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PREFACE This Book is designed to afTord assistance To Ministers of the gospel, in the Study, in their pastoral visits, and in their public ministrations : To Teachers of Sunday, Daily, and Infant Schools, &c. : To Visiters of the Poor, the Sick, and the Afflicted : To heads of Families, in the instruction of their Children and Ser- vants; as also, to the several Members thereof in searching the Holy Scriptures, for their common edification : To Persons who meet together in order to search the Holy Scriptures for mutual edification : To Authors, in the composition of Religious works : To Individuals of all Classes, in their private study of the Holy Scrip- tures. It would be presumptuous to expect that mistakes or imperfections may not be found in this Work, involving, as every comment upon Scrip- ture does, so much of delicacy and difficulty ; yet, it can be asserted vrith truth, that arduous labour, and anxious care have been expended in order to render it subservient to the great end, for which it is designed. This work has not been undertaken or carried on with a view of es- tablishing any particular class of opinions : the endeavour has been to set forth the word of Grod " not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God." SCRIPTURE TEXTS ARRMGED FOE. THE USE OF MINISTERS, TEACHERS, VISITERS, &c. COMPILED BY THE RELIGIOUS TRACT AND BOOK SOCIETY FOR IRELAND, IN CONNEXION WITH THE UNITED CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND IRELAND. NOTE. In order to save space, reference is often made but to a single verse, although the matter referred to may be contained in several verses in connexion with it ; therefore, let reference be made to the context. ACC. ADO. No. 1. ACCESS TO GOD. Is of God. Psa. 65:4. Is by Christ, Jno. 10 : 7, 9. Jno. 14 : 6. Rom. 5 : 2. Eph. 2 : 13. Eph. 3 : 12. Heb. 7 : 19 : 25. Heb. 10 : 19. 1 Pet. 3 : 18. Is by the Holy Ghost. Eph. 2 : 18. Obtained through faith. Acts 14 : 27. Rom. 5:2. Eph. 3:12. Heb. 11:6. Follows upon reconciliation to God. Col. 1 :21,22. In prayer. Deu. 4 : 7. Mat. 6:6. 1 Pet. 1 : 17. (See Prayer) In his Temple. Psa. 15 : 1. Psa. 27 : 4. Psa. 43 : 3. Psa. 65 : 4. To obtain mercy and grace. Heb. 4 : 16. A privilege of saints. Deu. 4 : 7. Psa. 15th. Psa. 23 : 6. Psa. 24 : 3, 4. Saints have, with confidence. Eph. 3 : 12. Heb. 4 : 16. Heb. 10 : 19, 22. Vouchsafed to repenting sinners. Hos. 14 :2. Joel 2 : 12. (See Repentance) Saints earnestly seek. Psa. 27 : 4. Psa. 42 : 1, 2. Psa. 43 : 3. Psa. 84 : 1, 2. The wicked commanded to seek. Isa. 65 : 6. Jas. 4 : 8. Urge others to seek. Isa. 2 : 3. Jer. 31 : 6. Promises connected with. Psa. 145 : 18. Isa. 55 : 3. Mat. 6 : 6. Jas. 4 : 8. Blessedness of Psa. 16 : 11. Psa. 65: 4. Psa. 73 : 28. Typified. Lev. 16 : 12—15, with Heb. 10 : 19—22. Exemplified. Moses, Eso. 24 : 2. Exo. 34 : 4—7. No. 2. ADOPTION. Explained. 2 Cor. 6 : 18. Is according to promise. Rom, 9 : 8. Gal. 3 :29. Is by faith. Gal. 3 : 7, 26. Is of God's grace. Eze. 16 : 3 — 6. Rom. 4:16,17. Eph. 1 : 5, 6, 11. Is through Christ. Jno. 1 : 12. Gal. 4 : 4, 5. Eph. 1 : 5. Heb. 2 : 10, 13. Saints predestinated unto. Rom. 8 : 29. Eph. 1 :S, 11. Of Gentiles, predicted. Hos. 2 : 23. Rom. 9 : 24—26. Eph. 3 : 6. The adopted are gathered together in one by Christ. Jno. 11 : 52. New birth connected with. Jno. 1 : 12, 13. The Holy Spirit is a Witness of. Rom. 8 : 16. Being led by the Spirit is an evidence of Rom. 8 : 14. Saints receive the Spirit of. Rom. 8 : 15. Gal. 4 : 6. A privilege of saints. Jno. I : 12. 1 Jno. 3 : 1. AFF. : Saints become brethren of Christ by. Jno 20 : 17. Heb. 2 : 11, 12. Saints wait for the final consummation of Rom. 8 : 19, 23. I Jno. 3 : 2. Subjects saints to the fatherly discipline of God. Deu. 8:5. 2 Sam. 7 : 14. Pro. 3 : 11,12. Heb. 12 : 5—11. God is long-suffering and merciful towards tlie partali^ers of Jer. 31 : 1, 9, 20. Should lead to holiness. 2 Cor. 6 : 17, 18, with 2 Cor. 7 : 1. Plii. 2 : 15. 1 Jno. 3 : 2, 3 Should Produce Likeness to God. Mat. 6 : 44, 45, 48. Eph. 5:1. Cliild-like confidence in God. Mat. 6 : 25—34. A desire for God's glory. Mat. S : 16. A spirit of prayer. Mat. 7 : 7 — 11. A love of peace. Mat. 5 : 9. A forgiving spirit. Mat. 6 ; 14. A merciful spirit. Luke 6 ; 35, 36. An avoidance of ostentation. l\Iat. 6 : 1-4, 6, 18. Safety of those who receive. Pro. 14 : 26. Confers a new name. Num. 6 : 27. Isa. 62 : 2. Acts 15 : 17. (See Titles of Saints) Entitles to an inheritance. Mat. !3 : 43. Rom. 8 : 17. Gal. 3 : 29. Gal. 4 : 7. Eph 3 : 6 Is to be pleaded in prayer. Isa. 63 : 16. Mat 6 :9. Illustrated. JosepK's sons, Gen. 48 : o, 14, 16, 22. Moses, Exo. 2 : 10. Esther, Est. 2 :7. Typified. Isi'ael, Eso. 4 : 22. Hos. 11 : 1. Rom. 9 : 4. Exemplified. Solomon, 1 Chr. 28 : 6. No. 3. AFFECTIONS, THE. Should be supremely set upon God. Deu. 6 : 5. Mar. 12 : 30. Should be set Upon the Commandments of God. Psa. 19 : 8—10. Psa. 119 : 20, 97. 103, 167. Upon the house and worsliip of God. 1 Chr. 29 : 3. Psa. 26 : 8. Psa. 27 : 4. Psa. 84 : 1,2. Upon the people of God. Psa. 16 : 3. Rom. 12 : 10. 2 Cor. 7 : 13—15. 1 The. 2 :8. Upon heavenly tilings. Col. 3 : 1, 2. Should be zealously engaged for God. Psa. 69 : 9. Psa. 1 19 : 139. Gal. 4 : 18. Christ claims the first place in. Mat. 10 : 37. Luke 14 : 26. Enkindled by communion with Christ. Luke 24 : 32. Blessedness of making God the object of Psa. 91 : 14. Should not grow cold. Psa. 106 : 12, 13. Mat. 24 : 12. Gal. 4 : 15. Rev. 2 : 4. Of saints, supremely set on God. Psa. 42 : 1. Psa. 73 : 25. Psa. 119 : 10. Of the wicked, not sincerely set on God. Isa. 53:1,2. Eze. 33 : 31, 32. Luke 8 : 13. Carnal afl'ections should be mortified. Rom. i AFF. 8 : 13. Rom. 13 : 14. 1 Cor. 9 : 27. Col. 3:5. 1 The. 4 : 6. Carnal affections crucified in saints. Rom. 6 : 6. Gal. 5 : 24. False teachers seek to captivate. Gal. 1 : 10. Gal. 4 : 17. 2 Tim. 3 : 6. 2 Pet. 2 : 3, 18. Rev. 2 : 14, 20. Of the wicked, are unnatural and per- verted. Rom. 1 : 31. 2 Tim. 3:3. 2 Pet. 2: 10. No. 4. AFFLLICTIONS. God appoints. 2 Kin. 6 : 33. Job 5 : 6, 18. Psa 66 : 11. Amos 3 : 6. Mic. 6 : 9. God dispenses, as He wUl. Job 11 : 10. Isa. 10:1.5. Isa. 45:7. God regulates the measure of. Psa. 80 : 5. Isa. 9":1. Jer. 46:28. God determines the continuance of Gen. 15 : 13, 14. Num. 14 : 33. Isa. 10 : 25. Jer. 29 : 10. God does not willingly send. Lam. 3 : 33. Man is bom to. Job 5 : 6, 7. Job 14 : 1. Saints appointed to. 1 The 3 : 3. Consequent upon tlie fall. Gen. 3 : 16 — 19. Sin produces. Job 4 : 8. Job 20 : 11. Pro. 1 :31. Sin visited with. 2 Sam. 12 : 14. Psa. 89 : 30-32. Isa. 57 : 17. Acts 13 : 10, 11. Often severe. Job 16 : 7—16. Psa. 42 : 7. Psa. 66 : 12. Jon. 2 : 3. Rev. 7 : 14. Always less than we deserve. Ezr. 9 : 13. Psa. 103 : 10. Frequently terminate in good. Gen, 50 : 20. Exo. 1 : 11, 12. Deu. 8 : 15 : 16. Jer. 24 : 5, 6. Eze. 20 : 37. Tempered with mercy. Psa. 73 : 38, 39. Psa. 106 : 43-46. Isa. 30 : 18—21. Lam. 3 : 32. Mic. 7 : 7—9. Nah. 1 : 12. Saints are to expect. Jno. 16:33. Acts 14: 22. Of saints, are comparativelv light. Acts 20 : 23, 24. Rom. 8 : 18. 2 Cor. 4 : 17. Of Saints, are but temporary. Psa. 30 : 5. Psa. 103 : 9. Isa. 64 : 7, 8. Jno. 16 : 20. 1 Pet. 1:6. 1 Pet. 6 : 10. Saints have joy under. Job 5 : 17. Jas. 5 : 11. Of saints, end in joy and blessedness. Psa. 126 : 5, 6. Isa. 61 : 2, 3. Mat. 5:4. 1 Pet. 4 : 13, 14. Often arise from the profession of the gos- pel. Mat. 24 : 9. Jno. 15 : 21. 2 Tim. 3 : 11, 12. Exhibit the love and faithfulness of God. Deu. 8 : .5. Psa. 119 : 75. Pro. 3 : 12. 1 Cor. 11 : 32. Heb. 12 : 6, 7. Rev. 3 : 19. No. 5. AFFLICTED, SAINTS. God is with. Psa. 46 : 5, 7. Isa. 43 : 2. God is a refuge and strength to. Psa. 27 : 6, 6. Isa. 25 : 4. Jer. 16 : 19. Nah. 1 : 7. God comforts. Isa. 49 : 13. Jer. 31 : 13. Mat. 5:4. 2 Cor. 1 : 4, 5. 2 Cor. 7 : 6. God preserves. Psa. 34 : 20. God delivers. Psa. 34 : 4, 19. Pro. 12, 13. Jer. 39 : 17, 18. AFF. ( lirist is with. Juo. 14 : 18. ('lirist supijorts. 2 Tim. 4 : 17. Hel). 2 : 18. Clirist conilorts. Isa 61 : 2. Matt. 11 : 28— 30. Luive 7 : 13. Juo. 14 : 1. JikO. 16 : 33. ( ])icscTves. Isa 63 : 9. Luke 21 : 18. Clirist delivers. Rev. 3 : 10. Sliouia i-raise God. Fsa. 13 : 5, 6. Psa. 66 : 8—10. Psa. 57 : 6, 7. Psa. 71 : 20—23. Sliould imitate Chiist. Heb. 12 : 1—3. 1 Pet. 2 : 21—23. Should imitate the prophets. Jas. 5 : 10. Should l>e patient. Lnkc 21 : 19. Rom. 12: 12. 2 The. 1:4. Jas. 1 : 4. 1 Pet. 2 : 20. .Should be resigned. 1 Sam. 3 : 18. 2 Kin. 20 : 19. Job 1 : 21. Psa. 39 : 9. Should not despise chastening. Job 6 : 17. Pro. 3 : II. Heb. 12 : .5. Should acknowledge the justice of tlieir chastisements. Neh. 9 : 33. Job 2 : 10. Isa. 64 : h—7. Lam, 3 : 39. Mic. 7 : 9. Should avoid sin. Job .34 : 31, 32. Jno. 5 : 14. Should trust in the goodness of God. Job 13 : 15. Psa 71 : 20. 2 Cor. 1 : 9. Should turn and devote themselves to God. Psa 116 : 7—9. Jer. 50 : 3, 4. Hos. 6 : 1 Should keep the pious resolutions made dur- ing affliction. Psa. 66 : 13—15. .Should be frequent in prayer. Psa. 50 : 15. Psa. 55 : 16, 17. (See Affliction, Prayer under.) Sliould take encouragement from former mercies. Psa 27 : 9. 2 C-or. 1 ; 10. Examples of atflicted saint-s. Josepli, Gen. 39 : 20-23. Psa 105 : 17—19. Moses, Hcl). 11 :25. Eli, 1 Sara 3 : 18. Nehemiah. Noh. 1 : 4. Job, Job 1 : 20—22 Diivid, 2 Sam. 12 : 1.5—23. Paul, Acts 20 : 22—24. Acts 21 : 13. ^fhposlles, 1 Cor. 4 : 13. 2 Cor. 6 : 4—10. No. 6. AFFLICTION, I'KAVER UNDER. Kxhortation to. Jas. 5:13. That God would consiiler our trouble. 2 Kin. 19 : 16. Neh. 9 : 32. Psa. 9 : 13. Lara 5 : 1. For the presence and support of GoJ. Psa 10 : 1. Psa. 102 : 2. That the IIolv Spirit may not be witlidrawn. Psa 51 : II." For divine comfort. Psa 4 : 6. Psa. 119 : 76. For mitigation of troubles. Psa 39 : 12, 13. For deliverance. Psa. 25 : 17, 22. Psa. 39 : 10. Isa. 64 : 9—12. Jer. 17 : 14. For pardon and deliverance from sin. Psa 39 : 8. Psa. 51 : 1. Psa. 79 : 8. That we may be turned to God. Psa. SO : 7. Psa. 85 : 4—6. Jer. 31 : 18. For divine teaching and direction. Job 34 ; 32. Psa. 27 : 11. Psa. 143 : 10. For increase of faith. Mar. 9 : 24. For mercy. Psa. 6 : 2. Hab. 3 : 2. For restoration to joy. Psa. 51 : 8, 12. Psa 69 : 29. Psa. 90 : 14, 15. ; AFF. For protection and preservation from ene- mies. 2 Kin. 19 : 19. 2 Chr. 20 : 12. Psa. 17 : 8, 9. That we may know the cause of our trou- ble. Job 6: 24. Job 10 : 2. Job 13 : 23, 24. That we may be taught the uncertainty of life. Psa. 39 : 4. That we may be quickened. Psa. 143 : 11. No. 7. AFFLICTION, CONSOLA- TION UNDER. Crod is the Author and Cjiver of Psa. 23 Rom. 15 : S. 2 Cor. 1:3. 2 Cor. 7 : 6 Col. 1 : a. 2 The. 2 : 16, 17. Christ is the Author and Giver of. Isa. 61 : 2 Jno. 14 : 18. 2 Cor. 1 : 5. The Holy Ghost is the Author and Giver of. Jjio. 14 : 16, 17. Juo. 16 : 26. Jno. 16:7, Acts 9 : 31. Promised. Isa. 51 : 3, 12. Isa. 66 : 13. Eze, 14 : 22, 23. Hos. 2 : 14. Zee. 1 : 17. Through the Holy Scriptures. Psa. 119 : 50. 76. Rom. 15 : 4. By ministers of the gospel. Isa. 40 : 1, 2 1 Cor. 14 : 3. 2 Cor. 1 : 4, 6. Is abundant. Psa. 71 : 21. Isa. 66 : 11. Is strong, Heb. 6 : IS. Is everlasting. 2 The, 2 : 16. Is a cause of praise. Isa. 12 : 1. Isa. 49 : 13. Pray for. Psa. 119 : 82. Saints should administer to each other. 1 The. 4:18. 1 The. 6 : 11, 14. Is sought in vain from the world. Psa. 69 : 20. Ecc. 4 : 1. Lam, 1 : i To those who mourn for sin. Psa. 51 : 17. Isa. 1 : IB. Isa.40:l,2. Isa. 61 : 1. Mic. 7 : 18, 19. Luke 4 : 18. To the troubled in mind. Psa. 42 : 5. Psa. 94 : 19. Jno. 14 : 1, 27. Jno. 16 : 20, 22. To those deserted by friends. Psa. 27 : 10. Psa 41 : 9—12. Jno. 14 : 18. Jno. 15 : 18, 19. To the persecuted. Deu. 33 : 27. To the poor. Psa, 10 : 14. Fsa. 34 : 6, 9, 10. To the sick. Psa, 41 : 3. To the tempted. Pojm. 16 : 20. 1 Cor. 10 : 13. 2 Cor. 12 : 9. Jas. 1 : 12. Jas. 4 : 7. 2 Pet. 2 : 9. Rev. 2 : 10. In prospect of death. Job 19 : 25, 26. Psa. 23 : 4. Jno. 14 : 2. 2 Cor. 5 : 1. 1 The. 4 : 14. Heb. 4 : 9. Rev. 7 : 14—17. Rev. 14 : 13. I-'nder the infirmities of age. Psa. 71 : 9, 18. No. 8. AFFLICTIONS MADE BENE- FICIAL. In promoting the glory of God. Jno. 9 : 1—3, Jno, 11 : 3, 4. Jno. 21 : 18, 19. In exhibiting the power and faithfulness of God. Psa 34 : 19, 20, 2Cor. 4:8— 11. In teaching us the will of God. Psa. 1 19 : 71. Isa, 26 : 9. Mic, 6 : 9. In turning us to God. Dou. 4 : 30, 31. Neh. 1 : 8, 9. Psa. 78 : 34. Isa. 10 : 20, 21. Hos. 2 : 6, 7. AFF. In keeping us from again departing from God. Job 34 : 31, 32. Isa. 10 : -20. Eze. 14 : 10, 11. In leading us to seek God in prayer. Jud. 4 : 3. Jer. 31 : IS. Lam. 2 : 17—19. Hos. 5 : 14, 15. Jon. 2 : 1. In convincing us of sin. Job 36 : 8, 9. Psa 119 : 67. Luke 15 : 16— la In leading us to confession of sin. Num ■21 : 7. Psa. 32 : 5. Psa. 51 : 3—5. In testing and exhibiting our sincerity. Job 23 : 10. Psa 66 : 10. Pro. 17 : 3. In trying our faith and obedience. Gen. 22 : 1, 2, with Heb. 11, 17. Exo. 15 : 23—25. Deu. 8 : 2, 16. 1 Pet. 1 : 7. Rev. 2 : 10. In bumbling us. Deu. 8 : 3, 16. 2 Chr. 7 : 13, 14. Lam. 3 : 19, 20. 2 Cor. 12 : 7. In purifying us. Ecc. 7 : 2, 3. Isa. 1 : 25, 26. Isa. 48 : 10. Jer. 9 : 6, 7. Zee. 13 : 9. Mai. 3 : 2, 3. In exercising our patience. Psa. 40 : 1. Rom 6 : 3. Jas. 1:3. 1 Pet. 2 : 20. In rendering us fruitful iu good works. Jno. 15:2. Heb. 12 : 10, 11. In furthering the gospel. Acts 8 : 3, 4. Acts 11 : 19—21. Plu. 1 : 12. 2 Tim. 2 : 9, 10. 2 Tim. 4 : 16, 17. Exemplified. Joseph's Brethren, Gen. 42 : 21. Joseph, Gen. 45 : 5, 7, 8. Israel, Deu. 8 : 3, 5. Josiah, 2 Kin 22 : 19. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 32 : 25, 26. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33 : 12. Jonah, Jon. 2 : 7. Prodigal Son, Luke 16 : 21. No. 9. AFFLICTED, DUTY TO- WARD THE. To pray for them. Acts 12 : 5. Phi. 1 : 16, 19. Jas. 5 : 14—16. To sympathize with them. Rom. 12 : 15 Gal. 6 : 2. To pity them. Job 6 : 14. To bear them in mind. Heb. 13 : 3. To visit them. Jas. 1 : 27. To comfort them. Job 16 : 5. Job 29 : 25 2 Cor. 1:4. 1 The. 4 : 18. To relieve them. Job 31 : 19, 20. Isa. 58 : 10. Phi. 4 : 14. 1 Tim. 5 : 10. To protect them. Psa. 82 : 3. Pro. 22 : 22. Pro. 31 : 5. No. 10. AFFLICTIONS OF THE WICKED, THE. God is glorified in. Exo. 14 : 4. Eze. 33 : 22, 23. God holds in derision. Psa. 37 : 13. Pro 1 : 26, 27 Are multiplied. Deu. 31 : 17. Job 20 : 12— IS. Psa. 32 : 10. Are continual. Job 15 : 20. Ecc. 2 : 23 Isa. 32 : 10. Are often sudden. Psa. 73 : 19. Pro. 6 : 15 Isa. 30 : 13. Rev. 18 : 10. ALL. Are often judicially sent Job 21 : 17. Psa. 107 : 17. Jer. 30 : 15. Are for examples to others Psa 64 : 7 — 9. Zep. 3 : 6, 7. 1 Cor. 10 : 6—11. 2 Pet. 2 :6. Are ineftectual of themselves, for their con- version. Exo. 9 : 30. Isa. 9 : 13. Jer. 2 : 30. Hag. 2 : 17. Their persecution of saints, a cause of Deu. 30 : 7. Psa. 55 : 19. Zee. 2:9. 2 Tlie. 1 : 6. Impenitence is a cause oC Pro. 1 : 30,31. Eze. 24 : 13. Amos 4 : 6—12. Zee. 7:11, 12. Rev. 2 : 21, 22. Sometimes humble them. 1 Kin. 21 : 27. Frequently harden. Neh. 9 : 23,29. Jer 5 :3. Produce slavish fear. Job 15 : 24. Psa. 73 : 19. Jer. 49 : 3, 5. Saints sliould not be alarmed at. Pro. 3 : 25, 26. Exemplified. Pharaoh and the Egt/ptians, Exo. 9 : 14, 15. Exo. 14 : 24, 25. Jhaziah, 2 Kin. 1 : 1—4. Gehazi, 2 Kin. 5 : 27. Jehoram, 2 Chr. 21 : 12—19. Uzziah, 2. Chr. 26 : 19—21. Jihaz, ^c. 2 Chr. 28 : 5—8, 22. No. 11. ALLIANCE AND SOCIETY WITH THE ENEMIES OF GOD. Forbidden. Exo. 23 : 32. Exo. 34 : 12. Deu. 7 : 2, 3. Deu. 13 : 6, 8. Jos. 23 : 6, 7. Jud. 2 : 2. Ezr.9 : 12. Pro. 1 : 10, 15. 2 Cor. 6 : 14— 17. Epli. 6 : 11. Lead to idolatry. Exo. 34 : 15, 16. Num. 25 : 1—8. Deu. 7 : 4. Jud. 3 : 6—7. Rev. 2 : 20. Have led to murder and human sacrifice. Psa. 106 : 37, 3S. Provoke the anger of God. Deu. 7 : 4 Deu. 31 : 16, 17. 2 Chr. 19 : 2. Ezr. 9 : 13, 14. Psa. 106 : 29, 40. Isa. 2 : 6. Provoke God to leave men to reap the fruits of tliem. Jos. 23 : 12, 13. Jud. 2 : 1—3. ensnaring. Exo. 23 : 33. Num. 25 : 18. Deu. 12 : 30. Deu. 13 : 6. Psa. 106 : 36. Are enslaving. 2 Pet. 2 : IS, 19. Are defiling. Ezr. 9:1,2. Are degrading. Isa. 1 : 23. Are ruinous to spiritual interests. Pro. 29 : 24. Heb. 12 : 14, 15. 2 Pet. 3 : 17. Are ruinous to mortil character. 1 Cor. 15 : 33. Are a proof of folly. Pro. 12 : 11. Children who enter into, bring shame upon their parents. Pro. 28 : 7. Evil consequences of. Pro. 28 : 19. Jer. 51 : 7. The wicked are prone to. Psa. 50 : 18. Jer. 2 :25. The wicked tempt saints to. Neh. 6 : 2 — 4. Sin of, to be confessed, deeply repented of, and forsaken. Ezr. 10th Chpp. AMB. i Involve saints in their guiltiness. 2 Jiio. 3 — 11. Rev. 18 : 4. Involve saints in their punisliment. Num 16 : 26. Jer. ol : 6. Rev. 18 : 4. Unbecoming in those called saints. 2 Chr 1!) : 2. 2 (.or. 6 : 14—16. Phi. 2 : 15. Exhortations to shun all inducements to Tio. 1 : 10—15. Pro. 4 : 14, 15. 2 Pet. 3 : 17. Exhortations to hate and avoid. Pro. 14 : 7. Rom. 16 : 17. 1 Cor. 5 : 9—11. Eph. 5 : 6, 7. 1 Tim. 6:6. 2 Tim. 3 : 5. A call to come out I'rom. Num. 16 : 26. Ezr. 10 : 11. Jer. 51 : 6, 4.5. 2 Cor. 6 : 17. 2 The. 3 : 6. Rev. 13 : 4. Means of preservation from. Fro. 2 : 10 — 20. Pro. 19 : 27. Blessedness of avoiding. Psa. 1 : 1. Blessedness of forsaking. Ezr. 9 : 12. Pro. 9:6. 2 Cor. 6 : 17, 18. Saints grieve to meet with, in their inter- course with the world. Psa. 57 : 4. Psa. 120 : 5, 6. 2 Pet. 2 : 7, 8. Saints grieve to witness in their brethren. Gen. 26 : 35. E/r 9 : 3. Ezr. 10 : 6. Saints hate and avoid. Psa. 26 : 4, 5. Psa. 31 : 6. Psa. 101 : 7. Rev. 2 : 2. Saints deprecate. Gon. 49 : 6. Psa. 6 : 8. Psa. 15 : 4. Psa. 101 : 4, 7. Psa. 119 : 115. Psa. 139 : 19. Saints are separate from. Exo. 33 : 16. Ezr. 6 :21. Saints should be circumspect when unde- signedly thrown into. iVIat. 10 : 16. Col. 4:5. 1 Pet. 2 : 12. Pious parents prohibit, to their children Gen. 28 : 1. Persons in authority should denounce. Ezr. 10 : 9—11. Neh. 13 : 2.3—27. Punishment of. Num. 33 : 56. Deu. 7 : 4. Jos. 23 : 13. Jud. 2 : 3. Jud. 3 : 5—8. Ezr. 9 : 7, 14. Psa. 106 : 41, 42. Rev. 2 : 16, 22, 23. E.xemplified. Solomon, 1 Kin. 11 : 1 — 8 Rehohoam, 1 Kin. 12 : 8, 9. Jehoshnphat, 2 Chr. IS : 3. 2 Chr. 19 : 2. 2 Chr. 20 35—38. Jekoram, 2 Chr. 21 : 6. Jihaziah 2 Chr. 22 . 3—5. Israelites, Ezr. 9 : 1, 2, Israel, Eze. 44 : 7. Judas Iscanot, Mat 26 : 14—16. Examples of avoiding. Man of God, 1 Kin 13 : 7—10. NeUemiah, ^-c. Neh. 6 : 2—4 Neh. 10 : 29—31. David, Psa. 101 : 4—7 Psa. 119 : 11-5. Jeremiah, Jer. 15 : 17 Joseph of ^inmathea, Luke 23 : 51. Church of Ephesus. Rev. 2 : 6. Examples of forsaking. Israelites, Num 16 : 27. Ezr. 6 : 21, 22. Ezr. 10 : 3, 4, 16, 17. Sons of the Priests, Ezr. 10 : 18, 19. Examples of the judgments of God against. Korah, ^c. Num. 16 : 32. Jihaziah,"'! Chr. 22 : 7, 8. Judas Iscariot. Acts 1 : 18. No. 12. AMBITION. God condemns. Gen. 11:7. Isa. 5 : 8. 1 ANG. Christ condemns. Mat. 18 : 1, 3, 4. Mat. 20:2.5,26. Wat. 23 : 11, 12. Saints avoid. Psa. 131 : 1, 2. V'anitv of. Job 20 : 5—9. Job 24 : 24. Psa. 49: 11—20. Leads to strife and contention. Jas. 4:1,2. Punishment of. Pro. 17 : 19. Isa. 14 : 12— 15. Eze. 31 : 10, 11. Oba. 3, 4. Connected with Pride. Hab. 2 : 5. Covetousness. Hab. 2 : 8, 9. Cruelty. Hab. 2 : 12. Excmphfied. Jldam and Eve, Gen. 3 : 5, 6. BuHdfrs of Bahel, Gen. 11:4. Miriam and ^laron. Num. 12 : 2. Korah, Tar. 1 : 15. Luke 24 : 47. Followed by conrersion. Acts 11 : 21. Christ is the Author and Finisher of. Heb. 12 : 2 Is a gift of the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 12 : 9. The scriptures designed to produce. Jno. 20:31. 2 Tim. 3 : 15. Preaching designed to produce. Jno 17:20. Acts 8 : 12. R«m. 10:14, I.d, 17. 1 ('or. 3 : 5. THKorOH IT IS Remission of sins. Acts 10 : 43. Rom. 3 : 25. Justification. Acts 13 : 39. Rom. 3 : 21, 22, 23, 30. Ror-l. 5 : 1. Gal. 2 : 16. Salvation. Mar. 16 : 16. Acts 16 : 3i. Sanctification. Acts 15 : 9. Acts 26 : 19. Spiritual light. Jno. 12 : .36, 46. Spiritual life. Jno. 20 : 31. Gal. 2 : 20. Eternal life. Jno 3 : 15, 16. Jno. 6 : 40, 47. Rest in heaven. Heb. 4 : 3. Editication. 1 Tim. 1 ; 4. Jude 20. Preservation. 1 Pet. 1 : 5. Adoption. Jno. 1 : 12. Gal. 3 : 26. Access to God. Rom. 5 : 2. Eph. 3 : 12. Inlieritauce of the promises. Gal. 3 : 22. Heb. 6:12. Tlie gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 11 : 15— 17. Gal. 3 : 14. Eph. 1 : 13. Impossible to please God without. Heb. 11:6. Ju.stification is bj', to be of grace. Rom. 4 : 16. Essential to the profitable reception of the gospel. Heb. 4 : 2. Necessary in the chri.stian xvarfare. 1 Tim. 1 : 18, 19. 1 Tim. 6 : 12. The gospel eflectual in those who have. 1 The. 2 : 13. Excludes self-justification. Rom. 10 : 3, 4. Excludes boasting. Rom. 3 : 27. Works by love. Gal. 5:6. 1 Tim. 1 : 5. PhUe. 5. Pkoduces Hoiie. Rom. 5 ; 2. Joy. Acts 16 : 34. 1 Pet. 1 : 8. Peace. Rom. 15 : 13. Confidence. Isa. 28 : 16, with 1 Pet. 2 : 6. Boldness in preaching. Psa. 116 : 10, with 2 Cor. 4 : 13. Christ is precious to those having. 1 Pet. 2 : 7. Christ dwells in the heart b}-. Eph. 3 : 17. Necessary in prayer. Mat. 21 : 22. Jas. 1 : 6. Tliose who are not Christ's have not Jno. 10 : 26, 27. .'in evidence of the new birth. 1 Jno. 5 : 1. By IT 8.1INT3 Live. Gal. 2 : 20. Stand. Rom. 11 : 20. 2 Cor. 1 : 24. Walk. Rom. 4 : 12. 2 Cor. 5 : 7. Obtain a good report. Heb. 11:2. Overcome the world. 1 Jno. 5 : 4, 5. Resist the devil. 1 Pet. 5 : 9. Overcome the devil. Eph. 6 ; 16. Are supported. Psa. 27 : 13. 1 Tim. 4 : 10. Saints die in. Heb. 11 : 13. Saints should Be full of Acts 6 : 5. Acts 11 : 24. Be sincere in. 1 Tim. 1:5. 2 Tim. 1 : 5. Abound in. 2 Cor. 8 : 7. Continue in. Acts 14 : 22. Col. 1 : 23. Be strong in. Rom. 4 : 20. Stand in. 1 Cor. 16 : 13. Be grounded and settled in. Col. 1 : 23. Hold, with agood conscience. 1 Tim. 1 : 19. Pray for the increase of. Luke 17 : 5. Have full assurance of. 2 Tim. 1 : 12. Heb. 10 : 22. True, evidenced bv its fruits. Jas. 2 : 21 — 25. Without fraits, is dead. Jas. 2 : 17, 20, 26. Examine whether you be in. 2 Cor. 13 : 5. AH difficulties overcome by. Mat. 17 : 20. Mat. 21 : 21. IViar. 9 : 23. AW things should be done in. Rom. 14 : 22. Whatsoever is not of, is sin. Rom. 14 : 23. Often tried by affliction. 1 Pet. 1 : 6, 7. Trial of, works patience. Jas. 1 : 3. The wicked often profess. Acts 8 : 13, 21. The wicked destitute of Jno. 10 : 2o. Jno. I 12 : 37. Acts 19 : 9. 2 The. 3 : 2. FAI. •28 Protection of, illustrated, Jl shield, Eph. 6 : 16. Jl breastplate, 1 Tlie. 5, 8. Exemplified, Caleb, Num. 13 : 30. Job, Job 19 ; -20. Shadraclu <5c. Dan. 3 : 17. Dariiel Dan. 6 : 10, 23. Peter, Mat. 16 : 16. Wo man, who was a si7iner, Luke 7 : oO. Na- thanael, Jno. 1 : 49. Samaritans, .Ino. 4 : 39. Martha, Jno. 11 : 27. The Disciples, Jno. 16:30. TAoJHas, Jno. 20 : 28. Stephen, Acts 6 : o. Priests, Acts 6 : 7. Ethiopian, Acts 8 : 37. Barnabas, Acts 11 : 24. Ser- ^uts Paulus, Acts 13 : 12. Philippian jailor. Acts 16 : 31, 34. Romans, Rom. 1 : 8. Colossians, Col. 1 : 4. Thessalonians, 1 The. 1 : 3. Lois, 2 Tim. 1 : 5. Paul, 2 Tim. 4 : 7. .,1bel, Heb. 11:4. Knnch, Heb. 11 : 5. Noah, Heb. 11 : 7. Jlhraham, Heb. 11:8, 17. Isaac, Heb. H : 20. Jacob, Heb. 11 : 21. Joseph, Heb. II : 22. Moses, Heb. 11 : 24, 27. Rahab, Heb. 11 : 31. Gideon, 4-c. Heb. 11 : 32, 33, 39. No. 98. FAITHFULNESS. A characteristic of saints. Eph. 1 : 1. Col. 1:2. I Tim. 6 : 2. Eev. 17 : 14. Exhibited in The service of God. Mat. 24 : 43. Declaring the word of God. Jer. 23 : 29. 2 Cor. 2 : 17. 2 Cor. 4 : 2. The care of dedicated things. 2 Chr. 31 : 12. Helping tlie brethren. 3 Jno. 5. Administering justice. Deu. 1 : 16. Bearing witness. Pro. 14 : 5. Reproving others. Pro. 27 : 6. Fsa. 141 : 5. Situations of trust. 2 Kin. 12 : 15. Neh. 13 : 13. Acts 6 : 1—3. Doing work. 2 Chr. 34 : 12. Keeping secrets. Pro. II : 13. Conveving messages. Pro. 13 : 17. Pro. 25 : i3. All things. 1 Tim. 3:11. The smallest matters. Luke 16 : 10—12. Should bo unto death. Rev. 2 : 10. Tlie mercy of God towards us, designed to lead to. 1 Cor. 7 : 2.5. Especially EEquiREo in .Ministers. 1 Cor. 4:2. 2 Tira. 2 : 2. The wives of ministers. 1 Tim. 3 : 11. The cliildren of ministers. Tit. 1 : 6. Difficulty of finding. Pro. 2 ) : 6. The wicked devoid of Psa. 5 : 9. Associate with those who exhibit. Psa. 101 : 6. Blessedness of 1 Sam. 26 : 23. Pro. 28 : 20. Blessedness of, illustrated. Mat. 24 : 45, 46. Mat. 2.5 : 21, 23. Exemplified, Joseph, Gen. 39 : 22, 23. Moses, Num. 12 : 7, with Heb. 3 : 2, 5. David. 1 Sam. 22 : 14. Hananiah, Neh. 7 : 2. ^Ibra- ham, Neh. 9 : 8. Gal. .S : 9. Daniel, Dan. 6 : 4. Paul, Acts 20 : 20, 27. Timothy, 1 Cor. 4 : 17. T>ichicits, Eph. 6 : 21. Epa- phras. Col. 1 : 7. Onciimiis, Col. 4 : 9 Silcanus, 1 Pet. 5 : 12. Jlntipas, Rev. 2 : 13. No. 99. FAITHFULNESS OF GOD, THE. Is part of his character. Isa. 49 : 7. 1 Cor. 1:9. 1 The. 5 : 24. Declared to be Great. Lam. 3 : 23. Established. Psa. 89 : 1. Imcomparable. Psa. 89 : 8. Unfailing. Psa. 89 : 33._ 2 Tim. 2 : 13. Infinite. Psa. 36 : 5. Everlasting. Psa. 1 19 : 90. Psa. 146 : 6. Should be pleaded in prayer. Psa. 143 : 1. Should be proclaimed. 'Psa. 40 ; 10. Psa. 89 :I. M.^MEESTED In his councils. Isa. 25 : 1. In aitiicting his saints. Psa. 119 : 7.5. In fulfilling ills promises. I Kin. 8 : 20. Psa. 132 : 11. Mic. 7 : 20. Heb. 10 : 23. In keeping his covenant. Deu. 7 : 9. Psa. Ill : .5. In his testimonies. Psa. 119 : 138. In executing his judgments. Jer.23 : 20. Jer. 51 : 29. In forgiving sins. 1 Jne. 1 : 9. To his saints. Psa. 89 : -24. 2 The. 3 : 3. Saints encouraged to depend on. 1 Pet. 4 : 19. Should be magnified. Psa. 89 : 5. Psa. 92 : 2. No. 100. FALL OF MAN, THE. Bv the disobedience of Adam. Gen. 3:6, U, "12, with Rom. 5 : 12, 1.5, 19. Through temptation of tlie devil. Gen. 3 : 1—5. 2 Cor. 11:3. 1 Tim. 2 : 14. M.VN IN CONSEQUENCE OF ; Made in the hnage of Adam. Gen. 5 : 3, with I Cor. 15 : 48, 49. Born in sin. Job 15 : 14. Job 25 : 4. Psa. 51 : 5. Isa. 48 : 8. Jno. 3 : 6. A child of the devil. Mat. 13 : 38. Jno. 8:44. IJno. 3:8, 10. A child of wrath. E])li. 2 : 3. Evil in heart. CJen 6:5. Gen. 8 : 21. Jer. 16 : 12. Mat. 15 : 19. Blinded in heart. Eph. 4 : 18. Corrupt and perverse in his wavs. Gen. 6 : 12. Psa. 10 : 5. Rom. 3 : 12—16. Depraved in mind. Rom. 8 : 6 — 7. Eph. 4 : 17. Col 1 : 21. Tit. 1 : 1.5. Without understanding. Psa. 14 : 2, 3, with Rom. 3:11. Rom. 1 : 31. ■Receives not the tilings of God. 1 Cor. 2 : 14. Comes short of God's glory. Rom. 3 : 23. Defiled in conscience. Tit. 1 : 1.5. Heb. 10 :2a Intractable. Job. II : 12. Estranged from God. Gen. 3 : 8. Psa. 68 : 3. Eph. 4 : 18. Col. 1 : 21. In bondage to sin. 6 : 19. Rom. 7 : 5, 23. Gal. 5 : 17. Tit. 3 : 3. In bondage to the devO. 2 Tim. 2 : 26. Heb. 2 : 14, 1.5. Constant in evil. Psa. 10 : 5. 2 Pet. 2 : 14. FAM. FAS. 29 FAT. Conscious olguilt. Gen. 3 : 7, 8, 10. Unrighteous. Kcc. 7 : -JO. Rom. 3 : 10. Abominable. Job 15 : 16. I'sa. 14 : 3. Turned to his own waj-. Isa. i3 : 6. Loves darkness. .Jno. 3 : 19. Corrupt. Stc. in speech. Kom. 3 : 13, 14. Destructive. «om. 3 : 13, 16. Devoid of the tear of God. Rom. 3:18. Totally depraved. Gen. 6 : 5. Rom. 7 : IS, Dead in sin. Kph. -2 : 1. Col. 2 : 13. All men partake of the effects of. 1 Kin. 8 ; 4a Gal. 3: 22. IJno. 1:8. IJuo. S : 19. PUMSHMF.NT CONSKlif EXT UPON, Banishment from paradise. Gen. 3 : 24. Condemnation to labour and sorrow. Gen. 3 : 16, 19. Job h : 6, 7. Temporal death. Gen. 3 : 19. Rom. 5 : 12. 1 Cor. 15 : 22. Eternal death. Job 21 : 30. Rom. 5 : 18. 21. Rom. 6 : 23. Cannot be remedied by man. Pro. 20 : 9. Jer. 2 : 22. Jer. 13 :'23. Remedy for, provided by God. Gen. 3 : 15. Jno. 3 : 16. No. 101. FAMILIES. Of saints blessed. Tsa. 128 : 3, 6. Should Be taught the scriptures. Deu. 4 : 9, 10. Worship God together. 1 Cor. 16 : 19. Be duly regulated. Pro. 31 : 27. 1 Tim. 3 :4,'5, 12. Live in unity. Gen. 45 : 24. Psa. 133 : 1. Live in mutual forbearance. Gen. 50 : 17 —21. Mat. 18 : 2 1, 22. Rejoice together before God. Deu. 14 : 26. Deceivers and liars should be removed from. Psa. 101 : 7. Warned against departing from God. Deu. 29 : 18. Punishment of irreligious. Jer. 10 : 25. Good— Exemplified, ^ibraham, Gen. 18 : 19. Jacob, Gen. 35 ; 2. Joshua, Jos. 24 : 15. David, 2 Sam. 6 : 20. Job, Job 1 : 5. Laz- arus of Betliany. ino. 11 : 1 — 5. Comelius, Acts 10 : 2, 33. Lydia, Acts 16 : 15. Jailor ofPhilippi, Acts 16 : 31—34. Oris- pus, Acts 18 : 8. Lois, i Tim. 1 : H. No. 102. FASTING. Spirit of, explained. Isa. 58 : 6, 7. Not to be made a subject of display. Mat. 6 : 16—18. Should be unto God. Zee. 7 : 5. Mat. 6 : 18. For the cha.^tening of the soul. Psa. 69 : 10. For the humbling of the soul. Psa. 35 : 13. Observed ox occasions of Judgments of God. Joel 1 : 14. Joel 2 : 12 Public calamities. 2 Sara. 1 : 12. Afflictions of the Church. Luke 5 : 33—35. AJflictions of others. Psa. 35 : 13. Dan. 6 : 18. Private afflictions. 2 Sam. 12 : 16. Approaching danger. Est. 4 : 16. Ordination of ministers. Acts 13 : 3. Acts 14 : 23. ACCOMP.INIED BY Pi-ayer. Ezr. 8 : 23. Dan. 9 : 3. Confession of sin. 1 Sam. 7 : 6. Neh. 9 : 1,2. Mourning. Joel 2 : 12. Humiliation, Deu. 9 : 13. Neh. 9 : 1. Promises connected with. Isa. 58 : 8 — 12. Mat. 6 : 18. Of hypocrites Described. Isa. 58 : 4, 5. Ostentatious. Mat. 6 : 16. Boasted of, before God. Luke 18 : 12. Rejected. Isa. 68 : 3. Jer. 14 : 12. Extraordinary — Exemplified, Our ior(i,Mat. 4 : 2. Moses, Exo. 34 : 28. Deu. 9 : 9, 18. Elijah, 1 Kin. 19 : 8. National — Exemplified, Israel, Jud. 20 : 26. Ezr. 8 : 21. Est 4 : 3, 16. Jer. 36 : 9. Men of Jabesh-gilead, I Sam. 31 : 13. Ninevites, Jno. 3 : 5—9. Of Saints— Exemplified, Datid, 2 Sam. 12 : 16. Psa. 109 : 24. Nehemiah, Neh. 1 : 4. Esther, Est. 4 : 16. Daniel, Dan. 9 : 3. Disciples of John, Mat. 9 : 14. Anna, Luke 2 : 37. Coi-nelius, Acts 10 : 30. Pri- mitire Ch-istians, Acts 13 : 2. Jlpostles, 2 Cor. 6 : 5. Paul, 2 Cor. 11 : 27. Of the Wicked — Exemplified. Elders of Jez- reel, 1 ICin. i\ : 12. Ahah, 1 Kin 21 : 27. Phaiisees, Mar. 2 : IS. Luke 13 : 12. No. 103. FATHERLESS, THE Find mercy in God. Hos. 14 : 3. God will Be a father of. Psa. 68 : 5. Be a helper of Psa. 10 : 14. Hear the cry of. Exo. 22 : 23. Execute the judgment of. Deu. 10 : 18. Psa 10 : 18. Punish those who oppress. Exo. 22 : 24. Isa. 10 : 1—3. Mai. 3 : 5. Punish those who judge not. Jer. 5 : 28, 29. Visit, in affliction. Jas. 1 : 27. Let them share in our blessings. Deu. 14 : 29. Defend. Psa. 82 : 3. Isa. 1 : 17. Wrong not, in judgment. Deu. 24 : 17. Defraud not. Pro. 23 : 10. Afflict not. Exo. 22 : 22. Oppress not. Zee. 7 : 10. Do no violence to. Jer. 22 : 3. Blessedness of taking care of. Deu. 14 : 29. Job 29 : 12, 13. Jer. 7 : 6, 7. The wicked Rob. Isa. 10 : 2. Overwhelm. Job 6 : 27. Vex. Eze. 22 : 7. Oppress. Job 24 : 3. Murder. Psa. 94 : 6. Judge not for. Isa. 1 : 23. Jer. 5 : 28. A curse on those who oppress. Deu. 27 : 19. Promises with respect to. Jer. 49 : 11. A type of Zion in affliction. Lam. 6 : 3. FAV. FEA. 30 FEA. FLA. Exemplified, Lot, Gen. H : 27. 23. Da-i2.h- ters of Zelophehad. Num. 27 : 1 — 5. Jotimm, Jiid. 9 : 16—21. 31-;p;iihosli'fli, 2 Sam. 9 : 3. Juash, 2 Kin. 11 : 1—12. Esfh:;}-, Est, 2 : 7. No. 104. FAVOUR OF GOD, THE. Clirist tiie especial object of. Luke 2 : 52. Is THE SOURCE OF Mercy. Isa. 60 : 10. Spiritual life. Psa. 30 : 5. Spiritual wisdom leads to. Pro. 9 : 35. Mercy and trutli lead to. Pro. 3 : 3, 4. Sa!N"TS Obtain. Pro. 12 : 2. Elncompassed by. Psa. S : 12. Strengthened by. Psa. 30 : 7. Victorious through. Psa. 44 : 3. Preserved through. Job 10 : 12. Exalted in. Psa. 89 : 17. Sometimes tempted to doubt. Psa. T7 : 7. Domoslio blessings traced to. Pro. 18 : 22. Disappointment of enemies an assured evi- dence of. Psa. 41 : 11. Given in answer to prayer. Job 33 : 26. Pray for. Psa. 106 : 4. Psa. 119 : 53. Plead, in prayer. Exo. 33 : 13. Num. 11 : 15. To be aclvnowledged. Psa. 85 : 1. The wicked Uninfluenced by. Isa. 26 : 10. Do not obtain. Isa.27;ll. Jer. 16 : 13. Exemplified, Naphtali, Deu 33 : 23. Samuel, 1 .Sam. 2 : 26. Job, Job 10 : 12. Tke Virgin Manj, Luke 1 : 23, 30. David. Acts 7 -.'46. No. 105. FEAR, GODLY. God is the object of Isa. 8 : 13. God is the author of. Jer. 32 : 39, 40. Searching the scriptures gives the under- standing of. Pro. 2 : 3—^). Described as Hatred of evil. Pro. 8 : 13. Wisdom. Job 28: 23, Psa. Ill : 10. A treasure to saints. Pro. 15 : 16. Isa. 33 : 6. A fountain of life. Pro. 14 : 27. Sanctifying. Psa. 19 : 9. Filial and reverential. Heb. 12 : 9, 28. Commanded. Deu. 13 : 4. Psa, 22 : 23. Ecc. 12 : 13. 1 Pet. 2 : 17. Motives to, The holiness of God. Rev. 15 : 4. The greatness of God. Deu. 10 : 12, 17. The goodness of God. 1 Sam. 12 : 24. The forgiveness of God. Psa. 130 : 4. Wondrous works of God. Jos. 4 : 23, 24. Judgments of God. Rev. 14 : 7. A characteristic of saints. Mai. 3:16. Should accompany tlic jov of saints. Psa. 2:11. Necessary to The worship of God. Psa. 5 : 7. Psa 83 : 7. The service of God. Psa 2:11. Heb. 12 : 28. Avoiding of sin. E-Xo. 20 : 20. Righteous government. 2 Sam. 23 : 3. Impartial administration of justice. 2 Chr. 19 : 6—9. Perfecting holiness. 2 Cor. 7 : 1. Those who have Ailbrd pleasure to God. Psa. 117 : 11. Are pitied by God. Psa. 103 : 13. accepted of God. Acts 10 : .35. Receive mercy from God. Psa. 103 : 11, 17. Luke 1 : 60. Are blessed. Psa. 112 : 1. Psa. 115 : 13. Confide in God. Psa. 116 : 11. Pro. 14 : 26. Depart from evil. Pro. 16 : 6. Converse together of holy things. Mai. 3 ; 16. Should not fear man. Isa. 8 : 12, 13. Mat. 10 : 28. Desires of, fulfilled by God. Psa. 145 : 19. Days of, prolonged. Pro. 10 : 27. Should be Prayed for. Psa. 86 : 11. Exlribited in our callings. Col. 3 : 22. Exhibited in giving a reason for our hope. 1 Pet. 3 : 1.5. Constantly maintained. Deu. 14 : 23. Jos. 4 : 24. Pro. 23 : 17. Taught to others. Psa. 34 : 11. .Advantages of. Pro. 15 : 16. Pro. 19 : 23. Ecc 8 . 12, 13. The wicked destitute of. Psa. 36 : 1. Pro. 1 : 29. Jer. 2 : 19. Rom. 3 : IS. Exemplified, Abraham, Gen. 22 : 12. Joseph, Gen 39 : 9. Gen. 42 : 18. Obadiah, 1 Kin. 13 : 12. Nehemiah, Neh. 5 : 15. Job, Job 1:1,8. Primitive Christians, Acts 9 : 31. Cornelius, Acts 10 : 2. Noah, Heb. 11 : 7. No. ]06. FEAR, UNHOLY. A characteristic of the wicked. Rev. 21 : 3. Is DESCRIBED AS A fear of idols. 2 Kin. 17 : 33. A fear of man. 1 Sam. 15 : 24. Jno. 9 : 22. A fear of judgments. Isa. 2 : 19. Luke 21 : 26. Rev. 6 : 16, 17. A fear of future punishment. Heb. 10 : 27. Overwhelming. Exo. 15 : 16. Job 15 : 21, 24. Consuming. Psa. 73 : 19. A guilty conscience leads to. Gon. 3 : S, 10. Psa. 53 : 5. Pro. 28 : 1. Seizes the wicked. Job 15 : 24. Job 13 : 11. Surprises the hypocrite. Isa. 33 : 14, 18. The wicked judicially filled with. Lev. 26 : 16, 17. Deu. 23 : 65—67. Jer. 49 : 5. Shall be realized. Pro. 1 : 27. Pro. 10 : 24. God mocks. Pro. 1 : 20. Saints sometimes tempted to. Psa. 55 : 5. Saints delivered from. Pro. 1 : 33. Isa. 14 : 3. Trust in God, a preservative from. Psa 27:1. Exhortations against. Isa. 8 : 12. Jno. 14 : 27. Exemplified, Adam, Gen 3 : 10. Cain, Gen. 4 : 14. Midianites, Jud. 7 : 21, 22. Philis- tines, 1 Sam. 14 : 15. Saul, 1 Sam. 28 : 5, 20. .Idonijah's quests, 1 Kin. 1 : 49. Haman, Est. 7 : 6. ^thaz, Isa. 7 : 2. Belshazzar, Dan. 5 : 6. Pilate, Jno. 19 : 8. Felix, Acts 24 : 25. No. 107. FLATTERY. Saints should not use. Job 32 : 21, 22. FOO. 31 FOR. Ministers slioulJ not use. 1 The. 3 : o. TlIK WICKK.D USE, TO Others. Psa. 5 : 9. Psa. 12 : 2. Themselves. Psa. 36 : 2 HvPOCRITES USE, TO God. Psa. 78 : 36. Tliose ill authority. Dan. 11 : 34 K;ilse projiliets aud teacliers use. Eze. 12 : 24. witli Horn. 16 : 18. Wisdom, a preservative against. Pro. 4 : 5. \Vorldly advantage obtained bv. Dan. 11 : n, 3-2. Sijldom gains respect. Pro. 23 : 23. Avoid tliose given to. Pro. 20 : 19. Danger of. Fro. 7 : 21—23. Pro. 29 : 5. Punishment of. Job 17 : H. Psa. 12:3. KxempUfied, JVoman of Tekoah, 2 Sam. 14 : 17, 2(». ^ibsalom, 2 Sam. 15 : 2—6. False prophets, 1 Kin. 22 : 13. DariiUi's cour- tiers, Dan. 6 : 7. Pharisees, ^-c. Mar. 12 : 14. Tyi-ians, . Woman withinfirmity. Luke 13 : 13. Leper, Luke 17 : 1.^. Blind man, Luke 18 : 43. Centurion, Luke 23 : 47. Tiie Church at Jeriisale?n, Acts 11 : 18. Gentiles at Antioch, Acts 13 : 43. .Abra- ham. Rom. 4 : 20. Paul, Rom. 11 : 36. No. 115. GLORY. God is, to his people. Psa. 3 : 3. Zee. 2 : 5. Christ is, to liis people. Isa. 60 : 1. Luke 2 : 32. Tlie gospel ordained to be, to saints. 1 Cor. Of the gospel, exceeds that of the law. 2 Cor. 3 : 9, 10. The joy of saints is full of. 1 Fet. 1 : 8. SlMRITL'-\L, Is given by God. Psa. 84 : 11. Is given by Christ. Jno. 17 : 22. Is the work of the Holy Ghost. 2 Cor, 3 : 18. F.TERNAL, Procured by the death of Christ. Ileb. 2 : 10. .-Vcconipanies salvation by Christ. 2 Tim 2 : 10. Inherited by saints. 1 Sam. 2 : 8. Psa 73 : 24 Pro 3 : 3.5. Col. 3 : 4. 1 Pet. 5 : 10. Raints called to. 2 The. 2 : 14. 1 Fet. 5 : 10. Saints afore prepared unto. Rom. 9 : 23. Enhanced by present afflictions. 2 Cor. 4 : 17. Present afflictions not worthy to be com- pared with. Rom. 8 : 18. Of the Church, shall be rich and abundant, Isa 60 : 11—13. The bodies of saints shall be raised in. 1 Cor. 15:43. Phi. 3:21. Saints shall be, of their ministers. 1 The. 2 : 19, 20. Afflictions of ministers are, to saints. Eph. 3 : 13. TEMrOllAL Is given by God. Dan. 2 : 37. I'asseth away. 1 Fet. 1 :24. The devil tries to seduce by. Mat. 4 : 8. Of hypocrites turned to shame. Hos. 4 : 7. Seek not, from man. Mat. 6 : 2. 1 The. 2 : 6. Of the wickkd Is in their shame. Phi. 3 : 19. Ends in destruction. Isa 5 : 14. No. IIG. GLORY OF GOD, THE. Exhibited in Christ. Jno. 1:14. 2 Cor. 4 : 6. Heb. 1 : 3. EXIHBITED IS His name. Deu. 29 : 68. Neh. 9 : 5. His majesty. Job 37 : 22. Psa, 93 : 1. Psa. 104 : 1. Psa. 145 : 5, 12. Isa. 2 : 10. His power. Exo. 15:1,6. Rom. 6 : 4. His works. Psa. 19 : 1. Psa. Ill : 3. His holiness. Exo. 15 : 11. Described .is Great. Psa. 133 : 5. Eternal. Psa. 104 : 31. Rich. Eph. 3 : 16. Highly exalted. Psa. 8 : 1. Psa. 113:4. Exhibited to Moses. Exo. 34 : 5—7, with Exo. 33 : 18—23. Stephen. Acts 7 : 55. His Church. Deu. 5 : 24. Psa. 102 : 16. Enlightens the Church. Isa. 60:1,2. R.ev. 21 : 11,23. Saints desire to behold. Psa. 63 : 2. Psa. 90 : 16. God is jealous of. Isa. 42 : 8. Reverence. Isa. 69 : 19. Plead in praver. Psa. 79 : 9. Declare. 1 Chr. 16 : 24. Psa. 145 : 5, 11. iSlaijiiifv. Fsa, 67 : 5. The earth is full of. Isa. 6 : 3. The knowledge of, shall fill the earth. Hab. : 14. No. 117. GLUTTONY. Christ was falsely accused of Mat. 11 : 19. The wicked addicted to. Phi. 3 : 19. Jude 12. Leads to Carnal security. Isa. 22 : 13, with 1 Cor. 15 : 32. Luke 12 : 19. Poverty. Pro. 23 : 21. Of princes, runious to their people. Ecc. 10 : 16, 17. Is inconsistent in saints. 1 Pet. 4 : 3. Caution against. Pro. 23 : 2, 3. Luke 21 : 34. Rom. 13 : 13, 14. Pray against temptations to. Psa. 141 : 4. Punishment of Num. 11 : 33, 34, with Psa. 78:31. Deu. 21:21. Amos 6 : 4, 7. Danger of, illustrated. Luke 12 : 45, 46. Exemplified, Esaii, Gen. 25 : 30—34, with Heb. 12 : 16, 17. Israel, Num. U : 4, with 34 GOS. Psa. 7S : IS. Sons of Eli, 1 Sam. 2 : 1-2—17. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:1. No. 118. GOD. Is a Spirit. Jno. 4 : 24. 2 Cor. 3 : 17. Is DECLARED TO BE Light. Isa. 60 : 19. Jas. 1 : 17. 1 Jno. 1 : 5. Love. 1 Jno. 4 : 8, Iti. Invisible. Job 23 : S, 9. Jno. 1 : 18. Jno. 5 : 37. Col. 1 : 15. 1 Tim. 1 : 17. Unsearchable. Job U : 7. Job 37 : 23. Psa. 145 : 3. Isa. 40 : 28. Rom. IX : 33. Incorruptible. Rom. 1 : 23. Eternal. Deu. 33 : 27. Psa. 90 : 2. Rev. 4 : 8—10. Immortal. 1 Tim. 1 : 17. 1 Tim. 6 : 16. Omnipotent. Gen. 17 : 1. Kxo. 6 : 3. Omniscient. Psa 139 : 1—6. Pro. 6 : 21. Omnipresent. Psa. 139 : 7. Jer. 23 : 23. Immutable. Psa. 102 : 26, 27. Jas. 1 : 17. Only-wise. Rom. 16 : 27. 1 Tim. 1 : 17. Glorious. Exo. 15 : 11. Psa. 145 : .5. Most High. Psa. 83 : 18. Acts 7 : 48. Perfect. Mat. 5 : 43. Holv. Psa. 99 : 9. Isa. 5 : 16. Just. Deu. 32 : 4. Isa. 45 : 21. True. Jer. 10 : 10. Jno. 17 : 3. Upright. Psa. 25 : 8. Psa. 92 : 15. Righteous. Ezr. 9 : 15. Psa. 145 : 17. Good. Psa. 25:8. Psa 119: 63. Great. 2 Chr. 2 : 5. Psa. 86 : 10. Gracious. E.\o. 34 : 6. Psa. 116 : 5. Faithful. 1 Cor. 10 : 13. 1 Pet 4 : 19. Merciful. Exo. 34 : 6, 7. Psa. 86 : 5. Long-suffering. Num. 14 : 18. Mic. 7 : 18. Jealous. Jos. 24 : 19. Nah. 1 : 2. Compassionate. 2 Kin. 13 : 23. -\ consuming iiro. Heb. 12 : 29. None beside him. Deu. 4 : 35. Isa. 44 : 6, None before him. Isa. 43 : 10. None like to him. E.xo. 9 : 14. Deu. 33 : 26. 2 Sam. 7 : 22. Isa. 46 : 5, 9. Jer. 10 : 6. None good but he. Mat. 19 : 17. Fills heaven and earth. 1 Kin. S : 27. Jer. 23 : 24. Should bo worshipped in spirit and in truth. Jno. 4 : 24. No. 119. GOODNESS OF GOD, THE Is part of his character. Psa. 25 : S. Nah. 1 : 7. Mat. 19 : 17. Declared to be Groat. Neh.9:35. Zee. 9 : 17. Rich. Psa. 104 : 24. Rom. 2 : 4. Abundant. E.xo. 34 : 6. Psa. 33 : 5. Satisfying. Psa. 65 : 4. Jer. 31 : 12, 14. Enduring. Psa. 23 : 6. Psa. 52 : 1. Universal. Psa. 145 : 9. Mat. 5 : 45. Manifested To his Church. Psa. 31 : 19. Lam. 3 : 25. In doing good. Psa. 119 : 63. Psa. 145 : 9. In supplying temporal wants. Acts 14 : 17. In providing for the poor. Psa. 68 : 10. In forgiving sins. 2 Chr. 30 : 18. Psa. 86 : 5, Leads to repentance. Rom. 2 : 4. Recognise, in his dealings. Ezr. 8 : IS. Neh. : 18. Pray for the manifestation of. 2 The. 1:11. Despise not. Rom. 2 ; 4. Reverence. Jer. 33 : 9. Hos. 3 : 5. Magnify. Psa. 107 : S. Jer. 33 : 11. Urge others to confide in. Psa. 34 : 8. The wicked disregard. Neh. 9 : 35. No. 120. GOSPEL, THE. Described. Luke 2 : 10, 11. Foretold. Isa. 41 : 27. !sa. 52 : 7, with Rom 10 : 15. Isa. 61 : 1—3. Preached under the old testament. Heb. 4 : 2. Exhibits the grace of God. Acts 14 : 3. Acts 20 : 32. The knowledge of the glory of God is by. 2 Cor. 4 : 4, 6. Life and immortality are brought to light by. 2 Tim. 1 : 10. Is the power of God unto salvation. Rom. 1 : 16. 1 Cor. 1 : 18. 1 The. 1 : .5. Is truth. Col. 1 : 5. Is glorious. 2 Cor. 4 : 4. Is everlasting. 1 Pet. 1 : 25. Rev. 14 : 6. Preached by Christ. Mat. 4 : 23. Mar. 1 : 14. Ministers have a dispensation to preach. 1 Cor. 9 : 17. Preached beforehand to Abraham. Gen. 22 : 18, with Gal. 3 : 8. Preached to The Jews first. Luke 24 : 47. Acts 13 : 46. The Gentiles. Mar. 13 : 10 Gal. 2 : 2. The poor. Mat. 11:5. Luke 4 : 18. Every creature. Mar. 16 : 15. Col. 1 : 23. Must be believed. Mar. 1 : 15. Heb. 4 : 2. Brings peace. Luke 2 : 10, 14. Eph. 6 : 15. Produces hope. Col. 1 : 23. Saints have fellowship in. Phi. 1 : 5. There is fuluess of blessing in. Rom. 15 : 29. Those who receive, should Adhere to the truth of. Gal. 1 : 6, 7. Gal 2 : 14. Not to be ashamed of. Rom. 1:16. Live in subjection to. 2 Cor. 9:13. Have tlieir conversation becoming. Phi. 1 : 27. Earnestlv contend for the faith of. Phi. 1 : 17, 27. JudeS. Sacrifice friends and property for. Mar. 10 : 29. Sacrifice life itself for. Mar. 8 : 35. Profession of, attended by afflictions. 2 Tim. 1 :8. Promises to sufferers for. Mar. 8 : 35. Mar. 10 : .30. Be careful not to hinder. 1 Cor. 9:12. !s hid to them that are lost. 2 Cor. 4 : 3. Testifies to the final judgment. Rom. 2 : 16. Let him who preaches another, be accursed. Gal. 1 : 8. Awful consequences of not obeying. 2 The. 1 : 8, 9. GRA. 35 HAP. Is CAl.LKD, THE Uispensatioii of the grace of God. Eph. 3 :-2. Gospel of peace. Eph. 6 : 15. Go.=;pel of ( iod. Rom. 1:1. 1 The. 2 : 8. 1 Pet. 4 : 17. Gospel of Jesus Christ. Rom. 1 : 9, 16. 2 Cor. ■> : 12. 1 The. 3 : 2. (;ospel of tlie grace of God. Acts 20 : 24 Gospel of the kingdom. .Mat 24 : 14. Gospel of salvation. Eph. 1 : 13. Glorious gospel of Christ. 2 Cor. 4 : 4. Preaching of Jesus Christ. Rom. 16 : 25. Mystery of Christ. Kph. 3 : 4. -Mystery of the gospel. Eph. 6 : 19. Word o"f God. 1 The. 2:1.3. Word of Christ. Col. 3 : 16. Word of grace. Acts 14 : 3. Acts 20 : 32. Word of salyation. Acts 13 : 26. Word of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5 : 19. "Word of truth. Eph. 1 : 13. 2 Cor. 6 : 7. Word of faith. Rom. 10 : 8. Word of life. Phi. 2 : 16. Ministration of the Spirit. 2 Cor. 3 : 8. Doctrine according to godliness. 1 Tim. 6 :3. Form of sound words. 2 Tim. 1 : 13. Rejection of, hy many, foretold. Isa. 63 : 1, with Rom. 10 : 15, 16. Rejection of, by tlie Jews, a means of bless- ing to the Gentiles. Rom. 11 : 28. No. 121. GRACE. Godis the Godofall. 1 Pet. 5 : 10. God is the Giver of Psa. 84 : 1 1. God's throne, the throne of. Heb. 4 : 16. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of. Zee. 12 : 10. Heb. 10 : 29. Was upon Christ Luke 2 : 40. Christ spake with. Psa. 45 : 2, with Luke 4 : 22. Christ was full of. Jno. 1 : 14. Came by Christ. Jno. 1 : 17. Rom. 5 : 15. Given by Christ. 1 Cor. 1 : 4. Riches of, exhibited in God's kindnes through Christ. Eph. 2 : 7. Glorv of, e.xhibited in our acceptance in Christ. Eph. 1 : 6. Is DESCRIBED AS Great. Acts 4 : 33. Sovereign. Rom. 5 : 21. Rich. Eph. 1:7. Eph. 2 : 7. Exceeding. 2 Cor. 9 : 14. Manifold. 1 Pet. 4 : 10. All-sufficient. 2 Cor. 12 : 9. AU-abundant. Rom. 5 : 15, 17, 20. True. 1 Pet 5 : 12. Glorious. Eph. 1 : 6. Not in vain. 1 Cor. 15 : 10. The gospel, a declaration of. Acts 20 : 24, 32 Is THE SOURCE OF Election. Rom. 11 : 5. The call of God. Gal. 1 : 15. Justification. Rom. 3 : 24. Tit. 3 : 7. Faith. Acts 18 : 27. Forgiveness of sins. Eph. 1 : 7. Salvation. Acts 15: 11. Eph. 2 : 5, 8. Consolation. 2 The. 2 : 16. Hope. 2 The. 2 : 16. Necessary to the service of God. Heb. 12 : 28. God's work completed in saints by. 2 The. 1 : 11, 12. The success and completion of the work of God to be attributed to. Zee. 4 : 7. Inheritance of the promises by. Rom. 4 : 16. Justification by, opposed to that by works. Rom. 4 : 4, 5. Rom. 11 : 6. Gal. 5 : 4. AINTS Are heirs of. 1 Pet. 3 : 7. Are under. Rom. 6 : 14. Receive, from Christ. Jno. I : 16. Are what they are by. 1 Cor. 15 : 10. 2 Cor. 1 : 12. Abound in gifts of. Acts 4 : 33. 2 Cor. 8 : 1. 2 Cor. 9 : 8, 14. Should be established in. Heb. 13 : 9. Should be strong in. 2 Tim. 2 : 1. Should grow in. 2 Pet. 3 : 18. Should speak with. Eph. 4 : 29. Col. 4 : 6. Specially give?? To ministers. Rom. 12 : 3, 6. Rom. 15 : 15. 1 Cor. 3:10. Gal. 2 : 9. Eph. 3 : 7. To the humble. Pro. 3 : 34. with Jas. 4 : 6. To thoso who walk uprightly. Psa. 84 : 1 1. Gospel of, not to be received in vain. 2 Cor. : 1. Prav for For yourselves. Heb. 4 : 16. For others. 2 Cor. 13 : 14. Eph. 6 : 24. Beware lest you fail of. Heb. 12 : 15. .Manifestation of, in others, a cause of glad- ness. Acts 11 : 23. Special manifestation of, at the second com- ing of Christ. 1 Pet. 1 : 13. Not to be abused. Rom. 6 : 1, 15. Antinomians abuse. Jude 4. No. 122. HAPPINESS OF SAINTS IN THIS LIFE. Is in God. Psa. 73 : 25. Only found in the ways of wisdom. Pro. 3 : 17, 18. Is DERIVED FROM Fear of God. Psa. 128 : 1, 2. Pro. 28 : 14. Trust in God. Pro. 16 : 20. Phi. 4 : 6, 7. Obedience to God. Psa. 40 : 8. Jno. 13 : 17. Salvation. Deu. 33 : 29. Isa. 12 : 2, 3. Hope in the Lord. Psa. 140 : 5. Hope of glory. Rom. 5 : 2. God being their Lord. Psa. 144 : 15. God being their help. Psa. 146 : 5. Praising God. Psa. 135 : 3. Their mutual love. Psa. 133 : 1. Divine chastening. Job 5 : 17. Jas. 5:11. Suft'ering for Christ. 2 Cor. 12 : 10. 1 Pet. 3 : 14. 1 Pet. 4 : 13, 14. Having mercy on the poor. Pro. 14 : 21. Finding wisdom. Pro. 3 : 13. Retaining wisdom. Pro. 3 : 18. 36 HAT. HEA. Is abundant and satisfj-ing. Psa. 36 : 8. Fsa. 63 :5. No. 123. HAPPINESS OF THE WICKED, THE. Is limited to tliis lile. Psa. 17 : 14. Luke 16 : 25. Is short. Job 20 : 5. Is uncertain. Luke r2 : 20. Is vain. Ecc. 2 : 1. Ecc. 7 : 6. Is DERIVED FROM Their wealth. Job 21 : 13. Psa. 52 : 7. Their power. Job 21 : 7. Psa. 37 : 35. Their worldly prosperity. Psa. 17 : 14 Psa. 73 : 3, 4, 7. Gluttony. Isa. 22 : 13. Hab. 1 : 16. Drunkenness. Isa. 5 : 11. Isa. 66 : 12. Vain pleasure. Job 21 : 12. Isa. 5 : 12. Successful oppression. Hab. 1 : 15. Marred by jealousy. Est. 5 ; 13. Often interrupted by judgments. Num. 11:33. Jobl5:2L Psa. 73 : 18— 20. Jer. 2-5 : 10, 11. Leads to sorrow. Pro. 14 : 13. Leads to recklessness. Isa. 22 : 13. Sometimes a stumbling-block to saints. Psa. 73 : 3, 16. Jer. 12 : 1. Hab. 1 : 13. Saints often permitted to see the end of. Psa. 73 : 17—20. Envy not. Psa. 37 : 1. Woe against. Amos 6 : 1. Luke 6 : 25. Illustrated. Psa 37 : 35, 36. Luke 12 : 16— 20. Luke 16 : 19, 25. Exemplified, Isiael, Num. 11 : 33. Human, Est. 5 : 9—11. Belshazzar, Dan. 5 : 1. Herod, Acts 12 : 21—23. No. 124. HATRED. Forbidden. Lev. 19 : 17. Col. 3 : 8. Is murder. 1 Jno. 3 : 15. A work of the flesh. Gal. 5 : 20. Often cloaked by deceit. Pro. 10 : IS. Pro. 26 : 26. Leads to deceit. Pro. 26 : 24, 25. Stirs up strife. Pro. 10 : 12. Embitters life. Pro. la : 17. Inconsistent with The knowledge of God. 1 Jno. 2 ; 9, U. The love of God. 1 Jno. 4 : 20. Liars prone to. Pro. 26 : 28. The wicked exhibit, Towards God. Rom. 1 : 30. Towards saints. Psa. 25 : 19. Pro. 29 : 10. Towards each other. Tit. 3 : 3. Christ experienced. Psa. 35 : 19, with Jno. 15 : 25. Saints should Expect. Mat. 10 : 22. Not marvel at. 1 Jno. 3 : 13. Return good for. Exo. 23 : 5. Mat. 5 : 44. Not rejoice in the calamities of tliose who exhibit. Job 31 : 29, 30. Psa. 35 : 13, 14. Give no cause for. Pro. 25 : 17. Punishment of Psa. 34 : 21. Psa. 44 : 7. Psa. 89 :23. Amos 1 : 11. We should exhibit, against False ways. Psa. 119 : 104, 123. Lving. Psa. 119 : 163. Evil. Psa. 97 : 10. Pro. 8 : 13. Backsliding. Psa. 101 : 3. Hatred and opposition to God. Psa. 139 : 21, 22. Exemplified, Cain, Gen. 4 : 5, 8. Esau, Gen. 27 : 41. JosepU's brethren. Gen. 37 : 4. Men of Gilead. Jud. 11:7. Saul, I Sam. 18 : 8, 9. .ihah, 1 Kin. 22 : 8. Haman, Est. 3 : 5, 6. Enemies of the Jews, Est. 9:1,5. Eze. 35 : 5, 6. Chaldeans, Dan. 3 : 12. Enemies of Daniel, Dan. 6 : 4—15. Herodias, Mat. 14 : 3, 8. The Jews, Acts 23 : 12, 14. No. 125. HATRED TO CHRIST. Is without cause. Psa. 69 : 4, with Jno. 15 : 25. Is on account of his testimony against the world. Jno. 7 : 7. Involves Hatred to his Father. Jno. 15 : 23, 24. Hatred to his people. Jno. 15 : 18. Punishment of. Psa. 2 : 2, 9. Psa. 21 : 8. No escape for those who persevere in. 1 Cor. 15 : 25. Heb. 10 : 29—31. Illustrated. Luke 19 : 12—14, 17. Exemplified, Chief Priests, (J-c. Mat. 27 : 1, 2. Luke 22 : 5. Jews, Mat. 27 : 22, 23. Sciihes, 4-c. Mar. 11 : 18. Luke 11 : 53, 54. No. 126. HEART, THE. Issues of life are out of. Pro. 4 : 23. God Tries. 1 Chr. 29 : 17. Jer. 12 : 3. Knows. Psa. 44 : 21. Jer. 20 : 12. Searches. 1 Chr. 28 : 9. Jer. 17 : 10. Understands the thoughts of. 1 Chr. 28 : 9. Psa. 139 : 2. Ponders. Pro. 21 : 2. Pro. 24 : 12. Influences. 1 Sam. 10 : 26. Ezr. 6 : 22. Ezr. 7 : 27. Pro. 21 : 1. Jer. 20 : 9. Creates a new. Eze. 36 : 26. Prepares. 1 Chr. 29 : 18. Pro. 16 : 1. Oi)ens. Acts 16 : 14. Enlightens. 2 Cor. 4 : 6. Strengthens. Psa. 27 : 14. EstabUshes. Psa. 112:8. 1 The. 3 : 13. Should be Prepared unto God. 1 Sam. 7 : 3. Given to God. Pro. 23 : 26. Perfect with God. 1 Kin. 8 : 61. Applied unto wisdom. Psa. 90 : 12. Pro. 2:2. Guided in the right way. Pro. 23 : 19. Purified. Jas. 4 : 8. Single. Eph. 6 : 5. Col. 3 : 22. Tender. Eph. 4 : 32. Kept with diligence. Pro. 4 : 23. We should Believe with. Acts 8 : 37. Rom 10 : 10. Serve God with all. Deu. 11 : 13. Keep God's statutes with aU. Deu. 26 : 16 Walk before God with all. 1 Kin. 2 : 4. Trust in God with all. Pro. 3 : 5. Love God with all. Mat. 22 : 37. HEA. 37 HKA. Kcturn to God with all. Deu. 30 : 2. Do the will of God from. Eph. 6 : <5. Sanctify God in. 1 Pet. 3 : 16. No man can cleanse. Pro. 20 : 9. Kaith, the means of purifying. Acts 15 : 9. Renewal of, promised under the gospel. Eze. 11 : 19. Eze. 36 : 26. Heb. 3 : 10. When broken and contrite, not despised by God. Psa. 51 : 17. Pray that it may be Cleansed. Psa. 61 : 10. Inclined to God's testimonies. Psa. 119:36. Sound in God's statutes. Psa. 119 : 80. United to fear God. Psa. 86:11. Directed into the love of God. 2 The. 3 : 5. Harden not, against God. Psa. 95 : 8, with Heb. 4 : 7. Harden not, against the poor. Deu. 15 : 7. Regard not iniquity in. Psa. 66 : 18. Take heed lest it be deceived. Deu. 11 : 16. Know the plague of. 1 Kin. 8 : 38. He that trusteth in, is a fool. Pro. 23 : 26. No. 127. HEART, CHARACTER OF THE RENEWED. Inclined to seek God. 2Chr. 11:16. Prepared to seek God. 2 Chr. 19 : 3. Ezr. 7 : 10. Psa. 10 : 17. Fi.xed on God. Psa. 57 : 7. Psa. 112 : 7. Joyful in God. 1 Sam. 2 : 1. Zee. 10 : 7. Perfect with God. 1 Kin. 8 : 61. Psa. 101 : 2. Upright. Psa. 97 : 11. Psa. 125 :4. Clean. Psa. 73 . 1. Pure. Psa. 24 : 4. Mat. 5 : 8. Tender. 1 Sam. 24 : 5. 2 Kin. 22 : 19. Single and sincere. Acts 2 : 46. Heb. 10 : 22. Honest and good. Luke 8 : 15. Broken, contrite. Psa. 34 : IS. Psa. 61 : 17. Obedient. Psa. 119 : 112. Rom. 6 : 17. Filled with the law of God. Psa. 40 : 8. Psa. 119 : 11. Awed by the word of God. Psa. 119 : 161. Filled with the fear of God. Jer. 32 : 40. -Meditative. Psa. 4 : 4. Psa. 77 : 6. Circumcised. Deu. 30 : 6. Rom. 2 : 29. Void of fear. Psa. 27 : 3. Desirous of God. Psa. 84 : 2. Enlarged. Psa. 119 : 32. 2 Cor. 6 : 11. Faithful to God. Neh. 9 : 8. Confident in God. Psa. 112 : 7. Sympathizing. Jer. 4 : 19. Lam. 3 : 51. Prayerful. 1 Sam. 1 : 13. Psa. 27 : 8. Inclined to obedience. Psa. 119 : 112. Wliolly devoted to God. Psa. 9 : 1. Psa 119 : 10,69, 145. Zealous. 2 Chr. 17 : 6. Jer. 20 : 9. Wise. Pro. 10:8. Pro. 14:3.3. Pro. 23 : 15. A treasury of good. Mat. 12 : 35. No. 128. HEART, CHARACTER OF THE UNRENEWED. Hateful to God. Pro. 6 : 16, 18. Fro. 11 : 20 Full of evil. Ecc. 9 : 3. Full of evil imaginations. Gen. 6 : 5. Gen 8 : 21. Pro. 6 : 18. Full of vain thoughts. Jer. 4 : 14. Fully set to do evil. Ecc. 8:11. Desperately wicked. Jer. 17 : 9. Far from God. Isa, 29 : 13, with Mat. 15 : 8. Not perfect with God. 1 Kin. 15 : 3. Acts 8 : 21. Fro. 6 : 13. Not prepared to seek God. 2 Chr. 12 : 14. .\ treasury of evil. Mat. 12 : 35. Mar. 7 : 21. Darkened. Rom. 1 : 21. Prone to enor. Psa. 95 : 10. Prone to depart from God. Deu. 29 : 18. Jer. 17 :5. Impenitent. Rom. 2 : 5. Unbelieving. Heb. 3 : 12. Blind. Eph. 4 : 18. Uncircumcised. Lev. 26 : 41. Acts 7 : 61. Of little worth. Pro. 10 : 20. Deceitful. Jer. 17 : 9. Deceived. Isa. 44 : 20. Jas. 1 : 26. Divided. Hos. 10 : 2. Double. 1 Chr. 12 : 33. Psa. 12 : 2. Hard. Eze. 3 : 7. Mar. 10 : 5. Rom. 2 : 5. Haughty. Pro. 18 : 12. Jer. 48 : 29. Influenced by the devil. Juo. 13 : 2. Carnal. Rom. 8 : 7. Covetous. Jer. 22 : 17. 2 Pet. 2 : 14. Despiteful. Eze. 25 : 15. Ensnaring. Ecc. 7 : 26. Foolish. Fro. 12 : 23. Pro. 22 : 15. Fro ward. Psa. 101 : 4. Pro. 6 : 14. Pro. 17 :20. Fretful against the Lord. Fro. 19 : 3. Idolatrous. Eze. 14 : 3, 4. Mad. Ecc. 9 : 3. .Mischievous. Psa. 23 : 3. Psa. 140 : 2. Proud. Fsa. 101 : 5. Jer. 49 : 16. Rebellious. Jer. 5 : 23. Perverse. Pro. 12 : 8. Htifl". Eze. 2 : 4. Stony. Eze. 11 : 19. Eze. 36 : 26. Stout. Isa. 10 : 12. Isa. 46 : 12. Elated by sensual indulgence. Hos. 13 : 6. Elated by prosperity. 2 Chr. 26 : 16. Dan. 5 :20. Studieth destruction. Pro. 24 : 2. Often judicially stupified. Isa. 6 : 10. Acts 28 : 26, 27. Often judicially hardened. Exo. 4 : 21. Jos. 11 :20. No. 129. HEATHEN, THE. Are without God and Christ. Eph. 2 : 12. Described as Ignorant. 1 Cor. 1 : 21. Eph. 4 : 18. Idolatrous. Fsa. 135 : 1-5. Rom. 1:23, 25. Worshippers of the devil. 1 Cor. 10 : 20. Cruel. Psa. 74:20. Rom. 1:31. Filthy. Ezr. 6 : 21. Eph, 4 : 19. Eph. 5 : 12. Persecuting. Psa. 2 : 1, 2. 2 Cor. 11:26. Scoffing at saints. Psa. 79 : 10. Degradation of. Lev. 25 : 44. Have Evidence of the power of God. Rom. 1 : 19, 20. Evidence of the goodness of God. Acts 14 : 17. HEA. 38 HEE. HEL. The testimony of conscience. Kom. 2 : 14, 15. Evil of imitating. 2 Kin. 16 : 3. Eze. 11 : 12. Cautions against imitating. Jer. 10 : 2. Mat. 6 : 7. Danger of intercourse with. Psa. 106 : 3.i. Employed to chastise the Church. Lev. 26 : 33. Jer. 49 : 14. Lam. 1 : 3. Eze. 7 : 24. Eze. 25 : 7. Dan. 4 : 27. Hab. 1 : 6—9. The Church shall be avenged of Psa. 149 : 7. Jer. 10 : 25. Oba. 15. God Rules over. 2 Chr. 20 : 6. Psa. 47 : 8. Brings to nought the counsels of. Psa. 33 : 10. "Will be exalted among. Psa. 46 : 10. Psa. 102 : 15. Punishes. Psa. 44 : 2. Joel 3 : 11—13. Mic. 5 : 15. Hab. 3 : 12. Zee. 14 : 18. Will finally judge. Rom. 2 : 12—16. Given to Christ. Psa. 2 : 8. Dan. 7 : 14. Salvation of, foretold. Gen. 12 : 3, with Gal. 3 : 8. Isa. 2 : 2—4. Isa. 52 : 10. Isa. 60 : 1—8. Salvation provided for. Acts 28 : 23. Rom. 15 :9— 12. The glory of God to he declared amongst. 1 Clir. 16 : 24. Psa. 96 : 3. The gospel to be preached to. Mat. 24 : 14. Mat. 28 : 19. Rom. 16 : 26. Gal 1 : 16. Necessity for preaching to. Rom. 10 : 14. The gospel received by. Acts 11 : I. Acts 13 : 48. Acts 15 : 3, 23. Baptism to be administered to. Mat. 28 : 19. The Holy Ghost poured out upon. Acts 10 : 44, 45. Acts 15 : 8. Praise God for success of the gospel amongst. Psa. 9S : 1—3. Acts II : 18. Pray for. Psa. 67 : 2— 5. Aid missions to. 2 Cor. 11 : 9. 3 Jno. 6, 7. Conversion of, acceptable to God. Acts 10 : 35. Rom. 15 : 16. No. 130. HEAVEN. Created by God. Gen. 1 : 1. Rev. 10 : 6. Everlasting. Psa. 89 : 29. 2 Cor. 5 : 1. Immeasurable. Jer. 31 : 37. High. Psa. 103 -.11. Isa 57 : 15. Holy. Deu. 26:15. Psa.20:6. Isa. 57 : 1.5. God"'s dwelling-place. 1 Kin 8 : 30. Mat. 6 : 9. God's throne. Isa. 66 : 1, with Acts 7 : 49. God Is the Lord of Dan. 5 : 23. Mat. 11 : 25. Reigns in. Psa. 11:4. Psa. 135 : 6. Dan. 4 : 35. Fills. 1 Kin. 8 : 27. Jer. 23 : 24. Answers his people from. 1 Chr. 21 : 26. 2 Chr. 7 : 14. Neh. 9 : 27. Psa. 20 : 6. Sends his judgments from. Gen. 19 : 24 1 Sam. 2 : 10. Dan. 4 : 13, 14. Rom. 1 : 18 Christ As Mediator, entered into. Acts 3 : 21. Heb. 6 : 20. Heb. 9 : 12, 24. Is all-powerful in. Mat. 28 : 18. 1 Pet. 3 : 22. Angels are in. .Mat. 18 : 10. Mat. 24 : 36. Names of saints are written in. Luke 10 : 20. Heb. 12 : 23. .Saints rewarded in. Mat. 5:12. 1 Pet. 1 : 4. Repentance occasions jov in. Luke 15 : 7. Lay up treasure in. Mat. 6 : 20. Luke 12 : 33. Flesh and blood cannot inherit. 1 Cor. 15 : 60. Happiness of described. Rev. 7 : 16, 17. Is CALLED A garner. Mat. 3 : 12. The kingdom of Christ and of God. Eph. 6 : 5. The Fatlier's house. Jno. 14 : 2. A heavenly country. Heb. 11 : 16. A rest. Heb. 4 : 9. Paradise. 2 Cor. 12 : 2, 4. The wicked excluded from. Gal. 5 : 21. Eph. 5 : 6. Rev. 22 : 15. Enoch and Elijali were translated into. Gen. 5 : 24, with Heb. 11:5. 2 Kin. 2 : 11. No. 131. HEEDFULNESS. Commanded. Exo. 23 : 13. Pro. 4 : 25—27. Neckssart In the care of the soul. Deu. 4 : 9. In the house and worship of God. Ecc. 5 : 1. In what we hear. Mar. 4 : 24. In how we hear. Luke 8 : 18. In keeping God's commandments. Jos. 22 : 5. In conduct. Eph. 5 : 15. In speech. Pro. 13 : 3. Jas. 1 : 19. In worldly company. Psa. 39 : 1. Col. 4 : 5. In giving Judgment. 1 Chr. 19 : 6, 7. sin. Heb. 12 : 15, 16. Against unbelief Heb. 3:12. Against idolatry. Deu. 4 : 15, 16. Against false christs, and false prophets. Mat. 24 : 4, 5, 23, 24. Against false teachers. Phi. 3 : 2. Col. 2:8. 2 Pet. 3 : 16, 17. Against presumption. 1 Cor. 10 : 12. Promises to. 1 Kin. 2:4. 1 Chr. 22 : 13. No. 132. HELL. A place of torment. Luke 16 : 23. Rev. 14 : 10, 11. Described as Everlasting punishment. Mat. 25 : 46. Everlasting fire. Mat. 25 : 41. Everlasting burnings. Isa. 33 : 14. A furnace of fire. Mat. 13 : 42, 50. A lalie of fire. Rev. 20 : 15. Fire and brimstone. Rev. 14 : 10. Unquenchable fire. Mat. 3 : 12. Devouring fire. Isa. 33 : 14. Prepared for the devil, &c. Mat. 25 : 41. Devils are confined in, until the judgment- day. 2 Pet. 2 : 4. Jude 6. Punishment of, is eternal. Isa. 33 : 14. Rev. 20 : 10. The wicked shall be turned into. Psa. 0:17. Human power cannot preserve from. Eze. 32 : 27. The bodv suflers in. Mat. 5 : 29. Mat. 10 : 28. HOL. 39 HOL. The soul surters in. Mat. 10 : 28. Tlie wise avoiJ. Pro. 15 : 24. fcjiiieavour to keep others from. Pro. 23 : 14. Jmie 23. The society of the wicked leads to. Pro. 5 : 0. Pro. 9 : 18. The beast, false prophets, and the devil shall he cast into. Hev. 19 : 20. Rev. 20 : 10. Tlie powers of, cannot prevail against the Church, ftiat. 10 : 18. Illustrated. Isa. 30 : .33. No. 133. HOLINESS. CornmandeJ. Lev. 11 : 45. Lev. 20 : 7. Christ Desires, for his people. Jno. 17 : 17. Efl'ects, in his people. Eph. 5 : 25 — 27. An example of. neb.7:26. 1 Pet. 2:21,22 The character of God, the standard of. Lev. 19 : 2, with 1 Pet. 1 : 15, 16. The character of Christ, the standard of Rom. 8 : 29. 1 Jno 2 : G. The gospel the way of. Isa 35 : S. Necessary to God's worship. Psa. 24 : 3, 4 None shall see God without. Heb. 12 : 14. Saints Elected to. Rom. 8 : 29. 1 : 4. ( :alled to. 1 The. 4:7. 2 Tim. 1 : 9. New created in. Eph. 4 : 24. Possess. 1 Cor. 3 : 17. Heb. 3 : I. Have their fruit unto. Rom. 6 : 22. Sho\ild follow after. Heb 12 : 14. Sliould serve God in. Luke 1 : 74, 75. Should yield their members as instru- ments of. Rom. 6 : 13, 19. Should present their bodies to God in Rom. 12 : 1. Should have their conversation in. 1 Prt 1 : 15. 2 Pet. 3 : 11. Should continue in. Luke 1 : 75. Should seek perfection in. 2 Cor. 7 : I. Shall bo ju-esented to God in. Col. 1 : 22 1 The. 3 : 13. Shall continue in, for ever. Rev. 22 : 11. Behaviour of aged women should be as be- comes. Tit. 2 : 3. Promise to women who continue in. 1 Tim. 2 : 15. Promised to the Church. Isa. 35 : 8. Oba. 17. Zee. 14 : 20, 21. Becoming in the Church. Psa. 93 : 5. The Church is the beauty of. 1 Chr. 16 : 29. Psa. 29 : 2. The word of God the means of producing. .Ino. 17 : 17. 2 Tim. 3 : 16, 17. Is THE RESULT OF The manifestation of God's grace. Tit. 2 ; 3, 11, 12. Subjection to God. Rom. 6 : 22. Union with Christ. Jno. 15 : 4, 5. Required in prayer. 1 Tim. 2 : S. Ministers should Possess. Tit. 1 : 8. Avoid every thing inconsistent with. Lev. 21 : 6. Isa. 52 : 11. lie examples of. 1 Tim. 4 : 12. E.xliori to. Heb. 12 : 14. 1 Pet. 1 : 14—16. Motives to The glory of God. Jno. 15 : 8. Phi. 1 : 11. The mercies of Crod. Rom. 12 : 1, 2. The dissolution of all things. 2 Pet. 3:11. Chastisements are intended to produce, in saints. Heb. 12 : 10. Should lead to separation from the wicked. Num. 16 : 21, 26. 2 Cor. 6 : 17, 18. Hypocrites pretend to. Isa. 65 : 5. The wicked are without. 1 Tim. 1:9. 2 Tim. 3 : 2. Exemplified. David, Psa. 86 : 2. Israd, Jer. 2 : 3. John the Baptist, Mar. 6 : 20. Prophets. Luke 1 : 70. Paul, 1 The. 2 : 10. Wives of Patriarchs, 1 Pet. 3 : 5. No. 134. HOLINESS OF GOD, THE. Is incomparable. Exo. 15 : 11. 1 Sam. 2 : 2. Exhibited in his Character. Psa. 22 : 3. Jno. 17 : 11. Name. Isa. 57 : 1-5. Luke 1 : 49. ■H'ords. Psa. 60 : 6. Jer. 23 : 9. Works. Psa. 145 : 17. Kingdom. Psa, 47 : 8. Is pledged for the fulfilment of His promises. Psa. 89 : 36. His judgments. Amos 4 : 2. Saints are commanded to imitate. Lev. 11 : 44, with 1 Pet 1 : 15, 16. Saints should praise. Psa. 30 : 4. Should produce reverential fear. Rev. 16 : 4. Requires holy service. Jos. 24: 19. Psa. 93:5. Heavenly hosts adore. Isa. 6 : 3. Rev. 4 : 8. Should be magnified. I Chr. 16 : 10. Psa. 48 : 1. Psa. 99 : 3, 5. Rev. 15 : 4. No. 135. HOLY GHOST, THE, IS GOU. As Jehovah. Exo. 17 : 7. with Heb. 3 : 7— 9. Num. 12 : 6, with 2 Pet. 1 : 21. As Jehovah of hosts. Isa. 6 : 3, 8 — 10, with Acts 28 : 25. As Jehovah, Most High. Psa. 78 : 17, 21. with Acts 7 : 51. Being invoked as Jehovah. Luke 2 : 26 — 29. Acts 4 : 23—25, with Acts 1 : 16, 20. 2 The 3 : .5. As called God. Acts 5 : 3, 4. As eternal. Heb. 9 : 14. As omnipresent. Psa. 139 : 7 — 13. As omniscient. I Cor. 2 : 10. As omnipotent. Luke 1 : 35. Rom. 15 : 19. As the Spirit of glory and of God. 1 Pet. 4 : 14. As Creator. Gen. 1 : 26, 27, with Job 33 : 4. As equal to, and one with the Father. Mat. 28 : 19. -J Cor. 13 : 14. As Sovereign Disposer of all things. Dan. 4 : 3.5, with 1 Cor. 12 : 6, 11. As Author of the new birth. Jno. 3 : 5, 6, with 1 Jno. 6 : 4. As raising Christ from the dead. Acts 2 : 24, HOL. 40 HOP. witli 1 Pet. 3 : IS. Heb. 13 : 20, with Rom. 1 :4. As inspiring scripture. 2 Tim. 3 : 16, with 2 Pet. 1 : !21. As the source of wisdom. 1 Cor. 12 : S. As the source of miraculous power. Mat. 12 : -23, with Luke 11 : 20. Acts 19 : 11, with Rom. 1.5 : 19. As appointing and sending ministers. Acts 13 : -2, 4, with Mat. 9 : 38. Acts 20 : 2S. As directing where tlie gospel should be preached. Acts 16 : 6, 7, 10. As dwelling in saints. Jno. 14 : 17, with 1 Cor. 14 : 25. 1 Cor. 3 : 16, with 1 Cor. 6 : 19. As Comforter of the Church. Acts 9 :31, with 2 Cor. 1 : 3. As sanctifying the Church. Eze. 37 : 28, with Rom. 1.5 : 16. As the Witness. Heb. 10 : 16, with 1 Jno, 6 :9. No. 13G. HOLY GHOST, THE COM- FORTER, THE. Proceeds from the Father. Jno. 15 : 26. Given By the Father. Jno. 14 : 16. By Christ. Isa. 61 : 3. Tlirongh Christ's intercession. Jno. 14 : 16. Sent in the name of Christ. Jno. 14 : 26. Sent by Christ from the Father. Jno. 15 : 26. Jno. 16 : 7. As SUCH HE Communicates jovto saints. Rom. 14 : 17. Gal 5 : 22. 1 The. 1 : 6. Edifies the Church. Acts 9 : 31. Testifies of Christ. Jno. 15 : 26. Imparts the love of God. Rom. 5 : 3 — 5. Imparts hope. Rom. 15 : li. Gal. 5 : 5. Teaches saints. Jno. 14 : 26. Dwells with, and in saints. Jno. 14 : 17. Abides for ever with saints. Jno. 14 : 16. Is known by saints. Jno. 14 : 17. The world cannot receive. Jno. 14 : 17. No. 137. HOLY GHOST, THE TEACHER, THE Promised. Pro. 1 : 23. As the Spirit of wisdom. Isa. 11:2. Isa. 40 : 13, 14. Given In answer to prayer. Eph. 1 : 16, 17. To saints. Neh. 9 : 20. 1 Cor. 2 : 12, 13. Necessity for. 1 Cor. 2 : 9, 10. As SUCH HE Reveals the things of God. 1 Cor. 2:10, 13. Reveals the things of Christ. Jno. 16 : 14. Brings the words of Christ to remem- brance. Jno. 14 : 26. Directs in the way of godliness. Isa. 30 : 21. Eze. 36 : 27. Teaches saints to answer persecutors. Mar. 13:11. Luke 12 : 12. Enables ministers to teach. 1 Cor. 12 : 8. Guides into all truth. Jno. 14 : 26. Jno. 16 : 13. Attend to the instruction of Rev. 2 : 7, 1 1, 29. The natural man will not receive the tilings of. 1 Cor. 2 : 14. No. 138. HOPE. In God. Psa. 39 : 7. 1 Pet. 1 : 21. In Christ. 1 Cor. 15 : 19. 1 Tim. 1:1. In God's promises. Acts 26 : 6, 7. Tit. 1 : 2. In the mercy of God. Psa. 33 : 18. Is the work of the Holy Ghost. Rom. 15 : 13. Gal. 6 : 5. Obtained through Grace. 2 The. 2:16. The word. Psa. 119:81. Patience and comfort of the scriptures. Rom. 15 : 4. The gospel. Col. 1 : 5, 23. Faith. Rom. 5 : 1, 2. Gal. 5 : 5. The result of experience. Rom. 6 : 4. Described as Good. 2 The. 2 : 16. Lively. 1 Pet. 1 : 3. Sure and stedfast. Heb. 6 : 19. Gladdening. Pro. 10 : 28. Blessed. Tit. 2:13. Makes not ashamed. Rom. 5 : 5. Triumphs over difficulties. Rom 4 : IS. Is an encouragement to boldness in preach- ing. 2 Cor. 3 : 12. Saints Are called to. Eph. 4 : 4. Rejoice in. Rom. 5 : 2. Rom. 12 : 12. Have all, the same. Eph. 4 : 4. Have, in death. Pro 14 : 32. Should abound in. Rom. 15 : 13. Should look for the object of Tit. 2 : 13 Should not be ashamed of Psa. 119 : 116. Should hold fast. Heb. 3:6. Should not be moved from. Col. 1 : 23. Should continue in. Psa. 71 : 14. 1 Pet. 1:13. Connected with faith and love. 1 Cor. 13 : 1.3. Objects of Salvation. 1 The. 5 : 8. Righteousness. Gal. 5 : 5. Christ's glorious appearing. Tit. 2 : 13. A resurrection. Acts 23 : 6. Acts 24 : 15. Eternal Ufe. Tit. 1 : 2. Tit. 3 : 7. Glory. Rom. 5 : 2. Col. 1 : 27. Leads to purity. 1 Jno. 3 : 3. Leads to patience. Rom. 8 : 25. 1 Tlie. 1 : 3. Seek for full assurance of Heb. 6:11. Be ready to give an answer concerning. 1 Pet. 3 : 15. Encouragement to. Hos. 2 : 15. Zee. 9 : 12. Encourage others to. Psa. 130 : 7. Happiness of Psa. 146 : 6. Life is the season of Ecc. 9 : 4. Isa. 38 : IS. The wicked have no ground for. Eph. 2:12. Of the wicked Is in their worldly possessions. Job 31 : 24. Shall make them ashamed. Isa. 20 : 6, 6. Zee. 9 : 6. HUM. 41 HUM. Shall perish. Job 8 : 13. Job 11 : 20. Pro. 10 : -28. Shall be extinguished in death. Job 27 : 8 Illustrated by, ..•;?» anchor, Heb. 6 : 19. ..9 helmet. 1 The. 5 : 3. Exemplified. Datid, P.^a. 39 : 7. Paul, Acts '2A : lo. ^Ihrahaiii, Rom. 4 : IS. Thtssalo- nitms. 1 Tlie. 1 : 3. No. 139. HOSPITALITY. Commanded. Kom. 12 : 13. 1 Pet. 4 : 9. Required in ministers. 1 Tim. 3 : 2. Tit. 1 : 0. A test of christian character. 1 Tim. 5 : 10. Spechlly to be shown to Strangers. Heb. 13 : 2. The poor. Isa. 6S : 7. Luke 14 : 13. Enemies. 2 Kin. 6 : 22, 23. Rom. 12 : 20. Encouragement to. Luke 14 : 14. Heb. 13 : 2. Exemplified. Melchizedek, Gen. 14 : 18. Jlbra- ham, Gen. IS : 3—8. Lot, Gen. 19 : 2, 3. Laban, Gen. 24 : 31. Jethro, Exo. 2 : 20. Manoah, Jud. 13 : 15. Samuel, 1 Sam. 9 : ^^2. David, 2 Sam. 6 : 19. Barzillai, 2 Sam. ^Pa : 4P Shunammite, 2 Kin 4 : 8. JVeAe - miah, Neh. 5 : 17. Job, Job 31 : 17, 32. Zaccheus, Luke 19 : 6. Samarita7is, Jno. 4 : 40. Lydia, Acts 16 : 15. Jason, Acts 17 : 7. Mnnson, Acts 21 : 16. People of Melita, Acts 28 : 2. Publius, Acts 28 : 7. Gaius, 3 Jno. 5, 6. No. 140 HUMAN NATURE OF CHRIST, THE. Was necessary to his mediatorial office. 1 Tim. 2 :5. Heb. 2 : 17. Is PROVED BY HIS Conception in the Virgin's womb. Mat. 1 : IS. Luke 1 : 31. Birth. Mat. 1 : 16, 25. Mat. 2 : 2. Luke 2 :7, 11. Partaking of flesh and blood. Jno. 1 : 14. Heb. 2 : 14. Having a human soul. Mat. 26 : 38. Luke 23 : 46. Acts 2 : 31. Circumcision. Luke 2 : 21. Increase in wisdom and stature. Luke 2 : 62. Weeping. Luke 19 : 41. Jno. 11 : 3.5. Hungering. Mat. 4 : 2. Mat. 21 : 18. Thirsting. Jno. 4 : 7. Jno. 19 ; 23. Sleeping. Mat. 8 : 24. Mar. 4 : 38. Being subject to weariness. Jno. 4 : 6. Being a man of sorrows. Isa. 53 : 3, 4 Luke 22 : 44. Jno. 11 : 33. Jno. 12 : 27. Being buffeted. Mat. 26 : 67. Luke 22 : 64. Enduring indignities. Luke 23 : 11. Being scoui^e\l. Mat. 27 : 26. Jno. 19 : 1. Being nailed to the cross. Psa. 22 : 16, with Luke 23 : 33. Death. Jno. 19 : !?0. Side being pierced. Jno. 19 : 34. Burial. Mat. 27 : 59, 60. Mar. 15:46. Resurrection. Acts 3 : 15. 2 Tim. 2 : 8. Was like our own in all things except sin. Acts 3 : 22. Phi. 2 : 7, 3. Heb. 2 : 17. Was without sin. Heb. 7 : 20, 28. I Jno. 3 : 5. Was submitted to the evidence of the senses, Luke 24: 39. Jno. 20 : 27. 1 Jno. 1 : 1, 2. Was ok the seed of The woman. Gen. 3 : 15. Isa. 7 : 14. Jcr 31 : 22. Luke 1 : 31. Gal. 4 : 4. Abraham. Gen. 22 : IS, with Gal. 3 : 16. Heb. 2 : 16. David. 2 Sam. 7 : 12, 16. Psa. 89 : 35, 36. Jer. 23 : 5. Mat. 22 : 42. Mar. 10 : 47. Acts 2 : 30. Acts 13 : 23. Rom. 1 : 3. Genealogv of Mat. 1 : 1, &o. Luke 3 : 23, &c. Attested by himself Mat. 8 : 20. Mat. 16 : 13. Confession of, a test of belonging to God. Jno. 4 : 2. Acknowledged by men. Mar. 6 : 3. Jno. 7 : 27. Jno. 19 : 5. Acts 2 : 22. Denied by Antichrist. 1 Jno. 4 : 3. 2 Jno. 7. No. 141. HUMILITY. Necessary to the service of God. Mic. 6 : 8. Christ an example of Mat. U : 29. Jno. 13 : 14, 15. Phi. 2 : .5—8. A characteristic of saints. Psa. 34 : 2. They who have, Regarded by God. Psa. 133 : 6. Isa. 66 : 2. Heard by God. Psa. 9 : 12. Psa. 10 : 17. Enjoy the presence of God. Isa. 57 : 15. Delivered by God. Job 22 : 29. Lifted up by God. Jas. 4 : 10. Exalted by God. Luke 14 : 11. Luke 18 : 14. Are greatest in Christ's kingdom. Mat. 18 :4. Receive more grace. Pro. 3 : 34. Jas. 4 : 6. Upheld by honour. Pro. 18 : 12. Pro. 29 : 23. Is before honour. Pro. 15 : 33. Leads to riches, honour, and life. Pro. 22 : 4. Sai.nts should Put on. Col. 3 : 12. Be clothed with. 1 Pet. 5 : 5. Walk with. Eph. 4:1,2. Beware of false. Col. 2 ; 18, 23. .4.fflictions intended to produce. Lev. 26 : 41. Deu. 8 : 3. Lam. 3 : 20. Want of, condemned. 2 Chr. 33 : 23. 2 Chr. 36 : 12. Jer. 44 : 10. Dan. 5 : 22. Temporal judgments averted by. 2 Chr. 7 : 14. 2 Chr. 12 : 6, 7. Excellency of Pro. 16 : 19. Blessedness of Mat. 5 : .3. Exemplified. Mraham, Gen. 18 : 27. Jacob, Gen. 32:10. Moses, Exo. 3 : 11. Exo 4 : 10. Joshua, Jos. 7 : 6. Gideon, Jud 6 : 15. David, 1 Chr. 29 : 14. Hezekiab 2Chr.32:26. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33 : 12 Josinh, 2 Chr. 34 : 27. Job, Job 40 : 4. Job 42 : 6. Isaiah, Isa. 6 : 5. Jeremiah, Jer. 1 6. John the Baptist, Mat. 3 : 14. Centurion Mat. 8 : 8. fFoman of Canaan, Mat. 13 : 27 Elizabeth, Luke 1 : 43. Peter, Luke 5 : 8 Paul, Acts 20 : 19. No. 142. HUMILITY OF CHRIST, THE. Declared by himself Mat. 11 : 29. HDS. HTP. 42 IDL. IDO. KxHIBlTED IN HIS Taking our nature. Phi. -2 : 7. Heb. 2 : 16. Birth. I,uke 2 : 4—7. Subjection to his parents. Luke ti : 51. Station in life. Mat. 13 : 55. Jno. 9 : 29. Poverty. Luke 9 : 58. 3 Cor. 8 : 9. Partaking of our infirmities. Heb. 4 : 15. Heb. 5 : 7. Submitting to ordinances. Mat. 3 : 13 — 15. Becoming a servant. Mat. 20 : 28. Luke 22 : 27. Phi. 2 : 7. Associating with the despised. Mat. 9 : 10, 11. Luke 15 ; 1, 2. Refusing honours. Jno. 5 : 41. Jno. 6 : 15 Kutry into Jerusalem. Zee. 9 : 9, with Mat. 21 : 5, 7. Wasliing liis disciples' feet. Jno. 13 : 5. Obedience. Jno. 6 : 38. Heb. 10 : 9. Submitting to suflerings. Isa. 50 : 6. Isa 53 : 7, with Acts 8 : 32. Mat. 26 : 37—39. Exposing himself to reproach and con- tempt. Psa. 22 : 6. Psa. 69 : 9, witli Rom. 15 : 3. Isa. 53 : 3. Death. Jno. 10 : 15, 17, 18. Phi. 2 : 8. Heb 12 : 2. Saints should imitate. Phi. 2 : 5 — 8. On account of, He was despised. Mar. 6 : 3. Jno. 9 : 29. His exaltation, the result of. Phi. 2 : 9. No. 143. HUSBANDS. Should have but one wife. Gen. 2 : 24. 1 Tim. 3 : 2, 12. Have authority over their wives. Gen. 3 : 16. 1 Cor. 11 :3. Eph. 5 : 23. Duty of, to wives ; To respect them. 1 Pet. 3 : 7. To love them. Eph. 6 : 25, &c. Col 3 : 19. To regard them as themselves. Gen 2 :23, with .Mat. 19:5. To be faitliful to them. Pro. 5 : 19. Mai. 2 : 14, 15. To dwell with them for life. Gen. 2 : 24. Mat. 19 : 3—9. To comfort them. 1 Sam. 1 : 8. To consult with them. Gen. 31 : 4 — 7. Not to leave them, tliough unbelieving. 1 Cor. 7 : 11,12,14, 16. Duties of, not to interfere with their duties to Christ. Luke 14 : 26, with Mat. 19 : 29. Good— Exemphfied. Isaac, Gen. 24 : 67. El- kanah, 1 Sam. 1 : 4, 6. Bad — Kxemplified. Solomon, 1 Kin. 11 : 1. .'Ihas}in-us, Est. 1 : 10, 11. No. 144. HYPOCRITES. God knows and detects. Isa. 29 : 15, 16. Christ knew and detected. Mat. 22 : 18. God has no pleasure in. Isa. 9 : 17. Shall not come before God. Job 13 : 16. Deschipko .\5 Wilfullv blind. Mat. 23 : 17, 19. 26. Vile. Isa. 32 : 6. Self-righteous. Isa. 65 : 5. Luke IS : 11. Covetous. Eze. 33:31. 2 Pet. 2 : 3. Ostentatious. Mat. 6 : 2, 5, 16. Mat. 23 : 5. Censorious. Mat. 7 : 3 — 5. Luke 13 : 14, 15. Regarding tradition more than the word of God. Mat. 15 : 1—3. Exact in minor, but neglecting important duties. Mat. 23 : 23, 24. Having but a form of godliness. 2 Tim. 3 :5. Seeking only outward purity. Luke 11 : 39. Professing but not practising. Eze. 33 :31, 32. Mat. 23 : 3. Rom. 2 : 17—23. Using but lip-worship. Isa. 29 : 13, with Mat. 15 : 8. Glorying in appearance only. 2 Cor. 5 : 12. Trusting in privileges. Jer. 7 : 4. Mat. 3 : 9. Apparently zealous in the things of God. Isa. 68 : 2. Zealous in making proselytes. Mat. 23 : 1.5. Devouring widows' houses. Mat. 23 : 14. Loving pre-eminence. Mat. 23 : 6, 7. Worship of, not acceptable to God. Isa. 1 : 11—15. Isa. 58 : 3—5. Mat. 15 : 9. Joy of, but for a moment. Job 20 : 5. Hope of, perishes. Job 8 : 13. Job Jl : 8,J| Heap up wrath. Job 36 : 13. •^ • Fearfulness shall sui-prise. Isa. 33 : 14. Destroy others by slander. Pro. 11 : 9. In power, are a snare. Job 34 : 30. The Apostacy to abound with. 1 Tim 4 : 2. Beware of the principles of Luke 12 : 1. .Spirit of, hinders growtli in grace. 1 Pet. 2 : 1. Woe to. Isa. 29 : 15. Mat. 23 : 13. Punishment of Job 15 : 34. Isa. 10 : 6. Jer. 42 : 20, 22. Mat. 24 : 61. Illustrated. Mat. 23 : 27, 28. Luke 11 : 44. E.xemplified. Cain, Gen. 4 : 3. Msalotn, 2 Sam. 15 : 7, 8. T/ie Jeirs, Jer. 3 : 10. Phai-isees. 4'c. Mat. 16 : 3. Judas, Mat. 26 : 49. Herodians, Mar. 12 : 13, 15. ./i^- anias, Acts 5 : 1 — 8. Simon, Acts 8 : 13— '23. No. 145. IDLENESS AND SLOTH. Forbidden. Rom. 12 : 11. Heb. 6 : 12. Produce apathy. Pro. 12 : 27. Pro. 26 : 15. .\kin to extravagance. Pro. 18 : 9. Vccompanied by conceit. Fro. 26 : 16. Lead to Poverty. Pro. 10 : 4. Pro. 20 : 13. Want. Pro. 20 : 4. Pro. 24 : 34. Hunger. Pro. 19 : 1-5. Pro. 24 : 34. Bondage. Pro 12 : 24. Disappointment. Pro. 13 : 4. Fro. 21 : 25. Ruin. Pro. 24 : 30. 31. Ecc. 10 : 18. Tattling and meddling. 1 Tim. 5 : 13. Effects of, afford instruction to others. Pro. 24 : 30—32. Remonstance against. Pro. 6: 6, 9. F'alse excuses for. Pro. 20 : 4. Pro. 22 : 13. Illustrated. Pro. 26 : 14. Mat. 25 : 18, 26. Exemplified. Watchmen, Isa. 66 : 10. Mhe- nians, Acts 17 : 21. Thessulonians, 2 The. 3 :11. No, 146. IDOLATRY. Forbidden. Exo. 20 : 2, 3. Deu. 5 : 7. Consists in Making images. Exo. 20 : 4. Deu. 5 : 8. IDO. 43 IDO. Bowing down to images. Exo. 20 : 5. Deu. f) : 9. Worshipping images. Isa. 44 : 17. Dan. 3 : ft, 10, 1-5. Sacrificing to images. Psa. 106 : 33. Acts 7 :41. Worsliipping other gods. Deu. 30 : 17. Psa. 81 : 9. Mentioning other gods. Exo. 23 : 13. Walking alter otlier gods. Deu. 8 : 10. Speaking in the name of other gods. Deu. 18 : 20. Looking to other gods. Hos. 3 : 1. Serving otlier gods. Deu. 7: 4. Jer. 5:19. Fearing other gods. 2 Kin. 17 : 3.5. .Sacrilicing to otlier gods. Exo. 22 : 20. AVorshipping the true God by an image, &c. Exo.'32 : 4-6, with Psa. 106 : 19, 20. Worshipping angels. Col. 2 : 18. AVorshipping the host of heaven. Deu. 4 : 19. Deu. 17 : 3. Worshipping devils. Mat. 4 : 9, 10. Rev. 9:20. Worshipping dead men. Psa. 106 : 28. Setting up idols in the heart. Eze. 14 : 3, 4. Covetousness. Eph. 5 : 6. Col. 3 : 5. Sensuality. Phi. 3 : 19. Is changing the glorv of God into an image. Rom.^1 : 23, with Acts 17 : 29. Is changing the truth of God into a lie. Rom. 1 : h, with Isa. 44 : 20. Is a work of the flesh. Gal. 3 : 19, 20. Incompatible with the service of God. Gen. 3ft : 2, 3. Jos. 24 : 23. 1 Sam. 7 : 3. 1 Kin. 18 : 21. 2 Cor. 6 : 15, 16. Described as An abomination to God. Deu. 7 : 25. Hateful to God. Deu. 16 : 22. Jer. 44 : 4. Vain and foolish. Psa. 115 : 4 — 8. Isa. 44:19. Jer. 10:3. Bloody. Eze 23 : 39. Abominable. 1 Pet. 4 Unprofitable. Jud. 10 Defiling. Eze. 20 : 7. THF.y WHO PRACTICE. Forget God. Deu. S : 19. Jer. 18 Go astray from God. Eze. 44 : 10. Pollute the name of God. Eze 20 : 39. Defile the sanctuary of God. Eze 5 : 11. Are astranged from God. Eze. 14 : 5. Forsake God. 2 Kin. 22 : 17. Jer. 16:11. Hate God 2 Chr. 19 : 2, 3. Provoke God. Deu. 31 : 20. Isa. 65 : 3. Jer. 25 : 6. Are vain in their imaginations. Eom 1 : 21 Are ignorant and foolish. Rom. 1 : 21, 22. Inflame themselves. Isa 57 : 3. Hold fast their deceit. Jer. 8 : 5. Carried awav bv it. 1 Cor. 12 : 2. Go after it iii heart. Eze. 20 : 16. Are mad upon it. Jer. 50 : 38. Boa.stofit. Psa 97: 7. Have fellowship with devils. 1 Cor. 10 : 20, Ask counsel of their idols. Hos. 4 : 12. :3. : 14. Isa 46:7. Eze. 36 : 18. 15. Look to idols for deliverance. Isa. 44 : 17. Isa. 4ft : 20. Swear by their idols. Amos 8 : 14. Objects of^ numerous. 1 Cor. 8 : 5. Ohject.i of, described as Strange gods. Gen 35 : 2, 4. Jos. 24 : 20. Other gods. Jud. 2:12, 17. 1 ICin. 14:9. New gods. Deu. 32 : 17. Jud. 5 : 8. Gods tiiat cannot save. Isa. 45 : 20. Gods tliat have not made the heavens. Jer. 10: 11. No gods. Jer. 5 : 7. Gal. 4 : 8. Molten gods. Exo. 34 : 17. Lev. 19 : 4. Molten images. Deu. 27 : 15. Hab. 2 : 18. Graven images. Isa. 4ft : 20. Hos. 11:2. Senseless idols. Deu. 4 : 28. Psa. 116 : 5, 7. Dumb idols. Hab. 2 : 18. 1 Cor. 12 : 2. Dumb stones. Hab. 2 : 19. Stocks. Jer. 3 : 9. Hos. 4 : 12. Abominations. Isa. 44 : 19. Jer. 32 : 34. Images of abomination. Eze. 7 : 20. Idols of abomination. Eze. 16 : 36. Stumbling-blocks. Eze. 14 : 3. Teachers of lies. Hab. 2 : IS. Wind and confusion. Isa. 41 : 29. Nothing. Isa. 41 : 24. 1 Cor. 8 : 4. Helpless. Jer. 10 : 5. Vanity. Jer. 18 : 15. Vanities of the Gentiles. Jer. 14 : 22. Making idols for the purpose of, described and ridiculed. Isa. 44 : 10—20. Obstinate sinners judicially given up to. Deu. 4 : 28. Deu. 28 : 64. Hos. 4 : 17. Warnings against. Deu. 4 : 1ft — 19. Exhortations to turn from. Eze. 14 : 6. Eze. 20:7. Acts 14: 1.5. Renounced on conversion. 1 The. 1 : 9. Saints should Keep from. Jos. 23 : 7. 1 Jno. 5 : 21. Flee from. 1 Cor. 10 : 14. Not have any thing connected with, in their houses. Deu. 7 : 26. Not partake of any tiling connected with. 1 Cor. 10 : 19. 20. Not have religious intercourse with those who practice. Jos. 23 : 7. 1 Cor. 5:11. Not covenant with those who practice. Exo 31: 12, la. Deu. 7 : 2. Not intermarrv with those who practice. Exo. .34: 16.' Deu. 7 : 3. Testify against. Acts 14 : 1,5. Acts 19 : 26. Refuse to engage in, though threatened with death. i5an. 3 : IS. Saints preserved by God from. 1 Kin. 19 : 18, with Rom. 11 : 4. Saints refuse to receive the worship of. Acts 10 : 25, 2R Acts 14 : 11—15. Angels refuse to receive the worship of. Rev. 22 : 8, 9. Destruction of, promised. Eze. 36 : 25. Zee. 13:2. Everv thing connected with, should be de- stroyed. l';xo 34 : 13. Deu. 7:5. 2 Sam. 5 : 21. 2 Kin. 23 : 14. IGN. IND. 44 IND. ING. Woe denounced against. Hab. 2 : 19. Curse denounced against. Deu. 27 : 15. PUNISH>IKNT OF J Judicial death. Deu. 17 : 2—5. Dreadful judgments which end in death. Jer. 8:2. Jer. 16:1— 11. Banishment. Jer. 8 : 8. Hos. 8 : 5—8. Amos 5 : 26, 27. E.Kclusion from heaven. 1 Cor. 6 : 9, 10. Eph. 5 : 5. Rev. 22 : 1.5. Eternal torments. Rev. 14 : 9 — 11. Kev. 21 :8. Exemplified. Israel, Exo. 32 : 1. 2 Kin. 17 : 12. Philistines, Jud. 16 : 23. Micah, Jud. 17 : 4, 5. Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 12 : 28. Maachak, 1 Kin. 15 : 13. Jlhab, 1 Kin. 16 : 31. Jezebel, 1 Kin. 18 : 19. Sennacherib, 2 Kin. 19 : 37. Manasseh, 2 Kin. 21 : 4—7. ^mon, 2 Kin. 21 : 21. Jlhaz, 2 Chr. 28 : 3. Judah,}er. 11 : 13. Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 3 : 1. Belshazzar, Dan. 5 : 23. People of Lystra, Acts 14:11, 12. Jlthenians, Acts 17 : 16. Ephesians, Acts 19 : 28. Zeal against — Exemplified. Jlsa, 1 Kin. 15 : 12. Josiah, 2 Kin. 23 : 5. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17 : 6. Israel, 2 Chr. 31 : 1. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33 : 15. No. 147. IGNORANCE OF GOD. Ignorance of Christ is. Jno. 8 : 19. Evidenced by Want of love. 1 Jno. 4 : 8. Not keeping his commands. 1 Jno. 2 : 4. Living in sin. Tit. 1 : 16. 1 Jno. 3 : 6. Leads to Error. Mat. 22 : 29. Idolatry. Isa. 44 : 19. Acts 17 : 29, 30. Alienation from God. Eph. 4 : 18. Sinful lusts. 1 The. 4:5. 1 Pet. 1 : 14. Persecuting saints. Jno. 15 : 21. Jno. 16 : 3. Is no excuse for sin. Lev. 4 : 2. Luke 12 : 48- The wicked, in a state of. Jer. 9 : 3. Jno. 15 : 21. Jno. 17: 2.5. Acts. 17 : 30. The wicked choose. Job 21 : 14. Rom. 1 : 28 Punisliment of. Psa. 79 : 6. 2 The. 1 : 8. Ministers should Compassionate those in. Heb. 5 : 2. Labour to remove. Acts 17 : 23. Exemplified. Pharaoh, Exo. 5 : 2. Israelites, Psa. 95 : 10. Isa. 1 : 3. False prophets. Isa. 56 : 10, 11. Jetcs, Luke 23 : 34. Nicodemus, Jno. 3 : 10. Gentiles, Gal. 4 : 8. Paul, 1 Tim. 1 : 13. No. 148. INDUSTRY. Commanded. Eph. 4 : 28. 1 The. 4 : 11. Required of man in a state of innocence. Cieu. 2 : 15. Required of man after the fall. Gen. 3 : 23. To be suspended on the sabbath. Exo. 20 : 10. Characteristic of godly women. Pro.31:13,&c. Early rising necessary to. Pro. 31 : 15. Requisite to supply Our own wants. Acts 23 : 34. 1 The. 2 : 9. Wants of others. Acts 20 : 35. Eph. 4 : 28. The slothful devoid of. Pro. 24 : 30, 31. Leads to Increase of substance. Pro. 13 : 11. Afi'ection of relatives. Pro. 31 : 28. General commendation. Pro. 31 : 31. Illustrated. Pro. 6 : 6—8. Exemplified. Rachel, Gen. 29 : 9. Jacob, Gen. 31 : 6. Jethro's daughters, Exo. 2 : 16. Ruth, Ruth 2 : 2, 3. Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 11 : 28. David, 1 Sam. 16 : 11. Jewish elders, Ezr. 6 : 14, 15. Dorcas. Acts 9 : 39. Paul, Acts 18 : 3. 1 Cor. 4 : 12. No. 149. INDWELLING OF THE HOLT GHOST, THE. In his Church, as his temple. 1 Cor. 3 : 16. In the body of saints, as his temple. 1 Cor. 6:19. 2 Cor. 6:16. Promised to saints. Eze. 36 : 27. Saints enjoy. Isa. 63 : 11. 2 Tim. 1 : 14. Saints full of. Acts 6 : 5. Eph. 5 : 18. Is THE MEAXS OF Quickening. Rom. 8:11. Guiding. Jno. 16 : 13. Gal. 5 : 18. Fructifying. Gal. 5 : 22. A proof of being Christ's. Rom. 8 : 9. A proof of adoption. Rom. 8 : 15. Gal. 4 : 6. Is abiding. 1 Jno. 2 : 27. Those who have not Are sensual. Jude 19. Are witliout Christ. Rom. 6 : 9. Opposed by the carnal nature. Gal. 5 : 17. No. 150. INGRATITUDE TO GOD. A characteristic of the wicked. Rom. 1 : 21. Inexcusable Isa. 1 : 2, 3. Rom. 1 : 21. Unreasonable. Jer. 2 : 5, 6, 31. Mic. 6 : 2, 3. Exceeding follv of. Deu. 32 : 6. Guilt of Psa. 106 : 7, 21. Jer. 2 : 11—13. Prosperity likely to produce. Deu. 31 : 20. Deu. 32:15. Jer. 5:7— 11. Warnings against. Deu. 8 : 11 — 14. 1 Sam. 12 : 24, 25. Punishment of Neh. 9 : 20—27. Hos. 2 : 8, 9. Illustrated. Isa. 5 : 1—7. Eze. 16 : 1—1.5. Exemplified. Israel, Deu. 32 : 18. Saul, 1 Sam. 15 : 17—19. Daiid, 2 Sam. 12 : 7—9. Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 5 : 18—21. Lepers, Luke 17 : 17, 18. No. 151. INGRATITUDE. A characteristic of the wicked. Psa. 38 : 20. 2 Tim. 3 : 2. Ofte.v exhibited By relations. Job 19 : 14. By servants. Job 19 : 15, 16. To benefactors. Psa. 109 : 5. Ecc. 9 : 15. To friends in distress. Psa 38 : 11. Saints avoid the guilt of Psa. 7 : 4, 6. Should be met with Prayer. Psa. 35 : 12, 1.3. Psa. 109 : 4. Faithfulness. Gen. 31 : 38—42. ' Persevering love. 2 Cor. 12 : 15. Punishment of Pro. 17 : 13. Jer. 18 : 20,21. Exemplified. Laban, Gen. 31 : 6, 7. Chief butler. Gen. 40 : 23. Isiael, Exo. 17:4. Men of Keilah, 1 Sam. 23 : 5, 12. Saul, 1 45 JEW- Sam. 24 : 17. Nahal, \ Sam. 25 : 5—11, 21. Jibsalom.'}. Sam. 15 : 6. Joash, 2 Chr. 24 : 22. No. 152. INJUSTICE. Forbidden. Lev. 19 : 15, 35. Deu. 16 : 19. Spkciallv to be avoided towards The poor. Exo. 23 : 6. Pro. 22 : 16. The stranger and fatherless. Exo. 22 : 21, 22. Deut. 24 : 17. Jer. 22 : 3. Servants. Job 31 : 13, 14. Of the least kind, condemned. Luke 16 : 10. UOD Regards. Ecc. 6 : 8. Approves not of. Lam. 3 : 33, 36. Abominates. Pro. 17 : 15. Pro. 20 : 10. Hears the cry of those who sutler. Jas. 5 :4. Provoked to avenge. Psa. 12 : 5. Brings a curse. Ueu. 27 : 17, 19. A bad example leads to. Exo. 23 : 2. Intemperance leads to. Pro. 31 : 5. Covetousness leads to. Jer. 6 : 13. Saints should Hate. Pro. 29 : 27. Testify against. Psa. 58 : 1, 2. Mic. 3 : 8,9. Bear, patiently. 1 Cor. 6 : 7. Take no vengeance for. Mat. 5 : 39. Thf, wicked Deal with. Isa. 26 : 10. Judge with. Psa. 82 : 2. Ecc. 3 : 16. Hab. I :4. Practice, without shame. Jer. 6 : 13, 15. Zcp. 3 : 5. Punishment of. Pro. 11 : 7. Pro. 28 : 8. Amos 5 : 11, 12. Amos 8 : 5, 8. 1 The. 4 : 6. Exemplified. Potiphar, Gen. 39 : 20. Sons of Samuel, 1 Sam. 8 : 3. ^Ihab, 1 Kin. 21 : 10, 15. 16. Jews, Isa. 59 : 14. Princes, 4-c. Dan. 6 : 4. Judas, Mat. 27 : 4. Pilate, Mat. 27 : 24—26. Priests, 4-c. Acts 4 : 3. reslus. Acts 24 : 27. No. 153. INSPIRATION OF THE HOLT GHOST, THE. Foretold. Joel 2 : 28, with Acts 2 : 16—18. All scripture given by. 2 Tim. 3 : 16. 2 Pet. 1 : 21. Design of To reveal future events. Acts 1 : 16. Acts 23 : 25. To reveal the mysteries of God. Amos 3 : 7. 1 Cor. 2 : 10. To give jiower to ministers. Mic. 3 : 8. Acts 1 : 8. To direct ministers. Eze. 3 : 24—27. Acts II ; 12. Acts 13 -.2. To control ministers. Acts 16 : 6. To testify against sin. 2 Kin. 17 : 13. Neh. 9 : 30. Riic. 3 : 8. Jno. 16 : 8, 9. Modes of Various. Ileb. 1 : 1. By secret impulse. Jud. 13 :25. 2 Pet. 1 :21. By a voice. Isa. 6 : 8. Acts 8 : 29. Re V. 1 : 10. By visions. Num. 12 : 6. Eze. 11:24. By dreams. Num. 12 : 6. Dan. 7 : 1. Necessary to prophesying. Num. 11 :25 — 27. 2 Chr. 20 : 14—17. Is irresistible. Amos 3 : 8. Despisers of, punished. 2 Chr. 36 : 15, 16. Zee. 7 : 12. No. 154. JEWS, THE. Descendants of Abraham. Psa. 105 : 6. Jno. 8 : 33. Rom. 9 : 7. The people of God. Deu. 32 : 9. 2 Sam. 7 : 24. Isa. 01 : 16. Separated to God. Exo. 33 : 16. Num. 23 : 9. Deu. 4 : 34. Beloved for their fathers' sake. Deu. 4 : 37. Deu. 10 : 1.5, with Rom. 11 : 28. Christ descended from. Jno. 4 : 22. Rom. 9 :5. The oe,tects of God's love. Deu. 7 : 8. Deu. 23 : 5. Jer. 31 :3. God's choice. Deu. 7 : 6. God's protection. Psa. 105 : 15. Zee. 2 : 8. The covenant established with. Exo. 6 : 4. Exo. 24 : 6—8. Exo. 34 : 27. Promises respecting, made to Abraham. Gen. 12 : 1—3. Gen. 13 : 14—17. Gen. 15 : 18. Gen. 17 : 7, 8. Isaac. Gen. 26 : 2—5, 24. Jacob. Gen. 28 : 12—15. Gen. 35 : 9—12. Themselves. Exo. 6 : 7, 8. Exo. 19 : 5, 6. Deu. 26 : 18, 19. Privileges of. Psa. 76 : 1, 2. Rom. 3 : 1, 2. Rom. 9 : 4, 5. Punished for Idolatry. Isa. 65 : 3—7. Unbelief. Rom. U : 20. Breaking covenant. Isa. 24 : 5. Jer. 11 : 10. Transgressing the law. Isa. 1 : 4, 7. Isa. 24 : 5, 6. Changing the ordinances. Isa. 24 : 5. Killing the prophets. Mat. 23 : 37, 38. Imprecating upon themselves the blood of Christ. Mat. 27 : 25. Scattered among the nations. Deu. 28 : 64. Ezo. 6 : 8. Eze. 36 : 19. Despised by the nations. Eze. 36 : 3. Their country trodden under foot by the Gentiles. Deu. 23 : 49—52. Luke 21 : 24. Their house left desolate. Mat. 24 : 38. Deprived of civil and religious privileges. Hos. 3 : 4. Denunciation's against those who Cursed. Gen. 27 : 29. Num. 24 : 9. Contended with. Isa. 41 : 11. Isa. 49 : 23. Oppressed. Isa. 49 : 26. Isa. 61 : 21—23. Hated. Psa. 129 : 6. Eze. 35 : 5, 6. Agcravated the afflictions of Zee. 1 : 14, 15. Slaughtered. Psa. 79 : 1—7. Eze. 35 : 5, 6. God, mindful of. Psa. 98 : 3. Isa. 49 : 15, 16. Christ was sent to. Mat. 15 : 24. Mat. 21 : 37. Acts 3 : 20, 22, 26. Compassion of Christ for. Mat. 23 : 37. Luke 19:41. The gospel preached to, first. Mat. 10 : 6. Luke 24 : 47. Acts 1 : 8. JOY. 46 Blessedness of blessing. Gen. Q7 : 29. Blessedness of favouring. Gen. 12 : 3. Psa 122 : 6. Pray importunately for. Psa. 122 : 6. Isa, 62 : !, 6, 7. Jer. 31 : 7. Rom. .10 : 1. Saints remember. Psa. 102 : 14. Psa. 137 : 5. Jer. 61 : 50. Promises respecting The pouring out of the Spirit upon them. Eze. 39 : 29. Zee. 12 : 10. The removal of their blindness. Rom. 11 : 25. 2 Cor. 3 : 14—16. Their return and seeking to God. Hos. 3 Their liumiliation for the rejection of Christ. Zee. 12 : 10. Pardon of sin. Isa. 44 : 22. Rom. 11 : 27. Salvation. Isa. 59 : 20, with Rom. 11 : 26. Sanctification. Jer. 33 : 8. Eze. 36 : 25. Zee. 12 : 1, 9. Joy occasioned by conversion of. Isa. 44 : 23. Isa. 49 : 13. Isa. 52 : 8, 9. Isa. 66 : 10. Blessing to the Gentiles by conversion of Isa. 2 : 1—5. Isa. 60 : 5. Isa. 66 : 19. Rom. 11 : 12, 15. Re-union of Jer. 3 : 18. Eze. 37 : 16, 17, 20—22. Hos. 1 : 11. Mic. 2 : 12. Restoration to their own land. Isa. 11 : 15, 16. Isa. 14 : 1—3. Isa. 27 : 12, 13. Jer. 16 : 14, 15. Eze. 36 : 24. Eze. 37 : 21, 25. Eze. 39 : 25, 28. Luke 21 : 24. Gentiles assisting in their restoration. Isa. 49 : 22, 23. Isa. 60 : 10, 14. Isa. 61 : 4—6. Subjection of Gentiles to. Isa. 60:11,12, 14. Future glory of Isa. 60 : 19. Isa. 62 : 3, 4 Zep. 3 : 19, 20. Zee. 2 : 5. Future prosperity of Isa. 60 : 6, 7, 9, 17. Isa. 61 : 4—6. Hos. 14 : 5, 6. That Christ shall appear amongst. Isa. 59 : 20. Zee. 14 : 4. That Christ shall dwell amongst. Eze. 43 : 7, 9. Zee. 2 : 11. That Christ shall reign over. Eze. 34 : 23 24. Eze. 37 : 24, 25. Conversion of, illustrated. Eze. 37 : 1—14. Rom. 11 : 24. No. 155. JOY OF GOD OVER HIS PEOPLE, THE. Greatness of, described. Zep. 3 ; 17. On .ICCOUNT OF THEIR Repentance. Luke 15 : 7, 10. Faith. Heb. 11 : 5, 6. Fear of him. Psa. 147 : 11. Praying to him. Pro. 15 : 8. Hope in his mercy. Psa. 147 : 11. Meekness. Psa. 149 : 4. Uprightness. 1 Chr. 29 : 17. Pro. 11 : 20 Leads him to Prosper them. Deu. 30 : 9. Do them good. Deu. 28 : 63. Jer. 32 : 41. Deliver them. 2 Sam. 22 : 20. Comfort them. Isa. 65 : 19. Give them the inheritance. Num. 14 : 8. Illustrated. Isa. 62 : 5. Luke 15 : 23, 24. Exemplified. Solomon, 1 Kin. 10 : 9. No. 156. JOY. God gives. Ecc. 2 : 26. Psa. 4 : 7. Christ appointed to give. Isa. 61 : 3 Is a fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 6 : 22. The gospel, good tidinjjs of Lukfi2 : 10,11. God's word aftbrds. Neh. 8 : 12. Jer. 15 : 16. The gospel, to be received with. 1 The. 1 : 6. Promised to saints. Psa. 132 : 16. Isa. 35 : 10. Isa. 65 : 12. Isa. 66 : 7. Prepared for saints. Psa. 97 : 11. Enjoined to saints. Psa. 32 : 11. Phi. 3:1. Fulness of, in God's presence. Psa. 16 : 11. Vanity of seeking, from earthly tilings. Ecc. 2:10,11. Ecc. 11:8. Experienced by Believers. Luke 24 : ,52. Acts 16 : 34. Peace-makers. Pro. 12 : 20. The just. Pro. 21 : 15. The wise, and discreet. Pro. 15 : 23. Parents of good children. Pro. 23 : 24. Increased to the meek. Isa. 29 : 19. Of saints is In God. Psa. 89 : 16. Psa. 149 : 2. Hab. 3 : 18. Rom. 5 : 11. In Christ. Luke 1 : 47. Phi. 3 : 3. In the Holy Ghost. Rom. 14 : 17. For election. Luke 10 : 20. For salvation. Psa. 21 : 1. Isa. 61 : 10. For deliverance from bondage. Psa. 105 • 43. Jer. 31 : 10—13. For manifestation of goodness. 2 Chr. 7 : 10. For temporal blessings. Joel 2 : 23, 24. For supplies of grace. Isa. 12 : 3. For divine protection. Psa. 5 : 11. Psa. 16 : 8, 9. For divine support. Psa. 23 : 7. Psa. 63 : 7. For the victory of Christ. Jno. 16 : 33. For the hope of glory. Rom. 6 : 2. Forthe success of the gospel. Acts 15 : 3. Of saints, should be Great. Zee. 9 : 9. Acts 8 : 8. Abundant. 2 Cor. 8 : 2. Exceeding. Psa. 21 : 6. Animated. Psa. 32 : 11. Unspeakable. 1 Pet. 1 : Full of glory. 1 Pet. 1 : 8. Constant. 2 Cor. 6 : 10. Phi. 4 : 4. For evermore. 1 The. 5 : 16. AVith awe. Psa. 2 : 11. In hope. Rom. 12 : 12. In sorrow. 2 Cor. 6:10. Under trials. Jas. 1:2. 1 Pet. 1 : 6. Under persecutions. Mat. 5; 11, 12. Luke 6 : 22, 23. Heb. 10 : 34. Under calamities. Hab. 3 . 17, 18. Expressed in hymns. Eph. 5 : 19. Jas. 5:13. Afflictions of saints succeeded by. Psa. 30 : 6. Psa. 126 : 5. Isa. 35 : Vi. Jno. 16 : 20. Pray for restoration of Psa. 51 : 8, 12. Psa. 85 :6. Promote, in the afflicted. Job 29 : 13. Of saints, made full by The favour of God. Acts 2 : 28. Faith in Christ. Rora. 15 : 13. Psa. 68 : 3. Luke 6 : 23. JUD. 47 JUD. Abiding in Christ. Jno. 15 : 10, 11. Tlie word of Christ. Jno. 17 : 13. Answers to prayer. Jno. 16 : 24. Communion of saints. 2 Tim. 1 : 4. IJno. 1 : 3. 4. -2 Jno. 12. Saints should ali'ord, to their ministers. Thi. 2 : 2. Fliile. 20. Ministers should Kstcem their people as their. Phi. 4 : 1. 1 The. 2 : 20. Promote, in their people. 2 Cor. 1 : 24. Phi. 1 : 2-7. Pray for, their people. Rom. 15 : 13. Have, in the laith aud lioliness of their people 2 Cor. 7 : 4. 1 The. 3 : 9. 3 Jno. 4. Come to their people with. Eom. 15 : 32. Finish their course with. Acts 20 : 24. Desire to render an account with. Phi. 2 : 16. Heb. 13 : 17. Serve God w ith. Psa. 100 : 2. Liberality in God's service should cause. 1 Chr. 29 : 9, 17. Is strengthening to saints. Neh. 8 : 10. Saints should engage in all religious services with. Ezr. 6 : 22. Psa. 42 : 4. Saints should have, in all their underta- kings. Deu. 12 : 18. Saints shall be presented to God with exceeding. 1 Pet. 4 : 13, with Jude 24. The coming of Christ will aft'ord to saints exceeding. 1 Pet. 4 : 13. Shall be the final reward of saints at the judgment-day. Mat. 25 : 21. Ok thk wicked Is derived from earthly pleasures. Ecc. 2 : 10. Ecc. 11 : 9. Is derived from folly. Pro. 15 : 21. Is delusive. Pro. 14 : 13. Is short-lived. Job 20 : 5. Ecc. 7 : 6. Should be turned into mourning. Jas. 4 : 9. Shall be taken away. Isa. 16 : 10. Holy— Illustrated. Isa. 9 : 3. Mat, 13 : 44. Holy — Exemplified. Hannah, 1 Sam. 2 : 1. David, 1 Chr. 29 : 9. Wise men, Mat. 2 : 10. Tlie Virgin Mary, Luke 1 : 47. Zacchcus, Luke 19: 6. Comcr?s, Acts 2 : 46. Acts 13 : 52. Peler, 4-f. Acts 5 : 41. Samaritans, Acts 8 : 8. Jailor, Acts 16 : 34. No. 157. JUDGMENT, THK. Predicted in the Old Testament. 1 Chr. 16 : 33. Psa. 9 : 7. Psa. 96 : 13. Ecc. 3 : 17. A first principle of thi gospel. Heb. 6 : 2. A day appointed for. Acts 17 :31 Rom. 2: 16. Time of, unknown to us. Mar. 13 : 32. Called, the Day of wrath. Rom. 2 : 5. Rev. 6 : 17. Revelation of the righteous judgment of God. Bom. 2 : 5. Day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 2 Pet 3 : 7. Day of destruction. Job 21 : 30. Judgment of the great day. Jude 6. Shall be administered by Christ Jno 5 : 22, 27. Acts 10 : 42. Rom. 14 : 10. 2 Cor. 5 : 10. Saints shall sit with Christ in. 1 Cor. 6 : 2. Rev. 20 : 4. Shall take place at the coming of Christ. Mat. 26 : 31. 2 Tim. 4 : 1. Of Heathens, by the law of conscience. Rom. 2 : 12, 14, 15. Of Jews, by the law of Moses. Eom. 2 : 12. Of Christians, by the gospeL Jas. 2 : 12. SlULL BE HELD t'PON All nations. Mat. 25 : 32. All men. Heb. 9 : 27. Heb. 12 : 23. Small and great. Rev. 20 : 12. The righteous and wicked. Ecc. 3 : 17. Quick and dead. 2 Tim. 4 . 1. 1 Pet. 4 : 6. Shall be iu righteousness. Psa. 98 : 9. Acts 17 : 31. The books shall be opened at. Dan. 7 : 10. Sh.\ll be of all Actions. Ecc. 11 : 9. Ecc. 12 : 14. Rev. 20 : 13. Words. Mat. 12 : 36, 37. Jude 15. Thoughts. Ecc. 12 : 14. 1 Cor. 4 : 5. None, by nature, can stand in. Psa. 130 : 3- Psa. 1 13 : 2. Rom. 3 : 19. Saints shaU, through Christ, be enabled to stand in. Rom. 8 : 33, 34. Christ will acknowledge saints at. Mat. 25 : 34—40. Rev. 3 : 5. Perfect love will give boldness in. 1 Jno. 4 : 17. Saints shall be rewarded at. 2 Tim. 4 : 8. Rev. 11 : 18. The wicked shall be condemned in. Mat. 7 : 22, 23. Mat. 25 : 41. Final punishment of the wicked will suc- ceed. Mat. 13 : 40—42. Mat. 25 : 46. The word of Christ shall be a witness against the wicked in. Jno. 12 : 48. The certainty oj", a motive to Repentance. Acts 17 : 30, 31. Faith. Isa. 28 : 16, 17. Holiness. 2 Cor. 5 : 9, 10. 2 Pet.3 : 11, 14. Prayer and watchfulness. Mar. 13 : 33. Warn the wicked of. Acts 24 : 25. 2 Cor. 5 : 11. The wicked dread. Acts 24 : 25. Heb. 10 : 27. Neglected advantages increase condemna- tion at. Mat. 11 : 20—24. Luke 11 : 31, 32. Devils shall be condemned at. 2 Pet. 2 : 4. Judo 6. No. 158. JUDGMENTS. Are from God. Deu. 32 : 39. Job 12 Amos 3 : 6. Mic. 6 : 9. Different kinds of; Blotting out the name. Deu. 29 : 20. Abandonment by God. Hos. 4 : 17. Cursing men's blessings. Mai. 2 : 2. Pestilence. Deu. 28 : 21, 22. Amos 4 : 1' Enemies. 2 Sam. 24 : 13. Famine. Deu. 28 : 38—40. Amos 4 : 7—1 Famine of hearing the word. Amos 8 : 1 The sword. Exo. 22 : 24. Jer. 19 : 7. Captivity. Deu. 28 : 41. Eze. 39 : 23. 23. JUD. 48 JUS. Continued sorrows. Psa. 32 : 10. Psa. 78 32, 33. Eze. 24 : 23. Desolation. Eze. 33 : 29. Joel 3 : 19. Destruction. Job 31 : 3. Psa. 34 : 16. Pro. 2 : 22. Isa. 11 : 4. Inflicted upon Nations. Gen. 15 : 14. Jer. 51 : 20, 21. Individuals. Deu. 29 : 20. Jer. 23 : 34. False gods. Exo. 12 : 12. Num. 33 : 4. Posterity of sinners. Exo. 20 : 5. Psa. 37 : 28. Lam. 5 : 7. All enemies of saints. Jer. 30 : 16. Sent for correction. Job 37 : 13. Jer. 30 : 11, Sent for the deliverance of saints. Exo. 6 : 6, Are sent, as punishment for Disobedience to God. Lev. 26 : 14—16. 2 Chr. 7 : 19, 20. Despising the warnings of God. 2 Chr. 36 : 16. Pro. 1 : 24—31. Jer. 44 : 4—6. Murmuring against God. Num. 14 : 29. Idolatry. 2 Kin. 22 : 17. Jer. 16 : 18. Iniquity. Isa. 26 : 21. Eze. 24 : 13, 14. Persecuting saints. Deu. 32 : 43. Sins of rulers. 1 Chr. 21 : 2, 12. Manifest the righteous character of God. Exo. 9 : 14—16. Eze. 39 : 21. Dan. 9 : 14. Are in all the earth. 1 Chr. 16 : 14. Are frequentlv tempered with mercv. Jer. 4:27. Jer.5 : 10, 15— 18. Amos 9 : 8. Should lead to Humiliation. Jos. 7 : 6. 2 Chr. 12 : 6. Lam. 3 : 1—20. Joel 1 : 13. Jon. 3 : 5, 6. Prayer. 2 Chr. 20 : 9. Contrition. Neh. 1 : 4. Est. 4 : 3. Isa. 22 : 12. Learning righteousness. Isa. 26 : 9. Should be a warning to others. Luke 13 : 35. May be averted by Humiliation. Exo. 33 : 3, 4, 14. 2 Chr. 7: 14. Prayer. Jud. 3 : 9— 11. 2 Chr. 7 : 13, 14. 'Forsaking iniquity. Jer. IS : 7, 8. Turning to God. Deu. 30 : 1—3. Saints Preserved during. Job 5 : 19, 20. Psa. 91 : 7. Isa. 26 : 20. Eze. 9 : 6. Rev. 7 : 3. Provided for, during. Gen. 47 : 12. Psa. 33 : 19. Psa. 37 : 19. Pray for those under. Exo. 32 : 11—13. Num. 11 -.2. Dan. 9 : 3. Sympathize with those under. Jer. 9 : 1. Jer. 13 : 17. Lam. 3 : 48. Acknowledge the justice of. 2 Sam. 24 : 17. Ezr. 9 : 13. Neh. 9 : 33. Jer. 14 : 7. Upon nations — Exemplified. The old icorld, Gen. 6 : 7, 17. Sodom, ^c. Gen. 19 : 24. Es.ypt, Exo. 9 : 14. Israel, Num. 14 : 29, 35". Num. 21 : 6. People of^lshdod, 1 Sam. 6 : 6. People of Belhshemesh, 1 Sam. 6 : 19. Amalekites, 1 Sam. 15 : 3. Upon individuals — Exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4 : 11, 12. Canaan, Gen. 9 : 25. Korah, <5>c. Num. 16 : 33—35. Achan, Jos. 7 : 25. Hophni, 4-c. I Sam. 2 : 34. Saul, 1 Sam. 15 : 23. Uzzah, 2 Sam. 6 : 7. Jeroboam, 1 Kin- 13:4. .^Aai, 1 Kin. 22 : 33. Ge/iast, 2Kin 5 : 27. Jezebel, 2 Kin. 9 : 35. Nebuchad- nezzar, Dan 4 : 31. Pelshazzar, Dan. 5 : 30. Zacharias, Luke 1 : 20. Jlnanias. 4'C. Acts 5 : 1—10. Herod, Acts 12 : 23. Elymas, Acts 13 : 11. Preservation during — Exemplified. Noah, Gen. 7 : 1, 16. Lot, Gen. 19 : 15—17. Joseph, ^T. Gen. 45 : 7. Elijah, 1 Kin. 17 : 9. Elisha, i-c. 2 Kin. 4 : 38—41. Shunammite, 2 Kin. 8 :1,2. No. 159. JUSTICE. Commanded. Deu. 16 : 20. Isa. 66 : 1. Christ an example of Psa. 98 : 9. Isa. 11:4. Jer. 23 : 5. Specially required in rulers. 2 Sam. 23 : 3. Eze. 45 : 9. To BE DONE In executing judgment. Deu. 16 : 18. Jer. 21 : 12. In buying and selling. Lev. 19 : 36. Deu. 25 : 15. To the poor. Pro. 29 : 14. Pro. 31 : 9. To the fatherless and widows. Isa. 1 : 17. To servants. Col. 4 : 1. Gifts impede. Exo. 23 : 8. God Requires. Mic. 6 : 8. Sets the highest value on. Pro. 21 : 3. Delights in. Pro. 11:1. Gives wisdom to execute. 1 Kin. 3 : 11, 12. Pro. 2 : 6, 9. Displeased with the want of. Ecc. 5 : 8. Brings its own reward. Jer. 22 : 15. Saiivts should Study the principles of Phi. 4 : 8. Receive instruction in. Pro. 1 : 3. Pray for wisdom to execute. 1 Kin. 3 : 9. Always do. Psa. 119 : 121. Eze. 18 : 8, 9. Take pleasure in doing. Pro. 21 : 15. Teach others to do. Gen. 18 : 19. Promises to. Isa. 33 : 15, 16. Jer. 7 : 5, 7. The wicked Scorn. Pro. 19 : 28. Abhor. Mic. 3 : 9. Call not for. Isa. 59 : 4. Banish. Isa. 59 : 14. Pass over. Luke 11 : 42. Afflict those who act with. Job 12 : 4. Amos 6 : 12. Exemphfied. Moses, Num. 16 : 16. Sam- uel, 1 Sam. 12 : 4. Vaeid, 2 Sam. 8 . 15. Solomon, 1 Kin. 3 : 16 — 27. Josiah, Jer. 22 : 15. Josevh, Luke 23 : 50, 51. Jiposlles, 1 The. 2 : IC. No. 160. JUSTICE OF GOD, THE. Is part of his character. Deu. 32 : 4. Isa. 45 : 21. Declared to be Plenteous. Job 37 : 23. Incomparable. Job 4 : 17. JUS. 49 KIN. Incorruptible. Deu 10 : 17. 2 Chr. 19 : 7, Impartial. 2 Chr. 19 : 7. Jer. 32 : 19. Uiilailing. Zep 3 : 6. Uutleviatin^. Job 8 : 3. Job. 34 : 12. Without respect of persons. Rom. 2 : 11. Col. 3 : 2,3. 1 ret 1 : 17. The habitation of liis throne. Psa. 89 : 14. Not to be sinned a.::;ainst. Jer. ,^0 : 7. Denied by the ungodly. Eze. 33 : 17, 20. KXHIEITED IN Forgiving sins. 1 Jno. 1 : 9. Redemption. Rum 3 : 26. His government. Psa. 9 : 4. Jer. 9 : 24. His judgments. Gen. IS : 25. Rev. 19 : 2. All his wavs. Eze. IS : 25, 29. The final judgment.. Acts 17 : 31. Acknowledge. Psa. 61 : 4, with Rom. 3 : 4. Magnify. Psa. 98 : 9. Psa. 99 : 3, 4. No. 161. JUSTIFICATIO^f BEFORE GOD. Promised in Christ. Isa 45 : 25. Isa. 53:11. Is the act of God. Isa. 50 : S. Rom. 8 : S3, Under the l.ivv Requires perfect obedience. Lev. 13 : 5, V, ith Rom. 10 : 5. Rom. 2 : 13. Jas. 2 Man cannot attain to. Job 9 : 2, 3, 20. Job '26 : 4. Psa. 130 : 3. Psa. 143 : 2, with Rom. 3 : 20. Rom. 9 : 31, 32. Under the gospel. Is not of works. Acts 13 : 39. Rom 8 : 3. Gal. 2 ; 16. Gal. 3 : 11. Is not of faith and works united. Acts 15 : 1—29. Rom. 3:28. Rom. 11 : 6. Gal. 2 : 14—31. Gal. 5 : 4. Is by faith alone. Jno. 5 : 24. Acts 13 : 39. Rom. 3 : 30. Rom. 5 : 1. Gal. 2 : 16. Is of grace. Rom. 3:24. Rom. 4 : 16. Rom. 5 : 17—21. In the name of Christ. 1 Cor. 6:11. By imputation of Christ's righteousness. Isa. 61 : 10. Jer. 23 : 6. Rom. 3 : 22. Rom. 5 : IS. 1 Cor. 1 : 30. 2 Cor. 5 : 21. By the blood of Christ. Rom. 5 : 9. Bv the resurrection of Christ. Rom. 4 : '25. 1 Cor. 10 : 17. Blessedness of Psa. 23 : 1, 2, with Rom, 4 : 6—8. Frees from condemnation. Isa. 60 : 8, 9. Isa. 64 : 17, with Rom. 8 : 33. 34. Entitles to an inheritance. Tit. 3 : 7. Ensures glorification. Rom. 8 : 30. The wicked shall not attain to. Exo. 23 : 7. Bv FAITH, Revealed under the old dispensation. Hab. 2 : 4, with Rom. 1 : 17. Excludes boasting. P^om. 3 : 27. Rom. 4 : 2. 1 Cor. 1 : 29, 31. Does not make void the law. Rom. 3 : 30, 31. 1 Cor. 9 : 21. Typified. Zee. 3 : 4, 5. Illustrated. Luke 18 : 14. Exemplified. Jibraham, Gen. 15 : 6. Paul, Phi. 3 : 8, 9. No. 162. Ezr. KINGS. God chooses. Deut. 17 : 15. 1 Chr 28 : 4 6 Godordains. Rom. 13 : 1. God anoints. 1 Sam. 16 : 12. 2 Sam. 12 : 7. -Set up by God. 1 Sam. 12 : 13. Dan. 2:21. Removed by God. 1 Kin. 11 : 11. Dan. 2 : 21. Christ is the Prince of Rev. 1 : 5. Christ is the King of Rev. 17 : 14 Reign by direction of Christ. Pro. 8 : 15. Supreme Judge of nations. 1 Sam. 8 : 5. Resistance to, is resistance to the ordinance of God. Rom. 13 : 2. -Able to enforce their commands. Ecc. 8 : 4. Numerous subjects, the honour of Pro. 14:28. Not saved by their armies. Psa. 33 : 16. Dependent on the earth. Ecc. 5 : 9. .Should Fear God. Deu. 17 : 19. Serve Christ. Psa. 2 : 10—12. Keep the law of God. 1 Kin. 2 : .3. Study the scriptures. Deu. 17 : 19. Promote the interests of the Church 1 : 2—4. Ezr. 6 : 1—12. Nourish the Church. Isa. 49 : 23. Rule in the fear of God. 2 Sam. 23 : 3 IMaintain the cause of the poor and op- prcs.';ed. Pro. 31 : 8, 9. Investigate all matters. Pro. 25 : 2. Not pervert judgment. Pro. 31 : 5. Prolong their reign by hating covetousness. Pro. 28 : IS. Throne of, established by righteousness and ustice. Pro. 16 : 12. Pro. 29 : 14. Spechlly W.\RNED .4G.\1NST Impurity. Pro. 31 : 3. Lying. Pro. 17 : 7. Hearkening to lies. Pro. 29 : 12. Intemperance. Pro. 31 : 4, 5. The gospel to be preached to. Acts 9 : 15. .4cts 26 : 27, 28. Without understanding, are oppressors. Fro. 28 : 16. Often reproved by God. 1 Chr. 16 : 21. Judgments upon, when opposed to Christ. Psa. 2 : 2, 6, 9. When good. Regard God as their strength. Psa. 99 : 4. Speak righteously. Pro. 16 : 10. Love righteous lips. Pro. 16 : 13. Abhor wickedness. Pro. 16 : 12. Discountenance evil. Pro. 20 : 8. Punish the wicked. Pro. 20 : 26. Favour the wise. Pro. 14 : 35. Honour the diligent. Pro. 22 : 29. Befriend the good. Pro. 22 : 11. Are pacified by submission. Fro. 16 : 14. Pro. 25 : 15. Evil counsellors .should be removed from. 2 Chr. 22 : 3, 4, with Pro. 25 : 5. Curse not, even iu thought. Exo. 22 : 28. Ecc. 10 : 20. Speak no evil of. Job 34 : 18. 2 Pet. 2 : 10. Pay tribute to. Mat. 22 : 21. Rom. 13:6,7. Be not presumptuous before. Pro. 25 : 6. O LAW. 50 LIB. Should be Honoured. Rom. 13 : 7. 1 Pet. 2 : 17. Feared. Pro. 24 : 21. Keverenced. 1 Sam. 24 : 8. 1 Kin. 1 : 23, 31. Obej ed. Rom. 13:1,5. 1 Pet. 2 : 13. Prayed for. ITim. 2: 1,2. Folly of resisting. Pro. 19 : 12. Pro. 20 ; 2. Punishment for resisting the lawful autho- rity of Rom. 13 : 2. Guilt aud danger of stretching out the hand against. 1 Sam. 26 : 9. 2 Sam. 1 : 14. They that walk after the flesh despise. 2 Pet. 2 : 10. Jude 8. Good — Kxeraplified. David, 2 Sam. 8 : l-i. ^■Isa, 1 Kin. lo : 11. JehoshapUat, 1 Kin- 22 : 43. Amaziah,