2:L- -^-er-weeD. /Ufv^^^ f. ^Aj0^^ scs *'"*>' ££n*sfe^ / ' ZA&vt-ek^t+S. ' y*^k*<~ s j^.^>^c ct*tu*^L t i- St* ' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/declatruOOwils THE %.C\-^£f(i DECLARATION O F T H E True Presbyterians WITHIN THE Kingdom of Scotland \ CONCERNING Mr. George WbitefaU, and the WORK at Cambujlang. Ifa. viii.- 20. To the Law and to the Teftimony : If they fpeak not ac- cording to this Word-, it is becaitfe there is ito Light in them. Printed in the Year MDCCXLII [ 3 3 The DECLARATION, PROTES- TATION and TESTIMONY of the fuffering REMNANT of the Anti-'Popifh, Anti-Lutheran^ An- ti-Trelatick) Anti-Wbitefoldiaiu Anti-Eraftian> Ant i- Sett arian, true ^Presbyterian Church of Christ in Scotland. Publijhed againft Mr. George Whitefiflo and his Encouragers, and againfl the Work at Cambuflang and other Places. AMONG the many fingular Bleflings, Fa- vours and Mercies, that our good and gracious God hath, out of his infinite Love, beftowed upon us the People of Scotland, everfince the Light of the glo- rious Gofpel of Jefus Chrift mined in this Land, this is one, the utter Averfion that hath been among the Godly, at all Times when true and undefiled Re- ligion was owned by any in this Ifland, at Prelacy the Mother, and Popery the Daughter of Myftery Ba- bylon, the Mother of Harlots, and Abominations of the Earth, who hath long defiled all the Nations in Europe with the Wine of her Fornications, fpi- ritual Whoredoms and Abominations. As the e- recling of Prelacy by Paltadius, who was fent by Pope Celeftmeio this Land, about the Year 452. was :he flrft Caufe of corrupting and interrupting of the pure r 4 i pyre Doctrine, Wormip, Government, and Disci- pline ot Jefus Cbrift, (which was fo early, by the jVlercy of God, eftablifned in this Nation) and bringing the whole Nation under the Bondage and Slavery of Popifh Idolatry, which it continued in a- bout iooo Years : So it is obfervable, ever fince that Time that Prelacy had its flrft Being and Beginning in Scotland, that the Purity of Doctrine, Practice of Jlolinefs, and a Gofpel-Converfation, was ne- ver known to be among fuch as were either Owners or Favourers of abjured Prelacy. Neither did the Purity Of Doctrine and Worihip, the impartial Exer- cife of Church- Difcipline, the Power of Godlinefs, and Life of practical Religion, ever profper in this Nation under the Eftablimmentot Prelacy, and To- leration of Sects and Herefies, except among thofe who were in ftated Oppofition to chefe (vlylteries of Iniquities. Nor can there be fo much as one In- stance given, that ever there was a Diocefan Bifhop or tolerate Sectarian in this Land, who were fingle, found and fincere, in the true and pure Wormip and Service of God in their own Practice, or Promoters of that Doctrine which is according to Godlinefs a- mong others : For the Lord hath ever fet fuch blae Marks of bis Difpleafure upon prelatick and fecta- rian Teachers, as hath evidenced them to be Plants that his heavenly Father never planted, which in due Time he will root up, Matth. xv. 13. And all the Favour and Friendship that ever Prelacy and Sc&ariarufm had in this Land., was always among' fuch as were deftitute of the Truth, tainred with fome Error or other, immoral in their Converfation, or fuch as preferred their own vain Imaginations, Seif-Interefts, and the pleafing of fuperior Powers^ above the Rule of God's Word, the precious Inter refts of Jefus Chrift, and pleafing of the Lord : For the Godly, of all Ranks, ever had tbefe Evils in A- bomination, as Tares which the Pcvil^ out of En- vy W at tbe good Seed of the Gofpel, did Tow in the Field of the vifible Church, when Men were keep- ing in Security, Mattb. xiii. 25. If we look back to tbe faithful Comendings of our worthy Anceftors, in the Days of King Jatxes VI. and Charles I. againft this Plague of Prelacy, we may fee how deteftable it was to ali the true Fearers of the Lord at that Time: And if we take a View of the true undaunted Zeal arid Courage of the Godly, who fuffered fo many Cruellies in this Land under the laft prelatick Perfection, who took joyfully the fpoiling of their Goods., and jeo- parded their Lives unco the Death, in the high Pla- ces of the Fields, Heb. x. 14. Judges v. 10. we will fee that they had fuch a full Perfwafion of the Sinfulnefs of Prelacy, that they would rather un- dergo the worft and greateft of Afflictions, Suffer- ings and Perfections that their Enemies could in- vent againft, or afflict upon them, rather than to tafte, touch or handle with Prelacy, or any other forbidden Thing, in the Worfhip and Service of God. But while we make Mention of the Faichfulnefs and Z?al of the Godly in this Land in former Times, we may blufti and be afhamed at the bafe Degeneracy of fuch as make Mention of the God of IJrael, and call themfelves of tbe Holy City, IJa, xlviii. 12. we mean the prefent lukewarm Laodice- an Miniiters and ProfefTors of this Erajl'ian Church, whofe Ways are fuch as may aftonifh the Heavens, and make them horribly afraid, and very defolate, becaufe they have forfaken the Lord, the Fountain of living Water, his true covenanted Caufe, Truth and Ways, and have hewn out to themfelves bro- ken Citterns that can hold no Water j in walking after the Imagination of their own Hearts, and gauciing about to change their Ways, by going in the Way of Egypt and Affyria, to drink the Waters of C 6 ) pf Sihor and the River, even the poifonable Puddles of Prelacy and Seclaricmifm> from which it feems they will never bw reclaimed, till the Lord, in his juft Difpleafure, make: their own Wickedncfs to correct them ; and their Backfliding to reprove them in fome difcernible Way, Jer. ii. 12, 13, 18, Jo. Ah ! how fad and lamentable is it 10 heaj tell of the Carriage and Conduct of Men, who call them- selves Presbyterian Mi miters, who mould be a good Example toothers, efpecially to thofe whom they profefs to have the paftoral Charge of, falling into fuch an extreme Degree of dangerous Apoftacy and Backfliding from the covenanted God of Scotland* and all his covenanted Wavs, as to call, invite, and join in full Communion, in Word and Sacrament, with Mr. George Whitefield, an abjured prelatick Hireling, of as iax Toleration Principles as any that ever kt up for the advancing of the Kingdom of Satan, and teaching their ferimioners, by their black Example, to fall into*the fame Excefs of backfliding and departing from the Lord. Oh! how bafe and contemptible hath the Lord, in his. Juftice, made them before all the People, for the Wrongs they have done to him, his Glory, Caufe, Inttjeft and People, now, when they are calling, inviting, and aimed as highly efteeming this wan- dering Star Whitefield. who fleers hisCourfe accor- ding to the Compais of Gain and Advantage, and bis "ain-glonous Orations, as thefe brutifh People did prouH Herod, who gave the Shout, and faid, It is the Voice of God. and not of Man y Acls xii. 21, 22. And that be caufe he, with his enthufiaftick- Jike Raptures, and deluded Experiences, multiplies their Congregations, and regains their loft Credit among their own Hearers. Ah ! whither will they caufe their Shame to go ? Tell it not in Gath, publijh it not in the Streets of Askelon, left the Daughters of the Pbiliftines rejoice^ left the Daughters of the Unck- cumcifed [ 7 ] rUmcifed triumph, iSam. i. 10. Ah and alas for it ! how may the idolatrous Church of England, and the Antichriftian Church of Rome, fing, rejoice, and make merry, now when they hear tell of fo many in the Church of Scotland, which was once terrible like an Army with .Banners, againft all the known Enemies of Chrift's Kingdoms now mutter- ing under the Banner of a bafe Englijh Impofture, whom, it feems, they have made Choice of as their Commander in Chief, that fo he, with fuch of the Minifters of this Eraftian Church (who are his free Volunteers) as he thinks fit to prefer, as his under Captains and Field-Officers, may lead the whole covenanted Kingdom of Scotland back to Egypt and Babylon, to the Bondage and Slavery of Popery, Pre- lacy, and Sefiarianifm. If the Godly, who fuffered Fining and Confining, Spoiling and Plundering, Imprifoning and Tortur- ing, Banifhing to foreign Nations, and felling as Slaves to new Plantations, Cold and Hunger, Hid- ings and Wanderings, in Defarts, in Mountains, in Dens and Caves of the Earth, for their Noncon- formity With Prelacy, and refilling co join in Wor- ship with abjured Curates, were now living to fee Men and Women, who call themfjlves Presbyte- rians, admiring at, and wondering after this olej deformed Harlot Prelacy, the Mother of Antichrifl, by joining freely, without Compulsion, in Church- Communion with an Englifh prelatick Prieft, and efteeming him fo highly, as if he were fome other Thing than a mortal Creature s they would furely be furprifrd to fee their degenerate Poller icy, as far forfak.n of God, and as farenfnared by Satan, as the Children of Ifrael were, when, in an unfancli- fied Fit of Madnefs, they were dancing about the golden Calf, to the Difhonour of God, and their own Sin and Shame among their Enemies, Exod. xxxii. 17. 25. And they might with Safety con- clude., C 8 ] elude, that either they fuflfered in vain, or elfe, which is much more certain, that this Generation general- ly are greatly endangering themfeives, by walkings with Pleafure, in contrary Courfes from thofe Ways of Truth wherein they found the Lord's Approbation, and Peace and Safety to themfeives. And if theie faithful and famous Mmifters. Mr. James Guthrie, Mr. John Kid, Mr. John King, Mr. Richard Cameron, Mr. Donald Car gill, Mr. James Renwick, and the reft of our highly honoured Martyrs, who were facrificed to prelatick Wratbj in Fields, on Scaffolds, and in Seas, and overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, and /jy the Word of their Teflimony, and feared not their Lives unto the Deaths hit reftfledunto Blood, flriving againft the Sin of com- plying with abjured Prelacy, Rev. xii. n. Heh. xii. 4. were now living to fee, or hear tell, what is fallen out in covenanted Scotland, among Men who call themfeives Presbyterians, who are inviting and employing the moft laiitudinarian prelatick Rriefl^ that ever eiTayed to confound and unite unto one ai- rr.oft all Sorts and Sizes oi Seels and Herefees what- foever, with orthodox Chriftiansj to aiTift them at their moft folemn Occafions, and not only ad- mitting him to profane the holy Things of the Lord, by partaking of the Lord's Supper hunfelf, but al- io by employing him to preach, exhort, ferve Com- munion-Tables, and to take the Bread and Wine, the Elements whereby (Thrift's Body and Blood are reprefentcd in this holy Ordinance, in his foul pre- latickfiftariaii Hands, and to break and divide the fame among their Communicants, as if he were a lawful Minifter ofjefus Chrift, who had hisCom- miflion to preach the Gofpel, and to adminifter the Seals of the Covenant of Grace j they might be a- fraid that Scotland is now fallen away from the Lord by a perpetual Backfliding, that he bath for - Jhkcn his Hotfe, left hjs Merit age 9 and given hfs Church [ 9 ] Church, which was once the dearly Beloved of bis Soul, to the worft of her Enemies ; and bound them under this Sentence, They arc joined to Idols, let them alone, Jer. viii. $. Jet: xii. 7. Hof. iv. 7. fince they, by their Practice, are ratifying and approving the (bed- ding of the Blood of the Saints, for their Noncon- formity with Prelacy, as if it had been good Service done to God, and are condemning all that they con- tended for, and juftifying all that they witneiled a- gainft. And, confidenng this, there is great Reafon to fear that our highly honoured Martyrs, and other faithful lVttneJ[es,w'\\\ rife in the Judgment againft this Generation, who are condemning all their Zeal and Faithfulnefs, and burying all their faithful Tefti- monies againft Prelacy and Seclarianifm in deep For** getfulnefs. Alas! it feems that the Minifters and PrpfeiTors of this Eraftian Church are refolved upon fuch an Excefs of Defection and Apoftacy, as that they (hall defy any who (hall come after them, ei- ther to outrun or overtake them in their finful Cour- fes. And alas ! this looks like the Time, whereirt the Devil is come down to Scotland, having great Power, hecauje he knoweth that he hath but a fiort Time, Rev. xii. 12. for it is a great Sign that the Day of Scotland's Vifitation is near, when the A- lamination, that is hajlmng on Defolation, is {landing in tlx holy Place, Matth. xxiv. 15. And this is made out with a Witnefs, when one of the idolatrous Priefts of the prelatick Church at England, is em- ployed to (land at a Communion-Table, with Bread and Wine in bis Hands, to break and diftribute a- mong nominal Presbyterian Communicants in the Church of Scotland, which is and ought to be for a Lamentation, and that which (hould be both mourn- ed for, and witnelTed againft. And therefore, altho* we judge ourfelves to be both unworthy, and very infufficient of ourfelves, either to wiensfs for Truth or againft Defection, yet B we [ io ] cannot be altogether fo filenc, as to fuffer fuch a# unparallelled Wickednefs as this is, to pafs without a Witnefs and Teftimony againft it. We tben,who are the contending and fuffering Remnant .of the true Presbyterians of the covenanted Church of Chrift in Scotland, who are dill endeavouring, through divine Afliftance, to adhere to the fworn r,o Principles of the true covenanted Presbyterian Church of Chrift in Scotland, which are clearly laid down in the Word of God, and reprefemed to the World in our laft Declaration, published at Linlithgow, December IS. 1740. Pag. 0, 10, 11, 12, ig. which we own and delire ftedraftly to adhere unto, do hereby, in Ho- mologation of the fame, and of all our former faith- ful Declarations, Proteftations, and Teflimonies given for Truth againft Defection, enter our Pro- teftations Witnefs and Teftimony againft George Whitefield, and againft all his Encouragers, who are following him in his pernicious Ways, and owning him as a Minifter of the Gof pel. And this we do for tbefe Grounds and Reafons following. I. x Becaufe, with Refpect to his own perfonal Qua- lifications, he is not of a blamelefs Converfation, as the Word of God requires all Minifters of the Gofpel to be, I Tim. iii. 4. Tit, i. 7. but is a fcandalous Idolater, being a Member of the idolatrous Church of England, who fymbolizeth with the idolatrous Churcn of Rottie in many of her Idolatries, as the Crofs in Baptifm, which is the making of an Image and Likenefs of a Thing upon Earth, and is one of the Idolatries forbidden by God in the fecond Com- matyimenr, Exod. xx. 4- Kneeling at the receiving of the Lord's Supper, which is a worfhipping of the Creature, and on^ of the grofs Idolatries which the Lord hath forbidden in the firft Commandment, Exod. xx. 3. Bowing towards the Eaft, bowing at naming of the Name Jtfus ; the Surplice, Mitre, and other Popi(hVeftments and Badges of the Pope's Li- L Ai J tavery ; their Collects, Litanies, and fet Forms of Prayer, private Baptifms, private Communions, confirming 'of Children, churching of Women, the Ring, and other idolatrous Rites in Marriage, ob- ferving of many idolatrous Feafts and Fails, and Pays abufively called Saints Days and holy Days ; which Obfervation of Days and Times is exprefly contrary to the Word of God, Deut. xviii. 10. Gal, iv. io. no Day being holy, by divine Inftitution, but the Lord's Day only, which hath this Prero- gative above all other Days, that it mould be kept holy, Exod. xx. S. All which Idolatries of the pre- latick Church of England, are as void and deftituts of divine Inftitution, as Jeroboani's golden Calves, which he fet up at Dan and Bethel, were, I Kings xii. ZS, 29, go. And practiflng of any ofthefe, or any other Thing in the Worfhip and Service of God, which is either without or againft the Rule of God's Word, is as certainly Idolatry in the Sight of God, as the worshipping of the golden Calves at Dan and Bethel were : And iince 'tis fure that Whitefield bath fworn to confirm himfelf to all the Idolatries, Rites, and Ceremonies of the idolatrous Church of England, which are contained in their Englifh Popifh Liturgy, he is both a grofs Idolater, and an Qbfer- ver of Times. From what is faid it is clear, that Whitefield is a Stoni of the burnt Mountain of Baby- lon, and it is exprefly contrary to the Word of God, to make him either a Foundation or a Corner-ftone in the Building of Zion ; but he, as one mod grofly polluted, mould be altogether put from the Work of theMiniftry, Jer. li. 2$, 2(5. Ezra ii. 62. 2. Becaufe, from what he writes concerning himfelf, in that Pamphlet, called. An Account of Cod's Dealing with him, he plainly difcovers bimfelf, to any Perfon who reads the fame, who is acquaint- ed with the Word of God, and with the Spirit of God working by and wuh his Word, to be a Man who [ I* 1 who is neither led by the Word of God, as the Rule of his Faith, and Manners, as all Men ought to b/ ; nor is that, which he calls his Converfion, found- ed upon any Gofpd-Promife in the Word of God 5 nor feems he to have any better Foundation for ic, than that which the blafphemous deluded Quakers, and other Enthufiajls, place their Happinels upon; which is only the Indwelling or the Spirit of Error and Delufion in their Souls j for all his pretended Foretaftes of God's Love, Raptures, Rays, Im- prelTions, and Spirit's Workings, to adopt, purify and direct him, have nothing of the Word of God in them, as is evident from thefe PafTages of that Account which he gives of himfelf ; for therein hd fays, Pageig, < Here God was pleafed to give me a * great Foretafte of his Love, and fill me wich c iuch an unfpeakable Rapture, that -I was carried c Out beyond my felf. P. 12. I dreamed that I was c to fee God upon Mount Sinai — This made a e great Impreffion upon me. P. 16. A Ray of di- * vine Light was inftantly darted upon my Soul, * and from that Moment, but not till then, did- 1 * know that I mull be a new Creature. P. 23. * God always (hewed me my Error— and, by his * Spirit, pointed out a Way for me to efcape. P. / * 27. The bJefTed Spirit was all this Time purify- K ing my Soul. P. 28. Having now obtained Mer- c cy, and received the Spirit of Adoption. P. 32. c The holy Spirit from Time ro Time has led me c in the Knowledge of divine Things. P. 39. God f fpake to me by his Spirit, and I was no longer c dumb. ' From thefe PafTages, from the whole ol X*'X his Pamphlet, and from all of his Journals that \ we have fees, it is clear, that he doth not lay Claim \ to any Scripture-Promife^ in all the Word of God 3 as a Lamp to his Feet, a Light to his Path, a Mean of that which he calls his Converfion, a Comfort in his Trouble, a Relief from his Diftrefs, an Evi- dence dence of his being a new Creature, or a Confirma- tion of bis being in a State of Grace : But the Foun- dation, and whole Fabrick of his pretended new Building, is fixed upon the Workings of fuch a Spi- rit, as fpeaketh noc. from, but without the Word of God, which we hold to be a Spirit of Error and Delufion, as all pretended Workings of the Spirit are, where the fame Sanctification of the Spirit is A not joined with the Belief of the Truth, 2 Tbeff] ii. 13. And all who pretend to the Spirit of Adoption, and have not the Foundation of the Apoftles and Prophets, J^fus Chrift himfelf being the chief Cor- ner-ftone, Epb. ii. 19, 20. we do pofitively hold and maintain, that they are under the Power of the Spirit of Error and Delufion, and are in far near- er Conjunction with, and Affinity to blafphemous, Quakers, and other deluded Hcteticks, than ortho- dox Chriftians. 3. Becaufe the Word of God exprefly excludes from the Work of the Miniftry fuch as are Novi- ces, I Tim. lii. 6. And if Novices, that are newly come to the Faith be excluded from this high Dig- nity, then much more is Wlritefield excluded from all Function and Office in the Cburch of God, who is not come the Length of a Novice in the true Knowledge and Practice of the true reformed cove- nanted Doctrine, Discipline, Government and Wor- ship of the true covenanted Cburch of Chrift. in Scotland, to which he is a mere Stranger, being bred and brought up among the FlcuVPorsof Egypt, the Idolatries, Superftitions, Will-worfbip, and for- bidden Ceremonies of the idolatrous Church of England, and poiionable fectarian Herefy in that Place: And is a poor, empty, vain- glorious, felf- feeking, puffed -up Creature j who, according to tbeTeftimony which he gives of himfelf, (which is the beft we can have) feems to be in no better Condition, if not worfe, than thefe poor blinded Jews C '4 3 Jews were, who, being ignorant of the Righteouf- nefs of God, went abouc to eftablifti their own Righteoufnefs, and fubmkted not to the Righteouf- nefs of God, Rom, x. 3. Wbat he delivers to Peo- ple, in preaching fo frequently upon his own de- luded Experiences, is fumcient to prove this : Bur, for further Confirmation ot it, let a few PaiTages of his forccited Pamphlet witnefs the Truth of what is here afTerted : For there he very vain-glori- oufly fays, " P. 17. God enabled me to do much " Good to many. P. 30. I daily walked with * c God. P. 31. I have been directed, even in the and, by virtue of this his blafphemous Supremacy, be gives, and his Archbifliops and Bifhops receive all their Antichri- flian Power, Dignify and Authority, which they en- \ joy themfelves, and confer upon their Underlings ; to it is fure that Whitcfield is a Limb of Anticbrift, the Man of Sin, whom the Lord in due Time will utterly confume with the Spirit of his Mouth, and deiiroy with the Brightnefs of his Coming, 2 Tbejf. ii. S. 5. Becaufe he hath taken upon him to preach the Gofpel, and to adminifter the Seals of the Co- venant of Grace, without having any divine Right or lawful Calling thereunto, he never being tried, approven, and ordained to the Work of the Mi- niitry by a lawful Presbytery of Presbyterian Mini- fters, who alone have the divine Right tb try, ap- prove, and ordain Men to the Work of the Mini- ftry, as thefe Scriptures make evident, 1 Tim. iii. 7, 10. I Tint. iv. 14. I Tim. v. 22. A6is xiv. 23. Atts , xiii. 3. Neither was he ever lawfully called by any Congregation of Chriftian People, (who had, or have Power to call Minifters) in a lawful and regu- lar Way : And therefore he hath no Right at all, that is either lawful or fufficient toimpower him to preach the Gofpel, or difpenfe Gofpel- Odinances 5 nor can he fo much as pr^end to any Right this Way, but only that which he, after his Popifk Way o£ fpeaking, calls Ordination to holy Orders by one of the Biiliops of England, which, is no valid Ordinal tion at all : For the Biihop, being one of bis King'9 I VaiTals, who is no Church- Officer, from whom he hath bis Power, he is no Minifter nor Church-Of-, | ficer of Chrift's Inftitution j and therefore hath no> divme Right whatsoever to preach the Gofpel, or. ad-? r 17 1 adminifler Gospel- Ordinances himfelf, and ic ij hot pofliBle thac he can confer that Power, Digni- ty and Authority to another Man, which he never bad to himfelf. Hence it is clear, that he hath no juft Right whatfoever to preach the Gofpel, or ad- minifler Gofpel-Ordinances, and that all ihat he doth this Way is not of God, neither by the Will of God : But as he is an intruding Hireling, who hath run unfent, and preached without a Commif- fion, Jer. xxiii. 21. A Boar and a wild Bead from the Antichriflian Field of England, to wafle and de- vour the poor erring People of Scotland, PfrJ. Ixxx* 15. A Thief and a Robber, who, brcauTe he ne- ver could enter into the Sheep-fdld by the Door, hath climbed up another Way, John x. 1. There- fore the Sheep, who know their Mailer's Voiced Will flee from him, and not follow him, becaufe tbey know not the Voice of fuch zprclatick, feci a} 7- an Stranger, Ver. £s ufelefs, the Government and Discipline of the C coVenamrd E 18 V :. covenanted Church of Scotland, is a mod diref Breach of Covenant, being exprefly contrary to tb National and Solemn League and Covenants, tv which every one in this Nation is folemnly oblig ed, in rheir feveral Places and Callings, to preferv the reformed Religion, which is according to th Word of God in the Church of Scotland, in Doc trine, Worfhip, Difciphne and Government, again! our common Enemies j and, without Refpect of Per fons, to endeavour the Extirpation of Popery am Prelacy, that is, Church-Government by Archbi mops, Bidiops, their Chancellors and CommifTa lies, Deans and Chapters, Arch-deacons, and a o:her ecclefiaftick Officers depending on that Hie rarchy, Superftition, Herefy, Profanenefs, an whatsoever mall be found contrary to the Word c God, to true Presbyterian Principles, to found Doc trine and to the Power of Godlinefs, and not t make Defection to any contrary Party, again! whom thefe Covenants were made ; nor to lall ir to IndifLrency or Neutrality m the Caufe of Go covenanted unto. It is alfo contrary to the foltm Renovation of the Solemn League and Covenant i the Year 1648. For therein we are folemnly enga^ ed againft all Error, Herejy and Schijm, and again all the feveral Sorts of Sectarians, who were the appearing againft our covenanted Work of Unifoi initv, which is founded upon the Scriptures n* Trutl And fince it is fure, that our National and Solem League and Cov:nanrs, are founded upon the Wor of God, it is al,o lure, that all the Duties fwor unro therein, are moral Duties, the Obligation c which no Man can difannul or make void, and fc this Reafon their Obligation mdTye is perpeuia and mall oblige all Scots Men, under the Pain c being juttlv accounced Covenant- Breakers, as Ion as Sun ond Moon fhall endure j and therefore tt kft Encouragement thai can be given to him, is dire* direft Breach of Covenant:, and that which makes all his fcncouragers and Supporters juftly liable to all the Judgmenrs, Woes, Calamines and Miferus, that the Lord hath threatned in his Word againfl Covenant Breakers, in thefe Places of Scripture, Dent. xxix. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. 25. Lev. xxvi. 2<>. Neb. iv. 13. Jev. xxxiv. 18, 19, 20. Ezek. xvii. 18, 19, 20. And ic may juftly be feared, that the Lord, in his juft Difpkafure, will haften on thefe judgments and Miferies, not only upon his Encou- ragers for this palpable Breach of Covenant, but alfo upon this Land for their Sakes. 7. Becaufe the owning and encouraging of him, is a calling Contempt upon, acting concrary unto, ouite overturning, utterly ruining, and burying in fnameful Forgetfulnefs, the whole covenanted Work of Reformation, all the eftablifhed Order of faithful Church-Judicatories, and their feafonable Warning againft Prelacy and Se&artiintfm> and all faithful Witnefles, Wreftlings, Prouitations, Teftimonies, Preachings, and Exhortations, that ever were in this Nation, againft Prelacy, and joining in Conjunc- tion with Hereticfo, and fuch as are Enemies to Truth and Godlinefs ; and is a poficive condemning of the Zeal and Faithfulnefs of the general AfTem- bly of the covenanted Chu-ch of Scotland, which was holden at Glafgow in the Year 163S. for their condemning of the Englifl) Service- Book (which be- fore that Time was obtruded upon the Church of Scotland) the Book of Canons, Book of Ordina- tion, and the high Commiffion, the five Popijh Ar- ticles of Perth, removing of Epifcopncy, and all o- ther Romifh Wares out of this Church*, and the juft and commendable Sentence of Depofuion and Ex- communication, paft in the high Church of Glaf- gow, December Igth, 1638. by Mr. Alexander Hen- (lerjdn Moderator of that faithful General Aflemblv, at their Appointment, againft the abominable fcan- dalous Land 3 and, which is yet worfe, the joining wirh him in any Part of publick or private Worfhip, is a direct condemning of all our highly honoured Martyrs, and their faithful Teftimonies, who chuf- ed rather to fuffer the fevereft and moll ignomini- ous Deaths that could be invented, as Beheading, Drowning, Difmembering, and Quartering, than to join in Worihip with any abjured prelatick Hire- ling, fuch as IVhitc field is: And it is alfo a jullify- ing of their Enemies, in all the Severities that were practifed againft them ; and an open proclaiming, as upon the Houfe-tops, that thefe faithful Martyrs died in an Error, and that they juftly defervedtobe put to Death, for their Nonconformity With ab- jured Prelacy ; and is a practical Ratification and Approbation of all the Cruelties inflicted upon them, and upon other faithful Sufferers in the Time of Perfection : And fuch is their Guilt, by this their Sin, that the Blood of the Saints can never be pur- fed out of their Skirts, till their Repentance, for earing and encouraging of him, be fome Wav pro- portionable to this their great and grievous Sin. 8. Becaufe he is altogether deftiture of that Mi- iiifterial Qualification prescribed by the Holy Ghoit in Paul's Epiftles to Timothy and Titus, which is, that a Minifter of the Gofpel fljould not be given to filthy Lucre, I Tm. iii. 3. Tit. i. 7. For it is well known, from his Conduct and Management in Scotland laft Year, in gathering and collecting fuch vaftSums of Money to himfelf, publickly and privately, in thefeveral Places where he traverfed, that his unfatiable Luft of Covetoufnefs (when ad- ded^to other Things that he is chargeable with) (hewed him to be fuch an One, that no other Thing could be rationally judged to be his Defign in com- ing to Scotland, but to pervert the Truth, fubvert the t 21 ] the People, and make Gain tohimfelf j by making Merchandize of bis pretended Miniflry. And be this he (hewed himfcjr to be a true Son of the Church of Rome ; for t|?e- Souls of Men are a chief Commo- dity in their Market, that their greedy Clergymen make Merchandize and Gain of, Rev. xvn:. 13. And in this he truly imitates his ancient Predecei- for Balaam^ who loved the Wages of Unrighteouf- nefs for a Reward, and taught Balak to caji a Stum- bling Block before the Children of Ifrael, to eat Things facrificed 10 Idols, and to commit Fornication^ JStm.b. xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv Chapters, x Pet. n. \%. 'Jude Verfe 11. Rev. iii. 14. If he had received his Com- miflion from Jefus Chrift, the chief Shepherd of the Sheep, he would have known, that he frould have given as freely as he received, Matih. x. 8. His unfatiable Greed, considering his fair Pretences, mjght be wondered at, if it were not an old Dif- eafe in Men like him, who are deftirute of the Truth, to act as if Gain were Godlinefs, I Pet. vi. 5. He cannot, with a good Confcience and a fingle Heart, fay to his Admirers and Supporters, what the A- poftls Paul faid to the Corinthians, 2 Cor. xii. 14, 1 7. IJ'cek not yours, but you. And did I make Gat:: tf you? For, if he tell the Truth, he mud inverc this Scripture, and fay, I feek not you, but yours > and I do make Gain, yea, great Gain of you. For Whatever Noif^ is fent abroad of him, by Men who ire bereft of their fpiritualSenfcs, as if he were for advancing Religion, and feeking the Good of Souls j »et his greedy lX-fire, like the Horfe Leech's Daugh- er, which cries, Gi\L-, give, plainly (hews that he > a Man, whole Love to, and Zeal for Money, is reater than ever Jehu's was for a Kingdom. And ny who will weigh him in the Balance of theSan- puary, when Proftffion and Practice are laid toge- aer, they will find him to be nothing elfe but an pre Compound of Self. Upon C » ] Upon thefe, and many other weighty Grounds and Reafons that might be given againft: him, we do for ourfelves, and for all others who fhall ad- here to us in this, by thefe Prefents, exprefly proteft, rtftify and declare againft George Wkitefield his com- ing to Scotland^ as an Emtlfary of Satan, and Harbinger of Anticbri/i, ro defile the Inhabitants of this Land, by his pernicious feclarian Doctrines, and to draw them a further Degree from the Obe- dience of the Lord Jefus Chrift, to follow him in his dangerous Cour ft s of Apoftacy,Backflijing, De- fection and Dclufion ', and to give tbem fuch an unhappy Imprefllon upon their JVlinds concerning the IndirTerency of all Religions, and the large Ex- tent of Chriftian and Church-Communion with almoft all Herericks, thar fo they may be difpofed to embrace Popery, or any other Error that may be propofed to them. And we do likewife, for ourfelves and Adherents, exprefly proteft, teftify and declare againft all Perfons of every Rank, Sta- tion and Degree within the Kingdom of Scotland, who have, in any Manner of Way, aided, affifted, countenanced, and encouraged him the faid George Whitefield, by inviting, calling, ©r counfelling hiin to come to Scotland, by calling or hearing him preach, pray, expound Scripture, admitting him to partake of the Lord's Supper ; employing birri to baptize Children, to exhort at and ferve Com- munion- Tables, joining with him in this Ordinance, or any other Ordinance or Worftsip whatfoeverj collecting or giving him Money, Meat, Drink; Cloathing, or Quarters, or advifing others fo tc do ; printing and publishing his pretended Sermons and other Pamphlets, keeping up and entertaining ofCorrefpondenceandFriendmip with him j plead- ing for him and his pernicious Ways, to the fur thering of him in his wicked Courfts, while he il dealing with this covenanted Nation as with a;| Harlot ( S3 I Harlot, in caufing the Inhabitants thereof to* com- mit fpiritual Whoredom with him. And we do hereby declare, That we do hold and efteem all Ferfons whatfoever, who do, in any Manner of Way, aid, afliit, countenance and encourage him, in any of thefe Ways above mentioned, to be there- by acting contrary to the Word of God, to our Confejfion of Faith and Catechifms, to our National and Solemn League and Covenants, to the whole of our covenanted Work of Reformation , to our Mar- tyrs Tejlimonies, and to all other faithful Tejlmwnies that ever were given in Scotland againft Prelacy and Sefiarianifm : And that as they, by encouraging him, are Partakers of his evil Deeds , ijohn Ver. u„ fo they are, for their fo doing, juftly liable to the Cenfure of the covenanted Church of Scotland, and are unworthy to receive any Church Privilege, or to be joined wich in Chriftian or Church-Commu- nion with any of the faithful Owners of theCaufe of Jefus Chrift, until they fubmit themfelves to Church-Difcipline, repent for, confefs and forfake this their open, publick, IcandalousSin, as publick- ly as they have finned. Moreover, we do alfo judge it to be our Duty, to "bear Witnefs and Teftimony againft all the evil Con- fequences that have already followed, or mav here- after follow, upon the fond Reception and Encou- ragement that Whitefield hath met with in this Land i particularly againft the fo much magnified Work at Cambttflang, and other Places, which, we are perfwaded, is nothing but a mere Delufion of ™ Satan, and not a faving Woik of Converfion, be- caufe it is not agreeable to the Way of God's graci- ou> Working in converting his People, m^nifefr d to the World in his holy Word, which is our only Rule, as the following Scripture- lnftanc-.swili clear and confirm. I. The r m i .- I. The Word of God makes itmanifeft, that the Spirit of true Repentance, real Converfion, and un- feigned returning to the Lord, in fuch as have been long involved in ao open finful Courfe of publick Defection from God, ruining of Reformation, or perfecting of the Godly, is evidenced by a deep Humiliation and Mourning for their publick Sins and Iniquities, turning from their evil Ways and finful Courfes, and turning zealoufly to the Lord, feeking his Glory, owning his Caufe, and endea- vouring to reclaim others from their finful Ways, and to engage them to the true Worfhip and Ser- vice of God. This is clear from the Examples of Mattaffeb and Paul ; for, after their Conversion, they were deeply humbled for' their publick Sins ; they forfook the fame, they turned zealoufly to the Lord, owned his Caufe, fought the Advancement- of his Glory, and were inltrumental to turn others from their finful Courfes to the Lord, to own his true Worrnip and Service ; which is evident from z Cbr. xxxiii. 15, 2$. Afis'w. 20, 21, 22. Afts xxii. 4. 1 Tim. i. 13. But all thefe Evidences of real Converfion are wanting among thefe People at Cambaflafjg, &c. for there is no fuch Thir^g a- mong them as Humiliation and Mourning for, con- feffing and forfaking of their publick Sins of Co- venant-breaking, Backfliding, Defection, and A- poftacy from God and his Ways, which they are guilty of, by complying with all the national fin- ful Courfes that have been in their Day ; the Hei- noufnefs of which feems to be none of their Giief nor Trouble, no more than if they had never dif- honoured God thereby ; no forfaking of thefe na- tional Defections, which they are deeply involved ift; no returning to the Lord, By owning of his covenanted Caufe, Truth and Ways > no Zeal for the publick declarative Glory of God 5 no witnef- iTng for the Keadfiiip, Kingly Power and Dignity, of I *5 J oFZ/Ws King ; no Teftimohy againfr the wicked facrilegious Incroachments made upon the fame by his Enemies ; no Endeavours made for national Reformation, nor any Means ufed to reclaim, and bring back an erring backflidden People from the manifold Defe&ibns that they are involved in, to the Purity of Worfhip and Ordinances, which ar6 according to the Word of God, and our folemri Covenant Engagements. And fince all thefe Things are wanting, furely it is nothing elfe (notwithftand- ing of all the Commendations that are given out Concerning it) but the putting on of a new Clouc of Delufion upon the Garment of Apoftacy, which in the End may make the Rent worfe than if this Patch had never been put upon itj Mattb. ix. 16. Mark ii. li. 2. In the Word of God, we find a clear and in- feparable Connection betwixt confeffing and for fa- king of Sin, returning to the Lord and finding of Mercy ; this is what the Lord hath joined together in his Word, Prov. xviii. 13. Ifaiahlv.j. And ano- ther Foundation than this, which is already laid dowri in the Scriptures of Truth, can no Man lay : And iince th e - Lord is only to be found in the Way of his word, and in no other Way, then that YVay, which is not according to his Word, can neither be of him, nor have his Approbation j but mufl be the Way of Error and Falmood: Therefore, fuch as give publick Intimation to the World, that their Sins are pardoned, arid that they have ob- tained Mercy, before they either confefs or forfake their publick open Sins, or rettfrn to the Lord, by owning hisCaufe and Covenant, they thereby con- tradict the Spirit of Truth, which fpeaketb in the Scriptures, and fpeak as People who are acted by the Spirit of Error and Delufion, And this is the Cafe of thofe we are witneilirtg agiinft , for they fciye out yefy publick Accounts that their Iniqui- D tics \ [ 25 ] ties are pardoned, and that they have obtained great and extraordinary Mercy from the Lord, be- fore they either confefs or forfake their open, pu- blick, fcandaldus Sins of Defection and Covenant- breaking, &c. or yet return to the Lord, from whom they have wickedly departed, by owning or (hewing any due Regard to his covenanted Caufe 5 and therefore, altho* they have a vain ill-grounded Preemption, to lean upon the Lord, and to fay, Is not the Lord among us, Micah iii. 11. yet, fince they put afunder that which God hath joined in his Word, there is no Reafon to believe that the Tefti- mony, which they give of themfelves in this, is true. It is alfo clear from the Word of God, that fuch as cover their Sin, and break Covenant with the Lord, jhall not projper, efc ape , nor be delivered, Prov. xxviii. 13. Ezek. xvii. 15. But, in plain Contradicti- on to this, thefe poor deluded Creatures give it our, and proclaim it openly to the World, that they are profpering in the great Matters of Religion and Godlinefs; that they are efcaping, and are deli- vered from theworft of Evils; while, in the mean Time, they are both covering their publick Sins, and living in a habitual Courfe of Covenant- break- ing ; Therefore this Confidence of theirs, which oppofeth itfelf fo far to the Rule of God's Word, cannot be a Covering of the Lord's Spirit, but mult fpring up from the Spirit of Error andDelufion. 3. The Scripture makes it manifeft, that the Ufe of the Law is not to influence the Body with bodily Pain and Convulfions, but to bring guilty Sinners to the Knowledge of Sin, and to lead them toChrifl: for Relief, from under that Miferyjwhich the Law convinceth them to be liable to, Rom. iii. 20. Gal* iii. 24. And thaL Knowledge of Sin, which Com- eth by the Working of the Spirit of God in Convic- tion, which is accompanied with a feeling Appre- heniion of the Wrath of God, and of etemai Mifcry 1 what- C *7 ] whatever Sorrow, Pain or Perplexity it brings with it, is upon the Sou!, and not upon the Body. But this new and uncommon Work, cannot be a right Law-work, wrought by the Spirit of God, fince it neither brings the Perfons it worketh upon to the Knowledge of their open publick Sins of Defection and Babkiliding from the Lord and his covenanted Caufe, nor yet leads them fo to Jefus Cbrift, as to incline and caufe tbem to own his covenanted Caufe, Truths and Intereft, which they have all their Days contemned : But, infread of this, they have much bodily Exercife, which profiteth little, I Tim. iv. S. a grievous and uncommon Motion upon their Body, of Fainting, Convulfioning, bodily Pain, and bitter Crying, &c. which, when confuted in all the Circumftances thereof, is fo far from prov- ing it to be a right Work of Conviction, which ends in a faving Work of Converfion, thai it looks far rather like the Working of that unclean Spirit,which tare fucb as were polTcfLd with it, and caufed a Fom- ing and Wallowing, gnathing of the Teeth, and pining with bodily Pain, Markw. IS, 20. And as for thefe great and extraordinary Gifts and Utter- ances in Prayer, and other Performances, which is fo much admired at, and talked of, which isfaid to be among thefe People at Cambujlang, &c. which is upon a fudden fo eafily attained, fo confidently im- proven, fo much gloried in, and boafted of, by the Patrons of this new Work, as if thefe common Gifts were infallible Signs of faving Grace and Converfi- on, we are not in the left moved thereby, to think any Thing the more of it> becaufeofthis ; fince wc have learned from the Word of God, which is our Rule, that Satan himfelf is fometimes transformed into an Angel of Light; therefore it is no great Thing that his Minifters alfo be transformed into the Mini iters of Righteoufnefs, 2 Cor. xi. I4> If* Satan hath a Power to (deceive, and a Part of his Deceit is by Signs and lying Wonders, Rev. xiu . 1 aB 1 %Yii. 14. Rtv. xx. 3. 1 #*/• ii. 9. The Devils, Impoftures, the Socerers and Magicians or Egypt, by his permitted Power work- ing in them, wrought fome of the lame Signs and Wonders,in Shew and Appearance, which Mofes and Aaron wrought in Re- ality by the miraculous Power of God, that thereby Fbaraoh jnigbt continue in his Contempt of the infinite and divine Pow- er of God. and Difefteem of Mofes and Aaron, his Inftruments in that Work, to the hardning ot his 'Heart in his fin ul Ways, Exoi. vih 11, 15, 22. Exod. viii. 7. And it is moft likely that thel'e great Gifts that are fo much gloried in, and boafted of, Whatever Shew and Refemblance they may have to the Gifts of llich as are endued with faying Grace and Converfion, that they are only permitted to them by the Power of the Spirit of pelufion, 'for this End, that they may continue in the Corn- tempt, which they truly have, at the covenanted Caufe and In- tereft of JefusChrift, which they have all their Days defpifed ; and in Difefteem of the Owners thereof, that thereby they may be blinded and hardned in all thejr publick Defections, which hitherto, by no Means, they would be reclaimed from. But if they will have it yielded unto, that all Perfons, who have a ready Gift of Utterance in divine Things, are in afavingState of Grace and Converfion, according to this crooked Rule they may be brought to a NecelTity, tho', perhaps, befide their In- tention, to inrol the Devil : and the Sorcerer Balaam in the Catalogue pf Converts ; for thefe had their Gifts of Ut- terance, in as great Readinefs as any at Cambujlang ©r Kil- fyth, &c. as the Devil's Speech to Saul in Samuel's Likenefs, and Balaam's pleafant Prophecies, do abundantly friew, 1 Sam. xxviii. 15 to 20. Numb, xxiii. 19 to 25. Numb, xxiv- 5 to 10. But as we take all that is fpokeh or written to prove this to be a faving Work of the Spirit of God, to proceed from the fame Spirit that was in the Mouth of AJhab's falfe Prophets, when they perfwaded him, from a lying Spirit, to go to Ramcth- Gilead and profper, which foon proved falfe and tatal to him, 1 Kings xxii. iz, 22, 23, 34, 35. So when we confider how blinded and hardned they are in their moft publick national Sins, and how trowardly they are going on in tbe publick na- tional Defections, that this Land is guilty of, we have great' Reafon to fear, that this, which is given fo frank out by many to be a faving Work of Converfion. is nothing elfe but the un- clean Spirit, which for fome Time pofifelTed their Bodies, go- ing out, and walking to and fro in dry Places, till their empty Sou's be (wept and garnifhed by a deluded Notion of a talfe, ■feigned, counterfeit Repentance and Converfion, that fo he may return and dwell in their Soul without Difturbance, with a leven fold greater Pqwer than formerly he had, Matth. xii„ 43, 44> 45- 4. The Scripture makes it clear and mani r eft, that the ef- fectual Working of the Spirit of God opens Men's Eyes, and turns them from Darknefs to Light, and from the Power of Sa- tan unto God, ABs xviii . z6. But this Work at Cambujlang, Sec. is fo far from opening their Eyes, and giving them a right Difcovery of tbe Evil of their finful backflidden Ways, and bring- ing them from the Darkneft of Defection to the Height of the ■Truth, that it is rather a Mean to fhut their Eyes clofer, and to bjind their Minds darker, by confirming them in their finful Ways, iaftead of reclaiming them from the fame, and leading them C »9 ] Ihem from Darknefs to grois Darknefs, by ftnpifying them fe far, as to make them imagine, that the Lord, who u of purer Eyes than to behold any Iniquity or Sin, with theleaft Appro- bation imaginable, is ratifying and approving from Heaven, by an extraordinary Work of (Jonverfion, all their Apoftacies and Detections trom him (which his Soul abhors) to be right in his Sight- And, by this deluded vain Conceit, that God is approv- ing of their finful Ways, they are brought under a fad Wo, by falling in with fuch as call Evil Good, and Good Evil, that put Darknefs for Light, and Light for Darknefs, Bitter tor sweet, and Sweet for Bitter, Ifaiab v. 20. and take Strength to them- felves from their own Wickednefs, Ifaiab hi. 7. And if theix Light be according to their Actings, the Light that is in them xnuift be Darknefs, Mattb. vi. 13. which cannot be of God, but from a Spirit of Delufion. 5. There is nothing more clear in Scripture than this is, that the Lorddwelleth with, giveth Grace unto, and bleffeth men as are poor in their own Eyes, humble, and of a contrite Spirit, ifaiab lvii. 15. Mattb. v. 3. 1 Set. v. 5. For it is the Nature of the true faving Grace of God, to humble, and not to lift up Perfons in their own Eyes ? but theie People we are witnelfing againft feem to be fo iar from being the People pointed out by thefe Scriptures, who have a Right to the;e Piomifei, that their Pride, Vain-Glory, and Self-Seeking, whereby they fo much af- fect the Commendation and Praife of Men, that they cannot endure that any Ihould fo much as doubt of the Reality of that Work which is among them, but would have all their counter- feit Coin to pafs as current Money with the Merchants, that they plainly fhew themfelves to be fuch as, by Delufion or Hy- pocrify, fall directly in with theie, who, through a fond Con- ceit of themfelves, faid to others, Stand by, i am holier than tboH^ Ifaiab lxv. 5. Or, like that poor vain-glorious Boafter, who, through the Pride of his Heart, faid, Cod, I thank thee^ that I am not as other Men are, Luke xvui. ij. Or like thefe who did all their Works to be teen of Men, Matth. xxiii. s» So, fince they are Juftifiers of themfelves, we are called to re- member, that that which is fo highly efteemed among fuch Men, is Abomination in the Sight of God, Lune xvi. 15. and can- not be of him, but a Delufion of Satan. • 6. The Word of God puts it out of Controvcrfy , that fuch as are in Chrift Jefus are new Creatures, have old Things done away, and all Things become new, that they are denied to all Ungodlinefs and worldly Lufts, and live foberly, righteoufly, and godly in this prefent evil World and at Peace with all Men, 2. Cor. v. 17. Tit. ii. it. Heb. xii. 14. Ffalm xxxiv. 14. But the contrary of thefe divine Qualifications are to be found, with a Witneis, among the People who are taken with this new Work ; for fo far are they from having old Things done away, and all Things become new, and living peaceably with all Men, Ore. that, fince this counterfeit Work oi Converfion began among them, they cleave asclofeas ever they did to their oJd deteftable Ways of Defection, Covenant-breaking, and Backfiring fiom God, and trom the covenanted Work of Reformation ; and are adding iniquity to their former Wickednefs. by being more fil- led with Wrath, Hatred, Malice, Envy and Malignity againit fuch as fhew any Refpect to Scotland's covenanted Work of Re- formation, than formerly tiiey did, which is a fad Symptom that they C 30 J they have a deadly Hatred at our lblemn Covenants, and the covenanted Work of Reformation itfelf. when they mew fo much Hatred anc Rage at fuch as make Mention of the fame = yea, it is well known in feveral Places of this Land, that thole, who are moft malignant againft our Covenants, and the cove- nanted Work of Reformation, are the greateft Admirers of Wbitefield, and the Work at Cambnjiang, and their malicious Speeches and Threatnings, belched out againft fuch as give Teftimony againft their dangerous Ways, plainly ihews thaC they are inore filled with the Wrath of Man, than with the Righteoufneis of God, Ifaiab i. 20. And fince the Tree is known by its Fruits, Matth. xii. 33. it is eafy to decern, thac it is another Spirit that is working in them, than the meek Spi- rit of Je:us, who, when he reviled, reviled not again, when he JurTered, he threatned not, 1 Pet. ii 23 7. We are allured, from the Teftimony of Scripture, that the Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of Truth, guides Men into all Truth, Johnxvv. 13. That God is not the Author of Con- fufion, but of Peace $ and that all Things, concerning the Wor- ihip and Service of God, ihould be done decently, and in Order. i Cor. xiv. 33, 40. And if fo, then every Spirit, which work* eth the contrary Effech upon Men, muft be a Spirit of Error and Delufion from Satan ; and from rh.s we may be confirmed that this new Work at Cambv.jiang is not of God, but from Sa* tan, becaufe, inftead of bringing Men back from refection, and guiding them to own old diipifed covenanted Truths, ic ftrongly inclines them to &fe8aria» Toleration, and lawlefs Liberty ot Confcience in the Matters of Religion, and makes them difefteemStedfaftnefs in the Faith,asifit were nothing but Bigotry or Party-Zeal ; and inftead of guiding them to law- ful Means in the Day of their Diftrefs for Relief and comfort, it leads them to unlawful Means, even to Whitefield, an entbn- fiajiick prelatick Prieft, as it led Saul, in the Day of his Diftrefs, to the Witch of Endor, and Ahax.iah, in the Day of his Diftrefs, for Relief to Baal-xebub the God of Ekron, 1 Sam. xxviii. 7. 2 Kings xii. And the Diforders and Confhfions that have beea among them in the Manner, :nd the indecent Exprefiions in the Matter of their religious Performances, fhew plainly that they are a&ed by another Spirit than the Spirit of Truth, who is the Author of Decency, Peace and comely Order among his People. 8. God's own Voice, fpeaking to us in the Scriptures of Truth, tells us clearly, plainly and dirtincily, That the Kingdom of Hea- "jzncometh not with Observation, Luke vii. 20. That the Seed of laving Grace, growing in the Believer's Soul, is as undifcernible to Beholders, as the growing of the Bones in the Wombj that the blowing of the Spirit of God upon the Soul, is fo iecret, that none can tell whence it cometh, or whither it goeth* and that the hidden Manna, the white Stone, and the new Name, thefaving Grace of God, with all the various Ways of the Spirit of God's working, by and with his Word upon the Believer's Soul, is only known co fuch as receive the fame. Mark iv. 26, 27. Eccl. xi. 5. John hi. 8. Rev. ii. 17. But the Work at Cam- biiflang oppofeth it feif to all thefe Scripture Truths, and run- ethin another Channel than thefe golden Streams of the Word of God 5 tor the Work it felf, in all theCircuroftances of it, as Pantings ; Breathings, Convullions, Cryings, e>c, the Remo- C 31 ] val of thcfe Diftempers, their Joys, and Comforts, and high At- tainments to pray and exhort publickly, &c. coir.e all with Inch vifible Obfervation and is fo difcemible to their fellow Creatures, that the Managers theieof, as if they hac ufurped Jehovah's Prerogative, to understand Heart-Sen ets "and to know the Certainty of the faving Work ot Converfion upon o- ther Mens Souls, or had been caught up to the third Heavens, and had brought from thence an Extract of the Book of Life to Cambujla?ig, and to give out attefted Confirmations concerning the Truth of the faving 'Work of Converfion , upon as many Souls as they pleafeto condefcend upon, they give out Accounts to the World of a wonderful Work of Converfion zzCambuf- lang : fo prefumptuous are they ! while, in the mean Time, up- on admitting tire Word of God to be Judge, this Work will be found to be rather a deep Delufion of Satan, than a laving Work of the Spirit of God j for their Preemption in meddling with the fecret Will of God, and giving out Determinations, without Warrant in his revealed Will, is a fufficient Confirma- tion, that it is a Work of Error, Vanity and Delufion, Dent. xxix. 29. Jer. x. 15. Jer li. 15. We may alfo with a great deal of Safety add, that we have hot a Promife in all the Word of God, from which we can expert that the Lord will honour Men to be extraordinary Inftru- ments of an extraordinary Work of Converfiort, who have fo huny Ways di (honoured andd'fpifed him, as the pre'ent Time- serving Eraftian Minifters in Scotland have done, in betraying, tuining and burying in Forgetfulnefs the pureft covenanted Work of Reformation, that ever was in any Nation fince the Apoftles Daysj and by combining with his Enemies to rob and divefthim of his Kingly Power and Prerogative, as heisfole King and Head of his Church, as long as they, with the adul- terous Woman, are wiping their Mouth as if they had done we Wickednefs, Irov. xxx. 20. and are neither confelfing nor for- Takingtheir publick national Sins: For the Lord hath declared, :hat he will honour fuch as honour him, but fuch as de- pife him, as they have done, fhallbe lightly efteemed, 1 Sam. li. 30. The Lord, who is unchangeable, and ever confiftent with jimfelf, gave as clear Scripture-Evidences and Confirmations, is ever were fince the Apoftles Days, ot his being fenfibly pre- 'ent among hs People, and approving of their Ways, at that Time when the three Kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ire- and, in Imitation of the Children of Ijrael. and the Children if Judah, jointly bound themfelves to the Lord in » perpetual Covenant that Jhould never be forgotten, Jer. 1. 4.5. And theie Nations we r e countenanced of ti.e Lord from Heaven with a ingular Bleffmg upon his pure Gofpel -Or dinajaces, with great fewer and Succefs among them, to the converting of many, s long as they continued in the Covenant-Obedience to him j nd to many, who continued faithful unto the End, he gave 'ieal, Grace, and Courage to feal thefe Covenant?, and the rhole covenanted Work of Reibrmation. with their Blood, in 'hich they had folid Peace, and great Joy and Comfort : And nee we are fully perfuaded, that our Covenants, and the wholo tenanted Work of Reformation, which was fo fignally coun- •rwmcedof God, and fealed with the Blood of Martyrs, was ■ God, and agreeable to bis revealed Will, and that all thefe, wbo C 52 ] Vfho are concerned in this Courfe at Cambujlang, KHfyth, and b- ther Places, aie involved in, and carrying on a Court'e of $ack- lliding and Apoftacy from God. which is dire&ly contrary to' our Covenants, and covenanted Work of Reformation and are guilty of overturning ruining, and burying, as a Thing no more to be remembred and contended for, the covenanted Worlc of Reformation, and all Teftimonies given in favours thereof, " and are alfo burying all the .national Sins and Defections, which, this guilty Nation hath contracted thefe Ninety and two Yeats bygone, as if they were no more to he remembred and moumea for -, as we are bound and obliged, from the Word of God, to be- ' lieve, that God. who cannot lie, nor denyhimfelf^ is unchanged able, and will not ratify and confirm trom Heaven, by rn ex- traordinary Work of Converfion, two rontrary Courfes; fo arc- we bound, to believe this, (which to us is a concluding Reafonji that the Work at Cambujlavg, and other Places of the fame KindJ is a ftrong Delufion of Satan, whereby the Lord is this Day pu*i riiihing many in this Land with Sin tor Sin, according to thefejj Scripture-Threatnings, Hof. viif. n. Becaufe Ephraim hath* made many Altars to Jin, Altars Jhall be unto him to Jin. PfalrtT lxxxvii. rr, is. But my People would not hearken unto my Vo ice Jj and Ifrael would none of me : So I gave them up to their owpii Hearts Lujls and they walked in their own Counfels. z Thefl". ii.. 10, ii. Beenufe they received not the Love of the Truth, that they; might be favea. And for this Caufe. God Jhall fend them Jlrongi Velujions, that thcyjhould believe a Lie. Upon thele, and many other Grounds and Realbns that might! be given againft it, we do for ourfelves. and for all that ihaiM adhere unto us in this, hereby exprefly nroteft^ teftify and d« clare againft the Delufion of Satan at Cambuflang and othej? Places, becaufe, as we have mewed, it is not agreeable to the Law andTeftimony, the written Word of God Ifa. viii. 20. And we do likewifeproteft, teftify and declare, againft all the Managers. Aiders, Aftifters, Countenaneers and Encourage™ of the fame, againft all fuch as, byfubferibed Atteftations, o? otherways, give it out to be a wonderful Work of the Spirit of God. thereby labouring to deceive the Hearts of the Simple", and to ftrengthen their own ill Caufe ; againft all fuch as refort to it, plead for it, or any Way approve of it j and againft all fuch as condemn the Faithfulnefs of fuch as teftify againft it,: And, finally, againft all who pafs it by in Silence, without giving a Teftimony againft it. And. that this our Declaration, Proteftation and Teftimonjf, may rometo the World's View, we do appoint and ordain ou Emiffiries, in our Name, to pafs upon the Day of A.'