mM: y , ^ c . c __ s.OWK.*rfO--^*^ yJ^/nSL^-t ^ /w^-7 V^ ^ 110 MAGAZINE OF C ^ ^RISTIAJSr LITERATURE. tudcs who arc iiiliabitauts of Christian lands, '', but who do not profess the faith of Christ. It is safe to say that there are not one liun- ■ dred millions on the earth to-day who com- ' ply with the methods of salvation taught in Christian Churches. The damnation of these millions of heathen, who have never heard of Christ, and millions of nominal Christians, who do not use the means of grace offered them by the Church, is~'an awful fact for tlT6 Church to confront after nearly ■ two thousand years of Christianity on the earth. The ministry and the people do not really believe that these multitudes will be damned. The matter is eased a little by the theory that the dying infants of the heathen arc saved, and some of the best of heathen adults may attain redemption ; but the great mass of the adult population of Asia and Africa — yes, of Europe and America also — are doomed to heli-fire according to the pop- ular theology. The ministers preach it, and i^Jie people listen to this doctrine as they do to many others, but they are not moved by it. They accept it as orthodox doctrine without understanding it ; but they do not really believe it in their hearts. HJJiQ' did^ they would be more worthy of djamnation ' than the heathen themselves. If a single man were in peril of physical death, the whole community would be aroused to save him. No price would be too great. Men and women would cheerfully risk their lives to save him. Those who would not do this would be regarded as base cowards. But here, according to the average missionary sermon, are untold millions of heathen per- ishing without the gospel, and at death go- ing into everlasting fire. Vast multitudes of unevangelized persons in our cities and towns and villages are confronting the same cruel destiny. If the ministry and people really believed it they would pour out their Avealth like water ; they would rush in masses to the heathen world with the gospel of redemp- tion. There would ])e a new crusade that would put the old crusades to shame. Those who have the gospel, and will not give it to others who know it not, may incur a worse doom in the day of judgment than the igno- rant. Those who knew the Lord's will and did it not will be beaten with many stripes ; those Avho knew not and did things worthy of stripes with few stripes. * I The difficulty is to construct the doctrine I of the salvation cf infants and the heathen in harrnony with established doctrines. TheJ^Qtestant doctriiic of justification by * Luke xii. 48. faith implies that there can be ji o salvation -\ ;vithja^t justilication on the part of God and ^ S faitl}''bn the part of man. The Westminster a ^ doctrine is that, t " God did from all eternity, decree to justify all the elect ; and Christ did, in tlic fulness of time, die y^ for their sins, and rise again for their justification ;^ nevertheless tliey are not justified, until the Holy- ^ ^ Spirit doth, in due time, actually apply Christ unto " them" (xi. 4). This passage not only teaches the common Protestant doctrine of justification and con- nects it Avith the doctrine of election, but it also rules out the Antinomian doctrine of eternal justificationrjvithout faithT'' which was current in the time of the AYesnninster Assembly. The AYestminster divines did not think of any application of Christ apart from personal faith ; for they distinctly state : " Redemption is certainly applied, and effectually \ii communicated, to all those tor whom Christ hath fr. purchased it ; who are in time by the Holy Ghost enabled to believe in Christ, according to the gos- pel ■' (Larger Catechism, Ans. 59). Believing in Clirist is therefore universal so far as the elect of God and the redeemed of Christ are concerned. There. i^^osaly^on without personal faith. The Westminster divines were not clear in their views as to the faith of infants and in- v capables. Some supposed that the children, being bound in the covenant with their par- « ents, the parents' faith laid hold of justifica- tion for their children ; others supposed that ^ the germs of faith and repentance were * planted in them by the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration either in connection Avith Baptism or apart from it. ISTo orthodox Protestant thought of justi- fication without the exercise of^personal fajlh on the parT^of the justified, lliere must be an application of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spiiit to every one to be saved, and there must be a personal appropriation of Jesus Christ on the part of all Avho are redeemed. The order of Salvation is necessary in all its l^arts for every child of God. " Those whom God effectually calleth he also freely justifieth" (xi. 1). ( Westminster Confession of Faitli.) "All those that are justified, God vouchsaf- cth, in and for his only Son, Jesus Christ, to make partakers of the grace of adoption' ' (xii. 1). " They ■vvho are effectually called and regenerated, having a new heart and a new spirit created in tlicm, arc farther sanctified really and personally" (xiii. 1). " They whom God hath acccptetl in his Beloved, effectually called and sanctified by his Spirit, can neither totally nor finally fall away from the state of grace ; but shall certainly persevere therein to the end, and be eternally saved " (xvii. 1). There is but one way^f salvation for all, one orilo salutis. Tliere fs but one kind of justification, one kind of sanctification, one v^ 1889.] REDEMPTION AFTER DEATH. Ill kind of saving faith, and one kind of repent- ance unto life. The modern extension of tl\^ doctrine of redemption so as to include not only infants of Believers, but" alTTnf ants ; and also so as to embrace not only the peo- ple of God under the Old Covenant and the people of God who accept the New Cove- nant, but also multitudes from among the heathen, who have not the light of either of these covenants, but only the light of ua- tiu'.ej raises the question how these can be saved consistently with the Protestant doc- trine of justification by faith and the Puri- tan doctrine of sanctification. It is evident that the orthodox divines of the seventeenth century constructed their systems of doc- trine without any conception of such an ex- tension of redemption. The theory of some modern theologians, such as the elder and younger Hodge, that they may be saved without personal faith, subverts the funda- mental principle of Protestantism. The current unformulated theory that they can be saved without acceptance of the right- eousness of Christ undermines the funda- mental principle of Christianity. Christians are not saved in classes or masses, but as in- dividuals out of the mass of corruption. It is anti-Christian to say that the entire race of men may be regarded as redeemed, unless it is expressly said that they are lost. On the contrary, the Bible and the Creeds teach that all are lost unless they are personally redeemed and experience the work of grace. There must be some way in which infants, incapables and pious men beyond the bounds of Christendom may be brought into con- tact with God and His Christ, and have an opportunity to believe in him, or they cannot be saved in accordance with the teachings of the Scriptures and the creeds of Chris- tendom. Unless this can be done Protes- tantism — yes, the entire system of Christian doctrine, breaks down. The fault of modern Protestantism has been in neglecting the doctrine of salvation as a whole, with its ordo salutis, and in thinking too exclusively of the initial steps. Justification by faith was too exclusively in the minds of the early Protestants, and re- geiieration is unduly prominent in American ProfestanT Theology since the rise of Meth- odism, having 'taken the place of the older doctrine of Elfectual Calling. It is not diffi- cult to understand that the ]3ivine Spirit may regenerate all the elect in this world, and plant within them the seeds of faith and repentance, so that redemption may I mvni tejjg^li Ti n i n g ^ro f or infants and in- • ■apuDlesT S^Tnay^Is'o''"see''tTiT8~iaith and repentance germinate and spring up under the light of nature, and feel after God and His Christ in many among the heathen ; but the redemption thus begun must in some way bring them to Christ in order that they may have the possession and enjoyment of salvation. From the Arminian doctrine of probation and of human responsibility for the initia- tion of redemption, the first steps of regen- eration must take place in the Intermediate State for all these persons or not at all. But from the Calvinistic position, which makes the divine grace prevenient, it is easy to hold that every elect person is a( tually regenerated in this life before he lea^ es the world. It seems that the birth o\ little children into this world would have no sig- nificance if they were not to have th eir re- generation here also. They must b( bom as children of Adam to take part in i\. e ruin of the race, and it would seem that oi ly the children of Adam have a share in th 3 Sav- iour of the race. From this point of view Calvinism ought to have no hesitation in ad- vancing into the doctrine of tho lliddle, State. The_£aliiLtiQ'u Avhich isbo^ih^wi- ^^yzegejQ^iapm^Iis- Citrried_.Qii_.His^. For "The vast majority of our race who die in in- fancy or have lived beyond the range of the means of grace, their salvation begjm in this life by regeneration is carried on m the .' Intermediate State with the exercise of per-, ' sonal faith in Christ, whom they know there fo r the fir s^;. There the germs of faith and \ repentance that have been put in their\j hearts in regeneration by the Holy Spirit U spring up in the sunlight of Christ's own .1 face, and lay hold of him as their Saviour, i Not till then are they justified, for there J can be no justification without faith for A them any more than for others. The I nter- ( I mediate State is for them a. state-ci iiessed / possibilities of redemptioii. This is bbauti- "fiilTy expressed in a hymn of Ephraim, the Syrian, translated by Professor Gilbert : "Our God, to Thcc sweet praises rise ' From youthful lips in Paradise ; From boys fair robed in spotless white, And nourished in the courts of light. In arbors they, where soft and low The blessed streams of light do tlow : And Gabriel, a shepherd strong, Doth gently guide their tlocks along. Their honors higher and more fair Than those of saints and virgins are ; God's sons an; they on that far coast. And nurselings of the Holy Ghost." The Intermediate State is. therefore, for a considerable portion of our race a state for , ,' the cgnsurmnatJ.OTi — of.^Uicir jn.'^ti^ci'^i&n- The Protestant doctrine of justificrtti|bn bv faith alone forces to this position. (J i P.7. 1 s.n. T lOi h 113 ^1 i^t (jL^ A (a^'T Ht^ /^ >^ MAGAZINE OF IX. Progressive ^anctijication. C^ISTIAN LITERATURE. [Dec. U. K But justification by faith belongs to the carher stages of redemption. All those who are justified are also sanctified. No one can be ultimately and altogether redeemed with- out sanctification. It is necessary that believers should have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and that they should be " more and more quickened and' strengthened in all saving graces to the practice of true holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord," and '* so the saints grow ^n grace, perfecting holiness in the, fear of God." The doctrine of immediate sanctification is a heresy which has always been rejected by orthodox Protestants. The Westminster Confession definitely states I: " This sanctification is throughout, yet imperfect in this life." Jf. imperfect in this life for all believers, there is no other state in which it can be perfected save in the Intermediate State. The Intermediate State is therefore for all believers without exception a state for their sanctijication. They are there trained in the school of Christ, and are prepared for the Christian perfection which they must attain ere the judgment day. I am well aware that it has been a com- mon opinion that believers are at their death — that is, in the very moment of death, com- pletely sanctified. This opinion seems to be favored by the statement of the Shorter Cate- chism — " The souls of believers are at their death made perfect in holiness." (Quest. 37.) This is one of a number of instances in which the Shorter Catechism by its brief, unguarded statements has occasioned error. The Larger Catechism is fuller and clearer when it says : " The communion in glory with Christ, which the members of the invisible church enjoy immediately after death, is in that their souls are then made perfect in holi- ness, and received into the highest heavens, where they behold the face of God in light and glory. (Quest. 80.) The phrase " immediately after death" is the phrase of the question : " What is the communion in glory with Christ which the members of the invisible church eujo}' im- mediately after death ?" and it is designed to cover the entire period of the Intermediate State as distinguished from the state of resurrection, and it is not limited to the moment after death, in which the Interme- diate State has its beginning. This is clear from Question 82, where the general ques- tion. " What is t he communion in glory ^KicMthT'inembers'cTTtTTrrnTiTnble chtirch havci 'ith Christ ?" is answered in the follow- el-; ing three divisions of condition, which appear in three questions that follow : " The com- munion in glory, which the members of the invisible church have with Christ, is in this life, immediately after death, and at last perfected at the resurrection and day of judgment." It ought to be clear to any one that, having made sanctification a work of God's grace and a growi;h extending through the entire life of \ the believer and left in- complete at death, Mid that, having denied^^ the doctrine of imn;iediate sanctification, *^ the Westminster divines could not be so in- consistent as to teach that at the moment of death, occurring at various stages in the-^ growth in holiness, sanctification then changed its nature, ceased to be a progres- " sive work, a growth, and became immediate, *\ an act of God like justification. This would be to undermine the Protestant doctrine of , sanctification. It is essential to the integ rity of the Protestant system of faith that i we should resist the Antinomian doctrines of eternal justification without faith and of immediate sanctification at any time or in any state or place. There are some theologians who persuade themselves that they can believe in the im- mediate justification and the immediate sanctification of infants, of incapables and of heathen adults in the change of death, in that supreme moment of transition from this life to the Middle State. Such a theory may be stated in words, but it is inconceiv- able in fact. What a transformation would take place in the intellectual and moral powers of infants, incapables and the dark- minded heathen ! Such a metamorphosis is not taught in the Scriptures or the Creeds. It would violate the intellectual and moral constitution of man. Those who believe it may claim that all things are possible to God. But it might be said that it is just as possible for God to use the water of Baptism, ex oj^ere operate, to work regeneration, as Sacramentarians be- lieve ; and it is just as possible that the ele- ments of the Lord's Supper may be changed into the real body and blood of our Lord, as the lioman Catholics believe. These divine transformations are just as possible to God and just as credible to the mind of man as the immediate transformation of a little babe into a perfectly holy man in the image of Jesus Christ ; or of the instantaneous ac- complishment of the entire ordo sahttis for an idiot in the very moment of death. All such magical doctrines are subversive of the entire structure of Protestantism. They belong to rh— «g€ r.£_j>wgif^- ajifl.have. no place in an age of Eeason and Faith. 1889.] REDEMPTION AFTER DEATH. 113 It was a keen thrust of Mohler that Prot- estantism without 4. purgatory must either let men enter heaven stained with sin, or else think of an imWediate magical trans- formation at death, W whi ch sin mechani- cally and violently f afls oS from us with the body. Hase justly replied that Protestant- ism would hot accept this dilemma, and that Protestant Theology taught that the divine grace was operative, and men capable of moral development after death. This view is the established opinion in German Theology. Dorner, Martensen, Kahnis, and other di- vines teach that there must be a growth in sanctificatio.u in the Middle t^tate. All ProTestants must accept this doctrine or they are sure to be caught in the inconsis- tency of magical, mechanical and unethical opinio Qs. This opinion is commonly held by Protestants in Great Britain. Why should Protestants in America lag behind their brethren in Europe ? We have been caught in the snares of recent errors. Let us break through the snares and re-establish ourselves in the ancient Christian doctrine of the Middle State. The deeper ethical sense in German The- ology since Kant forced divines to distinguish grades of sin and guilt and punishment, and to study as never before the psychological origin of sin and its development in human nature. Attention was thus called to the words of Jesus that the sin against the Holy Spirit was the only eternal sin, the only un- pardonable transgression. This sin is not only unpardonable in this age, but also in the age to come. This raises the question whether any man is irretrievably lost ere he commits this unpardonable sin, and whether those who do not commit it in this world ere they die are, by the mere crisis of death, brought into an unpardonable state ; and whether, when Jesus said that this sin against the Holy Spirit was unpardonable here and also hereafter, he did not imply that all other sins might be pardoned hereafter as well as here. This conclusion was reached by Nitzsch, Tholuck, Julius Muller, Martensen, Dorner, Schaff, and many others. ' The doctrmoof immediate justification and sanctification at death involves the conceit that the child who dies in infancy a few mo- ments after birth is immediately justified and sanctified, receives saving faith and all the Christian graces in an instant ; while his brother, who lives in this world, is not justi- fied until he reaches the age in which he can exercise personal faith, and then he; has all the struggles of life to undergo until he roaches the limit>' oOT'i''i;!jAJJf<^-}iajfchout the icomforts of sauctiijcatiun, which he cannot receive until death. If this were so, then blessed are those who die in infancy, and thus outstrip their fellows in the Christian race. Vastly better to be born to die, than to be born to live in this uncertain world. What laarent would not prefer to lay all his children in an early grave, assured of their salvation, rather than expose them to the dreadful risks of life and the possibility of eternal damnation? According to the cur- rent beliefs, those Chinese mothers who put their children to death make more Chris- tians than all the missionaries. Overcome with such reflections, we might express our misery in the complaint of Job, " Why died I not from the womb ? Why did I not give up the ghost when I camo from the belly ? Why did the knees receive me ? Or why the breasts, that I should suck ? For now would I have lain down and been qjuiet, I would have slept ; then had I been at rest. ' ] The Christian doctrine of sanctification forces us to the conclusion that the Middle State is now and has ever been the school of Christian Sanctification. The Eoman Catholic doctrine of purgatory is a perver- sion of the true doctrine. It is mechanical and unethical, like other peculiar doctrines of the Roman Catholic system. But it is better than a blank agnosticism. There is much truth and some comfort in the midst of its errors, and it has profound consolation to offer to the bereaved and penitent. Here is one of its greatest strongholds. It is less mechanical and less unethical than the theory that has prevailed among Protestants that there is both immediate justification and immediate sanctification in the article of death. The doctrines associated with Christian sanctification lead to similar results. Are the experiences of saving faith, assurance of grace and salvation, religious worf^hip, the communion of saints confined to a few adult Christians in this life ? Have Ithey no meaning for the vast majority of thje re- deemed ? Eathcr for the best of Chris|;ians the sublime truth and comfort involved in these doctrines are not realized until they enter upon the Middle State. Those who hold the doctrine of iiamediate sanctification at death do not really under- stand the Protestant doctiiiio of sanctifica- tion and th e princi])Uv^ < f ('liri *-«/act of justification; and if regeneration, justification, and sanctification may all be one at death, why not in this life, as the Plymouth bretliren teacli ? AVhy was the world turned upside down at the Protestant [{eformation in order to discriminate justi- lication by faith from sanctification if, after all these centuries of Protestantism, they ;irc really identical for the vast majority of our race, and are only to be distinguished in those in Christian lands who live to matu- n^ rily and become true Christians ? Then _y Protestantism would be not only a failure, i^ 4 but also one of the greatest crimes in his- ^ /tory. This is the pit of ruin into which the ^ \ Niogmatic divines of our day would force us .» /tCS2 rather than gxtend the light of redemption — into the Mid dle Sl^ate. i TTiose dnines who confound eanctifica-! tion with justification do not understand the principles of sanctification and Christian Kthibs. Sanctification has two sides — morti- fication and vivification ; the former is man- ward, the latter is Oodward. Bglicxfijcajiilp enter the Mi ddle »State_.eatQr_Bitij£sa ; they are pardoned and justified ; they are mantled in the blood and righteousness of Christ ; and nothing will be able to separate them from his love. They are also delivered from I all temptations such as spring from with- out, from the world and the devil. They/ are encircled with influences for good suclij ^-^/*y have neier -Cuip^d, .before. But X}\£;frjf^- still the same persons, with airffi'd' gifti ' ' ■ " ■ rr :> Xf^ f '? and g;ace8 and also all the eviLhabitI' of jniiid. disposition, and temper they had when tiii'v k'i't the world. It is unpsycho- logical to suppose that these will all be changed in the moment of death. It is the Manichean hcresxto hold that sin belongs To tHe^pTiysical organization, andisTaid aside with the body. If this were so, how can any of our race carry their evil natures with them into the Middle State and incur the punishment of their sins ? The Plymouth Brethren hold that there are two natures in the redeemed, the old man and the new. In accordance with such a theory, the old man might be cast off at death. 13ut this is only a more subtile kind of Manicheism, which has ever been regarded as heretical. Sin, as our Saviour teaches, has its source in the heart, in the higher and immortal part of man. It is the work of sanctification to overcome sin in the higher nature. We may i justly hold that the evil that lingers in the] higher moral nature of believers Avill be sup- pressed and modified with a^ energy of re- 1 pentance, humiliation, confession, and de- termination that will be more powerful than ever before, because it will be stimulated by the presence of Christ and his saints. The Christian graces will unfold under more favorable circumstances than in this world. If it were possible that sanctification at death would make men so perfect in holi- ness a^ to remove all evil tendencies and habits, and not only destroy their disposition to sin, but so lift them above temptation that they would be not only like our Sav- iour during his earthly life, ^^o.^sr non peccare, but also like our Saviour after he had sanc- tified himself and risen victor over sin, death, and Satan, and attained the position of 7ion posse peccare ; even then they would only have accomplished the negative side of sanctification, the mortification or entire putting to death the old man of sin. They would still have to undergo the process of vivification and learn ilie practice of true holiness. Wliat i:)ractice have infants and imbeciles when they fenter the Middle State ? How far short ^in practice do the best of men fall ? Are' they no longer to have an opportunity for the practice of true holiness ? Will there be no chance to learn ' what true holiness is ? The Middle State must, from the very nature of the case, be a school of Banctification. X. Tlic Reigning Christ. It was a profound saying of Henry B. Smith that Eschatology ought to be Chris- tologized. It is greatly to be regretted that he did not'uTFiI nis ~O^Tl " ai-tt^iiiiou^tcrthat theme, and give us the fruit of his iuvestiga- 1889.] REDEMPTION AFTER DEATH. 115 tions. Dr. Schaff gave his attention to this subject many years ago in his book on the Sin against the Holy Ghost, and has added not a few vahiable hints in his later publi- cations, Christ is the mediator between God and man in tlie exercise of his offices as prophet, priest and king. Those who passed a few years in tliis world, and then went into the Middle State and have been there for centuries, have not passed beyond the need of his mediation. The interval between death and the Judgment has its lessons and its training for them as well as for ns. The prophetic office of Christ continues to those who are in the Middle State, After his own death he went to the abode of the departed spirits, and preached unto them his gospel. He ascended into heaven, taking his redeemed with him. All those whom he has purchased with his blood ascend to him to abide with him. The redeemed rob- ber is not the only one to whom he has some- thing to say in the Middle State, All be- lievers enter his school and are trained in the mysteries of his kingdom. Those mys- teries are not cleared up by a flash of reve- lation ; they are revealed as the redeemed are able to apprehend them and use them. It is improbable that Augustine, Calvin and Luther will be found in the same class-room as the redeemed negro slave or the babe that has entered heaven to-day. The Fa- thers and doctors of the Church will be the teachers of the dead, as they taught the liv- Christ's priestly office continues for them. They who enter the Middle State still need his blood and righteousness. Even if they commit no positive sin they do not reach ' positive perfection until their sanctification has been completed in the attainment of the complete likeness of Christ. They need the robe of Christ's righteousness until they have gained one of their own. He is still their surety, who has engaged with them and with God to present them perfect in the last great day. But, above all, Christ is a king in the In- termediate State. Here in this world his reign is only partial ; there it is complete, |JIere his kingdom is interwoven with the kingdom of darkness. There it is apart from all evil and hindrance. His reign is )ntiro over his saints, and they are being prepared by him for the advent in which they will come with him to reign over the world. The Church is chiefly in the Intermediate tibule of it. In this woTId we have I learned to know in part the Messiah of the Cross ; there in tho Middle State the re- deemed know tho glory of the Messiah of the Throne. There the Church is in its purity and complete organization, as the bride of the Lamb. There Christ the head and his body the Church are in blessed unity. We have glimpses in the Apocalypse of the vast assemblies of tho saints in heaven about the throne of the Lamb. And the Epistle of the Hebrews gives us a picture of their organized assembly on the heights of the heavenly Zion. It is important for the Church on earth to have a better apjirehen- sion of its relations to the Church in the Middle State. Tho Protestant branch of Christendom is weaker here than the Rorr^an Catholic. It is high time to overcome tlhis defect, for it is not merely agnosticism, it is sin against tho mysteries of our religion. The modern Church ought to return to the faith of the ancient Church, and believe in the " Communion of Saints." AT. Consistency of Christian Doctrine^ We have developed the doctrine of the Middle State in tho light of other established Christian doctrines. If the Churcli has. _^ rightly defined these, then it results from 1 them that wo must take that view of the \ Middle State that they suggest. If wo iire I not prepared to do this we cast doubt upon the legitimacy and competency of these doc- trines. We confess them inadequate and insufficient. The Calvinistic system, withr its principle that salvation is by the divine* grace alone, and that this grace is ever pfe-|^ ^'><- venieut, enables us to believe that the ordd< \ «-t.^>, salutis begins for all_wjioaTesaied_ h}^ ! ,. , ' regeiyration^;QX. fKeJSoIxBpi^^^ life.' ' Tms regeneration begets the seeds of a per-f feet Christian life. For some the 07-do sal- utis makes no further advance in this lile ; for others it advances in ditferent degrees and stages ; but for all the redeemed tlie Middle State is of vast importance as the state in which our redemption is taken ip I where it is left incomplete in this life aid then carried on to its perfection. This view ' of the Middle Stato gives it its true theo- logical importance. It enables us to look forward with hope and joy for an entrance upon it. This lifo is an introduction to it. It mediates between death and the resurri c- tiou, and prepares for the ultimate blesse d- ness. ' We have thus far considered only the re- deemed. Those who do not belong to that company also enter intothA Aridrlla J^-ot-y. But their place is a dflferent one. It is ^\^^^ ^ resented as a prison, a place of destructiip^ 116 MA GAZINJE OF CHRISTIAJSf LITER A TUBE. [Dec, ^v and torment before the resurrection of Christ, ill which tliey are reserved for the day of judg- ment. There is a silence on the fate of the ■wicked in the Middle State since the resurrec- tion of Jesus that is profound and unbroken ill the New Testament. The presumption is that their condition has not been changed by the resurrection, and that they remain in the prison-house of Hades. There are some who hold that there is a possibility of release from the prison house to join the company of the blessed. Such a hope would, indeed, be a comfort if it could be indulged for all ■ mankind. But there seems to be no solid basi s on v .'liich tn vv:A it. Tlie grace of God is so gi'and and glorious in its wonders of re- demption that we may rest upon that as the solid rock of comfort. We gain more lioj^e here than we can get from any other source whatsoever. We may be certain that when the final verdict has Jaeen rendered, we shall not be surprised that so many were not saved. But we shall rejoice at the wonder- ful extent and richness of the redemptive love of God in the unexpected multitudes of the blessed. And these will be not chiefly babes and imbeciles, but men and women who have undergone hardships in this life, and have overcome in its trials and temptations. If we could find evidence in the Scrip- tures that there was any possibility of the ex- tension of the benefits of regeneration and the efficacy of the means of grace into the abode of the lost, we should be glad to follow it. Or if we could see any evidence from other Christian doctrines that would lead to such a hope we would gladly embrace it. The Scrijitures are not so decided against it -as miiny.jiuppose. The one passage with refer- ciifce to Dives is not decisive for the present di$pensation, and therefore does not shut the door of hope. The preaching of Jesus to tlijo spirits in prison is not decisive for the prbsent dispensation, and therefore does not o^en the door for a larger hope. Jesus by hifi resurrection made a change in the abode of the dead, by taking some of them at least with him from Hades to Heaven. We do not know what changes liave been made in Hades in other respects. The Arminian doctrine of Probation fojrces all those who believe in it to extend that probation into the Intermediate State. Sooner or later they will do it. But the Cnlvinistic system is in a very different po- fition. The Calvinistic system solves the diiTicultics in a much better way. It docs ijfitjimit the grace o f God by human ability ffmabilityr Ana "^^^TTteTTr-rs Tn^t-hmg in C^^xanism itself that prevents the extension of redemption into a future life. In point of fact, Universalism sprang out of an ex- treme form of Calvinism. The grace of God might work in Hades as well as in this world. Eegeneration might take place there as well as here, with or without the use of the means of grace. But we cannot escape the consideration that no one goes to Hades who has not been previously in this world, Avhere the work of regeneration might have been wrought without waiting for the Mid- dle State. If multitudes of infants and im- beciles are regenerated before departing from this life, why not also all others who are to be redeemed ? Let us heed the Saviour's warning, " Judge not that ye be not judged." AVe should cease damning our fellow-men and sending them to hell for difference of doc- trine, of polity, and of mode of worship. Certainly if it rested with men, not one of us would ever see heaven. If the historic churches were to be the judges, they would empty heaven save of a very few ancient saints, and fill hell with historic Chris- tianity. If the judgment of the ecclesiastical au- thorities of the historic churches were rati- fied in heaven to-day, as they claim that they will be, every Christian now in the world would be excluded from heaven when he dies by the official decision of some one or more of the various ecclesiastic organiza- tions that now govern the Christian world. What a rcductio ad absurdum is the present opinion of Christendom on this subject ! The Messiah is at hand. There is a day\ of judgment that is hastening on. We are none of us prepared for it. Let us be thank- ; ful that there is a Saviour and a congi-ega-l tion of saints in the Middle State ready to receive us and prepare us for that day, audi that when we depart this life in feebleness? and imperfection we may be received into} the company of the blessed, who will| strengthen us and help us to climb the] ascents of sanctificatiou and glory. CHEAP MISSIONARIES AND MIS- SION EDUCATION. [.1 Reply to ilic ai'ticle, " CJieap Missionaries," bt/ Meredith Totcnsend, reprinted in our November ntimber, pp. 93-97.] BY PRINCIPAL MILLER, C.I.E., LL.D. From Tfie. Contemporary Renew, Oct., 1689. It is a sign that the missionary movement lias oi'A'Y'^YrJ'^^tjn^^i^^tv when it .1>*'"7.|)S i be treateu ao one of the forces bv which (in A : -i*-«is!j^jT-.-.-at;r>jtJi*iitt!n' Date Due mr^^ . ^. ^JUl. 1 • -^ ■ ■ U _ ■w^ '- sr '~^ ^"^^ — •, ^-- ,,v)Llt f) II