims born of God, -^^ In Jesus' name these Unes I hand, To cheer you on your christian road. And point you to your heavenly land. fi When I am g-one and ye survive, Make the Redeemer's name your theme, And while these mortal climes ye rove. The wonders of his love proclaim. S Soon I shall end your rapid race, And tread 3^our mortal climes no more ; But through Jehovah's boundless grace, Safe shall I reach the heavenly shore. 4 No distant space to take my flight, When I shall close these mortal eyes ; But in eternal realms of light. Awake with pleasure and surprise. 5 O what transporting seas of bliss, I then shall sail with sweet delight I There God my lasting portion is, Shining beyond concep:ion bright. 9 $ CHRISTIAN WARFARE 6 Howwill the heaven transporting blaze The powers of all my soul employ ! I soaring: still aloft shall gaze On that eternal source of!joy. 7 Though millions are the hf'Rts above, They now in God are all but one : And all so ravi^sh-d with hU love, They nothinj? know but God alone. 8 My soul so ravish'd in that sea, I've lost myself and wond'ring gaze ! This God is all I feel or see, I'm lost in his meridian blaze ' 9 I drink, I s(5ar, I gaze, I rove . O'er these transporting scenes of bliss. Still lost with wonder in his love ; My soul ! and what a God is this. 1 Ten thousand blazing realms of light Proclaim their God, ar)d say, Amen ! My soul still soaring in her flight, My God is all — I drop my pen. The female Pilgrim. HYVI^ 73 8&7.{ HITHER goest thou, Pilgrim stranger. Passing thro' this darksome vale ? 'W CHRISTIAN WARFARE 9 7 Knowest thou not 'tis full of danger, And will not thy courage fail ? S PILGRIM thou dost justly call me, Wandring o'er this waste so wide j Yet no harm will e'er befall me. While I'm blest with such a GUIDE. S Such a guide ! — no guide attends thee, Hence for thee my fears arise ; If a Guardian Power befriends thee, 'Tis unseen by mortal eyes. 4 Yes, unseen, but''still, believe me. Such a guide my steps attend ; He'll in tvery strait relieve me,| He from every harm defends. 5 Pilgrim ! see that stream before thee, Darkly winding through the vale ; Should its deadly waves roll o'er thee, Would not then thy courag^e fail ? 6 No : that stream has nothing frightfoJ^ To its brink my steps Pll bend ; Thence to plunge will be dehghtliil — There my pilgrimage will end. 7 While I gaz'd— with speed surprising Down the etream she plung'd trom siglsfc E 9 8 A STATE OP Gazin}^ still, I saw hei rising, Like an angel cloth 'd with light. 8 Cease, my h'eait, this mournful cr3'ing, Death will burst this sullen gloom — Soon my spirit, shouting, Hying, Will be borne beyond the tomb. Ji state of declension in Religion. HYMN 74. C. M. 1 J^H ! for a closer walk with God, VJ| A calm and heavenly frame \ And light to shine upon ihe road. That leads me to the Lamb ! t Where is the blessedness I knew, When first I saw the Lord .? Where is the soul refreshing view Of Jesus and his word .'* S What peaceful hours I once enjoy'd ! How sweet their memory still ! But they have left an aching void, The world can never fill. 4 Return, holy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of rest ; 1 hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. DECLEWSIOK. ' 9 9 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol be — Help me to tear it from thy thronej And Avorship only thee. 9 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame ; And purer light shall mark the road, That leads me to the Lamb. HOIN 75. C. M. 1 O WEET was the time, Avhen first 1^ lelt The Saviour's pard'ning blood, Apply'd to cleanse my soul from guilt. And bring me home to God. 3 Soon as the morn the light reveal'd, His praises tun'd my tongue ; And wiien the evening shades prevaiPd His love was all my gong. S (In vain the tempter spreads his witee, The world no more could charm 5 1 liv'd upon my Saviour's smiles, And lean'd upon his arm.) I 4 In prayer my soul drew near ttw Lord^ Afid saw his glory shine ; 100 A STATE 07 And when I read his holy word, I call'd each promise mine. 5 But now — when evening shade prevails, My soul in darkness mourns : And when the morn the light reveals, No light to me returns. 6 My pray'rs are now a chatt'ring noise, For Jesus hides his face j 1 read — the promise meets my eyes — But will not reach my case. 7 Rise, Lord, and help me to prevail — O make my soul thy care ; I know thy mercy cannot fail, Let me that mercy share. HYMN 76. C. M 1 TTTtHEN any turn trom Zion's way, Vt (Alas, what numbers do !) Methinks 1 hear my Saviour say, " Wilt thou forsake me too .''" 2 Ah, Lord t with such a heart &b mijQe> Unless thou hold me fast, I feel I must, I shall decline, Aiki prove like them at laeW DECLENSIOK. 101 S Yet thou alone hast pow'r I know. To save a wretch like me ; To whom, or whither could I go, If I should turn from thee ? 4 Beyond a doubt I rest assur'd, Thou art the Christ of God ; Who hast eternal life secur'd, By promise and by blood. 5 No voice but thine can give me rest, And bid my fears depart \y( - . ' i/T^^,„JtJ^ No love but thine can makef me bleat, And satisfy my heart. C What anguish hath this question stirr'd? ' If I will also go. Yet, Lord, relying on thy word, I humbly answer — no ! HYMN 77. L. M. 1 XTTTHILE I to grief my soul gave way, W To see the work of God decline. Methought I heard the Saviour say, Dismiss thy fears, the ark is mine. 2 " Tho' for a time I hide my lace, " Rely upon my love and power, " Still wrestle at the throne of grace, " And wait for a reviving hour. 101 A STATE OF 3 '' Take down thy long- neglected harp, '' I've seen thy tears, and heard thy prayer, " The winter season has been sharp, " But sprhig shall all its waste repair." 4 Lord, I obey — my hopes revive • Come, join with me, ye saints and sing, Our foes in vain against us strive, For God will help and triumph bring. HYMN 7S. 8,1 k 4. 1 /~\ MY soul, what means this sadness: v>r Wherefore art thou thus cast down? Let thy griefs be turn'd to gladness 5 Bid thy restless fears be gone : Look to Jesus, And rejoice in hia dear name. 2 \Yhat though Satan's strong tempta- tions. Vex and grieve thee day by day ; And thy sinful inclinations Often fill thee with dismay ; Thou shalt conquer — Thro' the Lamb's redeeming blood. 3 Tho' ten thousand ills beset thee. From without and from within ; Jesus saith he'll ne'er (orget thee. But will save from hell and sin. DECLENSION. J OS He isiaithful To perform his gracious word. 4 Tho' distresses now attend thee, And thou treadst the thorny road ; His right hand shall still defend thee ; Soon he'll bring thee ho.ne to God ! Therefore praise him — Praise the great Redeemer's name. 5 O tliat I could now adore him, Like the heavenly host above, Who forever bow before him, And unceasing sing his love ! Happy songsters ! When shall I your chorus join ? HYMN 79 8 &7. 1 /HkNCE O Lord, thy garden fiourish'd V^ Ev'ry part look'd gay and green ; Then thy word thy spirit nourish'd, Happy seasons we have seen ! But a drought has since succeeded, And a sad decline we see ; Lord, thy help is greatly needed, Help can only come from thee. 2 Where are those we counted leaders^ Fill'd with zeal, and love, and truth ? 104 FOR A TIME OF Old professors, tall as cedars, Bright examples to our youth ; Some in whom we once delighted, We shall meet no more below ; Some alas, we fear are blighted. Scarce a single leaf they show. S Younger plants, the sight h(KV pleasant, Cover'd thick with blossoms stood ; But they cause us grief at present, Frosts have nipp'd them in the bud ; Dearest Saviour, hasten hither, Thou canst make them bloom again 5 O permit them not to wither, Let not all our hopes be vain. 4 Let our mutual love be fervent, j|lake us prevalent in pray'rs ; Let each one esteem'd thy servant, Shun the world's bewitching snares ; Break the tempter's fatal pow'r. Turn the stony heart to tiesh,; And begin from this good hour, To revive thy work afresh. T HYMN 80. C. P. M. For a time of revival HE Lord's into his garden come, The spices yield a rich perlume, RfiVIVAK. 101 The lilies grow and thrive. Refreshing showers of grace divine ; From Jesus flow to every vine, And make the dead revive. 1 O that this dry and barren ground In springs of water may abound, A fruitful soil become ! The desert blossoms as the rose, When Jesus conquers all his foes. And makes his people one. S The glorious time is hast'ning on The gracious work is now begun, My soul a witness is; I taste and see the pardon free. For all mankind as well as me, Who come to Christ may live. 4 The worst of sinners here may find A Saviour merciful and kind, Who will then all receive ! None are too vile who will repent : Out of one sinner legions went ; Jesus did him relieve. b Come Brethren dear, who know the Lovd, And taste the sweetness of his word, In Jesus' ways go on. Our troubles and our trials here, JE3 10 6 FOR A TIME 0¥ Will only make us richer there, When we arrive at home. 6 We feel that heaven is now begun, It issues from the sparkling throne, From Jesus' throne on high ; It comes in Hoods we cant contain. We drink and drink and drink again, And yet for more we cry. 7 But when we come to dwell above, And all surround the throne of love, We'll drink a full supply : Jesus will lead his armies through. To living fountains where they flow, That never will run dry. 8 There we shall reign, and shout and smg, And make the heavenly regions ring, When all the saints gee home ! Come on, come on, my brethren dear, Soon we shall meet together there. For Jesus bids us come. 9 Amen, Amen, my soul replies, I'm bound to meet you in the skies, And clajm my mansion there : Now here's my heart, & here's my hand. To meet you in that heavenly land, ^Wjkere we shall part no more. REVIVAi. 107 HYMN 81, C. M. The tented grove 1 TTTTHEN" Israel out of Egypt cair*, T T To seek the promised land — Were gruarded by a fiery flame. And Moses gave command ; The towering biliosvs of the deep Gave them a passage through ; But Oh ! the fate of Pharaoh's troop, Lost ia the waves below ! 2 O camp of Israel, now rejoice, While in the wilderness ; For Jordan's stream you soon shall crow, Then Canaan you'll possess. Let Zion'ssons andLevite's tribe, And Israel's army move ; With me prepare to offer prayer While in the tented g;rove. S Leave all the busy cares of life, , All worldly things behind ; That you may gather strength of soul, And fortify the mind ; For Jesus surely will be there, To fire our souls with love ; Therefore 1 find my heart inclined To seek the tented grove. 4 Come, let us all join heart and 7oio«, In prayer and praises too ; 10 8 FOR A TIME 09 Ijet sinners weep, and saints rejoice; There^s work for all to do. Bj' faith we'll claim th}' promise, Lord, Thy faithfulness to piove ; Descend, descend, O sinner's Friend, Into our tented grove. i O how our hearts rejoice to feel The Holy Ghost descend ; While on our knees we luimbly kneel We find the sinner's Friend ; The spreading flame runs thro' the crowd, Each heart begins to move : Tall sinners bow, and cry aloud All round the tented grove. 6 The falling tear bespeaks the load That lays upon each heart ; And guilty conscience strikes the soul With keen conviction's dart ; At length by faith in Christ he claims His Saviour's pard'ning love. And shouts of praise for God's free grace. Ring through the tented grove. 7. The persecuting sons of night Find nothing more to say ; They either yield, or quit fthe field, And Israel gains the day. The devil's totl'ring kindgom shakes And its foundations move ; Such prayer we find with faith combin'd Rise from the tented grove. REVIVAL. 10 9 8 O sacred ground ! delightful place ! Where God appears to inao ! Like Moses we behold his face, With but a veil between. But when we rise to Paradise, To worship God above, There's happier ground than we have found While in tlie tented grove. HYMN 82. C. M. y jHROM all that's mortal, all that's vaia, i And from this earthly clod ; Arise, my soul and strive to gain Sweet fellowship with God. 2 Not life nor all the toys of art, Nor pleasure's flowVy road, Can to my soul such bliss impart, As fellowship with God. 3 Not health, nor friendship here below. Nor wealth that golden load, Can such delight or comfort show. As fellowship with God. • 4 When I am made in love to bear' Affliction's needful rod, Light, svt'eet and kmd the strokes appear, Through fellowship with God. • So when the icy hand of death Shall chill my flowing blood ; I 1 FOB A TIME OF With joy I'll yield my latest breath Id fellowship with God. 6 When I at last to heaven ascend, And gain my blest abode ; There an eternity I'll spend Iq fellowship with God. HYMN 83. C. M. 1 TTARK ! hear the sound on eart'a w XJL found, My soul delig^hts to hear. Of dying love that's' from above, And pardon bought most dear. 2 God's ministers a flaming fire, Are passing through the land ; Their voice is, hear, repent and fear, King Jesus is at band. S The Comforter in heavenly power, Sets home the word of truth ; The saints m pray'r, cry Lord draw near, Have mercy on the youth. 4 Young converts sing and praise their Kio^, And bless God's holy name ; While older saints, true penitents, Rejoice to join the theme. 5 God grant a shower of saving power, Oq every waiting heart, REVITAL. Ill On all who try, and humbly cry, That they may share a part. 6 Come, lovely youth embrace the truth, Agree with one accord ; And use your tongue whileyou areyouDg, In praising Christ the Lord. HYMN 84. P. M. 1 n^HE voice of Free Grace -■- Cries escape to the mountain. For Adam's lost race Chiist hath opeii'd a fountaiD, For sin and transgression And every pollution, His blood still flows ireely In streams of salvation Hallelujah to the Lamb, Who has purchased our pardon. We will praise him agahi When we pass over Jordan, 9, That fountain so clear. In which all may find pardon. From Jesus' side Flows plenteous redemption : Though your sins were increas'd As high as a mountain, His blood flows most freely ; come to this fountain. 112 TOR A TIMB OF S O Jesus, ride on. Thy kingdom is glorious, Over sin, death, and hell, Thou wilt make us victorious ; Thy name shall be prais'd In the great congregation, And saints shall delight In ascribing salvation. 4 When on Zion we stand. Having gain'd the blest shore, With our harps in our hands We will praise him evermore ; We'll range the blest fields, On ihe banks of the river, And sing hallelujahs, Forever and ever. HYMN 85. C. M. 1 OINCE man by sin has lost his Gkxi, ^ He seeks creation through, Id hopes to find substantial good, In seeking something new. S The new possess'd like fading flow'r*, Soon looses its gay hue ; The bauble then, no longer takes, The mind wants something new. S O could we call all £urop« ouiij JVith India and Peni, REVIVAL. lis The mind would feel an aching void, And still want something new. 4 But when a Saviour's love is known, In him all good we view, The soul ibrsakes its vain delights And treasures up the new. 5 The joys the dear Redeememer gives, Will bear a strict review : Nor need we ever change again. For Christ is always new. HYMN 86. L. M. 1 'Y/'E dying sons of men, JL Plung'd deep in sin and woe, The gospel's voice attend. Which Jesus sends to you : Ye perishing and guilty, come, In Jesus' arms there yet is room. 2 No longer now delay, Nor vain excuses frame ; He bids you come to-day. Though poor and blind and lame, All things are ready, sinner, come, For ev'ry trembling soul there,s room. 3 Believe the heavenly word, His messengers proclaim ; 114 FOR A TIME OF He is a gracious Lord, And faithful is his name : Backsliding souls return and come, Cast ofFdespair, there yet is room, 4 Constrain'd by bleeding love, Y"e wand'ring sheep, draw near ; Christ calls you from above, His charming accents hear • Let whosoever will now come, In mercy's breast there still is room. HYMN 87. P. M. 1 XT ARK ! brethren don't you hear the JO. sound ? The gospel trumpet now is blowing-, Men in order listing round, And soldiers to the standard flowmg. Bounty's olfer'd, joy and peace To every soldiei' liiis is given. And when from toil'and war we cease' A mansion bright prepar'd in heaven. 2 Those who long in debt have laid, . And felt the hand of dire oppression, All their debts are freely paid, And they endowed with large possession. Those who'ro sick, or blind or lame — Maladies are also healed -^ Outlaw'd rebels, when they come Receive a pardon freely sealed. REviriL. 115 3 The batlle is not to the strong- ; The burden's on the Captain's shoulder, None so aged or so young-, But he may list, and be a soldier. Those who cannot fight nor flj", Beneaih his banner find protection ; N.one who on his name rely, Shall be reduced to base subjection. 4 Ye need not fear, the cause is good. Come, who will list snd be a soldier ? In this cause tiie Martyrs bled And shouted victory in the fire. In this way let's follow on. And soon we'll tell the pleasing- story How through Christ we'vgain'd the crown, And fought our way through grace to glory, 5 The battle brethren, is begun ; Behold the army's now in motion; , Some by faith behold the crown. And almest grasp their future portion. Shout the victory, sing aloud ; Immanuel's chariot wheel? are rumbling — Mourners weeping through the crowd. And Satan's kingdom down is tumbling. HYMN 83. C. M. I rpHERE is a iountain, fiU'd with X blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins j 116 FOa A TIME OP An;l sinners plung'd beneath that flood. Lose all their guilty staina. 2 The dying thief rejoic'd to see That fountain in his day ; O may I there as well as he, W ash all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood, Shall never loose its power — Till all the ransom'd church of God Be sav'd to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream, Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 5 And when this lisping, stam'ring tongue, Lies silent in the grave. Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing thy power to save. HYMN 8P. P. M. 1 Tr\RO OPING saints no longer grieve, -»--^ Heaven is propitious ; If in Christ you do believe. You will find him precious. REVITAL- 117 2 Jesus now is passing by. Call the mourners to him ; He has died, lor you and I, Now look up and view him. S From his hands, his leet, his side, Runs a healing fountain ; See the consolation tide. Boundless as the ocean. 4 See the livmg waters move. For the sick and dying ; Now resolve to gain his love, j^Or to perish trying. 5 Grace's store is always free, Drooping souls to gladden ; Jesus calls — " come unto me,** Weary, heavy laden. 6 Though your sins, like mountaine high, Rise and reach to heaven ; goon as yoUj on him rely, " All shall be forgiven." 7 Now methinksj I hear one sajj 1 will go and prove him ; If he takes my sins away ; Surely I § hall love him. 8 Yes, I tee the Father smile;, Smiling moves my burden ; ] 1 8 FOR A TIME OF All is grace, for I am vile, Yet he seals my pardon. 9 Streaming" merc}^, how it flows, Now I know, I leel it ; Half has never yet been told, Yet I want to tell it. 1 Jesus' blood has healed my wounda, O the wondrous story. I was lost, but now am found, Glory ! Glory ! Glory ! 1 I Glory to my Saviour's name, Saints are bound to love him ; Mourners you may do the same, Only come and prove him. 1 2 Hasten to the Saviour's blood, Feel it, and declare it ; that I could sing so loud, That all the world might hear t>. IS If no greater joys are known. In the upper regions ; - 1 will try to travel on. In this pure religion, 1 4 'Heaven's here, and heaven^e tl)fef« Glory's here, and yonder ; Brightest seraph's shout Amen, While all the angels wonder. HEVIVAL. 1 1 S HYMN 90. P. M. 1 -|>RETHREN we are met for wor- 13 ship, And to adore the Lord our God ; Will you pray with all your power, TFhile we wait upon the Lord ? All is vain unless the Spirit Of the Holy One comes down ; Brethren [)ray, and heavenly manna Will heshower'd all around. 2 Don't you see poor sinners round vow, Slumbering on the brink of woe ? Death is coming, hell is moving, Can you bear to let them go ? See your fathers, and your mothers, And your children sinkmg down — Brethren pray with all your power^ And the blessing will come down. 3 Don't you see the' poor backslidere, Who were once near heaven's door ; But they've wander'd from the Saviour, And are worse than heretofore. But the Saviour offers pardon. If they will to him return j Brethren pray with all your power, And the blessing will come diDwfl. 4 Sisters will you join and help us, Moies' sister helped him ; no FOR A TIME OF "Will you seek the trembling mourners Who are struggling hard with sin ' Tell them all about the Saviour, Tell them that he will be found ; Sisters pray with all your power. And the blessing will come dowu. Let us love the Lord supremely. Let us love each other too ; Let us love and pray for sinners. Till the Lord creates them new. Soon he'll call us home to glory, At his table we'll sit down ; Christ will gird himself and serve us. With sweet manna all around. HYMN 91. C. M. Ye must be born again. 1 qINNERS, this solemn truth regard I »^ Hear all ye sons of men ; For Christ the Saviour hath declar'd " Ye must be born again." 8 Whate'er might be yo«T birth or blood The sinners boast is vain ; Thus saith the glorious Son of God, ** Ye must be born again." 3 Our nature's totally deprar'd'-- Tkt Iwart a sink of sin ; REVIVAL. 121 Without a change v/e cant be sav'd : " Ye must be born again." HYMN 92 7's. 1 JESUS CHRIST hath power alone, •^ To subdue a heart of stone. And the moment grace is lilt, Then the hardest heart will melt. 2. When the Lord was crucified, Two transgressors with him died ; One with vile blas[)hem:)ns tongue. Scoff 'd at Jed us as he hung. 3 Thus he spent his wicked breath, In the very jaws of death, — Perish'd as too many do, With a Saviour in his view. 4 But the other touch'd with grace, Saw the danger of his case ; Faith receiv'd to own his Lord, Whom the scribes and priests abhorr'd, 5 Lord, he prayM, remember me, When in glory thou shalt be • »* Soon with nae," the Lord replies, J* Thou shalt be in Paradise.'* F 1 2 2 FOR A TIME OF 6 This was wond'rous grace inde<.'d, Grace vouchsaf'd in time of need ; Sinners, trust in Jesus' name. You will find him still the same. 7 But beware of unbelief, Think u])on the harden'd thief ! If the gospel you disdain, Christ to you has died in vain. HYMN 93. P. M. 1 Q INNERS, will you scorn tbe message, O Sent in mercy from above ? Every sentence — O how tender ! Every line is full of love ; Listen to it — Every line is full of love. 2 Hear the heralds of the Gospel, News from Zion's King proclaim. To repenting sinners — " Pardon, '' Free forgiveness in his name." How important ! Free forgiveness in his name 3 Tempted souls, they bring you succour j Fearful hearts they quell your fears ; And with news of consolation, Chase away the falling" tears ; REVIVAL. 12 3 Mourning sinners, Christ for your relief appears. 4 False professors, grov'ling v/orldlings Callous hearers of the word, Wiiile the messengers address you, Take the warnings they alTord ; We entreat you. Take the warnings they afford. 5 AVho hatli our rej)ort believed : Who receiv'd the joj-iul word ? Who en:bracM the news of pardon .'' Offlsred to \^ou by the Lord ? O receive it ! Offered to you by the Lord. 6 Now the angels hovering round us, Wait the tidings to convey To the blissful courts of lieaven, That a sou' is born to day : Wait ye Seraphs '• Sinners, come, without delav. HYMN 94. C. P. M. 1 /^ LORY to God, we hear the aouod VX Of reformation all arouod And souls are born anew ; We bear the bridegroom's eharmiog voice 124 FOR A TIME OF While sinners bow and saints rejoice, And converts are not few. 2 While angels sing- in heaven above. And saints on eartlv do feel that love, That floods can never drown ; F^et vast creation join to raise A song to their Redeemer's praise. While Jesus wears the crown. 3 The glorious Saviour of mankind, He cures the deaf, thp dumb, and blind, And gives them eyes to see : Such wond'rous power is now displayed To heal the sick, to raise the dead, And set the prisoner free. 4 O wondVous mercy, grace divine, Where love doth flow and light doth shine, We hear salvation sound ; While high and low, the rich and poor Receive a crum at mercy's door, And echo glory round. 5 Now, friends and brethren, all unite, In social worship take delight To praise to sing and pray : While young and old and middle age, In the delightful work engage ; O, His a glorious day. HYMN 95. C. P.M. 1 /^OME, brethren, let us join andsingf V/ The growing empire of our King, JIEVIVAL. 125 Who spilt his precious blood ; His life a ransom gave for all, That he might save our souls from thral! And bring us home to God. 2 He rides victorious through the land, His saints rejoice — his heralds stand, And they aloud do call, " Sinners, repent' to Jesus fly, While he in mercy passes by. And offers grace to all I" 3 The wilderness doth sweetly ring With prayer, and praises to the Kmg", Who sits on Zion's hill ; The towns and cities liear the voice. The sinners mourn the Saints rejoice With praise the streets are fiil'd- 4 Ride on all conquering King, ride on, Thy kmgdom come tl'.y will be done ; Let heaven and earth agree. To sound aloud thy worthy fame; Till all our souls shall be on flame To rise and reign with thee. T HYMN 96. C. M. On the millennium. HE glorious day is drawing nigh, When Zion's light shall come • 126 ON THE MILLENXItM. She sbnll arise and shine on high, Bright as the morning- sun. The nortli and soulh their sons resign, And all creation hend ; The church, the new Jerusalem, Al! glor lous shall descend. 2 The Uing who wears the golden cro\7n And holds (he flaming bow ; The holy city shrdl bnug down, To bless his saints below. When Z'.oa's bleedmg, conquering King, Shall sin and deolh destroy, The morning stars together sing, And Zicn shout for joy. 3 The holy bright musician band Who play on harps of gold, In holy order see tl)ey stand, Fair Salem to behold I Descending on sweet melting strains, Jehovah they adore, Such shouts through earth's extensive plaiis W'ere never heard before. 4 Lbt Salan rage and boast no more, Nor think his tme is long ; The saints, though feeble, weak and poor, Their great Redeemer's strong. He is their shield — their hiding place, A covert from the winJ-- A shady rock of boundless grace, Throughout this weary land. ON HEAVEN, 127 5 The crystal streams run dotva from heaven, Tney issue from the throne ; The (loods of strife away are driv'n, Tiie church becomes but one, Thai peaceful union we shall know, And dwell on Jesus' love ; And shout and sing his praise below, As angels do above I 6 A thousand years shall roll around, The church shall be complete, Call'd by the glorious trumpet's sound, Their Saviour, Christ to meet They rise with joy and mount on high, They fly to Jesus' arms, And gaze with wonder and delight, On their beloved's charms. On heaveji, HYMN 97. L. M. 1 rjlHINE earthly Sabbaths, Lord we J- love, But there's a nobler rest above ; To that our laboring souls aspire, With ardent zeal and strong desire. 2 No more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin nor death shall reach the place ; No groans to mingle with the songs, Which warble from immortal tongues. \ 3 No rude alarms of raging foes — No cares to break our long repose ; 128 ON HEAVEN. No midnight shade, no clouded sun. But sacred light, eternal noon. HYMN 99. P. M. 1 rriHE faithless world promiscuous flow, JL F.nvvrapt in fancy's vison : Allur'd b}' sounds, heguil'd by show, And empty dreams, nor scarcely know There is a brighter heaven. 2 Fine gold will change and diamonds fade, Swift wings to wealth are given ; All varying time our forms invade, The seasons roll, light sinks in shade : There's nothing lasts but heaven. 3 Creation's mighty fabric all, Wil be to atoms riven, The sky cons ■) me, the })lanets fall. Convulsions wreck this earthly ball. There's nothing firm but heaven. 4 Empires decay and nations die, Our hopes to winds are given ; The vernal blooms in ruin lie. Death reigns o'er earth and sea and sky • There's uwtning lives but heaven. 5 The world is poor from shore to shore, And like a baseless vision ; ON HEAVEN. 12 9 Its lolty domes and brilliant ore. And gems and crowns are vain and poor : There's nothing- rich but heaven. 6 A stranger lonely here I roam, From place to place am driven ! My friends are gone and I'm in gloom, This earth is all a dreary tomb ; I have no home but heaven. 7 The clouds disperse, the light appears, My sins are all forgiven ; Triumphant gracs has quell'd my fears ; Roll on ye suns, fly swifter years, I'm on the wing for heaven. S Adieu to all below, adieu, Let life's dull chains be riven ; The charms of Christ have caught my view. To worlds of hght I will pursue, To Uve with him in heaven. HYMN 99. P. M. 1 rjlHIS world is all a fleeting show, A For man's illusion given ; The enailes of jov, the the tears of woe, F2 ^ ISO OM HEAVEN. Deceitful shine, deceitful flow — There's nothing true bat heaven. f Poor wanderers of a stormy day From wave to wave are driven, And fancy, s flash, and reason's ray, Serve but to light us on the way — There's nothing ca/m but heaven. S'And false the light on glory's piume, As fading hiies at even, And genius' bud, and beauty's bloom, Are blossoms gather'd for the tomb — There's nothing bright but heaven. 4 And Where's the hand held out to cheer The heart with anguish riven .'' For sorrow's sigh and trouble's tear Have never found a refuge here — There's nothing kind but heaven. i In vain do mortals sigh for bliss. Without their sins forgiven ; True pleasure, everlasting peace, Are only found in God's free grace — There's nothing good but heaven. & From such as walk in wisdom's road, Corroding fears are driven j They're wash'din Christ's atomng blood» ON HEAVEN. 181 Enjoy communion with their God, And find their wmj to heav'n. HITMN 10 0. C. M. 1 /^N Jordan's stormy banks I stand, ^-^ And cast a wishful eye. To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. 2 O the transporting rapt'rous scene, That rises to my sight ! Sweet fields array'd in living green, And rivers of delight ! 3 There gen'rous fruits that never fail, On trees immortal grow : There rocks and hills, and brooks, & vale*. With milk and honey flow. 4 All o'er those wide extended plains, Shines one eternal day ; There God the Son forever reigns. And scatters night away. 5 No chilling winds nor pois'nous breath Can reach that healthful shore 3 Sickness and sorrow, pain and death. Are felt and fear'd no more. 1 3 S ON HEA.VEN. 6 When shall I reach that happy place, And be forever blest ? When shall I see my Father's lace, And in his bosom rest ? 7 Fill'd with delight, my raptur'd soul. Would hei'c no longer stay ! Though Jordan's waves around me roll. Fearless I'd launch away. 8 There on those high and flow'ry plains, Our spirits ne'er shall tire ; But in perpetual joyful strains, Redeeming love admire. HYMN 101. P. M. 1 TTAIL ' ye hosts of seraphs bright aX I'm now to join 3^ou I company. Forever here to feel delight, In your melodious symphony, My cares are ceas'd, my pains are o'er, 1 now have reach'd the blissful shore ; And floods of peace begin to roll. And burst upon my ravish'd soul — sound His praise, ye heavenly choir, Who pluck'd me from thejiamingjire. 2 Now ye lading things of time, No more vour false attraction, ON HEAVEN. 1 Shall mar thi3 peaceful soul ol mine ; My joys are everlasting. Long I've withstood the powers ol hell. And Jesus was my glorious shield ; Now I've got through the wilderdness, And glory to my great High Friest. sound hispraise ^"C, 3 Jesus looks with smiles of love ; Angels bid me welcome ; The patriarchs and prophets old, Reach forth the hand of friendship : My christian neighbors here I find, My kindred and my dearest friends ; The gong of Moses, now i join. And heaven and glory all are mine. O sound his praise, «S'C. 4 Now I see my God, my King ! In grateful admiration ; His ways, his works, his name, I sing. In flaming adoration. Hi? everlasting glories shine, Dispensing lile and joys divine, To milhons in these happy climes ; And heaven and glory all are mine. O sound his praise ^yc. 5 Through the boundless fields of light, My mind is left to ponder ; Or sail through seas of glory bright^ 1 S 4 FAREWELL OR PARTING HYMNS. O glorious scene of wonder ! Angelic notes in highest strains, And holy saints his love proclaim ; Loud acclamations to his name, Are sounding o'tr those heavenly plains, O sound his praise, ^c Fareviell or parting hymns. HYMN 10 2. P. M. Missionary's farewell. 1 ri AREAVELL to my country & home, J- Friends, parents, and relatives dear, Across where the wide billows foam, 1 go, yet a stranger to iear : To publish the Lamb that w^as slain, \Vho shed for lost sinners, his blood, 1 brave all the storms of the main. And smile at the loud-roaring flood. 2 Shall I count m}'- life dear to do this — Reap infinite gain by its loss ? No — be it my glory and bliss. To count all things else but as dross. Oh, weep not ! but dry up your tears. Let gladness spring up into your heart, And rather than brood o'er your fears, Rejoice to behold me depart. 3 Ere long shall the day star arise. And righteousness cover the earth, PARTING HYMNS. 1 S 5 For Jesus will open the eyes Of those who were blind from their birth. The east her hosannas shall raise. The south will re-echo the the song, And the west, and the north the loud praisf OfJesus's love shall prolong. 4 Thus, though in a life-wasting clune My days 1 am destined to spend, And pass the short course of my time ■ Far distant from cruntry and friend ; For the sake of my Lord I will go, And be spent in declaring His love, Who long can preserve me below. Or take me to triumph above. HYMN 103 P. M. The preacher's Mieu. 1 A DIEU ! my dear brethren, adieu ; J\- Reluctant I give you my hand ; No more to assemble with you, Till we on Mount Zion shall stand. My heart swells with tender regret To leave your embraces so soon, Though heaven my course must direct, And others succeed in my room. 2 Your acts of benevolence past, Your gentle, compasionate love, l56 PARTING HYMfTS. Henceforth in m}' mem'ry shall last, Though far from your sight I remove. ^VHiiie roving the wilds of the Avest, When through foreign regions I steer, Still friendship inspiring my breast. Shall then drop her own native tear. 3 Our labours will shortly subside. For vigour and life must decay, But wisdom and truth shall abide , To pilot our souls on the way. As time rolls his seasons around. And truth shall new teachers inspire, O may vre in love still abound, And after new conc] uests aspire. 4 Our seasons of converse are o'er. Till mortal commotions are past. Till nature and time are no more, Or wa are in Paradise blest. Sweet comforting spirit draw neaij And shed forth thy luminous rays, My parting reflections to cheer. And change lamentation to praise. 5 O may we conform to his will, Aspiring for glory and peace, Our covenant vows to fulfil. Till Jesus shall sign our release. Till suddenly wafted above, Where sainte in sweet harmony Dieet, rARTI^G HYMNS. 18 7 To feel all the pleasures of love, And each happy conquerer greet HYMN 10 4. S. M. 1 "OLEST be the tie that binds j3 Our hearts in christian love ; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne, We pour our ardent prayersf; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes. Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other fiows The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives ns inward pain ; But we shall still be join'd in heart. And hope to meet again. 5 This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives. And longs to see the day. 6 From sorrow, toil, and pain. And sin we shall be i^ree ^ 13 8 PARTING HYMNS. • And perfect love and friendship reign, Through all eternit}^ HYMN 10 5 P. M. 1 XESUS, grant us all a blessing ; ^ Send it down, Lord from above • May we aJl go home a praying, And rejoicing in thy love. Farewell brethren, farewell sisters. Till we all shall meet again. 2 Jesus pardon all our follies, Since together we have been : Make us humble, make us holy. Cleanse us all from every sin. Farewell brethren, farewell sisters. Till we all shall meet again! 3 Pflay thy blessings. Lord, go with us. To each one's respective home ; And the presence of our Jesus Rest upon us every one. Farewell brethren, farewell sisters, Till we all shall meet again. HYMN 10 6. C. M. 1 |"\UR souls by love together knit, ^^ Cemented join'd in one F^RTlSG HYMNS. * 1S9 One heart J one hope, one faith, one voice, 'Tis heaven on earth begun : Our hearts have burn'd while Jesus spake, And glow'd with sacred fire ; He stoop'd and talk'd, and kindly bless'd And fill'd th' enlarg'd desire. " A Saviour .'" let creation sing ' *•' A Saviour /" let all heaven ring ! He's God vnihus, we feel him ours, His fulness in our souls he pours ; ' Tis almost done, 'tis almost o^er, Wt^re following those who've gone before I Vye soon shall reach the peaceful shore, Where we shall meet to part no more. Q The little cloud increases frst, In heaven are signs ofrain ; We wait to feel the heavenly shower, And all its moisture drain : A rill, a stream, a torrent flows ! ' But pour a mighty flood ; Awake the nations, shake tiie earth. Till all proclaim thee God. '' A Saviour, let, iyc /" 3 When thou thy jewels shait make up, And set thy starry crown, When all thy sparkling gems shall shine, I Proclaim'd by thee thine own ; May Ave, a little band of love. Be children sav'd by grace, f 14 ON VARIOUS From glory into glory chang'd Behold thee face to face. " Ji Saviour /" let 8rc. Hymns on various subjects. HYMN lo7. 12&11. The Family Bible. 1 TTOW painfully pleasing the fond rec- JlJ_ ollection. Of youthful connexions, and innocent joy ; When blest with parental advice and affec- tion, Surrounded with mercies— with peace from i on high : 1 still view the chairs of my father and mother, Theeeats of their offspring as ranged on hand ; And that richest of books which excells ev- ery other — That family Bible that lay on the stand. The old fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible, The family Bible, that lay on the stand. 2 That Bible, the volume of God's inspira- tion, At morn and at evening could yield us de- light ; And the prayer of our sire was a sweet in- vocation, SUBJECTS. 14 1 For raeicy by day — and for safety tbrough nipht. •^ur hymns of llianksg-iving with harmony swelling-, All warm frum the heart a family band, Half raiij'd us from eanh to that rapturous dwelling, Described in the Bible, that lay on the stand. The old fashioned Bible. &c. ' 3 Ye scenes of tranquility — long have we parted, My hope's almost gone, and my friends are no more ; In sorrow and sadness I live broken-hearted. And wander and sigh-on a far distant shore. Yet bow can I doubt a dear Saviour's pro- tection, Forgetful of gifts from his bountiful hand ; Ob I let me with patience receive his cor- rection, Andjthink on the Bible^that lay on the stand. The old fashioned Bible, &c HYMN 1 8. P. M. 1 TirrHENshaillseetheday ▼ ▼ That ends my woes ; When shall I vict'ry gain O'er all my Ibes j When shall the trumpet sound 142 ox VAEIOUS That calls the exile home. The grand sabbatic year, When will it come ? 2 A crown of glory bright, By faith I see, In yonder realms of light Prepared for me. — Oj may 1 faithful prove, And keep the prize in view ; And through the storms of life, My way pursue. 3 Jesus be thou my guide, My steps attend ; keep me near thy side. Be thou my Friend ; Bo thou my Shield and sun, My Saviour and my guard ; And when my work is done, My great reward. 4 O how I long to aee That happy day. When sorrow, sin and pain Shall flee away ; When all the heavenly tribes Shall find their long sought home The Jubilee of heaven, When will it come ? SUBJECTS. 143 hymn;i 9. p. M. 1 ^O.VIE ye ihat love^ ray Lord and V^ INIaster, Ar,d like king- David I \\\\\ tell ; Tiioug-ii chief of sinners I found favor, By grace redeeni'd from sir- and ijeil. Far as the East from the West is parted, So far my sins by his precious blood From me by failb are separated ; Blest anlepast of joys above. 2 I late a stranger from Jesus wander'd, And thought each dangerous poison good ; Till he in mercy and love pujsu'd me, With cries of his redeeming blood — But like Bartimeus 1 was blinded, in nature's darkest night conceaPd ; But Jesus' kindness remov'd my blindness, And he his pard'ning love reveaPd. 3 Now will I praise him while he spares me And ■with God's people sing aloud ; Tho' hell oppose and sinuers scorn me, With songs of rapture I'll praise my God; By faith I view the heavenly concert. They sing aloud their Saviour's love : O with desire my heart's on fire ; Fain would 1 shout with ihoie above. 4 The happy day is fast approaching-, When Christ in glorious clouds shall com«, With sounding trumpets, and shining angels, 144 ON VARIOUS To take each faithfal follower home : There's Abrah'm, [sane, &z all the prophets, With holy seraphs at God's rig-ht hand ; There &aiots and angels j oin'd in concert, Shout as they enter the promis'd land. HYMN 110. S. M. Evening Hymn. 1 npHE day is past and gone ; -*- The evening shades appear O may we all remember well The night of death draws near. 2 We lay our garments by, Upon our beds to rest ; So death will soon disrobe us all Of what we here possess. 3 Lord, keep us safe this night, Secure from all our fears ; May angels guard us while we sleep, Till morning light appears. 4 And if we early rise, And view the unwearied sun ; May we set out to win the prize, And alter glory run. 5 And when our days are past, And w« from time remove j SUBJECTS. 14 6 O may we m thy bosom rest — The bosom of chv love. HYMN 1 1 1. L. M. Evening hymn ■ 1 ^LEEP, downy sleep, come close my ^ eyes, Tir'd with beholding vanities : Welcome' sweet sleep, that driv'st away The toils and follies of the day. 2 On thy soft bosom let me lie, Forget the world — and learn to die ; O Israel's watchful Shepherd spread, Thy guardian angels round my bed. 4 Let not the spirits of the air. While I repose, my soul ensnare ; But guard thy suppliant free from hariOB Clasp'd in thine everlasting arms. HYMN112. L. M. 6 lines. Morning hymn, 1 Q OON as the morn salutes your eyw^, *^ And from sweet sleep refresh'd yom rise, Tkink on the Author of the iigkt, 146 ON VARIOUS And praiss him tor that glorious sight ; His mercy infinite adore ; His goodness infinite implore. 5 At noon, of what you then partake, An oft' ring of thanksgiving make ; And of the creatures lor your use^ Be not luxuriously profuse ; For temp'rance, when with prudence join'd, Brings health of body, peace of mind. S Make not, at night, the least repose, Ere you to heav'n your souls disclose ; Consider how you've spent the day, And for divine protection pray j For you no blessing can expect. If you to ask it should neglect. HYMN 113. L. M. Morning hymn. 1 A Wake, my soul,and with the sun^ -hL Thy daily stage of duty run : Shake off dull sloth, and early rise, To pay thy morning sacrifise. j C Lord I my vows to thee renew ! Scatter my sins like morning dew ; Guard my first springs of thought and will. And with thyself my spirit fill. SUBJECTS. 14 7 3 Direct, controll, sugg^est, this day. All I design, or do or say ; That all my powers, with all their might. In thy sole glory may unite. 4 Praise God from whom all blessings fiovr Praise him all creatures here below : Praise him above, angelic host ; — Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. HYMN 114. 7s. Morning hymn. 1 TVrOW the f hades of night are gone, -i-^ Now the morning light is come , Lord, we would be thine to-day, Drive the shades of sin away. J Make our souls as noon-day clear^ ' Banish every doubt and iear 5 III thy service, Lord, to-day. Help us labour, help us pray, 8 Keep our haughty passions bounds Save us from our foes around ; Going out and coming in. Keep us safe from ev'ry 8m» 4 When our work of life is past, 0, receive U8 then at last ! 1 48 ON YARIOni Night of sin -will be no more, When we reach the heav'nly ehore. HYMN 115. 8'B. 1 XT7"HEN Joseph his brethren beheld, ▼ V Afflicted and trembling with fear, His heart with compassion wasfili'd ; From weeping he could not forbear. Awhile his behaviour was rough, To bring their past sins to their mind ; But when they were humbled enough. He hasten^ to shew himself kind. 5 How little they thought it was he Whonn they had ill-treated aud sold J How great their confusion musi be As soon as his name he had told ! " I'm Joseph your brother,*' he said, ** And still to my heart you are dear ; " You sold me, and thought I was dead, *' But God, for your sakes, sent rae hero.* 3 Though greatly distressed before, When charg'd with purloining the cup, They now were confounded much morei. Not one of them durst to look up. '* Can Joseph, whom we would have Blain, "Forgive us the evil we did ; ** And will he our household maintain f ^* O this IB a brother indeed !'^ SUBJECTS. 14 9 4 Thus dragg'd by my conscience 1 came, Full laden with guilt, lo the Lord, Surrounded with terror and sliame, Unable to utter a word. At first he loo'k stern and severe ; VVliat anguish iben pierced my heart I Expecting each moment to hear The sentence, •' Thou cursed, depart !' 5 ButO ! what surprise when he spoke, While tenderness beam'd in his face ; My heart then to pieces was broke, O'erwhelm'd and confounded by grace : " Poor sinner— 1 know thee full well, " By thee I was sold and was slain ; " But I died to redeem thee from hell, '* And raise Ihee in glory to reign. 6 '♦ I'm Jesus, whom thou hast blasphemed, ' And cruoifi'd often afresh ; " But let me henceforth be esteem'd ♦•■Thy brother, thy bone, and thy flesh : ♦' My pardon T freely bestow, " Thy wants I will fully supply ; *' Pfl guide thte and guard thee below, •' And soon will remove thee on high.'' 7 " Go, publish to sinners around. (That they may be willing to come,J •' The mercy which now you have found, *' And tell them that yet there is room. O, sinners, the message obey ! No more vain excuses pretend ; 1 59 OK VARIOUS But come, without further delaj, To Jesus our brother and friend. HYMN 1 1 6. L. M. 12 lines. Immanuel. 1 TTAIL ! God the Father, glorious light! -O. Hail God the Son. my soul's delight! Hail ! Holy Ghost, eternal three ! One God to all eternity. Ye glittering orbs around the skies, But speak His glory in disguise ; Your silent language ne'er can tell, The wisdom of" Immanuel. Tall mountains that becloud the sky, With all the hills that round you lie. While time endures you ne'er can tell, The wisdom of Immanuel. 2 Ye trembling seas, w^ith dismal roar, Whose billows roll from shore to shore • Your thund'ring language ne'er can tell The power of Immanuel. Ye worlds on worlds, with all your throng, I'hrough ev'ry clime extend the son^ ; He sav'd us trom a gaping hell. Yes— Glory to Immanuel. Behold ! him leave his ancient throne : Behold ' him bleeding, hear him groan • Death's iron chains, would iail to tell, The strength of King Immanuel. SUBJECTS. 1 k 1 3 Behold him take his ancient seat, And millions bowing at his feet ; He's conqner'd all the host oi'hell, Yes, Glory to Immanuel. His fame shall spread from pole to pole, W^hile glory rolls from soul to soul; The gospel word goes tar to tell. The lame of King fmmanuel. \V hile I am vsinging of his name^ My soul begins to feel the flame, I'm full ! I'm full ! but ne'er can tell, The glory of Immanuel. 4 I long to hear the trumpet sound, And see his glory blaze around, 'J hen "will i shout and sing and tell, Redemption through Immanuel. Ten thousand thousand in a throng, Ten thousand thousand join the song, The Saviour has done all things well, Yes, Glory to Immanuel. My soul's transported with those charms, I long to be in Jesus' arms, My loving brethren, all farewell, Pii go to meet Immanuel. HYMN 1 1 7. P. M. OOR mourning souls in deep dietrew. Making sad lamentation ; 1&2 ON VARIOUS Find their sodls dead in wickedness, And under condemnation : Brig'ht thunderbolts from Sinai's mounts Do sound with loudest terror, While they are lost in God's account, O'erwhelm'd with grief and sorrow. 2 Ah, woe is me that I was born — My soul's in grief and trouble ; I seek for rest from night to morn. Yet find my sorrows double. Saith Satan, fatal is your state, Vou once might have repented ; But now you know it is too late, So make yourself contented. S How can I live so much distrest, Under this sore temptation ? I fear my day of grace is past — Lord, hear my lamentation ! For I am weary of my life, I long to be forgiven — Come then, dear Saviour of the world, And fit my soul for heaven ! 4 But who is He that looketh forth, Just like the blooming morning, Fair as the moon — clear as the sun, 'Tis Jesus Christ adorning : Jesus can clothe my naked soul, Jesus lor me hath died SUBJECTS. 1 5 S And now I can with pleasure sing, My wants are ail supplied. 5 Now peace, and joy, and love divine, Into my soul are flowing — My will, Lord be lost in thine, While through this world I'm going ; And when thou call'stmy soul away, I'll rise and sing in glory ! And join with all the heavenly hosts, And cast my crown before thee. HYMN 118. P. M. Tis all for the best. 1 IVTY soul now arise, JH^ i-'JL My passions take wing, Look up to the skies, And cheerfully sing ; Let God be the object, In praises address'd. And this be my subject, * Tis all for the best. i Search all the world through, Examine and see. And what canst thou View More suited to thee, Than this declaration. In scripture eiprete'd, 6S 154 OK VARIOUS That God thy salvation, Voes all for the best. $ Though here day by day His love shall see good, Upon thee to lay His Fatherly rod ; Yet be not dejected, HoAvever oppress'd ; Though sorely afflicted, ' Tis all for the best 4 On creatures below IM not set my heart, For surely 1 know We shortly must part : For though when God gives them. His name's to be blessed, Yet when he removes them. *Tis all for the best. 9 But O the blest day, And soon *twill arise, When freed from my okf , I'll mount to the skies And when I do enter My heavenly rest, ^•U there sing forever, ^Txaas till for th$ b§tL SUBJECTS. 15S HYMN i 1 9. P. M. The Bay of Judgement. 1 TTVAY of judfieiiient, day of wonders ! JL^ Hark ! the trumpet's awful sound, Louder than a thousand thunders, Shakes the vast creation round ! How the summons Will the sinners heart confound '. 2 See the Judjeour nature wearing, Cloth'd in majesty divine ! You who loMcr for his appearing, llien shall say, " This God is mine." Gracious Saviour Own me in that day for thine ! 3 At his call, the dead awaken, Rise to life from earth and sea, All the powers of nature, shaken By his looks prepare to flee : Careless sinner, What will then become of thee f 4 Florrors past imagination, Will surprise your trembling heart. When you hear your condemnation, '♦ Hence, accursed wretch, depart ! '' Thou with Satan •• And his angels, have thy part !'* 5 But, to those who have confeseed, Lov'd and servM the Lord below * 1 & S UN VARIOUS Find their soals dead in wickedness, And under condemnation : Bright thunderbolts from Sinai's mount, Do sound with loudest terror, While they are lost in God's account, O'erwhelm'd with grief and sorrow. 2 Ah J woe is me that I was born — My soul's in grief and trouble j I seek for rest from night to morn, Yet find my sorrows double. Saith Satan, fatal is your state, You once might have repented ; But now you know it is too late, So make yourself contented. 5 How can I live so much distrest, Under this sore temptation ? I fear my day of grace is past — Lord, hear my lamentation ! For I am weary of my life, I long to be forgiven — Come then, dear Saviour of the world, And fit my soul for heaven ! 4 But who is He that looketh forth, Just like thebloommg morning. Fair as the moon — clear as the sun, 'Tis Jesus Christ adorning : Jesus can clothe my naked &,oul, Jesus lor me hath died SUBJECTS. 15 8 And now I can with pleasure sing, My wants are all supplied. 5 Now peace, and joy, and love divine, Into my soul are flowing — My will, O Lord be lost in thine, While through this world I'm going ; And when thou call*stmy soul away, I'll rise and sing in glory ! And join with all the heavenly hosts, And cast my crown before thee. HYMN 118. P. M. Tis all for the best. 1 TiT Y soul now arise, JH,^ 1» A My passions take wing. Look up to the skies. And cheerfully sing ; Let God be the object, In praises address'd. And this be my subject, *TisaU for the best. % Search all the world through, Examine and see, And what canst thou View More suited to thee, Than this declaration. In scripture eiprese'd. i S 8 ON VARIOUS 6 The music is most charming, The song forever new. The guests have long been learning; To sound the notes most true ; The whole will be directed By nature's great 1 AM, It is a sacred drama — The marriage of the Lamb. 7 They need no light of candles. Nor yet the silver moon, The sun will be confounded, rFhen at the brightest noon ; The glory of the bridegroom Shall iar outvie his rays. Throughout the spacious building, In one unclouded blaze. 8 No indolent spectators, Within the walls appear, For those who gain admittance, Will all be actors here ; The happy guests united, Will form the glorious bride, No length of time divides them. And pleasures ne'er subside. 9 Ask you of the condition , And who may take a share ? The King makee free provision. SUBJECTS. 1^9 And all are welcome here ; The king, the lord, the debtor, The bondman and ihe slave ; Do but apply in season, Admittance you shall have. HYMN 12 1. C. M. Public Fast. 1 'V^HEN Abrah'm full of sacred awe, ▼ ▼ Before Jeliovah stood ; And with a humble fervent prayer, Por guilty Sodom sued : 2 With what success, what wondrouBgrace, Was his petition crown'd ! The Lord would. spare, if in that place, Ten righteous men were found. 3 And could a single holy soul. So rich a boon obtain ? Great God and <%hali a natioo pray, And plead with thee in vain ? ' 4 Still we are thine — we bear thy nama ! Here yet is thine abode; Long has thy presence bless'd our land — Forsake us not, O God ! HYMN 1 2 2. 78. The Christianas Song. 1 /^ RATEFUL notes & numbers brinf, VT While Jehovah's praise we sing:; 16 ON VARIOtrS Holy, holy, holy Lord, Be thy glorious Name ador'd. 2 Men on earth, and saints above, Sing the great Redeemer's love : Lord, thy mercies never fail ; Hail, Celestial Goodness, hail ! S Though unworthy, Lord, thine ear Our humble hallelujahs hear ; Purer praise we hope to bring, When with saints we stand and sing. 4 Lead us to that blissful state. Where thou reign'st supremely great Look with pity trom thy throne, Send the Holy Spirit down. 5 While on earth ordain'd to stay, Guide our footsteps in thy way ; Till we come to reign with thee, And thy glorious greatness see* 6 Then with angels we'll again Wake a louder, louder strain ; There in joyful songs of praise, We'll our gratelul voices raise. 7 There no tongue shall silent be, All shall join sweet harmony ; SUBJECTS. 161 That thro' heav'ns all spacious round, Praise to God, may ever sound. Lord thy mercies never fail ; Hail, Celestial Goodness, hail ! H\MN 1 2 3. r. M. 1 r^ OME all ye sons of Zion, . ^ Who are waiting for salvation, Have your lamps trimm'd and burning, For behold the proclamation ; Saying, all things now are ready, For the poor and for the needy ; All my fatlings now are killed. And prepared on the table 2 Arit;eand get ready, Hasten to the marriage supper, While the bridegroom is calling, And poor sinners are falling. See the Lord of Life descending. And the judgment trumpet sounding, For to gather ail the nations To the final judgement day. S O, what a happy meeting, When salvation is completed. And tribulations ended, And the spotjess robe prepared, For the bride to be adorned. In the jasper walls be crowned, 182 ON VARIOUS Singing, worthy is the Lamb, In the new Jerusalem. 4 O sinners don't be doubting. While the sons of God are shouting, Come and jjinthe happy army, Then there's nothing that will harm you. If you follow Christ the Saviour, And hreak (ff your bad behaviour — And repent and be converted, You will sing his praises too HYMN 12 4. 7s. Prayer for young persons. 1 l^OW may fervent prayer arise, ±S Wing'd with faith, and pierce the skies ; Fervent prayer will bring us down Gracious answers from the throne. S Shepherd of thy blood-bought sheep. Teach the stony heart to weep ; Let the.blind have eyes to see — See themselves — and look on thee. S Let the minds of all our youth Fe-l t'>e force of sacred truth ; While the gospel call they hear. May they learn to love and fear, gUBJECTg, 1 C S 4 Show them what their ways have been ; Show theiii the desert of sin ; Then thy dying love reveal ; This shall melt a heart of steel. 5 Where thou hast thy work begun, Give new strength the race to run ; Scatter darkness, clouds, and fears, Wipe away the mourner's tears. 7 Bless us all, both old and young : Call forth praise from ev'ry tongue ; Let the whole assembly prove All thy power, and all thy love. The importance of time. HYMN 12 5. L M. 1 r\ TIME, how few thy value weigh, ^<-^ How \ew will estimate a day ! Days, months, and years are rolling on, The soul neglected — and undone. 2 In painful cares, or empty joys, Our life its precious hours destroys ; Whilst death stands watching at our side. Eager to stop the living tide. 3 Was it for this, ye mortal race. Your Maker gave you here a place ^ Was it for this, his thoughts design'd The frame of your immortal mind ? 164 ASCRIPTIONS. 4 For nobler cares, lor joys sublime, He fashion'd all the sons of lime ; Pilgrims on earth ; but soon to be — The heirs of immortality. 5 This season of your being, know, Is given to you, your seeds to sow ; Wisdom's and folly's ditiermg grain, In future worlds, is bliss or pain. 6 Then let me every day review. Idle or busy search it through ; And whilst probation's mmutes last, Let every day amend the past.] Ascriptions, 7s. 1 1^ LORY to the Father's name •* VX Jesus' excellence proclaim ; Sing the blessed Spirit's praise ; Angels, swell the notes we raise ! 8, 7, k 4. GLORY be to God the Father, Glory to the eternal Son ; Sound aloud the spirit's praises ; Jom the elders round the throne j Hallelujah, Hail the glorious Three in One. 1 c& TABLE OP PAGE. ADIEU ! my dear brethren, adieu - 1 35 All those who seek a throne of grace - 5 2 Arise and shine O Zion fair . - 8 9 Attend my friends and neighbors - 156 Awake, and sing the song - . 7 Awake my soul and with the sun - 146 Awake, my soul in joyful lays - 7 6 BEHOLD the sons, the heirs of God. 5 Blest be the tie that binds 137 Brethren we are met for worship - 119 Brethren while we sojourn here - 8 Bright scenes of glory strike my sense 6 9 Burst, ye emerald gates and bring - 5 9 COME all ye sons of Zion - 16 | Come, brethren, let us join and sing 12 4 Come, listening angels assist me to sing 3 6 Come on, my partners in distress - 7 7 Come, poor sinners, seek the Saviour 2 7 Come ye that love my Lord and - ] 4 3 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy - 2 5 DANIEL'S wisdom may I know - 49 Day of judegment, day of wonders - 1 5 5 Didst thou, dear Jesus suffer shame - 8 I Drooping saints no longer grieve - 116 Farewell to my country and home - J 3 4 Farewell, vain world, 1 bid adieu . 6 6 166 Friendship (o Jesus' followers - % % From all that's mortal, all ibat'e rain 1 9 From the regions of love - ]6 GLORY to God on high - 6 7 Glorv to God that I have found - 6 6 Oory to God we hear the sound - 123 Grateful notes and numbers bring- - 159 Guide me, O me thou great Jehovah 5 3 HAIL ! {Jod the Father, g-lorious lijht 1 5 Hail I Ihtiu blest morn, when the g^reat 1 7 Hail ! ye hosts of seraph's brij^ht - 132 Hark ! brethren don't 50U hear tbe 1 1 4 Hark I hear the sound on earth is - I 10 He dies, the Friend of sinners dies - J 8 Hear the royal proclamation - 2 3 Help, Lord, the weakest mslroment 2 I How happy are they 3 3 How can I sleep while ang-els sing- - 7 4 How happy, how loving- how - 3 9 How firm a foundation ye saints - 1 5 How painfully pleasing the fon^ - 14 LV evil long i took delight - - 4 7 I'll praise thee dear Jesus delight - 4 2 I'll sing a song which doth - 3 5 JERUSALEM.n^y happy home - 8 8 Jesus! and shall it ever be - 11 Jesus at thy command - 9 2 Jesus Christ hath power alone - 12 1 Jesus grant us all a blessing - 13 8^ LAND where the bones of our fathers 2 t Lord we come before thee now - 5 MY God the spring of all my joys - 6 7 My soul doth lo Jesaa rejoice - it Ift7 My soul Jfilh tr.agnify ihe Lord - 6 My soul now arise - . 153 NOW may fervent prryer arise , 162 Now the S.iViour stands a ['leading - 2 9 Now the shaJes of niirht are onne - J 4 7 Novv to the pilgrims born of God - 9 5 OH ! for a closer walk wiih God - 9 8 O Jesus', my Saviour, I know - 4S O Jesus, sny Saviour, to thee - 7 3 O nny soul what means this sadness - 102 On Jordan's sloimy banks I stand - T 3 I Once O Lord, thy garden flouribh'd - 1 3 One there is above all others - 5 B O time, how few thy value weig-h - 163 O that my load of sin were - 3 O thou in whose presence - 7 I Our sculs by love together knit - 13 8 O when shall I see Jesus - 8 2 O Zion aflicied with wave - 8 6 POOR mourn ng souls ia deep distress I 5 I Prayer is appointed to convey - 5 1 Pray on, my brethren in the Lord - 5 4 Precious bible I what a treasure - I 2 RISE, mv soul, and stretch Ihv - 8 1 SAVIOUR, I do feel tb^' merit' - 6 S Saw ye my Saviour - - ] 9 Since man by sm has lost his God - 112 Sinners Ibis solemn truth regard - 12 Sin enslav'd me many years - 4 8 Sinners will you scorn the - 11^2 Sinners attend, the Saviour's - 2 6 Sleep, downy sleep, come close . 146 Soon as tbe moon salutes your • 14 6 168 Sweet was Ihe lime, when first - 9 9 TELL me no more of earthly toys - 5 5 The day is past and gone - 144 The faithless world promiscuos - 128 The glorious day is drawing ~ 125 The pure testimony, put fovth - 7 8 The Saviour meeu his flock to-day 1 2 The Lord's into his garden came - 104 The voice of freee grace - 111 There js a fountain, fill'd - 115 There is a heaven o'er yonder - 8 4 Thine eartly sabbaths, Lord - 12 7 This morning most sweetly - 8 This world is all a fleeting show - 129 WAK'D by the gospel's - 3 1 Well met, dear friends, in Jesus' name 6 What heavenly music do 1 hear - 4 What hath the world to equal this - 8 5 What shall 1 render tomy God - 10 What strange desire is this 1 feel - 4 4 When Abrah'm full of sacred awe - 15 9 When converts first begin to sing - 4 5 When any turn from Zion's way - I When Israel out of Egypt came - 107 When Joseph his brethren beheld - 148 When shall I see the day - J 4 1 When souls are first converted - 3 8 When sorrows encompass me - 9 3 Where two, or three, with sweet - 3 While I to grief my soul gave way 10 1 W hither goest thou, pilgrim - 9 6 Ye children of Zion, who ar* - 6 3 Ye dying sons of men - • 113