LIBRARY OF PRINCETON - c ■•"'3 ...J THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY A COMPLETE COJ^CORDAJVCE HOIiY SCRIPTURES OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT. 1$^ ♦ # Air.iE5^MfBlgM OiiniDlSM, MLA. W-irdl' l-'illl.ADKl.Pl-lIA ^^< A COMPLETE CONCOR»A]^CE TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT: OR, A DICTIONARY AND ALPHABETIC AL INDEX TO THE BIBLE: VERY USEFUL TO ALL CHRISTIANS WHO SERIOUSLY READ AND STUDY THE INSPIRED WRITINGS. IN TWO PARTS: CONTAINING, I. The Appellative or Common Words in bo full and large a Man- ner, that any Verse may be readily found by looking for any material Word in it. In this Part, the various Significations of the principal Words are given; by which the true Meaning of many Passages of Scripture is shown: An Account of several Jewish Customs and Ceremonies is also added, which may serve to illustrate many Parts of Scripture. II. The Proper Names in the Scriptures. To this Part is prefixed a Table, containing tlie Significations of the Words in the Original Languages from which they are derived. TO WHICH IS ADDED, ^ eoncottrance to tf)e Jioofts callctr frjjocrsp!)^* THE WHOLE DIGESTED IN AN EASY AND REGULAR METHOD : WHICH, TOGETHER WITH THE VARIOUS SIGNIFICATIONS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS NOW ADDED, RENDERS IT MORE USEFUL THAN ANY BOOK OF THE KIND HITHERTO PUBLISHED. BY ALEXANDER CRUDEN, M. A. FROM THE TENTH LONDON EDITION, CAREFULLY REVISED AND CORRECTED BY THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN ORIGINAL LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. Search the Scriptures ; for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me. John v. 39. Thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Ml Scripture is given by inspiration of God, (J-c. 2 Tira. iii. 15 — 17. ,_ Pi)Uatrelpi)ia: « PUBLISHED BY THOMAS WARDLE, MINOR STREET, AND SOLD BY MONROE AND FRANCIS; HILLIARD, GRAY, & CO. ; RICHARDSON, LORD AND HOLBROOK ; CROCKER AND BREWSTER ; AND LINCOLN AND EDMANDS, Boslon: G. AND C. AND II. CARVILL; COLLINS AND HANNAY; AND J. P. HAVEN, JVew York: JOHN GRIGG ; TOWAR AND HOG AN ; AND CAREY AND HART, Philadelphia : F. LUCAS, JR. AND ARMSTRONG AND PLASKITT, Baltimore: and o. a. roorbach, Charleston. Stereotyped by L. Johnson, Philadelphia. 1830. MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. THE facilities afforded by the following Work, to the minister of the Gospel, the Biblical student, and the more private Christian, when searching the Scriptures, whether for the instruction of others, or their own individual benefit, have embalmed the name of Cruden in their grateful affections ; and cannot fail to attach a more than ordinary interest to the events of his life, so large a portion of which was laboriously em- ployed for their benefit. Mr. Alexander Cruden was born at Aberdeen on the 31st of May, 1701. His father, Mr. William Cruden, was a merchant of some eminence ; and pos- sessed the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens sufficiently to procure his election as one of their BailUes, or chief magistrates. In both public and pri- vate life his integrity and uprightness were exemplary ; and the terms of veneration in which his son Alexan- der was accustomed to speak of him, were doubtless dictated by truth no less than by strong fiUal affection. Few particulars of Mr. Cruden's early years have been preserved. The acknowledged piety of his parents, and the commendable attention paid in Scot- land to the religious instniction of youth, doubtless con- ferred on him great moral advantages; and led him, even from childhood, to revere the sacred volume. It is more than probable that the habits thus early formed had considerable influence on his subsequent life and studies. A higher motive than mere secular advantage led him to make choice of the Christian ministry, as the business of his future life. He had previously received a good elementary education in the grammar school of his native city ; and, as an introduction to the clerical profession, and in order to secure the advantages of that respectable seat of learning, he entered himself a stu- dent of Mareschal College, and dUigently attended the lectures of the several professors. Here he made con- siderable proficiency in the learned languages, and in general literature ; the degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him; and he was on the point of being proposed as a Hcentiate, when circumstances, which are in a great measure enveloped in mystery, caused a total change in his destination. Though posterity is left in ignorance of the precise nature of these circumstances, there is abundant evidence that the purity of his moral character remained unsuUied, and that his love for theo- logical studies had experienced no abatement. Possi- bly some symptoms of that aberration of mind which more strongly discovered itself at a subsequent period of his life, rendered the abandonment of a profession so replete with mental anxiety and labour, when its duties are properly performed, highly prudential, if not essen- tially necessary. As the malady from which he so severely suffered was not hereditary, it has been referred to various causes. Some have attributed it to the bite of a mad dog; but the peculiar symptoms of hydrophobia fur- nish no confirmation of such an opinion. Others, with more consistency, ascribe it to a disappointment in love, which he experienced about this period ; but it is doubt- ful whether this operated as a cause or a consequence. If the rejection of his addresses, in terms, as would ap- pear, not the most gentle, did not originally excite the malady, the effect produced by the disappointment, on a mind pre-disposed to insanity, caused him frequently to use such unseasonable and sometimes outrageous at- tempts to obtain an interview with the object of his affections, as to oblige his friends to send him to a place of confinement.* On his release from confinement, he resolved to leave the scene of his early and bitter sor- rows. In the year 1722 he arrived in London; and was employed at Ware, in Hertfordshire, as classical tutor to some young persons. Several following years were spent in the Isle of Man, in similar occupations. In 1732 he finally settled in London, and engaged as corrector of the press; blending with this occupation tlie trade of a bookseller, wliich he carried on in a shop under the Royal Exchange. Here his hterary attain- ments, indefatigable industry, and strict integrity, pro- cured for him the esteem, not only of those who availed themselves of liis professional labours, but of several persons eminent for their wealth and influence. To the strong recommendations of the Lord Mayor, and several of the Aldermen, and other distinguished Citizens of London, who were weU known to Sir Robert Wal- POLE, then Prime Minister, he was indebted for the ap- pointment of Bookseller to the Queen, vacant by the death of Mr. Matthews ; but, though eventually suc- cessful, his patience was severely tried by the tardy measures of the Minister. About a year or two before he received this distinc- tion, he detcrmmed to begin that great work upon which * The young lady above referred to was the daughter of a clergyman of Aberdeen. Shortly afler Mr. Cruden was placed under restraint, it was discovered that a criminal intercourse had subsisted between her and lier own brother, by whom she was actually pregnant. About ten or eleven years afterwards, Mr. Cruden then resident in London, was taken by Mr. Chalmkus, a Primer of Aberdeen, to the house of a merchant near the Royal Exchange, who was deemed likely to assist him in his business. The door was opened by the unworthy object of Mr. Cruden'b tenderest regards ; who, upon leaving Aberdeen, had, unknown to Mr. Cruden, or his friend, there found a refuge far from the scene of her guilt and ruin. Mr. Cruden started back ; with the utmost intensity of feeling he grasped the hand of Mr. Chalmers, and exclaimed, " Ah ! she has still her fine black eyes'." No inducement could prevail on him to have any communication with the owner of the house, who was a younger brother of the lady. As to the wrctclied woman herself, he never mentioned her name but with the bitterest grief, and most tender compassion. 5 MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. he had long deliberated, A Complete Concordance of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and JS'ew Testaments. If the merit of labour alone be given to this work of Mr. Cruden, it must be acknowledged that it required labour the most intense, and perseverance which knew no interval. He was well qualified for such an under- taking ; for habits of industry were familiar to him ; and his conviction of the liigh utility of such a work led him both to form and to execute the plan previously to his receiving any encouragement from the public. The first edition was published in 1737 ; the preface to which explains his plan, and the motives which led to its publi- cation. He had the honour of presenting a copy of the work to Queen Caroline, consort of George II. a short time prior to its pubhcation; when her Majesty "smiled upon the Author, and assured him, she was highly obliged to him." A dedication to his Royal Patroness, couched in most eulogistic terms, was pre- fixed ; and the Author's expectations of receiving some solid proof of royal munificence were very sanguine. The uncertain nature of all earthly dependencies was, however, strikingly manifested by the sudden death of the Queen, only sixteen days after the presentation of the work ;* and " her declared intention of remem- bering the Author never took place." As Mr. Cruden had undertaken the work on his own responsibility, the expenses necessarily attendant on its publication had nearly exhausted his limited resources ; and the time it occupied had possibly diverted his atten- tion from the duties of his shop. His embarrassments obliged him to dispose of his stock in trade, and to abandon his shop; and his disappointed hopes depressed his mind, which had possibly suffered from the intensity of application to which it had been subjected while pre- paring the work. His malady returning with increased violence, his friends deemed his confinement necessary, and lie was sent to a private asylum for lunatics, at Bethnal Green ; from which he, however, contrived to escape, though he was chained to the bedstead on which he lay. In March, 1739, Mr. Cruden published a journal of his sufferings while confined at Bethnal Green, entitled: The London Citizen exceedingly in- jured ; giving an account of his severe and long cam- paign at Bethnal Green, for nine weeks and six days ; the Citizen being sent there in March, 1738, by Robert Wightman, a notoriously conceited, whimsical man; where he was chained, handcuffed, strait-waistcoated, and imprisoned; with a history of Wightman' s Blind Bench; a sort of Court that met at Wightman' s room, and unac- countably proceeded to pass decrees in relation to the London Citizen, S^c. <^c. Not content with bringing the parties by whom he supposed himself aggrieved to the bar of public opinion, he instituted legal proceedings against Wightman, the proprietor of the asylum, and Dr. Monro, the Physician. Mr. Cruden pleaded his own cause, and furnished sufiicient proof of the deranged state of his intellect. A verdict was, of course, found for the defendants. When the verdict was returned, Mr. Cruden betrayed no agitation ; but on hearing it said, " I trust in God." The Judge replied : " I wish you had trusted more in God, and had not come hither." The trials, with remarks, were subsequently published by Mr. Cruden, with a dedication to King George II. The former employers of Mr. Cruden did not deem him disqualified for resuming his labours as corrector of the press. After his release, he was employed for a considerable number of years, in those services which Printers and Publishers constantly need from men of education and learning. Under his inspection several editions of the Greek and Roman Classics were pub- lished with great accuracy. His manners were invaria- bly simple and inoffensive; he was always to be trusted, and performed his engagements with the strictest fidelity. Fifteen years had passed away in this laborious and useful employment, without any alarming indications of mental incapacity ; when his relatives, induced by rea- sons which charity would hope justified them in having recourse to such extreme measures, placed him a third time in confinement, which was but of short duration ; being from the 12th to the 29th of September, 1753. No proof was ever adduced of a mischievous propensity ; his madness was sui generis: we find nothing like it in the annals of medicine ; nor can it be accounted for on any known principles of physiology. It is more than probable that the restraint to which lie was subjected, and the discipline employed by those under whose care he was placed, irritated his mind, and increased his melancholy disorder. Upon his liberation, he afforded some rather ludicrous proofs of the light in which he regarded those who had procured his recent confinement. As his sister, Mrs. Wild, being his nearest relative, had sanctioned that proceeding, he required from her a reparation of the injury. In a letter, addressed to a friend of Mrs. Wild, he makes what he calls " proposals of reconciliation ;" and begs her good offices to induce Mrs. Wild to ac- cede to them. These proposals were, that Mrs. Wild would " voluntarily submit to confinement in the prison of Newgate for forty-eight hours, and pay to Mr. Cru- den the sum of ten pounds." On its being intimated that a confinement in Newgate might prove prejudicial to her health, as the jail distemper was then prevalent in that prison, Mr. Cruden offered to commute the impri- sonment in Newgate for one of twice forty-eight hours in the Tower, and a sum of fifteen pounds. These "reconciling proposals" wei'e, however, not agreed to by Mrs. Wild, though her guardian, and other friends were urged to employ their persuasions. Mr. Cruden was much surprised at the failure of these overtures ; and observed, " It is a little comical, that there should be so much trouble in getting this woman confined for forty-eight hours, who by a word of her mouth confined the Corrector for seventeen days." At length, despair- ing of a pacific termination of the business,- he brought an action against his sister, and three other persons, which was tried in Westminster Hall, February 20, 1 754. The damages were laid at ten thousand pounds, and a verdict was returned for the defendants. At the the commencement of the following term, Mr. Cruden moved the Court in person for a new trial, which was refused. He then published his case, entitled, The Ad- ventures of Alexander the Corrector; three parts of which successively appeared. It is not easy to convey an idea of the contents of these publications. They are evidently the production of a mind in which reason tot- tered, if she were not entirely dethroned. Various, whimsical, serious, and jocose, they form a fair speci- men of the publications which he, from time to time, presented to the public relative to himself. His insanity now discovered itself in a variety of whimsical, and occasionally extravagant actions ; the narration of which, though it might gratify curiosity, would answer no valuable purpose ; only a few instances shall be adduced. Fully persuaded that he was in- tended by Divine Providence to accomplish a great national benefit, he assumed the title of, " Alexander * The work was presented Nov. 4, 1731, and Her Majesty died on the 21st of the same month. 6 MEMOIR OF MR. THE Corrector;" and gave out that he was commis- sioned by Heaven to reform the manners of the age ; particularly to restore the due observance of the sabbath. To convmce the public of the validity of his claims to the high prerogatives he exercised, he printed and cir- culated detached sentences from the sermons and writings of eminent ministers and others; all anony- mous, or with the initials only of the authors' names. The substance of these predictions was, " That Mr. Cruden was to be a second Joseph, to be a great man at Court, and to perform great things for the spiritual Israel in Egypt." Furnished with these credentials, he went to Oxford, and other places, and exhorted the peo- ple whom he found in the public walks on the sabbath, to go home, and keep the sabbath-day holy ; generally enforcing his admonition with denunciations of eternal wrath m case of non-compliance. Mr. Cruden's mind seems to have cherished vi'ith no ordinary enthusiasm the scheme of reformation we have described; and that his power might be co-extensive with his aims, he ui'ged the necessity of a formal recog- nition of his authority by the King in Council ; and even, should it be found necessary, that an Act of the Legis- lature should constitute him " Corrector of the People.' To obtain these, the aid of persons high in office was solicited; and the influence of the ladies of London was diligently sought. He drew up a testimonial of hii integrity, and zeal for the public good ; and obtained the signatures of the Lady Mayoress, and some other fe males of rank ; who appear to have considered his am bition of so harmless a character, that it was better to indulge him by a seeming acquiescence with his preten sions, than to irritate his malady by unnecessary oppo' sition. About the same time he made a formal application to His Majesty for the honour of Knighthood ; to which distmction he aspired, not from fondness for the title, but from a persuasion that it would introduce him to greater usefulness : " for thinking men," he observed, " ought to seek after titles rather to please others than themselves." The account he gave of his attendances at Court on this business, and of his mterviev/s with the Lords in Waiting, the Secretaries of State, and other persons of rank, is highly amusing. His eccentricities seem to have become familiar with the attendants; and his acknowledged reputation for uprightness and worth appears to have preserved him from the treatment gene- raUy met with by impertinent intruders. He complains, however, that his appUcations were not attended to ; but exempts Earl Paulett from the censures which he ap- plies to others. That nobleman, he says, " spoke civilly to him ; for, being goutish in his feet, he could not run away from the Corrector, as others were apt to do." Wearied by his unsuccessful sohcitations for court distinction, he next aspired to parliamentary honours. At the general election in 1754, he offered himself as a candidate for representing the City of London in par- liament ! The endeavours of his friends to dissuade him from this wild enterprise were ineffectual. To the suggestion of some, that he was too late in his applica- tion, he rephed, " that he was not to look backward, but forward." He obtained an interview with one of^ the Bishops, who treated him with humane attention; com- mended his Concordance ; but iiitimated his opinion that he was not likely to obtain his election, unless Provi- dence specially appeared for him. " This," says Cruden, in his account of the interview, " the Corrector readily acknowledged." Indeed, he appears confidently to ALEXANDER CRUDEN. consideration of the uncommon motives by which he was actuated in applying for the honour, would decline all opposition. To the London ministers he sent circular letters ; stating, that if Christian directions were given to the people by their reverend pastors, it might cause the Electors to act with caution and conscience ; — and that wicked men are not fit to be chosen senators, and intrusted with the religion and liberties of the nation. His various addresses to the Liveiy, through the me- dium of the public press, were equaUy singular in style and sentiment. The following is a fair specimen of both: " To the worthy Livery of the City of London." " London, April 30, 1754. " Gentlemen : " Your votes and interest are humbly re- quested for Alexander Cruden, the Corrector, Citizen and Stationer, and author of the New Concor- dance to the Bible, a work in much esteem, to be one of the Representatives in ParUament for the City. " It is thought that God in his providence signally favours the Corrector. And in order to fulfil the prophecies concerning him, he earnestly requests, that the Sheriffs, Candidates, and Liverymen, may seriously, as m the sight of God, consider the Appendix to Alex- ander the Corrector's Adventures, and his letters and advertisements published for some days past ; which it is hoped will have a good effect on the candidates them- selves, and all persons concerned for the honour of God, and of true rehgion. " If there is just ground to think that God will be pleased to make the Corrector an instrument to reform the nation, and particularly to promote the reformation, the peace, and the prosperity of this great city, and to bring them into a more rehgious temper and conduct, no good man, in such an extraordmary case, will deny him his vote. And the Corrector's election is believed to be the means of paving the way to his being a Joseph, and an useful, prosperous man. " The Corrector's earnest prayers are put up from time to time for your happiness in this world, and the world to come, through Jesus Christ. " I am, very respectfully, " Gentlemen, " Your most obedient and affectionate Humble servant, " Alexander Cruden." It is needless to say, that Mr. Cruden was not more successful at the hustings than at Court. But he bore thi3 new disappointment with the most entire resigna- tion; consoling himself with the reflection, " that he had the hearts of the people, though their hands had been promised away." The Corrector, he adds, " was very cheerful and contented ; and not at all affected at the loss of his election. God's time is the best time." Shortly after the election, Mr. Cruden pubhshed a statement of the motives which induced him to aspire to the dignity and duties of a senator ; interspersed with some shrewd observations on the injurious influence of faction on the morals and happiness of a people. While Mr. Cruden was aspiring to the honours of Knighthood, and a seat in Parliament, he appears to have been brought under the powerful influence of love ; and with an ai'dour suited to the importance of the pur- suit, besought the hand of Mrs. Elizabeth Abnejt, the daughter of Sir Thomas Abney, who filled the office of have anticipated some extraordinary interposition in his Lord Mayor of London towards the close of the reign favour; and even hoped that the other candidates, in|of William III. The object of his affection is de- MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. scribed by him in his Love Adventures, as " a woman of good understanding, of good principles, and of amia- ble temper, with a liberal education, and acceptable person." Whether these valuable qualities would have been sufficient to captivate his heart, unaccompanied by, what he terms, « the greatest revenues of any lady of the puritanical denomination," which he also states her to have possessed, is doubtful. That his ruling passion even m this affair, was the desire of promoting the pub- lic good, may be easily conceived. He supposed that the large fortune, which was at the lady's own disposal, would put him in possession of the influence essential to the success of his benevolent schemes. As Mrs. Abney peremptorily refused to see him, he urged his suit for months, by letters, memorials, and remonstrances innu- merable, of which he published some laughable speci- mens. As milder measures had failed of producing a fevourable termination, he at length sent to her a paper of great length, formally signed and sealed, which he styled a Declaration of War. In this he rehearsed his grievances ; stated the means he had hitherto adopted to reduce Mrs. Abney to a comphance with his rea- sonable requests ; and that he was now reduced to the necessity of employing other measures. Being an ex- traordinary man, he would thenceforth carry on the war in an extraordinary manner, " by shooting off great numbers of bullets from his camp ; namely, by earnest prayer to heaven, day and night, that her mind may be enlightened, and her hetirt softened." He also had re- course to another stratagem, which, though highly ludicrous, could not, from its public nature, have been altogether pleasant, to the lady herself. In 1754, Mrs. Abney, being in the west of England, her eccentric lover evinced his affectionate concern for her welfare, by causing " praying bills" to be delivered every sabbath at several places of worship, requesting the prayers of the minister and congregation for the preservation of her- self and attendants. And on her return he sent similar bills, desiring that thanksgivings might be addressed to Almighty God for her safe arrival. In an epistle he subsequently addressed to her, he urges these exertions in her behalf as a powerful argument in his favour, and a proof that he was " more thoughtful about her than all her friends." Notwithstanding these multifarious and persevering attempts to produce a favourable mipression on her heart, Mrs. Abney remained obdurate; and even his letters, he states, " were quickly tossed back." It is even said, that the discipline of /ae. 17.22. and while they a. in GaUlee, Jesus said Lukel. 5(3. Mary a. with her about three months 8. 27. nor a. in any house, but in the tombs John 1. 32. I saw the Spirit, and it a. upon him 39. they came and a. with him that day 7. 9. when he said these words he a. in Gahlee 8. 44. he was a murderer, and a. not in the truth ll.G.he a. two days still in the place where he was Acts upper room where a.Peter and James 14. 3. long time a. they speaking boldly in the 18. 3. Paul a. with them and wrought 21. 7. we came and a. with the brethren one day 8. weentered the house of Philip and a. with him Gal. 1. 18. I went and a. with Peter fifteen days ABODE there, or there ABODE. Dent. 1. 46. according to the days that ye a. there Josh. 2. 22. came to mountain, and a. there 3 days Judg. 21. 2. the people a. there till even before God Ezra 8. 15. and there a. we in tents three days 32. we came to Jerusalem and a. there three days John 4. 40. and Jesus a. there two days 10. 40. where John at first baptized, and there a. Acts 12. 19. Herod went to Cesarea, and there a. 14. 28. there they a. long time -with the disciples 17. 14. SUas and Timotheus a. there still ABODEST. Judg. 5. 16. why a. thou among the sheepfolds7 ABOLISH Signifies [1] To do away, or make void, 2 Cor. 3. 13. Eph. 2. 15. [2] To destroy, Isa. 2. 18. 2 Tim. 1. 10. Isa. 2. 18. and the idols he shall utterly a. ABOLISHED. Isa. 51. 6. and my righteousness shall not be a. Ezek. 6. 6. and your works may be a. 2 Cor. 3. 13. not look to the end of that which is a Eph. 2. 15. having o. in his flesh the enmity 2 Tim. 1. 10. Jesus Christ, who hath a. death ABOMINABLE. Lev. 7. 21. that shall touch any a. unclean thing 11. 43. ye shall not make yourselves a. with any 18. 30. commit not any ofthese a. customs 19. 7. if it be oaten on the third day, it is a. 20. 25. ye shall not make your souls a. by boast Deut. 14. 3. thou shalt not eat any a. thing 1 Chron. 21. 6. for the king's word was a. to Joab aChron. 15.8.Asa put away the a. idols from Judah ./ob 15. 16. how much more a. and fdthy is man Psal. 14. 1. are corrupt, they have done a. works 53. 1. corrupt are they, and have done a. iniquity Isa. 14. 19. thou art cast out Uke an a. branch 65. 4. and broth of a. things is in their vessels Jer. 16. 18. filled with carcases of their a. things 44. 4. O, do not this a. thing that I hate Ezek. 4. 14. nor came a. flesh into my mouth 8. 10. 1 saw and behold a. beasts and idols 16. 52. thy sins committed more a. than they Mic. 6. 10. and the scant measure that is a. JVah. 3. 6. and I will cast a. fihh on thee Tit. 1. 16. but in works deny him, being a. 1 Pet. 4. 3. when we walked in a. idolatries Rco. 21. 8. fearful, and unbelieving, and the a. ABOMINABLY. 1 Kings^l. 26. Ahab did very a. in following idols ABOMINATION Signifies, [1] .^ thing hateful and detestable. Gen, 43. 32. Prov. 29. 27. [2] Sin in general, Isa, Ezek. 16. 50. [3] .-3ra idol, 2 Kings 66.3 23. 13. Isa. 44. 19. [4] The Roman army thatdestroyedthe temple andJewishpolity,Ma.i. 24. 15. [5] Evil doctrines andpractices, Rev. 17. 4. Gen. 43. 32. for that is an a. to the Egyptians 46. 34. every shepherd is an a. to the Egyptians K:roi/.8.26.for we shall sacrifice the a.of Egyptians Lev. 7. 18. it shall be an a. 11. 41, 42. 11. 10. they shall be an a. to you, 12. 20, 23. 18. 22. as with womankind it is a. 20. 13. Deut. 7. 25. it is a. to the Lord thy God, 17. 1. 26. nor shalt thou bring an a. into thy house 12. 31. every a. they have done to their gods 13. 14. that such a. is wrought among you, 17.4. 18. 12. all that do these things are an a. 22. 5. 23. 18. both these are an a. to the Lord thy God 24. 4. for that is an a. before the Lord 25. 16. all that do unrighteously are an a. to God 27. 15. cursed be the man that raaketh a. to the 1 Sam. 13. 4. Israel was had in a. with Philistines 1 Kings 11. 5. Milcom the a. of Ammonites 7. an high jilace for Chemosh the a. of Moab 2 Kings 23. 13. Ashtoreth the a. of the Zidonians Psal. 88. 8. thou hast made me an a. to them Prov. 3. 32. the froward is an a. to the Lord 6. 16. yea seven things are an a. to hira 8. 7. speak truth, wickedness is an a. to my lips 11. 1. a false balance is an a. to the Lord 20. they of a froward heart are an a. to the Lord ABO Prov. 12. 22. lying Ups are a. to the Lord 13. 19. it is an a. to fools to depart from evil 15. 8. the sacrifice of the wicked is an a. 21. 27. 9. tlie way of the wicked is an the Lord 26. thoughts of the wicked are an a. to the Lord 16. 5. every one that is proud in heart is an a. 12. it is an a. to kings to commit wickedness 17. 15. they both are an a. to the Lord 20. 10. both of them are alike a. to the Lord 23. divers weights are an a. to the Lord 24. 9. and the scorner is an a. to men Prov. 28.9. even his prayer shall be a. 29. 27. an unjust man is an a. to the just, and he that is upright in the way, is a. to the wicked Isa. 1. 13. incense is an a. to me, the new-moons 41. 24. an a. is he that chooseth you 44. 19. shall I make the residue thereof an a ? 66. 17. eating swine's flesh, and the a. and mouse Jer. 2. 7. ye entered, ye made my heritage an a. 6. 15. ashamed when they committed a. 8. 12. 32. 35. that they should do this a. to cause Judah Ezek. 16. 50. they were haughty and committed a. 18. 12. hfted up his eyes to idols and committed a. 22. 11. committed a. with his neighbour's wife 33. 26. ye stand on your sword and ye work a. Dan. 1 1. 31. shall place the a. that maketh desolate 12. 11. and the a. that maketh desolate set up jMal. 2. 11. and a. is committed in Israel and Jcrus. Mat. 24. 15. ye see a. of desolation, Mark 13. 14. Lxike 16. 15. esteemed among men is a. with God Rev. 21. 27. shall in no wise enter that worketh a. ABOMINATIONS. Z)cmM8. 9. not learn to do after the a. of nations 32. 16. with a. provoked they him to anger 1 Kings 14. 24. did according to all a. of nations 2 Kings 16. 3. thro' fire according to a. 2 Chr. 28. 3. 21. 2. Manasseh did evil in the sight of the Lord after the a. of the heathen, 2 Chron. 33. 2. 23. 24. a. spied did Josiah put away, 2CAr. 34. 33 2 Chron. 36. 8. acts of Jehoiakim and his a. he did 14. people transgressed after all a. of the heathen Prov. 2C. 25. for there are seven a. in his heart Jer. a. 22. the Lord could not bear for the a. Ezek. 6. 11. alas for all the evil o. of house of Israel 8. 6. seest thou the great a. of Israel, but turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater a. 13, 15. 9. behold the wicked a. that they do here 17. is it a light thing to commit a. here? 9. 4. that sigh and cry for all the a. that be done 11. 18. take away all the a. thereof from thence 14. 6. turn away your faces from all your a. 16. 2. son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her a. 18. 24. when the righteous doth according to all a. 20. 4. cause them to know the a. of their fathers 7. cast ye away every man the a. of his eyes 8. they did not cast away the a. of their eyes 22. 2. yea thou shalt shew her all her a. 36. 31. and shall loathe yourselves for all your a. 44. 6. O Israel, let it suffice you of all your a. 7. they have broken my covenant for all your a. Dan. 9. 27. and for the overspreading of a. Xech. 9. 7. will take his a. from between his teeth Rev. 17. 4. a golden cup in her hand full of a. 5. the mother of harlots and a. of the earth Their ABOMINATIONS. Deut. 20. 18. teach you not to do after all their a. 29. 17. and ye have seen their a. and their idols Ezra 9. 1. the people doing according to their a. 11. with their a. which have filled the land Isa. 66. 3. and their soul delighteth in their a. .7er.7.30. have set their a. in the house called 32.34. Ezek. 6. 9. for the evils committed in all their a. 7. 20. but they made the images of their a. 11. 21. whose heart walketh after their a. 12. 16. that they may declare all their a. 16. 47. yet hast thou not done after their a. 20. 30. and commit ye whoredom after their a. 23. 36. yea, declare to them their a. 33. 29. the land desolate because of all their a. 43. 8. they have defiled my holy name by their a. 44. 13. they shall bear their shame and their a. Hos. 9. 10. their a. were according as they loved These ABOMINATIONS. Lev. 18. 26. ye shall not commit any ofthese a. 27. all these a. have the men of the land done 29. whosoever shall commit any of these a. 7)e«t.l8.12.because ofthese c.theLord hath driven 2 Kings 21. 11. Manasseh hath done these a. Ezra\i. 14. join in affinity with people of these a. Jer. 7. 10. we are delivered to do all these a. JE2C/t.l8.13.he hath done all these a.shall surely die Thine or thy ABOMINATIONS. Jer. 4. 1. if thouwilt put away t/n'Tie a. outof sight 13. 27. I have seen thine a. on the hills Ezek. 5. 9. do what I have not, because of thijie a. 11. thou hast defiled my sanctuary with thy a. 7. 3. I will recompense on thee all thine a. 4, 8, 9. 16. 22. all thine a. thou hast not remembered 36. with all the idols of thine a. and by the blood 43. not commit this lewdness above all thine a. ABO £i-.16.15. a. themselves to the ministry of saints ADDITION, S. 1 Kings 7. 29. certain a. were made of thin work 30. undersetters molten at the side of every a. 36. he graved cherubims, and a. round about ADJURE. Signifies, [1] To bind under the penalty of a fear- ful curse, Josh. 6. 26. [2] To charge earnestly by word or oath, 1 Kings 22. 16. Mat. 26. 63. 1 Kings 22. 16. the king said, how many times shall I a. thee to tell me nothing, 2 Chron. 18. 15. Mat. 26. 63. I. a. thee by the living God ADV ADV Mark 5. 7. 1 a. thee by God, thou torment me not ^cts 19.13. Baying, we a. you by Jesus, whom Paul ADJURED. Josh. 6. 26. Joshua a. them at that time 1 Sam, 14. 24. for Saul had a. the people ADMINISTRATION, S. 1 Cor. 12. 5. there are differences of a. 2 Cor. 9. 12. for the a. of this service supplieth ADMINISTERED. 2 Cor. 8. 19. a. by us to the glory of the same Lord 20. in this abundance which is a. by us, ADMIRATION. Jude 16. having men's ))ersons in a. Rev. 17. 6. I saw her, I wondered with great a. ADMIRED. 2 Thes. 1. 10. to be a. in ail tliem that believe ADMONISH, ED. Eccl. 4. 13. a foolish king who will no more be a. 12. 12. and further by these, my son, be a. Jer. 42. 19. know certainly that I have a. you Acts 27. 9. the fast was now past, Paul a. them Rom. 15. 14. ye are able also to a. one another Col. 3. 16. a. one another in psalms and hymns 1 Tkes. 5. 12. that are over you in Lord, and a. you 2 Tkcs. 3. 15. not an enemy, but a. him as a brother Heb. 8. 5. as Moses was a. of God, when he was ADMONITION. 1 Cor. 10. 11. they are written for our a. Eph. 6. 4. bring them up in the a. of the Lord Tit. 3. 10. after the first and second a. reject ADO. Mark 5.39. he saith, why make ye this a. and weep ADOPTION Is an aclionwhercby aman takes a person into his family, in order to make him part of it, acknow- ledges him for his son, and receives him into the nuviber, and gives him aright to the privileges of his children. Pharaoh's daughter adopted young Moses, and Mordecai Esther, E\od.'-2.10. Esth. 2. 7, 15. JVe are not acquainted how far theprivileges of adoption extended; but it may be presumed that they were much the same with those mentioned in thcRoman laws: The adopt- ed children shared in the estate with thenatural children ; they assumed the name of the person who adopted them,and became subject to his pa- ternal poioer who received them into his family. And God doth adopt his children, when he gra- ciously admits strangers and enemies,as all the fallen race of Adam are bynature,into the state and relation of children thro' Jesus Christ; he becoming their Father in him, according to the great promise of the new covenant, Eph. 2. 11, 12,13. 1 John 3. 1. Gal. 4. 5. Eph. 1.5. Jer. 31. 33. 2Cor. 6. 16,18. The adopted are true believers in Christ; they relying upon his blood and surety- righteousness for pardon and reconciliation with God ; for to as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name. They arc regenerated by the Spirit,and are justified freely by grace, through tlie redemption that is in Jesus Christ, and are brought thro' the Spirit's opera- tion to anaffectionate obediential frameof spirit towards God as their reconciled Father, Jolin 1. 12,13. Rom. 3. 24, 25. Zech. 12. 10. Isa. 63. 18. Gal. 4. 5, 6. Tit. 3. 5, G. 1 John 2. 29. Many and great are the privileges of God's adopted chil- dren; some of which arc, his fatherly protection from temporal and spiritual evils, and his pro- vision of all needful things both for soul and body; his fatherly correction of them; audience and return to their prayers; and a sure title to the heavenly inheritance: for, if children, then heirs, heirs of God. and joint-heirs with Christ, Rom. 8.17. PsaZ. 34. 10.' and 121. 7. Heb. 12.0. 1 John 5. 14, 15. True believers are said to be put into this state, [1] By election, Eph. 1. 5. [2] By manifestation and assurance, Rom. 8. 15. Gal. 4. 5, 6. [3] By perfect redemption and glory, at the general resurrection, Rom. 8. 23. Rom. 8. 15. but ye have received the Spirit of a. 23. waiting for the a. the redemption of our body 9. 4. to whom pertainelh the a. and the glory Gal. 4. 5. that we might receive the a. of sons Eph. 1. 5. predestinated us to the a. of children ADORN, ED, ETH, ING. Isa. 61. 10. as a bride a. herself with her jewels Jer. 31. 4. thou shalt be again a. with tabrets Luke 21. 5. the temple was a. with goodly stones 1 Tim. 2. 9. that women a. in modest apparel TVt. 2. 10. a. the doctrine of God our Saviour 1 Pet. 3. 3. whose a. let it not be that outward a. 5. women who trusted in God a. themselves Rev. 21. 2. prepared as a bride a. for her husband ADVANCED. ISam. 12.6. it is the Lord that a. Moses and Aaron F.sth. 3. 1. Ahasuerus a. Haraan the Agagite. 5. 11. Haman told them how he had a. him. 10. 2. the greatness whereto the king a. Mordecai ti ADVANTAGE, ED, ETH. Job 35. 3. thou saidst, what a. will it be to thee Luke 9. 25. what is a man a. if he gain the world Rom. 3. 1. what a. then hath the Jew, or what 1 Cor. 15. 32. what a. it me if the dead rise not? 2 Cor. 2. 11. lest Satan should get an a. of us Jude's persons in admiration, because of a. ADVENTURE, ED. Deut. 28. 56. not a. to set the sole of her foot Judg. 9. 17. my father sought and a. his life far Acts 19. 31. that he would not a. into the theatre ADVERSARY. Exod. 23. 22. 1 will he an a. to thine adversaries JVuni. 22. 22. the angel stood for an a. against Balaam t 32. behold, I went out to be an a. to thee 1 Sam. 1. 6. and her a. also provoked her sore 29. 4. lest in the battle he be an a. to us 1 Kings 5. 4. there is neither a. nor evil occurrent 11. 14. the Lord stirred up an a. to Solomon, 23. 25. was an a. to Israel all the days of Solomon Esth. 7. 6. the a. and enemy is this wicked Haman Job 1. t 6. and the a. came also among them .31. 35. and that my a. had written a book Psal. 74. 10. how long shall the a. reproach 1 109. 1 6. let an a. stand at his right hand fsa. 50. 8. who is mine a. let him come near to me Lam. 1. 10. the a. hath spread out his hand 2. 4. he stood with his right hand as an a. 4. 12. that the a. should have entered the gates Amos 3. 11. an a. shall be round about the land Zech. 3. 1 1. shewed me an a. standing to be his a. Mat. 5. 25. agree with thine a. quickly, lest at any time the a. deliver thee to the judge Luke 12. 58. when thou goest with thine a. 18. 3. a widow, saying, avenge me of mine a. 1 Tim. 5. 14. give no occasion to the a. to speak 1 Pet. 5. 8. your a. the devil as a roaring lion ADVERSARIES. Deut. 32. 27. lest their a. should behave strangely 43. he will render vengeance to his a. Josh. 5. 13. art thou for us, or for our a. ? 1 Sain. 2. 10. the a. of the Lord shall be broken 2 Sam. 19. 22. that ye should this day be a. to me Ezra 4. 1. when a. of Judah and Benjamin heard JVeA. 4. 11. our a. said, they shall not know • Psal. 38. 20. that render evil for good, are my a. 69. 19. mine a. are all before thee 71. 13. be confounded that are a. to my soul 81. 14. have turned my hand against tlieir a. 89. 42. thou hast set up the right hand of his a. 109. 4. for my love they are my a. but I prayer 20. let this be the reward of my a. from Lord 29. let my a. be clothed with shame Isa. 1. 24. saith the Lord, I will ease me of my a. 9. 11. the Lord shall set up the a. of Rezin 11. 13. and the a. of Judah shall be cut off 59. 18. he will repay fury to his a. 63. 18. our a. have trodden down thy sanctuary 64. 2. to make thy name known to thine a. Jer. 30. 16. all thine a. shall go into captivity 46. 10. that he may avenge him of his a. 50. 7. and their a. said, we offend not Lam. 1. 5. her a. are the chief, her enemies prosper 7. the a. saw her, and did mock her sabbaths 17. tiiat his a. should be round about him 2. 17. he hath set up the horn of thine a. Mic. 5. 9. thy hand shall be lifted up upon thy a. Jfah. 1. 2. the Lord will take vengeance on his a. Luke 13. 17. all his a. were ashamed 21. 15. all your a. shall not be able to gainsay 1 Cor.16.9. a door is opened, and there are many a. Phil. 1. 28. and in nothing terrified by your a. Heb. 10.27. indignation which shall devour the a. ADVERSITY, lES. 1 .Sam. 10. 19. who himself saved you out of all a. 2 Sam. 4. 9. who redeemed my soul out of all a. 2 Chron. 15. 6. for God did ve.K them with all a. Psal.lO.G. he said in his heart, I shall never be in a. 31. 7. thou hast known my soul in a. 35. 15. but in my a. they rejoiced 94. 13. mayest give him rest from the days of o. Prov. 17. 17. and a brother is born for a. 24. 10. if thou faint in day of a. thy strength small Eccl. 7. 14. but in the day of a. consider Isa. 30.20. tho' the Lord give you the bread of a. Heb. 13. 3. remember them which suffer a. ADVERTISE. JVum. 24. 14. I'll a. thee, what this people shall do Ruth 4. 4. I thought to a. thee, saying, buy it ADVICE. Judg. 19. 30. take a. and speak your minds 20. 7. give here your a. and counsel 1 Sam. 25. 33. blessed be thy a. and blessed be thou 2 Sam. 19. 43. that our a. should not be first had 2 Chr. 10. 9. what a. give ye, that we may answer 14. answered them after the a. of young men 25. 17. king Aniaziah took a. and sent to Joash Prov. 20. 18. and witli good a. make war. 2 Cor. 8. 10. and herein I give my a. AFA I ADVISE, ED. 2 5am.24.13.a.and see what answer, 1 Cftron. 21. 12. 1 Kings 12.6. how do ye a. that I may answer peo- Prov. 13. 10. but with the well a. is wisdom [pie Acts 27. 12. the more part a. to depart thence also ADVISEMENT. 1 Chron. 12. 19. the lords upon a. sent him away ADULTERER, S. Lev. 20. 10. the a. shall surely be put to death Job 24. 15. the eye of the a. waiteth for twilight Psal. 50. 18. thou hast been partaker with a. Isa. 57. 3. draw near ye seed of a. and the whore Ji!r.9.2.for they be all a. an assembly of treacherous 23. 10. for the land is full of a. for swearing Hos. 7. 4. tlioy are all a. as an oven Jieated Mai. 3. 5. I will be a swift witness against the a. Luke 18. 11. I am not as others, extortioners, a. 1 Cor. 0. 9. be not deceived, neither a. shall inherit Heb. 13. 4. whoremongers and a. God will judge Jam. 4. 4. ye a. know ye not that the friendship ADULTERESS, ES. Lev. 20. 10. the a. shall surely be put to death Prov. 6. 26. the a. will hunt for the precious life Eick. 23. 45. righteous men shall judge them as a. Hos. 3. 1. go yet, love a woman, yet an a. Rom. 7. 3. so that she is no a. tho' she be married ADULTEROUS. Prov. 30. 20. such is the way of an a. woman Mat. 12. 39. an a. generation seeketh a sign, 16. 4. Mark 8. 38. whoso shall be ashamed in this a. ADULTERY, lES. Is twofold, [1] Katural, Mat. 5. 28. Mark 10. 11. [2] Spiritual, which is idolatry, Jer. 3. 9. Ezek. 23. 37. Exod. 20. 14. thou shalt not commit a. T>eut. 5.18. Mat. ,5. 27. I 19. 18. Rom. 13. 9. Lev. 20. 10. the man that committeth a. even he that committeth a. shall surely be put to death Proti.6.32.whoso commitsa.lacketh understanding Jer. 3. 8. when backsliding Israel committed a. 9. committed a. with stones and with stocks 5. 7. when I fed tliem, then they committed a. 7. 9. will ye steal, murder, and commit a. ? 13. 27. I have seen thine a. and neighings 23. 14. they commit a. and walk in lies 29. 23. because they have committed a. Ezek. 16. 32. but as a wife that committeth a. 23. 37. with their idols have they committed a. 43. then said I to her that was old in a. Hos. 2. 2. put away her a. between her breasts 4. 2. by lying and committing a. they break out 13. and your spouses shall commit a. 14. I'll not punish Ihem when they commit a. Mat. 5. 28. hath committed a. in his heart 32. whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth a. 19. 9. Luke 16. 18. 15. 19. out of the heart proceed a. Mark 7. 21. Mark 10. 11. whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another, committeth a. Luke 16.18. 19. do not commit a. Luke 18. 20. Jam.. 2. 11. John 8. 3. brought unto him a woman taken in a.4. Ro7H. 2. 22. sayest, a man should not commit a. Gal. a. 19. the works of the flesh are manifest, a. 2 Prt. 2.14. having eyes full of a. not cease from sin Rev. 2. 22. I will cast them that commit a. with ADVOCATE. 1 Johyi 2. 1. we have an a. with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous AFAR joined with OFF Signifies, [1] The distance between place and plac^ Gen. 37. 18. [2] To estrange one's self from another, Psal. 38. 11. [3] To be absent, Psal. 10. 1. [4] To be strangers, or not of the visible church, Eph. 2. 13, 17. Gen. 22. 4. Abraham saw llie place a. off 37. 18. when his brethren saw Joseph a. off Exod. 24. 1. come up, and worship ye a. off 33. 7. pitch the tabernacle a. off from the camp J\rum. 9. 10. be unclean, or be in a journey a. off 2 Kings 4. 25. when the man of God saw her a. off Ezra3. 13. shouted, and the noise was heard a. off Mch. 12. 43. the joy of Jerusalem was heard a. off Job 36. 3. I will fetch my knowledge from a. 25. a man may see it, a man may behold it a. off 39. 29. seeks her prey, and her eyes behold a. off Psnl. 65. 5. and of them that are a. off on the sea 138. 6. but the proud he knoweth a. off 139. 2. thou understandest my thoughts a. off Prov. 31. 14. she bringeth her food from a. Isa. 23. 7. her own feet shall carry her a. off 66. 19. those that escape to the isles a. off Jer. I a God at hand, and not a God 30. 10. I will save thee from a. 46. 27. 31. t 3. the Lord appeared from a. unto me 10. and declare it in the isles a. off 49. 30. flee, get you a. off, dwell deep 51. 50. go away, remember the Lord a. off Mic. 4. 3. he shall rebuke strong nations a. off Mat. 26, 58. but Peter followed him a. off, and went in, Mark 14. 54. Luke 22. 54. AFF Mat. 27. 55. women beholding a. off, Mark 15. 40. Mark 5. 6. but when he saw Jesus a. off, he ran 11. 13. and seeing a lig-tree a. off with leaves Luke 1B.23. htl up his eyes, and seethAbrahama.oJf ^cts 2. 39. tlie promise is to all that are a. off Epk. 2. 17. and came and preached peace to you which were a. off, and to them that were nigh Meb. 11. 13. having seen the promises a. off 2 Pet. 1. 9. is blind, and cannot see a. off See Far, Stand, Stood. AFFAIRS. IChron. 26.32. pertaining to God,anda. of the king Psal. 112. 5. he will guide his a. with discretion Dan. 2. 49.he set Shadrach over a. of the province 3. 12. Jews whom thou set over a. of the province EpA. 6. 21. but that ye also may know my a. 22. I have sent, that ye might know out a. Phil. 1. 27. or be absent, I may hear of your a. 2 Tim. 2. 4. entangleth himself with the a. of life AFFECT, ED, ETH. Lam. 3. 51. mine eye a. my heart, because of all jJcfs- 14. 2. their minds evil a. against the brethren Gal. 4. 17. zealously ff. you, that ye might a. them 18. it is good to be zealously a. in a good thing AFFECTIOxN. 1 Chron. 29. 3. have set my a. to the house of God Rom. 1. 31. without natural a. 2 Tim. 3. 3. 2 Cor. 7. 15. his inward a. is more abundant to you Col. 3. 2. set your a. on things above, not on things 5. mortify therefore fornication, inordinate a. AFFECTIONS. Bom. 1.26.for this causeGodgave them up to vile a. Oal. 5. 24. have crucified the Hesh with the a. AFFECTIONATELY. 1 Thess. 2. 8. so being a. desirous of you, willing AFFECTIONED. Rom. 12. 10. be kindly a. one to another AFFINITY. 1 Kings 3. 1. Solomon made a. with Pharaoh 2Chron. 18. 1. Jehoshaphat joined in a. with Ahab Ezra 9. 14. should we join in a. with the people AFFIRM Signifies, [1] To maintain the truth of a thing, Acts 25. 19. Tit. 3. 8. [2] To teach, 1 Tim. 1. 7. Rom. 3. 8. and as some a. that we say, let us do evil 1 Tim. 1. 7. what they say, nor whereof they a. Tit. 3. 8. these things I will that thou a. constantly AFFIRMED. Luke 22. 59. about an hour after another a. Acts 12. 15. but Rlioda constantly a. that it was so 25. 19. and of Jesus, whom Paul a. to be alive AFFLICT, EST. Gen. 15. 13. and they shall a. them 400 years 31. 50. if thou shalt a. my daughters, or take Ezod. 1. 11. set over them task-masters to a. them 22. 22. ye shall not a. any widow or fatherless 23. if thou a. them in any wise, and they cry 23. t 22. I will a. them that a. thee Lev. 16. 29. ye shall a. your souls, 31. | 23. 27, 32. J\rum. 29. 7. Jfum. 24. 24. ships from Chittim shall a. Ashur 30. 13. and every binding oath to a. the soul Judg. 16. 5. that we bind him to a. him 6. wherewith thou mightest be bound to a. thee 19. she began to a. him, and his strength went 2 Sam. 7. 10. nor children of wickedness a. them 1 Kings n. 39. I will for tiiis a. the seed of David ZChron. 6.26. turn when thou dost a. 1 Kings 8.35. Ezra 8. 21. that we might a. ourselves before God Job 37. 23. touching the Almighty, he will not a. Psal. 44. 2. how thou didst a. the people and cast 55. 19. God shall hear and a. them, even he 89. 22. nor the son of wickedness a. him 94. 5. O Lord, they a. thine heritage 143. 12. and destroy all them that a. my soul Jsa. 9. 1. afterward did more grievously a. her 51. 23. put it into the hand of them that a. thee 58. 5. a day for a man to a. his soul 'i 64. 12. O Lord, wilt thou a. us very sore ? Jer. 31. 28. as I watched to destroy and to a. Lam. 3. 33. for the Lord doth not a. wiUingly Amos 5. 12. they a. the just, they take a bribe 6. 14. they shall a. you from Hemath JVaA. 1. 12. have afflicted, I will a. thee no more Zepk. 3. 19. behold, 1 will undo all that a. thee AFFLICTED. Ezod. 1. 12. the more they a. the more they grew J^ev. 23. 29. the soul tliat shall not be a. that day Jfum. 11. 11. wherefore hast thou a. thy servant? Deut. 26. 6. the Egyptians a. us and laid on us Ruth 1. 21. and the Almighty hath a. mo 2 Sam. 22. 28. and the a. people thou wilt save 1 Kings 2. 26. a. in all wherein my father was a. 2ffi'n;^sl7. 20. the Lord rejected Israel and a. them Job 6. 14. to him that is a. pity should be shewed 30. 11. he hath loosed my cord, and a. me 34. 28. and he heareth the cry of the a. Psal. 9. t 12. he forgctteth not the a. 10. 1 12. arise, O Lord, forget not the a. 18. 37. for thou wilt save the a. people 7 AFF Psal. 22. 24. nor abhorred the affliction of the a. 25. 16. have mercy on me,for I am desolate and a. 82. 3. do justice to the a. and needy 88. 7. thou hast a. me with all thy waves 15. I am a. and ready to die from rny youth 90. 15. according to days wherein thou hast a. us 107. 17. fools, because of their iniquities, are a. 116. 10. I was greatly a.||119. 67. before I was a. 119. 71. it is good for mc that I have been a. 75. and that thou in faithfulness hast a. me 107. I am a. very much, quicken me, O Lord 129. 1. many time have they a. me from youth, 2. 140. 12. Lord will maintain the cause of the a. Proi\ 15. 15. all the days of the a. are evil 22. 22. neither oppress the a. in the gate 26. 28. a lying tongue hateth those that are a. 31. 5. lest they pervert the judgment of the a. Isa. 9. 1. when at first he lightly a. the land of Zeb. 49. 13. the Lord will have mercy on his a. 51. 21. hear now this, thou a. and drunken 53. 4. did esteem him smitten of God and a. 7. he was oppressed, and was a.yet he opened not 54.1I.O thou a.tossed with terai)est,not comforted 58. 3. wherefore have we a. our souls ■? 10. and if thou satisfy the a. soul, thy light 60. 14. the sons of them that a. thee shall come 63. 9. in all their affliction he was a. and angel Lam. 1. 4. her priests sigh, her virgins are a. 5. enemies prosper, for the Lord hath a. her. 12. my sorrow wherewith the Lord hath a. me Mic. 4. 6. and I will gather her that I have a. JVu/j. 1. 12. though I have a. I will afflict no more Zeph. 3. 12. I will leave in thee an a. people Mat. 24. 9. they shall deliver you up to be a. 2 Cor. 1. 6. whether we be a. it is for consolation 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she have relieved the a. Heb. 11. 37. being destitute, a. and tormented Jam. 4. 9. be a. and mourn, and weep 5. 13. is any among you a.? let him pray AFFLICTION Signifies, [1] Adversity, trouble, or distress. Job 5. 6. [2] Outward oppression, Exod. 3. 7. | 4. 31. [3] Persecution for religion, Mark 4. 17. Heb. 10. 32. [i]Corrcctionfrom Trorf, Jonah 2.2. Gen. 16. 11. because the Lord hath heard thy a. 29. 32. surely the Lord hath looked upon my a. 31. 42. God hath seen mine a. and labour 41. 52. caused me to be fruitful in the land of a. JExorf.3.7.I have seen the a.of my people, Actsl.'H. 17. I wUl bring you out of the a. of Egypt 4. 31. and that he had looked on their a. Deut. 16. 3. thou shalt eat even the bread of a. 1 Kings 22. 27. 2 Chron. 18. 26. 26. 7. the Lord heard and looked on our a. 1 Sa7n. 1. 11. if thou wilt indeed look on my a. 2. t 32. thou shalt see the a. of the tabernacle 2Sam. 16. 12. it may bo the Lord will look on my a. 2 Kings 14. 26. the Lord saw the a. of Israel 2 Citron. 20. 9. cry to thee in our a. thou wilt hear 33. 12. Manasseh was in a. and sought the Lord JVeA. 1.3. the remnant are in great a. and reproach 9. 9. and didst see the a. of our fathers in Egj'pt Job 5. 6. though a. cometh not forth of the dust 10. 15. 1 am full of confusion, see thou mine a. 30. 16. the days of a. have taken hold on me 27. the days of a. prevented me 36. 8. and if they be holden in cords of a. 15. he delivereth the poor in his a. 21. for this hast thou chosen rather than a. Pnal. 25. 18. look upon my a. and pain, forgive 44. 24. and forgettest our a. and oppression 66. 11. thou laidst a. upon our loins 78. t 42. day when he delivered them from a. 88. 9. mine eye mourneth by reason of a. 106. 44. he regarded their a. when he heard 107. 10. sit in darkness, being bound in a. and iron 39. they are brought low through a. and sorrow 41. yet setteth he the poor on high from a. 119. 50. this is my comfort in my a. thy word 92. I should then have perished in mine a. 153. consider mine a. and deliver me, for I do not Isa. 30. 20. though the Lord give you water of a. 48 10. I have chosen thee in the furnace of a. 63. 9. in all their a. he was afflicted, and the angel Jer. 4. 15. publisheth a. from mount Ephraim 15. 11. to intreat thee well in the time of a. 16. 19. O Lord, my refuge in the day of a. 30. 1.5. why criest thou for thine a.? thy sorrow 48.16. Moab's calamity is near, and a. hasteth fast Zas a. 25. 25. I was a. and hid thy talent in the earth John 19. 8. when Pilate heard, he was the more a. Acts 10. 4. when Cornehus looked, ho was a. AFRESH. //ei.6.6.they crucify the Son of God o.and put him AFTER. Oen. 18. 12. saying, a. I am waxed old, shall I 38. 24. about three months a. it was told Judah JVam. 15. 39. that ye seek not a. your own heart Deut. 6. 14. ye shall not go a. other gods Josh. 10. 14. no day like that before it, or a. it 1 Sam. 15. 31. Samuel turned again a. Saul AGA 1 SrtJn. 24.14. a. whom is the king come out7 a.adog 1 Kings 17. 13. and a. make for thee and thy son JSTeh. 13. 19. not be opened till a. the sabbath Job 10. 6. that thou inquirest a. mine iniquity 30. 5. they cried a. them, as a. a thief Psal. 28. 4. give them a. the work of their hands Ecel. 1. 11. with those that shall come a. Isa. 11. 3. he shall not judge a. the sight of eyes Ezek. 46. 17. a. it shall return to the prince Hos. 11. 10. they shall walk a. the Lord Mat. 26. 32. a. 1 am risen again, I will go before Mark 16. 14. which had seen him a. he was risen 19. so then a. the Lord had spoken to them Luke 6. 1. on the second sabbath a. the first 22. 58. and a. a little while another saw him 59. about the space of an hour a. another 23. 2(). that he might bear it a. Jesus John 13. 27. a. the sop Satan entered into him Mcts 5. 7. about the space of three hours a. Gal. 3. 17. the law which was 430 years a. 2 Pet. 2. 6. to those that a. should live ungodly AFTER that. Exod. 3. 20. and a. that he will let you go Deut. 24. 4. shall not take her a. that she is defiled ./udg.i5.7.l will be avenged, and a. thatl will cease 2 Sam. 21.14. a.that God was in treated for the land Job 21. 3. a. that I have spoken, mock on Ecel. 9. 3. and a. that they go to the dead .Jer. 31. 19. a. that I was turned, I repented Luke 12. 4. a. that have no more that they can do 13. 9. then a. that thou shalt cut it down 15. 4. a. that which is lost, until he find it Jlcts I.T. a.that shall they come forth and serve me \Cor. 15.6. a.t/tat he was seen of above 500 at once Rev. 20. 3. and a. that he must be loosed a little AFTER this. Gen. 23. 19. a. this Abraham buried Sarah his wife 2 Sam. 2. 1. a. this David enquired of the Lord Acts 15. 16. a. this I will return, and build again AFTERNOON. Judg. 19. 8. they tarried till a. and did eat AFTERWARD, S. Exod. 11. 1. a. he will let you go hence Mum. 31. 2. a. shalt thou be gathered to thy people Judg. 7. 11. a. shall thy hands be strengthened 1 Sam. 9. 13. he blesseth the sacrifice, a. they eat 24. 5. a. David's heart smote him Job 18. 2. mark, and a. we will speak Psal. 73. 24. guide me, and a. receive me to glory Prov. 20. 17. bread of deceit is sweet, but a. 24. 27. prepare thy work, and a. build thy house 28. 23. a. shall find more favour than he that 29. 11. but a wise man keepeth it in till a. Hos. 3. 5. a. shall the children of Israel return Joel 2. 28. a. I will pour out my Spirit upon all Mat. 4. 2. fasted, he was a. a hungered, Luke 4. 2. 21. 32. ye when ye had seen it, repented not a. John 5. 14. a. Jesus findcth him in the temple 13. 36. but thou shalt follow me a. 1 Cor. 15. 23. a. they that are Christ's at his coming Oal. 3. 23. the faith that should a. be revealed Heb. 4. 8. would not a.have spoken of another day 12. 11. a. it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of right. 17. a. when he would have inherited the blessing Jade 5. a. destroyed them that behoved not AGAIN. Gen. 8. 21. I will not a. curse, nor a. smite 15. 16. but they shall come hither a. 30. 31. I will a. feed and keep thy flock 38. 26. Judah knew her a. no more Exod. 10. 29. said, I will see a. thy face no more 14. 13. ye shall see them a. no more for ever 23. 4. thou shalt surely bring it back to him a. JV«?n. 32.15. will yet a. leave themin the wilderness .Tosh. 5. 2. and circumcise a. the children of Israel 2 Sam. 16. 19. and a. whom should I serve \Kings 17.22.the soul of the child came into him a. 2 Kings 19. 30. shall yet a. take root downward Ezra 9 14. should we a. break thy commandments JVeA. 13. 21. if ye do so a. I will lay hands on you Job 14. 14. if a man die, shall ho Hve a.? Psal. 85. 6. wilt thou not revive us a. that thy 107. 39. a. they are minislied and brought low 140. 10. into deep pits, that they rise not up a. Prov. 2. 19. none that go to her return a. 19. 19. if thou deliver him, tliou must do it a. Ecel. 8. 14. a. there be wicked men to whom Ezek. 26. 21. yet shalt thou never be found a. Amos 7. 8. I will not a. pass by them, 8. 2. 8. 14. they shall fall, and never rise up a. Zech. 2. 12. the Lord shall choose Jerusalem a. John 4. 13. drinketh of this water shall thirst a. Rom. 8. 15. not received spirit of bondage a. to fear 9. t 20. who art thou that ansvverest a.? Phil. 4. 4. rejoice in the Lord, a. I say, rejoice Heb. 1. 5. a. I will be to him a Father, and he shaU 2. 13. and a. I will put my trust in him 1 Pet. 1. 3. hath begotten us a. to a lively hope See Born, Bring, Brought, Comb, Turn, TURNBD. AGR AGAINST. Oen. 16. 12. his hand will be a. every man Exod. 7. 15. stand by the river's brink a. he come Lev. 20. 3. I'll set my face a.that man, Deut. 29.20. 2£2n^ Urijah made it a.king Ahazcame 19. 22. a. whom hast thou exalted thy voice ^ Isa. 40. 1 10. the Lord will come a. the strong hand Jer. 25. 13. which I have pronounced a. it Eiek. 13. 20. behold, I am a. your pillows Mat. 10. 35. to set a man a. his father, Luke 12. 53. 12. 30. he that is not with me, is a. me Luke 2. 34. for a sign which shall be spoken a. 14. 31. that Cometh a. him with 20,000 to Acts 19. 36. these things cannot be spoken a. 28. 22. this sect is every where spoken a. See Another, God, Him, Jbrcsalem, Israel, Lord, Me, Over, Thee, Them, Us, You. AGATE, S. Exod. 28. 19. third row, an a. an amethyst, 39. 12. Isa. 54. 12. I will make thy windows of a. Ezek. 27. 16. Syria occupied in thy fairs with a. AGE Signifies, [1] The whole continuance of a man's life, Gen. 47. 28. [2] Times past, present, or to come, Eph. 2. 7. | 3. 5. [3] A time apt for conception, Heb. 11. 11. Gen. 47. 28. the whole a. of Jacob was 147 years 48. 10. the eyes of Israel were dim for a. JiTam. 8. 25. from the a. of 50 years cease waiting 1 Sam. 2. 33. shall die in the flower of their a. IKings 14.4. Ahijah's eyes were set by reason of a. 1 Chron. 23. 3. Levites numbered from the a. of 30. 24. from the a. of twenty years and upward 2 Chron. 36. 17. or on him that stooped for a. Job 5. 26. shalt come to thy grave in a full a. 8. 8. enquire, I pray thee, ot the former a. 11. 17. thy a. shall be clearer than noon-day Psal. 39. 5. my a. is as nothing before thee Isa. 38. 12. my a. is departed and removed Zech. 8. 4. every man with his staff for a. Mark 5.42.she was of the a.of 12 years, Luke 8.42. Luke 2. 36. Anna a prophetess was of a great a. t 52. Jesus increased in wi'sdom and a. 3. 23. Jesus began to be about 30 years of a. John 9. 21. he is of a. ask him, 23. Acts 13. 1 36. David had in his own o. served God 1 Cor. 7. 36. if she pass the flower of her a. 14. t 20. in understanding be of a ripe a. Eph.4. t 13. till we come to a. of fulness of Christ Heb. 5. 14. strong meat belongs to them of full a. 11. 11. Sarah was delivered when she was past a. See Old, Stricken. AGES. Psal. 145. 1 13. thy kingdom a kingdom of all a. Isa. 26. 1 4. in the Lord Jehovah is the rock of a. Eph. 2. 7. that in the a. to come he might shew 3. 5. which in other a. was not made known 21. to him be glory in the church through all a. Col. 1. 26. mystery which hath been hid from a. AGED. 2 Sam. 19. 32. Barzillai was a very a. man Job 12. 20. he taketh away tlie understanding of a. 15. 10. the grey-headed and very a. men 29. 8. and the a. arose and stood up 32. 9. neither do the a. understand judgment ./er. 6. 11. the a. with him that is full of days Tit. 2. 2. that the a. men be sober, grave, sound 3. the a. women, that they be in behaviour Philem. 9. being such a one as Paul the a. AGO. 1 Sam. 9. 20. the asses that were lost three days a. 2 Kings 19. 25. thou not heard long a. Isa. 37. 26. Ezra 5. 11. house that was builded many years a. Isa. 22. 11. respect to him that fashioned it long a. Jl/aM1.21.would have repented long a. Z/MA:el0.13. Mark 9. 21. how long a. since this came to him 7 Acts 10. 30. 4 days a. I was fasting until this hour 15. 17. ye know how that a good while a. 2 Cor. 8. 10. but also to be forward a year a. 9. 2. that Achaia was ready a year a. 12. 2. I knew a man above fourteen years a. AGONE. 1 Sam. 30. 13. because three days a. I fell sick AGONY. Luke 22.44.being in an a.he prayed more earnestly AGREE Signifies, [1] To bargain with. Mat. 20. 2, 13. [2] To approve, or give consent to, Acts 5. 40. [3] To be like, Mark 14. 70. [4] To conspire, or resolve, John 9. 22. AGREE, ED, ETH. Amx)s 3.3.can two walk together e-xcept they be a.? Mat. 5. 25. a. with thine adversary quickly 18. 19. if two of you shall a. on earth, touching 20. 2. when he had a. with labourers for a penny 13. didst thou not a. with me for a penny 1 Mark 14. 56. tlieir witness a. not together, 59. 0. art a Galilean, and thy speech a. thereto Luke 5. 36. -taken out of the new, a. not with old John 9. 22. the Jews had o. already if any man ALI Jlcts 3. 9. how is it that ye have a. lo tempt 40. and to him they o. uad when they h;id called 10. 15. and to tliis a. tJie words of the prophet 23. 20. the Jews have a. to doairo thee to bring 5J8. 25. when they a. not among Uiemselves 1 John 5. 8. spirit, water, blood, these a. in one ^£0. 17. 17. a. 10 give their kingdom to the beast AGKEEMEi\T. 2 Kings 18. 31. make an «. by a present, Isa. 36. 10. Isa. 28. 15. ye have said, wiili hell are we at a. 18. and your a. with hell shall not stand Vail. 11. ti. to the king of the nortli, to make an a. 2 Cor. ti. 16. wliat a. Iialli the temple of God with AGROUND. Jlcts 27. 41. two seas met, they ran the ship a. AGUE. IaCV. 26. 16. 1 will appoint terror and the burning a. AH. Fsal. 3a. 25. nor say, a. so would we have it /« nation,a people laden with iniquity 24. a. 1 will ease me of mine adversaries Jer. 1. 6. then said 1, a. Lord God, I cannot speak 4. 10. a. Lord God, thou hast deceived this people 14. 13. a. Lord God, the prophets say to them 22. 18. a. brother, a. sister, a. Lord, a. his glory 32. 17. a. Lord, thou hast made tlie heaven 3-1. 5. tliey will lament thee, saying, a. Lord E2ei.4.14. a. Lord, my soul hath not been polluted 9.8. a. Lord, wilt thou destroy tlie residue of Israel 11. 13. a. Lord, wilt thou make a full end of the 20. 49. a. Lord, they say of me, doth lie not speak 21. 15. a. the sword is made bright, it is wrapt up Mark 15. 29. a. thou that destroy est the temple AHA. Fsal. 35. 21. they said, a. our eye liath seen it 40. 15. let them be desolate, that say unto me a. 70. 3. let them be turned back that say a. a. Isa. 44. 16. a. I am warm, I have seen the tire Eiek. 25. 3. saidst a. against my sanctuary 26. 2. because Tyrus hath said, a. she is broken 36. 2. a. the ancient places are ours aidi;d. Judff. 9. 24. a. hira in the killing of his brethren AILED, ETH. Gen. 2]. 17. what a- thee, Hagar? fear not JuJg. 18. 23. they said to Micah, what a. theol 1 Sam. 11. 5. Saul said, what a. the people to weep? 2 Sam. 14. 5. the king said, what a. 2 KingsCi. 28. Psal. 114. 5. what a. thee, O sea, that thou fledst? Isa. 22. 1. what a. thee now, tliat thou art gone up AIR. 2 .5am. 21. 10. nor birds of the a. to rest on them .Tob 41. 16. that no a. can come between them Prov. 30. 19. the way of an eagle in the a. F.ccl. 10.20. a bird of the a. shall carry the voice Mat. 8. 20. and the birds of the a. have nests 13. 32. the birds of the a. come and lodge in the branches thereof, Mark 4. 32. Luke 9. 58. .Acts 22. 23. and as they threw dust into the a. 1 Cor. 9. 26. so light I,not asonethatbeateth thea. 14. 9. for ye shall sjieak into the a. 2. 2. the prince of the power of the a. \ 17. caught up to meet the Lord in thea. Hev. 9. 2. the sun and the a. were darkened 16. 17. the angel poured out his vial into the a. See Fowls. ALARM. JV?tm. 10. 5. when ye blow an a. then the camps, 6. 7. you shall blow, but shall not sound an a. 9. and if ye go to war, then ye shall blow an a. 2 Chron. 13. 12. trumpets to cry an a. against you Isa. 10. t 9. a. is fallen on thy summer fruits Jer. 4. 19. thou hast heard, () my soul, the a. of war 49. 2. the day is come, I will cause an a. of war Joel 2. 1. and sound an a. in my holy mountain Zqik. 1. 16. a day of a. against the fenced cities ALAS. JVitm. 12. 11. Aaron said to Moses, a. my lord 24. 23. a. who shall live when God doth this ? Josh. 7. 7. .Joshua said, a. O Lord, why hast thou Judg. 6. 22. a. because I have seen an angel 11. 35. a. daughter, thou hast brought me low 1 Kings 13. 30. mourned over him, a. my brother 2 Kings 3. 10. a. that the Lord hath called these 6. 5. ho cried a. master, for it was borrowed 15. servant said, a. my master, how shall we do? Jer. 30. 7. a. for that day is great, none is like it F.iek. 6. 11. stamp with thy foot, and say a. .Joel 1. lo. a. for the day, for the day of the Lord Amos .5. Ifi. they shall say in the highways, a. Rco. 18. 10. a. a. that great city, Babylon, 16. 19. ALBEIT. F.zek. 13. 7. the Lord saith, a. I have not spoken Philem. 19. a. I say not, how thou owest to me ALIEN, S. F.xod. 18. 3. I have been an a. in a strange land Dent. 14. 21. or thou mayest sell it to an a. .fob 19. 15. 1 am an a. in their sight Psal. 69. 8. I am an a. to my mother's children TVa. 61. 5. eons of the a. shall be yoiu plowmen 0 ALI Lam.b. 2. and our houses are turned to a. 2. 12. a. from the commonwealth of Israel Iltb. U. 34. waAed valiant in light, turned to Higbt the armies ol a. ALIENATE, ED. Isa. 1. 1 "l- have forsaken the Lord, they are a. Kiek. 23. 17. her nund was a. from Ihem Id. my mind was a. from her as from her sister 22. thy lovers froin whom thy mind is a. 28. 48. 14. they shall not a. the tirst fruits of the land Epli. 4. 18. a. from the life of God thro' ignorance Col. 1. 21. and you that were sometimes a. enemies ALIKE Signifies, [1] IVilhout any difference^ Rom. 14. 5, 1^2J jjjtcrune and the same manner, Psal. 33.15. [3J FquaUij troublesome, Prov. 27. 15. Dcut. 12. 22. unclean and clean eat a. 15. 22. 1 Sam. 30.24. that tarrieth, they shall part a. Job 21. 26. they shall lie down a. in the dust Fsal. 33.15. he fashioneth their hearts a. considers 139. 12. darkness and light are both a. to thee Frov. 20. 10. both are a. abomination to the Lord 27. 15. droppmg and a contentious woman are a. Eccl. 9. 2. all things como a. to all ; one event 11. 6. whether they both shall be a. good Rvm. 11. 5. another estecmeth every day a. ALIVE fs taken [1] J\l'aturaliy, Gen. 43. 27. [2] Super- natnrallij, being raised from tlie dead, Luke 24 23. [3] .Spiritually, when a person is made alive lo God by his special grace, and the pow- erful operation of his Spirit, working with the word of God, Luke 15.24,32. [4] Opinionativc- ly, when persons apprehend themselves to be righteous, although ni truth they are not, Rom. 7. 9. [5] F.tcrnally, Rev. 1. 18. Gen. 7. 23. Noah only remamed a. and they in ark 12. 12. they will kill me, and save thee a. 50. 20. as it is this day, to save much people a. Kiod. 1. 17. but saved the men-children a. 18. 22. and every daugliter ye shall save a. 22. 4. if the theft be found in his hand a. Lev. 10. 16. he was angry with Aaron'ssons left a. 14. 4. command to take two birds a. and clean 16. 10. the scape-goat shall be presented a. 20. 30. are left a. of you, I will send a faintness jVum. 10. 33. they went down a. into the pit 21. 35. smote Og, till there was none left a. 22. 33. I had slain thee, and saved her a. 31. 15. have ye saved all the women a. t Dcut. 4. 4. are a. every one of you this day 5. 3. who are all of us a. here this day 6. 24. that he might preserve us a. at this day 20. 10. shall save a. nothing that breatheth 32. 39. 1 kill, and I make a. 1 Sa7n. 2. 6. .fosh. 2. 13. that ye will save a. my father 6. 25. Joshua saved Rahab the harlot a. 8. 23. and the king of Ai they took a. 14. 10. the Lord hath kept me a. as he said Judg. 8. 19. if ye had saved them a. I would not 21. 14. gave them wives which they had saved a. 1 Sam. 15. 8. he took Agagthe kingof Amalek a. 27. 9. David left neither man nor woman a. 1 Kings 18. 5. to save the horses and mules a. 2().18.\vhether come for peace or wartake them a. 21. 15. for Naboth is not a. but dead 2 Kings 5. 7. am I God, to kill and make a. 1 7. 4. if they save us a. we shall live 12. when lliey come out we shall catch them a. 10. 14. he said take them a. and they took them a. 2 Chron. 25. 12. and other ten thousand left a. Psal. 30. 3. O Lord, thou hast kept me a. that I Frov. 1. 12. let us swallow them up a. as the grave .Jer. 49. 11. the fatherless I wUl preserve a. Eiek. 13. 18. will ye save tlve souls a. that como 19. to save the souls a. that should not live 18. 27. doth what is right, he shall save his soul a. Dan. 5. 19. and whom he would, he kept a. flab. 3. 1 2. O Lord, preserve a. thy work Mark 10. 11. when they heard that ho was a. Luke 15. 24. for this my son was dead and is a. 32. 24. 23. they had seen angels who said he was a. Jjcts 1. 3. he showed himself a. after his passion 9. 41. haeut. 20. 18. not to do after a. their abominations 2 Chr. 34. 21. have not kept the word to do after a. Ezra 9.13. after a. that is come on us for our deeds Ezck.\6.23.after a. thy wickedness,wo,wo to thee Mat.^.SH.after a. these things do the Gentiles seek PA2i.2.26.for be longed after you a. and was full of jlt ALL. Exod. 5. 23. nor hast delivered thy people at a. 22. 23. if thou afflict, and they cry at a. to Lev. 27. 13. but if he will at a. redeem it JV'*ttni.22.38. have I now any power at a. to say any Dent. 8. 19. if thou do at a. forget the Lord 1 Sam. 20. 6. if thy father at a. miss me, then say iKings 9.6. if yesball at a. turn from following me Jer. 11. 12. but they shall not save them at a. F.zck. 20.32.cometh in your mind shall not be at a. Has. 11. 7. most high, none at a. would e.\alt him Jlf/c. 1. 10. weep ye not at a. roll thyself in dust JSTali. 1. 3. Lord will not at a. acq^uit the wicked Julin 19. 11. thou couldst have no power at a. 1 Cor. 16. 12. but his will was not at a. to come 1 .To/in 1. 5. and in him is no darkness at a. Rev. 18. 21. Babylon shall be found no more at a. 22.the sound shall be heard no more at a. in thee Before ALL. a.that went in at the gates of city Lev. 10. 3. before a. the people I will be glorified 2 Chr. 33. 7. Jerusalem which I have chosen bef- a. ye)*.33.9.shall be to me an honour before a. nations Mat. 26. 70. but he denied before them a. saying CJal. 2. 14. I said to Peter before them a. 1 Tivi. 5. 20. them that sin rebuke before a. that For ALL. JV«m. 8. IS. I have taken Levites /or a. first-born Z>c!(t.22..5./or rt.that do so are abomination,25.16. 3]. 18. hide my face in that day for a. the evils Psal. 10.5. as for a. his enemies, he puffeth at them 78. 32. fur a. this they sinned still, believed not 116. 12. what render to the Lord /or a.his benefits Eccl. 5. 9. the profit of the earth is for a. 11.9. /or a.thcse God will bring thee to judgment Isa. 40. 2. she hath received double /or a. her sins Eiek. 6. 11. alas for a. the evil abominations 20.43.and ye shall loathe yourselves/ora.the evils /)n7i.4.21. fruit was much, and in it was meat /or a. Luke 3. 19. /or a. the evils Herod had done 20. 38. God of the living, for a. live unto hira Hom.3. '2.3. for a. have sinned and come short of 2 Cor. 5. 14. if one died /or a. then were all dead Phil. 2. 21. /or a. seek their own, not the things 1 Tim. 2. 6. who gave himself a ransom for a. Heb. 8. 11. for a. shall know me, from the least 10. 10. offering of the body of Christ once /or a. From ALL. Oen. 48. 16. angel who redeemed me from a. evil JjCV. 16. 30. that ye may be clean/rom a. your sins Psal. 34. 4. and delivered me from a. my fears Jer. 16. 15. from a. lands whither he had driven Dan. 7.7. it was diverse /rom a. the beasts before it i/c*.4.4.God rested the seventh day from a. works In ALL. Cm. 21. 12. in a. that Sarah hath said, hearken 22. God is with thee in a. that thou dost Dent. 29. 9. that ye may prosper in a. that ye do .Tnsh. 22. 2. and have obeyed my voice in a. that 2 ■'^n.m. 23. 39. mighty men, thirty and seven in a. 1 Kings 2. 3. thou mayest prosper in a. thou dost 26. afflicted in a. my father wa« afflicted 1 Clirnn. 2. fi. sons of Zerah, five of them in. a. J^eh. 9. 33. thou art jnst in d. that is brought on us Psal. 10. 4. God is not in a. his thoughts 10 ALL Prov. 3. 6. in a. thy ways acknowledge him Isa. 39. 2. nothing in a. his dominion shewed not 63. 9. iti a. their afflictions he was allhcted Jer. 38. 9. have done evil in a. they have done Ezck. 21. 24. in a. your doings your sins appear Hos. 12. 8. in a. my labours shall find no iniquity Acts 27. 37. we were in a. in the ship 276 souls Rom. 8. 37. in a. these more than conquerors 1 Cor. 12. 6. the same God worketh all in a. 15. 28. put all under, that God may be all in a. Eph. 1. 23. the fulness of him tliat fiUeth all in a. Col. 3. 11. but Christ is all and in a. 2 Thess. 1.10. to be admired in a. them that believe Heb. 13. 4. marriage is honourable in a. 2 Pet. 3. 16. as also in a. his epistles, speaking All J\right ; see Night. Of ALL. Oen. 6. 2. took them wives of a. which they chose 14. 20. he gave him tithes of a. Heb. 7. 2. 28.22. of a. thou shalt give me, I will give tenth Exod. 9. 4. nothing die of a. is children's of Israel ./«sA.8.35.not a word of a. which Moses command. Judg. 13. 13. of a. I said to the woman, beware 2 Sam.\G. 21. shall hands of a. with thee be strong 2 Kings 9. 5. and Jehu said, to which of a. us Esth. 6. 10. let nothing fail of a. thou hast spoken Job 8. 13. so are tiie paths of a. that forget God Eccl. 6. 2. he wanteth nothing of a. he desireth £2e/ir.43.11.if they be ashamed o/a.they have done Amos 3.2. you only have I known of a. the families Mark 9. 35. the same shall be servant of a. 10. 44. John 6. 39. of a. which hath given me, lose nothing Acts 10. 36. peace by Jesus Christ, he is Lord of a. 1 Cor. 14. 24. he is convinced of a. judged of a. Oal. 4. 1. now I say, the heir, though he be 1. of a. Eph. 4. 6. God who is Father of a. above all /fc J.12.23.and to God the Judge of a.and to spirits Jam. 2. 10. offend in one point, he is guilty of a. On or Upon ALL. Gen. 39. 5. blessing of the Lord viasupon a.he had Isa. 4. 5. for upon a. the glory shall be a defence Ezek. 40. 4. set thy heart tipon a. that I shall shew Rom. 3.22. unto all, and npon a. them that believe 11. 32. that he might have mercy upon a. .Iiide execute judgment «po?i a.and convince iicu.3.10.the hour of temptation shall come upona. Over ALL. 2 Sam. 3. 21. that thou mayest reign over a. 1 Chr. 29. 12. and thou rcignest over a. in thy hand Psal. 103. 19. his kingdom ruleth over a. Mat. 24. 47. make hira ruler over a. Luke 12. 44. .lohn 17. 2. as thou hast given him power over a. Rom. 9. 5. who is over a. God blessed for ever 10. 12. the same Lord over a. is rich unto all ALL these. Gen. 15. 10. he took to him a. these and divided 42. 36. Jacob said, a. these things are against me 49. 28. a. these are the twelve tribes of Israel Exod. 20. 1. God spake a. these words, saying .fob 12. 9. who knoweth not that in a. these Jcr. 9. 26. for a. these nations are uncircumcised Hab. 2. 6. shall not a. these take up a parable J)Iat.6.33.a.thesc shall be added to you, i?tftel2.31. 24. 8. a. these are the beginning of sorrows Mark 7. 23. a. these evil things come from within Ads 2. 7. are not a. these which speak Galileans? 1 Cor. 12.11. a. these worketh that self-same Spirit Co/.3.8.but now you put otT a. these, anger, wrath Heb. 11. 13. a. these died in faith, not having rc- ALL this. [ceivcd Gc7i. 41. 39. as God hath shewed thee a. this Deut. 32. 27. and the Lord hath not done a. this .Tudg. 6. 13. why then is a. this befallen us 1 1 Sam. 22. 15. thy servant knew nothing of a. this 2 Sain. 14. 19. is not the handof Joab ma. this? 1 Chr. 28. 19. a. this the Lord made me understand 2 Chron. 21. 18. after a. this the Lord smote him 29. 28. a. this continued till the burnt-oflTering KzraS.3'). a. this was a burnt-offering to the 1/ord JW/t. 9. 38. because of a. this we make a covenant Esth. 5. 13. yet a. this availeth me nothing ■lob 1. 22. in a. this Job sinned not, 2. 10. 13. 1. lo, mine eye hath seen a. this Psal. 44. 17. a. this is come upon ns, yet not forgot 78. 32. for a. this they sinned still Eccl. 7. 23. a. this have I proved by wisdom 8. 9. a. this have I seen, and applied my heart to 9. 1. a. this I considered in my heart, to declare [a. this Isa. 5.25. for a. this his anger is not turned away 9. 12, 17, 21. 1 10. 4. 48. 6. thou hast heard, see a. this Dan. 4. 28. a. this came upon Nebuchadnezzar 5. 22. hast not humbled, tho' thou knewest a. this 7. 16. I came and asked him the truth of a. this Ifns. 7. 10. do not return, nor seek him for a. this Mic. I. 5. for the transgrRssion of Jacob is a. this Mat. 1.22. a. this was done that the prophets might be fulfilled, 21. 4. | 26. 56. Luke 16. 26. besides a. this there is a gulph fixed ALM Luke 24. 21. besides a. this to-day is the third day ALL that he had, or she had. Oen. 12. 20. Pharaoh sent him and a. that he had 13.1.Abram went outof Egypt, and a. that he had 25. 5. and Abraham gave a. that he had to Isaac 31.21. Jacob fled with a. that he had, and rose up 39. 4. a. that he had he put into Joseph's hand, 6. 5. the blessing of the Lord was on a. that he had Jl/a£ sold, a. that he had,payment be made Mark5.26.she spent a.that sAe Aa(i,nothingbettered 12.44.of her wantcast in a.that she had,Lukeil.4i To or Unto ALL. Psal. 145. 9. the Lord is good to a. and his mercies Eccl.H. 14. oneeventhappenethtoa. them, 9.3,11. 9. 2. all things come alike to a. one event to right. Isa. 36. 6. so is Pharaoh to a. that trust in him Mark 13.37. what I say to you, I say unto a. watch Luke 12. 41. speakcst thou Ihis to us, or even to a.t Acts 2. 39. the promise is to a. that arc afar off 4. 16. manifest to a. that dwell in Jerusalem /fora.l0.12.theLord is rich unto a.that call on him 13. 7. render therefore to a. their dues 1 Cor. 9. 19. I made myself a servant unto a. 1 Tim. 4. 15. that thy profiting may appear to a. With ALL. JV«m. 16. 30. with a. that appertain to them Deut. 6. 5. thou shalt love the Lord with a. thy heart, Mi. 38. the land is desolate becau.'fe of his a. 32. 31. city hath been as a provocation of mine a. 36. 7. great is the a. the Lord hath pronounced 42. 18. as mine a. hath been poured on Jerusalem 44. 6. wherefore mino a. was poured forth ANG Jer. 49. 37. 1 will bring evil on them, my fierce a. Lam. 2.1. remembered not his footstool in day of a. 6. Lord hath despised in the indignation of his a. 21. thou hast slain them iu the day of thine a. 22. in the day of the Lord's a. none escaped 3. 43. thou hast covered with a. and persecuted ua 4. 11. he hath poured out his fierce a. Ezek.5. 13. thus shall mine a. be accomplished 7. 3. and I will send mine a. upon thee 8. and accomphsh mine a. on thee, 20. 8, 21. 25. 14. shall do in Edom, according to mine a. 35. 11. I will even do according to thine a. Dan. 9. 16. let thine a. be turned away Hos. 11.9. will not execute the fierceness of mine a. 14. 4. for mine a. is turned away from him Amos 1. 11. his a. did toar perpetually, and kept Jonah 3. 9. if God will turn from his fierce a. Mic. 7. 18. he retained not his a. for over JVaA. 1. 6. who can abide the fierceness of his a.? Hab. 3. 8. was thine a. against the rivers ■? Zeph. 3. 8. to pour upon them all my fierce a. Mark 3. 5. when he had looked on them with a. Eph. 4. 31. let all a. be put away, Col. 3. 8. ANGER of the Lord. JVum. 25. 4. fierce a. of the Lord may be turned 32.14. to augment the a. of the Lord against Israel Deut.2^. 20. the a. of the iord shall smoke against Judg. 2. 14. a. 0/ Lord against Isr.20. 1 3. 8. 1 10. 7. 2 Kings 2'L'J.O. thro' the a. of the Lord it came to pass, Jer. 52. 3. Jer .4.8.the fierce a. of the Lord is not turned away 12. ]3.becauseof the fierce a. of the Lord, 25. 37. 23. 20. the a. of the Lord shall not return, 30. 24. 51. 45. deliver his soul from the fierce a. of the L. Lam. 4. 16. the a. of the Lord hath divided them Ze/;A.2.2. before the fierce a. of the />. come on you 3. it may be ye shall be hid in the day of a. of L. In ANGER. Gen. 49. 6. for in their a. they slew a man Exod. 11. 8. he went out from Pharaoh in a. Deut. 29. 23. which the Lord overthrew in a. 28. the Lord rooted them out of the land in a. 1 Sam. 20. 34. Jonathan rose from the table in a. 2 Chron. 25. 10. they returned home in great a. Job 9. 5. which overturneth them in his a. 18. 4. he teareth himself in his a. 21. 17. God distributeth sorrows in his a. 35.15. because it is notso, he hath visited i'rehis a. Psal. 6.1. Lord, rebuke me not in thy a. Jer. 10. 24. 7. 6. arise, O Lord, in thine a. lift up thyself 27. 9. put not thy servant away in a. 56. 7. in thine a. cast down the people, O Lord 77. 9. hath he in a. shut up his tender mercies ? Isa. 13. 3. 1 have also called my mighty ones in a. 14. 6. he that ruled the nations in a. 63. 3. for I will tread them in mine a. 6. Jer. 21. 5. 1 will fight against you, even in a. 32. 37. whither I have driven them in mine a. 33. 5. whom I have slain in mine a.and in my fury Z,am.2.1. Lord covered Zion with a cloud inhis a. 3. he hath cut off" in a. all the horn of Israel 3. 66. persecute and destroy them in a. Eiek. 3. t 14. and I went in hot a. 5.15. when I shall execute judgments in thee in a. 13. 13. shall be an overflowing shower in mine a. 22. 20. so will I gather you in mine a. and fury 43. 8. wherefore I have consumed them in mine a. Z)aw.ll.20. be destroyed, neither in a. nor iu battle Hos. 13. 11. I gave thee a king in mine a. Mic. 5. 15. and I will e.vecute vengeance in a. Hab. 3. 12. thou didst thresh the heathen in a. ANGER kindled. Gen. 30.2. a. of Jacob was kindled against Rachel £i:od.4.14.the a. of the Lord was k. against Moses JVam. 11. 1. a. of the L. was k. 10. ] 12. 9. | 22. 22. 22. 27. Balaam's a. was k. and he smote the ass 24. 10. Balak's a. was kindled against Balaam 25.3. the a. of the Lord was kindled against Israel 32. 13. Josh. 7. 1. 2 Sam. 24. 1. 2 Kings 13. 3. .32. 10. the Lord's a. was kindled the same time Deut.(i.i5. lest the a. of the Lord be k. against thee 7. 4. so will the a. of the Lord be k. against you 29. 27. the a. of the Lord was k. against this land 31. 17. mine a. shall be kindled in that day, .Tosh. 23. 16. 32. 22. for a fire is kindled in mine a. Jer. 15. 14. .hidg. 9. 30. Zebul's a. was kindled against Gual 14.19.Samson's a.A.and he went up to his father's 1 Sam. 11.6. when Saul heard, his a.was k. greatly 17.28. Eliab's a.was k. against David, and he said 20. 30. Saul's a. was kindled against Jonathan 2 Sam. 6. 7. a. of L. k. against Uzzah,l Chr. 13.10. 12. 5. David's a. was kindled against the man 2 Kings 23. 26. the wrath wherewith his a. was k. 2 Chron. 25. 10. their a. was kindled against Judah 15. a. of the Lord was kindled against Amaziah Isa. 5. 25. the a. of the Lord k. against his people .Jer. 17.4. for ye have kindled a fire in mine a. Hos.S.5. mine a. is kindl. against them, how long ZecA.lO.S.mine a.was kindl. against the shepherds ANI Provoke or Provoked to ANGER. Deut. 4. 25. to provoke him to a. 9. 18. | 31. 29. 2 Kings 17. 17. | 21. 6. | 23. 19. 2 Chr. 33. 6. 32. lli.with abominations procoicd tiiey him to a. 21. they have pr. me fo a. I will pr. them to a. Judg.'i.Yi. they bowed to them, and pr. the a. 1 Kings 14.9.made molten images a.15.30. 15. made their groves pr. the Lord to a. 16. 7, 13. 16.2. topr. me to a.with their sins, 2 Kings 17. 11. Jer. 11. 17. I 32. 29, 32. Ezek. 16. 26. 33. Ahab did more to pr. the Lord to a. than all 21. 22. wherewith thou hast provoked me to a. 22. 53. Ahaz pr. to a. the Lord God of Israel 2 Kings 21. 15. they have provoked me to a. since the day 22. 17. forsaken me, that they might procoie me to a. 2 Chroit. 34. 25. Jer. 25. 7 2 CAro7J. 28. 25. pr. to a. the L. God of his fathers JVeA. 4. 5. have ^(r. thee to a. before the builders Psal. him to a. with high places, 106. 29. Prov. 20. 2. whoso^r. him to a. sinneth against Isa. 1.4. they have ])r. the Holy One of Israel to a. 65. 3. a people that provoke me to a. continually Jer. 7. 13. that they may provoke me to a. [ a. 19. do they pr. me to a. {| 8. 19. why have they not to a.\\ 32.30.l5raelhavepr.metoa. 44. 3. their wickedness to pr. me to a. Ezek. 8. 17. £zei.32.f 9. 1 wMprovokc to a. the hearts of many Jios. 12. 14. Ephraim provoked him to a. bitterly Col. 3. 21. fathors,proi;o/ie not your children to a. alow to ANGER. J^eli. 9. 17. thou a God ready to pardon, slow to a. Psal. 103. 8. slow to a. plenteous in mercy, 145. 8. Prov. 15. 18. he that is slow to a. appeaseth strife 16. 32. he that is slow to a. better than the mighty Joel 2. 13. slow to a. of great kindness, Jonah 4. 2. JVah. 1. 3. the Lord is slow to a. great in power ANGERED. 1 Sam. 1. 1 6. and her adversary also a. her sore Psal. 106. 32. they a. him at the waters of strife ANGLE. Isa. 19. 8. and all they that cast a. shall lament Hab. 1. 15. tliey take up all of them with the a. ANGRY. Oen. 18. 30. let not the Lord be a. I'll speak, 32. 45. 5. be not a. with yourselves that ye sold me Lev. 10. 16. and Moses was a. with Eleazar and Veut. 1. 37. the Lord was a. with me for you,4.2l. 9. 8. Lord was a. with you to have destroyed you 20. the Lord was very a. with Aaron, I prayed .Jiidg. 18. 25. lest a. fellows run upon thee 2 Sam. 19. 42. wlierefore bo ye a. for this matter 1 Kings 8. 46. and thou be o. with them, 2 CA.6.36. 11. 9. and the Lord was a. with Solomon, because 2 Kings 17. 18. therefore the L. was a. with Israel Ezra 9. 14. wouldst thou not be a. witli us till thou JVcA. 5. 6. I was very a. when I heard their cry Psal. 2. 12. kiss the Son, lest he be a. and ye perish 7. 11. God is a. with the wicked every day 76. 7. who may stand when once thou art a. ? 79. 5. how long wilt thou be a. ! 80. 4. | 85. 5. Prov. 14. 17. he that is soon a. dealeth foolishly 21.19. dwell in wilderness,than with an a. woman 22. 24. make no friendship with an a. man 25. 23. so doth an a. countenance, a backbiting 29. 22. a. man stirreth up strife, and a furious man Eccl.5. 6. wherefore should God be a. at thy voice? 7. 9. be not hasty in thy spirit to be a. Cant. 1. 6. my mother's children were a. with me Isa. 12. 1. though thou wast a.with me,thine anger Ezek. 16. 42. 1 will be quiet, and will be no more a. Dan. 2. 12. for this cause the king was a. JonaliA, 1. it displeased Jonah, and he was very a. 4. the Lord said, dost thou well to be a. ? 9. 9. he said, I do well to be a. even unto death Mat. 5. 22. whosoever is a. with his brother Euke 14. 21. the master of the house being a. 15. 28. and he was a. and would not go in John 7. 23. are ye a. at me because I have made £pft.4.96 be a. and sin not, let not the sun go down Tit. 1. 7. a bishop must be blameless, not soon a. Rev.W. 18. the nations wore a. thy wrath is come ANGUISH. Gere. 42. 21. guilty, in that we saw the a. of his soul Exod. 6. 9. but they hearkened not to Moses for a. jDeiit. 2. 25. tremble, and be in a. because of thee 2 Sam. 1. 9. slay me, for a. is come upon me Job 7. 11. I will speak in the a. of my spirit 15. 24. trouble and a. shall make him afraid P«aM19.143.trouble and a. have taken hold on me Prov. 1. 27. when distress and a. come upon you /sa.8.22.1ook to the earth,and behold dimness of a. 30. 6. into the land of trouble and a. from whence Jer. 4. 31. the a. as of her that bringeth forth child fl. 24. a. hath taken hold of us, 49. 24. | 50. 43. John 16.21.she remcmhoreth no more her a. for joy Wom.2.9. tribulation and a. upon every soul of man 2 Co»-.2.4.for out of much a. of heart I wrote to you ANISE. Mat. 23. 23. ye pay titho of mint, a. and cummin 14 ANO ANOINT Signifies, [1] To pour oil upon, Gen. 28.18. 1 31.13. [2] To consecrate and set one apart to an office; anointing being generally practised among the Jews on that occasion, to denote the person's being endued with the gifts and graces of the Spirit, Exod.28.41. [3] To use spiritual means to get saving knowledge. Rev. 3. 18. [4] To smear,or daMfr,John 9.6,11. [5] One particular- ly designed and chosen by God to be the King, Priest,and Prophetofhis church,namely, Christ Jesus, who was filled with the Holy Ohost in an extraordinary manner, and thereby consecrated and authorised to be the Messiah, Psal. 2. 2. 1 45. 7. Acts 4. 27. [6] .^ king. Lam. 4. 20. Touch not mine anointed, Psal. 105. 15. Hurt not the people consecrated to myself by the gifts and graces of my Spirit, nor those espe- cially among them to whom I familiarly reveal my mind and will, that they may teach others. Thou anointest my head with oil, Psal.2i.5. Thou bestowest upon me theconsolationsof thy Spirit. The anointing, 1 John 2. 27. The Spirit of illu- mination; great knowledge in heavenly things. Exod. 28. 41. Shalt a.and consecrate,30.30. 1 40. 15. 29. 7. take anointing oil and a. him, 40. 13. 36. thou shalt a. the altar to sanctify it, 40. 10. 30. 26. thou shalt a. the tabernacle, 40. 9. 40. 11. thou shalt a. the laver and his foot Lev. 16. 32. and the priest whom he shall a. Deut. 28. 40. but thou shalt not a. thyself with oil ./arf^. 9. 8. the trees went to a. a king over them 15. if in truth ye a. me king over you Ruth 3. 3. wash thyself therefore and a. thee 1 Sam. 9. 16. shalt a. him to be captain over Israel 15. 1. the Lord sent me to a. thee king over Israel 16. 3. thou shalt a. him whom I name unto thee 12. the Lord said, arise, a. him, this is he 2 Sam. 14. 2. a. not thyself with oil, but be as 1 Kings 1. 34. let Zadok a. him king over Israel 19. 15. a. Hazael king || 16. a. Jehu, a. Elisha Isa. 21. 5. arise ye princes, and a. the shield Dan. 9. 24. seal up the vision, and a.the most Holy 10. 3. neither did I a. myself at all, till weeks Amos 6. 6. a. themselves with the chief ointments Mic. 6. 1.5. shalt tread the olives, but not a. thee Mat. 6. 17. when thou fastest a. thine head Mark 14.8.she is come to body to the burying 16. 1. had bought spices that they might a. him Luke 7. 46. my head with oil thou didst not a. Rev. 3. 18. and a. thine eyes with eye-salve ANOINTED. jBzod.29.29. garm. be Aaron's sons after Iiim, to a. Lev. 4. 3. if the priest that is a. do sin according to 6. 20. the oftering of Aaron, when he is a. 7. 36. in the day that he a. them, by a statute 8.10.a.the tabernacle || 11. a. the altar, JV?tm.7.1. 12.Mose3 poured oil on Aaron's head, and a. him JV!j»(.3.3.names of the sons of Aaron which were a. 7. 10. the princes offered after it was a. 84, 88. l.Sam.10.1. the Lord o.the captain || 15. 17. a. Saul 16. 13. a. David, 2 Sam. 2. 4, 7. | 5. 3, 17. | 12. 7. 2 Kings 9. 3, 6, 12. 1 Oiron. 11. 3. | 14. 8 2 Sam. 2. 7. the house of Judah have a. me king 3. 39. 1 am this day weak,though a. king, the sons 12. 20. David arose from the earth, and a. himself 23. 1. David the a. of the God of Jacob said Psal. 2. t 6. yet have I a. my king on Zion /sa.61.1.the Lord hath a.rae to preach, Luke4. 18. Ezek. 28. 14. thou art the a. cherub that covers Luke 7. 38. she kissed his feet and a. them 46.but this woman hath feet with ointment .lohn 1. 1 41. we found the Messiah, which is the a. 9. 6. he a. the eyes of the blind man with clay 11. Jesus made clay, and a. mine eyes 11. 2. it was that Mary which a. the Lord 12.3.then took Mary ointment and a. feet of Jesus ..^cts 4. 27. holy child Jesus, whom thou hast a. 10. 38. how God a. Jesus of Nazareth with holy 2 Cor. 1. 21. he which hath a. us is God ANOINTED Ones. Zech. 4. 14. these are the two a. ones which stand His ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 2. 10. give strength, and exalt horn of his a. 12.3. witness against me before the Lord and his a. 5. the liOrd and his a. is witness this day 2 Sam. 22. 51. sheweth mercy to his a. Psal. 18. 50. Psal. 2. 2. against the Lord, and against his a. 20. 6. now know I that the Lord saveth his a. 28. 8. and he is the saving strength of his a. Isa. 45. 1. thus saith the Lord fo his a. to Cyrus Lord's ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 16. 6. surely the Lord's a. is before him 24. 6. 1 should do this to my master, the Lord's a. 10. put my hand against my lord, for he is L. a. 26.9.strGtch his hand against L. a. and be guiltless die, ye have not kept the Lord's a. 2Sam.].14.wastthou not afraid to deslroythe L.a.? 19. 21. put to death, because he cursed the L's a. Lam. 4. 20. the a. of Lord was taken in their pits ANS Mine ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 2. 35. he shall walk before ?nine a. for ever 1 Chron. 16. 22. touch not mine a. Psal. 105. 15. Psal. 132. 17. I have ordained a lamp for inine a. ANOINTED with Oil. JVam. 35.25. deatli of high priest a. with holy oil 2 Sam. 1. 21. as though he had not been a. with oil Ps at.45.7.God a.thee with oil of gladness, Heb.1.9. 80. 29. with ray holy oil have 1 a. him 92. 10. my horn exalt, I shall be a. with fresh oil Thine ANOINTED. 2 Chron. 6.42. O Lord God, turn not away the face of thine a. Psal. 132. 10. Psal. 84. 9. behold, O God, look on face of thine a. 89. 38. thou hast been wroth with thine a. 51. they have reproached the footsteps of thine a. Hab. 3.13. wentest even for salvation with thine a. ANOINTEDST. Gen. 31. 13. 1 am the God of Beth-el where thou a. Psal. 23. 5. a. my head with oil, my cup runneth ANOINTING. Exod. 40. 15. their a. be an everlasting priesthood /sa.l0.27.yoke shall be destroyed because of the a. 1 Joh7i 2. 27. but the a. which ye have received of him, as the same a. teachelh you all things ANOINTING Oil. [cense Exod. 37. 29. he made the holy a. oil and pure in- Lev. 8. 12. he poured of the a. oil on Aaroii's head 10. 7. for tlie a. oil of the Lord is upon you 21. 10. on whose head the a. oil was poured JVmot.4.16. to the office of Eleazar pertainetli a. oil Jam. 5. 14. a. him with oil in the name of the Lord ANON. Mat. 13. 20. heareth, and a. with joy receiveth it Mark 1. 30. mother lay sick, and a. they tell him ANOTHER. [of her Gen. 4. 25. appointed me a. seed instead of Abel 30. 24. the Lord shall add to me a. son 43. 7. the man asked us, have ye a. brother ? £zorf.22.9.1ost thing,which a. challengeth to be his Lev. 18. 1 18. thou shalt not take one wife to a. JSTum. 14. 24. Caleb, because he had a. spirit Judg.2. 10. a. generation that knew not the Lord 16. 7. then shall I be weak, and be as a. man 1 Sam. 10. 6. and shalt be turned into a. man 9. and it was so, that God gave him a. heart 2 Chron. 20. t 22. and they smote one a. Esth. 1. 19. let the king give her royal estate to a. Job 19. 27. whom mine eyes shall behold and not a. Psal. 109. 8. let a. take liis office, Jlcts 1. 20. Prov. 25. 9. and discover not a secret to a. 27. 2. let a. praise thee, and not thy own mouth Isa. 42. 8. my glory will I not give to a. 48. 11. 44. 5. a. shall call himself by the name of Jacob 57. 8. thou hast discovered thyself to a. than me 65. 15. and shall call his servants by a. name 66. 1 17. and purify themselves one after a. Hos. 3. 3. and thou shalt not be for a. man 4. 4. yet let no man strive nor reprove a. Mat. 11. 3. art thou he, or do we look for a. ? Mark 14. 19. began to say, is it 1 7 a. said, is it I ? LukelG.l.then said he to much owest thou? 12. if not fiiithful in that which is a. man's 2 Cor. 11. 4. a. Jesus, a. Spirit, or a. gospel Gal. 1. 7. which is not a. but there be some 6. 4. then have rejoicing in himself, and not in a. 1 T«n.6. jS.gallings one of a. destitute of the truth Heb. 3.13. exhort one a. while called today, 10. 25. 4. 8. he would not have spoken of a. day One Another, See Love. One against ANOTHER. 1 Sam.2.25.if one man sin against a.the judge shall Jer. 13. 14. I will dash them one against a. 1 one of you be pufl'cd up one against a. Jam. 5. 9. grudge not one against a. brethren One for ANOTHER. 1 Cor. 11. 33. when ye come to cat, tarry one for a. 12.25. members should have same case one for a. Jam. 5. 16. pray one for a. that ye may be healed ANSWER Signifies, [1] To reply to a question, Prov. 26. 4. [2] To begin to speak,when no question isasked, Dan. 2. 26. Acts 5. 8. [3] To witness. Gen. 30. 33. [4] To obey, Isa. 65. 12. Jer. 7. 13. [5] To grant what one desires in prayer, Psal. 27. 7. 1 86. 7. Isa. 65. 24. [6] To give account. Job 9. 3. 1 40. 2. [7] To punish, Ezek. 14. 7. Gen. 41. 16. God shall give Pharaoh an a. of peace Deut. 20. 11. if the city make thee an a. of peace 2 Sam. 24. 13. see what a. I shall return to him -KstA.4.15.Esther bade them return Mordecaithisa. Joft]9.16.I called my servant, and he gave mo no a. 32.3.because they had found no a.and condemned 35. 12. there they cry, but none giveth a. Prov. 15. 1. a soft a. turneth away wrath 23. a man hath joy by the a. of his mouth 16. 1. the a. of the tongue is from the Lord 24. 26. shall kiss his lips that giveth a right a. Cant. 5. 6. I called him, but he gave me no a. Mic. 3. 7. cover the lips, for there is no a. of God ANS J,u1n.n. 2. 14. Daniel a. with counsel and wisdom Mic. 6. 5. what Balaam the son of Beoro. him Mai. 27. 12. when he was accused he a. nothing, 14. Mark 14. 61. | 1.5. 3, .5. Luke 23. 9. Mark 12. 28. perceiving that he had a. well 34. when Jesus saw that he a. discreetly Jlcls 15. 13. after they held their peace, James a. 22.8. 1 a. who art thou. Lord 7 and he said to me 25. 8. while he a. for himself, 20. 1. ANSWERED, meant of GoD. Gen. 3.5. 3. who a. me in the day of my distress Krorf. 19.1 9. Moses spake, andGoda.himby a voice 1 .S«m. 7. t 9. Samuel cried, and the Lord a. him 2. Sam. 21. 1. and the Lord a. it is for Saul 1 Chron. 21. 26. he a. him from heaven by firo 23. when David saw that the Lord had a. him P.?aZ.81.7. I a. thee in the secret place of thunder 99. 6. they called on the Lord, and he a. them 118. .5. the Lord a. me, and set me in a large place Isa. 6. 11. ho a. till the cities be wasted without .Jrr. 23. 35. what hath the Lord a. and spoken, 37. Hab. 2. 2. the Lord a. me, write the vision 15 APO Zech. 1. 13. the Lord a. the angel that talked Mat. 20. 13. he a. one of them and said, friend Si5. 26. his lord a. and said, thou wicked servant ANSWERED not. 1 Sam. 4. 20. she a. nut, nor did she regard it 14. 37. but he a. him not that da'j?, 28. 6. 2 Sam. 22. 42. looked, but a. them not, Ps. 18.41. 1 Kings 18. 21. and the people a. him not a word, 2 Kings 18. 36. Isa. 36. 21. Jer. 7. 13. and I called you, but ye a. not, 35. 17. Mat. 15. 23. but he a. her not a word ANSWERED and said. Ezod.4.\. Moses a. and said, they will not believe 2ff^! of his servants a.and said,\etBome JVeh. 2. 20. then a. I them and said unto them .Job 3.t2. Job a. amdsaid6.1.|9.1.jl2.1.|16.1.|19. 1. Isa. 21.9. he a. and said Babylon is fallen, is fallen Jer. 11. 5. then a. I and said, so be it, O Lord ANSWEREDST. Psal. 99. 8. thou a. them, O Lord our God, thou 138. 3. in the day when I cried thou a. me ANSWEREST. 1 Sam. 26.14. David cried, a. thou not, Abner? Job 16. 3. what emboldeneth thee, that thou a.? Mat. 26. 62. a. thou nothing? Mark 14. 60. 1 15. 4. John 18. 22. a. thou the high-priest so ? Rom. 9. t 20. who art thou that a. against God ? ANSWERETH. 1 Sam. 28. 15. God is departed and a. me no more 1 Kings 18. 24. let the God that a. by fire, be God .Tab 12. 4. who calleth on God, and he a. him. Prov. 18. 13. that a. a matter before he heaieth 23. the poor intreat, but the rich a. roughly 27. 19. as face a. to face, so the heart of man Keel. 5. 20. God a. him in the joy of his heart 10.19. wine maketh merry, but money a. all things Jl/a?.2.tl2.Lord will cut offhim that waketh and a. Gal. 4. 25. and a. to Jerusalem that now is ANSWERING. Luke 23. 40. but the other a. rebuked him Tit. 2. 9. servants be obedient, not a. again ANT, S. Prov. 6. 6. go to the a. thou sluggard, consider 30. 25. the a. are a people not strong, yet prepare ANTiaUITY. Isa. 23. 7. joyous city, whose a. is of ancient days ANVIL. Isa. 41. 7. encouraged him that smote the a. ANY. Exod. 11. 7. against a. of the children of Israel Lev. 4. 2. if a soul shall sin against a. of the com- mandments, 13. 22, 27. I 5. 17. 6. 3. lieth, in a. of all these that a man doth Dcut.^H. .39. nor a.that can deliver out of my hand 2 Sam. 7. 7. spake I a word with a. 1 Chron. 17. 6. 9. 1. is there yet a. left of the house of Saul? 1 Kings 18. 26. was no voice, nor a. that answered .Tob 33. 27. he looketh, and if a. say, I have sinned Psal. 4. 6. many say, who will shew us a. good ? 5. t 9. no faithfulness in the mouth of a. of them Prov. 30. 30. a lion turneth not away for a. /.9a. 44. 8. there is no God, I know not a. Jimos 6. 10. he shall say, is there yet a. with thee ? Mark 8. 26. nor go nor tell it to a. in the town 11. 25. forgive, if ye have ought against a. Luke 8. 43. had spent all, nor could be healed of a JlctsQ. 2. if he found a. of this way, men or women ICor. 6. 12. 1 will not be brought under power ofa. Jam. 1. 5. if a. lack wisdom, let him ask of God 2 Pet. 3. 9. not willing that a. should perish 2. /()/(« 10. if there come a.and bring not this doctrine See Further, God, Man, More, Thing, Time Wise. Any while, see Dead. APACE, sec Flee, Fled. APART. Exod. 13. 12. shalt set a. all that open the matri.x Lev. 15. 19. she shall be put a. seven days 18.19. thou shalt not approach, as long as she is a. JVe/j. 12. t 47. set a. holy things to the Levites Psal. 4. 3. the Lord hath set a. him that is godly Zech. 12. 12. every family a. their wives a. 14. Mat. 14. 13. Jesus departed into a desert place a. 23. he went up into a mountain a.l7.1./>tt/i;c9.28. 17. 19. then came the disciples to Jesus a. Mark 6. 31. and he said, come ye yourselves a. Jam. 1. 21. wherefore lay a. all filthiness Apes, see JPeacocks. APIECE. J\ru'm. 3. 47. thou shalt take five shekels a. by poll 7. 86. the golden spoons weighing ten shekels a. 17. 6. every one of their princes gave him a rod a. 1 Kings!. 15. two pillars eighteen cubits high a. /,M/(:c9.3.neither take moncy,nor have two coats a. John 2. 6. containing two or three firkins a. Apollyon, see Greek. APOSTLE Signifies, A messenger sent upon any special er- rand, Rom. 16. 7. 2 Cor. 8. 23. It ie applied [1] To Christ Jesus; who was sent from heaven to assume our nature, and work out salvation. APP with authority to execute his prophetical and all his offices, and to send forth his apostles to publish the gospel, Heb. 3. 1. [2] To a minis- ter immediately sent by Christ to preach the gospel, Mat. 10. 2. Gal. 1. 1. Rom. 1. 1. Paul called to be an a. 1 Cor. 1. 1. 11. 13. inasmuch as I am the a. of the Gentiles 1 Cor. 9. 1. am I not an a. ? am I not free ? 2. 15. 9. that am not meet to be called an a. 2 Cor. 1. 1. Paul an a. of Jesus Christ, Kph. 1. 1. Col. 1. 1. 1 Tim. 1. 1. 2 Tim. 1. 1. Oal. 1. 1. 12.12.the si^ns of an a. were wrought among you 1 Tim. 2.7.whereto I am ordained an a. 2 Tm. 1.11. Tit. 1. 1. Paul a servant of God, and o. of Christ lleb.3.1. consider the a. and high-priest of our prof. APOSTLES. Mat. 10. 2. now the names of the 12 a. are these Mark 6. 30. the a. gathered themselves together Luke 6. 13. he chose twelve, whom he named a. 9. 10. the a. when they were returned, told him 11.49. I will send them prophets and a. 17. 5. the a. said to the Lord, increase our faith 22. 14. he sat down, and the twelve a. with him 24. 10. the women told these things to the a. Acts 1. 26. he was numbered with the eleven a. 2. 43. many signs were done by the a. 5. 12. 4. 35. laid them down at the a. feet, 37. | 5. 2. 5. 18. laid their hands on the a. and put them 8. 1. were all scattered abroad, except the a. Rom. 16. 7. who are of note among the o. 1 Cor. 4. 9. God hath set forth us the a. last 12. 28. God hath set first a. || 29. are all a. 15. 9. for I am the least of the a. that am not meet 2Cor. 11. 5. not a whit behind the chiefest a. 12. 11. 13. such are false a. deceitful workers Oal. 1. 17. nor went to them that were a. before mo 19. hut other of the a. saw I none save James Eph. 3. 5. as it is now revealed to his holy a. 4. 11. he gave some a. and some prophets 1 Thess. 2. 6. been burdensome as the a. of Christ 2Pet.3.2. of the commandment of us the a. of Lord Jicde 17. the words spoken before of the a. Rev. 2. 2. them which say they are a. and are not 18. 20. rejoice over her, ye holy a. and prophets APOSTLESHIP Signifies, The office of the apostles ; which was, to preach the gospel, baptize, work miracles, plant and confirm churches, and ordain minis- ters. Mat. 10. 1, 28. 19. Acts 14. 23. 1 Cor. 3. 0. Acts 1. 25. that he may take part of this a. Rom. 1.5. by whom we have received grace and a. 1 Cor. 9. 2. the seal of mine a. are ye in the Lord Gal. 2. 8. wrought effectually in Peter to the a. APOTHECARY. Exod.30.^5. ointment compounded after art ofa. 35. a confection after the art of the a. 37. 29. Eccl. 10. 1. dead tlies cause the ointment of the a. APPARENTLY. JVum. 12. 8. with him will I speak even a. and not APPAREL. .Tudg. 14. t 19. Samson slew 30 men, and took a. 2 Sam. 12. 20. David arose and changed his a. 1 Kings 10. 5. queen of Sheba had seen the attend- ance of his ministers, and their a. 2 Chron. 9. 4. Isa. 3.^. the changeable suits ofa. and mantles 4.1. we will eat our own bread and wear our ovvna. 63. 1. who is this that is glorious in his a. ? Zcph. 1.8.and all such as are clothed in sirangc a. Acts 1. 10. two men stood by them in white a. 20. 33. I have coveted no man's silver or a. 1 Tim. 2. 9. that women adorn thems. in modest a. Jam. 2. 2. if a man come in goodly a. and a poor 1 Pet. 3. 3. not of wearing gold, or putting on a. Sec Royal. APPARELLED 2 Sam. 13.18. the king's daughters, virgins, were a. Luke 7. 25. behold they which are gorgeously a. APPEAL, ED. [21. Acts 25. 11. no man deliver nie, I a. unto Cesar, 26. 32. been set at hberty, if he had not a. to Ce- 28. 19. 1 was constrained to a. to Cesar [sar APPEAR Signifies, [1] To be insight, Gen. 1.9. Heb. 11. 3. [2] To come before, Exod. 34. 23. Acts 22. 30. [3] To be discovered, or laid open, Jer.13.26. [4] To present one's self as an advocate, Heb.9.24. Oen. 1.9. God said, let the dry land a. and it was so Exod. 23. 15. and none shall a. before me emjity, 34. 20. Deut. 16. 16. 17. three times in the year all males shall a. 34. 24. desire thy land, when thou shalt go to a. Dcut. 31.11. when all Israel is come to a. before L. Psal. 42. 2. when shall I come and a. before God ? 90. 16. let thy work a. to thy servants, and glory Cant. 2. 12. the flowers a. on the earth, the time of 4. 1. thy hair as a flock of goats that a. 6. 5. Isa. 1. 12. when ye come to a. before mo Tcr. 13. 26. will discover, that thy shame may a. ^ that in all your doings your sins doa. Mat. 6. 16. that they may a. to men to fast APP Mat. 23. 28. even so yc outwardly a. lighte. to men 24. 30. then shall a. ths sign of the Son of man Ijuke 11. 44. for ye are as graves which a. not 19.11. they thought the kingdom of God should a. Jlcls 26. 10. of things in which I will a. to thee Horn. 7. 13. but sin, that it might a. sin, working 2 Cur. 5.10. we must all a.hefore the judgment-seat Col. 3. 4. when Christ who is our life shall a. then 1 Tim. 4. 15. that thy profiting may a. to all // to a. in the pieeence of God for U3 them shall hea.the second time to salvation 11. 3. were not made of things which do a. 1 Pet. 4. 18. where shall the ungodly and sinner a. ? 5.4. when the chief Shepherd shall a. shall receive UbA?i2.28.when he shalla.we may have confidence 3. 2. it doth not yet a. what we shall be, but we know that when he shall a. we shall be like him Rev. 3. 18. the shame of thy nakedness do not a. APPEAR, referred to God. Lev. 9. 4. for to-day the Lord will a. to you, 6. 16. 2. I will a. in the cloud on the mercy-seat lS(i?».2.27.did I plainly the house of thy father 2 Chron. 1. 7. that night did God a. to Solomon Pj.-ai.102. 16. build up Zion, he shall a. in his glory /so. 66. 5. but he shall a. to your joy, they ashamed Acts 26. 16. of those things in the which I will a. APPEARANCE. JVum. 9. 15. was on tabernacle as the a. of fire, 16. 1 Sa7n. 16. 7. for man looketh on the outward a. Z)aK.8.15.stood before me as the a.of a man, 10.18. 10. 6. his face as the a. of lightning, his eyes as John 7. 24. judge not according to the a. but judge 2 Cor. 5. 12. which glory in a. and not in heart 10. 1 1. who in outward a. am base among you 7. do ye look on things after the outward a. 7 1 Thess. 5. 22. abstain from all a. of evil APPEARED. Oen. 12. 7. the L. Abram and said, 17.1. | 18.1. 26. 2. the Lord a. to Isaac, and said, go not, 24. 48. 3. Jacob said, God Almighty a. to me at Luz Exod. 3.2. angel of the Lord a. in midst of the bush 4. 1. they will say, the Lord hath not a. to thee 6. 3. 1 a. to Abraham by name of God Almighty 14. 27. the sea returned when the morning a. 2 Sam. 22. 16. and the channels of the sea a. 1 Kings 11. 9. which had a. to Solomon twice 2 Kings 2. 11. behold there a. a chariot of fire JVcA. 4. 21. we laboured in the work till the stars a. Jcr. 31.3. the Lord hath a. of old to me, saying Mat. 2. 7. Herod inquired what time the star a. 13. 26. the blade sprung, then a. the tares also 17. 3. there them Moses and Elias, Mark 9. 4. 27. 53. and went into the holy city, and a. to many Mark 16. 9. Jesus a. first to Mary Magdalene 12. after that he another form to two of them 14. after he a. to the eleven as they sat at meat Luke 1. 11. there a. to him an angel of the Lord 9. 31. who a. in glory, and spake of his decease 22. 43. there angel to him, strengthening him 24. 34. the Lord is risen indeed, and a. to Simon Acts 2. 3. there a. to them cloven tongues like fire 7. 2. the God of glory a. to our father Abraham 9. 17. even Jesus, that a. to thee in the way 26. 16. I have a. to thee for this purpose 27. 20. and when neither sun nor stars a. Tit. 2. 11. the grace of God hath a. to all men 3. 4. after the love of God toward man a. Heh. 9. 26. in the end hath he a. to put away sin Rev. 12. 1. there a. a great wonder in heaven, 3. APPEARETH. J^cv. 13. 43. as the leprosy a. in the skin of the flesh Deut. 2. 30. that he might deliver him, as a. this Psal. 46. t 5. God shall help her, when morning a. 84. 7. every one of them in Zion a. before God Prov. 27. 25. the hay a. and the tender grass Jer. 6.1. forevil a. out of the north, and destruction Mai. 3. 2. and who shall stand when he a. ? Jam. 4. 14. your life is even as a vapour that a. APPEARING. 17'im.6.14. keep commandment till a. of our Lord 2 Tim. 1. 10. but is now made manife^by the a. 4. 1. who shall judge the quick and dead at his a. 8. but to all them also that love his a. Tit. 2. 13. looking for glorious a. of the great God 1 Pet. 1. 7. be found to praise at the a. of Jesua APPEASE. Oen. 33. 20. I will a. him with the present APPEASED, ETH. Esth. 2. 1. Ahasuerus a. he remembered Vashti Prov. 15. 18. he that is slow to anger a. strife Acts 19.35. when the town-clerk had a. the people APPERTAIN. JVam. 16. 30. earth swallow them , with all that a. Jer. 10. 7. who would not fear, for to thee doth it a. See Pertain. APPERTAINED. JVam. 16. 32. and all the men that a. to Korali, 33. APPERTAINETH, ING. Lev. 6. 5. and give it to him to whom it a. Rom. 4. 1. Abraham, our father, as a. to the flesh 16 APP APPETITE. Jbi 38. 39. wilt thou fill the a. of the young lions? f' thy throat, if thou be a man given toa. Eccl. 6. 7. all labour for mouth, yet a. not filled /*a. 29. 8. but he awaketh, and his soul hath a. 56. t 11. they,«j:e strong of a. not satisfied APPLE of the eye. Deut. 32. 10. he kept him as tlie a. of his eye Psal. 17. 8. keep me as the a. of the eye, hide mo Prov. 7. 2. keep my law as the a. of thine eye Lam. 2. 18. let not the a. of thine eye cease Zcch. 2.8. toucheth you, toucheth the a. of his eye APPLE-TREE. Cant.' the a.-tree among the trees of the wood 8. 5. 1 rafsed thee up under the a.-tree, thy mother Joel 1. 12. the palm-tree and a.-tree are withered APPLES. Prov. 25. 11. like a. of gold in pictures of silver Cant. 2. 5. comfort me with a. for I am sick of love 7.8.breasts as clustcrs,and smell of thy nose like a. APPLY. Psal. 90. 12. that we may a. our hearts to wisdom Prov. 2. 2. and a. thine heart to understanding 22.17. hear words, a. thineheartto my knowledge 23. 12. a. thine heart to instruction, and thine ears APPLIED. Eccl. 7. 25. 1 a. my heart to know and seek wisdom 8. 9. I a. my heart to every work that is done 16. when I a. mine heart to know wisdom Hos. 7. 1 6. they have a. their heart like an oven APPOINT Signiiies, [1] To constitute or ordain. Josh. 20.9. [2] To assign or allot, Numb. 4. 19. [3] To set over, Gen. 41. 34. Lev. 26. 16. [4] To decree, Acts 17. 31. Heb. 9. 27. [5] To purpose or re- solve. Acts 20. 13. [6] To promise, Luke 22. 29. [7] To nominate or prefix, Acts 28.23. [8] To command or order, 2 Sam.l5.15.[9] To establish or settle, Prov. 8. 29. [10] To sit, or place, 2 Kings 10. 24. Neh. 7. 3. [11] To limit, 1 Sam. 13. 11. [12] To ordain or set apart for an office. Acts b. 3. Oen. 30. 28. a. me thy wages, and I will give it 41. 34. let Pharaoh a. oflicers over the land Lev. 26. 16. I will a. over you terror, consumption JV"«OT.4. 19. Aaron and his sonsa. everyone to service 2 Sam. 6. 21. to a. me ruler over the people of Lord 7. 10. I will a. a place for my people Israel , and Job 14. 13. that thou wouldest a. me a set time Isa. 26. 1. salvation will God a. for walls and bul- a.them that mourn in Zion, to give [warks Jer. 15. 3. 1 will a. over them four kinds, saith L. 49. 19. and who is a chosen man that I may a over her 7 who will a. me the time ? 50. 44. 51. 27. will the kingdoms a. a captain against her Ezek. 21. 19. a. thee two ways || 20. a. a way that Hos. 1. 11. they shall a. themselves one head .Mai. 24. 51. a. him his portion with the hypocrites Luke 12. 46. a. him his portion with unbelievers 22. 29. 1 a. you a kingdom, as my Father unto me Acts 6.3. seven men whom we a. over this business APPOINTED. Oen. 24. 14. be she that thou hast a. for thy servant J^Tiim. 9.2. Israel keep the passover in a. seasons, 3. 7. may not offer an oflfering, but at an a. season 13. because he brought not oflfering in a. season .Tosh. 20. 9. these were the cities a. for refuge ./«(/g-.20.38. there was an a.sign between Israel and 1 Sam. 13. 11. thou camest not within the days a. 19.20. Samuel standing as a. over them, the Spirit 2 .Sam. 17. 14. the Lord had a. to defeat the counsel 1 Kings 1. 35. 1 have a. him lo be ruler over Israel 20. 42. let go a man whom I had a. to destruction JVf7t. 6. 7. thou hast a. prophets to preach of thee 9. 17. in their rebellion a. a captain to return, but ./ob 7. 3.- and wearisome nights are a. to me 14. 5. thou hast a. his bounds, that he cannot pass 20. 29. and the heritage a. to him by God 30. 23. to death, and to the house a. for all living P.saZ.44.11.thou hastgiven us like sheep a.for meat 78. 5. a. a law in Israel, which he commanded 79. 11. preserve thou those that are a. to die 102. 20. to loose those that are a. to death Prov. 7. 20. he will come home at the day a. 8. 29. when he a. the foundations of the earth 31. 8. in cause of all such as are a. to destruction Isa. 1. 14. new moons and your a. feasts my soul 44. 7. and who, since I a. the ancient people Jer. 5. 24. he reserveth the a. weeks of the harvest 47. 7. against the sea-shore, there hath he a. it Ezek. 4.6. I have a. thee each day for a year Mic. 6. 9. hear ye the rod, and who hath a. it Mat. 27. 10. gave for the potter's field, as the L. a. Luke 3. 13. exact no more than what is a. you 10. 1. after these the Lord a. other seventy 22. 29. to you a kingdom, asmy Father hath a. me Acts 1. 23. they a. two, Joseph and Matthias 17. 31. he hath a. a day in which he will judge 1 Cor. 4.9. God hath set us apostles last, a. to death 1 Thess. 3. 3. for you know that we are a. thereto APP 1 TAcs«.5.9.God hath not to wrath, but obtain 2 Tim. 1.11- whereunto I am a. a preacher, apostle Tit. 1. 5. and ordain ciders in every city, as I a. Heb. 3. 2. who was faithful to him that a. him 9. 27. and as it is a. to men once to die, but after lPet.2.8.disobedient, whereunto also they were a. APPOINTED time and times. Oen. 18. 14. at the time a. will I return to thee £rorf.9.5.the Lord a.a set «me, saying, to-morrow 23. 15. thou shalt eat unleavened bread in time a. \Sam. 13. 8. according to the set time Samuel a. 20. 35. Jonathan went into the field at the time a. 2 Sam. 20. 5. tarried longer than the set time a. him Esth.^. 27. according to their a. time every year Job 7. 1. is there not an a. time to man on earth ? 14. 14. all the daysof iny a. time will I wait till Psal. 81. 3. blow up the trumpet in the time a. Isa. 14. 31. and none shall be alone in his a. times 40. t 2. cry, that her a. time is accomplished Jer. 8. 7. the stork in heaven knoweth her a. times 46. 17. Pharaoh, he hath passed the time a. Dan. 8. 19. for at the time a. the end shall he 10. 1. the thing was true, but the time a. was long 11.27. for yet the end shall be at the time a. 29. at the time a. shall return, and come south 35. time of the end, because it is yet for a time a. i/aft.2.3.the vision is yet for an a.time, wait for it Acts 17. 26. God hath determined times before a. Ga^4.2.under tutors, until the time a. of the father APPOINTETH. P^aZ. 104. 19. he a. the moon for seasons, the sun Dan. 5. 21. he a. over it whomsoever he will APPOINTMENT. J\rum. 4.27. at the a. of Aaron and his sons shall be .Tosh. 11. t 5. when kings were assembled by a. Eira^. 9. wheat, salt, according to a. of the priests 'iSam. 13. 32. by the a. of Absalom this determined Job 2. 11. they had made an a. together to come APPREHEND Signifies, To seize, or take prisoner. Acts 12. 4. That I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus, Phil. 3. 12. That I may obtain that prize, for the obtaining whereof I was laid hold on by Christ, con- verted and brought into the way of salvation, when I was running on to destruction. IKings 18.t40.a.the prophets of Baal, and let none 2 Cor. 11. 32. witli a garrison desirous to a. me Phil. 3. 12. 1 may a. that for which also I am apiir. APPREHENDED. Acts 12. 4. when he a. Peter, he put him in prison Phil. 3. 12. for which I am a. of Christ Jesus 13. brethren, I count not myself to have a. but APPROACH Signifies, [1] To draionigh, or come near, 2 Sam. 11. 20. [2] To draw near to God in the duties of his worship, Psal. 65. 4. Isa. 58. 2. [3] To contract marriage with. Lev. 18. 6. [4] To hasten, or draw on, Deut. 31. 14. Lev. 18. 6. none of you shall a. to any near of kin 2t. 17. not ofler the bread of his God, 18. Deut. 20. 3. ye a. this day to battle against enemies 31. 14. behold, thy days a. that thou must die .Tob 40. 19. can make his sword lo a. to him Ps.65.4.blessed is the man whom thou causost too. Jer. 30. 21. he shall a. to me, for who is this that engaged his heart to a. to me, saith the Lord 1 1 T'jm.6.16.dwelling in the light no man can a. unto APPROACHED. 2 Sam. 11. 20. wherefore a. ye so nigh the city % 1 Kings 20. t 13. there a. a prophet to Ahab 2 Kinrrs 16. 12. the king a. to the altar and ofl^ered Psal.27. t2. when my enemies a. they stumbled Isa. 8. t 3. I a. to the prophetess, she bare a sou APPROACHETH, ING. Isa. 58. 2. they take delight in a. to God Luke 12.33. where no thief a. nor moth corrupteth Heb. 10. 25. and so much more as ye see the day a. APPROVE Signifies, To like or command, Psal. 49. 13. Approved of God, Acts 2. 22. Devionstr'ated, and beyond any contradiction proved, to be the Messiah. Psal. 49. 13. yet their posterity a. their sayings 1 Cor. 16. 3. whom you shall a. by your letters PAiM.lO.that ye may a. thinirs that are e.xcellent APPROVED. Acts 2. 22. Jesus, a man a. of God among you Rom. 14. 18. is acceptable to God, and a. of men 16. 10. salute Apelles a. in Christ, salute Aristob. 1 Cor.11.19. they that are a. may be made manifest 2 Cor. 7. 11. in all things you have a. yourselves 10. 18. not he that commendeth himself is a. 13. 7. not that we should appear a. but that ye 2 Tim. 2. 15. study to sliew thvself a. unto God APPROVEST,"ETH. Lam. 3. 36. to subvert a man, the Lord a. not Rom. 2. 18. a. the things that are more excellent APPROVING. 2 Cor. 6.4. but in all things a. ourselves as ministers ARI APRON, S. GcH.3.7.thcy sewed lig-leaves togel)ier,and madea. Hulk 3. 1 15. bring the a. thou hast, and hold it ^Jc£sl9.1'2.from liis body were biou^lit to the sicka. APT. 2Kings 24. 16. a. for war, king of Babylon brought 1 Ttm.2.'2.u, bishop must be a. to teacii, 2 Tim. 2.24. AKC'HANGEL. ITIicss. 4.16. shall descend with the voice ofthe a. Jude 9. Michael the a. wlien contending with devil ARCHER, S. Oen. 21. 20. Ishmael grew and became an a. 49. 23. the a. have sorely grieved him, and shot 1 Sam. 31. 3. and the a. hit him, 1 Citron. 10. 3. Job 16. 13. his a. compass me round about Isa. 22. 3. thy rulers tied, they are bound by the a. ycr.51.3.against him that bendcth let a. bend bow ARCHES. Ezek. 40. 16. there were narrow windows to the a. ARE Signifies, [1] To be of great value and esteem among men, 1 Cor. 1.2S. [2] To have authority from, lJohn4. 1. [3] Reputed, judged, esteem- ed, 1 Cor. 7. 14. [4J Represent, or betoken, Gen. 41. 26,27. Rev. 1.20. Things which are not, 1 Cor. 1. 28. Which are of so small esteem, as if they had no being. Oen. 13. 24. for the fifty righteous that a. therein 31. 15. a. we not counted of him strangers ? 42. 36. Jacob said, all these things a. against me JEzod. 8. 21. and also the ground whereon they a. J^um. 15. 15. as ye a. bo shall Ihe stranger be Dent.l.ll.a. thousand times so many more as ye a. 1 Kings S. 8. and there they a. to this day Job 24. t 24. a. exalted for a while, but a. not 38.35.lhat they maygoandsay to thee, here we a. Pa- a/. 68126. bless ye God, ye that a. ofthe fountain 107. 27. they stagger, and a. at their wit's end Lam. 5. 7. our fathers have sinned, and a. not Jimos9.'.a. ye not as children of Ethiopians tome JV'aA. 3. 17. the place is not known where they a. JUat. 2. 18. not be comforted, because they a. not 6. 26. fowls of air, a. ye not much better than they 22. 30. but a. as the angels of God in heaven Mark 6. 3. and a. not his sisters here with us 1 Luke 13. 25. I know not whence you o. 27. 18. 11. God, I thank thee, lam not as other men a. John n.ll.given me, that they may be one,as we a. Rom. 15. 27. and their debtors they a.for if Gentiles 1 Cor. 1. 28. things which a. not, things that a. 2 Cor. 11. 22. a. they Hebrews 7 a. they Israelites 7 a. they the seed of Abraham 7 so am 1 Hcb. 4. 15. tempted like as we a. yet without sin Reo. 1. 19. write the things which a. and shall be 4. 11. for thy pleasure they a. and were created 10. 6. created heaven and things which therein a. ARGUING. Job 6. 23. but what doth your a. reprove 7 ARGUMENTS. Job 23. 4. I would fill my mouth with a. ARIGHT. i' him that ordereth his conversation a. 78. 8. a generation that set not their heart a. ProD. 4. t 26. all thy ways shall be ordered a. 15. 2. the tongue ofthe wise useth knowledge a. 23. 31. the wine, when it moveth itself a. Jer. 8. 6. I hearkened, but they spake not a. ARISE Signifies, [1] To take rise, or proceed from, Acts 20. 30. [2] To repent, Eph. 5. 14. [3] To be raised and comforted, Amos 7. 2. It is like- wise a word of encouragement, to excite one to do a thing. Josh. 1. 2. Acts 22. 16. Gen. 31. 13. now a. get thee out of this land 35. 1. rt. go up to Belh-el, and dwell there Deut. 13. 1. if there u. among you a prophet 17. 8. then shalt thou a. and get thee up to the Josh. 1. 2. now therefore a. go over this Jordan JuAg. 5. 12. a. Barak, lead thy captivity captive 2.SttHj. 2. 14. let the young menrt.and play before us 3. 21. I will a. and gather all Israel to my lord H. 20. and if so be that the king's wrath a. \ Kings 3. 12. nor after thee shall any a. like thee ZKings 9.2. make Jehu a. from among his brethren IChron. 22. 16. a. be doing, the Lord be with thee JVeA.2.20.therefore we his servants will a. and build Esth. 1. 18. thus shall there a. too much contempt 4. 14. then shall enlargement a. to the Jews Job 7. 4. when shall I a. and night be gone 7 11. t 17. thy age shall a. above noon-day 25. 3. and upon whom doth not his light a. 7 Psal. 3. 7. a. O Lord, save me, O my God, for thou 7. 6. a. O Lord, in thine anger lift up thyself 12. .5. now will I a. saith the Lord, I will set him 44.26.0. for our help, and redeem us for thy mercy 68. 1. let God a. let his enemies be scattered 88. 10. shall the dead a. and praise thee 7 89. 9. when the waves of sea a. thou stillest them 102. 13. thou shall a. and have mercy on Zioti Prov- 6. 9. when wilt thou a. out of thy sleep 7 ARK Cant. 2.13.(1. my love, my fair one, and come away Isa. 21. 5. a. ye princes, and anoint the shield 26. 19. together with my dead body shall tliey a. 49. 7. kings shall a. princes shall worship 60. 1. a. shine, for thy light is come, and the glory 2. but t)ie Lord shall a. upon thee, and his glory Jcr. 2. 27. in trouble tiiey will say, a. save us 8. 4. saith the Lord, shall they fall, and not a. ? 31. 6. a. ye, let us go up to Zion to the Lord Lam. 2. 19. a. cry out in the night, pour out thy Dan. 2. 39. after thee shall a. another kingdom ./i//ios7.2.0Lord,by whom shall Jacoba.tbr he is,5. Mic. 2. 10. a. ye and depart, this is not your rest 4. 13. a. and thresh, O daughter of Zion, 1 will 7. 8. O mine enemy, when 1 fall I shall a. //aA.2.19.wo to him that saith to the dumb stone a. Jlal.i.' that fear shall the Sun of righteous, a. Jl/af.9.5. is it easier to say a. and walk 7 Mark 2.9. 24.24.for there shall a.fulse Christs, false prophets Mark 5. 41. damsel, I say to thee a. Luke 8. 54. Luke 7. 14. Lord said, young man, I say to thee a. 15. 18. I will a. and go to my fatiier, and say 24. 38. and why do tliouglils a. in your hearts 7 Jolm. 14. 31. even so I do, a. let us go hence Acts 9. 40. turning to the body said, Tabitha, a. 20.30.also of your own selves shall mena.speaking 22. IG. why tarriest tho"u 7 a. and be baptized Eph. 5. 14. a. from the dead, and Christ shall give 2 Pet. 1. 19. till the day-star a. in your hearts Hee Rise. ARISETH. 1 Kings 18. 44. behold, there a. a little cloud Psal. 112. 4. to the upright a. light in darkness /sa.2.19.when he a. to shake terriblythe earth, 21. Mat. 13.21. when persecution a. Mark 4. 17. .fohn 7. .52. search, for out of Galilee a. no prophet Jieb. 7. 15. after thesimilitude of Melcliizedee a. Hce Sun. ARK Signifies, [1] Ji chest or coffer to keep things sure or secret, E.xod. 2. 3. [2J The great vessel in which J^oah and his family toere preserved dur- ing the flood, in length 54.1! feet. Gen. 6. 14, 15. Heb. 11. 7. [3.] That chest wherein the two tables of the law, -iaron^s rod, and the pot of manna were kept, Exod. 37. 1. Heb. 9. 4. The ark of thy strength, Psal. 132. 8. The seat of thy ])owerful and glorious presence, from whence thou dost put forth and manifest thy strength in behalf of thy people, when they desire andneed it. Was seen the ark of his testament. Rev. 11. 19. Christ the true Ark of our covenant, more known, and the mysteries of religion made more common and familiar than formerly, either under the Old Testament dispensation, or during the reign of anti-christ. Gen. 6. 14. make thee an a. of gopher-wood 7. 18. and the a. went on the face ofthe waters Ezod. 2. 3. she took for him an a. of bulrushes 25. 16. and thou shalt put into the a. the testimony which I shall give thee, 21. 1 40. 3, 20. 37. 1. Bezaleel made the a. of shittim-wood JV«OT. 3. 31. their charge shall be the a. and tables Josh.4.n.a. of L. 6.12. I Sam.iS. | 6. 1. 2 Sam.6.9. 1 Sam. 6. 19. he smote because they looked into a. 2 Sam. 11. 11. the a. and Israel abide in tents 1 .ff'i;io's2.26.because thou barest the a. of the Lord 8. 9. was nothing in the a. save the two tables 1 Chron. 6. 31. after that the a. had rest 13. 3. let us bring again the a. of our God to us 9. Uzza put forth his hand to hold the a. 15. 1. David prepared a place for the a. of God 2 Chr. 6. 41. thou and a. of thy strength, Ps. 132. 8. 8. 11. places are holy whereunto the a. hath come Mat. 24. ,38. till Noah entered the a. Luke 17. 27. Heb.i\.l.hy faith Noah warned of God prop, an a. I Pet. 3. 20. God waited while Ihe a. was preparing Rev. 11. 19. and there was seen in his temple the a. Before the ARK. i?ioiam. 28. 13. said, I saw gods a. out of the earth J.uke 19. 28. he went before, a. up to Jerusalem JrtA» 1.51 .angels of G. a. and descending on the Son Hci). 7. 2. I saw another angel a. from the east ASCENT. 2 .Saro. 15. 30. David went uj> by the a. of Olivet lliingsVi.o.SiiMi. which he went, 2C'Ar.9.4. ASCRIBE. Deut. 32. 3. a. ye greatness to our God, he is the Job 36. 3. I will a. righteousness to my Maker Psal. 68. 34. a. ye strength to God, his e.vcellency ASCRIBED. 1 Sam. 18. 8. a. to David 10,000, to me a. but 1000 ASH. Isa. 44.14. he plantclh an a. the rain doth nourish it ASHAMED. Oen. 2. 25. naked, the man and his wife were not a. Judg. 3. 25. and they tarried till they were a. 2 Sum. 10.5. the men were greatly a.l Chron. 19. 5. 19.3. as people being a. steal away when they ilce ^h'ings2.n. ami when they urged him till he was a. H. 11. he settled his countenance till he was a. 2 Cbror. 30. 15. the priests and the Levites were a. Kzrai'. 22. 1 w;ts a. to require of the king a band 9. C. I ara a. and blush to lift up my face to thee Job C. 20. they came thither, and were a. 1 1. 3. when thou mockest, shall no man make a.? 19.3. ye are nota. to make yourselves strange to me /'an/.34.5. were lightened, their faces were not a. 74. 21. O let not the oppressed return a. lot poor Prot. 12. 4. she that niaketh a. is as rottenness /s.i. 20. a.shall be a. of Ethiopia, their expectation 24.23. the sun shall be a. when the Lord shall reign 30. 5. all a. of a people that could not profit them 33.9.p.'irth mourns, Lebanon is a. and hewn down Jit. 2. 2c>. as the thief is a. when he is found, so is G. 15. were they a. ? they were not at all a. 8. 12. 8. 9. the wise men are a. they are dismayed 14. 4. plowmen were a. they covered their heads 48.13.Moiib shall bca.of Chemosh,as Israel wasa. F.zek. 16. 27. the daughters of the Philistines are a. 32. 30. with terror they are a. of their might /-ufc(13.17.all his adversaries werea.and the people 16. 3. what shall I do? 1 cannot dig, to beg I am a. Rom. 1. 16. 1 am not a. of the gospel of Christ 5.5. hope maketh not a.because the love of God is 6. 21. what fruit in things whereof ye are now a.? 2 Cor. 7. 14. if I have boasted any thing, I am not a. 2 Tim. 1. 12. I suffer, nevertheless I am not a. 16. Onesiphorus was not a. of my chain Heb. 2. 11. he is not a. to call them brethren 11. 16. God is not a. to be called their God AsRA.MKD and confovvded ; gee Confounded. Re ASHAMED. Psal. G. 10. let all my enemies be a. and sore vexed 25.3. yea, let none that wait on thee he a. let them be a. who transgress without cause 31. 1. in thee do I put my trust, let me never Ar a. 17. let me not be a. let the wicked be a. 35. 2fi. 69. 6. let not them that wait be a. for my sake Pfi. 17. they which hate me, may see it and he a. 109. 28. when they arise, let them be a. hut let 119. 78. let proud ie a. for they dealt perversely 19 ASK {sa. 1. 29. for they shall be a. of the oaks which ye 23. 4. be thou a. O Zidon, the sea hath spoken 26. 11. they shall see and be a. for their envy 42. 17. they shall if greatly a. that trust in images 44. 9. they see not nor know, that they may be a. 11. all his fellows shall be a. shall be a. together 45.24. all that arc incensed against him shall be a. 65. 13. my servants rcyoice, but ye shall be a. 66. 5. shall appear to your joy, and they shall be a. Jtr. 2.36. thou shaltie a. of Egypt, as a. of Assyria 3.3. and hadst a whore's forehead, refuscdst tobe a. 12. 13. and they shall be a. of your revenues 17. 13. O Lord, all that forsake thee shall fte a. 20. 11. my persecutors shall stumble and be a. 46.13. Moab shall be a. of Chemosli, as Israel was 50. 12. your mother that bare you shall be a. Ezck. 16. 61. shall remember thy ways, and be a. 43.10.shew Israel, they may iea.of their iniquitici 11. and if they be a. of all thai they have done i/os.4.iy.tJiey shall be a. because of their sacrifice! 10. 6. and Israel shall be a. of his own counsel Joel yea.Oyc husbandmen, howl for wheat 2. 26. and my people shall never be a. 27. Zcch. 9. 5. for her expectation shall be a. 13. 4. the prophets every one be a. of his vision ^17ar/ir8.38.shall be a. of me and my words, Z,m.9.2C. 2 Cor. 9. 4. we (that we say not, you) should be a. Phil. 1.20. that in nothing I shall be a. but with 2 7'Acs,9.3. comp. with him, that he may ie «. Tit.i. 8. he that is on the contrary part may be a. lPet.3. 16. maybe a. Ihallklsely accuse your good JV«t be, or Be not, ASHAMED. jVum. 12. 14. should she not be a. seven days ? Psa/.25.2.0 my God, I trust in thee, let me nut be a. 31. 17. let me not be a. O Lord, 119. 116. 37. 19. they shall jiot be a. in the evil time 119.6. then shall I not be a. when I have respect to 46. I will si)eak of thy testimonies, and ?io£ic a. SO. let my heart be sound, that I be not a. 127. 5. they shall not be a. but shall speak with Isa. 29. 22. saith the Lord, Jacob shall not be a. 45. 17. ye shall not be a. world without end 49. 23. they shall not be a. that wait for me .50. 7. my face like a flint, I know I shall ?wt be a. 54. 4. fear not, for thou shall not be a. Zcph. 3. 11. in that day shall thou not be a. [11. Rom. 9. 33. who believelh on him shall not be a. 10. 2 Cor. 10. 8. for though I boast, I should not be a. 2 Tim. 1. 8. be not therefore a. of testimony of L. 2. 15. to God, a workman that nccdeth not be a. 1 Pet. 4. 16. suffer as a Christian, let him not be a. 1 John 2. 28. not be a. before him at his coming ASHES Signifies, The remains of fuel after it has been burned, 2 Pet. 2.6. They denote, [1] The frailty and extreme vilencss of man, when compared with his Creator, Gen. 18. 27. [2] Veep hn- miliatiov, Esth. 4. 1. Jonah 3. 6. Gen. 18. 27. to speak, which am hut dust and a. Lev. 6. 10. and the priest shall take up the a. 11. and carry forth the a. without the camp JVum. 19. 9. a man that is clean shall gather the a. 2 .Sam. 13. 19. Tamar put a. on her head, and rent 1 KingslS. 3. altar shall bo rent, and a. poured out 20. 38. the prophet disguised himself and a. Esth. 4. 1. Mordecai put on sackcloth with a. 3. and many lay in sackcloth and a. .Toh 2. 8. Job sat down among the a. 13. 12. 5'our remembrances are like to a. your 30. 19. into mire, I am become like dust and a. 42. 6. T abhor myself, and repent in dust and a. Psal.20. t 3. and turn to a. thy burnl-sacrifice 102. 9. for I have eaten a. like bread, and mingled 147. 16. he scattereth the hoar-frost like a. Isa. 44.20. he feedelh on a. a deceived heart turned 58. 5. and to spread sackcloth and a. under him CI. 3. to give them beauty for a. the oil of joy .hr. 6. 2G. O daughter, wallow thyself in a. Jmw. 3. 16. he hath covered me with a. Ezck. 28. 18. I will bring thee to a. on the earth Dan. 9. 3. 1 set my face to sock in sackcloth and a. ./«waA3.6.king covered with sackcloth, and sat ina. Mai. 4. 3. the wicked shall be a. under your feet Mat.U. 21. if works were done, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and a. iMhe 10.13. Hcb.9. 13. if the a. of a heifer sanctifieth to thee 2 Pet. 2. 6. and turning the cities of Sodom into a. ASIDE. 2 I^ingK 4. 4. said, thou shall set a. that which is full .rob 1. ^9. came a great wind from a. wilderness Mark ■?P!3. he took him a. from the multitude .To/m 13. 4. he riselh and laid a. his garment Heb. 12. 1. let us lay a. every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us .See Go, Gone, Tiikn, Went, Lay. ASK Signifies, [1] To evqvire. Gen. 32. 29. Mark 9. 32. |2] To require, or demand. Gen. 34. 12. Dan. 2. 10. [31 To seek rounsr.l, Isa. 30. 2. Hag. 2. 11. [4] To pray, John 15. 7. Jam. 1. 6. [5] To ASK expect, Luke 12. 48. [6] To salute, 1 Sam. 2,5. t 5. 2 Sam. 8. [ 10. [7] To lay to one's charge, Psal. 35. f 11. Gen. 32.29. wherefore dosl thou a. after my name? 34. 12. a. me never so much dowry and gift,l give Ucut. 4. 32. for a. now of the days that are past 13. 14. shall a. diligently, and if it be truth 32. 7. a. thy father, and ho will shew thee Josh.i. 6. when your children a. their fathers, 21. Judg. 18. 5. a. counsel, we pray thee, of God 1 Sam. 10. t 4. and they will a. thee of peace 12. 19. we have added this evil to a. us a king 25. t5. a. him in my name of peace, 2 .Sam. 8. f 10. 28. 16. why dost thou a. of lue, seeing the Lord 2 iSam. 14. Id. hide not from me the thing I a. 1 A77i or^ 3. 5. a what I shall give thee, 2~C7ir. 1. 7. 14. 5. the wife of Jeroboam comcth to a. thee 2Kingsii.O. Elijah said, a. what I shall do for thee 2 CAro?!. 20. 4. Judah gathered to a. help of God .rob 12. 7. a. the beasts, and they shall teach thee Psal. 2.8. a. of me, and I will give thee the heathen Isa. 7. 11. a.theeasignof Lord, a. itofthedepth 12. I w ill not a. nor will I tempt the Lord 45. 11. saith the Lord, a. me of things to come 58. 2. they a. of me the ordinances of justice Jer. 6. 16. a. for the old paths, and w aik therein 15. 5. who shall go aside, to a. what thou doest 18. 13. a. ye now among the heathen wlio heard 30. 6. a. and sec whether a man doth travail 38. 14. 1 will a. thee athing, hide nothing from me 48. 19. a. him that flceth, and her thai cscapeth 50.5. they shall a.the way to Ziun with their faces 7yajn.4.4. Ihe young children a. bread, and no man Dan. 6. 7. who shall a. a petition of any God, 12. flos. 4. 12. my people a. counsel at their stocks Hag. 2. 11. a. now the priests concerning the law ZccA. 10. 1. a. ye of the Lord rain in time oflatter Mat. fi. 8. what ye have need of, before ye a. him 7. 7. a. and it shall bo given you, I^uke 11. 9. 9.whatmanofyou,ifhisson a. bread, /,?(. 11.11. 11. shall give good things to them that a. him 14.7.promised to give her whatsoever she woulda. 18. 19. agree touching any tiling they shall a. 20. 22. ye know not what ye a. Mark 10. 38. 21 .22. whatsoever yea. in prayer,bclieving,ye shall 22.46. nor durst any man a. him more questions, Mark 12. 34. Luke 20. 40. Mark 6. 22. a. what thou wilt, I will give thee, 23. 9. 32. they were afraid to a. him, Luke 9. 45. Jac/cc 6. 30. laketh thy goods, a. them not again 11. 13. give the Holy Spirit to them that a. him 12. 48. much committed, of him they will a. more John 1. 19. when the Jews sent priests to a. him 9. 21. we know not, he is of age, a. him, 23. 11. 22. whatsoever thou wilt a. of God, he will 13. 24. Peter beckoned to him that he should a. 14. 13. whatsoever ye a. in my name, 15. 16. 14. if ye a. any thing in my name I will do it 15. 7. if ye abide in me, a. what ye wUI, it shall be 16. 10. Jesus knew that they were desirous to a. 23. and in thai day ye shall a. me nothing 24.a.and ye shall receive,thal your joymay be full 30. and needesl not that any man should a. thee 18. 21. a. them which heard me what I said .ilcts 10. 29. 1 a. therefore for what intent ye sent 1 Cor. 14. 35. let them a. their husbands at home Eph. 3. 20. to do above all that we can a. or think ./am. 1.5. if any lack wisdom, let him a. of God 6. but let him a. in faith, nothing wavering 4. 2. yet ye have not, because ye a. not 3. ye a. and receive not, because ye a. amiss 1 ./oAn 3. 22. whatsoever we a. we receive of him 5. 14. if we a. any thing according to his will 15. if we know ho heareth us, whatsoever we a. 16. sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall a. See Counsel. ASKED. f?cn.32.29.Jacob a. him and said, tell me thy name 43. 7. the man a. us straitly of our kindred .rosh. 19. 50. they gave him the city which he a. .Judg. 5. 25. he a. water, she gave him milk 13. 0. but I a. him not whence he was 18. t 15. a. him of peace, 1 ^Sam. 17. [22. ] 30. [21. 1 Sam. 1. 17. God grant the petition thou hast a. [20. she called his name Samuel, that isa. of God 27. the Lord hath given me my petition I a. 1 Kings'i. 11. because thou a. this thing and not a. 2 Kingsl. 10. hesaid, thou hast a. a hard thing E.ira !>. 10. we a. their names to certify thee .7()421.2y. have ye not a. them thai go by the way? Psal. 21. 4. he a. life of thee, tliou gavest him 3.5. [ 11. Ihey a. me things lliat I knew nol 105. 40. the people a. and he brought quails /.<;a. 30. 2. and have not a. at my month 41. 28. when I a. of them, could answer a word 65. 1. I am sought of them that a. not for me jyan. 2. 10. there is no king that a. such things 7. 16. 1 came and a. him the truth of all this JiraM6.13.he a.his disriplc, Markfi.i7.Luke9.18. 22.23. Sadduceesa.him,35.Jl/ar .9.11. [ ASS Lnke 18. 40. when come near he a. what wilt thou John 4. 10. thou wouldest have a. ofliim It). 24. hitherto have ye a. nothing in my name Rom. 10. 20. made manifest to them tliat a. not ASKEST. Judg. 13. 18. why a. thou thus after my name? John 4. 9. a. drinii of me, a woman of Samaria 18 21. why a. thou me, ask them which heard ASKETH. Exod. 13. 14. thy son a. thee in time, Deut. 6. 20. Mic. 7. 3. prince a. and the judge a. for a reward Mat. 5. 42. give to him that a. thee, Luke 6. 30. 7. 8. every one that a. receiveth, Luke 11. 10. John 16. 5. none of you a. me whither goest thou? lPet.3.15. to every one that a. you a reason of hope ASKING. 1 Sam.\2. 17. may see your wickedness in a. a king 1 Chr. 10. 13. Saul died for a. counsel of a famiUar Psal. 78. 18. tempted G. by a. meat for their lusts JLuke 2. 46. hearing them, and a. them questions Johji 8. 7. they continued a. he lifted up himself 1 Cor. 10. 25. a. no question for conscience, 27. ASLEEP Signifies, [1] To take rest in sleep, Jonah ] . 5. Mat. 26. 40. [2] To die, Acts 7. 60. 2 Pet. 3. 4. Judg-. 4. 21. for Sisera was fast a. and weary Cant. 7. 9. the lips of those that are a. to speak Jonah 1. 5. hut Jonah lay, and was fast a. Mat. 8.24. arose a storm, but he was a. Mark 4.38. 26. 40. he tindeth the disciples a. Mark 14. 40. Jicts 7. 00. when Stephen had said this, ho fell a. 1 Cor, 15. 6. part remain, but some are fallen a. 18. then they which are fallen a. in Christ XThess. 4.13. ignorant concerning them that are a. 15. we alive shall not i)revent them that are a. 2 Pet. 3. 4. for since the fathers fell a. all things ASP, S. Deut. 32. 33. their wine is the cruel venom of a. Job 20. 14. his meat is the gall of a. within him 16.he shall suck the poison ofa.the viper's tongue Isa. 11. 8. the child shall play on the hole of the a. Rom. 3. 13. tlie poison of a. is under their lips ASSAULT, ED. cause to perish all that would a. them ActsU.5.\\\ieai\\exe wasana.madeof the Gentiles. 17. 5. they a. the house of Jason, and sought to ASSAY, ED, ING. Deut. 4. 34. hath God a. to go and take a nation 1 .Sa?n. 17. 39. David a. to go, for he had not proved Job 4. 2. if we a. to commune with thee, wilt thou Jicts^. 26. Saul a. to join himself to the disciples 16. 7. they a. to go to Bithynia, but the Spirit Hob. 11.29. the Egyptians a. to do, were drowned ASS. Gc7i.22.3. Abraham rose up early, and saddled hisa. 5. abide you here with the a. and I and the lad 49. 14. Issachar is a strong a. couching between Ezod. 13. 13. every tirstling of an a. redeem with 23. 4. if thou meet thine enemy's a. going astray 12. shall rest ; that thine ox and thine a. may rest JVum. 16. 15. I have not taken one a. from them 22. 23. the a. saw the angel standing, 25. 27. 28. the Lord opened the mouth of the a. 30. the a. said to Balaam, am not I thine a. 7 Deut. 22. 10. not plow with an o\ and a. together JosA.15.18.and Achsah lighted ofl'hera.Caleb said, what a)!.5.2l. Nebuchadnezzar's dwell, was with w. a. Young ASSES. Isa. 30. 6. they will carry their riches on young a. 24. y. a. that ear the ground shall eat provender ASSEMBLE. JSTum. 10. 3. when they blow, the assembly shall a. 2 .Sain. 20. 4. a. me the men of Judah, and be here Isa. 11. 12. he shall a. the outcasts of Israel 45.20.n.yourselves, and come, draw near together 48. 14. all ye a. yourselves and hear Jer. 4. 5. a. yourselves, and let us go into the cities 8. 14. why do we sit still? a. yourselves, let us Ezck. 11. 17. I will a. vou out of the countries 39. 17. a. yourselves, gather to my sacrifice Has. 7. 14. they a. themselves for corn and wine .hel 2. 16. a. the elders, gather the children 3. 11. a. yourselves and come, all ye heathen Amos 3, 9. a. yourselves on the mount of Samaria Mic. 2. 12. I will surely a. O Jacob, all of thee 4. 6. saith the Lord 1 will a. her that halteth Zeph. 3. 8. I'll a. the kingdoms to pour indignation ASSEMBLED. Eiod.^.S.women which the door of the taber. 1 Sam. 2. 22. they lay with the women that a. 1 Chron. 15. 4. David a. the children of Aaron 2 Chron. 30. 13. a. much people to keep the feast Ezra 9. 4. then a. to me every one that trembled 10. 1. when Ezra had prayed, there a. to him JVch. 9. 1. the children of Israel a. with fasting Psal. 48. 4. lo the kings were a. they passed by Isa. 43. 9. let the people be a. who can declare this .ler. 5.7. a. themselves by troops in harlots' houses Dan. 6. 11. these men a. and found Daniel prayinj Mat. 28. 12. when they a. they gave large money John 20. 19. the discii)les a. for fear of the Jews Jlcls 1. 4. being a. commanded them not to depart 4. 31. the place was shaken where they were a. 11. 26. a whole year they a. with the church 15. 25. it seemed good to us a. with one accord ASSEMBLING. Heb. 10. 25. forsake not the a. yourselves together ASSEMBLY. Ocn. 28. 1 3. that thou mayest be an a. of people 49. 6. to their a. mine honour be not thou united Exod. 12. 6. the whole a. shall kill it in the even 16. 3. to kill this whole a. with hunger IjCV. 4. 1.3. the thing be hid from the eyes of the a. JVi/m. 10.2. and make 2 trumpets for calhng the a. 20. 6. Moses and Aaron went from presence of a. Deut. 9. 10. spake in the mount out of the midst of the fire, in the day of your a. 10. 4. 1 18. 16. Judg. 21. 8. none from Jabesh-Gilead to the a. 1 Sam. 17. 47. all this a. shall know the Lord saves 2 Chron. 30. 23. the whole a. took counsel to keep JVeA. 5. 7. I set a great a. against them P.^-a/.22.16.the a.of the wicked have inclosed rae 89. 7. God is to be feared in the a. of the saints 107. 32. praise him in the a. of the elders 111. 1. I will praise him in the a. of the upright Prov. 5. 14. 1 was in all evil in the midst of the a. Jcr. 6. 11. I will pour it on the a. of young men 9. 2. for they be an a. of treacherous men 15. 17. I sat not in the a. of the mockers Lam. 2. 6. he hath destroyed the places of the a. Ezek. 13. 9. they shall not be in the a. of my people 23.24. shall come against Ahohbah with an a. Jicts J9. 32.the a. was confused, and part knew not 39. it shall be determined in a lawful a. 41. he had thus spoken, he dismissed the a. Hcb. 12. 23. to the general a. of the first born Jam. 2. 2. if there come to vour a. a man Solemn ASSEMBLY. Lev. 23. 36. on the eighth day it is a solemn a. JVujn. 29. 35. JVcA. 8. 18. Deut.lG.S. on the se\'Bnth day a solemn a. to the L. 2 Kings 10.20. Jehu said, proclaim a s. a.Wr Baal 2 Chron. 7. 9. in the eighth day they made a sol. a. .Tool 1. 14. sanctify a fast, call a solemn a. 2. 15. Zeph. 3. 18. them that are sorrowful for the sol. a. ASSEMBLIES. Psal. 80.14. the a. of violent men sought my soul Eccl. 12. n. as nails fastened by the masters of a. I.ia. 1. 13. the calling of a. I cannot away with 4. 5. God will create on her a. a cloud and smoke 14. t31. he 6hall not be alone in his a. AST Ezck. 44. 24. they shall keep my laws in all mine a. Jimos 5. 21. I will not smell in your solemn a. ASSENT, ED. 2 Chr. 18. 12. declare good to the king with one a. Luke 23.124. Pilate a. it should be as ihey required Acts 24. 9. Jews also a. that these things Avere so ASSIGNED. Gen. 47. 22. for the priests had a portion a. them Josh. 20. 8. they a. Bezer a city of refuge 2 Sam. 11. 16. he a. Uriah to a place he know ASSIST. Rum. 16. 2. that ye a. her in whatsoever business ASSOCIATE. Isa. 8. 9. a. yours, and ye shall be broken in piece.s Dan. 11. t 6. at the end of years they shall a. AS SOON. Exod. 9. 29. a. as I am gone out of the city 2 Chr. 31. 5. a. as the commandment came abroad Psal. 18. 44. a. as they hear of me, shall obey me Isa. 66. 8. a. as Zion travailed, she brought forth Luke 1.44.a.a3 the voice ofthy salutation sounded 8. 6. a. as it was sprung up it withered away .John 18. 6. a. as he said, I am he, they went back Acts 10. 29. therefore came I a. as I was sent for 12. 18. a. as it was day there was no small stir Rev. 10. 10. a. as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter 12. 4. for to devour the child a. as it was born ASSUAGE, ED. Gen. 8. 1. over the earth, and the waters were a. Job 16. 5. moving of my lips should a. your grief 6. though I speak, yet my grief is not a. ASSURANCE. Deut. 23. 66. thou shalt have none a. of thy life Isa. 32. 17. and the effect of righteousness, a. Acts 17. 31. whereof he hath given a. to all men Col. 2.2. to all riches of the fuh a. of understanding 1 Thess. 1. 5. our gospel came in much a. Heb. 6. 11. to the full a. of hope to the end 10. 22. let us draw near in full a. of faith ASSURE. 1 John 3. 19. and shall a. our hearts before him ASSURED. Lev. '2,7. 19. add the fitlh, and it shall be a. to him Jer. 14. 13. I will give you a. peace in this place RotH. 14. t 5. let every one be fully a. in his mind 2 Tim. 3. 14. continue in things thou hast been a. ASSUREDLY. 1 Sam. 28. 1. know a. thou shalt go out with me 1 Kings 1. 13. a. Solomon thy son shall reign, 17, 30. Jer. 32. 41. I will plant them in this land a. 38. 17. if thou a. go forth to the king of Babylon 49.12. they have a. drunken, and shalt thou go Acts 2. 36. let all the house of Israel know a. 16. 10. a. gathering that the Lord had called us ASTONIED. Ezra 9. 3. plucked oft" the hair, and sat down a. Job 17. 8. upright men shall be a. at this 18. 20. they that come after him shall be a. Ezek. 4. 17. that they may be a. one with another i> a?!. 3.24. Nebuchadnezzar was a. and rose in haste 4. 19. then Daniel was a. for one hour 5.9. his countenance was changed, his lords a. ASTONISHED. Lev. 26. 32. and your enemies shall be a. 1 Kings 9.8. every one that passeth by shall be a. .Ter. 18. 16. | 19. 8. | 49. 17. | 50. 13. .Tob'iG. 11. the pillars of heaven tremble and are a. Isa. 52. 14. as many as were a. at thee, his visage ,Ier. 2. 12. be a. O ye heavens, at this 4. 9. the heart of the priests shall be a. 14. 9. why shouldest thou be as a man a. Ezck.3. 15. 1 remained a. among them seven days 21). 16. shall tremble at every moment, and be a. 28. 19. they that know thee shall be a. at thee Dan. 8. 27. I Daniel was a. at the vision Mat. 7. 28. the people were a. at his doctrine, 22. 33. Mark 1. 22. 1 6. 2. | 11. 18. Luke 4. 32. Mark 5. 42. they were a. with great astonishment 7. .37. and were beyond measure, a. 10. 26. 10. 24. the disciples were a. at his words Luke 2. 47. a. at his understanding and answers 5. 9. he was a. at the draught of fishes 8. 56. her parents were a. but he charged them 24. 22. yea, and certain women also made us a. Acts 9. 6. Saul trembling and a. said. Lord, what 10,45. of the circumcision which believed, were a. 12.16.had opened door and saw Peter,thcy werea. 13. 12. the deputy when he saw, believed, being a. ASTONISHMENT. Deut. 28. 28. the Lord shall smite thee with a. .37. thou shalt become an a. and a proverb 2 CAr. 7. 21. this house shall be an a. to every one 29. 8. he hath delivered them to a. and hissing Psal. 60. 3. hast made us to drink the wine of a. ,Tcr. 5. t 30. a. is committed in the land 8. 21. I am black, a. hath taken hold on me 2.5. 9. I will make them an a. and a hissing, 18. 11. this whole land shall be a desolation and a. 29. 18. I'll deliver them to be a curse and an a. 42. 18. ye Bhall be an execration and an a. 44.12. ATT Jer. 44. 22. therefore is your land an a. and a curse 51. 37. Babyluii sliall become licaps and an a Ezck. 4. 16. son of man, behold, tliey shall drink water by measure, and with a. 12. 19 5. 15. it shall be an a. to the nations about thee 23. 33. thou shall be filled with the cup of a. Zec/i. 12. 4. 1 will smite every horse with a. Astray; see Went, Go, Gone. ASTROLOGERS. Isa. 47. 13. let now the a. tlie star-gazers, stand L>a7>. 1.20. he found them ten limes than a. 2. 27. the secret cannot the a. shew to the king 4. 7. then came in the magicians and the a. 5. 7. the king cried aloud, to bring in the a. Asundkr; see Clkave, Cut, Divide, Put. AS WELL. Lev.^ well the .stranger, as he that is born in law, as icell for the stranger,as for your own Z>eu«.20.8. lest his brethren's heart faint,as well ai 2 Sam. 11. 25. tlie sword devours one as well as another 1 C/;r.25.8. they cast lots, astceZi the small as great 2CAr. give as tcell to the great as the small Job 12. 3. but I have understanding as well as you Fs. 87. 7. as well the singers as the players shall be Acts 10. 47. who received the Holy Ghost as well as 1 lead about a sister as well as other apos Heb. 4.2. to us the gospel preached as well as them ATE. Psal. 106. 28. they a. the sacrifices of the dead Dan. 10. 3. I a. no pleasant bread nor flesh Rev. 10. 10. 1 took the little book, and a. it up ATHIRST. J^ttrfg'.15.18.Samson was sore a.and called on Lord Huth 2. 9. when a. go to the vessels and drink Mat. 25. 44. when saw we thee a. or a stranger Rev. 21. 6. I'll give to him tliat is a. of fountain 22. 17. Spirit and bride say, let him that is o. come ATONEMENT Signifies, [1] Reconciliation, or appeasing of anger, Rom. 5. 1. [2] A ransom, Job 33. t 24. Eiod. 29. 33. eat things wherewith a. was made 36. thou shalt offer a bullock every day for a 37. seven days thou shalt make a. for the altar 30. 10. Aaron once in year shall make a. upon it 15. to make an a. for your souls. Lev. 17. 11. 16. thou shalt take the a. money of Israel 32. 30. peradventure I shall make an a. for sin J^ev. 1. 4. it shall be accepted for hira to make a. 4. 20. the priest shall make an a. for them, and be forgiven, 26, 31, 35. | 5. 6. | 6. 7. ' 12. 8. I 14. 18. JVum. 15. 25. 8. 34. so the Lord hatli commanded to make a. 9. 7. make a. for thyself and for them, 16. 24. 10. 17. God hath given it you to make a. for them 12. 7. make an a. for her, and she shall be clean 14. 53. make an a. for the house, it shall be clean 16.10.the scape-goat shall be presented to make a. 11. Aaron shall make an a.for himself and house 16. he shall make an a. for the holy place 17. shall be no man there, when he maketh a. 18. he shall go and make a. for the altar 27. whose blood was brought in to make a. 33. he shall make a. for the holy sanctuary 34. everlasting statute to make a. once a year 23. 27. tenth day of 7th month shall be a day of a. 28. do no work, for it is a day of a. to make a. 25. 9. in the day of a. make the trumpets sound JVum.8.21. made a. for the Levites to cleanse them 19. given the Levites to make a. for Israel 16. 46. go quickly, make a. for wrath is gone out 25. 13. Phineas have it, because he made an a. 28, 22. a goat for a sin-oflTering to make a. ,30. 29. 5. a kid of the goats to make an a. for you 31. .50. ear-rings to make an a. for our souls 2 Sam. 21. 3. wherewith shall I make the a. ? 1 Chr. 6. 49. Aaron and sons appointed to make a. 2 Chr. 29. 24. the priests killed them to make an a. JVeh. 10. 33. ordinances for offering to make an a. .Job 33. t 24. deliver him, I have found an a. Rom. 5. 11. by whom we have now received a. ATTAIN. P.oal. 139. 6. it is high, I cannot a. unto it Pror. 1..5. man of understanding shall a. to wisdom Eiek. 46. 7. according as his hand shall a. to it Hoa. 8. 5. how long ere they a. to innocency'? Jlcts 27. 12. if they might a. to Phenice Phil.'i.W. I might a. to the resurrection of the dead ATTAINED. Gen. 47.9. and have not a. to the days of my father Ixv. 25.t26. his hand hath a. and found sufficiency 2 Sam. 23. 19. howbeit he a. not to the first three, 23. 1 Ckron. 11. 21, 25. Rom. 9. 30. the gentiles have a. to righteousness 31. Israel hath not a. to the law of righteousness Phil 3. 12. not as though I had already a. or perfect 16. whereto we have already a. let us walk 1 Tim. 4. 6. good doctrine, whereto thou hast a. ATTEND. Esth. 4. 5. Hatach whom he appointed to a. her 21 AUN Psal. 17. 1. O Lord, a. to my crj', 61. 1. | 142. 6. 55.2 a. to me, hear me, I mourn and make a noise Psal. 86. 6. and a. to the voice of my supplication Prov. 4. 1. hear and a. to know understanding 20. my son, my words, incline thine car, 7.24. 5. 1. my son, a. to my wisdom, and bow thine ear 1 Cor. 7.35. may a. on the Lord without distraction ATTENDANCE. 1 Kings 10.5. saw the a. of his ministers, 2 C/tr.9.4. 1 Tim. 4. 13. till I come, give a. to reading Heb. 7. 13. of which no man gave a. at the altar ATTENDED. .Job 32. 12. 1 a. to you, none of you convinced Job Psal. 66. 19. he hath the voice of my prayer .lets 16. 14. she a. to the things spoken by Paul ATTENDING. floTO.13.6.ministers a.continually on tliis very thing ATTENT. 2 Ckron. 6. 40. let thine ears be the prayer 7. 15. mine ears shall be a. to the prayer made ATTENTIVE. JVe/t. 1. 6. let tliine ear now be a. 11. Psal. 130. 2. 8. 3. the ears of the people were a. L,u,/ce 19. 48. ATTENTIVELY. Job 37. 2. hear a. the noise of his voice and sound ATTIRE, ED. Lev. 16. 4. with the linen mitre shall Aaron be a. Prov. 7. 10. met him a woman with a. of a harlot Jer. 2. 32. can a bride forget her a. ? yet my people Ezek. 23. 15. exceeding in dyed a. on their heads ATTRIBUTED. Job 1. I 22. Job sinned not, nor a. folly to God AVAILETH. EBth.5.13. yet all this a. me nothing so long as I see Oal. 5. 6. in Christ circumcision a. not, 6. 15. Jam. 5. 16. the prayer of a righteous man a. much AUDIENCE. [pie Gem.23.13. Abraham spake to Ephron in a.of peo- Exod. 24. 7. took book of covenant, and read in a. 1 5am. 25. 24. let thine handmaid speak in thy a. 1 Chron. 28. 8. in the a. of our God keep and seek JVfA. 13. 1. they read in the book of Moses in the a. Lukel .X.enAeA all his sayings in the a.of the people 20. 45. in a. of the people he said to his disciples Jicts 13. 16. Israel, and ye that fear God, give a. 15. 12. then all the multitude gave a. to Barnabas 22. 22. and they gave him a. to this word AVENGE. Lev. 19. 18. thou shalt not a. nor bear grudge 26. 25. that shall a. the quarrel of my covenant J^um. 31. 2. a. Israel of the Midianites, 3. Dcut. 32. 43. he will a. the blood of his servants 1 Sam. 24. 12. the Lord judge and a. me of thee 2Kings 9.7. smite the house of Ahab,that I may a. Est/i. 8. 13. Jews a. themselves on their enemies Jsa. 1. 24. I will a. me of mine enemies Jer. 46. 10. a day of vengeance that he may a. Hos. 1. 4. I will a. the blood of Jezreel on Jehu Luke 18. 3. saying, a. me of mine adversary 7. shall not God a. his own elect, who cry day 8. I tell you that he will a. them speedily Rom. 12. 19. beloved, a. not yourselves, but give Rev. 6. 10. how long dost thou not a. our blood AVENGED. Ocn.4.24. if Cain should be a. seven-fold, Lamech Exod. 21. t 20. and he die, he shall be surely a. Josh. 10.13. sun and moon stayed till people had a. Judg. 15. 7. tho' ye have done this, yet I will be a. 16.28. may be a. of the Philistines for my two eyes 1 Sani.14.24. that eateth any food, that I may be a 18. 25. a hundred foreskins, to be a. of enemies 25. 3L or that my Lord hath a. himself 2 Sam. 4. 8. the Lord hath a. my lord the king 18. 19. how the Lord hath a. him of his enemies 31. the Lord hath a. thee this day of them Jer. 5. 9. my soul be a. on such a nation, 29. | 9. 9 Acts 1. 24. Moses a. him that was op))ressed Rev. 18. 20. rejoice, for God hath a. you on her 19. 2. hath a. blood of his servants at her hand AVENGER. Jfum. 35.12. cities for refuge from tho a. ./osft.20.3 Dcut. 19. 6. lest the a. of blood pursue the slayer 12. the elders deliver him into the hand of the a. Josh. 20. 5. if the a. of Wood pursue after him 9. not die by the hand of the a. till he stood Psal. 8. 2. thou mightest still the enemy and a. 44. 16. by reason of the enemy and a. 1 Thes. 4. 6. because the Lord is the a. of all such AVENGETH. 2 Sam. 22. 48. it is God that a. me, Psal. 18. 47. AVENGING. .Tudg. 5. 2. praise the Lord for the a. of Israel 1 Sam. 25. 26. Lord hath withholden thee from a. 33. blessed be thou who kept me from a. AVERSE. Mic. 2. 8. pass by securely, as men a. from war AUGMENT. ^um. 32. 14. ye are arisen to a. the fierce anger AUNT. Lev. 18 14. nor approach to his wife, she is thy a. AWA AVOUCHED. DcKt.26.17. hast this day a. the Lord to be thy God 18. the Lord hath a. thee to be his people" AVOID. Prov. 4. 15. a. it, pass not by it, turn from it Rom.W.n. mark them that cause divisions, and a. 1 Cor. 7. 2. to a. fornication, let every man have his 2Tm. 2. 23. foolish and unlearned questions a. Tit. 3. 9. a. foolish questions and genealogies AVOIDED, ING. 1 •S'am. 18. 11. David a. out of his presence twice 2 Cor. 8. 20. a. this, that no man should blame us 1 Tim. 6. 20. a. profane and vain babblings AUSTERE. Litke 19. 21. 1 feared, because thou art an a. man AUTHOR. Acts 3. 1 15. and killed the a. of life 1 Cor. 14. 33. God is not the a. of confusion Ileb. 5. 9. he became the a. of eternal salvation 12. 2. looking to Jesus, the a. and finisher of faith AUTHORITY Signifies, [1] Power, rule, or dignity, Prov. 29. 2 Luke 19. 17. [2] A convincing efficacy and power. Mat. 7. 29. [3] A warrant, order, or authentic permission. Mat. 21. 23. Acts 9. 14. Esth. 9. 29. Esther and Mordecai wrote with a. Pro!). 29. 2. when righteous are in a. people rejoice JV/at.7.29. taught them as one having a. Jl/art"l.22. 8. 9. for I am a man under a. and say, Luke 7.8. 20. 25. they that are gieat exercise a. Mark 10.42. 21. 23. by what a. doest thou these 7 Mark 11.28. Mark 1. 27. for with a. commandelh he even the unclean spirits, and they obey liim, LukeA.'iS. 13. 34. left his house, and gave a. to his servants Luke 9.1. he gave them power and a.over all devils 19. 17. been faithful, have thou a. over ten cities 20. 20. might dehver him to a. of the governor 22. 25. that exercise a. are called benefactors John 5. 27. hath given him a. to execute judgment Acts 8.27. eunuch of great a. under Candace queen 9. 14. here he hath a. to bind, 26. 10, 12. 1 Cor. 15. 24. when he shall have put down all a. 2 Cor. 10. 8. should boast somewhat more of our a. 1 Thes. 2. t 6. ^vhcn we might have used a. 1 Tijn. 2. 2. supplication for kings and all in a. 12. 1 suffer not a woman to usurp a.over the man Tit. 2. 15. exhort and rebuke with all a. 1 Pet. 3. 22. angels and a. made subject to him Rev. 13. 2. the dragon gave him power and great a. AWAKE Signifies, [1] To come out of natural sleep, Luke 9. 32. [2] To rouse up out of spiritual sleep, by a vigorous exercise of grace, by leaving off all sinful courses, and setting about the per- formance of duties required, Rom. 13. 11. Eph. 5. 14. [3] To raise from the dead. Job 14. 12. John 11. 11. [4] To give present help after it hath long been kept from vs, as though God had forgotten us, Psal. 7. 6. Isa. 51. 9. Awake not my love till he please. Cant. 2. 7. Qive my beloved Saviour no occasion of offence or departure; neither interrupt that peace I enjoy in him, so long as he is pleased to continue it. Judg. 5. 12. a. a. Deborah, a. a. utter a song, arise .Tob 8. 6. surely now he would a. for thee 14. 12. till heavens be no more, they shall not a. 19. 1 26. I shall a. though this body be destroyed Psal. 7. 6. a. for me to the judgment, 35. 23. 17. 15. be satisfied when I a. with thy likeness 44. 23. a. why sleepest thou, O Lord ? arise 57. 8. a. my glory, I myself will a. early, 108. 2. 59. 4. they prepare, a. to help me, and behold 5. O Lord God, a. to visit all the heathen Prov. 23. 35. when shall I a. I will seek it yet again Cant. 2. 7. not a. my love till he please, 3. 5. ] 8. 4. 4. 16. a. O north wind, and come thou south Isa. 26. 19. o. and sing ye that dwell in the dust 51. 9. a. a. put on strength, O arm of the Lord, a. as in the ancient days, 52. 1. 17. a. a. stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk Jer. 51. 57. sleep a perpetual sleep, and not a. Dan. 12. 2. niany that sleep in the dust shall a. .Tocl 1. 5. o. ye drunkards, weep and howl all ye Hab. 2. 7. shall they not a. that shall vex tJieo 19. woe to him that saith to the wood, a. Zech. 13.7. a.O sword, against my Shepherd, smite Mark 4. 38. he was asleep, and they a. him Luke 9. 32. when they were a. they saw his glory ■/ohn 11. 11. I go that I may a. him out of sleep Rom. 13. 11. it is high time to a. out of sleep 1 Cor. 15. 34. a. to righteousness, and sin not Eph.5.14. a. thou thatsleepest,and arise from dead 2 Tim. 2. t26. may a. themselves out of the snare AWAKED. Gen. 28. 16. Jacob a. out of his sleep, and said ./udg. 16.14. Samson a.and went away with the pin 1 Sam. 26.12. no man saw it nor knew it, neither a. 1 Kings 18. 27. he sleepeth and must be a. 2 Kings 4. 31. Gehazi told him, the child is not a. Psal. 3. 5. I a. for the Lord sustained me BAG Psal 78. 65. then the Lord a. as one out of sleep Jer. 31. 26. upon this I a. and beheld, and my sleep AWAKEST. Psal. 73.20. when thou a. shalt despise their image rrov. 6. 22. when thou a. it shall talk witli thee AWAKETH, ING. Psal. 73. 20. as a dream when one a. so, O Lord Isa. 29.8. he a. and his soul is empty, a. and is faint .^cts 16. 27. the keeper of the prison a. o ut of sleep AWARE. Cant. 6. 12. or ever I was a. my soul made me like taken, O Babylon, and thou art not a. Luke 11. 44. men that walk over them, are not a. AWAY. Oen. 15.11. when fowls came Abrah. drove them a. Ezod. 8. 28. only ye shall not go very far a. 19. 24. the Lord said to him, a. get thee down 2 Chron. 35. 23. have me a. for I am wounded Isa. 1. 13. calling of assemblies I cannot a. with JLukc 4. t S'l- a. what have we to do with tliee 23. 18. a. with this man, release to us Barabbas John 19. 15. a. with him, a. with him, Jlcts 21. 36. Acts 22. 22. a. with such a fellow from the earth AWE, ETH. Psal. 4. 4. stand in a. and sin not, commune with 33.8. inhabitants of the world stand in a. of him 119. 161. my heart standeth in a. of thy word Prov. 17. t 10. a reproof a. more a wise man AWL. Ezod. 21. 6. his master shall bore his ear with an a. Deut. 15. 17. thou shalt take an a. and thrust it AWOKE. Oen. 9. 24. Noah a. from his wine, and knew what 41. 4. eat up the fat kine, so Pharaoh a. 7. 21. Judg. 16. 20. Samson a. out of his sleep and said XKings 3.15. Solomon a.and behold it was a dream jl/at.b.25.his disciples came and a. him, L.ukeB.'iA. AX Signifies, [1] Jl carpenter's tool, Judg. 9. 48. [2] A human instrument, the king of Assyria, Isa. 10.15. [3] Ood's vengeance andjudgment upon barren and incorrigible .sittncrs, Mat. 3. 10. Veut. 19. 5. his hand fetched a stroke with the ax 20. 19. nor destroy the trees by forcing an ax Judg. 9. 46. Abimelech took an ax in his hand 1 Sam. 13.20. Israel went down to sharpen his ax 1 Kings 6. 7. neither hammer nor ax was heard 2 Kings 6. 5. the ax-hcad fell into the water Isa. 10. 15. shall the ax boast itself against him Jer. 10. 3. for one cuts a tree with the ax 5] . 20. thou art my battle-ai and weapons JUat. 3. 10. the ax is laid to root of trees, L,uke3. 9. AXES. 1 Sam. 13. 21. yet they had a file for the a. 2 Sam. 12. 31. he put them under saws and a. of iron, and made them through, 1 CAr.20.3. Psal. 74. 5. a man was famous as he lifted up a. 6. they break down the carved work with a. Jer. 46. 22. and come against her with a. as hewers JEzeA. 26. 9. with a. he shall break down tliy tower AXLE-TREES. XKings 7. 32. the a.-t. of the wheel join to the base 33. a.-trees, naves, and felloes, were all molten. B. BABBLER. Eccl. 10. 11. serpent will bite, and a b. is no better Acts 17. 18. and some said, what will this b. say 1 BABBLING, S. Prov. 23. 29. who hath contentions ? who hath J.? 1 Tim. 6. 20. avoiding profane and vain b. 2 Tim. 2. 16. but shun profane and vain b. they BABE Signifies, [l] An infant or child, Exod. 2. 6. Luke 2. 12. [2] Such as are weak in faith and knowledge, being ignorant and inconstant, like infants, 1 Cor. 3. L Heb. 5. 13. [3] Fool- ish, froward, and unteachable men, incapable of government, for want of understanding, experience, and manners, Isa. 3. 4. Kzai. 2. 6. saw the child, and behold the b. wept L.uke 1. 41. heard Mary, the b. leaped in her womb 44. the h. leaped in my womb for joy 2. 12. ye shall find i. wrapped in swaddling clothes 16. came and found the b. lying in a manger Heb. 5. 13. unskilful in the word, for he is a b. BABES. Psal. 8. 2. out of the mouth of i. Mat. 21. 16. 17. 14. they leave rest of their substance to their b. Isa. 3. 4. their princes and b. shall rule over them Jl/at.ll.2.5.and hast revealed them to J. ii(Ael0.21. Rom- 2. 20. instructor of foolish, a teacher of 6. 1 Cor. 3. 1, as to carnal, even as unto b. in Christ 1 Pet. 2. 2. as new-born b. desire the sincere milk of BACK. Exod. 18. 2. Zipporah, after he had sent her b. 23. 4. or ass going astray, thou shalt bring it b JVum. 22. 34. if it please thee, I will get me b. BAD JVKm.24.11.the Lord hath kept thee b. from honour Josh. 8. 26. Joshua drew not his hand 6. till he had Ruth 2. 6. the Moabitish damsel that came b. 2 Sam. 15. 20. return, and take b. thy brethren 19. 10. why speak ye not of bringing the king J.? 1 Kings 13. 22. but earnest b. and hast eaten bread 22. 26. and carry him b. to Amon the governor 2 Chron. 13. 14. when Judah looked b. behold 25. 13. but the soldiers that Amaziah sent b. Job 26. 9. he holdeth b. the face of his throne Jer. 46. 5. they are fled apace, and look not b. Hos. 4. 16. Israel slideth b. as a backsliding heifer JVaA. 2. 8. stand, shall they cry, none shall look b. Mat. 24. 18. nor let him that is in field return b. 28. 2. angel rolled b. the stone from the door Z/M/ie 8.37. went into the 8hip,and returned A. again 9. 62. put his hand to plough, and looking b. not 17. 31. let hira likewise not return b. See Draw, Go, Bring, Keep, Kept, Turn, Went. BACK, Substantive. 1 Sam. 10. 9. he turned his b. to go from Samuel IKings 14.9.hast cast me behind thy 6. Ezek.23.35. Psal. 21. 12. thou shalt make them turn their b. 129. 3. the plovvers plowed on my b. made furrows Prov. 10. 13. a rod for the b. of him, 19. 29. | 26. 3. Isa. 38. 17. thou hast cast my sins behind thy b. 50. 6. I gave my b. to the smitors, and my cheeks Jer. 2. 27. they have turned their b. to thee 18. 17. 1 will shew them the b. and not the face 32. 33. they have turned to me the b. and not face 48. 39. how hath Moab turned the b. with shame Dan. 7. 6. which had on the b. of it four wings Rom. 11. 10. not see, and bow down their d. alway BACKBONE. Z,ej;.3.9.the rump shall he take off hard by the b.-b. BACK-PARTS. £j;od.33.23.away my hand, thou shalt see my b.-p. BACKS. JVeA. 9. 26. they cast thy law behind their b. Ezek. 8. 16. men with their b. towards the temple 10. 12. their whole body and b. full of eyes See Turned. BACKBITERS. Rom. 1. 30. 6. haters of God, despiteful, proud BACKBITETH. Psal. 15. 3. he that b. not with his tongue BACKBITING. Prov. 25. 23. so an angry countenance, a b. tongue 2 Cor. 12. 20. lest there be debates, strifes, b. BACKSIDE. Exod.3.1. Moses led the flock to the b. of the desert 26. 12. the half-curtain shall hang over the b. Rev. 5. 1. on the b. sealed with seven seals BACKSLIDER. Prov. 14. 14. b. in heart be filled with his ways BACKSLIDING, S. Jer. 2. 19. and thy b. shall reprove thee 3. 6. hast thou seen what b. Israel hath done 1 8. causes whereby b. Israel committed adultery Jer. 3. 11. tlie b. Israel hath justified herself more 12. return thou b. Israel, saith the Lord 14. return, O b. children, saith the Lord, 22. 5. 6. because thejr transgressions add b. increased 8. 5. this people slidden back by a perpetual b 14. 7. for our b. are many, we sinned against thee 31.22. how long go about, O b. daughter, 49. 4. Hos. 4. 10. Israel slideth back, as a b. heifer 11. 7. my people are bent to b. from me 14. 4. I will heal their b. I will love them freely Zech. 7. t 11. thev gave a h. shoulder and stopped BACKWARD. Oen. 9. 23. went b. and their faces were b. 49. 17. Dan a serpent, so that his rider shall fall b. 1 Sam. 4. 18. EU fell from oflT the seat b. by the gate 2 Kings 20. 10. let the shadow return b. Isa. 38. 8. Job 23. 8. and b. but I cannot perceive him Psal. 40. 14. let them be driven b. that wish me evil 70. 2. let them be turned *. that desire my hurt Isa. 1. 4. they provoked, and are gone away b. 28. 13. that they might go and fall b. he broken 44. 25. tliat turneth wise men b. and makelh their 59. 14. judgment is turned away b. and justice Jer. 7. 24. but they went b. and not forward 15, 6. thou art gone b. therefore I will destroy Lam. 1. 8. Jerusalem sigheth and turneth b. John 18. 6. they went b. and fell to the ground BAD. Oen. 24. .50. we cannot speak to thee b. or good 31. 24. speak not to Jacob good or b. 29. Lev. 27. 10. a good for a i. or a b. for a good 12. the priest value it, whether it be good or b. 14. estimate the house, whether it be good or b. 33. he shall not search whether it be good or b. J^um. 13. 19. the land they dwell in, if good or b. 24. 13. to do either good or b. of my own mind 2 .Sam. 13. 22. Absalom spake neither good nor b. 14. 17. so is my lord the king to discern good or b. IKings 3. 9. a heart that I may discern good and b. 1 -Ezra 4. 12. building the rebellious and b. city BAL Jer. 24.2. tlie figs could not be eaten, they were so b. Mat. 13. 48. gatliered the good but cast the A. away 22.10. good and b. and the wedding was furnished 2 Cor. 5. 10. that he hath done, whether good or b. BADNESS. Oen. 41. 19. never saw in the land of Egypt for b. BADE, EST. Gen. 27. 19. 1 have done according as thou b. me 43. 17. and the man did as Joseph b. and brought Exod. 16. 24. laid it up till morning, as Moses b. JVum. 14. 10. all the congregation b. stone them Josh. 11. 9. Joshua did to them as the Lord b. him Ruth 3. 6. to all that her mother-in-law b. her 1 Sam. 24. 10. some b. me kill thee, but I spared 2 Sam. 1. 18. David b. them teach Judah the use 14. 19. for thy servant Joab he b. me, and he put 2Chron. 10. 12. came on the third day as the king 4. Esth. 4. 15. Esther b. them return this answer Mat. 16. 12. how he b. them not beware of leaven Luke 14. 9. and he that b. thee and him, come, 10. 16. a certain man made a supper and b. many Acts 11. 12. and the Spirit b. me go with them 18. 21. but b. them farewell, saying, I must keep 22. 24.J. that he should be examined by scourgijig BADGERS'-SKINS. Exod.'25.5. take of them b.-skins and shittim-wood 26.14.and a covering for the tent above of b.-skins 35.7.rams' skins dyed red, b.-sk.anA shittim-wood 23.withwhomwere found skins of rams,andA.-.5/i. 36.19. and he made a covering of b.-sk. above that JVum. 4. 10. put it within a covering of b.-skins Ezek. 16. 10. and I shod thee with b.-skins BAG Signifies,./? sack orpoMcA,Deut.25.13. lSam.17.40. Bags which wax not old, Luke 12. 33. Heavenly treasures,which perish not,as earthly things do. Earneth wages to put into a bag with holes. Hag. I. 6. JfTiat he gets or labours for, docs h im no man- ner of service, but a secret curse consumes it. Deut. 25. 13. not have in thy b. divers weights 1 Sam. 17. 40. smooth stones, and put them in a i. Job 14. 17. my transgression is sealed up in a b. Prov. 7. 20. he hath taken a b. of money wilh him Prov. 16. 11. all the weights of the b. are his work Isa. 46. 6. they lavish gold out of the b. and v.eigli Mic. 6. 11. and with the b. of deceitful weights .ffa^.1.6. he earneth wages to put in a i.Avith holes John 12. 6. because he was a thief, and had the b. 13. 29. some thought, because Judas had the b. BAGS. 2 Kings 5. 23. and he bound two talents in two b. 12. If), they put up in b. and told the money Luke 12. 33. provide yourselves J.that wax not old BAKE. Oen. 19. 3. Lot did b. unleavened broad, they cat Exod. 16. 23. b. that which you will b. to-day Lev. 24. 5. take flour and b. twelve cakes thereof 26.26. ten women shall 6. your bread in one oven 1 Sam. 28.24. woman at Endor did b. unleav. bread 2 Sam. 13. 8. Tamar took flour and did b. cakes Ezek. 4. 12. thou shalt b. it witli man's dung 46. 20. the place where they shall b. meat-oft'ering BAKED. Exod. 12. 39. they b. unleavened cakes of dough JVum. 11.8. and b. it in pans, and made cakes of it 1 Chron. 23. 29. and for that which is b. in the pan BAKE-MEATS. Gen. 40.17. all manner of b.-mcats for Pharaoh BAKEN. Lev. 2. 4. meat-offering b. in the oven, 5, 7. | 7.9. 6. 17. it shall not be b. with leaven, it is most holy 23. 17. two wave-loaves shall be b. with leaven 1 Kings 19. 6. behold, a cake was b. on the coala BAKER. Ocn.iO.l.ihe butler and b. had oflTended the king 20. lifted up the head of the chief butler and b. 22. he hanged the b. as Joseph interpreted 41. 10. and put in ward both me and the chiefs. Hos. 7. 4. they are as an oven heated by the b. 6. their b. sleepeth all the night, it burneth BAKERS. Oen. 40. 2. was wroth against the chief of the J. 1 Sam. 8. 13. he will take your daughters to be b. .ler. 37. 21. gave Jeremiah bread out of b. street BAKETH. Isa. 44. 15. he b. bread, yea, he maketh a god BALD. Lev. 13. 40. he is b. yet is he clean, 41. 2 Kings 2.23. go up thou b. head, go up thou J. head Jer. 16. 6. nor make themselves b. for them 48. 37. every head shall be b. and beard dipt Ezek. 27. 31. they shall make themselves utterly b. 29.18.every head was made b and shoulder peeled Mic. 1. 16. make thee b. and poll thee for children BALD-LOCUST. mayeat the b.-locust after his kind "BALDNESS. Signifies, [1] Want of hair on t/tcAead, Lev. 21.5. [2] A sign of mourning, Isa. 15. 2. Jer. 47. 5. Lev. 21. 5. they shall not make b. on their head BAN r>cvt. 14. J. nor make any b. betivecn j'our eyes Jsa. 'A. "24. and instead of well-set hair, b. 15. 2. on all their heads b. and every beard cut •2i. 1"2. the Lord did call to weeping and to b. Jir. 47. 5. b. is come upon Gaza, Y\shkelon cut off Ezck.l. 18. and b. on all their heads, Jlinos 8. 10. Mie. 1. IG. poll thee, enlarge thy 4. as the eaglo BALAIVCE. Job 31. 6. let me be weighed in an even b. Psal. 62. 9. laid in the b. are altogether vanity Prov. 11. 1. a false b. is abomination, 20. SJ3. 16. 11. a just weight, and b. are the Lord's Isa. 40. 12. who weighed the hills in a A.? 15. nations counted as the small dust of Iho b. 46. 6. lavish gold, and weigh silver in tlie b. BALANCES. Lev. 19. 36. just b. a just ephah, Eiek. 45. 10. Job 6. 2. and my calamity laid in the b. together Jer. 32. 10. I weighed him the money in the b. F.zek. 5. 1. take b. to weigh, and divide the hair Dan. 5. 27. thou art weighed in the 4. and wantinj Ifos. 12. 7. the b. of deceit are in his hand .linos 8. 5. and falsifying the b. by deceit jMic. 6. 11. shall I count them pure with wicked 4.? liev. 6. 5. he that sat on them, had a pair of b. BALANCINGS. Job 37. 16. dost thou know the b. of the clouds ? BALL, S. />(i. 3. 1 19. the Lord will take away their sweet b. 22. 18. he will surely turn and toss thee like a b. BALM. Gen. 37. 25. Ishmaelites bearing b. and myrrh 43. 11. take in your vessels a little 4. and honey Jer. 8. 22. is there no 4. iii Gileadl is there no physician ? 46. 11. go up to Gilead, and take 4. O virgin 51. 8. howl for her, and take b. for her jiain Ezek. 27. 17. Judah traded in honey, and oil, and 4. BAND, S Signifies, [1] .4 company of soldiers, Acts 10. 1. [2] Material chains, Luke 8. 29. Acts 16. 26. [3J .Irguvients or instances of love, which might dram and engage persons to their duty, Hos. 11. 4. [4] Government and laws, tchirh, like fetters, restrain men from wicked prac tices, Psal. 2. 3. Zech. 11. 7, 14. [.■)] Faith and loKc, which attract the soul to Christ, Col. 2. 19. Kxod. 39. 23. a b. round that it should not rend 20. 13. I have broken the b. of your yoke Judg. 15. 14. and his 4. loosed from off his hands 2 Hings 23. 33. Pharaoh put Jehoahaz in 4. Jub 38. 9. I made darkness a swaddling 4. for it 3). canst bind thePleiades,or loose theA.of Orion? 39. 5. or who hath loosed the 4. of the wild ass? ■ 10. canst thou bind the unicorn with his 4. ? r.?ni.2.3.1ot us break their4.asunder,and cast away 73. 4. for there are no 4. in their death 107. 14. and he brake their 4. in sunder F.ccl. 7.26. woman whose heart snare.':, hands as 4. Isa. 28. 22. be not mockers, lest 4. be made strong 52. 2. loose thyself from the 4. of thy neck 58. 6. this the fust, to loose the b. of wickedness Jir. 2. 20. I have broken thy yoke, burst thy 4. F.zek. 3. 25. son of man, they shall ))ut 4. on thee 4. 8. and behold I will lay 4. upon thee 34. 27. when I have broken the 4. of their youth Han. 4. 1.5. even with a 4. of iron and brass, 23 Hos. 11. 4. 1 drew them with 4. of love, and I was Zech. 11.7. I took me two staves, beauty and 4. 14. then I cut asunder mine other staff, even 4. J.nke 8. 29. he brake 4. and was driven of the devil Acts 16. 26. and every one's 4. were loosed 22. 30. the centurion loosed Paul from his 4. Col. 2. 19. the head, from \vhich all the body by 4. See Bonds. BAND, S. Gen. 32. 7. Jacob divided the camels into two 4. 10. 1 passed over, and now I am become two 4. 1 .SrtOT. 10. 26. and there went with him a 4. of men 2 .fojrt. 4. 2. Saul's son had two men, captains of 4. 2 Kings 6. 23. so the 4. of Syria came no more 13.20. and the ft. of the Moabitcs invaded the land 21. as they were burying a man, they spied a 4. 24. 2. the Lord sent against him 4. of Chaldeans,*. 1 Chron. 7. 4. with them were 4. of soldiers for war 12. 18. David made them captains of the 4. 21. ihey helped David against the 4. of the rovers i^lzra 8.22.1 was ashamed to require of the kinga4. .Tob 1. 17. the Chaldeans made out three 4. and fell Psal. ] 19. 61. the 4. of the wicked have robbed me Prov. 30. 27. the locusts go forth all of them by 4. F.zek. 12.14. 1 will scatter all his 4. and draw sword 38. 6. Gomer and all his 4. Togarmah his 4. 22, I will rain upon him and u|)on his 4. 39. 4. fall on mountains of Israel thou and thy 4. Mat. 27. 27. gathered to him whole 4. Mark 15.16. John 18. 3. Judas having received a 4. of men 12. the 4. and captain and officers took Jcsns .lets 10.1. a centurion of the 4. called the Italian 4. 21.31. tidings came to the chief captain of the 4.| BAP jfcts 27.1. to Julius a centurion of Au''ustus' b BANDED. jlcts 23. 12. certain of the Jews 4. together BANK Sigmfies, [1] The side, or brink of arivcr, Gen. 41. 17. [2] A mount, or heap of earth raised to cover besiegers, while they batter the walls of a city, or shoot at those who defend them, 2 Sam. 20. 15. [3] ^ place where there is a great sum of money taken in, a7id let out to use, Luke 19. 23. Gen. 41. 17. behold I stood on the 4. of the river Zlcut. 4. 48. from Aroer which'is by the 4. of the river Arnon, Jos/t. 12. 2. | 13. 9, 16. BAR 2 .Sam. 20. 15. they cast up a 4. against the city 2 Kings 2. 13. EUsha stood by the 4. of Jojdan 19.32. thekingof ABsyrianotcasta4. /sa. 37.33. Ezek. 47. 7. at the 4. of the river were many trees Dan. 12. 5. one on this side of the 4. of the river, the other on that side of the 4. of the river Luke 19.23. gavest not thou my money into the 4.? BANKS. Josh. 3. 15. Jordan overfloweth all his 4. 4. 18. 1 Citron. 12. 15. Jordan had overflowed his 4. Isa. 8. 7. the king of Assyria shall go over all his 4. Daa. 8. 16. 1 heard a man's voice between the 4. BANNER Signifies, A standard, or ensign, Isa. 13. 2. Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, Psal. 60. 4. An army of men U7iited under one banner, with ability to defend themselves and conquer their enemies; a banner being a sign (*/ victory, as well as of battle and union. Ills banner over me was love, Cant. 2. 4. The love of Christ disjilaycd, like a banner, in the gospel, conducted, encouraged, and engaged mc to come to hint. Find. 17. t 15. called tiie altar, the Lord my b. Psal. CO. 4. hast given a 4. to them that fear thee Cant. 2. 4. to banquet, and his 4. over me was love Isa. 13. 2. hft ye up a 4. on the high mountain BANNERS. Psal. 20.5. in the name of our God we set up our 4. Cant. 6. 4. thou art terrible as an army with 4 BANISHED. 2 Sam. 14. 13. the king doth not fetch home his 4. 14.ho doth devise means that his 4. be not expelled BANISHMENT. Ezra 7. 26. whether it be to death or to 4. iam.2.14. have seen false burdens and causes of 4. BANQUET. [5, 8. Esth. 5. 4. let the king and Haman come to the 4. 6. the king said to Esther at the 4. of wine, 7. 2. Jub 41. 6. shall the companions make a 4. of him? Amos 6. 7. the 4. of them that stretched themselves BANQUET-HOUSE. Dan. 5. 10. now the queen came into the 4.-house BANQUETING, S. Cant. 2. 4. he brought me into the 4.-hou3e 1 Pet. 4. 3. we walked in lusts, revellings, 4. BAPTISM Signifies, [1] The outward ordinance, or sacra- ment, wherein the washing with water repre- sents the cleansing of the soul from sin by the blood of Christ, Luke 7. 29. 1 Pet. 3. 21. [2] In- ward spiritual washing, whereby the gifts and graces of the Spirit, signified by the outward sign, are really and actually bestowed, Mat. 3. 11. [3] T/ie sufferings of Christ, whereby he was consecrated and prepared for his entrance ■upon his kingly office, Mat. 20. 22. Luke 12. 50. [4] So much of the gospel as John tltc Baptist taught his disciples when he baptized them. Acts 18. 25. Mat. 3.7. when he saw the Pharisees cotne to his 4. 20. 22. and to be baptized with the 4. Mark 10. 38. 21. 25. the 4. of John, whence was it, from heaven or of men? Mark 11. 30. Luke 20. 4. Mark 1. 4. John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the 4. of repentance, lAtke 3. 3. Luke 7. 29. pubhcans baptized with the 4. of John 12.50. 1 have a 4. to be baptized with, and how am Acts 1.22. beginning from the 4. of John to that day 10.37. that word, after the 4.which John preached 13.24. John preached the 4. of repentance to Israel 18. 25. Apollos knowing only the 4. of John 19. 3. were ye baptized? they said, unto John's 4. 4. John baptized with the 4. of repentance Rom. 6. 4. we arc buried with him by 4. into death Eph. 4. 5. there is one Lord, one faith, one 4. Col. '2. 12. buried with him in 4. ye are risen with Heb. 6. 2. of doctrine of 4. and laying on of hands 1 Pet. 3. 21. the like figure whcreunto, even 4. doth BAPTIST. Mat. 3. 1. in those days came John 4. preaching 11. 11. among them born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the 4. Luke 7. 28. 11. 12. from tiie days of John the 4. till now 14.2. this is John the 4. he is risen from the dead 8. said, give me John the 4. head in a charger Mat. 16. 14. say, thou art John the 4. Mark 8. 28. 17. 13. understood that he spake of John the 4. Mark 6. 14. John the 4. was risen from the dead 25. give me in a charger the head of John the 4. Luke 7.20. John the 4. hath sent us to thee, saying 33. John the 4. came neither eating nor drinking 9. 19. they answering said, John the 4. BAPTIZE. Mat. 3. 11. 1 4. you with water, he shall with the H. Ghost, Mark 1.8. Luke^. 16. John 1.26. Mark l._4.Johndid4. in the wilderness, and preach John 1. 33. he that sent me to 4. said unto mo 1 Cor. 1. 17. Christ sent me not to ft. but to preach BAPTIZED. Mat. 3. 6. were ft. of him in Jordan, Mark 1. 5. 13. then cometh Jesus to John to be ft. of him 14. 1 have need to be 4. of thee, and comest thou 10. Jesus, when he was 4. went up out of water Mark 1. 9. Jesus was 4. of John in Jordan 10. 39. the baptism I am 4. withal, shall ye be 4. 16. 16. he that believeth and is 4. shall be saved Luke 3. 7. said to the multitude that came to be 4. 12. then came the publicans to be 4. 7. 29. 21. Jesus beuig 4. and praying,heaven was opened 7. 30. Pharisees and lawyers, being not 4. of him John 3. 22. there he tarried with them and 4. 23. much water there, and they came and were 4. 4.1. Jesus made and 4. more disciples than Johii 2 though Jesus himself 4. not, but his disciples 10. 40. into the jilace where John at first ft. Acts 1. 5. for John truly ft. with water, but ye shall be ft. with the Holy Ghost, 11. 16. 2. 38. repent, be 4. every one of you in the name of Jesus 41. they that gladly received his word were 4. 8. 12. they were 4. both men and women 13. Simon believed also, and when he was 4. 16. only they were 4. in the name of Jesus 36. here is water, what doth hinder me to be 4. ? 38. went down Philip and eunuch, and he 4. hira 9. 18. Saul received sight, and arose and was 4. 10.47. can any forbid, that these should not be 4.? 48. Peter commanded them to be ft. 16. 15. Lydia when she was ft. and her household 33. jailer was ft. and all his straightway 18. 8. many of the Corinth, believed, and were 4. 19. 3. he said to them, to what then were ye 4. ? 5. when they heard Ibis they were 4. 22. 16. arise, and be 4. and wash away thy sins Rom. 6. 3. were 4. into Jesus, were 4. into his death 1 Cor. 1. 13. were ye 4. in tlie name of Paul ? 14. thank God that I 4. none of you, but Crispus 16. 1 4. household of Stephanas, not ft. any other 10. 2. and were all 4. to Moses in the cloud 12. 13. for by one Spirit are we all 4. into one body 15. 29. else what shall they do who are 4. for the dead ? why are they 4. for the dead ? Gal. 3. 27. as many as have been 4. into Christ BAPTIZEST. John 1. 25. why 4. thou, if thou be not tlie Christ '' BAPTIZETH. John I. 33. the same is he who 4. with the H. Ghost 3. 20. behold, the same 4. all men come to him BAPTIZING. Mat.W. 19. go ye and teach all nations, ft. them John 1.28. done beyond Jordan, where Jolin was 4. 31. therefore am I come 4. with water 3. 23. and John was also ft. in Enon, near to Salim BAR, RED. JVeh. 7. 3. let them shut the doors, and 4. them Cant. 4. 1 12. a garden 4. is my sister, my spouse BAR, Stibstantive. Exod. 26. 28. the middle 4. in midst of the boards 36. 33. he made the middle 4. to shoot through JVum. 4. 10. and they shall put it upon a 4. 12. Judg. 16. 3. took doors of the city, posts, ft. and all Amos 1. 5. I will break also the 4. of Damascus BARS Signify, [1] That by 7ehich doors and gates are made fast, Nch. 3. 3, 6. [2] That which is made as a rafter to fasten boards tinto, E.\od. 26. 26. [3] Rocks in the sea, Jonah 2. 6. [4] The boun- dary of the waves of the sea. Job 38. 10. Ezod. 26. 26. thou shall make 4. of shittim-wood for the boards of the tabernacle, .36. 31. JVmtw. 3..36. under the charge of the sons of Merari, shall be the boards and 4. of the tabernacle, 4.31. Deut. 3. 5. all these cities were fenced with gates and 4. 1 Kings 4. 13. 2 Chron. 8. 5. 1 14. 7. 1 Sam. 23. 7. entering into a town that hath 4. JVeh. 3. 3. set up locks thereof and 4. 6, 13, 14, 15. Job 17. 16. they shall go down to the 4. of the pit 18. t 13. it shall devour the 4. of his skin 38. 10. and set 4. and doors for the sea 40. 18. Behemoth, his bones are like ft. of iron Psal. 107. 16. and cut 4. of iron in sunder, /sa.45.2. 147. 13. he hath strengthened the 4. of eM«. 26. 4. priest shall take the ft. out of thy hand 28. 5. blessed shall be thy A. and thy store 17. cursed shall be thy A. and thy store Judg. 6. 19. and Gideon put the flesh in a 4. Jer. 24. 2. one 4. had very good figs, the other 4. Amos 8. 1. and behold a A. of summer fruit, 2. Acts 9.25.the disciples took Saul, and let him down by the wall in a A. 2 Cor. 11. 33. BASKETS. Gen. 40. 16. 1 had three white 4. on my head 18. Joseph said, the three A. are three days 2 Kings 10. 7. slew 70, and put their heads in A. Jer. 6. 9. turn hand as a grape-gatherer into the A. 24. 1. behold, two ft. of figs before the temple Mat. 14. 20. and they took up twelve ft. full, Mark 6.43. Luke 9. 17. John6. 13. 15. 37. they did all eat, and look of broken meat seven ft. full, Mark 8. 8. 16. 9. do ye not remember Ihe five loaves, and how many ft. ye took up 7 10. Mark 8. 19, 20. BASON. Exod. 12. 22. dip it in the blood that is in the A. 1 Chron. 28. 17. gave gold by weight for every 4. John 13. 5. after that he poureth water into a A. BASONS. Exod. 24. 6. Moses put half of the blood in A. 2 Sam. 17. 28. Barzillai brought beds and 4. 1 Kings 7. 40. Hiram made the lavers and the shovels and the A. 45. | 2 Chron. 4.8, 11. Jer. 52. 19. A. and fire-pans the captain took away BASTARD, S. Z>e! Jicts 19.2. notiieard whether there 4e any U. 5 host 24. 21. except it 4c for this one voice, that I cried Jiom.i.ll. who calleth those things which 4c not 8. 31. if God 4c for us, who can be against us '- 14. U. that ho might 4c Lord of the dead and living 1 Cor. 15. 28. under him, that God may 4c all in af 16. 22. love not, let hira 4c analhenia, maran-atha 2 Cor. 5. 1 17. if in Christ let him 4c a new creature 8. 12. if there 4e first a willing mind, it is accepted Gat. 3. 9. they which 4c of faith are blessed with 4. 12. 1 beseech you, 4c as I am, for I am as ye are 5. 10. shall bear his judgment, whosoever he 4c P/iil. 2. 5. let this n.ind 4c in you that was in Christ Ucb. 12. 8. but if ye 4e without cliaslisement IPct. 2. 3. if so 4e ye have tasted that L. is gracious 3. 17. for it is better, if the will of God 4e so Jiev. 18. 22. craftsman, of whatsoever crafi he be 22. 11. he that is unjust, let lihn 4e unjust still ; he who is filthy, let him 4c filthy still Jf it BE. Gen. 23. 8. if it be your mind that I bury my dead 25. 22. and she said, if it be so, why am 1 thus 1 A'xorf.1.16. if it be a.son kill him, //' i« 4c a daughter ih'ings I0.15.if it 4e,give me thy hand, and he gave if it be marvellous in the eyes of remnant J/a«.14.2b. if it be thou, bid ine come on the water ^■Icts 5. 39. if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it 18. 15. but if it be a question of words and names GrtZ.3.4.have ye suiicied in vain ! if it be yet in vain May Be, t-ce May. Peace Be, sec 1'eace. JVot BE. BE not. Gen. 21. 12. let it not be grievous in thy sight 24. 5. if tho woman will not be willing to follow 38. 9. Onan knew that the seed should not be liis 44.30. 1 come to my father, and the lad 4c not with y>cy. 26. 13. that ye should not be their bond-men JVuni. 12. 12. let iier yiot be as one dead, of whom ir '" Jo. Ruth 3. 18. tho man will 7wt be in'rest till finished BEA 10. 40. that he 4c not as Korah and his comjiany 'os/i. 7. 12. neither will I 4c with you any more talk 3. IS. tho man will not be in rest till finished 2 A7nii'i2IJ.tl9.sliall there not be peace in my days7 2 i'hriin. 30.7. 4t not like your fathers, Zcch. 1. 4. Psal. 22. 19. 4c not thou far away, 35. 22. | 38. 21. | Isa. 28. 22. be ye not mockers, lest bands [71. 12. Zcc/t.8.11. 1 will not be to the residue of this people Luke 13. 33. for it can not be that a prophet perish 14. 26. hate his life, ho can not be my disciple, 33. John 1. 25. if Ihou 4c vot that Christ, nor Elias Horn. 12. 10. fte not wise in your own conceits 1 C«r. 2. t5. your faith 7io£ 4c in the wisdom of men y. 2. if I benot an apostle unto others, yet to you 14. 20. 4 e not children in understanding, but in 2 Cor. 0. 14. 4e not unequally yoked together Gal. 1. 10. I should not be the servant of Christ Eph. 5. 7. 4c not therefore jiartakers with them 17. 4e ye not unwise, but understanding what Tit. 3. 14. good works, that they 4c not unfruitful Pliilem. 14. thy benefit should not be of necessity //c4. 8.4. if ho were on earth, should not be a priest IPet.'i.'i. let it not be that outward adorning of hair Let there BE. ^c/i.l.3.Zc(«Ac?-c4clight||6.c!i. 13.46. without t he camjJsAai/ his habitation 4c 20. 26. yo shall be holy to me, ye shall be mine »CH«.28.44. he shall 4c"head,and thou shall 4elail 32. 20. hide my face, I see what their end shall be 1 .Sam. 17. 36. this uncircumcised Phil, shall be as 1 A')H^620.40. the king said,sosArt/Uhyju(lgment4c 2 Chron. 19. ll. the Lord shall be with the good Job 20. 22. in fulness he shall be in straits 22. 25. yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence PsnM28.2.happy shalt thou 4c,it sAa/Z 4ewoll with 141. 5. my prayer also shall be in their calamities Eccl. 1. 9. that hath been, is that which shall be 10. 14. a man cannot tell what shall be F Kccl.U. 3. where the tree fallelh, there it .e? above only, thousAa/i no«4cbeneath ^ Kings 2. 10. if thou see me not, it shall not be so Jo4 7.2I.shaltseek me in morning,butIsAn/h(ot4e 8.t22.the dwelling place of the wicked shall not be Ps.37.10.itsA.n.4c,.rcr.48.30.r'a«.11.29.^m.7.3,6. Hos. 3. 3. thou shalt not be for another man Mat. 16.22. be it far from thce,thissA. not be to thee 20.26. s.H.4c so among you, Jl/ar.l0.43.ZM/(:.22.26. To BE. Gen. 17. 7. to be a God to thee and thy seed after .39. 10. he hearkened not to her, to be with her Ecv. 22. 33. brought you out to be your God, 25,38. Prov. 24. 1. neither desire to be with them Eccl. 3. 15. that which is to be hath already been /.«/i.cl5.14.when he spent all, he began to 4c in w ant 1 Cor. 7. 26. 1 say it is good for a man so to be 2 Cor. 12. 6. above that which ho seclh me to be Phil. 1. 23. having a desire to be with Christ .Ta7n. 3. 10. these things ought not so to be 2 Pet. 3. 11. what manner of persons ought ye Zo4e JVill BE. Gc?!.16.12.Ishmael will 4c a wild man, his hundwill be against every man, and every man's ag. Iiim 17. 8. 1 will be their God, Erod. 29. 45. Jer. 24. 7. 132.38. 2 Cor. 6. 16. 20. 3. 1 will be with thee, and will bless thee. 31.3. Exod. 3. 12. Judg. 6. 16. 1 Kings il. 38. 28. 20. if God icill be with me, and will keep me 34. 15. if ye will be as we be, circumcised JVcA. 4. 12. from all places they will be upon you Psal. 48. 14. he will be our guide, even unto death Jer. 7. 23. obey my voice,! will be your God, 30. 22. Ezck. 11. 16. 1 will be to them as a little sanctuary 20. 32. that ye say, we will be as the heathen Hos. 13. 14. 1 will redeem them ; O death, I will be thy plagues, O grave, I will be thy destruction 14.5.I?c(H4c as the dew to Israel, he shall grow Joel 3. 16. the Lord icill be the hope of his people ZccA. 2. 5. I the Lord will be to lier a wall of fire round about,! /c(7/4e the glory in the midst of her Mat. 6. 21. where treasure, ihore will your heart 4e 2 Cor. 6. 18. 1 will be a Father to you, and yo my 10. 11. such will we 4e also indeed, when jircsent 1 7'/7n.6.9.lhoy thai will 4crich fall into temptations Hcb. 1. 5. 1 will be to him a Father, ho to me a son 8. 10. 1 will be to them a God, they lo mo a people Jam. 4. 4. whosoever will be a friend of the world flcu.21.7. 1 ?c///4chi8God, and ho shall be my sou Been, see after Bek. BEACON. Tsa.30. 17. be left as a 4. on the top of a naountain BEAM. .Judg. 16. 14. be went away with the pin of the A. 1 Sam. 17. 7. and the staflTof his spear was like a weaver's 4. 1 CArow. 11. 23. | 20. .5. IKings 6.2. lei us go to Jordan, and lake thence a 4. 5, a.t one was felling a 4. ax-head fell into water Hab. 2. 11. the 4. out of the timber shall answer Mat. 7. 3. but considerest not the 4. hnlie 6. 4] , 42. 4. and behold, a 4. is in thine own eye 5. thou hypocrite, first cost out the 4. /-mAcO. 43. BEAMS. 2 Chron. 3. 7. he overlaid the 4. tho posts, the walls JVcA. 2. 8. that he may give timber to make 4. Psal. 104. 3. who layeth tho 4. in the waters C'anf.1.17. the4.of our house are cedar and rafters BEANS. 2.Sa»n. 17.28. Barzillai brought b. lentilesto David E:eA. 4. 9. take unto thee w}icat, 4. lentiles, millet BEAR Signifies, [1] To carry, Jer. 17. 21. Mat. 27 32. BEA [2] To suffer, or endure, 2 Cor. 11.1. Rev. 2. 2. [3] ro4««5-/orfA, (jiuii.18.13. [4] Tu produce, \jield,ia.m.2.a. [5] To uphold, or stqipurt, a. 75. 3. I 91. 12. [B] 7'o ic punished for, m. 14. 33. [7] To undergo the care and igue of ruling a people, Dcut. 1. 12. [8] To :ak and utter, Deut. 5. 20. [9] To tell, or or yield, Jam. 3. 12. [5] To uphold, or support. Psal. 75. 3.J_91. 12. Jp] To be punished for, Num fati^ speak - - , relate, 2 Sam. 18. 19. [10] To be answerable inpayment for, 2 Kings 18. 14. [11] To lay a thing sadly to heart, ^sal 83. oO. [12J To give satisfaction for, Isa. 53. 11. Heb. 9. 28. [13] To perform, or fully observe. Acts 15. 10. To bear the infirmities of the weak, Ho?n. 15. 1. To comply with their weakness so far as not to use our liberty to their offence, and also to bear with them in their failings thro' ignorance or weakness, and not to. condemn or despise them. Gen. 4. 13. my punishment is greater than I can b. 13. 6. the land was not able to b. them, 30. 7. 43. 9. let me b. tlio blame I'or ever, 44. 32. 49. 15. Issachar bowed his shoulder to b. Ex.od. 18. 22. they shall b. the burden with thee 25. 27. to b. the ark, 27. 7. 1 30. 4. | 37. 5. Dent. 10. 8. Josh. 3. 8, 13, 14. | 4. 10. 2 Sam. 15.24. 28. 12. Aaron shall b. their names before the Lord Lev. 19. 18. thou shalt not *. any grudge against JVu?«.11.14. not able to b. all this people, Deut.\.d. 14. 27. how long shall I b. with this congregation 7 33.children shall A.your whoredoms, i;ze/t.23.35. Deut. 1. 31. God bare thee as a man doth b. his son 2 Sam. 18. 19. let me run and b. the king tidings 2 Kings 18. 14. which thou puttest on me, I will b. Psal. 75. 3. I b. up the pillars of the earth 89. 50. how I do b. in my bosom the reproach 91. 12. they shall b. tlieo up. Mat. 4. 0. Luke 4. 11. 144. 1 14. that our oxen be able to b. burdens Prov. 9. 12. if thou scoruest, tliou alone shalt b. it 18. 14. but a wounded spirit who can b. ? 30. 21. and for four which it cannot b. Isa. 1. 14. your feasts, I am weary to b. them 4G. 4. I have made and I will *. you, even carry 7. they b. him upon the shoulder, they carry him 52. 11. be yo clean that i. the vessels of the Lord Jer. 10. 19. truly this is a grief, and I must b. it 17. 21. b. no burden on the sabbath-day, 27. 31. 19. because I did *. the reproach of my youth 41 22. so that tlie Lord could no longer ft. Lam. 3. 27. it is good to ft. the yoke in his youth Ezek. 12. 6. in their sight shalt tr.ou ft. on siioulders 12.the prince shall ft. upon his shoulder in twilight 14. 10. they shall ft. punishment of their iniquity 10. .52. ft. thou thine own shame for thy sinsr54. 32.30. and ft. their shame with them, 3(3. 7. | 44. 13. 34. 29. nor 6. the shame of the heathen, 36. 15. ^mos 7. 10. the land is not able to ft. his words Jtlic. 6. 16. ye shall ft. the reproach of my people 7. 9. 1 will ft. the indignation of the Lord, I sinned Mag. 2. 12. if one A. holy flesh in the skirt of his Zech. 5. 10. whither do these ft. the epliah 1 6. 13. he shall A. glory, and shall rule on his throne Mat. 3. 11. whose shoes I am not worthy to ft. 27. 32. they found Simon, tliev compelled him to 6. his cross, Mark l"5. 21. Ltike 23. 26. Luke 14. 27. and whosoever doth not ft. his cross 18. 7. avenge his elect, tho' he 6. long with them'! John 16.12. many things,butyo cannot A.them now Jlcts 9. 15. he is a chosen vessel to A. my name 15. 10. a yoke, our fathers nor we were able to ft. 18. 14. O Jews, reason would I should ft. with you liom. 15. 1. we ought to ft. infirmities of the weak 1 Cur. 3.2. hitherto ye were not able toft, it, nor 10. 13. a way to escape, that ye may be able to 15.49. we shall also A. the image of thp heavenly 2 Cor. 11. 1. would to God ye could ft. with me 4. have not accepted, ye might well A. with him Gal. 6. 2. A. one another's burdens and so fulfil 5. for every man shall A. his own burden 17. I A. in my body tho marks of the Lord Jesus fTeb.5. t2. who can reasonably ft. with the ignorant .Tarn. 3. 12. can the fig-tree ft. olive-berries? Rev. 2. 2. thou canst not A. them that are evil Bear fruit, sec Fruit. BEAR iniquity. Exod. 28. 38. Aaron may ft. iniquity of holy things 43. Aaron and his sons, that tliey ft. not iniquity Lev. 5. 1. he shall ft. his iniquity, 17. I 7. 18. 1 17. 16. I 19. 8. I 20. 17. 10.17. hath given to you to A. iniquity of the cong. 16.22. the goat shall ft. upon him all their iniquity 2i>. 19. they shall ft. their iniquity, Mum. 18. 23. Ezek. 44. 10, 12. 22.16. or sufl[er them to b.iniquity of their trespass JV(t»J. 5.31. this woman shall ft. her iniquity 14. 34. ye shall A. your iniquity even forty years 18. 1. Aaron and his sons A. iniquity of sanctuary 30. 15. after he heard, then ho shall A. her iniquity Isa. 53. 11. my right, servant shall A. their iniquity E:c7i:.4.4.number of ilays,thou shalt A.their ini. 5,6. 18. 19. why doth not son ft. iniquity of the father? 20. the son shall not ft. the iniquity of the father BEA BEAR judgment. [Israel Exod. 28. 30. Aaron shall b.judg. of children of Gal. 5. 10. he that troubleth you shall A. his judg. Bear record, sec Record. BEAR rule. Esth. 1. 22. every man should ft. rule in his house Prov. 12. 24. the hand of the diligent shall A. rule Jer. 5. 31. the priests ft. rule by their means Ezek. 19. 11. had strong rods for them that ft. ruh Dan. 2. 39. a kingdom of brass which shall ft. ruL BEAR sin. Lev. 19. 1 17. rebuke, that thou A. not sin for him 20. 20. they shall A. their sin, llicy shall die 22. 9. lest they A. sin for it, and die, therefore 24. 15. whosoever curscfh his God, shall ft. hissin JVirouch 1 Tim. 2. 15. she shall be saved in child-Aca?-jK"' BEAR,S. 1 Sam. 17. 34. came a lion and a A. took a lamb 36. thy servant slew both the lion and the A. 2 Sam. 17. 8. chafed, as a A. robbed of her whelps 2 Kings 2. 24. there came forth two she-A. and taro Prov. 17. 12. a ft. robbed of her wheljis meet a man 28. 15. as a roaring lion, and a ranging A. Isa. 11. 7. the cow and A. shall feed their young 59. 11. we roar all like ft. and mourn like doves Lam. 3. 10. he was to me as a A. lying in wait Dan. 7. 5. another beast, a second like to a A. IIos. 13. 8. I will meet them as a A. bereaved Jlmos 5. 19. as if a man did flee from a ft. Rev. 13. 2. his feet were as the feet of a A. BEARD, S. Lev. 13. 29. if a man hath a plague on header A. 14. 9. shall shave all his hair off his head and A. 19. 27. nor shalt thou mar the corners of ft. 21. 5. 1 Sam. 17. 35. 1 caught him by his A. and slew him 21. 13. David let his spittle fall on his ft. 2 Sa7n. 10. 5. tarry at Jericho till your ft. be grown and then return, 1 Chron. 19. 5. 19. 24. Mephibosheth trimmed not his ft. 20. 9. Joab took Amasa by the A. to kiss him Ei7'a 9.3. plucked ofihairofmy head, and of my A. Psal. 133. 2. ran down on the ft. even Aaron's A. Isa. 7. 20. and it shall also consume the A. 15. 2. on all heads baldness, and every A. cut off Jer. 41. 5. fourscore men having their A. shaved 48. 37. every head shall be bald, every ft. dipt Ezek. 5. 1. cause a razor to pass on thy head and A. BEAST Signifies, [1] Jl brute void of reason, Prov. 12. 10. [2] Jill kinds of cattle, 1 Kings 4. 33. Psal. 8. 7. [3] Ministers of the gospel, who arc full of liveliness and nimbleness, in executing God's commands. Rev. 4. 6, 8. | 7. 11. [4] Cruel and unreasonable men, who are led merely by their natural brutish inclinations, 1 Cor. 15. 32. 2 Pet. 2. 12. [5] Kingdoms, Dan. 7. 11. | 8. 4. [6] Antichrist, Rev. 13. 2. | 20. 4. [7] People of several nations, Dan. 4. 12, 21. Gen. 1.24. God said, let the earth bring forth the A. 25. God made the A. of the earth after his kind 3. 1. the serpent was more subtil than any 6. 37. 20. some evil ft. hath devoured him, 33. Exod. 13. 12. every firstling that Cometh of a A. 22. 5. put his A. and feed in another man's field 10. deliver to his neighbour any A. to keep 19. whoso lieth with a ft. shall bo put to death, Lev. 18. 23. ] 20. 15, 16. Deut. 27. 21. 23. 29. the A. of the field iiudli))ly against thee Lev. 11. 47. A. that may be eaten, and A. that may not 27.9. if it be a A. whereof men bring an offering Deut. 4. 17. the likeness of any A. on the earth Judg. 20. 48. smote them, as well the men as the A. 2 Chron. 25. f 18. a A. trod down the thistle JVeh. 2. 12. nor any A. save the ft. I rode on Psal. 68. 1 30. rebuke the ft. of tho reeds 73. 22. so ignorant, I was as a ft. before thee 147. 9. he giveth to the ft. his food, and to ravens Prov. 12. 10. a righteous man regards life of his ft. Ecel. 3.19. a man hath no pre-eminence above a A. Isa. 43. 20. the ft. of the field shall honour me 63. 14. as a A. that goeth into the valley Ezek. 44. 31. dead or torn, whether it be fowl or ft. Dan. 4. 16. let a A. heart be given to him 7. 11. I beheld even till the A. was slain 19. I would know the truth of the fourth A. Hos. 13. 1 8. the A. of the field shall tear them Luke 10. 34. set him on his own A. and brought him Acts 28. 5. Paul shook off the ft. into the fire Heb. 12. 20. if so much as a A. touch the mountain Rev. 4. 7. first A. like a lion, second A. third A. 6. 3. I heard the second A. say, come and see 11.7. A. that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit 13.1. and I saw a A. rise up out of the sea, having 11. I beheld a A. coming out of the earth 15. 2. them that had got the victory over tho A. 16. 13. unclean spirits came out of mouth of (iie A. 17. 8. thou sawest the A. that was, and is not, 11. 19. 19. I saw the A. and the kings of the earth 20. 10. where the A. and false |nophet are Every BEAST. Gen. 1. 30. to every ft. I have given green herb for 2. 19. out of the ground God formed every ft. 20. Adam gave names to every ft. of the field 3. 14. thou art cursed above every ft. of the field 7. 2. of eufr?/clean ft. take to thee by sevens, 8. 14. they and every ft. after his kind, and cattle 8. 19. every A. after their kinds wont out of the ark 20. of every clean ft. and clean fowl he offered 9. 2. dread of you shall be on every ft. of the earth BEA Ocn O.^.j-ourbloodwill I require\oC cvcryb. lO.witli every b. of earth lestaLilisli my coveuant 31. 23. shall not every b. of theirs be ours 1 I^co. ll.'iii. the carcases of etery 4. which dividetb the hoof, nor choweth tlie cud, IJcut. 14. 6. Psal. 50. 10. lor cvcri/ b. of tlie forest is mine 101. 11. they give drinii to every b. of the held F-zek. 34. S. my llock became meat to every b. 39. 17. son of man, speak to every b. of the field BEAST, joined wiUi Man. (rcn.G.T. Lord said, I will destroy both man and b. £xoJ.8.17 .smote dust, it became lice in man and b. 9. 9. boil breaking with bluins upon man and b. 10. 19. hail shall come down on man and 4. 22, 25. 11. 7. not a dog move his tongue against man or b. 12. 12. and will smite all the first-born in Egypt, both of man and b. 13. 15. Psal. 135. 8. i3.2.Crst-born of man and b. is mine, J\rum. 8. 17. 19. 13. whether man or b. it shall not live J^ev. 27. 28. no devoted thing of man or b. shall be JV«Hi.3.13.lhallowed tomertrst-bornof/«a)i audi. 31.2o.tho prey that was taken, both ol'man and b. I'sal. 3(i. 6. Lord, thou preservest man and b. Jcr. 7.20. fnry poured on man and b. 21. 0. | 36. 29. F.zek. 14. 13, 17, 19, 21. [ 25. 13. | 29. 8. Zepli. 1. 3. 27. 3. 1 have made man and b. that are on ground 31. 27. 1 will sow Judah with seed oiman and b. 32. 43. ye say, it is desolate without man or b. 33. 10, 12. I 36. 29. I 51. 62. 50. 3. they shall depart, both man and 4. F.zek. 36. 11. 1 will multiply upon you man and b. Jonah 3. 7. let not man nor 4. taste any thing Unclean BEAST. Lev. 5. 2. or if a soul touch any unclean b. 7. 21. 27.11.ifitbe!i«d.ft.of which they donot offer, 27. Wild BEAST. 2 lino's 14.9. there passed by a ;oi7(Z 4. of Lebanon, and trod down the thistle, 2 Chron. 25. 18. Job 39. 15. forgetteth that wild b. may break them Psal. 80. 13. the wild 4. of the field doth devour it Hos. 13. 8. the wild b. shall tear them BEASTS. Gere.31.39.thatwhichwa3tornof4. £a;o(i.22. 31. Lev. 7. 24. 1 17. 15. | 22. 8. t 54. then Jacob killed 4. upon the mount 36. 6. Esau took all his 4. and his substance 45. 17. lade your 4. and go to the land of Canaan Krod. 8. t2l. I will send a mi.\ture of noisome 4. 11. 5. all the first-born of A. shall die Lrr,. 11. 2. these 4. ye shall eat. Dent. 14. 4. 3.aud chew cud among 4. shall ye cat,7>eMJ.14.6. 2.5. 7. for 4. shall the increase thereof be meat 26. 6. I will rid evil b. out of the land JVam. 20.8. give the congregation and their b. drink .31. 30. of all 4. give a portion to the Levites Tirut. 32. 24. I will send the teeth of 4. on them 1 fCinn.'! 4. t 28. barley for mules, or swift 4. 33. Solomon spake of 4. and of fowl, and fishes 13. 5. may find grass, that we lose not all the 4. 2 Kinirs 3. 17. drink both ye, your cattle and 4. F.zra 1. 4. help him with gold, goods, and with 4. Job 12. 7. ask the 4. and they shall teach thee 18. 3. wherefore are we counted as 4. and vile 37. 8. Ihen the 4. go into dens, and remain Psal. 49. 12. man is like the 4. that perish, 20. 78. t 50. he gave their 4. to the murrain 104.20. wherein all the 4. of the forest creep 2."). in the sea, are both small and great b. 148. 10. 4. and all cattle, praise the Lord Prov. 9. 2. wisdom hath killed her 4. 30. 30. a lion which is strongest among 4. Feci. 3. 18. they might sec that themselves are b. 19. that which bcfallelh men, befalleth 4. Isa. 30. 6. the burden of the 4. of the south 40. 16. nor 4. thereof for a burnt-offering 4ii. ]. their idols were on the b. and cattle (ifi. 20. upon swift 4. to my holy mountain Jer.9. 10. the4. are fled {| 12. 4. the 4. are consumed Ezek.5. 17. I will send on you famine and evil 4. pestilence, blood, and the sword, 14. 15. 32.4. I will fill the 4. of whole earth with thee 13. r will destroy all the 4. thereof, 34. 25, 28. Dan. 4. 14. let the 4. get away from under it 15. let his portion be with the 4. in the grass 7. 17. these four great 4. are four kings R 4. so that no 4. might sl;ind before him Joel 1. 18. how do the 4. groan, herds jx'rplexed Jlmns 5. 22. nor regard the peace-offerings of fat 4. Jfab. 2. 17. spoil of 4. which made them afraid jieph. 2. 15. become a place for b. lo lie down in Zeek. 14. 15. so shall be the plague of all the 4. ^ict.s 7. 42. O Israel, have ye offered to mo slain 4.? 23. 24. provide them 4. that ye may set Paid on Horn. 1. 23. chanced into an image made like to 4. 1 Cor. 15. 32. if I have fought with 4. at Ephesus Jam. 3.7. for every kind of 4. is tamed, but tongue 2 Pet. 2. 12. but these as natural brute b. speak evil .Tude 10. but what they know naturally as brute 6. Kev. 4. 6. four 4. full of eyes before and behind 8. the four 4. had each six wings about him 27 BEA /?et).4.9.when those 4.give glory and honour to him 5.6.iu midst of the throne and four 4.stood a Lamb 14. the four 4. said Amen, and the 24 elders (ell 6. 1. one of tiie four 4. saying, come and see, 15. 7. 7. 11. angels stood aboutthothroue and llio four A. 14. 3. a new song before the throne and four 4. 19. 4. the 24 elders and four 4. fell down to worship BEASTS of the Earth. Dent. 28.26. carcase shall be meat to all b. of earth 1 Ham. 17. 46. carcases of Philistines to b. of earth Job 5. 22. nor shall thou be afraid of the 4. of earth 35. 11. who teacheth us more than the 4. of earth Psal. 79. 2. the flesh of thy saints to the 4. of earth Isa. 18. 6. they shall be left to the 4. of the earth Jcr. 7. 33. the carcases of the people meat tor 4. of the earth, 16. 4. | 19. 7. | 34. 20. 15.3.1 will appoint over them 4. of earth to devour .^ct»10.12.allmanneroffour-footed4.o/eartA,11.6. Hev. 6. 8. kill with hunger, and with the 4. of earth BEASTS of the Field. £.co(i.23.11.what the poor leave, 4. officldmay eat /Jcu(.7.22.1est the b.of the field increase upon thee 14'am. 17.44. come, I will give thy flesh to 4. of field 2Sam.21.10.birds by day, nor 4. of the field by night Job 5. 23. 4. of the field shall be at peace with thee 40. 20. mountains, where all the 4. of the field play Psal.i}.7. thou hast put 4. of the field under his feet Isa. 56. 9. all ye 4. of the field come to devour .7cj-.12.9.assemble all b.of the field, come to devour '■27. H.b. of field have I given him, 28. 14. Dan. 2. 38. Eick. 29.5. 1 have given thee for meat to the b. of the field, and to the fowls, 34. 5. | 39. 4. 31. 6. under his branches 4. of the field bring forth 13. all the 4. of the field shall be on his branches 38.20.the 4. o/f/te_^eW shall shake at my presence Dan. 4. 12. the 4. of the field had shadow under it 25. thy dwelling shall bo with 4. of the field, 32. i/bs.2.18.make a covenant for them with 4. of field 4. 3. therefore shall the land mourn with 4. of field Joel 1. 20. 4. of field cry also to thee, for the rivers not afraid, ye 4. offield,the pastures spring Wild BEASTS. Lev. 26. 22. 1 will also send wild b. among you 1 Sam. 17.46. gave carcases of Philistines to wildb. Psal. 50. 11. and the teild b. of the field are mine Isa. 13. 21. but wild b. of the desert shall lie there 22. and the wild 4. of the islands shall cry 34. 14. the wild b. of the desert shall also meet with wild 4. of the island, Jer. 50. 39. Mark 1. 13. Christ was there with the wild 4. and jicts 10. 12. sheet, wherein were all wild b. 11. 6. BEAT Signifies, [11 To smite, or strike, Deut. 25. 3. Mat. 21. 35. [2] To bruise, or bray, Exod. 30. 36. Num. 11. 8. [3] Tu batter, or demolish, Judg. 8. 17. 2 Kings 3. 25. [4] To get the better of, or overcome, 2 Kings 13. 25. [5] 7'o thresh, Ruth 2. 17. Isa. 28. 27. [6] To turn, or convert one thing into another, Isa. 2. 4. Joel 3. 10. Exod. ,^0. 36. some of the spices shalt 4. very small 39. 3. they did 4. the gold into thin plates J^um. 11.8. the people 4. the manna in a mortar /)(!«t.25.3. lest if he exceed and b. him above these Judg. 8. 17. he 4. down the tower of Penuel 9. 45. Ahimelcch 4. down the city, and sowed it 19. !K. certain sons of BeUal 4. at the door Ruth 2. 17. she 4. out that she had gleaned 2 6amiJ2.43. then did 1 4. them small, Psal. 18. 42. 2 Kings 3. 25. the Israelites 4. down the cities 13. 25. three times did Joash 4. Ben-hadad 23. 12. the altars did the king 4. down, and brake Psal. 52. t 5. God shall likewise b. theo down 89. 23. I will 4. down his foes before his faco Prov. 23. 14. thou shalt b. him with the rod and /.5a.2.4. ft. their swords into plow-shares, Mic. 4. 3. 3. 15. what mean ye, that ye A. my people 27. 12. the Lord shall 4. oft' from the channel 41. 15. thresh the mountains, 4. them small •Joel 3.10.A.your plow-shares into sword,s, and your Jonah 4. 8. the sun 4. on the head of Jonah Mic. 4. 13. thou shalt A. in pieces many people Mat. 7.25. and A. on that house, 27. Luke 6. 48, 49. 21. 35. the husbandman took his servants, and A. one, Mark 12. 3. Luke 20. 10, 11. Mark 4. 37. waves A. into the ship, it was now full Luke 12. 45. and shall begin to 4. the men-servants .iets 16.22. the magistrates commanded to 4. them 18. 17. the Greeks took Sosthenes and 4. him 22. 19. I imprisoned and A. in every synagogue 27. 1 14. there 4. a wind called Euroclydoii BEATEN. Exod. 5. 14. theofticers of Israel were 4. 16. 25. 18. cherub, of 4. work, 37. 17, 22. JVw.m. 8. 4. 37. 7. made two clierubims A. out of one piece Lev. 2. 14. shalt offer corn A. out of full ears Dent. 2.5. 2. if the wicked man be worthy to be 4. .7»sA.8.1.5. all Israel made as if were A. before them 2 oom.2.17.and A h ner whs 4. and the men of Israel %V,bron. 15. t 6. nation was A. in pieces of nation 31. 7. when he had A. graven images to powder BEA Job 4. t 20. they are 4. in pieces from morning I'rov. 10. f 8. but a prating fool shall be A. 23. 35. they have 4. me, and I felt it not Ina. 28. 27. fitches are A. out with a staff 30. 31. thro' voice of Lord the Assyrian shall be A. .Ter. 46. 5. and their mighty ones are 4. down Mic. 1. 7. the graven images shall be A. to jiiecea Mark 13. 9. in the synagogue ye shall be A. -L«Ael2. 47. serv.who knew and did not shall be A. j3eeu£.5.6. Psal.Bl.W. Lev. 23. 43. when 1 4. them out Eg., 1 Kings 8. 21. Deut. 5. 15. remember that Lord 4. thee out thence 9. 28. 4. them out to slay them in the wilderness Josh.6.2'i. young men 4. out Rahabandallshehad 24. 5. plagued Egypt, and afterward I 4. you out 2 Sam. 13.18. servant 4. her out, and bolted the door 2 Kings 23. 6. he 4. out the grove from house of L. 1 Chron. 20. 3. he 4. out the people that were in it 2 Chron. 23. 11. then they 4. out the king's son 29. 16. priests 4. out all uncleanness they found Psal. 78. 16. he 4. streams also out of the rock 80. 8. thou hast 4. a vine otit of Egypt 107. 14. he 4. them om{ of darkness, and brake 136. 11. and 4. out Israel from among them Jer. 7. 22. in the day I 4. them out of Egypt X)a7i.5.13.whom the king my father 4. out of Jewry Hos. 12. 13. by a prophet the Lord 4. Israel out ^cts 7. 40. this Moses, which 4. us out of Egypt 12. 17. declared how the Lord 4.himo!(« of prison 13. 17. with a high arm 4. them o«f of Egypt 16.30.4. oii«, andsaid,whatmust Ido to be saved? 39. they came and besought them, and 4. them out BROUGHT to pass. 2 XYn^slO. 25. now I have 4. it to pass, /sa. 37.26. Eielc. 21. 7. it cometh, and shall be 4. to pass 1 Cor. 15. 54. then shall be 4. to pass the saying BROUGHT up. Exod. 17.3. wlieref. hast thou 4. us up ? JV«m.21.5. 32. 1. as for Moses, the man that 4. us up, 23. 4. thy gods which 4. thee up, 8. 1 Kings 12.28. 33. 1. thou and the people which thou hast 4. iip JVu?n. 13. 32. they 4. up an evil report of the land 16. 13. is it a small thing that thou hast 4. us up ? 20. 4. why have ye 4. up congregation of Lord ? Deut. 20. 1. the Ld. is with thee, which 4. thee up 22. 19. because he b.up an evil name on a virgin Josh. 24. 17. he it is that 4. us up and our fathers 32. bones of Jos. 4. up, they buried in Shechem Judg. 6. 8. I 6. you up from Egypt, 1 Sam. 10. 18. 15. 13.4. Samson ?(p || 16.31.4. hira?(p and buried 16. 8. the lords 4. up to her seven green withs 1 Sam. 2. 14. alltheflesli-hook 4. up the priesttook 8. 8. done since the day I 4. them up, 2 Sam. 7. 6. 1 Chron. n. 5. 12. 6. Lord that 4. your fathers up out of Egypt 2Sa»i.6.12. David went and b.up the ark of God, 15. 1 Kings 8. 4. 1 Chr. 15. 28. 2 Chr. 1. 4. 21. 8. i.Kpfor Adrielll 13. 4. wp the bones of Saul ^ Kings 10.1. tothemthat4.«p Ahab's childreD,6. 17.7. Israel sinned against Lord who 4. them up 36. the Ld. who 4. youwp,him fear and worship 25.6. 4. KpZedekiahtokingofBabyl. ./fr. 39. 5. 2 Chr. 9. 11. Solomon 4. up the daugh. of Pharaoh 10. 8. counsel with young men 4. up with him, 10. Ezra 1. 11. all these vessels 4. up from Babylon 4. 2. Ezar-haddon king of Assur 4. us 7ip hither JW/t.9. 18. thisis thyGod that 4. thee «p out of Eg. Esth.2. 7. Mordecai 4. up Esther his uncle's daug. 20. like as when she was 4. up with him .Tob 31. 18. from my youth he was 4. up with me Psal. 30. 3. thou hast b.up my soul from the grave 40. 2. he 4. me up out of a horrible pit Prov. 8. 30. 1 was by him, as one b. up with him Fsa. 1. 2. I have nourished and 4. up children 49. 21. who 4. up these"! where had they been ? 51. 18. none to guide her of all the sons she 4. up 63. 11. where is he that 4. them up 7 ,Jer. 2. 6. Jer. 11. 7. I protested in the day I 4. them iip 16. 14. the Ld. that 4. up Israel out of Egypt, 23.7. 15. the Lord that 4. up lax. from the north, 23. 8. 7,am.2.22.those I 4.Kphath mine enemy consumed 4. 5. that were 4. up in scarlet embrace dunghills Ezek. 19. 3. 4. up one of her whelps, a young lion 31. t 4. the deep b. him up on high witli her rivers 37. 13. when I have 4. you up out of your graves .Imos 2. 10. I 4. you up, 3. 1. 1 9. 7. Mic. 6. 4. 54 BUC Jonak^. 6. yet hast 4. up my life from corruption JVah.2. 7. she shall be 4. «(p, and her maids lead hei Lulce 4. 16. to Nazareth, where he had been 4. up Acts 13. 1. had been 4. up with Herod the tetrarch 22. 3. yet b.up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel 1 "Pirn. 5. 10. a widow, if she have 4. up children BROUGHTEST. Exod. 32. 7. thy people thou 4. out have corrupted JVum. 14. 13. thou 4. up this people in thy might Deut. 9. 28. lest the land whence thou 4. us out say 29. thy inheritance thou 4. out, 1 Kings 8. 51. 2 Soot. 5. 2. wast he that 4. in Israel, 1 Chron. 11. 2. 1 Kings 9. 53. when thou 4. our fathers out Egypt JVeA. 9. 7. 4. him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees 15. thou 4. forth water for them out of the rock 23. 4. them into the land thou hadst promised Psal.GS. 11. thou 4. us into the net, thou laidst 12. but thou 4. us out into a wealthy place BROW. Tsa. 48. 4. thy neck is an iron sinew, thy J. brass Luke 4. 29. they led him to the 4. of the hill BROWN. Gen. 30. 32. all 4. cattle among the sheep, 35. 40. 33.ev«ry one that is not 4. shall beaccount.stolen BRUISE, Substa7ilive. Isa. 53. t 5. and with his 4. we are healed Jer. 6. 1 14. they healed the 4 . of my people slightly 30. 12. thus saith the Lord, thy 4. is incurable JVaA.3.19.thereisno healing of thy 4. wound griev BRUISES. Tsa. 1. 6. no soundness, but wounds, 4. and sores Ezek. 47. f 12. the leaf thereof for 4. and sores BRUISE Signifies, [1] To crush, injure, or oppress. Gen. 3. 15. Dan. 2. 40. [2] To punish, chastise, or correct, Isa. 53. 10. It is spoken, (1) Corpo really, of the body, Luke 9. 39. (2) Spiritually, of doubts and troubles, Mat. 12. 20. (3) Mo- rally, of corruptions, Isa. 1. 6. (4) Politically, of a weak decaying nation, 2 Kings 18. 21. A bruised reed shall he not break, Isa. 42. 3 Christ will not deal roughly and rigorously with those that come to him, but will use alt gentleness and tenderness to them; passing by their greatest sins, bearing with their present infirmities, cherishing, and encouraging the smallest beginnings of grace, and comforting and healing wounded consciences. To bruise the teats, Eiek. 23. 3, 21. To commit bodily whoredom; or idolatry, which is spiritual whoredom. G'eji.3.15. it shall 4. thy head, thou shall 4. his heel Isa. 28. 28. nor will he 4. it with his horsemen 53. 10. yet it pleased the Lord to 4. him Dan. 2. 40. as iron shall it break in pieces and 4 Rom. 16. 20. God of peace shall 4. Satan shortly BRUISED. /,e?). 22. 24. ye shall not offer to the Lord what is 4 "2 Kings 18.21. trusteth on the staff' of this 4. reed Isa. 42. 3. a 4. reed shall he not break, Mat. 12. 20. 53.5. he was 4. for our iniquities, the chastisement £ze/£.23. 3. there they 4. the teats of their virginity 8. and they 4. the breasts of her virginity Lukei. 18. sentme to set at liberty them that are 4. BRUISING. Ezek. 23. 21. in 4.thy teats by the Egyptians Luke 9. 39. the spirit 4. hnn, hardly departeth from BRUIT. .Icr. 10. 22. behold, the noise of the 4. is come JiTah. 3. 19. all that hear the 4. of thee, shall clap Brute ; See Beasts. BRUTISH. Psal. 49. 10. the fool and the 4. person perish 92.6. a 4. man knoweth not, nor a fool understand 94. 8. understand, ye 4. among the people Prov. 12. 1. but he that hateth reproof is 4. 30. 2. surely I am more 4. than any man 7sa.l9.11.the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become 4. Jer. 10. 8. they are altogether 4. and foolish 14. every man is 4. 51. 17. || 21. pastors are 4. Ezek. 21. 31. deliver thee into the hand of 4. men BUCKETS. JVttra.24. 7. he shad pour the water out of his 4. Isa. 40. 15. the nations are as drop of a 4. and dust BUCKLER Is a piece of defensive armour, 1 Chron. 5. 18. God is often called the Buckler, or Shield of his people, Psal. 18. 2. Prov. 2. 7. He will protect and save them from that mischief and ruin which will befall all wicked men. JSnd in Cant. 4. 4. the faith of the church, or of believers, whereby they are united to Christ, is compared to the tower of David, whereon hang a thousand bucklers; noting, how strong and invincible faith is, johich furnishes with weapons out of Christ's fulness, and abundantly defends from all spiritual enemies, Eph. 6. 16. 2 Sam. 22. 31. a all that trust in him, Ps. 18. 30. 1 Chron. 5. 18. men able to bear 4. and sword BUI IChr. 12. S^Gadites that could handle shield and b. Psal. 18. 2. Lord is my God, my 4. my high tower 35. 2. take hold of shield and 4. stand up for help 91. 4. his truth shall be thy shield and 4. Prov. 2.7. he is a 4. to them that walk uprightly Jer. 46. 3. order ye the 4. and shield, and draw near Ezek. 23. 24. shall set against the 4. shield, and 26. 8. he shall lift up the 4. against thee [helmet BUCKLERS. 2 Chr. 23. 9. Jehoiada deliver, spears, 4. and shields Job 15. 26. runneth upon the thick bosses of his 4. Cant. 4. 4. whereon there hanged a thousand 4. Ezek. 38. 4. a great company with 4. and shields 39. 9. they shall set on fire shields, 4. and bows BUD, Substantive. ./b438. 27. cause the 4. of the tender herb to spring Isa. 18. 5. afore the harvest, when the 4. is perfect 61. 11. for as the earth bringelh forth her 4. Ezek. Id. 7. caused thee to multiply as 4. of the field //os. 8.7. 4.shall yield no meal, stranger swallow it BUD, Verb. Gen. 3. f 18. thistles shall it cause to 4. to thee Job 14.9. yet through the scent of water it will 4. Psal. 132. 17. 1 will make the horn of David to 4. Cant. 7. 12. let us see if the pomegranates 4. forth Isa. 27.6. Is. shall bloom and 4. and fill the world 55. 10. maketh the earth to bring forth and 4. Ezek. 29. 21. cause the horn of Israel to b. forth BUDS. JVum. 17. 8. Aaron's rod bro't forth 4. and bloomed BUDDED. [forth Gen. 40. 10. the vine was as though it 4. and shot JVum. 17. 8. Aaron's rod for the house of Levi 4. Cant. 6. 11. to see whether the pomegranates 4. Ezek. 7. 10. the rod hath blossomed, pride hath 4. Heb. 9. 4. the ark wherein was Aaron's rod that 4. BUFFET. 2 Cor. 12. 7. the messenger of Satan to 4. me BUFFETED. Jlf(j<.26.67. spit in his face and 4. him, Mark 14.65. 1 Cor. 4. 11. even to this present hour we are b. 1 Pet.2. 20. if when ye be 4. for your faults BUILD Signifies, [1] To erect, or make houses, &-c. Deut. 28. 30. [2] To strengthen and increase know- ledge,faith, love, and all other graces, Acts 20. 32. [3] To cement a7id knit together spiritually ; thus believers arc united to Christ by faith, and among themselves by love, Eph. 2. 22. [4] To preserve, bless, and prosper, Psal. 127. 1. Jer. 24. 6. [5] To settle and establish, 1 Sam. 2. 35. Who did build the house of Israel, Ruth 4. 11. JVlio did increase his family by a numerotts progemj. I will build up thy throne, Psal. 89. 4. I will per- petuate the kingdom to thy posterity. Shall build the old wastes, Isa. 61. 4. The Gen- tiles, who have been long destitute of the true knowledge of God, and like a wilderness over- grownwithbriers and thorns, shall be brought, by the ministry of the word, to know and serve the true God. BUILD referred to God. 1 Sam. 2. 35. I will raise up a priest, and will 4. hira a sure house, 2 Sam. 7. 27. 1 Kings 11. 38. 1 Chron. 17. 10. that the Lord will 4. thee a house 25. hast told that thou wilt 4. him a house Psal. 28. 5. he shall destroy, and not 4. them up 51.18. do good toSion, 4. the walls of Jerusalem 69. 35. for God will 4. the cities of Judah 89. 4. and 4. up thy throne to all generations 102. 16. when Lord shall 4. up Zion, will appear 127. 1. except Lord 4. house, they labour in vain 147.2. Ld. doth 4. up Jerusalem, gathers outcasts Jer. 18. 9. I speak concerning a nation to 4. it 24. 6. I will 4. and not pull them down, 31. 28. 31. 4. again I will 4. thee, O virgin of Israel 33.7. I will 4. Judah and Israel as at the first 42. 10. if ye will abide in this land I will 4. you Ezek. 36. 36. that I the Lord 4. the ruined places JlmosQ. 11. I will 4. it as in the days of old Mat. 16. 18. on this rock will I 4. my church 26.61. 1 am able to 4. it in three days, Jl/nri 14. 58. Acts\5. 16. I will 4. again the tabernacle of David BUILD altars. Exod. 20. 25. shalt not 4. an altar of hewn stone J\rMm.23.1.Balaam said, here seven altars, 29 £>ejU.27. 5. there thoushalt4. an a/far to the Lord 6. thou shalt b.altar of the Lord of whole stones Josh. 22. 29. God forbid, we rebel and 4- an altar See Began. BUILD joined with house. Deut. 25. 9. man that will not 4. his brother's h. 28. 30. shalt 4. a A., not dwell in it, Zeph. 1. 13. Ruth 4. 11. which two did 4. the house of Israel 2 Sam. 7. 5. shalt thou 4. me a house to dwell in 7 7. spake I, saying, why 4. ye not me a A.of cedar ? 13. thy seed shall 4. a house for my,lKings 5. 5. I 8. 19. 1 Chr. 17. 12. | 22. 10. 1 Kings'i. 36. 4. thee a A. in Jerusalem, and dwell BUI 1 Kings 5. 3. David could not b. a h. for wars about 5. I purpose to b. a h. to Lord, i Chr. 2. 1. [him 8. 16. I chose no city to b. a house, 2 Chron. ti. 5. 17. it was in heart of David my father to b. a A. for God of Israel, 1 Chr. 28. 2. 2 Chr. 6. 7. ICAr. 17. 12. he shall b. me a house, 2 Chr. 6. 9. 22. 8. shall not 6. a A. because thou shed blood 11. my son, b. the A. of Lord, as he said of thee 2(3. 6. Solomon shall b. my house and my courts 2 CAr. 2. 4. behold, I ft. a A«u5e to Lord my God 5. the house I b. is great, for great is our God 6. who is able to b. him a house? who am I then that I should b. him a house 36.23. he hath charged me to A.him a A.£:r«1.2. Ezra 1. 3. go to Jerusalem and b. the house of Lord 5. 3. who hath commanded you to 4. thisAuwse? 9. 6. 7. let the governor of the Jews b. this house Psal. 127. 1. they labour in vain that b. the house Prop. 24. 27. prepare, and afterwards 4. thy house Isa. 65. 21. they shall b. houses and inhabit them 66. 1. where is the house that ye b. unto me 1 Ji;r.22.14.I will b. me a wide A. and large chambers 29. 5. b. houses and dwell in them, and plant, 28. 35. 7. neither shall ye b. house nor sow seed Ezek. 11. 3. which say, ilisnotnear,let us 6. houses 28. 26. they shall dwell safely, and shall A. houses Hag. 1.8. go to the mountain, bring wood, b. house Zech.5. 11. to b. it a house in the land of Shinar ^<;ts7.49.what house will ye b. me, saith the Lord ^ BUILD. Oen. 11. 4. go to, let us b. us a city and a tower 8. and they left off to b. the city JVuni. 32. 16. we will 6. sheep-folds for our cattle 24. A.cities for your little ones,and folds for sheep Z)e«f.20.20. thou shall 6. bulwarks against the city IKings 9. 19. all the cities of store, and that which Solomon desired to b. in Jerusalem, 2CAr. 8. 6 24.Pharaoh's daughter came up,then did b. Millo 11. 7. Solomon did b. a high place for Chemosh 16. 34. inAhab'sdays Hielthe BetheliteA. Jericho ICAr. 22. 19. b. ye the sanctuary of the Lord God 29. 19. give to Solomon a heart to b. the palace 2CAron. 14. 7. let us b. these cities and make walls Ezra 4. 2. let us b. with you, we seek your God 5. t 4. what are the men that b. this building f JVeA. 2. 17. let us b. the wall || 18. let us rise and b. 20. therefore we his servants will rise and b. 4.3. which theyi.if a fox go up, he shall break down 10. so that we are not able to b. the wall JEec/. 3.3. a lime to break down, and a time to b. up Cant. 8. 9. if she be a wall, we will b. upon her Isa. 9. 10. the bricks are fallen, but we will b. 45. 13. 1 have raised him up, he shall b. my city 58. 12. they shall b. the old waste places, 61. 4. 60. 10. the sons of strangers shall b. up thy walls 65. 22. they shall not b. and another inhabit ./er. 1. 10. have set thee over nations to b. and plant Ezek. 4. 2. lay siege, b. a fort against it, 21 . 22. 39. 1 15. then shall ye 6. up a sign by the bone Dan. 9. 25. to restore and b. Jerusalem to Messiah ^mos 9. 11. 1 will A. it as in the days of old 14. Israel shall A.the waste cities and inhabit them JVfic. 3. 10. they b. up Zion with blood, and Jems. ZecA. 6. 12. he shall A. the temple of the Lord, 13. 15. that are far off shall 6. in the temple of Lord 9.3.Tyrus didA.herself a strong hold, heaped silver Mai. 1. 4. they shall A. but I will throw down Mai. 23.29. ye A.tombs of prophets, JCuAe 11. 47,48. /jukeK.lS. I will pull down my barns and A.greater 14. 28. which of you intending to A. a tower? 30. this man began to A. and not able to finish .^cts20, the word ofhis grace, able to A. you up Rom. 15. 20. lest I A. on another man's foundation ICiir. 3. 12. if any A. on this foundation, gold, silver Oal. 2.18.if I A. again the things which I destroyed BUILDED. Gen. 2. t 22. of the rib the Lord A. a woman 4. 17. Cain h. a city, and called it Enoch 8. 20. Noah A. an altar to the Lord, and offered 10. 11. Asher A. Nineveh, Rehoboth, and Caleb 11.5. Ld.camctosee the tower children of men A. 12. 7. Abram b. an altar to the Lord, 13. 18. 16. 1 2. it may be I may be A. bv he r, 30. t 3. 26. 25. Isaac b. an altar || Ernd. 24. 4. Moses J. Josh. 22. 16. in that ye have A. you an altar l^infi'.?8.27. how much less this house I have A. 43. 15. 22. the stones wherewith Baasha had b. ZKings 23. 13. Solomon had A. for Ashtoreth 1 CAron. 22. 5. the house to be A. muslbomagnifical £zrii4.1. when the adversaries heard that they A. 13. be it known, that if this city be A. 16. 21. give commandment thai this city be not A. 5.8. we went to the house of great God which is A. 11. we build the house that wasA. many years ago 15. let the house of God be A. in hia place, 6. 3. 6. 14. elders of the Jews A. and they prospered JVeA.4. 18. every one had his sword girded, and so A. .i'<)A20. 19. he hath taken away a house he A. not Psal. 122. 3. Jerusalem is A. a city that is compact Prov.9.\. Wisdom hath b. her house,hewn out pill. 55 BUI Prov. 24. 3. through wisdom is a house A. and by understanding it is established Keel. 2. 4. I A. me houses, I planted vineyards Cant. 4. 4. thy neck like tower of D. A. for armoury .Ter. 30. 18. the city shall be A. on her own heap //a7n.3.5.hehalhA. against me, and compassed me Kick. 36. 10. and the waste shall be A. 33. />«i-el7.28.they bought,theysold,lhey plant.they A. 7C/VaA. 2. 13. I will b. her chariots in the smoke Mai. 4. 1. the day cometh that shall 4. as an oven JiliU. 13. 30. bind the tares in bundles to b. thein JUuke'i. 17. but chart" he will 4. with tire unquencba 24. 32. they said, did not our heart b. within us ? 1 Cor. 7. 9. for it is belter to marry than to b. 2 Cor. 11. 29. who is ortended, and 1 b. not 1 BURN, joined \viii\ Jirc. Ezod. 12. 10. that which remainelh of it till morn- ing ye shall b. with /re, 29. 34. Lev. 8. 32. Let. 13. 57. b. that wherein llie plague is with fire 16. 27. b. with yire their skins, flesh, and dung Dcttl. 5. 23. for the iDOuntain did b. v,\ihfirc 7. 5. b. tlieir images witli_^re, 25. || 12. 3. b. groves 32. 22. a. fire shall b. to the lowest hell, .fcr. 17. 4. Josh. 11. 6. tbou shall b. their chariots with yire Judg. 9. 52. went to the tower to b. it with fire 12. 1. will b. thine house with/. |1 14. 15. b. thee/. PscU. 79. 5. how long shall thy jealousy b. like/re.' 89.46. how long, Lord, shall thy wrath ft. like/rc' Isa. 47. 14. shall be as stubble, the/re shall ft. them Jer. 4. 4. my fury come forth like j?rc and ft. 21. 12. 7. 31. to ft. sons and daughters in the /re, 19. 5. 21. 10. Nebuchadnezzar shall ft. this city with/. 32. 29. 1 34. 2, 22. 1 37. 8, 10. ] 38. 18. Eiek. 5. 2. 6. with /re a third part in midst of city 16. 41. they ft. thine houses with /re, 23. 47 Mat. 3. 12. he will gather his wheat, but he will ft. up the chaff with unquenchable /re, Luke3.17. Rev. 17. 16. shall eat her flesh and ft. her with /re BUKN incense. £xorf.30.1.thou shall make an altar to b. incense on 7. Aaron shall ft. thereon sweet inc. every morn. 8. \Kings 13.1. Jeroboam stood by the altar to ft. inc. Z Kings 18.4. the children of Israel did ft. inc. to it 1 CAron. 23. 13. he and his sons for ever to ft. inc. 2Chron. 2. 4. I build a house to ft. sweet incense 13. 11. ft. every morning sweet incense to the Lord 26. 16. Uzziah went into temple to A. incense, 19. 23. 25. in Judah Ahaz made high places to ft. inc. 29.11. ray sons, the Lord hath cliosen you to ft.jjic. 32. 12. worship before one altar, and A. (jic on it Jer. 7.9. will ye steal and ft. incense to Baal 1 11.13. 44. 17. we will A. incense to the queen of heaven Itos.i.13. they ft. incense upon the hills under oaks i/oA. 1. 16. therefore they A. incense to their drag Luke 1.9. Zacharias his lot was to ft. /»c. in temple BURNED. Exod.3.2. bush ft. with fire, and was not consumed 3. I will turn and see why the bush is not A. Dent. 9. 15. I came down, and mount A. with fire 32. t 22. a fire kindled ami hath A. to lowest hell Josh. 7. 25. A.them with fire, after they stoned them 2 Chron. 25. 14. Amaziah A. incense to the gods 34. 25. have forsaken me, ar»d ft. incense to gods J^s(/i. 1.12. the king was wroth, and anger A. in him Psal. 39. 3. while I was musing the fire A. /sa.24.6.therefore the inhabitants of the earth are A. 42. 25. it A. him, yet he laid it not to heart Lam. 2. 3. he A. against Jacob like a flaming fire John 15. 6. withered branches are gathered and A. Jlcts 19. 19. many brought their books and A. them Rom. 1. 27. ft. in their Inst one toward another 1 Cor. 13. 3. at 'J though I give my body to be ft. I{eb. 6. 8. is rejected, whose end is to be ft. 12. 18. for ye are not come to the mount that ft. Reij. 1. 15. his feet like brass, as if ft. in a furnace 16. t9. and men were ft. with great heat BLTENETH. Lev. Ifi. 28. he that A. them shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in wafer, JVum. 19. 8. Psal.iS.O.he breaketh the bow and A. chariot in fire 83. 14. as the fire ft. wood, and as the flame settelh 97. 3. a fire A. up his enemies round about I.'a. 9. 18. for wickedness A. as the fire 44. 16. he A. part thereof in fire, he warms himself 62. 1. the salvation thereof as a lamp that A. 64. 2. as Mrhen the melting fire A. the fire causeth 65.5. these are a smoke and afirethat A.all the day 66. 3. he that A. incense, as if he blessed an idol ./er.48.35. cause to cease that A. incense to his gods Jocl2. 3. a firebefore them, behind them aflame A. /?c».21.8. shall have part in lake which A. with fire BURNING. Oen. 15. 17. a b. lamp passed between the pieces Lev. 6. 9. the fire of the altar shall be ft. in it, 12,13. 26. 16. I will appoint over yo« the ft. ague Deut. 28. 22. Lord shall smite thee with extreme A. 32. 24. they shall be devoured with A. heal Job 5. 1 7. as sons of the A. coal lift up to fly 57 BUll Job 41. 19. of his mouth go A. lamps, sparks of fire Psal. 11.16- on wicked he shall rum u A. tempest 140. 10. let A. coals fall upon them, cast into lire Ptov. 16. 27. in his lips llicre is as a A. fire 26. 21. as coals are lo A. coals, and wood to fire 23. A. hps and a wicked heart are like a potsherd Isa. 30.27. name of Lord cometh far, A. with ungui 'M. 9. the land thereof shall become A. pilch Jer. 20. 9. his word was in my heart as a A. fire Ezck. 1. 13. their appearance was like A. coals 21. t 31. I will deliver into the hand of A. men i'an.3.6. shall be cast into midst of a A.furnace,ll 17. is able to deliver us from the A. furnace 20. to cast them into the A. fiery furnace, 21, 23. 2(5. Nebuchadnezzar came near the ft. furnace 7.9. his throne I ike flame, his wheels were as ft. fire Hub. 3. 5. and A. coals went forth at his feet Luke 12. 35. let your loins be girded, and lights A. John 5. 35. John was a ft. and a shining light Jiev. 4. 5. there were seven lamps ft. before throne 8. 8. and as it were a great mountain A. with tire 10. there fell a great star ft. as it were a lamp 19. 20. they both were cast alive into a lake A. BURNhXG. Oe7t. 11. t3. and let us burn the bricks to a A. Exod. 21. 25. A. for A. wound for wound, stripe for Lev. 10. 6. bewail the A. which the Lord kindled 13. 28. if the spot slay, it is a rising of the A. JVitm. 11. 1 3. he called the name of the place a A. />eKt.29.23.the whole land is brimstone, salt,and A. 2 Chron. 16. 14. they made a very great A. for him 21. 19. people made no A. like the A. of his fathers Isa. 3. 24. there shall be A. instead of beauty 4.4. purged blood of Jerusalem by the spirit of A. 9. 5. but this shall be with A. and fuel of fire 10. 16 under his glory, kindle A. like A. of fire 32. t 13. A. shall come upon all houses of joy 33. 12. the people shall be as the A. of lime Amosi.W. even as a firebrand plucked out of the A. Rev. 18. 9. when they shall see the smoke of her A. BURNINGS. Josh. 11. 1 8. they chased them to the A. of Avaters Isa. 33. 14. who shall dwell with everlasting A. ? Jer. 34. 5. with A. of thy fathers the former kings BURNISHED. Eieh. 1. 7. they sparkled Uke tlie colour of A. brass BURNT. Oen.38.24. Judah said, bring her forth, let her be A. Lev. 2. 12. but they shall not be A. on the altar 6. 22. meat-offeniig shall be wholly A. 23. [ 8. 21. lOi. 16. Moses sought the goat, and it was A. M'uvi. 16. 39. Eleazar the "priest look the brazen censers, wherewith they that were A.had offered Deut. 32.24. shall be A. with hunger, and devoured 1 Sam. 2.15. before they A. fat, priest's servant came 2 Sam. 5. 21. David and his men ft. their images 1 Kings 13. 2. men's bones shall be A. upon iliee 15. 13. Asa ft. her idol by the brook, 2 Chr. 15. 16. 2 Kings 23. 6. he A. the grove at the brook Kidron 15. he A. the high place, and stampt it small 16. he took bones out of sepulchres and ft. them 25. 9. A. the house of L. 2 Chr. 36. 19. Jer. 52. 13. .lob 30. 30. and my bones are A. with heat Psal. 102.3. my skin black, bones ate A. as a hearth Prov. 6. 27. take fire, and his clothes not be A. 28. can one go on coals and his feet not be A. ? Jcr. 2. J5. his cities are A. || 6. 29. the bellows are ft. 36. 28. in the roll which jehoiakim hath A. 51. 25. and I will make thee a A. mountain Ezek. 20. 47. and all faces shall be A. therein 24. 10. kindle the fire, and let the bones be A. Joel 1. 19. the flame hath ft. all the trees of the field jimos'H. 1. because heft, the bones ofkingof Edom M'ah. 1. 5. and the earth is A. at his presence 1 Cor. 3. 15. if any man's work be A. shall suffer loss Heb. 13. 11. those beasts are ft. without the canij) BURNT, joined with /re. Ezod. 32. 20. he ft. the calf in lh& fire, Dent. 9. 21. Lev. 6. 30. the sin-offering shall be A. in the fire 7. 17. but the- remainderof the flesh ofthe sacrifice on the third day shall be A. with /re, 19. 6. 20.14. if a man take a wife and her mother, they shall be i. with /re, both he anfl they 21. 9. if the daughter of any priest profane herself by playing the whore, she shall be A. with /re JVuOT. 11. 1. Ibe/re ofthe Lord A. among them, 3. Deut.i.ll, ye came near, the mountain A. with/re 12. 31. their sons and daughters they A. in the/re loeh. 6. 24. they ft. Jericho with/re and all therein 7. 15. itshall be, he that is taker>with the accursed thing shall be A. with fire, he and all ho hath n. 9. Joshua ft. their chariots with /re 11. and he took Hazor and ft. it with /re Jitdg. 15. 6. they A. her and her father with /re 14. the cords bec^ame as flax that was A. with fire 18. 27. they came to Laish and A. it with /re 1 Sam. 30. 1. the Amalekiles A. Ziklag with /re 2 Sam. 23. 7. they shall be utterly A. with /re 1 Kines 9. 16. for Pharaoh had A. Gezer with /re 16.-18. Zimri ft. the king's bouse with /re K BUR "Kings 1.14./7f from heaven A. up the two captains 17. 31. the iSepliarvilcs A. their children with /re 23. 11. and A. iJio chariots ofthe sun with /re 25. 9. every great man's house A. he with/re 1 Cbron. 14. 12. their gods were A. with fire 2 Chron. 28. 3. Ahaz A. his children in the/re J^'ch. 1. 3. the gates thereof are A. with /re, 2. 17. Psal. 80. 16. it is A. with /re, it is cut down Isa. 1. 7. your cities are A. with /re 43.2. when walkest thro' /re thou shall not heft. 64. 11. our holy and beautiful house is 6. with/re Jer. 38. 17. this city shall not be ft. with /re 23. thou shall cause this city to be ft. with /re 49. 2. and her daughleis shall be ft. with /re 51. 32. and the reeds they have A. with /re 58. Babylon's high gales shall be ft. with /re Mic. 1. 7. the hires thereof shall be ft. with the/re Rev. 18. 8. she shall be utterly ft. with /re BURNT «,c6?isc. Eiod. 40. 27. A. sweet inc. thereon, as commanded 1 Kings'i. 3. only Solomon 6. inc. in high places 9. 25. Solomon ft. inc. uiion the altar before Lord 12. 33. Jeroboam offered on the altar and A. inc. 22. 43. peojile A. inc. 2 Kings 12.3. 1 14.4. ] 15.4,35. 2Ar!7in'sl6.4.Ahaz ft. inc. in high places,2CAr .28.3,4. 2 CArun.29. 7. put out lamps and have not ft. inc. Isa. 65. 7. which have ft. inc. on the mountains Jer. 18. 15. inv people have ft. incense to vanity 44.15. men which knew that their wiveshad Hos. 2. 13. the days wherein she A. inc. to them 11. 2. they sacrificed and A. inc. to graven images BURNT-OFFERING. Gen. 22.7. but where is the lamb for a b.-offering? 8. my son, God will provide a lamb for a b.-off. 13. he offered him for a b.-off. instead of Isaac Exod. 18. 12. and Jethro took a b.-offering for God 29. 18. the ram is a b.-offcring unto the Lord Lev. 1. 4. he shall put his hand on head of b.-off. 4. i}i^. he shall slay the sin-offering in the place of the b.-offcring, 33. | 6. 25. | 7.2. | 14. 13. 6. 9. saying, this is the law ofthe b.-offering, 7.37. 7. 8. the priest shall have the skin of the b.-off'. 9. 2. take thee a ram for a b.-off. 16. 3, 5. 1 23. 18. 5. take a calf and a lamb for b.-off. 12. 6. | 23. 12. J\rum.7. 15. one lamb ofthe first year for a b.-off. 21, 27, 33, 39, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. Ezek. 45. 15. 23. 3. stand by thy b.-offering and I will go, 15'. 28. 10. this is the b.-offering of every sabbath 13. for a b.-nff. of a sweet savour unto the Lord 14. this is the b.-offcring of ey my month 29. 6. beside the meat-offering and the daily b.-off. Jb«/( build us an altar not for a b.-offcring .hidg.13.23. not have received a A.-e/'.atour hands lSa? Samuel was offering up a b.-offering 13. 12. I forced mjself and offered a b.-ofi'cring 2 Kings 3. 27. oflTeied him for a b.-off. on the wall 2 CAr.7.1. fire came down and consumed the b.-off. 29. 24. the b.-off. should be made for all Israel Psat. 40. 6. b.-offcring hast thou not required 51. 16. for thou delightest not in b.-offering 19. shall be pleased with b.-off. and whole b.-off. Isa. 40. 16. nor the beasts thereof for a b.-offcring 61. 8. for I the Lord hate robbery for b.-offering Ezck. 44. 1 1. they shall slay the b.-off. and sacrifice- 45. 17. princes shall prepare the b.-off. for Israel 46. 2. the priest shall prepare the prince's b.-off. 13. thou shall daily prepare a b.-off. to the Lord Continual BURNT-OFFERING. Exod. 29. 42. a continual b.-offering, JVtim. 28. 3, 6, 10, 15, 24, 31. ^ 29. 11, 16, 19, 22. Ezra 3. 5. JVeh. 10. 33. Ezek. 46. 15. Offer BURNT-OFFERING. fi'en.22.2.take Isaac and o/cr him there for a b.-off. Lev. 9. 7. go (o the altar and offer thy b.-offering JV?/m23. 11. in beginnings of months offer ab.-off. 23. ye shall offer these besides the b.-offering Judg. 11. 31. I will offer it up for a b.-offering 13. 16. if thou offer a b.-off. offer it to the Lord 1 .Soto. 6. 14. and offered the kine for a b.-offering 7. 9. Samuel offered a sucking lamb for a b.-off. 2 Kings 5. 17. will henceforth offer neither A.-ojf. 2 Chr. 09. 27. Hezokiah commanded to offer b.-off. .Tob 42. 8. and offer up for yourselves a b.-offering Ezek. 46.4. b.-offering the prince shall ojfcr in sab. BUR NT-OFFERINGS. 0071.8.20. Noah offered b.-offerings on the altar F.xod.lO.^a. a?so give us sacrifices and b.-offerings 20. 24. and shall sacrifice thereon thy b.-offerings JVum. 10. 10. blow with trumpets over your b.-off. Devt. 12'. 6. thither bring youi- b.-off. 11, 14, 27. .Tosh. 22.27. do the service of the Lord vi'ithb.-off. 1 Sam. 15. 22. hath Lord as great delight in b.-off. \ Kings 3. 15. Solomon stood and offered b.-off. 8. 64. middle ofthe court, there he offered b.-off. \ Chron. 29. 21. they offered b.-off. to the Lord 2 Chron. 2. 4. behold, I build a house for b.-off. 7. 7. brazen altar was not able to receive b.-off. 29. 7. have not offered b.-off. in the holy place 34. the priest could not slay all the b.-offerings BUS 2 CAr.30.15. Levites were ashamed, brought i.-o^. 35. i4. soiiB of Aaron busied in otFerini; b.-ojf. Ezra's. 4. oftered the daily b.-offerings by number 6. 9. that which they have need of for b. -offerings Job 1. 5. offered b.-off. according to the number Psal. 50. 8. 1 will not reprove thee for thy b.-off. fi6. 13. I will go into thy house with b.-offcrings Isa. 1. 11. I am full of the b.-offerings of rams 43. 23. nor brought mc small cattle of thy b.-off. 56. 7. their b.-off. shall be accepted on mine altar Jcr. 6. 20. your b. offerings are not acceptable 7. 21. put your b.-offcrings to your sacrifices 22. spake not to your fathers concerning b.-off. 17. 26. shall come from the soutli, bringing b.-off. 19. 5. to burn their sons for b.-off'erings to Baal the prince's part to gi\e b.-offcrings Hos. 6. fi. the knowledge of God more than b.-off. JUic. 6. 6. shall I come before him with b.-off. 7 Mark 12. 33. to love neighbour is more than b.-off. JJeb.lO.G.m b.-off.foi sin thou hast had no pleasure Off-cr BURNT-OFFERINGS. 1 .So7n.lO. 8. 1 will come down to thee to offer b.-off. 2 Sam. 24. 24. nor will I offer b.-offcrings of that which doth cost me nothing, 1 Chron. 21. 24. 1 KingsZ.i. a thousand b.-off. did Solomon offer 9. 25. three times a year did Solomon offer b. off. Ezra 3. 2. Jeshua builded the altar to offer b.-off. Jcr. 33. 18. Levites not want a man to offer b.-off. Ezek. 43. 18. in the day they make it to offer b.-off. Amos 5.22. tho' ye offer me b.-off. I will not accejit BURNT-SACRIFICE. £a;orf.30.9.oftcr no strange incense,nor6.-s.thereon J^ev. 1. 9. the priest shall burn all to be a b.-s. 3. 5. JVam.23.G. lo, he stood by his b.-s. and the princes Deut. 33. 10. shall put whole b.-s. on thine altar 2 Sam. 24. 22. behold, here be o.xen for b.-sacrificc 1 Kings 18. 38. fire fell and consumed the b.-s. 2Kings 16.15.on the great altar burn the king's b.-s. Fsal.20.3. remember thy oiferings, accept thy A.-s. BURNT-SACRIFICES. 1 Chron. 23. 31. to offer all b.-s. in the sabbaths 2 Chron. 13. 11. burn morning and evening A.-s. Psal. 66. 15. I will offer to thee b.-s. of fatlings BURNT up. .Tudg. 15. 5. the foxes b. up the shocks and corn HKings came down, and b.up the two capt. Job 1. 16. the fire of God hath b. up the sheep Psal. 74. 8. they have b. up all the synagogues 106. 18. fire was kindled, flame b.up the wicked Jsa. 3. tl4. for ye have b. up the vineyard 64. 11. our holy and beautiful house is b. up Jer. 9. 10. b. up that none can pass thro' them, 12. Mat. 22. 7. the king sent and b. up their city 2 Pet. 3. 10. earth, and works therein shall be *. up Rev. 8. 7. they were cast on the earth, and the third part of trees wasi.«p,and allgreen grass BURST. Job 32. 19. it is ready to b. like new bottles Prov. 3. 10. thy presses shall b. out with new wine Jcr. 2. 20. 1 have *.thy bands, 5.5. | 30. 8. JV(iA.1.13. Jl/ar4 2.22.else new wine doth b.boli]es,Luke5.'i7. Acts 1.18.he A. asunder in midst, bowels gushed out BURSTING. Jsa. 30. 14. not be found in the b. of it a sherd BUSH, ES. Ezod. 3. 2. in a flame of fire in the b. Acts 7. 30 4. God called to him out of the midst of the b. Deut. 33. 16. the good-will of him that dwelt in b Job 30. 4. who cut up mallows by the b. for meat 7. among the b. they brayed, under the nettles Isa. 7. 19. they shall come and rest upon all b. Mark 12. 26. how in the b. God spake to him J,uke6. 44. nor of a bramble b. gather they grapes 20.37. that dead are raised, Moses shewed at the b. Acts 7. 35. the angel which appeared in the b. BUSHEL. Mat.5.l5.nOT do men light a candle and put it under aA.but on a candlestick, Mark 4.21. L.uke 11.33 BUSHY. Cant. 5. 11. his locks are b. and black as a raven BUSY-BODY, lES. 2 7%eis.3.11. butsoraeof youareA.-i. 17'm.5.13 1 Pet. 4. 15. but let none of you suffer aa a b.-body BUSY, lED. 1 Kings 20. 40. as thy servant was and there 2 Chron. 35. 14. the sons of Aaron b. in offering BUSINESS. Oen. 39. 11. Joseph went into house to do his b. Deut. 24. 5. nor shall he be charged with any *. Josh. 2. 14. our life for yours, if ye utter not our b. 20. if thou utter this our b. we will be quit Judg. 18. 7. they had no ft. with any man, 28. ISam. 10. 1 2. thy father hath left the ft. of the asses 20. 19. didst hide thyself when the ft. was in hand 21. 2. let no man know any thing of the 6. 8. because the king's 6. required haste 25, 1 2. there was a man whose ft. was in Carmel 3 Chron. 13. 10. and the Levites wait on their ft. 29. 1 15. gathered their brethren in ft. of the Lord 32. 31. in the b of the ambassadorB God left him 58 BUY JVcA. 13. 30. 1 appointed every man in his ft. Esth. 3. 9. to them that have the charge of the ft. 9. t 3. those that did the king's b. helped the Jews Psal. 107. 23. they that do ft. in great waters Prov. 18. 1 1. he that intermeddleth in every ft. 22. 29. seest thou a man diligent in his ft.? Eccl. 5. 3. a dream cometh through multitude of ft. JJan. 8. 27. afterward 1 rose, and did the king's b. //U4e2.49.wistye not I must be aboutmvFather'sft. Acts 6. 3. whom we may appoint over this ft. Rom. 12. 11. not slothful in ft. fervent in spirit 16. 2. assist lier in what ft. she hath need of you 1 Thess. 4. 11. that ye study to do your own 6. BUT. 1 Saw .20.3. there is ft. a step between me and death 2 Kings 7. 4. and if they kill us, we shall ft. die Psal. 115. 5. mouths ft. speak not ; eyes ft. see not 6. have ears ft. hear not ; noses ft. smell not 7. have hands ft. handle not ; feet ft. walk not 71/at. 24.36. ft. of that day and hour knoweth no man 37. ft. as the days of Noe were,so shall the coming Mark 5. 28. she said, if I may touch ft. his clothes lCor.4.19. 1 will know not the speech, 6. the power 6.11. ft. ye are washed || 7.10.yetnotl, ft.the Lord 12. 4. ft. the same Spirit || 5. ft. the same Lord 6. ft. it is the same God which worketh all in all ! Cor. 2. 5. he hath not grieved me ft. in part 4. 17. our light affliction, which is ft. for a moment Gal. 1. 12. ft. by the revelation of Jesus Christ But the end. See End. BUTTER. Gen. 18. 8. Abraham took ft. and milk, and the calf Deut. 32. 14. ft. of kine, milk of sheep, fat of lambs Judg. 5. 25. she brought forth ft. in a lordly dish 2Sam.l7.29.Barzillai brought honey andft.forDav. Job 20. 17. shall not see the brooks of honey and ft. 29. 6. when I washed my steps with ft. rock poured Psal. 55. 21. words of his mouth smoother than ft. Prov. 30. 33. churning of milk bringeth forth ft. Isa. 7. 15. ft. and honey shall he eat, 22. BUTLER, S. Gen. 40. 1. the ft. of the king of Egypt offended 9. the chief ft. told his dream to Joseph 21. ho restored his chief ft. to his butlership 41. 9. the chief ft. said, I remember my faults BUTTOCKS. 2 Sam. 10. 4. cut off garments to their ft. 1 CAr.19.4. /sa.20. 4. with ft. uncovered to the shame of Egypt BUY Signifies, [1] To procure any commodity by price, 2 Sam. 24. 21. [21 To receive, by such ways and means as Ood has directed, those spiritual blessings which are freely offered in the gos- pel, even Christ and all his benefits, Isa. 55. 1. Rev. 3. 18. Gen. 42. 2. get you down to Egypt and ft. for us 7. said, from laud of Canaan to ft. food, 43. 20. 47. 19. ft. us and our land for bread, we be servants Exod. 21. 2. if thou ft. a Hebrew servant Lev. 22. 11. if the priests ft. any soul with money 25. 15. after the jubilee ft. of thy neighbour 44. of them shall ye A. bondmen and maids, 45 Deut. 2. 6. ye shall ft. meat of them for money 28. 68. ye shall be sold, and no man shall ft. you Ruth 4. 4. ft. it before the inhabitants, before elders 5. thou must ft. it also of Ruth the Moabitess 2 Sam. 24. 21. David said, to ft. the threshing-floor, and build an altar to the Lord, 24. 1 Chr. 21.24 2 Kings 12. 12. gave it to niasons lo ft. timber, 22.6. JVeh. 10. 31. we would not ft. it on the sabbath Isa. .55. 1. come, ft. and eat, ft. wine and rnilk .fer. 32. 7. ft. thee my field that is in Anathoth 44. men shall ft. fields for money and subscribe JV/aJ. 14.15. may ft. themselves victuals, Mark 6.36 25. 9. go to them that sell, and ft. for yourselves 10. while they went to ft. tlie bridegroom came Mark 6. 37. shall we go and ft. 200 pennyworth 1 Luke 9. 13. except we ft. meat for all this people 22. 36. let him sell his garment and ft. one John 4. 8. his disciples were gone to ft. meat 6. 5. whence shall we ft. bread that these may eat? 13. 29. 6. those things that we have need of 1 Cor. 7. 30. they that ft. aa tho' they possessed not Jam. 4. 13. and we will ft. and sell, and get gain /Jfw.3.18. 1 counsel thee to ft.of me gold tried in fire 13.17. no man ft. or sell, save he that had the mark BUY corn. Gen. 41. 57. all countries came to Joseph to A. corn 42. 3. Joseph's brethren went down to ft. corn Jfeh. 5. 3. we have mortgaged our lands to ft. corn BUY poor. Amos 8. 6. that we may A. the poor for silver BUY truth. Prou.23.23. ft. the tri/«A and sell it not, also wisdom BUYER. Proc. 20. 14. it is nought, it is nought, suilh the ft Isa. 24. 2. as with the ft. so with the seller Ezek. 7. 12. let not the ft. rejoice, nor seller mourn BUYEST. Lev. 25. 14. and if thou sell ought, or ft. ought CAL Ruth 4. 5. what day thou ft. the field of Naomi BUYETH. Prov. 31. 16. she considereth a field, and A. it Mat. 13. 44. he selleth all he hath, and A. that field Rev. 18. 11. no man A. her merchandise any more BY and BY. Jlfat.13.21. when persecution, ft. and A. is offended Mark 6. 25. give me ft. and ft. in a charger the head Luke 17.7.will say to him b.and ft. sit down to meat 21. 9. come to pass, but the end is not A. and A. BY-WAYS. Judg. 5. 6. and the travellers walked through A. BY-WORD. [lions Deut. 28. 37. thou shall become a A. among all na- IKings 9.1 .Israel shall be a A. among all the people 2 Chron.l.'iO. make this house a proverb and a A. Job 17. 6. he hath made me a ft. of the people 30. 9. and now am I their song, yea, I am their ft. thou makest us a ft. among the heathen Joel^.^n. why heath, should use a A.against them? c. CABINS. Jer. 37. 16. when Jeremiah was entered into the c. CAGE. Jer. 5. 27. as a c. is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit, therefore they are become great Rev. 18. 2. Babylon is a c. of every unclean bird CAKE, S. Exod.l2.39. they baked unleavened c. of the dough Lev.l. 12. with sacrifice of thanksgiving, unleav.c. 24. 5. take fine flour, and bake twelve e. thereof JVum. 15. 20. offer up a c. of the first of your dough Judg.7.i3. and lo, a c. tumbled into host of Midian 2 Sam. 6. 19. David dealt to every one a c. of bread 13. 6. make me a couple of c. in my sight to eat 1 Kings 17. 12. as the Lord liveth, I have not a c. 13. make me a little c. first, and bring it to mo 19.6.there was ac.bakenon coals,acruseof water Jer. 7. 18. to make c. to the queen of heaven, 44.19. Ezek. 4. 12. and thou shall eat it as barley c. Hos. 7. 8. Ephraim is a c. not turned. See Figs, Unleavened. CALAMITY, lES. Deut. 32. 35. for the day of their c. is at hand 2 Sam. 22. 19. prevented me in day of c. Ps. 18.18. Job 6. 2. and my c. laid in the balances together 30.13. they set forward my c. they have no helper Psal. 57. 1- my refuge until these c. he overpast 141. 5. for yet my prayer also shall be in their c. Prov. 1. 26. I will laugh at your c. I will mock 6. 15. therefore his c. shall come suddenly 17. 5. he that is glad at c. shall not be unpunished 19. 13. a foolish son is the c. of his father 24. 22. for their c. shall rise suddenly 27. 10. nor go into thy brother's house in day of «. Jer. 18. 17. I will shew them the back in day of c. 46. 21. the day of their c. was come upon them 48. 16. the c. of Moab is near lo come, hasteth 49. 8. for I will bring the c. of Esau upon him 32. and I will bring their c. from all sides thereof Ezek. '35. 5. hast shed blood of Isr. in day of their e. Obad. 13. on their substance in the day of their c. CALAMUS. Exod. 30. 23. take of sweet c. 250 shekels Cant. 4. 14. spikenard, saffron, c. and cinnamon Ezek. 27. 19. c. was in the market of Tyrus CALDRON. 1 Sam. 2. 14. he struck it into the pan, c. or pot Job 41. 20. goeth smoke, as out of a seething c. Ezek. 11. 3. this city is the c. and we the flesh, 7. 11. this city shall not be your c. nor ye the flesh Mic. 3. 3. they chop them as flesh within the c. CALDRONS. 2 Chr. 35. 13. holy offerings sold they in pots and e Jer. 52. 18. c. also and spoons took they away, 19. CALF. Oen. 18. 7. Abraham fetched a c. tender and good Exod. 32. 4. after he had made it a molten c. 20. Moses burnt c. and strawed it on the water Lev. 9. 2. lake thee a young c. for a sin-offering 3. lake a c. and a lamb for a burnt-offering Deut.O.lS. ye had sinned against the Lord, and had made you a molten e. JVeA. 9. 13. Psal. 106.19. .Tob 21. 10. their cow calveth and casteth not her c. Psal. 29. 6. he maketh them also to skip like a c. Isa. 11. 6. the c. and the young lion together 27. 10. there shall the c. feed, and there lie down Jcr.34.18. when they cut the c. in twain and passed Ezek. 1. 7. their feet were like the sole of a c. foot Hos. 8. 5. thy c. O Samaria, hath cast thee off 6. the c. of Samaria shall be broken in pieces Luke 15.23. and bring hither the fatted e.and kill it 27. thy father halh killed the fatted c. 30. Acts 7. 41. and they made a c. in those days Rev. 4. 7. and the second beast was like a c. CALKERS. Ezek. 27. 9. ancients of Gebal were in thee thy c. CAL Ezek. 27. 27. thy c. shall fall into the midst of seas CALL Signifies, [1] To name, Gen. 1. 5. | 5. 2. [2] To appoint and qualify a person for some work and service, K.xod. 31. 5i. Isa. iiJ. 20. [3] 'I'o cause,by a powerful word,those t/iings to exist, which had no being before, Rom. 4. 17. [4] To invite, warn, and exhort by the dispejtsa tions of Frovidence, Ua.±l.l2. [5] Tocausi to grow, Ezek. 36. '^0. [G] To invite sinners to repentance, either by the ministry of the word, by awful dispensations of providence, by the motions of the Holy Spirit, or by their own consciences, Prov. 1. 24. Mat. 22. 14. [7] To briiig persons,by the preaching of the word and effectual operation of the ISpirit, to know, be- lieve, and obey the gospel, Horn. 8. 28, 30. [8] To own and acknowledge, Heb. 2. 11. [9] To worship, Gen. 4. 20. Acts 9. 14. [10] 7'o pray to, Paal. 50. 15. Jonah 1. ti. [11] To appeal to, 2 Cor. 1. 23. [12] To proclaim, Joel 1. 14. | 2. 15. [13] To reckon, or account, Mai. 3. 15. Acts 10. 15. [14] To be, Luke 1. 32. where it is said of Christ, Thou shall be called the Son of the Highest; that is. Thou shall really be, and be acknoicledged, the true, eternal, and essential Son of Ood. Gen. 2. 19. to Adam, to see what he would c. them Exod. 2.7. e. to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women 20. where is he t c. him that he may eat bread JVum. 16. 12. Moses sent to c. Dathan and Abiram 22.20. if the men c. thee, rise up and go with them Veut. 4. 7. as God is in all things we c. on him for 26. I c. heaven and earth to witness against you this day , shall not pro. your days, 30. 19. | 31. 28 Jud^.l6.25.c.forSamsonthat he maymake us sport 21. 13. they sent to c. peaceably unto them 1 Sam. 3. 6. here am I, for thou didst c. me, 8 16. 3. c. Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will shew thee 22. 11. then king sent to c. Ahimelech the priest 2 Sam. 17. 5. then said Absalom, c. now Hushai IKingsLW. c. Bathsh. || 32. c. Zadok and Nathan 8. 52. hearken to them in all they c. for unto thee come to me to sin to remembrance? 18. 24. and c. ye on the name of your gods, 25. 2 Kings 4. 12. Elisha said, c. this Shunamite 10. 19. c. unto me all the prophets of Baal Job 5. 1. c. now if there be any that will answer 13. 22. then c. thou, and I will answer, 14. 15. P«ai.4.1.hear when 1 c.O God of my righteousness 3. the Lord will hear when I c. unto him 14. 4. who eat up my people, and c. not upon Lord 20. 9. save. Lord, let the king hear us when we c. 49. 11. they c. their lands after their own names 77. 6. I c. to remembrance my song in the night 86. 5. and plenteous in mercy to all that c. on thee 99. 6. Samuel among them that c. on his name 102. 2. in the day when I c. answer me speedily 145. 18. the Lord is nigh all them that c. on him you,Omen, voice is to sons of men 9. 15. to c. passengers who go right on their ways 31. 28. her children arise, and c. her blessed Isa. 3. t 12. O my people, they who c. thee blessed cause thee to err, and destroy thy paths, 9. 1 10 5. 20. woe to them that c. evil good, and good evil 22. 12. in that day did the Lord c. to weeping 45. 3. I the Lord which c. thee by thy name 48. 2. for they c. themselves of the holy city 13. when I c. to them they stand up together 55. 6. c. ye upon him while he is near 58. 5. wilt thou c. this a fast to the Lord 1 13. e. the sabbath a delight, holy of the Lord 65. 15. and e. his servants by another name 24. it shall come,that before they c. I will answer Jer. 9. 17. consider and c. for the mourning women 33. 3. e. unto me, and I will answer thee Z,am.2.15.i9 this city men c. perfection of beauty? Hos. 1. 4. the Lord said, c. his name Jezrecl 6. God said unto him, e. her name Lo-ruhamah 9.C. his name Lo-ammi, for ye are not my people 7. 11. they c. to Egypt, they go to Assyria Joel 1. 14. sanctify a fast, e. solemn assembly, 2.15. Jonah 1. 6. O sleeper, arise, c. upon thy God Zech. 3. 10. ye shall c. every man his neighbour Mai. 3. 15. now we c. proud happy, they that work Mat. 9. 13 I am not come to c. the righteous, but sinners to repentance, Mark 2. 17. f^uke 5. 32. 20. 8. c. the labourers and give them their hire 22.3. sent his servants to c. them that were bidden 43. how then doth David in spirit c. him Lord ? 23. 9. c. no man your father upon the earth /.«4e6.46.whyc. ye me L. and do not things I say? 14. 13. when thou makest a feast c. the poor John 4. 16. go c. thy husband and come hither 13. 13. ye c. me Master and Lord, and ye say well ^r.ts 9. 14. to bind all that c. on thy name 10. 13. to c. over them which had evil spirits 24. 14. that after the way which they c. heresy Bom. 10. 12. same Lord is rich to all that c. on him 2 Cor. 1. 23. I e. God for a record upon my soul 59 CAL 2 TiJ«. 1. 5. when I c. to remembrance the faith 2. 22. follow peace with them that c. on the Lord JJeb. 2. 11. he is not ashamed to c. them brethren 10. 32. but c. to remembrance the former days Jam. 5. 14. let him c. the elders of the churcli 1 Tet. 1. 17. if ye c. on the Father who judgolh CALL on the name of the Lord. Gen. 4. 26. then began men to c. upon name of L. 1 Kings 18.24. 1 will c. on nameof L.Psal. 116.17. iKings S.ll.he will come out and c. on name of h. lC/irtfH.16.8.c.upon his 7iame,PAa/. 105.1. /sa.12.4. Joei2.32.whosoever shall c. on the name of the i. shall be delivered, Sets 2. 21. Horn. 10. 13. ZfyA.3.9. that they may all c. upon name of the L,. 1 Cor. 1.2. that in every place c.o?itAena7«eo/Z,. JVot CALL. Oen. 17. 15. shall not c. her name Sarai but Sarah Judg. 12. 1. and didst not c. us to go with tiiee Huth 1. 20. she said, c. me not Naomi, c. me Mara Psal. 14. 4. and they c. not upon the Lord Jsa. 31. 2. yet he will not c. back his words Jer.lO. 25. upon families that c. 7iot upon thy name Jjuke 14. 12. c. not thy friends, nor thy brethren John 15. 15. henceforth I c. you not servants Acts 10. 15. that c. not thou common, 11. 9. 28.God hath shewed me cany man common Shall, or shall CALL. Oen. 17. 19. and thou shall c. his name Isaac Deal. 25. 8. then the elders of his city shall c. him 30.1. thou shall c.them to mind among the nations 33. 19. they shall c. the people to the mountain Job 14. 15. thou shall c. and I will answer thee Psal. 50. 4. he shall c. to the heavens from above 2. 17. blessed in him, all nations «. c. him blessed Isa. 7. 14. shall c. his name Emmanuel, jV/at.1.23. 34. 12. they shall c. the nobles to the kingdom 41. 25. from rising of sun shall he c. on my name 44.5. another shall c.himself by the name of Jacob 7. and who, as I, shall c. and shall declare it? 55.5. thou shall c. a nation that thou knowest not 58.9. then shall thou c. and the Lord shall answer 60. 14. they shall c. thee the city of the Lord 18. shall c. thy walls salvation, and gates praise 61. 6. men shall c. you the ministers of our God 62.12. they shall c. them the holy people, redeemed Jer. 3. 17. they shall c. Jerusalem the throne of L. 19. shall c. mo, my father, shall not turn away 6. 30. reprobate silver shall men c. them 7. 27. s. c. to them, but they will not answer thee Hos. 2. 16. and thou shall c. me no more Baali Joel 2. 32. in the remnant whom the Lord shall c. .dmos 5.16. they s. c. the husbandmen to mourning Zech.l3.9.shall con my name and I will hear thom Mal.l.i. they sh.c. them the border of wickedness 3. 12. and all nations shall c. you blessed Mat. 1.21. thoix shall c. his name Jesus, shall save 10. 25. how much more shall c.them of household? Luke 1. 13. and thou shall c. his name John 48. behold, all generations shall c. me blessed Acts 2. 39. as many as the Lord our God shall c. then shall they c on him in whom Will CALL. Oen. 24.57.we will cthe damsel and inquire at her 30. 13. for the daughters will c. me blessed 1 .Sam. 12. 17. 1 will c. unto Lord, and he shall send 2 Sam. 22. 4. I will c. on the Lord, Psal. 18. 3. Job 27. 10. will the hypocrite always c. on God? Psal. 55. 16. as for me I tcill c. upon God, 86. 7. 80. 18. quicken us, and we 7cill c. on thy name 116. 2. therefore will I c on him as long as I Isa. 22. 20. that I will c. my servant Eliakim Jer. 1. 15. I will c. all the families of the norlh 25. 29. for I will c. for a sword, Kzek. 38. 21. £ze/i.21.23. he will c to remembrance the iniquity 36. 29. I will c. for the corn, and will increase it Acts 24. 25. a convenient season I will c. for thee Rom.0.25. Iwill c.them my people which were not CALL upon me. Ps.50.15.c.upon me in Aay of trouble,! will deliver 91. 15. he shall c upon me and I will answer him Prov. 1. 28. shall c upon me, but I will not answer Jer. 29. 12. shall ye c upon me and I will hearken CALLED. Oen. 11. 9. therefore is the name of it c. Babel 21. 17. the angel of God c to Hagar out of heaven 22. 11. the angel c to Abraham out of heaven 35. 10. thy name shall not be c. any more Jacob 18.C him Ben-oni, but his father c. him Bcnjam. 39. 14. she c to the men of her house, and spake Kzod. 1. 18. the king of Egypt c. for the mid wives 8. 8. Phar. c for M. 25. ] 9. 27. | 10. Ifi, 24. 1 12. 31. JV?;m. 13.10. Moses c Oshea son of Nun, Jchoshua Devt.S.l.Moeea c. all Israel and said to tliem,29.2. 15.2.not exact it.because it is cthe Lord's release 28. 10. shall see thou art c by name of the Lord ■Tosh. 21. t 9. gave these cities here r. by name Judg. 12. 1 1. the men of Ephraim were c. together 14. 15. have ye c. us to take that we have ? 15.17. he cast away the jaw-bone, and cthe place 18. Samson was sore athirst, and c. on the Lord CAL Judg.l5.]19. he c. it the well of him that c. or cried 16. 28. Samson c to the Lord and said, O Lord l.S'am.9. 9. that is now c a prophet, was e. a seer 2Sam. 6. 2. whose name is c. by tlie name of the L. 12. 28. lest I take city, and it be c after my name 18. 26. the watchman c. to the porter, and said 21. 2. the king c.theGibeonites, and said to them 1 Kings 1. 9. Adonijah c all his brethren, 19. 25. 18. 3. Ahab c Obadiah, who was the governor 2(5. they c on the name of Baal from morning 2^ijio-s4.22.she herhusband and said,send me 7. 10. they came and c to the porter of the city 1 Chron. i. 10. and Jabez c. on the God of Israel 13. 6. bring the ark of God, whose name is c on it 21. 26. David c on the Lord, he answered him no more,e.xcept she werecbyname 4. 11. who is not c I have not been c to come Job 17. 1 14. I have c. to corruption, my father Ps.53.4. eat up my people,lhey have not cupon G. 79. 6. the kingdoms that have note on thy name /i-a.31.4.a mult, of shepherds is cforth against him 43. 22. but thou hast not c on me, O Jacob 48.1. 0 Jacob, ye that are c. by the name of Israel 12. hearken unto me, O Jacob, and Israel my c. 61. 3. that they might be c. trees of righteousness Jer. 7. 32. that it shall no more be c. Tophet Lam. 1. 21. thou wilt bring day that thou hast c. 2. 22. thou hast c as a solemn day my terrors Ezek. 20. 29. and the name thereof is c Bamah Van. 5. 12. now let Daniel be c and he will shew Mal.1.16. of whom was born Jesus, who is cChrist 10. 2. the first Simon, who is c Peter 13. 55. they said, is not his mother c. Mary? 18. 2. and Jesus c a little child unto him 20. 16. for many be c. but few chosen, 22. 14. 32. and Jesus stood still, and c them, and said 23. 8. be ye not c Rabbi, one is your Master, 10. 26. 14. one of the twelve c Judas Iscariot 27. 17. or shall I release Jesus, c Christ? 22. Mark 10. 49. Jesus commanded him to be c. 14. 72. Peter c to mind the word that Jesus said Luke 1. 61. none of thy kindred is c by this name 62. they made signs how he would have him c. 15. 19. I am no more worthy to be c. thy son, 21. 19. 15. he commanded the servants to be c 23. 33. when come to the place that is c Calvary John 1. 48. before that Philip c thee I saw thee 4. 25. I know Messiah cometh, who is c Christ 9.11. a man c Jesus made clay and eyes Acts9.11.go into the streetc.Straight,for one cSaul 11.26. disciples were c Christians first at Antioch 13.7.who cfor Barnabas and Saul,desired to hear 9. then Saul, c Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost 15. 17. all the Gentiles on whom my name is c. 19. 40. to be c in question for this day's uproar 23. 6. 1 am c in question by you this day, 24. 21. 18. Paul the prisoner c and prayed me to bring Rom. 1. 1. Paul c. to be an apostle, 1 Cor. 1. 1. 6. among whom are ye also the c of Jesus 7. to them that are c to be saints, 1 Cor. 1. 2. 2. 17. thou art c a Jew, and restest in the law 8. 28. who are the c. according to his purpose 1 Cor. 1. 9. by whom ye were c to the fellowship 24. to them which are c both Jews and Greeks 26. not many mighty, not many noble, are c. 5. 11. if any man c a brother be a fornicator 7. 18. is any man c being circumcised? is any c. 21. art thou c being a servant? care not for it 24. let every man wherein he is c therein abide Oal. 1. 6. so soon removed from him that c you 5. 13. for, brethren, ye have been c to liberty Eph. 2. 11. who are c. uncircunicision by thatc. 4. 1. walk worthy of vocation wherewith ye are c 4. even as ye are c. in one hope of your calling Col. 3. 15. to the which ye are c in one body 4. 11. Jesus, which is c Justus, saluteth you 2 Tlies. 2. 4. who exalteth above all that is c God 1 Tim. 6. 12. eternal life, whereto thou art c 20. avoiding oppositions of science, falsely so c. Heb. 3. 13. but exhort daily while it is c to-day 9. 2. the tabernacle which is c. the sanctuary 15. they that are c might receive the promise H. 16. God is not ashamed to be c their God 24.Moses refused to be cson of Pharaoh'sdaugh. .Tarn. 2. 7. blaspheme that name by which ye are c 1 Pet. 2. 9. of him who hath c. you out of darkness 21. for hereunto were ye c. because Ch. suffered 3. 9. knowing that ye are thereunto c. to inherit 2 Pet. 1. 3. that hath c us to glory and virtue I .Tohn 3. 1. that we should be c the sons of God .Tude 1. to sanctified, preserved in J. Christ, and c Rev. 8. 11. the name of the star is c wormwood which spiritually is c Sodom and Egypt 12. 9. that old serpent c the Devil, and Satan 17. 14. they that are with him, are c and chosen 19. 9. blessed that are c to the marriage supper CALLED, joined with Crod, or Lord. Oen. 1. 5. God c" light day, darkness he c. night 8. and God c the firmament, Heaven 10. God c dry-land Earth, the waters c he Seas CAIi Gf7i.5.2.God hleeseJ them, and c. tlieir nameAdam Ezod.ZA.God c. to him out oftho midst ot'tlie bush 19. 3. the Lord c. to liim outof tlie mountain 20. the Ld. c. Mosea up to the top of the mount 35. 30. see, the Lord hath c. my name Bezaleel JVum. 12. 5. and the Lord c. Aaron and Miriam 1 Sam. 3. 4. the Lord c. Samuel, 6, 8, 10. iKings 3. 10. alas, L. hath c. these tluree kings, 13 8. 1. for the Ld. hath c. tor a famine on the land Ps. 50. 1. Lord hath c. the earth from rising of sun Jsa. 41. 2. the Lord raised, and c. him to his foot 42. 6. I the Lord have c. thee in righteousness 49. 1. the Lord hath c. me from the womb 54. 6. the Ld. hath c. thee as a woman forsaken Jer. 11. 16. Lord c. thy name a green olive-tree 20. 3. lire Lord hath not c. thy name Pashur Jimos 7. 4. tiie Lord God c. to contend by fire Acts 10. 10. gathering that the Lord had c. ua IC'or. 7. 15. but God hath c. us to peace 17. as the L. hath c. every one, so let him walk Oal. 1. 15. it pleased God, who c. me by his grace 1 TAess. 2. 12. who c. you to his kingdom and glory 4. 7. for God hath not c. us to uncleanness 2Thess. 2. 14. whercunto God c. you by our gospel 2 Tim. 1. 9. who hath c. us with a holy calling Heb. 5. 4. but he that is c. of God, as was Aaron 10. c. of God a high-priest after order of Melchis. IPet. 5. 10. the God of all grace, who hath c. us i/e CALLED. Oen. 21. 31. wherefore 7jc c. that place Beer-sheba 2G. 18. Afi c. their names as his father called them 35. 10. thy name is Jacob, lie c. his name Israel Exod. 24- 10- the L. c. to Moses out of the cloud Juilg. 6. 32. on that day he c. hira Jerubbaal 2Sam. L 7. when he looked he saw me and c. to me 13.17.then7i(;. c. his servant that ministered to him llCingsl.lO. butSolom. his brother Aec. not, 19.26 9. 13. he c. them land of Cabul to this day 2 flings 4. 36. and he c. to Gehazi, so he c. her 18. 4. he brake brazen serpent, he c. it Nehushtan Psal. 105. 16. he c. for a famine on the land Jer. 42. 8. then c. he Johaiian and all the captains L,am. 1. 15. he hath c. an assembly against mo F.zek. 9. 3. he c. to the man clothed with linen MaLlQ.l.hec. the twelve |{ 15. 10. Aec. multitude Mark L 20. straightway he c. them, and they left Luke 13. 12. when Jesus saw her, he c. her to him John 10. 35. if Ae c. them Gods, to whom the word jicls 9. 41. when he had c. the saints and widows 10. 23. then c. he them in, and lodged them 16. 29. then he c. for a light, and sprang in 19. 25. whom he c. together with the workmen 23. 23. he c. unto him two centurions, saying Rom. 8. 30. them Ae also c. whom Aec. he justified 9. 24. even us whom he hath c. not of Jews only IPet. 1. 15. but as he which hath c. you is holy See Cj^lled Hie name. I CALLED, or, / have CALLED. JVunt. 24. 10. / c. thee to curse mine enemies Jtidg. 12. 2. when / c. you, ye delivered me not \Sam. 3. 5. Eli said, I c. not, lie down again, 6. 28.15. / A. c. thee, thou mayest make known to me 'iSam. 22. 7. in my distress Ic. Psal. 18. 6. | 118. 5. JWA.5.12. Ic. the priests, and took an oath of them Job 9. 16. if / had c. and he had answered me 19.16. Ic. my servant, and he gave me no answer Psal. 17. 6. I have c. on thee, for thou wilt hear 31.17. let me not be ashamed, for / A. c. upon thee 88. 9. Lord, I have c. daily upon thee 116. 4. then c. /upon the name of the Lord Prov. 1. 24. because I have c. and ye refused Cant. 5. 6. / c. him, but he gave me no answer Isa. 13. 3. /A. c. ray mighty ones for mine anger 41. 9. I have c. thee from the chief men thereof 43. 1. / c. thee by thy name, thou art mine, 45. 4. 48. 15. yea, I have c. him, I have brought him 50. 2. when I c. was there none to answerl 51. 2. for / c. him alone, and blessed him 65. 12. when I c. ye did not answer, Jer. 7. 13. 66. 4. because when /c. none did answer Jer. 35. 17. because I h. c. to them, but they not X,(iJn.l.l9. 7c. for my lovers, but they deceived me 3. 55. / c. on thy name out of the low dungeon 57. thou drewest near in the day / c. upon thee JHbs.l 1.1. then fc. my Son out of Egypt, JVfat.2.15. Hag. 1. 11. and I c. for a drought upon the land Zech. 11. 7. one I c. Beauty, the other I c. Bands John 15. 15. not servants, but I h. c. you friends Jicts 13. 2. for the work whereunto Ih. c. them 28. 20. for this catise have I c. for you to see CALLED by my name. 'iChron. T.H. my people who are c. b. m. n. humble Isa. 43. 7. bring, even every one that is c. by my n. 65. 1. behold, to a nation that was not c. bit my n. Jer. 7.10. house c. b. m.n. 11,14,30. | 32. 34. j 34.15. 25.29. to bring evil on the city which is e. by my n. ^mos 9.12.remnant of heath, which are c. by my n. CALLED by thy name. 1 /Tm/TS 8.43.houBe I builded is c.hy (A!/n.2CA.0.33. /6-a.4.1.1ot us be c. take away our reproach 60 CAL /sa.43.1.I have c. thee by thy K.thou art mine, 45.4 63. 19. we are thine, they were not c. by thy n. Jer. 14. 9. OLord, we are thyn. leave us not 15. 16. for I am c. by thy n. O Ld. God of hosts £'071.9.18. and behold the city which is c. by thy n. 19. defer not, for thy city and peo. are c. by thy n. CALLED his name. Oen. 35. 10. thy name is Jacob, he c. his n. Israel 18. she c. his n. Bunoni, but his father Benjamin \Chron. 4. 9. his mother c. his n. Jabez, saying 7.16.she c. A. 7i. Poresh |{ 23. and he c. A. n. Beriah Mat. 1.25. her first born son, and hec. hisn. Jesus Rev. 19. 13. and his n. is c. the Word of God CALLED the name. Gen.28. 19. c. the n. of the place Beth-el, 35. 15. Exod. 16. 31. and Israel c. the n. thereof, manna 17.7.he c. the n. of the place Massah and Meribah 15. Moses c. the n. of the altar JEHOVAH-nissi jKrfn-.15.19. Samson c. the n. thereof En-hakkore iSam.5. 20. c. the n. of that place Baal-perazim \Kings 7. 21. c. the n. thereof Jachin, 2 CAr.3.17. Job 42. 14. and he c. the n. of the first, Jemima Sent and CALLED. Oen. 27. 42. she sent and c. Jacob her younger son 31.4. Jacob sent and c. Rachel and Leah to field 41. 14. then Pharaoh sent and c. Joseph Josh. 24. 9. Balak sent and c. Balaam to curse you Judg. 4. 6. she sc7it and c. Barak out of Kadesh 16. 18. she sent and c. the lords of the Philistines 2.S'am. 12. 25. he sent and c. his name Jedidiah \Kings 2. 36. the king sent and c. for Shimei, 42. 12. 3. they sent and c. Jeroboam, 2 Chron. 10. 3. Esth. 5. 10. Haman sent and c. for his friends Acts 20. 17. he sent to Ephesus, and c.tlie ciders Shall be CALLED. (reK.2.23.«A.6e c.woman,because takenout of man 17. 5. thy name shall be c. Abraham, for a father 21.12. hearken to Sarah's voice, for in Isaac shall thy seed be c. Rom. 9. 7. Heb. 11. 18. 32. 28. name shall be c. no more Jacob, but Israel 48. 6. thy issue shall be c. after their brethren Dent. 25. 10. his name sh- be c. in Israel, house of Prov. 10. 21. the wise in heart shall be c. prudent 24. 8. deviseth evil, s. be c. a mischievous person /,?a.4.3. that remaineth in Jerusalem sh. be c.holy 9.6.and his name sh. be c. Wonderful, Counsellor 19. 18. one shall be c. the city of destruction 32. 5. the vile person shall no more be c. liberal 35. 8. and a way, and it sh. be c. way of holiness 54. 5. the God of the whole earth shall he be c. 56. 7. house sh. be c. house of prayer, Jkfat.21. 13. Jer. 7. 32. it shall no more be c. Tophet, 19. 6. 23. 6. he sh. be c. Ld. our Righteousness, 33. 16. Zech. 8. 3. Jerusalem shall be c. a city of truth Mat. 1. t 23. and his name shall be c. Emmanuel 2. 23. it might be fulfilled, shall be c. a Nazarene 5. 9. peace-makers sh. be c. the children of God 19.he sh. be c. the least in the kingdom of heaven Lukcl. 32. and he shall be c. Son of the Highest 35. also that holy thing shall be c. Son of God 60. his mother said, not so; but he sh. be c. John 2. 23. every male shall be c. holy to the Lord Rom. 7. 3. if she be married, sh. be c. an adulteress 9. 26. they sfiall be c. the children of God Shalt be CALLED. /sa.1.26. thou shall be c. the city of righteousness 47.1. thou shall be c. no more tender and delicate 5. thou shall no more be c. lady of kingdoms 58. 12. thou shall be c. the repairer of the breach 62. 2. Shalt be c. by a new name, Ld. shall name 4. thou shall be c. Hephzi-bah, thy land Beulah 12. thou sh. be c. sought for, a city not forsaken Lukel.76. thou shall be c. Prophet of the Highest Johnl.42. thou sh. be c. Cephas, which is, a stone They CALLED. Oen.\9.5.they c. Lot, and said,where are the men? JVam. 25. 2. they c. the people to the sacrifices Judg. 16. 25. they c. for Samson out of the prison Esth. 9. 20. they c. these days Purim, after Pur Ps. 99. 6. they c. upon the Lord, and he answered Jer. 12. 6. they have c. a multitude after thee 30. 17. because they c. thee an outcast, saying 7/ they them, so they wentfromthem 7. though they c. them to the most High Mat. 10. 25. if they have c. the master Beelzebub Juke 1. 59. they c. him Zacharias, after his father John O.lS.they c. parents of him that received sight 24. then again they c. the man that was blind Actsi.\^.th. c. them, and commanded not to speak 5. 40. when they had c. the apostles, and beaten 14.12. they c. Barnabas, Jupiter, Paul, Mercurius IVas CALLED. Devi. 3. 13. which was c. the land of giants Judg. 6. t •'4. and Abiezer was c. after him 2 CA»-o?i. 20.26. place wnsc. the valley of Berachah Exra'2. 61. and was r. after their name, JVfA.7.63. Isa. 43. 8. least c. a transgressor from the womb Dan. 10. 1. whose name icas c. Belteshazzar Mat. 26. 3. the high priest, who was c. Caiaphas 27. 8. was c. the field of blood, unto this day CAL Z,wAel.36.8ixth month with her who was c. barren 2.21. his name K. c. Jesus, so nauitd of the angel JohnH.'i. Jesus w. c. and his disciples to marriage Ads 13.1. in the church Simeon, that icas c. Niger 24. 2. and when he was c. forth, Tertullus began 28. 1. they knew that the Island was c. Melita 1 Cor. 7.20. abide in the calling wherein he was c. Heb. 11. 8. Abraham when he was c. obeyed Jam. 2. 23. and he was c. the friend of God Rev. 19. 11. he that set on him was c. Faithful CALLEDST, CALLEST. Judg. 8. 1. that thou c. us not when thou wentest ISam. 3. 5. and he said, here am I, for thou c. me Ps. 81. 7. thou c. in trouble, and I delivered thee Eiek. 23.21. c. to remembrance lewdness of youth Mat. 19. 17. why c. thou me good 1 there is none good but God, Mark 10. 18. Luke 18. 19. CALLETH. 1 Kings 8. 43. hear thou in heaven, do according to all that the stranger c. to thee for, 2CAr. 6. 33. Job 12. 4. who c. on God, and he answered him Psal. 42. 7. deep c. unto deep at the noise of thy 147. 4. he c. them all by their names, Isa. 40. 20. Prov. 18. 6. a fool's mouth c. for strokes Isa. 21. 11. he c. to me out of Seir, watchman 59. 4. none c. for justice, nor any pleadeth 64. 7. and there is none that c. on thy namo Hos. 7. 7. there is none among them that c. to mo Amos 5. 8. that c. for the waters of the sea, 9. 6. Mat. 27. 47. this man c. for Ehas, Mark 15. 35. Mark 3. 13. c. to him whom he would, they came 6. 7. c. to him the twelve, and began to send them 8. 1. Jesus c. his disciples, and saith to them 10. 49. be of good comfort, arise, he c. thee 12. 37. if David therefore c. him Ld. Luke 20.44. Luke 15. 6. he c. together his friends, saying 9. she c. her friends and her neighbours 20. 37. when he c. the Lord, the G. of Abraham John 10. 3. and he c. his own sheep by name 11. 28. the master is come and c. for thee fto7«.4.17. c. things which be not, as tho' they were 9. 11. purpose of elect, might stand, of him thatc. 1 Cor. 12. 3. no man by the Spirit c. Jesus accursed Oal. 5.8. persuasion cometh not of him that c. you 1 Thess.5.^. faithful is he that c. you,who will do Rev. 2. 20. Jezebel, that c. herself a prophetess CALLING Signifies, [1] Any lawful employment, or way of living, ICor. 7.20. [2] That effectual calling, whereby sinners savingly believe, and obey the gospel, Phil. 3. 14. Heb. 3. 1. [3] The state of glory, and blessedness in heaven, to which be- lievers are called, 2 Thess. 1. 11. JVum. 10. 2. use trumpets for c. of the assembly /sa.1.13. the c. of assemblies I cannot away with Ezek. 23. 19. in c. to remembrance her youth Rom. 11. 29. the c. of God without repentance \Cor. 1. 26. for ye see your c. brethren, not many 7.20. let every man abide same c. wherein called Eph. 1. 18. may know what is the hope of his c. 4. 4. as ye are called in one hope of your c. Phil. 3. 14. for the prize of the high c. of God 2TAess.l.ll. that God count you worthy of this c. 2 Tim. 1. 9. who hath called us with a holy c. Heb. 3. 1. partakers of the heavenly c. consider 2Pe(. 1. 10. to make your c. and election, sure CALLING, Participle. Isa. 41. 4. c. the generations from the beginning 46. 11. c. a ravenous bird from the cast Mat. 11. 16. and c. to their fellows, Luke 7. 32. Mark 11. 21. Peter, c. to remembrance, saith Acts 7. 59. they stoned Stephen c. upon God 22. 16. wash away thy sins, c. on name of Lord \Pet. 3. 6. Sarah obeyed Abraham, e. him Lord Calm. Psal. 107. 29. he maketh the storm a c. Jonah 1. 11. that the sea may be c. unto us 12. cast me forth, so shall the sea be c. to you Jlfaf .8.26.there was a great c. JV/arM.39.Z,«ie8.24. CALVE, ED, ETH. Job 21. 10. their cow c. and casteth not her calf 39. 1. canst thou mark when the hinds do c? Psal. 29. 9. the voice of the L. maketh hinds to c. Jer. 14. 5. the hind c. in the field, and forsook it CALVES. a vision, 4 \Sam. 15. 10. 7cord of /,. c. to Samuel, saying 2Sam. 24. 11. c. the 7oo7-d of Lord to Gad, David's IKings 0. 11. iDord of Lord e. to Solomon, saying 16.1. icord of L.c. to Jehu aga. Baasha, saying,7, 17. 2. tbo word of Lord c. unto Elijah, 8. | 18.1. I 19. 9. I 21. 17, 28 18. 31. whom w). of L. c. saying, Israel thy name 'iKings 20. 4. the m. of L. c. to Isaiah, Isa. 38. 4. 1 Chr. 17. 3. w.ofL. c. to Nathan || 22. 8. to David 2CA.11.2.M!.((//,.c.toShemaiah,12.7.|lA'imfl-sl2.2-2. Jer. 1. 2. 7Dord of the Lord c. to Jeremiah, 4. | 2. 1. I 14. 1. 1 29. 30. I 33. 1, 19. Dan. 9. 2. Ezek. 1. 3. TV. of L. c. expressly to Ezekiel,3. 16. Hos. 1.1. lo.ofL. c. to Ilosea |{ .Joel 1. 1. c. to Joel Jonah 1. 1. word of Lordc. to Jonah, 3. 1. | Mic. 1. 1. to Micah ZcyA.l.l.M.o//..c.toZeph.||//a^.l.l.c.byHaggai Zcch.l.\. c. to Zech. || 7. 4. c. of hosts to me, 8.1. CAMEL. Oen. 24. 64. Rebekah saw Isaac, lighted of the c. Lev. 11. 4. these ye shall not eat, the c. Deut.W.l. \Sam. 15. 3. but slay infant, ox, and c. and ass ZecA.14.15. so shall be the plague of the c. and ass Mat. 19. 24. it is easier for a c. to go through the eye of a needle, Mark 10. 25. L7Lke 18. 25. 23. 24. which strain at a gnat and swallow a c. CAMELEON. Z>ev. 11.30. these shall be unclean, the c. the lizard CAM CAMELS. Gcn.l2.16.Abram had sheep,oxen,she-a8se3,andc. 24. 19. I will draw water tor thy c. also, 44. 30. 43. Jacob had much cattle, asses, and c. 31. 34. Rachel put them in the c. furniture 37. 25. Ishmaelites came with their c. bearing Exod. 9. 3. hand of the L. on the c. and the oxen .ludg. 6. 5. they and their c. withoutnumber, 7. 12. 8. 21. took away ornaments on their c. necks, 26. ISam. 27. 9. David took away c. and the apparel 30.17. save 400 young men who rode on c. and fled IKings 10. 2. came to Jerusalem with c. HCh. 9.1. 'iKings 8. 9. Hazael took a present forty c. burden ICAr. 5. 21. theReubenites look away of c. 50,000 12. 40. they of Zebulun brought bread on c. 27. 30. over the c. also was Obil the Ishmaelite Ezra 2. 67. their c. were 435. Xeh. 7. 69. Eslh. 8. 10. he sent letters by post on mules, c.l4. Job 1. 3. his substance also was three thousand c. 17. the Chaldeans fell on the c. and carried them Isa. 21. 7. he saw a chariot of asses and of c. 30.6. will carry their treasures on the bunches of c. 60. 6. the multitude of c. shall cover thee Jer. 49. 29. they shall take to themselves their c. 32. their c. shall be a booty, and their cattle Ezek. 25. 5. I will make Rabbah a stable for e. Mat. 3. 4. John had raiment of c. hair, Mark 1.6. CAMEST. Oen. 16. 8. Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence c. thou? 24. 5. bring again to the land from whence thou c. 27. 33. and I have eaten of all before thou c. £a;od.23.15. for in it thou c. out from Egypt, 34.18. JVu7n. 22. 37. wherefore c. thou not unto me? Deut. 2. 37. to the land of Ammon thou c. not 16. 3. remember the day thou c. thou c. in haste lSam.13.11. thouc. not within the days appointed 17. 28. Ehab said, why c. thou down hitherl USam. 11. 10. c. thou not from thy journey? 15. 20. whereas thou c. but yesterday, should I IKings 13. 9. not return by the way thou e. 17. 14. art thou the man of God that c. from Judah? 2Kings 19. 28. 1 will turn tliee back by the way by which thou c. Isa. 37. 29. ATeh. 9. 13. thou c. down also on mount Sinai Isa. 64. 3. thou c. down, the mountains flowed Jer. 1. 5. before thou c. forth, I sanctified thee Ezek. 32. 2. and thou c. forth with thy rivers ^/at.22.12. friend, how c. thou in hither not having Joh7i 6. 25. they said. Rabbi, when c. thou hither? 16. 30. we believe that thou c. forth from God Acts 9.17.Je3U3 appeared to thee in way,as thou c. CAMP. Exod. 14. 19. the angel of Lord went before the c. 16. 13. at even the quails came up and covered c. 32. 17. there is a noise of war in the c. 27. go thro' the c. and slay every man his brother 36. 6. they caused it to be proclaimed thro' the c. Lev. 17. 3. what man killeth any goat in the c? 24. 10. they strove together in the c. JVu»n.l.52.Israel shall pitch every one by his own c. 2. 3. on the east-side shall the c. of Judah pitch 4. 5. when c. setteth forward, Aaron shall come 15. as the c. is to set forward, ailer that the sons 11. 1. consume them in the utmost parts of thee. 26. Eldad and Medad prophesied in the c. Deut. 23. 10. he shall not come witliin the 14. the Lord walked in the midst of thy c. Josh. 6. 18. and make the c. of Israel a curse Judg. 7. 17. when I come to the outside of the c. 13. 25. Spirit of God began to move him in the c. 21. 8. there came none to the c. from Jabesh 12. young virgins, they brought them to the c. ISam. 4. 6. the noise of this great shout in the c. 13. t 23. the standing c. of the Philistines went 17. 17. and run to the c. to thy brethren IKings 16. 16. all Israel made Omri king in the c. 2Ki7igs such and such a place shall be my c. 7. 7. they left the c. as it was, and fled for life 8. and when these lepers came to the c. iKings 19. 35. the angel of the Lord smote in the c. of Assyrians 185,000, Isa. 37. 36. 2CAr. 22. 1. the band came with the Arabians to c. Psal. 78. 28. let it fall in the midst of their c. 106. 16. they envied Moses also in the c. Ezek. 4. 2. lay siege, set the c. also against it .Joel 2. 11. for his c. is very great, for he is strong Rev. 20. 9. compassed the c. of the saints about l7Uo the CAMP. /.cu.l4.8.afler that he shall come nifo c. 16. 26, 28. JVi/yn. 11. 30. Moses gat him i»i(o c. he and elders 2)fu£.23.11.sun i3down,he shall come into c.again ISam. 4. 7. the Philistines said, God is come into c. Out of the CAMP. Exod. 19. 17. Moses brought forth people out of c. /yct).10.4. come near, carry your brethren out of c. 14. 3. the priest shall go forth out of c. and look 17. 3. what man soever killeth a goat out of the c. 24. 23. should bring him that had cursed out of c. .ATum. 5. 2. command they put every leper out of c. 12. 14. let Miriam be BhiitoKto/tAse. seven days CAN JVum.l4.44.lhe ark andMoses departed nolout ofc. Z>cut.'23.10. unclean person shall go abroad o. ofc. I6'arn. 13. 1". spoilers came out of c. of Philistines 2iam.l. 2. behold, a man came out of c. from ;3aul 3. he said to h'lm, out of c. of Israel am I escaped Hound about the CAMP. JVM/n.ll.Sl.quails felljSpread them round ab. c- 32 Judg.l. 21. stood every man in place round ab. c. nUhout the CAMP. Ezod. 29. 14. the flesh of the bullock shalt thou burn without the c. Lev. 8. 17. | 9. 11. 1 16. 27 33.7. pitched tabern. sought Lord, went tcithout c. J^cv. (3. 11. and shall carry forth ashes w. the c. 13. 46. that hath the plague shall dwell w. the c. J^urn. 5. 3. every leper shall be put out without c. 15. 35. gatherer of sticks shall be stoned w. thee 19. 3. bring the red heifer w. the c. and slay her 31. 19. and do ye abide without the c. seven days Deut. 23. 12. thou shalt have a place also w. the c. Josh. 6. 23. Rahab left her kindred tcithout the c Heb. 13. 11. bodies of those beasts are burnt w. c 13. let us go forth to him without c. bearing his CAMP. Isa. 29. 3. I will c. against thee round about Jer. 50. 29. all ye that bend the bow c. against it JVoA. 3. 17. which c. in the hedges in the cold day CAMPED. Ezod. 19. 2. and there Israel c. before the mount CAMPS. Oe»i.32.t 2. he called the name of that place two c. J^um. 5.3. leper put out, that they defile not their c. 10.2. make two trumpets for journeying of the c. Amos 4. 10. I have made stink of your c. to come CAMPHIRE. Crin£. 1. 14. my beloved is to me as a cluster ofc. 4.l3.thy plants are an orchard of c. with spikenard CAN. 6en.41.38.Phara.Eaid, c. we find such a one as thisi Deut. 31. 2. I c. no more go out and come in 2Sam. 12. 23. he is dead, c. I bring him back again? 19.35. c. I discern, c. I hear voice of singing-men? Job 6. 6. c. that which is unsavoury be eaten? 8. 11. c. the rush grow without mire? c. the flag? 22. 2. c. a man be profitable to God ? 13. c. he judge through the dark cloud? 36. 29. c. any understand the spreading of clouds? Psal. 78. 19. they said, c. God furnish a table? 20. c. he give bread also? c. he provide flesh? 89. 6. who c. be compared? c. be likened to Lord? Prov. 6. 27. c. a man take fire in his bosom ? 28. c. one go on hot coals and not bo burnt? Isa. 46. 7. one shall cry, yet c. he not answer 49. 15. c. a woman forget her sucking child? Jer.'i.JQ. c. a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride 23. 24. c. any hide himself in secret places that I ^mos 3.3.c.two walk together exc. they be agreed? 5. c. a bird fall in a snare where no gin is for him? 8. Lord God hath spoken, who c. but prophesy? ^aM9.25.whoc.besaved?JV/ar/ilU.26.7>H/cel8.26. 27. 65. go your way, make it as sure as you c. JUark 2.19. c. the children of bride-chamber fast? 9. 29. this kind c. come forth but by prayer 10. 38. c. ye drink of the cup that I drink of? /.uAre6.39. spake a parable, c. the blind lead blind? John 1. 46. c. any good come out of Nazareth? 6. 60. this is a hard saying, who c. hear it? 10. 21. c. a devil open the eyes of the blind? 15. 4. no more c. ye, except ye abide in me .Acts 10. 47. c. any man forbid water, that these /Join.8.7.mind is not subject to !aw,nor indeed c.bc Jam. 2. 14. and have not works, c. faith save him? 3. 12. e. the fig-tree bear olive-berries? a vine figs? How CAN. Deut. 1. 12. how e. I alone bear your cumbrance? ISam.16.2. Aou) c. Igo,if Saul hear, he will kill me Ksth. H.6. howc.l endure to see evil or destruction Job 25. 4. how c. a man be justified with God ? Prov. 20. 24. how c. a man understand his way? Eccl. 4. 11. but how c. one be warm alone? Jer.Kl.l. how c. it be quiet seeing Ld. given charge tAoiocoTistthou be quiet seeing L. given charge ^aM2.34. how c. ye being evil speak good things? John 3. 4. how e. a man be born when he is old? 9. Nicodemus said, how c. these things be? 6. 52. how c. this man give us his flesh to eat? 14. S.Thomaa said, Lord, h. c. we know the way? Acts 8. 31. how c. I except some man guide me? CANNOT. Isa. 1. 13. the calling of assemblies I c. away with 29. 11. read this ; he saith, I c. for it is sealed Jer. 5. 22. yet the waves e. prevail, c. pass over 18. 6. c. I do with you as this potter, saith Lord? Dan. 2. 27. secret king demanded, c. astrologers Mat. 16. 3. e. ye discern the signs of the times? //uA; that a prophet perish out of Jeru. 16. 26. which would pass from hence to you c. ICor. 11. t 20. ye c. eat the Lord's supper Heb. 9. 5. of which we c. now speak particularly CANST. Ezod. 33. 30. thou c. not see my face and live 63 CAN X)eu«.28.27.with itch, whereof thou c.nol be healed Job 33.5.if thou c. answ. me, set thy words in order JUat.S.'i. Lord, if thou wilt, thou c. make me clean Mark 9. 22. it thou c. do any thing, have compas Acts 21.37.chief captain said,c. thou speak Greek? CANDLE Is a longroll or cylinder made of tallow, wax, iS-c. for giving light, Jer. 25. 10. Luke 15. 8. To which are compared, [1] The reasonable soul which is as a light set up in man by God, and as his deputy to observe and judge our actions, and to inform and direct us, Prov. 20. 27. [2] Ministers, or the gifts and graces which God bestows on men, which are not given them only for their own sakcs, but for the good of others also; as when men light a candle, they are not to hide it under a bushel, but to put it on a candlestick that it may communicate its light to all in the house. Mat. 5. 15. [3] The favour and blessing of God, which both direct and comfort the soul. Job 29. 3. They need no candle, Rev. 22. 5. Light, in its metaphorical notion, signifies knowledge, or comfort; The saints in heaven shall have noneed of any created beings to help them to either of these; God and Christ shall there fill their souls with knowledge and joy not to be expressed. Job 18. 6. his c. shall be put out with him 21. 17. how oft is the c. of the wicked put out? 29. 3. when his c. shined upon my head Ps. 18. 28. for thou wilt light my c. the L. my God Prov. 20. 27- the spirit of man is the c. of the Ld. 24. 20. the c. of 'he wicked shall be put out 31. 18. her c. goeth not out by night Jer. 25. 10. and from them the light of the c. Mat. 5. 15. nor do men light a c. and put it under a bushel, Mark 4. 21. Luke 8. 16. ] 11. 33. Luke 11. 36. when bright shining of a c. giveth light 15. 8. doth not she light a c. and sweep the house Rev. 18. 23. light of a c. shine no more in thee 22. 5. and they need no c. nor light of the sun CANDLES. Zeph. 1. 12. I will search Jerusalem with c. CANDLESTICK. In Exod. 25. 31, 32, &c. we read of the candlestick of gold with six branches, which Moses made by the command of God to be put into the taberna- cle: It was of hammered gold, a talent in weight: It had one foot of the same metal, and a stock with the branches adorned at equal dis- tances loilh six flowers like lilies, with as many bowls and knops placed alternately: Upon the stock and six branches of the candlestick were the golden lamps whichwere immoveablc,where- in there was put oil and cotton. It was placed on the south side in the holy place, and served to illuminate the altar of perfume, and the table of shew-bread, which were in the same place. The seven golden candlesticks represent the church, Rev. 1. 20. enlightened by the Spirit of God with his sevcn-fold,or various operations, Rev. 1.4. .'Jjid a candlestick may be an emblem of the church, which has not the light it shews from itself , but only holds it forth from Christ. Exod.'25.31. makec. of pure gold, 37.17. JVim. 8.4. 33. six branches that came out of the c. 37. 19. 34. in the c. shall be four bowls, 37. 20. 26. .■?5. thou shalt set the c. over against the table 40. 24. put the c. in the tent of the congregation I^ev. 24. 4. he shall order the lamps on the c. JVum. 3. 31. their charge shall be the ark and c. 4. 9. shall take a cloth and cover the c. of light 8. 2. the lamps shall give light over against the c. 2^in^.94.10.1etusset f'orhimthereabed,a table, ac. IChr. 28. 15. lamps of gold, by weight for every c. 2Chr. 13. 11. also set they in order the c. of gold Dan. 5. 5. and wrote over against the c. on plaister Zech. 4. 2. I looked, and behold a c. all of gold 11. two olive-trees on the right side of the c. Mat. 5. 15. but on a c. and it giveth light to all in the house, Luke 8. 16. | 11. 33. Mark 4.21. is a candle bro't not to be set on ac? Heb. 9.2. the first, wherein was the c. and the table Rev.2.5.Tepent, else I will come and remove thy c. CANDLESTICKS. \Kings 7. 49. made the c. of pure gold, 2CAr. 4.7. IChron. 28. 15. even the weight for the c. of gold .ler. 52. 19. he took away the e. spoons, and cups Rev. 11. 4. the two c. standing before the Lord See Seven. CANE. Isa. 43. 24. hast bought me no sweet c. with money .Ter. 6. 20. and the sweet c. from a far country CANKER, ED. 2Tim. 2. 17. and their word will eat as doth a c. fam. 5. 3. your gold and silver is c. and the rust CANKER-WORM. .Toel 1. 4. hath c. eaten, and what c. left, 2. 25. M'ah. 3. 15. shall eat thee like c. make thyself as e. 16. the c. spoileth, and flieth away CAP CAPTAIN Is a name applied, [IJ To the king, or prince of a people, 1 Sam. 9. 16. [2] 7'« a chief inarshal, Gen.37.t36. [3] To a general, or commander in an army. Gen. "ti. 'iX. 2Sani. 5. 8. [4] To the head of a family, or tribe. Num. 2. 3. [5] To the governor of a province. Hag. 1. f 1. [6] To such as have the command of a company, consisting sometimes of more, sometimes of fewer men, Deut. 1. 15. Christ Jesus is called the Captain of salvation, Heb. 2. 10. He is the author and guide, or leader to salvatio7i. He by his stiffcriitgs and death merited salvation for his people; by his word and Spirit fits them for it; he vanquishes all opposers of it; and puts them finally into the actual possession of it in heaven. Gc7i.37.36. sold Joseph to Potiphar, c. of the guard 40. 4. c. of the guard charged Joseph with them JVuTn. 2. 3. Nahshooj c. of the children of Israel 5. Nethaneel, c. ot the children of Issachar 14. 4. let us make a c. and return, JVcA. 9. 17. Josh. 5. 14. but as c. of the host of the Ld. I come 15. the c. of the Lord's host said to Joshua jKrf^.4.2.c.of Jabin'shostwasSisera,7. lSam.12.9. 11. 6. they said to Jephthah, come and be our e. 11. the people made him head and c. over them lSa7n.9.16.shalt anoint him c. over my people, 10.1. 13.14.Ld. commanded him to be c. over his people 17. 18. carry these ten cheeses to c. of thousand 22. 2. and David became a c. over them 2Sa?n.5.2. thou shalt feed, and be a c. over Israel 8. he shall be chief and c. IChron. 11. 6. 19. 13. if thou be not c. of host in room of Joab 23. 19. Abishai was therefore their c. IKings 16. 16. Isr. made Omri, c. of the host, king 2Kings 1. 9. the king sent a c. with his fifty 11. he sent to him another c. with his fifty, 13. 4.13.wouldest thou be spoken for to tJie c. of host? 5. l.Naaman, c. of the host of the king of Syria 9. 5. he said, I have an errand to thee, O c. 15. 25. Pekah, a c. of his, conspired against him 18.24. will turn away the face of one c. /sa.36.9. 20. 5. and tell Hezekiah the c. of my people 25.8. came Nebuzar-adan, c. of guard, Jcr.52.12. 1 19. took away scribe ofc. of host, Jer. 52. j 25. ICAr. 11. 21. more honourable, for he was their c. 19. 18. killed Shophach c. of host, 2Sam. 10. 18. 27. 5. the third c. Benaiah || 7. fourth e. Asahel 8. the fifth c. Shamhuth 1| 9. the sixth c. Ira 2Chron. 13. 12. God himself is with us for our c. Isa. 3. 3. the Lord doth take away the c. of fifty Jer. 37.13. a c. of the ward, Irijah, took Jeremiah 40. 2. the c. of the guard took Jeremiah, and said 5. c. gave victuals and a reward, and let him go 51. 27. call together, appoint a c. against her Hag. 1. 1 1. word came to Zerubbabel, c. of Judah Joh7t 18. 12. then the band and the c. took Jesus .'lets 5. 26. then the c. with officers went and bro't Hcb.'H.U). to makec. of their salvation perfect thro' CAPTAINS. Exod.'[5.4.b\s chosen c. also are drowned in Red-s. .Vum. 31.14.Moses was wroth with c. of thousands Deut. 1. 15. I made wise men c. over thousands 20. 9. shall make c. of the army to lead tlie people 1 Sam. 8. 12. he will appoint him e. over thousands 22.7.wiil son of Jesse make you allc.of thousands? 2Sam. 18. 5. when the king gave all the c. charge 23. 8. that sat in the seat, chief among the c. t 13. the three c. came to the cave of Adullam IKings 2. 5. thou knowest what Joab did to the c. 9. 22. they were his princes, and c. and rulers 20. 24. take kings away, and put c. in their rooms 22. 33. when the c. perceived that he was not the king of Israel, they turned back, 2C//r. 18. 32. 2ir!77^sll.l5.Jehoiada commanded c. of hundreds IChron. 4. 42. having for c. Pelatiah and Neariab 11.15. now three of the 30 c. went down to David 12. 34. of Naphtali a thousand c. and with them iChron. 21. 9. Jehoram smote the Edomitesand e. 33. 11. Lord brought on them the c. of the host JWA.2.9. the king had sent c. of the army with me .lob 39. 25. the thunder of the c. and the shouting .Ter. 13. 21. for thou hast taught them to be e. 51.23.with thee will I break in pieces e. and rulers 57. I will make drunk her c. and her rulers Ezck. 21. 22. c. to open the mouth in the slaughter 23.6. e. and rulers alJ desirable young men, 12, 23. Da7i. 3. 27. the c. saw these men on whose bodies 6. 7. the c. have consulted to establish a statute JVaA. 3. 17. and thy c. as the great grasshoppers ./l/flr*6.21.Herod on birth-day made supper to his c. Luke 22. 4. Judas went and communed with the c. Rev. 19.18. may eat the flesh ofc. and mighty men CAPTIVE. Gen. 14. 14. heard that his brother was taken e. 34. 29. their wives took they c. and spoiled all jEiorf.12.29. unto the first-born of the e. in dungeon Deut. 21. 10. and thou hast taken them c. 2Kinffs5. 2. and had brought away c. a little maid CAP HKings 6.33.8mite those thou hast takenc.with thy /sa.49.21.I aindesoIate,ac.and removing to and fro 24. or shall the lawful e. be delivered? 51.14.the c. exile hasteneth,that he may be loosed 52. 2. loose thyself, O c. daughter of Zion Amos 6. 7. they shall go c. with the first that go c. iTim. 2. 26. who are taken c. by him at his will Carry or carried CAPTIVE, or CAPTIVES. Ge»i.31.26. carried away my daughters as c. taken J^wm. 24. 22. until Ashur shall carry thee away c. \Kings8AQ.iha.i theycarrythem awayc.2CA.6.36. 47. if they shall bethink themselves in the land whither they were carried c. 'iChron. 6. 37. SKings 15. 29. Tiglath-pileser carried them c. to 16. 9. he carried the people of Damascus c. to Kir IC/tron. 5.6. whom the king of Assyria carried c. ^Chron. 25. 12. other 10,000 did Judah carry c. 28. 5. they carried away a great multitude c. 8. Israel carried c. of their brethren 200,000 Ps.106. 46. be pitied of those that carried them c. 137.3. they that carried us c. required of us a song Jer. 13. 17. because the Lord's flock is carried c. 19. Judah shall be wholly carried away c. 20.4. he shall carry them c. to Babylon, and slay 24.5. I will acknowledge them that are carriedc. 27. 20. took not when he carried c. Jeconiah 29. 4. saith the Lord to all that are carried c. 14. 1 will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away c. 40. 1. Judah which were carried away c. 52. 27. 7. of them that were not carried c. to Babylon 41. 10. Ishmael carried away c. all the residue 43.12.shallcarri/theEgyptianse.and array himself 52.29. Neb. carried c. from Jerusalem 832 persons 30. carried away c. of the Jews 745 persons L,am. 4. f 22. he will carry thee c. for thy sins Ezek. 6.9. nations, whither they shall be carried c. Dan. 11. 8. and shall also carry c. into Egypt Amos 1. 6. because they carried c. the captivity Obad. 11. in the day that strangers carriedc. his Carrying CAPTIVE. Jer. 1. 3. to the carrying away of Jerusalem c. Lead, or led CAPTIVE. Judg.o.Vi.lead thy captivityc.thouson of Abinoam lKings8.48.\n land of their enemies whoierf theme. 2Chron. 30. 9. compassion before them that lead c. Psal. 68. 18. thou hast led captivity c. Epii. 4. 8. Jer. 22. 12. die in place whither they led him c. Amos 7. 11. Israel shall be led c. out of their land JV(jA.2.7.Huzzab shall be led c.her maids shall lead Liuke 21. 24. shall be led away c. into all nations 2Tim. 3. 6. lead c. silly women laden with sins CAPTIVES. JVkhj. 31.9. Israel took all the women of Midian c. 12. they brought the c. || 19. purify your e. Deut. 21.11. seest among the c. a beautiful woman 32. 42. mine arrows drunk with the blood of the c. ISam. 30. 5. David's two wives were taken c. ZKings 24.14. he carried from Jerusalem 10,000 c. ZChron. 28. 11. hear me, and deliver the c. again 13. and said, ye shall not bring in the c. hither Isa. 14. 2. shall take them c. whose c. they were 20. 4. lead away the Ethiopians c. young and old 45.13.heshallletgomy c. not for price nor reward 49. 25. the c. of the mighty shaU be taken away 61. 1. to proclaim liberty to the c. Luke 4. 18. Jer. 48. 46. thy sons and daughters are taken c. 50. 33. and all that took them c. held them fast £ I was among the c. by theriverChebar 16. 53. 1 will bring again the captivity of thy c. Dan. 2. 25. I have found a man of the c. of Judah CAPTIVITY. Ctod generally punished the vices and infidelities of his peoplebydiffcrent captiviticsorscrnitudes whcreinto he permitted them to fall. After the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt, there are reckoned six bondages or captivities during the go oernment of Judges : The first underChu- shan-rishathaim, Icing of Mesopotamia, which continued about eight years, Judg. 3. 8. The second underEglon, king of Moab, from which they were delivered by Ehud, Judg. 3. 14, 15. Thethird under thePhihs\\nes,out of which they were rescued by Shamgar, Judg. 3. 31. The fourth urerfer Jabin, king of Razor, from which they were delivered by Deborah and Barak, Judg. 4. 22, 23. The fifth under the Midianites, from which Gideon freed them, Judg. 6. 2, 12. The sixth under the Ammonites and Philis- tines, during the judicatures of Jephthah, Ib- zan, Elon, Abdon, Eli, Samson, Samuel. The greatest and most remarkable captivities of the Hebrews, were those of Judah and Israel, which happened under the kings of each of these kingdoms. Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, in the year of the world 3264, took several cities belonging to the kingdom of Israel, and carried away a great number of captives, principally from the tribes o/ Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of WLstmsaeh, 64 CAP ZKings 15. 29. JVeit to him, Shalmaneser took and destroyed Samaria, after a siege of three years,in'£!Si,and transplanted the tribes which had been spared by Tiglath-pileser, to the pro- vinces beyond the Euphrates, 2A"in^sl8.9,10,ll. And it is generally believed that there was no re- turn from this captivity, and that the ten tribes never came back again after their dispersion. As to the captivities o/ Judah ; i?i the fifth year of Rehoboam, son of Solomon, Shishak, king of Egypt, caine up against Jerusalem with a numerous army, and sacked the city, took away the treasures out of the house of the Lord, and out of the house of the king, 2 Chron. 12. 2. Afterwards,in the reign o/Hezekiah,Sennacherib king of Assyria sent a great army and laid close siege to it. Upon this Hezekiah/orti^ed and repaired it, 2 Chron. 32. 5. and the hand of the Lord being with him, for he was a pious good king, the Assyrians, after a time, were forced to raise the siege, not being able to take the city, yet after this, it was taken and plun- dered three several times by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon ; first, in the reign of Jehoi- akim ; again, m that o/ Jehoiachin, /«> son; and a third time, in that of Zedekiah his bro- ther ; when he burnt the whole city, and carried away all the people to Babylon, where they re- mained seventy years, Jer. 25. 12. Upon their being permitted to return by Cyrus king of Persia, after they had remained in cap- tivity seventy years, Zerubbabel rebuilt the temple, and Nehemiah the city ; and Ezra the priest and scribe restored the law. And thus they stood,till the time o/ Antiochus,Epiphanes, who plundered the city, burned the law, and profaned the temple. But all was soon after set right again by the valorous conduct o/ Judas Maccabeus; and they continued in a flourishing condition for many years ; till Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, two brothers, contending about the crown, Pompey, who at that time was at the head of the Roman army in Syria, took advantage of the dissen- sion, and seized the city; which Antigonus, the son of Aristobulus, by the assistance of the Parthians, soon after recovered. From him it was presently after taken by the first Herod, who, by the favour of the Romans, and the assistance of their Proconsul of Syria, was declared king thereof. Thenceforward it continued in subjection, some- times to the Herods, but mostly to governors sent from Rome, till about forty years after the Jews had crucified Christ, because of the re- bellious disposition of its inhabitants, it was, together with the temple, utterly destroyed and levelled with the ground, by Titus, the son of Vespasian Caisar. After which, the Jews never attempted more to return to it. It is said. Job 42. 10, that The Lord turned the captivity of Job, that is, he brought him out of that state of bondage in which he had been so long held by Satan and his own spirit, and out of all his distresses and miseries. In Eph. 4. 8, He led captivity captive. He led them captive who had led others into captivity. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the head of the church, by his ascension and victory over death, Satan, and sin, conquered and triumphed over them and all our spiritual enemies. J^um. 21. 29. he hath given his daughters into c. Deut. 21. 13. he shall put the raiment of c. from her 30. 3. Lord will turn thy c. and have compassion ladg. 18. 30. till the day of the c. of the land 2Kings 24. 15. those carried he into c. to Babylon 25. 27. in thirty seventh year of the c. Jer. 52. 31. ICAr. 5. 22. they dwelt in their steads until the c. 6.15.Jehozadak went into c. when the Ld. carried ^Chron. 6. 37. if they pray to thee in the land of c. 38. if they return to thee in the land of their c. 29. 9. our sons and our wives are in c. for this Ezra 9. 7. have been delivered to c. and to a spoil JVeA. 1.2. the Jews which were left of the c. 4. 4. give them for a prey in the land of their e. Esth. 2. 6. Mordecai carried away with the c. Job 42. 10. and the Lord turned the c. of Job Ps. 14. 7. when the Lord bringeth back the e. 85.1. 78. 61. and he delivered his strength into c. 126. 1 . when the Lord turned again the c. of Zion 4. turn again our c. OLord, as streams in south Isa. 5. 13. therefore my people are gone into c. 20. 1 4. so Assyria shall lead away the c. of Egypt 22. 17. Lord will carry thee away with a mighty c. 46. 2. but themselves are gone into c. 49. t 25. c. of the mighty shall be taken away Jer. 15. 2. such as are for the c. to the c. 43. 11. 24. t 5. as good figs, so will I acknowledge the c. 29. 14. I will turn away your c. saith the Lord, 30. 3. I 32. 44. 1 33. 7, 11, 26. CAR .ler. 29. 20. hear ye, all ye of c. || 28. this c. is long 22.shall be taken up a curse by all the c. of Judah 31. send to all them of the c. saying,thus saith Ld. 30. 10. and thy seed from the land of their c. 46. 27. 48. 11. Moab is at ease, nor hath he gone into c. t46.woe to thee,OMoab,thy sons are taken intoc. I^am.1.3. Judah is gone into c. because of affliction 5. her children are gone into c. before the enemy 2.14.they have not discovered, to turn away thy c- 4. 22. he will no more carry thee away into c. Ezek. 1. 2. was the fifth year of Jehoiachin's c. 3. 11. get to them of the c. and speak to them 15. then I came to them of the c. 11. 24. 11. 25. I spake to them of the c. all things 12. 7. I brought forth my stuff, as stutf lor c. 16. 53. when I shall bring again their c. the c. of Sodom, and the c. of Samaria, and her daugh. 25. 3. when thou went into c. thou saidst. Aha 33. 21. in the twelfth year of the c. one escaped 39. 23. that the house of Israel went into c. 40. 1. in the five and twentieth year of our c. Da7i. 6. 13. Daniel which is of the c. of Judah 11. 33. shall fall by c. and by spoil many days Hos. 6. 11. when I return the c. of my people Amos 4.tl0. slain young men with c. of your horses Obad. 20. the c. of this host, the c. of Jerusalem Mic. 1 . 16. for they are gone into c. from thee JVaA. 3. 10. No went into c. her children dashed Hab. 1. 1 7. from them shall proceed the c. of these 9. and they shall gather the e. as the sand Zeph. 2. 7. the Lord shall turn away their c. 3. 20. Zech. 6. 10. take of them of the c. even of Heldai Rom. 7. 23. and bringing me into c. to the law of sin 2Cor. 10. 5. bringing into c. every thought to obed. See Captive. Bring CAPTIVITY. Ezra 1. 11. he did bring up with them of the c. Ps. 53. 6. when God bringeth back e. of his people Jer. 30.18. 1 will bring again the c. of Jacob's tents 31. 23. when I shall bring again their e. 48. 47. yet will I bring again the c. of Moab 49. 6. I will bring again the c. of Ammon 39. 1 will bring again the c. of Elam, saith the L. Ezek. 29. 14. 1 will bring again the c. of Egypt 39. 25. now will I bring again the c. of Jacob Joel 3. 1. when I bring again the c. of Judah Amos 9. 14. I will bring again the c. of my people Children of CAPTIVITY. £zra4.1.heard that cAi7dr.o/ c. builded the temple 6. 16. the rest of cAiWrereo/c. kept the dedication 19. the childr. ofc. kept passover on the 14th day 20. killed passover for children ofc. and brethren 10.7. they made proclamation to the children ofc. 16. the childr. ofc. did so, and all were separated Z)aji.5.13. Daniel which art of child, ofc. of Judah Oo into CAPTIVITY. 73c?t«.26.41. thy sons and daughters shall go intoc. ,7fr.20.6.thou and all in thine house shall go into c. 22.22. eat thy pastors and thy lovers shall ^omto c. 30.16.adversaries,every one of them shall^o in.c. 46. 19. O daughter, furnish thyself to go into c. 48.7.Chemosh go into c. \\ 49.3.their kings ^o in.c. Ezek. 12. 4. shalt go forth, as they that go into c. 30. 17. and these cities shall go into c. 18. as for Egypt, her daughters shall go info c. Amosl.5.the people of Syriashall go in. c.unto Kir 15. their king shall go into c. he and his princes 5.5. for Gilgal shall surely ^0 intoc. and Beth-el 27.therefore will I cause you to go into c. beyond 7. 17. Israel shall surely go into c. forth of his land 9. 4. and tho' they go intoc. before their enemies Zech. 14. 2. and half of the city shall go into c. Rev. 13. 10. he that leadeth into c. shall go into c. 0««o/ CAPTIVITY. Eira'2. 1. now these went up out of c. J^eh. 7. 6. 3. 8. all that were come up out of c. JWA. 8. 17. C. 21. the children of Israel which were come again out of c. kept the feast with joy 8. 35. were come out of c. offered to God of Israel CARBUNCLE, S. Exod. 28. 17. the first row shall be a c. .39. 10. Isa. 54. 12. and I will make thy gates of c. Ezek. 28. 13. the topaz and c. were thy covering CARCASE. Lev. 5. 2. touch c. of unclean thing, is unclean 7. t 24. fat of the c. may be used, but not eaten 11. 8. their c. ye shall not touch, Deut. 14. 8. 17. t 15. every soul that eateth a c. shall wash Deut. 28. 26. thy c. shall be meat unto fowls of air Josh. 8. 29. that they should take his c. down Tudg. 14. 8. to see the c. of the lion, honey in the c. IKings 13.22.thy c. shall not come to the sepulchre 24. his c. cast in the way, a lion stood by the c. 'iKings 9. 37. the c. of Jezebel shall be as dung Isa. 14. 19. cast out as a c. trodden under feet J/at.24. 28. where the c. is, there will the eagles be CARCASES. Gen. 15. 11. when the fowls came down on the c. /.CM.n.ll. ye shall have their abomination,26. 26. 30. I will cast your c. on the c. of your idola CAR JVum. 14. 29. your c. shall fall irijhe wilderness mam. 17. 46. I will give the c. oftiie Pliilistiiiua Isa. 5 25. their c. were torn in midst ol' tlie streets 34. 3. their stink shall come up out of their c. 66.24. look oil c. of them that have transgressed Jer. 7. 33. and the c. of this peoiile shall be meat for the fowls of heaven, 16. 4. | 19. 7. 16.18.they have filled mine inheritance with the c. Ezek. 6. 5. X will lay the c. of Israel before idols 43. 7. ray name no more delile by c. of their kings 9. let them put the c. of their kings far from mo JVuA. 3. 3. and there is a great number of c. //cA.3.17.grieved with them whose c. fell in w ilder. CARE Is applied, [I] To God, (1) In general, inrespect of his care for all his creatures, Mat. 6. 26, 30. ICor. 9. 9. (2) III particular, in respect of the godly, 1 Pet. 5. 7. [II] 7'o men, and is either lawful, (1) when they endeavour to please God to mourn for their sins, and amend what has been arniss in their conduct, 2 Cor. 7. 11. (2) When they are concerned and solicitous about the welfare of others, and the salvation of their souls, 2Cor.7.12. Phil.2.20. (3) IVhen they mo- derately take thought for the things of this pre sent life, resigning themselves at the same time to tlie icill and providence of God, IPet. 5 Or unlawful, (1) JVhcn they are careful about things that are not in any case warrantable, as to make provision for theJlesh,to fulfil the lusts thereof, (2) When they have apcr- plcjcing distrustful care about things which in their own nature arelawful and warrantable^as for one to be so diligent in his particular calling as to be careless of the worship of God, or to distrust his providence, Mat.13. 22. Lukel0.41. We are not careful to answer thee in this matter, Dan. 3. 16. The case is so plain, that it admits no dispute, or deliberation; it requires no an- swer at all, at least in words, but rather in deeds of constancy and courage on our parts. iSam. 10. 2. thy father hath left the c. of the asses 2Kingsi.l3.hast been careful for us with all this c. .fcr. 49. 31. the nation that dwelleth without c. Ezek. 4. 16. shall eat bread by weight and with c. Mat. 13.22. the c. of this world chokes the word X-Mie 10. 34. he tookc. of him || 35. take c. of him ICor. 9. 9. doth God take c. for o-xen? 12. 25. should have the same c. one for another iCor. 7. 12. but that our c. for you might appear 8. 16. put the same earnest c. in Titus for you 11. 28. besides the c. of all the churches ITim. 3. 5. how shall he take c. of church of God IPet. 5. 7. casting your c. on him, for he curoth CARE, ED. 25am. 18. 3. for if we flee, they will not c. for us Psal. 142. 4. refuge failed, no man c. for my soul f^uke 10. 40. dost thou note, that my sister left me7 Johti 12. 6. this he said, not that he c. for the poor ..'lets 18.17. and Gallio c. for none of those things ICor. 7. 21. art called being a servant, c. not for it Phil. 2. 20. who will naturally c. for your state CAREFUL. 2Kings 4. 13. behold thou hast been c. for us with Jer. 17. 8. and shall not be c. in the year of drought /?an.3.16.0 Nebuchad.we are not answer thee jAike 10. 41. Martha, thou art c. about many things 12. t 29. live not in c. suspense Phil. 4. 6. c. for nothing, but by prayer let requests 10. wherein ye were c. but lacked opportunity Tit. 3. 8. they might be c. to maintain good works CAREFULLY. Deut. 15. 5. if thou c. hearken unto the Lord 'iChron. 36. f 15. sending his messengers c. Mic. 1. 12. for the inhabitant of Maroth waiteth c. Phil. 2. 28. I sent him therefore the more c. Hcb. 12. 17. though ho sought it c. with tears CAREFULNESS. Ezp.k. 12. 18. drink thy water with trembling and c. 19. they shall eat their bread with c. and drink ICor. 7. 32. but I would have you without c. 2Cor. 7. 11. what c. it wro't in you, what clearing CARELESS. .Tudg. 18. 7. the five men saw how they dwelt c. Isa. 32.9. hear my voice, ye c. daughters, give ear lO.shall be troubled ye c. women || 11. ye c. ones Eiek. 30. 9. to make the c. Ethiopians afraid CARELESSLY. Isa. 47. 8. hear now this thou that dwellcst c. Kick. .39. 6. send a fire among them that dwell c. Zeph. 2. 15. this is the rejoicing city that dwelt c. CARES. Mark 4. 19. the c. of this world choke the word I.ukc 8. 14. and they are choked with c. and riches 21.34. lest be overcharged with the c. of this life CAREST, ETH, ING. Deut. 11.12. a land which the Lord thy God c. for l-Sam. 9. 5. lest my father leave e. for the asses Mat. 22. Ifi. thou art true, nor c. thou for anv man Mark 4 38. Master, c. thou not that we perish? 65 CAR Mark 12.14. know thou art true, and c. for no man JoAnl0.13. because a hireling c. not for the sheep ICor. 7. 32. that is unmarried c. for the things, 34. 33. that is married, c. for things of the world, 34. lPet.5.7.casting your care on him, for he c. for you CARNAL Signi&es, Belonging totheflcsh,Jlcshly,oisensual. This word is applied, [1] To such as arc in a natural unregenerated state, who are enemies to God, and given to sensual pleas ures , ioha'3. 6. Rom.8.7. [2] To one who is in part renewed by the grace of God, yet so as that there are re- mainders of sin and corruj)tion, which oppose and war against this gracious principle, Rom. 7.14. Such a one is carnal, in par^ m regard of theremainders of corruption; aitd comparative- ly, in respect of the purity of the law of God. [3] To the ceremonial law, which consisted of such rites, ceremonies, and ordinances, as only related to the body and tlic purifying of the flesh, but did not reach the soul, Heb. 9. 10. [4] To worldly things, such as silver and gold, and other things needful for the sustcntation of the body, Rom. 15. 27. 1 Cor. 9. 11. Iiom.l.\i. law is spiritual, but I am c. sold under 8. 7. because the c. mind is enmity against God 15. 27. duty is to minister to them in c. things ICor. 3. 1. but as unto c. even to babes in Christ 3. for ye are yet c. || 4. are ye not c? 9. 11. is it a great thing if we reap your c. things? 2Cor.lO. 4. the .weapons of our warfare are not c. Heb.T.lG. made not after the law of a c. command. 9.10.which stood in c.ordinanccs imposed on them CARNALLY. /,ei!.18.20.shalt not lie c.with thy neighbour's wife 19. 20. whosoever lieth c. with a bond-maid jVum. 5. 13. and a man lie with her c. and it be hid Rom.S. 6. for to be c. minded is death, but to be sp, CARPENTER, S. iSam. 5. 11. Hiram sent c. to Uavid, IChr. 14. 1. 'HKings 12. 11. they laid it out to c. and builders HChron. 24. 12. they hired c. to repair, Ezra 3. 7. Isa. 41. 7. so the e. encouraged the goldsmith 44. 13. the c. stretcheth out his rule, he marketh Jer.24.1. the c. and smiths he carried away, 29.2. Zech. 1. 20. and the Lord shewed me four e. Mat. 13. 55. they said, is not this the c. son? Mark 6. 3. is not this the c. the son of Mary? CARRIAGE, S. J\rum. 4. t 24. this is the c. of the Gershonites .Jadg. 18. 21. the Danites, and the c. before them \Sam. 17. t 20. David came to the place of the c. 22. David left his e. with the keeper of the c. Isa. 10. 28. at Michmash he hath laid up his c. 46.1. your e. were heavy laden, they are a burden Jicts 21.15.wetook up our c. went up to Jerusalem CARRY Signifies, [1] To bear, or remove, 2 Sam. 15. 29. [2] To protect and keep safely, Isa. 46. 3, 4. [3] To lead, or drive. Gen. 31.18. [4] To make to ride, 1 Chron. 13. j 7. Gere. 37.25. Ishmaelites going to c. spicery to Egypt 42.19. go ye, e. corn for the famine of your houses 43. 11. e. the man a present, a little balm, honey 12. the money brought, c. it again in your hand 44. 1. fill the sacks with as much as they can c. 45.27. he saw wagons Joseph sent to c. him, 46. 5. 50. 25. ye shall c. up my bones, Exod. 13. 19. £lxorf.33.15.lhy presence go not, c. us not up hence //Cy. 10. 4. e. your brethren out of the camp JVm/h. 11. 12. should say, c. them in thy bosom Dent. 14. 24. so that thou art not able to c. it .losh. 4. 3. e. the twelve stones over with you ISflTB. 17. 18. e. these ten cheeses to the captain 20. 40. Jonathan said, go, c. them to the city 'iSam. 19. 18. a ferry-boat to c. over king's house. \Kings 18. 12. the Spirit of the Lord shall e. thee 'iKings 4. 19. his father said, c. him to his mother 9. 2. and -. Jehu to an inner chamber 17. 27. saying, e. thither one of the priests IChron. 10. 9. sent to the Philistines to e. tidings 15. 2. none ought to e. the ark but the Levites 2.1.26. the Levites shall no more e. the tabernacle 2CAr. 2.16. thou shalt c. the wood up to Jerusalem 36. 6. bound him to e. him to Babylon, Jer. 39. 7. Ezra 5.15. c. these vessels into the temple at Jeru. 7. 15. c. the silver and gold freely offered lo God Eccl. 10. 20. a bird of the air shall c. the voice /.9«.23.7.her own feet shall c.her afar offto sojourn 30. 6. they will c. their riches on young asses 40. 11. he shall c. the lambs in his bosom 46. 4. and even to hoary hairs will I c. you 7. they c. him and set him in his place ./cr.20.5.will I take them and e. them to Babylon 39. 14. that Geilaliah should e. Jercmiiih homo Ezek. 22. 9. in thee are men c. talcs to shed blood MarkG. 55. and began to e. about in beds the sick 11.16. not sufler any to c. a vessel thro' the temple I,uke 10. 4. c. neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes John 5. 10. it is not lawful for thee to c- tlly bed L CAR ■ lohn 21.18. and c. thee whither thou wouldest not CARRY away. iKings 18. 11. king of Assyria did c. away Israel 5. 11. the fugitives did Nebuzar-adun c. away 2t7tr6iH.20.25.1ound more than they could c. away Job 15. 12. why doth thine heart c. thee away? Ps. 49.17. when he dieth he shall c. nothinji««)a^ Eccl. 5. 15. nothing left which he may c. a. in hand Isa. 5. 29. they shall c. the prey away safe 15.7.which they have laid up, shall they e. away 22. 17. behold the Lord will c. thee away 41. 16. thou shalt fan them, and the wind shall c them away, 57. 13. 7>am. 4. 22. ho will no more c. thee away, U Zion Ezck. 38. 13. art thou come to e. away sihcr? ./ic£s7.43. audi will e. you away beyond Babylon See Captive. CARRY back. 2Sam. 15. 25. c. back the ark of God into the city IKings 22. 26. c. Micaiah b. to Amon, 2CAr.l8.25. CARRY forth. £j;orf.l2.46.shaltnot c./or(/touglitof the pasBOver 14. ll.dealt thus with us lo c. us/, out of Egypt Lev.i.12. even the whole bullock shall be c. /. 21. 6.11. c. /. ashes without the camp, 14.45. || 16.27. 2Chr. 29. 5. c. forth the fihhiness out of holy place Jer. 17. 22. nor c.f. a burden on the sabbath-day Ezck. 12. 6. in their sight, c. it forthia the twihght CARRY out. fi'c?t47.36.Jacob said,thou shalt out of Egypt Deut. 28. 38. shall c. much seed out, gather little in IKings 21. 10. then c. him out and stone him 22.34. he said, c. me out of the host,2C/ir. 18. 33. 2C/jro}i. 29. 16. c. it out abroad into brook Kidron £2eS:.12.5. dig through the wall, and c. out thereby ./lets 5. 9. the feet at the door, and shall c. thee out 1 Tim. 6. 7. it is certain we can c. nothing out CARRIED. Gen. 46. 5. the sons of Israel c. Jacob, 50. 13. Eev. 10. 5, c. them in their coasts out of the camp Josh. 4. 8. they c. the stones over with them Judg. 16. 3. he c. them up to the top of a hill ISam. 5. 8. let the ark of God be e. unto Gath 2Sam. 6. 10. David c. the ark aside, ICAr. 13. 13. 15. 29. Abiathar c. the ark of God to Jerusalem IKings 17. 19. he c. him into a loft and laid him 21. 13. they c. Naboth forth and stoned him 'iKings 7. 8. and c. thence silver and gold and hid it 9. 28. his servants e. him in a chariot, 23. 30. 20. 17. that which thy fathers have laid up in store shall be c. to Babylon, Isa. 39. 6. 23. 4. c. the ashes of the vessels to Beth-el 24. 13. he c. out thence all the treasures 25.7. they bound Zedekiah and e. him to Babylon 2Chron. 24. 11. e. the chests to his place again 28. 15. and c. all the feeble of them upon asses 33. 11. who took and c. Manasseh to Babylon 34. 16. Shaphan e. the book to the king 36. 4. Necho took and c. Jehoahaz to Egypt .Job 5. 13. the counsel of the froward is c. headlong 10. 19. I should have been e. from the womb Psal. 40. 2. tho' the mountains bo c. into the sea Isa. 46.3. remnant of Isr. which are c. from womb 49. 22. thy daughters shall be e. on thy shoulders 53. 4. surely he hath borne our griefs, e. our sorrows 63. 9. ho bare and e. them all the days of old .ler. 27. 22. be c. into Babylon, 28. 3. | 52. 11, 17. Ezek. 17. 4. he c. twigs into a land of traffic 37. 1. and c. me out in the Spirit of the Lord Dan. 1. 2. which he c. into the land of Shinar 7/o6' shall be also c.intoAssyria for a present 12. 1. make a covenant, and oil is c. into Egyi)t ./oel 3. 5. and ye have e. into your temples Duke 7. 12. behold, there was a dead man e.out 16. 22. and the beggar was c. by the angels 24.51.was parted from them, and c. up into heaven ./lets lame from his mother's womb was c. 5. 6. young men e. Ananias out and buried him 7. 16. our fathers were c. over into Sychem 8. 2. devout men c. Stephen to his burial 21. 34. commanded him to be c. into tho castle Eph.4.1i.»ndc. about with every wind of doctrine Neb. 13. 9. be not c. about with divers doctrines 2Pe<. 2. 17. clouds that are c. with a tempest Judc 12. clouds without water, c. about of winds See Captive. CARRIED away. f?e7!.31 .18. Jacob c. away all his cattle and goods 20. hath c. a.way my daughters as captives ISam. 30. 2. slow not any, but c. them away, 18. 2Kings 17. 6. c. Israel auwy into Assyria, 23. 11. heathen whom the Ld. c. away before them 28. then one of the priests whom they had c. a. 24. 14. e. away all Jerosalem and all the princes ]5.e. awrtj/Jehoiachin to Babylon and his wives 25. 21. so judah was c. away out of their land ICAr. 5. 26. Tilgath-pilneser c. azvay Reubenites 6.15. when theLd. c. away Judah and Jerusalem 9. I. who were c. away for their transgression 2CAron. 12. 9. Shishak c. away the shields of gold CAS 2C'A.]4.13.Asa and the poo. c. a. much spoil, 21.17. 15. they c. away slieep and camels iii abundance Ezra 2. 1. these thai hud been c. away, J\'c/t. 7. 6. y.4.transgressiou ot'tbose that had bcun c. a. lO.G. 10.8.separatod from congregation of those c.away Job 1. 17. fell upon the camels, and c. them away J<;r.2ft4.whora 1 have caused to be c.away captive Dan. ii. 35. iron, gold broken, and winds c. them a. jVah. 3. 10. No was c. away into captivity Jtfai.l.ll.about time they were c. away toUabylon Mark 15. 1. c. Jesus a. and delivered him to Pilate 1 (Jot. 12. 2. were Gentiles c. a. to those dumb idols Gal. 2. 13. Barnabas was c. a. with dissimulation /ici3.12.15. might cause her be c. aicn?^ of the Hood 17. 3. so he c. me away in the Spirit, 21. 10. CAHRIEST, ETH, liSG. Gc)i.45. 1 23. ten asses e. the good things of Egypt l.S'a/« t.three kids, c.threc loaves of bread Job 21. 18. are as cJiaft' that the storm c. away 27. 21. the east-wind c. the rich man away Ps. 78. 9. Ephraim c. bows, turned back in battle 90. 5. tliou c. them away as with a flood Mat. 1. 17. till the c. into Babylon, from the c. .'lets S.lO.theyc.her and buried her by her husband Rev. 17. 7. the mystery of the beast that c. her CART. \Sam. 6.7. make a new c. and tie the kine to the c. 2Sam.6.3. they set the ark on a new c. and brought IChron. 13. 7. and Uzza and Ahio drave the c. Isa. 28. 28. nor break corn with the wheel of the c. Jlnios 2. 13. as a c. is pressed that is full of sheaves CART-ROPE. Isa. 5.18. woe to them that draw sin as with a c.-r. CART-WHEEL. Isa. 28. 27. nor is c.-whed turned about on cummin CARVED, ING. INGS. Exod. 31. 5. Bezaleel in c. of timber, 35. 33. Jadg. 18. 18. men went and fetched the c. image \Kings 6. 18. the cedar of the house within was c. 29. he c. all the walls of house round about, 32. 2CAr. 33. 7. he set a c. image in the house of God 22. Amon sacrificed to all the c. images 34. 3. Josiali purged Judah from the c. images 4. he cut down the c. images, and brake in pieces Psal. 74. 6. they break down the c. work at once Prov. 7. 16. I have decked my bed with c. work CASE, S. Exod. 5.19. officers did see that they were in evil c. Deut.Vd. 4. this is the c. of the slayer who shall flee 22. 1. thou shall in any c. bring them again 24. 13. in any c. thou shalt deliver tlie pledge Ps. 144. 15. happy that people that is in such a c. Jer. 2. t 25. but thou saidst, is the c. desperate! 12. t 1. yet let me reason the c. with thee Mat. 5. 20. ye shall in no c. enter the kingdom 19. 10. if the c. of the man be so with his wife John 5. 6. and had been now long time in tliat c. ICor. 7. 15. is not under bondage in such c. CASEMENT. Prov. 7. 6. at the window I looked through my c. CASSIA Is o sweet spice, mentioned by Moses as an ingre- dient in the compositionofthe holy oil,whichwas to bemadcase offoranointingthe sacred vessels of the tabernacle, Ex.30.21. TVteHebrew calls it Kidda; and the Septuagintlus. This aromatic is said tobe thebark of atree vcrylike cinnamon, and grows in the Indies without cultivation. Exod. 30. 24. take of c. 500 shekels for the oil Psal. 45. 8. all thy garments smell of aloes and c. Eiek. 27. 19. c. and calamus were in thy market CAST. Luke 22.41. he was withdrawn about a stone's c. CAST Signifies, [1] To fling, or throic, Dan. 3. 6. [2] To miscarry, or bring forth before the time, Gen. 31. 38. Exod. 2.3. 26. [3] to melt, make, or frame, Exod. 25. 12. They cast him out, .Tohn 9. 34. They put him out of the synagogue, or excommunicated him. Thou hast cast me behind thy back, IKings 14. 9. Thou hast despised, disregarded, and forsaken me, and my commands and icorship, as men do things which they cast behind their backs. Ezod. 38. 27. of talents of the silver were c. sockets .Tob 18. 8. for he is c. into a net by his own feet Psal. 22. 10. I was c. upon thee from the womb 76. 6. chariot and horse are c. into a dead sleep 140. 10. let him be c. into the fire, into pits Prov. 16. 33. the lot is c. into the lap, but the Isa. 25.7. the face of the covering c. over all people ,Tcr. 22. 28. are c. into a land which they know not 38. 11. and took thence old c. clouts and rags 12, put now these old c. clouts under thy arm Ezek. 15. 4. the vine-tree is c. into the fire for fuel Dan. 3. 6. be c. into the midst of a fiery furnace 21. these were c. into the midst of the furnace 6. 7. he shall be c. into the den of lions, 16. .Tonah2. 4. then I said, I am c. out of thy sight JUat. 4.12. Jesus heard that John was c. into prison 66 CAS J)/(t£.5.25.deUver thee to judge, and be c.into prison 29. not that thy whole body be c. into hell, 30. 6.30.and to-morrow is c.into the oven,i«Atl2.28. 21. 21. say to mountain, be thou c. into the sea Mark 9.42.better he were c.into the sea, LiUkelT.H. 45. having two eyes, feet, to be c. into hell, 47. Z,u/ce 3. 9. every tree is hewn down, and c. into the fire. Mat. 3. 10. | 7. 19. 23. 19. and for murder was c. into prison, 25. John 3. 21. for John was not yet c. into prison j3c.22.10.c.out the scorner,and contention go out Isa. 14. 19. but thou art c. out of thy grave, like an J6. 2. as a wandering bird c. out of the nest 26. 19. and the earth shall c. out the dead 34.3. their slain shall also be c. out and stink come 58. 7. that thou bring the poor that are c. out 66. 5. brethren that c. you out for my name's sake Jer .7. 15. 1 will c. you o. of my sight, as I have c.ottt 9. 19. because our dwellings have c. us out 15. 1. c. them out of my sight, 23. 39. [ 52. 3. 16. 13. therefore will I c. you out of this land 22. 26. I will c. thee out, and thy mother that bare 36. 30. his dead body shall be c. out in the day 51. 34. Nebuchadnezzar hath c. me out Ezek. 16. 5. but thou wast c. out in the open field 28.16. will c. thee as profane out of mount, of God Amos 8. 8. the land shall be c. out and drowned Mic. 2. 9. the women of my people have ye c. out Zeph. 3. 15. the Lord hath c. otit thine enemy Zech. 1. 21. to c. out the horns of the Gentiles 9. 4. the Lord will c. her out, and smite her jiower Mat. 5.13. salt unsavoury to be c. out, Luke 14. 35. 7. 5. hypocrite first c. ««« the beam, //«Ae6. 42. 22. Lord, have we not in thy name c. out devils'? 8.12. the children of the kingdom shall be c. out 16. and he c. out the spirits with his word 31. if thou c. us out, suffer us to go into swine 9. 33. when the devil was c. out the dumb spake lO.l.gave them power against spirits toc.them out 8. heal the sick, raise the dead, c. out devils 12.24.not c.out devils but by Beelzeb./.7//,v! 11.18. 96. if Satan c. out Satan, divided against himself 28. but if I by the Spirit of God c. nut devils 15. 17. goeth into belly, and is c. out into draught 17. 19. why could not we c. him out7 Mark 9. 28. 21.12. c. out all that sold, /.mAc]9.45. 39. c.him out of vineyard, MarkVi.S. Lm/cc20.15. JVarftl.34.healedand c. out many devils, 39. 1 6.13. 67 CAT Mark 3.15. and have power to heal and c.out devils 23. he said to them, how can Satan c. out Satan? 16.9.Magdulene,oit< of whom he devils 17. in my name shall they c. out devils iuAc 6.22. CO K« your name as evil, for Son of Man 11. 20. if 1 with the finger of God c. out devils 13. 32. 1 c. out devils, and do cures to-day and 20. 12. tliey wounded him also and c. him out John 6. 37. him that cometh I will in no wise c. out 9. 34. dost thou teach us! and they c. him out 12. 31. now shall the prince of this world bee. out Acts!. 19. so that they c. o«f their young children 21. whenMos. was c.out Pharaoh's daughter took 58.they c. Stephen out of the city and stoned him 27. 19. third day we c. out the tackling of the ship 29. c. four anchors out \\ 38. c. out wheat into sea Gal. 4. 30. c. out the bond-woman and her son fteu.l2.9.and the great dragon was c. out, the devil 15. the serpent c. out of his mouth waters, 16. Lord CAST out. l/irmfl'sl4.24.which i\ieLord c. out before children of Israel, 'iKings 16. 3. 2CAr. 28. 3. | 33. 2. IKings 17. 8. the Lord c. out before Israel, 21 . 2. ZecA.9.4.behold, the />ord will c. her out and smite CAST up. , 2Sam. 20. 15. they c. zip a bank against the city Isa. 57. 14. c. ye up, prepare the way, 62. 10. 20. troubled sea,whose waters c. up mire and dirt .Ter. 18. 15. to walk in paths, in a way not c. zip 50. 26. c. her up as heajis, and destroy her utterly Lam. 2. 10. c. up dust on their heads, JEzek. 27. 30 Van. 11. 15. king of the north shall c. zip a mount CASTEST, ETH. ,Tob 15. 4. yea, thou c.oft'fear and restrainest prayer 21. 10. their cow calveth and c. not her calf Psal. 50. 17. seeing thou c. my words behind thee 73. 18. thou c. them down into destruction 88. 14. why c. thou ofifmy soul? why hidest face 147. 6. the Ld. c. the wicked down to the ground 17. he c. forth his ice like morsels, who can stand Prov.W. 3. he c. away the substance of the wicked 19.15.slothfulness c. into a deep sleep, an idle soul 21. 22. c. down the strength of the confidence 26. 18. as a mad-man c. fire-brands, arrows, death Jcr. 6. 7. as a fountain so she c. out her wickedness Nos. 9. t 14. give them a womb that c. the fruit JV/rtt.9.34. he c. out devils, Mark 3. 22. Luke 11.15. I.John 4. 18. no fear in love, but perfect love c. fear 'i.John 10. and c. them out of the church Reo. 0. 13. even as a fig-tree c. her untimely figs CASTING. 2Sam. 8.2. he smote Moab, e. thein down to ground IKings 7. 37. the bases, all of them had one c. -Ezra 10.1. weeping and c. himself down bef. house .Job 6. 21. ye see my c. down and are afraid Psal. 74. 7. by c. down dwellingplace of thy name 89.39.and profaned his crown to the ground Jl/fD. 1. 2. ye shall bring your offering of the c. JVum. 3. 41. take c. of the Levites instead of a 20. 19. if I and my c. drink, I will pay for it 32. 4. is a land for c. and thy servants have c. Bent. 2. 35. the c. we took for a prey, 3. 7. .fosh. 8. 2. only the c. shall ye take for a prey 27. only the c. Israel took for a prey, 11. 14. IKings 1. 9. Adonijah slew o.\en and c. 19, 25 ICAroK. 28. 1 1. David assembled stewards over c. Job 1. t 3. his c. also was seven thousand sheep t 10. his c. was increased in the land 36. 33. the c. also concerning the vapour Psal. 50. 10. the c. upon a thousand hills is mine 104. 14. he causeth the grass to grow for the c. 148. 10. beasts and all c. praise the Lord iCccL2.7.had great possessions of great and small c. Isa. 7. 25. and for the treading of lesser c. 43. 23. thou hast not brought me the small c. 46. 1. their idols were upon the beasts and the c, Jer. 9. 10. nor can men hear the voice of the c. Ezek. 34. 17. I judge between c. and c. 20, 22. Hag. 1.11. I called for a drought upon land and c. Zech. 2. 4. for the multitude of men and c. therein 13. 5. men taught me to keep c. from my youth /.Kytcl7.7. having servant feeding c. will say to him John 4. 12. Jacob, his children drank, and his c. Much CATTLE. Oen. 30. 43. Jacob increased and had much c. Exod. 12. 38. Isr. went out of Egypt withmucA c. Detit. 3. 19. for I know that ye have 7nucA c. Josh. 22. 8. return to your tents with very mucA c. 'iChron. 26. 10. Uzziah had mzich c. in the plains Jonah 4. 11. spare Nineveh, wherein is much c. Our CATTLE. Exod. 10. 26. ozir c. also shall go with us 17.3. to kill us, our children, and our c. with thirst JViiin. 20. 4. that we and our c. should die there 32. 16. we will build sheepfolds here for our c. 26. all ozir c. shall be there in the cities of Gilead .Josh. 21. 2. give us cities with suburbs for our c. JWA.9.37.have dominion over our bodies andour c. bring also first-born of our sons and our c. Their CATTLE. Gen. 34.23. shall not their c. and substance be ours JVHn!.31.9.slewMidianites,and took spoil of tAcirc. 35. 3. the suburbs shall be for their c. .Tosh. 14. 4. Judg. 6. 5. the Midianites came up with their c. l.So7n.23.5. David fought, and brought awaytheirc. IChron. 5. 9. because their c. were multiplied 7.21. because they came down to fake aw. tAci'r c. Psal. 78. 48. he gave up their c. also to the hail 107. 38. he suffered not t/ieir c. to decrease .Jer. 49. 32. their camels a booty, their c. a spoil Tliij CATTLE. Oen. 30. 29. thou knowest how thy c. was with me 31. 41. I served thee si.\ years for thy c. Exod. 9. 3. hand of the Ld. is on thy c. in the field 19. send therefore now and gather thy c. 20. 10. servant nor tAj/c. do any work, Dezit. 5.14. 34. 19. every firstling among thy c. is mine Lev. 19.19. let not thy c. gender with a diverse kind 25. 7. sabbath of the land shall be meat for thyc. Dezit. 11. 15. I will send grass in fields for thzi c. 28. 4. blessed shall be the fruit of thy c. 11. | .30. 9. 51. he shall eat the fruit ot thy c. and thy land /sa.30.23.that day shall thz/ c.fecd in large pastures Your CATTLE. Oen. 47.16. give yozir c. give you bread for ynzir e Lev. 26. 22. if ye will not liearken,will destroy y. c Deut. 3. 19.7/oj(r c. shall abide in cities, ./o.5A.i.l4 7.14. male nor female shall be barren among y. c 'iKings 3. 17. that ye mav drink, both ye and y. c. CAUGHT. 0871.22. 13. behold, behijid him a ram c. by horns CAU • f?fn.39.12.shec.him by garment|Sayiiig,lie witli me Exod. 4. 4. put forth his hand, and c. tljc serpent jVum. 31. 32. rest of the prey tlie men ofwar had c Judg. 1. 6. c. Adoni-bezek, and cut oil' his thumbi 8. 14. c. a young manofmen otSuccoth, and said 15. 4. Samson went and c. three hundred foxes 21. 23. took wives of them danced, whom they c. ISam. 17. 35. I c. him by iiis beard and slew him 2Sam. 2. 16. and they c. every one his fellow 18. 9. Absalom's head c. hold of the oak \Kings 1. 50. and Adonijah c. hold on the altar 2. 20. Joab c. hold on the horns of the altar 11. 30. Ahijah c. the new garment and rent it 'i.Kings 4. 27. the Simnamite c. Elisha by the feet HChron. 22. 9. they c. Ahaziah and brouglit him Prov. 7. 13. so she c. him, and kissed him, and said Jer. 50.24. O Babylon, thou art found and also c. Mat. 14. 31. Jesus c. Peter, and said unto him 21. 39. the husbandmen c. him and cast him out Mark 12. 3. they c. the servant and beat iiim J^uke 8. 29. oftentimes it c. him, and he was bound John 21. 3. they went, and tliat night c. nothing .^cU 6. 12. they came upon Stephen and c. him 8. 39. the Spirit of the Lord c. away Philip 16. 19. they c. Paul and Silas, and drew them 26.21.for these causes the Jews in tlie temple 27. 15. when the ship was c. we let her drive 2Cor. 12. 2. I know a man c. up to the third heaven 4. how he was c. up into paradise, and heard 16. being crafty, I c. you witli guile [^vords 1 Tliess. 4. 17. we shall be c. up together with them Rev. 12. 5. her child was c. up to God, to his throne CAUL, S. Exod. 29. 13. the c. that is above the liver, 22. Lev. 3. 4, 10, 15. | 4. 9. | 7. 4. 1 8. 16, 25. I 9. 10, 19. Is a. 3.18. the Lord will take away their c. and tires Ifos.13.8. will rend the c. of their heart and devour CAUSE Signifies, [1] .^ ground, reason, or motive, 1 Sam. 17. 29. [2] Ji suit, action, or controversy, E.xod. 22. 9. Isa. 1. 23. [3] Sake, or account, 2 Cor. 7. 12. Exod. 22.9. the c. of both shall come before judges 23. 2. nor speak in a c. to decline after many 3.nor shalt thou countenance a poor man in his c. 6. nor wrest the judgment of the poor in his c. JVum. 16.11. for which c. thou and all thy company are gathered together against the Lord 27. 5. Moses brought their c. before the Lord Dent. 1. 17. the c. that is too hard for you, bring .Toslt. 20. 4. the manslayer shall declare his c. ISam. 17. 29. and David said, is there not a c? 25. 39. Lord hath pleaded the c. of my reproach 2.Sam. 13. 16. there is no c. this evil is greater than 15. 4. that hath any suit or c. might come to me I Kings 8. 45. maintain their c. 49,59. 2CA.6.35,39. 11. 27. this was the c. that he lift up his hand 12. 15. for the c. was from the Lord, 2CAr. 10. 15. ICAr. 21.3. why will he be a c. of trespass to Israel? 2CAr. 19. 10. what c. shall come of your brethren Etra 4. 15. for which c. this city was destroyed JVeh. 6. 6. for which c. thou buildest the wall ./oh 5. 8. and unto God will I commit my c. 13. 18. behold now, I have ordered my c. 23. 4. I would order my c. before him, and fill 29. 16. the c. which I knew not, I searched oat 31. 13. if I did despise the c. of ray man-servant Psal. 9. 4. for thou hast maintained my c. 35. 23. awake to my c. my God and my Lord 27. let them be glad that favour my righteous c. 140. 12. 1 know that the Lord will maintain the c. Proii. 18.17. he that is first in his own c. seems just 25. 9. debate thy c. with thy neighbour himself 29. 7. the righteous considereth the c. of the poor 31. 8. open thy mouth for the dumb in the c. Eccl. 7. 10. say not thou, what is the c. that Tsa. 1. 23. nor doth c. of the widow come to them 41. 21. produce your c. saith the Lord, bring 50. t 8. who is the master of my c. let him come 51. 22. God that pleadeth the c. of his people Jer. 5. 28. they judge not the c. of the fatherless 11. 20. for to thee have I revealed my c. 20. 12. Lord, unto thee have I opened my c. 22. 16. he judged the c. of the poor and needy Lam.. 3. 36. to subvert in a c. the Ld. approveth not 59. Lord, thou hast seen my wrong, judge my c. .Jonah 1. 7. that he may know for whose c. 8. Mat. 5. 32. his wife, saving for the c. of fornication 19. 3. for a man to put away his wife for every c. Luke 8. 47. declared for what c she touched him 23. 22. I have found no c. of death in him ,^cts 10. 21. what is the c. wherefore ye are come'? 13. 28. though they found no c. of death in him 25. 14. Festus declared Paul's c. to the king 23. 18. because there was no c. of death in me 2Cor. 4. 16. for which e. we faint not, but though 5. 13. or whether we be sober, it is for your c. 7. 12. I did it not for his c. that had done wronL Phil. 2. 18. for the same c. also do ve joy with me 63 CAU ■2Tiin. 1. 12. for which c. I suffer these things Ucb. 2. 11. for which c. he is not ashamed to call IPet. 2. 1 23. committed his c. to him that judgeth Plead CAUSE. I.Sam. 24. 15. the Lord be judge, and plead my c. Psal. 3d. 1. I 43. 1. 1 119. 154. Psal. 74. 22. arise, O God, plead thine own c. Prou. 22. 23. for the Lord wii\ plead their c. 23. 11. he shall plead their c. with Ihee 31. 9. open thy mouth, plead the c. of poor, needy .Jer. 30. 13. there is none to plead thy c. 50. 34. the Lord shall thoroughly plead their c. 51. 36. behold, I will plead thy c. and take vung. Mic. 7. 9. until he plead my c. and execute For this CAUSE. Ezod. 9. 16. for this c. have I raised up Pharaoh 'iChr. 32.20. for this c. Hezeldah and Isaiah pray. i>a«.2.12./. this c. the king was angry and furious Mai. 19. 5. for thisc. shall a man leave father and mothcr,and cleave to wife, MarkU).!. Eph.5.'il. Jo/ill 12. 27. but /or this c. came I unto this hour 18. 37. and for this c. came I into the world Rom.l. 26. /. this c. G. gave them up to vile affect. 13. 6. for this c. pay ye tribute also 15.9./. this c. I will conf. to thee among the gent. 1 Cor. 11. 30. for this c. many are weak and sickly Eph.3.H. for this c. I bow ray knees to the Fatlier 1 1'hess. '■2.13. for this c. thank G. without ceasing 2 Thess.'2.11. f.this c. G. shall send strong delusion 1 Tim. 1. 10. howbeit, for this c. I obtained mercy Ileb .9.15. /. this c. he is the mediator of new testa. IPet.i.G. for this c. was the gospel them Without CAUSE. lSam.l9.5.wiltthou sin,to slayDavid without a c? Job 2. 3. thou movedst me to destroy him with, a c. 9. 17. he multiplieth my wounds without c. Psal. 7. 4. I delivered him that w. c. is my enemy 25. 3. let thera be asharaed that transgress w. c. 35. 7. 7B. c. they hid for me a net, digged a pit w. c. 19. that hate me without c. 69. 4. John 15. 25. 109. 3. and they fought against rae without a c. 119.78. the proud dealt perversely with me w. a c. 161. princes have persecuted me without c. Pror. 1. 11. let us lurk for the inaoccat without c. 3. 30. strive not with a man w. c. if he have done 23. 29. who hath sorrow, who hath wounds w. c. 24.28. be not witness against neighbour without c. Isa. 52. 4. the Assyrian oppressed thera without c. Lam.3.a'2.mme enemies chased me sore without c. Ezek. 14. 23. have not done w. c. all I have done Mat. 5. 22. whoso is angry with his brother w. c. CAUSE. Gen. 7. 4. I will c. it rain on the earth forty days 45. 1. he cried c. every man to go out from me Exod. 8.5. c. frogs to come up on the land of Egypt 21. 19. and shall c. him to be thoroughly healed Lev. 19. 29. thy daughter, to c. her to be a whore 26. 16. consume the eyes, and c. sorrow of heart JVani. 8. t 7. c. a razor to pass over the lievites 16. 5. who is holy, the Lord will c. him to come Deut. 1. 38. encourage him, for he shall c. Israel to inherit it, 3. 28. | 31. 7. Josh. 1. t 6. 12. 11. God shall choose to c. his name to dwell 24. 4. and thou shalt not c. the land to sin which 28. t 61. them will Ld. c. to ascend till destroyed Tudg. 6. t 11. Gideon threshed wheat to c. it flee 2Sam. 13. 13. whither shall I c. my shame to gol IKiiiffS 8. 31. an oath laid on him to c. him swear 2A7;( D-s 19. 7. will c. him to fall by sword, Isa.37.1. .7\reh. 13. 26. him did outlandish women c. to sin Esth. 3. 13. c. to perish all the Jews, 7. t 4. | 8.11. 5. 5. c. Haman make haste to do as Esther said 6. 1 9. c. him to ride on horseback through the city .Job 6. 24. c. me to understand wherein I have erred t 27. yea, ye c. to fall upon the fatherless 34. 11. c. every man to find according to his ways 38. t37.who can lie down the bottles of heaven Psal. 10. 17. thou wilt c. tliine ear to hear 07. 1. and c. his face to shine upon us, 80. 3, 7, 19. 76. 8. thou didst c. judgm. to be heard from heav. 90. 1 12. we may c. our hearts to come to wisdom 143. 8. c. me to" hear, c. me to know the way Prov. 4.16. sleep taken away, unless c. some to fall 19. 1 18. let not thy soul spare to c. him to die 23. t 5. wilt c. thine eyes to flee on what is not"! Eccl. 5.6. suffer not thy mouth to c. thy flesh to sin Cant. 8. 13. hearken to thy voice, to hear it Isa. 3. 12. they who lead thee c. thee to err, 9. 16. 27. 6. he shall c. them of Jacob to take root 28. 12. this is the rest ye may c. the weary to rest 30. 30. the Lord c. his glorious voice to be heard 42. 2. nor c. his voice to be heard in the streets 58. 14. 1 will c. thee to ride upon the high places 61.11. so Lord will c. righteousness to spring forth 66.9.shall I bring to birth, and not bring forth"! Jer. 3. 12. I will not c. mine anger to fall on you 7. 3. I will c. you to dwell in this place, 7. 12. t9. c. boasts of the field to come and devour 13.16. give glory to the Lord before he c. darkness 15. 11. I will c. the enemy to entreat thee well CAV Jer. 23. 27. who think to c. my people forget my n. 25. t 10. I will c. to perish the voice of mirth 31. 2. even Israel, when I went to c. him to rest 9. 1 will c. them to walk by the rivers of waters 32. 44. I will c. their captivity to return, 33. 26. Earn. 3. 32. tho' he c. grief, yet will he have com. Eiek. 20. 37. 1 will c. you to pass under the rod 24. 8. that it might c. fury4o come to vengeance 34. 15. 1 will c. them to lie down, sailh the Lord 36. 12. I will c. men to walk on you, even Israel Dan. 8. 25. he shall c. craft to prosper in his hand 9.17. O our God, c. thy face to shine on sanctuary t 18. we do not c. to fall our supplication 11. t 32. shall he c. to dissemble by flatteries Hos. 4. t 9. I will t. to return lor their ways Joel 3. 11. thither c. thy mighty ones come down jlmos&.3. and c. the seat of violence to come near 8. 9. I will c. sun to go down at noon and darken 9. t 9. c. to move Israel among all nations JVaA. 2. t 8. stand, but none shall c. them to turn Hab.\.3. why dost thou c. me to behold grievance? Mat. 5. t 29. if thy right eye c. thee to offend 6. 1 2. c. not a trumpet to be sounded 10.21.children rise up against parents and c. them to be put to death, Mark 13. 12. Luke 21. 16. 7?07n.l6.17.mark them whoc.divisions and offences Col. 4.16.c.that it be read in church of Laodiccans Cause to cease. See Cease. CAUSED. Gen. 2. 21. God c. a deep sleep to fall on Adam 20. 13. God c. me to wander fi-om my fathers Exod. 14. 21. the Lord c. the sea to go back JVum. 31. 16. these c. Israel to commit whoredom Dcut. 34. 4. this is the land, I have c. thee to see it iSam. 7. 11. c. thee to rest from thine enemies 22. t 40. hast thou c. to bow, Psal. 18. f 39. IKings 2.19.1;. a seat to be set for the king's mother 2Chron. 34. 32. he c. all present in Jerus. to stand it £ c.a voice to pass thro' his kingdom 6. 12. the God that hath c. his name to dwell JV>A.8.7.Levites c. people to understand the law, 8. Esth. 5. t lO.Hamansent andc.his friends to come 14. Haman c. the gallows to be made Job 31. 16. if I have c. eyes of the widow to fail Ps. 66. 12. thou hast c. men to ride over our heads 78.13. he divided the sea, and c. them to pass thro' 26. he c. an east-wind to blow in the heaven 119. 49. word on which thou hast c. me to hope Prov. 7. 21. with fair speech she c. him to yield Isa. 6. t 7. c. it to touch my mouth, and said to 19. 14. they have c. Egypt to err in every work 43. 23. 1 have not c. thee to serve with an offiering 47. 1 10. thy wisdom c. thee to turn away 63. 14. the Spirit of the Lord c. him to rest Jer. 3. t 18. to the land 1 c. your fathers possess 12. 14. which I have c. my people Israel to inherit 13. 11. I have c. to cleave to me house of Israel 29. 31. Shemaiah c. you to trust in a lie 32. 23. therefore thou hast c. all this evil to come 34. 1]. after they c. the servants to return, 16. 48. 4. her little ones have c. a cry to be heard Ezek. 16. 7. I have c. thee to multiply as the bud 24. 13. till I have c. my fury to rest on thee 29.18. Nebuch. c. his army to serve against Tyrus 32. 23. which c. terror in the land, 24, 25, 26. Dan. 9. 21. Gabriel being c. to fly swiftly, touched Has. 4. 12. the spirit of whoredoms c. them to err Amos 2. 4. and their lies c. them to err, after whicii 4. 7. 1 c. rain on one city, I c. not to rain on anoth. Zech.3.4. 1 have c. thine iniquity to pass from thee Mai. 2. 8. ye have c. many to stumble at the law John 11. 37. havec. this man should not have died .dels 15. 3. they c. great joy to all the brethren 2C(>r.2.5. but ii any have c. grief, hath grieved part CAUSES. Exod. 18. 19. that thou raayest bring c. to God 26. the hard c. they brought to Moses Deut. 1. 16. hear the c. between your brethreti .7er. 3. 8. all the c. whereby backsliding Israel /yflin. 2.14. but have seen for thee c. of banishment 3. 58. O Lord, thou hast pleaded the c. of my soul .^cts 26.21. for these c.theJews caught me in temple CAUSEST. .Job 30. 22. thou c. me to ride on the wind Ps. 65. 4. blessed is man thou c. approach to thee CAUSETH. J^iim. 5.18. the water that c. the curse, 19,22,24,27. Job 12. 24. he c. them to wander in a wilderness where there Is no way, Psal. 107. 40. 20. 3. the spirit of understanding c. me to answer 37. 13. he c. it to come hither for correction Ps. 104. 14. he c. the grass to grow for the cattle 135.7. he c. vapours to ascend, Jer. 10. 13. | 51.16. 147. 18. c. his wind to blow, and the waters flow Prov. 10. 5. is a son that c. shame, 17. 2. | 19. 26. t 17. he that refuseth reproof c. to err 17. 2. a wise servant shall rule over a son c. shame 19.27. cease to hear the instruction thatr. to err 28. 10. whoso c. righteous to go astray in evil way Isa. 64. 2. the fire c. the waters to boil, to make CEA Ezek. 44. 18. not gird with any tiling that c. sweat t Uiat c. an exacter ot"the kingdom Mal.5.'J-2. put away wile c. her to commit adultery iCor. 2.14. thanks he to God, who c. us to triumph 9. 11. which c. through us thanksgiving to God hec. 13. 1-J. c. the earth to worship the tirsl beast lli. c. all to receive a mark in their right-hand CAUSEWAY. ICIir. '26. 16. lot came forth by the c. of going up 18. at Parbar westward four at the c. and two Prov. 15. t ly. way of righteous raised up as a c laa. 7. t 3. go up in the c. of the fuller's held CAUSLXG. SlKings 2. t 19. the ground c. to miscarry Cant. 7. y. c. the lips of those asleep to speak Isa. 30. -38. a bridle in the jaws c. them to err Jer. Sji). 10. in c. you to return to tlxis place 33. \i. shepherds c. their flocks to lie down Ezek. 39. t 28. know I am the Ld. c. them to be led CAUSELESS. ISam. 25. 31. either that thou hast shed blood c. Prov. 26. 2. so the curse c. shall not come CAVE, S. Gen. 19. 30. Lot dwelt in a c. he and his daughter: 23. 17. field and c. made sure to Abraham, 20. 19. Abraham buried Sarah in thee, of the field 49. 29. bury me with my father in c. of Ephron JosA.iO.lG. these five kings fled and hid in a c. 1 .fadg.6.2. because of the Midianites Israel made c. lSaOT.13.6. Israel did hide themselves in c. in rocks 22. 1. David escaped to the c. of Adullam 34. 10. Lord delivered thee into my hand in the c. 2S«nj. 23. 13. came to David to the c. of Adullam \Kings 18. 4. the prophets hid by fifty in a c. 13. 19. 9. Elijah came to a c. and lodged there Isa. 2. 19. they shall go into c. for fear of the Ld. Ezek. 33. 27. they shall die that be in the c. John 11.38. the grave, it was a c. a stone lay upon it Heb. 11. 38. they wandered in dens and c. of earth CEASE Signifies, [1] To leave off, or give over, ISam. 7. 8. Isa. 33. 1. [2] To be utterly forgotten, Deut. 32. 26. [3] To be guiet, Jud-. 15. 7. [4] To be wanting, Deut. 15. 11. [5] To be removed by death, or otherwise. Lam. 5. 14. [6] jVot to lean to, or depend on, Prov. 23. 4. [7] To abstain from, Psal. 37. 8. Isa. 1. 16. Gen. 8. 22. and day and night shall not c. Ezod. 9. 29. as I am gone the thunder shall c. 23. t 5. would c. to leave thy business for him JVam. 8. 25. from the age of fifty years shall c. 11. 25. seventy elders prophesied, and did not c. 17. 5. I will make to c. the murmurings JJent. 15. 11. the poor shall never c. out of the land 32.26. I would make remembrance of them to c. .7o«A.22.25. so make our children c. from fearing L. .Tudg. 15. 7. yet will I be avenged, after I will c. 20. 28. shall I yet again go to battle, or shall I c? ISam. 7. 8. c. not to cry to Lord our God for us strings 23. 1 5. caused to c. the idolatrous priests 2CAr. 16.5. when Baasha heard it, let his work c. Ezra 4. 23. made them to c. by force and power 6. t 8. that they be not made to c. JVeh. 6. 3. why should the work c. while I come? .Tob 3. 17. there the wicked c. from troubling 10. 20. my days few, c. then, let me alone 14. 7. that the tender branch thereof will not c. Psal. 37. 8. c. from anger, and forsake wrath 46. 9. he maketh wars to c. to the end of the earth 89. 44. thou hast made his glory to c. and cast 119. t 119. thou eausest the wicked to c. Prov. 19. 27. c. to hear instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge 20. 3. it is an honour for a man to c. from strife 22.10.cast3corner, yea strife and reproach shall c. 23. 4. labour to be rich, c. from thy wisdom Eccl. 12. 3. the grinders c. because they are few Isa. 1. 16. c. to do evil || 2. 22. c. ye from man 10. 25. yet a little while and indignation shall c. 16. 10. I have made their vintage shouting to c. 17. 3. the fortress also shall c. from Ephraim 21. 2. all the sighing thereof have I made to c. 33. 1. when thou slialtc. to spoil slialt be spoiled Jer. 14. 17. let tears run down and let them not c. 17. 8. leaf green, nor shall c. from yielding fruit 31. 36. then the seed of Israel shall c. Lam. 2. 18. let not the apple of thine eye c. Ezek. 6. 6. that your idols may be broken and c. 7. 24. I will make the pomp of the strong to c. 12. 23. saith the Lord, I will make this proverb c. 23. 27. thus will I make thy lewdness to c. 30. 10. I will make the multitude of Egypt to c. 18. the pomp of her strength shall c. 33. 28. ffoa. 7. t 4. raiser will c. from raising .^mos 7.5. 0 Ld.God, c. by whom shall Jacob arise .^cts 13. 10. will not c. to pervert the right ways 1 Cor. 13. 8. whether they be tongues, they shall c. Eph. 1. 16. I c. not to give thanks for you Col. 1. 9. we do not c. to pray for you to be filled 2Pet. 2. 14. having eyes that cannot c. from sin 69 CED Cause to CEASE. Z,er.26.t6.I will cause to c.cvil beasts, £icA-.34.25. Kuth 4. t 14. not caused to c to thee a kinsman iKings 23. f 5. cause to c. the idolatrous priests Ezra A. 21. cause these men to c. city be not built 5. 5. the eye of their God on them, they could not cause them to c. till matter came to Darius JVcA. 4. 11. slay them and cause the work to c. Psal. 85. 4. cause thine anger toward us to c. Prov. 18. 18. the lot causeth contentions to c. Isa.13.11. I will cause the arrogancy of proud to c. 30. 11. cause the holy One of Israel to c. before us 7er. 7.34. cousc mirth to c. from the cities of Judali 36. 29. cause to c. man and beast, Hos. 2. 11. 48. 35. I will cause to c. in Moab him that oflereth Ezek. 16. 41. cause thee to c. from playing harlot 23. 48. thus will I cause lewdness to c. 26. 13. I will cause the noise of thy songs to c. 30. 13. I will cause their images to c. out of Noph 34. 10. cause them to c. from feeding the flock Dan. 9. 27. he shall cause the oblation to c. 11. 18. cause the reproach olTered by him to c. Hos.1.4. will cause to c. kingdom of house of Israel CEASED. Gen. 18. c. to be with Sarai after manner of Ezod. 9. 33. thunders and hail c. and rain was not 34. when Pharaoh saw that the thunders c. .losh. 5. 12. the manna c. on the morrow iit^er Judg. 2. 19. they c. not from their own doings 5. 7. the inhabitants of villages c. they c. in Israel \Sam. 2. 5. and they that were hungry c. 25. 9. they spake in the name of David and <;. Ezra 4. 24. then c the work of the house of God Job 32. 1. so these three men c. to answer Job Psal. 35. 15. they did tear me and c. not 77. 2. my sore ran in the night and c. not Isa. 14. 4. how hath the oppressor c. golden city c. Lam. 5. 14. the elders have c. from the gate 15. the joy of our heart is c. our dance is turned Jonah 1.15. they took up Jonah, sea c. from raging Mat. 14. 32. the wind c. Mark 4. 39. | 6. 51. Luke 7. 45. this woman hath not c. to kiss my feet 11. 1. as he was praying in a place, when he c. .•lets 5. 42. they c. not to teach and preach Jesus 20. 1. aftertheuproarwasc. Paul called disciples 31. by space of three years I c. not to warn every 21. 14. when he would not be persuaded we c. Gal. 5. 11. then is the oftence of the cross c. Heb. 4. 10. he also hath c. from his own works 10. 2. for then they would not have c. to be offer. \Pet. 4. 1. who sutfered in flesh, hath c. from sin CEASETH. Psal. 12. 1. help. Lord, for the godly man c. 49. 8. rcdempt.of soul precious, and it c. for ever Pro( where there is no tale-bearer strife c. Isa. 16.4. the extortioner is at an end^ the spoiler c. 24. 8. the mirth of tabrets c. joy of the harp c. 33. 8. high-ways lie waste, the way-faring man c Lam. 3. 49. mine eye trickleth down and c. not Hos. 7. 4. c. from raising after he kneaded dough .-lets 6.13.this man c.not speak blasphemous words CEASING. Exod. 21. t 19. he shall pay for the c. of his time \Sam. 12. 23. I should sin in c. to pray for you Isa. 6. 1 9. hear ye without c. but understand not .lets 12. 5. but prayer was made without c. for him Rom.l. 9. without c. I make mention, IThess. 3.3. I Thess. 2. 13. for this we thank God without c. 5. 17. pray without c. in every thing give thanks 2Tim. 1.3. without c. I have remembrance of thee CEDAR. This tree is much celebrated in the scriptures : It shoots out its branches at ten or twelve feet from the ground: Its branches are large, and at a distance from one another; its leaves are some- thing like those of rosemary; it is always green, and distils a kind of gum, to which different effects are attributed: The wood of it is incor- ruptible, beautiful, solid, and inclining to a brown colour; it bears a small opple,like that of the pine. They made use of this wood not only for the beams andplanks which covered edifices, andserved for ceilings to apartments, but they placed them likewise in the substance of their walls, and so disposed them a7id the stone toge- ther, that there were three rows of stone undone of cedar wood, 1 Kings 6. 36. By the cedar of Lebanon, the king of Israel may be understood, 2 Kings 14. 9. Hereunto also the felicity and growth of the faithful arc compared, Ps. 92.12. 'iSam. 7. 2. king said, I dwell in a house of c. 7. saying, why build ye not me a house of c? IKings 4.'S3. he spake from the c. to the hyssop 5. 8. I will do all thy desire concerning c. IKings 14. 9. the thistle sent to the c. 2CAr.2o. 18. Job 40. 17. Behemoth moveth his tail like a c. Psal. 92. 12. the righteous shall grow like a c. Cant. 1. 17. the beams of our house are c. 8. 9. we will inclose her with boards of c. Isa. 41.19. I will plant in the wilderness the c. CER Jer. 22. 14. itis ceiled with c. painted with vermil. 15. because thou closest thyself in c. Euk. 17. 3. a great eagle took highest branch of c. 22. I will take of tlie highest branch of the c. 23. it shall bear fruit aud be a goodly c. 27. 24. chests made of c. among the merchandise 31. 3. the Assyrian was a t. in Lebanon Zeph. 2. 14. for he shall uncover the c. work Zech. 11. 2. howl, tii-tree, for the c. is fallen CEDAR-TREES. JVum.24.6. Israel's tabernacles are c. beside waters 2.Sa»n. 5. 11. Hiram sent c. to David and carpenters IKings 5. 6. that they hew me c. out of Lebanon 10. so Hiram gave Solomon c. and fir-trees, 9. 11. ■2Kings 19. 23. I will cut down the tall c. thereof IC'hron. 22. 4. David prepared c. in abundance •2ChroH. 1. 15. c. made he as the sycamore, 9. 27. 2. 8. send me c. and fir-trees out of Lebanon • Ezra 3. 7. gave money to bring c. from Lebanon CEDAR-WOOD. Lev. 14. 4. take c. and hyssop, 6, 49, 51, 52. JVam. 19. 6. the priest shall take c. and hyssop IChron. 22. 4. they brought much c. to David CEDARS. IKings 10.27. c. made he to be as sycamore-trees lC/(»-. 17. 1. David said, I dwell in a house of c. iChr. 2. 3. didst send David c. to build a house Psal. 29. 5. the voice of the Lord breaketh the c. 80. 10. the boughs thereof were like goodly c. 148. 9. praise lurn also c. and fruitful trees Cant. 5. 15. his countenance excellent as the c. Isa. 9. 10. we will change the sycamores into c. 37. 24. I will cut down the tall c. thereof 44. 14. he lieweth him down c. and taketh oak Jer. 22. 7. they shall cut down thy choice c. 23. O Lebanon, that niakest thy nest in the c. Ezek. 31. 8. c. in garden of God could not hide him Jlmos 2. 9. Amorites height as the height of c. Zech. 11.1. O Lebanon, that fire may devour thy e. CEDARS of Lebanon. Jurf^.9.]5.fireoutofthe bramble devour c. of Leb. Ps. 104. 16. the c. of Leb. which he hath planted Isa. 2. 13. day of the Lord upon all the c. of Leb. 14. 8. c. of Leb. rejoice at thee, saying, since thou Ezek. 27. 5. c. from Leb. to make masts for thee CELEBRATE. Lev. 23.32. from even to even shall c. your sabbath 41. a statute, ye shall c. it in the seventh month Isa. 38.18. the grave cannot praise, death cannot c. CELESTIAL. [thee 1 Cor. 15. 40. are c. bodies, glory of the c. is one CELLARS. IChron. 27. 28. and over the e. of oil was Joash CENSER, S. Lev. 10. 1. sons of Aaron took either of them c. 16. 12. he shall take a c. full of burning coals J^''um. 4. 14. they shall put upon it vessels even c 16. 6. this do, take ye c. || 17. every man his c. 19. Eleazar the priest took the brasen c. IKings 7. 50. made e. of pure gold, IChron. 4. 22. 2Chr. 26. 19. Uzziali had a c. in his hand to burn Ezek. 8. 11. with every man his c. in his hand Heb. 9. 4. the holiest had the golden c. and the ark Rev. 8. 3. the angel came, having a golden c. 5. the angel took the c. and filled it with fire CENSURE. 2Cor. 2. t 6. sufficient to such a man is this c. CENTURION, S. Mat. 8. 5. there came unto him a c. beseeching him 8. c. said. Lord, I am not worthy thou shouldest 27. 54. when the c. saw the earthquake [come Luke 7.2. c. servant, who was dear to him, was sick 23. 47. now when the c. saw what was done .^cts 10. 1. Cornehus was a c. of the Italian band 22. Cornelius the c. a just man that feareth God 21. 32. who immediately took c. and ran down 22. 26. when the c. heard that, he went and told 23. 17. then Paul called one of the c. to him 23. he called to him two c. saying, make ready 24. 23. and he commanded a c. to keep Paul 27.1.deliver.Paul to Julius a c. of Augustus' band 11. the c. believed the master more than Paul 43. c. willing to save Paul, kept them from purp. 28.16. the c. delivered the prisoners to the captain CEREMONIES. JV«?n.9.3.shall keep passover according to all the c. Heb. 9. t 1. the first covenant had also c. JI Certain Man. See Man. CERTAIN. Eiod. 16. 4. ye shall gather a c. rate every day J^um. 16. 2. Korah rose with c. of children of Isr. Dent. 13. 13. c. men the children of Belial are gone 25. 2. the wicked man be beaten by a c. number 2CAron. 8. 13. after a c. rate every day oftering JVeh. 1. 2. Hanani came, he and c. men of Judah 4. I mourned c. days, and fasted, and prayed 11. 23. a c. portion should be for singers every day 13. 25. I smote c. of them, and plucked off hair Jer .41.5. there came c. from Shechem, fromShiloh 52. 15. the captain carried away c. of poor peo])le CHA Dan. 8. 27. 1 Daniel fainted and was sick c. days 11. 13. the king of north sliall come after c. years JI/at.18.23. kingd. of heav. likened to c. king, 22. 2. 20.20. she and her sons desiring a c. thing of him Mark r2.42.there came a c.poor widow, i!iA:e21.2. 14. 57. arose c. and bare false witness against him Luke 5. 12. it came to pass when he was in a c. city 8. 20. told him by c. thy mother stands to see thee 10. 38. as he went into a c village, 17. 12. 11. 27. a c. woman lifted up her voice and said 37. a c. Pharisee besought him to dine with him 18. 9. this parable to c. wlio trusted in themselves 23. 19. who for a c. sedition and for murder 24.22.c.women also made us astonished,whowere 84. c. of them with us went to the sepulchre John 5. 4. an angel went down at a c. season Jlcts 9. 19. Saul was c. days with the disciples It). 48. they prayed Peter to tarry c. days 12. 1. Herod the king to vex c. of the church 15. 24. c. which went from us, have troubled us 17. 28. as c. of your own poets have said, for we Rom.l5. 26. to make a contribution for c. saints at Oal. 2. 12. for before that c. came from James Heb. 2.6.butone in a c. place testified, what is man 4. 4. he spake in a c. place of 7th day on this wise 7. he limited a c. day, saying, in David, to-day 10. 27. but a c. fearful looking for of judgment Jude 4. for there are c. men crept in unawares CERTAIN. Deut. 13. 14. if it be truth and the thing c. 17. 4. IKings 2. 37. know for c. thou shalt surely die, 42. Jer. 26. 15. know for c. if ye put me to death Dan. 2. 45. the dream is c. and interpretation sure Jlcts 25. 26. I have no c. thing to write to ray lord XCor. 4. 11. we have no c. dwelling-place 1 Tim. 6. 7. it is c. we can carry nothing out CERTAINLY. Oen. 18. 10. he said, I will c. return to thee 26. 28. we saw c. the Lord v/as with thee 43. 7. could we c. know he would say, bring your 44. 15. wot yc not such a man as I can c. divine? 50. 15. will c. requite us all the evil we did to him Exod. 3. 12. c. I will be with thee, this be a token 22. 4. if theft be c. found in his hand alive Lev. 5. 19. he hath c. trespassed against the Lord 24. 16. all the congregation shall c. stone him Josh. 9. 24. because it was c. told thy servants Judg. 14. 12. if ye can c. declare the riddle to me ISam. 20. 3. thy father c. knoweth I have found 9. if I knew c. evil were determined by my father 23. 10. c. heard that Saul will come to Keilah 25. 28. Lord will c. make my lord a sure house IKings 1. 30. even so will I c. do this day IKings S.lO.go, say to him,thou mayestc. recover 2C/ir.l8.27. Micaiah said, if thou c. return in peace Prov. 23. 5. for riches c. make themselves wings Jer. 8. 8. we are wise, lo, c. in vain made he it 13. 12. do we not c. know every bottle be filled 25. 28. thus saith the Lord, ye shall c. drink 36. 29. king of Babylon shall c. destroy this land 40. 14. dost thou c. know that Baal is sent"! 42. 19. know c. I have admonished you this day 22. c. ye shall die by the sword and by famine 44. 17. t. do what thing goeth out of our mouth Lam. 2. 16. c. this is the day that we looked for Dun. 11. 10. one shall c. come and overflow, 13. Xech. 11. 1 11- poor c. know it was word of the L, Luke 23. 47. saying, c. this was a righteous man CERTAINTY. Josh. 23. 13. know for c. Lord will no more drive ISam. 23. 23. come ye again to me with the c. Prov. 22.21. make known the c. of words of truth Dan. 2. 8. I know of c. ye would gain the time Luke 1.4. thou mightest know the c. of those things J}cts 21. 34. he could not know the c. for tumult 22. 30. because he would have known the c. why CERTIFY, lED. 2SffiTO.15.28. till there come word from you to e. me Ezra 4. 14. therefore have we sent and c. the king 16. we c. the king, that if this city be built again 5. 10. we asked their names also to c. thee 7. 24. we c. you to impose no toll on the Levites EstA.2.22.Esth. eking thereof in Mordecai's name Oal.l.H. I c. you gospel I preached, not after man CHAFED. 2Sam.l7.8. they be c. in their minds as bear robbed CHAFF Is the refuse of winnowed corn, which is barren, light, and apt to be driven to arid fro with the wind, Psal. 1. 4. To which are compared, (1) False doctrine, or mcTi's dreams andinventions, Jer. 23. 28. (2) Fruitless plots and designs, Isa. 33. 11. (3) Hypocrites and ungodly per- sons, who arevile,barren, and inconstant, like chaff, Mat. 3. 12. Tob 21. 18. wicked as c. that storm carrieth away Psal. 1. 4. like the c. which the wind driveth away 35. 5. let them be as c. before the wind Tsa. 5.24. as flame consumeth the c. so their root 17. 13. the nations shall be chased as the c. 70 CHA /aa.29.5.terrible ones shall be as c.that passeth aw. 33.11. ye shall conceive c. and bring forth stubble 41.15. thresh mountains, and make the hills as c. Jer. 23.28. what is the c. to the wheat? saith Lord Da7i. 2. 35. became like the c. of the threshing floor IIos.l3. 3. as the c. which is driven with whirlwind Zeph. 2. 2. before the decree, before day pass as c. Mat. 3.12. will burn up the c. with fire, Luke 3. 17. CHAIN Signifies, [I] Links of iron, gold, or silver, one within another, which were (1) Sacred, those made by the command of God, for the breast- plate worn by the high-priest, E.xod. 39. 15, 17, 18. (2) Idolatrous, such as were made for idols, or images, Isa. 40. 19. (3) Common, wherewith prisoners were chained. Acts 12. 7. [II] Bondage, or affliction, Lam. 3. 7. [Ill] Severe laws for the curbing of all open impiety. Rev. 20. 1. c.abouthis neck, Dan. 5. 7, 16,29. Psal. 73. 6. pride compasseth them about as a e. Cant. 4.9. have ravished me with one c. of thy neck Z/fflm.3.7.hedged me about, hath made my c. heavy Ezek. 7. 23. make a c land is full of bloody crimes 16. 11. I put bracelets, and a c. on thy neck Jicts 28. 20. for hope of Isr. I am bound with this c. Eph. 6. t 20. for which I am ambassador in a c. 2 T(OT.1.16.0nesiphorus was not ashamed of my c. Rev. 20. 1. an angel and a great c. in his hand CHAIN-WORK. IKings 7. 17. wreaths of c. for chapiters of pillars CHAINS. Exod. 28. 14. fasten the wreathen c. to ouches, 24. 39. 15. they made on breast-plate c. at the ends JVitm. 31. 50. for atonement, c. and bracelets, rings Judg.'B.-2G. besides the c. about their camels' necks IKings 6. 21. by the c. of gold before the oracle Psal. 149. 8. to bind their kings with c. and nobles Prov. 1. 9. instruction shall be c. about thy neck Ca7it. 1. 10. thy neck comely with c. of gold Isa. 3. 19. the Lord will take away thy c. 40. 19. goldsmith with gold, and casteth silver c. 45. 14. they shall come after thee in c. come over Jer. 40. 4. I loose thee this day from thy c. Ezek. 19. 4. they brought him with c. into Egypt 9. they put him in ward in c. and brought him Mark 5. 3. no man could bind him, no not withe. 4. the c. had been oft plucked asunder by him Acts 12. 7. Peter's c. fell oft" from his hands 2Pet.2.4. to hell, delivered them into c. of darkness Jude 6.he hath reserved in everlastingc.under dark. See Bound. CHALCEDONY. Rev. 21. 19. the third foundation was a c. CHALK-STONES. Isa. 27. 9. he maketh all the stones of the altar c CHALLENGETH. Exod. 22. 9. any lost thing another c. to be his CHAMBER. Signifies, [1] Jin apartment, or room in a house. Gen. 43. 30. Dan. 6. 10. [2] The clouds, Psal. 104. 13. [3] Jin upper room, or an apartment wherein people generally eat, where the disci- ples did eat the passover, and did partake of the Lord's Slipper, and where afterwards they assembled for divine worship. Acts 1. 13. 1 20." The chambers of the south, Jo6 9. 9. Those stars and constellations which are toward the south- ern pole; so called, because they are for the most part hid and shut up, as chambers com- monly are, from these parts of the world, and do not rise or appear to us till the beginning of summer, when they raise winds and tern pests, as astronomers observe. The king hath brought me into his chambers. Cant. 1. 4. Christ the King of his church has vouchsafed unto me most intimate andfamiliar fellowship with himself in his ordinances. Enter thou into thy chambers, Isa. 26. 20. Fly to God by faith, prayer and repentance, for pro- tection,depend upon his providence,lay hold up- on his promises, and makeuseofhis attributes. He alludes to the common practice of men. who, when there are storms or dangers abroad, betake themselves to their oion chambers or houses for safety; or, as some think, to that history, Exod. 9. 19, 20. or to that command, of not going out of their houses, Exod. 12. 22. or to the like charge given to Rahab, Josh. 2. 19. Gen. 43. 30. Joseph entered into his c. and wept Judg. 15. 1. I will go in to my wife into the c. 16. 9. there were liers in wait abiding in the c. 12. 2Sam. 13. 10. bring meat into the c. that I may eat iKings 4.11. Elisha turned into the c. and lay there JVeA. 13. 5. he prepared for Tobiah a great c. 8. cast forth all the household stufl'out of the c. Job 37. t 9. out of the c. cometh the whirlwind Psal. 19. 5. as a bridegroom cometh out of his c. Cant. 3. 4. into the c. of her that conceived me Jer. 36. 10. read the book in the c. of Gemariah CHA Jer.36.20.laid up the roll inc.of Elishama the scribe Ezek. 40. 45. c. whose prospect toward the south 46. c.whose prospect toward the north for priests Z>a?i.6.10.his windows being open in his Jems. Joel 2. 16. let the bridegroom go forth of his c. Bed-Chamber; See Bed. Gu.4.rd-Chambkr; See Guard. Giie««-CHAMBER. Mark 14.14. say, where is the guest-c.Luke^.\i. inner CHAMBER. IKings 20.30. Benhadad fled, and came into in. c. 22. 25. shalt go into inner c. to hide, 2C7i/-. 18. 24. HKings 9. 2. cairv Jehu into in. c. and take the bo.x Little CHAMBER. 2Kings 4. 10. let us make a little c. on the wall Ezek.iO.7. little c.was one reed long and one broad IS.raeasured the gate from thetoot'ot'onelittle c. Side CHAMBER, S. Ezek. 41. 5. the breadth of every sidc-c. four cubits 6. the side-c. were three, one over another 9. thickness of wall for s/t/c-c.without, five cubits Upper CHAMBER. ^2Kings 1. 2. Ahaz fell thro' a lattice in his upper-c. 23.12.altars in top of thei(;)pcr-c.Josiah beat down Jicts 9. 37. washed, and laid Dorcas in an upper-c. 39. brought Peter, when come into the upper-c. 20.8.many lights in upper-c. where were gathered CHAMBERS. Deut. 32. t 25. sword without, terror from the c. IKings 6. 5. against wall of the house he built c. IChr. 9. 26. chief porters were over the c. 23. 28. QChr. 31. 11. Hezekiah commanded to prepare c. Ezra 8. 29. keep them till ye weigh them in the c. JVfA. 13. 9. I commanded, and they cleansed the c. ./ob 9. 9. which maketh the c. of the south Ps. 104. 3. who layeth beams of his c. in the waters 13.he watereth the hills from his satisfied 105. 3U. land brought forth frogs in c. of their king Prov. 7. 27. way to hell going down to c. of death 24. 4. by knowledge c. shall be filled with riches Cant. 1. 4. the king hath brought me into his c. /*«. 26.20. enter thou into thy c. and shut thy doors Jer. 22.13. woe to him that buildeth his c. by wrong 14. I will build me a wide house, and large c. Jer. 35. 2. bring the Rcchabites into one of the c. Ezek. 8. 12. every man in the c. of his imagery 21.14. the sword which entereth into their privy c. 42. 13. they be holy c. where priests shall eat Mat. 24.26. behold, he is in the secret c. believe not i7;);7CT-CHAMBERS. 'iChr. 3. 9. and he overlaid the upper-c. with gold Ezek. 42. 5. the upper-c. were shorter for galleries CHAMBERING. Rom. 13. 13. walk not in c. and wantonness CHAMBERLAIN, S. 2Kings 9. 1 32. looked out to Jehu two or three c. 23. 11. by the chamber of Nathan-melech the c. Esth. 1. 10. the seven c. that served the king 2. 15. but what Hagai the king's e. appointed 21. two of king's c. were wroth, and sought to lay Acts 12. 20. Blastus the king's c. their friend Roin. 16. 23. Erastus, c. of the city, saluteth you CHAMOIS. Deut. 14.5. these ve shall eat, wild ox and the c. CHAMPAIGN. 7)cMi.ll.30. who dwell in the c. over against Gilgal Ezek. 37. t 2. many bones in the open c. CHAMPION. ISam. 17. 4. there went out a c. out of the camp 51. when the Philistines saw their c. was dead CHANCE. Deut. 22. 6. if a bird's nest c. to be before thee ICur. 15. 37. it may c. of wheat or other grain CHANCE. ISam. 6. 9. it was a c. that happened to us 2Sam. 1.6. as I happened by c. on mount Gilboa Eccl. 9. 11. but time and c. happeneth to them all Luke 10. 31. by c. a priest came down that way CHANCETH. Deut. 23. 10. uncleanness that c. him by night CHANCELLOR. Ezra 4.8. Rehum c. wrote a letter to Artaxerxes, 9. 17. then the king sent answer to Rehum the c. CHANGEABLE. Isa. 3. 22. Lord take away the c. suits of apparel CHANGE, S. I,ev. 27. 33. both it and the c. thereof shall be holy .ludg. 14. 12. I will give you thirty c. of raiment 13. you shall give me thirty c. of raiment Job 11. t 10- if he make a c. who can hinder? 14. 14. all my days will I wait till my c. come Prov. 24. 21. meddle not with them given to c. Zech. 3. 4. 1 will clothe thee with c. of raiment Heb. 7.12. there is made of necessity a c. of the law CHANGE, f^erb. Gen. 35. 2. be clean and c. your garments Lev. 27. 10. he shall not c. it || 33. nor e. it, if he c. Job 17. 12. they c. the night into day, light is short Psal. 102. 26. as a vesture shalt thou c. them Isa. 9. 10. but we will c. them into cedars CHA /so. 40. 1 31. that wait on the Lord shall c. strength Jer. 2.36. why gaddest thou so much toe. thy way? 13.23. can Ethiopian c.hisskiu, or leopard spots? Dan. 7. i!5. he shall think to c. times and laws Hos. 4. 7. I will c. their glory into shame Hau. 1. 11. then shall his mind c. and pass over Mai. 3. ti. lor 1 am the Lord, I c. not, therefore Jlcts C. 14. and shall c. the customs delivered Rum. 1. '2(3. their women did c. the natural use Oal. A. 20. 1 desire to be present, and c. my voice Phil. 3. 21. Christ, who shall c. our vile body Heb. 12. t 17. be found no way to c. his mind CHANGED, ETH. Oen. 31. 7. your lather c. my wages ten times, 41 41.14.Jo3ephc.his raiment,and came in toPharaoh Lev. 13. IG. if raw flesh turn and be c. to white 55. if the plague have not c. his colour \Sain. 21. 13. he c. his behaviour before them 26'am.l2.20.Dd. c. his apparel, came to house of L. 'iKings 24. 17. k. of Babylon c. his name to Zedek. 25. 29. c. his prison-garments, Jcr. 52. 33. £sth.2. t9. he c. her and maids to the best place Job 29. t 20. my bow was c. in my hand 30. 18. great force of my disease is my garment c. Psal. 15. 4. he sweareth to his hurt, and c. not 102. 26. as a vesture they shall be c. Heb. 1. 12. 106. 20. thus they c. their glory into an ox Eccl. 8. 1. the boldness of his face shall be c. Isa. 24. 5. c. the ordinance, broken the covenant ^er.2.11.c. their gods, my people have c. their glory 48. 11. his taste remained, and his scent is not c. Ijum. 4. 1. gold dim, how is the most fine gold c! Ezek. 5.6. she hath c. my judgments into wickedn. Van. 2. 9. prcpar. lying to speak, till the time be c. 21. he c. the times and seasons, removeth kings 3. 19. form of his visage was c. against Shadrach 27. nor were their coats c. nor smell of tire passed 4.16. let his heart be c.from man's, and let a beast's 6. 8. sign writing that it be not c. according to law 15. that no decree the king cstabhshed may be c. 17. that the purpose might not be c. about Daniel Jilic. 2. 4. he hath c. the portion of my people .^cls 28. 6. the barbarians c. their minds, and said Rom. 1. 23. c. the glory of the uncorruptible God 25. who c. the truth of God into a lie ICor. 15. 51. not all sleep, but we shall all bee. 52. 2Cor. 3. 18. c. into same image from glory to glory Heb. 7. 12. for priesthood being c. a change ot law CHANGEST, ED, countenance. Job 14.20.thouc.hiacoii»(«»ance,sendest him away Dan. 5. 6. the king's countenance was c. in him, 9. lO.nor let thy count. be c.\\ count, c. in me CHANGERS. Pro ».24.t 21. fearLord and king,meddle not withe. Mat. 21. 12. Jesus went to temple and overthrew tables of money-c. Mark 11. 15. JoAji 2. 14, 15. CHANGES. Gen. 45. 22. to each he gavee. to Benjamin five c. HfTings 5. 5. he took with hira ten e. of raiment 22. give them, I pray thee, two c. of garments 23. bound two c. of garments, and laid them Job 10. 17. c. and war are against me Psal. 55. 19. because they have no c. they fear not CHANGING. Rutk 4. 7. this was manner in Israel concerning e. CHANNEL, S. 2Sam.22. 16. c. of the sea appeared, Psal. 18. 15. Job 31. t 22. let my arm be broken from c. bone Isa. 8. 7. he shall come up over all his e. and banks 27. 12. the Lord shall beat off from c. of the river CHAPITER, S. Ezrid. 36. 38. he overlaid their e. with gold, 38. 28. 38. 17. the overlaying of their e. were silver, 19. 1 icings 7. 16. made two c. of brass, 2C'Ar. 4. 12, 13. ^Kings 25. 17. the c. upon it was brass, Jcr. 52. 22. ^Iinos smite the c. of tHe door that posts shake Zepk. 2. 1 14. the bittern shall lodge in the c. CHAPMEN. 2CAr. 9. 14. besides what c. and merchants brought CHAPEL. Jlmos 7. 13. it is the king's c. and the king's court CHAPT. Jer. 14. 4. because ground is c. there was no rain CHARASHIM. lCAron.4. 14. Joabthe father of the valley of c. CHARGE Signifies, [1] To command, Exod. 1. 22. [2] To prohibit, or interdict, Gen. W.i. [3] To adjure, or bind by a solemn oath, 1 Sam. ]4. 27. [4] To load, or burden, Deut. 24. 5. ITim. 5. 16. [5] To ezhorl, 1 Thess. 2. 11. [6] An office, or employ. Num. 8. 26. To lay any thing to one's charge, is to accuse him of it, and prosecute and punish, him for it, Psal. 35. 11. To have the charge of any thing, to be intrusted with it, or to haer. the oversight and manage- ment of it. Acts 8. 27. Oen. 26. 5. Abraham kept my c. and my statutes 28.6.Iaaac gave Jacob a c. saying, not lake a wife 71 CHA Exod. 6. 13. the Lord gave Mosea and Aaron a c J^Tum. 4. 31. this is the c. of their burden in tabern 8.26.thus shalt do to the Levites, touching their c. 9. 19. then Israel kept the c. of the Lord, 23. 27. 23. Moses gave Joshua a e. Deut. 31. 23. Deut.^X. 8. lay not innocent blood to people's e. Josh. 22. 3. Reubenites have kept c. of the Lord 'iSam. 17. t 23. Ahithophel gave c. concerning 18. 5. the king gave c. concerning Absalom 1 Kings 11. 2b. Jeroboam made ruler over all the c, 'iKings 7. 17. the Lord to have the c. of the gate ICkrun. 9. 27. because the c. was upon them 26. t 30. of Hebronitcs 1700 over the c. ~Chr. 30. 17. Levites had the e. of killing passovers jVcA. 7. 2. I gave Hanani e. over Jerusalem Esth. 3. 9. of those that had c. of the business Job 34. 13. who hath given him a e. over the earth ? Psal. 35. 11. they laid to my c. things I knew not 109. t 8. let another take his c. .dels 1. f 20. J(?>-.39.11.king of Bab.gave e. concerning Jeremiah 47. 7. Lord hath given it a e. against Ashkelon Ezck. 9. 1. cause them that have c. over the city 44. 8. ye have not kept the c. of my holy things 15. the priests that kept the c. of my sanctuary 48. 11. priests kept my c. who went not astray Acts 7. 60. Lord, lay not this sin to their e. 8. 27. a eunuch, who had c. of all her treasure 12. t 25. when Barnabas and Saul fulfilled their e. 16. 24. received such a c. thrust them into prison 23. 29. nothing laid to his e. worthy of death /io77i.8.33.who shall lay any thing toe.of God's elect ICor. 9. 18. make the gospel of Christ without c. 1 Tim. 1. 18. this c. I commit to thee, son Timothy 'iTim. 4. 16. I pray it may not be laid to their c. See Keep. Give CHARGE. JVum. 27. 19. and give Joshua a c. in their sight Deut. 31. 14. call Joshua thatlmay ^iuehim ac. 26'a/rt. 14. 8. go, and I will give c. concerning thee 'iKings 20. fl. give c. concerning house, Isa. 38.11. ICAy. 22.12. only the Lord ^roe thee wisdom and c. fs. 91. 11. givehxs angels c. Mat. 4.6. J^ukei. 10. Isa. 10. 6. will I give him a c. to take the spoil 1 Tim. 5. 7. these things give in c. that they be 6.13. 1 give thee sight of God, who quickeneth CHARGE. Exod. 19. 21. the Lord said, go down, e. the people JVum. 5. 19. the priest shall c. her by an oath Deut. 3. 28. but c. Joshua and encourage him JVeh. 10. 32. to c. ourselves yearly with third part Esth. 4. 8. c. Esther that she go in to the king Cant.2.7. 1 e. you, O ye daughters, 3. 5. | 5. 8. ] 8. 4. 5. 9. what is thy beloved, that thou dost so c. us? Mark 9. 25. I c. thee come out and enter no more 1 Thess. 5. 27. I c. you that this epistle be read 1 Tim. 1. 3. e. that they teach no other doctrine 5.21. 1 c. thee before God and J.Christ, 2 Tim.i.l. 6. 17. c. them that are rich in this world, that they CHARGEABLE. 'iSam. 13. 25. let us not all go, lest we be c. to thee JVeA. 5. 15. the former governors were c. to people 2Cor. 11. 9. when with you, I was c. to no man 1 TAes.2.9.because we would not be e. to any ofyou 2TAfs. 3. 8. that we might not be c. to any ofyou CHARGED. Gen. 26. 11. Abimelech c. his people, saying 28. 1. Isaac called Jacob, and e. him, and said 40. 4. captain of the guard c. Joseph with them 49. 29. Jacob c. his sons, and said to them, I am 50. t 16. they c. a messenger to Joseph Exod. 1. 22. Pharaoh c. all his people, saying Deut. 1. 16. I e. your judges at that time, sayin^ 24. 5. nor shall he be c. with any business, but free 27. 11. Moses c. the people the same day, saying 16'ara.l4.27.Jonathan heard not when Saul c.peop. '2Sam. 18. 12. for in our hearing the king c. thee \Kings 2.1. David c. Solomon his son, saying, I go 43. the commandment that I have c. thee with 13. 9. so was it c. me by the word of the Lord 2CAr. 36. 23. Lord c. me to build house, Ezra 1.2. JVcA. 13. 19. c. they not be opened till after sabbath £5«A.2.10.notshewed people, as Mordecaie. her ,20. Job 1. 22. Job sinned not, nor c. God foohshly 4. 18. and his angels he c. with folly Jer. 32. 13. I c. Baruch before them, saying 35.8.have obeyed Jonadab in all that he hath Mat. 9. 30. Jesus straitly c. them, saying, see that no man know it, Mark 5. 43. J^nke 9. 21. 12.16.Jesus c. not to make him known, Jk/aWc 3.12. Markl.ZQ. c. not to tell,8.30.| 9.9./.Myle5.14. | 8.56. 10. 48. many e. him that he should hold his peace Wora.3. 1 9. we have c. Jews and Gentiles under sin IThess. 2. II. we c. every one ofyou as a father 1 Tim. 5. 16. and let not church be c. that it may CHARGEDST. Exod. 19. 23. thou c. us, saying, set bounds about CHARGER, S. JVum. 7. 13. his offering was one silver c. 19. 25, 3i, 37, 43, 49, 61, 67, 73, 79. 84. this was the dedication of the altar, twelve c. CtiA J\rum. 7. 85. each e. of silver weighing 130 shekels Ezra 1.9. this is number of them, one thousandc. Mat. 14. 8. give John Bapt. head in a c. Mark 6.25. CHARGES. iChron. 8. 14. he appointed the Levites to their c. 31. 17. from 20 years in their c. by courses 35. 2. he set priests in their c. and encouraged them ^c(s 2i. 24. them take, and be at c. with them ICor. 9. 7. who goeth a warfare at his own e.? CHARGEST. 2Sam. 3. 8. tliou c. me to day with a fault CHARGING. Acts 16. 23. c. the jailer to keep them safely 27V;«. 2. 14. c. that they strive not about words CHARIOT Signifies, [1] A sort of light coach. Gen. 46. 29. L2] Chariots of war, out of which some of the ancients fought, they were armed with javelins and scythes in several places, which tore every thing they met with to pieces, E.\od. 14. 7. Josh. 11.4. ['^] Hosts, or armies, ¥asi\.ti8. 17. [4] Human,or worldly things, wherein men repose their confidence, Psal. 20. 7. Elijah is called the chariot of Israel and horse- men thereof, 2 Kings 2. 12. that is, By his ex- ample, his counsels,hisprayers,andpowerwith God, he did more for the difcnce and preserva- tion o/ Israel, than all their chariots andhorses, and other warlike provisions. Solomon made a chariot of the wood of Lebanon, Cant. 3. 9. Christ, of whom Solomon was a type, established for the glory of his grace the ncio covenant, or the gospel, whereby believers are carried to heaven; which is of an everlast- ing nature, Heb. 13. 20. Rev. 14. 6. Gen. 41. 43. he made him to ride in the second c. Exod. 14. 25. the Lord took off their c. wheels XKings 7.33. the wheels like the work of a e. wheel 18. 44. prepare thy e. and get thee down 20. 25. number thee c. for c. and wo will fight 33. he caused him to come up into the c. 22. 35. the blood ran into the midst of the c. 38. one washed the c. in the pool of Samaria XKings 2. 11. there appeared a e. of lire and horses 12. cried, my father, the c. of Israel, 13. 14. 5. 21. he lighted from the c. to meet Gehazi 9. 16. Jehu rode in a c. {| 27. smite him in the c. 28. servants carried him in a c. to Jerus. 23. 30. IChron. 28. 18. gave gold for the pattern of the e. 2Chron. 35.24. his servants took him out of the c. Psal. 46. 9. he burneth the c. in the fire 6. 6. c. and horse are cast into a dead sleep Cant. 3. 9. made a c. of the wood of Lebanon Isa, 21. 7. he saw a c. with horsemen, a c. of asses 9. here cometh a e. of men with horsemen 43. 17. who bringcth forth the c. and horse Jer. 51. 21. will I break in pieces the c. and rider Mic. 1. 13. bind the c. to the swift beast ZeeA. 6.2. first c. red horses, second c. black horses 9. 10. I will cut off the c. from Ephraim Acts 8. 29. said, go near and join thyself to his c. 38. he commanded the c. to stand still His CHARIOT. Geji. 46. 29. Joseph made ready his c. and went Exod. 14. 6. Pharaoh made ready A!« c. and took Judg. 4. 15. Sisera lighted off A;* c. and fled away 5. 28. why is his c. so long in coming? why tarry Ifi'm5-sl2.18.king made speed lohis c. 2CAr.l0.18. 22. 34. he said to the driver of his c. turn thy hand 35.Ahab was stayed up in his e. and died at even iKings 5. 9. Naaman came with his c. and stood 26. when the man turned again from his c. 9.21.A?sc.wa3 made ready, went out each in hisc. 24. smote Jehoram, and he sunk down in his c. 10. 16. so they made him to ride in his c. Psal. 104. 3. who maketh the clouds his c. Jer. 4. 13. his c. shall be as a whirlwind Acts 8. 28. sitting in his c. read Esaias the prophet CHARIOT-CITIES. 2Chr. 1. 14. horsemen which he placed in c.-cities 8. 6. Solomon built c.-cities, and store cities 9. 25. bestowed in the c.-cities and with the king CHARIOT-HORSES. 2Sam. 8.4. David houghed all c.-horses, lCAr.18.4. 'iKings 7. 14. they took therefore two c.-horscs CHARIOT-MAN. 2Chr. 18. 33. he said to the c.-man, turn thy hand CHARIOTS. Gen. 50. 9. there went up with Joseph c. and horse Exod. 14. 7. Pharaoh took 600 e. and all the c. 17. I will get honour upon hisc. and horsemen 23. the waters covered all the c. and all the host 15. 4. Pharaoh's e. and host hath he cast into sea 19. for the horse of Pharaoh went in with his c. fosh. 17. 16. have c. of iron, 18. .Tudg. 1. 19. | 4. 3. .Judg. 4. 15. Lord discomfited Sisera and all his e. 5. 28. she cried, why tarry the wheels of his c? ISam. 8. 11. the king will appoint them for his c. 13. 5. Phihstines, to fight against Israel, 30,000 e. 2Sam. 1.6. the c. and horsemen followed after Saul CHA 2Sam. 10. 18. D. slew the men of 700 c. of Syrians IKings 10.20. Solomon hadl400 c. 12,000 horsemen 16. 9. Zimri captain oflialf his c. conspired 22. 32. when the capts. of the c. saw Jehoshaphat 'i.Kings 13. 7. left but ten c. and fifty horsemen 18. 24. how put thy trust on Egypt for c. Isa. 36.9. Psal. 68. 17. the c. of God are twenty thousand Cant. 6. 12. my soul like the c. of Ammi-nadib Isa. 2. 7. full of horses, nor is any end of their c. 22. 18. c. of thy glory be the shame of thy lord 31. 1. woe to them tliat trust in c. because many 37. 24. by the multitude of my c. ami come up 66. 15, behold the Lord will come with tire and c. like a whirlwind, Jer. 4. 13. Dan. 11. 40. Jcr. 47. 3. at rusliing of his c. fathers not look back Ezek. 23. 24. they shall come against thee with c. 26. 10. thy walls shall shake at the noise of the c. Joel 2. 5. hke the noise of the c. shall they leap Mic. 5. 10. I will cut off horses, and destroy thy c. JVfflA. 2. 3. the c. shall be with flaming torches 4.thec.shall rage in streets and jostle one another 13. I am against, and will burn her c. in smoke Hag. 2. 22. I will overthrow the c. and those ride iiei!.9.9. the sound oftheir wings as the sound of c. CHARIOTS with horses. Exod. 14. 9. all the horses and c. of Pharaoh, 23. Deut. 11. 4. what he did to their horses and c. 20. 1. when thou seest horses and c. fear not Josh. 11. 6. thou shalt hough their horses, burn c. 9.Joshua houghed horses, burnt their c. with tire ZSam. 15. 1. Absalom prepared horses and c. XKings 20. 1. against Samaria with c. and horses 2Kings 6.17.the mountain was full of c. and horses 7. 6. the Syrians to hear a noise of horses and c. 10. 2. are with you c. and horses, a fenced city Psal. 20. 7. some trust in c. and some in horses Cant. 1. 9. compared thee to horses in Pharaoh's c. Isa. 66. 20. bring your brethren on horses and in c. Jer. 17. 25. shall enter princes riding in c. 22. 4. 46. 9. come up, ye horses, and rage, ye c. 50. 37. a sword is upon their horses and their c. Ezek. 26. 7. upon Tyrus Nebuchadnezzar with c. 39.20.shall be filled at my table with horses and c. J\rah. 3. 2. noise of prancing horses and jumping c. Hab. 3.8.didst ride on thy horses and c.ofsalvation Rev. 18. 13. no man buys their horses and c. CHARITABLY. Rom. 14. 15. brother grieved, now walkest not c. CHARITY Is a principle of prevailing love to God and good will to men, which effectually inclines one en- dued with it to glorify Ood, and to do good to others; to be patient, slow to anger, andready to forgive wrongs; to show kindness to all, and seek the good of others, though with prejudice to himself. ^ person endued therewith does not interprctdouhtful things to the worst sense, but the best; is sorry for the sins of others, but rejoices when any one does well, and is apt to bear with their failings and infirmities; and lastly, this grace is never lost, but goes with us into another world, and is exercised there, 1 Cor. 13. 1, 4, &c.] 15. now walkest thou not according to c. I Cor. 8. 1. knowledge puffeth up, but c. edifieth 13. 1. speak with tongues, and have not c. 2, 3. 4. c. sufFereth long, and is kind, c. envieth not 13. faith, hope, c. but the greatest of these is c. 14. 1. follow after c. and desire spiritual gifts 16. 14. let all your things be done with c. Col. 3. 14. above all these things put on c. 1 T/tes.3.6.brought good tidings of your faith andc. '2Thes. 1. 3. c. toward each other aboundeth 1 Tim. 1. 5. now the end of the commandment is c. 2. 15. be saved if they continue in faith and c. 4. 12. be an example in c. in spirit, in faith 2 Tim. 2. 22. follow righteousness ; faith, c. peace 3. 10. hast fully known my doctrine, life, faith, c. Tit. 2. 2. aged men be sober, sound in faith, in c 1 Pet. 4. 8. have fervent c. for c. shall cover sins 5. 14. greet ye one another with a kiss of c. 2Pet. 1. 7. and to brotherly-kindness c. S.lohn 6.strangers who have borne witness of thy c Jude 12. these are spots in your feasts of c. Rev. 2. 19. I know thy works, and c. and service CHARMED. Jer. 8. 17. 1 will send serpents which will not be c. CHARMER, S. JDcut. 18.11. there shall not be found among you a c Psal. 58.5. not hearken to the voice of c. charming t not hearken to c. be the c. never so cunnin" CHASE. lyBV. 26. 7. ye shall c. your enemies, and they fall 8. and five of you shall c. a hundred 36. and the sound of a shaking leaf shall c. them Deut. 32. 30. how should one c. 1000. .Tosh. 23.10. Psal. 35. 5. let the angel of the Lord c. them CHASED, ETH, ING. Deut. 1. 44. and the Amorites c. you as bees do Judg. 9. 40. Abimelech c. him, he fled before him CHE Judg. 20. 43. they inclosed Benjamites and c. them lSa7n.l7. 53. Israel returned from c. the Philistines JVeh. 13. 28. therefore I c. him from me Job 18. 18. he shall be c. out of the world 20. 8. he shall be c. away as a vision of the night Prov. 19. 26. and he that c. away his mother Isa. 13. 14. it shall be as the c. roe, as a sheep that 17. 13. they shall be c.asthechaft'before the wind Lam. 3. 52. mine enemies c. me sore like a bird 1 Thess. 2. 1 15. killed their prophets, and c. us out CHASTE. 2Cor. 11. 2. that I may present you as a c. virgin Tit. 2. 5. that the young women be c. obedient IPet. 3. 2. while they behold your c. conversation CHASTEN Signifies, [1] To correct in love, Psal. 118. 18. Heb. 12. 5, 6. [2] To punish in justice, Lev. 26.28. [3] To hu7nble one's self before Ood by fasting and prayer, Dan. 10. 12. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, Tsa. 53.5. That punishment by which ourpeace,that is, our reconciliation to God, and salvation or happiness, were to be purchased, was laidupon Christ by God's justice, with his own consent. 2Sam. 7. 14. 1 will c. him with the rod of men Psal. 6. 1. nor c. me in thy hot displeasure, 38. 1. Prov. 19. 18. c. thy son while there is hope, spare Dan. 10. 12. thou didst c. thyself before thy God Rev. 3. 19. as many as I love I rebuke and c. CHASTENED. Deut. 21. 18. they have c. him, he will not hearken Job 33. 19. he is c. also with pain on his bed Psal. 69. 10. I wept, and c. my soul with fasting 73. 14. all day been plagued, and c. every morning 118. 18. Lord hath c. me sore, he hath not given Hos. 7.t 15. though I have c. they imagine mischief ICor. 11. 32. we are c. that we be not condemned 2Cor. 6. 9. as dying, yet live, as c. and not killed Heb. 12. 10. for they verily for a few days c. us CHASTENEST, ETH, ING. Deut, 8. 5. as a man c. his son, so the Lord c. thee Job 5.17. happy whom God correcteth ; despise not thou c. of Almighty, Prov. 3. 11. Heb. 12.5 Psal. 94. 12. blessed is the man whom thou c. Prov. 13. 24. but he that loveth him c. betimes /5a.26. 16. poured out a prayer when c.was on them Heb. 12. 6. for whom the Lord loveth he c. 7. if ye endure c. what son whom father c. not? c. for present seems to be joyous, but griev. CHASTISE. Lev. 26. 28. I will c. you seven times for your sins Deut. 22. 18. elders shall take the man and c. him IKings 12. 11. I will add to your yoke, I will c. you with scorpions, 14. HChron. 10. 11, 14. Hos. 7. 12. I will c. them as their congregation hath heard 10. 10. it is my desire that I should c. them Luke 23. 16. 1 will c. him, and release him, 22. CHASTISED, ETH. IKings 12. 11. did lade with heavy yoke ; father hath c. you with whips, 14. 2CAr. 10. 11, 14. Ps. 94. 10. he that c. heathen, shall not he correct 1 Jer. 31. 18. hast c. me, and I was c. turn thou me CHASTISEMENT. Deut. 11. 2. your children who hath not seen the c. Job 34. 31. I have borne c. I will not off"end more Psal. 73. t 14. my c. was every morning Isa. 53. 5. the c. of our peace was upon him Jer. 30.14. have wounded with the c. of a cruel one //ei. 12.8.if without c.then are ye bastards,notsons CHANT. Amos 6.5.they c. to the sound of the viol and invent CHATTER. Isa. 38. 14. like a crane or swallow, so did I c. CHAWS. Ezek. 29. 4. but I will put hooks in thy c. 38. 4. Chearful; see Cheerful. CHECK. Job 20. 3. 1 have heard the c. of my reproach CHECKER-WORK. IKingsl .n .HitaLVa made netsof c.-M.and wreaths CHEEK. IKings 22. 24. Zedekiah smote Micaiali on the c. said, which way Spirit of Lord, 'iChron. 18. 23. Job 16. 10. have smitten me on the c. reproachfully Lam. 3. 30. he giveth his c. to him that smiteth him Mic. 5.1. shall smite the Judge with a rod on the c. Luke him smiteth one c. offer also the other Right CHEEK. Mat. 5. 39.smite thee on thy right c. turn the other CHEEK-BONE. Ps. 3. 7. hast smitten all mine enemies on c.-bone CHEEKS. Deut. 18. 3. shall give to priest the two c. and maw Cant. 1. 10. thy c. are comely with rows of jewels 5. 13. hisc. are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers 7sffi.50.6. 1 gave my c. to them that plucked otThair Lam. 1. 2. she wcepeth, and her tears are on her c. CHEEK-TEETH. Joel 1.6.nation come up,hath c.-tecthofa great lion CHE CHEER Deiit. 24. 5. and shall c. up his wife he hath taken Eccl. 11. 9. let thy heart c. thee in days of thy youth CHEER. Prov. 17. fl. than a house full of good c. with strife Jl/at. 9.2. son, be ofgoodc. thy sins be forgiven thee 14.27. be of good c. it is I, be not afraid, J/ar/i: 6.50. Jo/in 16. 33. be of good c. I have overcome world ..'JcJs23. 11. stood by him and said, be of good c. P 27. 22. and now I exhort you to be of good c. 25. wherefore sirs, be of good c. fori believe God 36. then were they all of good c. and took meat CHEERETH. Judg. 9. 13. leave my wine, which c. God and man CHEERFUL. Prov. 15. 13. merry heart maketh a c. countenance Zech.8. 19. shall be tohouseof Judah joy andc. f. 9. 17. corn shall make young men c. and new wine 2Cor. 9.7. or of necessity, for God loveth a c. giver CHEERFULNESS. Rom. 12. 8. he that sheweth mercy with c. CHEERFULLY. Acts 24. 10. I do the more c. answer for myself CHEESE, S. ISam. 17. 18. carry these ten c. to the captain 2Sam. 17. 29. Barzillai brought sheep and c. to D. Job 10. 10. hast thou not curdled me like c? CHERISH. IKings 1.2. let her c. him, and Ue in thy bosom CHERISHED. IKings 1.4. the damsel was fair and c. the king CHERISHETH. Eph. 5. 29. c. his own flesh, as the Lord the church 1 TAess.2.7.were gentle, even as a nurse c. children CHERUB. This word in tAcHebrew signiJiesMness of know- ledge ; and angels are so called from their ex- quisite knowledge, and were therefore used for the punishment of man, who sinned by affecting divine knowledge, Gen. 3. 24. There is but an obscure description given us in scripture of these cherubims, which Moses placed upon the ark of the covenant, Exod. 25. 18. as well as of those which Ood posted at the entrance of that delightful garden out of which he had driven Adam and Eve. But it is probable that both one and the other had a human figure, since it is said of those which were placed at the entrance of Paradise, that they had their station there assigned them, to guard the entrance to it, and held a flaming sword in their hands. Jlnd Eze- k'lelcompares the king of Tyre to the cherub that covered the ark of the covenant, Ezek. 28. 14. that is, he was like to this cherub, glittering all over with gold and glory. Moses says, that two cherubims covered the mercy-seat with their wings extended on both sides, and looked one to another, having their faces turned toward the mercy-seat which covered the ark. Ood is sup- posed to sit on the mercy-seat, whose face the angels in heaven always behold,and upon whom their eyes are fixed to observe and receive his commands, and toward Christ, the true Propi- tiatory, which mystery they desire to look into, 1 Pet. 1.12. not envying mankind their near and happy relation to him, but taking pleasure i7i the contemplation of it. Moses likewise calls those representations which were made in em- broideries upon the veils of the tabernacle, cherubims of cunning work, Exod. 26. 1. Exod. 25. 19. make one c. on one end, and the other c. on the other end, 37. 8. 2Sam. 22. 11. he rode upon a c. Psal. 18. 10. IKings 6. 25. and the other c. was ten cubits 26. the height of one c. ten cubits, so of the other Ezek. 9. 3. the glory oftJod was gone up from the c. to the threshold of the house, 10.4. 10. 7. and one c. stretched forth his hand from the 14. first face was the face of a c. second of a man 28. 14. thou art the anointed e. that rovereth 16. and I will destroy thee, O covering c. 41. 18. between a c. and a c. every c. had two faces CHERUBIMS. Oen. 3.24. he placed at the east of the garden c. Exod. 25. 18. thou shalt make two c. of gold 26. 1. the tabernacle of c. of cunning work. 31. 37. 7. he made two c. of beaten gold of one piece IKings 6. 23. within the oracle he made two c. 25. both the c. were of one measure and one size 28. and he overlaid the c. with gold 8. 7. the c. covered the ark, 2C7tr. 5. 8. Heb. 9. 5. 2Chr. 3. 10. in the most holy place he made two c. Ezek. 10.5. the sound of the c. wings was heard 16. when the c. went, the wheels went by them 19. c. lift up their wings and mounted, 11. 22. Between the CHERUBIMS. Exod. 25. 22.will meet thee from between the two c. JV«?n. 7. 89. from bttw. the two c. he spake to him 1 Sam. 4.4. the ark of Lord which dwclleth between the c. "iSam. 6. 2. •2Kivgs 19. 15. Isa. 37. 16 CHI Psal. 80. \.ti\di\.dwc[leth between the c.ilnas forth yy. 1. \ie siltethbctweentlie c. let earth he moved £zek. lO.i. till with coals of fire from between the c 7. band from between lire that was between e CHKSiSUT-TREK.S. Gen. 30. 3". and Jacoh look him rods oi c.-trcc K:ek. 31. ti. the c.-trees were not like his brunches CHEST, S. 2Kings 12.9.Jchoiuda took c. and bored hole in lid 'iCIir. 5!4. d. at king's commandment tliey made c. 11. high-priest's otiicer came, and emptied thee. Kick. i7. 2^4. thy merchants in c. of rich apparel CHEW. /.eo.ll.4.noteatof them that c. thecud^ciU.14.7. CHEWED. JV««t.ll. 33. ere the tiesh was c. wrath was kindled CHEWETH. I^ev. 11. 4. because he c. the cud, 5, 6. Deut.l^. b. 7. yet the swine c. not the cud, Dent. 14. S. CHICKENS. Mat. 23.37. gathered even as a hengatlicrcth her c. CHIUE. Exod. 17. 2. the people did c. why c. you with nie? Judg. 8. 1 . the men of Ephraim did c. with Gideon ysal. 103. 9. lie will not always c. nor keep anger CHlDliNG. Eiod. 17. 7. called Meribah, because of c. of Israel CHIEE Signifies, [1] The principal person of a family., conirregation, tribe, army, e Jcbusites first shall be c. and captain, Joab went lirst and was e. 18. 17. the sons of David were c. about the king 26. 10. tho' r>ot first-born, bis father made him c. E:.ra 9. 2. the rulers have been c. in this trespass .Ve/t. 11. 3. these are c. of the province that dwelt .Job 12. 24. he taketh away heart of c. of peoph 29. 25. 1 cljose out their way, and sat c. dwelt a: 40. 19. Behemoth is the c. of the ways of God Psal. 78. 51. he smote c. of their strength, 105. 31). 137. 6. if I prefer not Jerusalem above my e. joy Pr«p.l.21. Wisdom criethin c. place of concourse S.fiS.nor had made c. part of the dust of the world 16. 28. a whisperer separatetb c. friends Cant. 4. 14. an orchard with all the c. spiecs Isa. 14. 9. he slirreth up the c. ones of the earth Jer. 13. 21. thou hast taught them as c. over thet 31. 7. sing and shout among the c. of the nations 50. t 36. a sword is upon their c. stays, shall dote 51. t 59. this Seraiali was a c. chamberlain /va»t.l.5.her adversaries are the c. enemies prosper Ezck. 4. 1 2. set c. leaders against Jerusalem round 20. t 40. there will I require c. of your oblations 44. t 30. c. of the first fruits shall be Vlie priest's Dan. 2. 1 14. Daniel answer. Arioch the c. marshal 11. 41. the c. of children of Amnion shall escape Amns 6. 1. which are named c. of the nations 6.drunknnd anoint themselves with c. ointments Mat. 20;. 27, who«ocver will be c. among you, let 23. 6. they love the ui)permost rooms at feasts and e. seats in tlie .synagogues, Mark 12. 39. Mark 6. 21. Herod nKtde a suppej to his c. estates lAike 11.15. casteth out devils thro' c. of the devils 14. 1 . he went into hoiKw of one ofthe c. Pharisees 7. he marked how they ihose the c. rooms, 20.46. 22. 26. and he that is c. its he thrtt doth serve John 12. 4*2. among c. rulers many believed on him Jlets 14. 12. because Paul was the c. speaker 17. 4. some believed, and of c. women not a few E,ph. 2. 20. .f. Christ the c. corner-stone, l/'<;<.2.6. 1 7'jni.l.l5. Jes. came to save sinners, of whom I c. lP«t.5.4.when c. Shepli.shalliappear, shall receive CHIEF captain. 2.S'anf. 5. 8. who smiteth heshall be c. and captain .ids 21. 31. tidings came to the c. captain of band 32. when they saw the c. capt. they left, beating 23.17. Paul said, bringthis yoimg man toe. cajil. 24. 7. c. captain t»ysias eanjeupon us, took him 22. c. captain shall come, I will know uttermost CHIEF captains. 2.S(im.23.8.Adino thoTachmonite satc.among cap. IChr. 27. 3. c. of all tho captains for first month 73 CHI ZChron. 8. 9. but Israel were c. of Solomon's capt. .icts 25.23. when,\grippa was entered with c. capt. Rev. 6. 15. rich men and c. capt. hid themselves CHIEF fathers. ./V«m.31.26.tliou and tho c. fathers of congregation 1 Chr. 9. 34. these c. fathers of Levites were chief 24. 31. the c. fathers ofthe priests and Levitcs 26. 32. were 2700 c. fathers David made rulers '2Chr. 26. 12. whole number of c. fathers of mighty Ezra 1.5. then roaeup thec.of the/ui/ierj> of Judaii JV'tA.7.70.thcc.of the/tt(/jei'6' gave to the work, 71. CHIEF house. ^V'ltm. 3.24. thee. of/io««eof Gershonitcs, Ehasaph 30. the c. of Aoiiscof the Kohathites, Elizaiihaii 35. c. ofthe house ofthe Mcrarites, was ZuritI 25. 14. Zimri was of a c. hou.-ie among Sinieonites of woman wasCozbi,ofa c. A. iu Midian Josh. 22. 14. out of each c. house a prince was sent CHIEF man, or men. Lev. 21. 4. not defile himself, being a c. ma,n IChroH. 7. 3. the sons of Uzai, all of them c. men 24. 4. more c. men of Eleazar, than of Ithamar K-.ra 5. 10. the naiitcs ofthe men that were c. 7. 28. I gathered together c. men to go up with me Isa. 41. 9. I called thee from the c. tnen thereof Acts 13. 50. but the Jews stirred up the c. men 15. 22. Judas and Silas, t. men among brethren 28. 7. were possessions of the c. man of the island CHIEF priest. iKings 25. 18. the capt. took Seraiah the c. priest iChruu. 27. 5. Benaiah a e.^riCAt was third capt. 29. 22. and anointed Zadok to be e. priest 2Chr. 19. 11. Auiariah c. p. is over you in matters 26. 20. and Azariah the c. priest looked on him CHIEF priests. Ezra 8. 24. then I separated twelve of c. of priests 10. 5. made the c. priests and all Israel to swear jVcA. 12. 7. these were e.;j;v>sts in days of Joshua J/(i<. 16.21. and sufl'ermany thingsoflhe e. priests 26. 47. a multitude with staves from the c. priests 27. 12. when he was accused of c. p., Mark 15. 3. 41. c. priests mocking with scribes, Mark 15.31. Murk 14. I.e. ^. sought to take him and put him to death, 55. Mat. 26.59. J^ukcO. 22. 1 19.47. | 22.2. /.M4e23.23.voicesof them and e-.priests prevailed Johnl3i. e.yricsts sent officers to take him, 18.3. 19. 15. c. p. answered, we have no king but Cesar icts 9. 14. he hath authority from c. priests, 26.10. 22.30. commanded the e.p. and counsel to ajipear CHIEF prince, or princes. 1 Chrou. 5. 1 2. and of Judah came the c. prince 40. were children of Ashcr, e. ofthe princes Ezek. 38. 2. Gog c. prince of Meshecli, 3. | 39. 1. Dan. 10. 13. Michael one of the c. princes came CHIEF singer, or singers. jV(7(.12.46. in days of David were e. ofthe singers Hab. 3. 19. to the c. singer on my instrument CHIEFEST. l-Srt; make yourselves fat with e. offerings 9. 22. Samuel made them sit in the c. place 21.7.Doeg an Edoraite, c. of the herd-men to Saul iCMrron. 32. 33. Hezekiah buried in c. of seinilcliics Cunt. 5. 10. my beloved is the c. among 10,000 Alark 10. 44. who will be c. shall be servt. of all '2Cor. 11. 5. not a whit behind c. of apostles, 12. 11. CHIEFLY. Rom. 3. 2. c. because to them were commit, oracles Phil. 4.22. e. they that are of Cesar's household iiPet. 2. 10. but e. them that walk after the flesh CHILD Signifies, [1} One young in yeors, 1 Sam. 1. 22. [2] One weak in knowledge, Isa. 10. 19. 1 Cor. 13. 1 1. [3] auch as are young in grace, 1 John 2. 13. [4] Suck as are humble and docile, Mat. 18. 3, 4. [5] fVhatsoevcr is dear to a person, Jer. 15. 7. Child, Children, or Sons, arc taken different ways in Scripture. The descendants of a man, how remote soeoer they may be, are called sons, or chiklren. For example; the children of ^Aom the children of Moab, the children of Israel These expressions, the children of light, the children of darkness, are used to signify those who follow light, and those who remain in darkness: the children of the kingdom, those who belong to the kingdom. Persons who are almost of age, are often called children. For example : Joseph is called a child, though he was at least sixteen years old, Gen. 37. 30. a?td Benjamin of the age of above thirty, is still' called n little child. Gen. 44. 20. Dike wise men of full age have of ten the name nf children given them, Isa. 65. 20, Tho child shall die a hundred years old; that is, 9rtc;i shiM die at the age of a hundred years; there shall be no more "untimely deaths seen. Children, or Sons of God. Jliy this name angels are sometimes described, as, .iobl.6. | 2.1, There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord. Good men, in M CHI opposition to the wicked, are likewise called by this name; the childi en of Selh'a family, in op- position to the race of Cain, Gen. 6. 2, The sons of God saw the daughters of men. .Judges and magistrates are likewise termed children of God, Psal. 82. 6, 1 have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children ofthe Most High. in the jVew Testament, Believers are commonly called the children of God, by virtue of their adoption, and the prerogatives which Christ purcha.sed for them by the merits of his death and sufferings. John 1. 12, He hath given us power to become the sons of God: and else- where; see Rum. 8. 14. Gal. 3. 26. Childkkn, or Sous of men. This name is given to the men ofViiin'sfamily, who lived before the deluge; and in particular to the giants, those violent and enrrujjt men, who before the deluge hadco-rrupted tluiricuijs,uud dri wdownthemost terrible effects of Gad's auger upon the earth. .■Jfterteards the impious, the wicked Israelites zcerc called the sons of men, Ps. 4. 2, O ye sons of men, how long will ye love vanity? See Psal. 12. 1. 1 57. 4. But very often, by sons of men, mankind are to be understood, without ant) odi- ous notion, as, Psal. 8. 4, What is the s"on of man, that thou visitcsthiin^PiuZ. 11. 4. 1 145. 12. 6-'c?i.2i.l5.Haj;arcast tliec.underoiieofthe shruba 16. she said, let me not see the death of the e. 37. 30. the c. is nut, and I, whither shall I go? 42. 22. spake I not, du not sin against the c? Exod. 2. 8. the maid went, and called the c. mother 22. 22. ye shall not afllict any fatherless c. Judg. 11. 34. Jephthah's daughter was his only c. 13. 8. and teach us what we shall do to the c. I.Sam. 1. 25. and they brought the e. to Eli 3. 8. Eli perceived the Lord had called the c. iSam. 12. 14. thee, that is born to thee shall die 15. Lord struck the c. that Uriah's wife bare 16. David therefore besought God for the e. 19. David perceived that the c. was dead IKings 3. 25. he said, divide the living c. in two 14.3.he shall tell thee, what shall become of the c. 17. 22. the soul of the c. came into him again ~Kings 4. 31. he told him, the e. is not awaked 35. the c. ucescd, and the e. opened his eyes Prov. 23.13. withhold not correction from the t. -Ece^ 4. 8. yea, he hath neither c. nor brother IS.with second c. that shall stand up in his stead Isa. 3. 5. the e. shall behave himself proudly 7. 16. for before the c. shall know to refuse the evil 8. 4. before tho c. shall know to cry, my father 11.8. the weaned c. put his hand on cockatrice den 65. 20. the c. shall die a hundred years old ,/er. 4. 31. as of her that bringeth forth her first c. 31. 20. is Ephraim my son? is he a pleasant t.? 44. 7. to cut oft' from you man, woman, and c. Mat. 10. 21. the father shall deliver the c. to death 17.18. the e. was cured from that very hour 23. 15. ye make him twofold more the e. of hell Luke 1. 59. on 8th day they came to circumcise c. 66. saying, what manner of e. shall this be? 76. thou e. slialt be called Prophet ofthe Highest 80. the e. grew, and waxed strong in spirit, 2. 40. 2. 27. when the parents brought in the c. Jesus 9. 38. Master, look on my son, he is my only e. 42. Jes. healed e. and delivered liim to his father John 4. 49. sir, come down ere my c. die 16. 21. but as soon as she is delivered ofthe c. iets 4. 27. of a truth against thy holy c. Jesus 30. that signs may be done by name of thy c. Jes. 13. 10. Saul said, thou c. of the devil, thou enemy Rev. 12. 4. to devour her c. as soon as it was bom 5. her c. was caught up to God and to his throne yi CHILD. Gfrt.l8.13.shall I of a surety bear a e. who am old? 44. 20. a father, and a c. of his old age, a little one Exod. 2. 2. she saw he was «goodly e. Heb. 11. 23. l.SVi/rt. 2. 18. Samuel, a e. girded with a linen ephod 1 Kings 3.17. was delivered of a e. with her in 13. 2. a. e. shall bo born to house ofDavid, Josiah Job 33. 25. his flesh shall be fresher than a e. Ps. 131. 2. 1 quieted myself as a c. as a weaned' e. Prov. 20. 11. even a e. is known by his doings 22. 6. train up a c. in the way he should go 15. foolishness is bound in the heart of a c. 29. 15. but a c. left to himself bringeth to shame 21. he that bringeth up his servant from a e. Eccl. 4. 13. better is a wise c. than a foolish king 10.16. woe to thee, O laiul, wbc»>tby king is a c. Isa. 9. 6. for to us a c. is born, to us a son is gives 10. 19. trees shall be few,that ae. may write them .Jer. 1.6. behold I cannot speak, for I am a e. 7. 20. 15. tiifings, saying, a man c. is born to thee Nus. 11.1. when Israel was a c. tlien I loved hitn Jl'f(n'/ long since this came? ho said of a r. 36.took a V. and set htm in the midst, Lnke9.47. ICor. 13. 11. when I was a c. I spake as a c. I understood as a c. I thought as a c. a;n. 6. 23. Michael had no c. to the day of death iKings 4.14.Gehazi answered,verily she hath no c. Lukel.7.tbey had no c. because Elisab.was barren .dcts 7. 5. promised to him when as yet he had no c. Sucking CHILD. .Kum. 11.12. as a nursing father beareth sucking c. Ji-a.n.B.sucking c. shall play on the hole of the asp 4!).15.can a woman forget her s. c? yea, they may l^ain. 4.4. tongue of the suck. e. cleaveth to the roof This CHILD. Exod. 2. 9. take tliis c. and nurse him for me iu4e 2.17.saying, which was told concerning c. is set for fall and rising of many in Israel 9.48. whoso shall receive this c. my name, receives mth CHILD. Oen. 16. 11. the angel said, Hagar, thou art with c. 19. 36. daught. of Lot were %Dith c. by their father 38.24.Tamar thy daughter is with whoredom 25. by the man whose these are, am I with c. -Ezorf.21.22.if men strive and hurt a woman with c. ISam. 4.19. his daughter, Phinehas' wife, was w. c. 2Sam. 11. 5. Bath-sheba sent and said, I am with c. ZKings 8. 12. wilt rip up their women with, c. 15.16. £ecM1.5.bones grow in womb of her that is with c. Jsa. 26. 17. like a woman with c. that draweth near 18. we have been with c. we have been in pain 54. 1. sing, O barren, that didst not travail icith c. .Jer 30. 6. see whether a man doth travail with c. .31 . 8. 1 will bring forth from north women roith c. Ifos. 13. 16. their women with c. shall be ripped up yinios 1 IS.because they ripped up the women w. c. Mat. 1. 18. she was found with c. of the Holy Ghost 23. a virgin shall be with c. and bring fonh a son 24.19. woe to them that are id. c. and to them give suck in those days, Mark 13. 17. Luke 21. 23. Luke be taxed with Mary, being great with c. 1 Thess. 5. 3. as travail upon a woman with c. Rev. 12. 2. and she being with c. cried, travailing Young CHILD. l.Sam.l. 24. she brought him, and the c. was young Mat. 2. 8. go and search diligently for the young c. 13. take the young c. and his mother, and nee 14. he took the young c. and his mother by night CniLD-BEARING. 1 T'im.2.15.notwithsland. she shall be saved in c.-b CHILDHOOD. 1 Sam.. 12. 2. I have walked before you from my c. Job 33. t 25. his flesh shall be fresher than c. Keel. 11.10. for e. and youth are vanity CHILDISH. \Cor. 13. 11. when a man, I put away c. things CHILDLESS. Gen. 15.2. what wilt thou give me, seeing I go c? 7,eD.20.20.they shall bear their sin, they shall die c. ISam. 15. 33. Samuel said, as thy sword hath made women c. bo shall thy mother be c.among women Jer. 22. 30. saith the Lord, write you this man c. Luke 20.30. the second took her to wife, and died c. CHILDREN. Oen. 3. 16. in sorrow shalt thou bring forth c. 16. 2. it may be that I may obtain c. by her 25. 22. the c. struggled together within her 29. 1 1. Jacob came into land of the c. of the east 30. 1. Rachel said to Jacob, give me c. or I die 33. 5. the e. which God hath given thy servant 49. 8. thy father's c. shall bow down before thee lCiorf.12.37 .journeyed about600,000men,besides c. 20.5. a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fa- thers upon the c. 34. 7. JVhto. 14.18. Vciit. 5. 9. 21.4. the wife and her c. shall be her master's JJ'um. 13. 28. and we saw the c. of Anak there 17. 1 10. for a token against the c. of rebellion 26. 11. notwithstanding the e of Korah died not Deut. 2. 9. I have given Ar to the c. of Lot, 19. 9. 2. who can stand before the c. of Anak? 13. 13. the c. of Belial arc gone out from you 14. 1. ye are the c. of the Lord your God 21 . 1 5. have borne him c. both beloved and hated 23. 8. the c. begotten of them shall enter into cong 24. Ifi. the fathers shall not be put to death for the e. nor the c. for the fathers, 2CAron. 25. 4 32. 20. they are c. in whom there is no faith 74 CHI /Jcut.33.24.of Ashur he said, letAshur be blessed c. Josh. 22. 9. c. of Reuben and Gad, half tribe of Ma- nasseh, returned and built there an altar, 10, 11. Judg. 4. 6. take 10,000 men of the c. of iSaphtali 8. 18. each one resembled the c. of a king 14. 16. ihouhastputforthariddletoc. of people 20. 13. now deliver us the men, the c. of Belial ISam. 2. 5. she that hath many c. is waxed feeble 10.27. c.of Belial said, how shall this man save us? ■2Sam. 3. f 34. as a man falleth before c. of iniquity 7.10.neithet shaU the c. of wickedness afflict them any more as before time, IChron. 17. 9. IKings 21. 13. there came in two men, c. of Belial iKinirs 2. 24. two she-bears came and tare 42 c. 9. 1. Elisha called one of the c. of the prophets 10. 13. to salute the c. of the king, c. of the queen 14. 6. but the c. of murderers he slew not, as is written in the law of Moses, IChron. 25. 4. 17. 34. nor do as Lord commanded the c. of J acob 19. 3. for the c. are come to the birlh, Isa. 37. 3. IChron. 2. 30. but Seled died without c. 32. and Jether died without c. 4. 27. but Shimei's brethren had not many c. 16. 13. O ye c. of Jacob his chosen, Psai. 105.6. 2Chron. 13. 7. gathered to Jeroboam c. of Belial 25. 7. the Lord is not with all the c. of Ephraim 11. Amaziah smote of the c.of Seir 10,000 Ezra 2. 1. these are c. of the province, J\l'eh. 7. 6. 10. 44. some had wives by whom they had c. JVch. 9. 23. the c. multipliedst thou as stars of hoav. Job 19. 17. I intreated for the c. sake of my body 30. 8. they were c. of fools, yea c. of base men 41. 34. he is a king over all the c. of pride Psal. 17. 14. they are full of c. and leave the rest 34. 11. come, ye c. hearken to me, I will teach you 69. 8. I am become an alien to my mother's c. 72. 4. he shall save the c. of the needy 78. 6. the c. which should be born might know 82. 6. and all of you are c. of the most High 83. 8. they have liolpen the c. of Lot. Selali 102. 28. the c. of thy servants shall continue 113.9. makes the barren to be a joyful mother of c. 127. 3. lo c. are a heritage of the Lord 4. as arrows in the hand, so are the c.of youth 137. 7. remember, O Lord, the c. of Edom 148. 12. let old men and c. praise the Lord 149. 2. let the c. of Zion be joyful in their king Prov. 4.1. hear, ye c. instruction, 5. 7. ] 7. 24. \ 8. 32. 17. 6. and the glory of c. are their fathers 31. 28. her c. arise up and call her blessed Eccl. 6. 3. if a man beget 100 c. and live years Cant. 1. 6. my mother's c. were angry with me Isa. 1. 2. I have brought up c. and they rebelled 4. ah sinful nation, c. that are corrupters 2. 6. they please themselves in the c. of strangers 3.4.and 1 will give c. to be their princes, and babes 12. as for my people, c are their oppressors 8.18. 1 and c.whom Lord hath given me,/fei.2.13. 13. 18. shall have no pity, their eye not spare c. 21. 17. mighty men of c. of Kedar be diminished 23. 4. saying, I travail not, nor bring forth c. 30. 1. woe to the rebellious c. saith the Lord 9. lying c. e. that will not hear the law of the Ld. 38. 19. father to the c. make known thy truth 47. 8. neither shall I know the loss of c. 9. come in one day tlie loss of c. and widowhood 49. 20. the c. which thou shalt have, shall say 54. 1. sing, O barren, for more are c.of the deso- late than e. of the married wift. Gal. 4. 27. 57.4. are ye not c. of transgression, a seed of falseh. 5.slaying the c. in the valleys under clifts of rocks 63. 8. they are my people, c. that will not lie soon as Zion travailed,she brought forth c. Jer. 3. 14. turn, O backsliding c. saith the Lord, 22. 19. I said, how shall I put thee among the c? 4. 22. for my people is foolish, they are sottish c. 6. 11. I will pour it out upon the c. abroad 7.18. the c. gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire 9.21. for death entered to cut offc. from without 15. 7. 1 will fan them, I will bereave them of c. 31. 15. Rachel weeping for her c. Mat. 2. 18. 29. the c. teeth are set on edge, Ezek. 18. 2. 48. 1 45. shall devour the crown of the c. of noise Lam. 2. 20. shall the women eat c.of a span long? 5. 13. young men to grind, c. fell under the wood Kzrk.^.i. for they are impudent c. and stlft-hearted 20. 21. the c. rebelled against me, they walked 23. 1 17. c. of Babel came to her into bed of love 33. 30. the c. still are talking against thee by walls 44. t 7. brought into my sanctuary c. of a stranger 47. 22. to strangers that shall beget c. among you Dan. 1.4. c. in whom was no blemish, but skilful IS.their countenances fairer and fatter than all c. 17. as for these four c. God gave them knowledge 2. t 25. found a man of the c. of the captivity 12. 1. Michael shall stand for the c. of thy people Hos. 1. 2. take unto thee c. of whoredoms 2. 4. I will not have mercy on her c. for they be c. in. 9. the battle against the c. of iniquity did not 14. the mother was dashed in pieces upon her c CHI Hos. 11. 10. then the c. shall tremble from the west 13.13. not stay long in place of breaking forth of c. Joel 2. 16. gather c. and those that suck the breasts 23. be glad then ye c. of Zion, and rejoice in Lord ./?»«)« 9. 7. are ye not as c.of the Ethiopians to me! Mic. 1. 16. make bald, and poll thee lor delicate c. Zeph. 1. 8. I wiU punish the princes and king's c. Mai. 4.6. he shall turn the heartoffathers to the c. and the heart of c. to their fathers, J^uke 1. 17. Mat. 2. 16. Herod slew all the c. in Bethlehem 3. 9. able of these stones to raise up c. Luke 3. 8. 5. 45. that ye may be the c. of your Father in heav. 8. 12. but the c. of the kingdom shall be cast out 9. 15. Jes. said, can c. ofbride-cham. mourn while bridegroom with them? JWarfe 2. 19. J^ulceb.'.ii. 10. 21. c. shall rise against parents, Mark 13. 12. 11. 19. but Wisdom is justified of her c. Luke 7.35. 13. 38. the good seed are the c. of the kingdom, but the tares are the c. of the wicked one 15. 26. not meet to take the c. bread, Mark 7. 27. 17. 26. Jesus saith to him, then are the c. free 19.29. forsaken wife or c. for my sake, jWarA 10.29. 20. 20. then came the mother of Zebedee's c. 21.15.priests and scribes saw the c. crying in temp. 23. 31. ye are c. of them that killed prophets Mark 7. 27. Jesus said to her, let the c. first be filled 28. the dogs under the table eat of the c. crumbs 9.37. shall receive one of such c. in my name, 41. Luke&. 35. be great, ye shall be thee, of the High. 16. 8. for c. of this world are wiser than c. of light 20. 29. the first took a wife, and died without c. 34. the c. of this world marry, and are given in John 8.39. if ye were Abraham's c. would do works 21. 5. Jesus saith to them, c. have ye any meat ? Jlcts 3.25. ye are the c.of the prophets and covenant Rom. 8. 17. if c. then heirs, heirs of God, joint-heirs 9. 7. because the seed of Abraham are they allc. 11. for c. being not yet born, nor done good or evil 1 Cor.14.20. be not c. in understanding, in malice, c. 2Cor. 12. 14. for the c. Ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the c. Gal. 3. 7. of faith, the same are the c. of Abraham 4. 3. so we, when we were c. were in bondage 25. Jerusalem, which is in bondage with her c. 31. we are not c. of bond-woman, but of the free Eph. 1. 5. having predestinated us to adoption of c. 2. 2. the spirit that worketh in c. of disobedience 3. were by nature e. of wrath, even as others 4. 14. we be henceforth no more c. tossed to and fro 5. 1. be ye therefore followers of God as dear c. 6. wrath cometh on c. of disobedience. Col. 3. 6. 6. 1. c. obey your parents in the Lord, Col. 3. 20. 1 Tim. 5. 4. but if any widow have c. or nephews 10. if she hath brought up c. if she hath lodged 14. I will that the younger women marry, bear c. Heb. 2.14. as the c. are partakeis of flesh and blood 12. 5. e,\hortation which speaketh to you as toe. IPet. 1. 14. as obedient c. not fashioning by lusts 2Pet. 2. 14. having eyes full of adultery, cursed c. IJohn 3.10. c. of God manifest, and c. of the devil 2John i. the elder to the elect lady and her c. 13. the c. of thy elect sister greet thee Rev. 2. 23. I will kill her c. with death, churches See Ammon, Captivitv. CHILDREN nf Benjamin. JV«m.l.36. of the c. ofB. by their genealogy 35,400 Judg. 1. 21. c.of B. did not driveout the Jebusites 20. 13. the c. ofB. would not hearken to brethren 2Sam. 2.25. c. ofB. gathered together at^er Abner ICAr. 9. 3. in Jerusalem dwelt ofc.o/ 5. JVf/i.11.4. 12. 16. there cameofc.o/ii. to the hold to David ,Ter. 6. 1. O ye c. of B. gather yourselves to flee . Children's CHILDREN. Gen. 45. 10. shalt be near to me, thou and thy c. c. Exod. 34.7. visiting iniquity of fathers on childr. c. Dent. 4. 25. when thou shalt beget c. and childr. c. 'HKingsl'l.Al. served images both their c. and ch. c. Psal. 103. 17. and his righteousness unto childr. c. 128. 6. ehalt see thy childr. c. and peace on Israel Prov. 13. 22. leavcth an inheritance to his childr. c. 17. 6. childr. c. are crown of old men, glory of c. Jer. 2. 9. and with your children's c. will I plead £zeA:.37.25. shall dwell, and their childr. c. for ever Fatherless CHILDREN. Ps. 109. 12. nor let there be any to favour father, c. Jer. 49. 11. leave thy father, c. I will preserve them CHILDREN of God. Mat. 5. 9. peace-makers shall be called the c. of O. Luke 20.36.are the e. of G. being c. of resurrection John 11. 52. should gather together in one c. of G. Rom. 8. 16. beareth witness that we are the c. of G. 21. delivered into the glorious liberty of c.of G. 9. 8. the e. of the flesh, these are not the c. ofG. 26. there shall they be called c. of the living God Gal. 3. 26. ye are all c. of God by faith in Christ IJohn 3.10. c. of God manifest, and c. of the devil 5. 2. by this we know that we love the c. of God His CHILETREN. Grn. If. 19. I know Abraham will command A(> e 37. 3. Israel loved Joseph more than all his c. CHI Deut. 17. 20. may prolong his days, lie and Ais c. 32. 5. corrupted, their spot is not tlic spot ol' Ais c. t they are not his c. that is their hlol 33. 9. neither acknowledge, nor knew his own e. 1 Sam. 30. 22. save to every man his wife and his c. 2 Sam. 12.3. a little ewe-lamb it grew up with his c. 2 Kin^s 8.19 to give him always a light, and to his c. 2 Chr. 28. 3. hurnt his c. in lire alter the heatJieii 33. 6. he caused his c. to pass through the fire Job 5. 4. his c. are far from safety, and are crushed 17. 5. even the eyes of his c. shall fail 20. 10. his c. shall seek to please the poor 21. 19. God layeth up his iniquity for Ais c. 27. 14. if A(S r. be multiplied, it is for the sword Psal.80. 30. it his c. forsake my law, and walk not 103. 13. like as a father pitiethAi's c. so Lord pities 109. 9. let his c. be fatherless, his wife a widow 10. let his c. be vagabonds, and beg bread Prov. 14. 26. Ais c. shall have a place of refuge 20. 7. the just man, his c- are blessed after him /so. 14.21. prepare slaughter for his c. for iniquity of 29. 23. when he seeth his c. in the midst of him Has. 9. 13. but Ephraitn shall bring forth his c. John 4. 12. his c. and callle drank thereof 1 7'Aess.2.11.we charged you as a father doth his c. 1 Tim. 3. 4. having A?* c. in subjection with gravity ClllLVREN of Israel. Gen. ^>0. 25. Joseph took an oath of the c. of Israel Ezod.!.'. the c.of Israel were fruitful and increased 12. they were grieved because of the c. of Israel 2.23. c. of Isr. sighed 1| 25.God looked on c. of Isr. 4.31. when they heard Lord had visited c.of Israel 6. 5. 1 have also heard the groaning of the c. of Isr. 13. to bring c. of Isr. out of Egypt, 26, 27. j 12. 51. 9. 4. shall nothing die of all that is the c. of Israel 12. 37. c. of Isr. journeyed about 600,000 on foot 29. 43. and there I will meet with the c. of Israel 31.17. it is a sign between me and c. oflsr.tot ever /-(^.17. 13. whosoever he be, co/ZsraeZ or stranger 25. 55. for to me the c. of Israel are servants A'Mm.14.10. glory of Lord appeared before c.o/ /sr. ./bsA.7. 12. c.o//sr. could not stand before enemies I.Sam. 11.8. when numbered c.of Isr. were 300,000 2 .Sam. 21. 2. theGibeonites were not of c.o/ Israel 2 Kings 17. 24. and placed them instead of c.of Isr. J.2.14.tocast a stumbling-block before c. of Isr. 7. 4. sealed 144,000 of all the tribes of the c. of Isr. 21.12.the names of the twelve tribes of the c.of Isr. CHILDREN o/./urfaA. JVum. 1. 26. of the c. of Judah by their generations Josh. 14. 6. c. of Judah came to Joshua to Gilgal 2 Sam. 1.18. bade teach co/./iid. the use of the bow 2 Chr. 13. 18. c. of J. prevailed, because they relied 25. 12. other 10,000 did c.of .T. carry away captive 28. 10. now ye purpose to keep under thee, of .lud. Jer. 32. 32. because of all the evil of the c. of .Judah 5t). 4. they and the c. of .Tudah gomg and weeping SS.Israeland c.of .Judah were oppressed together Joel 3. 19. for the violence against the c. of Judah CHILDREN o/ZiS-A«. I.uke 16. 8. c. of this world are wiser than e. of light .John 12. 36. believe, that ye may bo the c. of light 5. 8. but now are light in Lord, walk as c. of I. 1 Thcss.5.^.ye are all c. ofli the Christ whom they expected. The Evangelist Luke says, that our Saviour entering into a .synagogue at Nazareth, there opened the book of the prophet Isaiah, where he read. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anoint- ed me to preach the gospel to the poor, I.ukei. 18. After which he sheiced them that this pro- phecy was accomplished in his person. And St. Peter and the other believers being assem- bled together. Acts 4. 24, 25, &c. say to God from Psal. 2. 1, 2, Why did the heathen rage, "&c. and apply this prophecy to Christ, versed'. And in ActslO. 38, Peter, speaking tu Corne- lius the centurion, and to those that were leith him, tells them that the Lord had sent peace to men, by Jesus Christ, whom God had anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power. So that when Christ, or his disciples, are said to be anointed, it is to be understood of the spiritual and internal unction of grace and of the Holy Ghost, of which the outjcard and sensible unc- tion,with which they anciently anointed kings, priests, and prophets, was but the figure and symbol. Sec Messiah. Christ is taken for the mystical body of Christ, both himself the Head, and the church as his members, which make but one body, 1 Cor. 12. 12. Likewise for the doctrine of Christ, or the rule of life prescribed by him, Eph. 4. 20. And for the Spirit, and spiritual gifts and graces of Christ, Rom. 8. 10. Mat. 2. 4. he demanded where C. should he born 16. 16. thou art C. the Son of the livins God 23. 8. for one is your Master, even C. 10. 24. 5. many shall come, saving, I am C. and shall deceive many, Mark 13. 6. Luke 21. 8. 26. 68. prophesy to us, thou C who smoti^ thee? Mark 9. 41. in my name because ye belong to C. 15. 32. let C. descend now from the cross Luke 2. 26. should not die, before he had seen C. 4. 41. the devils, they knew that he was C. CHR Luke 23. 35. eave himself, if lie be C. chosen of God 39. saying, if thou be C. save thyself and us 24. 2ti. ought not C. to have suflfered these things? 46. thus it behoved C. to suffer and rise from dead John 4. 25. the Messias comelh, which is called C. 7. S7. when C. cometh, no man knoweth, 31. 31. when C. cometh, will he do more miracles ? 41. but some said, shall C. come out of Galilee 1 42. said, that C. cometh of the seed of David 9. 22. that if any man did confess that he was C. 12. 34. we have beard that C abidelh for ever ^cts 2. 30. he would rai-^Je up G. to sit on his throne 30. God hath made that Jesus both Lord and C, 3. 18. God had before shewed that C. should suffer 8. 5. Philip went and preached C. to them 9. 20. and straightway he preached C. in synagog. IT. 3. alleging that C. must needs have suffered 26.23. that C should suffer, and rise first from d. Rom. 5. 6. in due time C. died for the ungodly 8. in that while we were yet sinners C. died for us 6. 4. like as C. was raised up from the dead by 9. knowing that C. being raised, dieth no more 7. 4. ye are become dead to law by the body of C. 8.9. if any have not Spirit of C. he is none of his 10. if C be in you, the body is dead because of sin 11. he that raised up C. from dead shall (quicken 9. 3. I could wish myself were accursed from C. 5. of whom C. came, who is over all, God blessed 10. 4. C. is the end of the law for righteousness 6. that is, to bring C. down from above 7. that is, to bring up C. again from the dead 14. 9. for to this end C. died, and rose, and revived 15. destroy not him with meat for whom C died IS.for he that in these things serveth C. is accept. 15.3. for even C. pleased not himself, but reproach. 7. as C. also received us, to the glory of God 18. of things which C hath not wrought by me 20. 1 strive to preach, not where C. was named 16. 5. Epenetus the first-fruits of Achaia to C 1 Cor. 1. 23. but we preach G. crucified, to the Jews 24. C. the power of God, and the wisdom of God 3. 23. and ye are C. and C. is God's 5. 7. even C. our passover is sacrificed for us 8. 11. the weak brother perish, for whom C. died 9. 21. but under the law to C. that I might gain 10.4. all drank of that rock, and that rock was C. 9.norlet ustempt someofthem also tempted 15.3. 1 delivered to you, how C. died for our sins 12. if C. be preached that he rose from the dead 16. if the dead rise not, then is not C. raised 17. and if C be not raised, your faith is vain 23. every man in his own order, C. the first-fruits 2 Cor. 3. 4. such trust have we thro' C. to God-ward 5. 16. yea, tho' we have known C. after the flesh 6. 15. and what concord hath C with Belial? 11. 2. 1 may present vou as a chaste virgin to C. Gal. 2. 20. I live, yet not I, but C. liveth in me 21. if right, come by law, then C. is dead in vain 3.13. C.hath redeemed us from the curse of the law 24. the law was our schoolniaster,tobringuslo C. 29. if ye be C. then are Abraham's seed, and heirs 4. 7. if a son, then an heir of God through C. 19. of whom I travail, till C. bo t'ormed in you 5. 1. the liberty wherewith C. hath made us free 2. if ye be circumcised, C.shall profit you nothing 4. C. is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law 24. that are C. have crucified the flesh with affect. 2. 12. at that time ye were without C. 3. 17. that C. may dwell in your hearts by faith 4. 15. may grow in him which is the head, even C. 20. but ye have not so learned C. 5.2. as C. also loved us, and hath given himself for 14.nrise from the dead, and C.shall give thee light 23. hush, is head of wife, as C. is head of church 24. as the church is subject to C. so let wives be 25. love vour wives, as C. also loved the church 32. but r speak concerning C. and the church 6. 5. obedient, in singleness of your heart as to C. PAiY.1.15. some indeed preach C". of envy and strife 16. the one preach C. of contention, not sincerely 18. C. is preached, and I therein do rejoice 20. eo now C. shall bo magnified in my body 3. 8. I count them but dung, that I may win C. 4.13. lean do all through Cwho strengtheneth mo Co/. 2. 8. after rudiments of world, and not afier C. 3. 1. where C. silteth on the right hand of God 4. when C. who is our life shall appear, then shall U. bond nor free, but C. is all and in all 13. even as C. forgave you, so also do ye 24. receive the reward, for ye serve tho Lord C. Heb. 3. 6. but C. as a son over his own house 5.5. 80 also C. glorified not himself to be a high-pr. 9. 11. but C. being come a high-priest of good 24. C. not enter, into holy places made with hands 28. C. was once offered to bear the sins of many 1 Pet.2.21. because C. also suffered for us, an exam. 3. 18. C.hath once suffered for sins, just for unjust 4.1. as C. suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves Rev- 11. 15. the kingdoms of our Lord and his C. 77 CHR fleu.l2. lO.nowiscomekingd.of G. power ofliis C Jlgainst CHRIST. Jicts 4.26. kings and rulers gathered against his C. 1 Cor. 8. 12. when ye sin against the brethren ye sin against C. 1 TVm.S.ll.wax wanton against C. they will marry By CHRIST. 2 Cor. 1. 5. so our consolation aboundeth by C. Oal.'i. 17. butif while we seek to be justified i?/ C. 3. 21. to him be glory in church by C. Jesus For CHRIST. 1 Cor. 1. 17. for C- sent me not to baptize, but to 4. 10. we are fools/or C. sake, but ye are wise in C. 2 Cor. 5. 20. now we are ambassadors/or C. we pray 12. 10. I take pleasure in distresses /o?- C. sake Ep/i. 4. 32. as God for C. sake hath forgiven you P/til. 3. 7. gain to me, those I counted loss /or C. 2 Thess. 3.5. L. direct to the patient waiting/or C. i/cft.ll.t26. esteeming reproach/or C. greater rich. Jesus with CHRIST. JI/aM.16.wasbornJi!«MS, who is called C 27.17,22. Joh7i 1. 17. but grace and truth came by Jesus C. 17. 3. know thee, and Jesus C. whom thou sent ./lets 2. 38. be baptized in the name of Jesus C. 3. 6. in the name of Jesus C. rise up and walk 20. shall send Jesus C. who was preached to you 4. 10. by the name of Jesus C. doth this man stand 5. 42. and daily they ceased not to preach Jesus C. 8. 12. when they believed Philip preaching things concerning name of Jesus C.they were baptized 37. I believe that Jesus C. is the Son of God 9. 34. Eneas, Jesus C. maketh thee whole, arise 10.36.preaching peace by Jesus C. he is Lord of all 16.18. 1 command thee in the name of J. C'.come out 17. 3. and that this Jesus I preach to you is C. 18. 5. Paul testified to the Jews that .Tcsus was C 28. shewing by the scriptures that .lesus was C. 19. 4. that they should believe on C. Jesus Rom. 1. 1. Paul a servant of Jesus C. Phil. 1. 1. 3. concerning his Son Jesus C. our Lord, of seed 6. among whom are ye the called of Jesus C. 8. I thank my God through Jesus C. for you all 2. 16. shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus C. 3. 22. righteousness, which is by faith of Jesus C. 24. justified through the redemption in Jesus C. 5. 15. gift by grace, which is by one man Jesus C. 17. shall much more reign in life by one Jesus C. 6. 3. so many as were baptized into Jesus C. 8. 1. no condemnation to them that are in C Jesus 2. the Spirit of life in C. Jesus hath made me free 16. 3. Priscilla and Aquila, my helpers in G. Jesus 1 Cor. 1.1. Paul apostle of./. C. 2 Gor. 1.1. Eph.l.l. 2. with all that call on the name of Jesus C. 4. for the grace of God given you by .Tesus C. 30. but of him are ye in C. Jesus, who is made to 2.2. not to know any thing, save Jesiis G. crucified 4. 15. for in G. J. have I begotten you thro' gospel 2 Cor. 4. 6. the knowledge of God in face of J. C. 5. 18. hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus C. 13. 5. know ye not, how that Jesus C. is in you Oal.^. 16. a man isjustified by the faith of Jesus C. 3. 14. blessing come on the Gentiles thro' Jesus G. 28. male nor female, for ye are all one in 0. Jesus 4. 14. ye received me as an angel, even as C Jesus Eph.2. 6. made us sit in heavenly places in G. Jesus 20. ./esus C. being the chief corner stone PA/7. 1. 8. 1 long after you in the bowels of .Tesus C. 2. 5. mind be in you, which was also in C. Jesus 11. Jesus C. is Lord, to the glory of God the F. 21. all seek not the things which are Jesus C. 3. 8. 1 count all loss for the excellency of C. Jesus 12. for which also I am apprehended of C. Jesus 4. 19. according to his riches in glory by C. .Tesus Co/. 2. 6. as ye have received C. J. so walk ye in him 1 Tim. 1. 15. that C. Jestis came to save sinners 2. 5. mediator between God and men,man C.Je..2C/tro7i. 24. 25. 14. 20. Amaziah \\ 15. 7. Azariah buried in c. ofD. 15.38. Jolham was buried in e. ofD. 2 Chr.^1. 9. 16. 20. Aliaz washuriedinihe c. of David 2 Chron. 24. 16. they buried Jehoiada in thee. ofD. Isa. 22. 9. seen the breaches of the c. of David 29. 1. woe to Ariel, the c. where David dwelt Luke 2. 4. Joseph also went unto the c. of David 11. to you is born in the e. of David a Saviour Elders with CITY. Deut. 19. 12. the elders of his e. shall fetch him 21. 6. the elders of that c. next to the slain man 20. say to the elders of his c. our son is stubborn 22. 17. spread the cloth before the elders of the c. 25. 8. then the elders of his c. shall call him ./osh.'H). 4. declare his cause to iUe elders o(\ .Judg. 8. 16. Gideon took the ciders of the c. Ruth 4.2. Boaz took ten men of the eWers of the c Ezra 10. 14. and with them the ciders of every e. Every CITY. .Judg. 20. 48. smote as well the men oi every c. 2 Kings 3. 19. ye shall smite every fenced c. 2 Chron. 11. 12. in every c. Rehoboam put shields 28. 25. in every c. of Judali he made high jilaces 31. 19. ofsons of Aaron which were in every c. Jer.i.'i^.every c. shall be forsaken, not a man dwell 48. 8. and the spoiler shall come upon every c. Mat. 12. 25. and every c. divided against itself Luke 10. 1. sent them two and two into every c. Acts 15. 21. hath in every c. them that preach him 36. let us go and visit our brethren in every c. 20. 23. the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every c. that Ti«. 1.5. that thou shouldest ordain eld. in every c. Fenced CITY. 2 Kings 10.2. with you a fenced c. also and armour 17. 9. from (he towerof watchmen tothe/cnefdc. 2 CAron. 11.23. he dispersed of all his children thio' Judah and Benjamin unto every fenced c. CITY of God. Psal. 46.4. the streams shall make glad the c.of G. 48. 1. Lord greatly to be praised in c. of our God 8. the c. of God, God will establish it for ever 87. 3. glorious things spoken of thee, O c. of God Heb. 12. 22. ye are come to the e. of the living God Rev. 3. 12. write on him the name ofc. of my God Great CITY. Gen.l0.12.Ashur builded Resen, same is a great c. Josh. 10. 2. feared, because Gibeon was agreat c. the e. was large and great, but people Jcr.22.8.why hath Lord done thus to this great c? Jonahi.'i. arise, go to Nineveh, Ihaigreat c. 3. 2. 3. 3. now Nineveh was an exceeding ^rea£ c. 4. 11. should I not spare Nineveh that great c. ? J?eD.11.8.dead bodies lie in the street of the^reat e. 14. 8. Babylon fallen, that ^reat c. 18.10,16,19,21. 16. 19. the great c. was divided into three parts 17. 18. the women thou sawest, is that great c. 21. 10. he shewed me that ^rea« c. holy Jerusalem Holy CITY. JVfA.ll.l. cast lots todwell inJerusalem the holyc. 18. all the Levites of the lioly c. were 284 Isa. 48. 2. they call themselves of the holy c. 52. 1. put on thy beautiful garments, O holy c. /)a?i.9.24. seventy weeks determined on thy holy c. Mat. 4. 5. the devil takclh him up into the holy c. 27.53. went into the. holy c. and appeared to many Rev. 11. 2. the holy c. shall they tread under foot 21.2.IJohn saw the Ao/j/c. coming down from God 22. 19. God shall take his part out of the holy c. In, or Into the CITY. Gen. 19. 12. wlmtaoever thou hast in the c. bring Detit. 20. 14. all that is in the c. take to thyself 28. 3. blessed shalt thou be in the c. and in the field 16. cursed shalt thou he in the c. and in the field ./osh. 6. 20. so that the people went into the c. 21. they utterly destroyed all that was in the e. 8. 19. they entered into the c. and set it on fire .Judg. 1. 24. shew us the entrance into the c. 8. 27. Gideon put the cphod in his c. in Ophrah l.Sam.4.13. when Ibe man came into thee, and told 2 Sam. 15. 25. carryback the ark of God !«fff ^Ace. 27. return iiito the c. and your sons with you 1 Kings 13. 25. and they came and told it in the c. 14. 11. that dielh of Jeroboam in the c. dogs eal 12. arise, and when thy feet enter into the c. 16. 4. that diethof Bnasha in the c. shall doge eat 20. 30. came into the c. into an inner chamber CIT 1 Kings 21.'24.that dieth of Ahab, in the c.dogs eat 2 Kings 7. 4. if we say, we will enter into the c. 12. we filial! catch them, and get into the c. 20. 20. how Hezekiah brought water into the c. 25.3. famine prevailed in the c. there was no bread Psa^31.21. blessed be the Lord, for he hath shewed rae his marvellous kindness in a strong c. 55. 9. I have seen violence and strife in the c. Prov. 1. 21. in tAec. Wisdom uttereth her words Eccl.7. 19. than ten mighty men which are in thee. 8. 10. and the wicked were forgotten in the c. Jsa.m.ia.inthe left desolation and gate smitten Jer. 14. 18. if I enter iiUo the c. then behold sick 38.9. like to die, for there is no more bread in the c. 52. 6. famine was sore in the c. there was no bread La7n. 1. 19. my elders gave up the ghost in the c. Eiek. 7. 15. in the c. famine shall devour him y. 7. and they went forth and slew in the c. Hos. 11. 9. and I will not enter into the c. JocliM.Xhcy shall run to and from the con the wall Jlmos 3. 6. shall a trumpet be blown in thee, shall there be evil in a c. and Lord hath not done it? 7. 17. thy wife shall be a harlot in the c. thy sons Jonah 3. 4. and Jonah began to enter into the c. Mat. 9. 1. he passed over and came into his own c. 10. 5. into any c. of the Samaritans enter not 11. and z7i«o "whatsoever c. ye shall enter 26. 18. go into thee, to such a man, and say to him 28. 11. behold, some of the watch came into the c. Mark 14. 13. he saith, go into the c. Jlcts 9. ti. Luke 2.3. all went to be ta.ved,every one into his c. 7. 37. a woman in the c. which was a sinner 18.2. there was mac. a judge, who feared notG. 3. there was a widow in that c. and she came 22. 10. behold, when ye are entered into the c. 24. 49. but tarry ye in the c. of Jerusalem John 4. 8. hid disciples were gone into the c. Jlcts 11. 5. I was in the c. of Joppa, praying 14. 20. howbeit, he rose up and came into the c. 21. 29. had seen Trophimus with him in the c. 24. 12. neither in the synagogues nor in the c. 2 C'or.ll.2t5. 1 have been in perils itt the c. in thesea yjcM.22.14. and may enter thro' the gates into the c. CITY of the Lord. Psal. 101. 8. I will destroy the wicked, that I may cut off all the wicked doers from the coftheLord Isa. 60. 14. they shall call thee the c. of the Lord Out of the CITY. Oen. 44. 4. when they were gone out of the c. jExod.9.29.Mose3 said, as soon as lam gonenut ofc. 33. and Moses went out of the c. from Pharaoh Lev. 14. 45. he shall carry them forth ont of the c. ./««A.8.22.the other side issued out of thee, against Jtidg.l. 21. the spies saw a man come o!t£ o/Wtec. 2 6'awi. 18. 3. better thou succour us out of the e. 20. 16. then cried a wise woman out of the c. 1 Kings 21. 13. they carried Naboth out of thee. 2Kings7.Vi. when they come out of the c. we shall 9. 15. Jehu said, let none escape out of the e. 1 Chron. 20. 2. he brought much spoil out of the c. 2 Chron. 33. 15. Josiah cast the idols out of thee. Job 24. 12. men groan from out of the c. the soul Jer. 39. 4. Zedekiah went out of the c. 52. 7. Eiek. 48. 30. these are the goings out of the c. Mie. 4. 10. now shalt thou go forth oiit of the c. Mat. 21. 17. he left them, and went ojif of the c. Jl/ar/i:ll.l9.when even was come, went oitto/fAec. Luke A. 29. they rose and thrust him out of the c. 9. 5. when ye go out o/that c. shake off the dust John 4. 30. then they went out of the c. and came ^cis7.58.castStei)ben out of thee, and stoned him 14. 19. having stoned Paul, drew him out of the c. 16. 13. and on the sabbath we went out of the c. 21. 5. they brought us, till we were out of the c. CITY of refuge. JVitm. 35. 25. shall restore him to the c. of refuge 26.ifcome without border of thee, of refuge, 27. 28. he should have remained in the c. of refuge 32. for him that is fled to the c. of refuge Josh. 21. 13. tliey gave Hebron to be a c. of refuge 21.Shechem |127.Golan ||32.Kedesh ||38.Ramoth sonsofAaron,Hebron a c.of refuge This CITY. Gen. 19. 14. Lotsaid,up,for Ld.will destroy this c. 20. behold now, this c. is near to flee unto 21. and he said, I will not overthrow this c. Josh.G.'iii. cursed be he thatbuildeth this c.Jericho .Tudg. 19. 11. come, and let us turn in unto this c. 1 Sam. 9. 6. there is in this c. a man of God 2 Kings 2. 19. the situation of this c. is pleasant 18. 30. this c. shall not be delivered, fsa. 36. 15. 19. 32. shall not come into thisc. 33. Isa. 37. 34. 34. 1 will defend thisc. 20. 6. fsa. 37. 35. | 38. 6. 23. 27. I will cast off ^Aisc. Jerus.I have chosen 2 Chron. 6. 34. they pray to thee toward this c. Eira i. 13. that H'this c. be budded again, 16. 15. know thattftis c. is a rebellious city JVeA. 13. 18. did not God bring evil upon this c. ? Jer. 6. 6. this is the c. to be visited, is oppression 17.25.JeruBalem, and this c. shall remain for ever 80 CIT Jer. 19. 8. 1 will make this c. deBolate,and a hissing 11. even so will 1 break this people and this e. 15.1 will bring upon this c. and towns all the evil 20. 5. I will deliver all the strength of this c. 21.9.he that abideth in this c.shall die by ihe sword lO.Iset my face against thisc.fot eviland notgood 22. 8. why hath the Lord done thus unto this c? 26. 61 will make tAi'sc. a curse to nations of earth 15. ye shall bring innocent blood on this c. 27. 17. wherefore should this c. be laid waste ? 32. 3. 1 will give this c. to Chaldeans, 28. 1 34. 2. 31. this c. hath been to me as a provocation 33.5.for wickednessl have hid my facefromtfljs c. 34.22.command and cause them to return \.(ithisc. 38. 17. this e. shall not be burnt with fire 23. thou shalt cause this c. to be burnt with fire 39. 16. 1 will bring my words on this c. for evil JE2eA.11.2.lhesemen give wicked counsel mthisc. 3. thisc. is the caldron, and we be the flesh, 7. ll.tAjsc.shall not be your caldron, nor ye the flesh Mat. 10. 23. when they persecute you in this c. flee .fjcts 18. 10. for I have much people in this c. 22.3.1 was brought up in this c. at feet of Gamaliel IVithout CITY. Gen. 19. 16. and the men set him without the c. />eu. 14.40. into an unclean place without thee. 41. JsTum. 35. 5. ye shall measure from without the c. 2 Chron. 32. 3. to stop the fountains without the c. Rev.M.2i).the wine-press was ttoddenw ithoutlhec. CITIES. Gen. 19. 29. when God destroyed the c. of the plain 35. 5. terror of God was upon the c. round about 41. 48. Joseph laid up the food in the c. 47. 21. as for the people he removed them to the c. ice. 25. 32. the c. of the Levites may be redeemed JSTum. 13. 19. what c. they be that they dwell in 35.8. everyone shall give of his c. to the Levites I)eut.2. 37. nor earnest thou to c. in the mountains 3- 12. c. thereof gave I to Eeubenites and Gadites 19. abide in your c. which I have given you 6. 10. into the land to give the great and goodly c. 19. 5. he shall flee to one of these c. and live Josh. 9. 17. Israel came to their c. on the third day 10. 19. suffer them not to enter into their c. 11. 13. as for the c. that stood still in their strength 18. 9. described it by c. into seven parts in a book Judg. 12. 7. Jephthah was buried in one of thee. of Israel set fire on all thec.they came to 21. 23. they repaired thee, anddwelt in them 1 .Sam. 31. 7. the Israelites forsook the c. and fled 2 Sam. 10. 12. for the c. of our God, 1 Chro7i. 19.13. 1 Kings 9. 12. Hiram came from Tyre to see the c. 13. what e. are these that thou hast given me 7 20. 34. the c. my father took I will restore 1 CAro7t.2.22. Jair had 23 the land ofGilead 4. 31. these were their c. to the reign of David 2 Chron. 34. 6. and so did he in the c.of Manasseh Ezra 3. 1. when the seventh month was come, and the Israelites were in their c. JVeA. 7. 73. JVcA. 11. Land nine parts do dwell in other c. Jo615.26.d welleth in desolate c.and houses no man Psal. 9. 6. O enemy, thou hast destroyed c. Isa. 6. 11. he answered, till wasted, and houses 14. 21. nor fill the face of the world with c. 19. 18. in that day shall five c. in the land of Egypt 33. 8. he hath despised the e. he regardeth no man 64. 10. thy holy c. are awildern. Zioniaawildern. JC7-.2.15. they made his land waste, his e. are burnt 28. according to the number of thy c. 11. 13. 13. 19. c. of south be shut up, and none shall open 20.16.that man be as the c. which Lord overthrew 31.21. turn again, O virgin of Israel,to these thy e. 49. 13. all the c. thereof shall be perpetual wastes 50. 32. 1 will kindle fire in his c. it shall devour Ezek. 26. 19. like the e. that are not inhabited 30. 17. and these c. shall go into captivity 35. 9. thy c. shall not return, know that I am Lord //os.8.14. 1 will send fire upon his e. it shall devour 11. 6. the sword shall abide on his c. and consume JImosi.d,. two or three c. wand, unto one for water Mic. 5. 11. and I will cut off the c. of thy land 14. pluck up groves, so will I destroy thy c. Zeph. 3. 6. their c. are destroyed, there is no man prosper, shall yetspread abroad Mat. 10. 23. shall not have gone over the c. of Israel 11. 1. he departed to teach and preach in their c. .^cts 26. 11. 1 persecuted them even to strange c. 2 Pet. 2. 6. tiirning c. of Sodom and ashes ./Md«7.andc.about them in like manner an e.\ample Rev.V).19.and the e. of the nations fell and Babylon .^11 CITIES. JVum.21.25.andIsiael took all these c. and dwelt in c. of Amorites, 7:>cut2.34. | 3. 4.. Tosh. 10. 39. 31. 10. they burnt all their e. Judg. 20. 48. JVum. 35. 7. all the e. of the Levites shall be 48 c. Dent. 20. 15. thus do to all c. afar off from thee .fosh. 11. 12. all the c. of the kings utterly destroy. 21. 19. alllhe c.ofchildren of Aaron were 13 c. 33. all the c. of the Gershonites were 13 c. 40. all the c.of children of Merari by lot 12 c. CLA Josh. 21. 41. all the c. of the Levites were 48 c. 1 .Sam. 18. 6. the women came out of all c. oflsr. 2 Sam. 12. 31. thus did he to all c. of the Amnion. 24. 7. they came to all the c. of the Hivites 1 A'iw^s 22.39. allc. Ahab built are written in book 2 Chron. 14. 14. Asa smote all the c. about Gcrar JVeA. 10. 37. have tithes in all the c. of our tilliigo Jer. 4. 26. all the c. thereof were broken down 33. 12. in allc. thereof a habitation of shepherds Hos. 13. 10. any that may save thee in till thy c. ActsQ. 40. preached in all c. till he came to Cesurea Defcnced CITIES Isa. 36. 1. Sennacherib conieth against the dcf. c. 37.26.that shouldest be to lay waste the defencedc. Jer.4.5. assemble, let us go into the defcnced 34. 7. for these defenced c. remained of Judah Fenced CITIEiS. JVum. 32. 17. little ones shall dwell in \\\c fenced c. y-'e«£. 3. 5. allthesee. were/c?jeerf with high walls 9. 1. to possess c./eaced up to heaven, ./osA.14. 12. .Josh. 10. 20. the rest of them entered into fenced c. 2 Sam. 20. 6. lest he gethim/c«ecrfe. and escape us 2 Chr. 12. 4. Shishak took \.\k fenced c. of Judah 14. 6. Asa hm\i fenced c. in Judah, land had rest 17. 2. Jchoshaphat placed forces in the/eHccd c. 19.5. set judges through all the/c«ee<^e. of Judah 21.3. Jehoshaphatgave his sons fenced c. in Jud. Jer. 5. 17. they shall impoverish thy fenced c. Dan. 11. 15. k. of the north take the most fenced c. Hos. 8. 14. and Judah hath multiplied /e;icei/ c. Zeph. 1. 16. a day of an alarm against thefenced c. CITIES of Judah. 2 Sam. 2.1. shall I go up to any of thee, of Judahl 2 Kings 23. 5. that burnt incense in the c.of Judah 1 Chr. 6. 57. to sons of Aaron they gave the c. of .A teach in e. of J. |113.busine6s in c. of J. 19. 5. set Judges in the e. of Judah, cily by city 23.2. gather the Levitesoutof all thee, of Judah 31. 6. Israel in the e. of Judah brought tithes 33. 14. and put captains of war in the c. of Judah JVeA.11.3. in e.o/Jurf. each dwelt in his possession Psal.b9.35. for God will save Zion, and will build the c. of .Tudah Isa. 40. 9. say to the c. of Judah, behold your Gud 44. 26. and that saith to c. of Jud. yeshaW be built Jer. 1. 15. the families of the north against c.o/.A 4. 16. give out their voice against the e. of .fudah 7. 17. seest thou not what they do in the e. of Jud. 9. 11. I will make c. of J. desolate, 10.22. 1 34.22. 11. 12. then shall c. of Jud. go and cry to the gods 32. 44. buy fields, and take witness in the e. of.f. 33. 10. without man and beast, even in the e. w/./. 13. inc. otVurf. shall flocks pass under the hands 44. 6. my lury and anger was kindled in e. of .Jud. 21. the incense that he burnt in the c. of Judah /,a»!.5.11. they ravished the maids in the c. of. Jud. ZecA.1.12. wilt thou not have mercy on the c. of ./. CITIES o/re/«^e. M'um. 35. 6. there shall be six c.for refuge, 13. 14. 1 shall appoint for youc.o/re/«^e,./u«A.20 2. 1 C4»'.6.67. they gave to sons of Kohath of e. ofrcf. Siz. CITIES. JVam. 35. 6. six c. shall ye have for refuge, 13, 15. Josh. 15. 59. in the mountains of Judah siz c. CITIES with Suburbs. //««. 2.5. 34. the suburbs of their c. may not be sold JVum. 35. 2. shall give to Levites suburbs for thee. Josh. 21. 3. Israel gave to Levites c. and suburbs 41. the c. of Levites forty-eight with their snb. CITIES with Villages. 1 Sam.H. 18. of fenced c. and of country villages 1 C1iro7t.27. 25. over storehouses in c. and villages Jt/at.9.35. Jesus went about all tUccandvillages teaching and preaching the gospel, I^uke 13. 22. Mark 6.56. whithers. he entered into villages ore. CITIES with IVaste. Lev. 26. 31. and I will make your c. waste, 33. Isa. 61. 4. they shall repair the waste c. desolations Jer.4.7.thyc.shall belaidjoastewithout inhnbitaiits BzeA. 6. 6. in all yourdwellingsyoure. shall be w. 19. 7. laid 70. their c. || 35. 4. 1 will lay thy c. w. 36. 35. tcas^ee. are become fenced and inhabited 38.soshall filled with Hocks ofmcn .Imos 9. 14. and they shall build thy waste c. Your CITIES. Isa. 1.7. 7jour e. are burnt with fire, land desolate Jer. 40. 10. and dwell in 7jour c. that ye have taken j?7re(»s4.6.havc given cleanness of teeth in ixWi/ourc. CITIZEN, S. L7ike 15. 15. the prodigal joined himself to a e. 19. 14. his c. hated him, and sent after him .^ots 21. 39. I am of Tarsus, a c. of no mean city Eph.2. 19. but fellow-c.with saints and household CLAD. lX'mo'ill.29.Jeroboanic.himselfwilhanew g.Triii. Isa. 59. 17. for clothing was e. with zeal as a cloke CLAMOROUS. Prov. 9. 13. a foolish woman is c. she is simple CL.AMOUR. Eph.4. 31. all anger and e. be put away from you CLE CLAP. Jvb -Si. 23. men shall c. hands at him, and hiss him Pc . 47. 1. c. your hands, all ye peopli-, shout lo God 98. 8. let floods c. their hands, let hills be joyful Jsa. 55. a. the trees of the field shall c. their hands Lam. 2. 15. all that pass by c. their hands at tliee JVoA. 3.19. that bear fruit of thee shall c. their hands CL.^PPED. Eiek. 25. C. because thou hast c. thine hands CLAPPETH. Job 34. 37. he c. his hands among us, multip.words CLAPT. iKings 11.12. c. their hands, and said, G. save king CLAVE. Gen. 22.3. ."Ybrahamc. the wood for burnt-offering JV'um. 16. 31. the ground c. asunder under them Judg. 15. ly. God c. a hollow place in the jaw XSam. 6. 14. they c. wood of the cart and oliered Fs. 78. 15. he c. the rocks in wilderness, Isa. 48. 21. CLAVE. Gen.34.3.Shechcm his soul Dinah, Jac.daugh. 1. 14. but Ruth c. to her raother-in-law "Sam. 20. 2. the men of Judah c. to their king 23. 10. he smote till his hand c. to the sword IKiiigs 11. 2. Solomon c. to these in love 2Kijigs 18. 6. for Hezekiah c. to Lord, departed not JVeA. 10. 29. they c. to their brethren, their nobles .ids 17. 34. certain men c to Paul and believed CLAWS. Deui. 14. 6. beast that cleaveth the cleft in two c. Dan. 4. 33. his nails were grown like birds' c. Zech. 11. 16. he shall tear their c. in pieces CLAY. Job 4. 19. muchless them that dwell in houses of c. 10. 9. remember thou hast made me as the c. 13. 12. your bodies are like to bodies of c. 27. 16. though he prepare raiment as the c. 33. 6. I also am formed out of the c. 38. 14. it is turned as c. to the seal, they stand Psai. 40. 2. he brought me up out of the miry c. tsa. 29. 16. shall be esteemed as the potter's e. 41. 25. on princes, as the potter treadeth the c. 45. 9. shall the c. say to him that fashioneth it? 64. 8. we are c. thou our potter, work of thy hand Jer. 18. 4. the vessel that he made of c. was marred 6. as c. is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine 43. 9. take great stones, hide them in the c. Dan. 2. 33. his feet part of iron, partof c. 34. 42. 35. then was the c. broken in pieces, 45. 41.thou sawest the feet and toes part of potter's c. J^ah. 3. 14. go into c. and tread the mortar Hab. 2. 6. woe to him that ladeth himself with c. John 9. 6. he spat on the ground, madec. of spittle, and anointed the eyes of the blind man with c. 15. he put c. on mine eyes, I washed, and do see tiom. 9. 21. hath not the potter powerover the c? CLAY-GROUND. IKings 7. 46. cast vessels in c.-g. 2 Chron- 4. 17. CLEAN. J.ev. 23. 22. thou shalt not make c. riddance in field Josh.'i.yi. the people passed c. over Jordan, 4. 1,11 Ps. 77. 8. is his mercy c. gone for everl his promise Isa. '2A. 19. the earth is c. dissolved, is moved Joel 1. 7. he hath made it c. bare, and cast it away Zech.\\.il .\ns arm shall be c.dried up,and right eye 2P«t. 2. 18. were e. escaped them who live in error CLEAN, Jidjcctive, Signifies, [1] That which is free from filth, or ceremonially pure, Lev. 10. 14. [2] One who is free from the guilt of sin, by the blood of Christ, Psal. 51. 7. [3] One who is delivered from the power of sin by sanctifying grace, John 13. 10. [4] That which maybe lawfully used, Luke 11. 41. [5] Guiltless, or innocent. Acts 18. 6. [6] Cured, 2 Kings 5. 12. [7] Empty, Prov. 14. 4. The fear of the Lord is clean, Psal. 19. 9. The holy law of God, which works a due fear of God, and teaches men how to worship him, is sincere, not adulterated with any mixture of vanity, falsehood, or vice; not requiring or allowing any wickedness, but cleansingfrom it. (Jen.7.2. of every c. beast thou shalt take oy sevens 8. 20. Noah took of every c. beast and c. fowl 35. 2. Jacob said, be c. and change your garments J,ev. 4. 12. carry the bullock unto a c. place, 6. 11. 7. J9. the fiesh, all that be c. shall eat thereof 10. 10. that ye may put difference between c. and unclean, 11. 47. | 20. 25. Ezek. 22. 26. | 44. 23. )4 the wave-breast eat in a c. place, JVuni. 19. 9. 10. 30. that ye may he c. from your sins before Ld. 22. 4. he shall not eat of holy things till he be c. .Vum. 19. 12. purify,onseventhday heshall he c. 18. a c. person shall take hyssop and dip it in water />cHt.l2. 15. unclean and c. may eat thereof, 15.22. ISain. 20. 26. he is not c. surely he is not c. "Kings S.lO.thy flesh come again, and thou be c.l4. 12. may not I wash in them and be c? 13. when he saith to thee, wash and bo c. Job 11. 4. for thou hast said, 1 am c. in thine eyes 81 CLE Job 14. 4. who can bring a c. thing out of unclean 15. 14. what is man that he should be c? 15. yea, the heavens are not c. in his sight 25. 4. how can he bee. that is bornof a woman? 33. 9. I am c. without transgres. nor iniquity in me Proo.i6 2. the ways of a man are c. in his own eyes Eccl.ii.H. all things come alike to the c. and unclean Isa. 1. 16. wash ye, make you c. put away evil 28. 8. all tables lull, so that there is no place c 30. 21.o,\en and young asses shall eat c. provender 52. 11. be ye c. that bear the vessels of the Lord 66.20. bring an offering in a c. vessel to house of L Jer. 13. 27. O Jerusalem, wilt thou not be made c' Ezek. 36. 25. then will 1 sprinkle c. water on you Mat. 8. 2. a leper cunie, saying. Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me c. jWurAl.'40. Luke 5. 12. 3. I will, be thou c. Mark 1. 41. Luke 5. 13. 23. 25. for ye make c. the outside, Luke 11. 39. Luke 11. 41. behold, all things are c. unto you John 13. 11. therefore said he, yo are not all c. 15.3.nowyearec. thro' word 1 have spoken to you .ficts 18.6. your blood be on your own heads, I am c. RcB. 19. 8. she be arrayed in fine linen, c. white, 14. CLEAN hands. Job 9. 30. if I make my hands ever so c. 17. 9. he that hath c. hands shall be stronger Psal. 24. 4. he that hath c. hands and a pure heart CLEAN heart. Psal. 51. 10. create in me a c. heart, O God, renew 73. 1. God is good to Lr. and such as are of a c. h. Prov. 20. 9. who can say, 1 have made my heart c.? Js CLEAN. Ley. 13. 13. he is c. 17, 37, 39. || 40. yet is he c. 41 15. 8. that hath the issue spit on Inm that li c. J\"um. 9. 13. a man that is c. not on a journey, 19. 9. Psal. 19. 9. fear of the Lord is c. enduring lor ever Prov. 14. 4. where no oxen are, the crib i« c. John 13. 10. to wash his feet, but is c. every whit Pronounce CLEAN. Lev. 13. 6. the priest shall pronounce him c. 14. 7, Shall be CLEAN. /,et>. 11.36. afountain wherein is water sAaZi be c. 12.«.she-c. 15.28. || 13. 58. it-c. 14.53. JVum. 31.23. 14. 9. he shall wash his flesh in water, he shall be C.20. 1 15.13. 1 17.15. 122.7. JVum. 19. 12,19. JVu7«. 31. 24. and ye shall be c. Ezek. 36. 25. Ps. 51.7. purge me with hyssop, and I shall be c. CLEANNESS. 2Sam.22. 21. according to the c. of myhands hath the Lord recompensed me, Psal. 18. 20. 25. according to my c. in his eye-sight, Ps.l8. 24. Amos 4. 6. I have also given you c. of teeth in cities CLEANSE. Exod. 29. 36. thou shalt c. the altar, Lev. 16. 19. Lev.Xi- 49. shalttake to c. the house, two birds, 52. J\rum. 8. 6. take the Levites and c. them 2 Chron. 29. 15. to c. the house of the Lord, 16. JVeh. 13. 22. that the Levites should t. themselves Psal. 19. 12. c. thou me from secret faults 51. 2. wash me thoroughly, and c. me from my sin 119. 9. wherewith shall a young man c. his way? .ler. 4. 11. a dry wind not to fan nor to c. 33. 8. I will c. them from iniquity, Ezek. 37. 23. Ezek. 36. 25. from all your idols will I c. you 39. 12. burying, that they may c. the land, 16. 43. 20. thus shalt thou c. and purge it 45. 18. take a youngtullock, and c. the sanctuary Joel 3. 21. I will c. their blood I have not cleansed Mat. 10. 8. heal the sick, c. lepers, raise the dead 23. 26. c. first that which is within the cup 2Cor. 7. 1. let us c. ourselves from all filtliin. of flesh Eph. 5. 26. might c. it with the washing of water Jam. 4. 8. c. your hands, ye sinners, purify hearts IJohn 1. 9. to c. us from all unrighteousness CLEANSED. Lev. 11. 32. be unclean until even, so shall it be c 12. 7. she shall be c. from the issue of her blood 14. 4. to take for him that is to be c. 19. 31. 14. the car of hiin that is to be c. 17, 18, 25, 28. JVum. 35. 33. the land cannot be c. of the blood •fosh. 22. 17. from which we are not c. till this day 2C/(ron. 29. 18. we have c. all the house of the Lord 30. 18. for many had not c. themselves, yet did eat 19. that prepareth his heart, though he be note. 34. 5. Josiah e. Judah and Jerusalem ATeA. 13.9. 1 commanded, and they c. the chambers 30. thus I c. them from all strangers ,Tob 35. 3. what profit, if I be c. from my sin? Psal. 73. 13. verily I have c. my heart in vain Isa. 3. t 20. she being c. shall sit on the ground Ezek. 22. 24. thou art the land that is not c. 44. 26. after he is c. reckon to him seven days Dan. 8. 14. then shall the sanctuary be c. .Tnel .3. 21. cleanse their blood that I have not e. Mat. 8. 3. immediately his leprosy was c. 11.5. the lepers arc c. the deaf hear, Luke 7. 22. Mark I. 42. the leprosy departed, and he was c. Luke 4. 27. none was e. save Naaman the Syrian 7.22. the lepers c. the deaf hear, the dead raised 17. 14. that as the lepers went they were c. N CLl Luke 17. 17. were not ten c. but where are the ninel Jlcts 10.15. the voice spake, what God hath c. 11 9 CLEANSETll. Job 37. 21. but the wind passeth and e. them Prov. 20. 30. blueness of a wound c. away evil IJohn 1. 7. bloodof Jesus Christ c. us from all sin CLEANSING. Lev. 13. 7. hath been seen of the priest for his c jXum. 6.9. shave his head in the day of his c. Mark 1. 44. go and ofler lor thy c. Luke 5. 14. CLEAR. Gen. 24. 8. thou shalt be c. from this my oath, 41. 44 16. or how shall we c. ourselves? Exod. 34. 7. and that will by no means c. the guilty 2Aa;;i. 23. 4. as tender grasi, by e. shining alter ram Psal. 51. 4. mightesl be e. when thou judgest Eccl. 3. t 18. that they might e. God, and see Cant. 6. 10. fair as moon, e. as the sun, as an army /« my dwelhng place like a e.heat on herbs Amos 8. 9. I will darken the earth in a c. day ZecA. 14. 6. the light shall not be e. nor dark 2Cor. 7. 11. ye have approved yourselves to be c. Rev. 21. 11. her light was c. as crystal, 22. 1. 18. the city was pure gold, like to c. slass CLEARER. Job 11. 17. thine age shall be c. than the noon-day CLEARING. JVum. 14. 18. and by no means c. the guilty 2Cor. 7. 11. what c. of yourselves it wrought CLEARLY. Job 33. 3. my lips shall utter knowledge e. Mat. 7. 5. see e. to pull out the mote, Luke 6. 42. Mark 8. 25. was restored, and saw every man c. Horn. 1. 20. things from creation are c. seen CLEARNESS. Exod. 24. 10. and as the body of heaven in his c. CLEAVE. Lev. 1. 17. he shall c. it with the wings thereof Psal.74.15. thou didst e. the fountain and the flood Hab. 3. 9. thou didst c. the earth with rivers ZecA. 14. 4. the mount shall e. in the midst thereof CLEAVE, P'erb. Gen. 2. 24. a man shall leave father and mother and shall e. to his wife. Mat. 19. 5. Mark 10. 7. Deut. i. 4. ye that did c. to the Lord your God 10. 20. him serve, to him shall thou e. and swear by his name, 11. 22. 1 13. 4. 1 30. 20. Josh. 22. 5. 13. 17. shall e. nought of cursed thing to thy hand Josh. 23. 8. but c. to the Lord your God t if you will c. to the Lord your God 2Kings 5.27. the leprosy of Naaman shall c. to thee Job 38. 38. and the clods c. fast together Psal. 101. 3. 1 hate the work, it shall not e. to ma 102. 5. by my groaning my bones e. to my skin 137. 6. let my tongue e. to the roof of my mouth Isa. 14. 1. they shall e. to the house of Jacob Jer. 13. 11. so have I caused toe. to me Israel 42. t 16. the famine whereof ye were afraid shall c. after you in Egypt, and there ye shall die Ezek. 3. 26. I will make thy tongue c. to the roof Van. 2. 43. but they shall not c. one to another 11. 34. many shall c. to them with flatteries Acts 11. 23. with purpose of heart e. to the Lord Horn. 12. 9. abhor evil, c. to that which is good CLEAVED. 'iKings 3. 3. Jehoram c. to Jeroboam's sins Job 29. 10. their tongue c. to the roof of their mouth 31. 7. and if any blot have c. to my hands CLEAVETH. Job 19. 20. my bone e. to my skin and to my flesh Ps. 22. 15. strength dried up, my tongue e. to jawg 41. 8. an evil disease, say they, c. fast to him 44. 25. our soul bowed down, our belly e. to earth 119. 25. my soul c. to the dust, quicken me Jer. 13. 11. as the girdle e. to the loins of a man Lam.i. 4. the tongue ofsucking child thereof 8. their skin c. to their bones, it is withered Luke 10. 11. the dust of vour city which c. on us CLEAVETH. Deut. 14. 6. beast that e. the cleft into two claws Job 16. 13. he c. my reins asunder, and spareth not Psal. 141.7.whenonecutteth and c. wood on earth i'ccZ.10.9. that c. wood shall be endangered thereby CLEFT. Mic.1.4. the valley shall be e. as wax before the fire Deut. 14. 6. that cleaveth the c. into two claws CLEFTS. Cant. 2. 14. O my dove, that art in c. of the rockg Isa. 2. 21. to go into the c. of the rocks for fear .ler. 49. 16. O thou that dwellest in the c. Obad. 3. Amos 6. 11. he will smite the little house with c. CLEMENCY. Acts 24. 4. that thou hear us of thy e. a few words CLERK. Acts 19. 35. when town-e. had appeased the people CLIFT, S. Exod. 33. 22. I will put thee in a c. of the rock 2CAron. 20. 16. they come up by the c. of Ziz fob 30. 6. to dwell in the c. of the valleys Isa. 57. 5. slaying child, in valleys under e. of rocks CLO CLIMB, ED, ETH. ISam. 14. 13. Jonathan c. up upon his hands Jer. 4. 29. they shall c. up upon the rocks Joel 2. 7. they shall c. the wall like men of war 9. they shall c. up upon the houses, shall enter .9mos 9. 2. they c. up to heaven, thence bring them JLuke 19. 4. Zaccheus c. up into a sycamore-tree John 10. 1. but c. up some other way, is a thief CLIPT. Jer. 48. 37. every head be bald, every beard be c. CLODS. Job 7. 5. ray flesh is clothed with c. of dust 21. 33. the c. of the valley shall be sweet to him 38. 38. and the c. cleave fast together Isa. 28. 24. doth plowman break c. of his ground? //o.s. 10.11. Judah shall plow, Jac. shall break his c Joel 1.17. seed is rotten under their c. the garners CLOKE. Isa. 59. 17. he was clad with zeal as a c. Mat. 5. 40.if take thy coat, let himhave thy c. also I^uke tj. 29. him that taketh thy c. forbid not to take John 15. 22. now Ihey have no c. for their sin 1 Thess. 2. 5. nor used we a c. of covetousness 2Tim. 4.13. the c. I left at Troas bring with thee IPet. 2. 16. not using liberty for a c. of maliciousn. CLOSE. J\rum. 5. 13. and it be kept c. from her husband 2Sam. 22. 46. be afraid outofc. places, Ps. 18.45. IChron. 12. 1. while David yet kept himself c. Jo!) 28. 21. and kept c. from the fowls of the air 41.15. his scales shut up together as with a c. seal Jer. 42. 16. famine follow e. after you into Egypt Dan. 8. 7. and I saw him come c. to the ram ^inos 9. 11. arid c. up tlie breaches thereof J^uke 9. 36. they kept it c. and told no man in those .ilcts 27. 13. loosirrg thence, they sailed c. by Crete CLOSED. Gen. 2. 21. Lord c. up the flesh instead thereof 20. 18. the Lord had fast c. up all the wombs JVitw. 16. 33. the earth c. upon them, they perished Jiidg. 3. 22. and the fat c. upon the blade, so that lie Jsa. 1. 6. they have not been e. nor bound up 29. 10. for the Lord hath c. your eyes Dan. 12. 9. foj- the words are c. up and sealed Jonah 2.5.the depth round about,weeds wrapt Mat. 13. 15. their eyes they have c. Mcts 28. 27. Z,uke 4. 20. he c. book, and gave it to the minister CLOSER. Prov. 18. 24. there is a friend that sticketh c. than a brother CLOSEST. Jer. 22. 15. thou reign, because c. thyself in cedar CLOSET, S. Joel 2. 16. let the bride go out of her c. Mat. 6. 6. when thou prayest, enter into thy c. I^tike 12. 3. what ye have spoken in the ear in c. CLOTH. JVum. 4. 8. they shall spread on them a c. of scarlet 12. take instruments and put them in ac. of blue Deut. 22. 17. shall spread the c. before the elders LSam. 19. 13. Michal covered the image with a c. 21. 9. the sword of Goliath, it is wrapt in a c. 2Sam. 20. 12. removed Amasa, and cast a c. on him 'HKings 8. 15. Hazael took a thick c. and dipt it Isa.20. 22. shall cast them away as a menstruous c. Mat. 9. 16. putteth a piece of new c. Mark 2. 21. 27. 59. taken the body, he wrapped it in a linen c. Mark 14. 51. having a linen c. about his body CLOTHE. shalt bring his sons and c. with coats F.sth. 4. 4. she sent raiment to c. Mordecai Psal. 132. 16. I will c. her priests with salvation 18. his enemies will I c. with shame, but on hims. Prov. 23. 21. drowsiness shall c. a man with rags Isa.2i. 21. I will c. him with thy robe and strength. 49. 18. thou shalt surely c. thee with them all 50. 3. T c. the heavens with blackness, and make Kzek. 26. 16. shall c. themselves with trembling 34. 3. ye eat the fat, and c. you witli the wool Nag-. 1. 6. ye c. you, but there is none warm Zech. 3. 4. I will c. thee with change of raiment Jl/a£.6.30.if G. so c. grass of field, shall he not much mote c. you, O ye of little faith? Luke 12. 28. CLOTHED. Oen. 3. 21. L. God made coats of skins and c. them Lev.8. 7. Moses t. Aaron with robe, and put ephod .Tudg. 6. t 34. the Spirit of the Lord c. Gideon ISam. 17. t 5. Goliath was c. with a coat of mail t 38. Saul c. David with his clothes 2.Sa?n.l.24. weep over Saul who c. you with scarlet IChron. 12. t 18- then the Spirit c. Amasai 21.16.David and Isr. who were c. with sackcloth 2Chron. 6. 41. let thy priests be c.with salvation 18. 9. the king of Israel and Judah c. in robes sat 24. t 20. the Spirit of God c. Zachariah 28. 15. spoil «. all that were naked among them F.sth. 4. 2. none enter king's gate e. with sackcloth Job 7. 5. my flesh is c. with worms and clods 10. 11. thou hast c. me with skin and flesh 29. 14. 1 put on righteousnesB and it c. me 82 CLO Job 39. 19. hast thou c. his neck with thunder? Psal. 35. 26. let them be c. with shame, 109. 29 65. 13. the pastures are c. with flocks, the vallies 93. 1. Lord is c. with majesty. Lord is c. with 104. 1. thou art c. with honour and majesty 109. 18. as he c. hims. with cursing as with garm. 132. 9. let thy priests be c. with righteousness Prov. 31. 21. for all her househ. are c. with scarlet Isa. 61. 10. he hath c. me with garm. of salvation Ezek. 16. 10. I c. thee also with broidered work Van. 5. 29. they c. Daniel with scarlet and a chain Zeph. 1. 8. all such as are c. with strange apparel Zech. 3. 3. Joshua was e. with filthy garments Mat. 11. 8. a man c. in soft raiment, Luke 7. 25. 25.36. nak. and ye c. me || 43. nak. and ye c. me not Mark 1. O.John was c. with camel's hair and girdle 5. 15. they see him sitting and c. L,ukc 8. 35. 15. 17. and they c. Jesus with purple, and platted Luke 16.19.a certain rich man c. in purple and linen iCor. 5. 2. desiring to be c. upon with our house 3. ifsobe that being c. we shall not be found nak. \Pet.5.5.a.nA be c. with humility, God resists proud Rev. 3. 18. white raiment, that thou mayest be c. 10. 1. I saw another mighty angel c. with a cloud 11. 3. the two witnesses shall prophesy c. in sackc. 12. 1. there appeared a woman c. with the sun 19. 13. he was c. with a vesture dipt in blood CLOTHED with linen. Ezek. 9. 2. one man among them was c. with linen 44. 17. they shall be c. with linen garments Dan. 10. 5. behold a certain man c. with linen 12. 6. one said to the man c. in linen, how long Rev. 15. 6. c. in pure and while linen, 18.16. 1 19.14. Shall be CLOTHED. Job 8.22. they that hate thee shall be c. with shame Ezek. 7. 27. the prince shall be c.with desolation Dan. 5. 7. read this writing, shall bee. with scarlet Mat. 6. 31. or wherewithal shall we be c.'f Rev. 3. 5. he that overcomoth shall be c. 4. 4. CLOTHES. Oen. 49.11. liewashed his c. in the blood of grapes Exod. 12. 34. their troughs bound up in their c. 35. 19. the c. of service to do service, 39. 1, 41. Lev. 10. 6. nor rend your c. lest ye die, 21. 10. Deut. 29. 5. yourc. are not waxen old, JVeA. 9. 21. Ruth 3. t 4. lift up the c. that are at his feet \Sam. 19. 24. Saul stript off his c. and prophesied XKings 1. 1. covered k.David withe, but no heat 2Kings 2. 12. he took hold of his own c. and rent 2Chron. 34. 27. thou didst rend thy c. and weep JVc/i. 4. 23. I nor brethren, none of us put off" our c. Job 9. 31. and my own c. shall abhor me 22. t 6. thou hast strijiped the c. of the naked Prov. 6. 27. take fire, and his c. not be burnt? Ezek. 16. 39. shall strip thee also of thy c. 23. 26. Mat. 24. 18. nor let him return back to take his c Mark 5. 28. if I touch but his c. 1 shall bo whole 15. 20. took off purple, and put his own c. on him Luke 2. 7. and wrapped him in swaddling c. 12. 8.27.a man that ware no c. nor abode in any house 19. 36. as he went they spread their c. in the way 24. 12. he beheld the linen c. laid, John 20. 5. John 11.44.came bound hand and foot with grave c 19.40.tookbody of Jesus, and wound it in linen c 20. 7. the napkin not lying with the linen c. Jicts 7.58.witnesses laid down their c. at Saul's feet 22. 23. as they cried out and cast off" their c. Rent CLOTHES. Gen. 37. 29. Reuben || 34. Jacob rent his c. 44.13. Joseph's brethren rent their c. and returned JVum. 14. 6. Joshua and Caleb rent their c. /bsA.7.6. Joshua ||.7Mrf^.ll.35.Jephthah rcnthis c. 2.Sa?«. 3. 31. re7it your c. gird you with sackcloth IKings 21. 27. Ahab reiit his c. || 2 Kings 5. 8. king of Israel rent his c. 6. 30. 2Kings 11. 14. Athaliah rent her c. 2CAr. 23. 13. 19. 1. when Hezek. heard he rent his c. Isa. 37. 1. Esth. 4. 1. when Mordecai perceived, he rent his c. Mat. 26. 65. high priest rent his c. Mark 14. 63. Mcts 14.14. apost. Barnabas and Paul rcwJ their c. 16. 22. and the magistrates rent off their c. CLOTHES rent. Lev.13.45. theleper'sc. shall berent, his head bare ISam. 4. 12. a man came toShiloh with bis c. rent 2Sarn. 1. 2. came a man from Saul with his c. rent 13. 31. all his servants stood with their c. rent 2Ki7igs 18. 37. to Hezek. withe, rent, Isa.36. 22. Jer. 41. 5. men came to Mizpeh with their c. rent Wash CLOTHES. Exod. 19. 10. let them mash their c. JVum. 8. 7. Lev. 11.25. shall wash his e. 40. [ 13. 6. |14. 8, 9, 47. 1 15. 5, 8, 11, 22. 1 16. 26, 28. JVion. 19. 10, 19. J\rum. 19. 7. then the priest shall wash his e. 8, 19. 31. 24. ye shall wash your c. on the seventh day Washed CLOTHES. Exod. 19. 14. and the people wasficd their c. JV«)n. 8.21. Levites purified and washed their e. 2 .Sam. 19. 24. Mephibosheth washed not his c. CLOTHEST. Jer. 4. 30. though thou c. thyself with crimson CLO CLOTHING. Job 22. 6. thou hast stripped the naked of their c. 24. 7. they cause the naked to lodge without c. 10. they cause him to go naked without c. 31. 19. if I have seen any perish for want of c. Psal. 35. 13. but as for me, my c. was sackcloth 45. 13. king's daughter, her e. is of wrought gold Prov. 27. 26. the lambs are for thy c. and goats 31. 22. the virtuous woman's e. is silk and purple 25. strength and honour are her c. she shall rejoice Isa. 3. 6. saying, thou hast e. be thou our ruler 7. for in my house is neither bread nor c. 23. 18. her merchandise shall be for durable c. 59. 17. he put on the garments of vengeance for c. Jer. 10. 9. blue and ])urple is their c. are the work Mat. 7. 15. in sheep's c. || 11. 8. that wear soft c. Mark 12. 38. tlie scribes that love to go in long c. .Hcts 10. 30. a man stood before me in bright e. Jam. 2. 3. respect to him that weareih the gay c. CLOUD Signifies, [1] Ji congeries chiefly of watery parti- cles, drawn or sent out of the earth in vapours, into the middle region of the air, 2Sam. 22.12. [2] The heavens, Ps. 36. 5. 1 68. 34. [3] .d great number, Heb.12.1. [4] Jt fog, or mist, Hos.6.4. The scripture represents the clouds as conserva- tories of water, or rain, which are scattered upon the earth at God's command. Job 26. 8, He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds. God confines the waters in the clouds, as in a bottle; he scatters them afterwards upon the earth, as it were throxigh a watering-pot. Job speaking of the matter of the Chaos, which covered the whole earth at the beginning of the world, says, that God had hemmed in the sea, or the waters, as it were with a cloud, and covered it with dark- ness, as a child is wrapped up in swaddling- clothes, Job38.9. When the sacredwriters speak of the second coming ofC\mst,lhey describehim to us as descending upon the clouds, encompas- sed with all his majesty. Mat. 24. 30. Rev. 1. 7. The prophet Isaiah, speaking of the conversion of the Gentiles, compares their flocking into the church to the flight or quick motion of a cloud ; noting that they should come in great multi- tudes, and with great speedandeagcmess, Isa. 00. 8. St. Peter compares seducers to clouds that are carried with a tempest, 2 Pet. 2. 17. By which comparison he sets forth both the incon- stancy of these seducers, that, like clouds driven with the wind, they are tossed to and fro from erne doctrine to another; and likeicise their de- ccitfulness, that they make a shew of what they have not, as clouds do of rain, and yet are scattered without yielding any. ./57irf Solomon coniparesthe infirmities of old age, which arise successively one after another, to clouds return- ing after rain, Eccl. 12. 2. When the Israelites departed out of Egypt, God gave them a pillar of cloud to direct them in their march. This pillar was commonly in the front of the Israelitish army; but when ihey were come to the Red Sea, and the Egyptian army appeared to them, Ihepillar of cloud which stood before the camp of Israel, placed itself between that and the camp of the Egyptians, so that the Egyptians could not come near the Is- raelites all night, Exod. 14. 19, 20. But in the morning about break of day, seeing the cloud moving on toward the sea, and following the Israelites who had passed through its channel, which was left dry for them in the night time, the Egyptians resolved upon pursuing them, and were all covered icith the waters of the Red Sea, which returned upon them and destroyed them. This cloud continued always from that time to attend the Israelites in the wilderness It was clear and bright during the night, in order to give them light when it grew dark; and in the day-time it was thick and gloomy, the better to defend them from the excessive heats of the Arabian deserts, through which they performed their journey. The same cloud by its motions gave likewise the signal to the Israelites, either to encamp or to decamp; so that where that stayed, the people stayed till it rose again; then they broke up their camp, and followed it till it stopped. It was called aPmar, by reason of its form, which was high and elevated, as it were a pile and heap of fogs. This cloud not only enlightened the Israelites, but also protected them, and wag a continual pledge of God's presence, power, and protection. To this the prophet Isaiah alludes, when he says. The Lord will create upon every dwelling-place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night, Isa. 4. 5. that is, That God would be the director, protector, and glory of his church. CLO Gen. 9. 13. I do set my bow in tlie c. for a token U. lliat llie bow sball be seen in the c. 10. Exod. 14. 20. it was c. and darkness to them 10.10. behold, the glory of the L. appeared in the c. 19. 9. Lord said, lo, 1 come unto thee in a thick c. S!4. 15. Moses went up, and a c. covered the mount 16. and the c. covered it si.v days, and seventli day God called to Moses outof the midst of thee. 18. Moses went into the midst of tlie c. 34. 5. the Lord descended in the c. JVam. 11. 25. 40. 34. a c. covered the tent of the congregation 38. the c. of Lord was on the tabernacle by day J.eo. 1(3. 2. I will appear in the c. on mercy- seat JSTum. 9. 19. when the c. tarried long on tabernacle 10. 34. the c. of the Lord was upon tliem by day l/iingsS. 10. priests came out of holy places, thee filled house of Lord, 'iCIiron. 5. 13. E^ck.WA 18. 44. there ariseth a little c. like a man's hand Job 3. 5. that day be darkness, let a c. dwell upon it God know? can he judge thro' dark c? 30. 15. and my welfare passeth away as a c. 38. 9. when I made the c. the garment thereof Psal. 78. 14. in the day-time he led them with a c. 105. 39. he spread a c. for a covering, and fire to Prov. 16. 15. his favour is as a c. of the latter rain Isa. 4. 5. Lord will create on her assemblies a c. 18. 4. like a c. of dew in the heat of harvest 19. 1. behold, the Lord ridetli upon a swift c. 44. 22. I have blotted out as a thick c. thy trans- gressions, and as a c. thy sins; return unto me 60. 8. who are these that tlee as a c. as the doves? J^am. 2. 1. covered the daughter of Zion with a c. 3. 44. thou hast covered thyself with a c. Eze/i. 1. 4. a great c. and a fire infolding itself 28. as the appearance of the bow that is in the c. 8. 11. and a thick c. of incense went up 10. 4. and the house was filled with the e. 30.18.asfor her, a c. shall cover her, her daughters 32. 7. I will cover the sun with a c. and the moon 38. 9. thou shall be like a c. to cover the land, 16. JI/aM7.5.c. overshadowed, JI/dcA 9. 7. JL,uke'J.'S4. behold, a voice out of the c. said, Luke 9.35. Luke 12. 54. when ye see a c. rise out of the west 21. 27. shall see the Son of Man coming in a c. Acts 1. 9. a c. received him out of their sight XCor. 10. 1. all our fathers were under the c. 2. and were all baptized to Moses in the e. Rev. 10. 1. a mighty angel came clothed with a c. 11. 12. they ascended up to heaven in a c. 14. 14. white c. and upon the c. one sat, 15, 16. CLOUD abode. F.zod. 40. 35. because the c. abode thereon A*«m.9. 17. where c. abode there pitched their tents 18. as long as c. abode they rested in the tents Morning- CLOUD. Ifos. 6. 4. for your goodness is as a morning c. 13.3. tliey shall be as the morning c. and early dew Pillar of CLOUD. F.Tod. 13. 21. wcntbeforethemby day inap. fl/c. 22. he took not away the p. of c. by day, nor fire 14. 24. Lord looked on Egyptians thro' pillar of c. JV«m.l2.5. Ld. came down inpillar ofc. and stood J)eut.3l.i5. L. appeared inp.o/c. and;?, o/c. stood JVek. 9. 19. the ;>/rtnro/c. departed not from them CLOUD taken vp. i^rod.40.3C.when the e. was taken up, J^itm. 9.17. 37. if the c.were not taken up, they journeyed not JVum.9. 17. e.wagtffAeRt/p from tabernacle, 10. 11. White CLOUD. Rev. 14. 14. behold a wliitec. and on the c. one sal CLOUD of witnesses. Wei.l2.1.we are compassed witli so great s.c.ofw. CLOUDS. Deut. 4. 11. with darkness, c. and thick darkness Judg. 5. 4. heavens dropped, c. also dropped water 2.Sam. 22. 12. about him thick c. of the skies 23. 4. he shall be as a morning without c. 1 Kings 18. 45. the heaven was black with c. Job 20. 6. though his head reach lo the c. 22. 14. thick c. are a covering that he seeth not 26. 8. he bindeth up the waters in his thick c. 36.29.can any understand the spreadings of the c? 37. 10. knowest thou the balancings of the c? 38. 37. who can number the c. in wisdom? P.eo. 13. 55. if the plague have not changed his c. J^um. 11. 7. the c. thereof as the c. of bdeihum £stJi. 1. t 6. alabaster and stone of blue c. FroB. 23. 31. when the wine giveth his c. in the cup Ezek.lA. out of the midst thereof as the c. of amber 7. sparliled like c. of burnished brass, Dan. 10. 6. 16. the wheels like unto c. of a beryl, 10. 9. 22. the hrmament was as the c. of the crystal Rev. 17. 4. woman was arrayed in purple and scar- COLOUKED. [let c. Rev. 17. 3. I saw a woman sit on a scarlet c. beast COLOURS. Gen. 37.3. Jacob made a coat of many c. for Joseph Jadg. 5. 30. toSiseraaprey of divers c. meet for 2Sa)n. 13. 18. Tamar had a garment of divers c. IChron. 29. 2. 1 have prepared stones of divers c. Isa. 54. 11. I will lay thy stones with fair c. Ezek.ld. 16. deckedst thy high places with divers c. 17. 3. an eagle with divers c. came to Lebanon COLOUR. Acts 27. SO.under c. as tho' they would cast anchor COLT, S. Gen. 32. 15. thirty milch camels with their c. forty 49. 11. binding his asses' c. to the choice vine Jiidg. 10.4. Jair had 30 sons that rode on 30 ass's c. 12.14. Abdon's sons and nephews rode on 70 ass's c. Job 11. 12. though man be born like a wild ass's c. Zech. 9. 9. riding upon a c. Mat.'ii. 5. John 12. 15. j>/a«.21.2.Jes.Benttwodisciples,saying, go, yeshall find ass tied, c. with her, Mark 11.2. L,iike 19.30. 7- brought ass and c. and set thereon, j)/ar/i 11.7. ^/arAll.D.whatdo you loosing the c? Luke 19.33. Luke 19. 35. cast garm. on c. and set Jesus thereon COME Signifies, [1] To draw nigh, or approach, E.xod. 34. 3. [2J To proceed from, 1 Chron. 29. 14. [3J To befall, Ezra 9. 13. Job 4. 5. [4] To be- lieve, John 5. 40. I 6. 37. [5] To attain to. Acts 26. 7. [6] To join icith. Proverbs 1. 11. [7] Tu toiicA, Ezek. 44. 25. [8] Tobemarried to, Dan. 11. 6. [9] To lie carnally with, Gen. 38. 16. [10] To invade. Gen. 34. 25. [11] To arise. Num. 24. 7. Gen. 6. 20. two of every sort shall c. to keep alive 7. 1. c. thou, and all thy house into the ark 8. t 9. he caused her to c. to him into the ark 19. 32. c. let us make our father drink wine 26. 27. wherefore c. ye to me, seeing ye hale me? 31. 44. c. let us make a covenant, I and thou 37. 20. c. let us slay him, and cast into some pit 41. t 21. when they had c. to inward parts of them 42. 7. he said to them, whence c. ye? .Tosh. 9. 8. 45. 19. take wagons, bring your father and c. 49. 10. sceptre not depart from Judah till Shiloh c. F.zod. 19. 9. lo, I c. to thee in a thick cloud 20. 24. where I record my name I will c. and bless 23. 27. destroy all people to whom thou shall c. jVum. 10. 29. e. thou with us we will do thee good 22. 6. c. I pray thee, curse me this people, 11. 24. 19. outof Jacob shall c. he that shall have do minion, and destroy him that remaineth of city Z)eu(. 18. 6. if a Levite c. and c. with desire of mind 28. 2. all these blessings shall con thee, overtake 15. all these curses c. on thee, overtake thee, 45. .Tudg. 13. 5. no razor c. on his head, \Sam. 1. 11. \Sam. 2. 34. that shall c. on thy two sons in one day 9. 13. for the people will not eat till he c. because 10. 8. seven days thou shall tarry, till I c. to thee 17. 45. but I c. to Ihee in the name of the Lord 20. 21. then c. thou, for there is peace to thee 2.S'am. 6. 9. how shall the ark of the Lord e. to me? 15. t 2. when any c. to the king for judgment 17. 2. I will c. on him while he is weary and weak 19. 33. c. thou over with me and I will feed thee 1 Kings 8. 31. and the oath c. before thine altar 20. 33. observe, if any thing would c. from him 22. 27. feed this fellow until I c. in peace 2 Kings 5. 8. let him c. now to me, he shall know 6. t 19. this is not the way, c. ye after me 18. 32. till I c. and take yeM<.20.2.when you are c.nigh to battle, the priest LukelO.d. kingdom of God is c. ni^A unto you, 11. COME not. Ezod. 19. 15. he ready, c. not at your wives 24. 2. but they shall not c. nigh, nor the people JVum. 14. 30. ye shall not c. into the land I sware 16.12 Dathan andAbiram said,wewill 7iofc.up,14. Deut. 23. 10. unclean shall not c. within the camp Josh. 3. 4. c. not near unto the ark, that ye may 23. 7. that ye c. not among these nations Judg. 16.17. there hath not c. a razor on mine head 2Sam. 14.29. Absalom sent for Joab, but he would 7iot c. he sent the second time, he would not c. IKings 13.22.carcase not c. to sepulchre of fathers 2 Kings 19. 32. king of Assyria shall not c. into this city, nor shoot arrow there, 33. Isa. 37. 33, 34. 2 Chron. 35. 21. I c. not against thee this day iCiralO.S.whosoeverwould not c. within three days JVeA.13.1.Moabite not c. into congregation for ever Job 3. 6. let it note, into the number of the months 13. 16. for a hypocrite shall not c. before him Psal. 32. 6. in floods they shall not c. nigh to him 69. 27. let them not c. into thy righteousness 91.7.thousands shall fall, but it shallnot c.nigh thee 132.3.1 will note, into the tabernacle of my house Prov. 5. 8. c. not nigh the door of her house Isa. 7. 17. Lord shall bring days that have not c 25. there shall note, the fear of briers and thorns 28. 15. the overflowing scourge shall not c. to me 32. 10. vintage shall fail, the gathering shall not c 54. 14. far from terror, for it shall not c. near thee 65. 5. which say, stand by thyself, c. no ( near me Jer. 37. 19. saying, the king of Babylon shall not c. Ezek.W 16. like things shall not c. nor shall it he so 44. 13. they shall nut c. near to me to do oflice Hos. 4. 15. c. not ye unto Gilgal,nor go to Beth-. 9. 4. their soul shall not e. into house of the Lord ZecA. 14. 18. and if the family of Egypt c. not Mat. 22. 3. sent to call, and they would not c. JlfarA2.4.theycould not c. nigh for press, I,KAe 8.19. lAike 14. 20. I have married a wife, I cminot c. John 5. 24. and shall not e. into condemnation 40. ye will not c. to me that ye might have life 7. 34. where I am thither ye cannot c. 36. 11. .50. think ye that he will not e. to the feast ? 15. 22. if I had not c. they had not had sin 16. 7. if I go not away, the Comforter will not c. 1 Cor. 4. 18. as thoush I would not c. to you COME out. [stance Gim. 15. 14. afterwards shall c. out with great sub- 17. 6. and kings shall c. out of thee, 35. 11. 24. 13. the daughters of city c. oiU to draw water Lev. 16. 17. till he c. out and have made atonement JV«m. 11. 20. shall eat till it c. out at your nostrils 12. 4. c. out ye three to tabernacle of congregat. 20. 18. lest I c. out against thee with the sword 22. 5. there is a people c. out of Egypt, 11. 33. 38. Aaron died fortieth year after Israel c.ouf COM Deut. 28. 7. c. out one way, and flee seven ways Judg. 9. 15. if not, let fire c. out of the bramble 29. he said, increase thine army and c. out XSam. 2. 3. let not arrogancy c. out of your mouth 11. 3. to-morrow we will c. out unto thee, 10. 24. 14. after whom is the king of Israel c. out ? 2 Sam. 16. 7. c. out, c. out, thou bloody man IKingsO. the 480th year after Isr. were c. out 20. 17. saying, there are men c. out of Samaria 2Kings5. 11. he will c. out \ome, and lay his hand 18. 31. make an agreement and c. out, Isa. 3b. 16. 19. 9. behold, he is c. out to fight against thee Psal. 14. 7. O that salvation were c. out of Zion ! 68. 31. princes shall c. out of Egypt, Ethiopia Prov. 12. 13. but the just shall c. out of trouble Isa. 34. 3. their stink shall c. out of their carcases JVaA. 1. 11. there is one c. out that imagineth evil Mat. 5. 26. by no means c. out till thou hast paid 26. 55. are ye c. out as against a thief with swords and staves to take me'! Mark 14.48. J^uke 22.52. JlfarA1.25.hold thy peace, c.out of him, Lukci. 35. 5. 8. said, c. out, thou unclean spirit, AwAeS. 29. John 1. 46. can any good thing c. out of Nazareth? 7. 41. some said, shall Christ c. out of Galilee? .^cts 16. 18. in the name of Jesus to c. out of her Rom. 11. 26. there shall c.out of Zion the Deliverer 2 Cor. 6. 17. wherefore e. out from among them //e6.7.5. though they c. out of the loins of Abraham Rev.TiG.13. saw spirits c. out of the mouth of dragon 18. 4. a voice saying, c. out of her, my people COME to pass. shall c.topass if they will not believe,9. JV«7n. 11.23. whether my word shall c. topassor not n.5.e.topassihe man's rod I choose shall blossom pass if yeheaik. 11.13. |28.1. 13. 2. and the sign or the wonder c. to pass Josh. 23. 14. all are c. to pass, no good thing failed .ludg. 13. 12. Manoah said, let thy words c to pass 17.when thy sayings c.topass we may do honour 21. 3. OLord, why is this c. to pass'in Israel, that 1 Kings 13. 32. the saying shall surely c. to pass Isa. 7. 7. it shall not stand, nor shall it e. to pass 14. 24. as I have thought, so shall it c. to pass 42. 9. behold, the former things are c. to pass Jer. 17. 24. it shall c. topassifye diligently hearken 32. 24. what thou hast spoken is c. to pass jEzeA. 12. 25. the word that I speak shall c. to pass 24. 14. 1 have spoken, it shall c. to pass,l will do it Can. 2.29.makelh known to thee what shall Hos. 1. 5. c. to pass that I will break the bow of Ur. Joel2. 32. c.topass that who.soever shall call on L. .flmos 8. 9. c. top. I will cause sun go down at noon ZecA. 6. 15. this shall c. top. if ye diligently obey 7. 13. therefore it is c. to pass, that as he cried JWa(.24.6.all thesethings must pass,end not vet Mark 11. 23. things which he saith shall c. to pass 13.29. when ye shall see these c. to p. Luke 21. 31. Luke 2. 15. and see this thing which is c. to pass 21. 7. whatsign when these things shall c. top. 28. 24.12. wonderingin himselfat what was c. topass IS.hast not known the things which arec.iopnss .Johnl3. 19. when it is c. top. ye may believe, 14.29. .fiets 3. 23. c. top. that every soul that will not hear Rev. 1. 1. to shew things must shortly c. to p. 22. 6. COME short. /Jom.3.23.alI have sinned and c.short of gloryof G. ^ei.4.1.1est any of you should seem to c. short of it COME together. .Tob 9. 32. and we should c. together in judgment 19.12.histroopsc.too-ctAer againstme and encamp .Ter. 3. 18. shall c. together out of land of the north. 50.4.Isr.andJud.shall^etAer,going and weep. Jlcts 1. 6. when they were c. together, 28. 17. 10. 27. he found many that were c. together 19. 32. knew not wherefore they were e. together 21. 22. the multitude must needs c. together lCor.7.5. c. together ss,a\n, that Sat. tempt you not 11. 17. you c. together, notfor better but for worse 18. when ye c. together in church, 20. 33. 1 14. 26. 34. that ye c. not together to condemnation 14. 23. if whole church he e. together to one place COME up. £i»n from heaven John 6. 33. bread of God is he which c. dvicn, 50. James 1. 17. every good and perfect girt c. down iicu. 3. 12. new Jerusalem which c.dowre from God COMETH forth.. Gen. 24. 43. when the virgin c. forth to draw water Exod. 4. 14. also behold he c. forth to meet tliee 8. 20. before Pharaoh, lo, he c. forth to the water Judg-. 11. 31. whatsoever c. forth of the doors ISain. 11. 7. whosoever c. not forth after Saul Job 5. 6. though atHiction c. not forth of the dust 14. 2. he c. forth like a flower, and is cut down Jsa. 28. 29. this also c. forth from the Lord Ezek. 33. 30. hear what word c. forth from Lord Mic. 1. 3. behold, the Ld. c. forth out of his place COMETH vigh. JV*um. 1. 51. Levites setup tabernacle, thestranger that c. nigh shall be put to death, 3. 10, 38. ] 18. 7. COMETH out. Ezod.'28.Z5.he heard when he c. out, thathe die not .Vum. 12. 12. flesh is half consumed when he c. out Dcut. 28. 57. her eye evil toward young that c. out 1 Kings 8. 41. a stranger thatc.oittof a far country Job 20. 25. it is drawn, and c. out of the body 37. 22. fair weather c. out of the north, with God is Cant. 3. 6. who is this that c. out of the wilderness? Isa. 26. 21. the Lord c. out of his place to punish 42.5. spread forthearth, and that which c. outot' it Jer.46. 20. destruction conieth, it c. out of the north £:f A.4.12.shall bake it with dung that c. out of man Mat. 15. 11. but that which c. out of the mouth, this defileth a man, Mark 7. 20. 24. 27. for as the lightning c. out of the east COMETH up. l.Sam.23.14. and she said, an old mane, up covered Cant. 8. 5. who is this that c. up from wilderness? Jsa. 24. 18. and hethatc. up outof midst of the pit Jer. 46. 7. who is this that c. up as a flood? 50. 3. outof north there c. up a nation against her i/a6.3.16. when he c. up to people, will invade them Mat. 17. 27. casta hook, take up the fish first c. up COMFORT, Substantive. Job 6. 10. then should I yet have c. yea, I would 10. 20. let me alone, that I may take c. a little Ps. 119. 50. this is my c. in ray affliction, thy word 70. let thy merciful kindness be for my c. Tsa. 57. 6. should I receive c. in these? Ezek. 16. 54. in that thou art ac. to them Mat. 9. 22. daughter be of good c. Luke 8. 48. Mark 10. 49. be of good c. rise, he calleth thee .lets 9. 31. walking in the c. of the Holy Ghost Rom.Xb.i. through patience and c. of the scriptures ICor. 14. 3. speaketh to men to exhortation and e. HCor. 1. 3. blessed be God, even the God of all c. 4. by the c. wherewith we are comforted of God 7. 4. great is my glorying of you, I am filled with c. 13. therefore we were comforted in your c. 13. 11. brethren, be perfect, be of good c. Phil. 2. 1. if there be therefore any c. of love 10. that I may also be of good c. when I know Col. 4. 11. these only, which have been a c. to me COMFORT, Verb. ^C7i.5.29.thi8 same shall c. usconcerningour work 18. 5. c. ye your hearts, after that you shall pass on 27. 42. Esau as touching thee doth c. himself 37. 35. all his sons and daughters rose up to c. him .fudg. 19. 5. c. thy heart withamorsel of bread, 8. 2Sam. 10. 2. David sent to c. him, 1 Chron. 19. 2. 1 Chron. 7. 22. and his brethren came to c. him 19. 2. servants of David came to Hanun to c. him Job 2.11. his friends came to mourn with and c. him 7. 13. when I say, my bed shall c. me, my couch 9. 27. if I say, I will forget, I will c. myself then c. ye me in vain, seeing in answers Psal. 23. 4. thy rod and thy staff, they c. me 71. 21. thoushalt increase and c. me on every side 119. t 76. let thy merciful kindness c. me 82. my eyes fail, saying, when wilt thou c. me? Cant. 2. 5. c. me with apples, for I am sick of love Isa. 22. 4. look away from me, labour not to c. me 40. 1. c. ye, c. ye my people, saith your God 51. 3. Ld. shall c.Zion, ho will c. her waste places 19. two things are come, by whom shall I c. thee? 61. 2. he hath sent me to c. all that mourn 66. 13. BO will I c. you, ye shall be in .Terusalem ./isr.S.lS. when I would c. myself, heart is faint in me 16. 7. nor shall men tear to c. them for the dead 31. 13. fori will c. them, make rejoice from sorrow Aam. 1.2. among loversshe hath none toe. her, 17. 21. they heard that I sigh, there is none toe. me 2. 13. what shall I equal to thee, that I may c. thee 87 COM J?zf A.14.23.they shall c. you when ye see their ways Zech. 1.17. Ld. shall yet c. Zion, and choose Jerus. 10. 2. diviners told false dreams, they c. in vain John 11. 19. to e. them concerning their brother 2 Cor. 1. 4. that we may be able to c. them who 2. 7. ye ought rather to forgive and e. him Eph. 6. m. and that he might c. your hearts Col. 4. 8. he might know your estate, c. your hearts 1 Thess. 3. 2. to c. you concerning your faith 4. 18. wherefore e. one another with these words 5. 11. wherefore e. yourselves together and edify 14. e. the feeble-minded, support the weak 2 Thess. 2. 17. now our Lord Jesus c. your hearts COMFORTABLE. 2 Sam. 14. 17. the word of my Lord shall now be c. Zech. 1. 13. Lord answered the angel with c. words COMFORTABLY. 2 Sam. 19. 7. go fortli and speak e. to thy servants 2 Chron. 30. i£2. he spake c. to all the Levites 32. 6. he set captains over the people, and spake e. Isa. 40. 2. speak ye c. to Jerusalem, cry to her Hos. 2. 14. 1 will allure her, and speak c. to her COMFORTED. Oen. 24. 67. Isaac was e. after his mother's death 37.35. Jac. refused to be c. for he said, I go to grave 38. 12. Jud. was e. and went up to his sheep-shear. 50. 21. Joseph c. his brethren, and spake kindly Ruth 2. 13. let raefind fav. forthatthou haste, me 2 Sam. 12. 24. David c. Bath-sheba his wife 13. 39. for he was e. concerning Amnon Job 42. 11. all his brethren c. him over all the evil Psal. 77. 2. my sore ran, my soul refused to be e. 86. 17. because thou. Lord, hast holpen and c. me 119.52. 1 remembered thy judgments, have c.mys. Isa. 49. 13. for God hath c. his people, 52. 9. 54. 11. oh, thou afflicted, tossed, and not e. 66. 13. and ye shall be c. in Jerusalem ./er.31.15. Rachel weeping, refus. to be c. for child. Ezek. 5. 13. I will cause fury to rest, I will be c. 14. 22. ye shall be c. concerning all the evil 31.16. alltliat drink water be e. in parts of earth 32. 31. Pharaoh shall see them, and shall be c. Mat. 2. 18. would not be c. because they were not 5.4.blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be e. Luke 16. 25. now he is c. and thou art tormented John 11. 31. the Jews which e. her, saw Mary rise J)cts 16. 40. when they had seen brethrfen, c. them 20. 12. brought young man alive, were not a lit. c. Rom. 1. 12. that 1 may be c. together with you ICor. 14. 31. that all may learn, and all may be e. ^2Cor. 1.4. the comfort wherewith we are c. of God 7- 6. God c. us by the coming of Titus 7. the consolation wherewith he was e. in you 13. therefore we were c. in your comfort Col. 2. 2. that their hearts might be c. being knit IThess. 2.11. ye knowhowhee.\horted and c. you 3. 7. we were e. over you in all our affliction COMFORTEDST. /sa.l2.1.thine anger is turned away, and thou c. me COMFORTER, S. 2Sam. 10. 3. that he hath sent e. to thee, ICAr. 19. 3. .lob 16.2.heard many things, miserable c. are ye all Psal. 69. 20. I looked for c. but found none Eccl. 4.1. tears of the oppressed, and they had no e. jf/arn.l.Q.she came down wonderfully, she had noc. 16. e. that should relieve my soul is far from me JVaA. 3. 7. whence shall I seek c. for thee? Johii 14. 16. he shall give you another C. to abide 26. but the C. which is Holy Ghost, shall teach 15.26. when the C is come ||16. 7. C. will not come COMFORTETH. ,Iob 29. 25. I dwelt, as one that c. the mourners /sa.51.12. 1, even I, am,who art thou 66. 13. as one whom mother c. will I comfort you 2Cor. 1. 4. who c. us in all our tribulations 7. 6. God that e. those that are cast down COMFORTLESS. John 14.18. I will not leave you c. will come to you COMFORTS. Psal. 94. 19. of my thoughts, thy c. delight my soul /«a.57.1S. I will lead him also, and restore e. to him COMING. Gen. 30. 30. the Lord hath blessed thee since my c. 43. t 20. O sir,, c. down we came to buy food Lev. 14. 1 48. if the priest c. in shall come and look JVum. 22. 16. let nothing hinder thee from c. Judg. 5. 28. why is his chariot so long in c.? ISam. 16. 4. elders of the town tremble at his c. 29. 6. thy going and c. in with me, since day of c. 2Sarn. 3. 25. lo know thy going out and thy c. in ^Kings 13. -X). invaded the land ate. in of the year 19. 27. I know thy going out and c. in, Isa. 37. 28. Psal. 37. 13. for he seeth that his day is c. 121. 8. Lord shall preserve thy going out and c. in Isa. 14. 9. hell is moved for thee to meet thee at e. 44. 7. the things that are c. let them shew to them Jer. 8. 7. and swallow observe the time of their e. Dan. 4. 23. saw a holy one e. down from heaven Mic. 7. 15. accord, to the days of the e.out of Egypt Mai. 3. 2. who may abide the day of his c? COM Mai. 4.5. before thec.of the greatday of the Lord Mat.l6.'i8.til\ they see Son of Man his kingdom 24. 3. tell us what shall be the sign of thy c.? 27. so shall the e. of the Son of Man be, 37, 39. 30. when they shall see the Son of Man clouds, 26. 64. Mark 13. 26. | 14. 62. Luke 21. 27. 48. shall say, ray Ld.delayeth hisc. Luke 12.i5. 25.27. atmy c. have received my own, //uftc 19.23. Mark 6. 31. for there were many c. and going Luke 9. 42. as he was yet c. the devil tare him 18. 5. lest by her continual e. she weary me John 5. 7. while I am c. another steppeth before me 25. the hour is e. 28. 1| 10. 12. seeth the wolf c. .Acts 1. 18. receive the power of the Holy Ghost c. 7. 52. shewed before of the e. of the just One 9. 28. he was with them c. in and gomg out 10. 25. as Peter was c. in Cornelius met him 13. 24. when John had preached before his e. ICor. 1. 7. waiting for the c. of our Lord Jesus 15. 23. afterward thry that are Christ's at his e. 16.17. 1 am glad of c. of Stephanus and Fortunatus 2Cor. 7. 6. God comforted us by the c. of Titus 7. not by his c. only, but by the consolation Phil.l. 26. be more abundant by my c. to you again 1 Thess. 2. 19. are not ye our rejoicing at our Ld's e. 3. 13. hearts unblameable at the c. of our Lord 4. 15. we who remain to the c. of our Lord 5. 23. preserved blameless to the c. of our Lord 2 Thess. 2. 1. we beseech you by the c. of our Lord 8. and shall destroy with the brightness of his c. 9.even him whose c. is after the working of Satan Jam. 5.7. be patient, brethren, to the c. of the Lord 8. for the e. of the Lord draweth nigh IPet. 2. 4. to whom c. as unto a living stone 2Pet. 1.16. make known power and c. of our L.Jesus 3. 4. saying, where is the promise of his c? 12. looking and hasting to the c. of the day of God IJohn 2. 28. not be ashamed before him at his c. Rev. 13.11. beheld another beast c. up outof earth 21. 2. new Jerus. e. down fromGodout of heaven COMINGS. Ezek. 43. 11. shew them the goings out and c. in COMMAND. 2 Sam. 23. f 23. David set Benaiah at his c. Job 39. 27. doth the eagle mount up at thy e.? COMMAND Is referred (I) To God, whose command extendeth to the earth, Psal. 33.9. To the heavens, Psal. 148. 5. To his people, Exod. 34. 11. To the adversaries of the church. Lam. 1. 17. To the clouds, Isaiah 5. 6. To serpents, Amos 9. .3. To unclean spirits, Mark 1. 27. It signifies, [1] His authority and power over his creatures, Psal. 148. 5. [2] His will and readiness to help his own children in their distress, Psal. 42.8. [3] To require due obedience lo his laws, Deut. 11. 22. [4] To procure, or work, Psal. 44. 4. [5] To enable and incline. Job. 36. 10. [6] To restrain, Isa. 5. 6. [7] To appoint, or establish firmly, Psal. 111. 9. [8] To stir up by his providence, Isa. 13. 3. [9] To give, or bcstoiD, Lev. 25. 21. This word comprehcndeth instruction, prediction, exhortation, and con- solation, Mat. 11. 1. compared with Mat. 10. 6, 17, 26, 40. (II) To man, as parents commanding their chil- dren, Gen. 18. 19. | 50. 16. Governors their officers, Joshua 1. 10. Kings their subjects, 2 Chron. 14. 4. Pastors their people, 2 Thess. 3. 4, 6. Gen. 18. 19. Abrah. will c. his child, and household Exod. 8. 27. we will sacrifice as God shall c. us 18. 23. if thou do this thing, and God c. thee so JiTnm. 9. 8. I will hear what the Lord will e. 36. 6. this is the thing which the Lord doth c. Deut. 28. 8. the Lord shall e. the blessing on thee 32. 46 ye shall c. your children to observe to do .Tosh. 1). 15. so did Moses c. Joshua, and so he did Psal. 42. 8. the Lord will c. his loving-kindness 44.4. art my king, O God, e. deliverance for Jacob Isa. 45. 11. concerning the work of my hands, Jer. 27. 4. c. them to say to their masters Lam. 1. 10. heathen didst c. they should not enter Mat. i.3. c. thesestonesbemade bread, Luke4.3. 1 9.7. why did Moses e. to give writing of divorcem. 27. 64. c. therefore that sepulchre be made sure J/arA:10.3.hesaid to them, what did Moses e. you? Luke 8.31. that he would not e. them to go into deep 9.54.wilt thou we c. fire to come down from heaven Jlcts 5. 28. saying, did not we straitly c. you 15. 5. and to c. them to keep the law of Moses 2 both do, and will do things we e. you 6. we e. you, brethren, in name of our Lord Jesus 12. that are such we c. and exhort by our Ld. Jes. ITim. 4. 11. these things c. and teach / COMMAND. Exod. 7.2. shaU speak all that Ic. thee, Jer.l. 7,17. 34. 11. observe thou what / c. thee, Deut. 12. 28 Lev. 25. 21. then / will c. my blessing upon you Deut. 4. 2. ye shall not add to the word / c. you COM Deut. 7. 11. shall keep command. Ic. thee this day, to do them, 8. U. | JO. 13.| 11. 8, 27.] 13. 18.| 30. 8. 24. 18. therelbra / c. thee to do this thing, 22. 30. 16. Ic. thee this day to love the Lord thy God Isa. 5. 6. / will c. the clouds that they rain not JerAL 4. obey my voice, and do all which /c. you 34.22. behold, /will c. saith the Lord, and cause Jlinos 9.3. thencewill/c. serpent, he shall bite them 4. thence / c. the sword, and it shall slay them 9. / will c. and I will sift the house of Israel John 15.14. ye are my friends, if ye do what /c. you 17. these things Ic. you, that ye love one another ..9cts 16. 18. I c. thee in the name of Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 7. 10. to the married Ic. yet not I, but Lord COMMANDED. Oen. 45. thou art c. this do ye, take wagons 50. 12. Joseph's sons did to him as he c. them Ezod. 1. 17. mid wives did not as king of Egypt c. Lev. 10. 13. eat it in the holy place, for so 1 am c. Deut. 1.18. 1 c. you at that time all things, 3. 18, 21. Josh. 4. 8. the children of Israel did as Joshua c. 8. 8. set the city on fire, see I have c. you 22. 2. ye have obeyed my voice in all 1 c. you Judg. 13. 14. all that I c. her, let her observe 1 Sam. 20. 2D. my brother, he hathc. me to be there 21. 2. David said, the king c. me a business, and 2 Sam. 13. 28. then kill Amnon, have not I c. you 21. 14. they performed all that the king c. 2/srjn^slI.9.accordingto all that Jehoiad a priest c. 16. 16. thus did according to all that king Ahaz c. 1 Cliron. 21.17. is it not I c. people to be numbered 2 Chron. 8. 14. for so had David the man of God c. 14. 4. Asac. Judah to seek L. God of their fathers 32. 12. Hezekiah 1| 33. 16. Manasseh c. Judah JVcA. 13. 19. I c. that the gates should be shut 22. 1 c. Levites to cleanse themselves, keep gates £jtA.3.2. for the king had so c. concerning Haman 12. was written according to all that Haman c. 4. 17. Mordecai did according as Esther c. him 8. 9. written according to all that Mordecai c. Job 38. 12. hast thou c. the morning since thy days? Isa. 48. 5. say, my molten image hath c. them .7er.35.6. Jonadab our father c. us, 10. 14, 16, 18. Ezei. 12. 7. and I did so as I was c. 37. 7. Dan. 3. 4. cried, to you it is c. O people, nations 19. he c. that they should heat the furnace 6. 16. then the king c. and they brought Daniel 24. the king c. and they brought those men Amos 2. 12. c. the prophets, saying, prophesy not Mat. 14. 9. he c. it to be given her, Mark 6. 27. 19.he c. multitudeto sitdown,15. 35. Mark&. 39. 18. 25. his lord c. him to be sold, and all he had 21. 6. the disciples went and did as Jesus c. them 23. 20. teaching to observe all things I have c. you Luke 9. 21. he c. them to tell no man that thing .Bets 10. 48. hee. them to be baptized in the name 25. 6. the next day Festus c. Paul to be brought 1 Cor. 14. 34. but are c. to be under obedience 1 Thcss. 4. 11. work with your hands as we c. you 2 T/iPS«.3.10. wec.youthat ifany would not work WcA.12.20.they could not endure that which was c. Reo. 9. 4. it was c. them not to hurt the grass God COMMANDED. Gen. 2. IG. Godc. man to eat freely of every tree 6. 22. according to all that God c. him, so diid he 7.9. there went into the ark as God had c. Noah, 16. I 21. 4. Deut. 20. 17. Josh. 10. 40. Deut. 5. 15. God c. thee to keep the sabbath-day 5. 32. observe to do as the Lord your God c. you 33. walk in all the ways the L. your God c. you 6. 1. which L. your God c. to teach you, 20. 1 13. 5. 20. 16. this day the Lord thy Godc. thee to keep Judg. 4. G.h&thnolh. Godc. to go toward Tabor? 1 Chron. 14. 16. David therefore did as God c. him 2 Chr. 35. 21. God c. me, make haste, forbear thou Ezra!. 23. whatsoever is c. by the fi^od of heaven Psal. 68.28. thy G. hath c. thy strength, strengthen Mat. 15. 4. for God c. saying, honour thy father Acts 10. 33. to hear all things that are c. thee of G. 2 Cor. 4. 6. G. who e. light to shine out of darkness Lord COMMANDED. Gen. 7. 5. Noah did according to all the Lord c. Ezod. 7. 6. Moses and Aaron did as the Lord c. them, 10, 20. 1 12. 28, 50. JVum. 17. 11. 16.16. this is the thing Ld. c. 32. 1 35. 4. JV«m. 30. 1. 34. as the Lordc. Moses, 34. 4. 1 39. 1, 5, 7, *c. I 40. 19, (S-c. Lev. 8. 9. | 9. 10. i:,e».8.4.Mose9 did asl-. c.him,JVMm.20.27. | 27. 11. JV«m. 36. 2. Lord c. my lord to give land to Israel Deut.G. 24. the Lordc. us to do all these statutes 9. 16. had turned aside out of the way Lord c. you 10. 5. the tables, there they be as the Lord c. me 1 Sam. 13. 14. L. c. him to be captain over people 2Sam. 17. 1 14. L. defeat counsel of Ahithophel 24. 19. and David went up, as the Lord c. 1 Chr. 21. 27. L. c. the angel, he put up his sword 24. 19. the orderings as L. God of Israel c. him Psal. 106. 34. concerning whom the Lord c. them 133. 3. for there the Lordc. the blessing, even life Jer. 13. 5. 1 hid it by Euphrates, as the Lord c. me COM Lam. 1. 17. the Lord hath c. concerning Jacob Acts 13. 47. we turn to Gentiles, so hath the L. c. Lord or God COMMANDED, implicitly. Gen. 3. 11. eaten of the tree I c. not to eat, 17. Exod. 23. 15. as I c. thee in the time appointed Lev. 7. 38. in the day he c. the children of Israel 10. 1. offered strange fire which he c. them not Deut. 17. 3. hath served other gods, which I have not c. 18. 20. Jer. 19. 5. | 23. 32. | 29. 23. Josh. 1. 9. have I not c. thee ? be strong and of cour. 7. 11. transgressed my covenant I c. Judg. 2. 20. 13. 6. divide thou it by lot, as I have c. thee 2Sam.7.7. whom I c. to feed ray people, 1 Chr. 17. 6. 11. since the time that I c. judges, 1 Chr. 17. 10. 1 Kings 11. 10. had c. him concerning this thing 17. 4. I have c. the ravens to feed thee there 9. 1 have c. a widow woman there to sustain thee 1 Chr. 16. 15. be mindful of his covenant, the word which he c. to a thousand generations, Ps. 105.8. 40. that it is written in the law, which he c. Israel PfaZ. 7. 6. awaketo thejudgmentthat thou hast c. 33.9.he3pake and it was done,hec.and it stood fast 111. 9. hathc. his coven, for ever, holy is his name 119.4.thou hast c. us to keep thyprecepts diligently 138. thy testimonies thou hast c. are righteous 148. 5. for the Lord c. and they were created Isa. 13. 3.1 have c. my sanctified ones, I have called 34. 16. for my mouth it hath c. and his spirit 45. 12. the heavens and all their host have I c. Jer. 7. 23. but this thing c. I them, obey my voice 31. which I c. them not, 19. 5. | 32. 35. 11. 8. all words of covenant which I c. them to do 17. 22. but hallow the sabbath, as I c. your fathers 50. 21. do according to all that I have c. thee Lam. 2. 17. his word that he had c. in days of old Ezek. 9. 11. 1 have done as thou hast c. me 24. 18. I did in the morning as I was c. 37. 10. Zcch. 1. 6. my words which I e. did they not take Mai. 4. 4. remember the law which I c. in Horeb Luke 14. 22. Ld. it is done as thou hast c.and room Acts 10. 42. he c. us to preach to the people Moses COMMANDED. JVitm. 16. 47. Aaron took as Moses hade, and ran Deut. 31. 29. turn aside from the way I have c. you 33. 4. Moses c. us a law, even the inheritance Josh. 1. 7. observe to do according to all Moses c. 22. 2. ye have kept all that Moses c. you 1 Chr. 15. 15. Moses c. according to word of the L. Mat.S.i. offer the gift that Moses c. for a testimony Mark 1. 44. offer for thy cleans, those things which Moses c. for a testimony to them, Luke5. 14. JohnS.5. Moses in law c.that such should be stoned COMMANDEDST. JVeA. 1. 7. which thou c. thy servant Moses, 8. 9. 14. thouc. them precepts, statutes, and laws Jer. 32. 23. they have done nothing that thou c. COMMANDER, /sa. 55. 4. given him for a leader and c. to people COMMANDEST. Josh. 1. 16. all that thou c. us we will do 18. whoso will not hearken in all that thou c. Jer. 32. 23. have done nothing of all thou c. them Acts 23. 3. c. me to be smitten contrary to the law COMMANDETH. J^um. 32. 25. thy servants will do as my lord c. .lob 9. 7. God, who c. the sun, and it riseth not 36. 10. he c. that they return from iniquity 32. he covereth the light, and c. it not to shine 37. 12. that they may do whatever he c. them Psal. 107. 25. he c. and raiselh the stormy wind Lam.'i.ZI. who saitli it cometh, when Ld. c. it not? .Bmos 6. 11. Lord c. and he will smite great horse Mark 1. 27. he c. the unclean spirits, lAike 4. 36. Luke 8. 25. he c. the winds, and they obey him Acts 17. 30. now c. all men every where to repent COMMANDING. Gen. 49. 33. Jacob made an end of c. his sons Mat. 11. 1. Jesus made an end of c. his disciples Acts 24. 8. c. his accusers to come to tliee 1 Tim. 4. 3. c. to abstain from meats God created COMMANDMENT. i^xo(i.34.32. he gave them in c. all Lord had spoken JVum. 15.31. broken his c.that soul shall be cut off 23. 20. behold, I have received c. to bless 27. 14. ye rebelled against my c. in the desert Deut. 30. 11. this c. I command thee this day 1 S'm5-«2.43.whyhast thou not kept the c. I charged 2 Kings 18. 36. king's c. was, ans. not, Isa. 36. 21. 1 Chron. 12. 32. all their brethren were at their c. 28. 21. all the people will be wholly at thy c. 'iChron. 8. 13. offering according to the c. of Moses t 14. so was the c. of David the man of God 19. 10. what cause shall come between law and c. 30. 12. one heart to do the c. of king and princes 31. 5. and as soon as the c. came abroad, Israel Eira 8. 17. I sent them vrith c. to Iddo the chief 10. 3. of those that tremble at the e. of God JVeA. 11. 23. it was the king's c. concerning them 13. t5. wine and oil, which was thee, of Levites Esth. 1. 12. Vashti refused to come at the king's c COM jEs£A.2.20.E8therdidthec.of Mordecai, like as when 3. 3. why transgressest thou the king's c. ? 9.1. when king's c.dre w nigh to be put in execution Job 23. 12. nor gone back from the c. of his lips Psal. 119. 96. but thy c. is exceeding broad 147. 15. he sendeih forth his c. upon earth Prov. 6. 23. the c. is a lamp, and the law is light 8. 29. that the waters should not pass hia c. 13. 13. he thatfearelh the c. shall be rewarded 19. 16. he that keepeth the c. keepeth his soul Eccl. 8. 5. whoso keepeth c. shall feel no evil thing Jer. 35. 14. but they obey their father Jonadab's c. Dan. 3. 22. because the king's e. was urgent 9. 23. the c. came forth, and I am come to shew Hos. 5. 11. because he willingly walked after the c. Mai. 2. 1. now, O ye priests, this c. is for you 4. ye shall know that I have sent this c. to you Mat. 15. 3. why do ye transgress the c. of God ? 6. thus have ye made the e. of God of no effect 22. 36. Master, which is the great e. in the law ? 38. this is the first and great c. Mark 12. 30. Mark 7. 8. for laying aside the c. of God, ye hold 9. he said, full well ye reject the c. of God 12. 31. there is no other e. greater than these Luke 15. 29. nor transgressed I at any time thy c. 23. 56. rested the sabbath-day according to thee. John 10. 18. this e. have I received of my Father 12. 49. he gave me a c. what I should say 50. I know that his e. is life everlasting 14. 31. as the Father gave me c. even so I do 15.12. my c. that ye love one another,UbAn 3.23. Acts 15. 24. to whom we gave no such c. 17. 15. receiving a c. to Silas to come to him 23. 30. and gave e. to his accusers also to say 25. 23. at Festus' c. Paul was brought forth Rom. 7. 8. but sin taking occasion by the c. 11. 9. when the c. came, sin revived, and I died 10. e. which was ordained to life, I found to death 12. and the e. is holy, and just, and good 13. that sin by c. might become exceeding sinful 13. 9. if there be any other c. it is briefly in this 16. 26. according to the c. of the everlasting God 1 Cor. 7. 6. I speak this by permission, not of c. 2 Cor. 8. 8. 1 speak not by c. but by occasion of Eph. 6. 2. which is the first c. with promise 1 Ttm. 1.1. by thee, of God our Saviour, Tit.1.3. 5. the end of the e. is charity, out of a pure heart Heb.l.lG. who is made not after law of a carnal c. 18. there is a disannulling of the e. going before 11. 22. Joseph gave e. concerning his bones 23.Moses hid,they were not afraid of the king's e. 2Pet. 2. 21. to turn from holy e. delivered to them 3. 2. mindful of e. of us the apostles of the Lord 1 John 2. 7. but an old c. which ye have heard 3. t 11. thisisthec. ye heard from the beginning 23.this is his e.thatwe should believe on the name 4.21. this e. have we from him, he who loveth God 2 John 4. as we have received a e. from the Father 6- this is thee.thatasyehave heard frombeginn. Give or given COMMANDMENT. Exod. 25. 22. things which I will give thee in e. Deut. 1. 3. the Lord had given him in c. unto them JEzra4.21. give cease till another e. be given Psal. 71. 3. hast given c. to save me, thou my rock Isa. 23. 11. the Lord hath given c. against tlie city JVah. 1. 14. the Lord hath given c. concerning thee John 11. 57. given c. if any knew where he were Keep CoMM.'iNDMENT, See Keep. COMMANDMENT of the Lord. Exod.l7.1.)omn.c. of L. JVum.9. 18, 20. | 10. 13. JV«m. 3. 39. Moses and Aaron numbered at c. of L. 24. 13. 1 cannot go beyond the c. of L. to do good 33.38. Aaron went up to Hor atco/iordanddied .Tosh. 22. 3. ye have kept charge of e. o/ Z,. your G. 1 Sam. 12. 14. and not rebel against e. of Lord 15.if ye will not obey,but rebel against c.of Lord 13. 13. thou hast not kept the c. of Lord thy God 15. 13. Saul said, I have performed the c. of Lord 24. 1 have transgressed the c. of L. and thy word 2 Sam. 12. 9. wherefore hast thoudcspised c. of L. 2 Kings24. 3. at the e. of Lord came this on Judah 2CAron.29. 25. for so was e. of L. by his prophets Psal. 19.8.the c.ofL. is pure,enlightening the eyes 1 Cor. 7.25. concernin? vireins I have no c. of L. JVew COMMANDMENT. John 13. 34. a new c. I give unto you, that ye love 1 John 2. 7. brethren, I write no new e. unto you 8. s.newc. I write unto you, which is true in him 'i.Tohn 5. not as though I wrote a new c. unto thee Rebelled against the COMMANDMENT. JVjim.27. 14. ye rebelled ag. my c. in the des. of Zin Deut. 1.26. butyereieZ. a^. e.of L. your God, 43. 9. 23. then ye rebel, ag. c. of L. and believed not Lam.l. 18. L. is righteous, I ha vo rebelled a^.his c. COMMANDMENTS. Gen. 26. 5. because that Abraham kept my e. Exod. 15. 26. and if thou wilt give ear to his e. 34.28.wrote on tables the ten c.i)e«t.4.13. | 10.4. Z,ci).4.13.havc done somewhat ag. any of the c. 27. 5. 17. commit sin forbidden by the c. of the Lord COM 27. 34. these are tlie c. the Lord commanded JViiiii. 15. 39. remember all the c. of tlio Lord ill not keepmgc.wliich I command thee 1 1 . 13. il' you shall hearken to c. ^8. 13. Judg. 3.4. 27. if ye will obey the c. of the Lord your God 2ti. if ye will not obey the c. of the Lord your G. 1 Sam. 15. 11. Saul hath not performed my c. IKings i 1. 34. because he haili kept my c. and stat. 14. S. David who kept my c. and followed me 18. 18. in that ye have forsaken the c. of the Lord iKiiigs 17. 16. and they lell all tlie c. of the Lord 19. Judah kept not the c. of the Lord their God 18. 6. but kept his c. which he commanded Moses 2 Citron. 7. 19. if ye forsakemyc.I set before you 24. 20. why transgress ye the c. of the Lord t Ezra 9. 10. O our God, for we have forsaken thy c. 14. should we again break thy c. and join in aitin. Psal. 89. 31. if they keep not my c. then will I visit 111. 7. his works are verity, all his c. are sure 112. 1. blessed is he that delight, greatly in his c. 119. 10. O let me not wander from thy c. 19. I am a stranger, hide not thy c. from me 35. make me to go in the path of thy c. 47. I will delight in thy c. which I have loved 66. teach me, for I have believed thy c. 73. give understanding, that I may learn thy c. 86. all thy c. are faith. {{ 151. all thy c. are truth 98. thou through thy c. hast made me wiser tl>an 127. I lovo thy c. || 131. I longed for thy c. 143. thy c. are ray delights || 172. c. righteous. 166. I have done thy c. {| 176. not forget thy c. Prov. 2. 1. if Uiou wilt hide my c. with thee 7. 1. keep my words and lay up my c. with thee 10. 8. tlie wise in heart will receive c. Isa. 48. 18. O that thou haust hearkened to my c. Mat. 5. 19. whoso shall break one of these least c. 15.9. teach, for doctrines thec.of men,.Uar/i:7. 7. 22. 40. on these two c. hang all the law and proph. Mark 10. 19. thou knowest the c. Luke 18. 20. 12. 29. the first of all the c. is, hear O ler. the L. L,uke 1. 6. walking in all the c. of the L. blameless John 14. 21. he that hath my c. and keepeth them 15. 10. if keep ray c. as I have kept my Father's c. 1 Cor. 7. 19. is nothing, but keeping thee, of God 14. 37. things I write you, are the c. of the Lord Col. 2. 22. after the c. and doctrines of meu 1 T/icss.4.'i. for ye know what c. we gave you byL. 1 -fohn 2. 4. he that keepeth not his c. is a liar 3 24. he that keepeth his c. dwelleth in him 2 John 6. this is love, that we walk after his c. J)o COMMANDMENTS. JVwm. 15. 40. do all my c. and be holy to your God Deut. 6. 25. obs. to do all c. 15. 5. \ 28. 1, 15. | 30. 8. 1 Chron. 28. 7. if be be constant to do my c. Psal. 103. 18. those that remember his c. to do them 111. 10. understanding have they that do his c. Rev. 22. 14. blessed are they that do his c. jVot do COMMANDMENTS. Let}. 26. 14. but if ye will not do all these c. 15.SO that ye will not (i« all myc.but break coven. Keep CoMMANDMKNTs, See Kbep. COMMEND. Signifies, [1] To extol or praise, 2 Cor. 3. 1. 1 5. 12. [2] To commit or give in charge, Luke 23. 46. [3] To render more illustrious and commend- able, Rom. 3. 5. [4] To make or render one more acceptable, 1 Cor. 8. 8. I^uke 23. 46. Father, into thy hands I c. ray spirit jJcta 20. 32. and now, brethren, I c. you to God 7?om.3.5.if our unrighteousness c.righteous.of God 16. 1. I c. unto you Phebe our sister, a servant 2 Cor. 3. 1. do we begin again to c. ourselves 1 5. 12. for we c. not ourselves again to you 10. 12. or compare ourselves with some that c. COMMENDATION. 2Cor.3.1. or need we, as some others, epistles of c? COMMENDED. Oen. 12. 15. the princes c. Sarai before Pharaoh Prov. 12. 8. a man shall be c. accord, to his wisdom Eccl. 8. 15. then I c. mirth, because a man hath L,uke 10. 8. the Lord c. the unjust steward , because .^ctsli. 23.C. them to the L. on whom they believed 2 Cor. 12. 11. I ought to have been c. of you COMMENDETH. Rom. 5. 8. but God c. his lovo toward us, in that 1 Cor. 8. 8. but meat c. us not to God 2C»r.l0.18.nothe thatc is approved, butwiiom L. COMMENDING. 2 Cor. 4. 2. c. ourselves to every man's conscience 6. t 4. in all c. ourselves as the ministers of God COMMISSION, S. Kzra 8. .36. and they delivered the king's c. ■^cts 26. 12. as I went with c. from the chief priest COMMIT. Ezod. 20. 14. thou shall not c. adultery, Deut. 5.18. Mat. 5. 27. I 19. 18. Horn. 13. 9. /yCW.S. 17. irsin,and cany (^hese things forbidden 18. 26. not c. any of these abominations, 30. 29. who hhall c. any of these abominnlions A'um. J.6. if a man or woman c.anv sin that men c. 89 COM Dcut. 19. 20. c. no more any such evil among you ./!/(/"■. 13.t 1. added to c. evil in lire sight of the Lord 2 Chr. 21. 11. caused Jerusalem to c. fornication Job 5. 8. unto God would I c. my cause Psal. 31. 5. into thine hand 1 c. my spirit 37. 5. c. thy way to the Lord, trust also in him Fro«.10.3.c. thy works unto the Lord,thy thoughls 12. an abomination to kings to c. wickedness Isa. 22. 21. 1 will c. thy government into his hand Jcr. 37. 21. c. Jeremiah to the court of prison 44. 7. why c. ye litis great evil against your souls'! Eiek. 8. 17. c. abominations which they c. here 16. 43. and thou shall nut c. this lewdness 22. 9. in the midst of thee they c. lewdness Uos. 6. 9. the priests murder, they c. lewdness 7. 1. for they c. falsehood, and the thief cometh Luke 12. 48. and did c. things worthy of stripee 16. 11. who will c. to your trust the true riches'? John 2. 24. Jesus did not c. himself to them Rom. 1. 32. who c. such things are worthy of death 2. 2. is against them which c. such things 22. that abhorrest idols, dost thou c. sacrilege ? 1 Cor. 10. 8. neither let us c. fornication 1 'J'im. 1. 18. this charge 1 c. to thee, son Timothy 2 'J'im. 2. 2. the same c. thou to faithful men Jam. 2. 9. if ye have respect to persons ye c. sin 1 Pet. 4. 19. c. the keeping of their souls to him 1 John 3. 9. whoso is born of God doth not c. sin Ree. 2. 14. who taught Israel to c. fornication 20. to teach and seduce my servants lo c. forni- Hee Adultery. [cation COMMIT iniquity. 2 Sam. 7. 14. if he e. iniquity I will chasten him Job 34. 10. Almighty, that he should c. iniquity Jcr. 9. 5. they weary themselves to c. iniquity Ezek. 3. 20. turn from righteousn. and c. jn.33. 13. COMMIT trespass. Lev. 5. 15. if a soul c. a trespass through ignorance JVam.S. 12. if a man's wife go aside and c. trespass 31.16.caused Israel to c. trespass against the Lord Josh. 22. 20.Achan c.a trespass in the accur.thing COMMIT whoredom, or whoredoms. Lev. 20. 5. 1 will cut off that c. ichor, with Molccli JV«)H.25. c.joAor. with the daughters of Moab Ezek. 16. 17. and thou didst c. wlior. with images 34. whereas none followeth thee to c. whoredom 20. 30. c. ye wAoreduHt after their abominations? 23. 43. will they c. w. with her, and she with them //us.4.10.they shall c. tchoredoms and not increase 13. therefore your daughters shall c. whor. 14, COMMITTED. Gen. 39. 8. he hath c. all that he hath to my hand 22. the keeper c. to Joseph all the prisoners Lev.i. 35. priest make atonement for sin he hath c 18. 30. these abominable customs which were < 20. 23. they c. these things, and I abhorred them JVitm. 15. 24. if ought be c. by ignorance Dcut. 17. 5. bring forth that man or woman that c. 21. 22. if a man have c. a sin worthy of death Judg.^.G. they have c. folly and lewdness in Israel 1 ^in^s 8. 47. we have sinned, we havec. wickedn. 14. 22. they provoked him with sins, they c. 27.brasen shields c.he to the guard, 2 Chr. 12. 10. 1 Chr. 10. 13. Saul died for his transgression he c. Jer. 2. 13. for my people have c. two evils 5. 30. a wonderful and horrible thing is c. inland 16. 10. what is our sin that we have c. against Ld. 44. 3. which they have c. to provoke to anger, 9. Ezek. 16. 26. thou hast c. fornication with Egypt 51. nor hath Samaria c. half of thy sins 18. 21. turn from all his sins he hath c. 28. 20. 43. shall loathe yourselves for evils ye have c. 23. 3. they c. whoredoms in Egypt in their youth 7. thus she c. whoredoms with them 33. 16. none of the sins he c. shall be mentioned Hos. 1. 2. for the land hath c. great whoredom 4. 18. they have c. whoredom continually Mark 15. 7. wlio had c. murder in the insurrection Z.atel2.48.and to whom men have c. much, of him John 5. 22. Father hath c. all judgment to the Son .^cts 8. 3. haling men and women, c. tliem to prison 25. 11. if I have c. any thing worthy of death 25. had found hehudc. nothing worthy of death 27. 40. they c. themselves to the sea and loosed 28. 17. though I have c. nothing against the people /?om.3.2.because to them were c.the oracles of God 1 Cor.9.17.di6pensation of gospel is me, 7'it.l.3. 10. 8. nor let us commit fornic. as some of theme. 2Cor. 5. 19. halh c. to us the word of reconciliation 12. 21. and lasciviousness which they have c. GalJi. 7. gospel of the uncircumcision was c. to me as gospel of circumcision to Peter, 1 Tim. 1.11. 1 Tim. 6. 20. O Timothy, keep what is c. to thee 2T«m.l.l2.heisaWetokeeplhatwhich I <-. to him .fain.5. 15. if he have c. sins, they shall be forgiven lPe<.2.23.c. himself to him that judgclh righteously ./udel5.of all their ungodlydeeds which theyhavce. Rcr. 17. 2. withwiiom the kings of the earth have c. fornication, 18. 3, 9. See Abominations. O COM COMMITTED iniquity Psal.lOG.G.we have c. iniq. we have done wickedly Ezek. 33. 13. for his itiiq. hehath c. he shall die, 18. Dan. 9. 5. we have c. iniquity and done foolishly COMMITTED trespass. /.c«.5.7.bringfor his Cr<;,v7>aiS he\'o turtle-doves •fosk. 7.1. Israel c. a trespass in the accursed thing 22.1(!.whattrcs^assiB this ye have c. against God? 31. because ye have not t.this trespass againslL. Ezek. 15. 8. because they c. a trespass, 1 will 20. 27. in that they c. a tresspass against me COMMITTEST, KTH, ING. Psal.lO. 14. the poor c. himself lo thee, thou helper Ezck.S.a. the great abominations thai Israelc. here 33. 15. walk in statulesof life without c. iniquity Hos.4. 2. by lying, killing, stealing, and c. adultery 5. 3. for now, O Ephraim, thou c. whoredom John 8. 34. whosoever c. sin is the servant of sin 1 Cor. 6. 18. but he that c. fornic. sinnelh against 1 .John 3. 4. whoso c. sin Iransgresseth also the law 8. he that c.sin is of the devil, for the devil sinnelh COMMODIOUS. ./3cts 27. 12. the haven was not c. to winter in COMMON. By common, is meant that which is ordinary, or usual ; as a common death, JV«m. 16.29. a com- mon evil, Eccl. 6. 1. Sometimes that which is ceremonially unclean, Acts 11. 9. To eatjwith common hands, that is, without washing one's hands, Mark 7. 2. Common bread, that is unhallowed bread, 1 Sara. 21. 4. /( is said. Acts 2. 44, That such as believed had all things common ; that is, as to use, but not as to title. Moses calls a vineyard ccmimon, or pro- fane : What man is he that hath planted a vine- yard, and hath not yet made it common ? Deut. 20. t 6. If there be such a one, he may return to his house; because the first-fruits of trees and vines were reckoned unclean, or rather were consecrated to the Lord, and the owner was not allowed to touch them, till after the fourth year. Lev. 19. 24, 25. See Profane. JVtt7n.]6. 29. if these men die the c. death of all men Deut.'iO. t6. planted a vineyard, and not made ilc. 28. T 30. shall plant, and not use it as c. meat 1 Sam. 21. 4. there is no c. bread under my hand S.tbe vessels holy, and the bread is in a manner c. Eccl. 6. 1. there is an evil, and il is c. among men .hr. 31. 5. the planters shall eat them as c. things Ezek. 23. 42. men of c. sort were brought Sabeans Mat.27. 27. the soldiers took Jesus into thee, hall Mark 7. 1 2. the disciples eat bread with c. hands .^cts 2. 44. believers had all things c. 4. 32. 5. 18. and put the apostles in the c. prison 10. 14. 1 have never eaten any thing that is c. 11. 8. 15. what God hath cleansed call not thou c. 11. 9. 28. that I should not call any thing c. or unclean Rom. 14. t 14. there is nothing c. of itself; but to him that esteemeth any thing to be e. 1 Cor. 10. 13. no temptation taken you but c. to men Tit. 1. 4. to Titus my own son, after thee, faith Jude 3. diligence to write to you of the c. salvation COMMON people. Lev. 4. 27. if any of the c. people sin thro' ignorance Jer. 26.23. cast his dead body into the graves ofc.p. Mark 12. 37. and the e. people heard him gladly COMMON- WEALTH. £/)A.2. 12. being aliens from the e.-wealth of laxael Commonly; see Reported. COMMOTION, S. 2 Chron. 29. f 8. Lord hath delivered them to c. Jer. 10. 22. a great c. out of the north country Luke 21. 9. when ye hear of e. be not terrified COMMUNE. Kzod. 25. 22. and there I will meet and c. with thee ISam. 18. 22.c.wilh David secretly, and say, behold 19. 3. and I will c. with my father of thee .7o64.2. if we essay toe. with thee, will be grieved '? P,sa^4.4.c.wilh your own heart on your bed,be still 64. .5. they c. of laying snares privily, they say 77. 6. in the night I c. with mine own heart COMMUNED. *7e?i.23.8.Abraham e. || 34.6. Hamor c. with Jac. 8. 42. 24. Joseph e. || .Tuda: 9. 1. Abimelech e. l.Sff7n.9.25. Sarauelc.ll 25..39.navid c. with Abigail I Ki7tgsl0.2.the queen of Sheba c.with Solomon of all that was in her heart, 2 Chron. 9. 1. 2 icings^. 14. they c. with Huldah the prophetess Eccl. 1. 16. I c. with mine own hc;irt, saying, lo Dan. 1 . 19. and king c. with them, none like Daniel ZceA.1.14. the angel thatc. with mo, said unto me Luke 6. 11. they c. what they might do to Jesus 22. 4. Judas c. to betray Jesus unio them 24. 15. that while they f. Jesus himself drew near ^eam. 3. 32. yet will he have c Mic. 7. 19. Mat. 15. 32. I Aawc c on the multitude, Jl/arA 8. 2. 18. 33. also have had c on thy fellow-servant 20.34 so Jes.hadc.on them and touched their eyes Mark 5. 19. how the Lord hath had c. on thee 9. 22. if thou canst, have c. on us, and help us when the Lord saw her,heAo(Z con her 10. 33. the Samaritan saw him, he had c. on him 15. 20. father Aad c and ran and fell on his neck Rom. 9. 15. I will have c. on whom I will Art wcc //ei.5.2. who can have c. on the ignorant, and them 10. 34. for ye had c. of me in my bonds Jude 22. of some have c. making a difference COMPASSIONS. Lam.3.^i. are not consumed, because his cfail not Zech. 7. 9. shew mercy and c every man to brother COMPEL. I^ev. 25.39. not chim to serve as a bond-servant Mat. 5. 41. whosoever shall c thee to go a mile, • go with him twain Mark 15. 21. they c one Simon to bear his cross I^uke 14. 23. go into high- ways, c them to come in COMPELLED, EST. 1 Sam. 28. 23. his servants with the woman c Siul CON 2 CAran.21. 11. moreover Jehoraiii f . Judali thereto Mat. 27. 'ii. Simon, him they c. to bear his cross ./}<;tj>"2tlll.and Ic. them to blaspheme and persecut. 2 CorA'i. 11. lam a foolln glorifying, ye have e. me G al.'i.'i.aoi Titus a Greek was be circumcised H. why c. thou the Gentiles to live as the Jews? COMPLAIN, ED, ING. JVuni. 11. 1. the people c. it displeased the Lord Judg. 21. 22. or their brethren came to us to c. Job 7. 11. I will c. in the bitterness of my soul 31. 38. that the furrow.=i likewise thereol'c. Fsal. 11. 3. I c. and my spirit was overwhelmed 144. 14. that there be no c. in our streets />a/«. 3. 39. wherefore doth a living man c? a man COAIPLAINERS. A'« people displeased Lord Jude 16. these are murmurers, c. walking after lusts COMPLAINT, S. ISawi.l.lG.out of abundance of my c.have I spoken Job 7. 13. when I say, my couch shall case my c 0. 27. if I eay, I will forget my c. I will leave off 10. 1. I will leave my e. on myself, I will speak 21. 4. as for me, is my c. to man? and if it were so 23.2. even to-day is my c. bitter, my stroke heavier Psal. 55. 2. I mourn in my c. and make a noise 142. 2. 1 poured out my c. before him, and trouble Acts 25.7. laid c. against Paul, they could not prove Col. 3. t 13' if any man have a c. against any COMPLETE. /,(! shall count, seven sabbaths shall be c. Col. 2. 10. ye are c. in him wlio is the head of all 4. 12. that ye may stand c. in all the will of God CO.MPOSITIGN. Eiod. 30. 32. nor make any like it after the c. 37. COMPOUND, ETH. KroJ.30.2 J. an ointment c. after art of apothecary 33. whosoever c. any thing like it, or putteth any COMPREHEND. Job 37.5. great things doth he which we cannot c. Eph.3. 18. may be able to c. with saints the breadth COMPREHENDED. /sa.40.12. hathc. the dust of the earth in a measure Jnliii 1. 5. light shined, and the darkness c. it not i<»OT.13.9. is briefly c. in this saying, thou shall love CONCEAL, ED, ETH. Gen. 37. 26. if we slay our brother and c. his blood Dent. 13. 8. not spare, neither shalt thou c. him Job 6. 10. 1 have nc: c. the words of the holy One 27. 11. what is with ' .e Almighty will I note. 41. 12. 1 will not c. his part~ nor his proportion Psai.40.10.Iliave note, thy loving-kindn. and truth Proo.W.Vi.hc that is of a faithful spiritc.thc matter 12. 23. a prudent man c. knowledge, heart of fools 2.'i. 2. it is the glory of God to c. a thing Jcr. 50. 2. declare ye, publish and c. not CONCEIT, S. Prov. 18. 11. rich man's wealth as a high wall in c. 26. 5. answer a fool, lest he be wise in his own c. 12.seestthouaman wise in hisownc? morehope 16.9luggard is wiser in his own c. than seven men 28. 11. the rich man is wisi; in his own c. Horn. 11. 25. lest ye should be wise in your own c. 12. 16. be not wise in your own c. CONCEIVE, ING. Opn.30. 38. they should c. when they came to drink JVum. 5. 28. then she shall be free, and shall c. seed Jiidg.l3.3. shalt c. and beajr a son, 5, 7. Luke 1.31. .fob 15.3.5. they e. mischief, bring vanity, Isa. 59. 4. P.ial. 51. 5. and in sin did my mother c. me Isn. 7. 14. a virgin shall c. and bear a son 33. U. shall c. chafl'll 50. 13. c. words of falsehood F.zek.W. t 10. thou shalt c. a mischievous purpose Heb. 11. 11. Sarah received strength to c. seed CONCEIVED. Orn.4. I.Eve c. and bare Cain {| 17. Cain's wife c. 16. 4. Hagar c. || 21. 2. Sarah c. and hare Isaac 2.'). 21. Rc-bekah his wife c. || 29. 32. Leah c. 33. 30. 5. Rilhah c. || 23. Rachel c. and bare a son 39. the flocks c. 31. 10. || 38. 3. Shuah c. 4, 5. 38. 18.Tainar c.\\ F.iod. 2. 2. Jochebed c. and bare Lev. 12. 2. have c. seed, and borne a man child J^um. 11. 12. Moses said, have I c. all this people? 1 Sani.l.20.Hannahc. and bare a8on,Samuel,2.21. 2 Sam. 11. 5. Bathsheba c. sent and told David 2 iTm/rs 4.17. Shunamitec. i| /so.8.3. prophetess c. .Job 3. 3. it was said, there is a man child c. Psal. 7. 14. c. mischief, brought forth falsehood Cant. 3. 4. into the chamber of her that c. mo .Jer. 49. 30. and hath c. a purpose against you Ho.9. i. 3. Romer, which c. and bare him a son 2. 5. she that e. them hath done shamefully Mat. 1.20. that which is c. in herisof the H. Ghost J.ulie 1. 36. Elisabeth hath c. a son in her old age 2. 21. was so named before he was c. in womb .Ict.i 5. 4. why hast thou c. this thing in thine heart? Rom. 9. 10. when Rebekah had c. even by Isaac ,7am. 1. 15. when lust hath e. it brings forth sin CONCEPTION. Gev.^. 16. 1 will greatly multiply thysorrow and c. Ruth 4. 12. the Lord gave her c. and she bare a Hon 91 CON i/os.9.11. their glory shall flee from the birth and c. CONCERN, ETH. Eiek. 12. 10. say to them, this burden c. the prince ..lets 28. 31. teaching things which c. the L. J. C. 2 Cor. 11. 30. glory in things which c. my infirmities CONCERNING. Gen. 19. 21. I have accepted thee c. this thing Ezod.a.S.c. which I did swear to give, JVum. 14.30. Lev. 4. 26. priest make atonem. for him c. sin, 5. 6. 6. 3. hath found what was lost, and lieth c. it JVitm. 10. 29. the Lord hath spoken good c. Israel 1 Kings 11. 10. had commanded him c. this thing 2 Kings give charge c. thy house, Isa. 38. fl. JVeA. 1. 2. 1 asked them c. the Jews that escaped Psal. 90. 13. repent thee c. thy servants, 135. 14. Eccl. 7. 10. for thou dost not inquire wisely c. this isa. 5. 1 20. woe to thera that say c. evil, it is good 30. 7. shall help in vain, theref. have I cried c. this 45.1 1. ask me c. my sons, and c. work of my hands Jer. 16. 3. thus saith the Lord c. sons, c. daughters horn in this place, c. their mothers .c. their fathers 27. 19. c. the pillars, c. the sea, c. bases, c. vessels Ezek. 14. 22. shall bo comforted c. evil, even c. all 21. 28. thus saith the Lord God c. the Ammonites 47. 14. c. which I have lifted up my hand to give Dan. 2. 18. would desire mercies of G. e. this secret 6.17. that purpose might not be changed c. Daniel Mat. 16. 11. that I speak it not to you c. bread Mark 5. 16. they that saw, told also c. the swine I,uke 24. 27. he expounded the things c. himself Mcts 13. 34. as c. that he raised him up from dead 28. 22. as c. tliis sect, we know it is spoken against Rom.9.5. of whom as c. flesh Christ came, who is G. 11. 23. as c. the gospel, are enemies for your sake 16. 19. you wise to what is good, and simple c. evil 2 Cor.11.21. 1 speak as c. reproach, as though weak Eph. 5. 32. but I speak c. Christ and the church Phil. 4. 15. as c. giving and receiving, but ye only 1 Tim. 6. 21. some professing have erred c. the faith 2 Tim. 2. 18. who c. the truth have erred, sayin^ 3. 8. men of corrupt minds, reprobates c. the faith 1 Pet. 4. 12. think it not strange c. the fiery trial See Hi.M, Me, Thee, Them, Us, You. CONCISION. Beware of the concision, Phil. 3. 2. that is, such who under pretence of maintaining circumci- sion, which is now no longer a seal of Ood's covenant, and so is no better than a mere cut- ting or slashing of the flesh, do prove de- stroyers and renders of the church. Joel 3. t 14. multitudes in the valley of c. Phil. 3. 2. beware of dogs, beware of the c. CONCLUDE. Rom. 3. 28. we c. a man is justified by faith without CONCLUDED. Jicts 21. 25. as touching the Gentiles, we have c. Rom. 11. 32. for God hath c. them all in unbelief Gal. 3. 22. but the scripture hath c. all under sin CONCLUSION. Eccl. 12. 13. let us hear the c. of the whole matter CONCORD. 2 Cor. 6. 15. and what e. hath Christ with Belial? CONCOURSE. Prov. \. 21. ske crieth in the chief place of c. Acts 19. 40. whereby we may give account of this c. CONCUBINE. This term in scripture signifies a wife of the se- cond rank, tcho was inferior to the matron, or 7nistress of the house. The chief wives differed from the concubines, ( 1) In that theij were taken into fellowship with their husbands by solemn stipulation, and with consent and solemn re- joicing of friends. (2) They brought with them dowries to their husbands. (3) They had the government of their families under and with their husbands. (4) The inheritance belonged to the children brought forth by them. Though the children of concubines did not inherit their father's estate, yet the father in his life-time might provide for them, and make presents to them: Thus Sarah was Abraham's wife, of whom he had Isaac, the heir of all his wealth : But he had besides two concubines, namely, Hagar and Keturah ; of these he had other chil- dren, whom he distinguished from Isaac, and madepresents to them. As polygamy was some- timespractised by thepatriarchs and among the Jews, either by God's permission, who could rightly dispense with his own laws when and where he pleased; or by their mistake about the lawfulness of it; as this was their practice, it was a common thing to see one, two, or many wives, in a family ; and besides these several concubines. David had seven wives, and ten concubines, 2 Sam. 3. 2, 3, 4, 5. | 20. 3. So- lomon had seven hundred wives, who all lived in the quality of queens, and three hundred con- cubines; and his wives turned away his heart, 1 Kings 11. 3. Rehoboam his son had eighteen wives, and sixty concubines, 2 Chron. 11. 21.1 CON But ever since the abrogation of polygamy by our Lord Jesus Christ, and the reduction of marriage to its primitive institution, the abuse of concubines has been condemned and forbid- den among Christians. .Tudg. 19. 2. his c. played the whore against him 29. he laid hold on his c. and divided her 20. 4. I came into Gibeah, I and my c. to lodge 2 Sam. 3.7. why hast thou gone in to my father's c? 21. 11. what Rizpah the c. of Saul had done CONCUBINES. Geii. 25. 6. to sons of the e. Abraham gave gifts 2 Sam. 5. 13. David took him more c. and wives 16.22.Ahsalora went in to father's c in sight of Isr. 19. 5. have saved thy life, and the lives of thy c. 20. 3. the king put his c. in ward and fed them 1 Kings 11. 3. and Solomon had three hundred c. 2 Chron. 11. 21. for Rehnboam took threescore c. Esth.'i.H. to custody ofShaashgaz who kept the c. CeB.3.8.kill it bef t. ofc.Vi. \\ 4.5.bring it to t. ofc. 10. 7. ye shall not go out from the door of t. of c. 9. drink no wine when ye go into the tab. of c. 16. 16. so do for t. of c. \\ 33. atonement for t. of c. J^um. 4. 3. work of the t.ofc. 23, 25, 30, 35, 39, 43. 8. 9. thou shalt bring the Levites before tab. of c. 12. 4. Lord spake, come out ye three to tab. of c. 14. 10. glory ofthe Lord appeared in thetai.o/c 17.4. lay up in t. 0/ c. II 18.4. keep charge oft. ofc. 25. 6. Israel weeping before the door of tab. of c. Deut.3l.H. present yourselves in tabern. of thee. Josh. 18. 1. at Shiloh, and set uptiie tab. of c. there 1 Kings 8. 4. they brought up tab. of c. 2 Chr. 5. 5. 2 Chron. 1. 3. for there was the tab. ofc. of God See Door. Tent of the CONGREGATION. Exod. 39. 32. t. of c. finished || 40. 2. set up t. ofc. 40.22. table in t. ofc. || 24. candlestick int. o/c. 26. and he put the golden altar in the tent of c. 34. then a cloud covered the tent of the c. 35. Moses was not able to enter into the tent ofc. Whole CONGREGATION. Exod. 16. 2. the whole c. of Israel murmured J^Tum. 3. 7. they shall keep the charge ofthe w. c. Josh. 22. 18. to-morrow he will be wroth with w. c. Judg.21. 13. the whole c. sent to speak to Benjamin 2 Chron. 6. 3. the king blessed the whole c. of Israel Ezra 2. 64. the whole c. was 42,360. JVeh. 7. 66. Prov. 26. 26. wickedness be shewed before whole c. CONGREGATIONS. Psal. 26. 12. in the c. will I bless the Lord 68. 26. bless ye God in the c. even the Lord 74. 4. thine enemies roar in the midst of thy c CONQUER. Rev. 6. 2. he went forth conquering and to c. CONQUERORS. Rom. 8. 37. in all these things we are more than c. CONSCIENCE Is the testimony and secret judgment of the soul, which gives its approbation to actions that it thinksgood,or reproachesitsclfwilhtUose which it believes to be evil: Or,it is aparticular know- ledge which we have with us of our own deeds, good or evil, arising out of the general know- ledge of themind, wliich shews us what is good, or evil; and Conscience tells us when we have done the one, or the other, Rom. 2. 15. It is either (f) Good, 1 Tim. 1. 5. And this is called, [1] A conscience void of offence toward God and man ; which does not accuse a person for any wilful offence, either against God, or men, Acts 24. 16. [2] A conscience bearing a person witness in the Holy Ghost, that is, by the conduct and guidance of the Holy Ghost, who cannot lie, Rom. 9. 1. [3] Pure and good, being purified by the blood of Christ, Heb. 9. 14. 1 Tim. 3. 9. [4] Purged from dead works; that is, freed from that sentenceof death which it receives by reason of sin, Heb. 9. 14. [.5] .^ conscience not troubled with a sense of guilt, Heb. 10. 2. [6] A conscience checking and con- demning persons, when they have gone against their light,and approving andjustifying them, when they have conformed to it, Rom. 2. 15. Or, (II) Evil, Hob. 10. 22. when it is defiled withvicious habits, so that it does not perform its office aright. It is called, [1] A conscience seared with a hot iron ; that is, quite extinct and cut off, or utterly hardened, which has lost all sense and feeling, 1 Tim. 4. 2. [2] A de- filed conscience; icheji it is blinded and pervert- ed, so that it cannot judge of its own actions, Tit. 1. 15. This evil conscience is sometimes quiet, sometimes stirring and troubled: It ac- cuseth when it should excuse, and excuselh when it should accuse. The conscience also even of the best, is now and then erroneous and doubtful. The apostle Fa.nlpermits the faithful to go and eat at the houses ofthe Gentiles, if they were invited thither, and to partake of every thing which was served up at their tables, without making parti- cular inquiries out of any scrupulosity of con- science; asking no quesl'wna for consciencn' sa\te, 1 Cor. 10. 27, &c. But if any one says to them, this has been sacrificed to idols; do not eat of it, says he,for his sake who gave you this informa- tion; andlikeioise lest ye wound not your own, but another's conscience: Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other. If he who gives you this notice is aCbnal\an,andnotwithsta7td- ing the information so given you forbear not to eat, he will condemn you in his heart, or will CON eat of it after your example against his own conscience, and so the guilt of his sin will be imputed to you. If he is a Heathen, who thus advertises you, and he sees you eat of it, he will conceive a contempt for you and your religion. In another ,. face the same Apostle requires Christians (obe submissive to secular power, not only for wrath, but also for conscience' sake, Mom. Yi. 5. that is, not only for fear of punish- ment from the magistrate, but more especially out of conscience of duty, both to God, who is the ordainer of him to that special ministry, under himself ; and to the magistrate, whose due it is, in respect of his office. F.ccl. 10. 1 20. curse not the king, no, not in thy c. John 8. 9. being convicted by their own c. went out Acts 23. 1. Paul said, I have lived in all good c. 2i. 16. to have a c. void of offence toward God and toward men iJoTO.2.]5.their c.also bearing witnes8,and thoughts 9. 1. my c. bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost 13. 5. ye must be subject also for c. sake 1 Cor. 8. 7. for some withe, of the idol to this hour eat it, and their c. being weak is defiled 10. shall not the weak c. be emboldened to eat7 12. but when ye wound their weak c. ye sin against Christ 10.25. that eat, asking no question for c. sake, 27. 28. eat not, for his sake that shewed it, for c. sake 29. c. I say, not thine own, but of the other 2 Cor. 1. 12. our rejoicing is this, testimony of our c. 4. 2. commending yourselves to every man's c. 1 Tim. 1. 5. out of a pure heart, and of a good c. 19. war a warfare, holding faith and a good c. 3. 9. holding the mystery of faith in a pure c. 4. 2. having their c. seared with a hot iron 2 TVnt. 1. 3. i thank God, whom I serve with c. Tit. 1. 15. but even their mind and c. is defiled Hcb. 9. 9. make perfect, as pertaining to the c. 14. purge c. from dead works to serve living God 10.2. worshippers should have hadno morec.of sins 22. having our hearts sprinkled from an evil c. 13. 18. we trust we have a good c. in all things 1 Pet. 2. 19. if a man for c. toward God endure grief 3. 16. having a good c. as they speak evil of you 21. but the answer of a good c. toward God CONSCIENCES. 2 Cor. 5. 11. 1 trust also are made manifest in your c. CONSECRATE. To consecrate, is to offer, or devote any thing to God's worship and service. In the Old Testa- ment, God ordained that all the first-born, both of man and beast, should be consecrated, Exod. 13. 2, 12, 15. He consecrated the whole race of Israel particularly to his worship, Exod. 19. 6. And likewise he devoted the tribe of Levi, and the family of Aaron, in a more especial manner to his service, Num. 1. 49. | 3. 12. Besides these consecrations,whichGod thus or- dained by kis own absolute andsovereign autho- rity, there were others which depended on the goodwill of men,who consecrated themselves, or the things belonging to them, or the persons de- pending on them, to the service of God, for ever, or for a time only. Hannah, Samuel's mother, offered her son to the L,ord, to serve all his life-time iti the tabernaele, 1 Sam. 1. 11, 22. Some of the Nazarites consecrated them- selves to the Lord only for a certain time. Num. 6. 13. And the Hebrews sometimes de- voted their fields, or cattle to the Lord; after which they were no longer in their power. Lev. 27. 28. In the New Testament all the faithful are consecrated to the Lord; they are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, 1 Pet. 2. 9. f^i:orf.28.3.c. Aaron || 41. anoint and c. Aaron's sons 29. 9. thou shall c. Aaron and his sons, 30. 30. 35. seven days shalt thou c. them. Lev. 8. 33. 32. 29. Moses said, c. yourselves this day to the L. JVum. 6. 12. shall c. to L. the days of his separation 1 Chron. 29. 5. to c. his service this day to the Lord 2 Chron. 13. 9. to c. himself with a young bullock £iei.43.26.purge altar,and they shall c. themselves Mic. 4. 13. I will c. their gain to L. and substance CONSECRATED. JV«m.3.3. the sons of Aaron, whom hec. to minister Josh. 6. 19. vpssels of brass ai»d iron, are c. to the L. Jiidg.n.5. Micah e. one of his sons for his priest, 12. 1 Kings 13.33. whosoever would, Jeroboam e. him 2 Chr. 29. 31. now ye have c. yourselves to the L. 31.6. the tithe of holy things which were c. to L. F.zra 3. 5. of all the set feasts of Lord that were c. Meb. 7. 28. maketh the Son, who is c. for evermore 10. 20. by a new and living way which he hath c. CONSECRATED. 2 Chr. 29. 33. c. things were 600 oxen, 3000 sheep CONSECRATION, S. £zod. 29. 22. shall lakeof ram,for it is a ram of c. 34. if ought of the flesh of the c. remain 94 CON Lev. 1. 37. this is the law of the c. and sacrifice 8. 28. they were c. for a sweet savour to the Lord 31. eat it with the bread that is in the basket of c 33. till the days of your c. be at an end JVum. 6. 7. because the c. of his G. is upon his head 9. and he hath defiled the head of his c. CONSENT, ED, ING. Gen. 34. 15. but in this will we c. unto you 23. only let us c. to them, they will dwell with us Dent. 13. 8. shalt not c. to him, nor hearken to him Judg. 11. 17. sent to king of Moab, but would not c IKings 20. 8. elders said, hearken not to him, nor c. 2 Kings 12. 8. the priests c. to receive no more mon Psal. 50. 18. when sawest a thief, thou c. with him Prov. 1. 10. if sinners entice thee, c. thou not Dan.l.l4. so he them, and proved them ten days Luke 23.51. the same had not e. to the deed of them Acts 8.1. and Saul was c. to Stephen's death, 22. 20. 18. 20. desired to tarry longer with them, he c. not Ro7n. 1. 1 32. not only do the same, but c. with them 7. 16. what I would not, I c. to law that it is good 1 Tim. 6. 3. if any man c. not to wholesome words CONSENT. 1 Sam. 11. 7. and they came out with one c. Psal.83. 5. they have consulted together with one c. ilos.6.9. so the companyof the priests murder by c. Zeph. 3. 9. may all call on L. to serve with one e. Luke 14. 18. all with one c. began to make excuse 1 another, except it be with c.for a time CONSIDER Signifies, [1] To think of, or meditate upon,'2Tim. 2.7. [2] T'oview,marh, or observe. Lev. 13. 13. [3] To resolve, or determine, Judg. 18. 14. [4] To wonder and admire at. Job 37. 14. [5] To pity, comfort, or relieve, Psal. 41. 1. [6] To re- member, or call to mind, 1 Sam. 12. 24. Lev. 13. 13. then the priest shall c. the leprosy Deut. 4.39. know this day and c. it in thine heart 32. 29. 0 that they were wise to c. their latter end Judg. 18. 14. now therefore e. what ye have to do 1 Sam. 12. 24. e. how great things hath done for you 25. 17. therefore know and c. what thou wilt do Job 11. 11. he seelh also, will he not then e. it? 23. 15. when I e. I am afraid of him 34.27. turned back and would not e. of his ways 37.14. stand still and c. the wondrous works of God Psal. 5. 1. c. my meditation || 9. 13. c. my trouble 8. 3. when I e. the heavens, the work of thy fingers 13. 3. c. and hear, 45. 10. || 25. 19. c. my enemies 37. 10. shall diligently c. his place, it shall not be 48. 13. c. her palaces, that ye may tell it to gener. 50.22. now c. this, ye that forget God, lest I tear 64. 9. for they shall wisely c. of his doing 119. 95. but I will c. thy testimonies 153. c. mine affliction, and deliver me, Iforgetnot 159.c.howI love thy precepts, quicken me,OLord Prov. 6. 6. go to the ant, e. her ways, and be wise 23. 1. with a ruler c. diligently what is before thee 24. 12. doth not he that pondereth the heart c. it? Eecl. 5. 1. for they e. not that they do evil 7. 13. c. the work of God, who can make straight 14. in prosperity bo joyful, but in day of adver. c. /sa.l.3.Israel doth not know, my people doth not c. 5. 12. neither c. the operation of his hands 14. 16. shall narrowly look upon thee and c. thee 18. 4. and I will c. in my dwelling-place 41. 20. that they may see, and know, and c. 43. 18. remember ye not, nor c. the things of old 52. 15. what they had not heard shall they c. Jer. 2. 10. c. and see if there be such a thing 23. 20. in the latter days ye shall c. it, 30. 24. Z,om.2.20. O Lord, c. to whom thou hast done this 5. 1. O Lord, c. and behold our reproach Ezek. 12. 3. it may be they will c. though they be a rebellious house Dan. 9. 23. understand the matter, and e. tlie vision Hos.l. 2. they c. not in their hearts that I remember Hag. 1. 5. thus saith the Lord, e. your ways, 7. 2. 1.5. 1 pray you, c. from this day and upward, 18. Mat. 6. 28. c. the lilies of the field, Luke 12. 27. Luke 12.24. c. the ravens, they neither sow nor reap Joh7ll^.50. norc. itisexpedient for us that one die Acts 15. 6. the elders came to c. of this matter 2 Tim. 2. 7. c. and the Lord give thee understanding Heb. 3. 1. brethren, c. the Apostle and High-priest 7. 4. now c. how great this man was, unto whom 10. 24. let us c. one another to provoke to love 12. 3. c. him that endured contradiction of sinners CONSIDERED, EST. 1 ^in^s3.21.when I c. in morning,! t was not ray son 5. 8. 1 have c. things which thou sentest to me for Job 1. 8. hast ihou c. my servant Job? 2. 3. Psal. 31. 7. 1 will be glad, for thou haste, my trouble Prov. 24. 32. then I saw and c. it well Eccl. 4. 1. I c. all the oppressions that are done 4. again I c. all travail and every right work 9. 1. for all this I c. in my heart to declare this Jer. 33. 24. c. not what this people have spoken Dan. 7. 8. 1 c. the horns, and behold there came up Mat. 7. 3. c. not the beam that is in thine own eye CON Mark 6. 52. they c. not the miracle of the loaves Acts 12. 12. when Peter bad c. the thing, he came Rom. 4. 19. he c. not his own body now dead CONSIDERETH, ING. Ps.33. 15. fashion, hearts alike, he c. all their works 41.1.bles8ed is he that c.the poor,Lord will deliver Prov. 21. 12. righteous man c. house of the wicked t 29. but as lor the upright, he c. his way 28. 22. and e. not that poverty shall come on him 29. 7. the righteous c. the cause of the poor 31.16.she c. a field, and buyeth it, plants vineyards Isa. 44. 19. none c. in his heart to say, I have burnt 57. 1. none c. that the righteous is taken away Ezek. 18. 14. and c. and doeth not such like, 28. Dajt. 8. 5. as I was c. behold, a he-goat came Gal. 6. 1. c. thyself, lest thou also be tempted Heb. 13. 7. c. the end of their conversation CONSIST, ETH. Luke 12. 15. a man's life e. not in the abundance Col. 1.17. he is before all things, by him all things c. CONSOLATION Is that inward spiritual refreshing and strength- ening of the heart, by the consideration and ex- perience of God's gracious promises in Christ, 2 Cor. 1. 5. The Holy Ghost is the worker of comfort, and is therefore called the Comforter, John 16. 7. The promises of the word are the grounds of comfort, 1 Thess. 4. 18. ; and godly ministers and the faithful, are the helpers of our comfort and consolation, 2 Cor. 7. 6, 7. Waiting for the consolation of Israel, Luke 2.25. He waited for Christ to comfort them against their troubles, both spiritual and outward. The prophets used to comfort the people of God among the Jews, against all their sad tidings they brought them, with the prophecies of the coming and kingdom of Christ, Isa. 66. 12, 13. Herein Simeon shewed the truth of his piety and devotion, that he believed, and waited for the coming of Christ. Jer. 10. 7. nor shall men give them the cup ofc. Luke 2. 25. Simeon, waiting for the c. of Israel 6. 24. woe to you rich, for ye have received your c. ^et5 4. 36. which is, being interpreted, the son ofc. 15. 31. which when read, they rejoiced for the e. iiom.l5.5.the God ofc.grantyou to be like-minded 2 Cor. 1. 5. so our c. also aboundeth by Christ 6. aflilicted, for your c. and sal. comf. for your c. 7. of sufferings, so shall ye be partakers of the r . 7. 7. but by the c. wherewith he was comforted Phil. 2. 1. if there be any Cbrist,fulSl ye my joy 2 Thess. 2. 16. who hath given us everlasting c. Philem. 7. we have great joy and c. in thy love Heb. 6. 18. we might have a strong c. who have fled CONSOLATIONS. Job 15. 11. are the c. of God small with theel 21. 2. heat my speech, and let this be your c. Isa. 66. 11. and be satisfied with the breasts of her c. CONSORTED. Acts 17. 4. some of them e. with Paul and Silas CONSPIRACY. 2 Sam. 15. 12. and Absalom's e. was strong 2 Kings 12.20. his serv. made a c. and slew Joash 14. 19. they made a c. sg. Amaziah, 2CAr. 25. 27. 15. 15. acts of Shallum and his c. which he made 30. Hoshea made a c. against Pekah 17. 4. the king of Assyria found c. in Hoshea Jer. 11. 9. a c. is found among the men of Judah Ezek. 22. 25. is a c. of her prophets in midst thereof Acts 23. 13. more than forty who had made this c. CONSPIRATORS. 2 Sam.15.31. Ahithophel is among c. with Absalom CONSPIRED. Gen. 37. 18. tkey c. against Joseph to slay him 1 Sam. 22. 8. that all of you have c. against me 13. why have ye c. ag. me, thou and son of Jesse 1 Kings 15. 27. Baashasonof Ahijah c. ag.Nadab 16. 9. Zimri c. against Elah and slew him, 16. 2 Kings 9. 14. Jehu son of Nimshi c. against Joram 10. 9. I c. against my master and slew him 15.10.Shallum c.agaiiistZachariah,and smote him 25. Pekah c. against Pekahiah, and smote him 21. 23. the servants of Amon c. against him 24. slew all that e. against Amon, 2 Chr. 33. 25. 2 Chron. 24. 21. and they c. against Jehoiada 25. the servants of Joash c. against him, 26. JVeA.4. 8. e. all of them together, and come and fight Amos 7. 10. Amos hath c. against thee in Israel CONSTANT, LY. 1 C7jron. 28. 7. if he be do my commandments Ezra 9. t8. to give us a c. abode in his holy place Psal. 51. t 10. and renew a c. spirit within me Prov. 21. 28. but the man that heareth, speaketh c. Acts 12. 15. Rhoda c. affirmed that it was even so T\t. 3. 8. these things I will that thou affirm c. CONSTELLATIONS. 2^in5'j23.t5.put down those that burnt incense toe. Isa 13. 10. the c. thereof shall not give their light CONSTRAIN. Oal. 6. 12. they c. you to be circumcised, only lest CON CONSTRAINED, ETH 2 Kings 4. 8. woman ot'Shunemchim to eat bread Job 'ii. 18. full of matter, the spirit within ma c. me Mat. 14. '22. Jesus c. his disciples, Mark 6. 45. L,uke 24. 29. but they c. him, saying, abide with us Acts 16. 15. Lydia c. us to come into her liouse 28. 19. 1 was c. to appeal to CiEsar 2G7r. 5. 14. for love of Chr. c. us, because we judge CONSTRAINT. \Pet. 5. 2. taking oversight, not by c. but willingly CONSULT. Psal.&l. 4. only e.tocast him down from excellency CONSULTATION. ^or/tl5.1.the chief priests held a c. wththe elders CONSULTED. 1 Kings 12. 6. Rehoboam c. with the old men, 8. 1 Chr. 13. 1. Dav. c. with the captains of thousands 2 Chron. 20. 21. Jehoshaphat c. with the people JVeA.5. 7. 1 c. with myself, and rebuked the nobles Psal. 83. 3. they have c. against thy hidden ones 5. for they have c. together with one consent Etek. 21. 21. the king of Babylon c. with images ZPon.6.7. all the presidents and captains c. together Mic. 6. 5. remember what Balak kingof Moab c. //ai.2.10.hast c. shame to thy house, by cuttingotf Mat. 26. 4. c. that they miglit take Jesus and kill John 12. 10. chief priests c. to put Lazarus to death CONSULTER. Deut. 18. 11. not found among you a c. with spirits CONSULTETH. Z,uylcl4.31.c.whetherhe be able with 10,000 tomeet CONSUME Signifies, [1] To waste, destroy, andbring to utter ruin and desolation,Exod.'S-i. 10. [2] To spend, or squander away, Jam. 4. 3. [3] To vanish away. Job 7. 9. [4] To make, or cause to pass away, Psal. 78. 33. [5] To burn up, Luke 9. 54. [6J To vielt away, Jer. 6. 29. [7] To crush, Esth. 9. f '■il. Oen. 41. 30. and the famine shall c. the land Ezod. 33. 3. lest I c. thee in the way, 5. I^ev. 26. 16. the burning ague that shall c. the eyes Deut. 5. 25. for this great tiro will c. us 7.16. thou slialt call people which Lord God shall 28. 38. gather but little, for locust shall c. it, 42. 32. 22. a tire kindled in mine anger shall c. earth ./oiA. 24. 20.will c. you after he hath done you good l.Sa»t.2.33.the man of thine shall be to c. thine eyes 2 Kings 1. 10. let fire c. thee and lliy tifty, 12. Job 15. 34. fire shall c. the tabernacles of bribery 20. 26. a fire not blown shall c. him 24. 19. drought and heat c. the snow-waters Psal. 37. 20. shall c. into smoke shall they c. away 39. 11. makest his beauty to c. away like a moth 49. 14. their beauty shall c. in the grave 78. 33. therefore their days did he c. in vanity Isa. 7. 20. and it shall also c. the beard 10. 18. and shall c. the glory of his forest and field 27. 10. there shall the calf c. the branches Jer. 49. 27. fire shall c. the palaces of Ben-hadad Ezek. 4. 17. and c. away for their iniquity 13. 13. and great hail-stones in ray fury to c. it 21. 28. the sword is drawn, it is furbished to c. 22. 15. I will c. thy filthiiiess out of thee 24. 10. kindle the fire, c. the flesh, and spice it well 35. 12. they are desolate, they are given us to c. Dan.'i. 44. it shall c. all these kingdoms and stand Hos. 11. 6. and the sword shall c. his branches Zeph. 1. 2. I will c. all things from off the land 3.x will c. man and beast, I will c. fowls of heaven 7,ech. 5. 4. it shall remain in his house and c. it 14. 12. their flesh, eyes, tongue shall c. away 2 7'Aess.2.8.that wicked one,wliom the Lord shallc Jam. 4. 3. ye ask that ye may c. it on your lusts CONSUME them. Eiod. 32.10. wrath wax hot, that I may c. them, 12 JVum. 16.21. that I mayc. them in a moment, 45. Deut. 7. 22. thou mayest not c. them at once 1 Sam. 15. 1 18. destroy Amalekites till thou c. them 2 Chron. 18. 1 10. push Syria, till thou c. thein JVeh. 9. 31. thou didst not utterly c. them Ksth 9. 24. Haman had cast the lot to c. them f ja/.59.13. wrath, c.tA. that they maynot be Jer. 8. 13. I will surely c. them, saith the Lord 14. 12. but I will c. them by the sword and famine Kzek. 20. 13. 1 would pour fury on them to c. them I.uke 9. 54. fire to come and c. them, asEliasdid CONSUMED. Clen.VS. 15. lest thou bee. in the iniquity of the city 17. escape to the mountain, lest thou be c. 31. 40. thus I was, in the day the drought c. me F.x.od. 3. 2. behold the bush burned, and was note. 15. 7. senlest thy wrath, which c. them as stubble 22. 6. if the corn or the field be c. therewith Aen.9. 24. and c. upon the altai theburnt-ofTering JV'um. II. 1. c. them in uttermost parts of the camp 12. 12. let her not be as one of whom flesh is half c. 16^26. depart lest ye»be c. in all their sins 35. there came out fire and c. the 250 men CON JVwn. 25. 11. that I c. not the children of Israel 32. 13. till the generation that had done evil was c. Deut. 2. 16. when the men of war were c. and dead Judg. 6. 21. there rose fire out of rock and c. flesh 1 Saw. 27. 1 1. 1 shall one day be c. by hand of Saul 2Som. 13. 1 39. the soul of David was e. to go fortii 21. 5. the man that c. us, and devised against us 1 Kings 18. 38. then the fire of the Lord fell and c. the sacrifice, and licked up the water,2CAron.7.1. 2 Kings 1. 10. and fire c. him and his fifty, 12. 2 Chron. 8. 8. whom the children of Israel c. not JVeh. 2. 3. the gates thereof are c. with fire, 13. Job 1. 16. the fire of God hath c. sheep and servants 4. 9. by the breath of his nostrils are they c. 6. 17. the snow and the ice are c. out of their place 7. 9. as the cloud is c. and vanished away 19. 27. my reins c. {| 33. 21. his flesh is c. away Psai. 6. 7. mine eyes c. 31.9. || 10. my bones c.102.3. 39. 10. I am c. by the blow of thine hand 64. t 6. we are c. by that which they searched 71. 13. let them be confounded and c. that ate 73. 19. they are utterly c. with terrors 78. 63. fire c. their young men, maidens not given 90. 7. for we are c. by thine anger and thy wrath 104. 35. let the sinners be c. out of the eartli 119. 87. they had almost c. me upon the earth 139. my zeal hath c. me, because mine enemies Prov. 5. 11. when thy flesh and thy body are c. 22. 1 8. witli the rod of his anger he shall be c. Isa. 16. 4. the oppressors are c. out of the land 29. 20. scorneris c. and all that watch for iniquity 64. 7. thou hast c. us, because of our iniquities Jer. 5. 3. haste, them, but they refused correction 6. 29. the lead is c. || 12. 4. the beasts are c. 20. 18. that my days should be c. with shame 36. 23. till all the roll was c. in the fire on hearth 44. 18. we have been c. by sword and famine Lam. 2. 22. those I swaddled hath mine enemy c. 3. 22. it is of the Lord's mercies we are not c. Ezek. 19. 12. her rods broken, fire c. them, iiS.31. 24. 11. on the coals, that the scum of it may bee. 43. 8. wherefore I have e. them in mine anger Mai. 3. 6. therefore the sons of Jacob are not c. Gal. 5. 15. take heed ye be not c. one of another Shall be CONSUMED. JVum. 14. 35. in this wilderness shall they be c. 17. 13. shall die, shall we be c. with dying ■? lSa?n. 12. 25. ye shall be c.holh you and your king Isa. 1. 28. they thit forsake the Lord shall be c. 66. 17. eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be c. together Jer. 14. 15. by famine shall those prophets be c. 16. 4. they shall be c. by the sword, 44. 12, 27. £ie/i:.5.12.with famine shall they bee. in the midst shall fall,ye shall be the midst thereof 34. 29. they shall be no more c. with hunger 47.12.leaf not fade,norsAaiZ the fruit thereof 6ec. Dan. 11. 16. land which by his hand shall be c. CONSUMED with till, or witil. Deut.'i. 15. to destroy, until they were c. Josh. 5. 6. 28. 21. pestil. cleave to thee, until he have c.thee Josh. 10. 20. an end of slaying them till they were c. 1 Sam. 15. 18. and fightagainst them till they be c. 2 Sam. 22. 38. I have pursued my enemies, and I turned not again until I had c. them, Psal. 18. 37. 1 Kings 22. 11. shall push the Syrians until thou have e. them, 2 Kings 13. 17, 19. 2 CAr. 18. 10. Ezra 9. 14. be angry with us till thou hadst c. us Jer. 9. 16. and I will send a sword after them till I have c. them, 24, 10. | 27. 8. 1 49. 37. CONSUMETH, ING. Deut. 4. 24. the Lord thy G. is a e. fire, Hcb. 12. 29. 9. 3. the Lord goeth over before thee as a c. fire Job 13. 28. he c. as a garment that is moth eaten 22. 20. but the remnant of them the fire c. 31. 12. for it is a fire that c. to destruction /« fire the stubble, and as the flame c. chaff CONSUMMATION. Dan. 9. 27. shall make it desolate, even until the e CONSUMPTION. Lev. 26. 16. I will appoint over you terror, c. Deut. 28. 22. the Lord shall smile thee with a c. Judg. 20. 1 40. the whole c. of the city ascended up Isa. 10.22. the c. decreed shall overflow with right. 23. for the Lord God of hosts shall make a c. 28. 22. for I have heard from the L. G. of hosts a c. CONTAIN. 1 Kings 8. 27. behold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot c. thee, 2 Chron. 2. 6. | 6. 18. Ezek. 45. 11. bath may c. tenth part of a homer JbAn21. 25.the world could note. the books written 1 Cor. 7. 9. but if they cannot e. let them marry CONTAINED, ETH, ING. F.zck. 23. 32. drink of thy sister's cup, it c. much John 2. 6. six water-pots c. 2 or 3 firkins a piece Rom. 2. 14. do by nature the things c. in the law EpA.2.15. having abolished the law cin ordinances 1 Pet. 2. 6. wheref. it is c. in scripture, behold I lay CONTEMN, ED, ETH. 21. 28. a fire is gone out, it hath e. .\r of Moab I Psal. 10. 13. wherefore do the wicked c. God ? 95 CON /'s.l5.4.inwho3eeyes a vile person is c.but honours 107. 11. they c. the counsel of the most High Cant. 8. 7. if give substance for love, it would be c. /«o.l6.14.glory of Moab shall be c. with great mult. Ezek. 21. 10. it c. the rod of my son, as every tree 13. and what if the sword c. even the tod J CONTEMPT. Gen. 38. 1 23. let her take it lest we become a c. Esth. 1. 18. thus shall there arise too much c. Joft 12. 21.hei)oureth e. on princes, Psal. 107. 40. 31. 34. or din the c. of families terrify me 7 Psal. 119. !22. remove from me reproach and c. 123. 3. for we are e.xceedingly filled with c. 4. our soul is filled with the c. of the proud Prou. 18.3. when the wicked cometh, then comethc. /sa.23.9. to bring into c. all the honourable of earth Dan. 12. 2. some shall awake to everlasting c. CONTEMPTIBLE. Mai. 1. 7. in that ye say, the table of the Lord is e. 12. even his meat is c. || 2. 9. 1 also made you e. 2 Cor. 10. 10. his presence is weak, his speech c. CONTEMPTUOUSLY. Psal. 31. 18. which speak e. against the righteous CONTEND Signifies, [1] To strive, Jer. 18. 19. [2] To dis- pute, Acts 11. 2. [3] To debate, or plead, Job 9. 3. I 40. 2. [4] To fight, Deut. 2. 9. [5] To reprove sharply, Neh. 13. 11. [6] To endeavour to convince a person of, and reclaim him from his evil way, Prov. 29. 9. [7] To punish, Amos 7. 4. Earnestly to contend for the faith, Jude 3. stre- nuously to maintain and defend the apostolical doctrine, by constancy in the faith, zeal for the truth, holiness of life, mutual exhortation, prayer, suffering for the gospel, iS-c. withstand- ing all such heretics as would impugn and cor- rupt the doctrines revealed iii the gospel. Deut. 2. 9. neither c. with Moabites in battle, 24. Job9.3.i(c.he cannot answer him one of a thousand 13. 8. will ye accept his person, and c. for God 'i Prov. 28. 4. such as keep the law c. with them Eccl. 6. 10. nor may he c. with him that is mightier Isa. 49. 25. I will c. with them that c. with thee 50.8.he is near that justifieth, who will c. with me? 57. 16. I will not c. for ever, nor will I be wroth Jer. 12. 5. then how canst thou c. with horses'! 18. 19. hearken to voice of them that c. with me Jimos 7. 4. behold the Lord God called to c. by fire Mic. 6. 1. hear ye, arise, c. thou before the mount Judc 3. should earnestly c. for faith deliv. to saints CONTENDED. Mch. 13. 11. then c. I with the rulers and said, 17. 25. I c. with them, and cursed them, and smote Job 31. 13. if I despised my servants when theye. Isa.Al. 12. thou shall not find them that c. with ihee Acts 11. 2. they of the circumcision c. with him CONTENDEST. Job 10. 2. shew me wherefore tliou c. with me CONTENDETH. .Job 40. 2. shall he that c. with Almighty instruct Prov. 29. 9. if a wise man c. with a foolish man CONTENDING. J^i«ic9.e.withdevil,lieflisputed about bodyof Moses CONTENT. (7C71.37. 27. let us sell him, and his brethren werec. Exod. 2. 21. Moses was c. to dwell with the man Xxv. 10. 20. when Moses heard that, be was c. Josh. 7.7. would to G. we had been c. dwelt on other Judg. 17. 11. Levite was c. to dwell with Micah 19. 6. be c. I pray thee, and tarry all night 2 Kings 5. 23.Naaman said, be c. take two talents 6. 3. one said, be c. and go with thy servants Job 6. 28. now therefore be c. look upon me Pro u. 6.35. nor will hercstc.tlioiigli thougivestgifts JV/arA15.15. Pilate willing toe. people releasedBar. accuse falsely, be c. with your wages Phil. 4. 11. 1 have learned in every state to be c. 1 Tim. C- 8. having food and raiment, let us be e. lleb. 13. 5. and be c. with such things as ye have .'{ John 10. and not c, with prating against us CONTENTION. Ci'en. 26. t 20. he called the name of the well c. Psal. 95. t 8. harden not your heart, as in the c. ProD.lS.lO.only bypride comethc. but wisdom with 17. 14. leave off c. before it be meddled with 18. 6. a fool's lips enter into c. and his mouth calls 22. 10. cast out the scorner, and e. shall go out Isa. 41. 1 12. thou shall not find the men of thy c. ■/t':r.l5.10. woe is me, thou hast born me a man of c. Lfab. 1. 3. and there are that raise upstrife andc. Acts 15. 39. the e. was so sharp between them PMl. 1.16. the one preach Christ of c. not sincerely 1 TAess.2.2.tospeak the gospel of God with much c. CONTENTIONS. Pi'ov. 18. 18. the lot cause th c. to cease, and parteth 19. and their c. are like the bars of a castle 19.13. c. of a wife are a continual dropping, 27. 15. 2jl. t 9. than with a woman of c. in a wide house 2{t.29. who hath woe?whohalh c? hath babbling? CON 1 Cor. 1. 11. 1 hear that there arc c. among you Tit. 3. 9- avoid c. and strivings about the law CONTENTIOUS. Frov. 21. 19. than with a c. and angry woman 26.21. as wood t-^fire, so is a c.raan to kindle strife 27. 15. a contini^J'dropping and a c. woman alike Rom. 2. 8. but to them that are c. and do not obey 1 Cor.ll. 16. but il'any man seem to be c. no custom CONTENTMENT. 1 Tim. 6. 6. but godUncas with c. is great gain CONTINUAL. Exod. 29. 42. this shall be a c. burnt-offering JVum. 4. 7. and the c. bread shall be thereon 2 Chron. 2. 4. I build a house for the c. shew-bread Prov. 15. 15. that is of a merry hearthalh a c. feast Isa. 14. 6. he who smote the people with a c. stroke Jer. 48. 5. for in the going up c. weeping shall go up 52.34.there was a c. diet given him, 2 jEi!?i5-s25.30. Ezek. 39. 14. shall sever out men of c. employment Luke 18. 5. lest by her c. coming she weary me Rom. 9. 2. that I have c. sorrow in my heart See Burnt-offerings. CONTINUALLY. Ocn.G.S. every imagination of his heart was evil c. Ezod. 28. 30. upon his heart before the Lord c. 29. 38. two lambs of the lirst year, day by day c. Lev. 24. 2. bring oil olive to cause lamps to bum c. 1 Sam. 18. 29. and Saul became David's enemy c. 2 Sam. 9. 7. thou shalt eat bread at ray table c. 2 Kings 25. 29. Jehoiakim eat bread, c. Jer. 52. 33. 1 Chron. 16. 11. seek the Lord, seek his face c. ^Cliron. 12. 15. wars between Jerob. and Rehob. c. 36.t 15. sent to them, rising up c.and sending them Job 1. 5. sent and sanctilied his sons, thus did Job c. Psal. 34. 1. his praise shall be c. in my mouth, 71. 6. 35. 27. say c. the Lord be magnified, 40. 16. I 70. 4. 38. 17. ready to halt and my sorrow is c. before me 40.11. let thy loving-kindness and truth c.preserve 42. 3. while they c. say to me, where is thy God! 44. 15. my confusion is c. before me, and shame 50. S.thy burnt-offerings to have been c.before me 52. 1. 0 mighty man, goodness of God endurelh c. 71. 3. my habitation, whereunto I may c. resort 6. I have been holden up, my praise shall be c. 14. I will hope c. and praise thee more and more 73. 23. I am c. with thee, thou hast holden me 74.23.the tumult of those that rise up increaseth c. 109. 15. let them be before the Lord c. to cutoff 19. 44. so shall I keep thy law c. for ever and ever 109. my soul is c. in my hand, yet do I not forget 117. and I will have respect to thy statutes c 140. 2. c. are they gathered together for war Pro«.6.14.hedeviseth mischief die soweth discord 21. bind them c. on thy heart, and tie them Asa.21. 8. 1 stand con the watch-tower in day-time 49. 16. I have graven thee, walls are c. before me 51. 13. hast feared c. every day, because of fury 52. 5. my name c. every day is blasphemed 58. 1 1. and the Lord shall guide thee c. and satisfy 60. 11. therefore thy gates shall be open c. 05. 3. a people that provoketh me to anger c. Jer. 6. 7. before me c. is grief and wounds Ezek. 46. 14. a meat-offering c. to the Lord Dan. 6. 16. thy God whom thou servest c. 20. Hos. 4. 18. they have committed whoredom c. 12. 6. keep mercy, and wait on thy God c. Obad. 16. so shall all the heathen drink c. JVa/i. 3. 19. for hath not thy wickedness passed c? i/tt4.1.17.shallthey notspare c. to slay the nations? Zech.8. t21. let usgoc. and pray before the Lord Luke 24. 53. were c. in the temple, praising God JJcts 6. 4. we will give ourselves c. to prayer 10. 7. a soldier of them that wailed on Cornelius c. Rom. 13. 6. attending c. upon this very thin^ Beb. 7. 3. like the Son of God, abideth a priest c. 10. 1. with those sacrifices offered year by yearc 13. 15. by him let us offer the sacrifice of praise c. CONTINUANCE. . Dent. 28. 59. even great plagues and of long c- Ps. 139. 16. my members which in c. were fashion, Isa. 64. 5. in those is c. and we shall be saved Ezek. 39. t 14. they shall sever out men of c. Dan. 1. t lO.faces worse liking than children of c Rom. 2. 7. by patient c. in well doing seek for glory CONTINUE. Exod. 21. 21. if he c. a day or two, not be punished Lev. 12. 4. c. in the blood of her purifying, 5. 1 Sam. 12. 14. c. following the Lord your God 13. 14. but now thy kingdom shall not c. 2 Sam. 7. 29. that it may c. for ever before thee 1 ICivgs'2. 4. the Lord may c. his word that he spake Job 15. 29. not be rich, nor shall his substance c. 17. 2. doth not mine eye c. in their provocation ? Psal. 36. 10. O c. thy loving-kindness unto them 49. 11. thought that their houses shall c. for ever 72. t 17. shall be as a son to c. his father's name 102. 28. the children of thy servants shall c. 119. 91. they c. according to thine ordinances Isa. 5. 11. that c. till night, till wine inflame thefli 65. t 22. and mine elect shall make them c. long 96 CON Jer. 32. 14. that the evidences may c. many days Dan. 11. 8. c. more years than the king of the north Mat. 15. 32. because they c. with me three days John 8.31. if ye my word, then are ye disciples 15. 9. so have I loved you, c. ye in my love .^cts 13. 43. persuaded to c. in the grace of God 14. 22.confirming and exhorting them to c. in faith 26. 22. having obtained help of God, I c. unto day Rom. 6. 1. shall we c. in sin that grace may abound ! 11.22.towards thee goodness, if thou goodness Oal. 2. 5. that the truth of gospel might c.with you Phil. 1. 25. I know that I shall c. with you all Col. 1. 23. if ye c. in the faith, and be not moved 4. 2. c. in prayer, and watch with thanksgiving 1 Tim. 2. 15. if they e. in faith,charity, and hoUness 4. 16. take heed to thy doctrine, c. in them 2 Tim.3. U.c. in the things which thou hast learned ^eA.7.23.priestsnotsuffered to reason of death 13. 1. let brotherly love c. entertain strangers Jam. 4. 13. and e. there a year, and buy and sell 2Pe£.3. 4. since the fathers,all things they were 1 John 2. 24. ye shall c. in the Son and Father Rev. 13. 5. power was given him to c. 42 months 17. 10. when he cometb, he must c. a short space CONTINUED. Qen. 40. 4. he served them, and c. a season in ward 1 Sam. 1. 12. as she c. praying before the Lord 2 Chron. 29. 28. c. till burnt-offering was finished J\reh. 5. 16. yea, also I c. in the work of this wall Psal. 72. 17. his name shall be c. as long as the sun Jer. 31. t 32. should I have c. a husband to them Dan. 1. 21. Daniel c. to first year of king Cyrus jVat. 20. t 12. these last have c. one hour only Lnke 6. 12. he c. all night in prayer to God 22. 28. ye are they that c. with me in temptation Jicts 1. 14. tliese all c. with one accord in prayer 2. 42. they c. stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine 8. 13. Simon himself*, with Philip, and wondered 12.16.but Peter c.knocking,when they had opened 20.7. Paul preached and c.his speech till midnight JUeb. 8. 9. because they e. not in my covenant 1 John 2. 19. they would no doubt have c. with us CONTINUETH, ING. Job 14. 2. he fleeth also as a shadow, and c. not Jer. 30. 23. a c. whirlwind, it shall fall on wicked .^cts 2. 46. they c. daily with one accord in temple Rom. 12. 12. rejoicing in hope,*;, instant in prayer Gal. 3. 10. cursed that c. not in all things, in the law 1 Tim. 5. 5. she that is a widow c. in supplications Heb. 7. 24. but this man,because he e. ever,hath an 13. 14. for here we have no c. city, but we seek Jam. 1. 25. looketh into the perfect law, and c. in it CONTRADICTING. .^cts 13. 45. filled with envy, c. and blaspheming CONTRADICTION. Heb. 7. 7. without c. llie less is blessed of the better 12. 3. consider him that endured such c. of sinners CONTRARY. Lev. 26. 21. and if ye walk c. to me, 23, 27, 40. 24. then will I also walk c. to you, 28. 41. Eslh. 9. 1. tho' it was turned to the c. Jews had rule Ezek. 16. 34. the c. is in thee, therefore thou arte. Mat .14.24. the ship was tossed,for the wind was c. .dels 17. 7. these all do c. to the decrees of Cssar 18.13. persuaded men to worship God c. to the law 23. 3. commandest me to be smitten c. to the law 26. 9. to do many things c. to the name of Jesus fioni.11.24. graft, c. to nature into a good olive-tree 16. J7. c. to the doctrine which ye have learned Gal. 5. 17. and these are c. the one to the other Col. 2. 14. the hand-writing which was c. to us 1 Thess. 2. 15. please not God, and are c. to all men 1 Tim. 1. 10. if any thing that is c. to sound doctrine Tit. 2. 8. that he of the c. part may be ashamed CONTRARIWISE. 2 Cor. 2. 7. e. ye ought rather to forgive him GaZ.2.7.c.whenthey sawthe gospel wascommitted 1 Pet. 3. 9. not rendering railing, but c. blessing CONTRIBUTION. Rom. 15. 26. to make c. for the poor saints at Jerus. CONTRITE. They are of a contrite spirit, whose hearts are truly and deeply humbled under a sense of their sin and guilt, and God' s displeasure following uponit ; whose proud andself-willed hearts are subdued, and made obedient to God's will, and submissive to his providence, being willing to accept of reconciliation with God upon any terms, Psal. 34. 18. 1 51. 17. Isa. 66. 2. This is opposed to the stony heart, that is insensible of the burden of sin, stubborn and rebellious against God, impenitent and incorrigible. Psal. 34. 18. he saveth such as be of a c. spirit 51. 17. a c. heart, O God, thou wilt not despise Isa. 57. 15. with him also thatis of ae. and humble spirit, to revive the heart of the c. ones 66.2. that is of a e. spirit and trembleth at my word CONTROVERSY. Deut. 17. 8. being mailers of c. within thy gates. 19. 17. men between whom the c. is shall stand CON Deut. 21. 5. by their word shall every c. be tried 25. 1. if there be a c. between men, and they come 2 Sa7n. 15. 2. when any man that had a c. came 2 Chron. 19. 8. Jehosbaphat set the Levites for c. /sa.34. 8. the year of recompences for the t. ol Zion Jer. 25. 31. the Lord hath a c. with the nations Ezek. 44. 24. in c. they shall stand m judgment Hos. 4.1. the Lord hath a c. with inhabitants of land 12. 2. the Lord hath also a c. with Judah Mic. 6. 2. the Lord hath a c. with his people 1 Tim.3. 16. without c. great is the mystery of godl. CONVENIENT. Prov. 30. 8. feed me with food c. for me Jer. 40. 4. it seemeth good and c. for thee to go, 5. JVfarft6.21.and when a c.daywas comeHerod made .^cis24.25. when I have a c. season will call for thee Rom. 1. 28. to do those things which are not c. 1 Cor. 16.12. will come when he shall have c. time Eph. 5. 4. talking, nor jesting, which are not c. Philem. 8. might be bold to enjoin that whichisc. CONVENIENTLY. Mark. 14. 11. Judas sought how he might c. betray CONVERSANT. Josh. 8. 35. and strangers were c. among them 1 Sam. 25. 15. as long as we were c. wilh them CONVERSATION. Psal. 37. 14. to slay such as be of upright c. 50. 23. to him that ordereth his c. aright shew salv. 2 Cor. 1. 12. in godly sincerity we have had ourc. Gal. 1. 13. ye have heard of my c. in time past Eph. 2. 3. among whom we had our c. in times past 4. 22. that ye put off concerning the former e. Phil. 1. 27. only let your c. be as becometh gospel 3. 20. for our c. is in heaven, whence we look 1 7' an example of believers in purity Heb. 13. 5. let your c. be without covetousness 7. whose faith follow, considering end of their c. Jam. 3. 13. let him shew out of a good c. his works 1 Pet. 1. 15. so be ye holy in all manner of c. 18.not redeemed with coirup. things from vain c. 2. 12. having your c. honest among the Gentiles 3. 1. they also may be won by the c. of the wives 2. while they behold your chaste c. with fear 16. be ashamed that falsely accuse your good c. 2 Pet. 2. 7. Lot vexed with the filthy c. of wicked 3. 11. ought ye to be, in all holy c. and godliness CONVERSION Is the turning, or total change of a sinner from his sins to God, Psal. 51. 13, And sinners shalW)e converted unto thee. God is the .Author of this change,who byhis Spirit puts repentance, faith, love, and every grace, into the soul, Jer. 31. 18, Turn thou me. John 6. 44, No man can come unto me except the Father draw him. The word of God is a means, or instru- ment of conversion. Psal. 19. 7, The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. Mi- nisters, by the preaching of the gospel, are instrumental in this change, 1 Cor. 4. 15, In Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Jind particular Christians, by private admonitions and exhortations, are sometimes a means of this change, Jam. 5. 19, 20. Rege- neration is the infusion of grace into the soul; conversion is the exercise of grace. Draw me, I will run. Cant. 1. 4. Converts are new crea- tures,2 Cot. 5. 17.; being formed in the image of Christ, Rom. 8. 29. and made holy in part here, and shall have a perfection of it after death, 1 John 3. 2. Rev. 21. 27. ./3cJsl5.3.declaring the o. of the Gentiles caused joy CONVERT, ED. Psal. 51. 13. and sinners shall be c. unlo thee Isa.d.lO. lest they understand, andc. and be healed 60.5. the abundance of the sea shall bee. to theo c. and I should heal them, JV/arA:4.12. 18. 3. e.xceplye be e. and become as children Luke 22. 32. when c. strengthen thy brethren John 12. 40. be e. and I heal them, ./lets 28. 27. j9cts 3. 19. repent ye therefore, and be c. that sins Jam. 5. 19. do err from the truth, and one c. him CONVERTETH, ING. Psal.lS. 7. the law of the Lord is perfect, c. the soul Jam. 5. 20. that he who c. a sinner from the error CONVERTS. Isa.l. 27. here, shall be redeemed with righteous. CONVEY, ED. 1 Kings 5. 9. and I will c. them by sea in floats JVch. 2. 7. that they may c. me over till I come John 5. 13. for Jesus had c. himself away CONVICTED. JohnS. 9. being e. by their own conscience went out CONVINCE, ED, ETH. Job 32. 12. there is none of you that c. Job John 8. 46. which of you c. me of sin ? 16. 1 8. when he is come he will c. the world of sin ■ lets 18. 28. for he mightily <:. the Jews, shewing 1 Cor. 14. 24. he is c. of all, iie is judged of all Tit. 1. y. that he may be able to e. gainsayers Jam. 2. 9. and are c- of the law as tianegreesois COR Jude 15. to c. all that are ungodly among them CONVOCATIOxN', S. £xod. 12. l(j. in the first day lliere shall he a holy c. Lev. '2i. 7, 24, 35. .V«;h. -Jti. la. ) 29. 1. icB. 23. 2. ye shall proclaiiiitobeholyc. 4,21,37. 3. tlie sevunth day is a holy c. S. j\'uin. 28. 25. 27. tenth day 7th moiilli a holy c. jVifm. 29. 7. 36. on the eighth day shall he a holy c. to you jVu)h.28. 2t). the day oflirst-lruitssliall haveho'ly c. 29. 12. on titteenth day of seventh mouth a holy c. VOSEV, lES. L^v. 11. 5. and the c. because he clieweth cud, but divideth not hoot', is unclean to you, Deut.U. 7. Psal. 104. 18. tlie rocks are a refuge for the c. Prov. 30. 2t5. c. are but a feeble folk, make houses COOK, S. Gen. 40. f 17. in uppermost basket was work of a c. l.Sa»i. 8. 13. lie will take your daughters to be c 9. 23. Samuel said to c. bring portion I gave thee 24. c. took up the shoulder and set it before Saul COOL, Hal/staiUive. Oen.3.8. walking in the garden in thee, of the day COOL, Adjective. Proi).17.t27.ainan of understanding is of a c. spirit COOL, yerb. t,ukc 16. 24. dip tip of his finger and c. my tongue COPIED. Prov. 25.1. menof Hezekiah kingof Judahc.out COPING. IKinirs 7.9. costly stones from the foundation to c. COPPER. Kzra 8. 27. two vessels of tine c. precious as gold COPPER-SMITH. 2T«jK. 4. 14. Alexander the c.-s. did me much evil COPULATION. Lee. 15. 16. if any man's seed ofc. go out 17. skin whereon is seed of c. shall be washed 18. with whom man shall lie with seed of c. COPY. Deut. 17. 18. write him a c. of this law in a book Josh. 8. 32. he wrote on stones a c. of la w of Moses Ezra 4. 11. this is c. of a letter sent to him, 5. 6. 23. c. of Artaxerxes' letter was read before Reh. 7. 11. this is c. of the letter Arta.xerxes gave Ezra Esth.Z.U. c.of a writing for a commandment, 8.13. 4. 8. Mordecai gave llatacli a c. of the writing COR. £zfA:.45.14. offer a tenth part of a bath out of thee. CORAL. Jbfr 28. 18. no mention shall bemadeofr. or pearls £zei.27.16. Syria was thy merchant in c. and agate CORBAN. Mark 7. 11. it is c. tliat is to say, a gift, shall be free CORD. The cords of the wicked,arc tlie snares with which they catch weak and unwary people, Psal. 129. 4. The cords of sin, Prov. a. 22. are the consequen- ces of crimes and had habits. Sin never goes unpunished; and the bad habits which are con- tracted,are as it were indissoluble bands from which it is almost impossible to get free. Let us cast away their cords from us, Psal. 2. 3. Let us cast off their government, and free ourselves from subjection to their laws, which like fetters restrain us from our purposes. To draw ini quity with cords of vanity, Isa. 5. 18. that is, tosparenocost nor pains inthe pursuit of sin These cords of vanity may signify worldly vanities and pleasures, profit or preferment, by which, as by cords, the devil withdraws persons from God and his laws, and the way to heaven, and leads themdown to the bottomless pit. Or, those vain arid deceitful arguments and pre- tences, whereby sinners generally draw them- selves to sin, as hope of impunity and the like. J drew them with the cords of a man, I/os, 11.4. fused all fair and gentle means, such as arc fitted to man's temper, as he is a reasonable creature, to allure them to obedience: I found them backward and unapt to lead, I therefore in my pity laid my hand on them, and as a father or fricnddrew them gently tome. Tostretcha line or cord about a city, Imvi. 2. 8. signifies, to ruin, to destroy it utterly, to level it with the ground. The cords extended in setting up tents, do likewise furnish several metaphors, denoting either the stability or ruin of a place or people, according as they are said to be ejc- tendrd or loose, Isa. 33. 20. ./er. 10. 20. Josh.'2.15. Rahab let spies down by a c. thro' wind. Job 30. 11. he hath loosed my c. and afflicted me 41. 1. canatdrawoiitloviathan's tongue with a c? Keel. 4. 12. a threefold c. is not quickly broken 12. 6. or ever the silver c. be loosed, or gtilden bowl fsn. 54. 2. spare not, lengthen c. strengthen stakes Mic. 2. 5. a c. by lot in congregation of the Lord CORDS. Ezod. 35. 18. the pins of the court and their c. Jnda. 15. 13. they bound Samson with now c. Job 36. 8. if they be holden m c. of affliction 97 COR Psal. 2. 3. let us cast away their c. from us 118. 27. bind the sacrilico withe, to horns of altar 129. 4. heiiathcul asunder the c. of the wicked 140. 5. the proud have hid a snare and c. for me i'roo.5.22. he shall be holden with the c.of his sins Isa. 5. 18. woe to them that draw iniquity with e. 33. 20. nor shall any of the c. thereof be broken Jcr. 10. 20. tabernacle is spoiled, all my c. broken 38. 6. and they let down Jeremiah witii e. 13. so they drew up Jeremiah with c. took him 24. in chests of rich apparel bound with c. Hos. 11. 4. I drew them with tlie c. of a man John2. 15. when he had made a scourge of small c. CORIANDER. Eiod. 16. 31. manna was like c. seed, JV«?h.11.7. CORMORANT. Lev. 11. 17. ye shall have in abomination the little ov.l, and the c. and thegreat owl, JJeut. 14. 17. Isa. 34.11. but the c. shall possess it, Zcph. 2. 14. CORN. GcH. 41. 57. all countries came to Joseph to buy c. 42. 2.Jacob heard there was c. in Egypt, .ficts 7.12. 19. go ye, carry e. for the famine of your houses Exod. 22. 0. so that the stacks of c. be consumed />eu.2.10. priest shall burn part of beaten c. thereof 23. 14. ye shall eat neither bread nor parched c. J\l'tim. 18. 27. as tho' it were the e. of threshing-Hoor IJeut.16. 9. as thou beginnest to put the sickle to c. 25.4. thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he tread- eth out the c. ICor. 9. 9. 1 Tim. 5. 18. .Tosh. 5.11. they did eat ofthe old c.of the land, 12. Ruth 2. 14. he reached her parched e. and she did eat 3. 7. Boaz went to lie down at end of the heap of c. 1 .Sa)H.17.17.take for brethren an ephah of parelicdc. 25. 18. Abigail took live measures of parched c. '2Sam. 17. 28. they brought parched c. and beans 2ICings 19. 2ti. they were as blasted c. Isa. 37. 27 .Vf/i. 5. 2. we take up c. for them, that we may eat ./ob 5. 26. as a shock oft. cometh in his season 24. 6. they reap every one his c. in the field 39. 4. their young ones they grow up with c. Psal. ii5. 9. prepaiest theme, when tliou provides! 13. the valleys also are covered over with c. 72. 10. there shall be a liandful of c. in the eartl; 78. 24. and had given them of the c. of heaven Prov. 11.2IJ. that withholdetli c. people shall curse Isa. 17. 5. when the harvest-man galhereth the e. 02. 8. I will no more give thy c. to thine enemies Ezvk. 36. 29. I will call for the c. and will increase Hos. 2. 9. I will takeaway in ye. in the time thereof 10. 11. Ejihraim loveth to tread out the c. 14 7. they shall revive as thee. and grow as the vine .loel 1. 10. for the c. is wasted, new wine is dried up 1. 17 barns are broken down, for c. is withered .linos 8.5. the new moon be gone that we may sell c. 9. 9. I will sift Israel like as c. is sifted in a sieve Mark 4. 28. after that the full c. in the ear John 12. 24 e.xcept a c. of wheat fall into ground Ears of CORI^. Gen. 41. 5. sevex^ cars of c. came up upon one stalk AcD.2.14.shalt olfer green ears ofc. dried by thufire Ruth 2. 2. let me go and glean ears ofc. after him 2A'in^s4.42. brought full ears ofc. in husk thereof .fob 24. 24. they are cut otf as tops of the ears of c. Jl/ pluck ears ofc. Mark 2. 23. Luke'l^.l. CORN-FIELDS. Mark 2. 23. it came to pass, that he went tlirough c.-fields on the sabbath-day, Mat.l2.1.Lukel5.1. CORxV-FLOOR. Isa.21. 10. Omy threshing, and the c. oi' my floor Hos.d. 1. thou hast loved a reward on every c.-fioor Slanding-CORN. Exod. 22. 6. so that the standing-c. be consumed /->e«t.23.25.come into siaj(dnio'-c.of thy neighbour Judg.l5. 5. let foxes go into stand.-c. burn up st.-c. CORN and wine. Gen. 27. 28. God give thee jilenty ofc. and wine 37. with e. and wine have I sustained him Deut. 7. 13. he will also bless thy c. and icine 11. 14. that mayest gather in thy c. and «•. andoi) 12. 17. mayest not eat tithe of thy c. and io. 14. 23. IG. 13. after thou hast gathered in thy c. an(Z Wine 18. 4. give him first-fruit of thy c. and w. and oil 28. 51. which shall not leave thee c. wine or oil .33. 28. Jacob shall be upon aland of e. and wine 2le«t.8.18.that he may estab. his c.whichhe sware Ezek. K). m. I will estab. to thee an everlasting c. 62. 1 will estab. my c. with thee, thou shalt know Ecerlasling COVENANT. Oen. 9. 10. that I may remember the cvcrlast. c. 17. 13. il shall be in your flesh for an everlast. c. 19.1 will establish my e. with Isaac for an cverl.c. I^ev.ii. a.being taken from Israel by an eccrlast.c. iSam. 23. 5. yet he hath made with me an everl. c. 1 Clir. 16. 17. confirmed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlast. c. Psal. 105.10. Isa.'24.5. because they have broken the everlast. c. 55.3. 1 will make evcr.c. with you,61.8. Jer. 32. 40. Ezek. 37. 26. it shall be an cvcrlast. c. with them Ileb. 13. 20. through the blood of the cncrlast. c. Keep, keepest, keepeth, or kept COVENANT. Gen. 17. 9. thou shalt keep my c. thou and thy seed 10. this is my c. which ye shall keep between me Exod. 19. 5. if ye will obey my voice and keep my c. Deut. 7. 9. he is G. faithful God, who keepeth c. 12. 1 Kings 8. 23.2 CUron. G. 14. JVeh. 1. 5. 1 9. 32. 29.9.itc^therefore the words of this c.and do them 33. 9. they have observed thy word, kept thy c. IKingsll.ll. thou hast not kept my c. Psal. 78. 10. Pso/.25.10.n]er.and truth to such as keep c. 103. 18. 132. 12. if thy children will keep my c. and testim. Eiek. 17. 14. by keeping of his c. it might stand Dan.Q.A.keepinir c.a.nA mercy to them that lovehim Made COVENANT. Gen. 15. 18. same day the L. viade a c. with Abram 21. 27. Abraham and Abimelech made a c. 32. Exod. 34. 27. 1 have made a c. with thee and Israel Deut. 5. 2. L. our G. made a c. with us in Horeb 3. L. made not this c. with our fathers, Heb 8. 9. 29. ]. besides the c. he made with them inHoreb 31. 16. will break my c. I have made with them Joih. 24. 25. Joshua made a c. with people that day 1 Sam ■ 18. 3. Jonathan and David made a c. 23. 18, 20.16. Jonathan made a c. with the house of David 1 Kings 8. 9. L. maiie a c. with Israel, 2 Chr. 6. 11. 21. ark wherein is c. of the L. which he made 20. 34. Ahab made a c. with Ben-hadad 2 Kings 11. 4. Jehoiada made a c. with the rulers 17. made a c. between the Lord and the king 17. 15. Israel rejected his c. he made with fathers 35. with whom the L. had made a c.and charged 38. the c. made with you ye shall not forget 23. 3. Josiah made a c. before Lord, 2 Chr. 34. 31. lCAro>i.ll.3.David made a c.with elders in Hebron 16. ye mindful even of the c. which he rrtarfe with Abraham, JVeA. 9. 8. Psal. 105. 9. 2Cftron.21.7.because ofc.he liadmatZe with David 23.3.all the congregation made ac.withkingJoash Job 31. 1. I made a c, with mine eyes, why then P«aJ.50.5. that have mrjrfcac.withme by sacrifice 89.3. have made a. c. with my chosen, I have sworn Jsa. 23. 13. ye said, yc have made a c. with death 57. 8. enlarged thy bed, and madea. c. with them Jer. 11. 10. broke the c. I made with their fathers 31. 32. not according to the c. I made with fathers 34.8.aftei Zcdekiah had made a c. with peoplc,15. 13. saith the Lord, I made a c. with your fathers 15. ye had made a c. before me in house called 18.porforined not the words ofthe eye had made JEze/i.l7.13.and ma'lea. c. with him,and taken oath JUake COVENANT. Gen. 17. 2. 1 will make my c. between me and thee 26.28.1ct us make ac. with thee, 31. 44. Ezra 10.3. Ezod. 23. 32.thou shall make no c. Deut. 7. 2. 34. 10. behold I make a c. before all thy people 12. lest thou make a. c.with the inhabitants, 15. Deut. 29. 14. nor with you only do I make this c. 1 Sam. 11. 1. make a c. with us, and we will serve 2. on this condition will I make a c. with you 2 Chron. 29. 10. now it is in my heart to make a. c. JVeh. 9. 38. and we make a sure c. and write it Job 41. 4. will he make a c. with thee f Jer. 31. 33. this is c. I will make, Hcb. 8. 10. 1 10. Ifi. Ezek. 34. 25. 1 will m. with them a c. of peace, and will cause evil beasts, to cease, 37. 26. 99 COV Hos.'i. 18. 1 will make a c. for them with the beasts 12. 1. and they do make a c. with the Assyrians JVew COVENANT. .Ter. 31. 31. 1 will make a neio c. with Isr. Heb.8. 8. Ueb. 8. 13. a new c. he hath made the first old 12. 24. and to Jesus the Mediator ofthe new c. Remember COVENANT. G'cn.9.15. 1 will c. Lev. 26.42. i'zei. 10. 60. Exod. 6. 5,6. I have »-c»nc7«i.myc. wherefore say /^et).20.45.for their sakes ?-t»n. c. of their ancestors Psal. 105. 8. he hath rem. his c. for ever, 106. 45. .dmos 1. 9. because they rem. not the brotherly c. iw/icl. 72. mercy promised, and to rem. his holy c. COVENANT of Salt. Lev. 2. 13. the salt of c. of thy God to bo lacking JVum. 18. 19. it is a c. of salt for ever before Lord iChron. 13.5. toDavid and hissonsby ac. t//sa<< Transgressed COVENANT. DpHf.l7.2.hatli wrought wickedness in or(/standeth,P»ou.l9.'21. Isa. 19. 17. because of tliec. o/ the y^ord of hosts Jer. 23. 18. who hath stood in the c. of the Lord > 49. 20. therefore hear tlic c. of the Lord, 50. 45. Jjuke 7. 30. the lawyers rejected the c. of God jjcts 2.23.him delivered by the determinate c.ofO. 20.27. not ashamed to declare to vou all c. e/ Oorf jVij COVSSEL. ZChron. 25. 16. and hast not hearkened to my c. Job 29. 21. men waited and kept silence at my c. /*.<. 119. t 24. thy testimonies are themenof ;«y c. Prov. 1. 2.5. but ye liave set at nouglit all my c. 30. they would none of )«y c they dospistd my Isa. 46. 10. my c. shall stand and I will do all 11. man tliate.xecuiethjHyc. from a far country Jer. 23. 22. but if they had stood in tny c. Dan. 4. 27. O king, let mnc. bo acceptable to thee Otcn COUNSEI... Job 18. 7. and his own c. shall cast him down Hos. 10. 6. Israel shall be ashamed of his own c. Take COUNSEL. JVeA. 6. 7. come now, and let us take c. together Ps. 2. 2. lulerstake c. against Lord and Anointed 13. 2. how long shall I lake c. in my souH 71. 10. that wait for my soul, take c. together Isa. 8. 10. take c. and it shall come to nought 10. 3. take c. execute judgment, make thy shadow 30. 1. woe to children that take c. but not of me 45. 21. tell ve, yea let them take c. together COUNSEL, EI). 2Sam. 16. 23. which Ahithophel c. in those days 17. t 7. that Ahithophel hath c. is not good 11. I c. that all Israel be gathered unto thee 15. thus and thus Ahithophel c. and thus I c. 21. ZCkron. 25. f 16. God hatli c. to destroy thee hast thou c. him that hath no wisdom? Ps. 32. t 8. Iwillc.thee,mineeyes shall beonthee i'eci. 8. 2. If. thee to keep the king's commandment Kee. 3. 18. 1 c. thee to buy of me gold tried in fire COUNSELLOR. 2Sam. 15. 12. Ahithophel, David's c. lCAr.27.33. ICIiron. 26. 14. for Zechariah his son, a wise c. 27. 32. Jonathan, David's uncle, was ac. a scribe 2C7i!tf»i. 22. 3. Athaliah was his c. to do wickedly Isa. 3. 3. Lord taketli away the r . and artificer 9. 6. his name shall bo called Wonderful, C. 40. 13. or who being his c. hath taught him 41. 28. for I beheld, and there was no man, no c. Mic.'i.9. is there no king in thee? is thy c. perished? JVaA. 1. 11. there is come out of thee a wicked c. Mark 15. 43. Joseph an honourable c. Luke 23. 50. Rom.U. 34. who known mind of L. who been his c? COUNSELLORS. 2CAr. 22. 4. theywerehis c. after his father'sdeath Ezra 4. 5. they hired c. against them, to frustrate 7. 14. as thouart sentof theking,and his seven c. 28. extended mercy to me before the king and c. 8.25. gold, which the king and his c. had offered ./oft 3. 14. been at rest with kings andc. of the earth 12.17.1eadeth c. away spoiled, makes judges fools Ps. 119. 24. thy testimonies are my delight and c. Prov. 11. 14. in the multitude of c. is safety, 24.0. 12. 20. deceit in heart, but to the c. of peace is joy 15. 22. in the multitude of c. they are established Isa. 1.26. I will restore thy c. as at the beginning 19. 11. counsel of wise c. of Pharaoh is brutish i^an.3. 24. said tohis c. did we not cast three men? 27. the king's c. being gathered, saw these men 4. 36. my c. and my lords sought imto me 6. 7. all the c. and the captains have consulted COUNSELS. Job 37. 12. and it is turned round about by his c. Psal. 5. 10. O (Jod, lot them fall by their own c. 81. 12. and they walked in their own c. of understand, shall attain to wise c. 12. 5. but the c. of the wicked are deceit 22. 20. have not I written excellent things in c? Isa. 25. 1. thy c. of old arc faithfulness and truth 47. 13. are wearied in the multitude of thy c. Jer. 7. 24. walked in the c. of their evil heart Hos. 11. 6. devour them, because of their own c Mic. 0. 16. ye walk in the c. of the house of Ahab ICor. 4.5. will make manifest the c. of the heart COUNT. Ezod. 12. 4. shall make your c. for the lamb COUNT, Verb. Lev. 23. 15. c. from the morrow after the sabbath 25. 27. let him c. the years of the sale, 52. JVum. 23. 10. who can c. the dust of Jacob? tSam. 1. Ifi. c. not me for a daughter of Belial Job 19. 15. and my maids c. me for a stranger 31. 4. doth not he see my ways, c. all my steps? Psal. 87. 6. the Lord shall c. when he writeth 139. 18. if I c. them, they are more than the sand 101 COU Psal. 139.22. I hate them, I c. them mine enemies J/ic.6.11.shall I c. them pure with wicked balances jicts 20. 24. neither c. I my life dear to myself Phil.3.S. I call things loss, and do c. them but dung 13. I c. not myself to have apprehended, but this 2 Thess.l.ll.G. would c. you worthy of this calling 3. 15. c. him not as an enemy, but admonish him ITim. 6. 1. c. their masters worthy of all honour Philem. 17. if thou c. me a partner, receive him Jam. 1. 2. c. it joy when ye fall into temptations 5. 11. behold, we c. them hai)py which endure 2Pc<. 2. 13. as they that c. it pleasure to riot in day 3. 9. Lord is not slack, as some men c. slackness liev. 13. 18. let him c. the number of the beast COUNTED. Gen. 15. 6. Abram believed, and he c. it to him for righteousness, Ps. 106. 31. Hovi. 4. 3. Gal. 3. 6 30. 33. the sheep that shall be c. stolen with me 31. 15. are we not c. of him strangers? sold us 1 Kings 3.8.that cannot be numbered or c. for mult. IChrun. 21. 6. but Levi and Benjamin c. he not A''eh. 13. 13. for they were c. faithful, office was Job 18. 3. wherefore we are c. as boasts and vile 41. 29. darts are c. as stubble, laughoth at shakin: Psal. 44. 22. we are c. as sheep for the slaughter 8S. 4. I am c. with them that go down to the pit Pro«. 17.28. even a fool, when he holdeth his peace is c. wise, and he that shutteth his lips is a man 27. 14. rising early, it shall be c. a curse to him Isa. 5. 28. their horses' hoofs shall bi^ c. like flint ,32. 15. and the fruitful field be c. for a forest 33. 18. where is he that c. the towers? 40. 15. the nations ard c. as small dust of balance 17. all nations are c. to him less than nothing Hos. 8. 12. but they were c. as a strange thing Mat. 14. 5. they c. him as a [iroiihet, Mark 11. 32. Luke 21. 36. be c. worthy to escape these things .lets 5. 41. rejoicing that they were c. worthy 19. 19. they burned their books, and c. the price Rom. 2.26. uncircumcision be c. for circumcision 4. 5. to him believeth, his faith is c. for righteous. 9. 8. butthechildrenof promise arec. for his seed Phil. 3. 7. what were gain, those I c. loss for Christ 'i.Tliess.\.5. be c. worthy of the kingdom of God 1 Tim. 1. 12. enabled me, for that he c. me faithful 5. 17. let elders be c. worthy of double honour Heb. 3. 3. this man was c. worthy of more glory 7. 6. he whose descent is note, from them 10.29. hath c. bloodof the covenant unholy thing See AccoiJNTED. COUNTETH, ING. .Tob 19. 11. he c. me as one of his enemies, 33. 10. Keel. 7. 27. c. one by one, to find out the account lAike 14.28. sitteth not down first, and c. the cost COUNTENANCE Signifies, [1] TIte face, or visage, 1 Sam. 16. 7. [2] Love, favour, and affection. Gen. 31. 5. [3J Brightness, festivity, or alacrity, Dan. 5. 6. [4] God's love and favour, manifested by the graces and benefits which he bestows upon his people, Psal. 4. 6. Because men by their conn tenance discover their anger, or love; hence it is that when it is attributed to God, who is said sometimes to liftup the lightof his countenance upon his people, at other times to hide his face, »»• countenance, it signifies either his grace and favour, or his anger, or displeasure. Gen. 4. 5. Cain was very wroth, and his c. fell 24. t 16. the damsel was good of c. a virgin 31. 2. Jacob beheld the c. of Laban, and behold 5. I see your father's c. that it is not toward me JVum. 6. 26. the Lord lift up his c. upon thee Deut. 28. 50. Lord will bring a nation of fierce c Judg. 13. 6. his c. was like the c. of an angel \Hwm. 1. 18. Hannah, her c. was no more sad 16. 7. look not on his c. or the height of his stature 12. now David was of a beautiful c. 17. 42. 25. 3. Abigail || 2.Sam.l4. 27. Tamar of a fair c. 2.Sam. 23. f 21. he slew an Egyptian, a man of c. iKings 5. fl. Naaman was a man lifted up in c. 8. 11. he settled his c. stedfastly on Hazael JWA.2. 2.why is thy c. sad, seeing thou art not sick? 3. why should not iny c. be sad, when the city .7nftl4.20.thouchangest his c.andsendest him away 29. 24. and the light of my c. they cast not down Psal. 4. 6. Lord, lift up the light of thy c. upon us 10.4. the wicked, thro' pride of c. will not seek God 11. 7. righteous Ld. his c. doth behold the upright 21. 6. thou hast made him glad with thy c. 42. 5. I shall yet praise him for the help of his c. 11. who is the health of my c. and my God, 43. 5. 44. 3. but the light of thy c. did save them 80. 16. they perish at the rebuke of thy c. 89. 15. shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy c. 90. 8. hast set our secret sins in the light of thy c. Prov. 15. 13. a merry heart maketh a cheerful c. 16. 15. in the light of the king's c. is life 25. 23. so doth the angry c. a backbiting tongue 27. 17. so a man sharpeneth the c. of his friend Eccl. 7. 3. by sadness of c. the heart is made better COU Cant. 2. 14. let me see thy c. thy c. is comely 5. 15. his c. is as Lebanon, excellent as cedars Jsa. 3. 1 3. Lord doth take away man eminent in c. 9. the shew of their c. doth witness against them Lxek. 27. 35. they shall be troubled in their c. JJan.5.(i. then king's c. was changed, and thoughts 8. 23. a king of fierce c. shall stand up Mat. 6. 16. be not as the hypocrites, of a sad c. 28. 3. his c. was like lightning, Luke 9. 29. ./lets 2. 28. shalt make me full of joy with thy c. 2Cor. 3. 7. could not behold Moses for glory of his c. Rev. 1. 16. and his c. was as the sun shineth See Changed. COUNTENANCE. Eiorf.23. 3. nor shall thou c. a poor man in his cause COUNTENANCES. i)a7i.l.l3. then let our c. be looked upon before thee 15. their c. appeared fairer and fatter in fiesh COUNTERVAIL. £s(A.7.4.though enemy could not c. king's damage COUNTRY. Gen. 19. 28. and lo, the smoke of the c. went up 24. 4. but thou shalt go to my c. and my kindred 29. 26. Laban said it must not be so done in our c. 30. 25. send me away, that I may go to my c. 34. 2. Shechem the prince of the c. saw her 42. 33. the man, the Lord of the c. said unto us JVum. 15. 13. all born in the c. shall do these things 32. 4. the c. which the Lord smote before Israel IJeut. 26. 3. I am come into the c. L. sware to give ,/osA. 2. 2. there came men to search out the c. 3. . 2. Joshua sent, saying, go up and view the c. Judg. 11. 21. Israel possessed the land of that c. 16. 24. our enemy and the destroyer of our c. Ruth 1. 2. and they came into the c. of Moab 22. who returned out of the c. of Moab 2Sam. 15. 23. all thy c. wojrt with a loud voice 21. 14. bones of Saul buried they in c. of Benjamin \ Kings 20. 27. but the Syrians filled the c. 2Kings 3. 20. and the c. was filled with water /sa.l.7.your c. is desolate, your cities burnt with fire 20. t 6. the inhabitants of this c. shall say 22. 18. ho will toss thee like a ball in a large c. Jer. 22. 30. he shall not return, nor see his native c. 31. 8. behold I will bring them from the north c. 48. 21. and judgment is come upon the plain c. 50. 9. cause an assembly to come from the north c. 51. 149. at Babylon fall the slain of all the c. Ezek. 20. 38. 1 will bring them forth out of the c. 25. 9. glory of the c. Beth-jcshimoth, Bual-meon 47. 22. they shall be to you as born in the c. .Jonah 4. 2. my saying, when I was yet in ray c. Mid. 1 11. the inhabitants ofc.offiocks came not Mat.9. 31. they spread abroad his fame in all that c. Mark 5. 10. that he would not send them out of c. 14. told it in the city, and in the c. I^uke 8. 34. Lukel5. 15. he joined himself to a citizen of that c. Acts 12. 20. bee. their c. was nourished by king's c. 27. 27. shipmen deemed they drew near to some c. //e6.11.9.sojourned inland of prom, asinstrangec. 14. they declare plainly that they seek a c. 15. andtruly if they had been mindful of that c. 16. nowtheydesireabetterc.tliatis u heavenly Ear COUNTRY. Josh. 9. 6. they said we be come from a far c. 9. lA'n(^s8.41.outofa/a?-c. forthysake,2CAr.6.32. iKings 20.14. Hezekiah said, they are come from afar c. even from Babylon, Isa. 39. 3. Prov. 25. 25. so is good news from a far c. Isa. 13. 5. from afar c. to destroy the whole land 46. 11. man that executeth my counsel from far c. Jer. 4.16. publish, that watchers come from afar c. 8. 19. because of them that dwell in afar c. Mat. 21. 33. househ. went into a far c. Mark 12. 1. 25.14.kingd. of heaven is as a man trav. into /arc. iKAel5.13.younger son took his journey into/ar c. Own COUNTRY. Lev. 16. 29. whether one of your o. c. 17. 15. 1 24. 22. IKings 10. 13. she turned and went to her own c. 11. 21. let me depart, that I may go to my own c. 22. 36. a proclamation every man to his own c. Jer. 51. 9. let us go every one to his own c. Mat. 2. 12. they departed into their own c. 13. .57. save in his own c. MarkG.i. Luke 4. 24. Mark 6. 1. he went thence and came into his oicn c. John 4. 44. a prophet hath no honour in his own c. Thy COUNTRY. Gen. 12. 1. Abram, get thee out of iAj/c. .f)c1s 7.3. 32.9. return to thy c. and to thy kindred, I will deal JVum. 20. 17. let us pass, I pray thee, thro' t/iy c. .Jonah l.S.what istAyc? of what people art thou? J^uke 4.23. heard done in herein thyc. COUNTRY-VILLAGES. ISam. 6. 18. both of fenced cities and c.-villages COUNTRYMEN. 2Cor. journeyins,in perils by mine own c. 1 Thess. 2.14 .ye have suflrrcd like things of your c. COUNTRIES. (7«?i.26.3. to thee and thy seed Willi give these c. 4. 41. 57. all c. came into Egypt to Joseph to buy corn cou IKings 18.35. wlio among all c. that have delivered 1 CA7-o? of fame and glory throughout c ac/iron. 20. 29. the fear of God was on all those c. Ezra, 3.3.fear on them, because of people of those c. 4. 20. mighty kin?" who have ruled over all c. Ps. 110. 6. he shai vyound the heads over many c. Isa. 8. 9. and give ear all ye of far c. gird yourselves Jer. 23.3. I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all c. and bring them again, 8. | 32. 37. 28. 8. the prophets prophesied against many c. Ezek. 5. 5. 1 have set Jerusalem in midst of the c 6. she hath changed my statutes more than thee 6. 8. wheji ye shall be scattered through the c. 11. 16. tho' i have scattered them among thee, yet I will be to them as a little sanctuary in the e. 17. I will assemble you out of the c. 20. 34, 41. 22. 4. I have made thee a mocking to all c. 25. 7. I will cause thee to perish out of the c. 29. 12. I will disperse them through the c. 3(i. 19. 35. 10. thou hast said, these two c. shall be mine Dan. 11. 40. he shall enter into the e. and overllow 41. many c. shall be overthrown, but these escape 42. he shall stretch forth his hand upon the c. Zech. 10. 9. and they shall remember me in a far c. Luke 21. 21. let not them that are in the c. enter COUPLE. 'iSa.m. 13. 6. let Tamar make me a c. of cakes 16. 1. Ziba met David with a c. of asses saddled /sa.21.7. he saw a chariot with a e. of liorsemea, 9. COUPLE, Verb. £zod.26.6.thou shalt c. the curtains with laches, 9. 11. shall make taches toe. tent together, 36. 18. 39. 4. made shoulder-pieces to c. ephod together COUPLED, ETH. Exoi,. 26. 3. the five curtains be c. 36. 10, 13, 16. 10. in the edge of the curtain which c. the second 24. the two boards shall be c. together, 36. 29. 39. 4. by the two edges was it c. together Wtt. 3. 2. your chaste conversation c. with fear COUPLING. JCxod. 26. 4. make loops from selvedge in c. 36. 11 4. likewise make in c. of the second, 36. 11, 12 10. one curtain that is outmost in the e. 36. 17. 28. 27. over-against the other c. thereof, 39. 20. COUPLINGS. 'iCkron. 34. 11. to buy hewn stone and timber for c. COURAGE. Josh. 2. 11. nor did there remain anymore e. in any SC/iron. 15. 8. he took c. and put away the idols 19. 1 11. take c. and do, and Ld. be with the good Isa. 44. t 14. which he taketh c. for himself Dan. 11. 25. shall stir up his f. ag. king of south ^cts 28. 15. when Paul saw thanked God, took c. Good COURAGE. JiTum. 13. 20. be ye of good c. and bring the fruit £)eut.31.Q. be strong, and of ^oorfc. fearnot, 7, 23. Josh. 1. 6, 9, 18. 1 10. 25. ICAr. 22. 13. 1 28. 20. ZSam. 10. 12. be of good c. let us plav the men, IChron. 19. 13. Kzra 10. 4.'lsa. 41. 6 Ps. 27. 14. wait on Lord, be oi' good c. and he shall strengthen thine heart, wait on Lord, 31. 24 COURAGEOUS. JbsA. 1. 7. be thou strong and c. 23. 6. 2Chr. 32. 7 aSam. 13. 28. fear not, be c. and be valiant ^mos2.16.he that is c. among migh. shall flee away COURAGEOUSLY. ZChr.19. 11. deal c. and Lord shall be with the good COURSE Signifies, [1] That race which is prescribed us to run and follow, 'iT'im.i.'i. [2] Orderorturn, 2 Chron. 5. 11. [3] Manner or way, Eph. 2. 2. [4] Progress andsucccss, 2Thess. 3. 1. [5] ./S voyage, Acts 21. 7. [6] The gospel-ministry, Acts 13. 25. IChron. 27. 1. the chief fathers of every c. 24,000 2Chron. 5. 11. the priests did not Ihoji wait by c. Ezra 3. 11. they sung together by c. in praising Ps. 82. 5. all the foundations of earth arc out of c. Jer. 8. 6. every one turned to his c. as the horse 23. 10. their c. is evil, and their force is not right Luke 1. 5. Zacharias was of the c. of Abiah 8. while he executed in the order of his c. Acts 13. 25. and as John fulfilled his c. he said 16.11. came with straight c. to Samothracia, 21. 1. !i0. 24. that I might finish my c. with joy 21. 7. when we had finished our c. from Tyre ICnr. 14. 27. or at most by three, and that by e. ZThess.'i.l. thatwordoftheLordmay have free c. 2Tim. 4. 7. I have finished my c. kept the faith Jam. 3. 6. the tongue setteth on fire thee, of nature Water-Course. .See Water. COURSES. .^iirf^.5.20.the stars in their c. fought against Sisera IChron. 23. 6. David divided the Levites into c. 2CArom.8.14.Solomon appointed the c.oflhe priests 23. 8. for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the c. 31. 2. Hezekiah appointed the c. of the priests 35. 10. and the Levites stood in their e. Ezra 6. 18. they set the Levites in their c. for the service of God which is at Jerusalem 102 CRA COURT. In HebretB Cliazer, is an entrance into a palace or house, Esth. 6. 4, 5. The great courts ii longing to the temple were three; the first called the court of the Gentiles, because the Gentiles were allowed to enter so far, and no farther. The second called the court of Israel, because all the Israelites, if purified, had a right of admission. The third court leas that of the Priests, where the altar of burnt-offerings stood, and where the Priests and Levites ezerciscd their ministry. It signifies the church of Christ, Zech. 3. 7. Also the false church, Rev. 11. 2. £a:od.27.9.thou shal t make the c. of the tabern. shall be hangings for the c. 35. 17. | 38. 9. | 39.40. 12. breadth of the e. 13. 1| 18. length of tho c. 19. all the pins of the c. 35. 18. || 38.20, 31. 40. 8. and thou shalt set up the e. round about Lev.G.16. in the c. of the tabernacle shall eat it, 26. 2Sam. 17. 18. a man which had a well in Iris e. 'iKings 20. 4. afore Isaiah was gone into middle c. 2C7irore.20. 5. Jehoshaphatstood before the new c. 24. 21. they stoned Zechariah in c. oI'Lord's house 29. IG. brought out the uncleanness into the c. Es«/j.5.1.Estherstoodintheinnere. of king'shousc 6. 4. and the king said, who is in the e.? 5. servants said, behold Hamanstandethin thee. Isa. 34. 13. habitation of dragons, and a c. for owls 35. t 7. shall be a c. for reeds and rushes Jer.l9. 14. Jeremiah stood in the c. of Lord's house 26. 2. stand in the c. of the Lord's house and speak 32. 2. and Jeremiah the prophet was shut up in the c. of the prison, 33.1. | 39. 15. 38. 6. they cast Jeremiah into the dungeon in the e Ezek. 8. 7. hebroughtrae tothedoorof the c. 16. 10. 3. the man went in, the cloud filled theinnere 40. 17. he brought me into outward c.42. 1. | 46.21. 28. he brought me to the inner c. and measured 43. 5. the Spirit brought me into the inner c. 45. 19. put blood upon the gate of the inner c. 46. 21. in every corner of the e. there was a c. Amos 7. 13. king's chapel, and it is the king's c. Acts 16. tl9. they drew Paul and Silas into the e 17. 122. Paul stood in midst ofc. of the Areopagites 19. t 38. the c. days are kept, there are deputies Phil. 1. t 13. my bonds are manifest in Ciesar's c Rev. 11. 2. the c. without the temple, leave out COURTS. 'iKings 21. S.Manasseh built altars for all the host of heaven in the two e. IChron. 33. 5. 23. 12. altars in the two e. Josiah brake down IChron. 23. 28. their ofiice was to wait in the e. 28. 6. Solomon shall build my house and my e. 12. David gave Solomon the pattern of the c. 2Chron. 23. 5. all the people shall be in the c. Psal. 65. 4. approach to thee, that he dwell in thy e. 84. 2. my soul fainteth for the c. of the Lord 92. 13. they shall flourish in the e. of our God 96. 8. bring an offering and come into his c. 100. 4. enter into his c. with praise, be thankful to 116. 19. pay my vows in the c. of the Lord's house 135. 2. ye that stand in the c. of the house of God Isu. 1. 12. who hath required this to tread my c.? 62. 9. they shall drink in the c. of my holiness Ezek. 9. 7. and fill the e. with the slain, go ye forth Zec/i.3.7.thou shalt j udge my house;and keep my e. Luke 7. 25. they that live delicately are in kind's c. COURTEOUS. IPet. 3. 8. love as brethren, be pitiful, be c. COURTEOUSLY. .'?cfs27.3. Juliuse. intreated Paul and gave liberty 28. 7. PubliuB received us and lodged us3days e. COURTIER. John 4. t 48. there was a certain c. whose son was COUSIN. Luke 1. 36. thy c. Elisabeth hath conceived a son COUSINS. Luke 1. 58. her neighbours and c. heard how L. COW. Lev. 22. 28. whether c. or ewe, ye shall not kill it JVum. 18. 17. firstling of a c. thou shalt not redeem Job 21. 10. their c. calveth, and casteth not her calf Isa. 7. 21. it shall come to pass, that a man shall nourish a young c. and two sheep 11. 7. and the c. and the bear shall feed, lion eat Ezek. 4. 15. I have given thee c. dung for man's Amos 4. 3. every c. at that which is before her CRACKLING. Eccl. 7. 6. as c. of thorns under a pot, so is laughter CRACKNELS. IKings 14. 3. take with thee ten loaves and c. CRAFT. Dan. 8. 25. thro' his policy shall cause c. to prosper Mark 14. 1. take him by c. and put him to death Acts IS.S.because he was of the same c. abode with 19. 25. ye know that by this e. we have wealth 27. so that not only this our c. is in danger Rev. 18. 22. no craftsman of whatsoever c. he be CRAFTILY. Judg. 9. t 31 he sent messengers to Abimelech c. CRE CRAFTINESS. Job 5.13. he taketh the wise in their c. ICor. 3. 19. Luke 20. 23. but he perceived their c. and said 2Cor. 4. 2. notwalkingine.nor handling the-Word Eph. 4. 14. we be no more carried by cunning e. CRAFTY. Job 5. 12. he disappointed the devices of the e. 15. 5. and thou clioosest the tongue of the c. Ps. 83. 3. have taken c. counsel against thy people ■iCor. 12. 16. being c. 1 caught you with guile CRAFTSMAN. Deui. 27. 15. the work of the hands of the e. Rev. 18. 22. no c. shall be found any more in thee CRAFTSMEN. 2Kings 24.14.carried away all the e. and smiths,16. IChron. 4. 14. of Charashim, for they were c. JV'eA. 11. 35. Lod and Ono, the valley of e. Has. 13. 2. molten images, all of it the work ofc. Acts 19. 24. Demetrius brought no small gain toe. 38. if the c. have a matter against any man CRAG. Job 39. 28. the eagle abideth on the c. of the rock CRANE. Isa. 38. 14. like a e. or swallow so did I chatter Jer. 8. 7. c. and swallow observe the time of coming CRASHING. Zeph. 1. 10. there shall be a great e. from the hilla CRAVED. Marie 15.43. Joseph werft in, and e. thebody of Jes. CRAVETH. Prov. 16. 26. labours for himself, his mouth c. it CREATE Signifies, [1] To make out of nothing, to bring being out of non-entity. Gen. 1. 1. [2] To change the form, state, and situation of matter , which is wholly indisposed for such a change, and requires as great poioer as to make out of nothing. Gen. 1. 21. | 2.19. [3] To give and work grace where it is not, Eph. "2. 10. [4] To cleanse the heart more and more from its natural corruption by the power of sanctifying grace, Psal. 51. 10. JSTum. 16. t 30. but if the Lord e. a creature Psal. 51. 10. c. in me a clean heart, O God, renew Isa.i.5. c. on every dwelling-place of Zion a cloud 45. 7. I form the light and c. darkness, I c. evil 57. 19. 1 c. the fruit of the lips, peace to him 65. 17. behold, I e. new heavens and anew earth 18. be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I c. CREATED. Gen. 1. 1. in the beginning God c. heaven and earth 21. God c. great whales and every living creature 27. so Godc. man in his own image, in the image of God, male and female c. he them, 5. 2. 2. 3. in it he had rested from all he c. and made 6. 7. Lord said, I will destroy man whom Ihavec. Deut. 4. 32. sincetheday God c. manon the earth Psal. 89. 12. the north and south thou hast e. them 102. 18. people which shall be c. shall praise Lord 104. 30. thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are c. 148. 5. for he commanded, and they were c. Isa. 40. 26. behold who hath e. these things 41. 20. and the holy One of Israel hath e. it 42. 5. saith Lord, he that c. the heavens 43. 1. the L. that c. t hee, O Jacob, and formed thee 7. havee. himformy glory, yea, I have made him 45. 8. let the earth open, I the Lord have c. it 12. I have made the earth, and c. man upon it 18. he hath established it, c. it not in vain 48. 7. they are c. now, and not from the beginning 54. 16. I have c. the smith, I have e. the waster Jer. 31. 22. for the Lord hath c. anew thing in earth Ezek. 21. 30. I will judge thee where thou wast e. 28. 13. prepared in the day that thou wast e. 15. wast perfect from the day that thou wast c. Mai. 2. 10. have one father, hath not one God c. ua? Mark 13.19. from beginning of creat. which God c. ICor. 11. 9. neither was the man c. for the woman Eph. 2. lO.we are his workmanship c. in Chr. .lesus 3. 9. hid in God, whoc. all things by Jesus Christ 4. 24. the new man, after God e. in righteousness Col. 1. 16. for by him were all tilings e. in heaven, all things were e. by hirn,and for him 3. 10. new man after the image of him that e. him 1 Tim. 4. 3. from meats, which God c. to be rereived i?c«.4.11. thou art worthy, for thou hast e.all things, and for thy pleasure they are, and were c. 10. 6.whoe. heaven and the tliingsthat therein are CREATETH. Amos 4.13.he that e. the wind, (he Lord is his name CREATION. Mark 10.6. from thee. God made male and female 13. 19. as was not from the beginning of the c. /?o7n.l.20. things of him from the r. are clearly seen 8. 22. for we know that the whole e. groaneth 2Pet. 3.4. things continue as they were from the c. Rev. 3. 14. tlie Amen, the beginning of the c. of God CREATOR. EecM2.1. remember thy c. in the days of thy youth Isa. 40.28. theLord, the c.oflhe ends of the earth CRl Isa. 43. 15. 1 am the Lord, the c. of Israel, your k. 7iom. 1.25. who served the creature more than the c. 1 Fet. 4. 19. to him mi well-doing as to a faithful c. CREATURE. Ocn. 1. 20. let waters hring forth the moving c. L,ev. 11. 46. this is the law of every c. that moveth J^um. 16. 1 30. if the Lord create a new c. Mark 16. 15. preach the gospel to every c. Cul. 1.23. RoviS.Vi. the earnest expectation of thee, waiteth 20. for the c. was made suhject to vanity 21. the c. shall be delivered from tho bondage t22. that every c.groaneth and Iravailethinpain 39. nor any c. shall be able to separate us 2 Cor. 5. 17. if any man be in Christ, he is a new c. Gal. 6. 15. nor uncircumcision, but a new c. Col. 1. 1.5. who is the first-born of every c. 1 Tim. 4. 4. for every c. of God is good, if it be Heb. 4. 13. nor is there any c. that is not manifest iieB.5.13.everv heaven heard I,saying,blessing LUying CREATURE. Gen. 1. 21. and God created every living c. 24.God said, let the earth bring forth the living c. 2. 19. whatsoever Adam called every living c. 9. 10. establish my covenant with every living c. 12. the token between me and every living c. 15. Lev. 11. 46. the law of every living c. that moveth £zeA.1.20.9pirit o( living c. was within, 21. 1 10.17. 10. 15. the living c. that I saw by river Chebar,20. CREATURES. Isa. 13. 21. their houses shall be full of doleful e. »/om. 1. 18. should be a kind of first- fruits of his c. Rev. 8. 9. a third part of the c. in the sea died jLiving CREATURES. Ezek. 1. 5. came the likeness of four living c. 13. it went up arid down among the living c. 14. living c. ran, and returned as lightning 15. as 1 beheld living cone wheel by living c. 19. when the living c. went, the wheels went 3. 13. I heard noise of the wings of the living c. CREDITOR. Dcut. 15. 2. every c. that lendeth shall release it lSa7n.22.t2. every one that had a c. wentto David 2 Kings 4. I.e. is come to take my two sons bond. 4. t7. he said, go, sell the oil, and pay the c. Luke 7. 41. there was a certain c. who had two CREDITORS. [debtors Isa. 50. 1. to which of my c. have I sold you 7 CREEK, S. Judg. 5. 1 17. Asher continued on the c. and abode ^cts 27.39.they discovered a certain c.with a shore CREEP. Lev. 1 1 . 31 . these are unci, to you among all that c. Psal. 104. 20. the beasts of the forest do c. forth 2 Tim. 3. 6. of this sort are they who c. into houses CREEPETH. Oen.l. 25. G. made every thing that c. on earth, 26. t28. have dominion over every liv. thing that c. 30. have given to every thing c. herb for meat 7. 8. every thing that c. went in two and two, 14. 21. all flesh died of every thing that c. on earth 8. 17. bring forth with thee every thing that c. 19. whatsoever c. on the earth went out of ark Lev. 11. 41. every creeping thing that c. on the earth shall be an abomination, 43, 44. | 20.25. Deut.i. 18. likeness of any thing thatc. on ground Psal. 69. 1 34. let every thing that c. praise him CREEPING. Oen. 1. t 20. let waters bring forth c. creature 26. let them have dominion over every c. thing 7. 14. every c. thing after his kind went into ark Lev. 5. 2. if touch the carcase of unclean c. things 11. 21. yet these may ye eat, of every c. thing 22. 5. or whosoever toucheth any c. thing Deut. 14. 19. every c. thing that flieth is unclean 1 Kings 4. 33. spake of beasts, c. things and fishes Psal. 104. 25. in the sea are c. things innumerable 148. 10. all cattle, c. things praise the Lord Kzeh. 8. 10. form of c. things pourtrayed on wall 38. 20. all c. things shall shake at my presence f/os.2.18. 1 will make a covenant with the c.things Mid. 1 17. move out of their holes like c. things Hab. 1. 14. and maketh men as the e. things Jicts 10. 12. Peter saw c. things and fowls, 11. 6. Rom. 1.23. into an image made like to c. things CREPT. Jade 4. for there are certain men c. in unawares CREW. Mat. 26. 74. 1 know not the man, and immediately the cock c. Mark 14. 68. Luke 22. 60. Mark 14.72. the second time the cock c. John 18.27. CRIB. Job 39. 9. will the unicorn abide by thy c? Prov. 14. 4. where no o.xen are the c. is clean Isa. 1. 3. and the ass knoweth his master's c. Cried, .S'm after Crv. CRIME, S. ./oJ31. 11. this is a heinous c. yea it is an iniquity Ezr.k. 7. 23. for the land is full of bloody r.. and the .9rts answer concerning c.laid against him 27. and not to signify I he c. laid against him 103 CRO CRIMSON. .Some think that it is the same with scarlet ; others that it is of a deeper dye. In the Hebrew it is called Tolahat Shani ; that is, the double worm, or the worm Shani ; as (/Shani were the proper name of this worm: In the Arabic it is called Kermes, or Karmes; whence comes the word crimson, because they made use of these little worms to dye this colour. The Kermes is a sinall round shell, membraneous, thin, smooth, and shilling ; of a reddish brown col our, mixed with a whitish ash colour, about a quarter of an inch diameter, generally divided into two unequal cavities, the greatest of which is full of a vast number of little oval eggs, very red, or vermilion ; and the smaller cavity is full of a kind of liquor, which is red likewise, and not much different frorn blood. This cod, or shell, grows upon a kind of green oak, that grows only to the height of a shrub. These shrubs are found in Palestine, in Provence, i7J Lan guedoc, in Spain, and elsewhere. They loosen these cods, or shells, from the leaves to which they are fastened, and the worms of which they arc full come out of the hole made by taking them from the leaf ; they separate these little animals from the shells with a sieve, and put them together by pressing them lightly, and make thcminto balls of the size of apullet's egg. 2 Chron. 2. 7. send a man cunning to work in c. 14. 3. 14. he made the vail of blue, c. and fine linen Tsa.l.lS.thoughyoursins be red like c. they shall be Jer. 4. 30. though thou clothest thyself with c. CRIPPLE. .Sets 14. 8. being a c. from his mother's womb CRISPING-PINS. Isa. 3.22. Lord will take away the mantles and c CROOK-BACKED. Lev. 21. 20. a man that is c. shall not approach CROOKED. Deut. 32. 5. they are a perverse and c. generation Judg. 5. 1 6. the travellers walked through c. ways .lob 26. 13. his hand hath formed tho c. serpent Ps. 125. 5. as for such as turn aside to their c. ways Prov. 2. 15. whose ways are c. and they froward Ecc/.1.15. what is c. cannot be made straight,7.13. Isa. 27. 1. shall punish Leviathan, that c. serpent 40. 4. c. shall be made straight, 42. 16. Luke 3. 5. 45. 2. I will go and make the c. places straight 59. 8. no judgment, thoy have made them c. paths Lam. 3. 9. he inclosed, he hath made my paths c. Phil.H. 15. the sons of God, in midst of a c. nation CROP. Lev. 1. 16. shall pluck away his c.with his feathers CROP, Verb. Ezek. 17. 22. 1 will e. off from the top of his twigs CROPPED. Ezek. 17. 4. he c. off the top of his young twigs CROSS. By the word cross is understood a gibbet made of two pieces of wood put across ; whether they cross with right angles at the top, as a T. or in the middle of their length like an X. The cross was the punishment ofthevilest slaves,andwas called a servile punishment; This punishment our Saviour underwent. Mat. 27.35. Phil. 2. 8. This penallywas so common amvngtheJloma.ns, that pains, afflictions, troubles, and unprosper- ous affairs were called crosses ; and the verb cruciare was used fur all sorts of chastisements, andpains of body and mind. See Punish.ment. Our Saviour says often in his gospel, that he who would be his disciple, must take up his cross and follow him, Mat. 16. 24. He must submit readily to whatsoever afflictions God lays upon him, or any suffering that befalls him in the service of God, even todcathilself. Cross is taken for the lehole of Christ's suf- ferings, from his birth to his death, but espe- cially those upon the tree, Eph. 2. 16. Heb. 12. 2. Jlndfor the doctrine of the gospel; that is, of salvation through Christ crucified, 1 Cor. 1.18. False teachers, who pressed the obser- vation of the lata of Moses, as necessary to salvation, besides faith in Christ, are called enemies of the cross of Christ, Phil. 3. 18. be- cause by such doctrine they did really oppose and undermine the power and merit of Christ's passion, and sought to avoid persecution, which they would have been exposed to, had they preached salvation only by Christ cruci- fied, as the apostle Paul was, Gal. 5. 11. To crucify, is not only taken for putting tn death on a cross. Mat. 27. 35. btit also for the subduing and mortifying sin; for breaking the strength, and suppressing the motions and breakings out, of corrupt nature, Gal. 5. 24, They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh. Christ's death on the cross has not only merited reconciliation with God, but is also CRO made effectual to mortify and subdue the lusts of the fiesh. Gal. 2. 20, I am crucified with Christ. It is said of them, who fur some time have made prof ession of religion, and after- wards turn apostates, that they crucHy to themselves the Son of God afresh, Beb. 0. 6. that is. They shew themselves to be of the same opinion with those that did crucify Christ, and would do it again, were it in their power. The apostle tells the Galatians, that Christ Jesus had been evidently set forth crucified among them. Gal. 3. 1. They had been as fully ajid clearly informed of the nature and design of Christ's sufferings, as if all had been transacted in their sight. Mat. 10. 38. he that taketh not his c. Luke 14. 27. 16. 24. let him deny himself, take up his c. and follow me, Mark 8. 34. | 10. 21. Luke 9. 23. 27. 32. they found Simon, him they compelled to bear his c. Mark 15. 21. Luke 23. 26. 40. saymg, if thou be the Son of God, come down from the c. 42. Mark 15. 30, 32. John 19. 17. he bearing his c. went forth to a place 19. Pilale wrote a title, and put it on the c. 25. there stood by the c. of Jesus his mother 31. bodies should not remain on the c. on sabbath 1 Cor. 1. 17. lest c. of Christ be made of none effect 18. preaching of the c. is to them foolishness Gal. 5. 11. then is the offence of the c. ceased 6. 12. lest they suffer persecution for the c. of Chr. 14. God forbid that I should glory, save in the c. Eph. 2. 16. reconcile both in one body by the c. Phil. 2. 8. he became obedient to the death of the c. 3. 18. that they are enemies of the e. of Christ Col. 1.20. having made peace thro' the blood of c. 2. 14. and took it out of the way, nailing it to hisc. He*. 12. 2. for the joy set before him,endured the c. CROSS-WAY. Obad. 14. norshouldest thou have stood in the c. CROUCH. 1 Sam. 2. 36. shall come and c. to him for a piece CROUCHETH. Psal. 10. 10. he c. and humbleth himself, that poor Crow, Crowing. Sec Cock. CROWN Is properly taken for a cap of state worn on the heads of sovereign princes, 1 Chr. 20. 2. But in a figurative sense it signifies honour, splen- dour, or dignity. Lam. 5. 16, The crown is fallen from our head. Jlnd the apostle says of the Philippians, that they were his joy and crown, Phil. 4. 1. They were his honour and glory, the great ornament of his ministry, by means whereof they had been converted to Christ. It is used likewise foriewdT(i,bccause conquerors in the public games were crowned, 1 Cor. 9. 25, They do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible: that is, the wrestlers in those games which are practised among you, contendin order to obtain a wreath, or garland of flowers, herbs, or leaves of laurel, olive, and the like ; but we Christians strive for an in- heritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadcth not aioay, reserved in heaven for us. St. John, speaking of Christ governing the affairs of his church, says, that on his head were many crowns, Rev. 19. 12. noting his absolute sovereignty, and many triumphs. A crown is a sign of victory. Rev. 4. 4. The high-priest among the Jews wore a crown, whicli girt about his mitre, or lower part of his bonnet, and was tied behind his head. On the forepart was a plate of gold, with these words engraven on it, Holiness to the Lord, Ezod. 28. 36. | 29. 6. JVcw married men and women wore crowns upon their wedding-day. Cant. 3. 11. The spouse invites her companions to see /.'ran- Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his es- pousals ; and alluding to this custom, it is said, Ezek. 10. 12. that when God entered into covenant with the Jewish nation, he put a beautiful crown upon their head. Ezod. 25.25. shall make a golden c. to the border 29. 6. and put tho holy e. upon the mitre 30. 4. make golden rings to it under the c. 37. 27. 39. 30. made the plate of the c. of pure gold Lev. 8. 9. upon his forefront he put the holy c. 21. 12. the c. of the anointing oil is upon him 2 Kings 11.12. put the c. upon Joash, 2 Chr. 23. 11 Esfh. 1. 11. to bring Vashti with the c. royal ,Tob 31. 36. surely I would bind it as a c. to me Psal.SO. 39. thou hast profaned his c. by casting it 132. 18. but upon himself shall his c. flourish Prov. 4. 9. a c. of glory shall she deliver to thee 12. 4. a virtuous woman is a e. to her husband 14. 24. the c. of the wise is their riches 16. 31. the hoary head is a c. of glory if found in 17. 6. children's children are the c. of old men 27. 24. doth the c. endure to every generation ^ CRU Cant. 3. 11. go forth, behold king Solomon with c Jsa. 2d. 1. woe to the c. of pride, to the drunkards 5. that day Lord of hosts shall be lor a c. of glory 62. 3. thou shalt also be a c. of glory in the hand of Jer. 13. 18. the c. u»V your glory shall come down Ezek. 21. 26. remu'v the diadem, take oil' the c. Zech. 9. 10. they shall be as the stones of a c. lifted Jukn 19.5. Jesus wearing a c. of thorns, and purple 1 Cor. 9. 25. they do it to obtain a corruptible c. /'Ai7.4.1. dearly belov. and longed for, my joy and c. 1 7'Aess.2.19. for what is our hope, or c. of rejoicing ayV/n. 4.8. there is laid up for me ac. of righteous. Jam. 1. 12. he shall receive c. of life Lord promised 1 Pet. 5. 4. ye shall receive a c. of glory fadeth not Rev. 2. 10. liiithful to death, I will give a c. of life 3. 11. hold that fast, that no man take thy c 6. 2. a c. given to him, and went forth conquering CROWN of gold. Ezod. 25. 11. thou shalt make upon it a c. of gold round about, 24. | 30. 3. 1 37. 2, 1], 12, 26 £stA.8.15.Mordecai went out with a great c.u/^»Z(^ i'sui.21.3. thou settest a c. of pure gold on hia head CROWN with head. Gen.49. 26. they shall be on the c. of Joseph's head Z)eat.33.20. leareth the arm with the c. of the head 2 Sam. 1. 10. I took the c. that was upon his head 12. 30. took king's c. from his head, 1 Chr. 20. 2. 14.25. from the sole even to c. of his head. Job 2.7. Estk. 2. 17. the king set the royal c. on her head 6. 8. the c. royal which is set upon his head Job 19. 9. he hath taken the c. from my head Isa.2.11. Lord will smite with a scab tlie c. ot'head Jer. 2. 16. have broken the c. of thy head 48. 45. the c. of the head of the tumultuous ones JLam.5. 16. the c. is fallen from our Aead, woe to us Ezck. 16. 12. I put a beautiful c. on thine head Mat. 27. 29. they plaited a c. of thorns, and put it on his head, Mark 15. 17. John 19. 2. Rev. 12. 1. and upon her head a c. of twelve stars 14. 14. having on his head a golden c. and a sickle CROWN, Verb. Psal. 5. 1 12. with favour wilt thou c. him, as with CROWNED. Piai. 8.5. thou hast c. him with glory aiid honour Prov. 14. 18. the prudent are c. with knowledge Can£.3. 11. the crown wherewith his mother c. him J^ali. 3. 17. thy c. are as locusts, and thy captains 2 Tim. 2. 5. he is not c. except he strive lawfully Heb. 2. 9. we see Jesus c. with glory and honour CROWNEDST. Heb. 2. 7. thou c. him with glory and honour CROWNEST. Psal. 65. 11. thou c. the year with thy goodness CROWxVETH. Psal. 103. 4 who c. thee with loving-kindness CROWNING. Isa. 23. 8. taken counsel against Tyre the c. city CROWNS. 1 Chron. 2. f 54. the c. of the house of Joab Eiek.22. 42. which put beautiful c. on their heads Zech. 6. 11. make c. \\ 14. the c. shall be to Helem Hev. 4. 4. the elders had on their heads c. of gold lO.and they cast their c. before the throne, saying 9. 7. on the locusts' heads were c. like gold 12. 3. a red dragon having seven c. on his heads 13. 1. a beast rise up, having upon his horns ten c. 19. 12. and on his head were many c. CRUCIFY. Mat. 20. 19. shall deliver him to Gentiles to c. him 23.34.6omeof them ye shall kill, and c. and scourge 27. 31. they led him away to c. him, Mark 15. 20. Mark 15. 13. and they cried out again, c. him, 14. 27. and with him they c. two thieves, the one 7,ut(;23.21. they cried c. hini, c. him, JoAn 19.0,15. Heb. 6. 6. they c. to themselves the Son of God CRUCIFIED. [afresh J/<2(.26.2.Son ofMan is betrayed to be c.7.u/cc24.7. 27. 22. they all said unto hira, let him be c.23. 20. Pilate delivered him to be c. John 19. 16. 35. c. him and parted his garments, .Tokn 19. 23. 38. there were there two thieves c. with him, 44. Mark 15. 32. Lake 23. 33. John 19. 18. 28..5. 1 know ye seek Jesus who was c. Mark 16.6. John 19. 20. for the place where Jesus was c. 41. .Bets 2. 23. by wicked hands ye have c. and slain 36. made Jesus, whom ye c. L. and C. 4. 10. Rom. 6. 6. knowing that our old man is c. with him 1 Cor. 1. 13. is Christ divided? was Paul c. for you? 23. we preach C. c. unto the Jews a stumbling 2. 2. know any thing, save Jesus C. and him c. 8. lliey would not have c. the Lord of glory 2 Cor.13.4. for tho' he was c. through weakness, yet Oal. 2. 20. 1 am c. with Christ, nevertheless, 1 live 3. 1. Christ hath been set forth, c. among you 5. 24. they that are Christ's have c. the flesh with 6. 14. by whom the woild is c. to me, I to world Rev. 11. 8. and Egypt, where also our Lord was c. CRUEL. Gen. 49. 7. curseil be their wrath, for it was c. Ezod. 6. 9. but they hearkened not for c. bondage 104 CRY CRY DezU. 32. 33. their wine as the c. venom of asps I Ps.88. 2. G. of my salv. incline thine ear unto my e. Job 30. 21. thou art become c. to me, thou opposest 102.1. hear, O Lord, and let my c. come unto Ihea Psal, 25. 19. mine enemies hate me with c. hatred | 106. 44. he regarded, when he heard their c. 71. 4. deliver me but of the hand of the c. man Prov. 5. 9. lest thou give thy years to the c. 11. 17. but he that is c. troubleth his own flesh 12. 10. but the tender mercies of the wicked are c. 17. 11. a c. messenger shall be sent against him 27. 4. wrath is c. || Cant. 8. 6. jealousy is c. Isa. 13. 9. behold, the day of the Lord coraelh, c. 19. 4. the Egyptians will I give over to a c. lord Jer. 6. 23. they are c. and have no mercy, 50. 42. 30. 14. wounded with chastisement of a c. one Lam. 4. 3. the daughter of my people is become c. Heb. 11. 36. others had trial of c. mockings CRUELLY. Ezek. 18. 18. because he c. oppressed, he shall die CRUELTY. GeB.49.5. instruments of c. are in their habitations Judg. 9. 24. the c. done to the sons of Jerubbaal Psal. 27. 12. such as breathe out c. are risen up 74. 20. dark places are full of the habitations of c. Prov. 27. t 4. wrath is c. anger is outrageous Ezek. 34. 4. with force and c. have ye ruled them CRUMBS. Mat. 15. 27. the dogs eat of the c. Mark 7. 28. Luke 16. 21. to be fed with c. which fell from rich CRUSE. 1 Sam. 26. 1 1. take spear and c. of water let us 12. so David took the spear and the c. 16. 1 Kings 14. 3. take with thee a c. of honey and go 17. 12. she said, I have but a little oil in a c. 14. nor c. of oil fail, till the Lord send rain, 16. 19. 6. Elijah had a c. of water at his head 2Kings 2.20.bring me a new c. and put salt therein CRUSH. Job 39. 15. ostrich forgelteth her foot may c. them jt,am.l.l5.assembly against me to c. my young men 3. 34. toe. under his feet all the prisoners of earth Amos 4. 1. ye kine of Bashan which c. the needy CRUSHED, CRUSHT. Lev. 22. 24. ye shall not offer to the Lord what is c. J^um. 22. 25. the ass c. Balaam's foot against wall Deut. 28. 33. shalt be only oppressed and c. alvvay Judg. 10. 1 8. the Philistines c. the children of Isr. 2 Chr. 16. 1 10. Asa c.some of the people same time Job 4. 19. in the dust, w hich are c. before the moth 5. 4. his children far from safety are c. in the gate 20. 1 19. because he hath c. and forsaken the poor 34. 125. he overturneth them, so that they are c. Isa. 59.5. that which isc. breaketh out into a viper Jer. 51. 34. Nebuchadnezzar the king hath c. me CRY Is taken for a loud extending of the voice, Eccl. 9. 17. Mat. 21. 15. Jllso for weeping, mourning, and lamentation, Exod. 11. 6. | 12. 30. In the Psalms, and elsewhcre,it is often put for fervent and earnest prayer, cither with the voice, or in the heart only, Psal. 17. 1, Attend unto my cry. Exod. 14. 15, God says to Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? though as yet Moses had said nothing. To cry, likewise signifies, to call to Oodfor vengeance. Gen. 4. 10. Sins are said to cry, when they are gross, manifest, and im- pudent, and such as highly provoke God to anger ; thus the cry of the sins and irregula- rities of Sodom ascended up to heaven, and called for vengeance. Gen. 18. 20. I looked for righteousness, but behold a cry, Isa. 5. 7. The cry of the oppressed, praying for help from men, and vengeance from Goii upon their op- pressors. The prophets, by prosopopeias, frc- quently make beasts, trees, mountains, lands, and cities, to speak. The young ravens cry, and speak their wants to God after their manner, Psal. 147. 9. See Isa. 15. 4. | 34. 14. Joel 1. 20. Gen. 18. 21. according to the c. which is come up Exod. 2. 23. and their c. came up unto God, 3. 9. 3. 7. I have heard their c. I know their sorrows JVum. IG. 34. and all Israel fled at the c. of them Judg. 4. 1 13. Sisera gathered by c. all his chariots 1 Sam. 5. 12. the c. of the city went up to heaven 9. 16. because their c. is come up unto me 2 Sam. 22. 7. and my c. did enter into his ears IKings 8.28. to hearken to the c. and to the prayer which thy servant prayeth, 2 Chron. C. 19. JVfeA. 5. 6. I was angry when I heard their c. 9. 9. thou heardest their c. by the Red Sea Esth. 4. 1. Mordecai cried with a loud and bitter c. 9. 31. the matters of their fastings and their c. Job 16. 18. O earth, let my c. have no place 34,28. so that they cause the c. of the poor to come to him, he heareth the c. of the afflicted Ps.^>.2. hearken to voice of my King, my God 9. 12. he forgetteth not the c. of the humble 17. 1. hear the right, O Lord, attend unto my c. 18. 6. my c. came before him, even into his ears 34. 1.5. and his ears are open to their c. 39. 12. hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my c. 40. 1. he inclined unto me, and heard my c. 119. 169. let my c. come near before thee, O Lord 142. 6. attend to my c. 1 am brought very low Prov. 21. 13. who stoppeth his ears at the c. of i)oor Eccl. 9. 17. more than the c. of him that ruleth Isa. 5. 7. he looked for righteousness, behold a c. 15. 5. they shall raise up a c. of destruction 8. the c. isgone roundabout the bordersofMoab 30. 19. he will be gracious at the voice of thy c. 43. 14. the Chaldeans, whose c. is in the ships Jer. 7. 16. nor lift up c. nor prayer fur them, 11. 14. 8. 19. behold the voice of the c. of my people 14. 2. and the c. of Jerusalem is gone up 18. 22. let a c. be heard from their houses 25. 36. the c. of the shepherds shall be heard 46. 12. and thy c. hath tilled the land 48. 4. her little ones have caused a c. to be heard 5. the enemies have heard a c. of destruction 49. 21. the eartli is moved at the c. of Edoin 50. 46. the c. is heard at tho taking of Babylon 51. 54. a sound of a c. cometh from Babylon Lam. 3. 56. hast heard, hide not thine ear at my c. Ezek. 27. 28. the suburbs shake at the c. of pilots Zeph. 1. 10. there shall be a c. from the fish-gate Mat.25.Q. at midnight there was a c. made, behold Great CRY. Gen.18.20. because the c. of Sodom is £'rea J, 19.13. 27. 34. Esau cried with a great and oitter c. Exod.11.6. there shall be a great e. through Egypt 12. 30. Pharaoh rose, there was a great Egypt ^■0^.5.1. was great c. of the peojile and their wivts jlcts 23.9. when he so said, there arose agnate. Hear CRY. Ezod. 22.23. if they cry, I will surely Acar their c. Job 27. 9. will God hear his c. when trouble comes Psal. 61. 1. hear my c. O God, attend to my prayer 145. 19. he also will hear their c. and save them Jer. 20. 16. let him hear the c. in the morning JVot hear CRY. Jer. 14. 12. when they fast, I will not hear their c. CRIES. Jam. 5. 4. the c. of thera that reaped are entered CRY, f^erb. Exod. 5. 8. for they are idle, therefore they c. 22. 2.3. if thou afflict them, and they e. unto me 32. 18. neither is it the voice of them that c. Z-eu. 13.45. shall cover his upper lip, and c. unclean ■ludg. 10. 14. go c. to the gods ye have chosen 2 Sam.VJ. 28. what right have I yet to c. to the king 2 Kings 8. 3. she went to c. for her house and land 2 CAr. 20. 9. and c. in our affliction, thou wilt hear Job 30. 20. I c. unto thee, and thou dost not hear 24. though they c. in his destruction 35. 9. they make the oppressed to c. they c. out 12. there they c. but none giveth answer, because 36. 13. they c. not when he bindeth them 38.41. when his young ones God, they wander Psal. 22. 2. I c. in the day time, thou hearest not 27. 7. hear, O Lord, when I c. with my voice,28.2. 28. 1. to thee will I c. O Lord, my rock, 2. 34. 17. the righteous c. and the Lord heareth 56. 9. when I c. then shall mine enemies turn back 57. 2. 1 will c. to God most high, that perlbrmeth CI. 2. from the end of the earth will I c. unto thee 86. 3. be merciful to me, O Lord, for I c. to thee 89. 26. he shall c. unto me, thou art my father 141. 1. Lord, I c. unto thee, make haste unto mo 147. 9. he giveth food to young ravens which c. Prov. 8. 1. doth not wisdom c. and understanding 21. 13. he also shall c. but shall not be heard Isa.S. 4. before the child shall know to c. my father 10.t30.c.shrill with thy voice, O daught. of Gallim 13. 22. the wild beasts of the island shall c. 14. 31. c. O city, thou Palestina, art dissolved 15. 4. and Heshbon shall c. ami Elealeh 33. 7. behold their valiant ones shall c. without 34. 14. and the satyr shall c. to his fellow 40. 2. c, to Jerusalem, her warfare accomplished 6. the voice said, c. and he said, what shall I c? 42. 2. he .shall not c.nor cause his voice to be heard 13. he shall c. yea, prevail against his enemies 14. now will I c. like a travailing woman 46. 7. one shall c. to him, yet can he not answer 58. 9. thou shalt c. and he shall say, here I am 65.14. but ye shall c. for sorrow of heart, and howl Jer. 2. 2. "o and c. in the ears of Jerusalem 3. 4. wilt thou not from this time c. unto me 4. 5. blow ye the trumpet in the land, c. gather 11. 11. though they e. to me, I will not hearken 12. c. to the gods to whom they offer incense 14. for I will not hear when they c. Ezek. 8. 18. 22. 20. go up to Lebanon, and c. from the passages 25.34. howl ye shepherds and c. 48.20. Ezek.'il.l2. 31. 6. the watchmen on mount Ephraim shall c. Lam. 3. 8. when I c. and sshout he shutteth out my Ezek. 9. 4. that c. for all the abominations done in 24. 17. forbear to c. make no mourning for dead 26. 13. the isles shake, when the wounded c. CRI Ezek. 27. 30. and they eliall c. bitterly for Tyrua f/os. 8. 2. Israel shall c. unto rae, we know thee Joel 1. 19. O Lord, to thee will I c. lor the fire 20. the beasts of the lield c. also unto thee JonaJt 3. 8. let man and beast c. mightily unto God jyfic.3.5. prophets bite with their teeth, and c. peace JVah. 2. 8. stand, shall they c. but none look back Zeph. 1. 14. the mighty men shall c. bitterly Zcch. 1. 14. the angel said unto nie, c. thou, saying Mat. 12. 19. he shall not strive, nor c. nor shall any jAike 18.7. shall notGod avenge his elect, who Rom. 8. 15. the Spirit, w hereby we c. Abba, Father Gai.4.27.bveak tbtth and c.thou that travailest not CRY aa-ainst. Deut. 15. 9. and he c. to the Lord ag. thee, 24. ]5. 2 Chron. 13. 12. his priests to c. alarm against you Job 31. 38. if my land c. against me, or the furrows Jonah 1. 2. arise, go to Mineveh, and c. against it CRY aloud. 1 Kings 18. 27. filijah said, c. aloud, for he is a god Job 19. 7. I c. aloud, but there is no judgment Psal. 55. 17. at noon will I pray and c. aloud Isa. 24. 14. they shall c. aloud from the sea 54. 1. sing, break forth into singing, and c. aloud 58. 1. c. aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a ilos.5. 8. trumpet in Ramah, c. aloud at Beth-aven JUic. 4. 9. why dost thou c. aloud ? is there no kin, CRY to the Lord. I Sam. 7. 8. cease not to c. unto the Lord for us Psal. 107. 19. they c. to the Lord in trouble, 28. /sa.l9.20.they shall c. to Ld. because of oppressors Joel 1. 14. sanctify ye a fast, and c. to the Lord Mic.Z. 4. shall c. to the Lord, but he will not hear CRY out. 1 Sam. 2. t24. ye make the Lord's people to c. out 4.tl9. Phinehas' wife was with child, near to c.out 8. 18 ye shall c. out that day, because of your k. Job 19. 7. 1 0. out of wrong, but I am not heard 35. 9. they c. out by reason of the arm of mighty /5a. 12. 6. c.out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion 15. 4. the armed soldiers of Moab shall c. out 5. my heart shall c. out for Moab, his fugitives 29. 9. stay yourselves and wonder, c. out and cry Jer. 48. 31. I will howl, and c. out for all Moab Lam. 2. 19. arise, c.out in the night, in the watches Amos 3. 4. will a young lion c. out of his deni Hab. 1. 2. I c. out to thee, but thou wilt not save 2. 11. for the stone shall c out of the wall Mark 10.47. he began to c.out and say, have mercy Luke 19. 40. the stones would immediately c. out CRIED. Oen. 27. 34. Esau c. with a great and bitter cry 39. 15. he heard that I lifted up my voice and c. 41. 43. and they c. before him, bow the knee 55. people e. to Pharaoh for bread, go to Joseph 45. 1. he c. cause every man to go out from me F.zod. 5. 15. the officers came and c. to Pharaoh JVum. 11. 2. the people c. to Moses, and he prayed />eu<.22.24. stone them, the damsel, bee. she c. not 27. the damsel c. and there was none to save her Judg. 5. 28. Sisera's mother c. through the lattice 7. 21. and all the host ran and c. and fled 10. 12. and ye c. to me, and I delivered you 15. 1 19. called Ihe name the well of him that c. 1 Sam. 14.t20. Saul and the people were c.together 17. 8. he stood and c. to the armies of Israel 20. 37. Jonathan c. after the lad, and said, 38. 2 Sam. 20. 16. then c. a wise woman out of the city 52. 7. 1 c. to my God, and he did hear ray voice 1 Kings 13. 2. he c. ag. the altar in Beth-el, 4. 32. IP. 28. ar)d they c. aloud, and cut themselves 2 Kings 2. 12. Elisha saw it, and c. my father, my 3. t21. all the Moabites wero c. together 6. 5. he c. alas, master, for it was borrowed 8. 5. the woman c. to the king for her house 11. 14. and AthaUah c. treason, treason 1 Chron. 5. 20. they c. to God in the battle, and he 2 Ckron. 32. 20. Isaiah prayed and c. to heaven JWA. 9. 27. when they c. to thoe thou heardest, 28. Job YI. t 14. I have c. to corruption, my father 29. 12. because I delivered the poor that c. 30. 5. Ihey e. after them, as after a thief Psal. 18. 6. in my distress I c. unto my God 41. Ihey c. but there was none to save them 22. 5. they c. to thee and were, delivered 24. but when he c. unto him he heard 30. 2. 0 Lord my God, I c. to thee,and hnst liealed 8. I c. to thee, O Lord, and made supplication 31.22. heardest my supplications when I do thee 34. G. this poor man c. and the Lord heard him 66. 17. I c. unto him with my mouth, 77. 1. 88. 1. O Lord, I have c. day and night before thee 13. unto thee have I c. O Lord, in the morning 119. 145. I c. with my whole heart, hear me 130. 1. out of the depths have \c. to thee, OLord 138.3. in the day when I c. thou answeredst me /»a. Ihe multituffe followed, c. away with him 105 ■ Q CRY Eiek. 9. 8. that I fell on my face and c. and said 10. J3. it was c. to them in my hearing, O wheel Dan. 6. 20. he c. with a lamentable voice, O Dan. Hus. 7. 14. they have not c. to me with their heart Jonah 1. 5. the mariners c. every man to his god 2. 2. 1 c. by reason of mine affliction, to the Lord, and he heard me ; out of the belly of hell c. J Zech.'i.Vi. that as he c. and they would not hear, so they c. and I would not hear, sailh L. of hosts Mat. 14. 30. Peter c. saying. Lord save me 20.31. but they c. the more, saying, have mercy on us, O Lord, Mark 10. 48. Luke 18. 39. Mark 9. 26. the spirit c. and rent him sore .Johnl. 37. Jesus c. if any man thirst, let bim come Acts 19.32. some cone thing, some another, 21.34. 22. 24. might know wheref. they c. so against him ii6'D.10.3.when he c. seven thunders uttered voices 12. 2. and she being with child, c. travailing in 14. 18. c. with a loud cry to him that had sickle 18. 2. he c. mightily with a strong voice, saying 18. c. when they saw the smoke of her burning 19. they c. weeping and wailing, saying, alas,alas CRIED to Ike Lord. Ex. 8. 12. Moses c. to L. 15.25. 1 17. 4. JV«ra. 12.13. 14.10. L. Jud^.3.y,15. ] 4.3. | 6.7. | 10.10. JVttni.20.16. when we c. to L. he heard, Deut.'i&.". Josh. 24. 7. when they c. to the L. he put darkness 1 Sam. 7. 9. Sam. c. to L. 15. 11. || 1 Kings 17. 20. Elijah c. to the Lord, 21. 2 Kin.'iQ.n. Isa. c. to L.\\^ Chr. 14.11. Asa c. to L. 2 C/jr.13.14. they c. to L. Ps. 107.6,13. Jonah 1.14. Psal. 3. 4. I c. to L. with my voice, 120. 1. 1 142. 1. Lam. 2. 18. their heart L.O daughter of Zion CRIED with a loud voice. lSa7it.2S.l2. woman at En-dor c.with a loudvoicc -2Sam.l9.i.Da.vid c.withloudvoice,0 Ahsaloin,my iKi/igs l8.2S.Rahshakehc.withloudv. IsaM.13. JVeh. 9. 4. Lev. c. with I. v. || Ezek. 11. 13. Ezek. c. Mat. 27. iG. about ninth hour Jesus c.MJiiA a I. voice 50. Mark 15. 34, 37. Luke 23. 46. John 11. 43. J)/ar/a.26.evilspir. c. tcith I. v.\\Acts 16.28. Paul c. .'Sets 7.57. Staph, enemies c. with l.v.\\ bO.Steph.c. Rev. 6. 10. they c. with loud v. saying, how long, O 7. 2. the angel c. with a loud voice, 10. 3. | 19. 17. 10. mult, stood before Lamb c. with a loud voice CRIED out. lSam.4.13. all the city c.out ||5.10. Ekronitos c.out IKings 22. 32. Jehoshaphat c. out, 2 Chron. 18.31 2 Kings 4. 40. they c. out, there is death in the pot Jer. 21). 8. I c. out, I cried violence and spoil Mat. 8. 29. behold, the spirits c. out, Luke 4. 33. 14. 26. the disciples c. out for fear, Mark 6. 49. 20. 30. the blind man c. out, have mercy upon us Mark 1.23. the man with an unclean spirit c. out 9. 24. the father of the child c. out, Luke 9. 38. 15. 13. and they c. out again, crucify him, Mat. 27. 23. Luke 23. 18. John 19. 6. Acts 19. 28. they e. out, saying, great is Diana, 34. 22. 23. as they c. out, and threw dust in the air 23. 6. Paul c. out in the council, I am a Pharisee CRIEST, ETH. Gen. 4. 10. the voice of thy brother's blood c. to me Exod. 14. 15. wherefore c. thou to me ? speak to 22. 27. when he c. unto me, that I will hear 1 .Sam. 26. 14. who art thou that c. to the king % .Job 24. 12. and the soul of the wounded c. out Psal. 72. 12. ho shall deliver the needy when he c. 84. 2. my heart and flesh c. oat for the living God Prov. 1. 20. wisdom c. v/ithout, 8. 3. | 9. 3. 2. 3. yea, if tlwu c. after knowledge, and liftest Isa. 26.17. like as a woman that c. out in her pangs 40. 3. the voice of him that c. in the wilderness 57. 13. when thou c. let companies deliver thee Jer. 12. 8. my heritage c. out against rae 30. 15. why c. thou for thine affliction 1 Mic. 6.9. Lord's voice c. to the city, hear the rod Mat. 15. 23. send her away, for she c. after us Luke 9. 39. he suddenly c. out, and it teareth him iJom. 9.27. Esaias also c. concerning Israel, though Jam. 5. 4. behold, the hire of the labourers c. CRYING. 1 Sam. 4. 14. when Eli heard the noise of the c. 2 Sam. 13. 19. Tamar put ashes, ami went on c. Job 39. 7. nor regardeth he the c. of the driver Prov. 19. 18. and let not thy soul spare for his c. 30. 15. the horse-leech hath two daughters c.give Isa. 22. 5. it is a day of c. to the mountains 24. 11. there is a c. for wine in the streets 65. 19. voice of c. shall be no more heard in her Jer. 48. 3. a voice of c. shall be from Horonaini Zcch. 4. 7. shall bring forth the head-stone with c. Mai. 2. 13. covering the altar of the Lord with c. Mat. 3. 3. voice of one c. in the wilderness, pre- pare, Mark 1. 3. Luke 3. 4. ./ohn 1. 23. 21. 15. and saw the children c. in the temple Luke 4. 41. devils c.thou art Christ, the Son of G. CUP Gal. 4. 6. Spirit into your hearts, c. Abba Father Ileb. 5. 7. he offered up prayers with strong c. liev. 21. 4. there will be no more death nor c. CRYSTAL. Job 28. 17. Ihe gold and the c. cannot equal it Kzek. 1.22. firmament was as colour of terrible c. Rev. 4. 6. there was a sea of glass like unto c. 21. 11. the light of the great city was clear as c. 22. 1. a pure river of water of life, clear as c. CUBIT Is the distance from the elbow bending inwards to the extremity of the middlefinger: thisis called a common cubit, the cubit of a man, containing afoot and a half, or half a-yard, Deut. 3. 11. There is likewise the sacred cubit, tohich is a full yard, and contains two common cubits ; There is mention made of both these sorts of cuOits, in 1 Kings 7. 15. and 2 Chron. 3. 15. In the former the two columns of brass whichwerc in Solomon's tcviple, are said to be eighteen cubits high; and in the Chronicles, thirty-five cubits : which is double the other. Some are of opinion, that the cubit which Noah made use of when he built the ark, was equal to six com- mon cubits; they call this a geometrical cubit. Gen. G. 16. in a c. shall thou finish the ark above Veut. 3. ] 1. the breadth of it, after the c. of a man 1 Kings 7. 24. the kiiops compassing it, ten in a c. 2 Chron. 4. 3. ten in a c. compassing the sea about Ezek. 43. 13. the c. is a c. and a hand breadth Mat.G.HT. can add one c. to his stature, Luke 12.25. CUBITS. Gen. 6. 15. length of the ark 300 c. breadth 50 c. 7. 20. fifteen c. upward did the waters prevail Exod.25. 10. two c. and a half the length of the ark 1 Sam. 17. 4. Goliath's height si.x c. and a span 1 Kings 6. 2. length of the house 60 c. breadth 20 23. each of the cherubims was ten c. high 7. 38. and every laver was four c. high 2 Kiiigs 14. 13. Jehoash brake down the walls of Jerusalem, 400 c. 2 Chron. 25. 23. Ezra 6. 3. the height 60 c. the breadth 60 c. Eslh. 5. 14. let a gallows be made 50 c. high, 7. 9. Ezek. 40. 23. he measured from gate to gate 100 c. 47. the court 100 c. \\ 43. 17. the settle 14 c. 41. 2. and the breadth of the door was ten c, 9. the thickness of the wall was five c. 43. 16. and the altar shall be twelve c. long Dan. 3. 1. the height of the image was 60 c. Zeck. 5. 2. the length of the flying roll is 20 c. John 21. 8. they were from land as it were 200 c. Rev. 21. 17. he measured the wall of the city 144 c. CUCKOW. Lev. 11. 16. c. have in abomination, Deut. 14. 15. CUCUMBERS. JVum. 11. a. wo remember the c. and the melons Isa. 1. 8. Zion is left as a lodge in a garden of c. Cud; see Chew and Cheweth. CUMBERED. Luke 10. 40. Martha was c. about much serving CUMBERETH. Luke 13. 7. cut it down, whv c. it the ground ? CUMBRANCE. Deut. 1. 12. how can I myself alone bear your c? CUMMIN. Isa. 28. 25. doth he not scatter Ihe c. and cast in 27. nor is a cart-wheel turned about upon thee. but the c. is beaten out with a rod Mat. 23. 23. woo to you scribes, ye pay tithes of c. CUNNING. f?e7(.25.27.llieboysgrew,and Esau wasac. hunter Exod. 26. 1. with cherubima of c. work, 36. 8. 28. 15. thou shall make the breast-plate of c. work 31. 4. to devise c. works in gold and silver 38. 23. Aholiab a c. workman and embroiderer 39. 8. he made the breast-plate of c. work 1 Sam. 16. 16. a man who is a c. player on a harp 18. 1 have seen a son of Jesse that is e. in playing 1 Chron. 25. 7. all that were c. in songs, were 288 2 Chron. 2. 7. send me a man c. to work in gold 13. I have sent a c. man of Huram my father's Psal.iB.\5. not hearken, be the charmer never bo c. 137. 5. if I forget, let my right hand forget her c. Prov. 19. 125. and the simple will be c. Cant. 7. 1. thy joints, the work of a c. workman Isa. 3. 3. I will take away the c. artificer 40. 20. he sceketh to him a c. workman to prepare .kr. 0. 17. send for c. women that they may come JO. 9. they are all the work of c. men Dan. 1.4. children well-favoured, knowledge Hos. 6. t 8. Gilead is a city c. for blood Eph. 4. 14. carried about by c. craftiness, whereby CUNNINGLY. 2 Pet. 1. 16. we have not followed c. devised fables CUP. This word is taken in Scripture in a proper, and in a figurative sense. In aproper sense it sig- nifies amaterialcup, which people drink out of at meals. Gen. 40. 13. In the figurative sense it is taken H) For the wine in the cup, 1 Cor. CUP 11.27. (2) For those sufferings and afflictions which Cfod sends upon a person or people ; To drink of this cup, signifies to undergo and en- dure those sufferings : Isa. 51. 17, Stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at tlie hand of the Lord the cup oF his fury. Psal. 75. 8, In the hand of the Lord there is a cup, the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them. In these and the like passages God ts compared to the master of a feast, who then used to distribute portions of meats or drinks to the several guests, as he thought fit. Our Saviour prays, Mat. 26. 39, Let this cup pass from me. Let me be freed from these suf- ferings both in my soul and body : Jind he tells his disciples. Mat. 20. 23, That they should in- deed drink of his cup ; that is, They should taste of inward afflictions and desertions, and have their share of outward sufferings for the gospel, as well as himself. (3) For Ood^s blessings and favours, Psal. 23. 5. Babylon is called a golden cup, ,Ier. 51. 7, because of her great riches and plenty. And it is said uf the woman arrayed in purple, or of the anti- christian church, that she had a golden cup in her hand, Rev. 17. 4. lohich may denote the en- ticing means, and specious pretences, which she uses to allure people to idolatry, particu- larly by sensuality, luxury, and affluence, 1 will take the cup of salvation, Psal. 116. 13. / will offer the sacnficeofthanksgivingmito Ood. It denotes joy and thanksgiving,and is aphrase taken from the common practice of the Jews in their thank-offerings,in which a feast was made of the remainder of their sacrifices, and the of- ferers,together with thepricst,did eat and drink before the Lord; and, ainong other rites, the master of the feast took a cup of wine into his hand, and solemnly blessed Ood for it, and for the mercy which was then acknowledged ; and then gave it to all the guests, of which every one did drink in his turn, 1 Chr. 16. 2, 3. To which custom it is supposed that our blessed Lord alludes in the institution of the cup, which also is called the cup of blessing, 1 Cor. 10. 16. Oen. 40. 11. and Pharaoh's c. was in mine hand 44. 2. put my c. the silver c. in the sack's mouth 2 Sam.\2.3. it drank of his own c. and lay in bosom 1 Kings 7. 26. wrought like brim of a c. 2 Chr. 4. 5. I'sal. 11. 6. this shall be the portion of their c. 16. 5. the Lord is the portion of my c. thou 2.3. 5. thou anointestmy head, my c. runneth over 73. 10. waters of a full c. are wrung out to them 75. 8. in the hand of the Lord there is a c. 116. 13. I will take the c. of salvation and call on Prov. 23. 31. when it giveth its colour in the c. Isa. 51. 17. which hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the c. the dregs of the c. of trembling 22. taken out of thy hand the c. of trembling Jer. 16. 7. nor shall men give them c. of consolation 25. 15. take the wine-c. of his fury at my hand 17. then took I the c. at the Lord's hand 28. if they refuse to take the c. at thine hand 49. 12. whose judgment was not to drink the c. 51. 7. Babylon hath been a golden c. in the hand J^am. 4. 21. the e. also shall pass through to thee Ezek. 23. 3J. I will give her c. into thine hand 32.thou shall drink of thy sister's c.deep and large Nab.Z.IG. c.of the Lord's right hand shall be turned ZccA. 12.2. 1 will make Jerusalem a c.of trembling Jlfat. 10.42. give a c.of cold water only, Mark 9. 41. 20. 22. are ye able to drink of c? Mark 10. 38. 23. ye shall drink indeed of my c. Mark 10. 39. 23. 25. for you make clean the outside of the c. 26. cleanse first what is within the c. and platter 26. 27. and he took the c. and gave thanks, Mark 14. 23. Luke 22. 17, 20. 1 Cor. 11. 25. 39. O my Father, if it be possible, let this e. pass from me, Mark 14. 36. Luke 22. 42. 42. if this c. may not pass away from me Luke 22. 20. this c. is the new testament in my blood, 1 Cor. 11. 25. John 18. 11. the c. which my Father hath given me 1 Cor. 10. 16. the c. of blessing we bless, is it not the 21. ye cannot drink the c. of Lord and c. of devils 11. 26. as often as ye drink of this c. ye do shew 27. and drink this c. of the Lord unworthily Rev. 14. 10. poured without mixture into the c. 16. 19. to give unto her the c. of his wrath 17. 4. the woman having a golden c. in her hand 18. 6. in the c. she filled, fill to her double CUP-BEARER. JVcA. 1. 11. for I was the king's c.-bearcr. CUP-BEARERS. 1 Kings 10. 5. queen of Sheba saw c.-b. 2 Chr. 9. 4. CUPS. 2 Sam. 17. 1 28. Barzillai brought beds and c. 1 Chron. 23. 17. David gave pure gold for the c. Isa. 22. 24. shall hang on Eliakim the vessels of c Jer. 35. 5. and 1 set pots full of wine and c. 106 CUR Jer. 52. 19. the Chaldeans took away spoons and c. Mark 7. 4. as the washing of c. and pots, 8. CURDLED. Job 10. 10. hast not thou c. me like cheese? CURE. Jer. 33. 6. behold, I will bring it health and c. 46. 1 11. daughter of Egypt, no c. shall be to thee CURE, ED. Jer. 33. 6. 1 will c. them and will reveal peace 46. 11. O daughter of Egypt, thou shalt not be c. IIos.5. 13. yet could he not c. you of your wound Mat. 17. 16. thy disciples, they could not c. him 18. the child was c. from that very hour Luke 7. 21. in that same hour he c. many 9. 1. he gave them power to c. diseases John 5. 10. the Jews said to him that was c. CURES. Luke 13. 32. 1 cast out devils, 1 do c. to-day and CURIOUS. F.xod.W.8. c. girdle, 27, 28. | 29. 5. 1 39. 5. Lev. 8. 7. 35. 32. and to devise c. works, to work in gold Acts 19. 19. many of them that used c. arts brought CURIOUSLY. Psal. lS9. 15. and c. wrought in the lowest parts CURLED. Cant. 5. 1 11. his locks are c. and black as a raven CURRENT. Gen. 23. 16. c. money with the iijerchant CURSE. To curse, signifies to imprecate, to call down mischief upon, or to wish evil to : Noah cursed his grandson Canaan, Gen. 9. 25. Cursed be Canaan; may he behateful to God, abhorred by men, and miserable in his person mid posterity. Jacob cursed the fury of his two sons Simeon and Levi, who massacred the Shechemites, and plundered their city. Gen. 49. 7. Moses enjoins the people of Israel to denounce curses against the violators of the law, Deut. 27. 15, 16, &c. And Joshua cursed him who should undertake to build Jericho, Josh. 6. 26. These curses were cither ordained by God himself, and pronounced by men abounding with the Spirit; or were pre- dictions uf what evil should happen to aperson, or people, uttered in the terms of imprecations, which had their accomplishment: Theywcrenot the effects of passion, impatience, or revenge, and therefore were not such as God condemns in his law, and in his word. For example : he ordains that no one shall presume to curse his father or his mother upon pain of death, Exod. 21. 17. He shall not wish any mischief to be- fall them,nor use any kind of malicious reviling speeches,whieh argue a contempt ofhisparents. He ordains that no one curse the prince of his people, Exod. 22. 28. or one that is deaf. Lev. 19. 14. In the gospel, our Saviour pronounces those of his disciples to be blessed, who are loaded with curses, and requires them to bless those that curse them, to render blessing for cursing. Mat. 5. 11. Luke 6. 28. Rom. 12. 14. God denounced his curse against the serpent which seduced Eve, and against the earth,which thenceforth was to produce briers and thorns . it should produce both fewer and worse fruits, and that with more trouble of men's minds and labour of their bodies. Gen. 3. 14, 17. He curs ed Cain also, who had imbrued his hands in his brother AbeVs blood, Gen. 4. 11. He was de- voted to destruction, cast out from Ood' s pre sence and the communion of the church, and the society of his kindred and acquaintance, and wandered fromone country to another by reason of the trouble and perplexity of his conscience. The divine maledictions are not merely impre- cations, impotent and fruitless desires ; they carry their effects with them, and are attended with all the miseries denounced by Ood. Oen. 27. 12. I shall bring a c. on me, not a blessing 13. his mother said, upon me be thy c. my son JW?n. 5. 18. and the priest have in his hand the bitter water that causeth the c. 19, 22, 24, 27, 27. the woman shall be a c. among her people Deut. 11. 26. 1 set before you a blessing and c. 30. 1. 28. a e. if you will not obey the commandments 29. and shalt put the c. upon mount Ebal 21. t23. he that is hanged is the c. of God 23. 5. God turned the c. into a blessing, JVeh. 13.2. 29. 19. when he heareth the words of this c. Josh. 6. 18. and make the camp of Israel a c. Judg. 9. 57. on them came the e. of Jotham 1 Kings 2. 8. who cursed me with a grievous c. 2 Kings 22. 19. that they should become a c. JVeA. 10. 29. they entered into a c. and into an oath Job 31. 30. nor to sin by wishing a c. to his soul Prov. 3. 33. the c. of Lord is in the house of wicked 26. 2. so the c. causeless shall not come 27. 14. rising early it shall be counted a c. to him 28.27. that hidetli his pyt>s shall have many a c. Isa. 24. 6. therefore hath the c. devoured the earth CUR Isa. 34.5. it shall come down on the people of my c. . 43. 28. therefore I have given Jacob to the c. 65. 1 5. shall leave your name for a c. to my chosen Jer. 24. 9. I will deliver them to be a taunt and a c. 25. 18. I 29. 18. | 42. 18. | 44. 8, 12. 26. 6. 1 will make this city a c. to all nations 44. 22. therefore is your land a c. at this day 49. 13. 1 have sworn that Bozrah shall become a c. Lam. 3. 65. give them sorrow, thy c. unto them Dan. 9. 11. therefore the c. is poured upon us Zech. 5. 3. this is the c. that goelh forth over earth 8. 13. that as we were a c. among the heathen Mai. 2. 2. if ye will not hear, I will send a c. on you 3. 9. ye are cursed with a c. for ye have robbed me 4. 6. lest I come and smite the earth with a c. Acts 23. 12. and bound themselves under a c. 14. Gal. 3. 10. as are of the works of law, are under c. 13. Christ redeemed us from thee. being made a c. Rev. 22. 3. shall be no more a c. but throne of God CURSE, Verb. Gen. 8.21. the Lord said, I will not c. the ground 12. 3. and I will c. him that curseth thee Exod. 22. 28. thou shalt not c. the ruler of thy peo. Lev. 19. 14. thou shalt not c. the deaf, nor put a JVum. 22. 6. come, I pray thee, c. me this people, 17. 11. Balak said, come now, c. me them, 23. 7, 13. 12. God said to Balaam, thou shall not c. people 23.8. how shall I c. whom God hath not cursed ? 11. I took thee to c. mine enemies, 24. 10. 25. neither c. them at all, nor bless them at all Dcut.23.4. they hired Balaam to c. thee, JVeA.13.2. 27. 13. and these shall stand on mount Ebal to c. Jb«A. 24. 9. Balak king of Moab called Balaam toe. Judg. 5-23. c.Meroz, said the angel, eye bitterly 2 Sam. 16. 9. why should this dead dog c. the king 1 10. let him c. because Ld. hath said, c. David, 11. Job 1. 11. and he will c. thee to thy face, 2. 5, 2. 9. then said his wife to him, c. God and die 3. 8. let them c. it that c. the day, who are ready Psai.62. 4. they bless with mouth, but c. inwardly 109. 28. let them c. but bless thou, when they Prov. 11. 26. withholdeth corn, people shall c. him 24. 24. him shall the people c. nations abhor him 30. 10. accuse not a servant to master, lest he c. Eccl. 7. 21. lest thou hear thy servant c. thee 10. 20. c. not the king in thought, c. not the rich Isa. 8. 21. c. their king and God, and look upward Jer. 15. 10. yet every one of them doth c. me Mai. 2. 2. I will c. your blessings, I have cursed Mat. 5. 44. bless them that c. you, Luke 6. 28. 26. 74. he began to c. and to swear, Mark 14. 71 Rom. 12. 14. which persecute you ; bless and c. not Jam. 3. 9. therewith c. we men, which are made CURSED. Oen. 3. 14. the serpent c. || 17. c. is the ground 4. 11. Cain c. |{ 9. 25. Noah said, c. be Canaan 5. 29. because of ground which the Lord hath c. 27. 29. c. be every one that curseth, Mum. 24. 9. 49.7. c. be their anger, for it was fierce and cruel Lev. 20. 9. he hath c. his father or his mother 24. 11. blasphemed the name of the Lord and c. 14. saying, bring forth him that hath c. 23. JVum. 22. 6. I wot that he whom thou cursest is c. Deut. 27. 15. c. be he, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. 28. 16. e. shalt thou be in the city, c. in the field 17. c. shall be thy basket and thy store 18. c. shall be the fruit of thy body and land 19. c. when thou comest in, when thou goest out Josh. 6. 26. c. be the man that buildetb Jericho 9. 23. now therefore ye Gibeonites are c. none of Judg.Q.^T. they did eat and drink, and c. Abimelech 21. 18. c. be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin 1 Sam. 14. 24. c. that eateth food till evenmg, 23. 17. 43. and the Philistine c. David by his gods 26. 19. but if men, c. be they before the Lord 2 Sam. 16. 5. Shimei came forth, and c. still, 7. 13. 19. 21. for this, because he c. the Lord's anointed IKings 2.8.Shimei who with a grievous curse 2 Kings 2. 24. and c. them in the name of the Lord 9. 34. go see now this c. woman, and bury her JVeh. 13. 25. 1 contended with them, and c. them .Tob 1. 5. it may be my sons have sinned and c. God 3. 1. then Job opened his mouth and c. his day 5.3. foolish taking root,8uddenly 1 c.his habitation 24. 18. their portion is e. in the earth Psal. 37. 22. they that be e. of him shall be cut off 119. 21. thou hast rebuked the proud that are c. Eccl. 7.22. knowest thyself likewise hast c. others Jer. 11. 3. c. be the man obeyeth not this covenant 17. 5. e. be the man that trusteth in man 20. 14. e. be the day wherein I was born 15. the man who brought tidings to my father 48. 10. he that doeth the Lord's work deceit- fully, c. that keepeth back his sword from blood Mai. 1. 14. hut c. be the deceiver, who hath a male 2. 2. yea, I have c. your blessings already, 3. 9. ye arec. with a curse, for ye have robbed me Mat. 25. 41. he shall say, depart from me ye c. JoAh". 49. people who knoweth not the law, aiec. CUT Oal. 3. 10. c. is every one that comimielli not in all 13. c. is every one that bangetli on a tree 2 Pet. a. 14. c. ohildren,who have forsaken the way CUllSED t/iiiiff. Deut.7.26. lest thou be a c. thi>ig,for it is a c. thirig 13. 17. shall cleave nought of the c. t. to thy hand CURSKDST. Jiidg. 17. 2. silver taken from thee, which thou c. Mark 11. 21. the fig-tree thou c. is withered away CURSES. JVU774.5. 23. the priest shall write these c. in a book Z>«ut.28.15.that all these c. shall come on thee, 45. 29. 20. all the c. that are written in this book shall he upon him, 27. 2 Chron. 34. 24. 21.according to all thee, of the covenant in book 30. 7. Lord thy G. will put these c. on thy enemies CURSETH. £iod.21.17. he that c.his father or his mother shall surely be put to death, Lee. 20. 9. Prov.W. 20. Z/ep.24. 15. whosoever c. his God shall bear his sin Prov. 30. 11. a generation that c. their father Mat. 15. 4. honour father and mother, he that c. father or mother, let him die death, Mark 7. 10. CURSING. Jfam. 5.21. priest charge woman with an oath of c. Ueul. 27. t 13- these shall stand for a c. on Ebal 28.20.the Lord shall send upon thee c. in all thou Dcut. 30. 19. I have set before you blessing and c. 2 Sam. 16. 12. Lord will requite me good for his c. Psal. 10. 7. his mouth is full of c. Rom. 3. 14. 59. 12. and for c. and lying which they speak 109. 17. as he loved c so let it come unto him 18. as he clothed himself with c. as a garment Prov. 29. 24. he heareth c. and bewrayetJi it not Jer. 23. t 10. for because of c. the land mourneth Heb. 6. 8. earth which beareth thorns is nigh to c. Jam. 3. 10. out of the same mouth blessing and c. CURSINGS. Josh. 8. 34. he read all the blessings and c. CURTAIN. Psal. 104. 2. who coverest thyself with light, who stretohest out the heavens like a c. Isa. 40. 22. CURTAINS. Exod. 26. 1. make tabernacle with ten c. 2. | 36. 9. Jfum 4. 25. the Gershonites shall bear the c. of lab. 2 Sa7n.7.2.ark of God dwellelh within c.l CAr.17.1. Cant. 1. 5. but I am comely as the c. of Solomon Jsa. 54. 2. let them stretch forth c. of thy habitation Jer. 4. 20. my tents spoiled, and my c. in a moment 10. 20. none to stretch my tent, and set up my c. 49. 29. they shall take to themselves their c. and Hai. 3. 7. the c. of the land of Midian did tremble CUSTODY. JiTum. 3. 36. under c. of the sons of Merari, boards JEsth. 2. 3. gather fair virgins to the c. of Hegc, 8. the c. of Shaashgaz the king's chamberlain CUSTOM Signifies, [1] Manner or way, Luke 4. 16. [2] That which has been established by long use, and the consent of ancestors, Judg. 11. 39. John 18. 39. [3] Jl duty paid to the king or prince upon the importation or exportation of commodities, Rom. 13. 7. [4] The way of women, namely, thenatural disease for which they used to be put apart. Gen. 31. 35. Oen. 31. 35. for the c. of women is upon me Judg. 11. 39. and it was a c. in Israel 1 Sam. 2. 13. the priests' c. with the people was Ezra 3. 4. according to the c. .Ter. 32. 11. 4. 13. then will they not pay toll, tribute, and c. 20. been mighty kings, and c. was paid to them 7. 24. shall not be lawful to impose c. on priests Psal. 119. t 132. be merciful according to the c. Mat.9.9. Jesus passed forth, and saw Matthew sit- ting at the receipt of c. Mark 2. 14. Luke 5. 27. 17. 25. of whom do the kings of the earth take c.7 Luke 1. 9. according to the e. of the priest's office 8. 27. to do for him after the c. of the law 42. went to Jerusalem after the c. of the feast 4.16.a3 Jesus' c. was, he went into the synagogue John 18. 39. ye have a c. that I should release one Rom. 13. 7. render therefore c. to whom c. is due 1 Cor. 11. 16. we have no such c. nor the churches CUSTOMS. Lev. 18. 30. commit none of these abominable c. Jer. 10. 3. for the c. of the people are vain .Acts 6. 14. shall change the c. Moses delivered us 16. 21. teach c. which are not lawful to receive 21. 21. that they ought not to walk after the c. 20. 3. 1 know thee to be expert in all c. and quest. 28.17. though I committed nothing against the c. CUT. /yeB.22. 24. ye shall not offer to the Lord wliat is c. Kiek. Ifi. 4. when born thy navel was not c. .4ctjr5.33. when they heard that, they were c. 7. 54. CUT. Exod. 39. 3. and c. it in wires to work it in the blue Ln. 1. 6. shall c. the burnt-offering into pieces, 12. 8.20. hec. the ram into pieces, Exod. 29. 17. Dtut. 14. 1. yc shall not c. yourselves nor make 107 CUT Judg.^O.S.l took my concubine and c.her in piiice 1 Kings 18. 23. and c. the bullock in pieces, 33. 28. they c. themselves after their maimer with 2Kings'-ii.l'3.bie c. in pieces all the vessels of gold Solomon had made in temple, 2 Chron. 28. 24 1 Chron. 20. 3. the people, he c. them with saws 2 Chron.Sl. 8. thy servants can skill to c. timber, 10 Psal. 58. 7. he bendeth, let them be as c. in pieces 107. 16. c. the bars of iron in sunder, Isa. 45. 2. Isa. 9. f 20. he shall c. on the right and be hungry 51. 9. art thou not it that hath c. Rahab ? Jer. 10. 6. nor lament, nor c. themselves for them 34. 18. when they c. the calf in twain, and passed 36. 23. he c. the roll with the penknife, and cast 41. 5. their clothes rent, and having c. themselves 47. 5. how long wilt thou c. thyself? Dan. 2. 5. if ye will not, ye shall be c. in pieces 3. 29. who speak against God shall be c. in pieces Amos 9. 1. and c. them in the liead, all of them Hab. 3. t 16. he will c. them with his troops ZecA.12.3.tliat burden themselves with it shall be c. Acts 27. t 40. and when they had c. the anchors CUT asunder. PsaM29.4. he hath c. asunder cords of the wicked Jer. 50. 23. hammer of the whole earth c. asunder Zech. 11. 10. 1 took staff Beauty, and c. it asunder 14. then I c. asunder my other staff, even Bands Mat.'iA. 51. and shall c. him asunder, Luke 12. 46. CUT down. Exod. 34. 13. but ye shall c. doioii their groves Lev. 20. 30. 1 will c. down your images, and cast Mum. 13. 23. and c. d. from thence a branch, 24. Deut. 7. 5. ye shall break down their images, and c. down their groves, 2 Kings 18. 4. | 23. 14 20. 19. trees for meat thou slialt not c. down 20. the trees not for meat thou shall c. down Judg. 6. 25. and c. down the grove that is by it 2 Kings 19. 23. I will c. down cedars, Isa. 'il. 24 2 Chr. 15. 16. and Asa c. d. her idol, and stamped it 34. 7. Josiah c. down all the idols in the land Job 8. 12. while in his greenness, and not c. down 14. 2. cometh forth like a flower, and is c. down 1. for there is hope of a tree if it be c. down 22. 16. the wicked were c. down out of time 20. whereas our substance is not c. doion Psal. 37. 2. they shall soon be c. down like grass 80. 16. branch is burnt, it is c. down, they perish 90. 6. in the evening it is c. down, and withereth Isa. 9. 10. sycamores are c. down, but we will build 14. 12. how art thou c. down to the ground 22. 25. the nail shall be removed and c. down Jer. 22. 7. they shall c. down thy choice cedars 25. 37. the peaceable habitations are c. down 48. 2. also thou shall be c. down, O madmen Eiek. 6. 6. that your images may be e. down Jfah. 1.12.though many, yet thus shall they bee. d. '/.eph. 1. 11. for all the merchant-people are c. d. Mat. 21. 8. others c. down brandies, Mark 11. 8. Luke 13. 7 c. it d. why cumbereth it the ground.' 9. then after that thou shall c. it down CUT off. Oen. 9. 11. neither shall all flesh be c. off 17. 14. the uncircuDicised child shall be c. off 41. t 36. that the land be not c. o^ through lam. Exod. 4. 25. and c. off the foreskin of bet son 8. 1 9. to c. off the frogs from thee, and ihy houses 12. 15. that soul shall be c. off' from Israel, 19. I 31. 14. Kum. 1.5. 30, 31. | 19. 13. 23. 23. Angel go before, and I will c. them off 30. 33. shall be e. off from his people, 38. Lev. 7. 20, 21, 25, 27. | 17. 4, 9. | 19. 8. I 23. 29. Mum. 9. 13. Lev.VJ. 10. 1 will c. him off from among his people, 18. 29. I 20. 3, 6, 18. JVm7«. 19. 20. 14. wliosoever eatelh blood shall be c. off 20. 17. shall be c. off in the sight of their peojile 22. 3. that soul shall be c. off from mv presence 25. t23. land shall not be sold to be quite c. off Mum. 4. 18. c. ye not off' the tribe of Kohalhites 15. 31. that soul shall utterly be c. off, his iniquity Deut. 12. 29. when thy God shall c. off nations 19.1. when God hath c. off the nations, .7osh.2:i. 4. 23. 1. or hath his privy member c. off shall not 25. 12. then thou shall c. off her hand, pity not Josh.3. 13. that the watersof Jordan shall bee. o^ from the waters that come down, 16. | 4. 7. 7. 9. and shall c. off" our name from the earth 9.t 23.nol be c. ojf Trom you from being bond-men 11. 21. at that lime Joshua c. o^the Anakims Judg. 1. 6. and c. off his thumbs, and his great toes 21. 6. there is one tribe c. off from I.'sraei this day Ruthi. 10. that the name of the dend be note, off 1 Sam. 2.31. days come that I will c.ojf thine arm 33. man whom I shall not c. off from mine ahar 5. 4. the palms of Dagon's hands were c. off 17.51. David ran and c. n^ Goliath's head 20. 15. thou shall not c. off thy kindnoBsfrom my house, 24. 21. no, not when the Lord hath c. off the enemies of David from the face of the earth 24. 4. David c. off the skirl of Saul's robe, 5. CUT 1 Sam. 24. t 7. so David c. off his servants with these words 11. for in that I c. off the skirl of thy robe 28. 9. knowesl how Saul hath c. off the wizards 31.9. and they c. off Saul's head, and stripped off 2 Sam. 4. 12. they slew them and c. off their hands lU. 4. Haman took David's servants, and c. off their garments in the middle, 1 Ckr. 19. 4. 20. 22. and ihey c. off the head of Shcba 21. t 5. the man that consumed us and c. us off 1 A"i)!^s8.t25.nol be to thee a man in my sight 9. 7. then will 1 c. off Israel out of the land 11. 16. till he had c. off every male in Edoin 13.34. even to c. off Jeroboam's house, 14. 14. 14.10. 1 will c. off from Jeroboam him that pisseth 18. 4. when Jezebel c. off the prophets of the Loid 21. 21. behold, 1 will c. off fiom Ahab him that pisseth against the wall, 2 Kings 9. 8. 2 Kings 16.17.Ahaz c. off the borders of the bases 18. 16. Hezekiah c. off ihe gold from the doors 1 Chr. 17. 8. have all thine enemies before thee 2 Chr. 22. 7. Lord anointed to c. off house of Ahab 32. 21. the angel to c. off all mighty men of valour Job 4. 7. or where were the righteous c. off? 6. 9. that he would let loose bis hand, and c. me off 8. 14. whose hope shall be c. off, and whoso trust 10. t soul is c. off while I live, I will leave my 11. 10. if he c. off, then who can hinder him'? 14. 1 10. man dieth, and is c. off, and where is hel 18. 16. and above shall his branch be c. off' 21.21. when number of his months iscoj^in midst 23. 17.because I was not before the darkness 24. 24. they are c. off as the lops of ears of corn 36. 20. when people are c. off in their place Psal. 12. 3. the Lord shall c. off all flattering lips 31. t 17. let the wicked be c. off for the graves 22. I said, I am c. off from before thine eyes 34. 16. to c. 0^ remembrance of them from earth 37. 9. for evil doers shall be c. off, but those who 22. they that be cursed of him, shall be c. off 28. but Ihe seed of Ihe wicked shall be c. off 34. when the wicked are c. off, thou shall see it 38. the end of Ihe wicked shall be c. off 54. 5. he shall reward, c. them off in thy truth 75. 10. all the horns of the wicked will 1 c. off 76. 12. he shall c. off the sjiiril of princes 83. 4. they said, come, and let us c. them off 88. 5. and they are c. off from thy hand 16. wrath goeth over me, terrors have off 94. 23. he shall c. them off in Iheir wickedness 101. 5. that slandereth his neighbour will I c. off 8. that I may c. off all wicked doers from the city of the Lord 109. 13. let his posterity bo c. off and blotted out 15. that the Lord may c.o^ the memory of them 118. t the name of Ihe Lord I will c. them off' 119. 1 139. my zeal hath c. me off, because 143. 12. and of thy mercy c. off mine enemies Pro?).2.22. but the wicked shall be c. off'l'rom earth 23. 18. thy e.\pectalion shall not be c. off, 24. 14. Isa. 0. t 5- then said I, woe is me, for I am c. off 9. 14. the Lord will c. off from Israel head and tail in one day 10. 7. to destroy and c. off nations not a few 11. 13. the adversaries of Judah shall be c. off 14. 22. I will c. off from Babylon the name 15. 1 1- Moab is c. off\ 2. and every beard c. off 22. 25. a burden thai was upon il shall be c. off 29. 20. all that watch for iniquity are c. off 38. 12. he will c. me off with pining sickness 48.9. my praise will refrain, that I c. Ihoe not off 19. his name should not have been c. off 53. 8. he was c. off out of the land of Ihe living- 55. 13. shall be for a sign that shall not bo c. off 66. 3. that sacrificeth.ns if he c. off a dog's neck .Fer. 1. 28. trulh is perished and r. n^from mouth 29. c. off thine hair, O Jerusalem, cast it away 9.21. to the children without, and young men 11. 19. let us (T. him o^from the land of the living c.o^from you man and woman out of Jud. 8. that ye might c. yourselves off and be a curse 44. II. set my face against you to c. off Judah 46. t 28. yet will I not utterly c. Ihce off 47. 4. to c. off Uom Tyius || 5. Ashkelon is c. off 48. 2. come, let us c. it off from being a nation 25. the horn of Moab is c. o^, his arm is broken 49. 26. all the men of war shall be c. off, 50. :K). .50. 16.c.o^thc sower from Babylon, and him that 51. 6. flee out, and be not c. off in her iniquity 62. thou hastspoken against this place to c. itoj'' Lam. 2. 3. c. off in hia anger the horn of Israel 3. 53. they have c. off my life in the dungeon Eiek. 14. 8. and I will c. him off irom my people 13. mw and beast, 17, 19,21. 1 2.5. 13. | 29.8. 17. 9. shall he not fruit thereof,that it wither'? 17. and building forts to c. off many persons 21.3. 1 will' the righteous and the wicked, 4. 25. 7. behold, I will c. thee off from the people 16. I will c. o^the Cherelhims, and destroy the remnant of the sea-coasts CYP Ezek. 30. 15. and I will c. off the multitude of No 31. 12. terrible of the nations have c. liim off 35. 7. I will c. q^from Seir him tliat paeseth out 37. 11. our hope is lost, we are c. off for our parts Dan. 4. 14. hew dov^n the tree, c. off his branches 9. 26. Messiah shall be c. off', but not for himself Hos. 4. t 5- c. o^thy mother | t C people are c. off' a. 4. they have made idols, tliat they may be c. off 10. 7. Samaria, her king is c. off as the foam, 15. Juel 1.5. the new wine is c. off from your mouth, 9. 16. is not the meat c. off' before our eyes ? Mmos 1. 5. I will c. off the inhabitant from Aven 8. I will c. off the inhabitant from Aslidod 3. 1 will c.o# the judge from the midst thereof 3. 14. the horns of the altar shall be c. off Obad. 5. if robbers by night, how art thou c. off 9. every one of Esau may be c. offhy slaughter 10. and thou shall be c. off for ever 14. nor stand toe. off those of his that did escape Jilic. 5. 9. and all thine enemies shall be c. off 10. horses || 11. cities || 12. witchcrafts c. off 13. thy graven images will I c. off, JVah. 1. 14. JVaA. 1. 15. for the wicked is utterly c. off 2. 13. and I will c. off thy prey from the earth 3. 15. the sword shall c. thee off, it shall eat /fai.3.17. tho' the flock shall he c. off from the fold Zeph. 1. 3. I will c. off man from off the land 4. c. oj'remn. of Baal || 11. that bear silvers, off 3. 6. 1 have c. off the nations, towers are desolate 7. so their dwelling should not be c. off ZecA.5.3.for every one that stealelh as on this side, and every one that sweareth, shall be c. off 9. 6. I will c. off the iwide of the Philistines 10. and I will c. off the chariot from Ephraim 11. 8. three shepherds also I c. off in one month 9. and that that is to be c. off, let it be c. off 13. 2. I will c. o^the names of idols out of land 8. two parts in the land shall be c. off and die 14. 2. the residue of the people shall not be c. off Mai. 2. 12. Lord will c. oj^the man thatdoeth this Mat. 5. 30. if thy right hand offend thee, c. it off, 18. 8. Mark 9. 43, 45. Mark 14.47. c. ojear, Luke'2% 50. .Tohii IS. 10, 26. Acts 27. 32. the soldiers c. o^ the ropes of the boat Rom. 11. 22. otherwise thou shall also be c. off 2 Cor. 11. 12. that I may c. off occasion from them Gal.5.12. 1 would they were c. off that trouble you CUT out. 2 Chron. 26. f 10. Uzziah c. out many cisterns Job 33. t 6. I also am c. out of the clay ProB. 10. 31. the froward tongue shall be c. out Dan. 2. 34. a stone was c. out without hands, 45. Rom. 11. 24. for if thou wert c.out of the olive-tree CUT sfiort. 2 Kings 10. 32. the Lord began to c. Israel short iJom.9.28.will finish and c. it short in righteousness CUT vp. ,Tob 30. 4. who c. np mallows by the bushes Isa. 33. 12. as tliorns c. up shall they be burnt CUTTEST, ETH. Dcut. 24. 19. when thou c. down thine harvest Job 28. 10. he c. out rivers among the rocks Psal. 29. 1 7. the voice of the Lord c. flames of fire 46. 9. he breaketh bow, and c. the spear in sunder 141. 7. as when one c. and cleaveth wood on earth Prov. 26. G. he that sendeth a message by a fool, c. off the feet Jcr.lO. 3. for onec. a tree outof the forest with axe 22. 14. build chambers and c. him out windows CUTTING. Kxod.'Xl. 5. and in c. of stones to set them, 35. 33. I^cv. 25. t 23. the land shall not be sold for c. off Deut. 24. t 1. let him write her a bill of c. off Isa. 38. 10. I said in the c. of my days, I shall go Jer. 30. t 23. a c. whirlwhid, it shall fall with pain Kzek. 7. t 25. c. off comelh, they shall seek peace 10. t3. thy c. out is of the land of Canaan Jfab. 2. 10. consulted shame by c. off many people Mark 5.5. tombs, crying anil c. himself with stones CUTTINGS. /,CB.19.28. ye shall not make any c. for dead, 21. 5. Jcr. 48. 37. upon all the hands shall be c. and on Jonah 2. t C. I went down to the c. of the mount CYMBAL. 1 Cor. 13. 1. 1 am become as sounding brass, or a CYMBALS. [tinkling c. 2 Sam. 6. 5. played on cornets and c. 1 Chr. 13. 8. 1 Chron. 15. 16. harps and c. sounding, 16. 42. 10. 5. but Asaph made a sound with c. 25. 0. these were under the hands of their father for song in the house of the Lord with c. 2 Chron. 5. 13. they lift up their voice with c. 29. 25. he setLevites in house of the Lord with c. Ezra 2. 10. the sons of Asaph with c. JVeA. 12.27. Psal. 150. 5. praise him upon loud sounding c. CYPRESS. Cant. 1. 1 14. my beloved is to me as a cluster of c. 4. 1 13. with pleasant fruits, c. with spikenard /■-'«. 44. 14. he taketh the c. and the oak 108 DAN D. DAGGER. Judg. 3. 16. Ehud made him a d. with two edges 21. he took the d. from his right thigh 22. that he could not draw the d. out of his belly Daily ; see after Days. DAINTY, TIES. Oen. 49. ,20. Asher shall yield royal d. .fob 33. 20. and his soul abhorreth d. meat Psal. 141. 4. and let me not eat of their d. Proii. 23. 3. be not desirous of his d. for they are 6. an evil eye, neither desire thou his d. meats Hab. 1. t 16. their portion is fat, their meat d. Rev. 18. 14. all things which were d. are departed DALE. Gen. 14.17. vaiiey of Shaveh,wliich is the king's d. 2 Ham. 18. 18. a pillar which is in the king's d. DAMAGE. Ezra 4. 22. why should d. grow to the hurt of kings £st/t.7.4.encmy could not countervail the king's d. Prov. 26. 6. cutteth off the feet, and drinketh d. Dan. G. 2. and the king should have no d. Jicts 27. 10. voyage will be with hurt and much d. 2 Cor. 7. 9. that ye might receive d. by us in notliing DAM. Exod. 22. 30. seven days it shall be with his d. on the eighth shall give it me, Lev. 22. 27. Deut. 22. 6. thou shalt not take the d. with young 7. but thou shalt in any wise let the d. go DAMNABLE. 2 Pet. 2. 1. who privily shall bring in d. heresies DAMNATION. Mat. 23. 14. therefore ye shall receive the greater d. Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47. 33. ye serpents, how can ye escape the d. of helH Mark 3. 29. but is in danger of eternal d. John 5.29.have done evil, to the resurrection of d. /Jo7n.3.8.evil, that good may come, whose d. is just 13. 2. they shall receive to themselves d. 1 Cor. 11. 29. he eateth and drinketh d. to himself 1 Tim. 5. 12. having d. because they have cast off their first faith 2 Pet.2.3. lingereth not, and their d. slumboreth not DAMNED. Mark 16. IC. but he that bclieveth not shall be d. Rom. 14. 23. and he that doubteth is d. if he eat 27'/jcss.2.12. that all might be d. who believed not DAMSEL. Ge?i.24.55.her mother said,letthed.abideafcwdays 34. 3. and ho loved the d. and spake kindly to d 12. ask never so much, but give me the d. to wife Deut. 22. 15. bring forth tokens of the d. virginity 20. but if the tokens be not found for the'd. 21. they shall bring out the d. and stone her 24. the d. because she cried not,being in the city 26. there is in the d. no sin worthy of death 29. shall give the d. father fifty shekels of silver Judg. 5. 30. divided to every man a d. or two 19. 4. the d. father retained him, and he abode Ruth2. 5. then Boaz said, whose d. Is this? G. it is Moabitish d. that came back with Naomi 1 Kings 1. t 2. he sought for the king a young d. 4. and the (/. was very fair, and cherished him Mat. 14. 11. John Baptist's head wasbrought in a charger, and given to the d. Mark 6. 28. 26. 69. a d. came to Peter, saying, .John 18. 17. Mark 5. 39. the d. is not dead, but sleepeth 40. he taketh the father and mother of the d. and entereth in where the d. was lying .Sets 12. 13. a d. came to hearken, named Rhoda 16. 16. a certain d. possessed with a spirit, met us DAMSELS. Gen. 24. 61. Rebekah arose and her d. and rode 1 .Sam. 25. 42. Abigail rode with five d. of hers Psal. 68. 25. amongst them were the d. playing DANCE. Psal. 149. 3. let them praise him in the d. 150. 4. Jer. 31. 13. the virgins shall rejoice in the d. Lam. 5. 15. our d. is turned into mourning DANCE. Judg. 21. 21. if the daughters of Shiloh come to d. Job 21. 11. send forth little ones, their children d. Eccl. 3. 4. a time to mourn, and a time to d. Isa. 13. 21. owls dwell there, satyrs shall d. there DANCED. Judg. 21. 23. according to their number that d. 2 Sam. 6. 14. and David d. before the Lord JlfaM1.17.have piped, and ye have notd.Luke7.22. 14. 6. the daughter of Herodias d. Mark 6. 22. DANCES. Exod. 15. 20. the women went after her with d. Judg. 11. 34. daughter came to meet him with d. 1 Sam. 21. 11. did they not sing of him in d. 29. 5. Jer. 31. 4. thou shalt go forth in the d. of them DANCING. Exod. 32. 19. he came nigh, he saw the calf and d. 1 Sam. 18.6. the women came out singing and d. 30. 16. were spread on all the earth, eating and d. DAR 2 Sam. 6. 16. she saw king David d. 1 Chr. 15. 20- Psal. 30. 11. thou hast turned my mourning into d- Luke 35. 25. as he came he heard music and d. DANDLED, /sa. 66. 12. and ye shall be d. upon her knees DANGER. Mat. 5. 21. shall be in d. of the judgment, 22. 22. shall be in d. of council, in d. of hell-fire Mark 3. 29. but is in d. of eternal damnation Mcts 19.27.not only this our craft is in d.but temple 40. in d. to be called in question for this uproar DANGEROUS. jicts 27. 9. and when sailing was now d. because DARE. Job 41. 10. none is so fierce that d. stir him up Rom. 5. 7. for a good man some would even die 15. 18. for I will not d. to speak of any thing 1 Cor.G.l.d. any of you go to law before the unjust? 2Cor.l0.12.we d.not make ourselves of the number DARK. Gen. 15. 17. when the sun went down, and it was d. Exod. 9. t 32. for the wheat and the rye were d. Lev. 13. 6. if the plague be d. 21, 26, 28, 56. JV«wi.l2.8.8peak apparently, and not in d. speeches .Josh. 2. 5. when it was d. the men went out 2 Sam. 22. 12. about him d. waters, Psal. 18. 11. JVe/j. 13. 19. the gates of Jerusalem began to be d. Job 3. 9. let the stars of the twilight thereof be d. 12. 25. they grope in the d. without light 18. 6. the light shall be d. in his tabernacle 22. 13. can he judge through the d. cloud 1 24. 16. in the d. they dig thro' houses, which they 30. t 3. want and famine they were d. as night Psal. 35. 6. let their way be d. and slippery 49. 4. 1 will open my d. saying on the harp 74. 20. d. places of the earth are full of cruelty 78. 2. in parables, I will utter d. sayings of old 88. 12. shall thy wonders be known in the d.7 105. 28. he sent darkness and made it d. Prov.1. 6. the words of the wise and their (/.sayings 7. 9. in the twilight, in the black and d. night Tsa.5.^30. it shall bed. in the destruction thereof 29. 15. and their works are in the d. and they say 45. 19. 1 have not spoken in a d. place of the earth Jcr. 13. 16. your feet stumble on the d. mountains Lam. 3. 6. he hath set me in d. places, as they that Ezek. 8. 12. what the house of Israel do in the d. 32. 7. and I will make the stars thereof d. 8. the bright lights of heaven will I make d. 34.12.have been scattered in the cloudy and Dan. 8. 23. a king understanding d. sentences shall Joel 2. 10. the sun and the moon shall be d. Jlmos 5. 8. seek him that maketh the day d. 20. Mic. 3. 6. it shall be d. to you, the day shall be d. Zcch. 14. 6. the light shall not be clear, nor d. ivM/iC 11. 3G. if thy body be light, having no partxi. John 6. 17. went over the sea, and it was now d. 20. 1. Mary came early, when it was yet d. 2 Pet. 1. 19. as to a light that shineth in a d. place DARKEN. , Jimos 8. 9. and I will d. the earth in the clear day DARKLY. 1 Cor. 13. 12. for now we see through a glass d. DARKENED. i^iod.l0.15.for they covered,so that the land wasd. Psal. 69. 23. let their eyes be d. Rom. 11. 10. Keel. 12. 2. while sun, moon, or the stars be notd. 3. those that look out of the windows be d. Isa. 5. 30. the light is d. in the heavens thereof 9. 19. the land is d. || 13. 10. the sun d. Joel 3. 15. 24. 11. all joy is d. the mirth of the land gone Ezek. 30. 18. at Tehaphnehos the day shall be d. Zech. 11. 17. his right eye shall be utterly d. Mat. 24.29. then shall Uie sun be d. Mark 13. 24. Luke22.A5. and the sun was d. and vail was rent Rom. 1. 21. and their foolish heart was d. Eph. 4. 18. having the understanding d. alienated Rev. 8. 12. so as the third part of them was d. 9. 2. and the sun and the air were d. DARKENETH. Tob 38. 2. who is this that d. counsel by words ? Psal. 139. tl2. yea, the darkness d. not from thee DARKISH. Lev. 13. 39. if the bright spots in skin be d. white DARKNESS Signifies, [1] The privation, or want of natural light, Mat. 27. 45. [2] Hell, the place of eternal misery, confusion,and liorror,callcd outer dark- ness, jtfaJ. 22. 13. [3] Ignorance and unbelief, which is the want of spiritual light, John 3. 19 [4] The minds of men, which, since thcfal', are full of ignorance and error, John 1. 5. [5] A private or secret place, wliere but few persons are present. Mat. 10. 27, What I tell you in darkness; that is, in parables, and in private beticeen ourselves. [6] Great distress, per- plexity, and calamity, Isa. 8. 22. Joel 2. 2. [7] Sin, or impurity, 1 John 1. 5. The land of darkness is the grave, Job 10. 21, 22- Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of DAR death, Psal. 107. 10. such as are in a disconso- late and forlorn condition,shiU up in prisons,or dungeons. TAechildren oriiglit,.. 28. he sent d. and made it dark 139. 11. if J say, surely the d. shall cover me 12. yea, the d. hideth not from thee Prov. 2. 13. leave paths to walk in the ways of d. 4. 19. the way of the wicked is as rf.they know not Eccl. G. 4. his name shall be covered with d. Isa. 5. 30. and if one look to the land, behold d. 8. 22. they shall look, and behold trouble and d. 45. 3. I will give thee the treasures of d. 47. 5. get thee into d. O daughter of Chaldeans 60. 2. for behold, the d. shall cover the earth, and gross d. the people, but Lord shall arise on thee Jer. 13. 16. before he cause d. and make gross d. Ezek. 32. 8. 1 will set d. upon thy land, saiih Lord Joel 2. 2. a day of d. of clouds and of thick d. 31. the sun shall be turned into d. .lets 2. 20. Jimos 4. 13. he that maketh the morning d. J^ah. 1. 8. and d. shall pursue his enemies Mat. 6. 23. thy whole body full of d. Luke 11. 34. 8. 12. be cast out into outer d. 22. 13. | 25. 30. 27.45. from sixth hour there was (/. Mark 15. 33. Luke 22. 53. this is your hour and the.power of d. 23. 44. and there was d. over all the earth Acts 13. 11. there fell on him a mist and a d. Eph.5. 11. have no fellowship with the works of d. 6. 12. against the rulers of the d. of this world Col. 1. 13. who hath delivered us from power of rf. 1 Thess. 5. 5. we aie not of the night nor of d. Ifeb. 12. 18. ye are not come to blackness and d. 2 Pet. 2. 4. and delivered them into chains of d. 17. to whom the mist of d. is reserved for ever 1 John 2. 11. because that d. hath blinded his eyes jMde6.hath reserved in everlasting chains under d. 13. to whom is reserved the blackn. of rf. for ever Rev. 16. 10. and his kingdom was full of d. DARKNESS with day. Job 3. 4. let that day be d. lot not God regard it 15. 23. he knowelh that the day of d. is at hand Eccl. 11. 8. yet let him remember the days of d. Isa. 58. 10. then shall thy d. be as the noon-day Joel 2. 2. a day of d. and gloominess, Zcph. 1. 15. Jimos 5. 20. shall not the day of the Lord be d.? Tn DARKNESS. Deut. 28. 29. thou shall grope as the blind in d. 1 Sam. 2. 9. and the wicked shall be silent in d. 1 Kings 8. 12. Solomon spake, the Lord said that he would dwell in the thick d. 2 Chr. G. 1. Job 17. 13. I have made ray bed in the d. Psal. 11. t 2. they may in d. shoot at the upright 82. 5. they know not, they walk on in d. 88. 6. thou hast laid me in d. in the deeps 91. 6. nor for the pestilence that walketh in d. 109 DAU Rs-.107.10.such B9 sit in d. and the shadow of death 143. 3. the enemy hath made me to dwell iti d. Proy.20.20. his lamp shall be put out in obscure d. Eccl. 2. 14. but the fool walketh in d. 5. 17. he eateth m d. \\ 6. 4. he departeth in d. Isa. 42. 7. bring them that sit in tZ. out of prison- h. 40. 9. to them that are in d. shew yourselves 59. 9. we wait for light, but we walk in d. J(:r.23.12.their ways shall be as slippery ways i7i d. Dan. 2. 22. he knoweth what is in the d. and light ./oA?i8.12.he that followeth me shall not walk in d. 12. 35. for he that walketh in d. knoweth not 4G. whosoever believeth me,should not abide in d. 1 Thess. 5. 4. but ye, brethren, are not in d. 1 Johnl.6. and walk in d.we lie and do not truth 2. 9. hateth his brother, is in d. even till now 11. hateth his brother, is in d. walketh in d. Land of DARKNESS. Job 10. 21. before I go even to the land of d. 22. a laiid of d. as d. itself, and shadow of death Jer. 2. 31. have I been to Israel a land of d.? DARKNESS with light. Oen. 1. 4. and God divided the light from the d. 18. two great lights to divide the light from d. Job 10. 22. a land where the light is as d. 17. 12. the light is short because of d. 18. 18. he shall be driven from light into d. 26. t 10. until the end of light with d. 29. 3. when by his light I walked through d. 30. 26. when I waited for light, there came d. Psal. 112. 4. to upright there ariseth light in d. 139. 12. the d. and light are both alike to thee Eccl. 2. 13. wisdom e.vcels folly as far as I. excels d. Isa. 5. 20. that put d. for light, and light for (/. 9. 2.the people that walked in d. have seen a great light, upon them hath light shined, Mat. 4. 16. 42. 16. I will make d. light before them 45. 7. I form light and create d. I make peace 50. 10. that walketh in d. and hath no light v/er.13.16. while yelook for light,he make it gtossd. Lam. 3. 2. he brought me into d. but not into light Jlmos 5. 18. the day of the Lord is d. and not light Mic. 7. 8. when I sit in d. the Lord shall be a light Mat. 6. 23. light in thee be d. how great is that d. ! 10. 27. what I tell in d. speak in light, Ltike 12. 3. Luke 1. 79. light to them that sit in d. Rom. 2. 19. 11. 35. that the light which is in thee be not d. John l.S.light shineth in d. d. comprehendethit not 3. 19. and men loved d. rather than light 12. 35. walk while ye have light, lest d. come Acts 26. 18. and to turn thom from d. to light Rom. 13. 12. cast off the works of d. put on light 1 Cor. 4. 5. to bring to light the hidden things of d. 2 Cor. 4. G.who commanded light to shine out of d. 6. 14. what communion hath light with d.? 1 Pet.2.9. called you out ofd. into marvellous light 1 Johji 1. 5. God is light, and in him is no d. at all 2. 8. d. is past, and the true light now shineth Out of DARKNESS. Deut. 5. 22. when ye heard the voice out of the d. Tob 12. 22. he discovereth deep things oxit of d. 15. 22. believeth not that he shall return out of d. 30.he shall not depart out of d.the flame dry up P5aM07.14.he brought them out of d. and shadow Isa. 29. 18. the eyes of the blind shall see out of d. DARLING. Psal. 22. 20. deliver my d. from power of the dog 35. 17. Lord, rescue my d. from the lions DART, S. 2 Sam. 18. 14. Job took three d. in his hand 2 Chron. 32. 5. Hezekiah made d. and shields Job 41. 26. the spear nor the d. cannot hold 29. d. are counted as stubble, he laugheth at Prov. 7. 23. till a d. strike through his liver Joel 2. t 8. when they fall on d. not be wounded Eph. 6. IG. to quench the fiery d. of the wicked Heb. 12. 20. it shall bo thrust through with a d. DASH. 2 Kings 8. 12. and thou wilt d. their children P.saZ.2.9.1est d. them in pieces like a potter's vessel 91. 12. they shall bear thee up, lest thou d. thy foot against a stone. Mat. 4. 6. Tjuke 4. 11. Isa. 13. 18. their bows shall d. the young men Jer. 13. 14. I will d. them one against another DASHED. Exod.\5.G.\.hy right hand,0 Lord, hath d. in pieces Isa. 13. 16. their children also shall be d. in pieces before their eyes, Hos. 13. IG. JVaA. 3. 10. Hos. 10. 14. the mother was (/. upon her children DASHETH. Psal.Vil. 9. that d.thy little ones against the stones DATES. 2 Chron. 31. f 5. the children of Israel brought d. DAUB, ED, TNG. Exod. 2. 3. she d. the ark with slime and pitch Ezek. 13. 10. others d. it with untempered mortar 11. say to them which d. it, that it shall fall 12. where is the d. wherewith ye have d. it ? 14. so will I break down the wall ye have d. 22. 28. her prophets have d. them with mortar DAU DAUGHTER Signifies, [1] A female child. Gen. 34. 1. [2] A sister. Gen. 34. 17. [3] A niece, or brother's daughter, Exod. 2. 21. [4] A daughter-in-law, or son's wife, Ruth 3. 18. [5] The women that dwell in a country, Gen. 34. 1. [0] The in- habitants of a city or country, both men and women, Isa. 16. 2. Mat. 21. 5. [7] Posterity, lineage, or offspring, Luke 1. 5. [8] The lungs, and other organs of singing, called the daugh- ters of music, Eecl. 12. 4. [9] The branches of trees, Gen. 49. t 22. [10] The church of God, Psal. 45. 9, 10. Cant. 5. 8. Gen. 20. 12. is d. of my father, not d. of my mother 24. 23. whose rf. art tliou 7 tell me, I pray tliec,47. 48. to take my master's brother's d. to his soji 34.7.hc had wrought folly in lying with Jacob's d. 8. soul of my son Shcchem longeth for your d. 17. then will we take our d. and we will be gone 19. because he had delight in Jacob's d. Exod. 1. 16. but if it be a d. then she shall live 21. 31. whether he have gored a son or a d. Lev. 12. G. when the days are fulfilled for a d. 14. t JO. to take an ewe-lamb, the d. of her year 18. 17. nor shalt thou take her daughter's d. 21. 9. the d. of any priest, if she profane herself 22. 12. if the priest's d. be married to a stranger 13. if the priest's d. be a widow or divorced Mum. 27. 9. if he have no d. give his inheritance 36. 8. every rf. that possesseth an inheritance Deut. 27. 22. cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the d. of his father or the d. of his mother 28. 56. her eye shall be evil toward her d. Judg. 11. 34. Jephthah's rf. came out to meet him 40. to lament Jeplithah's rf. four days in a year 1 Sam. 1. 16. count not thy handmaid a rf. of Belial 18. 19. when Saul's rf. should have been given 2 Sam. 12. 3. little ewe-lamb was unto him as a rf. 1 Kings 3. 1. Solomon took Pharaoh's rf. 11. 1. loved many women, with the rf. of Pharaoh 2 Kings 8. 18. the rf. of Ahab was Jehoram's wife 9. 34. go bury Jezebel, for she is a king's d. 1 Chron. 2. 49. and the rf. of Caleb was Achsah Esth- 2. 7. he took his uncle's rf. for his own d. Psal. 45.10. hearken, O rf. and con6ider,and incline 13. the king's rf. is all glorious within Cant. 7. 1. how beautiful with shoes, O prince's d Jer. 31.22. how long go about, backsliding rf. 49.4 46. 19. O rf. dwelling in Egypt, furnish thyself 48.18.thou rf. that dost inhabit Dibon, come down Ezek. 14. 16. neither deliver son nor rf. 18. 20. 16. 44. saying, as is the mother, so is her rf. 45. thou art thy mother's rf. that loatheth 27. t 6. the rf. of the Ashurites made thy benches 44. 25. for son or d. they may defile themselves Dan. 11. 6. the king's rf. of the south shall come 17. shall give him the rf. of women corrupting Hos. 1. 6. and she conceived again, and bare a rf. Mic. 5. 1. gather thyself in troops, O d. of troops 7. 6. d. risethup against her mother, daughter-in- law ag.her mother-in-law Jlfat.lO. 35./.?/Ael2.53. Zeph. 3. 10. the rf. of my dispersed shall bring Mai. 2. 11. hath married the rf. of a strange god Mat.9. 22. Jesus said, rf. beof good comf. tliyfaith hath made thee whole, Mark 5. 34. lAike 8. 48- 10. 37. he that loveth son or rf. more than me 14. 6. the rf. of Herodias danced before Ihcm 15. 28. her rf. was made whole from that hour Mark 7. 26. he would cast forth devil out of her rf. Lukc8.42. he had one only rf.about 12 years ofnge 13.16.ought not this woman, being rf. of Abraham Acts 7.21. Pharaoh's rf. took him up and nourished //i5j.ll.24. Moses refused to be son of Pharaoh's rf. DAUGHTER of Babylon. Psal.12'7 .B.Od.of Babylon,-wbo art to be destroyed Isa. 47. 1. O d. of Babylon, sit on the ground .ler. 50. 42. to battle against thee, O d. of Babylon 51. 33. d. of Babylon is like a threshing floor Zech.1.1. O Zion,that dwellest with d. of Babylon DAUGHTER of the Chaldeans. Isa. 47. 1. there is nothrQne,0 rf. of the Chaldeans 5. get thee into darkness, Od.ofthe Chaldeans DAUGHTER of Edom. T^am. 4. 21. rejoice and bo glad, O d. of Edom 22. ho will visit thine iniquity, O d. of Edom DAUGHTER of Egypt. .Ter. 46. 11. go into Gilead, O virgin, d. of Egypt 24. the d. of Egypt shall be confounded DAUGHTER of Gallim. Isa. 10. 30. lift up thy voice, O rf. of Gallim His DAUGHTER. Gen. 29. 6. Rachel his rf. comelh with the sheep Exod. 21. 7. if a man sell his rf. to be a servant I,ev. 21. 2. for his son or his d. he may be defiled JVHm.27.8. shall cause inheritance to pass Xohis d. 30. 16. the statutes between the father and his d. Dent. 7. 3. nor his rf. shalt thou take to thy son 18. 10. there shall not be found one that maketh his d. to pass through the fire, 2 Kings 23. 10. Judg. 21. 1. not any of us give his d. to Benjamin DAU 1 Sam. 17. 25. king will enrich and give Inmhisd. DALFGHTER of Jerusalem. 2 Kings 19. 21. the daughter of Zion, the d. of Jems, hath shaken her head at thee, Isa. 37. 22. Lam. 2. Xi. what t'oing shall I liken to thee, O d. of Jerusalcm,0 c?aught. of Zion, to comfort thee 15. they wag their head at the d. of Jerusalem JUic.i.S.ihe kingdom shall come to d. of Jerusalem iJ«yA.3.14.rejoice with all the heart, O d. ofJerus. Zec/i. y. 9. shout, O d. of Jems, thy King cometii DAUGHTER of Judah. Lam. 1. 15. the Lord hath trodden the d. of Judah 2. 2. he hath thrown down strong holds of d. of J. 5. he hatl) increased in d. of Judah mourning DAUGHTER-IN-LAW. Gen.38. 16.he knew not that she was ins d.-in-law 24. Tamar thy d.-in-law hath played tlie harlot Z/i.4.14.and fight for your sons, d.and your wives 5. 2. that said, we, our so7is and our d. are many 5. we bring into bondage our sons and our d. 10. 28. their sons and d. clave to their brethren Job 1.2. there wereborn to Job7s. and 3 d. 42. 13. 13. a day when his so7is and d. were eating, 18. Psal. 106. 37. they sac. their sons and d. to devils 38. and shed even the blood of their sons and d. Isa. 43. 6. bring my s. from far, and my d. from the 49. 22. bring thy sons in their arms, and thy d. 56. 5. will I give a name better than of s. and d. Jer. 3. 24. shame hath devoured their sons and d. 5. 17. eat that which thy sons and d. should eat 11.22. their sons and their d. shall die by famine 14. 16. they shall have none to bury their s. and d. 16.2. neither shalt thou have s. nor d. in this place 3. saith the Lord concerning the sons and d. 19. 9. I will cause them eat the flesh of s. and d. 29. 6. take ye wives and beget sons and d. 35. 8. we, our so7is and our d. drink no wino 48. 46. thy sons and thy d. are taken captives £zet.l4.16.they shall deliver neither so7is nor d.l8. 22. left a remnant brought forth, both sons and d. 16. 20. taken thy sons and d. and sacrificed them 23. 4. and they were mine, and bare sons and d. 10. they tqok her sons and d. and slew her, 25. 47. they shall slay their sons andd. and burn up 24.21.yoursons and d.fall bythe sword ,j9mos7 .17. 25. when I take from them their sons and d. Joel 2. 28. your so7is and d. prophesy, Acts 2. 17. 3. 8. I will sell your sons and d. to Judah 2 Q) shall be mv sons and d.saith theLord "DAUGHTERS of S7jria. Ezek.l&.yi. time of thy reproach of the d. of Syria Two DAUGHTERS. Oen.l9.8.Ihave two d.let me bring them out to you 15. take thy wife and thy two d. which are here 30. Lot dwelt in a cave, he and his two d. 29. 16. Laban had tico d. Leah and Rachel 31. 41.1 served thee fourteen years for thy two d. Ruth 1. 7. Naomi went out with her t7co d. 1 Sam. 2. 21. Hannah conceived and bare two d. 14. 49. Saul's tico d. were Merab and Michal Prov. 30. 15. the horseleech hath two d. crying DAUGHTERS of the uncircumcised. 2 Sa?n. 1.20.publish it not, lest d. of the unc.Uiumph DAUGHTERS of Zion. Cant. 3.11. go forth, O ye d. of Zion, and behold Isa. 3. 16. because the d. of Zion are haughty 17. smite with a scab the head of the d. of Zion 4. 4. have washed away the filth of the d. of Zion DAWN, ING. Josh. 6. 15. they rose about the d. of the day Judg. 19. 26. then came the woman in the d. of day Job 3. 9. neither let it see the d. of the day 7. 4. I am full of toseinge to the d. of the day DAY Psal. i 19. 147. I prevented the d. of the niotniiig .Vat. 2d. 1. as it began to d. toward the lirst duy 2 Pet. 1. IS), till the day d. and iho day-star arise in CAY. The day is distinguished into natural, civil, and artificial. The natural, or solar day, is the du- ration of four and twenty hours. The artilicial day, is the time of thesuti's eontinuanee above the horizon, which is unequal, according to dif- ferent times and seasons, by reason of the ob- liquity of the sphere. God called the light day, that is, the artificial day. The evening and the morning were the tirst day, namely, natural. Gen. 1. J. The civil day, is that, the beginning and end whereof is determined by the common custom of any nation. 7'Af Hebrews began their civil and ecclesiastical day from one evening to another. From even unto even shall ye cele- brate your sabbatli. Lev.. 23. 32. The Babylo- nians reckoned their days from one sun-rising to another; the Italians /com one sun-set to another : some from noon to noon ; and others from midnight to midnight. This day, or to-day, do not only signify the par- ticular day on which one is speaking, but like- wise any indefinite time. Thou art to pass over Jordan tiiis day, Veut. 9. 1. that is, in a short time after this,ihe tcord day being oftenput for time, as in Gen. 2. 4, 17. In the day when God made the earth and the heavens : in the day thou eatest thereof thou slialt surely die, that is, at the time when thou eatest thereof. To-day, if ye will hear his voice, lleb. 3. 15 ; that is, in this present season of grace, while you enjoy the means of grace. The night is far spent, the day is at hand, Hom. 13. 12. The time of heathenish ignorance and prufaneness is in a greatmcasure over; and the time of gospel- light and saving knowledge is begun among vs. The day of Jerusalem, is thetime of its calamity and destruction, Psal. 137. 7. Abraham de- sired to see my day, says our Saviour, John 8. 56. ife desired to have a prospect of the time of my coming in the flesh. One man esteenieth one day above another, Rom. 14. 5. lie thinks that the Jewish festivals arc holier than other duys, and still to be observed. He eeeth that his day is coming, Psal. 37. 13. The time ap- pointed by God for his punishment or destruc- tion. This day have I begotten thee, Psal. 2. 7. that is, from all eternity, in which there is no succession, no yesterday, no to-morrow, but it is all as one continued day or moment, without change orfluz. Or, this day, may refer to the manifestation o/Christ's etcrnalsonshipin time; either in his birth and life, when his being the Son of God was demonstrated by the testimony of the angel,h\iko 1.32. .^ind of God the Father, Mat. 3. 17. I 17. 5. But chiefly at his resurrec- tion, by which ho was declared to be the Son of God with power, Rom. 1. 4. In one day, that is, suddenly and unexpectedly. Rev. 18.8. The Christian sabbath is called tAe Lord's day, Rev. 1. 10. as the sacrament is called the Lord's supper, 1 Cor. 11. 20. because Christ instituted it, or, because the end of its institution was the remembrance of Cbuat'B resurrection,as the end of the Lord's supper was the commemoration of his death ; or, because it is employed in his worship and service. The day of judgment is likewise called the Lord's day, 1 Thess. 5. 2. It is his by destination, because thereon he has appointed to judge the world; but the sabbath is his by consecration, choice, and institution. GcTi. I.S.God called the light d. and darkness night 32. 26. he said, let me go, for the d. breaketb £zo(2. 21. 21. if he continue a d. or two, he shall 40. 37. journeyed not, till the d. it was taken up Lev. 23. 37. feasts of Lord, every thing upon his d. JJVm. 3. 13. on the d. I smote first-born in Egypt 7. 11. each prince shall offer his offering on his d. 14.34. each d. lor a year shall hear your iniquities 30. 8. if her husband disallow her on the d. 12. Deut. 4. 10. the d.thou sioodest before Horeb 15. ye saw no manner of similitude on the d. 9. 7. from the d. thou didst depart out of Egypt 24. have been rebellious from the d. I knew you 24. 15. at his d. thou shalt give him his hire Josh. 6. 10. till the d. I bid you shout, then shout 9. 12. on the d. we came forth to go to you 10. 13. the sun hasted not down about a whole d. 14. was no d. like thai before or after it Judg. 16. 2. when it is d- we shall kill Samson 19. t 8. and they tarried till the d. declined 30. from the d. that Israel came out of Egypt Ruthi. 5. what d. thou buyest the field of Naomi 1 Sam. 9. 15. the Lord told Samuel a d. before 24. 4. behold the d. of which the Lord said 26. 10. smite him, or his d. shall come to die 2 Sam. 3. 35. while it was yet d. Jer. 15. 9. Ill DAY 2 Sam.l3. 32. from d. ho forced his sister Tamar 19. 24. from the d. the kuig departed, till the d. 1 Kings 2. 37. that on the d. thou goest out, 42. 8. t 59. maintain the thing of a d. in his d. 17. 14. till the d. that the Lord sendeth rain 2 Kings fell on a d. thaiElisha passed, 11. 18. JVtA. 4. 2. he said, will tiiey make an end in a d.l 22. in the night a guard, and labour on the d. Esth. 9. 17. and made it a d. of feasting, 18, 19. Job 1. 4. feasted in their houses, every one his d. 6. there was a d. when the sons of God, 13. | 2. 1. 3. 3. let the d. perish wherein I was born 14. li. he may rest, till he shall accomplish his d 18. 20. they shall be astonished at his d. 19. 25. he shall stand at latter d. upon the earth 21. 30. the wicked is reserved to d. of destruction Psal. 19. 2. d. unto d. uttercth speech, and night 37. 13. for he seeth that his d. is coming 78.42. nor remembered d. when he delivered them 84. 10. a d. in thy courts is better tlian a thousand 119. 164. seven times a tZ. do I praise thee Pro«.4.18.that shiueth more and more to perfect d 7. 20. he will come home at the d. appointed 27. 1. thou knowesl not what a d. may bring forth Ca?j<.2.17.till d. break,and shadows flee away ,4. 6, Isa. 7. 17. from the d. that Ephraim departed 30. t 8. that it may be for the latter d. for ever 43. 13. yea, before the d. was, I am he 58. 5. a d. for a man to afflict his soul "! wilt thou call this a fast, an acceptable d. to the Lord'? 01. 2. and the d. of vengeance of our God, 63. 4. Jer. 12. 3. prepare them for the d. of slaughter 27. 22. there shall they be till the d. I visit them 32. 31. from the d. they built it, even to this d. 30. 2. from the d. I spake to thee, even to this d. 38. 28. till the d. that Jerusalem was taken 47. 4. because of the d. that cometh to spoil 50. 27. woe unto them, for their d. is come Eiek. 4. 6. 1 have appointed thee each d. for a year 7. 10. behold the d. behold it is come, the morning 21. 25. thou wicked prince, whose d. is come, 29. 28. 15. from the d. that thou wast created 30. 2. woe worth the d. \\ 3. for the d. is near Tehaphnehes also the d. shall be darkened Dan. 6. 10. maketh petition three times a d. 13. Hos. 9. 5. what will ye do in the solenm d.J Jocl'i.i. a d. of darkness and of gloominess Amos 5. 8. seek him that maketh the d. dark 8. 10. I will make the end thereof as a bitter d. Jilic. 3. 6. and the d. shall be dark over them 7. 4. the d. of thy watchmen, and thy visitation Zc« with longing for them all thed.long 33. 12. the Lord shall cover him all the d. long Psal. 32. 3. through ray roaring all the d. long 35. 28. shall speak of thy praise all the d. long 38. 6. 1 am troubled, I go mourning all the d.long 12. they imagine deceits all the d. long 44. 8. in God we boast all thed. long, and praise 22. for tiiy sake we are killed all the d. long 71.24.shall talk of tliy righteousness all the d.long 73. 14. for all the d. long have 1 been plagued Prov. 21. 20. he coveteth greedily all the d. long 23. 17. be in the fear of the Lord all the d. long Ro7n.iQ.21.all the d.longlstretchedi'onhmyh&nda DAY of death. Gen. 27. 2. 1 am old, I know not the d. of my death Judg. 13. 7. a child be a Nazarite to d. of his death l.S'a)«.15.35.Sam.came not to seeSaul tilld.o/dcctA 2 Sam. 6. 23. Michal had no child till d. of death 20. 3. concubines were shut up to d. o/ their death 2 Kings 15. 5.Uzziah the king was a leper to the d. of his death, 2 Chron. 26. 21. £ccZ.7.1.the d.of death better than d.of one's birth 8. 8. neither hath he power in the d. of death Jer. 52. 11. put him in prison till the d. of his death 34. every day a portion, till the d. of his death By DAY, and Day by day. Gen. 39. 10. as she spake to Joseph d. by d. Exod. 13. 21. the Lord went before them by d. 22. he took not away the pillar of the cloud by d. 29. 38. thou shalt offer two lambs of the first year d. by d. continually, JsTum. W. 3. 40. 38. for the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by d. and fire by night, JVum. 9. 16. JV«?n. 10. 34. the cloud of the Lord was on them by d 14. 14. De^U. 1. 33. JVeh. 9. 19. Judg. 6. 27. because he could not do it by d. 2 Sam. 21. 10. nor birds of air to rest on them by d. 1 Chron. 12. 22. d. by d. there came to help David 2 Chron. 21. 15. by reason of the sickness d. by d. 24. 11. thus they did d. by d. and gathered money 30. 21. the priests praised the Lord d. by d. Ezra 6. 9. let it be given d. by d. without fail JVcA. 8. 18. d. by d. he read in the law of God Psal. 91. 5. nor the arrow that flieth by d. 121. 6. the sun shall not smite thee by d. 136. 8. the sun to rule by d. for his mercy cndureth Isa. 60. 19. the sun shall be no more thy light byd. Jer. 31. 35. who giveth the sun for a light by d. Ezek. 12. 3. and remove by d. in their sight 7. I did so, I brought forth my stuff by d. Luke 11. 3. give us d. by d. our daily bread 2 Cor. 4. 16. the inward man is renewed d. by d. Rev. 21. 25. the gates of it shall not be shut by d. Every DAY. Gen. 6. t5. the thoughts of his heart evil every d. £iod. 16. 4. go out and gather a certain rate eucryd. 29. 36. thou shalt ofier a bullock every d. 1 Sam. 23. 14. and Saul sought David every d. 2 Sam. 13. 37. David mourned for his son every d. 2 Kings25. 30. given him a daily rate for every d. 1 Chron. 16. 37. minister,as every d. work required 2 Chron. B. 13. even after a certain rate every d. 14. as the duty of every d. required, Ezra 3. 4. JVcA. 11. 23. a portion for singers, due for every d. 12. 47. and the porters every d. his portion Esth.'i. 11. Mordecai walked racryd. before court Psai. 7. 11. God is angry with the wicked every d. 56. 5. every d. they wrest my words, their thoughts U5.'2.every d.will I bless thee and praise thy name Isa. 51. 13. and hast feared continually every d. 52. 5. and my name every d. is blasphemed Ezek. 43. 25. seven days prepare every d. a goat Luke 10. 19. rich man fared sumptuously every d. Rom. 14. 5. another eslcemeth every d. alike Feast-MAY. Psal. 81. 3. blow trumpet on our solemn feast.-d. Mat. 26. 5. they said, nut on Ihe fcast-d.Marki4.Z, John 2. 23. in fcast-d. many believed in his name First DAY. Gen.\.^. the evening and morning were first d. 8.5.on ihefirst d.of the month the mountains were seen, 13. Exod. 40. 2, 17. Lev. 23. 24. Exod. 12. 15. the first d. ye shall put away leaven, whoso eateth from first d. to seventh 16. in the first d. shall be a holy convocation, Lev. 23. 7, 35. mtm.. 28. 18. | 29. 1. Lev. 23. 39. on the first d. shall be a sabbath 40 shall take on first d. boughs of goodly trees J^um. 1.1. the Lord spake to Moses on [he first d. 18.they assembled thecongregationon Ihefirst d. 33.38.on the first d. Aaron went up to Mount Hor Deut. 16. 4. the flesh sacrificed first d. not remain DAY 2 Chron. 29. 17. they began on first d. to sanctily Eira2. 6. from the first d. began they to offer 7.9.on \.)m first d. began he to go up from Babylon and on xhs first d. came he to Jerusalem 10. 16. sat down o\\ first d. of the tenth month 17. by ^j-i-t d. of irst month they made an end JVeA.8.'2.Ezra brought the law on first d. of month ISSrom first unto last d.he read in the law of God £zeA; the first d.thn word of theLord came, 29. 17. I 31. 1. 132. 1. Hag.i. 1. 45. 18. in first d. of the month shalt offer a bullock X'ttTi.lO.ia.from the first d. thou didst set thy heart Mat.^ti.n first (/.of unleavened bread, ^/ffirtl4. 12. Acts no. 18. yeknowfromyjrstci. I came into Asia Phil. 1. 5. for your fellowship from^rst d. till now See Week. Second DAY. Oen. 1. 8. the evening and morning were second d. Ezod. 2. 13. and when he went out the second d. JVam. 7. 18. on the second d. Nethaneel did offer 29.17.on the second d.offer twelve young bullocks Josh. 6. 14. the second d. they compassed city once 10. 32. took Lachish on the second d. and smote it Jtt(/^.20.24.Israelcame againstBenjamin second d. 1 Sam. 20. 34. Jonathan did eat no meat second d. 2CAroji.3.2.he began to build secoredd.of the month JVeA.8. 13. on the second d. were gathered together Estk. 7. 2. the king said to Esther the second d. Jer. 41. 4. the second d. after he had slain Gedaliah Eiek. 43. 22. on the second d. thou shalt offer a kid Third DAY. Gen. 1. 13. evening and morning were the third d. 22. 4. on third d. Abraham saw the place afar off was told Laban on third d. Jacob was fled 34. 25. on third d. when they were sore, two sons Exod. 4. t 10. nor since the third d. Josh. 3. t 4. 19. 11. be ready against the third d.ioi the third d. Lord will come down on mount Sinai, 15. Lev. 7. 17. the remainder of the flesh of sacrifice on the third d. shall be burnt with fire, 19. 6. JV^iim.l9. 12. shall purify himself on third d. 31. 19. 19. the clean person sprinkle unclean on third d. 29. 20. on the third d. eleven bullocks, two rams Deut. 19. t 4. hated not from yesterday third d. 6. Josh.9.n. Israel came to their cities on the third d. Judg.W.ZO.lsr. went against Benjamin the third d. 1 Sam. 4. t 7. not such a thing yesterday or third d. 19. t 7. was in his presence as yesterday third d. 2Sa;«.3.t sought Dav. yesterday and third d. lA'mg-sl2.12.came to Rehob. third d.^Chr.W. 12. 2 Kings 13. 1 5.1sr. dwelt as yesterday and third d. 20. 5. on the third d. go up to the house of Lord,8. 1 Chron. 11. 1 2. on third d.vvast he that leddest out Ezra 6. 15. the house wasfinished on the third d. the third (/.Esther put on royal apparel Hos. 6. 2. in the third d. he will raise us up and live Mat. 16. 21. suffer, and be killed, and be raised again the third d. 17. 23. Lulce 9. 22. 20. lO.and the third d. he shall rise again, JVfar4 9. 31. I 10. 34. Luke 18.33. | 24. 7, 46. 27. 64. the sepulchre be made sure till the third d. Luke 13. 32. and the third d. I shall be perfected 24. 21. to-day is the third d. since all these things JoA?t2.1.on Ihethird (/.there was amarriageinCana Mcts 27.19. the third d. we cast out tackling of ship 1 Cor. 15. 4. and that he rose again the third d. Fourth DAY. (xen.1.19. evening and morning were the fourth d. JVitm.29.23.on the fourth d. ten bullocks,two rams 2 Chron. 20. 26. on the fourth d. they assembled jE:ra8.33.on fourth (/.was silver and gold weighed ZccA.7.1.word came to Zechariahon the fourth d. Fifth DAY. Gen. 1.23.the evening and morning were the fifth d. JVjim.29. 26. on the fifth d. nine bullocks, two rams Eiek. 1. 1. in the fifth d. of the month, 2. | 8. 1. 33. 21. in the fifth d. one came unto me, saying Sixth DAY. Gen. 1. 31. evening and morning were the sixth d. £zo(/.16.5.on the sixth (/.gather twice as much, 22. 29.givethyou on the sixth (/.thebread of two days JVum. 7. 42. on the sixth d. Eliasaph offered 29. 29. on the sixth d. eight bullocks, two rams Seventh DAY. Otm. 2. 2. on the seventh d. God ended his work 3. and God blessed the seventh d. Exod. 20. 11. J5io(i.l2.15.eateth leaven from first (/.to seventh d. 16. on the sevaith d. shall be a holy convoca- tion, Lev. 23. 8. JVmto. 28. 25. 13. 6. and in the seventh d. shall be a feast 16. 96. si.v days gather it, but the seventh d. is the sabbath, 20. 10. Lev. 23. 3. Deut. 5. 14 27. there went out some on the seventh d. 29.1et no man go out of his place on the seventh d. 24. 16. on the seventh d. he called unto Moses 31. 17. on the seventh d. God rested, Heb. 4. 4. 34. 21. on scventhd.thon shalt rest, in earing-time 35. 2. on seventh d. there shall be a holy d. to you Lett. 13. 5. the priest shall look on him the seventh d. 6, 27, 32, 34, 51. | 14. 39. 112 , DAY /,cu.l4.9. the seventh d. he shall shave, JVum. 6. 9. J^Tum. 19. 12. on the seventh d. he shall be clean 19. on the seventh d. purify himself, 31. 19. shall wash your clothes on the seventh d. Deut. 16. 8. on the seventh d. a solemn assembly Josh.G.i.on seventh (/.compass city seven times,15. (/.they said toSamson's wife 17. on the seventh d. he told her, because she 2 Sam. 12. 18. on the seventh d. the child died 1 Kings 20.29. on the seventh d. battle was joined HKings 25.8.0U the seventh (/.cameNebuzar-adan £sew.l6.30. that d. shall th.-i priest nrake atonement JVam. 9.6. they could not keep the passover that d. 30. 14. because he held his peace in that d. Dent. 1. 39. your children in that d. had no knowl. 21. 23. thou shalt in any wise bury him that d. 31. 18. 1 will surely hide my face in that d. .Josh.G. 1.5. only that d. they compassed the city 14.12.heardcst in that ( Anakims were there Judg. 20. 26. Israel fasted that d. J S!am. 7. 6. 1 Sam. 8. 18. and ye shall cry out in tha,t d. and the I/Ord will not hear you in that d. 9. 24. so Saul did eat with Samuel that d. R DAY 15am. 10.9. and all those signs camo to pass that d. 12. 18. the Lord sent Umnder and rain that d. 14. 23. so the Lord saved Israel that d. 37. Saul asked, but he answered him not that d. 16. 13. Spirit of Lord came on David from that d. 18. 9. Saul eyed David from that d. and forward 2 Sam. 0. 9. David was afraid of the Lord that d. 11. 12. so Uriah abode in Jerusalem ttiat d. lA7Hn'sl4.14.cut off the house of Jeroboam that d. 2 Chron. 15. t 11. otfered tliat d. of spoil 700 oxen 18. 24. behold, thou shalt see on that d. JVcA. 8. 17. to that d. Israel had not done so -Esf/t.3.14.they should be ready against that rf.8.13. ,/ob 3. 4. let that d. be darkness, let not G. regard it Psal. 146. 4. in that very d. his thoughts perish Prov. 12. t 16. a fool's wrath is in that d. known Isa. 2. 11. Lord alone shall be exalted in that d. 17. 10. 32. as yet shall he remain at Nob that d. 19. 21. Egyptians shall know the Lord in that d. 24. 21. in that d. the Lord shall punish the host 2R. 1. in that rf. shall this song be sung in Judah 29. 18. in that d. shall the deaf hear the words 52. 6. they shall know in that d. that I am he Jer. 39.tl0. Nebuz. gave them vineyards in that d. 16. they shall be accomplished in that d. 17. but I will deliver thee mthatd. saith the L. Ezek. 29. 21. in that d. Israel shall be exalted 38. 19. in that d. there shall be a great shaking 39. 22. know I am the Lord from that d. forward 48. 35. the name of the city from that d. shall be Hos. 2. 18. and in that d. will I make a covenant Joel 3. that d. mountains shall drop new wino Amos 2. 16. he shall flee away naked in that d. 8.3. the songs of the temple be bowlings in that d. OAad.8. shall I not in that d. destroy the wise men 7 Zeph. 1. 15. that d. is a day of wrath, of trouble Zech. 2. 11. nations be joined to the Lord in tliat d. 9. 16. Lord their God shall save them in that d. 11. 11. my covenant it was broken in that d. 12. 8. the feeble at that d. shall be as David 11. in that d. shall there be a great mourning 13. 1. in that d. shall there be a fountain opened 14. 4. his feet sha J stand that d. on the mount that d. shall there be one Lord, his name ono Mai. 3. 17. in that d. when I make up my jewels Mat. 7. 22. many will say to me in that d. Lord 24. 36. but of that (/.knoweth no mau,Mark 13.32. 26. 29. till that d. I drink it new, Mark 14. 25. Luke 6. 23. rejoice ye in that d. and leap for joy 10. 12. be more tolerable in that d. for Sodom 21. 34. and so that d. come on you unawares 23.54. and thatd.wa.s the preparation and sabbath John 1. 39. they came and abode with him that d. 11. 53. from that d. they took counsel together 14. 20. at that d. ye shall know I am in Ihe Father 16. 23. and in that d. ye shall ask me nothing 26. at that d. ye shall ask in my name lThess.5. 4. that d. should overtake you as a thief 2Thcss.l.lO. our testimony was believed in that d. 2. 3. that d. shall not come, except there come 2 Ti'm. 1.12.1 have committed to him agninst that d. 18. he may find mercy of the Lord in that d. 4. 8. the crown the Lord shall give me at that d. This DAY. Ren.4.14.thou hastdriven me out this (/.from earth 24. 12. I pray thee send me good speed this d. 25. 31. he said, sell me this d. thy birth-right 33. swear to me this d. and he sware unto him 41. 9. I do remember my faults this d. 48. 15. God who fed me all my life long to this d. Exod. 12. 14. this d. shall be for a memorial 17. therefore observe this d. in your generations 13. 3. remember this d. in which ye came out, 4. Deut. 1. 10. you are this d. as the stars of heaven 2. 25. this d. will I begin to put the dread of thee 4. 4. arc alive every one of you this d. 5. 3. 5.24. seen this d. that God doth talk with man 6. 24. as it is at this d. S. 18. Ezra 9. 7. 7.11.the statutes which I commanded thee this d. 4. 40. I 6. 6. I 8. 1, 1). I 10. 13. | 30. 2, 8. 8. 19. 1 testify against you this d. ye shall perish 11. 8. commandments which I command you t. d. 13, 27, 28. I 13. 18. | 15. 5. | 19. 9. | 27. 1, 4. 32. statutes which I set before you this d. 12. 8. not do after all things ye do here this d. 26. 17. avouched this d. the Lord to be thy God 27. 9. this d. thou art become the people of the L. 29. 4. hath not given you ears to hear to this d. 10. ye stand this d. all of you before the Lord ]8.whose heart turneth away this d. from the L. 30. 15. I set before thee this d. life and death, 19. 16. I commanded thee this d. to love the Lord 31. 27. while I am yet alive with you this d. 34. 6. no man knowcth his se])ulchrc to this d. Josh. 3. 7. this d. will I begin to magnify thee 4. 9. the twelve stones are there unto this d. 7. 25. the Lord shall trouble thee this d. 14. 10. and now I am this d. oighty-five years old n. I am as strong this d. as when Moses sent me 22. 16. to turn away this d. from following Lord DAY Josh.^. 17. which we are not cleansed till this d. 22. if it be in rebellion, save U3 not this d. 23.8.cleave to the Ld. as ye have done unto this d. 24. 15. choose you this d. whom ye will serve Judg. 1. 26. LrJlis the name thereof unto this d. 10. 15. deliver «>d only, we pray thee, this d. 19. 30. since Israel came up out of the land of Egypt to this d. 1 Sam. 8. 8. 2 Sam. 7. 6. 2 Kings 21. 15. 1 Chron. 17. 5. Jcr. 7. 25. Ruth 4.9. Boaz said, ye are witnesses this d. 10. 1 Sam. 10. 19. ye have this d. rejected your God 11. 13.there shall not a man be put to death this d. 14. 45. Jonathan hath wrought with God this d. 15. 28. Ijord hath rent kingdom from thee this d. 17. 10. I defy the armies of Israel this d. 18. 21. thou shall this d. be my son-in-law 21.5. though it were sanctified this d. in the vessel 22. 8. my servant to lie in wait as at this d. 13. 25. 32. the Ld. which sent thee this d. to meet me 33. who kept me this d.from coming to shed blood 2fi. 21. my soul was precious in thine eyes t)us d. 34. as thy life was much set by this d. in my eyes 30. 25. made it an ordinance for Israel to this d. 2S(ura. 3.39. lam this d. weak, though anoint, king 4. 3. Beerothites were sojourners unto this d. 1 Kings 8. 61. to keep his commands as at this d. 2 Kings 7. 9. this d. is a day of good tidings 17. 34. unto this d. do after former manners, 41. 2 Chron. 5. 9. and there it is unto this d. 35. 21. I come not against thee this d. but against JVeh. 9. 36. behold, we are servants this d. Psal. 2.7. the Lord said, thou art my Son, this d. have I begotten thee, Mcts 13. 33. Ilcb. 1. 5. 118. 24. this is the d. which the Lord hath made 119. 91. they continue this d. according to thy Prov. 7. 14. this d. have I paid my vows 22. 19. I have made known to thee this d. Isa. 38. 19. the living praise thee, as I do this d. 56. 12. and to-morrow shall bo as this d. and much Jer. 25. 18. hissing and a curse, as at this d. 44. 22. 35. 14. for to this d. they drink none, but obey 36. 2. from the days of Josiah even to this d. 44. 10. they arc not humbled even unto this d. 7v(im.2.16.certainly this is the d. that we looked for Ezek. 39. 8. this is the rf. whereof I have spoken Dan. 9. 7. to us confusion of faces, as at this d. Mag. 2. 15. consider from this d. and forward, 18. 19. from this d. will I bless you Mat. 6. 11. give us this d. our daily bread 11. 23. Sodom would have remained to this d. 27. 8. was called the field of blood to this d. 19.1 have suffered many things this d.'m a dream 28. 15. is reported among the Jews to this d. Luke'i. 11. for to you is born this d. a Saviour 4. 21. this d. is this scripture fulfilled in your cars 19. 9. this d. is salvation come to this house 42. if thou hadst known, at least in this thy d. 22. 34. cock not crow this d. before thou deny me Jlcl.'! 2. 29. his sepulchre is with us to this d. 22. 3. zealous toward God, as ye are all this d. 23. 1. in good conscience before God till this d. 24. 21. I am called in question by you this d. 26. 22. I continue unto this d. witnessing to small 29. I would all that hoar me this d. were as I am Rom. 11. 8. that they should not hear unto this d. 2 Cor. 3. 14. till this d. remaineth the vail, 15. To DAY. Cen.Sl. 26. neither yet heard I of it but to d. 30. 32. I will pass through all thy flock to d. 40. 7. wherefore look ye so sadly to d. ? is it that ye are come so soon to d. ? 14. 13. salvation which he will shew you to d. 16. 23. bake that which you will bake to d. 32. 29. consecrate yourselves to d. to the Lord //fio. 9. 4. for to d. the Lord will appear to you Dcut. 15. 15. I command thee this thing to d. 29.13. that he may establish thee tod. for a people 1 Sam. 4. 3. wherefore hath Lord smitten us to d. 7 9. 1 13. get you up, for to d. ye shall find him 127. stand still to d. that I may shew thee 11. 13. to d. Lord wrought salvation in Israel 24. 10. behold, how that the Lord had delivered thee to d. into mine hand in the cave, 26. 23. 2 Sam. 6. 20. how glorious was the king to d. ! 13. 4. why art thou lean from day to d. ? 16. 3. to d. shall the house of Israel restore me 1 Kings 18. 15. I will shew myself to him to d. 22. 5. enquire at word of Lord to d. 2 Chr. 18. 4. 2 Kings 4. 23. wherefore wilt thou go to him to d. 7 6. 28. give thy son that we may eat him to d. 1 Chron. 16. 23. sing to Lord all the earth, shew forth from day to d. his salvation, Psal. 96. 2. Esth. 3. 7. they cast the lot from day to d. .Tab 23. 2. even to d. is my complaint bitter Psal. 95. 7. he is our God, we his pasture, to d. if ye will hear his voice, Hcb. 3. 7, 15. | 4. 7. ^ were to d. turned, and had done right Zech. 9. 12. to d. do I declare, that I will render Mat. 6. 30. the grass of the field, which to d. is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, Z,utc 12.28 114 DAY Mat. 21. 28. said, eon, go work to d. In my vineyard Ltike 5. 26. we have seen strange things to d. 13. 32. behold, I do cures to d. and to-morrow 33. I must walk to d. and the day following 19. 5. for to d. I must abide at thy house 23. 43. to d. Shalt thou be with me in Paradise 24. 21. besides all this, to d. is the third day Hcb. 3. 13. exhort daily, while it is called to d. 5. 5. thou art my Son, to d. have I begotten thee 13. 8. Jesus Christ, same yester. to d. and for ever ,7ara.4.13. ye that say,to rf.or to-morrow, we will go 2Pet.2.8.Lot ve.\ed his righteous soul from day tod. DAY of trouble. 2 Kings 19.3. this day is a d. of trouble, Isa. 37. 3. Psal. 20. 1. Lord hear thee in the d. of trouble 50. 15. and call upon me in the d. of trouble 59. 16. hast been my refuge in the d. of trouble 77. 2. in the d. of trouble I sought the Lord 86. 7. in the d. of trouble I will call on thee Isa. 22.5. it isa rf. of trouble, and of treading down Jer. 51. 3. in the d. of trouble they shall be ag. her Ezek. 1. 7. the time is come, d. of trouble is near JVah. 1. 7. Lord is a strong hold in d. of trouble Hab. 3. 16. that I might rest in the d. of trouble Zeph.l. 15. that day is a d. of trouble tmd distieas DAY-TIME. Job 5. 14. they meet with darkness in the d.-time 24. 16. dig thro' houses they marked in the d.-time Psal.'ii.'i. I cry in the d.-time, but thou hoarest not 42.8.Lord command his loving-kindness ind.-time 78.14. in the d.-time also he led them with a cloud /sa.4.6.shall be a tabernacle for a shadow md.-time 21. 8. I stand on the watch-tower in the d.-time Luke^l.Zl .'m d.-time he was teaching in the temple 2 Pet. 2. 13. that count it pleasure to riot in d.-time DAYS. Oen. 4. 1 3. at end of d. Cain brought an offering 8. 3. after 150 d. the waters were abated 24. t 1. and Abraham was old and gone into d. 27. 41. d. of mourning for my father are at hand 29. 1 14. and Jacob abode with him a month of rf. 47. 9. the d. of my pilgrimage are a 130 years f 28. the d. of the years of his life was 147 years 50. 4. when the d. of his mourning were past JViim. 11. 1 20. ye shall eat of it a month of d. 14. 34. after the number of d. ye searched the land Deut. 4. 32. for ask now of the d. that are past 10. 10. and I stayed in the mount forty d. Josh. 33. t ]. Joshua waxed old and come into d. Judg. 11. fi.after d. childrenofAmmon made war lSam.13.11. Samuel came not within d. appointed 18. 26. and the d. were not expired, wherefore 27. t 7. David dwelt with Philistines a year of d. 29. 3. which hath been with me these d. 1 Kings 2. 11. the d. David reigned over Israel 3. 2. no house was built to the Lord till those d. 14.20. d. that Jeroboam reigned were 22 years 30. war between Rehoboam and Jerob. all their d. 15. 16. between Asa and Baasha all their d. 32. 2Kings 10. 1 36. d.that Jehu reigned were 28 years 13. 3. into the hand of Ben-hadad all their d. 15. 1 13. and Shallum reigned a month of d. 18. 4. to those d. Israel did burn incense to it 23. 22. from d. of the judges, not such a passover 1 Chroyi. 23. 1. when David was old and full of d. 29. 15. our d. are on earth as a shadow, Job 8. 9 28. he died full of d. riches and honour 2 Chron. 24. 15. Jehoiada was old and full of d. Ezra 4.2. since the d. Esar-haddon brought us up 9.7.sinco d.of our fathers have we been in trespass JVeA. 1. 4. 1 wept and mourned certain d. 8.17.since d. of Joshua, son of Nun, unto that day Esth. 9. 22. as the d. whereon the Jews rested 26. they called these d. Purim, after Pur 28.and that these d. should be rememb. and kept Job 3. 6. let it not be joined to the d. of the year 7. 1. are not his d. also like the d. of an hireling'? 12. 12. and in length of d. understanding 21. 13. they spend their d. in wealth, and go down 30. t 1. but now they that are of fewer d. than I 16. the d. of affliction have taken hold on me 27. the d. of aflliction prevented me 32. t 4. Elihu waited, for they were elder for d. 7. I said, d. should speak, and years teach wisd. 33. 25. he shall return to the d. of his youth 36. 11. they shall spend their d. in prosperity 42. 17. so job died, being old and full of d. Psal. 21. 4. thou gavest him length of d. for ever 23. 1 6. dwell in the Lord's house to length of d. 37. 18. the Lord knoweth the d. of the upright 44. 1. told us what work thou didst in their d. 55. 23. deceitful men not hve out half their d. 61. 1 6. thou shalt add d. to the d. of the king 77. 5. I have considered the d. of old, the years 78. 33. therefore their d. did he consume in vanity 89.29. and his throne as the d. of heaven 45. the d. of his youth hast thou shortened 90. 9. all our d. are passed away in thy wrath j 10. the d. of our years are threescore and ten I 12.S0 teach us to number our d. that we mayapply DAY Psal.OO. 14. we may rejoice and be glad all ourd. 91. 1 16. with length ot d. will I satisfy him 93. 1 5.holiness becometh thy house to length of d. 94.13. mayest give him rest from the d.of adversity 119. 84. how many are the d. of thy servant ■? 139. 1 16. WTitten, what d.they should be fash. 143. 5. I remember the d. of old, I meditate Prov. 3. 2. for length of d. shall they add to thee 16. length of d. is in her right hand Eccl. 5. 20. not much remember the d. of his life 7. 10. the cause that the former d. were bitter 8. 15. that shall abide with him the d. of his life 11. 8. let him remember the d. of darkness 12. 1. while the evil d. come not, nor the years Isa. 23. 7. whose antiquity is of ancient d. 15. seventy years, according to the d. of one king 60. 20. the d. of thy mourning shall be ended 65. 20. shall be no more thence an infant of d. 22. as the d. of a tree are the d. of my people Jer. 2. 32. have forgotten me d. without number 6. 11. the aged, with him that is full of d. 28. 1 3. in two years of d. will I bring again 31. 33. after those d. I will put ray law in their 32. t 39. one heart, that tliey may fear me all d. 36. 2. from the d. of Josiah even to this day Lam. 4. 18. our d. are fulfilled, our end is come Ezek. 4. 4. according to the number of the d. 5. 9. 12.23. the d.arc at hand, and effect of every vision 16. 22. not remembered the d. of thy youth, 43. Dan. 8. 14. unto 2300 d. sanctuary be cleansed 10. 1 2. I was mourning three weeks of d. 12. 11. abomination set up, there shall be 1290 d. 12. blessed is he that waiteth to the 1335 d. Hos. 2. 13. I will visit on her the d. of Baalim 9. 7. d. of visitation, d. of recompense are come 10. 9. thou hast sinned from the d. of Gibeah ^mos 4. 14. bring tithes after three years of d. 5.1 21. and I will not smell your holy d. Mic. 5. t^. have been from the d. of eternity 7. 15. according to the d. of thy coming out Hag.'H. 16. since those d. were, when one came to Zcch. 8. 1 4. with his staff for multitude of d. 9. ye that hear in these d. these words 10. before these d. there was no hire for man 11. I will not be as in former d. saith the Lord 15. so have I thought in these d. to do well Mai. 3. 7. from d. of our fathers ye are gone away Mat. 11. 12. from d. of John the Baptist till now 24. 22. and except those d. should be shortened no flesh should bo saved, Mark 13. 20. d. of Noe, so shall the coming of the Son be iMke 1. 24. after those d. Elisabeth conceived 21. 22. for these be the d. of vengeance Acts 3. 24. have likewise foretold of these d. 5. 36. for before these d. rose up Theudas 11. 27. in these d. came prophets to Antioch 12. 3. then were the d. of unleavened bread 19. t38. if matter against any court d. are kept 20.(5. we sailed after the d. of unleavened bread 21. 38. which before these d. madest an uproar Oal. 4. 10. ye observed d. and months, and times Eph. 5. 16. redeeming time, because the d. are evil Heb. 7. 3. neither beginning of d. nor end of life 10. 32. but call to remembrance the former d. 1 Pet. 3. 10. he that would see good d. let him ref. Rev. 11. 3. shall prophesy 1260 d. in sackcloth 12. 6. that they should feed her there 1260 d. See David, Last, Old, Journey. Ml the DAYS. Oen. 3. 14. dust shalt thou eat all the d. of thy life 5. 5. all the d. Adam lived were 930 years 8. all d. of Seth 912 years || 11. of Enos 905 years 14. d. of Caman 910 years || 23. Enoch 365 )'ears 27. all the d. of Methuselah were 969 years 9. 29. all the d. of Noah were 950 years Lev. 13. 46. all the d. wherein the plague shall be 15. 25. all the d. of her issue shall be unclean, 26. JVitm. 6. 4. all the d. of his separation, 5, 6, 8. Deut.i. 9. lest they depart from thy heart all the d. 10. to fear me all thcd. they live, 1 Ki7tgs 8. 40. 12. 1. to possess it all the d. ye live on the earth Josh. 4.124. that you might fear the Lord all the d. 24. 31. and Israel served the Lord all the d. of Joshua and all the d. of the elders, Jjidg. 2. 7. .Tudg. 2.18. delivered them all the d. of the judge 1 Sam. 1. 11. 1 will give him to Lord aZZd. of his life 7. 13. against Philistines all the d. of Samuel 15. Samuel judged Israel all the d. of his life 1 Kings 4. 25. dwelt safely all the d. of Solomon 11. 25. Rezon wasadvers. all the d. of Solomon 2 Kings 13.22. Hazael oppressed Israel all the d. of 23. 22. nor in all the d. of the kings of Israel 2 Chron. 24. 2. all the d. of Jehoiada the priest, 14. Ezra 4. 5- to frustrate their purposes all d. of Cyrus Job 1. fS- 'hus did Job all the d. 14. 14. all the d. of my appointed time will I wait P5ai.23.6.mercy shall follow me (iHtAed. of my life 27. 4. dwell in house of Lord all the d. of my life Prov. 15. 15. all the d. of the afflicted are evil 31. 12. do him good, not evil, all the d. of her life DAY holiness before him all the d.oioutVifo Sec His Life, T/iy Life. DAYS come. Isa. 7. 1". shall bring on thee d. tliat have not come Jer.23.5.behoId the d. come,!. | 30. 3. | 31. 27,31,38. ..'Jmos 4. 2. the d. come tliat lie will lake you away J/at. 9. 15. the d. shall come when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, jV«cA-2.20.ij«A-e5.3o. Luke 17. 22. the d. come when ye shall desire to see 19. 43. the d. come thy enemies shall cast a trench 21. 6. the d. come in which there shall not be left Ifeb. 8.8. d. come when I will make anew covenant FeiB DAYS. Gen. 24. 55. let the damsel abide with us a. few d. 27. 44. tarry a. few d. till thy brother's fury turn 29. 20. and they seemed to him but A few d. 47. 9. few and evil are the d. of my pilgrimage JVum. 9.20. when the cloud was a few d. on tabern. Job 14. 1. man Uiatis born of a woman is of few d. 32. t6. Elihu said, I am of few d. and ye are old Psal. 109. 8. let his d. be few, and let another Dan. 11. 20. withm few d. he shall be destroyed Heb. 12. 10. they verily for a few d. chastened us ms DAYS. Gen. 6. 3. yet his d. shall be 120 years 10.25. in his d. was the earth divided, 1 Chr. 1. 19. Veut. 22. 19. may not put her away all his d. 29. 1 Kings 1. 1 6. had not displeased him from his d. 15. 14. Asa was perfect all his d. 2 Chron. 15. 17. 16. 34. in his d. did Hiel build Jericho 21. 29. 1 will not bring the evil in his d. 2 Kings his d. Kdom revolted, 2 Chr. 21.8. 12. 2. Jehoash did what was right all his d. 15. 18. he departed not all his d. from the sins 1 Chron. 22. 9. and quietness to Israel in his d. 2 Chron. 34. 33. all his d. they departed not from Job 14. 5. seeing his d. are determined, his months 15. 20. wicked man travaileth with pain all his d. 24.1. why do they that know him not see his d. 7 Psal. 72. 7. in his d. shall the righteous flourish 103. 15. as for man, his d. are as grass, as flower 144. 4. his d. are as a shadow that passeth away i'roD.28.16.that hateth covetousness prolong Ai> d. Eccl. 2. 23. for all his d. are sorrows, his travail 5. 17. all his d. also he eateth in darkness 6. 12. and though his d. be prolonged, yet I know 13. the wicked shall not prolong his d. Isa. 65. 20. nor old man that hath not filled his d. Jer. 17. 11. shall leave them in the midst of his d. 22. 30. write, a man that shall not prosper in his d. 23. 6. in his d. Judah shall be saved, Israel dwell In the DAYS. Reuben went in the >t those d. 115 DAY Judg. 17. 6. in those d. there was no king in Israel, 18. 1. I 21. 25. 20. 27. for the ark ofGod was there in those d. 1 Sam. 3. 1. the word of L. was precious i7i those d. 2 Sam. 16. 23. which he counselled in those d. 2 Kings 20. 1. in those d. was Hezekiah sick unto death, 2 Chron. 32. 24. Isa. 38. 1. Jcr. 33. 16. in those d. shall Judah be saved 50. 4. in those d. Israel shall go and seek God 20. in those d. iniq. shall be sought for, and none Joel 2. 29. in those d. will i)our out my Spirit on the servants and on the handmaids, jlets 2. 18. Jilat. 24. 19. woe to them that give suck in those d. Mark 13. 17. Luke 21. 23. Luke 1. 39. and Mary arose in those d. atid went 20. 1. on one of those d. as he taught the people Jlcts 7. 41. they made a calf m those d. and ottered Rev. 2. 13. hast not denied my faith in those d. 9.C.jft those d. shall men seek death and not find it Latter DAYS. JVum. 24.14. people do to thy people in the latter d. Deut. 4. 30. in latter d. if thou turn to the Lord 31. 29. and evil will befall you in the latter d. Jer. 23. 20. in latter d. consider it perfectly, 30. 24. 48.47. yet will I bring again the captivity of Moab in the latter d. saith the Lord 49. 39. the captivity of Elara in the latter d. £zei.38.] 6. come against ray people in the latter d. jDa?i.2.28. niaketh known what shall bo in latter d. 10. 14. what shall befall thy people in the latter d. Hos. 3. 5. and shall fear the Lord in the latter d. Many DAYS. Oen. 37. 34. Israel mourned for his son many d. 47. 1 8. how many are the d. of thy life 1 Josh. 22. 3. nor left your brethren these many d. 2 Sam. 19. t 34. Barzillai said to the king, how many d. are the years of my life? 1 Kings 2. 38. Shimei dwelt at Jerusalem many d. 3. til. and hast not asked for thyself many d. 17. 15. she, and he, and her house, did eat many d. 1 Chron. 7. 22. and Ephraim mourned many d. Psal. 34. 12. what man is he that loveth many d. ? 119. 84. how many are the d. of thy servant ? Eccl. 6. 3. so that the d. of his years be many 11. 1. for thou shall find it after many d. foa.24.22.afterm.d.shall they be visited, £ze/i.38,8. 32. 10. many d. and years shall ye be troubled Jer. 32. 14. they may continue many d. 35. 7. 37. 16. Jeremiah had remained there many d. Ezek. 12. 27. the vision that he seeth is for many d. Dan. 8. 26. | 10. 14. Dan. 11.33. shall fall by captivity and spoil many d. Hos. 3. 3. thou shalt abide for me many d. 4. Israel shall abide many d. without a king Luke 15. 13. not many d. after, younger son gather. John 2. 12. they continued there not many d. ■Acts 1. 5. ye shall be baptized not many d. hence 13. 31. he was seen many d. of them which came 16. 18. this did she many d. Paul being grieved 27. 20. nor sun nor stars in many d. appeared My DAYS. Gen. 29. 21. give me my wife, for my d. arc fulfilled 2 Kings 20. 19. good if peace and truth be in 7fl2"^. Job 7. 6. my d. are swifter than a weaver's shuttle 16. let me alone, for 7ny d. are vanily 9. 25. now my d. are swifter than a post, they flee 10. 20. are not 7ny d. few, cease then, and let alone 17. 1. my d. are extinct, graves are ready for me 11. my d. arc past, my purposes are broken 27. t 6. my heart shall not reproach me fur my d. 29. 18. I shall multiply my d. as the sand PsaZ.39.4.know mine end, and the measure of my d. 5. thou hast made my d. as a hand-breadth 102. 3. for my d. are consumed like smoke 11. my d. are like a shadow that declineth 23.he weakened my strength, he shortened my d. 24. take me not away in the midst of my d. 116. t2. therefore will I call upon him in 7ny d. Isa. 38. 10. I said, in the cutting off of my d. 39. 8. there shall be peace and truth in my d. Jer. 20. 18, my d. shall be consumed with shame JVow-a-DAYS. many servants ?io?c-a-«/.break away Prolong, cd, eth, DAYS. Deut. 4. 26. shall not prolong your d. on it, 30. 18. 40. and that thou mnyesi prolong thy d. 22. 7. 5. 16. and that thy d. may be prolonged, 0. 2. 'i'i.lhai ye may prolong your d. in the land, 11.9. 17. 20. to the end that he may prolong his d. 32. 47. ye shall prolong your d. in the land Prov. 10. 27. the fear of the Lord prolongelh d. 28. 16. hateth covetousness, shall prolong his d. Eccl. 8. 12. though a sinner's d. be prolonged, yef 13. neither shall the wicked prolong his d. Isa. 13. 22. and her d. shall not he prolonged 53. 10. see his seed, he shall prolong his d. Ezek. 12. 22. the d. are prolonged, vision faileth Sabbath-DAYS. J>/a( on the sabbath-d.the pripsts profane 10. is it lawful to heal on the sabbath-d. ? DAY Jl/ is lawful to do well on the sabbath-d. Mark 3. 4. lawful to do good on sab.-d. Luke 6. 9. Luke 4.31. he came and taughtthem on sabbath-d. 6. 2. which is not lawful to do on the sabbath-d. Acts 17.2. three sabbath-d. reasoned with them Col. 2. 16. judge you in leepect. of saObath-d. Thy DAYS. £xo(i.20.12.bonour thy father and thy mother, that thy d. may be long on land L. thy G. giveth thee 23. 26. the number of thy d. I will fulfil Deut. 12. 1 19. forsake not the Levite all thy d. 23. 6^ shall not seek their prosperity all thy d. 25. 15. that thy d. may be lengthened in land God 30. 20. he is thy life, and the length of thy d. 31. 14. thy d. approach that thou must die 33. 25. and as thy d. so shall thy strength be 1 Sam. 25. 28. evil not found in thee all thy d. 2 Sam. 7. 12. and when thy d. be fulfilled 1 Kings 3. 13. shall not be any like thee all thy d. 14. walk in my ways, then I will lengthen thy d. 11. 12. in thy d. I will not do it, for David's sake 2Ki7igs 20.6. 1 will add to thy d. 15 years, /sa.38.5. IChron.n. 11. when thy d. be expired, that thou go Job.l0.5.ate thy d.asthe days of man, are thy years 38.12.hast thou commanded morning sincet hy d.! 21. because the namhet of thy d. is great Prov. 9. 11. for by me thy d. shall be multiplied Ezek. 22. 4. thou hast caused thy d. to draw near Two DAYS. Exod. 16. 29. on the sixth day the bread of two d. JVum. 9. 22. whether it were two d. or a month 11. 19. ye shall not eat one, nor two d. nor five 2 Sam. 1. 1. and David had abode two d. in Ziltlag Ezra 10. 13. nor is this a work of one day or two d. Esth. 9. 27. that they would keep these two d. Hos. 6. 2. after two d. will he revive us, third day Mat. 26. 2. after two d. is the feast, Mark 14. 1. John 4. 40. and he abode there two d. 43. now after two d. he departed thence 11. 6. he abodo two d. still in the same place Three DAYS. G'en.40.12. Joseph said, three branches are three d. 13.within three d. shall Phar. lift up thy head,19. 18. Joseph said, the three baskets are three d. 42. 17. he put them altogether into ward three d. Eiod.3.18.1etusgo three (?. journey into wilderness to sacrifice to Lord our God, 5. 3. | 8.27. | 15.22. 10.22.there was a thick darkness in Egypt three d. 23. nor rose any from his place for three d. Josh.l.ll.v/ithia three d. ye shall pass over Jordan 2. 16. and hide yourselves there three d. 22. Judg. 19. 4. and he abode with him three d. 1 Sam. 9. 20. thy asses that were lost three d. ago 21.5. women have been kept from us these three d. 30. 12. he had eaten no bread three d. and nighta 13. master left me,because thr. d.agone I fell sick 2 Sam.20.4.assembled the men of Judah in three d. 24. 13. there be three d. pestilence, 1 Chr. 21. 12. 1 Kings 12. 5. depart for three d. 2 Chron. 10. 5. 'iKings 2.17.sought him three d. but found him not 2 Chron. 20. 25. were three d. gathering the spoil Ezra 8. 15. there we abode in tents three d. 10. 8. whosoever would not come in three d. 9. Esth. 4. 16. and neither eat nor drink three d. Jonahl.yi .l-iorA prepared a fish,Jonah was in belly offish tliree d. and three nights. Mat. 12. 40. JI/at.l5.32.I have compassion on multitudebocause tlicy continue with nie now three d. Mark 8. 2. 26. Gl. to destroy temple of God, and to build it in three d. 27. 40. Mark 14. 58. | 15. 29. .Tohn 2. 19. 27. 63. after three d. I will rise again, Mark 8.31. Liikc 2. 46. after three d. found him in the temple y7cf«9.9.Saul was thr. rf. without siglit,(!at nor drink 28. 7. Publius lodged us three d. courteously Rev. 11. 9. see their dead bodies three d. and a half 11. after three d. and a half spirit of life entered FoiLr DAYS. Jxidg. U. 40. lament daughter of Jephthah/oMr d. John 11. 17. Lazarus had lain in the grave four d. 39. he stinketh, for he hath been dead four d. Acts 10. "if), four d. ago I was fasting to this hour Five DAYS. JVmto. 11. 19. x\ox five d. nor ten d. nor twenty d. Acts 20. 6. we came to them to Troas in five d. 24. 1.afiex five ^.Ananias the high priest descend. Six DAYS. Exod.l&.'i&.six d. ye shall gather it, but on sabbath 20. 9. keep sabbath holy, six d. shalt thou labour and do all thy work,23. 12. | 34.21. Deut. 5. 13. 11. msixd. Lord made heaven and earth, 31. 17. 24. 16. the cloud covered mount Sinai six d. 31. 15. six d. may work be done, 35. 2. J.ev. 23. 3. Deut. 16. 8. six d. shalt thou eat unleavened bread .Tosh. 6. 3. go round city, thus sh.ilt Ihou do six d. 14. they compassed city once, so thoy did six d. Ezek. 46. 1. gate shall be shut thn six working d. Luke 13. 14. six d. in which men ought to work John\%\.i&s\issix d.bcforepassover came to Beth. Seven DAYS. G'en.7.4. yet seven d. I will cause it to rain on earth DAI Oen. 8. 10. and Noah stayed yet other seven d. 12- 50. 10. Joseph mouiiied for liis lather seijeyi d. Etod.l2.15.seBC7i d. ye shall eat unleavened bread, 13. G, 7. I 23. 15. I 34. 18. Lev. 23. 6. JVum. 28. 17. Dmt. 16. 3. 19. seven d.shall ijj leaven be found, Deut. 16. 4. 22.30.set!eK d. it shall be with the dam,ic«.22.27. 29. 30. the priest shall i)ut them on seven d. d. shalt thou consecrate them,Z,eti.8.33. "SI. seven d.shalt make an atonement for the altar Lev. 12. 2. a man-child, she shall be unclean sev. d. 13. 5. if the plague be at a stay , then the priest shall shut him up seven d. more, 21, 26, 33, 50, 54. 14. 8. he shall tarry abroad out of his tent seven d. 15.19.have an issue,Ghe shall be put apart seven d. 23. 8. shall offer an otfering by fire to Ld. seven d. 39. also when fruit gathered in, ye shall keep a feast to the Lord seven d. 40, 41. JV«?n. 29. 12. JV"um.l2.14.should Miriam not be ashamed sev. d.l 19. 14. all in the tent shall be unclean seven d. Deut.lG.13. observe the feast of tabernacles seu. d. Judo-. 14.12.if ye can declare it to me within sev. d. 17. and she wept before him the seven d. I Sam. 10. 8. seven d. shalt thou tarry till I come 11. 3. the elders said, give us seven d. respite 13. 8. he tarried seven d. according to the timo 31. 13. and they fasted seven d. 1 Cliron. 10. 12. 1 Kmgs8.G5. Solom. held a feast before li.sevcn d. 16. 15. Zimri did reign seven d. in Tirzah 2 Cliron. 7. 9. they kept dedication of altar seven d. 30. 21. the children of Israel kept the feast of un- leavened bread seven d. 35. 17. Ezra 6. 22. 23. assembly took counsel to keep other seven d. Esth. 1. 5. a feast both to great and small seven d. Isa. 30. 26. light of the sun, as the light of seven d. Ezek. 3. 15. I remained there astonished seven d. 43. 26. seven d. shall they purge the altar, purify jtfe4.11.30.fell, after they were compassed «ej;ejt d. Eight D.\YS. (?fin.l7.12. eight d. old shall be circumcised, 21. 4. 2CAro«.29.17. sanctify house of the Ld. in eight d. XHA:e2.21.when eight d. were accomplished for the John 20. 26. after eight d. Jesus came and stood Ten DAYS. . [in midst J\ram. 11. 19. ye shall not eat ten d. nor twenty d. 1 Sajn. 25. 38. ten d. after the Lord smote jVabal J\reh. 5. 18. once in ten d. store of all sorts of wine Jer. 42. 7. after ten d. the word of the Lord came Dan. 1. 12. prove thy servants, I pray thee, ten d. 15. at the end of ten d. their countenances fairer Mets 25. 6. when he had tarried more than teii d Rev. 2. 10. but ye shall have tribulation teji d. Eleven DAYS. Deut. 1.2. eleven d. journey bet. Horeb and ICadesh Twelve DAYS. ^cts 24. 11. there are but twelve d. since I went up Fourteen DAYS. 1 Kings 8. 65. Solomon held a feast fourteen d. Fifteen DAY'S. Oal. 1. 18. 1 went and abode with Veler fifteen d. Tjcenty DAYS. JVVro. 11. 19. ye shall not eat flesh twenty d. Twenty-one DAYS. Dan. 10. 13. prince of Pers. withstood me twenty- Thirty DAYS. [one d. J^iim. 20. 29. they mourned for Aaron thirty d. Deut. 34. 8. Israel wept for Moses thirty d. Esth. 4. 11. not been called to the king these thir. d. Dan. 6. 7. whosoever shall ask petition for thirty Thirty-three DAYS. [d. 12. Bev.lS.i. in the blood of her purify, thirty-three d. Forty DAY''S. G'en.7.4.1 will cause it to rain on the earth forty d. 50. 3. forty d. were fulfilled for embalming him Exod. 24. 18. Moses was in the mountforty d. and forty nights, 34. 28. Deut. 9. 9. [ 10. 10. JV«m. 13. 25. they returned after forty d. 14. 34. Deut. 9. 25. I fell down before the Lord forty d. I Kings 19.8.went in strength of that meat forty d. Ezek. 4.6. shalt bear the iniquity of Judah/ortj/d. .lo7iaA3.4. yet forty d.and Nineveh be overthrown Mat. 4.2. when he had fasted/or. d. and/or. nights Mark 1. 13. Jesus was forty d. in the wilderness tempted of Satan, was with wild beasts, Z,m.4.2. Acts 1.3. being seen of them/orf?/ d. and speaking Fifty-two DAYS. Jfeh. 6. 15. so the wall was finished in fifty-two d. Your DAYS. Deut. 11. 21. that your d. may be multiplied Jer. 16. 9. 1 will cause to cease in your d. mirth 35. 7. but all yo%ir d. ye shall dwell in tents Ezek.H. 25. in y. d. will I say word, and perform it Joel 1. 2. hath this been in your d. or d. of fathers 1 Hah. 1.5. 1 will work a work in your d. Acts 13.41. DAILY. F.xod. 16. 5. twice as much as they gathered d. J\rum. 4. 16. the d. meat-oflfering, Ezek. 46. 13. 28. 24. after this manner ye shall offer d. 29. 6. beside the d. burnt-ofTering, Ezra 3. 4. Jurf d. 4. 10. || 11. 21. Uriah is d. 24. 12. 18. the child (5 (/. 19. || 13. 32. Amnon onlyisd. 14.5.1 am a widow and my husb. is .25.9.d. thy cause with thy neighbour himself /sa.27.8.inmea3ure,thou wiltd. with it,heBtayeth DEBATE, S. /s (1.58.4. behold,ye fast for strife and d.and to smite iJom. 1.29.full of envy, murder, d. deceit, malignity 2 Cor. 12. 20. I fear lest there be d. wrath, strifes DEBT Is what is due by one man to another, Neh. 10. 31. Sins are by resemblance called debts. Mat. 6. 12. As a debt obliges the debtor to payment, so sin doth the sinner to punishment. And as the cre- ditor hath a right toezact the payment from the dcbtor,so6od hath a right to inflict punishment on the guilty. Thus men are debtors to God, by trespassing against him ; and to their neigh- bours, when they wrong, injure, or offend them. Mat. 6. 12. TAf opostZe Paul saj/s, Rom. 1. 14, I am a debtor both to theGreeks andBarbarinns. I am bound by my office to preach the gospel to DEC all nations, whether more civilized, or more rude. Jlnd speaking of suck as looked upon cir- cumcision as necessary to their justijication and salvation, he says, I testify to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law, Gal. 5. 3. He obliges himself to keep the tchole law, as the condition of life, and so virtually disclaims all pardon by Christ. 1 Sam. 22.2. every one that was in d. went to David 2 Kings 4.7.hc said,go,sell the oil, pay thy d.and live JVeA.10.31.we would leave the e.xaction of every d. Mat. 18. 27. loosed him, and forgave him the d. 30. went and cast into prison till he should pay d. 32. his lord said, I forgave thee all that d. Rom. 4.4. reward is not reckoned of grace but d. DEBTOR. Ezek. 18. 7. but hath restored to the d. his pledge ^/at.23.16. shall swear by gold of the temple is a d. 1 18. whoso sweareth by the gift, he is the d. Rom. 1. 14. I am d. to the Greeks and Barbarians Oal. 5. 3. that he is a d. to do the whole law DEBTORS. Mat. 6. 12. forgive us our debts, as we forgive our d. Z,uke 7. 41. a certain creditor had two d. 13. 1 4. think ye that they were d. above all men ? 16. 5. he called every one of his lord's d. iiom.8.12. therefore, brethren, we are d.not to flesh 15. 27. it pleased them verily, and their d. they are DEBTS. Prov. 22. 26. be not of them that are sureties for d. Jtfat.6.12.forgive us our we forgive our debtors DECAY. Lev. 25. 35. if thy brother be poor and fallen in d. Rom. U. f 12. d. of them the riches of the Gentiles DECAYED. JV'cA. 4.10. the strength of the bearers of burdens d. Isa. 44. 26. 1 will raise up the d. places thereof DECAYETH. Job 14. 11. and as the flood d. and drieth up Eccl. 10. 18. by much slothfulness the building d. Ueb. 8. 13. that which d. is ready to vanish away DECEASE. Luke 9. 31. and spake of his d. at Jerusalem 2 Pet. 1. 15. after my d. to have in remembrance DECEASED. Isa. 26. 14. they are d. they shall not rise Mat. 22. 25. first, when he had married a wife, d. DECEIT Signifies, [1] Ouile or fraud, Psal. 10. 7. | 36. 3. [2] Deceitful persons, Jer. 9. 6. [3] Deluding messages, dreams, and lies of false teachers, whereby they please the humours, and comply with the lusts of sinfulpersons, Isa. 30. 10. Jer. 8. 5. [4] Goods gotten by oppression, false ac- cusation, and deceit, Jer. 5. 27. Zeph. 1. 9. [5] Devices or fair pretences to deceive, Psal. 38.12. They handle the word of God deceitfully, 2 Cor. 4. 2. who mingle it with their own inventions, or passions of pride, covetousness, <$-c. or wrest it according to men's pleasures. Job 15. 35. and their belly prepareth d. 27. 4. my lips not speak, nor my tongue utter d. 31. 5. or if my foot hath hasted to d. Psal. 5. t 6. the Lord will abhor the man of d. 10. 7. his mouth is full of cursing, d. and fraud 36. 3. the words of his mouth are iniquity and d, 43. tl. O deliver me from the man of d. 50. 19. thy mouth to evil, thy tongue frameth d. 55. 11. d. and guile depart not from her streets t23. men of d. shall not live half their days 72. 14. he shall redeem their soul from d. and viol. 101. 7. he that worketh d. not dwell in my house 109. t 2. the mouth of d. is opened against me 119. 118. trodden them that err, their d. is falseh. Prop.ll.fl. balances of d.are abomination to Lord 12. 5. but the counsels of the wicked are d. 17. but a false witness sheweth forth d. 20. d. is in the heart of them that imagine evil 14. 8. but the folly of fools is d. 20. 17. bread of d. is sweet to man, but afterwards t23. and balances of d. are not good 2(). 24. he that hateth, layeth up d. within him 26. whose hatred is covered by d. his wickedness Tsa. 53. 9. neither was any d. in his mouth Jer. 5. 27. cage full of birds, so are houses full of d. 8. 5. they hold fast d. they refuse to return 9. 6. tliro' d. they refuse to know me, saith the L. 8. tongue is an arrow shot out, it spcaketh d. 14. 14. they prophesy the d. of their heart 23. 26. they are prophets of d. of their own heart 42. 1 20. you have used d. against your souls Ezek. 22. f 7. in thee have they dealt by d. 1 29. the people of the land have used d. £bs.ll.l2. the house oflsr. compasseth me with d. 12. 7. the balances of d. are in his hands ..,9mos 8. 5. and falsifying the balances by d. Zeph.l. 9. who fill their masters' houses with d. Mark 7. 22. out of the heart of men proceed d. Rom. 1. 29. Cull of murder, debate, d. malignity 3. 13. with their tongues they have used d. 119 DEC Coi.2.8. lest any man spoil you thro' vain philos. d. 1 Thess. 2. 3. for our exhortation was not of d. DECEITFUL. Ps.5. 6. the Lord will abhor the bloody and d. man 35.20.they devise d.matters ag. them quiet in land 43. 1. O deliver me from the d. and unjust man 52. 4. lovest devouring words, O thou d. tongue 55.23. bloody and d.nien shall not live half their d. 78. 57. they were turned aside like a d. bow 109. 2. the mouth of the d. are opened against me 120. 2. deliver my soul from a d. tongue Prov. 11. 18. the wicked worketh a d. work 12. t24. but the d. shall be under tribute 14. 25. but a d. witness speaketh lies 23. 3. not desirous of dainties for they are d. meat 27. 6. but the kisses of an enemy are d. 29. 13. the poor and the d. man meet together 31.30.favour is d.and beauty is vain, but a woman Jer. 17.9. the heart is d.above all things and wicked i/fls.7.16. return not to most High, are like a d. bow Mic. 6. 11. and with the bag of d. weights 12. and their tongue is d. in their mouth Zeph. 3.13. nor shall a d. tongue be found in mouth 2 Cor. 11. 13. such are false apostles, d. workers £pA.4.22.old man corrupt accordhig to the d. lusts DECEITFULLY. Gen. 34.13. sons answered Hamor and Shechem d. Exod. 8. 29. let not Pharaoh deal d. any more 21. 8. seeing he hath dealt d. with her Lev. 6. 4. or the thing which he hath d. gotten Job 6. 15. my brethren have dealt d. as a brook 13. 7. will ye talk wickedly or d. for God I Psai.'ii.i. hath not lift up his soul nor sworn d. 52. 2. thy tongue like a sharp razor, working d. Jer. 48. 10. cursed that doeth work of the Lord d. i)an.ll.23. after tlie league made, he shall work d. 2 Cor. 2. 1 17. not as many. that deal d. with word 4.2. not in craftiness, nor handling word of God d. DECEITFULNESS. Mat. 13. 22. the care of this world and the d. of riches choke the word, Mark. 4. 19. Heb. 3. 13. lest any be hardened thro' tire d. of sin DECEITS. Psal. 38. 12. seek my hurt, and imagine d. all day Isa. 30. 10. speak to us smooth things, prophesy d. 33. 1 15. he that despiseth the gain of d. DECEIVE Signifies, [1] To beguile, cheat, or cozen. Gen. 31. 7. Lev. 6. 2. [2] To mislead, subdue, or corrupt, Deut. 11. 16. Isa. 44. 20. [3] To al- lure, delude, or entice, Job 31. 9. 1 the Lord have deceived that prophet, Ezek. 14. 9. I have given him up to the delusions of his own heart, and justly left him in his blindness, that he shall not discern his own sclf-deceivings : Or, when stich a prophet promiseth good, and thinks that the concurrence of all second cau- ses tend to it, I will disappoint and frustrate. O Lord, thou hast deceived me, I was deceived, Jer.20. 7. that is. Thou hast persuaded me to undertake this office, contrary to my own incli- nations, and hast disappointed me of that com- fort and satisfaction therein that I expected. 2 Sam. 3. 25. thou knowest Abner came to d. thee 1 Kings 22. f 20.the Lord said, who shall d. Ahab 1 2 Kin^s 4.28. she said, did not I say, do not d. me ? 18.29. saith king, let not Hezekiah, not able to deliver you, 2 Chron. 32. 15. Isa. 36. 14. 19. 10. let not thy God d. thee, saying, Isa. 37. 10. Prov. 24. 28. be not a witness, and d. not with lips Isa. 58. 1 11. like a spring whose waters d. not Jer. 9. 5. they will d. every one his neighbour 29. 8. your diviners that be in midst of you d. you 37. 9. thus saith the Lord d. not yourselves Hos. 12. t 7. he is a merchant, he loveth to d. Zech. 13. 4. neither wear a rough garment to d. ^lfat.24.4.take heed that no man, Jlfar A; 13.5. 5. saying, I am Christ, d. many, 11. Mark 13. 6. 24. that, if possible, they shall d. the very elect jJcts 5. t 3. why hath Satan filled thy heart to d. ? Rom. 16.18. by fair speeches d. the hearts of simple 1 Cor.3.18. let no man d. himself, if any man seems Epk. 4. 14. craftiness whereby they lie in wait to d. 5. 6. let no man d. you, 2 Thess. 2. 3. 1 John 3. 7. 1 .Tohn 1.8.if we say we havenosin, we d.ourselves Rev. 20. 3. that he should d. the nations no more 8. go to d. nations in four quarters of the earth DECEIVABLENESS. 2 Thess. 2. 10. and with all d. of unrighteousness DECEIVED. Gen. 31.7. fath. hath d. me and changed my wages Len.Q. 2. or if a soul sin, or hath rf.liis neighbour Dextt. 11. 16. take heed that your heart bo not d. 1 Sam. 19. 17. why hast thou d. mc so? 28. 12. 2 Sam. 19. 26. my lord, O king, my servant d. me Job 12. 16. the d. and the deceiver are his 15. 31. let not him that is d. trust in vanity 31. 9. if mine heart have been d. by a woman /s(i.l9.13.the princes of Noph are d.scduced Egypt 44.20.a d.heart hath turned him aside that cannot DEC Jer. 4. 10. surely thou hast greatly d. this people 20. 7. O Lord, thou hast d. me, and I was d. 49. 16. thy terriblen.hath d.thee and pride of heart Lam. 1. 19. I called for my lovers, but they d. me Ezek. 14. 9. if the prophet be d. I have d. him Ohad. 3. the pride of tliine heart hath d. thee 7. men that were at peace with thee have d. thee I^uke 21. 8. he said, take heed that ye be not d. John 7.47. the Pharisees answered, are ye also d. ? Rom 7. 11. for sin taking occasion by comm.d. me 1 Cor. 6. 9. be not d. 15 33. Gal. 6. 7. 1 Tim. 2. 14. Adam was not d. but woman being a. 2 T2?n.3. 13. wax worse and worse, dec. and being d. Tit. 3. 3. we were foolish, d. serving divers lusts Rev. 18. 23. by thy sorceries all nations were d. 19. 20. he d. tjiem that had received mark of beast 20. 10. devil that d them was cast into lake of fire DECEIVER. Gen. 27. 12. and I shall seem to my father as a d. Job 12. 16. the deceived and the d. are his Mal.\.\i. cursed be d. who hath in his flock a male Mat. 27. 63. rememb. that that d. said, after 3 days iJohn 7.confess not Jes.this is a d.and an antichrist DECEIVERS. 2 Cor. evil and good report,as d.and yet true Tit. 1. 10. many d. especially of the circumcision 2 John 7. for many d. are entered into the world DECEIVETH. 2J?!!7i^s]8.t32.hearken not to Hezekiah when hed. Prov. 26. 19. so is the man that d. his neighbour John 7. 12. others said, nay, but he d. the people Gal.d.^.io be something when nothing, he d. hims. Jam. 1.26. d. his own heart,this man's relig. is vain Rf u.l2.9.that old serpent, called the devil, which d. 13. 14. and d. them that dwell on the earth DECEIVING. Isa. 3. 1 16. daughters of Zion d. with their eyes 2Tm.3.13.evilmen wax worse,d.and beingdeceiv. Jam. 1.22. and not hearers only d. your own selves DECEIVINGS. 2 Pet. 2. 13. sporting themselves with their own d. DECENTLY. Rom. 13.t 13. Ut us walk d. as in day, notin rioting 1 Cor. 14. 40. let all things be done d. and in order DECIDED. 1 Kings 20. 40. the king said, thyself hast d. it DECISION. Joel 3. 14. multitudes in valley of d. for day of Lord DECK. Job 40. 10. d. thyself now with majesty and excell. Jer. 10. 4. they d. it with silver and with gold DECKED. Prov. 7.16. 1 have d. my bed with cover, of tapestry Isa. 63. 1 1. who is this that is d. in his apparel ■? Ezek. 16. 11. I d. thee also with ornaments 13. thou wast thus d. with gold and silver Hos. 2, 13. and she d. herself with her ear-rings Rev. 17.4. the woman was arrayed and d. with gold 18. 16. alas, alas, that great cily that was d. DECKEDST. Ezek. 16. 16. didst take garm. and d. high-places 23. 40. didst wash and d. thyself with ornaments DECKEST, ETH. Isa. 61. 10. as a bridegroom d. himself with ornam. Jer. 4. 30. tho' thou d. thee with ornaments of gold DECLARE. Gen. 41. 24. there was none that could d. it to me land of Moab began Moses tod.this law Josh. 20. 4. shall d. his cause in ears of elders of city Judg. 14. 12. if ye can me within the seven days l-ff«n^«22.13.prophets d.good to king, 2 CAr.18.12. IChron. 16. 24. d. his glory among the heathen, his marvellous works among all nations, Psal. 96.3. Esth. 4. 8. to shew the copy and d. it to Esther Job 12. 8. the fishes of the sea shall d. unto thee 21. 31. who shall d. his way to his face 1 28. 27. then did he see it, and d. it, ho prepared it 31. 37. I would d. to him the number of my steps 38.4. found, of earth, d. if thou hast understanding 18. the breadth of earth, d. if thou knowest it all 40. 7. 1 will demand of thee, d. thou to me, 42. 4. Psal. 9. 11. d. among the people his doings 19. 1. the heavens d. the glory of God 22.31. shall come and d.his righteous. 50. 6. | 97. 6. 30. 9. shall dust praise thee, shall it d. thy truth ? 40.5.if I would d.and speak of them,they aremore 50. 16. what hast thou to do to d. my statutes ? 64. 9. all men shall fear and d. the work of God 73. 28. my trust in L. that I may d. all thy works 75. 1. thy name is near, thy wondrous works d. 78. 6. should arise and d. them to their children 102. 21. to d. the name of the Lord in Zion 107. 22. and d. his works with rejoicing 118. 17. but live and d. the works of the Lord 145. 4. one generation shall d. thy mighty acts EccZ.9.1.1 considered in my heart oven tod. all this Isa. 3. 9. they d. their sin as Sodom, they hide not 12. 4. shall ye say, d. his doings among the people 21. 6. set a watchman, let him d. what he secth 41. 22. or let them d. to ua things for to come DEC Isa.^. 9. and new things do I d. before they spring 12. and let them d. his praise in the islands 43. 9. who among them can d. this, and 6h6w us? 26. d. thou that thou mayest be justified 44. 7. and who, as I, shall call, and shall d. it ■? 45. 19. I the Lord >i. things that are right 48. 6. see all this, and will not ye d. it "i 53. 8. who shall d. his generation 1 Jicts 8. 33. 66. 19. they shall d. my glory among the Gentiles Jer.5.20.d.this in house olJacob, publish in Judah 9. 12. the Lord hath spoken, that he may d. it 31. 10. and d. it in the isles afar off, and say 38. 15. if I d. it to thee, wilt thou not put to death? 25. d. unto us what thou hast said to the king 42.20. what G. shall say, d. to us, and we will do it 50. 28. d. in Zion the vengeance of the L. our G. 51. 10. let us d. in Zion the work of the L. our G. Eiek. 12. 16. may d. all their abominations, 23. 36. 40. 4. d. all that thou seest to the house of Israel Dan. 4. 18. O Belteshazzar, d. the interpretation Jl/ic.3.8. to d. to Jacob his transgression, and Israel ZccA. 9. 12. even to-day do I d. that I will render Mat. 13. .36. d. unto us the parable of tares of field 15. 15. then said Peter, d. unto us this parable ^cts 13. 32. and we d. unto you glad tidings 41.shaU in no wise believe,tho' a man d. it to you 17.23. whom ye ignorantly worship,him d. I to you 20.27.not shunned to d. to you the counsel of God Rom. 3. 25. set forth to d. his righteousness, 26. 1 Cor. 3. 13. work be manifest, the day shall d. it 11. 17. in this that 1 d. to you, I praise you not 15. 1. I d. unto you the gospel which I preached Col. 4. 7. all my state shall Tychicus d. to you they that say such things d. plainly that 1 John 1. 3. that which we have seen d. we to you 5. this then is the message which we d. unto you / will DECLARE. Job 15. 37. and that which I have seen / will d. Psal. 2. 7. 1 will d. the decree, the Lord hath said 2'J. 22. / will d. thy name to brethren, Hcb. 2. 12. 38. 18. 1 will d. my iniquity, I will be sorry for sin 66. 16. I will d. what he hath done for my soul 75. 9. but I will d. for ever, I will sing praises to G. 145. 6. speak of thy acts, I will d. thy greatness Isa.57.12.IwiU d. thy righteousness and thy works Jer. 42. 4. I will d. it, I will keep nothing back John 17. 26. have declared thy name, and will d. it DECLARE ye. Isa. 48. 20. with a voice of singing d. ye, tell this Jer. 4. 5. d. ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem 46. 14. d. ye in Egypt, and publish in Migdol .50.2. among the nations, publish, conceal not Mic. 1. 10. d. ye it not at Gath, weep ye not at all DECLARATION. Esth. 10. 2. the d. of the greatness of Mordecai Job 13. 17. and hear my d. with your ears J^uke 1. 1. taken in hand to set forth in order a d. 2 Cor. 8. 19. and to the d. of your ready mind DECLARED. Exod. 9. 16. 1 raised thee, that my name may be d. Lev. 23. 44. Moses d. to the children of Israel JVum. 1. 18. they d. their pedigrees by their poll 15. 34. put him in ward, because it was not d. Deut. 4. 13. and he d. to you his covenant S Sam. 19. 6. for thou hast d. this day that thou JVeA. 8. 12. understood words that were d. to them Job 26. 3. how hast thou plentifully d. thing as it is Psal.40.10.1 have d. thy faithfulness and salvation 71. 17. hitherto have I d. thy wondrous works 77. 14. thou hast d. thy strength among the people 88. 11. shall thy loving-kindness be d. in the grave 119. 13. with my lips have I d. all thy judgments 26. I have d. my ways, and thou heardest me Isa. 21. 2. a grievous vision is d. unto me 10. that which I heard of God have I d. unto you 41. 26. who hath d. from the beginning, 45. 21. 43. 12. 1 have d. and have saved, 44. 8. | 48. 5. 48. 3. 1 have d. former things from the beginning 14. which among them hath d. these things 1 Jer. 36. 13. Micaiah d. all the words he heard 42. 21. and now I have this day d. it to you Ji,uke 8. 47. she d. to him before all the people John 1. 18. no man hath seen God, the Son d. him 17.26.1 have d. to them thy name and will declare ^cts 9. 27. he d. to them how he had seen the Lord 10. 8. when he had d. all these things to them 12. 17. hed. how L. had brought him out of prison 15. 4. d. all things that God had done with them 14. Simeon had d. how God at first did visit 525. 14. Festus d. Paul's cause to the king, saying Horn. 1. 4. and d. to be the Son of God with power 9. 17. that my name might be d. through the earth 1 Cor. 1. 11. for it hath been d. to me of you 2 are manifestly d. to be the epistle of C. Col. 1. 8. who also d. to us your love in the Spirit Rev. 10. 7. the mystery of God be finished as he d. DECLARETH, ING. Isa. 41. 26. yea, there is none that d. thatheareth 46. 10. d. the end from the beginning, and from Jcr.i.15. a voice d. from Dan, publisheth affliction J 20 DEE ' Hos. 4. 12. my people, their staff d. unto them Amos 4.13.10, he that d. to man what is his thought Acts 15. 3. d. the conversion of the Gentiles 12. d. what miracles God hath wrought by them 1 Cor. 2. 1. d. to you the testimony ol God DECLINE. Exod. 23. 2. nor speak in a cause, to d. after many Deut. 17. 11. thou shalt not d. from the sentence Psal. 119. 157. yet do I notrf. from thy testimonies Prov.A. 5. neither d. from the words of my mouth 7.25.1et not thine heart her ways,go not astray DECLINED, ETH. Judg. 19. t 8. they tarried till the day d. 2 C'Ar. 34. 2. d. neither to the right-hand nor left .Job 23. 11. his way have I kept and not d. Psal. 44. 18. nor have our steps d. from thy way 102. 11. my days are like a shadow that d. 109. 23. I am gone like the shadow when it d. 119. 51. yet have I not d. from thy law DECREASE. Ps.l07. 38. blesseth them and suffer not cattle to d. John 3. 30. he must increase, but I must d. DECREASED, ING. Oen. 8. 5. waters ^.continually till the tenth month t the waters were in going and d. till tenth month DECREE. they estabUshed a d. to make procl. Ezra 4. f 21. make a d. to cause these men to cease 5. ]3.king Cyrus made ad. to build this house, 17. 6. 1. Darius made a d. 12. || 7. 21. Artaxerxes a d. Esth. 3. 15. the d. was given in Shushan, 9. 14. 9.32.d.of Esther confirmed these matters of Purim Job 20. 1 29. and the heritage of his d. from God 28. 26. when he made a d. for the rain and a way 38.t 10. and estabUshed my d. upon it, and set bars PsaX. 2. 7.1 will declare the d. the Lord hath said 148. 6. he hath made fi d. which shall not pass Pro?) .8.29. when he gave to sea his d.waters notpass Jer. 5. 22. for the bound of the sea by a perpetual d. Dan.2.Q. if ye will not, there is but one d. for you 4. 17. this matter is by the d. of the watchers 24. and this is the d. of the most High 6. 8. now, O king, establish the d. and sign writing 13. Daniel regardeth not thee, nord. hath signed 26. I make a d. that in every dominion men fear Jonah 3. 7. proclaimed by the d. of king and nobles Mic. 7. 11. in that day shall the d. be far removed Zeph.2.2. before the d. bring forth, before day pass J.jUke 2.1.tliere went out a d. from Cajsar Augustus DECREE. .Job 22. 28. thou shalt also d. a thing, and it shall be Prov.8. 15. by me kings reign, and princes d. justice Isa. 10. 1. woe to them that d. unrighteous decrees DECREED. Esth. 2. 1. he remembered what was d. ag. Vashti 9. 31. as they had d. for themselves and their seed Job 38. 10. and brake up for it my d. place, set bars /sa.l0.22.consumption d.shaU overflow with right. lCor.7. 37. hath so d. in his heart, thathe wiU keep DECREES. Isa. 10. 1. woe to them that decree unrighteous d. Acts 16. 4. they delivered them the d. to keep 17. 7. these do contrary to the d. of Ctesar, saying DEDICATE. Deut. 20. 5. lest he die and another man d. it 2Sa?ra.8. 11. which also David did d. to the Lord 2 Kings 12. 18.the things the kings of Judah had d. 1 Chron. 26. 20. over the treasures of d. things, 26. 27. out of spoils they did d. to maintain the house 28. 12. the pattern of the treasures of d. things 2 Chr. 2. 4. behold I build a house to d. it to God 24. 7. the d. things did they bestow upon Baalim 31. 12. and brought in the d. things faithfully £z«i.44. 29. every d. thing in Israel shall be theirs DEDICATED. J5cM<.20.5.hath built a new house and hath not .Judg. 17. 3. 1 had wholly d. the silver to the Lord lA1iw^s7.51.Solom.bronghtin things which David his father had d. 1 Chron. 18. 11. 2 Cliron. 5.1. 8. 63. the king and Israel d. the house, 2 Chr. 7. 5. 15. 15. Asa brought in the things his father had d. and things which himself had d. 2 Chr. 15. 18. 2 Kings 12.4.all the money of the d. things brought 1 Chr. 26. 26. what the captains of the hosts had d. 28. and all that Samuel, Saul, and Joab had d. Hcb. 9. 18. nor the first testament d. without blood DEDICATING. JVitm. 7. 10. the princes offered for d. of the altar 11. each prince on his day for d. of the altar DEDICATION. JVmtk. 7. 84. this was the d. of the altar, 88. 2 Chron. 7. 9. for they kept the d. of the altar Ezra C. 16. childr. of captivity kept the d. with joy 17. and offered at the d. of this house of God JVcA. 12. 27. at the d. of the wall of Jerusalem r»an.3.2. come to d. of the image the king set up, 3. John 10. 22. it was at Jerusalem the feast of the d. DEED. 06^.44.15. Joseph said, this ye have done? £xod.9. 16. in very d.for this cause I raised thee up DEE Judg. 19. 30. all said, there was no such d. done 1 Sam. 25. 34. in very d. except thou has t hasted 26. 4. David understood Saul was come in very d. 2 Sam. 12. 14. by this d. hast given great occasion EstA. 1. 17. for this d. of queen shall come abroad Ps. 137. t8. happy that recompenseth thy d. to ua Prov. 19. t 17. his d. will he pay him again Luke 23.51. Joseph had not consented to d. of them 24. 19. Jesus who was a prophet mighty in d. Acts 4.9. if we this day be examined of the good d. iiom.15.18. to make Gent, obedient by word and d. 1 Cor. 5. 2. that hath done this d. be taken away 3. concerning him that hath so done this d. Coi.3.17.whatever ye do in word or all in name Jam. 1. 25. this man shall be blessed in his d. 1 John 3. 18. let us not love in word, but in d. DEEDS. Gen. 20. 9. hast done d. that ought not to be done 1 CAroji.ll.t22.son of a man of Kabzeel,great of d. 16. 8. make known his d. am. people, Psal. 105. 1. 2 Chron. 35. 27. his d. first and last, are written Ezra 9. 13. after all is come upon us for our evil d. JVeh. 6. 19. also they reported his good d. before me 13. 14. wipe not out my good d. that I have done Psal. 28. 4. gave them according to their d. Isa. 59. 18. according to their d. he will repay Jer. 5. 28. they overpass the d. of the wicked 25. 14. will recompense them according to their d. Luke 11. 48. that ye allow the d. of your fathers 23. 41. we receive the due reward of our d. John 3.19.1oved darkness,because their d. were evil 20. to the light, lest his d. should be reproved 21. that his d. maybe made manifest, that they 8. 41. Jesus saith, ye do the d. of your father Acts 7. 22. Moses was mighty in word and in d. 9. 36. Dorcas was full of aims-d. which she did 19. 18. many confessed, and shewed their d. 24. 2. seeing by thy providence worthy d. are done Rom. 2. 6. render to every man according to his d. 3. 20. by the d. of the law shall no flesh be justified 28. is justified by faith without the d. of the law 8. 13. if ye mortify the d. of the body ye shall live 2 Cor. 12. 12. were wrought in signs and mighty d. Col. 3. 9. ye have put oft' the old man with his d. 2 Pet.2.8. Lot vexed his soul with their unlawful d. 2 John 11. for he is partaker of his evil d. 3 John 10. I will remember his d. which he doeth Jude 15. to convince them of their ungodly d. Rev. 2. 6. thou hatest the d. of the Nicolaitans 22. greattribulation, except they repent of their d. 16. 11. and they repented not of their d. DEEMED. Acts 27. 27. the shipmen d. that they drew near DEEP Signifies, [1] TTiat which is a great way from the surf ace to the bottom,F,zek. 3^.24. [2] Thesea, Job 41.31. [3] Any great and imminent danger, Psal. 69. 15. [4] Strange,or unknoii>n,\sa..33.i9. [5] Hidden, or secret. Job 12. 22. Dan. 2. 22. [6] Inconceivable, or incomprehensible, Psal. 92. .5. [7]i/fZZ,Luke8. 31. Rev.20.3. [8] TA« Chal- dean, or Nebuchadnezzar's army, Ezek. 26. 19. A wise man' swords arc compared to deep waters, Prov. 18. 4. They are full of deep wisdom and prudent counsels. And the apostle says, Rom. 8. 39, that neither height nor depth shall be able to separate us from the love of God. JtTeither the most exalted height, a prospect of advance- ment to the highest station, nor the lowest de- gree of adversity and distress. To revolt, or sin deeply, denotes a long habit of crimes, and obstinate course of idolatry ; or else a profound and very great iniquity, a crime that has taken deep root in the soul by long and inveterate custom ; they have deeply corrupted themselves as in the days of Gibeah, Hos. 9. 9. They have carried on their wick- edness to such a pitch, as to imitate the an- cient crimes of the inhabitants of Gibeah, which are recorded in Judg. 19. 22, i5-c. And Isaiah says. Turn ye unto him from whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted, namc/^ by neglecting and forsaking him, and seeking to Egypt for help, Isa. 31. 6. Gen. 1. 2. and darkness was upon the face of the d. 7. 11. the fountains of the d. were broken up 8. 2. the fountains also of the d. were stopped 49.25. who shall bless thee with blessings of the d. DciLt. 33. 13. and for the d. that coucheth beneath Job 38. 30. and the face of the d. is frozen 41. 31. he maketh the d. to boil like a pot 32. one would think the d. to be hnary Psal. 36. 6. thy judgments are a great d. 42. 7. d. calleth to d. at noise of thy water-spouts 69. 15. neither let the d. swallow me up 104. C. thou coveredstit with the d. as with garm. 107. 24. and these see his wonders in the d. Prov. 8. 28. he strengthens the fountains of the d. Isa. 44. 27. that saith to the d. be dry, T will dry 51. 10. thou not it which dried waters of greatd.? DEF fsa. 63. 13. that led them thro' the d. as a horse £:€■*. 20. 19. when I shall bring up the d. on thee 31. 4. the d. set him on high with her rivers 15. 1 covered the d. tor him, I restrained tioods ^mos T. devoured great d.and did eat up a part Jonah 2. 3. for thou badst cast me into the d //uA.S.lO. the d. uttered his voice, and lift up hands /,uA-c5.4.1aunch out in the d.and let down your nets b. 31. would not command them to go into the d. Rom. 10. 7. or who shall descend into the d.? 2 Cvr. 11. 25. anight and day 1 have been in the (Z. DEEP, .hljicticc. Job 12. 22. he discovereth d. tilings out of darkness Psai. (54. 6. the inward tliought and the heart is d. 6y. 2. 1 sink in d. mire, where is no standing, I am come into d. waters where Hoods overflow me 14. let me be delivered out of the d. waters 80. 9. and thou didst cause it to take d. root 92. 5. O Lord, thy thoughts are very d. 95. 4. in his hand are the d. places of the earth 135. G. that did he in the seas and all d. places 14U. 10. them be cast into d. pits that they rise not<.4. words of a man's mouth are as d. waters 20. 5. counsel in the heart of man is like d. waters 22. 14. the mouth of strange women is a d. pit 23. 27. for a whore is a d. ditch, and a narrow pit Eccl. 7. 24. and exceeding d. who can find it out? Jsa. 7. t 11. ask thee a sign, make thy petition d 29.15.woe to them that seek d. to hide their couns 30. 33. he hath made Tophet d. and large Jer. 49. 8. turn back, dwell d. O inhabit, of Dedan Ezek. 3. 1 5. not sent to a people d. of lips, f 6. 23. 32. shalt drink of thy sister's cup d. and large 32. 14. then will I make their waters d. 34. 18. and to have drunk the d. waters Dan. 2. 22. he revealeth the d. and secret things Lake 6.48. digged d. and laid foundation on a rock John 4. 11. hast nothing to draw, and the well is d. 1 O)r.2.10.tlie Spiritsearcheth the d. things of God 2 Cor. S. 2. how their d. poverty abounded to riches DEEP sleep. Oen. 2. 21. God caused a d. sleep to fall on Adam 15. 12. aid.sleepkM on Abram,and great darkness 1 Sam. 26. 12. because a d. sleep was fallen on them Job 4. 13. when d. sleep falleth on men, 33. 13. ProB. 19. 15. slothfulness casteth into d. sleep /sa. 29. 10. L. poured out on you spirit of rf. sleep Dan. 8. 18. I was in a d. sleep on my face, 10. 9. .^cts 20. 9. Eutychus being fallen into d. sleep DEEPER. Lev. 13. 3. the plague in sight be d. than skin,25.30. 4. if the bright spot in sight be not d. 31, 32, 34. Job 11. 8. it is d. than hell, what cainst thou know? Jsa. 33. 19. a people ofd. speech than canst perceive DEEPLY. Isa. 31. 6. the children of Israel have d. revolted //b4'.9.9.they have ^.corrupt. themselves as in davs Mark 8. 12. Jesus sighed d. in his spirit, and saith DEEPNESS. .iWat.l3.5.3prung up,because theyhad no d.of earth DEEPS. .VcA.9.11.their persecutors thou threwest into Ibed. Psal. 88. 6. thou hast laid me in the pit, in the d. 148. 7. praise the Lord, ye dragons and all d. Zech. 10. 11. all the d. of the river shall dry up DEER. 5. ye shall eat the fallow d. and wild goat I Kings 4. 23.Solom.had fallow d. and fatted fowl DEFAMED. 1 Cor.4. 13. being d.wc inlreat,are made oft'scouring DEFAML\G. Jer.20.10 for I heard d. of many, fear on every side DEFEAT. 2 Sam. 15. 34. d. the counsel of Ahithophel, 17. 14 DEFENCE. Jv'um.H.9. their d. is depart, from them, L. with us 2 Chron. 11.5. Rehoboam built cities for rf. of Jud .fob 22. 25. yea, the Almighty shall be thy d. Psal. 7. 10. my d. is of G. who saveth the upright 31. 2. be thou for a house of rf. to save me 59. 9. I will wait upon thee, for G. is my d. 17. )6. thou hast been my d. and refuge in trouble 62. 2. God is my d. I shall not be greatly moved, 6. 89.18.for Lord is our d.holy One of Israel our king 94. 22. Lord is juy d. and God rock of my refuse F.ccl. 7. 12. for wisdom is a d. and money is a d. Jsa. 4. 5. for upon all the glory shall be a d. 19. 6. the brooks of d. shall be emptied and dried 33.10. his place ofd. shall be the munition of rocks JVah. 2. 5. and the d. shall be prepared ^cts 19. 33. would have made his d. to the peoplo 22. 1. hear my d. which I make now unto you Phil. 1. 7. in my bonds and in the d. of the gospel 17. knowing that I am sot for the d. of the gospel DEFENCED. Zeek. 11. t 2. for the d. forest is come down Sec City, Cities. DEFEND. .Tvd/T. 10. 1. Tolah son of Puah arose to d. Israel 3 Kings 19.34.1 will d. citv,20. 6. Jsa. 37. 35. .| 38.6. 121 DEF Psal. 20. 1. the name of the God of Jacob d. thee 59. 1. d. me from them that rise up ugunist me 82.3.d.ihe poor and fatherless, do justice to needy Isa. 31. 5. so will the Lord of hosts d. Jerusalem Zcrh. 9. 15. the Lord of hosts shall d. them that day shall Lord d. inhabitants of Jerus DEFENDED. 2 Sam. 23. 12. Shammah stood and d. the ground Acts 7. 24. he d. him and avenged tlie oppressed DEFENDEST. Psal.5.\\. ever shout for joy, because thou rf. them DEFENDING. Isa. 31. 5. d. Jerus. he will deliver and preserve it DEFER. Eccl. 5. 4. when thou vowest a vow,d. not to pay it Isa. 48. 9. for my name's sake will 1 d. mine anger Dan. 9. 19. d. not for thine own sake, O my God DEFERRED. Gen. 34. 19. the young man d. not to do the thing Prov. 13. 12. hope d. maketh the heart sick .ids 24. 22. when Feli.\ heard these he d. them . DEFERRETH. Prov. 19. 11. the discretion of a man d. his anger DEFY. J\l'um. 23. 7. come, curse me Jacob, and d. Israel 8. how shall 1 (/. whom the Lord hath not defied? 1 Sam. 17. 10. 1 d. the armies of Israel this day 25. is come up, surely to d. Israel is he come up 26. that he should d. the armies of the hving God DEFIED. jV!( shall Idefy whomLord hath not d.7 1 Sairt.l7.36.he hath d.the armies of the living God 45. the God of Israel whom thou hast d. 2 .Sam. 21. 21. when he d. Israel, Jonathan, son of Shimeah, brother of DavidjSlew him, 1 CAr. 20. 7. 23. 9. when they d. Philistines gathered to battle DEFILE. Map i's defiled, or polluted, either inwardly, by sin., 1 Cor. 8. 7. Tit. 1. 15. Heb. 12. 15. or outwardly and ceremonially, as by the plague of leprosy, Lev. 13. 46. or by touching a dead body, Num. 5.2. Both inwardly and outwardly, by follow- ing the abominations of the heathen. Lev. 18. 24. By seeking after wizards, liex.Vi. 21. By idols, Ezek. 20. 7. By unnatural nncleanncss, 1 Tim. 1. 10. By the unruliness of the tongue, which invoices men in the guilt of sin, and fills the world with contentions and combustions, when it is net kept under governmcnt,Jdm.'3.6. Man is also said to defile others. Shechem defiled Dinah, the daughter of Jacob ; he humbled, he debauched her, or lay carnally with /(cr,Gen.34. 13. .^Hd such as commit adultery, defile their neighbours' wives,£:eA-. 18.11. Those that gave their seed to Molech, are said to defile God's sanctuary, Lev. 20. 3.; because such persons, to screen their idolatry, came into his sanctuary as others did; or, because by these actions they did pronounce and declare to all men, that they esteemed the sanctuary and service of God abominable and vile, by preferring such odious and pernicious idolatry before it. Ley. 11. 44. nor shall ye d. yourselves, IS. 24. 15. 31. when they d. my tabernacle among them 18. 20. to d. thyself with thy neighbour's wife 23. neither lie with any beast to d. thyself 28. tliat the land spue not you out when ye d. it | 20. 3. given his seed to Molech, to d. my sanctuary 21.4. he shall not d. himself, being a chief man 11. nor d. himself for his father or his mother 22. 8. he shall not eat to d. himself therewith JVum. 5. 3. put out, that they d. not their camps 35. 34. d. not the land which ye shall inhabit 2 Kings 23. 13. the high places did the king d. CanL5.3.have washed my feet,how shall Id. them? /■>'u.30.22.shall d.the covering of thy graven images Jer. 32. 34. in the house called by my name to d. it Ezek. 7. 22. for robbers shall enter into it and d. it 9. 7. d. the house, fill the courts with the slain 20. 7. d. not yourselves with idols of Egypt, 13. 22. 3. raakelh idols against herself to d. herself 28. 7. and they shall d. thy brightness 3.3. 26. yc d. every man his neighbour's wife 37. 23. nor shall they d. themselves any more 43. 7. and my name shall Israel no more d. 44.25.shall come at no dead person tod.themsclves Dan. 1.8. would notd.himselfwith the king's meat Mat. 15. 18. and they d. the man,* VarA 7. 1.5, 23. 1 Cor. 3. 17. if any man d. the temple of God 1 T^m. 1. 10. the law is for them tliatd. lliemselves Judc 8. likewise these filthv dreamers d. the flesh DEFILED. Gen. 34. 2. Shechem lay wiih Dinah, and d. her 5. Jacob heard that he had d. Dinah his daughter 13. because he had d. Dinah their sister, 27. J^ev. 5. 3. what uncleanncss a man shall be d. with II. 43. unclean, that he should be d. thereby 13. 46. while the plague is in him he shall be d. 15. 32. this is the law of him that is d. by liis seed IS. 24. in all these things the nations are d- S DEG Lev. 18. 25. flie land is d. I visit iniquity on it, 27. 19. 31. nor seek after wizards to be d. by them 21. 1. there shall none be d. for the dead 3. for his sister a virgin, for her may he be d. Jfutn. 5. 2. put out whosoever is d. by the dead 13. and if she be d. 27. 1| 11. if she be not d. 28. 6. 9. and he hath d. the head of his consecration 12. days be lost, because his separation was d. 9.6.ineii who were d. by the dead body of a man,7. 19.20.because he hath d.the sanctuary of theLoid Dcuf. 21. 23. bury him, that thy laud be not d. ~~. 9. lest the fruit of thy vineyard be d. 24. 4. former husband may not take her after d. 2 Kntgs 23.8.Josiah d.high places || 10. d. Topheth 1 Chro7i. 5. 1. forasmuch as he d. his father's bed jYeh. 13. 29. because they have d. tlie priesthood Job 16. 15. I have d. my horn in the dust Psal. 74. 7. d. the dwelling-place of thy name,79.1. 106. 39. thus were they d. with their own «oik» Isa. .4. 5. the earth is d. under inhabitants thereof 5J. 3.for your hands are d. with blood, and fingers Jer. 2. 7. but when ye entered, ye d. my land J.9.through lightness of her whoredom she d. land 10. 18. because they have d. my land, tliev filled 19.13. the houses of the kings of Jud. shall bed. Ezek. 4. 13. thus shall Israel eat their d. bread 5. 11. surely because thou hast d. my sanctuary 7. 24. I will make, their holy places shall be d. 18. 6. neither hath d. his neighbour's wife, 13. 11. and hath even d. his neighbour's wife 20. 43. all your doings wherein ye have been d. 22. 4. and hast d. thyself in thy idols, 23. 7. 11. another hath lewdly d. his daughter-in-law 23. 13. 1 saw that she was d. both took one way 17. the Babylonians d. her with their whoicdoiii 38. they have d. my sanctuary in the same day 28. 18. thou hast d. thy sanctuaries by thy iniqui. 36. 17. they d. it by their own way and doings 43. 8. they have d. my holy name by abominations //os.5.3.whoredomof Ephraim, and Isr. isd. 6.10. Mic. 4. 11. many nations that say, let her be d. Mark 7. 2. the disciples eat bread with d. hands ./oA)t 18. 28. they went not in, lest they should be d. 1 Cor. 8. 7. and their conscience being weak is d. Tit. l.lo. but to them that are d. and unbelieving is nothing pure, even their mind and conscience d. Heb. 12. 15. trouble you, and thereby many bo d. Rev. 3. 4. a few who have not d. their garmenls 14. 4. these are they who are not d. with women DEFILEST. Gcn.49.4.wcntest up to father's bed, then d. thou it DEFILETH. Exod. 31.14. that d. sabbath, surely be put to death JV'«m. 19.13. purifieth not himself, d. the tabernacle 35. 33. shalt not pollute the land, blood d. the land Mat. 15. 11. not that which goeth into the mouth d. 20. to eat with unwashen hands d. hot a man Mark 7. 20. what comelli out of man that d. man Jam. 3.6. so is the tongue, that it d. the whole body Rev. 21. 27. in no wise enter any thing that d. DEFRAUD. Lev. 19. 13. thou shalt not d. thy neighbonr Mic. 2. t 2. so they d. a man and his house Jfal. 3. t 5. against those that d. the hireling Mark 10. 19. do not bear false witness, d. not 1 Cor.G. 6. nay you do wrong, and d. your brethren 7. 5. d. not, except it be with consent for a time 1 Thess. 4.6. Ibat no man d. his bioth. in any mat. DEFRAUDED. ISam. 12.3. whom have I d? whom have loppress.? 4. they said, thou hast not d. nor oppressed us 1 Cor. 6. 7. why do not rather sufF. yours, to be d. 2Cer.7.2.wehave wronged no man, have d. no man DEGENER.\TE. Jer. 2. 21. how art thou turned into the d. plant ! DEGREE, S. Psalms, or Songs of degrees ; This title is given to fifteen Psalms, which are the 120(A, and all that follow to the 134/A, inclusive. The Hebrew text calls them, A song of ascents. Junius aTjdTrc- mellius, translate the Hebrew by, A song of ex- cellencies, or An excellent song; because of the excellent matter of them,as eminent persons are called men of high degree, 1 Chron. 17. 17. Some call themVsa\m3 of elevation; because, say they, they were sung irith an exalted voice, or, because at every Psalm the voice was raisnl. But the common translation, or, P6a\ms ofde- gree.s,/ias more generally obtained. Some inter- preters think that they were so called, because they were sung upon the fifteen steps of the tem- ple; but they are not agreed about the place where these fifteen steps were. Others think they were so called, because they were sung in a gallery, which they say, was in the court of Israel, where sometimes the Levites read the law. But others arc of opinion, that the most probable reason why they are called songs of degrees, or of ascent, is, because they were com- posed and sung by theJev/s on the occasion of DEL their deliverance from the captivity o/Babylon, ■whether it were to implore this deliuerancefrom God, or to return thanks for it after it had hap- pened. Ml these Psalms have some relation to this great cveid- Jind the scripture commonly applies the phrase, to ascend, or go up, to ex- press this return, Ezra 1. 3, 5, 11. | 7. 6, 7, 9. because Babylon was situated in a plain, and Jerusalem in a mountainous country. Jind al- though one of the Fsaliiis is ascribed to David, and'another to Solomon, yet they also, as well as the rest, mi'rht have been used on this occa- sion, though they were composed i?/ David and Solomon upon other occasions. The apostle Paul says, That such as have used the office of a deacon well, purchase to them- selves a good degree, 1 Tim. '.i. 13. They gain great honour, respect, and reputation. 2 Kings 20. 9. or backward ten d. 10, 1 1. Isa. 38. 8. t U. by which it had gone down in d. of Ahaz 1 Chron. 15. 18. brethren of second d. with them 17. 17. according to the state of a man of high d. Psai. of low d. vanity, men of high d. a lie Luke 1. 52. he hath e.talted them of low d. 1 Tim. 3. 13. they purchase to themselves a good d. Jam. 1. 9. let brother of low d. rejoice he is e.xalted DELAY, ED, ETH. Exod. 22. 29. thou shall not d. to offer the first-fruits 32. 1. the people saw that Moses d. to come down Psal. 119. 60. d. not to keep thy commandments Mat. 24. 48. my lord d. his coming, Luke 12. 45. Acts 9. 38. that he would not d. to come to them DELAY, Substantive. JLcts 25. 17. without any d. I sat on the judgm.-seat DELECTABLE. Isa. 44. 9. and their d. things shall not profit DELICACIES. Rev. 18. 3. the merchants are rich through her d. DELICATE. Deut. 28. 54. the d. man or woman among you, 56 7sa.47.1. thou shall no more be called tender and d. Jer. 6.2. likened Zion to a comely and d. woman Mic. 1. 16. make thee bald for thy d. children DELICATES. Jer. 51. 34. he halh filled his belly with my d. DELICATELY. 1 Sam.l5.32.bring Agag, and Agag came to him d Prov. 29. 21. he that d. bringeth up his servant //rtm.4.5.they that did feed d.are desolate in streets Ijuke 7. 25. they that live d. are in kings' courts 1 Tim.5. f 0. she that liveth d. is dead while she liv. DELICATENESS. Deut. 28. 56. to set her foot on the ground for d. DELICIOUSLY. Rev. 18. slie glorified herself and lived d. 9. .DELIGHT, Substantive. Gen. 34. 19. Shechem had d. in Jacob's daughter JJetit.XO. 15. L. had a thy fathers to love them 21. 14. and it shall be if thou have no d. in her 1 Sam. 15. 22. hath the L. as great d. in offerings? 18.22. and say, behold, the king hath d. in thee 2 Sam. 15. 26. if he thus say, I have no d. in thee Job 22.26. then shall thou have the Almighty Psal. 1. 2. but his d. is in the law of the Lord 16. 3. and to the excellent, in whom is all my d. 27. t4. to behold the d. of Ihe Lord, and enquire 119.24. thy testimonies also are my d. and counsel 77. that 1 may live, for thy Jaw is my d. 174. Pro«.8.30.I was daily his d. rejoicing always in the 11. 1. but a just weight is the Lord's d. 20. such as are upright in their way are his d. 12. 22. but they that deal truly are his d. 15. 8. but the prayer of the upright is his d. 16. 13. righteous iips are the d. of kings 18. 2. a fool halh nod. in understanding 19. 10. d. is not seemly for a fool, much less for 24. 25. but to them that rebuke him shall be d. 29. 17. yea, he shall give d. unto thy soul J5cc2.12.tl0.preacher sought to find out words of d. Cant. 2. 3. I sat under his shadow with great d. Isa. 58. 2. they take d. in approaching to God 13. if thou call the sabbath a d. the holy of Lord 62. t 4. thou shalt be called, my d. is in her Jer. 6. 10. they have no d. in the word of the Lord Dan. 11. t 41. he shall enter into the land of d. t 45. shall plant tabernacle in the mount of d. DELIGHT, Verb. JWm.14.8. if L. d. in us, will bring us into this land 52 Sam. 24. 3. why should the king d. in this thing? Job 27. 10. will he d. himself in the Almighty 1 34. 9. that he should d. himself with God Psal. 22. t 8. let him deliver him, if he d. in him 37.4. d. thyself also in the Lord, he shall give thee 11. the meek shall d. in the abundance of peace 40. 8. I d. to do thy will, O my God, thy law is 49. t 13. yet their posterity d. in their mouth 62.4.they lies || 68.30.the people that war 94. 19. in mult, of thoughts thy comforts d. soul 119. 16. I will d. myself in thy statutes, 3.5. 47. d. in thy commandments |{ 70 d. in thy law 122 dp:l Prov. 1. 22. how long will scorners d. in scorning? 2. 14. and d. in the frowardness of the wicked Eccl. 2. t 24. than that he d. his senses in good Isa. 1. 11. I d. not in the blood of bullocks 13. 17. and as for gold, they shall not d. in it 55. 2. and let your soul d. itself in fatness 58. 2. yet they seek me, and d. to know my ways 14. then shalt thou d. thyself in the Lord Jer. 9. 24. In these things I d. saith the Lord Mai. 3. 1. messenger of the covenant whom ye Rom. 7. 22. 1 the law of God after inward man DELIGHTED. 1 Sam. 19. 2. Jonathan d. much in David 2 Sam. 22. 20. because he d. in me, Psal. 18. 19. 1 Kings 10. 9. the L. who d. in thee, 2 Chr. 9. 8. JVcA. y. 25. and d. themselves in thy great goodness Esth. 2. 14. she came no more, except king her Psal. 22. 8. let him deliver him, seeing he d. in him 109. 17. as he d. not in blessing, let it be far from Cant. 2. t 3. I d. and sat down under his shadow Isa. 65. 12. did choose that wherein I d. not, 66. 4. 66. 11. be d. with the abundance of her glory DELIGHTEST. Psai.51.16. not sacrifice, thou d. not in burnt-offer. DELIGHTETH. Esth. 6. 6. whom the king d. to honour, 7, 9, 11. Psoi.37.23.are ordered by L. and he d. in his way 112. 1. that d. greatly in his commandments 147. 10. he d. not in the strength of the horse Prov. 3. 12. as a father the son in whom he d. Isa. 42. 1. behold mine elect, in whom my soul d. 62. 4. called Hephzi-bah, for the Lord d. in thee 66. 3. and their soul d. in their abominations Mid. 18. retainetli not anger, because d. in mercy Mai. 2. 17. when ye say, G. d. in them that do evil DELIGHTS. 2 Sam. 1.24.who clothed youin scarlet with other d. Psal. 119. 92. unless thy law had been my d. 143. yet thy commandments are my d. Prov. 8. 31. my d. were with the sons of men Eccl. 2. 8. 1 gat me men-singers, and the d. of men Cant. 7. 6. how pleasant art thou, O love, for d. DELIGHTSOME. Mai. 3. 12. ye shall be a d. land, saith the Lord DELIVER. fi'en.40.13.thou shaltd.Pharaoh's cup into his hand Exod. 5. 18. yet shall he d. the tale of bricks 22. 7. if a man shall d. unto his neighbour, 10. 26. thou shalt d. it by that the sun goeth down 23. 31. I will d. the inhabitants of the land JV«7H. 21. 2. if thou wilt indeed d. this peojjle 35. 25. the congregation shall d. tlie slayer out of Deut. 7. 24. he shall d. their kings into thy hand 23. 15. thou shalt not d. to his master the servant 25. 11. to d. her husband out of the hand of him 32.39. any that can d. out of my hand, Isa. 43. 13. Josh. 2. 13. that ye will d. our lives from death 8. 7. for your God will d. it into your hand 20. 5. they shall not d. the slayer into his hand Judg. 7. 7. and d. the Midianites into thine hand 10. t 1. after Abimelech arose Tola to d. Israel 11. 30. if thou shalt without fail d. the Ammonites 13. 5. Samson shall begin to d. Israel from Philist. 1 Sam. 7. 14. the coasts thereof did Israel d. 12. 21. after things which cannot profit nor d. 23. 4. I will d. the Philistines, 2 Sam. 5. 19. 24. 4. I will d. thine enemy into thine hand 28. 19. the Lord will d. Israel to the Philistines 2 Sam. 14. 16. the king will hear to d. his handmaid 20. t 6. let Sheba d. himself from our eyes 1 Kings 18.9.thou wouldest d. thy servant to Ahab 20. 1'3. 1 will d. this multitude into thy hand, 28. 22. 6. they said, go up, for the Lord shall d. it into the king's hand, 12, 15. 2 Chron. 18. 5, 11. 2 7ir™jo-4-3.18.he will d. the Moabites into your hand 12. 1. but d. it for the breaches of the house 18. 35. that Lord should d. Jerusalem, /sa. 36.20. 22. 5. let them d. into the hand of the workmen 2 CAron. 25. 15. who could not d. their own people 28. 11. now hear me and d. the captives again 32. 13. were gods of nations able to d. their lands? 14. that your God should be able to d. you, 17. i^!0se d.thou before the God ofJerusalera Job 10. 7. there is none can d. out of thy hand 22. 30. he shall d. the island of the innocent 33. 28. he will d. his soul from going into Ihe pit Ps. 6. 4. d. my Boul, 17. 13. | 22. 20. | 116. 4. 1 120. 2. 7. 2. renting it while there is none to d. 50. 22. 33. 17. nor shall he d. any by his great strength 19. to d. their soul from death, and to keep alive 56. 13. wilt thou not d. my feet from falling ? 72. 12. for he shall d. the needy when he crieth 74. 19. O d. not the soul of thy turtle-dove 82. 4.d.the poor and needy out of hand of wicked 89. 48. shall he d. his soul from hand ofthegr&ve ? Prov. 4. 9. a crown of glory shall she d. to thee 6. 3. do this now, my son, and d. thyself 23. 14. beat him, thou shalt d. his soul from hell Keel. 8. 8. nor shall wickedness d. those given to ' DEL Isa. 29. 11. which men d. to one that is learned 31. 5. defending also he will d. it, and passing over 44. 20. he cannot d. his soul, nor say is there not 46. 2. they stoop, they could not d. the burden 47. 14. they shall not d. themselves from the flame 50. 2. is my hand shortened? have I no power to d. Jer. 15. 9. the residue of them will I d. to the sword 18. 21. therefore d. up their children to the famine 20. 5. moreover I will d. all strength of this city 21.7.afterwards I will d. Zedekiah from the sword 22.3.d. the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor 43. 11. he shall d. such as are for death to death 51. 6. flee out of Bab. d. every man his soul, 4.5. £zf A.13.21.I will d. my people out of your hand,23. 14. 14. they should d. but their own souls, 20. 16. shall d. neither sons nor daughters, 18. 20. 33. 5. he that taketh warning shall d. his soul 34. 10. for I will d. my flock from their mouth Z)a7i.3.29.there is no other god can d. after this sort 8. 4. nor was there any that could d. from the ram 7. none that could d. the ram out of his hand Hos. 2. 10. none shall d. her out of mine hand Amos 2. 14. neitlier shafl the mighty d. himself 15. he that is swift, of foot shall not d. himself 6. 8. 1 will d. the city with all that is therein Mic. 5. 8. who teareth in pieces and none can d. 6. 14. and thou shalt take hold, but shalt notd. Zech. 2. 7. d. thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with 11. 6. 1 will d. every one into his neighbour's hand Jl/a«.10.21.the brother shall d. the brother to death Acts 25.16. not manner of Romans to d. man to die 1 Cor. 5. 5. d. such one to Sat. for destruct. of flesh 2Cor.l.l0.who delivered us from death,and doth d. 2 Pet. 2. 9. the Lord knoweth how to d. the godly DELIVER him. Gen. 37. 22. rid him, to d. him to his father again 42.37.d.Aim into my hand, I will bring him to thee Exod. 21. 13. but God will d. him into his hand Deut. 2. 30. that he might d. him into thy hand 3. 2. I will d.him and his people into thy hand 1 9.12. d. Am into the hand of the avenger of blood 24. 13. in any case thou shalt d. him the pledge Judg.i.l.l will drawSisera and d.him. into thy hand lSam.23.20.our partshall be to d.him into thy hand 2 Sam. 14. 7. said, d. Aim that smote his brother 20. 21. d. him and I will depart from Ihe city Job 33. 24. d. him from going down to the pit Psal. 22. 8. that he would d. him, let him d. Aim 41. 1. the Lord will d. him in time of trouble 2. thou wilt not d. him to the will of his enemies 71. 11. and take him, for there is none to d. him 91. 14. have set his love on me, theref.will I d.him 15.1 will be with him,will d. Aim,and honour him Prov. 19. 19. if thou d. him, thou must do it again .Ter. 21. 12. d. him that is spoiled from the oppress. jEzf A-.33.12. righteous, of righteous shall not d. him Dan. 6. 14. the king set his heart on Dan. to d.him Jonah 4. 6. might be a shadow to d. Aim from grief Mat. 20. 19. and shall d. him to Gentiles to crucify him, Mark 10. 33. LukeW. 20. Acts 21. 11. 26. 15. what will ye give , and I will d. him to you 27. 43. let him d. him now, if he will have him DELIVER me. Of n.32. 11. d. me I pray thee from the hand of Esau 1 .Sam. 17. 37. he will out of hand of Goliath 23. 11. will the men of Keilah d. me up? 12. 24. 15. the Ld. be judge, and d. me out of thy hand 26. 24. and let him d. me put of all tribulation 30. 15. nor d. me into the hands of my master 2.Sam.3.14. Dav. sent, saying,d. me my wife Michal 1 Kings 20. 5. thou shalt d. me thy silver and gold .Tob 6. 23. d. me from enemies, Ps. 31. 15. | 59. 1. Psal. 7. 1. O Lord, save me from them and d. me 25.20. keep my soul, and d. me, for I trust in the 27. 12. d. me not over to the will of mine enemies 31. 2. bow down thine ear to me, d. me speedily 39. 8. d.vie from my transgressions, make me not pleased to d.TO('|170.1.make haste to d. me 43. 1. O d. me from the deceitful and unjust man 51. 14. from blood-guiltiness, O God 59. 2. from the workers of iniquity, save me 69. 14. d. me out of the mire, and let me not sink 18. draw nigh to my soul, and redeem it, d. mr 71. 2. d.'me in thy righteousness, cause me, 31. 1. 4. d. me, O my God, out of hand of the wicked 109. 21. because thy mercy is good d. thou me 119. 134. d. me frorn the oppression of man l.'i3. consider mine aflliclion, and d. me 1.54. plead my cause, and d. me, quicken me 170. d. me according to thy word 140. 1. O Ld. from the evil man, preserve me 142. 6. d. me from my persecutors, for they are 143. 9. d. me from mine enemies, I flee unto tlice 144. 7. rid me, and d. me out of great waters 11. d. me from the hand of strange children Isa. 44. 17. he saith, d. me, for thou art my God Jer. 38. 19. I am afraid of the Jews, lest they d. me Acts 25. 11. no man may d. me to them, I appeal Fom.l. 24. who shall from the body of death? /iia. 5.29.shall carry it away safe,and none shall 2 7'im.4.18. the Ld. shall from every evil work DEL DELIVER thee. JDcut.l.lG. the people which the Lord shall d. thee 23. 14. Ld. walkelii in midst of tliy caiiij) to d. thee Jud,Luke 23.25. Luke 1. 57. time came that she should be rf. 2. 6. 4. 6. that is rf. to me, and to whom I will, I give it 17. there was rf. to him the book of Esaias 9. 44. Son of man shall be rf. into hands of men 12. 58. give diligence that thou mayest be d. 18. 32. for he shall be rf. unto the Gentiles .lohn 16. 21. but as soon as she is rf. of the child 18. 36. that I should not be d. to the Jews Acts 2. 23. him being rf. by the counsel of God 15.30. Judas and Silas came to Ant. and rf. epistle 23. 33. and they rf. the epistle to the governor 27. 1. they d. Paul to one Julius, n centurion 28. 17. yet was I d. prisoner from Jeru.«!alem Rom.i. 23. was d. for our ofTencon and raised again DEL Kom.l. 6. now we are rf. fr. the lavv,that being dead 8.21.the creature itself shall be rf. from corruption 15. 31. 1 may be rf. from them that do not believe 2 Cor. 4. 11. are always rf. to death for Jesus' sake 2 Thcss. 3. 2.\ve nuiy be rf. from unreasonable men 1 '/■< HI. 1.20. whom I have rf.toSatan,that they learn 2 Tini.i.n. I was rf. out of the mouth of the Uou Heb. 11. 11. by faith Sarah was rf. of a child 2 Pet. 2. 7. and rf. just Lot, ve.\ed with the filthy 21. to turn from the commandment rf. to them ^Mrfe 3. for the faith which was once rf. to the saints Rev. 12. 2. travailing in birth, and pained to he rf. 4. before the woman which was ready to be rf. See H.vND, Hands. DELIVERED him. Gen. 37. 21. Reuben d. him out of their hands Lev. 6. 2. in that which was rf. him to keep, 4. Deut. 2. 33. the Lord our God rf. him before us 1 Kings 13. 26. therefore the Lord rf. him to the lion 17. 23. and Elijah rf. him unto his mother Psal. 7. 4. yea, I have rf. him that is mine enemy Mat. 18. 34. his Lord d. him to the tormentors 27. 2. and d. him to Pontius Pilate, Mark 15. 1. 18. that for envy they had rf. him, Mark 15. 10. 26. ho d. him to be crucified, .John 19. 16. Luke 7. 15. and Jesus d. him to his mother 9.42.Jesus healed the child and rf. hiinlo his father 24. 20. how our rulers rf. him to be condemned John 18. 30. we would not have d. him to thee Acts 7. 10. God d. him out of all his ulHictions 12. 4. Hevodrf. him to four quaternions of soldiers DELIVERED me. Exod. 18. 4. God rf. vie from the sword of Pharaoh Judg. 12. 3. and when I saw that ye d. me not 1 .Sam. 17. 37. the Lord that d. me from the lion 2 Sam. 22. 18. he d. me from my strong enemies 20. he because delighted in me, Psal.18. 19. 49. thou hast d. me fj om violent man, PsaM8.48. 2 Kings'^. lO.IIilkiah the priest hath rf.jwe a book Job 16. 11. God hath d. me to the ungodly Psal. 18. 17. he d. me from my .strong enemies 43. hast rf. me from the .strivings of the people 34. 4. the Lord heard and rf. me from all my fears 54. 7. for he hath rf. me out of all trouble John 19. 11. he that d. me to thee hath greater sin 2 Tim. 3. 11. but out of them all the Lord d.vie DELIVERED thee. 1 Sam. 24. 10. the Lord d. (Aee to-day into my hand 2 Sam. 12. 7. and I d. thee out of the hand of Saul Psal. 81. 7. thou calledst in trouble, and I rf. thee Ezek. 16.27. 1 d. thee to will of them that hate thee John 18. 35. the chief priests d. thee unto mo DELIVERED them. Exod. 18. 8. Moses told how the Lord d. them Deut. 5. 22. in tables of stone, and d. them to me Judg. 3. 9. Lord raised up a deliverer, who d. them 2 Kings 19. 12. gods of nations d. tlicm, Isa. 37.12. 2 CAr.29.8.hath d. them to trouble, to astonishment Psal. 78. 42. when he d. them from the enemy 107. 6. and he d. them out of their distresses 20. and he d. them from their destructions Isa. 34. 2. he hath d. them to the slaughter £2e/i. 16.21. d. them to cause them to pass thro' fire Mat.25. 14. called servants,and them his goods J^uke 1. 2. even as they rf. them to us eye-witnesses 19. 13. he d. thcvi ten pounds, and said, occupy till .^cls 16. 4. they d. them the decrees for to keep 1 Cor. 11.2. keep ordinances, as I d. them to you 2 Pet. 2. 4. and d them inio chains of darkness DELIVERED vp. JVum. 21. 3. and the Lord rf. vp the Canaanites ./o,sA.10.12.when the Ld. Amorites before far. 2 Sam. 18.28. d.up the men that lift up their hand ./Imns 1.9.because they rf. vp the captivity toEdoni Oiarf.14.nor shouldest have d.up tho.'se that remain Mai. 4. 1 12. heard that John was d. up into prison .^cts 3. 13. hath glorified his Son whom ye rf. vp flojn. 8. 32. spared not his Son, butd. himap for us 1 Cor. 15. 24. when he shall have rf. vp the kingdom Ree. 20. 13. death and hell rf. vp the dead in them DELIVERED us. Exod. 2. 19. an Egyptian d. us from the shepherds Acts 6. 14. change the customs which Moses 2 Cor. 1. 10. who d. us from so great a death Col. 1. 13. hath from the power of darkness 1 Thcss.l.lO. Jesus, who d. jtsfrom wrath to come DELIVERED you. obeyed the doctrine which was 1 Cor. 11. 23. 1 received that which I d. you, 15. 3. , DELIVEREDST, EST. JW!A.9. 27. thou d. them to enemies who vexed r.'!aZ.35.]0.whof/. poor from him that spoileth him Mic. 6. 14. what thou d. willlgive up 1o the sword Ma.t. 25. 20. Lord, thou rf. unto me five talents 22. and said. Lord, thou rf. unto me two talents DELIVERER. .Tudg. 3. 9. the Lord raised up a rf. to Israel, 15. 18.28. there wasnorf. 2 Sam. 14. 1 6. Psa7.7. t2. 2 SaM.22.2. the Lord is my rock and rf. Psal. 18. 2. Psal. 40. 17. thou art my' help and my rf. 70. 5. DEN Psal. 1-14.2. my fortress, my liigliWwer, and my d. JiUs 7. 35. the same did God send to be a il. Horn. 11. 2ti. there shall como out of Sion the d. DELIVERETH. Job 36.15.he d. the poor in his alHiction, opens ears Psal. 18. 4S. lie d. r.«!e from mine enemies 34. 7. about them that fear him, and d. them 17. the Lord d. them out of all their troubles, 19. 97. lU. he d. them out, of the hand of the wicked 144. 10. who d. David from the iiurtful sword Prov. 10. 2. righteousness d. from death, 11. 4. 14. 25. a true witness d. souls, but a deceitful 31. 24. and she d. girdles unto the merchant Isa. 42. 22. they are for a prey, and none d. JJan.G. 27. God d. and rescueth, and worketh signs Jlmos 3. 1 12. as shepherd d. out of mouth of lion DELIVERING. Exod. 5. 1 23. d. thou hast not delivered thy peop. /^«Ae21.12.( up to synagogues and into prisons Jlcts 22. 4. d. into prisons both men and women 2t). 17. d. thee from the people and the Gentiles DELIVERY. Isa. 26. 17. that draweth near the time of her d. DELUSION. 2 Thess. 2. 11. God shall send them strong d. DELUSIONS. Isa. 66. 4. 1 also will choose their (Z. and bring fears DEMAND. Dan. 4- 17. the d. by the word of the holy ones DEMAND, ED. Exod. 5. 14. d. why have ye not fulfilled your task? 2 Sam. 11. 7. David d. of Uriah how Joab did Job 38. 3. 1 will d. of thee,answer thou,40. 7. | 42. 4, JJan. 2. 27. the secret which the king hath d. Mat. 2. 4. he d. where Christ should be born Janice's. 14. the soldiers d. of him, whatshall we do 17. 20. and when he was d. of the Pharisees Jicts 21. 33. the chief captain d. who ho was DEMONSTRATION. 1 Cor. 2. 4. but in d. of the Spirit, and of power DEN, S. Judg. 6. 2. the children of Israel made them d. Job 37. 8. then the beasts go into d. and remain 38. 40. when they couch in their d. and abide Psal. 10. 9. he lieth in wait as a lion in his d. 104. 22. they lay themselves down in their d. Cant. 4. 8. look from Shenir, from the lion's d. Isa. 11. 8. shall put his hand on the cockatrice d. 32. 14. the towers shall he for d. for ever Jer. 7. 11. is this house become a d. of robbers'? 9. 11. I will make Jerusalem a (/. of dragons 10. 22. to make the cities of Judah a d. of dragons Dan. 6. 7. he shall be cast into the d. of lions, 12. IG. and they cast him into the d. of lions 19. the king arose and went in haste to the d. 23. they should take Daniel up out of the d. 24. and they cast them into the d. of lions .linos 3. 4. will a young lion cry out of his d.? J'Tiih. 2. 12. the lion filled his d. with ravin Mat. 21. 13. my house be called house of prayer, but ye have made it a d. of thieves, JIfarA 11. 17. Hcb. 11. 38. they wandered in deserts and in d. Rev. 6. 15. bondman and freeman hid themsol. in d. DENY. Josh. 24. 27. be a witness, lest ye d. your God 1 Kings 2. 16. 1 ask of thee, d. me not, Prov. 30. 7. Job 8. 18. if he destroy him, then it shall d. him Prov. 30. 9. lest I be full and d. thee, and say Mat. 10. 33. whosoever shall d. me, him will I d. 16. 24. let him d. himself, Mark 8. 34. Luke 9. 23. 26. 34. Jesus said to him, before the cock crow thou shalt d. mo thrice, 75. Mark 14. 30, 72. 3.5.die with thee,yet will I not rf.thee, J)/arA14.31. Lukc'ii). 27. which d. there is any resurrection 2 Tim. 2. 12. if we d. him, he also will d. us 13. yet he abideth faithful, he cannot d. himself Tit. 1. 16. that know God, but in works they d. him DENIED. Gen. 18. 15. Sarah d. saying, I laughed not 1 Kinffs 20. 7. he sent to me, and I d. him not .Tub 31. 28. for I should have d. the God above J17rt<.26.70.Peter d. before them all, saying, I know not, 72. Mark 14. 70. Luke 22.57. John ia25,27. Ijuke 8. 45. when all d. that they touched him 12.9.who denies shall bed. before the angels of G. .7uAnl.20.John confessed, and d.not,Iam not Christ 13. 38. shall not crow, till thou hast d. me thrice Jicts 3. 13. whom ye d. in the presence of Pilate 14. but ye d. the holy One and the just 1 Tim. 5. 8. he hath d. the faith, and is worse than 7?f t!.2.13.ho!dest fast my name, and not faith 3. 8. hast kept mv word, and hast not d. my name DENIETH, TNG. Lnke 12. 9. buthe that d. me before men, be denied 2 Ti7n.3.5.having a form of godliness, but d. power Tit. 2.12. teaching us, that d. ungodliness and lusts 2 Pet. 2. 1. even d. the Lord that bought them 1 .John 2. 22. is a liar, that d. Jesus is Christ 23. who d. the Son, the same hath not the Father Judci. d. the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus 124 DEP DENOUNCE. Deut.20.18.Id. this day, that ye shall surely perish DEPART. Gen. 13. 9. if thou d. to the right hand, 1 will go Exod. 18. 27. Moses let his father-in-law d. 33. 1. (/. thou and the people thou hast brought up JV«)«.10. 30.1 will d. to mine own land and kmdred Dcut. 9. 7. from the day thou didst d. out of Egypt Jo.v/t.24.28.soJoshua let the inheritance Judg. 19. 5. the Levite rose up to d. 7, 8, 9. 1 Sam. 22. 5. and God said, abide not in the hold, d. 29. 10. as soon as ye be up and have light, d. 11. David and his men rose up to d. in the morn. 30. 22. that they may lead them away and d. 2 Sam. 11. 12. and to-morrow I will let thee d. 15. 14. make speed to d. lest he overtake us 1 Kings la.S.d. for three days, then come ag. to me Job 20. 28. the increase of his house shall d. Isa. 11. 13. the envy also of Ephraim shall d. 52.11. d. ye, d. yc, go out from thence. Lam. 4. 15. 54. 10. for the mountains shall d. and the hills ,h'r. 50. 3. they shall d. both man and beast Mic. 2. 10. arise ye, and d. this is not your rest Zech. 10. 11. the sceptre of Egypt shall d. away Mat. 8. 34. would d. out of their coasts, Jl/arA 5.17. 10. 14. when ye d. out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet, MarkG. 11. Lvke 9.4. Luke 2. 29. now lettest thou thy servant d. in peace 13. 31. d. hence, for Herod will kill thee 21.21. let them which are in the midstd. outof it John 7. 3. they said d. henee and go into Judea 13. l.when Jesus knew he should d. out of world 16. 7. but if I rf. I will send him unto you Jlcts 16. 36. now therefore d. and go in peace ■ 39. and desired them to d. out of the city 20. 7. Paul prpach. to them ready to d. on morrow 22. 21. d. for 1 will send thee to the Gentiles 25. 4. that he himself would d. shortly thither 27. 12. the more part advised to d. tlienee also 1 Cor. 7. 11. but if she fZ. let her remain unmarried 15. but if the unbelieving d. let him d. Phil. 1. 23. a desire to d. and to be with Christ Jam. 2. 16. say to them, d. in peace, be ye clothed DEPART from. Exod. 8. n. and the frogs shall d. from thee 29.that the swarms of flies may d. /»•(»» Pharaoh 21. 22. hurt a woman, so that her fruit d. from her Leo. 25. 41. and then shall he d. from thee JVitm. 16. 26. d.from the tents of these wicked men rjcut. 4.9. take heed, lest they d. from thy heart Jadg. 7. 3. who is fearful, let him d. from Gilead 1 Sam. 15. 6. d. from the Amalekites, lest I destroy 2.Sam.l2. lO.the sword shall never d.from thy house 20. 21. deliver Shoha, and I will d. from the city 1 Kings 15.19.that he may d. from me, 2 Chr. 16.3. 2 CAj". 18. 31. and God moved them to rf./rom him Job 21. 14; they say to God, d. from us, 22. 1 28. 23. and to d. from evil is understanding Psal. 6. 8. d. from me, all ye workers of ini(juity. Mat. 7. 23. Lvke 13. 27 34. 14. d. from evil, and do good, 37. 27. 101. 4. a froward heart shall d. from me 119. l]5.rf./)-o7re me, ye evildoers, fori will keep 139. 19. d. from me therefore, ye bloody men Prov. 3. 7. fear the Lord, and d. from evil 13. 14. to d. from the snares of death, 14. 27. 19. but it is abomination to fools to d. from evil 15. 24. that he may d. from hell beneath 16. 6. by the fear of the Lord men d.from evil 17. the highway of the upright is to (i. /rom evil /.9a. 14. 25. his burden d.from off their shoulders ,Jcr. 6. 8. ho instructed, lest my soul d. from thee 17. 13.thatd./jo7tt me shall be written in the earth 31. .36. if those ordinances d. from before me 37. 9. the Chaldeans shall surely d. from us Ezck. 16. 42. my jealousy shall d. from thee Hos. 9. 12. woe also to them when I d. from them Mat.'HS. 41. d.from me ye cursed, into everlast. fire Mark 6. 10. there abide, till ye d. from that place Luke 5. S.d. froin me, (or 1 am a sinful man,0 Lord 8. 37. Gadarenes besought him to d. from them ..dots 1. 4, that they should not d. from Jerusalem 18. 2. commanded all the Jews to d. from Rome 1 Cor. 7. 10, let not the wife d. from her husband 2Cor.l2.8.I besought Lord tliat it mightd. from me 1 latter times soraeshalld./roTrelhefaith 2 Tim. 2. 19. that nameth Christ d.from iniquity JVoi DEPART. Gen. 49. 10. the sceptre shall 7tot d. from Judah ./o.sA.1.8. this book of the law shall 7iot d. meditate .Tudg. 6. 18. d. not hence, I pray thee, till I come 2 Sam. 7. 15. but my mercy shall not d. from him 22. 23. as for his statutes, I did not d. from them 2 Chron. 35. 15. they might not d. from their service Job 7. 19. how long wilt thou not d. from mel 15. 30. he shall not d. out of darkness, the flame Psal.55. 11. deceit and guile d. not from her streets Prov. 3. 21. let them not d. from thine eyes, 4. 21. 5. 7. hear me, and ri. not from words of my mouth 17. 13. evil for good,Qvil shall not d. from his house | DEP Prov. 22. 6. when lie is old he will not d. from it 27. 22. yet will not his foolishness d. from him Isa. 54. 10. but my kindness shall not d. from thee 59. 21. my cov. my Spirit, and words, shall not d. ./c7-.32.40.putmy fear,that they shall Tiut d.from me 37. 9. the Chaldeans, for they shall not d. Mat. 14. 16. they need not d. give ye them to eat Luke 4.42.stayed him, that should tioJ d. from them 12. 59. thou shalt not d. thence, till thou hast paid DEPARTED. Gen. 12. 4. so Abraham d. as the Lord had spoken 14. 12. they took Lot and d. \\ 21. 14. Hagar d. 24. lO.EIeazer d. \\ 26.17.Isaac d. || 31.55.Laban d. 37. 17. and the man said, they are d. hence 42. 26. they laded their asses with corn and d. 45. 24. he sent his brethren away, and they d. JSTujn. 12. 9. anger of the L. was kindled, and he d. 22. 7. and the elders of M,oab and Midian d. Josh. 2. 21. she sent the spies away, and they d. Judg. 9. 55. d. every man to his place, 2 Sam. 6. 19. 18. 7. then the five men d. and came to Laish, 21. 19. 10. the Levite d. || 21. 24. Israel d. thence 1 Sam. 6. 6. did they not let Israel go, and they d.? 20. 42.David d. 22. 1,5. || 2 *arn.l2. 15. so Nath. d. 2 Sam. 19. 24. nor washed from the day the king d. 1 Kings 12. 5. and the jieople d. 2 Chron. 10. 5. 14. 17. and Jeroboam's wife arose and d. toTirza 19.19. Elijah d. and found Elisha, 2 Kings 1. 4. 20. 9. the messengers d. and brought word again 38. so the prophet d. and waited for the king 2 Kings 5.5.Naam.(/. || 10.12. Jehu arose and d.l5. 19. 36. so Sennacherib d. and went, Isa. 37. 37. 1 Chr. 16. 43. all people d. every man to his house 21. 4. wherefore Joab d. and went through Israel 2 Chr. 21. 20. Jehoram d. without being desired Psal. 105. 38. Egypt was glad when they d. Isa. 38. 12. mine age is d. and removed from me .7i;?-.41. 10. Ishmael d. to go over to the Ammonites Lam.l. 6. from daughter of Zion all her beauty isd. Mat.2. 9. when had heard the king,wise men d. 12. 14. Joseph and Mary arose, and d. into Egypt 4. 12. Jesus d. 9. 27. I 11. 1. | 12. 9. | 13. 53. | 14. 13. I 15. 21, 29. I 16. 4. 1 19. 15. 27. 5. Judas d. || Luke 1.23. Zach. d. to his house Mark 1. 35. Jesus d. 6. 46. ] 8. 13. Luke 4. 42. John 4. 3, 43. J 6. 15. | 12. 36. Lvke 5. 25. he d. to his own house, glorifying God 7. 24. when the messengers of John were d. 8. 35. the man out of whom the devils were d. 10. 30. the thieves wounded him and d. 35. on the morrow when the Samaritan d. ./oAn5.15.theman d. and told the Jews it was Jesus Jlcts 10. 7. when the angel d. || 11. 25. Barnabas d. 12. 17. Peter d. || 13. 4. they d. to Seleucia 14.20.Paul d.||15.39.Paul and Barnabasd.asunder 16.40.Paul and Silae d.\\ 18.7.Paul d.23. 1 20. 1,11. 21. 5. we d. and went our way, 8. | 28. 10, 11. 28. 29. when he said these words, the Jews d. 2 T(rn.4.10.Demas forsaken me, is d.toThessalonica Phil. 15. for perhaps he therefore d. for a season Rev. 6. 14. and the heaven d. as a scroll DEPARTED from. OfiTi. 26. 31. they arose and d. from Isaac in peace 31. 40. thus was I, my sleep d. from mine eyes Exod. 19. 2. they were d.f. Rephidim, JV«»h.33.]5. 35. 20. all Israel d.from the presence of Moses I^cv. 13. 58. if the plague be d.from them, then JVum. 10. 33. they d.from the mount of the Lord 12. 10. the cloud d.from off the tabernacle 14. 9. their defence is d. from them, fear not 33. 3. they d./ro7n Rameses | 6. d.from Succoth 8. d.from Pi-hairoth || 13. d. from Dojihkah All their departures set down to verse 49. Dcut. 1. 19. and when we d. from Horeb, we went Judg. 16. 20. he wist not that Lord was d.f. him 1 Sam. 4. 21. saying, the glory is d. from Israel, 22. 10. 2. when thou art d.from me, thou shalt find 15. 6. Keniles, d.from among the Amalekites 16. 14. the Spirit of the Lord d. from Saul, 18. 12. 23. was refreshed, and the evil Spirit d.from him 28. 15. God is d. from me, and answereth me not 16. ask of me, seeing the Lord is d. from thee 1 Kings 20. 36. as soon as thou art d.from mo 2 Kings 3. 27. they d. from him to their own land 5. 19. so be d. from Elisha a little way, 8. 14. 19. 8. Sennacherib d. from Lachish, Isa. 37. 8. 2 Chron. 24. 25. and when they were d. from him Ezra 8. 31. then we d.from the river Ahava PsaZ. 18. 21. and have not wickedly d.from my G. Isa. 7. 17. from the day that Ephraim d. from jud. Jrr. 29. 2. and the smiths were d. from Jerusalem 37.5.the Chaldeans heard they d. from Jerusalem Ezf/i.e.g.their whorish heart which hath d./ro7n me 10. 18. the glory of the Lord d.from the threshold Dan. 4. 31. O king, the kingdom is d.from thee Hos. 10. 5. for the glory of Samaria is d. from it Mat. 15. 29. and Jesus d.from thence, and came 19. 1. had finished these sayings,he d.from Galilee they d./ro77iJericho,a multitude followed 24. 1. Jesua went out and d.from the temple DEP Mat. 28. 8. they d. quickly /ro»n the sepulchre Mark 1. 42. the leprosy d. from him, Luke 5. 13. Luke 1. 38. and the angel d. from Mary 4. 13. the devil d. from him lor a season 9. 33. as they d.from him, Peter said to Jesus Acts 5. 41. they d. from the presence of the council 12. 10. and forthwith the angel d.from him 13. 14. they came when they had d. from Perga 15. 38. Jolin d. from them from Pamphylia 17.33.Panl d.from them, 18. 1. | I'J. !). Pliil. 4. 15. 19.12.diseases d.from them,and evil spir.went out Hev. 18. 14. and the fruits tliat thy soul lusted after ate d.from tliec, and all things dainty are d. DEPARTED not from. 2 Sa»n.22.22.1 have not d.from my G. Psal. 18. 21. 2 Kings 3. 3. he d. not therefrom, 13. 2. 10.2'J.Jehu d. /lot from the sins of Jerohoam, who made Israel to sin, to wit, golden calves, 31. I 13. 6, 11. 1 14. 24. I 15. 9, 18. | 17. 22. 18. C. Hezekiah d. not from following the Lord 2 C'Ar. 8. 15. d. not from commandment of the kiiif 20. 32. Jehoshaphat d. not from the way of Asa 34. 33. they d. not from following the Lord JVVA. 9. 19. the cloud d. not from them by day Psal.Wi. 102. I have not d.from thy judgments I^uAe 2.37. .\nnarf.»iot/roHi the temp.butservedG DEPARTED out. nnA2.5.thed.closed me round about, weeds wrapt ^/a£.18.6.betler he were drowned in the d.of the sea Mark 4. 5. because it had no d. of earth, it withered Horn. 8. 39. nor d. separ-ate us from the love of God 11. 33. O the d. of the riches both of the wisdom Eph. 3. 18. what is breadth and d. of love of Christ DEPTHS. Ezod. 15. 5. the d. have covered thera, they sank 8. the d. were congealed in the heart of the sea Deut. S. 7. the d. that spring out of valleys and hills Psal. 68. 22. bring my people from the d. of the sea 71. 20. shall bring me up from the d. of the earth 77.16. the waters were afraid, the d. were troubled 78. 15. he gave them drink as out of the great*/. 106. 9. he led them thro' the d. as thro' wilderness 107. 26. they mount up, they go down again to d. i:tO. 1. out of the d. have 1 cried to thee, O Lord Prov. 3. 20. by his knowledge the d. are broken up 8. 34. when there were no d. I was brought forth 125 DES Prov. 9. 18. and that her guests are in the d. of hell Isa. 51. 10. that hath made the d. of the sea a way Etek. 27. 34. thou shalt be broken in d. of waters Mic. 7. 19. will cast their sins Into the d. of the sea Hev. 2. 24. which have not known the d. of Satan DEPUTED. 2 Sam. 15. 3. but there is no man d. of the kinj DEPUTY. 1 Kings 22. 47. was no king In Edom,a d. was king Acts 13.7. a sorcerer Barjesus who was with the d 8. seeking to turn away the d. from the faith 18. 12. and when Gallio was thed. of Achala DEPUTIES. Esth.Q.^.ii was written tod.and rulers of provinces 9. 3. and the d. and officers helped the Jews jJcts 19.38.there are d.let thera implead one another DERIDE. W^ad.l.lO.they shall d. every strong hold, heap dust DERIDED. Luke 16.14.Pharlsees heard these things, and d.him 23. 35. the rulers also with the people d. him DERISION. Job 30. 1. that are younger than I, have me in d. Psal. 2. 4. the Lord shall have them in d. 44. 13. a d. to them that are round about us, 79. 4 5y. 8. thou shalt have all the heathen In d. 119. 51. the proud have had me greatly In d. Jer. 20. 7. 1 am in d. daily (| 8. was made a d. daily 48. 26. and Moab also shall be in d. 39. 27. for was not Israel a d. unto thee 1 Lam. 3.14.1 was a d. to my people and song all day Ezck. 23. 32. thou shalt drink and be had in d. 30. 4. to cities which became a d. to the heathen Hos.'i.\6. this shall be their d. in the land of Egypt DESCEND. J\rum. 34. 11. the border shall d. and reach to sea 1 Sam. 20. 10. he shall d. into battle and perish Psal. 49. 17. his glory shall not d. after him 65. 1 10. thou causest rain d. Into the furrows 104.t 8.the mountains to ascend, the valleys er .26.22.wild beasts,and your high ways sha. be d. 33. your land shall be d. and your cities waste DES Job 15.34.for congregation ofhypocrites shall he d. Fsal. 34.-J1. they that hate the righteous shall be d. '■2-i. none of them that trust in him shall be d. Isa. 3. 9. of a truth many houses shall be d. 15. 6. for waters of Nimrim shall be d. JcrAS. 34. 27.10.yet the dofenced city shall bcd.and forsaken Jer. 26. 9. this city shall be d. without inhabitant 33. 10. in this place which ye say shall be d. 46. 19. Noph shall be d. without an inhabitant 43. 9. Moab, for the cities thereof shall be d. 49. 2. Kabbah of Ammonites shall be a d. lieap 50. 13. but Babylon shall be wholly d. 51. 26. thou Shalt be d. for ever, saith the Lord JE:e/i".6.4.your altars «AaW A«d.your images broken 29. 12. the cities of Egypt shall be d. forty years 33. 28. and the mountains of Israel shall be d. 35. 4. behold, O mount Seir, thou shall be d. 15. Has. 5. 9. Ephraim shall be d. in the day of rebuke DESOLATE wilderness. Jer.l2.10.made my pleasant portion ad.wildcrncss Joel 2. 3. and behind them it is a d. tctlderncss 3. 19. Egypt and Edom shall be a d. wilderness DESOLATION. J^ev. 26. 31. I will bring your sanctuaries to d. 32. and 1 will bring the land into erpetual d. Isa. 15. t 6. for the waters of Nimrim shall be d. the hay is withered away, Jer. 48. f 34. 49. 1 6. be my servant to restore the d. of Israel 61. 4. shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former d. the d. of many generations Jer. 25. 9. 1 will make these nations perpetual d. 12. make the land of the Chaldeans perpetual d. 51. t2G. Babylon shall be everlasting d. j 62. Kick. 35. 9. 1 will make mount Seir perpetual d. Dan. 9. 2. accomplish seventy years in d. of Jerus. 18. O my God open thine eyes, and behold ourd. 36. to the end of the war d. are determined DESPAIR. 2 Cor. 4. 8. wo are perplexed, but not in d. DESPAIR. 1 .Sam. 27. 1. and Saul shall d. of mo, to seek me Eccl.% 20. 1 went about to cause my heart to d. DESPAIRED. 2 Cor. 1. 8. insomuch that we d. even of life DESPERATE. Job 6. 26. reprove the speeches of one that is d. Isa. 17. 11. in the day of grief and of d. sorrow Jer. 2. t 25. but thou saidst is the case d.? DESPERATELY. Jer. 17. O.heart of man is deceitful, and d. wicked DESPISE. Lev. 26. 15. and if ye shall d. my statutes 127 DES 1 Sam. 2. 30. that d. me shall be lightly esteemed 2 Ham. 19. 43. Israel said, why then did ye d. us ? Esth. 1. 17.80 that they shall d. their husbands Job 5. 17. happy whom God correcteth, d. not thou cliastening of the Almighty, Pr. 3. 11. Heb. 12.5. 9. 21. though I were perfect, I would d. my life 10.3.that thou shouldestd.the work of thine hands 31. 13. if I did d. the cause of my man-servant Psal. 51. 17. a contrite heart, O G. thou wilt not d. 73. 20. thou awakest, thou shalt d. their image 102. 17. and he will not d. their prayer Proo. 1. 7. but fools d. wisdom and instruction 3. II. my son, d. not chastening of L. 7/e6. 12. 5. 6. 30. men do not d. a thief, if he steal to satisfy 23. 9. a fool will d. the wisdom of thy words 22. and d. not thy mother when she is old Isa. 18. t 2. whose land the rivers d. 30. 12. because ye d.this word, and trust in oppros. Jer. 4. 30. thy lovers will d. thee, they will seek 23. 17. they say still to them that d. me Lam. 1. 8. all that honoured her, d. her, because Eiek. 16. 57. daughters of Philistines which d.tbee 28. 26. e.Kecuted judgm. on all those that d. them ./?7nrts5.21. 1 hate, I d.your feast-days,willnot smell Mai. 1. 6. unto you, O priests, that d. my name ./>ia«.6.24.hold to one, and d. the other, Z^it/te 16.13. 18. 10. that ye d. not one of these little ones iiom. 14.3.1et not him that eateth, d.him eateth not 1 Cor. 11. 22. or d. ye the church of G. and shame 16. 11. let no man therefore d. him, conduct him 1 Thess.5. 20. d. notprophesyings, prove all things 1 Tim. 4. 12. let none d. thy youth, be an e.xample 6. 2. let them not d. them, because tliey are breth. Tit. 2. 15. speak and exhort, let no man d. thee 2 Pet. 2. 10. chiefly them that d. government Jude 8. d. dominion, and speak evil of dignities DESPISED. Gen. 16. 4. Hagar's mistress was d. in her eyes 5. saw she had conceived, I was d. in her eyes 25. 34. thus Esau d. his birth-right Lev. 26. 43. because they d. my judgments J\rum. 11. 20. because that ye have d. the Lord 14. 31. they shall know the land that ye have d. 15. 31. because ye d. the word of the Lord Deut.'H.] 19. and when the Lord saw it, he d. them Judg. 9. 38. is not this the people thou hast d.? 1 Sam. 10. 27. they d. him and brought no presents 2 Sam. 6. 16. she d. him in her heart, 1 Chr. 15. 29. 12. 9. why hast thou d. the commandment of Lord! 10. because thou hast d. me,taken wife of Uriah 2 Kings 19. 21. the virgin, the daught. of Zion hath d. thee, and laughed thee to scorn, Isa. 37. 22. 2 Chron. 36. 16. but they mocked and d. his words JVtA. 2. 19. they laughed us to scorn and d. us 4. 4. hear, O our God, for we are d. and turn Job 12. 5. he is a lamp d. of him that is at ease 19. 18. yea, young children, d. me, 1 arose Psa£. 22. 6. but I am d. of the people, Isa. 53. 3. 24. he hath not d. the affliction of the afflicted 53. 5. put them to shame, because G. hath d. them 106.24. yea, thoyd. the pleasant land, believ. not 119. 141. I am small and d. yet do not I forget Pron. 1. .30. they d. all my reproof, therefore 5.12. and thou say, how hath my heart d. reproof 7 12. 8. he that is of a perverse heart shall be d. 9. he that is d. and hath a servant, is better Eccl. 9. 16. yet the poor man's wisdom is d. Cant. 8. 1. 1 would kiss thee, yea I should not be d. Isa. 5.24. and d. the word of the holy One of Israel 33. 8. he hath d. the cities he regardcth no man .53.3. he is d. and rejected of men, and acquainted with grief, he was d. and we esteemed him not 60. 14. all they that d. thee shall bow down Jer. 22. 28. is this man Coniah a d. broken idol 33. 24. thus they have d. my people, to be no more 49. 15. I will make thee small and d. among men /,am.2.6. he hath d. in the indignation of his anger Ezek. 16. 59. which hast d. the oath, 17. 16, 18, 19. 20. 13. they d. my judgments, which if a man do 10. because they d. my judgments, and walked 24. but had d. my statutes, and had polluted '2Z. 8. thou hast d. mine holy things, and profaned Jlmos 2. 4. because they d. the law of the Lord Obad. 2. I made thee small, thou art greatly d. Zec/t.4.10. for who hath d. the day of small things? Mai. 1. 6. ye say, wherein have we d. thy name 1 Luke 18. 9. they were righteous, and d. others Acts 19. 27. that the temple of Diana should be d. 1 Cor.1.28. the things which are d. hath God chosen 4. 10. ye are honourable, but we are d. Gal. 4. 14. my temptation in my flesh ye d. not Heb.W. 28. that d. Moses' law, died without mercy Jam. 2. 6. but ye have d. t he poor, do not rich men DESPISERS. Acts 13. 41. behold, ye d. and wonder, and perish 2 Tim. 3. 3. incontinent, fierce, d.of those are good DESPISEST. Rom. 2. 4. or d. thou the riches of his goodness 1 DESPISETH. Job 36. 5. behold, God is mighty, and d. not any DES Psal. 69. 33. for the Lord d. not his prisoners Prov. 11.12. that is void of wisdom d.his neighbour 13. 13. whoso d. the word shall be destroyed 14. 2. but he that is perverse in his ways d. him 21. he that d. his neighbour sinneth, but he that 15. 5. a fool d. his father's instruction, but he that 20. a wise son, but a foohsh man d. his mother 32. he that refuseth instruction d. his own soul 19. 16. but he that d. his ways shall die 30. 17. the eye that d. to obey his mother, ravens Isa. 33. 15. he that d. the gain of oppressions 49. 7. thus saith the Lord to him whom man d. Ezek.'il.] 10. it is the rod of my son, it d. every tree Luke you, d. me; d.nie, d. him that sent me 1 Thess.i.Q. he therefore that d. d. not man butGod DESPISING. Eiek. 21. 1 13. shall not they belong to the d. rod? Heb. 12. 2. who endured the cross, d. the shame DESPITE. JWA. 4. t 4. hear, O our God, for we are a d. Ezek. 25.6. with thy d. against the land of Judah Heb. 10.29. and hath done d. to the Spirit of grace DESPITEFUL. EzeA:. 25.15. have taken vengeance with a d. heart 36. 5. with d. minds to cast it out for a prey Rom. 1. 30. haters of God, d. proud, boasters DESPITEFULLY. Jl/at.5.44. pray for them that d.use you, Luke 6.28. Acts 14. 5. an assault was made to use them d. DESTITUTE. (?ere.24.27.who hath notleftd. mymaster of mercy Psal. 102. 17. he will regard the prayer of the d. 141. 8. in thee is my trust, leave not my soul d. Prov. 11. 1 12. d. of heart, despiseth his neighbour 15. 21. folly is joy to him that is d. of wisdom Ezfft. 32. 15. shall bed. of that whereof it was full 1 Tim. 6. 5. men of corrupt minds, d.of the truth Heb. 1 1. 37. wandered, being d. afflicted, tormented Jam. 2. 15. if a brother or sister be naked and d. DESTROY. To destroy, signifies to pull down, or ruin a city, or building, levelling it with the ground. Gen. 19. 14, The Lord will destroy this city. Ezod. 34. 13, Ye shall destroy their altars ; that is, 7je shall not leave one stone upon another, as our Saviour speaks in Luke 21. 6. Also it signifies, to take away a thing quite, so as it be no more; in this sense Christ is said to destroy sin, Rom. 6. 6, That the body of sin might be de- stroyed ; that is, that it might be weakened and subdued more and more, until it be quite taken out of our nature. Sometimes it signifies to bring persons into irrecoverable and utter ruin, and misery; thus God destroys the wicked, Psal. 37. 38, The transgressors shall be destroy- ed together: and Job 21. 30, The wicked is reserved to the day of destruction. God pre- serves the wicked from the common calamities of this life, only to destroy them, and display his vengeance against them. It is taken for punishing traitsgressors by death, as magis- trates do; Psal. 101. 8, 1 will early destroy all the wicked of the land, saj/s David. I will set about this work upon the first opportunity, as soon as I am seated on the throne, that so I may both prevent all that mischief which otherwise they might do: and hinder the infection of others by their evil example; and discourage and deter all my subjects from the like practices. The apostle Paul says, Rom. 14. 15. Destroy not him with thy meat,for whom Christ died. To eA\!y, signi- fies to build up,strcngthc'n and encourage be- lievers in their faith and prof ession,by endeav- ouring to make them more wise, holy, and hum- ble, and to live more to the glory of God. On the contrary, to destroy, implies a doing of that which may tend to the destruction of a weak be- liever, by drawing him to act against his con- science in the use of things indifferent, or by giving him so great an offence as may alienate his mind from the Christian profession. The evil spirits say to our Saviour, Mark 1. 24, Art thou come to destroy us? that is, either, art thou come to dispossess us; or, art thou come to execute the final judgment upon us, and to com- mand us to our chains, before the day of judg- ment? And Christ by his death is said to destroy him that had the power of death,that is,lhe devil, Heb. 2. 14. The devil is said to have the power of death, because he induces men to commit sins that meritoriously render them liable to death ; because heinspires them with furious thoughts, and inflames the passions, from whence pro- ceed strifes and wars, that efficiently cause death; because he is many times the executioner of God's wrath, and inflicts death upon rebel- lious and incorrigible sinners ; hence, says the Psalmist, TAa« God cast upon iheEgyptiansihe fierceness of his anger, wrath, indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them, DES Peal. 78. 49. He is likewise so called, because he makes death more formidable to sinners, by heightening their guilty fears of God's tribu- nal; and this title may also signify his tor- menting sinieers with unrelenting cruelty in hell, which is the second death. These penal evils which Satan brings upon mankind, are upon the account of our disobedience ; and his mighty power in temptationis from our inward corruption. The Lord Jesus by his death hath taken away theguilt andpower of sin: the guilt, in enduring the curse of the law, thereby satis- fying the injured justice of God; and thepower of it, by crucifying our old man with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, Ro7n. 6. 6. .dnd thus our Saviour by his death destroys the cruel tyranny of the devil. Destruction is taken for a temporal deau/ic2.25.Simeon was just audi, waitingforconsol. j^cts 2. 5. there were at Jerusalem Jews, d. men 8.2. d. men carried Stephen to his burial, lament 10. 2. Cornelius was a d. man || 7. a d. soldier 13. TiO. but the Jews stirred up the d. women 17. 4. of the d. Greeks a great multitude believed 17. Paul disputed with the Jews and d. persons 22. 12. Ananias a d. man, according to the law DEW fa a small rain,which falling on the ground in the morning, doth keep it moist, and make it fruit ful. In warm countries, and in places where it rains but scldo m,the night-dews supply in some sort theioant of rain. And therefore the bestow- ing of it is a blessing from Ood, Deut. 33. 13, Blessed of the Lord be Joseph's land for the dew; and the withholding of it a curse: 2 Sam. 1. 21, Yc mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew on you. Hushai compare.'? an army sally- ing upon the enemy to the dew descending on the ground, 2 Sam. 17. 12. God promises to be as the dew unto Israel, Hos. 14. 5. Though they were as withered and dying grass, yet he would refresh and strengthen them : liy bestowing upon them his grace and Spirit, he would make them fruitful and flourishing. This compari- son of Ood^s visitation of his people to dew, is remarkable in several places of scripture. Isa. 26. 19, Thy dew is as the dew of herns ; Or, thy dew is a bright dew, a dew of light and dawn. The prophet there speaks of the captivity of Babylon, as of a state of death: Thy dead men shall live; but God's visitation of his people, his favour and blessing, would recover them in some sort to life and light, would make them revive and flourish again. Heavenly doctrine, or the word of God, is likewise compared to dew, Deut. 32. 2, My speech shall distil as the dew: My doctrine shall have the same effect upon yourhearts,as the dew has upon the earth; it shall make them soft, pliable, and fruitful. 131 DID ThcprophetHoseiXjSpcaking of lite goodness of hypocrites, compares it to the early t/eto thai soon goeth away, that is soon cihahd by the heat of the sun, Hos. 6. 4. Brolhvrly luce, or the communion of saints, is compared to the dew wMch falls upon the hill of Hermon, and re- freshes and makes it fruitful, Psal. 133. 3. Jls the drops of dew are innumerable, and as they fall suddenly and secretly without being per- ceived : In allusion to these qualities of the dew, such as were converted to Christ in the earliest gospel times, are compared to it, Psal. 110. 3, Thou hast the dew of thy youth. It is said, Cant. 5. 2, My head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night. Christ here alludes to the custom of lovers, who often and willingly suffer such inconveniences fur their hopes and desires of enjoying their be- loved, and signifies his sufferings for the churc/i's good : elsewhere, for a man to be wet with the dew of heaven, is a sign of misery, Dan. 4. 25. So drops, or droppings, signify troubles, Amos 6. f 11. But dew ajid rain upon the land make it fruitful ; so is Christ by his doctrines to his church, Deut. 32. 2. Gen. 27. 28. God give thee of the d. of heaven, 39. Exod. 16. 13. in the morning d. lay round the host 14. and when the d. that lay v/as gone up ' J^um. 11. 9. when the d. fell on the camp in night IJeiit. 32.2. my speech shall distil as d. as small rain 33. 13. blessed is Joseph's land for d. and for deep 28. also his heaven shall drop down d. Judg. 6. 37. Gideon said, if (/. be on the fleece only 39. on ground let there be d. || 40. there was d. DID 2 Sam. 1. 21. let there be no d. nor rain upon you 17. 12. we will light on him as the d. falleth 1 A'2«o'sl7.1.there shall not bei/.nor rain these years Job 29. 19. the d. lay all night on my branch 38. 28. or who hath begotten the drops of rf.? Psal. 110. 3. thou hast the d. of thy youth 133. 3. as the d. of Hermon, and as the d. that Prov. 3. 20. and the clouds drop down the d. 19. 12. but his favour is as d. upon the grass Cant. 5. 2. open to me, for my head is filled with d. Isa. 18. 4. like a cloud oft/, in the heat of harvest 26.19. for thy d. is as the d. of herbs, earth cast out Dan. 4. 15. let it be wet with the d. of heaven, 23. 25. they shall wet thee with the d. of heaven 33. and his body was wet with the d. 5. 21. //bs.6.4.goodnoss is as early d. it goeth away, 13.3. 14. 5. 1 will be as d. to Israel, he shall grow as lily Mic. 5. 7. Jacob shall be as the d. from the Lord Hag.\. 10. the heaven over you is stayed from d. Zech. 8. 12. and the heavens shall give their d. DIADEM. Job 29. 14. m;^ judgment was as a robe and a d. Isa.^.o. andlora d. of beauty to residue of his peo. 62. 3. and a royal d. in the hand of thy God Ezek. 21. 26. remove the d. take off" the crown DIAL. 2A'in^s20.11.gone down in the d.of Ahaz,/sa.38.8. DIAMOND. Exod. 28. 18. and the second row a d. 39. 11. Jer. 17. 1. sin of Judah is written with point of a d. £zcA.28.13. the d. the beryl, was covering of Tyrus DID. 1 Sam. 30. f 21. David asked them how they d. 1 Kings 11. 25. besides the mischief that Hadad d. 2 Kings 18. 3. d. right according to all that David d JVch.^. 16. knew not whither I went or what I d. -Eseut.2ti.60.he will bring on thee all the d. of Egypt 2 Chr. 21. 19. his bowels fell out, he died of sore d. 24. 25. for they left him iu great d. his servants Psal. 103. 3. bless the Lord, who healeth all thy d. Hab. 3. 1 5. and burning d. went forth at his feet Mat. 4. 24. brought to him all sick people that were taken with divers d. Mark 1. 34. Luke 4. 40. Luke 9.1. gave them power over devils,and cure d. Acts 19. 12. and the d. departed from them 28. 9. others which had d. iu the island, came DISEASED. 1 Kings 15. 23. Asa was d. in his feet, 2 Chr. 16. 12. £zcA."34. 4. d. have ye not strengthened nor healed 21. because ye have push, the d. with your horns Mat. 9. 20. a woman d. with an issue of blood 14. 35. they brought all that were d. Mark 1. 32. John 6. 2. saw miracles he did on them that were d. DISFIGURE. Jl/ not as hypocrites,for they d.their faces DISGRACE. Jcr. 14. 21. do not d. the throne of thy glory DISGUISE, ED. 1 Sam. 28. 8. and Saul d. himself, and he went 1 Kings 14. 2. Jeroboam said, arise, and d. thyself 20. 38. one of the sons of the prophets d. himself 22. 30. Ahab the king of Israel said, I will d. my- self, and he d. himself, 2 Chron. 18. 29. 2 Chron. 35. 22. Josiah d. himself to fight with him DISGUISETH. Job 24.15.the adulterer also waiteth and d. his face DISH, ES. Exod. 25.29. Ihou shalt make the d. thereof, 37.16. JSTum. 4. 7. and put thereon the d. and the spoons Judg. 5. 25. she brought forth butter in a lordly d. 2 Kings 21. 13. as a man wipeth a d. turning it Mat. 26. 23. dippeth with me in the d. Mark 14. 20. Dishonest; Sec Gain. DISHONESTY. 2 Cor. 4. 2. have renounced the hidden things of (Z. DISHONOUR. Ezrai. 14. was not meet for us to see the king's d. Psal. 35. 26. be clothed with shame and d. 71. 13. 69. 19. thou hast known my shame and my d. Prov. 6. 33. a wound and d. shall he got Rom.9.21. make one vessel to honour,anothcr tod. 1 Cor. 15. 43. it is sown in d. it is raised in glory 2 Cor.6.8. by honour and d. by evil and good report 2 rim.2.20. are vessels, some to honour, some to d. DISHONOUR, EST, ETH. Mic. 7.6. for the son d. father, daughter ag. mother .Tohn 8. 49. I honour my Father, and ye d. me /iom.l.24.tO(i.their own bodies between themselves 2. 23. through breaking of the law, d. thou God ? 1 C'or.11.4. man d. his head || 5. woman d. her head DISINHERIT. JVttm.l4.12.Iwilld.them,and make of thee a greater DISJOINTED. .Ter. 6. 1 8- be instructed, lest my soul be d. from the Ezek. 23. j 17. and her mind was d. from them DISMAYED. Deut.Zl.S. he will not fail nor forsake thce,foar not, DIS nor be d. Josh. 1. 9. 1 8. 1. | 10. 25. 1 CAr. 22. 13. I 28. 20. 2 Chro7i. 20. 15, 17. | 32. 7. 1 Su/«.17.H. they were d. 2 Kings 19.20. Isa.31.27. Isa.'il. 3. 1 was bowed down, d. at the seeing of it 41. 10. fear not, be not d. Jer. 1. 17. | 10. 2. | 23. 4. I 30. 10. 1 46. 27. Ezek. 2. 6. | 3. 9. 23. that we may be d. and behold it together Jer. 8. 9. the wise men are d. and taken, 10. 2. 17. 18. let tliem be d. but let not me be d. 46. 5. wherefore have I seen them d. turned back 7 48. 1. Misgab is d. || 49 37. cause Elam to be d. 50. 36. the mighty men of Babylon shall be d. Obad. 9. thy mighty men, O Tenian, shall be d. DISMAYING. Jer. 48. 39. Moab shall be a d. to all about hira Ezek. 32. 1 23. caused d. in the land of the living DISMISSED. 2 Chr. 23. 8. Jehoiada the priest d. not the courses Acts 15.30. when they were rf.they came toAntioch 19. 41. when he had thus spoken, he d. assembly DISOBEDIENCE. one man's (/.many were made sinners 2 Cor. 10. 6. having in readiness to revenge all d. Eph. 2. 2. the spirit that worketh in children of e«f.32.2. my speech shall d. as dew, as small rain Job 36. 28. the clouds d. on man abundantly DISTINCTION. 1 Cor. 14. 7. e.iicept they give a d. in the sounds DISTINGUISHETIl. 1 Cor. 4. t "7. for who d. tliee from another ■? DISTINCTLY. JVe/i.8.8.they read in the book of the law of God d. DISTRACTED. Psal. 88. 15. while I suti'er thy terrors, I am d. DISTRACTION. 1 Cor. 7.35. you may attend on the Lord without d. DISTRESS. Gen. 35. 3. God who answered me in day of my d. 42. 21. therefore is this d. come upon us Judg. 11 7. ye come to me now, when ye arc in d. 1 Sar«.22.2.every one that was in d. came to David 2 Sam. 22. 7. in my d. I called on the Lord, and cried to my God, Psal. 18. 6. | 118.5. | 120. 1. 1 Kings 1. 29. that redeemed my soul out of all d. 2 Ckron. 28. 22. in his d. Ahaz trespassed more JVeA. 2. 17. I said, ye see the d. that we are in 9. 37. they have dominion and we are in great d. Psal. 4. 1. thou hast enlarged me when I was in d. Prov. 1. 27. 1 will mock when d. cometh upon you Isa. 5. t 30. if one look to the land, behold d. 25. 4. thou hast been a strength to the needy in d. 53. t 8. ho was taken away by d. and judgment Lam. 1. 20. behold, O Lord, tor I am in d. Obad. 12. nor shouldest spoken proudly in day ofd. 14. nor shouldest delivered up those in day of d. Zeph. 1. 15. that day is a day of trouble and d. 17. I will bring d. upon men, they shall walk Luke 21. 23. there shall be great d. in the laud 25. on the earth d. of nations, with perplexity Rom. 8.35. shall d. separate us from love of Chrisf? 1 Cor. 7. 26. that this is good for the present d. 1 TAess.3.7.we were comforted over you in your d. DISTRESS, ED. Gen. 32.7. then Jacob was greatly afraid and d. J\rum. 22. 3. Moab was d. || Jiidg.% 15. Isr. d. 10. 9. Deut. 2. 9. d. not the Moabites || 19. Ammonites 28. 53. wherewith enemies shall d. thee, 55, 57. 1 Sara. 13. 6. for people were d. did hide themselves 14. 24. men of Israel were d. || 28. 15. Saul was d. 30. 6. David was greatly d. for the people spake 2 Sam. 1. 26. 1 am d. for thee, my brother Jonathan 2 C/tr.28. 20. king of Assyria came and d. Ahaz Isa. 29. 2. yet I will d. Ariel, there shall be sorrow 7. that d. her shall be as a dream of night vision Jer. 10. 18. I will d. the inhabitants of the land 2 Cor. 4. 8. we are troubled on every side,yetnot d. DISTRESSES. Psal. 25. 17. O bring thou me out of my d. 107. 6. and he delivered them out of their d. 13. and he saved them out of their d. 19. 28. and he bringeth them out of their d. Ezek 30. 16. and Noph shall have d. daily 2 Cor. 6.4. approving ourselves in necessities, in 12. 10. I take pleasure in d. for Christ's sake DISTRIBUTE. Josh.13 32. which Moses did d. for inherit, in Moab 2 Chr. 31. 14. Kore to d. the oblations of the Lord JVeA. 13. 13. their office was to d. to their brethren Litke 18. 22. sell all thou hast, and d. to the poor Eph. 4. T 28. he may have to d. to him that needeth 1 Tim. 6. 18. charge the rich to be ready to d. DISTRIBUTED. Josh. 14. 1. Eleazar and Joshua d. for inheritance 1 Chr. 24. 3. David d. them, both Zadok and Ahi raelech according to their offices, 2 Chi: 23. 18. John 6.11. Jesus gave thanks and the disciples 1 Cor. 7. 17. but as God hath d. to every man 2 Cor. 10. 13. according to the rule G. hath d. to us DISTRIBUTETH, ING. Job 21. 17. God d. sorrows in his anger Rom. 12. 13. d. to the necessity of saints, given DISTRIBUTION. Acts 4.^5. d. was made to every one as he had need 2 Cor. 9. 13. for your liberal d. to them and all men Heb. 2. 1 4. God bearing witncss,with d.of H.Ghost DITCH. \Kings 21.1 23.the dogs eat Jezebel by d.of Jezreel .Job 9. 31. yet shalt thou plunge me in the d. Psal. 7. 15. he is fallen into the d. which he made Prov. 23. 27. a whore is a deep d. and a strange woman is a narrow pit Isa. 22. 11. ye made a d. between the two walls Dan. 9. t 25. and the d. even in troublous times Mat. 15. 14. both shall fall into the d. Luke 6. 39. DIV DITCHES. ' saith L.makc this valley full ofd. DIVERS, E. Lev.\^. 19. nor let thy cattle gender with d. kinds Deut. 22. 9. not sow thy vineyard with d. seeds 11. thou shalt not wear a garment ofd. sorts 25. 13. thou shalt not have in thy bag d. weights 14. in thy house d. measures, great and small Judg. 5. 30. to Sisera a prey of d. colours, a prey ofd. colours of needle-work, on both sides 2 Sam. 13. 18. Tamar had a garm. of d. colours,19. 1 Chr. 29. 2. prepared glistering stones ofd. colours ^Chron. 10. 14. they laid Asa in the bcil which was filled with odours and d. kinds of sjiices 21. 4. Jehorani slew d. of the princes of Israel 30. 11. d. of Asher humbled themselves . Esth. 1. 7. the vessels being d. one from another 3. 8. their laws arc d. from all people Psal. 78. 45. he sent d. sorts of flies among them 105. 31. ho spake, there came d. sorts of flies Pro!) .20.10. d. weights andd.mcasures abomination 23! d. weights are an abomination to the Lord £ccZ.5.7.there are also d. vanities; but fear thou G. £ze/r.l6.16.thou deckesl high places withd.colours 17.3. great eagle had d. colours, came to Lebanon jDan.7.3.great beasts came up, d. one from another 7. a fourth beast d. from all the beasts, 19. 23. d. from all kingdoms || 24. d. from the first Jl/af. 4. 24. they brought to Jesus sick people taken with d. diseases, Mark 1. 34. Luke 4. 40. 24. 7. there shall be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in d. places, Mark 13.8. Luke 21.11. Mark 8. 3. for d. of them came from far Acts 19. 9. for when d. were hardened, believed not 1 Cor. 12. 10. to another d. kinds of tongues 27'i)n.3.6.captiveBilly women led away with d.lusts Tit. 3. 3. deceived, serving d. lusts and pleasures Heb. 1. 1. who in d. manners spake in time past 2. 4. G. bearing witness with signs and d. miracles 9. 10. stood in d. washings || 13. 9. d. doctrines Jam. 1.2. count it joy when fall intod. temptations DIVERSITIES. 1 Cor. 12. 4. d. of gifts || 6. d. of operations 28. God hath set in the church d. of tongues DIVIDE. Gen. 1. 0. and let the firmament d. the waters 14. be lights, to d. the day from the night, 18. 49. 27. and at night he shall d. the spoil Exod. 14. 16. stretch thy hand over the sea and d. it 21. 35. d. the money of it, d. the dead ox 26. 33. vail shall d. between holy and most holy Lev. 1. 17. cleave it, but not d. it asunder, 5. 8. 11. 4. not eat of them that d.the hoof,7. J^iim. 31. 27. and d. the prey into two parts 33. 54. ye shall d. the land by lot, 34. 17, 18, 29. Deul.lQ.3. d. the coasts of thy land into three parts Josh. 1. 6. d. for an inheritance, 13. 6, 7. |{ 18. 5. 22. 8. d. the spoil of your enemies with brethren 2 Sam. 19. 29. I said, thou and Ziba d. the land 1 Kings 3. 25. d. the living child in two, 26. JVeh. 9. 11. and thou didst d. the sea, Psal.74. 13 22. and thou didst d. them into corners Job 27. 17. the innocent shall d. the silver Psal. 55. 9. destroy, O Lord, and d. their tongues Prov. 16. 19. than to d. the spoil with the proud Isa. 9. 3. as men rejoice when they d. the spoil 53. 12. he shall d. the spoil with the strong Ezek. 5. 1. take the balances and d. the hair 45. 1. ye shall d. the land by lot, 47. 21, 22. 48. 29. this is the land which ye shall d. Dan. II. 39. and he shall d. the land for gain Luke 12. 13. that he d. the inheritance with me 22. 17. take this, and d. it among yourselves / will DIVIDE. Gen.AQ.l. Iwilld. them in Jacob and scatter in Isr Exod. 15. 9. the enemy said Iicill d. the spoil Ps. 60. 6. / will d. Shechem, and mete out, 108. 7 Isa. 53. 12. therefore will I d. him a portion DIVIDED. Gen. 1. 4. God d. the light || 7. God d. the waters 10. 5. by these were the isles of the Gentdes d. 25. in his days was the earth d. 1 Chron. 1. 19. 32. by these were the nations d. after the flood 14. 15. and Abram d. himself against them 15. 10. Abram d. them in midst, the birds d.he not 32. 7. Jacob d. the people that was with them 33. 1. he d. the children to Leah and Rachel Exod. 14. 21. the sea dry land, and waters wered. JViim. 26. 53. to these the land shall be d.for inherit. 56. by lot shall the possession of the land be d. 31. 42. which Moses d. from men that warred Detit. 4. 19. which the Lord thy God hath d. 29. t 26. gods who had not d. to them any portion 32 8. when the most High d. to the nations Josh. 14. 5. they d.the land, 18. 10. | 19. 51. | 23. 4. Judg. 5.30. have they not d. the prey, to every man 7. 16. he d. the 300 men into three companies 9. 43. Abimelech d. them into three companies 19. 29. Levited. her with her bones into 12 pieces 2 Sum. 1. 23. and in their death they were notd. DIV 1 Kings 16. 21. Uien were tbe people oflsrael d. IH.ti.Aliab and Obadiah d. the land between them 2 Kings 2. 8. the waters were d. hither and thither 1 C/ir. 23. 6. Dav. d. them into courses among Lev. 24. 4. chief men, thus were they d. by lot, 5. 2 C/iroit. 35. 13. they d. other olt'erings speedily Job 3a. 25. wJio hath d. a water-course for waters? i'sal. Od. 12. she that tarried at home d. tlie spoil 7d. 13. he d. the sea and caused them to pass 55. d. them an inheritance by line, Acts 13. 19. 13(3. 13. to him which d. the Ked sea into parts Isa. 33. 23. then is the prey of a great spoil d. 34. 17. his band hath d. it to them by line 51. 15. 1 am the Lord ihy Gud thai d. the sea Lam. 4. Iti. the anger of the Lord hath d. them Eiek. 1. 1 11. their wings were d. above 37. 22. nor shall they be d. into two kingdoms Dan. 2. 41. kingdom shall be d. but sirengtti of iron 5. 2d. thy kingdom is d. and given to the Modes 11.4.his kingdom shall be d.toward the four winds Uos. 10. 2. Iheir heart is d. now shall they be found faulty Amos 1. t 13. because they d. the mountains 7. 17. Uiy land shall be d. by line, shall die Jtfic. 2. 4. turning away, ho hath d. our tieids 2.cch. 14. 1. ihy spoil shall bo d. in the midst Jilat. 12. 25. every kingdom or house d. against it- self shallnot stand, Mark 3. 24, 25. Luke 11. 17. 26. he is d. ag. himself, Mark 3. 26. Luke 11. 18. Mark 6. 41. the two fishes d. ho among them Luke 12. 52. there shall bo five in one house d. 53. the father shall be d. against the son, and son 15. 12. and he d. unto them his living Acts 14. 4. the multitude of the city was d. 23. 7. 1 Cor.1.13. is Christ d.? wasPaul crucified for youl Reo. 16. 19. the great city was d. into three parts DIVIDER. it yuu Mark y.22. H canst do any thing, liave couip. on us J^uke Vi. 4. alter that have no inoru tiiey can do J<;A«3.2.tbr no man can do lliese niii aclos tliou dost 5. 19. the Son can do nothing of himself, 30. 15. 5. for without me ye can do nothing 2 Cor. 13. 8. we can do nothing aganist the truth PhilA.l'i.Xcan do all tilings thro'Uh.strengtheu.ine See Do Commandments. DO with evil. £xo(2.23.2.thou shalt not follow a multitude todo e. /h.l.l'2.sSiy, Ld. not do good, nor will be do evil •l/arA: it lawful to do good or do e.? Z.u/icG.9 AoHi.3. 8. thai we say, lei us do ti'i/ that good may 13. 4. but if thou do that which is evil, be afraid 2 Cor. 13. 7. now I pray to God that ye do no evil 1 PeC.3.1^. face of Lord is against them that do evil DO joined with good. Gen. 19. 8. do ye lo them as is good in your eyes 27. 46. Rebekahsaid, what of. shall my life do me? X.ev. 5. 4. if a soul swear, pronouncing to do good JVu;n.l0.2U.come with us, and we will do thee good 24. 13. to do eitlier good or bad of my own mind thing thou hast spoken is n-. for us to do 8. 16. prove thee, to do thee good at the latter end 28. 63. the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good 30. 5. and he will do thee ^ood, and multii)ly thee Judg. 17.13. now know I the Lord will do mugood 19. 24. do with them what seemeth good to you 1 Sam. 1. 23. Elkanah said lo Hannah, do what seemeth thee good, 14. 36, 40. 2 Sam. 19. 27, 3' 3. 18. Eli said, it is the Lord, let hira do what seemeth him good, 2 Sam. 10. 12. 2 Kings 10. 5. do that which is good in thine eyes 1 Chr. 19. 13. lei the L. do what is good in his sight 21.23. let the king do that which is o-ood in his eyes JVeA. 5. 9. also I said, it is not good that ye do Psal. 34. 14. do good, 37. 3, 27. | 51. 18. | 125. 4. Mat. 5. 44. /.u/ce 6. 9, 35. 36. 3. he hath left oft' to be wise and to do good Prov. 31. 12. she will do him goad and not evil Keel. 3. 12. but for a man to do good in his life Isa. 41.23. yea do good or do evil, that we may be Jir. 4. 22. but to do good Ihey have no knowledge 10. .5. cannot do evil, nor is it in Ihem to do good 13. 23. then may ye do good that are accustomed 26. with me as seemeth ^ood and meet to you 29. 32. nor behold the ^ood I will do for my people 32.40.1 will not turn away from Ihem lodo them^. 41. I will rejoice over them to do them good 33. 9. which shall hear all the good I do lo them Mic. 2. 7. do not my words do good to the upright Zeph. 1. 12. that say, the Lord will not do good JHurA:3.4. Jesus saith to them, is it lawful todo good on the sabbath-days, or lodo evil? I.uked. 9. ]4.7.the poor, when ye will, yc may do themgood 7,«te6.33.ifye do good lo them thai do n-ood to you Horn. 7. 19. for the good that I would, I do not 21. whcTi I would do goodnvW is present with me 13. 3. do what is good, and thou shalt have praise Oal.6. lO.let usdo goodlo all nien,(spec ially to them 1 Tim. 6. 18. charge the rich, that they do good //■( do ^oud and connnnnicale, forget not Jam. 4. 17. thai knowethlo do ^uod, and dolh it not 1 Pet. 3. 11. let him eschew evil, and do good Have I to DO. S.fam. 10. lO.what /ia«e/a?t.4.35. Jer. 11. 15. when thou d. evil, then thou rejoicest 15. 5. who shall go aside to ask how thou d.? Ezek.12.9. the rebellious house said, what d. thou? 16. 30. weak heart, seeing thou d. all these things 24. 19. tell what these are to us, that thou d. so Jonah 4. 4. Lord said, d. thou well to be angry? 9. Mat. 6. 2. therefore when thou d. thine alms, 3. 21.23.the priests and elders said,by what authority d. thou these things? Mark 11. 28. 7.Mte20. 2. JoAn2.18.what sign seeing that thoud.the»e thmgs? 3. 2. no man can do these miracles that thou d. 7. 3. that thy disciples may see the works thou d. 13.27. Jesus said to him, that thou d. do quickly Acts 22. 26. saying, take heed what thou d. Kom. 2. 1. thou that judgest, d. the same things, 3. Jam. 2. 19. thou behovest one God, thou d. well 3 John 5. thou d. faithfully what tliou d. to brethren DOETH. Oen. 31. 12. I have seen all that Laban d. to thee Exod. 31. 14. for whosoever d. any work therein that soul shall be cut off, 15. Lev. 23. 30. Lev. 6. 3. in any of all these that a man d. sinning JV« law for him thatd.thro' ignorance 24. 23. alas, who shall live when God d. this ! Job 5.9. to God who d. great things and unsearch- able, 9. 10. I 37. 5, Psal. 72. 18. | 136. 4. 23. 13. what his soul desireth, even that he d. Psal. 1.3. leaf not wither, whatsoever he d. prosper 14.1. there is none d. good, 3. | 53. 1,3. Rom. 3.12. 15. 5. he that d. these things,shall never be moved 106. 3. blessed is he that d. righteous, at all times 118. 15. right hand of tho Lord d. valiantly, 16. Pi-ov. 6. 32. he that d. it, dcstroyeth his own soul 11. 17. tlie merciful man d. good to his own soul 17. 22. a merry heart d. good like a medicine Eccl. 2. 2. and I said of mirth, what d. it? 3. 14. whatsoever God d. it shall he for ever, and God d. it that men should fear before him 7. 20. there is not a man d. good and sinneth not 8. 3. for he d. whatsoever pleaseth him Isa. 56. 2. blessed is the man d. this,and son of man Ezek. 17. 15. shall he escape that d. such things? 18. 10. that d. the like to any one of these things 11. and that d. not any of those duties 27. and d. that which is lawful and right Dun. 4. 35. d. accord, to will in heaven and earth 9. 14. for the Lord our God is righteous in all he d. Amos 9. 12. are called, saith the Lord that d. this Mai. 2. 12. Lord will cut off the man that d. this Mat. 6. 3. let not left hand know what thy right d. 7. 21. but he that d. will of my Father in heaven 24. whoso heareth these sayings, and d. them 26. every one that heareth and d. not, Luke 6.49. 8. 9. to my servant, do this, and he d. it, Luke 7. 8. John 3. 20. every one that d. evil, hateth the light 21. but he that d. truth cometh to the light 5. 19. what things soever he d. these d. the Son 7. 51. before it hear him and know what he d. 9. 31. but if any man d. his will, him he heareth 15. 15. the servant knoweth not what his lord d. 16. 2. killeth you, will think he d. God service Rom.2.9.angui3h upon every soul of man thatd.evil 10. 5. righteousness of law, that the man that d. these things shall live by them. Gal. 3. 12. 13. 4. to execute wrath upon him that d. evil 1 Cor. 6. 18. every sin a man d. is without the body 7. 37. decreed that he will keep his virgin, d. well 38. so then he that giveth her in marriage d. well Gal. 3. 5. d. he it by works of the law, or by faith? Eph. 6. 8. whatsoever good thing any man d. Col. 1. 6. bringeth forth fruit, as it d. also in you 3. 25. but he that d. wrong,sh.ill receive for wrong 1 Thess. 2. 11. exhorted as a father rf. his children Jam. 4. 17. that knoweth to do good, and d. it not lJohn% 17. hethat (/.willofGodabidethfor ever 29. that d. righteousness is born of him, 3. 7. 3 John 10. I will remember his deeds which he d. 11. but he that d. evil hath not seen God Rev. 13.13. and he d. great wonders, he raaketh fire DOCTOR. Acts 5. 34. then stood up Gamaliel, a d. of the law DOCTORS. Luke 2.46.they found Jesus sitting in midst of thed. 5. 17. there were Pharisees and d. of law sitting by DOCTRINE Signifies, [1] Knowledge, or learning, Isa. 23. 9. [2] A tenet, or opinion. Mat. 16. 12. [3] The truths of the gospel in general, Tit. 2. 10. [4] Instruction, information, and confirmation, in the truths of the gospel, 2 Tim. 3. 16. [5] The manner of teaching, icith the matter also, Mat. DOG 7. 28. [0] The act of teaching, Mark 4. 2. [7] Divine instiiations, INlat. 15. 9. The doctrine of Balaam, Rev. 2. 14. The history of Balaam is recorded in Numbers, chapters 22, 23, 24. He was sent for by Balak, king of Moahfto come and curse Israel; and finding that God restrained him, and turned him from curs- ing to pronouncing blessings upon them, he in- structed Balak at last, how to lay a stumbling- block before them, to make them to fall: He told Balak and the Midianites, that if they would secure themselves from the attempts that the Hebrews might make against them, and obtain some advantage over them, they should engage them in idolatry and whoredom; that then they would be forsaken by their God, and would be- come a prey to their enemies: the young women of Moab invited the Israelites to the feasts of Baal-peor ; and after they had persuaded them to embrace idolatry, they seduced them to im- purity. This doctrine is the same with what is called the doctrine of the A''icolaitans, Rev. 2. 15. This sect took their name from Nicolas, one of the first seven deacons, of whom mention is made in Acts 6. 5. He plunged himself into irregularities, as it is said,and gave beginning not only to this sect, but also to that of the Gnostics, and to several others, who, following the bent of their passions, invented many dif- ferent sorts of crimes and wickedness. Among these Nicolaitans, adulteries, and the use of meats offered to idols, were held as indifferent things. St. Austin says, Haeres, 5. that they have their women in common,and make no scru- ple to conform to all the pagan superstitions. Psal. 19. t 7. the d. of the Lord is perfect Isa. 28. 9. whom shall he make to understand d. t 19. it shall be a vexation to understand d. 29. 24. and they that murmured shall learn d. 53. 1 1. who hath believed our d. or to whom arm .Jer. 10. 8. brutish, the stock is a d. of vanities Mat. 7. 28. the people were astonished at his d. 22. 33. Mark 1. 22. | 11. 18. Luke 4. 32. 16. 12. beware of the d. of the Pharisees Mark 1. 27. people amazed, saying, what new d. 4. 2. he taught and said to them in his d. 12. 38. John 7. 17. if do his will, he shall know of the d. 18. 19. the high priest then asked Jesus of his d. Acts 2. 42. they continued in the apostles' d. 5. 28. ye have filled Jerusalem with your d. 13. 12. being astonished at the d. of the Lord 17. 19. saying, may we know what this new Rom. 6. 17. but ye have obeyed that form of d. 16. 17. contrary to the d. which ye have learned 1 Cor. 14. 6. except I shall speak to you by d. 26. every one of you hath a d. a tongue Eph. 4. 14. carried about with every wind of d. 1 Tim. 1. 3. charge that they teach no other d. 4.13. till I come, give attendance to reading, tod. 10. take heed to thyself, and to thy d. 5.17.especially they who labour in the word and d. 6. 1. the name of G. and his d. be not blasphemed 3. and to the d. which is according to godliness 2 Tim. 3. 16. all scripture is profitable for d. 4. 2. rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and d. Tit. 2. 7. in d. shewing incorruptness, gravity 10. that they may adorn the d. of G. our Saviour Heb. 6. 1. leaving the principles of the d. of Christ 2. of the d. of baptisnis,and of laying on of hands 2 John 9. w hoso abideth not in the d. of Christ ; he that abideth in d. of Christ hath Father and Son Rev. 2. 14. thou hast them that hold d. of Balaam 15. that hold d. of the Nicolaitans, which I hate Good DOCTRINE. Prov. 4. 2. I give you good d. forsake not my law 1 Tim. 4.6. nourished up in the words oi good d. My DOCTRINE. De^it. 32. %my d. shall drop as the rain,myspeech Job 11.4. my d. is pure, and I am clean in thine eyes .John 7. 16. my d. is not mine, but his that sent me 2 Tim. 3. 10. but thou hast fully known my d. Sound DOCTRINE. 1 Tim. 1. 10. any thing that is contrary to somid d. 2 Tim. 4. 3. when they will not endure sound d. Tit. 1. 9. by sound d. to exhort and convince 2. 1. but speak things which become sound d. T/tis DOCTRINE. 2 John 10. if there come any and bring not thisd. Rev. 2. 24. and to as manv as have not this d. DOCTRINES. 3faM5.9.for d. the commandm. of men, Mark 7. 7. C'oZ.2. 22. after the commandments and d. of men 1 TMn.4.1. from the faith, giving heed tod. of devils Heb. 13. 9. be not carried about with strange d. DOG Is a domestic animal well knoirn. By the law it was declared unclean, and was very much despised among the Jews : The most offensive expression they could use, was to compare a man to a dead dog. David, in order to make DOI Saul sensible, that the unjust persecution which he carried on ag'ainst him, did himself no honour, said to him, Al'ter whom is the king of Israel come out ■? after whom dost thou pursue ? after a dead dog f 1 Sam. 24. 14. The name of dog is sometimes put for one who has lost all modesty ; for one who prostitutes himself by committing' any abominable action, such as sodomy ; in this manner several un- derstand the injunction delivered by Moses, of not offering in the tabernacle of the L,ord the hire of a whore or the price of a dog, Deut. 23. 18. And Christ excludes dogs, sorcerers, whore- mongers, murderers, and idolaters, from the kingdom of heaven. Rev. 22. 15. The apostle Paul calls the false apostles dogs, by reason of their impudence and greedy love of sordid gain, Phil. 3. 2. Solomon and the apostle Peter compare sinners who continually relapse into their sins, to dogs returning to their vomit, Prov. 26. 11. 2 Pet. 2. 22. Dog or dogs, is put for, [I] The devil, Psal. 22. 20. [2] Persecu- tors, Psul. 22. 16. [3] False teachers, Isa 56. 11. Phil. 3. 2. [4] Unholy men, Mat. 7. 6. [5] The Gentiles, Mat. 15. 27. ^ Exod. 11. 7. but against Israel shall not a d. move Deut. 23.18. not bring price of a d. into house of L. Judg. 7. 5. every one that lappeth as a d. lappeth 1 Sam. 17. 43. Philistine said to David, am I a rf.? 24. 14. after whom dost thou pursue *! after a d.? 2 Sam- 3. 8. then Abner said, am I a dog's head? 9.8.thoushouldestlook upon such dead (2. as I am 16. 9. why shouldest this dead d. curse my lord? 2 Kings 8.13.Hazael said,but what is thy serv. a d. Psal. 22. 20. my darling from the power of the d. 59. 6. at evening they make a noise like a d. 14. Prov. 26. 11. as a d. returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly, 2 Pet. 2. 22. 17. is like one that taketh a d. by the ears Eccl. 9. 4. a living d. is better than a dead lion Isa. 66. 3. sacrificeth, as if he cut off a. dog's neck DOGS. Exod. 22. 31. nor eat flesh torn of beasts, ye shall cast it to the d. Mat. 15. 26. Mark 7. 27. 1 Kings 14. 11. shall the d. eat, 16. 4. | 21. 24. 21. 19. thus saith the Lord, in tlie place where (Z. licked the blood of Naboth.shall rf.lick thy blood 23. the d. shall eat Jezebel, 2 Kijigs 9. 10, 36. 22. 38. and the d. licked up Ahab's blood .Tob 30.1. 1 disdained to have set with d. of my flock Psa/.^2. 16. for d. have compassed me, they pierced 08. 23. and the tongue of thy d. in the same Isa. 56. 10. they are all dumb d. || 11. greedy d. Jer. 15. 3. the sword to slay, and the d. to tear Mat. 7. 6. give not that which is holy unto d. 15. 27. yet the d. eat of the crumbs, Mark 7. 28. Luke 16. 21. the d. came and licked his sores Phil. 3. 2. beware ofd. beware of evil workers Rev. 22. 15. for without are d. and sorcerers DOING. Oen. 31. 23. thou hast done foolishly in so d. 44. 5. ia not this it? ye have done evil in so d. £zod.l5.11. like thee,fearfulin praises, d. wonders J\rum. 20. 19. I will only, without d. any thing else Deut. 9. 13. because ye sinned in d. wickedly 1 Kings 16. 19. he sinned in d. evil, 2 Kings 21. 16. 22. 43. d. that which was right, 2 Chron. 20. 32. 1 Chron. 22. 16. arise, and be d. Lord be with thee JVeA. 6. 3. 1 am d. great work, I cannot come down Job 32.22. in so d. my Maker would take me away Psal. 64. 9. they shall wisely consider of his d. 66. 5. he is terrible in d. toward children of men 118. 23. this is the Lord's d. it is marvellous in our eyes. Mat. 21. 42. Mark 12. 11. Tsa. 56. 2. and keepeth his hand from d. any evil 58. 13. from d. thy pleasure on my holy day, and Jer. 32. t 19- great in counsel, and mighty in d. Ezek. 31. t 11. in d. he shall do unto him Mat. 24. 46. his Lord shall find so d. Luke\% 43. Acts 10. 38. Jesus, who went about d. good 24. 20. if they have found any evil d. in me Ront.12.20. for in so d. thou shalt heap coals of fire 2 Cor. 8. 11. now therefore perform the d. of it Epk. 6. 6. as the servants of Christ, d. the will of God from the heart 1 7'iTO.4.16.ind.this thou shall save thyself and them 5. 21. observe these things, d. nothing by partiality ^e&.13.t2l. d. in you what is well-pleasing in sight Jam. 1. t 23- this man shall be blessed in his d. JraZ-DOING. Rom. 2. 7. by patient continuance in well-d. Oa/.6.9.let us not be weary in well-d. 2 T/tess.%13. J Pet. 2. 15. with well-d. ye may put to silence 3. 17. for it is better that ye suffer for well-d. 4. 19. commit their souls unto him in well-d. as to DOLN'GS. Leo. 18. 3. after the d. of Egypt, and after the d. of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do Deut. 28. 20. because of the wickedness of thy d. Jitdir. 2. 19. they ceased not from their own d. 141 DOM 1 Sam. 25. 3. Nabal was churlish and evil in his d. 2 Chr. 17. 4. and walked not after the d. of Israel Ps.9. 11. declare among the people his d. Isa. 12. 4. 77. 12. 1 will meditate of thy works, talk of thy d. Prov. 20. 11. even a child is known by his d. Isa. 1. 16. wash ye, put away the evil of your d. 3. 8. because their tongue and d.are against the L. 10. for they shall eat the fruit of their d. Jer. 4. 4. lest my fury come and burn, because of the evil of your d. 21. 12. ] 26. 3. | 44. 22. 18. thy d. have procured these things to thee 7. 3. amend your ways and d. 5. | 26. 13. | 35. 15. 11. 18. then thou shewedst me their d. 17. 10. according to the fruit of his d. 21. 14. 18. 11. return, and make your ways and d. good 23. 2. 1 will visit upon you the evil of your d. 22. and from the evil of their d. 25. 5. Zech. 1. 4. 32. 19. to give according to the fruit of his d. Ezek. 14. 22. ye shall see their way and their d. 20. 43. there shall ye remember your d. and your 44. nor accord, to your wicked ways, corrupt (i. 21. 24. so that in all your d. your sins do appear 24. 14. according to thy d. shall they judge 36. 17. they defiled it by their own way and d. 19. and according to their d. I judged tliem 31. shall remember your d. that were not good Hos. 4. 9. I will punish and reward them their d. 5. 4. they will not frame their d. to turn to their G 7. 2. now their own d. have set them about 9. 15. for the wickedness of their d. I will drive 12. 2. according to his d. will he recompense Mic. 2. 7. O house of Jacob, are these his d.? they have behaved themselves ill in their d. 7. 13. land shall be desolate for the fruit of their d. Zeph. 3. 7. but they rose early,corrupted all their d. 11. shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy d.? Zech. 1.6. according to our d. so hath dealt with us DOLEFUL. Isa. 13. 21. their houses full o{d. creatures Mic.2.i.ia that day shall lament with a d. lamenta DOMINION Signifies, [1] Power, Neh. 9. 28. Rom. 6. 9 [2] Persons ruled over, Psal. 114. 2. [3] Kings and kingdoms, Dan. 6. 26. | 7. 27. [4] Angels, Eph. 1.21. Col. 1. 16. [5] Magistrates, 2 Pet. 2. t 10. Jude 8. [6] The universal and un- limited authority and government of God, Psal. 72. 8. I 145. 13. Dan. 4. 3, 22, 34. | 7. 14. Gen. 1. 26. have d. over the fish of tlie sea, 28. 27.40.and when thou shalt have the d. shalt break 37. 8. or shalt thou indeed have d. over us? JVH?n.24.19.out of Jacob come he that shall haved. Judg. 5. 13. he made him have d. over the nobles 14. 4. at that time the Philistines had d. over Israel 1 Kings 4. 24. Solomon had d. over all the region 9. 19. to build in the land of his d. 2 Chro7i. 8. 6. 2 Kings 20. 13. there was nothing in his house or in all his d. that Hezekiah shewed not, Isa. 39. 2. 1 Chron. 4.22. men of Chozeba who had Moab 18. 3. as he went to stablish his d. by the river 2 Chron. 21.8. the Edomites from under Judah's d. 32. t 9. Sennacherib and all his d. with bim JVcA. 9. 28. so that they had the d. over them 37. also they have d. over our bodies and cattle Job 25.2. d.a.nd fear are with him, he maketh peace 38. 33. canst thou set the d. thereof in the earth? Psal. 8. 6. to have d. over the works of thy hands 19. 13. from sins, let them not have d. over me 49. 14. the upright shall have d. over them 72. 8. he shall have d. also from sea to sea 103. 22. bless the Lord in all places of his d. 114. 2. Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his d 119. 133. let not any iniquity have d. over me 145. 13. thy d. endureth through all generations Isa. 26. 13. other lords besides thee had d. over us Jer. 2. 1 31. wherefore say my people, we have d.? Dan. 4. 3. his d. is from generation to generation 22. thy d. reacheth to the end of the earth 34. most High, whose d. is an everlasting d. 7. 14. 6. 26. that in every d. of my kingdom men trem- ble and fear before the God of Daniel, and his d. shall be even unto the end 7.6.the beast had four heads, and d.was given to it 12. the rest of the beasts had their d. taken away 14. there was given him d. and glory, a kingdom 26. they shall take away his d. to consume it 27.the d. shall be given to the saints of most High 1 1 . 3. a mighty k ing that shall rule with great d.5. 4. not according to his d. which he ruled Mic. 4. 8. to thee shall it come even the first d. Zech. 9. 10. his d. shall be from sea to sea Mat. 20. 25. the princes of the Gentiles exercise d. Rom. 6. 9. raised, death hath no more d. over him 14.for sin shall not have d. over you, under grace 7. 1. law hath d. over a man as long as he livcth 2 Cor. 1. 24. not that we have d. over your faith /(;pA.1.21.above all power, might, and d.cvery name 1 Pet.i. II. that God may be glorified, to whom be praise and d. for ever iind ever, 5. 11. Rev. ^. 6. 2 Pet- 2. t 10. but them that despise d. Jude 8. DON Jude 25. to tlie only wise God be d. and power DOMINIONS. Dan. 7. 27. and all d. shall serve and obey him Col. 1.16. whether they be thrones,or d. or powers DONE. Gai.9.24. Noah knew what his younger son had d. 18. 21. tliey have d. according to the cry of it 24. 66. the servant told Isaac all that he had d. 26. 29. as we have d. to thee nothing but good 29. 26. Laban said, it must not be d. in our country 34. 7. wrought folly, which ought not to be d. 44. 5. ye have d. evil in so doing 15. Joseph said, what deed is this ye have d.? Exod. 1. 18. he said, why have ye d. this thing? 2.4. his sister stood to wit what would be d.lo hira 12. 16. no manner of work shall be d. in them,save what must be eat, that only may be d. of you 13. 8. this is d. because of that the Lord did to me 18.1.Jethro heard of all that God had d. for Moses 9. the goodness which the Lord had d. to Israel 21. 31. according to this judgment shall it be d. 31. 15. si.v days may work be d. 35. 2. Lev. 23. 3. 39. 43. they had d. it as the Lord had commanded, even so had they d. it, and Jloses blessed them Lev. 5. 17. and commit things forbidden to be d. 8. 5. the Lord commanded to be d. Deut. 26. 14. 11. 32. what vessel it be, wherein any work is d. 18. 27. these abominations have the men of land d. 24. 20. eye for eye, so shall it be d. to him again JVum. 5. 7. they shall confess their sin they have d. 12. 11. wherein we have d. foolishly and sinned was not declared what should bed.tohim 22. 2. Balak saw all that Israel had d. to Amorites 27. 4. why should name of our father be d. away? 32.13.all that had rf.evilin sight of L. were consu. Deut. 10. 2l. he is thy God that hath d. for thee 25. 9. so shall it be d. to that man will not build up 29. 24. nations say, wherefore hath the Ld. d. thus to this land? 1 Kings 9. 8. 2 Chron. 7. 21. Josh. 10. 32. as he had d. also to Libnah, 39. 35. he had d. to Lachieh 1| 37. he had d. to Eglon 22. 24. if we had not rather d. it for fear of this 24. 31. had known all that he had d. for Israel Judg. 2. 10. w ho knew not works he had d. for Isr. 3. 12. because they had d. evil in sight of the Lord 9. 16. if ye have d. truly and sincerely and have d. to Jerubbaal according to deserving of his hands 24. cruelty d. to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal 19. 30. there was no such deed d. nor seen Ruth. 3. 10. told her all that the man hadd. to her 1 Sam. 4. 16. and he said, what is there d. my son? 11. 7. Cometh not forth, so shall it be d. to his oxen 17. 26.what shall be d. to the man that killeth him? 27. so shall it be d. to the man that killeth him 25. 30. when the Lord shall have d. to my lord 28. 17. the Lord hath d. as he spake, Ezek. 12. 28. 2 Sam. 11. 27. thing David had d. displeased the L. 13. 12. no such thing ought to be d. in Israel 24. 17. what have they d.? 1 Chron. 21. 17. 1 Kings 8. 66. goodness the Lord had d. for David 14. 22. above all that their fathers had d. 19. 1. Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had d. 22. 53. provoked the Lord according to all that his father had d. 2 Kings 15. 3, 9, 34. | 23. 32. 2 Kings 4. 13. he said, what is to be d. for thee? 8. 4. tell me all the great things Elisha hath d. 10. 10. for the Lord hath d. that which he spake by his servant Elijah, Isa. 38. 15. Jer. 40. 3. 19. 11. thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have d. to all lands, 2 Chr. 32. 13. Isa. 37. 11. 21. 15. because they have d. evil, 2 Chron. 29.6. 23. 19. all the acts that he had d. iu Beth-el 2 Chron. 24. 16. because he had d. good in Israel 29. 30. rejoiced, for the thing was d. suddenly 32. 25. rendered not according to benefit d. to him 31. who sent to inquire of the wonder that was d. Ezra 6. 12. made a decree, let it be d. with speed 9. 1. when these things were d. the princes came JVeh. 6. 8. there are no such things d. as thou sayest 9.33.we have d. wickedly, Ps. lOG. 6. Zla7!.9.5,15. Esth. 2. 1. he rememb. Vashti,and what she had 3. 4.1. Mordecai perceived all was rf. rent his clothes 6. 6. the king said, what shall be d. to the man? 9. thus shall it be d. to the man the king honours Job 21. 31. who shall repay him what he hath d.? 34. 29. whether it be d. ag. a nation or a man only Psal. 33. 9. he spake and it was d. he commanded 71. 19. he hath d. great things, 106. 21. 1 120. 2, 3. 120. 3. what shall be d. to thee, false tongue? Prov. 3. 30. strive not if he have d. thee no liarm 4.16. they sleep not, except they have d. mischief Eccl. 1. 9. that which is d. is that which shall be d. 14. have seen the works are d. under sun, 4. 1, 3. 2. 12. even that which hath been already d. Isa.3.'\ ll.the reward of his hands shall bed.tohim 41. 4. who hath wrought and d. it ? I the Lord 44. 23. sing, O heavens, for the Lord hath d. it 43.5. lest thou shouldest say, my Idol hath rf. them Jer. 3. 6. hast seen what backsliding Israel hath d. 5. 13, prophets wind, llius shall it be d. unto tlicm DON Jer.7.13.because ye have tZ.all these woiks.saith L. 30. for children of Judah have d. evil in my sight 34. 15. were turned, and had d. right in my sight 35. 10. have d. all that Jonadab commanded, 18. 38. 9. these men haja d. evil to Jeremiah prophet 44. 17. as we have d. we and our fathers, kings 48. 19. ask him that fleeth, and say, what is d. 50. 15. vengeance as she hath d. do unto her, 29. 51. 35. the violence d. to me and to my flesh Lam. 2. 17. Lord hath d. that which he had devised £jeJt.23.39. thus have they d. in midst of my house 39. 8. it is come, it is d. saith the Lord God 43. 11. if they be ashamed of all that they have d. 44. 14. and for all that shall be d. therein Dan. 11. 36. for that that is determined shall be d. Zeph. 3. 4. the priests have d. violence to the law Mat.Q. 10. thy will be d. 26. 42. Luke 11. 2. | 22. 42. 8. 13. as thou hast believed, so be it d. to thee 11. 21. if the mighty works which were d. in you liad been d. in Tyre and Sidon, Luke 10. 13. 18. 19. any thing they ask, it shall be d. for them 31. when his fellow-servants saw what was d. 21. 21. be thou cast into the sea, it shall be d. 23. 23. these ought ye to have d. Luke 11. 42. 25. 21. well d. good and faithful servant, 23. 40. inasmuch as ye have d. it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye have d. it to me 27. 54. saw those things that were d. 28. 11. Mark 5.14.went out to see what was d. Luke 8.35. 19. go home to thy friends, tell what great things the Lord hath d. for thee, 20. Luke 8. 39. 33. the woman knowing what was d. in her 6. 30. they told him what they had d. and taught 9. 13. they have d. to bim whatsoever they listed 13. 30. shall not pass till all these tilings be d. 15. 8. desire him to do, as ho had ever d. to them Luke 1. 49. he that is mighty hath d. great things 3. 19. being reproved for the evils Herod had d. 8. 56. he charged them to tell no man what wasd. 9. 10. the apostles told him all that they had d. 14. 22. Lord, it is d. as thou hast commanded 17. 10. ye, when ye shall have d. all those things, we have d. that which was our duty to do 23. 31. if in a green tree, what shall be d. m dry? 47. now when the centurion saw what was d. 24. 21. the third day, since these things were d. John 5. 29. they that have d. good to resurrection of life; they that have d. evil, to damnation 15. 7. ask what ye will, and it shall be d. unto you 19. 36. these things were d. that the scripture be Jicts 2. 43. many signs were d. by the apostles 4. 9. of the good deed d. to the impotent man 16. a notable miracle hath been d. by them 21. all men glorified God for that which was d. 28. what thy counsel determined before to be d. 5. 7. his wife, not knowing what was rf. came in 12. 9. he wist not that it was true which was d. 14. 27. they rehearsed all that God had d. 15. 4. 21. 14. saying, the will of the Lord be d. 33. the chief captain demanded what he had d. Rom. 9. 11. neither having d. any good or evil 1 Cor. 9. 15. nor that it should be d. unto me 13. 10. that which is in part shall be d. away 14. 26. let all things be d. to edifying 40. be d. decently || 16. 14. be d. with charity 2 Cor. 3. 7. which glory was to be d. away 14. Old Testament, which vail is d. away inChrist 5. 10. may receive the things d. in his body, ac- cording to that he hath d. whether good or bad 5. 12. things which are d. of them in secret 6. 13. able to withstand, and having d. all to stand Pliil. 2. 3. let nothingbed. thro' strife or vain-glory 4. 14. ye have well d. that ye did communicate Col. 4. 9. will make known all things that are d. Tit. 3. 5. notbv worksof righteousness we have d //e6.10.29.and'hath d. despite to the Spirit of grace ReB. 16. 17. came a voice, saying, it is d. 21. 6. 22. 6. to shew the things which must shortly be d. Have I DONE. Oen. 20. 5. in innocency of my hands have Id. this 40. 15. and here also haoe I d. nothing to put me JViim.22.28.what have Id.? 1 Kings 19.20. Jl/ic.6.3. Ja.ih. 7. 20. 1 have sinned, thus and Ihus have I d. Judg. 8.2. he said, what h. /now d.? 1 Sam. 17. 29. 1 Sam. 20. 1. what Aayc Id.? 26. 18. | 29. 8. Jer.8.6. £2ei.39.24. accord, to their transgress, h. Id. them Acta 25. 10. to the Jews have I d. no wrong He hath DONE, or, hath he DONE. Kzod. 5. 23. he hath d. evil to this people Lev. 5. 16. make amends for the harm he hath d. 8. 34. as hehath d. so the Lord commanded to do 19. 21. atonement for his sin which he hath d. 24. 19. as he hath d. so shall it be done to him JysA.24.20.consume you, after he hath d. you good .fudg. 15. 10. to do to him as he hath d. to us 1 Sam. 6. 9. then he hath d. us this great evil 12.24.consider how great things he hath d. for you 20. 32. why shall he be slain? what hath he d.l 2 Chron. 16. 12. remember his marvellous works DON Psal. 66. 16. 1 will declare what he hath d. for soul 115. 3. our God hath d. whatsoever he pleased Prov. 24. 29. 1 will do so to him as he hath d. to me Isa. 12. 5. sing to L. for he hath d. e.vcellent things Ezek. 3. 20. righteousness which he hath d. 18. 24. 17. 18. he hath d. these things, he shall not escape 18. 13. he hath d. all these abominations 14. that seeth his father's sins which he hath d. 22. in righteousness that he hath d. he shall live 24. 24. according to all that he hath d. shall ye do 33. 16. he hath d. that which is lawful and right Joel 2. 20. because he hath d. great things Mat. 27. 23. and the governor said, why, what evil hath he d.? Mark 15. 14. Luke 23. 22. Mark 7. 37. saying, he hath d. all things well Acts 9. 13. much evil hath he d. to thy saints 2 C'or.S.lO.may receive according to i\mt he hath d. Col. 3. 25. receive for the wrong which he hath d. I have DONE. Oen. 8. 21. nor will 1 smite every thing as I have d. 21. 23. according to the kindness / have d. thee 27. 19. I am Esau, / have d. as thou badest me 28. 15. till / have d. that which I have spoken 30. 26. thou knowcst my service / have d. thee Exod. 10. 2. my signs which / have d. among them Josh. 24. 7. your eyes have seen what I have d. Judg. 1. 7. as I have d. so God hath requited me 9. f48. what/Aaj)cd. make baste, do as I have d. 15. 11. as they did to me, so have Id. to them 2 Sam. 14. 21. behold now I have d. this thing 24. 10. David said, I have sinned greatly in that / have d. I have d. very foolishly, 1 Chr. 21. 8. 17. I have sinned, and I have d. wickedly 1 Kings'3.\'i. behold, //iat)c™ail took tive slieep ready d. 2 Sam. 12.4. but took the poor man's lamb and d. it 19.24.Mcphibosheth,son of Saul.had notd.his feet 1 Kinirs 18. 26. they d. it, and called on Baal Heb. 6. 7. bringeth herbs for them by whom it is d. DRESSER. Luke 13. 7. then said he to the d. of the vineyard DRESSETH. Exod. 30. 7. when he d. the lamps, he shall burn DREW. Gen. 24. 20. Rebekah d. water for his camels, 45. 37. 28. they d. and lifted up Joseph out of the pit 38. 29. it came to pass, Zarah d. back his hand Ejcod. 2. 10. because 1 d. him out of the water 16. Jethro's daughters came and d. water 19. an Egyptian d. water enough for us Josh. 8. 26. for Joshua d. not his hand back Judg. 8. 10. there fell 120,000 men that d. sword 2(£ but the youth d. not his sword, for he feared 20. 2. the chief of Israel 400,000 that d. sword 1.5. of Benjamin numbered 26,000 tliat d. sword 25. all tliese d. the sword, 35. 37. liers in wait d. themselves along, and smote 46. fell of Benjamin 25,000 that d. the sword Ruth 4. 8. buy it for thee, so he d. off his shoe 1 Sam. 7. 6. Israel gathered to Mizpeh,and (Z.water 17. 51. David d. Goliath's sword out of the sheath 2 Sam. 22. 17. he sent from above, he took me, he d. me out of many waters, Psal. 18. 16. 23. 16. the three mighty men d. water out of the well of Bethlehem, 1 Chron. 11. 18. 24.9.there were in Israel 800,000 that d. the sword 1 Kings 22.34. certain man d. a bow, 2 CAr.l8. 33. 2 Kings 3. 26. king of Moab took 700 that d. sword 9. 24? Jehu d. a bow with his full strength 1 Chr. 19. 16. they sent and d. forth the Syrians 21. 5. Israel were eleven hundred thousand men that d. sword, Judah was 470,000 that d. sword 2 Chr. 5. 9. d. out staves of the ark, I Kings H. 8. 14. 8. of Benjamin that d. bows, 280,000 Jer. 38. 13. they d. up Jeremiah with cords Hos. 11. 4. I d. them with cords of a man Mat. 13. 48. when full,tliey d. to shore, Mark 6. 53. 26.51.Peter d. his sword, Mark 14.47. John 18.10. iMke 23. 54. the preparation, and the sabbath d. on John% 9. the servants which d. the water knew 21. 11. and d. the net to land full of fishes Acts 5. 37. and d. away much people after him 14. 19. stoned Paul and d. him out of the city 16.19. and d. Paul and Silas into the market-place 27. the jailer d. his sword,and would have killed 17. 6. they d. Jason and certain brethren 19. 33. they d. Ale,\ander out of the multitude 21.30. they took Paul and d. him out of the temple Rco. 12. 4. his tail d. the third part of the stars DREW near, or nigh. Gen. 18. 23. Abraham d. near and said, wilt thou 47. 29. the time d. nigh that Israel must die Exod. 14. 10. when Pharaoh d. nigh Israel cried 20. 21. Moses d. near to the thick darkness Lev. 9. 5. the congregation d. near before the Lord Josh. 8. 11. all the people d. nigh before Ai 1 Sam. 7. 10. the Philistines d. near to battle 9. 18. Saul d. near to Samuel in the gate 17.16.Goliath d.near morning and evening, 41, 48. 40. David d. near to Goliath the Philistine 2 Sam. 10. 13. Joab d. nigh against the Syrians 18. 25. Ahimaaz came apace and d. near Eslh. 5. 2. Esther d. near and touched the sceptre 9.1 .the king's decree d.near to be put in execution .Zep A.3.2.she trusted not, she d. not near to her God Mat. 21. 1. and when they d. nigh to Jerusalem 34. when Ihs time of the fruit d. near, he sent Luke 15. 1. then d. near the publicans to hear him 25. elder son came,and ashed. ni^A to the house 22. 1. now the feast of unleavened bread d.nigh 47. and Judas d. near to Jesus to kiss him 24. 15. Jesua himself d. near, and went with them 28. they d. nigh to the village where they went Acts 7. 17. when the time of the promise d. nigh 31. as he d. near to behold it, the voice came 10. 9. as they d. nigh to the city, Peter went 27. 27. deemed that they d. near some country DREWEST. Lam. 3. 57. thou d. near in the day that I called Dried. See after Dry. DRINK. Gen. 21. 19. Hagar filled bottle, and gave the lad d. 24. 14. I will give thy camels d. also, 40. J^ev. 11. 34. all d. that may be drunk in such vessel JV'Kmv 20. 8. thou shalt give the congregation d. .fitdg. 4. 19. she gave Sisera d. and covered him Ezra 3. 7. they gave meat and d. to them of Zidon Eith. 1. 7. they gave them d. in vessels of gold Psnl.lS. 15. hegiivc themci. as out of great depths 102. 9. for I have mingled my d. with weeping 14G DRI Psal. 104. 11. they give d. to every beast of the field Isa. 32. 6. he will cause the d. of the thirsty to fail 43. 20. rivers, to give d. to my people, my chosen Dan. V. t 5. the kuig appointed them of his d. 10. Hos. 2. 5. go after my lovers that give me my d. 4. 18. their d. is sour, they have committed Hab. 2. 15. woe to him that giveth his neighbour d. Hag. 1. 6. ye drink, but ye are not filled with d. Mat. 25. 35. 1 was thirsty, and ye gave me d. 37. gave theed.|| 42. thirsty, and ye gave me no d. Johni. 9. that thou, being a Jew, askest d. of me 6. 55. my flesh is meatindeed,my blood isd.indeed Rom. 12. 20. if thine enemy (hirst, give him d. 14. 17. the kingdom of God is not meat and d. 1 Cor. 10. 4. and did all drink the same spiritual d. Col. 2. 16. let no man judge you in meat or in d. Strong DRINK. Lev. 10. 9. do not drink strong d. when ye go in JV«ra.6.3.Nazarite separate himself from strujio- d. Dent. 14. 20. shalt bestow that money ioi strong d. 29.6.nor have ye drunk strong d. these forty years Judg.lS.i. Manoah's wife not drink strong rf.7.14. 1 Sam. 1. 15. I drunk neither wine nor strong d. Psal.69.t 12. 1 was the song of drinkers oi strong d. Prov. 20. 1. wine is a mocker, strong d. is raging 31. 4. it is not for princes to drink strong d. 6. give strong d. to him that is ready to perish /sa.S.ll.that they may followstron^rf.woe to them 22. woe to men of strength to mingle strong d. 24.9. strong d. shall be bitter to them that drink it 28. 7. but they also have erred ihiongh strong d. and they are out of the way through strong d. 29. 9. they stagger, but not with strong d. 56. 12. come ye, we will fill ourselves with sir. d. Mic. 2. 11. will prophesy to thee of wine and str. d. Luke 1.15. John shall not drink wine nor strong d. DRINK-OFFERING. fi'en.35.14.Jacob poured a d.-offcring on the pillar Exod. 29. 40. a hin of oil, and the fourth part of a hin of wine for a d.-offering, Mum. 15. 5. 41. shalt do thereto according to the d.-offering 30. 9. nor shall ye pour d.-offering thereon Lev. 23. 13. and the d.-offering shall be of wine J\rum. 6.17. the priest shall offer also his d.-offering 15.7. for a d.-offcring a third part of a hin of wine 10. bring for a d.-offering half a hin of wine 24. his d.-offering according to the manner 28. 10. besides the continual d.-off. 15. 24. | 29. 16. Isa. .57.6. to them hast thou poured a d.-offering 65. 11. that furnish tlie d.-offering to that number Joel 1. 9. the d.-off. is cut off from the house of L. 13. the d.-off. is withholden from house of God 2. 14. if he will return and leave a d.-offering DRINK-OFFERINGS. Lev. 23. 18. they shall be for a burnt-offering with d.-offerings, 37. JVum. 6. 15. | 28. 31. ] 29. 11, 18, 19, 21, 24, 30, 33, 37, 39. J^um. 28.14. their d.-off. shall be half a hin of wine Deut.32. 38. and drank-the wine of their d.-offer. 1 Chr. 29. 21. offered with their d.-off. 2 Chr. 29. 35. Ezra 7. 17. buy speedily meat-offerings and d.-off. Psal. 16. 4. their d.-offer. of blood will I not offer Jer. 7. 18. and to pour out d.-offcrings to other gods to provoke me to anger, 19. 13. | 32. 29 44.17.pour out queen of heaven,18,19,25 Ezck. 20. 23. there they poured out their d-offer. 45.17.princes part to g'lved.-offerings in the feasts DRINK. To (inak,signijies to drink liquor moderately, for the satisfying of thirst. Num. 6. 3. Ruth 2. 9. Sometimes it signifies to drink plentifully, liberally, and largely, so as to be merry, but not to excess or drunkenness : Thus it is said, Gen. 43. 34. that Joseph's brethren drank and were merry with him : The Hebrew word here used often signifies to drink to excess : but it is not to be supposed JAat Jacob's sons should forget themselves so far upon this occasion, as to be wanting in that decency and respect which they owed to one so considerable as Joseph, whom as yet they knew not to be their brother. And in John 2. 10, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine ; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse ; but thou hast kept the good wine until now. It is incredible that our Saviour waited till the guests were drunk, in order to perform the miracle which he wrought at Cana in their favour. And in 1 Cor. 11. 21, One is hungry, and another is drunken, that is. One wants, and the other abounds : The poor Christians locrc hungry, while the richer sort had too much, and fared liberally. To drink, in other parts of Scrip ture, is often taken in an odious sense, for drinking to excess, for being intoxicated icith liquor: Gen. 9. 21, ./VonA drank of the wine, and was drunken, and he was uncovered in his tent. Lot's tieo daughters made their father drink to excess, and both proved with child by him, Gen. 19. 32, 33, &c. DRI Our Saviour says in the gospel. If any man tliirst, let him come unto me and drink, John 7. 37. If any man have a desire after spiritual bless- ings, let him come unto me by faith, and he shall partake largely of my refreshing grace. And he tells the woman of Samaria, John 4. 14, Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. Whosoever par- takes of the graces of the Holy Spirit, which I have to bestow, and do offer in the gospel, he shall never desire and pursue worldly things as his chief happiness. It is said. Job 15. 16, That the wicked drinketh iniquity like water. Besides his natural proneness to sin, he has contracted habits and customs of sinning, so that he sinneth as readily, greedily, and de- lightfully, as men used to drink up water, especially in those hot countries. And Elihu says. Job 34.7, What man is hke .Tob, who drink- eth up scorning like water ? Who with greedi- ness and delight breaks forth into scornful and contemptuous expressions , not only figainst his fricnds,but in some sort even against God him- self,whom he insolently charges with rigorous dealing. Rab-shakeh says, that Hezekiah de- signed to persuade the Jews into a resolution of holding out the siege of Jerusalem, that so he might reduce them to the necessity of drinking their own urine ; that is,of exposing themselves to the utmost extremities of a siege, 2 Kings 18. 27. Solomon exhorts his disciple, Prov. 5. 15, to drink water out of his own cistern; that is, to content himself with the lawful pleasures of marriage, without thinking on that which was prohibited by the law. To eat and drink is used in Eccl. 5. 18. to signify people's enjoying themselves, using the good things of this life liberally and decently; and not with penurious- ness, which is base and dishonourable : It is good and comely for one to eat and drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labour. It is said in Mat. 11. 18, 19, .Tohn came neither eating nor drinking ; that is, he did not live in the common and ordinary manner, as other men did, but used a mean and peculiar diet : but the Son of man came eating and drinking ; using such a diet as other men did, and conversing freely and sociably with all sorts. Sennacherib says in 2 Kings 19. 24. Isa. 37. 25, I have digged and drunk strange waters, and with the sole of my feet have I dried up all the rivers of besieged places. I have brought water to places ichere there was none before, to sup- ply my army : and I have drunk up the water belonging to the people through whose country I have marched viy armies ; I have exhausted their wells and their cisterns. The prophet Jeremiah upbraids the Jews with having had recourse to Egypt for muddy water, to drink ; and with having addressed themselves to the Assyrians, that they might drink the water of their river ; that is, with having sought for the water of Nile in Egypt, and the water of Euphrates in Assyria ; thereby describing the assistance of these troo people, which the Jews sought for, Jer. 2. 18. To drink blood, signifies to be satiated with slattghter, Ezek. 39. 18, Ye shall drink the blood of the princes of the earth ; ye shall put them to death. David refused to drink the water which the three valiant men of his army went and procured for him at the hazard of their lives; soj/iyig, God forbid that I should drink the blood of these men ; but he poured it out unto the Lord, as a kind of drink-offering, and acknowledgment of God's goodness in preserving the lives of his captains in so dan- gerous an enterprise, 2 Sara. 23. 16, 17. To buy water to drink, and to drink water by mea- sure, denote the utmost scarcity and extreme desolation, liarn. 5. 4. Ezek. 4. 11. G od' sjudgtnents are often in scripture expressed under the notion of a C7ip of strong and intoxi- cating drink: and the suffering, or enduring of these is set out under the notion of drinking such a cup. See Cup. In the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red, the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall drink them, Psal. 75. 8. Thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment, Psal. 60. 3. Thou hast filled us with horror and astonishment, as if we had drunk some poisonous wine. Stand up, O .Tcrusalenh, whicli hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of his fury; Hear now this, thou afflicted and drunken, but not with wine, Isa. 51. 17,21. I will fill the kings, the priests, the prophets, and all the inhabitants of .Teru- salcm, with drunkenness, Jer. 13. 13. that is, with the wine of terror and astonishment, by reason of those grievous calamities that shall DRI come vpon them, and tchich icill put Ihcm to titeir icil's end. .dnd in Kzek. 23. 33, Tliou shall be tilled with drunkenness and sorrow. Hee Obad. It). Rev. 14. 10. Drink is put lor (1) The blood of Christ, John G. 55. (-2) Spiritual delight. Cant. 8. 2. (3) Afflictions, Mat. 20. 23. (4) The wrath of God, Job 21. 20. Rev. 14. 10. (5) Greedy desire. Job 15. It). Gen. 24. 14. let me d. 17. 45. |1 18. d. my lord, 46. 30. 38. he set rods when the tlocks came to d. Exod. 15. 24. people murmured, what shall wet/.? 32. 20. Moses made llie children of Israel d. of it Lev. 10. 9. do not d. wine nor strong d. lest ye die J^iim. 6. 3. neither shall he d. liquor of grapes Judg. 7. 5. that boweth down on his knees to d. Jiutk 2. U. when athirst, go to the vessels and d. 2 Sam. 23. 16. three mighty men drew water, but David would not (/. thereof, 17. 1 Chr. 11. 18, 19. 1 Kings 17. 4. that thou shall d. of the brook Kstli. 3. 15. the king and Haman sat down to d. '!. 1 1- the king and Haman came to (/.with Esther .Job 21. 20. he shall d. the wrath of the Almighty Ps. 36. 8. make them d. of the river of thy i)leasures 60. 3. made us to d. llie wine of astonishment 69. 21. in my thirst they gave me vinegar to d. 75. 8. the wicked of the earth shall d, them 78. 44. their rivers into blood, they could not d. 80. 5. thou gavest them tears to d. 110. 7. he shall d. of the brook in the way Prov. 4. 17. for they d. the wino of violence 31. 5. lest they d. and forget the law, and pervert 7. let him d. and forget his poverty Cant. 5. 1. d. yea, d. abundantly, O beloved Isa. 24. 9. strong drink bitter to them that d. it 51. 22. thou shall no more d. ii again 62. 9. they shall d. it in the courts of ray holiness 65. 13. my servants shall d. but ye shall be thirsty Jer. 16. 7. nor give the cup of consolation to d. 23. 15. and ihake them d. the water of gall 25. 15. cause nations, to whom I send thee, to d. it 16. and they shall d. and be moved, and be mad 17. then I took the cup and made all nations to d. 27. d. ye, and be drunken, and spue, and fall 28. thus saith the Lord, ye shall certainly d. 35. 14. to this day they d. none, but obey father's 49. 12. they whose judgment was not tod. of the cup, shall notgo unpunished, shall surely (/. of it Ezck.A.ll. d. by measure, from time to lime shall rf. 23. 32. thou shall rf. of sister's cup deep and large 34. 19. they d. that which ye have fouled lian. 5. 2. that his concubines might d. therein .Imos 4. 1. say to their masters, bring, and let us d. Obad. 16. so shall all the heathen d. continually, yea, they shall d. and shall swallow down Hab.2. 16. d. thou, let thy foreskin be uncovered Nag. 1. 6. ye d. but ye are not filled with drink Zech. 9. 15. and they shall d. and make a noise Mat. 10.42. whoso shall give to d. to one of these 20. 22. are ye able to d. of the cup that I shall d. of and be baptized with the baptism? Mark 10.38. 23. ye shall d. indeed of my cup, Mark 10. 39. 26. 27. he gave them the cup, saying, d. ye all of it 29. 1 say, will not d. henceforth till thalday when I d. it new with you, Mark 14.25. Lu/ceii. 18. 42.if cup may not pass except Irf.thy will be done 27. 34. gave him vinegar to d. mingled with gall 48. one filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to d. Mark 15. 36. Mark 16. 18. if they d. any deadly thing, not hurt .Johni. 10. who itislhatsailhto thee, give me to d. 7. 37. if any man thirst, let him come to me and d. 18.11. cup my father hath given me, shall I notri.? 1 Cor. 10. 4. and did all d. the same spiritual drink 21. ye cannot d. the cup of the Lord and of devils 11.25.thisdo, as oft as ye d. in remembrance of me 12.13. and have been all made to d. into one Spirit BRINK water, or waters. Ocn.24.43.giveme a little wafer of thy pitcher tod. F.zod. 7. 18. shall lothe to d. water oiihn river, 21. 24. digged round about the river for water to d. 15. 23. they could not d. of the waters of Marah 17. 1. there was no water for the jieople to d. 6. shall come water out of it, that they may d. J^um. 5. 24. cause woman to d. bitter water, 26,27. 20. 5. neither is there any water to d. 33. 14. 17.nor will we d.of the water of the wells, 21. 22. 7>«Mt.2. 6. buy water for money, that ye may d. 28. .ludg. 4. 19. give me a little water to (/. I am thirsty 7. 6. tlic rest bowed upon their knees to d. water 1 .*am. 30. 11. and they made the Egyjitiand. water Sam.23.15.David said, give me to d. of the water of the well of Beth-lchem, 1 Chrnn. 11. 17. Kings 13. 8. nor will I eat bread, nor d. water, 9. 17. 10. fetch a little water in a vessel that I may d. 2 Kings 3. 17. valley filled with water thai ye may (/. 18.31. d. every one waters of his cistern, /.sa.36.16. Job 22. 7. thou hast not given water to weary to d. Pmn. .5. 15. d. waters out of thine own cistern 23.21 . if iliy enemy be thirsty, give him water to d. 147 DRI Jer. 2. 18. to d. the waters of Silior, waters of river 8. 14. Lord hath given us water ui'gu\l to d. 9. 15. Kzek. 4. 11. thou shall d. water by Uieasure, 16. 12. 18. son of man, d. thy water with trembling 19. Ihey shall d. their water with astonishment 31. 14. all Iheir trees thai d. water, 16. Dan. 1. 12. give us pulse to eat, and water to d. ^Hios4.8. wandered tod. water but were not satislied Jonah 3. 7. let them not feed nor d. water Mark 9.41. who shall give you a cup oi'water to d. John 4. 7. Jesus sailh to her, give me water to d. 17'jm.5.23. d. no longer water, buluse a little wine DRliNlv with wine. Gen. 19. 32. lei us make our lather d. wine, 34. 33. and they made their father d. wine, 35. Lev. 10.9. nor d. wine when ye go into tabernacle J^Tum. 6. 3. the Nazarite shall d.uo vinegar ol'wine 20. after that the Nazariie may d. waie Z)e«i.28.39.tliou shall plant vineyards,bul shall not d. of lhe2i!irte, nor gather the grapes, .'3mos5.ll. Judg. 13. 4. Manoah's wife might d. no ;cm<;,7,14. 2 Sam. 16. 2. the wine, that such as be faint may d. Ps. UO. 3. hast made us d. the wine of aslonishmenl Prov. 4. 17. for Ihey d. the teine of violence 9. 5. and d. of Ihe tcine which I have mingled 31. 4. it is not for kings, O Lemuel, to d. wine Eccl. 9. 7. go and d. thy wine with a merry heart Cant. 8. 2. 1 would cause thee to d. of spiced wine Isa. 5. 22. woe to Ihem that are mighty to d. wine 24. 9. Ihey shall not d. loine with a song 62. 8. the sons of the stranger shall not d. ihy wine Jer. 35. 2. go and give the Rechabiles wine to d. 6. we will d. no wine, ye shall d. no wine for ever £2fA. 44. 21. neither shall any priest d. Ktne when iJan. 1. 16. look away the wine thai they should d. Joel'i. 3. they have sold a girl for wine to d. Amos 2. 8. they d. the wine of the condemned 12. but ye gave the Nazariles wine to d. 6. 6. thald. wine in bowls, and anoint themselves 9. 14. shall plant vineyards, and d. wiiie thereof Mic. 6. 15. but shall not d. wine, Zeph. 1. 13. JV/aril5.23.gave him tod.icine mingled with myrrh Luke 1. 15. John shall d. neither wine nor strong Rom. 14. 21. it is not good to eat flesh or d. wine Hev. 14. 8. she made all nations d. of the wine 10. same shall d. of the 2cine of the wrath of G. DRINKERS. Psal. 69. t 12. the song of ihe d. of strong drink Joel 1. 5. awake, and howl, all ye d. of wine DRINKS. Hcb. 9. 10. which stood only in meats, and d. and divers washings DRINKETH. Gen. 44. 5. is nol this il in which my lord d.? Deut. 11.11. the land d. water of the rain of heaven Job 6.4. the poison whereof d. up my spirit 15. 16. how filthy is man, who d. iniq. like water I 34. 7. like Job who d. up scorning like water 40. 23. behold, he d. up a river, and hasteth not Prov. 26. 6. he that sendelh by a fool, d. damage Isa. 29. 8. he d. bul he awakelh, and he is faint 44. 12. the smith, he d. no water and is faint Mark 2. 16. how is it that he d. with publicans 1 John 4. 13. whosoever d. of this water shall thirst 14. whosoever d. of water Ihal I shall give him 6. 54. whoso d. of my blood, hath eternal life 56. that d. my blood dwelleth in me, and I in him 1 Cor. 11. 29. he that d. unworthily d. damnation Heb, 6. 7. for the earth which d. in the rain DRINKING. Gen. 24. 19. water for camels till they have done d. 22. as the camels had done d. the man took a golden oar-ring of half a shekel weight R%ith 3. 3. till Boaz had done eating and d. 1 Sam. 30. 16. Ihey were eating and d. and dancing 1 Kings 4. 20. Judah and Israel were many, d. 10. 21. Solomon's d. vessels of gold, 2 Chr. 9. 20. 16. 9. Elah was d. || 20. 12. Benhadad was d. 16. 1 Chr. 12. 39. with David three days eating and d. Esth. 1.8. d.was according to the law,none compel Job 1. 13. his sons and daughters were d. 18. Isa. 22. 13. and behold, eating flesh, and d. wine Mat. 11. 18. for John came neither eating nor d. and they say, he hath a devil, Luke 1. 33. 19. Son of man came eating and d. Luke 7.34. 24. 38. they were eating and d. till the flood came lAike 10. 7. eating and d. such things as they give Col. 2. t 16. let no man judge you for eating or d. DRIVE. Exod. 6. 1. with a strong hand shall he d. Ihem out 23. 28. will send hornets, which shall d. out Hivite 29. 1 will not d. them out before thee in one year 30. by little and little I will d. them out before 31. and thou shall d. them out before theo 33. 2. 1 will d. out the Canaanile, the Amorite 34. 11. behold I d. out before thee the Amorite Kum. 22. 6. that I may d. them out of the land 11. I may bo able to overcome and d. Ihem out 33. 52. then shall ye d. out all the inhabitants 55. bul if ye will not d. out ilio inhabitants DRO Dent. 4. 38. to d. out nations from before theo greater and mightier than thou, 9.4,5. Josh.'i.XO. 9. 3. so shall thou d. them out and destroy them 11. 23. then will the liord d. out these nations 18. 12. Lord thy God doth d. them out before thee Josh. 13. 6. Ihem will I d. oul from before Israel 14. 12. then I shall be able to d. them out, as L. said 15. 63. the children of J udah could not d. them out 17. 12. the children of Manasseh could nol d. out 1.3. but did not utterly d. them out, Jadg. 1. 28. 18. for thou shall d. out the C'anaanites 23. 5. the Lord shall d. them out of your sight 13. the Lord will no more d. out, Judg. 2. 3, 21. J«dn-.1.19.Judah could nol d. inhabitants of mount 21. Benjamin did nol d. oul the Jebusiles 27. Manasseh d. || 29. Ephraim || 30. Zebulun 31. Asher || 33. Naphtali did not d. out 11. 24. whom the Lord our God shall d. out 2 Kings 4.24. d. go forward,slack nol riding for mo ■2Chron. 20. 7. who didst d. oul the inhabitants Job 18. 11. terrors shall make afraid, and d. to feet t 18. he shall d. him from light into darkness 24. 3. they d. away the ass of the fatherless Psal. 44. 2. how thou didsl d. out the heathen 08. 2. as smoke is driven away, so d. them away Prov. 22. 15. bul rod of correction shall d. il away Isa. 22. 19. and I will d thee from thy station Jer. 24. 9. to be a curse whilher I shall d. Ihem 27. 10. that I should d. you out, and yc perish, 15. 46. 15. they stood not^ because Lord did d. them Ezek. 4.13. among Gentiles, whilher I will d.lhem Dan. 4. 25. and they shall d. thee from men, 32. Hos. 9. 15. I will d. them out of my house Joel 2. 20. I will d. the northern army into a land Zeph. 2. 4. they shall d. oul Ashdod at noon-day Acts 27. 15. the ship was caught, we let her d. Oal. 5. t 7. ye did run well, who did d. you back? DRIVEN. Gen. 4. 14. behold, thou hast d. me out this day Exod.W.Vi. Ihey were d. from Pharaoh's presence 22. 10. the beast be d. away, no man seeing it Lev. 26. t 36. sound of a d. leaf shall chase them JVum. 32. 21. till behave d. oul enemies before him Z>(??.8.18.yea,(/. riches and righteous, are with me Isa. 23. 18. her merchandise shall be for d. clothing DURETH. Mat. 13. 21. hath not root in himself, d. for a while DURST. Esth. 7. 5. he that d. presume in his heart to do so ./«/> 32. 6. afraid, I d. not shew you mine opinion Mat. 22. 40. no man able to answer him, nor (/.ask any more riueslions, Mark 12. 34. iMkc 20. 40. John'iil. 12. none of disciples d. ask, who art thou'? .lets 5. 13. and of the rest (/.no man join to them 7. 32. then Moses trembled and (/. not behold Jude 9. he d. not bring ag. him a railing accusation DUST. The Hebrews, 7chen they mourned, put dust or ashes upon their heads. Josh. 7. 6, .Joshua and the elders of Jsrael put dust upon their heads. In their afflictions they sat duim in the dust, (ind threw themselves with their faces upon the ground. Lam. 3. 29, He pultelh his mouth in the dust, if so be there may be hope. Isa. 47. 1, Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground. In Acts 22. 23. some of the Jews, in the height of their rage, threw dust into the air, as it tcere to shew that they would reduce to powder the apostle Paul, whom they had taken in the temple. The dust denotes likewise the grave and death. Gen. 3. 19, Dust thou art, and to dust thou shalt return. Job 7. 21, For now shall I sleep in the dust. Psal. 22. 15, Thou hast brought mo into the dust of death. The dust signifies likewise a multitude. Gen. 13. 16, I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth. And Balaam, upon the sight of the Israelitish camp, says. Who can count the dust of Jacob? Num. 23. 10. This vast multitude of the Israelites, who are as numerous as the dust. And in PsaL 78. 27, He rained flesh also upon them as dust: a great multitude of quails, as if they were dust. Dust signifies a ?nost low and miserable condi- tion. 1 Sam. 2. 8, God raiseth up the poor out of the dust. J^Cah. 3. 18, Thy nobles shall dwell in the dust : They shall be reduced to a mean condition. 0\ir Saviour commands his disciples to shake the dust off" their feet against those who would not hearken to them, nor re- ceive them. Mat. 10. 14. Luke 9. 5. to shew thereby, that they desire to have no commerce with them ; that they abhor every thing be- longing to them ; and that they give them up to their misery and hardness. Dust signifies earthly things, Amos 2. 7. Oen. 3. 14. d. shalt thou eat all the days of thy life 19. d. thou art, and unto d. shalt thou return 13. 16. so that if a man can number the d. of earth 18. 27. to speak to Lord, who am but d. and ashes Exod. 8. 16. say to Aaron, smite the d, of the land 17. for Aaron smote the d. of the earth 9. 9. it shall become small d. in all the land Lev. 14.41. shall pour out the d. they scrape off" 17. 13. pour out the blood, and cover it with d. J^n7n. 19. t 17. take of the d. of the burnt heifer 23. 10. who can count the d. of Jacob? Deut.0.2i. I cast the d. into brook,2 AVt!^^ 23. 32. 28. 24. Lord shall make the rain of thy land d. .Tosh. 7. 6. and the elders put d. on their heads 2 .f(zra. 16. 13. Shimei cursed David, and cast d. 1 Kings 18. 38. the fire of the Lord consumed the d. 20.10. if the (/.of Samaria shall suffice forhandfula 2 Chron. 34. 4. Josiah made d. of the images Job 2. 12. they sprinkled d. upon their heads flesh is clothed with worms and clods ofd. 10. 9. and wilt thou bring me into (/. again? 28. 12. iron is taken out of d. and brass molten 6. as for the earth, it hath d. of gold 34. 15. all flesh perish, man shall turn again to d. 38. 38. when the d. groweth into hardness 42. 6. 1 abhor myself, and repent in d. and ashea Psal. 22. 15. thou hast brought me into the d. .30.9. shall (/. praise thee, shall it declare thy truth? 72. 9. and his enemies shall lick the d. 78. 27. he rained flesh also upon them as d. 102. 14. thy servants favour the (/. thereof 103. 14. he remembereth that we are d. Eccl. 12. 7. then shall the d. return to the earth Isa. 2. t 19. go into the caves of the d. for fear 34. 7. their d. shall be made fat with fatness 9. the d. thereof shall be turned into brimstone 40. 12. who hath comprehended the d. of earth? 49. 23. they shall lick up the (/. of thy feet 52. 2. shake thyself from the (/. O Jerusalem 6.5. 25. and d. shall be the serpent's meat Z,om.2.10. have cast d. on their heads, £tc*,27. 30. DWE Eiek. 24. 7. she poured it not, to cover it with d. 26. 4. I will also scrape her d. from her 10. by his horses, their d. shall cover thee ^mos 2. 7. that pant after the d. of the earth Mic. 7. 17. they shall lick the d. like a serpent JVa/i 1. 3. and th.-- clouds are the d. of his feet Hab. 1. 10. for they shall heap d. and take it Mat. 10. 14. when ye depart out of that city, shake off the d. of your feet, Mark 6. 11. Luke 9. 5. Luke 10.11. even the d. of your city we do wipe off Jicls 13. 51. they shook off the d. of their feet 22. 23. and as they threw d. into the air Rev 18. 19. they cast d. on their heads, and cried Ms the DUST. Gen. 13. 16. 1 will give thee the land, and make thy seed as the d. of the earth, 28. 14. 2 Chron. 1. 9. Deut. 9. 21. I stamped the calf small as the d. 2 Sam. 22. 43. 1 beat them as small as d. Ps. 18. 42. Job 22. 24. then shalt thou lay up gold as the d. 27. 16. though he heap up silver as the d. Jsa. 5. 24. and their blossom shall go up as d. 40. 15. the nations as the small d. of the balance 41. 2. he gave them as the d. to his sword Zeph. 1. 17. their blood shall be poured out as d. Zech. 9. 3. and Tyius heaped up silver as the d. In the DUST. Job 4. 19. on them, whose foundation is in tho d. 7. 21. now shall I sloop in the d. thou shalt seek 16. 15. and I have defiled my horn in the d. 17. 16. when our rest together is in the d. 20. 11. which shall lie down with him in the d. 21. 26. they shall Ue down alike in the d. 39. 14. leaveth eggs, and warmeth them in the d. 40. 13. hide them in the d. together, and bind Psal. 7. 5. let the enemy lay mine honour in the d. Isa. 2. 10. hide thee in the d. for fear of the Lord 26! 19. awake and sing, ye that dwell in the d. 47. 1. come down and sit in the d. O virgin Lam. 3. 29. he putteth his mouth in the d. if so be Dan. 12. 2. many that sleep in the d. shall awake Mic. 1. 10. weep not at all, roll thyself in the d. JVaA. 3. 18. thy nobles shall dwell in the d. Like the DUST. 2 Kings 13. 7. make them like the d. by threshing Isa. 29. 5. the multitude of thy strangers be like d. Of the DUST. Gen. 2. 7. Lord formed man of the d. of the ground J\rum. 5. 17. priest shall take of the the tabern Deut. 32.24. 1 will send poison of serpents of the d. lSam.2.8.he raiseth the poor out of the d. f s.113.7. 1 Kings 16.2. 1 exalted thee out of the d. and made Jab 5. 6. affliction cometh not forth of the d. 14.19. washest away things that grow out of the d Prov. 8. 26. nor highest part of the d. of the world Eccl. 3. 20. all go to one place, all are of the d. Isa. 29. 4. thy speech shall be low out of the d. To the DUST. Psal. 22. 29. all that go down to the d. shall bow 44. 25. for our soul is bowed down to the d. 104. 29. they die and return to their d. 119. 25. my soul cleaveth to the d. quicken me Eccl. 3. 20. all are of the d. and turn to d. again Isa. 25. 12. he shall bring the fortress to the d. 26. 5. he bringeth the lofty city even to the d. DUSTED. 2 13.Shimei threw stones and d. with dust DUTY. Eiod.21.10.herrf.of marriage shall he not diminish Deut. 25. 5. shall perform d. of a husband's brother 7.will not perform the d.of my husband's brother 2 Chr. 8. 14. as d. of every day required, Ezra 3. 4. Eccl. 12. 13. for this is the whole d. of man i,uAel7.10. we have done that which was do Rom 15. 27. their d. is to minister in carnal things DUTIES. Ezck.\B.\l.ifhe beget a son that doeth not those d. DWARF. iejj.21.20.a d.shall not come nigh to offer offerings DWELL. To dwell signifies to abide in, to inhabit,to have a fixed residence in a place. Num. 33. 53. Psal. 78. 55. Sometimes it is taken for sojourning, Heb. 11. 9. where it is said, that Abraham dwelt in tabernacles ; that is, sojourned ; for he had no fixed abode in the land of Canaan. It is spoken [1] Of God, who is said to dwell in the heavens, Psal. 123. 1. He hath a cer- tain and glorious place where he residelh, even the highest heavens, cohere he is clothed with infinite power and majesty, and from whence he beholdeth and governeth this lower world and all that is in it. His gracious presence with his people on earth is signified by dwelling with them. Psal. 9. 11, Sing praises to the Lord who dwelleth in Zion : where the ark was, which was the symbol of his special and gracious presence. And in Isa. 57. 15, 1 dwell with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit. [2] Of Christ, signifying, (1) His manifestation in the flesh. John 1. 14, The Word was made 150 DWE flesh, and dwelt among us. (2) His spiritual abode in every faithful soul. Eph. 3. 17, That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. Christ dwells in his people by his merit to justify them ; by his grace and Spirit to renew and purify them ; by his power to keep them ; by his wisdom to lead and instruct them ; and by his communion and compassion to share with them in all their troubles. [3] Of the Holy Ghost, who dwells in the soul by his gracious operations, working faith, love, and other graces therein. Rom. S. 9, But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. [4] Of the word of God, which may be said to dwell in a person, when it is diligently studied, firmly believed, and carefully practised. Col. 3. 10, Let the word of' God dwell in you richly in all wisdom. [5] Of Satan, who dwells in wicked men, when he fills them with fdrther degrees of error, malice, blasphemy, impenitence, and blindness; thereby making them highly wicked, and worse and worse daily. Mat. 12. 45. [6] Of the godly, who are said to dwell in God, 1 John 3. 24. They have most intimate union and communion with God in Christ. Gen. 0. 27. Japhet shall d. in the tents of Shem 16. 12. he shall d. in the piesRnce of his brethren 19. 30. Lot went up, for he feared to d. in Zoar 20. 15. behold my land, d. where it pleasetlj thee 24.3. daughters of Canaanites,amongst whomi d. 34. 10. land before you, d. and trade you therein 16. we will d. with you, and become one people 35. 1. arise, go up to Beth-el, and d. there Exod. 2. 21. Moses was content to d. with the man 25. 8. that I may d. amongst them, 29. 46. 29. 45. I will d. amongst the children of Israel Lev. 13. 46. the unclean shall d. alone 23. 42. ye shall d. in booths, 43. JVeA. 8. 14. JSTum. 5. 3. their camps, in the midst whereof I d. 23.9. lo, the people shall d. alone, not be reckoned 32. 17. our little ones shall d. in fenced cities 35. 2. that they give to theLevites, cities to d. in, and suburbs round, 3. Josh. 14. 4. | 21. 2. 34. I the Lord d. among the children of Israel Deut. 12.11. to cause his name d. there, Ezra 6. 12. 23. 16. the servant escaped shall d. with thee 33. 12. he shall d. between his shoulders Josh. 9. 7. peradventure ye d. among us, 22. 20. 6. he shall d. in that city, till he stand before 24. 13. cities ye built not, and ye d. in them Judg. 9. 41. that Gaal should not d. in Shechem 17. 10. Micah said to the Levite, d. with me 1 Sam. 27. 5. that I may d. there for why should thy servant d. in the royal city with theel 1 Kings 6. 13. 1 will d.among the children of Israel 8. 12. he would d. in thick darkness, 2 Chr. 6. 1. 17. 9. get thee to Zarephath, and d. there 2 Kings 4. 13. she answered,! d. among own people 17. 27. let them go and d. there, let him teach Ezra 10. 1 10. ye have caused to d. strange wives, to increase the trespass of Israel, JVeh. 13. f 23. Job 3. 5. let a cloud d. upon it, let blackness of day 11. 14. let not wickedness d. in thy tabernacle 18.15.shall his tabernacle,because none of his 30. 6. to d. in the clifts of the valleys, in caves Psal. 5. 4. neither shall evil d. with thee 15. 1. Lord, who shall d. in thy holy hilH 16. t 9- my flesh shall d. in confidence 25.13.hi3 soul shall d. at ease, and his seed inherit 37. 27. depart from evil, and d. for evermore 65. 4. to approach, that he may d. in thy courts 8. they also that d. in the uttermost parts of earth 68. 16. this is the hill which God desireth to d. in, yea the Lord will d. in it for ever and ever 18. that the Lord might d. among them 69. 35. will build Judah that they may.d. there 72. 9. they that d. in the wilderness shall bow 78. 55. and made Israel to d. in their tents 84. 10. than to d. in the tents of wickedness 101. 6. on the faithful, that they may d. with me 107. 4. they wandered, they found no city to d. in 36. and there he raaketh the hungry to d. 113. t 5. like the Lord who exalteth himself to d. 120. 5. woe is me, that I d. in the tents of Kedar 132. 14. my rest, here will I d. for I have desired it 139. 9. if I d. in uttermost parts of the sea 140. 13. the upright shall d. in thy presence 143. 3. he hath made me to d. in darkness Prov. 1.33. whoso hearkeneth tome shall d. safely 8. 12. I wisdom d. with prudence and find out 21. 1 7. robbery of the wicked shall d.with them 19. it is better to d. in wilderness, than with Isa. 6. 5. I d. in midst of a people of unclean lips 11. 6. the wolf also shall d. with the lamb 13. 21. owls shall d. there, satyrs shall dance there 16. 4. let mine outcasts d. with thee, Moab 23.18.merchandise for them that d. before the Ld 34. 6. they that d. therein are desolate DWE Isa. 26. 5. he bringeth down them that d. on high 19. awake and sing, ye that d. in the dust 30. 19. the people shall d. in Zion at Jerusalem 32. 16. then judgment shall d. in the wilderness 18. my people d. in a peaceful habitation 33.14. who among us shall d. with devouring fire? who shall d. with everlasting burnings'? 16. he shall d. on high, his place of defence 24. the people that d. therein shall be forgiven 34. 11. the owl and the raven shall d. in it 40. 22. he spreadeth them out as a tent to d. in 49. 20. give place to me that I may d. 58. 12. sliall be called the restorer of paths to d. in 65. 9. and my servants shall d. there Jer. 29. 32. Sheraaiah shall not have a man to d. 31. 24. there shall d. in Judah husbandmen 35. 7. but all your days ye shall d. in tents 40. 5. and d. with him among the people 10. 1 will d. at Mizpah to serve the Chaldeans 42. 14. we will go into Egypt, and there will we d. 44. 14. they have a desire to return to d. there 49. 8. flee ye, d. deep, O inhabitants of Dedan 18. nor shall a son of man d. in it, 33. | 50. 40. 31. which d. alone || 51.1. that d. in midst of them Ezek. 2. 6. and thou dost d. among scorpions 16. 46. she and her daughters d. at thy left hand 43. 7. where I will d. in the midst of Israel for ever, 9. Zech. 2. 10, 11. Hos. 12. 9. 1 will make thee to d. in tabernacles 14. 7. they that d. under his shadow shall return Joei3.20.but Judah shall d. for ever,and Jerusalem Jlmos 3.12.Isr. shall be taken out that Samaria Mic. 4. 10. thou shalt d. in the field, go to Babylon 7. 14. the flock which d. solitary in the wood - Mah. 3. 18. O Assyria, thy nobles shall d. in dust Hag. 1. 4. is it time to d. in your ceiled houses! Zech. 8. 4. old men and women shall d. in Jerusal. 9. 6. and a bastard shall d. in Ashdod 14. 11. shall be inhabited, and men shall d. in it Mat. 12.45. they enter in and d. there, Luke 11. 26. Luke 21. 35. as a snare shall it come on all them that d. on face of the whole earth, ./9c(s 17. 26. Jlcts 7. 4. he removed into land whersin ye now d 28. 16. Paul was suffered to d. by himself flora. 8.9. if so be the Spirit of God d. in you, 11. 1 Cor. 7. 12. and she be pleased to d. with him 2 Cor. 6. 16. as God hath said, I will d. in them Eph.S.n. that Christ may your hearts by faith Col. 1. 19. Father that in him should all fulness d. 3. 16. let the word of Christ d. in you richly 1 Pet. 3. 7. likewise, ye husbands, d. with them 1 John 4. 13. hereby know we that we d. in him Rev. 7. 15. he that sitteth on the throne shall d. 12. 12. rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that d. in thera 13. 0. and against them that d. in heaven 21. 3. is with men, and he will d. with them DWELL with earth. 1 Kings 8. 27. will God d. on earth? 2 C/(»-.6. 18. Dan. 4. 1. language thatd. in all the earth, 6. 25. Rev. 3. 10. to try them that d. on the earth 6. 10. avenge our blood on them that d. on earth 11. 10. they that d. on the earth shall rejoice 13. 8. all that d. on the earth shall worship 14. and deceiveth them that d. on the earth 14. 6. to preach to them that d. on the earth 17. 8. they that d. on the earth shall wonder DWELL with house. Deut. 28. 30. shalt build a h-ouse, and shalt not d. therein, plant vineyard, not gather, Amos 5. 11. 2 Sam. 7. 2. I d. in a 'house of cedar, 1 Chr. 17. 1. 5. shall build me a house to d. in, 1 Chr. 17. 1. 1 Kings 2. 36. build house in Jerusalem and d. there 3. 17. O my lord, I and this woman d. in one house 8. 13. I have surely built thee a house to d. in 2 Chr. 8. 11. my wife shall not d. in house of David Job 4. 19. much less them that d. in houses of cl&y 19.15. they that my house count me a stranger Ps. 23. 6. 1 will d. in the house of the Lord for ever 27. 4. that I may d. in the house of the Lord 84. 4. blessed are they that d. in thy house 101. 7. worketh deceit, shall not d. in my house 113. t 9. he maketh the barren to d. in a house Proii.21.9. better d. in the corner of a house, 25. 34. Jer. 20. 6. all that d. in thy house go to captivity 29. 5. build ye houses, and d. in them, 28. 35.9.not to build houses for us to diin,nor vineyard DWELL with Jerusalem. 1 Chr. 23. 25. that ye may d. in Jerusalem for ever JVeA. 11. 1. to bring one often to d. in Jerusalem 2. willingly offered themselves to Jerusalem Jer.33.16.Judali saved, and JerMsa^fmshalld. safely 35. 11. for fear of Chaldeans so we d. at Jerusalem Zech. 8. 3. and I will d. in the midst of Jerusalem 8. and they shall d. in the midst of .Jerusalem Acts 2. 14. and all ye that d. at Jerusale7n 4. 16. is manifest to all them that d. in Jerusalem 13.27.they that ./c?-«sai.have condemned him DWELL with land. Geii. 24. 37. of the Canaanites in whose land I d. 26. 2. d. in the land which I shall tell thee of DWE Ge)i.34.21. let them the land,a.nd trade therein 45. JO. and thou shall d. in the land ot'CJoshen 4G. 34. that ye may d. in the land otGoslieu 47. 6. in the land of Goslien let theni d. l!;xod.8.2iJ.the/aH(/ol"Goshen,in which my ppoplerf. 23. 33. they shall not d. in thy land, lest they Z,eo. 25. 16. and ye shall d. in the land in safety 2(3. 5. ye shall eat and d. in your land safely JVum. 13. 19. and what the land is that they 35. 34. defile not the land wherein I d. Deut.1'2. 10. d. in the /a«rf which the L. giveth you 30. 20. that Ihou mayest d. in the land Lord sware Josh. IT. 12. could not drive them out, but tlieCa- naanites would d. in that land, Jiidg. 1. 27. 24. 15. the gods in whose land ye d. Judg. 6. 10. 2 Kiuffs 25. 24. fear not, d. in land, ./tr.25.5. | 40. 9. Psal.'Sd. 3. do good, so shalt thou d. in the land 68. 6. but the rebellious d. in a dry land 85. 9. salvation near,that glory may d. in our laitd Frov. 2. 21. for the upright shall d. in the land Isa. 9. 2. that d. in tlie land of the shadow of death Jer. 23. 8. they shall d. in their own land, 27. 11. 24. 8. that d. in the land of Egypt, 44. 1, 8, 13, 26. 35. 15. ye shall d. in Uie land, £:eA:.3t).28. | 37. 25. 42. 13. if ye say, we will not d. in this land 43. 4. obeyed not L. to d. in the land of Judah,5. 50. 3. make the land desolate,none shall (/.therein Eiek. 28. 25. then shall they d. in their land 38. 12. the people iliatii. in the midst of the land Has. 9. 3. they shall not d. in the Lord's land //aft.2.8.for the violence of land, and all thatd. 17. Ze^A.1.18.makc a riddance of all that the la7id DWELL with place. Exod. 15. 17. in ihe place thou hast made to 1 Sam. 12. 8. and made them to d. in Ibis place 2 Sam. 7. 10. they may d. in a place of their own 2 Kings 6. 1. behold Ihe place where we d.ia strait 2. let us make us a place where we may d. 1 Chron. 17. 9. and they shall d. in \.\\eu place Isa. 57. 15. I d. in the high and holy place Jer. 7. 3. I will cause you to d. in this place, 7. DWELL safely. Frov. 1.33. whoso hearkeneth to me shall d.safely his daysJudah shall be saved and Israel shall d. safely, Ezek. 28. 26. 1 34. 25, 28. | 38. 8. 32. 37. and I will cause them to d. safely Ezek. 38. 11. 1 will go to them at rest that d. safely DWELL in safety. Lev. '25. 18. keep my judgments and do them,and ye shall d. in the land in safety, 19. Deut. 12.10. Deut. 33. 12. beloved of the Lord shall d- in safety 28. Israel then shall d. in safety alone Psal. 4.8.thou,Lord,only makestme to d.insafety DWELL therein. icB.SG. 32. enemies which d. therein be astonished JVum. 14.30. the land I sware to make yoad.thcrein 33. 53. and ye shall d. therein, Deut. 11. 31. Psal. 24. 1. the world and they that d. therein 37. 29. the righteous shall d. therein for ever 69. 36. they that love his name shall d. therein 107. 34. for wickedn. of them that d. th. .Jer. 12. 4. Isa- 24. 6. they that d. th. are desolate, Amos 9. 5. 33. 24. people that d. therein are forgiven iniquity 34.17.from general. shall they d.therein 51. G. they that d. therein shall die in like manner Jer. 4. 29. city forsaken, and not a man d. therein 8. 16. devoured the city, and all that d. therein 12. 4. for the wickedness of them that d. therein 47. 2. overflow the land and them that d. therein 48. 9. the cities desolate without any to d. therein 50.39. the wild beasts and the owls shall d. therein Ezek. 12. 19. the violence of them that d. therein 32. 15. when I shall smite them that d. therein 37. 25. they and their children shall d. therein Mic. 7. 13. desolate, because ofthem that d.therein JVah. 1. 5. yea,the world is burnt, and all that d. th. ^cts 1. 20. his habitation, let no man d. therein DWELL together. Gen. 13. 6. that they might d. together, their sub- stance was great, so that they could notrf. t. 36.7. riches more than that they might d. together Deut. 25. 5. if brethren d. together, and one die Fsal. 133. 1. for brethren to d. together in unity DWELLED. Oen. 13. 7. the Pcrizzite d. then in the land 12. Abram d. in the land of Canaan, Lot d. in cities of the plain, and pitched toward Sodom 20. 1. and Abraham d. between Kadesh and Shur Itntk 1.4. and they d. there about ten years 1 Sam. 12. 11. God delivered vou, and ye d. safe DWELLER. Psal. 69. t 25. let there not be a d. in their tents DWELLERS. Isa. 18. 3. ye d. on earth, see ye, when he lifteth up Acts 1. 19. it was known to the d. at Jerusalem 2.9. thed. in Mesopotamia, we do hear them speak DWELLEST. 7)(!uM2.29.thou succeedestthem theirland 2 Kings 19. 15. 0 Lord God of Israel, which d. be- tween the chcrubims, Psal. 80. 1. Isa. 37. 16. 151 DWE Psal. 123. 1. O thou that d. in the heavens Cant. 8. 13. thou that d. in the gardens /sa. 10. 24. 0 my people that Zion,be not afraid 47. 8. hear now this, thou that d. carelessly Jer. 49. 16. O thou that d. in the clefts, Ubad. 3. 51. 13. O ihou that d. upon many waters /y«;«.4.21.0 daughter of Edom,that land of Uz Ezek. 7. 7. thou that d. in the land, time is come 12. 2. thou d. in the midst of a rebellious house Mic. 1. t 11. pass ye away, thou that d. fairly ZccA. 2. 7. that d. with the daughter of Babylon John 1. 38. they said, Master, where d. thou7 Rev. 2. 13. I know thy works, and where thou d. DWELLETH. Lev. 16. 1 16. the tabernacle that d. among them 19. 34. but the stranger that d. with you shall be 25. 39. if thy brother that d. by thee be poor, 47. Deut. 33. 20. God d. as a lion, and teareth the arm Josh. 6. 25. Rahab d. in Israel even to this day 22. 19. wherein the Lord's tabernacle d. 1 Sam. 4. 4. the ark of covenant of Lord, who d. betwee n cberubims, 2 Sam. 6.2. 1 Chron. 13. 6. 2 Sam. 7. 2. but the ark d. within curtains 1 Chron. 23. f 25. the Lord Jerusalem for ever Job 15. 28. he d. in desolate cities, and in houses 38. 19. where is the way where light d.? 39. 28. she d. and abideth on the rock Psal. 9. 11. sing praises to the Lord w ho d. in Zion 26.8.Lord,I loved the place where thine honourd. 91.1. he that the secret place of the most High 113. 5. who is like the Lord our G.who d. on high? 135. 21. blessed be the Lord who d. at Jerusalem Prov. 3. 29. seeing he d. securely by thee Isa. 8. 18. from the Lord, who d. in mount Zion 33. 5. the Lord is exalted, for he d. on high Jer. 44. 2. are a desolation, and no man d. therein 49. 31. the wealthy nation that d. witl-out care Jam. 1. 3. Judah, she d. among the heathen Ezek. 16. 46. thy younger sister d. at thy right hand 17. 16. where the king d. that made liim king Dan. 2. 22. he revealetli, and the light d. with him Hos. 4. 3. the land shall mourn, and every one that d. therein shall mourn, Jlmos 8. 8. Joel 3.21.1 will cleanse their blood, for L.d. in Zion Mat. 23. 21. swearelh by it and him that d. therein John 6.56.drinketh my blood, d. in me, and I in him 14.10.the Father that d. in me, he doeth the work 17.the Spirit, for he d. in you, and shall he in you Acts 7.48.d.not in temples made with hands, 17.24. Rom. 7. 17. it is no more I, but sin that d. in me, 20. 18. I know that in my flesh d. no good thing 8. 11. shall quicken, by his Spirit that d. in you 1 Cor. 3. 16. and that the Spirit of God d. in you Col. 2. 9. in him d. the fulness of Godhead bodily 2 Tim. 1.14. keep by the Holy Ghost which d. in us .7am. 4. 5. the spirit that d. in us lusteth to envy 2 Pet. 3. 13. a new earth wherein d. righteousness 1 John 3. 17. how d. the love of God in him? 24. that keepeth his commandments, d. in him ,4. 12. if we love one another, God d. in us IS.confess that Jesus is Son of God, God him 16. he that d. in love, d. in God, and God in him 2 John 2. for the truth's sake which d. in us Rev. 2. 13. was slain among you, where Satan d. DWELLING, Substantive. Gcjt.27. 39. thy d. shall be the fatness of the earth 2 Kings 17. 25. at the beginning of their d. there 2 Chr. 6. 2. 1 have built a place for thy d. for ever Ps. 49. 14. shall consume in the grave from their d. 91. 10. nor shall any plague come nigh thy d. Prov. 21. 20. there is oil in the d. of the wise 24. 15. lay not wait against the d. of the righteous ./e?-.49.33.Hazor shall be a d.for dragons and desol. Dan. 2. 11. the gods, whose d. is not with flesh 4. 25. thy d. shall be with the beasts, 32. | 5. 21. JVah. 2. 11. where is the d. of the lions? Mark a. 3. who had his d. among the tombs DWELLING. Gen. 25. 27. Jacob was a plain man, d. in tents 30. t 20. and she called his name, d. Lev. 25. 29. if a man sell a d. house in a city J\rn7n. 24. 21. and he said, strong is thy d. place 1 Kings 8.30.hear thou in heaven,when hearest forgive, 39, 43, 49. 2 Chr. 6. 21, 30, 39. 2 Chr. 30. 27. their prayer came up to his holy.d. 36. 1.5. the Lord had compassion on his d. place Job 8.22.the d. place of the wicked come to nought 21. 28. where are the d. places of the wicked? Psal. 49.11. and their d. places to all generations 52. .5. God shall pluck thee out of thy d. 74. 7. by casting down the d. place of thy name 76. 2. in Salem his tabernacle, liis d. place in Zion 79. 7. for they have laid waste his d. place 90. ]. Ld. Ihou hast been our d. place in all goner. Isa. 4. 5. the Lord will create on every d. place 18. 4. and I will consider in my d. ])laco Ter.G. t2. I likened Zion to a woman d. at home .10. 18. and I will have mercy on his d. places 46.19.0 thou daughter d. in Egypt, furnish thyself 51. 30. have burnt her d. places, bars are broken DWE Jer.51.37.Babylon shall become for drag. Ezek. 6. 6. in all your d. places the cities laid waste 37. 23. I will save ilie,,, out of all their d. places 38.11. all oi them d. without walls, bars, nor gates Joel 3. 17. that I am thv Lord your God d. in Zion nab. 1.6. to possess the (/.places that arc not theirs Z.eph. 3. 7. so their d. should uot be cut oft" Acts 2. 5. there were d. at Jems. Jews, devout men 19. 17. was known to the Greeks, d. at Ephcsus 1 Cor. 4.11. are naked, and have no certain d. place 1 Tim. 6. 16. d. in the light no man can approach Ifeb. 11. 9. d. in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob 2 Pet. 2. 8. Lot, that righteous man, d. among them DWELLINGS. Eiod. 10. 23. all the children of Isr. had light in d. Lev. 3. 17. it shall be a perpetual statute through- __ out all your d. 23. 14. J^um. 35. 29. /. 2b. ye shall eat no blood in any of your d. 23. 3. ye shall do no work in all your d. 31. Job 18. 19. shall not have any remaining in his d. 21. surely such are the d. of the wicked 39. 6. I have made the barren land his d. Psal. 55. 15. for wickedness is in their d. 87. 2. gates of Zion, more than all the d. of Jacob Isa. 32. 18. my people shall dwell in sure d. Jer. 9. 19. because our d. have cast us out Ezek. 25. 4. men of the east make their thee Zeph. 2. 6. the sea-coast shall be d. for shenherds DWELT. Gen. 11. 2. and they d. there, 31. | 26. 17. ^ Kings 16. 6. 1 Chron. 4. 43. 2 Chron. 28. 18. 23. 10. Ephron d. among the children of Heth Lev.iS. 3. the doings ofEgypt wherein ye d.not do J\rum. 31. 10. wherein they d. 2 Kings 17. 29. 1 Kings 13. 11. d. an old prophet in Beth-el, 25. Job 29. 25. and I d. as a king in the army Psal. 74. 2. this mount Zion wherein thou hastd. Isa. 29. 1. woe to Ariel, the city where David d. Jer. 2. 6. led us through a land where no man d. 39. 14. so Jeremiah d. among the people Ezek. 3. 15. that d. by the river of Chebar 31. 6. under his shadow d. great nations, 17. 37. 25. the lands wherein your fathers have d. Dan. 4. 21. under which the beasts of the field d. Zfj9A.2.15.this is the rejoicing city that d. carelessly Luke 1. 65. fear came on all that d. round about Jo/nil. 14.the Word was made flesh andd.amongus 39. they came and saw where he d. and abode Acts 13. 17. when they d. as strangers in Egypt 22. 12. Ananias having good report of all that d. 28. 30. Paul d. two years in his own hired house Rev. 11. 10. tormented them that d. on the earth DWELT at. Gen. 22. 19. and Abraham d. at Beer-sheba JV«7H.21.34.Amor. which d. at Hesbbon, Deut. 3.2. Judg. 9. 41. and Ahimelech d. at Arumah lirrin^sl5.18.Benhadadd.aeut. 2.10. Emims (/.tA.I|20. giants rf.^A.m old time 1 KinMic5. 24. 10. 34. think not I am come to send peace on c. Ifi. 19. whatsoever thou shall bind one. 18. 18. 18. 19. Teay, that if two of you shall agree one. 23.9. and call no man vour father upon the e. \ 155 EAR Mat. 23.35. all the righteous blood shed upon the e. Mark 9. 3. so as no fuller on e. can white them I^ke 2. 14. glory to God in the highest, on e. peace 6. 49. like a man that built a house upon thee. 12. 49. 1 am come to send lire on the e. 51.8uppose ye that I am come to give peace ojm;.? 18. 8. the Son cometh, shall he find faith on e.l 21.26. for the things which are coming on the e.l John 17. 4. I have glorified thee on the c. Rom. 9. 28. a short work will the Lord make ore e. Col. 3. 2. set your affection not on things on the e. 5. mortify your members which are upon the e. //c4.8.4.if hewere on the e.he should not be a priest 11.13. and confessed they were strangers on the e. 12. 25. who refused him that spake on e. Jam. 5. 5. ye have lived in pleasure on the e. 17. it rained not on the e. for three years Rev. 3. 10. to try them that dwell upon the e. 5. lO.made us kings and priests, we shall reign on e. 6.10.avenge our blood on them that dwell on thee. 7. 1. that the wind should not blow on the e. 8. 7. hail, and fire, and they were cast upon the e. 10. 8. in hand of angel which standeth upon the e. 11. 10. dwell on the e. \ 13. 8, 14. | 14. 6. 1 17. 8. 14. 16. and he thrust in his sickle on the e. 16. 2. the first poured out his vial upon the e. 18. 24. the blood of all that were slain upon the e. Out of the EARTH. 1 Sam. 28. 13. I saw gods ascending out of the e. 2 .Saw. 23. 4. as tender grass springing out of the c. Job 8. 19. and out of the e. shall others grow 28. 2. iron is taken out of thee, and brass molten 5. as for the e. Oiit of it cometh bread Psal. 85. 11. truth shall spring out of the c. 104. 14. that he may bring food out of the c. 35. let the sinners bo consumed out of the e. Dan.7. 17. four kings, which shall arise out of the e. Has. 2. 18. I will break the battle out of the e. Mic. 7. 2. the good man is perished out of the e. Reo. 13. 11. another beast coming-up out of thee. To, or, unto the EARTH. f?fn.24.52.he worshipped, bowing himself to the e. 37. 10. to bow down ourselves to thee, to thee. 42. 6. they bowed themselves to the e. 43. 26. 48. 12. he bowed himself with his face to the e.. Josh. 5. 14. Joshua fell on his face to the e. 7. 6. 1 Ham. 5. 3. Dagon was fallen on his face to the e. 17. 49. Goliath fell on his face to the e. 24. 8. David stooped with his face to the e. 25. 41. she bowed herself «o the e. 1 Kings 1.31. 26. 8. let me smite him, I pray thee, to the e. 20. therefore let not my blood fall to the e. 2 Sam. 1. 2. when he came to David he fell to the e. 14. 11. not one hair shall fall to the e. 1 Kings 1. 52. 2A7n;T4-10.10.fall to the e. nothing of the word of L. 2Chron. 20. 24. were dead bodies fallen to the c. .Job 12. 8. or speak to the e. it shall teach thee Psal. 17. 11. set their eyes, bowing down to the c. 44. 25. for our belly cleaveth unto the e. 50. 4. he shall call to the e. that he may judge 146.4. his breath goeth forth, he returneth to the e. Ecel.'i. 21. the spirit of beast that goeth to the e. 12. 7. then shall the dust return to the e. Isa. 8. 22. and they shall look unto the e. 0.1. 6. 1 will bring down their strength to the e. Jer. 15. 10. a man of contention to the whole e. Hos. 6. 3. as the latter and former rain to thee. Luke 24. 5. and bowed down their faces to the c. Acts 9. 4. Saul fell to the e. and heard a voice 10. 11. as a great sheet, and let down to the e. 26. 14. and when we were all fallen to the e. Rev. 6. 13. and the stars of heaven fell to the e. 12.4.drew the stars, and did not cast them to thee. 13. when the dragon saw he was cast unto the e. EARTHEN. Lev. 6. 28. the e. vessel wherein it was sodden 11. 33. the c. vessel whereunto any of thorn falleth 14. 5. one of the birds killed in an e. vessel, 50 J^um. .5. 17. priest shall take holy water in c. vessel 2 Sam. 17. 28. brought beds, basins, and e. vessels .Ter. 19. 1. go and get a potter's c. bottle 32. 14. put these evidences in an e. vessel Lam. 4. 2. how are they esteemed as e. pitchers 2 Cor. 4. 7. we have this treasure in e. vessels EARTHLY. John^. 12. if I have told you e. things, believe not 31. he that is of the earth is c speaks of earth 2Cor. 5. l.ifoure. house of tabern. were dissolved Phil. 3. 19. many walk, who mind e. things Jam. 3. 15. this wisdom is e. sensual, devilish EARTHY. 1 Cor. 15. 47. the first man is of the earth, e. 48. as is the e. such are they also that are e. 49. and as we have borne the imago of the c. EARTHaUAKE. The seripture speaks of several natural earth- quakes. One of the most remarkable, is that ichich was in the twenty-seventh year of Uz- ziah, king of Judah. There is mention of thisl earthquake TO Amos 1.1. andin Zech. 14. 5. Jo-1 EAS sephus says, that this earthquake icas so vio- lent, as to divide a mountain in haloes, which lay to the west of Jerusalem, and moved one part of it from its place four furlongb, or five hundred paces. Another very memorable earthquake, was that at the time of our Saviour's crucifixion, Mat. 27. 51. Many have been of opinion, that this mo- tion was perceived by all the world. Others maintain, that it was sensible only in Judea, or even in the temple, the gates whereof were shaken, and the vail rent asunder. It must have been attended with very terrible circum- stances, since the centurion, and t/iey who were with him, were so affected with it, and were in- duced by it to acknowledge the injustice of our Saviour's condemnation, Mat. 27. 54. An Earthquake is a great shaking, or trembling of the earth, or of some parts of it, Amos 1. J . Great alterations and changes are expressed in scripture by a shaking of the earth, lleb. 12. 26. The delivering of the Israelites out of Egypt is called a moving, or shaking, of the earth, Psal. 68. 8. And an extraordinary and unexpected alteration in the state of affairs, civil or ecclesiastical, is represented by a great earthquake. Rev. 6. 12. and 16. 18. 1 Kings 19. 11. after the wind, an e.L.was not in e. 12. afler the c. afire, the Lord was not in the fire Isa. 29. G. thou .shall be visited of the Lord with e. Amos 1. 1. which he saw two years before the e. Zech. 14. 5. like as ye fled from before the e. Mat. 27. 54. now when the centurion saw the e. 28. 2. behold, there was a great c. the angel of Iho Lord came, ActslO.HG. Rev.G. 12. | 11.13. Rev. 8. 5. there were 19. 16. 18. a great e. so mighty an e. and so great EARTHaUAKES. JUat.24. 7. there shall be famines, pestilences, and e. in divers places, Mark 13.8. LukcUl.lL EASE. Deut. 28. 05. among nations shall thou find no e. Judg. 20.43. they trod the Benjamites down with e. Job 12. 5. in (he thought of him that is at e. 16. 12. 1 was at c. II 21. 23. dielh, being wholly at e. Ps. 25. 13. his soul shall dwell at e. his seed iidierit 123. 4. with the scorning of those that are at e. Prov. 1. 1 32. the e. of the simple shall slay them Isa. 32. 9. rise up, ye women that are at e. 11. tremble, ye women that are at e. be troubled Jer. 46. 27. Jacob shall return, and be in rest, ate. 48. 11. Moab hath been at e. from his youth 49. t31. gi't you up to the nation that is at e. Kick. 23. 42. a voice of a multitude being at e. Amos 6. 1. woe to them that are at e. in Zion Zech. 1. 15. 1 am sore displeased with heathen at e. Liike 12. 19. take thine e. eat, drink, and be merry EASE. Deut. 23. 13. when thou wilt e. thyself abroad 2 Chron. 10. 4. e. thou somewhat the yoke, 9. Job 7. 13. my conch shall e. my complaint Isa. 1. 24. ah, I will e. me of mine adversaries 38.tl4. O Lord, I am oppressed, e. me EASED. .lob 16. 6. and though I forbear, what am I e.7 2 Cor. 8. 13. that other men be e. and ye burthened EASEMENT. Judg.2.\)ii. hedoeth his e. in his summer-chamber EASIER. Exod. 18.22. so shall it bee. for thyself, shall bear Mat. 9. 5. whether is e. to say, thy sins be forgiven thee, or to say, arise, Mark 2. 9. I^uke 5. 23. 19.24. it is f. for a camel to go thro' the eye of nee- dle, than a rich man, Mark 10. 2.5. Luke 18. 25. Z-!//i:(!l6. is e. for heaven and earth to pass,lhan EASILY. 1 Cor.13.5. charity is not e.provoked, thinks no evil Heb.Vi.l. lay aside the sin which doth so e.besot us EAST. The Hebrews express the exist, west, north, and south, by words which signify, before, behind, left, and right, according to the situation of a man, with his face turned towards the east. By the east, Ihey describe frequently not only Ara- bia Deserta,and the lands of Moab and Airimnn, which lay to the east o/ Palestine; but Assyria Z//iCM?sc,Mesopotamia,Babylonia, and Chalden, which lie rather to the north than to the east of Judea. It issaid, in Gen. 11. 1, 2. that the sons of Noah having but one language, departed from the east, and came into U^eUni of Shinar. Hereupon some difficulties have been raised ; for the land of Shinar is not to the west of Ax menia, where the ark rested; and Armenia does not lie to theemi o/ Babylonia, where the land o/ Shinar was. On tkc contrary, it is tn the north of this country. Interpreters and Commentators, to disengage themselves out of these perplexities, have imagined different er- planatiovs of this passage. EAS Some, by the Hebrew word Kedem, or, East, Aaue understood the country which was afterwards peopled by Keduiuali, the youngest son o/Ish- mael. Others, that Kedem was used fur, At the beginning; uinl that Moses intended to describe the particular time at which the first men de- parted after the deluge, in order to spread themselves into different countries. Others, that Moses spoke according to the custom of the Assyrians, who called all the provinces of their empire which were situated beyond the Ti- gris, Kedem, or East; and those on this side the same river, the West, or Arab. Others, instead of, they departed or journeyed from the east. translate, they departed to go towards the east Caltuet says, that it appears to him from a great number of places in the Old and even in the JVew Testament, that the sacred Writers call- ed the provinces which were beyond tAe Tigris and Euphrates, even Mesopotamia, Armenia, and Persia, Kedem, or the East. Moses, who had been bred up in Egypt, and lived long in Arabia, in this likewise might probably follow the custom of the country. It is certain, says he, that Babylonia, Chaldea, Susiana, Persia, and apart of Mesopotamia, as well as the ri- vers of Euphrates and Tigris, for the greatest part of their course areto the east of Palestine, Egypt, and Arabia. He adds, that it is farther certain, that the peo- ple who came from Armenia, Syria, Media, and Upper Mesopotamia, entered Palestine and Egypt from the east-side, which was sufficient for the Hebrews to say, that these people lay to the east, with respect to them. He proves by the foUowingpassages, that these countries were known among the Hebrews by the name of East. In Num. 23. 7. Balaam says, that Balalc, king of Moab, had brought him from the mountains of the east; that is,fromPelbot upon the Euphrates. Isaiah says, ch. 41. 2. that Abraham came from the east into the land of Canaan : And it is known that he came from Mesopotamia and Chaldea. The same prophet says, that Cyrus should come from the east against Babylon, Isa. 46. 11. He places Syria to the east of Judea. St. Matthew says, that the wise men, who came to worship Christ, set out from the east. Mat. 2. 1. All this, says he, demonstrates, that in the scrip- ture style, the East is often used for the pro- vinces which lie to the Jforth of Judea and Egypt., from whence, however, people generally enter Palestine by the way only of Damascus, which is to the north-east of this country. The East is the first of the four cardinal points of the horizon, where the sun is seen to rise when in the equinoctial. Gcn.3.24.God placed at the e.of the garden of Eden 12. 8. Abraham removed to a mountain on the e. 13. 11. Lot chose the plain, and journeyed e. 28. 14. thou shall spread abroad to the west and e. 29. 1. came into the land of the people of the e. JV«)«. 3. 38. but those that encamp toward the e. 23. 7. Balak hath brought me out of the e. Judg. 6. 3. the children of the e. came up against them, 33. ] 7. 12. | 8. 10. 1 Kings 4. 30. 1 Kings 7.25.three looking toward the e. 2 Chr. 4.4. 1 Chron. 9. 24. the porters toward the e. west, north, and south 12. 15. they put to flight them toward the e. Job 1. 3. the greatest of all the men of the e. Psal. 75. 6. promotion coincth not from e. nor west 103. 12. as far as the e. is from the west 107. 3. he gathered them from the e. and west Isa. 2. 6. because they be replenished from the e. 11. 14. they shall spoil them of the e. .Ter. 49. 28. 41.2. who raised up the righteous man from the e. 43. 5. I will bring thy seed from the e. Zech. 8. 7. 46. 11 . calling a ravenous bird from the e. the man Eiek.Q. 16. men 25, with their faces toward thee, 25. 4. 1 will deliver thee to the men of the e. 10. 40. 6. then came he to the gate which looketh toward the e. 22. | 43. 1. \ 44. 1. |46. 1, 12. 43.2. the glory of God came from the way of the e. 47. 8. these waters issue out toward the e. country 43. 10. toward the e. ten thousand in breadth 17. the suburbs of the city toward the e. 250. Dan. 8. 9. the horn waxed great toward the e. 11. 44. tidings out of the e. shall trouble him .Toel. 2. 20. I will drive him toward the e. sea Amos 8. 12. they shall wander from north to e. 7.ech. 14. 4. the mount shall cleave toward the e. Mat. 2. 1. there came wise men from the e. 2. for we have seen his star in the e. 9. 8. 11. many come from e. and west, Luke 13.29. 24. 27. as lightning cometh out of the e. Itfv. 7. 2. another angel ascending from the e. Ifi. 12. the way of kings of e. might be prepared 21. 13. on the e. three gates, on Iho north three 156 EAT EAST-BORDER. J^um. 34. 10. and ye shall point out your e.-border Josh. 4. 19. encamped in the e.-border of Jericho 15.5.the e. - b or dcrw as the salt sea to end of Jordan Ezek. 45. 7. from the west-border to the e.-border 48. 21. of the oblation toward the e.-border EASTER. Acts 12. 4. intending after e. to bring hira forth EAST-GATE. M'eh. 3. 29. Shemaiah, the keeper of the e.-gate Jer. 19. 2. which is by the entry of the e.-gate Ezek. 10.19. every onestoodat thedoorof thee.-n-. 11. 1. the Spirit brought me unto the e.-gate EAST-SIDE. Exod. 27.13. the breadth of the court on the e.-side JVum. 2. 3. and on the e.-side shall Judah pitch Josh. 7. 2. to Ai, which is on the e.-side of Bethel 16. 5. the border of their inheritance on the e.-side Judg. 11. 18. came by e.-side of the land of Moab Ezek. 11.23. the mountain on the e.-side of the city 42. 16. he measured the e.-side with the reed 48. 2. from the e.-side even the west-side, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Jonah 4. 5. Jonah sat on the e.-side of the city EASTWARD. Gen.13.14. lift up thine eyese.and look, Deut.3.27. 2Kings 13. 17. open the window e.and he opened it 1 Chr. 26. 17. e. were si.\ Levites, northward four Ezek. 47. 3. the man with the line went forth e. EAST-WIND. thin ears, blasted with the e.-icmd,23,27. Exod. 10. 13. the Lord brought an e.-wind, 14. 21. Job 15. 2. and fill his belly with the e.-wind 27. 21. e.-wind carrieth him away, he departeth 38.24. which scattereth the e.-wind upon the earth Psal. 48. 7. thou breakest the ships with an e.-wind 78. 26. he caused an e.-wind to blow in heaven Isa. 27. 8. he stayeth his rough wind in day o(e.-w. .Ter. 18. 17. I will scatter them as with an e.-wind Ezek. 17. 10. wither, when the e.-wind toucheth it 19. 12. and the e.-wind drieth up her fruit 27. 26. the e.-wind hath broken thee in the seas Hos. 12. 1. Ephraim foUoweth after the e.-icind 13.15.though he be fruitful, an e.-wind shall come Jonah 4. 3. God prepared a vehement e.-wind Hub. 1. 9. their faces shall sup up as the e.-wind EASY. Prov.\i. 6. knowledge is e. to him that understands Mat. 11. 30. my yoke is e. my burden is light lCor.l4.9.e.\ceptye utter words e. to be understood Jam. 3. 17. wisdom from above is e. to be intreated EAT. To eat signifies, [1] To chew meat with the teeth, to make it fit to enter the stomach. Gen. 27. 4. [2J To enjoy, Isa. 1. 19. [3] To waste, or con- sume, Eccl. 5. 11. [4] To oppress and undo, Psal. 14. 4. [5] To believe, John 6. 56. [6] To have fellowship with, 1 Cor. 5. 11. [7] To feed on God's word, Isa. 55. 1. [8] To feast, Isa. 22. 13. [9] To do the will of Ood with delight, John 4. 32. /( is said in Ezek. 3. 1, Son of man, eat that thou findest, eat this roll. Read attentively,meditate thoroughly, impress the things upon thy soul deeply. So in Jer. 15. 16, Thy words were found, and I did eat them. In John 6. 53, 56. our Saviour says. Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Except ye par- take of those benefits which I purchased by my sufferings in my human nature, ye have no spiritual life, nor communion with God, but continue in your sins, and shall not partake of eternal life. Again : He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. There is an intimate union and com- munion between us, he having a constant dc- pendance upon me for life, which is his dwell- ing in me ; and I giving out a constant influ- ence and quickening virtue to make him live, which is my dwelling in him. And in John 4. 32. he says, I have meat to eat which ye know not of. I have something to do which I prefer before bodily food, namely, to bring these Samaritans to believe in and own me for the true Messiah. The Psalmist says, Psal. 69. 9, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up : That ferventpassion which I have for thy house, and service, and glory, and people, hath exhausted my natural moisture and vital spirits. The Apostle charges the Corinthians not to eat with a bro- ther that is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater ; not to entertain any unnecessary fa- miliarity with him, ICor. 5. 11. liosea, speak- ing of the priests, says. They eat up the sin of my people, Hos. 4. 8. They feast upon, and pamper themselves with those sacrifices which my people offer for their sins, and are greedy after them, and do neither desire nor endeavour EAT to reclaim the people, lest thereby their gain should be diminished. The ancient Hebrews did not eat indifferently with all sorts of persons ; they would have pol- luted and dishonoured themselves in their own opinion, if they had eaten with people of an- other religion, or of a profession that was odious and in disrepute. In the patriarch Jo- seph's time they neither ate with the Egyptians, nor the Egyptians with them, Gen.43.32. In our Saviour's time they did not eat with the Sama- ritans : For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans, John 4. 9. And the Jews were very much scandalized to see that Christ made no scruple of eating with publicans and sin- ners: Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners'? Mat. 9. 11. As there were seve- ral sorts of meats, the use whereof was not al- lowed them, they could not conveniently eat with those who partook of them, for fear of contracting some pollution by touching them, or lest by accident any part of them should fall upon them. Before they sit down to table, they are very careful to jcash their hands : they speak of this practice as a ceremony that is essential and strictly obliging. Gen. 2. 16. of every tree thou mayest freely e. 3. 5. in the day ye e. your eyes shall be opened 6. Eve took and did e. || 12. and I did c. 13. 14. and dust shalt thou e. all the days of thy life 17. in sorrow shalt thou e. of it all days of thy life 18. 8. he stood by the angels, and they did e. 19. 3. 27. 4. savoury meat, bring it to me, that I may «. 31. 46. and they did e. there upon the heap 40. 17. the birds did c. them out of the basket 43. 1 16. these men shall e. with me at noon 32. for the Egyptians did e. by themselves Exod.W.5. the locusts shall e. every tree that grow. 12. the locusts may e. every herb of the land 12.8.roast with fire,with bitter herbs they shall 16. no work done, save that which every man e. 43. no stranger shall e. thereof, 48. Lev. 22. 13. 44. when circumcised, then shall he e. thereof 16. 25. e. that to-day, for to-day is a sabbath to L. 35. the children of Isr. did e. manna forty years, till came to borders of Canaan, John 6.31,49,58. 23. 11. that the poor of thy people may e. 29. 32. Aaron and sons shall e. Lev. 6. 16. 1 8. 31. 34. 15. one call thee, and thou e. of his sacrifice Lev. 6. 18. males shall e. it, 29. | 7. 6. JV«»n. 18. 10. 26. the priest that offereth it for sin shall e. it 7.19. all that be clean shall e. thereof, JVum. 18.11. 24. any other use, but ye shall in no wise e. of it. 10. 12. e. it without leaven beside the altar 11. 21. yet these ye may e. 22. Deut. 14. 20. 24. 9. Aaron and his sons shall e. in the holy place 25. 20. if ye say, what shall we e. the seventh year 26. 16. shall sow in vain, your enemies shall e. it J^m. 11. 5. we remember the fish we did e. freely 13. weep, saying, give us flesh, that we may e. 23.24. he shall not lie down till he c. of the prey 25. 2. the peo. did e. of their sacrifices, and bowed Deut. 2. 6. ye shall buy meat of them that ye may e. 12. 15. e. in thy gates, 21. | 15. 22. | 26. 12. 15. the unclean and clean may e. 22. ] 15. 22. 18. thou must e. before the Lord, 14. 26. 1 15. 20. 20. shalt say, I will e. flesh, thou mayest e. flesh 14. 21. give it to the stranger that he may e. 20. 6. lest he die, and another man e. of it 23. 24. then thou mayest e. grapes thy fill 28. 39. not gather grapes, for worms shall e. thera .53. shall e. fruit of thine own body, iam.2. 20. .32. 38. which did e. the fat of their sacrifices Josh. 5. 11. they did e. of the old corn of the land 24. 13. of the vineyards ye planted not do ye e. Judg. 19. 8. they tarried, and did e. both of them 1 Sam. 1. 18. H.annah did e. and was no more sad 9. 13. and afterwards they e. that be bidden 14. 34. and e. and sin not against the Lord 20. 34. Jonathan did e. no meat the second day 28. 22. and e. that thou mayest have strength 2 Sam. 9. 11. he shall e. at my table, 1 Kings 2. 7. 1 Kings 14. 11. him that dieth of Jeroboam shall the dogs e. 16. 4. | 21. 23. 2 Kings 9. 10, 36. 17.12. for me andmyson, that we may e. and die 19. 5. the angel said, arise and e. Acts 10. 1.3. I 11. 7. ^ Kings 4. 43. they shall e. and leave thereof 44. they did e.and left thereof, according to word 6.28. this woman said, give thy son that wo maye. him to-day, and we will e. my son to-morrow 29. so we boiled my son, and did e. him 18. 31. ye c. every man of his own vine, Isa. .36.16. 2 Chron. 30. 18. yet did they e. the passover Ezra 6. 21. and the children of Israel did e. JVeA. 5. 2. take up corn, that we may c. and live 9. 25. so they did e. and were filled, Psal. 78. 29. Job. 3. 24. for my sighing cometh before I e. 31. 8. then let me sow, and let another e. Psal. 22. 26. the meek shall e. and be satisfied EAT Psal. 22. 29. all they that be fat on earth shall c. 50. 13. will I e. the flesh of bulls, or drink blood 78. 25. man did e. angels' food, he sent them meat ]-i8. 2. thou shalt e. the labour of thine hands frov. 1.31. e. the fruit of their own way, Isa. 3. 10. 13. 2. but the soul of transgressors shall e. violence 18. 21. and they that love it shall e. the fruit 24. 13. my son e. thou honey, because it is good 27. 18. whoso keepeth fig-tree shall «. fruit thereof 30. 17. the eye, and the young eagles shall c. it Keel. 2. 25. for who can e. or hasten more than 1 7 5. U.goods increase they are increased that e.them 12. sleep is sweet, whether he e. little or much 10. Ii3. and thy princes c. in the morning 17. blessed, when thy princes e. in duo season Ca7it. 4.1 1- as a flock of goats that c. of Gilead lo.come into his garden and e.his pleasant fruits Isa. 4. 1. we will e. our own bread, and wear our own apparel 7. 15. butter and honey shall e. that he may know 22. butter and honey shall every one e. that is left 9. 20. e. on the left hand, e. the flesh of his arm 11. 7. the lion shall e. straw like the ox, 65.25. 30. 24. o.\en and asses shall e. clean provender 37. 30. BOW ye and reap, plant vineyards, and e. the fruit thereof, 65. 2) . Jer. 29. 5, 28. 51. 8. and the worm shall e. them Uke wool 55. 1. come ye, buy and e. yea, come, buy wine 2. hearken to me, and e. that which is good C2. 9. they that have gathered it shall e. it 65. 4. a people which e. swine's flesh and broth 13. my servants shall e. but ye shall be hungry 22. they shall not plant and another e. 16. thy words were found, and I did e. them 19. 9. shall e. every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness Kzek. 2. 8. open thy mouth and e. that I give thee 3. l.son of man, e. that thou fiudest, e. this roll 4. 10. e. by weight || 5. 10. fathers shall e. sons 16. 13. thou didst e. fine flour, and honey, and oil 22. 9. and in thee they e. upon the mountains 34. 3. ye e. the fat, and clothe you with the wool JOan. 4. 33. Nebuchadnezzar did e. grass as o.\en Has. 4. 10. for they shall c. and not have enough, they shall not increase, Mic. 6. 14. Hag. 1. 6. 9. 3. they shall e. unclean things in Assyria 4. all that e. thereof shall be polluted .Amos 6. 4. thate. the lambs out of the flock JUic. 3. 3. who also e. the flesh of my people Z.eck. 1 1. 9. let the rest e. every one flesh of another 16. but he shall e. the flesh of the fat and tear Jifat. 12. 4. how David did e. the shew-bread 14. 20. did all e. and were filled, took up frag- ments, 15. 37. Mark 6. 42. | 8. 8. Luke 9. 17. 15. 27. yet the dogs e. of the crumbs, Alark 7. 28. 38. they that did e. were 4000, besides women 26. 21. and as they did e. he said, Mark 14. 18, 22. 26. Jesus took bread, brake it, and said, take e. this is my body, Mark 14. 22. 1 Cor. 11. 24. Marks. 16. when they saw him e. with publicans 6. 44. tliey that did e. were above 5000 men 11. 14. no man c. fruit of thee hereafter for ever 14.12. where go and prepare that thou mayest e. the passover ? 14. Luke'H. 8, 11. .hknK. 28. T^uke 6. 1. and did e. rubbing them in their hands 7. :J6. one desired him that he would e. with him 10. 8. c. such things as are set before you 1.5. 23. killed fatted calf, let us e. and be merry 24. 43. he took it, and did e. before them John 4. 31. disciples prayed him, saying. Master e. C. 2fi. because ye did e. of loaves and were filled 50. that a man may e. thereof and not die 53. except ye e. the flesh of the Son of Man Jlets 2. 46. they did e. their meat with gladness 11. 3. thou wentest in and didst e. with them 23. 14. we will e. nothing till we have slain Paul Horn. 14. 2. one believeth he may e. all things 23. be that doubteth is damned if ho e. 1 Cor. 8.7. for some c. it as a thing offered to an idol 8. neither if we e. are we the better, if we e. not 13. I will e. no flesh while the world standeth 10. 3. and did all e. the same spiritual meat 18. who e. of the sacrifices, partakers of the altar 25. whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that e. 27. e. asking no question for conscience sake 11. 34. if any man hunger, let him e. at home ZThess.Z. 10. if any work not, neither should hoc. 2Tjm. 2. 17. their word will e. as doth a canker Jam. 5. 3. and shall e. your flesh as it were fire liev. 17. 16. shall c. her flesh, and burn her with fire 19. 18. that ye may c. flesh of kings and captains See Bi,ooD, Bread, Fat. EAT with drink. Gen. 24. 54. and they did e. and drink, 26. 30. Ezod. 24. 11. .Jvdg. 9. 27. 1 19. 4. Exod. 32. 6. sat down to e. and drink, 1 Qir. 10. 7. 34.28. nor e. bread, nor drink water, Deut. 9.9,18. ISam.SO.ll.Egyptiansdide.bread SLXiidrink water EAT 2 Sam. 19. 35. can thy servant taste what I e. or d.? 1 Kings 1. 25. they e. and drink before Adonijah 13. 8. 1 will not e. bread nor drink water, 9. 17, 22. 16. neither will I e. bread nor dri7ik water 18. 41. Elijah said, get thee up, e. and drink 2 Kings 6.22. set bread, that they may e. and drink 7. 8. they went into one tent and did e. and drink 18. 27. e. own dung and drink piss, Isa. 30. 12. 1 Chr. 29. 22. and did e. and drink before the Lord 2 ChroH. 28. 15. and gave them to e. and to drink Ezra 10. 6. Ezra did e. no bread nor driiik water JVeA. 8. 10. go your way, e. the fat and drink sweet Esth. 4. 16. fast for me, nor e. nor drink three days .Job 1. 4. called sisters to e. and drink with them Prov. 23. 7. so is he, c. and drink, saith he to thee Eecl. 2. 24. there is nothing better than that he should e. and drink, 3. 13. | 5. 18. | 8. 15. Cant.5. 1. e. O friends, yea, drink abundantly Isa. 21. 5. e. drink, ye princes, anoint the shield 22. 13. behold joy and gladness, let us e. and drink, for to-morrow we shall die, 1 Cor.15.32. .Ter. 22. 15. did not thy father e. and drink ? Ezck. 25. 4. shall e. thy fruit and drink thy milk 39. 17. that ye may e. flesh and drink blood Dan. 1. 12. give us pulse to e. and water to drink Zeeh. 7. 6. when ye did e. and when ye did drink Mat. 6. 25. what ye shall e. or d. 31. Luke 12. 29. 24.49. to e. and drink with drunken, Luke 12. 45. Luke .5. 30. why do yo e. and d. with publicans ? 33. John's disciples fast, but thy disciples e.and d. 12. 19. take thine ease, e. drink, and be merry 17. 8. and afterward thou shalt e. and drink 27. they did e. they drank, they married, 28. 22. 30. that ye may e. and drink at my table Jicts 9. 9. Saul three days did neither e. nor drink 23. 12. e. nor drink till they had killed Paul, 21. Rum. 14. 21. neither to e. flesh nov drink wine 1 Cor. 9. 4. have we not power to e. and to drinki 10.31. whether therefore ye e.or (frmAr,or whatever 11. 22. have ye not houses to e. and drink in 1 26. as oft. as ye e. this bread and drink this cup 27. whosoever shall e. and drink unworthily 28. and so let him e. and drink of that cup He did EAT. Qen. 3. 6. Eve gave to her husband, and he did e. 25.28.1oved Esau, because he did e. of his venison 27. 25. he brought it near to Isaac, and he did e. 39. 6. he knew not ought, save the bread he did e. l.Sam.30.11.gave the Egyptians bread, and he dide. 2 Sam. 9. 13. he did e. continually at his table 12. 20. they set bread before him, and he did c. Mark 1. 6. John did e. locusts and wild honey Luke 4. 2. and in those days he did c. nothing Qal. 2. 12. for before he did e. with the Gentiles EAT not. Oen. 2. 17. but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not e. of it, 3. 1, 3. 3. 11. whereof I commanded thee not to e. 17. 9. 4. the blood thereof shall you Mot e. //Cu. 19.26. Deut. 12. 16, 23, 24, 25. ] 15. 23. 24. 33. I will not e. till I have told my errand 32. 32. the children of Israel e- not of the sinew 43.32.theEgyplians might not e. with the Hebrews Exod. 12. 9. e. not of it raw, nor sodden at all 45. a foreigner shall not e. thereof, 29. 33. Lev. 11.4. these shall ye not c. Deut. 14. 3, 7. 22. 4. a leper not e. of the holy things, 6. 10, 12. 8. that torn he shall not e. to defile himself JViim. 11. 19. ye shall not e. one day, or two days Deut. 14. 21. ye shall not e. of any thing that dieth of itself, shaltgive it to stranger, Ezck. 44. 31. 28. 31. 0.X be slain, and thou shalt not e. thereof .lurlg. 13. 4. and e. not any unclean thing, 7. 14. 1 Sam. 1. 7. therefore she wept and did not e. 9. 13. for the people will iiot c. till he come 28. 23. Saul refused, and said, I will not e. 2 Kings 4. 40. and they could not e. thereof 7.2. shaltsee it with thy eyes, but 7iot e. thereof, 19. Ezra 2. 63. not e. of most holy things, J^Tch. 7. 65, Psal. 141. 4. and let me not e. of their dainties Prov. 23.6. e. not bread of him that hath an evil eye Ezek. 24.17. cover not lips, and e. not bread of men Mark 7. 3. Jews, except they wash, they e. not, 4 J^ukc 22. 16. I will not e. thereof, until fulfilled 1 Cor. 5. 11. with .such a one no not to c. 8. 8. neither if we e. not are wo the worse 10. 28. c. not for his sake that shewed it Shall ye EAT. Exod. 12. 11. thus shall ye c. it, with loins girded 15. seven days shall ye e. unleavened bread, 20. 22. 31. nor shall ye c. flesh torn of beasts Z,cu. 10.14. wave-breast shall ye e.\nsl(•^Ka.r\ place 11.3.chcweth the cud,that .thall ye e. 7?ctt«. 14.4,0. 9. these shall ye e. of all that are in the waters 19. 25. in the fifth year shall ye e. of the fruit 26. 29. the flesh of your daughters shall ye e. Deut. 14. 9. all that have fins and scales shall ye e. Ye shall EAT. 2Sam.ll.ll. shall I go to my house to e. a.nddrink?\ Oen. 45. 18. and ye shall e. the fat of the land 12. 3. it did e. of his meat and drink of his cup | Ezod.\2.\ 1 . ye shall e. it in haste, Lord's passover 157 EAT Exod.l'2.18. first month at even y.s.e. unleav. bread 16.12.saying, at even ye shall e. flesh, and in morn. Lev. 1. '23. ye shall e. no manner of fat, 24. 26. ye shall e. no manner of blood, 17. 14. 10. 13. and ye shall e. it in the holy place 23. 14. ye shall e. neither bread nor parched corn shall e.the increase thereof out of the field 19. ye shall e. your fill, and dwell in safety 22. ye shall e. of the old store, 26. 10. 26. 20. and ye shall e. and not be satisfied 29. ye shall e. the flesh of your sons and daugh. JVitm. 11.18. the L. will give flesh, and ye shall e. 18.31. and ye shall every place,and households Deut. 12. 7.the\(iyeshalle. before Lord your God 14. 11. of all clean birds ye shall e. 1 Sam. 9. 19. go up, for ye shall e. with me to-day 2 Kings 19. 29. this shall be a sign, ye shall e. this year such things as grow themselves, Isa. 37.30. /sa.1.19. if obedient ye shall e. the good of the land shall e.the riches of the their glory Ezek. 39. 19. ije shall e. fat till ye be full Joel 2. 26. ye shall e. in plenty, and be satisfied Z,ii/cel2.22.take no tlwught v/haxye shall e.nor put To EAT. JEiod.l6.8.Lord shall give you in evening flesh to e. JVmot. 11. 4. said, who shall give us flesh to e.? 18. Deut. 12. 20. because thy soul longeth to e. flesh 18. 8. they shall have like portions to e. 1 Sani.9. 13. before he go to the high place to e. 20. 24. the king sat him down to e. meat 2 Sam. 3. 35. the people came to cause David to e. 9. 10. that thy master's son may have food to e. 13.9. poured before him, but he refused to e. 16. 2. and summer-fruit for the young men to e. 17. 29. for the people that were with him to e. 2 Kings 4. 40. so they poured out for the men to e. 2 Chron. 31. 10. we have had enough to c. and left JVeA. 9. 36. land thou gavest, to e. the fruit thereof Psal. 78. 24. and had rained manna on them to e. Prov. 23. 1. when thou sittest to e. with a ruler 25. 27. it is not good to e. much honey Eecl. 5. 19. hath given him power to e. thereof 6. 2. yet God giveth him not power to e. thereof Isa. 23. 18. shall be for them to c. sufiiciently Jer. 19. 9. cause them to e. the flesh of their sons Ezek. 3. 2. and he caused me to e. that roll 3. he said, son of man, cause thy belly to e. Dan. 4. 25. they shall make thee to e. grass, 32. Mic. 7. 1. woe is me, there is no cluster to e. Hab. 1. 8. they shall flee as eagle that hasteth to e. JliaM2.1.they began to pluck ears ofcorn and to e 4. not lawful for him to e. Mark 2. 26. Luke 6. 4. 14. 16. give ye them to e. Markli.27. Luke9.Vi. 15. 20. to e. with unwashen hands defileth not 32.the multitude have nothing toe. Mark 8.i,% 26. 17. where wilt that we prepare to e. passover ■? Jt/ari-5.43.thatsomethingshould he given her toe. 6.31. and they had no leisure so much as to e. Luke 22. 15. I have desired to e. this passover John 4. 32. I have meat to e. that ye know not of 33. hath any man brought him ought to e? 6. 52. how can this man give us his flesh to c.? Jicts 27. 3.5. when he had broken it, he began to e. 1 Cor. 8.10. emboldened to e. things off"ered to idols 11.20.whenyeconie, thisisaot toc.Lord's supper 33. brethren, when ye come together to e. // altar whereof they have no right to e. Rev. 2. 7. will I give to e. of the tree of life in midst 14. to e. things sacrificed unto idols, 20. 17.1 will give to c.of hidden manna,a white stone EAT up. Oen. 41. 4. the lean did e. up the seven fat kine, 20. Lev. 26. .38. land of your enemies shall e. you up JVitTO. 24.8. he shall e. up the nations his enemies Deut. 28. 33. a nation thou knowest not shall e. np Ps. 27. 2. my enemies came on me to e. «;) my flesh 105. 35. did e. up all the herbs in their land Isa. 50. 9. the moth shall c. them up, 51. 8. Jer. 5. 17. they shall e. up thine harvest and thy bread, e.w/) thy flocks,e.Hp thy vines and fig-trees 22. 22. the wind shall e. up all thy pastures Has. 4. 8. they e. up the sin of my people .^mos 7.4. it devoured the deep, and did e. up apart Mic. 5. t 0. they shall e. up the land of Assyria JVoA. 3. 15. it shall e. thee up like the canker-worm Rev. 10. 9. angel said to me, take it, and c. it up EATEN. fi'e7i.3.11.hast thou e.of tree whereof shouldest not? 14. 2-1. save that which the young men have e. 31. 38. the rams of thy flock have I not e. 41. 21. when they hade, them u|), it could not be known that they had e. them Exod. 12. 46. in one house shall it be e. 13. 3. there shall no leavened bread be c. 7. 21. 28. ox shall be stoned, his flesh shall not be e. 22. 5. if a man cause a field or vineyard to be e. 29. 34. it shall not be e. because it is holy Lev. a. 16. it shall be e. in the holy place, 26. | 7. 6. 23. it shall be wholly burnt, it shall not bee.7.19. 30. no sin-offering shall be e. it shall be burnt EAT Lev. 7. 15. shall be e. the same day it is offered, 16. 18. it" the sacrifice ofpeace-otFering be e. 10. 17. why have ye not e. the sin-oll'ering 7 18. ye should indeed have c. it in the holy place 19. in had e. the sin-offering to-day 11. 13. they shall not be e. 41. Lieut. 14. 19. 19. b. it shall be e. the same day ye offer, 22. 30. 7. and if it be e. at all on the third day J^Tum. 28. 17. unleavened bread be e. Ezek. 45.21. Deut. 6. 11. to give vineyards thou plantedst not, when thou shall have e. and be full, 8. 10, 12. 12. 22. even as the roe-buck and the hart is e. 20.6. hath planted a vineyard, and hath not e. of it 26.14. I have not e. thereof in my mourning 29. 6. ye have not e. bread nor drunk wine 31. 20. when they shall have e. and bo filled Josh. 5. 12. after they had e. of the old corn Rulh 3. 7. when Boaz had e. and drunk, he went 1 .Sam. 14. 30. if haply the people had e. freely 28. 20. for he had e. no bread all the day 30. 12. when he had e. his spirit came again 2 Sam. 19. 42. have we e. at all of the king's cost 1 \ Kings 13.22. but camest back, and hast e. bread 28.the lion had not e.the carcase, nor torn the ass JVeA. 5. 14. have not c. the bread of the governor Job 6. 6. that is unsavoury be e. without salt 31. 17. or have e. my morsel myself alone 39. I have e. the fruits thereof without money Ps. 69. 9. for the zeal of thine house hath up, and reproaches are fallen upon me, John~.n. 102.9.1 have cashes likebread,mingled my drink Prov. 9. 17. and bread e. in secret is pleasant 23. 8. the morsel that thou hast e. shalt thou vomit Cant. 5.1.1 have e. my honey-comb with my honey /sa.3.14.for ye have cup the vineyard spoil of poor Jer.l0.25.they have cup Jacob, and devoured him 24. 2. figs which could not be e. 3, 8. | 29. 17. 31. 29. fathers have c sour grapes, Ezek. 18. 2. Eiek. 4. 14. 1 have not e. that which dieth of itself 18. 6. and hath not c upon the mountains, 15. 11. but even hath e. upon the mountains Hos. 10. 13. ye have c the fruit of lies Joel 1.4.that locusts hath left, canker-worm e. 2.25. Mat. 14. 21. and they that had e. Mark 8. 9. jLufte 13. 26. we have c. and drunk in thy presence 17. 8. till I have e. afterwards thou shalt eat John 6. 13. which remained to them that had e. Jicts 10. 10. he became hungry, and would have e. 14. Lord, I have never e. any thing common 12. 23. he was c of worms, and gave up the ghost 20. 11. when he had broken bread and c departed 27. 38. when they had e. enough thoy lightened Rev. 10. 10. as soon as I had e. it, my belly was EATER. [bitter Judg. 14. 14. he said, out of the e. came forth meat Isa. 55. 10. that it may give bread to the e. J\rah. 3. 12. they shall fall into the mouth of the e. EATERS. Prov. 23. 20. he not among riotous e. of flesh EATEST. Ocn. 2. 17. in the day thou c thou shalt surely die 1 Sam. 1. 8. then said Elkanah, why c thou not "i 1 Kings 21. 5. why spirit so sad that thou e. no EATETH. [bread f Exod. 12. 15. who e#leavened bread be cut off, 19. Lev. 7. 18. the soul that c 20,25,27. 1 17. 10, 15. 19. 8. every one that c shall bear his iniquity J^Tun. 13. 32. a land that c up the inhabitants 1 Sam. 14. 24. cursed be the man that e. 28. Job 5. 5. whose harvest the hungry e. up 21. 25. and another never c with pleasure 40.15.behemoth which I made, he cgrass as an ox Psal. 106. 20. the similitude of an ox that f. grass Proj). 13.25. the righteous c to satisfying of his soul 30. 20. she c and wipeth her mouth, and saith 31. 27. and she c not the bread of idleness Eccl.i.5. the fool foldeth hands and c his own flesh 5. 17. all his days also he e. in darkness 6. 2. but a stranger c it, this is vanity, evil disease Isa. 23. 4. while it is yet in his hand he e. it up 29. 8. behold, he e. but awaketh, and is hungry 44. 16. and with part thereof he e. flesh, roasteth 59. 5. he that e. of their eggs dieth Jer. 31. 30. every man that c the sour grape Mat. 9. 11. Pharisees said, why e. your master with publicans and sinners t Mark 2. 16. Luke 15. 2. Mark 14. 18. Jesus said, verily, one of you who c. with me, shall betray me, .Tohn 13. 18. John 6. 54. whoso e. my flesh hath eternal life 56. he that e. my flesh dwelleth in me, 1 in him 57. 60 he that e. me, even he shall live by me 58. he that e. ofthis bread, shall live for ever Rom. 14. 2. another who is weak e. herbs 3. let not him that c despise him thate. not 6. that e. to the Ld., that c not, to the Ld. c not 20. it is evil for that man who c with offence 23. damned if he eat, because he e. not of faith 1 Cor. 9. 7. who planteth a vineyard, and e. not of fruit thereof ■? and c. not of the milk of the flock 11.29. ho that e. unworthily, e. damnation to hims. 158" EPF EATING. Gen.2.tl6.of every tree c thou shalteat, but of tree Exad.m.i. take a lamb according to the number of souls, every man according to his e. 16. 16, 18,21. Judg. 14. 9. Samson took thereof, and went on c 1 6'a)«.14.34. sin not against tlie L. in e. with blood 30.16.they were spread abroad on all the earth e. 1 Kings 1. 41. Adonijah's guests made an end of c 2 Kings 4. 40. as they were c of pottage, cried out Job 20.23. and shall rain it upon him while he is e. Isa. 66. 17. e. swine's flesh, and the abomination Amos 7. 2. when they had made an end of e. grass Mat. 26. 26. as they were e. Jesus took bread Acts 1. 1 4. and e. with them, commanded them 1 Cor.8.4. concerning e. of things sacrificed to idols 11. 21. in e. every one taketh his own supper tSee Drinking. ECHO. Ezek. 7. t 7. and not the c of the mountains EDGE. Exod. 13.20. Ethamin e. of wilderness, JVum.33.6. 26. 10. make fifty loops in thee, of one curtain Eccl. 10. 10. be blunt, and he do not whet the e. Luke 4. t 29. they led Jesus to the e. of the hill See Teeth. EDGE of the sword. Oen. 34. 26. and they slew Hamor with e. of sword Exod. 17.13. discomfited Amaiek with the c ofsw. JVu7n.21.24.and Isr. smote Sihon with c of sword ./osA.6.21.they utterly destroyed all with e.of sword 8. 24. the Israelites smote Ai with the e.of sword J«dn'.4.15.Sisera with c o/s.||21.10. Jabesh-gilead Job 1.15. Joab's servants slain with e. of sword,!! Psal. 89. 43. thou hast also turned the c of sword Jer. 21.7. Nebuchadnezzar smite them with c ofs. Luke 21. 24. the Jews shall fall by the c of sword Heb. 11.34. who thro' faith escaped the e. of sword EDGED. Psal. 149. 6. and atwo-c sword in their hand Prov. 5. 4. but her end is sharp as a two-c sword J/cft.4.12.word of God sharper than a two-c sword Rev. 1. 16. out of mouth went a sharp two-c sword EDGES. Exod. 28. 7. joined at the two c thereof, 39. 4. JuAg.'i.\^. Ehud's dagger had two e. length a cubit Rev. 2. 12. who hath the sharp sword with two e EDIFICATION. Rom. 15. 2. let every one please his neighbour to c 1 Cor. 14. 3. that prophesieth speaketh to men to e 2 Cor. 10. 8. which the Lord hath given us for c 13. 10. power which the Lord hath given me to c EDIFY. Rom. 14. 19. things wherewith one may c another 1 Cor. 10. 23. all things are lawful, but c not Eph. 4. t 29. that which is good to c profitably 1 Thess. 5. 11. e. one another, even as also ye do EDIFIED. Acts 9. 31. the churches had rest, and were c 1 Cor. 8. 1 10. conscience of him that is weak be e. 14. 17. givest thanks well, but the other is not e. EDIFIETH. 1 Cor. 8. 1. knowledge puffeth up, but charity e. 14. 4. he that speaks in an unknown tongue c himself; but he that prophesieth c the church EDIFYING. 1 Cor. 14. 5. that the church may receive e. 12. seek that ye may excel to the c of the church 14. 26. let all things be done to c 2 Cor. 12. 19. but we do all things for your e. Eph. 4. 12. for the e. of the body of Christ 16. increase of the body, to thee of itself in love 29. but that which is good to the use of c 1 Tim. 1. 4. which minister questions rather than e. EFFECT, Substantive. JVum.30.8.her husband shall make her vow of no e. 2 Chron. 34. 22. and they spake to her to that e. P4aZ.33. 10. makes the devices of people of none c Isa. 32. 17. the e. of righteousness, quietness £zc4.12.23.days are at hand, and c of every vision Mat.\!>. 6. make commandment of God of none e. Mark 7. 13. making the word of God of none c iJo7n.3.3.unbelief make the faith of Gd. without c? 4. 14. the promise made of none c Gal. 3. 17. 9. 6. not as though the word hath taken none c 1 Cor. ]. 17. lest the cross of Christ be of none e Oal. 5. 4. Christ is become of no e. to you, who are EFFECT, Verb. Jer .48.30. it shall not be so, his lies shall not so e. it EFFECTED. 2 Chron. 7. 11. Solomon prosperously e. all in his EFFECTUAL. [heart 1 Cor. 16. 9. for a great door and cis opened to me 2 Cor. 1. 6. which is c in enduring the same suf- ferings Eph. 3. 7. by the c working of his power given me 4. 16. according to the e. working in the measure PAi/.e.that thy faith may become c by good things Jam.5.16.the c praver of a righteous man availeth EFFECTUALLY. G'ai.2.8.for ho that wrought cin Peter, same in me ELD 1 7%e«j.2.13.the wordcworketh in you tliat believe EFFEMINATE. 1 Cor. 6. 9. nor e. shall inherit the kingdom of God EGG. Job 6. 6. is there any taste in the white of an c? Luke 11.12.if he ask an e.will offer hira a scorpionl EGGS. Deut. 22. 6. whether young ones or c and the dam sitting on the young or e. shall not take the dam ,Iob 39. 14. the ostrich leaveth her c in the earth Isa. 10. 14. one gathereth e. that are left, I gathered 59. .5. they hatch cockatrice c. he that eateth c Jer. 17. 11. as partridge sitteth on e. and hatcheth EIGHT. Oen. 17. 12. he that is e. days old shall be circum- cised, every man chdd, 21. 4. Luke 2. 21 . 22. 23. these c Milcah did bear to Nahor £iod.26.25.theyshall becboards,and sockets silver J\rum. 7.8.Moses gave 4 waggons,e. oxen to Merari 29. 29. on the sixth day c bullocks, two rams Judg. 3. 8. Israel served Chushan-rishathaim c years 12.14.Abdon, the son of Hillel, judged Isr. c years 1 Sam. 17. 12. Jesse the Ephrathite had c sons 1 Kings 7. 10. foundation was ofstones of c cubits 2Kings 8.17.Jehoram reigned cyears in Jerusalem 22. 1. Josiah was c years old when he began to reign, and reigned thirty-one, 2 Chron. 34. 1. 1 Chron. 24. 4. c among the sons of Ithamar 2 Chr. 29. 17. they sanctified house of L. in e. days Eccl. 11. 2. give a portion to seven, and also to c Jer. 41. 15. but Ishmael escaped with c men Ezek. 40. 31. the going up had c steps, 34, 37. 41. c tables, whereon they slew their sacrifices Mic. 5.5. raise ag.him 7 shepherds, c principal men Luke 9. 23. about c days after these sayings, Peter John 20.26. after e. days his disciples were within Acts 9. 33. Eneas, who had kept his bed e. years 1 Pet. 3. 20. wherein c souls were saved by water EIGHTH. Lev. 25. 22. and ye shall sow the c year and eat Bui, which iscmonth, house finished 12. 32. Jeroboam ordained a feast in the e. month 1 Chron. 24. 10. the e. lot came forth to Abijah 25. 15. the e. to Jeshaiah || 26. 5. Peulthai the c 27. 11. thee captain for the c month, Sibbecai Zech. 1. e. month the word came to Zechariah 2 Pc(.2.5.but saved Noah the e. person, a preacher Rev. 17. 11. beast that was, is not, even he is the e. 21. 20. the e. foundation was a beryl,nintb a topaz See Day, Days. EIGHT hundred. Gen.5.4. Adam lived after he begat Seth, e. h. years 5. 19. Jared lived after he begat Enoch c h. years 2 Sam. 23. 8. Adino slew e. hundred at one time 2 Chr. 13. 3. Jeroboam set in array e.h. thousand EIGHTEEN. Judg.^.X'^. Isr. served Eglon king of Moab c years 10. 8. Ammon vexed and oppressed Israel c years 1 Kings 7. 15. for he east two pillars of brass c. cubits high apiece, 2 Kings 25. 17. J(»r.52.21. 1 Chr. 26.9. Meshelemiah had sons and brethren e. 2 Chron. 11. 21. for Rehoboara took c wives Luke 13.4.or those f .on whom tower in Siloam fell 16. whom .Satan hath bound, lo, these e. years EIGHTEEN thousand. jMrf^.20.25. Benjamin destroyed of Israel e. thous. 44. there fell of Benjamin c tAojts. men of valour 1 Chr. 12. 31.oftheh'alftribeof Manasseh, c thou. 18. 12. Abishai slew of the Edomites c thousand 29.7. the princes gave of brass e. thousand talents Ezek. 48. 35. the city round was e. thou, measures EIGHTEENTH. 1 Kings 15. 1. in c year of Jeroboam, 2 Chr. 13. 1. 2 Kings 3.1. Jehoram reigned the e .year of Jehosh. 22. 3. in the e. year of king Josiah, the king sent Shaphan, 23. 23. 2 Chron. 34. 8. | 35. 19. 1 Chron. 24. 15. the c lot came forth to Aphses 25. 25. the e. toHanani, he, his sons, and brethren Jer. 32. 1. was c year of Nebuchadnezzar, 52. 29. EITHER. Gen. 31. 24. speak not to Jacob e. good or bad , 29. Lev. 10. 1. Nadab and Abihu took c of them his censer, and offered strange fire before the Lord Deut. 17.3.hath worship, other gods,p.sun or moon 28. 51. a nation shall not leave thee c corn or wine 1 Kings 18. 27. e. he is talking, or pursuing, or in Eccl.M. 6. whether shall prosper, c this or that /5a.7.11. ask a eigne, in the depth or height above Mat. 6.24. no man can serve two masters, for e. he will hate the one, and love the other, Luke 16.13. 12. 33. f. make the tree good, and his fruit good Luke 6. 42. e. how canst thou say to thy brother 15. 8. cwhr.t woman having ten pieces of silver .Tohn 19.18. crucified, on e. side one, Jesus in midst 1 Cor. 14. 6. except I speak to you e. by revelation Jam. 3. 12. c can a vine, my brethren, bear figs ■? Rev. 22. 2. of e. side the river there was tree of ELDER. [life The Elders among the Hebrews leerc the magis- ELD tratt'S, heads, or rulers of the people. Even while they were slaves to the Egyptians, they had aniov^ themselves some order and govern- ment, and had doubtless some whom they own- ed as their teachers and rulers, as heads of tribes andfamilies ; hence, when the Lord sent Moses to bring the children of Israel out of Eg^'pt, he says, Exod. 3. 16, Go and gather the elders of Israel togetJier, and say unto them, the Lord hath visited you, and seen what is done to you in Egypt. These elders were men of ex- perience, wisdom, and gravity, and of autho- rity among the people. But the first institutioji of courts of judicature, was in the wilderness ; when Jethro brought back Zipporah to Moses, who icas then encamp- ed at the foot of mount Sinai. Moses having re- lated all that the Lord had done for the Israel- ites, Jethro blessed God for it, offered burnt-of- ferings, and peace-offerings, and did eat with Moses, Aaron, a7id the elders 0/ Israel, before the Lord. The next day, Moses taking his seat iti order to judge Israel, continued from niornin^ to evening employed in this manner. Jethro remonstrated to him, that this was a fatigue above his strength to undergo, and would be tiresome both to himself and the people ; that therefore he should choose some men of firm ness and fortitude, who feared Qod, and hated covetousness, that they might share with him in the weight of government ; that the cogni- zance of lesser affairs should be referred to them; and those of more consequence should be reserved to himself. Moses submitted to this advice, and chose certain men of merit out of all Israel, whom he appointed to have rule over the people ; some over a thousand, other over an hundred, fifty, and ten. They adm nistered justice to the people; and when any thing of greater difficulty than ordinary oc- curred, they referred it to Moses, E.vod. 18. 1, 2, 3, &c. The commission given to these judge. is recorded in Deut. 1. 16, 17. ..Afterwards, we have the particular appointment of God concerning this, Num. 11. 11, 12, 13, &c. Moses, being discouraged by the continual murmurings of the Israelites, addressed him- self to God, and desired to be relieved from seme part of the burden of government. Then the Lord said to him, Gather unto me seventy men, of the eWers of Israel, whom thou know- est to be the elders of the people, and officers over them ; and bring them to the tabernacle of the congregation, thatthey may stand there with thee. And I will come down and talk with thee there; and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them ; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone. These el- ders, which composed the Senate belonging to all the tribes in general, sat with the Leader, Judge, or King, who presided in this court. Thus we read, Deut. 27. 1, Moses, with the elders of Israel, commanded the people, say- ing, 6re. And, afterwards, the elders of the con- gregation, consult how to supply the remainder of the Bcnjamites with wives, Judg. 21. 16. And the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Sa7nuel to Ramah, 1 Sam. 8. 4. JVe read of these elders continually, to the time of Vie captivity : And we find them. again after the return, Ezra 10. 7, 8, A procla- mation was made throughout Judah and .Terti- salem unto all the children of the captivity, ac- cording to the counsel of the princes and elders. Besides these, there were likewise elders belong- ing to every several city. TAcsc elders are men- tioned by Moses in the law ; Where several things are rctjuired to be done by the elders of tlie city, Deut.lS).n. \ 21.3,19. Boaz appealed to ten men of the elders of the city of Bcth-lehcm- judah, Ruth 4. 2. And we read, after the capti- vity, 0/ the elders of every city, Ezra 10. 14. The Eabbins and interpreters give the following account of courts of judicature among the Jews. (I) There were three judges in every city, who had the cognizance of lesser faults : Matters concerning loss, gain, and restitution, were pleaded before them. These three judges had a right only to condemn criminals to be whipt: The parties named their judges : one of the parties chose his judge ; the other named a se- cond; and these two judges took a third, with whom they decided causes. This tribunal was consulted about the intercalation of months. (II) There was another court composed of three and twenty judges , who decided matters of im.- portance, and of a more criminal nature, and their sentences were such as generally affected the lives of persons; no causes being brought ELD before them, but such as deserved the penalty of death. Home say, that they could only sen- tence to death by the sword. (Ill) Their great council, or Sanhedrim, which consisted of seventy senators, and which had the cognizance vf the most important affairs of state and religion, and of those which concern ed the king, or high-priest. It was .intended as a court of appeal, if there should be occa- sion, from any of the inferior courts. Some think that our Saviour alludes to these two last courts, xchcn he says. Mat. 5. 22, Whoso ever is angry with his brother, without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment; and who- soever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council ; but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell-fire So7ne interpreters suppose that our Lord pro- portions the punishments in the next world, according to the different sentences which were usual in the different courts of judicature at Jerusalem. Therefore they say, the judgment means that court where the judges were three and twenty, and who could only sentence to death by the sword : The council alludes to the court tchere the seventy elders sat, which was the great Sanhedrim, and could punish by stoning to death : And that, by hell-fire, the burning of the greatest malefactors in the val ley of Hinnom, is implied. As to the Sanhedrim, it was limited to the place where the ark of God stood. The Jews say, that in the time of Moses this council was held at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony As soon as the people were in possession of the land of promise, the Sanhedrim followed the tabernacle. It was kept successively at Gilgal, at Shiloh, at Kirjath-jearim, at Nob, af Gibeon, in the house of Obed-edom ; and lastly, it was settled at Jerusalem, till the Babylonish captt vity. During the captivity it was kept up at Babylon. After the return from Babylon, it continued at Jerusalem, to the time of the Si carii, or Assassins; these were certain robbers, who appeared in Judea some time before the war of the Jews against the Romans. They were called Sicarii, froxn Sica, a dagger ; be cause they carried daggers secretly about them, so as not to be perceived, and mixing themselves with the multitude of people that came to the great feasts at Jerusalem, they stabbed whom they thought fit ; and then were commonly the first to cry out murder, as Jose phus relates. The Jews, finding that thesepro Jligate wretches, whose number increased every day, sometimes escaped punishment by the fa- vour of the president, or judges, removed tht Sanhedrim to Hanoth, which were certain abodes situated, as the Rabbins say, upon the mountain of the temple. Afterwards they re- moved to Jarnnia; thence to Jericho, to Uzzah, to Sepharvaim, to Bethsanim, to Sephoris, last of all to Tiberias, where they continued to the time of their utter extinction. This is the ac count the Jews give of the Sanhedrim. What the scripture says of this court is found in Deut. 17. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. If there arise a matter too hard for thee in judgment (speaking to the inferior magistrates) between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke, being matters of controversy within thy gates ; then shalt thou arise, and get thee up into the place which the Lord thy God shall choose. And thou shalt come unto the Priests, the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those days, and enquire; and they shall shew thee the sentence of judgment. And thou shalt do according to the sentence, which they of that place, which the Lord shall chocse, shall shew thee, ij-c. By this it appears that the chief Conductor, Judge, King, High-priest or whoever was at the head of their affairs, was to be the president of this court. The rest of the judges seem to have consisted chief- ly of the Priests and Levites, though there were among them wise arid learned men of other tribes, as is acknowledged by the Jewish and most other writers. In process of time, as their kings came to be idol- atrous, this ordinance, among others, was ne- glected. For we find Jchoshaphat restoring it, at the same time as he did the courts in every city, 2Chron. 19. 8, 9, 10, 11. In this passage we find, that, if the cause was of a spiritual, or ecclesiastical nature, the High- priest was the chief judge ; if otherwise, a chief justice, who sat in behalf of the king : And be- hold, Amariah, thechicf-prirsf, ia over you in all matters of the Lord ; and Zebadiah, the rulorof the house of Judah, for all the king's matters. ELD Some think it probable, that in causes ecclesiasti- cal, the court rcas made up of the High-priest, and the Chief-priests, or Heads of the four and twenty courses only : and that in matters purely temporal, the supreme magistrate, with, the princes, elders, and scribes, who were doc- tors of the law, either by himself, or his de- puty, took cognizance. .>}nd that, where any one was accused of crimes relating to religion and state both, the Judges, in each of these fa- culties, sat to hear the cause. So, at the trial of our blessed Lord, Joseph 0/ Arimathea, a rich man and a counsellor, probably one of the seventy elders, was one of them who sat as Judges ; but did not join in the sentence of condemnation ; lie consented not to the coun- sel and deed of them, Luke 23. 51. This counsel, at their return from the captivity, was restored, with the rest of their common- wealth, as the prophet Ezckiel foretold it should, Ezek. 44. 23, 24, The Priests, the Le- vites, shall teach my people the difference be- tween the unclean and the clean. And, in con- troversy, they shall stand in judgment ; and they shall judge it according to my judgments. Some are of opinion, that the origin of the San- hedrim is by no means to be depended upon ; for the council of the seventy elders establish- ed by Moses, was not what the Jews under- stood by the name 0/ Sanhedrim. Besides, say they, we cannot perceive that this establish- ment subsisted either under Joshua, tAe .Judges, or the Kings. IVefind nothing of it after the captivity, till the time of the Maccabees. Only we are certain, that this Senate was in being in the time of our Saviour, and when the Evan- gelists wrote their gospels, since they are mentioned in their writings : But then their authority was -much lessened ; for after the banishment of Archelaus, the Romans, having reduced Judea into a province, assumed the power of life and death to themselves alone : So that this council could proceed no further than to condemnation. For execution, they were to apply to the Roman Governor. The places where the Hebrews held their courts of judicature were, generally, one of the gates of the city. See Gate. As the merits of every cause were to turn upon the evidence given ; sec what rules the law lays down in reference thereunto in Deut. 17. 6. | 19. 15. and what is said in relation to false witnesses, Deut. 19. 16, 17, 18, 19. It was likewise a part of their law, that no man should be condemned without being brought to a fair trial, and hearing what he had to say for himself. And therefore Nicodemus says to the Chief-priests and Pharisees, Doth our law judge any man before it hear him, and know what he doeth"? .John 7. 51. The method of proceeding in the Sanhedrim is said to be this : They who had a mind to im- plead any one, applied either to the king, or the high-priest, or whoever filled the post of Chief Justice, and informed against him. Upon this, proper officers were sent to take him up ; and if occasion required, a detach- ment from the temple-guard went along with them. The person thus taken was examined by the Justice, and then committed, either to prison, or to the custody of the officer of the guard, till his trial came on. When the court sat, those who brought the infor- mation against the criminal, did it in these words . This man, having done so or so, is worthy to die. .find they who rcere to defend him, answered, This man is not worthy to die ; for he has only done so or so. And rchcn the pleadings on both sides were finished, the Judges gave their opinions singly, whether he was guilty or not : And according to the ma- jority of votes, one way or the other, the cul- prit was acquitted or condemned. Of the manner of laying the indictment, and giv- ing in the answer, we have an instance in the case of Jeremiah ; who was informed against for prophesying the destruction of both the city and temple 0/ Jerusalem, in case the Jews con- tinued to neglect the observance of God's law, Jer. 26. 8, 9, 10, &c. Sec the forr,t of condem- nation in Mat. 26. 65, 66. Elder in the JVew Testament, is a general name, comprehending under it all such as have any ecclesiastical function, as apostles, pastors, teachers, or other church officers, ITim. 5. 17. Tit. 1. 5. The apostle Peter calls himself an elder. The elders that are among you I exhort, who also am an elder, 1 Pet. 5. 1. Gen. 10. 21. Shem the brother of Japhet the e. 25. 23. the e. shall serve the younger, Rom. 9. 12. ELD 1 Sam. 18. 17. behold, my e. daughter Merab IKings 2.22.ask the kingdom, he is mine e. brotlier Job 15. 10. very aged men, much e. than thy father 32. 4. Elihu wailed, because they were e. than he Eiek 16.46.thy e. sis!er is Samaria, younger Sodom 23. 4. the names of tliem were Aholali the e. Luke 15. 25. his e. son was in the field, heard music 1 THm. 5. 2. intreat the e. women as mothers 1 Pet. 5. 5. ye younger, submit yourselves to the e. ELDER for ruler. 1 Km.S.l.rebuke not an c. but intreat him as father 19.against an c. receive not an accusat.but before 1 Pet. 5. 1. the elders I exhort, who am also an e. 2 JbAnl. the e. to the elect lady and her children 3 John 1. the e. unto well-beloved Gaius whom I ELDERS. [love Oen. 50. 7. the e. of his house went up with him Z,ev. 4. 15. the e. of congreg. shall lay their hands JVum. 11. 25. L. gave of the Spirit to the seventy e. Deut. 25. 7. go up to the gate to the e. and say 29. 10. ye stand before the L. your e. and otiicers 31.28.gather to me all e. of your tribes and otiicers 32. 7. ask thy father and e. and they will tell thee Josh. 24. 31. Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua and of e. that overlived Joshua,./«d^.2.7. Judg. 8. 14. he described to him the e. of Succoth 1 Sam. 16.4. c. of the town trembled at his coming 30. 26. he sent of the spoil to the e. of Judah 1 Kings 20. 8. all the e. said to hiniT hearken not 21. 11. the e. did as Jezebel had sent to them 2.ffi7i^s6.32.Elisha sat in house, and e.sat with him 10. I.Jehu wrote letters and sentto e. of Jezreel 19. 2. Hezekiah sent the e. of the priests covered with sackcloth to Isaiah tlie prophet, Isa. 37. 2. Ezra 5. 5. the eye of their God was upon the e. 6. 14. the e. of the Jews builded and prospered lO.S.according to the counsel of the princes and e. Psal. 107. 32. praise him in the assembly of the e. Prov. 31. 23. her husband is known among the e. priests and c.gave up the ghost in city 2.10.e.of Zion sit upon the ground and keep silence 4. 16. respected not priests, favoured note. 5. 12. 5.14.e.have ceased from gate,young m.from music Eiek. 8. 1. and the e. of Judah sat before me Joel 1. 14. sanctify a fast, gather the e. 2. 16. Mat. 15. 2. why transgress the tradition of the c? 16. 21. must suffer many things of the e. 27. 12. 26. 59. the e. sought false witness against Jesus 27.20. chief priests and e. persuaded the multitude 41. the chief priests mocking with the e. said 28. 12. and when they were assembled with the e. Mark 7. 3. the Jews holding the tradition of the e. 8.31.must suffer and be rejected of the e. //j«.9.22. 14. 43. with Judas a great multitude from the e. 15. 1. chief priests held a consultation with the e. Luke 22. 52. Jesus said unto the captains and e. .^cts 4. 5. their rulers and e. were gathered together 23. they reported all that the e. had said to them 6. 12. they stirred up the people and the e. 11. 30. sent it to the e. by Barnabas and Saul 14. 23. when they ordained e. in every church 15.4.they were received of the church and of thee. 6. the apostles and e. came together to consider 23. the apostles, e. and brethren, send greeting 16.4.they delivered the decrees ordained of the e. 20. 17. he sent and called the e. of the church 22. 5. all the estate of the e. bear me witness 24. 1. Ananias the priest descended with the e. 25. 15. about whom the e. of Jews informed me ] Tim. 5. 17. let e. that rule well be counted worthy Tit. 1. 5. that thou shouldest ordain e. in every city Heb. 11. 2. by faith the e. obtained a good report .Tam. 5. 14. let him call for the e. of the church 1 Pet. 5. 1. the e. which are among you, I exhort Rev. 4. 4. upon the seats I saw 24 e. sitting, clothed 10. the 24 e. fall before him, 5. 8,14. | 11.16. 1 19.4. 5. 5. and one of the e. saith unto me, weep not 6. and lo, in the midst of the e. stood a lamb 11. 1 heard the voice of many angels about the e. 7. 11. all angels stood about the e. and four beasts 13. one of e. ans. saying to me, what are these ^ 14.3.they sung a new song before the throne and c. ELDERS with city. £)ettM9.12. the e. of hie city shall fetch him thence 21. 3. e. of that city shall take and bring the heifer 6.e.of that city shall wash their hands over heifer 19. shall bring their son to the e. of his city 22. 15. bring tokens of virginity to the e. of the city 25. 8. thee, of his ci«!/ shall call and speak to him Josh. 20. 4. shall declare his cause to e. of that city Judg. 8. 16. he took the e. of the city and thorns Ruth 4. 2. Boaz took ten men of the e. of the city Ezra 10. 14. and with them the e. of every city ELDERS of Israel. Exod. 3. 16. go and gather the e. of Israel together 12. 21. Moses called for all the e. of Israel 17. 5. and take with thee of the e. of Israel 18. 12. the c. of Urael came to eat with Jethro 24. 1. seventy ofthe e. of Israel, 9. JVum. 11. 16. Deut. 27. 1. the e. of Israel commanded the people leo ELE Z)eut.31.9.Mo8es delivered this law to the e. oflsr. Josh. 7. 6. the e. of Israel put dust on their heads 2 .Sam. 5. 3. so all the e. of Israel came to the king at Hebron, 1 Kings 8. 3. 2 Chron. 5. 4. 17. 4. the saying pleased all the e. of Israel 15. thus did Ahithophel counsel the e. of Israel 1 Chr. 11. 3. e. of Israel come to ths king to Hebron 21.16. David and e. of Israel fell upon their faces Eiek. 14. 1. then came the e. of Israel unto me 20. 1. the e. of Israel came to inquire ofthe Lord Jicts 4. 8. ye rulers ofthe people and e. of Israel ELDERS with people. Exod. 19.7. Moses called for thee, of the people JVM7n.ll.l6.whom thou knowcst to be e. of the^jco. 24. Moses gathered 70 men of the e. of the peo. Ruth 4. 4. buy it before the e. o( my people 1 Sam. 15. 30.honour me before the e. of my people Mat. 21. 23. the e. of Ihepeople came, Luke 22. 66. 26. 47. with a multitude from c. of the people 27. 1. e. of the people took counsel against Jesus Acts 6. 12. they stirred up the people and the e. ELDEST. Gen.24.2. Abraham said to his e. serv. of his house 27.1. Isaac called Esau his e.son, and said, my son 44. 12. and he searched, and began at the e. JVam. 1. 20. Reuben, Israel's e. son, 26. 5. 1 Sam. 17.13. the three e.sons of Jesse followed, 14. 28. Eliab his e. brother heard David speak 2 Kings 3. 27. he took his e. son and offered him 2 Chr. 22. 1. for the band of men had slain all the e. Job 1. 13. drinking in their e. brother's house, 18. John 8. 9. they went out one by one, beginning at e. ELECT, Or Chosen, is spoken, [1] Of Christ, who was chosen and set apart from eternity by Ood the Father to the great work of redemption and mediation, Isdi. 42. 1. Mat. 12. 18. [2] Of good angels, whom Ood chose from among the rest to eternal life and happiness : I charge thee before the elect angels, 1 Tim. 5. 21. [3] Ofthe Israelites, who were Ood's chosen and peculiar people, Isa. 65. 9, 02. [4] Of such as are cho- sen by Ood in Christ to eternal life and sal- vation out of all the nations upon earth. Tit. 1. 1. This election is, [1] Jin act of distin- guishing love, Deut. 7. 8. [2] Of divine sove- reignty irrespective of any goodness in the ob- jects of it, Rom. 9. 11, 12, 16. [3] Eternal, Eph. 1. 4. 2 Thess. 2. 13. [4] .Absolute, and irrevocable, Rom. 9. 11. 2Tim. 2. 19. [5] Pei- sonal, that is, of a certain number of persons Mat. 20. 23. 2 Tim. 2. 19. [6] Of some of the chief of sinners, 1 Tim. 1. 15. [7] It is in Christ, Eph. 1. 4. [8] It is to sanctification and holiness as the means, and eternal glory has the end, Eph. 1. 4. 1 Thess. 5. 9. /sa.42.1. behold mine whom my soul delighteth 45.4. Israel mine e. I have called thee by Ihy name 65. 9. mine e. shall inherit it, and my servants 22. mine e. shall long enjoy work of their hands Mat. 24.22. no flesh should be saved, but for the c. sake those days shall be shortened, Mark 13. 20. 24. if possible deceive the very e. Mark 13. 22. 31. shall send his angels, and they shall gather together his e. from the four winds, Mark 13. 27. Luke 18. 7. and shall not God avenge his own e.? Rom. 8. 33 who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's e.? Col. 3. 12. put on as the e. of G. bowels of mercies IT/m.S. 21. I charge thee before the e. angels 2 Tim. 2. 10. I endure all things for the e- sake Tit. 1. 1. an apostle according to the faith of G's. e. 1 Pet. 1. 2. e. according to foreknowledge of God 2. 6. I lay in Sion a chief corner-stone, e. precious 2 John 1. the elder to the e. lady, and her children 13. the children of thy e. sister greet thee ELECTED. 1 Pet. 5. 13. church at Babylon e. together with you ELECTION. Bom.O.ll.purpose of G. according to e.might stand 11.5.there is a remnant according to the e.ofgrace 7. the e. hath obtained it, the rest were blinded 28. but as touching the e. they are beloved 1 Thess. 1. 4. knowing brethren, your e. of God 2 Pet. 1.10. all diligence to make your calling and ELEGANTLY. [e. sure Isa. 32-14. the tongue of stammerers shall speak e. ELEMENTS. Oal. 4.3. we were in bondage under e. of the world 9. how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly e. Col. 2.t 8. after the e. of the world, not after Christ t 20. dead with Christ from the e. ofthe Avorld 2 Pet. 3. 10. the e. shall melt with fervent heat, 12. ELEPHANT. The elepliant is the largest of all four-footed beasts. They who have studied the nature of the elephant ?/)!7A most accuracy, tell many ex- traordinary things of the sagacity, faithfxd- ness, prudence, and even understanding of this creature. Pliny says of this animal : ELE Maximum animal est Elephas, proximumque, luimanis sensibus: quippe intellectus illis ser- monis patrii, &c. Utst. JVat. lib. 8. It has been often observed to do such things as are much above the capacity of other beasts. The He- brews seem generally to have described it under the name o/ Behemoth, which signifies in gene- ral, beasts of service. The word Elephas may be derived from Aleph, which signifies, to in- struct, by reason of the docility of the animal ; or from Eleph, which signifies a head, or cap- tain ; because the- Elephant is, as it were, the head of all other terrestrial animals. The Lord, speaking to Job, describes the Ele- phant or Behemoth, Job 40. from verse 15. to the end of the chapter. It is there said, that he eateth grass as an ox. This agrees well with what historians relate of the elephant. He does not feed upon carrion, and is not at all wild; hay, herbs, and legumens, are his nourishment, as they are of our tame beasts. His bones are as strong pieces of brass, and his small bones like bars of iron. These hyper- bolical expressions shew the extraordinary strength of the elephant ; with one stroke of his trunk he kills a camel or a horse. Jin ele- phant, it is said, has been seen to draw two cast cannons five hundred paces with his teeth; they were fastened together with cables, and weighed each three thousand pounds. And there is mention in the Maccabees of an ele- phant in Antiochus' army, which carried two and thirty armed men. They were all in a tower made of very solid wood, upon the ele- phant's back, and the tower was bound with a very strong chain under the elephant's belly. He is the chief of the ways of God. He is a re- markable piece of the creation among four- footed beasts. He exceeds all others in size, strength, docility, address, fidelity, agility, long life, modesty and pudicity ; for, it is said, that he never covers the female as long as any one appears in sight. The scrip ture adds, that Ood, who made him, can make his sword to approach unto him. Though he be so strong and terrible, yet God can easily subdue and destroy him : or, Ood hath put his sword into his hands, hath trusted him with his arms ; the elephant is terrible when provoked. His arms are his trunk and his teeth. His teeth are the ivory, so well known in Europe. Surely the mountains bring him forth grass, where all the beasts of the field play. Elephants are the gentlest of animals ; they never use their strength but when they are compelled to it. They are not of that sort of animals which create terror in others : If he passes through a herd of other beasts, he puts them gently out of his way with his trunk to make room for him; he feeds in the fields and meadows, and the weakest and tamest animals play with im- punity before him. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reeds and fens. This also agrees well with the elephant, according to the account that his- torians give of him. jElian says, that he may be called an animal of the marshes, because he lives among waters, and in waist places. He sometimes plunges himself into rivers in such a manner, that no more of him is to be seen than the end of his trunk : in the summer time, he covers himself with mud, to avoid the heat. He drinketh up a river, and hasteth not : ho trust- eth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. This alsamay be fitly applied to the elephant ; he drinks a great deal, and large draughts, as if he were to swallow up a river, and as if Jordan were scarcely sufficient to satisfy his thirst : he is not afraid when he drinks, but does it leisurely, and takes time to disturb the 7Bater which he drinketh. The scripture adds. He taketh it with his eyes, his nose pierceth through snares. fVhen he sees the icaters of a river, he trusteth that he can drink them all up : his eye is bigger than his belly, as com- monly said. He thrusteth his snout also into the river, and if there be any S7iarcs laid for other creatures, he breaks them to pieces. But others translate this verse, Can any man take him in his eyes, or pierce his nose with snares and gins'? Can he be taken openly and by force? Surely no. His force or strength is too great for man to resist or overcome. Others thus. He is taken by the eyes as a fish is taken by a hook. Serpents attack elephants prin- cipally in the eyes, as Pliny observes. The same author says, that there arc serpents in the Gauges,sixty yards long, who take elephants by the trunk as they are drinking, drag them EMB aloniT, and droicn Ikein in the icalers, Plin. lib. 8. cap. 12. Some understand 61/ Behemoth, a creature called Hippopotamus, or the Sea-horse ; which is an amphibious creature, and lives and prej/s both in the water and on land. This animal, say they, was well known to Job and Ids friends, as being frequent in the adjacent parts : and the description here given of the Behemoth, is very applicable to the Hippopotamus. - 1 Kings 104 22. navy bringing c. teeth, 2 CAr .9.21. Job 40. t 15. behold the c. which I have made ELEVATlOiN. Jud^.20.t38.tliey sliould mak« great e. with smoke KLEVE.V. Gen. 32. 22. Jacob took, liis e. sons and passed over 37.9. sun, moon, and c. stars made obeisance to me £iod.2t5.7.curtains of goats' hair,c.curt.shalt make 8. the e. curtains shall be all of one measure 3(5. 14. e. curtains he made 1| 15. e. of one size .Vum. 29. 20. on the third day e. bullocks, two rams Deut. 1. 2. there are e. days' journey from Horeb Josh. 15. 51. e. cities with their villages Judg. l^.5.we will give thee e.hund.pieces of silver 17.2. I took the e. hundred shekels of silver 3. when he restored e.hund.shekels to his mother 2 Kings 23.36. Jehoiakim twenty-five years old, he reigned e. years in Jerusalem, 2 Chr. 3G. 5. 3-1. 18. Zedekiah e. years, 2 Chr. 36. 11. Jer. 52. 1. Jtfat.28.1C.then the c.discipleswent away toGalilee Mark 16. 14. afterwards he appeared to the e. lyuke 24.9.they told all tliese things to the e.and rest 33. and they found the e. gathered together .^cts 1.26.and he was numbered with thee.apostles 2.14.but Peter standing up with thee, said to them ELEVENTH. 1 Kings 6. 38. in the e. year was the house finished 'iKings9.'29.'m the c.year of Joram began Ahaziah 25. 2. the city of Jerusalem was besieged to the e. year of king Zedekiah, .Ter, 52. 5. 1 Chron. 24. 12. the e. lot came forth to Eliashib 25. 18. the e. to Azareel, he, his sons, and bretliren 27. 14. the e. captain for the e. month, Benaiah Ji!r.l.3.Jeremiah prophesied in e.year of Zedekiah 39. 2. in the e. year the city was broken up £2c4.26.1.word of the Lord came to Ezekiel in the e. year, in the tirst day of the month, 30.20. 1 31.1. Mat. 20. 6. and about the e. hour he went out 9. they came that were hired about the e. ho ir Rev. 21. 20. e. foundation of the city was a jacinth ELOaUENT. Exod. 4. 10. Moses said, O my Lord, I am not e. Prov.l.^ understand a proverb and an c.speech Isa. 3. 3. the Lord doth take away the e. orator ^cts 18.24.a certaui Jew named Apollos, an e. man ELSE. Oen. 30. 1. she said, give me children or e. I die A^'um. 20. 19. I will without doing any thing e. go Deut. 4. 35. thou mightest know that the Lord he is God, there is none e. 39. 1 Kings 8. 60. Isa. 45. 5, 6, 14, 18, 21, 22. | 46. 9. .Joel 2. 27. ./f>sA.23.12.e.if yedoin anywise goback and cleave Judg. 7.14. this is nothing e. save sword of Gideon 2 .Sam. 3. 35. if X taste ought e. till the sun be down 1 Chr. 21. 12. or e. three daj's sword of the liord 2 CAr.23.7.whoso e.cometh in, shall be put to death J^ch.'i. 2. this is nothing e. but sorrow of heart Psal. 51.16. desircst not sacrifice, c. would I give it i^cfi.2.2.").who e.can hasten here unto more than I? Isa. 47. 8. thatsayest, 1 am, none e. besides me, 10. John 14. 11. or e. believe me for the work's •ake Acts 17. 21. spent lime in nothingc. but tell or hear Rom. 2. 15. accusing, or c. excusing one another ir;or.7.14.e.were your child. unclean,but now holy 14. 16. e. when thou shall bless with the Spirit i?co.2.5.repent,or e. I will come to thee quickly, 16. EMBALJI. CSen. 50.2. Joseph comm. phvsicians to e. his father EMBALftlED. (itn. 50. 2. and the physicians e. Israel 3. for so are fulfilled the days of that are e. 26. they e. Josciih, put him in a coffin in Egypt EMBOLDE.NED. 1 Cor. 8.10. the conscience of him that is weak bee. EMBOLDENETff. Job 16. 3. what e. thee that thou answerest? EMBRACE. 2 Kings 4. 16. about this season thou shalt e. a son Job 24. 8. they e. the rock for want of a shelter ProB.4.8.shall bring to honour,when thou doste.her 5. 20. why wilt thou e. the bosom of a stranger? Keel. 3. 5. a time to c. and refrain from embracing Cant. 2. 6. and his right hand doth e. mo, 8. 3. I^am. 4. 5. that were brought np in scarlet c. dung- EMBRAOED. [Iiilla Oen. 29. 13. Laban e. Jacob and kissed him 33. 4. Esau ran and c. Jacob and kissed him 48. JO. Jacob kissed and e, Joseph's sons ■Irts'XS.l. Paul e. disciples and departed to Maccd. Heb. 11. 13. having seen and e. the promises 161 EM? EMBR.\CING. Eccl.'i.b. a time to embrace and a time to refrain e. ^'icts2U.10.Paule.Eutychus,6aid, trouble not yours EMBROIDER. Exod. 28. 39. thou shalt e. the coat of fine Unen EMBROIDERER. Exod. 35.35. to work all manner of work of thee 38. 23. with him was Aholiab, an e. in blue EMERALD, S. Exod. 28. 18. the second row shall be an e. 39. 11 Ezck. 27. 16. Syria occupied in tliy fairs with e. 28. 13. every precious stone thy covering, the e. Hev.i.'i.ihexe was a rainbow in .sight like unto an e 21. 19. the fourth foundation of the city w as an e. EMERODS. Deut. 28. 27. the Lord will smite thee with the e. 1 6'am.5.6. Lord smote them of Ashdod with tJiee. 9. men of the city had e. in their secret jiarts 12. the men that died not were smitten with e. 6.4.they answered, five golden e. and five mice, 17. 5. shall make images ot your e.and your mice, 11. EMINENT. Job 22. t 8. and the e. man dwelt in the earth Isa. 3. t 3. doth take away the e. in countenance Ezek. 16. 24. thou hast built to thee an c. place, 31 39. they shall throw down thine c. place 17. 22. I will plant it on a high and e. mountain 1 T(7;(.2.t2.pray for kings and all that are in e. place EMMANUEL, Or Immanuel, is a Hebrew word, which signifies God with us. Isaiah, in that prophecy, wherein he declares to Ahaz the birth vf the Messiah, who was to be horn of a virgin, says, This child shall be called, and really be, Emmanuel, that is, God with us, Isa. 7. ]4. He repeats the same thing while he is speaking of the cnemy''s army, which, like a torrent, was to overflow Judea, in which Christ loas to be born, to live and die; The slretchingoutof his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Emmanuel, Isa. 8. 8. Matthew says, that this propltecy was accomplished in the birth of Christ, born of the virgin Mary, m whoin the two natures, divine and hwman,wcre united; and so in this sense he was really Emmanuel, or, God with us. Mat. 1. 23. Isa. 7. 14. and shall call his name Em. Mat. 1. 23. 8. 8. he shall fill the breadth of thv land, O Em. EMPIRE. Esth. 1. 20. shall be published throughout all his e. EMPLOY. Dctit. 20. 19. for Uie tree is man's life, to c. in siege EMPLOYED. Z)e«i.20.t 19. O man, the tree is to be e. in the siege 1 Chron. 9. 33. these singers were e. day and night jE: ra 10.15. J onat.andJahaziah c.about this matter EMPLOYMENT. Ezck. 39. 14. shall sever out men of continual e. EMPTY. Gen. 31.42. surely thou hadst sent me away now e. 37. 24. the pit was e. there was no water in it ' 41.27. the seven e. ears blasted with the east- wind Exod. 3. 21. that when yc go, ye shall not go e. 23. 15. in month Abib earnest from Egypt, none shall appear before me e. 34^ 20. Deut. 16. 16. Deut. 15. 13. thou shalt not let him go away e. .Judg. 7. 16. he put in every man's hand e. pitchers liuth 1. 21. the Lord hath brought me home e. 3. 17. for he said, go not e. to thy mother-in-law 1 Sam. 6. 3. they said, send not the ark away e. 20.18. be missed, because thy seal will be c. 25,27. 2 Sam. 1. 22. the sword of Saul returned not e. 2 Kings 4. 3. go, borrow thee e. vessels, not a few JVeh. 5. t 13. even thus be he shaken out and c. .Job ll.tl2. for c. man would be wise,tho' born like 22. 9. thou hast sent widows away e. and the arms 26. 7. he strctcheth out the north over the e. place Isa. 24. 1. the Lord maketh the carlh e. and waste 29. 8. a hungry man awaketh, and his soul is e. 32. 6. to make collie soul of the hungry Jer. 14. 3. they returned with their vessels c. 51. 34. the king of Babylon made me an c. vessel Ezck. 24. 11. then set it e. upon the coals thereof JIos. 10. 1. Isr. is an e. vine, lie bringclh forth fruit JVflA. 2. 10. Nineveh is e. and void, and waste Mat. 12. 44. and when he is come, he findrfh it e. Mark 12. 3. they caught him and beat him, and sent him away e. Euke 20. 10, 11. //j/Ac 1. 53. and the rich he hath sent c. away EMPTY, Verb. IjCv. 14. 36. priest command that they e. the house Ecel. 11. 3. the clouds c. themselves on the earth Jrr. 48. 12. and .send wanderers shall c. his vessels 51.2. fanners that shall fan her and e. hir land Nah.l.M. Rliall Ihey therefore c. their net, not spare Zech. 4.12. which e. the golden oil out of themselv. Mai. 3. t 10. if I will not c. vou out a blessing EMPTIED. Gen. 21. 20. Robekah hasted and c. her pitcher 42. 35. it came to pass as they c. their sacks END 2 Chron. 24. 11. the high priest's officer e. the chest JVfA. 5. 13. even thus be he shaken out and e. Isa. 3. I 2(). she being e. shall sit on the ground 19.t3.spirit of Egy. shall be e. in the midst thereof 6. and the brooks of defence shall be e. 24. 3. the land shall be utterly e. and spoiled ./(T. 48. 11. Moab not been e. from vessel to vessel JVah. 2. 2. for the cmptiers have e. them out EMPTIERS. JVah. 2. 2. for the e. have emptied them out EMPTINESS. /sa.34.11.he shall stretch out upon it the stones ofe. EMPTYING. Uos. 10. t 1. a vine e. the fruit which it giveth EMULATION. Rom. 11. 14. if I may provoke to e. my brethren EMULATIONS. Gal. 5.20. the works of the flesh are e. wrath, strife ENABLED. 1 Tim. 1. 12.1 thank Christ Jesus who hath e. me ENCAMP. Exod. 14. 2. that they e. before Pi-hahiroth JVwTO.l.SO.the Levites shall e. about the tabernacle 2. 17. as they e. so shall they set forward 3. 38. but those that e. before the tabernacle 10.31.thou knowest how we are to wilderness 2 Savi. 12. 28. e. against Rabbah, and take it Job 19. 12. his troops come and c. about my ta- bernacle Psal. 27. 3. though a host should e. against me Zech. 9. 8. 1 will e. about mine house for the army ENCAMPED. Exod. 13. 20. e. in Etham||15. 27. c. by the watcru 18. 5. where Moses e. at the mount of God JV«m. 33. 10. from Elim they e. by the Red-sea 11. from Red-sea, and e. in the wilderness of Sin Josh. 4. 19. people came up and e. in Gilgal, 5. 10 10. 5. the kings of the Anioritcs e. before Gideon Judg. 6. 4. the Midianitcs e. against Israel 9. 50. Abimelech e. against Thebez and took it 10. 17. the children of Aminon e. in Gilead, and Israel assembled themselves and e. at Mizpeh 1 Sam. 11. 1. Nahash e. against Jabesh-Gilead 13. 16. but the Philistines e. in Michmash 2 Sam. 11. 11. the servants are e. in the open fields IKings 16. 15. the people e. against Gibbethon, 16. 1 Chron. 11. 15. the Philistines e. in the valley 2C/ir. 32. 1. Sennacherib c. against the fenced cities ENCAMPETH. Psal. 34. 7. angel of the Lord e. round about them 53.5. hath scattered bones of him that e. acst. thee ENCAMPING. Exod. 14. 9. Egyptians overtook them e. by the sea 2 Kings 6.t8. saying, in sucli a place shall be my e. Enchne, Enclose; see Incline, Inclose. ENCOUNTERED. Jlcts 17. 18. then certain philosophers e. him ENCOURAGE. Deut. 1.38.e. him, he shall cause to inheritit, 3. 28. 2 Sam. 11. 25. thus say to Joab, and e. thou him Psal. 64. 5. they e. themselves in an evil matter ENCOURAGED. 1 Sam. 30. 6. David e. himself in tlie Lord his God 2 Chr. 17. t 6. hisheart was e. in ways of the Lord 31. 4. that the priests and Levites might be c. 35. 2. Josiah c. them to the service of ihe Lord Isa. 41. 7. so the carpenter e. the goldsmith END. The end signifies the extremity or utmost part of a thing, as the end of a rod, 1 Sam. 14. 27. 'I'he end of a heap of corn, Ruth 3. 7. The ends of the earth, that, is. The extremities, or most remote parts of the world. Job 37. 3. | 38. 13. or the people inhabiting those parts, 1 Sam. 2. 10, The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth. He shall condemn and punish the Phi- listines, who dwelt in the utmost borders of the land of Canaan, upon the sea-coast. And in Psalm 98. 3, All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God; that is, All the inhabitants of the earth from one end to the other. End is taken for the conclusion, the sum or substance of a discourse, Eccl. ]2.t 13, Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; or, the end of the matter. It is also taken for destruction. Gen. 6. 13, The end of all flcsli is come before me. / am resolved to destroy man and beast. And in Amos 8. 2, The end is come upon my people of Israel: The time of their utter and final overthrow. And in Mat. 24. 6, our Saviour prophesying of the destruction of Jerusalem, and of the temple, says to his disciples. Ye shall hear of wars, and rumours of wars, see that yc be not trou- bled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. The destruction "/Je- rusalem is not presently: Or, though God shall bring remarkable judgments upon that place and people, yet he will not utterly destroy them. Or by end, here may be understood, the END day of judgment, or the time of Christ's second coming. In Kev. iil. 6. Christ says, I am the beginning and the end: I made all things at first, and I will bring all to tk'U perfection and happiness 1 have promised. Jind it is said, Rom. 10. 4, Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that behevetli ; that is, The law was given for this end, that sinners being thereby brought to the knowledge of their sins, and their lost and undone estate, by reason thereof, should fly to Christ and his righteousness for refuge. Or, Christ is the perfection and con summation of the law. Uc perfected the cere- monial law, as he was the Sjibstance, whereof all the ceremonies of tlve law were shadows they all referred to him as their scope and end. He perfected also the moral law, both by his active obedience, fulfilling all the righteous- ness thereof ; and by his passive obedience bearing the curse and punishment of the law, which was due to us. The end of the commandment is charity, or love, 1 Tim. 1. 5. He truly accomplish the law by fulfilling the precept uf love ; for love is- the fulfilling of the law, Hom. 13. 10. The main scope and design both of lam and gospel, is to produce a pure, ardent love of God, and of men, for his sake. There is also mention of the end of faith, 1 Pet. 1. 9, Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls; that is, receiving that which is the scope, or Mark to which faith tends, or which is the re- ward of faith, namely, the assurance of the salvation of your souls. To endure to the end, JUat. 10. 22. is to fight against sin and temptations as long as one lives, and con- stantly to adhere to Christ, in spite of all per- secutions for his sake. End is also taken for reward or wages, Horn. 6. 21, For the end of those things is death. Eternal death is the reward or wages of si7i. Gen. 6. 13. the e. of all flesh is come before me 47. 21. from one e. of Egypt even to the other e. Exud. 23. 16. the feast of in-gathering which is in the e. of year, when gathered out of field, 34. 22. 25.19.make one cherub on the one e. and the other cherub on the other e. even of mercy-seat Dcut. 28. 04. Lord scatter from one e. of the earth 32. 20. Lord said, 1 will see what their e. shall be Judg. C. 21. the angel put forth the e. of his staff ]y. 9. behold, the day groweth to an e. lodge here 1 >iam. 14.27. Jonathan put forth the e. of the rod 2/!rj«^sl0.21.the house of Baal was full from one e. 2l. 16. filled Jerusalem with blood from one e. 2 CVtJ'o?!. 21.19. after the e. of two years, his bowels jt^iraO-lLfiiled with unclean. from one cto another Job O.n.what is myc.thatl should prolong my life? 10.3. shall vain words have e.7 or what emboldens 20. 10. till the day and night come to an e. 28. 3. he setteth an e. to darkness, and searchetli Pi.7.9. the wickednessof the wicked come to an e. 9. 6. destructions are come to a perpetual e. I'J. 6. his going forth is from the e. of heaven 37.37. upright man, for the e. of that man is peace 38. the e. of the wicked shall be cut ofC 39.4. make me know e.||73.17.I understood their e. 61. 2. from the e. of the earth will I cry to theo 102.27.thou art the same, and thy years have no e. 119. 96. I have seen an c. of all perfection Prov. 5. 4. her c. is bitter || 23. 18. there is an e. 14. 12. but the e. thereof are the ways of death 25. 8. leat thou know not what to do in the e. Eccl. 4. 8. yet there is no e. of all his labour 16. there is no c. of all the people before tliem 7. 2. the e. of all men || 8. better is the c. of a thing 10. 13. the e. of his talk is mischievous madness 12. 12. of making many books there is no e. 1 13. let us hear the e. of the whole matter Isa.2.7. land full of gold, nor is there any e. of their treasures, nor is there any e. of their chariots 9. 7. of his government there shall be no e. 13. 5. they come from the e. of heaven to destroy 16. 4. for the extortioner is at an e. spoiler ceaseth 23. 15. after e. of 70 years Tyre shall sing, 17. 42. 10. sing his praise from the e. of the earth 45. 17. shall not be confounded world without e. 46. 10. declaring the e. from the beginning Jer. 5. 31. what will ye do in the e. thereof? 12. 12. for the sword of the Lord shall devour from one e. to the otlier e. of the land, 25. 33. 17. 11. gets riches, and at his e. he shall be a fool 29. 11. 1 think to give you an expected e. 31. 17. there is hope in thine e. saith the Lord 44. 27. be consumed, till there be an c. of them 50. t26. came against Babylon from the e. 51. 13. O thou that dwellest, thine c. is come 31. to shew that his city is taken at one e. Jmm. 4. 18. our e. is near, for our e. is come Eiek. 7. 2. an c. the e. is come on the land, 3, 6. 162 END Ezek. 21. 25. when iniqu. shall have an e. 29. | 35.5. Dan. 7. 28. hitherto is the c. of the matter 8. 17. at the time of e. shall he the vision 19. at the time appointed the e. shall be, 11. 27. 9. 26. the e. thereof shall be with a flood, and to e. 11. 6. and in the e. of years they shall join 35. to purge them even to the time of the e. 40. at time of the e. king of south shall push him 45. yet he shall come to his e. and none help 12. 4. seal the book even to the time of the e. 8. O Lord, what shall be the e. of these things 1 9. words are closed up, till the time of the e. 13. but go thou thy way till the e. be, slialt rest Amos 3. 15. the great houses shall have an e. 5. 18. to what e. is it ibr you to desire the day? 8. 2. the e. is come upon my people of Israel 10. I will make the e. thereof as a bitter day J^ah. 2. 9. for there is none e. of the store 3. 3. and there is none e. of their corpses Mat. 13. 39. the harvest is the e. of the world 24. 3. what shall be the sign of tlie e. of the world? 14. the gospel bo preached, then shall the e. come 31. gather from one e. of heaven to the other 20. 5b. but Peter went in and sat to see the e. 28. 1. in the e. of the sabbath came Mary to see Mark 3. 26. he cannot stand, but hath an e. Luke 1. 33. of his kingdom there shall be no e. 18. 1. he spake a parable to them, to this e. '■2-i. 37. the things concerning me have an e. John 18.37. sayest I am a king, to this c. was I born Horn. 0. 21. for the c. of those things is death 22. ye have fruit to hohness, e. everlasting hfo 10. 4. Christ is the e. of the law for righteousness 14. 9. to this e. Christ both died, rose, and revived 2 Cor. 2. 9. for to this e. also did I write to know 11. 15. whose e. shall be according to their works Eph. 3. 21. to him be glory world without e. Phil. 3. 19. many walk, whose e. is destruction 1 Tim. 1. 5. the e. of the commandment is charity Heb. 0. 8. nigh to cursing, whose e. is to be burned 16. and an oath is to them an e. of all strife 7. 3. having neither beginning nor e. of life 9. 26. but now once in the e. hath he appeared 13. 7. considering the e. of their conversation Jam. 5. 11. and ye have seen the e. of the Lord 1 Pet. 1.9. receiving e. of your faith, even salvation 4. 17. what shall be the e. of them obey notgospel? Rev. 21. 6. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the e. will give to him athirst, 22. 13. At the END. Gen. 4. t 3. at the e. of days Cain brought offering 8. 6. at the e. of forty days Noah opened window 4J. 1. at the e. of two years Pharaoh dreamed Exod-Vi-H. at the e.of 430 years. Lord's host went Lev. 8. 33. the days of consecration be at an e. Deut. 9. 11. at the e. of 40 days and 40 nights 14. 23. at the e. of three years bring the tithe 15. 1. at the c. of every seventh year a release 31.10. at the c. of every seventh year read this law Josh. 9. 16. at the c. of three days after the league Judg. 11. 39. at the e. of two months she returned Rul/i 3. 7. Boaz lay down at the e. of the heap 2 Ham. 14. 26. at the e. of every year he polled it SJ4.8. Joab came to Jems, at the e. of nine months 1 A'(H o-s2.39. at the c.of 3 years two of Shimei's ser. 17. f 7. at the e. of days the brook dried up 2Kings 8.3. at the e. of 7 years the woman returned 18. 10. at the e. of three years they took Samaria iChron.iS. fi. at the e. of years Jehoshaphat went 20. 16. ye shall find them at the e. of the brook 24. 23. at the e. of the year the host of Syria camo JVf//. 13. t 6. at the e. of days I obtained leave Psal. 107. 27. they stagger, and are at their wits' c. Isa. 7. 3. go to meet Ahaz at the e. of the conduit Jer. 34.14. at the e.of seven years let go every eerv. Ezck. 3.10. at the e. of seven days word of L. came Dan. 1.5. at the c. tliey might stand before the king 4. 29. at the c. of 12 months he walked in palace 11. tl3. at the e. of times shall come with an army 12. 13. thou shalt stand in the lot at the c. of days JIab. 2. 3. but at the e. it shall speak and not lie Mat. 13. 40. so shall it be in the e. of this world But the END. Prov. 14. 12. a way that seems right to a man, but the e. thereof are the ways of death, 16. 25. 20. 21. but the e. thereof shall not be blessed Mat.m.G.but the notyet,Markl2.7. Luke21.9. 1 Pet. 4. 7. but the e. of all things is at hand ■ Last END. JVum. 23. 10. and let my last e. be like his ./er. 12. 4. they said, he shall not see our last e. Lam. 1. 9. she remembereth not her last e. Dan. 8. 19. make thee know what shall be in the Latter END. [last e. JVum. 24. 20. his latter e. shall be that he perish Deut. 8. 16. to do thee good at thy latter e. 32. 29. that they would consider their latter e. Ruth 3. 10. shewed more kindness in the latter e. Sam. 2. 26. it will be bitterness in the latter e. Job 8. 7. yet thy latter e. should greatly increase END Job 42.12. the Lord blessed the latter e. of Job more /■rot). 19.20.that thoumayest be wise in thy latter e. Isa. 41. 22. consider them, and know the latter e. 47. 7. neither didst remember the latter e. of it 2Pei.2.20. the latter e. is worse than the beginning Made an END. Gen. 27. 30. as Isaac had made an e. of blessing 49. 33. Jacob made an e. of commanding his sons Lev. 16.20. made an e. of reconciling the holy place JVum. 4. 15. made an e. of covering the sanctuary 16. 31. had made an e. of speaking, Deut. 20. 9. Deut. 26. 12. hast made an e. of tithing the tithes 31. 24. when Moses had made an e. of writing 32. 45. made an e. of speaking, Judg. 15. 17. 1 Sam. 18. 1. 1 24. 16. 2 Sam. 13. 36. 1 Kings 1. 41. I 3. 1. Jer. 26. 8. I 43. 1. I 51. 63. Josh. 5. 1 8. they had made an e. of circumcising 8. 24. Israel had made an e. of slaying, 10. 20. 19. 49. they made an e. of dividing the land, 51. Judg.'S.iS. he had made an e. to ofler, 1 Son. 13.10. 1 Sam. 10. 13. he had made an e. of prophesying 2 Sam. 11. 19. when thou hast made an e. of telling 1 Kings 7. 40. Hiram made an e. of doing the work 8. 54. Solomon made an e. of praying, 2 Chr. 7. 1. 2 Kings 10. 25. as soon as he had made an e. of offering, I Chron. 16. 2. 2 Chron. 29. 29. 2 Chr. 20. 23. made an e. of the inhabitants of Seir 24. 10. cast into the chest, till they had made an e. EzralO.n .made an e.withall thathad strangewives Ezek. 42. 15. made an e. of measuring inner house 43. 23. when thou hast made an e. of cleansing it Amos 7. 2. they made an e. of eating the grass Mat. 11. 1. made an e. of commanding his disciples Make an END. 1 Sam. 3. 12. when I begin, I will also make an e. 2 Chr. 31. 1 1. brake the images, until to make an e. JVeh. 4.2. feeble Jews, will they jnake an a day Job 18. 2. how long ere you make an e. of words ? /sa. 33.1. thou shalt JKaAe am e. to deal treacherously 38. 12. to-night wilt thou make an e. of me, 13. £zei.20.17.eye spared,nor did I make an e.of them Dan. 9. 24. seventy weeks, to make an e. of sins JVah. 1. 8. he will make an utter e. of the place, 9. Zeph. 1. 1 2. by taking away, I will make an e. ? Make a full END. Jer. 4. 27. the whole land shall be desolate, yet will I not make a full e. 5. 18. | 30. 11. |46.28. 5. 10. go ye up and destroy, but make not a full e. Ezek. 11. 13. ah. Lord, wilt thou make a full e. ? To the END. Exod.8.22.1 will sever land of Goshen, fo the e.thou mayest know that I am the Lord, Ezek. 20. 26. Lev. 17. 5. to the e. Israel may bring sacrifices Deut. 15. 14. to the e. there be no poor among you 17. 16. to the e. that he should multiply horses 20. to the e. that he may prolong his days Psal. 19. 4. their words to the e. of the world 30. 12. to the e. my glory may sing praise to thee 119. 112. to perform thy statutes even to the e. Eccl. 3. 11. can find out from beginning to the e. 7. 14. to the e. man should find nothing after him Isa. 48. 20. utter it even to the e. of the earth 49. 6. mayest be my salvation to the e.of the earth Jer. 3. 5. his anger, will he keep it to the e. ? Ezek. 31. 14. to the e. that none of the trees exalt Dan. 4. 11. sight thereof to the e. of all the earth 22. thy dominion reacheth to the e. of the earth 12.6. how long shall be to the e. of these wonders? Obad. 9. to the e. that every one may be cut off Mat. iO. 22. hut he that endureth to the e. shall be saved, 24. 13. Mark 13. 13. Acts 7. 19. cast out, to the e. they might not live Ro7n. 1. 11. to the e. you may be established 4. 16. to the e. the promise might be sure to seed 2 Cor. 1. 13. 1 trust you shall acknowledge to the e. 3. 13. look to the e. of that which is abolished 1 Thess. 3.13. to the e. he may establish your hearts 1 Pet. 1. 13. wherefore be sober, and hope to the e. Unto the END. Deut. 11. 12. from beginning unio the e. of the year Josh.l5.5.the east-border was unto the e. of Jordan Ruth 2. 23. to glean unto the c. of barley-harvest Job 34.36. my desire is Job may be tried ^mto the e. PsaZ.46.9.maketh wars to cease M7ito the e.of earth 119. 33. teach me, and I shall keep it unto the e. Isa. 62. 11. L. hath proclaimed unto the e. of earth Jer. 1. 3. it came unto the e. of the eleventh year Dan. 6. 26. his dominion shall be even unto the e. 7. 26. to destroy his dominion unto the e. 9. 26. and unto the e. of the war desolations Mat. 28. 20. 1 am with you ahvay , even unto the e. .lohn 13. 1. having loved, he loved them unto the e. 1 Cor. 1. 8. who shall also confirm you u7ito the e. ilfei. 3. 6. if we hold fast the confidence M71 Jo the e. 14. if we hold the beginning stedfast unto the e. 6. 11. to the full assurance of hope unto the e. Rev. 2. 26. he that keepelh my works unto the c. END. Mat. 10. 1 23. ye shall not e. the cities of Israel END ENDAMAGE. Ezra 4. 13. 80 thou shalt e. the revenue of kiiiM EM DANGER. Dan. 1. 10. ye shall make me c. mv head to the king ENDANGERED. £ccM0.9.he thatcleaveth wood shall be £. thereby ENDED. Oen. 2. 2. on the seventh day God e. Iiis work 41. 53. the seven years of plenteousness were c. Ueut. 31. 30. he spake the words till they were e. 34. 8. the days of mourning for Moses were e. 2 SoHi.20. 18. ask counsel, and so they c. the matter Esth. 9. t 28. nor memorial be c. from their seed Job 31. 40. the words of Job are e. Ps. 72. 20. prayers of David, the son of Jesse are c. Isa. 60. 20. the days of thy mourning shall be e. Jer. 8. 20. the harvesi is past, the summer is e. Mat. 7. 28. when Jesus had e. these sayings Luke 4. 2. when forty days were e. he hungered 13. when the devil had e. all the temptation Jolm 13.2. supper being e. the devil havingnow put ENDETII. Isa. 24. 8. the noise of thorn tliat rejoice e. ENDING. 1 Sara. 3. t 12. I will perlbrm beginning and e. Rev. 1. 8. 1 am the begimiing and c. saith the L. ENDLESS. 1 Tim. 1. 4. neither give heed to e. genealogies Jieb. 7. 16. who is made after the power of an e. life ENDEAVOUR. 2 Cor. 5. t 9. we e. tliat we may be accepted of him 2 Pet. 1. 15. I will c. that you may be able after ENDEAVOURED. .^cts 16. 10. we c. to go into Macedonia, gathering 1 T/icss.'i.Yi.we see your face with great desire ENDEAVOURING. Eph. 4. 3. e. to keep the unitv of the Spirit in bond ENDEAVOURS. Psal. 28. 4. according to the wickedness of their e. ENDOW. Exod. 22. 16. he shall surely c. her to be his wife ENDS. Deut. 33. 17. shall push the people to e. of the earth 1 Sam. 2. 10. the L. shall judge the e. of the earth 1 Kings 8. 8. the c. of staves were seen, 2C/ir. 5. 9. 2 Kings 10. t 32. L. began to cut oil" the e. of Isr. Job 28. 24. for be looketh to the e. of the earth 37. 3. he directeth liis lightning to e. of the earth 38. 13. it might take hold of the e. of the earth Psal. 19. 6. and his circuit to the e. of it 22. 27. all the e. of the world shall remember 48. 10. so is thy praise to the e. of the earth 59. 13. God ruleth in Jacob to the e. of the earth 65. 5. the contidence of all the e. of the earth 67. 7. all the e. of the earth shall fear him 98.3. the p. of earth have seen the salvation of G. 135.7.theLord causeth the vapours to ascend from the e. of the earth, Jer. 10. J3. | 51. 10. Prov. 17. 24. eyes of a fool are in the c. ofthe earth :<0. 4. who hath established all the e. of the earth? Jsa. 40. 28. the Lord, the creator ofthe e. of earth 41. 5. the e. of the earth were afraid, drew near 9. whom I have taken from the e. of the earth 43. 6. bring my daughters from the e. of the earth 45. 22. look to me and be saved, all e. of the earth 52. 10. all the e. shall see the salvation of God Jer. 16. 19. Gentiles shall come from e. of the earth 25. 31. a noise shall come to the e. ofthe earth Ezck. 15. 4. the fire devoureth both the e. of it Jilic. 5. 4. now shall he be great to e. of the earth Zcch. 9. 10. his dominion to the e. of the earth ^ct« 13. 47. thou be for salvation to e. ofthe earth Jiom. 10. 18. and their words to the e. of the world ICor. 10. 11 on whom the e. ofthe world are come ENDUED. Oen. 30. 20. God liath e. me. with a good dowry 2C7iron.2. 12. to David a wise son, e.witii prudence IS.have sent a cunning man,e.wilh understanding /.uAe24. 49. till ye be e. with power from on high Jam. 3. 13. who is wise and e. with knowledge 7 ENDURE. Oen. 3.3. 14. and as the children be able to e. Exod. 18. 23. then thou shalt he able to e. Esth. 8. 6. for how can I e. to see evil and destruct. .Tab 8. 15. he shall hold it fast, but it shall not e. 3J. 2;j. by reason of his highness I could not c. Psal. 9. 7. the L. shall e. for ever, he halh prepared his throne for judgment, 102. 12, 20. 1 104. 31. 30. 5. weeping may e. for a night, but joy Cometh 72.5. ihey shall fear thee as long as sun and moon c. 17. his name shall e. for ever, as long as the sun 89. 29. his seed will I make to e. for ever, 36. Prov. Q^.'ii. doth the crown e. to every generationl JKzeft.22.14.can thy heart c. or thy hands be strong? Mat. 24.13. he that shall e. to the end, JUnr/c 13. 13. Mark 4. 17. have no root, and so e. but for a time 2 Tltess. I. 4. in all your tribulations that ye e. 2 Tim.'i. 3. thou therefore e. hardness aa a soldier 10. therefore I e. all things for the elects' sake 4. 3. when they will not e. sound doctrine 163 ENE 2 T'(m.4.5.but watch thou in all things, cafTlictions Hcb. 12. 7. if ye e. chastening, G. deaieth with you 20. they could not e. what was commanded Jam. 5. 11. behold, we count them happy who c. 1 Pet. 2. 19. if a man for conscience e. grief ENDURED. Psal. 81. 15. their time should have c. for ever Rom. 9. 22. if God e. with much long-suflering 2 Tim. 3. 11. hast known what persecutions I e. Heb.ii. 15. after he had patiently f .he obtained pro. 10. 32. ye e. a great fight of afflictions 11. 27. for Moses e. as seeing him who is invisible 12. 2. he e. the cross || 3. he e. such contradiction ENDURETH. Psal, 15.t3. nor e. reproach against his neighbour 30. 5. for his anger e. but a moment, favour is life .52. 1. the goodness of God c. continually 72. 7. abundance of peace so long as the moon e. 100. 5. and his truth e. to all generations 145. 13. thy dominion c. through all generations Mat. 10. 22. he that c. to the end shall be saved ,To/m 6. 27. but for that meat which e. unto life 1 Cor. 13. 7. charity hopeth all things, e. all things Jam. 1. 12. blessed is the man tliat e. temptation ENDURETH /or fwer. 1 Chron. 16. 34. for his mercy e. for ever., 41. 2 Chron. 5. 13. | 7. 3, 6. | 20. 21. Ezra 3. 11. Psal. 106. 1. I 107. 1. I 118. 1, 2, 3, 4. I 136. 1, 2, 3, Src. I 138. 8. Jer. 33. 11. Psal. 111. 3. his righteousness e. for ever, 132. 3,9. 111. 10. his praise e.for ever || 117.2. his truth c. 119. 160. every one of thy judgments e. for ever 135. 13. thy name, O Lord, e. for ever, thy mem. 1 Pet. 1. 25. but the word ofthe Lord e.for ever ENDURING. PsaZ.19.9. the fear ofthe Lord is clean, c. for ever 2 Cor. 1. 6. is effectuaJ in c. the same suflerings //eft.10.34. have in heaven abetter and e.substance ENEMY. Exod. 15. 6. thy right hand hath dashed in pieces e. 9. the e. said, I will pursue, I will overtake 23. 22. then I will be an e. to thine enemies J^iim. 10. 9. and if you go to war against the e. 35. 23. and was not his e. nor sought his harm Deut. .32.27. were it not I feared the wrath ofthe e. 42. from the beginning of revenges upon the e. 33. 27. he shall thrust out the e. before thee Judg. 16.23. our god hath delivered our e. into, 24. 1 Sam. 2. 32. thou shalt see an e. in my habitation 18. 29. Saul became David's c. continually 24. 19. if a man find his e. will he let him go? IKings 8. 33. when thy people be smitten down be- fore e. because sinned ag. thee, 2Chrnn. 6. 24. 46. if they sin, and thou deliver tliem to the e. 2C/iro}i. 25. 8. G. shall make thee fall before the e. Esth. 7. 4. the e. could not countervail the damage 6. Esther said, the f. is this wicked Haman Job 33. 10. behold, he counteth me for iiis e. Psal. 7. 5. let the e. persecute my soul and take it 8. 2. thou mightest still the e. and the avenger 9. 6. O thou e. destructions are come to an end 42. 9. why go I mourning because ofthe e.? 43. 2. 44. 10. thou makest us to turn back from the e. 55. 3. I mourn, because of the voice of the e. 12. for it was not an c. that reproached me 61. 3. thou hast been a strong tower from the c. 64. ]. preserve my life from fear ofthe e. 74. 3. even all that the e. hath done wickedly 10. shall the e. blaspheme thy name for ever? 18. remember the e. hath reproached, O Lord 78. 42. remember not when he delivered from e. 89. 22. the e. shall not e.vact upon him 143. 3. for the e. hath persecuted my soul Prov. 27. 6. but the kisses of an e. are deceitful Isa. 59. 19. when the e. shall come in like a Hood 63. 10. therefore he was turned to be their c. Jer. 6. 25. the sword of the e. is on every side 15. 11. 1 will cause the c. to entreat thee well 18.17. 1 will scatter them with east-wind before e. .30. 14. I have wounded tliee with wound of an e. iMm. 1. 5. are gone into captivity before the e. 9. behold, for the e. hath magnified himself 16. my children are desolate, because ^.prevailed 2. 3. he hath drawn back his hand before the e. 4. he hath bent his bow like an e. he stood 5. the Lord was an c. he hath swallowed up 4. 12. that the c. should havo entered the gates Ezek. 36.2. because the chad said against you, aha Uos. 8. 3. Israel, the e. shall pursue him JHje.2.B. even of late my people is risen upas an c. JVrtA. .3. 11. thou shalt seek strength because of c. JV/a«.13.25.his e. came, sowed tares, went his way 28. ho said unto them an e. hath done tliis 39. the e. that sowed them is the devil Luke 10. 19. to tread over all the power ofthe e. Acts 13.10. child of devil, thou r. of all righteousn. 1 Cor. 15. 26. the last e. to be destroyed is death Gal. 4.16. am I become your e.because I tell truth? 2 Thess. 3. 15. count him not as an e. but admonish Jam. 4. 4. a friend ofthe world is the e. of God ENE Hand of the ENEMY. Lev. 26. 25. 1 will send the pestilence, and ye shall be delivered into the hand of the e. JSTch. 9. 27. Ezra 8. 31. he delivered us from the hand of the c. Psal. 31. 8. hast not shut me up into Aa7id of the e. 78. 61. he delivered his glory into the hand of c. 106. 10. redeemed from the ha?id of the e. 107. 2. Lam. 1. 7. her people fell into the hand of the c. 2. 7. hath given into the hand of the e. the walls Mine ENEMY. 1 Sam. 19. 17. why hast thou sent away mine e. ? 2*am.22.18. delivered me from 7n;»!e e. Psal. 18.17. 1 Kings 21. 20. hast thou found me, O mine e. 1 Job 16. 9. m.ine e. sharpeneth his eyes upon me 27. 7. let mine e. be as wicked, and he that riseth Psal. 7. 4. yea, I delivered him that is mine e. 13. 2. how long shall wtHe c. be exalted over me? 4. lest mine e. say, I have prevailed against him 41.11. because mine e. doth not triumph over me /va77(.2.22. those I swaddled hath mine e. consumed Mic. 7. 8. rejoice not against me, O mine e. 10. then she that is mine e. shall see it, and shame Thine ENEMY. Exod. 23. 4. if thou meet thine e. ox or his ass Deut. 23. 57. thine e. shall distress thee in thy gates 1 Sam. 24. 4. deliver thine e. into thy hand, 26. 8. 28. 16. seeing the Lord is become thine e. 2 Sam. 4.8. behold the head of Ish-bosheth thine e. .Job 13. 24. wherefore boldest thou me for thine e. ? Prov. 24. 17. rejoice not when thine e. falleth 25. 21. if thine e. hunger, give bread, Rom. 12. 20. /.a7rt.2.17. hath caused thine e. to rejoice over thee Zcph. 3. 15. the Lord hath cast out thine e. Mat.5.43. it hath been said, thou shalt hate thine e. ENEMIES. 1 Sam. 18. 25. to be avenged of the king's c. 20. 15. when the Lord hath cut off thee, of David 16. the Lord require it at tlie hand of David's e. 25. 22. so and more do God to the e. of David 30. 26. behold a present of the spoil of e. of Lord 2 .Sam. 12. 14. given occasion to e. to blaspheme 18. 32. the e. of my Lord be as that young man is 2 Chr. 20. 29. Lord fought against the e. of Israel Esth. 9. 1. the e. of the Jews hoi)ed to have power .fob 6. 23. or deliver me from the e. hand ? Psal.n.9. hide me from my deadly e. who compass 37. 20. the e. of the Lord shall be as fat of lambs 45. 5. thine arrows are sharp in heart of king's e. 78. 61. he delivered his glory into the e. hand 127. 5. they shall speak with the e. in the gate .Ter. 12. 7. havo given beloved into hands ot her e- 48. 5. the c. have heard a cry of destruction Lam. 1. 2. all her friends are become her e. 5. her adversaries are the chief, her e. prosper Mie. 7. 6. a man's e. are the men of his own house Rom. 5. 10. if when we were e. we were reconciled 11. 28. as concerning the gospel, they are e. 1 Cor. 15. 25. till he hath put all e. under his feet Phil. 3. 18. they are the e. ofthe cross of Christ Col. 1. 21. were e. in vour mind by wicked works His ENEMIES. Gen.'23.17. thy seed shall possess the gate of his c. Mum. 24. 8. he shall cat up the nations his e. 32. 21. till he hath driven out his e. before him Dent. 33. 7. be thou a liflp to him from his e. 2 Sam.7.1. the Lord hath given him rest from his e. 18. 19. how the Lord hath avenged him of his e. 23. 1. hast delivered liim out of hand of all his e. 1 Chron. 22. 9. 1 will give him rest from all his e. .fob 19. 11. he counteth me as one of his e. Psal. 10. 5. as for all his c. ho pull'eth at them 41.2. thou wilt notdehver him to the will of Ais e. 68. 1. let God arise, let his e. be scattered 21. but God shall wound the head of his e. 72. 9. and his e. shall lick the dust 78. 66. and he smote his e. in the hinder parts 80. 42. thou hast made all his e. to rejoice 97. 3. a fire burnetii up his e. round about 112. 8. until he see his desire upon his e. 132. 18. his e. will I clothe with shame Prov.l6.7.hc maketh his be at peace with him Isa. 9. 11. the Lord shall join his c. together 42. 13. he shall cry, he shall prevail against his e. 59. 18. he will repay recompence to his e. 66. 6. a voice that rcndereth recompence to his e. 14. his indignation be known toward his e. Jer. 44. .30. will give Pharaoh into hand of his e. J^ah. ]. 2. and he rescrveth wrath for his e. 8. and darkness shall pursue his e. //ei.l0.13.e.\pectingtill/tj.9(;.be made hisfoolstool Mine ENEMIES. • JVum. 23. 11. 1 took thee to curse mine e. 24. 10. Deut. 32. 41. I will render vengeance to mine c. 1 Sam. 2. 1. my mouth is enlarged over miiie e. 14. 24. that I may be avenged on mine e. 2 Sam. 5.20. the Lord hath broken forth upon mine e. as the breach of waters, 1 CAr. 14. 11. 22. 4. so shall I bo saved from mme e. Ps. 18. 3. 2 Sam. 22. 38. t have pursued mine e. Psal. 18. 37. 41. hast given me the necks of mine e. Ps. 18.40. ENE 2 Sam. 22. 49. and that bringetb me forth fioin »n. e. IChr. 12. 17. if ye be come to betray me to mine e. I'sal. 3. 7. save me, for thou hast smitten all mine e. 5. 8. lead me, O Lord, because of mine e. 6. 7. mine eyes waxeth old because of all mine e. 10. let all mine 3. be ashamed and sore ve.xed 7. 6. arise, O Lord, because of the rage ot mine e. 9. 3. when mine c. are turned, they shall fall 18. 48. he delivereth me from mine e. 23. 5. thou preparest a table in presence of mine e. 25. 2. let not mine e. triumph over me, 35. 19. 19. consider mine e. for they are many 27. 2. when mine e. came upon me to eat my flesh shall mine head be lifted up above mine e. 11. lead me in a plain path, because of mine e. 12. deliver me not over to the will oimine e. 31. 11. 1 was a reproach among all mine e. 15. deliver me from thehandof wi/nc e. 38. 19. but mine e. are lively, and they are strong 41. 5. mine e. speak evil of me ; when shall he die 42. 10. mine e. reproach me all the day, 102. 8. 54. 5. he shall reward evil to mine e. cut them oif 7. eye bath seen his desire upon mine e. .59. 10. 56. 2. mine e. would swallow me up, they be many 9. when I cry, then shall mine e. turn back 59. 1. deliver me from mine e. O my God, 143. 9. 69. 4. they being mine e. wrongfully are mighty 18. draw nigh, deliver mo because of 7Hine e. 71. 10. mine e. speak against me, they lay wait 92. 11. mine eye shall see my desire on mine c. 119. 98. thou hast made me wiser than mine c. 139. because mine e. have forgotten thy word 157. many are mine e. yet do 1 not decline 138. 7. stretch forth thy hand against mine e. 139. 22. 1 hate thorn, I count them mine e. 143. J2. of thy mercycut oSmine e. and destroy /4'a.l.24.3aith the Lord, I will avenge me of mine e. Lam. 1.21. all mine e. have heard of my trouble 3. 52. mine e. chased me sore like a bird without /,M^el9.27.those mine e.bring hither and slay them Our ENEMIES. Ezod. 1. 10. they join also to our e. and fight TJcut. 32. 31. our e. themselves being judges 1 Ham. 4. 3. it may save us out of hand of our e. 12. lO.butdeUver us out of the hand of owr e. ^Sani. 19. 9. saved us out of Jiand of our e. Ps.44.7. JVcA. 5. 9. because of the reproach of our e. 6. 1. when rust of our e. heard I had huilded, 16. Psnl. 44. 5. through thee will we push down our e. 60. 12. he it is shall tread down our e. 108. 13. 80. 6. and our e. laugh among themselves 136. 24. and hath redeemed us from our e. I, am. 3. 46. our c. have opened their mouths Luke 1. 71. that we should be saved from our e. 74. being delivered out of the hands of our e. Their ENEMIES. Exod. 32.25.had made them naked amongst their e. l^en. 26. 36. send faintnessin the land of their c. 44. yet, when they be in the land of their e. .Josh. 7. 8. Israel turneth back before their e. 12. 21.44.there stood not a man of their e.before them the Lord delivered all their e. into their hand 23. 1. had given rest from their e. Esth. 9. 16. Judcr. 2. 14. sold them into the hand of their e. \S. delivered them out (;!" hand of their e. 8. 34. 2 Kings 21.14.deliver them into the hand of their e. and be a prey, 2CA7-. 6. 30. | 25. 20. JVcA. 9. 27. Psal. 78. 53. but the sea overwhelmed their e. 81. 14. I should soon have subdued their e. 105. 24. and made them stronger than their c. 106.ll.tlie waters covered Wieir e. not one was left 42. their e. oppressed them, he delivered them Jer. 15. 9. 1 will deliver to the sword before their e. 19. 7. to fall by the sword before their e. 20. 4. 9. wherewith their e. shall straiten them 20. 5. all treasures of kings of Judah will give into hands of their e. 34. 20, 21. |21. 7. Ezek. 39. 23. Ezek. 39. 27. gathered them out of their e. lands ~6mos 9.4. tho' they go into captivity before their e. Zech. 10. 5. mighty men, which tread down their e. Rev. 11. 5. if any hurt, fire devoureth their e. 12. they ascended, and their e. beheld them Thine ENEMIES. Oen. 14. 20. who delivered thine e. into thy hand 49. 8. thy hand shall be in the neck of thine c. Eiod. 23. 22. then I will be an enemy to thine e. 27. 1 will make thine e. to turn their thee J^am. 10. 35. rise. Lord, let thine c. be scattered Dr.ut. 6. 19. to cast out all thine e. from before thee 20. 1. when thou goest against thine «. 21. 10. 28.53. wherewith thine e. shall distress thee, 55,57 33. 29. thine e. shall be found liars to thee Josh. 7. 13. thou canst not stand before thine c. Judg. 5. 31. so let all thine c. perish, O Lord 11. "36. hath taken vengeance for thee of t/iine e. 1 .Sam. 25. 26. now let thine c. be as Nabal 29. the souls of thine e. shall he sling out 2 .Sam. 7. 9. I have cut off all thine e. 1 Chr. 17. 8. 19. fi. in th;it lovest thine e. and hatest thy friends 514. 13. or flee three months before thine e. 164 ENL i Kings 3. 11. nor asked lifeofi!Ar«e e.'iChr. 1. 11. 1C/M-.21. 12. while the sword of ihinee. overtaketh /'«ai.8.2.hast ordained strength because of t/iinc e. 21. 8. thine hand shall find out all thi7te e. 60. 3. through thy power shall thine e. submit 68. 23. thy foot may be dipped in blood of thine e. 74. 4. thine c. roar|| 83.2. thine e. make a tumult 23. forgot not the voice of thine e. the tumult 89. 10. thou hast scattered thijie e. with thy arm 51. wherewith thi7ie e. have reproached, O Lord 92. 9. lo, thine e. O Lord, thine e. shall perish llO.l.tUl Iraake thine e.thy footstool, J)/at. 22.44. Mark 12. 36. Ltike 20. 43. Ileb. 1. 13. 2. rule thou in the midst of thitic e. 139. 20. and thine c. take thy name in vain Isa. 26. 11. the fire of thine e. shall devour them 62. 8. no more give thy corn to be meat for thine e. Jer. 15. 14. I will make thee to pass with thine e. l^am. 2. 16. thine e. have opened their mouth Dan. 4. 19. and the interpretation be to thine e. Mic. 4. 10. Lord shall redeem thee from thine c. 5. 9. and all thine e. shall be cut off 1 14. pluck up groves, so will I destroy thine e. J^ah. 3. 13. thy gate shall be set open to thine e. l^uke 19. 43. thine e. shall cast a trench about thee Your ENEMIES. Lev. 26. 7. ye shall chase your e. they shall fall 8. your e. shall fall before you by the sword 16. ye shall sow in vain, foiyour e. shall eat it 17. and ye shall be slain before your e. 37. shall have no power to stand before your e. J^um. 10. 9. ye shall be saved from your e. 14. 42. be not smitten before your e. Dent. 1. 42. Deut. 12. 10. he giveth you rest from all your e. 20. 3. ye approach to battle against your e. 4. the Lord goeth to fight for you against 7;ou?-c. 28. 68. and there ye shall be sold to your e. Josh. 10. 25. thus shall the Lord do to all your e. 22. 8. divide the spoil of your c.wiUi your brethren 1 Sam. 12. 11. the Lord delivered you out of hand of your e.Sinil ye dwelled safe, 2Kings 17. 39. Mat. 5. 44. but I say, love your e. Luke 6. 27, 35. Enflame; see Inflame. ENGAGED. .Ter. 30. 21. who is this that e. his heart to approach? ENGINE, S. 2 Chron. 26. 15. Uzziah made in Jerusalem e. Jer. 6. t 6. pour out the c. of shot, Ezek. 26. fS. 32. t 24. behold the e. of shot, they are come Ezek. 20. 9. he shall set e. of war against thy walls ENGRAFTED. .Tarn. 1. 21. receive with meekness the e. word ENGRAVE. Exod. 28. 11. like a signet shall e. the two stones Zech. 3. 9. behold, I will e. the graving thereof ENGRAVEN. 2 Cor. 3. 7. the ministration of death e. in stones ENGRAVER. Exod. 28. 11. with the work of an e. in stone 35. 35. to work all manner of work of the e. 38. 23. Aholiab, of the tribe of Dan, an e. ENGRAVINGS. Exod. 28. 11. like e. of a signet, 21. 36. | 39.14,30. ENJOY. Lev. 26. 34. the land shall e. her sabbaths, 43. J^uni. 36.8. that Israel may e. inheritance of fathers Dcut. 28. 41. thou shalt beget sons, but not e. them ./osh. 1. 15. then shall return to the land and c. it .Tob 7. t 7. mine eye shall no more e. good Eccl. 2. 1. e. pleasure, behold this also is vanity 24. he should make his soul c. good, 3. 13. | 5. 18. 9. t 9. e. life with the wife whom thou lovest fsa. 65. 22. mine elect shall long e. work of hands Jlcts 24. 2. seeing by thee we e. great quietness 1 7'im.. 6. 17. God, who giveth us all things to e. Heb. 11. 25. than c. the pleasures of sin for a season ENJOYED. 2 Chron. 36. 21. till the land e. her sabbaths ENJOIN. Philem. 8. to e. thee that which is convenient ENJOINED. Esth.O.'ii. to confirm days of Purim as Esth. had e. Job 36. 23. who hath e. him his ways'? Heb. 9. 20. blood of testament God hath you ENLARGE. This vjnrd principally signifies the dilatation, or expanding of the heart, which happens on occa- sions of prosperity andjoy,opposite to that con- traction and oppression of the heart which hap- pens in adversity. Psal. 4. 1, Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress. 2 Cor. 6. 11, O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged. Our mouth is open to speak freely to you, and to communicate to you the whole will and counsel of God: Our heart is enlarged both by the love that we have towards you, and by the rejoicing that we have in you. To enlarge is used likewise for extend- ing one^s limits, and carrying oiic's conquests into a foreign country. Gen. 9. 27, God shall ENO enlarge Japhet. God shall give him a large inheritance, and increase his posterity. Or otherwise: God shall persuade ./apAct, namely, to dwell in the tents of Shem, where God dwelleth ; he shall bring him to faith and obe- dience ; so that this may be a prophecy of the calling of the Gentiles, the posterity o/ Japhet. Mso in Exod. 34. 24, For I will cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders. My mouth is enlarged, says Hannah, 1 Sam. 2. 1. It is opened wide to pour forth abundant praises to God; and to give a full answer to all the reproaches of my adversaries; whereas be- fore it was shut through grief and confusion. Thou hast enlarged thy bed, Isa. 57. 8. TTiou hast multiplied thine idols and altars. The same prophet says, chap. 5. 14, Hell hath en- larged herself, and opened her mouth without measure. Thegravehath opened its mouth; it is ready to swallow up avast number of the dead; it desires no inore than to devour, and absorb such as shall die by this famine, or othci-wise. Enlargement, Heb. Respiration, Esth. 4. 14, Then shall there enlargement arise to the .Tews from another place. They were so filled with grief and terror arising from thcirprcscnt dan- ger, as that they could scarce breathe, as Job speaks, Job 9. 18. but their grief and sorrow should be removed, and then should they have a breathing-time, a time of sweet refreshment. Gen. 9.27. G. shall e. Japhet, he shall dwell in tents Exod. 34. 24. 1 will cast out nations and e. borders Dcut. 12. 20. when the Lord shall c. thy border 19. 8. if the Lord e. thy coast as he hath sworn 1 Chr. 4. 10. O that vvouldest bless me, and e. coast Psal. 119. 32. when thou shalt e. my heart Isa. 54. 2. e. the place of thy tent and stretch forth Jlmos 1. 13. that they might e. their border Mic. 1. 16. make bald, e. thy baldness as the eagle Mat. 23. 5. and e. the borders of their garments ENLARGED. 1 Satn. 2. 1. my mouth is e. over mine enemies 2 Sam. 22. 37. thou hast e. my steps, Psal. 18. .36. Psal. 4. 1. thou hast e. me when I was in distress 25. 17. the troubles of my heart are e. O bring me Isa. 5. 14. therefore hell hath c. hers, opened mouth 57. 8. thou hast e. thy bed, and made a covenant 60. 5. and thine heart shall fear and be e. ' Cor. 6. 11. O ye Corinthians, our heart isc. 13. for a recompence in the same, be ye also e. 10. 15. having hope, that we shall be e. by you ENLARGETH. Deut. 33. 20. he said, blessed be he that e. Gad .fob 12. 23. he e. the nations, and straiteneth them Hab. 2. 5. who e. his desire as hell, and is as death ENLARGEMENT. Esth. 4. 14. then e. shall arise from another place ENLARGING. Ezek. 41. 7. and there was an e. and a winding ENLIGHTEN. Psal. 18. 28. the Lord mv God will e. my darkness ENLIGHTENED. 1 Sam. 14. 27. and Jonathan's eyes were e. 29. Job 33. 30. to be e. with the light of the living Psal. 97. 4. his lightnings e. the world, earth saw Isa. 60. 1 1. arise, be e. for thy light cometh Eph. 1. 18. the eyes ofyour understanding being e. Heb.6.4. it is impossible for those who were once e. ENLIGHTENING. Psal.19.8. commandment of Ld. is pure, e.the eyes ENMITY. Gen. 3.15.1 will put e.between thee and the woman JVum. 35. 21. or in e. smite him with his hand 22. but if he thrust him suddenly without c Luke 23. 12. for before they were at e. bet w. thems. Rom. 8. 7. the carnal mind is c. against God Eph. 2. 15. having abolished in his flesh the e. 16. by the cross, having slain the e. thereby Jam. 4. 4. the friendship of the world is e. with G. ENOUGH. Gen. 24. 25. we have straw and provender e. 33. 9. and Esau said, I have e. my brother 11. take, I pray, my blessing, because I have e. 34. 21. the land, behold, it is large c. for them 45. 28. Israel said, it is e. Joseph is yet alive Exod. 9. 28. entreat the Lord, for it is c. that 36. 5. the people bring much more than e.for work Deut. 1. G. ye have dwelt long e. in tliis mount 2. 3. ye have compassed this mountain long e. .Josh. 17. 16. they said, the hill is not e. for us 2 Sam. 24. 16. it is e. stay thine hand, 1 Kings 19. 4. 1 CAron. 21. 15. MarkM.iX. 7_.?(A:e 22. 38. 2 Chr. 31. 10. we have had e. to eat and have letl Prov.'27. 27. thou shalt have goats' milk e. for food 28. 19. ho that tilleth land have plenty, but he that followeth after vain persons have poverty e. 30. 15. yea, four things say not, it is e. 16. and the fire that eaith not, it is e. Isa. 56. 11. greedy dogs, which can never have e. Jer. 49. 9. they will destroy till they have e. ENQ Has. 4. 10. for tlicy shall eat, and not have e. Ol/aJ. 5. would tliey not have stolen till they liad c. AuA. 2. 12. the lion did tear c. for his whelps JJag. l.G. yeeatjbutyehave not eye drink, butnot Mai. 3. 10. tJiere shall not be room e. to receive it Mat.lOMo. it is e.for the disciple to be as his master 25. 9. not so, lest there be not e. for us and you i,uAel5.17.hired servants have breadc.and to spare .-ictsaT.SB.wheu they had eaten e.lightened the ship ExXaUlllE. To enquire signifies to ask, Acts 9. 11, Enquire in the house ot Judas for one Suut of Tarsus. And Gen. 24. 57, We will call the damsel, and enquire at her mouth : IVe will ask her whether she be willing to depart so very soon, and undtTStand her mind by her words or an- swer. Sometimes it signijies to pray, Ezek. 36. 37. And also to examine, or search nar- rowly into a thing. Deut. 17. 4, And if thou hast enquired diligently, and behold it be true. Sometimes it is taken for saluting a person, and asking him of his welfare, 1 Chron. 18. lU. Tou sent Hadoram his son to salute king David, to ask of his welfare. But this word is most commonly used for asking counsel and direction from God. liKbeka,\>, finding the two children with which she was big struggling together in her womb, and giving her some un- easiness, went to enquire of the Lord, Gen. 25. 22. Either she put up ardent prayers imme- diately to God, that he would reveal his mind to her lierein : Or she consulted God immedi- ately by her father Abraham, or by some other godly patriarch yet surviving, by whom God used to Tnanifcst his mind and will to others, when he thought fit. As to the different ways of consulting God under the Old Testament, see the word Oracle. Geu. 24. 57. we will call the damsel, and e. at her 25. 22. Rebekah went to e. of the Lord Exod. 18. 15. the people come to me to e. of God Deut. 12. 30. and that thou e. not after their gods 13. 14. then shalt thou e. and make search 17. 9. thou shalt come unto the judge and e. Judg.4.^. when any man dotli come and«. of thee li'u;«.9.9.beforetinie when a man went to e.of God 22. 15. did I then begin to e. of God for him J 28. 7. seek me a woman, that I may e. of her 1 Kings 22. 5. Jehoshaphat said, e. 1 pray thee, at the word of the Lord to-day, 2 Chron. 18. 4. 7. none besides, that we may e. of, 2 Chron. 18.6. 2 Kings 1.2. go, c. of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron 3. 11. is there not here a prophet to e. by him'? 8. 8. go meet the man, and e. of the Lord by him 16. 15. llie brazen altar shall be for me to c. by 22. 13. go ye, e. of the Lord for me, 2 Chr. 34. 21. 18. the king wliich sent you to e. 2 Chr. 34. 26. 1 Chron. 10. 13. that had a familiar spirit, to e. of it 18. 10. Tou sent to David to e. of his welfare 21. 30. David could not go before it to e. of God jEzra7.14. are sent to e. concerning Jud.andJerus. Job 8. 8. for e. I pray thee of the former age Psal. 27. 4. beauty of the L. and to e. in his temple Ecel. 7. 10. thou dost not e. wisely concerning this Isa. 21. 12. if ye will e. c. ye; return, come Jer. 21. 2. e. I pray tlieo, of the Lord for us , 37. 7. the king of Judah that sent you to e. of "me Ezek. 14. 7. and cometh to a prophet to e. of him 20. 1. the elders of Israel came to e. of the Lord 3. thus saith the Lord, are ye come to e. of me? Jl/dt. 10. 11. e. who in it is worthy, and there abide I^uke 22. 23. to e. among themselves, John 10. 19. Acts 9. 11. e. for Saul || 25. 1 20. doubtful how to e. 19. 39. but if ye e. concerning other matters 23. 15. as though ye would e. something more, 20. 2 Cor. 8. 23. whether anv do c. of Titus my partner ENaiJIRED. Deut. 17. 4. thou hast heard of it, and e. diligently Judg. 20. 27. the children of Israel e. of the Lord 1 Sam. 10. 22. therefore they e. of the L. further 22. 10. and he e. of the Lord for him, 13. 23. 2. therefore David e. of the Lord, 4. | 30. 8. 2 Sam. 2. 1. | 5. 19, 23. | 21. 1. 1 Chr. 14. 10, 14. 28. 6. when Saul e. the Lord an.swered him not 2 Sam. 11. 3. David sent and c. after the woman 16. 23. as if a man had e. at the oracle of God 1 Chron. 10. 14. Saul e. not of the L. he slew him 13. 3. for we e. not at the ark in the days of Saul Psal. 78. 34. they returned and e. early after God Eiek. 14. 3. should I be e. of at all by them ■? 20. 3. as I live, saith L. I will not be e. of by you 31. shall I hee. of by you, O house of Israeli as I live, saith Lord God, I will not be e. of by you 36. 37. I will yet for this be e. of by Lsrael Dan. 1.20. in all matters that the king e. of Ihem Zeph. 1. 6. those that have not e. for the Lord ^af. 2. 7. Herod e. of the wise men diligently, 16. John 4. 52. then e. he the hour he began to amend 2 Cor. 8. 23. or our brethren be e. of, are messengers 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which salvation the prophets e- 163 ENT ENaUIREST. Job 10. 6. that thou e. after my iniquity and sin ENaUIRY. Prov. 20. 25. and after vows to make e. Acts 10.17. the men had made e. for Simon's house ENRAGED. Prov. 26. 1 17. is e. with strife belonging not to him ENRICH. 1 Sam. 17. 25. the king will e. hira with great riches Ezek. 27. 33. tliou didst e. the kings of the earth ENRICHED. 1 Cor. 1. 5. that in every thing ye are e. by him 2C'or.9.11.beiiig every thing to all bountifulness ENRICHEST. Psal. 65. 9. thou greatly e. it with the river of God ENROLLED. Luke 2. 1 1- a decree that all the world should be e. Heb. 12. 123. church of the tirst-born e. in heaven ENSAMPLE. Phil. 3. 17. be followers, as ye have us for an e. 2 Thess. 3. 9. but to make ourselves an e. to you 2 Pet. 2. 6. an e. to those that should live ungodly ENSAMPLES. 1 Cor. 10. 11. these things happened to them for e. 1 Thess. 1. 7. so that ye were e. to all that believe 1 Pet. 5. 3. not as lords, but being e. to tlie flock ENSIGN. Ensigns arewarlike banners, monuments, ortro phies of victory. Psal. 74. 4, Thuie enemies set up their ensigns for signs. And the prophet Isaiah, threatening the Israelites with an inva- sion, tells them. That God would hft uj) an en sign to the nations from far, Jsa. 5. 26. Jie would, by his providence, bring the Assyrians or the Chaldeans against t/te Jews ; he would, as it were, invite them to list thcinselves under his colours, as generals use to lift up their standards for the raising of armies. The same prophet says. That there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign odhe people, and to it shall the Gentiles seek, Isa. 11. 10. that is. That Christ the Messiah grow- ing upo7i the root of Jesse, should mount up, and be advanced, by the preaching of the gos- pel, to a great height, so as to become a visi- ble and eminent ensign, which the Gentiles, as 2Dell as the Jews, may discern ; to whom they should repair by faith, and in whom they should put their trust. Isa. 5.26. he will lift up an e. to the nations from far 11. 10. which shall stand for an e. to the people 12. and he shall set up an e. for the nations 18. 3. dwellers, see ye, when he Ufteth up an e. 30. 17. till ye be left as an e. on a hill 31. 9. his princes shall be afraid of the e. saith L. Zeeh. 9. 16. as the stones of a crown lifted as an e. ENSIGNS. Psal. 74. 4. they set up their e. for signs ENSNARE. Psal. 12. 1 5. 1 will set in safety from him would e ENSNARED. Job 34.30. hypocrites reign not, lest the people be e. ENSUE. 1 Pet. 3. 11. let him do good, seek peace, and e. it Entangle ; see Intangle. ENTER. Judg. 18. 9. not slothful to e. to possess the land Ezek. 44. 3. prince shall e. by the porch, 46. 2, 8. Dan.ll.n. shall also set hisface to e.with strength 24. he shall e. peaceably on the fattest places Heb. 4. 6. it remaineth that some must e. tlierein ENTER in or into. G'ere.12. 11. Abram was come near to e. into Egypt Exod. 40. 35. Moses was not able to e. into the tent J^um. 4. 23. all that e. in to perform the service 5. 24. the water that causeth the curse shall e. into the woman, and become bitter, 27. Deut. 23. 8. children shall e. into the congregation 29.12.that thou shouldcst e. into covenant with L .Josh. 10. 19. suffer them not to e. into their cities 2 .Sam. 22. 7. and my cry did c. into his ears 1 Kings 14. 12. when thy feet e. into city, child die 22. 30. 1 will disguise myself and e. into the battle 2 Kings 7. 4. if we e. into the city, then the famine 11. 5. a third part of you that e. in on sabbath 19. 23. and I will e. into lodgings of his borders, and into the forest of Carmel, Isa. 37. 24. 2 Citron. 23. 19. that none unclean should c. in 30.8. e. into his sanctuary, which he sanctified JVeh. 2. 8. and for the house that I shall e. into Esth. 4. 2. for none might e. into the king's gate Job 22. 4. will he c. with thee into judgment ■? 34. 23. that he should e. into judgment with God Ps. 37. 15. their sword shall e. into their own heart 45. 15. they shall e. into the king's palace 100. 4. e. into his gates with thanksgiving 113.20. the gale into which the righteous shall c. Prov. 18. 6. a fool's lips e. into contention Jsa. 2. 10. e. into the rock, and hide thee in the dust 3. 14. the L. will e. into judgment with ancients ENT Jsa. 26. 2. that tlie righteous nation may e in 20. come, my people, e. thou into thy chanibers 57. 2. he shall e. into peace, they shall rest in beds Jer. 7.2. that e. in at these gates, 17. 20. | 22. 2. 8. 14. and let us e. into the defenced cities 14. 18. if I e. into the city, behold famine 17. 25. there shall c. into the gates kings, 22. 4. 21. 13. or who shall e. into our habitations 1 Jer. 41. 17. they departed to go to e. into Egypt 42. 15. if ye set your faces to e. into Egypt Lam. 3. 13. hath caused arrows to e. into my reins Ezek. 7. 22. robbers shall e. into it and defile it 13. 9. nor shall they e. into the land of Israel 26. 10. when he shall e. into thy gates, as men e. into a city wherein is made a breach 37. 5. behold, I will cause breath to e. into you 42. 14. when the priests e. therein, then not go out 44. 2. this gate be shut, no man shall e. in by it 16. they shall e. into my sanctuary,and come near 17. when they e. in at the gales of the inner court Dan. 11.7. shall f. intoi\\e fortressof king of north 40. he shall e. into the countries and overflow 41. he shall e. also into the glorious land Joel 2. 9. like a thief they shall e. in at the windows Amos 5. 5. seek not Beth-el, nor e. into Gilgal Jonah 3. 4. and Jonali began to e. into the city Zech. 5. 4. flying roll shall c. into the house of thief Mat. 5. 20. in no case e. into kingdorti of heaven 6. 6. when thou prayest, e. into thy closet 7. 13. e. in at the strait gate, I^uke 13. 24. 21. not every one that saith, Lord, shall e. in 10. 11. into what city ye shall e. Luke 10. 8, 10. 12. 29. e. into a strong man's house, Mark 3. 27. 45. and they e. in and dwell there, Luke 11.26. 18. 8. it is better for thee to e. into life halt or maimed, rather than be cast into everlasting fire, Mark 9. 43, 45, 47. 19.17. if thou wilt e. into life, keep the commandm. 23. a rich man shall hardly e. into the kingdom 24. than for a rich man to e. into the kingdom of God, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25. 25. 21. well done, e. into the joy of thy Lord Mark 1. 45. could no more openly e. into the city 5. 12. that we may c. into the swine, I^uke 8. 32. 6. 10. what house ye e. into, Luke 9. 4. | 10. 5. 9. 25. come out of him, and e. no more into him 14. 38. lest ye c. into temptation, Luke 22. 46. Luke 8. 16. that they which e. in may see light 13.24. many will seek to e. in and shall not be able 24. 26. to have suffered, and to e. into his glory? John 3. 4. can he e. into his mother's womb again? 5. he cannot e. into the kingdom ot God 10. 9. by me, if any man e. in he shall be saved Acts 14.22. through tribulation e. into the kingdom 20. 29. grievous wolves shall e. in among you Heb. 4. 3. do e. into rest, if they shall e. into rest, 5. 11. let us labour therefore to e. into that rest 10. 19. boldness to e. into holiest by blood of Jesus Rev. 15. 8. no man was able to e. into the temple 21. 27. in no wise e. into it any thing that defileth 22. 14. may e. i7i through the gates into the city ENTER not. Psal. 143. 2. e. not into judgment with thy servant Prov. 4. 14. e. not into the path of the wicked 23. 10. e. not into the fields of the fatherless Jer. 16. 5. e. not into the house of mourning Mat. 10. 5. into any city of the Samaritans e. not 26.41. that ye e. no« into temptation, itiAe 22.40. J\rot ENTER. JVitm. 20. 24. for Aaron shall not e. into the land Deut. 23. 1. shall not e. into the congregation, 2, 3. 2 Chron. 7. 2. the priests could not e. into the house Psal. 95. 11. that they should not e. into my rest Isa. 59. 14. truth is fallen, and equity cannot e. Lam. 1.10. they should not e, into tliy congregation Ezek. 20. 38. they shall not e. into the land 44. 9. nor uncircumcised e. into my sanctuary Hos. 11. 9. and I will not e. into the city Mat. 18. 3. ye shall not e. into kingdom of heaven Mark 10. 15. he shall not e. therein, Luke 18. 17. Heb. 3. 11. they shall not e. into my rest, 18. 19. we see they could not e. because of unbelief See Kingdom. ENTERED. Gen. 7. 13. the self-same day e. Noah and his sons 19. 3. the angels turned in, and e. into his house 23. the sun was risen when Lot e. into Zoar 43. 30. Joseph c. into his chamber and wept there Exod. 3.3. 9. as Moses e. into the tabernacle Josh. 2. 3. bring the men that are e. into thy house .Tudg. 6. 5. and they e. into the land to destroy it 9. 46. they e. into a hold of the god Berith 1 Kings 1. 1 1- now king David was e. into days 2 Kings 7. 8. e. into another tent, and took thenco 9. 31. as Jehu e. in at the gate, Jezebel said 2 Chron. 12. 11. when the king e. into the house 15. 12. tliey e. into a covenant to seek the Lord 27. 2. Jotham c. not into the temple of the Lord JVeh. 10. 29. they e. into a curse, and into an oath Job 38. 16. haet thou e. into the springs of the sea? ENT Job 38. 22. hast thou e. into the treasures of snow? Jer. 2. 7. but when ye c. ye defiled my land 9. 21. for death ise. into our windows and palaces 34. 10. the people which had e. into covenant 37. 16. when Jp. amiah was e. into the dungeon Lam. 1. 10. the heathen e. into her sanctuary 4. 12. that tlie enemy should have e. the gates Ezek. 2. 2. spirit e. into me when he spake, 3. 24. 16.8. yea, I sware and e. into a covenant with thee 36. 20. and when tliey e. unto the heathen 44. 2. because the God of Israel hath e. in by it Obad.ll. in the day that foreigners c. into his gates 13. thou shouldest not have e. into the gate Jiab. 3. 16. rottenness e. into my bones, I trembled Mat. 8. 5. when JesOs was e. into Capernaum 9. 1. and he e. into a ship and passed over 12. 4. how he e. into the house of God and did eat 24. 38. day that Noah e. into tlie ark, Luke 17.27. Mark 5. 13. the unclean spirits went out and e. into the swine, and were choked in the sea, Luke 8. 33. 6. 56. whithersoever he e. they laid the sick Luke 1. 40. Mary e. into the house of Zacharias 7. 44. 1 e. thine house, thou gavest me no water 9. 34. and they feared as they e. into the cloud 11. 52. woe to lawyers, ye e. not in yourselves 22. 3. then c. Satan into Judas, Johyi 13. 27. 10. when ye are e. the city, there shall meet you John 4. 38. and ye are e. into tiieir labours 18. 1. where was a garden, into the which he e. 33. then Pilate e. into the judgment-hall Mcts 9.17. Ananias e.and putting his hands on Saul 11. 8. nothing unclean hath e. into my mouth 23. 16. he e. into the castle and told Paul, went and 25. 23. Agrippa was e. into the place of hearing 28. 8. to whom Paul e. in, and prayed, and healed Rom. 5. 12. sin e. into the world || 20. the law e. 1 Cor. 2. 9. neither have e. into the heart of man Meb. 4. 6. they e. not in because of unbelief 10. for he that is e. into his rest, hath ceased 6.20. whither the forerunner is for us e. even Jesus 9. 12. he e. in once into the holy place, 24. Jam. 5. 4. are e. into the ears of the L. of sabaoth 2 Joltn 7. many deceivers are e. into the world Rev. 11. 11. Spirit of life from God e. into them ENTERETH. JVum. 4. 30. number every one that e. into the ser- vice to do work of the tabernacle, 35, 39, 43. 2 Clir. 31. 16. to every one that c. house of the L. Prov. 2. 10. when wisdom e. into thine heart 17. 10. a reproof e. more into a wise man than Ezek. 21.14. the sword e. into their privy chambers 46. 9. he that e. in by the way of the north gate Mat. 15. 17. whatsoever e. in at the mouth, goeth into the belly, and is cast out, Mark 7. 18. Mark 5. 40. and e. in where the damsel was lying Luke 22. 10. follow him into house where he e. in John 10. 1. e. not by the door into the sheepfold 2. he that e. in by the door, is the shepherd Jleb. 6 19. and which e. into that within the vail 9. 25. as the high-priest e. every year with blood ENTERING. Josh. 8. 29. cast it at the c. of the gate of the city 20. 4. shall stand at the e. of the gate of the city Judg. 9. 35. Gaal stood in the e. of the gate of city 44. Abimelech stood in the e. of the gate of city 18.16.llie600 men of Dan stood by the f .of the gate 17. and the priest stood in the e. of the gate 1 Sam. 23. 7. by c. into a town that hath gates, bars 2 Sum. 10. 8. put the battle in array at e. in of gate \ Kings 6. 31. for thee, of the oracle he made doors 19. 13. Elijah stood in the c. in of the cave 2 Kings 1. 3. four leprous men at the e. of the gate 10. 8. lay the heads in two heaps at e. of the gate 23. 8. that were in the e. of the gate of Joshua 2 Chr. 18.9. kings sat at e. of the gate of Samaria Isa. 23. 1. so that there is no house, no e. in Jer. 1. 15. set thrones at the e. of the gates, 17. 27. Ezek. 44. 5. mark well the c. in of the house Mat. 23.13. for ye neither go in yourselves, nor suf- fer ye them that are e. to go in, Luke 11. 52. Mark 4. 19. the lusts of other things e. in choke 7. 15. nothing without e. into him can defile him 16. 5. e. into the sepulchre they saw a young man Liike 19. 30. at your e. ye shall find a colt tied Acts 8. 3. Saul e. into every house, and haling men 1 Thess. 1. 9. what manner of e. in we had to you Seb. 4. 1. a promise left us of e. into his rest .See Hamath. ENTEEINGS. Ezek. 26. 1 10. according to the e. of a city broken ENTERPRISE. Job 5. 12. their hands cannot perform their e. ENTERTAIN. Heh. 13. 2. be not forgetful to e. strangers ENTERTAINED. Heb. 13. -2. for thereby some have e. angels ENTICE Signifies, [1] To persuade., or allure., Judg. 14.15. I 16. 5. 2 Chron. 18. 20. .[21 To deceive, Jer. 166 ENV 20. 10. Jam. 1. 14. It is referred (1) To Satan seducing false prophets, by inspiring Ihem with lies, 2 Chron. 18. 20. (2) To a man cun- ningly insinuating himself into a maid's af- fections, in order to gain her consent to lie with him, either by his persuasions, promise of marriage, or reward, E.xod. 22. 16. (,3) To notorious sinners, such as thieves, robbers, murderers, or oppressors, who endeavour to allure others by fair pretences to associate themselves with them, Prov. 1. 10. | 16, 29. (4) To a man's own lust and concupiscence, which may promise him pleasure in sin, and may thus allure him to the commission of it, more than any temptation which he may have from without. Jam. 1. 14. (5) To false and treacherous friends, the enemies of God's people, who watch for an advantage against the godly; thus Jeremiah complains, chap. 20. 10, All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, peradventure he will be enticed ; namely, to fitter something which we may lay hold on to accuse him for. (6) 7'o the heart allured witli the sight of out- ward objects. Job 31. 26, 27, If I beheld the sun when it shined, and my heart hath been secretly enticed; that is, inwardly moved to esteem either the sun or moon as deities, or secretly to adore or worship them. (7) To false teachers, who are said to deceive and seduce others, by enticing words, by erroneous philosophical notions and fancies mingled with the gospel, 1 Cor. 2. 4. Col. 2. 4. (8) To unfaithful wives, flattering their husbands with a purpose to deceive, Judg. 14. 15. \ 16. 5. Exod. 22. 16. if a man e. a maid not betrothed Deut. 13. 6. if thy wife e. thee secretly, saying Judg. 14.15. e. husband, that he may declare riddle 16. 5. the lords said to Delilah, e. iiim and see 2 Chro7i. 18. 19. the Lord said, who shall e. Ahab? 20. 1 will e. him || 21. thou shalt e.him and prevail Prov. 1. 10. if sinners e. thee, consent thou not ENTICED. Job 31. 27. if my heart hath been secretly e. Jer. 20. 1 7. thou hast deceived me, and I was e. 10. peradventure he will be e. we shall prevail Ja7n. 1. 14. is tempted when drawn away and e. ENTICETH. Prov. 16. 29. a violent man e. his neighbour 20. 1 19. meddle not with him that e. with lips ENTICING. 1 Cor. 2. 4. my preaching was not with e. words Col. 2. 4. lest any man beguile you with e. words ENTIRE. Amos 1. 1 6. carried them with an e. captivity Jam. 1. 4. that ye be perfect and e. wanting notliing ENTRANCE. .Tudg. 1. 24. they said, shew us the e. into the city 25. when he shewed them the e. they smote it 1 Kings 18. 46. he ran before Ahab to e. of Jezreel 22. 10. the two kings sat in the e. of Samaria 2 Chron. 12. 10. that kept the e. of the king's house Psal. 119. 130. the e. of thy words giveth light 1 Thess. 2. 1. yourselves know our e. in unto you 2 Pet. 1. 11. BO an e. shall be ministered to you ENTRY. 2Ki7igs 16.18. k.'s e. without turned he from house 1 Chron. 9. 19. their fathers were keepers of the e. 2 Chr. 4. 22. doors of c. of the house were of gold Proii.8.3. wisdom crieth at the gates, at e.of the city Jer.38.14. Zedekiah took Jeremiah into the third e. 43. 9. hide the stones at the e. of Pharaoh's house Ezek. 8. 5. this image of jealousy in the e. ENTRIES. Ezek. 40. 38. the chambers and e. were by the posts ENVY Is an evil affection of the heart, whichmakcs men grieve and fret at the good and prosperity of others. Psal. 73. 3. Rachel envied Leah, be- cause of her fruitf Illness, Gen. 30. 1. Joseph was envied of his brethren, because his father loved him. Gen. 37. 11. The Jews envied Paul and Barnabas, because they preached Christ, Acts 13. 45. Envy at the good of others, and malice, wishing them evil, as one observes, is a deep pollution of spirit. This absolutely alien- ates men from the nature andlife of God: for the clearest conception we have of the Deity is, that he is good, and does good. This is not only contrary to supernatural grace, but to natural conscience, and turns a man into a devil. This vice is immediately attended with its punish- ment: The envious man is his own tormentor. Envy slayeth the silly one. Job 5. 2. Envy is the rottenness of the bones, Prov. 14. 30. Be- sides, this stops the descent of divine blessings and turns the petitions of the envious into imprecations against themselves. The spirit that dwellcth in us lusteth to envy, .7(27)1.4.5. According as spirit is taken, either EPH for the Spirit of God, or for the human spirit, or natural corruption; the sense of these words may be, either, (1) The Spirit of God that dwellcth in us, teacheth us better things than strife and envy; for it lusteth against envy, that is, makes us lust against it, carries out our hearts to hate and resist it: The Greek preposition Trpi;, here Englished to, often sig- nifies against, as in Luke 20. 19. Eph. 6. 11. Or, (2) Our natural corruption, excited and inflamed by the devil, strongly inclines us to envy, and co7isequently to other wickedness. Job 5. 2. wrath killeth, and e. slayeth the silly one Prov. 14. 30. e. is the rottenness of the bones 27. 4. but who is able to stand before e. ? Eccl. 4. t 4. this the e. of man from his neighbour 9. 6. their love, their hatred, and e. is now perished Isa. 11. 13. the e. also of Ephraim shall depart 26. 11. they shall see and be ashamed for their e. Ezek. 35. 11. I will even do according to thine e. Mat. 27. 18, for e. they delivered him, Mark 15.10. Acts 5. f 17. rose up, and were filled with e. 7. 9. the patriarchs moved with e. sold Joseph 13.45. Jews filled with e. spake against tliose things 17. 5. the Jews which believed not, moved with c. Rom. 1. 29. full of e. murder, debate, deceit Phil. 1. 15. some indeed preach Christ even of e. 1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometh e. strife, railings Tit. 3. 3. we were foolish, living in malice and c. Jam. 4. 5. the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to e. ENVY. ProD.3.31.c.thou notoppressor,choose not his ways 23. 17. let not thine heart e. sinners, be in fear of L. Isa. 11. 13. Ephraim not e. Judah, Judah not vex ENVIED. Gen. 26. 14. and the Phihstines e. Isaac 30. 1. Rachel e. her sister, and said unto Jacob 37. 11. Joseph's breth. e. him, his father observed Psal. 106. 16. they c. Moses also in the camp Eccl. 4. 4. for this man is e. of his neighbour Ezek. 31. 9. the trees in the garden of God e. him ENVIES. 1 Pet. 2. 1. laying aside all malice, guile, and e. ENVIEST. JVum. 11. 29. Moses said, c. thou for my sake 1 ENVIETH. 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity sutfereth long, and e. not ENVYING. ft om.13.13. let us walk honestly, not in strife and e 1 Cor. 3.3. whereas there is among you e. and strife Gal. 5. 26. provoking one another, e. one another Jam. 3.14. butifye have bitter e. and strife in hearts 16. where e. is,there is confusion, every evil work ENVYINGS. 2 Cor. 12. 20. 1 fear lest there be debates, c. wratlis Gal. 5. 21. the works of the flesh are e. murders ENVIOUS. Psal. 37.1. nor be e. against the workers of iniquity 73. 3. for I was e. at the foolish, when I saw Prov. 24. 1. be not thou e. against evil men 19. fret not, neither be thou e. at the wicked ENVIRON. Josh. 7.9. the Canaanites shall hear and e. us round EPHAH Is a Hebrew measure of the same capacity with the Bath, containing ten homers. See Bath, and Homer. Exod. 16. 36. a homer is the tenth part of an e. Lev. 5. 11. the tenth part of an e. of flour, 6. 20. 10. 36. ye shall have a just e. Ezek. 45. 10. JVum. 5. 15. the tenth part of an e. of barley-meal Judg.G.iQ. made unleavened cakes ofan e.of flour Ruth 2. 17. and it was about an e. of barley 1 Sam. 17. 17. take now an e. of this parched corn Isa. 5. 10. the seed of a homer shall yield an e. Ezek. 45. 11. the e. and baths shall be one measure 46. 5. and a bin of oil to an e. 7, 11. Amos 8.5. making the e. small, and the shekel great Zech. 5. 6. he said, this is an e. that goeth forth 8. and he cast it into the midst of the e. See Part. EPHOD IVas a sort of ornament, or upper garment, worn by the Hebrew priests. There were tico sorts of epliods, one of plain linen for the priests, and another embroidered for the high-priest. That for the high-priest was composed of gold, blue, purple, crimson, and twisted cotton; that is, it was a very rich composition of different colours. Upon that part of the epiiod, which came upon the two shoulders of the high-priest, were two large precious stones, upon which were engraven the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, upon each stone six names, E.\od. 28. 4, 5, 0, &c. There, wlure the ephod crossed the high-priest's breast,was a sguare ornament,called thehreaat- plate, wherein twelve precious stones were set, with the naines of the tioelne tribes of Israel engravedon thtm, one on each stone. Theupper EPI side of the breast-plate was fastened by chains of gold to that part of the ephod ichich was uji the shoulder ; and the lower side of it, by blue laces, to the girdle of the ephod; for which purpose it had four rings of gold, at the four corners; that being all fitly joined together, it might appear like one entire garment, Kxod. 39. 21. and accordingly, the whole was some- times called and understood by the single word Ephod, 1 Sam. 30. 7. Mas. 3. 4. The Ephod worn by common priests, which was of linen only, was of the same extent and use but neither so rich, nor so much adorned. This garment was worn somctitiies by those who strictly speaking, were not priests; as by Samuei in the tabernacle, when he was but a child, 1 Sam. 2. 18. and by David when he brought the ark from the house of Obed-edoin to Jerusalem, 2 Satn. 6. 14. But, as both these were holy occasions,it is probable tAcEphodwas properly a holy robe; and never worn by any, but those who served in some holy employment. Some affirm, that the Jewish kings had aright to wear the Ephod, and to consult the Lord by Urim and Tliummim. They ground their opinion principally on what is said coiicern- ing David, 1 Ham. 30. 7. when he came to Zili- lag, and found that the Amaleltites had pil- laged the city, and carried away his and his people's wives, he said to Abiathar the high- priest. Bring me hither the Ephod, and Jibia- thar brought thither the Ephod to David. IVhat follows verseS.favours this opinion. And David enquired at the Lord, saying, shall I pur- sue afterthistroop'? And heanswercd him, Pursue. But the generality of Commentators are of opi- nion, that neither David, Saul, nor Joshua, nor any other prince of Israel, dressed themselves in the high-priest's Ephod, in order to consult Ood of themselves, and that the passage now related signifies no more than. Put on the Ephod, and consult the Lord lor me. Grotius believes, the high-priest turned the Ephod, or breast-plate, towards David, that he might see with his own eyes, what God should answer to him by the stones upon the breast-plate. Exod. 25. 7. stones to be set in the e. 35. 9, 27. 28. 4. thev shall make an e. and a robe, 6. 8. curious girdle of e. 27, 28. | 39. 5, 20. Lev. 8. 7. 12. put them on tJie shoulders of the e. 25. 15. make it after the work of the e. 39. 8. 31. shalt make the robe of the e. of blue, 39. 22. 39. 2. he made the e. of gold, blue, and purple Lev. 8.7. he put the e. upon him, and girded him Judg. 8. 27. and Gideon made an e. thereof 17. 5. the man Micah made an e. and teraphim 18.14.that there is in these houses an e. and teraph. 1 Sam. 2. 18. Samuel was girded with a linen e. 28. did I choose him to wear an e. before me'? 14.3. And Ahiah the Lord's priest wearing an e. 21. 9. the sword is wrapt in a cloth behind the e. 22. 18. Doeg slew 85 persons that did wear an e. 23. 6. Abimelech fled with an e. in his hand 9. David said, bring hither the e. 30. 7. 2 Sam. 6. 14. David danced before the Lord, and was girded with a linen e. 1 Chron. 15. 27. i!/b«.3.4. Israel shall abide many days without an e, EPISTLE la a letter or writing, whereby one person com- municates his mind to another at a distance; thus David communicated his mind to Joab in a letter which he sent by the hand of Uriah, 2 .Sam. 11. 14. The holy Jlpostlcs likewise com- municated to the church by epistles the mind and will of Ood, according as the H»ly Spirit inspired and directed them ; which inspired epistles make apart of the Canon of the holy scriptures. Jind the whole word of God may be called his epistle, because therein he has declar- ed and revealed his mind and will to mankind. The apostlePa.u\writing to aith the Lord, keep e. and do justice 59.14. truth is fallen in streets, ande. cannot enter Mic. 3. 9. hear tliis, ye that pervert all e. J\Ial. 2. 6. he walked with me in peace and e. ERE. Exod.\. Id.they are delivered e.the midwives come JVum. 14.11. how long will it be e. they believe met .Job 18. 2. how long e. you make an end of words? ,/cr. 47. 6. O sword, how long e. thou be quiet 7 Hos. 8. 5. how long e. they attain to innocency? John 4. 49. Sir, come down e. my child die ERECTED. G£7j.33.20. Jacob e. there an altar, El-Elohe Israel ERRAND. Gen. 24. 33. 1 will not eat till I have told mine e. Judg. 3. 19. I have a secret e. unto thee, O king 2 Kings 9. 5. he said, I have an e. to thee, O capt. ERR. 2 Chr. 33. 9. so Manasseh made Judah to e. Job 5. t24. thou shalt visit thy habitation and note. Psal. 95. 10. a people that do e. in their heart 119. 21. which do e. from thy commandments 118. hast trodden them that e. from thy statutes Prov. 5. 1 19. and e. thou always in her love 10. 1 17. he that refuseth reproof, causeth to e. 14. 22. do they not e. that devise evil 1 19. 27. cease to hear instruction that causeth to e. Isa. 3.12. 0 my people, they which lead thee cause thee to e. and destroy thy paths, 9. 16. 19. 14. and they have caused Egypt to e. 28. 7. they e. in vision, they stumble in judgment 30. 28. tliere shall be a bridle causing them to e. 35. 8. the wayfaring men shall not e. therein 63.17. why hast thou made us to c.from (by ways'? Jer. 23. 13. the prophets prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to e. Mic. 3. 5. //o3.4.12.spiritofwhoredom hath caused them toe. Jlmos 2. 4. and their lies caused them to e. Mat. 22. 29. Jesus said, ye do e. not knowing the scriptures nor power of God, Mark 12. 24, 27. Heb. 3. 10. they do always e. in their hearts Jam. 1. 16. do not e. my beloved brethren 5. 19. brethren, if any of vou do c. from the truth ERRED. /,CT. 5. IS. concerning ignorance wherein he c. JVjtm. 15.22. ve have e. and not observed these com. 1 Sam. 26. 21. behold, I have e. exceedingly ESC Job 6.24. cause me to understand wherein I have e. 19.4. be it indeed that 1 have e.mine err. remaineth Psal. 119. 110. yet I e. not from thy prcce]ils Isa. 28.7. but they also have e.thro' wine and thro' strong drink, the priest and the prophet have e. 29. 24. they also that e. in spirit shall come 1 Tm.O.lO.some coveted they have e.from the faith 21. some professing have c. concerning the faith 27"tm. 2. 18. who concerning the truth have e. ERRETH. Prov. 10. 17. but he that refuseth reproof e. Ezek. 45. 20. so shalt thou do for every one that e. ERROR Signifies, [1] Ji mistake or oversight, Eccl. 5. 6. [2] False doctrine, which is not agreeable to the word of God, 1 John 4. 6. [3] Sins of all sorts, Psal. 19. 12. Heb. 9. 7. [4] Idols, Jer. 10. 15. [5] Sins against nature, Rom. 1. 27. [6] Un- faithfulness in an office, Dan. 6. 4. The error of Balaam, Jude 11. is covetousness, to which the p&i-sons, of whom the apostle speaks, were excessively addicted, and, fur the sake of filthy lucre, did corrupt the doctrine of Christ ; as Balaam, /or the sake of gain, taught Balak to entice the children of Israel to c ommit forni- cation, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. Job, speaking to his friends, says. Be it indeed that I have erred, mine error remaineth with myself. Job 19. 4. If my opinion in this point be faulty and erroneous, as you pretend it is, it is likely to continue ; I see no cause from your reasons to change my judgment. Or, if I have sinned, you see I suffer deeply for my sins, and therefore deserve your pity and help, rather than your reproaches, whereby you add affliction to the afflicted. JV'um. 35. 1 11. the slayer that killeth any by e. 2 Sam.d.l. anger kindled, G. smote Uzzah for his e. Job 19. 4. if erred mine e. remaineth with myself Eccl. 5. 6. neither say thou that it was an e. 10. 5. there is an evil which I have seen as an e. Isa. 32. 6. and to utter e. against the Lord Z>a?(.3.t29. who speak e. against God of Shadrach 4. t 27. if it may be a healing of thine e. 6. 4. neither was there any e. found in him Mat. 27. 64. the last e. shall be worse than the first Rom. 1. 27. receiving that recompense of their e. Jam. 5. 20. converteth the sinner from e. of his way 2 Pet. 2. 18. were escaped from them who live in e. 3. 17. ye being led away with the e. of the wicked 1 .lohn 4. 6. hereby know we the spirit of e. Jude 11. they have ran greedily after e. of Balaam ERRORS. Ps. 19. 12. who can understand his e. ? cleanse me Ter. 10. 15. they are vanity, the work of e. 51. 18. Heb. 9. 7. which he offered for the e. of the people ESCAPE. Gen. 19. 17. e. for thy life, e. to the mountain 20. O let me e. || 22. haste thee, e. thither 32. 8. the other company which is left shall e. .Josh. 8. 22. they let none of them remain or e. 1 Sam. 27. 1. e. into the land of the Philistines 2 Sam. 15. 14. let us flee, for we shall not else e. 20. 6. lest Sheba get him fenced cities and e. us 1 Kings 18. 40. let none of them e. 2 Kings 9. 15. 2 Kings 10. 24. if any of the men I have brought e. 19. 31. they that e. out of mount Zion, /«a. 37. 32. 23. 1 18. they let his bones c.witli bones of prophet Ezra 9.8.grace been shewn to leave us a remn.lo e. Esth. 4. 13. think not thou shalt e. in king's house .Job 11.20.but the wicked shall not e. their hope fail Ps. 56.7. shall they e. by iniquity? cast down people 71. 2. deliver me in thy right, and cause me to e. 141. 10. let the wicked fall, whilst I withal e. Prov. 19. 5. he that speaketh lies shall not e. Eccl. 7. 26. whoso pleaseth God shall c. from her Isa. 20. 6. we flee for help, and how shall we e. 66. 19. I will .send those that e. to the nations Jer. 11.11. bring evil on them shall not be able to e. 25. 35. nor the principal of the flock to e. 32. 4. Zedekiah shall not e. 34. 3. | 38. 18, 23. 42. 17. none that go into Egypt shall e. 44. 14. 44. 14. none shall return but such as shall e. 28. yet a small number that e. the sword 46. 6. let not the swift flee, nor mighty man e. 48. 8. the spoiler shall come, no city shall e. 50.28. voice of them that flee and c.out of Babylon 29. let none thereof e. recompense her according Ezek. 6. 8. may have some that shall e. the sword 9. and they that e. of you shall remember me 7. 16. they that e. shall e. and be like doves 17. 15. shall he e. that doeth such things? 18. hath done all these things, he .lihall not e. Dan. 11. 41. but these shall e. out of his hand 42. and the land of Egypt shall not e. .Joel 2. 3. yea, and nothing shall e. them Obad. 14. to cut off those of his that did e. 1 17. but on mount Zion shall be they that e. Mat. 23. 33. how can ve c. the damnation of hell '? Z/U/Ice 21.36. be accouiited worthy to e. these things ESP ^cts 27. 42. counsel to kill the prisoners, lest any e. Rom. 2. 3. that thou shall e. the judgment of Godi 1 Cor. 10. 13. but will also make a way to e. 1 Thess.5.3.aadden destruction, and they shall note. Meb. 2.3. how shall we c.if we neglect so great salv. 12. 25. much more shall not we e. if we turn away ESCAPE. Psal. 55. 8. 1 would hasten my e. from the storm ESCAPED. Oen. 14. 13. there came one that had e. and told Exod. 10. 5. the locust eat the residue of what is e. JVaim.21.29.hath given his sons that e.into captivity Dcut. 23. 15. not deliver servant e. from his master Jiidg. 3. 26. and Ehud e. while they tarried 29. there e. not a man of them, 1 Sam. 30. 17. 21. 17. must be an inheritance for them that bee. 1 Sam. 14. 41. Saul and Jonath. taken, but people e. 19. 10. David fled and e. that night, 12. 18. 2 Sam. 1. 3. out of the camp of Israel am I e. 4. 6. and Rachab and Baanah his brother e. 1 Kings 20. 20. Ben-hadad the king e. on a horse 2 Kings 19. 30. the remnant that is e. of Judah shall take root and bear fruit, Isa. 37. 31. 1 Chron. 4. 43. they smote the rest that were e. ^Chron. 16.7. therefore is the host of Syria e. 30. 6. and he will return to you that are e. Ezra 9. 15. for we remain yet e. as it is this day JVeA. 1. 2. 1 asked concerning the Jews that had e. Job 1. 15. I only am e. to tell thee, 16, 17, 19. 19. 20. and I am e. with the skin of my teeth Psal. 124. 7. our soul is c. as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers, the snare is broken and we are e. Isa. 4. 2. shall be comely for them that are c. of Isr. 10. 20. the remnant and such as are e. of Jacob 45. 20. draw near, ye that are e. of tlie nations Jer. 41. 15. but Ishmael the son of Nethaniah e. 51. 50. ye that have e. remember the Lord afar off Lam. 2. that none in that day e. nor remained Ezek. 24. 27. thy mouth be opened to him that is e. 33. 21. that one that had e. came unto me, 22. John 10. 39. but he e. out of their hands ^c( it came to pass, they aU to land 28.4. though he c.the sea,yet vengeance suflers not 2 Cor. 11.33. I was let down and e. his hands Heb. 11. 34. through faith e. the edge of the sword 12. 25. if they e. not who refused him that spake 2 Pet, 1. 4. e. the corruption that is in the world 2.18.aUure thro'lustsof flesh those thatwerecleanc 20. after they have e. the pollutions of the world ESCAPEE. 2 Kings 9. f 15. let no e. go out of the city to tell ESCAPETH. IKings 19. 17.him that e.the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay; him that e. Jehu shall Elisha slay Isa. 15. 9. bring lions upon him that e. of Moab .Ter. 48. 19. ask her that e. and say, what is done 1 Ezek. 24.26. he that that day shall come to thei Amos 9. 1. he that e. of them shall not be delivered ESCAPING. 2 Kings\9. t30. the e. of the house of Judah that remaineth shall again take root, Isa. 37. f 31. 2 Chr. 20. 1 24. they were dead, there Avas not an e. Ezra 9.14.SO that there should be no remnant nor e. Isa. 4. t 2. the branch be comely for the e. of Isr. 37. t 32. the e. shall go forth out of mount Zion Jer. 25. t 35. and e. from the principal of the flock ESCHEW. 1 Pet. 3. 11. let him e. evil and do good, seek peace ESCHEWED, ETH. Job 1. 1. one that feared God and e. evil, 8. | 2. 3. ESPECIALLY and SPECIALLY. Z>eM(.4.10.s.the day thou stoodest before the Lord Psal. 31. 11. a reproach e. among my neighbours Acts 25. 26. and s. before thee, O king Agrippa 26. 3. e. because I know thee to be expert Gal. 6. 10. e. to them of the household of faith ITim. 4 10. the Saviour, s. of those that beheve 5. 8. provide, s. for them of his own bouse 17. e. they who labour in word and doctrine 2 Tim. 4. 13. the cloke bring, but c.the parchments Tit. 1. 10. deceivers, s. they of the circumcision PAiicm.l6.above a servant,brotherbeloved,*.to me ESPY. Josh. 14. 7. Moses sent me to e. out the land Jer. 48.19. stand by way, and e. ask him that fleeth ESPIED. Gen. 42. 27. he c. his money in his sack's mouth Ezek. 20. 6. into a land that I had e. for them See Spy, Spied. ESPOUSALS. Cant. 3. 11. his mother crowned him in day of his e. Jer. 2. 2. 1 remember thee, the love of thine e. ESPOUSED. Espousing, or betrothing, was a promise of mar- riage made by two persons each to other, at such a distance of time afterwards. This was done either by a formal writing, or contract in presence of witnesses. Or without writing, by the man's giving apiece of silver to the bride before witnesses, and saying to her. Receive 168 EST this piece of silver as a pledge that at such a time you shall become my spouse. After the marriage was thus contracted,the young people had the liberty of seeing each other, which was not allowed them before. We read. Mat. 1. 18, that when Mary was es- poused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Ood would have his son to be bom of abetrothed virgin, (1) That he might not be under the reproach of illegitimacy. (2) That his mother might not be subjected to the punishment of the judicial law. (3) That by the genealogy of Joseph, of whose kindred Mary was, her pedigree might also be shewed. (4) That Christ might have a guardian in his infancy. The union of believers with Christ is expressed under the notion of a marriage, Isa. .54. 5. Hence the apostle tells the Corinthians, I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you a chaste virgin to Christ, 2 Cor. 11. 2. The husband is Christ, Mat. 25. 6. The virgin bride are all true believers. The contract, or marriage-covenant, is madein this life, in making of which faithful ministers are instrumental ; I have espoused you, says the apostle. But the marriage is celebrated in the other world, where believers have uninterrupt- ed communion with God in Christ, Rev. 19. 7. 2 Sam. 3. 14. deliver me my wife Michal whom I e. Mat. 1. 18. when his mother Mary was Joseph Luke 1. 27. to a virgin e. to a man named Joseph 2.5. Joseph went to be taxed with Mary his e. wife 2 Cor. 11. 2. for I have e. you to one husband ESTABLISH and STABLISH. Signifies, [1] To fix, or settle, 1 Kings 9. 5. [2] To confirm. Num. 30. 13. Rom. 1. 11. [3] To perform, or make good, Psal. 119. 38. [4] To ordain, or appoint, Hab. 1. 12. [5] To ac- complish and bring to a good issue, Prov. 20. 18. [6] To set up one thing in the room of another, Rom. 10. 3. [7] To ratify, Heb. 10.9. The Lord shall establish thee a holy people unto himself, Deut. 28. 9. He shall confirm and establish his covenant with thee, by which he separated thee to himself as a holy and ■ peculiar people, and shall publicly own thee for such. Estabhsh thou the work of our hands, Psal. 90. 17. that is, Direct us in, and give success to all our undertakings and endeavours; carry them on, by thy continual aid and blessing, unto perfection. Gen. 6. 18. but with thee will I e. my covenant, 9. 9. 1 17. 7. Lev. 26. 9. Ezek. 16. 62. 17. 19. I will e. my covenant with him, 21. JSTurn. 30. 13. every vow, her husband may c. it Deut. 8. 18. that he may e. his covenant he sware 28. 9. the L. shall e. thee a holy people to himself 29. 13. that he may c. thee to-day for a people 1 Sam. I. 23. only the L. e. his wonl, 2 Sam. 7. 25. 2Sain. 7. 12. 1 will set up thy seed after thee, I will e. his kingdom, 13. 1 C7tr. 17. 11. | 22.10. ( 28. 7. IKings 7.t 21. he set up and called the name of the right pillar, he shall e. 2 Chron. 3. f 17. 9. 5. I will e. the throne of thy kingdom sot up his son after him,and to C.Jerusalem 1 Chron. 17. 12. and I will s. liis throne for ever 18. 3. as he went to s. his dominion by Euphrates 29. t 18. O Lord God, s. their heart unto thee 2 Chron. 7. 18. then will I s. throne of thy kingdom 9. 8. because God loved Israel to e. them for ever Esth. 9. 21. to s. among them the days of Purim .Job 36. 7. yea he doth e. them for ever, are exalted Psal. 7. 9. but e. the just 1| 48. 8. God will e. it 10. t 17. thou wilt e. the heart of the humble 87. 5. and the Highest himself shall e. her 89. 2. thy faithfulness sbalt thou e. in the heavens 4. thy seed will I e. for ever, and build thy throne 90. 17. e. thou the work of our hands, e. thou it 99. 4. thou dost e.equity,thou executest judgment 119. 38. s. thy word to thy servant, who is devoted Prov. 15. 25. he will e. the border of the widow Isa. 9. 7. to e. it with judgment and with justice 49. 8. give thee for a covenant to c. the earth 62. 7. till he e. and make Jerusalem a praise Jer. 33. 2. the Lord that formed it, to c. it Ezek. 16. 60. I will e. an everlasting covenant Dan. 6. 7. have consulted to e. a royal statute 8. O king, e. the decree, and sign the writing 11. 14. shall exalt themselves to e. the vision Amos5.l5.\ove the good,and e.judgment in the gate Rom. 3. 31. do we make void 7 yea, we e. the law 10. 3. going about to e. their own righteousness 16. 25. now to him that is of power to s. you 1 Thess. 3.2. we sent Timothy our brother to e. you 13. to the end he may s. your hearts unblameable 2 Thess. 2. 17. s. you in every good word and work 3. 3. the Lord shall s. you, and keep you from evil EST Heb. 10. 9. takes away first, that he may e. second ,fam. 5. 8. be ye also patient, s. your hearts 1 Pet. 5. JO. the God of all grace s. settle you ESTABLISHED, STABLISH ED. 0671.9.17.11)6 token of the covenant which I have c. 41. 32. it is because the thing is e. by God Exod. 6. 4. I have also c. my covenant with them 15. 17. in the sanctuary which thy hands have e. Deut. 32. 6. hath he not made thee, and e. thee.' 1 Sain. 3. 20. Samuel was e. a prophet of the Lord 13. 13. now would the Lord have c. thy kingdom 20. 31. thou shalt not be e. nor thy kingdom 2Sam. 5.12. David perceived that the L. had e. him 7. 26. Lord is God over Israel, let the house of thy servant David be e. for ever, IChron.ll. 24. 1 Kings 2. 12. and his kingdom was c. greatly 24. as the Lord liveth, which hath c. me 46. the kingdom was c. in the hand of Solomon 1 Chron. 17. 23. let the thing be e. for ever, 24. 2CAro«. 1.9. now, O Lord God,letthy promise be e. 12. 1. when Rehoboam had e. the kingdom 17. 5. the Lord s. the kingdom in his hand 25. 3. when the kingdom was e. to him, he slew 27. t 6. Jotham e. his ways before the Lord 30. 5. BO they e. a decree to keep the passover Job 21. 8. their seed is e. in their sight with them 38. 1 10. when I e. my decree upon it, and set bars Psal. 24. 2. for he hath e. it upon the floods 37.t 23. the steps of a good man are e. by the Lord 40. 2. he set my feet on a rock, and e. my goings 78. 5. he e. a testimony in Jacob, and law in Israel 69. the earth he hath e. for ever, 119. 90. 93. 1. the world is e. \\ 2. thy throne is c. of old 101. t 7. he that telleth lies shall not be e. 111. t 8. his commandments are «. for ever 112. 8. his heart is e. he shall not be afraid 140. 11. let not an evil speaker be c. in the earth 148. 6. he hath e. the waters for ever and ever ProB. 3.19. Lord, by understand, hath c.the heavens 4. 26. ponder thy paths, and let all thy ways be c. 8. 28. when he e. the clouds above, when he 12. 3. man shall not be e. by wickedness 15. 22. in multitude of counsellors they are e. 16. 12. for the throne is c. by righteousness 20. 18. every purpose is c. by counsel, with advice 24. 3. and by understanding is a house e. 30. 4. who hath c. all the ends of the earth 75a. 7. 9. if ye will not believe, ye shall not be e. 16. 5. and in mercy shall the throne be c. 45. 18. God that made the earth, he hath e. it Jer. 10. 12. he e. the world by his wisdom, 51. 15. Dan. 4. 36. I was my kingdom, and majesty Hab. 1. 12. 0 mighty God, thou e. them for correct. JI/aM8.16.mouth of two witnesses everyword bee. Acts 16. 5. so were the churches e. in the faith Rom. 1. 11. impart some gift, to end you may be e. Col. 2. 7. built up in him, and s. in the faith Heb. 8. 6. which was c. upon better promises 13. 9. it is good that the heart be e. with grace 2 Pet. 1. 12. though ye be c. in the present truth Shall be ESTABLISHED. Lev. 25. 30. house shall bee. for ever, 2 Sam. 7. 16. jDc«(. 19.15. at the mouth of two or three witnesses shall the matter be e. 2 Cor. 13. 1. 1 Sam. 24. 20. the kingdom shall 6c c. in thine hand 2 Sam. 7. 16. thine house, thy kingdom, and thy throne, shall be c. for ever, 1 Kings 2. 45. 1 Chr. 17. 14. I will settle him in my kingdom, and his throne .thall be e. for evermore, Psal. 89. 37. 2 Chr. 20. 20. believe in Lord God, so shall ycbe e. Job 22. 28. thou shalt decree, and it shall be e. Psal. 89. 21. with whom my hand shall be e. 96. 10. the world shall be e. before thee 102. 28. and their seed shall be e. before thee Prov. 12. 19. the lip of truth shall be c. for ever 16. 3. commit thy works, thy thoughts shallbe e. 25. 5. his throne shall be e. for ever, 29. 14. Isa. 2. 2. mountain of the Lord's house shallbe e. 16. 5. and in mercy shall the throne be e. 32. t 8. and by hberal things shall he be e. 54. 14. in righteousness shalt thou be e. .Ter. 30.20. their congregation shall be e. before me Mic. 4. 1. mountain of house of the Lord shnll be c. Zcch. 5. 11. to build it a house, and it shall be e. ESTABLISHETH. JVum. 30. 14. he c. all her vows, or all her bond.s Prov. 29. 4. the king by judgment, e. the land Dan. 6. 15. no decree the king e. may he changed Hab. 2. 12. woe to him that c. a city by iniquity 2 Cor. 1. 21. now he which e. us with you in Christ ESTABLISHMENT. 2 Chron. 32. 1. after the e. Sennacherib came Psal. 89.tl4.ju9tice and judgment are the e. of thy throne, mercv and truth before thee, 97.12. ESTATE, STATE. Oen. 43. 7. the man asked us straitly of our s. 1 Chron. 17. 17. to the c. of a man of high degree 2 Chron. 24. 13. they set the house of God in his s. Esth. 1. 7. according to the s. of the king 19. let the king give her royal c. to another ETE £6-//(.2.18. gave gifts according to the ^. of the king Job 22. t 20. whereas our e. is not cut down P5ai.39.5.every man at his best «. altogether vanity 13G. 23. wlio remembered us in our low c. dihgentto know the «.oftliy flocks 28. 2. by a man of knowledge «. shall be prolonged Eccl. 1. 16. saying, lo, I am come to great c. 3. 18. concerning the e. of the sons of men Isa. 22. 19. from thy s. shall he pull thee down Ezek. 16. 55. Samaria shall return to her former e. Dan. 11. 7. one shall stand up in his c. 21. 20. then shall stand up in his c. a raiser of taxes 38. but in his e. shall he honour the God of forces Mat. 12. 45. seven other spirits enter, the last s. of that man is worse than tlie first, Luke 11. 26. Luke 1.48. hath regarded low e. of his handmaiden Acts 22. 5. all the c. of the elders doth bear witness Rom. 12. 16. but condescend to men of low e. PAr7.2.19. 1 may bo of comfort when I know your 5. 20. like-minded, will naturally care for your s. 4. 11. learned in whatsoever s. I am to be content Col. 4. 7. all my s. shall Tychicus declare to you 8. whom I sent, that he might know your e. Jude 6. the angels which kept not their first e. ESTATES. Ezek. 36. 11. I will settle you after your old e. Mark 6. 21. Herod made a supper to his chief e. ESTEEM. Job 36. 19. will he e. thy riches ^ no not gold Psal. 119. 128. I e. all thy precepts to be right Jsa. 53. 4. we did e. him smitten of God, atfiicted PkU. 2. 3. let each e. other better than themselves 1 Thcss.5.\3. to e. them highly for their work's sake 1 Pet. 2. 1 17. e. all men, love the brotherhood ESTEEMED. J)cu(.32. 15. and lightly c. the rock of his salvation 1 Sam. 2. 30. they that despise me shall be lightly e. 18. 23. seeing I am a poor man and hghtly c. Job 23. 12. I have e. the words of his mouth more Pro 11. 17. 28. shuttethhislips, is c. a man of understan. /.sa.29.16.your turning shall be the potter's clay 17. the fruitful field shall be e. as a forest 53. 3. he was despised, and we e. him not Lam. 4. 2. how are they e. as earthen pitchers Luke 16.15. highly e. among men, abominable toG. 1 Cor. 6. 4. set them to judge who are least e. ESTEEMETH. Job 41. 27. he e. iron as straw, brass as rotten wood Rom. 14. 5. one e. one day above another ; another e. every day alike 14. but to hira that e. any thing to be unclean ESTEEMING. Heb. 11. 26. e. the reproach of Christ greater riches ESTIMATE. ire. 27. 14. the priest shall e. it whether it be good or bad, as the priest shall e. it, so shall it stand ESTIMATION. /yeB.5.15.bring a ram with thy e. by shekels of silver 27. 2. the persons shall be for the Lord, by thy e. 3. thy e. shall be of the male from 20 years, 5. This word found often in this Chapter. J^Tum. 18. 16. from a month old, according to thy e. 2 Kings 12. \ 4. the money of the souls of his e. ESTIMATIONS. Lev. 27. 25. all thv e. according to the shekel ESTRANGED. .hb 19. 13. mine acquaintance are e. from me Psal. 58. 3. the wicked are c. from the womb 78. 30. they were not c. from their lust Jer. 19.4. because they have e. this place, and burnt £zeA.14.5.because thev are all e.from me thro' idols ETERNAL. The words eternal, everlasting, for ever, are sometimes taken for a long time, and are not always to be understood strictly; for example, it is said, Gen. 17. 8, I will give to thee and to thy seed the land of Canaan, for an ever- lasting possession. M»d in chap. 13. 15, I will give it to thee, and to thy seed for ever; that is, for a long .ipacc of time. And in Gen. 49. 26. we find everlasting hills, so called to denote their antiquity, stability, and dura- tion; and this crprcssion is used to shew the long continuance and durnhlcncss o/ Joseph's blessing. Ood promises a throne to David, an eternal kingdom, a postrrity that will never be extinguished; that is, that his and his sons' empire will be of a very long duration, 2 Sam. 7. 16. 1 Chron. 17. 14. that it icill be even eternal, if hereby the kingdom of the Messiah be understood. Thus, Thou shalt be our guide from this time forth even for ever, that is, during our whole life. And in many other places of scripture, and in particular, when the word for ever is applied to 3. 12. 60. 19. the L. shall be unto tliee an e. light, 20. Jci: 10. 10. God is an c. King || 20. 11. e. confusion 23. 40. I will bring an e. reproach upon you 31. 3. yea I have loved thee with an e. love 51. 1 26. but thou shall be c. desolations JJaii. 4. 34. whose dominion is an e. domin. 7. 14. JIab. 3. t). the e. mountains were scattered Mat. 18. 8. to be cast into c. fire, 25, 41. 25. 46. these shall go away into c. punishment JmIcc 16.9. they may receive you into e.habitalions 2 'J'hess. 1. 9. who shall be punish, with e. destruct. 2. 16. loved us, and hath given us e. consolation 1 Tim. 6. 16. to whom be honour and power e. Jude 6. the angels he hath reserved in e. chains Hco. 14. 6. having the e. gospel to preach to them Sec COVKNANT. From EVERLASTING. Ps. 41.13. blessed be G.from c. to everlast. 106. 48. 90. 2. even/)-om e. to everlasting thou art God 93. 2. thy throne is of old, thou Art from e. 103.17. but the mercy of tlie Ld. is from e. to ever. Proc.8.23.1 was set up/z-ont e.or ever the earth was Jsa. 63. 16. O Lord, thy name is from e. Jilic. 5. 2. whose goings forth have been from e. Jiab. 1. 12. art thou not/ro;n e. O Lord my God? EVERLASTLVG life. Z)an.l2.2.awake,some to e.lif e,some to everhisting Mat. 19. 29. aiid shall inherit e. life [shame Luke Id. 30. and in the world to come e. life John 3. 16. whoso believeth should have c. life, 36. 4. 14. in him a well of water springing up to e. life 5. 24. he that heareth my words hath c. life 6.27. labour for the meat which endureth to e. life 40. every one who seeth the Son may have e. life 47. he that believeth on me hath e. life 12. 50. 1 know that his commandment is life e. Jiets 13. 46. judge yourselves unworthy of c. life /?o)H.6.22.being free from sin,ye have theend e. life Oal.G.S. soweth to Spirit, shall of Spirit reap life c. 1 r/ hereafter believe on him to i*/e e. EVERMORE. f)eut. 28.29. thou shalt be opjiressed and spoiled c. 2 Satn. 22. 51. he sheweth mercy unto David e. 2 Kings 17. 37. ye shall observe to do for e. 1 Chr. 17. 14. his throne shall be established for e. Ps. 16. 11. at right hand there are pleasures for e. 18. 50. sheweth mercy to David and his seed for e. 37. 27. depart from evil, do good, and dwell for e. 77. 8. is mercy gone ? doth his promise fail for e.f 86. 12. I will praise and glorify thy name for e. 89. 28. my mercy will I keep for him for e. .52. blessed be the Lord for e. amen and amen 92. 8. but thou. Lord, art most high for c. 105. 4. seek the Lord, seek his face e. 106. 31. was counted to him for righteouen. for e. 113. 2. blessed be the name of the Lord for e. 115. 18. but we will bless the Lord for e. 121. 8. L. preserve thy going out and coming in c. VXi. 12. their children shall sit upon throne for e. 133. 3. Lord commanded the blessing, life for e. Ezek. 37. 26. I will make a covenant and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for e. 28. JbA7i6. 34. said to Jesus, Lord, c. give us this bread 2 Cor. 11.31. the Father of our Lord blessed lore. 1 Thess. 5. 16. rejoice e. pray without ceasing I/eb. 7. 1 25. he is able also to save them e. 28. maketh the Son, who is consecrated for e. Rev. 1. 18. was dead, behold, I am alive for e. EVERY. Oen. 6. 5. e. imagination of his heart was evil 17. 10. e. man-child shall be circumcised Lev. 19.10. nor shalt gather e. grape of thy vineyard JVum. 5.2. that they put out of the camp e. leper 1 .Sam. 3. 18. Samuel told him e. whit, hid nothing Psal. 119. 101. I have refrained from e. evil way 104. therefore I hate e. false way, 128. Pror. 2. 9. then shalt thou understand e. good path 7. 12. now in streets, she lieth in wait at e. corner 14.15.the simple believeth e.word,but prudent man 15. 3. theeyesof the Ld. are inc. place, beholding 20. 3. c«ase from strife, but e.fool will be meddling 30. 5. e. word of God is pure, he is a shield /.«a. 45. ^.i. e. knfie shall bow, e. tongue shall swear Jcr. 51.29. e. purpose oftheLd. shall be performed £:fA.12.23. days at hand, and the effect of e. vision Van. 11. 36. and magnify himself above e. god 171 EVI 7.ech. 12. 12. the land shall mourn, c. family aparl jMal. 1.11. inc. place incense be oUcrcd lo my name Mat. 4. 4. but by c. word that jirocecdelh from God 19. 3. for a man to put away his wife for «. cause Mark 1. 45. they came to him from c. cpiarter Luke 4. 37. the fame of him went into e. |)lace 0. 44. for e. tree is known by his own fruit /icts 2.43. and fear came ujion t. soul, wonders done 15. 21. Moses hath in c. city them that preach him ftom.14.11. e.knee shall bow, f .tongue shall confess 1 Cur. 4. 17. as I teach e. where in e. church 2 Cor. 10. 5. bringing into captivity e. thought 1.21. far above c. name named, Phil. 2. 9. 4. 16. e. joint supplieth, in the measure of e. part Phil. 4. 21. salute e. saint in Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 4.4. for e. creature of God is good if received 2 Tim. 2. 21. and prepared unto e. good work Hcb. 12. 1. let us lay aside e. weight, and the sin Jam. 1. 17. c. good and perfect gift is from above 1 Pet. 2. 13. submit to e. ordinance of man for Lord 1 .John 4.1. beloved, believe not c. spirit,but try spir. Sec Beast, City, Day, Man, Morning, Way, Side, Thing. EVERY one. Gen. 4. 14. that e. one that findeth me shall slay me 27. 29. cursed be c. one that curseth thee, blessed JV«»i.l6.3.all congregation arc holy, e. one of them J)eut. 4. 4. ye are alive e. one of you this day 1 Kings 22. 28. hearken, O peojjle, e. one of you 2 Kings 18. 31. and then eat ye e. one of his tig-tree 2 Chron. 30. 18. saying, the good Lord i)ardon Ezra 3.5. of e. one that willingly oflereil an oflering 9. 4. were assembled to me e. one that tiembled Jo4 40. 11. behold e.>>?ic that is proud,and abase him 12.look one. one that is proud, and bring him low Psal. 29. 9. in temple e. one doth speak of his glory 32. 6. for this shall e. one that is godly pray 49. 114. grave a habitation for e. one of them 63. 11. e. one that sweareth by him shall glory CiS. 30. till c. one submit himself with silver 71. 18. and thy power to e. one that is to come 115. 8. so is c. one that trusteth in them, 135. 18. 119.160. e.ojte of thy judgments endureth forever 128. 1. blessed is e. one that fcareth the Lord F.ccl. 10. 3. he saith to c. one that he is a fool Cant. 4. 2. whereof c. one beareth twins, 6. 6. /«a.7.22. honey shall e. one eat that is left in the land 9. 17. for c. one is a hypocrite and an evil doer 34. 15. vultures be gathered, e. one with her mate 43. 7. even e. one that is called by my name 55. 1. ho, e. one that thirsteth, come to the waters Jer. 5.6. e. one that goeth out shall be torn in pieces 8. c. one neighed after his neighbour's wife 6. 13. for e. one is given to covctousness 20. 7. I am in derision daily, e. one mocketh me 25. 5. turn ye now e. one from his evil way Ezc/i:.7. 16. all of tlieni mourning, e. one for iniquity 16.25. hast opened thy feet to c. one that passed by 22. 6. behold e. one were in thee to shed blood Dan. 12. 1. e. ojje that be found written in the book Joel 2. 7. they shall march c. one on his ways Zech. 5. 3. for e. one that stealeth shall be cut off Mat.7.8. e. one that asketh, receiveth, JAike 11.10. Mark 7.14.said to them,hearken to me,c.oMe of you Luke 19. 26. to e. one which hath, shall be given John 3. 8. so is e. one that is born of the Spirit 18. 37. c. one that is of the truth heareth my voice Mcts 2. 38. repent, and be baptized e. one of you 17. 27. though he be not far from c. one of us 20. 31. 1 ceased not to warn e. one night and day shall give account of himself to G. 1 Cor. 7. 17. as the Lord hath called e. one, so walk Gal. 3. 10. cursed is e. one that continneth not ^Tim. 2. 19. e. one that nameth the name of Christ 1 ./ohn 4. 7. e. one that loveth is born of God jRci'. 6.11. white robes were given to c. one of them EVERY where. 1 Clir. 13. 2. send abroad to our brethren c. where Mark 16.20. they went forth and preached e. jehcre Ijuke 9. 6. preaching the gospel e. where, Jlets 6.4. Acts 17.30. commanding all men c. where to repent 28. 22. we know it is e. where spoken against 1 Cor. 4. 17. as I teach e. where in every church Phil. 4. 12. e. where, and in all things instructed 1 Tim. 2. 8. 1 will therefore that men pray e. where EVIDENCE. Jer. 32. 10. I subscribed the e. and sealed it 1 1. so I took the e. || 12. 1 gave the e. to Baruch 14. this e. both which is sealed, and this e. open 16. when I delivered the e. of the purchase Heb. 11. 1. faith is the c. of things not seen EVIDENCES. Jer. 32. 14. thus saith the Lord, take these c. shall buy fields for money and subscribe e. EVIDENT. .Tob 6. 28. look upon me, for it is e. to you if I lie GaL3. 11. that no man is justified by the law is r. Phil.l-W. which is to them an e. token of perdition Heb. 7. 14. it is e. our Lord sprung out of Judah 15. and it is yet far more e. for that after Melchis. EVI EVIDENTLY. .'lets 10. 3. Cornelius saw in a vision e. an angel CTai.3.1.Jcsus Christ hath been e.set forth crucified EVII-. Evil /,•; taken for siii and wickeditcss : thus it is .^aid of the wicked kings of Israel, that they did evil in the sight of the Lord, theij trans- gressed his laio, 1 Kings 16. 25, 30. Jlnd in Keel. 9. 3, The heart of the sons of men is full of evil. 'This is criminal or moral evil. It is likewise taken for afflictions or punish- ments which God inflicts upon a person or people. Job 2. 10, Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil 7 Isa. 45. 7, I make peace and create evil. Amos 3. 6, Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done if? This is the evil of punishment, or penal evil. It is also taken for injuries or wrongs done by one man to another. Prov. 17. 13, Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house. Mat. 5. 39, But I say unto you that ye resist not evil. It is put for dangers or calamities, Prov. 22. 3, A prudent man fbrcseetli the evil, and hideth himself. He sees public cdlamilies approaching, and uses all lawful miaus to secure himself, ft is taken both for corporeal and spiritual evil, of sin and suffering. Mat. 6. 13, Deliver us from evil. It is said. Mat. 5. 37, Let your communication lie yea, yea; nay, nay; for whatsoevej is more than these conieth of evil ; that is, Let your discourse be confirmed with a bare affirmation or denial only; for whatsoever is more than these proceedcth from an evil habit, or some such principle ; and most commonly from the devil, that wicked one, who is evil in the high- est degree; who conunits evil irithuut ceasing; and 7cho practises all sorts and degrees of it by himself and liis ministers. The evil of sin. The internal malignity of sin, abstracted from its dreadful effects, renders it most worthy of our hatred ; for it is in its own nature direct enmity agaiiist God,and obscures the glory of all his attributes : It is the viola- tion of his majesty, who is the universal Sove- reign of heaven and earth; a contrariety to his holiness, which shines forth in his law; a de- spising his goodness, the attractive to obedi- ence; the contempt nf his omniscience, which sees every sin when it is committed; the slight- ing of his terrible justice and power, as if the sinner could secure himself from his indigna- tion; a denial of his truth, as if the thrcaten- ings were a vain terror to scare men from their sin. Add to this the dreadful judgments and punishments which God inflicts upon sin- ners for sin, sometimes in this life, but espe- cially the torments of hell, which are the just and full recompense of sin. Evil eye. Prov. '23.6, Eatnot the bread of him that hath an evil eye ; that is, of the enviotis or covet- ous man; who secretly grudgeth thee the meat which he sets before thee. In the same sensR this phrase is used. Mat. 20. 15, Is thine eye evil because I am good ? Art thou emnous, because I dispense my grace to others besides thyself? Evil day or days. Prov. 15. 15, All the days of the afflicted are evil; that is, they are tn/ions and uncomfortable; he takes no content in any time or thing. 12. 1, When the evil days come not ; that is, the time of old age, which is burdensome and calamitous in itself; and far more grievous and more terrible when it is loaded with the sad remembrance of a man's youthful follies and lu.'its, and with the dreadful prospect of approaching death and judgment. And in Amos 6. 3, Ye that put itir away the evil day; that is, ye that drive all thoughts of approaching death anTl judgment out of your heads ; or else flatter yourselves as if it would never come, or at least not for agreut while hence. Gen. 19. 19. lest some c. take me and I die 28. t8, daughters of Canaan e. in eyes of Isaac 44. 5. ye have done e. in so doing 34. lest I see the e. that shall come on my father .50. 20. as for you, ye thought e. against me F.rod. 5. 23. since I came, he hath done e. to people 10. ]0. look to it, for e. is before you 21. t8. if she be e. in the eyes of her master 32. 14. the Lord repented of the e. he thought lo do to his people, 2 Sam. 24. 16. 1 Chron. ^\. 15. Mum. 11. fl. it was c. in the ears of the Lord 22. t 34. if it be e. in thine eyes, I will get back Deut. 19. 20. commit no more such e. among you 29. 21. the L. shall 6e))arate him tor. oul of tribes 30. 15. see, I have set before thee death and e. 31. 29. and e. will befall you in the latter days Josh. 34. 15. if it seem e. to you to serve the Lord EVI EVI Judo-. 2. 15. the hand of the Ld. against tliem fore. Jer. 25. ri2. c. shall go forth from nation to nation 9.57. the e. of the men of Shecheni did God render 20. 34. but they knew not that e. was near them 1 Sam. 20. 7. be sure that e. is determined by him 9. if 1 knew certainly that e. were determined 24. 11. nor is e. nor transgression in mine hand 17. me good, whereas I have rewarded thee e. 25. 17. for e. is determined against our master 26. they that seek e. to my lord, be as Nabal 28. e. hath not been found in thee all thy days 26. 18. what have I done '.' what e. is iii my hand ''. 29. 6. 1 have not found e. in thee since thy coming 2 Sam. 3. 39. the Lord shall reward the doer of c. 12. 11. behold I will raise up e. against thee 16. t 8. behold thee in thy e. thou bloody man ]!). 7. will be worse than all the e. that befel thee IKivffS 14.9. but hast done e. above all before thee 1(). il5. Omri wrought e. in the eyes of the Lord 23. 23. a lying spirit in thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken e. concerning thee, 2 Chron. 18.22. 2 Kings 21. 2. 1 am bringing such e. on Jerusalem 22. 20. thine eyes shall not see all e. on this place 1 Chron. 21. f 7. it was c. in the eyes of the Lord 17. it is I that have sinned and done c. indeed 2 Chron. 20.9. if when e.cometh on us,as the sword Esth.. 7. 7. he saw there was e. determined 8. 6. for how can I endure to see e. to my people ? Job that feared God and eschewed e.S. \ 2.3. 5. 19. yea, in seven there shall no e. touch thee 31. 2i). or lift up myself when e. found him 42. 11. they comforted him over all the e. on him Psal. 5. 4. neither shall e. dwell with thee 7. 4. if I have rewarded e. to him that was atpeace 15. 3. nor doeth e. to his neighbour, nor talceth up 21. 11. for they intended e. against thee 23. 4. I will fear no e. lor thou art with me 34. 21. e. shall slay wicked, those hate righteous 3U. 4. he deviseth mischief, he abhorreth not e. 40. 14. let them be put to shame that wish me e. 41. 1 1. the Lord will deliver him in the day of c. 5. mine enemies speak e. of me || t "• devise e. 49. 5. wherefore should I fear in the days of e. ? 50. 19. thou givest thy mouth to e. and thy tongue 54. 5. he shall reward e. unto mine enemies 56. 5. all their thoughts are against me for e. 90. 15. and the years wherein we have seen e. 91. 10. there shall no e. befall thee, Jer. 23. 17. 97. 10. ye that love the Lord, hate e. 109. 20. and of them that speak e. against my soul 140.11. e. shall hunt violent man to overthrow him Frov. 1. 16. for their feet run to e. Isa. 59. 7. 33. dwell safely, and shall be quietfrom fear of e. 3. 29. ilevise not e. against thy neighbour 5.14. 1 was almost in all e. in midst of congregation 11. 19. he that pursueth c. pursueth it to his death 12. 20. deceit in the heart of them that imagine e. 21. there shall no e. happen to the just 13. 21. e. pursueth sinners || 14. 22. that devise e. 10. 4. yea, even the wicked for the day of e. 27. an ungodly man diggeth up e. fire in his lips 30. moving his lips he bringeth e. to pass 19. 23. he shall not be visited with e. 20. 8. a king scattereth away all e. with his eyes 22.8ay not thou, I will recompense c.wait onLord 21. 10. the soul of the wicked desireth e. 22. 3. a prudent man foreseeth the e. 27. 12. 24. t 18. lest it be c. in the eyes of the Lord 30. 32. if thou hast thought e. lay thine hand Eccl. 2. 21. this also is vanity, and a great c. 5. 13. there is a sore e. which I have seen, 16. 6. 1. an e. which I have seen under the sun, 10. 5. 9. 3. this is an e, among things that are done under the sun, the heart of sous of men is full of c. 11. 2. thou knowest not what e. shall be on earth Isa. 3. 9. for they have rewarded e. to themselves 13. 11. I will punish the world for their e. 33. 15. and shutteth his eyes from seeing c. 45. 7. 1 make peace and create c. I do these things 47. 11. therefore shall e. come upon thee 50. 2. and keepeth his hand from doing any e. 57. 1. that the righteous is taken away from the e Jer. 1. 14. out of the norUi an e. break forth, 6. 1. 2. 3. e. shall come upon them, saith the Lord 1 28. if they can save thee in the time of e. 4. 4. lest my fury come forth like fire, because of the e. of your doings, 23. 2. 1 26. 3. | 44. 22. 5. 12. it is not he, neither shall e. come upon us 7. 30. children of Judah have done e. in my sight 11. t 12. shall not save them in the time of e. 1 14. I will not hear when they cry for their e. 15. when thou dost e. then thou rejoicest 17. hath pronounced e.against thee for e.of Israel 15.11. will cause to entreat thee well in time of «. 17. 17. thou art my hope in the day of e. 18. bring on them the day of e. and destroy them 18. 8. if that nation turn from their e. I will re- pent of the e. I thought to do, 26.3,13,19. | 42. 10. 11. behold, I frame e. against you and devise 19. 15. I will bring all e. that I have pronounced 21. 10. I set my face against this city for e. 172 28. 8. the prophets prophesied of war and of e. 29 11. I think thoughts of jieacc and not of e. 32. 30. the cliiklren of Judah have only done e. 32. because of all tlie e. of the children of Israel 35. 17. 1 will bring on Judah and Jerusalem all the e. that I have pronounced against them, 36. 31. 38.9. these men have done e. in all they have done 44. 11. 1 will set my face ag. you for e. and cut ofl' 17. we had plenty, and were well, and saw no e. 27. 1 will watch over them for e. and not for good 29. my words shall stand against you for e. 48. 2. in Heshbon they have devised e. against it 51. 24. 1 will render to Babylon alle. done in Z'lon 60. wrote all the e. that should come on Babylon Ezek. 7. 5. an e. an only e. behold it is come 14. 22. ye shall be comforted concerning the e. Dan. 9. 14. the Lord hath watched Ujjon the e. Jucl 2.]3.tlie Lord your God repenteth him of the e. JlinosS. 0. shall there bee. in a city, L. not done if! 9.10. who say, e. shall not overtake nor prevent us Jonah 3.10. and God repented of the e. he said, 4.2. J>/(C.1.12.but f.came down from Lord to Jerusalem 2. 1. woe to them that work e. upon their beds 3. behold, against this family do I devise an e. 3. 11. is not the Lord among us? no e. can come J\rah. 1. 11. that imagineth e. against the Lord Hab. 1. 13. thou art of purer eyes than to behold e. 2. 9. he may be delivered from the power of e. Zcph. 3. 15. thou shalt not see e. any more Zcch. 7. 10. let none of you imagine e. 8. 17. Jilal. 1. 8. ye ofier the lame and sick, is it not e.? 2. 17. when ye say, every one that doeth e. is good Mat. 5. 11. shall say all manner of c. against you 37. whatsoever is more than these, cometh of e. 39. but I say unto you, that ye resist not e. 6. 34. sutficient unto the day is the e. thereof 9. 4. wherefore think ye e. in your hearts ? 27. 23. Pilate said to them, why, what e. hath he done ■? Mark 15. 14. Luke 23. 22. Mark 9. 39. that can lightly speak c. of me Luke 6. 45. an c. man bringeth forth what is e. .John 3. 20. every one that doeth e. hateth the light 5. 29. they that have done e. to the resurrection of 18. 23. if I have spoken e. bear witness of the e. Jlcts 9. 13. how mucli c. he hath done to thy saints 23.9. a great cry, saying, we find no e. in this man iio'/n.2.9. anguish on every soul of man thatdoeth e. 7. 19. but liie e. which I would not, that I do 12. 9. abhor that which is e. cleave to what is good 17. recompense to no man e. for c. provide things 21. be not overcome of c. overcome e. with good 13. 4. a revenger to execute wrath on him doeth e. 14. 20. it is c.for that man who eateth with ofi'ence 16. 19. I would have you simple concerning e. 1 Cor. 13. 5. charity not provoked, Ihinketh no e. 1 Thcss. 5. 15. see that none render e. for e. to any 22. abstain from all appearance of e. 1 Tim. 6. 10. the love of money is the root of all e. Tit. 3. 2. put them in mind to speak c. of no man .Jam. 3. 8. the tongue is an unruly e. full of poison 1 P«t.3.9. not rendering c. fore, or railing, but bless. 3 John 11. he tliat doeth e. hath not seen God Bring, Brought EVIL. AosA.23.15.the Lord shall bring on you all c.things 2 Sam- 15. 14. lest he overtake and bring e. on us 17.14. that the Lord might bring e.upon Absalom 1 Kings 14.10. 1 will bring e. on the house of Jerob. 17. 20. he said, hast thou also b. e. on widow ? 21. 21. behold, I will bring e. upon thee 29. not bring e. in his days, but in his son's days 2 Kings 22. 16. thus saith the Lord, behold, I will bring e. upon this place, 2 Chr. 34. 24. 2 Chr. 34. 28. nor eyes see all the c. I will bring /sa. 31.2. 1 will 6ri?i^e. and not call back his word Jer. 4. 6. for I will bring e. from the north 6. 19. behold, I will bring e. upon this people 11. 11. behold, I will bring e. upon them 23. I will bring c. upon the men of Anathoth 19. 3. behold, I will bring e. on this place, 15. 23. 12. 1 will bring e. even year of their visitation 25. 29. for, lo, I begin to bring e. on the city 35.17. 1 will bring on Judah e. pronounced, 36.31. 39. 16. 1 will bring my words on this city for e. 45. 5. 1 will bring e. upon all flesh, saith the Lord See Did, Do. EVIL joined with good. Oen. 2. 9. the tree of knowledge ot good and e. 17. 3. 5. ye shall be as gods knowing ^ood and e. 22. 44. 4. wherefore have ye rewarded e. (or good? i>eMf.l.39. hadno knowledge between ^ood ande. 1 Sam. 25. 21. he hath requited me e. lor good 2 Sam. 19. 35. can I discern between good and e.? IKings 22.8. not prophesy^, concern. me,bute.l8. 2 Chron. 18.7. never prophesieth o-oud to me but e. 17. he would not prophesy good to me but e. Job 2.10. shall we receive ^oo(/, and not receive c.? 30. 26. I looked for good, then e. came unto me Psal. 35. 12. they rewarded me e. for good, 109. 5. 38. 20. that render e. for good are my adversaries EVI Ps. 52. 3. thou lovest e. more than good, and lying P?o«.15.3. eyesof L. beholding the e. and the good 17.13. whoso rewardeth e. for guud,ev'd not depart 31. 12. she will do him good and not e. all han.ll.l4. robbers of thy people shall e.themselves 36. the king shall e. himself above every god Hos.11.7. tho' they called, none atall would e. him Obad. 4. though thou f . thyself as the eagle Mat. 23. 12. whoso shall c. himself, Shall be abased 2 Cor. 11.20. if a man e. himself, if a man smite you 1 /'«t.5.6.humble yoursel. that he may e.indue time EXALTED. JVam. 24. 7. and his kingdom shall be e. 1 Sam. 2. 1. she said, mine horn is e. in the Lord 2Sn7n.5.12. perceived that Lord had e. his kingdom 22. 47. the Lord liveth, and e. be the God of the rock of my salvation, Psal. 18. 46. 1 Kings 1. 5. then Adonijah e. himself, saying 14. ?. I e. thee from among the people, 16. 2. 2 Kivgs 19.22.against whom hast thou e. thy voice and lift up thine eyes on high t Jsa. 37. 23. 1 CAr. 29. 11. and thou art e. as head above all JVeA. 9. 5. which is e. above all blessing and praise Job 5. 11. that those who mourn may be e. to safety 24. 24. they are e. for a little while, but are gone 36. 7. he doth establish them for ever, they are c. Psal. 12. 8. wicked walk when the vilest men are e. 13. 2. how long shall my enemy be e. over me 1 21. 13. be thou e. Lord, in thine own strength 46. 10. be still and know I am God, I will be e. among the heathen, I will be e. in the earth 47. 9. shields of earth belong to G. he is greatly c. 57. 5. be thou e. O God, above the heavens, 11. 75. 10. but the horns of the righteous shall be e. 89. 16. in thy righteousness shall they be e. 17. and in thy favour our horn shall be e. 19. I have e. one chosen out of the people 24. and in my name shall his horn be e. 97. 9. thou, Lord, art e. far above all goda 108. 5. be thou e. O God, above the heavens 112. 9. his horn shall be e. with honour 118. Ifi. the right hand of the Lord is e. 140. 1 8. further not, let not the wicked be e. Prov. 11. 11. by the blessing of the upright city isf. Isa. 2. 2. the mountain of the Lord's house shall be e. above the hills, all nations flow to it, Mic. 4. 1. 11. the Lord shall be e. in that day, 17. ] 5. 16. 12. 4. praise Ld. make mention tliat his name is e. 30. 18. will be e. that he may have mercy on you 33. 5. the Lord is e. \\ 10. now will I be e. 40. 4. every valley shall be e. every mountain low 49. 11. and my highways shall be e. 52. 13. behold my servant shall be e. and extolled Ezek. 17. 24. that I the Lord have e. the low tree 19.11.and her stature was c. among branches, 31..5, Kos. 11. 1 7. together they e. not him 13. 1. Ephraim spake, he e. himself in Israel 6. they were filled, and their heart was e. Mat. 11.23. Capernaum e. to heaven, Luke 10. 15 23. 12. e. himself be abased, that shall humble himself shall be e. Luke 14. 11. | 18. 14 Luke 1. 52. and he hath e. them of low ritgree Acts 2. 33. being by the right-hand of God e. 5. 31. him hatli God e. wiUi his right-hand 174 EXA Acts 13.17. the Godof Israel e. the people in Egypt 2 Cor. 11. 7. abasing myself that you might be e. 12. 7. lest I should be e. above measure, 7. Phil. 2. 9. wherefore God hath highly e. him Jam. 1. 9. let the brother rejoice that he is e. EXALTEST. Exod.^.Yl. as yet c. thou thyself against my people EXALTETH. Job 36. 22. behold, God e. by his power Psal. 113. 1 5. Lord our God,who e. hims. to dwell 148. 14. he als'o e. the horn of his people Prov. 3. 1 35. wise inherit glory, but shame e. fools 14. 29. he that is hasty of spirit e. folly 34.righteousness e. a nation, but sin is a reproach 17. 19. he that c. his gate seeketh destruction Luke 14. 11. he that e. hims. shall be abased, 18.14. 2 Cor. 10. 5. casting down every thing that e. itself 2T'Aess.2.4. who e. hims. above all that is called G. EXAMINATION. Acts'i^. 26. that after e. had, I might have to write EXAMINE, Wlien applied to Ood, denotes the particular strict notice he takes of his creatures. Psal. 26. 2, Examine me, O Lord, and prove me ; try my reins and my heart. As if the Psalmist had said, Because I may be mistaken, or be partial in my own cause, therefore I appeal to thee, and offer myself to thy trial concerning what my enemies charge me with. When applied to man, examiliation is either pri- vate or public. Private, when a Christian tries himself by the word of Ood, and by what Christ has wrought by his Spirit within him, whether he be a true believer in .Jesus, and has any ground to hope j'ur salvation through his blood and righteousness. 2 Cor. 13. 5, Ex- amine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves. And this duty is es- pecially to be performed before persons par- take of the Lord's supper. 1 Cor. 11. 28, But let a man examine liimself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. Let him compare his heart and life by the word, to see whether he be duly qualified to partake of this ordinance, in regard of his knowledge, faith, repentance, love, and new obedience. Public examination is, when rulers and govern- ors, whether civil, or ecclesiastical, bring such as are suspected of unsound principles, or detected of enormities, to a trial for the same. Thus it is said of the angel of the church of Ephesus, Hcv. 2. 2, Thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not ; and hast found them liars. And our Saviour was examined by Pilate, though he was innocent, and the things laid to his charge were unjust, Luke 23. 13, 14. And the apostle Paul teas ordered to he examined by scourging, Acts 22. 24. As to the manner of examining by scourging, or putting one to the question, See on Question. Ezra 10. 16. sat down the first day to e. the matter Psa^ 20. 2. e. mc, O Lord, prove me, try my reins 1 Cor. 9. 3. mine answer to them that e. mo, is this 11. 28. let a man e. himself, and so let him cat of 2 Cor. 13. 5. e. yourselves, prove your own selves EXAMINED. ■ Luke 23. 14. behold, I have e. him before you Acts 4. 9. if we this day be e. of the good deed 12.19. Herod e. keepers, and commanded to death 22. 24. brought, that he should be e. by scourging 29.tliey depart, from him, who should have e.him 28. 18. when they had e. me would have let me go EXAMINING. Acts 24. 8. by e. of whom thou mayest take knowl. EXAMPLE is taken either for a type, instance, or precedent, for our admonition, that we may be cautioned against the sins which others have committed, by the judgments which Oodinflicted on them, 1 Cor. 10. 11, All these things happened unto them for ensamples. Or example is taken for a pattern for our imitation, a model for us to copy after. John 13. 15, I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. And in 1 Pet. 2. 21, Christ suti'ered for us, leaving us an example, that we should fol- low his steps. This is one of the means by which our Redeemer restores his people to holiness, namely, by exhibiting a complete pattern of it in his life upon earth. That examples have a peculiar power above the naked precept, to dispose us to the practice of holiness, may appear- by considering, (1) That they most clearly express to us the nature of our duties intheir subjects and sensible effects. Gencralprecepts form abstract ideas of virtue, but in examples, virtues are made visible in all their circumstances. (2) Precepts instruct u what things are our duty, but cxa.m[>\c« assure EXC us that they are possible. IVhen we see men like ourselves, who are united to frail flesh, and in the same condition withzis, to command their passions, to overcome the greatest and most glittering temptations,ioe are encouraged in our spiritual warfare. (3) Examples, by a secret and lively incentive, urge us to imita- tion. We are touched in another manner by thevisible practice of saints, which reproaches our defects, and obliges us to the same zeal, than by laws, though holy and good. The example of Christ is most proper to form us to holiness, it being absolutely perfect, and accommodated to our present state. There is no example of a mere man, that is to be followed without limitation. Be ye followers of me, as I am of Christ, says the great Apostle, 1 Cor. 11. 1. But the example of Christ is absolutely perfect. His conversation was a living law. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, and 6e])arate from sinners, Heb. 7. 26. ^(.s example is also most accommodated to our present state. The divine nature is the stipreme rule of moral perfection ; for we arc commanded to he holy, as God is holy. But such is the obscurity of our minds, and the weakness of our natures, that the pattern was too high and glorious to be expressed by vs. And though we hud not strength to ascend to him, yet he had goodness to descend to us ; and in this present state, and in our nature, to set before us a pattern more fitted to our capacity : .So that the divine attributes are sweetened in the Son of God incarnate ; and being united with the graces proper for the human nature, are more per- ceptible to our minds, and more imitaile by us. Jl/at. 1.19. Joseph not willing to make her a public e. John 13. 15. for I have given you an e. that ye do Rom. 15. t5. be like minded after the e. of Christ 1 Tim. 4. 12. but be thou an e. of the believers Heb. 4. 11. lest any man fall after the same e. 8. 5. who serve unto the e. of heavenly things Jam. 5. 10. take the prophets for an e. of suffering 1 Pet. 2. 2j. Christ suffered for us, leaving us an e. Jude 7. set forth for an e. suffering the vengeance EXAMPLES. 1 Cor. 10. 6. now these things were oure. not to lust See Ensample, s. EXCEED. Dent. 25.3. forty stripes he may give, and not e. lest if he should e. thy brother seem vile to thee Mat. 5. 20. except your righteousness e. the scribes 2 Cor.3.9. ministration of righteousn. doth glory EXCEEDED. 1 Sam. 20. 41. and they wept, till David e. IKings 10.23.Solom. e. all kingsof earth for riches Job 36. 9. sheweth their transgressions that they c. EXCEEDEST. 2 Chron. 9. 6. for thou e. the fame that I heard EXCEEDETH. 1 Kings 10. 7. thy wisdom e. the fame that I heard EXCEEDING. Ocn. 15. 1. 1 am thy shield, and thy e. great reward 17. 6. I will make thee e. fruitful, make nations 27. 34. and Esau cried with an e. bitter cry Exod. 1. 7. the children of Israel waxed e. mighty 19. 16. and the voice of the trumpet e. loud JVum. 14. 7. the land we passed through is e. good 1 Sam. 2. 3. talk no more so e. proudly 2 Sam. 8. 8. king David look e. much brass 12. 2. the rich man had e. many flocks and herds 1 Kings 4. 29. God gave Solomon wisdom e. much 7. 47. left vessels unweighed, they were e. many 1 CAr. 20.2. he brought e. much spoil out of the city 22. 5. and the house nmst be e. magnifieal 2 Chron. 11. 12. and he made the cities e. strong 14. 14. for there was e. much spoil in them 16.12. Asa diseased, until his disease was e. great 32. 27. Hezekiah had e. much riches and honour Psai.21.6.thou hast made him e.glud with Ihy coun. 43. 4. then will I go unto God my e. joy 119. 96. but thy commandment is e. broad Prov. 30. 24. there be four things which are e. wise jEcc;.7.24. that which is e. deep,w ho can find it out? Jcr .48.29. we heard the pride of Moab, he is e.proud Ezek. 9. 9. the iniquity of Israel is e. great 16. 13. thou didst eat oil, and wast e. beautiful 23. 15. e. in dyed attire upon their heads 37. 10. stood up upon their feet an e. great army 47. 10. as the fish of the great sea, e. many Dan. 3. 22. because the furnace was e. hot 6. 23. then was the king e. glad for him 7. 19. the fourth beast which was e. dreadful 8. 9. came forth a little horn which waxed f . great Jonah 3. 3. now Nineveh was an e. great city 4. 6. so Jonah was e. glad of the gourd Mat. 2. 10. saw star, they rejoiced with e. great joy 16. Herod, when he was mocked, was e. wroth 4. 8. taketh him up into an c. high mountain 5. 12. rejoice and be e. glad, groat is your reward EXC Mat. 8. 28. met liim two poss. witli devils, r. fierce 17. 2."!. tliey shall kill him ; they were c. sorry 26. '22. tliey were e. sorrowful and began to say 38. my soul is e. sorrowful, Mark 14. 34. Mark 0. 2t5. the king was c. sorry, yet for tlie oath y. 3. his raiment became e. white as snow I,uke 23. 8. when Herod saw Jesus, he was e. glad ^Icts 7. 20. Moses was born, and was e. fair. Jiom. 7. 13. that sin might become c. sinful 2 Cor. 4. 17. worketh for us an e. weiglit of glory 7. 4. I am e. joyful in all our tribulation 9. 14. who long after you, fore, grace of God in you Eph. 1. 19. what is the c. greatness of his power 2. 7. he might shew the e. riches of his grace 3. 20. to him that is able to do e. abundantly 1 Tim. 1. 14. the grace of our Lord was c.abundant 1 Pet. 4. 13. that ye may be glad also with e. joy 2 Pc<.1.4.given to'use. great and precious promises Jude 24. able to present you faultless with e. joy Jiev. 16. 21. for the plague thereof was c. great EXCEEDINGLY. Oen. 7. 19. the waters prevailed e. on the earth 13. 13. but the men of Sodom were sinners e. 16. 10. the angel said, I will multiply thy seed c. 17. 2. 1 will make my coven, and multiply thee c 20. I will multiply Ishmael e. a great nation 27. 33. and Isaac trembled very e. and said 30. 43. and Jacob increased e. 47. 27. 1 .Sam. 26. 21. 1 have played the fool and erred e 2 Sam. 13. 15. then Amnon hated her e. and said 2 King's 10. 4. the elders of Samaria were e. afraid 1 CAr.29. 25. Ld. magnified Solom. e. 2 C/ir. 1. 1 S Ckr. 17. 12. Jehoshaphat waxed great e. 26. 8. Uzziah strengthened himself e. JVc/t. 2. 10. they heard of it, it grieved them, e. Esth.4.i.{he queen was e. grieved,and sent raiment Job 3. 22. rejoice e. when they can find the grave Psal. 68. 3. yea, let the righteous e. rejoice 106. 14. lusted e. in the wilderness, and tempted G. 119. 167. kept thy testimonies, I love them, e. 123. 3. for we are e. filled with contemjit, 4. /sa. 24. 19. the earth is dissolved, earth is moved e. Dan. 7. 7. and behold, a fourth beast strong e. Jonak 1. 10. men were e. afraid, and said to him 16. then the men feared the Lord e. and offered 4. 1. but it displeased Jonah e. and he was angry Mat. 19.25. heard it, they were e. amazed, saying Mark 4. 41. they feared e. and said one to another 15. 14. they cried out the more e. crucify him Jicts 16. 20. these men do e. trouble our city 26. 11. being e. mad against them, I persecuted 27. 18. and we being e. tossed with a tempest 2 Cor. 1. 13. yea,and c. the more joyed we for Titus Gal. 1. 14. being more e. zealous of the traditions 1 Thess. 3. 10. night and day praying c. to see you 52 Thess. 1. 3. because that your faith groweth e. Heb. 12. 21. Moses said, \e. fear and quake EXCEL. Oen. 49. 4. unstable as water, thou shall not e. 1 Chron. 15. 21. with harps on the Sheminith to e. Psal. 103. 20. ye his angels, that e. in strength Isa. 10. 10. and whose graven images did c. them 1 Cor. 14. 12. seek that ye may e. to edifying EXCELLED. 1 .ffin£'s4.30.Solomon'swisdom e.wisdom of Egypt EXCELLEST. Prov. 31. 39. done virtuously, but thou e. them all EXCELLETH. F.ccl. 2. 13. wisdom e. folly, as far as light e. dark. 2 Cor. 3. 10. by reason of the glory that c. EXCELLENCY. Gen. 4. t "• doest well, slialt thou not have the e. ? 49. 3. the e. of dignity, and the c. of power Ezod, 15. 7. and in the greatness of thine e. Deut. 33. 26. who rideth in his e. on the sky 29. shield of help, and who is the sword of thy e. Job 4. 21. doth not their e. go away ■? they die 13. 11. shall not his e. make you afraid t 20. 6. though his e. mount up to the heavens 22. t 20. but their e. the fire consumeth 37. 4. he thundereth with the voice of his c. 40. 10. deck thyself now with majesty and e. Psal. 47. 4. the e. of Jacob whom he loved 62. 4. they consult to cast him down from his c. 68. 34. his e. is over Israel, and his strength Prov. 17. t 7. a lip of e. becometh not a fool Eccl. 2. t 13. I saw that there is an r. in wisdom 7.12. the c. of knowledge is, that wisdom gives life Isa. 13. 19. Babylon the beauty of the Chaldees' e. 35. 2. e. of Carmel, Sharon; and the c. of our G. 60. 15. I will make thee an eternal c. a joy Eiek. 16. t 56. Sodom not mentioned in day of e. 24. 21. my sanctuary, the c. of your strength Amos 6. 8. saith the Lord, I abhor the e. of Jacob 8. 7. the Lord hath sworn by the e. of Jacob JVoA. 2. 2. for the Lord hath turned away the c. of Jacob, as the c. of Israel, cmptiers emptied them Mai. 2. t 15. yet had he the c. of the Spirit 1 Cor. 2. 1. I came not to you with e. of speech 2 Cor. 4. 7. that the e. of the power may be of God 175 EXC Phil. 3. 8. I count all things loss for tlie e. of Chr. EXCELLENT. Estk. 1. 4. Ahasuerus shewed his e. majesty Job 37. 23. the Almighty is e. in power Psal. 8. 1. how c. is thy name in all the earth '. 9. 16. 3. and to the e. in whom is all my delight 36. 7. how e. is thy loving-kindness, O God ! 76. 4. thou art more e. than the mountains of prey 141. 5. let him reprove me, it shall be an c. oil 148. 13. praise the Lord, his name alone is e. 150. 2. praise him according to his e. greatness Prov. 8. 6. hear, for I will speak of e. things 12. 26. the righteous is more e. than his neighbour 17. 7. e. speech becometh not a fool 27. a man of understanduig is of an e. spirit 22. 20. have I not written to thee e. things'? Cant. 5. 15. his countenance e. as the cedars Isa. 4. 2. and the fruit of the earth shall be e. 12. 5. sing to the Lord, he hath done e. things 22. 1 17. Lord covered thee with an e. covering 28. 29. the Lord of hosts is e. in working Eiek. 16. 7. and thou art come to e. ornaments 27. 1 24. these were thy merchants in e. things Dan. 2. 31. this image, whose brightness was e. 4. 36. an e. majesty was added unto me 5. 12. an e. spirit was found in Daniel, 6. 3. 14. I heard that e. wisdom is found in thee lAike 1. 3. to write to thee, most e. Theophilus Acts 23. 26. Claudius, to the e. governor Felix flo?«.2.18. and approvest things more e. Phil. 1. 10. 1 Cor. 12. 31. yet shew I unto you a more e. way Hcb. 1. 4. he obtained a more e. name than they 8. 6. but now hath he obtained a more e. ministry 11. 4. Abel offered to God a more e. sacrifice 2 Pet. 1. 17. there came a voice from the e. glory EXCEPT. Gcn.31.42. c. the G. of my father had been with me 32. 26. I will not let thee go, e. thou bless me 42. 15. e. your youngest brother come, 43. 3, 5. 43. 10. e. we had lingered, we had now returned 47. 26. fifth part, e. the land of the priests only JVum. 16. 13. e. thou make thyself a prince over us Deut. 32. 30. e. their Rock had sold them Josh.l .Vi.e. you destroy accursed from among you 1 Sam. 25. 34. e. thou hadst hasted to meet me 2 Sam. 3. 9. e. as the Lord hath sworn to David 13. e. thou first bring Michal, Saul's daughter 5. 6. e. thou take away the blind and the lame 2 Kings 4. 24. slack not thy riding, e. I bid thee Esth. 2. 14. e. the king delighted in her and called 4. 11. c. the king shall hold out the golden sceptre Psal. 127.1. e. the Lord build the house, e. the Lord keep the city, the watchmen watch but in vain Prov. 4. 16. sleep not, e. they have done mischief Isa. 1. 9. e. the Lord hath left a remnant, /Jo;rt.9.29. Dan. 2. 11. none other can shew it, c. the gods 3. 28. nor worship any god, e. their own God 6. 5. f. we find it concerning the law of his God Amos 3.3. can two walk together,e.thcy be agreedl Jl/a(.5.20.e. your rightcousn. exceed that of scribes 12. 29. e. he first bind the strongman, Mark 3. 27. 18. 3. 1 say to you, e. ye be converted and become 19. 9. put away his wife, e. it be for fornication 24. 22. and e. those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved, Mark 13. 20. 2fi.42.if this cup may not pass, e. I drink it,thy will Mark 7. 3. the Pharisees, e. they wash oft, eat not Luke 9. 13. e. we go and buy meat for this people 13. 3. c. ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish, 5. John 3. 2. can do these miracles, c. G. be with him 3.e.a man be born again, he cannot see the kingd. 5. e. a man be born of water and of the Spirit 27.can receive nothing,^, it be given from heaven 4. 48. e. ye see signs and wonders, ye will not bel. 6. 44. e. the Father who hath sent me, draw him 53. «. ye eat the flesh of the Son of man 05. e. it were given unto him of my Father 12. 24. e. a corn of wheat fall into the ground 1.5. 4. ye cannot bear fruit, e. ye abide in me 19. 11. no power, c. it were given thee from above 20. 25. e. I shall see the prints of the nails .^cts 8. 1. they were all scattered, e. the apostles 31. how can I, e. some man should guide me? 15. 1. e. yc be circumcised, ye cannot be saved 24. 21. e. it be for this one voice, that I cried 26. 29. all were such as I am, c. these bonds 27. 31. Paul said, e. these abide in ship, ye cannot Horn. 7. 7. 1 had not known lust, e. the law had said 10. 15. how shall they preach, e. they be sent? 1 Cor .7.5.defraud not one anolh.c. it be with consent 14. 5. that speaketh with tongues, c. he interpret 6. e. I shall speak to you either by revelation 7. e. they give a distinction in the sounds 9. e. ye utter words easy to be understood I.'). 36. that thou sowest is not quickened, e. it die 2 Cor. 12. 13. e. it be that I was not burdensome 13. 5. that Christ is in you, c. ye bo reprobates? 2 Thess. 2. 3. e. there come a falling away first 2 Tim.'i. .5. he is not crowned, e. he strive lawfully ii<;w.2.5.will remove thy candlestick, c.thou repent EXE i?et).2.22. into tribulation, e. they repenttheir deeds EXCEPTED. lCor.15.27. he IB e. who did put all things under him EXCESS. Jl/at. 23. 25. within are full of extortion and e. Eph. 5. 18. be not drunk with wine, wherein is e. 1 Pet. 4. 3. when we walked in lusts, e. of wine 4. that ye run not with them to the same e. EXCHANGE. Gen.47.17. Joseph gave them bread in e. for horses Lev. 27. 10. then it and the c. thereof shall be holy Job 20. + 18. according to the substance of his e. 28. 17. and the e. of it shall not be for jewels Mat. 16. 26. if gain world and lose his soul, what shall a man give in e. for his soul? Mark 8. 37. EXCHANGE. £2c/;.48.14. they shall not sell of it,nor e. first-fruits EXCHANGERS. Mat. 25. 27. oughtest to have put my money to e. EXCLUDE. Oal. 4. 17. they would e. you, that you might affect EXCLUDED. Rom. 3. 27. where is boasting then? it is e. EXCOMMUNICATED. Excommunication is an ecclesiastical censure whereby theywhoincur the guilt of any heinous sin, are separated from the communion of the church, and deprived of spiritual advantages; that they may be brought to repentance, and others, by their example, kept from the like enormities. Mat. 18. 15, 16, 17. 1 Cor. 5. 5, 7. 2 Thess. 3. 14, 15. There arc generally three sorts o/Excommunica- tion, distinguished among the Jews. The first is called Niddui, that is, separation. This is the lesser Excommunication. It lasted thirty days, and separated the excommunicated per- sons from the use of things holy. The second 7cas called Cherim, that is Anathema; this was an aggravation of the first,and answers almost to our greater excommunication. It excluded a man from the synagogue, and deprived him of all civil commerce. The third sort o/Excom- munication is called Scammatha, and was of a higher nature than the greater excommunica- tion. It was published, as they say, by sound of four hundred trumpets, and removed all hope of return ing to the syn agogue. Some af- firm, that the penally of deathwas annexed to it. But Selden maintaiiis, that these three terms, Niddui, Cherim, and Scammatha, are oftentimes synonymous, and that the Jews ne- ver had, properly speaking, more than two sorts of e.xcommunication ; one greater, the other less. Selden de synedriis veterum He- hro'oriim, lib. 1. cap. 7. ct 8. John 9. 134. dost thou teach us? and they e. him EXCUSE. lAike 14.18.they with one consent began to make e. John 15. t 22. now have they no e. for their sin Rom. 1. 20. clearly seen, so that they are withoute. EXCUSE. 2 Cor. 12. 19. think you that we c. ourselves to you? EXCUSED. Luke 14. 18. I prav thee have me e. 19. EXCUSING. Rom. 2.15.their thoughts accusing or else e. one an. EXECRATION. Jer. 42. 18. and ye shall be an e. and a curse 44. 12. and they shall be an e. and a reproach Acts 23. 1 13. bound themselves with an oath of e. EXECUTE. £iod.l2.12. Iwill e. judgment on the gods of Egypt Mum. 5. 30. the priest shall e. upon her all this law 8. 11. that they may c. the service of the Lord /)f7/M0. 18. hedoth e. the judgment of the widow 1 Kings 6. 12. if thou wilt e. my judginents PsaM 19.84. when wilt thou c. judgm. on them that 149. 7. to e. vengeance upon the heathen 9. to e. upon them the judgment written Isa. 16. 3. take counsel, c. judgment, hide outcasts Jer. 7. 5. e. judgm. between a man and his neighb. 21. 12. e. judgment in the morning, and deliver 22. 3. f. jiidgm. and righteousness, deliver spoiled 23. 5. branch shall e. judgm. and justice, 33. 15. F.zek. 5. 8. I will e. judgments in thee, 10. 15. when I shall e. judgments in thee in fury 11. 9. and I will e. judgments among you 16. 41. they shall e. judgments upon thee 25. 11. and I will c. judgments upon Moab 17. and I will e. great vengeance upon them 30. 14. I set fire in Zoan, and e. judgments in No 19. thus will I. e. judgments in Egypt 45. 9. remove violence, e. judgment and justice //os. 11.9. Iwill note, the fierceness of mine anger Mic. 5. 15. and I will e. vengeance in anger 7. 9. till he plead my cause, and e. judgm. for me Zech. 7. 9. e. true judgment and shew mercy 8. 16. e. the judgment of truth and peace John 5.27. hath given him authority to e. judgment EXH Rom. 13. 4. he is the minister of God to e. wrath Jude 15. to e. judgment on all, and to convince EXECUTED. JWm. 33. 4. on their gods the Lord e. judgments Deut. 33. 21. he c. the justice of the Lord 2 Sam. 8. 15. David e. judgment, 1 Chron. 18. 14. 1 Chron. 6. 10. he it is that c. the priest's office 24. 2. Eleazar and Ithamar e. the priest's office 2 Chron. 24. 24. they c. judgment against Joash Ezra 7. 26. let judgment be e. speedily on him Ps. 106.30.then stood up Phinehas,and c. judgment Eccl. 8. 11. because sentence is not e. speedily ./cr. 23.20. anger of L.shall not return till he have e. Ezek. 11. 12. neither e. my judgments, 20. 24. 18.8.hath e. f rue jadgm. between man and man,17. 23. 10. for they had e. judgment upon her 28. 22. when I shall have e. judgments, 26. 39. 21. heathen shall see my judgra. that I have e. Luke 1. 8. while Zacharias e. the priest's office EXECUTEDST. 1 Sam. 28. 18. nor e. his fierce wrath on Amalek EXECUTEST. Ps. 99. 4. thou e. judgm. and righteousness in Jacob EXECUTETH. Psal. 9. 16. Lord is known by the judgment he e. 103. 6. the Lord e. righteousness and judgment 146. 7. the Lord e. judgment for the oppressed Isa. 46. 11. the man that e. my counsel from afar Jer. 5. 1. if any e. judgment, I will pardon it Joel 2. 11. for he is strong that e. his word EXECUTING. 2 Kings 10. 30. thou hast done well in e. on Ahab 2 Chr. 11. 14. Jeroboam had cast them off from e. 22.8.when Jehu was e. judgment on Ahab's house EXECUTION. Esth. 9. 1. his decree drew near to be put in e. EXECUTIONER. Mark 6. 27. the king sent an e. and commanded EXECUTIONERS. Oen. 37. t 36. sold him to Potiphar, chief of the e. Jer. 39. t 9. Nebuzar-adan chief of the e. 52. f 12. Van. 2. tl4. to Arioch the chief of the e. EXEMPTED. 1 Kins's 15.22.Asa made proclamation,none was e. EXERCISE. 1 Tim. 4. 8. bodily e. profiteth little, godliness profit. EXERCISE. Psal. 131. 1. nor do I e. myself in things too high Jer. 9. 24. 1 am the Lord which e. loving-kindness Mat. 20. 25. ye know that princes of the Gen- tiles e. dominion over them, and they that are great e. authority upon them, Mark 10. 42. /.u*:e22. 25. ^cts 24.16.herein do I c.myeelf to have a conscience 1 Tim. 4. 7. and e. thyself rather unto godliness EXERCISED. Eccl. 1. 13. sore travail, to be c. therewith, 3. 10. Eiek. 22. 29. the people of the land have e. robbery Heb. 5. 14. senses e. to discern both good and evil 12. 11. fruit of right, to them who are e. thereby 2 Pet. 2. 14. an heart e. with covetous practices EXERCISETH. Rev. 13. 12. he e. all the power of the first beast EXHORT. .^r.ts 2. 40. with many words did he testify and e. 27. 22. and now I e. you to bo of good cheer 2 Cor. 9. 5. therefore I thought it necessary to e. 1 Thess. 4. 1. we beseech you, brethren, and e. you tl8. wherefore e. one another with these words 5. t 11. wherefore e. yourselves together, edify 14. now we e. you, warn them that are unruly 2 Thess. 3. 12. such we command, and e. by Christ 1 Tim. 2. 1. 1 e. tliat first of all, pray, be made for all 6. 2. these things teach and e. 2 Tim. 4. 2. e. with all long-suffering and doctrine Tit. 1.9. may be able to e. and convince gainsayers 2. 6. young men likewise e. to be sober-minded 9. e. servants to be obedient to their masters 15. speak, e. and rebuke with all authority Heb. 3. 13. e. one another daily while it is called 1 Pet. 5. 1. the elders who are among you, I e. Jude 3. it was needful for me to write and e. you EXHORTATION. Luke 3. 18. many other things in his e. preached he .^cts 13. 15. if ye have any word of e. say on 15. 1 31. when they read, they rejoiced for the e. 20. 2. and when Paul had given them much e. Rom. 12. 8. he that exhorteth, let him wait on e. 1 Cor. 14. 3. speaketh unto men to e. and comfort 2 Cor. 8. 17. for indeed he accepted the e. 1 Thess. 2. 3. for our e. was not of deceit nor guile 1 Tim. 4. 13. till I come, give attendance to e. Heb. 12. 5. ye have forgotten the e. which speaketh 13. 22. and I beseech vou, suffer the word of e. EXHORTED. Acts 11.23. Barnabas c. them to cleave to the Lord 15. 32. they e. the brethren with many words 1 T'Aes«.2.11.a8 you know how we e. and comforted EXHORTING. EXP Acts 18. 27. brethren wrote, e. disc, to receive him Heb. 10. 25. but e. one another, and so much more 1 Pet. 5. 12. by Silvanus I have written briefly, e. EXILE. 2 Sam. 15. 19. for thou art a stranger and also an e. Isa. 51. 14. the captive e. hasteneth to be loosed EXORCISTS. This word comes from the Greek E^opKt^UV, Exotcisem,which signifies to adjure,0Ji.4. 37. 1 Nebuchadnez. c. the King of heaven EXTOLLED. Psal. 66. 17. and he was e. with my tongue Isa. 52. 13. behold, my servant shall be e. EXTORTION. Ezek. 22. 12. thou hast greedily gained by e. Mat. 23. 25. but within thev are full of e. EXTORTIONER. Psal. 109. 11. let the c. catch nil that he hath Isa. 16. 4. the e. is at an end, the spoiler ceaseth 1 Cor. 5. 11. if anv man he a drunkard, an e. EXTORTIONERS. Luke 18. 11. that I am not as other men are, e. 1 Cor. 5. JO. yet not altogether with f. for then 6. 10. nor e. inherit the kingdom of God. EXTREME. Deu£. 28.22. the L. shall smite thee with e. burning EXTREMITY. Job 35. 15. yet he knoweth it not in great e. EYE, The orgon of sight, by which visible ohjects are discerned. Eye or eyes, in scripture, are figuratively applied to God after the manner of man. Prov. 15. 3, The eyes of the Lord are in every place ; that is, his infinite know- ledge and providence. And as in men the eye is the organ which shews compassion or fury, vengeance or pardon,gentlcness or severity; in these senses eye is referred to God ; Psal. 34. 15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righ- teous; He favours them,avd heaps blessings on them. 1 Kings 8. 29, That thine eyes may be opened toward this house night and day ; that is, that thou mayest behold it with an eye of favour and compassion. So likewise in Jer. 24. 6, I will set mine eyes upon them for good. On the contrary it is said, Amos 9. 8, Behold, the eyes of the Lord are upon the EYE Eiiit'ul kingdom ; that is, in a loai/ of severity and judgment. Jllso Ezek. 5. 11, Neither shall mine eyes spare, neithei will 1 liave any pity. Eye, when referred to man, is not only token for the organ of sight, but also for the u ndcrstand- ing or judgment. Deut. 10. 19, A gift doth blind the eyes of the wise : It corruptcth and pervertcth his mind, tltat as he will not, so oftentimes he cannot discern between right and wrong. So in Acts 26. IS, I send thee to the Gentiles to open their eyes; that is. To preach the gospel unto them, whereby they may attain unto a spiritual understanding of their duty. JL,ikewise in Gen. 3. 7, The eyes of them both were opened. Their consciences were touched with a sense of the heinousncss of their sin, whereby they had defiled their souls ; and of the greatness of the misery they had brought upon themselves and their posterity. The Hebrews call colours, eyes, fj'um. 11. 7. And the eye, or colour of the manna, was as the eye, or colour of bdellium. To set one's eyes upon any one, is to do him service, to favour him greatly; or barely to see him with friendship. Gen. 44. 21, Thou saidst, bring Benjamin unto me, that I may set mine eyes upon him. And Nebuchadnezzar recommends it to Nebuzar-adan, that he would set his eyes upon Jeremiah, and permit him to go where he pleased, Jer. 39. f 12. | 40. j 4. To lind grace in one's eyes, is to win his favour and friend- ship, Ruth 2. 10. Job says, T was eyes to the blind. Job 29. 15. that is, I instructed, directed, and assisted such as knew not how to manage their own affairs. To have the eyes towards, or upon one, denotes that the person expects, or waits for some- thing from him on whom the eyes are placed. Thus when Adonijah, without his fiit/icr's knoicledge, had usurped the kingdom, Bath- sheba told king David, 1 Kings 1. 20, The eyes of all Israel are upon thee, that thou shouldest tell them who shall sit upon the throne of ray lord the king after him; that is. The generality of the people are in suspense whether Adonijah's practices be with thy con- sent, or no, and wait for thy sentence concern- ing thy successor, which they will readily em- brace. Jilso in Psal. 2.5. 15, Mine eyes are ever towards the Lord ; that is, my expectation of help is only from him. And Psal. 123. 2, Ab the eyes of servants look unto the hand of tlieir masters; either for the supply of their wants, which comes from their master's hand: or, for help and defence against their oppressors. Solomon says, that the wise man's eyes are in his head, Eccl. 2. 14. He knoics where he goes, and what he has to do ; he docs not act ignorantly, rashly, or foolishly. He says like- wise, that the eye is not satisfied with riches, Eccl. 4. 8. The covetous mind, or desire, is insatiable. Eye is sotnetimcs taken for some- thing that is most delightful and dear to a person. Mat. 5. 29, It thy right eye oft'end thee, pluck it out. Gal. 4. 15, You would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me. Tt is likewise taken for opinion, or conceit. Prov. 3. 7, Be not wise in thine own eyes. And for a diligent and care- ful inspection into affairs. Prov. 20. 8, A king scattcreth away all evil with his eyes. Evil eye ; see on Evil. Oen. 45. t 20. let not your e. spare your stuff Ezod. 10. t5. the locusts cover the c. of the earth 21. 24. c. for e. 24.*). Dent. 19.21. Mat. 5.38. 26. if a man smite the e. of his scrv.-int, or the e. Lm. 21. 20. or that hath a blemish in his e. JVBnj.ll.t7.the e.ofmannawasasthe f. of bdellium Deut. 28. 54. his e. shall be evil toward his brother .56. her e. shall be evil toward her husband 32. 10. he kept him as the apple of lily e. 34. 7. his e. was not dim, nor his force abated Ezra 5. 5. the e. of their God was on the elders Job 7. 8. e. that hath seen me, shall see me no more 10. 18. given up the ghost, and no e. had seen me 20. 9. the e. which saw him shall see him no more 24. 15. the e. of the adulterer waitelh for twilight saying, no c. shall see me, and disguiseth hia face 28.7. a path which the vulture's e. hath not seen 10. and his e. seeth every precious thing 29. 1 1. when the e. saw me, it gave witness to me Psnl. 33. 18. e. of the L. is on them that fear him 35. 19. neither let them wink with the e. 2J. they said, aha, aha, our c. hath seen it 94. 9. he that formed the e. shall he not see? Prow.lO.lO.that winkelh with the e. causeth sorrow 20. 12. the seeing c. hearing ear, Lord hath made 22. 9. ho that hath a bountiful c. shall he blessed 177 EYE Prov. 30. 17. the e. that niocketh at his father Ecel. 1. 8. the e. is not satistiod with seeing 4. 8. neither is his e. satislied with riches Isa. 13. 18. their c. shall not spare children 52.8. thy watchmen sing, for they shall see e. to e. (54. 4. neither hath the c. seen, 1 Cor. 2. 9. Lam. i. 4. and slew all that were pleasant to tlie e. Kzek. 9. 5. let not your e. spare, neither have pity 1(1.5. none e. pitied, to do any of these to thee Mic. 4. 11. be defiled, and let our e. look on Zion JV/a«.6.iS.the light of the body is the e. Luke 11.34. 7.3.thou beholdest the mote in thy brother's c.and not the beam in thine own e. i/u/.c(j. 41,42. 18. 9. if thine e. otiend thee,' pluck it out 19.24.ea6ier for a camel to gl> through c.of a needle than a rich man, Mark 10. 25. lAike 18. 25. lCor.l2.16.becauselamnotthe e.I am not of body 17.if the whole body were an c.|! 21. c. cannot say 15. 52. in twinkling of an e. at the last trump Rev. 1. 7. he cometh, and every e. shall see him Evil EYE. Prov. 23. 6. the bread of him that hath an evil e. 28. 22. he that hasteth to be rich hath an evil e. Mat. 6. 23. but if thine e. be evil, Luke 11. 34. 20. 15. is thine e. evil because I am good ? Mark 7. 22. out of the heart proceedeth an evil e. Mine EYE. 1 .S'am.24.10. bade kill thee, but mine e. spared thee Job 7. 7. mine e. shall no more see good 13. 1. mine e. hath seen all this, mine ear heard 11). 20. but mine e. poureth out tears to God 17. 2. doth mine e. continue in tlieir provocation? 7. mine e. also is dim by reason of sorrow 42. 5. heard of thee, but now mine c. seeth thee Psal. 6. 7. mine e. is consumed with grief, 31. 9. 32. 8. instruct thee, I will guide thee with mine e. 54.7. mine c. hath seen his desire on mine enemies 88. 9. jnine e. mourneth by reason of affliction 92.11 . 7«iHfi e. shall see my desire on mine enemies ./(■r.40.t4.come to Babylon I will set min e e. on thee /^am. 1. 16. mine e. mine e. runneth down, 3. 48. 3. 49. mine e. trickleth down and ceaseth not 51. mine e. aftecteth my heart, because of daugh. Ezek. 5. 11. neither shall mine e. sjiare, nor will I have any pity, 7. 4, 9. | 8. 18. | 9. 10. 20. 17. nevertheless mine e. spared them Thine EYE. Deut. 7. 16. thine e. shall not pity, nor shalt thou serve their gods, 13. 8. | 19. 13, 21. | 25. 12. 15. 9. and thine e. be evil against thy poor brother Mat. 6. 22. if thine c. be single, Luke 11. 34. 7.3. the beam that is in thine own e. Luke fi.ii. 18.9.if tAme c.offend thee,pluck it out, Mark 9.47. See Apple. EYE-BROWS. Lcv.l4:.9. he shall shave all his hair offhiac.-brows EYE-LIDS. Job 3. 1 9. nor let it see the e. of the morning 16. 16. and on mine e. is the shadow of death 41. 18. his eyes are like the e. of the morning Psal. 11. 4. his c. try the children of men 132. 4. sleep to mine eyes or slumber to mine e. Prov. 4. 25. let thine e. look straight before thee 6. 4. sleep to thine eyes, or slumber to thine e. 25. neither let her take thee with her e. 30. 13. how lofty their eyes, their c. are lifted up Jer. 9. 18. that our e. may gush out with waters Right EYE. Zech. 11. 17. the sword shall be on his arm and on his right e. biarigkt e. shall be utterly darkened Mat. 5. 29. if thy right e. offend thee, pluck it out EYE-SALVE. Rev. 3. 18. anoint thine eyes with c.-salve to see EYE-SERVICE. Eph. 6. 6. not with e.-service as men-pleasers, but as the servants of Christ, Col. 3. 22. EYE-SIGHT. 2Sam.^.25.the Ld. hath recompensed me accord- - ing to my cleanness in his e.-sight, Psal. 18. 24. EYE-WITNESSES. Luke 1.2. who from beginning were e.-witncsscs 2 Pet. 1. 16. but were e.-witnesses of his majesty EYED. 1 Sam. 18. 9. and Saul e. David from that day Tender-BYF.D. Gen. 29. 17. Leah was tender-e. Rachel beautiful EYES. Oeit. 3. G. was good for food and pleasant to the e. 7. and the c. of them both were opened 16. 4. her mistress was despised in her e. 5. she had conceived, I was despised in her e. 20. 16. behold, he is to thee a covering of the e. 21. 19. God opened Hagar's e. she saw a well 28. 1 8. the daughters of Canaan evil in e. of Isaac 30.41. Jacob laid the rods before the fi.of (ho cattle 39. 7. his master's wife cast her e. on Joseph 41. 37. was good in the e. of Pharaoh, 4.5. t 16. 48. 10. now the c. of Israel were dim for age Exod. 5. 21. to bo abhorred in the e. of Pharaoh 21 1 8. if she be evil in (he c. of her master 2 B EYE Exod.H. 17. glory of Lord was like lire in e of Isr. J^ev.i.\3. if sin through ignorance,and the tningbe hid from the e. of the assembly, JV««i. 15. 124. 26. 16. the burning-ague shall consume the e. M'um. 5. 13. be hid from the e. of her husband 1(1. 31. and thou raayest be to us instead of e. 16. 14. wilt thou put out the e. of those men? 20. 12. to sanctify me in the e. of Israel 22. 31. then the Lord opened the e. of Balaam 24. 3. tho man whose c. are open hath said, 15. DeuLlG. 19. a gift doth blind the e. of the wise 28. 65. the Lord shall give thee failing of e. 29. 4. the Lord hath not given you c. to see Judg. 16. 28. that 1 mav be avenged for my two e. 1 Sam^8. 1 6. the thing was evil in the e. of Samuel 16. t 7. man looketh on the e. the Lord on the heart t 12, David was ruddy, and withal fair of e. 18. 1 8. the saying was evil in the e. of Saul 29. t 6. thou art not good in the e. of the lords 17. that thou do not evil in the c. of the lords 2 Sam. 6.20. who uncovered himself in e. of handm. 17. t 4. the saying was right in the e. of Absalom 24. 3. that the e. of my lord the king may see it 1 Kings 1. 20. the e. of all Israel are upon thee 2 Kings 6.17. Lord opened the e. of the young man 20. J^hsha said. Lord, open tho e. of these men 9. 1 30. Jezebel heard of it, put her e. in painting 25. 7. put out e. of Zedekiah, Jer. 39. 7. 1 52. 11. 1 Chron. 13. 4. was right in the e. of all the people 'iChron. 30. f 4. the thing was right in the e. of the king and all the congregation, Esth. 1. 121. JVeh.B. 15. Ezra opened the book in e. of the people Job 10.4.hast thou c.of flesh? orsccstasmanseeth? 11. 20. but the e. of the wicked shall fail 17. 5. even the e. of his children shall fail 22. 1 29. he shall save him that hath low e. 28. 21. seeing it is hid from the e. of all living 29. 15. I was e. to the blind, and feet to the lame 31. 16. or have caused the e. of the widow to fail 39. 29. seeketh prey, and her e. behold afar off Psal. 15. 4. in whose e. a vile person is contemned 19. 8. commandment is pure, enlightening the e. 115. 5. e. havo they, but they see not, 135. 16. 123. 2. as the e. of servants, the eye of a maiden 145. 15. the e. of all wait upon thee, thou givcst 146. 8. the Lord openeth the e. of the blind Prov.1.^17. in vain the net is spread in the e.of bird 0. 1 17. haughty e. are abomination to the Lord 10. 26. as smoke to the e. so is the sluggard 15. 30. the light of the e. rejoiceth the heart 17. 8. a gift is as a precious stone in the e. of him 24. the e. of a fool are in the ends of the earth 23.29. who hath wounds? who hath redness of e.? 27. 20. so the e. of man are never satisfied Ecel. 2. 14. the wise man's e. are in his head 6. 9. better the eight of e. than wandering of desire 11. 7. it is pleasant for the e. to behold the sun Cant. 1. 15. thou art fair, thou hast dove's e. 4. 1. ysa.3.8. against Lord, to provoke tho e. of his glory 16. the daughters of Zion walk with wanton c. 5. 15. the e. of the lofty shall be humbled 29. 18. the e. of the blind shall see out of obscurity 32. 3. the e. of them that see shall not be dim 35. .5. then the e. of the blind shall be opened 42.7. to open the blind e. to bring out the prisoners 43. 8. bring forth the blind people that have e. .52. 10. Lord made bare his arm in c. of all nations 59. 10. like the blind we grope as if we had no c. ,Trr. 4. t 30. thou rentest thine e. with painting 5. 21. which have e. and see not, Ezek. 12. 2. Ezek. 1. 18. and their rings were full of c. 10. 12. the wheels were full of e. round about 23. 16. and as soon as she saw them with her e. 38. 23. I will bo known in the e. of many nations Dan. 7. 8. in this horn were e. like the e. of man 20. even of that horn that had e. and a mouth Hab. 1. 13. thou art of purer e. than to behold evil Zech. 3. 9. upon one stone shall be seven e. 8. 6. if it be marvellous in the e. of the remnant 9.1. when the e. of man shall bo toward^ tlie Lord Mat. 18.9. better to enter with one eye, rather than having two c. tobc cast into hell-fire, JI/arA 9.47. Jlfar/c8.]8.having e. see ye not? and ears, hear not? Luke 4. 20. anrl the e. of all were fastened on him 10. 23. blessed are tlie c. which see the things JoAn 9. 6. he anointed the e. of the blind man 32.that any opened e. of one that was born blind? 10. 21. can a devil open the e. of the blind? 11. 37. could not this man, which opened the «.? .^ets 9. 40. Dorcas opened her e. and sat up Rom. 11. 8. hath given them e. they should not sec frill. 3. 1. before whose e. Christ been set crncificd K/;A.1.18. the c. of your understanding enlightened Hcb. 4. 13. but all things are naked and open to the c, of him with whom we have to do 2 Pet. 2. 14. having e. full of adultery, not cease sin 1 .fnhn 2. 16. the lust of the e. and pride of life Rev. 4.6. in the midst of throne four beasts full of c. 8. had each si.x wings, and were full of «. within 5. 6. a Lamb, as. it had been stain, having seven e. EYE His Ei^ES. (?cn.27. 1. Isaac w:is old, and /us e. were dim 49.12. his c. shall be red witli wiiie, teeth wiiite J\rum. 24. 4. into a trance, having his e. ojien, 16. Deut. 24. 1. that if she find no favour in his e. Judir. 16.21. Pliiiistines took him and putout his e. 1 Sam. 3. 2. Eli, his e. began to vva.\ dim, 4. 15. 14. 27. he tasted, and his c. were enlightened 18. 1 20. and the tiling was right in his e. 2 Sam. 19. t IS- and to do the good in his c. 22. 1 25. according to my cleanness before his c. 1 Kin. 9. cause to cease out of this place in your e. 29. 21. and he shall slay them before your e. F.iek.^.'il. the desire of j/oare. and what you pity ZepA.3.20.when I turn your captivity before youre. Hag. 2. 3. in your e. in comparison is nothing Zech. 11. 1 12. if good in your e. give me my jirice J\Ial. 1.5. youre. shall see, the L. will be magnified Mat. 13. l(i. but blessed are your e. for they see Right EYES. 1 Sam. 11. 2. that I may thrust out all your right e. F. FABLES. 1 Tim. 1. 4. nor give heed to/, and genealogies 4. 7. but refuse profane and old wives' /. 2 Tim. 4. 4. and they shall be turned unto /. 7^(.1.14. not giving heed to Jewish/, and comm.of 2 Pet. 1. 10. have not followed cunningly devised/. FACE, Countenance, or visage, is a part of the hody well known : It is thereby that our inward motions are made known to others: L,ove,hatred,desire, dislike, joy, grirf, confidence, de.ipair,courage, cowardiee,admirntion,contcmpt,pride,modesty, cruelty, compassion, and the rest of the affec- tions, are discovered by their proper aspects. The countenance,ns one phrases it,is a crystal, wherein the thoughts and affections, otherwise invisible, appear; and is a natural si gn,known to all. It is by the face, also, that one man is known and distinguished from another: JInd it is matter of admiration, that so few parts com- posing it, and in so small a compass, and al- ways in the same situation, yet there is such a diversity of figures as of faces in the world : These innumerable different characters in the faces of men, is the counsel of most wise pro- vidence, for the universal benefit of the world: For human societies cannot be preserved with- out union and distinction : the one prevents division, the other confusion; and this distinc- tion is caused by the variety of countenances. 179 FAC The Face of a man is also taken for the man himself: I had not thought to see thy face ; that is, thy person, says^^> to his son Jo- seph, Oen.iS. 11. Betbre one's face; that is, in his sight or presence, JVum. 19. 3. To with- stand a person to the face, is to reprove him boldly, Gal. 2. 11. The pride of Israel doth testily to his face, Uos. 5. 5. It is so full and evident a jcitaess against Israel, that no other testimony need be produced, to convince the most impudent and shameless among them. To fall to the earth upon one's face, was a posture of adoration. Josh. 7. 0, Joshua fell to the earth upon his face, in deep humiliation and fervent supplication. To accept one's face, is to shew one a favour, and grant his request. Gen. 19. t 21, Peradventurc he will accept of my face; he will be reconciled with me, and accept of my person. To spit in one's face, is a sign of the utmost contempt. The woman whose husband died without children, if her husband's brother refused to marry her, spit in his face, Deut. 25. 9. Face is likewise referred to God, and denotes sometimes his anger. Psal. 34. 16, The face of the Lord is against them that do evil. Rev. 6. 16, Hide us Irom the face of him that sitteth on the throne. M other times, it denotes hi love and favour, Psal. 31. 16. | 80. 7, Make thy face to shine upon thy servant. Cause thy face to shi[ie and we shall be saved. IJan. 9. 17, Cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary which is desolate. It is also taken for his omniscience, 1 Sara. 26. 20, Let not my blood fall to the earth before the i'ace of the Lord ; that is, if thou dost shed my blood, remember that God, the Judge of all the earth, secth it, and will avenge it. The Lord promises Moses, that his face shall go before the Israelites, Exod. 33. 14, My pre- sence, in Hebrew, my face shall go with thee ; that is, I myself will go with thee. The Jingel of my presence, namely, the Messiah, Isa. 63. 9. who is always in the bosom of the Father, and continually making intercession for his peo- ple; and likewise the pledge of my presence shall go with thee, namely, the cloudy pillar. Moses, in the same chapter, begs of God to shew him his glory. God replies to him, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, or, all my glory ; thuu shalt have a sudden transient view of it; and I will proclaim my name, which I will give thee as a signal of my pre- sence, that thou mayest attend : but for my face, thou canst not see it; for there shall no man see it and live: 7'hou canst not see the majesty and glory attending that external shape I have now assumed; nor those main fcstations of my glory which the saints art favoured with in another life; for such is the weakness of man in this life, that if I should display all the beams of my glory to him, it would certainly astonish, overwhelm, and de stray him. It was a certain persuasion, and very prevalent in the world, that no man could support the sight of God without expiring. See Gen. 16. 13. | 32. 30. E.xod. 20. 19. I 24. 11. Judg. 6. 22, 2;}. I 13. 22. JVcvertheless, it is said in Num. 12. 8, With Moses will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches. JInd in chap. 14. 14, The Canaanites have heard that thou art among this people, and that thou art seen face to face. JInd in I)eut. 5. 4, it is said that God talked with the Israelites face to face, out of the midst of the fire: But in all these places, face to face is to be understood simply, as if he had said, that God manifested himself to the Israelites, that he made them hear his voice in a manner as distinct as if he had appeared to them face to face : That he spake to them personally and immediately, and not by an interpreter ; and familiarly, so as not to overwhelm and confound them. The apostle, speaking of the difference between our knowledge here and in heaven, says. Now, we see through a glass darkly ; but then face to face, 1 Cor. 13. 12. that is, There is as much difference betioeen our knowledge here and in heaven, as between looking through a per- spective glass upon a thing a great way off, and covered with many obscurities ; and look- ing immediately, with the naked eye, upon the naked object nigh at hand. The bread of faces, the shew-brcad, rchich was always in the presence of God. See Bread. Gen. 1. t20. fowls may fly in/, of the firmament 3. 19. in the sweat of thy/, shalt thou eat bread 16. 8. I flee from the/, of my mistress Sarai 19. t21- I liave accepted thy/, concerning this FAC Gen. 24. 47. and I put the ear-rings upon her/. 32. 120. peradventure he will accept my/. 1 30. Jacob called the place, the /. of God 35. 1. when thou fleddest from the/, of Esau, 7. 36. 6. Esau went from the/, of his brother Jacob 40.28. he sent to Joseph to direct his/, to Goshen 48. 12. Joseph bowed with his/, to the earth Kxod.Jl. 15. Moses fled from the/, of Pharaoh ' -■ ~^-„^'i'<', let us flee from the /. of Israel 25. t 37. may give light against the/, of it 34. 29. the skin of his/, shone, 30, 35. 33.till he had done speaking,he put a vail on his/. Lev. 13. 41. that hath his hair fallen towards his/. 19. 32. thou shalt honour the/, of the old man M'um. 12. 14. if her father had but spit in her/. 19. 3. one shall slay the red heifer before his/. Deut. 1. 17. ye shall not be afraid of the/, of man 7. 10. and repayeth them that hate him to their/, t 23. the Lord shall deUver them before thy/, and shall destroy them, 9. 3. | 28. 7. 8. 20. the nations the Ld. destroyolh before your/. 25.2. cause the wicked man be beaten before his/. 9. shall loose his shoe, and spit in his/, and say 28. 31. thine ass shall be taken before thy/. t 50. a nation strong of/, which shall not regard 31. 5. the Lord shall give them up before your/. Josh. 7. 10. wherefore liest thou upon thy /. ? .ludg. 11.13. Jephthah fled from /. of his brethren 1 Sam. 5. 3. behold, Dagon was fallen on his/. 4. 17. t24. they fled from Goliath's/.and were atiaid 19. t8. and the Philistines fled from his/. 24. 8. David stooped with his /. to the earth 25. 41. Abigail bowed on her/, and said 28. 14. Saul stooped with his /. to the ground 2 Sam. 2. 22. how should I hold up my/, to Joab 7 7. 1 9. I have cut off thine enemies from thy /. 14. 33. Absalom bowed on his/, to the ground 17. fll. that thy/, or presence go to battle 24. 20. and Araunah went out and bowed himself before the king on his/. 1 Chron. 21. 21. 1 Kings 1. 23. Nathan bowed him.sclf with his/. 31. Bath-sheba bowed with her/, to the earth 2. 1 16. I ask one petition, turn not away my/. 8. 14. the king tamed his/, about, 2 Chron! ^. 3. 10. t24. all the earth sought the/, of Solomon 18. 42. Elijah put his/, between his knees 19. 13. that he wrapped hisy. in his mantle 20.38. prophet disguised hims. with ashes on his/. 21. 4. Ahab turned away his/, and would not eat 2 Kings 4. 29. lay my staff upon the /. of the child 31. Gehazi laid his staff on the/, of the child 8. 15. Hazael spread it on his /. so that he died 9. 30. Jezebel painted her /. and tied her head 32. Jehu lift up his/, to the window, and said 13.14. Joash wept over his/.and said,0 my father t23. neither cast he them from his/, as yet 18.24. how wilt thou turn away /.of one, /sffi.36.9. 20.2. Hezekiah turned his/, to the wall, /sa.38. 2. 21. 1 13. he wipeth and turneth it on the/, thereof 2.5. 1 19. five men that saw king's/, /er. 52. f 25. 2 Chr. 6. 42. O Lord God, turn not away the/, of thine anointed, Psal. 132. 10. 30.9. the Lord will not turn away his/, from you 32. 1 2. when Hezekiah saw that his/.was to war 21. he returned with shame of/, to his own land 34. 14. and sirowed it upon the/, of the graves 3.5. 22. Josiah would not turn his/, from him Ezra 9. 6. I blush to lift up my /. to thee, my God 7. to confusion of/, as it is this day, Dan. 9. 8. Job 1. 11. and he will curse thee to thy/. 2. 5. 4. 1.5. then a spirit passed before my /. 6. t28. for it is before your/, if I lie 11. 15. then shalt thou lift up thy/, without spot 1 19. yea, many shall entreat thy /. 16. 8. my leanness beareth witness to my /. 16. my/, is foul with weeping, on my eye-lids 21. 31. who shall declare his way to his/. ? 22. 26. and thou shalt lift uj) thy/, unto God 24. 15. no eye shall see me ; and disguiseth his/. 26. 9. he holdeth back the/, of his throne 30. 10. and they spare not to spit in my /. 41. 13. who can discover the/, of his garment ? 14. who can open the doors of his/. 1 42. 1 8. Job shall pray, for his/, will I accept t9. the Lord also accepted the/, of Job Psal. 5. 8. make thy way sthiight before my/. 17. tl3. O I;ord, prevent his/, cast him down 15. I will behold thy/, in righteousness 21. 12. make ready arrows against the /. of them 41. 12. thou settest me before thy/, for ever 4.5. 1 12. even the rich shall entreat thy/. 68. 1 1- let them tliat hate him flee from his/. 84. 9. and look upon the /. of thine anointed 89. 14. mercy and truth shall go before thy/. 23. I will beat down his foes before his /. 119. 1 58. 1 entreated thy/, with my whole heart Prov. 6. 1 35. he will not accept the /. of a ransom 7. 13. and with an impudent/, said imto him 21. 29. a wicked man hardeneth his/. FAC Eccl. 8. 1. the boldness of his/, sliall be changed Jsa. 5. 121. woe to the prudent before their/. 16. 4. be a covert from the/, of the spoiler 21. 1 15. for they fled from the/, of the sword 24. t 1. the Lord pervertelli the /. of the earlh 25. 7. he will destroy the /. of the covering 28. 25. when he hath made plain the/, thereof 29. 22. neither shall his/, now wax pale 49. 23. they shall bow down to thee with their/. 65. 3. that provoked me continually to my/. Jer. 1. 1 13. /. thereof was from the /. of the nortli 2. 27. turned their back, and not the /. 32. 33. 4. 30. though thou rentest thy/, with painting 13.26. therefore will I discover thy skirts upon thy / that thy shame may appear, JVa/i. 3. 5. 18. 17. 1 will shew them the back, and not the/. 22. 25. from hand of them whose/, thou fearest 32. 31. I should remove it from before my/. //«?«. 3. 35. the right of man before/, of most High Ezek. 1. 10. they four had tlie /. of a man, the /. of a lion, /. of an o.\, the/, of an eagle 2. t4. they are hard of/, and stiff-hearted 3. 8. I made thy /. strong against their faces 7. 22. my/, will I also turn from them 10.14./. of a man, /.of a lion,/, of an eagle, 41.19. 14. 3. put stumbling-block before their/. 38. 18. that my fury shall come up in my f. Van. 8. 18. I was in a deep sleep on my/. 10. 9. 10. 6. his/, as the appearance of lightning 11. 18. he shall turn his/, unto the isles Has. 5. 5. the pride of Israel testifieth to his/. 7.10. 7. 2. now their own doings, they are before my/. Joel 2. 6. before their/, people be much pained 20. will drive him with his/, toward the east sea JVaA.2.1. that dasheth in pieces, come before thy/. Zeph- 1 . 1 2. 1 will consume from the/, of the land Mal.l. 19. now, I pray you, beseech the/, of God Mat. 6. 17. anoint thine head, and wash thy/. 11. 10. behold, I send my messenger before thy/, to prepare thy way, Mark ]. 2. L%ihe 7. 27. 18. 10. their angels behold the/, of my Father 26. 67. then did they spit in his/, and buftcted /.Kfte2.31.thou hast prepared before/of all people 9. 52. he sent messengers before his /. 10. 1. 53. his/.was as though he would go to Jerusalem 2-2. 64. they struck him on the/, and asked him .hhn 11. 44. his/, was bound about with a napkin Jicts 2. 25. 1 foresaw the Lord always before my/. 7. 45. God drave out before the /. of our fathers 1 Cor. 14.25. so falling down on his/, will worship 20?r.3.7.could not stedfastly behold the/, of Moses 13. not as Moses, who put a vail over his/. 18. but we all with open/, beholding the glory 4.6. the glory of God, in the/, of Jesus Christ 5. 1 12. which glory in the /. and not in the heart 11. 20. ye sutler, if a man smite you on the/. Gal. 1. 22. I was unknown by/, to the churches 2. 11. I withstood him to the/, because he was Jam. 1. 23. beholding his natural/, in a glass Rev. 4. 7. the tliird beast had a/, as a man 10. 1. and his/, was as it were the sun 12. 14. were nourished from the/, of the serpent 20. 11. from whose/, the earth and heaven fled See Seek, Set, Shine, Sky, Waters, Wilder- ness, World. FACE with cover, or covered. Gen. 33. 15. a harlot, because she covered her /. £xod.l0.5.1ocusts shall cover the/, of the earth,15 JViiTO. 22. 5. behold, they cover the/, of the earth 2 Sam. 19. 4. the king covered his/, and cried Esth. 7. 8. word went out,they cooercd Haman's/ Job 15. 27. he cnvereth his /. with his fatness 23. 17. nor hath he covered darkness from my/. Psal. 44. 15. the shame of my/, hath covered me 69. 7. for thy .sake shame hath covered my/. Prov. 24. 31. nettles had covered the /. thereof Isa. G. 2. with twain he covered his /. and his feet £:e/t.l2.6. thou shalt cover thy /. that thou see not 12. the prince shall cover his/, that he see not Mark 14. 65. began to spit on him, and cover his/. FACE of the country. 2 5am. 18.8. battle was scattered over/, of country FACE of the deep. Gen. 1. 2. darkness was upon the/, of the deep Job 38. 30. and the /. of the deep is frozen Prov. 8. 27. he set a compass on the/, of the depth FACE of the earth. Gen. 1. 29. every herb upon the/, of the earth 4. 14. thou hast driven me from the /. of the earth 6. 1. men began to multiply on the /. of the earth 7. 3. to keep seed alive on the /. of all the earth 4. I will destroy from oft" the /. of the earth, Veut. 6. 15. 1 Kings 13. 34. Amos 9. 8. 8. 9. the waters were on llie /. of the whole earth 11. 4. lest we be scattered on the/, of the earth 41. .56. the famine was over all the /. of the earth Rxod. 32. 12. to consume them from /. of the earth 33. 16. from all people upon the/, of the earth JiTinn. 12. 3. meek above all men on/, of the earth Dent. 7. 6. above all people on the/, of the earth 180 FAC 1 Sam. 20.15. cut off every one from /. of the earth 2 Sam. 14. f 7. nor remainder on the /. of the earth Psal. 104. 30. thou renewest the/, of the earth Isa. 23. 17. with all kingdoms on the/, of the earth Jer. 8. 2. be for dung on the/, of the earth, 16. 4. 28. 16. I will cast thee from the /. of the earth Eiek. 38. 20. all men on the /. of the earth shake Dan. 8. 5. a he-goat came on the/, of the earth Jlmos 5. 8. poureth them on the/, of the earth, 9.6. Zech. 5. 3. curse tliatgoeth over the/, of the earth Luke 12. 56. ye can discern the/, of the earth 21. 35. that dwell on the /. of the whole earlh Jlcts 17. 26. to dwell on all the /. of the earth FACE to FACE. Gen. 32. 30. Peniel; for I have seen God /. to f. Exod. 33. 11. and the Lord spake to Moses/, to f. JVum. 14. 14. that thou. Lord, art seen/, to f. Dent. 5. 4. the Lord talked with you/, tof. 34. 10. like Moses, whom the Lord knew/, tof. Jadg. 6. 22. because I have seen an angel/, to f. Prov. 27. 19. as in water/, answereth tof. Ezek. 20. 35. there I will plead with you/, tof. Jicts 25. 16. before he liave the accusers /. to /. 1 Cor. 13. 12. we see thro' a glass, but then /. to f. 2 John 12. 1 trust to come to you, and speak/, tof. 3 John 14. I trust to see thee and speak /. to f. Fell on FACE or FACES. Gen. 17. 1 3. Abram fell on his /. and laughed, 17. 50. 1. Joseph /eK on his father's/, and wept 18. his bxaWnen fell down before his/. Z,ei).9.24. ^vhen the people saw, they/cH on their/. JVum. 14. 5. Moses and Aaron /cHom/. 16.22, 45. 16. 4. Moses || 22. 31. Balaam /cH flat on his/. Josh. 5. 14. Joshua fell on his /. to the earth, 7. 6. Jiidg. 13.20. Manoah and his wiie fell on their/. Ruth 2. 10. then she fell on her f. to the ground 1 Sam. 17. 49. Goliath 1| 20. 41. David fell on his /. 25. 23. Abigail || 2 Sam. 9. 6. Mephibosh./<:;Z onf. 2 Sam. 14. 4. the woman of Tekoah fell on her/. 22. Joab II 18. 28. Ahimaaz fell on his/. 1 Kings 18. 7. Obadiah || 39. people fell on their/. 1 Chron. 21. 16. David and elders /cZZ on their/. Ezek. 1.28. when 1 saw it \fcll upon my/. 3. 23. I 9. 8. I 11. 13. I 43. 3. I 44. 4. Dan. 8. 17. Dan. 2. 40. Nebuchadnezzar /fZZ upon his/. Mat. 17. 6. disciples || 26. 39. iemsfell on his/. lAikc 5. 12. leper || 17. 16. Samaritan fell on his/. Rev. 11. 16. the twenty-four elders /eM on their/. FAC^ of the field. TjCV.W. t7. living bird loose on the/, of the field 2 Kings 9. 37. Jezebel as dung on the/, ofthefield Ezek. 29. 1 5. thou slialt fall on the /. of the field 39. 1 5. Gog shall fall on the /. of the field FACE of the gate. Ezek. 40. 15. from the/, of the gate of the entrance FACE of the ground. Gcn.2.6. a mist watered the whole/, of the ground 7. 23. destroyed, that was on the /. of the ground 8. 8. were abated from oft" the /. of the ground 13. and behold, the /. of the ground was dry Hide, hideth, or hid FACE. Gen. 4. 14. and from thy/, shall I be hid Exod. 3. 6. and Moses hid his/, for he was afraid Deut. 31. 17. will hide my/, from them, 18. | 32.20. Job 13.24. wherefore hidcst thou thy/, and lioldest me for thine enemy 1 Psal. 44. 24. | 88. 14. 34. 29. when he hideth his /. who can behold ■? Psal. 10. 11. he hideth his/, he will never see it 13. 1. how long wilt thou hide thy/, from me? 22. 24. neither hafh he hid his /. from him 27. 9. hide not thy /. 69. 17. ] 102. 2. | 143. 7. 30. 7. hast made my inountain strong, thou didst hide thy/, and I was troubled, 104. 29. 51. 9. hide thy/, from my sins, and blot out all ha. 8. 17. hideth his/, from the house of Jacob 50. 6. 1 hid not my/, from shame and spitting 54. 8. in a little wrath I hid my/, from thee 59. 2. your sins have hid his /. from you 64. 7. thou hast hid thy f. from us and consumed Jer. 16. 17. thy ways are not hid from my/. 33. 5. I have hid my /. from this city Ezek. 39. 23. therefore hid I my/, from them, 24. 29. nor will I hide my f. any more from them Mic. 3. 4. he will even hide his/, at that time Rev. 6. 16. hide us from the/, of him that sitteth FACE of the house. Ezek. 41. 14. the breadth of the/, of the house FACE of the Lord. Gen. 19. 13. the cry great before the /. of the Lord Exod. 32. 1 11. Moses entreated the /. of the I^ord 1 S(Mn.26.20. let not my blood fall before/, of Lord 1 Kings 13. 6. entreat now the/, of the Lord Psai. 34. 16. the/, of the Lord is against them that doevil,tocutoff from the earth, 1 Pet. 3. 12. Jer. 26. 1 19. Hezekiah besought the/, of the I^rd JjWm. 2.19. pour out thy heart before/, of the Lord 4. tl(J. the/, of the Lord hath divided them lAike 1. 76. thou shalt go before the/, of the Lord FACE of the porch. Ezek. 40. 15. to the/, of the porch were fifty cubits FAC Ezek. 41. 25. were thick planks on the /. of the p. FACE joined with see, saw, seen. Gen. 32. 20. and afterward I will see his/. 33. 10. for therefore have I seen thy /. as though 43. 3. ye shall not see my f. except, 5. | 44. 23. 44. 26. for we may not see the man's/, except 46. 30. now let me die, since 1 have seen thy/. 48. 11. I had not thought to see thy/, and lo £;3;o«!.10.28.Pharaoh said to him, seemy more 29. Moses said, I will see thy/, again no more 33. 20. and he said, thou canst not see my / 2.3. see back parts, but my /. shall not he seen 34. 35. children of Israel saw the /. of Moses 2 6'a»n.3.13. not see my/, except thou bring Michal 14. 24. the king said, let him not see my /. 28. Absalom dwelt two years and sawnot king's/. 32. now therefore let me see the king's/. 2 Kings 14. 8. sent messengers saying, come, let us look one another in the/. 2 Chron. 25. 17. 11. and they looked one another in the /. Esth. 1.14. the seven princes who saw the king's/. Job 33. 26. and he shall see his /. with joy Jicts 6. 15. saw his /. as it had been /. of an angel 20. 25. 1 know that ye shall see my/, no more, 38. CoZ. 2.1. as many as havenot secjimy/. in the flesh 1 T'Acss.2.17.endeavoured to see your/, with desire 3. 10. praying, that we might see your/. Rev. 22. 4. and they shall see his/, and his name Seek FACE. 1 Chr. 16. 11. seek his/, continually, Psal. 105. 4. 2 Chr. 7. 14. if my people shall pray and seek my/. Psal. 24. 6. a generation that seek thy /. O Jacob 27. 8. when thou saidst, seek ye my f. my heart said unto thee, thy /. Lord will I seek Prov. 7. 1.5. 1 came diligently to seek thy/. 29. t 26. many seek the/, of a ruler Mos. 5. 15. return to my place, till they seek my /. Set FACE. Gen. 31.21. Jacob set his/, toward mount Gilead Lev. 17. 10. 1 will set my/, against that soul, 20.6. 20. 3. set my /. against that man, 5. Ezek. 14. 8. 26. 17. I will set my/, against you, Jer. 44. 11. JV«m. 24. 1. Balaam set his/, toward wilderness 2 Kings 12. 17. Hazael set his/, to Jerusalem 1 C/iiro7i.l9.tlO. when Joab saw/, of battle was set 2 Chron. 20. t 3. Jehoshaphat set his /. to seek the Lord /5 (1.50.7. 1 have set my/.like a flint,not be ashamed Jer. 21. 10. I have set my /. against this city Ezek. 4. 3. set thy/, against it, it shall be besieged 7. thou shalt set thy/, toward the siege at Jerus. 6. 2. set thy f. toward the mountains of Israel 13.17. set thy/, against the daughters of my peop. 15. 7. and I will set my f against them 20. 46. son of man, set thy f. toward the south 21. 2. son of man, set thy f. toward Jerusalem 16. go thee whithersoever thy /. is set 25.2. son o{man,set thy/, against the Ammonites 28. 21./. against Zidon |1 29. 2./. against Pharaoh 35. 2./. against mount Seir || 38. 2./. against Gog Dan. 9. 3. and I set my f. unto the Lord God 10.15.1 set my/.toward ground and became dumb 11. 17. he shall set his/, to enter with strength Luke 9. 51. he stedfastly set his /. to go to Jerusal. FACE shine. JVijm.6.25. the Lord make his/to shine upon thee Psal. 31. 16. make thy/, to shiyie on thy servant, save me for thy mercies' sake, 119. 135. 67. 1. God bless us, and cause his/, to shine on us 80.3. cause thy /.to shine, we shall be saved, 7,19. 104. 15. and oil to make his/, to shine Eccl. S. 1. a man's wisdom maketh his/, to shine Dan. 9. 17. cause thy /. to shine on thy sanctuary Mat. 17. 2. and his /. did shine as the sun FACE of the sky. j)/a*.lC.3. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the/, of the sky, but can ye not the times ? Luke 12. 56. FACE of the waters. fi'fM.1.2.SpiritofGod moved on the/.o/Me waif rs 7. 18. the ark went upon the/, of the waters Eccl. 11. 1 1. cast thy bread on the /. of the waters Hos.lO. 17. her king cut oft" as from on f. of to atei:c«£.25. 18. smote theewlien thou was t/.and weary Judg.8.4. passed over Jordan, /.yet pursuing them 5. give loaves of bread to the people, for they be/. 1 Sam. 14. 28. and the people were very/. 31. 30. 10. so/, that they could not go over, 21. 2 Sam. 16. 2. the wine, that such as be/, may drink 21. 15. David fought and waxed /. Isa.l.5.the whole head is sick, the whole heart is/. 13.7. therefore shall all hands be/, heart melt 29. 8. but he awaketh, and behold he is/. 40. 29. he givetli power to the /. and increaseth 44. 12. he drinketh no water, and is/. Jer. 8. 18. I would comfort myself, my heart is/. Lam. 1.23. for my sighs are many, my heart is/. 5. 17. for this our heart is/, our eyes are dim Zeph. 3. 1 16. and to Zion, let not thine hands be /. FAINT, Verb. Dent. 20. 3. let not your hearts/, fear not 8. lest his brethren's heart/, as well as his heart Josh. 2.9. the inhabitantsof land/, because of you 24. all the inhabitants of country/, because of us Prov. 24. 10. if thou/, in the day of adversity Isa. 40. 30. even the youths shall/. Amos 8. 13. 31. shall run and not be weary, walk and not/. .Ter. 51. 46. and lest your hearts /. and ye lear Lam.. 1. 13. he hath made me/, all the dav 2. 1 11. the sucklings/. j| 19. young children/. Ezck. 21.7. every spirit shall/, knees shall be weak 15. their heart may/, and ruins be multiplied Mat. 15.32. not send them away fasting lest they/. Mark 8. 3. if 1 send them away fasting, they will/. Luke 18.1. that men ought always to pray,not to/. 2 Cor. 4. 1. as we have received mercy we/, not 16. for which cause we/, not, tho' outward man Gal. 6. 9. in due season we shall reap, if we/, not Eph. 3. 13. that ye/, not at my tribulations for you ^T/iess. 3. tl3. brethren,/, not in well-doing Heb. 12. 3. lest ye be wearied and /. in your minds 5. nor/, when thou art rebuked of him FAINTED. Grn. 45. 26. Jacob's heart/, for he believed not 47.13.all the land ofCanaan/.byreaBon of famine Psal. 27. 13. I had/, unless I had believed to see FAI Psal. J07. 5. hungry and thirsty, soul/, in them fsa. 51. 20. thy sons/, they lie at head of all streets Jcr. 45. 3. 1 /. in my sighing, I find no rest Ezek. 31. 15. the trees of the field/, for him Van. 8. 27. I Daniel/, and was sick certain days Jonah 2.7. when my soul/. I remembered the Lord 4. 8. that he/, and wished in himself to die Jlitt(.9.36.with compassion on them, because they/. Rev. 2. 3. thou hast laboured and hast not /. FAINTEST. Job 4. 5. now it is come upon thee, and thou/. FAINTETH. Psal. 84.2. my soul/, for the courts of the Lord 119. 81. my soul/, for thy salvation /«a.l0.18.thcy shall be aswhen a standard-bearer/. 40.28. the Creator of the ends of the earth/, not FAINT-HEARTED. Deut. 20. 8. who is fearful and /. let him return Isa. 7. 4. fear not, nor be /. for the two tails Jer. 49. 23. Haniath and Arjiad are /. FAINTNESS. Lev. 26. 36. I will send a /. into their hearts FAIR. Gen. 6. 2. saw tliat the daughters of men were/. 12.11. Sarah was/. 14. || 24. 16. Rebekah/. 26. 7. 1 Sam. 16. 1 12. David was/, of eyes, 17. 42. 2 Sam. 13. 1. Tamar Absalom's sister wa3/.14.27. 1 Kings 1. 4. Abishag a/, damsel cherished David Esth. 1. 11. Vashti the queen /. || 2. 7. Esther/. 2. 2. let/, young virgins be sought for the king 3. that they may gather the/, young virgins Job 37. 22./. weather cometh out of the north 42. 15. no women found so/, as Job's daughters Prov. 7. 21. with/, speech she caused him to yield 11. 22. so is a/, woman without discretion 26. 25. when he speaketh /. believe him not Ca7it. 1. 15. behold, thou art/. 16. | 4. 1, 7. 2. 10. rise up, my love, my/, one, come away, 13. 4. 10. how/, is thy love, my sister, my spouse 1 6. 10./. as tho moon || 7. 6. how/.art thou, O love /«(i.5.9.many houses great and/.without inhabitant 54. 11. I will lay thy stones with/, colours Jer. 4. 30. in vain shalt thou make thyself/. 11. 16. and olivt -tree /. and of a goodly fruit 12. 6. though they speak /. words unto Uiee 46. 20. Egypt is like a very /. heifer, destruction comes Ezek. 16. 17. thou hast also taken thy/, jewels 39. and they shall take thy /.jewels, 23. 26. 31. 3. was a cedar in Lebanon with/, branches 7. thus was he/, in his greatness, in branches 9.1 have made hini/.by multitude of his branches Dan. 4. 12. leaves thereof were/, fruit much, 21. Hos. 10. 11. but I passed over upon her/, neck ■ Imos 8. 13. the/, virgins shall faint for thirst Zech. 3. 5. let them set a/, mitre upon his head .Mat. 16. 2. it will be/, weather for the sky is red .nicts 7. 20. Moses was born, and was exceeding/. Rom. 16. 18. by/, speeches deceive the simple Gal. 6.12. a desire to make a/, shew in the flesh FAIR havens. ./?ci. 6. 4. could find none, forasmuch as he was/. JKos. 11. 12. but Judah is/, with the saints Mot. 21. 45. who then is a/, and wise servant? 25. 21- well done, thou good and/, servant 23. thou hast been/.in a few things, Luke 19.17. Luke 12. 42. who then is that/, and wise steward ? 16. 10. he that is/, in the least is/. also in much II. have not been/, in the unrighteous mammon 12. have not been/, in what is another man's ..^cts 16. 15. if ye have judged me/, to the Lord 1 Cor. 1.9. God is/.by whom ye were called, 10.13. 4. 2. it is rctjuired in stewards, that a man be/. 17. I have sent you Timothy/, in the Lord 7.25.that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be/. Oal. 3. 9. they are blessed with/. Abraham Eph. 1. 1. to the saints and/, in Christ Jesus 6. 21. Tychicus a/, minister in the Lord Col. 1. 2. to the saints and/, brethren in Christ 7. Epaphras, who is for you a/, minister, 4. 7. 4. 9. Onesimua, a/, brother, who is one of you 1 7'Aess.5.21./.is he that calleth you, who will do it iTkess. 3. 3. the Lord is/, who shall stablish yon 1 Tim. 1. 12. Ithank Christ, that he counted me/. 15. this is a /. saying, 4. 9. Tit. 3. 8. 3. 1 1. their wives must be sober, and/, in all things 6. 2. rather do them service because they are/. 2 Tim. 2. 2. the same commit thou to/, men 11. it is a/, sayini {| 13. yet he abideth/. Tit. 1. 6. if any be blameless, having/, children 9. holding fast the/, word, as he was taught Jfeb. 2. 17. that he might be a /. liigh-priest 3. 2. who was/, to him that appointed him 10. 23. for he is/, thnt promised, 11. 11. 1 Pel. 4 .10. commit thoir souls, as unto a/. Creator 5. 12. I have written bv Silvauus a/, brother 183 FAL 1 .Tohit 1. 9. if we coni'esa, he is/, to forgive us Rev. 1. 5. Christ who is Ihef. witness, 3. 14. 2. 10. be/, to death, I will give thee a crown of life 13. those days wherein Antipas was ray /.martyr 17. 14. they that are with him, are called, and/. 19. 11. and he that sat upon him was called/. 21. 5. these words are true and /. 23. 6. FAITHFULLY. 2 Kings 12. 15. for they dealt/. 22. 7. 2 Chron. 19. 9. thus do in the fear of the Lord /. 31. 12. and they brought in the ofi'erings/. 34. 10. and the men did the work /. Prov. 29. 14. the king that/, judgeth the poor ,Jc7. 23.28. hath my word, let him speak my word/. 3 John 5. thou doest /. whatsoever thou doest to FAITHFULNESS. [brethren 1 Sam. 26. 23. the Lord render to every man his/. Psal. 5. 9. lor tliere is no /. in their mouth 36. 5. and thy/, reacheth unto tlie clouds 40. 10. I have declared thy/, and thy salvation 88. 11. or shall thy/, be declared in destruction'! 89. 1. 1 will make known thy/, to all generations 2. thy/, shalt thou establish in the heavens 5. thy /. also in the congregation of the saints 8. who is like to thee, or to thy /.round about thee? 24. but my /. and my mercy shall be with him 33. nor will I sutFer my/, to fail 92. 2. it is good to shew forth thy/, every night 119. 75. and that thou in/, hast afflicted me t86. all thy commandments are/. 90. thy/, is unto all generations tl38. thy testimonies are righteous and very/. 143. 1. hear my prayer; in thy/, answer me Isa. 11. 5. and/, shall be the girdle of his reins 25. 1. thy counsels of old are/, and truth Lam. 3. 23. thy mercies are new, great is thy/. Hos. 2. 20. I will betroth thee unto rae in /. FAITHLESS. Jl/atl7.17.0/. generation, J)/or/c9.19. Luke 9.41. John 20. 27. and be not/, but believing FALL. The fall of man. Man's greatest excellency at first was a perfect conformity to the divine jiattern. God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, Gai. 1. 27. This includes, I. The similitude of God in the substance of the soul, as it is an intelligent, free, spiritual, and immortal being. This is assigned to be the reason of the law, that whoso sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made he man, Oen. 9. 6. II. .4 moral resemblance in its qualities and perfections. Man was conformed to God in holiness; this the apostle insinuates, when he sets forth the sanctification of corrupt man, by the expression of renewing him in know- ledge, righteousness, and holiness, after the image of the Creator, Kph. 4. 23, 24. Col. 3. 10. The renovation of things, being arestoring of them to their primitive state; and is more or less perfect, by its proportion to, or distance from the original. Man's understanding was enriched with knowledge, which was neither acquired by study, nor confined to that or the other particular creature, butreached through the whole compass of the creation. Besides, he had such a knowledge of the Deity, as was sufficient for his duty and felicity. He disco- vered almighty power, admirable wisdom, and infinite goodness, from their effects in creating the world. The image of God was likewise resplendent in man's conscience, the scat of practical knowledge, and treasury of moral principles. The directive faculty was sincere and uncorrupt ; it was clear from all preju- dices, which might render it an incompetent judge of good and evil. There was also a di- vine impression on the will. Spiritual reason kept the throne, and the inferior faculties observed an easy and regular subordination to its dictates. III. The image of God consisted, though in an inferior degree,in the happy state of man, which was the consequent and accession to his holi- ness : .9nd herein he resembled that infinitely blessed Being, as he is perfectly exempt from all evils which might allay and lessen his feli- city, and enjoy those pleasures which are wor- thy of his pure nature and glorious state. This happiness had relation to the two natures, which enter into man's composition, (1) The animal and sensitive, and this consisted both in the excellent disposition of his organs, and in the enjoyment of convenient objects. His body being formed immediately by God, was not liable to those defects which proceed from the weakness of second causes : J\ro blemish or disease, which are the effects and footsteps of sin, were to be found in him : All his scjises FAL were quick and lively, able to perform tcith facility, vigour, and delight, their operations. JVot only were his organs excellently disposed, but there were also convenient objects to enter- tainhis sensitive faculties : He enjoyednature in its original purity, croioncd with the bene- diction of God, before it was blasted tcith the curse. The worldwas all harmony and beauty, becoming the goodness of tlie Creator; and nut as it is since the fall, disordered and deformed in many parts, the effect of his justice. The earth was liberal to Adam of all its treasures ; the heavens of their light and sweetest irifiu- enccs. And he was seated inBien, a place of great beauty and delight. But (^2) His chief happiness consisted in the exercise of his most noble facilities on their proper objects. The highest faculties in man are the understand- ing and will : and their happiness consists in union with God by knowledge and love. He saw the admirable beauty of the Creator through the transparent veil of the creatures : Jindfrom hence there arose in the soul a plea- sure pure, solid, and satisfying. IV. Thcrewas inman' s dominion andpowerovcr the creatures a shining part of God's image. Godgavehim the solemn investiture of his dig- nity, when he brought the creatures to receive their names from him,which was a mark of their homage, and a token of his empire to command them by their names, Psal. 8. 6, 7, 8. Thus holij and blessed was Adam in his primitive state. Man only of all creatures on earth was in a state of moral dependence, and capable of a law. For, a law being the declaration of the Supe- rior's will requiring obedience,and threatening punishment on the failure thereof, there must be a principle of reason and choice in that na- ture which is governed by it : both to discover the authority that enjoins it; to discern the matter of the law ; and to determine itself, out of judgment and election, to obedience, as most excellent in itself, and aavantageous to the performer. JJs therefore reason made man capable of alaw, so it was impossible he should be exempt from a law ; for as the notion of a God, that is, of the first and supreme Being, excludes al! possibility of obligation to another, and of subjection to a law ; so the quality of a creature includes the relation of dependence and natural stihjcction to the will of God. The law ofnature,to which man was subject upon his creation, contains those moral principles concerning good and evil,which have an essen- tial equity in them, and are the measures of his duty to God, to himself, and to his fellow- creatures. This law was published by the voice of reason, and is holy, just, and good ; and the obligation to it is eternal; it being the vn- changeablewill of God, grounded on the natu- ral and invariable relations beticeen God and man, and betioeen man and the creatures. Be- sides the particular directions of the law of nature, this general principle was planted in the reasonable soul,to obey God in any instance wherein he did prescribe his pleasure. Accord- ingly, to declare his sovereign right in all things, and to make trial of man's obedience, God entered into covenant with man; he for- bids him to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. This established an insepa- rable connection between duty and felicity, dis- obedience and misery. In this threatening of death upon disobedience, the promise of life upon his obedience was implied, and easily suggested itself to the rational mind, Man was created perfectly holy, but in anatural, therefore mutable state. He was invested with power to prevent his falling, yet under a pos- sibility of it : He was complete in his own order, but receptive of sinful impressions. Being therefore set upon by the most subtile of those rebellious spirits, who had fallen from their obedience and glory, he was cor- rupted and seduced by him, and involved both himself and his po.iterity in sin and viisery. ./Is to the manner in which the devil seduced our first parents, see on Devil. The honour and majesty of the whole law was violated in the breach of that symbolical pre- cept : for in that grand apostasy many sins were included; as, 1. Infidelity awd unbelief: God had said. Of the tree of knowh^dge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. This was the first step to ruin, as appears by the order of tlic temptation : It was first said by the devil. Ye shall not die, to weaken their faith; then, Ye shall be as gods, to FAL flatter their ambition. Thisinfidelity is greatly aggravatcd^as it implies an accusation of God, (1) Of envy; as if he had denied them the perfections becoming the human nature, and they might assend to a higher orb than that wherein they were placed, by eating the forbid- den fruit, (fi) Of falsehood ; as if Ood had threatened to inflict a punishment upon man's disobedience which he had no design to do ; and what heightens this is, that when he dis- trusted the Fountain of truth, he gave credit to the Father of lies; as appears by his com- pliance, the real evidence of his faith. II. This sin included in it prodigious pride : He icas scarcely out of the state of nothing, no sooner created but he aspired to be as Ood. JVol content with his image, he affected an equality, to be like him in his inimitable attri- butes. He would rob Ood of his eternity, to live without end, to enjoy an immortality, not depending on Ood's will, but absolute, which is proper to Ood alone ; of his sovereignty, to command without dependence ; and of his wis- dom, to know all things without reserve. III. Horrid ingratitude : He was appointed heir apparent of all things ; yet undervaluing his present portion, he entertains a project of improving his happiness. The excellent state newly conferred upon him, was a strong obli- gation to pay so small an acknowledgment to the Lord. The use of all the garden was al- lowed him, only a tree excepted. JVow in the midst of such variety and plenty, to be in- flamed with the intemperate appetite of the forbidden fruit, and to break a command so equal and easy, what is it but a despising the rich goodness of his great Benefactor ? IV. A bloody cruelty to himself, and to all his posterity. When God had made him a depo- sitory in a matter of infinite moment ; that is, of his own happiness, and all mankind's, this should have been a powerful motive to have kept him vigilant: But giving a ready ear to the tempter, he betrayed his trust, and at once breaks both the tables of the law, and becomes the greatest sinner, being guilty of the highest impiety and cruelty. By voluntary disobedience our first parents fell from and lost their original rectitude and perfection of nature ; which consisted in knowledge, holiness, and perfect happiness, Gen. 1. 26. Col. 3. 10. Eph. 4. 24. By the fall of man all the powers of nature were depraved, polluted, and corrupted: [1] Tlie understanding was darkened, Eph. 4. 38. [2] The conscience defiled, Heb. 10. 22. [3] The will obstinate and rebellious, Isa. 28. 14. Rom. 8. 7. [4] The affections carnal and sensual, Eph. 2. 3. [5] .dll the thoughts uninterrupt- edly evil, Gen. 6. 5. and the whole mind, or heart, a nest of all manner of abominations, Jer. 17. 9. Mat. 15. 19. FALL, Substantive. Prov. 16. 18. and a haughty spirit before a/. 29. 16. but the righteous shall see their /. Jer. 49. 21. earth is moved at the noise of their/. jEzeft.26. 15. the isles shake at the sound of their/. 18. the isles shall tremble in the day of thy/. 31. 16. the nations to shake at the sound of his/. 32. 10. every man for his life in the day of thy/. Mat. 7. 27. the house fell, and great was the/, of it Luke 2. 34. child is set for the/, aud rising of many Rom. 11. 11. but through their /. salvation is come unto the Gentiles 12. if the/, of them be the riches of the world FALL, KcrJ. Gc?j,2.21.God caused adeepsleep to /.upon Adam 43.18.he may seek occasion against us,and /.on us 4.5. 24. he said, see that ye /. not out by the way 49. 17. so that his rider shall /. backward Exod. 15. 16. fear and dread shall/, upon them 21.33. if a man dig a pit, and an ox or ass /.therein Lev. 11. 32. on whatsoever any of them doth/. 37. if their carcase/, on any sowing-seed, 38. 19.29.1est land/.to whoredom and become wicked 26. 7. they shall/, before you by tlie sword, 8. 36. and they shall /. when none pursueth 37. and they shall /. one upon another JVmot. 5. 1 21. the Lord doth make thy thigh to/. 6. 1 12. but the days that were before shall /. 11. 31. and let them/, by the camp round about 14. 29. your carcases shall/, in the wilderness, 32. 34. 2. this is the land that shall/, to you Dcut. 22. 8. if any man/, from thence Judg. 8. 21. they said, rise thou, and /. upon us 15. 12. Samson said, swear ye will not/, upon me 18. and/, into the hand of the uncircumcised Rnth'i. 16. let/, some handfuls of purpose for her 122. that they/, not on thee in another field 3. 18. until thou know how the matter will /. 184 FAL 1 Sam. 3. 19. let none of his words /. to the ground 14.45. there shall not one hair of his head/, to the ground, 2 Sam. 14.11. 1 Kings 1.52. Acts'il.'H. 18.25. Saul sought to make David/, by Pliilistines 22. 17. would not/, on tlie priests of the Lord 18. the king said, turn thou, and /. on the priests 26. 20. therefore let not my blood/, to the earth 2Sam. 1.15. go near and/, on him, IKings 2.29,31. 24. 14. let us/, into the hand of God, let me not /. into the hand of man, 1 Cliron. 21. 13. 1 Kings 22. 20. who shall persuade Ahab to go up and /. at Ramoth-gilead 1 2 Chron. 18. I'J. 2 Kings 7. 4. let us /. unto the host of the Syrians 10. 10. shall/, nothing of the word of the Lord 14.10. wliy shouldst meddle,that thou shouldst/.? 1 Chron. 12. 19. he will /. to his master Saul 2 Chron. 21. 15. have sickness, till thy bowels/.out 25. 8. God shall make thee /. before the enemy 19. that thou shouldest /. and Judah with thee Esth. 6. 1 10. suffer not a whit to /. of all that 13.beforewhom thou hast begun to/.shall not pre- vail against him, but shall surely/, before him Job 6. 1 27. yea, ye cause to /. upon the fatherless 12. 1 3. I /. not lower than you 13. 11. and shall not his dread/, upon you ? 31. 22. let mine arm/, from my shoulder-blade Psal. 5. 10. let them /. by their own counsels 9.3.mine enemies shall/.and perish at thypresence 10. 10. that the poor may/, by his strong ones 35. 8. into that very destruction let him/. 37. 24. tho' he /. he shall not be utterly cast down 45. 5. arrows, whereby the people /. under thee 64. 8. make their tongiip to/, on themselves 78. 28. and he lot it/, in the midst of their camp 82. 7. but ye shall/, like one of the princes 91. 7. a thousand shall /. at thy side, and 10,000 106. 1 27. make their seed /. among the nations 118. 13. thou hast thrust at me that I might/. 140. 10. let burning Coals/, upon them 141. 10. let the wicked /. into their own nets 145. 14. the Lord upholdeth all that/. Prov. 4. 16. unless they cause some to /. 10. 8. but a prating fool shall/. 10. 11. 5. the wicked shall/, by his own wickedness 14. where no counsel is the people/. 28. he that trusteth in his riches shall/. 22.14. he that is abhorred of the Ld. shall/.therein 24. 16. but the wicked shall/, into mischief 26. 27. whoso diggeth a pit shall/.therein, he who roUeth a stone it will return on him, Eccl. 10.8. 28.10. causeth to go astray shall/into his own pit 14. but he that hardeneth his heart shall/. 18. but he that is perverse shall/, at once Eccl. 4. 10. if they /. one will lift up his fellow 11. 3. if the tree/, toward the south or north Isa. 8. 15. many among them shall stumble and /. 10. 4. and they shall /. under the slain 34. and Lebanon shall/, by a mighty one 22. 25. nail fastened in the sure place shall/. 34. 18. who fleeth from fear shall /. into the pit 20. the earth shall /. and not rise again 28. 13. that they might go and /. backward 30. 13. iniquity shall be as a breach ready to/. 25. in the day of slaughter, when the towers/. 40. 30. and the young men shall utterly /. 47. 11. therefore mischiefs shall /. upon thee 54. 15. whoso shall gather/, for thy sake Jer. 3. 12. 1 will not cause mine anger to/, on you 6. 15. they shall/, among them that/. 8. 12. 21. the fathers and sons shall/, upon them 8. 4. saith the Lord, shall they /. and not arise t 0. 22. even the carcases of men shall/, aa dung 15. 8. I have caused him to/, upon it suddenly 23. 12. they shall be driven on and /. therein 19. a whirlwind/, on the head of wicked, 30. 23. 25. 27. drink ye, and be drunken, and spue, and/. 34. and ye shall /. like a pleasant vessel 37. 14. it is false, I /. not away to the Chaldeans t20. let my supplication/. before thee 42. t2. let our supplication /. before thee 44. 12. they shall all/, in the land of Egypt 46. 6. they shall stumble and/, toward the north 16. he made many to/, yea one fell on another 48. 44. he that fleeth shall/, into the pit 49. 26. her young men/, in her streets, 50. 30. 50. 32. and the most proud shall stumble and /. 51. 4. the slain shall/, in land of Chaldeans, 47,49. 44. yea, the wall of Babylon shall/. 49. as Babylon caused the slain of Israel to/. Lam. 1. 14. he hath made my strength to/. Eiek. 6. 7. the slain shall/, in the midst of you 13.11. say unto them that itshall/.and ye,0 great hailstones, shall/, and a stormy wind rent it 14. foundation shall be discovered, and it shall/. 24. 6. bring it out piece by piece, let no lot/, on it 27.27. all thy company shall/, into the seas, 34. 29. 5. thou shalt/. upon the open fields, 39. 5. 30. 4. great pain, when (he slain shall/, in Egypt 6. they also that uphold Egypt shall /. 22. I will cause the sword to /. out of his hand FAL Etek. 32. 12. by swords will I cause multitude to/. 33. 12. not/, thereby in the day that he turneth 35. 8. and in all thy rivers shall they /. 36. 1 14. nor cause to / thy nations any more 38. 20. the steep places shall /. every wall shall /. 39. 3. arrows to/. j| 4. shalt/. on tho mountains 44. 12. they caused Israel to /. into iniquity 45. 1 1. when ye cause the land to /. by lot 47. 14. this land shall /. to you for iiilieritance L>an. 9. 1 18. we cause not our supplications to /. 11. 14. also the robbers of thy people shall/. 19. but he shall stumble and/, and not be found 34. when they shall/. || 35. some/, to try them Hos. 4. 5. therefore shalt thou /. in the day, the prophet also shall /. with thee in the night 14. the people that doth not understand shall/. 5. 5. Israel and Ephraim shall/. Judah shall /. 10. 8. and they shall say to the hills, /. on us 14. 9. but the transgressors shall/, therein jlmos 3. 5. can a bird/, in a snare where no gin is"! 14. the horns of the altar shall/, to the ground 8. 14. even they shall/, and never rise again 9. 9. yet shall not the least grain /. to the earth Mic. 7. 8. rejoice not, O mine enemy, Avhen I/. JVah. 3. 12. they shall/, into the mouth of the eater Mai. 2. 1 8. ye have caused many to /. in the law Mat. 10. 29. not one sparrow /. to ground without 12. 11. if it/, into a pit on the sabbath-day 15. 14. both shall /. into the ditch, Luke 6. 39. 27. eat crumbs which /. from masters' table 21.44.whoso/.on this stone be broken,on whom it shall/, itwill grind him to powder, Z,w/ire20.18. 24. 29. the sun shall be darkened, and the stars shall /. from heaven, Mark 13. 25. Luke 10.18. 1 beheld Satan as lightii./. from heav. 23.30. shall begin to say to the mountains, /.on ua .Tolm 12.24. except a corn /.into the ground and die .dels 27. 17. fearing lest they should /. into quicks. 32.then the soldiers cut the ropes and let her /.off 34. shall not a hair/.from the head of any of you Rom. 11.11. have they stumbled that they should/. 14. 13. put an occasion to/, in his brother's way 1 Cor. 10. 12. him that standcth take heed lest he/. 1 Tim. 3.6^ he/, into the condemnation of the devil 7. have a good report, lest he/, into reproach 6. 9. they that will be rich/, into temptation Heb. 4. 11. lest any /. after the same e.\ample 10. 31. it is fearful to/, into hands of living God Jam. 1. 2. count it joy, when ye/, into temptation 5. 12. swear not, lest ye /. into condemnation 2 Pet. 1. 10. if ye do these things ye shall never/. 3. 17. beware lest ye/, from your stedfastness Rev. 6.16. said to the mountains and rocks,/.on us 9. 1. 1 saw a star /. from heaven unto the earth FALL away. Luke 8.13. and in the time of temptation/, aicay Heb. 6. 6. if they/, away to renew them again FALL down. i)fitaH.9.7.confusion to Israel that are near and/, off Joel 2. 20. 1 will remove/, off the northern army 3.8. they shall sell them to the Sabeans/. off Mie. 4. 7. make her that was cast/, off a nation Z6'cA.6.15.tliey/.(>^shall come and build in temple Eph. 2. 13. ye who were/, off made nigh by Christ FARTHER ; see Further. FARE. 1 Sam. 17. 18. and look how thy brethren/. FARE. Jonah 1.3. so he paidthe/.thereof, and went into it FARED. Luke 16.19.the rich man/, sumptuously every day FAREWELL. I^nkc 9. Gl. let me first go bid them /. at homo Jicts 15. 29. if ye keep yourselves, ye do well,/. 18. 21. Paul bade them/, saying, I must keep 23. 30. to say what they had against him,/. 2 Cor. 13. 11. finally, brethren,/, be perfect FARM. J\iat. 22. 5. they went their way.i, one to his/. FARTIHNG, S. Mat. 5. 26. till thou hast paid the uttermost/. 10. 29. are not two sparrows sold for a/. ? J>/arA-12.42.she threw in two mites which make a/. Luke 12. C. are not five sjjarrows sold for two/. ? FASHION. Oen. 6. 15, this is the/, thou shall make the ark of £zod.26.30. the/, of the tabernacle as was shewed 37. 19. bowls made he after the/, of almonds 1 Kings 6. 38. according to all the/, of the house 2 Kings 16. 10. Ahaz sent the/, of the altar Eick.i'i. 11. shew them the form and/, thereof Hab. 2. 1 18 the fashioner of his /. ttnsteth Mark 2. 12. saying, we never saw it on this/. Luke 9. 29. 'the/, of his countenance was altered Acts'. a. make the tabernacle according lo/.scen 1 Cor. 7. 3] for the/, of this world passeth away Pkil.2.8. being found in/, as a man, humbled hims. Jam. 1. 11 and the grace of the/, of it i>erisheth FASHION. Job 31. 15. and did not one /. us in the womb ? FASHIONED. Eiod. 32. 4. Aaron/, the calf with a graving-tool 1 Kings 7. 1 15. for he/, two pillars of brass Job 10.8. thine hands have/, ine, Psal. 119.73. Psal. 139. 16. which in continuance were/. Isa. 22. U. neither had respect to him that/, it 187 FAS ) Ezck. 16. 7. thy breasts arc/, thine hair is grown PIUl. 3. 21. that it may be/, like his glorious body FASHION ETH. Psal.yi.\h. he/, their hearts alike,considers works Isa. 44. 12. tlie smith /. it with hammers 45.9. clay say to him that/, it, what niakest thou? FASHIONING. 1 Pet, 1. 14. not/, yourselves to the former lusts FASHIONS. Eiek.AH. 11. their goings were according to their/. FAST. Ezra 5. 8. tliis work goeth/. on, and prospe.reth FAST. Oen. 20. 18. the Lord had /. closed up the wombs Judg. 4. 21. Sisera was/, asleep ainl weary 15. 13. but we will buid thee/, and deliver thee 16. 11. he said, if they bind me/, with new ropes Ruth 2.8. Boaz said, abide here/, by iny maidens 21. Koaz said to nie, keep /. by my young men Job 38. 3d. when the clods cleave /. together Psal. 65. 6. his strength selteth/. tlio mountains 33. y. he commanded and it stood/. Prov. 4. 13. take/, hold of instruction, keep her Jer. 48. 16. the altiiction of JMoab hasteth/. 50. 33. all that took them captives held them/. Jonah 1. 5. he lay in the ship, and was/, asleep Acts 16.24. who made their feet/, in the stocks .41. the forepart stuck/, remained umnoveable FAST. Fasting has, in all ages, and among all nations, been an exercise much in use in times of mourn- ing, sorroiD, and afflictions. IVie sense of it is in some sort inspired hy nature, which, in these circuvistances, denies itself nourishment, and takes off the edge of hunger. There is no ex- ample of fasting, properly so called, to be seen before Moses; yet it is presumcable that the patriarchs fasted, since we see that there were very great mournings among them, and those too very particularly decribcd, such as that of Abraham for Sarah, Gen. 23. 2. and that of Jacob for his son Joseph, Gen. 37. 34. Moses enjoins 710 particular fast in his five books excepting that upon the solemn day of expia- tion, which was generally and strictly observ- ed. Lev. 23. 27, 29, On the tenth day of this seventh month, ye shall afflict your souls ; that is, Ye shall humble yourselves deeply before God, both inwardly by godly sorrow, judging and loathing yourselves; and outwardly, by fasting and abstinence from all carnal coin- forts and delights. Since the time of Moses, examples of fasting have been very common among the Jews. Joshua and the elders of Is rael remained prostrate before the ark from morning until evening, without eating, after the Israelites were defeated by the men of Ai Josh. 7. 6. The eleven tribes which had taken arms against that of Benjamin, seeing they could not hold out against the inhabitants of Gibeah, fell down before the ark upon their faces, and so continued till the evening with- out eating, Judg. 20. 26. The Israelites per- ceiving themselves to be pressed by the Philis- tines, assembled before the Lord at Mizpeh, and fasted in his presence till the evening, 1 Sam. 7. 6. And Via.\iA fasted while the first child he had by Bath-sheba, the wife of Uriah, was sick, 2 Sam. 12. 16. Wosea fasted forty days on mount Horeb, Exod. 34. 28. Elijah passed as many days without eating any thing, 1 Kings I'J. 8. And our Saviour fastedinthe wilderness forty days and forty nights. Mat. 4. 2. These fastswere mira- culous, and out of the common rules of nature. The very heathens, themselves, sometimes fasted; and the king of Nineveh, terrified by Jonah's l)reaching, made an order, that not only men, but beasts also, should continue without eating or drinking ; that both men and beasts .'should be covered with sackcloth, and each after their manner should cnj unto the Lord, Jon. 3. 0, 7,8. The Jews, in times of public calamity, made even the children at the breast fast, Joel 2. 16. It does not appear by our Savioiir's own practice, or any commands that he gave to his disciples, that he instituted a7ty particular fasts, or en- joined any to be kept out of pure divotion. But when the Pharisees in the way of reproach told him, that his disciples did not fast so often as their's, or John the Baptist's, he replied, Can ye make the children of the bride-chamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall bo taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days, Luke 5. 33, 34, 35. that is, Fasting is a duty fitted to a day of mournimr and affliction : it is not yet a time of mourn iiig to my disciples, while I o>m bodily present with them; yet the time shall come when I shall be FAS takeiifrom them, as to my bodily presence; and when they shall meet with many troubles and calamities, then it will be seasonable for them to perform this duty of fasting. Accordingly the life of the apostles and firstbclicvcrs was a life of self-denial, of sufferings, austerities, and fasting, as appears from the life of the apostle Paul, 2 Cor. 6. 4, 5. ] 11. 27. Fasting is likewise confirmed by our Saviour's discjjurse on the mount, though not as a stated, yet as an occasional duty of Christians, in order to, and as an indication of , their humbling their souls for their sins, or under the afflicting hand of God, Mat. 6. 16. Where oifr Saviour requires that this duty be perj'ormed in sincerity, and not in hypocrisy; for the glory of God, not for ostentation and appearance unto men. " 2 Sam. 12. f 16. David lusted a /. and lay on earth 1 Kings 21.9. proclaim a/, and set Nabolh on high 12. they proclaimed a/, and set Naboth on high 2 Chron. 20. 3. Jehoshapliat proclaimed a/. Ezra 8.21. Ezra proclaimed a/, at the river Ahava Isa. 58. 3. in the day of your/, you lind pleasure 5. isit such/. I have chosen'? wilt thou call this/. 6. is not this the/, that I have chosen"? ./cr. 30. 9. they proclaimed a/, before the Lord Joel 1. 14. sanctify a/, call an assembly, 2. 15. Jonah 3. 5. the people of Nineveh proclaimed a /. Zech. 8. 19. the/, of the fourth month, of the tilth, seventh, and tenth months, be joy and gladness Acts 27. 9. because the/, was now already past FAST, Verb. 2 Sam. 12. 21. thou didst/, and weep for the child 23. but now he is dead, wherefore should I/. ? Egth. 4. 16./. ye for me, I and my maidens will /. Isa. 53. 4. ye/, for strife, ye shall not/, as ye do .Ter. 14. 12. when they/. I will not hear their cry Zech. 7. 5. did ye at all /. unto me, even to me ■? Mat. 6. 16. when ye/, be not as hypocrites of a sad countenance, that they may apjicar to men to/. 18. thou appear not to men to /.but to thy Father 9. 14. why do we/, disciples/, not, Mark 2. 18. 15. then shall they /. Mark 2. 20. LtLke 5. 35. Mark 2. 18. the Jisciplcs of John used to/. 19. can children of the bride-chamber /. while bridegroom with them? they cannot/. Luke5.'i5. Luke 5..'13. whydo the discijiles of John/, ofteni 18. 12. 1/, twice in the week, 1 give tithes of all FASTED. Judg. 20. 26. the people/, that day until even 1 Sam. 7. 6. they drew water, and /. on that day 31. 13. buried them, and /.seven days, lC/ir.10.12. 2 Sam. 1. 12. and they mourned and/, for Said 12. 16. David/. || 22. while the child was alive I/. 1 Kings 21. 27. Aliab/. || Ezra 8. 23. so we/. J^eh. 1. 4. Nehemiah/. and prayed before God Isa. 58. 3. why have we/, say tihey, and secst not 1 Zeeh.l .5.\\\\en ye/, in the fifth and seventh month Mat. 4. 2. Jesus /. forty days and forty nights Acts 13. 2. as they ministered to the Lord and /. 3. when they hail/, they laid their hands on them FASTEST. Mat.G.Yi. when thou/, anoint thy head, wash faco FASTING. JWA. 9. 1. were assembled with /. and sackclothea Esth. 4. 3. where the decree came, there was/. Psal. 35. 13. 1 humbled my soul with/, and prayer 69.10. when I wept and chaKtencd my soul with/. 109. 24. my knees are weak thro' /. my flesh fails Jer. 'if). 6. read the words of the Lord on the/, day Dan. 6. 18. then the king passed the night /. 9. 3. Daniel set himself to seek by prayer and/. .Toel 2. 12. turn ye with /. weeping, and mourning Mat. 15. 32. and I will not send them away/. 17. 21. this goelh not out but by/. Mark i). 29. Mark 8. 3. if I send them awav/. they will faint Acts 10. 30. four days ago I was/, till this hour 14.23. had ordained elders, and had prayed with/. 27. 33. this is the fourteenth day ye continued /. 1 Cor. 7. 5. yfe may give yourselves to/, and prayer FASTINGS. Esth. 9. 31. the matters of the/, and their cry lAike 2. 37. Anna served God with/, and prayers 2 Cor. 6. 5. approving ourselves in stripes, in/. 11. 27. in/, often, in cold and nakedness FASTEN. Exod. 28. 14. shalt/. the chains to the ouches, 25. 39. 31. to/, the plate on high upon the mitre Isa. 22. 23. 1 will /. him as a nail in a sure place Jer. 10. 4. they/, it with nails and with hammers FASTENED. Exod. 10. 1 10. and /. the locusts into the Red sea 39. 18. the ends of chains they/, in the two ouchnr •10. 18. Moses/, his sockets, set up the boards Judg. 4. 2L Jael/. the nail into the ground 16. 14. Delilah/, it with a pin, and said to him 1 Sam. 31. 10. they/. Saul's body (0 the wall 2 Sam.. 20. 8. with a sword /. upon his loins in sheath 1 Kings 6. 6. ( the beams should not be/. 1 Chron. 10. 10. /. Iiis head in the tomplo of D.ngon FAT 2 Chron. 9. T8. six steps were/, to the throne Esth. 1. t>. hangings/, with cords of fine linen Job 38 6. whereupon are the foundations/. Eccl. 12.11. as nails/, by the masters of assemblies Isa. 22. 25. the nail that is /. in the sure place 41.7. /.it with nails that it should not be moved Ezek. 40.43. and within were hooks/, round about Luke 4. 20. and the eyes of all were/, on him ,f)cls 11. 6. upon the which when I had/, mine eyes 28. 3. came a viper out of heat and /. on his hand FASTENING. Hab. 2. fll- the/, of the timber shall answer it Acts 3.4.Peter/.his eyes upon him, said, look on us FAT. Ood forbade the Hebrews to eat the fat of beasts, Lev. 3. 16, 17, All the fat is the Lord's. It shall be a perpetual statute for your genera- tions throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood. Some interpreters take these words in all the rigour of the letter, and suppose the tise of fat as well as blood to be entirely forbidden the Jews. Josephus says, that Moses forbids only the fat of oxen, goats, sheep, and of their species, which agrees with the law in Lev. 7. 23, Ye shall eat no manner of fat of ox, or of sheep, or of goat. The modern Jews observe this custom; and with respect to the fat of every other sort of clean creature, they think it is allowed t.hem,eventhat of beasts which have died of themselves; t/iis is con- formable to that other law. Lev. 7.24, And the fat of the beast that dieth of itself, and the fat of that which is torn with beasts, may be used in any other use. But other interpreters maintain, that the law which seems to forbid generally the 7ise o/fat, is to be restrained to fat separated from the flesh, such as that which covers the kidneys •and intestines ; and this only in the case of its being actually offered in sacrifice ; which is confirmed by this passage in Lev. 7. 25, Whosoever eateth of the fat of the beast, of which men offer an offering made by fire unlo the Lord, even the soul that eateth it, shall be cut oflf from his people. TAe word fat in the Hebrew style signifies not only that of beasts, but every thing likeicise which relates to it in other things, as in Psal. 147. 14, He filleth thee with the finest of the wheat, in Hebrew, with the fat of wheat. And in Psal. 81. 16, He should have fed them with the fat of wheat. Fat is also used sometimes for the source or cause of compassion or mercy. As the bowels are stirred at the recital of any great calamity ; or at the view of some melan- choly and afflicted object, it has been thought that sensibility resided principally in the bow- els, which are commonly loaded with fat. The Psalmist upbraids the wicked with being in- closed in their fat, icilh having shut up their bowels against him, with being in no sort af- fected with compassion at the sight of his ex- treme grief. Psal. 17. 10, Mine enemies com- pass me about, they are inclosed in their own fat. And in Psal. 119. 70, Their heart is as fat as grease. They are stupid, and insensible, and past feeling; they are not affected cither with the terrors or comforts of God. Fat denotes abundance of spiritual blessings, Jer. 31. 14, I will satiate the souls oiihepxiesis with fatness. Psal. 63. 5, My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness. The fat of the earth implies the fruilfulness of it, Gon. 27. 28, God give thee of tlie dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine. /.ormother,heshall be free FAT Mat. IG. 27. the Son of man shall come in glory of his F. with his angels, MarkS. 38. Luke 9. iJU. 21. 31. whether of them did the will oi'Uisf. ? Mark 9. 21. he asked kisf. how long ago it is since Luke 1. 3-2. Lord sh.-UI give him the throne of his f. 59. they called him utter the name of his f. 62. they made signs unto /its f. how to call him 67. his f. Zachanas was filled with the H. Ghost 9. 42. Jesus delivered him again to his f. 14. 26. if any man come to me, and hate not his f. 15. 12. and the younger of them said to his f. 20.arose and came lohisf. his f. saw him,andran 28. therefore came his f. and entreated him Juh7t 5. 18. because he said, that God was his f. Jlcts 10. 1. son of a Jewess, but his f. was a Greek 1 Cor. 5. 1. that one should have his f.'s wife Hcb. 7. 10. for he was yet in the loins of his f. /ic«.1.6.made us kings and priests to G. and his F. 14. 1. his F.'s name written in their foreheads See House. FATHER-IN-LAW. fi-'cn. 38.13. behold, thy f. -in-law goeth to Timnath 25. when brought forth, she went to her f.-m-law Kxod. 3. 1. the flock of Jethro his f. -in-law, 4. 18. 18. 1. Moses' f. -in-law, 8,14,17. Judg. 1.16. | 4.11. 27. Moses let his f. -in-law depart, and he went JVH7«.10.29.Raguel the Midianite,Moses'/.-rrt-Za?c Judg:19.4. his f.-in-laiB retained him,and he abode 7.when he rose to depaxt,his f. -in-law urged him lSfflm.4.19. when she heard f. -in-law was dead,21. John 18. 13. Annas was f. -in-law to Caiaphas My FATHER. Gen. 19. 34. behold, I lay yesternight with mij f. 20. 12. she is daughter of my f. not of my mother 27. 12. myf. peradventure will feel me, 1 shall 34. Esau cried, bless me, even me also, O my f. 31. 5. the God of my f. 42. | 32. 9. Exod. 18. 4. 44. 24. when we came to thy servant my f. 27, 30. 32. for I became surety for the lad lo my f. 45.3.doth 7nyf. yet live?||9. haste to go up lo myf. 13. tell myf. || 17.1. vtyf. and brethren are come 48. 18. not so, myf. for this is the first-born Deut. 26. 5. a Syrian ready to perish was myf. Josh. 2. 13. ye will save alive myf. and mother J^«rfo-.9.17. myf. fought for you, and delivered you n.'aG. myf. if thou hast opened thy mouth 14. 16. 1 have not told it my f. nor my mother 1 Sam. 9. 5. lest myf. leave caring for the asses 34. 29. Jonathan said, my f. troubled the land 18. 18. who am I, and what is my f.'s family 1 19.2. saying, Saul myf. seekcth to kill thee 3. and I will commune with my f. of thee 20. 2. myf. will do nothing, but he will shew it me 13. Lord be with thee, as he hath been with myf. 22. 3. let my f. and my mother be with you 23. 17. the hand of Saul myf. shall not find thee 2 Sam. 16. 3. restore me the kingdom of my f. 19. 37. that I maybe buried by the grave of my f. l^inj-s2.26.thou barest the ark of the Lord before David myf. in all wherein my f. was afflicted 32. my f. David not knowing thereof 44. the wickedness that thou didst to David myf. 3. 0. thou hast shewed to David myf. great mercy 7. hast made thy servant king instead of my f. 5. 3. David myf. could not build a house 5. as the Lord spake to David myf. sayit;g 8. 17. it was in the heart of David myf to build 24. who hnst kept with thy servant David myf. 26. let my word be verified to myf. 2 Chr. 6. 16. 12. 10. thus thou shalt say, my little finger shall be thicker than my f.'s loins, 2 Chron. 10. 10. i\.myf.\ade you with a heavy yoke,2CAr.l0.ll. 14. my f. chastised you with whips, 2 Chr. 10.14 15.19. league between myf. and thy f. 2 Clir. 1C.3 19.20. let me, X pray thee, kiss myf. and mother 20. 34. the cities myf. took I will restore 2A'inD-i2.12. Elisha sawit,and he cried,™?//, myf. 6. 21. myf. shall I smite them ■? shall I smite them? 13.14.Elisha said, myf. myf. the chariot of Israel 1 Ckr. 28. 4. horA chose me before all the house of 7)1?//. and among the sons of my f. he liked me 2 C7(r."2. 3. as thou didst deal with myf. so deal JVi!ft.2.3. the place of my f.s' sepulchres lieth waste 5. send me to the city of my f.s' sepulchres Job 17. 14. I said to corruption, thou art myf. 34. 1 36. myf. let Job be tried to the end P.a? thedays of thy f. the king, I say thyf. 18. God gave thy f. a kingdom and glory Mat. 6. 4. thy F. which seeth in secret, 6, 18. 6. shut thy door, pray to thy F. who is in secret Mark 7. 10. for Moses said, honour thy f. and mother, 10. 19. Luke 18. 20. Eph. 6. 2. Luke 2. 48. thyf. and I sought thee sorrowing 15. 27. and thyf hath killed the fatted calf John 8.19. then said thev unto him, where is thy f.7 Your FATHER. Gen. 31.6. with all my power I have served yourf. 7.?/o?tr/.hath deceived me,and changed mywagrs 43. 7. is your f. alive? have yc another brother ? 44. 17. as for you, get you up in peace to your f. 45. 19. take you wagons, bring your f. and come 49. 2. sons of Jacob, hearken unto Israel ?/our/. Jer. 35. 18. because ye obeyed Jonadab^oi/r/. Ezck.lG. 45. mother a Hittile, j/ojir/. an Amorite Mat. 5.16. may glorify yotir F. who is in heaven 45. may be the children of your F. in heaven 48. be ye perfect, asyotir F, in heaven is perfect 6. 1. otherwise ye have no reward of your F. 8. your F. knoweth wlial things ye have need of before ye ask them, 32. Luke 12. 30. 14. if ye forgive, ?/ottr heavenly F.will forgive you 15. if ye forgive not, neither will 7/o?ir F. forgive your trespasses, Mark 11. 25, 26. 10. 29. not one sparrow shall fall without ?/o«r F. 18. is not the will of ?/o?trF. that one perish 23. 9. call no man your f. upon the earth, for one is your F. which is in heaven Luke yc merciful, as ?/o?(rF.aIso is merciful 12.32. it is your F.'s pleasure to give you kingdom John 8. 38. yc do what ye have seen with yourf. do the deeds of7/ottr/.thcn said they to him 42.Jes.said, if God were would love me 44. ye are of yourf. the devil, and the lusts of your f. ye will do, he was a murderer 20. 17. 1 ascend to my F. and your F. to my God FATHERS. Floeuf.l4.29.the stranger., and the/and the widow shall come and eat, 24. 19, 20, 21. | 26. 12, 13. 16. 11. the stranger and /. rejoice with thee, 14. 24. 17. nor pervert judgment of stranger nor /. 27.19.cursed that perverts judg.of stranger and/. P«aZ.94.6.they slay the stranger and murder the/. 146. 9. the Lord preserveth the stranger and /. Jer. 7. 6. if ye oppressed not the stranger, the/. and the widow, 22. 3. Zech. 7. 10. FATHOMS. ActsH.W. they found it twenty/, again fifteen/. FATLING. /ja.ll.B.the calf, the young lion, and the /.together FATLINGS. lSo7n.l5.9. Saul spared Agag and the best of the/. 2 $ani. 6. 13. David sacrificed oxen and /. Ps. 66. 15. 1 will offer to thee burnt-sacrifices of/. Eiek. 39. 18. all of them/, of Bashan Jlfo£.22. 4. my oxen and my/, are killed, all ready FATNESS. Oen. 27. 28. God give thee of tlie /. of the earth 39. thy dwelUng shall be the/, of the earth Deut. 32. 15. thou art thick and covered with/. Judg. 9.9. the olive-tree said, should I leave my/.? Job 15. 27. because he covereth his face with his/. 36. 16. that set on thy table should be full of/. Ps. 36. 8. shall be satisfied with the /.of thy house 63. 5. my soul be satisfied as with marrow and/. 65. 11. thou crownest year, all thy paths drop /. 73. 7. eyes stand out with/, have more than wish 109. 24. knees are weak, my flesh faileth of /. Jsa. 17. 4. once the /. of his flesh shall wax lean 34. 6. the sword of the Lord is made fat with /. 7. their dust shall be made fat with /. 55. 2. and let your soul dehght itself in/. Jer.31. 14. 1 will satiate the soul of priests with/. Rom, 11. 17. with them partakest of /. of the olive FATS. Joel 2. 24. the /. shall overflow with wine and oil 3. 13. for the press is full, the/, overflow FATTED. 1 Kings 4. 23. ten oxen, beside harts, and/, fowl Jer. 46. 21. her hired men are like/, bullocks See Calf. FATTER, see Countenances. FATTEST. Psal. 78. 31. the wrath of God slew the /. of them Dan. 11.24. shallenteron/. places of the province FAULT, S. Gen. 41. 9. butler said, I remember my/, this day Exod. 5. 16. but the/, is in thine own people Deut. 25. 2. cause to be beaten according to his/. 1 Sain. 29. 3. and I have found no /. in him 2 Sam. 3. 8. thou chargest me this day with a/. Psal. 19. 12. cleanse thou me from secret/. 59. 4. they run and prepare without my/. Dan. 6. 4. they could find no occasion or /. in him Mat. 16. 15. if thy brother trespass, tell him his /. Markl.'i. eat with unwashen hands, they found/. Z•/. of the Jews 20. 19. disciples were assembled/oc/. of the Jews Rev. 18. II). afar oft" /or/, of her torment, 15. FEAR of God. Oen.'iO. 11. surely the/, of God is not in this place 2 Sam. 23. 3. must be just, ruling in the/, of God 2 CAr.20.29. the/, of God was on all kingdoms JVeA. 5. 9. ought ye not to walk in the/, of God? 15. but so did not I, because of the/, of God Psal. 36. 1. there is no/, of God before his eyes Honi.3. Id. there is no/, of God before their eyes 2 Cor. 7. 1. perfecting holiness in the/, of God £ph. 5. 21. submitting one to another in /. of God FEAK of the Lord. J Sam. 11. 7./. of Lord fell on people, 2 GAr.17.10. 2 CAr. 14. 14. the/, o/ tAc I^ord came upon them 19. 7. let the/.o/ .and believed Moses 2 Kings 17. 32. so they /. the Lord, 33, 41. Hos. 10. 3. no king, because we /. not the Lord Jonah 1. 10. the men/, the Lord exceedingly Mai. 3.16. they that/. L. spake oft one to another, a book of remembrance for them that/.£Ac Lord FEAREST. Gen. 22. 12. for now I know that thou/. God Isa. 57. 11. of whom afraid or feared, have not I held my peace even of old, and thou/, me not? Jer. 22. 25. give thee into hand of them thou/. FEARETH. 1 Kings 1. 51. behold, Adonijah /. king Solomon Job l.S.Job, one that/. G. and escheweth evil, 2.3. Psal. 25. 12. what man is he that/, the Lord'l 112. 1. blessed is the man that/, the Lord 128. 1. blessed is every one that /. the Lord 4. thus shall the man be blessed that/, the Lord Prou. 13. 13. that/, the commandment be rewarded 14. 2. he that walketh in his uprightness/. Lord 16. a wise man /. and departeth from evil 28. 14. happy is the man that /. always 31. 30. woman that/, the Lord shall be praised Eccl.l. 18. that/. God shall come forth of them all 8. 13. because the wicked/, not before God 9. 2. he that sweareth, as he that /. an oath Jsa. 50. 10. who is among you that/, the Lord 1 Acts 10. 22. Cornelius just, and one that /. God 35. he that/, him, is accepted Vi'ith him 13. 26. and whosoever among you/. God 1 John 4. 18. he that f. is not perfect in love FEARING. Josh. 22. 25. our children cease from /. the Lord Mark 5. 33. the woman /. and trembling came Acts 23. 10. the chief captain /. lest Paul be pulled 27. 17. /. lest they fall into the quicksands, 29. Oal. 2. 12. /. them which were of the circumcision Col. 3. 22. but in singleness of heart/. God Heb. 11.27. forsook Egypt, not/, wrath of the king FEARFUL. F.xod. 15. 11. OLord, who is like thee,/, in praises 7)c««.20.8. what man is/, let him return, .Tudg.l.^. 28.58. mayest fear this/, name, the Lord thy God Isa. 35. 4. say to them of a/, heart, be strong Mat. 8. 26. why are ye /. O ye of little faith •? Mark 4. 40. he said to them, why are ye so/. ? Luke 21. 11. /. Bights shall be in divers places 194 FEA Heb. 10. 27. a certain/, looking for of judgment 31. /. to fall into the hands of the living God Rev. 21. 8. the/, shall have their part in the lake FEARFULNESS. Psal. 55. 5. /. and trembling are come upon me Isa. 21. 4. my heart panted,/. aftVighted me 33. 14. /. hath surprised the hypocrites FEARFULLY. Psal. 139. 14. I am /. and wonderfully made FEAST. God out of his great wisdom appointed several festivals among the Jews for many reasons. 1. To perpetuate the memory of those great events and wonders which he had wrought in favour of his people : The Sabbath brought to remembrance the creation of the world; the Passover, the departure out of Egypt ; the Pen- tecost, the law given at Sinai, (S-c. 2. 7'o keep them firm to their religion ; with the view of ceremonies and the majesty of divine service. 3. To give them instruction; for in their reli- gious assemblies the law of God was read and explained. 4. To renew the acquaintance, cor- respondence, and friendship of their tribes and families with one another, by coming from the several towns in the country, and meeting three times a year in the holy city. The Hebrews had a great number of feasts. The first, and most ancient of all, was the sabbath, or the seventh day of the week, instituted to preserve the memory of the world's creation. Gen. 2. 3, And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, because in it he had rested from all his work. Commentators are not agreed about the first institution of the sabbath : Many are of opinion that the sabbath hath been observed among the righteous from the beginning of the world: that the ancients having preserved the memory of the creation, observed the sabbath also, in consequence of the natural law which obliged them thereto. Some are of opinion, that people did not begin to cease from work upon that day, till after the command which God gave the Israelites to that purpose, some time after the coming out o/ Egypt, when they were encamped at Marah. TAe Sabbatical Year, which returned every seven years, and was entirely set apart for rest ; and Jubilee year, which was at the end of seven times seven years, or of the forty-ninth year, were sorts of feasts too, and may be considered as consequences of the sabbath. The Passover was celebrated on the fourteenth, or rather fifteenth day of the first monthin the ecclesiastical year, which was the seventh of the civil year. The feast began after noon on the fourteenth, and was celebrated properly on the fifteenth of Nisan ; it lasted seven days. But the first and last days only of the octave were days of rest, Exod. 12. 14, iS-c. See Passover. The feast of Pentecost was celebrated on the fif- tieth day after the Passover, in memory of the law's being given to Moses on mount Sinai fifty days, or seven weeks after the departure out of Egypt. See Pentecost. The feast of Trumpets was celebrated at the be- ginning, or on the first day of the civil year, upon which a trumpet was sounded, proclaim- ing the beginning of the year, which was in the month Tisri, answering to our September. This day was kept solemn ; all servile business was forbid to be done upon it ; and particular sa- crifices were offered. Lev. 23. 24, 25. The scrip- ture does not acquaint us with the occasion of appointing this feast. Theodoret believes, it was in memory of the thunder and lightning upon mount Sinai,wA(;n Ood gave his law from thence. The Rabbins will have it, that it was in remembrance of the deliverance of Isaac, in whose stead a ram was sacrificed by Abraham Others say, that as the seventh day of every week was a sabbath, and every seveiith year was to be kept as a holy sabbatical year, so the seventh month was to be holy in some singular manner above the rest of the months, for the many sabbaths and solemn feasts that were to be observed in this more than any other month ; such as the feast of Expiation, and of Taber nacles. The new moons, or first days of every month, were in some sort a consequence of the feast of Trumpets, .find though these were not reckoned among tlie solemn feasts in Lev. 23. yet were celebrated as such, by the sound of trumpets. Num. 10. 10. by extraordinary sacrifices, Num 28.11,12, i-c. by abstaining from servile works, Amos 8. 5. and by attendance upon the ministry of Ood's word, 2 Kings 4. 23. Upon these days also some sort of entertainments were made. FEA 1 Sara. 20. 5, 18. And God ordained it thus, that by giving him the first-fruits of every month they should acknowledge him as the I^ord of all their time, and own his providence, by which all times and seasons are ordered. The feast of Expiation, or Atonement, was kept upon the tenth day of the month Tisri, or September. The Hebrews call it Kippur, or Chippur, that is, pardon or expiation, because it was instituted for the expiation of all the sins, irreverences, and pollutions of all the Israelites, /row the high-priest to the lowest of the people, committed by them t/iroughout the whole year. Upon this day they fasted strictly, and offered several sacrifices. The high-priest, after he had washed not only his hands and his feet, as usual in common sacrifices, but his whole body, dressed himself in plain linen, like the rest of the priests. He then neither wore his purple robe, nor the ephod, nor the breast- plate, because lie was going to expiate his own and the people's sins. He first of all offered a bullock and a ram for his own sins, and those of all the other priests. He put his hands upon tlie heads of these victims, and confessed his own sins, and the sins of his house : then he received from the princes of the people two goats for a sin-offering, and a ram for a burnt-offering, to be offered in the name of all the multitude. Lev. 16. 2, 3, &c. As to the ceremonies used with the goats, see Offering. The feast of Tents or Tabernacles, See Taber- nacle. Besides these feasts mentioned by TSloses, we find the feast of lots, or Purim, which was celebrated among the Jews o/Shushan, on the fourteenth day of Adar ; and among the other people of the Persian empire on the fifteenth of the same month, which answers to our February, Esth. 9. 21. The Jews observe the first of these days with fasting and crying, and other expressions of vehement grief and fear ; and the latter with thanksgiving, and all demonstrations of joy and triumph. See PURIM. The feast of the dedication of the temple, or ra- ther of the restoration of the temple, which had been profaned by Antiochus Epiphanes, which is thought to be the feast mentioned in the gos- pel, John 10. 22. was celebrated in the winter. Josephus says, it was called the feast of lights ; probably this happiness befell them when they least expected it ; and they looked upon it as a new light that had risen upon them, Joseph. Antiq. lib. 12. cap. 11. There is an account of this dedication in 1 Maccab. 4. 52, 54, 55, &c. where it is related, that Judas Maccabeus and his brethren having defeated the army of Gorgias, they went directly to the temple of Jerusalem, which they found forsaken and profaned, so that the courts ivere full of thick bushes and brambles, the doors were burnt, the altar profaned, and the buildings in ruins. After having shed abundance of tears on this occasion, they began to clean every thing, and employed the priests in demolishing the altar which had been polluted ; and erected another of rough- stone. They refitted the holy place and the sanctuary, and placed therein the can- dlestick, the table of shew-bread, and the altar of perfumes. They kindled the lamps, put the loaves upon the sacred table, set the incense on fire, offered sacrifices and burnt-offerings, and performed the dedication of the temple in eight days, with all the solemnity that circumstances would allow of. After which Judas Maccabeus made it a law, that the feast should be kept yearly for eight days, in memory of that mercy which God had shewed them. It is generally agreed that it was during this feast our Sa- viour was at Jerusalem : It was celebrated upon the twenty-fifth and following days of the month Casleu, which answers to our No- vember and December, and it is therefore said, that it was winter. Love-feasts, or feasts of charity, were used among theprimitive Christians in the public meetings of the church, to shew their unity among them- selves, to promote and maintain mutual cha- rity, and for the relief of thepoor among them, at the close whereof they administered the Lord's supper, Jude 12. But these feasts being abused, soine think that the apostle Pa\i\ abolished them, 1 Cor. 11. 21, 22, .34. In the Christian church we have no festival that appears clearly to have been instituted i^Christ Jesus, or his apostles. JVevertheless, as some say, our Saviour seetns to have instituted a feast, 171 a perpetual memory of his passion and death, when he instituted the sacrament of bread and wine as symbols of his body and FEA blood, and pledges of spiritual blessings. Christians have always celebrated the inemury of Christ's resurrection, and keep this ("east on every first day of the week ; which day teas called the Lord's (lay, even so early as in St. John's time; Rev. 1. 10, 1 was in the Spirit on the J^ord's-day. Oe;j.l9.3.Lot made a/. || 21.8.Abrabain made a/. 26. 30. Isaac made a/. || 29. 22. Laban made a/. 40. 20. Pharaoh made a/, to all his servants Kxod. 5. 1. that they mav hold n /. unto me, 10. 9. 12. 14. you shall keep it a/. Leo. 23. 39, 41. 13. 6. the seventh day shall be a/, to the Lord 23. 14. three times thou shall keep a/, in the year 16. the/, of liarvest, the first-fruits of thy labours m. 5. Aaron said, to-niorrovv is a/, to the Lord JVu7H.28.17. the fifteenth day of this month is the/. 29. 12. ye shall keep a/, to the Lord seven days Deut. iB. 14. and thou shall rejoice in thy/. Judg. 14. 10. and Samson made there a/. 12. declare it wiihin the seven days of the/. 17. and she wept before him while their/, lasted 1 Ham. 9. 1 12. there is a /. to-day in the high-place 20. t6. there is a yearly/, tor all the family 25. 36. Nabal held a/, in his house like a king 2 .Sam. 3. 20. David made Abner and his men a/. 1 Kings 3. 15. Solomon made a/, to his serv. 8. 05. 8. 2. all the men of Israel assembled at the/. 12. 32. Jeroboam ordained a/, like to the/, that is in Judah, and he ofi'ercd upon the altar 33. he ordained a/, to the children of Israel 2 Chr. 5. 3. the /. in the seventh month, JVcA. 8. 14. 7. 8. Solomon kept the/.seven days, and all Israel with him, 9. 1 30.22. JVeA.8. 18. Ezek. 45. 25. Eslh. 1. 3. Ahasuerus made a/. 5. | 2. 18. 9. Vashti made a/. 1| 8. 17. the Jews had a/. Prov. 15. 15. a merry heart hath a continual/. .Ecci.l0.19./.israade lor laughter, winemakes merry Isa. 25. 6. the Lord shall make to all people a/. Jcr. 16. 1 5. enter not the house of mourning /. JE:et. 45. 23. seven days of the/, he shall prepare Dan. 5. 1. Belshazzar the king made a great/. Mat. 27. 15. at that /. the governor was wont to release to the people a prisoner, Mark 15. 6. Luke 2. 42. they went up after the custom of the /. 5. 29. Levi made him a great/, in his house 14. 13. but when thou niakest a/, call the poor 23. 17. he must release one unto them at the/. John 2. 8. draw, and bear to the governor of the /. 9. when the ruler of the/, tasted the water 4. 45. the Galileans having seen all that he did at the/, at Jerusalem, for they also went to the/. 5. 1. after this there was a/, of the Jews 6. 4. the passover, a/, of the Jews, was nigh 7. 8. go ye up to this/. I go not up yet to this/. 10. then went he also up to the/, not openly 11. then the Jews sought him at the /. and said 14. now about the midst of the /. Jesus taught 37. in the last day, that great day of the/. 10.22. it was at Jerusalem the/, of dedication 11. 56. what think ye, that he will not come to/.? 12. 12. next day much people that were come to/. 20. certain Greeks among them that came to/. 13. 29. buy what wc have need of against the/. ^els 18. 21. I must by all means keep this /. 1 Cor. 5. 8. let us keep the /. not with old leaven 10. 27. if any that believe not bid you to a/. FEAST-DAY, days. Hos. 2. 11. I will also cause her f. -days to cease 9. 5. what will ye do in day of the /. of the Lord ■? ^mos 5. 21. I hate, I despise your f.- days Mat.'2S.5. tliey said, not on the f. -day, Mark 14.2. John'2. 23. in the/.-rfay many believed in his name FEAST of the passover. £Torf.34.25.nor the sacrifice oCf.of passover be left Mat. 26. 2. after two days is /. of pass. Mark 14.1. /,MA-e2.41.every year at/.o/pass.liis parents went JohnlXl.heforef.ofpassovcrJcsus knew his hour FEAST of tabernacles. Lev. 23. 34. the fifteenth day shall be/, oftaber. Deut.\6.13. thou shalt observe /.o/ tab. seven days 16. three times appear in/, of tabernacles, 31. 10. 2 Chron. 8. 13. Ezra 3.4. they kept/, of tahemac. as it is written 2eeA.14.16. shall even go up ioV.e.e'ii f.of tabernac. 18. heathen that come not to keep/, oftaber. 19. Johnl.i. now the Jews'/.o/^aAernac.was at band FEAST of unleanened bread. Ezod.\-2.-n. ye shall oha.f. of 2.3.15. | 34.18. Lev. 23. 6. and on fifteenth day is/, of unleav. br. Dent. 16. 16. appear in/, of uvl. br'. 2 CAr. 8. 13. 2CAr.30.13. people assembled tokeep/. o/iini. br. 21. children of Isr. kept/, of unl. br. seven days 3.5.17./.o/M?i.ft.sev.days, Ezra6.2^. KzfA.45.21. Jtfat. 26.17. first day of/, of unl. br. disciples came Jtfartl4.1. after two davs was/.o/u7i.i?-./>u/i:e22.1. FEAST of weeks. F.zod. 34.22. thou shalt obs./. ofw. Dent. 16. 10. Deut. 18. 16. all thy males appear in the f. of weeks 2 CAr.8. 13. Solomon oflTered burnt-offer, in/, of w. 195 FEE FEAST, ED. Jab 1. 4. his eons went and/, in their houses ■2 Pet. a. 13. sporting, while they/, witli you Jude 12. these are sjjots, when they/, with you FEASTING. Esth. 9. 17. made it a day of/, and gladness, 18. 22. they should make them days of/, and joy .lob 1. 5. when the days of their/, were gone Eccl.~.2. of mourning, than to go to the house of/. Jer. 16. 8. thou shalt not go into the house of/. FEASTS. Lev. 23. 2. even these are my /. 4, 37, 44. Psal. 35. 16. with hypocritical mockers in/. Isa. 5. 12. the harp, pipe, and wine are in their/. ./er. 51. 39. in their heat 1 will make their/. Ezek. 45. 17. the prince's part to give oflerings in/. 40. 11. in/, the meat-ott'eriug shall be an ephah Jl7nos 8. 10. I will turn your/, into mourning ZccA. 8. 19. shall be joy, gladness, and cheerful/. Mat. 23. 6. they love the u])permost rooms at/, and chief seats insynagog. Mark 12.39. Jude 12. these are spots in your /. of charity .Appointed FEASTS. Isa. 1.14. your app.f. my soul hateth, a trouble iSet FEASTS. JV*«m. 29. 39. these things ye shall do in your self. 1 Chron. 23. 31. to otter on the set f. Ezra 3. 5. 2 Chron. 31. 3. the king's portion for the setf. JYeh. 10. 33. we charged for offerings for the sctf. Solemn FEAST. Deut. 16. 15. seven days shalt thou keep a soZemyi/. Psal. 81. 3. blow the trumpet on our solemn f. -day Lain. 2. 7. made a noise as in the solemn /.-day Soleinu FEASTS. JV«m. 15. 3. when you make offer, in your sol. f. 2 Chr. 2. 4. build a house for offering on solemn f. 8. 13. ottering on solemn f. three times in a year Lam. 1. 4. because none come to the solemn f. 2. 6. he hath caused the solemn f. to be forgotten Ezek. 36. 38. as the flock of Jerusalem in solemn f. 46. 9. when people come before the Lord in sol.f. Hos. 2. 11. I will cause to cease her solemn f. 12. 9. make thee dwell as in the days o( solemn f. JVah. 1. 15. O Judah, keep thy sol.f. perform vows Mai. 2. 3. even the dung of your solemn f. Feathered, see Fowl. FEATHERS. I^ev. 1. 16. shall pluck away his crop with his/. Job 39. 13. gavest thou the goodly wings to the peacocks'! or wings and/, to the ostrich 7 Psal. 68. 13. and her/, covered with yellow gold 91.4. shall cover thee with his/, under his wings Ezek. 17. 3. an eagle long- winged, full of/. 7. Dan. 4. 33. his hairs were grown like eagles' /. FED. Gen. 30. 36. Jacob/, the rest of Laban's flock 36. 24. as he/, the asses of Zibeon his father 41. 2. and the seven kine/. in a meadow, 18. 47. 17. he /. them with bread for their cattle 48. 15. the God who /. me all my life long Exod. 16. 32. the bread wherewith I have /. you Deut.B. 3. he/.thee with manna, thou knewest not 16. who/, thee in the wilderness with manna 2 .Sam.20.3. put the concubines inward, and/.them IKings 18. 4. he/, them with bread and water, 13 1 Chron. 27.29. over the herds that/, in Sharon Psal. 37.3. trust in the Lord, verily thou shall be/. 78. 72. so he/, them, according to his integrity 81. 16. he should have/, them with finest of wheal Isa. 1. 11. I am full of the fat of/, beasts Jer. 5. 7. when I had /.them to the full, they comm. 8. they were as/, horses in the morning Ezek. 16. 19. and my honey wherewith 1/. thee 34. 3. ye eat the fat, and kill them that are/. 8. the shepherds/themselves, and/.nol my flock Dan. 4. 12. and all flesh was/, with it 5.21. they/Nebuchadnezzar with grass,like oxen Zrch. 11. 7. I took two staves, and If. the flock JV/ai.25.37.when saw wetheehungcred,and/.thee7 Mark 5. 14. they that /. the swine fled, Luke 8. 34. Luke 16. 21. desiring to be /. with crumbs that fell 1 Cor. 3. 2. 1 have/, you with milk, not with meat FEE. Dan. 2. f 0. ye shall receive of me, gifts and/. 5. 1 17. give thy /. to another, yet I will read FEEBLE. Gen. 30. 42. when cattle were/, he put them not in Deut. 25. 18. the Amalekiles smote all that were/. 1 Sam. 2. 5. that hath many children, is waxen /. 2 . S'awi.4.1. Abner dead, Ish-bosheth's hands were/. 2 CAro»t.28. 15. carried all the/, of them on asses JVcA. 4. 2. and he said, what do these/. Jews 7 .Tohi.i. and thou hast strengthened the/, knees Psnl. 38. 8. 1 am/, and sore broken, I have roared 105.37. was not one/, person among their tribes Proo. 30. 26. the conies are but a/, folk, yet make Isa. 16. 14. the remnant shall be very small and /. 35. 3. strengthen the weak hands, confirm/, knees Jer .6.24. we have heard the fame,our hands wax/. 49. 24. Damascus is waxed /. and turneth to flee FEE .Ter. .50. 43. tlie king of Babylon's hands wa-xed/. Ezek. 7. 17. all hands shall "be/. 21. 7. Zech. 12.8. and he that is/, shall be as David 1 Cor. 12. 22. the members which seem to be more/ IThess. 5. 14. brethren, comfort the /.-minded Heb. 12. 12. lift up the hands and the/, knees FEEBLER. GcH.30.42. so the/, were Laban's, stronger Jacob's FEEBLENESS. Jer. 47. 3. the fathers shall not look back for/. FEED. To feed signifies to cat, to lake meat or nourish- ment for the body, and this is common to man with the beasts. Jude 12, Feeding themselves without liar. Isa. 27. 10, There shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down. It also signifies to furnish or supply others with food; thus Joseph fed the Egyptians for their cattle : that is, he gave them food and provision for one year, for which they gave him their cattle. Gen. 47. 17. And Agar prays that God would feed him with food convenient for him; that he would furnish him with food suitable to his necessities and occasions, Prov. '30. 8. But feeding, generally in Scripture, is taken for the business and calling of a. slirphcrd, and comprehends all the duties belonging to that office : not only thai of feeding, or providing pasture for his flock, but also of guiding, ob- serving, and defending them. In this sense, feeding is applied, I. To God, and that (1) In respect of his church, which he rules, defends, directs, sustains, and nourishes, both inwardly, by the gifts and graces of his Spirit ; and out- wardly, by his power and providence. Gen. 48. 15, The God which fed me all my life long unto this day. Jlnd the Psalmist, Feed them also, and lift them up for ever, Psal. 28. 9. Hence God is called a Shepherd, Psal. 23. 1, The Lord is my Shepherd : He provides for me, he brings me out of the wrong way, and guides me in the right. (2) In respect of the ungodly, upon whom he executes hisjudgments. Ezek. 34. 16, I will feed them with judgment. And in Hos. 4. 16, The Lord will feed them as a lamb in a large place ; He will make them, to wander, like a lost lamb in a 2cildeTmess, and scatter them into Assyria. (3) In respect of the creatures which receive their supplies wholly from God. Psal. 145. 15, The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest Ihem their meat in due season. Mat. 6. 26, The fowls of the air neither sow nor reap, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. II. To Christ. Isa. 40. 11, He shall feed his flock like a shepherd, .^nd our Saviour says of himself, I am the good Shepherd, .lohn 10. 11. Christ Jesus performs all the offices of a tender and faithful Shepherd, toward his peo- ple, carrying himself with great wisdom, and condescension, and compassion, to every one of them, according to their several capacities and infirmities : He feeds them by his word, Spirit, grace, ftdness, redemption, ordinances and providences. III. To Man. And then besides the common ac- ceptation of the word, for feeding cattle, it is taken, (1) For instructing and teaching others by wholesoine doctrine; for ruling and cen- suring by ecclesiastical discipline. John 21. 15, 16, Feed my lambs : Feed my sheep. And in Jer. 3. 1.5, I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. (2) For ruling and governing politically. Thus kings and magistrates are compared to shepherds, 2 Sam. 5. 2, Thou shall feed my people Israel. Psal. 78. 71, He brought David to feed Jacob hig people. IV. To the enemies of the church, tvhom God sometimes makes use of for the chastisement of his people. Jer. 6. 3, The Babylonian princes, with their armies, shall feed every one in. his place : They shall take up their quarters in the places assigned them, and make spoil of all they can find there. V. To such as flatter themselves with vain hopes of help and assistance. Hos. 12. 1, Ephraim ffeiletli on wind : The ten tribes flatter them- selves with hopes of help from the Egyptians and Assyrians, but they are supporting them- selves with hopes as unfit to sustain them, as the wind is to feed the body and nourish it : They made new alliances and friendships, hut all of them will prove lies to them at last, like tha 7cind they feed upon. VI. Torulers, JoZA political ondecclesiastical,wA(» contrive their own ease, advaniage,honour,and ambitious projects ; hut feed not their flocks ; take no care to support them, either with whole- FEE some counsel, or necessary relief, as they ought to do, according tu their respective officer. Ezek. 34. 2, 3, Woe to the sliepheids that do feed themselves ; should not the shepherds feed the flocks 1 Ye kill them that are fed ; but ye feed not the flocK. Oen. 37. 12. his breth. went to/, their father's flock 16. tell me, I pray, where they /. their flocks 46. '32. for their trade hath been to /. cattle Exud. 22. 5. and shall/, in another man's field 34. 3. neither let flocks/, before that mount 2 Sam. 5. 2. thou shalt/. my people Israel 7. 7. whom I commanded to /. Israel, 1 Chr. 17. 6. 1 Kings 17.4. have commanded the ravens to/, thee Job 24. 2. they take away flocks and/, thereof 20. the worms shall/, sweetly on liim Psal. 28. 9./. them, and lift them up for ever 4y. J4. laid in the grave, death shall /. on them 78. 71. he brought David to/. Jacob his people Prov. 10. 21. the lips of the righteous/, many Cant. 4. 5. like two roes which/, among the lilies 6. 2. my beloved is gone to /. in the gardens Isa. 5. 17. the lambs shall /. after their manner 11. 7. and the cow and the bear shall/. 14. 30. and the first-born of the poor shall/. 27. 10. there shall the calf/, and shall lie down :^0. 23. thy cattle shall/, in large pastures 40. 11. he shall/, his flock as a shepherd 40. 9. they shall/, in the ways and high places 61. 5. and strangers shall stand and /. your flocks 65.25. the wolf and the lamb shall/ together Jer. 2. 1 16. the children of Noph/. on thy crown 3. 15. pastors who shall /. you with knowledge 6. 3. they shall /. every one in his place 23. 2. against the pastors that/, my people 4. I will set up shepherds which shall/, them 50. 19. Israel shall/, on Carmel and Bashan 4. 5. tliev that/, delicately are desolate Kzek. 34. 2. wo'e to the shepherds that do /. thems. 3. ye eat the fat, but ye/, not the flock 10. neither shall the shepherds/, themselves 23. even my servant David shall/, them Dan. 11. 26. they that/, of his meal destroy him Hos.A. 16. now the Lord will/, them as a lamb 9. 2. the flour and the wine-press shall not/, them .lonah 3. 7. let them not/, nor drink water Mic. 5. 4. he shall/, in the strength of the Lord Zeph. 2. 7. they shall /. thereupon, God shall visit 3. 13. they shall/, none shall make them afraid y.edi. 11. 9. then said I, I will not/, you le.the shepherd shall not /.that thatstandeth still Mat. 2. t*). out of thee a Governor that shall/. Luke 15. 15. he sent him to his fields to /. swine .gets 20. 28. take heed to/, the church of God 1 Cor. 9. 1 13. they/, of the things of the temple 13. 3. though I give all my goods to /. the poor fi(;B.7.17. for the Lamb shall /.them and lead them 12. 6. that they should /. her there 1260 days FEED, Imperatively. Oen. 25. 30./. me with that same red pottage 29. 7. water ye the sheep, and go and/, them lATiBg-s 22.27./. him with bread and water of afflic- tion, until I come in peace, 2 Chr. 18. 26. Prov. 30. 8. / me with food convenient for me Cant. 1. 8./. thy kids beside the shepherds' tents Mic. 7. 14./. thy people with thy rod, the flock Zrch. 11.4.saith Lord, f. the flock of the slaughter John 21. 1.5./. my lambs || 16./. my sheep, 17. Horn. 12. 20. if thine enemy hunger,/, him 1 Pet. 5. 2. /. the flock of God which is among vou / will FEED. Gev. 30. 31. I will again/, and keep thy flock 2. Sam. 19. 33. I will f. thee with me in Jerusalem /sff. 49. 26. I will f. them that oppress thee 58. 14. I will f. thee with the heritage of Jacob .Tcr. 9. 15. I will f. them with wormwood, 23. 15. /;:fl/i;.34.13./w)27i/.them upon the mountains of Isr. 14. Iwillf. them in a good pasture,on mountains 15. 1 will f. my flock, and cause them to lie down 16. 1 will f. the fat and the strong with judgment Zech. 11.7. Iwillf. theflock of slaughter, the poor FEEDER. Gffii.4.t2. Abel was f.ofsheep,Cain tiller of ground FEEDEST. Psal. 80. 5. thou/, them with the broad of tears Cant. 1. 7. tell me where thou/, thy flock FEEDETH. Pron. 15. 14. the mouth of fools/, on foolishness 28. t7. he that/, gluttons, shameth his father Cant. 2. 16. my beloved/, among the lilies, 6. 3. /.?a.44.20.he/.onashes,a deceived heart turned him //o.?.12.1. Ephraim/.on wind, followeth east-wind Milt. G. 26. yet your heavenly Father/, them /.like 12. 24. the ravens sow not, yet God/, them 1 Cor. 9. 7. who/, a flock, and eateth not the milk FEEDING. . there/, of Ephraimites at that time 42,000 10. 30. the house /. on the lords and on tiic people 20. 44. and there"/, of Benjamin 18,000 men 1 Sam.4. 10. there/, of Israel 30,000 footmen 18. Eli/, from his seat backward by the gate 11. 7. the fear of the Lord/, on the people 14. 13. the Philistines/, before Jonathan 19. t24. Saul prophesied, and/, down that day 22. 18. Doeg turned, and/, upon the priests 25. 24. Abigail/, at David's feet, and said 28. 20. Saul/, straightway along on the earth 29. 3. I found no fault in him since he/, on rae 30. 13. because three days agone I /. sick 31. 4. therefore Saul took a sword and /. upon it 5. his armour-bearer/, likewise, 1 Chr. 10. 4,5. 2 .Sam. 4. 4. Mephibosheth /. and became lamo II. 17. there/, some of the people of David 13. 2. Amnon/. sick for his sister Tamar 20. 8. Joab's sword /. out, as he went forth 21. 9. they/, all seven together in davs of harvest 22. they /. by the hand of David, 1 Chron. 20. 8. 1 Kings 2. 25. Benaiah/. on Adonijah that he died ;f2. who/, upon two men more righteous than he 34. Benaiah/. on Joab||46. Benaiah/.on Shimei 12. 1 19. so Israel/, from the house of David 14. 1. Abijah the son of Jeroboam/, sick 17. 17. the son of the woman/, sick, it was so sore 18. 38. fire of Lord f. and consumed the sacrifice 20. :». a wall /. on 27,000 men that were left 2 Kings l.I3.thirdcaptain/.on knees before Elijah 197 FEL 2irj«^i2.13.took mantle of Elijah that /.from him 4. 8. it/, on a day Elisha passed to Shunem, 11. 18. it/, on a day the child went to the reapers 37. Shunemite/. at his feet and bowed herself 6. 5. the a.\e-head/. into the water, and he cried 6. and the man of God said, where/, it 7 7. 20. so it/, out to him, the people trode on him 25. 11. the fugitives that/, away to the king 1 Chr. 12. 19. there/, some of Manasseh to David 21. 14. and there/, of Israel 70,000 men 27. 24. because there /. wrath for it against Israel 2 Chron. 15. 9. for they /. to David out of Israel 17. 10. the fear of Lord/, on all kingdoms of lands 20. 18. the inhabitants of Jerusalem/.beforeLord 21. 19. his bowels/, out by reason of sickness 25. 13. the soldiers of Israel/, on cities of Judah Ezra 9. 5. I/, on my kn^s and spread my hands Esth. 8. 17. for the fear of the Jews/, on them, 9.2. 9. 3. because the fear of Mordecai/. upon them Job 1.15. the Sabeans/.on the asses, and took them 17.C'haldeans/.on camels,and carried themaway 19. the house/, on young men, and they are dead Psal. 27. 2. wicked came to eat up my flesh, they/. 78.04. their priests/, by sword, widows not lament 105. 38. for the fear of Israel/, on Egypt Jcr. 39. 9. those that/, away, that/, to him, 52. 15, 40. 16. one/, upon another, and they said, arise Lam. 1. 7. her people /. into the hand of the enemy 5. 13. and the children/, under the wood Ezek. 8. 1. the hand of the Lord /. upon me, 11. 5 39. 23. so /. they all by the sword Dan. 4. 31. there/, a voice from heaven, saying 7. 20. other which came up, before whom three/. 10. 7. but a great quaking/, upon them Jonah 1. 7. they cast lots, and the lot/, on Jonah Mat. 7. 25. the house/, not || 27. it/. Luke 6. 49. 13.4. seed/, by the way-side, Mark 4. 4. Luke 8.5. S.some/.upon stony places, Marki.5. 7.and some/among thorn?!, Marki.l. LukeS.T. S.other/. into good ground, Marki.8. Liike8.8. Mark 5. 22. Jairus when he saw him, /. at his feet I 7.25.Syrophenician woman came,and/. athisfeet I 9.20. he/, on the ground and wallowed foamin, 14. 35. Jesus /. on the ground and prayed Luke 1. 12. and fear/, upon Zacharias 8. 23. but as they sailed, Jesus/, asleep 10. 30. a certain man/, among thieves, 36. 13. 4. upon whom the tower in Siloam /. 15. 20. his father/, on his neck and kissed him I 16. 21. crumbs which /. from the rich man's table {John 18. 6. went backward and/, to the ground Jlcts 1.25. from which Judas by transgression/. 26. gave forth lots, and the lot/, upon Matthias 7. 6C. and when he had said this, he /. asleep 9. 4. Saul/, to the earth and heard a voice 18. tliere/. from his eyes as it had been scales 10. 10. Peter became hungry, and /. into a trance 44. the Holy Ghost/, on them all, 11. 15. 12. 7. tlie chains/, off from Peter's hands 13. 11. 'here/, on him a mist and a darkness 36. David /. on sleep and saw corruption 19. 17. and fear/, on all the Jews at Ephesus 20. 10. Paul went down, and/, on Eutychus 37. they all /. on Paul's neck, and kissed him 22. 7. If. unto the gvound, and heard a voice Rom. 11. 22. on them which /. severity 15.3. reproaches of them reproached thee /.on me 1 Cor.10.8. and/.in one day twenty-three thousand Hcb. 3. 17. whose carcases/, in the wilderness 2 Pct.3. 4. since fathers/, asleep all things continue Rev. 1. 17. when I saw him I/, at his feet as dead 6. 13. and the stars of heaven /. unto the earth 8. 10. and there /. a great star from heaven 11. 11. and great fear/, on them who saw them 13. the tenth part of 'he city /. by earthquake 16. 2. and there/, a noisome and grievous sore 19. the city was divided, and cities of nations/. 21. there /. on men great hail out of heaven 19. 10. and I/, at his feet to worship him See Face, Faces. FELL down. J^um. 22. 27. when the ass saw the angel, she /. d. Deut. 9. 18. and I/, down before the Lord, 2.5. Josh. 6.20. the people shouted, tiie wall/, d. flat Judg. 5. 27. where he bowed there he/, down dead 19. 26. the concubine/, down at door of the house 1 Sam. 17. 52. the Philistines /. down by the way 31.1. men of Israel/, dojore in Gilboa, 1 C'Ar.10.1. 2 Sam. 2. 16. so they /. doion together 23. Asahel/. down there, and died in the place 18.28. A\\\m&!xz f.downW 19. 18. Shimei/. doion 2 Kings 1.2. and Ahaz\&hf.down through a lattice 1 Clir. 5. 22. there/, d. many slain, war was of God 2 Chr. 13. 17. there/, down of Israel 500,000 men Esth. 8. 3. Esther/, down at Ahasuerns' feet .Tob 1. 20. Job/.rf. on the ground and worshipped Psal. 107. 12. they/, down, there was none to help Dan. 3.7. all nations/, d. and worshipped image 23. these three/, down bound in the furnace Mat. 2. 11. wise men /. down and worshipped him FEL Mat. 18. 26. the serv. therefore/. down, saying, 29. Mark 3. 11. and unclean sp'mls f. down before him 5. 33. the woman with the issue of blood /. tlowii Luke 5. 8. Simon Peter/, down at Jesus' knees 8. 28. man which had devils/, down before Jesus 41. Jairus/. down \\ 17. 16. the Samaritan /. d. John 11. 32. Mary /. down at his feet, saying Jlcts 5. 5. Ananias/. dow7i || 10. Sapphira/. down 10. 25. Cornelius/, down \\ 16. 29. jailer/, down 19. 35. the image which/, down from Jupiter 20. 9. Eutychus/. down from the third loft Neb. 11. 30. by faith the walls of Jericho/, down Rev. 5. 8. elders /. d. before the Lamb, 14. | 19. 4. 22. 8. John /. down to worship before the angel FELL. 2 Kings 3. 19. and ye shall /. every good tree FELLED. 2 Kings 3. 25. and they /. all the good trees FELLER. Isa. 14. 8. saying, no /. is come up against us FELLEST. 2Soncr* FELLOW-SERVANT, or servants. Mal.lS.W. found one ofhis f. -serv. who owed him 29. ]>\sf. -servant fell down at his feet, saying 31. so when his f-servants saw what was done 33. have had compassion on f.-serv. as I on thee 24. 49. and shall begin to smite h\s f.-serv ants Col. 1. 7. ye learned of Epaphras ont f.- servant 4.7. Tychicus, who is a f .-servant in the Lord Rev. 6. 11. till their/, ierwants should be fulfilled 19.10. see thou do it not, I am {hy f.-servant,^.9. FELLOW-SOLDIER. Phil. 2. 25. to send Epaphroditus my f. -soldier Philem. 2. Paul to Archippus our f. -soldier FELLOW-WORKERS. Col.4. 11. these only are my f. -workers to kingdom FELLOWS. .htdg. 11. 37. bewail my virginity, I and my/. 18. 25. lest angry /. run on thee, and thou lose life 20. 1 11. all Israel were gathered /. as one man one of the vain/, uncovereth himself Psal. 45. 7. with oil of gladness above/. Neb. 1. 9. Isa. 44. 11. behold all his/, shall be ashamed Kiek. 37. 19. 1 will take the tribes of Israel his/. Dan.a. 13. they sought Daniel and his/, to bealain 18. that Daniel and his/, should not perish FER Dan. 7. 20. whoso look was more stout tlian his/. Zcch. 3. 8. thou and thy/, that set before thee Mat. 11. 16. like to children calling to their/. Acts 17. 5. Jews tooic lewd/, of the baser sort FEJ.LOVVrilllP. Lev. 6. 2. which was delivered him to keep, or in/ /'s.94.20. shall the throne of iniq. have/, with thee? Act.i 2. 42. they contin. in apostles' doctrine and/. 1 Cor. 1. 9. ye were called to the/, of his son 10. 20. not that ye should have/, with devils 2 C'or.O.H. what/, hath righteousness with unrigh- teousness? what communion light with darkn.'? 8. 4. take on us the/, of ministering to the saints Oal. 2. 9. they gave to me the right hand of/ jE/)A.3.9. to make men see what is the/, of mystery 5. Jl. have no/.with unfruitful works ofdarkness Phil. 1. 5. for your/, in the gospel till now 2. 1. if there be any/, of the spirit, if any bowels 3. 10. that I may know the/, of his suiTerings \John 1. 3. that ye also may have/, wilh us, and truly our/, is with Father, and with Son J. C 6. if we say that we have/.wiih him, and walk in 7. if we walk in light,we have/one with another FELT. Oen. 27. 22. Jacob went near, and Isaac/, him 31. 1 34. Laban /. all the tent, but found them not JEioi.10.21.over land,even darkness that may be/. Prov. 23. 35. they have beaten me, and I/, it not Mark 5. 29. she/, she was healed of that plague Acts 28. 5. he shook- off the beast and/, no harm FEMALE. Oen. 1. 27. male and/, created he them, 5. 2. 6. 19. two of every sort, they shall be male and/. 7. 2. take to thee by sevens, the male and the /. 3. 9. there went in two and two, the male and the/. 16. they that went in, went in male and/. L,ev. 3. 1. if he offer it, whether it be male or/. 6. if his offering be of the flock, male or/. 4. 28. offering a/, without blemish, 32. | 5. 6. 12. 7. law for her that hath born a male or/. 27. 4. if it be a/, thy estimation shall be 30 shekel 5. thy estimation for the/, ten shekels, 7. 6. for the/, from a month old, three shekels JVura. 5. 3. both male and/, shall ye put out Dei(t.4.16.graven image, the likenessof male or/. 7. 14. shall not be a male or /. barren among you Mat. 19. 4. made them male and/. Mark 10.6. Gal. 3. 28. in Christ there is neither male nor/. FENCE. Ps. C2. 3. ye be as a bowing wall and a tottering/. FENCED. Job 10. 11. ho hath /. me with bones and sinews 19. 8. he hath /. up my way that I cannot pass Isa. 5. 2. my beloved hath a vineyard, and he/, it FENCED. Dent. 28. 52. till thy high and /. wails come down 2 Savi. 23. 7. man that shall touch them must be /. 2 Kings 3. 19. and ye shall smite every/, city 10. 2. there are with you a/, city and armour 17. 9. from the tower to the/, city, 18. 8. 19. t 24. I have dried up the rivers of/, places with the sole of my feet, Isa. 37. t25. Isa. 2. 15. the day of the Lord on every /. wall Jcr. 15. 20. I will make thee a/, brazen wall Ezck. 36. 35. waste and ruined cities are become/. Hab. 2. 1 1. I will set me upon the/, place FENCED cities. JVum. 32. 17. our little ones shall dwell in /. cities Deut. 3. 5. all these cities were /. with walla 9. 1. to possess cities great and /. up to heaven Josh. 10. 20. the rest of them entered into /. cities 14. 12. and that the cities were great and /. ISam.S.lS.golden mice, numb.of/. cities 2 Sam. 20. 6. pursue, lest he get/, cities and escape 'iKings 18.13.Sennacherib came up against all the /. cities of Judah and took them, 2 Chr. 12. 4. 19. 25. thou shouldest be to lay waste /. cities 2 Chron. 8. 5. Solomon built/, cities with walls 12. 4. Shishak took the/, cities of Judah 14. 6. Asa built/, cities in Judah, land had rest 17.2. Jehoshaphat placed forces in Wief. cities, 19. 19. 5. he set judges throughout all/, cities of Jud. 21. 3. Jehoshaphat gave them/, cities in Judah 33. 14. Manasseh put captains of war in/, cities Jer. 5. 17. they shall impoverish thy/, cities Dan. 11. 15. king of north shall take most/, cities Hos. 8. 14. Judah hath multiplied/, cities of alarm against/.cifies and towers FENS. JijJ 40. 21. Behemoth lieth in covert of reed and f. FERRET. Z,e». 11. 30. the /. chameleon and lizard unclean FERRY-BOAT. 2 Sam.19.18. there went a f.-l/oo.l for king's househ. FERVENT. Acts 18. 25. Apollos, being/, in spirit, taught Rom. 12. 11./. in spirit, serving the Lord 2 Cor. 7. 7. he told us your /. mind toward me Jam.5.16.f. prayer of a righteous man avails much 1 Pet. 4. 8. above all things have/, charity 198 FEW 2 Pet. 3. 10. elements shall melt with /. heat, 12. FERVENTLY. Col. 4. 12. Epaphras labouring/, for you in prayers 1 Pet. 1. 22. see that ye love one another wilh a FETCH. [pure heart/. Gen. 18. 5. 1 will/, a morsel of bread, and comfort 27. 9. go, /. me two good kids of the goats, 13. 45. then I will send and/, thee from ilienco Exod. 2. 5. when saw the ark, she sent maid to/, il JVum. 20. 10. must we/, water out of this rock 1 Vcut. 19. 12. the elders shall send and/, him 24. 10. thou shalt not go to/, his pledge, 19. 30. 4. from whence will the Lord thy God/, thee Judg. 11. 5. elders of Gilead went to/. JephtliaJi 20. 10. take men to/, victuals for the people 1 Sam. 4. 3. let us/, the ark of the covenant 6. 2J. saying, come ye down, and/, it up to you 16. 11. Samuel said to Jesse, send,/. Saul, 20. 31. 26. 22. let us come over and /. the spear 2 Sam. 5. 23. but/, a compass behind them 14. 13. the king doth not/, home his banished 20. to/, about this form ofspcech Joab done this 1 Kings 17. 10./. me, I pray thee, a little water 11. as she was going to/, it, he called her 2 Kings 6. 13. go spy where he is, that 1 may/, him FIE Mat.l. 14. strait is gate, and/, there be that find it 9. 37. hut the labourers are/. Luke 10. 2. 15. 34. seven, and a/, httle (ishes, Mark 8. 7. 20. 10. many be called, but /. are chosen, 22. 14. 25. 21. thou hast been faithful in a/, things, 23. Mark 6. 5. laid hands on a/, sick folk, healed tliem Luke 12. 48. shall be beaten with/, stripes J3. 23. one said. Lord, are there /. that be saved "? -lets 24. 4. that thou wouldest hear us a /. words Epit. 3. 3. the mystery as I wrote afore in /. words //cZi. 12.10. for they verily for a/.days chastened us 33. 22. for I have written unto you in/, words 1 /^c«. 3.20. wherein/, that is, eight souls were saved Rev. 2. 14. 1 have a/, things against thee, 20. 3. 4. thou hast a/, names even in Sardis Bid. a FEW. Gen. 29. 20. they seemed to him but af. days Leo. 25. 52. if there remain but f. years to jubilee Jusk. 7. 3. the men of Ai are bnt f. 1 Chron. 16. 19. when ye were butf. Psal. 105. 12. .Jcr. 42. 2. for we are left but af. of many J\rot a FEW. 2 Kings 4 .3. borrow empty vessels, borrow not af. Isa. 10. 7. to destroy, and cut off nations not af. Ter. 30. 19. multiply them, and they shall not bef. C/iron. 18. 8. /. quickly Micaiah the son of Imla Acts 17.4. chief women not af.\\ ]2.of men not af. JVfA. 8. 15./. olive-branches, pine and myrtle Job 36. 3. I will /. my knowledge from afar Isa. 56. 12. come ye, say they, 1 will/, wine Jer. 36. 21. the king sent Jehudi to/, the roll .^cts 16. 37. let them come themselves and/, us out FETCHED. Ge7i. 18. 4. let a little water, I pray you, be/. 7. Abraham /. a calf tender and good 27. 14. Jacob went and /. the kids to his mother Judtr. 18. 18. they/, the carved image, the ephod FEWER. JVum. 33. 54. to /. ye shall give the less inheritance Job 30. 1 1. but thev that are of/, days than 1 FEWEST. Deitt. 7. 7. for ye were the/, of all people FEWi^ESS. Lev. 25. 16. according to /. of years diminish price FIDELITY. Tit. 2 10. servants not purloining, shewing good/. FIELD. ISam. 7. 1. men came and/ up the ark of the Lord Gen. 23. 11. the/, give I thee, and the cave therein 10. 23. and they ran, and/. Saul thence 20. the/, and cave were made sure to Abraham 2 Sam. 4. 6. as though they would have /. wheat 27. 27. the smell of my son is as the smell of a/. 9. 5. king David sent and/. Mephibosheth 31. 4. Jacob called Rachel and Leah to the/. 11. 27. David sent and/. Bath-sheba to his house [ 49. 30. in the/, which Abraham bought, 50. 13. 14. 2. Joab/. from Tekoah a wise woman Exod. 22. 5. if a man shall cause a/, to be eaten 1 Kings 7. 13. king Solomon/. Hiram out of Tyre 6. so that the corn or/, be consumed therewith 9. 28. they/, from Ophir gold, 420 talents Lev. 19. 19. shalt not sow thy/, with mingled seed 2 Kings 3. 9. /. a compass of seven days' journey 25. 3. six years shalt sow thy/, and prune vineyard 11. 4. Jehoiada sent and/, rulers over hundreds 4. in the seventh year thou shalt not sow thy/. 2 Chron. 1. 17. /. from Egypt a chariot and horse 27. 17. if he sanctify his/, from year of jubilee, 18. 12. 11. the guard came and/, the shields 20. if he will not redeem the/, or if he sold the/. Jer. 26. 23. and they/, forth Urijah out of Egypt ZJeut. 5. 21. norshalt thou covet thy neighbour's/. Acts 28. 13. and from thence we/, a compass Josh. 15. 18. to ask of her father a/. Judg. 1. 14. FETCH ETH. Ruth 2. 8. go not to glean in another/, but abide Deut. 19. 5. and his hand /. a stroke with the axe 4. 5. Boaz said, what day thou buyest /.of Naomi FETTERS. 2 Sam. 2. 1 16. place was called the /.of strong men .hidg. 16. 21. they bound Samson with /. of brass 14. 30. Joab's / is near mine, and he hath barley 2 Sam. 3. 34. thy hands were not bound, nor thy 31. why have thy servants set my/, on fire ? feet put into/. iKings^^.l .ihey put out the eyes of Zedetiah,and bound him with/, of brass, Jer. 39. f ". ' 52.tll. 2 Chron. 33. 11. Manasseh was bound wilji /. 30.6. Jehoiakim bound with/to carry to Babylon Psal. 105. 18. whose feet they hurt with/. 149. 8. to bind their nobles with/, of iron Mark 5. 4. being often bound with/. i!ci(t.28.16. cursed shall thou be in city and in thef. .7Mrf^.l3.9.angel came to woman as she sat in thef. 1 So«i.6. 18. wliich Btone remaineth inf. of Joshua 19. 3. I will stand beside my lather in thef. 30. 11. and they found an Egyptian in the f. 2 Sam. 14. b. t wo sons, and thay two strove in thef. 1 Kings 11. 29. and they two were alone in thef. 14. 11. him that dietli of Jeroboam in thef. 21. 24. him that dieth of Ahab in thef. fowls eat 1 Chron. 19. 9. kings were by themselves in the f. 27. 2lj. over them that did the work in the f. Job 24. 6. they reap every one his corn in the f. Psai.78.12.marvellous things in thef. of Zoan, 43. ^ Proti. 24. 27. make it fit for thyself in the f. Jer. 14. 5. yea, the hind calved in thef. 17. 3. O my mountain in thef. I will give to spoil 41. 8. for we have treasures in thef. of wheat £:e/.-.7.15. he that is in (/le/.shalldie by the sword 2t). 6. he shall slay thy daughters in tluf. S. JUic. 4. 10. thou shalt dwell in thef. and go to Bab. Zcch. 10. 1. shall give to everyone grass in thef. Mul.3.1l. nor shall your vine cast her fruit j»i thef. Jl/of .24.18. neither let him who is in thef. return to take his clothes, Mark 13. 16. Luke 17. 31. 40. then stiuU two be in thef. Luke 17. 30. Luke^.9. there were shepherds abiding in thef. 12. 28. clothe the grass which is to-day in thef. 15. 25. now his elder son was in the f. heard music Into the FIELD. JVam. 22. 23. ass turned aside, and went into thef. Judg. 9. 42. the people went out into the f. 1 .Sam. C. 14. the cart came into thef. of Joshua 20. 11. Jonathan said, come let us go into thef. 2 Sam. 11. 23. the men came out unto us into thef. 20. 12. removed Amasa out of the way into the f. 2 Kings 4.39. one went niYo/.and gathered gourds Cant. 7. 11. my beloved, let us go forth into the f. Jer. 6. 25. go not forth into f. nor walk by the way 14. 18. if I go forth into thef. behold the slain Of the FIELD. Oen. 2. 5. God made every plant and herb of thef. 34. 7. and the sons of Jacob came out of the f. 47. 24. four parts your own, for seed of the f. Lev. 26. 4. the trees of the f. yield fruit 27. 28. no devoted thing of the f. shall be sold Deut. 20. 19. for the tree of the f. is man's life Judg. 5. 4. when thou marchedst out of the f. 19.16. came an old man from his work out of thef. Ruth 2. 3. on a part of thef. belonging to Boaz 1 Sam. 11.5. Saul came after the herd out u/tAc/. iKings 9.25.cast him in portion of thef. of Naboth 37.carcase shall be as dung upon the (ixceofthef. Job 5.23. shall be in league with the stones of thef. Psal. 103. 15. as a flower of the f. he flourisheth Cant. 2. 7. I charge you by the roes of thef. 3. 5. Isa. 37. 27. the inhabitants were as grass of thef. 40. 6. all flesh is grass, and as the flower of thef. 43. 20. the beast of the f. shall honour me 55. 12. all the trees of thef. shall clap their hands Jer. 4. 17. as keepers of the f. are they against her 18.14. the snow of Lebanon from the rockofthef. Lam. 4.9. stricken for want of the fruits of the f. Ezek. 16.7. caused thee to multiply as haAofthef. 17. 24. all trees of the f. shall know that I Lord 34. 27. the tree of thef. shall yield her fruit 36. 30. I will multiply the increase of the f. 39. 10. so they shall take no wood out of the f. />an. 4. 15. in tender grass of thef. and wet with dew Hos. 10. 4. as hemlock in the furrows of thef. 12. 11. their altars as heaps in furrows of the f. Joel 1. 11. because the harvest of the f. is perished 12. even all the trees of the f. are withered 19. and the flame hath burnt all the trees of thef. JUic. 1. 6. 1 will make Samaria as a heap of thef. .Vat.6.28. consider the lilies o/tAe/.how they grow 30. wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of thef. 13. 36. declare the parable of the tares of the f. See Beast, Beasts. Open FIELD. Lev. 14. 7. shall let living bird loose into the openf. 17.5.bring sacrifices which tliey offer in the openf. Jer. 9. 22. men's carcases as dung upon the openf. Eiek. 16. 5. bat thou wast cast out in the openf. 32. 4. I will cast thee forth upon the openf. 33.27. him that Is in the openf. I will give to beasts 39. 5. thou shalt fall upon the openf.s&ith Lord G. FIELDS. Exod. 8. 13. the frogs died out of the houses and/. //eD.25.31. shall be counted as the/, of the country 27. 22. which is not of the/, of his possession JVMm.16.14. thou hast not given us inheritance of/. 20. 17. we will not pass through the/, or through the vineyards, 21. 22. Deut. 11. 15. and I will send grass into thy/. 32. 13. that he might eat the increase of the /. 32. their vine is as the vine of the/, of Gomorrah Jb«A.21.12.but the/and villages gave they toCaleb 1 .Sam. 8. 14. ho will take your/, and vineyards 22. 7. will the son of Jesse give each of you/.? 25. 15. they were a wall to ub when we were in/. 199 FIF lirm^«2.26. gettheeto Anatlioth, to thine own/. 16. 4. him that dieth of Baasha in the/, shall the fowls of the air eat 1 Chron. 16. 32. let the/, rejoice, and all therein 27. 25. and over the store-houses in the/, in cities 2 Chron. 26. f 10. had vine-dressers in fruitful/. Job 5. 10. and who sendeth waters upon the/. Psal. 107. 37. and sow thee /. and plant vineyard; 132. 6. we found it in the f. of the wood Prov. 8. 26. while as yet he had not made the/. 23. 10. and enter not into the /. of the fatherless Isa.lii.8. for/.of Heshboii languish and vine of Sib. 32. 12. they shall lament for teats, the pleasant/. .Jer. 6. 12. their/, shall be turned to others, 8. 10. 13. 27. I have seen thine abominations in the/. 32. 15./. shall be possessed again in this land 43./. bought II 44. men shall buy /. for money 3y.l0.Nebuzar-adan gave them/.atthe same lime 40.7. the captains of forces which were in tlie/.13. Obad. 19. they shall possess the/, of Epliraim JV/;c. 2. 2. they covet /. and take them by violence 4. turning away, he hath divided our/. Hab. 3. 17. although the /. shall yield no meat Mark 2. 23. he went through the corn/. Luke 6. 1. John 4. 35. lift up your eyes, and look on the/. Jain.5.i. the labourers, which reaped down your/. Open FIELDS. /,e».14.53.ho shall let go the living bird into openf. J^um. 19. 10. one slain with a sword in the openf. 2 .Sum. 11. 11. servants are encamjied in the openf. Ezek. 29. 5. thou shalt fall upon the openf. FIERCE. Oen. 49. 7. cursed be their anger, for it was /. Deut. 28.50. L. bring a nation of a/, countenance Job 4. 10. the voice of/, lion and teeth are broken 10. 10. thou huntest me as a/, lion, thou shewest 28. 8. nor hath the /. lion passed by it 41. 10. none is so/, that dare stir him up /sa. 19. 4. and a/.king shall rule over them, saitli Ld 33.19. thou shalt not see/.people, of deeper speech Du;i.8. 23. a king of/, countenance shall stand up Mab.l.B. horses are more /.than the evening wolves Mat. 8. 28. two possessed with devils, exceeding/. Jyuke 23.5. and they were more/.saying,he stirreth 27'im.3.3. for men shall be incontinent,/, despisers Jam. 3. 4. the ships which are driven of/, winds See Anger, Wrath. FIERCENESS. ,7bi39.24.he swalloweth the ground with/.and rage Jer. 25. 38. land desolate for the /. of the oppressor See Anger, Wrath. FIERCER. 2 Sam. 19. 43. words of Judah were/, than of Isr. FIERY. JVam. 21. 6. the Ld. sent/, serpents among people 8. make thee a/, serpent, and set it upon a pole Deut.8. 15. wherein were/, serpents and scorpions 33. 2. from his right-hand went a /. law for them Ps. 21.9. shalt make them as a/, oven in thy anger Isa. 14. 29. and his fruit shall be a /. flying serpent Dan. 3. 6. into the midst of a/, furnace, 11, 15, 21. 17. if our G. is able to deliver us from /. furnace 23. three men fell down into midst of/, furnace 20. came near to the mouth of the /. furnace 7.9. his throne was like the/.flame and his wheels 10. a/, stream issued and came forth from him JVah. 2. 1 3. the chariots shall be with /. torches Eph.ti.lG. able to quench the/, darts of the wicked Heb. 10. 27. a certain fearful looking for of judg ment, and/, indignation 1 Pet. 4. 12. think it not strange concerning/, trial FIFTH. Oen. 30. 17. Leah bare Jacob the /. son, Issachar Josh. 19. 24. and the /. lot came out for Asher 2 Sam. 2. 23. Abner smote Asahel under the/, rib 3. 27. Abner under the/, rib || 4. 6. Ish-bosheth 20. 10. Joab smote Amasa in the /. rib, he died JVeh. 6. 5. Sanballat sent the /. time to Neheiniah Rev. 6.9. when he had opened the/seal I saw souls 9. 1. the /. angel sounded, and I saw a star fall 16. 10./. angel poured out his vial on seat of beast 21. 20. the/, a sardony.\; the sixth, a sardius See Day, Part. FIFTH mo7ith. JVum. 33. 38. Aaron died the first day of the/, m. '2 Kings ^. 8./. m. came Nebuzaradan, Jcr.52.12. 1 Chron. 27. 8. the fifth captain for the/, month EzraT. 8. Ezra came to Jerusalem in the/, m. 9. Jer. 1. 3. carrying Jerusalem captive in the/, m. 28. 1. in the/, month Hananiah spake unto me £ze/£.20. 1. in the/, month the elders sat before me Zech.1.2. saying, should I weep in the f. month? 5. when ye fasted and mourned in the /. month 8. 19. fast of fourth and of/, m. be joy and gladn. FIFTH ye,',: Lev. 19. 25. in the/, y. ye shall eat the fruit thereof 1 Kings 14. 25. in the/, year of king Rehoboam, Shishak came up ag. Jerusalem, ^ Chron. 12.2. 'iKingsfi.XG. in the/, y. of Joram, Jehoram began Jer. 36.9. in/, y. of Jehoiakim, proclaimed a fast FIF Ezek.\Si. was the/, year of Jehoiachin's captivity FIFTEEN. Gen. 7. 20./. cubits ujiward did the waters prevail the hangings to be/.cubils, 15. | 38.14. Lev. 27. 7. then thy estimation shall be /. shekels 2 Sam. 9. 10. now Ziba had/, sons, and 20 servants 19. 17. Ziba and his/, sons went over Jordan 1 Kings 7. 3. that lay On 45 pillars,/, in a row "Kings 14.17.Amaziah live.l. be merciful, O God, he/, oppresseth me FIGHTINGS. 2 Cor. 7. 5. without were/, within were fears Ja7«.4.1. from whence come wars and/among you FIGURE. Deut. 4. 16. lest ye make the similitude of any/. Isa. 44. 13. he maketh it after the/, of a man Ro7n. 5. 14. who is the/, of him that was to come 1 Cor. 4. 6. these I have in a/, transferred to myself Heb. 9. 9. which was a/, of the time then present 11. 19. from whence also he received him in a/. 1 Pet. 3. 21. the like/, whereunto even baptism FIGURES. 1 Kings G.29.he carved with carved/.ofcherubinis Acts 7. 43./. which he made to worship them 1 Cor. 10. t 6. now these things were our/. Heb. 9. 24. holy places, which are the /. of the true FIGURED. Lev. 26. 1 1. neither shall ye set up any /. stone FILE; 1 Sam. 13. 21. yet they had a /. for the mattocks FILL, Substantive. Lev. 25. 19. and ye shall eat your/, in safety Deut. 23. 24. then thou mayesl eat grapes thy/. Prov. 7. 18. come, let us take our/, of love FILL, Verb. Gen. 1. 22. multiply, and /. the waters in the sens 42.25. Joseph commanded to/, their sacks, 44. 1. Exod. 10. 6. the locusts shall/, thy houses 16. 32. Moses said,/, a homer of it to be kept 32. t29. Moses said, /.your hands to-day to theL. Lev. 16. 132. the priest, he shall/, his hand 1 Sam. 16. 1. /. thine horn with oil, and go to Jesse 1 Kings 1. 1 14. 1 will come in and/, up thy words 18. 33./. four barrels with water, and pour it on 1 Chr. 29. 1 5. who then is willing to/, his hand ? 2 CAr. 13. 1 9. whosoever comelh to /. his hand Job 8.21. till he/.thy mouth with lau^hing,and lips 15.2.should a wise man/.his belly with east- wind? 20.23. when he is about to/, his belly,God cast fury 23. 4. 1 would/, my mouth with arguments 38. 39. or/, the appetite of the young lions 41. 7. canst thou/, his skin with barbed irons? Psal. 81. 10. open thy mouth wide, and I will/, it 83. 16./. iheir faces with shame to seek thee, OL. 110. 6. he shall/, the places with the dead bodies Prov. 1. 13. we shall/, our houses with spoil 8. 21. to inherit substance, I will /. Iheir treasures Isa. 8. 8. his wings shall /. the breadth of thy land 14. 21. nor/, the face of the world with cities FIL /5a.27.6.Isr. shall/.tlie face of the world with fruit 56.12.they say,we will/.ourselv.wilh strong drink Jer. 13. IX I will/, inhabitants with drunkenness 23. 24. do not I/, heaven and earth 7 saith the Ld. 33. o. it is to/, them with the dead bodies of men 51.14. surely I will/.lhee with men as caterpillars Ezek. 3. 3. son of man, /. thy bowels with this roll 7.19. shall not satisfy their souls uor/.lheir bowels 9. 7. /. the courts with the slain, go ye forth 10. 2. go in,/, thine hand with coals of lire 24. 4. gather the pieces,/.it with the choice bones 30. 11. they shall/, the land with the slain 32.4.1 will/.the beasts of the whole earth with thee 5. I will /. the valleys with thy lieight 35. 8. I will/, his mountains with the slain 43. 1 26. they shall purge altar, and /. their hands ZepA.1.9. who/their masters' house with violence Hag.^.l. I will/, this house with glory, saith Lord Zech. 9. tl5. and they shall/, both the bowls Mat. 9. 16. for that which is put in to /. it up 15. 33. whence have bread to/, such a multitude'? 23. 32. /. ye up then the measure of your fathers John 2. 7. /. the water-pots with water Aom. L5.13. G. of hope /.you with all joy and peace Eph. 4. 10. he ascended, that he might /. all things Col.lSl\.f.ap what is behind of suti'erings of Christ IT/iess. 2. 16. the Jews, to/, up their sins alway Rev. 18. 6. the cup she hath filled,/, her double FILLED. Gen.G.13. the earth is/.with violence through men 21. 19. Hagar went and/, the bottle with water 24. 16. Rebekah /. her pitcher and came up 26. 15. the Philistines had /. the wells with earth Ezod. I. 7. the children of Israel/, the land 2. 16. they/, the troughs to water their flock 28. 3. whom I have/, with wisdom, 35. 35. 31. 3. I have /. him w^th the Spirit of God, 35. 31. 40. 34. the glory of the Lord /. the tabernacle, 35. i3euf.26.12.they may eat within thy gates and be/. 31. 20. w-hen they have eaten and/, themselves J'osA.9.13.the3e bottles we/. were new and are rent 1 Kings S.iO. the cloud/, the house of the Lord 11. glory of L./. the house, 2 C/ir. 5. 14. | 7. 1, 2. 13. 35. and he/, the trench also with water 20. 27. but the Syrians/, the country iKings 3.25. they cast every man his stone and/, it 21. 10. Manasseh/. Jerusalem with blood, 24. 4. 23.14. Josiah/. their places with the bones of men jEzra9.ll. which have/, it from one end to another Job 3.15. with princes who /.their houses withsilv. 16. 8. and thou hast/, me with wrinkles 22. 18. yet he /. their hoiises with good things Piai.38.7.for my loins are/with loathsome disease 71.8. let my mouth be/, with thy praise and honour 72. 19. let the whole earth be /. with his glory 80. 9. didst cause it to take deep root, it/, the land 104. 28. thou openest thine hand, are /. with good 123. 3. for we are exceedingly/, with contempt 4. our soul is e.xceedingly /. with scorning Frov. 5. 10. lest strangers be/, with thy wealth 25. 16. lest thou be/, with honey, and vomit it 30. 16. the earth that is not/, with water 22. and for a fool when he is /. with meat Eccl. 1. 8. nor is the ear/, with hearing 6. 3. and his soul be not/, with good 7. and yet the appetite is not/. Cant. 5. 2. open to me, my head is/, with dew /sa.e.l.high and lifted up, and his train/.the temple 21. 3. therefore are my loins/, with pain 33. 5. the Lord hath/. Zion with judgment 34. 6. the sword of the Lord is/, with blood 43. 24. nor/, me with the fat of thy sacrifices 65. 20. nor an old man that hath not/, his days Jer. 15. 17. for thou hast/, me with indignation 16. 18. they/, mine inheritance with carcases 19. 4. they have/.lhis place with blood of innocents 41.9. Ishmael/. the pit with them that were slain 46. 12. and thy cry hath /. the land 51. 34. he hatii/. his belly with my delicatea Lam. 3. 1.5. he hath/, me with bitterness 30. he is /. full with reproach Eiek. 8. 17. they have/, the land with violence 10. 3. and the cloud/, the inner court 11. 6. ye have/, the streets with the slain 28. 16. they/, the midst of thee with violence 36. 38. waste cities shall bo /. with flocks of men 43. 5. the glory of the Lord /. the house, 44. 4. Dan. 2. 35. the stone cut out /. the whole earth JVaA. 2. 12. the lion/, his holes with prey Hab. 2. 16. thou art/, with shame for glory Hag. 1. 6. ye drink, but ye are not/, with drink Zech. 9. 13. I have/, the bow with Ephraim Mat. 27. 48. one of them ran, and /. a sponge with vinegar, Mark 15. 36. .John 19. 29. Mark 2. 21. new piece that /. it up taketh from old 7. 27. Jesus said, let the children first be/. I.uke 1. 53. he hath /. the hungry with good things 2. 40. Jesus waxed strong in spirit,/, with wisdom 5. 7. and they came and /. both the shi|i9 14. 23. compel them to come, that my house be /. 201 FIL Luke 15.16. would fain have/.his helly with husk; John'i. 7. and they/, them up to the brim 6. 13. they f. twelve baskets with fragments 16.6. 1 said these things, sorrow hath/your heart .9cts 2. 2. us of a rushing mighty wind,/, the house 4. 8. then Peter,/, with the Holy Ghost, said 5. 3. why hath Satan/, thine heart to lie to H. Ghost 28. ye have/. Jerusalem with your doctri 9.17. that thou mightest be/, with the Holy Ghost 13. 9. Paul,/, with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes Rom. 1. 29. being/, with all unrighteousness 15. 14. that ye also are/, with all knowledge 24. if first I be somewhat/, with your company 2 Cor. 7. 4. I am /. with comfort, 1 am joyful Eph. 3. 19. might be/, with all the fulness of God not drunk with wine, but/, with the Spirit Phil. 1.11. being/, with the fruits of righteousness Col. 1. 9. might be/.with the knowledge of his will 2 Tim. 1. 4. that 1 may be/, with joy Jam. 2. 16. depart in peace, be ye warmed and /. Rcv.S.5. angel/, the censer with the fire of the altar 15. 1. for in them is/, up the wrath of God 18. 6. in the cup which she hath/, fill to iier double Shall be FILLED. Exod. IG. 12. in morning ye shall be f. with bread Jfinn. 14. 21. the earth shall bef. with glory of Ld. 2 Kings 3. 17. that valley shall be f. with water Prov. 1. 31. they shall be f. with their own devices 3. 10. so shall thy barns be f. with plenty 12. 21. but the wicked shall bef. with mischief 14.14. the backslider shall 6e/.\vitli his own ways 18. 20. with the increase of his lips shall he be f. 20- 17. afterward his mouth shall bef. with gravel 24. 4. and by knowledge shall the chambers bef. Jer. 13. 12. every bottle shall be f. with wine, 12. Ezek. 23. 33. thou shall bef. with drunkenness 39. 20. thus ye shall bef. at my table with horses Hah. earth shall Je/.with knowledge of Lord '/.ech. 9. 15. and they shall be f. like bowls Jl/a^5.6.blessedaretheythat hunger,thcy.;/jaZZ Je/. Luke 1. 15. John shall be f. with the Holy Ghost 3.5. every valley shall bef. mountain brought low 6. 21. blessed ye that hunger now, ye shall be f. Was FILLED. Gen. 6. 11. and the earth was f. with violence 1 Kings 7. 14. and Hiram was f. with wisdom 2 Kings 3. 20. and the country was f. with water 2 Chrun. 5. 13. then the house icas f. with a cloud 16. 14. the bed which teas f. with sweet odours Psal. 126. 2. then our mouth ?cas/. with laughter Isa. 6. 4. and the house was f. with smoke Jcr.51.5.tho' their land ?oa5/.wilh sin ag.HolyOne Ezek. 10. 4. and the house teas f. with the cloud Luke 1. 41. Elisabeth was f. with the Holy Ghost 67. Zacharias was f. with the Holy Ghost John 12. 3. house Mas /.with theodour of ointment .^cts 19.29. the whole city was f. with confusion Rev. 15. 8. and the temple was f. with smoke Were FILLED. Hos. 13. 6. according to their pasture so were they /. they loere f. and their heart was exalted il,M/i:c4.28.when they heard, they ajere/. with wrath 5. 26. they glorified God, and were f. with fear 6. 11. they were f. with madness, and communed 8. 23. they were f. with Avater, and in jeopardy John 6. 12. when they were f. he said, gather up 26. because ye did eat of the loaves, and were f. JJcts 2.4. they icere all/with the Holy Ghost, 4.31. 3. 10. they were f. with wonder and amazement 5. 17. rose up, and were f. with indignation 13. 45. the Jews were f. with envy, and spake 52. disciples wercf. with joy, and the Holy Ghost Rev. 19. 21. all the fowls were f. with their flesh See Eat. FILLEDST. Deut. 6. 11. and houses full, which thou/, not Ezek.27.33. when wares went forth,/.many people FILLEST. P5.17. 14. whose belly thou f. with thy hid treasure FILLETH. rob 9. 18. but he /. me with bitterness Psal. 84. 6. the rain also/, the pools 107. 9. he/, the hungry soul with goodness 129. 7. wherewith the mower/, not his hand 147. 14. he/, thee with the finest of the wheat Eph. 1. 23. the fulness of him that/, all in all FILLET. Jer. .52. 21. a/, of twelve cubits did compass it FILLETS. Exod.'il. 10. the hooks of the pillars, and their/, shall be of silver, 11. | 38. 10, 11, 12, 17, 19. 36. 38. he overlaid their chapiters and /. with gold FILLETED. Exod. 27. 17. all shall be/, with silver, 38. 17. 38. 28. he overlaid their chapiters and /. them FILLING. Jicts 14. 17./. our hearts with food and gladness FILTH. Lev. 1. 1 16. pluck away his crop with /. thereof Isa.i.i. when the Lord washed away the/.of Zion 2E FIN J^'ah. 3. 6. I will cast abominable /. upon thee 1 Cor. 4. 13. we are made as the/, of the world \Pet. 3. 21. not putting away the/, of the flesh FILTHY. Job 15.16.howmuchmoie ahomina. and/.isman? Psal. 14. 3. they are altogether become/. 53. 3. Isa. 64. 6. all our righteousnesses are as/, rags Zcjih. 3. 1. woe to her that is/, and polluted Zech. 3. 3. Joshua was clothed with/, garments 4. take away the/, garments from him Co/ also put oft /.communicat.from mouth 1 Tim. 3. 3. no striker, nor greedy of/, lucre, 8. Tit. 1. 7. not soon angry, not given to/, lucre 11. teaching things lor /. lucre's sake, 1 Pet. 5. 2. 2 Pc£.2.7. Lotvexed with /.conversation of wicked Jude 8. hkewise these/, dreamers defile the flesh Rev. 22. 11. he that is/, let him be/, still FILTHINESS. 2 Chron. 29. 5. carry out the/out of the holy place £:ra 6.21. had separated from the/.of the heathen 9. 11. an unclean land with the/, of the people Prov. 30. 12. and yet is not washed from their/. Isa. 28. 8. for all tables are full of vomit and/. ./f"(-.5.t30.astoni3limentand/. is committed inland 23.tl4. 1 have seen /.in the prophets of Jerusalem AaHi.1.9. her/is in lier skirts, rememb. not her end Ezek. 16. 36. because thy/, was poured out 22. 15. and I will consume thy/, out of thee 24. 11. that the/, of it may be molten in it 13. in thy/, is lewdness ; because I have purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy/. 3G. 25. from all your/, will I cleanse you 2 Cor.l. 1. let us cleanse ouiselv. from all/, of flesh Eph. 5. 4. nor let /. be once named among you ./a)«.l. 21. wherefore lay apart all/receive the word Rev. 17. 4. cup full of abominat. and/, of fornicat. FINALLY. 2 Cor. 13. 11. /. brethren, farewell, Eph. 6. 10. Phil. 3. 1. 1 4. 8, 2 Thess. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 3.8. FIND Signifies, []] To eonvert, or reeover a thing that was lost, Luke 15. 8, 9, 32. [2] To invent, or discoi'cr, 2Chron. 2. 14. [3] 7'o kjiow eiperi- mentalbj, Rom. 4. 1. Rev. 2. 2. [4] To obtain what we want and desire of God, Mat. 7. 7. [5] To come to. Job 3. 22. [6] To understand thorovghly. Job 11. 7. [7] To do, or pcrforvi, Isa. 58. 13. [8] To seek, Job 33. 10. [0] To happen upon without seeking, Gen. 37. 15. [10] To choose and appoint, Acts 13. 22. [11] To turn to, or light on, Luke 4. 17. [12] To observe, Mat. 8. 10. To find, is used sometimes for to attack, to sur- prise one's enemies, to discover their ambushes. It is understood in this settse, Judg. 1. 5, They found Adoni-bezek in Bezck. They attacked him there. .Bnd, 1 Sam. 31. 3. according to the Hebrew, the archers belonging to the Phi- listines found Saul, they attacked him. In this sense some explain that passage in Gen. 36. 24, This was that Jlnah that found the mules in the wilderness. In the Hebrew, he found the Emims. These Emims are believed to be powerful people ; Deut. 2. 10, 11, The Emims dwelt therein in times past, a people great, and many, and tall, as the Jlnakims, &c. who also were neighbours to theUorites here spoken of, as appears from Gen. 14. 5, 6. Anah there- fore found a troop of these people; he sur- prised, attacked, and defeated them. Others render the Hebrew word Jemim, which is no jchere else used, by waters ; that he found out some springs of water, which in those hot countries were rare and precious ; or, hot wa- ters, some hot and medicinal springs. Others again mules, as in our translation ; that he found out the way of the generation of mules, by the copulation of an ass and a mare. Gen. 19. 11. they wearied themselves to/, thedoor 32. 19. you shall speak to Esau, when you /. him Jfum. .32. 23. be sure your sin shall/, you out .35. 27. the revenger of blood /. him without city 7?r«;.22.25. a man/, a damsel and lie with her, 28. .Judg. 17.8. to sojourn where ho could/, a place,9. Ruth 1. 9. the Ld. grant ye may/, rest, each of you 1 Sam. 20. 21. saying, go,/, out the arrows, 36. 24. 19. if a man/, his enemy, will he let him go 1 Kings 18.5.peradv. we may /.grass to save horses 2Cy(ron.2. 14. to/, out every device be put to him 32 4. why should Assyria come and /.much water .lob 23. 3. O that I knew where I might/, him 34. 11. cause every man to/according tohis ways Psal. 10. outhis wickedn. till thou/, none Prov. 2. 5. thou shalt/. the knowledge of God 4. 22. my words are life to those that/, them 8. 9. they are right to them that/, knowledge 12. I /. out knowledge of witty inventions Ecel. 7. 14. a man should/, nothing for him 27. counting one by one, to/, out the account FIN Eccl. 12. 10. lie Bought to/, out acceptable words Cant.5.8. if/, my beloved, tell him I am sick of love Isa.3i. 14. the screech-owl shall/, a place of rest 58. 3. ill the day of your fast you/, pleasure Jer. 10. 18. will distress them, that they may/, it so Xam. 1.6. are becoiaeiike harts that/, no pasture 2. 9. her prophets also/, no vision from God Van. G. 4. the princes sought to /. occasion against Daniel, but could/, none occasion nor fault 5. shall not/, except we/, it concerning law of G. Mat. 7. 14. strait is gate, and few there be that/, it 18.13. and if so be that he /it, he rejoiceth more Mark 11. 13. if haply he might/, any thing thereon 13. 3G. lest coming suddenly, lie/, you sleeping Luke 6. 7. that they might/, an accusation ag. him 12. 38. and /. them so, blessed are those servants 13. 7. he said, I come seeking fruit and/, none 15. 4. and go after that which is lost, till he/, it 8. doth she not seek diligently till she/, ill John 10. 9. he shall go in and out and /. pasture Jlcts 7.46. desired to/, a tabernacle for G. of Jacob 17. 27. they might feel after him and/, him 23. 9. scribes, saying, we/, no evil in this man jRom.9. 19. thou wilt say, why doth he yet/, fault? 2Cor.9.4.they come with me,and/. you unprepared 2 7'm.l.l8.he may/, mercy of the Lord in that day See Favour. Can or canst FIND. ^cn.41.38 Phar.said,co?j we/.such a one as this is? Exod. 5. 11. go, get you straw where you can f. it Ezra 7. 16. all the silver and gold thou canst f. Job 3. 23. and are glad when they canf. the grave 11. 7. canst thou by searching/, out God ? canst thou/, out the Almighty unto perfection? Prov. 20. 6. but a faithful man who canf.? Sl.lO.whocan/.avirt.woman? price above rubies Eccl.3.11. no man canf. out the work God niaketh 7. 24. that which is e.xceeding deep, who canf. it? Jer. 5. 1. if ye canf. a man that seeketh truth Cannot FIND. Crcn. 38. 22. he returned, and said, I cannot f. her 1 Kings 18. 12. if he cannot f. thee, he will slay me Job 17. 10. I cannot f. one wise man among you 37. 23. touching Almighty, we cannot f. him out i'cci.8. 17. a man cannot f. out the work under sun FIND grace. Gen. 32. 5. 1 may/, grace in thy sight, Exod.'i'i.\2. 33. 8. these are to /. ^race in the sight of my lord 15. let me/, n'j-. || 34.11. let me/, ^r. in your eyes 47. 25. let us/, grace in the sight of my lord Ruth 2. 2. in whose sight I shall/, grace 1 Sam. 1. 18. let thy handmaid/, grace in thy sight 2 Sam.l6.4.that I may/, grace in thy sight, O king i/eJ.4.16.that we may/, ^ help in time of need / FIND. Gen. 18. 23. if //. in Sodom fifty righteous in city 28. if //. there fortv-five H 30. if //. thirty there Psal. 132. 5. till //. out a place for the Lord jEccZ.7.26. and //. more bitter than death the worn. Cant.S.l. when /should/, thee, I would kiss thee Jer. 45.3. 1 fainted in my sighing, and //. no rest Z/MAe23. 4. Pilate said to the chief priests, //. no fault in this man, John 18. 38. ] 19. 4, 6. Rom. 1. 18. to perform that which is good, //. not 21. //. then a law, that when I would llo good JVo« FIND, or FIND not. Exod. 16. 25. to-day ye shall notf. it in the field Lev. 12. t 8. if her hand /. not sufficiently 1 Sam. 23. 17. Saul my father shall notf. thee 2 Sam. 17. 20. had sought, and could notf. them Prov. 1. 28. they shall seek me early, but they shall notf. me, Hos. 5. 6. John 7. 34, 3fi. Eccl. 7. 28. which my soul seeketh, but I /. not Cant. 5. 6. 1 sought him, but I could not f. him / them, but shalt7iot/.thcm, Hos.^.7. 7)aji.6.5.we shall not/any occasion againstDaniel i/os.2.6.makc a wall, thatshe shall notf. her patns .Imos 8. 12. shall run to seek the word, and notf. it Luke 5. 19. not f. what way they might bring him 19. 48. could notf. what they might do to Jesus JoJm 7. 35. whither go, that we shall notf. him ? Rom. 7. 18. how to do that which is good. If. not 2 Cor. 12. 20. 1 shall notf. you such as I would /Jeu.9. 6. shall men seek death, and shall 7tot/. it Shall, or shalt FIND. 0671.44.134. lest I see the evil that shall f -my father L>eut.i. 29. if thence thou seekL. thoashaltf.h'un 28. G5. thou shalt f. no ease among these nations ^14^^.9.33. then mayest do as thou sAaZt /.occasion 1 Sa7n. 9. 13. ye shall f. him before he go up to cat 10. 2. there shall f.iwo men by Rachel's sepulchre t7. thou shalt do as thy hand shall f. 2 Kings 7. f 9. if we tarry, we shall f. punishment 2 CAro7t.20. 16. yesAaH/.themat endofthebrook 30.9. your brethren and childr. sAaH /.compassion Ezra 4. 15. thou shalt f. in the book of records Psal.n. 3, thou hast tried me, and shalt f. nothing 21. 8. thy hand shall f. out all thine enemies Prov. 1. 13. we shall}, all precious substance 8.17.they that seek me early shall f. me, Jisr .29.13. 202 FIN Prov. 16. 20. thathandleth matter wisely, s.f. good 19. 8. he that keepeth understanding shall f. good Eccl. 11. 1. for thou shalt f. it after many days Jer. 2. 24. in her mouth they shall f. her 6. 16. ye shall f. rest to your souls, Mat. 11. 29. Hos.12.8. in labours they shall f. none iniquityin me Mat. 7. 7. seek and ye shall f. Luke 11. 9. 10. 39. he that loseth his life fol- my sake shall f. it 17. 27. thou shalt f. a piece of money, that take 21. 2. ye shall f. an ass tied, and a colt, Mark 11. 2. 22. 9. as many as ye shall f. bid to the marriage 24. 46. when cometh, s.f. so doing, Luke 12.37,43. Luke shall f. babe wrapt in s waddl. clothes 18.8. Son of man cometh shall he/, faith on earth? John 21. 6. cast the net on the right side, ye shall f. Rev. 18. 14. and thou shalt f. them no more at all FINDEST. Gen. 31. 32. with whomsoever thou /. thy gods Ezek.3.1. eat that thou/, eat this roll, and go speak FINDETH. Gen. 4. 14. every one that/, me shall slay me Dcut. 19. 1 5. the head slippeth and/, his neighbour Job 33. 10. behold, he/, occasions against me Psal. 119. 162. 1 rejoice at word, as one that/, spoil Prov. 3. 13. happy is the man that/, wisdom 8.35. whoso/, me,/. life,shall obtain favour of Ld. 14. 6. a scorner seeketh wisdom, and/, it not 17. 20. he that hath afroward heart,/, no good 18.22.whoso/.awife/. agoodthing,obtains favour 21. 10. his neighbour/, no favour in his eyes 21. he that followeth aft. mercy/, life and honour Eccl. 9. 10. whatsoever thy hand/, to do, do it Lam. 1.3. she dwells among heathen, she/, no rest Hos. 14.3. for in thee the fatherless/, mercy Mat. 7. 8. and he that seeketh /. Luke 11. 10. 10. 39. he that/, his life shall lose it 12.43.walketh thro' dry places,seekingrest,/.none 44./. it empty, swept and garnished, XjiAe 11.25. 26. 40. he /. his disciples asleep, Mark 14. 37. John 1. 41. he first /. his own brother Simon 43. Jesus/. Philip || 45. Philip/. Nathanael 5 14. afterward Jesus/, him in the temple FINDING. Geji. 4. 15. lest any /. Cain should kill him Job 9. 10. who doeth things past /.out and wonders Psal. 32. t 6. every one shall pray in a time of/. Isa. 58. 13. /. thine own pleas, nor speaking words Luke 11.24. unclean spiritseeking rest, and /.none Jlcts 4. 21. /. nothing how they might punish them 19. 1. Paul came, and /. certain disciples, 21. 4. 21.2./.ship sailing over toPhenicia,wewent aboard Rom. 11. 33. unsearchable, and his ways past/out Heb. 8. 8. for, /. fault with them, he saith, behold FINE. Job 28. 1. there is a place for gold where they /. it FINE. Ezra 8. 27. and two vessels of/, copper, as gold Job 28. 1 15- /• gold shall not be given for wisdom Jsa. 19.9. they that work in/'. fia.\ be confounded Rev. 1. 15. his feet like unto/, brass, 2. 18. FINE flour. Lev. 2. 1. his offering shall bo of f. flour, 24. 5. 4. cakes off. flour mingled with oil, 5. 7. | 7. 12. I 14. 10, 21. I 23. 13. JVum. 6. 15. | 7. 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61. | 8. 8. 5. 11. the tenth part of an epiiah of/, flour, 6. 20. 1 Kings 4. 22. thirty measures of f. flour in one day 2 Kings l.l.measme f. flour sold for shekel, 16,18. ICAr. 9.29. were appointed to oversee f. flour, 23.2d. Ezek. 16. 13. thou didst eat/, flour, honey and oil 19. I gave thee f. flour, and oil, and honey 46. 14. a hin of oil to temper with the f. flour Rev.l8.13. none buyeth her merchandise off. flour FINE gold. 2 Chr. 3. 5. ceiling, which he overlaid with /. gold 8. the most holy he overlaid with/, ^old Job 28. 1 15. /. gold shall not be given lor wisdom 17.e.\change of it shall not be for jewels off. gold 31.24. or said to f. gold, thou art my confidence Psal.lO.W.aic more to be desired than 119. 127. 1 love thy commandments above f. gold Prov. 3. 14. and the gain of wisdom than f. gold 8. 19. my fruit is better than gold, than/, gold 25. 12. as an ornament off. gold, so is a reprover C'a7if.5.11. his head is as the most/, g. locks bushy 1.5. his legs are as pillars set on sockets off. gold /sa.l3.12.will make a man more precious than/, g. Lam. 4. 1. how is the most/, gold changed ! 2. the precious sons of Zion comparable to/.^o/(Z Z)flre.2.32.this image's head/, gold, breast of silver 10.5. whose loins were girded with/, n-o Wof Uphaz Zcc/t.9.3.Tyrus heaped f.goldas mire of the streets FINE Ii7ic7i. Gen.4 1 .42.Pharaoh arrayed him in vest. off. linen Exod.~5.4. this is the offering ye shall take,/, linen 26. 1. with ten curtains off. twined linen 31. the vail off. linen, 30. 35. 2 Chron. 3. 14. 36. thou shaltmake a hangingof/. twined linen, 27. 9, 16, 18. I 36. 37. | 38. 9, 16, 18. 28. 5. take gold and /. linen to make garments FIN Exod. 28. 6. shall make the ephod off. linen, 39. 2. S.girdle/. linen, 3^.5, 2d. || 15. breast-plate, 39. 8. 39. thou shalt embroider the coat of/ linen, and thou shalt make the mitre off. linen 35. 6. let him bring an offering off. linen 23. every man with whom was found/, linen 25. the women brought of scarlet and /. linen 35. them hath he filled with wisdom to work all manner of work and/. lincn,38."3. 2 Chron. 2. 14. 36.8. that wrought curtains of/, linen and blue 39. 27. they made coats off. linen for Aaron 23.madea mitre of/.Zj»C7i,and bonnets off. linen 1 CAr. 4. 21. families of them that wrought/ linen 15. 27. David was clothed with a robe off. linen Eslh.t .6. were hangings fasten, with cords off. lin. 8. 15. Mordecai went with a garment off. linen. Prov. 7. 16. I have decked my bed with/, linen 31. 24. she maketh /. linen, and selleth it Isa. 3. 23. the Lord will take away the/, linen Ezek. 16. 10. I girded thee about with/, linen 13. thy raiment was off. linen and silk 27. 7./. linen from Egypt was to be thy sail 16. Syria occupied in thy fairs with/, linen Mark 15. 46. Joseph honght f. linen and wrapped / man clothed in purple and/, linen /2eu.l8.12.merchandiseof/.Z(;ic7i depart, from thee 16. that city clothed in/, linen is come to nought 10. 8. to her was granted to be arrayed in /. linen 14. the armies in heaven were clothed in /. linen FINE meal. Gen. 18. 6. make ready three measuses of/, meal FINER. Prov. 25. 4. there shall como forth a vessel for the/. FINEST. Psal. 81. 16. have fed thee with the /. of the wheat 147. 14. he fiUeth thee with the/, of the wheat FINING. Prov.Y1.3.f. pot is for sil v. furnace for gold, 27. 21. FINGER. The finger of God signifies his power, his opera- tion. Pharaoh's magicians discovered the fin- ger of God in the miracles whichMoses wrought^ Exod. 8. 19. This Legislator gave the law written with the finger of God to the Hebrews, Exod. 31. 18. It was written immediately by the power or Spirit of God, and not by any art of man. Our Saviour says, he cast out devils by the finger, or Spirit of God, which lie inti- mates was a sign that the kingdom of God was come; that God's spiritual government of his church was begun to be exercised among the Jews by the Messiah, Luke 11.20. To put forth one's finger is a bantering, insult- ing, gesture. Isa. 58. 9, If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, and the putting out of the finger. If thou take away from the midst of thee the chain or yoke wherewith thou overwhclmest thy debtors, and forbear point- ing at them, and using jeering and insulting gestures. Some take this for a menacing or threatening gesture. Exod.8.19. the magicians said, this is the/, of God 29. 12. put of the blood on the altar with thy/. 31.18.tables written with the/of God, L>eut.9.1Q. Lev. 4. 6. priest shall dip his /. in the blood, and sprinkle it, 17, 25, 30, 34. | 8. 15. | 9. 9. | 16. 14, 19. 14.16. the priest shall dip his right/in the oil, and sprinkle of the oil with his /. seven times, 27. JVm7«.19.4. priest shall take of her blood with his/. 1 Kings 12. 10. my little/, thicker, 2 Chron. 10. 10. Isa. 58.9. if take away the putting forth of the/. Z,MA:ell.20. if Iwith the/, of God cast out devils 16. 24. that he may dip the tip of his/, in water John 8. 6. and with his /. wrote on the ground 20. 25. and put my/, into the print of the nails 27. reach hither thy /. and behold my hands FINGERS. 2 Sam. 21. 20. on every hand six /. 1 Chr. 20. 6. Psal.8.3. when consider thy heavens,work of thy /. 144. 1. the Lord, who teacheth my/, to fight Prov. 6. 13. a wicked man teacheth with his/. 7. 3. bind them on thy/, write them on thy heart Cant. 5. 5. and my /. with sweet-smelling myrrh Isa.2.8. that which their own/, have made, 17. 8. 59.3.hands defiled with blood, and/, with iniquity Jer. 52. 21. the thickness of one pillar four/. Dan.5.5. came forth/, of a man's hand, and wrote JI/ffit.23. 4. they bind heavy burdens, but they will not move them with one of their/. Luke 11.46. Mark 7.33.and he put his/into his ears and he spit FINISH, To bring to pass, fulfil, perfect. Our blessed Lord said on the cross, Itis finished,JoA7i 19.30. Our great Redeemer, by what he did and suf- fered, performed the will of God, and the whole work which the Father gave him to do ; which was to obtain eternal redemption. He was the substance and end of all the types,ani the legal ^y. FIR dispensation. He completed a7idjinisked right cousmss, removed the curse,and radically com pleted our salvation. Oen. B. 16. and in a cubit shall thou/, it above Dan. 9.24. to/, tvansgression, and make end ol'sin Zech. 4. 9. Zorubbabel's bands sliall also/, it Mat. 10. t 23. ye shall not/, the cities of Israel L,uke 14. 23. whether he have sutticient to/, it 21). alter laid the foundation, and is not able to/it 30. this man began to build, was not able to/. Johni.'H. my meat is to do his will, and/, his work 5. 36. works which the Father hath given me to/. Acts 20. 24. that I might/, my course with joy Rom. 9. 28. for he will/ the work, and cut short 2Cor.8.6. solie would also/, in you the same grace Phil. 1. 16. he that hath begun, will also/, it FINISHED. Oen. 2. 1. thus the heavens and the earth were/. Exod. 39. 32. thus was all the work /. 40. 33. Deut. 31. 24. an end of writing, till they were/. Josh. 4. 10. the priests stood, till every thing was/. iJ««A3.]8. the man not rest, till he have/, the thing 1 Kinirs 6. 9. Solomon built the house and /. it, 14.22, 38. 2 Chro7).5. 1. | 7. 11. 7. 1. Solomon/, all his house, 9. 1, 25. 2 Chr. 8. 16. 22. so was the work of the pillars /. 1 Chr. 27. 24. Joab began to number, but he/. not 28.20. Lord not fail thee, till thou hast/, the work 2 Chr. 24. 14. and when they had /. the repairing 29. 28. the singers sang, till burnt-offering was /. 31. 7. they/, the heaps in the seventh month Ezra 4. 1 12. the Jews have/, the walls 5. 16. hath it been in building, and yet it is not /. 6. 14. the elders of the Jews built and/, it, 15. JVeA. 6. 15. so the wall was /. in fifty-two days Z)an.5. 26. God hath numbered thy kingd. and/, it 12. 7. all these things shall be /. Mat. 13. 53. when Jesus had/ these parables 19. 1. when Jesus had/, these sayings, 26. 1. John 17.4. 1 have/ the work thou gavest me to do 19. 30. he said, it is/, and he bowed his head Acts 21.7. when we had/ our course from Tyre 27'im.4.7. Ihave/. my course, I have kept the faith Jleb. 4. 3. the works were /. from the foundation Jam. 1. 15. sin, when it is/, bvingelh forth death Rev. 10. 7. the mystery of God should be/. 11. 7. when witnesses shall have/, their testimony 20. 5. lived not, till the thousand years were/. FINISHER. tfei.l2.2.1ooking to Jesus, author and/.of our faith FINS. Lcv.XH .9. whatever hath/and scales ea.t,Deut.U.9. 10. that hath not/, shall be an abomination, 12. FIRE Is one of the four elements, which not only af- fords light and heat, but whereby likewise toe try and purge metals. God hath often ap- peared in fire, a7id encompassed with fire ; as when he shewed himself in the burning bush, and descended on mount Sinai in the midst of flames, thunderings and lightning, Exod. 3.2. 1 19. 18. Fire is a symbol of the holiness and justice of God : The Lord thy God is a con- suming fire, Deut. 4. 24. He shewed himself to his Prophets, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and St. John, in the midst o/fire, Isa. 6. 4. Ezck. 1. 4. Rev. 1. 14. The Psalmist describes the chariot of Ood as all in a flame, Psal. 18. 12, 13, 14. And it is said that God will appear in the midst of fire at his second coming, 2 Thcss. 1. 8. Daniel says, that a fiery stream issued, and came forth from before him ; noting the speedy executing of his judgments, for the terror of the wicked and comfort of the godly, Dan. 7. 10. The wrath of God is compared to fire, Psal. IS. 8. and the effects of his wrath, which are war, famine, and other scourge.'!, are described under the same idea, Psal. 66. 12. Jer. 48. 45. Our Sa»iour is compared to fire. Mai. 3. 2, He is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap. He shall consume the wicked by Ms judgments, and purify those who arc sincere by his doc- trine. The Holy Ghost is likewise compared to fire. Mat. 3. 11, He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. To verify this prediction, .Jesus sent the Holy Ghost, who descended upon his disciples in the form of tongues, or like sparks of fire, .^cts 2. 3. It is the work of the HolySpirit to enl i ghlen,pnrify , and sanctify the soul, and to inflame it with love to God, and icalfor his glory. The angels themselves, as the miitistei-s of God, are com- pared to a burning fire, speedy and irresistible in the execution of his commands, Psal. 101.4. The I^nrd, or his angel, led the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness, under the form of a pillar of fire, Exod. 13. 21. Fire /rem heaven fell frequently on the victims sacrificed to the Lord, lut a mark of his presence ' 203 FIR and approbation. It is thought that God in this manner expressed his acceptance of Abel's sacrifices, Gen. 4. 4. IVJicn the l^ord made a covenant with Abraham, afire, like that of a furnace, passed through the divided pieces of the sacrifices, and consumed them. Gen. 15. 17. Fire fell upon th^^crificcs which Moses offered at the dedication of the tabernacle. Lev. 9. 24. And upon those of Manoah, Hamson's father, Judg. 13. 19, 20. Upon Solomon's, at the dedi- cation of the temple, 2 Chron. 7. 1. And upon Elijah's, at mount Carmcl, 1 Kings 18. 38. The torments of hell are described by fire, both in the Old and JVcw Testament. Moses inveigh- ing against t/te Israelites, wAo rebelled against the Lord, says to them; A fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, Deut. 32. 22. Isaiah is still more express, Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire "! who among us shall dwell with everlast- ing burnings 1 Isa. 33. 14. And in chap. 66. 24, Their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched. Our Saviour makes use of the same similitude, to represent the punish- ment of the damned, Mark 9. 44. He likewise speaks frequently of the eternal fire prepared for the devil, his aitgcls, and reprobates, filat. 25. 41. The stijig and remorse of conscience is the worm that will never die ; and the wrath of God upon their souls and bodies, the fire that shall never go out. There are likewise who maintain that by worm is to be under- stood a common, living, and material, not an allegorical and figurative worm ; and by fire, a real, elementary, and material fire. Among the maintainers of this opinion are Austin, Cyprian, Chrysoslom, Jerome, &c. The word of God is compared to fire, Jer. 23. 29, Is not my word like a fire ■? It is full of life and efficacy ; like a fire, it warms, melts, and heals my people, and is powerful to consume the dross, and burn up the chaff and stubble. And the Apostle says, that every man's doc- trine should be tried by fire, that is, by the light of the 2Bord, of what nature it is, whether it be true or false, sound and solid, or cor- rupt and frothy, 1 Cor. 3. 13. Fire is likewise taken for persecution, dissension and division. Luke 12. 49, I am come to send fire on the earth ; that is, Upon my coming and publish- ing the gospel, there will follow through the dcviVs malice, and the corruption of men, much persecution to theprofessors thcreof,and mani fold divisions in the world, whereby men will be tried whether they be faithful or not. The church of God is compared to afire. Obad. 18, The house of Jacoi shall be a /re; The church shall subdue all her eneinics. Carnal vain shifts of men's own devising, whereby they seek to support, relieve,and comfort themselves against the judgments denounced against them are likewise compared to fire, Isa. 50. IT. Ai are also the lies, slanders, and other provoking speeches of ungodly men ; Prov. 16. 27, And in his lips there is as a burning fire. Gen.\a. 1 17. a lamp of/passed botw. those pieces 22. 6. Abraham took /. in his hand, and a knife father,hehold the/and the wood,butwhere F.xod. 3. 2. and behold, the bush burned with /. 9.23. Lord sent hail and the/, along on ground 24. there was hail, and/, mingled with the hail 12.8.Bhall eat the flesh in that night roast with/. 9. 19. 18. the Lord descended upon mount Sinai in/. 22. 6. if/, break out, and catch in thorns 32. 24. then I cast gold into/, and came this calf 40. 38. and/, was on the tabernacle by night thro' all their journey, J^Tum. 9. 16. Deut. 1. .33. Lev. 1. 7. the sons of the priest shall put/, on the altar, and lay wood in order upon Ihe/. 8. upon the wood that is in the/. 12, 17. | 3. 5. 2. 14. shalt offer green ears of corn dried by the f. 6. 9. the/, of the altar he burning in it, 10, 12, 13. 9. 24. there came a/, out from before the Lord 10. 1. the sons of Aaron put/, in their censers 2. there went out/ from Ld. and devoured them 16. 13. he shall put the incense upon the /. 18.21. thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass thro'/, to Molech, Deut. 18. 10, 2 Kings 17. 17. 1 23. 10. JVum. 6. 18. shall take the hair, and put it in the/. 11.2. when Moses prayed, the/, was quenched 16. 7. take ye censers, and put/, therein, 18. 37. that he take the censers, and scatter/.yonder 46. take a censer, and [mt/.thercin from ofFaltar 18. 9. he thine of most holy things reserved from/ 21. 28. for there is a/, gone out from Heshbon 31.23.every thing that may abide/ go thro' the/. Deut. 4.11. and the mountain burnt with /. 9. 15. 36. and upon earth he shewed thee his great/. 5. 5. for ye were afraid by reason of the/. 18. 16. nor let me see this great /. any more FIR Dput.^3. t2. from liis right hand went a/ of law ./osh. 7. 25. all Israel burned Achan with/. .ludg. 6. 21. and there rose up /. out of the rock 9.15. let/come out of bramble and devour cedars 16. 9. as a thread of tow when it toucheth the/. 1 Kings 18. 23. lay it on wood, put no/, under, 25. 24. the God that answereth by/, let him he God 38. then the /. of the Lord fell, 2 Chron. 7. 1, 3. 19. 12. after the earthquake a/, but the Lord was not in the/, after the/, a still small voice 2 Kings 1. 10. then let/, come down from heaven 12. and the/, of God came down from heaven 2. 11. there appeared a chariot and horses of/. 6. 17. the mountain was full of chariots of/. IG. 3. Ahaz made his son to pass through the/. 19. 18. and have cast their gods into the/. 21.6. Manasseh madcson pass thro'/. 2 Chr. 33.6. 23. man might make his son pass thro' the/. 1 C/i)-. 21. 26. Ld. answered him from heaven by/. 2 Chr. 35. 13. they roasted the passover with /. JWA.2.3. the gates thereof are consumed with/. 13. Job I. 16. the/, of God is fallen from heaven 18. 5. and the spark of his/, shall not shine 28. 5. and under it is turned up as it were /. 41. 19. burning lamps, and sparks of/, leap out Psal. 39. 3. while I was musing the/, burned 46. 9. he burneth the chariot in the/. 66. 12. we went through/, and through water 68. 2. as wax melteth before /.so let wicked perish 74. 7. they have cast/, into thy sanctuary 78. 14. all the night with a light of/. 105. 39. 83.14. as the /.burneth the wood, and as the flame 97.3. a/, goeth before him and burneth up enemies 10.5. .32. he gave hail and flaming/, in their land 118. 12. they are quenched as the/, of thorns 140. 10. let them ho cast into the/, into deep pits 148. 8./. and hail, stormy wind, fulfilling his word Prov. 6. 27. can a man take/, in his bosom 16. 27. and in his lips there is as a burning/. 26. 20. where no wood is, there the/ goeth out 21. as wood is to/so is contentious man to kindle 30. 16. the grave and the /. saith not, it is enough Isa. 9. 5. this shill be with burning and fuel of/. 18. for wickedness burnetii as the/. 19. the people shall be as the fuel of the/. 10. 16. shall kindle a burning like burning of a/. 17. and the light of Israel shall be for a/. 30. 14. not be found a sherd to take /. fromjiearth 33. the pile thereof is/, and much wood 31. 9. saith the Lord, whose/, is in Zion 37. 19. kings of Assyria have cast their gods into/. 43. 2. when thou walkest through /. not be burnt 44. 16. he burneth part thereof in the/ he warra- cth himself, and saith, aha, I have seen the/. 47.14.they shall be as stubble,the/.shall burn them 50. 11. walk in light of your/, and in the sparks 64. 2. as when the melting /. burnelh, the /. caus- eth the waters to boil to make thy name known 65. 5. these are a/, that bnineth all the day 66. 15. for behold, the Lord will come with/. 16. for by/, will the Lord plead with all flesh 24. worm not die, neither their/, be quenched Jer. 4. 4. lest my fury come forth like/ and burn 5. 14. I will make my words in thy mouth/. 20. 9. his word was as a/, shut up in my bones 21.12. lest my fury go out like /.and burn,that none 22. 7. shall cut down cast choice cedars in the/. 29. 22. whom the king of Babylon roasted in the/. 32,35.high places, to cause their sons to pass thro' the/, to Molech, Ezek. 16. 21. | 20. 26, 31. 36. 22. and there was a/, on the hearth burning 23. Jehudi cut the roll, and cast it into the/. 48. 45. but a/, shall come forth out of Heshbon 5i. 58. the folk shall labour in vain and in the/. /,rtn(.2.3. he burned against Jacob like a flaming/. 4. he bent his bow, he poured out his fury like /. Ezek. 1. 4. I looked, behold, a/, infolding itself 13. the/, was bright, and out of the/ lightning 10. 6. saying, take/, from between the wheels 7. one cherub stretched forth his hand to the/. 21. 31. I will blow against thee in the/. 22. 21. 32. 1 hou shalt be for fuel to/no more remembered 22. 20. to blow/, upon it, to melt it, so gather you 24. 9. saith Lord, I will even make pile for/, great 12. herscumshallbein/. infillhiness is lewdness 28. 18. will bring forth a/, from the midst of thee 36.5. in the/, of my jealousy have I spoken, 38.19. Dan.3. 27. upon whose bodies the/, had no power, nor the smell of/, had passed on them 7. 9. his Ihrone like flames, wheels like burning/. 10. 6. his face us lightning, his eyes as lamps of/ //hs.7. 6. in the morning it burneth as a flaming/. .Toel2. 30. blood,/.and pillars of smoke, Aets2.]9. Amos 5.6.1est he break out like/.in house of Joseph 7. 4. behold, the Lord God called to contend by/. Obad. 18. and the house of Jacob shall be a/. Jlf/c.l. 4. shall be molten under him as wax before/. fury poured out like/rocks thrown down Hab.% 13. the people shall labour in the very/. Zech. 2. 5. will be unto her a wall of /.round about FIR Zech. 3. 2. is not thig a brand plucked out of the/.? 12. 6. governors of Judah like a hearth of/, and like a torch of/, in a sheaf 13. 9. I will bring the third part through the/. Mal.'i. 2. he is like a refiner's/, and fuller's soap Mat. 3. 10. every tree that bringelh not forth good fruit is cast into/. 7. 19. itt/i:e3. 9. John 15. 6. 11. baptize with Holy Ghost, and/. Luke 3. 36. 13. 42. and shall cast them into a furnace of/. 50. 17. 15. ofttimes he falleth into the/. J)/arA:9.22. 18. 8. rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into everlasting/. Mark 9. 43, 46. 25. 41. depart from me, ye cursed, into everlast./. Mark 9. 44. where the/, is not quenched, 45. 14. .54. and Peter warmed himself at the/. Luke 9.54. wilt thou that we command/, to come'? 17. 29. the same day it rained/, and brimstone 22. 56. a maid beheld him as he sat by the /. ^cts 2.3.appeared to them cloven tongues,like as/. 28. 3. when Paul had laid sticks on the /. 5. he shook off the beast into the/, felt no harm 1 Cor. 3. 13. it shall be revealed by /. and the /. shall try every man's work, of what sort it is 15. he himself shall be saved, yet so as by/. ZThess.1.%. inflaming/, taking vengeance on them Heb. 1. 7. who maketh his ministers a flame of/. 11. 34. who thro' faith quenched the violence of/. 12. 18. are not come to mount that burned with/. Jam. 3. 5. how great a matter a little /. kindleth I 6. and the tongue is a/, a world of iniquity 5. 3. and shall eat your flesh as it were /. 1 Pet. 1. 7. than of gold, though it be tried with/. 2 Pet.'i. 7. reserved unto/, against day of judgment 12. the heavens being on/ shall be dissolved Jude 7. suffering the vengeance of eternal/. 23. others save pulling them out of the/. Rev. 3. 18. thee to buy of me gold tried in the/. 4. 5. seven lamps of/, burning before the throne 8. 5. the angel fdled the censer with /. of the altar 7. there followed hail and /. mingled with blood 8. as it were a great mountain burning with /. 9. 17. and out of their mouths issued/. 11. 5. 18. the third part of men was killed by the/. 13. 13. he niakcth/. come down from heaven 14. 18. another angel which had power over the/. 15.2. 1 saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with/. 16. 8. power was given him to scorch men with /. 20. 9. and/, came down from God out of heaven 10. the devil was cast into lake of/.and brimstone 14. death and hell were cast into the lake of/. 15. whoso not written in book of life, cast into/. 21. 8. have part in the lake which burneih with/. See Brimstone, Burn or Burnt, Coals, Con- sume, CoNsUiMiNG, Devour, Devoured, De- vouring, Flame, Hell, MinsT. Kindle, or kindled FIRE. Exod. 22. 6. he that kindled the/, make restitution 35. 3. ye shall kindle no/, on the sabbath day Deut. 32. 22. for a/, is kindled in my anger, and shall burn to lowest hell, Jcr. 15. 14. | 17. 4 2 Sa7n. 22. 13. before him were coals of/, kindled Psal. 78. 21. so a/, was kindled against Jacob 106. 18. a/, was kindled in their company Jsa. 10. 16. he shall kindle a burning like a/. 50. 11. behold, all yelha.lkindleaf. that compass Ji?7-.7.18.children gathered wood, fathers kindled f. 11. 16. he hath kindled f. on the green olive 17. 27. then will I kindle a/, in the gates thereof 21. 14. I will kindle a/, in the forest thereof 43. 12. I will kindle a /. in the houses of the gods 49. 27. I will kindle a /. in the wall of Damascus 50. 32. and I will kindle a/, in his cities Lam. 4. 11. and the Lord hath kindled a/, in Zion Ezek. 20. 47. I will kindle a/, in the forest 24.10.heap on wood, imdiethe/.consu me the flesh .^mos 1. 14. 1 will kindle a/ in the wall of Kabbah Jl/aZ.l.lO.nor do ye kindle f. on my altar for nought Luke 12. 49. I am come to send /. on the earth, and what will I, if it be already kindled 7 22. 55. when they had kindled a/, in the hall j5cts28.2.thebarbariansA:ijirfZfrf a/and received us Made by FIRE. Exod. 29. 18. an offering marif biif. unto the Lord, 25, 41. Leo. 1. 9, 13, 17. | 2. 2, 9, 16. I 3. 3, 5, 9, 11, 14, 16. 1 7. 5, 25. I 8. 21, 28. I 21. 6. I 22. 27. I 23. 8, 13, 18, 25, 27, 36, 37. 1 24. 7. JVmto. 15. 3, 10, 13, 14. I 18. 17. I 28. 3. Lev. 2. 3. the offerings of the Lord made by f. 30. I 4. 35. 1 5. 12. 1 6. 17, 18. I 7. 30, 35. I 10. 12, 15. I 21. 21. I 24. 9. Deut. 18. l! 1 Sam. 2. 28. 10.13. sacrifices made J7//.JVwm.28.2.J'b5/j.l3.14. JVum. 15. 25. bring their sacrifice made by f. unto the Lord, 28. 6, 8, 13, 19, 24. I 29. 6, 13, 36 Pillar of FIRE. Exod. 14. 24. the Lord looked thro' Xhepillar of f. iJeu.lO.l .face as the sun, and his feet aspillars off. See, By Night. Send, or sent FIRE. Lam. 1 13. from above he sentf. into my bones 204 FIR Ezek. 39. 6. and I will send a/, on Magog ffos. 8. 14. but I will send a/, upon his cities Amos 1. 4. 1 will send a/, into the house of Hazael 7. I will send a/, on the wall of Gaza 10. 1 will senrfa/.on wall of Tyrus||12.onTeman 2. 2. 1 will send u/.onMoab || 5. sendf.on Judah Luke 12. 49. I am come to sejulf. on the earth Set FIRli^- Deal. 32. 22. set on/, foundations of mountains Josh. 8. 8. ye shall set the city of Ai on/. 19. and they hasted, and set the city on/. Judg. 1. 8. now Judah had set Jerusalem on/. 9. 49. the people set the hold on /. upon them 15. 5. hadsct the brands on/, and burnt the corn 20. 48. they set on/, all the cities of Benjamin 2 Sam. 14. 30. servants set Joab's field on/. 31. why have thy servants set my field on/.? 2 Kings 8. 12. Hazael will set strong holds on/. Psal. 57. 4. I lie among them that are set on/. Prov. 29. t8. scornful men set a city on/. Isa. 27. 11. the women come and set them on/. 42. 25. he hath set him on /. round about Jer. 6. 1. set up a sign of/, in Beth-haccerem 32. 29. the Chaldeans shall set on /. this city Ezek. 30. 8. when I have set a/, in Egypt 14. I will set f. in Zoan || 16. self, in Egypt 39. 9. set on/, and burn the weapons of Gog Jam. 3. 6. the tongue is a fire, and setteth on /. the course of nature, and it is set on/, of hell Strange FIRE. Lev. 10. 1. Nadab and Abihu offered strange f. JV«7«.3.4. died when they oflered strange f. 26.01. FIREBRAND, S. Judg. 7. 1 16. and he put/, within the pitchers 15. 4. Samson took/, and put a/, in the midst Prov. 26. 18. as a mad man who castelh/. Isa. 7. 4. for the two tails of these smoking/. Amos 4. 11. ye were as a /. plucked out of burning FIRE-PANS. Exod. 27. 3. thou shall make basins and f.-pans 38.3. he made the /.-^a?!5 and all vessels of brass 2 Kings 25.15.f.-pans carried he away, Jcr. 52.19. FIRES. Isa. 24. 15. wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the/. FIRKINS. John 2. 6. six water-pots containing two or three/. FIRM. Josh. 3. 17. the priests stood/, on dry ground 4. 3. the place where priests' feet stood/. Job 41. 23. are/, in themselves, cannot be moved 24. his heart is as/, as a stone, yea, as hard Psal.73A. no bands in death, but their strength is/. Dan. 6. 7. they consulted to make a/, decree Heb. 3. 6. the rejoicing of the hope /. to the end FIRMAMENT It is said. Gen. 1. 7. that God made the firma- ment in the midst of the waters, in order to separate the inferior from the superior wa- ters. The word there used is rakiah, which is translated expansion, something expanded ; or firmament, something firm and solid. The verb rakah, from whence rakiah is derived, signi- fies to spread metal with the hammer, to make flat, to crush to pieces, to beat. Moses uses this word to describe the gold, which was beaten in order to cover the ark and the tables of the Holy with it, Exod. 39. 3. Num. 16. 38, 39. Isaiah, to denote the plates of gold where with the idols were covered, Isa. 40. 19. and the same prophet, and the Psalmist, to express the spreading forth of the earth, and its floating on the waters, for this was the con- ception which the Hebrews had of it, Isa. 42. 5. Psal. 136. 6. This intimates, that by the word firmament, ra- kiah, the Hebrews understood the heavens, which, like a solid and immense arch {though it be soft and liquid) served as a bank and barrier between the upper and lower waters ; and that the stars are set in this arch, like so many precious stones in gold and silver. Gen. 1. 17. When firmament is taken for the starry heaven, then by upper waters is meant, that sea or collection of waters placed by God above all the visible heavens, and there re- served for ends known to himself. If by Rt- mament, we understand the air, called the ex- pansion, because it is extended far and wide; and the firmament, because it is fixed in its proper place, from whence it cannot be moved, ■unless by force ; then by the superior waters are to he understood the waters in the clouds : And these may be said to be above the firma- ment or air, because they are above a consider- able part of it. Oen. 1. 6. let there be a/, in midst of the waters 7. God made the/, waters under and above/. 8. and God called the/. Heaven 14. God said, let there be lights in the/. 15. 17. and God set them in the /. of heaven | FIR Qen. 1.20. and fowl that may fly above the open/. Psal. 19. 1. and the/, sheweth his handy work 150. 1. praise him in the/, of his power Ezek. 1. 22. the likeness of the/, was as crystal 25. there was a voice from the/, over their heads 26. above the/, was the likeness of a throne 10. 1. in the/, that was above the chetubims Z)an. 12. 3. wise shall shine as the brightness of/. FIR. 1 Kings 5. 8. I will do all concerning timber of/. 6. 15. he covered the floor with planks of/. Cant. 1. 17. our beams are cedar, our rafters of/. FIR-TREE. 1 Kings 6. 34. and the two doors were of/. 2 Citron. 3. 5. the greater house he ceiled with/. /ia.41.19.I will set in the desert the/, and the pine 55. 13. instead of the thorn shall come up the /. CO. 13. the/, the pine-tree, and box together Bos.U.8. 1 am like a green/. || Zech.U.2. howl,/. FIR-TREES. 1 Kings 5. 10. so Hiram gave Solomon/. 9. 11. •i Kings 19. 23. I will cut down tall/. Isa. 37.24. 2 Chron.'i. 8. send me/. || Isa. 14. 8. the/, rejoice Psal. 104. 17. as for the stork the/, are her house £2e/i:.27. 5. they made thy ship-boards of/. ofSenir 31. 8. the/, were not like his boughs JSTah. 2. 3. and the/, shall be terribly shaken FIR-WOOD. 2 Sam. G. 5. Israel played on instruments made of/. FIRST. This word signifies, I. lltat which is before ano- ther in respect of time ; and then it is a word of order, and hath a reference to the second, third, fourth, &c. Mat. 10. 2, The first is Simon called Peter ; that is, he was first called to be an apostle. And in 1 Cor. 15. 47, The first man is of the earth, the second is from heaven. II. That which is chief, or most ex- cellent. Rom. 3. 2, Chiefly, because unto them were committed the oracles of God. Chiefly, in the original, is first, and shews the quality and excellence of the privilege here mentioned. So also in Luke 15. 22, Bring forth the best, in Greek, the first robe. A thing or person may be said to be first, (1) In number, Gen. 8. 5, 13. (2) In order. Mat. 28. 1. (3) By cre- ation, 1 Cor. 15. 47. (4) By generation, Deut. 21. 17. (5) In dignity, Dan. 6. 2. (6) In time, Heb. 9. 1. FiRST-BoRN. This word is not always to be understood strictly according to the letter ; it is sometimes taken for that which is first, most excellent, most distinguished in any thing. Thus it is said of Christ, Col. 1. 15, That he is the first-born of every creature. And in Rev. 1. 5. he is called. The first-begotten of the dead ; that is, begotten of the Father be- fore any creature was produced; and the first who rose from the dead by his own power. The first-born of the poor, Isa. 14. 30. signi- fies, the most miserable of all the poor; and in Job 18. 13, The first-born of death ; that is, the most terrible of all deaths. The first-born among the Hebrews, as well as among all other nations, enjoyed particular privileges : and as polygamy was in use with them,it was highly necessary to fix these rights. Moses regulates this particular in Deut. 21.15, 16,17. The privileges of the Rtst-horn consisted, (1) In a right to the priesthood, which, before the law, was fixed to the eldest of the family. This light continued in force only while bre- thren dwelt together in the same place and fa- mily; for as soon as they were separated, and made a family apart, every one became the priest and head of his own house. (2) The first- born had a double portion among his brethren. This is explained two ways : Some believe that half of the whole inheritance was given to the elder brother , and that the other half was shared inequalparts among therest. But the Rabbins say, on the contrary, that the first-born /or his share took twice as much as any one of his brothers. If a father left six sons, they made a division into seven equal parts ; whereof the eldest had two, and each of the others one. If the eldest was dead, and had left children, his right devolved upon his children and his heirs. JVhen God by the sword of the destroying angel had killed all the first-born of the Egyptians, Exod. 12. 29. he ordained, that all the first- born, both of men and tame beasts for service, should be consecrated to him. Tlie male-chil- dren only were subject to this law. The chil- dren were offered in the temple, and their rela- tions redeemed them, for the sum of five shekels, Exod. 13. 12, 13. Num. 18. 16. If it were a clean beast, as a calf, a lamb, or a kid, it was to be offered at the temple. It was not to be redeemed, but it was killed; the blood FIR of it was sprinkled about the altar, tkefatwas burnt in the Jire upon the altar, and the fiesh was for the priest, Num. 18. 17, 18, 19. If it were an unclean beast, and such as they werenot allowed to eat, such as a horse, an ass, or a camel, it was either redeemed, or something else was given in ezchange for it. The Jirstltng of an ass teas redeemed by ff icing a lamb ; if it were not redeemed, it was to be killed, E.\. 13.13. FiRst-Fruits. The presents were so called which the Hebrews made to God,consisti7ig of part of the fruits of their harvest, to express their submission and dependence, and to ac- knowledge the sovereign dominion of God the author of all happiness. The day after the feast c/ tAe Passover tlicy brought a sheaf into the temple, as the first-truits of the barley-harvest The sheaf was threshed in the court ; and of the grain that came out they took a full homer; that is, about three pints. Jlfter it had been well winnowed, parchcd,and bruised, they sprinkled ovirr it a log of oil; that is, near a pint. They added to it a handful of incense ; and the priest that received this offering shook it before the J^ord towards the four i/uarters of the world ; he cast part of it upon the altar, and the rest was his own. After this, everyone might begin their harvest, Lev. 23. 10, 11, &c. This was offered in the name of the whole nation, and by this the whole harvest was sanctifiedunto them When the wheat harvest was over, that is, the day of Pentecost, they offered again first-fruits of another kind in the name of all the nation, which consisted of two loaves of two tenth- deals; that is, of about three pints of flour each. These loaves were made of leavened dough. First-fruits of tlie Spirit, sec Earnest. Gen. 25. 2.5. the/, came out red all over 2U. 1. lliere was a famine beside the/, famine 38. 28. the midwife said, this came out/. Exod. i. 8. if they will not hearken to the /. sign 23. 19. the/, of the first-fruits bring to the Lord 28. 17. the/, row shall be a sard i us, 39. 10. 34. 1. two tables like to the/. 4. Veut. 10. 1, 3. Lev. 5. 8. shall offer what is for the sin- offering/. J\'um. 2. 9. camp of Judah, these shall/, set forth 10. 13. and they/, took their journey 13. 20. it was the time of the/, ripe grapes 15. 20. ye shall offer up a cake of the/, of your dough for a heave-offering, 21. Eiek. 44. 30. 18. 13. whatsoever is/, ripe shall be lliine 24. 20. Amalek was the/, of the nations JJeut. 10. 10. according to the /. time, forty-days 11. 14. I will give thee/, rain, and latter rain 13. !). thine hand shall be/, upon him 17. 7. the hands of witnesses shall be /. upon him 18. 4. the/, of the fleece of thy sheep give him 33. 21. he provided the/, part for himself Josh. 21. 10. theirs was/, lot, 1 Chr. 24. 7. | 25. 9. Judg. 1. 1. who shall go up/, to fight, 20. 18. 20. 39. Israel are smitten as in the /. battle 1 Sam. 14. 14. that/, slaughter was twenty men 35. the same was the/, altar Saul built to Lord 2Siim.3.13.exceptthou/.bringMirhalSaursdaugh. 19. 20. I am come the/, this day to meet my lord 43. that advice should not be/, had in bringing 23. 19. he was their captain, howbeit he attained not unto the/, three, 23. 1 Chron. 11. 21, 25. 1 Kings 17. 13. but make thereof a little cake/. 18. 25. and dress it/, for ye are many 20. 17. the young men of the princes went out/. 1 Chron. 9. 2. now the/, inhabitants that dwelt 11. 6. whosoever smiteth the Jebusitos/. 16. 7. that day David delivered/, this jisalm 2 Chron. 3. 3. length by cubits after the /. measure EzraS. 12. that had seen the glory of the/, house Esth. 1. 14. which sat the/, in the kingdom Job 15. 7. art thou the/, man that was born? ProB. 18.17. that is/, in his own cause seemeth just Isa. 41. 27. the/, shall say to Zion, behold them 43. 27. thy/, father hath sinned against me 60. 9. the ships of Tarshish /. to bring thy sons Jcr. 4. 31. her that bringelh forth her/, child 16. 18./. I will recompense their iniquity 24.2. good figs, even like the figs that are/, ripe 36. 28. write the words that were in the/, roll 50. 17./. the king of Assyria hath devoured him Dan.G. 2. Dan. was/, president, of an excellentsp. 7. 4. the/, beast was like a lion. Rev. 4. 7. 24. and another shall be diverse from the/. 8.21. thegreathorn between hiseyes is the/, king 10. 1 13. but lo, Michael the/, came to help me Ifos. 2. 7. I will go and return to my/, husband 9. 10. the/, ripe in the fig-tree at her/, lime ^mos 6. 7. shall go captive with the/, that go capt. Mic. 4. 8. to thee shall come the/, dominion JVaA. 3. 12. like fig-trees with the/, ripe figs Hng.'i.'i. who is left that saw house in her/, glory'! Zech. 6. 2. in the/, chariot were red horses 12. 7. the Lord shall save the tents of Judah/. 205 FIR J17at.5.24. /.be reconciled to thy brother, and come 6. 33. seek ye/, the kingdom of G. and righteous. 7.5./.cast out the beam out of thine eye,7^u/ie6.42. 8. 21. me /. to go and bury my father, J^uke 9. 59. 12.29.e.\cept he/.bind the strong man, Mark'S.^l. 45. latter state worse than the /. JLuke 11. 26. 13. 30. gather ye tfl^ther/. the tares, bind them 17. 10. that Ehadipit/. come, 11. Mark 9. 12. 27. and take up the fish that/, cometh up 20. 10. but when the/, came, they supposed 21. 28. he came lo the/, and said, son, go work 31. who of the twain ? they say unto hini, the /. 30. he sent other servants more than the /. 22.25./. when married, Mark 12. 20. Luke 20. 29. 38. this is /. commandment, Mark 12. 28, 29, 30. 23. 2t). Pharisee, cleanse /. that which is within Mark 4.2d./.the blade,then the ear, after that corn 7. 27. Jesus said to her, let the children/, be filled 9. 35. if any desire to be /. he shall be last 13. 10. and the gospel must/, be published 16. 9. he appeared /. to Mary Magdalene Luke 1. 3. had perfect understanding from the/. 2. 2. was/, made when Cyrenius was governor 6. 1. on the second sabbath after the /. he went 10. 5./. say, peace be to this house 11. 38. that he had not/, washed before dinner 14. 28. sittelh not down /. and counlelh the cost 17. 25. but/, must he suffer many things 21. 9. for these things must/, come to pass John 1. 41. he/, findeth his brother Simon 5. 4. whosoever/, stepped in, was made whole 8. 7. without sin, let him /. cast a stone at her 10. 40. into the place where John at/, baptized 18. 13. and led him away to Annas/. 19. 32. soldiers came, and brake the legs of the/. 20. 4. the disciple came/, to the sejiulchre, 8. Acts 3. 2G. to you/. God sent him to bless you in 7. 12. Jacob sent out our fathers/. 1 1 . 26. discip. were called Chtislians/. at Antioch 12. 10. they were past the/, and second ward 13. 24. when John had/, preached baptism 46. necessary it should /.have been spoken to you 16. 1 12. Philippi the/, city of Macedonia 26. 20. but shewed/, unto them of Damascus 23. Christ should be/, that should rise from dead 27. 43. should cast themselves/, into the sea Rom. 1. 8. /. I thank my God through Jesus Christ 2. 9. of the Jew/, and also of the Gentile, 10. 11. 35. or who hath/, given to himl 15. 24. if/. I be somewhat filled with company 1 Cor. 12. 28./. apostles, secondarily prophets 14. 30. let the/, hold his peace 15. 3. fori delivered/, of all that which I received 45. the/, man Adam was made a living soul 46. howbeit that was not/, which is spiritual 47. the/, man is of the earth, earthy 2 Cor. 8. 5./. gave their own selves to the Lord 12. for if there be/, a willing mind, it is accepted Eph. 1. 12. who/, trusted in Christ 4. 9. descended /. into the lower parts of the earth 6. 2. which is the/, commanduient with promise 1 Thess. 4. 16. the dead in Christ shall rise/. 2 Thcss. 2. 3. e.\cept there come a falling away/. \Tim. 1. 16. that in me/. Christ Jesus might shew 2. 13. for Adam was/, formed, then Eve 3. 10. let these also/, be proved, then let them use 5. 4. let them learn/, to shew piety at home 12. because they have cast off their/, faith 2 Tim. 1.5. faith dwell/, in thy grandmother Lois 2. 6. husbandman must be /. partaker of the fruits 4. 16. at my/, answer no man stood with me Tit. 3. 10. after /. and second admonition, reject Heb. 4. 6. to whom it was /. preached, entered not 5. 12. one teach you which be the/, principles 7. 2. /. being by interpretation, king of righteousn. 27. offer /. for his own sins, then for the people's 8. 7. the/, covenant, 13. | 9. 1, 15, 18. 9. 2./. tabernacle, wherein was shew-bread, 6,8. 10. 9. he taketh away the /. that he may establish Jam. 3. 17. wisdom that is from above, is /. pure 1 Pet. 4. 17. if judgment /. begin at us, what end 2fei. 1.20. knowing this/, that no prophecy, 3. 3. 1 .John 4. 19. we love him, because he /. loved us Jude 6. the angels who kept not their/, estate Rev. 2. 4. because thou hast left thy/, love 5. repent, and do the/, works, else I will come 13. 12. he exerciseth all the power of the/, beast 20. 5. this is the/, resurrection 21.1. the/, heaven and/, earth were passed away 19. the/, foundation was jasper,second sapphire See Day, Last. At the FIRST. Gen. 13. 4. where Abram made the altar at thef. 28. 19. the city was called Luz at the f. 43. 18. because of the money returned at thef. 20. we came down indeed at the f. to buy food Dcut. 9. 18. 1 fell down before I-ord as at thef. 25. Josh. 8. 5. when they come against us as at thef. 6. they will say, they flee before us as at thef. Judg. 18. 29. name of the city was Laish at thef. FIR Jvdg.W. 32. are smitten down before us as at thef. 2 Sam. 17. 9. some of them be overthrown at the /. IKings 20.9. all thou didst send for to thy serv. atf. 1 Chron. 15. 13. because ye did it not at thef. M'eh. 7. 5. a register of them which came up at thef. Isa. 1. 26. I will restore thy judges as at the f. 9. 1. when at thef he lightly attlicted the land Jer. 7. 12. my place where I set my name at thef. 33. 7. and 1 will build them as at thef. 11. return the captivity of the land, as at thef. Dan. 8. 1. after that which appeared to me at thef. John 12. 16. his disciples understood not at thef. 19. 39. which at thef. came to Jesus by night Acts 15. 14. God at thef. did visit the Gentiles 26. 4. which was at thef. among mine own nation Gal. 4. 13. 1 preached the gosi)el unto you, at thef. Heb.'i.. 3. which at thef. began to be spoken by Ld. FIRST-BORN. Gen. 19. 31. the/, said to the younger, 34. 33. the/, went in, and lay with her father 37. the/, bare a son, and called his name Moab 27. 19. and Jacob said, I am Esau, thy/. 32. 29.26. not done to give the younger before the/. 43. 33. the/, according to his birth-right 48. 18. not so my father, for this is the /. Exod.i. 22. saitli Lord, Israel is my son, even my/. 23. behold, I will slay thy son, even Ihy/. 11. 5. all the/, in the land of Egypt shall die 12. 12. and I will smite all the/, in the land 29. the Lord smote all the/, in Egypt, 13. 15. 13. 2. sanctify unto me all the/, it is mine 22. 29. the/, of thy sons shall thou give to me 34. 20./. of thy sons shall redeem, J^um. 18. 15. Lev.STi. t26. /. of beasts no man shall sanctify it JVur«. 3. 12. instead of all the /. 41, 45. | 8. 17, \^. 13. because all the /. of Israel are mine, I hal- lowed to me all the /. of Israel 40. number all the/, of the males of Israel 42. Moses numbered all Ihe/. of Israel 50. of the/, of Israel took he the money 33. 4. for the Egyptians buried all their/. Dent. 21. 15. if the/, son be her's ihatwas hated 17. beginning of strength, for the right of/, is his 25. 6./. which she beareth, succeed in name Josh. 6. 26. shall lay the foundation in his/. 1 Kings 16. 34. laid foundation in Abiram his/. 1 Chr. 5. l.sons of Reuben the/, for he was the/. 26. 10. though he was not the/, yet his father 2 Chron. 21. 3. Jehoram, because he was the/. JVeh. 10. 30. to bring the/, lo the house of God Job 18. 13. the /. of death shall devour his slrenglh Psal.l8.5l.he smote all the/, in Egypt, the chief of their strength, 105. 36. | 135. 8. | 136. 10. 89. 27. will make him my/, higher than kings Isa. 14. 30. and the/, of the poor shall feed Jcr. 31.9. 1 am a father to Israel, Ephraim is my/. Mic. 6. 7. shall I give my /. for my transgression 1 Zech. 12. 10. as one in bitterness for his/. Mat. 1.25. Mary brought forth her/, son, Luke%l. Rom. 8. 29. might be the/, among many brethren Col. 1. 15. who is the/, of every creature 18. who is the beginning, the/, from the dead //ci.11.28. lest he that destroyed the/, touch them 12. 23. ye are come to the church of the/. FIRST-FRUIT, or fruits. Exod. 22. 29. not delay to offer the/. ripe/r«i"ts 23. 16. the f. -fruits of thy labour thou hast sown 19. first of/.-/ruy«s of thy land, 34.26. /;e«<.26.2. 34. 22. the least of the f. -fruits of wheat-harvest Lev. 2. 12. oblation of the f .-fruits ye shall offer 14. the meal-offering o{ f. -fruits, green ears 23. 10. bring a sheaf of the f. -fruits of harvest 17. they are the f .-fruits unto the Lord 20. wave them with the bread of the f. -fruits JVum.18. 12./.-/?-. of oil, wine, wheat, I havegiven 28. 26. in the day of f. -fruits when ye offer to Ld. Deut. 18. 4. the f. -fruits of thy corn, wine, and oil 26. 10. I have brought the f. -fruits of the land 2 A'i77^s 4.42. and broughlthe manofGod/.-/rU2ts 2 Chron. 31. 5. brought in abundance Ihef.-fruits JVcA. 10.35. bring /.-/niits of our ground, or trees ■37. we should bring ihe f. -fruits of our dough 12.44. ajipointed over chambers for/.-/rui«s, 13.31. Prov. 3. 9. honour the Lord with the f. -fruits .Jcr. 2. 3. Israel was the f. -fruits of his increase Ezck. 20. 40. there will I require the f. -fruits 44. 30. the first of all the f. -fruits of all things 48. 14. nor exchange the f. -fruits of the land Amos 6. 1 1- named the f. -fruits of the nations Mic. 7. 1. my soul desired the/, ripe fruit Rom. 8.23. which have the /-/ruits of the Spirit n. 10. if the/.-/rui« be holy, the lump is holy 16.5. who i8the/.-/rj«'(s of Achaia, 1 Cor. 16. 15. 1 Cor. 15. 20. Christ /.-/>«;«s of them that slept, 23. ./am. 1. 18. a kind of f. -fruits of his creatures Rev. 14. 4. being the f. -fruits unto God and Lamb FIRST month. Gen.B. 13. in the/, month, the/, day of the month Exod.l^.a. shall be the/, month of the year to you 18. in /. month eat unleavened bread, Lev. 23. 5. FIS Exod. 40. 2. first day of/, month set up tabern. 17. JVmjb. 9. 1. in the f. month keep the passover, 28.16. 2 C/iro?j. 35. 1. Ezra 6. 19. £ie4. 45. 21. 20. 1. came into the desert of Zin in the /. month 33. 3. departed from Rameses in the /. 7nontli Josh. 4. 19. people came out of Jordan in/, month 1 Ckron. 12. 15. these went over Jordan in/, month 27. 2. the captain that served the/, month, 3. 2 Chron. 29. 3. in the /. month opened the doors of the house of the Lord 17. they began on first day of/, month to sanctify, and in the 16th day of/, month made an end Ezra 7. 9. /. month began lie to go from Babylon 8. 31. tlie/. month we departed from Ahava 10. 17. they made an end with them by /. month Esth. 3. 7. in the /. month they cast Pur, on the thirteenth day of the/, month Ezelc. 45. 18. in the/, month take a young bullock Joel 2. 23. cause former and latter rain in/, month FIRST year. Exod. 12. 5. your lambs shall be male of the f. year 29. 38. offer two lambs of the/, year, day by day continually, Lev. 23. 19. JVujn. 28. 3, 9. 3. take a kid of the/, year without blemish 12. 6. he shall bring a lamb of the/, year, J^'ian. 6. 12. I 7. 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. Ezek. 46. 13. 14. 10. take a ewe-lamb of the/, year, J^am. 6.14. 23. 12. offer a he-lamb of the /. year, J^Tum. 6. 14. 18. ye shall otTer seven lambs of the/.?/, without blemish, J\rum. 28. 11, 19, 27. j 29. 2, 8, 30. JVum. 7. 17. for a peace-offering five lambs of the /. year, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59. 87. thelarabs of the/. 2/ear twelve for burnt-olTer. 88. the lambs of the /.year sLtty for a peace-offer. 15. 27. then he shall bring a she-goat of the/, year 29. 13. offer a burnt-offering, fourteen lambs of the/, year, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32. 2Chr. 29. 3. Hezekiah in the/, year of his reign 36. 22. in/. 2/ear of Cyrus, jEzral. 1. | .5. 13. | 6. 3. Jcr. 25. 1. that was the/, year of Nebuchadnezzar 52. 31. in the/, year of the reign of Evil-merodacli 23an.l.2l. Daniel continued to the/, year of Cyrus 7. 1. in the/, year of Belshazzar Daniel dreamed 9. 1. in /. year of Darius I understood by books, 2. 11. 1. in the/, year of Darius I stood to confirm FIRSTLING. Exod. 13. 12. shalt set apart every /. that cometh of a beast, the males sliall be the Lord's, 34. 19. 13. every /. of an ass thou shalt redeem, 34. 20, Lev. 27. 26. the Lord's/, no man shall sanctify it JVum. 18.15. the /. of unclean beasts shalt redeem 17. the/, of a cow, sheep, or goat, not redeem Deut. 15. 19. all the/, males sanctify to the Lord 33. 17. Joseph's glory is like the/, of a buUock FIRSTLINGS. Oe7i. 4. 4. Abel brought of the/, of his flock J\rum. 3. 41. instead of all the /. among the cattle Dcut.i'i.G. ye shall bring/.of your herds and flocks 17. thou mayest not eat within thy gates the/. 14.23. eat the/, in the place the Lord shall choose JVcA.10.36./.of our herds bring to the house of God FISH. Oen.1.26. let them have dominion over/.of sea, 28, Exod. 7. 18. the /. in the river shall die, 21. JVam. 11. 5. we rememb. the /. we did eat in Egypt 22. shall all the/, of the sea be gathered together Deut. 4. 18. nor likeness of any/, in the water JWA. 13. 16. men of Tyre also, which brought/. Psal. 8. 8. thou hast put the/, under his feet 105. 29. turned waters into blood, and slew their/. Isa. 19. 10. all that make sluices and ponds for/. 50. 2. their /. stinketh because there is no water Ezek. 29. 4. 1 will cause the/, to stick to thy scales 5. I will leave thee, and all the/, of thy rivers 47.9.and there shall be a very great multitude of/. 10. their/, shall be as the/, of the great sea Jonah 1.17. the Ld. had prepared a great/, to swal- low up Jonah, he was in belly of/, three days 2. 1. Jonah prayed to the Lord out of the/.'s belly 10. Lord spake to the/and it vomited out Jonah Mat.l. 10. if he ask a/, will he give him aserpent? 17. 27. cast a hook, take up the /.that first cometh Luke 24. 42. they gave him a piece of a broiled/. John 21. 9. they saw/, laid thereon, and bread 10. bring of the /. which ye have now caught 13. Jesus taketh bread, and giveth them, and/. FISH. Jer. 16. 16. will send fishers, and they shall /. them FISH-GATE. 2 CAr. 33. 14. Manassehbuilt on entering of/.-n-nJc JV«A. 3. 3. the f.-gate did sons of Hassenaah build 12. 39. and I after them from above the f.-gate Zeph. 1. 10. the noise of a cry from the f.-gate FISH-HOOKS. ^mos 4. 2. 1 will take your posterity with f. -hooks FISH-POOLS. Cant. 7. 4. thine eyes like the f. -pools of Heshbon FISH-SPEARS. Job 41. 7. canst thou fill his head with f. -spears? 206 FIV FISHERMEN. Luke 5. 2. but the/, were gone out of them FISHERS. Isa. 19. 8. the /. also shall mourn and lament Ji;7-.16.16. behold, I will send for many/.saith Lord Ezek. 47. 10. that the/, shall stand upon it Mat.i. 18. net into sea, for tftji^ere/. Mark 1.16. 19. I will make you/. ofraUpJI/arA 1. 17. J(;An21.7. Peter girt/coat to him, for he was naked FISHES. Oen.9. 2. the fear of you shall be on all/, of the sea 48. 1 16. let the lads grow as /. do increase 1 Kings 4. 33. he spake of creeping things and /. Job 12. 8. the/, of the sea shall declare unto thee Eccl. 9. 12. the/, that are taken in an evil net Ezek. 38. 20. so that the/, of the sea shall sliake Has. 4. 3. the / of the sea shall be taken away Jiab. 1. 14. and makest men as the/, of the sea Zeph. 1. 3. I will consume the /. of the sea Mat. 14. 17. we have here but five loaves and two/. Mark 6. 38. Luke 9. 13. John 6. 9. 15. 34. seven loaves and a few little/. Mark 8. 7. Luke 5. 6. they inclosed a great multitude of /. 9. for he was astonished at the draught of/. John 21. 6. not able to draw it for multitude of/. 11. Simon Peter drew net to land full of great/. 1 Cor. 15. 39. one flesh of beasts, another of /. FISHING. John 21.3. Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a/. FISHY. 1 Sam. 5. 14. the /. part of Dagon was left to him FIST, S. Exod. 21. 18. and one smite another with his/. I'rov. 30. 4. who hath gathered the wind in his/.? Isa. 58. 4. and to smite with the/, of wickedness Mark 7. t3. they wash their hands with the/. FIT. Lev. 16. 21. send him away by the hand of a/, man 1 C/tro7i.7. 11./. to go outto war and battle, 12. 8. Job 34. 18. is it/, to say to a king, thou art wicked7 Prov. 24. 27. make it /. for thyself in the field Ezek. 15. 5. the vine was made/, for no work Luke 9. 62. looking back, is /. for kingdom of God 14. 35. it is not/, for the land nor dunghill jScts 22. 22. it is not/, that he should live Col. 3. 18. wives, submit as it is/, in the Lord FITCHES. Isa. 28. 25. doth he not cast abroad the/.? 27. the /. are not threshed, /. are beaten out Ezek. 4. 9. take thou wheat, barley, millet, and/. FITTED. 1 Kings 6. 35. with gold /. upon the carved work Prov. 22. 18. they shall withal be/, in thy lips Rom. 9. 22. the vessels of wrath/, to destruction Heb. 10. 15. but a body hast thou/, me FITTETH. Isa. 44. 13. the carpenter/, it with planes FITLY. Prov. 25. 11. a word /.spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver Cant. 5. 12. his eyes washed with milk, and /. set Eph. 2. 21. in whom all building/, framed together 4. 16. from whom whole body /. joined together FIVE. Gen.l4.9.battle in valeofSiddini,four kings with/. 18. 28. wilt thou destroy all for lack of /.? 43. 34. Benjamin's mess was/, times so much 45. 6./ years in which no earing or harvest, 11. 22. to Benjamin he gave/, changes of raiment 47. 2. he presented/, of his brethren to Pharaoh Exod. 13. 1 18. but Israel went up/, in a rank 22. 1. the thief shall restore/, oxen for an o.x 26. 3. other/, curtains coupled, 9. 1 36. 10, 16. 26. make /. bars for the boards, 27. | 30. 31, 32. 37./. pillars, 36. 38. || 36. 38./. sockets of brass 27. 1. an altar/, cubits long, /. cubits broad 18. the height of the hangings/, cubits, 38. 18 38. 1. /. cubits the breadth, and /. the length Lev. '26. 8./. of you shall chase a hundred 27. 5. if thy estimation be from/, years old 6. if it be from a month old to /. years old J^um. 3. 47. even take /. shekels a-piece, 18. 16 7. 17. for a sacrifice of peace-ofterings, /. rams, /. goats, /. lambs, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53. 31. 8. slew/, kings of Midian, Balaam son of Beor Josh. 1. 1 14. ye shall pass marshalled by/. 10. 5./. kings of Amorites went against Gibeon 16. these/, kings fled and hid themselves 17. /. kings hid H 22. bring out the /. kings 23. they brought out these/, kings unto him 26. he slew them and hanged them on/, trees 13. 3../. lords of the Philistines, .Tudg. 3. 3. .ludg. 7. 1 11. he went to outside of ranks by/. 18. 2. the children of Dan sent /.men from coasts 1 Sam. 6. 4. /. golden emerods, /. golden mice 16. when the/lords of the Philistines had seen it 17. 40. David chose him /. smooth stones 21. 3. give me/, loaves of broad in my hand 25. 18. she brought/, sheep,/, measures of corn 42. Abigail rode on an ass will) /. damsels FLA 2 Sam. 4. 4. Mephibosheth was /. years old when tidings came of Saul's and Jonathan's death 21. 8. but David took the/, sons of Michal lKings7.'i9.f. bases on the right,/, on the left side 49. candlesticks of pure gold, /. on the right side, and /. on the left, 2 Chron. 4. 7. 2^Mi^s6.25.part of cab of dove's dung sold/pieces 7. 13. let some take /. of the horses that remain 13. 19. thou shouldest have smitten /. or six times 25. 19. /. men that were in the king's presence 1 Chron. 2. 0. the sons of Zera,/. of them in all 11. 23. Benaiah slew an Egyptian /. cubits high Isa. 17. 6. four or/, in the utmost fruitful branches 19.18. /.cities in Egypt speak languageof Canaan 30. 17. at the rebuke of /. shall ye flee Mat. 14. 17. they said to him, we have here but/, loaves and two fishes, Mark 6. 38. Luke 9. 13. 16. 9. the/, loaves of the/, thousand, Mark». 19. 25. 2./. of them were wise, and/, were foolish 15. and unto one he gave/, talents, 16. Luke 12.6. are not/.sparrows sold for two farthings 52. there shall be/, in one house divided 14. 19. another said, I have bought/.yoke of oxen 10. 28. send him to my father's, I have/, brethren 19. 18. Lord, thy pound hath gained/, pounds 19. be thou also over /. cities .lohn 4. 18. for thou hast had /. husbands 5. 2. there is a pool Bethesda having/, porches 6. 9. there is a lad which hath/, barley-loaves 13. with the fragments of the /. barley-loaves lCor.14.19. 1 had rather speak/.words with unders. 2 Cor. 11. 24. /. times received I forty stripes Rev. 17. 10. there are seven kings,/, are fallen FIVE-SaUARE. 1 Kin ITS 6.t31. lintel and side-posts vieref. -square FIXED. 2 Chron. 12. f 14. Rehoboam /. not his heart Psal. 57.7. O God, my heart is/. I will sing, 108. 1. 112. 7. his heart is/, trusting in the Lord Luke 16.26. between us and you there is a gulf/. FLAG, S. Exod. 2. 3. she laid the ark in the/, by the river 5. and when she saw the ark among the/. .Tob 8. 11. can the /. grow without water 1 Isa. 19. 6. the veeds and/, shall wither FLAGON. 2 Sam. 6. 19. to each a /. of wine, 1 Chron. 16. 3. FLAGONS. Cant. 2. 5. stay me with /. comfort me with apples Isa. 22. 24. from cups, even to all the vessels of/. Hos. 3. 1. who look to other gods, love/, of wine FLAKES. Job 41. 23. the/, of his flesh are joined together FLAME. Exod. 3. 2. angel appeared in a/, of fire, Mcts 7. 30. JVujn. 21. 28. a/, from the city of Sihon, .Ter. 48.45. Judg. 13. 20. when /. went up, angel went in the/. 20. 38. that they should make a great/, to rise 40. the /. of the city ascended up to heaven ,Iob 15. 30. the/, shall dry up his branches 41. 21. and a /. goeth out of his mouth Psal. 83. 14. as the /. setteth the mountains on fire 106. 18. the /. burnt up the wicked Cant. 8. 6. coals of fire, which hath a vehement/. Isa. 5. 24. and as the/, consumeth the chaff 10. 17. and his Holy One shall be for a/. 29.6. shalt be visited with the/, of devouring fire 30. 1 27. name of L. comes with grievousness of/. 30. the Lord shall shew his arm with the /. 43. 2. neither shall the/, kindle upon thee 47. 14. they shall not deliver themselves from/. Elf A:. 20. 47. the flaming/, shall not be quenched Z)(in.3.22./. slew those men that took upShadrach 7.9. his throne was like the fiery/, and his wheels 11. till his body was given to the burning/. 11. 33. yet they shall fall by the sword and by/. Joel 1 . 19. the / hath burnt all the trees of the field 2. 3. afire devours, and behind them a/.buvneth 5. like the noise of a/, of fire that devoureth Obad. 18. and the house of Joseph shall be a/. JVa/j. 3. 1 3. the horseman lifteth up the/, of sword Luke 16. 24. for I am tormented in this /. Heb. 1. 7. who maketh his ministers a /. of fire Rev. 1. 14. eyes were as a f. of fire, 2. 18. | 19. 12. FLAMES. P«aZ. 29. 7. the voice of Lord divideth the/, of fire P?-o«.26.tl8. as amadman who casteth/.and death Isa. 13.8. shall be amazed, their faces shall be as/. 66. 15. Lord come to render rebuke with/, of fire FLAMING, (rcji. 3. 24. he placed at garden of Eden a/, sword Ezek. 20. 47. the/, flame shall not be quenched JV*aA. 2. 3. the chariots shall be with /. torches See Fire. FLANKS. Lev. 3. 4. the fat that is on them, which is by the^ it shall he take away, 10, 15. 1 4. 9. | 7. 4. Job 15. 27. he maketh collops of fat on his/. FLASH. Ezek. 1. 14. as the appearance of a /. of hghtning FLE FLAT. Lev. 2. 1 5- an offering baken on a/, plate, 7. f 9. 21. 18. he that hath a /. nose shall not approach Jfum. -2. 31. Balaam bowed, and tell /.on his lace Josh. 6. 5. the wall of the city shall tail down /. 20. the people shouted, the wall tell down/. FLATTER. Psal. 5. 9. no faithfulness, they /.with their tongue 78. 36. they did/, him witii their raoutli, and lied FLATTERETH. Psal. 3G. 2. for he/, himself in his own eyes Pro I) .2.1G.frora stranger w ho/, with her words, 7. 5. 20. 19. meddle not with him that/, with his lips 28. 23. shall find more favour than he that/. 29. 5. a man that/, sprcadeth a net for his feet FLATTERING. Job 32. 21. neither let me give/, titles to man 22. for I know not to give/, titles Psal. 12.2. with/, lips and double heart do speak 3. the Lord shall cut oft" all/, lips, and the tongue Prov. 7. 21. with the/, of her hps she forced him 20. 28. and a/, mouth workcth ruin Ezck. 12.24. there shall be no more/, divination 1 Thess. 2. 5. neither used we at any time /. words FLATTERY. Job 17. 5. he that speakcth/. to his friends Prov. C. 24. to keep from the/, of a strange woman FLATTERIES. Dan. 11. 21. but he shall obtain the kingdom by/. 32. such as do wickedly shall he corrupt by/. 34. but many shall cleave to them with/. FLAX. Exod.9.31.f. and barley was smitten,/, was boiled Josh. 2. 6. she hid thcra with the stalks of /. Judg. 15. 14. cords became as/, that was burnt Prov. 31. 13. she seeks wool and/, and worketh Isa. 19. 9. they that work in line/, confounded 42. 3. smoking/, shall he not quench, Mat. 12. 20. Kzelc. 40. 3. a man with a line of/, in his hand Jios. 2. 5. 1 will go after my lovers that give me/. 9. and I will recover my wool and my/. FLAY. JUic. 3. 3. /. their skins from off them, break bones FLAYED. 2 CAr. 35. 11. sprinkled blood, the Levites/. them FLEA. 1 Sam. 24. 14. is the king come after a/.? 26. 20. FLED. Gen. 14. 10. the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah/. 16. 6. Hagar/. Il 31. 22. Jacob/. Hos. 12. 12. £zod. 2.^15. Moses/.from Pharaoh, 4. 3. ActsT.'id. 14. 5. it was told king of Egypt that the people/. 27. and the Egyptians /. against the sea JVum. 16.34. Isr. round about/, at theory of them Deut. 34. t 7. nor was his natural force/. Josh. 8. 15. Israel/, by the way of tlie wilderness 10. 16. these five kings/, and hid themselves Judg-. 1. 6. Adoni-bezek/. || 4. 15. Sisera/. away 7. 21. all the host ran and cried, and/. 22. 8. 12. Zaimunna/. || 9. 21. Jothani ran and/. 9. 51. to the tower/, all the men and women 11. 3. Jephthah/. || 20. 45. the Benjamites/. 47. 1 Sam. 4. 16. and I/, to-day out of the army 14. 22. when they heard that the Philistines/. 17. 24. the men of Israel/, from Goliath 19. 10. David/, and escaped, 12,18. ] 20.1. | 21. 10. 22.20. Abiathar escaped and/, after David, 23. 6. 30. 17. save four hundred which rode and/. 31. 1. Israel/, from the Philistines, 7. 2 Sam. 19. 8. 2 5am. 4. 3.Beerothites/.toGittaim and sojourned 4. and his nurse/. || 10. 14. the Syrians/. 18. 13. 29. Absalom and the king's sons /. 34, 37, 38. 18. 17. all Israel/, every one to his tent 1 Kings 2. 7. for so they came to me when I/. 23. Joab/.to the tabernacle, 29.1| 11.17. Iladad/. 11. 23. Rezon/. from his lord || 40. Jeroboam/. 20. 20. the Syrians/. 1 Chr. 19. 18. 2 Kings 7. 7. 2 Kings 8. 21. and the people/, to their tents 9.10. theprophctopened door and/. ||23. Joram/. 25. 4. all the men of war/, by night, Jcr. .52. 7. 1 Chr. 10. 1. the men of Isr. /. 11. 13. 2 Chr. VS. 16. 2 Chr. 14. 12. Lord smote Ethiopians and they/. JVeA. 13. 10. the Levites/. every one to his field Estk. 6. tl. king Ahasuerus' sleep/, away Psal. 31. 11. they that did sec me/, from me 114. 3. the sea saw it and/. Jordan was driven /so. 21. 14. they prevented with bread him that/. 22. 3. all thy rulers are /. together, they are bound 33. 3. at the noise of the tumult the people/. Jcr. 4. 25. all the birds of the heavens were/. 9. 10. the fowl and beast are /. they are gone 26.2LUrijah heard and /.|| 46.5.Egyiitians are/. 46. 21. also her hired men are/, away together Jonah 4. 2. therefore I /. before to Tarshish Zcch.14.5. shall flee as ye/, before the earthquake Mat.S. 33. they that kept them/, and went away 26. 56. disciples forsook him and /. Mark 14. 50. Mark 16.8. they went out and /.from the sepulchre ~^cts 16. 27. supposing the prisoners had been/. Hcb. 6. 18. /. for refuge to lay hold on tlio hope 207 PLE iJeo.12.6. the woman /.||16.20. every island/.away 20. 11. from whose face earth and heaven /. away He FLED. Gen. 31. 20. in that he told him not that hef. 21. so hef. II 35. 7. when hef. from his brother 39. 12. he left hiyjaxjiient and /. 13, 15, 18. Josh. 20. 6. tlKi^^^^^ei shall come to his own house, to thc^^^^^ whence hef. JVu?».35.25. Judg. 9. 40. Abi^^rech chased Gaal, and hef. 1 Sam. 22. 17. because they knew when hef. 2 Kings \i. 27. Ahaziah tied, and hef. to Megiddo 14. 19. and he f. to Lachish, 2 Chron. 25. 27. Jonah 1.10. and he f. from thepresenceof thoLord Mark 14. 52. he left the linen cloth, and /. naked Is FLED. JVum. 35. 32. take no satisfaction for him that isf. 1 Sam. 4. 17. Israel is f. before the Philistines 2 Sam. 19. 9. Dav. «> /. out of the land for Absalom /«a. 10. 29. Ramah is afraid, Gibeah of Saul isf. They FLED. Gen. 14. 10. they iha.t remained/, to the mountains Josh. 7. 4. they f. from before the men of Ai 10. 11. as they f. the Lord cast down great stones 1 Sam. 4. 10. Philistines fought, Israel was smitten, and they f.e\e'cy man to his tent, 2 Kings 14.12. 17. 51. when saw their champion was dead theyf. 19. 8. David slew Philistines, and they f. from him 2 Sam. 10. 13. Joab drew nigh, theyf. 1 Chr. 19. 14. 2 Kings 3. 24. smote Moabites, Iheyf. before them 1 Chron. 10. 7. when all Israel saw that they f. Psal.Wi. 7. at thy rebuke theyf. they hasted away /sa.21. 15. for theyf.from the swords, and bent bow ./er. 39. 4. then they f. and went forth of tlie city Lam. 4. 15. when they f. away, and wandered Dan. 10. 7. so that they f. to save themselves Hos. 7. 13. woe unto them, for Wjcj/ have/, from me Luke 8. 34. when they saw what was done, theyf. that they f. out of that house wounded FLEDDEST. Gen. 35. 1. when thou /. from the face of Esau Psal.lU.5. what ailed thee, O sea, that thou/..' FLEECE. Deut. 18. 4. the first of the/, of sheep give Levites Judg. 6. 37. 1 will put a /. of wool in the floor 38. Gideon wringed the dew out of the/. 39. let it now be dry only upon the /. Job 31. 20. if not warmed with the/, of my sheep FLEE. Gen. 16. 8. 1 /. from the face of my mistress Sarai 19. 20. behold this city is near to /. unto 27. 43. arise,/, to Laban my brother to Haran F.zod. 14. 25. let us/, from the face of Israel 21. 13. appoint a place whither he shall/. Leo. 26. l7. ye shall/, when none pursueth, 36. JVim.10.35. that hate thee/before thee, PsaZ.CS.l 24. 11. therefore now/, thou to thy place 35. 6. si.x cities, that the man-slayer may/, thither 11, 15. Deut. 4. 42. ] 19. 3, 4, 5. Jush. 20. 3, 4, 9 Deut. 28. 7. and /. before thee seven ways, 25. Josh. 8. 5. as at first we will /. before them, 6. 20. had no power to/, this way or that way Judg. 20. 32. let us/, and draw them from the city 1 Sajrt. 15. 19. but didst/, on the spoil, and didst evil 2 Sam. 4. 4. as his nurse made haste to /. she fell 15. 14. /. else we shall not escape from Absalom 19. 3. as men steal away when they/, in battle 24. 13. wilt thou/, three months before enemies'? 1 Kings 12. 18. Rehoboam made speed to get to his chariot, and /. to Jerusalem, 2 Chr. 10. 18. 2 Kings 9. 3. then open the door, and /. tarry not M'eh. 6. 11. I said, should such a man as I/.? Job 20. 24. he shall/, from the iron weapon 27. 22. he would fain /. out of his hand 30. 10. they abhor me, they /. far from me 41. 28. the arrow cannot make him/. say j'e,/. asbirdto your mountain? 68. 12. kings of armies /. apace, she that tarried 139. 7. or whither shall I/, from thy presence 1 143. 9. deliver me, O Lord, I/, to thee to hide me Prov. 28. 1. the wicked/, when no man pursueth 17. he shall/, to the pit, let no man stay him Isa. 10. 3. to whom will ye /. for help ? 1.3. 14. and/, every one into his own land 15. 5. his fugitives shall /. unto Zoar 17. 13. they shall /. far off, and shall be chased 20. 6. such our o.vpectation whither we /. for help 30. 16. hut ye said no, for we will/, on horses 17. at the rebuke of five shall ye/. 48. 20. go from Babylon,/ ye from the Chaldeans ,/er. 4. 29. the city shall/, tor the noise of horsemen 6. 1. gather yourselves to/, out of Jerusalem 25. .35. the shepherds shall have no way to/. 48. 6./. save your lives, and be like the heath O.give wingstoMo.ab,that itmay/.aiid get away 49. 8. Edom shall/. || 24. Damascus lurneth to/. .30./. dwell deep, O ye inhabitants of Hazor 50. 16. they shall/, every one to his own land 28. voice of them that/.and escape from Babylon 51. 6./. out of the midst of Babylon, Zech. 2. 6. Jlmos 5. 19. as if a man did /. from a lion, and bear FLE Jonah 1. 3. Jonah rose up to/, to Tarshish JV'aA. 3. 7. all they that look on, shall/, from thee Mat. 2. 13. arise, take the young child and/. 3. 7. hath warned you/, from wrath 1 Luke 3. 7. 10. 23. when persecute you in city /. to another 24. 16. then let them which be in Judea/. to the mountains, Mark 13. 14. Luke21.21. John 10. 5. a stranger will not follow, but/, from Acts 27. 30. as the shipmen were about to /. 1 Cor. 6. 18. /. fornication || 10. 14. /. from idolatry ITim.ti.ll. but thou,0 man of God,/, these things 2 Tim. 2. 22./. also youthful lusts, follow faith Jam. 4. 7. resist the devil, and he will/, from you Rev. 9. 6. in those days death shall /. from them 12. 14. that the woman might/, into wilderness See Fly. FLEE away. Gen. 31 . 27. wherefore didst thou/, away secretly 1 2 Sam. 18. 3. il'wef.away, they will not care foi us Job 9. 25. my days /. away, they see no good 20. 8. /. a-way as a dream, and shall not be found Psal. 64. 8. all that see them, shall/, away Cant.2.11. till day break, and shadows/, away, 4.6. Isa. 35. 10. sorrow and sighing shall/, away, 51.11. Jer. 46. 6. let not the swift /. away, nor escape Jlmos 2. 16. he that is courageous shall /. away 7.12. 0 thouseer, go /.oMa!/ into the land of Judah 9. 1. he that fleeth of them, shall not/, away JVah. 2. 8. Nineveh shall /. away, they shall crj 3. 17. as great grasshoppers in hedges they/, atooj/ FLEEING. I^ev. 26. 36. they shall flee as/, from a sword Z)cttt.4.42.that/.to one of these cities he might liva •lob 27. t22. in/, he would flee out of his hand 30. 3. for want and famine/, to the wilderness FLEETH. Z)c!iM9.11.smitehim mortally,/. into oneof cities Job 14. 2. he /. as a shadow and continueth not Isa. 24. 18. that he who /. from the noise of fear Jer. 48. 19. ask him that/, and her that escapelh 44. he that /. from the fear, shall fall into the pit Amos 9. 1. he that/, of them shall not flee away John 10. 12. but he that is a hireling/. 13. FLESH. Flesh is understood different ways, as, (1) For the flesh which is the matter of bodies, whether of men or animals, Lev. 13. 10. Num. 11. 33. (2) For living men, and even all animals in general, Gen. 6. 13, The end of all flesh is come before me: I am resolved to destroy every thing that hath life; Gen. 7. 15, 16, They went in two and two of all flesh, that is, animals of all species. (3) Flesh is taken for a relation, one of the same stock or kindred, Gen. 37. 27, Let not our hand be upon him, for he is our flesh, he is our brother. And in 2 Sam. 19. 12, 13, Ye are my bones and my flesh. Art thou not of my bone, and of my flesh 1 (4) For every man who is of the same nature with ourselves, and where we may contemplate our own flesh : In this latitude it is taken in Isa. 58. 7, And that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh ; from thy neighbour, from any one of thine own nature, to whom thou hast an opportunity of doing good. (5) For mankind, considered as impotent and feeble, unable to help either him- self or others, Jer. 17. 5, Cursed be the man that makoth flesh his arm ; that depends upon any human poioer for help. (6) For the quality of corruption, which is not sinful, biit the ef- fect of sin, to which our bodies ore subject in this life. 1 Cor. 15. 50, Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God ; that is, our frail corruptible bodies cannot come to heaven : That which shall inherit heaven must be as incorrupt flesh, a body without corruption. (7) For the estate of tins present life. Phil. 1. 24, To abide in the flesh is more needful for you. (8) For that which is according to the ordinary course of nature. Gal. 4. 23, He who was of the bond-woman, was born after the flesh. Ishmael was born after the manner of other men, by the mere and sole efficacy of nature, not by promise, as was Isaac, when his mother was naturally past conception. (9) Flesh is taken for whatsoever in man is reputed most excellent and glorious without the grace o/ Christ ; as nobility, rcisdom, understanding , or reason. Mat. 16. 17, Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee: nothing of nature has done it. And in John 1. 13, Born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh : that is, neither by their descent from such and such ancestors, nor by the power of their own free- will. (10) For all that in religion which is outward, and to be seen with the eye, as moral works or ceremonies, Rom. 4. 1, What hath Abraham found as pertaining to the flesh 1 The word flesh in the following verse, is explained to be the works of Abraham, which did not jus- FLE tify him before Ood. Thus Beza, Piscator, and others interpret the place. And in this sense flesh is taken. Gal. 3. 3, Are ye now made per- fect by Uie flesh 1 that is, by works, and the car- nal ceremonies of the law. (11) For the whole nature of man, as it cometh into the world, corrupt, vile, and infected with sin, Rom. 7. 5. I 8. 8. When we were in the flesh. They that are in the flesh ; that is, in a carnal, corrupt state; such cannot please God, namely, while they continue so, and till they be converted. Z-ikewise in all other places, where the word flesh is applied to men unregenerated, it signi- fies the whole corruption and depravity of our nature, raging and reigning both in the under- standing andwill: Butinthose places of scrip- ture, where flesh is attributed to persons that are converted, and is set in opposition to the Spirit, it signifies the remainder of natural corruption, even so much of that vicious quality vf sin, as is still unmortified in regenerated persons. See Rom. 7. 18, i;5. Gal. .5. 17, 24. To be one flesh, denotes a most inseparable union, and an intimate communion, as if the two were but one person or one body. Gen. 2. 24, And they shall be one flesh. This phrase is used by the Jlpostle to shew the union and communion that is between Christ and believers, Eph. 5. 30, 31. Flesh also signifies the human nature of Christ. Heb. 10. 20, Through the vail, tliat is to say, his flesh. It is called flesh, because it was subject to sinless weaknesses and in- firmities, and whereby his divine nature was veiled and covered over; even as the ark of the covenant, the mercy-seat, and the most holy place, were by the vail. The flesh of Christ siirnifies whole Christ, both God and Man in one person. John 6. 55, My flesh is meat in- deed, that is, I myself, with all my baiefits, being received and applied by faith. A heart of flesh denotes a tender, tractable temper and disposition of soul, Ezek. 36. 26. Flesh is also taken for the otitward appearance. John 8. 15, Ye judge after the flesh. Gen. 2. 21. God closed up the/, instead thereof 24. shall cleave to his wife,an(l they shall be one/. 6. 3. shall not strive with man, for that he is/. 17. 11. ye shall circumcise the/, of your foreskin 14. whose /. is not circumcised shall be cut off 23. Abraham circumcised the/, of their foreskin 37. 27. for he is our brother and our/. £a:i?(i.4.7.his hand was turned again as his other/. 28. 142. make linen breeches to cover the/. 29. 14. burn the/. Lev. 9. 11. | 16.27. JVim. 19.5. 30. 32. upon man's/, shall it not be poured jr,cn.G.27. what shall touch/, thereof shall be holy 7. 19. as for/, all that are clean shall eat thereof 8. 31. boil the/, at the door of the tabernacle 13. 10. if there be quick raw/. 14, 15, 16, 24. 38. if in the skin of their/, have bright spots, 39. 15. 7. that toncheth the/, of him that hath an issue 19. if her issue in her /. be blood she is put apart 21. 5. nor shall make any cuttings in their/. J\riim. 11.33. while the/, was between their teeth 12. 12. as dead, of whom the/, is half consumed 18. 18. and the/, of them shall be thine Dciit. 32. 42. and my sword shall devour/. Judg. 6. 20. take the /. and the unleavened cakes 21. there rose up fire out of rock, and consumed/. 1 Sam.2. 13. servant came, while/, was in seething 15. he said, give/, to roast for the priest 2 Sam. 6. 19. David dealt to each/. 1 Chr. 16. 3. 1 Kinrrs 17. 6. the ravens brought him bread and/. in the morning, and bread and/, in the evening 19. 21. boiled their/, with the instruments of o.xen 2 ATtn^s 4. 34. and the/, of the child waxed warm 2 Chr. 32. 8. with him is an arm of/, with us is God Jfeh. 5. 5. yet our/, is as the/, of our brethren Job 10.4.hast thou eyes of/.? orseestas manseeth? 11. thou hast clothed me with skin and/. Psal. 56. 4. 1 will not fear what /. can do unto me 78. 20. can he provide /. for his people ■? 27. he rained/, also upon them as dust 39. for he remembered that they were but/. 79.2. the/, of thy saints given to beasts of earth Prov. 4. 22. my sayings are health to their/. 23. 20. be not among riotous eaters of /. Jsa. 10. 1 18. consume the glory from soul to the/. 31. 3. and their horses are/, and not spirit 49. 26. I will feed them with their own /. Jer. 11. 15. and the holy/, is passed from thee 12.12. the spoilers are come, no/.sha!l have peace 17. 5. cursed be the man that maketh /. his arm Eiek.i. 14. nor came abominable/, into my mouth 10. 1 12. their/, backs, wings, were full of eyes 11. 3. this city is the caldron, and we he the/. 7. your slain in midst of it, they are the/. 11. nor shall ye be the /. in the midst thereof 19. and I will give them a heart of/. 36. 20. 16.26.greatof/.and hast increased thy whoredoms 208 FLE Ezci. 23. 20. paramours, whose/, is as/, of asses 24. 10. heap on wood, consume the/, spice it well 37. 6. and I will bring up/, upon you, 8. Dan.'i. 11. the gods, whose dwelling is not with/. 7. 5. they said to it, arise, devour much/. 10. 3. neither came/, njij^^ie. in my mouth Hos.H.Vi. they sacrihce]j^^^^kiflces of ofl'crings Mic. 3. 2. who pluck tli^l|^^V> o'^ their bones Zeph. 1. 17. their/, shall o^^oured out as dung Hag.'i.l2. if one bear holy/.in skirt of hisgarment Zeeh. 14. 12. their/, shall consume away Jl/at.l6. 17./. and blood hath not revealed it to thee lU. 5. shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall he one/. 6. Mark 10.8. 1 Cor. 6. 16. Eph. 5. 31. 24. 22. there should no /. be saved, Mark 13. 20. 26. 41. spirit willing, but/, is weak, Mark 14. 38. iM/i:e24.39.spirithath not/.and bones, as yeseeme ./ohn 1. 14. the WORD was made/, and dwelt 6.63. the Spirit quickeneth, the/.profiteth nothing Jlcts 2. 30. the seed of Dav. according to/. Kom.l.'S. Rom. 3. 20. there shall no /. be justified in his sight 4. 1. that Abraham as pertaining to the /. found 7. 25. but with the/. I serve the law of sin 8. 3. in that the law was weak through the/. God sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful/. 9. 3. for my brethren and kinsmen according to /. 5. of whom as concerning the/. Christ came 13. 14. make not provision for the/, to fulfil 1 Cor. 1. 29. that no /. should glory in his presence 15. 39. there is one/, of men, and another of beasts 50. /. and blood cannot inherit the kingd. of God 2 Cor. 1. 17. do I purpose according to the/.? 4. 11. that life of Jesus be made manifest in our/. 7. 5. our /. had no rest, but we were troubled 10. 2. as if we walked according to the/. Gal. 1. 16. I conferred not with/, and blood 2. 16. by works of the law shall no /. be justified 3. 3. are ye now made perfect by the/.? 5. 13. use not liberty for an occasion to the/. 17./. lusteth against the Spirit, Spirit against/. 24. they that are Christ's have crucified the/. E/jA.2.3. we all had our conversat. in lustsof our/. 6. 5. your masters according to the/. Col. 3. 22. 12. for we wrestle not against/, and blood Hcb.2.14. the children ate partakers of/, and blood 12. 9. we had fathers of our/, who corrected us Judel. and going after strange/, are an example 8. likewise these filthy dreamers defile the/. 23. hating even the garment spotted by the/. iieu.l9. 18. mayeat/. of captains,/, of mighty men 21. and all the fowls were filled with their/. See Eat, Eatetii. Jifter the FLESH. .Tohn 8. 15. ye judge after the f. I judge no man iJom.S.l.are in Christ, who walk not after the f.i. 5. they that are after the f. mind things of the/. 12. not debtors to the flesh to live after the f. 13. for if ye live after the f. ye shall die lCor.l.26.not many wise men after tAe/.are called 10. 18. behold Israel after the f. 2 C»r.5.16.we know no man after thef. though we have known Cht. afterf. yet know him no more 10. 3. Iho' walk in flesh, we do not war after thef. 11. 18. seeing that many glory after thef. I also Gal. 4. 23. Ishmael was'born after thef. 29. 2 Pet. 2. 10. chiefly them that walk after thef. All FLESH. Gpn.6.12.for allf. had corrupted his way on earth 13. God said, the endof aZi/. is come before me 19. of all f. two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive, 7. 15. 7. 21. all f. died that moved upon the earth 8. 17. bring forth of allf. both of fowl and cattle 9. 11. nor shall allf. be cut off any more, 15. 16. covenant betweeil me and allf. on earth, 17. Lev. 17. 14. for the life of allf. is the blood JV!«m.8.7.1et them shavenHtheir/.and wash clothes 16. 22. the God of the spirits of all f 27. 16. 18. 15. every thing that openeth the matrix of allf. Dent. 5. 20. who of allf. heard the word of God Job 12.tl0. in whose hand is breath of allf. of man 34. 15. allf. shall perish together, man turn to dust P«.65.2.thou hearest prayer,to thee shall allf. come 136. 25. who gi veth food to allf. his mercy for ever 145. 2]. let allf. bless his holy name for ever Tsa. 40. 5. and allf. shall see it together 6. allf. is grass, as flower of the field, lPf«. 1.24. 49. 26. allf. shall know I am thy Sav. £tf t.21.5. 66. 16. for by fire will the Lord plead with allf. 23.aH/.6hall come to worship before me, saith L. 24. they shall be an abhorring to allf. Jer. 25. 31. he will plead with all f. saith the Lord 32. 27. behold, I am the Lord the God of all f. 45. 5. for behold, I will bring evil on allf.smtb L. Ezek. 20. 48. allf. shall see that I have kindled it 21. 4. shall my sword go forth ag. allf. from south Dan. 4. 12. fowls dwelt, and allf. was fed of it Joel 2.28.will pour out my S iiirit on allf. Acts 2.17. Zech. 2. 13. be silent, O allf. before the Lord Luke 3. 6. and all f. shall see the salvation of God FLE John 17. 2. thou hast given him power over allf. 1 Cor. 15. 39. allf. is not same flesh, one of men His FLESH. Exod. 21. 28. and his f. shall not be eaten 29. 31. and seethe his f. in the holy place Lev. 4. 11. burn all his f. with his head, 8. 17. 6. 10. he shall put linen breeches on his f. 16. 4. 13. 2. shall have a rising in the skin of his f. 3. priest look on the plague in the skin of his f. 4. if bright spot be white in the skin of his f. 11. it is an old leprosy in the skin of his f. VS. 14. 9. he shall wash his clothes, also wash hisf. in water, 15. 16. | 16. 24, 28. JVvm. 19. 7. 15.2. any man hath a running issue out of his f. 3. whether hisf. run with his issue, or be slopped 17. 16. but if he wash them not, nor bathe his f. 22. 6. be unclean, unless he wash hisf.wilh water 1 Kings 21. 27. Ahab put sackcloth on hisf. 2 Kings 5. 14. hisf. came again, and he was clean 6. 30. behold Joram had sackcloth on his f. Job 2.5. touch his bone and hisf. he will curse thee 14. 22. but his f. upon him shall have pain 31. 31. if men said not, O that we had of his f. 33.21. his f. is consumed away, itcannolbescen 25. his f. shall be fresher than a child's 41. 23. the flakes of his f. are joined together Prov. 11. 17. he that is cruel troubleth hisf. Eccl.'l.5.tbe fool foldeth his hands, and eatetb hisf. Isa. 17. 4. the fatness of his f. shall wax lean John 6. 52. can this man give us his f. to eat ■? Acts 2. 31. neither his f. did see corruption Gal. 6. 8. he that soweth to Ais/.shall reap corrup. Eph. 2. 15. having abolished in his f. the enmity 5. 29. no man ever yet hated his own/. 30. for we are members of his body, of his f. Col. 1. 22. now hath reconciled in the body of his f. Heb.5.7. who in days of hisf .when oflfered prayers 10. 20. consecrated thro' vail, that is to say, hisf. In the FLESH, or in FLESH. Gen. 17. 24. Abraham was circumcised in thef. 25. Ishmael circumcised in the f. of his foreskin Ezek. 44. 7. brought in uncircumcised inf. 9. uncircumcised inf. not enter the sanctuary Dan. 1.15. counten. appeared fairer and fatter inf. Rom.2. 28. circumcision which is outward in thef, 7. 5. for when we were in thef. the motions of sin 8. 3. and for sin condemned sin i»i thef. 8. they that are in the f. cannot please God 9. but ye are not in thef. but in the Spirit 1 Cor. 7. 28. such shall have trouble in the f. 2 Cor. 10. 3. tho' we walk in the f. not war after /. 12. 7. there was given to me a thorn in thef. Gal. 2. 20. life which I now live in thef. is by faith 6. 12. as desire to make a fair shew in thef. Eph. 2. 11. in time past Gentiles in the f. called the circumcision in thef. made by hands Phil. 1.22. if I live in thef. this is the fruit of labour 24. to abide in the f. is more needful for you 3. 3. and have no confidence nt thef. 4. though I might have confidence in the f. Col.2. 1. as many as have not seen my face in thef. 5. tho' I be absent in thef. I am with you in spirit 1 Tim. 3. 16. God was manifest in thef. justified Philem. 16. how much more to thee, both in thef. 1 Pet. 3. 13. Christ being put to death in the f. 4. 1. Christ hath suffered for us in thef. for he that hath suftered in the f. halh ceased from sin 2. no longer live the rest of his time in the f. 6. might be judged according to men in the f. 1 Johni.'i,. denielh that Christ is come in thef.3. 2 John 7. confess not that Christ is come in thef. My FLESH. ISam. 25. 11. shall I then take my bread and myf? Job 4. 15. the hair ofmyf. stood up 6. 12. is my strength of stones 7 or is my f. brass 7 7. 5. myf. is clothed with worms and dust 13. 14. wherefore do I take myf. in my teeth ? 19. 20. my bone cleaveth to my skin and myf. 22. why persecute, and not satisfied with myf.? 26. worms destroy body, yet in myf. shall I see G. 21. 6. and trembling taketh hold ofmyf. Psal. 16. 9. myf. shall rest in hope, Acts 2. 26 38. 3. there is no soundness in myf. 7. 63. 1. myf. longeth for thee in a dry thirsty land 73. 26. my f. faileth, but G. is my portion for ever 84. 2. my heart and myf. crieth out for God 102. 15. by groaning my bones cleave to myf.'knees are weak, myf. faileth of fatness 119. 120. myf. trembleth for fear of thee F.ccl. 2. 1 3. I sought to draw myf. with wine .Tcr. 51. 35. the violence done to me, and to myf. Lam. 3. 4. myf. and my skin halh he made old John 6. 51. the bread that I will give, is myf. 54. whoso eateth my f. hath eternal life, 56. 55. my f. is meat indeed, my blood drink indeed Ro7n. 7. i8. in myf. dwelleth no good thing 11. 14. if I may provoke them which are myf. Gal. 4. 14. my temptation which was in myf. Col. 1. 24. of the afflictions of Christ in my f. See Bone. FLO O/i/te FLESH. Ezod. 12. 46. slialt not carry fortli ought of Ihcf. '29. 34. if ought of the f. remain unto morning Deut. 28. 55. nor give of the f. of liis ciiildren Prov. 14. 30. a sound heart is the hfe of the f. Eccl. 12. 12. much study is a weariness of the f. John 1. 13. born, not of tlie will of thef. but of (jod 3. B. that which is born of the f. is flesh jKom.8.5. that after fleshdo mind the things o/tAe/. 16. for the minding of thef is death t 7. the minding of the f. is enmity against God 9.8. that is, they which are the children o/t Ac/. 1 Co7: 5. 5. to Satan for the destruction of the f. 2 Cor. 7. 1. let us cleanse from all filthiness of thef. Gal. 4. 13. through infirmity of thef. I preached 5. 16. ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the f. 19. now the works of thef. are manifest, adultery 6. 8. that so weth to f. shall of thef. reap corruption Eph. 2. 3. walked in lusts of thef. desires of thef. Col. 2. 11. putting olfllie body of sins of thef. 23. not in honour to the satisfying of thef. Heb. 9. 13. sanctifieth to the purging of thef. 1 Pet. 3. 21. not the putting away the filth of thef. ZPet. 2. 18. they allure through the lusts of the f. IJohn 2. 16. the lust of thef. the lust of the eyes Thy FLESH. Gen. 40. 19. the birds shall eat thy f. from off thee 1 Sam. 17. 44. 1 will give thyf. unto fowls of the air 2 Sam. 5. 1. we are thy bone and thyf. 1 Chr. 11.1. 2 Kings 5. 10. wash, and thyf. shall come again Prov. 5. 11. mourn at last, when thyf. is consumed jEcc^S. 6. suffer not thy mouth to cn.aBe thyf. to sin 11. 10. therefore put away evil from thy f. Isa.58.7. that thou hide not thyself from thy own/. Ezek. 32. 5. I will lay thy f. on the mountains Your FLESH. Lev. 19. 28. ye shall not make cuttings in yourf. Judg. 8. 7. then I will tear yourf. with the thorns F^ielc. 36. 26. 1 will take stony heart out oi yourf. Horn. 6. 19. because of the infirmity ot'yourf. Gal. 6. 13. that they may glory in yourf. Col. 2. 13. being dead in uncircumcision oiyourf. Jam. 5. 3. rust shall eat your f. as it were fire Fleshed, see Fat, Lean. FLESH-HOOK. lSam.2.l3. the priest's servant came with a/.-AooA 14. all that thef. -hook brought up, the priest took FLESH-HOOKS. £iod.27.3.shalt make his f. -hooks and his fire-pans 38. 3. he made all the vessels anil Ibe f.-liooks JVum. 4. 14. put upon the purple cloth the f. -hooks 1 Chr. 28.17. David gave pure gold for ihef.-hooks 2 Chr. 4. 10. he made also the pots and Ihef.-hooks FLESHLY. 2 Cor. 1. 12. that in simplicity, not with/, wisdom 3. 3. not in stone, but in/, tables of the heart Col. 2. 18. vainly puffed up by his/, mind 1 Pet. 2. 11. beloved, abstain from /. lusts that war FLESH-POTS. Ezod. 16. 3. when we sat by ihef.-pots and did eat FLEW. 1 Sam. 14. 32. and the people/, upon the spoil 25. tl4. and our master/, upon them laa. 6. 6. then /. one of the seraphiras unto me FLIES. Exod. 8. 21. I will send swarms of/, upon thee 31. he removed the swarms of/, from Pharaoh Psal. 78. 45. he sent divers sorts of/, among them 105. 31. and there came divers sorts of/. Eccl. 10. 1. dead /.cause the ointment to send forth FLIETH. Deut. 4. 17. the likeness of any winged fowl that/. 14. 19. every creejiing thing that/, is unclean 28. 49. shall bring a nation as swift as the eagle/. Psal. 91. 5. nor for the arrow that/, by day JVu/i. 3. 16. the cankcrworm apoileth and/. away FLIGHT. Job 11. 120. and/, shall perish from the wicked /sa. 52. 12. shall not go out with haste nor go by/. Jer. 46. t5. their mighty ones are fled a/. Dan. 9. t21. Gabriel was caused to fly with/. Jlmos 2. 14. the/, shall perish from the swift Mat. 24. 20. pray /. be not in winter, Mark 13. 18. Heb. 11. S'l. turned to/ the armies of the aliens .See Put. FLINT. Deut. 8. 15. brought water out of the rock of/. Job 28. t 9. he putteth forth his hand on the/. Psal.WA.S. turning the/, into a fountain of waters Isa.5. 28. their horses' hoofs shall be counted like/. 50. 7. therefore have I sot my face like a/. £jeA-.3. 9. harder than/, have I made thy forehead FLINTY. Deut.2'2.13. make him to suck oil out of the/, rock FLIT. Jcr. 49. 1 30. fleo,/. greatly, O inhabitants of Hazor "FLOCK. Gen. 4. 4. Abel brought of the firstlings of his/. 21 .28. Abraham set ewe-lambs of/, by themselves 27. 9. go now to the /. and fetch two good kids 209 FLO Oen. 29. 10. Jacob watered the/, of Laban 30. 31. 1 will again feed and keep thy/. 32. I will pass through all tliy /. to-day 30. and Jacob fed the rest of Laban's/. 40. Jacob did separ^^all the brown in the/. 31. 4. Jacob c^^l^^B^I and Leah to his/. 38. the rams^^^^^Bve I nut eaten 33. 13. if mcn^^^^^^Hiem, the/, will die 37. 2. Josepli ^^^^Hi^ the /. witli his brethren 12. his brethren^rent to feed their/. 13. 38. 17. I will send thee a kid from the /. Exod. 2. 16. the troughs to water their father's/. 17. Moses helped, and watered their /. 19. 3. 1. Moses led the/, to the back-side of the desert Lev. 1. 2. bring your oftering of the herd and /. 5. C. he shall bring a female from the /. 18. he shall bring a ram without blemish out of the/. 6. C. Ezra 10. 19. Ezek. 43. 23, 25, 27.32. concerning the tithe of the herd or of the/. JVunt. 15. 3. make a sweet savour of the herd or/. Deut. 12. 21. then thoushalt killof thy herd and/. 15. 14. thou shaltfurnish him liberally out of thy /. 19. all the firstling males of thy/, shalt sanctify 16. 2. shalt sacrifice to the Lord thy God of the/. 1 Sain. 17. 34. a lion took a lamb out of the/. 2 Sam. 12. 4. he spared to take of his own /. 2 Chron. 35. 7. Josiah gave to the people of the/. Job 30. 1. 1 disdained to set with the dogs of my /. Cant. 1.7. where thou makest thy/, to rest at noon 8. go thy way forth by the footsteps of the/. 4. 1. thy hair is as a/, of goats, 6. 5. 2. thy teeth are like a/, of sheep, 6. 6. Isa. 40. 11. he shall feed his/, like a shepherd 63. 11. brought them with the shepherd of his/. Jer. 13. 17. because the Lord's /. is carried captive 20. where is the/.wasgiventhee,thy beautiful/.? 23. 2. ye have scattered my /. and driven them 3. I will gather the remnant of my/. 25. 34. cry and wallow, ye principal of the/. 35. nor the principal of the/, to escape 30. a howling of the principal of the/, be heard 31. 10. and keep him as a shepherd doth his/. 12. they shall sing for the young of the/. 49. 2U. least of the /. shall draw them out, 50. 45. 51. 23. will break in )>ieces the shepherd and his/. £2e:/i:.24.5. take the choice of the/, burn the bones 34. 3. ye eat the fat, but ye feed not the /. 6. my /. was scattered on the face of the earth 8. surely because my/.became a prey, my /.meat 10. 1 will require my/. I will deliver my/. 12. as a shepherd seeketh out his/, in the day 15. I will feed my/. |) 17. as for you, O my/. 22. therefore will I save my /. no more a prey 31. ye my /. the /. of my pasture, are men 36. 38. as the holy/, as the/, of Jerusalem 45. 15. ye shall offer one lamb out of the/. Jlmos 6. 4. and cat the lambs out of the/. 7. 15. the Lord took me as I followed the/. Jonah 3. 7. let not herd nor /. taste any thing Mic. 2. 12. as the/, in the midst of their fold 4. 8. thou, O tower of the/, the strong hold 7. 14. feed thy people, the/, of thine heritage Hab. 3. 17. tho' the /. shall be cut off from the fold Zcch. 9. 16. save them as the /. of his people 10. 2. therefore they went their way as a/. 3. for the Lord of hosts hath vi.=;ited his/. 11.4.saiththeLord, willfeed the/.of slaughter, 7. 7. the poor of the/, that waited on me, 11. 17. woo to the idol shepherd, that Icaveth the/. Mai. 1. 14. deceiver which hath in his/, a male Mat. 26. 31. the sheep of the/, shall be scattered Luke 2. 8. keeping watch over their/, by night 12. 32. fear not little /. it is your Father's pleasure ./lets 20. 28. take heed therefore to all the /. 29. grievous wolves shall enter, not sparing the /. 1 Cor. 9. 7. who feedetlia/. andeateth not of milk? 1 Pet. 5. 2. feed the /. of God which is among you 3. not as being lords, but being ensamples to the/. Like a FLOCK. Job 21. II. send forth their little ones like a f. Psal. 77. 20. thou leddest thy people like af. 78. 52. he guided them in the wilderness like af. 80. 1. thou that leadest Joseph like af. 107. 41. and maketh him families tike af. Ezek.3G. 37. 1 will increase them with men like af. FLOCKS. Oen. 29. 2. and lo, three /. of sheep lying by the well, for out of that they watered the/. 3. and thither were all the/, gathered 8. we cannot, till all the/, be gathered together 30. 38. Jacob set the rods he pilled before the /. 39. and the/, conceived before the rods 40. Jacob set the faces of the;/, toward thering- straked, he put his own/, by themselves 32. 5. I have oxen, asses, /. and men-servants 7. he divided the/, and herds, and camels 37. 14. go, see whether it bo well with the/. 16. tell me, I pray thee, where they feed their/. 47. 4. thy servants have no pasture for their/. 17. Joueph gave bread in cxch. for horses and /. 2 P FLO /^ev. 1. 10. if his offering be of the/, of the sheep 5. 15. bring a ram without blemish out of the/. JV'hjh. 31.9. Israel took spoil of all their/, and goods 31. 30. thou shalt take one portion of the/. 32. 26. our wives, our /. and cattle, shall be there Deut. 7. 13. he wiU also bless the/, of thy sheep 28. 4. blessed shall be the/, of thy sheep 18. cursed shall bo the/, of thy sheep 51. who shall not leave the/, of thy sheep Judff. 5. 16. to hear the bleatings of the/. 1 Kings 20. 27. [litched like two little /. of kids 1 CAru/t.4.39. they went to seek pasture for their/. 41. because there was pasture for their/. 27. 31. and over the/, was Jaziz the Hagarite ■2Chron. 17. 11. the Arabians brought him/. Job 24. 2. violently take away/, and feed thereof Psal. 8. t 7. /. and o.\on all under his feet 65. 13. the pastures are clothed with /. 78. 48. he gave their/, to hot thunderbolts Cant. 1. 7. turn aside by the/, of thy companions /sa.17.2. cities of Aroer are forsaken, shall be for/. 32. 14. the palaces shall be a pasture of/. 00. 7. all the/, of Kedar shall be gathered together 61. 5. and strangers shall stand and feed your/. 05. 10. Sharon shall be a fold for/, valley of Achor Jer.6.3.tlie shepherds with their/, shall come to her 10. 21. shall not prosper, all/, shall be scattered 31. 24. dwell in Judah they that go forth with/. 33. 12. shepherds causing their/, to lie down 13. the/, shall pass again under the rod 49. 29. their tents and /. shall they take away 50. 8. and be as the he-goats before the /. Ezek. 25. 5. Ammonites a couching-place for/. 34. 2. should not the shepherds feed the/.? 36.33. the waste cities shall be filled with /.of men Joel 1. 18. the/, of sheep are made dcsolato J/jc.l.tll.inhabitantofcountryof/.came not forth 5. 8. as a young Hon among the/, of sheep Zcph. 2. 6. and the sea-coast shall bo folds for/. 14./. shall lie down in the midst of Nineveh FLOCKS with herds. Oen. 13. 5. Lot also had/, and herds, and tents 24. 35. the Lord hath given Abraham /.and herds 26. 14. Isaac had possession of/, and herds 32. 7. Jacob divided/, and herds into two bands 33. 13. the /. and herds with young are with me 45. 10. thou shalt be near me, thou, t hy/.and herds 47. 1. my brethren, their/, and herds are come 50.8. their/, and herds left they in land of Goshen Exod. 10. 9. we will go with our /. and our herds 24. only let your /. and your herds be stayed 12.32. also takeyour/.and your/ierf/s,and begone 34.3. neitherlct/. nor Acrrfs feed before the mount Jfum. 11. 22. shall the/, and herds be slain for them Deut. 8. 13. when thy herds and thy/, multiply 12. 6. firstlings of A. and /. 17. | 14. 23. JVi A. 10. 36. 1 Sam. 30. 20. David took all the /. and the herds 2 Sam.l2. 2. rich man had exceeding many/, and A. 2 CAro?i. 32.29. provided possessions of/and herds Prov. 27. 23. know thy /. look well to thy herds Jer. 3. 24. shame hath devoured their/, and herds 5. 17. an ancient nation shall eat thy/, and herds //os.5.6. they shall go with/, and Aerrfs to seek Ld. FLOOD. Not only that terrible inundation is in scripture called flood, whereby Ood destroyed all man- kind, and all the animals of the earth and air, which were not in the ark built by Noah ; but likewise all sorts of inundations or extraordi- nary collections of waters. Thus the Psalmist speaking of the waters of the sea, or of a river, expresses it by the word flood. Psal. 66. 6, They went through the flood on foot. TAc same Psalmist sets forth extreme dangers under the notion of a flood. Psal. 69. 1.5, Let not the water-flood overflow me. Jind the violent as- saults and sudden incursions of the devil and his instruments against the church arc com- pared to a flood. Isa. 59. 19, When the enemy shall come in like a flood. By floods are also signified great plenty and abundance of spi- ritual and temporal blessings. Isa. 44. 3, I will pour floods upon the dry ground. Oen.G. 17. 1, even I, bring a/, of water on the earth 7. 6. when the/, of waters was upon the earth 7. Noah went in, because of the waters of the/. 10. after seven days the/, was on the earth 17. the/, was forty days on the earth 9. 11. norshallbeany more a/to destroy the earth 28. Noah lived after the /. 350 years JO. 1. to them were sons born afler the/. 32. the nations were divided in the earth afler/. .7rtsA.24. 2. your fathers on other side of/. 3, 14, 15. .fob 14. 11. as the/, decayeth and drieth up 22.16. whose foundation was overthrown with a/. 28. 4. the/, breakelh out from the inhabitant Psal.W.W. the Lord sitteth upon the/, he is King 66. 6. they went thro' the/, on foot, we rejoiced 69. 15. let not the water-/, overflow me 74. 15. thou didst cleave the fountain and the /. FLO Psal. 90. 5. thou carries! them awny as with a /. /sa.28.2. a strong one, which as a/.shall cast down 59. 19. the enemy shall come in like a/. Jer. 46. 7. who is this that cometli up as a /.? 8. Egypt riseth up hke a/, waters are moved 47. 2. behold, waters shall be an overflowing/. Dan. 9. 26. the end thereof shall be with a/. 11.22. with the arms of a/.shall they be overflown jlmos 8. 8. it shall rise up wholly as a/. 9. 5. 9. 5. and shall be drowned as by the/, of Egypt J\rah. 1. 8. with an overrunning/, make an end JUat. 24. 38. in days before the /. they were eating 39. and knew not till the/, came, Luke 17. 27. Luke 6. 48. when the /. arose the stream beat 2 Pet. 2. 5. bringing in the/, on world of ungodly Rev. 12. 15. the dragon poured out water as a/. 16. the earth helped, and swallowed up the/. FLOOD-GATES. Gen. 7. f 11. ihaf. -gates of heaven were opened FLOODS. Exod. 15. 8. the /. stood upriglit as a heap ZSam. 22. 5./. of ungodly made me afraid, Ps. 18.4. Jnb 20. 17. he shall not see the rivers and the/. 28. 11. he bindeth the/, from overflowing Psal. 24. 2. he hath established it upon the/. 32. 6. surely in the/, of great waters not come nigh 69. 2. into deep waters, where the/, overflow me 78. 44. and had turned their/, into blood 93.3. the/, have lifted up, O Lord,/, have lifted up 98. 8. let the/, clap their hands, let hills be joyful Cant. 8. 7. neither can the/ drown love Isa. 44. 3. for I will pour/, upon the dry ground Ezek.Z\.\5. 1 restrained the/.thereof,water6stayed Jonah 2. 3. the/, compassed me about, thy billows Mat. 7. 25. the/, came, winds blew, and beat, 27. FLOOR, Verb. ZChron. 34. 11. and for timber to /. the houses FLOOR, Substantive. Oen. 50. 10. they came to the threshing/, of Atad 11. when inhabitants sawraourniog in/, of Atad J^um. 5. 17. the priests shall take dust that is in/. 15. 20. as ye do the heave-oflTering of threshing /. 18.27. as tho' it were the corn of the threshing/. 30. be counted as the increase of the threshing /. Deut. 15. 14. thou shalt furnish him out of thy/. 16. 1 13. after thou hast gathered in thy/. Judg. 6. 37. I will put a fleece of wool in the /. Ruth 3. 2. he winnoweth in the threshing/. 2 Sam. 6. 6. came to Nachon's thresh./. 1 C/(r.l3.9. 24. 18. rear an altar in the threshing/, of Araunah 21. David said, to buy the threshing/, of thee 1 Kings 6. 30. he overlaid the/, of house with gold 7.7. with cedar from one side of the/, to the other 2 Kings 0. 27. out of the barn/', or the wine press? 1 Chron. 21 . 23. L. had answered in the threshing/. 2 Chron. 3. 1. prepared in threshing/, of Oman 18. t9. they sat in a/, at the entering of the gate /sa. 21. 10. O my threshing, and the corn of my/. Jer. 51. 33. daughter of Bab. is like a threshing/. Hos.9.\. thou hast loved a reward on every corn/. 2. the/, and wine-press shall not feed them 13. 3. as the chafli"that is driven out of the/. Mic. 4. 12. shall gather them as sheaves into the /. Jtf(it.3.12.he will thoroughly purge his/. LukeZ.Vl. FLOORS. 1 Sam. 23. 1. and they rob the threshing/. Dan. 2. 35. like chaff of the summer threshing/. Joel 2. 24. and the/, shall be full of wheat FLOTES, or FLOATS. 1 Kings 5. 9. and I will convey them by sea in/, to the place thou shalt appoint me, 2 Chr. 2. 16. FLOURISH. Psal. 72. 7. in his days shall the righteous/. 16. and they of the city shall /. hke grass of the earth 92. 7. when all the workers of iniquity/. 12. the righteous shall/, like the palm-tree 13. they shall /. in the courts of our God 132. 18. but upon himself shall his crown/. Prov. 11. 28. the righteous shall/, as a branch 14. 11. the tabernacle of the upright shall/. Eccl. 12. 5. when the almond-tree shall /. Cant. 7. 12. let us get up, let us see if the vine/. /sa.17.11. in morning thou shalt make thy seed to/. 66. 14. your bones shall /. like an herb Ezek. 17. 24. 1 the Ld. have made the dry tree to/. FLOURISHED. Cant. 6. 11. 1 went down to see whether the vine/. Phil. 4. 10. your care of me hath/, again FLOURISHETH. Psal. 90. 6. in the morning it /. and groweth up 103. 15. as a flower of the field, so he/. FLOURISHING. Psal. 92. 14. in old age, they shall be fat and /. Cant. 2. 1 9. he looketh forth,/, through the lattice Dan. 4. 4. I was at rest, and/, in ray palace FLOW. Job 20.28.hia goods shall/.away in day of his wrath Ps. 147. 18. hecauseth the wind blow, and waters/. Cant. 4. 16. that the spices thereof may/, out 210 FLY fsa. 2. 2. and all nations shall/, unto it 48. 21. he caused waters to/, out of the rock 60. 5. then thou shalt see and/, together 64. 1. mountains might/, down at thy presence Jer. 31. 12. shall/, to th^j^dness of the Lord 51.44. nations shallnot J^^BM|Qny more to him Joel 3. 18. in that day t^^^^^Bl/. with milk, and the rivers of J^^^^^Bf. with waters Mid. 1. the people shall^BB^mountain of Ld. Joh7i 7. 38. out of his belly shall/, living water FLOWED. Josh. 4. 18. Jordan/, over all his banks Judff. 5. t 5. the mountains/, before the Lord Isa. 64. 3. the mountains/, down at thy presence jLa7n.3.54. the waters/, over mine head, tlien I said FLOWETH. Lev. 20. 24. a land that /. with milk and honey, JVum. 13. 27. I 14. 8. | 16. 13, 14. Deict. 6. 3. 11. 9. I 26. 9, 15. I 27. 3. I 31. 20. Josh. 5. 6. FLOWING. Exod. 3. 8. to bring them to a land /. with milk and honey, 17. | 13. 5. | 33. 3. Jer. 11. 5. | 32. 22. Ezek. 20. 6, 15. Prov. 18. 4. the well-spring of wisdom as a/.brook Isa. 6G. 12. the glory of the Gentiles like a/.stream Jer. 18. 14. or shall the cold /. waters be forsaken? 49. 4. wherefore gloriest thou in thy/, valley 1 FLOUR. Exod. 29. 2. of wheaten/ shalt thou make them Lev. 2. 2. he shall take his handful of the/. 6. 15 J\rum. 28. 5. and a tenth part of an ephah of/, for a meat-ortering, 20, 28. | 29. 3, 9, 14. ,/udg. 6. 19. cakes of an ephah of/. 1 Sam. 1. 24. lSam.28. 24. sho took/and kneaded it, 2 Sam.13.8. 2 Sam. 17. 28. brought/, parched corn and beans See Deal, Fine. FLOWER. 1 Sam. 2. 33. the increase shall die in /. of their age 1 Cor.7.36. if she pass/of her age and need require FLOWER. Exod.25.23. with knop and/, in one branch, 37.19. Job 14. 2. he cometh forth as a/, and is cut down 15. 33. he shall cast otf his/, as the olive Psal. 103. 15. as a/, of field, so he flourisheth Isa. 18. 5. and the sour grape is ripening in the/. 28. 1. whose glorious beauty is a fading/. 4. 40.6. the goodliness thereof is as the/, of the field 7./. fadeth, 8. JVeh. 1.4. Jam. 1.10,11. IPet. 1.24. FLOWERS. Exod. 25. 31. his/, shall be of the same, 37. 17. .37. 20. made like almonds, his knops and his/. JViOrt. 8. 4. to the/, thereof was beaten work IKings 6. 18. cedar of the house within was carved with knops and open /. 29, 32, 35. | 7. 26, 49. 2 Chr. 4. 5. like the brim of a cup with/, of lilies 21. the/, lamps, and tongs made he of gold Cant. 2. 12. the/, appear on earth, time of singin_ 5. 13. his cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet/. FLOWERS. Lev.\5.2i. if her/.be upon him, he shall be unclean 33. of her that is sick of her/, of him with issue FLUTE, S. IKings 1. 140. all people piped with /.and rejoiced Dan. 3. 5. when ye hear the sound of the/. 7,10,15. FLUTTERETH. Deut. 32. 11. as an eagle /. over her young FLUX. jlcts 28. 8. the father of Publius lay sick of a/. FLY. fsa. 7. 18. the Lord shall hiss for the/, in Egypt FLY, Verb. Oen. 1. 20. and fowl that may/, above the earth 2 Sam. 22. 11. he rode upon a cherub, and did/, and was seen on wings of the wind, Psal. 18. 10. Job 5. 7. man born to trouble as sparks/ upward 39. 26. doth the hawk /. by thy wisdom ? Psal. 18. 10. he did/, upon the wings of the wind 55. 6. for then would I /. away, and be at rest 90. 10. for it is soon cut off, and we/, away Prov. 23. 5. riches/, away as an eagle to. heaven /sa.6.2.each had six wings,and with twain he did/. 11. 1 4. but they shall /. upon shoulders of Philist. 60. 8. who are these that/as a cloud, and as doves Jer. 48. 40. behold, he shaU/. as an eagle Ezek. 13. 20. ye hunt the souls to make them/. /)a?t.9.21.Gab. being caused/, swiftly, touched me Hos. 9. 11. their glory shall /. away like a bird /TaJ.l.S. they shall/.as the eagle that hasteth to eat iJ<;u.l4.6. 1 saw another angel/, in midst of heaven 19. 17. to all the fowls that/in the midst of heaven See Flee, Flieth. FLYING. Z,e». 11.21. these may ye eat of ev./. creeping thing 23.bMt all other/creeping things an abomination Psal. 148. 10. all cattle and/, fowl, praise the Lord the swallow by/so the curse causeless Isa. 14. 29. and his fruit shall be a fiery/, serpent 30. 6. from whence come viper and fiery/, serpent 31. 5. as birds/so will the Lord defend Jerusalem Zech. 5. 1. 1 looked, and behold, a/, roll, 2. | FOL Rev. 4. 7. the fourth beast was like a/, eagle 8. 13. heard an angel/, thro' the midst of heaven FOAL, S. Gen. 32.15.Jacob took ten bulls, twenty asses, ten/. 49. 11. binding his/, tothevuie, and his ass's colt Zech. 9. 9. upon a colt the/, of an ass, Mat. 21. 5. FOAM. Hos. 10. 7. the king of Samaria is cut off as/. FOAMETH. J)fart9.18./.andgnashethwith his teeth,Luke0.39. FOAMING. Mark 9. 20. he fell on the ground and wallowed, /. Judc 13.raging waves of sea,/.out their own shame FODDER. Job 6. 5. or loweth tJie o.\ over his /. FOES. 1 Chron. 21. 12. or to be destroyed before thy /. Esth. 9. 16. the Jews slew of their/. 75,000 Psal. 27. 2. mine enemies and/, came upon me 30. 1. thou hast not made my/, to rejoice over me 89. 23. I will beat down his /. before his face Mat.10.3f}. a man's/, shall be they of his household .^cts 2. 35. until I make thy/, thy footstool FOLD. Heb. 1. 12. as a vesture shalt thou/, them up FOLD. Isa. 13. 20. shall the shepherds make their/, there 65.10.Sharon shall be/, for flocks, valley of Achor Ezek. 34. 14. on the mountains shall their/, be Mic. 2. 12. as the flock in the midst of their/. Hab. 3. 17. the flock shall be cut off from the/. Mat. 13. 8. brought forth fruit, some a hundred, some sixty, some thirty/. 23. Mark 4. 8, 20. 19. 29. hath forsaken houses, shall receive lOO/. John 10.16.and other sheep I have,which are not of this/, and there shall be one/, and one shepherd FOLDS. JVum. 32. 24. build ye /. for your sheep, 36. Psal. 50. 9. I will take no he-goats out of thy/. Jer. 23. 3. I will bring them again to their/. Zeph. 2. 6. the sea-coast shall be /. for flocks FOLDEN. JVah. 1. 10. while they be /. together as thorns FOLDETH. Eccl. 4. 5. the fool/, his hands together and eatelh FOLDING. 1 Kings 6. 34. the two leaves of one door were/. Pr-oy. 6. 10. a little /.of the hands to sleep, 24. 33. FOLK. Gen.33.15.let me now leave with thee soraeof the/ Prov. 30. 20. the conies are but a feeble/, yet make Jer. 51. 58. the /. shall labour in fire and be weary Mark 6. 5. he laid his hands upon a few sick/. Joh?i 5. 3. in these lay a multitude of impotent/. -'lets 5.16.a multitude round about, bringing sick / FOLLOW Signifies, [1] To come after one that goeth before as servants come after their masters, 1 Sam. 25. 27, Let it be given to the young men that follow my lord. [2] To imitate, or do as another gives us an example. Mat. 16. 24, Let him take up his cross, and follow me. 1 Cor. 11. 1, Be ye followers of me, even as T am of Christ. [3] To believe and obey. John 10. 27, My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me. J}7id in all passages where men are said to follow strange gods, it signifies, to put trust in them, to rely upon them, and yield them service. 1 Kings 18. 21, If Baal be God, then follow him. Judg. 2. 12, They forsook the Lord, and followed other gods. [4] To side, or take part with, 2 Sam. 2. 10. 2 Kings 11. 15. [5] To endeavour after, and pursue with great desire and diligence. Phil. 3. 12, But I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. [6] To die with one. John 13. 36, Thou canst not follow me now, that is, bear me company in my sufferings, and die with me. To follow the Lamb, Rev. 14. 4, These are they that fol- low the Lamb : That keep close to Christ in all his ordinances : are led by his word and Spirit, and depend upon the virtue and merit of his sacrifice alone for pardon and accept- ance, and not on saints, or their own merits, as the followers of Antichrist do. OenM.8. if the woman will not be willing to/.thee 44. 4. Joseph said, up,/, after the men Exod. 11. 8. get thee out, and people that/, thee 14. 4. 1 will harden Pharaoh that he shall /. them 17. and the Egyptians shall /. them 21. 22. if hurt a woman, and yet no mischief/. 23. and if any mischief/, then life for life 23. 2. thou shalt not/, a multitude to do evil Deut. 16. 20. what is altogether just shalt thou/. 18. 22. if the thing/, not, nor come to pass Judg. 9. 3. their hearts inclined to/. Abimelech 1 Sam. 25. 27. be given young men, who/, my lord 30. 21. so faint that they could not /. David 2 Sam. 17. 9. among the people that/. Absalom FOL 1 Khigs 19. 20. let me kiss lather, then I will/, thee Psal°'38. 20. because I/, the thing that good is 45. 14. the virgins her companions that/, her 94. 15. all the upright in heart shall/, it 119. 150. they draw nigh that/, after mischief Jsa. 5. 11. tliat they may/, strong drink 51. 1. hearken, ye that/, after righteousness ./t)-.17. 16. 1 hastened from being a pastor to/, thee 42. 16. the famine shall/, close after you Ezck. 13. 3. the propliels that/, their own spirit JJus. 2. 7. and she shall /. after her lovers 6. 3. we shall know, if we/, on to know the Lord JUat. 8. 19. Master, I will /. thee, Lulcc 9. 57, 61. Mark 16. 17. these signs /. them that believe J.uke 17. 23. go not after them, nor /. them 22. 49. when they about him saw what would/. John 10. 5. and a stranger will they not/. 13.37. Peter said, Lord why cannot 1/ thee now? ^cts 3.24. all the prophets from Samuel, and that/. Hotn. 14. 19. let us/, things that make for peace 1 Cor. 14. 1./. after charity, desire spiritual gifts Phil. 3. 12. but I /. after, if that I may apprehend 1 T/icss. 5. 15: but ever/, that which is good 2 Thess.3.7. for yoursel. know how ye ought to/, us 9. to make ourselves an ensample to you to/, us ITV/H. 5. 24. and some men they/, after 6. 11. O man of God,/, righteousness, 2 Tivi.'i. 22. Ifeb. 12. 14./. peace with all men, and holiness 13. 7. whose faith/, considering the end 1 Pet. 1. 11. when it testified the glory that should/ 2. 21. an example, that ye should/, his steps 2 Pet. 2. 2. many shall/, their pernicious ways 3 .To/tn 11. /.not that which is evil, but what is good Ren. 14. 4. these are they that/, the Lamb 13. blessed are dead in Lord, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do/, them FOLLOW him. 1 Kings 18. 21. if the Lord be God, /. him Mark 5. 37. and he suffered no man to/, him 6. 1. he went out thence, and his disciples/, him Luke 22. 10./. him into the house, Mark 14. 13. John 10. 4. he goeth before, and the sheep /. him FOLLOW mc. Oen.24.5. the worn, will not be willing to/, rae, 39. Judg. 3. 28. Ehud said unto them, /. after me 8. 5. give bread, I pray, to the people that/, me lJCings20. 10. for handfulsfor the people that/, mc 2 Kings 6.19. f. 7nf, I will bring you to man ye seek Ps. 23. 6. goodness and mercy sliall/. me all my life Mat. 4. 19. Jesus saith,/. inc, and I will make you fishers of men, 8.22. | 9.9. Mark 2.U.Luke5.27. 16. 24. let him deny himself and take up his cross and /. me, Mark 8. 34. | 10. 21. Lulce 9. 23. 19. 21. sell that thou hast,/ me, Luke 18. 22. Luke 9. 59. he said, / me, John 1. 43. | 21. 22. Jolin 10. 27. my sheep hear my voice and /. me 12. 26. if any man will serve me, let him/, me 13. 36. thou canst not/, me now, but afterwards Jlcls 12.8. cast thy garment about thee, and/, me FOLLOWED. Oen. 24. 61. Rebekah and her damsels/, the man 32. 19. so commanded he all that/, the droves JVMm.32.12. they have wholly/, the Ld. Veut.l.'JG. Dent. 4. 3. for all the men that/. Baal-peor 11. t6. swallowed the substance which/ them Josh. 6. 8. and the ark of the covenant/, them 14. 8. but I wholly/, the Lord my God, 9. 14. Judg. 2. 12. they forsook the Lord and/, other gods 9. 49. cut down his bough, and/. Abimelech 1 ^am. 14. 22. they/, hard after the Philistines 17. 13. Jesse's three sons/. Saul to battle, 14. 31.2. Philistines/. Saul, 2. Sajn. 1.6. 1 Clir. 10.2. 2 Sam. 2. 10. but the house of Judah/. David 3. 31. and king David himself/, the bier 17. 23. Aliitho|ihel saw his counsel was not/. 20. 2. Israel/. Sheba the son of Bichri IKings 12.20. there was none that/house of David Ifi. 21. half of people/. Tibni, half/. Omri, 22. 18.18.have forsaken the Lord, thou hast /.Baalim 20. 19. came out, and the army which/, them ZKings 3.9. was no water for the cattle that/, them 4. 30. Elisha rose and /. her 5. 21. so Gehazi/. after Naaman, is all well? 9. 27. Jehu/, after Ahaziah, and said, smite him 13. 2. Jehoahaz/. sins of Jeroboam sonof Nebat 17. 15. and they/, vanity, and became vain Psal. 68. 25. the players on instruments/, after Etek. 10. 11. whither the head looked, they/, it ..^mos 7. 15. the Lord took me as I/, the (lock J>ra<.27..55.many women which/. Jes. from Galilee Mark in. 28. we left all and /. thee, Luke 18. 28. 32. were amazed, and as they/, they were afraid Lvke 22. .54. they took him, and Peter/ afar off ^ctsl3.43. religious proselytes/. Paul and Barnab. 16. 17. the same/. Paul and us, and cried Rom.O. 30. Gentiles who/, not after righleousncss 31. who/, afler the law of righteousness 1 Cor. 10. 4. they drank of that rock that/, them 1 Tm.5.10.ifshehavediligently/.everygood work S Pet. 1. 16. we have not f. cunningly deviaod fables 211 JVujn.16.25.; Judg. 9. 4. hi 1 Sam. 13. 7. 2 Sam. 11. 8. t: Mat.i.'HO.thcy they imme FOL ficD.6. 8. his name was Death, and hell /.with him 8. 7. there/, bail and fire mingled with blood 14.8. and tliere/.anuther angel, saying, Babylon is 9. and the third angel f. them, saying, if any man "■'■"■ '"'ED him. the elders of Isr./. him ht persons who/. Am pie/, him trembling ss of meat from the k. iindf.him, Mark 1.18. the ship and /. him 25. and there/, him great multitudes of people, 8. 1. I 12. 15. I 19. 2. 1 20. 29. Mark 2. 15. I 5. 24. Luke 23. 27. John 6. 2. 8.23. when entered,his disciples /.Am, Lukc22.Z9. 9. 27. two blind men /. him, crying, and saying 26. 58. but Peter/, him afar oft', Mark 14. 54. Mark 14. 51. there/. Aim a certain young man Luke 5. 11. they forsook all and/, him, 28. 7.9. Jesus said to the people that/. Am, not found Jlets 12. 9. Peter went out and /. him and wist not Rev. 19. 14. the armies/, him on white horses FOLLOWED mc. JVum. 14. 24. my servant Caleb hath/, me fully 32. 11. because they have not wholly/, me 1 Kings 14. 8. David who/, me with all his heart JVch. 4. 23. nor the men of the guard which/, me Mat. 19. 28. ye that/, me in the regeneration FOLLOWEDST. R^ith 3. 10. thou/, not young men, poor or rich FOLLOWER. 2 Ti7}i. 3. 1 10. hast been a diligent/, of my doctrine FOLLOWERS. 1 Cor. 4. 16. have begotten you through the gospel, I beseech you, be/, of me, 11. 1. Phil. 3. 17. Eph. 5 1. be ye/, of God as dear children IThcss. 1. 6. ye became/, of us and of the Lord 2. 14. for ye became/, of the churches of God /^ them who thro' faith inherit prom. 1 Pet. 3. 13. if ye be/, of that which is good FOLLOWETH. 2Kingsn.l5. him that/, her be killed, 2 CA7-.23.14. Ps. 63. 8. my soul /. hard after thee, hand upholds Prov. 12. 11. but he that/, vain persons, 28. 19. 15. 9. he loveth him that/, righteousness, 21. 21. /sa. 1.23. every one loveth gifts and/, after rewards Ezek. 16. 34. none/, thee to whoredoms //os.]2.1.Ephraim feedson vind, /.after east-wind Jl/a<. 10.38. hethattaketh not up his cross and/, me Mark 9. 38. because he/, not us, Luke 9. 49, John 8. 12. he that f. me shall not walk in darkness FOLLOWING. OeH.41. 31. plenty not known by reason of famine/. Deut. 7. 4. they will turn away thy son from / me 12. 30. take heed thou be not snared by/. them .Tosh. 22. 16. from/, the Lord, 18, 23, 29. 1 Sam. 12. 20. 2 Kings 17. 21. 2 Chr. 25. 27. | 34. 33. Judg.2,.l'ii. corrupted in/, other gods to serve them Rath 1. 16. or to return from/, after thee 1 Sam. 12. 14. if ye continue/, the Lord your God 14. 46. Saul went up from/, the Philistines 15. 11. Saul is turned back from/, me 24. 1. when Saul was returned from/. Philistines 2 Sam. 2. 19. Asahel turned not from /. Abner, 30. 26. bid the people return from /. their brethren 7. 8.1 took thee from/, the sheep, to be ruler over my people, 1 Chron. 17. 7. Psal. 78. 71. 1 Kings 1. 7. and they/. Adonijah, helped him 9. 6. but if you shall at all turn from/ me 21. 26. Ahab did very abominably in/, idols Psal.4ii. 13. that ye may tell it to the generation/. 109. 13. in general./, let their name be blotted out Mark 16. 20. and confirming the word with signs/. Luke 13.33.1 must walk to-morrow and the day/. John 1. 38. then Jesus turned and saw them /. 43. the day/. ||6.22.the day /.when the people saw 2l.20.Peterseeth the disciple whom Jesus loved/. Acts 21. 1. we came the day/, unto Rhodes, 18. 23. 11. and the night/, the Lord stood by him 2 Pet. 2. 15. are gone astray, /. the way of Balaam FOLLY. ^^671.34.7. because Shechem had wrought/, in Isr. Deut.Zi. 21. she wrought/, by playing the whore Josh. 7. 15. because Achan wrought/, in Israel Judg. 19. 23. nay, I pray you, do not this/. t 24. to this man do not the matter of this/. 20. 0. they have committed lewdness and/, in Isr. 10. according to the/, that they wrought in Isr. 1 Sam.25.25. Nabal is his name, and/ is with him 2 Sam. 13. 12. my brother, do not thou this/. Job 1. 1 22. in all this Job attributed not/, to God 4. 18. behold his angels he charged with/. 24. 12. yet God layeth not/, to them 42. 8. lest I deal with you after your/. Psal. 49. 13. this their way is their/, yet posterity 85. 8. but let Ihem not turn again to/. Proi). the greatness of his/he shall go astray 13. 10. but a fool layeth open his/. 14. 8. but the/, of fools is deceitful ] 18. the simple inherit /. but prudent are crowned FOO P/. 14.24. crown of wise is riches, foolishn.of f. is/. 29. but he that is hasty of spirit exaltelh/. 15. 21./. is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom in. 22. but the instruction of fools is/. 17. 12. let a bear meet rather than a tool in his/. 18.13. before he heareth it, it is/, and shame to him 26.4. answer not a fool accord, to his /.lest like him 5. ans. a fool accord, to his/, lest wise in conceit 11. as dog to vomit, so a fool returneth to his/. Eccl.l. 17. 1 gave my heart to know wisdom and/. 2. 3. I sought in my heart to lay hold on /. 12. turned to behold /. || 13. wisdom exccllcth/. 7. 25. I applied to know the wickedness of/. 10. 1. so doth a little/, him that is in reputation 6./. is set in great dignity, rich sit in low place /sa.9.17. an evil doer, and every mouth speaketh/. .7e?-.23. 13. 1 have seen/, in the prophets of Samar. Hos. 2.tl0. 1 will discov. her/, insight of her lovers 2 Cor. 11. 1. ye could bear with me a little in my/. 2 Tm.3.9.their/. shall be made manifest to all men FOOD. Gen. 2.'9. every tree pleasant and that is good for/. 3. 6. the woman saw the tree was good for/. 6. 21. take thou to thee of all/, that is eaten 41. 35. let them gather all/, of those good years 42. 7. came to buy /. 10. | 43. 2, 4, 20, 22. | 44. 25. 33. take/, for the famine of your households 44. 1. he commanded to fill the sacks with/. 47. 24. for your/, and for/, for your little ones Exod. 21. 10. her/, shall not be diminished Lev. 3. 11. the/, of the offering made by fire, 16. 19.23. shall have planted all manner of trees for/. 21. 1 17. not approach to offer the/, of his God 22. 7. shall eat of holy things, because it is his/. Deut.\0.\8. the stranger, in giving him/, andraim. 1 Sam. 14.24. cursed thateateth/. till evening, 28. 2.Sa7n.9.10. that thy master'ssonmay have/, to eat \ Kings 5. 9. my desire, in giving/, for my househ. 1 1 .Solom. gave Hiram wheat for /.to his househ. JVfA. 9.t25. they possessed trees of/, in abundance .Tob 23. 12. thy words more than my necessary /. 24. 5. wilderness yieldeth /. for them and children .38. 41. who provideth for the raven his/.? 40. 20. surely tne mountains bring him forth/. did eat angels'/, he sent them meat 104. 14. he may bring forth/, out of the earth 136.25. who giveth/. to all flesh, his mercy for ever 146. 7. the Lord who giveth/. to the hungry 147.9. he giveth to the beast his/, to young ravens Prov. 6. 8. the ant gathereth her/, in harvest 13. 23. much/, is in the tillage of the poor 27.27.thou shall have goats' milk enough for thy/. 28.3. is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no/. 30. 8. feed me with /. convenient for me 31. 14. like ships, she bringeth her/, from afar Ezek. 16. 27. I have diminished thine ordinary/. 48. 18. the increase thereof shall be for/, to them Jlcts'i.4.Vi. fruitful seasons,filling our hearts with/. 2 Cor. 9. 10. both minister bread for your/. 1 Tim. 6. 8. having/, and raiment, let us be content Jam. 2. 15. if naked and destitute of daily/. FOOL, Folly, Foolishness, are to be understood not only according to their natural and literal mean- ing, for one who is an idiot, or a very weak man, and for the discourses and notions of fools and madmen ; but in the language of scripture, especially in the book of Proverbs, fool is the usual character of the sinner, and folly and foolishness are put for sin. Psal. 38. 5, My wounds stink, and are corrujit, because of my foolishness, my sin. And in Psal. 69. 5, O God, thou knowest my foolishness. Solomon sets the fool in. opposition to the prudent man. Prov. 13. 16, Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge; but a fool layeth open his folly. For as i?/ prudence a man so governs himself , and regulates his actions, as to avoid im- pending evils, and to obtain that good which is suitable to his necessities : so it is the effect of folly, not to foresee evils to prevent them, and to neglect the season of obtaining tchat is good. In Prov. 13. 20, Solomon opposes the fool to the wise man. He that walketh with wise men, shall be wise ; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed As it is with relation to the affairs of this life ; the man of prudence and conduct in his affairs, who takes the best me- thod of managing things to his own, his family's, and friend's, or any society's repu- tation, comfort, and advantage, and who minds his business more than his pleasure, is the wise man : And the inconsiderate, heed- less, slothful nan, who neglects the principal affairs of life, or goes into improper or un- likely methods of managing them to advan- tage, or who minds his pleasure more than his business, is the fool for this world : So it is with respect to another world; the truly wise FOO man is he whopmposcs the things of God, and the everlasting interest of his immortal smtl, as his highest end, and pursues them with the ut- most care and diligence, inthewayof God's ap- pointment through Jesus Christ our only Sa- viour; and who secies all things else with less so-' licitude and concern, and in subordination to these. And the fool, on the other hand, is he, who makes something in this world his highest end and aim, and spends his chief time and care, concern and labour, about it,to thenegleet of the infinitely higher interests of God's glory and his own soul's everlasting happiness. So that the highest folly is justly charged upon every wilful impenitent sinner. Such also are called by the name of fools, who, though they be godly, yet have much ignorance and tmbelief remaining in them. O fools, and Blow of heart to believe, says our Saviour to the disciples that were going to Emniaue, Luke 24. 25. Jlnd it is the character; of all men, as they are born possessed of natural ig- norance and corruption. Tit. 3. 3, We our- selves were sometimes foolish. The Apostle says, 1 Cor. 4. 10, We are fools for Clirist's sake : that is, we are accounted so by the wise men of the world. And in Rom. 1. 2'J, he says, Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools : that is, While they pretended to, and boasted of more than ordinary wisdom, their learned men being at first usually called So- phists, or wise men, though afterwards Philo- sophers, they entertained and vented many gross and absurd opinions andj>ractices, and so shewed t/temsclves to be real fools. The same apostle says, in 1 Cor. 1. 18, The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness. The doctrine ofChristcrucified, to purchase eternal salvation for believers, is by unbelievers, that judge only according tocarnalreason and sense, accounted an absurd, ridiculous, impossible thing, and which none in their wits will believe, according to the principles of their philosophy . j37idral &or.2. 14, The things of God are foolish- ness to the natural man. He counts them the most foolish things in the world ; he looks upon them as either trifling and impertinent ; or as containing means and ends disproportionate : or as undesirable in comparison of what may be setup in competition with them. 1 Sam. 20. 21. behold I have played the/, and erred Psal. 14. 1. the /."hath said in his heart, 53. 1. 49. 10. likewise the/, and brutish person perish 92. 6. neither doth a/, understand this Prov. 10. 8. but a prating/, shall fall, 10. 23. it is a sport to a/, to do mischief 11.29. the/, shall beservant to the wise of heart 12. 15. the way of a/, is right in his own eyes 16.a/. wrath is presently known, but prudent man 13.16. wise man feareth, but/.layeth open his folly 14. 16. but the /. rageth and is confident 15. 5. a/, despiseth his father's instruction 17. 7. excellent speech becometh not a /. lO.a reproof more than a hundred stripes into a/. 12.1et a bear meet a man rather than /.in his folly 16. why is a price in hand of a/, to get wisdom? 21. he that begetteth a/, doth it to his sorrow 28.a/.when he holdeth his peace is counted wise 18. 2. a/, hath no delight in understanding 6./. lips enter intocontent.mouth calls for strokes Prov.M. 7.a/. mouth is his destruction,lips a snare 20. 3. but every /. will be meddling 26. 4. answer not a/. || 5. answer a /. 8. so is he that giveth honour to a/. 10. the great G.rewardeth the/and transgressors 11. as a dog so a/, returneth to his folly 27. 3. but a/, wrath is heavier than them both 22. though thou shouldest bray a/, in a mortar 29.11./.uttereth alibis mind, but a wise man keeps Eccl. 2. 14. but the/, walketh in darkness 1.5. as it happeneth to the /. so even to me no remembrance of wise man more than off. 19. who knowelh whether he be wise or a/. ? 4.5. the/, foldetli his hands together, eats his flesh 5. 3. a/, voice is known by multitude of words 6. 8. for what hath the wise more than the/. ? 10. 2. at right hand, but a/, heart is at his left hand 14./.i3 full of words, man cannot tellwhat shall be Jer. 17. 11. and at his end he shall be a/. Jtf(it.5.22.whosoever shall say, thou/ be in danger Lnke 12. 20. /. this night thy soul shall be required ]C'or.3. 18.1et him become a/, that he maybe wise 15. 36. thou/, that thou sowest is not quickened 2 Cor. 11. 16. I say again, let no man think me a/. 12.6. Iho' I would desire to glory, shall not be a/. 11. 1 am become a/.in glorying, ye compelled me As a FOOL. 2 Sam. 3. 33. David said, died Abner as af. dieth? Prov. 7. 22. as af. to the correction of the stocks Eccl. 2. 16. how dieth the wise man? as thef. 212 FOO 2 Cor. 11. 16. if otherwise, yet as af. receive me 23. are they ministers ? 1 speak as af.\ am more For a FOOL. rily for a f. "^ lens not mouth / T thef. back h meat ^nder is af. Prov. 19. 10. delight is not. 24. 7. wisdom is too h 26. 1. so honour is no; 3. a bridle for the a 30. 22./ura/. when Is a P»-o«. 10. 18. he thatutti 19.1. than he that is perverse in his lips, and is af. 28. 26. he that trusteth in his own heart is af. £ccM0.3. when he that is af. walketh, his wisdom failelh him, he saith to every one that he is af. //'os.9.7.the prophet is a/.the spiritual man is mad 1 Tim. 6. t 4. he is af. and knoweth nothing Of a FOOL. Prov.Vi. 15. the way ofaf. is right in his own eyes 17. 21. and the father of af. hath no joy 24. the eyes of af. are in the ends of the earth 23. 9. speak not in the ears of a f. he will despise 2G.6.he that sendeth a message by the hand of af. 12. there is more hope o/ a/, than of him, 29. 20. crackling of lhorns,so laughter o/^Aa/. 10. 12. but the lips o/ a/, will swallow up himself FOOLS. 2 Sam. 13.13. thoushaltbeasoneofthe/. in Israel Job 12. 17. and he maketh the judges/. 30. 8. they were children of/children of base men Psal. 75. 4. I said to the/, deal not foolishly 94. 8. and ye /. when will ye be wise 7 107. 17./. becauseof their transgres. are afflicted Prov. 1. 7. but/, despise wisdom and instruction 22. how long, ye/, will ye hate knowledge I 32. and the prosperity of/, shall destroy them 3. 35. but shame shall be the promotion of/. 8. 5. and ye/, be ye of an understanding heart 10. 21. but/, die for want of wisdom 12. 23. but the heart of/, proclaimeth foolishness 13.19.but itis abomination to /.to depart from evil 20. but a companion of/, shall be destroyed 14. 8. follyof/. is deceit || 9./.make a mock at sin of wise is riches,foolishness of/.is folly 33. what is in the midst of/, is made known 15. 2. the mouth of/, poureth out fooljslmess 14. the mouth of/, feedeth on foolishness 10. 22. but the instruction of/, is folly 19. 29. stripes are prepared for the back of/. 26. 7. so is a parable in the mouth of/. 9. Eccl.5.\.moxc ready to hear,than give sacrificeof/. 4. he hath no pleasure in/, pay whathastvowed 7. 4. but the heart of/, is in the house of mirth 5. than for a man to hear the song of/. not hasty,for anger resteth in the bosom of/. 9. )7. more than cry of him that ruleth among/. Isa. 19. 11. surely the princes of Zoan are/. 13. 35. 8. way-faring men, tho'/. shall not err therein Mat. 23. 17. ye/, and blind, whether is greater, 19. lAikcW. 40. ye/.did not he that made that without 24.25.0/.and slow of heart to believe the prophets Rom. 1. 22. professing to be wise, they became/. lCor.4. 10. we are/for Christ's sake,ye wise in Ch. 2Co?-.11.19.for ye suffer/gladly ,seeing ye are wise £p/4.5.15.see then that ve walk not as/.bul as wise FOOLISH. Dewt. 32. 0. do ye thus requite the Ld. O/. people"! 21.will provoke them with a/nation, ftom. 10. 19. J'oi2.10.thou epeakest as one of/. women speaketh 5. 2. for wrath kiUeth the/, man, envy slays 3. 1 have seen the/, taking root, but I cursed Psal. 5. 5. the/, shall not stand in thy sight 39. 8. make me not the reproach of the/. 73.3. fori was envious at the/, when Isawprosp. 22. so/, was I and ignorant, I was as a beast 74. 18. the/, people have blasphemed thy name 22. rememb. how the/man reproach, thee daily Proi'.9.6. forsake the/, and live, go in way underst. 13. a/, woman is clamor, is simple, knows noth. 10. 1. but a/, son is the heaviness of his mother 14. but the mouth of the/, is near destruction 14. 1. but the/, plucketh it down with her hands 3. in the mouth of the /. is a rod of pride 7. go from the presence of a/ man 15. 7. but the heart of the/, doeth not so 20. but a/ man despiseth his mother 17.25. a/son is a grief to his father, and bitterness 19. 13. a/, son is the calamity of his father 21. 20. a/, man spendeth a treasure 29. 9. if a wise man contendeth with a/, man Eccl. 4. 13. better is a wise child than a/, king 7. 17. be not overmuch wicked, neither be thou/. 10. 15. labour of the/, wearieth every one of them Isa. 44. 25. he maketh their knowledge/. Jer .4.22. for my people are /.they are sottish childr. 5. 4. 1 said, surely these are poor, they are/. 21. hear now this, O/ people, who see not 10. 8. but they are altogether brutish and /. Lam.'i. 14. thy proph. have seen vain and/, things Ezek. 13. 3. thus saith the L. woe to the /. prophets 1 Zech. 11. 15. take the instruments of a /. shepherd FOO Mat. 7.26. shall be likened unto a/, man whobuilt 2.'5i, 2. five of the virgins were wise, and live/. Rom. 1. 21. and their/, heart was (iarkened 2. 20. an instructor of the /. a teacher of babes ICor. 1.20. hath not G. made/ wisd. of this world Gal.3. l.O/. Galatians, who hath bewitched youl 3. are ye so /. ? having begun in the Spirit Eph. 5. 4. neither filthiness, nor/, talking 1 Tim. 6. 9. they that will be rich fall into /. lusts 2 Tim. 2. 23. but/, questions avoid, Tit. 3. 9. Tit. 3. 3. we ourselves were sometimes /. deceived 1 Pet. 2. 15. may put to silence the ignor. of/, men FOOLISHLY. Gen.31.28.thou hast now done/, in so doing, in my • power to hurt you, 1 Sam. J3. 13. 2 Chr. 16. 9. JVum. 12. 11. the sin onus wherem we have dpne/. 2 Sam. 24. 10. I have done very /. 1 Chron. 21. 8. Jobl.2-2.\n all this Job sinned not, nor charged G.f. Psal. 75. 4. 1 said to the fools, deal not/. Prov. 14. 17. hSthat is soon. angry dealetk/. 30. 32. if thou hast done /. in lifting thyself 2Cor, 11. 17. 1 speak \X as it were /. in this boasting 21.1 speak /. I am l(Qld also, are tJiey Hebrews! FOOLISHNESS. 2Sam. 15.31. turn the counsel of Ahithophel into/. Psal. 38. 5. my wounds stink because of my /. 69. 5. O God, thou knowest my /. sins are not hid Pfov. 12. 23. but the heart of fools proclaimeth /. 14. 24. but the/, of fools is folly 15. 2. but the mouth of fools -poureth out/. 14. but the mouth of fools feedeth on /. 19. 3. the/, of man perverteth his way 22. 15./. is bound in the heart of a child 24.9. the thought of/. issin,thescorner abominat. . 27. 22. yet will not his/, depart from him Eccl. 7. 25. to know the wicked, of/, and madness ' 10.13. the beginning ofthe words of his mouth is/. Mark 7. 22. thefts, pride, /■ come from within ICor. 1. IS.preaching of cross to them that perish/. 21. it pleased God by the /. of preaching to save 23. we preach Christ crucified, to the Greeks/. 25. because the/, of God is wiser than men 2. 14. the things of the Spirit of God are/, to him 3. 19. the wisdom of this world is/, with God FOOT Is a part ofthe body well known. In old times it was customary to wash the feet of strangers upon their coming off a journey. Gen. 18. 4. 1 19. 2. I 24. 32. because generally they were barefoot, or wore sandals only, which did not secure them from the dust or tlirt. St. Paul enjoins enquiry to bemade, whether the widows who were to be taken into the number of those who were to be maintained by the church, had washed the feet of the saints; whether they had been ready to do the meanest offiecs to the servants of God, 1 Tim. 5. 10. Christ Jesus, to give us an example of humility, washed the feet of his Apostles; and thereby taught them to perform all the most humble services for one another, John 13. 5. Feet, in the style of the sacred Writers, often mean inclinations, affections, propensities, ac- tions, motions. Eccl. 5. 1, Keep thy foot when thougoestto the house of God. Psal. 36. 1], Let not the foot of pride come against me. And in Psal. 119. 59, I turned my feet unto thy testimonies. Also in Eph. 6. 15, And your feet shod with the preparation ofthe gospel of peace. To be at any one's feet, is used for obeying, being in his service, following him. Abigail (WZs David, that the presents which s/te brought him, were for the young men that walked athis feet; /or tlie soldiers who followed him, 1 Sam. 25. t 27. Moses says, Deut.33.3. that the Lord loved his people, and they sat down at his feet: Like scholars, they heard him, they belonged to him, they were taught and instructed in his doctrine. St. Paul says, that he was broughtup at the feet of Gamaliel, Acts 22. 3. And Mary sat at our Saviour's feet, and heard his word, Luke 10. 39. In Deut. 11. 10. it is said, that the land of Canaan is not like the land of Egypt, where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it with thy foot; that is, that Palestine is a country where the rains are not extremely rare, where the deics are plentiful, where there are many springs, rivulets, and brooks, without reckon- ing the river Jordan , which supply the earth with, all the moisture that is necessary to its pro- ducing fruit; whereas Egypt is a country where there is no river but the Nile, where it never rains, and where the lands which are not within reach to be watered by the inundations of this river,'eontinue parched, andbarren. To supply this want, ditches are dug, and water distribu- ted throughout the severalvillages ; the digging these ditches, and dispersing these waters, create a great deal of labour to the feet. FDO But nottcithstanding these precautions, there are many places which have no loater ; and in the courseof the year, the places which arc nearest to the Nile, require to be watered agaiil in an artificial manner. It is done by the help of some machines, which Philo describes thus : It is a wheel which a man turns jcith the motion of his feet, by ascending successively the several steps which arc within it. But as while he is thus continually turning, he can- not keep himself up, he holds a stay in his hands which is not moveable, and this supports him; so that in this tcork, the hands do the office of the feet, and the feet that of the hands : since the hands which should act, are at rest; and the feet which should be at rest, are in action, and give viotion to the wheel. This is what is meant by watering the earth with their feet. It is said, in Jer. 2. 25, Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst. Do not continue to prostitute yourselves, as you have hitherto done, to strange people. Me speaks to the infidel and idolatrous Jews. So likewise Ezelt. 16. 25, Thou hast opened thy feet to every one tliat passed by. It is a modest expression, for exposing one's naked- ness, or going into the bed of lust. Jacob said to Laban, Gc«. 30.t30, The Lord hath blessed thee at my foot; that is, ever since I came to you; since my feet entered into thy house : Or, by my foot; that is, by my ministry and la- bour, as the phrase is used, Deut. 11. 10. To be under any one's feet, to be a footstool to him, !s a figurative way of speaking, to signify the subjection of a subject to his sovereign, of a servant to his master. Psal. 8. 6. ] 18. 3S. I JIO. 1. Thou hast put all things under his feet. ' Mine enemies are fallen under my feet. Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. To lick the dust oft' one's feet, Isa. 49. 23, They shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy ftet. They shall highly reverence and honour thee, and shall most humblyandreadilysubmitthemsclccs unto thee. The expressions are borrowed from the prac- tice of the eastern people in their prostrations and adorations, when they bowed so low as to touch and kiss the ground, whereby they did or might seem to lick up the very dust of the ground, which was about or under the feet of those whom they adored. Nakedness of feet was a sign of mourning: For- bear to cry, says Ood to Ezekiel, make no mourning for the dead, and put on thy shoes upon thy feet, Ezek. 24. 17. It was also amark of respect, reverence, and adoration, E.\od.3. 5, Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place where thou standest is holy ground. To wash one's foot with oil, or with butter, sig- nifies plenty of all sorts of good things, Deut. 33. 24. Job 29. 6. To wash one's feet in the blood of sinners; to take remarkable vengeance on them, to shed rivers of their blood, Psal. 58. 10. Awickedmanspeakethwith hisfeet,.s(i!/sSolomon, Prov. 0. 13. He uses much gesture with his hands and feet while he is talking; he secretly signifies to his companions his intentions ordc- siresof somecviltowards another pcrSo7), which he is afraid, or ashamed to express openly. The ancient sages blamed those who used too much gesticulation,and spoke with all their members. Ezekiel reproaches the Ammonites with clap- ping their hands, and stamping with their feet in token of joy, upon seeing the desolation of Jerusalem and the temple, Ezek. 25. G. Jind in chap. G. 11. he makes the same motions the signs of grief, because of the ruin of his people. The prophet Isaiah says. Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters, that send forth thither the feet of the ox and the ass, Isa. 32. 20. Happy are the people that sow their cornupon a well-watered soil, who loith their oxen and a.ises plow a fat and fruitful land; or who feed there their oxenandtheirasses. To send out their feet, that is, to send them there, to feed them, to plow there with them. But this passage may be understood mystically, and seems to respect the times of the gospel : that is, Happy are the Jlposlles and gospel-ministers, in comparison of thoae that lived before them, who shall find abundant success of their labours in the con- version of multitudes unto Christ. The same prophet says, chap. 58. 13, If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day: This is taken, either properly, if thou forbear walking, or taking any unnecessary journeys on the sab- 213 FOO lath-day ; Or, metaphorically, that is, if thou keep thy mind and affections clear, and re- strain thyself from whatever may profane it ; feet being often put for affections, because the mind is moved ■I)y^the affections, as the body is by the feet,' *—' Job says, that \\6 was feet to the lame, and eyes to the blind, JoiS9. 15. He led, he di- rected, and-instrtuMdthe one, and supported the other: ./?j«Z«;j»-ohap. 13. 27, he says, that God had put his feet in the stocks, and looked narrowly into all his paths : That he had en- compassed him with his judgments, so that he had no way, or possibility to escape; he was like a bird taken by the foot in a snare. Gc7i.41.44. without thee no man shall lift up his/. Exod. 12. 37. about six hundred thousand on /. 21.24. thou Shalt give/, for/. IJeut. 19. 21. 30. 18. shall make a laver of brass and his /. 28. I 31. 9. I 35. 16. | 38. 8. \ 39. 39. | 40. 11. Lev.S.n. Lev. 13. 12. if a leprosy cover from head to /. JVu?n.22.25. the ass crushed Balaam's/, agst. wall Veut. 8. 4. nor did thy /. swell these forty years 11. 10. and wateredsl it with thy/, as a garden 25. 9. she shall loose his shoe from off his/. 29. 5. thy shoe is not wa.xen old upon thy/. 32.35. to me vengean.their/.shall slide in due time 33. 24. Moses said, let Asher dip his/, in oil .fosh. 1. 3. every place your/. shall tread upon 5. 15. loose thy shoe from off thy /.Joshua did so .Judcr. 5. 15. Barak was sent on /. to the valley 1 Sam. 23. f 22. and see where his/, shall be 2 Sam. 2. 18. Asahel was as light of/ as a roe 21.20. had on every/, six toes, 1 Chron. 20. 6. 2 Kings 9. 33. Jehu trod Jezebel under/. 2 Chr. 33. 8. nor any more remove the/, of Israel Job 23.11. my/, hath held his steps, his way I kept 28. 4. even the waters forgotten of the /. 31. 5. or if my /. hath hasted to deceit 39. J5. and forgetteth that the/may crush them Psal. 9. 15. in the net they hid is their/, taken 26. 12. my/, standeth in an even place 30. 11. let not the/, of pride come against me 38. 16. when my/, slippeth, magnify themselves 66. 6. they went througb the Hood on/. 68. 23. that thy/, may be dipped in blood 91.12. his angels shall bear thee up, lest thou dash thy/ against a stone. Mat. 4. G. lAikc 4. 11. 94.18. 1 said my/, slippeth, thy mercy held me up 121. 3. he will not suffer thy/, to be moved Prov. 1. 15. refrain thy/, from their path 3.23. shalt walk safely,and tby /.shall not stumble 26. the Lord shall keep thy /. from being taken 4. 27. turn not to right or left, remove thy/, from 25.17. withdraw thy/, from thy neighbour's bousi 19.coiilidence in unl' is like/, out of joint Eccl. 5. 1. keep thy/.when goest into house ofGod Isa. 14. 25. on my mountains tread him under/. 18.7. a nation meted out and trodden under/. 20. 2. and put oft' thy shoe from off" thy /. 26. 6. the /. shall tread it down, even of the poor 41.2. who called the righteous man to his/. 58. 13. if thou turn away thy / from my sabbath Jer. 2. 25. withhold thy /. from being unshod 12. 10. they have trodden my portion under/. J^am. 1. 15. Ld. hath trodden under /. mighty men Ezek. 6. 11. stamp with thy/, and say, alas 16. t 6. when trodden under/. I said to thee, live 25. t 6. because thou hast stamped with the /. ofman,no /.of beast shall pass thro' it 32. 13. neither shall the /. of man trouble them Dan. 8. 13. to give the host to be trodden under /. j3mos2.15.that is swift of/.shallnotdeliver himself Mat. 5. 13, salt unsavory, trodden under/, of men 14. 13. the people followed him on f. out of cities 18. 8. if thy /. offend thee, cut it ofli", Mark 9. 45. 22. 13. bind him hand and/, cast him intodarkn. Jl/arfe 6. 33. many ran a /. thither out of all cities JoAnll.44.was dead came forth bound hand and/. .'3cts7.5.not so much as to set hi3/.on,yet promised had appointed, minding himself to go a/. lC'or.12.15. if the/. say,becausel am not the hand Hcb. 10. 29. hath trodden under /. the Son of God iJcw.1.13. Sonof man clothed with a garm.tothe/. 11.2. the holy city shall they tread under/. Sole of FOOT. Gen.8.9.the dove found no rest for the sole o/ her /. /?ciit.28.35. L. smite thee with a botch from 5. off. 56 .not set sole of her/.on ground for dclicateness GS.nor shall the sole of thy /. have rest [on Josh.\.'i. every place the soleofyowcf. shall tread 2.fB)n. 14.25. none like Absalom,from the sole of f. Job 2. 7. Job smitten with boils from sole of the /. Isa. 1.6. from sole of f. to the head no soundness Ezek. 1.1. sole of f. wan like the .so^eo/ a calf's/. FOOT-BREADTH. £)cu(.2.5.will notgive,no not so much asf.breadth Lcft-FOOr. Rev. 10. 2. and he set his left-f. upon the earth FOR Right-FOOT. Rev.lO.'i.a. little book, he set his right-f. on the sea See Toe. FOOTED. Lev. 11.3. whatsoever is cloven-/, thatyc shall eat 7. and the swine,though he be cloven/.is unclean 21. 19. a man that is broken-/, shall not approach .ficts 10. 12. all manner of four-/, beasts, 11.6. Rom. 1.23. image made like birds and four-/.beast3 FOOTMEN. JVmjw. 11.21. the people are six hundred thousand /. 1 Sam. 22. 17. Saul said to the/, slay priests of Ld. Jer. 12. 5. if hast run with/, and they wearied thee FOOTSTEPS. Psal. 17. 5. hold up my goings that my /. slip not 77. 19. thy way is in the sea, thy/, arc not known 89. 51. they reproached the/, of thine anointed Cant. 1. 8. go thy way forth by the/, of the flock FOOTSTOOL. 1 Chron. 28.2. build an house for the /. of our God 2 Chr. 9. 18. were six steps to throne with /. of gold Psal. 99. 5. worship at bis /. for he is holy, 132. 7. 110.1 sit thou at my right-hand till I make thine enemies thy /. Mat. 22. 44. Mark 12. 36. LukeW. 43. .9cts 2. 35. Hcb. 1. 13. Isa. 66. 1 . heaven is mv throne, and earth is my /. Jlcts 7. 49. Z,am.2.1.remembercd not his/, in day of his anger Mat. 5. 35. swear not by the earth, it is his/. Heb.10.13. expecting till his enemies be made his/. Jam. 2. 3. say to the poor, sit here under my/. FOR. Deut. 4. 7. so nigh in all things that we call on h./ 2Sam.ll.22. shewed David all Joab had sent him/. jProj).28.21. to have respect of persons is not good; /. piece of bread that man will transgress Mat. 5.45. f. maketh his sun rise on evil and good 6. 7. they think to be heard/, their much speaking 25. 35./. I was hungry, and ye gave me meat, 42. John 1. 16. out of his fuin.we received grace/grace Rom. 13. G.f.f. this cause ye pay tribute also 2 Cor. 5. l./.we know, if this house were dissolved 13.8./. we can do nothing against but/, the truth 2Pe£.3.12. looki.ig/. thecomingof theday ofGod FORASMUCH. Oen. 41. 39./. as God hath shewed thee all this />cttt. 12.12./. as he hath no inheritance with you .hidg. 11. 36. /. as the Lord hath taken vengeance 1 Sam. 20. 42. /. as we have sworn both of us 2 Sam. 19.30./. as my lord is come again in peace 1 Kings 13. 21./. as thou hast disobeyed the Lord 1 Chron. 5. l.f. as Reuben defiled his father's bed /5a.29.13./.as this peo. draw near with their mouth Jer. 10. 6. /. as there is none like to thee, O Lord l.f. among all wise men of nations none like thee /)a?i. 2.40./. as iron break, andsubdu. all things Luke 19.9. /. as he also is the son of Abraham ^^cts 11.17. /.then as God gave them the like gift 17. 29. /. then as we are the offspring ofGod 24. 10. /. as I know that thou hast been a judge 1 Cor. 11. l.f. as he is the image and glory ofGod 14. 12./. as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts 15. 58./. as ye know your labour is not in vain 1 Pet. 1. 18. /. as ye know ye were not redeemed 4. 1./. then as Christ hath suft'ered for us FORBADE. Deut. 2. .37. nor unto whatsoever the Lord/. U3 Mat. 3. 14. but John/, him, saynig, I have need Jilark 9. 38. we saw one casting out devils in thy name, we /. him, because he followeth not us, Luke 9 49. 2 Pet. 2. 16. the ass f. the madness of the prophet FORBARE. 1 .Sam. 23. 13. Dav. escaped, and Saul /.to go forth 2 Chron. 25. 16. then the prophet /.and said, I know Jer. 41. 8. so Ishmael f. and slew them not FORBEARANCE. Rom. 2. 4. or despisest thou the riches of his/. ? 3. 25. for the remission of sins, through the/. ofG. FORBEAR. Exod. 23. 5. if see his ass, and would./.to help him Z)f«t.23.22. if thou shalt/.to vow, it shall be no sin 1 Sam. 11. 1 3. /. us seven days that we may send 1 Kiiigs 22. G. shall I go, or/ ? 2 Chron. 18. 5, 14. 2 Chron. 25. 16. /. why shouldest thou be smitten ? 35.21./. thee from meddling with God JVc/i. 9_30. yet many years didst thou/, them .Tob 16. G. and though I/, what am I eased ? Prow. 24. 11. thou/, to deliver them drawn to death .Ter. 40. 4. but if it seem ill to thee to come, f. Ezek. 2. 5. whether they will hear or/ 7. | 3. 11. 3. 27. and he that forbeareth, let him/. 24, 17./. to cry, make no mourning for the dead Zech. 11. 12. I said, give me my price, if not,/. 1 Cor. 9. 6. have not we jiower to /. working ? 2C»r.l2.6./.lest any should think of me above what 1 TAes.S.l.wherefore when we could no longer/. 5. FORBEARETH. JV«m.9.13. that/keep the passover shall be cut off Ezek. 3. 27. and he that/, let him forbear FOR FORBEARING. Prov. 25. 15. by long/, is a prince persuaded Jer. 20. 9. I was weary vvitii /. 1 could not slay Eph. 4. 2./. one another in love, Col. 3. 13. 6. 9. masters, do the same things, /. threatening ST^jK. 2. 124. the sen-ant of the Lord must be/. FORBID. JV«7n. 11.28. Joshua said, my lord Moses,/, them \Sam. 24. 6. the Lord/. I should do this thing 26. 11. Lord/. I should stretch forth mine Iiand l^mD-s21. 3. Naboth said to Ahab, the Ld. /.it me lCAj' God/, it me, that I should do this Mark 9. 39. but Jesus said,/, him not, Luke 9. 50. 10. 14. suffer little childr. /. them not, Luke 18. 16. LukeG.'i'i. taketh thy cloke,/. not to take coat also ^cts 10. 47. Peter answered, can any /. water, that these should not be baptized ? 24. 23. should/, none of his acquaintance to come \Cor. 14. 39. and/, not to speak with tongues God FORBID. Gere. 44. 7. God f. 17. Josh. 22. 29. | 24. 16. 1 Sam. 12. 23. | 14. 45. | 20. 2. Job 27. 5. Luke 20. 16. Rom. 3. 4, 6, 31. | 6. 2, 15. | 7. 7, 13. I 9. 14. I 11. 1, 11. 1 Cor. 6. 15. Gal. 2. 17. I 3. 21. I 6. 14. FORBIDDEN. Lev. 5. 17. if a soul commit any of these things/. Deut. 4.23. or the likeness of what the Lord hath/. Jicts 16. 6. and were /. to preach the word in Asia FORBIDDETH. 2John\Q. and/, them that would receive brethren FORBIDDING. Luke'2.2. 2. and /. to give tribute to Cesar, saying ^cts 28. 31. preaching kingd. of G. no man/, him 1 Thess. 2. 16. /. us to speak to the Gentiles ITim. 4. 3. /• to marry, commanding to abstain FORBORNE. [from Jer. 51. 30. mighty men of Babylon have/, to fight FORCE. Gen. 31. 31. peradventure thou wouldest take by/. i?e«e.34.7.eyenotdim,norwas his natural /.abated lSa?«.2. 16. Shalt give it, if not, I will take it by/. £zra4.23. they made them to cease by/, and power Joel 30. 18. by great/, of my disease, garni. changed 40. 16. and his /. is in the navel of his belly Jer. 18.21. pour out their blood by/, of the sword 23. 10. their course is evil, and their/, is not right 48.45.theystoodunder the shadow, because of the/. Ezek. 34. 4. with /. and cruelty have ye ruled them 35. 5. thou hast shed blood by the/, of the sword Jlmos 2. 14. the strong shall not strengthen his/. Mat. II. 12. and the violent take it by/. Jo/in6.1.5.when perceived they would take him by/. J}cts 23. 10. to take Paul by /. from among them Jleb.Q.n.foT a testament is of/, after men are dead FORCE. Deut. 22. 25. if the man /. her and lie with her 2Sam. 13. 12. nay, my brother, do not/, me £«tA.7.8.will he/.thequeen also before me in house FORCED. Judg-. 1. 34. the Ammonites/, the children of Dan 20. 5. my concubine have they/, that she is dead ISam. 13. 12. I/, myself therefore, and offered 2Sam. 13. 14. Amnon/. Tamar and lay with her 22. hated Amnon, because he/, his sister Tamar 32. determined from the day that he/, his sister Prot;.7.21. withtheflalterin^ of her lips she/, him FORCES. 2CAr. 17.2. Jehoshaphat placed/, in fenced cities J"«i36. 19. he will not esteem all the/, of strength Jsa. 60. 5. the /. of the Gentiles shall come to thee 11. men may bring to thee the/, of Gentiles Jer.40.7.when the captains of the/.that were in the field, 13. I 41. 11, 13, 16. I 42. 1, 8. | 43. 4, 5. Dan. 11.10. and shall assemble a mult, of great/. 38.butin his estate shall he honour the God of/. Obad. 11. that strangers carried away captive his/. 1 13. shouldest not have laid hands on their/. FORCIBLE. Job 6. 25. how /. right words, what arguing prove 1 FORCING. X)eut.20.19.not destroy treesby/. a.\e against them Prov. 30. 33. so the /. of wrath bringeth forth strife FORD, S. Gen. 32. 22. Jacob passed over the /. Jabbok Josh. 2. 7.and the men pursued the spies to the/. Judg. 3. 23.1srael went and took the/, of Jordan Jsa. 16. 2. the daughters of Moab at the /. of Arnon FORECAST. Dan. 11. 24. and he shall /. his devices, 25. FOREFATHERS. Jer. 11. 10. are turned to the iniquities of their/. 2Tim. 1. 3. 1 thank God, whom I serve from my/. FOREFRONT. Exod. 26. 9. six curtains in the/, of the tabernacle 28. 37. a blue lace, on the /.of the mitre it shall be Lev. 8. 9. upon his/, did he put the golden plate ISam. 14.5. f. of one rock was situate north-ward aSam. 11. 15. set ye Uriah in the/, of the battle ZKinss 16. 14. he brought the brazen altar from /. ^ 214 FOR IChron. 20. 27. Jehoshaphat in the/, of them £zc/i:.40.19. from/.of lower gate to/.of inner court 47. 1. the/, of the house stood toward the east FOREHEAD. Gen. 24. \ 22. the man took a jewel for the/. Exod.28. 38. the plate shall be on Aaron's/, always Lev. 13. 41. he is /.-bald, yet he is clean 42. it is a leprosy sprung up in his bald/. 43. if the rising be reddish in his bald/. t 55. whether it bo in the head or/, thereof lSa7«.17.49.David took a stone, slang it, and smote the Philistine in his/, the stone sunk in his/. 2CA»-ora. 26. 19. the leprosy rose up in Uzziah's/. 20. and behold he was leprous in his/. .hr. 3. 3. and thou hadst a whore's/, not ashamed Ezek. 3. t 7. Israel are stift'of/. and iiard of heart 8. have made thy/, strong against their foreheads 9. as an adam. harder than rtint have made thy/. 16. 12. 1 put a jewel upon thy/, and ear-rings in Rev.14.9. and receive the mark of the beast in his/. 17.5.and upon her/, was a name written, Mystery FOREHEADS. Ezek.3.8. made thy forehead strong against their/. 9.4. set amarkon ttie/. of them that sigh and cry Rev.l. 3. have sealed the servants of God in their/. 9. 4. which have not the seal of God in their/. 13. 16. he causeth all to receive a mark in their/. 14. 1. having his Father's name written in their/. 20. 4. nor had received his mark upon their/. 22. 4. and his name shall be in their/. FOREIGNER. Exod. 12. 45. /. and hired servant shall not eat Deut. 15. 3. of a/, thou mayest e.xact it again FOREIGNERS. Obad. 11. in the day that/, entered into his gates Eph. 2. 19. ye are no more strangers and/. FOREKNEW. Rom.W.'H.G. hath not cast away people which he/. FOREKNOW. Rom. 8.29. whom he did/, he also did predestinate FOREKNOWLEDGE. Acts 'i.'i'i. him being delivered by the/, of God Wet. 1.2. elect according to/, of God the Father FOREMOST. Gen. 32. 17. Jacob commanded the/, saying 33. 2. he put the handmaids and their children/. 2Sam. 18.27. the running of the/, is like Ahimaaz FOREORDAINED. Rom. 3. t 25. God hath/, to be a propitiation IPct. 1. 20. who verily was/, before the world FOREPART. Exod. 28. 27. two rings toward/, of ephod, 39. 20. l/fTMin-sG. 20. the oracle in the/, was twenty cubits Ezek. 42. 7, the wall on the/, of the chambers ./3c£s27. 41. the/, of ship stuck fast and remained FORERUNNER. i/eJ.6.20.whither the/, is for us entered,evenJesu8 FORESAW. Jlcts2.25.lf. the Lord always before my face FORESEETH. Prov. 22. 3. a prudent man/, the evil, 27. 13. FORESEEING. Gal. S.S.the scripture /. God would justify heathen FORESEEN. Heb.ll.\ 40. God having/, some better thing for us FORE-SHIP. Acts27. 30. they would have cast anchors out of/. FORESKIN. Gen. 17. 11. ye shall circumcise the flesh of your/. 14. whose flesh of his/, is not circumcised 23. and circumcised the flesh of their/. 24, 25. Exod. 4. 25. then Zipporah cut off the/, of her son Lev. 12. 3. the flesh of his/, shall be circumcised 2)eMM0.16.circumcise therefore the/.of your heart Hab.'i. 16. drink then, and let thy/, be uncovered FORESKINS. Josh. 5.3. circumcised Israel at the hill of the/. 15(im.l8.25. but a hundred/, of the Philistines 27. David brought their/, gave them to the king 2Sa»(. 3. 14. which I espoused to me for a hund./. Je)-.4.4.take away/, of your heart,ye men of Judah FOREST. ISam. 22. 5. David came into the/, of Hareth IKings 7. 2. Solomon built the house of the/. 10.17.put them in the house of the/.2CAro7i.9. 16. IKings 19. 23. into the/, of his Carmel, Tsa. 37. 24. JVeA. 2.8. a letter to Asaph, keeper of the king's/. Psal. 50. 10. for every beast of the/, is mine 104. 20. wherein all beasts of the/, do creep forth Tsa. 9. 18. and shall kindle in the thickets of the/. 10. IS. and shall consume the glory of his/. 19. the rest of the trees of his/, shall be few 21. 13. in the/, of Arabia shall ye lodge 22. 8. thou didst look to the armour of the/. 29. 17. the field shall be esteemed as a /. 32. 15. 32. 19. when it shall hail, coming down on the/. 44. 14. taketh cypress from among trees of the/. 23. break forth into singing, ye mountains. Of. 56. 9. all ye beasts of the /. come to devour Jer. 5. 6. wherefore a lion out of/, shall slay them FOR Ji;?'.10.3.for one cutteth a tree out of/, with the axe 12. 8. mine heritage is to nie as a lion in the/. 21. 14. 1 will kindle a fire in the/, thereof 26. 18. become as high places of the/. Mic. 3. 12. 46. 23. they shall cut down her/, saith the Lord Ezek.ld.O. as the vine tree among the trees of the/. 20. 46. prophesy against the/, of the south field 47. say unto tlie/. of the south, hear the word /fos.2.12.Iwillmake them a/.beasts shall eat them Amos3.i.v/i\\ lion roar in the/, when hath no prey? Mic. 5. 8. as a lion among the beasts of the/. Zech. 11. 2. the/, of the vintage is come down FORESTS. 2Chron. 27. 4. Jotham built castles in the/. PsaZ. 29. 9. the voice of the Lord discoveteththe/. Isa. 10. 34. he shall cut down the thickets of the/. Ezek. 39. 10. neither cut down any out of the/. FORETELL. 2Cor. 13. 2. If. you as if I were present sec. time FORETOLD. Mark 13. 23. take heed,beh. I have/, you all things Acts 3. 24. the proph. have likewise/, of these days FOREWARN. Lukel2. 5. but I will/, you whom ye shall fear FOREWARNED. 1 Thess. 4. 6. as we also have /. you and testified FORFEITED. Ezra 10. 8. all his subst. should be/, he separated FORGAT. Gen.40.23. butler not remember Joseph, but/, him Judg. 3. 7. the children of Israel/, the Lord ISam. 12. 9. and when they/, the Lord their God Psal. 78. 11. and they /. his works and his wonders 106. 13. soon/, his works || 21./. G. their Saviour Lnm.3. 17. removed far from peace, 1/. prosperity Uos.2.l3.ehe went after her lov. and /. me.saith L. FORGAVE. Psal. 78.38. he/, their iniquity, destroyed them not Mat. 18. 27. he loosed him, and /. him the debt 32. O wicked servant, I/, thee all that debt Luke 7. 42. had nothing to pay, he frankly /. them 43. 1 suppose that he to whom he/, most 2Cor. 2. 10. for if 1/ any thing to whom I /. it for your sakcs/. I it in the person of Christ Col. 3. 13. even as Christ/, vou, so also do ye FORGAVEST. Ps. 32. 5. 1 will confess, thou/, the iniquity of my 99. 8. was G. that/, them, tho' tookest vengeance FORGED. Psal. 119. 69. the proud have/, a lie against me FORGERS. JbJ13.4. yeare/.oflies,areall physicians of no val. FORGET Signifies, [1] To let things slip out of thememory Deut. 4. 9, Lest thou forget the things thine eyes have seen. [2] To let God, his word, and benefits, slip out of mind : whereupon follow disobedience, neglect of God's worship and wicked co7itempt of God, as a fruit and consequence of such forgetfulness. Judg. 3. 7, The children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and forgat the Lord their God, and served Baalim and the groves : Thus men forget God; the wicked wholly, the godly in part. [3] To cast ojf one, to cease to love, care, and provide for him. Psal. 77. 9, Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Thus God for- gets the wicked: and the godly do sometimes think that they are thus forgotten, yet are not so. See also Isa. 49. 15, Can a woman forget her sucking child? yea, they may for- get, yet will I tiot forget thee. She may cease to love her child, but I will not cease to love and provide for thee. [4] To omit to punish. Amos 8. 7, Surely I will never forget any of their works: / will not ahcays defer to punish them, though it may seem I have for- gotten. [5] JVot to esteem, but to pass over a matter as unworthy our remembrance. Phil. 3. 13, Forgetting those things which are behind: JiTot so muchconsidering or regarding what T have already done, as what J have yet further to do. Josephcallcd the name of his first-born, Manasseh, that is, forgetting ; for God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house : he has expelled all sorrowful remembrance of my slavery in Egypt, and of my sufferings from my brethren, by my present comfort and glory. In Psal. 45. 10, the Psalmist speaking to the church says, Forget also thine own people, and thy father's house : He alludes to the law of matrimony. Gen. 2. 24. Thou must forget and forsake all carnalrelations, so far as they hinder from Christ, and likewise all those pre- judices falsepersuasions,corrupt inclinations, and evil practices, which are so natural to, and even part of thyself. Mat. 5. 29, 30. And by these words he seems tacitly to foretell, that even the legal worship appointed by Moses, arid FOR delivered to themhy their parents successively for many generations, should be relinquished by the belicoing Jews, and abolished by Clirist" coming. Oen.27. 45. till he/, that which thou hast done him 41. 51. for God hath made me/, all my toil i'ea£.4.9.1est thou/.the tilings thine eyes have seen 23. lest ye/, the covenant oftlie Lord your God 31. the L. will not /. the covenant of thy fatheis 6. 12. beware lest thou/, the Lord, 8. 11, 14, 19. 9. 7./.not howthouprovokedst the Lord thy God 25. 19. shall blot out Amalek, thou shalt not/, it 1 Sam. 1. 11. if tJiou wilt not/, thine handmaid 2 Kings 17. 3cS. the covenant 1 made ye shall not/. Job f. 13. so are the paths of all that/. God 9. 27. if I say, I will/, my complaint 11. 16. because thou shalt /. thy misery 24. 20. womb shall/, him, worm shall feed on him Psal. 9. 17. and all the nations that/. God 10. 12. arise, O Lord,/, not the humble 13. 1. how long wilt tliou/. me, O Lord? 45.10./. also thine own people, and father's house 50. 2i. now consider this, ye that/. God 59. 11. slay them not, lest my people /.scatter them 74. 19./. not the congregation of thy poor for ever 23. /. not the voice of thine enemies 78. 7. that they might not/, the works of God 102. 4. heart smitten, so liiat I/, to eat my bread 103. 2. bless the Lord, and/, not all his benefits 119. 16. I will not/, thy word 83. yet do 1 not/, thy statutes, 109, 141. 93. 1 will never/.thy precepts, hast quickened me 153. deliver me, for I do not/, thy law 176. for I do not/, thy commandments 137. 5. if I/, thee, O Jerusalem, let my hand/. Prov. 3. 1. my son, /. not my law, but let thy heart 4. 5. get wisdom, get understanding,/, it not 31. 5. lest they drink and/, the law, and pervert 7. let him drink and/, poverty, rememb. no more /,sa.49. 15. can a woman/, her sucking child? yea, they may/, yet will I not/, thee 54. 4. for thou shalt/. the shame of thy youth 65. 11. ye are they that/, my holy mountain Jer.2.32.can maid/her ornaments, or bride attire? 23.27.who think to cause my people to /.my name 39. behold, I, even I, will utterly/, you Lam. 5. 20. wherefore dost thou/, us for ever ? Hos.i.G. forgotten the law, I will also/, thy childr. Amos 8. 7. I will never/, any of their works Heb. 6. 10. God is not unrighteous to /. your work 13. 16. to do good and communicate/, not FORGETFUL. Heb. 13. 2. be not/, to entertain strangers Jam. 1. 25. he be not a/, hearer, but a doer FORGETFULNESS. Psal. 88. 12. and thy righteousness in the land of/. FORGETTEST. Psal. 44. 24. wherefore/, thou our affliction ? Isa. 51. 13. and/, the Lord thy maker FORGETTETH. Job 39. 15. and /. that the foot may crush them Psal. 9. 12. he /. not the cry of the humble Prov. 2. 17. and/, the covenant of her God Jam. 1. 24. he/, what manner of man he was FORGETTING. Oen. 41. t 51. Joseph called the first-born,/. Phil. 3. 13. /. those things which are behind FORGIVE. Oen. 50. 17. /. I pray, the trespass of thy brethren, /. the trespass of serv. of God of thy father Ezod. 10. 17. /. I pray thee, my sin only this once 32. 32. yet now, if thou wilt/, their sin JVum. 30. 5. and the Lord shall /. her, 8, 12. Josh. 24. 19. a holy God, he will not/, your sins lSrtm.25.28. 1 pray, /.the trespassof thy handmaid lKings8. 30. when hearest/. 39. 2 Chron. 6. 21, 30. 34. hear, and f. the sin of thy people Israel 36./. the sin of thy servants, 2 Chron.6. 25,27,39. 50./. Ihy people that have sinned against thee 2 Chron. 1. 14. then will I hear and /. their sin Psal. 25. 18. look on my pain, and/, all my sins 86. 5. for thou. Lord, art good and ready to/. Isa. 2.9. the mean man bowclh, therefore/, them ./er.l8. 23./. not their iniquity nor blot out their sin 31.34. fori will/.their iniquity, not remember sin 36. 3. that I may/, their iniquity and their sin Dan. 9. 19. O Lord hear, O Lord/. Lord hearken Jlmos 7. 2. 1 said, O Lord God, /. I beseech thee JIfat. 6. 12. /.U3, as we/, our debtors, LukeW. 4. 14.if ye/, men their trespasses, your Fath. will/. 15. if ye/, not, nor will your Father/, you 9. 6. hath power to/, sin, Mark'2. 10. TMkc 5. 24. 18. 21. how oft my brother sin, and I/, him ? 35. if ye from your hearts/, not every one Markfi.l .^Nho can/.sins,but God only? Luke 5. 21. 11. 25. praying/, that your F.ather may/, you 26. but if ye do not/, your Father will not/. Luke 6. 37. /. and ye shall be forgiven 17. 3. and if thy brother repent,/, him, 4. 23.34. Father,/.them,thev know not what they do 215 FOR 2Cor.2.7. ye ought rather to /.him and comfort him 10. to whom ye/, any thing, I/, also 12. 13. I was not burdensome, /. me this wrong 1 John 1. 9. lie is faithful and just to /. us our sins FORGIVEN. Oen. 4. \Vi. my iniquity is greater than may be /. Lev.4. 20. make atonement, and it shall be/, them, 26. 31, 35. I 5. 10, 13, 16, 18. | 6. 7. | 19. 22. Mum. 15. 25, 26, 28. Lent. 21. 8. JVum. 14. 19. pardon, as thou hast/, from Egypt Psal.'^■2■l. blessed, whose transgress, is/. Rom.i.l. 85. 2. thou hast/, the iniquity of thy people Isa. 33. 24. the people shall be/, their iniquity JWa£.9.2.son, be of good cheer,thy sins be/, thee, 5. Mark 2. 5, 9. Luke 5. 20, 23. | 7. 48. 12. 31. all sin and blasphemy shall be /. but ag. H.Gh.shall not be/.32. Jl/ttj-A "i.W.Luke 12.10. Mark 4. 12. and their sins shall be/, them Luke 6. 37. forgive, and ye shall be /. 7. 47. her many sins are/, but to whom little is /. Acts 8. 22. the thoughtof thy heart may be /. thee 4. 32. as God for Christ's sake hath /. you C«Z.2.13.he quickened, having/, you all trespasses Jam. 5. 15. if committed sins, they shall bo/, him lJo/i7!2. 12. 1 write to you, because your sins are/. FORGIVETH. Ps. 103. 3. healsthy diseases, who/, all iniquities Ijukt 7.49.they began to say , who is this/.sins also? FORGIVENESS. Ps.l30.4.there is/, with thee that mayest be feared Mark 3. 29. hatli never/, but is in danger of hell Acts 5. 31. him hath Gode.valted to give /. of sins 13. 38. thro' him is preached unto you/, of sins 26. 18. to God, that they may receive/, of sins Eph. 1. 7. in whom we have/, of sins, Col. 1. 14. FORGIVENESSES. Dan. 9. 9. to Lord our God belong mercies and/. FORGIVING. Exod.'i\. 7. /. iniquity,transgression,JVM7«. 14. 18. Eph. 4. 32. forbearing, /. one another, Col. 3. 13. FORGOT. Deut. 24. 19. and hast/, a sheaf in the field FORGOTTEN. Oen. 41. 30. and all the plenty shall be/. Z)cMt.2G.13.not transgressed com.nor have I/.them 31.21. it shall not be/, outof mouths of their seed 32. 18. thou hast/. God that formed thee Job 19. 14. my familiar friends have/, me 28. 4. flood breaketh out, even waters/, of the foot Psal. 9. 18. for the needy shall not alway be/. 10. 11. he hath said in his heart, God hath/. 31. 12. I am/, as a dead man out of mind 42. 9. I will say, my rock, why hast thou /. me ? 44.17.all thisiscomeon us, yet have we not/, thee 20.ifwe have/name ofourGod,or stretched out 77.9. hathG./. to be gracious ? hath he shut mer. 119. 61. but I have not/, thy law 139. because mine enemies have/, thy words Eccl. 2. 16. in the days to come shall all be/. 8. 10. and the wicked were /. in the city 9. 5. for the memory of them is/. Isa. 17. 10. thou hast/, the God of thy salvation 23. 15. that Tyre shall be/, seventy years 16. take a harp, thou harlot that hast been/. 44. 21. O Israel, thou shalt not be/, of me 49. 14. but Zion said, my Lord hath/, me 65. 16. because the former troubles are/. Jer. 2. 32. ray people have/, me, 13. 25. | 18. 15. 3. 21. they have/, the Lord their God 20. 11. their confusion shall never be/. 23. 40. 23. 27. to forget, as their fathers have/, my name 30.14. all thy lovers have /.thee, they seek thee not 44. 9. have ye/, the wickedness of your fathers 50. 5. let us join in a covenant that shall not be /. 6. they turned away, have/, their resting-place Z/ttm. 2. 6. Lord caused thesabbath tobe/. inZion Ezek. 22. 12. thou hast/, me, saith the Lord 23. 35. saith the Lord, because thou hast/, me Hos. 4. 6. seeing thou hast/, the law of thy God 8. 14. for Israel hath /. Maker and builds temples 13. 6. their heart e.xalted, therefore have/, me Mat. 16. 5. they had /. to take bread, Mark 8. 14. Luke 12. 6. and not one of them is/, before God //cft.l2.5.and ye have/.the exhortation that speaks 2 Pet. 1.9. /. that he was purged from his old sins FORKS. 1 Sam. 13. 21. yot they had a file for the/, and axes FORM, As taken for the figure, shape, or likeness of a thing. Job 4. 16, It stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof. Likewise for outward splendour, pomp, and dignity. Isa. 53. 2, He hath no form nor comeliness; no such outward splendour as the Jews ex- pected in their Messiah. It is also taken for a draught or pattern. 2 Tim. 1. 13, Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me. Make thy discourses conform to tlic pattern of sound and true doc- trine wherein thou hast been instructed by me. FOR The apostleVsiu], advertisingTimolhy of what should come to pass in the latter times, says, 2 Tim. 3. 5, That there should be men who had a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof: They should have an outward appear- ance and shew of religion, pretend to a right way of worshipping God ; to be the church, the only church of God; andyet not only be destitute of, but reject and refuse the inner part, which is lively, active, and powerful to make a thorough change. It is said, Mark 16. 12, that after his resurrec- tion, Jesus appeared in another form to two of his disciples : Another tbrm either in re- gard of his habit, or brightness of his counte- nance,or some suchparticular. And the apostle speaking of Christ, says, Phil. 2. 6, Who being in the form of God, thought it not rob- bery to be equal with God : thai is. Who being the essential image of the Father, and enjoying the divine essence and nature, with all its glory, knew that it was no usurpation in him, to account himself equal with the Father, and carry himself upon all occasions as such : So by the form of God is meant his essence and nature. It follows in verse 7, But made him- self of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the like- ness of men. Yet he emptied himself of that divine glory and majesty, by hiding it in the vail of his flesh; and took upon him the quality and condition of a mean person, not of a glo- rified saint, or of some great mortal ; andwas subject to all the frailties and infirmities of human nature, sin only excepted. Oen. 1. 2. the earth was without/, and void Judg. 8. 1 18. each according to the /. of a king 1 Sam. 28. 14. he said unto her, what/, is he of? 2Sam.l4.20.fetch about this/.of speech Joab done Esth. 2. 1 7. and the maid was fair of/. Job 4. 16. but I could not discern the/, thereof Isa. 52. 14. and his/, more than the sons of men 53. 2. he hath no/, nor comeliness Jer. 4. 23. and, lo, it was without/, and void Ezek. 10. 8. there appeared the /. of a man's hand 43. 11. shew them the/, of the house and fashion Dan. 3. 19. and the /. of his visage was changed 25. the/, of the fourlh is like the Son of God Mark 16. 12. appeared in another/, to two of them iiom.2.20. which hast/, of knowledge and of truth 6. 17. but ye have obeyed that/, of doctrine Phit.2. 6. who being in the/, of God, thoughtitno 7. but took upon him the/, of a servant 2 Tim. 1. 13. hold fast/, of sound words hast heard 3. 5. having/, of godliness, denying power thereof FORM. Isa. 45. 7. If. the light and create darkness FORMED. Oen. 2. 7. the Lord God /. man of the dust 19. out of theground God/, every beastof field Deut. 32. 18. and hast forgotten God that /. thee 2 Kings 19. 25. that I have/, it, Isa. 37. 26. Job 26. 5. dead things are/, from under the water 13. his hand hath/, the crooked serpent 33. 6. behold, I also am/, out of the clay Psal. 90. 2. or ever thou hadst/. the earth 94. 9. he that/, the eye, shall he not see? 95. 5. the sea is his, and his hands/, the dryland Prov. 26. 10. the great God that /. all things /sa.27.11.he that/, them will shew them no favour 43. 1. thus saith he that/, thee, O Israel, fear not 7. I have/, him, yea, I have made him 10. before me there was no god/, nor after me 21. this peo.havc I/.for myself, shall shew praise 44.2. that made thee, and/, thee from the womb 10. who hath /.a god, or molten a graven image? 21. for thou art my servant, I have/, thee 24. thus saith he that/, thee from the womb 45. 18. God himself that/, the earth, he/, it 49.5. Lord that /.me from womb to be his servant 54. 17. no weapon /. against thee shall prosper Jer. 1. 5. before If. thee in the belly, I knew thee 33. 2. the Lord that/, it to establish it j?»nos7.1.and behold, he/, grasshoppers in beginn. Horn. 9. 20. shall the thing/, say to him that/, it Oal. 4. 19. 1 travail in birth, till Christ be/, in you 1 Tim. 2. 13. for Adam was first/, then Eve FORMER. fi'cn.40.13. shalt deliver the cup after the/.manner JV«m.21.26.had fought against the/. kingofMoab Deut. 24. 4. her/, husband which sent her away Ruth 4. 7. was the manner in f. time of redeeming 1 Sam. 17. 30. people answcreil after the/, manner 2 Kings 1. 14. the two captains of the/, fifties 17. 34. they do after the/, manner, 40. JVch. 5. 15. the/, governors were chargeable Job 8. 8. inquire, I pray thee, of the/, age 30. 3. the wilderness in/, time desolate and waste Psan9. 8. O remember not against us/, iniquities 89. 49. where are thy/, loving-kindnesses? FOR Eccl. 1. 11. there is no remembrance of/, things 7. 10. that the/, days were better than these Jsa. 41. 23. let them shew the/, things, 43. 9. 42. 9. behold the /. things are come to pass 43. 18. remember ye not the/, things, nor consider 46. 9. remember the/, things of old, for I am God 48.3. have declared/, things from the beginning 61. 4. they shall raise up the /. desolations 65.7. 1 will measure their/, work into their bosom 16. because the/, troubles are forgotten 17. the/ shall not be rememb. nor come to mind Jer. 5. 24. the Lord our God that giveth the /. and latter rain in his season, Has. 6. 3. Joel 2. 23. 10. 16. for he is the/, of all things, 51. 19. 34. 5. the/, kings which were before thee 36. 28. write in it all the/, words in the first roll Ezek. 16.55. thy daughter shall return to/, estate /)a)i.ll.l3. set tbrth a multitude greater than the/. 29. but it shall not be as the /. or as the latter Hag. 2. 9. the glory be greater than of the /. house Zech. 1. 4. the/, prophets have cried, 7. 7, 12. 8. 11. I will not bo to this people as in/, days 14. 8. waters go half of them toward the/ sea Mal.'iA. shall be pleasant to the Lord as in/, years Acts 1.1. the/, treatise have I made, O Theophilus Eph. 4.22. put off concerning the/, conversation \Pet.\.\A. not according to the/. lusts in ignorance Rev.'iX. 4. for the/, things are passed away FORMETH. Amos 4. 13. for, lo, he that/, the mountains Zech- 12. 1. and/, the spirit of man within him FORNICATION. This word is taken (1) For the sin of impurity committed between immarried persons. 1 Cor. 7. 2, To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. (2) For the sin of adultery, when one or both persons are married. Mat. 5. 32, Whosoever putteth away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery. (3^ For the sin of incest. 1 Cor. 5. 1, Such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, &c. (4) For the s in of idolatry 1 which is infidelity to and for- saking of the true God for false gods. 2 Chr. 21. 11, Jehoram made high places in the moun- tains of Judah, and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication. Rev. 19. 2, He hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication. 2 Chr. 21. 11. high places, caused Jerus. commit/. /sa.23.17.Tyre shall commit/with kingd.of world Ezek. 16.29. thou hast multiplied thy/, in Canaan Mat. 5. 32, saving for the cause of/. 19. 9. John 8. 41. then said they, we be not born of/. Acts 15. 20. that they abstain from/. 29. ] 21. 25. Rom. 1. 29. being filled with all/, full of envy 1 Cor. 5. l.that there is/, among you, and such/. 6. 13. the body is not for/, but for the Lord 18. flee/. 11 7. 2. nevertheless, to avoid/. 2 Cor. 12. 21. and have not repented of their/. GaL5.19. the works of the flesh, which are these/. Eph. 5. 3. /. let it not be once named among you Col. 3. 5. mortify therefore/, uncleanness lTAe^s.4.3.will of G. that ye should abstain from/ Jude 7. Sodom and cities giving themselv.over to/ Rev. 2. 21. 1 gave her space to repent of her/. 9. 21. neither repented they of their /. nor thefts 14. 8. drink of the wine of the wrath of her/. 17. 2. have been made drunk with wine of her /. 4. a golden cup full of the filthiness of her /. t S.Babylon thegreat,mother of/.and abominat. 18.3.all nations drunk with wine of wrath of her/. 19. 2. which did, corrupt the earth with her/. FORNICATIONS. Ezek. 16. 15. thou pouredst out thy/ on every one Jl/at.l5.19.out of heart proceed/thefts, J/arA:7.22. See Commit, Committed. FORNICATOR. 1 Cor. 5. 11. if any that is called a brother be a/. Heb. 12. 16. lest there be any /. or profane person FORNICATORS. 1 Cor. 5. 9. 1 wrote you not to company with/. 10. yet not altogether with the/, of this world 6.9. nor shall/, inherit the kingdom of God FORSAKE. DeMt31.16.thi3 people will /. me and break coven. 17. in that day I will /. them and hide my face Josh. 24. 16. God forbid we should /. the Lord 20. if ye/, the Lord, and serve strange gods Judg. 9. 11. should I/, my sweetness and my fruit? 2 Kings 21. 14. 1 will/, remnant of my inheritance 1 CAr.28.9. if thou/, him, will cast thee off for ever 2 Chr. 7. 19. if ye turn away, and /. my statutes 15. 2. but if ye/, him, he will/, you Ezra8. 22. his wrath is against them that/, him Psal. 27. 10. when my father and mother /. me 37. 8. cease from anger, and/, wrath, fret not 89. 30. if his children/, my law and walk not 94. 14. neither will he f. his inheritance 216 FOR Ps.ll9.53.horror taken hold, because wicked/, law Pro«.3.3.1et not mercy and truth/, thee, bind them 9.6./. the foolish, and live, go in way of underst. 28. 4. they that/, the law, praise the wicked Isa. 1. 28. theythat/ the Lord shall be consumed 55. 7. let wicked/, his way,unright. his thoughts 65. ll.yeare they that/. L. forget my holy mount Jer. 17.13. all that/, the Lord shall be ashamed 23. 33. I will even /. you,saith the Lord, 39. 51.9./. her, and let us go every one to his country Ijam. 5. 20. wherefore dost thou /. us so long time Dan. 11. 30. with them that/, the holy covenant tAonaA2.8. observe lying vanities, /.their own mercy Acts 21. 21. thou teachest the Jews to /. Moses FORSAKE not. Deut. 12. 19. take heed that thou /. not the Levite .Job 20.13. though he spare wickedness and/ itnot Psal. 38. 21./. me not, O Lord my God, 71. 9, 18. 119. 8. 1 will keep thy statutes. Of. me not utterly 138. 8./. not the works of thine own hands Prov. 1. 8. and /. not the law of thy mother, 6. 20. 4. 2. I give you good doctrine,/, ye not my law 6. /. her not and she shall preserve thee 27. 10. thine own friend and father's friend /. not JVot FORSAKE. Deut. 4. 31. he will notf. thee, 31. 6,8. 1 C/jr.28.20. 14. 27. and the Levite, thou shall notf. him Josh. 1. 5. 1 will not fail nor/, thee, Heb. 13. 5. 15a7)j.l2.22. L.will notf. his people, 1 Kings 6.13. 1 Kings 8. 57. let him not leave us, nor/, us JVeh. 9. 31. thou didst not consume, nor/, them 10. 39. we will notf. the house of our God Psal. ^7. 9. neither f. rae, O God of my salvation fsa. 41. 17. I, the God of Israel, will not f. them 42. 16. these things will I do, and 7iotf. them Ezek. 20. 8. nor did they/, the idols of Egypt FORSAKEN. 2 CAr.21.10. because he had/, the L. 24. 24. | 28. 6. JVeh. 13. 11. I said, why is the house of God/.? .rob 18. 4. shall the earth be/, for thee? Psal. 37. 25. yet have I not seen the righteous/. Isa. 7. 16. the land shall be/, of both her kings 17. 2. the cities of Aroer are/, shall be for flocks O.shall be as a/.bough, and an uppermost branch 27. 10. and the habitation shall be/, and left 32. 14. because the palaces shall be/, city left 54.6. the Lord hath called thee as a woman/. 62. 4. thou shalt no more be termed/. Je?-.4.29.every city shall be/, no man dwell therein 18. 14. shall cold waters from another place be/.? Ezek. 36. 4. thus saith the Lord to the cities/. Amos 5. 2. the virgin of Israel is/, on her land ZepA.2.4.forGaza shall be/and Ashkelon desolate Have, hast, hath FORSAKEN. Z)ett(.28. 20. tliy doings, whereby thou hast f. me 29.25.because they have f the Lord, .ludg.W. 10. .Judg. 6. 13. but now the Lord hath /. us 10. 13. yet ye have f. me, and served otiier gods 1 Sam. 8. 8. the works wherewith they have f. me 12. 10. we have sinned, becausn we have f. the L. 1 Kings 11. 33. because that they have f. me 18. 18. ye have f. the commandments of the Lord 19. 10. for Israel have f. thy covenant, 14. 2 Kings 22. 17. because they havef. me and burnt ncense to gods, 2 Chr. 34. 25. Jer. 16. 11. 1 19. 4. 2 Chron. 12. 5. ye havef. me, and I have left you 13.11.we keep charge of the L. but ye have f. him 24.20.because ye havef. the Lord, he hathf. you 29.6. for fathers have done evil, and havef. him Ezra 9. 10. for we have f. thy commandments Ji3620.19.because he hath oppressed and /.the poor Psal. 22. 1. my God, my God, why hast thou /. me? Mat. 27. 46. Mark 15. 34. 71. 11. they take counsel, saying, God AnfA/. him /sa.l.4.they havef. the L. and provoked Holy One 54.7.for a small moment have I/.thee, Isa. 49. 14. Jer. 1. 16. have f. me, burnt incense to other gods 2.13. they havef. me, the fountain of living waters 17. in that thou hast f. the Lord thy God, 19. 5.7.howshall I pardon thee? thy child, havef. me 19. thou shalt answer, like as ye have f. me 9.13.the Lord saith, because they have f. my law 19. are confounded, because ye havef. the land 12.7.1 have f. my house, I have left my heritage 15. 6. thou hast f. me, saith the Lord 17. 13. they havef. the fountain of living waters 22. 9. because they have f. the covenant of God 25. 38. he hath /. his covert as the lion Ezek. 8. 12. the Lord hathf. the earth, 9. 9. Mat. 19.27. we havef. all and followed thee 29. every one that hath f. houses or brethren 2 7'im.4.10. Demas AafA/. me having loved world 2 Pct.2.15. which have f.the right way,gone astray JVot FORSAKEN. 2 Chron. 13. 10. but as for us the Lord is our God, we have notf. him, priests minister to the Lord Ezra 9. 9. yet God hath 7iotf. us in our bondage Psal. 9. 10." thou hast notf. them that seek thee fsa. 62. 12. shall be called, sought out, a city not /• 7cr.51.5. Isr. hath not been/, nor Judah of his God FOR 2 Cor. 4.9. we are persecuted, but not/, cast down FORSAKETH. Job 6. 14. but he/, the fear of the Almighty Psal. 37. 28. for the Lord /. not his saints 40.t 12. more than my hairs, therefore heart/, me Prov. 2. 17. from her who /. the guide of her youth 15. 10. correction grievous to hmi that/, the way 28. 13. whoso confesseth and /. shall have mercy Luke 14. 33. whoso/, not all that he hath cannot FORSAKING. Isa. 6. 12. until there be a great /. in the land Heb. 10.25. not/, the assemb. of ourselves together FORSOOK. Deut. 32. 15. then he/. God that made hira Judg.'H. 12. and they/, the Lord God, 13. ] 10. 6. l.S'a7«.31.7. they/, theircities andfled, 1 CAr. 10. 7. 1 Kings9. 9. because they/, the Lord their God 12.8.but Rehoboam/. the counsel of old men, and consulted with young men, 13. 2 Chr. 10. 8, 13. i Kings 21. 22. Amon/. the God of his fathers 2 Chron. 7. 22. they /. the God of their fathers 12. 1. Rehoboam /. law of Lord, and Isr. with him Psal. 78. 60. he/, the tabernacle of Shiloh 119. 87. consumed me, but I/, not thy precepts Isa. 58.2. that/, not the ordinance of God Jer. 14. 5. the hind calved in the field and/, it J)/a£.26. 56. diseiples/. him andfled, Mark 14.50. Mark 1. 18. they /. their nets and followed him Luke 5. 11. they/, all and followed him 2 Tim. 4. 16. none stood with me, all men/, me Heb. 11.27. by faith Moses/. Egypt, for he endured FORSOOKEST. JVpA.9. 17. artaGodslow to anger, and/, them not 19. thou in thy mercies /. them not in the wilder. FORSWEAR. Mat. 5.33. thou shalt not/, thys. but perform oaths FORT, S. 2 Sam. 5.9. so David dwelt in the/, the city of Dav. 2 Kings 25. 1. they built /. ag. Jerus. .Jer. 52. 4. Isa. 25. 12. high /. of thy walls shall he bring down 29. 3. and I will raise/, against thee 32. 14. the/, and towers shall be for dens for ever Ezek. 4. 2. and built a /. against it, 21. 22. | 26. 8. 17. 17. and building/, lo cut off many persons 21. 22. was the divination for Jerus. to build a/. 26. 8. and he shall make a/, against thee 33. 27. and they that be in the/, shall die Dare. 11. 19. shall turn toward the/.of his own land FORTH. JVeh. 4. 16. from that time/, my servants wrought 13. 21. from that time/, came they no more Psal. 113. 2. blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time/, and for ever, 115. 18. | 121. 8. ,Ter. 49. 5. ye shall be driven out every man right/. Mat. 16. 21. from that time/, began Jesus to shew 22.46.nor durst from thatday/. ask him questions John 11. 53. from that day f. they took counsel FORTHWITH. Ezra 6. 8. that/, e.xpencesbe given to these men Mat. 13. 5./. sprung up, because no deepn. of earth 26. 49. ho /. came to Jesus, and said, hail. Master Markl.W. and /.when come out of the synagogue 43. he straitly charged him, and/, sent him away 5.13. and/. Jesus gave the unclean spirits leave John 19. 34. and /. came thereout blood and water j3cts9.18.he received sight/, and arose, was bapt 12. 10. and /. the angel departed from him 21.30. they drew Paul out, and/, doors were shut FORTY. Gcn.l8.29.he spake again,peradventure there shall be/, found; he said, I will not do it for/, sake Exod. 26. 19. thou shalt make/, sockets of silver 21. and their /. sockets of silver, 36. 24, 26. Judg. 12. 14. Abdon had/ sons and thirty dnugh. 2Ki7igs 8.9.Hazael went and took/, camels' burd. JVeh. 5. 15. the governors had taken/, shekels ./3cts23. 13. more than f. made this conspiracy, 21. FORTY baths. 1 Kings 7. 38. made ten lavers, one contained /. b. FORTY cubits. l/fin^s 6.17. the house before it was/, cubits long Ezek. 41.2.he measured the length thereof/, cubits 46. 22. there were courts joined of/, cubits See Days. FORTY kinc. Gen. 32. 15. /. kine, ten bulls, a present to Esau FORTY stripes. Deut. 25.3. /. str. he may give him, and not exceed 2 Cor. 11.24. of the Jews I receive*/, str. save one FORTY years. <7fn. 25.20. Isaac was/, y. when he tookRehekah 26.34.Esau/. yfOM when betook towifeJudith Exod. 16. 35. Israel did eat manna/, y. JWA.9.21., JVum. 14. 33. shall wander in wildern./. y. 32. 13. 34. ye shall bear your iniquities/, years Deut. 2. 7. he knoweth thy walking these /. years 8. 2. the way which God led thee f years, 29.5. 4. neither did thy fool swell these/, years Josh. 5. 6. Israel walked /. years in the wilderness 14. 7. /. years old was I when Moses sent me FOR Jttdg.Z. 11. the land had rest/, (/cars, 5. 31. jS. 28. 13. 1. Israel into the liand ot' Philistines/, ytars ISam. 4. 18. Eli had judged Israel/, years aSam. 2. 10. Ish-boshelh/. y. old when he began 5. 4. David reigned/, years, IKiiigs 2. 11. 15. 7. alter/, ytars Absalom said to tlie king IKings 11. 4'2. time Solomon reigned was/, years 2A77j^il2.1.Jehoash reigned/, years in Jerusalem 2C/iron- 24. 1. Joasli reigned/, (/cars in Jerusalem Psal.Oa.lO.f. y. was 1 grieved witli this generation £zek. 29. 11. nor shall it be inhabited/, years 12. and her cities shall be desolate/, years 13. at the end of/, y. I will gather the Egyptians ^mos'2. 10. I led you/, years in the wilderness 5. 25. ye oftered sacriliees /. years, Acts 1. 42. «3c£s 4. 22. tor the man healed was above/. ?/• old 7.23. Moses was/, y. old, he visited his brethren 30. when /. y. e.xpired, tiiere appeared an angel 3(j. had shewed wonders in the wilderness/, y. 13. 18. the time of/. ;/. suffered ho their manners 21. God gave them Saul by the space of/, years Heb.3.9. when your fathers saw my works/, years 17. but with whom was he grieved /. years 7 FORTY-ONE years. 1 Kings 14. 21. Rehoboam was f.-one years old when he began to reign, 2 Chron. 12. 13. 15. 10. Asa reigned /.-o»c years in Jerusalem 2 Kings 14. 23. Jeroboam reigned /.-07je years in FORTY-TWO. [Sama JVum. 35. 6. to cities of refuge adif.-two cities 2A'ino-s 2. 24. two bears tare/, and two children 10. 14. Jehu took them alive, even /. and two men 2CAr.22. 2.f.-two years old Ahaz. when he began Ezra 2. 24. the children of Azmaveth/. and two JVeA. 7. 28. the men of Beth-azmaveth/. and two Bev. 11. 2. holy city they tread f. -two months 13.5.powerwas given himto continue/.twomonths FORTY-FOUR. IChron. 5. 18. of Reuben and Gad 44,760. FORTY-FIVE. Oen. 18. 28. if I find /.-/uc, I will not destroy it Josh. 14. 10. Lord kept me alive these/.-/oe years ljr«>io's7.3.upon the beams that layon f. -Jive pillars FORTY-SIX. John2. QO.f.-six years was this temple in buildins FORTY-EIGHT. JVum. 35. 7. cities of Levites/.-e?^/i<, Josh. 21.41 FORTY-NINE. /,ec.25. 8. the space shall be to thee /.-7Jifte years FORTY tlwusand. JVttJ«.1.33. those numbered oftho tribe of Ephraim were /. tlio%Lsaiid five hundred, 2. 19. | 2(5. 18. Josh. 4. 13. about/, thousand prepared for war .A«a!^.5.8.was a shield orspearseen SLtnong f.thous. 2Sam. 10. 18. Dav. slew / t. horsem. 1 Chr. 19. 18. ] Kings 4. 26. Solo. had/, thousand stalls of horses IC/tron. 12. 30.of Asher expertin war/, thousand FORTY-ONE thousand. JV^um. 1.41. of Asher were/, and o7te thousand,'2.'28. FORTY-TWO thousand. Judg. 12. 6. there fell of Ephraimites f.-two thous. Ezra 2. 64. whole congrega. was 42,300, JVeh. 7. 66. FORTY-THREE thousand. JW7n.26. 7. families of the Reubenites was 43,730 FORTY-FOUR thousand. IChr. 5. 18. the children of Reuben were, 44,760. j3 hundred FORTY-FOUR thousand. See Hundred. FORTY-FIVE thousand. JVum. 1. 25. that were numbered of Gad 45,650 26. 41. that were numbered of Benjamin 45,600 50. of Naphtali were numbered 45,400. FORTY-SIX thousand. JV«m. 1. 21. of Reuben were 46,500, 2. 11. FORTIETH. J\rum. 33. 38. Aaron died there in the/, year after Deut. I. 3. in the/, year Moses spake to Israel 1CA7\ 26.31. in the/, year of the reign of David 2CAr. 16.13.Asa died in one and/, year of his reign FORTIFY. .Tudg.9.31. and behold, they /. the city against thee JW7t. 4. 2. will these feeble jews/, themselves? /.'ja.22.10.houses have ye broken down to /.the wall 7cr.51.53. tho' she should/, height of her strength JVah. 2. 1. watch the way, f.lhy power mightily 3.14.draw thee waters for siege,/, thy strong holds FORTIFIED. ZChron. 11. 11. Rehoboam/. the strong holds 26. 9. Uzziah built towers and /. them JVcA. 3. 8. they /. Jerusalem to the broad wall JV// that day he shall come from the /.cities FORTRESS, ES. 2 Sam. 22. 2. the Lord is my rock and my/. Psal. 18.2.131. 3. I 71.3. 191. 2. I 144. 2. Prov. 12. 1 12. wicked desireth the/, of evil men Isa. 17. 3. the/, also shall cease from Ephrnim 25. 12. the/, of the high fort shall he bring down 34. 13. nettles and brambles come up in the/. Jer. 6. 27. 1 have set thee for a/, among ray people 10. 17. gather thy wares, O inhabitant of the/. | 217 FOU Jer. 16. 19. O Lord, my/, in the day of affliction Van. 11. 7. enter into the/, of the king of the nortli 10. shall he return and be stirred up even to his/. t39. thus shall he do in the/, of munitions Hos. 10. 14. and all thy /. shall bo spoiled Amos S.y.that the spoiled shall come against the/. JUit.7.12. in that day he shall come to thee from /. FORWARD. jV«m.32.19.we will not inherit on yonder side or/. Jer. 7. 24. and they went backward and not/. £2e/ shall be upon the eighth day and so /. Zech. 1. 15. and tliey helped/, the alHiction "Cor. 8. 10. not only to do, but also to be/, year ago 17. but being more/, of his own accord he went Gal. 2. 10. the same which I also was/, to do 'iJohn 6. whom if thou bring/, on their journey See That Day, Go, Set, Went. FORWARDNESS. 2Cor. 8. 8. but by occasion of the/, of others 9. 2. for I know/, of your mind, for which I boast FOUGHT. Exod. 17. 8. then came Anialek and /. with Israel 10. so Joshua/, with Amalek, Moses went up J\rit»n.21.1. then king Arad/. ag. Isr. and took some 23. Sihon came and/, against Israel, Judg. 11. 20. 26. Sihon /. against the former king of Moab Josh. 10. 14. for the Lord/, for Israel, 42. 1 23. 3. 29. Joshua and all Israel/, against Libnah 31./. against Lachish || 34. Eglon || 36. Hebron 24. 8. the Amorites on the other side/, with you 11. and the men of Jericho/, against you Judg. 1. 5. they found Adoni-bezek and /. ag. him 8. Judah had/, against Jerusalem, and taken it 5. 19. the kings came, then/, the kings of Canaan 20. they /. from heaven, the stars in courses/. 9. 17. my father/, for you and delivered you 39. Gaal went out and/, with Abimelcch 12. 4. all the men of Gilead/. with Ephraim l.Sa»!.4. 10. the Philistines/. IChron. 10. 1. 14.47. Saul/, against all his enemies on every side 15. 1 5. Saul /. against Amalek in the valley 19. 8. So David/, with the Philistines, 23. 5. 2Sa77j.2.28.people stood still, nor/, they any more 8. 10. he had/, against Hadadezer, IChr. 18. 10. 10.17. the Syrians/, against David, ICAr. 19. 17. 12. 29. David /. against Rabbah and took it -Kings 8. 29. Joram /. against Hazael, 9. 15. 12. 17. then Hazael went and /. against Gath 13. 12. Joash /. against Amaziah, 14. 15. "Chr. 20. 29. Lord /. against the enemies of Israel Psal. 109. 3. they/, against me without a cause fsa. 20. 1. Tartan/, against Ashdod and took it 63.10. he was turned their enemy and /. ag. them /er. 34. 1. the people/, against Jerusalem, 7. Zech. 14. 3. as when he/, in the day of battle 12.Lord will smite them that/against Jerusalem ICor. 15. 32. I have/, with beasts at Ephesus 2 Tim.i.1. 1 have/.a good fight, finished my course Rev.Vi.l. Michael and his angels/, against dragon FOUL. Job face is/, with weeping,on my eye-lids Mat. 16. 3. ye say, it will be/, weather to-day JlfarA 9. 25. he rebuked the/, spirit, saying to him Rev. 18. 2. Bab. the hold of every /. spirit and cage FOUL. E2eA;.34.18.but ye must/the residue with your feet FOULED. £2e/<:.34.19.they drink that ye have/.with your feet FOULEDST. Ejc4.32.2.thou troubledst waters and/, their rivers Fouls, see Fowls. FOUND. Gen. 2. 20. for Adam there was not/, a helpmeet 8.9. the dove/, no rest for the sole of her foot 19. t 15. take thy two daughters which are/. 26. f 12. Isaac sowed, and/, a hundred fold lO.Isaac's servants digged and/, a well of water 32. Isaac's servants said to him, we have/, water 27. 20. how is it that thou hast/, it so quickly ? 30. 14. Reuben went and/, mandrakes in the field 31. 33. Laban went into tents, but/, not images 37. what hast thou/, of all thy household stufl? 36. 24. Anah that/, the mules in the wilderness 37. 32. brought the coat, and said, this have we/. 38. 23. I sent this kid, and thou hast not/, her 44. 8. money which we /. in our sacks we brought 16. God hath/, out the iniquity of his servants Exod. 15. 22. they wentthree days and/, no water 1(). 27. they went to gather manna and/, none 18. t 8. Moses told all tho-travel that /. them T,cv. 0. 3. or if he have/, that which was lost t 5. restore it in the day of his bein^/. guilty 25. 1 26. and if his hand hath/, sufficiency Mum. 15. 32./. a man that gathered sticks on sabb. 33. they that/, him brought him to Moses 20. 1 14. thou knowest the travel that hath/, us 31. t50. we have brought what every man hath/. Z)tu« double portion of all/, with him 22. 3. with what thou hast/, shall do likewise 14. when I came to her I /. her not a maid, 17. | 21.19./. nothing thereon, Mark 11. 13. Luke 13.6. 2 G FOU Deut. 22. 27. he /. her in field, and the damsel cried 24. 1. because he hath some uncleanness in her 32.10. he/, him in a desert land, he led him about Josh.". 22. the pursuers sought, but/, thoin not 10. 17. five kings are/, hid in a cave atMakkedah Judg. 1. 5. they/. Adoni-bezek and fought ag. him ll.lB.ifnot plowed with heifer,not/. out my riddle 15. 15. and he/, a new jaw-bone of an ass 21. 12. and they/, four hundred young virgins 16'a)«.9.4. passed thro' Shalisha,butlhey/.not asses 11. they/. young maidens going to draw water 20. as for thine asses they are/. 10. 2, 16. 12.'5. is witness ye have not/, ought in my hand 13. 19. now there was no smith/, in Israel 22. no sword nor spear/, in hand of the people 25. 28. and evil hath not been /. with thee 29. 3. I have /. no fault in him, since he fell to me 30. 11. and they/, an Egyptian in the field 31. 8./. Saul and his three sons fallen in Gilboa 'iSam. 7. 27. therefore thy servant /. in his heart to pray this prayer to thee, IChroti. 17. 25. lKi?igs 7. 47. nor was the weight of ihe brass/, out 11. 29. the prophet Abijah /. Jeroboam in the way 13. 28. he went and /. his carcase cast in the way 18. 10. he took an oath that they /. thee not 19. 19. Elijah departed thence and/. Elisha 20. 36. behold, a lion /. him and slew him 21. 20. hastthou/. me,Omineeneniy 7 have/.thee IKings". 17. they sought Elijah, but/, him not 9. 1 21. they /. Jehu in the portion of Naboth 35. they/, no more of her than the skull 22. 8. 1/, the book of the law in house ofthe Lord 25. 19. he took sixty men that were/, in the city IChron. 4. 40. they/, fat pasture and good 29. 8. they with whom precious stones were/. "Chron. 19. 3. there are good things/, in thee £2ra2.62.sought their register amongthose reckon- ed by genealogy, but ihey were not/. JVe/t. 7. 64. 8. 15. and I/, there none ofthe sons of Levi JVcA. 5. 8. then they/, nothing to answer 8. 14. the/, written in the law of Lord by Moses Esth.A. \ 16. gather all the Jews/, in Shushan .Tob 28. ]3. nor is wisdom /. in the land of the living 31. t 25. if I rejoiced because iny hand/, much 29. or lift up myself when evil /. mine en*my 32.3. wrath kindled, because they had /.no answer 13. lest ye should say, we have/, out wisdom 3.3. 24. deliver from the pit, I have/, a ransom 42. 15. no women /. so fair as the daughters of Job Psal.&i. 20. I looked for comforters but/, none 76.5. none of the men of might have/, their hands 84. 3. yea sparrow hath /. a house, and swallow 89.20. 1 have/.David my servant, I anointed him 107. 4. they wandered and/, no city to dwell in 116. 1 3. 1/, trouble and sorrow, pains of hell/, me 119. tl43. trouble and anguish have/, me 132. 6. we /. it in the fields of the wood Prov. 7. 15. to seek thy face, and I have/, thee 24. 14.B0 shall wisdom be when thou hast/, it 25.16.hast thou/.honey? eat so much as issuffici Eecl. 7.27. behold, this have I/, saiththe preacher 28. one man among a thousand have I /. but a woman among all those have I not/. 29.this only have I/, that God made man upright Cant. 3. 1. I sought him, but If. him not, 2. 3. the watchmen/, me, to whom I said, 5. 7. 4. but I/, him whom my soul loveth Isa. 10. 10. as my hand hath/, kingdoms of idols 14. my hand hath/, the riches ofthe peojile 22. 3. all that are/, in thee are bound together 24. t 22. after many days shall they be/, wanting 57. 10. thou hast/, the life of thine hand 65. 1. I am/, of them that sought me not .Tcr.2. 5. whatiniquity have yourfathers/. in mel 34. in thy skirts is/, the blood of poor innocents 5. 26. for among my people are/, wicked men 14. 3. they came to the pits and/, no water 15. 16. thy words were/, and I did eat them 23. 11. in my house have I/, their wickedness 41. 8. ten men were/, that said, slay us not 50. 7. all that/, them have devoured them Lam.'i. 16. this is the day, we have/, we have seen Ezek. 22. 30. I sought for a man, but If. none Dan. 5. 12. an excellent spirit was/, in Daniel 27. thou art weighed, and art/, wanting 6. 4. nor was there any fault/, in Daniel 11. these men/. Daniel praying before his God Hos. 9. 10. 1/. Israel like grapes in tho wilderness 12.4. he/him in Beth-el, and there spake with us 8. Ejjhraim said, I have/, me out substance 14. 8. I am like a tree, from me is thy fruit/. Jonah 1.3. he/, a ship for Tarshish, so he paid fare Mic.l. 13.the transgressions of Israel were /.in thee Mat. 2. 8. when ye have/, him bring me word 8.10. 1 have not /.so great faith in Isrue], lAike 7. 9. 13. 44. which when a man hath/, he hideth it 46. when he had /. one pearl of great price 18. 28. and / one of his fellow servants who owed 20. 6. he went out and/, others standing idle FOU Mat. 22. 10. they gathered all as many as they/. 2().43.he/.them asleep, Jilar/cli. 40. /.uke'i'i. 45. 60.soughtwitnesses,yet/.they none, J\larkl4.55. 27. 32. they/, a man ol'Cyrcne, Simon by name Mark 1. 37. when they had/, him, they said to him 7. 2. some ate with defiled hands, they/, fault 30. when she was come, she/, the devil gone out 11. 4. they/, the coit tied by the door without Z,uke 2. 16. they/, the babe lying in a manger 46. after three days they/, him in the temple 4. 17. he/, the place where it was written 7. 10. they returning/, the servant whole 8. 35. they/, man clothed and in his right mind 13. 5. when he hath/, the sheep, he layeth it 6. rejoice, for I have /. my sheep which was lost 9. when siie hath /. the piece, she calleth friends 17. 18. are not any /. that returned to give glory 19. 32. they/, even as he had said to them, 22. 13. 23. 2. we/, this fellow perverting the nation 14. behold, I have/, no fault in this man 24. 2. and they /. the stone rolled away 3. they/, not the body of the Lord Jesus 23. when they/, not his body, they came, saying 33. and they /. the eleven gathered together John 1. 41. andsaith, we have/, the Messias, 45. 2. 14. Jesus/, in the temple those that sold oxen ^cts 5. 10. the young men came in, and/, her dead 22. when the officers /. them not in the prison 7. 11. and our fathers/, no sustenance 9. 2. that if he/, any of this way, whether men 10. 27. Peter/, many that were come together 12. 19. Herod sought for Peter, and /. him not 13. 6. they/, a certain sorcerer, a false prophet 22. I have/. David, a man after mine own heart 17. 23. I /. an altar with this inscription 24. 5. we have /. this man a pestilent fellow 20. if they have/, any evil doing in me 25. 25. 1/ he hath done nothing worthy of death 28. 14. we came to Puteoh, where we /. brethren Horn. 4. 1. what Abraham our father hath /. 7.10. which was ordained to life, I/, to be to death 1 Cor. 15. 15. yea, we are /. false witnesses of God 2 Cor. 2. 13. because I /. not Titus my brother Gal. 2. 17. we ourselves also are/, sinners Pliil. 2. 8. and being/, in fashion as a man 1 Tim. 3. 10. use the office, being/, blameless 2 Tim. 1. 17. Onesiphorus sought me and/, me Heb. 12. 17. for he/, no place of repentance 1 Pet. 1. 7. that your faith might be/, to praise 2 John 4. 1/, of thy children walking in truth iJet).2.2.thou hast tried them, and hast/, them liars 3. 2. I have not/, thy works perfect before God 12. 8. nor was tlieir place /. any more in heaven 16. 20. and the mountains were not /. Be FOUND. Gen. 18.29. peradventure there shall be forty/. 44. 9. with whomsoever of thy servants it bef. F,\'en days no leav.shall bef. in houses 21. Ifi. that stealeth a man, if he bef. in his hand 22. 2. if a thief ic/. breaking up, 7. 4. if the theft be certainly/, in his hand Dent. 22. 28. if a man lie with her, and they bef. 1 Sam. 10. 21. they sought him, he could not be f. 2.S'(i7n. 17.12. shall come on him where he shall be f. \Kings\. 52. if wickedness him, he shall die 1 CAroTi. 28. 9. if seek him, will ic/. of^thee, but if forsake him will cast off for ever, 2 C/tron. 15. 2. Job 20. 8. he shall fly away and shall not bef. 23. 12. but whore shall wisdom bef. ? P5oi.32.6.Bhall pray in time when thou mayest bef. 36. 2. till his iniquity bef. to be hateful 37. 36. I sought him, but he could not be f. Prov. 6. 31. if he be f. he shall restore seven-fold 16. 31. if it be/, in the way of righteousness 30. 6. lest he reprove thee and thou be f. a liar 10. lest he curse thee, and thou be/, guilty Isa. 30. 14. there shall not be f. a sherd to take fire 35. 9. no lion, nor any beast shall be f. thereon 51. 3. joy and gladness shall bef. therein 55. 6. seek yc the Lord while he may bo f. Jer. 29. 14. I will bef. of you, saith the Lord 50. 20. sins of Judah he sought for, shall not bef. F.iek. 26. 21. yet shaltthou never bef. again Dan. 11. 19. he shall stumble and fall, and not be/. 12. 1. every one shall bef. written in the book Hos. 10. 2. now shall they bef. faulty Zcph. 3. 13. nor a deceitful tongue bef. in mouth Zech. 10. 10. and place shall not be f. for them Acts 5. 39. lest ye be f. to fight against God 1 Cor.4. 2. it is required that a stevvard bef. faithful 2 Cor. 5. 3. if clothed, we shall not be f. naked 11. 12. wherein glory, they may bef. even as we 12. 20. that I shall bef. such as ye would not Phil.3.9. *c/.inhim,nothaving my own righteous. 2 Pet. 3. 14. that ye may bef. of him in peace Rev. 18. 21 . the city of Babylon bef. no more at all ^2. no craftsman shall bef. any more in thee See FAvorR. FOUND ffrace. Oen- 6. 8. Noah /. grace in the eyes of the Lord 218 FOU Gen. 19. 19. thy servant hath /. grace in thy sight 33. 10. if I have/, g. in thy sight, 47. 29. | 50. 4. 39. 4. Joseph/, grace in his sight, he served him Exod. 33. 12. thou hast also/, grace in my sight,17. 13. if I have /. grace in thy sight, consider this nation thy people, 3i.'J. Judg. 6.17. 1 Sam. 27.5. 16. how known that I and thy people have /. g.? J\'iim. 32. 5. if we have /. grace in thy sight Rut/i 2. 10. why have I/, grace in thine eyes 1 1 Satn. 20. 3. thy father knoweth I have/, grace 2 Sam. 14. 22. thy servant knoweth I have/, grace Jer. 31. 2. the people /. grace in the wilderness Is FOUND. Oen.4:4. lO.he with whom it is f. he my servant, 16. Dent. 20. 11. people that is/, shall be tributaries 1 Kings 14. 13. in him there is f. some good thing 2 Kings 22. 13. this book that isf. 2 Chron. 34. 21. Ezra 4. 19. it is f this city hath been rebellious .Tob 19. 28. seeing the root of the matter is f. Pi'ov. 10. 13. in the lips of him wisdom is f. Isa. 13. 15.everyone thatzs /.shall be tlirust thro' 37. t 4. lift up thy prayer for remnant that is f. 65. 8. as the new wine isf. in the cluster Jer. 2. 26. as the thief is ashamed when he is f. 34. in thy skirts isf. the blood of innocents 11.9.a conspiracy is f. among the men of Judah Dan. 5. 14. excellent wisdom is f. in thee Hos. 14. 8. I am like a tree, from me «s thy fruit/. Luke 15. 24. this my son was lost and is f. 32. 2 Cor. 7. 14. our boasting I made isf. a truth Was FOUND. Gnt. 44. 12. the cup was f. in Benjamin's sack 47. 14. Joseph gathered the money that was f. Exod.35. 23. every man with whom jcas/. purple 24. every man with whom was /. shittim-wood Judg. 20. 1 48. smote with the sword all that wasf. 1 Sam. 13. 22. with Saul and Jonathan there wasf. 2XV»ig-sl2.10.high-priest told the moneythat Mas/. 20.13. shewed all that wasf. in treasury, /sa.39.2. 22. 9. gather the money that was f2 Chr. 34. 17. 23. 2. read book which wasf. 2 Chron. 34. 30. 2 Chron. 15. 4. sought him, he wjas/.of them, 15. 21. 17. carried away the substance that was f. Ezra 6. 2. there was f. at Achmetha a roll Keel. 9. 15. there wasf. in it a poor wise man J'cr.48.27.was Isr.a derision'? was he/.am. thieves? Ezek. 28. 15. perfect till iniquity was f. in thee Dan. 1. 19. among all none was f. like Daniel 2. 35. iron, clay broken, no place was f. for them 5. 11. like the wisdom of the gods was f. in him 6. 22. because before him innocency was f. in me Mat. 1. 18. she was f. with child of the Holy Ghost /jute 9.36. when voice was pa3t,Jesus Mas/, alone JlctsS. 40. but Philip wasf. at Azotus, he preached Rom. 10. 20. I was f. of them that sought me not 1 Pet. 2. 22. neither ivas guile/, in his mouth Rev. 5. 4. no man was f. worthy to open the book 14. 5. and in their mouth wasf. no guile 18. 24. in her was f. the blood of the prophets 20. 11. and there was f. no place for them Was not FOUND. Mai. 2. 6. and iniquity zcas notf. in his lips //cj. 11. S.Enoch was not f -because God translated /Je«.20.15. whoso was notf. written in book of life FOUNDATION Is the ground-work, or lowest part of abuilding, zchich supports the other parts ; as the founda- tion of a house, of a castle, of a fort, tower, &c. Christ Jesus, both in the Old and JVeio Testament, is called a Foundation. Isa. 28. 16, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone, a sure foundation. Christ is the foundation on 7Dhich the church is built ; the foundation of all the hopes, andcomfort, andhappiness, ofthepeople of God ; the foundation of the Covenant of Grace made with the church, and of allthepro- mises contained therein; heis asurcfoundation, on whomhispeoplemay securely rest ; one who will not fail them, nor deceive them ; and he is the corner-stone that unites the several parts of the building together ; he makes Jews and Gentiles, that once wereimplacable enemies, one church. So also in 1 Cor. 3. 11, Other founda- tion can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ, .^ndihe abovementioneil passage in Isaiah is cited by St. Peter, and applied to Christ, 1 Pet. 2. 6. God's decree of election is the firm immovable foundation upon wluch the salvation of the elect depends. 2 Tim. 2. 19, The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal. The Lord know- eth them that arc his. See more of this passage on the word SEAL. The foundation of the apostles and prophets, is that foundntinn which they laid, by their preaching and doctrine, name- ly, Christ, whom they held forth as the only Mediator brt^oeen God and man, the only Sa- viour and Head of the church. Eph. 2. 20, Ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles FOU and prophets ; Vour faith is grounded upon the doctrine delivered by them. Foundation is likewise taken for the first principles of Chris- t ianity, taught in an easy an d plain method, so as to make people of mean capacities to under- stand them; such as concerning the necessity and nature of repentance and faith; tlienattirc, institution, signification, and use of the sacra- ments ; concerning the last judgment, and the like; these the apostle calls tte foundation. Heb. 6. 1, 2, Not laying again the foundation of re- pentance, &c. Jind in Rom. 15. 20, The apostle says. So have I slrived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation. / did not choose to preach the gospel, where the fundamentals, the first principles of religion, had been taught by another, lest I should seem to assume to myself the credit due to him. Hea- ven, which is the eternal inheritance of all be- lievers, is described as a city which hath foun- dations, to denote that the state of the elect in heaven, and their glory there, is not sub- ject to corruption, or the least alteration. Heb. 11. 10, Mraham looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Magistrates are also called foundations. Psal. 82. 5, All the foundations of the world are outof course: .ill magistrates, rulers, andgo- vernors, that should settle and establish justice and order, have disturbed it by their irregular and disorderly proceedings. Solomon says, Prov. 10. 25, The righteous is an everlasting foundation: or, hath an everlasting foundation: His hope and happiness is built upon a sure foundation. Exod.9. 18. as hath not been in Egypt since the/. Josh. 6. 26. he shall lay the/, in his first-born lKings5.n. they brought hewn stones to lay the/. 6. 37. in the fourth year was /. of house of L. laid 7. 9. were of costly stones even from the/. 10. 16. 34. he laid the/, of Jericho in his first-born 2 CAroji. 8. 16. work was prepared lo-day of the/. 31. 7. they began to lay the/, of the heaps Ezra 3. 6. the/, of the temple was not yet laid 10. when the builders laid the/, of temple, 12. 5. 16. Sheshbazzar laid the/, of the house 7. t9. on the first day was the/, of going up Job 4. 19. how much less in them whose/, is in dust 22. 16. whose /. was overflovm with a flood Psol. 87. 1. his/, is in the holy mountains 102. 25. of old thou hast laid the/, of the earth 137. 7. rase it, rase it, even to the/, thereof Prov. 10. 25. the righteous is an everlasting/. /so. 28. 16. I lay in Zion for a/, a tried stone 44. 28. saying to the temple, thy/, shall be laid 48. 13. my hand hath laid the/, of the earth Ezek. 13. 14. the/, thereof shall be discovered Hab. 3. 13. by discovering the /. to the neck Hag. 2. 18. from the day that the/, was laid Zech. 4. 9. Zerubbabel hath laid /. and shall finish 8. 9. prophets which were when the /. was laid 12. 1. the Lord, which layeth the /. of the earth Ltikc 6. 48. digged deep, and laid the/, on a rock 49. like a man that without a/, built a house 14. 29. lest haply after he hath laid the /. Rom. 15. 20. lest I should build on another man's/. 1 Cor. 3. 10. as a wise master-builder I laid the/. 11. for other/, can no man lay than is laid 12. if any man build on this/, gold, silver, wood Eph. 2. 20. are built on the/, of the prophets 1 Tim. 6. 19. laying up in store forthems. a good /. 2 Tiyn. 2. 19. nevertheless/, of God standeth sure Heb. 1. 10. thou. Lord, hast laid the/, oftheearth 6. 1. not laying the/, of repentance and faith Rev. 21. 19. the first/, jasper; second sapphire FOUNDATION of tlie loorld. Mat. 13. 35. kept secret from the/, of the world 25. 34. kingdom prepared from the/, of theworhl Luke 11. 50. the blood shed from the/, of the world , To /trel7.24. thou lovedst me before the/.o/ytfjcorW .EpA.1.4.cho3en us in him before the f. of the world i/ were finished from thef.oftheworld 9. 26. must have oft suffered since /. of the world 1 Pet.l. 20. foreordained before the/, of the world Rev. 13. 8. Lamb slain from the /. of the world 17. 8. names not written from the/, of the world FOUNDATIONS. Dcut. 32. 22. and set on fire the/, of the mountains 2 Sam.. 22. 8. the/, of heaven moved and shook 16. f.of the world were discovered, Ps. 18.7,15. Ezra 4. 12. have set up the walls and joined the/, fi. 3. and let the/, thereof he strongly laid .Tbi 38. 4. where wast thou when I laid/, of earth 7 6. whereupon are the/, thereof fastened PsaZ.11.3.if/.be destroyed, what can righteous do7 82. 5. all the/, of the earth are out of course 104. 5. who laid the/, of earth notto be removed Prov. 8. 29. when he appointed the/, of the earth FOU Isa. 16. 7. for the/, of Kir-haresellibliall ye mourn 24. IS. and the/, of the earth do shake 40. '21. have ye not understood from/, of earth? 51. 13. the Lord that laid the/, of the earth 1(5. that I may lay the /. of tlie earth 51. 11. I will lay thy/, with sapphires 58.1i2.thouslialt raise ujithe/of niunygenerations Jcr. 31. 37. if the/, of the earth can be searched 50. 15. her/.are fallen, h'jrwalls are thrown down 51. 20. they shall not take of thee a stone for /. Lam. 4. 11. and it hath devoured the/, thereof Eze/c. 30. 4. Egypt's/, shall be broken down 41 8. the/, oftlie side chambers were a full reed Mic. 1. 0. and I will discover the /. thereof 6. 2. hear, O mountains, and ye strong /. of earth ./lets 10. 20. the/, oftlie prison were shaken Heb. 11. 10. for he looked for a city that hath/. Hev. 21. 14. the walls of the city had twelve/. 19. the /. were garnished with precious sloues FOUNDED. 1 Chron. 9. t22. these were poiters whom David/. 2 Chron. 3. j 3. the things wherein Solomon was/. Ezra 3. f 0. but the temple was not yet/. Psal. 8. 1 2. out of mouths of babes hast/, strength 24. 2. for he hath/, it upon the seas and tlie floods 78. t 69. like the earth which he hath/, for ever 89.11. world and fulness thereof, thou hast/, them 104. t 5. he hath /. the eartli upon her bases 8. to the place which thou hast/, for them 119. 152. thy testimonies thou hast/.them for ever Prov. 3. 19. the Lord by wisdom hath /. the earth /so. 14. ;52. answer, that the Lord hath/. Zion 23. 13. this people was not till the Assyrian/, it .^mos 9. 6. and he hath /. his troop in the earth Hab. 1. t 12. O Lord, thou hast ordained them for judgment; O God,thouhast/. themforcorreclion Mat. 7. 25. and it fell not for it was/, on a rock Luke 6. 48. could not shake it, it was/, on arock FOUNDER. Judg. 17. 4. his mother gave them to the /. Isa. 41. 7. so the carpenter encouraged the/. Jer.G. 29. the bellows are burnt,/, melteth in vain 10. 9. the work of the hands of the/. 14. every/, confounded by graven image, 51.17. FOUNDEST. JVeft. 9. 8. and/, his heart faithful before thee FOUNDING. 2 Chron. 24. 127. concerning Joash/. the house FOUNTAIN Is properly the source or spring-head of waters. Metaphorically, God is called the fountain of living waters, ./er. 2. 13. Springs or fountains are called living, when they never cease, or intermit, but are always sending forth their waters : Such had God's care and kindness been over and to the Jews, of whom he com- plains. That they had forsaken him, the fountain of living waters. The blood of ChrisI, which washes believers from all uncleanness of sin, is called a fountain. Zech. 13. 1, In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of .ferusalem, for sin and uncleanness. The legal washings werebut shadows and types of this matchless healing and purging Fountain, namely, the blood of Christ, which never failed to heal any that ever used it. Jill spiritual graces and refreshments communicated by the .Spirit, are also compared to a fountain. Joel 3. 18, A fountain shall come forth of the liouse of the Lord, and shall water the valley of Shittim. J)s waters are of a cooling, re- freshing, and fructifying nature, so these gifts and graces should make the most barren to become fruitful. Jind in John 7. 38, He that believelh on me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. He shall be endued with the gifts and graces of the Spirit in a plentiful measure, which shall not only refresh himself, but shall break forth, and be communi- cated to others, also for their refreshing. Fountainsaretaken forchildren,orposterily, Prov. 5. 16, Let thy fountains be disjiersed abroad : May your posterity be numerous. In this passage fountains are put for streams or rivers flowing from them, by a metonymy of the cause for the effect. In the same sense it is used in Deut. 33. 28, The fountain of .Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine: that is, the people that proceed from Jacob. The title of fountains may be the more fitly given to children, because as they are rivers in respect of their parents, so when they grow up, they also become fountains to their children. In Prov. 5. 18, fountain is put for a wife. Let thy fountain be blessed. I.,et thy wife be blessed wilhchildren;barrenness heingcsteemed a curse and reproach among the Israelites; Or, let her be a blessing and comfort to thee, and not a curse and A snare, as a harlot will 219 FOU be : or, let her be made happy by the enjoyment of thy suciity, and cleaving tu her alone. Solomon says, Prov. 13. 14, The law oftlie wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death ; that is, the doctrine, instriiction, or counsel of a holy pious man, is a means to pre- serve life, and to help men to depart from the snares of death. liy spring and fountain in Hos. 13. Jo, arvnieant a prosperous condition, and all blessings which seemed to be for a con- tinuance ; His spring shall become dry, and his fountain shall be dried up. Fountain is taken for the right ventricle of the heart, which is the spring of life, and of lice vital spirits. Eccl. 12. 6, Or the pitcher be broken at the fountain : This may be said, when the veins do not return the blood to the heart, but suffer it to stand still and cool within them, whence comes that coldness of the outwardparts,which is a near forerunner of death. Fountain of blood, is the blood of a person incommoded with a loss of blood, whether natural or other- wise. Lev. 20. 18. Mark 5. 29. Gen. 16. 7. angel of the Lord found Hagar by a/. Lev. 11. 36. a/, wherein is water shall be clean 20. 18. he discovered her/, the/, of her blood I)e%it.'i'i. 28./. of Jacob shall be on a land of corn l.S'a?)i.29. l.the Israelites pitched by a/, in Jczreel Psal. 36. 9. for with thee is the /. of life 68. 26. bless the Lord from the/, of Israel 74. 15. thou didst cleave the/, and the flood 114. 8. who turned the flint into a/, of water Prov. 5. 18. let thy /. be blessed, rejoice with wife 13. 14. the law of tho wise is a /. of life 14. 27. the fear of the Lord is a/, of life 25. 26. is as a troubled /. and corrujit spring Keel. 12. 6. or the pitcher be broken at the /. Cant. 4. 12. a/, scaled || 15. a/, of gardens Jer.'i. 13. have forsaken/, of living waters, 17. 13. 6. 7. as a/, casteth out her waters so she 9. 1. oh that mine eyes were a/, of tears Joel 3.18. a/shall come forth of house of the Lord Zech. 13. 1. in that day a/, shall be opened Mark 5. 29. the /. of her blood was dried up Jam. 3. 11. doth a/, send forth sweet waters 1 12. no/, can yield salt water and fresh Rev. 21. 6. I will give oftlie/. of life freely FOUNTAINS. Gen. 7. 11. the/, of the great deep were broken up 8. 2. the/, also oftlie deep were stopped Deut. 8. 7. God bringeth thee into a land of/. 1 Kings 18. 5. go into ihe land, to all /. of water 2 Chr. 32. 3. he took counsel to stop waters of/. 4. there was much iieople, who stopt all the/. Prov. 5. 16. let thy/, be dispersed abroad 8.24.when there were no /. abounding with water 28. when he strengthened the/, of the dee]) Isa. 41. 18. 1 will open /. in the midst of the valleys Hos. 13. 15. and his/, shall be dried up Bev. 7. 17. and he shall lead them to living/. 8. 10. the star fell upon the /. of waters 14. 7. worship him that made the/, of waters 10. 4. the third angel poured his vial upon the/. FOUR. Ge7i. 2. 10. a river parted, and became/, heads 14. 9./. kings joined battle with five 47. 24. and/, parts shall be your own for seed Kxod. 22. 1. he shall restore/, sheep for a sheep 25. 26. thou shalt make for it/, rings of gold 34. shall be/, bowls made like unto almonds 26. 2. the breadth of one curtain/, cubits, 8. 27. 16. their pUlars/. their sockets/. 38. 19. 37. 20. and in the candlestick were/, bowls 38. 5. he cast/, rings for the /. ends of the grate 39. 10./. rows of stones set in the breast-plalo Lev. 11. 20. all fowls that creep going on all/. 27. of beasts that go on all/, unclean, 42. •N'um.7.7. two wagons,/. o.\entosonsof Gershon 8./. wagons, eight o.xen to the sons of Merari Deut. 22. 12. make thee fringes on the/, quarters Judg. 11. 40. a custom to lament/, days in a year 2 .Sam. 21. 22. these/, were born to the giant 1 Kings 18. 33. he said, fill/, barrels with water ^Kings 7. 3. there were/, leprous men at the entry Job 42. 16. saw his son's sons, even /. generations Prov. 30. 15. yea/, things say not, it is enough 18. yea there be/, things which I know not 21. and for/, things which it cannot bear 24. there be/, things which are little on earth 30. 29. yea,/, things are comely in §oing Isa 17. 6./. or five in the utmost fruitlul branches .Ter. 15. 3. I will appoint over them/, kinds 36. 2.3. when Jehudi had read throe or/, leaves Eick. 1. 5. the likeness of/, living creatures 6. and every one had /. faces, 15. | 10. 14. and every one had/, wings, 10. 21. 16. and they/, had one likeness, 10. 10. 17. they went upon their/, sides, 10. 11. 14. 21. when I send my/, sore judgm on Jerus. 37. 9. and say come from tlie/. winds, O breath FOU Ezck. 40. 41./. tables were on this side, /.on that 43. 15. the altar/, cubits, and upward/, horns Dan. 1. 17. these/, children God gave knowledge 3. i!5. lo, I see/, men loose, walking in the fiie 7. 2. the/, winds of heaven strove on the sea 3. and/, great beasts came up from the sea 17. these/, beasts are/, kings who shall arisa 8. 8. came/, notable horns toward the/, winds 22. whereas/, stood up, /. kingdoms shall stand 11. 4. his kingdom divided towards the/, winds ~1mus 1. 3. and for /. I will not turn away the punishment thereof, 0, 9, 11, 13. | 2. 1,4, 6- Zech. 1. 18. I saw, and behold/, horns 20. and the Lord shewed me/, carpenters 6. 1. and behold, there came /. chariots out Mat.'ii. 31. he shall send his angels, and they shall gather his elect from the /. winds, Mark 13. 27. Mark sick of the palsy who was borne of/. John 4. 35. are yet/, months, then cometh harvest 11. 17. Lazarus had lain in the grave/, days 19. 23. the soldiers made /. parts of his garment Acts 10. 30./. days ago I was fasting to this hour 21. 9. Philip had /. daughters, virgins, who proph. 23. we have /. men which have a vow on them 27. 29. they cast/, anchors out of the stern Rev. 4. 6. round about the throne were/, beasts 8. the/, boasts had each of them six wings 5. 14. the /. beasts said, amen, and the elders full 6. 6. I heard a voice in the midst of the/, beasts 7.1. 1 saw/, angels, on/, corners, holding/.winda 9. 13. a voice from the/, horns of the golden altar 14. loose the/, ang. who are bound in Euphrates 14. 3. they sung a new song before the/, beasts 15. 7. one of the /. beasts gave seven vials 19. 4. the 24 elders and the/, beasts fell down See Corners, D.iYS. FOUR times. JVeA.G. 4. yet they sent to me/, times after this sort FOURFOLD. 2 Sam.. 12. 6. and he shall restore the lamb/. Luke 19. 8. if 1 have taken any thing, I restore/. Sec Footed, Twenty, Hunprkd, Thousand. FOUR-SaUARE. Ezod.Zl. l.a.lta.ishai\be f.-sijuare, height 3 cubits 28. 16. the breast-plate /.-syitare, being doubled IKingsG. t33.hemade posts of olive-tree/.-syiiare Ezek. 40. 47. he measured the court f.-sr/uare 48. 20. ye shall offer the holy oblation /.-syuare Rev. 21. 16. and the cily lielh f. -square FOURSCORE. Exod. 7. 7. Moses was/, years old, and Aaron/, and three years old, when they spake to Pharaoh .Tudg. 3. 30. and the land had rest/, years 2 Sam. 19. 32. Karzillai was/, years old, 35. 2 Kings 6. 25. an ass's head was sold for/, pieces 10. 24. Jehu a|)i)ointed/. men without, and said 1 Chron. 15. 9. Eliel the chief, and his brethren/. 2 Chron. 26. 17. with him/, priests, valiant men Ezra 8. 8. Zebadiah, and with him/, males Psal. 90. 10. and if by strength they be/, years CaHt.6.8. are threescore queens, and/, concubines Jer. 41. 5. Uiere canie from Samaria, /. men /.7(A:('2.37.she was a widow about/, and fouryears 16. 7. he said to him, take Ihy bill, and write /. FOURSCORE .losh. 14. 10. lo,I am this day/, onrf/we years old 1 Sam. 22. 18. Doeg slew that dav/. andfivepeis. FOURSCORE and six. fi^cn. 16.16. Abra. was/, and six when Hagar bare One hundred and FOURSCORE. Gen. 35. 28. days of Isaac were one hundred andf. Four hundred and FOURSCORE. IKingsO. 1. iofourh.f. years after come out of Eg. FOURSCORE thousand. lKings5. ]5/.euM2.6. thither shall ye bring your/. -wi/Z-ojfcr. 17. mayest not eat within thy gates thy f.-w.-off. 2 CAron. 31. 14. Kore was ovcr/.-w27/-o^er.of God Psal.ll9.W'± accept lhe/'.-!/)»7i-o^er. ofmy mouth FREE-VVOMAN. Oal. 4. 22. had two sons, by bond-maid, and by a/. 23. but he of the/ was by promise 30. shall not be heir with the son of the/. 31. we are not children of bond-woman, but off. FRESH. JVum.ll. 8. taste of manna was as the taste off. oil Joi29.20. myglory was/, in me, mvbow renewed Psal. 92. 10. I shall be anointed with/ oil Jam. 3. 12. no fountain can vield salt water and/. FRESHER. Job 33. 25. his flesh shall be/, than a child's FRET. Lev. 13. 55. shall burn it in the fire, it is/, inward FRET. 1 Sam. 1. 6. also provoked her to make her/. Psal. 37. 1./. not thyself, 7, 8. Prov. 24. 19. fsa. 8. 21. when thev be hungry, they shall /. FRETTED. Ezek. 16. 43. but thou hast/, me in these things 221 FRI FRETTETH. Prov. 19. 3. and his heart /. against the Lord FRETTING. Lev. 13. 51. the plague is a/, leprosy, 52. 1 14. 44 FRIED. Lev. 7. 12. cakes mingled with oil of flour/. 1 CAr. 23. 29. Levites to wait about that which is/. FRIEND Is taken for one whom we love and esteem above others, to whom we ivipart our minds more fa- miliarly than to others ; and that from a con- fidence of his integrity, and good will towards us ; thus Jonathan and David were mutually friends. Solomon in his book of Proverbs gives the qualities of a true friend. Prov. 17. 17, A friend loveth at all times ; not only in prosperity, but also in adversity. Chap. 18. 24, There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother ; he is more hearty in the performance of all friendly offices. He reproves and rebukes when he sees any thing aiitiss. Prov. 27. 6, Faithful are the wounds of a friend ; his sharp- est reproofs proceed from an vpright, and truly loving and faithful soul. He is known by his good and faithful counsel, as well as by his seasonable rebukes. Prov. 27. 9, Oint- ment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty coun- sel ; by such counsel as comes from his very heart and soul, and is the language of his most inward aiid serious thoughts. The com pany and conversation of a friend is refreshing and reviving to a person, who, when alone, is sad, and dull, and unactive. Prov. 27. 17, Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the coun- tenance of his friend. By friend is meant also the favourite of a prince. Hushai was the friend, the favourite o/ David, 2Sa7n. 15. 37. Zabud, the son of Nathan was Solomon's friend, 1 Kings 4. 5. Jind Ahuz- zath was the particular frieiid of Abimelech king of Gerar, Gen. 26. 26. The friend of God. This title is principally given to Abraham, as in 2 Chron. 20. 7, Art not thou our God, who gavest this l^nd to the seed of Abraham thy friend for ever ■? .find in Isa. 41. 8, But thou, Israel, art the seed of Abraham my friend. The apostle James like- wise makes mention of this, Jam. 2. 23, And the scripture was fulfilled, which sailli, Abra- ham believed God, and it was imputed-to him for righteousness; and he was called the friend of God. This title is given him not only be- cause God frequently appeared to him, con- versed familiarly with him, and 'Revealed se- crets to him. Gen. 18. 17, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do ? But also be- cause he entered into a covenant of perpetual friendship, both with him and his seed, Gen. 12. 2, 3. I 17. 2, 4, 7. and especially because he renewed the covenant with him, upon the sacri- ficing of his son Isaac, and confirmed it by an oath, and therebij admitted him to a nearer de- gree of friendship and communion, Gen. 22. 16, 17, &c. And it is upon this trial o/ Abra- ham's obedience, namely, the offering up of his son, that the apostle James quotes the passage, where Abraham is called the friend of God, Jam. 2. 21, 22, 23. ^ Our Saviour calls his apostles friends. ,Tohn 15. 15, But I have called you friends; he adds the reason of it, for all things I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. As men used to communicate their counsels and their w/ule mind to their friends, especially in things which are of any concern, or may be of any advantage for them to know and understand so I have revealed to you whatsoever is neccs sary for your instruction, office, comfort, and salvation. And this title is not peculiar to th apostles only, but is common with them to all true believers. Cant. 5. 1, Eat, O friends. The friend of the bridegroom, is the bride-man ; he who does the honours of the wedding, and leads his friend's spouse to the nuptial bed. John the Baptist, with respect to Christ, and his church, was the friend of the Bridegroom; by his preaching he prepared the people of the Jews /or Christ, John 3. 29. Friend is a word of ordinary salutation, whether to friend, or foe. He is called friend who had not on a wedding-garment. Mat. 22. 12. And our Saviour calls Judas the traitor, friend. Mat. 26. 50. Some are of opinion that this title is given to the guest by an irony or anti- phrases, meaning the contrary to what the word importeth ; or that he is called so, be- cause he appeared to others to be Christ's friend, or was so in his own esteem and ac- count, though falsely, being a hypocrite. How- FRI ever, this being spoken in the person of him who made the feast, it is generally taken for a usual compellation ; and that Vlinsl following the like courteous custom of appellation, and friendly greeting, did so salute Judas, which yet left a sting behind it in his conscience, who knew himself to be the reverse of what he was called. The name of friend is likewise given to a neighbour. Luke 11. 5, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say, friend, lend me three loaves 1 ffeB.38.20. Judah scntthe kid by the hand ofhis/. Ezod. 33. 11. God spake to Moses as a man to his/. J)eut. 13.6. oT if thy wife or/, entice thee secretly Judg. 14. 20. to companion whom he used as his/. ilSa m. 13. 3. Amnon had a/, his name was Jonadab 15. 37. Hushai David's/, came into city, 16. 16. l(i. 17. Absalom said to Hushai, is this thy kind- ness to thy/.? why wentcst thou not with thy/.? 1^27! o-s4.5.Zabud was principal ofiicer,the king's/. 2 Chron. 20. 7. gavest to the seed of Abraham thy/. Job 6. 14. to him afflicted pity be shewed from his/. 27. and ye dig a pit for your/. 16. t 21. O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man ploadeth for his/. Psal.25. 14. as though he had been my/, or brother 41. 9. my familiar/, hath lifted up his heel ag. me 88. 18. lover and/, hast thou put far from me Prov. 6. 1. my son, if thou be surety for thy/. 3. when in the hand of thy/, make sure thy/. 17. 17. a /. loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity 18. and becometh surety in the presence of his/. 18. 24. a/ that sticketh closer than a brother 19. 6. every man is a/, to him that giveth gifts 22.11. for grace of his lips, the king shall be his/. 27. 6. faithful are the wounds of a/. 9. so doth sweetness of man's/by hearty counsel 10. thine own/, and thy father's/, forsake not 14. he that blesseth his/, with a loud voice 17. a man sharpeneth the countenance of his/. Ca?t(.5.16.thif is my beloved, this is my/. O daught. Isa. 41. 8. thou art the seed of Abraham my/. Jer. 3. t 20. surely as a wife departeth from her/. 0. 21. the neighbour and his/, shall perish 19. 9. shall eat every one flesh ofhis/. in the siege Hos. 3. 1. beloved of her/, yet an adulteress Mic. 7. 5. trust ye not in a /. put not confidence Mat. 11. 19. behold, a/, of publicans, Luke 7. 34- 20. 13. he answered,/. I do thee no wrong 22. 12. he saith to him,/, how camest thou hither? 26. 50. Jesus said,/, wherefore art thou come? Luke 11.5. which of you shall have a/, and shall go at midnight and say,/, lend me three loaves 6. for a/, of mine in his journey is come to me 8.though he will not give him because he is his/. 14. 10. he that bade thee may say,/ go up higher John 3. 29. the/, of the bridegroom rejoiceth 11. 11. he saith, our/. Lazarus sleepeth 19. 12. if thou let this man go, art not Cesar's/. Acts 12. 20. and having made Blastus their/. Jam. 2. 23. Abraham was called the/, of God 4. 4. will be a /. of the world, is the enemy of God FRIENDLY. Judg. 19. 3. the Levite went to speak/, to her Ruth'i. 13. thou hast spoken/, to thine handmaid Prow. 18. 24. thathath friends, must show himself/. Hos. 2. t 14. I will bring her, and speak /. to her FRIENDS. 1 Sam. 30. 26. David sent of the spoil to his/. 2 Sam. 3. 8. which do shew kindness to Saul's/. 19.6. thou lovest thine enemies, and halcst thy/. 1 Kings IG. 11. Zimri left him not one of his/. Esth. 5. 10. Haman sent and called for his/. 14. tljfn said his wife and all his/, to him 6. 13. Haman told his wife and/, every thing .Toh 2. 11. when Job's three/ heard of this evil 16.20. my/, scorn me, but mine eye poureth tears 17. 5. he that speaketh flattery to his/. 19. 14. ray familiar/, have forgotten me 19. all my inward/, abhorred me 21. have pity on me, have pity on me, O ye/. 32. 3. Elihu's wrath was kindled against his/. 42. 7. Lord's wrath kindled against Eliphaz and/. 10. the Lord turned when he prayed for his/. Psal. 38. 11. my/, stand aloof from my sore Pro?;.14.20. thepooris hated, the rich hath many/. 16. 28. a whisperer separateth chief/. 17. 9. he that repeateth a matter, separateth/. 18. 24. that hath/, must shew himself friendly 19. 4. wealth maketh many/, but poor separated 7. how much more do his/, go far from him Cant. 5. 1. eat. Of. drink, yea, drink abundantly .ler. 20. 4. I will make thee a terror to thy/. 6. thou shalt be buried there, thou and all thy/. 38. 22. women shall say, thy/, have set thee on Lam. 1. 2. all her/, have dealt treacherously Zech. 13. 6. 1 was wounded in the house of my/. Mark 3. 21. when his/, heard of it, they went out PRO Mark 5. 19. Jesus saitli to him, go home to thy/. Luke 7. 6. the centurion sent/, to him, saying 12. 4. my/, be not afraid of them that kill the body 14. 12. when thou makest a dinner, call not thy/. 15. 6. he calleth toj;ether his /. saying, rejoice 9. she calleth her/, and neighbours, saying 29. that I might make merry with my/. 16. 9. make to yourselves /. of the mammon 21. 16. ye shall be betrayed by parents and/. 23.12. the same day Pilate and Herod were made/. John 15. 13. that a man lay down his life for his/. 14. ye are my/, if ye do what I command you 15. not servants, but I have called you /. Jlcts 10. 24. Cornelius called together his/. 19. 31. certain which were his/, sent to him 27. 3. Julius gave him liberty to go to his/. Rom. 16. t 10. them which are of Aristobulus's/. til. greet the/, of Narcissus in the Lord 3 John 14. our/, salute thee, greet the/, by name FRIENDSHIP. Prov. 22. 24. make no/, with an an^ry man Jam. 4. 4. the/, of the world is enmity with God FRINGE, S. JV«m. 15. 38. bid them make/, put on/, a ribband 39. it shall be to you for a/, that ye may look Dent. 22. 12. make thee /. on tlie four quarters FROGS. Exod. 8. 2. I will smite all thy borders with /. 7. the magicians brought up/, on the land Psal. 78. 45. he sent/, which destroyed them 105. 30. and the land brought forth /. Rev. 16. 13. I saw three unclean spirits like/. To and FRO. Gen. 8. 7. he sent a raven, which went to andf. Exod. 29. t24. shake to andf. a wave-offering 2 Kings 4. 35. then Elisha leturned, and walked in the house to andf. JoJ1.7.Satansaid,from going a?(.2. 12. Nebuchadnezzar the king was very/. JVa/t. 1. 2. the Lord revengeth, and is/. FURIOUSLY. Z Kings 9.20. like the driving of Jehu, hcdriveth/. Ezek. 23. 25. and they shall deal/, with thee FURLONGS, /yiifte 24. 13. Emmaus was from Jerusalem sixty/. John 6. 19. had rowed about five and twenty/. 11. 18. Bethany nigh Jerusalem about fifteen/. Rev. 14. 20. blood came out by the space of 1600/. 21. 10. he measured the city with reed, 12,000/. FURNACE Signifies, [1] Jl fire-place for meltivg gold and other metals, iProv. 17. 3. | 27. 21. [2] Jl place of cruel bondage and oppression; such was Egypt to the Israelites, who there met with muck hardship, rigour, and severity, for tn try and purge them, Deut. 4. 20. Jer. 11. 4. [3] Most sharp and grievous nffliclions andjudg- 225 GAI ments wherewith God tries his .people, Ezek. 22. 18, 20, 22. [4J A place of temporal tor- ment ; such was Nebuchadnezzar's jicry fur- nace, Dan. 3. 6, 11. [5] Hell, the place of endless torment. Mat. 13. 42. Ge7i. 15. 17. a smoking/, and a burning lamp 19. 28. the smoke went up as the smoke of a/. Er.od. 9. 8. take you handfuls of ashes of the jf". 10. and they took ashes of the/, and stood 19. 18. the smoke ascended as the smoke of a/. Deut. 4. 20. the Lord hath taken you out of the /. 1 Kings 8. 51. from the midst of the/. Jer. 11. 4. pure words, as silver tried in a/, of earth Prov. 17. 3. fining pot for silver,/, for gold, 27. 21. Isa. 31. 9. whose fire is in Zion, his /. in Jerusalem 48. 10. 1 have chosen thee in the/, of affliction £:cA. 22. 18. Israel is dross in the midst of the/. 20. 1 will gather you as tin in the midst of the/. 22. as silver is melted in the midst of the/. Dan. 3.6. be cast into midst of a burning fiery/. 11. Mat. 13. 42. and shall cast them into a/, of fire, 50. Rev.l.l5. his feetlike brass, as if they burned in a/. 9. 2. arose a smoke, as the smoke of a great/. FURNACES. JVeh. 3. 11. Hashub repaired the tower of the /. 12. 38. from the tower of the /. to the broad wall FURNISH. Deut. 15. 14. thou shalt/. him liberally out of flock Psal. 78. 19. can God /. a table in the wilderness? Isa. 65.11. that/, the drink-oflering to that number Jer. 46. 19. /. thyself to go into captivity FURNISHED. 1 Ki7igs 9. 11. Hiram/. Solomon with cedar Prov. 9. 2. she hath also/, her table Mat. 22. 10. and the wedding was/, with guests Mark 14. 15. will shew you a room /. Luke'£l. 12. 2Tim. 3. 17. thoroughly/, unto all good works FURNITURE. Gen. 31. 34. Rachel put them in the cainels' /. Ezod. 31. 7. the tabernacle and his/. 39. 33. 8. table and his/. || 9. altar witli all his/. 35. 14. the candlestick and his/, and his lamps JYah. 2. 9. there is none end of all the pleasant /. FURROW. 1 Sam. 14. 1 14. slew twenty men within half a/. Job 39. 10. canst thou bind the unicorn in the/. ? FURROWS. .lob 31. 38. or the/, thereof likewise complain Psal. 05. 10. thou seltlest the /. thereof 129.3. the plcwers plowed, they made long their/. Ezek. 17.7. might water it by/, of her plantation 10. it shall wither in the /. where it grew i/os.10.4. judgment as hemlock in the/, of the field 10. when shall bind themselves in their two /. 12. 11. their altars as heaps in the /. of the fields FURTHER. JVttW!.22.26.angel went/.and stood in narrow place Deut. 20. 8. officers shall speak /. to the people 1 Sam. 10. 22. they inquired of the Lord/. Job 38. 11. hitherto shalt thou come, but no/. 40. 5. yea, twice, but I will proceed no/. Eccl. 8. 17. /. though a wise man think to know it 12. 12. /. by these, my son, be admonished Mat. 26. 39. he wont a little/, and fell on his face 65. saying, what/, need have we of witnesses? Mark 14. 63. Luke 22. 71. Mark 1. 19. when he had gone a little/, thence 5. 35. why troublest thou the master any /. ? Luke 24.28. he made as tho' he would have gone/. ./iets 4. 17. that it spread no /. among the people 21. when had /.threatened them, they let them go 12. 3. Herod proceeded /. to take Peter also 21. 28. /. he brought Greeks also into the temple 24. 4. that I be not /. tedious unto thee 27. 28. they had gone a little/, they sounded 2 Tim.. 3. 9. hut they shall proceed no/. Hcb. 7. 11. what f. need another priest should rise FURTHER, Verb. Psal. 140. 8. O Lord, f. not his wicked device FURTHERANCE. P/«7.1.12.the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the/, of the gospel 25.shall abide with you for yo>ir/.and joy of faith FURTHERED. Ezra 8.36. thev/ the people and tho house of God FURTHERMORE. Exod.4.6. the Lord said /.to Moses, put thine hand Ezek. 8. 6. Lord said/, to Ezekiel, son of man G. GADDEST. Jer. 2. 36. why ^. thou about to change thy way GAIN. .Tadg.r>.lQ.tho kings of Canaan took no ^.of money Job 22.3. is itg. to him to make thy way perfect? arc the ways of every one greedy of ^. 3. 14. the;"-, thereof is better than fine gold 15.27. he that is greedy of ^f.troubletli liiii house 2H GAL Prow. 28. 8. that by usury and unjust g-. increaselh Isa. 33. 15. ho that dcspiseth the g. of oppressions 56. II. every one for his ff. from his quarter Ezek. 22. 13. have smitten Tiand at thy dishonesty. 27. her i)rinces like as wolves to get dishonesty. Dan. 11. 39. he shall divide the land for^. Mic. 4. 13. I will consecrate their g. to tlie Lord Hab. 2. 1 9. woe to him that gaineth an evil g. Jicts 16. IG. which brought her masters much g. 19. 24. brought no small g. to the craftsmen 2 Cor. 12. 17. did I make a g. of you by any I sent? 18. did Titus make a g. of you ? Phil. 1. 21. for me to live is Christ, and to die is^. 3. 7. what things were g. to me, I counted loss ITim. 6. 5. supposing that^. is godliness 6. but godliness witli contentment is great g. Jam. 4. 13. go to a city, there buy, sell, and get g. GAiN, Verb. Dan. 2. 8. I know tluit yc woiUd o-. the time Mat. 16.26. what profited if he should^, the whole world, and lose his soul? Mark 8.36.iM/ce9.25. 1 Cor. 9. 19. servant to all, that I might g. the more 20. that I mighty, the Jews || 22. g. the weak 21. that I might g. them that are without law GAINED. .lob 27.8. what hope hath hypocrite,tho' he hath g.l Ezek. 22. 12. thou hast greedily g. by extortion Mat. 18. 15. if he hear, thou hast g. thy brother 25. 17. that received two had also^.other two, 22. 20. I have g. besides them five talents more iitAe ] much every man had ^.by trading 16. Lord, thy pound hath g. ten pounds 18. Lord, thy pound hath g. five pounds Acts 27. 21. and to have g. (his harm and loss 2 John 1 8. that ye lose not the things ye have g. GAINS. Acts 16. 19. saw that the hope of their a-, was gone GAINSAY. Luke 21.15. your adversaries shall not be ableto^-. GAINSAYERS. Tit. 1. 9. that ye might be able to convince the £•. ! GAINSAYING. Acts 10. 29. therefore came I to you without^. Rom. 10.21. 1 stretched forth rayhands to a^. peo. Tit. 2. 1 9. servants to please them, not g. Jude 11. they have perished in the g. of Core GALL Is a bitter juice, one of the humours in the body of a man and beast. It is put for any thing that is bitter and pernicious. Job 20. 14, Yet his meat in his bowels is turned, it is the gall of asps within him : It will be very painful and dcstrtictive to him at last. Psal. 69. 21, They gave me gall for my meat ; or poison, or bitter herbs. St. Matthew says, that they gave our Saviour vinegar to drink mingled with gall, Mat. 27. 34. St. Mark calls it wine mingled with myrrh, Mark 15. 23. It is generally thought that the gall and myrrh signify but one and the same thing, that is, something that was very bitter. It is said to have been an ordinary custom to give dying persons some intoxicating potion, to make them less sensible of their pain. To give water of gall to drink, denotes some very bitter affliction, Jer. 8. 14. Their grapes are grapes of gall, Deut. 32. 32. Their fruits, or actions, are displeasing to God, malicious and mischievous to others, and will at last be pernicious to themselves. A root that beareth gall, Deut. 29. 18. may denote some secret and subtle idolaters, who might secretly infect and poison others, by drawing them to idolatry ; which will produce bitter fruits, how pleasant soever it may be for the present. To be in the gall of bitterness, and bond of iniquity, is to be in a state of great impiety, to be under the power of sin and cor- ruption, of hypocrisy and ambition. It is put for great affliction. Job 16. 13. For wrong, injustice, Amos 6. 12. Deut. 29. 18. lest there should be a root that bear.^. 32. 32. their grapes ore grapes of ^. clusters bitter .Tob 16. 13. he pouroth out my g. on the ground 20. 14. his meat is the g. of asps within him 25. the glittering sword Cometh out of his g. Psal. 69. 21. they gave me also g. for my meat ./er.S. 14. God hnth given us water of^. to drink 9. 15. I will give them water of^. 23. 15. Lam.3.!i. he hath compassed me with g. and travel JO. remembering the wormwood and the^. .Hmos fi. 12. for ye have turned judgment into g. Jt/at. 27.34. they gave him vinegar mingled with^. Acts 8. 23. 1 perceive thou art in the ^■.of bitterness GALLANT. Isa. .33. 21. no galley, nor shall 5-. ship pass thereby GALLANTS. JV«/t. 2.t5. ho shall recount his^.tlicy shall stumble Zech. 11. t2. howl, because the g. are spoiled GALLERY, lES. Cant. 1. 1 n. tho beams arc cedar, and our ^. of fir GAR Ca?it.7.5.tliy head UkeCarmel,l(ing is held in the^. jE2c/i.41.15. ho measured the 5-. thereol'on one side 42.3.asainst the paveni. was n-. against " stories GALLEY. Isa. 33. 21. wherein shall go no g. with oars GALLOWS. Esth. 6. 4. Haman spake to hang Mordecai on g. 7. 10. so they hanged Hanian on tlie g. 8. 7. 9. 13. let Hainan's ten sons be hanged on the^. 25. GANGRENE. 2Tim. 2. 1 17. and their word will eat as doth a g. GAP. £zc/i;.22.30.a man that should stand in^.beforome GAPED. Job 16. 10. they have g. upon me, Psal. 22. 13. GAPETH. Job 7. t 2. as a servant g. after the shadow GAPS. £2eA;.13.5.yc have not gone uji into the^.for Israel GARDEN Is a plot of ground furnished v}itkplants,flowers, iV-c. Gen. 2. 15. The cimrch is resembled to a garden, Cant. 4. 12. | 5. 1. Jis a garden is taken out of the common waste ground to be appropriated to a more particular use, so the church of Christ is chosen from among the rest of the world to a particular use. In a garden nothing that is good comes up natu- rally of itself, but as it is planted and set ; so nothing is good in the heart, but what is planted and set by the heavenly Husbandman. In a garden nothing uses to be planted, but what is useful and delightful ; so there is no grace in the heart of a Christian but what is useful and necessary. In a garden there are variety of flowers and spices ; so in a Chris- tian there is somewhat of every grace. Jis men delight much in their gardens, to walk there and take their pleasure, and take care to fence, weed, water, and plant them; so Christ's care and delight is for his church. Jls gardens use to have fountains and streams running through them, as Paradise had four streams which ran through it; so the church is Cluist's Paradise, and his Spirit is a spring in the midst of it, to refresh the souls of believers. A garden stands always in need of weeding and dressing ; so in the hearts of Christians, Christ hath always somewhat to do, they would else soon be overgroicn and turn wild. The prophet Isaiah upbraids the Jews with the abominations and acts of idolatry which they committed in their gardens. Ye shall be con- founded for the gardens which ye have chosen, Isa. 1. 29. These gardens were either conse- crated to idols, or were such as the heathens worshipped idols in; there they sacrificed,lsa.. 05. 3. after which they thought that they were well purified, when they had washed themselves 171 the water, Isa. 6G. 17. Gen. 2. 15. God took the man and put him in the^-'. 3. 23. Lord sent him forth from the g. of Eden 13.10. the plain of Jordan was as the g. of the Ld. Deut. 11. 10. and watercst it as a n'. of herbs 1 Kings 21. 2. that I may have it for a g. of herbs Job 8. 16. his branch shooteth forth in liis g. Cant. 4. 12. a g. inclosed is my sister, my spouse 16. blow upon my g. let him come into his g. 5. 1. 1 am come into my g. my sister, my spouse 6. 2. my beloved is gone down into his g. 11. Isa. 1. 8. the daughter of Zion is as a lodge in a^. 30. ye shall be as a g. which hatli no water 51. 3. he will make her desert like the g. of God 58. 11. and thou shalt be like a watered g. 61. 11. as the g. causeth things sown to sprin« Jer. 31. 12. their souls shall be as a watered j?' /,n7H.2.6.taken away his it were ofag. Ezek. 28. 13. thou hast been in Eden the ^. of God 31. 8. cedars in^. of God could not hide him 9. all the trees in the g. of God envied him 36. 35. desolate land is become like the g. of Eden Joel 2. 3. land is as the g. of Eden before them I^uke 13. 19. which a man took and cast into his^ John 18. 1. over the brook Cedron, where was a^. 26. did not I see thee in the g. with him? 19. 41. there was a g. and in the g. a sepulchre GARDENS. J\rum. 24. 6. thy tents as g. by the river side Eccl. 2. 5. 1 made me g. and orchards, and planted Cant. 4. 15. a fountain of ^. a well of waters 6. 2. to feed in the g. and to gather lilies 8. 13. thou that dvvellest in the a-, cause me to hear Isa. 1. 29. and ye shall bo confounded for the ^ 65. 3. a people that sacrificeth in^. burns incense 60. 17. they that purify themselves in the g. Jer. 29. 5. plant g. and eat the fruit of them, 5 Jlmos 4. 9. 1 sent blasting, when your g. increased 9. 14. they shall also make g. and eat fruit of them GARDENER. John 20. 15. she supposing he had been the g. 226 GAR GARRISON, S. 1 Sam. 10.5. to hill where is^. of the Philistines 13. 3. Jonathan smote the g. of the Philistines 14. 1. let us go over to the Philistines' g. 6. 15. the g. and the spoilers, they also trembled 2 Sam. 8. 6. David put g. in Syria, 1 Chron. 18. 6. 14. David i)Ut g. in Edom, 1 Chron. 18. 13. 23. 14. g. of Phihst. in Both-lehem, 1 CAro?i.ll.l6. 2 Chr. 17.2. Jehoshap. set^.in Judah and Ephraim Ezek. 26. 11. thy strong g-.sliall go down to ground 2 Cor. 11. 32. the governor kept the city with a g. GARLANDS. Acts 14.13.the priest of Jupiter brought oxen and^-. GARLICK. JViijji.ll.S. we remember the^. we did eat in Egypt GARMENT Is that wherewith one is clothed. Mat. 27. 35, They parted my garments. By the wedding- garment is meant Christ with his perfect right- eousness imputed, which as a garment doth hide the spiritual nakedness, and decks and adorns the soul with .spiritual beauty. Mat. 22. 11. Some by wedding-garments understand the grace of sanctification, or a holy life, an- swerable to one's profession ; in which sense garment is taken in Rev. 3. 4, Thou hast a few names in Sai-dis which have not defiled their garments ; toho are of unblameable lives. He was clotlied with a garment down to his foot. Rev. 1. 13. Some are of opinion that this denoted the purity and innoeency of that priesthood, which Christ did exercise for his church: Others, that it denoted the dignity and majesty 0/ Christ, as King of his church: it being usual for kings to jcearlong robes in token of majesty. Garments rolled or dyed in blood, Isa. y. 5. ) 63. 2. are garments sprinkled and stained with the blood of the slain, such as warriors wear, which have overcome their enemies in battle. Gen. 9. 23. Shem and Japliet took a g. and laid it 25. 25. the first came out red, like a hairy g. 39. 12. she caught Joseph by his g. he left his g. 15. Jie left his g. with me and fled out, 18. 16. she laid ui> his g. till her lord came home Lev. 6. 27. sprinkled of the blood thereof on any ^. 13. 47. g. wherein is the plague of leprosy, 49. 51. if plague be spread in thc^. in warp or woof 59. the law of the plague of leprosy in a^. 14. 55. 15. 17. every ^.whereon is the seed of copulation 19. 19. nor^. mingled come on thee, Deut. 22. 11. Deut. 22. 5. a shall not put on a woman's g. Josh. 7. 21. wlien I saw a goodly Babylonish g. 24. Joshua took Achan, the silver, and the g. .ludg. 8. 25. they spread a g. and cast ear-rings 2Sa;«.13.18.Tamar had a^.of divers colours on her 19. she rent her g. and went on crying XKings 11.29. Jeroboam clad himself with a new g. 2 Kings 4. 1 42. brought him ears of corn in his ^j-. 9. 13. took every man his g. and put under him Ezra 9.3.when I heard this I rent my ^.and mantle 5. Iiaving rent my «-. and mantle I fell on knee; Esth. 8. 15. Mordecai went with a g. of purple Job 13. 28. consumeth, as a g. that is moth-eaten 30. 18. by force of my disease is my g. changed 38. 9. when I made the cloud the g. thereof 14.itis turned as clayto the seal,they stand as a.g. 41. 13. who can discover the face of his g. ? Psal. 69. 11. I made sackcloth also my g. 73.6. pride compasseth,violence cover, them as^ 102. 26. they shall perish, yea all of them shall wax old hke a^-. Isa. 50.9. |51.6. Heb.1.11 104.2.thou coverestthyself with light,as with a^ 6. thou coveredst it with the deep as with a g. 109. 18. he clothed himself with cursing as a^. 19. let it be to him as the g. which covereth him Prov. 20. 16. take his g. that is surety, 27. 13. 25.20. as he that taketh away a^.in cold weather 30. 4. who hath bound the waters in a ^. ? Isa. 51. 8. the moth shall eat them up like a g. 61.3. to give g. of praise for the spirit of heaviness Jer. 43. 12. as a shepherd putteth on his g. Ezek. 18. 7. hath covered the naked with ag. 16. Dan. 7. 9. whose g. was white as snow Mic. 2. 8. ye pull off the robe with the^.from them i/an-.2.12.if one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his _ Zech.Vi.i. neither shall wear a rough g. to deceive J\Ial. 2. 16. for one covereth violence with his g. Jl'/a< cloth to old^. Mark 2.2l.Luke 5.36. 20. behold, a woman diseased touched the hem of his g. 21. I 14. 3G. Mark 5. 27. Luke 8. 44. 22.11. saw a man who had not on a wedding fi^. 12. Mark 13. 16. not turn back again to take up his g. 16. 5. a young man clothed with a long white g. Luke 22. 36. let him sell his g. and buy one Acts 12. 8. cast thy g. about thee and follow me Jude 23. hating even the g. spotted by the flesh /iew.l.l3.Sonofman clothed withas'.downtofoot GARMENTS. Oen. 35. 2. and be clean, and change your g. GAT Gen. 38.14. Tamar put her widow's ^.ofi" from her 49.11. washed his^.in wine, his clothes in grapes £xod.28.3.may make Aaron's consecrate him 29.21. sprinkled the blood on Aaron's "-. i>e7).8.30. 31. 10. I have given them wisdom to make g. Lev. 6. 11. put off his ^. put on other ^. 10. 23,24. JVum. 15.38. make fringes in the borders of tlieir g. 20. 26. strip Aaron of his g. put them on Eleazar 28. Moses stript Aaron of^. put them on Eleazar Josh. 9.5. Gibeonites brought old^. mouldy bread Judg. 14. 12. 1 will give you thirty changes of ^. 17.tl0. 1 will give tliec ten shekels and order ol'^. 1 Sam. 18. 4. Jonathan gave David his^. 2Sa)«.10.4.cut off their ^ the middle, lC7tr.l9.4. 13. 31. David tare his g. and lay on the earth 2 Kings 5. 26. is it a time to receive money and^.? 7. lir. all the way was full of ^. and vessels 22. tl4. Huldah, wife of Shallum, keeper of^. 25. 29. he changed Jehoiakim's g. Jer. 52. 33. Ezra 2. 69. they gave one hundred priests' g. JSTeh. 7. 70. the Tirshatha gave 530 priests' g. 72. the people gave sixty-seven priests' g. .lob 37. 17. how thy^. are warm, when he quieteth Psal. 22. 18. they part my ^. among them, cast lots 45. 8. all thy n-. smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia 133. 2. ointment that wentdown to skirts of his g. Prov.3Lt21.hcr household clothed with double «■. Eccl. 9. 8. let thy^r. be always white, and thy head Cant. 4.11. emell of thy g. is like smell of Lebanon Isa. 9. 5. every battle is with g. rolled in blood 52. 1. put on thy beautiful^. O Jerusalem 59. 6. their webs shall not become g, 17. he put on the g. of vengeance for clothing 61. 10. he hath clothed me with the^. of salvation 63. 1. that Cometh with died g. from Boziah? 3. their blood shall be sprinkled upon my g, Jer. 36. 24. yet they were not afraid, nor rent g. Lam. 4. 14. so that men could not touch their ^. £ze7t.l6.18. tookest thy broid. ^.and covered them 42. 14. there shall lay their g. they ministered in 44. 19. they shall not sanctity people with their g. Dan. 3.21. were bound in their coats and other ;?•. Joel 2. 13. rend your hearts, and not your g. Zech. 3. 3. Joshua was clothed with filthy g. 4. saying, take away the filthy g. from him Mat. 21. 8. spread their g. in the way, Mark II. 8. 23. 5. they enlarge the borders of their g. 27.35. they parted his g. casting lots, Mark 15.24. ^/rt)7i: 10. 50. Bartimeus casting away his ^. arose 11.7. they cast their g. on the colt, Lztke 19. 35. Luke 24. 4. two men stood by them in shining g. John 13. 4. he laid aside his g. and took a towel Acts 9.39.shewing coats and n-.which Dorcas made Jam. 5. 2. and your g. are moth-eaten Rev.'S.i. few names which have not defiled their^. 16. 15. blessed that watcheth and keepeth his g. Holy GARAIENTS. Exod. 28. 2. thou shalt make holy g. for Aaron, 4. 31. 10. I have put wisdom to make hohj g. Lev. 16. 4. these are holy g. he shall wash, 32. Ezek. 42.14. lay their holy ^.wherein they minister GARNER. Mat. 3. 12. gather his wheat into the^. Luke 3. 17. GARNERS. Psal. 144. 13. our g. may be full, affording store Joei 1.17.thei'.are laid desolatc,barns broken down GARNISH, ED. 2 Chron. 3.6. he^. the house with precious stones Job 26. 13. by his Spirit he hath g. the heavens Mat. 12. 44. findeth it swept and g. Luke 11. 25. 23. 29. you g. the sepulchres of the righteous Rev. 21. 19. the foundations of the wall ?Lxe g. GAT. Exod. 24. 18. Moses g. him up into the mount Jfum. 16. 27. they g. up from tabernacle of Korah Judg. 9. 51. and g. them up to the top of the tower 2 Sam. 8. 13. and David g. him a name 1 Kings 1. 1. they covered him but he g. no heat Psal. 116. 3. the pains of hell g. hold on me Eccl. 2. 8. I g. men-singers, and women-singers Lam.5.9. v/ bread with the peril of our lives GATE Is the entrance into a house or city. Judg. 16. 3, Samson took the doors of the gate of the city. The word gate is often used in scripture to denote the place of public assemblies, where justice was administered. Oneparticular form of these judgments is to be seen in that, which icas given at the gate of Beth-lehem, between Boaz and another person.a relation o/Naomi's, 7ipon the subject 0/ Ruth's marriage, who was a Moabitess, Ruth 4. 1. And in Abraham's purchase of a field to bury Sarah, Gen. 23. 10, 18. Jerom says, that as the Jews were for the most part employed in labouring in the field, it 7cas wisely provided, that assemblies should be held at the city gates, and justice administered therein a summary manner, that those laborious men, who were busy at their work, might lose 710 time, and that the country GAT people who had affairs upon their hands in the town, might not be obliged to enter and spend time there. The word gate is likewise sometimes put to sig- nify power or dominion. God promises Abra- ham, that his postcriiij shouM possess the gates ot" their enemies, their towns, their fortresses. Gen. -22. 17. They should conquer them, they should haee dominion nrer them. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church, J\Iat. 16. 18. thai is, neither the power nor policy of the devil and his instruments. For the gates of cities were the places both of jurisdiction or judicature, and of fortification and chief strength in war, Judg. 5. 8. Psal. 147. 13. Th& gates of brass, are the strongest helps and defences. Psal. 107. 10, He hath broken the gates of brass ; he restored then to liberty, in spite of all impediments and oppo sitions. The strait gate signifies regeneration and conversion, and true holiness in heart and life, which prepare the soul for heaven. Mat. 7. 13, Enter ye in at the strait gate. The gates of death arc the brink, or mojith of the grave. Psal. 9. 13, Thou that liftcst me up from the gates of death, that prcservedst me when Iwas,as it were, dropping into the grave. .'Ind kingllezekiah,having received a message of death, represents in his hymn the condition he had been in when he was sick, and expresses himself thus : I said, I shall go to the gates of the grave ; J perceive I inust die, without any hopes of prevention, Isa. 38. 10. The Hebrews looked upon death, or the grave, as a place, whither people came from allparts of the world, there to enter upon another life. The gates of righteousness, Psal. 118. 19. are those of the I^ord's tabernacle, where the righteous, the saints, the priests of the Lord, the true Israel- ites, paid their vows and praises to the Lord ; where none were to enter but purified Israelites, a nation of righteous men. The gates or ever- lasting doors mentioned in Psal. 24. 7, 9. are either the gates of the temple, which by faith and the spirit of prophecy David beheld as already built ; these gates he bids lift up their heads, to receive the glorious King Jehovah, tcho dwelt in the temple, and between the cheru- bim : Or the passage may admit of a mystical sense; for as the temple was a type of Christ, and of his church, and of heaven itself ; so this place may also contain a representation, either of Christ's entrance into his church, or into the hearts of his faithful people, who are here com- manded to set open their hearts and souls for his reception : Or, it may represent his ascen- sion into heaven, where the saints or angels are poetically introduced as preparing the toay, and opening the heavenly gates to receive their Lord and King, returning to his royal habitation with triumph and glory. GcB.22.17.thy seed possess the^.of enemies,24.C0. 28. 17. Jacob said, this is the g. of heaven £xorf. 32.27. goin and out from^. to ^. thro' camp Deul. 21.19. his father shall bring him to the ^. 22. 24. bring them both out to the^. of the city 25. 7. let his brother's wife go up to the g. .Tosh. 2. 7. they were gone out, they shut the g. .Tudg. 16. 3. Samson took the doors of the ^. Ruth 4. 1. then went Boaz to the g. and sat down lO.thenameofthe dead be notcutoff from the o'. 1 -90^.4. 18. Eli fell backward by the side of the ^. 2 Sa;n. 15.2. Absalom stood beside the way of the g. 18.33.the king went up to the chamber over the g. 23. 15. water of Beth-lehem by ^. 16. 1 Chr. 11.18. 1 Kings 17. 10. when Elijah came to the ^. of the city 2 Kings 7. 17. a lord to have the charge of the g. 1 Chron. 26. 13. and they cast lots for every g. 2 Chron. 8. 14. he appointed the porters at every ^. vVcA. 13. 19. I commanded the g. should be shut Esth.4.'2. Mordecai came before the king's g. G.12. .Tob 29. 7. when I went out to the g. and prepared P.*aM18.20. this ^.of the Lord, the righteous enter Cant. 7. 4. thine eyes like the fish-pools by the g. /sffl.l4.31.howl, O g. cry, O city, shall come smoke 24. 12. the g. is smitten with destruction a.'?. 6. to them that turn the battle to the g. .Ter. 36. 10. Baruch read at tlie entry of new g. 5. 14. the elders have ceased from the g. Kick. 8. 3. brought me to the door of the inner ^. 11. 1. at the door of the g. twenty-five men 43. 4. the glory of the Lord came by way of the ^. 44. 2. this g. shall bo shut, none shall enter 3. prince shall enter by the way of the n-. 46. 2, 8. 4.5. J9. put the blood on the posts of the g. 46. 1. the g. of the inner court shall be shut 2. hut the g. shall not be shut till evening 12. one shall open him the ,n-.onc shall shut tho^. 48. 31. one ^. of Ueuben, one 5'. of Judah, of Levi Obad. 13. not entered into the g. of my people GAT JUic. 1.9. he is come into the^.of my people to Jer. 12. evil came down from Lord to the 5-. of Jerus. 2. 13. they have passed through the g. Mat, 7. 13. enter in at the strait g. wide is the g. and broad is the way, J4. Luke 13. 24. Luke 7. 12. when he came nigh the g. of the city 16.20. a beggar, Lazarus laid at his^r. full of sores j3cts 10. 17. men from Cornelius stood before the "-. 12. 10. they came to the iron g. which opened 14. Rhoda opened not the g. for gladness Heb. 13. 12. Jesus also sulfercd without the g. Rev. 21. 21. every several^, was of one pearl See Entering, Entereth. GATE. Proi!.17.19. that e.xalteth his^.seeketh destruction At the GATE. Oen. 23. 10. of all that went in at thcg. of city, 18. 2 Kings 9. 31. as Jehu entered in at the g. shasaid 11. 6. a third part shall be at the g. of Hur, and a third at the g. behind the guard, 2 Chr. 23. 5. 23. 8. which were on a man's left hand at the g. 2C7(r.24.8. set a chest at theg-otlhc house of Lord Esth. 5. 13. 1 see Mordecai sitting at the king's g. /A-a.22.7.horsemen set themselves in array ai theg. Acts 3. 2.. they laid daily at the g. of the temple 10. who sat for alms at beautiful^, of the temple See Fish-gate. High GATE. 2 Chron. 23. 20. they came through the high g. 27. 3. Jotham built the high g. of the house •fer. 20. 2. put Jeremiah in the stocks in the highg. See Horse-gate. In the GATE. Gen. 19. 1. and Lot sat in the g. of Sodom Exod. 32. 26. Moses stood in the g. of the camp Z>eiif. 22.15. bring tokens of virginity to ciders ing. Judg. 16. 2. they laid wait for Samson in the g. Rutlii. 11. people in the g. said, we are witnesses 1 Sam. 9. 18. Saul drew near to Samuel in the g. 2 Sam. 3. 27. Joab took Abner aside in the g. 19.8. king sat in theg. they told all the people 2 Kings 7. 1. two measures for a shekel m the g.l8. 20. the people trod on him in the g. and he died Esth. 2. 19. IVlordecai sat in the king's g. 21. 5. 9. when Haman saw him in the king's o-. .lob 5. 4. his children are crushed in the g. 31. 21. when I saw my help in the g. Psal. 69.12. they that sit in theg. speak against me 127. 5. but they shall speak with the enemies ing. Prov. 22. 22. nor oppress the afflicted in the g. 24. 7. he openeth not his mouth in the g. Isa. 29. 21. lay a snare for him thatreproveth ing. Jer. 7. 2. stand ra the g. of the Lord's house 17. 19. stand in theg. of the children of the people 37. 13. when he was in the g. of Benjamin 38. 7. the king then sitting in the g. of Benjamin 39. 3. all the princes of Babylon sat in the g. Dan. 2. 49. but Daniel sat in the g. of the king Amos 5. 10. they hate him that rebuketh in the g. 12. they turn aside the poor in the g. 15. hate evil, and establish judgment jh thcg. Old GATE. J^eh.3.6. the oW ^.repaired Jehoiada son of Paseah 12.39. the priests went above the old g. and fish-g. Prison-GATE. JVeh. 12. 39. and they stood still in the priso7i-g. Shccp-GATE. JVeh. 12. 39. they went even unto the sheep-g. John 5. t 2. by the sheep-g. there is a pool ralley-GATE. 2 Chron. 26. 9. TJzziah built towers at the valley-g. JVeh. 2. 13. and I went out by the g. of the valley 15. and I entered by the "•. of the valley 3. 13. tlie valley-g. repaired Hanun fVatcr-GATE. JVeh. 3. 26. Nethinims dwelt over-against water-g. 8. 1. gathered into the street before the water-g. 3. he read in the law before tho water-g. 16. made booths in the street of the water-g. 12. 37. priests went even to the water-g. eastward GATES. Dent. 12. 12. rejoice, ye and Levite, within your^. ./ his youngest son set upn'.17r/?in'sl6.34. Judg. 5. 8. chose new gods, then was war in the g. 11. the people of the Lord shall go to the g. 2 Chr. 31. 2. Hezekiah appointed to praise in tlic g. JVeh. 1.3. tho g. arc burnt with fire, 2. 3, 13, 17. 7. 3. let not the g. of Jerusalem be ojicncd 12. 30. the priests and Levites purified the g. 13. 19. some of my servants set I at the g. 22. I commanded the Levites to keep tho g. P.<'al. 9. 14. may shew forth thy praise in the "". 24.7.hftup your heads, O ye^.andho ye lift up, 9. 87. 2. tho Lord loveth the g. of Zion, more than 100. 4. enter into his g. with thanksgiving 107. 16. for he hath broken the g. of brass 118. 19. open to me thc^. of riglitcousncss Pror.1.21. wisdom cricth in the openings of^. 8. 3. 8. 34. that heareth me, watching daily at my g. I 14. 19. the wicked at the^. of the righteous | GAT Prov. 31. 23. her husband is known in the g. 31. let her own works praise her in the o-. Ca» our ^.are all manner of pleasant fruits Isa. 3. 26. and her^. shall lament and mourn 13. 2. they may go into the g. of the nobles 26. 2. open ye the g. that the righteous may enter 38. 10. I shall go to the g. of the grave 45. 1. to open before him the two-leaved g. 2. 1 will break in pieces the g. of bra-ss 62. 10. go througli, go thro' the xr-prbpare the way Jer.l.'i. hear, ye that enter in at tlie ^. 17.20. 1 22.2. 14. 2. Judah mourneth, and the^. languish 15. 7. 1 will fan them with a fan in g. of the land 17. 19. go and stand in all the g. of Jerusalem 21. bear no burden on tho sabbath by the g. 24. 25. then shall there enter into the g. 22. 4. 27. 1 will kindle a fire in the g. of Jerusalem 22.19. shall be drawn and cast forth beyond the g. Lam. 1. 4. Zion's g. are desolate, her priests sigh 2. 9. her^. are sunk into the ground, bars broken 4. 12. the adversary should have entered the g. Ezek. 21. 15. 1 have set point of sword ag. their ^. 22. to appoint battering rams against the^. 26. 2. she is broken that was the g. of the people 48. 32. at the east side three g. one of Joseph Obad. 11. in the day that foreigners entered his^. JVah. 2. 0. the 0-. of the rivers shall be opened 3. 13. the g. of thy land shall be set wide open Zcc/j.8.16.exec. judg. of truth and peace in your .it. jyiat. 16.18. the^. ofhell shall not prevail against^'it Acts 9. 24. and they watched the g. to kill Paul 14. 13. Jupiter's priests brought oxen to the g. /Jc«. 21.12. the city had twelve 0-. at^. twelve ang. 13. on the east three g. on the north three g. 21. the twelve g. were twelve pearls 25. thc^. of it shall not be shut at all by day See Bars, Death. Thy GATES. Exod. 20. 10. thy stranger within thyg. Deut.5.H. Deut. 6. 9. thou shall write them on thyg. 11.20. 12. 15. thou mayest eat flesh in thy g. 21. 17. thou mayest not eat within thy g. the tithe 18. thou must eat, thou and Levite in thy g. 14. 21. give it to the stranger that is in thy g. 27. Levite within thy g. thou shalt not forsake 28. thou shalt lay up the tithe within thy g. 29. the wido,w within thy g. shall come and eat 15.7. if there be a poor man within anyoftliyg. 22. thou shalt eat the firstling within thy g. 16. 5. not sacrifice the passover within thy g. 11. shalt rejoice, and Levite in thy g. 14. | 2'§. 12. 18. judges and officers shalt make in all thy g. 17. 5. bring forth that man or woman to thy g. 18. 6. if a Levite come from any of thy g. 23. 16. servant escaped dwell in one of thy g. 24. 14. thou shalt not oppress within thy g. 28. .52. he shall besiege thee in all thy g. 55. thine enemies shall distress thee in all thy g. 31. 12. gather the people within thy g. to hear PsaM22.2.our feet shall stand wilhin thy g. OJcr. Isa. .54. 12. I will make thy g. of carbuncles 60. 11. therefore tA)/ ^. shall be open continually 18. call thy walls salvation, and thy g. praise Ezek. 26. 10. wiien he shall enter thy g. as men GATHER. Gen. 31.46. he said, g. stones, and they took stones 41. 35. let them g. all the food of those years Exod. 5. 7. let them go and o-. straw {| 12. ^.stubble 9. 19. g. thy cattle || IG. 4. shall g. a certain rate 16. 5. g. twice as much 1| 26. six days g. it 23. 10. six years sow thy land and g. Lev. 25. 3. Lev. 19. 9. shalt not g. the gleanings, 23. 22. 10. thou shalt not^. every grape of thy vineyard 25. 5. nor g. grapes of the vino undressed, 11. 20. we shall not sow, nor o-. in our increase JVvm. 10. 4. if with one trumpet, then princes g. 11. 16. g. seventy men of the elders of Israel 19. 9. a man that is clean shall g. the ashes Deut. 11. 14. I will give rain that tliou mayest g. 13. 16. thou shalt g. all the spoil of it into street 28. 30. plant a vineyard and not g. grapes, 39. 38. carry much seed out, and g. but little in 30. 3. ho will 5-. thee from all nations, £zci-.36.24. .Tosh. 2. 1 18. shalt g. thy father and mother home 2 Kings 4. 39. one went into tho field to g. Iierbs 22. 20. I will g. thee to thy fathers, 2 Chr. .34. 28. 1 Chron. 13. 2. send to brethren and Levites to g. 2 Chron. 24. 5. g. money to repair house of tho Ld. JVeh. 1. 9. yet will 1 g. them from thence 12. 44. some appointed to g. for the priests Job 24. 6. they g. the vintage of tho wicked 34. 14. if he g. to himself his spirit and his brea'h 39. 12. will ho bring seed, and g. it into thy barn 7 Psal. 26. 9. g. not my soul with sinners, nor life 27.tl0. when father and mother forsake, L. v/iUg. 39. 6. and knoweth not who shall g. them 104. 28. that thou givest them thoy g. 106.47. save us, and ^.us from among tho heathen Prov. 28. 8. shall g. for him that will pity the poor Eccl. 2. 20. to sinner travail to g. and heap up GAT Ca7it. 6. 2. my beloved is gone down to g. lilies Isa. 34. 15. there the owl o-. under her shadow 40. 11. he shall g: the lambs with his arms 43. 5. fear not, 1 will g. thee from tlie west 52. 1 12. the God of Israel will g. you up, 58. 1 8. 54. 7. but with great mercies will I g. thee 56. 8. yet will 1 g. others to liira, besides those 62. 10. cast up the highway, g. out tlie stones 66. 18. I will g. all nations and tongues ,/er. 6. 1. g. to flee || 7. 18. the children g. wood 9.22. none shall^. them || 10. 17.^. up thy wares 23. 3. 1 will g. the remnant of my flock 29. 14. I will g. you from all the nations 31. 8. 1 will g. them from the coasts of the earth, 32. 37. Ezek. 20. 34, 41. 1 34. 13. 10. he that scattered Israel will g. him 40. 10. g. yo wine, and summer-fruits, and oil 47. t C. O sword, g. thyself into thy scabbard 49. 5. and none shall ^. up him that wandereth Ezck. 11. 17. I will even g. you from the people 16. 37. I will g. all thy lovers against thee 22. 19. I will g. you into the midst of Jerusalem 20. as they g". silver, so will I ^. you in fury, 21. 24. 4. g. the pieces {| 29. 13. 1 will g. the Egyptians 37. 21. I will g. them on every side, 39. 17. .Wos.8.10. though hired among the nations,I will^. 9. 6. Egypt shall g. them up, Memphis bury them Joel 1. 14.^. the elders and the inhabitants of land 2. 6. people much pained, all faces shall ^.blackn. 16. g. the peojile, g. the chiUUen that suck 3. 2. 1 will^. all nations, and bring them down JUic. 2. 12. I will surely^, the remnant of Israel 4. 6. 1 will g. her that was driven out, Zeph. 3. 19. 12. he shall g. them as sheaves into the floor 5. 1. g. thyself in troops, O daughter of troops JVoA. 2. 10. the faces of tliem all g. blackness Hab. 1. 9. they shall g. the captivity as the sand 15. they catch them, and g. them in their drag Zeph. 3.8. for my determination is to g. the nations 18. 1 will^. them that arc sorrowful for assembly 20. bring you even in the time that I g. you Zech. 10. 8. I will hiss for them and g. them 10. and I will ^. them out of Assyria - 14. 2. I will g. all nations against Jerusalem Mat. 3. 12. g. his wheat into his garner, L,uke 3.17. 6. 26. they sow not, nor do they g. into barns 7. 16. do men g. grapes of thorns 1 Luke 6. 44. 13. 28. wilt thou that we go and g. them up 1 29. he said, nay, lest while ye g. up the tares 30. burn tares, but g. the wheat into my barn 41. shall ^.out of his kingd. all things that offend 25. 20. and g. where I have not struwed iMke 13.34. as a hen doth ^.lier brood under wings .hhn 6. 12. g. up the fragments that remain 15. 6. men g. them and cast them into the fire Rev. 14. 18. g. the clusters of the vine of the earth 16. 14. g. them to the battle of that day of God GATHER together. frcn.34.30. 1 being few they shall ^. to^.against me 49. 1.^. yourselves together, ye sons of Jacob, 2. Exod. 3. 16. go g. the elders of Israel together Lev. 8. 3. g. congregation of Israel tog. J\ruin. 8. 9. JV«>n. 20. 8. and g. thou the assembly together 21. 16. g. the people together, Deut. 4. 10. | 31.12. 2 Sam. 12. 28. g. the rest together and encamp 1 Chron. 16. 35. save us, O God, and ^. us together 22. 2. David commanded to g. tog. the strangers JVeA.7.5. God put in my heart to o-. together nobles Esth. 2. 3. may g. together all the fair virgins 4. 16. g. together the Jews present in Shushan Job 11. 10. if he g. together who can hinder him? Psal. 50. 5. g. my saints together unto me 56. 6. they g. themselves tog. to mark ray steps 94. 21. they g. together against the righteous 104. 22. the sun ariseth, they g. themselves tog Eccl. 3. 5. there is a time to g. stones together Isa. 11. 12. he shall ^. tog. the dispersed of Judah 49. 18. these g. together and come to me, 00. 4. 54.15. they shall surely g. together, but not by me Jer. 4. 5. blow the trumpet, cry, g. together 49. 14. g. ye together and come against Edora Dan. 3. 2. the kmg sent to g. together the princes .Tocl 3. 11. g. yourselves together round about Zeph. 2. 1. D-. log. yea, g. tog. O nation not desired Mat. 13. 30. g. together first the tares, and bind 24.31. they shall g.together his elect, Mark 13.27. John 11.52. he should g. together in one, Eph-l-lO. Rev. 19. 17. g. tog. to the supper of the great God 20. 8. to g. Gog and Magog together to battle GATHERED. Oen. 25. 8. Abraham died and was g. to liis people 17. Tshmael was ^.|1 35.29. Isaac was people 49. 29. Jacob was g. to his people, 33. Erod. 16. 17. and they g. some more, some less 18. he that g. much, he that g. little, 2 Cor. 8. 15. 21.they ^. it every morning, every man according 23.16. when thou hast w. in thy labours out of field /..e«.23.39. when ye haveg-. in the fruits of the land J\rum. 11. 32. the people g. quails || 1.5. 32. or. sticks 16. 19. Korah g. congregation against Moses, 42. 228 GAT .iV«w. 20. 24. Aaron shall be^. to his people, 26. 27. 13. Moses ^. to his people, 31. 2. JJeut. 32. 50. .ludg. 1. 7. kings g. their meat under my table 2. 10. that generation was g. to their fathers 6. 34. and Abiezer was g. after him 11. 3. there were^. vain men to Jephthah 1 .Sam. 5. 8. they g. all the lords of the Phihstines 22. 2. every one that was in distress g. to David 2 Sam. 14. 14. as water spilt which cannot be^. up 2 Kings 3. 21. they g. all able to put on armour 22. 20. Josiah be^. to grave in peace, 2 CAr. 34.28. J^eh. 5. 16. all my servants were g. to the work Job 27. 19. rich man lie down, but shall not be g. Psal. 59. 3. the mighty are g. against me 107. 3. and he g. them out of the lands Prov. 27. 25. and herbs of the mountains are^. 30. 4. who hath g. the wind in his fists 1 Eccl. 2. 8. I g. mo also silver and gold and the peculiar treasure of kings Cant. 5. 1. 1 have g. my myrrh with my spice Isa. 5. 2. he fenced it, and g. out the stones JO. 14. as one gathereth eggs, have I g. the earth 27. 12. ye shall be g. one by one, O Israel 34. 15. vultures be g. \\ 16. his Spirit^, them 49. 5. tho' Israel be not g. yet shall I be glorious 56. 8. 1 will gatlier others, besides those that are g. 62. 9. but they that have g. it shall eat it Jcr. 3. 17. and all nations shall be g. unto it 8. 2. they shall not be g. nor buried, 25. 33. 26.9. all people g. against Jeremiah in house of L. 40. 15. all the Jews^. to thee should be scattered £2(;t.28.25.when I shall have g. the house of Israel 29. 5. thou shalt not be brought together nor g. 38. 13. hast thou^. thy company to take a prey ? 39. 27. have g. them out of their enemies' lands 28. but I have g. them to their own land Hos. 10. 10. the people shall be g. against them Mic. 7. 1. I am as when they g. the summer-fruits Mat. 13. 40. as tares are g. and burnt in the fire 47. a net cast into the sea, and g. of every kind 25. 32. before him shall be g. all nations 27. 27. and g. to him the whole band of soldiers ■7o/irell.47. then ^j". chief priests a council, and said .^cts 17. 5. g. a company, set the city on an uproar 28. 3. when Paul had g. a bundle of sticks Rev. 14. 19. the angel g. the vine of the earth GATHERED together. Exod. 8. 14. they g. them together upon heaps JVum. 10. 7. when the congregation is to be g. tog. 11.22. shall all tho fish of the sea be^. together? Judg. 20. 1. the congregation was g. together as one man, 11. Ezra 3. 1. Meh. 8. 1. 2 Chron. 20.4. Judah g. together to ask help of Ld. Job 16.10. they g'. themselves together against me 30. 7. under the nettles were they g. together Psal. 35. 15. the abjects g. themselves tog. ag. me 47. 9. the princes of the people are g. together 102.22. when people are^. together lo serve the L. 140. 2. continually are they g. together for war Prov. 30. 1 27. locusts go forth all g. together Hos. 1. 11. then shall children of Judah be g. tog. Mic. 4. 11. many nations are g. together ag. thee Zech. 12. 3. tho' all people he^. together against it Mat. 18. 20. where two or three are g. together 23. 37. how often would I have g. thy children together, as a hen her chickens, Juke 13. 34. 24. 28. there will eagles be g. tog. Luke 17. 37. Mark 1. 33. all the city was^. together at the door Luke 15. 13. the younger son a-, all together 24. 33. they found the eleven g. together Acts 4. 26. rulers were g. together against the L. 12. 12. where many were g. together praying 14. 27. when they had g. the church together 1 Cor. 5. 4. when ye are g. together and my spirit Rev. 16. 16. g. t. into a place called Armageddon 19. 19. beast and his army g.together to make war GATHERER, S. Jer.6.9.turn back thyhand as a grape ^-.into baskets 49. 9. if grape g. come to thee, Obad. 5. Jimos 7. 14. but I was a g. of sycamore-fruit GATHEREST. Deut. 24. 21. when thou^. the grapes of vineyard GATHERETH. JVVm. 19.10. that^.the ashes shall wash his clothes .ludg. 19. 1 18. there is no man that^. me to house Psal. 33. 7. he g. the waters of the sea together 41. 6. his heart g. iniquity to itself 147. 2. he g. the outcasts of Israel, Isa. 56. 8. Prov. 6. 8. the ant g. her food in the harvest 10. 5. he that g. in summer is a wise son 13. 11. but he that^. by labour shall increase Isa. 10. 14. as one g. eggs that are left 17. 5. if shall be as when the harvest-man g. Jer. 17. t II- as the partridge g. young which she hath not brought forth, so he that ge'.s riches J^ah. 3. 18. thy people is scattered, and no man g. Hah. 2. 5. but 0-. to him all nations, and hcapeth Mat. 12. 30. he that^. notscattereth, Luke 11.23. 23. 37. as a hen g. her chickens under her wings ■lohitA. 36. he that reapeth g. fruit to life eternal GAV GATHERING. Gen. 49. 10. to him shiill the g. of the people be Exod. 7. 1 19. stretch thy hand on all g. of waters Lev. 11. f 36. ag. together of waters shall be clean J\'um. 15. 33. they that found him g. sticks IKings 17.10.the widow woman was there^.sticks 2 Chron. 20. 25. they were three days in g. spoils Isa. 24. t22. be gathered with the g. of prisoners 32. 10. tlie vintage shall fail, theg. shall not come 33. 4. your spoil like the g. of the caterpillar Ezek. 22. f 20. according to the g. of silver, brass Mat. 25. 24. and g. where thou hast not strawed Acts 16. 10. assuredly g. the Lord hath called us 2 T/iess. 2. 1. and by our g. together unto him GATHERmuS. 1 Chron. 26. f 15. to Obed-edom the house of ^. Mic. 7. 1 1. I am as the g. of summer-fruits 1 Cor. 16. 2. that there be no g. when I come GAVE. Oen. 2. 20. Adam g-.names to all cattle and to fowl 3. 12. the woman g. me of the tree, and 1 did eat 14. 20. and he g. liim tithes of all, Hcb. 7. 2, 4. 25. 5. and Abraham g. all that he had to Isaac 28. 4. the land which God g. to Abraham, 35. 12. Exod. 11. 3. the Lord^. the people favour, 12. 36. 14. 20. the cloud g. light by night to these JVw»i.ll.2.5.Ld.tookof the Spirit, and ^.to seventy Deut. 22. 16. I^. my daughter to this man to witie Josh. 19. 50. they g. him the city which he asked 21. 43. the Lord g. to Israel all the land 44. the Lord^. them rest, 2 Chr. 15. 15. [ 20. 30. Judg. 6. 9. 1 drave them out, a.ndg. you their land ii«t/t 4.13. the Lord DT.her conception, and she bare 1 Sam. 10. 9. God g. to Saul another heart 2 Sam. 12. 8. and I g. thee thy master's house 1 Kings i.^S. the Lord g. Solomon wisdom, 5.12. 2 Kings 13. 5. and the Lord g. Israel a saviour 1 Chron. 25. 5. God g. to Heman fourteen sons 2 Chron. 32. 24. and God g. Hezekiah a sign JVeh. 8. 8. read in book of the law, and g. the sense Job 1. 21. Lord g. and the Lord hath taken away 42. 10. God g. Job twice as much as he had before Psal. 18. 13. and the Highest g. his voice 68.11. the Ld. o-.the word, great was the company 69. 21. they g. me also gall, they g. me vinegar 78. 29. for he g. them their own desire, 106. 15. Eccl. 12. 7. the spirit shall return to God tbat^. it Isa. 42. 24. who g. Jacob for a spoil, and Israel 43. 3. I g. Egypt for thy ransom, Seba for thee 50. 6. I g. my back to the smiters, and my cheeks Jer. 1. t 5. I g. thee a prophet to the nations Ezek. 16. 19. my meat also which I g. thee 20. 11. I g. them my statutes, and shewed them 12. moreover also, I^. them my sabbaths 25. I g. them also statutes that were not good Dan. 1. 17. God g. these four children knowledge 6. 10. Daniel prayed and g. thanks before God Hos. 2. 8. for she did not know that I g. her corn 13. 11. I g. thee a king in mine anger Amos 2. 12. ye g. the Nazarites wine to drink Mai. 2. 5. I g. my covenant to Levi of life Mat. 10. 1. Jesus g. them power against unclean • spirits to cast them out, Mark6. 7. Luke 9. 1. 14. 19. he brake and g. the loaves to his disciples, 15. 36. I 26. 10. Mark 6. 41. ] 8. 6. | 14. 22. Luke 9. 16. | 22. 19. 21.23.who^.theeauthor.'! Jl/ar;i:11.28.i:i(ic20.2. 25. 35. ye^. me meat, ye^. me drink, look me in 42. ye g. me no meat, and ye g. mc no drink Luke 15. 16. with husks, and no man g. unto him .lohn them g. he power to become sons of G. 3. 16. God so loved world that hc^. his only Son 6. 31. he g. them bread from heaven to eat 10. 29. my Fath. who^. them me is greater than all 14.31. as the Father^, me commandment, so I do Acts 2. 4. to speak as the Spirit g. them utterance 7. 5. and he g. them no inheritance in it lO.God^-.Joseph favour and wisdom before Pha. 10. 2. Cornelius g. much alms to the people 11.17. as God^. them the like gift as he did to us 12. 23. smote him, because he "-. not God the glory 13. 21. afterward God g. them Saul forty years 14. 17. he did good, and g. us rain from heaven 15. 24. to whom we g. no such commandment 26. 10. when put to death, I^. my voice ag. them Rom. 1. 28. God g. them over to a reprobate mind 1 Cor. 3. 5. even as the Lord g. to every man 6. ApoUos watered, but God ^. the increase 2 Cor. 8.5. but first ^. their own selves to the Lord Gal. 1. 4. who g. himself for our sins. Tit. 2. 14. 2. 20. who loved me, and g. himself for me 3. 18. but God g. it to Abraham by promise Eph. 1. 22. and g. him to be head over all things 4. 8. he led captivity captive and g. gifts to men 11. and he g. some apostles ; some prophets 5. 25. Christ loved the church, and o-.hiniself for it 1 know what commandment we^.you 1 Titn. 2. 6. who g. himself a ransom for all Hcb. 12. 9. who corrected us, we ^.them reverence Jam. 5. 18. he prayed, and tlie heavens £■. rain GEN IJohn 3.2J. love one he o-.ijg command 5.10. he believeth not the record God^. of his Son Hev.l.l. the revelation of'Jes. Christ which God ^. 2. 21. I g. her space to repent of her fornication 13. 2. tlie dragon g. Iiim his power and his seat, 4. GAVE up. Oen. 25. 8. Abraham g. -up the ghost, and died 17. Ishmael || 35. 29. and Isaac g. up the ghost, and died 2 Sam, 24. 9. Joab g. up the sum of the number 2 CAr.30.7. who g. them vp to desolation, as ye see Psal. 78. 48. he g. vp their cattle also to the hail .^ 81. 12. I "-. Iheni up to their own heart's lust JL,am. 1. 19. my elders g. up the ghost in the city Mark 15. 37. Jesus cried with a loud voice, and^'. vp the ghost, 39. Luke 23. 40. Jokn 19. 30. Acts 5. 5. Ananias g. up the ghost || 12. 23. Herod 7.42. God ^.them up to worsliip the host of heaven Rom. I. 24. God also g. them tip to uncleanness 26.for this cause God^.them up to vile atVections Rev. 20. 13. the sea g. up the dead that were in it GAVEST. Oen.3. 12. the woman whom thou d-. to be with me IKiiirrs &.'M. the land which thou^.to their fathers, 40, 48. 2 Chron. 6. 25, 31, 38. JVcA. 9. 35. .ATeh. 9. 7. thou g. him the name of Abraham 13. tliou g. them right judgments, true laws 15. g. them bread from heaven for their hunger 20. thou of.also tiiy good Spirit,^, water for thirst 22. thou "■. them kingdoms and nations 27. thou g. them saviours who saved them Job 39.13.o'.thou the goodly wings to the peacocks? Psal. 21. 4. he asked life of thee; thou g. it him 74. 14. thou g. him to be meat to the people I^ke 7. 44. thou g. me no water for my feet 45. thoug'.me no kiss,but this woman not ceased 15. 29. yet thou never ^. me a kid, to make merry Jokn 17. 4. I have finished work thou g. me to do 6. manifested to the men whom thou "■.me out of the world, thine thoy were, and thou n-.them me 8. I have given them the words which thou^.me 12. those that thou ^. me I have kept, none lost 22. the glory which thou "■. me, I have given 18. 9. of tJiem whom thou p-. me have I lost none GAY. Jani.Z.3. respect to him that weareth g. clothing GAZE. Ezod. 19. 21. lest they break thro' to the Lord to^-. GAZING. Jfah. 3. 6. and I will set thee as a g. stock ..^cts 1. 11. why stand ye g. up into heaven ? I/eb. 10. 33. partly whilst ye were made a g. stock GENDER. I^ev. 19. 19. shalt not let cattle g-. with diverse kinds 2 Tita. 2. 23. knowing that they do g. strife GENDERED, ETH. Job 21. 10. their bull g. and fadeth not 38. 29. the hoary frost of heaven, who hath g. it ? OaL 4. 24. from mount Sinai, which g. to bondage GENEALOGY Comes from the Greek word Genealogia, which signifies a list of our ancestors, a description of the stock-i lineage, or pedigree of any person or family. The common Hebrew cxprcssioii for it is Sepher toledoth, Liber generationis The Hebrews were very careful in preserving tAeir genealogies ; andperhaps there never was any nation more circumspect in this point than that of the Jews. Ml this day tee find genealo- gies t« their sacred writings, carried on for above three thousand five hundred years ; and in the Evangelists we have the genealogy of Jesus Christ deduced for four thousand years, from Adam to Joseph or Mary, Luke 3. 23, &c. TA« Jews were very exact in their genealogies, partly from their own choice and interest, that they might preserve the distinctions of the seve- ral tribes and families, which was necessary both to make out their claims or titles to offices or inheritances, which might belong to them by death, or otherwise ; and to govern themselves thereby in the matter of marriages, and some other things, wherein the practice of some laws required the knowledge of these things : It is observed in Ezra 2. 62. that such priests as toerc not able to produce an exact genealogy of their families, were not permitted to exercise their function : This their exactness was like- wise ordered by the special providence of Ood, that so it might be certainly known of what tribe and family the Messiah was bom. Joscphus says, that they had in his nation an uninterrupted succession of priests for two thousand years. He adds, that the priests ■were particularly careful to preserve their ge- nealogies, and that not only in Judea, but also in Babylon and Egypt : and wherever they were, they never married below themselves, and had exnrt genealogical tables prepared from those authentic monuments whichwcre kept at 229 GEN Jerusalem, and to which they had recourse upon occasion : that in all their wars, persecutions and public calamities, t/tey always were par- ticularly diligent in securing those munu meitts, and to renew them from time to time. JVotwithstanding,sincc the war which tAeRomans carried on against the Jews, about thirty years after tlie death of our Saviour, and since their entire dispersion in the reign of Adrian, the Jews have lost their ancient genealogies ; and perhaps there is not one of those who say they arc of the sacerdotal race, that is able to pro- duce any authentic proofs of his genealogy. Jerom says, that the Jews are so versed inthe reading of their books, and know so perfectly the genealogies, which are there set forth, that they call repeat all the names from Abraham to Zerubbabel, as easily us they can pronounce their own. St. Paid seems to condemn the af- fectation of knowing oW genealogies : he looks upon them to be useless and vain, as in reality they are, when they serve only for ostentation, and not for edification : This study was of great use before the Messiah came, that it might be known distinctly of what tribe and family he was bom; but he being come, this study is vain, though still the Jews are addicted to it. TAe genealogies set down by EzraaJ^dNehemiah, in some particulars vary : The reason whereof is assigned by Dr. Prideaux in these terms. " For the true settling of these genealogies," says he, " search was made by Nehemiah for the old registers, and having among them found the register of the genealogies of those, who came up at first from Babylon with Ze- rubbabel and Joshua ; he settled this matter according to it, adding such as afterwards came up, and expunging others, whose fami- lies were extinguished : and this hath caused the difference that is between the accounts which we have of these genealogies in Ezra and Nehemiah. For in the second chapter of Ezra, roe have the old register made by Zerub- babel ; and in the seventh of Nehemiah, from the sixth verse, tee have a copy of it, as settled by Nehemiah, with the alterations that are now mentioned." Prideaux's Connection Part I. Book VL 1 Chron. 5. 1. and the g. is not to be reckoned . after the birth-right Ezra 2. 62. these sought their g. JVeh. 7. 64. 8. 1. this is the g. of them that went up with me JiTeh. 1. 5. 1 found a register of the g. who came up GENEALOGIES. 1 Chron. 9. 1. so all Israel were reckoned by g. 2 Chr. 12. 15. the book of Sheraaiah concerning^. 31. 19. to give portions to all reckoned by g. 1 Tim. 1. 4. give no heed to fables and endless g. Tit.3.0. avoid foolish questions, fl-.and contentions GENERAL. 1 Chron. 27.34. the^. of the king's army was Joab Hcb. 12. 23. to ^'.assembly and church of first-born GENERALLY. 2 Sam. 17. 11. 1 counsel that Israel be^'. gathered lamentation ^.on house-tops of Moab GENERATION. This word is used for the history and genealogy of any man. For example : This is the book of the generations of Adam, Gen. 5. 1. This is the his- tory of Adam's creation, and that of his poste- rity. These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth. Gen. 2. 4. This is a recital of the creation of heaven and earth. Jind in Mat. 1.1, The book ofthe generation of Jis^us Christ, the Son of David. This is the genealogy ofie- sus Christ, and the history of his lifc,death, and resurrection. It is likewise taken for persons or people who live in some one age. Heb. 3. 10, 1 was grieved with thatgeneration; with thosemen that came out of Egypt, and rebelled against me in tlie wilderness. Mat. 24. 34, This gene- ration shall not pass, till all these things be ful- filled. All who are at present living, shall not be dead, when this shall come to pass. There arc some at this day living, who shall be witnesses of the evils which I have foretold shall befall the Jews. The men of this generation, the men who are now alive, Luke 11. 31. O faithless and perverse generation! Luke Q. 41. And, save yourselves from this untoward generation, /rom these perverse men. Acts 2. 40. To generation and generation, denotes future ages, Psal. 33. til. Who shall declare his generation? Isa. 53. 8. Who can declare or number the Mes- siah's spiritual seed, the number of those who shall believe in him, and be converted to him by thepreaching of the gospel ? Generolion is also taken for men of like quality and disposition, though neither of one place nor age. Psal. 14. 5, God is in the generation of the righteous. I GEN The ancients sometimes computed by generations, and the Scripture follows frequently this me- thod. Gen. 15. 16. | 50. 23, In the fourth genera- tion thy descendants shall come hither again. Joseph saw F.phraim's children of the third generation. A bastard shall not be adtnitted into the congregation even to his tenlh generation, Deul. 23. 2. By some of the ancients a gene- ration was fixed at a hundred years, by others at a hundred and ten, by others at thirty-three, thirty Jive and twenty, and even at twenty years. So that there was nothing uniform and settled in this matter. Unly it is remarked, that the continuance of generations is so much longer, as it comes nearer to the more ancient times. Oen. 7. 1. thee have I seen righteous in this £■. Exod. 1. 6. Joseph died, and all Ihat^. 17. 16. will have war with Amalek from g. to g. J^um. 32. 13. till that^. was consumed, Deut.^.U. TJeut. 1.35. not one of this evil ^.shall see that land 23. 2. a bastard shall not enter even to his tenth g. 3. an Ammonite to tenth g. shall not enter 8. Edomite and Egypt, in the third ^. shall enter 29. 22. so that the g. lo come shall rise up and say 32. 5. tliey are a perverse and crooked g. 20. f 7. consider the years of g. and g. Judg.St.lO. all that ^. were gathered to their fathers, and there arose another g. after them Esth.0, 28. these days shall be rememb. in every g. Psal. 10. 1 6. I shall not be moved to g. and g. 12. 7. thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this g. for ever 14. 5. for God is in the g. of the righteous 22. 30. it shall be accounted to the Lord for a g. 24. 6. this is the g. of thorn that seek him 48. 13. that ye may tell it to the g. following 49. 19. he shall go to the g. of his fathers 71. )8. till I have shewed thy strength to thie^. 73. 15. 1 should offend ag. the g. of thy children 77. t8. doth his promise fail to g. and g.? 78. 4. shewing to the g. to come the praises of Ld. 6. that the g. to come might know them 8. might not be a stubborn and rebelJious g. 95. 10. forty years grieved with Ihis^. Heb. 3. 10. 102. 18. this shall be written for the g. to come 109.] ^.following let their name be blotted out 112. 2. the g. of the upright shall be blessed 145. 4. one g. shall praise thy works to another Prov. 27. 24. doth the crown endure to every g.? 30. 11. there is a g. that curseth their father 12. there is a g. that are pure in their own eyes 13. a g. lofty II 14. a g. whose teeth are swords Eccl. 1. 4. one g. passeth away, another^, cometh Isa. 13. 20. not dwelt in from g. to g. Jer. 50. 39. 34. 10. from g. to g. it shall lie waste 17. from g. to g. they shall dwell therein 51. 8. but mv salvation shall be from g. to g. 53. 8. who shall declare his g.? Acts S. 33. Jer. 2. 31. O g. see ye the word of the Lord 7. '29. the Lord hath rejected the^. of his wrath Lam. 5. 19. thy throne, O Ld. remains from d-. to ^. Dan. 4. 3. and his dominion is from g. to g. 34. Joel 1. 3. and let their children tell another g. 3. 20. Jerusalem shall dwell from g. to g. Mat. 1. 1. the book of the g. of Jesus Christ 3. 7. O g. of vipers, 12. 34. | 23. 33. Luke 3. 7. 11. 16. whereto shall I liken this g.? Luke 7. 31. 12. 39. an evil and adulterous g. seeketh after a sign, 16. 4. Mark 8. 12. Luke 11. 29. 41. shall rise in judgment with this ^. Lukell.32. 42. queen of the south rise up with^. Lukell.31. 45. even so shall it be also to this wicked g. 17. 17. O perverse g. Mark 9. 19. Luke 9. 41. 23. 36. all these things shall come on this g. 24.34.this^.shall not pass,Jt/«rA;13.30./,M4(:21.32. Mark 8. 38. shall be ashamed of me in this sinful^. Luke 1. 50. his mercy is on them from g. to g. 11. 30. so shall the Son of man be to this g. 50.the blood of the prophets required of this^.Sl. 16. 8. children of this world in thcir^. are wiser 17. 25. the Son of man must be rejected of this g-. Acts 2. 40. save you from this untoward^. 13. 36. David, after he had served his own g. 1 Pet. 2. 9. ye are a chosen g. a royal priesthood See Fourth. GENERATIONS. Oen. 2. 4. these are the ^. of the heavens and earth 5.1. the^. of Adam II 6. 9. the ^. of Noah, 10. I. 6. 9. Noah was a just man and perfect in his g. 9. 12. of the covenant I make for perpetual^'. 11. 10. these are the g. of Shem || 27. g. of 'Terah 17.7. covenant between nie and thy seed in their o'. 9. thou and thy seed after thee in their g. 12. he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man-child in your^. 25. 12. these are Iheg. oflshmael, 13. 1 Chr. 1. 29. 19. these the ^. of Isaac || 36. 1. thc^. of Esau,9. 37.2. these are the ^.of Jacob, Joseph 17 years old Exod. 3. 15. and this is my memorial unto all^. 0. 16. the sons of Levi according to their g. 19. GEN Exod. 12. 14. a feast to the Ld. throughout youi,f. 17. ye shall observe this day in your g. 42. a night to be much observed by their ^. 16. 32. fill a homer to be kept for your g. 33. 27. 21. it shall be a statute for ever to their g. 30. 21. /.cv. 3. 17. I 6. 18. | 7. 36. | 10. 9. | 17. 7. I 23. 14, 21, 31, 41. 29. 42. a contin. burnt-offering throughout your^-. 30. 8. burn incense || 31. oil throughout your^. 31. 13. my sabbaths a sign throughout your g. 10. 40. 15. an everlasting priesthood through their ^. Xct.21. 17. of thy seed in their g. that hath blemish 23. 43. your^. may know that I made Israel dwell 24. 3. a statute for ever in g. JVtim. 10.8. | 18. 23. Veut.l. 9. Lord keepeth covenant to a thousand g. 32. 7. consider the years of many g. Josh. 22. 27. a witness between you and our g. 28. when they should say to our ^.in time to come Jiidg. 3. 2. the g. of Israel might teach them war HutlL 4. 18. now these are the g. of Pliarez 1 Chron. 16. 15. of his covenant, the word which he commanded to a thousand^. Psal. 105. 8. Job 42. 16. Job saw his sons' sons, even four g. Psal. 33. 11. the thoughts of his heart to all g. 45. 17. make thy name to be remembered in all^. 4!). 11. their dwelling-places continue to all g. 61. 6. thou wilt prolong the king's years as many ^f. 72. 5. they shall fear thee throughout all g. 79. 13. we will shew forth thy praise to all g. 85. 5. wilt thou draw out thine anger to all g.J 89. 1. 1 will make known thy faithfulness to all^. 4. and I will build up thy throne to all^. 90. 1. thou hast been our dwelling-place in all^. 100. 5. and his truth endurefh to all g. 102. 12. and thy remembrance unto all g. 24. thy years are throughout all g. 106. 31. was counted to him for righteous, to all^. 119. 90. thy faithfulness is unto all^. 135. 13. and thy memorial throughout all g. 145. 13. and thy dominion throughout all g. 146. 10. thy God, O Zion, shall reign to all g. Isa. 41. 4. calling the g. from the beginning 51. 9. awake, O arm of the Lord, as in the ^.of old 58. 12. shall raise up the foundations of many g. 60. 15. I will make thee a joy of many ^. 61. 4. they shall repair the desolations of many ^. Joel 2. 2. even to the years of many g. Mat. 1. 17. the^.from Abraham to David are lig. Luke 1. 48. behold, all g. shall call me blessed Col. 1. 26. mystery hath been hid from ages and g. GENTILE. The Hebrews call the Gentiles bij the general name of Gniim, which signifies the nations that have not received the faith, or law of Ood. All who are not Jews, and circumcised, are comprised under the word Goiim. Before Christ, the door to life and justification was opened to the world by the belief only and pro- fession of the Jewish religion. Those who were converted, and embraced Judaism, they called Proselytes. Since the preaching of the gospel, the true religion is not confined to any one nation and country, only, as heretofore. Ood, who had promised by his prophets to call the Gentiles to the faith, loith a superabun- dance of grace, has executed this promise. So that the Christian church is composed of scarcely any other besides Gentile converts ; and the Jews, who were too "proud of their particular privileges, for the most part have been abandoned to their reprobated sense of things, and have disowned Jesus Christ their Messiah and Redeemer, for whom, for so many ages, they wished so impatiently. The apostle Paul generally comprehends the Gentiles under the name of Greeks, Rom. 1. 16. Jew and Greek signify Jew and Gentile. See also Rom. 2. 9, 10. | 3. 9. 1 10. 12. 1 Cor. 1. 22, 24. Gal. 3. 28. Jind St. Luke, in the Acts, ex- pressed himself in the same manner, Acts 11 20. I 18. 4. St. Paul is commonly called the Apostle of the Gentiles, or the Greeks, 1 Tim 2. 7. because he was principally sent to idola- trous people, to preach Christ to them ; whereas St. Peter, and the other Jlpostles, preached more generally to the Jews; for which reason they art called the Apostles of the circumci sion. Oal. 2. 7, The gospel of the uncircumci- siou was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter. The old prophets declared in a very particular manner the calling of the Gentiles. Jacob foretold, that when Shiloh, or the Messiah should come, to him should the gathering of the people be ; that is, the Gentiles should yield obedience to Christ, and acknowledge him far their Lord and Saviour. And how sincerely and heartily the ancient and godly Jews desired the conversion of the Gentiles, may appear froin the prayer which Solomon addresses to Ood, 230 GEN after the dedication of the temple which he had built. 1 Kings 8. 41, 42, 43, IVhen the stran- ger shall come and pray toward this house, hear thou in heaven, that all people of the earth may know thy name, to fear thee as thy people Israel. 7 he Psalmist says, that the Lord shall give the Gentiles to, the Messiah for an inheritance, Psal. 2. 8. That the kings of Tarsldsh and of the isles shall bring pre- sents ; the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts ; yea, all kings shall fall down before him, Psal. 72. 10, 11. And in Psal. 87. 4, I will make mention of Egypt and Babylon, to them that know me : behold, Philistia and Trjre,vi'\i\\ Ethiopia: this man was born there. Isaiah abounds with prophecies of the like nature; see Isa. 2. 2, 3, 4. | 11. 10. | 42. 1, 6. /)i the J\rew Testament we see the Gentiles came sometimes to Jerusalem to worship God there. Some of these arriving there a little before the death of our Saviour, addressed themselves to Philip, desiring him to shew them Jesus, John 12. 20, &c. Philip told Andrew, and both of them informed Jesus ; who answered them. The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified ; that is. Do the Gentiles seek me 7 why, the time approaches wherein I shall be glorified by their conversion, and owning of me ; but I must die first, like a grain of corn, and from thence will spring vp a plentiful crop among the Gentiles. Qtieen Candace's eunuch who came to Jerusalem, was likewise a Gentile, as several affirm. Acts 8. 27. Mark 7. t26. the woman was a ^. a Syrophenician Rom. 2. 9. of the Jew first, and also of the g. 10. GENTILES. Oen. 10. 5. by these the isles of the g. were divided Judg. 4. 2. Sisera dwelt in Harosheth of the g. Isa. 11. 10. a root of Jesse, to it shall the g. seek 42. 1. he shall bring judgment to the^. Jl/aM2.18. 6. for a light to ^. 49. 6. Luke 2. 32. Acts 13. 47. 49. 22. behold, I will lift up mine hand to the g. 54. 3. and thy seed shall inherit the g. 60. 3. and the g. shall come to thy light 5. the forces of the g. shall come to thee, 11. 16. thou shall also suck the milk of the g. 61. 6. ye shall eat the riches of the g. 9. and their seed shall be known among the g. 62. 2. and the g. shall see thy righteousness 66. 12. the glory of the g. like a flowing stream 19. they shall declare my glory among the g. Jer. 4. 7. the destroyer of the g. is on his way 14.22. can any of the vanities of the g. cause rain? 16.19. the^. shall come to thee from ends of earth 46. 1. the word came to Jeremiah against the g. Lam. 2.9. her king and princes are among the^. Ezek. 4. 13. eat their defiled bread among the g. Hos. 8. 8. now shall they be among the g. Joel 3. 9. proclaim ye this among tho^. prepare war Jl/ic.5.8.the remnant of Jacob shall be among the ^. Zech. 1. 21. are come to cast out the horns of ^. Mai. 1. 11. my name shall be great among the g. Mat. 4. 15. beyond Jordan, Galilee of the g. 6. 32. for after all these things do the g. seek 10. 5. saying, go not into the way of the g. 18. for a testimony against them and the^. 12. 21. and iu his name shall the g. trust 20.19. deli v. him to the^. Mark 10.33.i«te 18.32 25. princes of the g'.exercise domin. Luke 22. 25. Luke 21. 24. Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the g. till the times of the g. be fulfilled Jb/m7. 35. to the dispersed among o'. and teach ^. Acts 4. 27. Pilate with g. were gathered together 7. 45. with Jesus into the possession of the g. 9. 15. to bear my name before the g. and kings 10. 45. on the g. also was poured out the gift 11. 1. heard that the g. received the word of God 18. hath God to the ^r. granted repentance to life? 13.42. g. besought these words might be preached 46. Paul and Barnabas said, lo, we turn to the ^, 48. when the g. heard this, they were glad 14. 2. the unbelieving Jews stirred up the g. 5. there was an assault made both of Jewsand^. 27. he had opened the door of faith to the g. 15. 3. declaring the conversion of the g. great joy 7. that the g. by my mouth should hear the word 12. what wondersGodhad wrought among the^. 14. Simeon declared how God at first did visit g. 17. and all the g. on whom my name is called 19. we trouble not them,which from among the^. 23. send greeting to the brethren of the g. 18. 6. from henceforth I will go to the g. 21. 11. shall deliver Paul into the hands of the g. 19. God wrought among the g. by his ministry 21. tcachest the Jews among ^. to forsake Moses 25. as touching the^.which believe, have written 22. 21. for I will send thee far hence to the g. 26. 17. delivering thee from the people and the g 20. shewing to the g. that thev should repent 23. that Clirist should shew light to the g. GET Acts 28. 28. the salvation of God is sent to the g. Rom. 1. 13. have some fruit, as among other ^. 2. 14. for when the g. which have not the law 24. the name of God is blasphemed among the^. 3. 9. we have proved both Jews and g. under sin 29. is he not also of the g.7 yes, of the g. also 9. 24. not of Jews only, but also of the g. 30. g. which followed not after righteousness 11. 1 1. salvation is come to the ^.to provoke them 12. the diminishing of them the riches of the g. 13. I speak to you g. as the apostle of the g. 25. till the fulness of the g. be come in 15. 9. that the^. might glorify God for his mercy ; for this cause I will confess to thee among the ,§-. 10. he saith, rejoice, ye g. with his people 11. praise Lord, all ye^. and laud him all people 12. to reign over the g. in him shall the g. trust 16. that I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the g. that the offering up of the g. 18. to make the g. obedient by word and deed 27. for if the g. have been made partakers of 16. 4. not only I, but all the churches of the g. 1 Cor. 5. 1. is not so much as named among the^. 10. 20. the things which the g. sacrifice to devils 32. give none offence, neitlier to Jews nor g. 12. 2. ye know ye were g. carried away to idols 13. into one body, whether we be Jews or^. Oal. 2. 2. that gospel which I preach among the^. 8. the same was mighty in me toward the g. 12. for before some came, he did eat with the^. 14. livest after manner of ^. why compellest^.? 15. we who are Jews, and not sinners of the g. 3. 14. blessing of Abraham might come on Iheg. Eph. 2. 11. ye being in lime past g. in the flesh 3. 1. 1 Paul the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you g. 6. that ^. should be fellow-heirs of the same boily 8. preach among the g. the unsearchable riches 4. 17. that ye henceforth walk not as other g. Col. 1. 27. the glory of this mystery among the g. 1 Thess. 2. 16. forbidding us to speak to the g. 4. 5. not in the lust of concupiscence, as the g. 1 Tim. 2. 7. I am ordained a teacher of the g. 3. 16. preached to the^. believed on in the world 2 Tm. 1.11. am appoint, an apostle and teacher of^. 4. 17. and that all the g. might hear IPet. 2. 12. your conversation honest among the g. 4. 3. to have wrought the will of the g. 3 John 7. they went forth, taking nothing of the ^. Rev. 11. 2. for the court is given to the g. GENTLE. 1 Thcss.^.l. we were^.among you, even as a nurse 2 Tim. 2. 24. the servant of the Lord must be g. Tit. 3. 2. but g. shewing all meekness to all men JaJH. 3. 17. the wisdom from above is pure and g. 1 Pet. 2. 18. be subject not only to the good and^. GENTLENESS. 2 .Sara. 22. 36. thy ^. hath made me great, Ps.18.35. 2 Cor. 10. 1. I beseech you by the g. of Christ Gal. 5. 22. the fruit of the Spirit is g. goodness GENTLY. 2 Sam. 18. 5. deal g. with the young man Absalom Isa. 40. 11. he will g. lead those with young GET. Gen. 34. 4. saying, g. me this damsel to wife Exod. 1. 10. and so g. them up out of the land 14. 17. and I will g. me honour Upon Pharaoh Lev. 14. 21. if he be poor and cannot g. so much 22. two pigeons, such as he is able to g. 30, 31. 32. the law of him whose hand is not able to^. JVjira. 6. 21. besides that that his hand shall g. 22. 34. now therefore I will g. me back again Dent. 8. 18. it is he giveth thee power to g. wealth 28. 43. the strangers shall g. up above thee Judg. 14. 2. therefore g. her for me to wife, 3. 1 .SflTB. 20. 29. let me^. away and see my brethren 23. 26. David made haste to g. away for fear 2 Sam. 20. 0. lest Sheba ^. fenced cities and escape 1 Kings 1. 2. that my lord the king may g. heat 12. 18. king Rehoboam made speed to ^. up to his chariot to flee to Jerusalem, 2 Chron. 10. 18. 2 Kings 7.12. shall catch them alive, and ^.the city PsaZ.119.104.thro' thy precepts I ^. understanding Prov. 4. 5. g. wisdom, g. understanding, 7. 6. 33. a wound and dishonour shall he g. 16.16.much better it is to ^.wisdom than gold, and to ^.understanding rather to be chosen than silv. 17. 16. a price in the hand of a fool to g. wisdom 22. 25. lest thou learn his ways and g. a snare Eccl. 3. 6. there is a time to g. and a time to lose Cant. 4.6. 1 will^. me to the mountains of myrrh 7. 12. let us g. up early to the vineyards and see if Jer. 5. 5. 1 will^. me to great men, and will speak 19. 1. and g. a potter's earthen bottle 46. 4. harness the horses, and "-. up ye horsemen 48. 9. give wings to Moab, that it may g. away iam.3.7. he hath hedged mo about, Icannot n-. out Ezek. 22. 27. to destroy souls, to g. dishonest gain Dan. 4. 14. let the beasts g. away from under it Zeph. 3. 19. I will g. them praise from every land Mat.lO. 1 9. g. neither gold nor silver in your purses GIA ^/al.14.22. constr. them to^.into sliip, Mark6.45. l.uke 9. 12. that they may lodge and g. victuals Acts 27. 43. cast themselves into sea, and land 2 Cor. 2. 11. lest satan should o-. advantage of us Jam. 4. 13. continue there, buy, sell, and ir. "ain GET thcc. Gen. 12. 1. g. thee out of thy country, .^cts 7. 3. 22. 2. he said, g: thee into the land of Moriah 31. 13. g. thee out from this land, and return Ei.od. 7. 15. g. thee to Pharaoh in the mornin, 10. 28. g. thee from me, take heed to thyself 11.8. ^.(Aec out, and all the people (hat follow thee 19. 24. Lord said to Moses, away, g. thee down, and thou shalt come up, 32. 7. Dcut. 9. 12. JVttm.27.12.u-.(Aeeuptomount.\barim,/^c«<.32.49. Dcut. 3. 27. g. thee up to the top of I'isgah 17. 8. g. thee up to the place the Lord shall choose Josh. 7. 10. g. thee up, wherefore liest thou thus? 17. 15. then g. thee up to the wood country Judg. 7. 9. arise, g. thee down unto the host Ruth 3. 3. wash thyself, g. thee down to the floor 4. 1 11. o-. thee riches in Ephratah, and be famous 1 Sam. 22. 5. depart, g. thee into the land of Judah 1 Kings 1. 13. go, g, thee in to king David, and say 2. 26. g. thee to Anathoth to thine own fields 14. 2. g. thee to Sliiloh, behold there is Ahijah 12. arise therefore, g. thee to thine own house 17. 3. g. thee hence {| 9. g. thee to Zarephath 18. 41. Elijah said, g. thee up, eat and drink 44. g. thee down, that the rain stop thee not 2 Kings 3. 13. g. thee to the prophets of thy father JVcA. 9. 10. so didst thou^. thee a name as this day Jsa. 22. 15. g. thee to this treasurer, to Sliebna 30. 22. thou shalt say unto it, g. thee hence 40. 9. O Zion, g. thee up into the high mountain 47. 5. sit thou silent, and g. thee into darkness Jer. 13. 1. g. thee a linen girdle, put it on thy loins £zeA.3.4. son of man, o-. thee to the house of Israel 1.. and go, g. thee to them of the captivity Mat A. 10. Jesus saith to him, ^. thee hence, Satan 16. 23. he turned, and said to Peter, g. thee be- hind me, Satan, Mark 8. 33. Luke 4. 8. Lnke 13. 31. g. thee out, for Herod will kill thee Acts 10. 20. arise, g. thee down, go with them 22. \B. g. thee quickly out of Jerusalem, will not GET ye. Oen. 19. 14. Lot said, up, "-. ye out of this place Isa.'iO.ll. out of the way, turn aside from path Jer. 49. 31. arise, g. ye up to the wealthy nation Ezck. 11. 15. have said, g. ye far from the Lord Joel 3. 13. come,'^. ye down, for the press is full Zech. 6. 7. he said, g. ye hence, walk to and fro GET you. fi'«n.34.10.dwell and trade, o-.j/oupossessions there. 42. 2. g. you down thither and buy for us thence 44. 17. rise up, of. you up in peace unto your father Exod. 5. 4. the king said, g. yon to your burdens 11. go you, g. you straw where you can find it 12. 31. rise up, g-you forth from among my people J\rujn. 14. 25. turn you, g. you into the wilderness 16. 24.^. you up from about tabernacle of Korali 22. 13. Balaam said, g. you into your land Deut.5. ."JO. g. you into your tents again, JbsA.22.4. Josh.'i.X^. the mountains, lestpursuersmeet Judg. 19. 9. to-morrow g. you early on your way 1 Sam. 9. 13. g. you up, for ye shall find him 15. 6. g. you down from among the Amalckites 25. 5. g. you up to Carmel, and go to Nabal J(;r.49.30. ^ far ofr,dwell deep, ye of Hazor GETTETII. 2 Sam. 5. 8. whosoever g. up to the gutter, be chief Prov. 3. 13. happy is the man that g. understanding 9. 7. he that reproveth a scorner g. to himself shame, he that rebuketh a wicked man g. a blot 1.5.32. he that heareth reproof^, understandin"' 18. 15. the heart of the prudent o'. knowledge 19. 8. he that^. wisdom loveth his own soul Jer. 17. 11. so he that^. riches, and not by right 48. 44. he tliat g. out of the pit shall he taken GETTING. Ocn. 31. 18. Jacob carried away the cattle of his g-. GIA GIF Prov. 4. 7. with all thy fl^. get understanding 21.6. the ff. of treasures by a lying tongue is vanity GHOST. Gen. 49. 33. Jacob yielded up the g. was gathered Job 10. 18. O that I had given up the ^. no eye seen 11.20. their hope shall be as the giving up of^. 14. 10. yea, man giveth up the,^. and where is he ? .7«r.l5.9. hath borne seven,3he hath given up the^. Mat. 27. .50. Jesus cried, and yielded up the g. ^c(»5.10.Sapphira fell down and yielded ui)the «•. See Gave, Give, Holy. GIANT. In Greek, Gigas, in Hebrew, Nophel, or Ne|)hi- lim, which may signify a monster, or a terrible man, who beats and bears down other men. The Scripture speaks o/ Giants who lived he- fore the flood ; they are called Nephilim, mighty this word Nephilim, 'E-priTrurrovTii, men who attack, who fall with impetuosity vpon their enemies ; a translation, says one, which renders very well the whole force of the He- brew ter/n. Symmachus tra7tslates it B/alo/, violent riien, cruel, whose only rule of their actions is violence, and force of arms. The Scripture calls them sometimes Rej)haims. For example : Chedorlaomer and his allies beat the Rephaims,o;- giants, at AshterothKarnaim, Oeyi. 14. 5. The Eminis, ancient inhabitants of the land of Moab, zoei-e of gigantic stature, they were of the number of the Rephaims or giants, Deut. 2. 10, U. The Rephaims, and the Perizzites are joined together as old inhabit- ants of the land of Canaan, Gen. 15. 20. Job says, that the ancient Rephaims mourn or groan under the waters, Job. 26. 5. These giants of the old world, who once carried them- selves iiisolently toward God and men, but were quickly subdued by the divine power, and drowned with a deluge, do now mourn or groan from under the waters where they were buried, or in their subterranean and infernal habitations. But this passage is otherwise explained by some. Solomon, in Prov. 2. 18. says, that the paths of a debauched woman lead to the Rephaims, that is, to hell, where the rebellious giants arc ; and that hcwho deviates from the ways of wisdom, shall go and dwell in the assembly of the giants in hell, Prov. 21. IG. The Anakims, or the sons of Anak, were the most famous gionts of Palestine. They dwelt at Hebron, and thereabouts. Their stature teas so much above what was common, that the IsraeUtes, who loere sent to view the pro- mised land, told the people at their return, that they had seen giants of the race of Anak in this country, who were of so monstrous a size, that the Israelites, in comparison, were but grasshoppers to them, Num 13. 33. The Scptuagint sometimes translate tAe Hebrew icord Gibbor, giant, though literally it sigttifies no more than a strong man, a man of valour and bravery, a warrior. For example : they say that Nimrod was a giant before the Lord, Gen. 10. 8, 9. That the sun rises like a giant to run its course, Psal. 19. 5. That the Lord will destroy the giant and the warlike man, Isa. 3. 2. That he will call his giants in his wrath, to take vengeance of his enemies, Isa. 13. 3. That he will destroy the power of Egypt by the sword of his giants ; that is, of warriors, Ezek. 32. 12, 21, 27. As to the existence of giants, several writers, both ancient and modern, have imagined, that the giants spoken of in Scripture were indeed men of an extraordinary stature, but not so much above what was common as they have fancied, who describe giants as three or four times larger than men are at present. They were, say they, men famous for the violence which they committed, and for their crimes, rather than for their strength, or the great- ness of their stature. It is very probable, that the first men were all of a strength and stature much superior to those of mankind at present, since they lived a much longer lime; long life being commonly the effect of a strong and vigorous constitution. And that formerly there were men of a stature much above that of common men, cannot be denied, at least not without contradicting the holy Scriptures. The Israelites 7vho traversed t/ic Holy Land, told their brethren, that they had seen giants in this country of Anak's race, who were so immeasurably large, that other men were but grasshoppers in comparison to them. Num. 13. 33. Moses speaks of Og the king of Bashan's bed, which was nine cubits long, and four wide; that is, fifteen feet four inches and a half long, Deut. 3. II. Goliath was six cubits and a span in height, that is to say, ten feet seven inches, ISam. 17. 4. These sorts o/ giants were still common in Joshua's and David's times, when the life of men was already so much shortened, and, as may be presumed, the size and strength of human bodies were very much diminished. Besides the giants mentioned in Scripture, several Historians make mention of giants ; as He- rodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Pliny, Homer, Plutarch, &c. 2 Sam. 21. 10. was of sons of the w. 18. 1 Chr. 20. 4. 1 C'Aron. 20. C. the eon of the o^. || 8. born to the ^. Job 16. 14. he runneth upon me like a. g. GIANTS men which were of old, men of renown, Gen. Gen. 6. 4. there were g. in the earth in those days 6. 4. Aquila, instead of Gigmlea, (ranWatesI JVum. 13. 33. there wesaw the^.thesonsof Anak Z)eMi.2.11.Emim3 were counted ^.as the Anakims 3. 11. for only Og of Bashan remained of the rem- nant of ^. Josh. 12. 4. I 13. 12. 13. Bashan, which was called the land of ^. ./osA.15. 8. the lot of Judah went up at valley of ^. 17. 15. then get thee up to the land of the g. 18. 16. Benjamin came to the valley of the /r. GIER-EAGLE. /.eu.ll.lS.these in abomination,the5-. Deut.U.n. GIFT Signifies, [1] A present, Esth. 2. 18. Mat. 2. 11. [2] A reward, Dan. 5. 17. [3] A recompcnce for the reparation of an injury or wrong done to a person, or something given in testimony of respect and kindiicss. Gen. 34. 12. [4] A bribe, or something given to a judge by one who has a cause depending in order to bring the judge to side with him; which is forbid- den by the law, Deut. 16. 19. because such gifts corrupt and bias the mind, that as the judge Will not, so oft times he cannot discern between right and wrong. [5] An oblation, or free-will offering. Mat 5. 23. ^ J <■ ""■<"' Christ Jesus is called the gift of God, John 4. 10. He is the greatest gift that God ever gave to the world. The Holy Ghost and his miracu- lous gifts are also called the gift of G od. Acts 8. 20, Thou hast thought that the gift of God may he purchased with money. Every good thing which men receive is the gift of God. Jam. 1. 17, Every good gift is from above. The gift of righteousness signifies those bene- fits which Christ by his righteousness or obe- dience has purchased for us, Rom. 5. 17. By unspeakable gift, in 2 Cor. 9. 15, some under- stand Christ ; others understand the gospel, by which the hearts of men are subdued, effectu- ally disposed, and inclined to obey the will of God: Others think it is to be understood of that habit of brotherly love, which from the Spirit of Christ, by the gospel, was wrought in the hearts of these Corinthians. Gen. 34. 12. ask me never so much dowry and o»-rf will o-. strength to his people 84. 11. the I^ord will ^. grace and glory 85. 12. the Lord shall g. that which is good Isa. 7. 14. the I.,ord himself shall g. you a sign 14. 3. the Lord shall g. thee rest from sorrow 30. 20. though the Lordg. you bread of adversity Zech. 10. 1. the LordshsWg. them showers of rain /^?(A:el.32.iordshall^.him the throne of his father QTim.l.lG.Lord g. mercy to house of Onesiphorus JVot GIVE, or GIVE not. (r(;7j.30.31.Jacobsaid,thoushalt?!o<^.me anything Exod. 5. 10. I will 7iot g. you straw, go, get straw 30. 15. the rich shall notg. more, poor not g. less Jjev. 25. 37. thou shalt not g. thy money on usury Deut. 2. 5. I will not g. you of their land, 9. 19. 7. 3. thy daughter thou shalt not g. to his son 28. 55. he will ttot g. of the ficsh of his children JM(/^.21.1.shall not any of us ^.his daught. to Benj. 7. we have sworn wo will not g. them wives lSam.30. 22. we will not g. them ought of the spoil 1 Kings 21. 4. 1 will 7iot ^.inheritance of my fathers Ezra 4. f 13. then will they not g. toll, tribute 9. 12. g. not your daughters, J^Teh. 10. 30. 1 13. 25. Psal. 132. 4. I will not g. sleep to mine eyes ProtJ. 6. 4. g.not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber 31. 3. g. not thy strength unto women Ecel. 7. t 21. g. not thy heart unto all words Isa. 13. 10. constellations shall not g. their light 42. 8. ray glory will I not g. to another, 48. 11. 02. 8. I will no more g. thy corn to enemies Jer. 18. 18. let us not g. heed to any ofhis words 26. 24. no* ^.Jeremiah into the hand of the people £zcA.32.7. 1 will cover sun with a cloud, the moon shall not g. her light. Mat. 24. 29. Mark 13. 24. Dan. 11. 21. to whom not g. honour of kingdom Hos. 5. t4. no^g-. their doings to turn to the Lord .Tool 2. 17. g. not thine heritage to reproach Mat. 7. 6. g. not that which is holy to the dogs Mark 12. 15. shall we give, or shall we not g.? Eph. 4. 27. neither g. place to the devil Jam. 2. 16. and g. not those things they need GIVE thanks. 2 .Sam. 22. .50. 1 will g. thanks to thee, Psal. 18.49. 1 Chron. 16. 8. g. thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, Psal. 105. 1. I 100. 1. I 107. 1. | 118. 1, 29. I 136. 1, 3. 35. save us, O God of our salvation, that we may g. thanks to thy holy name, Psal. 106. 47. 41. who were expres.sed by name, to g. thanks 25.3. sons of Jeduthun with a harp tog. thanks 2 0/(7-. 31. 2. Ilezekiah appointed Lcviles tog. th. Psal. 6. 5. in the grave who shall g. theo thanks 30. 4. sing to Lord, ye saints ofhis, and^. thanks at tlie remembrance ofhis holiness, 97. 12. GIV Psal.20.12. 0 Lord, I v/'i\lg. thanks to tliee forever 35. 18. I will g. thanks in the great congregation 4'2. t 5. I shall g. thanks lor help of countenance 75.1. to thee, O Gocl,ilo we g.thanks, do g.thank. 79. 13. so we thy people vviU^. thee thanks 92. 1. it is a good thing to g. thanks to the Lord 106. 47. save us to g. thanks to thy holy name 119. 62. at midnight I will rise to^. thanks 122. 4. whither the tribes go uj) to g. thanks 136. 2. O g. thanks unto the God of gods 26. O g. thanks unto the God of heaven 140. 13. righteous sliall^. thanks to thy name Horn. 16. 4. to whom not only I g. thanks 1 Ci/r. 10. 30. for that for which 1 g. thanks Eph. 1. 16. I cease not to g. thanks for you Cut. 1. 3. wc g. thanks to God and the Father 1 lytess. 1. 2. we g. thanks to God always for you 5. 18. in every thing g. thariks, this is wdl of God 2 Thcss. 2. 13. we are bound to g. thanks for you iieu.11.17. v/cg. thee thanks, Lord God Almighty GIVE vp. Z'ejtt.23.14.Lord walketh to thine encm. 31. 5. 1 Kings 14. 16. he shall g. Isr. up, because of sins Job 3. 11. why did not I g. up the ghost ? 13. 19. if I hold my tongue, 1 shall g. vp the ghost Jsa. 43. 6. 1 will say to north, g. up, and to south Uos. 11. 8. how shall I g. thee up, Ephraim7 Jilic. 5. 3. therefore will he g. them up C. 14. that which thou deliverest will I g. up GIVEN. Gen. 21. 7. Sarah should have g. children suck Lev. 20. 3. because he hath g. his seed to Molech J\rum. 18. 0. they are g. as a gift for tlie Lord JDeut. 12. 15. according to the blessing^. 16. 17. Muth 2. 12. a full reward be g. thee of the Lord 1 Sam. 2. fSi.wealth which God would have^.Isr. 2 Sam. 4. 10. who thought I would have^.a reward 12. 8. I would have g. thee such and such thing.s 18. 11. I would have^. thee ten shekels of silver 19. 42. or hath the king g. us any gift ? 1 Kings 13. 5. the sign which the man of G. had g. 1 Chi: 29. 14. and of thine own have we "■. thee Ezra 6.9. let it be g. them day by day without fail Esth. 3. 11. the silver is g. to thee, the people also 7. 3. let my life be ^. me at my petition and people Job 3. 20. why is light g. to him that is in misery ■? 23. why is light g. to a man whose way is hid 1 15. 19. to whom alone the earth was^. Fsal. 79. 2. dead bodies of thy servts. g. to be meat 112. 9. he hath g. to the poor, 2 Cor. 9. 9. 115. 16. the earth hath he ^. to the children of men Prot).19. 17. that which he hath^. will he pay him £ec/.8.8. nor wickedn. deliver those that are g'. to it 12. 11. which are "-. from one shepherd Jsa. 9. 6. for to us a Child is born, to us a Son is g. 47. 8. therefore hear, thou that art g. to ideasures Jer. 6. 13. every one is g. to covetousness, 8. 10. 44. 20. he said to all who had g. him that answer Lam. 5. 6. we have g. the hand to the Egyptians Ezck. 11. 15. unto us is this land g. 33. 24. 35. 12. they are desolate, they are g. to consume Van.'i. 38. beasts, fowls hath he o-.into thine hand 7. 4. like a lion, and a man's heart was g. to it 1 12. yet a prolonging in life was g. them 11. 6. she shall be g. up, and they that brought her Mat. 13. 11. it is g. to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom, Mark 4. 11. Lake 8. 10. 19.11.allcannotreceive,savethey to whom it is^. 21. 43. be^. to a nation bringing forth fruits 22.30. are^.in marriage, Mark 12.25. Luke 20.35. 26. 9. sold for much, and^.to the iioor, Mark 14. 5. 28. 18. all power is g. to me in heaven and earth Mark 4. 24. unto you that hear more shall be g. Luke 12.48. to whom much^.of him much required John 3. 27. can receive nothing, except it be g, 5. 26. he hath ^. to the Son to have life in himself 6. 39. of all he hath n-. me, I should lose nothin 65. no man can come to me, except itwere o-.him 19. 11. except it were g. thee from above Jlcts 4. 12. there is none other name 5'. among men 24. 26. he hoped that money eliouW be g. him Rom. 5. 5. by the Holy Ghost which is g. to us 11.35. or who hath first him, and recompensed 15. 15. because of the grace that is^. me of God 1 Cor. 2. 12. might know things freely^, us of God 2 Cor. 1. 11, that thanks may be g. by many Oal. 3. 21. been a law ^<-. which could have g. life Eph. 3. 2. dispensation, which is g. me to you-ward 8. to me who am the least is this grace g. 4. 19. who, being past feeling, have^. themselves over to lasciviousncss 5. 2. Christ hath loved us, and g. himself for us Phil. 1. 29. to you it is g. in behalf of Christ 2. 9. and hath g. him a name above every name Heb.A.8.(ot if Jcs. had o-.them rest, then not spoken 1 John 3. 24. by the Spirit which he hath g. us 4. 13. because he hath g. us of his Spirit ReiJ. 6. 11. white robes were^'. to every one of them 13. 5. power was g. to him to continue 42 months 7. it was lilm to make war with the saints 234 GIV Cod, or Lord hath, had GIVEN. Gen. 24. 35. the L. hathg.Abrah. flocks and herds 30. 6. and liachel said, God hathg. me a son 18. and Leah said, God hath g. me my hire 31. 9. thus God hathg. me your father's cattle 33. 5. the childr. whicli G. hath graciously g. me 43. 23. God hath g. you treasure in your sacks 48. 9. the children God hath g. me in this place Exod. 16. 15. the bread which the Lord 29. for that the Lord hath g. you the sabbath jVttW. 32. 7. from going over to the land which the Lord hath g. them, 9. Beat. 3. 18. | 28. 52. .Tosh. 2. 9, 14. I 23. 13, 15. Jer. 25. 5. Josh. 6. 16. shout, for the Lord hath the city 18. 3. to possess land wiiich the Lord hath g. you 1 Sam. 1. 27. Lord hathg. me my petition 1 asked 15.28. L. hathg. it to a neighbour of thine, 28. 17. 30. 23. not to do so with what the Lord hath g. 2 Chr. 36. 23. kingdoms hath Godg. me, Ezra 1 2. Eccl. 5. 19. every man to whom G. hath g. riches Isa. 8. 18. 1 and the children L. hathg. Ueb. 2. 13. 23. 11. iheLord hathg. a commandment against 50. 4. the L. hath g. me the tongue of the learned Jer. 11. 18. the Lord hath g. me knowledge of it 47. 7. seeing the Lord hath g. it a charge John 6. 23. after that the Lord had g. thanks Acts 5. 32. whom G. hathg. to them that obey him 27. 24. God hath g. thee all that sail with thee Rom. 11.8. God hathg. them the spirit of slumber 2 Cor. 10. 8. the A. hathg. us for edification, 13.10. 1 Thess. 4. 8. but G. who hathg. us his holy Spirit 1 John 5. 11. this is the record God hath g. to us Sec Rest. I have, or have I GIVEN. CJcn. 27. 37. brethren have I g. him for servants IKings 3.13. /A««e "'.thee that thou hast not asked Jsa. 43. 28. therefore / have g. Jacob to the curse 55. 4. J have g. him for a witness to the people .Jer. 8. 13. things J have g. shall pass from them 27. 5. / have g. it to whom it seemed meet to me £:e/i.4.15.//ia(;e^.thce cow's dung forman's dung 29. 20. Jhaijc g. him the land of Egypt for labour .imos 4. 6. /also have g. you cleanness of teeth 0. 15. no more be pulled out of land Jhavcg.them John VS. 15. / have g. you an example, that ye do 17.8./ have g. them the words thou gavest me, 14. 22. the glory thou gavest me, J have g. them 1 Cor. 16. 1. as I have g. order to the churches JVoi GIVEN. Gen. 38. 14. and she was not g. unto him to wife />'c)(^26.14. Iliavenoi^.oughlthcreofforthedead 29. 4. yet Lord hath notg. you a heart to perceive 1 Chr. 22. 18. hath he not g. you rest on every side? JVfA. 13. 10. the portion of Levites had not been g. Job 22. 7. thou hast not g. water to the weary Ps«^ 78. 63. their maidens were not ^. to marriage 118. 18. but he hath not g. me over to death 124. 6. who hath not g. us as a prey to their teeth /sa. 37. 10.Jerus.?!o£be^. into the hand of Assyria .Jer. 39.17. ihoushaltnoJ he^. into hand of the men Ezek. 3. 20. because thou hast notg. him warning 18. 8. he that hath not g. forth upon usury Mat. 13. 11. it is given to you, to them it is notg. John 7. 39. for the Holy Ghost was not yet g. 1 Tim.3. 3. bishop notg.lo wine, no striker, Tit.1.7. 8. deacons iiot g. to much wine, not greedy 2 Tim. 1. 7. God hath not g. us the spirit of fear Tit.2. 3. aged women likewise not much wiae Shall be GIVEN. J\rum. 26. 54. to every one shall inheritance be g. Deut. 28. 31. thy sheep shall be thine enemies 32. thy sons shall be g. to another people Ezra 4.21. till another commandment shall be g. Esth. 5. 3. it shall be g. to half of the kingdom Psal. 72. 15. to him shall be g. of gold of Sheba 120. 3. what shall be thee, thou false tongue? Jsa. 3. 11. the reward of his hands shall be g. him 33. 16. bread .«Aa/Z beg. him, waters shall be sure 35. 2. the glory of Lebanon shall be g. to it .7cr.21. 10. this city shall ie o-.into the hand of king of Babylon, and he shall burn it, 38. 3, 18. £:c/t. 47. 11. the marishes, they shall be g. to salt Dan. 7. 25. the saints shall be g. into his hand 27. the kingdom shall be g. to the saints Mat. 7. 7. ask, and it shall be g. you, Luke 11. 9. 10.19. it shall beg. you in same hour, Mark 13.11. 12. 39. no sign shall beg. MarkS. 12. LukcU.W. 13. 12. for whosoever hath, to him shall beg. and more abundance, 25, 29. Mark'l.^a. LukeS.lS. 20. 2:3. it shall beg. them for whom it is prepared 21. 43. the kingdom of God shall beg. to a nation /.j/A-e6.38.give,and itshall beg. you, good measure PldUm.'i.% that thro' your prayers I shall be g. you Jam. 1.5. let him ask of God, and it shallbe g.\nm Thou hast, or hast thou GIVEN. Grn. 15.3. Abram said,tome i/iouhastg. no seed JJcut. 26. 15. bless the land which thou hast g. us Jos/t. 15.19. thou hastg. me south land, Judg.l.l^. 17. 14. why hast tAuuicme but one lot to inherit? Judg. 15. 18. thou hast g. this great deliverance GIV 1 Sam. 22. 13. thou hast g. him broad and a sword 2 Sam.. 12. 14. by this deed thou hast g. occasion 22. 36. thou hast also^. me the shield of thy sal- vation, and thy gentleness hath made me great, Psal. 18. 35. 4i. thou hastg. me the necks of enemies, Ps.18.40. 1 Kings 3. 6. thouhastg. him a son to sit on throne 8. 3(5. rain on thy land thou hast g. 2 Chr. 6. 27. 9. 13. what cities are these thou hast g. me ? 2 Chr. 20. 11. cast us out of possession thouhastg. Ezra 9. 13. thou hast g. us such dehverance as this Psal. 21. 2. thou hast g. him his heart's desire 44. 11. thou hast g. us like sheep for meat 60. 4. thouhastg. a banner to them that fear thee 61.5. thou hastg. me the heritage of those that fear 71. 3. thou hast g. commandment to save me John 17. 2. as thouhastg. him power over all flesh 7. that all things thou hast g. me, are of thee 9. 1 pray not but for them which thou hastg. me 11. keep through thy name those thou hast Rev. IG. 6. thou hast g. them blood to drink GIVER. /sa. 24.2. as with the taker of usury, so with the^. 2 C'or.9. 7. not grudgingly, God loveth a cheerful g. GIVEST. Deut. 15. 9. thou^. him nought, and he cry to Lord 10. thy heart not be grieved when thou g. him .Job 35. 7. if thou be righteous, what^. thou him Psal. 50. 19. thou^. thy mouth to evil, thy tongue 80. 5. thou g. them tears to drink in greatmeasura 104. 28. that thou g. them, they gather 145. 15. thou g. them their meat in due season Prov.2. t 3. if thou ^. thy voice, for understanding 6. 35. nor rest content, though thou g. many gifts Ezck. 3. 18. thou g. not warning, to save his life 16. 33. but thou g. thy gifts to all thy lovers 34. in that thou g. a reward, and none is given 1 Cor. 14. 17. for thou verily g. thanks well GIVETH. Exod. 16. 29. he g. you on sixth day bread of two 20. 12. thy days may be long in the land which Ld. thy God g. thee, Deut. 4. 40. 1 5. 16. | 25. 15. 25. 2. every man that g. it wilUngly with his heart J^ev. 27. 9. all that any man g. of such shall be holy Deut. 2. 29. into the land which the Lord our God g. us, 4. 1, 21. I 11. 17, 31. I 12. 1, 10. I 15. 4, 7. I 16. 20. I 17. 14. 1 18. 9. | 19. 1, 2, 10, 14. I 21. 1, 23. I 24. 4. 1 26. 1, 2. ] 27. 2, 3. 1 28. 8. Josh. 1. 11, 15. k 8. 18. it is be that g. thee power to get wealth 9. 6. God g. not this land for thy righteousness 12. 10. when he g. you rest fronr enemies, 25. 19. 13. 1. if a prophet^, thee a sign or a wonder 16. 5. in thy gates which Lord g. thee, 18. | 17. 2. 2Sa?re.22. t 48. itisGod^. avengement for me, and bringeth down people under me, Psal. 18. t47. IKings 17. 1 14. till the day the Ld. ^.rain on earth .Job 5. 10. who g. rain upon the earth and fields 33. 13. he "■. no account of any of his ways 34. 29. when he^. quietness || 35. 10. whog. songs 36. 6. but g. right to the poor || 31. he g. meat Psal. 18. 50. great deliverance g. he to his king 37. 21. but the righteous sheweth mercy and g. 68. 35. the God of Israel is he that g. strength 119. 130. the entrance of thy words ^. light 127. 2. for so he g. his beloved sleep 136. 25. who g. food to all flesh, 146. 7. | 147. 9. 144. 10.^. salvation to kings || 147. 16. he^. snow Prov. 2. 6. the Lord g. wisdom, out of his mouth 3. 34. he^. grace to thelowly, Jam. 4. 6. \Pet. 5. 5. 13. 1.5. good understanding g. favour 21. 26. the righteous g. and spareth not, 22. 9. 28. 27. he that g. to the poor shall not lack Eccl. 2. 26. God^. to a man that is good, wisdom and knowledge, but to the sinner he^. travail 6. 2. yet God g. him not power to eat thereof /«a.40.29. he 0-. power to the faint || 42. 5.g. breath .Jer. 5. 24. "-. rain || 31. 35. g. the sun for a ligh 22. 13. woe to him that g. him not for his work Lam. 3. 30. he g. his cheek to him that smiteth him /)an.2.21. he ^.wisdom to the wise,and knowledge 4. 17. and g. it to whomsoever he will, 25. 32. JJos. 10. 1 1. a vine emptying the fruit which it^ //aJ.2. 15. woetohim that ^. his neighbour drink Mat. 5. 15. it n^. light to all that are in the house John 3. 34. God g. not the Spirit by measure to him 6. 32. but my Father g. you the true bread 33. who cometh down and g. life to the world 37. all that the Father g. me shall come to me 10. 11. the good shepherd g. his life for the sheep 14. 27. not as the world g. give I unto you .Bets 17. 25. he^. to all life, breath, and all things Rom. 12. 8. he that "'. let him do it with simplicity 14. 6. he eatetb to the Lord, for he^. God thanks 1 Cor. 3. 7. but God thatg-. the increase 7. 38. he that^. her in marriage doelh well 1.5. 38. God g. it a body as it hath pleased him 57. but thanks be to God who g. us the victory 2 Cor. 3. 6. the letter killeth, but the Spirit^, life 1 Tim. 6. 17. who g. us richly all things to enjoy GLA Jam. 1. 5. ask of God, that g. to all men liberally 4. G. g. more grace, God g. grace to the Iminhle "iPctA. 11. let him do it as of the ability thatGod^. Rev. 22. 5. for the Lord God g. tliem light GIVING. Deut. 10. 18. he loveth the stranger in g. him food 21. 17. by g. him a double portion of all he hath Huth 1. (5. Lord visited his people in "•. them bread 1 Kings 5.9. shalt accomplish my desire, in g. food 2 Chr. ti. 23. by g. him according to righteousness Job 11. 20. their hope be as the g. up of the ghost Jilat. 24. 38. were marrying and g. in marriage .Acts 8. 9. g. out that himself was some great one 15. 8. g. them the Holy Ghost, as he did to us Horn. 4. 20. was strong in faith, g. glory to God 9. 4. the g. of the law, and the service of God 1 Cor. 14. 7. things 0-. sound II 10. at thy ^.of thanks 2 Cor. 6. 3. g. no ort'ence in any thing, ministry not Phil.i. 15. concerning^, and receiving, but ye only \THm.i.\. g. heed to seducing sjjirits and doctrines lPt't.3. 7. g. honour to the u ili; as to weaker vessel 2 PH. 1. b. g. all diligence, add to faith virtue Jude 7. g. themselves over to fornication Sec Thanks. GLAD. J?xorf.4.14.when he seeth thee, he will be^.in heart Judg. 18. 20. and the priest's heart was g. 1 Sam. 11. 9. and the men of Jabesh were g. 1 Kings 8. 06. Israel went to tents g. 2 Chr. 7. 10. £vJtA.5.9.Haman^. || 8.15. the city Shushan was ^. Job 3. 22. and are g. when they can find the grave 22. 19. righteous see it and are g. Psal. 64. 10. Psal. 11). 9. therefore my heart is g. glory rejoiceth 21. a. thou hast made him ^.with thy countenance 34. 2. the humble shall hear and be g. 69. 32 35.27. them be^. that favour my righteous cause 45. 8. whereby they have made thee g. 40. 4. the streams shall make g. the city of God 67. 4. let the nations be g. and sing for joy 90. 15. make us^.|| 92.4. thouL. hast made me^, 97.1. let the isles be^. || 8. Zion heard, and was^. 104. 15. wine that niaketh n-. the heart of man 34. 1 will be^. in the Lord|1105. 38. Egypt was^. 107. 30. then are they g. because they be quiet 119. 74. they that fear thee will be g. when 122. 1. I was g. when they said to me, let us go 12G. 3. done great things for us, whereof we are^. Prov. 10. 1. a wise son maketh a g. father, 15. 20. 12. 25. but a good word makelh it «-. 17. 5. that is g. at calamities, not be unpunished 23. 25. thy father and thy mother shall be g. 24. 17. let not thy heart be g. when he stumbleth 27. 11. my son, lie wise, and make my heart g. Eccl. 10. f 19. and wine niaketh g. the life Jsa. 35. 1. the wilderness shall be g. for them 39.2. Hezekiah was^. of them, and shewed them Jer. 20. 15. a child is born, making him very g. 50. 11. because ye were g. O ye destroyers Lam. 1. 21. they are g. that thou hast done it Z)an. 6. 23. then was the king exceeding^. Jfos.~.3. they make the king^.with their wickedn. Jonah 4. G. Jonah was g. because of the gourd Zech. 10. 7. their children shall see it and be g. Jlfartl4.11.were^.and promised money,/-it4(22.5. Luke 1. 19. 1 am sent to shew thee these ^. tidings 8. 1. shewing the g. tidings of the kingdom 15. 32. was meet we should make merry and be^. John 8. 50. Abraham saw my day and was g. 11. 15. I am^. for your sakes that I was not there ^cts 11.23. when hadseenthegraceof G.he waso-. 13. 48. the Gentiles heard this, they were g. Rom. 16. 19. I am g. therefore on your behalf 1 Cor. 16. 17. I am g. of the coming of Stephanas 2 Cor. 2. 2. who is he then that maketh me g.? 13. 9. we are g. when we are weak, and ye strong 1 Pet. 4. 13. his glory revealed, ye may be g. also GLAD joined with rejoice. 1 Chron. 16. 31. let the heavens be g. and let the earth rejoice, the Lord reigneth, Psal. 96. 11. Psal. 9. 2. I will be g. and rejoice in thee 14. 7. Jacob shall rejoice, Israel shall be g. 53. 6. 31. 7. I will be "•. and rejoice in thy mercy 32. 11. be ^. and rejoice, ye righteous, 68. 3. 40. 16. that seek thee, be g. and rejoice, 70. 4. 48. 11. let Zion ry'o/ce, daughters of Judah be gf. 90. 14. that we may be g. and rejoice all our days 118.24. this is the day, we will rej. and be g. in it Cant. 1. 4. we will be^. and rejoice in thee laa. 25. 9. we will rejoice and be g. in his salvation 6.5. 18. but be you g. and rejoice for ever 66. 10. rej. ye with Jerusalem, and bo g. with her Lam. 4. 21. rejoice and be^. O daughter of Edom Joel 2. 21. fear not, O land, be g. and rejoice 23. be^. ye children of Zion, and rejoice in Lord Jfab. 1. 15. therefore they rejoice and are g. Zeph. 3. 14. be g. and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem Jifat. 5. 12. rejoice and be g. great is your reward ..^cts 2. 26. my heart did rejoice, my tongue was^. Rev. 19.7. be g. and rejoice, the marriage is come 235 GLO GLADLY. Mark 6. 20. Herod feared John, and heard hiin^. 12. 37. the common jieople heard Clirist g. Jicts 2. 41. thatg'. received the word were baptized 21. 17. when come, the brethren received us 2 Cur. 11. 19. ye sutler fools g. seeing ye are wise 12. 9. most^. therefore will I rather glory 15. I will very g. spend and be spent for you GLADJNESS. JVitm. 10. 10. in the day of your gf. ye shall blow Deut. 28. 47. servedsl not the Lord with^. of heart 2 Sam. 6. 12. David brought up the ark with g. 1 Chron. 16. 27. strength and g. are in his place 29.22. and did eat and drink that day withgieat^. 2 Chron. 2t). 30. and they sang praises witli g. 30.21. Israel kept feastof unleavened bread with"'. 23. and they kept other seven days with g. JVch. a. 17. and there was very greater. 12. 27. Levites, to keep the dedication with g. Esth. 8. 16. the Jews had light, and g. and joy, 17. 9. 17. they made it a day of feasting and g. 18, 19, Psal. 4. 7. thou hast put g. in my heart more than 30. 11. and thou hast girded me with g. 43. 1 4- I will go to God the g. of iny joy 45. 7. hath anointed thee with oil of ^c Heb. 1. 9. 15. with^. and rejoicing shall they be brought 51. 8. make me to hear joy and g. that the bones 97. 11. a.nd g. is sown for the upright in heart 100. 2. serve the Lord with g. come with singin 105. 43. he brought forth his chosci! with g. 106. 5. that I may rejoice in the g. of thy nation Prov. 10. 28. the hope of the righteous shall be^. Cant. 3. 11. and in the day of the g. of his heart Isa. 16. 10. joy and ^. is taken away out of the field 22. 13. and, behold, joy and g. slaying o.\en 30. 29. ye shall have a song and g. of heart 35. 10. they shall obtain joy and g. 51. 11. 51. 3. joy and g. shall bo found therein ./cr. 7. 34. cease voice of mirth and n'. 10.9. | 25. 10. 31. 7. sing with^. for Jacob, shout among nations 33. 11. there shall be heard a voice of joy and g. 48. 33. joy and g. taken from the jdenliful field Joel 1. 16. joy and g. from the house of our God Zech. 8. 19. shall be to houseof Judah joy and n-. Jilar/c 4. 16. who immediately receive it with g. Luke 1. 14. shalt have joy and^. and many rejoice .,'Jcts 2. 46. did eat their meat with g. of heart 12. 14. she opened not the gate for g. but ran 14. 17. filling our hearts with food and g. Phil. 2. 29. receive him in the Lord with all g. GLASS. 1 Cor. 13. 12. for now we see through a g. darkly 2 Cor. 3. 18. with open face, beholding as in a g. Jam. 1 . 23. a man beholding his natural face in a ^. Rev. 4. 6. there was a sea of ^. like unto crystal 15. 2. and I saw a sea of ^. mingled with fire 21. 18. tlie city was pure gold, like clear g. 21. GLASSES. Isa. 3. 23. the Lord will take away the g. and vails See Looking. GLEAN. /.ejj.lO.lO.thou shalt not^. vineyard, Deut. 24.21. Ruth 2. 2. let me now go to the field and g. ears Jer. 6. 9. they shall thoroughly g. the remnant GLEANED. Judg. 1. t 7. kings g. their meat under my table 20. 45. and they g. of them in the high- ways Ruth 2. 3. she came and g. after the reapers GLEANING, S. Lev. 19. 9. not gather the g. of harvest, 23. 22. .Judg. 8. 2. is not the g. of the grapes of Ephraim Isa. 17. G. yet^. grapes shall be left in it as shaking 24. 13. as the g. grapes when vintage is done Jer. 49. 9. would they not leave some^.? Obad. t5. Mic. 7. 1. I am as the grape g. of the vintage GLEDE. Deut. 14. 13. ye shall not eat the g. kite, vulture GLISTERING. 1 Chron. 29. 2. now I have prepared g. stones ,Tob 20. 25. the g. sword cometh out of his gall Luke 9. 29. and his raiment was white and g. GLITTER, ING. Deut. 32. 41. if I whet my ^. sword I will render .fob 39. 23. the g. spear rattleth against him Kick. 21. 10. it is furbished that it may g. 28. it is furbished to consume, because of the g. JVaA. 3. 3. the horseman lifteth up the g. spear Mab. 3. 11. they went at the shining of thy g. spear GLOOMINESS. .loci 2. 2. a day of darkness and g. Zeph. 1. 1.5. GLORIFY. To glorify, simijics to make glorious, Rom. 8. 30, Whom Tie justified, them he also glorified. Thus God glorijles the elect, by adorning them with gifts and graces in this world, and by bringing them to the full 2>osscssion of glory and blessedness in the other world. When man is said tu glorify God, it is not to be un- derstood as if he could add any thing to God's GLO rify God, when ice acknowledge him to be glo- rious, and ascribe to him the glory of erery cxcctUncy whether of nature or grace, and co)ifcss that he is worthy to receive honour, glory, might, and majesty, Rev. 4. 11. H hen we conj'css that all the glury, gifts, and dig- nity which we have above other men, are given v..9.8.marvelled,and^.G. Jl/a7-A-2.12.i,u/«5.26. 15. 31. and they g. the God of Israel Luke 4. 15. he taught in synagogues, being^. of all 7. 16. there came fear on all, and they^. God 13. 13. and she was made straight, and g. God 17.15.the leper 0-. God || 23.47. the centurion £-. G. John 7.39. H. Ghost not given, because Jesus not^. 11. 4. that the Son of God might be g. thereby 12.16. hut when Jcs. was^r.then remembered they 23. the hour is come the Son of man should be ^. 28. I have both g. it, and will glorify it again 13. 31. now is the Son of man ^.God is^. in him 32. if God be g. in him, God shall glorify him 14. 13. that the Father may be g. in the Son 1.5. 8. herein is my Father g. that ye bear fruit 17. 4. I have^. thee on earth, I have finished 10. and thine are mine, and I am g. in them Jlcts 3. 13. the God of our fathers hath g. his Son 4. 21. for all men g. God for what was done 11. 18. they held their peace, and g. God, saying 13. 48. Gentiles heard this, they g. word of Lord 21. 20. they of Jerusalem g. the Lord, and said Rom. 1. 21. they knew God, they "•. him not as God 8.17. if we suffer with him, that we may be also ^. 30. and whom he justified, them he also g essential glory : But we may be said to glo-\ Oal. 1. 24. and they g. God in me GLO 27'Acss. 1. 10. when lie shall come to be^.in saints 12. that the name of Jesus may be^. in you 3. 1. that the word of the Lord may be g. Heh. 5. 5. so Christ g. not himself to be high-priest 1 Pet. 4. 11. God in all things may be ^. thro' Jesus 14. is evil spokc:i of, but on your part he is g. Rev. 18. 7. how much she hath g. herself GLOKIFIETH, INC. Psal. 50. 23. whoso ott'ereth praise g. me i,uke 2. 20. the shepherds returned, g. God 5. 25. he departed to his own house, "■. God 18. 43. the bhnd man followed him, g. God GLORY Is taken for worldly splendour and magnificence, which make kings glorious before men, Mat. 6. 29. Solomon in all his glory, in all his lustre, and in his richest ornaments, was not so beautiful as a lily. Thus riches, authority, sumptuous buildings and garments, which vien are ready to praise, and which make their possessors glorious before men, are called in scripture glory. Fsal. 49. 16, When the glory of his house is increased. By glory is meant the tongue, which is that peculiar excellency, wherein chiefly, except reason, man surpasses all other creatures. Psal. l(j. !), Wy heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth : My tongue breaks out into holy boastings and praises. So in Psal. 108. 1, I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. The glory of the king of Ms- syria, is his splendid princes, brave captains, valiant commanders, and powerful armies, which would make a gallant shew, and wherein he would glory, and boast exceedingly, Isa. 8. 7, The Lord bringeth upon them the king of Assyria, and all his glory. Glory is put for the ark of the covenant, which was a glorious type and assurance of God's presence, and the great safe-guard and ornament of Israel, which they could glory in above all other na- tions. 1 Sam. 4. 21, The glory is departed from Israel. Rom. 9. 4, To whom pertaiueth the glory. Glory is put for the church, which God makes glorious, not only in his own eyes, but even in the eyes of the xoorld. Isa. 4. 5, Upon all the glory shall be a defence; upon all holy assem- blies of sincere Christians. It is put for grace, 2 Cor. 3. 18, We are changed into the same image, from glory to glory; growing from one degree of glorious grace to another, till it come to its perfection in eternal glory. The apostle calls man the image and glory of God, and for this reason he ought not to cover his head ; that is. Since God would have the male sex to be a kind of representation of his glory, majesty, andpower, a man ought not, by hiding his face, wherein these things are most con- spicuous, to conceal the glory of God shining in him. David calls God his glory, Psal. 3. 3, Thou art my glory ; thou art the Jiuthor of that royal dignity to which I am advanced: Or, thou art the matter of my glorying, thou hast formerly given, and wilt further give me occasion of glorying or boasting of thy power and favour to me. Glory is taken for the un- speakable blessedness, joy, and felicity of the saints in heaven. Psal. 73. 24, Thou shall guide me with thy counsel, and afterwards re ceive me to glory. God promises to be to his church a wall of fire round about, and the glory in the midst, Zech. 2. 5. that he would protect his church, and that his presence and power should make her glorious. It is put for the presence of God, Psal. 63. 2. When the Israelites forsook God in the wilder- ness, they changed their glory into the simili- tude of an ox t'hat eateth grass, Psal. 106. 20. They changed their glory; that is, their God, who was indeed their glory, into the golden image of an ox or calf. Joshua speaking to Achan says. Give glory to God, Josh. 7. 19. Confess the truth, and ascribe unto God the glory of his omniscience in knowing thy sin, and of his justice in punishing thee according to thy desert. JVIteji God thought fit to call his servant Moses to himself, he directed him to go up to mount Abarim, and die there. Num. 27. 12, &c. Moses hereupon desired of God that he would provide a man who should he set over the multitude. The Lord there- fore commanded him to take Joshua, the son of Nun, saying. He is a man who is filled with the Spirit, lay thine hand upon him, and give liim a charge in the presence of the multitude, and put some of thine honour, in Hebrew, of thy glory or splendour, upon him. The ques- tion is, what glory this was, which Moses communicated to Joshua. Onkelos, and some of the Rabbins, are of opinion, that Moses im- 236 GLO parted him some of that lustre which appeared upon his countenance, after the conversation which he had been admitted to with God. Mo- ses, they say, shined like the sun, and Joshua like the moon: this was a loeak and borrowed brightness. But it is to be understood of that authority, and empire, whereof he stood in need for the government of the peojtle. Moses laid his hands on him, and by this ceremony appointed him for his successor in the conduct of the Israelites : He gave him his orders and instructions, that he might acquit himself with honour in this employment. The glory of God. Moses earnestly begged of God to shew him his glory. E.vod. 33. 18, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory ; that is, the highest manifestation of thy divine glory that I am capable of ; or that glorious shape, which, together with a human voice, thou hast now assumed. The heavens declare the glory of God, Psal. 19. 1. The visible heavens af- ford matter and occasion, in respect of their vast extent, glorious furniture, and jiowerful influences, to acknowledge and admire the glo- rious being, infinite power, wisdom, and good- ness of God. The glory of the Lord hath tilled the house of the Lord ; that is, the cloud, which was a usual token of God's glorious presence, 1 Kings 8. 11. Christ says to Martha, Johnll. 40, If thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God ; that is, an admirable in- stance of the divine power, in raising thy dead brother. The miracles which our Sa- viour wroug/it, manifested his glory, or his divine power, John 2. 11, The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, Isa. 40. 5. that is, the glorious power and goodness of God shall be manifested in the deliverance of the Jews from Babylon, but more especially in the redemp- tion of all nations by our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to tlie glory of God, 1 Cor. 10. 31 . that is, let tlie glory and honour of God he habitually and really the chief end of all your actions. Gen. 31. 1. of our father's hath he gotten all this ^. Exod. 28. 2. make garments for Aaron for g. 40. 1 Sain. 2. 8. to make them inherit the throne of ^. 4. 21. the g. is departed from Israel, 22. 1 21. where is the g.? there is no g. 1 Chr. 22. 5. house for Lord must be of ^. and fame 29.11. thine is greatness, power, and g. Mat.G.13. Esth. 5. 11. Haman told of the g. of his riches Job 39. 20. the g. of his nostrils is terrible 40. 10. and array thyself with ^. and beauty Psal. 24. 7. and the King of ^. shall come in, 9. 10. who is this King of ^.? the Lord is King 29. 3. the God of g. thundereth. Lord on waters 49. 16. when the g. of his house is increased 73. 24. thou shalt afterward receive me to g. 79. 9. help us, O God, for the^. of thy name 85. 9. that g. may dwell in our land 89. 17. for thou art the g. of their strength 106. 20. they changed their g. into similitude 145. 11. speak of the g. of thy kingdom 149. 5. let the saints be joyful in g. Prov. 3. 35. the wise shall inherit^. 17. 6. the g. of children are their fathers 20. 29. the g. of young men is their strength 25. t6. set not out thy ^. in presence of the king 27. so for men to search their own g. is not g. 28. 12. when the righteous men rejoice there is^. /sa.2.10. hide thee for the n-. of his majesty, 19.21. 4. 1 2. branch of the Lord shall be beauty and g. 5. for upon all the g. shall be a defence 5. 1 13. and their g. are men of famine 14. their ^. and jiomp shall descend unto it 10. 3. and where will ye leave your g.'' 12. I will punish tiie g. of his high looks 18. and shall consume the g. of his forest 11. 1 10. a root of Jesse, his rest shall be g. 13. 19. Babylon the g. of kingd. shall be as Sodom 14. 18. all of them lie in g. each in his house 16. 14. the g. of Moab shall be contemned 17.3. they shall be as the ^.of the children of Israel 4. that the g. of Jacob shall be made thin 20. 5. they shall be ashamed of Egypt their ^. 21. 16. and all the g. of Kedar shall fail 22. 24. shall hang on him g. of his Father]s house 23. 9. hath purposed to stain the pride of all g. 24. 16. we heard songs, even g. to the righteous t23. there shall be g. before his ancients 35. 2. the g. of Lebanon shall be given to it 61. 6. in their g. ye shall boast yourselves 66. 11. be delighted with the abundance of her g. 12. the g. of the Gentiles as a flowing stream Jer. 2. 11. but my people have changed their g. 13. 11. that they might be to me for a g. 18. shall come down, even the crown of your n'. Eiek. 20. 6. which is the g. of all lands, 15. 24. 25. when I take from them the joy of their g. GLO Eiek. 25. 9. I will open the g. of the country 26. 20. I shall set g. in the land of the living 31. 18. to whom art thou thus like in g.l jDa».2. 37. God hath given thee power and ^.7.14. 4. 36. the g. of my kingdom returned to me 11. 39. shall acknowledge, and increase with g. Hos. 4. 7. I will change their g. into shame 9. 11. as for Ephraini, their g. shall fly away 10. 5. the priests that rejoiced for the g. thereof Mic. 1. 15. he shall come to Adullam the g. of Isr. JVa/t. 2. 9. there is none end of the store and g. Hab. 2. 16. thou art filled with shame for g. Hag. 2. 3. who saw this house in her first g.? 7. I will fill this house with g. sailh the Lord 9. g. of this latter house greater than of former Zech. 2. 5. I will be the g. in the midst of her 8. after the g. hath he sent me to the nations 6. 13. he shall build temple, he shall bear the g. 11.3. their^. is spoiled, a voiceof roaring of lions 12. 7. g. of the house of David, g. of Jerusalem Mat. 4. 8. kingdoms of the world, and^. of them 6. 2. sound trumpet, that they may have^. of men 16.27.shnll come in the ^.of his Father, jUaWi 8.33. 24. 30. they shall see the Son of Man coming with power and great ^. Mark 13. 26. Luke 21.27. Luke2. 14. saying,^, to God in the highest, 19. 38. 32. light to Gentiles, and the^. of thy people Isr. 4. 6. all this power will I give thee, and the g. 9. 31. who appeared in ^.and spake of his decease John 17. 5. with the g. which I had with thee 22. the g. thou gavest me, I have given them Acts 7. 2. the God of ^. appeared to our father 12. 23. because he gave not God the g. 22. 11. when I could not see for the g. of light Rom. 4. 20. was strong in faith, giving g. to God 6. 4. raised from the dead by the g. of the Father 8. 18. are not worthy to be compared with the o'. 9. 4. to whom pertaineth the g. and covenants 23. which he had afore prepared unto^. 11. 36. of him are all things, to whom be g. for ever. Gal. 1. 5. 2 Tim. 4. 18. Heb. 13. 21 1 Pet. 5. 11. 16. 27. to God only wise be g. 1 Tim. 1. 17. 1 Cor. 2. 7. which God hath ordained to our^. 8. they would not have crucified the Lord of^. 11. 7. but the woman is the g. of the man 15. if a woman have long hair, it is a g. to her 15. 40.^.of celestial is one, the ^. of the terrestrial 41. one ^. of the sun, another^, of the moon 43. it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in g. 2 Co?-.3. 7. for the g. of his countenance, which ^. 9. if the ministration of condemnation be ^. the ministration of righteousness doth exceed in g. 10. had no g. by reason of the g. that excelletfa 18. but we are all changed from g. to g. 4. 17. worketh for us an eternal weight of ^. 8. 19. administered by us to the "-. of the same Ld. 23. they are messengers, and the g. of Christ Eph. 1. 6. to the praise of the g. of his grace 17. the Father of ^. may give you the Spirit 18. ye may know what is the riches of the g. 3. 13. my tribulations for you, which is your g 21. to him be g. in the church by Christ Jesus Phil.X. n. fruits, which are by Christ tog', of God 3. 19. and whose g. is in their shame 4. 19. according to his riches in g. by Christ Jesus 20. now to God and our Father be g. for ever Col. 1. 27. what is the riches of the g. of this mys- tery, which is Christ in you, the hope of ^ 3. 4. then shall ye appear with him in g. 1 Thess. 2. 6. nor of men sought we g. nor of you 12. who hath called you to his kingdom and g. 20. for ye are our g. and joy 2 Thess. 1. 9. punished from the g. of his power 2. 14. to the obtaining of the g. of our Lord ITim. 3. 16. seen of angels, received up into g. 2 Tim. 2. 10. salvation in Christ, with eternal g Heb. 2. 10. in bringing many sons to g. to make 3. 3. this man was counted worthy of more g. 9. 5. over it the cherubims of ^. shadowing .7anj.2.1.thc faith of our Lord Jesus, the Lord of ^. 1 Pet. 1. 8. rejoice with joy unspeakable, full of o-. 11. it testified the g. that should follow 21. that God raised him up, and gave him g. 24. and all the g. of man, as the flower of grass 2. 20. fur what g. is it, if when ye be butfeted ■? 4. 14. the Spirit of g. and of God resteth on you 5. 1. a partaker of the g. that shall be revealed 10. hath called us to eternal g. by Christ Jesus 2 Pet. i. 3. that hath called us to g. and virtue 17. came such a voice to him from excellent^ 3 18 to him be g. both now and ever. Rev. 1. 6 Jude 25. to the only wise God our Saviour be g. Rev. 4. 11. thou art worthy to receive g. 5. 12. 7. 12. blessing and g. and wisdom be to our God 11.13. remnant were affrighted, and gave^to God See Crown, Honour, V.\in. Give GLORY. .losh. 7. 19. my son, give g. to the God of Israel 1 .Sam. 6. 5. ye ahaM give g. to the God of Israel GLO 1 Oir. 16. 28. give to the Lord, give to the Lord g. and strength, '29. Ps. 29. l,-2. | 96.7,8. Jer.U.m. Psal. 84. 11. the Lord will gioe grace and g. 115. 1. not to us, but to thy name gine the g. Isa. 42. \'i. let them give g. unto the Lord Mai. 2. 2. if ye will not lay it to heart to ^li'e g. JUukc 17. 18. that returned to gioe g. to Uod Rev. 4. 9. when those beasts give g. and honour 14. 7. fear God, and give g. to him, worship him IG. 9. were scorched, and repented not to gioeg. GLORY of God. Psal. 19. 1. the heavens declare the g. of God Froc. 25. 2. it is the g. «/ God to conceal a thing Ezek. 8. 4. tlie "-. of the God of Israel was there 9. 3. the g. of God was gone up from the cherub 10. 19. the^. of God was over them above, 11.22. 43. 2. thc^. of God came from the way of the east John 11. 4. this sickness is for the «■. of God 40. if believe, thou shouldest see the g. of God .^cts 7. 55. Stephen looked up and saw l\vi g.of G. iiom.3.23. all sinned and come short of the ^.o/G. 5. 2. we rejoice in hope of the g. of God 15. 7. as Christ also received us to the g. of God 1 Cor.10.31. ye eat or drink, do all to the g. of God 1 1. 7. for a man is the image and g. of God 2Cor.l.20.promise8 in him yea and amen, log.ofG. 4. G. the light of the knowledge of the g. of God 15. thanksgiving of many redound to g. of God Phil. 1. 11. which are by Christ to the g. of God 2. 11. confess that Jesus is Lord to the g. of God Rev. 15. 8. temple filled with smoke from g.ofGod 21. 11. the holy Jerusalem, having the g. of God 23. no need of the sun, g. of God did lighten it JJis GLORY. Dent. 5. 24. the Lord our G. hatli shewed us hisg. 33. 17. his g. like the firstling of a bullock 1 GVr.l6.24.declarethA!s^. among heath. Ps.96.3. Psal. 21. 5. his g. is great in thy salvation 29. 9. in his temple doth every one speak of hisg. 49. 17. his g. shall not descend after him 72. 19. let the whole earth be filled with his g. 78. Gl. delivered his g. into the enemies' hand 8.0. 44. thou hast made his g. to cease 97. 6. and all the people see his g. 102. JG. when L. build Zion, shall appear in Aj's^. 113. 4. and his g. above the heavens, 148. 13. Prov. 19. 11. it is his g. to pass over transgression Isa. 3. 8. to provoke the eyes of his g. 6. 3. one cried, the whole earth is full of his g. 8. 7. the king of Assyria and his g. shall come up 10. 16. under his g. he shall kindle a burning 59. 19. shall fear his g. from rising of the sun 00. 2. and his g. shall he seen upon thee Jcr.2-i. 18. not lament, saying, ah lord, or ah hisg. Kick. 43. 2. and the earth shined with his g. Dan. 5. 20. and they took his g. from him Hab. 3. 3. God came, his g. covered the heavens Mat. 6. 29. Solomon in all his g. Luke 12. 27. 19. 28. Son of man shall sit in his g. I^uke 9. 26 JLuke 9.32. wiien they were awake, they saw hisg. 24. 26. to have suffered, and to enter into his g. John 1. 14. we beheld his g. the glory as of the only 2. 11. thus did Jesus, and manifested forth his g. 7. 18. but he that seeketh his g. that sent him 12.41. these things said Esaias, when lie sa.\v his g. Rom.i.7. hath abounded through my lie unto hisg. 9. 23. might make known the riches of his g. Ejih. 1. 12. should be to the praise of A;* g. 14. 3. 16. grant you according to the riches of his g. Heh. 1. 3. who being the brightness of his g. 1 Pet. 4. 13. that when his g. shall be revealed .Tude 24. present you before the presence of his g. Rev. 18. 1. the earth was lightened with his g. My GLORY. Gen. 45. 13. tell my father of all my g. in Egypt JEr,o(i.29.43. tabernacle shall be sanctified by my g. 33. 22. while my g. passeth by, I will put thee JVitm. 14. 22. those men which have seen my g. Job 19. 9. he hath stript me of my g. and taken 29. 20. my g. was fresh in me, my how renewed Psal. 3. 3. thou art my g. and lifter up of my head 4. 2. how long will ye turn my g. into shame ? 16. 9. my g. rejoiceth || 30. 12. my g. may sing 57. 8. awake up my g. \\ 62. 7. in God is my g. 108. 1. I will sing and give praise with my g. Isa. 42. 8. my g. will I not give to another, 48. 11. 43. 7 for I have created him for my g. 46. 13. 1 will place salvation for Israel, my g. 60. 7. 1 will glorify the bouse of my g. 66. 18. and they shall come and see my g. 19. have not seen my g. they shall declare my g. Ezek. 39. 21. I will set my g. among the heathen Jl/ic. 2. 9. from children have ye taken a.wa.y my g. John 8. 50. and I seek not miiie own g. one seeks 17.24. be with me, that they may behold mt/ g. GLORY of the Lord. £iod. 16. 7. in morning ye shall see ^. of the Lord iO.thc g.of the y,or(/ appeared in the cloud, Leu. 9. 23. JVam. 14. 10. I 16. 19, 42. | 20. G. 24. 16. theg. of the Lord abode on mount Sinai 237 GLO I jE2:(»i.24.17. tlie^. of Lord was like devouring fire I 40. 34. the g. of the Lord filled the tabernacle, 35. Lev. 9. G. the g. of the Lord shall appear unto you JVum. 14.21. earth shall be fiileilv/ill\ g. of the J^ord 1 Kings 8. II. the g. of the Lord filled the house, 2 Chr. 5. 14. | 7. 1, 2, 3. Ezek. 43. 5. | 44. 4. Ps.104. 31. the^. of the Lord sbaW endure for ever 138. 5. for great is the g. of the I.urd Isa. 35. 2. they shall see the^. of Ike Lord 40. 5. and the g. of the Lord shall be revealed 58. 8. the g. of the Lord shall be thy rereward GO. ]. and the g. of the Lord is risen upon thee £:eA.1.2d.appearanceoftlie bkeaess of g. of Lord 3. 12. blessed be the g. of the Lord from his place 23. and behold, the g. of the Lord stood there 10. 4. the^. of the Lord went up from the cherub 18. g. of the Lord departed from the threshold 11. 23. the g. of the Lord went u)) from the city 43. 4. the g. of the Lord carae into the house Hab. 2. 14. filled with knowledge of^. of the Lord Luke2. 9. g. of the I^ord shone round about them 2 Cor. 3. 18. beholding as in a glass g. of the Lord Thy GLORY. Ezod.33.18. he said, I beseech theo shew me thy ^. Psal. 8. 1. who hasl set thy g. above the heavens 45. 3. gird thy sword on thy thigh with thy g. 57.5.1et«A2/u-. be above all the earth, 11. | 108.5. 63. 2. to see thy i)Ower and thy g. as I have seen 90. 16. let thy g. appear unto their children 102. 15. and all the kings of the earth thy g. Isa. 22. 18. the chariots of thy g. shall be the shame GO. 19. thy God thyg. || 62.2. kings shall see thyg. t)3. 15. behold from the habitation of thy g. Jer 14. 21. do not disgrace the throne of thy g. 48. 18. come down from thy g. and sit in thirst i/ai.2. 16. and shameful spewing shall hconthy g. Mark 10. 37. the other on thy left hand in thy g. GLORIOUS. Exod. 15. 6. thy right hand, O Lord, is become^. 11. who is like thee, O Lord, g. in holiness Deut. 28. .58. that thou mayest fear this g. name 2 Sam. 6. 20. how g. was the king of Israel to-day! 1 Chron. 29. 13. we thank and praise thy g. name J\rch. 9. 5. blessed be thyg-. name which is exalted Psal. 29. t2. worship Lord ing. sanctuary, 9G. t9. 45. 13. the king's daughter is all g. within Gfi. 2. sing forth his honour, make his praise g. 72. 19. and blessed be liis g. name for ever 76. 4. thou art more ^. than the mountains of prey 87. 3. g. things are spoken of thee, O city of God 111. 3. his work is honourable and g. 145. 5. 1 will speak of the g. honour of thy majesty 12. to make known the ^.majesty of his kingdom Isa. 4. 2. the branch of the Lord shall be g. 11. 10. be a root of Jesse, and his rest shall be^. 22. 23. he shall be for a g. throne to his F. house 28. 1. whose g. beauty is a fading flower 4. the^. beauty which is on head of the fat valley 30. 30. the Lord shall cause his^. voice to be heard 33. 21. the ^. Lord will be to us a place of streams 49. 5. yet shall I be^. in the eyes of the Lord 60. 13. I will make the place of my feet g. 63. 1. who is this that is g. in his apparel 1 12. that led them by Moses with his g. arm 14. didst lead peo])le to make thyself a g. name .Tcr. 17. 12. an-, high throne from the beginnin^ Ezek. 27. 25. made very g. in the midst of the seas Dan. 11. 16. and he shall stand in the g. land 41. he shall enter also into the g. land 45. between the seas in the g. holy mountain Luke 13. 17. people rejoiced for the^. things done fio?n. 8.21. into the ^.liberty of the children of God 2 Cor.3.7. if ministration engraven in stones was "■. 8. the ministration of the Spirit be rather^. 4. 4. lest light of ^. gosjjcl should shine to them Eph.5.27. he might present it to himself a ^. church PA27.3.21.that it maybe fashioned like to his^.body Col. 1. 11. strengthened according to his^. power ITi'm.l. 11. according to the^. gospel of blessed G. 7'^^2.13.looking for tbe^.appearing of the great G. GLORIOUSLY. Exod. J5. 1. sing to the Lord, he hath triumphed^. Isa. 24. 23. the Ld. shall reign before his ancients ^a GLORY, J^eri. EzofZ. 8.9. g'. over me, when shall I entreat for thee 2 Kings 14. 10. g. of this, and tarry at home 1 Chr. 16. 10. g. ye in his holy name, Psal. 105. 3. 35. we may give thanks, and g. in thy praise PsaZ.6.3.11. every one that swearcth by him shall ^. 64. 10. and all the upright in heart shall g. 106. 5. that I may g. with thine inheritance fsa. 41. 16. and shalt^. in the holy One of Israel 45. 25. in the Lord shall all the seed of Israel g. .Tcr. 4. 2. bless in him, and in him shall they g. 9. 23. let not the wise, mighty, the rich man g. 24. let him g. in this, that he knoweth me /?o?n.4. 2.he hath whereoftoo-. but not before God 5. 3. not only so, but we g. in tribulations also 15.17.1 have therefore whereof I may ^.thro'Jesue 1 Cor. 1. 29. that no flesh should^, in his presence GO 1 Cor. 1. 31. he that glorieth, let him g. in the Lord, 2 Citr. 10. 17. 3.21. therefore let no man^. in men, all are yours 4. 7. why dost tbou^.as if thou hadst not received 9. 10. though I preach, I have nothing to g. of 2 Cor. 5. 12. give occasion to g. on our behalf; to answer them who^.in api)earance, nolin heart 11. 12. wherein they g. they may be found as we 18. seeing many g. after the fiesh, 1 will g. also 30. if I must needs g. I will g. of my infirmities 12. 1. it is not expedient for me doubtless to g. 5. of such a one will I g. of myself I will not^. G. for though 1 would desire to^.I shall not be a f. 9. therefore I will rather^, in mine infirmities Ga;.G.13.yoii circumcised, that they may ^.in flesh 14. G. forbid I should g. save in the cross of Jesus 2 Thess.l.i. that we ourselves you in churches Jam. 1. t 9. let the brother of low degree g. 3. 14. if ye have envying in your hearts, g. not GLORIEST. .Ter. 49. 4. wherefore g. thou in the valleys 1 GLORIETH. Jer. 9. 24. let him that^. 1 Cor. 1. 31. 2 Cor. 10. 17. Jain. 2. t 13. and mercy ^. against judgment GLORYING. 1 Cor. 5. 6. your g. is not good, a little leaven 9.15. than that any man should make my g-. void 2 Cor. 7. 4. great is my boldness, great myg. of you 12. 11. 1 am become a fool ing. ye compelled me 1 Thess. 2. 1 19. what is our crown ofg.? are not ye GLUTTON, S. Deut. 21. 20. this our son is a g. and a drunkard /'row.23.21. drunkard andg. shall come to poverty 28; t 7. he that feedeth g. shameth his father GLUTTONOUS. Mat. 11. 19. they said, behold a mang. Lukel. 34. GNASH. Ps.n2.10. he shall g-. with his teeth, and melt away Lam. 2. 16. all thine enemies hiss andg. the teeth GNASHED. Psal. 35. 16. they g. upon me with their teeth .dcts 7. 54. and thev g. on him with their teeth GNASHETH. Job 16. 9. he g. on me with his teeth, Psal. 37. 12. Mark 9. 18. he foameth and g. with his teeth GNASHING. Mat. 8. 12. there shall be weeping and g. of teeth, 13. 42, 50. 1 22. 13. 1 24. 51. j 25. 30. Luke 13.28. GNAT. Mat. 23. 24. who strain at a g-.and swallow a camel GNAW. Zf^A.3.3.her judges g.not the bones till the morrow GNAWED. Rev. 16. 10. and they g. their tongues for pain GO. To go down, and go up ; We go up to Jerusa- lem, Mat. 20. 18. He goes down to Jericho, Luke 10. 30. Abraham went up out of Egypt, Gen. 13. 1. Jacob went down into Egypt, Gen. 46. 3. Go up to jJj, Josh. 7. 3. He went down to Cesarea, Acts 12. 19. By all which nothing more is meant, than that they went to Jerusalem, into Egypt, to Jericho, Ai, and Cesarea; but the situation of the places they were going to, is described by the words going up and going down. To go down into hell, oj* scheol ; to go down to the grave, the place where the dead are. Psal 55. 15, Let them go down quick into hell ; Let them go down alive into the grave; cut them off by a sudden and violent death, like Korali, Dathan, and Abiram. The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down info silence; into the grave, Psal. 115. 17. All they that go down to the dust, shall bow be- fore him, Psal. 22. 29. Such as are poor, and in great misery and distress, shall own, sub- mit unto, and adore Christ as their supreme Lord. They who go down into the sea, are the merchants or mariners who make voyages ■upon the sea, Psal. 107. 23. Jonah says, that Iio went down to the very bottoms of the moun- tains; that is, to the bottom of the sea, where the mountains have their basis and founda- tion, Jonah 2. 0. See on Hell. To go in and out, signifies all the actions of life. Psal. 121. 8, The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in: He shall guard and assist thee in all thy expeditions, affairs, and actions, either at home or abroad. And in 2Sam. 3. 2.5, Mner came to know thy going out and thy coming in ; to search out thy counsels and secret designs. To go in nnd out, denotes also freedom and security, John 10. 9, He shall go in a'"l out, and find pasture : He shall have much spiritual freedom and security of mind. To go into a woman's chamber, to enter her apartment,wns allowable only for her husband, Judg. 15. ]. To go in unto her, that is, to use the marriage bed, or the particular GO rights which thehushand claims over his wife's person, Gen. 29. 23. | 30. 3. Ocn. 3. 14. on thy belly shall thou go, and eat dust 16. 8. whence earnest thou? whither wilt thou^o? 24. 42. if now thou do prosper my way which Igo 55. abide a few days, after thatRebekah shall ^o 56. send me away, that I may go to my master 58. wilt thou^tf with this man? she said,! will^o 26. 16. and Abimelech said to Isaac, go from us 28. 20. if God will keep me in this way that I go 30. 25. send me away that I may go to my place 32. 20. let me ^0, for the day breaketh ; and Jacob said, I will not let thee go, e.\cept thou bless me 37. 30. the child is not, and 1, whither shall I gu? 43. 8. send lad with me, and we will arise, and^o Eiod. 3. 19. king of Egypt will not let you go, 4. 21 20. and after that he will let you go, 11. 1. 21. that wlien ye go, ye shall not go empty 4. 23. let my songo ; if thou refuse to let him go, I will slay thy tirst-born, 8. 2, 21. | 9. 2. 1 10. 4. 26. so he let him go, then she said, a bloody husb. 5. 1. thus saith the Lord God of Israel, let my people go, 7. 16. | 8. 1, 20. | 9. 1, 13. | 10. 3. 2. I know not the Lord, nor will I let Israel go 8. 8. and I will let thy people go, 28. | 9. 28. 32. Pharaoh hardened his heart,neither would he let the people go, 7. 14. | 9. 35. | 10. 26, 27. lO.T.let themen^o ||8.who are they that shall ^o? 9. we will go with our young and with our old 13. 21. light to go by day and night, JVcA. 9. 12, 19. 14. 5. that w-e have let Israel go from serving us 1 25. chariot-wheels, and made them go heavily 17. 5. Lord said to Moses, go on before the people 23. 23. mine angel shall go before thee, 32. 34. 32. 28. make us gods to go before us, jjcts 7. 40. 33. 14. he said, my presence shall go with thee 34. 9. if I have found grace in sight, go among us JVk??i. 10. 32. and it shall be, if thou go with us 20. 17. we will go by the king's highway, 19. 22. 13. the Lord refuseth to give me leave to go 20. if men call thee, rise up, and^o with them,35. 24. 14. and now behold, Igo unto my people 31.23. shall make it 0-0 through the fire and water 32.6. shall your brethr.^o to war, and ye sit here? 17. but we will go ready armed before Israel Dcut. 1. 33. to shew youby what way ye should ^o 4. 5. in land whither ye go, 26. 1 11. 8, 11. I 30. 18. 40. that it may go well with thee, 5. 16. | 19. 13. 11.28. a curse, if yeg-o after other gods, 28. 14. 20. 5. let him go and return to his house, 6, 7, 8. 21. 14. then thou shall let her go whither she will 22. 7. thou shall in anywise let the dam go 24. 2. she may go and be another man's wife 31. C. thy God, he it is that doth go with thee 7. for thou must go with this people to the land 8. the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee 16. the land whither they go to be among them 21. I know their imagination they go about Josh. 1. 16. whither thou sendest us we will go 3. 4. ye may know the way by which ye must^o Judg. 1.25. but they let go the man and his family 4. 8. if thou wilt go with me, then I will go 6. 14. the Lord said to him, go in this thy might 7. 4. of whom I savjlhis shall ^o, the same shall ^o 11. 8. we turn to thee, that thou mayest^o withus 16. 17. if I be shaven, then my strength will go 18. 5. whether our way we go shall be prosperous? 6. before the Lord is your way wherein ye go 9. be not slothful to go to possess the land 10. when ye go || 19. hold thy peace, go with us 19. 25. when day began to spring, they let her go Ruth 1. 11. turn again, why will ye go with me ? 18. she saw she was stedfastly minded to go 2.2. letme^o to the field and glean, n-o my daught. 1 Sam. 5. 11. let it go again to its own place 6. 6. did they not let people ^o ? and they departed 8. take the ark, send it away, that it may go 9. 6. let us go thither, he can shew us our way 7. if we go what shall we bring the man ? 19. ^oup before me, to-morrow I will let thee^o 10. 9. when he turned his back to go from Samuel 12. 21. for then should ye go after vain things 16. 2. how can I o-o? if Saul hear it he will kill me 17.33. thou art not able to^o against this Philistine 18. 2. Saul would let him go no more hoine 19. 17. he said,lel me go, why should I kill thee? 20. 5. but let me go, that I may hide myself in field 23. 13. David and his men went whither could go 26. 19. driven me out, saying, go serve other gods 28. 7. a woman, that 1 may go and inquire of her 2 Sam. 12. 23. I shall o-o to him, he shall not return 13. 13. whither shall I cause my shame to go ? 15. 7. Absalom saifu/n. 1. 3. all able to go forth to war, 2 Clir. 25. 5. Deut. 23. 12. thou shalt have a place to go forth 1 Sam. 23. 13. and he furbare to go forth 2 Sam. 11. 1. at time when kin«a go forth to battle 18. 2. J will surely go forth with you myself 19. 7. if thou go not forth, there will not tarry 1 Kings 2. 36. and^o not forth thence any whither 22.22. he said, I will go forth; go forth and do so 2 Kings 0. 15. if it be your minds, \el none go forth 19. 31. out of Jerusalem shall^o/ortA a remnant they that escape out of mount Zion, Isa. 37. 32. Job 24. 5. as wild asses go they forth to their work Psal. 78. 52. he made his own people to go forth 103. 11. wilt not thou go forth with our hosts'? Frov. 25. 8.^0 not forth hastily to strive, lest thou 30. 27. have no king, yet go they forth by bands Cant. 3. 11. go forth, O ye daughters of Zion 7. 11. come, let us go forth into the villages Isa.2.3. outof Zion shall go forth the law, Jl/ic.4.2. 42. 13. the Lord shall go forth as a mighty man 48. 20. go forth of Babylon, flee ye, Jer. 50. 8. 49. 9. that thou mayest say to prisoners, go forth 17. they that made thee waste shall go forth 62. 1. till the righteousness thereof ^o forth Jer. 6. 25. go not forth into the field, nor walk 11. 1 11. they shall not be able to go forth 14. 18. if I go forth into the field, then the slain 15. 1. let them gofnrthWi. whither shall we go f. 7 25. 32. evil shall go forth from nation to nation 31. 4. O Israel, thou shalt go forth in the dances 39. the measuring-line shall yet n7j.8.5.the^.had a notable horn between his eyes 21. the rough ^. is the king of Grecia i/e-GOAT. Prov. 30. 31. four are comely in going, a he-g. Jer. 51.40. bring them down like rams with h-eg. Dan. 8. 5. behold, a lie-g. came from the west 8. therefore the he-g. waxed very great Live GOAT. Z,CB.16.20. bxinglive-g.Wil. lay both hands on l.-g. Scape-GOAT. See Signification on Offering. Lev. 16. 8. and the other lot for the scapc-g. 10. to let him go for a scapc-g.into the wilderness 26. he that let go scape-g. shall wash his clothes mid-GOAT. Detit. 14. 5. ye shall eat the wild-g. and wild ox GOATS. Gen. 4. t 4. Abel brought the firstling of the g. 27. 9. fetch me from thence two kids of the g. 16. she put the skins of the g. on his hands 30. 32. all the spotted and speckled among the g. 33. is not speckled among ^. {{ 35. he removed ^o-. 31. 38. thy she-^. have not cast their young 32. 14. two hundred shc-n-. and twenty he-o'. 37. 31. Joseph's brethren killed a kid of the g-. 38. 1 17. I will send thee a kid from the g. Ezod. 12.5. ye shall take it out from the sheep or^. Lev. 1. 10. if his offering be of the sheep or^. 4. 23. if his sin come to his knowledge, ho shall bring his offering, a kid of the g. 28. | 5. 6. 9. 3. take a kid of the g. for a sin-otlering Ifi. 5. two kids of the g. || 7. two^. present them 22. 19. ye shall offer a male of the sheep or g. 1 21. a free-will offering in beeves or g. 23. 19. then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the g. for a sin-offering, JVum. 7. 16. | 15. 24. J\rum. 7. 17. five rams, five hc-g. five lambs, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83 87. the kids of the g. for a sin-oflering, twelve 88. the he-o-. sixty, the lambs of first year sixty 3]. t30. thou shalt take one portion of the g. Deut.23..1i. rams and he-^. of the breed ofBashan Judg. 6. 1 19. Gideon made ready a kid of the g. ISarn. 25.2. Nabal had a thousand g. was shearing 2 Chron. 17. 11. the Arabians brought 7,700 he-^--. 29. 21. they brought seven he-"', for a sin-oficring Ezra 6. 17. offered at the dedication twelve he-n-. 8.35. children out of captivity offered 12 he-^. Psfd. 50. 9. I will take no hc-o'. out of thy fold 1.3. or will I drink the blood of g. ? CO. 15. I will offer to thee bullocks with "-. Prov. 27. 26. the g. are the i)rice of thy field 27. thou shalt have^. milk onougli for food Cant. 4. 1. thy hair is as a flock otg. 6. 5. Isa. 1. 11. I delight not in the blood of he-g-. 14. 1 9. it stirreth up for thee all great g. 34. 6. sword of the Lord fat with the blood of ^. ler. 50. 8. and be as the he-^. before the flocks Ezek. 27. 21. Arabia occupied with thee in g. 34. 17. I judge between the rams and ho-n'. 39. 18. ye shall drink the blood of lambs and g. 43. 22. on llio second day offer a kid of the g. 4.>. 23. a kid of the ^. daily for a sin-oflering Mic. 5. 1 8. as a young lion among the flocks of ^. GOD ZccA.10.3. my anger was kindled, 1 punished the^. Mat. 25. 32. a shepherd dividclh the sheep Irom g. 33. he shall set the g. on his left hand Deb. 9. 12. nor entered by blood of ^. and calves 13. if the blood of bulls and g. sanctitieth 19. he took the blood of ,§'. and sprinkled the book 10.4. is not possible the blood of ^. take away sins GOATS-HAIR. £j:od.25.4. this is the offering ye shall take, g.-hair 20. 7. thou shalt make curtains of g.-hair 35. 6. who is willing, let him bring g.-hair 23. every man with whom was found g.-hair 20. and all the women spun g.-hair 36. 14. she made curtains of g.-hair for the tent J\fum. 31. 20. purify all work of g.-hair and wood ISom.lO. 13. put a pillow of g.-hair for bolster, 16. GOATS-SKINS. Heb. 11.37. wandering in sheep-skins and g.-skins IVild-GOATS. 1 Sam. 24. 2. to seek David on rocks of the wild-g. Jb4 39.1.knowe3t thou when the j^j'W-^.bring forth Psal. 104. 18. high hills are a refuge for the wild-g. GOBLET. Cant. 7. 2. thy navel is like a round g. GOD referred to man. Exod. 4. 16. thou shalt be to Aaron instead of g. 7. 1. I have made thee a g. to Pharaoh GOD for idol. Dent. 32. 21. moved me with that which is not o-. Judg. 0. 31. if he be a ^. let him plead for himself 8. 33. they mado Baal-berith their "■. 9.27. they went into the house of their ^. and eat 11.24. possess that which Chemosh thy^i-. givetli 16. 23. the Philistines' g. was Dagon, 24. 1 Sam. 5. 7. his hand is sore on us, and our g. \Kings 11.33. Israel worshipped the g^.of Moabites 18. 27. he is a. g. cither talking, or pursuing 2 Kings 1. 2. Baal-zebub the g. of Ekron, 3, 6, 16. 19. 37. worshipping in the house of Nisroch his g. smote with sword, 2 Chr. 32. 21. Isa. 37. 38. PsaZ.16.4.sorrows multiplied, hasten after other ^r. Isa. 44.10. who hath formed a g. or molten image 1 15. he maketh a g. and worshippeth it, 17. 45. 20. and that pray to a g. that cannot save 46. 6. he maketh it a g. they fall down, they worship -Dan. 1.2. he carried the vessels into house of his ^. 4. 8. Belteshazzar according to the name of my g. 11. 36. and magnify himself above every g. Jlmos 5. 20. the star of your g. ye made, .icts 7. 43. 8. 14. that swear, and say, thy g. O Dan, livetli Jonah 1. 5. the mariners cried, every man to his o-. Mie. 4. 5. all people will walk in the name of his ^r. Hab. 1. 11. imputing this his power to his g. Acts 12. 22. it is the voice of a g. not of a man Any GOD. Exod. 22. 20. that sacrifice to any ^. save the Lord 26'am.7.22. nor is there any O. beside, 1 CAr.17.20. -Da7i.3.28.that they might not worsh. any g.tscvpt 6. 7. who shall ask a petition of any g. or man, 12. 11. 37. neither shall he regard any g. Other GOD. Exod. 34. 14. thou shalt worship no other g. Dan. 3. 29. because there is no other g. can deliver 1 Cor. 8. 4. there is none other g. but ono Strange GOD. Deut. 32. 12. there was no strange g. with them Psa/.44.20. stretched out our hands to a strange g. 81.i).nostrangcg.heinthee,nOTWoriih.strangeg. Isa. 43. 12. when there was no s. g. among them Dan. 11. 39. thus shall he do with a strange g. GOD. TViis is one of the names which we give to that eternal, infinite, and incomprehensible Being, the Creator of all things, who preserves and governs every thing by liis almighty power and wisdom, and is the only object of our worship. The Hebrews give to God generally the name of jEiiov-iH, he who exists of himself, and gives being and existence to others: this is a name ineffable and mysterious, which denotes the eternitii, immutability,and independency of Ood, and 'thi infallible certainty of his word and promises. The import of this name is opened and predicted o/ Christ, in Rev. 1. 4,8. The Hebrews had such a veneration for this holy name, that thry never pronounced it, but instead of it made use of that of Artonai, which signifies properly My Lords, in the plural number: and £i/Elohi,Eloi, or Elohira. They likewise called him EI, which signifies Strong; or Shaddai, whereby may be meant one who is self-sufficient; or, according to another pronunciation, the Destroyer, the powerful One ; or Elion, the most High, or El-sabaoth, the God of Hosts ; or .Ta, God. This name Jehovah, in the Hebrew, consists of four letters, as for the most part it doth in all languages. Thus among the Persians the namn isEo(v; among the Arabians, Alia; atnong the GOD Assyrians, Adad; amoiig Tr. they do oiler 26. 45. that I might be their G. Ezek. 14. 11. 2 S'a/B.7.24. thou art become their O. 1 CAr.17.22. Ezra .5. 5. the eye of their G. was on the elders Psal. 79. 10. where is their G. ? 115. 2. .loci 2. 17. Isa. 8. 19. should not a people seek to their O. ? 21. shall fret, and curse their king, and their G. 58. 2. and forsook not the ordinance of their G. Jer. 5.4. they know not the judgment of tAe«r G.5. Dan. 11. 32. but the people that know their G. Hos. 4. 12. have gone a whor. from under their O. 5. 4. not frame their doings to turn to their G. strength in the Lord of hosts t/teir G. Heb. 11.16. he is not ashamed to be called their O See Lord their God. Thy GOD. Lev. 19. 14. thou shalt fear thy Cf. 25. 17, 36, 43. Deut. 10. 21. he is thy praise, and he is thy G. 20.17. hast avouched this day the het!;y O. Ruth 1. 16. thy people my people, thy G. my God ^Kings 19.10.let not ;/»/«.deceive thee, /sffl.37.10. 1 Chr. 12. 18. peace to thee, for thy G. helpeth thee 2 CAr .9.8. because thy G. loved ler. made thee king Ezra 7. 14. according to law of thy G. in thy hand 25. after the wisdom of thy Cf. laws of thy G. JVeh. 9. 18. this is thy G. that brought thee up Ps. 42.3. continually say to mo, where is thy G.? 10. 45. 7. God, thy G. hath anointed tliee, Hcb. 1.9. 50. 7. hear, O Israel, I am God, even thy O. 68. 28. thy Cf. hath commanded thy strength 147. 12. praise the Lord, praise thy G. O Zion Isa. 41. 10. be not dismayed, for I am thy O. 51. 20. they are full of the rebuke of thy G. 52. 7. that saith to Zion, thy O. reignelh 60. 19. Lord shall be a light, and thy G. thy glory 62. 5. so shall thy G. rejoice over thee Dan. 6. 16. thy G. whom thou servest will deliver 20. is thyG.whom thou servest continually able? 10. 12. and to chasten thyself before thy G. Hos. 4. 6. thou hast forgotten the law of thy G. 9. 1. thou hast gone a whoring from thy G. 12. 6. turn thou to thy Cr. and wait on thy O. Mmos A. 12. prepare to meet thy Cf. O Israel /onaA 1. 6. O sleeper, arise, call upon thy O. Mic. 6. 8. and to walk humbly with thy O. See Lord thy Cfod. To, or unto GOD. Gen. 40. 8. do not interpretations belong lo O. ? Exod. 2.23. they cried, and their cry came up to G. Lev. 21. 7. for he is holy unto his G. Deut. 32. 17. sac. to devils, not to G. 1 Cor. 10. 20. 33. 26. there is none like to the G. of Jeshurun .Tudg. 13. 5. shall be a Nazarite unto G. 7. ] 16. 17. l.S'a»i.l0.3.shall meet thee three men going up to G. 1 Chron. 26. 32. for every matter pertaining to O. .Job 22. 2. can a man be profitable to G. ? 34. 31. surely it is meet to be said vnto G. I have Psal. 62. 11. 1 have heard, power bclongeth to O. 68.20. to G.the Lord belong the issues from death 31. Elhiopia shall stretch her hands to G. 73. 28. it is good for me to draw near to G. 77. 1. I cried to G. even to Cf. with my voice Eecl. 12. 7. and the spirit shall return unto G. Isa. .58. 2. they take delight in approaching to G. /yn,7«. 3.41. let us lift up our heart with hands to G. Mat. 22. 21. render unto G. the things which are God's, Mark 12. 17. Luke 20. 25. .John 13. 3. that he was como from God,went to G. Acts 4. 19. to hearken to you more than unto O. 5. 4. thou hast not lied unto men, but unto G. 26. 18. to turn them from power of Satan unto G. 20. turn to G. and do works meet for repentance /?o»n. 6. 10. he liveth Mnfo G.||ll. but alive linto G. 13. yield your.ielves unto G. as alive from dead 7. 4. that we should bring forth fruit unto O. GOD 7?flm.l2.1.present your bodies a living sac. unto O 14. IS;, every one give account of himself to O. 1 Cor. 14. 2. speaUeth not unto men but unto O. 1.5. 24. he shall liave delivered up kingdom to O. Phil. 4. 20. now vnto G. and our Father be glory Heb.'i.'Ha.he is able to save them thatcomeKKtoG. 11. 0. he that cometh to O. must believe tlial he is 12. 23. but ye arc come to O. the Judge of all Jam. 4. 7. submit yourselves therefore to O. lPe^3.18.Christ once suftered, might bring uatoO. 4. 6. but live according to O. in the Spirit Rev. 5.9. thou hast redeemed as to G. by thy blood 12.5.her child was caught up unto his throne 14.4. being the first-fruits unto G. and the Lamb Sec True. With GOD. Oen. 5.22. Enoch walked roith G. and was not, 24. C. 9. Noah walked||32.28. Jacob hath power w. G. JExod.W.n. Moses brought people to meet with G. 1 Sam. 14. 45. he hath wrought with G. this day 2 Sam. 23. 5. although my house be not so with G. 2 Chron. 35. 21. forbear from meddling jcith G. Job 9. 2. how should man be just w^li G. ? 13. 3. and I desire to reason with G. 16.21. O that one might plead for a man with G. 25. 4. liow then can a man be justified with G. ? 27. 13. this the portion of a wicked man with G. 34. 9. that he should delight himself ?crt/t G. 23. that he should enter into judgment with G. 37. 22. with G. is terrible majesty Psal. 78. 8. whose spirit is not stedfast with G. Hns. 11. 12. but Judah yet rulcth with G. 12. 3. Jacob by his strength had power with G. Mat. 19. 26. with men this is impossible, but with G. all things are possible, Mark 10.27. Luke 1. 37. 1 18. 27. Luke 1. 30. for thou hast found favour with G. 2. 52. Jesus increased in favour with G. and man John 1. 1. the Word was with G. the Word was G. 5. 18. making himself equal with G. Phil. 2. G. Rom. 2. 11. there is no respect of persons w/iA G. 5.1. being justified by faith,we have peace withG. 9. 14. is there unrigiiteousn. with O. ? God forbid 1 Cor. 3. 9. we are labourers together with G. 19. the wisdom of this world is foolishn. with G. 7. 24. let every man therein abide with G. 2 TAess.l.G.a righteous thing?c!(A G. to recompense .latn. 4. 4. the friendship of world is enmity with G. lPet.2.20.take patiently,this is acceptable WiV/i G. Would God, See Would. Your GOD. Gc7!.43.23.j/our (r.hath given you treasure in sacks Kjcnd. 8. 25. go ye, sacrifice to your O. in the land Lev. 11. 45. Lord that bringeth you out of Egypt to be your G. 22. 33. ( 25. 33. JVm7?i. 15. 41. 26.12. 1 will be yourG. and ye shall be my people, Jer. 7. 23. | 11. 4. | 30. 23. Kzek. 36. 28. Mum. 10. 10. be to you a memorial before your G. 15. 40. do my commandments, be \\o\yloyour G. .Tosh. 24. 27. stone be witness, lest ye deny your G. 1 Sam. 10. 19. ye have this day rejected your G. 2 Chron. 32. 14. that your G. should deliver you 15. how much less shall your G. deliver you ? j;zra4. 2. letu.ibuildjfor wo seek your G.asyedo Isa. 35. 4. your G. will come with vengeance 40. 1. comfort ye my people, saith your G. 9. say to the cities of Judah, behold your G. 59. 2. iniquities separated between you and yourG. Kzek. 34. 31. I am your G. saith the Lord God Dan. 2.47. of a truth it is, your G. is a God of gods arenotmy people,! will not be 7/owrG. John 8. 54. of whom ye say that he is your G. 20. 17. 1 ascend to my God and your G. See Lord your God. GODDESS. IKings 11. 5. Solom.went after tho^.of Zidonians 33. they have worshipped Ashtoreth, the g. Jic.ts 19.27. the temple of great ^.Diana be despised 35. Ephesians are worshippers of the g. Diana 37. nor yet are they blasphemers of your g. GODHEAD. Jlcts 17. 29. nor think that the g. is like to gold Rom. 1. 20. even his eternal power and g. 0)2.2.9. in him dwelieth the fulness of the g. bodily GODLY. Psal. 4. 3. the Lord hath set apart him that is g. 12. 1. help, Lord, for the g. man ceaseth 32. 6. for this shall every one that is g. pray Mic. 7. 1 2. the g. man is perished out of the earth Mai. 2. 15. that he might seek a g. seed 2 Cor. 1. 12. in g. sincerity had our conversation 7. 9. ye were made sorry after a g. manner, 11. 10. for g. sorrow worketh repentance II. 2. I am jealous over you with g. jealousy 2 Tim. 3. 12. all that will live g. in Christ, suffer Tit. 2. 12. that ye should live g. in this world Heh. 12. 28. let us serve God with reverence and g. fear 2 Pet. 2. 9. the Lord knoweth how to deliver the g. 3 John 6. if thou bring forward after &g. sort 214 ^ GOD GODLINESS. rsa. 57. fl. and men of^'. are taken away 17'im. 2. 2. that we may lead a quiet life in all g. 10. which becometh women professing g. 3. 16. great is the mystery of g. God in the flesh 4. 7. and e.xercise thyself rather unto^. ■ 8. but^. is profitable unto all things 6. 3. to the doctrine which is according to g. 5. corrupt men, supposing that gain is g. 0. but g. with contentment is great gain 11. follow after righteousness, g. faith, love 2 Tim. 3. 5. having a form of ^. but denying power Tit. 1. 1. acknowledging the truth which is after^. 2 Pet. 1. 3. all things that pertain to life and g. C. add to patience^, to^. brotherly kindness, 7. 3. 11. what manner of persons ought to be in all £'. GOD-WARD. i;xorf.l8.19.God witli thee,be thou forpeople to G. 2 Cor. 3.4. such trust have we through Christ to G. 1 Thess. 1. 8. your faith to G. is spread abroad GODS. Gen. 3. 5. ye shall he as g. knowing good and evil 31. .30. yet wherefore hast thou stolen my g. ? Ezod. 12. 12. against all^. of Egypt I will execute 20. 23. shalt not make with me g. of silver or gold 22. 28. thou shalt not revile the^. nor curse ruler 23. 24. thou shalt not bow down to their g. 32. shalt make no covenant with them nor their^. 32.1. up, make us ^.to go before us, 23. Acts 7.40. 4. these bo thy g. O Israel, which brought, 8. 31. Moses said, they have made them g. of gold 34. 15. lest they go a whoring after their g. JVKm.25.2. called people to thesacrifices ol iheir^. 33. 4. upon the Egyptians' g. also the Lord exe- cuted judgment, Jer. 43. 12, 13. | 46. 25. Deut. 7. 25. the images of their ^. shall ye burn 10. 17. Lord your God is God of^. Lord of lords 12. 3. ye shaJl hew dowa the images of their g. 30. that thou enquire not after their g. 31. have done every abomination to their^.burnt their sons and daughters in the fire to their ^. 13.7. entice thee to the^. of people round about 20. 18. not to do as they have done to their g. 29. 1 17. and ye have seen their dungy g. 32. 37. and he shall say, where are their g. ? Josh. 22. 22. the Lord God of o-. knoweth 23. 7. nor make mention of the name of their g. Judg. 5.8. they chose new g. then was war in gates 6. 10. I said, fear not the^. of the Amorites 10. 14. go and cry to the^. which ye have chosen 17. 5. the man Micah had a house of g. 18. 24. ye have taken away my ^. which I made Ruth 1. 15. thy sister-in-law is gone back to her^. 1 Sam. 4. 8. these are the g. that smote Egyptians 6..5. will lighten his hand from ofl'you and your^. 17. 43. the Philistine cursed David by his g. 28.13. she said, I saw^. ascending out of the earth 2.SaiK.7.23. thou redeemestfrom Egypt and their ^. \Kings 11.2.they will turn your heart after their^. S.Solomon burnt incense and sacrificed to theirjg-. 12. 28. it is too much to go up, behold thy g. 18. 24. and call ye on the name of your g. 25. 19.2. let the 0-. do so to me and more also, 20. 10. 20. 23. their g. are g. of the hills, therefore 2 Kings 17. 29. every nation made g. of their own 33. they feared the Lord, and served their own^. 18.33. hath anyof the jo-.delivercd his land 7 19.12. 2 Chron. 32! 13, 14. Isa. 36. 18. j 37. 12. 34. where are the g. of Ilamath ? Jsa. 36. 19. 19. 18. have cast their ^. into fire, they were no g. 1 Chron. 5. 25. went a whoring after g. of the land 10. 10. put Saul's armour in the house of their g. 14. 12. they left their g. David burnt them 2 Chron. 13.8. golden calves Jeroboam made for^. 9.the same may be a priest to them that are no g. 25. 14. Amaziah brought g. of Suir to be his g. 28. 23. Ahaz sacrificed to the g. of Damascus 32. 17. the g. of the nations have not delivered Ezra 1.7.Nebuch. put vessels in the house of his ^. Psa^ 82. 1. God standeth, he judgeth among the 0-. 6. I have said, ye are g. John 10. 34. 136. 2. O give thanks unto the God of ^. 138. 1. before the g. will I sing praise unto thee Isa. 21. 9. Babylon is fallen, and her g. broken 41. 23. that we may know that ye are g. 42. 17. that say to molten images, ye are our^. Jer. 2. 11. hath a nation changed her j?. are no g.'? 28. where are thy £■. thou hast made "? according to the numberof thy cities are thy n-. 11.13. 5. 7. children have sworn by them that are no g. 10. 11. the g. that have not made the heavens 11. 12. cry to the g. to whom they oft'er incense 16. 20. shall a man make g. and they are no g.? 48.35. to cease him that burneth incense to his^. Dan. 2. 11. no other can shew it, except the g. 47. of a truth it is, that your God is a God of ^. 4. 8. in whom is the spirit of the holy g. 9. I know spirit of holy ^. is in thee, 18. | 5. 14. 5. 4. tl'.ey praised the g. of gold and silver, 23. 11. and wisdom like Uio wisdom of the g. GOL Dan. 11.8. carry captives into Egy. ^.wlth princes 36. shall speak marvellous things against G.of ^. Hos. 14. 3. neither will we say more, ye are our g. JSTah. 1. 14. out of the house of thy ^. 1 will cut off John 10.35. if he called thcm^. to whom the word Acts 14. 11. the g. are come down to us like men 17. 1 23. I beheld your g. that you worship 19. 26. they be no g. which are made with hands 1 Cor. 8. 5. be that are called g. there be g. many Gal. 4.8. did service to them which by nature no g. See Serve. All GODS. Exod.lS.ll. I know the Lord is greater than allg. 1 Chron. 16.25. to be feared above allg. Psal.9G.i. 26. all g. of the people are idols, Psal. 96. 5. 2 Chron. 2. 5. great is God above allg. Psal.VSS.S. Psal. 95. 3. the Lord is a great King above all g. 97. 7. worsh.him allyeg.\\ 9. exalteii above all g. Zeph. 2. 11. he will famish all the g. of the earth Among the GODS. Exod.l5.11.amo}ig the g. who is like thee, O Lord? 2 Kings 18. 35. who among the g. could deliver their country'? 2 Chron. 32. 14. Isa. 36. 20. Psal. 86. 8. among the g. there is none like thee Molten GOltS. Exod. 34. 17. shalt make no molten g. Lev. 19. 4. Other GODS. Exod.^Q.3. shalt have no o. ^.before me, Deut.5.~. 23. 13. make no mention of names of other g. Deut. 6. 14. ye shall not go after other g. 11. 28. | 28. 14. 1 Kings 11. 10. Jer. 25. 6. | 35. 15. 7. 4. they will turn thy son to serve other g. 8. 19. if thou walk after other g. and serve them 13.2. let us go aftoT other g. and serve them, 0.13. 17. 3. hath gone and served other g. 29. 26. .hsh. 23. 16. Judg. 10. 13. 1 Sam. 8. 8. Jer. 11. 10. 18.20.prophet that shall speak in name of other g. 30. 17. but shalt be drawn away, and worship other g. and serve them, Jer. 22. Si 31. 18. in that day they turned to other g. 20.thcnwill they turn to other g.auod provoke me Judg.^.l^. forsook the Lord, and followed other g. 17. went a whoring after other g. bowed to tliem following otAer^.to serve them,and to bow lSam.26.19.driven me out,saying,go serve other g. 1 Kings 9. 9. have taken hold upon other g. 2 Chron. 7. 22. 11. 4. his wives turned his heart after other g. 14. 9. for thou hast gone and made the other g. 2 Kings 5. 17. I will not offer sacrifice to other g. 17. 7. Israel had sinned, and had feared other g. 35. ye shall not fear other g. nor bow to them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them, 37, 38. 22. 17. have forsaken me, and burnt incense to other g. 2 Chron. 34. 25. .Ter. 1. 16. 1 19. 4. 2 Chron. 28. 25. Ahaz burnt incense to other g. Jer. 7. 6. nor walk after other g. to your hurt 9. walk after other g. whom ye know not, 13. 10. 16.11. haveforsaken me,and walked after other g. 44. 5. hearkened not to burn no incense to other g. 8.burning incense to other g.'m land of Egypt,15. Hos. 3,1. look to other g. and love flagons of wine See Serve. Strange GODS. Gen. 35. 2. put away the strange g. 1 Sam. 7. 3. 4. they gave Jacob the strange g. Josh. 24. 23. 2>eut.32.16.pnDvok. him to jealousy withitray/^e^. Josh. 24. 20. if ye forsake Ld. and serve strange g. Judg. 10. 16. they put away their strange g. 2 Chr. 14. 3. Asa took away the altar of strange g. 33. 15. Josiah took away the strange g. and idol Jer. 5.19. as ye served strange g. so serve strangers ./!?ctel7.18.seemethto be a setter forth of *tra7(^c^. GOLD. Gc7!.2.11. whole land of Havilah, where there is g. 12. the^. of that land is good, there is bdellium 41. 42. he put a chain of ^. on Joseph's neck Exod. 20. 23. nor shall ye make you gods of ^. 25. 12. thou shalt cast four rings of ^. for the ark, 26. I 26. 29. I 28. 23, 26, 27. | 37. 3, 13. 13. shalt make staves of shittim-wood, overlay them with^. 28. | 26.29,37. | 30.5. 1 37.4,15,28. 18. thou shalt make two cherubims of ^. 37. 7. 26. 6. thou shalt make fifty taches ofg. 36. 13. 32. their hooks shall be of ^. 37. | 36. 38. 28. 6. ephod g. || 8. girdle g. || 15. breast-plate g. 11. to be set in ouches ot g. 13. | 39. 6, 13, 16. 24. chains of ^. {| 33. thou shalt make bells of ^. 32. 24. who hath any g. let him break it off 31. oh, this people have made them gods of ^. 35. 22. they brought jewels of ^. an oflering of ^. 36. 34. he overlaid the boards with 5-. bars with^. 38. he overlaid their chapiters and fillets with g, 38.24. all the ^. that was occupied in the work 39. 3. they did beat the g. into thin plates 40. 5. thou shalt set the altar of ^. before the ark Mum. 7. 14. one spoon often shekels of ^. 20. 84. at dedication of the altar twelve spoons of ^. 86. all the g. of the spoons was 120 shekels 31. 50. the captains' oblation, jewels of n-. chains GOL Josh. 7. 21. Achan took a wedge of ^. of 50 shekels 24. Joshua took Aclian and the wedge of g-. Juilg. d. 26. the ear-rings 1700 shekels of ^. 1 ISam. 6. 8. and put the jewels of^i-. in a coffer 11. tliey laid cotter and the mice of ^. on the cart 15. Levites took the cotter with the jewels of ^ 2 Sam. 8.7. David took shields of o-. 1 Chr. 18. 7. 1 Kings 6. 22. bouse, altar, he overlaid with g. 28. lie overlaid cherubims with g. 2 Chron. 3. 10. 7. 48. Solomon made the altar and table of g. 49. lamps and tongs of ^. {| 50. hinges of^. 9.11. Hiram king ofTyre furnished Solomon with g. and cedar trees, 10. 11. 2 Chron. 9. 10 10.2. queen of Sheba came with g. 2 Chr. 9. 1. 14. the weight of ^.came iu one year, 2 CAr.9.13, 16. Solomon made 200 targets of beaten g. 17. he made three hundred shields of ^. 18. he overlaid the throne with the best g. 12. 28. Jeroboam made two calves of ^. 22. 48. Jehoshaphat made ships to go for g. 2 Kings 18. 16. Hezekiah cut oli"^. from the doors 1 Chron. 28. 14. David gave of ^. by weight for ^. 2 Chron. 3. 6. ami the g. was g. of Parvaim 4. 7. ten candlesticks of ^. || 8. basons of ^. 22. snuflers, censers, and spoons of pure g. 9. 18. steps to the throne, with a footstool of ^. 12. 9. Sliishak carried away the shields of n-. Ezra 8. 27. basons of ^. copper precious as g. JVfA. 7. 70. Tirshatha gave thousand drachms of^ 71.chief of the fathers gave ^'•.||72.people gave^'. Job 22. 24. lay up g. as dust, the g. of Ophir 1 25. yea, the Almighty shall be thy g. 23. JO. when tried, I shall come forth like g. 28. 0. as for the earth, it hath the dust of g. 15. wisdom cannot be gotten for g. nor silver 16. it cannot be valued with the g. of Ophir 17. the g. and the crystal cannot equal it 31. 24. if I made g. my hope, or said to tine g. 36. 19. will he esteem thy riches'! n© not^. 37. 1 22. g. Cometh out of the north 42. 11. every one gave Job an ear-ring of g. Psal. 19. 10. more to be desired are they than g. 45. 9. did stand the queen in g. of Ophir 72. 15. to him shall be given of the g. of Sheba Prvv. 11. 22. as a jewel of ^. in a swine's snout 16. 16. much better it is to get wisdom than g. 20. 15. tJiere is g. and a multitude of rubies Cant. L 10. thy neck is comely with chains of ^. 5. 14. his hands are as g. rings set with beryl /so. 14. t4. how hath the exactress of^. ceased 30. 22. ye shall defile ornament of thy images of^ 40. 19. tlie goldsmith spreadeth it over with g. <50. 17. for brass I will bring ^. foriron bring silver Jer. 4.30. thou dockcst thee with ornaments of ^. X.flHi.4.1.howis theg-.becomediml fine ^.changed! F.iek. 27. 22. merchants of Sheba occupied with g. />as.2 head ofg'.||3.1.Neb.made image of^. 5. 2X and thou hast praised the gods of ^. 29. they put a chain of ^. about Daniel's neck Zeck. 4. 2. and behold a candlestick all of ^. 13. 9. and I will try them as g. is tried Mat. 2. ] 1. they presented to liim g. and myrrli 23. 16. whoso shall swear by the g. of the temple 17. for whether is greater, the "■. or the temple lT(m.2. 9. not adorned with^.or pearls, IPet. 3.3. Jff-b. 9. 4. tlie ark overlaid round about with g. Jam. 2. 2. if there come a man with a g. ring 1 Pel.. 1. 7. the trial of faith more precious than g. Rev. 3. 18. I counsel thee to buy of me g. tried 4. 4. the elders had on their heads crowns of g. 9. 7. the locusts had on their heads crowns of g. 17. 4. the woman was decked with g. and pearls 18. 16. that great city that was decked with g. See Be.vten, Crown, Fine. Pure GOLD. jEro(i.25.11.thoii shall overlay the ark wiihpureg. within and without, 24. | 30. 3. I 37.2, 11,26. 17. thou shalt makeamcrcy-scatoi^wrf 0-. 37.6. 29. dishes, spoons, and covers of p. g. 37. 16, 23. 31. make a candlest. of p. g. 37. 17. \Kings 7.49. 38. snuff-dishes p.g.\ Kings 7. 50. 2 Chr. 4. 22. 28. 14. two chains of piire g. at ends, 22. | 39. 15. 36. thou shalt make a plate of pure ^. 39. 30. I Kings 6. 20. the oracle he overlaid with pure g. 10. 21. vessels of Lebanon of pure g. 2 Clir. 9. 20. 1 Chron.^.n.pure g. for flesh-hooks, towls, cups 2 CA7-on.3.4.overlaid the porch within wtthpureg. 9. 17. he overlaid the throne with pure g. Job 28. 19. wisdom not to be valued with pure g. Psal. 21. 3. Bcttest a crown of pure g. on his head Hev. 21. 18. city was pure ^. || 21 . street of pure g. GOLD with silver. Oen. 13.2. Abram was rich in silver mxUg. 24.35. 44. 8. steal out of my lord's house silver or g. Eiod. 3. 22. jewels of silver and g. 11. 2. 1 12. 35. 25. 3. this is the offering, take silver and g. 31. 4. to work in g. silver, and brass, 35. 32. JiTum. 22. 18. his house full of silver and g. 24. 13. 31. 22. only g. and silver that may abide the fire Deal. 7. 25. shall not desire silver and g. on idols 245 GOL Deut 8. 13. when thy silver and g. is multiplied 17. 17, nor shall he greatly nmltiply silver and g. 29. 17. ye have seen their idols, silver and g. Josh. 6. 19. silver and^.are consecrated to Ld. 24. 22. 8. return to your tents witli silver and g. 2Sam.8.11.ii/u.and^.Dav.dedicated,lA'in^s7.51. 21. 4. we will have no silver or g. of Saul XKings 15.15. Asa brought into house of'/iier and g. be had dedicated, 2 Chron. 15. 18. 18. Asa took all the silver and g. 2 Chron. 16. 2. 19.1 have sent a present of si7y. and ^.2CAr.l6.3. 20. 3. silver and g. is mine || 5. deliver silv. and^. 2 Kings 7. 8. carried thence silver and^. raiment 14. 14. Jehoash took tlie silv. and g. 2 Chr. 25.24. 16. 8. Ahaz took silv. and g. found in Ld.'s house 20. 13. Hezek. shewed them silv. and "•. lea. 39.2. 23.35. Jehoiak. gave si'/u. and ^.exacted .siVu.and^. 25. 15. things ol'^. in^. of silv, in silv. Jer. 52.19. 1 CAr.29.3. of my own proper good, ofg'.and silver 2 Ckr. 1. 15. the king made silver and g. plenteous Ezra 1. 4. men of his place help with silver and g. 2. 69. gave silv. andg-.|) 7. 15. to carry «i/«. and o-. 8. 25. they weighed them the silver and g. 33. Esth. 1. 6. beds were of ^. and silv. on a pavement Job 28. 1. there is a vein for silver, a place for g. Psal. 68. 13. covered with silv. her feathers with^. 105. 37. he brought them out with silver and g. 115. 4. their idols are silver and g. 135. 15. 119. 72. thy law is better than g. and silver Prov. 8. 10. not silv. receive knowl. rather than^. 17. 3. fining-pot for silver, furnace for^. 27. 21. 22. 1. loving-favour rather than silver or g. 25. 11. like apples of g. in pictures of silver Eccl. 2. 8. I gathered me also silver and g. Cant. 1. 11. make borders of ^. with studs of silver 3. 10. he made the pillars of silver, bottom of ^. Isa. 2. 7. the land also is full of silver and g. 20. a man shall cast his idols of silv. and g. 31. 7. 13. 17. which shall not regard silver or g. 46.6. they lavish ^.out of the bag, and weigh siin. 60. 9. to bring their silver and g. with thera .Ter. 10. 4. they deck it with silver and g. Ezek. 7.19. they shall cast away their silver and g. silv. and ^.not able to deliver them, Zeph.l.lS. 16. 13. thus wast thou decked with g. and silver Z)a)j.2.35.then was siZw. and ^.broken to pieces, 45. 5. 4. they praised the gods of silver and g. 23. 11. 38. a god shall he honour with g. and silver 43. have power over treasures of ^. and silver Hos. 2.8. did not know I multiplied her si'to.and n-. 8. 4. of their silver and g. have they made idols Joel 3. 5. because ye have taken my silver and^. JVaA. 2. 9. take the spoil of silver and spoil of g. Hab. 2. 19. behold it is laid over with silver and g. Hag. 2. 8. the silver is mine, and the g. is mine ZfcA.6.11.then take silver and^.and make crowns Mai. 3. 3. he shall purge thera as g. and silver J\Iat. 10. 9. provide neither^, nor silver, nor brass .^cts 3. 6. Peter said, silver and g. have I none 17. 29. nor think Godhead is like to silver and g. 20. 33. t have coveted no man's silver or g. 1 Cor.3.12. if any build on this foundation ^.sjfoer 2 7'm.2.20. in a great house vessels of silver and^. .Tarn. 5. 3. your^.and S(7i)fr cankered, rust of them 1 Pet. 1.18. we were not redeemed with site, and ^. Rev. 9. 20. repented not of idols of silver and g. Talent and talents of GOLD. Exoil. 2.5. 39. of a talent ofputeg. shall he make it 37. 24. of a talent of pure g. made he it 2 Sam. 12. 30. weight of crown a t. ofg. lCAr.20.2. IKings 9.14. Hiram sent Solomon 120 talents of g. 28. they sent from Ophir 420 talents of g. 10. 10. she gave Solomon 120 t. of g. 2 Chr. 9. 9. 14. in one year came to Solomon ^>(s& talents of g . IKings 23.33. put the land to a (. ofg. 2 CAr.36.3. 1 Chr. 22. 14. David prepared 100,000 talents ofg. 29. 4. prepared of my proper good 3000 t. of g. 7. the chief of the fathers gave 5000 talents ofg. 2 Chron. 8. 18. took from Ophir 4,50 talents ofg. Ezra 8. 26. I weighed ofg. vessels 100 talents Vessels of GOLD. 25'am.S.lO. Toi sent to Dav. ves.ofg.l Chr. 18. 10. 1 Kings 10. 21. Solomon's drinking vessels were ofg. 2 Chron. 0. 20. 2.5.every man brought present, ?;.fl/o'. 2CAr.9.24. 2 Kings 12. 13. not made for house of Lord v.ofg. 24.13. Nebuchadnezzar cut in pieces vessels ofg. 2 CAr.24. 14. of restof money made they n. of g. Ezra 1. 11. all the vessels of g. and silver 5400. 5. 14. •the vessels of g. Cyrus delivered to one 8. 26. I weighed of vessels of g. 100 talents Esth. 1. 7. they gave them drink in vessels of g. Dan. 11.8. shall also carry into Egypt iif.?sc/s ofg. 2 Tim. 2. 20. not only vessels ofg. but of wood GOLDEN. Erod. 2,5. 25. an', crown to the border round about 28. 34. a g. hell 1| 30. 4. two g. rings, 39. 20. 32. 2. Aaron said, break off the g. ear-rings Lev. 8. 9. upon forefront he put iTic g. plate JV«m.7.2G. one^. spoon often ahck. full of incense GON Judg. 8. 24. had g. ear-rings, because Ishmaelites 26. the weight of ^. ear-rings he requested 1 Sam. 6. 4. five g. emerotis, five g. mice, 17, 18. 2 Kings 10.29.Jehu departed not from the ^.calves 1 Chron. 28. 17. for the g. basons he gave gold 2 Chron. 13. 8. there are with you g. calves Ezra 6. 5. and also let the g. vessels be restored £stA.4.11. king shall hold out a ^.sceptre, 5.2. 1 8.4. Ecel. 12. 6. or the g. bowl be broken, or pitcher Isa. 13. 12. man more prec. than g. wedge of Ophir 14. 4. how hath the oppressor, the g. city ceased ./e?-.51.7.Babylon hath bceng. cup in Lord's hands Z)an. 3. 5. fall down and worship the^. image, 12. 5.2. Belshazzar commanded to bring the g. vessels 3. they brought the^. vessels taken out of temple Zeeh. 4. 12. through the g. pipes, empty the g. oil Heb.9.4.ha.d thejO-.censcr and ark where was^.pot iJ«).1.12. being turned, I saw seven ^.candlesticks 13. one girt about the paps with a g. girdle 20. the mystery of the seven g. candlesticks 2. 1. who walkcth in midst of the g. candlesticks 5. 8. g. vials, 15. 7. {| 8. 3. having a g. censer 14. 14. on his head txg. crown || 17. 4. a^. cup full 21. 15. had ag. reed to measure the city and gates See Altar. GOLDSMITH, S. JVt'A. 3. 8. Uzziel of the g. repaired next to him 31. the^.son || 32. and merchants repaired and^. Isa. 40. 19. the g. spreadeth it over with gold 41. 7. so the carpenter encouraged the g. 46. 6. they hire a g. and he maketh it a god GONE. Gen. 24. f 1. Abraham was old, and g. into days 31. 30. and now though thou wouldest needs heg. 34. 17. take our daughter, and we will be g. 42. 33. take food for your households, and be g. Exod. 12. 32. take your flocks and herds, and be "■. Deut. 32. 36. when he sceth their power is g. 1 Sam. 14. 3. the people knew not Jonathan was^. 17. number now, and see who is g. from us 15. 20. 1 have g. the way which the Lord sent me 20. 41. as soon as the lad was g. David arose 2.S'aOT.3.7.wherefore^.in to my father's concubine? 24. he is quite ^.||13. 15. Amnon said, arise, he^. 1 Kings 2. 41. that Shimei had g. from Jerusalem 13. 24. when he was g. a lion met him by the way 14. 10. as a man takes away dung till it be all g. 18. 12. as soon as I am g. Spirit shall carry thee 20. 40. as I was busy here and there, he was g. 22. 13. the messenger that was g. to call Micaiah 1 Chron. 17. 5. but have g. from tent to tent Job 7. 4. when shall I rise, and the night be g. ? 19. 10. he hath destroyed me, and I am g. 24. 24. they are exalted for a while, but are g. 28. 4. they are dried up and g. away from men Psal. 38. 10. as for light of mine eyes, it also is g. 42. 4. 1 bad^. with the multitude to house of God 73. 2. but as for me, my feet were almost g. 77. 8. is his mercy clean g. for ever ? 103. 16. the wind passeth over it, and it is g. 109. 23. I am g. like the shadow that declineth Prov. 7. 19. the good man is g. a long journey 20. 14. when he is g. his way, then he boasteth Eccl. S.lO.who had come and g. from place of holy Cant. 2. 11. winter is past, the rain is over and g. 5. 6. but my beloved had withdrawn, and was g. 6. 1. whither is thy beloved g. O thou fairest? Isa. 5. 13. therefore my people are g. into captivity 24. 11. all joy darkened, the mirth of the land^. 41. 3. by the way he had not g. with his feet Jer. 2. 5. what iniquity in me, that they are g. canst thou say ,1 have not ff-afterBaalim? 5. 23. but this people are revolted and g. 9. 10. beasts are g. || 15. 6. thou art^. backward 44. 14. none that are g. into Egypt shall escape 28. all the remnant that arc g. shall know 50. 6. they have g. from mountain to hill Lam. 1. 3. Judah is g. || 5. Zion's children are g. 6. g. without strength || 18. my virgins are ^. Ezek. 37. 21. take Israel from heathen whither g. Dan. 2. 5. the king said, the thing is g. from me, 8. Hos. 4. 1 18. their drink is g. they committed 9. 6. for lo, they are g. because of destruction J)mos 8.5. when will new-moon be ^. that we may Juke 2. 15. angels were g. from them into heaven 24. 28. he made as if he would have g. further John 4. 8. for his disciples were g. to buy meat 12. 19. behold, the world is g. after him .4cts 16.19. their masters saw hope of gains was^. 20. 25. among whom I have ,"■. preaching the kingdom of God 1 Pet. 3. 22. who is g. into heaven on right hand Jude 11. they have g. in the way of Cain GONE about. 1 Sam. 15. 12. Saul is «■. about and passed to Gilgal ./ob 1. .5. when daysof their feastings were »■. ahout /.9a.l,5.8.for the city is g.about the borders of Moab Jlcts 24. 6. hath g. about to profane the temple GONE aside. J\rum. 5. 19. if thou hast noig.aside to uncleanness GON JV"M?re.5.20. if hast g.aside 10 anoth.ineteadof husb. Psal. 14. 3. they are all g. aside, they are filthy Jlcts 26. 31. when they were g. aside, they talked GOJNE astray. Psal. 119. 17G. I have g. astray like a lost sheep Isa. 53. 6. all we like sheep have g. astray JUat.m.lfi. if a man have 100 sheep,ODe of them be g. astray, he seeketh that which is g. astray 2Pet.2.15.1brsaketh the light way, and are ^.a«(ra?/ GONE away. 2 Sam. 3. 22. but Abner was g. away in peace, 23. 23. 9. and the men of Israel were g. away Job 28. 1. even the waters were^. away from men Isa. 1. 4. they are g. away backward Ezek. 44. 10. Levites which are g. away from me Mai. 3. 7. ye are g. away from mine ordinances John 6. 22. but his disciples were g. away alone GONE back. Ruth 1. 15. behold, thy sister-in-law is g. hack Job 23. 12. nor have I ^. Aac4 from commandment Psal. 53. 3. every one is g. back, none doeth good ^er.40.5. while he was not yet ^.4. he said, go back GONE down. 1 Sam. 15. 12. Saul is passed, and g.down to Gilgal 1 Kings 1. 25. Adonijah is g.down, and slain o.\en 21.18. Ahah a-.down to possess Naboth's vineyard 2 Kings 20. 11. by which the shadow had^. down in the dial of Ahaz, Isa. 38. 8. Cant. 6. 2. my beloved is g. down into his garden Jer. 15. 9. her sun is^. downwbile it was yet day 48. 15. his young men are g. down to slaughter Ezek. 31. 12. all people^, down from his shadow 32. 21. the strong are^. dozen, slain by the sword 24. there is Elam || 27. Tubal || 30. Zidon^.doa;jj Jonah 1. 5. Jonah was g. down to sides of the ship GONE forth. Gen. 19. 1 23. sun g. forth when Lot entered Zoar Exod. 19. 1. in third month when Isr. was^. forth 2 Kings 6. 15. when servant of Elisha was g. forth 1 Chron. 14. 15. God is g. forth before thee to smite Isa. 51. 5. my salvation is g. forth, and my arms Jer. 4. 7. he is g. forth to make thy land desolate 10. 20. my children are g. forth of me, and are not 23. 15. is profaneness n-. /or , Kikajon. This word is found in Jonah 4. 6. where the Septuagint translate it KohoKuBn. Jerom uses Iledera, Ivy ; as also does Aquila. Jerom acknowledges, that the word Ivy does not answer the signification of the Hebrew Kikajon ; but as he could not find any Latin words proper to express it, he chose rather to set dotcn Hedera, than to leave Ki- kajon, which might be taken for a monstrous animal in the Indies or mountains of Basotia. His account of Kikajon is this : It is a shrub which grows in the sandy places of Palestine and increases so suddenly, that within few days it comes to a considerable height. The leaves of it are large, and almost like those of the vine. It is supported by its trunk without being upheld by any thing else, and furnishes a very agreeable shade under the thickness of its leaves. Modern interpreters almost all agree that the Hebrew Kikajon signifies the Palma Christi, or Ricinus, in Egyptian called Kiki, and in Greek, Selicyprion. It is a plant like a lily, the leaves whereof are smooth, scattered here and there, and spotted with black .ipots. Dios- corides says, that there is a sort of it which grows large like a tree, and as high as a fig- tree. The leaves of it arc like those of the plum-tree; though broader, smoother, and. blacker. The branches and trunk of it are hollow like a reed. Some think, that Jonah speaks of this last species. Wild gourd, in Hebrew, Pekaah. This is aplant which produces leaves and branches much like the garden cucumbers, which creep upon the earth, and are divided into several branches. Its fruit is of the size and figure of an orange. It is of a light, white substance, if yo>i pare off the rind ; and so bitter to the taste, that it has been called the gall of the earth. Mention is made of this plant in 2 Kings 4. 39. Jonahi.a.Goil prepareda"'. Jonah glad of the ^. 7. a worm smote the g. that it withered 10. thou haat had pity on the ^f.for which hast not 249 GRA GOURDS. 1 Ki/tgs 6. 1 18. cedar of the house carved with a-. JVitd GOURDS. 2 Kings 4. 39. one gathered wild g. his iap full GRACE Is taken (1) For the free and eternal love and favour of God, which is tlie spring and source of all the benefits whiWi we receive from him Rom. 11. 6, And if by grace, then it is no more of works. 2 Tim. I. 9, VVho hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, accord ing to his own purpose and grace. This free and unmerited love of God is the original mover in our salvation, and hath no cause above it to ejccitc or draw it forth, but merely arises from his own will. It was this mercy or love of God that found out redemption for mankind: God so loved the world, tliat he gave his only begotten Son to die for us, •Mill 3. 16. And what could his love give more than the life of his Son ? (2) Grace is taken for the free imputation of Christ's righteous- ness, by the merit whereof true believers be- come righteous in the sight of God. Rom. 5. 20, Where sin abounded grace did much more abound. (3) For the work of the Spirit, renew- ing the suul after the image of God, and con- tinually guiding and strengthening the be- liever to obey his will, to resist and mortify, and to overcome it. Rom. 0. 14, Ye are not under the law, but under grace. 2 Cor. 12. 9, My grace is sulJicient for thee. (4) For that excellent and blessed state of reconciliation, friendship, and favour with God, which God graciously bestows upon his people. Rom. 5. 2, By whom also we have access by faith, into this grace wherein we stand. (5) For the free love, favour, and bounty of Christ. 2 Cor. 8. 9, Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. (6) For the doctrine of the gospel, ichich proceeds from the grace of God, and wherein his grace is offered and bestowed upon all penitent believers. 1 Pet. 5. 12, This is the true grace of God wherein ye stand; true and only doctrine of the gospel. (7) For a liberal and charitable disposition, wrought in the heart by the grace of God. 2 Cor. 8. 7, As ye abound in every thing, see that ye abound in this grace also. (8) For spiritual instruction and edification. Eph. 4. 29, That your com- munication may minister grace to the hearers ; that it may be a means of some spiritual ad- vantage to tliem. (9) Grace is taken for the office of Apostleship, which was given of grace, together with ability and other qualifieations necessary for the faithful discharge of that office. Rom. 13. 15, I have written the more boldly to you, because of the grace that is given me of God. Eph. 3. 8, To me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach, &c. (10) For the free and un- deserved love and favour of God, and a lively sense thereof inthe soul; this theApostlewishcs to be continued with and increased in the Ro- mans, Rom. 1. 7. (11) For the love and fear of God dwelling in the heart ; or, for the assist- ance of divine grace. 2 Cor. 1. 12, By the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world. (12) For faith, patience, and other graces that enable to bear, and suj>port under sufferings, 2 Pet. 3. 18. Phil. 1. 7, Ye all are partakers of my grace. (13) For eternal life, or final salvation, which God will gracioiu^ly bestow upon his people, at the appearing of Christ, at the day of judgment. 1 Pot. 1. 13, The grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesi(s C/(W«t. (14) For something acceptable, beautiful, and graceful. Prov. 4. 9, She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace; a beautiful ornament. (15) For favour or friendship with men. Joseph found grace in the sight of Potiphar, Gen. 39. 4. See Save. Ezra 9. 8. for a little space g. hath been shewed Esth. 2. 17. Esther obtained g. in his sight Psal.45.2.g. is poured into lips, G. hath anointed 84. 11. the Lord is a son, he will give^. and glory Prov. 1. 9. they shall be an ornament of ^'. to head 3. 22. BO shall they be life and g. to thy neck 34. but he giveth g. to the lowly, ./a»». 4. 6. 4. 9. shall give to thine head an ornament of ^. 22. 11. forthe^. of hislips the king be his friend F.crl. 10. 1 12. words of a Wiseman's mouth are^. Zech. 4. 7. with shoutings, crying, g. g. unto it 12.10.1 will pour the Stiiritof^. and supplications John 1. 14. begotten of Father, full of^. and truth 16. of his fulness we have all received, nf. for^. 17. but g. and trnth came by Jesus Christ Acts 4. 33. nnd great g. was on them all 14. 3. which gave testimony to the word of his^. 18.27. heliiod them which had believed tirrough g. 2 L GRA Acts 20.32. I commend you to the word ofhls »■. Ho)n. 1.5. by whom we received g. and ajHistleslnji 7. g. and peace to you from God our Fuihcr, 1 Cor. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 2. Gal. 1. 3. Eph. I. 2. Phil. 1. 2. Col. 1. 2. 1 Thess. 1. 1. 2 Thess. 1. 2. Philem. 3. 3. 24. beingjustilied ff eely by his ^-.through rcdem. 4. 4. the reward is not reckoned of^. but of debt 16. it is of faith, that it might he by g. 5. 2. we have access into thisg-. wherein we stand 17. much more they who receive abundance of^i . 20. where sin abound.^, did much more abound 21. even so mighty, reign through righteousness 6.1. shall we continue in sin, that^i-. may abound ? 14. under ^. || 15. shall we sin, because under g.? 11. 5. a remnant according to the election of ^. 6. and if by g. then it is no more of works 12. 3. for I say, through the g. given unto me 6. gifts ditl'uring according to the g. given to us 15. 15. because of the g. given to me of God 1 Cor. 10. 30. for if I by g. bo a partaker, why 15. 10. his g. bestowed upon me was not in vain 2 Cor. 1. 1 15. that ye might have a second g. 4. 15. abundant ^r. might redound to glory of God 8.6. so he would also tinish in you the same^i-.also 7. see that ye abound in this g. also 19. who was chosen to travel with us with this o-. 9. 8. and God is able to make all »■. abound to you 12. 9. he said, my g. is sufiicicnt for thee Gal. 1.6. removed Irom him who called you lo^. 15. when it pleased God, who called me by his ^r. 2. 9. when James perceived the g. given lo me 5. 4. justified by the law, ye are tiillen from g. Kph. 1. 6. to the praise of the glory of his g. 7. forgiveness, according to the riches of his g. 2. 5. by g. ye are saved through faith, 8. 7. he might shew the exceeding riches of his g. 3. 8. lo me the least of all sjiiuts is this g. given 4. 7. but unto every one of us is given g. 29. that it may minister g. to the hearers 6. 24. g. be with all that love our Lord Jesus Phil. 1. 7. ye are all partakers of my g. Col.'i.ia. singing with g. in your hearts to the Lord 4.6. let speech be alvvay withg-.scasoned with salt 18. g. be with you, 2 Tim. 4. 22. Tit. 3. 15. Heb. 13. 25. 2 Thess. 2. 16. hath given us good hope through^. \Tim. 1.2.^. mercy, and peace from G. our Father and our L. J. Christ, 2 Tim.l.% Tit. 1 .4. ^John 3. 14. the g. of our Lord was e.\cceding abundant 6. 21. g. be with thee, amen 2 Tim. 1. 9. who called us according to his g. 2. 1. be strong in the g. that is in Christ Jesus Tit.3.7. being justified by his ^. we should be heirs Heb. 4. 16. let us come boldly to the throne of o-. 10. 29. and hath done despite to the Spirit of^. 12. 28. let us have g. to serve God acccjitably 13. 9. it is good the heart be established with g. Jam. 1. 11. the g. of the fashion of it perisheth 4. 6. he giveth more g. giveth g. to the humble IPet. l.^.g. and peace be multiplied, iPet. 1.2. 10. who prophesied of the g. to come to you 13. hope for the g. || 3. 7. a.s being heirs of ^. 5.5. God lesisteth the proud, giveth^. to humble 10. the God of o-. who hath called us to glory 2Pe«.3.18. grow in g. and knowledge of Jes. Christ Jude 4. turning the^. of God into lasciyiousness Kev. 1. 4. o: and peace from him which is and was " See Find, or Found. GRACE of God. Luke 2. 40. and the g. of God was upon him Acts 11.23. when ho had seen ^. o/(i7(.9.12. confirmed, by bringing upon us a^. evil See Exceeding, Joy. GREAT king or kings. 2 Kings 18. 19. thus saith the g. k. 28. Isa. 30.4,13. Ezra 5. 11. which a. g. king of Israel builded Psal. 47. 2. the Lord is ag. King over all I he earth 48. 2. is mount Zion, the city of the g. King 95. 3. the Lord is a^. King above all gods 136. 17. give thanks to him that smote g. kings Eccl. 9. 14. and there came a g. king against it Jer. 25. 14. g. kings shall serve themselves, 27. 7. Mai. 1. 14. for I am a g. King, saith the Lord Mat. 5. 35. Jerusalem is the city of the g. King GREAT men. 2 .9rtm.7.9. like name of^.jH. inearth, 1 CAr. 17.8. 2 Kings \0.6. Ahab's sons were with ^.wiCTt of city 11. Jehu slew all Ahab's g. men and kinsfolks JVeh. 11. 14. Zabdiel overseer, son of one of^. men .Job 32. 9. g. men are not always wise, nor the aged Prov. 18. 16. a gift bringetli him before g. men 25. G. and stand not in the place of ^. men Jcr. 5. 5. 1 ^vill get me unto the g. men and speak 52. 13. all the houses of the g. men burnt he Ezrk. 21. 14. it is the sword of the ^n-. men slain Jonah 3. t 7. with the consent of his g. men J^ah. 3. 10. all her g. men were bound in chains Hev.^. 15. ^.mcTC hid themselves in dens and rocks 18.23. thy merchants were the^-.?;)!"?; of the earth GREAT multitude, mvUitiiihs. JVMm.32.1.Reuben,Gadhad a^.?rt«7(!77M/(^ of cattle l/UTi^s 20.13. hast thou seen all \h'\s g.mvltitude? 28. IwilldeUverthis^. mMft77jjf/(? into thine hand 2 Chr. 13. 8. be ye a g. mult, ye have golden calves 20. 2. there cometh a g. multitude iigainst thee 15. not dismayed by reason of this g. multitude 28.5. carried a g. multitude captives to Damascus GRE Job 31.34. did I fear a^j. muUitvde or did contempt Isa. 16. 14. all Ihat^. multitude shall be contemned Jer. 44. 15. women that stood by, even a g: mult. JEzek.iT.9. there shall be a veiy^. multitude offish Dan.ll. 11. king of south shall set forth a. g. mult. Mat. 4. 25. ff. multitudes followed him, 8. 1. 1 12. 15. 1 19. 2. I 20. 29. Mark 3. 7. John 6. 2. 8. 18. when Jesus saw^. mult. 14. 14. Mark 9. 14, ].'•. 30. g. mult, came, having lame, blind, dumb 33. whence so much bread as to fill so^. multi. 21. 8. a.g. multitude spread their garments in way 26.47. with Judas a ^. »n. with swords, Mark 14.43 Luke 5. 6. they inclosed a g. multitude of fishes 15. g. mult, came together to hear and be healed John5.3. in these \ay a g. multitude of im\)otenl folk ^t<«14.1. a^. •m?;i<. of Jews and Greeks believed 17. 4. and of the devout Greeks a g. 7nullitudc Rev. 7. 9. a g. mult, which no man could number 19. 6. I heard as it were the voice of a g. mult. GREAT nation and nations. Gen. 12. 2. I will make of thee a g. nation, and will bless thee, 18. 18. | 40. 3. Exod. .32. JO. 17. 20. I will make Ishmael a. g. nation, 21. 18. Deut. 4. 6. surely this g. nation is a wise people 26. 3. he became there a nation g. and mighty Josh. 23. i). hath driven out before you g. nations Psal.lSS.lO. who smote £-. nations, and slew kings Jer. 6. 22. a g. nation shall be raised from the sides 50.9. 1 will raise against Bab. an assembly of g. n. 41. people shall come from the north, a g. nation Ezek. 31. 6. under his shadow dwell all g. nations GREAT people. Deut. 2. 10. the Emims dwelt therein, a. people g. 21. Zamzummims, a. people g. many and tall 9. 2. a people g. and tall, children of Anakims Josh.n. 14. why but one lot, seeing I am a. g. people 15. ifthoubea^.j>eo;)Ze || 17. ihouatl a. g. people 1 Kings 3. 8. a g. people that cannot be numbered 9. who is able to judge litis g. people? 2 Clir. 1. 10. 5. 7. given David a wise son over this g. people /sa.l3. 4. the noise in mountains like as of ^.;)rapZc Joel 2. 2. a g. people, hath not been ever the like GREAT power. Exod. 32. 11. thy people thou hast brought out of Egypt w\th g.potocr, 2 Kings 17.36. JWA.l.lO. JVum. 14. 17. let the power of my lord be g. Josh.n. 17. thou art a great people and hast n-.pow. ./ob 23. 6. will he plead against me with g. power? Psal. 147. 5. great is our Lord, and of ^. power Jer.27.5. I have made the earth, the man and the beasts on the ground, by my g. power, 32. 17. Ezek. 17. 9. it shall wither even without g. poicer J\/'ah. 1. 3. the Lord is slow to anger, g. in power Mark 13. 2G. coming in the clouds with g. power ^cis 4. 33. with ^. power gave the apostles witness 8. 10. saying, this man is the g. power of God Rev. 11. 17. thou hast taken to thee thy g. power 18. 1, angel come from heaven, having g.2>ower GREAT sea. JN'um. 34. 6. ye shall liave the g. ."ea for a border Josh. 1. 4. from the wilderness unto the g. sea 9. 1. when the kings in the coasts of g. sea heard 15. 12. the west border was to the^. sea and coast 47. inheritance of Judah, to the^. sea and border 23. 4. with all nations I have cut off to the g. sea Ezek. 47. 10. as fish of the g. sea, exceeding many 15. border of land toward north from the g. sea Dan. 7. 2. the four winds strove upon the g. sea Sec Sin. GREAT slaughter. Josh. 10. 10. slew them with a g. s. at Gibeon 20. made an end of slaying them with g. s. Judg. 11. 33. Jephthah smote Ammon. with g. s. 15. 8. Samson smote the Philistines with g. s. 1 .Sam. 4. 10. Philistines smote Israel- with ^. s. 17. 6. 19. Lord had smitten the people with a g. s. 19. 8. David slew Philistines with ag. s. 23. 5. 2 .Sam. IS. 7. ag. slaughterthat day of 20,000 men lffi»^s20. 21. king of Isr. slew Syrians with g.s. 2 Cliron. 13. 17. Abijah slew Israel with a g. s. 28. 5. king of Israel smote Ahaz with a g. s. Isa. 30. 25. in the day of g. s. when the towers fall 34. 6. Lord hath a g. slaughter in land of Idumea So GREAT. jEro(i.32.21.thou hast brought «o^. a sin upon them Deut.i.7. what nation so ^. hath God so nigh? 8. \Kings'i.'i.\vho ableto judge^og'. peo.?2CAr.l.lO. Psal. 77. 13. who is so g. a God as our God ? 103. 11. so g. is his mercy to them that fear him Mat. 8. 10. not found so g. faith in Israel, LukeT.Q. 15. 33. so much bread as to fill so g. a multitude 2 Cor. 1. 10. who delivered us from so g. a death //i? escape,ifwe neglect so ^. salvation? 12.1. are compassed with so g. a cloud of witnesses .7am. 3. 4. ships tho' so g. yet turned with a helm Rev. 16. 18. so mighty an earthquake and so g. 18. 17. in one hour so g. riches come to nought Small and GREAT. Gen. 19. 11. smote men with blindness small and g. Deut. 1. 17. but ye shall hear sm.all as well as g. 252 GRE /)f «t.25.13.slialt not have divers weights,a g.and s. 14. shalt not have divers measures, a g. and sm lSa7n..5. 9. smote the men sm. andg. withemerods 20. 2. my father will do nothing g. or small 30. 2. they slew not any either g. or small 19. there was nothing lacking neither sm. not g. IKings 22. 31. fight not with sm. norg. 3 CAr.18.30. HKings 23. 2. «7K.a)id^. went to house, 2 CAr.34.30. 25. 26. all the people smaH andg. came to Egypt 1 Chr. 26. 13. they cast lots as well the small as g. 2 Chr. 15. 13. be put to death, whether small or g. 31. 15. to give to brethren by courses, g. andsm. 36. 18. gave into his hands vessels, g. and small Esth. 1.5. Ahasuerus made a feast unto ^.anrfsm. 20. shall give to husbands honour, g. and sjnall Job 3. 19. small aiid g. are there, servant is free 37. 6. he saith to the small rain, and to g. rain Psal. 104. 25. are things creeping, small and g. 115. 13. bless them that fear the Lord, small and g. Eccl. 2. 7. I had possessions of g. and small cattle Jer. 16. G. g. and small shall die in this land Jlmos 8. 5. making the ephah small, the shekel g. Jlcts 26. 22. 1 continue witnessing to small and g. iJf«.11.18.reward to them that fear \nm,sm.andg. 13. 16. he caused small and g. to receive a mark 19.5. praise our God, ye that fear him, sjna/Zanrf^. 18. that ye may eattiesh of all men, small andg. 20. 12. 1 saw the dead,s?K. andg. stand before God GREAT stone and stones. Gen. 29. 2. a g. stone was upon the well's mouth Deut. 27. 2. that set up g. stones and plaster them Josh. 10. 11. Lord cast down g.stones from heaven 18. roll g. stottcs upon the mouth of the cave 24. 26. Joshua took a g. stone, and set it up there lSnm.6.14.the cart came where there was a g.stone 15. and the Levites put them on the g. stone 18. to the^. stone of Abel, whereon they set ark 14.33. ye have transgressed, roll a g.stone unto me 2 Sam. 20. 8. when they were at g. stone in Gibeon IKings 5. 17. they brought ^.sioncs to lay foundat. 7. 10. the foundation was of ^. stones, Ezra 5. 8. 2 Chr. 26. 15. he made engines to shoot g. stones Ezra 6.4.three rows of g.stones and a row of timber ,Ter. 43. 9. take g. stones and hide them in clay Mat. 27. 60. he rolled a ^. stone to door of sepulchre GREAT thing and things. /?f Jit .4.32.vvhether any such thing as this g.thing is 10. 21. he is thy God that hath done g. things lSam.12.16. stand and see this^.tAin^ Lord will do 24. consider how jo-. things he hath done for you 26. 25. thou shalt both do g. things and prevail 2.Sa?ft.7.21. for word's sake hast (hou Aonc g.thiiigs 23. and to do for you g. things and terrible 2 Kings 5. 13. if prophet had bid thee do some^. t. 8. 4. tell me all the^. things Elisha hath done 13. is he a dog, that he should do this g. thing ? 1 Chron. 17. 19. in making known these g. things .rob 5. 9. to who doeth g. things, 9. 10. | 37. 5. Ps. 71.19. who hast done g. things, who is like thee 106. 21. they forgat God who had done g. things 126. 2. the Lord hath done g. things for them, 3. ./er. 33. 3. I will shew tbee g. and mighty things 45. 5. and seekest thou g. things for thyself? Dan. 7. 8. a mouth speaking ,0-. th. 20. Rev. 13.5. Hos. 8. 12. I have written the"^. things of my law Joel 2. 20. because he hath done g. things 21. fear not, O land, the Lord will do g. things Mark 3. 8. when they heard what;!r. things he did 5.19. tell hovi g.things Lord hath done, I^uke 8.39. Luke 1. 49. he that is mighty hath done g. things 8. 39. he published how g. things Jesus had done Jlcts 9. 16. 1 will shew how g.things he must suffer 1 Cor.9. 11. is ita^. tAm^ifwereap carnal things? 2 Co)\11.15. no^. tk. if his ministers be transformed Jam. 3. 5. tongue a little member boasteth g. things Very GREAT. Gen. 26. 13. Isaac grew till he became very g. Exod.i\.3. the man Moses was the land JV?Mn..n.33. Ld. smote people with a Jifry^. plague 13. 28. and the cities are walled and very g. 22. 17. I will promote thee unto very g. honour 1 Sam. 2. 17. the sin of the young men was very g. 4. 10. and there was a very g. slaughter 14. 15. veryg. trembling || 20. eery ^.discomfiture 25. 2. Nabal was a very, he had 3000 sheep 2 Sam. 18. 17. they laid a very g.hca^ on Absalom 19. 32. for Barzillai was a very g. man lifi'nn's 10.2. qu. of Sheba came with averyg. i\am 1 Chron. 21. 13. for very g. are his mercies 2 Chron.\Q. 14. they made a veryg. burning for Asa 24. 24. Ld. delivered a very ^. host into their hand 30.13.assembled a very ^.congregation, Eira 10.1. 33. 14. Manass. raised up the wall a veryg. height JVeA. 8. 17. and there was a very g. gladness Job 1.3. Job avery g. household, greatest in the east 2. 13. for they saw that his grief was very g. Psal. 104. 1. O Lord my God, thou art very g. Ezek.47. 9. there shall be a very g. multil ude offish Dan. 8. 8. therefore tho he-goat waxed very g. 11. 25. king of south stirred up with a very g. army GRE ./oel 2. 11. for his camp is very g. he is strong Zech. 14. 4. and there shall be a very g. valley Jl/at.21.8. ai'crj/^.multitudespread their garments J\Iark 8. 1. the multitude very g. having nothing 16. 4. the stone was rolled away, for it was very g. ff^as GREAT. Gen. 6. 5. God saw the wickedness of man was g. 13.6. their substance was g. so that they could not 1 Kings 3. 4. to Gibeon, that was the g. high place 2 Kings 3. 27. there teas ^.indignation against ler. Esth. 4. 3. where the decree came was^. mourning 9. 4. Mordecai 7cas g. in the king's house, 10. 3. Job 31. 25. if I rejoiced because my wealth was g. F.ccl.2.9. 1 7Bas g.and incrcas. more than all before I^am. 1. 1. she that was g. among the nations Dan. 4. 10. the tree's height mos g. and it grew Mat.'.il. it fell, and g. was the fall of it , Luke 6.49. GREAT waters. 2 Sam. 22. f 17. drew nie out of ^. w. Psal. 18. 1 16. Psnl. 29. t 3. tlie voice of Lord is upon g. waters 32. 6. in floods of g. waters shall not come nigh 77. 19. thy way is in the sea, thy path in^. waters 107. 23. they that do business in g. tcaters 144. 7. send from above, deliver me out of^. wat. Isa. 23. 3. and by "•. waters the seed of Silior Jer. 41. 12. found Ishmael by g. waters of Gibeon 51. 55. when her waves do roar like g. waters Ezek. 1.24. the noise of their wings like g. waters 17. 5. he placed of the seed by g. waters, set it 8. it was planted in a good soil by g. waters 26. 19. when^. waters shall cover thee 27. 26. thy rowers brought thee into g. waters 31. 7. he was fair, for his root was by g. waters 15. 1 restrained floods, the^. waters were stayed 32.13. 1 will destroy all the beasts beside ^.Maters .i^ai.3.15.didstwalk through the heap of «'. waters GREAT while. 2 5am.7.19. but thou hast spok. also of thy servant's house for a g. while to come, 1 Chron. 17. 17. Mark 1 .35. rising up a g. while before day, he went Luke^O. 13. had^.7.!iAi7e ago repented in sackcloth Jlcts 28. 6. after the barbarians looked a g. while GREAT 7cork and works. Exod. 14. 31. Israel saw that^. work the Lord did .Tiidg. 2. 7. who had seen all the g. works of the L. 1 Chron. 29. 1. my son is young, and the work is g. JVeh. 4. 19. the work is g. and we are separated 6. 3. I am doing a g. work, I cannot come down PsaMll. 2. the joorfts of the Lord are^. Rcji. 15.3. Eccl. 2. 4. I made g. works, 1 budded me houses GREATER. Gen. 1. 16. God made the g. light to rule the day 4. 13. my punishment is g. than I can bear 39. 9. there is none g. in this house than I 41. 40. only in the throne will I be g. than thou 48. 19. his younger brother shall be g. than he Exod. 18. 11. I know the Lord is g. than all gods M'um. 14. 12. make of thee g-. nation, Deut. 9. 14. Deut. 1. 28. the people is g. and taller than we 4. 38. drive nations^, than thou, 7. 1. 1 9. 1. 1 11.23. .Tosh. 10. 2. because Gibeon was g. than Ai 1 Sam. 14. 30. had there not been a g. slaughter 2 Sam. 13. 15. the hatred was ^. than the love 16. this evil is g. than the other thou didst me 1 Kings 1. 37. make his throne g. than David, 47. 1 Chron. 11.9. David waxed g. and g. L. was with 2 Chron. 3. 5. the^. house he ceiled with fir-tree Esth. 9. 4. for this man Mordecai waxed g. and g. .Tob 33. 12. I will answer, that God is g. than man Lam. 4. 6. is g. than the punishment of Sodom Ezek. 8. 6. thou shalt see g. abominations, 13, 15. jDa7J.11.13.shall set forth a multitude^, than former Jlmos 6. 2. or their border g. than your border Hag. 2. 9. the glory of latter house g. than former Mat. 11. 11. not risen a^. than John the Baptist; least in kingd. of heaven^, than he, lAikeT. 28. 12. 6. in this place is one g. than the temple 41. behold, a g. than Jonas is here, 7-?//.e 11.32. 42. behold, a ^.than Solomon is here, ijf/rel 1.31. 23. 14. receive^, damn. Mark 12. 40. Luke 20.47. 17. for whether is g. the gold, or the temple ? 19. for whether is g. the gift, or the altar? Mark 4. 32. sown, it becometh g. than all herbs 12. 31. there is no other command, g. than these LukeVi.lS. I will pull down my barns,and build ^. 22.27. whether is g. he that sitteth or that serveth? JoAn 1. 50. thou shalt see g. things, .5. 20. | 14. 12. 4. 12. art thou^. than our father Jacob? 5. 36. I have g. witness than that of John 8. 53. art thou g. than our father Abraham? 10. 29. my Father is g. than all, 14. 28. 13. 16. the servant is not g. than his lord, 15. 20. 15. 13. g. lovo hath no man than this to lay down 19. 11. he that delivered me to theo hath the ^. sin ./9cts 1.5.28. to lay upon you no^. burden than these Rom. 9. tl2. it was said, the^. shall serve the lesser 1 Cor. 14. 5. for g. is he that prophesieth, than he 15. 6. of whom the ^.part remain unto this present HeS.6.13. because he could swear by no^.he swore 16. for men verily swear by the g. and an oath GRE Hcb. 9. 11. by a g. and more perfect tabernacle 11. 26. esteeming the reproach of Christ g. riches .7am.3.1.knowing weshailreceive^.condemnation 2 Pet.'i. 11. whereas angels which are^. in power \JohnZ. 20. God is^. than our heart, and knoweth 4. 4. g. is he that is in you, than he in the world 5. 9. witness of God is ^. this is tlie witness of God 3 John 4. 1 have no g joy than to hear that children GREATEST. 1 CAr.12.14. least was over lUO, g. over a thousand 29. hitherto the g. part had kept the ward of Saul Job 1. 3. this man was the g. of all in the east Jer. 6. 13. from least to «•. given to covetousn. 8.10 31. 34. all know me, from least to the g. Jieb.S.ll. 42. 1. all people from the least to the g. came near 8. Jeremiah called the people from least to the 44. 12. they shall die, from the least to the g. Jonah 3.5. put on sackclolli, from the o^.to the least Mat. 13. 32. when grown, it is the g. among herbs 18. 1. who is the g. in the kingdom of heaven 4. humble himself as this little child, same is^. 23. 11. but he that is g. shall be your servant Mark 9. 34. disputed who should be g. J^uke 9. 46, y>uAc22. 24. there was a strife who should be g. 2t). but he that is g. let him be as the younger Jicls 8. 10. nil gave heed from the least to the g. 1 Cor. 13. 13. but the g. of these is charity GREATLY. Gen. 3. 16. lie said, I wUI g. multiply thy sorrow 19. 3. Lot pressed upon them g. and tliey turned in 24. 33. the Lord hath blessed my master g. 27. t 33. Isaac trembled with a trembling^. 32. 7. then Jacob was g. afraid and distressed F.xod. 19. 18. and the whole mount quaked g. JfTum. 11. 10. the anger of the Lord was kindled^. 14. 39. Moses told, and the people mourned g. JDeut. 15. 4. the Lord shall o'. bless thee in the land 17. 17. nor shall ho g. multiply silver and gold Judg. 2. 15. Lord ag. them, they were g. distressed 6. 6. Israel was g. impoverished by Midian 1 Sam. 11. 6. Saul's anger was kindled g. 15. Saul and all the men of Israel rejoiced g. 12. 18. the people g. feared the Lord and Samuel 16. 21. he loved him o-. became his armour-bearer 17. 11. when heard Philistines, they were s-.afraid 28. 5. Saul saw the Philist. his heart trembled o-. 30.6. David was ^.distressed, for the people spake 2 .Sam. 10. 5. the men wereg-. ashamed, 1 CAr.19.5. 12. 5. David's anger was g. kindled ag. the man 13. 1 15. Amnon hated her with great hatred g. 136. the king wept with a great weeping g. 14.t25. was not a beautiful maninlsr. to praise^. 24. 10. David said, I have sinned g. 1 Chr. 21. 8. IKings 2. 12. Solomon's kingd. was established g. .5.7. Hiram heard Solomon's words, he rejoiced^. 18. 3. now Obadiah feared the Lord g. 1 Chr. 4. 38. the house of their fathers increased^. 16. 25. great is the Lord, g. to be praised, to be feared above all gods, Fs. 48. 1. 1 96.4. | 145.3. 2 Chr. 25. 10. their anger was^. kindled ag. Judah 33. 12. Manasseh humbled himself^, before God Ezra 10. 1 13- we have g. offended in this thing Job 8. 7. yet thy latter end should g. increase P.?al. 21. 1. in thy salvation how^. shall he rejoice 28. 7. therefore my hearty, rejoiceth, I will praise 38.6. 1 am bowed down g. go mourning all the day 45. 11. so shall the king^. desire thy beauty 47.9. shields of earth belong to God, he is^.exalted 62. 2. he is my defence, I shall not be g. moved 65. 9. thou g. enrichest it with the river of God 71 .23. my lips shall^. rejoice when I sing unto thee 78. 59. he was wroth, and g. abhorred Israel J05. 24. he increased his people g. 107. 38. 109. 30. 1 will g. praise the Lord with my mouth 112. 1. blessed that delighteth^. in his command. 116. 10. I was g. afflicted, I said in my haste 119. 51. the proud have had me g. in derision Prov. 23. 24. the father of righteous shall n^. rejoice Isa, 42. 17. shall he g. ashamed that trust in images 61. 10. 1 v/iWg. rejoice in the Lord, soul be joyful .fcr. 3. 1. shall not that land be g. polluted ? 4. 10. surely thou hast g. deceived this people 9.19. we are ^.confounded,have forsaken the land 20.11. persecutors shall be "'.ashamed, not prosper Kzek. 20. 13. and my sabbaths they g. polluted 2.5. 12. because that Edom hath g. offended Dan. 5. 9. then was king Belshazzar g. troubled 9. 23. for thou art g. beloved, 10. 11, 19. Obad. 2. I made thee small, thou art g. despised Jon/iA 4.t4. art thou n'.angry?t9. 11 19.1 am^.angry Zeph. 1. 14. the great day of the Lord hastelh g. Zech. 9. 9. rejoice g. O daughter of Zion, shout Jilat.'il. 14. insomuch that governor marvelled g. Mark .5.23. Jairus besought him ^.saying, my daug. 38. he seeth them that wei)t and wailed g. 9. 15. when they beheld, they were amazed g. 12. 27. the God of the living, ye therefore do^. err ./okn3.29.rejoicethg-.because of bridegroom's voice /?<■>» 3.11. all the people ran to porch, ;o-.wonderin, GRE 1 Cor. 16. 12. 1 ^. desired ApoUos to come unto you Phil.1.8. how^. 1 long after you all in Jesus Christ 4.10. 1 rejoiced in the Lord ^.that at last your care 1 Thess. 3. 6. desiring^, to see us, as we to see you 2 7"(/«. 1.4. ^.desiring to see thee, that I may be filled 4. 15. for he hath g. withstood our words IPet.l. 6. ye £■. rejoice tho'nowye are in heaviness 2 John i. I rejoiced^, that I found children walking 'SJohn 3. 1 rejoiced^, when the brethren testified Sec Feared. GREATNESS. Exod.l5. 7. in^. of thy excellency overthrow them 16. by ^. of thine arm they shall be still as astone JVum. 14. 19. pardon according to ^. of thy mercies Dcut.S.^i. thou hast begun to shew thy serv.thy^. 5. 24. the Lord hath shewed us his glory and^. 9. 26. which thou hast redeemed through thy g. 11. 2. not with children who have not seen his g. 32. 3. ascribe ye g. unto our God, he is the rock 1 Chr. 17. 19. to thy own heart hast done all this^. 21. to make thee a name of ^. and terribleness 29. 11. thine, O Lord, is the^. power, and gloiy 2 Chr. 9. 6. one half of ^.of thy wisdom not shewed 24. 27. and the g. of the burdens laid upon him JVeA. 13. 22. spare me according to^. of thy mercy Esth. 10. 2. the declaration of the g. of Mordecai Psal. 66. 3. by g. of thy power enemies submit to 71. 21. thou shalt increase my g. and Comfort me 79. 11. according to the g. of thy power preserve 145. 3. his g. is unsearchable || 6. I declare thy g. 150. 2. praise him according to his excellent g. Prov. 5. 23. in the g. of his folly he shall go astray Isa. 40. 26. he calleth by name, by g. of his might 57. 10. thou art wearied in the g. of thy way 63. 1. travelling in the g. of his strength Jer. 13. 22. for g. of iniquity thy skirts discovered Ezck. 31. 2. whom art thou like in thy g.l 7. thus was he fair in his g. in his branches Dan. 4. 23. thy ^. is grown andreacheth to heaven 7. 27. the ^.of the kingdom shall be given to saints Eph. 1. 19. what is the exceeding^, of his power GREAVES. 1 Sam. 17. 6. Goliath had g. of brass Opon his legs GREEDY. Psal. 17. 12. like as a lion that is g. of his prey Prov. 1. 19. so is every one that is g. of gain 15. 27. he that is g. of gain troubleth his house /sa.56. 11. they are o'.dogs, can never have enough ITim. 3. 3. not g. of filthy lucre, but patient, 8. GREEDILY. Prov. 21. 26. he coveteth g. all the day long Ezck. 22. 12. thou hast^. gained of thy neighbours Jude 11. they ran g. after the error of Balaam GREEDINESS. Eph. 4. 19. given over to work all unclean, with g. GREEK. Dvke 23.38.superscription written in O. Johnl^.'20. .Bets 21. 37. chief captain said,canstthou speakC Rev.9. 11. but in O. tongue hath his name Apollyon GREEN. Gen. 1. 30. to every beast of the earth I ha ve given every g. herb for meat 9. 3. as the g. herb have I given you all things 30. 37. Jacob took rods of ^. poplar and hazel £j;o(/.10.15.there remained not any ^.thing in trees Lev. 2. 14. offer for thy first-fruits^, ears of corn 23. 14. eat no^.ears, till ye have brought an offer Judg. 16. 7. if they bind me with seven g. withs 8. then they brought to her seven g. withs 2 Kings 19. 26. inhabit, were as o-.herbs, /sa.37.27. Esth. 1. 6. where were white, ^.and blue hangin^ Job 8. 16. he is ^.before the sun, branch shooteth 15. 32. and his branch shall not be g. 39. 8. the wild ass searcheth after every g. thin Psal. 23. 2. he maketh me lie down in g. pastures 37. 2. and they shall wither as the g. herb 35. I have seen wicked spread, like a^. bay-tree 92. 1 14. in old age they shall be fat and g. Cant. 1. 16. thou art fair, also our bed is g. 2. 13. the fig-tree putteth forth her g. figs Isa. 1.5. 6. the grass faileth, there is no g. thing Jer. 11. 16. the Lord called thy name, a g. olive 17. 8. as tree spreadcth her roots, leaf shall be g. Has. 14. 8. I am like a g. fir-tree, from me thy Jlmos 7. 1 1. he formed g. worms in the beginning Mark 6. 39. sit down by companies on the "•. grass Rcv.9.1. ha.\\ andfire, and all ^. grass was burnt up 9. 4. were commanded not to hurt any g. thing GREEN tree. Dent. 12.2. nations served gods under every g.tree lX'm^sl4.23.image8 und. every g. t. 2A'inn-sl7.10. 2 Kings 16.4. Asa sac. under every ^. t. 2 C7tr.28.4. Ps. 52. 8. 1 am like a g. olive-tree in house of God Isa. 57. 5. intlaming yourselves under every g. tree Jier.2.20. when under every ^. tree thon wanderest 3. 6. under every ^. tree, there played the harlot 13. hast red thy ways under every g. tree Ezek. 6. 13. ihy slain shall be under every g. tree 17. 24. know that I have dried up the g. tree 6.7. number ofdiBciples multipled in Jerusalem g. \ 20. 47. it shall devour every g. tree and dry tree 253 GRI Lvke 23. 31. if they do those things in a g. tret ' GREEN trees. ./er.17.2. whilst children remembergrovesby o-. tr. GREENISH. Lev. 13. 49. if the plague be g. in the garment 14. 37. if plague be with hollow strakes g. or red. GREENNESS. Job 8. 12. whilst it is yet in his^-. and not cut GREET. 1 Sam. 25. 5. go to Nabal and g. him in my name /Jo?n.l6.3.^.Priscilla and Aquilamy helpers in C.J. 5. g. church || 6. g. Mary who bestowed labour 8. ^.Amplias || ll.^.the household of Narcissus 1 Cor. 16. 20. all the brethren g. you, Phil. 4. 21. 20. g. ye one another, 2 Cor. 13. 12. 1 Pet. 5. 14. Col. 4. 14. Luke the physician and Demas g. you 1 Thess. 5. 26. g. the brethren with a holy kiss Tit. 3. 15. g. them that love us in the faith 2 ,/ohn 13. the children of thy elect sister g. thee 3 John 14. peace be to thee, g. the friends by name GREETETU. 2 7V?n. 4. 21. Eubulus g. thee, Pudens, and Linus GREETING, S. Jl/at.23. 7. g. in markets, Luke 11. 43. | 20. 46. yicts 15. 23. aiiostles, elders, and brethren, send g. 23. 26. Claudius Lysias to Felix sendeth g. Jam. 1. 1. to the twelve tribes scattered abroad, s'. GREW. Oen. 2. 5. the Lord made every herb before it g. 19.25. he overthrew that which^. upon the ground 21. 8. Isaac g. 26. 13. || 21. 20. Ishmael g. 25. 27. boys g. || 47. 27. Israel g. and multiplied Exod. 1. 12. the more they afflicted, more they ^. 2. 10. Moses ^. II Judg. 11.2. his wife's sons n-. up Judg. 13. 24. Samson g. and the Lord blessed him l.Sam.2.21. the child Samuel^.before the Lord, 26. 2 Sam. 5. 10. and David went on and g. great 12.3. it ^.up together with him, did eat of his meat Ezek. 17. 6. it g. and became a spreading vine Dan. 4. 11. the tree g. and was strong, it reached Jonah l.fll. the sea ^. more and more tempestuous Mark 4. 7. and the Uiorns g. up and choked it 5. 26. was nothing bettered, but rather g. worse Luke\.^0. child ^.and waxed strong in spirit, 2.40. 13. 19. and it g. and waxed a great tree Acts 7. 17. the people g. and multiplied in Egypt 12. 24. but the word of God g. and multiplied mightily ^.the word of God and prevailed GREY-HOUND. Prov. 30. 31. four comely in going, a g.-hound GRIEF, S. Gc?/.26.35. which were a ^.untolsa.ic and Rebekah l.Sa»n.l.l6.out of the abundance of ^.have I spoken 25.31. this shall be no thee,or offence of heart 2CArore.6.29.when every one shall know his own ^. Job 2. 13. they saw that his g. was very great 6. 2. oh that my g. were thoroughly weighed t3. therefore I want words to express my g. 16.5.the moving of my lips should assuage your g. 6. though I speak, my g. is not assuaged Psal. 6. 7. my eye is consumed because of ^. 31. 9. 31. 10. my life is spent with ^. my years with sigh. 69. 26. they talk to^. of those thou hast wounded 139. 1 24. see if there be any way of ^. in me 147. f 3. he healeth and bindeth up their g. Prov. 17. 25. a foolish son is a g. to his father Eccl. 1. 18. for in much wisdom is much^. 2.23. for all his days are sorrows, and his travail^. Isa. 1. 1 13. it is g. even the solemn meeting 17. 11. but the harvest shall be a heap in day of^. 53. 3. a man of sorrows, and acquainted with ^. 4. he hath borne our^. and carried our sorrows 10. it pleased Ld. to bruise him, he put him to g. Jer. 6. 7. before me continually is g. and wounds 10. 19. 1 said, truly, this is a g. and I must bear it 45. 3. for the Lord hath added g. to my sorrow /,am.3.32.lho' he cause o-.he will have compassion Ezek. 32. t9. I will provoke many people to^. Jonah 4.6.a gourd, a shadow to deliver him from g. 2 Cor. 2. 5. if any caused g. he hath not grieved me Heb. 13. 17. may do it with joy and not with g. 1 Pet.'i. 19. for conscience toward God endure £■. GRIEVANCE. Hab. 1. 3. why dost thou cause me to behold g. ? 1 13. thou art of purer eyes than to look on g. GRIEVE. 1 Sam. 2. 33. the man shall be to g. thine heart 2 Kings 3. 1 19. he shall g-.every good piece of land 1 Chr. 4. 10. keep from evil, that it may not g. me Psal. 78. 40. how oft did they »■. him in the desert? />a?n.3.33. doth not willingly ^.the children of men Eph. 4. 30. g. not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby GRIEVED. f?cn.6.6.and it repented the tiord that he had made man on the earth, and it g. him at his heart .34. 7. Jacob's sons heard and were g. and wroth 4.5. 5. now be not g. that ye sold me hither 49. 23. the archers have sorely g. him, and shot Kxod. 1. 12. and they were g. of Israel />c««.15. 10. shall not be f. when thou givest to him GRI Ji. J.IO. 16. Ilis soul v/SiSg. for the misery of Israel ISam.l. 8. why weepest thou7 why is thy hearty.? 15. 11. it g. Samuel, and he cried unto the Lord 20. 3. let not Jonathan know tiiis lest he be g. 34. Jonathan arose, for he was g. for David 30. 6. because the ioul of all the people was g, 2 Sam. 19. 2. heard how the king was^. for his son JVeA. 2. 10. it g. them exceedingly, that there was 13. 8. it g. me sore, and I cast forth all the stuff JEsth. i. 4. then was the queen exceedingly g. Job 4. 2. if we assay to commune, wilt thou be g.? 30. 25. was not my soul g. for the poor 1 Psal. 73. 21. thus my heart was g. I was pricked 95. 10. forty years was I g. with this generation 112. 10. the wicked shall see it, and be g. 119. 158. 1 beheld the transgressors and was g. 139.21. am not I ^. with those that rise up ag. thee Jsa. 54. 6. the L. called thee as a woman ^.in spirit 57. 10. therefore thou wast not g. Jcr. 5. 3. thou hast stricken them, they have not g. Dan. 7. 15. 1 Dan. was g. in spirit in midst of body 11. 30. therefore he shall be g. and return .ditws 6.6.they are not^.for the attliction of Joseph Mark 3. 5. being o-. for the hardness of their hearts 10.22.he went away ^--for he had great possessions Mm 21.17. Peter was^. because he said third time ^cte 4. 2. being g. that they taught the people 9. t38. that he would not be^. to come to them IG. 18. Paul being g. said to the spirit, come out Rom. 14. 15. if thy brother be g. with thy meat 2 Cor. 2. 4. I wrote not that ye should be g. 5. caused grief, he hath not g. me, but in part Heb. 3. 10. wherefore 1 was o-.witb that generation 17. but with whom was he g. forty years 7 GRIEVETH. Rut/i 1. 13. for it g. me much for your sakes Prov. 26. 15. it g.him to bring it again to his mouth GRIEVING. Ezek. 28. 24. shall be no more a fi-.thorn unto Israel GRIEVOUS. Oen. 12. 10. for the famine was g. in the land 18. 20. Lord said, because their sin is very g. 21. 11. the thing was very g. in Abraham's sight 12. God said, let it not be g. in thy sight 41. 31. for the famine shall be very g. 50. 11. this is a g. mourning to the Egyptians Exod. 8. 24. there came a g. swarm of flies 9. 3. a g. murrain {| 18. to rain a very g. hail, 24. 10. 14. locusts were very^. before were no such l/fin^s2.8. Shimei, who cursed me with a^f. curse 12. 4. make the g. service lighter, 2 Chroii. 10. 4. PsaMO.S.his ways always n-. judgment out of sight 31.18. which speak ^.things against tlie righteous Prov. 15. 1. but "•. words stir uj) anger 10. correction is ^.to him that forsaketh the Avay Ecd. 2. 17. work wrought under the sun is g. to me Isa. 15. 4. his life shall be "•. unto him 21. 2. a g. vision is declared unto me Jcr. 6. 28. they are all "•. revolters, walking with 10. 19. woe is me for my hurt, my wound is g. 14. 17. virgin of my people broken with a.g. blow 16.4. they shall die of^. deaths, not bo buried 23. 19. a g. whirlwind shall fall on tho wicked 30.12.brnise incurable, thy wound \sg. JVa/«.3.19. MaL. 23. 4. bind heavy burdens aud^. Luke 11.40. „^cts 20. 29. shall g. wolves enter in among you 25. 7. Jews laid many ^.complaints againstPaul Phil. 3. 1. to me indeed is not^. but for you safe Heb. 12. 11. no chastening seems joyous, but g. 1 .Tohn 5. 3. and his commandments are not g. Rev. 16.2. as', sore on men that had mark of beast GRIEVOUSLY. Isa. 9. 1. and afterward did more g. afflict her Jer. 23. 19. it shall fall g. on the head of the wicked Z,a»i.l.8.Jerusa. hath^r.sinned, therefore removed 20. my heart is turned, for I have g. rebelled E-iek. 14. 13. when land sinneth by trespassing^. Jl/ic. 1. t 9. she is g. sick of her wounds Mat. 8. 6.^. tormented || 15.22. daughters', vexed GRIEVOUSNESS. Isa. 10. 1 that write ^. which they have prescribed 21. 15. for they lied from the g. of war GRIND. Jadg. 16. 21. Samson did g. in the prison-house .Job 31. 10. then let my wife g. unto another £ccM2.t3. the grinders cease because they ^.little Isa. 3. 15. what mean ye to ^.the faces of the poor? 47. 2. take millstones and g. meal, uncover locks Lam. .5. 13. ihey took the young men to g. Mat. 21. 44. it will g. him to powder, Luke 20. IS. GRINDERS. .Job 29. 1 17. I brake the g. of the wicked Red. 12. 3. the g. cease, because they are few GRINDING. Keel. 12. 4. when the sound of the ff. is low Mat. 24. 41. two women g. at the mUl, Luke 17.35. GRIN. Job 18. 9. the g. shall take him by the heel GRINS. Psal. 140. 5. they spread a net, they set g. for me 254 GRO Ps.l41.9.keep me from the^.of the workers of iiijq. See Gin. GRISLED. Oen. 31. 10. the rams were speckled and g. 12. Zech. 6. 3. in the fourth chariot were g. horses 6. the g. go forth toward the south country GROAN. Job 24. 12. men g. from out of the city J«)r.51.52.through all her land the wounded shall^. Ezek. 30. 24. Pliaraoh shall g. before him Joel do the beasts^.herds have no pasture Rom. 8. 23. we ourselves g. within ourselves 2 Cor. 5. 2. in this we^. desiring to be clothed upon 4. we in this tabernacle do g. being burdened GROANED. John 11. 33. he g. in spirit, and was troubled GROANETH. Rom. 8. 22. we know that the whole creation g. GROANING, S. Exod. 2. 24. God heard their o-. and remembered 6. 5. I have heard the g. of Israel, .lets 7. 34. .Tudg.'i.lS. it repented the Lord because of their^. Job 23. 2. my stroke is heavier than my g. Psal. 6. 6. I am weary with g. all the night 38. 9. and my g. is not hid fioni thee 102. 5. by reason of my g. bones cleave to my skin 20. to hear the g. of the prisoner, to loose those Ezek. 30. 24. with the g. of a deadly wounded man Rom. 8. 26. for us with g. that cannot be uttered GROANING. TbAn 11.38. Jesus ^.in himself, cometh to the grave GROPE, ETH. Deut. 28. 29. thou shalt g. at noon as the blind g. Job 5. 14. they g. in noon-day as in the night 12. 25. they g. in the dark without light Isa. 59. 10. we g. for the wall like the blind, we g. GROSS. Isa. 60. 2. and g. darkness shall cover tlie people Jer. 13.16. while look for light, make it o-. darkness Mat. 13. 15. people's heart is wa.xed g. Acts 28. 27. GROVE. Ge7i. 21. 33. Abraham planted a g. in Beer-sheba Deut.16. 21. thou shalt not plant a.g. near the altar Judg. 6. 25. and cut down the g. that is by it 28. the g. was cut down tiiat was by it 1 Sam. 22.^6. Saul abode under a "•. in a high place 1 Kings 15. 13. because she had made an idol in a g. 2 Ckron. 15. 16. 16.33.Ahab made a^.and did more to provoke G. 2 Kings 13. 6. there remained the g. in Samaria 17. 16. Israel made a g. and served Baal 21. 3. Manasseh reared up altars, and made a^- 23. 4. to bring out the vessels made for the g. 6. he brought out the g. from house of the Lord 15. Josiali burnt the high place and the g. GROVES. Exod. 34. 13. ye shall cut down their ^. Deut.l. 5. Deut. 12. 3. ye shall burn their g. with fire Judg. 3. 7. forgat Lord and served g. 2 Chr. 24.18. 1 Kings 14. 15. shall root up Israel out of this good land, because they have made their g. 23. built them^.on every high hill, 'iKings 17.10. 18. 19. the prophets of the g. four hundred IKings 18. 4. Hezek. cut dowUjO-. and brake serp. 23. 14. Josiah cut down the g. 2 C/iron. 34. 3, 4. 2 Ckron. 14. 3. Asa brake down the images, and cut down the g. 17. 6. Jehoshaphat took away the g. out of Judah 19. 3. in that thou hast taken away the^. 31. 1. all Israel that were present cut down the g. 33. 3. Manasseh made^. || 19. where he set up g. 34. 3. Josiah began to purge Judah from the g. 7. when he had broken down the altars and the^. Isa. 17. 8. neither shall he res))ect the^. or images 27. 9. the g. and the images shall not stand up ,Ter. 17. 2. whilst children remember altars and g. Mic.5.1i. I will pluck up thy^. out of midst of thee GROUND. Exod. 32. 20. he 5-. the calf to powder, Deut. 9. 21. Jfum. 11. 8. the people g. the manna in mills GROUND corn. 2 Sam. 17. 19. spread g. corn on the well's mouth GROUND. Oen. 2. 5. and there was not a man to till the g. 7. the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ^. 19. out of the g. the Lord formed every beast 3. 17. he said, cursed is the g. for thy sake 4. 2. Abel a keeper of sheep, but Cain a tiller of ^. 10. thy brother's blood crieth to me from the^. 5. 29. because of the g. the Lord hath cursed 8. 21. I will not again curse the g. any more 18. 2. Abram bowed himself toward the^. 19. 1. Lot bowed himself with his face toward^. Exod.3.5. where thou standest is holy g. Acts 7.33. 8. 21. g. whereon they are shall be full of flies JVum. 16. 31. the g. clave asunder under them Deut. ^9. 4. blessed shall be the fruit of thy ^. 11. .Judg. 4. 21. Jael fastened the nail into the g. 1 Sam. 8. 12. he will set them to ear his g. and reap 26. 7. his spear stuck in the g. at his bolster GRO 2 Sam.23.11. where was a piece of^. full of lentiles 12. he stood in themidstof the^. and defended it 2 Kings 2.19.but the water is nought, and ^"-.harren take him and cast him mto the ))lat ui'g. 1 Chr. 11. 13. where was a parcel of "-.full of barley 2 Chr. 4. 17. the king did cast them m the clay g. JVeA. 10. 35. and to bring the fnst-fruils of our g. 37. and bring the tithes of our g. to the Levites .lob 5. 6. nor doth trouble spring out of the ^. 14. 8. and though the stock thereof die in the g. 18. 10. the snare is laid for him in the g. 38. 27. to satisfy the desolate and waste g. 39. 24. he swallows the^.wilh fierceness and rage Psal. 105. 35. locusts devoured the fruit of their ^. 107. 33. he turneth the water-springs into dry g. 35. and he turneth dry g. into water-springs Isa. 28. 24. doth he open and break clods of his^.? 29. 4. and thou shalt speak out of the "■. 30. 23. seed that thou shalt sow the g. withal 24. oxen and young asses that ear the^. shall cat 35. 7. and the parched g. shall become a pool 51. 23. and thou hast laid thy body as the g. Jer. 4. 3. break up your fallow g. Hos. 10. 12. 7. 20. my fury shall be poured on thefruitofthe^. 14. 4. because the^. is chapt, there was no ram Lam. 2. 9. her gates are sunk into the g. Ezek. 12. 6. cover thy face, thou see not the g. 12. 41. 16. ceiled from the g. up to the windows Dan. 8. 5. a he-goat came, and touched not tho g. 18. Daniel's lace was toward tlie^. 10. 9, 15. //os.2.18.make covenant for them with things oi'g. Zech. 8. 12. and the g. shall give her increase Mai. 3. 11. he shall not destroy the fruits of your^-. Mat. 13. 8. but other fell into good g. Luke 8. 8. 2.3. he that received seed into good g. Luke 8.15. Marki.'iQi. as ifa man should cast seed into the^. Luke 12. 16. g. of a certain rich man brought forth 13. 7. cut it down, why cumbereth it the g.7 14. 18. the first said, I have bought a piece of ^. 19. 44. they shall lay thee even with the g. John 4. 5. near the parcel of^. Jacob gave Joseph 12. 24. except a corn of wheat fall into iho g. See Dry, Face. On or upon the GROUND. Gen. 38. 9. he spilled it on theg. lest he should give 44. 14. Joseph's brethren fell before him on the g. Exod. 4. 3. cast the rod on the g. he cast it 071 theg. 9. 23. thunder, and the fire ran along upon the g. 14. 16. Israel sliall go ok dry ^. ihrougb the sea, 22. 16. 14. as small as the hoar-iVost on the g. Deut. 15. 23. pour the blood upon the g. as water 22. 6. ifa bird's nest chance to be 071 the g. 28. 56. woman that would not set her Tootupong. Judg. 6. 39. and upo7i all the g. let there be dew 40. and there was dew upon all the g. 1 Sam. 14. 25. and there was honey upo7i the g. 32. the people slew oxen and calves ou the g. 20. 31. as long as the son of Jesseliveth on theg. 2 .Sara. 14. 14. for we are as water sjiilt on the g. 17. 12. shall light on him as dew fafleth on the g. 2 Kings 13. 18. he said, smite upon the g. he smote .Job 1. 20. Job fell upon the g. and worshipped 2.13. they sat down with him i/pon theg. sev. days 16. 13. he poureth out my gall upon the g. Isa. 3. 26. she being desolate shall sit on the g. 47. 1. O daughter of Babylon, sit on the g. Jcr. 25, 33. they shall he dung upon the g. 27. 5. I have made man and beast vpo7i theg. Z,ffi?n.2.10.the elders of daught. of Zion sit on theg. 21. young and old lie on the g. in the streets Ezek. 24. 7. she poured it not vpo7i the g. to cover it 26. 16. then all the princes shall sit vpo7i the g. Mat. 15. 35. the multitude sit on theg. Mark 8. 6. J)/arA4.5.somefellon stony ^. it had not earth, 16. 8. and other fell on good g. 20. Luke 8. 8, 15. 9. 20. he fell 071 the g. and wallowed foaming 14. 35. he went forward, and fell on g. and prayed John 8.6.he wrote on theg. 8. || 9.6.he spat on the g. To or u7ito the GROUND. GeM. 3. 19. till thou return j/nio theg. for out of it 33. 3. Jacob bowed himself fo the g. seven tiroes J7idg. 13. 20. Manoah and his wile fell to the g. 20. 21. Benjamin destroyed to the g. 22,000 men 25. and destroyed to the g. of Israel 18,000 men Ruth 2. 10. Ruth bowed and fell to the g. 1 Sam. 3. 19. let none of his words fall to the g. 5. 4. Dagon was fallen on his face to the g. 14. 45. shall not one hair of his head fiill to the g. 20. 41. David arose and fell on his face to the g. 25. 23. Abigail bowed to the g. before fiavid 28. 14. Saul stooped with his face to the g. 2Sam.2.22. wherefore should I smite thee to theg.? 8.2. he smote Moab, casting him down to the g. 14. 4. woman of Tekoah fell on her face to the g. '22.Joab{e\\ to the g.\\33.Ahsa\ombo-weiito theg. 18. 11. why didst not thou smite him to the g.7 20. 10. Joab shed out Amasa's bowels to the ^. l^?'n^sl.23.Nathan bowed to the g-.before the kmg 2 Kings 2. 15. sons of the prophets bowed to the g. 4. 37. woman of Shunam bowed herself an.8.7.he cast the ram downto tAe "•.and stamped 10. it cast down some ol'hosts and stars to the g. 12. and cast down the truth to the g. .linos 3.14. the horns ofthe altar shall fall to theg. Ubad. 3. saith, who shall bring nie down to the g.1 .Mat. 10. 29. one of them shall not fall to the g. J^uke 22. 44. as drops of blood falling to the g. John 18. 6. they went backward, and fell to theg. .lets 22. 7. I fell to the g. and heard a voice GROUND. 1 T"iHi. 3. 15. which is the pillar and g. of truth Hcb. 11. t 1. faith is g. of things hoped for GROUNDED, /so. 30.32. in every place where^. staff shall pass Eph. 3. 17. that ye being rooted and g. in love Cul. 1. 23. if ye continue in the faith, g. and settled GROW. Gen. 2. 9. the Lord God made every tree to g. 48. 16. and let them g. into a multitude JsTum. 6. 5. and shall let the locks of his hair g. Deut. 21. t 12. she shall suffer her nails to^. ,ludiiaA4.10.nor madest it^.which came up in night Z,cch. 6. 12. whose name is the Branch, he shall o-. 9. t 17. corn shall make the young men g. J\tal. 4. 2. ye shall g. up as calves of the stall Jl/a(.6.28.consider the lilies how they^.//M/£el2.27. 13. 30. let both g. together till the harvest 21. 19. let no fruit g. on thee henceforward JI/ar4 4.27. seed should^, up, heknoweth not how Jicts 5. 24. they doubted whereunto this would g. Eph. 4. 15. may^. up into him in all things 1 Pc£.2.2. desiring the milk of word, that ye may^. 2 Pet. 3. 18. g. in grace and in knowledge of Lord GROWN. Ocn. %=>. 11. till Shelah be n'. || 14. Shelah was g. Exoil. 2. 11. that when Moses was ^. "he went out 9. 32. were not smitten, for they were not;"-, up J!>c«(.32.l5. thou art^. thick, covered with fatness Iluth 1.13. would ye tarry for them till they were^. 2 Sam. 10.5. tarry till your beards be g. 1 Chr. 19. 5. 1 Kings 12. 8. consulted with young men g. 10. 2 Kings 4. 18. when the child was g. up, it fell sick 19. 26. as corn blasted before it be g. Tsa. 37.27. Ezra 9. 6. our trespass is g. up to the heavens Psal. 144. 12. that our sons may be as plants g.up Prop. 24. 31. and lo, it was all^. over with thorns .fcr. 50. 11. because ye are g. tat as the heifer Ezek. 16. 7. thy breasts are fashioned, thy hair is g. Dan. 4. 22. thou art g. strong, thy greatne.« is n^. 33. till his hairs were^. like eagle's feathers Mat. 13. 32. when it is /r. it i.q greatest among herbs GROWETH. JCxod.10.5. the locusts shall eat every tree that ^. J.rv. 13. 39. a freckled spot that g. in the skin 2.5. 5. which g. of its own accord, not reap, 11. Deut. 29. 23. nor any grass g. therein, like Sodom Jiidg. 19.9. behold, the day ^.to an end, lodge here .fob 38. 38. when the dustg-. into hardness and clods Psal. 37.t'.t5. tho wicked spreadeth as tree that^. 255 GUI Psal. 90. the morning like grass which^.up, 6.1 129. 6. as the grass, which withereth afore itg. up Isa. 37. 30. ye shall eat this year such as^. of itself Jl/arA4.32.when it is sown it g. up and becometh Eph. 2. 21. g. unto a holy temple in the Lord 2 Thcss. 1. 3. because your faith g. e.xceedingly GROWTH. .47«os7.1.shooting up of latter g. lo, it was latter d-. GRUDGE. Lev. 19. 18. nor bear any g. against thy people Mark 6. t 19- Herodias had a g. against John GRUDGE. Psal. 59. 15. let them g. if they be not satisfied Jam. 5. 9. g. not one against another, brethren GRUDGING. 1 Pet. 4.9. use hospitality one to another witliout^. GRUDGINGLY. 2 Cor. 9. 7, let him give not g. or of necessity GUARD. Gen. 37.36. Joseph sold to a captain of the g. 39. 1. 41. 12. a Hebrew, servant to a captain of the g. 1 .Sam. 22. f 17. king said to the^. slay the priests 2 Saoi. 23.23. David set him over his «■. IChr. 11.25 1 Kings 14.27. shields to captain of n-. 2 Chr. 12. 10 28. g. bare them and brought them, 2 Chr. 12.11 . 2 Kings 11.6. a third part at the gate behind the g 25.8. captain of^. came to Jerusalem, Jer. 52. 32. 10. captain of ^. brake down walls, Jer. 52. 14 11. the rest of people captain of ^. carried away 12. the capt. of the g. left of the poor of tho land JVcA. 4. 22. that in the night they may be a g. to ui 23. nor 1 nor men of the g. put olf our clothes Jer. 39. 11. charge to captain of^. concerning Jere 40. 1. when the captain of the g. had let him go 5. the captain of the g. gave him victuals 52. 30. the captain of the g. took captive 4C00 Ezek. 38. 7. be thou prepared, and be a.g. to them Dan. 2. 14. Daniel answered the captain of the ^'•. Mark 6.t27.king sent one of his^r.aud commanded Mets 28. 16. delivered the prisoners lo captain of ^ GUARD-CHAMBER. l/fiH"'sl4.28.guard bare them to nr.-<;/i.2CAr.l2.11. GUEST. Euke 19. 7. he was gone to be g. with a sinner GUEST-CHAMBER. Mark 14. 14. where is the g.-chamber? Luke 22. GUESTS. [11. IKings 1.41. Adonijah and all g. with him heard it 49. all g. with Adonijah were afraid and rose up Prov. 9. 18. that her g. are in the depths of hell Zcph. 1. 7. for the Lord hath prepared and bid^. J)/ae. 22.10. and the wedding was furnished with g. 11. when the king came in to see the g. he saw GUIDE, S. Psal. id. 14. he will be our g. even unto death .55. 13. it was thou, a man, my ^.my acquaintance Prov. 2. 17. who forsaketh the g. of her youth 6. 7. which having no g. overseer, or ruler Jer. 3. 4. ray father thou art the g. of my youth Jt// not friend, put ye not confidence in g. Mat. 23. 16. woe to you, ye blind g. 24. Aets 1. 16. who was "•. to them that took Jesus Horn. 2. 19. art confident thou art a^. of the blind Heb. 13. 1 7. remember them that arc g. over you GUIDE. Job 38. 32. canst thou^. Arcturus with his sons ? Psal. 25. 9. the meek will he g. in judgment 31. 3. for thy name's sake lead me and g, mc 32. 8. I will teach and g. thee with mine eye 73. 24. thou shalt g. me with thy counsel 112. 5. he will g. his affairs with discretion Proo. 11.3.the integrity of the upright shall ^. them 23. 19. be wise, and^. thine heart in the way Isa. 49. 10. by springs of water shall he^. them 51. 18. there is none to g. her among all the sons .58. 11. the Lord shall g. thee continually Luke 1. 79. to g. our feet into the way of peace ■lohn 16. 13. he will g. you into all truth .^cts 8. 31. how can I, except some man "•.me? 1 Thess. 3.t 11. now God himself^, our way lo you 1 T. [61 His help. Neb. 2. 8. Psal. 74.11. [~) His favour, hnkol.m. [8] His Spirit, 1 Kings 18. 46. Ezek. 1. 3. | 37. 1. [9] His providence, 1 Chron. 29. 16. Job. 2. 10. Referred, H. To men, signifieth, [1] -^n instru- ment, Exod. 4. 13. Hag. 1. t L [21 Power, 2M 13. 2. shake the A. that they may go into the gates I 14. 26. and this is the A. that is stretched out I IS. 4. I will give over into the A. of a cruel lord 28. 2. Ld. shall cast down to Iho earth with the A. Jer. 12. 7. have given dearly belov. into A. of ene. 18. 4. vessel was marred in the A. of the potter 6. as clay in the potter's A. so are ye in mine 21. 5. with an out-stretched A. I will fight ag. you 26. 24.the A. of Ahikam was with Jeremiah, not to give him into A. of people to put him to death 50. 15. shout agst. her round, she hath given her A. Lam. 5. 6. wo have given the A. to the Egyptians 12. princes are hanged up by their A. Ezek. 2. 9. a A. was sent mo, and lo, a roll 8. 3. and he put forth the form of a A. 10. 8. 16. 49. nor did she strengthen the A. of the needy 21. 1 14. prophesy, and smite A. to A. together 24. I say, ye shall be taken with the A. 28. 9. be no god in the A. of him thatslayeth thee 34. 10. behold, I will require my flock at their A. 37.19. tako the stick which is in the A. of Ephraim 40. 5. and in the man's A. a measuring reed Dan. 5.5. there came forth the fingers of a man's A. 23.God, in whose A.thy breath is, hast not glorif. HAN Dan. 8. 25. but he shall bo broken without h. 10. 10. behold, a h. touched me, which set me Joel 3. 8. sell sons and daughters into h. of Judah Mic. 2. 1. because it is in the power of their h. Zcch. 4. 10. shall see plummet in h. of Zerubbabel Mat. 8. 15. he touched her h- P2. 13. bind him h. Mark 3. l.a man who had a withered h. 3. Lu. 6.8. 14.41. the Son of man is betrayed into h. of sinners Luke 1. 1. as many have taken in It. to set forth 74. being delivered out of the h. of our enemies 22. 21. tlie h. of him that betrayeth me is with me John, 10. 39. but he escaped out of their h. 11.44.that was dead came forth, bound h. and foot Acts 12. 17. Peter beckoning to them with the h. 1 Cor. 12.15. because I am not the h. I am not body 21. eye cannot say to the A.I have no need of thee GaZ.3.19.ordained by angels in the A.of a mediator Rev. 10. 8. take little book open in A. of the angel 17. 4. the woman, having a golden cup in her A. 19. 2. hath avenged the blood of servants at her A, At HAND, or at the HAND. Gen. 9. 5. at the h. of every beast I will require it. at the A. of man, at the A. of man's brotlier 27.41.thedays of mourning for my father are at A. 33.19. field Jacob bought ath. of child.of Hamor JDeut. 15. 9. saying, the year of release is at A. 32. 35. for the day of their calamity is at h. 1 Sam. 9. 8. 1 have here at A. fourth part of a shekel 20. 16. let Ld. require it at A. of David's enemies 2 Kings 9.7. may avenge blood at the A. of Jezebel JVeA. 11. 24. Pethahiah was at the king's A. in all Isa. 13.6. day ofLordisatA. Joel 1.15. Zeph.1.7. Jer. 23. 23. am I a God at A. and not a G. afar off? Ezek. 12. 23. the days are at h. and effect of vision 33.6. but his blood will I require at watchman's A. 36. 8. and yield fruit, for they are at A. to come J'(7cZ2.1.theday ofthe Lord coraeth, it is nigh at A. J)/at. 3. 2. kingdom of heaven is at A. 4. 17. | 10.7. 26 18. my time is at A. |{ 45. the hour is at A. 46. he is at A. that doth betray mo, Mark 14. 42. Mark 1. 15. kingdom of God is at A. Luke 21. 31. Luke 21. 30. that summer is now nigh at A. John 2.13.and the Jews' passover was at A. 11. 55. 7. 2. now the Jews' feast of tabernacles was at A. 19. 42. for the sepulchre was nigh at A. Rom. 13. 12. the night is far spent, the day is at A. PA27.4.5. let moderation be known, theLd. isaf A. 2 Thcss. 2. 2. as that the day of Christ is at A. 2 Tim. 4. 6. the time of my departure is at A. 1 Pet. 4. 7. the end of all things is at A. be ye sober Rev. 1. 3. for the time is at A. 22. 10. By the HAND. Exod. 4. 13. send by A. of him whom thou wilt send 38.21.sum of tabernacle counted i?/ A. of Ithamar Lev. 8. 36. which Lord commanded byh. of Moses, 10. 11. I 26. 46. JVum. 4. 37, 45, 49. I 9. 23. I 10. 13. I 15. 23. 1 16. 40. | 27. 23. I 36. 13. .Tosh. 14. 2. | 20. 2. 1 21. 2, 8. 22. 9. Judg. 3. 4. 1 Kings 8. 53, 56. 2 Chron. 33. 8. | 35. 6. JVch. 9. 14. Psal. 77. 20. 16. 21. send him away by the A. of a fit man Josh. 20. 9. not die by the A. ofthe avenger of blood Judg. 16. 26. Samson said to lad thatheld by the h. 1 A«m. 18.25. make Dav.fall by the h. of Philistines 27. 1. I shall one day potish by the h. of Saul 2Sam.3.18.ii/ the A. of my servant David I will save 10. 2. David sent to comfort him by h. of servants 11. 14. David wrote a letter, sent it by h. of Uriah 12. 25. he sent by the h. of Nathan the prophet 21. 22. they fell by the h. of David, 1 Chr. 20. 8. 1 Kings 'i. 25. Solomon sent by the A. of Ben'aiah 14.18.which he spake Ay tAc A. of his serv, Ahiiah 16.7.also by the k. of Jehu came word of the Lord 2 Kings 14. 25. which he spake *)/ the A. of Jonah 27. he saved them by the A. of Jeroboam 2 Chr. 10. 15. word which he spake byh. of Ahijah 12. 7. not pour out wrath by the A. of Shishak Ezra 1.8. bring out vessels by the A. of Mithredath 8. 33. the vessels weighed by the h. of Meremoth Job 8. 1 20. nor will he take ungodly by the A. Prow. 26. 6. that sendeth a message by h. of a fool Isa. 51. 18. nor any that taketh her by the h. 3. send yokes bii the A. ofthe messengers 31. 32._in the day I took them by the h. Heb. 8. 9. Eiek.' my vengeance on Edom byh. of Israel 30. 12. 1 will lay the land waste ft?/ A. of strangers Hos. 12. 1 10. used similitudes by the h. of prophets Mat. 9. 25. he went in and took her by the h. Mark 1. 31. | 5. 41. LukeS. .54. Mark 8.23. he took the blind man by h. and led him 9. 27. Jesus took him that was possessed by the h. Acts 7. 35. send to be a deliverer by h. ofthe angel 9. 8. he saw no man, but they led him by the h. 13. 11. he went seeking some to lead himi?/ the A. Col. 4. 18. the salutation by the A. of me, Paul Sea Chalde.^ns, Enemy. HAND joined with enemies. 1 Sam. 4. 3. the ark of the covenant may save us out of the A. of our enemies, 12. 10. 2 Sam. 3. 18. 258 HAN 1 out of A. of e. 2 Kings 17. 39 2 Sam. 18. 1 19. Lord judged him from A. of enemies 19. 9. the king saved us out ofthe A. of our enemies 2 Kings 21. 14. I will dehver them into the A. of their enemies, 2 Chron. 25. 20. JVeh. 9. 27. JVeh. 9. 28. leftest thou them in A. of their enemies Ps. 31. 15. deliver me from the A. of mine enemies Jer. 20. 5. I will give this city into the A. of their enemies, 21. 7. | 34. 20, 21. Ezek. 39. 23. 44. 30. 1 will give Pharaoh into A. of his enemies Mic. 4. 10. redeem thee from the A. of thy enemies Luke 1. 74. delivered out of the A. of our enemies From the HAND. Oen. 32. 11. deliver me from h. of my brother Esau Deut. 7.8. L. redeemed yoafrom -oi!. 21. l.kiny's liuait is ii| llic k. of the Lord Isa. 19.10. because otthe sliakiiif,' ol'llio h. of Lord i.5. 10. in this mountain siiall the h. of the JaI. rest 40. 2. she hath received of the Lord's A. double 51. 17. hast drunk at A. of Ld. the cup of his fury ^.l-Lord's not shorlened,lhat it cannot save ()2. 3. thou shall be a crown of glory in A. of Lord G(i. 14. A. fl/iord shall be known toward servants Jcr. "25. 17. then took I the cup at the Lord's A. 51.7. Babylon hath been a golden cup in Lord's A. Ezek. 1.3. tlie A. of the Lord was there upon him 3.14. the A. of the L. was upon nie,2-i. | 8. l.\ 37.1. 33. 22. the A. of the Ld. was on me in the evening 40.1. the self-same day the h.of Ld. was with liim Luke 1. bt). and the A. of the Lord was with him Jicts 11. 21. the A. of the Lord was with them 13. 11. behold, the A. of the Lord is upon thee ■See Lay, or Laid. Left HAND. Gen. 13. 0. if thou wilt take left A. I will go to right 14. 15, Hobah which is on left h. of Damascus 24. 49. tJiat 1 may turn to the right A. or to the left 48. 13. Joseph took Ephraim in liis right iiand to- ward Isr.'s left A. and Manasseh in his left A. 14. Israel laid his left A. upon Manasseh's head F.zod. 14. 22. waters a wall on right A. and left, 29. Len. 14. 15. pour the oil into his own left A. 27. JV«)K.20. 17. we will not turn to the right A. nor to left, Deut. 2. 27. | 5. 32. 1 17. 11, 20. | 28. 14. 22. 26. no way to turn either to right A. or left Josh. 1. 7. turn not from it to the right A. or to left, that thou mayest prosper, 23. 6. 1 Sam. 6. 12. Prov. 4. 27. Judg. 3. 21. Ehud put forth left A. and took dagger 7. &. the companies held lamps in their left k. 16.29.Samson took hold of other pillar with left A. 2 Sam. 2. 19. he turned not to Ufth. IVom following 14. 19. none can turn to the right A. or to the left 16. 6. all the mighty men were on right h and left IKings of hea.on his left A. 2CAr.l8.18. 2Kings 22.2. Josiah turned not to the right A.or left 23. 8. which were on a man's left h. at the gate 1 Chr. 6. 44. the sons of Merari stood on the left h. 12. 2. they could use both right A. and left in hurl. 2 Chr. 3. 17. he called name of that on left h. Boaz 4.6. and he put five on the left A. to wash in them 7.five candlesticks on the right, five on the left A. JVi»A.8.4.Ezra on pulpit, on his left h.stood Pcdaiah Job 23. 9. on left A. he doth work, not behold him Prov. 3. 16. and in her left A. riches and honour Ecd. 10. 2. but a fool's heart is at his left h. Cajtt.2.-C.Zc/( under myhead,right embraces me 8. 3. his left A. under my head, right embraces me Isa. 9.20. he shall eat on left A. and not be satisfied 30. 21. earshear a word,\vhen yc turn to the left A. 54.3. thou shalt break forth on the right A. and left Ezek. 10. 46. her daughters dwell at thy left A. 21.16. go tlfee either on the right A. or on the left 39. 3. I will smite thy bow out of thy left A. Dan. 12. 7. when he held up his left h. to heaven J()7!aA4.11.cannotdiscern between right A. and left Zech. 12. 6. shall dev. all people on right A. and left Mat. 0. 3. let not left A. know what thy right doeth 20. 21. one on right A. other on left, MarklO. 37. 23.tositon right A.and left not mine, Mark 10.40. 25.33.he .shall set sheep on his right A.goats on left 41.he shall say to them on left A. depart from me 27. 38. were two thieves, one crucified on right A. other on the left, Mark 15. 27. Luke 23. 33. Jlcts 21. 3. we left Cyprus on the left A. and sailed 2 Cor.0.7. armour of righteousn. on right A. and left See Lift hand or hands. Mighty HAND. J!;iorf.3.19.will not let you go,no not withmighiy h. 32.11. people thou broughtest forth with mighty h. Z)cM«.3.24. hast began to shew servant thy migh. A. 4.34. assayed to take him a nation by amighty h. 5. 15. God brought thee out of Egypt by a mighty h. 0. 21. 1 7. 8, 19. 1 9.26. 1 1 1. 2. | 26. 8. | 34. 12. 2CAr. 6. 32. stranger that is come for thy mighty A. Ezek. 20. 33. with a mighty A. will I rule over you 34. and I will bring you out with a mighty A. Z)on.9.15.brought peo.out of Egypt with mighty h. IPet. 5.6. humble yourselves under mighty h. of G. Mine and my HAND. Gen. 14. 22. Ihavc lifted up mine h. unto the Lord 21. 30. seven ewe-lambs shalt thou take of my h. 31.29. it is in the power of my A. to do you hurt 39. I bear loss, of my A. didst thou require it 33. 10. I pray thee, receive my present at my h. 42.37. deliv. him into my h. I will bring him thee he .surety, of ray A. shalt thou require him Exnd.l. 17. I'll smite with the rod that is in mineh. i7> ft. shall destroy them || 17. 9. rod in nine h. 33. 22. 1 will cover thee with mine, A. while I pass 23. I will take away mine A. and thou shalt see JV«m.21.2.ifthouwilt deliver this people into my A. 22. 29. 1 would there wore a sword in mine A. /)fw«.8.17.might of ?n?/ A. hath gotten me thiswcalth 10. 3. went up, having the two tables in mineh. 259 HAN I Vcul.'Ai^i'i.noi any deliver out of my A. Isa. 43.13. 40. 1 lill uj) my A. to heav. and say, I Uvo for ever 41. and if mine h. take hold on judgment Jndg. 6. 36. if thou wilt save Israel by my A. 37. 7.2.1est vaunt, saying, mine own A. hath saved me 8.7. when the L. hath delivered Zoba mlominc A. 9. 29. would to God this people were under my A. 12. 3. and the Lord delivered them into my A. 17. 3. dedicated the silver to the Lord from my h. 1 Sam. 12. 5. that ye have not found ought in my A. 17. 46. Lord will deliver thee this day into mine it. 18. 17. Saul said, let not mine A. be upon him 21. 4. there is no common bread under mine A. 23. 7. God hath delivered him into mine A. 24. 6. to stretch mine A. against Lord's anointed 11. see skirt in viine A. no transgression in m. A. 12. but mine h. shall not be upon thee, 13. 26. 18. what have I done 1 what evil is in mine A. 23. Ld. delivered thee into my h. to-day, 24. 10. 28. 21. 1 have put my life in my A. and hearkened 2.Sa»i. 3. 12. my A. shall be with thee to bring Israel 5. 19. wilt thou deliver the Philistines into mine A.? I will doubtless deliver, 1 Chron. 14. 10. 18.12. yet not put forth mineh. against Absalom 1 Kings 13. 6. that my A. may be restored me again 2 Kings 5. 18. and he leaneth on my A. and 1 bow myself in the house of Ilimmon 18. 34. have they delivered Sama,riaout of my A.? 35. have delivered their country out of m. A. that the Ld. shall deliver Jerusalem out of mine A. 1 Chr. 22. 18. given inhabitants of land into my A. 2 Chr. 32. 15. shall G. deliver you out of my A.? 17. Job 13. 14. wherefore do I put my life in mine A.? 29. 20. and my bow was renewed in my A. 31. 25. rejoiced because mine A. had gotten much 27. or my mouth hath kissed my A. 33. 7. neither shall my h. be heavy upon thee Psal. 77. 1 2. my A. rah in tlie night, and ceased not 81. 14. and turned my A. against their enemies 89.21. with whom)«y A. shall be established 119. 109. my soul is continually in my h. Prou. 1.24.1 have stretched out my A. none regarded /s(i.l.25. 1 will turn my A. upon me and purge dross 10. 10. as my h. hath found the kingdoms of idols 13. by the strength of my A. I have done it 14. my A. hath found as a nest the riches of people 36. 19. have they delivered Samaria out of my A.? 20.that L. should deliver Jerusalem out of my A. 43. 13. mine A. also hath laid foundation of earth 50. 2. is jny A. shortened || 11. this ye have of my A. 51. 10. have covered thee in the shadow of mineh. 60. 2. all those hath mine A. made, Jicts 7. 50. Jer. 6. 12. I will stretch out my A. 15. 0. | 51. 25. 16.21.1 will cause them to know mine A.and might 18. 6. so are ye in mine A. O house of Israel 25. 15. take the wine-cup of this fury at my A. Ezek. 6. 14. so will I stretch out my A. upon them the even I digged thro' the wall with myh. 1 3.9.mme A. shall be upon prophets that see vanity 20. 5. 1 lifted up mine A. saying I am the Ld. your God, 0, 23, 28, 42. | 30. 7. 1 44. 12. | 47. 14. 22.1withdrew ?ny A.and wrought for name's sake 22.13. 1 have smitten mine A. at thy dishonest gain 37. 19. one stick, and they shall be one in mine A. Hos. 2. 10. none shall deliver her out of mine A. Jimos 1. 8. I will turn mine A. against Ekron 9. 2. tho' into hell, thence shall mine A. take them Zech. 2. 9. behold, I will shake mine h. on them 13. 7. 1 will turn mine A. upon the little ones John 10. 28. nor shall any pluck them out of my A. 29. none is able to pluck them out my Father's A. 20. 25. except I shall thrust my A. into his side 1 Cor. 16. 21. the salutation of me Paul with mine own A. the grace of Lord J. C. 2 Thess.3. 17. Oal. 6. 11. 1 have written with my A. Philem. 19. Our HAND. (rcn.37.27.Ietnotour A be on him, he is our brother 43. 21. and we have brought it again in our A. JVM7n.31.t49.takcn sum of men ofwar under our A. Dcut.3Z. 27. lest their adversaries should say, our A. is high, and the Lord hath not done all this Jurfn'.16.23.our God hath deliv.Samson into ourh. 1 Sam. 14. 10. L. hath deli v.them into our A. 30. 23. Jer.ll.H. prophesy not, that thou die not by our h. 2Cor.l0.16.not boast in things made readv tooj^r A. Out of HAND, or out of the HAND. Ocn.iB. 22. which I took out of the h. of Amorite Exod. 2. 19. Egyptian deliv. us our, ofh. of sheph. 3.8. to deliver them out ofh. of Egyptians, 14. 30. JV«m..').25.takejcalousy-offcringoM* o/ woman's A. 11. 15. if thus, kill me, I pray thee, out of h. 35. 25. deliver him out of h. of thoaveng. of blood .Josh. 9. 26. deliver them mit of the A. of Israel .Judg.Z. 16. judges which delivered them out ofh. 6. 9. 1 delivered you out of the h. of Egyptians 13.5. deliver Israel o?;/ o/tAc A. of the Philistines l.Sa»«.4.8.who shall dcliv.usojtto/A.of these gocls? ]7.37.L.will deliver mcoMto/ A. of this Phili.stine 2.Sn,m. 12.7. IdelivercdtIioeoM«o/A.of Saul,22. 1. 23.21. plucked the spear wm^. «/^Ae Egyptian's A. HAN J &'8H^i' 11.12. will rend king, out o/A.ofSolom. 31 22. 3. we take it not out of h. of the king of Syria 2 Kings 13.25. took again out of h. of Ben-hadad 20. 6; out of A. of the king of Assyria, Isa. 38. 6. Psal. 71. 4. deliver me out ofh. of the wicked 82. 4. rid them out of the h. of the wicked 97. 10. he dclivereth them out of A. of the wicked JCT-.15.21.I will deliver thee oiit of A. of the w ickcd 21.12. him spoiled out ofh. of the oppressor, 22. 3. 32. 4. not escape out ofh. of Chaldeans, 38. 18,23. Ijam. 5. 8. none doth deliver us out of their A. 7.ceh. 11. 6. out of their A I will not deliver them take him,bulhe escaped out o/theirA. Jicts 12. 11. delivered me out of the h. of Herod Rev.8.i. ascended beforcG.oMto/angel's A.IO. 10. Right HAND. Oen. 35. 1 18. Jacob called him son of therighth. 48. 14. put his right h. on Ephraim's head, 18. Exod. 15. 6. thy right h. O Ld. is become glorious 29. 20. put the blood on the thumb of their riVAt A. Lev. 8. 23, 24. | 14. 14, 17, 25, 28. Deut. 33. 2. from his right h. went a fiery law Judg. 5. 26. her right A. to the workman's hammer 2 Sam. 20. 9. Joab took A masa with right kiss 1^2'?i«'s2.19.Bath-shebasaton Solomon's riglu/i. '2Kings'23.13.on right A.of the mount of corruption Job 23. 9. he hideth himself on the right A. 30. 12. upon my right It. rise the youth, they push 40. 14. that thine own right h. can save thee Psal. 10. 8. he is at my right h. I shall not bo moved 11. at thy right A. are pleasures for evermore 17.7. savestby thy ri^AA.said,G.8aveking 17. that Ihoy might provoke me to anger with all tho works of their h. 2 Chron. 34.25. HAN Ezra\ e.strengthened their A. with vessels of silver 5.8. work goeth fast on and prospereth in their h. strengthen their h. in the work of the house 10.19.they gave their A. that they would put away JVVA. 2. 18. so they strengthened th. A. for the work 6. 9. their A. shall be weakened from the work 9. 24. gavest them into their A. with their kings Job 5. 12. their A. cannot perform their enterprise 30. 2. whereto might strength of thcirh. profit me? Psal. 28. 4. give them after the work of tAei'r A. 76.5. tho men of might have not found their h. 91. 12. the angels shall bear thee up in their h. 125.3. lest righteous put forth their h. to iniquity /«a.25.I] . pride, together with the spoils of tAeir A. 59. 6. and the act of violence is in their h. 65. 22. mine elect shall enjoy the work of their h. Jer. 1. 16. worshipped the works of their own A. 5. t 31. the priests take into their A. by their means 25. 14. accord, to the works of e pubhcans and the A. believed him L,ukc 15. 30. who hath devoured thy living with A. iiec.17.5. mystery, Babylon the great, mother of A. HARM. 6c7t.31.52.shalt not pass over this pillar to me for A. //ec. 5. 16. shall make amends for A. he hath done J^Tum. 35. 23. was not his enemy, nor sought his A. 1 Sam. 26. 21. return, I will no more do thee A. 2.Slim.20.6. now shall Shebado more A. than Absal. 2 Kings 4. 41. and there was no A. in the pot 1 Chron. 16.22. do ray prophets no A. Psal. 105. 15. Prov. 3. 30. strive not, if he have done thee no A. Jer. 39. 12. look well to him, and do him no A. Acts 16.28. do thyself no A. || 27. 21. gained this h. 28. 5. be felt no A. || 6.saw no h. \\ 21 . spake any A. HARM. 1 Pet. 3. 13. who will A. you, if followers of good? HARMLESS. Mat. 10. 16. be wise as serpents and A. as doves Rom. 16. 1 19. would have you A. concerning evil Phil. 2. 15. that ye may be A. the sons of God Heb. 7. 26. is holy, A. undefil. separate from sinners HARNESS, Substantive. 1 Kings 20. 11. let not him girdeth on A.boasthims. 22. 34. between joints of his A. 2 Chron. 18. 33. 2 Chr. 9. 24. they brought every man A. and spices HARNESS, Verb. Jer. 46. 4. h. the horses, and get up ye horsemen HARNESSED. Ezod. 13. 18. Israel went up A. out of land of Egypt HARP. Oen. 4.21. Jubal was father of them that handle A. 31.27.might have sent thee away with tabr. and A. 1 Sam. 10. 5. meet a company of prophets with a A. 16. 16. a man who is a cunning player on a A. 23. David took a A. and played with his hand 1 Chr. 25. 3. six prophesied with a h. to give thanks Joft21. 12. they take the timbrel and A. and rejoice 30. 31. my A. also is turned to mourning and organ Psal. 33. 2. praise tlie Lord with the h. 150. 3. 43. 4. yea on the A. will I praise thee, O my God 49. 4. I will open my dark saying upon the A. 57. 8. awake psaltery and A. 1 will awake, 108. 2. 71. 22. sing with A. 92. 3. | 98. 5. | 147. 7. | 149. 3. 81. 2. bring hither the pleasant A-with the psaltery Isa. 5. 12. the A. and the viol are in their feasts 16. 11. my bowels shall sound like a A. forMoab 23. 16. take a A. || 24.8. the joy of the A.ceaseth Dan. 3. 5. at sound of the A. fall down, 7, 10, 15. 1 Cor. 14. 7. whether pipe or A. except they give HARPS. . 2Sam.6.5. David and all Isr. played on A.and corn. 1 Kings 10. 12. the king made of the almug-trees A. Psal. 137. 2. we hanged our A. upon the willows Isa. 30. 32. it shall be with tabrets and A. Ezek. 26. 13. the sound of thy A. shall be no more Rev. 5. 8. having every one of them A. and vials 14. 2. harping with their A. || 15. 2. the A. of God See Cymbal. HARPED. lG? shall it be known what is piped or A. HARPERS. J?eo.l4.2. 1 heard the voice of A.harping with harps 18. 22. the voice of A. shall be heard no more at all HARROW. Job 39. 10. or will he A. the valleys after thee "? HARROWS. ZSam. 12. 31. he put them under saws and A. of iron ICAr. 20. 3. and cut them with saws and A. of iron HART. Ceuf.l2.15.mayeatflesha8oftheA.14.5. 1 15.22. i'*aZ.42. 1. as the A. panteth after the water-brooks Isa. 35. 6. then shall the lame man leap as a A. See Young. HARTS. \Kings 4. 23.tcn fat oxen, besides h. and roe-bucks Ziam.l.6.herprinces become hke A. without pasture HARVEST Is the time of reaping corn and other fruits of the earth, Gen. 8. 22. It is taken for a sea- sonable and proper time for business. Prov. 10. 5, He that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causcth shame. He that neglecteth and mis- improveth theproper seasons and opportunities of doing good to himself and to others, causeth shame both to himself for his folly, and the poverty and misery which follows thereupon ; and also to his parents, to whose negligent or evil education such things are of ten, and some- times justly imputed. Harvest is put for a people whose sins are ripe for judgment. Joel 3. 13, Put ye in the sic- kle, for the harvest is ripe : Cut down these 263 HAS sinners that are ripe for judgment. The time of Babylon's harvest shall come : tiic time ■when she shall be cut doion, Jer. 51. 33. Our Saviour, in the parable of the sower, calls the end of the world, or the day of judgment, the harvest, Mat. 13. 39. Then Ooil will separate the tares from the wheat, the wicked from the godly. In Mat. 9, 36, 37, Christ seeing mul- titudes coming to hear him, said to his disci- ples. The harvest truly is plenteous ; many arc ■willing to receive instruction. This was spoken at the feast of Tabernacles, which was in harvest. Gcn.8. 22. while earth reraaineth A. shall not cease 30. 14. Reuben went in days of wheat A. 45. 6. in five years shall neither be earing nor A. Exod. 23. 16. thou shalt keep the feast of A. 34. 22. 34. 21. in earing-time and in A. thou shalt rest Lev. 19. 9. when ye reap A. 23. 10,22. Deut. 24. 19. 25. 5. what grows of its own accord of A. not reap iiKtA1.22.came to Beth-lehera in begin.of barley-A. 2. 21. tarry with my maidens till end of A. 23. 1 Sam. 6. 13. men of Beth-shemesh reaping their A. 8. 12. and he will set them to reap his A. 12. 17. is it not wheat-A. to-day, I will call to Ld. 2 Sam. 21. 9. were put to death in A. in barley-A. 10. spread it for her from beginning of barley-A. JoA5.5.whose A. the hungry eateth up and taketh it Prov. 6. 8. the ant gathereth her food in the A. 10. 5. he that sleepeth in A. causcth shame 26.1. as rain in honour is not seemly for a fool Isa. 9. 3. they joy before thee according to joy in A. 16. 9. for the shouting for thy A. is fallen 17. 1 1. but the A.shall be a heap in the day of grief 18. 4. and like a cloud of dew in the heat of A. 5. for afore the A. when the bud is perfect 23. 3. the A. of the river is her revenue Jer. 5. 17. they shall eat up thy A. and thy bread 24. he reserveth to us the appointed weeks of /t. 8. 20. the A. is past, summer is ended, we not saved Hos. 6. 11. O Judah, he hath set a A. for thee .Tocl 1. 11. because the A. of the field is perished 3. 13. put in the sickle, for the A. is ripe, come Jlmos 4. 7. when there were yet three months to A. JV/at.9.37. the A. is plenteous, the labourers are few 38. pray ye the Lord of the A. to send, LukcW. 2. 13. 30. let both grow together until A. in time of A. 39. the A. is end of the world, reapers the angels Mark 4. 29. put in the sickle because A. is come Luke 10. 2. he said unto them, the h. truly is great John 4. 35. then cometh A. tlieiieids are white to A. Rev. 14. 15. time is come, for the A. of earth is ripe HARVEST-MAN. Isa. 17. 5. it shall be as when the A. gathereth corn Jer. 9. 22. carcases shall fall as the handful after A. HARVEST-TIME. ■Josh. 3. 15. Jordan overfloweth all the time of A. .7udg.\5. 1. in time of wheat A. Samson visited wife 2Sam. 23. IS.three chiefs came to David in h.-time Prov. '2^. 13. as the cold of snow in the time of A. Jer. 50. 16. cut off him handleth sickle in h.-time 51 . 33. a little while the time of her A. shall come Mat.Vi.^. in the time of A.I will say to the reapers HAST. Gen. 19. 12. the men said to Lot A. thou here any besides? whatsoever thou A. in city bring out 27. 38. Esau said, A. thou but one blessing, father? 32. 28. as a prince A. thou power with G. and men 33. 9. Esau said, keep that thou A. to thyself 45. 10. come thou, thy flock, and all that thou A. Exod. 9. 19. send and gather all that thou A. in field 13. 12. every firstling thou A. shall be the Lord's Deut.8. 13. silver, gold, and all thou multiplied .ludg. 18. 3. what makest thou? what A. thou here? 1 Sam. 25. 6. peace be to thee and all that thou A. 2 Sam. 15. 35. A. thou not here with thee Zadok ? 2 Kings 4. 2. Elisha said, tell me, what A. in house .Tob 10. 4. A. thou eyes of flesh, or seest as man? 40. 9. A. thou an arm like God? or canst thunder ? Prov. 3. 28. say not, go, when thou A. it by thee Isa.QS. 16. what A. thou here? whom A. thou here? ./l/aM9.21.sell all thou A. Mark 10.21. Luke 18. 22. 25. 25. lo, there thou A. that is thine .Iohn4. 11. from whence then A. thouliving water ? 18.and he whom Ihounow not thine husband 6. 08. to whom go ? thou A. words of eternal life 7.20. the people said, thou A. a devil, 8. 48, .52. 13. 8. if I wash thee not, thou A. no part with me .4cts8. 21. thnuA.neither part nor lot in this matter Rom. 2. 20. thou who A. the form of knowledge 14. 22. A. thou faith? have it to thyself before God lC'or.4. 7. what A. thou that thou didst not receive ./am.2.18.aman may say, thou A. faith and 1 works flcj). 2. 3. thou A. patience, and for my name's sake 6.but this thou A. || 3. 1 . thou A. a name to live. 4. 8. thou A. a little strength II 11. hold what thou A. HASTE, Substantive. Exod.iO. 16. Phar. called for Mos. and Aaron in A. 12. 11. ye shall eat it in A. with your loins girded 33. might send them outof land in A. Deut. 16. 3. HAT 1S(M».21. 8. because the king's business required A. 2 Ki?igs 7. 15. the Syrians had cast away in their A. Ezra 4. 23. they went up in A. to Jerusalem Psal. 31. 22. 1 said in my A. I am cut oft' from thee 110. 11. I said in my A. all men are liars Isa. 52. 12. ye shall not go out with A. nor by flight Dan. 2. 25. Arioch brought Dan. before king in A. 3. 24. the king rose up in A. and spake, and said 6. 19. the king went in A. unto the den of lions MarkG.25. she came in straightway with A. to king Luke 1 . 39. Mary went into the hill-country with A. 2. 16. the shepherds came with A. and found Mary HASTE. Gen. 19.22. A. thee, escape thither, fori cannot do 45. 9. A. ye and go up to my father, and say, 13. lSa7n.20.38. Jonathan cried,raake speed, A.stay not 23.27.A.thee,for Philistines have invaded the land Psal. 22. 19. O my strength, A. thee to help me See Make haste. HASTED. Oen.18. 7. give it to young man, and he A. to dress it 24. 18. she said, drink, my lord, and she A. 20. Exod. 5. 13. and the task-masters A. them, saying Josh. 4. 10. the people A. and passed over Jordan 8. 14. and when the king of Ai saw it, they A. 19. the ambush A. and set the city on fire 10. 13. the sun A. not to go down a whole day Judg.^0. 37. Hers in wait A. and rushed on Gibcah 1 Sam. 17. 48. David A. || 25. 23. Abigail A. 42. 25. 34. except thou hadst A. and come lo meet 28. 24. the witch at En-dor A. and killed the calf 2 Sam. 19. 16. Shimei, who was of Bahurim, A. i Kings 20. 41. the prophet A. and took ashes away 2Kings9. 13. they A. and put garments under Jehu 2 Chron. 26. 20. yea, himself A. also to go out Esth. 6. 12. Haman A. to his house mourning 14. they A. to bring Haman unto the banquet Job 31. 5. or if my foot hath A. to deceit Psal. 48. 5. they were troubled and A. away, 104.7. Jlcts 20. 16. Paul be at Jerusalem atPentecost HASTEN. 1 Kings 22. 9. A. hither Micaiah the son of Imlah 2 Chron. 24. 5. and see that ye A. the matter Psal. 16. 4. sorrows multiplied A. after another god 55. 8. I would A. my escape from the windy storm EccZ.2.25.or who else can A. hereunto more than I? Isa. 5. 19. let him A. his work that we may see it 60. 22. I the Lord will A. it in his time Jer. 1. 12. 1 will A. my word to perform it HASTENED, ETH. Oen. 18. 6. Abraham A. into the tent unto Sarah 19. 15. angels A. Lot, saying, arise, take thy wife 2 Chron. 24. 5. howbeit the Levites A. it not Esth. 3. 15. posts went out, being A. by king, 8. 14. Isa. 51. 14. the captive exile A. to be loosed Jer. 17. 16. I have not A. from being a pastor HASTETH. ,Tob 9. 26. as the eagle that A. to the prey 40. 23. behold, he drinketh up a river, and A. not Prov. 7. 23. as a bird A. to snare, and knoweth not 19. 2. and he that A. with his feet sinneth 28. 22. he that h. to be rich, hath an evil eye Eccl. 1. 5. the sun A. to the place where he arose .Tcr. 48. 16. the affliction of Moab A. fast Ilab. 1. 8. they shall fly as the eagle that A. to eat Zeph. 1. 14. the great day of the Lord A. greatly HASTILY. 14. they brought Joseph A. out of dungeon .Judg.l. 23. left nations without driving them out A. 9. 54. Abimelech called A. unto his armour-bearer 1 Sam. 4. 14. and the man came in A. and told Eli XKings'ild.'Xi. the men did A. catch it, and they said Prov. 20. 21. an inheritance may be gotlen A. 25. 8. go not forth A. to strive, lest thou know not JohnW. 31. when Jews saw Mary that she rose A. HASTING. Isa. 16. 5. seeking judgment, and A. righteousness 2 Pet. 3. 12. andA. unto the coming of day of the L. HASTY. Prov. 14. 29. but he that is A. of spirit exalteth folly 21. 5. but of every one that is A. only to want 29. 20. seest thou a man that is A. in his words Eccl. 5. 2. let not thy heart be A. to utter beforeG. 7. 9. be not A. in thy spirit to be angry 8. 3. be not too A. to go out of his sight Isa. 28. 4. as the A. fruit before the summer 32. t 4. the heart of the A. shall understand 3.5. t 4. say to them that are of A. heart, be strong Dan. 2. 15. why is the decree so A. from the king? Hab.l. 6. the Chaldeans, that bitter and A. nation HATCH. Isa. 34. 15. owl shall A. and gather under her shad . 59. 5. they A. cockatrice-eggs, weave spiders' web HATCHETH. Jer. 17. 11. as partridge sitteth on eggs and A not HATE. To hate,is not always to be understood rigorously. It frequently signifies no more than a lesser degree of love. Deut. 21. 15, If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated ; HAT Viat is, less beloved. Thus our Saviour says, that he who would follow Aim, must hate father and mother; that is, should love themless than Christ, less than his own salvation; he ought not to prefer them to Ood. Solomon says, that he that spareth his rod, haleth his son, Prov. 13. 24- Fathers often spare their chil- dren out of an excessive love to them ; but this is not a proper instance of affection, to for- bear correcting them; their fond affection is as pernicious to their childreii, as other men's hatred could be; they keep back from them what would do them good. There is a malicious hatred of the persons of men, not of their sins; thus Ahab hated the Lord's prophet Micaiah, 1 Kings 22. 8. Jlnd wicked men do thus hate the righteous. Psal. 34. 21, They that hate the righteous shall be desolate. There is also a hatred of the sins of men, not of their per- sons; thus the righteous hate even the garment spotted with corruption, Jude 23. What I hate, that do I, Rom. 7. 15. The godly hale sin, because it is a breach of Ood's law. Oen. 24. 60. let seed possess gate of those that h. 50. 15. they said, Joseph will peradventure h. us Lev. 19. 17. thou shall not h. thy brother in heart 26. 17. they that A. you shall reign over you JVjot. 10. 35. let them that A. thee flee before thee Deut. 7. 10. and repayeth them that A. him to face 15. he will lay them upon them that A. thee,30. 7. 19. 11. if any man A. his neighbour and lie in wait 22. 13. if take a wife, and go in unto her and A. her 24. 3. if the latter husband A. her and write a bill 33. 11. smite through the loins of them that A. him 2 Chr. 19. 2. and love them that A. the Lord 1 Job S. 22. that A. thee shall be clothed with shame Psal. 21. 8. thy hand shall find those that A. thee 34. 21. they that A. the righteous shall be desolate 44. 10. they which A. us spoil for themselves 68. 1. let them also that A. him flee before him 83. 2. they that A. thee have lifted up the head 89. 23. and I will plague them that A. him 97. 10. ye that love the Lord A. evil 105. 25. he turned their heart to h. his people 129. 5. let them be turned back that A. Zion Prov. 1. 22. how long, fools, will ye A. knowledge ! 6. 16. these six doth the Lord A. a proud look 8. 13. fear of the Lord ia to A. evil ; pride do I A. 9. 8. reprove not a scorner, lest he A. thee 19. 7. all the brethren of the poor do A. him 25. 17. lest he be weary of thee, and so A. thee 29. 10. the blood-thirsty A. the upright Eccl. 3. 8. a time to love and a time to A. i!:ze/t.l6.27.delivered unto will of them that A. thee Dan. 4. 19. the dream be to them that A. thee Jlmos 5. 10. they A. him that rebuketh in the gate 15.A.the evil, and love the good, establish judgm. Mic. 3. 2. who A. the good, and love evil, who pluck jyiat.5. 43. been said, love thy neighbour, A. enemy 44. do good to them that A. you, Liike 6. 27. fi. 24. either he will A. the one, Luke 16. 13. 24. 10. and shall betray and shall A. one another Luke 1. 71. saved from the hand of all that A. us 6. 22. blessed are ye when men shall A. you 14. 26. and A. not his father, and mother, and wife John!. 7.the world cannot A. you, but me it hateth 15.18. marvel not if the world A. you, 1 John 3. 13. Rev. 17. 16. the ten horns, these shall A. the whore / HATE. 1 rCings'ia.B.there is oneman,but/A.him,2CAr.l8.7. PsaClOl. 3. /A. the work of them that turn aside 119. 104. therefore / A. every false way, 128. 113. /A.vain thoughts || 163. /A. and abhor lying 139. 21. do not Ih. them, O Lord, that hate thee ? 22. yea, /A. them with perfect hatred Prov.8. 13. the evil way and froward mouth do Ih Isa. 61. 8. /A. robbery for burnt-offering Jer. 44. 4. do not this abominable thing that /A. .^mos 5. 21. Ih. I despise your feast-days 6. 8. / A. his palaces, therefore will I deliver city Zech.8. 17. for all these are things that Ih. saith L. Rom. 7. 15. but what / A. that do I Rev. 2. 6. the deeds of the Nicolaitanes Ih. 15. HATE me. Gen. 26. 27. why come ye to me, seeing ye A. me ? Exod. 20. 5. visitinginiquity to the third and fourth generation of them that A. me, Deut. 5. 9. Deux. 32. 41. and I will reward them that A. me Jtidg. 11.7. do notye || 14.16. thou dostA.m« 2 Sam. 22. 41. destroy them that h. mc, Ps. 18. 40. Psal.S. 13. trouble which I suffer of them that 35. 19. and they A. me with cruel hatred 35. 19. let them wink that A. me without a cause 38. 19. they that A. m« wrongfully are many, 69. 4. 41. 7. all that A. me whisper together against me 55. 3. they cast iniquity upon me, in wrath A. me 69. 14. let me be delivered from them that A. me 86. 17. that they which A. me may see it 118. 7. 1 shall see my desiie upon them that A. me Prov. 8. 36. all they that A. me love death 264 HAT HATED. G'en.27. 41. Esau A. Jacob, because of the blessing 29. 31. the L. saw Leah was A. || 33. that 1 was A. 37. 4. his brethren A. Joseph yet the more, 5, 8. 49. 23. the archers shot at him and A. him Deut. 1.27. and said, because the Lord A. us,9.28. 4. 42. A. him not in times past, 19. 4, 6. Josh. 20. 5. 21. 15. another A. || 16. before the son of the A. 17. shall acknowledge the sonof A. for first-born Judg. 15.2. 1 thought that thou hadst utterly A. her 2Sam.5. 8. the lame and blind that are A. of David's 13. 15. Amnon A. Tamar 1| 22. Absalom A. Amnon 22. 18. he delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that A. me, Psal. 18. 17. Esth.Q. 1- the Jews had rule over them that A. them 5 did what they would unto those that A. them Job 31. 29. at the destruction of him that A. me Ps. 26. 5. 1 have A. tlie congregation of evil doers 31. 6. I have A. them that regard lying vanities 44. 7. thou hast put them to shame that A. us 55.12.neither was it he that, that did magnify 106. 10. he saved them from him that A. them 41. and they that A. them ruled over them Prov. 1. 29. they A. knowledge, and did not choose 5. 12. and say, how have I A. instruction 14. 17. and a man of wicked devices is A. 20. the poor is A. even of his own neighbour Eccl. 2. 17. therefore I A. life || 18. X A. labour Isa. 60. IS.whereas thou hast been forsaken and A. 66. 5. brethren that A. you said. Lord be glorified Jer. 12. 8. therefore have I A. mine heritage Ezek.lG. 37. 1 will gather all them that thou hast A. 35. 6. sith thou hast not A. blood, blood pursue Hos. 9.15. for there I A. them for wickedn. of doings Mai. 1. 3. I loved Jacob, and A. Esau, Rom. 9. 13 Mat.W. 22. ye shall be A. Mark 13.13. Luke 21. 17 24. 9. ye shall be A. of all nations for my name Luke 19. 14. his citizens A. him, and sent a message John 15. 18. ye know that it A. me before it A. you 24. have both seen and A.both me and my Father 25.written in their law,theyA.mewithout a cause 17. 14. world hath A. them, because not of world Eph. 5. 29. no man ever yet A. his own flesh i/e6.1.9.thou hastloved righteousn.and A. iniquity HATEFUL. Psal. 36. 2. until his iniquity be found to be A. Tit. 3. 3. we were A. and hating one another Rev. 18. 2. a cage of every unclean and A. bird HATEFULLY. Ezek. 23. 29. and they shall deal with thee A. HATERS. Psal. 81. 15. the A. of Lord should have submitted Rom. 1. 30. backbiters, A. of God, despiteful HATEST. 2S'am.l9. 6. lovest thine enemies, and A. thy friends Psal. 5. 5. thou A. all workers of iniquity 45. 7. thou lovest righteousness, and A. wickedness 50. 17. thou A. instruction, and castest my words Eiek. 23. 28. deliver thee into hand whom thou A. Rev. 2. 6. thou A. the deeds of the Nicolaitanes HATETH. Exod. 23. 5. if see the ass of him that A. thee lying Deut. 7. 10. Lord not be slack to him that A. him 12. 31. every abomination he A. have they done 16. 22. nor set up any image which the Lord A. 22. 16. 1 gave my daughter unto this man, he A. her Job 16. 9. he teareth me in his wrath, who A. me 34. 17. shall even he that A. right, govern '? Psal. 11. 5. him that loveth violence, his soul A. 120. 6. my soul long dwelt with him that A. peace Prov. 11. 15. and he that A. suretyship is sure 12. 1. but he that A. reproof is brutish 13. 5. a righteous man A. lying, but a wicked man 24. he that spareth his rod A. his son 15. 10. and he that A. reproof shall die 27. but he that A. gifts shall live 26. 24. he that A. dissembleth with his lips 28. a lying tongue A. those that are afflicted 28. 16. he that A. covetousness shall prolong days 29.24. whoso is partner with a thief A. his own soul Isa. 1. 14. and your appointed feasts my soul A. Mai. 2. 16. the Lord saith, that he A. putting away .lohn 3. 20. every one that doeth evil, A. the light 7. 7. but me the world A. because I testify of it 12. 25. he that A. his life in this world shall keep it 15. 19. ye are not of world, therefore world 23. he that A. me A. my Father also 1.7oAn2. 9. he that A. his brother is in darkness, 11. 3. 15. whosoever A. his brother is a murderer 4. 20. if say, I love God, and A.his brother, is a liar HATING. Exod. 18. 21. provide men of truth, A. covetousness Tit. 3. 3. in times pasthateful, and A. one another .lude 23. A. even the garment spotted by the flesh HATH. Oen. 24. 36. and unto him A. he giv. all that he A. Lev. 22. 5. whatsoever uncleanness he A. 27. 28. no devoted thing of all he A. shall be sold JVum.. 23. 22. he A. the strength of an unicorn, 24. 8. 27. 4. why name done away because he A. no son HAT Deut. 21. 16. his sons to irdierit that which he h. 17. the first-born a double portion of all he A. Josh. 6. 22. bring out thence woman and all she A. 7. 15. he shall be burnt with fire, he and all he A. 1 Sam. 15. 22. A. Lord as great delight inofleringsl 2^m^«4.2.thine handmaid A.not any thing in hou. 14. verily she hath no child, her husband is old JoH. 10. hedge aboutalihe A. || 11. touch all he A. 12. behold, all that he A. is in thy power 2. 4. all that a man A. will he give for his life 5. 16. so the poor A. hope || 38. 28. A. rain a father 1 Psal. 37. 16. a little that a righteous man bettor 109. 11. let the extortioner catch all that he A. 127.5. happy is the man A. his quiver full of them 146. 5. happy he that A. God of Jacob for Ijis help Prov.l". 9. he that is despised and A. a serv. better 13. 4. the sluggard desireth, and A. nothing 7. there is that maketh himself rich,yet A.nothing 16. 22. understanding is life unto him who A. it 17. 8. a precious stone in eyes of him that A. it 19. 23. and he that h. it, shall abide satisfied 23.29.who A.woel who A.sorrowl who A. wounds'? Eccl. 4. 8. yea, he A. neither child nor brother 10. for he A. not another to help him up 6.8. for what A. the wise more than the fool? 8. 8. neither A. he the power in the day of death CaMt.8.8.wehave a little sister,and she breasts /sa.29. 8. behold he is faint, and his soul A. appetite 45. 9. he A. no hands || 50. 10. and A. no light 53. 2. he A. no form nor comeliness, when see him 55. 1. he that A. no money, come ye, buy and eat Ji;?-.23.28.prophet that A. a dream, let him tell, and he thatA. my word, let him speak my word 49. 1. A. Israel no sons'! A. he no heir"! why then be flock a male Mat. 8. 20. A. not where to lay head, Luke 9. 58. 11. 15. he thatA. ears to hear, let him hear, 13. 9, 43. Mark 4. 9. Luke 8. 8. | 14. 35. Rev. 2. 7. 18. nor eating, nor drinking, they say he A. a devil 13.12. whosoever him shall be given, and more abundance ; who A. not, from him shall be taken thatheA.25.29.Jl/i- none 0. 8. O that I might A. my request, that God would 10. then should I yot *. comfort, yea, I would 21 . 15. what profit should we A. if we pray to him? 30. 13. they mar my path, they A. no helper 35. 3. what profit shall I A. if be cleansed from sin? Psal. 2. 4. the Lord shall A. them in derision 14. 4.A. workers of iniquity no knowledge? 53. 4. 16. 6. in pleasant places, I A. a goodly heritage 35. 25. let them not say, ah, so would we A. it 73. 25. whom A. I in heaven but thee? none upon 104.33.1 willsing tomy God while I A. my being 111. 10. a good understanding A. all they that do 265 HAV PsaM15.5.they A.mouths; eyes h. they, but see not 6. they A. ears ; noses A. they, 7. \ 135. 16, 17. 119. 42. so shall I A. wherewith to answer him 165. great peace A. they which love thy law 146.2. sing praises unto my G. while I A.any being 149. 9. this honour A. all his saints, praise the L. Prov. 1. 14. cast in thy lot, let us iMJi. one purse 20. 4. the slugg. shall beg in harvest and A. nothing 29. 21. shall A. him become his son at the lengtli 30. 2. and I h. not the understanding of a man 3. nor A. I the knowledge of the Holy Eccl.'i. 19. yea,they A. all one brcath,so that a man 7. 12. that wisdom giveth life to them that A. it 9. 5. neither h- they any more a reward 6. neither A. they any more portion for ever Ca7!(.8.8.we A.a little sister and she hath no breasts 12. thou, O Solomon, must A. a tliousand Isa. 5. 13. are gone, because they A. no knowledge 23. 12. pass over, there also shalt thou A. no rest 26.]. we A.a strong city, salvation will G. appoint 30.29. ye shall A.a song as in the night when a holy 43. 8. bring the blind that A. eyes, deaf that A. ears 45.21. A. not I the Lord? there isnoG. beside me 24. say, in the L.A.I righteousness and strength 49. 20. the children which thou shalt A. shall say my hand shortened? A.I no power to deliv.? 11 . this A. of my hand, ye shall lie down in sorrow 52. 5. therefore what A. I here, saith the Lord 56. 11. are greedy dogs, which can never A. enough 61. 7. for your shame you shall A. double Jer. 5. 21. which A. eyes and see not, which A. ears 31. my people love to A. it so, what will ye do in 12. 12. sword of L.devour, no flesh shall A. peace 16. 2. neith. shalt A. sons nor daught. in this place 23. 17. the Lord hath said, ye shall A. peace, 29. 7. 35. 7. ye shall not plant vineyard, nor A. any 36. 30. he shall A. none to sit upon throne of David 38. 2. he shall A. his life for a prey, and shall Uve 44. 14. to the which they A. a desire to return 49. 9. they will destroy tiB they A. enough 31. the nation which A. neither gates nor bars Lam. 3.21. this I recal to my mind, theref A. I hope Ezek.5. 11. neith. will I A. pity, 7. 4. | 8. 18. ] 9. 10. 9. 5. let not your eye spare, neither A. ye pity 18. 23. A. I any pleasure that the wicked die ? 32. I A. no pleasure in the death of him, 33. 11. 21. 25. when iniquity shall A. an end, 29. J)aH.~. 30. for any wisdom that I A. more than any 3. 25. I see four men loose, and they A. no hurt 5. 7. shall A. a chain of gold about his neck, 16 0. 2. and the king should A. no damage JJus. 10. 3. for now they shall say we A. no king J\Iic. 3. 6. night shall be unto you, ye shall not A.vis. Zeph. 2. 10. this shall they A. for their pride Hag. 1. 6. ye eat, but ye A. not enough ; ye drink jylal. 2. 10. A. we not all one father ? hath not God Jllal. 3. 9. we A. Abraham to our father, Luke 3. 8. 5. 40. take tliy coat, let him A. thy cloak also 46.if love them who love you, what reward A. ye? 6. 2. verily I say, they A. their reward, 5. 16. 8. 20. the fo.xes A. holes, birds A. nests, Luke 9. 58. 29. what A. we do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Mark 1. 24. Luke 4. 34. 13. 12. and he shall A. more abundance, 25. 29. 14. 4. itis notlawful for thee to A.her, Mark 6. 18. 15. 33. whence should we A. so much bread in wil. 34. how many loaves A. ye ? MarkG. 38. | 8. 5. 17. 20. if A. faith as a grain of mustard, 21. 21. 19. IG. what shall I do, that I may A. eternal hie? 27. followed thee, what shall we A. therefore ? 26. 11. ye A. the poor always with you, but me ye A. not always, Mark 14. 7. Jokn 12. 8. 65. what further need A. we of witnesses ? 27. 19. A. nothing to do with that just man 43. let him deliver him now, if he will A. him Mark 2. 17. the whole A. no need of the physician 19. as long as they A. the bridegroom with them i. 23. if any man A.earsto hear, 7. 16. Rev. 13. 9. 40. why are ye so fearful, how is it ye A. no faith? 8. 16. saying, it is because we A. no bread 9.50. A. salt in yourselvcs,A. peace one with anoth. 10.21. thou shaltA.treas. in heaven, LmAc 18.22. 11.23.but shall believe, shall A. whatsoev. he saith 24. believe ye receive them, and ye shall A. them LukcG. 32. who love you, what thank A. ye? 33, 34. 8. 18. from him be taken what he seemeth to A. 11. 5. which of you shall A. a friend, and shall go 41. but rather give alms of such things as ye A. 12. 4. and after that A. no more that they can do 24. which neither A. store-house nor barn 33. sell that ye A. and give alms, provide bags 14.18. must go and SCO it, I pray A. meexcused,19. 15. 31. thou art ever with me, all that I A. is thine 19. 14. we will not A. this man to reign over us 22. 31. Satan hath desired to A. you, that he may 24.17. what communications ye A. one to another? 39. spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye seo me A. 41. ho said, A. ye hero' any meat ? John 21. 5. John 2. 3. the mother of Jesussaid, they A. no wine 4. woman, what A- 1 to do with thee? 2N HAV John3. 15. should notperishjbulA.evcrlast. life, 16. 4. 17. the woman answered and said, I A. no husb. 5. 26. he hath given the Son to ft. life in himself 38. and ye A. not his word abiding in you 42. 1 know that ye A. not the love of God in you 6. 40. believelh on him, may A. everlasting life 53. e.\cept ye eat his Ilesh, ye A. no life in you 8. 6. tempting, that they might A. to accuse him 12. he that followeth me, shall A. the light of life 41. A. one father even God || 49. 1 A. not a devil 9. 41. if ye were blind, ye should A. no sin 10. 10. I am come that they might A. life and more 16. other sheep I A. which are not of this fold 12. 35. walk while ye A. light, lest darkness, 36. 16. 33. that in me ye might A. peace, in the worhl ye shall A. tribulation, I A. overcome the world 18. 39. but ye A.a custom that 1 should release one 19. 7. we A. a law 1| 15. we A. no king but Cesar 20. 31. that beUeving ye might A. life thro' Jesus .dels 3. 6. silver and gold A. 1 none, but such as I A. 9. 6. he said. Lord, what wilt thou A. me to do ? 17. 28. in him we live, move, and A. our being 19. 25. know that by this craft we A. our wealth 21. 23. we A. four men which A. a vow Rom.'i. 14. when the Gentiles, which A. not the law 6. 22. ye h. your fruit unto holiness, the end life 8. 9. now if any man A. not the Spirit of Christ 9. 9. this time I will come, and Sara shall A. a son 12. 4. and all members A. not the same office 14. 22. hast thou faith? A. to thyself before God 15. 17. I A. whereof I may glory through Christ 1 Cor. 2. 16. but we A. the mind of Christ 4. 11. are naked, and A. no certain dwelling-place 15. though instructors, yet notmany fathers 5. 1. that one should A. his father's wife 6. 19. Holy Gh. which is in you, which ye A. of G. 7.2. to avoid fornication, let every man A. his own wife, let every woman A. her own husband 28. yet such shall A. trouble in the flesh 29. they that A. wives be as tho' they had none 32. 1 v/ould h. you without carefulness 40. I think also that I A. the Spirit of God 8. 1. we know, that we all A. knowledge 9. 4. A. we not power to eat and drink ? 5. 6. 11. 14. if a man A. long hair, it is a shame to him 15. if a woman A. long hair, it is a glory to her 16. we A. no such custom, nor the churches of G. 22. what, A. ye not houses to eat and drink in ? 12. 21. eye not say to hand, I A. no need of thee .'iO. A. all the gifts of healing ? do all interpret? 13. 1. A. not charity, I am become sounding brass 2. though I A. all faith and A. not charity, 3. 15. 31. by your rejoicing which I A. in Christ Jesus 34. for some A. not the knowledge of God 2Cor. 3. 4. such trust A. we thro'Christ to God-ward 4. 1. seeing we A. this ministry, we faint not 8. 11. a performance out of that which ye A. Eph. 4. 28. he may A. to give to him tl.-at needeth 5. 11. A. no fellowship with the unfruitful works Phil. 1. 7. I A. you in my heart || 4. 18. but I A. all Col. 1. 4. and love which ye A. to all the saints 2. 1. ye knew what great conflict I A. for you 3. 13. if any man A. a quarrel against any 4. 1. knowing that ye also A. a Master in heaven 1 Thess. 2. 14. ye suffered, as they A. of the Jews 2 Thcss. 3. 2. pray for us, for all men A. not feith 9. not because we A. not power, but to make 1 Tim. 2. 4. who will A. all men to be saved Heb. 4. 13. the eyes of him with whom we A. to do 14. seeing then that we A. a great high-priest 5. 14. Ijy reason of use A. their senses exercised 6. 19. which hope we A. as an anchor of the soul 8.1. we A. such a High-priest, set on right-hand .3. that this man A. somewhat also to offer 10. 34. that ye A. in heaven a better substance 13. 5. be content with such things as ye A. 10. we A. an altar whereof they A. no right to eat 14. here A. we no continuing city, we seek one Jam. 1. 4. but let patience A. her perfect work 2. 1. A. not faith of Christ with respect of persons 14. and A. not works, can faith save him ? 17. even so faith, if it A. not works, is dead 18.a man may say, thou hast faith, and I 3. 14. if ye A. bitter envy, and strife in your hearts 4. 2. ye lust and A. not, ye desire to A. ye fight and war, yet ye A. not, because yo ask not 1 Pet. 4. 8. above all things A. fervent charity 2 Pet. 1. 19. we A. a more sure word of prophecy 2. 14. a heart they A. exercised with covetousnoss 1 .7oAre l.S.if wesay, we A. no sin, deceive ourselv. 2. 1. we A. an Advocate with the Father, Jesus 20. but we A. an unction from the Holy One 4. 21. and this commandment A. we from him 5. 13. that yo may know that ye A. eternal life 14. this is the confidence that we A. in him 15. know we A. the petitions we desired of him 3 John 4. 1 A. no greater joy than to hear that my 9. Diotrephes, who loveth to A. the pre-eminence Rev. 1. 18. I A. the keys of hell and of death 2. 4. yet I A. somewhat against thee, 14, 20. HE Rev. 2. 10. and ye shall h. tribulation ten days 24. to you, and to as many as A. not this doctrine 25. but what ye h. already, hold last till I come 9. 4. which h. not the seal of God in their foreh. 13. 17. and A. the testimony of Jesus Christ 14. 11. they /(. no rest day nor night who worsliip 17. 13. tliese A. one mind, and give their power 19. 10. of bretliren that A. the testimony of Jesus 21.8. liars sliallA. theirpartin the lalce that burns 22. 14. that they may A. right to the tree of life See Compassion, Dominion. HAVING. Lev. 7. 20. A. his uncleanness upon him, 22. 3. 20. 18. A. her sickness |1 22. 22. A. a wen or scurvy Mian. 24. 4. into a trance, but A. his eyes open, IG. Rnth 1.13.would ye stay for them from A. husbands 1 Chron. 21. 16. A. a drawn sword in his hand 2 Citron. 11. 12. A. Judah and Benjamin on his side Esth. 6. 12. morning, and A. his liead covered Frov. 6. 7. which A. no guide, overseer, or ruler Ezek. 38. 11. and A. neither bars nor gates Mic. 1. 11. pass ye away, A. thy shame naked Zech. 9. 9. thy knig conieth to thee, h. salvation Mat. 7. 29. he taught as one A. authority 8.9.under authority, A.soldiers under me,Liikel .8. 9. 36. were as sheep A. no shepherd, Mark 6. 34. 18. 8. rather than A. two hands or two feet 9. rather than h. two eyes to be cast, Mark 9. 43. 22. 12. how camest, not A. a wedding-garment? 24. if a man die, A. no children, Luke 20. 28. 25. and A. no issue, left his wife to his brother 26. 7. woman A. an alabaster-box, Mark 14. 3. Mark 8. 1. and A. nothing to eat, Jesus called 18. A. eyes, see ye not ? A. ears, hear ye not 1 11. 13. a tig-tree A. leaves || 12. 6. A. one son LukeS.iZ. woman A. an issue of blood twelve years 15. 4. what man of you A. a hundred sheep 1 8. either what woman A. ten pieces of silver 1 17. 7. but which of you h. a servant plowing John 7. 15. how knows he letters, A. never learned 7 18. 10. then Simon Peter A. a sword drew it Acts 4. 37. A. land, sold it, and brought the money 22. 12. A. a good report of the Jews who dwelt 24. 22. A. more perfect knowledge of that way Rom. 2. 14. A. not the law, are a law to themselves 12. 6. A. then gifts differing accord, to grace given 1 Cor. 6. 1. A. a matter against another, go to law 7. 37. he that standeth stedfast, A. no necessity 2Cor. 4. 13. we A.the same spirit of faith, as written C. 10. as A. nothing, and yet possessing all things 7. 1. A. therefore these promises, beloved, cleanse 9. 8. ye always A. all sutBciency in all things 10. G. A. in a readiness to revenge all disobedience 15. but A. hope, when your faith is increased Eph. 2. 12. A. no hope || 5. 27. not A. spot or wrinkle 6. 14. A. your loins girt about with truth Phil. 1. 23. A. a desire to depart, and be with Christ 25. A. this confidence || 30. A. the same conflict 2. 2. A. same love||3.9. not A. my own righteousn. Col.\. 20. A. made peace thro' the blood of his cross 2. 19. A. nourishment ministered, and knit together lTm.3.4.A. his subjection with all gravity 4. 8. A. the promise of the life that now is 5. 12. A. damnation, because they have cast off 6. 8. and A. food and raiment, let us be content 2 Tim. 2. 19. A. this seal, the Lord knoweth his 3. 5. A. a form of godliness, but denying the power 4. 3. they shall heap teachers, A. itching ears Tit. 1. 6. h. faithful children, not accused of riot 1 Pet.'i. 12. A. conversation honest among Gentiles 3. 16. A. a good conscience, they may be ashamed 2 Pet. 2. 14. A. eyes full of adult, that cannot cease Jude 19. these be sensual, li. not the Spirit Rei\ 5. 6. A. seven horns || 8. A. every one harps 7. 2. I saw an angel, A. tlie seal of the living God 8. 3. A. a golden censer || 9. 17. A. breast-plates 12. 3. A. seven heads || 12. A. great wrath 14. 6. A. the everlasting gospel to preach to them 15. 2. A. the harps of God || 17. 4. A. a golden cup 18. 1. ft. great power || 20. 1. A. the key of the pit 21. 11. the holy Jerusalem, A. the glory of God HAVEN. Gen.49. 13. Zobul. shall dwell at the A. a A. of ships Psal. 107. 30. he bringelh them to their desired A. .icts 27. 12. A. not commodious, a A. of Crete Fair HAVENS. Mots 27. 8. came to a place which is called the /. A. HAVOCK. Mcts 8. 3. as for Saul, he made A. of the church HAWK. Lev. 11. 16. A. had in abomination, Deut. 14. 15. Job 39. 26. doth the A. fly by thy wisdom ? HAY. ^ Prnv. 27. 25. the A. appearelh, and tender grass Isa. 15. 6. the withered away, the grass faUeth 1 Cor. 3. 12. who buildcth on this foundation, h. HAZEL. Ocn. 30. 37. Jacob took him rods of A. and chesnut HE. Crtn. 3. 10. and he shall rule over thee 266 HE Gcn.Q. 3. not always strive with man, for Ac is flesh 44.10.Aewith whom it is found shall be my servant 48. 19. younger brother shaU be greater than he 49. 8. art he whom thy bretiiren shall praise Exod.i.Va.he shall be thy spokesman to the people, and he shall be to thee instead of a mouth 9. 34. and hardened his heart, he and his servants 35. 34. Ae hath put in his heart that he may leach both Ae and Aholiahofthe tribe of Dan Lev.1. 33. he among the sons of Aaron that offereth 25. 54. shall go out in jubilee, he and his children Mum. 24. 9. and cursed is he thatcurscth thee Deut. 3. 1. came, he and all his people to battle 8. 18. it is he that giveth power to get wealth 27. 16. cursed be he. So to the end of the chapter 31.6. Ae that doth go with thee, Ac will not fail, 8. 32. 6. is not Ae thy Father that hath bought thee ? 39. I, even I am Ae, and there is no God with me, Isa. 41. 4. I 43. 10, 13. | 46. 4. 1 48. 12. Josh. 23. 3. L. your G. is he that fought for you, 10. Judg. 10. 18. what man is he will begin to fight? 1 Sam. 4. 16. I am Ac that came out of the army 9. 2. there was not a goodlier person than Ae 16. 12. this is Ae || 25. 25. as his name is so is Ae 1 Kings 2. 32. who fell on two men better than he 17.15.she and Ae and her house did eat many days 18. 17. art thou Ae that troubleth Israel 1 2Atn^sl8.22. is not that Ac whose places, /sa.36.7. 2Chron. 29. 3. Ae in first year of reign opened doors Job 9. 24. if not, where, and who is Ae ? 13. 19. who is Ac that will plead with me 1 14. 10. man dieth,and where is Ae? 20.7. /sa.63.11. Psai.22.9.tliouart Ae that took me out of the womb 60. 12. Ae it is shall tread down enemies, 108. 13. 68. 20. Ae that is our God is the God of salvation 100. 3. Ae is God, it is Ae that hath made us 144. 10. it is Ac that giveth salvation to kings Prov. 16. 20. thattrusteth in L. happy is Ae, 29. 18. Eccl. 5. 8. Ae tliat is higher than the highest regard. 6. 3. 1 say that an untimely birth is better than he Isa. 40. 22. it is Ae sitteth on tlie circle of the earth 51. 12. 1, even I, am Ae that comforteth you, 52. 6. John 18. 5, 6, 8. Rev. 1. 18. | 2. 23. Jer.5.12.have belied the Lord, and said, it is not Ae 14. 22. art not thou Ae, O Lord our God 38. 5. the king is not Ae that can do any thing 48. 26. and Ae also shall he in derision Ezek. 38. 17. art thou Ae of whom I have spoken? Hab. 1. 13. the man that is more righteous than Ac Mat. 2. 2. where is Ae that is born king of the Jews? 3. 3'. this is Ae that was spoken of by the prophet 11.3. art thou Ae that should come? Luke 7. 19, 20. 12. 30. Ac that is not with me is against me, and Ae that gathereth not wilhme, Luke 11. 23. 22. 42. whattiiiukye of Christ? whose son is Ae? 24.26. Acis in the desert, Ae is in the secret chamb. 26. 48. the same is Ae, hold him fast, Mark 14. 44. Mark 12. 32. and there is none other but Ae Luke 10. 22. Ae to whom the Son will reveal him 11. 7. and Ae from within shall answer and say 20. 2. who is Ae that gave thee this authority ? 22. 27. Ae that sitteth at meat, or Aethat serveth 24. 6. they said, Ae is not here, but is risen 21. we trusted Ae should have redeemed Israel John 1. 15. tliis was Ae of whom I spake, 30. 4. 26. Jesus saith, I that speak to thee, am Ac 7.11. where is Ac? || not this Ae they seek to k.? 8. 24. if ye believe nolthati am Ae, ye shall die 28. then shall ye know that I am Ac 9. 8. they said, is not this he that sat and begged ? 9. some said, this is Ac, but Ae said, I am Ae 36. who is Ae, Lord ]\ 37. Ae that talketh with thee 13. 19. I tell you that ye may believe that I am Ac Mcts 3. 10. they knew it was Ae who sat for alms 7. 38. this is Ae that was in the church in wildern. 9.21. is not this he that destroyed them who called 10. 21. Peter said, I am Ae whom ye seek 42. Ae that was ordained of God to be the juJ] 13. 25. whom think ye that I am ? I am not Ae Rom. 2. 28. Ae is not a Jew that is one outwardly 29. but Ae is a Jew that is one inwardly 14. 18. Ac that in tliese things serveth Christ 1 Cor. 10. 22. are we stronger than Ac ? 2 Cor. 10. 7. of himself think this again, that as Ac is Christ's, even so are we Christ's 1 TAcss.5.24. faithful is Aethat calleth you,will do it 2 Thess. 2. 7. he who letteth, will let till Ac he taken Hcb.Vi. 7. what son is Ae the father chasteneth not? 10. butAe for our profit, that we might be partak. 1 Pet. 1. 15. as Ae which hath called you is holy 1 John 1.7. if wo walk in light, as Ae is in the light 2.28.when he shall appear, we may have confiden. 3. 7. is righteous, even as Ac is righteous 24. dwelleth in him, and Ae in him, 4. 15. 4. 4. greater is Ac that is in you, than Aein world 17. because as Ae is so are wo in this world 5. 12. Ae that hath the Son, hath life ; and Ae that hath not the Son of God, hath not hfe 3 John 11. follow not evil, he that doeth good is of God ; he that doeth evil hath not seen God HEA iJeu.20. 6. holy is Ae that hath part in first resurrec 22. 11. he that is unjust, Ae that is filthy See Blessed, Did, Saitii. HEAD. The headi's theuppermost and chief part of the body. It is sometimes taken for the whole man. Prov. 10. 6, Blessings are upon the head of the just, that is, upon their persons. Jind God says of the wicked, I will recompense their way upon their head, Ezek. 9. 10. It is taken also for the life. Dan. 1. 10, Ye shall make me endangermy head to the king. It also signifies a chief or capital city. Isa. 7. 8, The head of Syria is Damascus. It denotes a chief or prin- cipal member in any society. Isa. 9. 14, 15, TJie Lord will cut off from Israel head and tail. The ancient and honourable, ho is the head. It is said, Gen. 3. 15, The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head ; that is, Christ Jesus, the blessed seed of the woman, shall overthrow the power, policy, and works of the devil. Head is taken for one that hath rule andpre-emi- nence over others. Thus God is the head of Christ, as Mediator ; from him he derives all his dignity and authority : Christ is the only spiritual head of his church, both in respect of eminence and influence ; he communicates life, motion, and strength to every believer: also the husband is the head of his wife, because by God's ordinance he is to rule over her. Gen. 3. 16. Also in regard of pre-eminence of sex, 1 Pet. 3. 7. and excellency of knowledge, 1 Cor. 14. 35. TAe apostle mentions this subordination of persons in 1 Cor. 11. 3, But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ : and the head of the womanis the man ; and the head of Christ is God. Theriverin Paradise was dividedinto four heads, into four springs, four branches, Gen. 2. 10. The stone which the builders rejected, was made the head of the corner, Psal. 118. 22, it was the first in the angle, whether it were dis- posed at the top of that angle to adorn and crown it, or at the bottom to support it. This in the Mew Testament is applied to Christ, who is the strength and beauty of the church, to unite the several parts thereof, namely, both Jews and Gentiles, together. Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads, Psal. 66. 12. Thou hast given us masters who use us like slaves, yea, like beasts to carry their burdens. The Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail, Deut. 28. 13. Thou shalt be always master, and never in subjection. Head is taken sometimes for poison, because the Hebrew word Rosch, which signifies head, sig- nifies likewise poison. Job 20. 16, He shall suck the poison, or head of asps, hi ti?ncs of mourning, they covered their heads, they cut and plucked off their hair ; I will bring baldness upon every head, says the prophet, speaking of calamitous times, Amos 8.10. Onthc contrary, in prosperity they anointed their heads with sweet oils. Eccl. 9. 8, Let thy head lack no ointment. To shake the head at one, is a ges- ture of contempt and insult. Psal. 22. 7, They shoot out the lip, they shake the head. Gen.^. 15. it shall bruise thy A. thou bruise his heel 40. 13. yet Pharaoh shall lift up thy h. 19. 49. 26. blessings shall be on the A. of Joseph, and on the top of the A. of him, Deut. 33. 16. Exod. 29. 10. Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon A. of the bullock. Lev. 4. 4. | 8.14. 15. put hands on A. of the ram, 19. I^cv. 8. 18,22. Lev. 1. 4. shall put hand on the A. of burnt-offering 3. 2. shall lay his hand on the A. of his offering 4.29. lay his hand on the A. of sin-offering, 33. 13. 44. he is leprous, his plague is in his A. 45. his clothes shall be rent, and his A. bare 21. 5. they shall not make baldness on their A. 10. shall not uncover- his A. nor rend his clotlies Mum. 5. 18. the priest shall uncover the woman's A. 6.5. there shall no razor come on the Nazarite's A. 7. the consecration of his God is on his A. 9. then he shall shave his A. 18. Deut. 21. 12. 11. and he shall hallow his A. that same day Josh. 2. 19. his blood be on his A. blood on our A. Judg. 5. 26. she smote off Sisera's A. when she had 13.5. shalt bear a son,Tio razor shall come on his A. 1 Sam. 17. 57. Goliath's A. || 31. 9. cut off Saul's ft. 25. 39. the wickedness of Nahal on his own A. 28. 2. I will make thee keeper of my A. for ever 2Sa7«.1.2.a man came, and earth upon his A. 15. 32. 16. thy blood be upon thy A. 1 Kings 2. 37. 3. 8. Ahner was wroth, and said, am I a dog's A. ? 29. let it rest on theft, of Joab, and on his house 16. 9. let me go over, and take off his ft. 2 Kings 2. 3. take thy master from thy A. to-day, 5 4. 19. and lie said unto his father, my ft. ray A. HEA 2 A'/no's6.31.ift'ieA.ofElishaBhaIistaiid on him 3-2. son of a murdorer sent to take away my h. 19.21. the virgin despised thee, tiie daughter of Je- rusalem hath shaken her h. at thee, Isa. 37. 22 25. 27. did hft up tlie A. of Jehoiachin, Jcr. 52. 31. 2 C/ir. 6. 23. by recompensing his way on his h- Ezra 9. 6. our iniquities are increased over our A. JVcA. 4. 4. and turn their reproach on their own A. Esth. 9. 25. his device should return on his own A. Job 1. 20. Job arose, sliaved his A. and fell down 10. 15. if righteous, yet will not I lift up my A. 16. 4. and 1 could shake my A. at you Psal. 3. 3. my glory and the lifter up of mine h. 7. 16. his mischief shall return on his own A. 22. 7. they shoot out the lip, they shako the A. 23. 5. thou anointest my A. with oil, cup runneth 27. 6. now shall my A. be lifted up above enemies 38. 4. mine iniquities are gone over mine A. 44. 14. a shaking of the A. among the people 60. 7. Ephraim is the strength of my A. 108. 8. 68.21. God shall wound the A. of his enemies 83. 2. they that hate thee, have lift up the A. 110. 7. therefore shall he lift up the A. 140. 9. as for the A. of those that compass me 141. 5. be an oil, which shall not break my A. Prov. 10. 6. blessings are on the A. of the just 11. 26. blessing on the A. of him which sellcth corn 25.22. shall heap coals of fire on his A. iJo;rt.l2.20. Eccl. 2. 14. the wise man's eyes are in his A- Cant. 2. 6. his left hand is under my A. 8. 3. 5. 2. my A. is filled willi dew, my locks with drops 11. his A. as most fine gold || 7. 5. thy A.asCarmel Isa. 1. 5. the whole A. is sick and the heart faint 51. 11. everlasting joy shall be on their A. 58. 5. is it to bow down his A. as a bulrush ? 59. 17. he put on a helmet of salvation on his A. Jer. 2. 37. go forth, and thine hands on thy A. 9. 1. O that my A. were waters, mine eyes tears 23. 19. fall grievously on the A. of wicked, 30.23. Ezek. 9. 10. recompense their way on their A. 29. 18. every A. was made bald, shoulder peeled Dan. 2. 38. O king, thou art this A. of gold Joel 3. 4. return your recompense on your A. 7. .4mos2.7. that pant after dust on the A. of the poor 8. 10. and I will bring baldness on every A. 9. 1. he said, cut them in the A. all of them Zcch. 1. 21. so that no man did lift uj) his A. 6. 11. then set the crowns on the A. of Joshua Mat. 5. 36. neither shall thou swear by thy A. 27. 30. and they smote him on the A. Mark 15. 19. Mark 6. 24. she said, the A. of John the Baptist jMkc 7. 46. my A. with oil thou didst not anoint Jo!m 13. 9. not feet only, but also my hands and A 1 Cor. 11. 4. his A. covered, dishonourelh his A. 10. the woman ouglit to have power on her A. 12. 21. the h. to the feet, I liave no need of you Eph. 1. 22. put all things under his feet, and gave him as A.tollie church, 4. 15. Col. 1. 18. Col. 2. 19. not holding the A. from which the body fteo.lO.lfi.eyes flame offire,andhis A.manycrowns Sec Beard, Bald, Bow, Bowed, Cover, Covered, Crown. ^zc-HEAD. Deut. 19. 5. and the axe-h. slippethfrom the helve 2 Kings 6. 5. axe-h. fell into the water, and ho cried jBerf's-HEAD. Gen. 47. 31. Israel bowed himself on the bcd's-h. Spear's-BBAD. lSam.n.^.s.-h. weighed 600 shekels,2 So7«.21.16. HEAD-STONE. Psal. 118. 22. is become the h.-stone of the corner Zeeh. 4. 7. bring forth the A.-stone with shoutings HEAD of the corner. Mat. 21. 42. is become the A. of the corner, Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17. j?ct5 4. 11. 1 Pet. 2.7. HEAD, for Ruler, Governor. Jftim. 17. 3. one rod shall be for the A. of the house 25. 15. he was A. over a people of a chief house Deut. 28. 13. Lord will make thee the A. not the tail 44. he shall be the A. and thou shall be the tail Jb.sA. 22. 14. each one a A. of house of their fathers Judg. 10. 18. he shall be k. over all Gilcad, 11. 8. 11.9. shall! be yourA.?|| 11. the people made himA. 1 Sam.^5. 17. wast thou not made the A. of Israel? 2.Sant.22. 44. thou hast kept me to be A. PsaM8.43. 1 Chron. 11. tC. who smitcth Jebusites, shall be A. 29. 11. and thou art exalted as A. above all Isa.T.S.h. of Damascus isRozin, A. ofSamaria,9. 9. 14. Lord will cut off from Isrard A. and tail 1.5. the ancient and honourable, ho is the A- 19. 1.5. nor work which A. or tail, or rush, may do Jer. 22. 6. thou art Gilead to me, A. of Lebanon Mos. 1. 11. they shall appoint themselves one A. Wa6.3.13. woundedst theA.outof house of wicked 14.thou didst strike through the A. of his villages 1 Cor. 11.3. that the A.ofcvcry man isChrisl, the A. of the woman is the man, the A. of Christ is God Eph.5. 23. the husband is the A. of the wife, even as Christ is A. of the church, and Saviour of body Co?.2.10.who is the A. of all principality and power 267 HEA HEAD, for Top, Chief. Psal. 137. 1 6. prefer Jerusalem before A. of my joy Isa. 28. 1. which are on the A. offal valleys, 4. 51. 20. they lie at the A. of all the streets Ezek. 16. 25. built high i)laces at A. of the way 21. 19. choose it at the A. of the way to the city 21. king of Babylon stood al the A. of two ways HEAD with hair or hairs. Z,ew.l3.40.lhe man whose hair is fallen off his A.41. 14. 9. the leper shall shave all his hair off his A. J\ru7n. C. 5. let the locks of Ihe hair of his A. grow 18. andshalt lake the Aaj'r of A. of his separation Judg. 16. 22.the hair of his A. began to grow again 1 45. not a hair of his A.shall fall to ground 2 Sam. 14. 26. weighed hair of his A. at 200 shekels Ezra 9. 3. 1 plucked offthe hair of my A. and beard Ps. 40. 12. tliey are more than hairs of my A. 69. 4. Cant. 7. 5. and the hair of thine A. like purple Dan. 3. 27. nor was a hair of their A- singed 7. 9. the hair of his A. like the pure wool Jlfat.l0.30.AaiVs of your A. are numbered, i>«Ael2.7. Luke 7. 38. did wipe them with hairs of her A. 44. 21. 18. there shall not a hair of your A. perish Mcts 27. 34. not a hair fall from the A. of any hisA. and hiahairs were while like wool Hoary HEAD. Lev. 19. 32. thou shall rise before the hoary A. HEADBANDS. Isa. 3. 20. Lord will take away the A. and tablets HEADY. 2 Tim. 3. 4. for men shall be A. high-minded HEADLONG. Job 5. 13. the counsel of the froward is carried A. Luke 4. 29. that they might cast him down A. .^cts 1. 18. and falling A. he burst asunder in midst HEADS. Geti. 43. 28. they bowpd down Iheir A. Exod. 4. 31. Lev. 10. 6. uncover not your A. lesl ye die Josh. 1. 6. and put dust upon their A. Job 2. 12. Judg. 8. 28. so that Ihey lifted up their h. no more 9. 57. all the evil did God render upon their A. 1 Sam. 29. 4. should it not be with the h. of these 1 Kings 20. 31. let us, I pray, put ropes on our A. 32. put ropes on their ft. and came lo the king 2 Kings 10. 6. take ye the A. of your master's sons 8. they have brought the A. of the king's sons 1 Chron. 12. 1 19- he will fall to Saul on our A. Psal. 24. 7. lift up your A. O ye gales, and be lift, 9. 66. 12. thou hast caused men to ride over our A. 74. 13. thou brakest the A. of the dragons in waters 14. thou brakost the A. of leviathan in pieces 109. 25. they looked on me, they shaked their A. Isa. 15. 2. on all their A. shall be baldness Zion songs,andeverlaslingjoy onlheir A. Jer. li. 3. they were ashamed and covered their A. 4. plowmen were ashamed, they covered their A. Ezek. 7. 18. and baldness shall be on all their A. 11.21. Iwill recompense their way on their A.22.3i. 32. 27. they laid their swords under their A. 44. 18. shall have linen bonnets on their A. 20. nor shall they shave, they shall poll their A. Mat. 27.39. reviled, wagging their A. Mark 15.29. Luke 21. 28. then look up, and lift up your A. .lets 18. 6. he said, your blood be uponyour own A. Rev. 9. 7. and on their A. were as il were crowns 19. their tails were like to serpents, and had A. 13. 1. I saw a beast having seven A- and on his A. 3. 1 saw il were wounded to death 17. 9. the seven A. are seven mountains, on which 18. 19. Ihey cast dust on their A. and cried, alasl HEADS for Governors. Exod. 18. 25. and made them A. over the people JVum. 1. 16. they were A. of thousands in Israel 25. 4. take all the A. of the people and hang them Josh. 22. 21. Reuben and Gad answered the A. 23.2. Joshua called for their A. and for their judges T Chron. 12. .32. the A. of Israel were two hundred 2Chron. 5. 2. Solomon assembled all the A. to bring 28. 12. certain of the A. of Ephraim stood up Psal.lW. G. shall wound the ft. over many countries Isa. 29. 1 10. the prophets and A. hath he covered Mic. 3. 1. hear, O A. of Jacob, and princes of Isr. 9. 11. A. thereof judge for reward, and priests teach See Fathers. HEAL. JVum. 12. 13. A. her now, O God, I beseech thee Deut. 32. 39. I kill and make alive, I wound, I A. 2 Kings 20. 5. I will A. thee, and add to thy days 8. what shall be the sign that the L. will A. me? 2 Ckr. 7. 14. 1 will forgive their sin, and will A. land Psal. 6. 2. O Lord, A. me, for my bones are ve.\ed 41. 4. A. my soul, for I have sinned against thee 60. 2. A. the breaches thereof, for it shakcth Eccl. 3. 3. a time to kill, and a time to ft. Isa. 19.22. shall smile and A. it,anii he shall A.them 57. 18. I have seen his wavs, and will A. him, 19. Jcr. 3. 22. return, and I will A. your hlackslidings 17. 14. A. me, O Lord, and I shall be healed 30. 17. I will A. thee of thy wounds, saith the L. /.am.2.13. for thy breach is great, who can A. Ihee? HEA Hos. 5. 13. yet could he not A. you, nor cure you 6. 1. let us return, he hath torn, and will A. us 14. 4. 1 will A. Iheir backsliding, I will love freely Zcch. 11. 16. he shall not A. that that is broken Mat. 8. 7. Jesus saith, I will come and A. him 10. 1. to A. all manner of sickness, Mark 3. 15. 8. A. the sick, cleanse the lepers, Luke 9.2. 1 10.9. 12.10. is it lawful lo A. on sabbath-day? LukcU.a. 13. 15. I should A. them, John 12.40. Jlctsi8.27. JI/o?-A3.2. whether he would A.on sabbath, /.«Ac6.7. i?//i:c4.18.ho hath sent me lo A. the broken-hearted 23. ye will surely say, physician, A. thyself S.n.lhe power of the Lord was present to A. them 7.3.besceching that he would come and A.his serv. John 4. 47. thathc would come down and A. his son j^cts 4. 30. by stretching forth thine hand to A. HEALED. Gen. 20. 17. God A. Abimelcch and his wife Exorf.21.19. he shall cause him to be thoroughly A. Lev. 13. 18. the bile is A. || 37. the scall is A. 14. 3. and if the plague of leprosy be A. 48. £'c!/«.28.27.with itch, whereof Ihou canst not be A. 1 Sam. 6. 3. return an offering, then he shall be A. 2Kings2. 21. have A. the waters||22. waters were A. 8. 29. king Joram went to be ft. in Jezreel 9. 15. Joram was returned to be ft. 2 Chron. 22. C. 2 Chro7i. 30. 20. the L. hearkened and A. the people Psal. 30. 2. I cried to thee, and thou hast A. me 107. 20. he sent his word, and h. them Isa. 6. 10. lest they see, and convert, and bo A. 53.5.he was bruised, and with his stripes we are A. Jcr. 6. 14. they have A. the hurl slightly, 8. 11. 15.18.mywoundincurable,whichrefuselhtobeA. 17. 14. heal me, O Lord, and I shall be A. 51.8. howl for her,take balm, if so be she may be A. 9. we would have A. Babylon, but she is not A. Ezek.30.21. and lo, il shall not be bound up to be A. 34. 4. neither have ye A. that which was sick 47.8. brought forth into sea,the waters shall beA.9. 11. and the marishes thereof shall not be A. Hos. 7. 1. when I would have A. Isr. then iniquity 11. 3. but they knew not that I A. them Mat.i. 24. those thai had the palsy, and he A. thera 8. 8. speak, and my servant shall be A. Luke 7. 7. 12.15.multiludes followed him, he A. them, 14. 14. Mark 5. 23. that she may be ft. and she shall live Luke 8. 43. had spent all, nor could be A. of any 13.14.thereforecome and be A. and not on sabbath 17. 15. when he saw that he was ft. turned back 22. 51. and he touched his ear, and ft. him John 5. 13. he thai was ft. w ist not who it was Jlcts 4. 14. and beholding the man who was A. 5. 16. and they were A. every one 14. 9. and perceiving thai he had faith to bo A. 28. 8. Paul prayed, and A. the father of Publius Heb. 12. 13. be out of the way, but let it rather be A. Jam. 5. 16. pray one for another, that ye may be A. 1 Pet. 2. 24. by whose stripes ye were A. Rev. 13. 3. and his deadly wound was A. 12. HEALER. Isa. 3. 7. shall swear, saying, I will not be a A. HEALETH. Exod. 1.5. 26. for 1 am the Lord that A. thee Psal. 103. 3. bless the Lord who A. all thy diseases 147. 3. he A. the broken in heart, and bindeth up Isa. 30. 26. and ho A. the stroke of their wound HEALING, Substantive. 2 CAroK. 24. 1 13. and the A. went up upon the work 36. 1 16. wrath of Lord arose, till there was no A. Prov. 15. t 4. the A. of the tongue is a tree of hfe .ler. 14. 19. there is no ft. for us, the lime of A. Dan. 4. t 27. if il may be a A. of thy error JV*aA.3.19.there is noA.of lhybruise,woundgrievous JJ/fli.4.2.shall Sun ofright.arise with his wings Luke 9. 11. and he healed Ihera that had need of A. Jlcts 4.22. on whom this miracle of A. was shewed 1 Cor. 12. 9. is given lo another the gift of A. 28. 30. have all the gifts of A. ? do all interpret? Rev. 22. 2. leaves of (he tree were for A. of nations HEALING. ,Ier.20. 13. none to plead, thou hast no A. medicine Mat. 4. 23. went about ft. all manner of sickness Lukc^.G. preaching the gospel, and A. every where .^cts 10. 38. A. all that were oppressed of the devil HEALTH. Gen. 43. 28. our father is in good ft. ho is yet nlivc 2 Sam. 20. 9. Joab said, art thou in A. my brother? Psal. 38. t 3. neither is there any A. in my bones 42. 11. who is the A. of my countenance, 43. 5. 67.2.thy savingft.maybo known among all nations Prov. 3. 8. il shall be A. lo thy navel, and marrow 4. 22. for Ihey are A. lo all their flesh 12. 18. but the tongue of the wise is A. 13. 17. but a faithful ambassador is A. 16. 24. sweet to the soul, and A. to the hones Isa. 58. 8. thy A. shall spring forth speedily ler. 8. 15. looked for a time of A. behold trouble 22. why is not the A. of my people recovered ? 30. 17. fori willrestore A. unto thee, and heal thee 33. 6. behold, I will bring if A. and cure HEA Acts 27. 34. take some meat, Ibv this is for your A. 3 John 2. mayest bo in h. as thy soul prospereth HEAP, Substantive. Oen. 31. 4G. tliey made a A. aud did eat on the A. 52. this A. be witness, and this pillar he witness £iod.l3.8.water:c7tt. 5.27 22. 23. if they cry, I will surely A. their cry, 27. JVum. 9. 8. I will A. what the Lord will command 2 Sam. 14. 16. king tcill A. to deliver his handmaid 2 Kings 19. 4. it may be thy God will h. the words 2 Clir. 7. 14. then irill I A. from heaven, Ps. 20. 6. 20. 9. then thou wilt h. and help, Psal. 38. 15. Psal 4. 3. the Lord will h. \\ 17. 6. thou 7cilt A. me 85. 8. I will h. what God the Lord will speak 145. 19. he also will A. their cry, and save them Prov. 1. 5. wise man will A. and increase learning Isa. 41. 17. the Lord willh. \.hcm, and not forsake 65. 24. while they are yet speaking, I will h. Jer. .36. 3. it may be the house of Judah will h. i?;2eA.2.5. whether they 7/!iH A. or forbear, 7. | 3.11. Hos. 2. 21. I will A. the heavens, they the earth Mic. 7. 7. I will wait for God, my God will A. mo Zech. 10. 6. 1 am their God and joiViA. them, 13. 9. Jicts 17. 32. we will A. thee again of this matter 21. 22. for thcv will h. that thou art conic 209 HEA .^cts23.35.I?C77Z A.thee,whenthyaccusers arc come 28.28.salvation is sent to the Gentiles, they willh. HEAR the word of the Lord. 1 Kings 22. 19. A. therefore the word of the Lord, 2 Chr. 18. 18. Jer. 29. 20. | 42. 15. Jlmos 7. 16. 2 Kings 7. 1. then Elisha said A. ye the word of the Lord, Jer. 17. 20. | 21. 11. 20.16.Isaiahsaid toHezekiah,A.7co?-(io/ior(?,all in thy house bo carried to Babylon, Isa. 39. 5. Isa. 1. 10. A. word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom 28. 14. A. the tcord of the Lord, ye scornful men 66.5. A.7(;ordo///07'(/, yethal tremble at his word J'er. 2. 4. h.wordof Lord, O house of Jacob, 10. 1. 7. 2. A. the word of the Lord, all ye of Judah 9. 20. yet A. the word of the Lord, O ye women 19. 3. A. word of Lord, O kings of Judah, 22. 2. 22. 29. O earth, earth, A. the word of the Lord 31. 10. A. the word of the Lord, O ye nations 34.4.yct h.word of Lord,0 Zedekiah,king,of Jud. 44. 24. A. the word of the Lord, all Judah, 26. mountains of Israel, A. the toord of the Lord, I will bring a sword on you, 36. 1, 4. 13. 2. say to prophets A. ye the word of the Lord 16.35. wherefore, O harlot,A.iAc7cor. 17. I have spoken, but they have not A 46. 12. the nations have h. of thy shame HEA Jcr. 50. 46. and the cry is h. among the nations 51. 46. a rumour that shall be A. in the land Lam. 1. 21. they have A. that I sigh, there is none 3. 61. thou hast A. their reproach, O Lord F.zek. 19. 4. the nations A. of him, he was taken 26. 13. the sound of thy harp shall be no more A. 33. 5. he A. the sound of the trumpet, and took Dan. 12. 8. and I A. but I understood not i/os.7.12. chastise them, as their congrega. hath A. Jonah 2. 2. I cried unto the Lord, and he A. mo Mic. 5. 15. in fury, such as they have not A. Hab. 3. 10. when I A. my belly trembled Mai. 3. 16. and the Lord hearkened and A. it Mat. 5. 21. ye have h. it was said, 27, 33, 38, 43. 6. 7. they shall be h. for their much speaking 13. 17. ye hear, and have not A. them, Luke 10. 24. 15. 12. were oftended after they A. this saying 22. 7. when the king A. thereof, he was wroth 26. 65. ye have A. his blasphemy, Mark 14. 64. Mark 4. 15. but when they have A. Satan cometh 14. 11. and when they A. it they were glad Luke 1. 13. fear not, thy prayer is A. ./lets 10. 31. 12. 3. what ye have spoken, shall bo A. in the light 20. 16. when they A. it, they said, God forbid .John 3. 32. what he hath A. that he tcstifieth 6. 45. every man that hath A. of the Father 8. 6. wrote on the ground, as tho' he A. them not 9. 32. since the world began was it not A. 11. 41. Father, I thank thee that thou hast A. mo 18. 21. ask them which A. me, what I have said 21. 7. when Simon Peter A. that it was tho Ld. Jlcts 1. 4. wait for the promise ye have A. of me 2. 37. when they A.this,they were pricked in heart 4- 4. many of them which A. the word believed 5. 5. fear came on all Ihem that A. these things 13. 48. when the Gentiles A. this they were glad 14. 9. the same A. Paul speak, who beholding 16. 14. a woman which worshipped God, A. us 25.sang praises to God, and the prisoners A. them 19. 5. when they A. this, they were baptized 22. 15. shalt witness of what thou hast seen and A. 24. 24. A. him concerning the faith in Christ Rom. 10. 14. in him of whom they have not A. 18. but I say, have they not A. ? yes, verily 15. 21. they that have not A. shall understand 1 Cor. 2. 9. eye hath not seen, nor ear A. neither Gal. 1. 13. for ye have A. of my conversation Eph. 1. 13. after that ye A. the word of truth 15. after I A. of your faith in the Lord Jesus 4. 21. if so he ye have A. him and been taught Phil. 2. 26. that ye hart A. that he had been sick 4. 9. those things ye have A. and seen in me, do Col. 1. 4. since we A. of your faith in Christ 6. since day ye A. of it, and knew the grace of G. 9. since day we A. it, do not cease to pray for you 2 Tim. 2. 2. things thou hast A. of me, commit to Heb. 2. 3. was confirmed to us by them that A. him 3. 16. for some when they had A. did provoke 4. 2. not being mixed with faith in them that A. 5.7. offer, up prayers, and was A. in that he feared Jam. 5. 11. ye have A. of the patience of Job 1 .7oA?i 2. 18. ye A. that antichrist shall come, 4. 3. 24. have A. from the beginning, 3. 11. 2 John 6. Rev. 3. 3. remember therefore how thou hast A. 5. 13. and all that are in them A. I, saying 7. 4. I A. the number of them which were sealed 9. 16. and I A. the number of the horsemen 16. 5. and I A. the angel of the waters say 18. 22. the voice of trumpeters shall be A. no more 23. the voice of bride shall be A. no more in theo 22. 8. I saw these thines, and A. them, when I A. / have HEARD. Gm. 17. 20. and as for Ishmacl I have h. thee 41. 15. I have dreamed a dream, I have A. say of thee thou canst interp. dreams, IJan. 5. 14, 16. 42. 2. I have A. that there is corn in Egypt Exod. 3. 7. I Imvch. their cvy \\ 6.5./A. A. groaning 16. 12. I have A. the murmuring, J\rum. 14. 27. Dcut. 5. 28. I have A. the voice of your words 1 Sam.'iS.l. now I have h. that thou hastshearers 1 Kings 2. 42. the word that I have h. is good 9. 3. / have A. thy prayer thou hast made before me, 2 Kings 20. 5. 2 Chron. 7. 12. Isa. 38. 5. 2 .Pin^sig. 20. that which tiiou hastprayed/A. A. 22. 19. /also Aare A. thee, saith L.2 CA)-. 34. 27. J0M6.2. I have A. many such things,miserable com. 20. 3. I have A. the check of my reproach 42. 5. I have A. of thee by the hearing of the car P.ial. 31. 13. for I have A. the slander of many 62. 1 1. twice / have A. this, power bclongeth to G. Isa. 21. 10. that which I have A. of Lord of hosts 28. 22. 1 have h. from the Lord a consumption 49. 8. in an acceptable time Aa7)e / A. 2 Cor. 6. 2. ,Icr. 23. 25. I have A. what the prophets said 31.18. 1 have h. Ephraim bemoaning himself thus 42. 4. 1 have A. you, behold,I will pray unto the L. 49. 14. I have A. a rumour from the I,ord Ezrk. 35. 12. know I have A. all thy blasphemies Hos. 14. 8. I have A. him and observed him I Hab.'i. 2. 0 h. I have A. thy speech, and was afraid HEA Zeph. 2. 8. Thave h. the reproach of Moab yoAn 8. 26. 1 speak tho".e things J have k. of him 40. told you the truth, whicii I have h. of God 15. 15. all things that I haiic h. of my Father Acts 7. .34. 1 have h. their groaning, and am come 9. 13. Lord I have h. by many of this man, how HEARD joined vi'Ahvoice. Oen. 3. 8. they h. voice of theL. walking in garden 10. 1/i. ihy voice, and was afraid, because naked 21. 17. God A . the voice of the lad, the angel called 30. C. God hath h. my voice, and given me a son 39. 15. when he h- that I lifted up my voice J^um. 7. 89. then he h. the voice of one speaking 20. 16. we cried, he A. our voice, and sent an angel Dent. 1. 34. the Lord A. the »;oicc of your words 4. 12. saw no similitude, only he A. a voice 33. hear w. of God as thou hast h. and live, 5. 26, 5. 23. ye A. the voice out of the midst of darkness 24. we have A. hisvoice out of the midst of the fire 28. and the Lord A. tlie voice of your words 26. 7. we cried, the Lord A. our voice, and looked Judg. 18. 25. let not thy voice be A. among us XSam. 1. 13. her lips moved, her voice was not/j. 1 Kings 17. 22. the Lord A. the voice of Elijah 2 Chron. 30. 27. their voice was A. prayer came up Job 4. 16. there was silence, I A. a voice, saying 33. 8. 1 have A. the voice of thy words, saying 37. 4. he will not stay them when his voice is A. Psal. 3. 4. 1 cried to the L. wkh my voice, he A. me 6. 8. the Lord hath A. the voice of my weeping 18. 6. I called, he A. my voice out of his temple 19.3. there is no speech where their voice is not A. 28. 6. because he hath A. the voice of my supplica. 66. 8. and make the voice of his praise to be A. 116.1.1 love the Lord, because he hath A. my voioe Cant. 2. 12. the voice of the turtle is A. in our land Isa. 6. 8. also I A. the voice of the Lord, saying 15. 4. their voice shall be A. even unto Jahaz 30. 30. Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be A. 42. 2. nor cause his voice to be A. in the street 58. 4. not fast, to make your voice be A. on high 65. 19. «o!ce of weeping shall no more be A. in her Jer. 3. 21. a voice was A. upon the high places 4. 31. 1 have A. a voice as of a woman in travail 9. 19. for a voice of wailing is A. out of Zion 30. 5. we have A. a voice of trembling, of fear 31. 15. a voice was A. in Ramah, Mat. 2. 18. Lam.2. 56. thou hast A. my voice, hide not thine ear Ezek. 1. 28. and I A. a voice of one that spake 3. 12. I A. behind me a voice of great rushing 19. 9. that his voice should no more be A. 27. 30. and shall cause their voice to be Dan. 8. 16. I A. a man's voice between the banks 10. 9. yet A. I the voice of his words, when I A. JVaft. 2. 13. voice of thy messengers no more be A. John 5. 37. ye have neither A. his voice at any time ^c«s9.4.A. a j;ojce,saying, Saul,Saul, 22. 7. | 20. 14. 11. 7. I A. a voice saying to me, arise, slay and eat 22. 9. they ft. not the voice of liim that spake Heb. 12. 19. which voice they that A. entreated 2 PcM.lS.the ■ujjce which came from heaven we A. Rev. 1. 10. 1 A. a great voice, 16. 1. | 19. 1. | 21. 3. 4. 1. the first voice I A. was as it were of a trumpet 5. 11. I beheld, and A. the voice of many angels 6. 6. I A. a voice in the midst of the four boasts T.Ih.a.voiceofthc fourth beastsay, come and see 9. 13. I A. a voice from the four horns of the altar 10. 4. 1 ft.a voice from heaven, 8. | 14. 2, 13. | 18. 4. 12. 10. and 1 A. a loud voice, saying in lieaven 14.2. 1 A. the voice of harpers harping with harps 19. 6. 1 A. as it were the voice of a great multitude We have HEARD. Josh. 2. 10. we have A. how the Lord dried Red-sea 11. as soon as we had A. these things hearts melt 9. 9. we have h. the fame of him, and all he did 2 Sam. 7. 22. there is none like thee according to all we have A. with our ears, 1 Chr. 17. 20. 1 ^r«o-s 20.31. wcAu«e A. kingsof Isr. are merciful Job 28. 22. we have A. the fame thereof, .Ter. 6.24. Psal.Ai.l.we have A. with our ears, our fathers told 48.8.a3toc haveh. so have we seen in city of Lord 78. 3. dark sayings which we A. and known Isa.\^.Q>.wr haveh. of pride of Moab, ./cr. 48. 29. 24. 16. we have h. songs, glory to the righteous Jer. 30. 5. wc have h. a voice of trembling, of fear 51. 51. confounded, because we have A. reproach Obad. 1. ?ce have A. a rumour from the Lord ZecA. 8. 23. for wchave A. that God is with you Mark 14. 58. we have A. him say, I will destroy Z,wA-c4.23. whatever we have A. done in Capernaum 22. 71. we ourselves Aawc A. of his own mouth JohvA.Aul. we believe, we have A. him ourselves 12.34.?ccA,iu(!A. out of the law that Christ abideth Jlcls 4. 20. we cannot but speak things wc have h. C. 11. we have k. him speak blasphemous words 14. we have ft. him say, this Jesus shall destroy 15. 24. •«!£ have ft. that certain have troubled you 19.2.?oe have not ft. whether there be any Holy Gh. Hell. 2. 1. to give heed to things which we haveh. 1 John 1. 1. that which we have A. and seen, 3. 270 HEA 1 JohtlX.^. this is the message which weh.h. ofhim HEARD joined with word or words. Oen. 24. 30. and when he A. the words of Rebekah 52. when Abraham's servant A. their words 27. 34. and when Esau A. the morrfs of his father 31. 1. Jacob A. the words of Laban'ssons, saying 39. 19. when his master A. the words of his wife JVwm. 24.4.he hath said, which h.words of God, 16. Josh. 22. 30. when headsof Isr. A. words of Reuben 24. 27. for it hath A. all the loords of the Lord Judg. 9. 30. when Zebul A. the words of Gaal 1 Sam. 8. 21. Samuel A. all tlie words of the people 17. 11. Saul and Israel ft. Goliath's words 23. accord, to the same words,!inA David A. them 31. when the words wore A. which David spake 1 Kings 2. 42. the Word that I have A. is good 5. 7. when Hiram A. Solomon's words he rejoiced 2L 27. when Ahab A. those joorrfs,rent his clothes 2 Kings 6.30. when the king h.words of the woman 19.6. be not afraid oficords thou hast A. Isa. 37. 0. 22. 11. when the king had A. the words of book of law, he rent his clothes, 18. 2 CAr. 34. 19. 2 Chron. 15. S.Asa ft. these words, he took courage JVeft. 1. 4. I A. these words, I sat down and wept 5. 6. and I was angry when I A. these words 8.9.the people wept, when they h.words of the law Job 33. 8. 1 have A. the voice of thy words, saying Eccl. 9. 16. the poor man's words are not A. 17. the words of wise men are 7t. ip quiet Zsa.37.4. will reprove the words which God hath A. Jer. 23.18. hath perceived,raarked,and A. his word 25. 8. therefore because ye have not A. my words 26. 12. against this city all the words ye have A. 21. when the king and alt the princes ft. his words 36. 13. declared unto them all the words he had A. 24. they were not afraid that A. thesg words 38. 1. Pashur A. the words Jeremiah had spoken Dan. 6. 14. when Darius A. these w. was displeased 10. 12. thy words were A. I am come for thy words Jl/a^22.22.when theyA.these words they marvelled Mark 5. 36. as soon as Jesus A. the word spoken Luke 10.39.Mary sat at Jesus' feet,and A. his icord Jlcts 10.44. Holy Ghost fell on them who ft. word 2 Cor. 12. 4. caught up, and A. unspeakable words Eph. 1. 13. after that ye A. the word of truth Col. 1. 5. whereof ye A. in the word of the gospel 1 Thess. 2. 13. received the wordv/hich ye A. of us 2 Tim. 1. 13. hold fast form of sound words thou hast A. of me Heb. 12. 19. they that A. entreated that the word 1 Johii 2. 7. the w. ye have A. from the beginning HEARDEST. Deut. 4. 36. and thou A. his words out of the fire ./osA. 14. 12. for thou A. in that day how Anakims 2 Kings 22. 19. when thou A. what I spake against this place, hast rent thy clothes, 2 Chr. 34.27. \N'ch. 9. 9. and thou A. their cry by the Red-sea 27. they cried, thou h. them from heaven, 28. PsaJ. 31. 22. thou A. the voice of my supplications 119. 26. 1 have declared my ways, and thou ft. me Isa. 48. 7. before the day when thou A. them not 8. yea, thou ft. not, yea, thou knewest not Jonah 2. 2. out of belly of hell I cried, thou A. HEARER. Jam. 1. 23. if any be a A. of the word, and not a doer 25. he being not a forgetful A. but doer of work HEARERS. Rom. 2.. 13. not the ft. of the law are justified Eph. 4. 29. that it may minister grace unto the A. 2 Tim.. 2. 14. but to the subverting of the A. Jam. 1. 22. be doers of the word, and not A. only HEA REST. Ruth'i. 8. Boazto Ruth, A. thou not, my daughter? 1 Sam. 24. 9. wherefore A. thou men's words ■? 2 Sam. 5.24. when A. sound in the mulberry-trees 1 Kings 8. 30. when thou ft. forgive, 2 CAro?i.6.21. PsdZ. 22. 2. I cry in the day-time, but thou A. not 65. 2. thou that A. prayer, unto thee all flesh come Jl/(it. 21. 16. said unto- him, A. thou what these say? 27. 13. A. thou not how many things they witness .Tohn 3. 8. wind bloweth, and thou "ft. the sound 11. 42. and I knew that thou ft. me always HEARETH. F^xod. 16.7. for that ho A. your murmurings, 8. JV«m. 30.5. if father disallow her in day that he A. Devt. 29. 19. when he A. the words of this curse 1 Sam. 3. 9. speak. Lord, for thy servant A. 10. n. I will do a thing at which ears of every one that A. shall tingle, 2 Kings 21. 12. Jer. 19. 3. 2 Sara.l7.9.whosoever will say, there is slaugh. Job 34. 28. and he A. the cry of the afflicted Psal. 34. 17. the righteous cry, and the Lord ft. 38. 14. thus I was as a man that ft. not 69. 33. Ld. ft. poor, and desinseth not his prisoners Prov. 8. 34. blessed is the man that A. me, watching 13. 1. a wise son A. his father's instruction 8. ransom his riches, but the poor A. not rebuke 15. 29. but he A. the prayer of the righteous 31. the ear that A. the reproof of life, 32. 18. 13. he that answercth a matter before he ft. it HEA Proy.21.28.but the man that ft. speakcth constantly 25. 10. lest he that A. it [)ut thee to shame 29. 24. he A. cursing, and bewraycth it not Isa. 41. 26. yea, there is none that A. your words 42. 20. opening the ears, but he A. not Ezek. 3. 27. thou shalt say, he that A. let him hear 33. 4. whosoever A. the sound of the trumpet y(/ai.7.24. whoso A. these sayings,26. Lnke 6.47, 49. 13. 19. when any one A. the word of the kingdom 20. the same is he *at A. the word, 22, 23. Lnke 10.16. he that ft. me, and that dcspiseth ./oA7i 3.29. who standcth and ft. him rejoiccth greatly 5. 24. he that A. my \vord, and believeUi on him 8. 47. he that is of God A. God's words 9. 31. God A. not sinners,but if any man be a wor- shipper of God, and doeth his will, him he A. 18. 37. every one that is of the truth, ft. my voice 2 Cor. 12. 6. think of me above that he ft. of me 1 JbA7i4. S.areoftlic world, and the world A. them 6. we are of God, he that knowoth God A. ua 5. 14. if we ask according to his will, he A. us Rev. 22. 17. and let him that A. say, come 18. for I testify to every man that A. the words HEARING. Gen. 29. f 13. when Laban heard the ft. of Jacob t33. she called his name Simeon, that is, A. Deut. 31 . 11. shalt read this law to Israel in their A. 2 Sam. 18. 12. for in our ft. the king charged thee '2, Kings 4. 31. but there was neither voice nor A. JVch.B. 1 2. the law before all that un'derstood in A. Job 33. 8. surely thou hast spoken in my A. 37. 1 2. hear in A. the noise of his voice and sound 42. 5. I have heard of thee by the ft. of the ear Psal. 18. 1 44. at the ft. of the ear they will obey Isa. 6. 9. hear ye in ft. but understand not 11. 3. nor reprove after the A. of his ears 21. 3. I was bowed down at the ft. of it 28. t 9. whom shall he make to understand the A.? 33. 15. ho that stoppeth his ears from A. of blood 53. 1 1. who hath believed our A. ? Rom. 10. f 16. Ezek. 9. 5. to others he said in my ft. go after him 10. 13. it was cried unto them in my A. O wheel 16. 1 56. thy sister Sodom was not for A. in the day Mmos 8. 11. a famine of A. the word of the Lord Hab. 3. 1 2. 0 Ld. I have heard thy A. I was afraid Mcts 25. 21. to be reserved to the h. of Augustus 23. Agrippa was entered into the place of A. i?om.l0.17. faith cometh by A. tind A. by word of G. 1 Cor. 12. 17. where were the A. ? if whole were A. ^aZ.3. 2. the works of law, or by the A. of faith, .5. Heb.5.11. many things hard, seeing ye are dull of A. HEARING. 1 Kings 3. t 9. give thy servant a ft. heart to judge Prov. 20. 12. the A. ear, the Lord hath made 28. 9. that turncth away the ear from A. the law Eecl. 1. 8. nor is the ear filled with A. £zeft.33.t4.hethat A.heareth the sound of trumpets Mat. 13. 13. and A. they hear not, nor understand 14. by A. ye shall hear, and shall not understand 1.5. their ears dull of A. .Sets 28. 27. Heb. 5. 11. MarkG. 2. many ft. him wei'e astonished, saying Luke 2. 46. both A. them and asking them questions jicts 5. 5. Ananias A. these words fell down 8. C. A. and seeing the miracles wdiich he did 9. 7. the men stood, A. a voice, but seeing no man 18. 8. many of the Corinthians A. believed Philem. 5. A. of thy love and faith toward Ld. Jesu^ 2 Pet. 2. 8. Lot in seeing and A. ve.ved his righteous HEARKEN. Exod. 6. 30. behold, how shall Pharaoh A. to me? /?ea«.7.12.if ye these judgments, and keepthem 11. 13. if ye will A. diligently to my commends 15.5. if thou carefully A. to voiceof Ld.Jcr. 17.24. 18. 15. a prophet like to me, to him ye shall ft. 28.13. if thou commandments, 1 Kings 11. 38. .Tosh. 1. 17. as to Moses, so will we ft. unto thee 1 Sam. 15. 22. and to A. than the fat of rams 30. 24. for who will ft. to you in this matter ? thou respect cryand prayer 29. mayest ft. to the prayer, 52. 2. Chron. 6.19,20. JWA. 13. 27. shall we A. then to you to do all this ? Psal. 81. 8. O Israel, if thou wilt A. unto me Prov. 29. 12. if a ruler A. to lies,servants are wicked Isa. 32. 3. and the ears of them that hear shall ft. 42. 23. who will A. and hear for the time to come Jer. 26. 3. if so be they will A. and turn from evil? 5. to A. to the prophets whom I sent unto you 29. 12. ye shall pray to me, and I will A. unto you 35. 13. will ye not receive instruction to words Zech. 7. 11. butthey refused to A. stopped their ears .acts 4. 19. to ft. unto you more than unto God 12. 13. as Peter knocked, a damsel came to ft. HEARKEN, Imperatively. Gen. 4. 23. ye wives of Lamech, A. to my speech 23. 15. my lord, A. to me|| 49.2.A. to Isr. your father JV?em.23. 18. rise up, A. unto mo, thou son of Zippor DetU.i. 1. ft. O Israel, to the statutes I teach you 27. 9. take heed, and A. O Israel, this day thou art .Tudg. 9. 7. he cried, A. to me, ye men of Shechem 1 Kings 8. 30. ft. to the Bupplications, 2 CAr. 6. 21. HEA 1 Kings 22.28.he said,A. O people, every one of you 2 Chron. 18. 27. and he said, h. all ye people 20.15.A. ye, allJudah, and ye inhabitants of Jerus. Job 13. 6. and h. to the pleadings of my lips 32. 10. A. to me, 33. 31. || 33. 1. It. to all my words 34. 10. k. unto me, ye men of understanding 34. let a wise man It. \\ 37. 14. h. to this, O Job Psal.3i.U.k.l will teach you 1| 45.10./*. O daughter JProv. 7. 24. h. to me, therefore, O children, 8. 32. Isa. 28. 23. hear my voice, h. and hear my speech 34. 1. come near ve nations. It. yo people, 49. 1. 46.3. /(. to me, O house of Jacob, 48. 12. Has. 9. 1. 12./ me,stout-hcartcd, are far from righteous. 51. 1. /;. to me, ye that follow afle^ righteousness 4. A. unto me, my people, give ear, O my nation 7. It. to me, ye that know righteousness 55.2. h. diligently unto me, eat that which is good Jer. 6. 17. saying. It. to the sound of tlie trumpet Z>an. 9. 19. O Lord, 7i. and do; defer not, O my God Mic. 1. 2. A. O earth, and all that therein is Mark 7. 14. he said, It. to me, every one of you Acts 2. 14. ye men of Judah, h. to my words 7. 2. he said, men, brethren, and fathers, A. 15. 13. "Saying, men and brethren, h. to rue Jam. 2. 5. A. my beloved brethren, hath not God See Voice. HEARKEN not, or not HEARKEN. Gen. 34. 17. if ye will not h. to be circumcised Exod. 7. 4. Pharaoh shall not h. to vou, 22. | 11. 9. J.CV. 26. 14. but if ye will not A. to me, 18, 21, 27. Deut. 13. 3. thou shall not A. to that dreamer 8. not li. unto hini, nor shall thine eye pity him 17. 12. the man that will not h. to the priest 18. 19. that whosoever will not It. to ray words 21. 18. when chastened, he will not h. to them 23. 5. Lord would not It. to Balaam, Josh. 24. 10. Josh. 1. 18. and will not h. to thy words in all Jiidg. 2. 17. yet they would not h. to their judges 11. 17. the king of Edom would not h. thereto 19. 25. the men of Gibeah would not A. to him 20. 13. the children of Benjamin would not A. 1 iTijin's 20. 8. ciders said, A.Hotto him, nor consent ^Kingsll. 40. did notk. but did after their manner 18. 31. A. not to Hezekiab, Isa. 36. 16. 2 CItr. 10. 16. kingRehoboam would not A. to them 33. 10. and the Lord spake, but they would not A. Job 33.33. \inot h. hold thy peace, I shall teach thee Psal. 53.5. who will not h. to the voice of charmers 81. 11. but my people would not h. to my voice Jcr. 6.10. their ear is uncircumcised, they cannot A. 17. but they said, we will not A. 44. IG. 7. 27. thou shalt speak, they will not A. unto thee 11. 11. tho' they cry to me, I will not A. to them 16. 12. after evil heart, that they may not It. to me 17.27. if ye will ?tot A. to me, 26. 4. jKrcA. 20. 39. 23. 16. A. not to prophets, 27. 9, 14, 16, 17. | 29. 8. 36. 15. if I give counsel, wilt thou not It. to me? Kick. 3. 7. not A. to thee, for they will not A. to me 20. 8. they rebelled, and would not h. unto me Hos. 9.17. because they did no< A. to him, Zech. 1. 4. HEARKENED. Gen. 23. 16. Abraham It. to Ephron, and weighed 30. 17. God A. to Leah'll 22. God A. to Rachel 34. 24. to Hamor A. all that went out of the gate 39. 10." that Joseph A. not to her, to lie by her Ezod. 6. 9. but they A. not to Moses, 16. 20. 12. the children of Israel have not It. to me 7. 13. Pharaoh A. not to them, 8. 15, 19. | 9. 12. Dent. 9. 19. Lord A. to me at .that lime, 10. 10. 18. 14. these nations 4. to observers of times. 34.9. Israel It. to Joshua as to Moses, J^o.9A. 1. 17. .Judg. 11.28. king of Ammonites A. not to Jephthah l.Sam.28.21.lhc woman of Endor A. to Saul's words IKings 12.15.kingA. not to people, 16. 2 CAr.10.15. 24. the A. therefore to the word of the Lord 15. 20. Ben-hadad A. to king Asa, 2 Citron. 16. 4. 2 Kings 13. 4. and the Lord A. to Jchoahaz 16. 9. the king of Assyria A. to Asa 20.13.IIezekiah the messengers from Babylon 21. 9. Judah A. not to the law, Manasseh sedticed 22. 13. our fathers A. not to the words of the book 2 CAr. 24. 17. then Joash It. to the princes of Judah 25. 16. Amaziah A. not to the prophet's counsel 30. 20. Lord It. to Hezekiah, and licaicd the people 35. 22. Josiah A. not to Pharaoh-nccho JWA. 9. 16. our fathers dealt proudly, and It. not to thy commandments, 29, 34. ./cr. 34. 14. F.sth. 3. 4. now when Mordccai h. not to them Psal. 81. 13. O that my people had It. to me fsu. 21. 7. and he A. diligently with much heed 48. 18. O that thou hadst A. to my commandments Jer. 6. 19. they have not A. to my word, 7. 24, 26. 1 25. 3, 4, 7. ) 26. 5. | 29. 19. | 32. 33. | 34. 17. 1 35. 14, 1.5, 16. | 36. 31. | 44. 5. 37. 14. Irijah A. not to Jeremiah, so he took him EzDk. 3. 6. had I sent, they would have A. to thee />(i7i. 9. 6. neither have we A. to thy servants AM. 3. 16. the Lord h. and heard it, ./er. 8. 0. .4cti27. 21. Paul said, sirs, yo should have A. lo mc Sec Voice. 27) HEA HEARKENEDST. Deut. 28. 45. because thou A. not to voice of the L. IIEARKENETH. Prov. 1. 33. but whoso A. to me shall dwell safely 12. 15. but he that A. lo counsel is wise HEARKENING. Psal. 103. 20. yo angels It. to the voice of his word HEART. The Hebrews look upon the heart as the source of wit, nnderstanding, love, courage, grief, and pleasure. Hence are derivedmanij loays of speaking. An honest and good heart ; that is, a heart studious of holiness, being prepared by the Spirit of God, to entertain the teord with due affections, dispositiojts, and resolutions, Luke 8. 15. JVe read of a broken heart, a clean heart, an evil heart, a hardened heart, a liberal heart, a heart that docs an act of kind- ness, freely, voluntarily, with generosity. To incline the heart to God ; to beseech him to change our stony hearts into hearts of flesh ; to love "with all one's heart, &-c. To turn the heart of the fathers lo the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, Mai. 4. 6. that is, to cause them to be perfectly recon- ciled, and that they should be of the same mind. Let no man's heart fail ; let no man be discouraged., 1 Sam. 17. 32. To want heart, sometimes denotes to wantunder- standing and prudence. Hos. 7. 11, Ephraim is like a silly dove, without liearl; they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria. They have no judgment or understanding of the right way, to free themselves from their troubles, which is seen in their seeking to Egypt and Assyria. O fools and slow of heart, ignorant men with- out insight and understanding, Luke 24. 25. This people's heart is waxed gross ; lest they should understand with their heart. Mat. 13. 15. Their heart is stupijied, so as to be des- titute of understanding ; they resist the light, and reject all impressions of truth. The prophets prophesy out of their own hearts, Ezek. 13. 2. They prophesy according to their own inclinations and affections, and what their own imaginations suggest to them,without any warrant from Ood. 'To lay any thing to heart to set one's heart on any thing ; that is, to re- member it, to apply one^s self to it, to have it at heart. No man layeth it to heart, no one con cerns himself about it, Jer. 12. 11. The heart dilates with joy , contracts withsadness, breaks with sorrow, grows fat, and hardens in pro.y)
  • . Ihnin I'ltll Imi /.. In MnmiKHnli I .S,«,/,. I. 4. hn Kavn linr hoiih and ilaiiKlilnrH ;i. 'J ('///'„„. III. III. In Kivn;,. In all 111 llm .\'rh. H. 10. nal Ihn fat, and Honil /,. In Ihnni, I'i. I'J. 44 ;/. for Ihn prioHlH || 47. /,. nf Ihn «|nKniH 111. lO.lhal llm /,. nf llm l.nviloH had nnl hnnii tllvnil /'.v///. II. 10. a day nf NnndinK /). I mi lhnf,!W, /.;;/■/.■. 47. III. .Innnph Hhall havnlwn/,. IH. 'Jl. ovnr aKHiilHl llm //. I'nr llm pri //i/.v. 5. 7. aiiionlliHlialldnvonr llmiii willi llmir /t. I'OH.'^MH.'^. (Jrn. 'J'J. 17. thy nnnil nliall /,. llm ijaln, 'J4. (III. JVi///;. III. IIO. Inl IIH (;o lip III and /,. it, for wo am wnll ahli' In ovm nn II, /)„„t. I. 'J|. 'J7. II. and llin imxl kii an nhall;,. il /)rnl. I.IIO.Inllmmwill I Kivn il, limy nliall /,. il 'J. Ill.lii'/;inln;,.lhal Ihmi imiynHl inlmrll lnHhinil II.'JII. yn Hhall p. i/inalnr lialinnn, Mini nnijhlmr than yiiniHitlvnH, I'J. 'J, 'JO. | l.H. 14. | 111. 1). 'JH. I 4'J. Ihn liiiil of thy land Hhall llm Iniiinl /,. IIO. IH. Ihmi paNHi'Hl nvor .Imdaii In /,. it. III. I.'I. .lash. 'ii. 1. I k'ovn to I'Ihiiii mniiiil Hnir to //. i( .///./,.'. II. 'Jll. anilHhonlditiil II ;.. II / 'J'l. will mil Ihmi ;,, winil ( 'Immnidi Kivnili Ihiiii 7 14. I 15. havnyni'iillnil nHln/,.iin7 ih it nnl no I A'//.;,' .I'J I. IH. Im in (;i,nn ilnwnln;, llm vinityaiit .loll 7. II. I I imln In /,. nimilliH nf viiiiily ' lll.'JO llimi miiknni mn/,. innpiilmH nl my yniilh /.4,..ll4.1l.lhiti'nii,inninlimilhilln,iiHliiill/,'. it, 17. /'Iir/,. 7. 'Jl. and iIk'V nhiill /,. llmir Iioii.i.'h ii;,. 10.1 Imnn I will'. null r nliall hninlim, wn wlll/i. IIO. I'J. I wllli'iiiiN vpniipin Inrnitl In/,. Ilinn /»,./.. 7 IH, llmHMiiilHHiiiill /,. llm kiiit;ilmn I'nr nvnr Hos. 0. II. plrananl plarnH l),r nilvnr, linn nli.ill /.. ..■Imos 0. I'J. llml Ihny may/., llm rnmiiaiil nf Kdmii n/„„/.l',.lhnllnllHnnf.lMr.Hlnill/,.ll pi. HninllN IO.nIiiiII/, mniiiil K.Hmi.aiid tlnnja /,. tJilnail 'JO. I'.inlivily nf Inr. Hhall /, Ihal' nl' < 'niiaanilnH ; mill .IniiiHalnin nliall /.. llm I'llmn nl' llm nmilli /////,. I.ll. thndlialilnaiiH to/,, llial in nnl tlmirn /.'/,//.'J. 0. Ihn rninniint nf my | pin nliall /..llmiii /.'.VOHNnl I'OHHI'IHH Willi /„,.,/. /-«!). 30. 'J'l. r will Kivn yon llmir land top. .IVlim. IIII. .Ml. /V/,/.ll. IH. |,'..III.|I7. 14. A«7/l. l4.'J4.Hi,i.dNliall /,.ll, I vvillhiiii(.Mnln land POS Deut. 1. 8. go in and p. Uie land, 4. 1. | 6. 18. 1 8. 1. I U. 5, 23. 1 10. 11. I 11. 31. Josh. 1. 11. 4. 5. land whitJier ye go to p. it, 14, 26. | 5. 33. 1 6. 1. I 7. 1. I 11. 10, 11, 29. I 23. 20. 22. but ye shall go over and p. that good land 9. 4. the Lord hath brought me to^. this land 6. gives not this land to p. for thy righteousness 11. 8. that ye may be strong and p. the land 12. 1. Za»id which Lord God of thy fathers giveth thee to^. 15. 4. | 19. 2, 14. | 21. 1. | 25. 19. 28. 21. have consumed from oft" I. thou goest to p. 63. plucked from oft" the land thou goest to^. Josh. 18. 3. how long are ye slack to p. the land 2.3. 5. drive them out, and ye shall p. their land 24. 8. I gave them, that ye might p. their land Judg. 2. 6. Israel went every man to p. the land 18. 9. be not slothful to enter to p. the land 1 Chron. 28. 8. that ye may p. this good land Ezra 9. 11. the land ye go to p. is an unclean land J\reh. 9. 15. promisedst that they should y. the land 23. thou broughtest them in to p. the land Isa. 14. 2. Israel shall p. them in the land of the Ld. 21. that they do not rise nor p. the land 57. 13. that putteth trust in me shall p. the land 61. 7. in their land shall they p. the double Jer. 30. 3. cause them to return to land and p. it -EzeA:.33.25.yeshed blood, shall ye;>. the laiid? 26. Jlmos 2. 10. I brought you to p. land of Araorite POSSESSED. JJ'um. 21. 24. Israel p. Sihon's land from Arnon to 35. they smote Og,his sons, and people, and have p. the land, nciit. 3. 12. | 4. 47. JVeh. 9. 22. Dcut. 30. 5. will bring thee to land thy fathers p. Josh. 1. 15. until your brethren have/;, the land 12. 1. they p. their land on the other side Jordan 13. 1. there remaineth yet very much land to be^. 19. 47. the children of Dan took Leshem and^. it 21. 43. they p. it and dwelt therein, 22. 9. Judg. J. 1 19. and Judah p. the mountain 3. 13. Eglon, king of Moab, p. city of palm-trees 11. 21. Israel p. all the land of the Amorites, 22. 2 Kings 17. 24. men of Ava ^. Samaria and dwelt Psal. 139. 13. for thou hast p. my reins, thou hast Prov. 8. 22. Lord;), me in the beginning of his way Isa. 63. 18. people of thy holiness hath p. it a little Jer. 32. 15. vineyards shall be p. again in this land 23. they came in and p. it, but obeyed not Dan. 7. 22. time came that saints p. the kingdom L,uhe8.3. of a burying-place to bury my dead out of my sight, 9, 18, 20. ] 49. 30. | 50. 13. 26.14. Isaac hadp. of flocks, of herds, and servants 36. 43. the dukes of Edom in the land of their;?. 47. 11. and gave them a p. in the land of Egypt Ley. 14. 34. Canaan, which I give to you for a p. 25.10. it shall be a jubil. to you,and ye shall return every man to his p. 13, 27, 28, 41. Deut. 3. 20. 25. if thy brother hath sold away some of his;?. 33. the Levites' p. shall go out in the jubilee 45. the strangers sh-all be your p. 46. 27. 16. if a man shall sanctify some part of his p. 21. the;;, thereof shall be the priest's 24. return to whom the p. of the land did belong JVum. 24. 18. Edom shall be a ;;. Seir also a p. 26. 56. according to the lot shall the p. be 27. 4. give us a p. among brethren of our fathers 7. to the daughters of Zelophehad give a p. 32. 5. let this land be given to thy servants for p. 22. this land shall be your p. before the Lord 35. 2. give to the Levites of their p. cities, 8. 28. the slayer shall return to the land of his n. 418 POS Deut.^. 5.1 have given mount Seir to Esau for ap 9. because I have given Ar to Lot for a p. 19 12. as Israel did in land of his ;;. Lord gave them 11. 6. the earth swallowed up all in their;;. 32. 49. Canaan, which I gave Israel for a ;;. Josh. 12. 6. Moses gave it for a p. to Reubenilcs 22. 4. return ye, get ye into the land of your p. 7. tohalf tribe of Manasseh Moses had given a.p. 9. they returned to the land of their p. 19. if your p. be unclean, take;;, among us 1 Kings 21. 15. take p. of the vineyard of Naboth 19. hast thou killed, and also taken y.? 2 Chron. 20. 11. to come to cast us out of thy;;. JVeA. 11. 3. in Judah dwelt every one in his;;. Psal. 2. 8. the uttermost parts of earth for thy ;;. 44. 3. got not the land in p. by their own sword 69. 35. that they may dwell and have it in ;;. 83. 12. let us take the houses of God in ;;. Prov. 28. 10. the upright have good things in ;;. Isa. 14. 23. I will make it a. p. for the bittern Ezek. 11. 15. to us is this land given in p. 25. 4. 1 will deliver thee to men of the east for p. 36. 2. even the ancient high places are ours in p. 5. which have appointed my land into their;;. 44. 28. give them no p. in Israel, I am their;;. 46. 18. his son's inheritance out of his own p. Jlcts 5. 1. Ananias with Sapphira sold a ;;. 7. 5. that he would give it to him for a p. 45. brought in with Jesus into ;;. of the Gentiles Eph. 1. 14. till the redemption of the purchased p. POSSESSIONS. Gen. 34. 10. dwell and trade, and get you y . therein 47. 27. Israel had p. therein and multiplied JVum. 32. 30. they shall have p. among you Josh. 22. 4. get you to the land of your;;. lSa?;t.25.2. aman in Maon,whosep.were in Carmel 1 Chron. 9. 2. the inhabitants that dwelt in tlieir ;;. 2 Chron. 11. 14. for the Levites left their p. 32. 29. Hezekiah provided p. of flocks and herds Eccl. 2. 7. I had great ;;. of great and small cattle Obad. 17. the house of Jacob shall possess their;;. Mat. 1-9. 22. for he had great p. Mark 10. 22. .Mcts 2. 45. and sold their p. and parted them 28. 7. in the same quarters were p. of Publius POSSESSOR. Geji.14.19. most high God,p.of heav. andearth,22. Judg. 18. 1 7. and there was no p. in the land POSSESSORS. Zech.11.5. whosep.slaythem, and hold themselves Mcts 4. 34. as many as were p. of lands sold them POSSIBLE Signifies, [1] That which may be done or effected, Mark 9. 23. Rom. 12. 18. [2] Profitable or ne- cessary, Gal. 4. 15. [3] .Agreeable to the will of Ood, Mat. 26. 39. Acts 20. 16. Mat. 19. 26. with God all things are p. Mark 10.27. 24. 24. if;;, shall deceive the elect, Mark 13. 22. 26. 39. if;;, let this cuppass from me, Mark 14.35. Mark 9. 23. all things are p. to him that believeth 14. 36. all things are;;, to thoe, lAtke 18. 27. Mcts 2. 24. was not p. he should be holden of it 20. 16. if p. be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost Rom. 12. 18. if it he p. live peaceably with all men 2 Cor. 12. 1 4. which is not p. for a man to utter Gal.4.15. would have plucked out your eyes Hcb. 10. 4. not p. the blood of bulls take away sins POST. Job 9. 25. now my days are swifter than a p. Jer. 51. 31. one p. shall run to meet another POSTS. 2 Chron. 30. 6. so the p. went with the letters from the king and his princes, Esth. 3. 13, 15. | 8.10. Esth. 8. 14. p. rode on mules and camels went out POST. 1 Sam.i. 9. Eli sat on a seat by a p. of the temple Ezek. 40. 16. and on each p. were palm-trees POSTS. Deut. 6. 9. sliall write them on the p. of thy house Judg.^6.3. Samson took the tv/op. and wentaway 1 Kings 7. 5. all the doors and p. were square Prov. 8. 34. waiting at the p. of my doors Isa. 6. 4. the p. of the door moved at the voice 57. 8. behind the p. thou set up thy remembrance Ezek. 40. 10. the p. had one measure on this side 43. 8. in their setting of their p. by my p. Amos 9. 1. smite the lintel, that the p. may shake See Door. Side-TOSTS. Exod. 12. 7. strike the blood on the two side-p. 22. 23. when he seeth the blood on the side-p. 1 Kings 6. 31. lintel and side-p. were a fifth part POSTERITY. Oen. 45. 7. to preserve you a p. in the earth JVum. 9. 10. or if any of your p. be unclean 1 Kings 16. 3. I will take away the p. of Baasha 21. 21. I will take away the p. of Ahab Psal. 49. 13. yet their p. approve their sayings 109. 13. let his p. be cut off and blotted out Dan. 11. 4. kingdom shall not be divided to his p. .imos 4. 2. and take your p. with fish-hooks POV POT Is a vessel of earth or metal for uses in a family, 2 Kings 4. 38. Though ye have lien among the pots, Psal. 68. 13. Though ye have endured great hardships in Egypt, and have been in an afflicted contempt- ible condition there. It is a metaphor taken from scullions that commonly lie down in the kitchen among the pots, or upon the hearth- stones, whereby they are very much discoloured and deformed. In Psal. 81. 6. it is said. His hands were delivered from the pots ; whercpots may note all those vessels wherein they carried water, lime, straw, bricks, Src. The meaning is, I delivered him from his slavery and bond- age in Egypt. And in Ezek. 24. 3, 6. by the similitude of a boiling pot, are shewed the miseries and calamities wherewith the inha- bitants of Jerusalem should be afflicted and consumed. Exod. 16. 33. take a p. and put a homer of manna Lev. 6. 28. and if it be sodden in a brasenp. Judg. 6. 19. Gideon put the broth in a p. 1 Sam. 2. 14. he struck it into the caldron or p. 2 Kings 4. 2. hath not any thing, save a p. of oil 38. set on great p. || 40. there is death in the p. 41. he cast meal into the p. no harm in the p Job 41. 20. goeth smoke, as out of a seething p. 31. he maketh the deep to boil like a p. Prov. 17. 3. the fining p. is for silver, 27. 21. Jer. 1. 13. what seest thou? I see a seething p. Ezek. 24. 3. thus saith the Lord, set on a p. 6. woe to bloody city, top. whose scum is therein Joel 2. t 6. all faces shall gather p. Mic. 3. 3. they chop them in pieces, as for the p. Zech. 14. 21. every p. in Jerusalem shall be hohness Heb. 9. 4. wherein was the golden p. with manna Water-VOT. John 4. 28. the woman then left her water-p. POTS. Exod. 38. 3. Bezaleel made the p. and shovels Lev. 11. 35. whether it be oven, or ranges for p. 1 Kings 7. 45.p. and shovels of brass, 2 Chr. 4. 16. 2 Chron. 4. 11. Huram made the p. and shovels 35. 13. but the other holy offerings sod they in p Psal. 58. 9. before your p. can feel the thorns 68. 13. though ye have lien among the p. 81. 6. his hands were delivered from the p. Jcr.35. 5. 1 set before the Rechabitesp. full of wine Mark 7. 4. as the washing of cups and p. 8. See Flesh. Water-VOTS. John 2. 6. there were set there six water-p. 7. Jesus saith to them, fill water-p. with water POTENTATE. 1 Tim. 6. 15. who is the blessed and only P. POTSHERD, S. Job 2. 8. he took him a p. to scrape himself 41. t30. sharp pieces of p. are under him Psal. 22. 15. my strength is dried up like a p. Prov. 26.23. are like a p. covered with silver dross Isa. 45. 9. let the p. strive with p. of the earth POTTAGE. Oen. 25. 29. Jacob sod p. and Esau came from field 30. feed me with p. || 34. Jacob gave Esau p. 2 Kings 4. 38. seethe p. for sons of the prophets 39. and came and shred them into the pot ofp. 40. as they were eating the p. they cried out Woff.2.12. if one with his skirt do touch bread orp. POTTER. Frequent mention is made of the Potter in scrip- ture. When Ood would shew his absolute do- minion over men, and his irresistible potper over their hearts, he has often recourse to the similitude of a Potter, who makes what he pleases of his clay ; sometimes a vessel of ho- nour, and sometimes of dishonour ; now form- ing it, and then breaking it; now preserving it, and then rejecting it, Psal. 2. 9. Rom. 9. 21. PsaZ. 2.9. shalt dash them in pieces like a p. vessel Isa. 30. 14. he shall break it as the breaking of the p. vessel, .Ter. 19. 11. Reo. 2. 27. Jer. 18. 2. arise, go down to the p. house 19. 1. go and get a p. earthen bottle and take Lam. 4. 2. the work of the hands of thep. Zech. 11. 13. the Lord said, cast it unto thep. Mat. 27. 10. and gave them for the p. field POTTERS. 1 Chr. 4. 23. these were the p. and those that dwelt See Clay. POVERTY. Gen. 4.5. 11. lest thou and all thou hast come top. 1 Chr. 22. tl4. in my p. I prepared for the house Prop. 6. 11. so thy p. corneas an armed man, 24.34. 10. 15. the destruction of the poor is their p. 11. 24. that withholdelh, but it tendeth to p. 13. 18. p. be to him that refuseth instruction 20. 13. love not sleep, lest thou come to p. 23. 21. the drunkard and glutton come top. 28.19. followeth vain persons,shall havep.enough POW ProB.28.22. considereth notp.shall come upon him 30. 8. give me ueitlier/j. nor tidies, feed me \vi,Ui 31. 7. let him drink and Ibrgct his/). and remember 20r.8.'2. their deep/). abounded to riches of liberal. U. became poor, that ye thro' his p. might be rich Rev. 2. y. I know thy works and p. thou art rich POUND, S. 1 Kings 10. 17. three /(.of gold went to one shield £zra-J. tiy. they gave to treasure 5000/). of silver JV'eA. 7. 71. gave to tlie trea.sure 2200/). of silver 72. the rest gave 2000 p. of silver and gold Luke I'J. 13. and delivered to his servants ten p. 16. second said, Lord, thy p. hath gained ten/). 18. halh gained five p. \\ 20. behold, here is thy p. 24. take from him the p. \\ 25. he hath ten p. John 12. S. then Mary took a. p. of ointment la. a9. and of aloes about a 100 p. weight POUKTRAY. Ezek. 4. 1. and/), upon it the city of Jerusalem POURTIIAYED. £2eJc. 8. 10. all the idols of Israel p. on the wall 2X 14. for when she saw men p. on the wall, the images of the Chaldeans/), with vermilion POWDER. Hzod. 32. 20. RIoses burnt calf and ground it to p. Deut. 28. 24. Lord shall make rain of thy land p. 2 Kingn 23. tj. stamped the grove to p. cast the p. 15. he stamped the altar to p. 2 C/iron. 34. 7. .Mat. 21. 44. it will grind him to p. Luke 20. 13. POWDERS. Ci/nt. 3. 6. perfumed with all the/).of the merchant POWER Signifies, [1] That attribute or perfection of Ood, whereby he ean do whatsoever he hath purposed to do, and hinder what he will not haoe done. Mat. 6. 13. [2] Absolute right and authority. Mat. 9. C, The Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins ; that is, he that is the Hon of man, being God, hath this power. [3] Right, or privilege, John 1. f 12. [4] Force, violence, or compulsion, Ezra 4. 23. [5J Liberty, or freedom, 1 Cor. 9. 4, 5. [6] The effectual andpowcrfal work of the Holy Spirit, in regenerating and carrying on the work of grace in believers, against all opposition, from one degree to another, till it he perfected in glory, Eph. 1. 19. [7] The means, ur in- strument, which by Qod's power is made effec- tual to bring to salvation, Rom. 1. 16. 1 Cor. 1. 13. [8] ji veil, or covering, in token that one is under the power of a superior 1 Cor. 11. 10, The woman ought to have power on her head ; that is. She ought to wear a covering, or veil, in token that she is under the power of her husband : or she ought to reckon and acknowledge power to be in her head, that is, in her husband, who is her head, Eph. 5. 23. [9] Good, or evil angels, Col. 1. 1(5. Eph. 6. 12. [10] Civil governors, or magistrates, Rom. 13. 1. [11] Excellency, beauty, and glory, 1 Cor. 15. 43. All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth, Mat. 28. 18. Supreme and absolute authority and ability is given ike in heaven, so as, [1] To prevail with God to be recon- ciled to man. [2] To send the Holy Ghost, Acts 2. 33. [3] Over angels. Col. 1. IG. Heb. 1. 4. [4] To ^ive heaven to all that believe in me, Mat. 25. 34. Power is also given me in earth, to prevail with men to be reconciled to God, and so to gather a church out of all na- tions, Mark 16. 15, 16. and to rule, govern, and defend the same against all its enemies. Acts 10. 36, 38, 42. Eph. 1. 20, 21. The body is raised in power, 1 Cor. 15. 43. It will be able, [1] To attend the soul in the highest operations. [2] To be continually ex- ercised in the highest employments without weariness. [3] To bear the weight of glory. [4] To do ichatsoener the soul would have it. [5] It will be above the reach of inward in- firmities, or outward dangers. Gen. 32. 28. as a prince hast thou p. with God 49. 3. the e.xcellency of dignity, excellency of/). Lev. 26. 19. I will break the i)ride of your/). JVum. 22. 38. have I now any p. to say any thing? I)eut.3.^18. ye shall ]) over all that are sons of/). 4.37. brought thee with his mightyp.out of Egypt 8. 18. it is he that givcth thee p. to get wealth 32. 36. when he seeth that their p. is gono Ruth 4. 1 11- and get thee p. in Ephratah 2 Sam. 22. 33. God is my strength and p. 2 Kings 19. 26. the inhabitants were of small p. 1 Chron. 20. 1. Joab led forth the p. of the army 29. 11. thine is the p. and the glory, Mat. 6. 13. 12. in thine hand is p. and might, 2 Chron. 20. 6. 2 Chron. 25. 8. God hath p. to help, and cast down 32.9.Sennacheriblaid siege, and all hisp. with him F.zra 4. 23. and made them cease by force and p. 8. 22. hisp. and wrath againstali that forsake him 449 POW JVVA. 5. 5. nor Is It In our p. to redeem them Esth.l.'S. he made a feast top. of Persia and Media 6. 11. to cause to perish the p. of the people 9. 1. the Jews hoped to have p. over thcni Job 5. 20. redeem in war from the p. of the sword 24. 22. he draweth also the mighty with his p. 26. 2. how hast thou helped him that is withouip. 12. he divided the sea with hisp. 14. the thunder of hisp. who can understand 7 3G. 22. behold, God e.\alteih by hisp. 41. 12. 1 will not conceal his jiarts nor hisp. Psal. 22. 20. my darling from the p. of the dog 49. 15. redeem my soul from the p. of the grave 62. 11. I heard, that p. belongeth unto God 65. 0. who Belleth fast mountains girded with p. 66. 7. he ruleth by hisp. for ever, his eyes behold 68. 35. he giveth strength and p. to his people 78. 26. by his p. he brought in the south-wind 90. 11. who knoweth the p. of thine anger 7 106. 8. might make his mighty p. to be known 111. 6. he shewed his people the p. of his works 150. 1. praise him in the firmament of hisp. Eccl. 4. 1. on the side of oppressors there was p. 5. 19. and hath given him p. to eat thereof 6. 2. God giveth him not p. to eat thereof 8. 4. where the word of a king is, there is p. 8. there is no man hath p. over the spirit fsa. 37. 27. their inhabitatits were of small p. 40. 29. he givcth p. to the faint, and to them 43. 17. which bringeth forth the army and p. 47. 14. shall not deliver from the p. of the flame ■fcr. 10. 12. he made the earth by hisp. 51. 15. t'.zek. 22. 6. were in thee to their p. to shed blood 30. 6. and the pride of her p. shall come down Dan. 2. 37. God hath given thee p. and glory 6. 27. who delivered Daniel from the p. of lions 8. 6. ran in fury of hisp. || 22. but not in hisp. 24. his p. shall be mighty, but not by his p. 11. 6. but she shall not retain the p. of the arm 25. he shall stir up his p. and his courage 43. but he shall havep. over the treasures of gold 12. 7. to scatter the p. of the holy people Hos. 12. 3. by his slrenglh he had p. with God 4. yea, he had p. over the angel, and i)revailed 13. 14. 1 will ransom them from thep. of the grave Mic. 2. 1. because it is in thep. of their hand 3. 8. I am full of p. by the Spirit of the Lord Hab. 1. 11. imputing this hisp. to his god 2. '.). that he may be delivered from thep. of evil 3. 4. and there was the hiding of hisp. Zcc/t. 4. 6. not by might, nor by my p. but by my Spirit 9. 4. behold, the Lord will smite her p. in the sea Mat. 9. C. may know Son of man hath p. on earth to forgive sins, Mark 2. 10. Luke 5. 24. 8. glorified God, who had given such p. to men 10. 1. gave p. against unclean spirits, Luke 9. 1. 24. 30. coming in the clouds with p. Luke 21. 27. 26. 64. sitting on right hand with p. Mark 14. 62. 28. 18. all p. is given to me in heaven and earth Mark 3. 15. and to have p. to heal sicknesses 9. r. have seep the kingdom of God come witlip. /,M/£el.35.p.of the Highest shall overshadow thee 4. 6. the devil said, all this p. will I give thee 32. they were astonished for his word was wilhp 36. with p. he commandeth unclean spirits 5. 17. the p. of the Lord was present to heal them 10. 19. 1 give you p. to tread on serpents, and over all thep. of the enemy, nothing shall hurt you 12. 5. fear him that hath p. to cast into hell 20. 20. they might deliver him top. of governor 22. 53. this is your hour, and thep. of darkness 24. 49. until ye be endued with p. from on high ,Iohn 1. 12. to them gave hep. to become sons of G. 10. 18. I have p. to lay it down, and p. to take il 17. 2. thou hast given him p. over all flesh 19. 10. 1 have p. to crucify thee, p. to release thee JJcts\.7. seasons the Father hath put in his ownp. 8. shall receivep. after II. Ghost is come on you 3. 12. as though by our own p. or holiness we made 4. 7. they asked, by what p. have ye done this 1 5. 4. after it was sold, was it not in thine ownp.? 6. S.Stejihenfull of faith and p. did great wonders 8.19.saying,givemeaIsolliisp.on whom lay hands 10. 38. how G. anointed Jesus with II. Ghost andp. 26. 18. to turn them from the p. of Satan to God 7Jo)rt. 1.4. and declared to be the Son of God with/;. 20. clearly seen, even his eternalp. and Godhead 9. 21. hath not tlie potter p. over the clay"! 22. what, if God, willing to make his p. known 13.2. whosoever therefore resisteth thep. resisteth 3. wilt thou then not be afraid of the p.? 15. 13. abound in hope, Ihro'p. of the Holy Ghost 19. wonders, by the p. of the Spirit of God 16. 25. now to him that is of p. to establish you 1 Cor. 2. 4. in demonstration of the Spirit andp. 4. 19. I will not know their speech, but thep. 5. 4. with the p. of our Lord Jesus Christ 6. 12. I will not be brought under thep. of any 14. and will also raise us up by his own p. 7.4. the wife and husband have notp. of their body 3 N POW 1 C(W.7.37. but hathp. over his own will, bo decreed 9. 4. have not we p. to eat and to drink 1 5. have we not p. to lead about a sister, a wife! 6. have we notp. to forbear working"! 12. if others be partakers of thisp. over you, we have not used thisp. but sutler all tilings 11. 10. the woman ought to have p. on her head 15. 24. he hath put down all authority and p. 2 Cor. 4. 7. that the excellency of p. may be of God 8. 3. to their p. yea, and beyond their p. 12. 9. that the p. of Christ may rest upon me 13. 10. according to thep. God hath given me Eph. 1. 19. the exceeding greatriessof hisp. toward us, according to the working of his mighty p. 21. far above all principality, p. and might 2. 2. according to the prince of thep. of the air 3. 7. given to me, by the etiuctual working of hisp. 20. according to thep. thatworketh in us Phil. 3. 10. I may know the p. of his resurrection Col.^. 11. strengthened according to his gloriousp. 13. who hath delivered us from thep. of darkness 2. 10. who is head of all princijialiiy and p. 2 Thess. 1.9. be punished from the glory of hisp. 11. and fulfil the work of faith with p. 2. 9. after the working of Satan with all p. 3.9. not because we have notp.butto make oursel. 1 Tim.G. 16. whom be honour and p. everlast. amen 2 Ti)n. 1. 7. God hath given us spirit of p. and love 3. 5. having a form of godliness, butdenying thep. Heb. 1. 3. upholding all things by word of hisp. 2. 14. he might destroy him that had p. of death 7. 16. but after the p. of an endless life 2 Pet. 1.3. as his divine p. hath given us all things 16. when we made known thep. of our Lord Judc 25. to only wise G . our Saviour be glory and p. liev. 2. 26. to him will I give p. over the nations 4.11. thou art worthy to receive honour and p.5.I2. 5. 13. blessing, honour, glory, and p. be to him 6. 4. p. was given to him that sat on the red horse 8. p. was given them over fourth part of earth 7. 12. honour, p. and might be given to our God 9. 3. to them was given p. as scorpions have p. 10. and their p. was to hurt men five months 19. for their |/. is in their mouth and their tails 11. 3. I will give p. to my two witnesses 6. these havep. to shut heaven, p. over waters 12. 10. now is thep. of his Christ come 13. 2. the dragon gave him p. and his seat, 4. 5. p. was given unto him to continue, 7. 12. he exerciseth all thep. of the first beast 15. had p. to give life || 14. 18. had p. over fire 15. 8. the temple was filled with smoke from hifep. 16. 8. p. was given him to scorch men with fire 9.blasphemedGod who hathp.over these plagues 17. 12. but receivep. as kings one hour with beast 13. shall give their p. and strength to the beast 19. 1. glory, honour, and p. to the Lord our God POWER of God. Jtfo£. 22. 29. Jesus said, ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the p. of God, Mark 12. 24. Z-wic 9.43. were all amazed at the mighty p. o/ God 22. 69. the Son sit on the right hand of p. of God .^cts 8. 10. saying, this man is the great p. of God Rom. 1. 16. the gospel is thep. of God to salvation 1 Cor.1.18. touswhich are saved, it is thep. of God 24. Christ thep. of God and wisdom of God 2. 5. failh should not stand but by thep. of God 2 Cor. 6. 7. by the word of truth, by the p. »/ God 13.4. tho' crucified thro' weakness, yet he livelh by p.of G. but we shall live with him by p. of God 2 Tim. 1. 8. but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel, according to thep. of God IPct.i. 5. who are kept by thep. of God thro' faith See Grkat. In POWER. Gen. 31. 29. it is in p. of my hand to do you hurt £iorf. 15.6. thy right hand is become glorious inp. .lob 21. 7. why are the wicked mighty in p.? 37. 23. he is excellent in p. and in judgment Psal. 29. t4. the voice of the Lord is in p. Prov. 3. 27. when it is in p. of thy hand to do it 18. 21. death and life are in thep. of the tonguo Isa. 40. 26. that he is strong in p. not one faileth JVaA. 1. 3. the Lord is slow to anger, great in p. Luke 1. 17. shall go before him in thep. of Elias 4. 14. Jesus returned in thep. of the Spirit 1 Cor. 4. 20. kingdom of God not in word, but inp. 15. 43. it is sown in weakness, it is raised inp. Eph.G.lO. be strong mthe Lord andp. of his might 1 7'Acs.?.1.5.butourgos.camein word, and also t'np. 2 P(;(.2. 11. angels who are greaterinp. and might My POWER. (7c7i.31.6. withall my p. I have served your father Exod. 9. 16. I raised thee to shew in thee my p. Deut-S.n. sayest, my p. hath gotten me this wealth Dan. 4. 30. Babylon built by the might of my p. Rom. 9. 17. that I might shew my p. in thee 1 Cor. 9. 18. that I abuse not my p. in the gospel JVo POWER. Exod. 21 . 8. to sell her, he shall have no p. POU /.cu. 26.37. shall have no p. io stand before enemies Jush. 8. 20. men of Ai had no p. to tiee this way 1 Ham. 30.4. till David and peo. had nop. to weep 3 Chrun. 14. 11. to help with them that hath jio^. 22. 9.hou3e of Ahaziah had nop. to keep kingdom /sa.50.2.or have I nop. to deliver! behold I dry U]) Dan. 3. 27. on whose bodies the fire had no p. 8. 7. there was nop. in the ram to stand before him Jolin 19. 11. no p. against me, e.xcept it were given Horn. 13. 1. for there is nop. but of God Rev. 20. 6. on such the second death hath nop. Thy POWER. Deut. 9. 29. thoubroughtest out by tAj/ mighty p. Job 1. 12. behold, all that he hath is in Ihy p. Psal. 21. 13. so will we sing, and praise thy p. .59.11. scatter them by «Ayfi.||16.will sing of tAj^;;. U3. 2. to see thy p. and thy glory, as I have seen CO. 3. through greatness of thy p. enemies submit 71. 18. and thy p. to every one that is to come 79. 11. according to the greatness of thy p. 110. 3. thy people shall be willing in day of thy p. 145. 11. and they shall talk of thy p. JVa/j. 2. 1. watch the way, fortify thy p. mightily POWERFUL. Psal.W.i. the voice of the Lord isp.full of majesty 2 Cor. 10. 10. for his letters, say they, are p. /Teft. 4. 12. the word of God is quick, p. and sharper POWERS. Mat. 24. 29. the stars shall fall from heaven, p. of heaven shall be shaken, Mark 13.25. Z,MAe 21.26. i?tAel2.11. when brought before/;, take no thought Rom. 8. 38. nor p. can separate from love of God 13. 1. the;), that be are ordained of God 1 Cor. 12. t 29. are all teachers 1 are all p. ? Eph. 3. 10. that now top. in heavenly places G. 12. we wrestle against principalities and p. Col. 1. 16. p. were created by him and for him 2. 15. having spoiled p. he made a shew openly Tit. 3. 1. put them in mind to be subject top. Heb. 6. 5. tasted the p. of the world to come 1 Pet. 3. 22. who is on the right hand of God, p. POUR. Exod. 4. 9. shall take and p. water on the dry land 29. 7. shall p. the anointing oil on his head 12. thou sbalt p. the blood of the bullock beside the bottom of altar. Lev. 4; 7, 18, 25, 30, 34. 30. 9. neither shall ye p. drink-ofterings thereon Jjev. 2. 1. he shallp. oil on the meat-otlerings, 6. 14. 15. p. it into the palm of his own left hand, 20. 18. p. it on head of him that is to be cleansed 41. they shallp. out the dust that they scrape ofl' 17. 13. he shall p. out blood thereof and cover it JV«m. 5. 15. he shall p. no oil upon her offering 24. 7. he shall p. water out of his buckets Deut. 12. 16. p. blood out as water, 24. | 15. 23. Judg. 6. 20. lake the flesh, and p. out the broth 1 Kings 18. 33. p. water on the burnt-sacrifice 2 Kings 4. 4. p. out the oil into those vessels 41. p. out for the people, that they may eat 9. 3. and p. the oil on Jehu's head, and say Job 36. 27. they p. down rain according to vapour Psal. 42. 4. when I remember, I p. out my soul 62. 8. ye people, p. out your heart before him 69. 24. p. out thine indignation on them 79. 6. p. out thy wrath on the heathen, not known Prov. 1. 23. I will p. out my Spirit unto you, Isa. 44. 3. Joel 2. 28, 29. .iets 2. 17, 18. Isa. 44. 3. I will p. water on him that is thirsty 45. 8. let the skies p. down righteousness Jer. 6. t 6. p. out engine of shot against Jerusalem 0. 11. I will p. it oiit on the children abroad 7. 18. and top. out drink-offerings to other gods 10. 25. p. out thy fury on heathen, know thee not 14. 16. 1 will p. their wickedness upon them 18. 21. p. out their blood by force of the sword drink-offerings to the queen of hea- ven, as we and fathers have done, 18, 19, 25. /.am.2.19.p. out thine heart like water before Ld. Eiek. 7. 8. now will I shortly p. out my fury upon thee, 14. 19. | 20. 8, 13, 21. | 30. 15. 21. 31. I will p. out mine indignation, Zcph.3.8. 24. 3. set on the pot and p. water into it Has. 5. 10. I will p. out my wrath like water Mic. 1. 6. I will p. down the stones thereof into Zech. 12. 10. 1 will p. on house of David the Spirit Mai. 3. 10. if I will not p. you out a blessing fieo.16. 1. p. out the vials of wrath ofGod on earth POURED. Gen. 28. 18. Jacob p. oil on the top of the stone 35. 14. Jacob p. a drink-offering thereon Exod. 9. 33. the rain was not p. on the earth 30. 32. upon man's flesh shall it not be p. Tjtv. 4. 12. where ashes are p. he shall he burnt 8. 12. Moses p. anointing oil on Aaron's head 15. Ire p. the blood at the bottom of altar, 9. 9. 21. 10. on whose head the anointing oil wasp. JVttm. 28.7. tobep. to the Lord for a drink-offering T)eut. 12.27. blood of thy sacrifices shall be p. out Josh. 7. \ 23. and p. them out before the Lord 1 6'. 6. 4. but we will give ourselves continually top. 10. 31. Cornelius, thy;;, is heard, and thy alms 12. 5. p. wasmade without ceasing to God for him 16. 13. we went out where;;, was wont to be made 16. as we went to p. a certain damsel met us 1 Cor. 7. 5. that ye may give yourselves to p. 2 Cor. 1. 11. ye also helping together by p. for us 9. 14. by their p. for you, which long after you i^p7t.6.18. praying always with ally, and supplieat. Pkil. 1. 4. always in every;;, of mine for you all 19.this shall turn to my salvation through your;;. 4. 6. in every thing by p. let requ. he made known 1 Tim. 4. 5. for it is i^anctified by the word and ;;. Jam. 5. 15. the;;, of faith shall save the sick 16. the etfectual p. of a righteous man availelh 1 17. he prayed in his p. that it might not rain i Pet. 4. 7. bo therefore sober, and watch unto p. See Heard. In PRAYER. JVcA.ll.n.Mattaniah began the thanksgiving inp. Dan. 9. 21 . yea, while I was speaking in p. Gabriel Mat. 2J. 22. whatever ye ask in p. believing iMke 6. 12. he oontinued all night inp. to God Jicts 1. 14. they continued with one accord inp. /iom.l2.12.patieMt in tribu. continuing instant iny. Col. 4. 2. continue in p. and watch in the same My PRAYER. Job 16. 17. not for any injustice, also my p. is pure Ps.4.1. have mercy, hear jj/j/p. 17. 1. 1 39. 12. | 54.2. 5. 3. in the morning will I direct my p. to thee 6. 9. the Lord heiird, the Lord will receive my p. 35. 13. and my p. returned to mine own bosom 42. 8. his song, and my p. to the God of my life 55. 1. give ear unto my p. O God, and hide not 61. 1. hear my cry, O God, attend to jmj^7;.64. 1. I 84. 8. I 86. 6. I 102. 1. | 143. 1. 66. 19. he hath attended to the voice of my p. 20. God which hath not turned away mijp. 69. 13. my p. is to thee in an acceptable lime 88. 2. let my p. come before thee, inchne thine ear 13. in the morning shall my p. prevent thee 141.2. letmj^ p. be set forth hetbre thee as incense 5. for yet my p. shall be in their calamities Z,am.3. 8. when I cry and shout, he shutt. ouimyp. ^jia/j2.7.mj/p.camein totheeintotliy holytemple Rom. 10. 1. brethren, my p. to God for Israel is PRAYERS. Psal. 72. 20. p. of David, son of Jesse, are ended Isa. 1. 15. when ye make many p. I will not hear Jtfa(.23.14. for pretence make longp. therefore have greater damnation, Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47. jAike 2. 37. Anna continued in p. day and night 5. 33. why do the disciples of John make p.? ^cts 2. 42. continuedin breaking of bread and mp. 10. 4. thy p. and alms are come up before God Rom. 1.9.1 make mention of yovi always inmyp. Eph. 1.16. 1 Thess. 1.2. 2 Tim. 1. 3. Philem. 4 15. 30. strive with me in your p. to God for me CoZ.4.12.Epaphras labouring fervently for you inp. I Tim. 2. 1. I exhort that p. be made for all men 5. 5. widow indeed coniinueth in p. night and day Philem. 22. 1 trust thro' yourp.I shall be given to y Heb. 5. 7. when he had offered up p. with tears 1 Pet.'i.T. as heirs oflife, that not hinder. 12. his ears are open to their ;;. but face of Lord /? SB. 5.8.fu II of odours, which ate thep.of the saints 452 PRE Rev. 8. 3. he should offer it with thep. of the saints 4. thesmoke which came with thep. of thesaints PRAYEST. Mat. 6. 5. when thou p. bo not as tho hypocrites, 0. PRAYETH, ING. 1 Sam. 1. 12. as Hannah continued p. before Lord '26. my lord, I am woman that stood p. by thee 1 Kings 8. 28. hearken to prayer which thy servant p. before thee this day, 2 Chr. 6. 19, 20. 54. Solomon had made an end of p. 2 Chr. 7. 1. Isa. 44. 17. he worshippeth it and p. to it Dan. 6. 11. these assembled and found Daniel p. 9. 20. while I was speaking and p. and confessing Mark 11.2.5.when ye standp. forgive ought ag. any Luke 1. 10. multitude of the people werep. without 3. 21. and Jesus p. the heaven was opened he was alonep.his disciples were with him 11.1. as he wasp, in certain place when he ceased jlcts 9. 11. behold ho;;. || 11. 5. I was at Joppap. 12. 12. where many were gathered together p. 1 Cor. 11. 4. every man p. with his head covered 5. hutevory woman thatp. with head uncovered 14.14. my spirit;/, but my understand, is unfruitful 2 Cor. 8. 4. p. us with much entreaty to receive gift Kfh. 0. 18. p. always with all prayer in the Spirit Col. 1. 3. p. always for you || 4. 3. p. also for us 1 Thess. 3. 10. night and day p. exceed, to see your Jude 20. hut yo, beloved, p. in the Holy Ghost PREACH. .?W/t.6.7. thou hast appointed prophets to p. of thee Isa. 01. 1. Lord hath anointed me top. good tidings Jonah 3. 2. p. to it the preaching that I bid thee Mat. 4. 17. from that time Jesus began top. 10. 7. p. saying, the kingdom of God is at hand 27. what ye hear, that p. ye upon the house-tops 11. 1. he departed thence top. in their cities Mark 1. 4. John didp. the baptism of repentance 38. that I may p. there also, Luke 4. 43. 3.14. that he might send them forth top.Z,u4c9. 2. Luke 4. 18. to p. deliverance to the captives, 19. 9. 60. but go thou and p. the kingdom of God Jicts^. 42. they ceased not top. Jesus Christ 10. 42. he commanded us top. to the people 14. 15. and p. unto you that ye should return to G. 15. 21. Moses hath in every city them that p. him 16. 6. forbidden by Holy Ghost to p. word in Asia 17. 3. that this Jesus whom I p. to you is Christ Rom. 10. 8. that is the word of faith which we p. 15. and how shall they p. except they be sent? 1 Cor. 1. 23. but we p. Christ crucified 9. 16. the' Ip. gospel, I have nothing to glory, woe is to me iflp. not gospel, necessity is laid on me 15. 11. I or they, so we p. and so ye believed 2 Cor. 4. 5. we p. not ourselves, but Christ Jesus Oal. 1. 16. that 1 might p. him among the heathen 2. 2. the gospel which I p. among the Gentiles 5. 11. and I brethren, if I yet p. circumcision Kpli 3. 8. tliat I should p. among Gentiles Phil. 1. 15. some indeed p. Christ of envy and strife 16. the onep. Christ of contention, not sincerely Col. 1. 125. dispensation given me fully top. word 28. whom we p. warning every man,in all wisdom 2 Tim. 4. 2. p. the word, be instant in season PREACHED. P.'?a^40.9. 1 have p. righteousn. in great congregat Mat. 11. 5. the poor have the gospel p. to them Mark 1 .7. John p.saying,there cometh one after me 39. hep. in their synagogue's through Galilee 2. 2. many were gathered, he p. the word to them 0. 12. they went and p. that men should repent 16. 20. they went forth and p. every where Luke 3. 18. many other things p. he to the people 4. 44. hep. in the synagogues of Galilee 16. 16. since that lime the kingdom of God is p. 24. 47. that remiss, ofsins should hep. in his name Acts 3. 20. Jesus Christ, who before was p. to you 4. 2. p. through Jesus the resurrection from dead 8. 5. p. Christ to Samaria II 35. p. Jesus to eunuch 25. they p. the word of the T,ord,p. the gospel 40. Philip p. in all cities till he came to Ccsarea 9. 20. Saul p. Christ in synagng. to be Son of God 27.BarnabastoId how Saulhadp.boldly atDam. 10.37. that word, after the baptism which John p. 13. 5. they p. the word of God in their synagogues 24. when John had first p. before his coming 38.through this man is p. to you, forgiven, ofsins 42. that these words might be p. the next sabbath 14. 25. when they had p. the word in Perga 15. 36. let us go and visit where we have p. 17. 13. the word of God wasp, of Paul at Borea 18. because he p. Jesus and the resurrection 20. 7. Paul p. ready to depart on the morrow 1 Cor. 9. 27. lest when I have p. to others, I myself 15. 2. if ye keep in memory what I p. to you 12. if Christ hep. that he rose from the dead 2 Cor. I. 19. Jesus who was p. among you by ua 11.4. if preach another Jesus whom wehavenotp. Gal.1. S.olher gospel than thatwe have p. to you FpA.2. 17. came and p. peace to you who were afar 1 Phil. 1. 18. Christ is p. and I therein do rejoice PRE C<;M.23. which wasp, to every creat. under heaven 1 Tim. 3. 16. p. to Gentiles, believed on in the world Heb. 4. 2. but the word p. did not profit them 6. they to whom it was first p. entered not in 1 Pet. 3. 19. he went and p. to the spirits in prison See Gospel. PREACHER. Eccl. 1. 1. the words of thep. the son of David 2. vanity of vanities, saith the p. all vanity, 12. 8. 12. I the p. was king over Israel in Jerusalem 7. 27. behold, this have I found, saith the p. 12.9.bcca usep. was wise, he still taught the people 10. thep. sought to find out acceptable words Rom. 10. 14. how shall they hear without a p..' 1 Tim. 2. 7. whereto I am ordained ap. 2 Tim.l.ll. 2 Pet. 2. 5. but saved Noah, a p. of righteousness PREACHEST, ETH, ING. Jonah 3. 2. preach to it thep. that I bid thee Mat. 3. 1. in Ihose days came John p. Luke 3. 3. 4. 23. p. the gospel of the kingdom, 9. 35. 12. 41. rise in judgment, because they repented at thep. of Jonas,and a greater is here, Z^jtfte 11.32. Mark 1. 14. Jesus came into Galilee p. the gaspel LukeS. 1. p. and shewing glad tidingsofthe kingd. 9. 6. they went through the towns p. the gospel Mcts 8. 4. they went every where p. the word 12. p. the things concerning the kingdom of God 10. 36. p. peace by Jesus Christ, he is Lord of all 11. 19. p. the word to none but to the Jews only 20. spake to the Greeks, p. the Lord Jesus 15.35. Paul and Barnabas continued in Antiochp. 19. 13. we adjure you by Jesus, whom Paul p. 20.9. as Paul was longp.Eutychus sunk with sleep 25. ye all, among whom I have gone p. shall see 28. 31. p. the kingdom of God, and teaching Rom. 2. 21. thou that p. a man should not steal 10. 1 16. Lord, who hath believed our p.? 16. 25. to establish you according to the p. of Jesus Gal. 1. 23. he p. the faith which once he destroyed 1 Cor. 1. 18. for thep. of the cross is foolishness 21. by the foolishness of p. to save them that 2. 4. my p. was not with enticing words 15. 14. if Christ be not risen, then is our p. vain 2 Cor. 1. 1 18. our p. toward you was not yea 10. 14. come as far as to you, p. gospel of Christ 11. 4. if he that comethp. another Jesus 2 Tim. 4. 17. that by me p. might be fully known Tit.l.S.hath in due times manifes. his word thro' p. PRECEPT, S. JVc/t. 9. 14. commandest them p. and statutes Psa/.119. 4. thou hast commanded us to keep thyp. 15. 1 will meditate in thy p. 78. 27. make me to understand the way of thy .p. 40.behold, I have longed after thy p. quicken me 45. for I seek thy p. \\ 87. I forsook not thy p. 56. this I had, because I kept thy p. 100, 168. 63. keep thyp. 69, 134. || 93. never forget thyp. 94. 1 am thine, save me, for I have sought thyp. 104. through thyp. I get understanding, and hate 110. wicked laid snare, yet I erred not from thyp. 128. therefore I esteem all thy p. to be right 141. I am small, yet do not 1 forget thy p. 159. consider how I love thyp. quicken me 173. help me, for I have chosen thy p. Isa. 28. 10. for p. must be upon p.p. on p. 13. 29. 13. their fear is taught by thep. of men Jer. 35. 18. because ye have kept all Jonadab's p. Dan. 9. 5. we have rebelled by depart, from thy p. Mark 10. 5. for hardn. of heart he wrote you this p. Heb. 9. 19. for when Moses had spoken every p. PRECIOUS. Oen. 24. 53. he gave to Rebekah's mother p. things Deut. 33. 13. blessed, for the p. things of heaven 14. for p. fruits brought forth by sun and moon 15. and for the p. things of the lasting hills 16. for p. things of the earth, and fulness thereof 1 Snm.3. 1. the word of the Ld. was p. in those days 18. 1 30. David behaved so that his name was p. 26. 21. because my soul was p. in thine eyes 2 Kings 1. 13. let my life be p. in thy sight, 14. 20. 13. Hezekiah shewed them p. things, /6-a.39.2. 2 Chr. 20. 25. and p. jewels which they stripped off 21. 3. Jehoshaphat gave them gifts of p. thmgs 32. t23. many brought p. things to Hezekiah Ezra 1.6. strengthened their hands with p. things 8. 27. two vessels of fine copper, p. as gold Job 28. 10. and his eye seeth every p. thmg 16. cannot be valued with the p. onyx or sapphire Psal. 36. t 7. how p. is thy loving kindness ! 49. 8. for the redemption of their soul is p. 72. 14. and p. shall their blood be in his sight llfi. 15. p. in sight of Ld. is the death of his saints 126. 6. he that gneth forth hearing p. seed 133. 2. it is like the p. ointment on the head 139. 17. howp. also are thy thoughts to me, O God 141. t5. let not their p. oil break my head Prov. 1. 13. we shall find all p. substance 3. 15. wisdom is more p. than rubies, and all things 6. 26. the adulteress will hunt for the p. life 12. 27. but the substance of a diligent man is p. PRE ProD. 20. S.but the lips of knowledge are o^. jewel 24.4.chatnbt;rs lilieii vvilh ally). and pleasant riches £ccl. 7. 1. a good name is better thiin p. ointment ysa.13.12. 1 will make a man more ;<.than fine gold 28. 16. I lay in Zion a p. curner-stone, 1 Pet. 2. 6. 43.4. since tlion wasi p. in my sight been honour. Jer. J5. 19. if thou take the;;, from the vile 20. 5. I will deliver all ibc p. things thereof J^am. 4. 2. tUe p. sons of Zion, comparable to gold Ezek.m. 25. have taken the treasure and p. things 27.20. Dedaii wasmerch. in ^.clothes for chariots Z>an. II. 8. aTid shall carry iiway their p. vessels 43. he shall have power over all p. things Zech. 14. t (i. in that day light shall not be^. Mat. 26. 7. there came to him a woman, having an alabaster box of very p. ointment, Mark 14. 3. Jam. 5. 7. the husbandman waiteth for the p. fruit lFft.I.7.trialof your faith much more jd. than gold 19. but with the p. blood of Christ, as of a lamb 2. 4. as to a living stone, chosen of God, and p. 7. to you therefore which believe he is p. 2 Pet. 1. I. that have obtained like p. faith with us 4.arc given to us exceeding greatand p. jiromises Rev. 18. 12. for no man buyeth their^. vessels 21. 11. her light was like to a stone most/*. PRECIOUSNESS. Ps.37. t20. enemies of the Lord as the p. of Iambs PREDESTINATE. TViis word is taken for the design that God has been pleased to have frotn alt eternity, of bring- ing by his free grace to faith and eternal salvation, some certain persons, -whom he loved in Christ; whilst he leaves others to continue in their infidelity, or in their corruptions : Those that are so left are the Reprobate, and the others are the Elect, or Predestinated. Pom. 8. 29. for whom he did foreknow, he did p. 30. and whom be did p. them he also called PREDESTINATED. Eph. 1. 5. having/), ns to the adoption of sons 11. being/), according to the purpose of him PRE-EMINENCE. Eccl. 3. 19. a man hath no p. above a beast Col. 1. 18. that in all things he might have the p. 3 John 9. Diotrephes, who loveth to have the p. PREFER. Ps. 137. 6. if I/), not Jerusalemabovemy chief joy PREFERRED, INC. Esth. 2. 9. and he p. her and her maidens Dan. 6. 3. Daniel was/), above the presidents John 1.15. he thatcometh after me is p. bef. me, 27. 30. who is/), before me, for he was before me Rom. 12. 10. in honour/), one another lTim.5. 21. observe, without/). one before another PREJUDICE. ITHm. 5. t 21. observe these things without/?. PREMEDITATE. Mark 13. 11. neither/), but whatsoever is given PREPARATION. IChron. 22. 5. I will therefore now make/), for it JVah. 2. 3. with flaming torches in the day of p. Mat.'il. 62. the next day that folio wed the day of p. Mark 15. 42. LiikeiJ. 54. .Tohn 19. 14, 31,42. Eph.6. 15. feet shod with p. of the gospel of peace PREPARATIONS. Prov. 16. l.p. of the heart in man from the Lord PREPARE Signifieg, [1] To get or make ready. Josh. 1. 11. [2] To fit and qualify, Rom. 9. 23. [3] To ap- point, Mat. 20. 23. [4] To be fixed, Psal. 57. f 7. [5] To direct, guide, and establish, 1 Chron. 29. 18. \ Exod.15.2. my God, and I will p. him a habithtion 16. 5. on sixth day they shall p. that they bring in ieo.H.t 36priest shall command they p. the house JVum. 15. 5. for a drink-offering/), the fourth part 6. or for a ram p. thou for a meal-offering 12. according to the number that ye shall p. 23. 1. Balaam said, p. me seven oxen, five rams 29. build me seven altars, and p. seven bullocks Deut. 19. 3. thou shalt p. thee a way, divide coasts Joth. 1. II. p. yon victuals to pass over Jordan 22. 26. we said, let us now p. to build us an altar lSam.7.3.p.your hearts to the Lord, and serve him lA'«n;o'«]8.44.saytoAhab,7).cliariot,get thee down IChron. 9. 32. to p. slievv-bread every sabbath 29. 18. O Lord God, p. their heart unto thee 2 Qiron. 2. 9. to/), nie timber in abundance 31. II. p. chambers |{ 35. 4. and p. yourselves 35. 6. sanctify yourselves, and p. your brethren Esth. 5. 8. come to banquet that 1 shall p. for them Jnh 8. 8. and p. thyself to the search of their fathers II. 13. if thou p. thine heart toward him 27.16. tho' he p. raiment as clay |{ 17. he may p. It Psal. 10. 17. Lord, thou wilt p. their heart 59. 4. they p. themselves without my fault 61. 7. O p. mercy and truth, which may preserve 107. 36. that they may p. a city for habitation /'roi!. 24. 27. p. thy work without, and make it fit 30. 25. yet thi-y p. their meat in the summer 45:1 PRE fsa. 14. 21. p. slaughter for his children for iniciuity 21. 5. p. the table, watch in the watch-tower 40. 3. of himthatcrieth, p. ye way of Lord, il/uZ. 3. 1. Mat. 3. 3. Mark 1. 2, 3. I^ukc 1. 76. 20. he seeketh a workman top. a graven image 57. 14. and shall say, cast ye up, p. the way 62. 10. p. ye the way of the people, cast up 65. 11. they that p. a table for that troop Jer. 6. 4. p. ye war against her, arise, let us go up 12. 3. and p. them for the day of slaughter 22. 7. I will p. destroyers against thee 46. 14. say ye, standfast and p. thee, sword shall 51. 12. set up watchmen, p. the ambushes 27. blow the trumpet, p. nations against her, 23. Ezek. 4. 15. and thou shalt p. thy bread therewith 12. 3. p. thee stuff for removing, and remove 35. 6. I will p. thee to blood, blood shall pursue 38. 7. p. for thyself, thou and all thy company 43. 25. p. every day a goat, they shall also p. 45. 17. the prince shallp.the sinolfering 22. on that day prince shall p. for himself, 46.12. 24. he shall p. a meat-offering, 46. 7, 14. 40. 2. the priest shall p. his burnt-offering, 13. 15. they shall p. the lamb and meat-offering Joel 3. 9. p. war || Amos 4. 12.p. to meet thy God Mic. 3. 5. they even p. war against him Jl/fflMl.lO.messcnger, who shallp. way before thee 20. 17. where wilt thou that we p. for thee to eat the passover'! Mark 14. 12. iMke 22. 8, 9. Ijuke 3. 4. saying, p. ye the way of the Lord, 7. 27. John 14. 2. 1 go to p. a place for you 3. if I go and p. a place for you, I will come ag. 1 Cor. 14. 8. who shall p. himself to the battle? Philem. 22. but withal p. me also a lodging PREPARED. Oen. 24. 31. 1 p. the house and room for camels 41. t 32. dream doubled, for the thing is p. of God Eiod. 12. 39. neither had they p. any victual 23. 20. to bring thee into the place I have p. JVum. 21. 27. let the city of Sihon be built and p. 23. 4. I have p. seven altars, and have oft'ered 2 Sam. 15. 1. Absalom p. chariots and horses 1 Kings 1. 5. Adonijahp. || 5. 18. they p. timber 6. 19. the oracle hep. in the house within 2 Kings 0. 23. he p. provision and sent them away 1 Chron. 12. 39. for their brethren had p. for them 15. 1. David p. a place for the ark of God, and pitched for it a tent, 3, 12. 2 Chr. 1. 4. | 3. 1. 22. 3. David p. iron in abundance for the nails 5. David p. ahund. before his death, 14. | 29. 2. 2 Chron. 8. 16. all the work of Solomon was p. 12. 14. Rehoboam p. not his heart to seek the L. 19. 3. Jehoshaphatp. his heart to seek God 20. 33. for as yet the people had not p. their heart 26. 14. Uzziali p. shields and spears for them 27. 6. Jotham p. his ways before the Lord 29. 19. the vessels Ahaz cast away we have p. .36. he rejoiced that God had p. the peojile 31. 11. they p. chambers in the houseof the Lord 35. 10. the service wasp, the priests stood, 16. 20. after this, when Josiah had p. the temple Ezra 1. 10. Ezra had p. his heart to the law JVcA. 5. 18. now that which wasp, for me daily 8. 10. and send to them for whom nothing is p. 13. 5. he had p. for him a gteat chamber Esth. 5. 4. to the banquet that I have p. 12. | 6. 14. 6. 4. to hang Mordecai on gallows Hamanp. 7.10. Job 28. 27. he p. it, yea, and searched it out 29. 7. when I p. my seat in the street Psal. 7. 13. he p. for him the instruments of death 9. 7. he hath p. his throne for judgment 57. 6. they have p. t net for my steps t 7. my heart is p. I will sing and give praise 68. 10. thou hast p. of thy goodness for the poor 74. 10. thou hast p. the light and the sun 78. t 8. a generation that p. not their hearts 103. 19. the L. hath p. his throne in the heavens Prov. 3. 1 19. by understanding hep. the heavens 8. 27. wlien he p. the heavens, I was there 19. 29. judgments are p. for scorners, and stripes 21. 31. the horse is p. against the day of battle /sa.2. 1 2. mountain of the Lord's house shall bep. 10. t 5. in mercy shall the throne bep. 30. 33. Tophet of old, for the king it is p. 64. 4. neither hath the eye seen what he hath p. Ezek. 23. 41. a stately bed, and a table p. before it 28. 13. workmanship of the pipes wasp, in thee 38. 7. be thou p. and prepare for thyself Dan. 2. 9. for ye have p. lying words to speak H0S.2.S. her ailverand gold which they p. for Baal 6. 3. his going forth is p. as the morning Jonah 1. 17. now the Lord had p. a great fish 4. 6. God p. a gourd {| 7. a worm || 8. an east wind J^Tah. 2. 5. make haste, and the defence shall bep. Zeph. 1. 7. for the Lord hath p. a sacrifice Mat. 20. 23. it is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is p. Mark 10. 40. 22. 4. tell them, behold, I have p. my dinner 25. 34. inherit the kingdom p. || 41. into fire p. JI/a)'AI4. 15. will shew you a largo upper room p. PRE I.uke 1. 17. to make ready a people p. forthe Lord 2. 31. which thou hast p. before face of all people 12. 47. which knew his Lord's will, but p. not 23. SO.theyp. spices, and rested the sabhath, 24.1. Rom. 9. 23. the vessels of mercy afore p. to glory ICor. 2. 9. things G. hath p. for them thatlovt? him Eph. 2. t 10. good works God hath p. to walk in 2 Tm. 2. 21. bo a vessel p. to every good work J/eb. 10. 5. but a body hast thou p. me 11. 7. Noah p. an ark to the saving of his house 16. their God, for he hath p. for them a city Rev. 8. 6. and the seven angels p. to sound 9. 7. the locusts were like to horses p. for battle 15. which weiep. for an hour, a day and a month 12. 6. and the woman hath a place p. of God 16. 12. that the way of kings of east may bep. 21. 2. the holy city p. as a bride for her husband PREPAREDST. Ps. 80. 9. thou p. room before it, to take deep root PREPAREST. JVum. 15. 8. when thou p. a bullock for an offering Psal. 23. 5. thou p. a table before me in presence 65. 9. thou waterest the earth, thou p. them corn when thou hast so provided for it PREPARETH. 2 Chron. 30. 19. that p. his heart to seek God Job 15. 35. bring forth vanity, their belly p. deceit Ps.l47.8.whop. rain for earth, maketli grass grow PREPARING. JV('A.13.7.p.him achambcrincourtsof house of G. 1 Pet. 3. 20. indaysof Noah, while the ark wasp. PRESBYTERY. 1 Tim. 4. 14. with laying on of the hands of the p. PRESCRIBED, ING. Ezra 7. 22. and salt without p. how much Jsa.lO. 1. that write grievousn. which they have p. PRESENCE. Gen. 3. 8. hid themselves from the p. of the Lord 4. 16. Cain went out from the p. of the Lord 27. 30. Jacob was scarce gone from the p. of Isaac 45. 3. for Joseph's brethren were troubled at his p. 47.15 for why should we die in thy p.? money fails -Eaorf.lO.ll.they were driven out fromPharaoh'sp. 33. 14. ho said, my p. shall go with thee 15.if tliyp.go not with me,cairy us not up hence 35. 20. all Israel departed from the p. of Moses Lev. 22. 3. that soul shall be cut of!" from my p. JSTnm. 20. 6. Moses went from the p. of assembly 1 Sam. 18. 11. David avoided out of his p. twice 19.10.bnt he slipped away out ofSaul'sp. and fled 21.15. this fellow to play the madman in my p. 2ii'am.l6.19.whom should I servo? as I have served in thy father's p. eo will I be in thy p. 17. 1 11. T counsel that thy p. go to battle IKings 12.2.Jeroboam fled from the p. of Solomon 2Kings 3.14. were itnot I regardp. ot'Jehoshaphat 5. 27. and he went out from his p. a leper 13. 23. neither cast he them from his p. ns yet 24. 20. till he had cast them out from his p. 25. 19. five of them that were in the king's p. 1 Chron. 16. 27. glory and honour are in bis p. 33. then shall the trees sing at the p. of God 2 Chron. 9. 23. the king sought the p. of Solomon 20. 9. when we stand before this house in thy p. 34. 4. they brake the altars of Baalim in his p. JVeA. 2. 1. I had not been before sad in his p. Esth. 7. 6. Haman was afraid at the;?, of the king 8.15.Mordecai went from thep. of king in apparel Job 1. 12. Satan went from thep. of the Lord, 2. 7. 23. 15. therefore I am troubled at his p. Psal. 9.3. they shall fall and perish at thy p. 16.11. in thy p. fulness of joy, righthand pleasures 17. 2. let my sentence come forth from thy p. 31. 20. thoushalt hide them in the secret of thy p. 42. t 5. I shall praise him, his p. is salvation 51. 11. cast me not away from thy p. take not thy 68. 2. let the wicked perish at thep. of God 8. heavens dropped, Sinai moved at thep. of God 95. 2. come before his p. with thanksgiving 97. 5. the hills nfllfelted like wax at thep. of God 100. 2. come before his p. with singing 114. 7. tremble, thou earth, at thep. of the Lord 139. 7. whither shall I flee from thy p.? 340. 13. the upright shall dwell in thy p. Prov. 14. 7. go from thep. of a foolish man Isa.1.7. strangers shall devour your land in yourp. 19. 1. the idols of Egypt shall be moved at hisp. 63. 9. and the angel of his p. saved them 64. 1. that mountains might flow down at thy p. 2. that the nations may tremble at thy p. 3. the mountains flowed down at thy p. Jer. 4.26. all the cities broken down atp. of Lord 5. 22. will ye not tremble at my p. which have 23. 39. and I will cast you out of my p. 52. 3. Kzek. 38. 20. all the men shall shake at my p. JoBoA 1. 3. Jonah rose to flee from thep. of the Ld. 10. men knew he fled from thep. of the Lord JVah. 1. 5. and tho e-arlh is burnt at hisp. Zeph. 1. 7. hold thy peace at the /). of the Lord /Acke 13. 26. we have i^att'n and drunk in thy p. PRE Jlcts 3. 19. the times of refreshing come from the p. 5. 41. they departed from the p. of the council 1 Cor. 1. 29. that no flesh should glory in his^. 2 Cor. 10. 1. who in p. am base among you 10. his letters weighty, but his bodily ;;. is weak Phil. 2. 12. ye have obeyed, not as in my p. only 1 T'Aes«.2.17.being taken from you \np. not in heart SrAes^.l. 9. with destruction from the;?. oftheLd. Jude 24. present you faultless before 7). of his glory lu the PRESENCE. Oen. 16. 12. he shall dwell in the p. of his brethren 23. 11. in the p. of my people I give it thee 18. made sxxreintkep. of the children of Heth 25. 18. Ishmael died in the p. of all his brethren Veut.'i5. 9.hi3 brother's wife come in t. p. of elders 2 Sam. 16. 19. should I not serve in the p. of his son 1 Kings 8. 22. Solomon stood in t.p. of congregat. 21. 13. against Naboth, in the p. of the people 1 Chron. 24. 31. these cast lots in the p. of David Psal. 23. 5. a table in the p. of mine enemies 116. 14. now in the p. of all his people, 18. Prov. 17. 18. become surety in the p. of his friend 25. 6. put not forth thyself Hi the p. of the king 7. than be put lower in the p. of the prince Jer. 28. 1. Hiinaniah spake in the p. of the princes 11. m t/tep. of people II 32.12.iH «A« p. of witnesses Luke 1. 19. 1 am Gabriel, that stand i;i ^Ae;;. of G. 14. 10. thou shalt have worship in the p. of them 15. 10. there is joy in the p. of the angels of God JbAn 20.30. signs did Jesus inthe p. of his disciples .^cts 3. 13. and denied him in the p. of Pilate 16. given him perfect soandn.m tAe^. of you all 27. 3^. he gave thanks to G. in the p. of them all lThess.2. 19. arenotevenye, ire iAe;;. of our L.J. Heb. 9. 24. now to appear in the p. of God for us Rev. 14. 10. in t.p.of holy angels, ire t. p. of Lamb PRESENT, Substantive. Oen. 32. 13. he took a p. for Esau his brother, 18. 20. for he said, I will appease him with the p. 21. so went the p. over before him, himself lodged 33. 10. if found grace, then rec. my p. at my hand 43. 11. Israel said, carry down the man a p. 15. men took the p. II 25. they made ready the p. 26. they brought him the p. in their hand Judg. 3. 15. by Ehud Israel sent up. to Eglon 17. he brought the p. || 18. an end to offer the p. 6. 18. depart not till I come and bring forth my p. 1 Sam. 9. 7. there is not a p. for the man of God 25. t 27. let this p. be for the young men 30. 26. behold a. p. of the spoil of the enemies 1 Kings 9. 16. had given it for a p. to his daughter 10. 25. they broughtevery man his p. 2CAr.9.24. 15. 19. I have sent thee a p. of silver and gold 2 Kings 8. 8. the king said, take a p. in thine hand 9. so Hazael went to meet him and took a. p. 10. 8. and sent it for a p. to the king of Assyria 17. 4. and brought no p. to the king of Assyria 18. 31. make an agreement by a p. fsa. 36. 16. 20. 12. sent letters and a p. to Hezekiah, Isa. 39.1. /sd. 18. 7. a p. brought to Lord ofhosts for a people F.zek. 27. 15. they brought for a p. horns of ivory iTos.lO. 6. be carried to Assy, for a p. to king Jareb PRESENT, Partieiple. I.?a7re.l3.].5. Saul numbered thepeoplep. with him 21. 3. give me five loaves, or what there is p. 2 Sam. 20. 4. assemble Judah, and be thou here p. 1/fin^s 20.27.Israel were numbered, and were allp. ICAr. 29. 17. have seen thy people p. to offer will. SCArore. 5. 11. all the priests p. were sanctified 30. 21. Israel p. at Jerusalem, kept the feast 31. 1. all p. went out and brake the images 34. 32. he caused all that were p. to stand to it EzraS. 25. king, lords, and all Israel p. offered Esth. 4. 16. »ather all the Jews p. in Shushan psai.iCy.i. God is a very p. help in timeof trouble f^uhe 5. 17. power of the Lord was p. to heal them 13. that season some that told him 18. 30. shall receive manifold more in this p. time ^ohn 14. 25. I have spoken, being yet p. with you ^rts 10. 33. now are we all p. tfeforc God, to hear 21.18.Paul went with us, and all the elders were p. 28.2. kindled afire, received usbecause of p. rain ttom.7.\H. to will is p. with me, but how to perform 21. when 1 would do good, evil is p. with me 8. 18. I reckon that the sufferings of this p. time 38. nor thingsp. are able to separate us from love 1 1, 5. even at this p. time, there is a remnant lCor.3.22. thlngsp.or things to come, all are yours 4.11. even to tliisp.hourweboth hunger and thirst 5. 3. but p. inspirit, have judged astho' Iwerep.. 7.26. that this is good for the p. distresg ] 15. 6. of whom the greater part remain to this p. 2 Cor. 5. 8. willing rather to hep. with the Lord 9. we labour, that whether p. or absent 10.2.1 beseech you, thati may not behold whenp. 11. 9. when I was p. with you and wanted 13. 2 I foretell, as if I were p. the second time 10. I write, lest being p. I should use sharpness Oal.l. 4. that he might deliver us from thisp. world 4. 18. and not only when I am p. with you 454 PRE Oal. 4. 20. 1 desire to bep. with you, and to change 2 Tim. 4. 10. forsaken me, having lov. thisp. world Tit. 2. 12. we should live godly in this p. world jfleb. 9. 9. which was a figure for the time then p. 12. 11. no chastening for the p. seemeth joyous 2 Pet. 1. 12. and be established in the p. truth PRESENT, ED. Gen. 46. 29. Joseph p. himself to his father 47. 2. he p. five of his brethren to Pharaoh Exod.34.2. andp. thyself there to me in the mount Z,e».2.8.the meat-oftering, when it is p. to the priest 7. 35. in the day when he p. them to minister 9. 12. Aaron's sons p. to hun the blood, 18. 13. and they p. the burnt-olfering to him 14. 11. thepriestshallp. the man to be made clean 16. 7. the two goats, and p. them before the Lord 10. the scape-goat shall be p. before the Lord 27. 8. then he shall p. himself before the priest 11. then he shall p. the beast before the priest J\rum. 3. 6. and p. the tribe of Levi before Aaron Deict. 31. 14. p. yourselves before the tabernacle Josh. 24. 1. they p. themselves before God Judg. 6. 19. Gideon brought it under oak, and p. it 20. 2. the tribes of Israel p. themselves 1 Sam. 10. 19. now p. yourselves before the Lord 17. 16. Goliath the Philistine p. himself forty days 2 Chron. 11. t 13. the Levitesp. themselves to him Job 1. 6. the sons of God came to p. themselves 2. 1. Satan came top. himself before the Lord Jer. 36. 7. it may be they will p. their supplication 38. 26. I p. my supplication before the king 42. 9. ye sent to p. your supplication before him Eiek. 20. 28. they p. the provocation of oftering Dan. 9. 18. for we do not p. our supplications Mat. 2. 11. they p. to him gifts, gold and myrrh Luke 2. 22. they brought him top. to the Lord Jlcts 9.41. when he had called the saints, p. her alive 23. 33. they p. Paul also before the governor Rom. 12. 1. that ye p. your bodies a living sacrifice 2 Cor. 4. 14. shall raise us up by Jes. and p. us with 11. 2. that I may p. you as a chaste virgin to Christ Eph. 5. 27. he mightp. it to hims. a gloriouschurch Col. 1. 22. to p. you holy and unblameable 28. that we may p. every man perfect in Christ Jude 24. to him that is able to p. you faultless PRESENTING. Dan. 9. 20. p. my supplication before the Lord PRESENTLY. 1 Sam. 2. 16. let them not fail to burn the fat p. Prov. 12. 10. a fool's wrath is p. known Mat. 21. 19. and p. the fig-tree withered away 26..53.he shall p. give me more than twelve legions Phil. 2. 23. him therefore I hope to send p. PRESENTS. 1 Sam. 10. 27. and they brought him no p. 1 Kings 4. 21. they brought p. and served Solomon 2 Kings 17. 3. Hoshea gave Shalmaneser p. 2 CAr. 17. 5. p. to Jehosh. 11. || 32. 23. to Hezekiah Psal. 68. 29. kings shall bring p. unto thee 72. 10. kings of Tarsh. and the isles shall bring p. 76. 11. let all biingp. to him that ought to be feared Mic.l. 14. therefore shalt give p. to Moresheth-gath PRESERVE Signifies, [1] To keep safe or defend, Psal. 16. 1. [2] To sustain or uphold, Psal. 36. 6. [3] To reserve, save, or keep alive. Gen. 45. 7. O thou Preserver of men, .hb 7. 20. O thou who, as thou wast the Creator of man, delightest to be, and to be called, the Preserver and Saviour of men: and that waitest to be kind and gra- cious to men from day to day, as occasion re- quires; do not deal with me in a way contrary to thine own nature and name, and to the man- ner of thy dealing with all the rest of mankind. Or, O thou Observer of men, thou who didst exactly know and diligently observe all the in- ward motions and outward actions of men ; I have sinned ; and therefore if thou shalt be se- vere to mark mine iniquities, as thou seemest to be, I know not what to say or do unto thee. Gen. 19. 32. that we may p. seed of our father, 34. 45. 5. for God did send me before you to p. life 7. God sent me to p. you a posterity in the earth Dent. 6. 24. that he might p. us alive, as at thisday Psal. 12. 7. thou shaltp. them from this generation 16. 1. p. me, O God, for in thee do I put my trust 25. 21. let integrity and uprightness p. me 32. 7. my hiding place, shaltp. me from trouble 40. 11. let thy loving kindness continually p. me 41. 2. the Lord will p. him and keep him alive 61. 7. prepare mercy and truth which may p. him 64. 1. hear me, p. my life from fear of the enemy 79. 11. p. thou those that are appointed to die 86. 2. p. my soul, for I am holy, O thou my God 121. 7. L. p. thee from all evil, he shall p. thy soul 8. the Lord shall p. thy going out and coming in 140. 1. O Lord, p. me from the violent man, 4. Prou.2.11.discretion shall p.thee,underst.keep thee 4. 6. forsake her not, and she shall p. thee 14. 3. but the lips of the wise shall p. them PRE Prov. 20. 28. mercy and truth p. king, his throne 22. 12. the eyes of the Lord p. knowledge Isa. 31. 5. and passing over he will p. Jerusalem 49. 8. I will p. thee, and give thee for a covenant Jer. 49. II. thy children, I will p. them alive Hab. 3, 12. p. alive thy work in midst of the years I-,uke 17. 33. whoso shall lose his life shall p. it 2 Tim. 4. 18. Lord will p. to his heavenly kmgdom PRESERVED, ETH. Oen, 32. 30. I have seen God, and my life is p. ■Josh. 24. 17. andp. us in all the way we went 1 Sam. 30. 23. Lord hath given us, who hath p. us 2 Sam. 8. 6. Syrians David's servants, Ld.p. David whithersoever he went, 1 Chron. 18. 6, 13. Job 10. 12. thy visitation hath p. my spirit 29. 2. that I were as in the days when God p. me 36. 6. he p. not the life of the wicked, gives right Psal. 31. 23. love Lord, for the Lord p. the faithful 37. 28. forsakes not his saints, they are p. forever 97. 10. hate evil, hep. the souls of his saints 116. 6. the Lord p. the simple, I was brought low 145. 20. the Lord p. all them that love him 146. 9. the Lord p. the strangers, he relieveth Prov. 2. 8. he p. the way of his saints 16. 17. he that keepeth his way p. his soul Isa. 49. 6. and to restore the p. of Israel Hos. 12. 13. and by a prophet was he p. JWat. 9. 17. butthey put new wine into new bottles, and both are p. Luke 5. 38. 1 TAe«s.5.23. your spirit soul and body p. blameless Jude l.sanctified, Jesus Christ, and called PRESERVER. Job 1. 20.what shall I do to thee, O thou P. of menl PRESERVEST. JVeA. 9. 6. thou Lord hast made and p. them all Psal. 36. 6. O Lord, thou p. man and beast PRESIDENTS. Dan. 6. 2. and over these three p. Daniel was first 3. this Daniel was preferred above p. and princes 4. the p. sought to find occasion against Daniel 6. these ^. and princes assembled to the king, 7. PRESS Signifies, [1] To squeeze close together, Gen. 40. 11. [2] To throng or crowd, Luke 8. 45. [3] 7'o urge, or be instant. Gen. 19. 3. [4] To pursue and seek after salvation and happi- ness with a holy boldness, resolution, zeal, and /crserecy, Luke 16.16. Phil. 3. 14. [5] A crowd or throng, Luke 19. 3. The word Press is likewise used not only for the instrument or machine by which grapes are squeezed, Isa. 16. 10. but also for the vessel or vat, wherein the wine runs from tAe Press, and in which it is received and preserved: Whence are these expressions; He digged a wine press ire Ais vineyard. Mat. 21. 33. Thy presses shall burst out with new wine, Prov. 3. 10. To draw out of the press. Hag. 2. 16. It was a hind of subterraneous cistern; in which the wine was received and kept, till it was put into jars or vessels of earth or wood. Jlfaj-i 2.4. could not come nigh fot the p. Luke 8.19. 5. 27. came in p. behind him, touched his garment 30. Jesus turned him about in the p. and said Luke 19. 3. Zaccheus could not see Jesus for thep. PRESS. Joel 3. 13. for the p. is full, the fats overflow Hag. 2. 16. to draw out fifty vessels out of thep. See Wine. PRESS-FAT. Hag. 2. 16.when one came to the p. to draw vessels PRESS, ED, ETH. Gere.l9.3.Lot p.on the two angels at Sodom greatly 9. they p. sore on Lot, and came near the door 40. 11. and I took the grapes and p. them .htdg. 16. 16. Delilah p. him daily with her words 2 Sam.l3. 25. Absalom p. him, he would not go, 27. Esth. 8. 14. posts p. on by the king's command Ps. 38.2. arrows stick fast, and thy hand p. me sore Ezek. 23. 3. there were their breasts p. they bruised Amos 2.13. behold, I am p. under you as a cart is j). Mark 3. 10. they p. on him for to touch him Luke 5. 1. as the people p. to hear the word ofGod 6. 38. good measure, p. down and shaken together 8. 45. the multitude throng thee and p. thee 16. 16. kingdom preached, every man p. into it Acts 18.5.PauI wasp, in spirit,and testified to Jews 2 Cor. 1. 8. that we were p. above measure Phil. 3. 14. I p. toward the mark for the prize PRESSES. Prov. 3. 10. thy p. shall burst with new wine /sa.16. 10. tread, shall tread out no wine in their p. PRESUME. Deut. 18. 20. the prophet who shall p. to speak Esth 7.5. where is he that durst p. in his heart to do PRESUMED. JVum. 14. 44. but thev p. to go np to the hill-top PRESUMPTUOUS. Deut. 1. t 43. ye were p. and went up the hill Psal. 19. 13. keep thy servant also from p. sins PRE 2 Pet. 2.10. p.are fliey, self-will, not afraid to speak PRESUMPTUOUSLY. Ezod.21. 14. if a man come p. on his neighbour JVu/n.l5.30.tlie soul that doth ought;>. DeiU.Vi.Vi. Deut. 1. 43. and went p. up into the hill 17. 13. the people shall hear, and do no more p. 18. 22. but the prophet halh spoken it u. PRETE.NCE. JHaf .33.14. for a p.make long prayers, Mark 12.40. Pliil. 1. 18. whellier in p. or in truth C. is preached PREVAIL Signifies, [1] To have tlic advantage over, or the better of, Judg. 16. 5. [2] To be raised or lifted up, Gen. 7. 20. The blesaings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors. Gen. 49. 26. Theblessiiigs which J thy father have conferred upon thee, arc much more considerable than those which {received either from my father Isaac, or from my grandfather Abraham ; and that, (I) Jn the extent of the blessings: Ish- mael was excluded in one, and Esau in the other's blcs.tings ; but J have included both Ephraim and Manasseh in my blessing. (2) In the distinctness and cleaiiiess of them : For that land of Canaan, which was transmit- ted to Isaac atid Jacob only in the general, was now in some sort particularly distributed to Josepli and to the rest of his brethren ; and, (3) In the nearness of the accomplishment : JVoiB there was a more likely prospect of the multiplication of their seed, than to Abraham or Isaac ; and soon after they multiplied to as tonishment, and drew near to the possessio7i of the promised land. Oen. 7. 20. fifteen cubits upward did the waters p. JV«m. 22. 6. peradventure I shall p. f U- Judg. 16. 5. and see by what means we may p. i Sam. 2. 9. for by strength shall no man p. 17. 9. if I p. ag. him, then ye shall be our servants 26. 25. thou shall do great things and shall still p. 1 Kings 22.22. he said, thou shall persuade him, and p. also, go forth and do so, 2 Chron. 18. 21. 2 Chron. 14. 11. O Lord, let not man p. against thee Esth. 6. 13. thou shall not p. against him Job 15. 24. they shall p. against him, as a king 18. 9. and the robber shall p. against him Psal. 9. 19. arise, O Lord, let not man p. 12.4.wliosaid, with our tongue will we p. our lips .5.5. 3. me, as for our transgressions Prov. 6. t 3. so shall thou p. with thy friend /;cfM.12.irone p. against him, two shall withstand Isa. 7. 1. to war, but could not p. against it 16.12. Moab shall come to pray, but he shall notp. 42. 13. he shall cry, he shall p. against his enemies 47. 12. stand now, if so be thou mayest p. Jcr. ]. 19. they shall not p. against thee, for I am with thee, saith L. of hosts, 15. 20. | 20. 11. 5. 23. though the waves toss, yet can they not p. 20. 10. will be enticed, and we shallp. against him Dan. 11. 7. who shall deal against him and shallp. Mat. 16. 18. the gates of hell shall not p. against it 27. 24. when Pilate saw he could p. nothing John 12 19. perceive ye how yep. nothing PREVAILED. Oen. 7. 18. the waters p. and increased, 19. 24. the waters p. on the earth 150 days 30. 8. 1 have wrestled with my sister and have p. 32. 25. when he saw hep. not against him 28. thou hast power with God and men, hast p. 47. 20. because the famine p. over them 49. 26. the blessings of thy father have p. JEiod. 17. 11. when Moses held up his hand, Israel p. when he let down his hand, Amalek p. Judg. 1. 35. the hand of the house of .Jo.seplip. 3. 10. Olhniel's hand p. against Chushan 4. 24. the children of Israel p. against Jahin 6. 2. the hand of Midianp. against Israel 1 Sam. 17. 50. so David p. over Goliath 2 ■'^am. 11. 23. surely the men p. against us 24. 4. the king's word p. against Joab 1 Kings 10. 22. the people that followed Omri p. 2 Kings 25. 3. the famine p. in the city, no bread 1 Chron. 5. 2. for Judah p. above his brethren 2 Chrnn. 8. 3. Solomon p. against Hamath-zobah 13. 18. .ludah p. because they relied on the Lord 27. 5. Jotliam p. against the Annnonitcs /".«.! 3. 4. lest mine enemy say, I have p. against thee 129. 2. vet they have not p. against me .Trr. 20. 7. thou art stronger than I, and hast p. 38. 23. thv friends have;^. asainst thee 1. Ifi. I weep because the enemy p. r>an. 7. 21. the saine horn p. against the saints Hos. 12. 4. he had power over the angel and p. 0Aa'/.7.the men at peace have deceived theeandp. I.uke'i^. 23. the voices of the chief priests p. .^cts 19. 16. the man in whom the evil spirit was p. 20. so mightily grew the word of God and p. Rrn. 5.5. the root of David hath open the book 12. S. the dragon and h's angels p. not 455 PRI PREVAILEST. Job 14.20.though p. for ever against hini,he passeth PREVAILETH. 1. 13. he sent tire into my bones, and it p. PREVENT. .Tob 3. 12. why did the knees p. me ■? or the breasts Psal. 17. t 13. arise, O Lord, p. his face 59. 10. the God of my mercy shallp. mo 79. 8. let thy tender mercies speedily p. us 88. 13. in the morning shall my prayer p. thee 95. t 2. let us p. his face with thanksgiving 119. 148. mine eyes p. the night-watches j]mos 9. 10. which say, the evil shall not p. us 1 Thess. 4.15. we shall not p. them who are asleep PREVENTED. 2 Sam. 22. 6. the snares of death p. me, Psal. 18. 5. 19. they p. me in the day of my calamities, but the Lord was my stay, Psal. 16. 18. Job 30. 27. the days of affliction p. me 41. 11. who hath p. me that I should repay him 1 Psal. 119. 147. I p. the dawning of the morning /.sa. 21. 14. they p. with their bread him that fled Jkfa£.17.25.Jesusp.him,saying, Sirnon,of whom do PREVENTEST. Ps. 21.3. for thoup. him with blessings of goodness PREY. Jer. 30.16. and all thalp.on thee will I give for a p. PREY. Oen. 49. 9. from the p. my son, thou art gone up 27. in the morning he shall devour the p. JYum.H. 3.whv broughtto this land, that our wives and children shall be a p.? 31. Deut. 1. 39. 23. 24. Israel not I'e down till he eat of the p. 31. 12. they brought the captives and p. to Moses 20. take the sum of the p. that was taken 27. and divide thep.into two parts between them 32. and the booty being the rest of the p. Deut. 2. .35. only the cattle we took for a our- selves and the spoil, 3. 7. J<)s/j. 8. 2, 27. I 11.14. Judg. 5. 30. divided the p. a p. of divers colours 8.24. thai ye would give me the ear-rings of hisp. 25. did cast every man the ear-rings of hisp. 'i Kings ^l. 14. Judah shall become a p. and a spoil JVcA. 4. 4. give them for ap. in the land of captivity Eslh. 3. 13. take the spoil of them for a p. 8. 11. 9. 15. on the p. Ihey laid not their hand, 16. Job 4. 11. the old lion perisheth for lack of p. 9. 26. as the eagle that h.asleth to the p. 24. 5. behold, as wild asses rising betimes for a p. 38. .39. wilt ihou hunt the p. for the. lion .' 39.29. from thence she seeketh thep. and her eyes Psal. 17. 12. like a lion that is greedy of hisp. 76. 4. more excellent than the mountains of p. 104. 21. the young lions roar after their p. 111. t 5. he hath given p. to them that fear him 124.6. who halh not given us for a p. to their teeth Prov. 23. 28. she also lielh in wait as for a p. /srz. 5. 29. yea, they shall roar and lay hold of thep. 10.2. that widows may betheirp.and rob fatherless 6. to take the p. of an hypocritical nation 31. 4. as the lion and young lion roaring on his p. 33. 23. then is thep. of a great spoil divided 42. 22. they are for a p. and none delivereth 49. 24. shall thep. be taken from the mighty'? 25. thep. of the terrible shall be delivered 59.15. that deparleth fromevil maketh himself a p. Tisr. 21.9. he shall live, and his life shall be to him for a p.. 3S. 2. | 39. 18. J 45.5. 30.16. and all that p. on thee I will give for a p. EzeA. 7.21. 1 will give it to hands of strangers forp 19. 3. a young lion, it learned to catch thep. 22. 27. her princes are like wolves ravening the p. 26. 12. they shall make a p. of thy merchandise 29. 19. he shall take her spoil, and take her p. 34. 8. because my flock became a p. and meat ^2. and my flock shall no more be a p. 28. 36. 4. saith the Lord, to the cities that became a p. 5. with despiteful minds to cast it out for a p. .38. 12. I will go up to take a spoil and a p. 13. Dan. 11. 24. he shall scatter among them thep. .Imos 3. 4. will a lion roar when he halh nop.? JV«A. 2. 12. the lion fi Med his holes with p. and dens 13. I will cut off" thy p. from the earth 3. 1. woe to the bloody city, thep. deparleth not Zcph. 3. 8. till the day that I rise up to the p. PRICE Signifies, [1] The rate of any thing that ishought or sold, 2 Chron. 1. 16. [2] IVorth or value, Prov. 31. 10. [3] Esteem, 1 Pel. 3. 4. [4] Jin opportunity or advantage, Prov. 17. 16. Ye are bought with a price, 1 Cor. 6. 20. Ye are redeemed out of the hands of divine justice, and rescued out of the bondage of sin and Satan,by the blood of Christ, paid to God, the Supreme Judge for your ransom, whereby Christ has got an everlasting dominion over you. Lev. 25. 16. according to years thou shalt increase the p. to fewness thou shalt diminish the p. 50. .52. shall give him again the p. of his redemption Deut. 23. 18. not bring p. of a dog to house of Lord PRI 2Som.24.24. 1 will buyit atap. 1 CAr. 21. 22, 24. 1 Kings 10. 28. king Solomon's merchants received the linen yarn at a p. 2 Chron. 1. 16. Job 28. 13. man knowelh not thep. thereof, 15. 18. for thep. of wisdom is above rubies Ps. 44.12. thou dost not increase wealth by their p. Prov. 17. 16. why is there a p. in hand of a fooll 27. 26. and the goals are thep. of the field 31. 10. virtuous woman, for herp.far above rubies /sa.45.13.shall let go my capt. not forp.nor reward 55. 1. yea, come, buy wine and milk without p. Jer. 15. 13. thy substance to the spoil without p. l^am. 5. t 4. our wood comelh forp. unto us Zech. 11. 12. give me my p. weighed for me my p. 13. a goodly p. that 1 was prized at of them JI/aM3.46.whenhehad found one pearl of greatp. 27.6. not into treasury, because it is thep. of blood 9. they took thep of him that was valued Jlcts 5. 2. and kept back part of the p. 3. 19. 19. they counted tliep. of the books burnt 1 Cor. 6. 20. for ye are bought with a p. 7. 23. 1 Pet. 3. 4. meek spirit is in sight of God of great p. PRICES. Acts 4. 34. brought p. of the things that were sold PRICKED. Psa^ 73.21. thus heart grieved, I wasp, in my reins Jlcts 2. 37. they were p. in their heart, and said PRICKING. Ezek. 23. 24. shall be no more a p. briar to Israel PRICKS. J\rum. 33.55. those that remain be p. in your eyes Mcts 9. 5. it is hard to kick against the p. 26. 14. PRIDE. Lev. 26. 19. I will break thep. of your power 1 Sam. 17. 28. I know thy p. and naughtiness a Chron. 32. 26. Hezekiah humbled himself forp. Job 9. t 13. the helpers of p. do stoop under him 26. t 12. by nnderslanding he smilelh through p. 33. 17. and that he may hide p. from man 35. 12. they cry because of the p. of evil men 38. t 11. thep. of thy waves shall be stayed 41. 15. his scales are hisp. shut up together 34. he is a king over all the children of p. Psal. 10. 2. the wicked in hisp. doth persecute 4. through p. of his countenance will not seek God 31.20. thou shalt hide them from thep. of man 36. 11. let not the fool of p. come against me 59. 12. let them even be taken in their p. 73. 6. therefore p. compasseth them aboulas a chain Prov. 8. 13. p. do I hale || 11. 2. when p. cometh 13. 10. only by p. cometh contention 14. 3. in the mouth of the foolish is a rod of p. 16. 18. p. goeth before destruction, before a fall 21. t 24. who dealeth in the wrath of p. 29. 23. a man's p. shall bring him low Isa. 9. 9. that say in the p. of their hearts 16. 6. we have heard of thep. of Moab, even of his haughtiness and his p. .Icr. 43. 29. 23. 9. hath purposed to stain the p. of all glory 25. 11. and he shall bring down their p. 28. 1. woe to the crown of p. to the drunkards, 3. Jer. 13.9. 1 will mar the p. of Judah and Jerusalem soul shall weep in secret places for your p. 49. 16. the p. of thy heart halh deceived thee 50. t 31. behold I am against thee, O ihou p. t 32. p. shall stumble and fall, none shall raise the rod hath blossomed, p. hath budded 16.49. iniquity of thy sister Sodom p. fuln. of bread SO.Sodom was not mentioned in thcday of thy p. .30. 6. and the p. of her power shall come down Dan. 4.37. those that walk in p. he is able to abase 5. 20. but when his mind was hardened in p. Has. 5. 5. the p. of Israel doth testifv, 7. 10. Obad. 3. thep. of thy heart halh deceived Ihee JVah. 2. t 2. for the Lord hath turned away the p. of Jacob and the p. of Israel Zeph. 2. 10. this shall they have for their p. 3. 11. 1 will lake them away that rejoice in thv;?. Zech. 9.6. I will cut off the p. of the Phili.slines 10. 11. thep. of Assyria shall he brought . shall burn it all on the altar, 13, 17. 1 2. 2, 9, 16. I 3. 11, 16. | 4. 10, 31, 35. I 7. 5, 31. 12. the p. shall lay them in order on the wood 2.8. whenitis presented to the p. he shall bringit 4.3. if the 7). that is anointed do sin as the people 6. the p. shall dip his finger in the blood, 17. 20, the p. shall make an atonement for them, 26. I 5. 6. 1 6. 7. I 12. 8. 1 15. 15, 30. | 16. 30. | 19. 22. 25. and the p. shall take of the blood, 30, 34. 5. 8. he shall bring them to the p. who shall offer fi. 10. the p. shall put on his linen garment 7-8.the p. shall have to himself the skin of offering 9. it shall be the p. that offereth it, 14. | 14. 13. 13. 3. the p. shall look on the plague in the skin, 5, 6, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32. the p. shall look on him and pronounce him un- clean, 8, 11, 20, 22, 25, 30, 44. 4. the p. shall shut him up seven days, 5. 31, 33. 6.thep. shall pronounce him clean, 17,23,28,34. 9. brought to the p. \\ 16. come to the^. 14. 2. 14. 11. p. that maketh him clean shall present 16. the p. shall dip his right-finger in the oil 35. that ownetli the house shall come and tell p. 48. the p. shall pronounce the house clean 21. 9. if the daughter of a. p. profane herself 2-2. 11. if 1 hep. buy any soul with his money 23. 10. ye shall bring a sheaf of first-fruits to the;?. 11. the p. shall wave it before the Lord 27. 8. the ;). shall value him, according to ability JV«»ti.5. 8.lct the trespass be recompensed to thep. 15. then the man shall bring his wife to the p. 30. the ;). shall execute upon her all this law 6. 20. this is holy for the p. with the wave-breast 19. 7. the p. shall wash and he unclean until even 35. 32. shall not dwell in land till death of high-p. Deiit. J7. 12. the man tliiit will not hearken to p. 20.2. are come nigh to battle, the p. shall approach 26. 3. thou shalt go to the p. in those days Judg. 17. 5. one of his sons who became his p. 10. dwell with me, and be to me a father and p. me good, seeing I have aLevite tomy p. 18. 4. Micah hath hired me, and I am his p. " 19. be to us a p. and a father, better be a p. 1 Sam. 2. 14. all that the p. took for himself 450 PRI VSam.Z. 15. and said, give flesh to roast for the p. 28. did I choose him out of Israel to be my p. 7 35. and I will raise me up a faithful p. 14. 19. while Saul talked to the p. the noise 36. then said the p. let us draw near to God 21, 4. the p. answered, there is no common bread 6. so tliep. gave them hallowed bread l.Srm^s2.27.Solom. thrust Abiathar from being p. 'i Kings 11. 15. the p. had said, lether not be slain 2Chron. 13. 9. the same may be a p. of them that are no gods, but as for us the Lord is our God 15. 3. Israel hath been without a teaching p. Ezra 2. 63. till there stood up a p. JVeA. 7. 65. Psal. 110. 4. L. hath sworn, thou art a p. for ever after the order of Melchis. Heb. 5. 6. | 7. 17, 21. Isa. 8. 2. I took faithful witnesses, Uriah the p. 24. 2. as with the people, so with the p. 28.7. the p. and the prophet have erred thro' wine Jer. 6. 13. to the p. everyone dealeth falsely, 8. 10. 14, 18. prophet and p. go to a land they know not 18. 18. the law shall not perish from the p. 23. 11. for both prophet and p. are profane 33. when a prophet and p. shall ask thee, 34. 29. 26. the Lord made thee p. instead of Jehoiada Lam. 2. 6. and hath despised the king and the p. 20. shall the p. and prophet be slain in sanctuary Ezek. 7. 26. but the law shall perish from the p. 44. 13. shall not come near to do the ofBce of a p. 21. nor shall any p. drink wine when they enter 22. or shall take a widow that had a p. before 30. ye give to the p. the first of your dough 31. the p. shall not eat of any thing that is torn Hos.A. 4. this people, as they that strive with thep, 6, I will reject thee, thou shalt be no p. to me 9, and there shall be like people like p. Mmos 7. 10. thep. of Bethel sent to Jeroboam Zech. 6. 13. and he shall be a p. on his throne Mai. 2. 7. the p. lips should keep knowledge Mat. 8. 4. see thou tell no man, but go thy way, shew thyself to the p. Mark 1. 44. Luke 5. 14. Luke 1.5.a certainp. named Zaoharias,and his wife 10, 31, by chance there came down a certain p. .^cts 14.13.p. of Jupiter brought o.xen and garlands Heb. 7. 3. like Son of God, abideth ap. continually 11. what need another p. should rise after order 15. after similitude Melchisedec ariseth anoth.p. 20. as not without an oath he was made p. 8. 4. if he were on earth, he should not be a p. 10. 11. every p. standeth daily ministering See Chief. High-VRIEST. Lev. 21. 10. the high-p. shall not uncover his head JVuOT. 35. 25. he shall abide in the city of refuge till the death of the high-p. Josh. 20. 6. Kings 12. 10, when much money in chest, the high-p. came and put it in bags, 2 Chr. 24, 11, 2. 4. go to Hilkiah the high-p. that he may sum JVeA.3.1.Eliashib the high-p. rose up with brethren Zech. 3. 1. Joshua the Itigh-p. standing, 8. | 6. 11 Mat. 26. 3. to the palace of the high-p. Luke 22.54 51. one of them struck a servant of the high-p and smote off his ear, Luke 22. 50. John 18.10 57. led him to Caiaphas the high-p. .John 18. 24. 26. 65. the high-p. rent his clothes, Mark 14. 63. Mark 2. 26. in the days of Abiathar the high-p. John 11. 49. Caiaphas being high-p. 51. ] 18. 13. 18. 15. that disciple was known to the high-p. 22. saying, answerest thou the high-p. so ■? Mets 4.6. as many as were ofthe kindred of high-p. 7. 1. then said the high-p. are these things so t 9. 1. Saul went to the high-p. and desired letters 22. 5. as also the high-p. doth bear me witness 23. 4. they said, revilest thou God's high-p. ? Heb. 2. 17. that he might be a faithful high-p. 3. 1. consider Apostle High P. of our profession 4. 14. wo have great h-p. that is passed into heav. 15. we have not aA.-p. which cannot be touched 5. 1. for every high-p. taken from among men 5. Christ glorified not himself to be a high-p. 10, called a high-p. after order of Melch. 6. 20. 7. 26. such a h.-p- became us, who is holy, harml. 8. 1. we have such a high-p. who is set on throne 3.everyA«> ordained to offer gifts and sacr. 9. 7. but into the second went the high-p. alone 11, Christ being come a high-p. of good things 25. as the high-p. cntereth into the holy place 10. 21. having a high-p. over the house of God 13. 11. blood is brought into sanctuary by high-p. See Office. PRIESTS. Gen. 47. 22. the land of the p. bought he not, for thep. had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh 26. exceptthe land of thep. only, not Pharaoh's Exod. 19. 6. ye shall be to me a kingdom ofp. Lev. 1. 11. thep. shall sprinkle the blood, 3. 2. 5.]3.and the renmant shall be the p. as an offering 6. 29. all the males among the p. shall eat thereof 1.3. 2. or brought to one of his sons the p. 16. 33. he shall make an atonement for thep. 22. 10, a sojourner of thep. shall not eat PRI Lev.^2. 12. if p. daughter be married || 13. if widow 23. 20. they shall be holy to the Lord for the p. 27. 21. the possession thereof shall be thep. Deut. 18. 3. this shall be thep. due from the people 19.17.shall stand beforep. and judges tliat shall be Josh. 3. 17. thep. that bare the ark stood firm 4. 3. take you out where thep. feet stood, 9. 6. 4. thep. bare seven trumpets of ram's horns, 13. 12. and the p. took up the ark of the Lord Judg. 18,30. he and his sons werep. to tribe of Dan 1 Sam. 1. 3. Hophni and Phinehas the p. were there 5. 5. nor thep. of Dagon tread on the threshold 6. 2. the Philistines called for thep. and diviners 22. 17. king said, turn and slay the p. of the Lord 18. said to Doeg, turn thou and fall on the p. 21. shewed David, that Saul had slain Lord'sp. \Kings 8. 3. the elders and thep. took up the ark 12. 31, Jeroboam madep. ofthe lowest ofthe peo- ple who were not of the sons of Levi, 13. 33. 13.2.on thee shall he offer thep. ofthe high places 2Ar?»D'sl0.11. Jehu slew Ahab's p. he leil him none 19. call me all Baal's p. let none be wanting 12. 6. p. had not repaired breaches ofthe house 17. 27. carry thither one of thep. ye brought 23. 5. he put down idolatrous p. of king of Judah 20. and he slew all thep, ofthe high places 2 Chron. 4. 6, the sea was for the p. to wash in 5, 12, a hund, twenty p, sounding with trumpets 14.the p, could not stand to minister for the cloud 6, 41. let thy p. be clothed with salvation S. 14. he appointed the courses of thep. 11. 15. he ordained him p. for the high places 13. 9, have ye not cast out the p. ofthe Lord ? 12, and his p. with trumpets to cry alarm 23. 6. none came into house of Lord save the p. 26. 17. with him fourscore p. ofthe Lord 19. while Uzziah was wroth with thep. 29.34. but thep. were too few, they could not slay 30. 3. p. had not sanctified themselves sufficiently 34. 5. Josiah burnt the bones of the p. 35. 2. Josiah set the p. in their charges 8. gave it to the p. for the passover-offeringg Ezra 6. 18. they set thep. in their divisions 20. were purified, and killed the passover for p. 7. 16. ofthe people and p. offering willingly 9. 7. and our p. been delivered into hand of kings JVeA. 2. 16. nor had I as yet told it to thep. 3. 22. after him repaired thep. men ofthe plain 9. 32, the trouble that hath come on us and our p. 34, neither have we nor our p, kept thy law 13. 5. where they laid the offerings of thep. Psal. 78. 64. theirp. fell by the sword, their widows 99. 6. Moses and Aaron among hisp. and Samuel 132. 9. let thy p. be clothed with righteousness 16. I will clothe her p. with salvation /sa.37.2.he sent elders ofp. covered with sackcloth 61. 6. but ye shall be named thep. ofthe Lord Jer. 1. 18. against thep. tiiereofand people of land 2. 8. thep. said not, where is the Lord 1 26. theirp. ashamed || 4. 9. theirp. astonished 5. 31. and the p. hare rule by their means 8. 1. the bones of thep. they shall bring out 13, 13. I will fill thep. with drunkenness 31.14.1 will satiate the souls of thep. with fatness 32. 32. to provoke me to anger, they and theirp. 48. 7. shall go into captivity with hisp. 49. 3. Lam. 1. 4. her p. sigh, her virgins are afflicted 19. ray p. and mine elders gave up the ghost 4. 13. for the iniquities of her p. that shed blood 16. they respected not the persons of thep. Ezek. 22. 26. her p. violated my law, and profaned 40, 45. he said, this chamber is for the p. 44. 30. shall be for thep. 45. 4. | 48. 10, 11. Hos. 5. l.Jiear this, Op. and hearken, O Israel 6. 9. company ofp. murder in the way by consent Joel 1. 9, p, the Lord's ministers mourn, 13, | 2, 17. Mic. 3. 11. the p. thereof teach for hire Zeph. 1. 4. 1 will cut off the names of thep. 3. 4. her p. have polluted the sanctuary Hag. 2. 11. ask now the p. concerning the law Mai. 1. 6. to you. Op. that despise my name 2, 1, and now, O p, this commandment is for you Mat. 12. 4. not lawful but only for the p. to eat 5. thep. in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless, Mark 2. 26. Luke 6. 4, JI/a?A2,26. which is not lawful to eat but for thep, Luke 17. 14. go shew yourseh es to the p. .^cts 4. 1. thep. and captain came upon them 6. 7. a company ofp. were obedient to the faith 19. 14. the sons of Sceva chief of the p. did so Heb. 7. 21. those p. were made witliout an oath 23.theytrulyweremanyp.notsuffered to continue 8. 4. seeing there are p. that offer gifts by law 9. 6. thep. went always into the first tabernacle Rev. 1. 6. hath madens kings and p. to God, 5.10. 20. 6. shall be p. of God and of Christ, and reign Sec Chief, Levites, Office. High-?niESTS. Luke 3. 2. Annas and Caiaphas were hitrh-p. j6reA,7.27.needeth not daily as those offer PRl Heb.lSm. for tho law maketh men h.-p. which liave PRIESTHOOD. JEiod.40.15.for their anointing shall be aneverlast- ingp. througlioutthulrgentrations, J^um.ii). 13. Jfuiii. 16. 10. and seek ye the;;, also'! Id. 1. thou and sons shall bear iniquity of yourp. Josli. 18. 7. for p. of the Lord is their inheritance liiam. 2. 1 36. put nic into somewhat about the^. Ezra 2. 62. as polluted tioni the p. JVVA. 7. 64. JVVA. 13. 29. they defiled the p. the covenant of p. Htb. 7. 5. Ihey of Levi, who receive the office of ^. 11. if perfection wero by the Leviticalp. 12. for the ;;. being changed, there is made 14. Moses spake nothing concerning tho p. 24. but this man hath an unchangeable p. IPel. 2. 5. a hoU p. || !). ye are a loyalp. PRINCE. This name is given, [1] To Ood, who is the supreme Ruhr and OoKcmor, Dan. 8. 11. [2] To Christ, icho is called the Prince of Peace, Isa. 0. 6. He is the only purchaser and pro- curer of peace between Ood and men, Isa. 53. 5. and of peace between men and men, between Jews and Gentiles, 2. 15. and he left peace as his legacy to his disciples, John 14. 27. jtfe is called the Prince of Life, Jlcts 3. 1.5. ^'Js God, he is the author of our temporal life, in whom, tee live and moKc, and in whose hand is our breath; and as Mediator, he is the guide and way to eternal life, John 14. 0. He is also called, the Prince of the kings of the earth, Rev. 1. 5. We, as King, rules over all, even his greatest and viust powerful enemies. [3] To the chief of the priests, called the princes of the sanctuary, Isa. 43. 28. [4] To the Roman Emperor, Dan. 9. 26. [5f To men of princely excellency and worth, Eccl. 10. 7. [6] To the nobles, counsellors, and officers in a kingdom, Isa. 10. 8. [7] 3'o the chief, or principal men of families, or tribes. Num. 17. 2. [8] To the devil, called the prince of this world, Joh7t 12. 31. who boasts of having all the kini'doms of the earth at his disposal. Mat. 4. 9. Gen. 23. 6. thou art a mighty p. amongst us 32. 28. as a p. hast thou power with God and men 34.2. when Shechem,^. of the country, saw her 41. t 45.he gave him to wife Asenath tlio daughter of Potipherah, p. of On, f 00. | 46. 120. Exod. 2. 14. who made thee a man, a p. over us 1 tl6. the p. of Midian had seven daughters JiTum. 7. 11. each p. shall oft'er on his day 16. 13. except make thyself altogether a.p. over us 17. 6. for each p. a rod, even twelve rods 25. 18. Cozbi the daughter of ap. of Midian 34. 18. take one p. of every tribe to divide the land Josh. 5. 1 14. as a /». of host of the Lord am I come 22. 14. of each chief house a;>. through all Israel ? 2.Sam.3.38. know ye not there is a. p. fallen in Israel 20. t26. Ira the Jairite was a. p. about David IKings 11. 34. I will make him p. all his days 14. 7. and made thee a p. over my people, 10. 2. Ezra 1.8. numbered to Sheshbazzar the p. of Judah J(>i(21.28. for ye say, where is the house of the^. ? 31. 37. as a p. would I go near to him Prov. 14. 28. but in want of people is destruct. of p. 17. 7. much less do lying lips become a;*. 25. 7. shouldesl be put lower in presence of the/). 15. by long forbearing is &p. persuaded 28. 16.;>. that wanteth understand, is an oppressor beautiful are thy feet, 0;(. daughter I /5a. 9. 6. the P. of peace |{ 24. j 2. so with the p. Jer. 51. 59. and this Scraiah was a quiet p. Ezek. 7. 27. the p. shall be clothed with desolation 12. 10. this burden concerneth the p. in Jerusalem 12. and p. shall bear on his shoulder in twilight 21. 25. thou profane wicked p. of Isr. day is come 28. 2. son of man, say to thep. of Tyrug 30. 13. be no more a p. of the land of Egypt 34. 24. and my servant David a p. among them 37. 25. my servant David shall be their p. for ever 38. 2. son of man, prophesy against Gog, Magog, the chief p. of Mcshech and Tubal, 3. | 39. 1. 44. 3. this gate is for tho p. the p. shall sit in it 45. 7. and a portion shall be for the p. on one side 17. it shall he the p. part to give burnt-ofTerings 22. on that day shall the p. prepare a bullock 46.2. the p. shall enter by the way of tho porch 4. the burnt-offering that the p. shall offer 8. and when the p. shall enter ho shall go in 10. and tho p. in the midst of them, shall go in 12. when p. prepares a voluntary burnt-offering 16. if the p. give a gift to any of his sons 17. after, it shall return to the p. but inheritance 18. p. shall not take of the people's inheritance 48. 21. residue shall bo for tho p. on tho one side Dan. 1. 7. to whom p. of the eunuchs gave names 8. he requested of p. of the eunuchs not to defile 9. Daniel into favour with the p. of the eunuchs 8. 11. he magnified himself even to p. of the host 457 PRl Z)rtn.8.25.he shall also stand upng.thop.ofprinccs 9. 25. to build Jerusalem, unto the Mossiuh the P. 26. people of the p. that shiiU come shall destroy 10. 13. but the p. of Persia withstood mo 20. to fight with p. of Persia, p. of Grecia come 21. none holdeth with me, but Michael your p. 11. 18. but a p. for his own behalf shall cause 22. shall be broken, also the p. of the covenant 12. 1. then shall Michael stand up, the great p. Hos. 3.4. Israel shall abide many days without ap. 12. t 3. Jacob by his strength was a p. with God Mic. 7. 3. the p. and the judge ask for a reward Mat. 9. 34. the Pharisees said, he casteth out devils by the p. of devils, 12. 24. Mark 3. 22. J(;A7il2. 31. tliep. of this world shall be cast out 14. 30. for the p. of this world cometh, and hath 16. 11. because thep. of this world is judged .flcts 3. 15. and killed P. of life whom God raised 5.31.him hath God exalted to be a P. and Saviour jEpA. 2. 2. according top. of the power of the air Rev. 1. 5. Jesus Christ the P. of kingsof tlie earth PRINCES. Gen. 12. 15. the p. also of Pharaoh saw Sarai 17.20. twelve p. shall Ishmael beget, 25. 10. 47. 1 22. the land of the p. bought he not, t ^a Exod. 12. 1 12. and against all thep. of Egypt will I execute judgment, I am the Lord J^Tum. 7. 3. a wagon for two p. || 10. the p. offered 10.2. rose up 250p. || 21. 18. thep. digged a well 22. 8. and thep. of Moab abode with Balaam 15.Balak scnf yet againp. more honourable than 24.tl7. sceptre out of Israel shall smitep. of Moab JosA.9. 15. p. of tho congregation swaro to them 13. 21. wli6m Moses smote.witli the p. of Midian 22. 14. with Phinehas ten p. sent to Reuben Judg. 5. 3. hear, O ye kings, give car, O ye p. 15. and thep. of Issachar were with Deborah 7. 25. they took the two p. of the Midianites 8. 14. he described to him thep. of Succoth lSan(.2.8. he raiseth the poor, to set them amongp. 29. 4. the p. of the Philistines were wrotli ^Sam. 8. t 18. and David's sons were p. 19. t 6. that p. or servants are not to thee IKings 20. 14. even by the young men of the p. ICIiron. 4. 38. these were p. in their families 28. 21. p. and i)eople will be at thy command 2CAro7i. 28. 14. armed men left spoil before tlio p. 30. 12. one heart to do tho commandment ofp. 24. and thep. gave a thousand bullocks 35. 8. hisp. gave willingly to the people to priests 36. 18. treasures of hisp. brought to Babylon Ezra 7. 28. and before all the king's mighty p. 9. 2. yea, the hand of thep. hath been chief 10. 8. come according to the counsel of thep. JVeA. 9. 34. neither have our p. kept thy law 38. ourp. Levites, and priests seal to it Esth. 1. 3. he made a feast to all Ifisp. 2. 18. 5. 11. how he had advanced him above thep. 6. 9. to the hand of one of the king's noble p. Job 3. 15. had been at rest with p. that had gold 12.19. leadethp. away spoiled, overthrows mighty 21. ho pourcth contempt on p. and weakeneth 29. 9. thep. refrained talking, and laid their hands 34. 18. is it fit to say to p. ye are ungodly 1 19. to him that accepteth not the persons ofp Psal. 45. 16. thou maycst make p. in all the earth 47. 9. the p. of the people are gathered together 68. 27. the p. of Zebulun, they;, of Naphtali 31. p. shall come out of Egyiit, Ethiopia stretch 76.12. he shall cut off the spirit ofp. he is terrible 82. 7. die like men, and fall like one of thep. 105. 22. to bind hisp. at his pleasure, and teach 107.40. ho pourcth contempt upon p. and causeth 113. 8. ho may set liim with p. even with thep trust in Lord, than to put confidence in p. 119. 23 p. also did sit and speak against mo IM.p have persecuted me without a cause 146. 3. put not your trust in /;. nor in son of man 148. 11. p. and all judges of the earth, praise Prov. 8. 15. by me p. decree justice |{ 16. p. rule 17. 26. it is not good to strike p. for equity 19. 10. much less for a servant to rule overp. 28. 2. for transgression, many are the p. thereof 31. 4. it is not for p. to drink strong drink Eccl. 10. 7. p. walking as servants on the earth 16. O land, when thy p. eat in the morning 17.ble?scd art thou, when in due season Tsa. 1. 23. thy p. are rebellious and thieves 3. 4. and I will give children to be their p. 14. the Lord will enter into judgment with the p. 10. 8. are not niyp.altogother kings'? 19. 11. p. of Zoan fools, p. of Noph deceived, 13. 21. 5. arise, ye p. and anoint tho shield 23. 8. against Tyre, whoso merchants are p. 30. 4. his p. wero atZonn, his ambassadors came 31. 9. his p. aliall be afraid of tho ensign 32. 1. and p. shall rule in judgment 34. 12. and nil her p. shall be nothing 40. 2!t. that hringelh tho p. to nothing 41. 25. and he shall come upon p. as on mortar 3 O PRl fsa.iXW. I have profaned thep. of the sanctuary 49. 7. p. also shall worship because of the Lord Jer. 1. 18. made thee as bra^eu walls against thep. 2. 26. they, their kings and p. are aslianied 4. 9. the heart of thep. shall be astonished 8. 1. they shall bring out the bones of hisp. 17. 25. kings and p. sitting on tlie throne of David 24.8. so Willi give the king of Judah and hisp. 26. 10. the p. said, this man is not worthy to dio 32. 32. they and their kings and p. jirovoke uie 34. 21. hisp. I will give to ihoir eneinies 37. 1.5. thep. were wroth with Jeremiah 38. 17.if thuu go forth to the king of Babylon's p. 25. if thep. hear that I have talked with thee 44. 21. the incense that ye and your p. burn 48. 7. Chemoshand hisp. go into captivity, 49.3. 49. 38. I will destroy from thence the p. 50. 35. a sword is on her p. and her wise men 51.57. I will make drunk herp. and wise men J^am. 1. 0. her p. are become like harts that find 2. 2. he hath polluted the kingdom and p. thereof 9. her kings and p. are among the Gentiles 5. 12. p. are hanged up by their hand iCzcA.22. 27.her p. like wolves ravening the prey 23. 15. in dyed attire, all of them p. to look to 32. 29. Edom and herp. with their might 30. there thep. of the north, all of them 39. 18. and ye shall drink the blood of the p. 45. 8. my p. shall no more oppress my peoi)le Dan. 3. 2. the king sent to gather together the p. 6. 1. pleased to set over the kingdom 120 p. 3. this Daniel was preferred above thep. 4. thep. sought to find occasion against Daniel 8. 25. he shall stand up against the prince ofp. 9. 6. the prophets who spake in thy name to our p. 8. confusion of face to our p. and fathers 10. 13. Jlichael one of the chief p. came to me 11. 5. one of his p. shall be strong above him Hos. 7. 3. they make p. glad with their lies 5. thej^. have made him sick with wine 16. their p. shall fall by the sword for rage 8. 4. they have made p. and I knew it not 10. shall sorrow for the burthen of the king ofp. 9.15. 1 love them no more, all their p. arc revolters 13. lO.of whom thou saidst, givemeaking andp. Jlmos 1.15. their kinggo into captivity, he and hisp. Mic. 3. 1. hear ye p. of the house of Israel, 9. 5. t 5. shall raise against him eight p. of men Hab. 1. 10. thep. shall be a scorn unto them Zeph. 1. 8. 1 will punish the p. and king's children 3. 3. herp. within her are roaring lions Jl/(t(. 20. 25. thep. of Gentiles exercise dominion ICor. 2. 6. nor the wisdom of thep. of this world 8. which none of thep. of this world knew Jill the PRINCES. IKings 24.14.carried away all (.p.and mighty men IChron. 29. 24. and all thep. submitted themselves 20/(7-071.24. 23. and destroyed all the p. of people Esth.l.lG.haUi done wrong to all thep. and people 3.1.set his seat above all tAep. that were with him Psal. 83. 11. all their p. as Zcba and Zairnunna Jer. 26. 12. Jeremiah spake to all the p. and people 36. 21. Jehudi read it in the ears of all thep. Ezek. 26. 16. then all the p. of the sea came down Jimos2. 3. and will slay all thep. thereof with him See Israel. PRINCES of Judah. J^ch. 12. 31. then I brought up p. of .Tudah on wall Psal. 68. 27. there is p. vf Judah,and their council .Ter. 52. 10. ho slew all the p. of .Tudah in Riblah Hos. 5. lO.p. ofJudahare like to them that remove J)/a£. 2. 6. thou art not the least among p. p/JitduA PRINCESS. Lam. 1. 1. she that was p. among the provinces PRINCESSES. IKivgs 11. 3. Solomon had 700 wives p. Isa. 49. 1 23. p. shall bo Ihv nursing mothers PRINCIJPAL. Exod. 30. 23. take thou also unto thee p. spices Lev. 6.5. he shall even restore it in thep. JVujn. 5. 7. recompense his trespass with the p. Ih'ings4.5. Zabud son ofNathan wasp, officer '2K'ings25.W. thep. scribe of the host, Jer. 52. 25. IChron. 24.6. one 7^. household taken for Eleazar 3L the priests even p. fathers cast lots 27. 1 5. Benaiah son of Jehoiada was a p. officer JVV/i. 11. 17. Mattaniahp. to begin thanksgiving ■lob 30. t IS. they pursue my p. one as the wind Prov. 1.17. fear of the Lord is thep. part of wisdom 4. 7. wisdom is the p. thing, therefore get wisdom fsa. 10. 8. Iiavn broken down thep. plants thereof 28. 2.5. and cast in the p. wheat and barley .fcr. 2.5. 34. wallow in the ashes, ye p. of the flock 35. no way to fly, nor the p. of the flock escape 38. 1 14. tho king took Jeremiah into tliop. entry Ezek. 47. f 12. itshall bring forth p. fruit Mic. 5. 5. there we shall raise ag. him cightp. men Jlctsi5.23. p. men of the city entered with Agrippa PRlNCIPALlty, TIES. Jer. 13. 18. for your p. shall come down, ths crown PRI PRO iJom. 8.38. angels,;), nor powers be able to separate p/a(. 27. 15. was wont to release to the people ap. F.pli. 1. '21. far above all p. power and might 3. 10. that now to the ;;. might be known wisdom 6. 12. we wrestle against ;). and against powers Col. 1. 10. p. were created by him and tor him 2. 10. which is the head of all;;, and power 15. having spoiled />. he made a shew of them Tit. 3. 1. put ihem in mind to be subject to^. Judi\ C. llie angels which kept not tlieir;?. I'RIxXClPLES. Heb. 5. 12. have need that one teach you the first/), t) 1. leaving the p. of the doctrine of Christ PRINT. Lev. 19. 2o. ye shall not p. any marks upon you PRINT. Job 13. 27. thou settest a p. on the heels of my feet John 20. 25. except I see in hishands the p. of the nails, aijd put n>y finger into^. of the nails PRINTED. Job 19. 23. O that my words werejp. in a book PRISON Signifies, [1] .fl place to con fine debtors and male- factors, Mat. 18. 30. Luke 23. 19. [2] A low, obscure, and base condition, Eccl. 4. 14. [3] The cavewhcrein, as in a prison, David hid himself, Psahn 142. 7. [4] That spiritual thraldom and bondage in which sinners arc kept bij Satan, and their own lusts, Isa. 42. 7. [5] TAe^raue, Isa. 53. 8. [6] That powerful restraint by which. God keeps in and bridles Satan, Rev. 20. 7. He preached to the spirits in prison, 1 Pet. 3. 19. Christ preached to the sinners of the old ■world by Noah, whom he inspired that he might be a preacher of righteousness, to warn that wicked generation of approaching judgments and exhort them to repentance; wlwsesouls, be- cause of their disobedience, are reserved in the infernal prison of hell, and were so at the time ■whcntlie .Apostle Peter wrote his epistle. Oen. 39. 20. Potiphar put Joseph in p. 22. the keeper of the;), committed to Joseph! 40. 3. put butler and baker in;), where Joseph was 42. 19. let one be bound in the house of your p. IKings 22. 27. put this fellow inp. 2C7i7-. 18. 26. ZKings 17. 4. king of Assyria bound Hoshea inp. 25. 27. he brought Jehoiachin out of p. 29. and changed his p. garments, Jer. 52. 31, 33. .TVeA. 3. 25: Palal repaired by the court of the p. Ps.l42.7.bring my soul out of;?, to praise thy name Eccl. 4. 14. for out of p. he cometh to reign Jsa. 24. 22. and they shall be shut up in the p. 42. 7. to bring out the prisoners from the p. 22. they are all oflhem hid in p. houses 53. 8. he was taken from p. and from judgment 61. 1. to proclaim opening of the;), to the bound Jer. 29. 26. that thou shouldest put him in p. 32. 2. Jeremiah was shut up in the court of thep. 12. before Jews that sat in the court of the p. 33.1. word came to Jeremiah while he was shut up in court of the p. 37. 21. [ 38. 6, 28. [ 39. 15. 37. 4. for they had not put him into p. 15. they put him hip. in Jonathan's house 39. 14. they took Jeremiah out of the p. 52. 11. he put Zedekiah in p. till his death Mat. 4. 12. Jesus heard that John was cast into;). 5. 25. and thou be cast into;). Luke 12. 58. 11. 2. when John heard in p. the works of Christ 14. 3. Herod put him in p. for Herodias' sake 10. he sent and beheaded John in p. Mark 6. 27. 18. 30. he cast him into p. till he should pay debt 25. 36. 1 was in p. and ye came unto me 39. when saw we thee inp. and came to thee ? 44. Mark 1. 14. now after that John was put inp. G. 17. Herod had sent and bound John inp. Lvke3. 20. added this, that he shut up John inp. 22. 33. to go with thee both top. and to death 23. 19. and for murder was cast into p. 25. John 3. 24. for John was not yet cast into p. Acts 5. 18. and put the apostles in the common p. 19. the angel by night opened the p. doors 21. sent to the p. || 22. found them not in the p. 8.3. hailing men and women, committed them top. 12. 4. Peter was put in p. || 5. he was kept in p. 7. light shined |1 17. Lord brought him out ofp. IR. 23. Paul and Silas were cast into p. 24. the inner p. || 27. seeing the p. doors open 26. 10. many of the saints did I shut up in p. 1 Pet. 3. 19. he went and preached to the spirits inp. Rev. 2. 10. the dcvilshall cast some of you intop. 20. 7. Satan shall be loosed out of his p. PRISON-HOUSE. Judsr. 16. 21. and Samson did grind in the p. 25. and they called for Samson out of the p. 2CAro7),. 16. 10. then Asa put Hanani in a p. Jsa. 42. 7. to bring them in darkness out of the p. PRISONER. Psal. 79. 11. let sighing of the p. come before thee 102. 20. to hear groaning of the p. to louse those 458 16. they had then a notable p. Mark 15. 6. Acts 23. 18. Paul p. called me to him and prayed 25. 27. it seemeth unreasonable to send a p. 28. 17. yet was 1 delivered p. to the Romans Eph. 3. 1. 1 Paul thep. of Jesus, 4. 1. Philcm. 1. 9. ITim. 1. 8. be not thou ashamed of me his p. See Fellow. PRISONERS. Gen. 39. 20. a place where king's p. were bound 22. the keeper committed to Joseph all thep. J^Tuni. 21. 1. king Arad took some of Israel p. Job 3. 18. there the p. rest together, they hear not Psal. 69. 33. the Lord despiseth not his p. 146. 7. the Lord looseth the p. opens eyes of blind Isa. 10. 4. they shall bow down under thep. 14. 17. that opened not the house of his p. 20. 4. Assyria shall lead the Egyptians p. 24. 22. they shall be gathered together asp. 42. 7. to bring out the p. from the prison 49. 9. that thou mayest say to thep. go forth Lam. 3. 34. to crush under feet the p. of the earth Zcch. 9. 11. I have sent forth thy p. out of the pit 12. turn ye to the strong hold, ye p. of hope Acts 16. 25. sang praises, and the p. heard them 27. supposing that the p. had been fled 27. 1. they delivered Paul and certain other p. 42. the soldiers' counsel was to kill thep. 28. 16. the centurion delivered thep. to captain PRISONS. Luke 21. 12. persecute you, delivering you into p. Acts22. 4. bind, and deliver, intop. men and worn. 2Cor. 11. 23. inp. more frequent, in deaths oft PRIVATE. 2Pet. 1. 20. no prophecy of any p. interpretation PRIVATELY. Jl/at. 24. 3. the disciples came to Christ, p. sayin, Marks. 32. Jesus went into a ship p. Luke 9. 10. 9.28. disciples John and Andrew ask him p. 13. 3. Ltike 10. 23. he turned to his disciples and saidp Acts 23. 19. went aside with Paul's kinsman p. Gal. 2. 2. but p. to them that were of reputation PRIVILEGE. John 1. 1 12. to as many as received him gave hep PRIVILY. Judg. 9. 31. he sent messengers to Abimelech p. l.S'am. 24. 4. David cut ott'Saul's skirt p. Psal. 10. 8. his eyes are p. set against the poor 11. 2. that they may p. shoot at the upright 31. 4. pull me out of net laid p. for me, 143. 3, C4. 5. they commune of laying snares p. 101. 5. whosop. slanders his neighbour will cut off Prov. 1. 11. let us lurk p. for the innocent 18. they lurk p. for their own lives Mat. 1. 19. Joseph was minded to put her away p. 2. 7. Herod, when he had p. called the wise men Acts 16. 37. and now do they thrust us out p. 1 Gal. 2. 4. who came in p. to spy out our liberty 'iPet. 2. 1. who shall p. bring in damnable heresies PRIVY. Deut. 23. 1. he that hath his p. member cut off \ Kings 2. 44. the wickedness thy heart is p. to £zcA.21.14.the sword enters into theirp. chambers Acts 5.2. part of price, his wife also being p. to it PRIZE. ICor. 9. 24. all run, but one receiveth the p. Phil. 3. 14. 1 press toward the mark for thep. PRIZED. Zech. 11. 13. a goodlv price that I wasp, at of them PROCEED. Exod. 25. 35. according to the si.x branches that p. ■Tosh. 6. 10. nor any word p. out of your mouth 2Sam. 7. 12. seed which shall p. our of thy bowels Job 40. 5. twice spoken, but I will p. no further fsa. 29. 14. I will p. to do a marvellous work 51. 4. give ear, for a law shall p. from me Jer. 9. 3. for they p. from evil to evil, know not me 30. 19. and out of them shall p. thanksgiving 21. their governor shall p. from midst of them Hab.1.7. their judgm. and dignity shallp. of thems. Mat. 15. 18. p. out of the mouth detile the man 19. out of the heart p. murders, Mark 7. 21. Eph. 4. 29. let no corrupt communication p. 2 Tim. 3. 9. they shall p. no further, folly manifest PROCEEDED. JViiTO. 30. 12. whatever p. ont of her lips, not stand 32. 24. do that which hath p. out of your mouth Judg. 11. 36. do that which p. out of thy mouth Job 36. 1. Elihu also p. and said, suffer me Z/M/i:e4.22.wondered at the gracious wordswhichp. .Tohn 8. 42. for Ip. forth and came from God Acts 12. 3. he p. further to take Peter also Rev. 19. 31. which sword p. out of his mouth PROCEEDETH. Gen. 24. 50. the thingp. from the Lord JVitm.30.2.according to all that p. out of his mouth Deut. 8. 3. but by every word that p. out of the raouth of God doth man live, Mat. 4. 4. \Sam. 24. 13. wickedness p. from the wicked Eccl. 10. 5. as an error which p. from the ruler PRO Lam. 3. 38. out of Most High p. not evil and good Hab. 1. 4. therefore wrong judgment p. Jolin 15. 26. Spirit of truth which p. Irom Father Jain. 3. 10. out of the same mouth p. blessing Rev. 11. 5. fire p. out of iheir mouth and devours PROCEEDING. Rev. 22. 1. water of life p. out of throne of God PROCESS. Gen. 4. 3. inp. of time Cain brought an offering 38. 12. in p. of time Shuah Judah's wife died Exod. 2. 23. inp. of time the king of Egypt died Judg. 11. 4. inp. children of Ammon made war 2Chron. 21. 19. in p. Jehoram's bowels fell out PROCLAMATION. Exod. 32. 5. Aaron made p. and said, to-morrow IKings 15. 22. then king Asa made a p. through- out all Judah 22. 30. and there went a p. throughout the host 2CAr. 24.9. Joash made ap. thro' Judah and Jerus. 30. 5. to make p. throughout all Israel 30.22. Cyrus made p. through kingdom, Eira 1. 1. £iral0.7.Ezra and princes madep. through Judah Dan. 5. 29. Belshazzar made p. concerning Daniel PROCLAIM. Exod. 33. 19. and I will p. the name of the Lord Lev. 23. 2. feast of the Lord ye shall p. 4, 21, 37. 25. 10. p. liberty || Deut. 20. 10. p. peace unto it Judg. 7. 3. go top. in the ears of the people 21. 1 13. they sent to p. peace to Benjamin Ruth 4. t 11- and p. thy name in Beth-lehem IKings 21. 9. p. a fast, and set Naboth on high 2Kings 10. 20. Jehu said, p. a solemn assembly JVe/t. 8. 15. p. that they fetch pine-branches Esth. 6. 9. p. before liim, thus shall it be done Prov. 20. 6. most men p. their own goodness Isa. 12. t 4. praise the Lord, p. his name 61. 1. he hath sent me to p. liberty to the captives 3. top. the acceptable year of the Lord Jer. 3. 12. go and p. these words, 11.6. | 19. 2. 7. 2. stand in gate of Lord, and p. there this word 34.8. had made a covenant top. liberty to them 17. I p. a liberty for you to sword, to pestilence JoclZ. 9. p. ye this among the Gentiles, prepare war Amos 4. 5. and p. and publish the free-offerings PROCLAI.MED. Exod. 34. 5. and p. the name of the Lord, 6. 36. 6. they caused it to hep. through the camp lA'iTi^s 21.12. they p. a fast, set Naboth on high IKings 10. 20. a solemn assembly, and they p. it 23. 16. the man of God p. who p. these words, 17. 2Chron. 20. 3. Jehoshaphat feared and p. a fast Ezra 8. 21. I p. a fast there at the river Ahava £s. the son of man Psal. 120. t3. what shall ity. thee, false tongue? Prov. 10. 2. treasures of wickedness y. nothing 11. 4. riches y. not in the day of wrath /sa.30.5.were ashamed of people thatcouldnoty.6. 44. 9. their delectable things shall noty. 47. 12. if so be thou shalt bo able toy. 48. 17. I am the Lord which teachelh thee toy. 57. 12. and thy works, for they shall noty. thee Jer. 2. 8. and walked after things that do not y. 11. people changed, for that which doth noty. 7. 8. behold, ye trust in lying words that cannoty . 12. 13. put themselves to pain, but shall noty. 23. 32. they shall noty. this people, saith the Lord Mark 8. 3t3. whaty. if he gain the whole world 1 Cor. 12. 7. is given to every man toy. withal 14. 6. speaking with tongues, what shall I p. you? Gal. 5. 2. Christ shall y. you nothing Heb. 4. 2. the word preached did noty. them Jam. 2. 14. what doth ity. my brethren, though 16. if ye give not things needful, what doth it p.? PROFITABLE. Job 22. 2. can a man be y. to God, as p. to himself? Keel. 10. 10. but wisdom isy. to direct Isa. 44. 10. a graven image that is p. for nothing Jer 13. 7. the girdle wasy. for nothing Mat. 5.29. y. that one of thy members perish, 30. .lets 20. 20. I kept back nothing p. to you 1 Cor. 0. t 12. all things are lawful, but noty. 1 Tim. 4. 8. but godliness is p. to all things 2 Tim. 3. 16. the scripture is ;;. for doctrine 4. 11. Mark is y. to me for the ministry T^t. 3. 8. these things are good and y. to men Philem. 11. but now p. to thee and to me PROFITABLY. Eph. 4. t 29. but that which is good to edify y. PROFITED, ETH. Job 33. 27. if any say I have sinned, and ity. not 34. 9. he said, it y. nothing to delight in God //ad. 2. 18. whaty. the graven and molten image Mat. 15. 5. whoso shall say tofatheror mother, it is a gift by whatever thou mightest bey. Jl/arA- 7.11. 16. 26. what is a many, if he gain whole world ,/ohn 6. 63. the spirit quickenctb, flesh y. nothing Rom. 2. 25. circumcision y. if thou keep the law 1 Cor. 13. 3. and have not charity, ity. nothing Oal. 1. 14. ly. in the Jews' religion above many 1 Tim.4.8. for bodily exercise ;>. little, but godliness Ueb. 13. 9. noty. them that have been occupied PROFITING. 1 Tim. 4. 15. that thy p. may appear to all PROFOUND. Hos. 5. 2. the revolteis are p. to make slaughter PROGENITORS. Oen. 49. 26. prevailed above the blessings of ray y. PROGNOSTICATORS. Isa, 47. 13. let monthly p. stand up and save thee PROLONG, ED. J^um. 9. 1 19. when cloud y. they journeyed not Deut. 4. 26. ye shall noty. your days, 30. 18. 40. thou shalt keep his statutes, that thou maycst y. thy days upon the earth, 5. 16, 33. I 6. 2.. I 11. 9. I 17. 20. I 22. 7. 32. 47. through this thing ye shall p. your days Josh.'ii. 131. Israel served all the days of the elders thaty. after Joshua, Judg. 2. 1 7. .Tob 6. 11. what Is my end, that 1 should p. my life? 15. 29. the wicked shall not y. the perlection Psal. 61. 6. thou wilt p. the king's life and years Prov. 28. 2. by knowledge the state shall bo p. 16. he that hateth covelonsness shall p. his days Eccl. 8. 12. though a sinner's days be p. yet surely 13. neither shall the wicked p. his days Isa. 13. 22. and her days shall not be p. 53. 10. he shall see his seed, he shall p. his days Ezek. 12. 22. the days are y. and vision faileth 12. 25. 1 am the Lord, I will speak, and the word shall come to pass, it shall be no more;^. 28. there shall none of my words he y. any more Z)an.7.12.yet their lives were p. for season and time PROLONGETH. Prov. 10. 27. the fear of the Lord y. days Eccl. 7. 15. there is a wicked man that p. his life PROMISE. It is an assurance that Ood has given in his PRO word of bestowing blessing.? upon his people, 2 Pet. 1. 4. The word in the JVew Teslmuent is often taken for those promises that God hcrelo- forcmudeto Abraham andtlieother patriarch.':, of sending the Messiah. It is in this sense that the apostle Paul commonly uses the word pro- mise, Romans 4. 13, 14. Galatians 3. 16. The promises of the new covenant are called better than those of the old, Heb. 8. 6. because they are more spiritual, clear., extensive, and universal, than those in the Mosaical covenant were. The time of the promise. Acts 7. 17. is the time of the fulfilling of the promise. God had told Abram, Genesis 15. 13, 14. that his seed shoidd be a stranger in a strange land, but that after four hundred years he would bring them out thence; the time ofthepromise came, when these four hundredyears were expired. The children of the promise arc [1] The Israelites descended fromlsaa.c,in opposition to the Ishmaelites de- scended from Ishmael and Hngar. [2J The Jews converted to Christianity, in opposition to the incredulous Jews, who will not believe in Christ: and [3] Jill true believers who are born again bythe supej-natural powerofG od\yp. 28. we, as Isaac was, arc the chridren of y. iCpA.1.13. ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit ofy. 2. 12. and strangers from the covenants ofy. 3. G. the Gentiles be partakers of his p. in Christ 6. 2. which is the first commandment with p. 1 Tim. 4. 8. having the p. of the life that now is 2 Tim, 1. 1. according to the p. of life inOhrist Jes. //cA. 4.1. fear, lest a p. left ns of entering into his rest 6. 13. for when God made p. to Abraham 15. after he had pationtlyendured, he obtained p. 17. God willing to shew unto the heirs ofy. 9. 15. might receive the p. of eternal life, 10. 30. 11. 9. by faith he sojourned in the land ofy. in a strange country, heirs with him of the samey. 39. and these all received not they. 2 Pet. 3. 4. saying, where is the p. of his coming? 9. the Lord is not dack concerning his p. 13. according to his p. we look for new heavens 1 John 2. 25. that is the p. that he bath promised us PROMISE, Verb. 2 Pet. 2. 19. while they p. them liberty, they are PROMISED. Erod. 12. 25. will give you according ns he hath p. JVum. 14. 40. we will go to the plaro llie Lord p. Deut. 1. II. the Lord bless you as be hnth p. 15. 6. 6. 3. that yo may increaseas tho Lord p, thee PRO Deut.9. 28. not able to bring them to the land lie;). 10. 9. the Lord 13 his inheritance, as hep. 12. 20. the Lord shall enlarge thy border, as he p. 19. 8. and give thee the land he^. to give, 27. 3. 23. 23. shall keej. that which thou hast ;;. to God 20. 18. to be his pecnliar people, as hep. thee Josh. 9. 21. let them live, as the princes had p. 22. 4. given rest to your brethren, as hep. them 23. 5. ye shall possess their land, as the L. p. you 10. God figbteth for you, as he hath p. you 15. as all good things are come the Lord p. you 2 Sam. 7. 28. hast p. this goodness to thy servant 1 Kinirs2. 24. and hath made me a house, as he p 5. 12. Lord gave Solomon wisdom, as he p. him 8. 20. I sit on the throne of Israel as the Lord p. 515. hath given rest to people, as he;». by Moses 9. 5. as I p. to David thy father, saying 2 Kings 8. 19. as he give a light, 2 C/ir. 21. 7. 1 Chron. 17. 26. and Ihou hast;), this goodness 2 Chron. 6. 10. I am set on the throne as Lord p. 15. hast kept that which thou hast p. David, Ki. JVc//,. 9. 2.3. concerning which thou hadst;:). to tatli. Ksth. 4. 7. of the sum that Ilaman had p. to pay Jcr. 32. 42. will bring on them all good I p. 33. 14. Mat. 14.7.Herod;). with oath to give her whatever Mark 14. 11. they were gla. hep. to betray him unto thern in absence Jicts 1. 5. yet he ;). to give it to him for a possession Rom, ]. 2. gospel of God, which be had;), afore 4. 21. that what he p. be was able to perform hope of eternal life, p. before world began i7sA.10.23.hold fast profession, he is faithful that;). ll.ll.becausetheyjudgedhim faithful thathadp. 12. 20. now he hath p. saying, once more I shake Ja))^.].12.which Lord them that love him, 2. .5. 1 .fohn 2.25. this is promise he hath;), us eternal life PROMISEDST. 1 Kings 8.24. keep with David that thoup. him, 25. JVf/t. 9. 15. and p. that they should go into the land PROMISES. liom. 9. 4. are Israelites, to whom pertain the p. 15. 8. to confirm the p. made to the fathers 2 Cor. 1. 20. all p. of God in him are yea and amen 7. 1. having therefore these p. dearly beloved Oal. 3. 16. to Abraham and his seed were p. made 21. is the law then against the p. of God? /://;J. 6.12. who through faith and patience inheritp. 7. 6. Melchisedec blessed him that had the p. 8.6.covenant whichwas established upon betterp. 11.13. these all died in faith, not having received p. 17 he that had received tbe p. offered up his son 33. who thro'failh obtainedp.and stoppedmouths 2 Pet.\. 4. given us exceeding great and preciousp. PROMISING. £2cA:.13.22.not return from his wicked PROMOTE. JiTum. 22. 17. 1 will p. thee to great honour, 24. 11. 37. am I not able indeed top. thee to honour? Prov. 4. 8. exalt her, and she shall p. thee PROMOTED. Jiidg. 9. 9. and go to be p. over the trees, 11. 13. £sth. 5. 11. told wherein the king had p. him Z>an. 3. 30. then the king p. Shadrach, Meshach PROMOTION. Psal. 75. 6. p. Cometh not from the east nor west Prov. 3. 35. but shame shall be the p. of fools PRONOUNCE. I.p.v. 5. 4. that a man shall p. with an oath 13. 3. the priest shall look on him and p. him unclean, 0, 8, 11, 1.5, 20, 22, 25, 27, .30, 44. 13. shall p. him clean, 17, 23, 28, 34, 37. | 14. 7. 59. this is the law, to p. it clean or unclean 14. 48. then the priest shall p. the house clean Judg. 12. 6. for he could not frame to p. it right PRONOUNCED. JVr.h. 6. 12. but he p. this prophecy against me Jer. 11. 17. the Lord hath p. evil against thee 10. 10. p. this groat evil, 19. 15. | 35. 17. | 40. 2. 18. 8. if that nation against whom I p. turn 25. 13. the word which I have p. against it 26. 13. Lord will repent of the evil that hep. 19. the Lord repented of the evil he had p. 34. 5. for I have p. the word, saith the Lord 36. 7. that the Lord hath p. against this people 18. Jeremiah p. all these words unto me, 31. PRONOUNCING. IjCV. 5. 4. if a soul swear, p. to do evil or good PROOF. 2 Cor. 2. 9. that I might know the p. of you 8. 24. shew ye to them the p. of your love 13. 3. since ye seek a p. of Christ speaking in me Phil. 2. 22. but ye know the p. of him 2 Tim. 4. 5. make full p. of thy ministry PROOFS. ..4ctsl.3. shewed himself alive by many infallible ». PROPER. 1 CAr. 29. 3. I have of mine own p. good, of gold .^r.tsl.l9.fie\d iscalledin their p.tongue, Aceldama 1 Cor. 7. 7. but every man hath his p. gift of God 460 PRO Heb. 11. 23. because they saw he was ap. cliild PROPHANE, See Profane. PROPHECY. 2 Chr. 9. 29. Solomon's acts in the p. of Abijah 15. 8. when Asa heard ;). of Obed he took courage JVeh. 6. 12. he pronounced this p. against me Prov. 30. 1. the p. man .spake to Ithiel and Ucal 31. 1. the p. that his mother taught him Mat. 13. 14. in them is fulfilled the p. of Esaias 1 Cor. 12. 10. to another p. by the same Spirit 13. 2. though I have the gift of p. and not charity 1 Tim. 4. 14. neglect not the gift given thee by p. 2 Pet. 1. 19. we have also a more sure word ofp. 20. nop. of scripture is of private interpretation 21. p. came not in old time by the will of man Rev. 1. 3. blessed that hear the words of this p. 11. C. that it rain not in the days of their p. 19. 10. tor the testimony of Jesus is spirit ofp. 22. 7. blessed that keepeth the sayings of this p. 10. seal not the sayings of the p. of this book 18. that heareth words of the p. of this book 19. if any man take from the words of this p. PROPHECIES. 1 Cor. 13. 8. but whether p. they shall cease 1 Tim. 1. 18. according to the p. that went before PROPHESY, Verb. JVitm. 11. 27. Eldad and Medad do p. in the camp 1 Sam. 10. 5. they shall p. || 6. thou shaltp. 1 Kings 22. 8. he doth not p. good of me, but evil 18. ibrit he would not p. good, 2 Chron. 18. 17. 1 Chr. 25.1. who shouldp. with harps and cymbals fsa. ^0. 10. p. not to us right things, p. deceits .7er. 5. 31. the prophets p. falsely, and priests 11. 21. saying, p. not in the name of the Lord 14. 14. prophets p. lies, they p. false visions 15. concerning the prophets that p. in'my name 16. the people to whom they p. shall be cast out 19. 14. Jeremiah came from where Lord sent top 23. 1(>. hearken not to the prophets that p. 25. what the prophets said, that p. lies in my name, 20, 32. | 27. 10, 14, 15, 16. | 29. 9, 21. 25. 30. p. against the inhabitants of the earth 26. 12. Lord sent me to p. against this house 32.3.why dost thoup. and say, I will give this city? Ezek. 4. 7. thou shaltp. against Jerusalem 6. 2. p. against the mountains of Israel, 36. 1. 11. 4. p. against Jaazaniah and Pelatiah, p. 13. 2. p. against the prophets that p. 17. 20. 46. p. against the forest of the south field 21. 2. p. against land of Israel || 9. Jerusalem 14. son of man, p. and smite tby hands together 28.;). and say concerning the Ammonites, 25.2. 23.21. p. againstZidon ||29. 2.p. against Pharaoh 30.2. p. against Egypt || i55.2. p. against mount Seir 34.2. son of man p. against the shepherds of Israel 36. 6. p. concerning the land of Israel, and say 37. 4. p. on these bones || 9. p. to the wind 38. 2. son of man, p. against Gog, 14. | 39. 1. 43. 1 3. when I came top. city should be destroyed .Toel 2. 28. your sons shall p. Acts 2. 17, 18. Amos 2. 12. ye gave the Nazarites wine, and com- manded the prophets, saying, p. not, Mic.2.. went to Ramoth-gilead 20. 11. Isaiah the p. cried to Lord, he brought 23. 18. with bones of ;>. tliat came out of Samaria 2 Chron. 12.5. came Sliemaiah the;;, to Rehoboam 13. 22. are written in the story of the p. Iddo 15. 8. when Asa heard the prophecy of the;;. Oded 21. 12. there came a writing from Elijah the p. 25. 16. then the p. forbare, and said, 1 know 32. 20. the p. Isaiah prayed and cried to heaven 35. 18. none like it from the days of Samuel the p. 36. 12. humbled not himself before Jeremiah;). Ezra 5. 1. then Haggai the. p. prophesied 6. 14. through the prophesying of Haggai the p. Psai. 74. 9. there is no more any p. among you Isa. 3. 2. Lord doth take away the p. and prudent 9. 15. the p. that teaclieth lies, he is the tail 28. 7. priest and p. have erred thro' strong drink Jer. 6. 13. from p. to the priests deal falsely, 8. 10. 18. 18. nor shall the word perish from the p. 23. 11. for both p. and priests arc profane 28. the p. that hath a dream let him tell 28. 6. the;>. Jeremiah said, amen, the Lord do so 9. ;;. which propliesieth of peace, when the word of the p. shall come to pass then;), be known 17. so Hananiah the p. died the same year 36. 26. to lake Baruch and Jeremiah the p. 37. 2. nor he nor his servants hearken to the p. 38. 10. take up Jeremiah the p. out of dungeon Lam. 2. 20. shall the p. be slain in the sanctuary? Ezck. 7. 26. then shall they seek a vision of p. 14. 4. and cometh to the p. I will answer him 9. if the p. be deceived, I have deceived thatp 10. the punishment of the p. shall be even as Hos. 4. 5. the p. also shall fall with thee in the night 9. 7. the p. is a fool |{ 8. p. is a snare of a fowler Amos 7. 14. then he said, I was nop. nor p. son Mic. 2. 11. he shall even be the p. of this people Wai. 3.1. a prayer of Habakkuk thep. on Shigionoth ZccA. 13. 5. he shall say, lam nop. a husbandman Mai. 4. 5. behold, I will send you Elijah the p. Jl/aM.22.which was spoken by thep.l3aiah,2. 1.5. I 3. 3. I 4. 14. I 8. 17. I 21. 4. Luke 3. 4. John 1. 23. I 12. 38. Sets 28. 25. 2. 5. in Bethlehem, for thus it is written by the p 17. that which was spoken by Jeremy p. 27. 9. 12. 39. but the sign of the p. Jonas, Luke 11.29. 13. 35. which was spoken by p. David, 27. 35. 21. 11. this is Jesus the p. of Nazareth of Galilee 24. 15. spoken of by Daniel the p. Mark 13. 14. Luke 1. 76. thou child be called p. of the Highest 4. 17. delivered to him the book of the p. Esaias 24. nop. is accepted in his own country 27. many lepers in the lime of Eliseus the p. 7. 28. not a greater p. than John the Baptist John 7. 40. the people said, of a truth this is the p. .52. look, for out of Galilee ariseth nop. Jicts 2. 16. this is what was spoken by the p. Joel 7. 48. not in temples made with hands, as saith p. 8. 28. in his chariot he read Esaias the p. 30. 34. I pray thee, of whom speaketh the p. this? 13. 20. he gave them judges until Samuel the p. 2 Pet. 2. 16. the ass forbade the madness of the p. Sec Priest. ^PROPHET. Oen. 20. 7. now restore man his wife, for he is a p. J^um. 12. 6. if there be a p. among you, I the Lord l)eut.l3.l. if there arise ap.or dreamer of dreams 18. 15. 1 will raise up a p. from among brethren, to him ye shall hearken, 18. ./3c«s 3. 22. | 7. 37. 22. when a p. speaketh in the name of the Lord 34. 10. there arose not a p. in Israel like Moses .ludg. 6. 8. Lord sent a p. to the children of Israel 1 Sam. 3. 20. Samuel was established to be a p. 9. 9. he that is now called a p. was called a seer 1 Kings 13. 18. he said, I am a p. also as thou art 18. 22. I, even I only remain op. of the Lord 19. 16. shall anoint Elisha to be a p. in thy room 20. 13. there came a p. unto Ahab saying 22. 7. is there not here a p. of the Lord besides, to inquire of him? 2 Kings 3. 11. 2 Chron. 18. 0. 2 Kings 5. 8. he shall know there is a p. in Israel 2 Chron. 25. 15. the Lord sent o p. to Amaziah 28. 9. but ap.-of tho Lord was there, Oded PRO Jer. 1. 5. I ordained thee a p. to the nations 29. 26. that is mad and maketh himself a p. 27. Kzek. 2.5. there hath been a p. among them, 33. 33. 14. 7. Cometh to a p. to inquire of him about me Hos. 12. 13. by a p. the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a p. was he preserved Mat. 10. 41. he that receiveth a p. in the name of a p. shall receive a p. reward 11. 9. but what went ye out for to see ? ap.? 13. 57. a p. is not without honour save in his own country, and house, Mark 6. 4. John 4.44. 14. 5. he feared multitude, because they accounted him as a p. 21. 26. Mark 11. 32. LukeW. 6. 21. 46. the multitude, they look him for a p. Mark 6. 15. that it is a p. or as one of the prophets iuie 7. 16. saying, a great p. is risen up among ns 39. this man, if he were a p. would have known 13. 33. for it cannot be that a p. perish out of Jerusalem 24. 19. concerning Jesus, who was a p. mighty John 4. 19. she said, I perceive that thou art a p. 9. 17. the blind man said, he is a p. .^cts'i. 30. David being a p. and knowing that God 21. 10. tliere came a certain p. named Agabus 1 Cor. 14. 37. if any man think himself to be a p. Tit. 1. 12. one, even a p. of their own land False VKOVliKP. ./lets 13. 6. found a false p. a Jew named Barjesua Rco. 16. 13. like frogs out of mouth of false p. 19. 20. the beast was taken, with him the false p. 20. 10. devil was cast where beast and false p. are See Lord. That PROPHET. Deut. 13. 3. not hearken to the words of thatp. 5. and thatp. or that dreamer shall die, 18. 20. Ezek. 14. 9. I the Lord have deceived that p. .John 1. 21. they asked him, art thou that p.? 25. 6. 14. this is of a truth thatp. that should come .ids 3. 23. every soul wliioh will not hear that p. PROPHETS. JVam. II. 29. Ihat all the Lord's people were p. 1 Sam. 10. 5. thou shall meet a company ofp. 10. p. met him || 11. prophesied among the p. 12. is Saul also among the p.? 19. 24. 28. 6. the Lord answered him not by p. 15. 1 Kings 18. 4. Obadiah hid 100 p. by 50 in a cave 13. Jezebel slew the p. || 19. p. of Baal 450. || 22. 40. take the p. of Baal, let none of them escape 19. 10. Israel have forsaken thy covenant, have slain thy p. with the sword, 14. JVe/i. 9. 20. 22. 6. the king of Israel gathered the p. together 22. I will be a lying spirit in p. 2 Chron. 18. 21. 2 Kings 3. 13. to p. of thy father, and p. of mother 23. 2. Josiah went and the p. to the house of Lord 2 Chron. 20. 20. believe his p. so shall ye prosper 24. 19. he sent p. || 36. 16. they misused his p. Ezra 5. 2. with them were the p. of God helping N'eh. 6. 7. and thou hast appointed p. to preach 9. 30. thou testifiedst by thy Spirit in thy p. 32. the trouble that hath come on our p. Isa. 20. 10. the p. and seers hath he covered 30. 10. say to the p. prophesy not, .^mos 2. 12. Jer. 2. 8. and p. prophesied by Baal, and walked 26. their princes, their priests andp. are ashamed 30. your own sword hath devoured your p. 4. 9. the p. shall wonder || 5. 13. p. become wind 5. 31. the p. prophesy falsely, and priests bear rule 8. 1. they shall bring out the bones of the p. 13. 13. I will fill the p. with drunkenness 14. 13. the p. say, ye shall not see the sword 14. p. prophesy lies in my name, sent them not 15. by sword and famine shall those ;>. be cons. 23. 13. I have seen folly in the p. of Samaria 14. I have seen in the p. a horrible thing 15. from p. is profancness gone forth into land 21. I have not sent these p. yet they ran 25. 1 have heard what the p. said, that prophesy 20. they are p. of the deceit of their own heart 30. I am against the p. that steal my word, 31. 26. 7. so priests and p. heard Jeremiah speaking 8. the p. and all the people took Jeremiah 11. then spake the p. this man is worthy to die 27. 9. therefore hearken not to your p. 16. 15. and that ye and the p. might perish 18. if they be p. and word of Lord bo with them 28. 8. the p. that have been before me and thee 29. 1. words of the letter Jeremiah sent to the p. 8. saith the Lord, let not your p. deceive you 15. the Lord hath raised us up p. in Babylon 32. 32. they and their p. provoke mc to anger 37. 19. where are now your p. which prophesied Z/flm. 2. 9. herp. also find no vision from the Lord 14. thy p. have seen vain things for thee 4. 13. for the sins of her p. that hath shed blood Ezek. 13. 2. prophesy against the p. of Israel 3. thus sailh the Lord, woe unto the foolish p. 4. O Israel, thy p. are like foxes in deserts 9. my hand shall be upon the p. that see vanity 22. 25. there is a conspiracy of hcr;». in midst PRO Eiek. 22. 28. p. daubed them with untemp. mortar Uos. 6. 5. I have hewed them by the p. have slain 12.10.1 havespolcen by;), anil multiphed visions Jlmos 2. 11. I have raised up of your sons;;. 12. and commanded the;?, saying, prophesy not Mic 3. 0. the sun shall go down over the p. 11. and Ibep. thereof divine for money Zeph. 3. 4. her;), are light and treacherous persons Zec/t. I. 4. to whom the former p. have cried 5. and the p. do they live for ever 7 7. 7. the words ofthe Lord hath cried by formerp. 12. words Lord sent in his Spirit by former p. 13. 2. I will cause the p. to pass out ofthe land 4. the jt>. shall be ashamed, each of his vision Mat. 5. 12. so persecuted they the p. Z,uke 6. 23. 17. think not that I am come to destroy the p. 7. 12. do so to them, for this is the law and the p. 13. 17. many p. have desired to see, L,ulce 10. 24. 22. 40. on these two hang all the law and the p. 23. 31. the children of them who killed the p. 34. 1 send unto youp. and wise men, Luke 11.49. 37. O Jerusalem, thou that killest the p. Mark 1. 2. as it is written in the p. I send my mes- senger, Luke 18. 31. ] 24. 25. Jokn 6. 45. Luke 1. 70. as he spake by his holy p. 2 Pet. 3.2. 16. It), the law and the p. were until John 29. Abraham said, they have Moses and p. 31. 24. 25. slow to believe what the p. have spoken Jo/m 1. 45. we found him of whom the p. did write 8. 52. Abraham and the p. are dead, 53. Jicts3. 18. God shewed by the mouth of his p. 21. 11. 27. p. came from Jerusalem to Antioch 13. 1. in church at Antioch certain^, and teachers 15. after the reading ofthe law and the p. 40. that come on you which is spoken in the p. 15. 32. Judas and Silas being p. also themselves 24. 14. believing all things written in the p. 26. 22. saying none other things than p. did say 27. king Agrippa, believest thou the;?.? Rom. 1. 2. which he promised afore by his p. 3. 21. being witnessed by the law and the p. 11. 3. Lord, they have killed p. and digged down 1 Cor. 12. 28. secondarily, p. thirdly, teachers 29. are all p.? \\ 14. 29. let p. speak two or three Eph. 2. 20. built on the foundation of the p. 3. .5. as it is now revealed to his p. by the Spirit 4. 11. and he gave some p. and teachers 1 T/iess. 2. 15. who killed the Lord and their own;). JJeb. 1. 1. who spake to the fathers by the p. .Jam. 5. 10. take, my brethren, p. who have spoken 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which salvation the p. inquired Rev. 11. 10. because these two p. tormented them 18. 20. rejoice over her, ye holy apostles and p. 24. in her was found blood of p. and of saints 22. 9. do it not, for I am of thy brethren the p. J)U the PROPHETS. IKiin.g-slO.l.told Jezebel how he had slain allthcp. 22. 10. kings of Judah and Israel on their throne, and all the p. prophesied, 12. 2 Chr. 18. 9, 11. 2 JCin^s 10. 19. now call to me all the p. of Baal 17. 13. Lord testified against Israel by all the p. Mat. 11. 13. all the p. prophesied until John iutell.50.that blood of aH thep. may be required 13. 28. when ye see all the p. in kingdom of God 24 27. and beginning at all the p. he e.xpoundud ..^cls 3. 24, yea, and all thep. from Samuel foretold 10. 43. to him give aZUAfi p. witness thro' his name False PROPHETS. Mat. 7. 15. beware of false p. in sheep's clothing 24. 11. many false p. shall rise, 24. Mark 13. 22 Luke 6. 26. for so did their fathers to the false p. 2 Pet. 2. 1. there were false p. also among them 1 John 4. 1. because many false p. are gone out My PROPHETS. 1 Chron. 16. 22. saying, touch not mine anointed and do my p. no barm, Psal. 105. 15. Of the PROPHETS. 1 Sam. 10.10. behold, a company ()/(Ac p. methim 19. 20. when they saw the company of the p. 1 Kitigs 20. 35. a certain man of the sons of the p. 41. the kinn discerned him that he was of the p. 22. 13. words of the p. declare good, 2 Chr. 18. 12. 2Kings 2.3.sons ofthep.that were at Beth-el came 5. the sons of the p. at Jericho came to Elisha 7. fifty sons of the p. went to view afar off 15. the sons ()/«/((; p. said, the spirit of Elijah 4.1. a woman ofthe wives of sons of the p. cried 38. and seethe pottage for the sons of the p. J^eh. 6. 14. my God, think thou of the rest of the p. Jer. 2.'}. 9. because of the p. all my bones shake 16. hearken not to the words of the p. 27. 14. 26. how long shall this be in the heart o/tiep.? Has. 12. 10. used similitudes by ministry o/ Me p. Zech. 8. 9. that hear these by the mouth of the p. Jl/at.16.14. Elias or one of the p. Mark 6. 15. | 8.28. 23. 29. ye build the tombs of the p. Luke 11. 47. 30. partakers with them in the blood of the p. 26. 56. that scriptures of thep. might be fulfilled Luke 9. 8. that one of the p. was risen again, 19. Jlcts 3.25. ye are children of thep. and of covenant 402 PRO .Hcts 7. 42, as it la written in the book of the p. 52. which of p. have notyour fathers persecuted? 13. 15. after the reading o/the law and thep. 27. because they knew not the voice of the p. 15. 15. and to this agree the words of thep. 28. 23. persuading them of Jesus out of thep. Rom. 16. 26. made manifest by scriptures of thep. 1 Cor. 14. 32. spirits of the p. are subject to the p. Eph. 2. 20. built on the foundation of the p. Heb. 11. 32. time would fail me to tell of thep. Rev. 16. 6. for they have shed the blood of the p. "". 6. the Lord God of the holy p. sent his angel Servants the PROPHETS. 2 Kings 9. 7. 1 may avenge blood of my serv. thep. 17. 13. law which I sent to you by my serv. thep. 23. as the Lord had said by all his servants thep. 21. 10. and Lord spake by his servants iAep.24.2. Ezra9. 11. which thou hast commanded by serv. p. Jer. 7. 25. sent you my s. p. 25. 4. | 29. 19. | 35. 15. 26. 5. hearken to the words of my servants the p. Eiek. 38. 17. 1 have spoken in old time by my ser- vants thep. Dan.^.Q. neither have we hearkened to servants p. 10. laws which he set before us by his servants p. Jlmos'i.l. herevealeth his secret to his seruarits p. Zech. 1.6. words which I commanded my serv.p. Rev. 10. 7. be finished, as he declared to\ns serv.p. 11. 18. that thou shouldest give reward to ser- vants thep. PROPHETESS. Rjcod. 15. 20. Miriam p. took a timbrel in her hand .Judg. 4. 4. and Deborah a p. judged Israel 2 Kings 22. 14. went to Huldah p. 2 Chron. 34. 22. JVeA. 6. 14. my God, think on the p. Noadiah Isa. 8.3.1 went to the p. and she conceived a son Luke 2. 36. there was one Anna a p. of great age Rev. 2. 20. woman Jezebel, who called herself a ;;. PROPITIATION. Rom. 3. 25. whom God hath set forth to be a. p. 1 John 2. 2. and he is the p. for our sins, 4. 10. PROPORTION. 1 Kings 7. 36. according to thep. of every one .Job 41. 12. I will not conceal his comely p. /ioBi. 12. 6. let us according top. of faith PROSELYTE. This term comes from the Greek word, Proselytos, which signifies a stranger, one that comes from abroad, or from another place. The Hebrew word Ger or Necher, has the same signification. In the language of the Jews, they go by this name, who come to dwell in their country, or who embrace their religion, though they are not Jews by birth. ThcHebrews distinguishtwo kinds of Proselytes. The first are called Proselytes of the Gate, and the others Proselytes of Justice. The first are those who dwelt in the land of Israel, or even out of that country, and who, without obliging themselves to circumcision, or to any other ceremony of the laio, feared and worship ped the true Ood, observing the rules that icere imposed upon the children of Noah: These precepts are seve7i in number, [1] De Judiciis Obedience is due to judges, magistrates, and princes. [2] De cultu extraneo. The worship of false gods, superstition, and sacrilege, are absolutely forbidden. [3] De maledictione no- minis sanctissimi. As also cursing the name of God, blasphemies, and false oaths. [4] De revelatione turpidudinum. Likewise all inces- tuous and unlawful conjunctions or copula- tions, as sodomy, bestiality, crimes against na- ture. [5] De sanguinis effusioni. The effusion of the blood of all sorts of animals, murder, wounds, and mutilations. [6] De rapina. Thefts, cheats, lying, iS-c. ' [7] De membro animalis vivenlis. T/te parts of a7i animal still alive are not to be eaten, as was practised bysomepagans. Of this number was Naaman the Syrian, Cornelius the centurion, the eunuch of Queen Candace and others: Such as would enter themselves as Proselytes of habitation, or of the ga.te, promised with an oath in the pre- sence of three icitnesses, to keep those seveyi precepts. Their privileges were said to be, First, that by the observation of the rules of natural justice, and by exemption from idola- try, blasphemy, incest, adultery, and murder, they thought they were in the path to eternal life. Secondly, they might dwell in the land of Israel, and Itaoe a share in the outward pros- perities of the people of Ood. The Proselytes of Justice are those that were converted to Judaism, who had engaged them- selves to receive circumcision, and to observe the whole law of Moses. Thus they were ad- mitted to all the prerogatives of the people of Ood, as well in this life as in the other. The Rabbins say, that before circumcision was ad- ministered to them, and before they were admit- PRO ted into the religion of the Hebrews, they were examined about the motives of their conversion; to know whether their change was voluntary, or whether it proceeded from amjreasons of inter- est, fear, ambition, or such like. Three things were required in a complete Proselyte, which were, was/iing or plunging his body in a cis- tern of water, circumcision, and sacrifice; but for women, only washing and sacrifice. Mat. 23. 15. compass sea and land to make one p. -lets 6. 5. they chose Nicholas a p. of Antioch PROSELYTES. Acts 2. 10. Jews and p. we hear in our tongues 13. 43. many Jews and religious p. followed Paul PROSPECT. I Kings 7. fS. doors and posts were square in p. Eiek. 40. 44. chambers whose p. was to the south 46.p. to the north || 42. 15. p. to the east, 43. 4. PROSPER. Gen. 24. 40. God will send his angel and p. Ihee 42. if now thou do p. my way which I go 39. 3. Lord made all that Joseph did top. 23. Mum. 14. 41. you transgress, but it shall not p. Deut. 28. 29. thou shall not p. in thy ways 29. 9. that ye may p. Josh. 1. 7. 1 Kings 2. 3. 1 Kings 22. 12. the prophets prophesied, saying, go uploRamoth-gilead and p. 15. 2 Chr. 18. 11,14. 1 Chron. 22. 11. now my son, the Lord p. thee 13. then shall thou p. if thou tukest heed 2 Chron. 13. 12. fight ye not, for ye shall not p. 20. 20. believe his prophets, so shall yep. 24. 20. why transgress ye, that ye cannot p.? 26. 5. as he sought the Lord, God made him to p. JVe/j. 1. II. p. I pray thee thy servant this day 2. 20. I said, the God of heaven, he will p. us ,Tob 12. 6. the tabernacles of robbers p. Psal. 1. 3. and whatsoever he doeth shall p. 45. t 4. and in thy majesty p. thou, ride thou 73. 12. these are the ungodly whop, in the world 122. 6. they shall p. that love thee Prov. 28. 13. he that covereth his sins shall not p. Eccl. II. 6. thou knowest not whether shall p. Isa. 52. t 13. behold my servant shall p. 53. 10. pleasure ofthe Lord shall p. in his hand 54. 17. no weapon formed against thee shall p. 55. II. it shall p. in the thing whercunto I sent it Jer. 2. 37. and thou shalt not p. in them 5. 28. yet they p. 1| 10. 21. they shall not p. 20. 11. 12. 1. wherefore doth the'way ofthe wicked p.? 22.30. write this man childless, a man that shall not p. in his days, for no man of his seed shall p. 23. 5. a king shall reign and p. and execute 32. 5. tho' ye fight with Chaldeans ye shall not p. Lam. 1. 5. her adversaries are chief, her enemiesp. Ezek. 15. t4. the vine when burnt, will it p..' 16. 13. thou didst p. II 17. 9. shall itp.-! 10. 17. 15. shall hep.? shall he escape! Dan. 3. f 30. king made Shadrach to p. in Babylon 8. 24. he shall destroy wonderfully and p. 25. through his policy he shall cause craft top. 11. 27. they shall speak lies, but it shall not p. 36. 3 John 2. I wish above all that thou mayestp. PROSPERED. Gen. 24. 56. seeing the Lord hath p. my way Judg. 4. 24. the hand of Israel p. against Jabin 1 Sam. 18. t 5. and David went out and p. f 14. 2 Sam. II. 7. David demanded how the warp. 2 Kings 18. 7. Hezekiah p. 2 Chron. 31. 21. | 32. 30. 1 CAron. 29. 23. Solo m. p. || 2 Chron. 14. 7. Asa p. Ezra 6. 14. p. through the prophesying of Haggai Joft9.4.who hardened himself ag. him and hathp.? Dan. 6. 28. so this Daniel p. in the reign of Darius 8. 12. it cast down truth to the ground and itp. I Cor. 16. 2. every man lay bv, as God hath p. him PROSPERETH. Ezra 5. 8. and this work p. in their hands Psal. 37. 7. fret not bee. of him that p. in his way Prov. 17. 8. a gift, whithersoever it turneth itp. 3 John 2. mayest be in health, even as thy soul p. PROSPERITY. Deut. 23. 6. thou shalt not seek their p. all thy days l^'a/n. 25. 6. thusshall say to him that livethinp. 1 Kings 10. 7. thy wisdom and p. exceedeth fame Job 15.21. in p. the destroyer shall come on him 36. 11. if serve him, shall spend their days in p. Psoi.30.6. inmyp. Isaid, Ishall never be moved 35. 27. Lord hath pleasure in the p. of his servant 73. 3. when I saw thep. ofthe wicked 118. 25. O Lord, I beseech thee, send now p. 122. 7. peace be within thy walls, p. in palaces Prov. I. 32. thep. of fools shall destroy them Eocl. 7. 14. in the day of p. be joyful Jer. 22. 21. I spake to thee in thy p. 33. 9. for all thep. that I procure to it Lam. 3. 17. removed far from peace, I forgatp. Dan. 8. t 25. by p. shall he destroy many Zech. 1. 17. my cities thro' p. shall yet be spread 7. 7. when Jerusalem was inhabited and in p. PROSPEROUS. Oen. 24. 21. whether the Lord made his journey p PRO Gen. 39. 2. Ld. was with Joseph, ho ivas a p. man JosA. 1. 8. tlien shall thou make thy way/;. • Tudg. 18. 5. whether the way we go shall be p. Jab S. 6. make the habitation of righteousness p Isa. 48. 15. and he shall make his way p. Zcch. 8. 1-. fur the seed .shall be p. vine give fruit J{om.l.Ui. if at length I might have a p. journey PROSl'EKUUSLY. 2 Chron. 7. 11. Solomon p. effected all that came Psal. 45. 4. and in thy majesty ride p. because PROSTITUTE. Lev. 19. 29. do not p. thy daughter to be a whore PROTEGTEST. Psal. 5. 1 11. shout for joy, because thou/>. Iheni PROTECTION. Deut. 32. 38. let them rise up and be your p. PROTEST, ED. Gen. 43. 3. the man did solemnly p. to us, saying \Sam. 8. 9. hearken, yet p. solemnly unto them IKings -2. 42. and 1 p. unto thee, saying, know Jer. 11. 7. I earnestly p. to your fathers Zec/i. 3. 6. the angel of iho Eord p. to Joshua 1 Cor. 15. 31. Ip. by your rejoicing in Christ PROTESTING. Gen. 43. t 3. the man p. protested to us, saying Jer. 11. 7. and p. saying, obey my voice PROTRACT. JVcA. 9. t 30. many years didst thou ». over them PROUD. Job 9. 13. the p. helpers do stoop under him 26. 12. by understanding he smiloth through the p. 38. 11. and here shall thy p. waves be stayed 40. 1 1, behold every one that is p. and abase him ]2. look on every one that is p. bring him low P.'ial. 12. 3. the tongue that speaketh p. things 31. 23. and pfentifully rewardeth the p. doer 40. 4. blessed is the man who respectelh not the p. 86. 14. O God, the p. are risen against me ?)4. 2. lill up thyself, render a reward to the p. 101. 5. him that hath a p. heart will I not suffer 119. 21. thou hast rebuked the p. that are cursed 51. the p. have had me greatly in derision C9. the p. have forged a lie against me 78. let p. be ashamed, for they dealt perversely 85. the p. digged pits for me, not after thy law 122. be surety for me, let not the p. oppress me 123. 4. our soul is tilled with contempt of the p. 124. 5. the p. waters had gone over our soul 138. 6. b\it the p. he knoweth afar off 140. 5. the p. have hid a snare for me and cords Proo. 6. 17. Lord hateth a p. look, a lying tongue 15. 25. the Lord will destroy the house of the p. 1(>.5. every one p. in heart is abomination to Lord lU. than to divide the spoil with the p. 21. 4. a high look and a p. heart is sin 21. p. .scorner is his name, who deals in p. wralh 28. 25. he that is of a p. heart stirreth up strife Eccl. 7. 8. the patient better than the p. in spirit Isa. 2.^12. day of the Lord on every one that is p. 13.11. I will cause thearrogancy ofthep. to cease 16. 6. we have heard of Moab, he is very p. Jer. 13. 15. be not p. for the Lord hath spoken 43. 2. all the p. men answered Jeremiah 48. 29. heard pride of Moab, he is exceeding p. 50. 29. she hath been p. |1 31. O thou most p. 32. mostp. shall stumble and fall, none raise him Hab. 2. 5. he is a p. man, neither keepelh at home Mai. 3. 15. we call the p. happy || 4. 1. p. as stubble I.uke 1.51. he hath scattered the p. in imagination Hom.X. 30. filled with unrighteousness, p. boasters 1 Tim. 6. 4. he is p. knowing nothing, but doting 2 Tim. 3. 2. men shall be lovers of themselves, p. Jan. 4. 6. God resisteth the p. 1 Pet. 5. 5. PROUDLY. Exod. 18. 11. wherein dealt p. he was above them ISam. 2. 3. talk no more so exceeding p. JVcA. 9. 10. thou knewest that they dealt p. 16, 29. Psal. 17. 10. with their mouth they speak p. 31. 18. which speak grievous thingsp. against right Isa. 3. 5. child shall behave himself p. ag. ancient JDan. 5. t 20. and his mind hardened to deal p. Obad. 12. neither shouldest thou have spoken p. PROVE Signifies [1] To try and examine, 2 Cor. 13. 5 (2] To make manifest by argument. Acts 9. 22 Rom. X 9. [3] To make good, Acts 24. 13 [4] To try by some affliction, that men may know their own hearts, Deut. 8. 3. [5] To find true, Eccl. 7. 23. [6] To judge. Job 9. 20. [7] To discern, approve of, and conform to, Rom. 12. 2. F.Tod. 16. 4. that I may p. them, Deut. 8. 16. 20. 20. fear not, for God is come to p. you Dctt<.8. 2. to humble thee, and to p. Ihce, to know 33. 8. holy one, whom thou didst p. at Massah Judg. 2.22. that through them I may p. Isr. 3. 1,4. .39. let me p. theo but this once with fleece Kings 10. I. she came to p. Solomon, 2 Chr. 9. 1. Job 9. 20. if I say perfect, it shall p. me perverse 13. t 15. I will p. mine own ways before him 463 PRO Psal. 26. 2. examine me, O Lord, and p. me Eccl. 2. 1. go to now, 1 will p. thee with mirth IJan.l. 12. p. thy servants, 1 beseech thee, ten days Jlal. 3. 10. bring the tithes, p. me now herewith Luke 14. ID. 1 have bought o.xcn, I go top. them ./o/m 6. 6. this he said top. him, for he knew Jlcts 24. 13. neither can they p. the things, 25. 7. Horn. 12. 2. that ye may p. what is that good will 2 Cor. 8. 8. to p. the sincerity of your love 13. 5. p. your own selves, know ye not yourselves Oal. 6. 4. but let every man p. his own work 1 IVicss. 5. 21. p. all things, hold fast what is good PROVED. Gen. 42. 15. hereby ye shall bcp. by life of Pharaoh 16. send one of you, that your words may bep Ezod. 15.25. made a statute, and there he p. them ISam. 17. 39. he had notp. his sword, David said to Saul, I cannot go with these, 1 have not p. them Psal. 17. 3. thou hast p. my heart and visited mo 66. 10. thou, O God, hast p. us, thou hast tried us 81. 7. I p. thee at the waters of Meribah 95. 9. when your fathers p. me and saw my works Eccl. 7. 23. all this have I p. by wisdom Da7i. 1. 14. he consented, and p. them ten days Ru7n. 3. 9. we beforep. Jews and Gentiles under sin 2 Car. 8. 22. whom we have often p. diligent 1 7'jm. 3. 10. and let these also be first p. Heb. 3. 9. your fathers p. me, and saw my works PROVETH. Deut. 13. 3. for Lord your God p. you, to know PROVING. .'lets 9. 22. Saul p. that this is very Christ Eph. 5. 10. p. what is acceptable to the Lord PROVENDER. Ge7i. 24. 25. we have both straw and p. enough 32. tlie man gave straw and p. for the camels 42.27. one opened sack to give his assp. in the inn 43. 24. the man gave their asses p. Jiidg. 19. 19. yet there is both straw and p. 21. he brought him and gave p. to the asses Isa. 30. 24. the o.\en and asses shall eat clean p. PROVERB. The Hebrews give the name of Proverbs, Para- bles, or Similitudes, to moral sentences, max- ims, comparisons, or enigmas, expressed in a style that is poetical, figurative, close, and sententious: They call this kind of Proverbs, Mishle. Solomon says, that in his lime max- ims of this sort were the chief study of the learned. A wise man will endeavour, says he, to understand a proverb, and the interpretation, the words of the wise and their dark sayings, Prov. 1. 6. In the Proverbs of Solomon we find rules for the conduct of all conditions of life; for kings, courtiers, men engaged in the affairs of the world; for 7nastcrs, servants, fathers, mothers, and children. Deut. 28. 37. ye shall be a p. and a by-word 1 became ap. is Saul among prophets? 24. 13. as saith the p. of the ancients 1 Kings 9. 7. Israel shall he a p. and a by-word 2 Chron. 7. 20. this house will I make to be a p. Psal. 69. 11. and I became a p. to them Prov. 1.6. to understand ap. and words of the wise Isa. 14. 4. take up this p. against king of Babylon Jer. 24. 9. I will deliver them to be a p. and curse -E2c/i:.12.22.whatis have in land of Israel! 23. I will make this p. cease, and they shall no more use it as a p. in Israel, 18. 2, 3. 14. 8. I will make him a sign, and a p. and cut off Hab. 2. 6. all these take up a taunting p. ag. him /.Ji/ie 4. 23. will surely say thisp. phys. heal thyself .hhn 16. 29. now speakest thou plainly, and no p. 2 Pet. 2. 22. it is happened according to the p. PROVERBS. J\'um. 21.27. wherefore they that speak in p. say IKings 4. 32. Solomon spake three thousand p. Pruv. 1. 1. thep. of Solomon, ID. 1. | 25. 1. Eccl. 12. 9. the preacher set in order many p. Ezek. 16. 44. behold, every one that usethp. shall ./oh7i 16. 25. these spoken in p. no more speak in p. PROVIDE. Gen. 22. 8. God will p. himself a Iamb for offering tl4. Abraham called the place, the Lord will p. 30. 30. now when shall I p. for mine own house? Exod. 18. 21. shaltp. out of the people able men 1 •Sam. 16. 17. p. me a man that can play well 2 Chr. 2. 7. with cunning men whom David did p Psal. 78. 20. can hep. fl(!sh for his people ? Mat. 10. 9. p. neithergold nor silver in your Luke 12. 33. p. yourselves bags which wax not old .Bets 23. 24. and p. them beasts to set Paul on Horn. 12. 17. p. things honest in sight of all men 1 Tim. 5. 8. but if any p. not for his own houso PROVIDED. Deut. .33. 21. hep. the first part for himself 1 .Sam. 16. 1. I have p. mo a king among his sons 2 Sam. 19. 32. he had p. the king of sustenance 1 Kings 4. 7. which p. victuals for the king, 27. 2 Cliron. 32. 29. Hezekiah p. possessions of Socks PRO Ps. 65. 9. preparest corn, when thou hast p. for it iy«Ael2.yO. whose shall those things be thou liastp.? Heb. 11. 40. Gud having p. better things for us PROVIDENCE. Acts 24. 2. are dune to this nation by thy p. PROVIDETH. .Tob 38. 41. who p. for the raven his food Prov. 6. 8. and p. her meat in the summer PROVIDING. 2 Cor. 8. 21. p. for honest things, not only in sight PROVINCE, S. 1 Ki7igs 20. 14. by the princes of the p. 15, 17, 19. Ezra 4. 15. this city is hurtful to kings and p. 6. 2. there was found in thep. of the iVledes 7. 16. carry the gold thou canst find in thep. JVcA. 7. 6. these are the children of the p. went up 11. 3. now these are the chief of thep. Eslh. 1. 1. Ahasuerus reigned over 127 p. 16. hath done wrong to all people in all p. 23. 2. 3. let the king apiioiiit officers in all thep. 18. then the king made a release to the p. 3. 8. is a people scattered in all p. of thy kingdom 13. Hanian sent by posts to all the king's p. 4. 11. all the people of the king's p. do know 8. 9. 127 p. and do every p. according to 12. upon one d.ay in all p. of king Ahasuerus 9. 4. Mordecai's fame went through all thep. 12. what have they done in the rest of thep. 28. these days should be kept through every p. Eccl. 2. 8. I gathered the treasure of the p. 5. 8. if thou secst oppression in a p. marvel not La7n. 1. 1. she that was princess among thep. Eiek. 19.8. nations set against him from thep. iJara.2. 48. the king made Daniel ruler over thep. 3. 1. he set up an image in thep. of Babylon 30. promoted Shadrach in thep. of Babylon 8. 2. I was at Shushan in the p. of Elam 11.24. shall enter on the fattest places of thep. Jlcts 23. 34. he asked of what p. he was 25. 1. now when Festus was come into the p. ' PROVISION. Gen. 42. 25. and to give them p. for the way 45. 21. Joseph gave them p. fur the way Josh. 9. 5. all I he bread of their p. was dry 12. this our bread we took hot for our p. IKings 4. 7. each man his month in a year madep. 22. Solomon's p. for one day was 30 measures 2 Kings 6. 23. he prepared great p. for them 1 Chron. 29. 19. for the which I have made p. Psal. 132. 15. I will abundantly bless her p. Da7i. 1. 5. the king appointed them a daily p. Rom. 13. 14. and make not p. for the flesh PROVOCATION. 1 Ki7igs 15. 30. Jeroboam made Israelsin by hisp. 21. 22. for thep. wherewith Ahab provoked 2 Kings 19.t 3. it is a day of trouble, rebuke and p. 23. 2(;. because of thep. Maiiasseh provoked JVeh. 9. 18. and had wrought great p. 26. fob 17. 2. doth not mine eye continue in their p.? Psal. 95. 8. harden not your hearts as in p. as in day of temptation in the wildern. Heb.'S.S, 15. ,7er. 32. 31. this city hath been to me as a p. Ezek. 20. 28. there they presented p. of offering PROVOKE. Exod. 23. 21. obey his voice, and p. him not JV"«;n. 14. 11. how long will this people p. mef Deut. 31. 20. if yep. and break my covenant ./ob 12. 6. and they that p. God are secure Psal. 78. 40. how oft did iheyp. him in wilderness? Isa. 3. 8. doings against Lord to p. eyes of his glory .Tier. 7. 19. do they p. me to anger ? saith the Lord 44. 8. in that ye p. me to wrath with works Luke 11. .53. began to urge and p. him to speak i?om.]0.19. I will p. to jealousy by them no people 11. 11. for top. them to jealousy, 14. 1 Cor. 10. 22. do we p. the Lord to jealousy? Eph.Ct.4. ye fathers, p. not your children to wrath Heb. 3. 16. some when they had heard, did p. 10. 24. top. to love and to good works PROVOKED. Mum. 14.23. nor shall any of them thatp.mosee it 16. 30. ye shall know these men have p. the Lord Deut. 9. 8. in Iloreb yep. the Lord to wralh 22. at Taberah and Massah ye p. Lord to wrath 1 Sam. 1. 6. and her adversary also p. her sore 7. soshep.her, Iheref. she wept and did not eat 1 /Tmo-i ]4.22.Jud.p.him to jealousy with their sins 2h'ings 23. 20. Manasseh had p. him withal 1 CAron. 21. 1. Satan p. David to number Israel Ezra .5. 12. after that our fathers had p. God Psal. 78. .56. tempted and p. the most high God 106. 7. but p. him at the sea, even the Red-sea 29. they p. him with their own inventions 33. because they p. the spirit of Moses, 4.3. Zech. 8. 14. when your fathers p. me to wrath 1 Cor. 13. 5. charity is not easilyp. Ihinketh no evil 2 Cor. 9. 2. and your zeal hulh p. very many PROVOKEDST. Deut. 9. 7. forget not how thou p. Lord thy God See Akoer. PUB PROVOKETH. Trov. 20. 2. whoso ;». him to anger shmeth ag. soul Isa. 65. 3. people that p. me to anger to niy face Ezek. 8. 3. where was image which ;;. to jealousy PROVOKING. Deut. 32. 19. because ol'p. his sons and daughters 1 Kings 14. 15. tliey madegroves, p. Lord to anger 16. 7. against Baasha in p. the Lord to anger, 13. Psal. 78. 17. by p. the Most High in the wilderness Goi.5.26.not desirous ofvaingiory,^. one another PRUDENCE. 2Chr. 2.12. son endued with j». and understanding frov.8. 12. 1 wisdom dwell with 7>. find knowledge 19. t 11. the;), of a man deferreth his anger £p/i. 1. 8. he hath abounded in all wisdom and p PRUDENT. lS(im.l6.] matters, and a comely person Prov. 12. 16. but a p. man covereth shame 23. up. man conccaleth knowledge 13. 16. every p. man dealeth with knowledge 14. 8. wisdom of the p. is to understand his way 15. but the p. man looketh well to his going 18. but the p. are crowned with knowledge 15. 5. but he that regardeth reproof is p. 16. 21. the wise in heart shall be called p. 18. 15. the heart of the;), getteth knowledge 19. 14. and a p. wife is from the Lord 22. 3. a p. man foreseeth evil and hideth, 27. 12. Isa. 3. 2. take away the p. and the ancient 5. 21. woe to them that are p. in their own sight 10. 13. by my wisdom I have done it, for I am p. 29. 14. understanding of theirp. men should be hid Jer. 49. 7. is counsel perished from the p.? Has. 14. 9. who is p. and he shall know theml Amos 5. 13. the p. shall keep silence in that time Mat. 11. 25. hid these things from p. Luke 10. 21. Jlcts 13. 7. the deputy Sergius Paulus, a. p. man \Cor. 1. 19. to nothing understanding of the p. PRUDENTLY. Isa. 52.13. my serv. shall deal p. heshall be exalted PRUNE. Lev. 25. 3. six years shalt thou p. thy vineyard 4. seventh year not sow thy field nor p. PRUNED. Isa. 5. 6. Hay it waste, itshall not be ». nor digged PRUNING. /sa.2. 4. they shall beat their spears into p. hooks 18. 5. he shall cut off the sprigs with p. hooks Joel 3. 10. beat your p. hooks into spears Mic. 4. 3. they shall beat their spears into p. hooks PSALM. 1 ChroH. 16. 7. then David delivered first this p. Psal. 91. 2. take a p. \\ 98.5. with the voice of a p. Mat. 26. t 30. when they had sung a p. tiiey went out into the mount of Olives, Mark 14. f 26. Acts 13. 33. as it is also written in the second p. 35. wherefore he saith also in anotherp.thou shalt ICor. 14.26. how is it every one of you hath ap.? PSALMIST. 2 Sam. 23. 1. last words of David, sweet p. of Israel PSALMS. 1 Chron. 16. 9. sing p. to him, Psal. 105. 2. JVeh. 12. 1 8. the Levites over the p. of thanksgiving Psal. 95. 2. make a joyful noise to him with p. Luke 20. 42. David himself saith in the book of p. 24. 44. which were written in p. concerning me Acts 1. 20. for it is written in the book of p. jEp/t. 5. 19. speaking to yourselves in p. and hymns Coi. 3.16.admonishing one another in p. and hymns Jam. 5. 13. is anv merrv'? let him sing p. PSALTERY. 1 Sam. 10. 5. meet a company of prophets witha p. Psal. 33. 2. sing to him with the p. 144. 9. 57. 8. awake, myglory, awakep. and harp, 108.2. 71. 22. I will also praise thee with the p. 92. 3. 81. 2. bring hither the pleasant harp with the p. 150. 3. praise him with trumpet the p. and harp Dan. 3. 5. when ye hear sound of the p. 7, 10, 15. PSALTERIES, See Cymbals. PUBLICAN, In Greek, Telones, was a farmer, or a receiver of public money, an officer of the revenue., a man employed in collecting such impositions as are hateful to the people. Among the Romans there were tico sorts of Farmers: Some were general Farmers, who in every province had their deputies,and under-farmers,who collected the revenues and other profits of the empire, of which they gave an account to the Emperor. These principal Farmers were men of great consideration in the government; and Cicero says, that among these were to be found the flower of the Roman knights, the ornament of the city, and the strength of the commonwealth. Put the deputies,the undcr-farmers,the commis- sioners, tAe Publicans of the lower order, were Inokedupon as so many thieves andpickpockets. Theocritus being once asked, ffltich was Vie most cruel of all beasts, made answer, That among the beasts of the wilderness, they were 464 PUB the bear and the lion; among the beasts of the city, they were the Publican and the Parasite. Among the Jews, the name and profession of a Publican was the most odious thing in the world. This nation, in a particular manner, valued themselves upon their freedom: We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man, John 8. 33. They could not, without the utmost rcluctancy, see Publicans in their country, rigorously exacting those tributes and impositions that were laid on them by the Romans : Especially the Galileans or Herodians submitted to this badge of servitude not with- out the greatest impatience, and thought it even unlawful to pay tribute to a foreign power: as they shewed by that question they put to our Saviour, Luke 20. 22, Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Cesar, or no ■? Those of their own nation that undertook this employ, they looked upon as no better than heathen. Let him be unto thee ag a heathen man, and a Publican, Mat. 18. 17. It is said, that they would not allow them to come into their temple, or their synagogues, nor admit them to partake of their public prayers, or of their offices of judi- cature, or allow them to give testimony in a court of justice; and for certain they would not accept of their presejits at the temple, no more than they would of the price of prostitu- tion or of blood, or of any thing else of the like nature. There were many Publicans in Judea, in the time of our Saviour. Zaccheus probably was one of the principal Farmers, since he is called the chief among the Publicans, Luke 19. 2. but Matthew was only an inferior Publican. The Jews reproached our Saciour with being a friend of Publicans and sinners, and of eating with them, Luke 7. 34. And our Saviour told the Jews, That harlots and Publicans went into the kingdom of heaven before them. Mat. 21. 31. In the parable of the Publican and Phari- see, who made their prayers together in the temple, we sec with what sentiments of humility the view of his condition inspired the Pub- lican; he keeps afar off, ayid probably dares not so much as enter the court of the people ; he is afraid to lift up his eyes to heaven ; he smites his breast, and submissively asks par- don of God, Luke 18. 10, S,-c. Zaccheus says to our Saviour, that he was ready to give half of his goods to the poor, and to restore four- fold of whatever he had unjustly acquired, Luke 19. 8. And this, because at that time the Roman laics required that whenever any Publican was convicted of extortion, he should be obliged to render four times the value of what he had extorted. PUBLICAN, S. Mat. 5. 46. do not even the p. the same? 47. O.lO.manyp.satwithhim, ji/ar42.15. Z.k/i:c5. 29. 11. said to his disciples, why eateth your master with p. and sinners, Mark 2. 16. Luke 5. 30. 10. 3. Philip, Thomas, and Matthew the p. 11. 19. a friend of p. and sinners, Luke 7. 34. 18. 17. let him ho to thee as a heathen and a p. 21. 31. p. go into the kingdom of God before you 32. but the p. and the harlots believed him Luke 3. 12. then came also p. to be baptized 5. 27. he saw a p. named Levi sitting at receipt 7. 29. the p. justified God, being baptized with 15. 1. then drew near to him the p. to hear him 18. 10. the one a Pharisee, and the other a p. 11. God, I thank thee, I am not as this p. 13.p.standing afar off, said, G. be merciful to me 19. 2. Zaccheus was chief among the p. and rich PUBLIC. Mat. 1. 19. not willing to make her a p. example PUBLICLY. Acts 18. 28. for he p. convinced the Jews, shewing 20. 20. but have shewed you, have taught you p. PUBLISH. DeiLt. 32. 3. I will p. the name of the Lord 1 Sam. 31. 9. to p. it in the house of their idols 2 Sam. ] . 20. p. it not in the streets of Askelon JVcA. a. 15. should p. that they bring pine-branches Psal. 26. 7. may p. with the voice of thanksgiving Jer. 4. 5. p. in Jerusalem || 16. p. against Jerusalem 5. 20. declare this, p. it in Judah, saying 31. 7. p. ye and say, O Lord, save thy people 46. 14. declare in Egypt, p. in Migdol, p. in Noph 50. 2. p. and conceal not, Babylon is taken Amos 3. 9. p. in the palaces of Ashdod and Egypt 4. 5. proclaim and p. the free-oflerings Mark 1. 45. but he began to p. it much, 5. 20. PUBLISHED. Esth. 1. 20. king's decree be p. thro' all empire, 22. 3. 14. the copy of Haman's decree wasp. 8. 13. Psal. 68. 11. great was the company that p. it Jonah 3. 7. he caused it to be i). through Nineveh PUN Mark 7. 36. so much more a great deal they p. it 13. 10. the gospel niust first be p. among nations Luke 8. 39. he went and p. through the whole city Acts 10. 37. that word ye know, which was p. 13. 49. word of the Lord was p. through all region PUBLISHETH. Isa. 52. 7. that p. peace, that p. salvation Jer. 4. 15. voice p. affliction from mount Ephraim JVaA. 1, 15. behold the feet of him that p. peace PUFF. Job 11. t 20. their hopes shall be a p. of breath PUFFED up. 1 Cor. 4. 6. no one of you be p. up against another 18. some are p. up, as though I woul.d not come 19. will know, not speech of them that are p. up 5. 2. ye are p. up, and have not rather mourned 13. 4. charity vaunteth not itself, is not p. up Col. 2. 18. vainly p. up by his fleshly mind PUFFETH at. Psal. 10. 5. as for all his enemies, he p. at them 12. 5. set him in safety from him thatp. at him PUFFETH up. 2 Cor. 8. 1. knowledge p. up, charity edifielh PULL, ED. Oen. 8. 9. Noah p. the dove to him into the ark 19. 10. but the men p. Lot into the house Josh. 8. t 6. till we have p. them from the city 1 Kings 13. 4. Jeroboam could not p. it in again Ezra 6. 11. let timber be p. down from his house Psal. 31. 4. p. me out of net they have laid for me Isa. 22. 19. and from thy state shall p. thee down Jer. 1. 10. set thee to p. down and destroy, 18. 7. 12. 3. p. them out like sheep for the slaughter 24. 6. I will build them and not p. down, 42. 10. Lam. 3. 11. p. me in pieces, hath made me desolate F.zek. 17. 9. shall he not p. up the roots thereof 1 Amos 9. 15. and they shall no more be p. up Mic. 2. 8. ye p. off the robe with the garment Zcch. 7. 11. but they p. away the shoulder Mat. 7. 4. p. out mote out of thine eye, Luke 6. 42. Luke 12. 18. I will p. down my barns and build 14. 5. and will not p. him out on the sabbath? j?cte23. 10. lest Paul should have been p. in pieces PULLING. 2 Cor. 10. 4. mighty to the p. down of strong holds PULLING. Jude 23. others save with fear, p. them out of fire PULPIT. JVeA. 8. 4. Ezra the scribe stood upon a p. of wood PULSE. 2.Sa7n.l7.28.Barzillai brought beans and parched p. Dan. 1. 12. let them give p. to eat, and water, 16. PUNISH. /^et) seven times more for your sins,24. Prov. 17. 26. also to p. the just is not good Isa. 10. 12. p. the stout heart of the king of Assyria 13. 11. 1 will p. the world for their evil 24. 21. the Lord shall p. the host of the high ones 26. 21. Lord cometh to p. inhabitants of the earth 27. 1. Lord with strong sword shall p. Leviathan Jer. 9. 25. I will p. all them that are circumcised 11. 22. behold I will p. the men of Anathoth 13. 21. what wilt thou say when he shall p. thee? 21. 14. but I will p. you according to the fruit of your doings, saith the Lord 23. .14. p. man || 25. 12. p. king of Babylon, 50. 18. 27. 8. will p. that nation || 29. 32. p. Shemaiah 30. 20. I will p. all that oppress them 36. 31. I will p. Jehoiakim and his seed 44. 13. I will p. them in Egypt, as I p. Jerusalem 29. a sign that I will p. you in this place 46. 25. I will p. the multitude of No and Pharaoh 51. 44. and I will p. Bel in Babylon IIos.4.9 I will p. them for their ways and reward 14. I will not p. your daughters when commit 12. 2. and p. Jacob according to his ways Amos3.2.yo\i known, I will p. you foryour iniquit. 1 14. in the day that I will p. Israel Zeph. 1. 8. in the day that I will p. the princes 9. I will p. all those that leap on the threshold 12. I will p. men that are settled on their lees Zech. 8. 14. as I thought to p. when your fathers Acts 4.21. finding nothing how they might p. them PUNISHED. Exod. 21. 20. if smite, he shall be surely p. 22. 21. he shall not be p. for he is his money F.zra 9.13. thou hast p.less than iniquities deserved .Tob 31. 11. it is an iniquity to be p. by judges, 28. Prov. 21. 11. when scorner is p. simple made wise 22. 3. but the simple pass on and are p. 27. 12. Jer. 44. 13. as I have p. Jerusalem w ith the sword 50.18.willpunishaslhavep. the king of Assyria Zeph. 3. 7. not be cut off, howsoever I p. them Zcch. 10. 3. anger ag. the shepherds, I p. the goats Acts 22. 5. to bring them bound to Jerus. to bep. 26. 11. I p. them oft in every synagogue 2 Thess.1.9. shall bep. with everlasting destruction 2 Pet. 2. 9. unjust to the dav of judgment to bep. PUNISHMENT. Several sorts of punishment were in use among PUN the Jews, wJiich arc mentioned in the scrif)lurc as, [l]The jmnishmont of the cross: This was a servile punishment, ichicli was infiictcd on the vilest of slaves : To be eriieijied was a great mark of infamy to officers, and men of quality. The com'mon way of crueifying was by fastening the criminal with nails, one at each hand, and one at both his feet, or one at c^ch of them. They were likeicise bound fre- quently with cords; and this penalty, which seems tn one sense gentler, because it occasions less pain, in another was more cruel, because the condemned person by this means was made to languish for a longer time, lief ore they nailed the person to the cross, they generally scourged him with whips, or leathern lashes. Our Haviour was severely scourged during his passion ; Pilate having pronounced sentence against him, ordered him to be scourged, and delivered him up to be crucified. The law or- dained, that the person executed should not be left upon the cross after sim-set, because he that is hanged in this manner is cursed by God, Deut. 21. 22, 23 [2] Suspension, hanging, or the punishment of the rope. The Jews maintain that none but ido- laters and blasphemers underwent this punish- ment. Ilaman and his sons were hung upon a high gallows, Esth.7.10. Pharaoh's chief baker was first beheaded, and afterwards hung upon a gibbet, Gen. 40. 22. IVe read in the scrip- ture, that sometimes they hung up men alive, and sometimes hung up their carcases after they were dead. Josh. 8. 29. 2 Sam. 21. 12. [3] Stoning, or putting to death by casting stones. This punishment 7cas very much in use among the Hebrews : It is said, that this penalty was inflicted upon all those criminals that the law condemns to death, without expressing the particular kind of death : For example, the incest of a soil with his mother, or of the son with his mother-in-law, or of a father with his daughter, or with his daughter-in-law ; or of a man that debauches a woman that is con traded; or of her that is contracted, and con sents to another ; those that are guilty of the crimes of sodomy or bestiality ; idolaters, blasphemers, magicians, conjurers, breakers of the sabbath ; those that offer their children to Moloch ; those that entice others to idolatry ; a son rebellious to his father, and condemned by the judges. [4] Fire. This punishment was very common IVhen Judali was informed that his daughter in-law Tamar was with child, he would have had her burnt as an adulteress, Gen. 38. 24. The law of Moses inflicts the punislmient of the fire upon the daughters of the priests, who were guilty of fornication, Lev. 21. 9. Nebu- chadnezzar caused Daniel and his companions to be thrown into a burning fiery furnace, be- cause they would not worship his golden image, Dan. 3. 21. And by the law he was ordered to be burnt alive, who should marry the mother and her daughter. Lev. 20. 14. [5] The punishment of the rack, or tympanum. This is met with in the Greek of St. Paul to the Hebrews, 11. 35. Interpreters are divided about the sense of this word, Tympanizein. Some have explained it of the Tressel or Chi- valet, a punishment very frequent in antiquity, but very much unknown at this day : Other." think that the Jlpostle alludes to the death of John the Baptist, and to that of St. James, who were both beheaded. Some think it sigtti- fles to flay alive, others take it in a general sense, for all kinds of capital punishments and violent deaths : But interpreters are generally of opinion, that the Apostle here means the Bastinado, or the punishment of the whip, and that there is an allusion to the cruelties exer- cised upon old Eleazar, and the seven brethren the Maccabees. The second book of Mac. 6. 19, speaking of the martyrdom of Eleazar, says, that he came to the Tympanum. [6] Imprisonment. This was not always consi- dered as a punishment, but was to keep and secure a person accused or suspected. Joseph detained his brother Simeon in prison, till he should be assured of the truth of what his bre- thren had told him concern in a- his father and his brother Benjamin, Gen. 42. 19. 'The blas- phemer that was brought to Moses, Lev. 24.12. and the man that was found gathering sticks on the snhhath-dny, Num. l.^. 34. loere put in ward till the Lord declrred the kind of i)un- ieliment they were to undergo. But often imprisonment was made a punishment when it was attended with shame and severi- ties. 465 PUN men Joseph was unjustly accused by Potiphai's wife, he was put in prison, and loaded with fet- ters. Gen. 39. 20. Samsun was taken by the Philistines, cast into a dungeon, had his eyes put out, and forced to grind at the mill, Judg. 1(). 21. Honds, fetters, shackles, manacles and chains, which usually attended imprisonment, must be looked upon iis punisluuents. [7] The sword, or beheading. Jn scripture there arc several instances of Decapitations. I'ha- raoh's chief baker had his head cut off; after which his body was hung upon a gibbet, Gen. 40. 19. Abimclecli, son of Gideon, cut off the heads of seventy sons of Gideon, his' brethren, upon one stone, Judg. 9. 5. The people of Sa- maria cut off the heads of seventy of the sotts of Aliab, and sent them in baskets to Jehu, 2 Kings 10. 7. John the Baptist was behcadedin prison, by the order of Herod, Mat. 14. 10. [S] The precipice, or throwing headlong from the top of a rock: This was not a common pun- ishment : If it has been someti7nes used among the Hebrews, it was in singxdar cases. Ania- ziah king of Judah overcame ten thousand Idunieans, and made them prisoners of war, and cast them down from the top of a high rock, 2 Cliron. 25. 12. [9] To be torn in pieces by thorns, or under har- rows or sledges of iron. There are some ex- amples of these punishments in scripture. When Gideon returned from pursuing the Mi- dianites, he tore with thorns and brambles of the desert the chief vten of the city of Succoth who had insulted him, Judg. 8. 16. And Da vid made the Ammonites undergo a ptinish ment more cruel and severe, 2 Sam. 12. 31, He put them under harrows and a.\es of iron, and made them pass through the brick-kiln. These harrows or sledges of iron were ma- chines proper for threshing of com, in order to get the grain out of the straw, which were loaded with iron or stones, for bruising the straw. By the Brick-kiln, is either meant the furnace in which the bricks were burnt, or the place where the earth was beat and macerated, in which these miserable wretches were exe- cuted. [10] The saw, to be cut through the middle: This punishment was not known among the He- brews : Some arc of opinion, that it came ori ginally from the Persians or Chaldeans: It is certain that it is still in use among the Swit- zers, and that they put it in practice not many years ago, upon one of their countrymen guilty of a great crime : they put him in a kind of coffin., and sawed him at length, beginning at his head, as a piece of wood is sawn. The apostle Paul, in his Epistle to the Hebrews, 11. 37. speaking of the calamities suffered by the prophets and saints of the Old Testament, says, that they were sawn asunder : Several of the ancients have explained this passage concerning the death of Isaiah, who is said to have been put to death by king Manasseh, 7mth a saw. [11] Cutting off the hair of the guilty person: This seems to be a punishment rather shame- ful than painful ; and yet it is thought that pain likewise was added to the disgrace ; and that they loere not contented to shave or cut the hair, but tore it off with violence, as if they had been pinching a bird alive. This much the Hebrew signifies in Neh. 13. 25, I contended with them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off the hair. [12] To pluck out the eyes: This is a punish- ment 7iot common ; and though Moses had ap- pointed that an eye should be given for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, Exod. 21. 24. yet it is the opinion of Commentators that this law was very seldom put in practice according to the letter ; and that the offender was gene- rally punished by a pecuniary penalty, which was converted to the use of the injured party. IVhen the Philistines had laid hold on Samson, and intended to prevent his doing them any more harm, they put him in prison, and bored out his eyes, Judg. 16. 21. Nebuchadnezzar took king Zcdckiah, and had his children put to death in his presence, then caused his eyes to be put out, and afterwards had him carried to Rabylim in chains, 2 Kings 25. 7. [13] To cut off the extremities of the feet and hands was a piece of cruelty formerly exer- cised by Adoni-lx^zek king of Bezek, upon serrnly kiiirrs who had. Iieen conquer ril liy him, and irho enl like dogs under his table. But God, thought fit to have him tortured after the same mnnner that he hod tortured others. The Israelites conquered him, took him, and cut 3 P PUR off the extremities of his hands and feet, Judg. I. 5, 6, 7. David treated tlie murderers of Ish-bosheth in t/te same manner, and had their bodies hung up over the pool of Hebron, 2 Sam. 4. 12. Gen. 4. 13. my p. is greater than I can bear 19. 115. lest thou be consumed in p. of the city irc.2li. 41. than accept tliep. of their iniquity, 43. 1 .S'a?n.28.10. Saul sware, imp. shall happen to thee 2 A7n n-s 7.t9.they said, if we tarry, we sliall find p. Job 21. 1 19. God layethp. of iniquity fur children 31.3. and a strange j;. to the workers of iniquity Prov. 19. 19. a man of great wrath siiall suffer^. L,am. 3. 39. a man for the p. of his sins 4. 6. p. of my people is greater than tho p. of the sin of Sodom 22. the p. of thine iniquity is accomplished Eiek. 14.10.they shall bear the^. of their iniquity, they. of prophets asj/.of him that seeketh to him Hos. 12. t 8. he shall iiave p. in whom is sin Amos 1. 3. and for four I will not turn away the p. thereof, G, 9, 11, 13. | 2. 1, 4, 6. Zech. 14. 19. this shall be the p. of Egypt Mat. 25. 40. these shall go into everlasting p. 2 Cor. 2. 0. suflicient to such a man is this p. Heb. 10. 29. of how much sorer 7;. suppose ye 1 Pet. 2. 14. sent by him for the p. of evil doers PUNISHMENTS. Job 19. 29. for wrath bringeth thop. of the sword Psal. 149. 7. to execute p. upon the people Jer. 44. f 9- have ye forgot the p. of your fathers 1 PUR. i?s«/i.3.7.they cast p. that is, the lot, before Haman 9. 24. for Haman had cast p. for to consume them 26. called these days Purim, after the name of;;. See PuRiM. PURCHASE, Substantive. Gen. 49. 32. p. of field and cave that was therein I,ev. 22. t 11. if the priest buy a soul with^. Jer. 32. 11. so I took the evidence of the p. 12. 1 gave evidence of the ^. to Baruch, 14. 16. PURCHASE, ED. Gen. 25. 10. field Abraham 7;. of the sons of Heth fl3:orf.l5.16.till people pass over which thou haslp. Lev. 25. 33. if a many, of the Levites, then house Ruth 4. 10. Ruth have \ p. to be my wife Psai.74.2.remember thy congregation thou hast/i. 78. 54. mountain which his right hand had p. Acts 1. 18. this man p. a field with iniquity 8.20. thought the gift of God may be p. by money 20. 28. which he hath p. with his own blood Eph. 1. 14. until the redemption of they, possession 1 Tim. 3. 13. have used the office of deacon wellp. 1 Pet. 2. 1 9. ye are ay. people, that ye should shew PURE Signifies, [1] Simple, unmixed, uneompovndcd, as wine without water, gold, or silver without dross, Exod. 25. 17,31. Deut. 32. 14. [2] Holy, free from spot, stain, or the least mix- ture of sin, Psal. 19. 8. 1 John 3. 3. [3] One who is single-hearted and sincere, free from any reigning sin. Mat. 5. 8. [4] Devout and religious, Prov. 30. 12. [5] Tried or refined, Psal. 119. t 140. Thy word is pure; that is, it is perfectly free from all falsehood and deceit, and contains jmre precepts, pure ex- amples, great helps, and strong encourage- ments to purity, and dis.^uasives from sin. [6] Clear and free, Acts 20. 26. [7] Lawful to be used, Rom. 14. 20. [8] Believers, whose hearts are purified by faith. Tit. 1. 15. [9] Free from, error, idolatry, and hypocrisy, James 1. 27. Er.oel. 27. 20. that they bring the p. oil. Lev. 24.2. 30. 23. take/j. myrrh || 34. withy, frankincense 31. 8. they, candlestick, .39. 37. Lev. 24. 4. /,cu.24. 6. thou shall set cakes on they, table be- fore the Lord 7. thou shalt put y. frankincense on each row /)cK«. 32. 14.didst drink they, blood of the grape 2 Sam. 22. 27. with the y. thou wilt shew thyselfy. with froward, thyself froward, Psal. 18.26. \ Kings 5. 11. and twenty measures ofy. oil 2 Chron. 13. 11. the shew-bread seton they, table Ezra 6. 20. all were y. and killed the passover .Tob 4. 17. shall a man be morey. than his Maker? 8. 6. if thou wcrty. and upright, surely now 11. 4. for thou hast said, my doctrine isy. 10. 17. not for any injustice, also my prayer isy, 25. 5. yea, the stars are noty. in his sight Psal. 12. 6. the words of the Lord arey. words 19. 8. the commandment of the Lord isy. 119. 140. thy word is very p. therefore I love it Prov. 15. 26. the words of the y. are pleasant 20. 9. who can say, I am y. from my sin ? II. whether his work hey. whether it be right 21. 8. but as for they, his work is right 30. 5. every word of God isy. he is a shield to them that put trust in him 12. a generation that are y. in their own eyes PUR Jer. 51. til- make^). the arrows, gather shields Van. 7.9. the hair of his head like the^. of wool Jl7tc. 6. 11. shall I count them p. with wicked Zc^A. 3. 9. 1 will turn to tlie people a p. language Mai. 1. 11. in every place a^. otfering he oflfered Mark 14. 1 3. an alahaster box of p. nard, precious Acts iiO. 26. I &m.'p. from the blood of all men Rom. 14.20. all things indeed are/), but it is evil Phil. 4. 8. whatsoever things are p. what lovely 1 Tim. 3. 9. the mystery of faith in a^. conscience 5. 22. neitlier be partaker of sins, keep thyself p. UTim. 1. 3. whom 1 serve with/;, conscience Tit. 1. 15. to the p. all things are p. but to them that are defiled and unbelieving nothing is p. He.b. lU. 22. and our bodies washed with^. water Jam. 1. 27.;>. religion and undefiled is this, to visit 3. 17. but the wisdom from above is first ^. 2 Pet. 3. 1. in both which I stir up your p. minda 1 John 3. 3. purifieth himself even as he isp. Rev. 1.5. 6. the seven angels clothed in^. linen 22. 1. he shewed me a. p. river of water of hfe See Heart, Gold. PURELY. Isa. 1. 25. and I will p. purge away thy dross PUllENESS. Job 22. 30. it is delivered by the p. of thine hands Prov. 22.11. he thatlov.^. of heart, king his friend 2 Cor. 6.6.B. approving ourselves by^. by knowled. PURER. I^am. 4. 7. her Nazarites were p. than snow Hab. 1. 13. thou art of ^. eyes than to behold evil PURGE. 2 Chr. 34. 3. Josiah Ixigan to^. Judah and Jerusa. Psal.51.7. p. me with hyssop, and I shall bo clean B5. 3. our transgressions thou shall p. them 79. 9. and^. away our sins for thy name's sake Isa. 1. 25. and purely /i. away thy dross and tin Kzek.'iO.dS. I v/Mp. from among you the rebels 43. 20. thus shalt thou cleanse and p. it days shall they p. the altar and purify it Dan. 11. 35. some of them shall fall to p. them Mai. 3. 3. and^. them as gold and silver, to offer Mat. 3. 12. he will thoroughly p. his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner, Luke 3. 17. 1 Cor. 5. 7. p. out therefore the old leaven 2 Ti?a. 2.21. if a man therefore^. himself from these i/e6. 9. 14. n. your conscience from dead works PURGED. 1 Sam. 3. 14. iniquity of Eli's house shall not hep. 2 Chron. 34. 8. when he had p. the land and house Prov. 16. 6. by mercy and truth iniquity is p. Isa. 4. 4. and shall have p. the blood of Jerusalem 6. 7. thy iniquity is taken away, and thy sru^*. 22. 14. surely this iniquity shall not bo/). 27. 9. by this shall the iniquity of Jacob hep. Ezek.'ii. 13. because I have/), thee, and thou wast not p. thou shalt not be p. from thy filthiness Heb. 1. 3. when he had by himself/), our sins 9. 22. almost all things are by the law/), by blood 10. 2. because that the worshippers once p. 2PcM.9. hath forgotten he was/), from his old sins PURGETH. John 15. 2. every branch that beareth, he p. it PURGING. Prov. 20.t30.blueness of a wotmd is a p. medicine Mark.l. lO.goeth out info the draught,/), meats PURIFICATION, S. JVam. 19. 9. it shall bo kept, it is a p. for sin 17. take of ashes of the burnt heifer of p. for sin 2 Chron. 30. 19. according to p. of the sanctuary JVeh. 12. 45. porters kept the ward of their p. Ksth. 2.3. the things of their/), be given them 12. so were the days of their p. accomplished lyuke 2. 22. when days of her/).were accomplished ^c£s 21. 26. the accomnlishnient of the days of p. PURIFY. JV"!m.l9.12.shall/). himself with it the third day,19. 20. shall be unclean, and shall not p. himself 31. 19./) .yourselves and your captives on third day 20./). all your raiment, and all made of skins Job reason of breakings theyp.themselves Isa. 66. 17. they p. themselves in the gardens Eiek. 43. 26. seven days shall they p. the altar Mai. 3. 3. and he shall p. the sons of Levi John 11. 55. went to Jerusalem to p. themselves Acts 21. 24. take and p. thyself with them Tit. 2. 14. and p. to himself a peculiar people Ja7n. 4. 8. p. your hearts, ye double minded PURIFIED. Lev. 8. 15. and p. the altar, and poured the blood JVitm. 8. 21. the Levites were p. Ezra 6. 20. 31. 23. shall be /). with the water of separation 2 Sore. 11.4. Bathsheba was/), from uncleanness Psal. 12. 6. are pure words, as silver p. seven times Prov. 30. t 5. every word of God is p. Dan. 12. 10. many shall be p. and made white Arts 24. 18. certain Jews from Asia found me p. Urb. 9. 1 18. nor first testament /). without blood 23. the patterns of things in the heavens hep. 1 jPeM.22. seeing ye have p. your souls in oheyin] 4(J6 PUR PURIFIER. Mai. 3. 3. he shall sit as a refiner and/), of silver PURIFIETH. JVum. 19. 13. touchcth a dead body and/), not 1 John 3. 3. that hath this hope p. himself PURIFYING. Lev. 12. 4. shall continue in the blood of her/). 6. when the days of her/), are fulfilled JSTum. 8. 7. sprinkle water of/), on them 1 Chron. 23. 28. oftice was in p. all holy things Esth. 2. 12. with other things for p. of women John 2. 0. after the manner of the p. of the Jews 3. 25. then there arose a question about p. Hcb. 9. 13. sanctifieth to the p. of the flesh PURIFYING. Acts 15. 9. p. their hearts by faith 21. 26. and the next day/), himself with them PURIM, Or Pur, or Phur ; that is to say, Lots. This was a very solemn feast of the Jews, instituted in memory of the Lots that were cast by Haman the enemy of the Jews. These Lots were cast in the first month of the year, Esth. 3. 7 : and viarked out the twelfth month of the same year, fur the ezccutio7i of Haman's design, which was to destroy all the Jews of the kingdom of Persia. Thus the superstition of Haman, i« casting and pursuing the event of these Lots, was the cause of his own ruin, and of the pre- servation of the Jews ; who had now time to avert this blow, by means of Esther the spouse o/ Ahasuerus, a7id to remove those ill impres- sions he had conceived of the Jews. In memory of this so signal and miraculous deliverance, the Jews instituted a feast, to which they gave the name of Pur, or Purim. Esth. 9. 26. called these days P. after name of Pur 28. and that these days of P. should not fail 29. to confirm this second letter of P. 31. 32. and the decree of Esther confirmed these P. PURITY. 1 Tim. 4. 12. be thou an example in faith, in p. 5. 2. rebuke the younger as sisters, with all p. PURLOINING. Tit. 2. 10. not/), but shewing all good fidelity PURPLE. Exod.^5. 4. this is the offering, blue,/), and scarlet 26. 1. thou shalt make curtains of fine linen and/). 39. 3. the gold cut into wires, to work in the p. JV«m. 4. 13. take away ashes and spread up. cloth Judg.8. 26./). raiment was on the kings of Midian 2 Chron. 2. 7. send a man cunning to work in p. 14. 3. 14. he made the vail of blue, and/), and crimson Esth. 1.6. fastened with cords of fine linen and p. 8. 15. Mordec. wentout with garm. of linen and/). Prov. 31. 22. her clothing is silk and/). Cant. 3. 10. he made the covering of it of/). 7. 5. and the hair of thine head like/?. .Tcr. 10. 9. blue and p. is their clothing Ezek. 27. 7. p. was that which covered theo 16.Syria occupied in thy fairs with emeralds,/). Mark 15. 17. and they clothed him with p. 20. mocked him, tliey took oflTthe p. from him Luke 16. 19. a certain rich man clothed in p. John 19. 2. the soldiers put on him a p. robe 5. then came Jesus forth wearing the p. robe Acts 16. 14. a woman named Lydia, a seller of/). Heb. 9. 1 19. Moses took p. and sprinkled the book Rev.Xl.i. the woman was arrayed mp. and scarlet 18. 12. none buyetli the merchandise of p. 16. that great city, that was clothed in p. and PURPOSE. [scarlet Jfam. 14. 134. ye shall know my altering of my p. Ruthi. 16. and let fall some handfuls of p. for her Ezra 4. 5. hired counsellors to frustrate their p. JVeh. 8. 4. a pulpit of wood they made for the p. .Tob 33. 17. that he may withdraw man from his p. Prov. 20. 18. every/), is established by counsel Eccl. 3. 1. and a time to every/). 17. J 8. 6. 5. +8. if thou seest oppression, marvel not at the/). Isa. 1. 11. to what/), is multitude of your sacrifices 14. 26. this isthe p.that is purposed upon the earth 30. 7. the Egyptians shall help in vain, and to nop. .ler. 6. 20. to what/), cometh to me incense? 49. 30. Nebuchadnezzar conceived a. p. ag. Hazor 51. 29. for every/), of the Lord shall stand Ezek. 38.t lO.thou shalt conceive a mischievous p. Dan. 6. 17. that p. be not changed concerning Dan Mat. 26. 8. saying, to what/), is this waste? Acts 11. 23. with p. of heart, they would cleave 26. 16. for I have appeared to thee for this p. 27. 13. supposing that they had obtained their p. 43. the centurion kept them from their p. Rom. 8. 23. who are the calleil according to his p. 9. 1 1. that the p. of God according to election stand 17. even for this same p. have I raised thee up -EpA.l.ll.accordingtothep. of him who worketh 3. 11. according to the eternal p. in Christ G. 22. whom I sent to you lor the same p. Col. 4. 8, 27'u)i.l.9. called us accord, to hisownp. and grace PUR 2Tim. 3. 10. but thou hast fully known myp. faith 1 John 3. 8. for thisp. Son of God was manifested PURPOSES. Gen. 6. f 5. thep. of man's heart was only evil .fob 17. 11. my days are past, my p. are broken ofT Prov. 15. 22. without counsel p. are disappointed Isa. 19. 10. they shall be broken in the p. thereof Jer. 49. 20. hear counsel of the Lord and p. 50. 45 PURPOSE, ED. 1 Kings 5. 5. Ip. to build a house to the Lord 2 Chr. 28.10. p. to keep under Judah and Jerusal. 32. 2. Sennacherib p. to fight against Jerusalem Psal. 17. 3. 1 am p. my mouth shall not transgress 140. 4. who have p. to overthrow my goings Isa. 14. 24. and as 1 have p. so shall it stand 26. this is the purpose p. upon the whole earth 27. the Lord hath p. who shall disannul it 1 19. 12. what the Lord hath p. upon Egypt 23.9. Lord hath p. to stain the pride of all glory 46. 11. I have p. it, and I will also do it Jer. 4. 28. I have p. it, and will not repent 26. 3. repent me of the evil which I p. to do them 36. 3. will hear all evil which I p. to do to them 49. 20. his purposes that he hath p. 50. 45. Lam. 2. 8. the Lord hath p. to destroy the wall Dan.l. 8. Dan. p. in his heart not to defile himself Acts 19. 21. Paul p. in spirit to go to Jerusalem 20. 3. Paul p. to return through Macedonia Rom. 1. 13. that oftentimes! p. to come to you 2 Cor. 1. 17. things Ip. do Ip. accord, to the flesh? Eph. 1. 9. his will which he hath p. in himself 3. 11. eternal purpose which hep. iu Christ Jesus PURPOSETH. 2 Cor. 9. 7. every man as hep. in his heart, so give PURPOSING. Gen. 27.42. Esau doth comfort hims.p. to kill thee PURSE. Prov. 1. 14. cast in thy lot, let us have one p. L^ike 10. 4. carry neitherp. nor scrip, nor shoes 22. 35. when I sent you without p. and scrip 36. but now he that hath a p. let him take it PURSES. Mat. 10.9. provide neither silv. nor brass in yourp. Mark 6. 8. they should take no money in their p. PURSUE. Gen. 3.5. 5. they did not p. after the sons of Jacob £iorf.l5.9. the enemy said,! will p. I will overtake Dent. 19. 6. lest the avenger of blood p.. /o^A. 20. 5. 28.22. they shall p. thee until thou perish, 45. Josh. 2. 5. p. after them, ye shall overtake them 8. 16. the men of Ai were called togelher top. 10. 19. stay not, but p. after your enemies 1 Sam. 24. 14. after whom dost thou p.? 25. 29. a man is risen to p. thee and seek thy soul 26. 18. wherefore doth my lord thus p. me ? 30. 8. shall I p. after this troop ? he answered, p. '2 Sam. 17. 1. I will arise and p. after David 20. G. take thy lord's servants, p. after Sheba, 7. 24. 13. wilt thou flee while enemies p. thee ? Job 13. 25. and wilt thou p. the dry stubble ? 30. 15. terrors p. my soul as the wind Psal. 34. 14. do good, seek peace and p. it Isa. 5. t 11. that continue till wine p. them 30. 16. therefore shall ihcy that p. you be swift Jer. 48. 2. O madmen, the sword shall p. thee Ezek. 35. 6. and blood shall p. thee Hos. 8. 3. Israel, the enemy shall p. him Amos 1. 11. bee. Edom didp. his broth. with sword JVaA. 1. 8. and darkness shall p. his enemies PURSUED. Gen. 14. 14. Abram p. them to Dan and Hobah, 15. 31. 23. Laban and liis brethren p. Jacob, 36. Exod. 14. 8. Pharaoh and the Egyptians p. after Israel, 9, 23. Dent. 11. 4. Josh. 24. 6. Josh. 2. 7. p. the spies || 8. 16. they of Ai p. 17. Judff. 1. G. p. after Adoni-bezek, and caught him 4. 16. but Barak p. after the chariots, 22. 7. 23. Gideon p. after the Midianites, 25. | 8. 12. 20. 45. Israel p. Benjamin unto Gidom 1 Sam. 7. 11. Israel p. the Philistines, 17. 52. 23.25. Saul p. David || 30. 10. David p. Amalekites 2 Sam. 2. 19. and Asahelp. after Abner 24. Joab p. Abner || 28. Joabp. Israel no more 20. 10. so Joab and Abishaip. after Sheba^ 22. 38. I have p. mine enemies, Psal. 18. 37. IKings 20.20.Syrian5 fled, and Israelp. after them 2 Kings 25. 5. and the army of Chaldces p. the king and overtook him, .Tcr. 39. 5. | 52. 8. 2 Chron. 13. 19. Abijah p. after Jeroboam 14. 13. Asa and people p. the Ethiopians to Gerar Isa. 41. 3. hep. them, and passed safely Z,o»ft.4.19. they p. us upon the mountains, laid wait PURSUER, S. 2. 16. get to the mountain lest p. meet you 22. until the p. returned, the p. sought them 8. 20. and the people turned back upon thep. Lam. 1. 6. are sone wilhout strength before thep. PURSUETH, ING. Lev. 26. 17. and ye shall flee when none p. you 36. and they shall fall when none p. 37. PUT Judg. 8. 4. Gideon with DUO men, faint, yet p. them 5. 1 am^.Zebah and Zalinunna, kinjja ol Midian 1 .Sum. 23. 2ri. Saul ruturned from p. after David 2 i'flw. 3. 2"-. behold, Joab came from p. a troop 18. l(i. the people returned from p. after Israel 1 Kings 18. 27. your god is p. or on a journey 22. 33. perceived it was not tiie king, they turned back frora^. Jehoshaphat, 2 C/troii. 18. 32. Prov. 11. 19. he that p. evil^. it to iiis own death 13. 21. evilp. sinners, to the righteous good repaid 19.7. he^. tiiem witli words, yet they are wanting 28. 1. the wicked flee when no man p. PURSUIT. 1 Kings 18. 127. lie is a god, talking, or hath a.p. PURTE.NANCK. Eiod. 12. 9. roast with tire, his head, legs, and p. PUSH. Ezod. 21. 29. but if the ox were wont to p. 36. 32. if the ox p. a man-servant or maid-servant Deut. 33. 17. with them he shall p. the people 1 Kings 22.11. with these thou shalt/i. the Syrians, until thou have consumed them, 2 Chr.\S. 10. Job 30. 12. they p. away my feet, and raise uj) Psal. 44. ."). thro' thee will we^. down our enemies i'a«.11.40. at the end shall king of south^. at him PUSHED. Eiek. 34. 21. p. all the diseased with your horns PUSHING. Dan.BAX saw the rani^. westward and northward PUT. Oen. 2.8. there God p. the man he had formed, 15. 3. 15. 1 will^. enmity between thee and woman 24. 2. p. thy hand under my thigh, 9. | 47. 29. 47. and I p. the ear-ring upon her face 27. 15. p. them upon Jacob her younger son 16. she 7;. the skins of the kids upon his hands 28. 11. Jacob p. the stones for his iiillows 29. 3. p. the stone again on the well's mouth 30. 40. he p. his own Hocks by themselves 42. when cattle were feeble, he ;;. not the rods 31. 34. Rachel p. them in the camels' furniture 32. 16. p. a space betwixt drove and drove 38. 14. Tamar p. off her widow's garments 39. 4. all he had he p. into Joseph's hand 40. 15. that they should p. me into the dungeon 42. 17. he j5. them altogether in ward 46. 4. Joseph shallp. his hand on thine eyes 48. 18. p. thy right hand upon liis head Ezod. 3. 5. draw not nigh hither, p. off thy shoes from oft" thy feet, ha. 20. 2. .acts 7. 33. 22. ye shall p. them on your sons and daughters 4. 6. Lord said, p. now thy hand in thy bosom 15. speak to him, and jd. words in his mouth 5. 21. to p. a sword in their hand to slay us 8. 23. I will/), a division between my people 11. 7. may know the Lord doth p. a difterence 15. 26. I willy, none of these diseases on thee 16. 33. p. a homer full of manna therein 32. 5. and p. his beast in another man's field 8. to see whether he ba.\o p. his hand 11. an oath that he hath not;;, his hand 23. 1. p. not thine hand with the wicked 29. 24. thou shaltp. all in the hands of Aaron 30. 36. p. of the perfume before the testimony 32. 27. p. every man his sword by his side 33. 5. now p. oft" thy ornaments from thee 22. I will p. thee in a cletl of the rock Z,eB.8.27. hep. all on Aaron's and his sons' hands 19. 14. nor;:), a stumbling-block before the blind 24. 12. and they;;, the blasphemer in ward 26. 8. p. ten thousand to flight, JJeiil. 32. 30. JVu7n.6.27. shall;;, my name on the children of Isr. 11. 17. of spirit which is on thee, and ;;.ui)on them 29. the Lord would p. his spirit on them 21.9.Mose9 made a serpent of brass, and ;;. it on a 23. 5. the Lord ;;. a word in Balaam's mouth, 16. Deut. 10. 2. thou shaJt p. tijera in the ark 5. I;;, the tables in ihc ark which I had made 11.29. thou shalt ;;. the ble.ssing on mount Gerizim 12. 5. the place he shall choose top. his name, 21. 7. ye shall rejoice in all ye p. your hand to 18. 18. and will p. my words in his mouth 23.24.but thou shall notp.any grapes in thy vessel Josh. 7. 11. p. it even among their own stuft" .Judg. 12. 3. I p. my life in my hands, and passed 1 Sam. 2. 36. p. me into one of the priest's offjces 8. 16. your king, he will p. your asses to work 14. 26. but no man p. his hand to his mouth 17. 39. and David ;;. them off" him 54. hut he p. Goliath's armour in his tent 19. 5. for he did p. his life in his hand 28. 21. I have p. my life in my hand \ Kings 5.3. Ld.p. them under the soles of his feet 9. 3. to p. my name there, 11. 36. 1 14. 21. 12.29. the other of the calves p. he in Dan 18. 23. lay it on wood, and p no fire under 22. 27. sailh the king, p. this fellow in prison 2 Kings 4. 34. hep. his mouth upon his month 11. 12. the king's son, they p. the crown on him 13.16. p. thine hand upon the bow, he p.h'xa hand 467 PUT 2 Kings 19. 28. willp. hook in thy nose, Tsa. 37.29. 21. 7. in this house and Jerusalem will I p. my name for ever, 2 C/tr. 6. 20. | 12. 13. | 33. 7. 1 Chron. 11.19. that have p. their lives in jeopardy 13. 10. because hep. his hand to the ark 21. 27. and the angel p. up his sword again 2 Chron. 6. 11. and in the bouse have I p. the ark 36. 3. the king of Egyptp. him down at Jerusalem 22. Cyrus p. the decree in writing, Ezra 1. 1. Ezra 6. 12. destroy kings that;;, their hand to alter 7. 27. hath p. such a thing in the king's heart JVV-A. 2. 12. what God had p. in my heart to do 3. 5. the nobles p. not their necks to the work 4. 23. that every one p. them oft' for washing 6. 14. Tobiah would have p. me in fear, 19. Esth.'J.l. his decree drew near to e.\ecution Job 4. 18. behold, lie p. no trust in his servants 13. 14. wherefore do Ip. my life in mine hand? 17. 3. lay down, p. me in a surety with thee 19. 13. he hath p. my brethren I'ar from me 23. 6. no, but he would p. strength in me 38. 36. who p. wisdom in the inward parts 41. 2. canst thou p. a hook into his nose ? Psal. 4. 7. thou hast p. glaJiiess in my heart 8. 6. thou hast p. all things under his feet, 1 Cor. 15. 25, 27. I Rph. 1. 22. | Heb. 2. 8. 9. 20. p. in fear, O Lord, that nations may know 30. 11. thou hastp. oftmy sackcloth and girded me 31. 18. let the lying lips be p. to silence 40. 3. he hath p. a new song in my mouth 14. let them be driven backward, and p. to shame that wish me eviJ, 44. 7. 1 53. 5. 44. 9. but thou hast cast off and p. us to shame 56. 8. p. thou my teats into thy buttle 78. 66. he p. them to a perpetual reproach 88. 18. lover and friend hast thou p. far from me 118.8.better to trust in L. than man 9.better to trust in L. than top.confid. in princes 119. 31. O Lord, p. me not to shame Prov. 23. 2. and p. a knife to thy throat 25. 8. when thy neighbour hath p. thee to shame 10. lest he that heareth it p. thee to shame Eccl. 10. 10. then must hep. to more strength Ga/( t.5.3. 1 havep.oft'niy coat, how shall on? 4. my beloved p. in his hand by hole of the door Isa 5. 20. woe to them that p. darkness for light 10. 13. I have p. down the inhabitants 11.8. weaned childp. his hand on cockatrice' den 37. t 7. 1 will p. a spirit into him 42. 1. Ihavep. my Spirit upon him. Mat. 12. 18. 43. 26. p. me in remembrance, let us plead 47. 11 . thou shalt not be able to p. it oft" 51. 16. I have p. words in thy month, Jer. 1. 9. 23. p. it into the hand of them that afflict thee 53. 10. to bruise him, he hath ;;. him to grief 59. 1 19. Spirit of the Lord shall p. him to flight 21. the words I p. in thy mouth shall not depart 63.11.where ishe thatp.hisHoly Spi. within him? Jer. 3. 19. how shall I p. thee among the children 8. 14. for the Lord our God hath p. us to silence 12. 13. theyhavep. pain but not profit 31. 33. I will p. my law in their inward parts 32. 40. I will p. my fear in their hearts 47. 6. O sword p. up thyself into thy scabbard Ezek. 8. 17. they p. the branch to their nose 11. 19. 1 will give them one heart, I willp. a new spirit within you, .•?0. 26, 27. | 37. 14. 16. 14. through my comeliness 1 had p. upon thee 22. 26. her priests have p. no dift'erence 29. 4. I will p. hooks in thy jaws, 38. 4. 30. 13. I will p. a fear in the land of Egyjit 37. 6. and p. breath in you, and ye shall live Dan. 5. 19. and whom he would hep. down Jocl^.\Xp.'m the sickle, for the harvest is ripe Jl/;c.2.12.I will p. them together as sheep of Bozrah 7. 5. trust not a friend, p. ye not confid. in a guide Zcph. 3. 19. where they have been p. to shame Hag. 1. (). carneth wages in a bag with holes J)Aa<.5.15. nor light candle andp. it under a bushel 9. 17. nor do men p. new wine into old bottles 19. 6. let no man p. asunder, Mark 10. 9. 22. 34. that he had p. the Sadducees to silence 2.5. 27. oughtest top. my money to e.vchangers 26. 52. p. up again thy sword, John 18. 11. 27. 6. not lawful top. them into the treasury Mark 10.16.p. his hands on them and blessed them /.u/iTf 1..52.hathp.down the mighty from their seats 15. 22, bring best robe, p. it on him, andp. a ring John .5. 7. I have none to p. me into the pool 9. 15. he p. clay upon mine eyes, and I (lo see 19.29.p. it upon hyssop, and p. it to his mouth 20. 25. unless T p. my finger into the print of nails Jlcts 1. 7. Ihc Father hath p. in his own power 4. 3. they p. the apostles in hold unto next day 5. 18. and p. them in the common prison 2.5. behold, the men whom ye ;;. in prison 1.3. 46. seeing ye p. the word of God from you 15. 9. difference between us and them 10. to p. a yoke upon the neck of the disciples Rom. 14. 13. that no man p. a stumbling block PUT 1 Cor. 15.24. he shall have p. down authority 25. till he p. all his enemies under his feet 2 Cor. 5. tl9.p. in us the word of reconciliation 8.16. (Jod, which ;;. the same earnest care in Titus Eph. 4. 22. that yep. oft" the old man. Col. 3.9. Cul. 3. 8. ye also p. oft" all these, anger, wrath ITim. 4.6. if thoup.the brethren in remembrance, shall be a good minister, 2 Tiiu. 2. 14. 'UTim. 1. 6. wherefore I p. thee in remembrance Tit. 3. 1. p. them in mind to be subject to powers I'hilevi. 18. if he owetli, p. that on my account Ucb. 2. 5. to angels, hath he not p. in subjection 6.6.if fall away, to renew them,seeing they crucify Son of God af"resh,andp.him to an open shamo 8. 10. 1 will p. my laws into their mind, and write 10. 16. 1 willp. my laws into their hearts Jam. 3. 3. we p. hits in the horses' mouth 1 Pet. 2. 15. ye may p. to silence the ignorance 2 Pet. 1. 12. top. you always in remembrance 14. knowing that I must p. oft' this tabernacle Jude 5. I willp. you also in remembrance Rev. 2. 24. I will p. on you none other burden 17. n.Godhathp. in their hearts to fulfil his will PUT away. Gen. 35. 2. p. away the strange gods among you Exod. 12.15. p. away the leaven out of your houses Z>e«.21.7.nortakea womanp. «;/)«»/ from her husb. Deut. 19. 13. p. away guilt of innocent blood, 21. 9. 22. 19. he may not p. away all his days, 29. Josh. 24.14. p. away the strange gods your fathers served, 23. Jadg. 10. 16. 1 Sam.l. 3. 1 Sam. 1. 14. Eli said, p. away thy wine from thee 28. 3. Saul had p. away wizards out of the land 2 Sam. 7. 15. Saul whom I p. away before thee 12. 13. Nathan said, the Ld. hath p. oasai/ thy sin 2 Kings 3. 2. Jehoramp. away the imago of Baul 23. 24. all the abominations did Josiahp. away 2 Chron. 15. 8. Asap. away the abominable idols Ezra 10. 3. make a covenant top. away the wives 19. they gave their hands top. away their wives Job 11. 14. if iniquity be in thine hand, p. it away 22. 23. p. away iniqiuty from thy tabernacle Psal. 18.22. 1 did notp. away his statutes from mo 27. 9. p. not thy servant away in anger 88. 8. thou hastp. away mine acquaintance Prov. 4. 24. p. away from thee a froward mouth /sa. 50. 1. whom I liavep.n?oa?/,youv motherp. «;««?/ ,Jer. 3. 1. if a man p. away his wil"e, will he return S.Ihadp.her aioayand given her a bill of divorce 4. 1. if thou wilt p. away thine abominations • Ezek. 43. 9. let them p. away their whoredom 44. 22. nor shall priest take her that is p. away Hos. 2. 2. let her p. away her whoredoms Jlmos 6. 3. ye that p. far away the evil day Mat. 2. 1 16. if he hate her, p. her away Mat.l.}9.J usei>h was m'mdedto p. her away privily 5. 31. it hath been said, whoso shallp. away his wife, 32. I 19.9. MarkW.U. LnkclG.18. it lawful for man top. away his v/Uct 12. if a woman .shall p. away hex husband 1 Cor. 5. 13. p. away from you that wicked person 7. 11. let not the husband p. away his wife, 12. 13. 11. when a man, I p. away childish things Eph. 4. 31. let anger and evil speaking be p. away \Tim. I. 19. which some having p. away Heb. 9. 26. to p. away sin by the sacrifice of hims. See Death, f^iL. VVT forth. Gen. 3. 02. lest he p. forth and lake of tree of life 8. 9. 'Noah p. forth his hand and took the dove 19. 10. the men p. forth their hand and pulled Lot into the house to them Ktod.A.i.p.forth thine hand and take it by the tail Deut. 33. 14. precious things p. forth by the moon Judg. 3. 21. and Ehud p. forth his left hand C. 21. the angel p. forth the end of the staff 14. 12. I will now p. forth a riddle to you, 13. 15. 1.5. Samson p. /hWA and took the jaw-bone 1 Sum.14.27. ionath.p./er^A the rod and dipped it 22. 17. the servants notp. forth to slay the priests 24.10. not p. forth mine hand ag. Lord's anointed 2 .Sa,7;i.6.6. Uzzahp./. his hand to ark, 1 Ckr. 13.9. 1.5..5. to do Absalom obeisance, hep./orf A his hand 18. 12. yet notp. forth my hand against king's son 1 Kings 13. 4. jerob. p. forth, his hand, and he p./. Job 1. 11. p. forth thine hand and touch all, 2. .5. 12. only upon himselfp. not forth thy hand Ps. 55.20. he p. /or^/i hands against him at peace 125. 3. lest the righteous p. /o;V/i their hands rrojj.S.l.doth not Understand, p. /or/A her voice? 25. 6. p. not forth thyself in presence of the king Jer.\ .9.L .p. forth his hand and touched my mouth Ezek.f^.3. he p. forth form of a hand and took me 17. 2. son of man p. forth a riddle and speak Mat. 8. 3. Jesus p. forth his hand and touched him, I will, bo thou clean, Mark 1.41. itt.5.13. 9. 25. but when peojile were p. f«r(A, he went in 13. 24. another parablop.he/»reut. 27. 10. shaltdoAis*. which I command thee 28. 15. if thou wilt not observe to do his s. 2 .''am. 22. 23. his s. I did not depart from them ]/rino-s8.61.1ef your hearts be perfect to walkinA.s. ^KingsM. 15. they rejected hiss, and his covenant 23. 3. made a covenant to keep his s. 2Chr. 34. 31. .K:ra7. 11. to Ezra even a scribe of Aw s. to Israel Psal. 18. 22. I did not put away his s. from me 105. 45. that they might observe his s. and laws Jcr. 44. 23. nor walked in his law, nor in his s. See Judgments. Mj STATUTES. Gen. 26. 5. because Abraham kept iny s. and laws Lev. 18. 5. ye shall theref. keep mtj s. 26. | 19. 19. 25. 18. ye shall do mys.\\ 26. 3. if ye walk in my s. 26.15. if ye despise my s.\\ 43. they abhorred my s. 1 Kings 3. 14. if thou wilt keep raj/s. as David did 9.6.will not keep my «. || 11. 11. hast not kept my s. II. 34. he kept7ny5. {| 2 Kings 17. 13. keep/ny*. 2 Chron. 7. 19. if ye turn away, and forsake mys. Fsal. 50. 16. what hast thou to do to declare mys. 89. 31. if they break my s. keep not conimandm. Jcr. 44. 10. neither have they walked in my s. Ezek. 5. 6. hath changed my s. more than nations 7. Ld.saith, because ye have not walked in my s. 11. 20. they may walk in my s. and do them 18. 19. when the sun hath kept all my s. 36. 27. and I will cause you to walk in my s. Zech. 1. 6. my s. did take hold of your fathers Thy STATUTES. 1 Chr. 29. 19. give him a perfect heart lo keep thy s. Psal. 119. 12. blessed art thou O Lord, teach me thy s. 26, 33, 64, 68, 124, 135. 16. I will delight myself in thy s. not forget word 23. but thy servant did meditate in thy s. 48. and I will meditate in thy s. 54. thy s. have been my songs in my pilgrimage 71. T have been afflicted, that I might learn Ihys. 80. let my heart be sound in tAj/.9.bc not ashamed 83. 1 am like a bottle, yet do I not forget thy s. 112. I inclined my heart to perform thy s. alway 117. I will have respect to thy s. continually 118. hast trodden down them thatcrr from thy s. 1.55. for the wicked seek not thy s. 171. my lips praise, when thou hast taught thy s. STAVES. J?;zoam.4.8.their skin is withered and become like a s. Ezek. 37. 16. take one s. write on it, take another s. 17. and join them one to another into one s. 19. STICKS. JVam. 15. 32. a man that gathered s. on the sabbath 33. they that found hira gathering s. brought him 1 Kings 17. 10. the widow woman was gatherings. 12. behold, I am gathering two s. to go in Ezek. 37. 20. and the s. whereon thou wrilest Acts 28. 3. when Paul had gathered a bundle of *. STIFF. Jer. 17. 23. they obeyed not, but made their neck s. STIFF-HEARTED. Ezek.'2. 4. they are impudent childr. and s.-hearted STIFF-NECK. Deut. 31. 27. I know thy rebellion and thy s.-neck Psa/. 75. 5. lift your horn, speak not with a s.-necA STIFF-NECKED. Exod.Si.Q. behold, this people is a s.-nccicd people 33. 3. thou art a s.-necked people, Deut. 9. 6. 5. say to Israel, ye are a s.-necked people 34. 9. for it is a s.-necked people, Dcut. 9. 13. Deut. 10. 16. circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more s.-necked 2 Chron.30. not s.-necked as your fathers were Acts 7. 51. ye s.-necked ye always resist H. Ghost STIFFENED. 2 Chr. 36. 13. he s. his neck and hardened his heart STILL. Gen. 41. 21. but they were s. ill-favoured as at first Exod. 9. 2. if thou refuse, and wilt hold them s. J^ev. 13. 57. and if it appear s. in the garment J\rum. 14. 38. but Joshua and Caleb lived s. Josh. 24. 10. therefore Balaam blessed you s. 1 Sam. 12. 25. but if ye shall s. do wickedly 26. 25. Saul said, thou also shall s. prevail 2 Sam.14. 32. it had been good to have been there*. 16. 5. Shimei came forth, and cursed s. as he came 2 Kings 7. 4. and if we sit s. here, we die also 12. 3. the people sacrificed s. and burnt incense in the high places, 15. 4, 35. 2 CAron. 33. 17. 2 CAron. 22. 9. had no power to keep s. the kingdom Job 2. 3. and s. he holdeth fast his integrity 9.his wife said, dost thou s.retain thine integrity'? 3. 13. for now should I have lain s. and been quiet 20. 13. though he keep it s. within his mouth Psai.49.9.that he should s. live for ever and not see 68. 21. such a one as goeth on s. in his trespasses 78. 32. for all this they sinned s. and believed not 84. 4. in thy house they will be s. praising thee 92. 14. they shall s. bring forth fruit in old age 139. 18. when I awake, I am s. with thee Eccl. 12. 9. he s. taught the people knowledge Isa. 5. 25. his anger is not turned awav, but his hand is stretched out s. 9. 12, 17, 21. | 10. 4. Jer. 8. 14. why do we sit s.? assemble yourselves 23. 17. they say s. unto them that despise me 27. 11. those will I let remain s. in their own land 31. 20. I do earnestly remember him s. my bowels 42.10.if ye will s. abide in this land, willbuild you Lam. 3.20. my soul hath them s. in remembrance Ezek. 33. 30. thy peoples, are talking against thee 41. 7. there was a winding about s. upward Zech. 11. 16. nor feed that that standeth s. .lohn 7.9. when had said these words, abode s. 11. 6. Acts 15. 34. it pleased Silas to abide .s. 17. 14. iJoTO.11.23.if Ihey bide not s. in unbelief, be graffed 1 THm. 1. 3. I besought thee to abide s. at Ephesus Rev. 22. 11. let him be unjust s. filthy s. holy s. See Stand, Stood. STILL. Exod.lS.lG. they shall be as s. as a stone, till people Judg. 18. 9. the land is very good, and are ye s.? 1 Kings 19. 12. and after the fire a s. small voice 22. 3. Ramoth in Gilead is ours, and we he s. Job 4.tl6.there was silence, I heard s. voice, saying Psal. 4. 4. commune with your heart and be s. 8. 2. that thou mightesls. the enemy and avenger 23. 2. he leadeth me beside the s.' waters 46. 10. be s. and know that I am God 76. 8. the earth feared, and was s. 83. 1. hold not thy peace, and be not s. O God STO STO Ps. 107.29. storm a calm, that waves thereof are s. Isa. 23. 2. be s. ye inhabitants of the isle 30. 7. I have cried, their strength is to sit s. 42. 14. I have been s. and refrained myself ./er. 47.6. O thou sword of the Lord, rest and be s. Mark 4.39.he arose and said to the sea,peace, be s. STILLED. JVum. 13. 30. Caleb s. the people before Moses JVcA. 8. 11. so Uie Levites s. all the people STILLEST. Psal. 89. 9. when the waves arise thou s. them STILLETH. Psal. 65. 7. who s. the noise of the seas, of waves STING. 1 Cor. 15. 55. where is thy s.? || 56. s. of death is sin STINGS. Rev. 9. 10. were s. in their tails, power to hurt men STINGETH. Prov. 23. 32. at the last it «. like an adder STINK, Substantive. Isa. 3. 24. instead of sweet smell, there shall be s. 34. 3. their s. shall come out of their carcases Joel 2.20.his s.shall come up,and ill savour come up ^mos 4.10.have made «. of your camps to come up STINK. Oen. 34. 30. ye have made me to s. in the land £iod.5.t 21. have made our savour to the eyes 7. 18. the fish shall die, and the river shall s. 16. 24. the manna that was laid up did not s. 1 Sam. 13. t 4. Israel did s. with the Philistines 27. 1 12. he hath made his people Israel to s. 1 Chr. 19. t 6. Ammon saw they made them to s Psal. 38. 5. my wounds 5. and are corrupt STINKETH. Isa. 50. 2. their fish s. because there is no water John 11. 39. Martha said, Lord, by this time he s. STINKING. Psal. 14. 1 3. they are become s. altogether Eccl. 10.1. cause ointment to send forth as. savour STIR. JVum. 24. 9. he lay as a lion, who shall s. him up'! Job 17.8. innocent s. up himself ag. the hypocrite 41. 10. none is so fierce that dare s. him up Psal. 35. 23. s. up thyself, and awake to judgment 78. 38. and he did not s. up all his wrath 80. 2. s. up thy strength, and come and save us Prov. 15. 1. but grievous words s. up anger Cant. 2. 7. that ye s. not up my love, 3. 5. | 8. 4. Isa. 10. 26. the Lord shall s. up a scourge for him 1.3. 17. behold, I will s. up the Medes against them 42. 13. he shall s. up jealousy like a man of war Z)a7i.ll.2. he shall*. up all against realm of Grecia 25. he shall s. up his power against the king 2 Tim. 1. 6. that thou s. up the gift of God in thee 2 Pet. 1. 13. I think it meet to s. you up, 3. 1. STIR. jjcti 12.18. there was no smalls, among the soldiers 19. 23. there arose no small s. about that way STIRS. /ja.23. 2. thou that art full of s. a tumultuous city STIRRED. Exod. 35. 21. whose heart s. him up, 26. 1 36. 2. lSam.22.8. thatmy son hath s.upmy scrv. 26. 19. if the Lord have s. thee up against me IKings 11.14. Lord s.up an adversary to Solomon 23. God s. him up another adversary, Rezon 21.25. none like Ahab, whom Jezebel his wife s.up 1 Chron. H. 26. and God «. up the spirit of Pul 2 Chron. 21. 16. L. s. upag. Jehoram the Philistines 36. 22. Lord s. up the spirit of Cyrus, Ezra 1. 1. Psal. 39. 2. I was dumb, and my sorrow was s. Dan. 11.10. buthia sons shall be s.up and assemble 25. the king of the south shall be s. up to battle Hofr. 1. 14. the Lord s. up the s^pirit of Zernbbabel Jtcts 6. 12. they s. up the people, 17. 13. | 21. 27. 1,3. 50. but the Jews s. up the devout women 14. 2. the unbelieving Jews s. up the Gentiles 17. 16. at Athens, Paul his spirit was s. in him STIRRETH. an eagle .?.uphernest,fluttereth over Prov. 10. 12. hatred s. up strifes, hut love covcreth 15. 18. a wrathful man s. up strife, 29. 22. 28. 25. he that is of a proud heart s. up strife Isa. 14. 9. hell from beneath s. up the dead for thee 64. 7. none s. up himself to take hold on thee /.uJSre 23.5. he s. up people teaching thro' all Jewry STOCK. Lev. 25. 47. or to the s. of the stranger's family Job 14. 8. though the s. thereof die in the ground Isa. 40. 24. yea, their s. shall not take root in earth 44. 19. shall I fall down lo the s. of a tree? Jer. 2. 27. saying to a s. thou art my father 10.8. are brutish, the s. is a doctrine of vanities .^cts 13. 26. children of the s. of Abraham Phil. 3. 5. of the s. of Israel, a Hebrew of Hebrews STOCKS. Job 13. 27. thou puttest my feel also in the s. 33. 11. he putteth my feet in s. raaketh my paths Prov. 7. 22. or as a fool to the correction of the s. Jer. 3. 9. she committed adultery with stones and s. 581 Jer. 20. 2. then Pashur put Jeremiah in the s. 3. 29.26. thatthoushouldstputhim in prison and s. Hos. 4. 12. my people ask counsel at their s. Acts 16. 24. who made their feet fast in the s. GAZING-STOCK. JVoA. 3. 6. and I will set thee as a gazing-s. were made a gaiing-s.hy reproaches STOICS Were a sort of heathen philosophers, who took their name from the Greek -word Sxoa, sig- nifying aporch or entry,because Zeno, the head of the Stoics, kept his school in a porchof the city of Athens. They held, that a wise man ought to be free from all passions, never to b moved either with joy or grief, esteeming all things to be ordered by an inevitable necessity and fate. Josephus soys, that the Pharisees approach very near to the sentiments of the Stoics. They affected the same stiffness, pa- tience, apathy, austerity, and insensibility The sect of the Stoics was still considerable at Athens, when St. Paul came thither, since he had conferences with them, Acts 17. 18. STOLE. Oen. 31. 20. Jacob s. away unawares to Laban 2 Sam. 15. 6. so Absalom s. the hearts of Israel 2.ffi'7i^sll.2.Jehoshebas.Joash from among king's sons, they hid him from Athalia, 2 C/irore. 22. 11. Mat. 28. 13. his disciples s. him while we slept Epft. 4.28. let him thats. steal no more, but labour STOLEN. Oen. 30. 33. that shall be counted s. with me 31.19. and Rachel had s. her father's images, 32. 26. that thou hast s. away unawares to me 30. yet wherefore hast thou s. my gods'? 39.didst require it, whether day, or night 40. 15. indeed I was s. away out of the land Exod. 22. 7. if the stuff be s. out of the house 12. if it he s. from him, he shall make restitution .Tosh. 7. 11. they have s. and dissembled also 2 Sam. 19. 41. why have men of Judah s.thee away 21. 12. the men of Jabesh had s. the bones of Saul Pro?j.9.17.s. waters are sweet,bread eaten in secret Oftad.5. would they not have s.till they had enough "STOMACH. 1 Tim. 5. 23. but use a little wine for thy s. sake STOMACHER. Isa. 3. 24. instead of a s. a girding of sackcloth STONE Is a mineral well known, of which there are di- vers kinds. .Is to the precious stones, or gems of which mention is made in Scripture, all that can be found concerning them in the Com- mentators, is not much to be relied on, since neither the Jews, nor even the ancient Greek Interpreters, seem to have had a sufficient knowledge of the proper signification of the original terms. The corner-stone, or the head-stone of the corner, Psal. 118. 22. This is that which is put as the angle of a building, whether at the founda- tion, or at the top vf the wall. Jesus Christ is that corner-stone which was rejected by the Jews, but is become the corner-stone of the church, and the stone that binds and unites the Jews and Gentiles iti the union of the same faith. Mat. 21. 42. Eph. 2. 15, 20. And as corner-stones and foundation-stones in build- ings used to be chosen with care, and to be thoroughly examined by the builder : so Christ is called a tried stone, a sure foundation. Isa. 28. 16, I lay in Zion, a tried stone, a sure foun- dation. / have tried, I have approved of him as every way sufficient to be the foundation and head of the church. And because this stone is not set up by man, but sent by God, therefore he is said to be cut out of the moun- tain without hands, Dan. 2. 45. .^nd because unbelievers refuse to be laid upon this stone and so perish, therefore it is called a stone of stumbling, a rock of offence, that is, an oc- casion of sin and ruin, at whom they will take offence and stumble, so as to fall nnd be broken, Isa. 8. 14, 15. 1 Pet. 2. 8. This was accomplished at the coming of the Messiah, whom the Jews rejected to their own destruc- tion, as not answering their carnal expecta- tions, nor suiting with their way of building : that is, not to be made use of for promoting and carrying on their worldly projects and in- terest. Christ is likewise called, a precious stone, because of his excellency, glory, and beauty ; he is called a chosen, an elect stone, because he was chosen and appointed by the Father to the work of redemption before the foundation of the world, 1 Pet. 1. 20. | 2. 4, 6. He is likewise termed a living stone, 1 Pet. 2. 4. He communicates .ipiritual life to those that close with him, and are built upon him. Ijastly, this stone is said to have seven eyes, STO Zech. 3. 9. to note that the Messiah should be eyidued with perfect wisdom and knowledge, lo order all things in tlie church, to watch over it, and to take care of all the concerns thereof. As Christ the Head is called a stone, so also his members, true believers, who are built upon, and derive spiritual life from the foundation, Christ, arc called stones. 1 Pet. 2. 5, Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house. As the law was engraven on two tables of stones, so believers have the law written in their hearts. They are stones for their constancy, strength, and unmovablencss in all the storms of life. They are stones for continuance and durableness. As stones are dug out of a quar- ry, so believers are selected and chosen from the rest of mankind. They arc united with Christ and true Christians in one body ; like the stones of a house, compact among them- selves, and upon the foundation. A heart of stone. Job, speaking of the Levia- than, says, that his heart is as firm as a stone, yea, as hard as a piece of the nether millstone, Job 41. 24. That is, he is of a very extraordinary strength, boldness, and courage. It is said, 1 Sam. 25. 37. that Nabal's heart died within him, and he became as a stone, when he jcas told of the danger he had incurred by his imprudence. His heart became immove- able like a stone, it was contracted, or con- vulsed, and this convulsion was the occasion of his death. Ezckiel says, that the Lord will take away from his people their heart of stone, and give them a heart of ilesh, Ezek. 36. 26. that he will take away the stubborn, senseless, and untractable disposition of the heart, that receives no kindly impressions from the word, providence, or Spirit of Ood in his ordinary operations and influences, that hardens itself in a day of provocation, that is hardened by the deceitfulness of sin; he will take this away, and give a tender, tractable temper and disposition. Much to the same sense is that which John the Baptist said, Mat. 3. 9, That God is able to raise up children unto Abraham even of stones; that is, from among the heathen ; or even of the stones of the de- sert, Ood was able to raise up a spiritual seed to Abraham. A stone is sometimes put for an idol of stone, Hab. 2. 19, Woe unto him that saith to the wood, awake, and to the dumb stone, arise, it shall teach. Hezekiah in his prayer says. The kings of Assyria have cast the gods of the nations into the fire; for they were no "ods, but the work of men's hands, wood and stone, Isa. 37. 19. And in Jer. 2. 27, Say- ing to a stock, thou art my father, and to a stone, thou hast brought me forth. To be reduced to a heap of stones, if said of a city or house which is entirely ruined and de- molished. Mic. 1. 6, I will make Samaria as a heap of the field, and as the plantings of a vineyard. So in Isa. 17. 1, Damascus ia taken from being a oily, and it shall be a ruinous heap. Thus also our Saviour, ."peak- ing of the destruction of Jerusalem, says, that one stone shall not remain upon another. Mat. 24. 2. The white stone. Rev. 2. 17, I will give him a white stone ; / will give him a full and public pardon and absolution. It is spoken in allu- sion to an ancient custom of delivering a white stone to such as they acquitted in judgment. They used likewise to give a white stone as a reward to such as conquered in their games ; such as alhtde to this, make this the sense ; I will give him a full and ample reward. Solomon says in Proverbs 26. 8, As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth ho- nour to a fool. When a stone is fastened to the sling, the slingcr hinders his own design of throwing it, he loseshis labour : so doestheman who gives honour to a fool. But the words may be otherwise rendered, as he that putteth a pre- cious stone in a heap of stones, where it is ob- scured and lost: And as this little stone does not augment the heap, nor is so much as seen upon it; so honour heaped upon a fool, does not ren- der him more worthy of consideration. Others translate it, to tie a stone in a piece of purple, is to give honour to a fool. As nothing can be so ill placed as a stone in a piece of fine cloth; so are honours ill placed upon a fool. Oreat heaps of stones, raised up for a witness of any memorable event, and to preserve the re- jnembrance of somematter of great importance, are the most ancient monuments among the Hebrews. In those elder ages, before the use of STO writing these monuments were instead of in- scriptions, medals, or histories. Jacob and La- ban raised such a monuvient upon mount Gi- lead, in memory of their covenant, Gen. 31. 46. Joshua erectcil one at Gilgal made of stones, taken out of the Jordan, to preserve the memo- rial of his miraculous passage over this river, Josh. 4. 5, 6, 7. The Israelites that dwelt beyond Jordan, also raised one upon the banks of the river, as a testimony that they consti- tuted but one nation with their brethren on the other side. Josh. 22. 10. 7'he Hebrews also give the name of stones to the weights they use in commerce, Lev. 19. 36, Jusi weights shall ye have: The Hebrew says, just stones. And in Deut. 25. 13, Thou shall not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small ; The Hebrews say, A stone and a stone. Mso Prov. 11. 1, A just weight is his delight ; in Hebrew, a perfect stone. .See also Prov. 16. 11. I 20. 10. Stones are likewise taken for a violent shower of hail. Josh. 10. 11, The Lord cast down great stones from hea- ven upon them. The punishment of stoning; See Punishment. GfJi.ll.S.they had brick for s. and slime for mortar 28. 18. Jacob set up a s. for a pillar, 22. | 31. 4.5. 29.3. they rolled s. from the well's mouth, 8, 10. 35. 14. Jacob set up a pillar of «. in the place 49. 24. from thence is the shepherd, thes. of Israel Exod. 4. 25. Zipporah took a sharp s. and cut off 15. 5. they sank into the bottom as a s. 16. by greatness of thy arm they shall be still as s. 17. 12. and they took a s. and put it under him 20. 25. if thou wilt make me an altar of s. 21. 18. and if one smite another with a s. 28.10. six of their names on one s. six on another s. 11. with the work of an engraver in s. Z,e».26.1.nor shall ye set up any image of land JV«m. 35.17. if he smite him with throwing a .t. 23. Deut.2o. 1 13.shalt not have in thy bag a s. and a «. Josh. 4. 5. take ye up every man of you s. on shoul. 15. 6. the border went up to the s. of Bohan 18. 17. the border descended to the s. of Bohan 24. 27. behold, this s. shall be a witness unto us Judg. 9. 5. he slew seventy persons on one s. 18. 1 Sam. 6. 18. which s. remaineth unto this day 7. 12. Samuel set up a s. and called it Eben-ezer 17. 49. David look from his bag a s. and slang it, the s. sunk into the Philistine's forehead 50. David prevailed over the Philistine with a s. 20. 19. and thou shall remain by the s. Ezel 25.37. Nabal's heart died in him, he became as a s. 2 Sam. 5. t 11- Hiram sent hewers of s. of the wall 17. 13. till (here be not one small s. found there was built ofs. made ready before 18. all was cedar, there was no s. seen 2 Kings 3. 25. on good land cast every man his s. 1 Chron. 22. 15. there are with thee hewers of s. 2 Chron. 2. 14. skilful to work in gold, silver, and s. JiTeh. 9.11. thou threwest as a s. into mighty waters Job 28. 2. and brass is molten out of the s. 38. 30. waters are hid as with a s. deep is frozen 41. 24. his heart is as firm as a s. yea as hard as Psal. 91. 12. angels shall bear thee up, lest thou dash thy foot against a s. Mat. 4. 6. Luke 4. 11. 18. 22. s. which the builders refused, is become head s. of the corner. Mat. 21. 42. Mark 12. 10. Prov. U. 1 1- but a perfect s. is his delight 20. 1 10. a s. and a s. are alike abomination to L. 26. 8. as he that bindeth a s. in a sling, so is he 27. as he that rolleth a s. it will return upon him 27. 3. a s. is heavy, a fool's wrath is heavier Jer. 2. 27. and to a s. thou hast brought me forth 51.26. they shall not take of thee a 5. for a corner, nor a *. for foundations, but shaltbe desolate J^am. 3. 53. they have cast a s. upon me Vaji. 2. 34. a s. was cut out of the mountain, 45. 6. 17. and a s. was laid upon the mouth of the den Amos 9. 1 9. yet shall not the least «. fall on earth Mah. 2. 11. for the s. shall cry out of the wall 19. woe to him that saith to the dumb s. arise Wag-.2.15.from before a s.was laid upon as. in tern. Zech. 3. 9. for behold, the s. that I have laid be- fore Joshua, upon one s. shall be seven eyes 4. 7. he shall bring forth the head s. thereof 7. 12. they made their hearts as an adamant g. Mat. 7 9. if ask bread,will he give «.? Luke 11. 11. 21. 44. whosoever shall fall on this 3. shall be broken, but on whoms. it shall fall, Luke 20. 18. 24.2. verily I say, there shall not be left here one s. upon another, Mark 13. 2. Luke 19. 44. | 21. G. 27. 66. sealing the s. |1 28. 2. angel rolled back s. Luke 4. 3. command this s. that it be made bread 20.17.S. which the builders rejected, is become the head of the corner, Acts 4. 11. 1 Pet. 2. 7. 22. 41. he was withdrawn from them a s. cast 24.2.fonnd s. rolled away, Mark 16. 4. .rohn 20. 1. John 1. 42. Cephas which is by interpretation a .?. 2. 6. and there were set there six water-pots of s. 582 STO John 8.7.that is without sin,let him first cast her 11. 38. it was a cave, and a s. lay upon it 39. take ye away s. \\ 41. they took away the s Acts 17. 29. that the Godhead is like to «. graven Rev. 16.21. hail fell every s. the weight of a talent 18. 21. au angel took up a s. like a great millstone Burdensome STONE. Zech. 12.3. 1 will make Jerusalem a burdensome s. See Corner, Great, Hewed. Hewn STONE. Exod. 20. 25. thou shall not build altar of hewn s. 2KingsiiZ.6. to builders and masons to buy timber and repair the house, 2 Chro7i.3i.ll. Lam. 3. 9. he hath inclosed my ways with hewn s. Eiek. 40. 42. the four tables were of hewn s. Amos 5. 11. ye have built houses of Aewn s. but not /-uAe 23.53. laid it in sepulchre that was Aeiore ins. Living STONE. IPet. 2. 4. tovvhom coming as to liv. s. chosen of G. Precious STONE. Prov. 17. 8. a gift is a precious s. to him that hath it 26. t8. pulteth a precious s. in a heap of stones Cant. 5. 1 12. his eyes are set as a p. s. in a ring Isa. 28. 16. 1 lay in Zion a p. corner s. 1 Pet. 2. 6. Kzek. 28. 13. every precious s. was thy covering Rev. 17. 4. she was decked with gold and;;, s. 21. 11. her light was like to a s. most precious See Stumbling. STONE-SaUARERS. 1 Kings 5. 18. builders and s.-s. did hew them Tables of STONE. Exod. 24. 12. I will give thee tables of s. 31. 18. 34.1.L.said, hew thee two tables of s. Deut. 10. 1. 4. and he hewed two tables of s. Deut. 10. 3. Deut. 4. 13. he wrote on the two tables of s. 5. 22. 9. 9. when I was gone up to receive the tables of s. 10. the Lord delivered to me two tables of s. 11. the Lord gave me the two tables of s. 1 Kings 8.9. was nothing in ark save two tables ofs. 2Cor. 3.3. not in t. ofs. but in fleshly tables of heart Tried STONE. Isa. 28. 16. behold, I lay in Zion a stone, a tried s White STONE. Rev. 2. 17. T will give him a white s. and new name STONE joined with wood. Exod. 7. 19. may be blood in vessels of wood and s. Deut. 4. 28. there serve gods the work of men's hands, wood and s. 28. 36, 64. | 29. 17. 2 Kings 19. 18. Isa. 37. 19. Ezek. 20. 32. Dan. 5. 4. praised the gods of gold, wowd, and «. 23. flei). 9.20. should not worship idols of Moorf and s. STONE of Zoheleth. 1 Kings 1. 9. Adonijah slew sheep by s.of Zoheleth See Wall. STONE, Verb. Ea:oi.8.26.shal! we sacrifice,and will they not 17. 4. what shall I do? they be almost ready to s. me Lev. 20. 2. people of land shall s. him with stones 27. they shall s. the wizards with stones 24. 14. let congregation s. him that cursed, 16, 23. JVwm. 14.10. congregation bade s.them with stones 15. 35. they shall s. the sabbath-breaker, 36. Dexit. 13. 10. shall s. with stones enticers to idolat. 17. 5. shall «. idolaters || 21. 21. s. rebellious son 22. 21. they shall s her that playeth the whore 24. yc shall s. adulterers with stones, that they die 1 Kings'21. 10. carry Naboth out, s. him that he die Ezek. 16. 40. and they shall s. thee with stones 23. 47. the company shall s. them with stones Luke 20. 6. if we say of men, the people will s. us John 10.31. the Jews took up stones again to s.him 32. for which of those good works do ye s. me7 33. saying, for a good work we s. thee not 11. 8. Master, the Jews of late sought to s. thee Acts 14. 5. there was an assault made to s. them STONED. Exod. 19. 13. he shall surely bes. or shot through 21. 28. then the ox shall be surely s. 29, 32. Josh. 7. 25. all Israel s. Achan with stones 1 Kings 12. 18. all Israel s. Adoram, 2 Chr. 10. 18. 21. 13. they s. Naboth with stones, 14, 15. 2 Chron. 24. 21. they s. Zechariah in the court Mat. 21. 35. the husbandmen beat one, s. another .Tohn8.5. Moses commanded that such should be s. Actsfi.^Q. they feared lestthey should have been s. 7. 58. they s. Stephen, calling upon God, 59. 14. 19. having s. Paul, drew him out of the city 2 Cor. 11. 25. thrice was I beaten, once was I s. Hcb. 11. 37. they were s. they were sawn asunder 12. 20. if a beast touch the mount it shall be s. STONES. ^cn.31. 46. Jacob said to his brethren, gather s. Exnd. 28. 11. thou ehalt engrave the two s. 12. 17. set it in settings ofs. even four rows ofs. 21. the s. shall be with the names of Israel 39.7. that they should be s. for a memorial to Israel Lev. 14. 40. command that they take away the s. 42. shall put other s. in the place of those s. 45. he shall break down the house, the s. of it 19. 1 36. just s. a just ephah, and him shall ye have | STO Lev. 21. 20. or hath his s. broken, sha not offer Deut. 8. 9. a land whose s. are iron, and out of hills 23. 1. that is wounded in the s. shall not enter 27. 4. ye shall set up these s. in mount Ebal 5. build an altar ofs. || 8. write on the s. words Josh. 4. 3. and take you hence twelve s. 9. 6. saying, what mean you by these s. ? 21. 8. and took twelve s. out of the midst of Jordan 20. those twelve s. did Joshua pitch in Gilgal' 8. 32. he wrote on the s. a copy of the law ./«d^.20.16.ev. one could slings, at a hair-breadth 1 Sam. 17. 40. David chose him five smooth s. 2 Sam. 16. 6. Shimei cast s. at David and serva. 13. i Kings 5. 18. so they prepared timber and s. to build 7. 10. s. of eight cubits, and s. often cubits 10.27.kingmade silver to be in Jerusalem ass. and cedars as sycamore trees, 2 Chr. 1. 15. | 9.27. 15. 22. took away the s. of Ramah, 2 Chr. 16. 6. 18. 31. Elijah took twelve s. according to number 32. with the s. he built an altar in name of Lord 2 Kings3. 19. mar every good piece of land with s. 25. only in Kir-haraseth left they the s. thereof 16. 17. and put it upon a pavement ofs. 1 Chron. 12. 2. in hurling ofs. and shooting arrows 2 Chron. 26. 14. Uzziah prepared slings to cast s. JVeA. 4. 2. will they revive the s. out of the heads'? Job 5. 23. thou shall be in league with s. of field 6. 12. is my strength the strength of s. ? 8. 17. his roots are wrapped, and seeth place of s. 14. 19. the waters wear the s. thou washest away 22. 24. the gold of Ophir as the s. of the brooks 28. 6. the s. of it are the place of sapphires 40. 17. the sinews of his s. are wrapped together Psal. 102. 14. thy servants take pleasure in her s. 137. 9. that dasheth thy little ones against the s. Prov. 16. t 11. all the s. of the bag are his work Eccl. 3. 5. a time to cast away s. a time to gather s. 10. 9. whoso removeth s. shall be hurt therewith Isa. 5.2. he fenced it and gathered out the s. thereof 14. 19. that go down to the s. of the pit 27. 9. he maketh the s. of the altar as chalk s. 54. 11. behold, I will lay thy s. with fair colours 12. 1 will make thy borders of pleasant s. 57. 6. among the smooth s. of the stream 60. 17. bring for s. iron || 62. 10. gather out the s. .Ter. 3.9. she committed adultery with s. and stocks 43. 10. and I will set his throne on these s. Lam. 4. 1. the s. of the sanctuary are poured out Ezek. 26. 12. they shall lay thy s. in the water 28. 14. thou hast walked in midst of the s. of fire 16. 1 will destroy thee from midst of thes. of firo Alic. 1. 6. 1 will pour down the s. into the valley Zech. 5. 4. shall consume it with the s. thereof 9. 16. for they shall be as s. of a crown lifted up Mat. 3.9. of theses, to raise up children, Z,«fte 3.8. 4. 3. command that these s. be made bre«d Mark 5. 5. crying, and cutting himself with s. 12. 4. and at him they cast s. and wounded him 13. 1. Master, see what manner ofs. are here Luke 19. 40. the s. would immediately cry out .Tohn 8. 59. they took up s. to cast at him, 10. 31. 2 Cor. 3. 7. if ministration engraven in s. was glori. 1 Pet. 2.5. ye as lively s. are built up spiritual house See Stone, Verb. CorncT-STONES. Psal. 144. 12. that our daught. may be as corners. See Costly. STONES of darkness. Job 28. 3. he searchelh out the s. of darkness STONES of emptiness. /sa.34.11.he shall stretch out upon it s .of emptiness Glistering STONES. 1 CAr. 29.2. 1 have prepared;;TZ;s(e}-i7i^s.for house Gravel STONES. Z/am.3.16. he hath broken my teeth viith gravels. See Gre.^t. Heap of STONES. ./osA. 7.26. they raised a great heap ofs. on Achan 8.29. and raise agreatAeap ofs. on the king of Ai 2 Sam. 18. 17. they laid a heap of s. on Absalom Hewed STONES. 1 Kings 5. 17. they brought hewed s. to lay foundat. 7. 9. according to the measures of hewed s. 11. Hewn STONES. /sa. 9. 10. bricks fallen, but we will build with A. s. Marble STONES. 1 Chron. 29. 2. 1 have prepared m. s. in abundance Precious STONES. 2 .Sam. 12. 30. was a talent of gold with precious s. l.K'nin'sl0.2.queenof Shebacame with precious s. 11. navy of Hiram brought prece. s. 2 Chr. 9. 10. 1 CAron. 29. 2.1 prepared all manner of precious s. 8. with whomprecious s. were found, gave them 2 CAr. 3. 6. he garnished the house with precious s. 32. 27. he made himself treasuries for precious s. Kze/t. 27. 22. they occupied in thy fairs with prec.s. Dan. 11. 38. a god shall he honour with precious 8. 1 Cor. 3.12. ifany man build on this foundationp.s. Rev. 18. 12. for no man buyeth prcc. s. any more 16. that great city decked with gold and prec.s. STO Rev.Zl. 19. foundations garnished w'llh preciuHS s. n'kule STOA'ES. Veut. 27. 6. shall build the altar of ic. s. Josh. 8. 31. Wrought STORES. 1 Chron. 22. 2. he set masons to hew wrought s. STONEST. Jlfat.23.37.s.them thai are sent to thee, Luke 13.34. STONY. Ps. 141. G. when judges are overthrown in s. places Kiek. 11. ly. I will lake the «. heart, 3G. 26. Mat. 13. 5. some fell on s. places, 20. Mark 4. 5, 16. STONING. J Sam. 30. 6. for the people spake of*. David STOOD. Ocn. 18. 22. but Abraham s. yet before the Lord 29. t35. his name Judah, and Leah ^. from bearing Eiod. 14. 19. the pillar of cloud s. behind them J^um. 16. 48. he s. between the dead and the living Deut.i. II. ye came near and .?. under the mount. 5. 5. I s. between the Lord and you, to shew you Josh. 3. 16. the waters «. and rose up on a heap 4.3. take twelve stones where the priests' feet s. 9. Judg. 6. 31. Joash said to all that s. against him 16. 29. two middle pillars on which the house «. 1 Sam. 3. 10. the L. «. and called Samuel, Samuel 4. 1 15. Eli's eyes s. that he could not see 10.23.when he «. among the people, he was higher 17.8. Goliath s. and cried to the armies of Israel 22. 7. Saul said to the servants that s. about him ]7. the king said to footmen that s. about him 1 Kings 8. 14. the king blessed all the congregation, and all congregat. of Israel s. 2 Chr. 6. 3. | 7. 6. 55. Solomon s. and blessed all the congregation 14. t4. Aliijah, his eyes 5. for hoariness 2 ATiTi^^s 2. 7. sons of the prophets s. to view afar off 23. 3. and all the people s. to the covenant 2 Chr. 6. 13. and on the brasen scaffold Solomon s. JVeA. 9. 2. they s. and confessed their sins and their Esth. 9. 16. the other Jews 5. for their lives Psal. 33. 9. he commanded and it s. fast /ia.6.2.above it s.the serapliinis each had six wings Jer. 46. 15. they s. not because Lord did drive them 48. 45. they s. under the shadow of Heshbon Ezek. 1. 21. and when those s. these s. 10. 17. 24. when they 5. they let down their wings 25. and there was a voice when they s. Dan. 8. 17. Gabriel came near where I s. 10. 11. when he had spoken this, I ^. trembling 11. 1. I s. to confirm and to strengthen him 12. 5. I looked, and behold, there .5. other two Jonah 1. 1 15. ^nd the sea s. from her raging Hab. 3. 6. he s. and measured the earth, he beheld Zech. 1. 8. he s. among the myrtle-trees, 10, 11. Mat. 12. 46. his mother and brethren 5. without JLuka 6. 8. he that had the withered hand «. forth 18. 11. the Pharisee.?, and prayed thus withhims. John 18. 25. Simon Peter s. and warmed himself 20. 11. but Mary s. without at sepulchre weeping Acts 3. 8. the lame man leaping up s. and walked 9. 7. the men that were with him s. speechless 16. 9. there s. a man of Macedonia and prayed 27. 2L but Paul 5. forlh in the midst of them We4.9.10.s.only in meats, and drinks, and washings STOOD above. Ocn. 28. 13. behold, the Lord s. above the ladder 2 Chron. 24. 20. Zechaviah s. above the people Psal. 104. 6. the waters ,s. above the mountains STOOD afar. Exod. 2.4. his sister s. afar ofl", to wit what be done 20. 18. the people removed and s. afar off, 21. I.uke 17. 12. ten that were lepers who s. afar off 23. 49. all his acquaintance s. afar off beholding Rev. 18. 17. as manv as trade by sea s. afar off STOOD at. Exod. 19.17. they s. at the nether part of the mount 33. 8. they s. every man at his tent-door 9. the cloudy pillar s. at the door of the tabernac. Z Kings5.9. Naaman s. otdoor of house of Elisha 2 Chron. 5. 12. singers s. at the east end of the altar 23. 13. the king s. at his pillar, at the entering in Ezek. 10. 19. cherubims s. at door of the east-gate 21. 21. the king s. at the parting of the way Luke 7. 38. woman s. at his feet behind him, weep. John 18. 16. but Peter s. at the door without Rev. 8. 3. another angel came and s. at the altar STOOD before. Oen. 19. 27. to the place where he s. before the Ld. 43. 15. went down to Egypt, and s. brfure Jo.seph Exod. 9. 10. they took ashes and s. before Pharaoh ies. 9. 5. the congregation s. before the Lord JVum. 27. 2. daughters of Zelophehad s. bcf. Moses Josh. 20. 9. until he s. before the congregation Judg. 20. 28. Phinehas s. before ark in those days 1 Sam. 16. 21. David came and s. before Saul 1 Kings 1. 28. Bcth-sheha 5. before king David 3. 15. Solomon s. before the ark of the covenant 16. two women that werr "larlots s. before him 8. 22. Solomon s. before the altar, 2 Chron. 6. 12. 12. 6. old men that s. before Solomon, 2 Chr. 10.6. 583 STO 1 Kings 12. 8. young men that s. 6. him, 2 Chr. 10.8. 22. 21. spirit s. before tbe Lord, 2 Chron. 18. 20. 2 Kings 4. 12. the Shuiiamite s. bifove Elisha 5. 15. Naaman returned and s. before Elisha 25. Gehazi went in and s. before his master 8. 9. Hazael came and s. before Elisha 10. 4. behold, two kings s. not before him Esth. 8. 4. so Esther arose, and s. before the king Psal. 106. 23. had not Moses his chosen s. bef. him Jer. 1."). 1. though Moses and Samuel s. bef ore nie 18. 20. 1 s. before thee to speak good for lliom 52. 1 1-. captain which s. before king of Babylon Ezek. 8. 11. there s. before them seventy men Van. 1. 19. therefore they s. before the king, 2. 2. 2. 31. O king, this great image, s. before thee 3. 3. they s. bef. the image Nebuchadnez. set up 7. 10. ten thousand times ten thousand *. bef. him 8. 3. behold, there s. before the river a ram 15. there s. bef. me as the appearance of a man Zecli. 3. 3. now Joshua s. before the angel 4. and he spake to those that s. before him Mat. 27. 11. and Jesus s. before the governor Acts 10. 17. behold, three men s. before the gate 30. a man s. before mo in bright clothing 12. 14. she told how Peter s. before the gate 24. 20. let these say, while I s. before the council Rev. 7.9. 1 saw great multitude s. before the throne 8. 2. 1 saw the seven angels which j'. before God 12. 4. and the dragon s. before the woman STOOD beside. 2 Sam. 15. 2. Absalom s. beside the way of the gate 1 Kings 10. 19. and two lions s. beside the stays .Ter. 36. 21. the princes which s. beside the king Ezek. 9. 2. the six men s. beside the brasen altar 10. 6. then he went in and s. beside the wheels STOOD by. Oen. 18. 2. he looked, and lo, three men s. b?j him 24. 30. behold, he s. by the camels at the well 41. 1. Pharaoh dreamed, and lo, he s. by the river 45. 1. not refrain himself before all that s. by him Exod. 18. 13. Moses sat, and the people s. by Moses JVam. 23. 6. Balak s. by his burnt-sacritice, 17. Judg. 3. 19. all that s. by him went out from him 18. 16. the mens, by the entering of the gate 1 Sam. 1. 26. the woman that s. by thee, praying 2 Sam. 13. 31. servants s. by with clothes rent 1 Kings 13. 1. and Jeroboam s. by the altar to burn 24. ass s. by it, the lion also s. by the carcase 2 Kings 2. 7. and they two s. by Jordan, 13. 11. 14. behold, Ihe king s. by a pillar, 23. 3. 18. 17. they s. 47/conduit of upper pool, /sa.36. 2. 1 CAron. 21. 15. the angel s. by the threshing-floor Jer. 44. i5. then the women that s. by answered Ezek. 43. 6. and the man s. by me and said Dan. 7. 16. I came near to one of them that s. by Zeeh. 3. 5. and the angel of the Lord s. by Mark 14. 47. one of them that s. by drew a sword 15. 35. some of them that s. by when they heard Luke 5. 1. he s. by the lake of Gennesareth 19. 24. he said to them that s. by, take from him 24. 4. two men s. by them in shining garments John 18. 22. an officer that 5. by struck Jesus 19. 25. there s. by the cross of Jesus his mother Jlets 1. XO. two men s. by them in white apparel 9. 39. and all the widows s- by him weeping 22.25. Paul said to Jhe centurion that s. by 23. 2. commanded them that s. by to smite him 4. they that said, revilcst thou the high-priest? 11. the night following the Lord s. by him 27.23. there s. by me this night the angel of God STOOD in. Ezod.5.20.met Moses and Aaron, who the way 32. 26. then Moses s. in the gate of the camp J\rum. 12. 5. Lord s. in the door of the tabernacle 16. 18. they laid incense thereon, and the door 27. Dathan and Abiram s. in door of their tents 22. 22. the angel of the Lord s. in the way, 24. 26. angel went further and 5. in a narrow place Josh. 3. 17. the priests s. in midst of Jordan, 4. 10. Judg. 'J. 7. Jotham s. in the top of mount Gerizim 3.5. Gaals. ire the entering of the gate of the city 44. Abimelech || 18.17.the priests s.i7i the entering 2 Sam. 23. 12. he s. in the midst of the ground 1 Kings 19. 13. and he s. in entering in of the cave 2 Kings 3. 21. they gathered, and s. in the border 4. 15. the Shunamite 5. in the door, and he said 2 Oiron. 30. 16. and they s. in their place, 35. 10. 34. 31. king «. in his place, and made a covenant JVeh. 8. 7. and the people s. in their place Esth. 5. I.Esthers. «7ithe inner-court of the house ,/cf. 19. 14. Jeremiahs, tn court of the Lord's house 23. 18. for who hath s. in counsel of the Lord 22. but if they had s. in my counsel and caused Ezek. 8. 11. Jaazaniah s. in the midst of them OAarf.14.nor shouldst cross- way to cut off those Z,ttA:c24. 36. Jesus himself s. in the midst of them, and saith to them, peace be to you, John 20. 19, 26. I Acts 17. 22. then Paul s. in the midst of Mars-hill STO Rev. 5. 6. in the midst of the elders s. a lamb S'l'OOD on. 1 Sam. 17.3. Philistines s. on a mountain on the one side, Israel s. on a mountain on the other side 26. 13. then David s. 071 the lop of a hill 2 Sam. 2. 25. Benjamin s. on the lop of a hill 1 Chron. (i. 39. Asaph, who s. on his right hand 44. the sons of Merari s. on the left hand 2 Chron. 3. 13. the cherubims s. on their feet F.zek. 10. 3. the cherubims s. on the right side Mat. 13. 2. the whole multitude s. on the shore John 21. 4. when morning, Jesus s. on the shore Acts 21.40.Paul s. on stairs and beckoned to people Rev. 14. 1. and lo, a lamb s. on the mount Sion STOOD over. JVum. 7. 1 2. who s. over them that were numbered Deut. 31. 15. the pillar of cloud s. over the door Josli. 5. 13. behold, a man s. ouer-against him Ezek. 10. 4. glory of the Lord s. over the threshold 18. glory of the Lord s. over cherubims Jl/a«.2.9. the stars, over where the young child was Luke 4. 39. he s. over her and rebuked the fever STOOD round. Gen. 37. 7. behold, your sheaves s. round about Acts 14. 20. as the disciples s. round about him 25.7.Jewss.roMnrfaboutPaul, and laid complaints Rev. 7. 11. all the angels s. round about the throne STOOD sttll. Josh. 10. 13. the sun s. still, and the moon stayed 11. 13. as for cities that s. still in their strength 2 Sam. 2. 23. as many as came to the place s. still 28. Joab blewa trumpet and all the people s.sDVJ 20. 12. when the man saw that all people s. still JVeh. 12. 39. and they s. still in the prison-gate Job 4. 16. a spirit s. still but I could not discern 32. 16. for they spake not, but s. still Hab. 3.11. sun and moon s. still in their habitation Mat. 20. 32. and Jesus s. still and called them Mark 10. 49. Jesus s. still and commanded him Luke 7. 14. and they that bare him s. still STOOD there. Exod. 34. 5. the L. descended and s. with him there 1 Sam. 6. 14. the ark came into the field and s. there 1 Kings 10.20. twelve lions s. there, 2 Chron. 9. 19. Ezek. 3. 23. behold, the glory of ihe Lord s. there Hos, 10. 9. from the days of Gibeah there they s. Jl/af.27.47. some of them that s. there, MarkW.^. John 18. 18. the servants and officers s. there STOOD up. Oen. 23. 3. Abraham s. up from before his dead 7. Abraham s. up and bowed himself to people Exod. 2. 17. but Moses s. up and helped them JVum. 11. 32. the peoples, up all that Any and night 1 Chron. 21. 1. Satan s. up ag. Israel and provoked 28. 2. then David the king s. up upon his feet 2 Chron. 13. 4. Abijah s. up and said, hear me 20. 19. the Levites s. up to praise the Lord God 23. Ammon and Moab s. up against mount Seir 28. 12. s. up against them that came from the war Ezra 2.63. not eat of holy things till there s. up a priest with Urim and Thummim, JVcA. 7. 65. JVeA. 8. 5. when he opened the book people s. up 9. 3. they s. up in their jilace and read the law 4. then s. up upon the stairs, of the Levites Esth. 5. 9. Ilaman saw that Mordecai s. not up 7. 7. Haman s. up to make request for his life Job 4. 15. a spirit passed, the hair of my flesh s. «;» 29.8.young men saw me, and aged arose and s. up 30. 28. I s. up and cried in the congregation Ps. 106. 30. then s. up Phinehas and executed judg. Ezek. 37. 10. they lived, and s. up upon their feet />an.8.22.that being broken, whereas four s.upfiM it TMke 4. 16. Jesus s. up to read in the synagogue 10. 25. a certain lawyer s. up and tempted him Acts 1. 15. in those days Peter s. up and said 4. 26. the kings of the earth s. up against the Lord 5. 34. then s. up one Gamaliel a doctor of law 11. 28. Agahus s. up, and signified by the spirit 13. 16. Paul s. up and beckoning with his hand 25. 18. against whom when the accusers s. up STOOD upon. Oen. 41. 17. behold, I s. upon the bank of the river 1 Sam. 17. 51. David ran and s. upon the Philistine 2 Sam. 1. 10. so I s. upon Saul and slew him 1 fiVn^s 7.25.the sea s.upon twelve oxen, 2 CAr.4.4. 2 Kings 13. 21. he revived and s. upon his feet JVeh. 8. 4. Ezra the scribe s. upon a pulpit of wood Ezek. 11. 23. glory of the Lord s. upon the mount Amos 7. 7. the Lord s. upon a wall made by a line Rev. 11. 11. the two prophets s. upon their feet 13. 1. and I s. upon the sand of the sea and saw STOOD with. Gen. 45. 1. there s. with him no man, while Joseph 2 Kings 11.11. every man s. w. his weaponsin hand 2 Chron. 29. 26. the Levites s. with instruments Ezra 3. 9. then Joshuas, with his sons and brethren Lam.^. 4. hes. iaithh\s right hand as an adversary Luke9. 32. they saw the two men that s. with him John 18. 5. Judas also, who betrayed s. wiihthem STO John 18.18. Peters, with them and warmed himself 2Tm.4.1(i. nomans. with me || 17. Lord s. witA me STOODEST. Jfum. 22. 34. 1 knew not that thou s. in the way Deut. 4. 10. the day that thou s. before the Lord Obad. 11. in liie day that thou s. on the other side STOOL. 2 Kiiiffs 4. 10. let us set for him a bed, table, and a s. STOOLS. Exod. 1. IG. he said, when ye see them upon the s. STOOP. Job 9. 13. the proud helpers do s. under him Prov. 12. 25. heaviness maketh the heart of man s. Jsa. 46. 2. they s. they bow down together Mark 1.7.1 am not worthy to s. down and unloose STOOPED. Oe7t. 49. 9. Judah s. down, he couched as a lion 1 Sam. 24. 8. David s. || 28. 14. Saul s. to the ground 2 Chron. 36. 17. had no compassion on him thats. ./oAti 8.6. Jesus s. down and wrote with his finger, 8. 20. 11. and as she wept, she s. down, and looked STOOPETH. Isa. 46. 1. Bel boweth down, Nebo s. their idols STOOPING. Lukdm. 12.S .do wn saw the linen clothes, John 20.5. STOP. 1 Kings 18. 44. get down, that the rain s. thee not 2 Kings 3. 19. ye shall s. all wells of water, 25. 2 Chron. 32. 3. he took counsel to 5. the waters Psal. 35. 3. s. the way ag. them that persecute me 107. 42. and all iniquity shall s. her mouth Eiek. 39. 11. it shall s. the noses of the passengers 2 Cor. 11. 10. no man shall s. me of this boasting STOPPED. Gen. 8. 2. and the windows of heaven were s. 26. 15. the Philistines had s. the wells, 18. Lev. 15. 3. or his flesh be s. from his issue 2 Chron. 32. 30. Hezekiah 5. the water-course 4. who s. all the fountains and the brook JVe/j. 4. 7. and that the breaches began to be s. Psal. 63. 11. the mouth that speaketh lies shall be s. Jer. 51. 32. and that the passages are s. and reeds Zech. 7. 11. but they refused, and s. their ears Jicts 7. 57. they s. their ears, and ran upon him Rom.Z.Vd. that every mouth may be s. and be guilty Tit. 1. 11. whose mouths must be s. who subvert Heb. 11. 33. who thro' faith s. the mouths of lions STOPPERS. Eiek. 27. t 9. the wise men were thy s. of chinks STOPPETH. Job 5. 16. poor hath hope, and iniquity s. her mouth Psal. 58. 4. like the deaf adder that s. her ear Prov. 21. 13. whoso s. his ears at the cry of the poor Isa. 33. 15. and s. his ears from hearing of blood STORE. .Amos 3. 10. saith the Lord, who s. up violence and robbery in their palaces STORE. 6e7t.26.14.Isaac had flocks and great s. of servants 41. 36. that food shall be for s. to land in famine Lev. 25. 22. ye shall eat of the old s. 26. 10. Deut. 28. 5. blessed shall be thy basket and thy s. 17. cursed shall be thy basket and thy s. 32. 34. is not this laid up in 5. with me and sealed 1 Kings 10. 10. she gave king of spices very great s. 2 Kings 20. 17. fathers have laid up in this day 1 Chron. 29. 16. all this s. cometh of thine hand 2 Chron. 11. 11. he put s. of victuals, wine in them 31. 10. and that which is left is this great s. JVeA. 5. 18. s. of all sorts of wine was prepared Psal. 144. 13. our garners affording all manner of s. Isa. 39. 6. that which thy fathers have laid up in s. JVah. 2. 9. for there is none end of the s. and glory 1 Cor. 16. 2. let every one of you lay by him in s. 1 TYm. 6. 19. laying up in s. a good foundation 2 Pet. 3. 7. which by the same word are kept in s. STORE-CITIES. 1 Kings9. 19. cities ofs. Solomon had, 2 Chr.8. 6, 2 Chron. 8. 4. and all the s. -cities which he built 16. 4. they smote all the s.-cities of Naphtali 17. 12. Jehoshaphat built s.-cities in Judah STORE-HOUSE. Mai. 3. 10. bring all the tithes into the s.-house Luke 12. 24. the ravens have no s.-house nor barn STORE-HOUSES. Gen. 41. 56. Joseph opened all the s.-h. and sold Deut. 28. 8. command blessing on thee in thy s.-h. 1 Chron. 27. 25. over the s.-h. was Jehonathan 2 Chron. 32. 28. Hezekiah made s.-h. also Psal. 33. 7. he layeth up the depth in s.-h. Jer. 50. 26. open her s.-h. cast her up us heaps STORK, .a kind of bird; the Hebrews call it Chaseda, or Chasidah, which signifies pity or mercy ; pro- bably because of the tenderness it shows to its dam, which it never forsakes, but feeds, and defends even to death. The stork is a bird of passage, which in winter goes into the hot countries. Jer. 8. 7, The stork in the heaven 584 STR knoweth her appointed time, and the turtle, and the crane, and the swallow, observe the time of their coming. Jerom and the Septua- gint sometimes render the Hebrew word Cha- sidah by Herodius the heron, and sometimes by pelican or kite; but interpreters are pretty well agreed, that it signifies a stork. Moses places it among unclean birds. Lev. 11. 19. The Psalmist says. As for the stork, the fir-trees are her house, Psal. 104. 17. They for ordi- nary make their nests upon some high tower, or the top of a house ; but in Palestine, where the coverings of their houses were flat, they built in the highest trees. The stork has its beak and its legs long and red ; it feeds upon serpents and frogs, and insects: Its plumage would be quite white, if it was not that the extremity of its wings are black, and also some small part of its head and thighs : It sits for the space of thirty days, and lays but four eggs. Formerly they would not eat the stork, but at present it is much esteemed for t/ie deliciousness of its flesh. They go away in the midst of August, and return at Spring. Bellonius says, that when they go away, the stork that comes last to the place of rendezvous is killed upon the spot. They go away in the night to the southern countries. Lev. 11. 19. the s. thou shalt not eat, Deut. 14. 18. Job 39. 1 13. gavest thou feathers to the s.f Psal. 104. 17. as for the s. the fir-trees are her house Jer. 8. 7. the s. knoweth her appointed times Zech. 5. 9. they had wings like the wings of a s. STORM. Job 21. 18. and as chaff that the s. carrieth away 27. 21. and as s. hurleth him out of his place Psal.55. 8. 1 would hasten my escape from windy s. 83. 15. and make them afraid with thy s. 107. 29. he maketh the s. a calm, so that the waves thereof are still Isa. 4. 6. and for a covert from s. and from rain 25. 4. for thou hast been a refuge from the s. 28. 2. which as a destroying s. shall cast down to the earth with the hand 29. 6. thou shalt be visited with s. and tempest Ezek. 38. 9. thou shalt ascend and come like a s. JVttA.1.3. Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and s. Mark 4. 37. and there arose a great s. of wind Luke 8. 23. there came do wn a s. of wind on the lake STORMY. PsaM07.25.hecommandeth and raiseth the s. wind 148. 8. snow and vapour s. wind fulfilling his word Ezek. 13.11. hail -stones shall fall, s. wind shall rend 13. 1 will even rend it with a s. wind in my fury STORY. 2 Chron. 13. 22. the acts of Abijah in the s. of Iddo 24. 27. written in the s. of the book of the kings STORIES. Gen. 6. 16. with second and third s. make the ark Ezek. 41.16. galleries three s. over-against the door 42. 3. was gallery against gallery in three s. 6. j3mos9. 6. it is he that buildeth his s. in the heaven STOUP, See Stoop. STOUT. Job 4. 11. the s. lion's whelps-are scattered abroad Isa. 10. 12. I will punish the fruit of the s. heart Dan. 7.20. whose look was mores, than his fellows Mai. 3. 13. your words haveteen s. against me STOUT-HEARTED. Psal. 76. 5. s.-h. are spoiled, they slept their sleep Isa. 46. 12. hearken unto me, ye s.-hearted STOUTNESS. Isa. 9. 9. that say in the pride and s. of heart STRAIGHT. Josh. 6. 5. shall ascend every man s. before him, 20. 1 Sam. 6. 12. the kine took s. way to Beth-shemesh Psal. 5. 8. make thy way s. before my face Prov. 4. 25. let thine eye-lids look s. before thee Eccl.\. 15. that which is crooked cannot be made s. 7. 13. for who can make thats. he made crookedl Isa. 40. 3. make s. in desert a highway for our God 4. the crooked shall be made s. and the rough places plain, 42. 16. | 45. 2. Luke 3. 5. Jer. 31. 9. 1 will cause them to walk in a s. way Ezek. 1. 7. and their feet were s. feet, they sparkled 9. they went every one s. forM'ard, 12. | 10. 22 23. under the firmament wore their wings s. Mat. 3.3. prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths s. Mark 1. 3. Luke 3. 4. John 1. 23. Luke 13. 13. she was made s. and glorified God Acts 9. 11. arise and go into street which is called s. Heb. 12. 13. and make s. paths for your feet STRAIGHTWAY. 1 Sam. 9. 13. ye shall s. find him before he go up 28. 20. then Saul fell s. all along on the earth Prov. 7. 22. he goeth after her s. as an o,\ goeth Dan. 10. 17. s. there remained no strength in me Mat. 3. 16. Jesus went s. out of water, Mark 1. 10. STR Mat. 4. 20. and they s. left their nets, Mark 1. 18. 21. 3. ye shall say, the Lord hath need of them, and s. he will send them hither. Murk 11. 3. 27. 48. s. one of them ran and took a spunge JkfarA:5.29.s. the fountain of her blood was dried up 6.54.S. they knew him || Luke 5. 39. s.desireth new Luke 14. 5. will not s. pull him out on sabbath-dayl John 13. 32. and God shall s. glorify him j3c. 7. 8. passing thro' the s. near her corner Isa. 42. 2. his voice not heard in s. Mat. 12. 19. 51. 23. and thou hast laid thy body as the s. 59. 14. for truth is fallen in the s. and equity Jcr..?,!. 21. give him daily bread out of bakers' s. Lam. 2. 19. that faint for hunger in top of every s. 4. 1. stones are poured out in the top of every s. Eiek. 16. 24. made thee a high place in every s. 31. Dan. 9. 25. the s. shall be built again and the wall Acts 9. 11. and go into the s. called Straight 12. 10. Peter went on, and passed through one s. Rcv.W.Q. their dead bodies shall lie in the s. of city 21. 21. and the s. of the city was pure gold 22. 2. in the midst of the s. was the tree of life STREETS. JVum. 22. 1 39. and they came to a city of s. 2 Sam. 1. 20. publish it not in the s. of Askelon 1 Kings 20. 34. thou shalt make s. in Damascus Psal. 18. 42. I did cast them out as dirt in the s. 55. 11. deceit and guile depart not from her s. 144. 13. sheep may bring forth ten thous. in our s. 14. that there bo no complaining in our 5. Prov. 1. 20. wisdom uHereth her voice in the s. 5. 16. and rivers of water in the s. 7. 12. now is she without, now in the s. and lieth 12. 13. there is a lion without, I shall be slain in s.. 26. 13. the slothful man saith, a lion is in the s. Eccl. 12. 4. and the doors shall be shut in the s. 5. and the mourners go about the s. Cant. 3. 2. I will go about the city in the s. /sa.5.25. and their carcases were torn in midst of s. 10. 6. to tread them down like the mire of the s. 15. 3. in their s. they shall gird themselves 24. 11. there is a crying for wine in the s. 51. 20. thy sons lie at the head of all the s. Jcr. 5. 1. run ye to and fro thro' thes. of Jerusalem 7.17.seest thou not what they do in s. of Jerusalem 34. cause to cease from the s. of Jerusalem mirth 9.21. death come, cut off young men from thes. 11.6. proclaim these words in the s. of Jerusalem 13.according to the number of the s. of Jerusalem 14.16.people shall be cast out in the s.of Jerusalem 33. 10. mirth shall be heard in the s. of Jerusalem 44. 6. my anger was kindled in the s. of Jerusalem O.wickedness they have committed in s.of Jerus. 21. the incense that ye burn in s. of Jerusalem 48.38. there shall be lamentation in the s. of Moab 49. 26. her young men shall fall in her s. 50. 30. 51. 4. and they that are thrust through in her s. Zyam.2. 11. sucklings swoon in the s. of the city, 12. 21. the young and the old lie on ground in the s. 4.5. they that did feed delicately, are desolate ins. 8. her Nazarites are not known in the s. 14. they have wandered as blind men in the s. 18.they hunt our steps that we cannot go in our s. Ezek. 7. 19. they shall cast their silver in the s. 11. 6. ye have filled the s. thereof with the slain 26.ll.with the hoofs of his horses tread down thys. 28. 23. 1 will send pestilence and blood into hers. Amos 5. 16. wailing shall be in all the s. and they shall say, alas, alas! Mic. 7. 10. shall be trodden down as raire of the s. JVaA. 2. 4. chariots shall rage in the s. shall justlc 3. 10. were dashed in pieces at the top of the s. Zeph. 3. 6. I made their s. waste, none passeth by Zech. 8. 4. old men and old women shall dwell in s. 5. the s. of the city shall be full of boys and girls 9. 3. Tyrus heaped up fine gold as mire in the s. 10. 5. who tread down their enemies in the s. J\Iat. 6.2. do not sound a trumpet before thee in s. 5. for they love to pray standing in corners of s. Mark 6. .56. they laid the sick in the s. Acts 5. 15. Luke 10. 10. go out into the s. of the same, and say 13. 26. shall begin to say thou hast taught in our s. 14. 21. go out quickly into s. and lanes of the city 586 STR STRENGTH. Ocn. 4. 12. ground shall not henceforth yield her s. Exod. 13. 3. by s. the Lord brought you out, 14, 16. JVum. 23. 22. he hath the s. of an unicorn, 24. 8. .Jutlg. 5. 21. O my soul, thou hast trodden down s. 1 Sam. 2. 4. they that stumbled are girt with s. 9. wicked be silent, for by s. shall no man prevail 10. he shall give s. unto his king, and exalt horn 15. 29. the s. of Israel will not lie, nor repent 28.22.0 nd eat, that thou maycst have going on 2 Sam. 22. 40. thou hast girded me with s. to battle, hast subdued them under me, Psal. 18. 32, 39. 1 Kings 7. 1 21 . he set up pillars in the temple, he called the left pillar, in it is s. 2 Chron. 3. 1 17. 2 Kings 2. tl6. there be with us fifty sons of s. 18. 20. I have counsel and s. for war, Isa. 36. 5. 19. 3. and there is no s. to bring forth, Isa. 37. 3. 1 Chron. 16. 27. s. and gladness are in his place 28. give to Lord glory and s. Psal. 29. 1. 1 96. 7. 26.8. they, their sons, and brethren, able men for s. 29. 12. in thine hand it is to give s. unto all 1 14. that we should obtain s. to oflfer willingly 2 Chr. 2. 1 6. hath obtained s. to build him a house 13. 20. neither did Jeroboam recover s. again 30. 1 21. singing with instruments of s. to Lord Ezra 4. f 13. thou shalt endamage the s. of kings STR Z)an.ll.l5.neither shall there be any withstand 17. to enter with the s. of his whole kingdom 31. they shall pollute the sanctuary of s. Joel 3. 16. the Lord the s. of the children of Israel Amos 6.13. have we not taken horns by our own s.? JVah. 1. t7. the Lord is s. in the day of trouble S.O.Ethiopia and Egypt were her s.Fut and Lubim 11. thou also shalt seek s. because of the enemy Hag. 2. 22. 1 will destroy s. of kingdoms of heathen Lulce 1. 51. he hath shewed s. with his arm Acts 3. 7. his feet and ancle-bones received s. Rom. 5. 6. when yet without s. Christ died 1 Cor. 15. 56. sting is sin, the s. of sin is the law 2 Cor. 1.8. we were pressed out of measure, above s. Heb.1 1.11. Sara herself received s. to conceive seed Rev. 3. 8. for thou hast a little s. hast kept my word 5. 12. worthy is Lamb to receive s. and honour 12. 10. a voice saying, now is come salvation and 5. 17. 13. these shall give their power and s. to beast Bis STRENGTH. Exod. 14. 27. and the sea returned to A. s. Deut. 21. 17. he is the beginning of A. s. Judg. 8. 21. rise thou, for as the man is, so is h. s. 16. 5. entice him, see wherein h. great s. lieth 9. A. s. was not known || 19. h. s. went from him 2 Kings 9. 24. Jehu drew a bow with his full s. J\rch. 4. 10. s. of the bearers of burdens is decayed 1 Ckr. 16. 11. seek the Lord and A. s. Psal. 105. 4. Job 9. tl3. the helpers of s. do stoop under him 19. if I speak of s.lo, he is strong, if of judgment 12. 13. with him is wisdom and s. hath counsel, 16. 21. and he weakeneth the s. of the mighty 17. 19. he that hath clean hands, shall add s. 18. 13. it shall devour the s. of his skin 22. 125. and thou shalt have silver of s. 23. 6. no, but he would put s. in me 30. 2. whereto might s. of their hands profit me t21. with s. of thy hand thou opposes! ag. me 31. t39. if eaten the s. thereof without money 36. 19. he will not esteem all the forces of s. 39. 19. hast thou given the horse s.? his neck remaineth s.sorrow turned to joy Psal. 8. 2. out of mouth of babes bast ordained s. 20. 6. with the saving s. of his right hand 27. 1. Lord is the s. of my life of whom be afraid 28. 8. and he is the saving s. of his anointed 29. 11. the Lord will give s. to his people 30. t7. thou hast settled s. for my mountain 31. t2. be thou to me for a rock of s. a defence 33. 16. the mighty is not delivered by much s. 39.13.0 spare me, that I may recovers, before I go 46. 1. God is our refuge and s. a help, 81. 1. 60. 7. Ephraim is the s. of mine head, 108. 8. t9. who will bring me into the city of s.? 62. 1 11. I heard this that s. belongeth unto God 68. 34. ascribe ye s. unto God, his s. is in clouds 35. God of Israel is he that givelh s. and power 73. 26. hut God is the s. of my heart and portion 74. tl5. thou driedst up rivers of s. 81. 1. sing aloud unto God our s. make a noise 84. 5. blessed is the man whose s. is in thee 7. they go from s. to s. every one of them in Zion 90. 10. and if by reason of s. they be fourscore 93. 1. the Lord is clothed with majesty and s. 95. 4. the s. of the hills is his also 96. 6. s. and beauty are in his sanctuary 99. 4. the king's s. also loveth judgment 138.3. thou strengthenedst me with s. in my soul 140. 7. O God the Lord, the s. of my salvation Prov. 8. 14. I have s. || 10. 29. way of Lord is s. 14. 4. but much increase is by the s. of ox 21.22. a wise man casteth down the s. thereof 24 5. yea, a man of knowledge increaseth s. 31. 17. she girdeth her loins with s. strengtheneth 25. s. and honour are her clothing, she shall rej. Eccl. 9. 16. then I said, wisdom is better than s. 10. 10. if iron be blunt, then must put to more s. 17. princes eat for s. and not for drunkenness Isa. 5. 22. and men of s. to mingle strong drink 10. 13. by the s. of my hand X have done it 23. 4. the sea hath spoken, even the s. of the sea 25. 4. thou hast been a s. to the poor, a s. to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm 26.4. in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting s. 28. 6. for s. to them that turn the battle to gate 30. 3. the s. of Pharaoh shall be your shame 33. 6. wisdom shall be stability and s. of salvation 40. 9. O Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with s. 29. to them that have no might, ho increaseth s. 42. 25. he hath poured on him the s. of battle 44. 12. he worketh it with the s. of his arms 45. 24. in the Lord have I righteousness and s. 51.9. awake, awake, put on thy s. O arm of Lord Jer. 20. 5. moreover 1 will deliver all s. of this city 51. .53. tho' she should fortify the height of her s Lam, 1. 6. they are gone without s. before pursuer Ezek. 30. 15. will pour my fury on sin, s. of Egypt 18. the pomp of her s. shall cease in her, 33. 28. Dan. 2. 37. God hath given the power, s. glory 41. but there shall be in it of the s. of the iron 3. t20. he commanded the mighty of s. to bind Job 18. 7. the steps of A. s. shall be straitened 12. h. s. shall be hunger-bitten, destruction ready 13. even first-born of death shall devour h. s. 21. 23. one dieth in his full s. being wholly at ease 37. 0. he saith to the great rain of A. s. 39. 11. wilt thou trust him because A. s. is great? 21. rejoiceth in A. s. || 40. 16. A. s. is in loins Psal.33. 17. nor shall he deliver any by Ais greats. 52. 7. this is the man that made not God A. s. 59. 9. because of A. s. will I wait upon thee 65. 6. who by A. s. setteth fast the mountains 68. 34. ascribe s. to God, A. s. is in the clouds 78. 4. shewing to the generation to come h. s. 61. delivered A. s. into captivity and his glory Isa. 31. 1 9. he shall pass over to A. s. for fear 44. 12. he is hungry, and A. s. faileth 62. 8. the Lord hath sworn by the arm of A. s. 63. 1. travelling in the greatness of A. s. Dan. 11. 2. by A. s. shall stir up all against Grecia Hos. 7. 9. strangers devoured A. s. he knoweth not 12. 3. and by A. s. he had power with God Rev. 1. 16. his countenance was as the sun in A. s, In STRENGTH. Gc7^. 49.24. but his bow abode in s. and the arms 1 Kings 19.8. went in the s. of that meat forty days Job 3. 1 17. and there the wearied in s. be at rest 9. 4. he is wise in heart, and mighty in s. 36. 5. Psal. 71. 16. I will go in the s. of the Lord God 103. 20. bless Lord, ye his angels that excel in s. 147. 10. he delighteth not in the s. of a horse Prov. 24. t 5. a wise man is in s. yea increaseth s. Isa. 8. 1 11. Lord spake thus to me in s. of hand 30. 2. to strengthen themselves in s. of Pharaoh Mic. 5. 4. and he shall feed in the s. of the Lord Acts 9. 22. but Saul increased the more in s. My STRENGTH. Oen. 49. 3. Reuben, thou art the beginning of Tny s. Exod. 15. 2. Lord is my s. and song, 2 Sam. 22. 33. Psal. 18. 2. I 28. 7. I 118. 14. Isa. 12. 2. .Iosh.l4. 11. as w?/s. was then, even so is jhj/s. now Judg. 16. 17. if I be shaven, mij s. will go from me Job 6. 11. what is my s. that I should hope? 12. is my s. of stones? or is my flesh of brass? Psal. 18. 1. I will love thee, O Lord, my s. 19.14.0 Ld.ra?/s.22. 19. II 22.15.wys. is dried up 31. 4. pull me out of the net, for thou art my s. 10. my s. fails bee. of my iniquity, 38. 10. | 71.9. 43.2. thou art the God of ?ny s.why go I mourning? 59. 17. to thee, Omys. will I sing ; God is defence 62. 7. art rock ofmy s.\\ 102.23. he weakened my s. 139. 1 15. my s. was not hid from thee, when I was 144.1. blessed be L. my s. who teacheth my hands Isa. 27. 5. let him take hold ofmy s. to make peace 49. 4. I have spent my s. for nought, and in vain 5. yet I shall be glorious, my God shall be my s. .ler. 16. 19. O Lord mys. \\ Hab. 3. 19. God is nys. Lam. 1. 14. they are wreathed, he made otj/ s. to fall 3. 18. 1 said my s. and hope is perished from Lord Zech. 12.5. shall be my s. in Lord of hosts their God 2 Cor. 12. 9. for my s. is made perfect in weakness Sec No. Their STRENGTH. .Tosh. 11. 13. as for cities that stood still in theirs. Psal. 37. 39. he is their s. in the time of trouble 73. 4. are no bands in their death, their s. is firm 78. 51. he smote the chief of tAc/r s. 105. 30. 89. 17. for thou art the glory of their s. 90. 10. yet is their s. labour and sorrow Prov. 20. 29. the glory of young men is their s. Isa. 30. 7. I have cried, their s. is to sit still 40. 31. they that wait on Lord shall renew their s. 41. 1. and let the people renew their s. 63. 6. 1 will bring down their s. to the earth STR Eiek, 24. 25. when I lake from thorn their s. Joel 2. 22. the fig-tree and vine do yield tluir s. Thy STRENGTH. Exod. 15. 13. thou hast guided them in tht/ s. JJeut. 33. 25. and as thy days, so sliall thy s. be Judg. 16. 6. tell me wherein thy s. lieth, 15. 2 Ch.ron.6. 41. thou and ark o( tity s. I'sal. 132. 8. Psal. 21. 1. the king shall joy in thy s. O Lord 13. he thou exalted, O Lord, in thine own s. 54. 1. save me by thy name, judge me by thy s. (fci. 28. thy God hath connnanded thy s. 71.18.until I have shewed thy s. to this generation 74. 13. thou didst divide the sea by thy s. 77. 14. thou hast declared thy s. among the people 80. 2. stir up thy s. and come and save us 86. IG. O turn to me, give thy s. to thy servant 110. 2. Lord shall send rod of thy s. out ofZion Prov. 5. 1 10. lest strangers be filled with thy s. 34. 10. if faint in day of adversity, thy s. is small 31. 3. give not thy s. unto women, nor thy ways Jsa. 17. 10. hast not been mindful of rock uf thy s. 52. 1. awake, awake, put on thy s. O Zion C3. 15. where is thy zeal and thy s. the sounding Jlmus 3. 11. he shall bring down thy s. from thee Mark 12.30. thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart aud with alUA!/s.33. i,tt/i:e 10.27. Your STRENGTH. Lev. 26. 20. and your s. shall be spent in vain JVVA. 8. 10. for the joy of the Lord is your s. ha. 23. 14. howl, ye ships, your s. is laid waste 30. 15. in quietness and contidence shall be yours. Ezek.2i. 21. my sanctuary, e.xcellency oiyoiir s. STRENGTHEN. Lev. 25. 135. if thy brother be poor s. him -Dc«t.3.28.but charge Joshua, encourage and s.him Judg. 16. 28. s. me, I pray thee, only this onco 19. fS. s. thine heart with a morsel of bread 1 Kings 20. 22. go s. thys. mark and see what dost -Ezra 6. 22. to s. their hands in the work of house JVeA. 6. 9. now therefore, O God, s. my hands Job 16. 5. but I would s. you with my mouth Psal. 20. 2. Lord send thee help, s. thee out of Zion 27. 14. wait on Lord, he shall s. tliy heart, 31. 24. 41. 3. Lord will s. him on the bed of languishing 68. 28. s. that which thou hast wrought for us 89. 21. be established, mine arm also shall s. him 119. 28. s. thou mo according to thy word Isa. 22. 21. and I will s. him with thy girdle 30. 2. to s. themselves in the s. of Pharaoh 33. 23. they could not well s. their mast 35. 3. s. ye the weak hands || 41. 10. 1 will s. thee 54. 2. lengthen thy cords, and s. thy slakes Jer. 4. t6. set up the standard, s. stay not 23. 14. they s. also the hands of evil doers Eiek. 7. 13. nor shall any s. himself in iniquity 16. 49. neither did she s. hand of poor and needy 30. 24. I will s. arms of the king of Babylon, 25. 34. 16. and I will s. that which was sick Dan. 11. 1. even I stood to confirm and to s. him Jimos 2. 14. and the strong shall not s. his force Zech. 10. 6. and I will s. the house of Judah 12. I will s. them in the Lord, they shall walk iMke 22. 32. when thou art converted, s. brethren 1 Pet. 5. 10. God make you perfect, stablish, s. you Rev. 3. 2. be watchful and s. things which remain STRENGTHENED, .ectively, Passively. Oen. 48. 2 Israel s. himself, and sat upon the bed Judg. 3. 12. the Lord s. Eglon against Israel 7. II. and afterwards shall thine hands be s. 9. t24. which s. his hands to kill his brethren 1 Sam. 23. 16. Jonathan went and s. hand in God 2 Sam. 2. 7. therefore now let your hands be s. 1 Chron. 11. 10. who s. themselves with David 2 Chron. 1. 1. and Solomon was s. in his kingdom 11. 17. so they s. the kingdom of Judah 12. 1. when Rehob. had s. himself, he forsook law 13. 7. and have s. themselves against Rehoboam 17. 1. Jchoshaphat s. himself against Israel 21. 4. Jehoram s. himself and slew all his brethren 23. 1. Jehoiada s. himself and took the captains 24. 13. they set house of God in his state, and s. it 25. 11. Amaziah s. himself, and led forth people 26. 8. for Uzziah s. himself exceedingly 28. ao. came and distressed Ahaz, but s. him not 32. 5. Hezekiah s. himself, and built the wall Ezra 1. 6. all that were about them s. their hands 7. 28. I was s. as hand of my God was upon me JVeA. 2. 18. they s. their hands for this good work Job 4. 3. and thou hast s. the weak hands 4. and thou hast s. the feeble knees Psal. .52. 7. and s. himself in his wickedness 147. 13. for he hath s. the bars of thy gates Pron. 7. tl3. she s. her face and said to him 8. 28. when he s. the fountains of the deep / to Cyrus,whoso right hand I have s. Ezek. 13.22. ye have s. the hands of the wicked 34. 4. the diseased have ye not s. nor healed sick Dan. 10. 18. one touched me, and s. mc, 19. 11. 0. he that begat her and s. her in these times 12.sliall cast down many, but he shall not be 587 STR Hos. 1. 15. though I have bound and s. their arms jJcis9.19.Saul was .5. II £;^>/(. 3.16. lobes, with might Col. 1. 11. s. with all might according to his power 2 Tim. 4. 17. the Lord stood with me and s. me STRENGTH ENEDST. Psal. 138. 3. and s. me with strength in my soul STRENGTHENETH. Job 15. 25. he s. himself against the Almighty Psal. 104. 15. and bread which s. man's heart Prov. 24. 15. yea, a man of knowledge s. might 31. 17. she girdeth her loins, and s. her arms * Eccl. 7. 19. wisdom s. the wise more than ten men Isa. 44. 14. the cypress and oak he s. for himself Jimos 5. 9. that s. the spoiled against the strong Phil. 4.13. 1 can do all things thro' Christ who s. me STRENGTHENING. Luke 22. 43. there appeared an angel s. him jJcJsl8.23. Paul went to Galatia, s. all the disciples STRETCH. Ezod. 7. 19. s. out thy hand upon waters of Egypt 8. 5. s. forth thine hand over streams and rivers 16. s. out thy rod and smite dust of land 25. 20. cherub, shall s. forth their wings on high Josh. 8. 18. s. out spear that is in thy hand to Ai HKingsHl. 13. 1 wills, over Jerus. line of Samaria 1 Chron. 21. f 10. 1 s. out three things, choose one Job 11. 13. if thou s. out thy hands to him 39. 26. doth the hawk s. her wings toward south 1 Psal. 68. 31. shall soon s. out her hands to God Isa. 28. 20. shorter than that a man can s. himself 34. 11. he shall s. upon it the line of confusion 54. 2. s. forth the curtains of thy habitat, let them Jer, 10. 20. there is none to s. forth my tent Ezek. 30. 25. kmg of Baby, shall s. out my sword Jimos 6. 4. and s. themselves upon their couches Jilat. 12. 13. Jesus said to man, s. forth thy hand ■John 21. 18. thou shalt s. forth thy hands 2 Cor. 10. 14. for we s. not ourselves beyond meas. STRETCHED, .actively, Passively. Oen. 22. 10. Abraham s. forth hand to slay his son 48. 14. Israel s. out right hand, laid it on Ephraim Exod. 8. 6. Aaron s. out his hand over waters, 17. 9.23. Moses s. forth his rod toward heaven, 10. 13. 10. 22. Moses s. forth hand to heaven, 14. 21, 27. Josh. 8. 18. and Joshua 5. out the spear, 26. 19. they ran as soon as he had s. out his hand 2 Sam. 6. 1 17. set ark in tabernacle David had s. 1 Kings 6. 27. the cherubims s. forth their wings 17. 21. he s. himself on child, 2 Kiiigs 4. 34, 35. 1 Chron. 21. 16. angel with a sword s. over Jerusal. Job 38. 5. who hath s. the lino upon it? Psal. 44. 20. or s. our hands to a strange god 88. 9. I have s. out my hands unlo thee 136. 6. lo him that s. out the earth above waters Prov. 1. 24. because I have s. out my hand Isa. 3. 16. because they walk with s. forth necks 5. 25. he hath s. forth his hand against them ; his hand is s. out still, 9. 12, 17, 21. | 10. 4. 14. 26. this is the hand that is s. out on all nations 27. hand is s. out, and who shall turn it back"! 16. 8. her branches are s. out, are gone over sea 23. 11. he s. out his hand over sea, shook kingdom 42. 5. that s. out the heavens, 45. 12. | 51. 13. Jer. 6. 4. the shadows of the evening are s. out 10. 12. he s. out the heavens by his discretion 51. 15. he s. out heaven by his understanding Lam. 2. 8. the Lord hath s. out a lino Ezek. 1. 11. and their wings were .5. upward 10. 7. one cherub s. forth his hand to the fire 16.27. behold, I have s. out my hand over thee Hos. 7. 5. he s. out his hands with scorncrs Jimos 6. 7. that s. themselves shall be removed Zech. 1. 16. aline shall hes. forth upon Jerusalem Mat. 12. 13. and he s. forth his hand, Mark 3. 5. Luke 22. 53. ye s. forth no hands against me Jlcts 12. 1. Herod s. his hands lo vex the church Rom. 10. 21. all dav long I have s. forth my hands See Arm. STRETCUEDST. Exod. 15.12. thou s. out thy right hand, earth swal. STRETCHEST. Psal. 104. 2. who s. out the heavens like a curtain STRETCHETH. Job 15. 25. for he s. out his hand against God 26. 7. he s. out the north over the empty place Prov. 31. 20. she s. out her hand to the poor Isa. 40. 22. that s. out the heavens as a curtain 44. 13. the carpenter s. out his rule, marketh 24. that s. forth the heavens alone, Zech. 12. 1. STRETCHING. Isa. 8. 8. s. of his wings shall fill thy land, Olmm. .lets 4. 30. by s. forth thy hand to heal STRIPE. Oen. 13. 7. there was a s. between the herdmen 8. Abrara said, let there be no s. between mo Kxod. 17. t7. he called the name of the place s. JsTum. 20. 1 13. this is the water of s. because Israel 27. 14. ye rebelled in the s. of the congregation Deut.l. 12. how can I myself alone bear your s.? Titd^. 12.2.1 and people were at great s. with Amm. STR 2 Sam. 19. 9. all the people were at s. thro' Israel Psal. 31. 20. shalt keep them from s. of tongues 55. 9. for I have seen violence and s. in the city 80. 0. thou makest us a s. to our neighbours 106. 32. they angered him at the waters of s. Prov. 15. 18. a wrathful man stirreth up s. 29. 22. but he that is slow to anger appeaselh s. 16.28. a froward man sowolh s. and a whisperer 17. 1. than a house full of sacrifices with s. 14. beginning of s. is as when one lettoth out 19. he lovelh transgression, that loveth s. 20. 3. it is an honour for a man lo cease from s. 22. 10. cast out the scorncr, and s. shall cease 26. 17. he that meddlelh with s. belong, not to him 20. where there is no tale-bearer, the s. ceaselh 21. so is a contentious man to kindle s. 28. 25. he that is of a proud heart stirreth up s. 30. 33. the forcing of wrath bringelh forth s. Isa. 41. til- the men of thy s. shall perish 58. 4. behold, ye fast for s. and debate, to smite Jer. 15. 10. that thou hast born me a man ols. Ezek. 47. 19. even to the waters of s. 48. 28. Hab. 1. 3. there are that raise up s. and contention Luke 22. 24. there was a s. among the disciples Rom. 13. 13. walk honestly, not in s. and envying 1 Cor. 3. 3. there is among you s. and envying Oal. 5. 20. the works of the flesh are .5. wrath Phil. 1. 15. some indeed preach Christ even of s. 2. 3. let nothing be done through s. or vain glory 1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof Cometh envy, s. railings Heb. 6. 16. and an oath is to them an end of all s. Jam. 3. 14. but if ye have bitter envying and s. 16. where s. is, there is confusion and evil work STRIFES. Prov. 10. 12. hatred stirreth up s. love covers sins 2 Cor. 12. 20. lest there be envyings, wraths, s. 1 Tim. 6. 4. doting about questions and s. of words 2 Tim. 2. 23. knowing that they do gender s. STRIKE. Exod. 12. 7. and s. blood on the two side-posts, 22. Deut- 21. 4. and shall s. off the heifer's neck there 2 Kings 5. 11. will come and s. his hand over place Job 17. 3. who is he that will s. hands with me? 20. 24. and the bow of steel shall s. him through Psal. 110. 5. shall s. thro' kings in day of his wrath Prov. 7. 23. till a dart s. through his liver 11. tl5. that hateth those that s. hands is sure 17. 26. it is not good lo s. i>rinces for equity 22. 26. he not thou one of them that s. hands .ler. 40. 1 14. halh sent Ishmael to s. thee in soul Ezek. 39. t2. I will s. thee with six plagues Hos. 14. t 5. he shall s. forth his roots as Lebanon Hab. 3. 14. thou didst s. through with his staves Mark 14. 65. did s. Jesus with palms of their hands STRICKEN, .Actively, Passively. Oen. 18. 11. Abram and Sarah well s. in age, 24. 1. Josh. 13. 1. now Joshua was s. in years, 23. 1, 2. ,fudg.5.2(}. when Jael had s. through his temples 1 Kings 1. 1. king David was old and s. in years Prov. 6. 1. if thou hast s. thy hand with a stranger 23. 35. they have s. me and I was not sick Isa. 1.5. why should ye be s. any more? revolt more 16. 7. surely they are s. || 53. 4. did esteem him s. 53. 8. for the transgression of my people was he s. .Jer. 5. 3. thou hast s. them, they have not grieved I^am.\. 9. .?. through for want of the fruits of field 1.7. Zaoh. and Elisabeth well s. in years, 18. STRIKER. 1 Tim. 3. 3. a bishop must be sober, no s. Tit. 1. 7. STRIKETH. .lob 34. 26. he s. them as wicked men in sight Prov. 17. 18. a man void of understanding s. hands Rev. 9. 5. as torment of scorpion, when he s. a man STRING. Psal. 11. 2. they make ready their arrow upon s. Mark 7. 35. s. of his tongue was loosed, he spake STRINGS. Psal. 21. 12. shalt make ready thine arrows upon s. 33. 2. sing to him with the psaltery, with an in- strument often s. 92. 3. | 144.9. STRINGED. 1 S'a7n.l8.t6.women came with three s. instruments P.saZ.1.50.4. praise him with s. instruments and org. Isa. 38. 20. we will sing my songs to s. instruments Hab. 3. 19. to chief singer on my s. instruments STRIPE. Exod. 21. 2a. shalt give wound for wound, s. for a. STRIPES. See the Signification of ScotiROE. Deut. 25. 3. forty s. he may give him, and not ex- ceed ; if he beat him above these with many.'-". 2 Sam. 7. 14. and with s. of the children of men Psal. 89. 32. then I will visit their iniquity with .t. Prov. 17. 10. than a hundred s. into a fool 19. 29. and s. are prepared for the back of fools 20. 30. so do s. the inward parts of the belly Isa. .53. 5. with his s. we are healed, 1 Pet. 2. 24. Luke 12. 47. he who knew, be beaten with many s. 48. ho who knew not shall be beaten with few .■;. Jicts 16. 23. when they had laid many s. upon them STR j?ctsl6.33.took them same hour and washed theirs. 2 Cor. 6. 5. in s. in imprisonments, in tumults 11. 23. in s. above measure, in prisons, in deaths 24. of Jews five times received I forty s. save one STRIP. JV«m. 20. 26. and s. Aaron of his garments 1 Sam.31. 8. Philistines came to s slain, 1 CAr. 10. 8. Isa. 32. 11. s. ye, make ye bare, gird sackcl. on loins Eiek. 16. 39. they shall s. thee of thy clothes, 23. 26. Jios. 2. 3. lest I s. her naked, and set her as in day STRIPPED. Oen. 37. 23. that they s. Joseph out of his coat Exod. 33. 6. Israel s. themselves of their ornaments J\r«?rt. 20. 28. Moses s. Aaron of his garments 1 Sam. 18. 4. Jonathan s. himself of the robe on him 19. 24. Saul s. off his clothes also, and prophesied 31. 9. the Philistines s. Saul of his armour 2 Cliron. 20. 25. precious jewels which they s. off Job 19. 9. he s. me of my glory, and taken crown 22. 0. for thou hast s. the naked of their clothing Jilic. 1. 8. therefore I will go s. and naked Mat. 27.28. they s. Jesus, put on him scarlet robe L,uke 10.30. thieves, which s. him of his raiment STRIPLING. 1 Sam. 17. 56. king said, inquire whose son the s. is STRIVE. Oen. 6. 3. my spirit shall not always s. with man 26. 20. the herdmen of Gerar did s. with Isaac's Ezod. 21. 18. if men s. together, and one smite an. 22. if man s. and hurt a woman with child, he shall be surely punished, Deat.'io. 11. Deul. 33. 8. with whom thou didst s. at Meribah Judg. 1 1. 25. did he ever s. ag. Isr. or fight ag. them Job 33. 13. why dost thou s. against him ? Ps. 35. 1. plead my cause with them that s. with me Prov. 3. 30. s. not with a man without cause 25. 8. go not forth hastily to s. lest thou know not Isa. 41. 11. and they that s. with thee shall perish 45. 9. let the potsherd s. with potsherds of earth Hos. 4. 4. let no man s. thy people are as they that s. Mat. 12. 19. he shall not s. nor shall any hear voice Luke 13. 24. s. to enter in at the strait gate Rom. 15. 30. s. with me in your prayers to God for me 2 Tim.. 2. 5. and if a man also s. for masteries 14. that they s. not about words to no profit 24. and the servant of the Lord must not s. STRIVED. Rom. 15. 20. so have I s. to preach the gospel STRIVEN. Jcr. 50. 24. because thou hast s. against the Lord STRIVETH. Isa. 45.9. woe to him that s. with his Maker 1 Cor.9.25.ev. man that s. for mastery, is temperate STRIVING. Phil. 1. 27. with one mind s. for faith of the gospel Col. 1. 29. s. accord, to his working which workelh 4. 1 12. always s. fervently for you in prayers Heb. 12. 4. ye have not resisted to blood, s ag. sin STRIVINGS. 2Sam. 22. 44. hast delivered me from the s. of the people, and made head of heathen, Psal. 18. 43. Tit. 3. 9. avoid contentions and s. about the law STROKE. Deut. 17. 8. if a matter too hard between s. and s. 19. 5. and his hand fetcheth a s. with the axe to cut 21. 5. by their word shall every s. be tried 2 Sam. 20. flO. Joab doubled not his s. Amasa died 2 Chr. 21. 1 14. with a great s. will the Lord smite Esth. 9. 5. Jews smote their enemies with the s. Job 23. 2. my s. is heavier than my groaning 36. 18. beware lest he take thee away with his s. Psal. 38. t U. my friends stand aloof from my s. 39. 10. remove thy s. away from me Isa. 14. 6. he smote the people with a continual s. 30. 26. the Lord healeth the s. of their wound 53. t8. for he was cut off out of the land, for the transgression of my people was the s. upon him Ezek. 24. 16. 1 take desire of thine eyes with a s. STROKES. Prov. 18. 6. a fool's mouth calleth for s. STRONG. Gen. 49. 14. Issachar is a s. ass, couching down 24. and the arms of his hands were made s. Exod. 6. 1. with a s. hand shall let them go, 13.9. 10. 19. the Lord turned a mighty s. west-wind 14. 21. Ld. caused sea to go back by a 5. east-wind JV«m.20. 20. Edom came against him with a s.hand 21. 24. border of the children of Ammon was s. 24. 21. Balaam said, s. is thy dwelling-place 28. 7. the s. wine to be poured out to the Lord Deut. 2. 36. there was not one city too s. for us 22. t25. ifman takes, hold ofher, and lie with her 28. 1 50. a nation s. of face, which shall not regard Josh. 14. 11. as yet I am as s. this day, as I was day 17. 13. when Israel were waxen s. Judg. 1. 28, 23. 9. Lord hath driven out great nations and i Judg. 6. t2. the hand of Midian was s. ag. Israel t26. build an altar on the top of this s. place 9 51. but there was a s. tower within the city 588 STR Judg. 14. 14. out of the s. came forth sweetness 18. 20. Micah saw that they were too s. for him 16'aw.l4.52.when Saul saw any s. man, he look him 2 Sam. 2. 1 16. that place was called field of s. men 3.6. Abner made himself s. for the house of Saul 10. 11. if the Syrians be too s. for me, if Ammon be too s. for thee, 1 will help, 1 Chr. 19. 12. 11. 25. make thy battle more s. against the city 15. 12. the conspiracy was s. the people increased 22. 18. he delivered me from my s. enemy, for ■ they were too s. for me, Psal. 18. 17. 1 Kings 2. t8.Shimei,who cursed me with a s.curse 8.42. for they shall hear of thy name and s. hand 19. 11. a great and s. wind rent the mountains 2 Chron. 11. 12. he made the cities exceeding s. 17. so they made Rehoboam s. three years 16. 9. eyes run to shew himself s. in behalf of them 26. 16. when Uzziah was s. he was lifted up JVeh. 1. 10. thou hast redeemed by thy s. hand 9. 25. and they took s. cities and a fat land Job 8. 2. words of thy mouth be like a s. wind 9. 19. if I speak of strength, lo, he is s. 30. 21. with thy s. hand thou opposest thyself 37. 18. hast thou spread out the sky that is s.? 40. 18. bones are as s. pieces of brass, like bars Psal. 19. 5. and rejoiceth as a s. man to run a race 24. 8. Lord s. and mighty, Lord mighty in battle 30. 7. thou hast made my mountain to stand s. 31. 2. be thou my s. rock, and house to save me 21. he hath shewed me his kindness in a s. city 35. 10. the poor from him that is too s. for him 1 18. I will praise thee among s. people 38. 19. mine enemies are lively and they are s. 60. 9. who will bring me into s. city 7 108. 10. 61. 3. thou hast been a s. tower from the enemy 71.3. bemys. habitation || 7. thou art my s. refuge 80. 15. the branch thou raadest s. for thyself, 17. 89. 8. O Lord, who is a s. Lord like unto thee? 13. s. is thy hand, and high is thy right hand 136. 12. with a s. hand and a stretched-out arm thou hast brought them out, Jer. 32. 21. Prou.7.26. yea, many s. men have been slain by her 10. 15. rich man's wealth is his s. city, 18. 11. 11. 16. woman retains honour, and s. men retain 14. 26. in the fear of the Lord is s. confidence 18. 10. the name of the Lord is a s. tower 19. a brother is harder to be won than a s. city 21. 14. a reward in the bosom pacifieth s. wrath 24.5. wise men is s. \\ 30.25. ants are a people not s. Eccl. 9. 11. I saw that the battle is not to the s. 12. 3. when the s. men shall bow themselves Cant. S. 6. set me as a seal, for love is s. as death Isa. 1. 31. thes. shall be as tow, maker as a spark 8. 7. Lord bringeth on them waters, s. and many 11. the Lord spake thus to me with a s. hand 17. 9. his s. cities shall be as a forsaken bough 25. 3. therefore shall the s. people glorify thee 26. 1. shall this song be sung, we have a s. city 27. 1. with his s. sword shall punish Leviathan 28. 2. behold the Lord hath a mighty and s. one 22. be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made s. 31. 1. that trust in horsemen, because they are s. 40. 10. behold, the Lord will come with a s. hand 26. for that he is s. in power, not one faileth 41 .21.bring forth your s.reasons,saith King of Jac. 53. 12. and he shall divide the spoil with the s. 50. til. yea, they are s. of appetite 60. 22. a small one shall become a s. nation Jer. 5. t 0- because their backslidings are s. 21. 5. I will fight against you with a s. arm 48. 14. how say ye, we are mighty, s. men lor war 17. all about him say, how is the s. staff broken! 49. 19. he shall come against habitation of the s. 50. 34. their Redeemer is s. the Lord of hosts 44. he shall come up to the habitation of the s. 51. 12. make the watch s. set up the watchmen Ezek. 3. 8. 1 have made thy face s. thy forehead s. 14. but the hand of the Lord was s. upon me 7. 24. I will make the pomp of the s. to cease 19. 11. had s. rods for sceptres of them that rule 12. her s. rods were broken and withered 14. so she hath no s. rod to be a sceptre to rule 26. 11. thy s. garrisons shall go down to ground 17. the renowned city which was s. in the sea 30. 21. to bind it, to make it s. to hold the sword 22. and I will break the s. arms of Pharaoh 32. 21. s. shall speak to him out of midst of hell 34. 16. but I will destroy the fat and the s. Dan. 4. 11. the tree grew, and was s. 20. 22. it is thou, O king, art grown and become s. 7. 7. the fourth beast terribly s. exceedingly 8. 8. when he was s. the great horn was broken 11. 23. he shall become s. with a small people Joel 1. 6. for nation is come up on my land. s. 2. 2. 2. 5. as the noise of a s. people set in battle-array 11. for he ia s. that cxecutelh his word 3. 10. let the weak say, I am s. Mmos 2. 9. the Amorite was s. as the oaks 14. and the s. shall not strengthen his force t 16. he that is s. of heart, shall flee away STR .^mos 5. 9. that strengtheneth the spoiled ag. the s. Mic. 4. 3. he shall rebuke s. nations afar off" 7. 1 will make her that was cast far off, s. nation 6. 2. hear, ye s. foundations of ihe earlli JVuA. 2. 1. make thy loins s. fortify thy power Zech. G. t3. in fourth chariot grisled and s. horses 8. 22. s. nations shall come to seek the Lord Jl/a£ can one enter into as. man's house except he first bind the s. man"? Mark 3. 27. 14. t30. but when he saw wind s. he was afraid Luke 1. 80. the child grew and waxed s. 2. 40. 11. 21. when a s. man armed keepeth his palace Jlcts 3. 16. thro' faith hath made this man s. Rom. 4. 20. was s. in faith, giving glory to God 15. 1. we that are s. ought to bear infirm, of weak 1 Cor. 4. 10. we are weak, but ye are s. 2 Cor. 12. 10. for when I am weak, then am 1 s. 13. 9. we are glad when we are weak, and ye are s. 2 Thess. 2. 11. God shall send them s. delusion //isft.5.7.when had offered up prayers with s. crying 12. such ashave need of milk, and not of s. meat 14. s. meat belongs to them that are of full age 6. 18. we might have a s. consolat. who have fled 11. 34. who out of weakness were made s. 1 .fohn 2. 14. ye are s. word of God abideth in you Rev.5.2. 1 saw a s. angel proclaim, with loud voice 18. 2. he cried with a s. voice, Babylon is fallen 8. for s. is the Lord God who judgeth her Be STRONG. J\rum. 13. 18. see whether they be s. or weak 3. the people be s. that dwell in the land Deut.ll. 8. keep commandments, that ye may be s. 12. t23. only be s. that thou eat not the blood JosA. 17.18. drive out Canaanites, though they be s. 1 Sam. 4. 9. be s. and quit yourselves like men 2 Sam. 16. 21. the hands of all with thee shall be s. 1 Kings 2. 2. be thou s. and shew thyself a man 1 Chron. 19. 12. if the Syrians be too s. for me, if Ammon be too s. for thee I will help thee 28. t7. if he be s. to do my commandments 10. the Lord hath chosen thee, be s. and do it 2 Chron. 15. 7. be s. your work shall be rewarded 25. 8. if thou wilt go, do it, be s. for the battle Ezra 9. 12. that ye may be s. and eat good of land Psal. 144. 14. that our oxen may be s. to labour Isa. 35. 4. say to them of a fearful heart, be s. Ezek. 22. 14. can thy hands be s. in the days I deal Dan. 2. 40. the fourth kingdom shall be s. as iron 42. the kingdom shall be partly s. partly broken 10. 19. he said, peace be to thee, be s. yea, be s. 11. 5. the king of the south shall be s. and he shall be s. above him and have dominion 32. but people that know their God shall be s. Hag. 2. 4. bes. O Zerubbabel,6es. O Joshua, Jes. all ye people of land, saith the Lord, and work Zcc/(.8. 9. let hands ie s. ye that hear in these days 13. fear not, but let your hands be s. [be s. 1 Cor. 16. 13. stand fast in faith, quit you like men, Eph. 6. 10. finally, brethren, be s. in the Lord 2 Tim. 2. 1. my son, be s. in grace that is in Christ Sec Courage, Drink. STRONG hold and holds. J\rum. 13. 19. whether in tents or in s. holds .Tudg. 6. 2. Israel made them caves and s. holds 1 Sam. 23. 14. David abode in wilderness in s. holds 19. doth not David hide himself with us in s. h-? 29. and David dwelt in s. holds at En-gedi 2 Sam. 5. 7. David took the s. hold of Zion 24. 7. and they came to the s. hold of Tyre 2 Kings 8. 12. their s. holds wilt thou set on fire 2 Chron. 11. 11. Rehoboam fortified the s. holds Psal. 89. 40. thou hast brought his s. holds to ruin Isa. 23. 11. to destroy the s. holds thereof 31. 9. and he shall pass over to his s. hold for fear Jer. 48. 18. the spoiler shall destroy thy s. holds 41. Kerioth is taken, the s. holds are surprised Lam. 2. 2. he hath thrown down s. holds of Judah 5. the Lord hath destroyed his s. holds Z)(i7i. 11.24. forecast his devices against thes. AoWs 39. thus shall he do in the most s. holds Mic. 4. 8. the s. Iiold of the daughter of Zion JVaA. 1. 7. Lord is a s. hold in the day of trouble 3. 12. all thy s. hi)lds shall be like fig-trees 14. draw thee waters for siege, fortify thy s. hold Hab. 1. 10. they shall deride every s. hold Zech. 9. 3. and Tyrus did build herself a .«. hold 12. turn ye to the s. hold, ye prisoners of hope 2 Cor. 10. 4. butmightvto pulling down of s. holds STRONG ones. Psal. 10. 10. that the poor may fall by his s. ones Jer. 8. 16. at sound of the neighing of his s. ones STRONGER. Oen. 25. 23. one people shall be s. than the other 30. 41. whensoever the s. cattle did conceive 42. so the feebler were Laban's, and s. Jacob's JVTmot. 13. 31. we be not able, they are s. than we Judg. 14. 18. the men said, what is s. than a liont 2 Sam. 1.23. Saul and Jonathan were s. than lions 3. 1. but David waxed s. and s. and Saul \veal«er 13. 14. but Amnon being s. than she, forced her STU 1 A7n^s 20.23. their gods aregotis of hills, therefore s. surely we shall be s. than they, 25. Job 17. 9. he that hath clean hands shall be s.and s Psal. 105. 24. he made them s. than their enemies 142. 6. deliver me, for they are s. than I Jcr. 20. 7. thou art s. than I, and hast prevailed 31. 11. ransomed from him that was ;>'. than he Luke 11.22. when a s. than he sUall come upon him 1 Cor. 1. 25. the weakniss of God is s. than men 10. 22. do \\c provoke Lord 7 are we s. than he 7 STRONGEST. Prov. 30. 30. a lion which is s. among beasts STRONGLY. Judg. 8. t 1- Ephraimites did chide Gideon s. 1 Chron. 11. t 10. these men held s. with David £rra6. 3. let the foundation thereof be s. laid STROVE. G'fn.2fi. 20. called Ezek. bee. they s. with him, 21, 22. digged another well, and for that they s. not Eroti. 2. 13. two men of the Hebrews s. together J,ev. 24. 10. and a man of Israel s. in the camp JVum. 20. 13. the children of Israel s. with the Lord 20. 9. this is that Dathan, who s. against ftloses 2 Sam. 14. 6. they two s. together in the lield Dan. 7 2. the four winds s. upon the great sea Jvh?t 6. 52. the Jews s. among themselves, saying ^cts 7.26. Moses shewed himself to them as they s. 23. 9. and s. saying, we find no evil in this man STRUCK. 1 Sam. 2. 14. he s. it into the pan or kettle or pot 2 Sam. 12. 15. the Lord s. the child, and it was sick 20. 10. Joab s. him not again, and Aniasa died 2 Chron. 13.20. the Lord s. Jeroboam, and he died Mat. 20. 51. one of them s. a servant of high-priest's Luke 22. 64. thev .«. Jesus on the face, John 18. 22. STRUGGLED. (rcn. 25. 22. the children s. together within her STUBBLE. Exod. 5. 12. scattered to gather 5. instead of straw 15.7.senlestthy wrath which consumed them as s. Job 13. 25. and wilt thou pursue the dry s. ? 21. 18. they are ass. before the wind, and as chaff 41. 28. sling-stones are turned with him into s. 29. darts are counted as s. he laugheth at a si)ear Psal. 83. 13. make them as s. before the wind Isa. 5. 24. as fire devoureth the s. so their root be 33. 11. she shall conceive chaff and bring forth s. 40. 24. whirlwind shall take them away as s. 41. 2. he gave them as driven s. to his bow 47. 14. they shall be as s. the fire shall burn them Jcr. 13. 24. therefore will I scatter them as s. Joel 2. 5. like noise of a flame, that devoureth the s. Ohad. 18. and the house of Esau shall be for s. jVaA. 1. 10. they shall be devoured as .*. fully dry Mai. 4. 1. all that do wickedly and proud be s. 1 Cor.'i. 12. on tiiis foundation gold, wood, hay s. STUBBORN. Dcut. 21. 18. ifa man have a s. and rebellious son 20. and they shall say to elders, this our son iss. Judir. -2. 19. they ceased not from tlieir s. way Psal. 18. 8. might not be as fathers, a s. generation Prov. 7. 11. she is loud and .5. her feet abide not STUBBORNNESS. Deut. 9. 27. look not to s. of this people nor sin 29. t 19. peace, the' I walk in «. of mine heart 1 Sam. 15. 23. and «. is as iniquity and idolatry Jer. 3. t 17. nor walk after the s. of their heart 7. t 24. but they walked in s. of their evil heart, 9.t 14. I 11. t8. I 13. t 10. 1 10. t 12. 23. t 17. say to them that walk in s. no evil come STUCK. 1 .Sam. 26. 7. hisspear s. in the ground at his bolster Psal. 119. 31. I have s. unto thy testimonies AcWil. 41. for part of the ship s. fast and remained STUDS. Cant.l.ll.will make borders of gold with s. of silver STUDY. The chief study of the Hebrews was always the laiD of the Lord. The practice of this is re- commended Ihroughoulthc icholeOld Testament. Moses commanded., that the law of the Lord should always be in their mouths day and nif^ht; that it should be us a memorial before their eyes, and a signal in their hands: He would have them engrave it on their hearU ; that they should teach it their children : that they should always meditate upon it,ichetltcr sitting in their houses, walking in the fields, in tlie night time, while they slept, and when they awoke in the morning ; that they should wear it as a brace- let to their arm, and write it upon their door- posts. This was the study of the prophets, the patriarchs, and aii^food Israelites, Exod. 13.9. Deut. 6. 7. Sut their study was not confined only to their laws and ceremonies prescribed by Moses : They studied their histories, and even their ge- nealogies; so that the children of the Jews, according to Jerom, knew at their finger-ends all the genealogies that are found in the Chro- 58!) STU nicies. From their tenderest infancy, as Jose phus relates, they weie accustomed to study the laws of God, to learn them by heart, to prac- tise them, and they were so addicted to them., that they were ready to lay down their lives for their observation. Jiftcr they had the writings of the prophets, they applied them- selves very earnestly to know the sense of the prophecies, and to study the hidden meaning of them, We see it by Daniel, who applied himself with so much care to unfold the mean- ing of his own revelations, and of those of the prophet Jeremiah, who fixed the time for the completing the captivity of tlie people of Ciod, Dan. 7. 28. | 9. 2, 3, 22, 23, 24. And the Apostle Peter informs us, what was the study of the prophets. They searched what times and what other circumstances the Spirit o/ Christ who spoke in them had marked out, when they predicted the sufferings of our Saviour, and the glory that was to follow, 1 Pet. 1. 11. After the conquests of Alexander the Great, the Jews, who were mingled with the Grecians, in the greatest part of the provinces of the East, began to have a taste for their language and their studies. In imitation of the Grecian philosophers,they divided themselves into differ- ent sects. Some of them, as the Pharisees, espoused some of the opinions of the Stoics and Platonicians; others, as the Sadducees, em- braced some of the notions of the Epicureans ; others, as the Essenians, says Philo, had a contempt for logic, physics, and metaphysics which they thought useless, andmatter of mere curiosity. They only applied themselves to morality and the laws of God, which they ex- plained after a sublime and allegorical manner. In our Saviour's time it appears, that the main study of the Jewish doctors was chiefly the tra- ditions of their fathers. Christ upbraids them frequently with having forsaken the law of God audits true meaning, to ascribe meanings and applications to it, contrary to the sense of the law and the intention of the lawgiver. St. Paul, who had been bred up in these prin- ciples, shows also the absurdity of them in his Epistles, always calling back the laws to their original and to their true sense. But all this was not able to cure the spirit of the Jews upon this article; at this day they are more bigoted to their traditions than ever, and they make them the greatest part of their study. Eccl. 12. 12. and much s. is a weariness of the fiesli 1 Thess. 4. 11. that ye s. to be quiet and to work 2Tim.2. 15. s. to shew thyself approved unto God , STUDIETH. Prov. 15. 28. heart of the righteous s. to answer 24. 2. for their heart s. destruction, their lips talk STUFF. Gen. 31. 37. whereas thou hast searched all my 5. 45. 20. regard not your s. good of Egypt is yours Exod. 22. 7. ifa man deliver money or s. to keep 36. 7. the s. they had was sufficient for the work Josh. 7. 11. they have put it even am. their owns. 1 Sam. 10. 22. he hath hid himself among the s. 25. 13. and. two hundred abode by the s. 30. 24. so shall his part be that tarrieth by s. Ez(?/i;.12.3.prepare thees. for removing and remove 4. then shalt thou bring forth thy s. by day, 7. iMke 17. 31. be on house-top, and his s. in house STUMBLE. Prov. 3. 23. shall walk, and thy foot not s. 4. 12. 4. 19. the wicked know not at what they s. Isa. 5. 27. none shall be weary, nor s. among them 8. 15. and many among them shall s. and fall 28. 7. they err in vision, they s. in judgment 59. 10. we grope, we s. at noon day as in night 63. 13. that led them that they should not s. Jcr. 13. 10. before your feet s. on dark mountains 18. 15. they have caused them tos. in their ways 20. 11. theref. my persecutors shall s. not prevail 31. 9. to walk in a woy wherein they shall not s. 40. 0. they shall s. and fall toward the north 50. 32. and the most proud shall s. and fall Dan. 11. 19. but he shall s. and fall, not bo found JVaA. 2. 5. they shall s. in their walk 3. 3. multitude of slain, they s. upon their corpses Mai. 2. 8. ye have caused many to s. at the law 1 Pet. 2. 8. a rock of offence to them that s. at word STUMBLED. 1 Sam. 2. 4. and they that s. are girt with strength 1 Chron. 13. 9. to hold the ark, for the oxen .s. PsaZ.27.2.when they came to eat up myflesh,theys. Jer. 46. 12. for the mighty man hath s. ag. mighty Rom. 9. 32. for they s. at that stumbling-stone 11.11. Isay then, have they .9.thal they should fall? STUMBLETH. Pr()i'.24.17.andletnotthy heart he glad when he s. SUB John 11. 9. if any man walk in the day, he s. not 10. but ifa man walk in the night, he s. ftom.l4.21.nor to eat anything whereby thy broth s STUMBLING. IJ<;/m2. 10. and there is none occasion of s. in him STUMBLING-BLOCK. See Signification on Offence. Lev. 19. 14. thou shalt not put a s. before the blind Ps.ll9.t lOS.that love thy law they shall have no s. /sa. 57.14. take up thes.out of the way of my people Ezek 3. 20. and I lay a s. before him, he shall die 7. 19. because it is the s. of their iniquity 14. 3. they put the s. of their iniquity, 4, 7. 44. t 12. they were a s. of iniquity to Israel Rom. 11. 9. let their table be made a trap, a s. 14. 13. that no man put as. in his brother's way 1 Cor. 1. 23. we preach Christ crucified, to Jews as. 8.9. take heed lest this liberty of yours become a s. iJ<;«.2.14.who taught Balak to cast as. before Israel STUMBLING-BLOCKS. Jcr. 6. 21. behold, I will lay s. before this people Zeph. 1. 3. I will consume the s. with the wicked STUMBLING-STONE. Isa. 8. 14. he shall be for a stone of s. to Israel Rom. 9. 32. for they stumbled at that s.-stone 33.behold, I lay in Sion as.-s£.and rock of offence 1 Pet.2.8.a stone of s. to them that stumble at word STUMP. 1 Sam. 5. 4. only the s. of Dagon was loft to him Dan. 4. 15. yet leave the s. in the earth, 23, 26. SUBDUE. Gen. 1. 28. God said, replenish the earth and 1 Chr. 17. 10. moreover I will s. all thine enemies Psal. 47. 3. he shall s. the people under us 127. t 5. they shall s. thine enemies in the gate Isa. 45. 1. I have holden, to s. nations before him Dan. 7. 24. another rise, and he shall s. three kings ^fic.7.19.he will turn again,he will s. our iniquities ZecA. 9. 15. they shall devour and s. with sling stones Phil. 3. 21. lie is able to s. all things to himself SUBDUED. JVam. 32. 22. and the land be s. before the Lord 29. and the land shall be s. before you i)eM4.20.20.thou shalt build bulwarks, until it bes. 33. t 29. and thine enemies shall be s. unto thee Josh. 18. 1. and the land was s. before them Judg. 3. 30. so Moab was s. || 4. 23. God s. Jabin 8. 28. thus Midian was s. 1| 11. 33. Amnion was s. lS'ffim.7.13.the Philistines were s.hand of Lord was against them, 2 Sam. 8. 1. 1 Chr. 18. 1 . | 20. 4. 2.Sojn.8.ll. silver and gold of all nations which he s. 22. 40. girded me with strength, them that rose up against me hast thou s. under me, Psal. 18. 39. 1 Chron. 22. 18. and the land is s. before the Lord Psal. 81. 14. I should soon have s. their enemies lCor.l5.2S.and when all things shall bes. unto him Heb. 11. 33. who through faith s. kingdoms SUBDUEDST. J^eh. 9. 24. thou s. the inhabitants of the land SUBDUETH. Ps. 18.47. it is G.that s. the people under me, 144. 2. Dan.'i 40.forasmuch as iron breaks and s.all things SUBJECT. Oen. 3. t 16. thy desire shall be s. to thy husband 4. 1 7. his.desire shall be s. to thee, thou shalt rule Luke 2. 51. Jesus went down, and was s. to them 10. 17. saying, Lord, even the devils are s. to us 20. rejoice not that the spirits are s. to you Rom. may bes. to the judgment of God 8. 7. for it is not s. to the law of God, nor can be 20. for the creature was made s. to vanity 13. 1. let every soul be s. to the higher powers 5.whcreforeyemust needs bes. not only for wrath 1 Cor. 14.32.the spirits of prophets are s. to prophets 15. 28. then shall the Son also hiniselfbe s. to him K7) the church iss.toChrist,solet the wives Co^ 2.20.why,astho' living, are ye s. to ordinances Tit. 3. 1. put them in mind to be s. to powers Heb. 2. 15. who were all their life-time s. to bondage Jatn.5. 17. Elias was s. to like passions as we are IPet. 2.18. servants be s. to your niast.with all fear 3. 22. angels and powers being made s. to him 5. 5. yea, all of you he s. one to another SUBJECTED. Rom. 8. 20. of him who hath s. the same in hope SUBJECTION. Psal. 100. 42. their enemies were brought into s< Jer. 34. 11. and they brought them into s. 16. 1 Cor. 9. 27. 1 keep under and bring my body into s. 2 Cor. 9. 13. they glorify God for your professed s. f? whom we gave place bys.not foran hour lT(>n.2.1]. let the women learn in silence with alls. 3. 4. having his children in s. with all gravity Heb. 2. 5. hath he not put in s. the world to come 8. thou hast put all things in s. under his feet 12.9. rather be in s. to the Father of spirits and live 1 Pet. 3. 1. wives, be in s. to your husbands, 5. SUBMIT. Ocn. 16. 9. return and s. thyself under her hands SUB 2 .Sam. 22.46. strangers shall s.themselves to me, as soon as they hcnr,shall be oberl. to rae,Ps.l8.44. Ps. 66. 3. shall thine enemies s. themselves to thee 68. 30. till every one s. himself with pieces of silv. 1 Cor. 16. 16. that ye s. yourselves unto such Eph. 5. 22. wives, s. yourselves to your own hus- bands, as unto the Lord, Cul. 3. 18. i/eJ. 13. 17. s. yourselves for they watch for souls Jizm. 4. 7. s. yourselves therefore to G. resist devil 1 Pet. 2.13. s. yourselves to every ordinance of man 5.5.1ikewise, ye youneer, s. yourselves to the elder SUBMITTED. 1 Chron. 29. 24. the sons of David s. to Solomon Ps. 81. IS.the haters of the L. should haves, to him Rom. 10. 3. have nets, to the righteousness of God SUBMITTING. Eph. 5. 21. s. yourselves one to anoth. in fear of G. SUBORNED. .;9cis6.11.theii they .'. men who said, we have heard SUBSCRIBE. Isa. 44.5. another shall with his hand s. unto the L Jer. 32. 44. men shall s. eviAfuices, and seal them SUBSCRIBm). Jcr. 32. 10. I s. the evidence, and sealed it 12. in presence of the witnesses that s. the book SUBSTANCE. Gcn.l.i. I will destroy every living s. from off earth 23. every livings, was destroyed, man and cattle 12. 5. Abram took all the s. they had gathered 13.6.their s.was great, so that they could not dwell 15.14. afterward they shall come out with greats. 34. 23. shall not their cattle and their s. be ours? 36. 6. and Esau took his cattle and all his s. Deut.ll. 6.the earth swallowed them up all their s. 33. 11. bless. Lord, his s. and accept the work .7os/j.l4.4. they gave to the Levites cities for their s. 1 Sam. Q.fl. his name wasKish, a mighty man ofs. 1 Chron. 27. 31. all these were the rulers of the s. 28. 1. the stewards overall the s. of the king 20Ar.21.17.they carried away all s. in king's house , 31. 3. he appointed also the king's portion of his s. 32. 29. God had given Hezekiah s. very much 35.7. Josiahgave bullocks, theserwere of king's s. Ezra 8. 21. to seek of him a right way for our s. 10. 8. would not come, all his s. should be forfeited Job 1. 3. Job's s. also was seven thousand sheep 10. and his s. is increased in the land 5. 5. and the robbers swallowed up their s. 6. 22. did I say, give a reward for me of yours. ? 15.29. he shall not be rich, nor shall his s. continue 20. 18. according to his s. shall the restitution be 22.20. whereas ours, is not cut down, but remnant 30. 22. thou liftest me up and dissolves! my s. Psal. 17. 14. they leave their their babes 105. 21. he made Joseph ruler over all his s. 139. 15. my s. was not hid from thee, when made 16. thine eyes didseemy s. yet being imperfect Prov. 1. 13. we shall find all precious s. we shall till 3. 9. honour the L. with thy s. and the first-fruits 6. 31. ho shall give all the s. of his house 8.21. that I may cause those that love me inherit s. 10. 3. but he casteth away the s. of the wicked 12. 27. but the s. of a diligent man is precious 28. 8. he that by usury increaseth his s. 29.3. keeps company with harlots, spendeth his s. Cant. 8. 7. if a man would give all his s. for love Isa. 6. 13. as a teil-tree and as an oak whose s. is in them, so the holy seed shall be s. thereof Jer. 15. 13. thy s. will 1 give to the spoil, 17. 3. fios. 12.8.1 am become rich, I have found me outs. Obad.lS. nor laid hands on their their calamity Mic. 4. 13. I will consecrate their s. to L. of earth Jyuke 8. 3. which ministered to him of their s. 15. 13. the prodigal wasted his s. with riotous liv. Jieb. 10.34. knowing that ye have in heav. better s. 11. 1. now faith is the s. of things hoped for SUBTIL. the serpent was more s.than any beast 2 Sam. 13. 3. and Jonadab was a very s. man Prov. 7. 10. with attire of a harlot, and s. of heart SUBTILLY. ISam. 23. 22. for it is told me that he dealeth very s. Psal. 105. 25. to deal s. with his servants .^cts 7. 19. the same dealt s. with our kindred SUBTILITY. Oen. 27. 35. he said, thy brother came with s. 2ffi!7!^sl0.19.Jehu did it in s. that he might destroy Prov. 1 . 4. to give s. to the simple, to the young man 8. 1 12. I wisdom dwell with s. and find out Mat. 26. 4. tliey might take Jesus by s. and kill him j^cts 13. 10. Paul said, O full of all s. and mischief 2 Cor. 11. 3. the serpent beguiled Eve through hiss. SUBVERT. Lam. 3. 36. to s. a man the Lord approveth not Tit. 1. 11. who s. whole houses teaching things SUBVERTED. Tit. 3. 11. he that is such is s. and sinneth SUBVERTING. Jlcts 15. 24. have troubled you with words, s. souls 2 Tim. '2. 14. words to no profit, but to s. of hearers 590 sue SUBURBS. Lev. 25. 34. but the field of the s. may not be sold JVam. 35. 3. the s. of them shall be for their cattle 7. forty-eight cities shall ye give with their s. ■Tosh. 14. 4. save cities with s. for their cattle, 21. 2. 2ffiKo-s23.ll.he took away horsesby chamber ins. 2Chr. 11. 14. Levites left their s. and came to Judah Ezek. 27.28. the s. shall shake at the sound of pilots 45. 2. fifty cubits round about for the s. thereof 48. 15. be profane place for dwelling and for s. 17. the s. of the city shall be toward the north See Cities. SUCCEED. Dent. 25. 6. the first-born shall s. his brother dead SUCCEEDED. Deut. 2. 12. but the children of Esau s. them, 22. 21. theAmmonitess.theni, and dwelt in their stead SUCCEEDEST. Deut. 12. 29. when thou s. them in their land, 19. 1. SUCCESS. Josh. 1.8. for then thou shalt pros, and have good s. Job 22. t 2. not be profitable to God, if he may be profitable, doth his good s. depend thereon 1 Psal. 111. 1 10. good s. have they that do his com. Prov. 3. t 4. so shalt thou find favour and good s. SUCCOUR. 2 Sam. 8.5. when the Syrians came to s. Hadadezer 18. 3. it is better that thou s. us out of the city Heb. 2. 18. he is able to s. them that are tempted SUCCOURED. 2 Sam. 21. 17. Abishais. him, and smote Philistines 2 Cor. 6.2. and in the day of salvation have I s. thee SUCCOURER. i?om.l6.2.shehatli been a s. of many and of myself SUCH. GcH.4.20. Jabal was the father of dwell in tents 21. Jubal was the father ofs. as handle the harp 27. 4. make me savoury meat, s. as I love, 9. 14. 46. Jacob take a wifeofdaught. of these 30. 32. speckled and spotted, ofs. shall be my hire 41. 19. s. as I never saw in Egypt for badness 44. 15. wot ye not that s. a man as I can divine? Exod,9. 18. s. hail as hath not been in Egypt, 24. 10. 14. were no s. locusts as they, nor shall be s. 11.6.sball be a great cry, there was none like it 18. 21. thou shalt provide able men, s. as fear God 34. 10. .9. as have not been done in all the earth Lev. 11. 34. meat on which s. water cometh be un- clean, all drink that be drunk in every s. vessel 14.22. two pigeons s. as he is able to get, 30. 31. 20. 6. the soul that turneth after s. I will cut off 22.6. soul that hath touched any s. shall be unclean 27. 9. giveth ofs. to the Lord, shall be holy JVum. 8. 16. instead ofs. as open every womb Deut. 4. 32. whether there hath been any s. thing 5.29.0that there were s.a heart in them to fear me 13. 11. shaltdo no more any s. wickedness, 19. 20. 14. that s. abomination is wrought am. you, 17. 4. 16. 9. s. time as thou beginnest to put the sickle .Judff.S.^. at least s. as before knew nothing thereof 19.30.there was no s. deed done or seen to this day 1 Sav>. 4. 7. hath not been s. a thing heretofore 25. 17. he iss. a son ofBelial, a man cannot speak 2 Sa?n.9.8.thou shouldest look on s. a dead dog as I 11. t25. for the sword devoureth so and s. 13. 18. for with s. robes were virgins apparelled 14.13. wherefore then hast thou thought s. a thing 10. 2. that s. as be faint in wilderness may drink 19.36. why should recompense me with s. reward? Iffi/iffslO. 10. there came no more s.abund. of spices 12. there came no s. almug-trees,2 Chron. 9. 11. 2 Kings 6. 9. beware that thou pass not s. a place 7. 19. if Lord, make windows, mights, a thing be? 21.12. am bringing s.evil on Jerusalem and Judah 23. 22. surely there was not holden s. a passovor 1 Chron. 12. 33. s. as went forth to battle, 36. 29. 25. the Lord bestowed on him s. royal majesty 2 Chron. 1. 12. s. as none of the kings have had 9.9.nor wasanys.spiceas the queen gaveSolomon 11. 16. s. as set their hearts to seek the Lord God 23.13. people rejoiced, ands. taught to sing praise 24. 12. gave it to s. as did the work of the house 30. 5. they had not done it of a long time in s. sort Ezra 4. 10. peace, and ats. a time, 11, 17. | 7.12. 6. 21. all s. as had separated themselves to them 7. 25. all s. as know the laws of thy God 27. which hath put s. a thingin the king's heart 8. 31. and ofs. as lay in wait by the way 9. 13. and hast given s. deliverance as this 10.3. put away the wives, and s. are born of them ^eh. 6. 11. I said, should s. a man as I flee ? Es«/i.4.11.e.\cepl whom the king shall hold out 14. thou art come to the kingdom for s. a time 9. 2. to lay hand on s. as sought their hurt 27. and upon all s. as joined themselves to them Job 15. 13. and lettest s. words go out of thy mouth 18. 21. surely s. are the dwellings of the wicked Psal. 25. 10. to s. as keep his covenant, 103. 18. 27. 12. s. as breathe out cruelty risen up ag. me 37. 14. to slay s- as be of upright conversation I sue I Ps. 37. 22. s. as be blessed of him shall inherit earth I 40. 4. respecteth not proud nor s. turn aside to lies 16. let s. as love thy salvation say, 70. 4. 55.20. his hands against s. as be atpeace with him 73. 1. God is good to s. as are of a clean heart 107. 10. s. as sit in darkness, and shadow of death 125. 5. as for s. as turn aside to crooked ways 139. 6. s. knowledge is too wonderful for me 144. 15. happy is that people that is in s. a case Prov. 11. 20. but s. as are upright are his delight 28. 4. but s. as keep the law contend with them 31. 8. in cause ofs. as are appointed to destruction Eccl.i. 1. behold, the tears ofs. as were oppressed /sa.9.1. dimness shall not be s. as was in her vexat. 10. 20. and s. as are escaped of the house of Jacob 20.6. behold, s. is our expectation, whither wefleo 37. 30. ye shall eat this year s. as groweth of itself 58. 5. is it s. a fast that I have chosen ? 66. 8. who hath heard s. a thing? who hath seen s. Jer. 2. 10. consider, and see if there be s. a thing 5. 9. my soul bo avenged on s. a nation, 29. | 9. 9. are for death to death, are for sword, s. as are for famine, s. as are forcaptivity, 43. 11. 21. 7. 1 will delivers, as are left in this city for pest. 38. 4. in speaking s. words unto them 44. 14. for none shall return, but s. as shall escape Dan. 1.4. had ability in them to stand in palace 10. 15. and when he had spoken s. words to me 11. 32. s. as do wickedly shall be corrupt 12.1. there shall be a time of trouble, s. as nev. was Jlmos!i.lG. they shall call s. as are skilful to wailing Mic. 5. 15. in anger and fury s. they have not heard Zeplt. 1. 8. s. as are clothed with strange apparel JIfa<.9.8.gIorified G.who had given s. power to men 18. 5. whoso shall receive ones. little child in my name, receiveth me, Mark 9. 37. 19. 14. suffer little children to come tome, for ofs. is the kingdom of G. Mark 10. 14. Luke 18. 16. 24. 21. then shall be great tribulation, s. as was not since beginning of the world, Mark 13. 19. 44. in s. an hour as ye think not, the Son cometh 26. 18. he said, go into the city to s. a man and say Mark 4.18. sown among thorns, s. as hear the word 20. sown in good ground, ares, as hear the word 33. with many s. parables spake he to them .John 4.13. for the Father seekeths. to worship him 8. 5. Moses commanded that s. should be stoned 9. 16. can a man that is a sinner do s. miracles? ./Sets 2. 47. theL. added daily should be saved 3. 6. s. as I have, give I thee, rise up and walk 15. 24. to whom we gave no s. commandment 16.24. who having received s.a charge thrust them 18. 15. for I will be no judge ofs. matters 21.25.have concluded,that they observe nos.thing 22. 22. said, away with s. a fellow from the earth 25.20.because I doubted ofs. manner of questions 26. 29. were almost, and altogether s. as I am Rom. 16. 18. they that are s. serve not our L. Jesus 1 Cor. 5.1. s. fornication as is notso much as named 6. 11. and s. were some of you, but ye are washed 7. 15. brother or sister is not under bond. ins. case 28. s. shall have trouble in flesh, but I spare you 10. 13. no temptation, huts, as is common to man 11. 16. seem to be contentious, we have no s. custom 15. 48. s. are they that are earthy, s. arc they that 16.16. that ye submit yourselves to s. and every one 18. therefore acknowledge ye them are s. 2 Cor. 2. 6. sufficient to s. a man is this punishment 3. 4. s. trust have we through Christ to God-ward 12. seeing then that we have s. hope, we use 10.. 11. let s. a one think, s. as we are in word by letters, s. will we be indeed when we are present 11. 13. for s. are false apostles, deceitful workers 12. 20. I fear, I shall not find you s. as I would ; and that I shall be found to you ye would not Gal. 5. 23. meekness, against s. there is no law i;pA.5.27.not having spot or wrinkle,orany s. thing Phil. 2. 29. receive him, and hold s. in reputation 1 Thcss. 4.6. because the Ld. is the avenger of all s. IThess. 3. 12. now them that are s. we command 1 Tim. 6. 5. corrupt men, from s. withdraw thyself ^Tim. 3. 5. traitors, heady, from s. turn away Til. 3. 11. that he that is s. is ^bverted and sinneth Heb. 5.12. ye are becomes, as have need of milk 7. 26. s. a high priest became us, who is holy 8. 1. have s. a high priest, who is set on right hand 12. 3. him that endured s. contradiction of sinners 13. 16. for with s. sacrifices God is well pleased Jam. 4. 13. to-morrow we will go into s. a city 16. in your boastings, all s. rejoicing is evil 2 Pet. 1. 17. when there came s. a voice to him 3 John 8. we therefore ought to receive s. to be Rev. 5. 13. and s. as are in the sea heard I, saying 16. 18. s. as was not since men were on the earth 20. 6. on s. the second death hath no power SUCH like. Ezek. 18. 14. and considereth, and doeth not s. like Oal. 5. 21. drunkenness, revellings and s. like SUCH a one. Oen. 41. 38. he said, can we find s. a one as this is ? SUD Ruth 4. 1. ho, 5. a one, turn aside, Bit down hero Job 14. 3. dost thou open thine eyes on s. a one"? Psul. 50. 21. thoughtest that I was s. a ohc as thyself U8.21. hairy scalp of s. a ojic as gneth on in trespass. 1 Cor. 5. 5. to deliver s. a one unto Satan 11. if a drunkard, with s. a one no not to eat 2 Cor.a.T.s.a one should be swallowed up withsorr. 10. 11. let s. a one think this, that such as we are 12. 2. s. a one caught up to the third heaven 5. of s. a one will I glory, yet not of myself Gal. 6. 1. restore s. a one in the spirit of meekness Philem. 9. I beseech, being s. a one as Paul the aged SUCH and SUCH. lSam.21.2. appointed my servants to s. and $. place 2 ^am. 12. 8. 1 would have given ;j. and s. things 2 Kings 6. 8. in s. and s. a place shall be my camp SUCH things. Exod. 12. 36. they lent s. thhigs as they required Z,ev. 10. 19. and s. things have befallen me Deut.23.l6. they that do s. things are anabominat. Judg. 13. 23. nor have told us 6-. things as these 1 Sam. 2. 23. Eli said to them, whydoyes. tAitt^'s? SKings 19.29.shall eat s.thiiigs as grow of thenisel. 25. 15. the captain took s. things as were of gold JVcA. B. 8. there are no s.things done as thou sayest Esth. 2. 9. with s. things as belonged to her Job 12. 3. yea, who knoweth not i'. things as these? Iti. 2. Job said, 1 have heard many s. things 23. 14. and many s. things are with him Jer. 18. 13. ask ye now who hath heard s. things Eick. 17. 15. shall he escape that docth s. things? Dan. 2. 10. there is no king that asked s. things Mark 7. 8. many other s. like things ye do, 13. 13. 7. be not troubled, s. things must needs be X,nke9. 9. but who is this of whom I hears, things 10. 7. remain, eating s. things as they give, 8. 11. 41. but give alms of s. things as ye have 13.2. were sinners, because they suffered s.things? John 7. 32. that the people murmured s. things Acts 25. 18. they brought no accusation o(s. things 28. 10. laded us ivith s. things as were necessary Rom. 1.32. who commits.lhings are worthyofdeath 2.2.jndgment against them who commit, s.things 3. O man, that judgest them which do s. things Ga/.5.21.that do s .things sh-M not inherit kingdom Heb. 11. 14. they that say s. things declare plainly 13. 5. be content with s. things as ye have 2 Pe£.3.14. beloved, seeing that ye look for s. things SUCK, Substantive. Oen.21. 7. that Sarah should have given children s. 1 Sam. 1.23. so Hannah abode and gave her son s. 1 Kings 3. 21. when I rose to give my child .?. Isa. 40. til. he shall gently lead those that give «. Z,ant. 4. 3. the sea-monsters give s. to their young JMat.24.19.woe to them with child, and to them that gives. in those days, Mark 13. 17. /,uAe21.23. £,ukc 23. 29. blessed are the paps that never gave s. SUCK. X)«Mf. 32.13. he made him to s. honey out of the rock 33. 19. they shall s. of the abundance of the seas Job 3. 12. or why the breast that I should s.? 20. 16. he shall s. the poison of asps 39. 30. her young ones also s. up blood Isa. 60. 16. thou shalt 5.the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt s. the breast of kings and know the Lord 66. 11. that ye may s. and be satisfied with breasts 12. then shall ye s. ye shall be borne on her sides Ezek. 23. 34. thou shalt even drink it and s. it out Joel 2. 16. gather children and those that s. breast SUCKED. Cant. 8. 1. that s. the breasts of my mother Luke 11. 27. blessed are the paps that thou hast s. SUCKING. JVum. 11. 12. as a nursing father beareth thes. child 1 Sam. 7. 9. Samuel took a s. lamb and oflered it Isa. 11. 8. *. child shall play on the hole of the asp 49. 15. can a woman forget her s. child t Lam. i. 4. tongue of the s. child cleaveth to mouth SUCKLING. Deut. 32. 25. the s. also with the man of grey hairs l$am.l5. 3. slay both man and woman, infant and$. Jer. 44. 7. to cut off from you child and s. SUCKLINGS. 1 .Sam. 22. 19. Docg smote children and s. of Nob Psal.8.2. out of mouth of babes and s. Mat.2l.VJ. Lam. 2. 11. the s. swoon in the streets of the city SUDDEN. .Tnb 22. 10. therefore s. fear troublelh thee Prov. 3. 25. be not afraid of s. fear nor of desolation ITAess. 5.3. then s. destruction Cometh upon them SUDDENLY. JViim. 6. 9. and if any man die very s. by him 12. 4. the Lord sjiako s. unto Moses and Aaron 3.5. 22. but if ho thrust him .s. without enmity 7.>eiit. 7.4. the anger of the Lord will destroy you s. .Josh. 10. 9. Joshua came unto them s. 11. 7. 2iiam.l5.14. lest he overtake uss. and smite the city 2 Chron. 29. 30. rejoiced, for the thing was done s. Job 5.3. taking root, but s. I cursed his habitation 9.23. if tho scourge slay s. he will laugh at trial 591 SUF Psal. 6. 10. let them return and bo ashamed s. 64. 4. s. do they shoot at him and fear not 7. with an arrow s. shall they be wounded Prov. 6. 15. therefore his calamity shall come s. he shall be broken s. without remedy 7. 122. he goeth after her s. as an o.t to slaughter 24. 22. for their calamity shall rise «. 29.1.shall s.he destroyed, and that without remedy Eccl. 9. 12. when it falleth s. upon them Jsa. 29. 5. yea, it shall bo at an instant s. 30. 13. as a breach, whose breaking comoth s. 47. 11. and desolation shall come upon thee s. 48. 3. I did them s. and they came to pass Jer. 4. 20. s. are my tents spoiled and my curtains 6. 26. for the spoiler shall s. come upon us 15. 8. I have caused them to fall upon it s. 18. 22. when thou shalt bring a troop s. on them 49. 19. but I will s. make him run away, 50. 44. 51. 8. Bab. is s. fallen and destroyed, howl for her I/ab.2. 7. shall they not rise up s. that shall bite thee Mai. 3. 1. the Lord shall s. come to his temple MarkO. 8. s. saw no man any more, save Jesus only 13. 36. lest coming s. he find you sleeping Z,uke 2. 13. s. there was with the angel a multitude 9. 39. a spirit taketh him, and he s. crieth out Jlcts 2. 2. and s. there came a sound from heaven 9. 3. s. there shined a light from heaven, 22. 6. 16. 26. and s. there was a great earthquake 28. 6. when he should have fallen down dead s. lCm.5.22.1ay hands s.on no man, keep thyself pure SUE. Mat. 5. 40. and if any man will s. thee at the law SUFFER. £zod.l2.23.the Ld.will not s. the destroyer to come 22. 18. thou shalt not s. a witch to live Lev. 2. 13. nor shalt s. salt of the cov. to be lacking 19. 17. thou shalt rebuke him, not s. sin upon him 22. 16. or s. them to bear the iniquity of trespass JVum. 21. 23. Sihon would not s. Israel to pass Deut. 21. 1 12. and she .shall s. her nails to grow Josh. 10. 19. s. them not to enter their cities Judg. 1. 34. not s. them to come down to the valley 15. 1. but her father would not s. him to go in 16.26.Sanisonsaid, s. me that I may feel the pillars 2 Sa77i.l4.11.nots. the revengers of blood any more 1 Kings 15. 17. that he might not s. any to go out Esth. 3. 8. it is not for the king's profit to s. them 6. 1 10. s. not a whit to fail of all thou hast spoken Job 9. 18. he will not s. me to take my breath 21.3. s. me that I may speak, after that mock on 24. 11. tread their wine-presses, and s. thirst 36. 2. s. rae a little, and I will shew thee Psal.d. 13. consider my trouble which I s. of them 10. 10. thou wilt not leave my soul, nor wilt thou 5. thine holy One to see corruption, JScJs 2.27. 1 13.35. 34. 10. the young lions do lack and s. hunger 55. 22. he will never s. the righteous to be moved 88. 15. while I s. thy tenors, I am distracted 89. 33. nor will I s. my faithfulness to fail 101.5. a high look and a proud heart, will not Is. 121. 3. he will not s. thy foot to be moved P>*oi;.10.3.Ld.willnots. soul of righteous to famish 19. 15. and an idle soul shall s. hunger 19. a man of great wrath shall s. punishment SUF Phil. 4. 12. 1 am Instructed to abound and to a. need 1 Thcss. 3. 4. we told you before, that we should s. iiThcss.1.5. the kingdom of God for which ye alsos. 1 Tim. 2. 12. 1 «. not a woman to teach nor to usurp 4. 10. for therefore we both labour and s. reproach 2 Tm.l.l2.for the which cause I also s.these things 2. 9. wherein I s. trouble as an evil door to bonds 12. if we s. we shall also reign with him 3. 12. all that live godly shall s. persecution Heb.ll, 25. choosing rather to s. affliction with peo. 13. 3. remember them who s. adversity 22. brethren, s. the word of exhortation Jam.5. t7. s. therefore with long patience, brethren 1 Pet. 2. 20. but if when ye do well, and s. for it 3.14. but if ye s. for rightcousn. sake, happy are yo 17. it is better that ye s. for well doing than evil 4.15. but let none of you s. as a murderer or thief 16. yet if any mans, as a Christian, not be asham. 19. let them that s. according to the will of God Rev. 2. 10. fear none of those things thou shalt s. 11. 9. not s. dead bodies to be put in their graves SUFFERED. Gen. 20. 6. therefcuj^. I thee not to touch her 31. 7. but God s.^^not to hurt me 28. and hast not to kiss my sons and daught. Deut. 8. 3. he humbled thee, and s. thee to hunger 18. 14. the Lord thy God hath not s. thee so to do Judg. 3. 28. and they s. not a man to pass over 1 Sam. 24. 7. David s. them not to rise against Saul 2 Sam. 21. 10. and s. not the birds to rest on them 1 Chron. 16. 21. he s. no man to do them wrong, ho reproved kings for their sakes, Psal. 105. 14. Job 31. 30. neither have I s. my mouth to sin Jer. 15. 15. know that for thy sake I s. rebuke Jtfnt. 3.15. Jesus said, suff. it to be so ; then he s. him 19. 8. Moses s. you to put away your wives 24. 43. nor s. his house to be broken, Luke 12. 39. 27. 19. I have s. many things this day in a dream Mark 1.34. he s. not the devils to speak, Luke 4.41. 5. 19. howbeit, Jesus s. him not, but said to him 26. and had s. many things of many physicians 37. and he s. no man to follow him, save Peter 10. 4. Moses s. to write a bill of divorcement Luke 8. 32. he s. them to enter into the swine 51. man togoin,8avePeter, James, John 13. 2. were sinners, because they s. such things'? 24.26.0 fools,ought have s.these things'? Jlcts 13. 18. about forty years s. ho their manners 14.16.who s. all nations to walk in their own ways 10. 7. they essayed, but the Spirit s. them not 17. 3. alleging that Christ must needs have s. 19. 30. disciples s. him not to enter in unto people 28. 16. but Paul was s. to dwell by himself 2 Cor. 7. 12. I did it not for his cause that s. wrong 11. 25. once was I stoned, thrice I s. shipwreck Gal. 3. 4. have ye s. so many things in vain 1 Phil. 3. 8. for whom I have s. the loss of all things IThess. 2. 2. but even after that we had s. beforo 14. ye have things ofyour own countrymen Hcb.^.18. for in that he hims. hath s. being tempted 5. 8. he learned obedience by things which he s. 7. 23. they were not s. continue by reason of death 9. 20. for then must he often have s. since foundat. 13. 12. wherefore Jesus also s. without the gate Eccl. 5. 6. s.not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin IPct. 2. 21. Christ s. for us, leaving us an e.vamplo 12. the abundance of the rich nots. him to sleep Ezek. 44. 20. nor s. their locks to grow long //os.5.t4.theirdoings will not s.them to turn to God Mat. 3. 15. Jesus said to him, s. it to be so now 8. 21. s. me first to bury my father, Luke 9. 59. 31. s. us to go away into the swine, Z,M/i:e8. 32. 16. 21. that he must s. many things of the elders, 17. 12. Mark 8. 31. | 9. 12. Luke 9. 22. 1 17. 25, 17. 17. how long shall I s. you 7 bring him hither to me, Mark 9. 19. Luke 9. 41. 19. 14. s. little children, Mark 10. 14. Luke 18. 16. 23. 13. neither s. ye them that are entering to go in MarkH.l^.ye s.him no more to do ought for his lath. 11.16. Jesus would not s.any man to cany a vessel Luke 22. 15. desired to eat this passover before I s. 51. s. ye thus far,he touch, his ear and healed him 24. 46. it behoved Christ to s. Jlcts 3. 18. 1 26. 23. 23. when he s. ho threatened not, but cominittod 3.18. for Christ hath once s. for sins, just for unjust 4. 1. as Christ hath s. for us in the Hesli, ho that hath s. in the flesh hath ceased from sin 5. 10. after ye have s. a while, make ye perfect SUFFEREST. Rev. 2. 20. because thou s. that woman Jezebel SUFFERETH. Psa/.G6.9. bless God who s.not our foot to bo moved 107. 38. blesseth, and s.not their cattle to decrease Mat. 11. 12. the kingdom of heaven s. violence Jlcts 28. 4. yet vengeance s. him not to livo 1 Cor. 13. 4. charitv s. long and is kind, envieth not SUFFERING. Acts'i'l.l. the wind not, we sailed under Crete .7«»n.5.10.for an exampleofs.afniction,and patience 1 Pet. 2. 19. if a man endure grief, s. wrongfully Jlcts 3.18. God before shewed that Christ should $. Judel. an example, s. the vengeance of eternal firo 5. 41. they were counted worthy to s. shame | SUFFERING. 7. 24. seeing one of them s.wrong he defended him [ Heb. 2. 9. for the s. of death, crowned with glory 9. 16. how gr. things he musts, for my name's sake | SUFFERINGS. 21. 39. 1 beseech thee, s. me to speak to tho people iJojn. 8. 18. 1 reckon that the s. of this present time 7iom.8.17.ifsobethat wes.with him that we maybe 2 Cor. 1. 5. for as the s. of Christ abound in us lCor.3.15.if any man's workbt! burnt, heshalls.lossi 6. enduring the same s. which we also suffer 4.12.being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we.s. 6. 7. why not rather s. yourselves to be defrauded? 9. 12. we have not used this power hut s. all things 10.13.God will not to bo tempted above that 12. 26. if one member s. all members s. with it 2 Cor. 1. 6. the same sufferings which wo also s. 11. 19. for ye s. fools gladly seeing ye are wise 20. for ye s. if a man bring you into bondage Gal. 5. 11. if I preach, why do [ yet s. persecution? 6.12. lest they should s.persecution for cross of Ch. Phil.l. 29. given you to believe and to s. for his sake 7. yearepartakersof the.s'. soof the consolation Phil. 3. 10. that I may know the fellowship of hiss. Ciil. 1. 24. who now rejoice in my s. for you Hch.^.W. make captain ofsalvation))erfect thro' s. 1 Prt. 1. 11. it testified before-hand tlies. of Christ 4. 13. inasmuch as yo are partakers of Christ's s. 5.1. 1 am a witness of the .?.of Christ, and partaker SUFFICE. JVum. 11. 22. shall herds be slain to ••?. them? or shall the fish of the sea bo gathered together to s.them? DcMt.3.26. let it s. thee, speak no more to me of this SUN 1 /jTm^sSO. lO.ifdustofSamariashalls. for people Ezck. 44. 6. let it s. you of all your abominat. 45. 9. Hos. 12. 1 8. Ephraim said, all my labours s.ine not 1 Pet. 4. 3. for the time past may s. to have wrought SUFFICED. J'Md({ ainaj, the super- scription of the cause of his crimes. Mark 15. 27. If ttiTta irrxvM t>); zs^otA.)]; -yiy-fx/x/itvij, the charge, or cause written over his head, Mat. 27. 37. Jlnd simply s^ixp^rfi super- scription, Luke 23. 38. Jind titao;, title, John 19. 19. Mat. 22. 20. Jesus saith unto them, whose is this image and s.? Mark 12. 16. Luke 20. 24. Mark 15. 26. the s. of his accusation, Luke 23. 38. SUPERSTITION. .4cts25.19.but had questions ag. him of their own s. SUPERSTITIOUS. ..^cts 17. 22. 1 perceive that in ad things ye are too s. SUPPER. JV/ori6.2 I.Herod on his birth-d.made lords Luke 14. 12. when thou makest a dinner or s. 16. a certain man made a greats, and bade many 17. and sent his servant at s. time to say to them 24. none of those were bidden shall taste of my s. 22.20. likewise also the cup afters. saying,this cup John 12.2. tliere they made Jesus as.Marllia served 13. 2. and s. being ended 1| 4. Jesus riseth from s. 21. 20. disciple who also leaned on his breast at s. 1 Cor. 11. 20. this is not to eat the Lord's s. 21. for every one taketh before other his own s. Rev. 19.0. blessed thatarecallcd to the marriages. 17. he cried, come to the .?. of the great God SUPPING. Hab.l.^O. thes. up of their faces as the east wind SUPPLANT. Jer. 9. 4. for every brother will utterly s. SUPPLANTED. Oen. 27. 36. for he hath s. me these two times SUPPLANTER. Oen. 27. t36. he said, is not he rightly named as. SUPPLE. Ezek. la. 4. neither wast washed in water to s. thee SUPPLIANTS. Zeph. 3. 10. my s. shall bring mine offering SUPPLICATION. 1 Sam. 13. 12. and I have not made s. to the Lord 1 Kings 8. 28. have respect to his s. 2 Chron. 6. 19. 30. hearken thou to the s. 45. 49. 2 Chron. 6. 35. 33. and make s. to thee, 47. 2 Chron. 6. 24. 52.that thine eyes may be open to s.of thy servant 54. had madeendof praying all this prayer and .9. 59. these my words wherewilh I liave made s. 9. 3. I have heard thy s. that thou hast made 8 Chron. 6. 29. what s. shall bo made of any man 593 SUR 2 Chron. 33. 13. tlie Lord heard Manasseh's »■. then he knew that the Lord he was God EsthA. 8. and should make s. to him for her people Job 8.5. and wouldesl make thy s. to the Almighty 9. 15. but I would make my s. to my judge Ps. 6. 9. the L. hath heard my s. receive my prayer 30. 8. and unto the Lord I made my s. 142. 1. 55. 1. give ear, and hide not thyself from my s. 119. 170. let my s. come before thee, deliver me Isa. 45. 14. they shall make s. to thee, saying Jer. 36. 7. it may be they will present their s. to Ld. 37. 20. O king, let my s. be accepted before thee 38. 26. 1 presented my s. bef. the king not to return 42.2. let our accepted bef. thee and pray for us 9. to whom ye sent mo to present your s. bef. him Dan. 6. II. then these men Ibund Daniel making s. 9. 20. while I was presenting my s. before my God Nos.ia.i. he wept and made s. unto him,found him ./Sets 1.14. continued with one accord iu pray. ands. £j!)A.6.18.with all prayer spirit for all saints Phil. 4. 6. but in every thing by prayer and s. SUPPLICATIONS. 2 Chr. 6. 21. hearken to s. of thy servant and people 39. then hear thou their prayer and their s. Job 4). 3. will Leviathan make many s. unto thee? Psal. 28. 2. hear voice of my s. when I cry, 140. 0. 6. he hath heard voice of my s. 31. 22. | 116. I. 8G. 6. give ear and attend to the voice of my s. 130. 2. let thy ears be attentive to my s. 143. 1. Jer. 3. 21. weeping and s. of Israel were heard 31. 9. come wiih weep, and with s.will I lead them Dan. 9. 3. 1 set my face to seek by prayer and s. 17. hear the [irayer of thy servant and his s. 18. we do not present our s. for our righteousness 23. at the beginning of thy s. the command came ZccA.12.10.and I will pour the Spiritofgrace and s. 1 Tim. 2. 1. that first of all, s. be made for all men 5.5. shocontinueth in s. and prayers night and day Heb.5. 7. when he had odeted up prayers and s. SUPPLY, Substantive. 2Coy.8.14.that your abundance may be as. for their want, that their abundance a s. for your want PAi7.1.19.thro' prayer and the s.of the Spir. of Jesus SUPPLY, Verb. /'/^-c. wlien old Eleazar was taken by the servants of Jin- tiochus Epiphancs, he was vrJievicntly urged to taste swine's flesh,or at least to pretend to taste it. They opened his mouth by force, to compel him to eat of it ; but he chose rather to suffer death than to break the law of God, and to gii^e offence to the weaker people of his nation. 596 swo Porpnyry affirms, that the Hebrews and Pheni- cians abstained from pork, because there was none in their country. He might rather have said, there was none, or but very little, because they bred no hogs, by reason of that abhor- rence they had conceived for them : For it is certain they might have had them if they had pleased; and that there were herds of swine ra our Saviour's time, is evident from Mat. 8. 30, 31. Mark 5. 11. Our Saviour, in Mat. 7 .Q. forbids his disciples to cast their pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you. He would have them to use discretion in dispensing holy things, especially by way of admonition, or reproof. Preach not the gospel to those that persecute you for your message, neither apply the promises to the profane. The pro'digal son, in Luke 15. 15. when hehad spent all, was reduced to such distress as to be glad to feed swine ; this denotes the base work and drudgery that sinners employ themselves about. It is said, in Prov. 11. 22, As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so ia a fair woman who is without discretion. Both the Jewish and Jirabian women sometimes used to wear rings in their nostrils to adorn themselves. But nothing can be more ridiculous than to put a gold ring or a jewel in a swine's snout. Si. Peter compares those sinners that frequently relapse into their former sins, to a sow that, as soon as she is washed,goes again to wallow in the mire, 2 Pet. 2. 22. Lev. 11. 7. the s. is unclean to you, Deut. 14. 8. Prot). 11. 22. as a jewel of gold in a s. snout, so is /sa.65.4.which eat s. flesh and broth of abominable 66. 3. an oblation, as if he offered s. blood 17.eatings.flesh,and abomination, and the mouse Mat. 7. 6. neither cast ye your pearls before s. 8. 30. a herd of s. feeding, Mark 5. 11. Luke 8. 32. 31. sufler us to go into the herd of s. Mark 5. 12. 32. they went into the s. Mark 5. 13. Luke 8. 33. the whole herd of s. ran violently down Mark 5. 14. and they that fed the s. fled and told 16. they told them also concerning the s. Luke 15. 15. he sent him into his fields to feed s. 16. have filled his belly with husks the s. did eat SWOLLEN. Acts 23. 6. they looked when he should have s. SWOON. Lam. 2. 11. because the children s. in the streets SWOONED. Lam. 2. 12. when they s. as the wounded in the streets of the city SWORD. The sword in scripture is often used for war. Lev. 26. 25, I will bring a sword upon you ; / loill cause war to come. By the sword shalt thou live, Gen. 27. 40. Thou shalt support thyself by war and rapine. By sword are un- derstood the vengeance and judgments which God inflicts upon sinners. Deut. 32. 41, 42, If I whet my glittering sword: My sicord shall devour flesh. Also the instrument which God uses to employ for executing his judgments, Psal. 17. 13, Deliver my soul from the wicked, Avliich is thy sword. Sword is figuratively put for power and authority. Rom. 13. 4, He beareth not the sicord in vain. The magis- trate hath not received his potecr to no pur- pose; but that he may punish offenders, and defend the good. The apostle alludes to the custom of princes, who had certain officers go- ing before them, bearing the ensigns of their authority. All they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword. Mat. 26. 52. They that take up the sword by their own authority, and would do justice to themselves, deserve to be put to death by the sword of authority : Or, those that take the sword to smite another, generally suffer by it themselves. The word of God is called the sword of the Spirit, Eph. 6. 17. It is a spiritual sword, or a means pro- vided by the Spirit of God, and made effectual by him to cut the siiiews of the strongest temptations, to kill or mortify the imvard lusts and corruptions of the heart, to subdue the 7nost fixed obstinacy of the mind, and the most resolute purposes of the will, Heb. 4. 12. Moses calls God the sword of Israel's excellency, Deut. 33. 29. He is their strength, the author of all their past or approaching victories, by whose assistance they did excel, and gloriously conquer, and triumph over their enemies. Our Saviour says, Mat. 10. 34, I came not to send peace, but a sword. JHy coming and preaching the gospel will prove in the event, through the devil's malice, the corruptions of men's hearts, and their madness on their idolatry and superstition, an occasion SWO of much variance and division, even between nearest relations, yea, and of bodily death, and many calamities and persecutions. Gen. 3. 24. he placed cherubims, and flaming s. 34. 25. took each man his s. and came on the city Exod. 5. 21. to put a s. in their hands to slay us 32. 27. he said, put every man bis s. by his side Lev. 26. 6. nor shall the s. go through your land 25. I will bring a s. upon you, Ezek. 5. 17. I 6. 3. I 14. 17. I 29. 8. | 33. 2. 33. and I will draw out a s. after you 37. they shall fall as it were before a s. JV«m. 22. 23. the angel's s. drawn In his hand, 31. 29. I would there were a s. in mine hand Deiit. 32. 25. the s. without, and terror within 33. 29. and who is the s. of thy excellency Josh. 5. 13. stood with his s. drawn in his hand 24. 12. but not with thy s. nor with thy bow Judg. 7. 14. this is nothing save thes. of Gideon 18. say, the s. of the Lord, and of Gideon, 20. 22. and the Lord set every man's s. against his fellow through all the host, 1 .Sam. 14. 20. 8. 10. for there fell 120,000 men that drew s. 20. the youth drew not his s. for he feared 9. 54. he said unto him, draw thy s. and slay me 20. 2. four hundred thousand that drew s. 17. 15. twenty and six thousand men that drew s. 25. eighteen thousand men ; all these drew the s. 35. Israel destroyed 25,100 men thatdrewthe s. 46. all that fell were 25,000 that drew the s. 1 Sam. 13. 22. neither s. nor spear was found 15. 33. as thy s. hath made women childless, so 17. 39. David girdeth his s. on his armour, 25. 13. 50. but there was no s. in the hand of David 51. David ran and took his s. and slew him 18. 4. even to his s. and to his bow and girdle 21.8. is there not hereunder thy hand a spear or s. 9. the s. of Goliath is here wrapt in a cloth 22. 10. and he gave him the s. of Goliath 13. in that thou hast given him bread, and a s. 25. 13. David said, gird ye on every man his s. and they girded on every man his s. 31.4. draw thy s. and thrust me through therewith, therefore Saul took a s. and fell upon it 5. his armour-bearer fell also upon his s.and died 2 Sam. 1. 22. the s. of Saul returned not empty 2. 16. and thrust his s. in his fellow's side 26. Abner said, shall the s. devour for ever? 3. 29. not fail one that falleth on the s. 11. 25. the s. devoureth one as well as another 12. 10. the s. shall never depart from thy house 18. 8. and the wood devoured more than the s. 20. 10. Amasa took no heed to the s. in his hand 23. 10. and his hand clave unto the s. 24. 9. in Israel 800,000 men that drew the s. 1 Kings 3. 24. bring me a s. and they brought a s. 19. 17. him that escapeth the s. of Hazael 1 Chron. 5. 18. men able to bear buckler and s. 10. 4. draw thy s. and thrust me through there- with, so Saul took a s. and fell upor. it 5. his armour-bearer fell likewise on the s. 21. 5. a hundred thousand men that drew s. and Judah was 470,000 that drew s. 12. while that the s. of thine enemies overtake, or else three days the s. of the Lord 16. the angel having a s. drawn in his hand 27. and he put up his s. again into the sheath 30. he was afraid, because of thes. of the angel 2 Chron. 20. 9. as when the s. of judgment cometh Ezra 9. 7. we and our kings are delivered to the s. JVeh. 4. 18. every one had his s. girded by his side Esth. 9.5. Jews smoteall their enemies with thes. .Job 5. 20. in war to deliver from power of the s. 15. 22. and he is waited for of the s. 19. 29. be ye afraid of the s. for wrath bringeth the punishment of the s. 20. 25. the glittering s. cometh out of his gall 27. 14. if children be multiplied, it is for the s. 40. 19. can make his s. to approach unto him 41.26. thes. ofhim that layetl) at him cannot hold Psal. 7. 12. if he turn not he will whet his .?. 17. 13. deliver from the wicked, which is thy s. 37. 14. the wicked have drawn out the s. 15. their s. shall enter into their own heart 45. 3. gird thy s. on thy thigh, with thy glory 57. 4. and their tongue a sharp s. 64. 3. who whet their tongue like a s.and bend 76. 3. there brake he the shield and the s. 78. 62. he gave his people over unto the s. 149. 6. and a two-edged s. in their hand Prov. 5. 4. but her end is sharp as a two-edged s. 12. 18. that speaketh like the piercings of a s. 25. 18. a man that beareth false witness is a s. Cant. 3. 8. every man hath his s. upon his thigh Isa. 2. 4. nation shall not lift up s. against nation 31. 8. the s. not of a mean man shall devour him 34. 6. the s. of the Lord is filled with blood 41. 2. he gave them as the dust to his s. 49. 2. be hath made my mouth like a sharp s. 51. 19. the famine and the s. are come to thee swo fsa. 65. 12. therefore will I number you to tlie s. tJG. 16. by his s. will the Lord plead with all flesh Jer. 2. 3U. your own s. devoured your prophets 4. 10. whereas the s. reacheth unlo tlie soul 5. 12. neither shall we see s. nor famine, 14. 13. 6. 25. for the s. of the enemy is on every side 9.16.1 will send as. after them till I have consumed them, 24. 10. | 25. 27. ] 29. 17. | 49. 37. 12. 12. for the s. of the Lord shall devour 14. 13. the prophets say, ye shall not see the s. 15. say s. and famine shall not be in this land 16. shall be cast in the streets because of the s. 15. 2. si^ch as are for the 5. to the s. 43. 11. 3. I will appoint the s. to slay, and dogs to tear 9. the residue of them will I deliver to the s. 18. 21. pour out their blood by the force of the s. 25. 16. and they shall be mad because of the s. 29. for I will call for a s. Ezek. 38. 21. 31. he will give them that are wicked to the s. 31. 2. the people left of the s. found grace 32. 24. the city is given because of the .«. 34. 17. I proclaim a liberty for you to the s. 42. 16. the s. ye feared shall overtake you tlien 44. 28. yet a small number which escape the s. 46. 10. the s. shall devour and be satiate, 14. 47. 6. O thou s. of the Lord, how long ere quiet 48. 2. O madmen, the s. shall pursue thee 10. cursed that keepeth back his s. from blood 50.16. for fear of the oppressing s. they shall turn every one to his people 35. a s. is on the Chaldeans, saith the Lord 36. a s. is on the liars, a s. is on her mighty men 37. a s. is on their horses, a s. on her treasures 51. 50. ye that have escaped the s. go away J^am. 5. 9. we gat bread by peril because of the s. Ezek. 5. 2. I will draw out a s. after them, 12. 17. and I will bring the s. upon thee, 6. 3. 6. 8. ye may have some that shall escape the s. 7. 15. the s. is without, the pestilence within 11. 8. ye have feared the s. and I will bring a s. 4. 17. If I bring a s. and say, s. go through 21. when I send my four sore judgments, the s. 21.9. prophesy and say, a s. a .9. is sharpened, 11. 12. terrors, by reason of the s. of my people 13. and what if the s. contemn even the rod'? 14. let theirs, be doubled, the s. of the great men slain, it is the s. of great men that are slain 15. set the point of the s. against the gates 19. appoint two ways, that the s. may come 20. appoint a way, that s. may come to Rabbath 28. the .9. the s. is drawn for the slaughter 30. 4. and the s. shall come upon Egypt 21. to bind it, to make it strong to hold the s. 22. I will cause the s. to fall out of his hand 32. 11. the s. of the king of Babylon shall come 33. 3. if when he seeth the s. come on the land 4. if the s. come and take him away, 6. 6. but if the watchman see the s. come, if the s. come and take any person from among them 26. ye stand upon your «. and ye defile 35. 5. thou hast shed blood by the force of the s. Hos. 2. 18. and I will break the bow and the s. 11. 6. and the 5. shall abide on his cities Jlmos 9. 4. thence will I command the s. Mic. 4. 3. nation shall not lift up s. against nation fi. 14. thou deliverest, will I give up to the s. JVa/t. 2. 13. the s. shall devour the young lions 3. 3. the horsemen liftelh up both the bright s. 1.5. there the s. shall cut thee off Zech. 9. 13. made thee as the s. of a mighty man 11. 17. the s. shall be upon his arm, and his eye 13. 7. awake, O s. against my shepherd Mat. 10. 34. 1 came not to send peace, but a s. 26. 51. one of them drew his s. and struck a ser- vant, Mark 14. 47. Jo/m 18. 10. 52. put up again thy s. .John 18. 11. I^ke 2. 35. a i. shall pierce through thy own sou 22. 36. he that hath no s. let him buy one ^cts 16. 27. he drew his s. and would have killed iJom. 8. 3.5. shall s. s(!parafe us from love of Christ 13. 4. for he beareth not the s. in vain Eph. 6. 17. s. of Spirit, which is the word of God Jlcb. 4. 12. and sharper than any two-edged s. Rev. 1. 10. out of his mouth went a two-edged s. 2. 12. which hath the sharp n. with two edges 6. 4. and there was given to him a great s. 19. 15. out of his mouth 20Pth a sharp s. 21. B7J the SWORD. <7en. 27. 40. by thy s. thou shalt live and serve 26. 7. they shall fall before you t>y the s. 8. 2 Sam. 1. 12. because they were fallen hy the s. 2 Chron. 29. 9. our fathers have fallen hy the s. Job 33. 18. and his life from perishing by the s. 36. 12. they obey not, they shall perish by the s. Psal. 44. 3. they got not the land by their s. 78. 64. their priests fell by the s. their widows Jer. 11. 22. thus saith the Lord, their young men shall die by the s. 18. 21. Lam. 2. 21. 14. 12. but I will consume them by the s. i5. by. f. and fam. shall those prophets be consum. 597 SWO Jer. 16. 4. shall be consumed by the s. 44. 12, 18,27. 19. 7. and I will cause them to fall by the s. 21. 9. abideth, shall die, by the s. 38. 2. ] 42. 17,22. 27. 13. why will ye die by the s. by famine'? 32. 36. this city shall be delivered by the s. 33. 4. houses which are thrown down by the s. 34. 4. O Zedekiah, thou shalt not die by the s. 44. 13. as I have punished Jerusalem by the s. Ezek. 20. 6. her daughters shall be slain by the s. 11. he shall slay thy people by the s. 28.23.the wounded shall be judged in her by the s. 31.18. lie with them that be slain by . Into one of them our Saviour is said to have gone to pray, and to have continued therein a whole night, Luke 6. 12. What our English translation there renders, and continued all night in prayer to God, is in the original xai' ijv JiKvuxTfp.'uoji/ £1/ T>) npoer£U%>) Tou 0£ou, thot is. And he continued all night in a proseucha of God. In another of them, St. Paul taught the people at Philippi, Acts 16. 13, 16. In these two verses, what we render in our English version by the word prayer, is in the original a proseucha, or place of prayer. The proseuchiE differed from the synagogues in several particulars. [1] In synagogues the prayers were offered up in public forms in com- mon for the whole congregation ; but in the proseucha; they prayed, as in the temple, every one apart for himself ; and so our Saviour SYN prayed in the proseuchae he went into. [2] The synagogues were covered houses ; but the pro- seuchiB icere open coxi.rts; they had no covering, except perhaps the shade of some trees, or some covered galleries. [3] The synagogues were all built on elevated places, within the cities to which tlieydid belong ; but «Ac proseucha; were without the cities, in the fields, especially near rivers. So tliis author concludes, that when the Psalmist sajjs, that they burnt up the synagogues of God, lie may beunderstood of the proseuchae, or of the schools of the prophets, or the places where the Levites taught t/te peo- ple in their cities. After the time of the Maccabees, synagogues be- came frequent in Israel. It is affirmed, that in the city of Jerusalem, alone, were no less than four hundred and sixty, or even four hun- dred and eighty ; but herein they are supposed to have spoken hyperbolic ally, and to have ex- pressed, an uncertain large number by a certain one. Every trading fraternity had a syna- gogue of their own, and even strangers built some for those of their own nation. Hence it is, that in Acts 6. 9. mention is made of the synagogues of the Libertines, Cyrenians, Alex- andrians, Cilicians, and Asiatics; which were appointed for the use of such of the inhabitants of these cities, or of these nations, as should at any time be at Jerusalem. The Jewish authors give this general rule for the construction of synagogues. Wherever there are ten batelnim, a synagogue ought to be built. The signification of the word batelnim, has been much controverted. Buxtorf thinks them to be persons receiving a stipend for duly assisting at divine service, that there may be always ten persons, at least, to assemble to- gether. Lightfoot imagines them to have been ministers and officers of the synagogue. Others tliink this the most probable opinion, namely, that they were persons of a mature age, free, and in a condition to assist constantly at the service, on all days of assembling, which were, at least, two days a week, beside the Sabbath : So that always upon tliese days there were pre- sent that number of assistants, without which the service could not be performed. When there were ten such persons in a town or city, they called it a great city, and here they might build a synagogue. As the syn-dgogue-service was to be on three days every week, for the sake of hearing the law ; so it was to be thrice on those days, for the sake of their prayers. For it was a constant rule among them, that all were to pray unto God three times every day, that is, in tlie morning, at the time of the morning sacrifice ; and in the evening, at the time of the evening sacrifice ; and at the beginning of the night, because till then the evening sacrifice was still left burning upon the altar. It teas anciently among God's people the steady practice of good and religious persons, to offer up their prayers to God thrice everyday. This we fiiid David did. Psal. 55. 17, livening, morning, and at noon, will I pray. And Daniel, notwithstanding the king's de- cree to the contrary, says, that he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks unto his God, Dan. 6. 10. By which it is implied, that he did not only at that time thus pray, but that it was always his constant custom so to do. Wlien synagogues were erected among the .Tews, the hours of public devotion in them on their synagogue days, were, as to morning and even- ing prayers, the same hours in which the morn- ing and evening sacrifices were offered up at the temple. And the same hours were also ob- served in their private prayers wherever per- formed. For the offering of the incense on the golden altar in the holy place, at every morning and evening sacrifice in the temple, was insti- tuted on purposeto offer up unto God the pray- ers of thepeople,who were then without,praying unto him. Hence it was, that St. Luke tells us, that while Zacharias went into the temple to burn incense, the whole multitude of the peo- ple were praving without at the time of incense, Luke 1. 9, 10. And for the same reason it is that David prayed. Lelmy prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice, Psal. 141. 2. And according to this usage is to be explained what we find in Rev. 8. 3, 4, 5, where it is said, that an angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it up with the prayers of all saints, upon the golden altar, which was before the throne : SYN and the smoko of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's iiand. The angel here mentioned, is the angel of the covenant. Christ our Lord, who intercedes for us with SYN when they were to read it. In the midst of the synagogue was a desk or pulpit, vpon which thebook or roll of thelawwas readcerijsolcimili/ . There likewise he stood who intended to ha- rangue the people. God, and, as our Mediator, co/istantly offers i-^s to the seats or pews whereon the people sat to vp our prayers unto him. .find the manner of his doing this is set forth by t/ie manner of the typical representation of it in the temple. For as thcrc,at every morning and evening sacri- fice, the priest, in virtue of that sacrifice, en- tering into the holy place, and presenting him- self at the golden altar, which stood directly before the mercy-seat, (the throne of Clod's visi- ble presence among them during the tabernacle and the first temple) did burn incense thereon while the people were at their prayers without thereby, as an intercessor to God for them, to offer up t/ieirpraycrs to himfor his gracious ac ceptanec, and to make them ascend up before him from out of his hands as a sweet-smelling savour in his presence; so Christ, our true priest, and most powerful intercessor, by virtue of that one sacritice of himself once otleied up, being entered into the holy place, the heaven above, is there continually present before the throne of mercy, to be a constant intercessor for us unto God ; and ichile -we are here in the outer court of his church in this world, offering vp our prayers unto Ood; he there presents them unto him for us, and through his hands they are accepted as a sweet-smelling savour in his presence. Jind it being well understood among the Jews that the offering up of the daily sacrifices, and the burning of incense upon the altar of in- cense, at the time of those sacrifices, was for the rendering of God propitious to them, arid making their prayers to be acceptable in his presence, they were very careful to make the times of these offerings, and the times of their prayers, both at the temple, and every where else, to be exactly the same. The most pious and devout persons that were at Jerusalem, chose on those times to go up into the temple, and there to offer up their prayers unto God; thus Peter and John arc said to go up into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour of the day, tohich was at three in the afternoon, the time of the offering up the evening sacrifice. Acts 3. 1. Those who were in other places, or being at ,Terusalem,had not leisure to go up to the temple, performed their devotions elsewhere : If it were a synagogue- day, they went into the synagogue, and there prayed with the congregation : and if it were not a synagogue-day they then prayed in pri- vate by themselves ; and if they had leisure to go to the synagogue, they chose that for the place to do it in, thinking such a holy place the properest for such a holy exercise, though performed there in their private persons only ; but if they had not leisure to go to such a holy place, then they prayed wherever they were at the hour of prayer, though it were in the street or market-place. And for this it was that our Saviour found fault with them, when he told them. Mat. 6. 5, that they loved to pray standing in the synagogues, and in the corners of the streets, thereby affecting more to bo seen of men, than to be accepted of by God. But many of them had upper rooms in their houses, which were as chapels, particularly set apart, and consecrated for this purpose. In such a one Cornelius was prayingat the ninth hour of the day, that is, at the time of the evening sacrificc,when the angel appeared unto him. Acts 10. 30. And such a one Peter went upinto to pray about the si.xthhour of the day, Acts 10. 9. when he had the vision of the great sheet, that is, at half an hour past twelve or thereabout ; for then the evening sacrifice did begin on great and solemn days, and such a one it seems hereby that icas. And in such an upper room where the apostles assembled to- gether in prayer, when the Holy Ghost de- scended upon them, Acts 1. 13. In the synagogue was the ark or chest, wherein lay the book of the law, that is, the Penta- teuch, or five books of Moses. This chest, they say, was made after the model of the ark of the covenant, and ahcays placedin, that part of the synagogue which looked towards the Holy Jyand, if the synagogue was out of it; but if it was within it, then the chest was placed towards Jerusalem ; and if the synagoguestoorf in this city, the chest was set towards the holy of holies. Out of this ark it was they took, with a great deal of ceremony, and before the whole congregation, the book of the law, 599 hear the law read and expounded ; of these some were more honourable than others. The former were for those who were called Elders, not so -much upon the account of their age as of their gravity, prudence, and authority. These Elders sat with their backs towards the forementioned chest, and their faces towards the congregation, who looked towards the ark. These seats of the Elders are those which are called in Mat. iJ3. 6, the chief seats, and which our Haviour or- dered his disciples not to contend for, or affect, as the Pharisees did. The women were therein distinct from the men, and seated in a gallery inclosed with lattices, so that they might see and hear, but not be seen. To regulate and take care of all things belonging to the synagogue service, there was appointed acouncil,or assemblyof grave andwise persons, well versed i?i the law, over whom was set a president, who is called the ruler of the syna- gogue, L,ukc 8. 41. He presided in the as-, and in judicial affairs that were sometimes decided there, against thosc'who had given any scandal, and transgressed the laic in any important matter. As for scourging, some are of opinion, that it was a punishment not falling under the jurisdiction of the rulers of the synagogues,iMt belonging to the civil courts, which they take to be meant by the synagogues, where our Saviour tells his disciples theyshould be scourged. Mat. 10. 17. Others on the con- trary, maintain, that by the word synagogues iji the place here quoted, we are to understand synagogues properly so called. As to the man- ner o/ scourging, see Scourge. The same presidents invited those to speak in the synagogue, whom they thought capable of it, and off'ered that honour to strangers, if there were any that seemed to have the gift of speak- ing. St. Paul being at Antioch of Pisidia, was invited by the rulers of the synagogue to make a discourse to them for their edification, Acts 13. 14, 15. And it is very probable, that whenever our Saviour preached in the synagogues it teas not without the permission of the president, or chief ruler, though it be not expressly said so in the gospel, because it was a known custom. The rulers of the synagogue were likewise bound to take care of the poor. There were in every synagogue two treasury chests, one for poor strangers, and the other for their own poor. Those icho were charitably inclined, put their alms into these chests at their coming into the synagogue to pray. Upon extraordinary occa- sions they sometimes made public collections ; in which cases, the rulers of the synagogue ordered the person whose business it was to collect the alms, to ask every body for his charity. Every one promised according as he icas disposed, and afterwards they gathered from house to house what had been promised, for the Jews meddled not with money on their sabbath-day. These rulers likewise taught the people. This they did somctimesby way of dispute and conference, by questions and answers, or else by continued discourses like sermons. All these different ways of teaching they called by the general name of searching ; the discourse they styled a search, or inquisition, and him that made it, a searcher. The Hebrew word derafch, signi- fies, to dive into the sublime, profound, mystical, allegorical, and prophetical senses of holy scripture. The synagogue of the Libertines, or freed men. Acts 6. 9. was, according to many interpreters, that of those Jews, who having been led away captive by Pompcy and by Sosias, had after- wards recovered their liberty, and were retired to Jerusalem, when Tiberias drove away the Jews out of Italy. Others will have it, that St. Luke wrote L'bystinorum, and not Liber- tinorum ; and that the Libystini were people of Libya, joining to Egypt. Others by these Libertines understood the sons of such Jews as were free denizens of Rome. Mat. Vi. 9. when departed, he went into their s. 13. 54. he taught them in their s. Mark 6. 2. Mark 1. 23. and there was in their s. a man with an unclean spirit, Ijuke 4. 33. 29. when they were come out of s. Luke 4. 38. 5. 22. Jairua by name, one of the rulers of the s. besought Jesus, 36, 38. Luke 8. 41, 49. TAB Luke 4. 16. as his custom was, he went into the 5. on the sabbath-duy 20. the eyes of all in the s. were fastened on him 7. 5. he loveth our nation and hath built us a s. John 6. 59. these things said he in the s. 9. 22. that he should be put out of the s. 12. 42. lest they should be put out of the s. 18. 20. I ever taught in the s. and temple j'ictsG.9. then arose certain of the s. which is called the 5. of Libertines, disputing with Stephen 13. 14. they went into tlie s. on the sabbath-day, and sat down 15. the rulers of the s. sent to them, saying 42. and when the Jews were gone out of the s. 14. 1. Paul and Barnabas went both into the s. 17. 1. to Thessalonica there was a s. of the Jews .17. therefore he disputed in the s. with the Jews and with devout persons 18. 4. and he reasoned in the s. every sabbath 7. Justus, whose house joined hard to the s. 8. Crispus the chief ruler of the s. believed 17. Greeks took Sosthenes chief ruler of the s. 26. Apollos began to speak boldly in the 5. 22. 19. beat in every s. such as believed, 26. 11. .Jam. 2. t2. if there come into yours, a man Rev. 2. 9. but arc the s. of Satan 3. 9. I will make them of the s. of Satan SYNAGOGUES. Psal. 74. 8. they have burned up all the s. of God Jffat.4.23. Jes. went teaching in theirs, and preach- ing the gospel, 9. 35. Mark 1. 39. Luke 13. 10. 6. 2. as the hypocrites do in the s. 5. for they love to pray standing in the s. 10. 17. they will scourge you in their s. 23. 34. 23. 6. and love the chief seats in the s. Mark 12. 39. Luke 11. 43. | 20. 46. Mark 13. 9. and in the s. ye shall be beaten Luke 4. 15. he taught in the s. being glorified 44. and he preached in the s. of Galilee 12. 41. and when they bring you unto the s. 21. 12. delivering you up to the s. and prisons John 16. 2. they shall put you out of the s. Acts 9. 2. Saul desired of him letters to the s. 20. straightway he preached Christ in the s. 13. 5. Paul and Barnabas preached in the s. 15. 21. being read in the s. every sabbath-day 24. 12. neither raising up the people in the s. TABERNACLE Signifies, [1] A tent or pavilion raised on posts to lodge under. Num. 24. 5. Mat. 17. 4. [2] A house or dwelling. Job 11. 14. | 22. 23. [3] A kind of tent to take up and down, as occasion required; which was as it were the palace of the Most High, the dwelling of the God of Israel; wherein thelsraclites,during their jour- neyings in the wilderness, performed the chief of their religious exercises, offered their sacri- fices, and worshipped God: Itwas thirty cubits in length, and ten in breadth and in height. It was divided into two partitions : the first was called. The Holy Place, which was twenty cubits long, and ten wide : here were placed the table ofshew-bread, the golden candlestick, and the golden altar of incense. The second was called, The most Holy Place, whose length icas ten cubits, and breadth ten cubits, wherein, before the building of the temple, the ark of the covenant was kept, which was a symbol of God's gracious presence with the Jewish church. 7'Ae most Holy 2cas divided from tfie Holy Place by a curtain, or veil of very rich cloth, which hung upon four pillars of shittim- wood, that were covered with plates of gold, Exod. 26. 1. Heb. 9. 2, 3. [4] Christ's human nature, of which the Jewish tabernacle was a type, wherein God dwells really, substantially, and personally, Heb. 8. 2. | 9. 11. [5] The true church militant, Psal. 15. 1. [6] Our natural body, in which the soul lodges as in a tabernacle, 2 Cor. 5. 1. 2 Pet. 1. 13. [7] The tokens of God's gracious presence. Rev. 21.3. The feast of tabernacles. Lev. 23. 34. was so called, because the Israelites kept it under green tents or arbours, in memory of their dwelling in tents in their passage through the wilderness. It was one of the three great solemnities, wherein all the males iBcre obliged to present themselves before the Lord. It was celebrated after harvest, on the 15th day of the month Tisri, which answers to our month of September. The feast continued eight days ; but the first day and the last were the most TAB solemn. Herein they returned thanks to Ood for the fruits of the earth theyhad then gathered in, and were also put in mind that they were but pilgrims and travellers in this world. Exod. 25. 9. make it after the pattern of the t. 26. 1. thou shalt make the t. with ten curtains 6. couple the curtains, and it shall be one t.36. 13. 7. thou shalt make curtains of goats' hair to be a covering upon the t. 35. 11. ] 36. 14. 15. shalt make boards for the t. of shittira wood, 17, 20, 26. I 36. 20, 22, 23, 28, 31, 32. 26. make bars for the t. 27. | 30. rear up the t. 27. 9. and thou shalt make the court of the t. 19. all the vessels of the t. of brass, 39. 40. 29. 43. the t. shall be sanctified by m glory 31. 7. they may make all the furniture of the t. 33. 7. Moses pitched the t. without the camp _ Jl. but Joshua departed not out of the t. 35. 18. the pins of the t. 38. 20, 31. 36. 8. them that wrought the work of the t. 39. 32. thus was the work of the t. finished 33. and they brought the t. to Moses, the tent 40. 2. thou shalt set up the t. \\ 9. anoint the t. 17. on the first month, on the first day, the t. was reared up, 18. JV«7«. 7. 1. 19. he spread abroad the tent over the t. 21. he brought the ark into the t. and set up 33. he reared up the court round about the t. 34. the glory of the Lord filled the t. 35. 36. the cloud was taken up from over the t. mim. 9. 17. I 10. 11. I 12. 10. 38. for the cloud of the Lord was on the t. by day, and fire by night, JVk?«. 9. 18, 19, 22. Lei>. 8. 10. Moses anointed the t. and all therein 1^. 31. that they die not when they defile my t. 17. 4. bringeth not an offering before the t. 26. 11. 1 will set my t. among you, not abhor you J^um. 1. 50. appoint Levitesover the t. shall bear the t. shall encamp round about the t. 53. 51. and when the t. setteth forward, and when the t. is to be pitched, Levites set it up 53. the Levites shall keep the charge of the t. of testimony, 3. 7, 25. | 18. 3. J 31. 30, 47. 3. 7. before the t. to do the service of the t. 23. the Gershonites shall pitch behind the t. 35. the Merarites shall pitch northward of the t. 38. those that encamp before the t. eastward 4. 16. the oversight of the t. pertaineth to Eleazar 25. they shall bear the curtains of the t. 31. shall bear the boards of the t. and bars thereof 5. 17. the priest shall take of the dust of the t. 7. 3. they brought their offering before the t. 9. 15. on the day that the t. was reared up, the cloud covered the t. namely the tent of testimony 10. 21. the Kohathites did set up the t. 11. 24. Moses set seventy elders round about the £. 26. but they went not out unto the t. 16. 9. seemeth it small to do the service of the t. 24. get you up from about the t. of Korah, 27. 17. 13. whoso Cometh near to the t. shall die Deut. 31. 15. L. appeared in t. in a pillar of cloud Josh. 22. 19. wherein the Lord's t. dwelleth 1 Sam. 2. t 32. see the affliction of the t. 2 Sam. 6. 17. they set the ark in the midst of the t. 7. 6. but I have walked in a tent and in a t. 1 Kings 1.39. Zadoktooka horn of oil out of the «. 2. 28. Joab fled to the t. of the Lord and aitar 8. 4. vessels in the «. were brought up, 2 Chr.5.5. 1 Chron. 6. 48. the Levites for the service of the t. 9. 19. Korahites were keepers of the gates of the t. 23. they had the oversight of the house of the£. 16. 39. the priests before t. of the Lord 17. 5. but have gone from one t. to another 21. 29. for the t. which Moses made in wilderness 23. 26. they shall no more carry the t. 2 Chron. 1. 5. he put the brazen altar before the t. Job 5. 24. shalt know that thy t. shall be in peace 18.6.the light shall be dark in his J. and his candle 14. his confidence shall be rooted out of his t. 15.destruction shall dwell in his t.because not his 19. 12. his troops encamp round about my t. 20. 26. it shall go ill with him that is left in his t. 29. 4. when the secret of God was upon my t. 31. 31. if the men of my t. said not, oh that 36. 29. can any understand the noise of his t. ? Psal. 15. 1. Lord, who shall abide in thy t. ? 19. 4. in them hath he set a t. for the sun 26. t 9- I have loved the t. of thy honour 27. 5. in the secret of his t. shall he hide me 6. I will offer in his t. sacrifices of joy 61. 4. I will abide in thy t. for ever 76. 2. in Salem is his t. his dwelling-place in Zion 78. 60. so that he forsook the f . of Shiloh 67. moreover he refused the t. of Joseph 132. 3. 1 will not come into the t. of my house, 7. Prov. 14. 11. the t. of the upright shall flourish Jsa. 4. 6. there shall be a t. for a shadow from heat 16. 5. he shall sit upon it in the t. of David 33. 20. a t. that shall not be taken down Jer. 10. 20. my t. is spoiled all my cords broken 600 TAB Lam. 2. 4. he slew all that were pleasant in the t. 6. he hath violently taken away his t. Ezek. 37. 27. my t. also shall be with them 41. 1. which was the breadth of the t. Amos 5. 26. but ye have borne the t. of Moloch 9. 11. in that day will I raise up the t. of David Acts 7. 43. ye took up the t. of Moloch 46. who desired to find a t. for the God of Jacob 15. 16. and will build again the t. of David 2 Cor. 5. 1. if our house of this t. be dissolved 4. we that are in this t. do groan, being burdened Heb. 8. 2. the true t. which the Lord pitched 5. when Moses was about to make the t. 9. 2. there was a t. made, called the sanctuary 3. the t. which is called the holiest of all 6. the priests went always into the first t. 8. while as the first £. was yet standing 1 1. a high priest by a greater and more perfect t. 21. he sprinkled with blood the t. and vessels 13. 10. they have no right to eat which serve t. 2 Pet. 1. 13. think it meet, as long as I am in this t. 14. knowing that shortly I must put oft" my t. Rev. 13. 6. to blaspheme his name and his t. 15. 5. behold the temple of the t. was opened See Congregation, Door. TABERNACLE of witness. Mem. 17. 7. Moses laid up the rods in the t. of w. 8. on the morrow Moses went into the t. of w. 18. 3. shall minister before the t. of witness 2 Chron. 24. 6. to bring the collection for t. of w. Acts 7. 44. our fathers had the t. of witness TABERNACLES. J\rum. 24. 5. how goodly are thy t. O Israel Job 11. 14. let not wickedness dwell in thy t. 12. 6. the t. of robbers prosper, and they that 15. 34. and fire shall consume the t. of bribery 22.23.thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy t. Psal. 43. 3. let them bring me unto thy t. 46.4. make glad the holy place of t. of Most High 78. 51. smote chief of their strength in t. of Ham 83. 6. the t. of Edom have consulted together 84. 1. how amiable are thy t. O Lord of Hosts 118. 15. salvation is in the t. of the righteous 132. 7. we will go into his t. and worship Dan. 11. 45. he shall plant the t. of his palace Hos. 9. 6. thorns shall be in their t. 12. 9. I will yet make thee to dwell in t. Mat 2. 12. Lord will cut oflf the man out of the t. Mat. 17. 4. Lord, if thou wilt, let us make here three t. Mark 9. 5. Luke 9. 33. Heb. 11. 9. Abraham dwelling in t. with Isaac See Feast. TABLE Signifies, [I] A frame of wood made for several uses, 1 Kings 2. 7. [2] The altar of God, Mai. 1 . 7, 12. [3] Provision, for food, either for body or soul, Psal. 69. 22. [4] The two tables of stone whereon the law toas written, E.xod. 32. 15. That ye may eat and drink at my table, Luke 22. 30. That ye may partake of the highest de- lights which I have prepared for you, and enjoy the nearest communion with me in glory. To serve tables, Acts 6. 2. To provide for the poor, that they may have whereof to eat at their tables. Exod. 25. 23. shalt also make a t. of shittim wood 27. places of staves to bear the t. 28. | 37. 14. 20. 35. thou shalt set the t. without the vail 30. 27. thou shalt anoint the t. and all his vessels 31. 8. Bezaleel shall make the t. and the altar 37. 10. he made the t. \\ 16. the vessels on the t. 39. 33. they brought the t. unto Moses, the tent 40. 4. thou shalt bring in the f. and set in order 22. put the t. in the tent of the congregation Z,cu. 24. 6. shalt set six on a row on the pure t. J\rum. 3. 31. the Kohathites' charge shall be the t. Judg. 1. 7. kings gathered their meat under my t. 1 Sam. 20. 29. he cometh not to the king's t. 34. Jonathan arose from the t. in fierce anger 2Sam.9.7.Davidsaid,Mephiboshethshalleatbread at my f. continually, 10, 11, 13. | 19. 28. 1 Kings 2. 7. let them be of those that eat at thy t. 4. 27. for all that came to king Solomon's I. 10. 5. when the queen of Sheba saw the meat of his t. and the attendance, 2 Chron. 9.4. 13. 20. as they sat at t. the word of Lord came 18. 19. the prophets which eat at Jezebel's t. 2 Kings 4. 10. let us set for him a t. and a stool JVeA. 5. 17. there were at my t. 150 Jews Job 36. 16. that which should be set on thy t. Psal. 23. 5. thou preparest a t. before me 69. 22. let their t. become a snare before them 78. 19. can God furnish a t. in the wilderness 128. 3. thy children like olive plants about thy (. Prov. 3. 3. write them on the t. of thy heart, 7. 3. 9. 2. wisdom hath also furnished her t. Cant. 1. 12. while the king sitteth at his t. Isa. 21. 5. prepare the t. eat, watch, drink, arise 30. 8. now go write it before them in a t. 65. 11. that prepare a t. for tlat troop TAK ,hr. 17. 1. it is graven on the t. of their heart Ezek. 23. 41. and a t. prepared before it 39. 20. thus ye shall be filled at my t. with horses 41. 22. this is the t. that is before tbe Lord 44. 16. and they shall come near to my t. Dan. 11. 27. they shall speak lies at one t. Mai. 1. 7. the t. of the Lord is contemptible 12. ye say, the t. of the Lord is polluted Mat. 15.27. she said, yet the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master's £. Mark 7. 28. Luke 16. 21. crumbs which fell from rich man's t. 22. 21. that betrayeth me, is with me on the t. 30. that ye may eat and drink at my t. John 12. 2. Lazarus was one of them that sat at t. 13. 28. no man at the t. knew for what intent Rom. 11. 9. let their t. be made a snare and a trap 1 Cor. 10. 21. cup of Lord and devils, ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's t. and of the f. of devils See Siiew-Bread. WRITING-TABLE. Lukel. 63. Zacharias asked for a w.-t. and wrote TABLES. Exod. 32. 15. the t. were written on both sides 16. t. were the work of God, graven on the t. 19. hecast the t. outof his hands, and brake them 34. 1. I will write on these t. the words in first t. Deut. 10. 4. he wrote on the t. according to first 5. and put the t. in the ark, Heb. 9. 4. 1 Chr. 23. 16. David gave gold for t. of shew-bread 2 Chron. 4. 8. Solomon also made ten t. and placed 19. the t. whereon the shew-bread was set Isa. 28. 8. all t. are full of vomit and fiUhiness Ezek. 40.41. eight t. whereupon they slew sacrifices 42. fourt. were of hewn stone for burnt-offering Hab. 2. 2. write the vision, and make it plain on t. Mat. 21. 12. he overthrew the t. of the money- changers, and sellers of doves, Mark 11. 15. Mark 7. 4. as the washing of cups, pots, and t. John 2. 15. drove them out and overthrew the t. ./lets 6. 2. leave the word of God, and serve t. 2 Con 3. 3. not in f. of stone, but fleshly t. of heart See Stone, Two. TABLETS. Exod. 35. 22. they brought t. all jewels of gold J^um. 31. 50. we brought t. to make an atonement [sa. 3. 20. I will take away the t. and ear-rings TABRET. fTfiK.31.27.have sent thee away with t. and harp 1 Sa7n. 10. 5. coming from the high place with a t. Job 17.6. a by-word, and aforetime I was as a t. Isa. 5.12. the f. pipe, and wine are in their feasts TABRETS. 1 Sam. 18. 6. women came to meet Saul with t. Isa. 24. 8. the mirth of t. ceaseth, joy ceaseth 30. 32. it shall be with t. and harps ' Jer. 31. 4. thou shalt again be adorned with thy t. Ezek. 28. 13. the workmanship of thy t. and pipes TABERING. JVah. 2. 7. the voice of doves t. on their breasts TACHES. Exod. 26. 6. thou shalt make fifty t. of gold 11. thou shalt make fifty t. of brass, 35. 11. 33. thou shalt hang up the vail under the t. 36. 13. he made fifty t. of gold, and brass, 18. 39. 33. they brought his t. his boards, his bars TACKLING. Acts 27. 19. third day we cast out the t. of the ship TACKLINGS. • Isa. 33. 23. thy t. are loosed, could not strengthen TAIL Signifies, [1] The train of a beast, fowl, or fish, E.xod. 4. 4. [2] Lo!B, base, or contemptible, Deut. 28. 13. [3] The power, policy, and flat- teries, by which the devil and his instruments corrupt and allureministcrs of the church from the simplicity, and ptirity of their doctrine, to error, superstition, and prof aneness, Rev.12.4. [4] An army, Isa. 7. 4. Exod. 4. 4. put out thine hand, take it by the t. Deut. 28. 13. make thee the head, not the t. 44. Josh. 10. t 19. pursue, cut oft" the t. of them Judg. 15.4. Samson caught foxes and turned t. to t. Job 40. 17. behemoth moveth his t. like a cedar Isa. 9.14. Lord will cutoff from Israel head and t. 15. the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the t. 19. 15. no work which the head or t. may do Rev. 12. 4. his t. drew the third part of the stars TAILS. Judg. 15. 4. and put a firebrand between two t. Isa/7. 4. for the two t. of these smoking firebrands Rev. 9. 10. t. like to scorpions, stings in their t. 19. power in their t. their t. were like serpents TAKE Signifies, [11 To lay hold on or seize, 1 Kings 18. 40. [2] To receive from another, 2 Kings 5. 15. [3] To yield, 2'Thess. 1. f 8. [4] To bear, John 1. t 29. [5] To give, Deut. 1. 1 13. [6] To spoil, Deut. 20. t 14. [7] To possess or impoverish, Judg. 14. f 15. [8] To be chosen, 1 Tim. 5. 1 9- [9] To remove, John 2. 16. TAK Ocn. 13. 9. if thou wtUt. the left hand, I will go J4. 21. give me the persons, t. tlie goods to thyself 19 15. arise, t. tiiy wife and thy two daughters 22. 2. t. now thy son, thine only son Isaac 24. 3. thou shall not t. a wife to my son of, 37. 48. to f.iny master's brother's daughter to his son 31. 32. discern what is thine with me, t. it to tliee 50. if lliou t. other wives besides my daughters 34. 9. aud t. our daughters unto you 16. and we will (. your daughters to us 38. 23. let her t. to her, lest wo he shamed Ezod. 6. 7. I will t. you to me for a people 10. 2G. for thereof must we t. to serve tiie Lord 17. 5. and thy rod t. in thine hand and go 20. 7. thou shalt not t. the name of the Lord thy God in vain, not hold guiltless. Dent. 5. 11. 21. 14. t. him from mine altar, that he may die 23. a and thou shalt t. no gift, Dcut. 16. 19. 34. 9. pardon and t. us for thine inheritance 16. lest thou t. of their daughters, Dcut. 7. 3. JLev. 18. 17. neither shalt thou t. herson's daughter 18. neither shalt thou I. a wife to her sister 20. 14. and if a man (. a wife, aud her mother 21. 7. the priests shall not t. a wife that is a whore, nort. a woman put away, £zcA. 44. 22. 13. he sh.ill t. a wife in her virginity 25. 36. t. thou no usury of him, or increase 46. ye shall (. them as an inheritance for children JVum. 8. 6. t. the Levites from among Israel 11. 17. I will t. of the Spirit that is on thee 16. 3. Korah said, ye t. too much upon you, 7. 35. 31. ye shall t. no satisl'action for the life, 32. Deut. 1. 13. t. ye wise men and understanding 4. 34. and t. him a nation, from tlie midst of nation 15. 17. then thou shalt t. an awl and thrust 22. 18. the elders of tiiat city shall *. that man 30. a man shall not t. his father's wife 24. 4. may not t. her again to be his wit'e 6. no man shall t. a millstone to pledgo 17. nor t. a widow's raiment to pledge 25. 8. if he say, Ihke not to t. her Josh. 6. 18. when ye t. of the accursed thing 7. 14. the family which the Ld. shall t. the house- hold which the Lord shall t. shall come 8.29. they should f.his carcase down from the tree 10. 42. their land diiT Joshua t. at one time 20. 4. they shall t. him into the city to them 22. 19. then t. ye possession among ua, rebel not Judg. 5. 30. for the necks of them that t. spoil 14. 3. that thougoest to t. a wifeof uncircumcised 15. have ye called us to t. that we have ? 19. 30. consider, t. advice, and speak your minds Ruth 2. 10. thou shouldest t. knowledge of me 1 Sam. 2. 16. then t. as much as thy soul desireth, ,;., ..* ^ and if not I will t. it by force ''will t. your sons for himself, his chariots 13. he wifl t. your daughters || 14. t. your fields 1.5. t. the tenth of your seed || 16. t. men-servants 17. 18. how thy brethren fare, and t. their pledge 46. and t. thine head from thee 19. 14. Saul sent messengers to t. David, 20. 21. 9. if thou wilt t. that, t. it, there is no other 24. 11. yet thou huntest my soul to t. it 25. 11. shall I then t. my bread, and my water 26. 11. (. now the spear that is at his bolster 2 Sam. 12. 4. he spared to t. of his own flock 11. I will t. thy wives before thine eyes 28. t. it, lest I t. the city, and it be called IG. 9. let me go over, and t. oft'his head 19. 19. the king should t. it to his heart, 13. 33. 30. Mephibosheth said, yea, let him t. all 1 Kinc;s 11. 31. he said to Jeroboam, t. ten pieces .34. I will not t. the whole kingdom 14. 3. 1, ten loaves || 18. 40. t. proiihcts of Baal 20. 18. come for war or peace, Mhem alivo 21. 1.5. arise, t. possession of the vineyard, 16. 22. 26. t. Micaiah, carry him baclf, 2 Chr. 18. 25. 2 Kings 4. 1. the creditor is come to /. my sons 29. t. my staff and go || 5. 15. (. a blessing 5. 16. urged him to t. it || 20. I will t. somewhat 23. t. two talents || 8. 8. t. a present and go 9. 1. 1. this box of oil in thine hand, 3. 10. 6. t. ye the heads of your master's sons 14. t. them alive || 12. .5. let the priests t. it 13. 15. Elisha said, t. bow and arrows, 18. 19. 30. shall yett. root downward, Isa. 37. 31. 1 Chron. 21.24. I will not t. that which is thine Ezra5. 14. those did Cjtus t. \\ 15. t. vessels 9. 12. not t. their daughters, JVeA. 10. 30. | 1.3. 25. F.-Hh. 0. 10. t. the apparel, and do so to Mordecai Joh 23. 10. he knowcth the way that. I t. 24. 3. they t. the widow's ox for a pledgo 9. and they (. a pledge of the poor 30. 17. and my sinews t. no rest 31. 36. surely I would t. it upon my shoulder 41. 4. wilt thou t. him for a servant for ever? 42. 8. therefore t. to you now seven bullocks Psal. 2. 2. the rulers (. counsel against the Lord 7. 5. let the enemy persecute my soul, and t. it 50. 9. I will t. no bullock out of thy house 601 TAK Psal.hO. 16. shouldestt. my covenant in thy mouth 51. 11. and t. not thy Holy Spirit from me 71. 11. t. him, for there is none to deliver him 75. t 2. when 1 shall t. a set time, I will judge 81. 2. t. a psalm || 83. 12. t. the houses of God 89. 33. my kindness will I not utterly t. from him 109. 8. and let another t. his otHce 116. 113. I will t. the cup of salvation, and Gall 119. 43. t. not the word of truth utterly out 139. 9. if 1 t. the wings of the morning 20. and thine enemies t. thy name in vain Prov. 5. 22. his own iniquities shall t. the wicked 6. 25. neither let her t. thee with her eyelids 27. can a man t. fire in his bosom, not be burned 7. 18. let us t. our fill of love till the morning 20. 16. t. his garment that is surety for stranger, t. a pledge of him for a strange woman, 27. 13. 30. 9. and t. the name of my God in vain Eccl. 5. 15. and shall t. nothing of Ids labour 19. and to t. his portion and rejoice in his labour Cant. 2. 15. t. us the foxes, the little foxes Isa. 27. 6. he shall cause them of Jacob to t. root 28. 19. from the time it goeth, it shall t. you 30. 1.4. not a shred to t. fire from the hearth 33. 23. the prey is divided, the lame t. the prey 40. 24. their stock shall not t. root in the earth 44. 15. he will t. thereof and warm himself 47.2. t. the mUlstones, and grind meal 3. I will t. vengeance, I will not meet as a man 57. 13. vanity shall t. them, wind carry them 58. 2. they t. delight in approaching to God 66. 21. 1 will also t. of them for priests and Levites Jcr. 2. 22. t. thee much soap || 3. 14. t. one of a city 13. 4. t. the girdle that thou hast got, 6. 21. shall not sorrows Mhee as a woman in travail 15. 19. if thou t. forth the precious from the vile 16. 2. ihou shalt not t. thee a wife in this place Vi. 22. for they have digged a pit to t. me 19. 1. £. of the ancients of the people and priests 20. 10. and we shall t. our revenge on him 25. 9. I will t. all the families of the north 10. I will (. from them the voice of mirth 23. if they refuse to (. the cup at thine hand 29. 6. t. ye wives, and beget sons and daughters 32. 24. they are .come to the city to t. it 25. buy the field for money, and t. witnesses, 44. 28. Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon shall t. it 39. 12. t. Jeremiah, and look well to him 46. 11. go up into Gilead, and t. balm, 51. 8. 50. 15. t. vengeance upon her; as she hath done, do 51. 26. they shall not t. of thee a stone lor a corner 36. behold I will t. vengeance for thee Dam. 2.13. what thing shall I witness for thee? Ezek. 4. 1. t. thee a tile || 3. t. an iron pan 9. t. unto thee wheat, barley, and beans 5. 1. t. a sharp knife, t. a rasor, t. balancea 10. 6. t. fire from between the wheels 11. 19. I will t. the stony heart out of their flcsli 14. 5. that I may t. the house of Israel 15. 3. will men t. a pin of it to hang any vessel 21. 26. remove the diadem, (. oft' the crown 22. 16. thou shalt t. thine inheritance in thyself 24. 5. t. the choice of the flock, and burnt bones 8. it might cause fury to come up to t. vengeance 25. when I t. from them their strength 29. 19. t. a multitude, t. her spoil, t. her prey 33. 2. if people of the land t. a man of their coast 36. 24. I will t. you from among the heathen 37. 16. 1, thee one stick, t. another stick, write 19. I will t. the stick of Joseph, and will put 38. 12. to t. a spoil and to t. a prey 13. art thou come to t. prey, to t. a groat spoil? 46. 18. the prince not t. the people's inheritance Dan. 7. 18. but the saints shall t. the kingdom 11. 15. the king shall t. the most fenced cities 18. he shall turn to the isles, and shall t. many Hos. 1. 2. go t. unto thee a wife of whoredoms 11.4. I was as they that t. ofl^thc yoke on jaws 14. 2. t. with your words, and turn to the Lord Jlmos 5. 11. ye t. from him burdens of wheat 12. they afflict the just, they t. a bribe 9. 2. thence shall mine hand t. them, 3. .Jonahi. 3. t. I beseech thee, my life from mo Mic. 2. 2. they covet fields and t. them by violence 6.shall not prophesy, that they shall not t. shame JV«A.1.2. the Lord will?, vengeance on adversaries 2.9. t. ye the spoil of silver, t. the spoil of gold Hab. 1. 10. for they shall heap dust and t. it Hag. 1. 8. build the house, I will t. pleasure in it 2. 23. will I t. thee, O Zerubb.ibel, my servant Zcch. C. 10. t. of them of the captivity, of Heldai 11. 15. t. yet instruments of a foolish shepherd Mat. 1. 20. fear not to t. unto thee Mary thy wife 2. 13. and t. the young child and its molhi;r G. 25. t. no thought for your life, 28, 31, 34. | 10. 19. Mark 13. 11. Luke 12. 11, 22, 26. n. 12. and the violent*, the kingdom by force 29. t. my yoke upon you, and learn of me 15. 26. not meet to t. children's bread, JlfarA 7. 27. 16. 5. they had forgotten to t. bread, Mark 8. 14. 4G TAK J)/ai.l7.25.of whom the kings of the earth t. custom J8. 16. then t. with thee one or two more 20. 14. t. that thine is and go thy way 24. 17. let him on house top not come down to t. any thing out of his house, Mark 13. 15. 25. 28. t. therefore the talent from him, give it 26. 4. that they might t. Jesus, Mark 14. 1, 44. 26. Jesus took bread and said, (. eat, this is my body, Mark 14. 22. 1 Cor. 11. 24. 45. sleep on now, and t. your rest, Mark 14. 41. 52. they that t. the sword shall perish by sword 55. with swords and staves to t. me, Mark 14. 48. Mark 6. 8. t. nothing for their journey, Dxike 9. 3. 12. 19. his brother should t. his wife, Duke 20. 28. 15. 24. casting lots what every man should t. 36. whether Ehas will come to t. him down Duke 6. 4. David did t. and eat the shew-bread 29. forbid him not to t. thy coat also 10. 35. t. care of him 1| 12. 19. soul, t. thine ease 14. 9. then begin with shame to t. the lowest room 16. 6. t. thy bill, 7. || 22. 17. t. this and divide it 19. 24. t. from him the pound, and give it to hira 22. 36. he that hath a purse, let him t. it John 2. 10. Jesus said to them, t. these things hence 6. 7. that every one of them may t. a little 15. that they would come and t. him by force 7. 30. they sought to t. him, 32. | 10. 39. | 11. 57. 10.17.therefore my father loveth me, because I lay down my life, that 1 might (. it again, 18. 16. 15. he shall t. of mine, and shew it unto you 17. 15. thou shouldest t. them out of the world 18. 31. t. ye him, and judge liiin according to your 19. C. Pilate saith, t. ye him, and crucify him Acts 1. 20. and his bishoprick let another (. 12. 3. Herod proceeded furtlier to t. Peter also 15. 14. to t. out of them a people for his name 37. Barnabas determined to t. with them John 38. Paul thought not good to t. him with thom 20.13. sailed to Assos, there intending to t. in Paul 26. wherefore 1 1. you to record this day 21. 24. them t. and purify thyself with them 27. 33. Paul besought them to t. meat, 34. 1 Cor. 6. 7. why do you not rather t. wrong 1 15. shall I then t. the members of Christ 9. 9. doth God t. care for oxen ? 2 Cor. 8. 4. and t. upon us the ministering to saint* 11. 20. for ye suffer, if a man t. of you 12. 10. therefore I t. pleasure in infirmities Eph. 6. 13. t. to you the whole armour of God 17. and t. the helmet of salvation, and sword 1 Tim. 3. 5. how shall he take care of the church 2 Tim. 4. 11. t. Mark, and bring him with thee Hcb. 7. 5. a commandment to t. tithes of people Jam.5. 10. t. my brethren, the prophets an example 1 Pet. 2. 20. if ye t. it patiently, it is acceptable Rev. 3. 11. hold fast, that no man t. thy crown 5. 9. thou art worthy to t. the book, and to open 6. 4. power given him to t. peace from the earth 10. 8. t. the Uttle book {{ 9. t. it and eat it 22. 17. let liim t. the water of life freely TAKE away. Gcn.30.15.wouldestthou ^ son's mandrakes 42. 36. and ye will t. Benjamin away Exod. 2. 9. t. this child away., and nurse it for me 8. 8. that he may t. away the frogs from me 10.17. that he may t. aw. from me this death only 23. 25. and I will t. sickness away, Deut. 7. 15. 33. 23. 1 will t. aw. mine hand, and thou shalt seo T^ev. 3. 4. it shall he t. away, 10, 15. | 4. 9. | 7. 4. 4. 31. he shall t. away all the fat thereof, 35. 14. 40. command that they t. away the stones JVum. 4. 13. shalt t. awaij the ashes from the altar 17. 10. thou shalt quite t. away their murmurings 21.7.pray that he may the serpents from us Josh. 7. 13. until ye t. away the accursed thing 2 Sam. 4. 11. shall I nott. you away from the earth 5. 6. except thou t. away the blind and the lame 24. 10- t. a?o«?/ the iniquity of thy servant 1 Kings 2. 31. mayesti. away the innocent blood 14. 10. t.a. the remn.ant of the house of Jeroboam 16. 3. t. away the posterity of Baasha || 21. 21 of Ahah 19. 4. it is enough now, O Lord, t. away my life 10. and they seek my life, to t. it away, 14. 20. 6. what is pleasant, shall my servants t. away 24. t. the kings a. and put captains in their rooms 2 Kings 2. 3. the Lord will t. away thy master, 5. 6. 32. see how he hath sent to t. away mine head 18. 32. till I come and t. you away, Isa. 36. 17. \Chr. 17. 13. 1 will not t. my mercy away from him F.sth. 4. 4. sent to t. away his sackcloth fromhim ./ob 7. 21. why dost thou not (. away mino iniquity 9. 34. let him t. his rod away from me 24.. 2. they violently t. away flocks 10. they t. away the sheaf from the hungry 32. 22. in so doing, my maker would soon t. me a. 36.18. beware, lest he t. thee away with his stroke Psal. 26. t 9. t- not away my soul with sinners 31. 13. they devised to t. away my life 52. 5. he shall {. thee away and pluck thee out TAK Psal. 58. 9. he shall t. them away with a wliirhvind 102. 24. t. rae not away in the midst of my days Prow.22.27. why should het. aw. thy bed from thee 25. 4. <. awfl)/ the dross from the silver 5. t. away tlie wicked from before the king Isa. 1. 25. and I will t. away all Ihy tin 3.1. «. away the stay and staff || IH.t.away bravery 4.1. to t. aw. our reproach || 5.5. 1 will t. aw. hedge 5. 23. t. away the righteousness of the pghteous 10. 2. to t. away the riglit from the poor 25. 8. the rebuke of his people shall be t. away 27. 9. this is all the fruit, to t. away his siii 39. 7. and of thy sons shall they t. away 40. 24. the whirlwind shall t. them away 58. 9. if thou t. away from the midst of thee Jer. 4. 4. t. away the foreskins of your heart 5. 10. destroy and t. away het battlements 15. 15. t. me not away in thy long-suffering Ezek. 11. 18. shall t. away the detestable things i£i. 25. they shall t. away thy nose and thine ears 2G.t. away thy fair jewels||2y.t. away thy labour 24. 16. behold, I t. away the desire of thine eyes 33. 4. if the sword come, and t. him away, 6. 36. 26. and I will t. away the stony heart out of 45. 9. t. away your exactions from my people Dan. 7. 26. and they shall t. away his dominion 11. 31. they shall t. awqyXhe daily sacrifice Has. 1. 6. but I will utterly t. tl^pm away 2. 9. and t. away my corn in the time thereof 17. for I will t. away the names of Baalim 4.11.whoredom, wine, and new wine ^.c.the heart 5. 14. I will t. away and none shall rescue 14. 2. say unto him t. a. all iniquity, receive us Amos i. 2. that he will t. you away with hooks 5. 23. t. away from me the noise of tliy viols Mic. 2. 2. they covet houses, and t. them away Zeph.'i. 11. I will t. away out of tlie midst of thee Zeclt. 3. 4. t. away the filthy garments from him 9. 7. I will t. away his blood out of his mouth J\fal. 2. 3. and one shall i. you away with dung Mat. 5. 40. and t. away thy coat, let him have thy 22. 13. t. away and cast him into outer darkness Marie 14. 36. Father, t. away this cup from me Luke 1. 25. to t. away my reproach among men 17. 31. let him not come down to (. it away John 11. 39. Jesus said, t. away the stone 48. the Romans shall t. a. our place and nation Rom. 11. 27. when I shall t. aioay their sins Heb. 10. 4. that blood of bulls should t. away sins 1 John 3. 5. he was manifested to t. aioay our sins liev. 22. 19. if any man t. away from tlie \vords of the book, God shall t. a. his part out of book See Counsel. TAKE HEED. Oeji.31.24.(. heed that thou speak not to Jacob, 29. Exod. 10. 28. t. heed to thyself, 34. 12. Deut. 4. 9. 12. 13, 19, 30. 1 Sam. 19. 2. 1 Tim. 4. 16. 19. 12. t. heed to youveelves, Deut. 2. 4. | 4. 15, 23. I 11. 16. Josh. 23. 11. Jer. 17. 2K JVum. 23. 12. must I not t. heed to speak that which Deut. 24. 8. t. heed in the plague of leprosy 27. 9. t. heed and hearken, O Israel, this day Josh. 22. 5. t. diUgent heed to do the commandment 1 Kings 2. 4. if thy children t. heed to their way, 8. 25. 2 Chron. 6. 16. 1 Chr. 28. 10. t. heed fof the Lord hath chosen thee 2 Chr.l9.&.t. heed what ye do, ye judge not for men 7. let the fear of the Lord be on you, t. heed 33. 8. so that they will {. heed to do, Ezra 4. 22. Job 36. 21. t. heed, regard not iniquity Psal. 39. 1. I said, I will t. heed to my ways Eccl. 7. 21. i. no heed to all words that are spoken /sa.7.4. say unto him, t. heed and be quiet, fear not Jer. 9. 4. t. heed every one of his neighbour Has. 4. 10. they have left off to t. heed to the Lord Mai. 2. 15. therefore f. heed to your spirit, 16. Mat. 6. 1. t. heed that you do not alms before men 16. 6. «. A. of the leaven of Pharisees, Marh 8. 15. 18, 10. t. heed that ye despise not one of these 24. 4. t. heed that -no man deceive you, Mark 13.5. Mark 4.24. he said to,tliem, t. heed what you hear 13. 9. t. heed to yourselves, Luke 17. 3. I 21. 34. J3cts 5. 35. I 20. 28. 23. t. h. I have foretold you||33. t. h. watch, pray Luke 8. 18. t. heed therefore how ye hear 11.35. t. heei that the light in thee be not darkness 12. 15. t.heed and beware of covetousness 21. 8. he said, t. heed that ye be not deceived ..9ets 22. 26. saying, t. heed what thou doest Rom. 11.21. t. heed lest he alsq. spare not thee 1 Cor. 3. 10. let every man t. heed how he buildeth 8. 9. t. heed lest this liberty of yours become 10. 12. let him that standeth (. heed lest he fall . Gal.^.\5j..heed ye be not consumed one of anotjier Col. 4. 17. t. Jieed to the ministry thouhast received Hcb. 3. 12. t. heed of an evil heart of unbelief 2 Pet. 1. 19. whereunto ye do well to l. heed TAKE hold. E7od.\5.1i. sorrow shall t. hold on the inhabitants 15. trembling shall (. hold upon ihem 602 TAK Exod. 26. 5. that the loops t. hold one of another Deut. 32. 41. and if mine hand t. hold of judgment ./ob 27. 20. terrors t. hold on him as waters 36. 17. judgment and justice t. hold on thee 38. 13. it might t. hold on the ends of the earth Psal. 35. 2. t. hold of shield and buckler, and help 69. 24. let thy wrathful anger t. hold of them Prov. 2. 19. not t. thcc hold of the paths of life 4. 13. t. fast hold of instruction, let her not go 5. 5. her feet go down, her steps t. hold on hell Eccl. 7. 18. it is good that thou t. hold of this Cant. 7. 8. I will t. hold of the boughs thereof Isa. 3. 6. when a man shall t. hold of his brother 4. 1. seven women shall t. hold of one man, saying 13. 8. pangs and sorrows shall t. hold of them 27. 5. or let him t. hold of my strength, and make 56. 4. to the eunuchs that t. hold of my covenant 64. 7. that stirreth up himself to t. hold of thee Mic. 6. 14. thou shall t. hold but shalt not deliver Zech. 1. 6. did they not t. hold of your fatliers 1 8. 23. ten men shall t. hold of him that is a Jew Luke 20. 20. that they might t. hold of his words 26. and they could not t. AoWof his words TAKE up. Gen. 41. 34. t. up the fifth part of the land of Egypt Lev. 6. 10. and the priest shall t. up the ashes M'um. 16. 37. t. up the censers out of the burning Josh. 3. 6. t. up the ark of the covenant, 6. 6. 4. 5. t. up every man a stone out of Jordan i Kings 2. 1. when the Loi-d would t. up Elijah 4. 36. he said t. up thy so.i || 6. 7. t. up the iron 9. 25. t. up and cast him into the portion of field JVcA. 5. 2. we t. up corn for them that we may eat Psal. 16. 4. nor t. up their names into my lips 27. 10. then the Lord will t. me up Isa. 14. 4. that thou shalt t. vp this proverb 57.. 14. i. up the stumbling-block out of the way Jer. 7. 29. f. up a lamentation on the high places 9. 10. for the mountains will t. up weeping 18. t. up wailing for us 1| 38. 10. t. up Jeremiah Ezek. 19. 1. t. up a lamentation for the princes 26. 17. t. up a lamentation for Tyrus, 27. 2, 32. 28. 12. t. up a lamentation upon king of Tyrus 32. 2. t. up a lamentation for Pharaoh .fimos 3. 5. shall one t. up a snare from the earth 5. ]. hear this word which I t. tip against you 6. 10. and a man's uncle shall t. him up .fonah 1. 12. t. me tip and cast me forth into the sea Mic. 2. 4. in that day shall one t. up a parable Hab. 1. 15. they t. up all of them with the angle 2. G. shall not all these t.up a parable against him J>/ut. 9.0. Jesus saith, arise, t. up thy bed, Mark'i. 9. 11. Luke5. 24. .John 5.8, 11, 12. 16.24. let him t. up his cross and follow me, Mark 8. 34. 1 10. 21. Luke 9. 23. 17. 27. andt. up the fish that first cometh up Mark 16. 18. they shall t. up serpents . TAKEN. Oen. 2. 22. rib which Lord God had t. from man 23. called woman, because she was t. out of man 3. 19. for out of the ground wast thou t. 23. 4. 15. vengeance shall be t. on him seven fold 12. 15. the woman was t. into Pharaoh's house 19. so I might have t. her to me to wife 14. 14. Abram heard that his brother was t. 18. 27. I have t. upon me to spea^ to the Lord 20. 3. for the woman which thou hast t. is a wife 27. 33. who, where is he that hath (. venison 31. 16. the riches God hath t. from our father 34. now Rachel had t. the images, and put them Exod. 25. 15. staves shall not be t. from the rings Lev. 7. 34. the heave shoulder have I t. of Israel J\rum. 3. 12. behold I have t. the Levites for the first-born of Israel, 8. 16, 18. ] 18. 6. 5. 13. neither she be t. with the manner 10. 17. and the tabernacle was t. down 16. 15. I have not t. one ass from them, nor hurt 31. 49. we have t. the sum of the men of war 36. 3. their inheritance be t. from the lot Deut.i.20. Lord hath t. you out of the iron furnace 20. 7. hath betrothed a wife, and hath not t. her 24. 1. when a man hath t. a wife, and married 5. when a man hath t. anew wife, he shall be free at home, and cheer up his wife which he hath t. Josh. 7. 11. they have t. of the accursed thing 15. he that is t. shall be burnt with fire 16. and the tribe of Judah was t. 17. Zabdi was t. || 18. and Achan was t. Judg. 11. 36. as the Lord hath t. vengeance 14. 9. he told not them that he had t. the honey 15. 6. because he had t. his wife, and given her 17. 2. the 1100 shekels that were t. from thee 1 Sam. 4. 11. the ark of God was t. 17. 19, 21, 22. 7. 14. the cities which the Philistines had t. 10. 21. Saul was t. \\ 12. 3. whose ox have It.l 12. 4. nor hast thou t. ought of any man's hand 14. 41. and Saul and Jonathan were t. 42<-Sau! said, cast lots, and Jonathan was t. 30. 5. and David's two wives were t. captives 19. was nothing lacking that they had t. to them TAK 2 Sam. 12. 9. hast (. his wife to be thy wife, 10. 27. and I have t. the city of waters 16. 8. behold, thou art (. in thy mischief 23. 6. because they cannot be t. with hands IKings 16. 18. when Zimri saw that the city was t. 21. 19. hast thou killed and also t. possession 1 'HKings 2.10. if thou see me when I am t. from thee 18. 10. the ninth year of Hosea, Samaria was t. Chron. 24. 6. one principal household being t. for Elcazar, and one t. for Ithamar 2 Chron. 28. 11. dehver the captives you have t. 30. 2. king had t. counsel to keep the passover Ezra 9. 2. for they have t. of their daughters 10. 2. and we have t. strange wives, 14, 17, 18. 44. all these had t. strange wives JVeh. 5. 15. and had t. of them bread and wine Esth. 2. 15. who had t. Esther for his daughter 16. so Esther was t. to king Ahasuerus 8. 2. king took off his ring he had t. from Haman Job 16. 12. he hath also (. me by my neck 19. 9. he hath t. the crown from mine head 22. 6. thou hast t. a pledge from thy brother 24. 24. they are t. out of the way, as all other 28. 2. iron is t. out of the earth, brass is molten Psal. 9. 15. in the net they hid is their own foot t. 10. 2. let them be t. it) the devices that they have 59. 12. let them even be t. in their pride 83. 3. have t. crafty counsel against thy people 119. 111. thy test, have I f . as a heritage for ever Prov. 3.26. the Ld. shall keep thy foot from being t. 6. 2. thou art t. with the words of thy mouth 7. 20. ho' hath t. a bag of money with him 11. 6. transgressors shall be t. in their own naught. Eccl. 2. 18. I hated my labour which I had t. 3. 14. nothing put to it, nor any thing t. from it 7. 26. but the sinner shall be t. by her 9. 12. as the fishes that are t. in an evil net Isa. 7. 5. have t. evil counsel against thee 8. 15. many shall be broken, and snared, and t. 23. 8. who hath t. this counsel against Tyre 1 24. 18. shall be t. in the snare, Jer. 48. 44. 28. 13. that they might be broken, snared, and t. 33. 20. a tabernacle that shall not be t. down 41. 9. thou whom I have t. from ends of the earth 49. 24. shall the prey be t. from the mighty 51. 22. behold, I have t. the cup of trembling 53. 8. he was t. from prison and from judgment Jer. 6. 11. the husband with the wife shall be t. 8. 9. the wise men are ashamed, dismayed, and t. 12. 2. thou hast planted, they have t. root 34. 3. but thou shalt surely be t. 38. 23. 38. 28. till the day that Jerusalem was t. 39. 5. when they had t. him, they brought him 40. 1. when he had t. him, being bound in chains 10. and dwell in your cities, that ye have t. 48. 1. Kiriathaim is t. \\ 7. thou shalt be t. 33. joy and gladness is t. from the plentiful field 41. Kirioth is t. || 46. thy sons are t. captives 49. 20. hear the counsel he hath t. against Edom 24. anguish and sorrows have t. Damascus 30. Nebuchadnezzar hath t. counsel against you 50.2. publish and say, Babylon is t. 24.] 51.31, 41. J^am. 4. 20. the anointed of the Lord was t. Ezek. 12. 13. the prince of Israel be t. in ray snare 15. 3. shall wood be t. thereof to do any work 1 16. 17. thou hast also t. thy fair jewels of gold 20. thou hast (. thy sons and thy daughters 17. 12. is come, and hath t. the king thereof 13. t. of the king's seed, hath t. an oath of him 20. and he shall be t. in my snare 18. 8. not upon usury, neither hath t. any increase 13. hath given upon usury, and hath t. increase 17. that hath t. off his hand from the poor 19. 4. heard of him, he was t. in their pit, 8. 21. 23. call to remembrance, that they may be t. 22. 12. in thee have they t. gifts, hast t. usury 25. 15. have t. vengeance with a despiteful heart Dan. 5. 2. vessels, which his father had t. out, 3. Joel 3. 5. because ye have t. my silver and gold Amos 3. 4. will he cry out, if he have t. nothing, 5. 12. so shall Israel be t. that dwell in Samaria 6. 13. have we not (. to us horns by our strength Zech. 14. 2. the city shall be t. and houses lifleit^ Mat. 9. 15. the bridegroom shall be t. from them 16. 7. it is because we have t. no bread 21. 43. the kingdom of God shall be t. from you 24. 40. one shall be t. Luke 17. 34, 35, 36. 28. 12. and had t. counsel, they gave large money Mark 4. 25. from him t. even that which be hath 6. 41. when he had t. the five loaves he looked up 9. 36. when he had t. him in his arms, he said Luke 5. 5. we toiled all night, and have t. nothing 9. at the draught of fishes which they had t. 19. 8. if I have t. any thing from any man John 7. 44. and some of them would have t. him 8. 3. brought to him a woman t. in adultery, 4. Acts 2.23. ye have <.and by wicked hands crucified 8. 33. for his life is t. from the earth 23. 27. this man was t. of the Jews 27. 33. and continued fasting having t. nothing TAK Rom. 9. 6. not as tho' the word hath t. none effect 1 Cor. 10. 13. there hath no temptation t. you 1 T/iess. 2. 17. being t. I'roni you for a short time 2 T/iess. 2. 7. will lot, until he be t. out of the way 1 7'itn. 5. 9. let not a widow be t. into the number 2 Tim. 2. 26. who are t. captive by him at his will Meb. 5. 1. every high priest t. from among men 2 Pet. 2.12. made to be t. and destroyed, speak ovil Rev. 5. 8. and when he had t. the book, the beasts 11. 17. thou hast i. to thee thy great power 19. 20. and the beast was I. and with him TAKEN awaij. ' Gen. 21. 2.5. a well Abimelech's servants had (. a. 27. 35. Jacob came and halli t. away thy blessing 36. behold now he hath t. away my blessing 30. 2o. Kaclicl said, G. hath t. away my reproach 31. 1. Jacob lialh t. away all that is our father's 9. thus God hath t. aicay the cattle of your father Ezod. 14. 11. hast thou t. us a. to die in wilderness Lee. 4. 31. as the fat is t. a. from the sacridce, 35. 6. 2. trespass in a thing t. aioay by violenco 14. 43. after that he hath t. away the stones Dcut. 26. 14. nor t. aicny ought for any unclean use 28. 31. thine ass shall be violently t. away from .Tudg. ly. 24. ye have t. a. my gods which I made 1 Sam. 21. 6. in the day when it was t. away 1 Kings 22. 43. the high jjlaces were not t. away., 2 Kings 12. 3. | 14. 4. 2 Clir. 15. 17. " 20. 33. 2 Kings 2. 9. ask, before I be t. away from thee 18. 22. and whose altars Hezekiah hath t. away, 2 Chron. 32. 12. Isa. 36. 7 2 Chron. 19. 3. in that thou hast t. away the groves Job 1.21. the Lord gave, and tho Lord hath t.away 20. 19. hath violently t. a. a house he built not 27. 2. as God liveth, who hath t. a. my judgment 34. 5. and God hath t. away my judgment 20. and the mighty shall be t. away without hand Psal- 85. 3. thou hast t. aioay all thy wrath Prov. 4. 16. their sleep is t. away unless they cause Isa. 6. 7. thine iniquity is t. away, thy sin purged 8. 4. the spoil of Samaria shall be t. away 10. 27. the burden shall be t. a. from the shoulder 16.10.gladness is t. a. \\ 17. 1. Damascus is t. away 49. 25. the captives of the mighty shall be (. away 52. 5. that my people is t. away for nought 57. 1. merciful men are t. away, righteous is t. a. 64. 6. our iniquities like wind have t. us away Jer. 16.5. 1 have t. away my peace from tlvis people //Om. 2. 6. hath violently t. away his tabernacle Ezek. 33. 6. he is t. away in his iniquity Dan. 7. 12. they had their dominion (. away 8. 11. by him the daily sacrifice was t. a. 12. 11. Hos. 4. 3. the fishes of the sea also shall be t. away Amos 4. 10. and I have t. away your horses Mic. 2. 9. ye have t. away my glory for ever Zeph. 3, 15. the Lord hath t. away thy judgments Mat. 13. 12. from him shall be t. away even that he hath, 25. 29. Luke 8. 18. | 19. 26. JI/arAr2.20. the bridegroom shall be t. a. Luke 5.33. Luke 10. 42. that good part which shall not be t. o. 11. 52. ye have t. away the key of knowledge ' Jokn 19. 31. and that they might be t. away 30. 1. seerti the stone t. away from the sepulchre 2. they have t. away the Lord || 13. t. a. my Lord .^cts 8. 33. in his humiliation hisjudgment was t. a. 27. 20. all hope that we should be saved was t. a. 1 Cor. 5. 2. he that hath done this, might be t. away 2 Cor. 3. 16. nevertheless the veil shall be t. away TAKEN hold. 1 Kings 9. 9. and have *. hold upon other gods Job 30. 16. days of affliction have t. hold upon me Psal. 40. 12. mine iniquities have t. hold upon me 119. 143. trouble and anguish have t. hold on me Isa.2l. 3. pangs have t. hold on me, aa of a woman Jer. 6. 24. anguish hath t. hold on us, and pain TAKEN up. Exod. 40. 36. cloud was (. up from over tabernacle 37. if the cloud were not t. up till it was t. up JVum. 9. 17. when the cloud was t. up, 21. iS. but when it was t. up they journeyed, 10. 11. 2 Sam. 18. 9. Absalom was t. up between heaven Isa. 10. 29. they have t. up their lodging at Geba Jer. 29. 22. ot them shall be t.up a. curse by Judah Ezek. 36. 3. ye are t. up in the lips of talkers Jian. 6. 23. so Daniel was t. vp out of the den Luke 9. 17. there was t. up of the fragments .^ets 1. 2. till the day in which he was t. up 9. while they beheld, he was t. up, and a cloud 11. this same Jesus which is t. up from you 22. unto that same day he was t. up from us 20. 9. Eutychus fell down, and was t. up dead 27. 17. had t. up the boat || 40. t. up the anchors TAKEST. Exod. 4. 9. the wi.ter thou t. out of the river 30. 12. when thou t. the sum of cliiUlren of [srnel Judg. 4, 9. journey thou t. not be for thy honour Psal. 104. 29. thou t. away their breath, I hey die 144.3. what is man that thou /.. knowledgn of hini? Isa.58. 3. afflicted our aoul,aiid thou t. no knowl. 003 / ' TAL Luke 19. 21. tliou t. up that thou layedst not down TAKEST heed. 1 Chr. 22. 13. if thou t. heed to fulfil the statutes TAKETH. Ezod. 20. 7. that t. his name in vain, Deut. 5. 11. Beut. 10. 17. regardeth not persons nor t. reward 24. 6. for he t. a man's life to jiledgc 25. 11. putteth her hand^and t. him by tiie secrets 27. 25. cursed be he that t. reward to slay innocent 32. 11. as an eagle I. them, beareth them on her Josh. 7. 14. the tribe which the Lord t. shall come IjJ.lO. smiteth Kirjath-sepher and t. it, Judg. 1.12. 1 Sam. 17. 26. and t. away reproach from Israel IKings a man t.away dung,till all be gone Job 5. 5. and t. it even out of the thorns 13. he t. the wise in their craftiness, 1 Cor. 3. 19. 9. 12. behold, he t. away, who can hinder him ? 12. 20. and t. away the understanding of the aged 24. he t. away the heart of the cliief of the people 27.8. what is the hope, when God t. away his soul? 40. 24. he t. it with his eyes, his nose pierceth Psal. 15. 3. nor t. up reproach against his neighb. 5. nor t. reward against the innocent 118. 7. Lord t. my part with them that help mo 137. 9. happy shall he be that t. and dasheth little 147. 10. he t. not pleasure in the legs of a man 11. the Lord t. pleasure in them that fear him 149. 4. for the Lord t. pleasure in his people Prov. 1. 19. which i. away the life of the owners l().32.rules his spirit, is better than he that t. a city 17. 23. a wicked man t. gift out of the bosom he that t.away a garment In cold weather 20. 17. is like one that t. a dog by the ears Eccl. 1.3.of all hia labour which he t. under the sun 2. 23. his heart t. not rest in the night Isa. 13. 14. and as a sheep that no man t. up 40. 15. lie t. up the isles as a very little thing 44. 14. the carpenter t. the cypress, and the oak 51. 18. nor is there any that t. her by the hand -E:et.l6.32. who t. strangers instead of her husband 33. 4. and t. not warning || 5. he that t. warning .^mos 3. 13. as the shepherd t. out of mouth of lion Mat. 4. 5. the devil t. him up into the holy city 8. t. him up into an exceeding high mountain 9. 16. t. from garment and rent worse, Mark'2. 21. 10. 38. that t. not his cross aud followeth after me 12. 45. he goeth, t. seven othejMpirits, Luke 11.26. 17.1.Jesus t.Peter, James, ana John, and bringeth into a high mountain, Mark 9. 2. | 14. 33. Mark i. 15. Satan cometh and t. away the word that was sown in their hearts, Luke 8. 12. 5. 40. he t. the lather and mother of the damsel 9. 18. wheresoever he t. him he teareth him Luke 6. 29. him that t. away thy cloak, forbid not 30. and of him that t. thy goods, ask them not 9. 39. a spirit t. him, and he suddenly crieth out 11. 22. a stronger t. from him all his armour 16. 3. my lord t. away from me the stewardship John 1. 29. Lamb of God who t. away sin of world 10. 18. no man t. it from me, I lay it down of mys. 15. 2. branch that beareth not fruit, he i. away 10. 22. and your joy no man (. from you 21. 13. Jes. then cometh, t. bread and giveth thein lioia. 3.5. is God unrighteous, who t. vengeance 7 1 Cwr. eating every one *. before another Ilcb. 5. 4. no man t. this honour to himself buthe 10. 9. he t. away the first that he may establish •TAKETH hold. ,Tob 21. 6. afraid, and trembhng t. hold on my flesh Prov. 30. 28. the spider t. hold with her hands Isa. 56. 6. every one that t. hold of my covenant , TAKING. 2 Chron. 19. 7. with God there is no t. of gifts Job 5. 3. I have seen the foolish t. root, but cursed Psal. 119. 9. by t. heed thereto, according to thy .ler. 50. 40. at noise of t. of Babylon earth moved Ezek. 25. 12. dealt against Judah by t. vengeance Hos. 11. 3. 1 taught Ephraim also to go, t. them by their arms,but they knew not that 1 healed them Mat. 6.27. which of you by t. thought, Luke 12.25. Mark 13.34. Son of man is as a man t.a far journey Lukei. 5. tho devil t.him up into a high mountain 19.22. t. up that 1 laid not down, and reaping that .John 11. 13. he had spoken of t. rest in sleep fto7n. 7.8. sin t. occasion by the commandnient, 11. 2 Cor: 8. 13. t. my leave of them, I went to Maced. 11. 8. (. wages of them to do you service Eph. 6.10. above all t. the shield of faith 2 Thess. 1. 8. in (laming fire t. vengeance on them 1 Pet. 5.2. t. the oversight thereof willingly 3 John 7. they went forth t. nothing of the Gentiles TALE. Psal. 90. 9. we spend our years as a t. that is told TALE-BEARER. J.nv.lO.iG. shalt not go up and down as a t.-bearer Prov. 11. 13. a t.-bearer revealelh secrets, 20. 19. 18. 8. the words of a t.-b. are as wounds, 26. 22. 26. 20. where there is no t.-bearer strife ceaseth TALES. Ezek. 22. 9. are men tlial carry t. to shed blood TAL Luke 24. 11. their words seemed to them as idle t TALE. Exod. 5. 8. the t. of bricks which they did make 18. no straw, yet shall he deliver the t. of bricks 1 Sam. 18. 27. gave the foreskins in full t. to king 1 Chron. 9. 28. should bring vessels in and out by t. TALENT Signifies, [1] ji weight among the .Jews, contain- ing 3,000 shekels ; which, computing the shekel at three shillings sterling, amounts to 450 pounds for a talent of silver : and allowing the. proportion of gold to silver to be as sixteen to one, a talent of gold will amount to 7,200 pounds. > Others, making the shekel of less value, compute a talent of silver to be in Ewr- hsh money, 342 pomtds, 3 shillings and 9 pence. 7'Ae talent of gold 5,il5 pounds, Exod. 25. 39. I 38. 25. [2] The gifts of Ood bestowed on men, Mat. 25. 15. Exod. 25. 39. of a t. of pure gold make it, 37. 24. 38. 27. a hundred sockets, a t. for a socket 2 Sam. 12. .'iO. the weight of the crown was a /. 1 Kiyigs 20. 39. else thou shalt pay a t. of silver - 2 Kings 5. 2'2. give them a t. of silVer and changes 23. 33. a tribute of a t. of gold, 2 Chron. 36. 3. Zech. 5. 7. behold, there was hfted up a t. of lead Mat.'i5. 25. I went and liid thy t. in the earth 28. take therefore the t. from him and give it Rev. 16. 21. every stone about the weight of a t. TALENTS. Exod. 38. 24. the gold of the oflTering was 29 t. 27. of 100 t. of silver were cast the sockets 1 Kings 16.24.bought the hill of Samaria for two t. 2 Kings 5. 5. Naaman took ten t. \\ 23. take two t. 15. 19. Menahom gave Pul 1,000 t. of silver 18.14. appointed to Hezekiah 300 t. and 30 of gold 23. 33. land to a tribute of 100 t. 2 Chron. 36. 3. 1 Chron. 19. 6. Ammonites sent 1,000 t. of silver 29. 4. David gave 3,000 t. of gold to the house 7. gave of gold 5,000 t. and of silver 10,000 {. 2 Chron. 25. 9. what shall we do for the 100 t. ? 27. -5, the children of Ammon gave him 100 t. Mat. 18. 24. one which owed him 10,000 t. 25. 15. to one he gave five t. to another two See Gold, Silver. TALK. Job 11. 2. should a man full oft. be justified'? 15. 3. should he reason with unprofitable t. ? Prov. 14. 23. the t. of tho lips tendeth to penury Eccl. 10. 13. end of his t. is mischievous madness Mat. 22. 15. they might entangle him in his t. TALK. Jfum. 11. 17. I will come down and t. with thee Deut. 5. 24. have seen that God doth t. with man 6.7. shalt t. of them when thou sittest in thy house 1 Sam. 2. 3. t. no more so exceeding proudly 2 Kings 18.26. t. not with us in the Jews' language 1 Chron. 16. 9. sing unto him, sing psalms, t. ye of all his wondrous works, Psal. 105. 2 Job 13. 7. and will ye t. deceitfully for him ■? Psal. 69. 26. they t. to the grief of them whom 71. 24. my tongue shall t. of thy righteousness 77. 12. I will meditate and t. of thy doings 119. 27. so shall I t. of thy wondrous works 145. 11. speak of thy kingdom and t. of thy power Prov. 6. 22. when thou awakest it shall t. with thee 24. 2. heart studieth, and their hps t. of mischief Jer. 12. 1. let me t. with thee of thy judgments Ezek. 3. 22. arise and I will there t. with thee Dan. 10. 17. how can thy servant t. with my lord John 14. 30.1 will not t. much with you, for prince TALKED. Oen. 45. 15. after that his brethren t. with him £j:orf.20.22.seen that I have t. with you, Deut.5.A. 33. 9. and the Lord t. with Moees 34. 29. the skin of his face shone while he t. 1 Sam. 14. 19. while Saul t. unto the priest 2 Chron. 25. 16. it came to pass as he t. with him .ler. 38. 25. if the princes hear that I have t. Luke 9. 30. t. with him two men, Moses and Eliaa 24.32. heart burn while he t. with us by the way John 4. 27. marvelled that ho t. with ihe woman yicts 10.27. as Peter t. with Cornelius he went in 20. 11. and t. long, even till break of day 26. 31. they t. between themselves, saying Rev. 21. 15. he that t. with me had a golden reed TALKERS. Ezek. 36. 3. ye are taken up in the lips oft. Tit. 1. 10. there are manv unruly and vain t. TALK EST. Judg. 6. 17. shew me a sign that thou i. with me 1 Kings 1. 14. while thou yet l. with the king .fohn 4. 27. no man said, why t. thou with her f TALKETH. Psal. 37. 30. and his tongue t. of judgment John 9. 37. seen him, and it is he that t. with theo TALKING. Gen. 17. 22. and ho left oft't. with him 1 Kings 18. 27. he is a god, he is t. or pursuing Esth. 6. 14. while they were t. with bira TAR Eiek. 33. 30. thy people are still t. against thee Mat. 17.3. Moses and Elias t. with hi]n, Mar/cQ. 4. Rev. 4. 1. as the voice of a trumpet t. with me TALKING. Job 29.9.the princes refrained t. and laid their hand Ep/i. 5. 4. neither filthiness, nor foolish t. TALL. Dcut. 2. 10. a people t. as the Anakims, 21. 1 9. 2. 2 Kings 19. 23. and will cut down the t. cedar trees and the choice fir trees thereof, Isa. 37. 24. TALLER. Deut. 1. 28. the people is greater and t. than we TAME. MarkS.i.ohen bound,neither could any man £.him Jam. 3. 8. but the tongue can no man t. is unruly TAMED. Jam. 3. 7. things of the sea is t. and hath been t. TANNEK. .^cls 9. 43. Peter tarried with one Simon a t. 10. 6. he lodged with one Simon a t. 32. Tapestry, sec Coverings. TARE. 2 Sam. 13. 31. the king arose and t. his garments 2 Kings 2. 24. two she-bears t. forty-two children JlfarA y .20.straightway the spirit t. him, Z,ukeQ.42. TARES Signify, j3 kind of pulse noxious and hurtful to corn, Mat. 13. 29. To which are compared, The wicked in the world, but especially hypo- crites, Mat. 13. 38. Mat. 13. 25. his enemy sowed t. among the wheat 2f). the blade sprung up, then appeared the t. also 27. sow good seed, from whence then hath it t.? 29. lest while you gather up the t. you root up 36. declare to us the parable of the t. of the field TARGET. 1 Sam. 17. 6. Goliath had a t. of brass 1 Kings 10. 16. beaten gold, six hundred shekels of gold went to one t. 2 Chron. 9. 15. TARGETS. 1 Kings 10. 16. Solomon made two hundred t. 2 CAr.14.8. Asa had an army that bare t. and spears TARRY Signifies, [1] To abide and continue, Gen. 27. 44. [2] To stay behind, Exod. 12. 39. [3] To wait or stay for, Exod. 24. 14. [4] To delay, defer, or put off. Gen. 45. 9. [5] To be established, Psal. 101. t 7. [6] To guard, 1 Sam. 30. 24. [7] To lodge. Gen. 19. 2. Oen. 19. 2. and t. all night, and wash your feet 27. 44. and t. with Laban a few days till fury 30. 27. if I have found favour in thine eyes t. 45. 9. thus saith thy son, come down to me, t. not Exod. 12. 39. they were thrust out, and could not t. 24. 14. t. ye here for us till we come again to you /,CT.14.8.the leper shall t. out of his tent seven days JVum. 22. 19. I pray you t. here also this night Judg. 5. 28. why t. the wheels of his chariots 1 fi. 18. he said, 1 will t. until thou come again 19. 6. t. all night, 9. || 10. the man would not t. i?!tift 1.13. would ye t.for them till they were grown 3. 13. t. this night, and it shall be in the morning 1 Sam. 1. 23. t. until thou have weaned him 10. 8. seven days shalt thou t. till I come to thee 14. 9. if they say t. till we come to you 2 Sam. 10. 5. t. at Jericho till your beards be grown, and then return, 1 Chron. 19. 5. 11. 12. t. here to-day || 15. 28. 1 will t. in the plain 18. 14. Joab said, I may not t. thus with thee 19. 7. there will not t. one with thee this night 2 Kings 2. 2. t. here the Lord hath sent me, 4. 6. 7. 9. the lepers said, if we t. till the morning light 9. 3. then open the door and flee, and t. not 14. 10. smitten Edom, glory of this, and t. at home Psal. 101. 7. a liar shall not t. in my sight Prov. 23. 30. they that i. long at the wine Tsa. 46. 13. not far ofT, and my salvation shall not t. .Ter. 14. 8. that turneth aside to t. for a night Hab. 2. 3. though it t. wait for it, for it will not t. ■Mat. 26. 38. t. ye here and watch, Mark 14.34. Luke 24. 29. and he went in to t. with them 49. but t. ye in the city of Jerusalem, till endued John 4. 40. besought that he would t. with them 21. 22. if I will that he t. till I come, 23. .^cts 10. 48. they prayed Peter to t. certain days 18.20.they desired Paul to {.longer time with them 28. 14. were desired to t. with them seven days 1 Cor, 11. 33. wherefore t. one for another 1R.7. 1 trust to t. a while with you, if Lord permit 8. but I will t. at Ephesus until Pentecost 1 Tim. 3. 15. but if 1 1. long, that thou mayest Neb.lO.ZT.he that shall come, will come, and not t. TARRIED. G»eji. 24. 54. Abraham's servant t. all night 28. 11. Jacob (. there all night and took stones 31. 54. Jacob and Laban t. all night in the mount J^fum. 9. 19. when the cloud t. long, 22. Jvdff. 3. 25. they t. till they were ashamed 2fi. Ehud escaped while they t. and passed 19.8.they (. till afternoon and did eat both of them 604 TAU Ruth 2. 7. save that she t. a little in the liouse 1 Sam. 13. 8. he t. seven days according to set time 2 Sam. 11. 1. but David t. still at Jerusalem 15. 17. the king t. in a place that was far off 29. Zadok and Abiathar t. at Jerusalem 20. 5. but he t. longer than the set time 2 Kings 2. 18. when they came, for he t. at Jericho Psal.68.V2.and she that home divided the sjioil Mat. 25. 5. while the bridegroom t. they all slept Luke 1. 21. the people marvelled that he t. so long 2. 43. the child Jesus t. behind in Jerusalem John 3. 22. then he t. with them, and baptized Acts 9.43. Peter t. many days in Joppa with Simon 15. 33. Judas and Silas exhorted and t. at Antioch 18. 18. Paul t. a good while at Corinth and sailed 20. 5. these going before t. for us at Troas 21. 4. and finding the disciples, we t. seven days 10. as we t. many days at Cesarea came Agabus 25. 6. Festus t. at Jerusalem more than ten days 27. 33. this is the fourteenth day ye have t. fasting 23. 12. landing at Syracuse, we t. three days TARRIEST. ./Sc^s 22.16. and now why t. thou7 arise,be baptized TARRIETH. 1 Sam. 30. 24. so shall his part be that t. by stutf Mic. 5. 7. that t. not for a man, nor waiteth for TARRYING. Psal. 40. 17. make no t. O my God, 70. 5. TASK. Exod. 5. 19. ye shall not minish from your daily t. TASKS. Exod. 5. 13. saying, fulfil your works, your daily t. 14. why not fulfilled your t. in making brick TASK-MASTERS. Exod. 1.11. set over them t.-masters to afllict them 3. 7. heard their cry by reason of their t.-masters 5. C. and Pharaoh commanded t.-masters, sa.y'mg lO.t.-masters to\i them||]3.i.-mast. hasted them 14. officers which the t.-mast. had set over them TASTE Signifies, [1] To prove, or try the relish of any thing by the palate, or tongue. Job 34. 3. [2] To have an inward experimental knowledge of a thing, Psal. 34. 8. [3] To eat a little, 1 Sam. 14. 29, 43. [4] To drink, Dan. 5. 2. Have tasted of the heavenly gift, Heb. 6. 4. Have had some transient experience of the power and efficacy of the Holy Ghost from heaven, in gospel administration a.7id worship, so as to relish comfort and sweetness in the doctrine arid promises of the gospel. To taste death, Heb. 2. 9. To feel the bitterness of death, yet not be long detained under it. TASTE, Substantive. Exod. 16. 31. the t. of manna was like wafers JVum. 11. 8. the t. of it was as the t. of fresh oil Job 6. G. is there any t. in the white of an egg ■? 30. cannot my t. discern perverse things ■? Psal.l\9. 103. how sweet are thy words to my t.! Prov. 24. 13. the honey-comb is sweet to the t. Cant. 2. 3. and his fruit was sweet to my t. Jer. 48. 11. therefore his t. remained in him TASTE, Verb. 1 Sam. 14. 43. 1 did but t. a little honey, and lo 2Sam.3.35.ifI ^bread or ought else till sun be down 19. 35. can thy servant t. what I eat or drink 1 Job 12. 11. doth not the mouth t. his meat 1 Psal. 34. 8. O t. and see that the Lord is good Jonah 3. 7. neither herd nor flock t. any thing Mat. 16. 28. there be some standing here which shall not t. of death, Mark 9. 1. Luke 9. 27. jAike 14. 24. none bidden shall t. of ray supper John 8. .52. keep my saying, he shall never t. death Col. 2. 21. touch not, t. not, handle not Heb. 2. 9. that he should t. death for every man TASTED. 1 Sam. 14. 24. so none t. any food {{ 29. 1 t. honey Z)aM.5.2.Belshazzar, whilst he J. wine, commanded Mat. 27. 34. when he had t. thereof, he would .John 2. 9. the ruler had t. the water made wine Heb. 6. 4. and have t. of the heavenly gift 5. have t. the good word of God and powers of 1 Pet. 2. 3. if ye have t. that the Lord is gracious TASTETH. .Job 34. 3. ear trieth words as the mouth t. meat Prov. 31. t 18. t. that her merchandise is good TATLERS. 1 Tim. 5. 13. not only idle but t. and busy bodies TAVERNS. Mets 28. 15. came to meet us as far as the three ( TAUGHT. Deut. 4. 5. I have t. you statutes and judgments 31. 22. Moses t. the children of Israel this song .Judg. 8. 16. with them he t. the men of Succoth 2 Kings 17. 28. and t. them how to fear the Ijord 2 Chron. 6. 27. thou hast t. them the good way 17. 9. the Levites t. the people in Judah 23. 13. people rejoiced, such as t. to sing praise 30. 22. that t. the good knowledge of the Lord 35. 3. Josiah said to the Levites that t. all Israel TEA JVeA. 8. 9. the Levites that t. the people said Psal. 71. 17. O God, thou hast t. me, 119. 102. 119. 171. when thou hast t. me thy statutes Prov. 4. 4. he t. me also, and said, let thine heart 11. I have t. thee in the way of wisdom 31. 1. the prophecy that his mother t. him Eccl. 12. 9. he still t. the people knowledge Isa. 29. 13. their fear is t. by the precepts of men 40. 13. or being his counsellor hath t. him, 14. 54. 13. all thy children shall be t. of God Jer. 2. 33. therefore hast thou t. the wicked 9. 5. they have t. their tongues to speak lies 14. after Baalim, which their fathers t. them 12. 16. as they t. my people to swear by Baal 13. 21. for thou hast{. them to be captains 28. 16. thou hast t. rebellion against the Lord 29. 32. he hath t. rebellion against the Lord 32. 33. though I have t. them, rising up early Ezek. 23. 48. women t. not to do after lewdness Hos. 10. 11. Ephraim is as a heifer that is t. 11.3.1 1. Ephraim to go, taking them by their arms Zech. 13. 5. for man t. me to keep cattle from youth Mat. 7. 29. he t. them as one having authority, and not as the scribes, Mark 1. 22. 28. 15. they took money, and did as they were t. Mark 6.30. told him all things they had done and t. 10. 1. as he was wont he t. them again Luke 11.1. teach us to pray, as John t. his disciples 13. 26. and thou hast t. in our streets John 6. 45. and they shall be all t. of God 7. 14. Jesus went up into the temple, and t.28. Mark 12. 35. Luke 19. 47. | 20. 1. 8. 2. all the people came, he sat down and t. them 28. as my father hath t. me, I speak these 18. 20. I ever t. in the synagogue and temple Acts 4. 2. being grieved that they t. the people 5. 21. they entered into the temple early and t. 11.26. Paul and Barnabas t.much people, 14.51. 15. 1. certain men t. the brethren, and said, except 18. 25. ApoUos t. diligently the things of the Lord 20. 20. I have shewed you, and t. you publicly 22. 3. t. according to the perfect manner of the law Gal. 1. 12. nor was I t. it but by revelation 6. 6. let him that is t. in the word communicate Eph. 4. 21. if so be ye have been t. by him as truth Col. 2. 7. stablished in the faith, as ye have been t. 1 Thess. 4. 9. ye are t. of God to love one another 2 Thess. 2. 15. hold the traditions ye have been t. Tit. 1. 9. holding the word, as he hath been t. 1 John 2. 27. even as the anointing hath t. you Rev. 2.14. who t. Balak to cast a stumbhng-block TAUNT. Jer. 24. 9. 1 will deliver them to be a ^ and a curse Ezek. 5. 15. so it shall be a reproach and a t. TAUNTING. Tsa. 14. t 4. thou shalt take up this t. speech Hab. 2.6. all these take up a t. proverb against him TAXATION. iKings 23.35. exacted of every one according to t. TAXED, Active, Passive. 2 Kings 23. 35. but Jehoiakim t. the land to give Luke 2. 1. a decree that all the world should be t. 3. ail went to be (. {| 5. Joseph went to be t. TAXES. Dan. 11. 20. then shall stand up a raiser of t. TAXING. Luke 2.2. and this t. was first made when Cyreniua Acts 5. 37. rose up Judas in the days of tlie t. TEACH Signifies, [1] To instruct or cause to learn, Psal. 119. 25. Mat. 28. 19. [2] To accustom to, Jer. 9. 5. [3] To admonish, Mark 8. 31. | 9. 31. [4] To suggest or put into one'sminfZ, Luke 12. 12. [5] To signify and give notice, Prov. 6. 13. [6] To counsel and direct, Hab. 2. 19. Exod. 4. 15. and I will t. you what ye shall do 35. 34. God hath put in his heart that he may t. Lev. 10. 11. that ye may (. Israel all the statutes 14. 57. to t. when it is unclean and when clean Deut. 4. 1. hearken to the judgments which It. you 10. and that they may t. their children 14. the Lord commanded me to t. you, 6. 1. 20.18.they«.you not to do after their abominations 24. 8. to all that the priests the Levites shall t. you 31. 19. write and t. the children of Israel this song 33. 10. they shall t. Jacob thy judgments .Tudg. 13. 8. t. us what we shall do to the child 1 Sam. 12. 23. 1 will t. you the good and right way 2 Sam. 1. 18. bade them (. the use of the bow 2 Chron. 17. 7. to t. in the cities of Judah Ezra 7.10.and to Israel statutes and judgments Job 21.22. shall any t. God knowledge "? 27. 11. I will t. you by the hand of God 32. 7. and multitude of years should t. wisdom 37. 19. t. us what we shall say unto him, for we Psal. 25. 8. therefore he will t. sinners in the way 9. the meek will he guide and f. his way 12. him that feareth Lord shall he t. in the way 34. 11. I will t. you the fear of the Lord 51. 13. then will 1 1. transgressors thy ways TEA Ps. 00. 12. so t. us to number our days tliat we may XOo.'^. to bimt iiiincts, and t. liis isenatora wisdom Prov. y. 9. t. a just man, and he will increase in Isa. 2. 3. and ho will t. us of his ways, Mic. 4. 2. 28. 9. whom shall he t. knowledge, and to unders. 26. tor his G. doth instruct and t. him discretion Jtr.9. 20. and t. your daughters wailing and lam. 31. 34. they shall t. no more every man his neigh- bour, lor all shall know the Lord, Heb. 8. 11. Ezck.ii. 23. t. my people the difference between /Jo«.1.4.whom they might t. learning of Chaldeans Mic. 3. 11. priests thereof t. for hire and prophets Hab. 2. 19. saith to the dumb stone, arise, it shall t. Mat. a. 19. shall t. men so || 28. 19. t. all nations L,uke 11. 1. Lord, t. us to pray, as John taught his 12. 12. the Holv Ghost shall t. you what to say John 7. 35. t. the Gentiles || 9. 34. dost thou t. us? 14. 2'). the Holy Ghost shall t. you all things Jlcts 1. 1. treatise of all that Jes. began to do and t. 4. 18. to speak nor t. in the name of Jesus, 5.28. 5. 42. they ceased not to t. and preach Jesus Chr. 16. 21. t. customs which are not lawful for us 1 Cor. 4. IT. as I 4. every where in every church 11. 14. dotli not even nature itself t. you 14. 19. that by ray voice I might t. others 1 Tint. 1. 3. charge some they t. no other doctrine 2. 12. but I suffer not a woman to t. nor usurp 3. 2. a bishop must be apt to t. 2 Tim. 2. 24. 4. 11. these things command and t. G. 2. these things t. and exhort 3. if any man t. otherwise, he is proud 2 THn.2.2.faithful men who shall be able to (.others Tit. 2. 4. that they t. young women to be sober Heb. 5. 12. ye have need that one t. you again 1 John 2. 27. and need not that any man {. you Hev. 2. 20. thou sufferest that woman Jezebel to t. See Beoan. TEACH me. Job 6. 24. t. me and I will hold my tongue 34. 32. that which I see not, t. thou me P.ial. 25. 4. t. me thy paths | 5. lead me and (. me 27. 11. t. me thy way, O L. and lead me, 86. 11. 119. 12. t. me thy statutes, 26, 33, 64, 68, 124, 135. 66. good judgments {| 108. t. mc thy judgm. 143. 10. t. me to do thy will, for thou art my God TEACH thee. Exod. 4. 12. I will t. thee what thou shall say Deut. 17. 11. the sentence which they shall t.thee Job 8. 10. thy fathers, shall not they t. thee 1 12. 7. but ask the beasts, and they shall t. thee 8. or speak to the earth, and it shall t. thee 33. 33. hold thy peace, I shall t. thee wisdom Psal. 32. 8. I will t. thee in the way thou shalt go 45. 4. thy right hand shall t. thee terrible thiiiA.4.ll. he gave some evangelists, pastors, and t 1 Tim. 1.7. desiring to be t. of law, understanding 2 Tm. 4. 3. they shall heap to themselves t. having 7V't.2. 3. that the aged women be t. of good things Heb. 5. 12. when for the time ye ought to be t. 2 Pet. 2. 1. as there shall be false t. among you TEACHEST. Psal. 94. 12. blessed is the man whom thou t. Mat. 22. 16. we know that thou art true, and t. the way of God in truth, Mark 12. 14. A«ylc20.21. Jiets 21. 21. thou t. the Jews to forsake Moses 603 TEA Rom. 2.21. thou that t. another, t. thou not thyself? TEACUETll. 2 Sam. 22. 35. he (. my hands to war, Psal. 18. 34. Job 15. t 5. thy mouth t. thine iniquity 35. 11. who t. us more than the beasts of the earth 36. 22. behold, God exalteth, who t. like him 1 Psal. 94. 10. he that t. man knowledge, not know 144. 1. which t. my hands to war, and fingers Prov. 6. 13. a wicked man t. with his fingers 16. 23. the heart of the wise t. his mouth Isa. 9. 15. the prophet that t. hes, ho is the tail 48. 17. I am thy God which (. thee to profit Acts 21. 28. the man that t. all men every where Rom. 12. 7. or he that t. on teaching 1 Cor. 2.13. we speak not In the words which man's wisdom t. but which the Holy Ghost t. Gal. 6. 6. let him communicate to him that t. 1 John 2. 27. as the same anointing t. you all things TEACHING. 2 Chr. 15. 3. Israel hath been without a t. priest Jer. 32.33. 1 taught them rising up early and t. them Mat. 4. 23. Jesus went about Galilee, t. in their synagogues preaching gospel, 9. 35. Luke 13. 10. 15. 9. in vain they do worship me, t. for doctrines the commandments of men, Mark 7. 7. 21. 23. the elders came unto him as he was t. 26. 55. I sat daily with you t. in the temple 28. 20. t. them to observe all things whatsoever Luke 23. 5. t. throughout all Jewry from Galilee Acts 5. 25. the apostles t. the people in the temple 15. 35. Paul and Barnabas in Antioch t. preaching 18. 11. Paul t. the word of God at Corinth 28. 31. Paul t. at Rome with all confidence Rom. 12. 7. or he that teacheth on t. Col. 1.28. warning and t. every man in all wisdom 3. 16. t. and admonishing one another in psalms Tit. 1. 11. t. things which they ought not 2. 12. t. us, tliat denying ungodliness and lusts TEAR Signifies, [1] To rend or pull in pieces, Hos. 13. 8. [2] To destroy, Psal. 7. 2. Amos 1. 11. [3] To slander or reproach, Psal. 35. 15. [4] To thresh, Judg. 8. t 7.. Judg. 8. 7. then will I t. your flesh with tliorns Psal. 7. 2. lest he t. my soul like a lion, rending it 35. 15. they did t. mo and ceased not 50. 22. consider this, lest I t. you in pieces Jer. 15. 3. I will appoint over them the dogs to t. 16. 7. nor shall men t. themselves for them Ezek. 13. 20. your pillows I will t. from your arms 21. your kerchiefs will 1 1. and deUver my people Hos. 5. 14. I, even I, will t. and go away 13. 8. I will devour, the wild beast shall t. them ./Jmos 1.11. cast oft'pity, his anger did (.perpetually JVaA. 2. 12. the hon did t. enough for his whelps Zech. 11. 16. the shepherd shall t. their claws TEARETH. 7?(;ut.33.20. Gad dwellethas alion, and t. the arm Job 16. 9. he t. me in his wrath, who hateth me 18. 4. he t. himself in his anger, shall the earth be Mic. 5. 8. as a young lion t. in pieces, none deliver Mark 9. 18. wheresoever he taketh him, he t. him and he foameth and pineth away, Luke 9. 39. TEARS Signify [1] Drops of water issuing out of the eyes, Psal. 6. 6. | 42. 3. [2] Sorrow and afflic- tion, Psal. 126. 5. Isa. 25. 8. 2 Sam. 16. 1 12. may be the Lord will look on my «. 2 Kings 20. 5. I have seen thy t. Isa. 38. 5. Job 16. 20. but mine eye poureth out t. unto God Psal. 6. 6. I water my couch with my t. all night 39. 12. O Lord, hold not thy peace at ray t. 42. 3. my t. have been my meat day and night 56. 8. put thou my t. in thy bottle, are in thy book 80. 5. thou feedest them with the bread oft. and givest thera t. to drink in groat measure 116. 8. thou hast delivered mine eyes from (. 126. 5. they that sow in t. shall reap in joy Eccl. 4. 1. behold the t. of such as were oppressed Isa. 16. 9. I will water thee with (. O Heshbon 25. 8. the Lord will wipe away t. from all faces .Jer. 9. 1. Oh that mine eyes were a fountain of «. 18. our eyes may run down with t. and eye-lids 13. 17. and mine eyes shall run down with t. 14. 17. let mine eyes run with t. night and day 31. 16. refrain from weeping, thine eyes from t. Lam. 1. 2. she weeps, and her <. are on her cheeks 2. 11. mine eyes do fail with t. my bowels 18. let t. run down like a river day and night Ezek. 24. 16. neither shall thy t. run down Mai. 2. 13. covering the altar of the Lord with t. MarkO. 24.1110 father said with t. Lord, I believe X-u4c7.38.and she began to wash his feet with her t. 44. but she hath washed my feet with (. Acts 20. 19. serving the Lord with many t. 31. I ceased not to warn every one witli t. 2 Cor. 2. 4. I wrote to you with many (. 2 Tim. 1. 4. to see thee, being mindful of thy t. Heb. 5. 7. when he offered up supplications with t. 12. 17. though he sought it carefully with t. TEL Rev. 7. 17. God shall wipe away all t. 21. 4. TEATS. Isa. 32. 12. they shall lament for the t. Ezek. 23. 3. there they bruised the t. 21. TEDIOUS. Acts 24. 4. that I be not further t. to thee TEETH Signifies, [1] That wherewith a creature chews its food, Num. 11. 33. [2] Slanderous speeches and pernicious calumnies, Psal. 57. 4. Prov. 30. 14. Break their teeth, Psal. 58. 6. Take away their power and instruments of doing mischief, and disable them from hurting me. Gen. 49. 12. and his t. shall be white with milk JVu7n.ll.33. while the flesh was yet between their (. Deut. 32. 24. 1 will send the t. of beasts upon them 1 Sam. 2. 13. came with a flesh-hook of three t. 1 Kings 10.122. bringing elephants' t. 2 Chr. 9.t2I. Job 4. 10. the t. of the young lions are broken 13. 14. wherefore do I take my flesh in my t. ? 19. 20. I am escaped with the skin of my t. 29. 17. and plucked the spoil out of t. of wicked 41. 14. Leviathan's t. are terrible round about Psal. 3. 7. thou hast broken the t. of the ungodly 57. 4. whose (. are spears and arrows, and tongue 58. G. break their t. O God, in their mouth 124. 6. hath not given us as a prey to their (. Prov. 10. 26. as vinegar to the (. so the sluggard 30. 14. whose t. are swords, jaw-t. as knives Cant. 4. 2. thy t. are like a flock of sheep, 6. 6. Isa. 41. 15. make thee an instrument having t. Jer. 31.29. children's t. are set on edge, Ezek. 18.2. 30. eatelh sour grapes, his t. shall be set on edge Lam. 3. IG. hath broken my t. with gravel-stones Dan. 7. 5. it had three ribs between the i. of it 7. a fourth beast had great iron (. 19. Joel 1. 6. he hath the check t. of a great lion Amoe 4. 6. I have given you cleanness of t. Mic. 3. 5. that bite \vith their t. and cry peace Zech. 9. 7. his abominations from between his (. Mat. 27. 44. was crucified, cast the same in hie t. Rev. 9. 8. their t. were as the t. of lions See Gnash. TELL Signifies, [1] To count, number, or reckon. Gen. 15. 5. [2] To declare or make known, Gen. 12. 18. I 21. 26. [3] To teach, E.\-od. 10. 2. Deut. 17. 11. [4] To confess, Josh. 7. 19. [5] To publish, 2 Sam. 1. 20. [6] To explain and unfold, Ezek. 24. 19. Dan. 2. 36. Gen. 15. 5. t. the stars if thou be able to number 32. 5. and I have sent to J. my Lord to find grace 43. 6. as to (. the man whether ye had a brother 22. we cannot t. who put our money in our sacks 45. 13. t. my father of all my glory in Egypt Exod. 10. 2. mayest t. in the ears of thy son Lev. 14. 35. t. the priest, saying, it seemoth to me JV«m. 14. 14. they will t. it to the inhabitants 1 Sam. 6. 2. t. us wherewith we shall send it to his 9. 8. give to the man of God, to t. us our way 17. 55. as thy soul liveth, O king, I cannot t. 22. 22. 1 knew that he would surely t. Saul 23. 11 . O God of Israel , I beseech thee t. thy serv. 27. 11. lest they should (. on us, saying so did Dav. 2 Sam. 1. 20. t. it not in Gath, publish it not in 7. 5. go t. my servant David, 1 Chron. 17. 4. 12. 18. feared to t. him that the child was dead ^. while the child was alive, I said, who can t. 15. 35. thou shalt t. to Zadok and Abiathar 18. 21. go t. the king what thou hast seen 1 Kings 1. 20. that thou shouldst t. who shall reign 18. 8. go, t. thy lord, Elijah is here, 11. 14. 12. when I come and t. Ahab, he will slay me 20. 9. t. my lord the king, all thou didst send 1 1 . «. him, let not him that girdeth on his harness 2 Kings!. 9. that we may t. the king's household 9. 12. and they said, it is false ; t. us now 15. let none escape to go to t. it in Jezreel 22. 15. (. the man that sent you, 2 Chron. 34. 23. Psal. 22. 17. 1 may «. all my bones they stare on rae 26. 7. publish and t. of all thy wondrous works 48. 12. go round about her, t. the towers thereof 13. that ye may t. the generation following Prov. 30. 4. what his son's name, if thou canst t. Eccl. 6. 12. who can t. what shall be after, 10. 14. 8. 7. for who can /,. him when it shall be 7 10. 20. that which hath wings shall t. the matter Cant. 5. 8. t. him that I am sick of love Isa. 6. 9. go and t. this people || 48. 20. (. this .ler. 15. 2. t. such as are for death, to death 23. 27. by their dreams which they t. 28. 32. 36. 16. wo will t. the king of all these words 17. t. us now how thou didst write these words 48. 20. t. it in Arnon, that Moab is sjjoiled Ezek. 24. 19. wilt thou not t. us what things are ? Dan. 2.4. O king, t. thy servants the dream, 7, 9. 36. we will t. the king the interpretation thereof Joel 1. 3. t. ye your children, let your children (. Jonah 3. 9. who can t. if God will turn and repent TEL Mat. 8. 4. Bee thou t. no man, Mark 8. 26, 30, I 9. 9. iiJAe 5. 14. | 8. 56. jlcts 23. 22. 16. 20. he charged his disciples that they should t. no man, Mark 7. 36. Z,uke '■). 21. 17. 9. t. the vision to no man, until the Son of man 18. 15. t. him his: fault || 17. t. it unto the church 21.5. t. ye the daughter ol'Sion, hehold thy king 24. 3. t. us when shall these things be, Mark 13. 4. 26. 63. that thou t. us, whether thou be the Christ the Son of God, LukeW. 67. John 10. 24. 28. 7. go and t. his disciples that he is risen 9. as they went to t. his disciples, Mark 16. 7. Mark 1. 30. and anon they t. him of her 5. 19. t. them how great things the Lord hath done 11. 33. we cannot t. Mat. 21. 5. Luke 20. 7. Luke 7. 22. t. John what things ye have seen 13. 32. go ye, t. that fox, I cast out devils John 3. 8. but canst not t. whence it cometh 4. 25. when he is come, he will t. us all things cannot «. whence I come, and whither I go 16. 18. a little while *! we cannot t. what he saith 18. 34. or did others t. it thee of me'? Jlcts 15. 27. who shall t. you the same things 17. 21. but either to t. or hear some new thing 23. 17. he hath a certain thing to t. hirn 2 Cur. 12. 2. whether out of the body I cannot t. 3. £{eb. 11. 32. for the time would fail to t. of Gideon TELL me. Gen. 12. 18. why didst not t. me she was thy wife? 21. 26. nor didst thou t. me nor heard I of it 24. 23. t. me whose daughter art thou ? 49. t. me, and if not, t. me that I may turn 29. 15. t. me what shall thy wages be 7 31. 27. steal away from me, and didst not t. me 32.29.«.me thy name||37. 16. t. me where they feed JosA.7.19.«.me now what thou hast done.hide it not Judg. 16. 6. t. me wherein thy great strength heth Rut/i 4. 4. if thou wilt not redeem it, t. me 1 Sam. 9. 18. t. vie where the seer's house is 10. 15. t. me I pray thee what Samuel said to you 14. 43. Saul said, t. me what thou hast done 20. 10. David said to Jonathan, who shall t. me ? 2 Sam. 1. 4. how went the matter, t. vie, I pray thee 13. 4. why art thou lean, wilt thou not t. vie 7 1 Kings 22.16. that thou t. me nothing but the truth 2 Kings 4. 2. what shall I do for thee, t. vie ? 8. 4. t. vie the great things that Elisha hath done Job 34. 34. let men of understanding t. me Cant. 1. 7. t. me, O thou whom my soul loveth Mat. 21. 24. ask you one thing which if you t. me Luke 7. 42. t. me which of them will love most John 20. 15. t. me where thou hast laid him Jicts 5.8.t. me whether ye sold the land for so much 22. 27. t. vie art thou a Roman ? he said, yea 23. 19. asked him what is that thou hast to t. me ? Qal. 4. 21. t. me ye that desire to be under the law TELL thee. Oen. 22. 2. on one of the mountains I will t. thee of 26. 2. dwell in the land which I will t. thee of F.xod.U.Vi. this is the word we did t. thee in Egypt JVi«n.23-}. whatsoever he sheweth me, I will t. thee Dent. 17. 11. the judgment which they shall t. thee 32. 7. ask thy elders, and they will t. thee Judg. 14. 16. 1 have not told it and shall 1 1. it thee? Ruth 3. 4. he will t. thee what thou shalt do 1 Sam.9. 19. I will (. thee all that is in thine heart 15. 16. 1 will t. thee what the Lord hath said to me 19. 3. and what I see, that I will t. thee 20. 9. if I knew, then would not I t. it thee? \Kings 14. 3. t. thee what shall become of the child 22. 18. did I not t. thee that he would prophesy no good thing of me, but evil, 2 C/jr. 18. 17. 1 Chr. 17. 10. 1 1. thee that Lord will build thee Job 1. 15. 1 am escaped alone to t. thee, 16. 17, 19. 8. 10. shall not thy fathers teach thee and t. thee 12. 7. ask fowls of the air, and they shall t. thee Psal. 50. 12. if I were hungry I would not t. thee fsa. 19. 12. let thy wise men t. thte now and know Jer. 19. 2. proclaim the words that I shall t. thee Luke 12. 59. 1 1. thee, thou shalt not depart thence 22. 34. 1 1. thee, the cock shall not crow twice till Jicts 10. 6. (. thee what thou oughtest to do, 11. 14. Rev. 17. 7. 1 will f . thee the mystery of the woman / TELL you, or TELL I you. Oen. 49. 1. that / may t. you what shall befall you fsa. 5. 5. /wilU. 1/ouwhat I will do to my vineyard 42. 9. before they spring forth, / 1. you of them Mat. 10. 27. what / 1. you in darkness, that speak 21. 27. neither t. I you by what authority I do these things, Mark 11. 33. Luke 20. 8. Mark 11. 29. /will t. you by what authority I do Luke 4. 25. but / 1. you of a truth, 9. 27. 10. 24. / 1. you that many prophets and kings 12. 51. It. you nay, but rather division 13. 3. / t. you nay, but except ye repent^ 5. 27. / t. you I know not whence you are 17. 34. / t. you there shall be two in one bed 18. 8. / 1. you that he will avenge them speedily 14. / t. you this man went to his house justified 19.40. It. you that if these should hold their peace OOC TEM I.uke 22. 67. he said, if / 1. you ye will not believe John 3.12. how shall ye believe it' It. y. of heavenly 8. 45. because / 1. you the truth, Gal. 4. 16. 13. 19. now It. ?/oa before it come, that when it is 16. 7. It. you the truth, it is expedient for you Gal. 5.21. of which / 1. you before, as I have told Phil. 3. 18. of whom /now t. you even weeping TELLEST. Psal. 56. 8. thou t. my wanderings, put my tears Isa. 40. t 9. O thou that t. good tidings TELLETH. 2 Sam. 7. 11. the Lord t. thee that he will build 2 Kings 6. 12. Ehsha t. the king of Israel the words Psal. 41. 6. when he goeth abroad he t. it 101. 7. he that t. lies shall not tarry in my sight 147. 4. he t. the number of the stars, calleth them Jer. 33. 13. under the hands of him tliat t. them John 12. 22. Philip cometh and t. Andrew TELLING, Substantively. Judg. 7. 15. when Gideon heard the t. of the dream TELLING. 2 Sam. 11. 19. hast made an end of t. the matters 2 Kings 8. 5. as he was t. the king how he restored TEMPERANCE. .^cts 24. 25. as he reasoned oft. and judgment Gal. 5. 23. meekness, t. against such there is no law 2 Pet. 1. 6. add to knowledge t. and to t. patience TEMPERATE. 1 Cor. 9. 25. that striveth for the mastery, is t. Tit. 1. 8. a bishop must be t. |{ 2. 2. aged men t. TEIVIPER. Ezek. 46. 14. a hin of oil to t. with fine flour TEMPERED. Exod. 29. 2. take cakes and unleavened {. with oil 30. 35. a perfume t. together, pure and holy 1 Cor. 12. 24. but God hath t. the body together TEMPEST Signifies, [1] Jl most violent commotion of the air, cither with or without rain, hail, or s7iow. Acts 27. 18, 20. [2] Grievous and unexpected afflic- tion, Job 9. 17. [3] God's terrible judgments on the wicked, Psal. 11. 6. | 83. 15. Job 9. 17. for he breaketh me with a t. 27. 20. a t. stealeth him away in the night Psal. 11. 6. on the wicked shall he rain a t. 55. 8. 1 would hasten from the windy storm and t. 83. 15. so persecute them with thy t. and make Isa. 28. 2. hath a strong one, which as a t. of hail 29. 6. thou shalt be visited with storm and t. 30. 30. the Assyrian shall be beaten with a t. 32. 2. and a man shall be a covert from the t. .54. 11. O thou afflicted, tossed with t. behold Amos 1. 14. with a t. in the day of the whirlwind Jonah 1. 4. there was a mighty t. in the sea 12. for my sake this great t. is come upon you Mat. 8. 24. there arose a great t. in the sea Sets 27. 18. being exceedingly tossed with a t. 20. no small t. lay on us, hope was taken away Heb. 12. 18. ye are not come to darkness and t. 2 Pet- 2. 17. clouds that are carried with a t. TEMPESTUOUS. Psal. 50. 3. it shall be very t. round about him Jonah 1. 11. the sea wrought and was t. 13. Ucb. 3. t 14. they were t. to scatter me Acts 27. 14. there arose against it a I. wind TEMPLE Signifies, A house or dwelling of God, a building erected and set apart for the worship of the true God. It is spoken, First, Of that magnificent building erected by Solomon at Jerusalem, the foundations whereof were laid in the year of the world 2992, before Christ 1008, before the vul- gar aira 1012 ; and it was finished in the year of the world 3000, and dedicatedin 3001 ; before Christ 999, before the vulgar cera, 1003. The glory of this temple was not in the bigness of it; for that alone was but a small pile of build- ing, containing no more than a hundred and fifty feet in length, and a hundred and five in lireadth, taking the sanctuary, the sanctuni,and the porch or entrance, from out to out. The main grandeur and excellency of it consisted, [1] In its ornaments ; its workmanship being every where exceeding curious, and its over- layings rich and co.Hly. [2] In its materials ; being built of new large stones, heicn out in the most curious and artful manner. [3] In its out-buildings ; which were large, beautiful, and sumptuous. But what still was the main glory of this temple, were those extraordinary marks of the divine favour with which it was honour- ed, namely, [1] The ark of the covenant, in which were put the tables of the laic, and the mercy-seat which was upon it, from whence the divine oracles were given out by an audible voice, as often as God was consulted in behalf of his people. [2] The Shechinah, or the divinp presence, manifested by a visible cloud resting over the mercy-seat. [3] The Urim and Thum- mim, by which the high priest consulted God TEM in difficult and momentous cases relating to the public interest of the nation, and, [4] The holy fire which came down from heaven upon the altar at the consecrating of the temple, 1 Kings 18. 38. 2 Chron. 7. 1. It is spoken. Secondly, Of the tabernacle, which was of the same use and significancy as the temple was, 1 Sam.l. 9. | 3.3. Thirdly, Of Christ's body or human nature, in which the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily, as the glory of God did visibly in the tefnple, John 2.19, 21. Col. 2. 9. Fourthly, Of heaven, which is God's throne, Psalm 11.4. Rev. 7. 15. Fifthly, Of the church of God, [1] Distribu- tively, considered in the particular members thereof, who arc set apart from profane uses, and dedicated to the service of God ; and to whom he manifests his gracious presence by his Spirit, 1 Cor. 3. 16. [2] Collectively, in respect of the whole, Eph. 2. 21. 1 Sam. 1. 9. Eli sat on a seat by a post of the t. 2 Sam. 22. 7. he did hear mji voice out of his t. and my cry did enter into his ears, Psal. 18. 6. 1 Kings 6. 17. the t. before it was 40 cubits long 2 Chron. 35. 20. when Josiah had prepared the t. 36. 7. and put tlie vessels in his t. at Babylon jEzro4. 1. that they builded the t. unto the Lord 5. 14. vessels took out of the t. brought to t. 6. 5. JVeA. 6.10.hid ourselves in the t. shut doors of the t. Psal. 27. 4. beauty of L. and to inquire in his t. 29. 9. in his t. doth every one speak of his glory 48. 9. we have thought of thy loving kindness, O God, in the midst of thy I. 63. 29. because of thy t. at Jerusalem shall kings Isa. 6. 1. and lifted up, and his train filled the t. 44. 28. and to the t. thy foundation shall be laid 66. 6. a voice from the t. a voice of the Lord .ler. 50. 28. declare the vengeance of his t. 51, 11. Ezek. 41. 1. afterward he brought me to the t. Dan.5. 2. the golden vessels taken out of the t. 3. Amos 8. 3. the songs of the t. shall be' bowlings that day Zech. 8. 9. let your hands be strong, that the t. might be built Mai. 3. 1. the Lord shall come suddenly to his t. Mat. 4. 5. sethim on a pinnaclejof the t. Luke 4. 9. 12. 6. that in this place is one greater than the t. 23. 16. blind guides, who say, whosoever shall swear by the t. or by the gold of the t. 17. 21. 35. whom ye slew between the t. and the altar shewhim the buildings of the t. Luke~1.5. 26. 61. I am able to destroy the t. of God 27. 40. thou that destroyest the {. Mark 15.-29. 51. behold the vail of the t. was rent in twain, Jl/aryt 15. 38. Luke 2X45. Mark 11.^16. should carry any vessel thro' the t. 14. 58. I will destroy this t. made with hands Luke 2.37. Anna a widow departed not from the t. John 2.15. he drove them all out of the t. and sheep 19. destroy this t. \\ 21. he spake of «. of his body 20. forty and six years was this t. in building Acts 3. 2. whom they laid daily at the gate of the t. to ask alms of them that entered the t. 10. 19.27. the t. of goddess Diana should be despised 21. 30. they took Paul and drew him out of the t. 24. 6. who also hath gone about to profane thot. 25. 8. neither against the t. nor against Cesar 1 Cor. 3. 16. know ye not tliat ye are the t. of God 17. if any man defile the t. of God, him shall God destroy, for the t. of G. is holy, which t. ye are 6. 19. your body is the t. of the Holy Ghost 8. 10. see these sit at meat in the idol's t. 9. 13. they who minister live of the things of the t. 2 Cor. 6. 16. what agreement hath the t. ofGod with idols ■? for ye are the t. of the living God Rev. 7. 15. and serve him day and night in his t. 11. 1. saying, rise and measure the t. of God 19. the t. of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of the testament was seen in his t. 14. 15. another angel came out of the t. 17. 15. 5. the t. of the tabernacle was opened 6. and the seven angels came out of the t. 8. t. was filled with smoke from the glory of God 16. 1. and I heard a great voice out of the t. 17. 21.22. and I saw not. therein, for the Lord God almighty and the Lamb are the t. of it Sec Holy, Lord. In, or into the TEMPLE. 2 Kings 11. 10. king David's spears that were in t. 1 Chron. 6. 10. executed the priest's office in the t. 10. 10. and fastened his head in the t. of Dagon 2 Chron. 4. 7. he set ten candlesticks in the t. 8. Ezra 5. 15. go carry these vessels into the t. JVeA. 6. 11. would go into the t. to save his life Mat. 12. 5. the priests in the t. proTane the sabbath 21. 12. went into the t. cast out all them that sold and bought in the t. Mark 11. 15. Luke 19.45. 14. the blind and the lame came to him in the t. 15. children crying in the t. and saying, Hosanna 26. 55. I sat daily teaching in the t. Luke 21. 37. 27. 5. he cast down the pieces of silver, in the t. TEM Mark 14.49. 1 was daily teach, in the t. lyukv 22.53. jLuke 1. 21. marvelled that he tarried so long in 1. 1. 22. they perceived that he had seen a vision in t. 2. 27. and he came by the spirit into the t. 46. they found him in the t. sitting in the niidst Id. 10. two men went up into the t. to pray 24.53. and were continually in the t. praising God jSc(«2. 4(j. continuing with one accord in the t 3. 1. Peter and John weut up together into the t. 3. about to go into t. \\ 5.2U. stand and speak in t. 5.25. the men are standing in the t. and teaching 21.26. Paul entered into t. || 27. saw him in the t. 28.and further, brought Greeks also into the t.29. 22. 17. even while 1 prayed in 1. 1 was in a trance 34. 12. they neither found me in the t. disputing 18. certain Jews found rue purified in the t. 26.21. for these causes the Jews caught me in t. 2 ThessSl. 4. so that he as God sitteth ire the t. of G. /JeB.3.12. him will I make a pillar in the t. of my G. 15. 8. and no man was able to enter into the I. TEMPLES. JudgtA. 21. Jael smote the nail into his (. 22. 5. 26. when she had stricken through his t. . Cant. 4. 3. thy t. Uke a piece of pomegranate, 6. 7. TEMPLES. Hos. 8.14, for Isr. forgot his Maker, and buiideth t. Joel 3. 5. ye carried into your t. my goodly things Acts 7. 48. ho)vbeit the Most High d welleth not in t. made with hands, 17. 24. TEMPORAL. 2 Cor. 4. 18. for the things which are seen are t. TEMPT la spoken [I] Of God, Gen. 22. 1. who does not tempt or try men inofder to know their tempers and dispositions, as if he were ignorant of them; but to exercise their graces, toprove their faith, love, and obedience; to confirm and strengthen them by such trials, and to give.iuc- ceeding ages patterns of obedience,to s/tew them his satisfaction with such as obey, and his dis- pleasure at such as do not. [II] Of men, who are said to tempt the Lord, [1] When they un- seasonably require of him sensible proof s of his divine presence, of his power, or of his good- ness : Thus the Israelites in the desert often tempted the Lord, Exod. 17.2, 7. as if they had had reason to have doubted of his presence among thcm,of his goodness or power, after all he had done in their favour. [2] When men ex- pose themselves to such dangers, from which they cannot escape but by the miraculous inter- position of his providence ; for Ood requires of men the performance only of such actions as are within the ordinary measures of their strength, being under 710 obligation to work miracles in their favotir. Mat. 4. 7. [3] When men set themselves to commit sin so impudent- ly, as if they did it on purpose to try whether God was just or powerful enough to punish them for it, Mai. 3. 15. [Ill] Of Satan, who tempts us to bring us to evil, to sin, to distrust, to a contempt of God and his laws, to pride, vanity, (S-c. He lays snares for us, even in our best actions, to make us lose the benefit of them, by imputing the merit of them to ourselves only, and not to God. He tempted David, and prevailed with him to number the people out of confidence and vain curiosity, 1 Chron. 21. 1. He tempted our Saviour in the wilderness, and in vain endeavoured to infuse into him senti- ments of pride and ambition, Luke 4. 2, 3, 4. He tempted Ananias and Sapphira, to make them lie to the Holy Ghost, Acts 5. 3. Oen.22. 1. God did t. Abraham and said unto him F.Tod. 17.2. Moses said, wherefore do ye t. the L.7 Deut. 6. 16. ye shall not t. the Lord your God Isa. 7. 12. I will not ask, nor wNI I t. the Lord Mai. 3. 15. yea, they that t. God are delivered Mat. 4. 7. Jesus said, it is written again, thou shalt not t. the Lord thy God, Luke 4. 12. 22. 18. why t. ye me ? Mark 12. 15. Luke"^. 23. Acts 5.9. ye have agreed together to t. the Spirit 15. 10. now therefore why t. ye God to put a yoke 1 Cor.7.5.thatSatan not for your incontinency 10.9.neither let us t. Chr. as some of them tempted TEMPTATION Signifies, [1] Those meaiis and enticements which the devil makes use of to ensnare and allure mankind. Mat. 6. 13. | 26. 41. [2] Those af flictions and troubles, whereby God tries his people. Jam. 1. 2, 12. [3] Persecution for re- ligion, Luke 8. 13. Krod. 17. t 7. called the name of the place t. P«a/.9.5. 8. hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the day of t. in the wilderness, Hcb. 3. 8. Mat. 6. 13. and lead us not into t. iMke 11. 4. 26. 41. watch and pray, that ye enter not into t. Mark 14. 38. Luke 22. 40, 46. Luke 4. 13. when the devil had ended all his t. 8. 13. have no root and in time of t. fall away 607 TEN 1 Cor. 10. 13. no t. hath taken you ; wilt with t. Gal. 4. 14. and my t. in my flesh ye despised not 1 Tim. 6. y. they that will be rich fall into (. Jam. 1. 12. ble.ssed is the man that endureth t. Rev. 3. 10. 1 will keep thee also from the hour of t. TEMPTATIONS. Detit. 4. 34. take a nation out of a nation by t. 7. 19. the great t. thine eyes saw, and signs, 29. 3. Luke 22. 28. ye have continued with me in my t. Acts 20. 19. serving God with many tears and t. Jam. 1. 2. count it joy when ye fall into divers t. 1 Pet. 1.6. ye are in heaviness thro' manifold t. 2Pe«.2.9.L.knows how to deliver the godly out oft. TEMPTED. Exod. 17. 7. and because they t. the Lord, saying JSTum. 14. 22. and have t. me now these ten times Veut. 6. 16. not tempt God as ye t. him in Massah Psal. 78. 18. and they t. God in their heart, 41. 56. yet they t. and provoked the most high God 95.9. when your fathers, proved me,Hcb.3.9. 106. 14. but lusted, and t. God in the desert Mat.i.l. to be t. of the devil, Mark 1.13.jLwAe4.2. Luke 10. 25. a lawyer t. him, saying, master 1 Cor. 10. 9. aBsome of them t. and were destroyed 13. who will not suffer you to be t. above that Gal. 6. 1. considering thyself, lest thou also be t. 1 Thess. 3. 5. lest by some means the tempter t. you Heb. 2. 18. he himself hath suHered, being t. 4. 15. but was in all points t. like as we are, yet 1 1.37. they were sawn asunder, were t. were slain Jam. 1. 13. let no man say when he is 1. 1 am t. of God, for God cannot be t. with evil, nor tempteth 14. but every raa;i is t. when he is drawn of lust TEMPTER. Mat. 4. 3. when the t. came to him, he said 1 Thess. 3. 5. lest by means the t. have tempted you TEMPTETH. Jam. 1. 13. cannot be tempted, neither t. any man TEMPTING. Mat. 16. 1. the Pharisees t. Christ, and seeking a sign, Mark 8. 11. Luke 11. 16. 19. 3. the Pharisees also came to him, t. him 22. 35. the lawyer asked him a question, t. him Mark 10. 2. a man to put away his wife, t. him John 8. 6. this they said t. him, that they might TEN. Gen. 10. 3. Abraham dwelt t. years in Canaan 18. 32. peradventure t. shall be found there, and he said, I will not destroy it for t. sake 24. 10. the servant took t. camels of his master's 22. took bracelets for her hands of t. shekels 32. 15. Jacob took t. bulls and t. foals for Esau 42". 3. Joseph's t. brethren went to buy corn 45. 23. Joseph sent t. asses and t. she asses Exod. 26. 1. make a tabernacle with t. curtains 27. 12. their pillars t. and their sockets t. 34. 28. wrote t. commandments, £.t).3. O people, what have I done? t. against me /,uiel6. 28. send Lazarus, that he may t. to them John 2. 25. needed not that any should t. of man 3.11. and t. that we have seen || 5. 39. they (. of me 7. 7. because I t. of it || 15. 26. he shall t. of me .dcts 2. 40. with many other words did he t. 10.42. to t. that it is he who was ordained of God 20. 24. to t. the gospel of the grace of God 26.5.ray manner of life know they, if they would t. Oal. 5. 3. I t. to every man that is circumcised Kph. 4. 17. this I say, and t. in the Lord, that ye 1 .John 4. 14. and we have seen and do t. (hat Rev. 22. 16. I Jesus have sent my angel to t. 18. 1 t. to every man that heareth the words TESTIFIED. Exod. 21. 29. and it hath been t. to his owner Deut. 19. 13. hath t. falsely against his brother Ruth 1. 21. seeing the Lord hath t. against me 2 Sam. 1. 16. thy mouth hath t. against thee 2 h'ings 17. 13. yet tlie Lord t. against Israel 15. his testimonies which he t. against them 2 Chr. 24. 19. prophets t. against them, JVch. 9. 26. JVi/i. 13. 15. I t. against them when they sold, 21. Jer. 42. 1 19. know certainly I have t. against you John 4. 39. for the saying whicli the woman t. 44. Jesus himself t. that a prophet, 13. 21. .^cts 8.25. when they bad t. and preached the word 18. 5. Paul t. to the Jews, that Jesus Christ 23. 11. for as thou hast t. of me at Jerusalem 2^. 23. to whom he t. the kingdom of God 1 Cor. 15. 15. are false, because we have ?.of God 1 Thess. 4. 6. as we have forewarned you and t. 1 Tim. 2. 6. who gave himself, to be t. in due time ffeb. 2. 6. but one in a certain place t. saying 1 Pet. 1. 11. when it t. beforehand the sufferings 1 ,/oAn 5.9.lhe witness which God hath «. of his Son 3 ,fohn 3. and t. of the truth that is in thee TESTIFIEDST. JVch. 9. 29. and t. against them by thy Spirit, 30. TESTIFIETH. Has. 7. 10. the pride of Israel t. to liis face .Tohn 3. 32. what he hath seen and heard that he t. 21. 24. the disciple which t. of these things I{eb. 7. 17. for he t. thou art a priest for ever Rev. 22. 20. he which (. these things, saith TESTIFYING. .lets 20. 21. t. both to the Jews and to the Greeks Heb. 11. 4. obtained witness, God t. of his gifts 1 Pet. 5. 12. t. that this is the true grace of God TESTIMONY Signifies, [1] .1 toiCncssing evidence, or proof, Acts 14. 3. [2] The whole scripture, or word of God, which declares ichat is to be believed. practised, and expected by us, Psal. 19. 7. [3] The two tables of stone, whereon the law, or ten commandments were written, which were witnesses of that covenant made between God and his people, Exod. 2.5. 16, 21. ] 31. 18. [4] The book of the law which testifies of God's will and man's duty, 2 Kings 11. 12. [5] The gospel, which testifies of Christ, and declare.'! the will of God concerning the way of saving sinners, 1 Cor. 1. 6. | 2. 1. 2 Tim. 1. 8. [0] The ark, in which the law was deposited, Exod. 16. 34. Exod. 16. 34. laid the pot of manna before the t. 2.5. 16. tliou shalt put into the ark the t. 21. 27. 21. without the vail which is before the t. 30. 6. mercy-seat that is over the t. Lev. 10. 13. 36. beat it small, and put it before the t. 31. 18. and he gave to Moses two tables oft. 32. 1.5. the two tables of ^ were in his hand, 34.29. 38. 21. this is the sum of the tabernacle of t. wViim. 1. 50. the Levites over the tabernacle of t. 53. Levites shall pitch about the tabernacle of t. 609 TlIA .V:«m. 0. 15. Ihc cloud covered the tint of Ihe I. 10. 11. Ihe cloud was taken oil'the tabernacle oft. 17. 4. thou shalt Jay up the roils before the t. 10. bring Aaron's rod again before the t. Ruth 4. 7. gave his shoe, and this was a t. in Israel 2 Kings 11. 12. gave the king the t. 2 Chr. 23. 11. Psal. 78. 5. for he established a t. in Jacob 81. 5. this he ordained in Josejih for a t. 119. 88. so shall I keep the t. of thy mouth 122. 4. the tribes go up to the t. of Israel 132. 12. if thy children will keep my t. Isa. 8. 16. bind up the«.||20. to the law and to the t. Mat. 8. 4. offer the gill Moses commanded for a t. Mark 1. 44. J.uke 5. 14. 10. 18. for a t. against them, Mark 13. 9. Mark 6. 11. shake otlthe dust for a t. Luke 9. 5. I.,ukc 21. 13. and it shall turn to you for a t. .John 3. 32. and no man receivelh Jiis t. 33. he that reeeiveth his t. hath set to his seal 8. 17. it is written, the t. of two men is true 21. 24. and we know that his t. is true .^cts 13. 22. to whom also he gave t. and said 14. 3. who gave t. to the word of his grace 22. 18. for they will not receive thy t. of me 1 Cor. 1. 6. as the t. of Christ was confirmed in you 2. 1. I came, declaring unto you the t. of God 2 Cor. 1. 12. the t. of our conscience, in simplicity 2 7V/c.?5.1.10. because our?, among you was believ. 1 Tim. 2. t 6. gave liimself to be a t. in due time 2 Tim. 1.8. be not ashamed of the (. of our Lord Ueb. 3. 5. for a t. of those things which were 11. 5. Enoch had this t. that he pleased God Rev. 1.2. who bare record of the t. of Jesus Christ 9. 1 was in the isle of Pa'mos for the (. of Jesus 6. 9. the souls of them that were slain for the t. 11. 7. when they shall have finished their t. 12. 11. they overcame by the word of their (. 17. make war with them which have t. of Jesus 15. 5. tabernacle of the t. in heaven was opened 19. 10. of thy brethren that have the t. of Jesus for the (. of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy See Ark. TESTIMONIES. Deut. 4. 45. these are the t. which Moses spake 6. 17. you shall diligently keep the t. of your God 20. what mean the t. which God commanded you 1 Kings 2. keep his statutes and his t. 2 Kings 23. 3. 1 Chron. 29. 19. 2 Cliron. 34. 31. 2 Kings 17. 15. rejected his t. and followed vanity JVeA. 9. 34. nor have our kings hearkened to thy t. Psal. 25.10. to such as keep his covenant and his t. 78. 56. and keep not his t. \\ 93. 5. thy t. are sure 99. 7. they kept his t. and the ordinance he gave 119.2.blessed are they that keep his /.and seek him 14. 1 have rejoiced in the way of thy t. as much 22. for I have kept thy t. 167. 168. 24. thy t. are my delight || 31. I stuck to thy t. 36. incline my heart to thy t. not to covetousness 46. I will speak of thy t. also before kings 59. and I turned my feet to thy t. 79. let those that have known thy t. turn to me 95. the wicked waited, but I will consider thy t. 99. 1 have underst. for thy t. are my meditation 111. thy t. have I taken as a heritage for ever 119. I love thy t. \\ 125. that I may know thy t. 129. thy t. are wonderful, therefore doth my soul 138. thy t. are righteous and very faithful 144. the righteousness of thy t. is everlasting 146. I cried, save me, and I shall keep thy t. 1,52. concerning thy t. I have known of old 157. yel do I not decline from Ihy t. .Jer. 44! 23. because ve have not walked in his t. TEIL-TREE. a t.-irecam] as an oak whose substance THANK. . Luke 6.32. that love you, what t. have you? 33, 34 THANK. 1 Chron. 16. 4. ho appointed Levites to t. the Lord 7. David delivered this psalm to t. the Lord 23. .30. to stand every morning to t. the Lord 29. 13. we (. thee and praise tliy glorious name Dan.% 23. I t. thee and praise thee, O God Mat. 11. 25. at that time, Jesus said, I t. thee, O Father, liOrd of heaven and earth, lAike 10. 21 Ijuke 17. 9. doth ho t. that servant? I trow not 18. II. God, I t. thee, that I am not as other men .John 11.41. Father, I Mhee, that thou heardest me Rom. 1 . 8. 1 «. my God through Jesus Christ, 7. 25, 1 Cor. 1. 4. I «. my God always on your behalf 14. I t. God that I baptized none of you, but 14. IS. I t. my God I sjieak with tongues more Phil. 1. 3. I /.God on every remembrance of you 1 Thess. 2. 13. for this cause also /. we God 2TAm.'!.1.3. we are bound to /. God always for you 1 Tim. 1. 12.1 (.Jesus Christ who hath enabled me ITim. 1.3.1 f. God, whom I serve wilh pure consc Philcm. 4. I t. my God, making mention of theo Sec Offkrino. THANKED. 2 Sam. 14. 22. Joab bowed himself and t. the king 4 H TlIA 1 A7Hn-.s8.|06. and the people/. Ihe king, and went .lets 28. 15. Paul t. God and took courage Rom. 6. 17. but God be f . that ye were the servants THANKFUL. Psal. 100.4. be /. to him, bless his name. Col. 3. 15. Rovi. 1.21. lliey glorified him not, neither were t. THANKFULNESS. ./?f/s24.3.we accept it, most noble Felix, with all /. THANKING. 2C/jr. 5. 13. the singers were as one in t. the Lord THANK-WORTHY. 1 Pet. 2. 19. for this is t.-w. if a man endure grief THANKS. JVch. 12. 31. I appointed companies that gave /. 40. so stood the two com))anics that gave /. Dan. 6. 10. he prayed and gave /. before his God Mat. 26.27. he took the cuj) and gave /. Luke 22.17. Mark 8. 6. he took the seven loaves and gave /. 14. 23. when he had given /. he gave it to thera JMke 2. 38. Anna gave /. to the Lord, and spake 22. 19. he took bread, and gave /. and brake it John 6. 11. when he had given t. he distributed 23. they did eat bread, after the L. had given t. Jlcts 27. 35. Paul took bread, and gave /. to God Rom.U.a. he that cateth, eatetli to the Lord, for he iveth God /. he eateth not, and giveth God /. 1 Cor. 11. 24. when he had given /. he brake it 14. 17. for thou verily givest t. well, but the other 15. 57. /. be to God, who giveth us the victory 2 Cor. 1. 11. /. may be given to many on our behalf 2. 14. /. be to God who causeth us to triumph 8. 16. /. to God, who put the same cave in Titus 9. 15. t. be to God for his unspeakable gift Eph. 5. 20. giving /. always for all things to God 1 Thess. 3. 9. what t. can we render to God again Heb. 13. 15. offer sacrifices of praise, giving /. Rev. 4. 9. give t. to him that sat on the throne See Give, Giving. THANKSGIVING Signifies, [1] An acknowledging and eo7ifessing, with gladness, the benefits and mercies, which God bestows cither upon ourselves or others, Phil. 4. 6. 1 Tim. 2. 1. [2] The sacrifice of thanksgiving, Lev. 7. 12, 15. [3] Psalms of thanksgiving, JVeh. 12. f 8. We nre to give thanks to God, [1] For spiritual blessings, such as willing hearts to do works of piety and cha- rity, 1 Chron. 29. 13, 14. [2] For moral bless- ings, as wisdom and knoicledge, Dan. 2. 23. [3] For saving graces, Rom. 1. 8. 1 Cor. 1. 4. [4] For the judgments of God upon the wicked, Psal. 9. 1, 2, 3. [5] Far the enlarging of Christ's kingdom. Rev. 11. 17. [6] For deli- verance from the body of death, Rom. 7. 25. 1 Cor. 15. 57. [7] For temporal deliverances, " 1, 2. [8j For Christ, the unspeak- able gift of God, Luke 2. 38. [9] For the deli- Exod. 15. verance of God's ministers, 2 Cor. 1. 11. Lev. 7. 12. if he offer it for a /. 13, 1.5. | 22. 29. JVeh. 11. 17. the principal to begin the /. in prayer 12. 8. which was over the /. he and his brethren 46. there were songs of praise and /. to God Psal. 26. 7. that I may publish with thy voice of /. 50. 14. offer unto God t. and pay the vows to most 69. 30. and I will magnify him with /. 95. 2. let us come before his face with /. 100. 4. enter into his gates with /. and praise 107. 22. let them sacrifice sacrifices oft. 116. 17. I will offer to thee sacrifices oft. 147. 7. sing to the Lord with /. sing praise Isa. 51. 3. /. and melody shall be found therein Jer. 30. 19. and out of them shall proceed /. Amos 4. 5. offer a sacrifice oft. with leaven .Jonah 2. 9. 1 will sacrifice to thee with voice of t. 2 Cor. 4. 15. thro' /. of many grace might redound 9. 11. which causeth through us /. to God Phil. 4. 6. with t. let your requests be made knowi Col. 2. 7. in the faith, abounding therein with /. 4. 2. continue and watch in the same with /. 1 Tim. 4. 3. God created to be received with /. 4. every creature is good if it be received with / Rev. 7. 12. f. and honour be to our God for evei THANKSGIVINGS. JVeh. 12. 27. to keep the dedication with /. 2 Cor. 9. 12. but is abundant by many /. to God THANK-OFFERINGS. Ezek. 43. t 27. the priests shall make your /. offerings 45. t IS.and for t.-offerings to make reconciliation 1 17. shall prepare Ihe sin-offering and t.-offerings .9mos 5. t 22. neither will I regard the t.-offerings THAT. Gen. 2. 11. /. is it which compasseth the land 19. what Adam called /. was the name thereof 18. 25. /. be far from thee, to slay the righteous 30. 33. /. shall be counted stolen with me Exod. 30. 38. who.soever shall make like to /. Lev. 10. 20- when Moses heard /. he was content 26.44. yet for all /. I will not cast Ihem away JVum. 6. 21. besides t. t. his hand shall get THA JVam. 22. 20. the word which I say, t. shall tliou do 24. 13. Lord saith t. will I speali, 1 Kings 22. 14. Judg. 8. 3. anger was abated, wlien he liad said t. 11. 36. do according to t. which proceeded 1 Sam. 9. 24. behold, t. which is left, set it before 21. 9. Goliath's sword, if thou wilt take t. take it 24. 19. for (. thou hast done to me this day 30. 23. with t. wliich the Lord hath given us 2 Sam. 12. 8. if t. had been too Uttle, I would 19. 6. in t. thou lovest thine enemies and hatest 24. 24. offer oft. which doth cost me nothing 2 Kings 14. ti. according to t. which was written in the law of Moses, 2 Chron. 35. 26. 19. 20. t. which thou hast prayed to me against 2 Chron. 6. 15. t. which thou hast promised, 16. Eira 6. 9. t. wiiich they have need of be given 7. 18. t. do after the will of your God Job 3. 25. t. which I was afraid of is come to me 15. 17. (. which I have seen I will declare 20. 20. he sliali not save oft. which he desired 23. 13. what his soul desireth even t. he doth 34. 32. t. which I see not, teach thou mo Psal. 27. 4. t. will I seek after, that I may dwell 69. 4. then I restored t. whicli 1 took not away 10. when I wept, t. was to my reproach F.ccl. 1. 9. the thing t. hath been, it is t. which shall be ; t. which is done, is t. which shall be done 15. t. which is wanting cannot be numbered 2. 3. see what was t. good for the sons of men 3. 9. what profit in t. wherein he laboureth 1 15. and God requireth t. which is past 5. 4. when thou vowest, pay t. thou hast vowed 11. 6. thou knowest not whether this or t. prosper Isa. 21. 10. t. which I have heard of the Lord 52. 15. for t. which had not been told them shall they see, t. they had not heard shall consider Jer. 15. 4. for t. which Manasseh did in Jerusalem 45. 4. t. wliich I have built, t. which I planted Dan. 6. 13. t. Daniel regardeth not thee, O king 11. 30. for t. i. is determined shall be done Ztch. 11. 9. t. t. dieth, let it die, 1. 1. is to be cut otf Mat. 1. 20. for t. which is conceived in her is of 9.22. woman was made whole from t. hour, 15.28. 10. 15. for Svlom than for t. city, Mark 6. 11. 13. 12. taken away t. he hath, 25. 29. Mark 4. 25. 20. 7. t. ye shall receive 1| 23. 3. t. observe and do 27. 4. they said, what is t. to us ? see Ihou to t. Mark 7. 20. t. which cometh out, t.defileth man 13. 11. what shall be given in t. hour, t. speak Jjuke 4. f). all will I give, for t. is delivered to me 8. 18. shall be taken, even f. he seemeth to have 11. 40. did not he t. made t. which is without make t. which is within also "i 16. 12. not faithful in f. which is another man's 15. t. which is highly esteemed among men 17. 10. we have done t. which was our duty to do 24. 12. wondering at t. which was come to pass John 1. 8. he was not t. light || 9. t. was the light 3. 6. t. which is born of flesh, t. born of the Spirit 11. we speak t. we know, testify t. we have seen 4. 18. is not thy husband, in t. saidst thou truly 37. herein is t. saying true, one soweth another 5. 12. what man is t. which said to thee, take up 6. 27. labour for t. meat which endureth 32. Moses gave you not f. bread from heaven 48. I am t. bread of life || 58. this is t. bread 8. 38. I speak t. I have seen with my father ; ye do t. which ye have seen with your father 13.27. t. thou doest, do quickly || 14.13. t. will I do 16. 13. what he shall hear, t. shall he speak 21. 22. what is t. to thee, follow thou me, 24. 23. went abroad, that t. disciple should not die j3cts2.16.this is f .which was spoken by prophetJoel 4. 21. all glorified God for f. which was done 24. -when they heard t. they lifted up, 5. 21, 33. 7. 37. this is t. Moses which said unto Israel 10. 37. t. word you know, which was published Rom. 1.19. because t. which may be known of God 4. 18. according to t. which was spoken, so shall 6. 10. in f . he died, in t. he Uveth, he liveth to God 7. 6. t. being dead wherein we were held, t. we 13. was then t. which is good made death to me'? 15. 1. 1 do, I allow not || 19. 1. 1 would not, 1. 1 do 1 Cor. 5. 13. put away from you t. wicked person 6. 8. nay, you defraud, and t. your brethren 10. 4. t. spiritual rock, and f. rock was Christ ;M). spoken of, for t. which I give thanks 11.23. t. which also I delivered unto you 28. let him eat oft. bread, and drink oft. cup 13. 10. t. which is perfect, t. which is in part 14. 21. and yet for all f. they will not hear me 15. 37. and t. which thou sowest thou sowest not t. body that shall be, but bare grain 46. t. was not first which is spiritual, but t. which 2 Cor. 3. 11. If t. which is done away was glorious 8. 12. it is accepted according to t. a man hath 11. 12. what I do, t. I will do, that I may cut off Oril. 6. 7. what a man soweth, I. shall he reap Phil. 3. 12. that I may apprehend t. for which I am 1 Thess. 3. 10. might perfect t. which is lacking 610 THE 1 Thess. 5. 21. prove all things, hold fast t. is good 1 Tim. 4.8. life t. now is, and oft. which is to come 6. 20. keep t. which is committed to thy trust Philcm. 18. if he oweth put f . on mine account Heb. 5. 7. and was heard in t. he feared 6. 19. which entereth into t. within the veil 12. 20. could not endure t. which was commanded 13. 17. for t. is unprofitable for you .7am.4. 15. if L.will, we shall live, and do this or t. 1 Pet. 3. 13. who is he t. will harm you, if ye be followers oft. which is good? 3 John 11. 1 John 1. 1. t. which was from the beginning 3. t. which we have seen and heard, 2. 24. 2. 24. let t. abide in you which ye have heard Rev. 2. 25. t. which ye have, hold fast till I come See After, Day, Man, Place, So, Soul, Thing, Time. THEATRE. Acts 19. 29. they rushed with one accord into the t. 31. that he would not adventure himself into t. THEE. Gen. 7. 1. t. have I seen righteous before me 17. 2. and I will multiply t. exceedingly 22. 17. that in blessing I will bless t. 23. 11. the field give 1 t. and the cave give I t. 39. 9. neither kept back any thing from me but t. Dcut. 28. 43. the stranger shall get above t. 1 Sam. 8. 7. they have not rejected t. but me 20. 22. behold the arrows are beyond t. 37. 2 Sam. 18. 12. the king charged t. and Abishai Psal. 86. 14. they have not set t. before them ./er. 15. 11. I will cause enemy to entreat t. well Ezek. 7. 9. I will recompense t. according to thy 29. 5. 1 will leave t. and all the fish of thy rivers Mat. 25. 37. when saw we t. a hungered, and fed t. 38. when saw we f. a stranger || 39. saw t. sick Luke 14. 9. he that bade t. and him come and say Rom. 11. 18. but the root f. || 21. lest he spare not t. MoiU THEE. .Tob 11. 18. thou shalt dig about t. and take thy rest Isa. 26. 20. shut thy doors about t. hide thyself Jer.46.14. sword devour round about t. Ezek. 5.12. 49. 5. bring fear from all those that be about t. Ezek. 5. 14. among nations that are round about t. 15. an astonishment to the nations round about t. Luke 19.43. thy enemies shall cast a trench about t. Acts 12. 8. cast thy garment afrout f. and follow me After THEE. Gen. 17. 7. to thy seed a. t. 8, 9, 10. | 35. 12. | 48. 4. Dcut. 4. 40. with thy children after t. 12. 25, 28. Judg. 5. 14. after t. Benjamin among thy people 2 Sam. 7. 12. and I will set up thy seed after t. IKings 1.14.1 also will come in after t.and confirm 3.12rnor a. t. shall any arise like thee, 2 CAr.1.12. Psal. 42. 1. so panteth my soul after t. O God soul followeth hard after t.thy right hand 143. 6. my soul thirsteth after t. as a thirsty land Cant. 1. 4. draw me, we will run after t. Isa. 45. 14. they shall come after t. in chains Jer. 12. (J they have called a multitude after t. Dan. 2. 39. after t. shall rise another kingdom Hos. 5. 8. cry at Beth-aven, after t. O Benjamin Against THEE. Exod. 15. 7. overthrown them that rose against t. 23.29.lest the beast of the field multiply against t. JVMm.21.7.we have sinned,for we have spokena^.t. Dcut. 6. 15. the anger of the Lord be kindled ag. t. 15. 9. and he cry to the Lord against t. 24. 15. 23. 4. because they hired Balaam ag. t. to curse 23. 7. they shall come out ag. t. one way, and flee 48. enemies which the Lord shall send ag. t. 49. 31.26. that it may be there for a witness against t. Judg. 9. 31. behold they fortify the city against t. 10.10. we have sinned ag. t. JSTeh. 1.6. ./cr.14.7, 20. 11. 27. 1 have not sinned against 1. 1 Sam. 24. 11. 1 .Sam. 19. 4. because he hath not sinned against t. 2 Sam. 1.16. for thy mouthhath testified against t. 12. 11. behold, I will raise up evil an'ffiinst t. 18. 31. avenged thee of all that rose up ag. t. 32. 1 Kings 8. 33. because they have sinned against t. 35. 2 Oiro?i. 6. 24, 26. 46. if they sin against t. and repent, 2 CAr. 6. 36. 50. forgive thy people that have sinned against t. and all their transgressions, 2 Chron. 6. 39. 20. 22. the king of Syria will come up against t. 2 Kings 19. 9. he is come out to fight against t. 2 Chron. 14. 11. 0 Lord, let not man prevail ag. t. 18. 22. and the Lord hath spoken evil against t. 20. 2. there cometh a great multitude against t. 35. 21. 1 come not against t. this day, but against JVeh. 1. 7. we have dealt very corruptly against t. 9. 26. nevertheless they rebelled against t. Ji3j7.20.why hast thou set me as a mark against t. 11. .5. but, oh that God would open his lips ag. t. 15. 6. yea, thine own lips testify against t. wrath is kindled against t.and thy friends Psal. 5.10. cast them out, they have rebelled ag. t. 21. 11. for they intended evil ag. t. they imagine 41. 4. Lord, heal my soul, fori have sinned ag. t. 50. 7. hear, O Israel, and X will testify against t. THE Psal. 51. 4. ag. t. have I sinned, and done this evil 74. 23. that rise up against 1. 139. 21. i.ccl. 10. 4. 119. 11. thy word I hid, that Imight not sin ag. t. 139. 20. for they speak against t. wickedly Isa. 7. 5. have taken evil counsel against t. saying 10. 24. the Assyrian shall lift up his statt' ag. t. Jer. 1. 19. they shaU fight against t. but they shall not prevail ag. t. for I am with thee, 15. 20. 21. 13. behold I am against t. 50. 31. | 51. 25 Ezek. 5.8. | 21. 3. | 26. 3. | 28. 22. | 29. 3, 10 1 35. 3. I 38. 3. I 39. 1. JVaA. 2. 13. | 3. 5. Lam. 2. 16. thy enemies opened their mouth ag. t. Ezek. 33. 30. thy people still are talking against t. AmosT.lO. saying, Amos hath conspired against t. J)/aZ.3.13.what have we spoken so much against I Mat. 5. 23. that thy brother hath aught against t. 18. 15. if thy brother trespass ag. 1. Luke 17. 3, 4. 26. 62. which these witn. ag. t. Mark 14.60. 1 15. 4. Rev. 2.4. nevertheless, I have somewhat against t 14. but I have a few things against t. 20. At THEE. 2 Kings 19.21. hath shaken her head at I. /sa.37,22. Isa. 14. 8. yea, the fir-trees rejoice at t. and cedars 52. 14. astonish, at t. Ezek. 26. 16. | 27. 35. | 28. 19. Lam. 2. 15. all that pass by clap their hands at t. Ezek. 27. 36. the merchants shall hiss at t. 32. 10. I will make many people amazed of t. Before THEE. Gen. 13. 9. is not the whole land before t. separate 17. 18. said, O that Ishmael might live before I. 20. 15. behold my land is bef. t. dwell where, 47. 6. 24. 7. the Lord God of Heaven shall send his angel before t. Exod. 23. 20, 23. | 32. 34. | 33. 2. .51. behold, Rebekah is before t. take her, and go 31. 35. let it not displease, I cannot rise up before t. 33. 12. 1 will go b. t. Isa. 45. 2. | 43. 9. set him *. t. Exod. 17. 6. behold, I will stand before t. there 23. 27. I will send ray fear before t. and destroy 28. I will send hornets before t. which shall drive out the Canaanites before t. 29, 30, 31. 1 34. 11. Dcut. 4. 38. | 9. 4, 5. | 18. 12. 33. 19. I will make all my goodness pass before t. and 1 will proclaim the name of the Lord before t. 34. 24. 1 will cast out b. t. Deut. 6. 19. | 7. 1. 1 9. 4. JVum. 10. 35. let them that hate thee flee before t. /)e« man able to stand b.t.Josh.1.5. \ 10.8. 28. 7. they shall flee before t. seven ways 30. 15. 1 have set before t. this day life and good 31. 3. and Joshua, he shall go over before t. 8. 32. .52. yet thou shalt see the land before t. 33. 10. shall teach, they shall put incense 6e/ore i. Judg. 4. 14. is not the Lord gone out before t. ? 6. 18. bring forth, and set it before 1. 1 Sam. 9. 24. 1 Sam. 28. 22. let me set a morsel of bread before t. 2 Sam. 5. 24. then shall the Lord go out before t. 7.15. as 1 took it from Saul, whom I put away h. t. 16. be established for ever bef. t. 26. 1 CAr. 17. 24. IKings 3.6. as he walked J.t.||12.nonelike thee A.f. 8. 23. thy servants that walk before t. 2 Chr. 6. 14. 10.8. which stand continually before t. 2 Chr. 9. 7. 14. 9. hast done evil above all that were before t. 2A'(«o'a 20.3. how I have walked before t. /sa.38.3. 1 Chr. 14. 15. go out, for God is gone forth before t. 17. 13. as I took it from him that was before t. Ezra 9. 15. behold, we are before t. in our tres- passes, we cannot stand before t. because of this JVeA. 4. 5. let not their sin be blotted out before t. 9. 8. and foundest his heart faithful before t. 32. let not all the trouble seem little before t. Psal. 38.9. L. all my desire is before t. and groaning 39. 5. and mine age is as nothing before t. 69. 19. mine adversaries are all before t. 73. 22. so foolish was I, I was as a beast before t. 79. 11. let the sighing of the prisoner come before t. 88. 2. let my prayer come before t. incline, 141. 2. 90. 8. thou hast set our iniquities before t. ways are 4.t.||169.1et my cry come A. t. Prov. 23. 1. consider diligently what is before t. Isa. 9.3. they joy before t. as men when they divide 58. 8. and thy righteousness shall go before t. Jer. 17. 16. came out of my lips, was right before t. 18. 20. I stood before t. to turn away thy wrath 28. 8. the prophets that have been before t. of old 40. 4. all the land is before t. go whither it seemeth T^am. 1. 22. let all their wickedness come before t. Ezek. 33. 31. and they sit before t. as my people 7)«re.6.22. also before t.O king, havel done no hurt Jl/jc.6.4.1 sent before t. Moses, Aaron, and Miriam ZecA. 3. 8. thou and thy fellows that sit before t. Mat. 6. 2. do not sound a trumpet before t. 11. 10. behold I send my messenger, which shall prepare thy way before t. Mark 1. 2. Luke 7.27. Luke 15. 18. 1 will say, father, I have sinned bef. t. .^cts 23. 30. to say ie/ore t. what they had ag. him 24.19. who ought to have been here *f/.t. to object 25. 26. and especially before t. O king Agrippa Rev. 3. 8. behold, I have set before t. an open door Behind THEE. Gen. 19. 17. escape for thy life, look not behind t. Deut. 25. 18. Amalek smote the feeble behind t. THE Psal. SO.n.seeinj thou easiest my words behind t. Jsa. 30. 21. tbine ears shall liear a word behind t. Besides TllEE. Ruth 4. 4. for tliere is none to redeem it besides t. ISain. '2. '2. tor there is none besides t. 2 Sam. 7. 22. 1 Chron. 17. 20. Psal. 73. 25. none on earth that 1 desire besides t. /sa.2l).13. other lords besides t. Iiave had dominion 64. 4. neitljer hath the eye seen, O God, besides t. Between THEE. Gcfi. 3.15.1 will put enmity betw. t. and the woman 17. 2. I will make my covenant bet. me and t. 7. 31. 44. let it be for a witness bet. me and t. 48. 50. 49. Lord watch b. me and t. when we arc absent 1 Sam. 20. 23. the Lord bab.t. and rae lor ever, 42. JEzek. 4. 3. set it for a wall of iron b. t. and the city Mai. 2. 14. the Lord hath been witness bet. t. and J\Iat. Id. 15. tell him his fault bet. t. and him alone By THEE. Ezod. 18. 14. the people stand by t. from morning lSam.l.2(). I am the woman that stood btj «. praying 9. 23. i)ortion of Avhich I said to thee, set it by t. 2 Sain.-i-2. 30. by 1. 1 ran thro' a troop, Psal. 18.2'J. Psal. 71. 6. by t. have I been holpen from the womb Pro«.3.28.wheu hast it by «.||29.dweU securelyti/ 1. Jsa. 2ti.l3. by t. we will make mention of thy name Kick. 16. 6. when I passed by t. and saw thee, 8. Acts 24. 2. seeing that by t. we enjoy quietness Philem.l.lha bowels of the saints are refreshed byi. Concerning THEE. Josh. 14. 6. the thing the L. said concern, t. and me 1 Sam. 25. 30. the good that he hath spoken con. t. 2Sam. 14. 8. the king said, I will give charge con. t. 1 Kings 22. 23. the Lord hath spoken evil con. t. ^aA.1.14. theL. hath given commandment co/j.t. .Mat. 4. 6. shall give his angels charge concern, t. Acts '2b. 21. neither received we letters concern, t. For THEE.«.andthem||20.7.shall pray /or t. Ezod. 9. 30. but as for t. and thy servants, I know I^v. 25. 6. sabbath shall be meat for t. and them JVuni. 18. 9. shall be most holy for t. and thy sons £)eiit.5.'31.asfor t.stand by me, 18.14. 26'am.l3.13. Jadg. 7. 4. and I will try tliem for t. there 13. 15. till we shall have made ready a kid for t. 18.19.better/or be a priest to house of one man Ruth 3.1.shall I not seek rest/or t.l| it for t. 1 Sam. 9. 24. to this time hath it been kept/ur t. 20. 4. what thy soul desireth, I will do it for t. iSam. 1. 26. 1 am distressed/or t. brother Jonathan 10. 11. if the Syrians be too strong for t. help me 18. 33. would God I had died for t. O Absalom 19. 38. what thou requirest, that will I do for t. 1 Kings 2. 18. 1 will speak /or t. unto the king 17. 13. and after make for t. and for thy son 20. 34. thou shalt make streets /or t. in Damascus 2 /ifino'52.9.Elijahsaid,ask what I shall do/or M.2. 4. 13. sav now unto her, what is to be done/or t. 2. 2 CAro)i. 7.17. and as for t. Dan. 2. 29. Zecli.9. 11. Job 8. 6. if upright, surely he would awake for t. 18. 4. shall the earth be forsaken for t. 1 Psal. 63.1. 0 God, my soul thirsteth /or «. my flesh 6.5. 1. praise waiteth/or t. O God, in Sion 119. 126. it is time /or t. O Lord, to work Cant.7.13.fruit9 1 have laid up/or t. O my beloved Isa. 14.9. hell from beneath is moved /or t. to meet 26. 8. O Lord, we have waited /or t. 33. 2. 43. 3. I gave Ethiopia and Seba /or t. 4. 1 loved thee, therefore will I give men for t 48. 9. and for my praise will I refrain for t. 51. 10. these are come, who shall be sorry for I. Jer. 32. 17. behold, there is nothing too hard for t. 34. 5. so shall they burn odours for t. and lament 48.32.1 will weep/or t.||50.24. Ilaid asnarc /or t. 51. 36. therefore will I take vengeance for t. /.am. 2.13. what thing shall I take to witness/or t 14. thy prophets have seen for t. false burdens F.zek. 7. 0. it watcheth for J." behold, it is come 32. 10. their king shall be horribly afraid for t. Ifos.X3. shalt not be for another, so will I be for t. fi. 11. also, O Judah, he hath set a harvest /or t. JVah. 3. 7. whence shall I seek comfort for t. Mat. 5. 29. for it is profitable for t. 30. more tolerable for Sodom than /or t. is not lawful for t. to have her, Mark 6.13. /or for Moses, JVfarAO..^. />i//ce9..33. 18.8.befter /or enter into lile,9.J)/iir/i: 9.43,45. Mark 1. 37. they said unto him, all men seek fort. 3. 32. thy mother and thy brethren seek for t. 5. 19. how great things the Lord hath done/or t. Luke'm.'Xi. but I have prayed /or t. that thy faith John 11. 28. the master is come, and callcth for t. Acts^. 5. hard /or t. to kick against pricks, 26. 14. 10. 22. to send for t. into his house and to hear 24.25. have a convenient season, I will call /or t. 2 Cor. 12. 9. he said, my grace is sufficient /or t. From THEE. Oen. 18.25. that be far/rom t. to slay the righteous 27.45. until thy brother's anger turn away /rom t. 30. 2. hath withheld from t. the fruit of the womb 611 THE £io(/.8.29.and Moses said, behold, I go out from t. 33. 5. therefore now put oti' thy ornauients /rom t. Deut. 12. 21. if the place be too iatfram 1. 14. 24. 15. 12. thou shalt let him go free from t. 13, 18. 16. I will not go away from t. \\ 20. 15. cities far from t. 30. 11. it is not hidden from t. neither is it far oft" ISam. 17. 2. the shekels that were taken from t. Judg. 1. 14. Eli said to her, put away thy wine/, t. 15.28.hath rent the kingdom/ro7n t.lKings 11.11. 17. 46. smite thee, I will take thine head /ro7« t. 20. 9. far be it /rom t. Mat. 16. 22. 2 Sam. 13. 13. for he will not withhold me from t. 2Kings 2.9. what I shall do,before 1 be taken/r. t. 20.18.of thy sons that shall issue /rom t. /«a.39.7. Ezra 4. 12. the Jews which came up/ro?n t. to us Job 42. 2. no thought can be withholden from t. Psal. 38. 9. and my groaning is not hid fro7n t. 69. 5. O God, my sins are not hid from t. 73. 27. they that are far frotn t. shall perish 80. 18. so will we not go back from t. quicken us 139. 12. yea, the darkness hideth not from t. 15. my substance was not hid /rom t.when I was Isa. 54. 8. in a little wrath I hid my face /rom t. 10. but my kindness shall not depart /ro?K t. .Jer. 6. 8. be instructed, lest my soul depart /ro?;i t. Ezek. 21. 3. 1 will cut off /rom t. the righteous, 4. 22. 5. those that be far from. t. shall mock thee 24.16. 1 take away /rom t. the desire of thine eyes 28. 3. there is no secret that they can hide from t. Mic. 1. 16. for they are gone into captivity /roirat. ZccA.3.4. 1 have caused thine iniquity to pass/r.t. Mat. 5.29. pluck it out and castit/r. t. 30 1 18.8,9. John 17. 8. known surely that I came out from t. Acts 23. 21. ready, looking for a promise /ro;« t. See Departed. In THEE. Gen. 12.3. in t. shall all families be blessed, 28. 14. 48. 20. in t. shall Israel bless, saying, God make Ezod.Q.16.1 raised thee up, to shew in power Deut. 23. 14. that he see no unclean thing in t. 21. it would be sin in t. \\ 22. shall be no sin in t. 1 Sam. 18. 22. behold the king hath delight in t. 25. 28. evil hath not been found in t. 29. 6. 2 Sam. 15.26. but if he say, I have no delight in t. 2 Chron. 19. 3. there are good thing.f found in t. Psal. 5. 11. put trust in t. 7. 1. | 9. 10. | 16. 1. | 17. 7. 1 25. 2, 20. I 31. 1, 19. | 55. 23. let them that love thy name be joyful in t. 9. 2. rejoice in t. 40. 16. 1 70. 4. | 85. 6. Cant. 1. 4. 22. 4. our fathers trusted in t. they trusted, 5. 31.14. 1 trusted in 1. 1|33.22. hope in «. 38.15. 1 39.7. 56. 3. trust in t. 57. 1. | 84. 12. | 86. 2. | 141. 8. 81. 9. there shall no strange god be in t. [ | 143. 8. 84. 5. blessed is the man whose strength is in t. 87. 7. all my springs are in t. Cant. 4. 7. thou art all fair, there is no spot in t. Isa. 26. 3. keep him because he trusteth in t. 45. 14. surely God is in t. and there is none else 62. 4. Hephzibah, for the Lord delighteth in t. Jer. 2. 19. an evil thing, that my fear is not in t. Ezek. 5. 9. I will do in t. what I have not done 10. and I will executejudgments in t. 15. 16. 34. the contrary is in t. from other women 20. 47. I will kindle a fire in t. it shall devour 22. 6. were in t. to their power to shed blood 7. in t. have they set light by father or mother 9. in t. are men that carry tales to shod blood 12. in t. have they taken gifts to shed blood 25.4.they shall set their palaces in t. dwellings in t. 27. 8. thy wise men, OTyrus, that were in t. 9. 28. 15. was perfect, till iniquity was found in t. 38. 16. when I shall be sanctified in t. O God Dan.i.9. spirit of the holy gods is in 1. 18. | 5. 14 Hos. 14. 3. for in t. the fatherless findeth mercy Mic. 1.13. for transgressions of Isr. were found in t. 4. 9. why dost thou cry "i is there no king in t. "! Mat. 6. 23. if the light that is in t. be darkness 11. 23. mighty works which have been done in t. iMke 3.22. my beloved Son, in 1. 1 am well pleased 11.3.5. the light which is in t. be not darkness 19. 44. not leave in t. one stone upon another .Tohn 17. 21. as thou, Father, art in me, and I in t. Rom. 9. 17. that I might shew my power in t. Gal. 3. 8. in t. shall all nations be blessed 1 Tim. 4. 14. neglect not the gift that is in t. 2 Tim. 1. 5. the unfeigned faith that is in I. first in Lois and Eunice, and I am persuaded in t.also 6. that thou stir up the gift of God which is in t. 3.7oAn3. brethren testified of the truth that isint. Rcr. 18. 22. shall be heard no more at all in t- 23. a candle shall shine no more at all in t. 7n«oTHEE. Isa. 52. 1. no more come into t. the uncircumcised Of THEE. Gen. 12. 2. 1 will make of t. a great nation, 17. 6. I 35. 11. I 46. 3. 1 48. 4. Exod. 32. 10. 13. and my soiU shall live because of t. 41. 15. I have heard gay of t. that thou canst JVum. 14. 15. which have hoard the fame of t. THE Deut. 2. 25. begin to put the dread of t. and the i'earo/t. tremble and be in anguish because o/i. 10. 12. what doth the L. require of t. Mic. 6. 8. Ruth 2. 19. he that did take knowledge of t. 1 .Sam. 19. 3. I will commune with my father of t. 24. 12. Lord judge, and the Lord avenge me o/t. 2 Sam. 3. 13. but one thing I will require of t. 24. 24. but I will surely buy it of t. at a price 1 Kings 2. 16. and now I ask one petition of t. 20. 11. 11. Lord said, forasmuch as this is done of t. 1 Cliron. 22. 11. build the house as he said of t. 29. 12. both riches and honour come of t. 14. all things come of t. of thine have we given Job 11. 6. that God exacteth oft. less than thine 88. 3. for I will demand of t. 40. 7. | 42. 4. 42. 5. I have heard of t. by the hearing of the ear Psal. 22. 25. my praise shall be of t. 71. 6. 87. 3. glorious things are spoken of t. O city of Q. Prov. 25. 17. lest he be weary of t. and hate tliee 30. 7. two things have I required o/t. deny me not Isa. 58.12.they that shall be o/t. shall build places 64. 7. none stirreth up himself to take hold of t. Jer. 30. 11. I will not make a full end of t. 46. 28. .34. 4. thussaith the Lord of t. thou shalt not die 51. 26. they shall not take of t. a stone for a corner Ezek. 29. 8. I will cut off man and beast out of t. 32. 6. and the rivers shall be full of t. Z>ara. 2.23. hast made known what we desired oft. 6. 7. shall ask a petition, save of t. O King, 12. Mic. 2. 12. I will surely assemble all of t. 5. 2. yet out of t. shall come forth the ruler 7. 17. and they shall fear because of t. JVaA.l.ll.oneis come out of t.a. wicked counsellor Zeph. 3. 18. who are of t. to whom the reproach Mat. 2. 6. for out of t. shall come a governor 3. 14. saying, I have need to be baptized of t. 5. 42. and from him that would borrow of t. Mark 11. 14. no man eat fruit of t. hereafter Luke 1. 35. holy thing which shall be born of t. 6. 30. give to every man that asketh of t. 12. 20. this night thy soul shall be required of t. 16. 2. he said, how is it that I hoar this of t. ? John 17.7.whats:>ever thou hast given me are of t. Acts 10.22. send for thee, and to hear words of t. 28. 21. neither shewed nor spake any harm of t. 22. we desire to hear of t. what thou thinkest 1 Cor. 12. 21. say to the hand I have no need of t. Philem. 20. let me have joy of t. in the Lord See, In the Midst. Off THEE. Oen. 40. 19. Pharaoh shall lift up thy head from off t. and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off t. JVah. 1. 13. now will I break his yoke from off t. On or upon THEE. f?en.l6.5.mywrongbe It. t.||38.29.thig breach be M.i. £a;orf.l5.26.I will put none of those diseases upon t. Lev. 19. 19. nor linen nor woollen come upon t. Mum. 6. 25. the Lord make his face shine upon t. 26. the Lord lift up his countenance upon t. 11. 17. I will take of the spirit which is upon t. Deut. 4. 30. all these things are come upon t. .30. 1. 13.17.the Lord may have compassion ?ipo»i t.30.3. blood be upon «.||28.2 blessings come on t. 28. 15. all these curses shall come upon t. 20. 45. Judg. 16. 9. the Phihstines be iipon t. 12, 14, 20. I.Sam. 9. 20. is it not upon t. and thy father's house 24. 12. but mine hand shall not be upon t. 13. 1 Kings 1. 20. the eyes of all Israel are upon t. 13. 2. O altar, upon t. shall he offer the priests, and men's bones shall be burnt upon t. 21. 21. behold, I will bring evil upon t. and take 2 Kings 4. 4. thou shalt shut door upon t. and pour 2 Chron. 14.11. help us, O Lord, for we rest upon t. 19. 2. therefore is wrath upon t. from the Lord 20.12. we know not what to do,but our eyes upon t. Job 4.5.but now it is come upon (.and thou faintest Psal. 17. 6. 1 have called upon t. 31. 17. | 86. 5, 7. I 88. 9. Lam. 3. 57. 22.10.1 was cast ?tp. «.||25.3.wait«;). ?.5,21. | .59.9. 63.6. meditate on J.||104.27.these wait u. 1. 145.15. Ca7i;.6.13.return, return, that we may look upon t. Isa. 1.2.5.and I will turn my hand upon t.and purge 24. 17. fear, and the pit, and the snare are upon t. 26. 3. wilt keep him, whose mind is stayed upon t. 47. 9. they shall come upon t. in their perfection 11. evil and desolation shall come 7ipon t. 13. 49. 18. and bind them on t. as a bride doth 54.8. with kindness will I have mercy on t. 10. 59. 21. my spirit that is upon t. shall not depart CO. 1. and the glory of the Lord is risen upon t. ".. .ler. 14. 22. therefore we will wait upon I. for thou ]5.5.for who shall have pity upon t.(.) Jpnisalem t 30. 16. all that prey «pon t. will I give for a proy Krf A-.3.25. behold, they shall put bands upon t. 4.8. 5. 17. and I will bring the sword upon t. 29. 8. 29. 7. when they leaned upon t. thou brakest JWa«. 18.33.had compaBsion,even as I had pity up. t. 21. 19. let no fruit grow on t. henceforward Luke 1. 35. the Holy Ghost shall come upon t. 19. 43. for the days shall come upon t. that thino THE Jlcts 13.11. behold, the hand of the Lord isupon t. 18. 10. no man sliall set on t. to iiuit thee 2-2.19.tlieyknowtliat I beat them that bcheved on t. 1 Tim. 1. iS. proijhecios which wont before on t. Heo. 3. 3. 1 will come on I. as a tliiet', and thou shalt not know wliat hour 1 will come upon t. Over THEE. Gen. 3. 16. thy husband, and he shall rule over t. Deul. 10. G. but they shall not reign over t. 17. 15. thou shalt in any wise set him king over t. thou mayest not set a strauger over t. 28. 30. 30. 9. the Lord will again rejoice over t. for good Pia2.91.ll.give his angels charge oiJcrt./yMAc 4.10. Isa. ()2. 5. 60 shall ihy God rejoice over t. Jer. 13. 21. hast taught them to be chief over t. t,am. 2. 17. caused thine enemy to rejoice over t. Ezek. 16. 8. I spread my skirt over t. and covered 32. 3. 1 will therefore spread out my net over t. Dan. 4. 25. and seven times shall pass over t. 32. J\rah. 3.19. all that hear shall clap the hands over t. Zeph. 3.17. he will rejoice over t. he will joy over t. Through THEE. Ps.44.5. through t. will we push down our enemies To or unto THEE. Oen.A.l. unto t. shall be his desire, thou shalt rule 13. 15. to t. will I give it, 17. 1 17. 8. 1 2G. 3. | 28. 4, 13. I 35. 12. 18. 10. he said, I will certainly return unto t. 14. 20. 16. behold, he is to I. a covering of the eyes 27. 29. let people and nations bow down to t. 28. 15. done that which I have spoken to t. of 22. 1 will surely give the tenth of all unto t. 29. 19. better I give her to t. than to another 31. 12. I have seen ail that Laban doth unto t. then whatsoever God hath said unto 32. discern what is thine with me, and take to t. 39. that which was torn I brought not unto t. 52. that I will not pass over this heap to t. 38. 16. go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto t. 42. 37. if I bring him not to t. 43. 9. | 44. 32. 44. 8. behold, the money we brought again 7tnto t. 50.17.forgive, I pray thee, for they did unto t. evil Exod. 3. 12. and this shall be a token unto t. 4. 16. he shall be to t. instead of a mouth 13. 9. it shall be unto t. for a sign, 2Kings 19. 29. Isa. 38. 7. 18. 22. a great matter they shall bring unto t. 23. 1. take jcnto t. Aaron thy brotlier and his sons 30. 23. take thou also unto t. principal spices 33. 5. that I may know what to do unto t. Lev. 21. 8. he shall be holy unto t. for I am holy 24. 2. that they bring imto t. pure oil olive J^imi. 6. 25. the Lord be gracious unto t. 11.23. whether my word shall come to pass unto t. 18.2.that the tribe of Levi may be joined unto t.4. isacovcnant of salt unto t. and to thy seed 22.38.Balaam said to Balak, lo, I am come unto t. JDeK«.4.35. unto t.\i was shewed that thou mightest 7. 25. shalt not take the gold of their goAsunto t. l."). 9. he cry to Lord and it be sin, unto t. 24. 15. 18. 15. the Lord will raise up mito t. a prophet 18. I will raise them up a prophet like unto t. 22. 7. let the dam go, and take the young to t. 23. 15. servant escaped from his master unto t. 33. 29. who is like unto 1. 1 Sarn. 26. 15. Psal. 35. 10. 1 71. 19. Josh. 1. 17. as to Moses, bo will we hearken unto t. 2.18.bring all thy father's household home unto t. Judg.l.i. of whom I say unto t. this shall not go 17. 3. now therefore I will restore it u?Uo t. Ruth 3. 13. if he will perform unto t. the part of 4.15.he shall be unto t.n restorer of thy life, daugh- ter-in-law who is better to t. than seven sons 1 Sa7n. 1. 8. am not I better to t. than ten sons 1 all that they say unto t.|| do they m» to t. 9. 17. behold the man I speak to t. of shall reign 11. 3. and then we will come out to t. 16. 3. thou shalt anoint him whom I name unto t. 17. 45. but I come to t. in the name of the Lord 20.21. for there is peace to t. || 25. 6. peace be to t. 28.8. bring me him up whom I shall name unto t. 10. there shall no punishment happen to t. 2 Sam. 3. 12. to bring about all Israel unto i. 12.14. the child that is born unto (.shall surely die J7. 3. and I will bring back all the people xnito t. 19. 7. that will be worse unto t. than all the evil 20.21.his head shall be thrown to t. over the wall 22. 50. I will give thanks unto t. Ps. 18. 49. | 30. 12. I 75. 1. I 119. 62. 24. 12. choose thee one that I may do it unto t. 1 Kings 3. 12. neither shall any arise like unto t. 8. 52. hearken in all that they call for unto t. 11. 31. and I will give ten tribes unto t. 38.1 will be wilh thee, and will give Israel unto t. l\. 6. for I am sent to t. with heavy tidings 19. 20. go back again, for what have I done to t. 20. 6. I will send my servants untn t. to-morrow 21. 3. give the inheritance of my fathers vnto t 22. 24. Went the spirit from me to speak unto 1. 1 2 Kings". 10. if thou see me, it shall be sounto t. 612 THE 2.ffV»i^ when this letter is come m. t.behold 27. the leprosy of Naaman shall cleave unto t. 6. 7. take it up to t. \\ 8. 14. what said Khsha to t. 9. 5. he said, I have an errand to t. O captain 11. wherefore came this mad fellow to t. ? 20.14. from whence came they unto 1. 1 Isa. 39.3. 1 Clir. 12. 18. peace be unto t. and thine helpers 16. 18. unto t. will I give the land, Psal. 105. 11. 2 Chr. 26. 18. it appertaineth not unto t. Uzziah Ezra. 10. 4. arise, for this matter belongeth unto t. J\rch. 9.26. testiried against them to turn them to t. Esth. 3. 11. the silver is given to t. the people also Job 7.20. I have sumed, what shall I do unto 1. 1 Ps. 5.2. hearken unto me, for unto t. will I pray, 3. 10. 14. the poor committeth himself \into t. 16. 2. my Lord, my goodness extendeth not to t. 22. 5. they cried u?i(o t. and were delivered 25.1.«nio t. O L. do I lift up my soul, 86.4. | 143.8. 27. 8. my heart said unto t. thy face will I seek 26. 1. unto t. will I cry, 2. | 30. 8. | 31. 22. 1 56. 9. I 61. 2. I 66. 3. I 88. 13. | 130. 1. | 141. 1. 30. 12. may smg praise to t. 56. 12. 1 59. 17. | 66. 4. I 71. 22, 23. 32. 5. 1 acknowledged ray sin unto t. and iniquity 62. 12. also unto t. O Lord, belongeth mercy 65. 1. and unto t. shall the vow be performed 2. tliou hearest prayer, unto t. shall all Ilesh come 69. 13. my prayer is unto t. in an acceptable time 86. 8. among the gods there is none like unto t. 89.8. O Lord G. who is a strong Lord like unto t. ? 101. 1. unto t. O Lord, will I sing, 108. 3. 1 138. 1. I 144. 9. Hcb. 2. 12. 102.1.hear my prayer,and let my cry come uyito t. 120.3. what shall be given ujito i.tliou false tongue 123. 1. unto t. will I lift up mine eyes, 141. 8. 139. 12. darkness and light are both alike to t. Prov. 22. 19. made known to t. this day, even to t. 23. 7. eat and drink, saith he to t. but his heart 25. 7. better it be said unto t, come up hither Isa. 14. 10. all they shall speak and say unto t. 30. 19. he will be very gracious unto t. at thy cry 36. 12. hath my master sent me to t. to speak 47. 9. but these two things shall come to t. 15. thus shall they be unto t. with whom thou 49. 18. all these gather together and come to t. 51. 19. these two things are come unto t. 55. 5. nations that kiiev/ not thee shall run unto t. 60.19. neither shall the moon give light wn(o t. the Lord shall be ^nito t. an everlasting light Jc?-.2.31.we are lords,we will come no more unto t. 3.22. behold, we come unto i.for thou art our God 10. 6. forasmuch as there is none like unto t. 7. who would not fear, for to t. doth it appertain 11. 20. for unto t. have I revealed my cause, 20. 12. 15. 19. let them return unto t. but return not thou 20. 15. man-child isborn«7i£o t. making him glad 22. 21. I spake unto t. in thy prosperity, but thou 30. 15. 1 have done these things unto t. 38.20. which it shall heweWun.t. 40.4. if thou come with me, I will look weWunto t. for the word, we will not hearken unto t. 45. 5. but thy life will I give unto t. for a prey 48. 27. for was not Israel a derision unto t. 7 Lam. 2. 13. what thing shall I liken to t. O Jems. what shall 1 equal tot. that I may comfort thee 1 4. 21. the cup also shall pass through unto t. 5. 21. turn thou us unto t. and wo shall be turned Ezek. 3. 6. they would have hearkened mito t. 7. the house of Israel will not hearken unto t. 16. 5. no eye pitied thee, to do any of these unto t. 6. 1 said ttnfo t. when thou wast in thy blood, live 34.givestarevvard,and noreward isgi^en unto t. 60.1 will establish unto everlasting covenant 61. and I will give them unto t. for daughters Dan. 4. 26. thy kingdom shall be sure unto t. 31 . to t. it is spoken, the kingdom is departed 9. 7. O Lord, righteousness belongeth unto t. Has. 6. 4. O Ephraim, what shall I do unto t. ? .Toel 1. 19. to t. will I cry||20. the beasts cry unto t. ^»«os4.12.thus will 1 do unto t.\ will do this unto t. Jonah 1. 11. they said, what shall we do unto t. ? 2. 7. my prayer came in unto t. into thy temple Mic. 2. 11. saying, I will prophesy unto t. of wine 4.S.unto (.shall it coniel|6.3.what have I done u.t. 7. 12. he shall come to t. even from Assyria Hab. 1. 2. I even cry out unto t. of violence 2.16. cup of the Lord's right hand be turned unto t. Zech. 2. 11. the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto t. 9. 9. behold, thy king cometh unto i. Mat. 21. 5. Jl/a(.6.13.a»thou hast believed, so be it done ?/n(ot. 16. 17. flesh and blood hath not revealed it !«^(o (. 18. and I say also unto t. that Ihou art Peter 19. I will give unto t. the keys of the kingdom 22. be it far from thee, this shall not be unto t. 18.17. let him be unto t. as a heathen and publican 22. Jesus saith, I say not unto t. till seven times 20. 14. I will give unto this last even as unto t. 03. 37. thou stonest them sent i/?i(o t.Lukcl'i. 34. 2.5. 44. or in prison, and did not minister unto t. 1 Mark 5. 41. 1 say unto t. arise, lAiks 5. 24. | 7. 14. THE Mark 10.51. what wilt thou I do un.t. Luke 18.41 . Euke\.\'^.i am sent to speak unto t. and shew thee 7. 7. 1 thought not myself worthy to come unto t. 40.1 have somewhat to say «n(o t.he saith, say on 8. 39. how great things God hath done unto t. John 4. 26. Jesus saith, I that speak unto t. am he 5. 14. sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto t. t). 26. what did he tot. || 11.40. said Inoluntot. 17. 11. these are in the world, and I come to 1. 13. 18. 30. we would not have delivered him unto t. 19. 11. he that delivered me u. t. hath the great, sin 21. 22. what is that to t. follow thou me, 23. Acts 9. 17. Jesus that appeared unto t. sent me 10. 32. who when he cometh, shall speak unto t. 33. immediately therefore I sent to t. 21.37. he said to the captain, may I speak unto t. ? 26.16. for I have appeared unto t. for this purpose Horn. 15. 9. for this cause will I confess to t. 2Tm.l.l4. that good thing committed «?i(o (. keep P/iilem. 11. but now profitable to t. and me 16. a brother to me, but how much more to t. Rev. 11. 17. thou hast taken to t. thy great power Towards THEE. ISam. 19. 4. his works have been very good tow. t. 2 Kings 3. 14. I would not look tojo. (. norseelhce ,/tT. 12. 3. thou hast tried mine heart towards t. Ezek. 16. 42. so will I make my fury tow. t. to test 63. because of shame, when I am pacified (. (. Rom. 11. 22. but tow. t. goodness, if thou continue Under THEE. Deut. 28.23. the earth that is under t. shall be iron Psal. 45.5. arrows whereby the people fall under t. Prui' .22.27.why should he take thy bed from un. t. Isa. 14. 11. worm is spread un. t. worms cover thee Obad.l.XhsX eat thy bread have laid a wound un.t. IVith THEE. Oc7i. 6. 18. with (.will I establish my covenant covenant is «;/(A(.£x.34.27.iie«(.29.12. 19.9. now will we deal worse ?c. (. than with them 21. 22. saying, God is with t. in ail that thou doesl 24. 40. the Lord will send his angel with t. 26. 3. I will be with t. \\ 24. I am with t. 28. 15. I 31. 3. I 46. 4. Exod. 3. 12. Dcut. 31. 23. Josh 1. 5. I 3. 7. 1 1 Kings 11. 38. Isa. 43. 2. 28. we saw certainly that the Lord was with t. Exod. 18. 19. hearken, and God shall be with t. 25. 22. and there I will meet with t. 30. 6, 36. 33. 14. my presence shall go with t. Deut. 31.6.8. .hidg. 6. If: Lev. 19. 13. wages shall not abide with t. all night JV«m.5.19. if no man hath lien with t. be thou free 20.some man hath lien with (.beside thyhusband 22.9.G.said to Balaam,what men are tiiescwitk (.1 Dcut. 2. 7. the Lord thy God hath been with t. 4. 40. that it may go well with t. 5. 16. | 6. 3. 18. I 12. 25, 28. I 19. 13. | 22. 7. 15. 16. if he will notgo because he is well with t. 20. 1. the Lord thy God is with t. .Tosh. 1. 9. Jttdi. 6. 12. 2 Sam. 7. 3. 20. against the city that maketh war with t. 23. 16. he shall dwell with t. even among you Judg. 4. 9. and she said, I will surely go with t. 7. 2. the people that are with t. are too many 4. this shall go with t. \\ 19. 20. peace be wilh t. Ruth 3. 1. rest for thee, that it may he well with t. 1 Sam. 10. 7. for God is icith t. Luke 1. 28. 14. 7. behold, I am with t. according to thine heart 17. 37. the Lord be with t. 20. 13. 1 Chr. 22.11,16. 21. 1. why art thou alone, and no man with t. ■? 28. 19. 1 will deliver Israel toith t. to Philistines 29.8.hast thou found,so long as I have been with t. 2 Sam. 3. 12. and behold my hand shall be with t. 7.9.1 was w. t. lC/4r.l7.8.||13.20.Amnon been w. t. 13. 26. king said to him, why should he go with t 14. 17. Lord thy God will be with t. 1 Chr. 28. 20 15. 20. return thou, mercy and truth be with t. 18.14. then said Joab, Imaynot tarry thus )C4'(A (. 19. 7. there will not tarry one with t. this night lffj7?^s2.8.thou hast with t.Shimei who cursed me 3. e.'as he walked in uprightness of heart with t. 6. 12. then will I perform my word with t. 13. 8. I will not go in with t. nor eat bread, 16. 17. 18. what have I to do with t. 2 Kings 3. 13. 2 Chron. 35. 21. Mark 5. 7. Luke 8. 28. .Tohn 2. 4. ^Kingsi.^.ia it well ?o.(.||5.26.went not heart w.t. 14.10.even tliou and Judah with t. 2Chron. 25.19. 2 Chron. 14. 11. Lord, it is nothing icith t. to help 18. 3. and we will be with t. Ezra 10. 4. 25. 7. O king, let not the army of Israel go with t. Job 5. 23. the beasts shall he at peace with t. 10. 13. I know that this is with t. 14. 3. and bringest me info judgment ?o!(A (. 5. seein" the number of his months are tcith t. 15. 11. are the consolations of God small with t. ■? is there any secret thing with t f 36. 4. he that is perfect in knowledge is with t. 40.15.behold now behemoth,whichImade wilht. Psal. 5. 4. neither shall evil dwell with t. 36.9. for with t. is the fountain of hfe THE Ps. 39. 12. 1 am a stranger icit/i t. and a sojourner 73. 2;!. neverthek^ss 1 am coatiimallv icit/i t. '.•4. ^0. shall iiiiiiuily have fellow shiji with 1. 1 IIG. 7. the Loril lialli dealt hoiintirully wil/i t. 1-^. '2. Iiappy shall thou be, it shall be well with t. 130. 4. but there is forgiveness tcitk t. 139. IS. when \ awake, t am still icith t. Proo. 2. 1. and hide my commaudinents with t. 5. 17. be only thine own, and not strangers with t. 6.22. itshall'talk tcilh <.j|23.7.liis heart is not w. t. Cant. 0. 1. that we may seek him with t. Jsa. 16. 4. let mine onteast dwell icitht. Moab 41. 10. I am with t. 43. 5. Jcr. 1. 8, 19. | 15. 20. 30. 11. 1 46. 28. Acts 18. 10. 11. they that strive tcith t. shall perish, 12. 49. 25. contend with him that eontendetii with t. 54.9. 1 have sworn that I would not be wroth ic. t, /fr.2.35.l will plead w(M«.||12.1.wlienIi)lead w.t. 34. 3. and he shall speak icith t. mouth to mouth 51.20. with t. will I break in pieces the nations 21. icith t. will I break in pieces horse and rider 22. with t. will I break in pieces old and young aS.with i. will 1 break shepherd and husbandman F.zek. 2. 6. though briars and thorns be with t. 3. 22. go into the plain, I will there talk with t. 1(5. 8. and I entered into a covenant witli t. 59. I will even deal with t. as thou hast done 62. and 1 will establish my covenant with t. 22. 14. in the days that I shall deal with t. 27. 21. they occupied icith t. in lambs and rams 32. 4. I will till the beasts of the earth icith t. 38.6. his bands and many people id. t. 9. 15. | 39.4. flos. 4. 5. the prophet shall fall with t. in the night Jlmos 6. 10. and shall say, is there yet any with t. Obad. 7. the men that were at peace with t. Zech. 14. 5. shall come, and all the saints icith t. Mai. 1.8. will he be pleased w. t. or accept person 1 Jtfot.8.29.behold,thevcriedout,whathave we todo with t. Mark 1. 24. J^iikc 4. 34. 12. 47. stand without, desiring to speak with t. in. 16. then take with t. one or two more 26.35.Peter said,tho' I should die w.t. Mark 14.31 I^ukc 22.33. lam ready to go w. t. both into prison ./'oA»3. 26. he that was with t. beyond Jordan 9. 37. seen him, and it is he that lalketh with t. 17. 5. with the glory which I had with t. before ' 21. 3. they say unto him, wo also go with t. .lets 8. 20. Peter said, thy money perish with t. Kph. 6.3.honour thy father that it may be well w.t. 17'<;n.6.21. grace be ?o.«.||2rim.4.]r.bring w.t.lX IVithiii THEE. Dcut. 28. 43. the stranger within t. shall gel above Psal. 122. 8. I will now say, peace be within t. 147. 13. he hath blessed tliy children within t. pleasant, if thou keep them withint. .Jer. 4. 14. shall thy vain thoughts lodge within t. X/utel9.44.and Ihev shall lav thy children within t. IVithout THEE. l. shall no man lift up his hand See Teach, Tkll. THEFT, S. Erod. 22. 3. then he shall be sold for his t. 4. if the C. be certainly found in his hand alive Mat.lS. 19. out of the heart proceed <.^/rtr/t 7.22. Rev. 9. 21. neither repented they of their t. THEIRS. Ocn. 15. 13. shall bo a stranger in aland that is nott. 34. 23. shall not every beast oft. be ours 7 43. 34. mess was five times as much as any oft. F.xod. 29. 9. and the priests' otTico shall be t. J.ev. 18. 10. for t. is thine own nakedness •Vkwi. If). 26. depart and touch nothing oft. 18.9. every oblation oft. every meat-otTeringof t. .fosh. 21. 10. for t. was the first lot, I Chron. 6. 54. 2 Chron. 18. 12. let thy word be like one oft. .Ter. 44.28. whose words shall stand, mine or t. Eick. 7. Jl. none shall remain, nor any oft. 44. 29. every delicate thing in Israel shall be t. Hab.l. 6. to possess dwelling places that are not t. Mat. 5. 3. for t. is the kingdom of heaven, 10. 1 Cor. 1. 2. call on our Lord, both t. and ours 2 Tim. 3. 9. folly shall be manifest, as t. was THEM. Orn. 1. 27. male and female created he t. JVum. 14. 31. your little ones, t. will I bring in Dfvt. 2S. 61. t. will the Lord bring upon Ihee 1 .Sam,. 2. 30. t. that hononr me, I will honour 25. 29. t. shall he sling out, as out of a sling 1 Kina-s 13. 11. t. they told also to their father 2 King's 2X 5. t. that burnt incense unto Baal 1 Chron. l-'). 2. t. hath the Lord chosen to carry 2 Chron. 8. 8. t. did Solomon make to pay tribute P.ial. 5. 11. let t. shout for joy, lot t. that love .35. 19. nor let t. wink with eye that hate me C8. 1. let t. also that hatehim flee before him Isa. 41. 12. even t. that contended with iheo an. 7. even t. will I bring to my holy mountain Dan. 6. 24. they cast t. into the den of lions 7-eph. 1. 5. t. that worship the host of heaven 3. 11. take away t. that rejoice in thy pride 613 THE Mat. 13. 41. shall gather out t. which do iniijuity 24. 16. tJien let t. which be in Judea flee into tin mountains, Murk 13. 14. I.uke 21. 21 Mark 16. 13. tliey told it, neither believed they t, Lakei. 18. to set at liberty t. that are bruised 11. 52. and t. that were entering in ye hindered 19. 45. cast out t. that sold and t. Uiat bought 24. 33. found the eleven, and t. that were with t. John 10.16. othersheep I have, t. also must I bring .,icts 15. 19. my sentence is, that we trouble not t. 21. 24. t. take and purify thyself wilh t. 22. 19. that I beat t. that believed on Iheo Horn. 8. 30. moreover, t. he also called, t. ho also justified, and t. he also glorified 11. 14. provoke to enmlalion t. which are my flesh 1 Cor. 5. 12. to judge t. also that are without 13. but t. that are without God judgeth 16. 18. therefore acknowledge ye t. that are sucl 1 Thcss. 4. 14. even so f. also that sleoj) in Jesus 2 Thess. 3. 12. now t. that are such, we command 1 T/;h. 4.16. shall save thyself and t. that hear thee 5. 20. t. that sin rebuke before all, that others Heb. 10. 14. hath perfected t. that are sanctified 13. 3. remember t. that are in bonds, as bound 1 Pet. 4.19. let t. that sufter according to will of G. Rev. 9. 17. thus I saw horses and t. that sat on t 11. 1. and measure t. thai worship therein 13. 6. to blaspheme t. that dwell in heaven 19. 20. beast \\;as taken, and t. that worshipped Move THEM. Exod. 18. 11. they dealt proudly, ho was above t J\rum.3. 49. of them that were over and above t. 2 Sam. 22. 49. lifted above t. that rose against me 2 C/ir.34.4. images that were above t. he cut down About THExM. Gen. 35. 5. terror was on the cities round about t Ruthl. 19. that all the city was moved about t. 'iKings 17. 15. after the heathen that were about t 2 Chron. 14. 7. and make about t. walls and towers Ezra 1. 6. all about t. strengthened their hands Ezek. 1. 18. were full of eyes round about t. four 28. 26. all those that despise them round about t. Mark 9. 14. he saw a great multitude about t. J^uke 1. 65. fear came on all that dwelt round ab. t. 2. 9. the glory of the Lord shone round about t. Jade 7. and the cities about t. in like manner After THEM. Gf?i.41.3. seven other kine came up after 1. 19.27. 23. and seven cars withered sprung uj) after t. 30. shall arise after t. seven years of famine 48. 6. thy issue which thou begettest after t. Exod. 10. 14. neither after t. shall be such locusts 14.4. he shall follow af. t. and I will be honoured Lev. 20. 6. thai turneth to go a whoring after t. Deut. 1. 8. to give it to them and their seed after t. 4. 37. therefore he chose their seed after t. 10. 15. 12. 1 30.take heed, that thou be not snared after t Josh. 2. 5. pursue after t. quickly ye shall overtake 7.the men pursued af. t. 8.1G. .hidff.S.12. | 20.45. .Tudff.2. 10. there arose anotlier generation after t. Rut/i 2. 9. the field that they reap, go thou after t. 1 Sam. 6. 12. the lords of the Philistines went af. t. 14. 22. they followed hard after t. in the battle 1 Kings 9. 21. upon their children that were left after t. did Solomon levy tribute, 2 Chron. 8. 8. 2 Kings 7.15. they went after t. to Jordan, and lo 10. 29. Jehu departed not from after t. to wit IChr. 14.14. go not up af. t.||JV(.A.l2.38.and I af. t. .7o4 30. 5. they cried after t. as after a thief .Jer. 2. 25. 1 loved strangers, and after t. will I go 9. 16. I will send a sword after t. 49. 37. Ezek. 5. 2, 12. I 12. 14. 25. 26. the king of Sheshach shall drink aflert. 32. 18. thou reconipensest the iniquity of the fa- thers into the bosom of their children after t. 39. fear me, for the good of their children after t. 39. 5. but the Chaldeans' army pursued after t. 50. 21. waste and utterly destroy after t. Ezek. 29. 16. when they shall look after t. 34. 6. was scattered, none did search or seek a. t- Dan. 7. 24. and another king shall rise after t. Zech. 6.6. and the white horses go forth after t. 7. 14. thus the land was desolate after t. Jjuke 17. 23. see here, or see there, go not o. t. 21.8. Acts 20. 30. to draw away disciples after t. Against THEM. Gen. 14. 15. he divided himself a^amst t. by night Ei;orf.32.10. that my wrath may wax hot acrainst t. J^um. 12. 9. Deut.'i. 1,5. (31. 17. Judg.'i. 15. JVu7n.l(). 19. Korah gathered the congregation ag.t. 21. 33. Og king of Bashan went out against t. Dcut. 20. 19. destroy trees by forcing an a,\o ag. t. 28. 25. thou shall go out one way ag. t. and flee 31. 21. this song shall testify ag. t. as a witness 28. and call heaven and earth to record ag. t. Jnih. 8. 22. the other issued out of the city ag. t. 22. 33. did not intend to go up ag. t. in battle ■Tudg. 11. 25. did he ever strive or fight ag. t. 2.Su?n.24.1. he moved Dav. ag.t. to say, go number 2 Kings 17.1.5. testimonies which he testified ag. t. THE 1 Chron. 5. 11. children of Gad dwelt over ag. t. 20. tliey wore helped ag. t. for they cried to God 2 Chron. 20. 10. to-morrow go ye down ag. t. 17. 24. 19. prophets testified ag. t. JVc A.9.26,2il,30,34. 28. 12. stood up ag. t. that came from the war Ezra 4. 5. hired counsellors against t. to frustrate 8. 22. but his wrath is against t. that forsake him JVeh. 4. 9. we set a watch ag. t. day and night 5. 7. and I set a great assembly against t. 9. 10. knewest that they dealt proudly against t. 12. 9. brethren were over o^. t. in the watches 13. 2. hired Balaam ag. t.\\l5. 1 testified u^. t. 21. Psal. 17. 7. savest from those that rise up ag. t. 34. 16. the face of the Lord is against t. that do evil, 1 Pet. 3. 12. 7>a.3.9. their countenance doth witness against t. 5. 25. he hath stretched forth his hand against t. 13. 17. behold, I will stir up the Medes ag. t. 14.22.1 will rise up ag. 1. 1|63. 10. he fought ag. t. Jer. 1. 16. and I will utter my judgments ag. t. 4. 12. I will give sentence a. t.||23. 32. 1 am a. t. 25. 30. prophecy a. t. Ezek. 6. 2. | 13. 17. | 25. 2. 26. 19. evil he pronounced ag. t. 35. 17. | 36. 31. Lam. 1. 13. he sent fire, and it prevaileth ag. t. Ezek. 15. 7. and I will set my face against t. 20. 8. to accomplish my anger ag. t. in Egypt 35. 11. thou hast used out of thy hatred aa-. t. 38. 17. that I would bring thee against t. Dan. 7.21. and the same horn prevailed against t. Nos. 8. 5. mine anger is kindled against t. 10. 10. the people shall be gathered against t. Mat. 10.18. for a testimony against t. Mark 6. 11. I 13.9. Luke 9. 5. .1/ff?7.- 12.12. sijoken that parable ao-.t. Luke 20.19. yicts 13.51. shook olflhe dust of then- feet against t. 16. 22. the multitude rose up together against t. 19. 16. in whom evil spirit was, prevailed againstt. 26. 10. I gave my voice a. t. \\ 11. being mad a. t. Rom. 2. 2. judgment of God is ag. t. that commit Col. 3. 19. love your wives, and be not bitter ag. t. 2 Pet. 2. 11. bring not railing accusation against t. Rev. 11. 7. the beast shall make war agaiiist t. Sec Fight, Over. Among or .Amongst THEM. Gen. 47. 6. knowcst any man of activity among t. Exod. 7. 5. bring children of Israel from among t. 10. 2. tell my signs which 1 have done amongst t. 25. 8. that I may dwell am. t. 29. 46. Psal. 68. 18. 30. 12. that there be no plague a.t.when numbered Lev. 15. 31. defile my tabernacle that is among t. JsTiim. 1. 47. the Levites were not numbered am. t. 11. 1. and the fire of the Lord burnt among t. 3. 4. the mixt multitude among t. fell a lusting 16.3. and the Lord is among t. Psal. 68. 17. 18. 20. Aaron shall have no part am. t .Josh.14.3. 23. 21. and the shout of a king is among t. Dcut. 7.20. the Lord will send the hornet among t. Josh. 8. .33. the stranger, as he that was born am. t. 35. the strangers that were conversant among t. 9. 16. they understood that they dwelt among t. 20. 4. give him a place that he may dwell am. t. 24. 5. according to that which I did amongst t. Jvdg. 1. 30. but the Canaanitcs dwell among t. 10. 16. put away the strange gods from a. t. ISam. 6. 6. when he wrought among t. JVeh. 9. 17. 9.22. made Ihemsit in the chiefesf place among t. 10.10. prophets met him, anan. 4. 19. the dream be to t. that hate thee 6. 2. that the princes might give account unto t. 9. 4. and keeping mercy to t. that love him 11. 34. but many shall cleave to t. with flatteries Hos. 4. 12. and their stafFdeclareth unto t. 7.13.destruction unto I. because they transgressed 11. 4. I was to t. as they that take off the yoke Jonah 3. 10. evil that he said, he would do unto t. Mic. 2. 6. prophesy ye not, say they to t. that prophesy, they shall not prophesy to 1. jyTat. fi. 8. be ye not like unlot.\\'. 12. do ye so to t. 17. 13. that ho spake unto t. of John the Baptist 21. 36. other servants, they did unto t. likewise 25. 9. but go ye rather to t. that sell, and buy Mark 4. 11. but to t. that are without in parables 10. 40. shall be given to f. for whom it is prepared Italic 2. 51. he went down, and was subject unto t. C. 31. that men do to you, do ye also to t. likewise 33. if ye do good to t. that do good to you 34. if ye lend to t. of whom ye hope to receive 11. 13. give the Holy Spirit to t. that ask him 11). 28. that he may testify j/7it» ^ lest they come 20.15. what shall Lord oflhe vineyard do unto t.1 23. 28. Jesus turning unto t. said, weep not for me 21. 11. their words seemed unto t. as idle tales 27. he expounded unto t. in all the scrijjtures Jolin 1. 12. to t. gave he power to become the sons of God, even to t. that believe on his name 22. we may give an answer to t. that sent us 2. 24. but Jesus did not commit himself MJito (. 8. 27. that he spake to t. of the Father 20. 23. sins ye remit, they are remitted unto t. .nets 1. 16. w ho was guide to t. that took Jesus 2.3.there appeared «n(o *.cloventongue6,asoffire 41. there were added unto t. about 3,000 souls 5. 13. of the rest durst no man join himself to t. 32. whom God hath given to t. that obey him J4. 18. that they had not done sacrifice unto t. Ifi. 10. had called us to preach the gospel unto t. 20. 34. my necessities, and to t. that were with me 25. 11. no man may deliver me unto t. I appeal Ham. 1.19. is manifest, for G. hath shewed ituntot. 2.7. to t. who by patient continuance in well doing 616 THE Rom. 8.28. work together for gooil tot.lUal love G. 10.20 .made manifest un. t. that asked not after me 1 Cor.\. 2. unto t. that are sanctified in Christ Jesus 24. i«itot. that are called, both Jews and Greeks 9. 3. my answer to t. that do examine me, is this 14. 34. for it is not permitted rinto t. to speak 2 0>r. 4. 3. if gospel hid, it is hid to t. that are lost Gal. 1. 17. to t. which were apostles before me 6. 10. unto t. who are of the household of faith Eph. 2. 17. and preached peace to t. that were nigh P/iil. 1.28. is to t. an evident token of perdition 2 Thcss. 1. 6. tribulation to t. that trouble you 1 Tim. 4. 15. meditate, give thyself wholly to I. 2 Tim. 4. 8. but unto all t. that love his appearing Tit. 3. 13. that nothing be wanting unto t. Heb. 3. 18. not enter, but to t. that believed not us was the gospel preached as well as unto t. 8. 10. I will be to t. a God, they to me a people 12. 11. yieldeth unto t. that are exercised thereby 19. word should not be spoken to t. any more .Tam. 1. 12. Lord promised to t. that love him, 2. 5. 1 Pet. 4. 6. gosi)el i)reached also to t. that are dead 2 Pet. 1. 1. to t. that obtained like precious faith 2. 22. happened unto t. according to the proverb Rev. 9. 3. unto t. was given power as the scorpions t. it was given that they should not kill them 20. 4. they sat, and judgment was given unto I. See Say, Woe. Toward THEM. Psal. 103. ll.sogrcathismercy toicardi. that fear Mat. 14. 14. Jesus was moved with compassion to- ward t. and healed their sick, Mark 6.34. CoZ.4.5. walk in wisdom toward t. that are without 1 Thcss. 4. 12. honestly toward t. that are without Under THEM. JV«)«.1G.3] .ground clave asunder that was under I. .Job 26. 8. and the cloud is not rent under t. With THEM. Ocra.lO.O. we will deal worse with thee than with t. 34. 8. Hamor communed with t. saying, my son 43. 16. when Joseph saw Benjamin with t. he said Kxod. 6. 4. 1 have established my covenant with t. 23. 32. shall make no covenant with t. Deut. 7. 2. Lev. 26. 39. that are left shall pine away with t. 44. and to break my covenant with t. JVKm.22.12.thou shall not go ?«). «.||20.arise, gozc. t. 32. 19. we will not inherit icith t. on yonder side Doit. 2. 5. take good heed, meddle notwifh t. 19. 5. 29. would fear me, that it might he well with t. 7. 3. neither make marriages with t. .Tosh. 23. 12. 5. thus shall yc deal toith t. destroy their altars 9. who keepelh covenant with t. that love him .Tosh. 9. 15. and Joshua made peace with t. 16. ■Tudg. 1. 22. they also went, and the Lord was w.t. 19.24. and do with t. what scemeth good unlo you 1 Sa7n. 10. 6. and thou shall prophesy with t. 15. 6. go, gel yon down, lest I destroy you with t. 2 Sam. 12. 17. he would not, nor did he eat with t. 15. 36. they have there with t. their two sons 1 Kings 8.4G.and thou be angry loith t. 2 C/»-.G.36. 2 Kings 6. 16. are more than they that be toith t. 11. 9. with t. that should go out on the sabbath, and came to Jehoiada, 2 Chron. 23. 8. 22. 7. there was no reckoning made with t. 1 Chron. 9. 25. their brethren were to come with t. 2 Chron. 5. 12. and with t. 120 priests sounding 14. 11. with many, or with t. that have no power 17. 8. with t. he sent Leviles, and loith t. Elishama 9. had the book of the law oflhe Lord with t 22. 12. and he was xoith t. hid in the house of God J^zrrt5.2. zcz//t I!, were the piophetsofGod helpin; Mch. 9. 13. thou spakesl icith t. from heaven 24. that they might do with t. as they would ■ 13. 25. and I contended with t. and cursed them Ksth. 3. 11. lo do with t. as it senmcth good to thee .Tob 21. 8. their seed is established in their sight w. t. Psal. 9. 6. their memorial is perished witji t. 2.5. 14. secret of the Lord is xoith t. that fear him 35. 1. plead my cause with t. that strive with me 42. 4. t went with t. to the house of God 54.4.thc Lord is joi'WtMhat uphold my soul, 118.7. 88. 4. 1 am counted with 1. that go down into pit 119. 93. for with t. thou hast quickened me son, walk not thou in the way wit/ti. 24. 1. evil men, neither desire lo be with t. 28. 4. but such as keep the law contend with t. Keel. a. 12. it shall he well with t. that fear God Isa. 14. 1. and the stranger shall be joined with t. 20. thou shall not be joined with t. in burial 34. 7. and the unicorn shall come down with t. 57. 8. enlarged thy bed and made a covenant w. t. 59. 21. this is my covenant with t. saith the Lord CO. 9. lo bring their silver and their gold with t. 61. 8. 1 will make an everlasting covenant with t. 65. 23. blessed of Lord, and their offspring )crtA t. Jer. 18. 23. deal thus with t. in time of thine anger 27. 18. and if the word of the Lord he with t. 31. 8. t will gather with t. the blind and the lame 32. 40. 1 will make an everlasting covenant with t. THE Eiek. 16.17. thou madest images of men, and didst com)nit whoredom ^cith t. 28. | 23. 7, 43. 26. 20. bring thee down with t. that go down to pit 31. 14. w. t. that go down to pit, 32. 18, 24, 25, 29. 34.25.1 will make w. t. covenant of jicacc, 37.26. 30. 1 the Lord their God am with t. Zech. 10. 5. 37. 27. my tabernacle shall be with t. 1 their God Hos. 5. 5. Judah also shall fall with t. Mat. 9. 15. can the children fast as long as the bridegroom \swith t. ? Mark 2. 19. JmUc 5. 34. 13. 29. lest ye root up also the wheat icith t. 23. 30. wo would not have been partakers icilh t. 25. 3. took their lamps, and took no oil with t. Mark 16.20.they preached, the L. working with t. lAike 15. 2. he ealeth w. t.||lH. 7. Iho' he bear w. t 24. 33. found the eleven and them that were w. t ./0A71I7.I2. whilel wasjcitA t. in the world, I kopl 18. 5. Judas which betrayed him stood with t. 20. 24. but Thomas was not ;;;. t. when Jes. came Acts 9. 28. he was with t. coming in and going out 39. which Dorcas made while she was with t. 10. 20. arise, and go with t. \\ 11. 3. didst eat w. t. 11. 12. spirit bade me go with t. nothing doubling 21. and the hand of the Lord was with t. 12. 25. they took icith t. John surnamed Mark 14.27. rehearsed all that God had done w. 1. 15. 4. 15. 38. Paul thought not good lo lake him with t. 20. 36. he kneeled down and prayed with t. all 21. 24. be at charges with t. that they may shave Rom. 11. 17. and with t. partakest oflhe root 12. 15. bless and curse not, rejoice toith t. that do rejoice, and weej), toith t. that \\'vc[t Eph. 5. 7. be ye not therefore partakers toith t. 6. 24. grace be with t. thai love onr L. Jesus C'lir. 1 Thcss. 4. 17. shall be caught up together to/lh t. 2 Tim. 2. 22. peace toith t. that call on the Lord Heb. 3. 17. was it not toith t. that had sinned ? 8. 8. for finding fault with t. he saith, behohl 10. 16. this is the covenant I will make tcith t. 11. 31. the harlot Rahab perished not tcith '. 13. 3. them that are in bonds, as bound with t. 1 Pet. 3. 7. ye husbands, dwell with t. according 4. 4. that ye run not with t. to the same excess 2 Pet. 2. 20. latter end is worse tc.t. than beginning Rev. 9. 19. had heads, and tcith t. they do hurt 21. 3. tabernacle with men will dwell tcith t. Without THEM. Lev. 2G. 43. while she lielh desolate tcilhout t. See Teach. THEMSELVES. Gen. 19. 11. they wearied t. to find the door 43. 32. for Ihem by t. for the Egyptians by t. Exod. 5. 7. let them go and gather straw for t. 12. 39. nor had they prepared for t. victual 32. 7. for thy people have corrupted t. JJcnt. 9. 12. I 32. 5. .Tudg. 2. 19. Hos. 9. 9. JV«m. 8. 7. let them wash, and so make t. clean Deut. 32. 31. even our enemies t. being judges 1 Sam. 3. 13. because his sons )nade t. vile and he 14. 11. both of them discovered t. to the garrison 1 Kings 8. 47. if they shall bethink t. 2 Chr. 6.37. 18. 23. let thein choose one bullock for t. 'iKings 8.20. Edom made a king over t. 2 Chr. 21.8. 17. 17. sold t. to do evil in the sight of the Lord 32. made lo t. of the lowest of Them priests 19. 29. ye shall eat such things as grow of/. 1 Chroti. 19. 6. they had made t. odious to David 2 Chron. 7. 14. if my people shall humble t. 12. G. the princes and the king humbled t. 7. 20. 25. precious jewels which they slript off for t. .35. 14. afterw. they made rciidy for t. and j)riesl3 Ezra 9. 2. they have taken offtheir daughters for t. Esth. 9. 31. aiid as they had decreed for t. and seed .Tob 24. 16. houses which they had marked for t. 30. 14. in the desolation they rolled t. upon me 41. 23. they are firm in t. they cannot be moved Psal. 2. 2. the kings oflhe earth set t. against God 9. 20. the nations may know t. to be but men 44. 10. and they which hate us spoil for t. 57. 6. into the midst wliercof they are fallen t. 106. 28. they joined t. also to Baal-peor and ate 140. 8. grant not their desires, lest they exalt t. Pron. 23. 3. riches make t. wings, they fly away Eccl. 3. 18. they might sec that they i. are beasts Isa. 2. G. and they please (. in children of strangers 3. 9. for they have rewarded evil to t. 4G. 2. but t. are gone into captivity 47. 14. they shall not deliver t. from the flame 48. 2. for they call t. oflhe holy city, and stay .56. G. sons of "the stranger that join t. to the Lord .Jer. 2. 24. all they that seek her will not weary t. 4. 2. and the nations shall bless (. in him 7. 19. do they not provoke 1. 1| 9. 5. they weary (. 11. 17. for the evil they have done against t. 12. 13. have put t. to pain, but shall not profit 16. 6. nor cut t. nor make t. bald for them 27. 7. and great kings shall serve t. of hira .30. 21. and their nobles shall be oft. 34. 10. that none should serve t. of them any more Ezek. 10. 17. they were lifted up, these lift up t. THE E2«A.10.'.J2.%vas the same, their appearances and I. 14. Id. but they only bIuiII be delivered t. 34. 2. woe to sheplierds of Israel that do feed I. 10. nor shall the shepherds feed t. any more 45.5.sliall also the Levilcs of tlie house have for t. Uos. 4. 14. for t. are separated vvitli wliores 7. 14. they assembled t. for corn and wine 9. 10. but they separated t. to that slianie Hub. 1. 7. their judgments shall proceed of I. '2. 13. the people shall weary I. for very vanity Zcck. 4. li. which empty the golden oil out of t. 11.5. who slay tliem, and hold t. not guilty Mat. 14. 2. John Baptist is risen, therefore mighty works do shew forth t. in him, Mark 6. 14. 16.7. reasoned among t. Mark 8. 16. Lake 20. 14. 19. 12. there be eunuchs, who made t. eunuchs 21. 25. reasoned with t. Mark 11. 31. Luke 20. 5. 23. 4. but they t. will not move them with onu Mark 4. 17. receive it, and have no root in t. 9. 10. and llicy kept that saying with t. /,«Ae 7. 30. rejected the counsel of God against t. \S. 9. he spake to certain which trusted in t. 20. 20. sent spies which should feign t. just men 2it. 12. for before they were at enmity betv>een t. John 17. 13. they might have my joy fullilled in t. Iri. 2S. lliey t. went not into the judgment hall Jlcts 15. 32. Judas and Sila^s being prophets also t. 16. 37. but let them come t. and fetch us out Itj. 6. and when they opposed t. and blaspliemed 21.25. that they keep t. from things otfered to idols 23. 12. certain Jews bound t. under a curse, 21 24. 15. a resurrection which they t. also allow 28. 25. and when they agreed not among t. 29. the Jews had great reasoning among t. flom. 1.22.professing be wise,they became fools 24. to dishonour their own bodies between t 27. receiving in t. that recompense of their error 2. 14. these not having the law', are a law to t. 10.3. have not submitted righteousness of God 13. 2. they that resist shall receive to t. damnation 1 Cor. 6. 9. nor abusers oft. with mankind 2 Cor. 5. 15. should not henceforth live to t. but to 8. 3. beyond their power they were willing oft. 10. 12. measuring t. by t. comparing t. with t. 11. 13. transforming t. into the apostles of Christ Gal. 6. 13. for neither do they t. keep the law £/)A.4.19. who have given t. over to lasciviousness Phil. 2. 3. let each esteem other belter than t. 1 Thess. 1. 9. for they t. shew of us what manner 1 Tim. 1. 10. them that defile t. with mankind 2.9. women adorn t. in modest apparel, 1 Pet. 3.5 3. 13. they purchased to t.gooddegree and boldness G. 19. laying up in store for t. a good foundation 2 Tim. 2. 25. instructing those that oppose t. 25. may recover t. out of the snare of the devil 4. 3. but they shall heap to t. teachers, having Tit, 1. 12. one of t. even a prophet of their own Heb. 6.6. seeing they crucify to t. the Son of God 1 Pet. 1. 12. that not to t. but us they did minister 2 Pet. 2. 1. and bring upon t. swift destruction 13. sporting t. with their own deceivings while 19. they t. are the servants of corruption Julie 7. giving t. over to fornication, going after 10. they corrupt 1. 1| 12. feeding t. without fear 19. who separate t. sensual, having not the Spirit See Gather, Hide, Sprkau. THEN. Gem.. 4. 26. t. began men to call upon the Lord 13. 7. tlie Canaanite dwelt t. in the land 16. t. shall thy seed also be numbered 27. 41. t. will I slay my brother Jacob 28. 21. t. shall the Lord be my God 44.26. if ourbrother be with us t. will we go down 49. 4. t. defilest thou it ; he went up to my couch Jjev. 26. 41. if t. their hearts be humbled, and they t. accept of the punishment of their iniquity 42. t. I will remember my covenant with Jacob Josh. 14. 11. as my strength was t. so is it now 12. if the Lord be with me, t. I shall be able .TiuliT.5 S.they choose new gods, t. was war in gates 1 .Sa/n. 15. 14. what meaneth t. this bleating of sheep 2.5. 31. t. remember thine handmaid 1 Kings 8. 32. t. hear thou in heaven, 34, 36, 39, 45, 49 22. 47. there was t. no king in Edom, a deputy 2 Kings 1. 10. t. let fire come down from heaven 8. 10. Jchoshaphat being t. king of Israel 9. 3. t. open the door and flee and tarry not 1 Ckron. 11. 16. and David was t. in the hold 2C/4ron.33.13.t.Manasse3 knew the Lord was God F.ira 5. 1. t. the prophets prophesied to the Jews 2. t. rose Zerubbabel to build the house of God F.sth. 5. 9. t. went Haman forth that day joyful 14. t. said Zeresh his wife, and his friends to him 7. 10. t. was thr; king's wrath pacified Job 3. 13. 1 should have slept, t. had I been at rest 11. U. he socth also, will he not t. consider it? 22, 26. /. shall thou have delight in the Almighty 29. t. thou shalt say there is lifting up 38. 21. knowest thou it, because thou wast t. born 617 THE Psal. 27. 10. t. the Lord will t.iko me uj) 51. 13. t. will 1 leach transgressors Uiy ways 55. 12. was not an enemy, 1. 1 could liave borne it 69. 4. (. I restored that wliicli 1 took not away 106. 12. t. believed they his words, they sang 119. 6. t. shall I not be ashamed, when I have Prov. 2.5. t. shalt thou understand lire fear of Lord 9. t. shalt thou understand righteousness 24. 14. t. there shall be a reward, thy expectation i5a.32.16. (.judgment shall dwell in tlie wilderness 58. 8. t. shall thy light break forth as the morning 9. t. shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer Jcr. 4. 1. t. shall- thou not remove 11. 15. when thou dost evil, t. thou rejoiccst 18. t. thou shewedst me their doings 23. 22. t. they should have turned them from 33. 26. t. will 1 cast away the seed of Jacob Ezck. 39. 26. t. shall they know that 1 am the Lord Da7i. 5. 24. t. was part of the hand sent from him Mai. 3. 16. t. they tliat feared the Lord spake often Mat. 5. 24. and t. come and otfer thy gift 9. 15. t. shall they fast, Mark 2. 20. Luke 5. 35. 12. 29. t. will he spoil his house, Mark 3. 27. 16.27. and t. he shall reward every man according 17. 26. Jesus saith, t. are the children free 19.25. were amazed, saying, who t. can be saved 1 Mark 10. 26. Luke 18. 26 24. 14. for a witness to all, t. shall the end come 21.for t. shall be great tribulation, such not since 26. 56. t. all the disciples forsook him and fled Mark 12. 37. and whence is he t. his son ? 13. 14. t. let them that be in Judea ilee to the mountains, Luke 21. 21 Luke 6. 42. t. shalt thou see clearly to pull out JuliH 1. 21. he asked what (. art thou Elias *? 25. they asked him, why baptizest thou t. ? 7. 33. and I. I go unto him (hat sent me H. 28. t. shall ye know that I am he, and that I do Acts 2.3S.t. Peter said to Ihem, repent and be bapt, 41. Mheythat gladly receivcdhis word were bapt, 11.18. t. iiath Gud to the Gentiles granted, 26. 20, Horn. 6. 21. what fruit had yc t. in those things ? 7. 7. what shall we say t. is lire law sin 1 9. 14. 8. 17. if children, t. heirs, heirs of God, joint heirs 11. 5. so t. at this present there is a remnant 1 Cor. 4. 5. t. shall every man have praise of God 10. 19. what say I t. that the idol is any thing 13. 12. but t. face to face, now I know in part, t. shall I know even as also I am known 14. 15. what is it t. "! || 2 Cor. 12. 10. t. am I strong . as a t. is ashamed when he is found Has. 7. 1. thet. cometh in, and robbers without Joel 2. 9. they shall enter at the windows like a t. Zech. 5. 4. it shall enter into the house ofthe t. Jtfa4.24.43.what watch t.would come, Luke 12.39. 26. 55. are ye come as against a ?.with swords and staves to take me f Mark 14. 48. Luke'22.52. Luke 12. 33. in heaven, where no t. approacheth John 10.1. by the door, the same is a t. and a robber 10. the t. cometh not but to steal and to kill 12. 6. but because he was a t. and had the bag 1 ofthe L. cometh as a J. 2 Pc (.3.10. 4. that that day should overtake you as a t. I Pet. 4. 15. but let none of you suffer as a t. Hev. 3. 3. I will come on thee as a t. 16. 15. THIEVES. Isa. 1. 23. thy princes are companions oft. Jer. 48. 27. was not Israel found among 1. 1 49. 9. if t. by night, they will destroy, Obad. 5. Mat. 6. 19. and where t. break through and steal 20. and where t. do not break through nor steal 21.13.niade it a denof «. Mark 11.17. iaie 19.46. 27. 38. two t. crucified with him, Mark 15. 27. 44. the I. also cast the same in his teeth Luke 10.30. went down to Jericho and fell among 36.whichwas neighbour to him that fell amongt John 10. 8. all that ever came before me are t. 1 Cor. 6. 10. nor t. inherit the kingdom of God THIGH. Oen. 24. 2. put thy hand under my t. 9. | 47. 29. 32. 25. he touched the hollow of Jacob's t. 31. and as he passed he halted upon his t. 46. t26. that came out of Jacob's t. Eiod. 1. f-^- JViM/i. 5. 21. the Lord niaketh thy t. to rot, 22, 27. Judg. 3. 16. Ehud did gird a dagger on his right t. 21. Ehud took the dagger from his right t. 8. 1 30.Gideon had seventy sons going out of his t. 15. 8. and Samson smofe them hip and t. Psal. 45.3. gird thy sword on thy t. O most mighty Cant. 3. 8. every man hath his sword on his t. Isa. 47. 2. uncover the (. pass over the rivers Jer. 31. 19. I was inslructed, I smote upon my t. Ezek. 21. 12. cry and howl, smite therefore upon (. 24. 4. gather the t. and shoulder into the pot Reii. 19. 16. he hath on his t. a name written THIGHS. flfco(i.28.42.breeches shall reach from loins to theJ. Cant. 7. 1. the joints of thy t. are like jewels Dan. 2. 32. his belly and his t. were of brass THIN. Gen. 41. 6. and behold seven t. ears, 7, 23, 24. 27. the seven t. kine are seven years Exod. 39. 3. they beat the gold into t. plates Lev. 13. .30. and there be in it a yellow t. hair 2 Sam. 13. f 4. why art thou t. from day to day 1 1 Kings 7. 29. certain additions made of t. work Isa. 17. 4. the glory of Jacob shall be made t. THINE. Oen. 14. 23. I will not take any thing that is t. 20. 7. thou shalt die, thou and all that are t. 31. 32. discern what is t. with me and take it 33. 1 9. Esau said, be that to thee, that is t. 48. 6. and tliy issue after them shall be t. Lev. 10. 15. it shall be t. and thy sons with thee, JVum. 18. 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18. JV*«m. 22. 30. hast ridden on ever since I was t. Deut. 1.5. 3. what is t. with thy brother, release 28. 1 41. shall beget sons, but they shall not be t. 30. 4. if any of t. be driven into outmost parts Josh. 17. 18. but the mountains shall be t. and the out-goings of it shall be t. .Tndg. 15. t 2. her younger sister, let her be t 1 Sam. 2.33. the man oft. whom I shall not cutoff 1.5. 28. and hath given it to a neighbour off 2Sam.l6.4.<.ar6 all that pertaniedto Mephibosheth 620 THI IKings^. 26. let it neither be mine nor (.but divide 20. 4. O king, I am (. and all that I have the placedogs shall lick thy blood, event. 1 Chron. 12. 18. (. are we, David, and on tliy side 21. 24. for I will not take that which is (. 29. 11. t. O Lord, is the greatness, power, and the glory, the earth is (. (. is the kingdom Psa^71.16.mention thy righteousness even t. only 74. 10. the day is (. the night also is t. 89. 11. the heavens are t. the earth also is t. 119. 94. I am (. save me, I sought thy precepts Isa. 45. 14. the labour of Egypt shall be t. 63. 19. we are (. thou never barest rule over them .ler. 32. 8. for the right of inheritance is (. Mat. 6.13. (. is the kingdom || 20. 14. take that is (. 25. 25. hid thy talent, lo,thete thou hast that is (. Luke 4. 7. if thou wilt worship mc, all shall be (. 5. 33. but t. eat and drink || 15. 31. all I have is (. 22. 42 nevertheless, not my will but (. be done John 17. 6. t. they were || 9. for they are (. 10. and all mine are (. and t. are mine THING. Oen. 21. 11. the t. was very grievous to Abraham 24. 50. the (. proccedeth from the Lord 34.7. which (. ought not to be done, 2 Sam. 13. 12. 19. the young man deferred not to do the t. 38.10. and the (. which he did displeased the Lord, 2.Sflm. 11. 27. 41. 32. because the t. is established by God Exod. 10. 15. remained not any green (. in the trees 18.11. in the (. wherein they dealt proudly he was 17. Jcthro said, the (. that thou doest is not good 22. 9. for any manner of lost (. which another 15. if it be a hired (. it came for his hire .34. 10. a terrible (. that I will do with thee Lev. 2. 3. a (. most holy of your ofl'erinjs, 10. 4. 13. and the t. be hid ffom the eyes of assembly 6. 2. trespass in a (. taken away by violence 4. the t. deceitfully gotten, or the lost t. 12. 4. she shall touch no hallowed t. nor come 20. 17. it is a wicked (. they shall be cut off JVum. 16.30. but if Lord make a new (. earth open Deut. 1. 14. the (.which thou hast spoken is good 12.32. what (. soever I command you, observe 13. 14. if it be truth, and the (. certain, 17. 4. 18. 22. if the (. follow not, nor come to pass 32. 47. it is not a vain t. for you, it is your life .Tosh. G. 18. keep yourselves from the accursed (. 22. 33. the (. pleased the children of Israel Judg. 8. 27. which (. became a snare to Gideon 19. 24. but unto this man do not so vile a (. Ruth3. 18. till he have finished the (. to-day 1 Sam. 3.11. behold, I will do at. in Israel at which 17. what is the (. that the Lord hath said to thee? 4. 7. there hath not been such a t. heretofore 8. 6. the (. displeased Samuel, when they said 14. 12. come up lo us, and we will shew you a ( 18. 20. they told Saul, and the t. pleased him 2 Sam. 13. 33. let not my lord take the (. to heart 14. 13. wherefore hast thou thought such at.? 18. hide not the (. that I shall ask thee 15. 35. what t. thou shalt hear, tell to Zadok 17. 19. she spread corn, and the t. was not known 1 Kingsl4.5.t\w wife of Jeroboam cometh to ask /,. ifCings 2.10. Elijah said, thou hast asked a hard (. 7.19. make windows in heaven, might such a t. be 20. 9. have this sign, that the Lord will do the t. XChr. 13. 4. t. was right in the eyes ofthe people 17.23. let the t. thou hast spoken be established 2 Chron. 29. 36. for the (. was done suddenly 30. 4. the t. pleased the king and congregation Ezra 7. 27. hath put such a t. in the king's heart Esth. 2. 4. the t. pleased the king, and he did so 22. the t. was known to TVIordecai, who told it 5.14.the t. pleased Hanian, and he caused gallows 8. 5. and if the t. seem right before the king .lob 3. 25. the 1. 1 greatly feared is come upon me 4. 12. now a t. was secretly brought to me 6. 8. O that God would grant me the 1. 1 long for 13. 28. he as a rotten t. consumeth, as a garment 14. 4. who can bring a clean t. out of an unclean? 22.28. thou shalt decree a t. it shall be established 23. 14. he performeth the t. is appointed for me 26. 3. how hast plentifully declared the (. as it is ? 42. 7. not spoken of mo the t. that is right, 8. Psal. 2. 1. why do the people imagine a vain t. ? 33. 17. a horse is a vain t. for safety 38. 20. because I follow the t. that good is 89. 34. nor alter the t. that is gone out of my lips 101. 3. I will set no wicked (. before mine eyes Prov. 4. 7. wisdom is the principal t. therefore get 22. 18. for it is a pleasant t. if thou keep them 25. 2. it is the glory of God to conceal a t. Eccl. 1. 9. the (. that hath been, it is that which shall be, and there is no new t. under the sun 7. 8. better is the end of a t. than the beginning 8. 1. and who knoweth the interpretation of a t.? 1.5. a man hath no better (.than to eat and drink 11. 7. a pleasant (,. it is for eyes to behold the sun Isa. 7. 13. is it a small (. for you to weary men THI 7sa. 15.6. there is no green t. || 17. 13. a rolling (. 29.16. shall the (. framed say of him that framed it 21. that turn aside the just for a t. of nought 40. 15. he taketh up the isles as a very little t. 41. 12. and they shall be as a t. of nought 43. 19. I will do a new (. it shall spring forth 5.5. 11. it shall prosper in the (. whereto I sent it 66. 8. who hath heard such a (. who hath seen Jer. 2. 10. consider, and see if there be such a t. 5. 30. a horrible t. is committed in the land 11. 13. ye set up altars to that shameful (. to Baal 14. 14. they prophesy unto you a t. of nought 18. 13. the virgin of Israel hath done a horrible (. 23. 14. I have seen in the prophets a horrible t. 31. 22. Lord hath created a new t. in the earfh 38. 14. I will ask thee a (. hide nothing from me 42.3.that God may shew us the (. that we may do 4. that whatsoever (. the Lord shall answer you 44. 17. we will do what (. goeth out of our mouth Lam. 2. 13. what (.shall I take to witness for thee ? what t. shall I liken to thee ? Ezek. 14. 9. if deceived when he hath spoken at. 16. 47. but as if it were a very little t. Dan. 2. 5. the king said, the t.'is gone from me, 8. 11. and it is a rare (. that the king requireth 15. Arioch made the t. known to Daniel 17. Daniel made the t. known to Ilananiah 4. 33. the same hour was the t. fulfilled on Neb. 5. 15. could not shew the interpretation ofthe t. 26. this is the interpretation of the t. Mene 6. 12. the t. is true, according to the law 10. 1. a (. was revealed to Daniel, and the t. was true, and he understood the t. and the vision Uos. 6. 10. 1 have seen a horrible (. in Israel 8. 12. but they were counted as a strange (. Jlmos 6. 13. ye which rejoice in a t. of nought Mai. 1. 14. and sacrificeth to the Lord, a corrupt t. .Wflril.27.what (.is this?what new doctrine is this? Luke 12. 11. how or what t. ye shall answer John .5. 14. sin no more, lest a worse t. come to thee 9. 30. the man said, herein is a marvellous t. .Sets 10. 28. it is unlawful t. for man that is a Jew 17. 21. but either to tell or hear some new t. 21. 25. have written, that they observe no such t. 23. 17. for lie hath a certain t. to tell him 25. 26. of whom I have no certain t. to write 26. 8. why should it be thought a t. incredible 10. which 1. 1 also did in Jerusalem, and many flom.9.20. shall (. formed say to him that formed it 1 Cor. 1. 10. 1 beseech that ye all speak the same (. 4. 3. with me it is a very small t. that I be judged 8. 7. some eat it as a t. offered unto an idol 2Cor. 5.5. hath wrought us for the self-same (. is G. 7. 11. this self-same (. that ye sorrowed after Phil. 3. 16. nevertheless, let us mind the same t. 2 Thess. 1. 6. seeing it is a righteous t. with God 7/e*.10.29.the blood ofthe covenant an unholy t. 31. a fearful (. to fall into the hands of living G. 1 Pet. 4. 12. as though some strange (. happened 1 John 2. 8. which t. is true in him, and in you Rev. 2.15. doctrine of Nicolaitans, which f . I hate See Accursed. Any THING. Oen. 14. 23. I will not take any t. that is thine 18. 14. is any t. too hard for the Lord 19. 22. cannot do any t. till thou be come thither 22. 12. neither do thou any t. unto the lad .10. 31. Jacob said, thou shajt not give me any t. 39. 9. neither hath he kept back any t. from me 23. he looked not to any t. under his hand Exod. 20. 4. thou shalt not make unto thee any likeness of any t. Deut. 4. 18, 23, 25. | .5. 8. 17.nor any t. that is thy neighbour's, Deut. 5. 21. Lev. 6. 7. forgiven him for ayty t. he hath done 13. 48. in any t. made of skin, 49, 52, .53, 57, 59. 15. 6. that sitteth on any t. whereon he sat, 23. 10. who toucheth any t. that was under him, 22. 19. 26. ye shall not eat any t. with the blood 21. 18. or that hath a7iy t. superfluous, 22, 23. JVM»n .20.10.1 will go thro' without doing any t. else 22. 38. have I now any power at all to say any t. ? 35. 22. cast upon him any t. without laying wail Deut. 4. 32. if there hath been any such (. as this 8. 9. thou shalt not lack any t. in the land 14. 3. thou shalt not eat any abominable t. 21. ye shall not eat any t. that dielh of itself 16. 4. nor shall there any t. ofthe flesh remain 23. 19. usury of any t. that is lent upon usury 24. 10. when thou dost lend thy brother any t. 31. 13. their children who have not known any t. ,7osA. 21.45. there failed not ought of any t. spoken .Tudg. 11. 25. art thou any i. better than Balak ? 18. 7. that might put them to shame in any t. lO.a place where there is no want of any (.19.19. 1 Sam. 3. 17. God do so to thee, if thou hide any r. 20. 26. but Saul spake not any t. that day 39. but the lad knew not any t. only Jonathan 21. 2. let no man know any t. of tho business 22.15. let not the king impute any t. to his servant 25. 15. we were not hurt, neither missed we any t. THI l.Som.30.19.therewas not lacking any t. had taken 2 Sam. 1X2. he thought it hard to do any Ho her 15.11.they went in snnpUcity, tiiey knew not anul. 1 Kings 10. 3. tliere was not a. t. liid tVoni tlie king 15. 5. turned not aside t'rom any t. commanded 20. 33. whether any t. would come from him 2 Kings 4. 2. hatli not any t. save a pot of oil 1 C'tron. 26. 28. wlioeoever had dedicated any t. 2 Citron. !). 20. silver was not any t. accounted of 23. 19. that none unclean in any t. should enter in Job 15. 11. is there any secret t. with thee 1 33. 32. if thou hast atiy t. to say, answer mo Ps(iZ.34.10. that seek L. shall not want any good t. 141. 4. incline not my heart to any evil (. Kccl.l.lO.any t. whereof it may be said, this is new 3. 14. nothing be put to it, nor any t. taken from it 5. 2. heart not be hasty to utter any t. before God 9. 5. dead know not any t. nor have they a reward Jcr. 32. 27. is there any t. too hard for me ? 26. 5. for the king is not he that can do any t. 42. 21. nor any t. for which he hath sent me to you Dan. 3. 29. wliich speak any t. amiss against God Jonah 3. 7. let neither man nor beast taste any t. Mat. IS. 19. if two shall agree touching any t. 24.17. to lake any t. out of his house, Mark 13.15. Mark 4. 22. nor was any t. kept secret, iMkc 8. 17. 9. 22. if thou canst do any t. have compassion on 11. 13. if haply he might find an?/t. thereon 16. 8. neither said they any t. to any man I^uke 19. 8. if I have taken any t. from any man 22. 35. lacked ye any t. ? and they said, nothing John 1. 3. and without him was not any t. made 46. can there any good t. come out of Nazareth 1 7. 4. there is no man that doeth any t. in secret 14. 14. if ye ask any t. in my name, I will do it .Sets 10. 14. I have never eaten any t. common 17. 25. as tho' he needed any t. seeing he givetli 25. 8. nor against Cesar, have I ofiendcd any t. 11. or if I committed aiiy t. worthy of death Rom. 8 33. lay any t. to the charge of God's elect 13. 8. owe no man any t. but to love one another 14. 21. nor any t. whereby thy brother stumbleth 1 Cor. 2. 2. nor to know any t. save Jesus crucified 3. 7. neither is he that planteth anyt. nor watereth 8. 2. if any man think that he knoweth any t. 10. 19. what say I then ? that the idol is any i. 14. 35. if learn any t. let them ask their husbands 2 Cor. 2. 10. to whom ye forgive any 1. 1 forgive, for ifl forgive any t.l forgave in the person of Christ 3. 5. not sufficient to think any t. as of ourselves fi. 3. giving no offence in any t. that the ministry 7. 14. for if I have boasted any t. to him of you Gal. a. 6. neither circumcision availeth any i. nor Kph. 5. 27. not having wrinkle, or any such t. Phil. 3. 15. if in any t. ye be otherwise minded 1 Thess. 1. 8. so that we need not to speak any t I Tim. 1. 10. and if there be any other t. contrary Jam. 1.7. that he shall receive any t. of the Lord 1 John 5. 14. if we ask any t. according to his will Jicv. 9. 4. that they should not hurt any green i. 21. 27. in no wise enter any t. that defileth Every THING. Gen. 6. 17. every t. that is in the earth shall die 8. 1. God remembered Noah and every living t. 9. 3. every moving I. that liveth shall be meat L,ec. 15. 4. every t. whereon he sitteth, unclean 20. every t. she sitteth on shall be unclean 23. 37. ye shall offer every t. upon his day 27. 23. every devoted t. is most holy to the Lord JVum. 18. 14. every t. devoted in Israel shall be thine, Ezek. 44. 29. 15. every t. that openeth the matrix be thine 31. 23. every t. that may abide fire, make it go lieut. 23. 9. then keep thee from every wicked (. J(>s/j.4.10.the priests stood till every t. was finished 1 Sam. 15. 9. every t. that was vile they destroyed 2 Sam. 15. 30. send unto me every t. ye can hear Esth. 6. 13. told every t. that had befallen him Job 28. 10. and his eye seeth every precious t. 39. 8. and he searcheth after every green t. 42. 2. I know tliat thou canst do every t. /'«aJ.150.(>.let every t.that hath breath praise Lord ' Prov. 27. 7. to the hungry every bitter t. is sweet Eccl. 3. 1. to every t. there is a season and a time 11. hath made every t. beautiful in his time 12. 14. work into judgment with every secret t. Tsa. 19. 7. every t. sown by the brooks shall wither Ezek. 47. 9. every t. shall live where rivers come Mat. 8. 33. told every t. and what was befallen 1 Cor. 1. 5. in every t. ye are enriched, 2 Cor. 9. 11. ye are bound in every t.'u\ faith, in love 10. 5. and every high t. that exalteth itself Eph. 5. 24. be siibject to their husbands in every t. Phil. 4. 6. in every t. by prayer and supplication 1 Thess. 5. 18. in every t. give thanks, for this is See Crkepeth, Ckkkping, Evil, Good, Grkat, Hoi,y, Light, Living, Onk, Small. That THING. Gen. 18. 17. hide from Abraham that t. which I do 621 THI Exod. 9. 6. and the Lord did that t. on the morrow ico.S.S.shall confess that he hath sinned in thalt. Dent. 17. 5. which have committed tftat wicked t. Luke 9. 21. he charged them to tell no man that t. 12. 26. if ye be not able to do that t. which is least fiom.l4.22.nothimself in that t. which he alloweth This THING. G'en.19. 21. 1 have accepted thee concerning this t. 20. 10. sawest thou that thou hast done this t. 21. 26. I wot not who hath done this t. neitlier 22. 16. done this t. and not withheld thy son 30. 31. if wilt do this t. I will again feed tlock 34. 14. wo cannot do this t. to give our sister 41. 28. this is the t. I have spoken to Pharaoh 44. 7. that we should do according to this t. Exod. 1. 18. why have ye done this t. and saved 2. 14. and Moses said, surely this t. is known 15. Pharaoh heard this t.he sought to slay Moses 9. 5. to-morrow the Lord shall do this t. in laud 12. 24. observe this t. for an ordinance to thee 16. 16. this is the t. which the Lord commanded, 32. I 35. 4. Lev. 8. 5. I 9. 6. | 17. 2. JVum. 30. 1. ] 36. 6. Deut. 15. 15. | 24. 18, 22. 18. 14. what is this t. thou doest to the people ? 18. this I. is too heavy for thee, thou art not able 23.if thou shall do this t. and God command thee 29. 1. this is the t. that thou shall do to them 33. 17. I will do this t. that thou hast spoken JVum. 32.20. If ye will do this t. if ye will go armed 36. 6. this t. Lord commands about daughters Deut. 1. 32. yet in this t. ye did not believe God I5.10.for this t. the Lord thy God shall bless thee 22. 20. if this t. be true, and tokens be not found 32. 47. thro' this t- ye shall prolong your days Josh. 9. 24. we were afraid, and have done this t. 22. 24. have not rather done it for fear of this t. Jiidg. 6. 29. they said one to another, who hath done this t. 7 Gideon hath done this t. n. 37. let this t. be done for me, let me alone 20. 9. this shall be the t. which we will do 21. 11. and this is the «. that ye shall do 1.9a77!.20.2. why should my father hide t.t. from me 24. 6. the Lord forbid that I should do this t. 26. 16. this t. is not good that thou hast done 28. 10. no punishment happen to thee for this t. 18. Lord hath done this t. unto Ihec this day 2 Sam. 2. 6. requite, because ye have done this t. 11. 11. as thy soul liveth, I will not do this t. 25. say to joab, let not this t. displease thee 12. 5. the man that hath done this t. shall die 6. because he did this t. and had no pity 12.but I will do this t. before all Isr. and the sun 13. 20. he is thy brother, regard not this t. 14. 13. the king doth speak this t. as one faulty 15. I am come to speak of this t. unto the king 20. my lord, thy servant Joab hath done this t. 24. 3. why doth my lord the king delight in this t.? 1 Kings 1. 27. is this t. done by my lord the king 1 3.10.pleased Lord that Solomon had asked t.t. 11. 11. lO.he had commanded him concerning this t. 12. 24. return every man, for this t. is from me 30. made two calves, and this t. became a sin 13. 33. after this t. Jeroboam returned not 34. this t. became sin to the house of Jeroboam 20. 9. tell my lord the king this t. I may not do 24. do this t. take the kings away, every man 2 Kings 5.18. in this t. the Lord pardon thy servant 6. 11. the king of Syria was troubled for this t. 7. 2. Lord would make windows, might this t. be 11. !>. this is the t. that ye shall do, 2 Chr. 23. 4. 17. 12. the Lord had said, ye shall not do this t. 1 Chron. 11. 19. God forbid that I should do this t. 21. 3. why then doth my lord require this t. ? 7. and God was displeased with this t. 8. I have sinned, because I have done this t. 2 C'Arnn.11.4. return every man, this t. done of me 16. 10. was in rage with him, because of this t. Ezra 9. 3. when I heard this 1. 1 rent my garment 10. 2. there is hope in Israel concerning this t. 13. we arc many that have transgressed in this t. JVeh. 2. 19. what is this t. that ye do 1 will ye rebel Isa. 38. 7. Lord will do this t. that he hath sjioken Jer. 7. 23. but this is the (. that I command them 22.4. if ye do (. t. indeed, then shall enter in kings 40. 3. therefore this t. is come upon you 16. Gedaliah said, thou shalt not do this t. 44. 4. oh do not this abominable t. that I hate Mark5.33.he looked to see her that had done this t. T.uke 2. 15. and see this t. which is come to pass 22.23. which of them it was that should do this t. .Tohn 18. 34. sayest thou this t. of thyself 1 Jlcts 5. 4. why hast thou conceived this t. in heart? 26. 26. for this t. was not done in a comer Rom. 13. 6. attending continually upon this very t. 1 Cor. 9.17. if I do this t. willingly, I have a reward 2 Cor. 12. 8. for this 1. 1 besought the Lord thrice PAi7.1.6.hemg confidentin this very t. thathe who 3.13. but this one t.l do, I press toward the mark Unclean THING. Lev. 5. 2. or if a soul touch any unclean t. 7. 21. THI ifr .7.19.fle9h that toucheth unclean t.not be eaten 20. 21. take his brother's wife, it is an unclean t. Deut. 23. 14. that he see no unclean t. in thee lutlg. 13. 4. and eat not any unclean t. 7, 14. Isa. 52. 11. touch no unclean t. 2 Cor. 6. 17. 64. 6. we are all as an unclean t. we all do fade Acts 10. 14. have never eaten any t, that is unclean THINGS. Oc7i.45.23.ten asses laden with the good t.of Egypt Lev. 4. 2. if a soul sin thro' ignorance concerning t. which ought not to be done, 13, 22, 27. Deut. 4. 9. lest thou forget t. thine eyes have seen 22.3. and with all lost t.of thy brother's he hath lost 29. 29. the secret t. belong unto the Lord our God 32. 35. the t. that shall come on them make haste 33. 15. for the chief t. of the ancient mountains Jvdg. 18. 27. took the t. which Micah had made 1 .Sam. 12. 21. for then should ye go after vain t. 15. 21. but tlie people took the chief of the t. 2 Sam. 24. 12. 1 otfer thee three t. 1 Chron. 21. 10. 1 A7nn-s7. 51. Solomon brought in the t. dedicated 15. 15. Asa brought in the t. 2 Chron. 15. 18. 2 Kings 17. 11. and Israel wrought wicked t. to provoke the Lord to anger 1 Chron. 4. 22. and these are ancient (. 9. 31. the oiiice over t. that were made in pans 29. 2. prepared gold for t. of gold, silver for t. of silver, brass for t. of brass, iron for t. of iron 2 Chron. 12. 12. and also in Judah t. went well Esth. 2. 3. let t. for purification be given them, 12. .lob 5. 9. who doth marvellous t. without number 6. 7. the t. that my soul refuseth to touch 30. cannot my taste discern perverse t. ? 12. 22. he discovereth deep t. out of darkness 13.20.only do not two t. to me, then will I not hide 26. for thou writest bitter t. against me 41. 34. he beholdeth all high t. is king over pride 42. 3. I have uttered t. too wonderful for me Psal. 12. 3. cut off tongue, that speaketh proud t. 17. 2. thine eyes behold the t. that are equal 31. 18. which speak grievous t. proudly 35. 11. they laid to my charge t. I knew not 38. 12. that se ek my hurt, speak mischievous t. 45. 1. 1 speak of the t. which I have made 4. tliy right hand shall teach thee terrible t. 60. 3. thou hast shewed thy people hard t. 65. 5. by terrible t. wilt thou answer us, O God 72.18.the G. of Israel, who only doth wcmdrous t. 78. 12. marvellous t. did he in Egypt, 98. 1. 86. 10. thou art great, and doest wondrous t. 87.3. glorious t. are spoken of thee, O city of God 94.4. how long shall they utter and speak hard t.? 106. 22. who had done terrible t. by the Red sea 113. 6. himself to behold the t. that are in heaven 119. 18. I may behold wondrous t. out of thy law 131. 1. in great matters, or in t. too high for me Prov. 2. 12. from the man that speaketh froward t. 8. 6. 1 will speak of excellent t. of right t. 16. 30. he shutteth his eyes to devise froward t. 22. 20. I have written to thee excellent t. 23. 16. shalt rejoice, when thy lips speak right t. 33. and thine heart shall utter perverse t. 30. 7. two *. have I required of thee, deny them not 15. there are three t. that are never satisfied 18. there be three t. that be too wonderful 21. for three t. the earth is disquieted • 24. four t. which are little on the earth 29. there be three t. which go welj, yea four Eccl. 1. 11. nor any remembrance of t. to come 7. 25. to seek out wisdom, and the reason of t. Isa.l2. 5. sing to Lord, for he hath done excellent t. 25.1. sing to Lord, for thou hast done won(terful t. 6. Ld. shall make unto all pcojile a feast of fat t. 29. 16. surely your turning of t. upside down 30. 10. which say, prophesy not to us right t. 32. 8. but tho liberal deviseth liberal t. and by liberal t. shall he stand 41. 23. shew the t. that are to come hereafter 42. 9. former t. come to pass, and new 1. 1 declare 16. I will make crooked t. straight 44. 7. the t. that are coming and shall come 45. 11. ask me oft. to come concerning my son 19. I the Lord speak, I declare t. that are right 48. 6. I have shewed thee new t. even hidden t. 56.4.the eunuchs that choose the t. that please me 64. 3. thou didst terrible t. we looked not for 11. and all our pleasant t. are laid waste 6.5. 4. broth of abominable t. is in their vessels Jer. 2. 8. walked after t. that do not profit, 16. 19. 8. 13, the t. I have given them shall pass away 31. 5. the planters shall eat them as common t. Lam. 1. 7. Jerusalem remembered her pleasant t. 11. they have given her pleasant t. for meat 2. 14. thy prophets have seen foolish t. for thee Ezek. 11.5. I know the t. that come in your mind 10. 16. like t. shall not come, nor shall it be so the same time sliall t. come into thy mind Dan. 2. 22. he revealeth the deep and secret t. 1 1.36. shall speak marvellous t. against G. of gods Joel 3. 5. carried into your temples my goodly t. THI Obad. 6. how are the (. of Esau searched out ! how are his hidden t. sought up ! Mic. 7. 15. I will shew unto him marvellous t. ZeckAM.for who hath despised the day of small t. Mat. 6. 34. morrow take thought for t. of itself 13. 52. brings out of his treasure t. new and old 16. 23. savourest not t. that be of G. Mark 8. 33. 22. 21. render therefore to Cesar the t. that are Cesar's, and to God the t. that are God's, Mark 12. 17. Luke 20. 25. Mark 4.19.Iusts ofother t. entering in, choke word 7. 15. but the t. which come out of him defile Luke 5. 26. saying, we have seen strange t. to-day 6. 46. call me Lord, and do not the t. which I say 10.23. blessed the eyes which see the £. that yesee 12. 15. in the abundance of the t. he possesseth 48. and did commit t. worthy of stiipes 18.27. the t. which are impossible with men are 19.42.hadst known the t. which belong to thy peace 2-i. 37. for the t. concerning me have an end 23.48. all people beholding the t. which were done 24.18.hast not known the t.which are come to pass 27. he expounded the t. concerning himself John 1. .50. thou shalt see greater t. than these 3. 12. if I have told you earthly «. heavenly t. 16. 1.3. the Spirit will shew you t. to come Acts 1. 3. speaking of I. pertaining to the kingdom 4. 20. we cannot but speak the t. we have seen 2.5. and why did the people imagine vain t. ? 32. that ousht of the t. ho posses.^ed was his own 8. 12. preaching the t. concerning the kingd. of G. 15. 20. that they abstain from t. strangled, 29. 16. 14. she attended to the t. spoken of Paul 18. 25. Apollos taught diligently the t. of the Lord 19. 8. persuading t. concerning the kingdom of G. 20. 22. not knowing the t. that shall befall me 30. shall men arise, speaking perverse t. to draw 21. 25. that they keep from t. offered to idols 24. 13. neither can they prove the t. whereof 26. 22. saying none other t. than the prophets 28. 24. some believed the t. that were spoken Rom. 1. 20. the invisible t. of him are clearly seen, being understood by the t. that are made 2. 1. for thou that judgest, doest the same t. 14. Gentiles do by nature t. contained in the law 18. and approvest the t. that are more excellent 8. 5. mind the t. of the flesh, mind t. of the Spirit 38. nor t. present, nor t. to come, 1 Cor. 3. 22. 12. 16. mind not high i. \\ 17. provide t. honest 14.19.follow after t.lhat make for peace,and edify 15. 4. whatsoever t. were written aforetime 27. if Gentiles made partakers of spiritual t. their duty is to minister to them in carnal t. 1 Cor. 1. 27. God hath chosen the foolish t. of the world, weak t. to confound t. which are mighty 28. base t. and t. despised hath God chosen 2. 9. the t. which God hath prepared for them 10. the Spirit searcheth the deep t. of God 11. Whatman knowetht. of man, so the (.of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God 12. we might know the (. that are freely given us 13. which t. we speak, comparing spiritual t. 14. man receiveth not the t. of the Spirit of God 4. 5. will bring to light the hidden t. of darkness t 3. much more t. that pertain to this life, 4. T32. unmarried careth for the t. of the Lord, 34. 33. married careth for the t. that are of the world 8. 1. now as touching t. offered to idols, we know 9. 11. if we have sown spiritual t. if reap carnal «. 10. 20. that the t. Avhich the Gentiles sacrifice 13.11. when I became a man,I put away childish t. 14. 7. and even t. without hfe giving sound 37. acknowledge that the t. that I write to you 16. 14. let all your t. be done with charity 2 Cor. 1. 13. for we write none other t. unto you 17.or the t. that I purpose,do I purpose according 4.2.buthave renouncfed the hidden t. of dishonesty 18. while we look not at the t. which are seen, t. seen are temporal, t. not seen are eternal 5.10. every one may receive the t. done in his body 17. old t. are passed away, all t. are become new 8.21. providing for honest i. in sight of L. and men ye look on t. after the outward appearance 13.we will not boast of {.without our measure,15. 16. and not to boast in another man's line oft. 11. 30. 1 will glory of the (. which concern mitie Oal. 2. 18. if I build again the t. which I destroyed 4. 24. which t. are an allegory, for these are two 5. 17. so that ye cannot do the t. that ye would Eph. 6. 9. and, ye masters, do the same t. to them PAi'M.lO. thatyemay approve*, that are excellent 12.the (.which happened unto me, have fallen out 2. 4. look not every man on his own t. but every man also on the t. of others 10. of t. in heaven, t. in earth, t. under earth 21. seek not the t. which are Jesus Christ's 3. 1. to write the same t. \\ 19. who mind earthly t. 4.8. whatsoever t.are true.honest, just,pure,lovely 18. 1 am full, having received the t. sent from you Col. 1. 20. whether t. in earth, or t. in heaven 622 THI CoZ.2.17.whichareshadowof(.tocome, Wei. 10.1. 23. which t. have indeed a show of wisdom 3.2.set your affection on £.above,not on t. on earth 6. for which t. sake the wrath of God cometh 1 T'Aess.2.14.for ye also havesuffered like (. of your 2 Tkess. 3. 4. and will do the t. which we command 1 Tim. 5. 13. speaking I. which they ought not 2 Tim. 2. 2. the t. which thou hast heard of me 3. 14. continue in t. which thou hast learned Tit. 1. 5. thou Bhouldest set in order the t. wanting 11. teaching t. they ought not for lucre's sake 2. 1. speak thou t. which become sound doctrine Heb. 2. 1. give heed to the t. which we have heard faithful high priest in (. pertaining to G.5.1. 5. 8. yet learned he obedience by the t. he suffered 6. 9. but, beloved, we are persuaded better t. of you, and t. that accompany salvation 18. that by two immutable t. in which it was 8. 1. of the t. we have spoken this is the sum 5. to the example and shadow of heavenly t. 9. 23. that the patterns of (. in the heavens be puri- fied, but heavenly t. with better sacrifices 11. 1. now faith is the substance of t. hoped for, the evidence oft. not seen 3. (. seen were not made oft. which do appear 7. Noah being warned of Godoft. not seen asyet 20.blessed Jacob and Esau concerning t. to come 12. 24. that speaketh better f. than that of Abel .Tarn. 3. 7. and t. in the sea are tamed of mankind 1 Pet. 1. 12. they did minister t. which are now re- ported ; which t. the angels desire to look into 18. ye were not redeemed with corruptible t. 2 Pet. 2. 12. speak evil oft. they understand not 1 .John 2. 15. neither the t. that are in the world Rev. 1. 1. the revelation of Jesus Christ to shew to his servants (. must shortly come to pass, 22. 6. 1. 19. write the t. which thou hast seen, the t. which are, and t. which shall be hereafter 2. 14. hut I have a few t. against thee, to eat t. sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication, 20. 3. 2. strengthen the t. which remain, ready to die 4. 1. 1 will shew thee the t. must be hereafter 10. 6. and sware by him who created heaven, earth, sea, and all t. that therein are 21. 4. for the former t. are passed away 22. 19. take his part from t. written in this book See Creeping, Dedicate, Detestable, For- mer, Precious. Ml THINGS. Oen. 9. 3. as the green herb have I given you all t. 24. 1. the Lord hath blessed Abraham in all t. 06. the servant told Isaac all t. that he had done Exod. 23. 13. in all t. I have said, be circumspect 29. 35. do according to all t. I commanded thee icii.8.36. Aaron and his sonsdid all t. commanded Ja7i.6.5.shall not find occasion againstf.Daniel,28. Hos. 7. 16. t. shall be their derision in Egypt .Imos 4. 5. t. liketli you, O children of Israel 7. 3. the Lord repented for t. it shall not be, 6. 8. 8. shall not the land tremble for t.? 9. 12. saith the Lord that doth t. Jonah 4. 2. was not t. my saying in my country? Zeph. 2. 10. t. shall they have for their pride\;M come to pass if ye will obey Lord 14. 12. t. shall be the plague wherewith, 15. 19. t. shall be the punishment of Egypt Mai. 1. 9. t. hath been by your means 13. should I accept t. of your hands? saith Lord 625 THI Mal.2. 12. theL. will cut oft" the man that doeth t. Mat. 12. 7. but if ye had known what I. meaneth 13. 55. is not t. the curjienter's son ? Mark 6. 3. I^uke 4. 22. Jo/m G. 42! 16. 22. saying. Lord, t. shall not be unto thee 24. 43. know t. that if the good man of the house had known in what watch, Luke 12. 39. 26. 13. shall also t. that t. woman hath done 27. 54. saying, truly t. was the Son of God 28. 14. and if t. come to the governor's ears Mark 12. 31. and the second is like, namely, t. Luke 1. 18. whereby shall 1 know t. for I am old 34. how shall t. be, seeing 1 know not a man? 6G. saying, what manner of child shall t. be? 3. 20. added yet t. above all, that he shut up John 0. 3. have ye not read so much as t. what David 10. 11. be sure of t. || 20. in t. rejoice not 15. 24. t. my son was dead and is alive again 22. 17. take t. and divide it among yourselves 37. that t. must yet be accomplished in me 23. 47. certainly t. was a righteous man John 1. 15. saying, t. was he of whom I spake 2. 22. his disciples remembered he had said t. 4. 27. on t. came his disciples, and marvelled 29. is not t. the Christ? || 5. 28. marvel not at t. 6. 6. t.he said to prove him, for he himself knew 7. 25. is not t. he whom they seek to kill 1 8.40. t. did not Abraham || 11. 2G. believest thou ;. 11. 51. t. spake he not of himself, but projihcsied 12. 6. t. he said, not that he cared for the poor 13. 28. for what intent he spake t. unto him 35. by t. shall all men know ye are my disciples 15. 13. greater love hath no man than i. 16.30. by t. we believe that thou camest from God jicts 1. 11. t. Jesus shall so come in like manner 2. 12. what meaneth t.? \\ 31. he seeing t. before 32. t. Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all 33. he hath shed forth t. which ye now see 37. when they heard t. they were pricked 3. 12. ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at t.? 5. 24. they doubted whereunto t. would grow G.14. that t.JesusofNazareth shall destroy t. place 7. 35. t. Moses whom they refused, did God send 40. as for t. Moses, we wot not what is become 8. 22. repent therefore of t. thy wickedness 32. the place of scripture which he read was t. 9. 21. is not t. he that destroyed them which 13. 48. when the Gentiles heanl t. they were glad 15. 15. to t. agree the words of the prophets 16. 18. t. did she many days, but Paul turned 19. 5. when they heard t. they were baptized 24. 14. but 1. 1 confess to thee, that after the way Ro7ii. 2. 3. thinkest thou t. O man, that judgest G. 6. knowing t. that our old man is crucified 9. 10. not only t. hut when Rebecca conceived 15. 28. when therefore I have performed t. 1 Cor. 1. 12. 1. 1 say, every one saith, I am of Paul 9. 3. my answer to them that examine me is t. 11. 17. in t. that I declare to you, I praise not 22. shall I praise you in t.? I praise you not 15. 34. have not knowledge, I speak t. to shame 2 Cor. 5. 2. in t. we groan earnestly, desiring 7. 3. I speak not t. to condemn you, for I said 8. 5. t. they did, not as we hoped, but first gave 10. 7. let him of himself think t. again, 11. 13. 9. and t. also we wish, even your perfection Gal. 3. 2. t. would I learn of you, received ye 5. 14. the law is fulfilled in one word, even in t. Eph.4. 17. 1. 1 say therefore, and testify in the Lord 5. 5. for £. ye know, that no whoremonger Phil. 1.9. 1. 1 pray, that your love may abound 19. I know that t. shall turn to my salvation 2T'Acss.3.10.when with you, t.we commanded you 1 Tim. 1.9. knowing t. Jam. 1.3.2 Pet. 1. 20.1 3. 3. 4. 16. in doing £. thou shall both save thyself and //e*.7.2].but «. withan oath || 27. <. did he once 1 .John 3. 10. in t. the children of God are manifest 4. 9. in I. was manifested the love of God 5.2. by t. we know that we love children of God ./«rfe5.put you in remenibrance,tho' ye once knew^ lico. 2. 6. t. thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds See All, After, Book, Cause, Child, City, Day, Doctrine, Do, Done, Evil, IIouse, Land, Law, Lifp;, Man, Month, People, TiiiNO, Word, World. Is THIS. Gen. 3. 13. Lord said to the woman, what is t. that thou hast done? 12. 18. | 26. 10. | 29. 25. 24. 65. what man is t. that walketh in the field? 42. 28. what is t. that God hath don^ unto us? 43. 29. is t. your younger brother, to ivhoni 44. 15. what deed is t. that ye have done? Exod. 13. 14. saying, what /.« (.? Judcr. 18. 24. 17. 3. wherefore is t. that thou hast brought us Josh.22. 16. what trespass is t. ye committed? Judg. 15. 11. what is t. that thou hast done unto us? 2 Sam. 12. 21. 20. 12. what wickedness is t. done among you? 1 .Vam. 10. 11. what is t. come to the son of Kish? 21. 16. Saul said, is t. thy voice, my son David? 4M THI 2 Sam. 7.19. is t. the manner of man, O Lord God? 16. 17. is t. thy kindness to thy friend? 2 Kings 18. 19. what confidence is t. wherein Kira 10. 13. nor is t. a work of one day or two Juh 38. 2. who is t. that darkeneth counsel? Cant. 3. 6. who is t. cometh out of the wilderness? 8.5. Nvho j\s t. that cometli up from the wilderness? Isa. 23. 7. is t. jour joyous city, whose antiquity G3. 1. who is t. that cometh from Edom, with Jir. 30. 21. for who is t. that engaged his heart? 46. 7. who is t. that cometh up as a flood Ezek. IG. 20. is t. of thy whoredoms a small matter Zeck. 3. 2. is not t. a brand plucked out of the fire? 5. 5. and see what is t. that goeth forth Mat. 8. 27. saying, what manner of man is t. that the wmds obey him? Mark 4. 41. Luke 8. 25. 12. 23. people said, is not t. the son of David? 21. 10. who js t.? II Mark 1. 27. what thing is t.t Luke 1.43. whence is t. to me,that mother of my L. 4. 36. what a word is t. with auth.he commandeth 5. 21. who is t. which speaketh blasphemies? 7. 49. who is t. that forgiveth sins also? 9. 9. but who is t. of whom I hear such things? 20. 17. he said, what is t. then that is written John 7. 36. what manner of saying is t. he said 9. 19. is t. your son, who ye say was born blind? 16. 17. what is t. that he saith unto us? 18. 2 Cor. 1. 12. for our rejoicing ?s t. the testimony Eph.3.8.lo me is t.gracegiven,to preach toGentilea Jam. 1. 27. pure religion and undefiied is t. THIS is. Gen. 2. 23. Adam said, t. is now bone of my bonea 20.13^«. is thy kindness which thou shall shew me 28. 17. Jacob said t. is none other but the housa of God, and t. is the gate of heaven 32.2. when Jacob saw them, he said God's host 41.38. Pharaoh said, can we find such a one as 48. 18. not so, father, for t. is the first-born Exod.' my name for ever,and my memorial 8. 19. the magicians said, t. is the finger of God 16. 23. t. is that which the Lord hath said Lev. 10. 3. t. is rhat the Lord spake, saying JVitm. 8. 24. t. is it that belongeth to the Levites 18. 11. and t. is thine, the heave-ofiering of gift Dcut. 13. 11. do no more such wickedness att. is 15. 2. and t. is the manner of the release 1 Sam. 16. 12. arise, anoint him, for t. is he 1 Kings 11. 11. forasmuch as t. is done of thee 13. 3. t. is the sign which the Lord halh spoken 2 Kings 3. 18. t. ishut a light thing in sight of Ld. 6. 19. t. is not the way, neither is this the city 8. 5. O king, t. is the woman, and t. is her son 9. 37. so that they shall not say, t. is Jezebel 2 Chron. 28. 22. t. is that king Ahaz JVfA. 2. 2. t. is nothing but sorrow of heart 9. 18. t. is thy God that brought thee out of Egypt .Job 8. 19. behold, t. is the joy of his way 10. 13. I know that t. is with thee 18.21. t. is tlie place of him that knoweth not God 20. 29. t. is the portion of a wicked man, 27. 13. Ps. 24. 6. t. is the generation of them that seek him 68. 16. t. is the hill God desireth to dwell in 77. 10. t. is my infirmity, but I will remember 109. 27. that they may know that t. is thy hand 118. 23. t. is the Lord's doing. Mat. 21. 42. 119. 50. t. is my comfort in mine afliiction 132. 14. t. is my rest for ever, here will I dwell Eccl. 1. 10. whereof it may be said, see, t. is new 5. 19. to rejoice in labour, t. is the gift of God 12. 13. for t. is the whole duty of man Cant. 5. 16. t. is my beloved, and t. is my friend Isa. 12. 5. sing to Lord, t. is known in all the earth 25. 9. lo, t. is our God, we have waited for him 27. 9. t. is all the fruit, to take away his sin 28. 12. t. is the rest, and t. is the refreshing 30. 21. saying, t. is the way, walk ye in it 54^9. for t. is as the waters of Noah unto me 17. t. is the heritage of the servants of the Lord 59. 21. as for me my covenant with them Jer. 4. 18. t. is thy wickedness, it is bitter 7. 28. t. is a nation that obeyeth not the Lord 10. 19. t. is a grief II 13. 25. t. is thy lot 23. 6. I. is the name whereby he shall be called, The Lord our Righteousness, 33. 16. 30. 17. t. is Zion, whom no man seeketh after Ezek. 5. 5. t. is Jerusalem, I set it in the midst of 19. 14. (. 2s a lamentation, and shall be for a lam. 31. 18. t. is Pharaoh and all his multitude Dan. 5. 25. t. is the writing that was written Mic. 2. 10. arise, depart, for t. is not your rest y.eph. 2. 15. t. is the rejoicing city that dwelt Zcc/i.. 5. 3. t. is the curse that goeth forth 6. he said, t. is an Ephah || 8. t. is wickedness Mat. 3. 3. fori, is he that was spoken of by Esaias my belovedSon,17.5.J»far/f9.7.7.a/£(3 9..35. 7. 12. fort, is the law and the prophets 11. 10. t. is he of whom it is written, Luke 7. 27. 14. t. is Elias which was for to come 13. 19. t. is he which received seed by the way 19. 26. Jesus said, with men t. is impossible THl Mdt. 21. 38. t. is the heir, ^fark 12. 7. Luke 20. 14. 22. 38. t. is the first commandment, Mark 12. 30. 26. 26. Jesus said, take, cat, t. is my body 2§. t. is my blooJ, Mark 14. 22, 24. I.uke 22. 19, 20. 1 Cor. 11. 24, 25. Mark 14. 69. t. is one of them, and he denied again /,ttte7.39.have known what manner of woman 22. 53. 1- is your hour and the power of darkness 7ok7i 1. 19. and t. is the record of John 30. he of whom I said, after me cometh a man 34. I bare record that t. is the Son of God 3. 19. t. is tlie condemnation, that light is come 4. 42. that t. is indeed the CIn-ist, 7. 26, 41. 6. ii9. t. is the work of God, that ye believe 39. t. is the Father's will which sent me, 40. 50. t. is the bread which cometh from heaven 58.(.is that bread which camedownfrom heaven 60. t. is a hard saying, who can hear it? 9. 9. some said,£. is he || 20. we know t. is our son 15. 12. t. is my commandment, that ye love 17. 3. t. is life eternal, that they might know Jlcls 2. 16. t. is that which was spoken by Joel 7. 37. t. is that Moses which said unto Israel 38. t. is he that was in the church in wilderness 9.22. Saul increased, proving that t. is very Christ Rom. 11. 27. t. is my covenant, Hcb. 8. 10. ] 10. 16. 1 Cur. 11. 20. t. is not to eat the Lord's supper Eph. 6. 1. obey your parents, for (. is right Phil. 1. 22. if 1 live, t. is the fruit of my labour Col. 3. 20. for t. is well pleasing to the Lord 1 Thess. 4. 3. for t. is the will of God, 5. IS. 1 Ti;tt.l.l5.<.?-5 a faithful saying, 3.1. | 4.9. Tit.3.8. 2. 3. for t. is acceptable in the sight of God 1 Pet. 2. 19. t. is thank-worthy, if a man endure 20. take it patiently, t. is acceptable with God 1 Jolin 1. 5. t. is the message we have, 3. 11. 2. 25. and t. is the promise, even eternal life 3.2' his commandment that we should believe 4. 3. and t. is that spirit of antichrist 5.3. t. is theloveofGod,that we keep hiscomm. 4. and t. is the victory, even our faith C. f. is he tJiat came by water and blood 9. t. is the witness of God which he testified 11. (. is the record, that God hath given life 14. t. is the confidence that we have in him 20. t. is the true God, and eternal life 2 John love that we walk after his command. 7. t. is a deceiver and an antichrist Rev. 20. 5. years were finished, t. is the first resurr. 14. into lake of fire, t. is the second dealli THISTLE. 2 Kings 14. 9. the t. that was in Lebanon, a wild beast trod down the t. 2 Chron. 25. 18. Has. 10.8. thorn and t. shall come upon their altars THISTLES. Gen. 3. 18. thorns and t. shall it bring forth Job 31. 40. let t. grow instead of wheat Mat. 7. 16. do men gather figs of t.? THITHER. Gen. 19. 20. this city is near, oh let me escape t. 22. haste thee, escape t. till thou be come t. 24. 6. that thou bring not my son t. again, 8. Krod. 26. 33. that thou maycst bring in t. the ark JVtt7re. 35. 6. that the slayer may flee t. 11. 15. Deut. 4. 42. | 19. 3, 4. Josh. 20. 3, 9. Dcut. 1. 37. saying, thou shalt not go in t. 38, 39. 12. 5. unto his habitation, t. thou shalt come 6. t. ye shall bring your burnt-offerings, 11. Jud/r. 8. 27. Israel went t. a whoring after it 9. 51. and t. fled all the men and women 1 .Sam. 2. 14. so they did to Israelites that came f. 5. 8. and they carried the ark of God about t. 10. 22. they inquired if the man should come t. 1 Kings 6. 7. made ready before it was brought t. 2 Kings'i. 8. waters were divided hither and 1. 14. 4. 8. Elisha turned in t. to eat bread, 11. 5. 1 25. he said, thy servant went not hither and t. 6. 9. for I. the Syrians are come dowm 17. 27. saying, carry t. one of the priests whom JVfA. 4. 20. resort ye t. to us, God shall fight for us 13. 9. t. brought I again the vessels of the house Job 6. 20. they came t. and were ashamed /so. 55. 10. the rain returneth not t. again Jor. 22. 11. he shall not return t. any more 27. but to the land, t. shall they not return Ezck. 1. 20. they went, t. was their spirit to go 11. 18. Israel shall come t. and shall take away 47. 9. because these waters shall come t. Joel3. 11. t. cause thy mighty ones to comedown Mat. 2. 22. he was afraid to go t. but being warned Luke 17. 37. f . will the eagles be gathered together John 7. 34. where I am, t. ye cannot come, 36. 11. 8. to stone thee, and goest thou t. again? 18. 2. Jesus oft-times resorted t. with his disciples 3. Judas cometh t. with lanterns and torches .^cts 8. 30. Philip ran f. to him, and heard him 16. 13. spake to the women which resorted t. THITHERWARD. Juig. 18. 15. turned t. and came to Micah's house Jer. 50. 5. ask the way to Zion, with their faces I 026 THO THONGS. Acts 22. 25. as they bound him with t. Paul said THORN Is a prickly shrub well known. It was with thorns that Gideon chastised the men of Suc- cothy who refused to relieve his army, when they were pursuing Zeba and Zalmunna, two kings of Midian, Judg. 8. 7, 16. Either he chastised,orbeat their naked bodies with thorny rods till they died; or, he laid them down upon thorns, on the ground, and brought the cart-wheel upon them, which did both tear their flesh, and bruise them to death. Thorns are put for great difficulties and impediments. Job 5. 5, Wliose harvest the hungry eateth up, and taketh it even out of the thorns. And in Hos. 2. 6, 1 will hedge up thy way with thorns; I will bring thee into straits and difficulties. It is likewise put for the heat of afire kindled by thorns. Psal. 58. 9, Before your pots can feel the thorns. St. Paul says, 2 Cor. 12. 7. that lest he should have been exalted above measure, through the abundance of the reve- lations which he had, there was given to him a thorn in the flesh, that is, some racking pain in his body ; or terrors of conscience, or some diabolical violent temptation. The Lord told the Israelites, that such of the inhabitants of Canaan, as they should let re- main in the land, would be pricks in their eyes and thorns in their sides ; that is, they would be very hurtful and pernicious to them. Num. 33. 55. The wicked are compared to thorns, not only because of their barrenness, and un- profitableness in any thing that is good. Mat. 7. 16, 19, Do men gather grapes of thorns ? but also because of their pernicious hurtful disposition towards the church and people of God, Josh. 23. 13. Ezek. 28. 24. To sow among thorns, is to preach the word to worldly and carnal hearts, Mat. 13. 7, 22. Many arc deluded, and betrayed to a neglect of their souls, through an excessive care about get- ting, keeping, and managing their estates : so that prosperity is their snare. The sol- diers, to insult our Saviour, and to despise his royalty, platted a crown of thorns, and put it upon his head. Mat. 27. 29. Thorns were the fruit of the curse for man's sin. Gen. 3. 18. C/irist bears our curse, and takes it away from us. 2 Chron.25. f 18. t. in Lebanon, sent to the cedar JoJ 41.2.canst thou bore his jaw through with af.? Prot) a t. goeth into the hand of a drunkard Isa. 55. 13. instead of (he t. shall come the fir-tree Eiek. 28. 24. there shall be no more any grieving t. Hos. 10. 8. the t. shall come up on their altars Mic. 7.4. the most upright is sharper than a t. hedge 2 Cor. 12. 7. there was given me a t. in the flesh THORNS. Gen. 3. 18. t. and thistles shall it bring forth to thee Exod. 22. 6. if fire break out and catch in t. JVum.33.55. they shall be t. in your sides, Judg. 2.3. Josh. 23. 13. but they shall be t. in your eyes 2 Sam. 23. 6. the sons of Belial shall be as t. 2 Chron.33.1l. which took Manasseh among the t. Ps. 58. 9. before your pots can feel the t. take them 118. 12. they are quenched as the fire oft. Prov. 15. 19. way of slothful man is a hedge oft. 22. 5. t. and snares are in the way of the froward 24. 31. and lo, it was all grown over with t. Eccl. 7. 6. as the crackling of t. under a pot Cant. 2. 2. as the lily among t. so is my love Isa. 7. 19. they shall rest upon all t. and bushes 33. 12. as t. cut up shall they be burnt in fire 34. 13. and f. shall come up in her palaces Jer. 4. 3. break your ground, and sow not among t. 12. 13. they have sown wheat, but shall reap t. Hos. 2. 6. behold, I will hedge up thy way with t. 9. 6. t. shall be in their tabernacles J^Tah. 1. 10. wliile they be folden together as t. Mat. 7. 16. do men gather grapes of f .? Luke 6. 44. 13.7. fell among t. 22. Mark 4.7, 18. Lukc8. 7, 14. 27. 29. when they had platted a crown of t. they put it on his head, Mark 15. 17. John 19. 2. See Briers. THOROW, see Through. THOSE. Gen. 33. 5. Esau said, who are t. with thee? 1 Kings 2. 7. lot them be of t. that eat at thy table 9. 21. upe \pt. did Solomon levy a tribute Ezra 1. 8. t. did Cyrus king of Persia bring forth £;stA.9.5.did what they would lo f. that hated them Job 5. 11. to set up on high f. that be low 21. 22. seeing he judgeth t. that are high 24. 13. they are of t. that rel>el against the light 19. so doth the grave t. which have sinned 27.15.t.that remain of him shall be buried in death Psal. 37. 9. t. that wait on the Lord shall inherit 50. 5. t. that have made a covenant with me THO Ps. 92. 13. (. planted in house of Ld. shall flourish 119. 79. let f. that fear thee turn to me, and t. that have known thy testimonies 132. as thou usedst to do to t. that love thy name 139. 21. am not I grieved with t. that rise up Prov. 8. 17. t. that seek me early shall find me Eccl. 1. 11. with t. that shall come after Isa. 35. 8. a high-way, but it shall be for t. 64. 5. t. that remember thee in thy ways, in those is continuance, we shall be saved Jer. 27. 11. t. will I let remain in their land Dan. 4. 37. t. that walk in pride he is able to abase Zeph. 1. 6. and t. that have not sought the Lord Mat. 16.23. thou savourest f. things that be of men Luke 7. 28. among t. that are born of woman 19.27. but t. mine enemies bring hither and slay John 8. 10. woman, where are t. thine accusers? 17. 11. keep thro' thy name t. thou hast given me 12. t. that thou gavest me, I have kept, none lost Acts 3. 24. from Samuel and t. that follow after 1 Cor. 14. 23. there come in t. that are unlearned Phil.3.7. what things gain, 1. 1 counted loss for Ch. 1 Tim. 4. 10. Saviour, especially of i. that believe Heb. 5. 14. belongeth to t. who by reason of use 2 Pet. 2. 6. an ensample to t. that live ungodly 18. they allure t. that were clean escaped Sec Days, Things. THOU. Gen.3.1~.the woman whom t.gavest to be with me 20.7. if not restore, know thou, that t. shalt surely die, t. and all that are thine, 1 Sam. 22. 16. 24.60. t. art our sister, be t. mother of thousands 26. 29. t. art now the blessed of the Lord 41. 39. there is none so discreet and wise as t. art 40. only in the throne will I be greater than t. 45. 10. t. shalt be near to me, t. and thy children 49. 8. t. art he whom thy brethren shall praise i?iod.l9.24.t.shalt come up,t.and Aaron with thee JVum. 10. 11. t. and all the company are gathered 16. be t. and they, and Aaron before the Lord Deut. 5. 14. that thy servant may rest as well as t. 7.1. hath cast out nations mightier than f. 20. 1. 13. 6. t. hast not known, t. nor thy fathers, 28. 64. 30. 19. that both t. and thy seed may live 1 Sam. 15.28. to a neighbour that is better thant. 24. 17. he said, t. art more righteous than I 25. 33. blessed be t. that kept me from coming 2 Sam. 12.7. Nathan said to David, t. art the man 1.5. 2. then Absalom said, of what city art t.? 19. 29. 1 have said, t. and Ziba divide the land 1 Kings 8. 39. t. even t. knowest the hearts of all 18. 18. t. and thy father's house trouble Israel 20.14. who shall order the battle? he said t. 2 Kings 9. 25. that when I and t. rode after Ahab 14. 10. why meddle, that t. shouldest fall, even t. and Judah with thee, 2 Chron. 25. 19. 19. 15. t. art the God, even t. alone of all the kingdoms, 19. JVeh. 9. 6. Isa. 37. 20. JVeh. 9. 17. but t. art a God, ready to pardon Esth. 4. 14. but t. and thy father's house shall be destroyed, who knoweth whether t. art come Job 35. 5. the clouds which are higher than t. Psal. 23. 4. I will fear no evil, for t. art with me 55. 13. hut it was t. a man, mine equal, my guide 71.6.t.arthe that took me out my mother's bowels 76. 7. t. even t. art to bo feared, and who may stand in thy sight when once t. art angry? 83. 18. t. whose name is Jehovah, art most high 102. 27. but t. art the same, thy years have no end 109. 27. they may know, that t. Lord hast done it 118. 28. t. art my God, and I will praise thee 119. 114. (. art my hiding-place and my shield 132.8. arise into thy rest, t. and ark of thy strength 139. 8. if I ascend up into heaven, t. art there Cant. 1. 7. tell me, O t. whom my soul loveth Isa. 41. 9. t. art my servant, I have chosen thee 44. 17. and saith, deliver me, for t. art my god 45. 15. verily t. art a God that hidest thyself' 51. 12. who art t. that t. shouldest be afraid of man 63. 16. t. art our father f. O Lord, art our father 65. 5. come not near to me, I am holier than t. Jer. 17. 4. t. shalt continue from thy heritage 20. 6. there t. shalt die t. and all thy friends 27.13. why will ye die, t. and th^ people, by sword Lam. 5.19. t. O Lord,remainest for ever,thy throne Ezek. 7. 7. O f. that dwellest in the land, the time 16. 52. they are more righteous than f. Dan. 4. 22. it is t. O king, that art become strong 5. 22. f. his son hast not humbled thine heart Jonahl. 8. whence comest t. of what people art t.7 Mic. 2. 7. O t. that art named the house of Jacob 4. 8. t. O tower of the flock, to thee shall it come Hab. 1. 12. art t. not from everlasting, O Lord? ZecA.4.7.who art t.O great mountain,beforeZerub. Mat. 6. 0. but t. when t. prayest, enter thy closet 17. but t. when t. fastest, anoint thine head 16. 16. t. art Christ, the Son of the living God, Mark 8. 29. Luke 4. 41. Johnli. 27. 26. 39. nevertheless, not as I will, but as t. wilt 69. saying I. also wast with Jesus, Mark 14. 67. THO I^uke 1. 28. hail t. that art highly favoured 7. 19. saying, art t. he that should come? HQ. 14. 8. lest a more honourable than t. be bidden IG. 5. he said, how much owest t. unto my lord? 7. 25. t. in thy life-time receivedst thy good things, but now he is comforted, and t. art tormented 19.42.if thou hadst known, even t. in this thy day John 1. 19. to ask him, wlio art t. 22. | 8. 25. | 21.12. 21. they asked, art t. Eliasl art t. that prophet"! 42. f. art Simon, thou shalt be called Cephas 3. 10. art t. a master of Israel, and knowcst not 4. 9. that t. being a Jew, askest drink of me 7. 52. they said to liim, art I. also of Galilee? 8. 5. but what sayest tJ \\ 9.28. t. art his disciple 9. 37. t. hast seen him, and he talketh with tliee 17.23.1 in them, and Mn me,that they may bo perf. 18. 17. art not t. one of this man's disciples? Acts 1. 24. t. Lord, who knowest the hearts of all 8. 23. that t. art in tjiegall of bitterness and bond 11. 14. whereby t. and thy house shall be saved 13. 10. t. child of the devil, t. enemy, wilt t. not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? 33. t. art my son, this day have I begotten thee 21. 38. art not t. that Egyptian which raadest 22. 27. tell me, art t. a Roman? he said, yea 26. 29. I would, that not only t. but all that hear Rom. 2. 21. t. therefore which teachest another 1 Tim. A. 12. but bo i. an example of the believers 6. 11. but t. O man of God, flee these things 2 Tim. 1. 8. be not t. ashamed of the testimony 2. 1. t. therefore, my son, be strong in grace Philcm. 12. t. therefore receive him that is mine Heb. 1. 10. t. Lord, hast laid foundation of earth 12. they shall be changed, but t. art the same Javi. 4. 12. who art t. that judgesl another? Hec. 4. 11. t. art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory 5. 9. t. art worthy to take the book, and to open See Alone. THOUGH. Gen. 40. 10. and the vine was as t. it budded Lev. 5. 17. (. he wist it not, yet is he guilty 25. 35. thou shalt relieve hipi, t. he bo a stranger Deut. 29. 19. t.\ walk in the imagination of heart Josh. 17. 18. for thou shalt drive out Canaanites, t. they have iron chariots and t. they be strong Judg. 13. IG. t. thou detain me, I will not eat 15. 7. t. yc have done this, yet will I be avenged Ruth 2. 13. t. not like one of thy handmaidens 1 Sam. 14. 39. t. it be in Jonathan, he shall die 20. 20. 1 will shoot arrows, as (. I shot at a mark 21. 5. t. it were sanctified this day in the vessel 2 Sam. 3. 39. 1 am this day weak, t. anointed king 18. 12. (. I should receive a thousand shekels JWA. 1.9. t- there wereof youcastout to uttermost Job 13. 15. t. he slay me, yet will I trust in him 20. 12. (. wickedness be sweet in his mouth 27. 8. what the hypocrite's hope, t. he hath gained 16. £. he heap up silver as the dust, and prepare Psal.35. 14. as t. he had been my friend or brother 37. 24. t. he fall, he shall not utterly be cast down 138. 6. (. the Lord be high, yet hath he respect Prov. 11. 21. t. hand join in hand, 16. 5. 28. 6. than he that is perverse, t. he be rich 29. 19. t. he understand, he will not answer Tsa. 35. 8. the way-faring men t. fools, shall not err 45.4. surnamed thee, t. thou hast not known me, 5. /-am. 3. 32. <.hecausegrief,he will have compassion Eiek. 2. 6. t. briers and thorns be with thee, t. they be a rebellious house, 3. 9. | 12. 3. 14. 14. t. these three men were in it, 16, 18, 20. 26. 21. t. thou he sought for, yet never be found Dan. 5. 22. not humbled, t. thou knowest all tliis Mic.a.^.t. thou be little among thousands of Judah J^Tah. 1. 12. t. they be quiet, and likewise many Hab. 1. 5. ye will not believe, t. it be told you 2. 3. t. it tarry, wait for it, it will surely come J>/a<.26. 35. 1. 1 should die with thee, yet not deny Luke 9.53. face was as t. he would go to Jerusalem 18. 7. avenge his elect, t. he bear long with them 24. 28. he made as t. he would have gone further John 8. 6. wrote on the ground, as t. he heard not 10. 38. t. ye believe not me, believe the works 11. 25. t. he were dead, yet shall he live Acts 3. 12. as t. by our power we made him walk 13. 41. ye shall not believe, t. a man declare it 17. 25. as t. he needeil any thing, seeing he gives 27. t. he be not far from every one of us 23. 15. as t. ye would inquire something, 20. 28. 4. whom t. he hath escaped the sea, yet veng. Rom. 4. 17. things which be not, as t. they were 7.3. she is no adulteress, ^slie is married to another 1 Cor. 7. 29. that have wives, be as ^ they had none 30. as (. they wept not, as t. they rejoiced not 2 Cor. 4. 16. but t. our outward man perish, yet 8. 9 t. he was rich, yet for us he became poor 10. 3. for t. we walk in the flesh, we do not war 12. 11. in nothing am I behind, t. I be nothing 13. 7. do what is honest, t. we be as reprobates Oal. 1. 8. t. we or an angel preach another gospel 4. 1. heir differeth nothing t. he be lord of all 627 THO Phil. 3. 4. t. 1 might also have confidence in flesh 12. not as t. 1 had attained or were i)erfect Col. 2. 5. for t. 1 be absent in the flesh, yet ain I 20. why, as t. living, are yu subject to ordinances Meb. 5. 8. (. he wore a son, yet learned obedience 6.9. are persuaded belter tlnngs,«. we thus speak 12. 17. t. he sought it carefully with tears Ja»i.2.14.<. a man say he hath faith, and not works 1 Pet. 4. 12. as t. some strange thing happened 2Pct.X.12.putyou in remembrancc, know them jMc«<.15.9.that there be not at. in thy wicked heart 1 Sam. 9. 5. return, lest my father take t. for us Job 12. 5. is despised In the t. of him that is at ease 42. 2. that no t. can be wilhholden from thee Psal. 49. 11. their t. is, their houses shall continue 64. 0. the inward t. of every one of them is deep 139. 2. thou understandest my t. afar off ProK. 24. 9. the t. of foolishness is sin Eccl. 10. 20. curse not the king, no not in thy t. THO fsa. 26. t 3. keep him whose t. is stayed on thee Kzck. 38. 10. and thou shalt think an evil t. Amos 4. 13. he declareth to man what is his C. Mat. 6. 25. I say to you, take no t. for your life, 31. 34. I 10. 19. Mark 13. 11. Luke 12. 11, 22. 27. which of you by taking t. can add one cubit to his stature? Luke 12. 25. 28. why take ye t. for raiment? Luke 12. 26. Acts a. 22. if the t. of thy heart may be forgiven 2 Cor. 10. 5. bring into captivity every t. to Christ THOUGHTS. Oen. 6.5. the imagination oft. of his heart was evil Judg. 5.15. for Reuben there were great t. of heart 1 Kings IS. 1 21. how long halt ye between two t.? 1 Chron. 28. 9. the Lord understandclh the t. 29. 18. keep this in the imagination of the t. Job 4. 13. in t. from the visions of the night 17. t 7. mine eye is dim, all my t. are as a shadow 11. my purposes are broken ofl', even my t. 20. 2. therefore do my t. cause mc to answer 21. 27. I know your t. and devices ye imagine Psal. 10. 4. will not seek GodjGod is not in all his t. 33. 11. and the t. of his heart to all generations 40. 5. thy t. cannot be reckoned up in order 50. 5. all their t. are against me for evil 73. t 7. they pass the t. of the heart 92. 5. how great are thy works? thy t. very deep 94. 11. the Lord knoweth the t. of man, vanity 19. in the raultitudo of my t. within me thy 119. 113. I hate vain t. but thy law do I love 139. 17. how precious are thy t. to me, O God 23. search me, O God, try me, and know my t. 140. 4. in that very day his t. perish Prov. 12. 5. the t. of the righteous are right 15. 26. the t. of the wicked are an abomination 16. 3. commit — and thy t. shall be established 21. 5. the t. of the diligent tend to plenteousness Isa. 55. 7. let the unrighteous man forsake his t. 8. for my t. are not your t. sailh the Lord 9. so are my t. higher than your t. 59. 7. their feet run to evil, their t. are t. of iniquity 65. 2. people walkcth after their own t. 66. 18. for I know their works and their t. Jcr. 4. 14. how long shall vain t. lodge in thee? 6. 19. evil on people, even the fruit of their t. 23. 20. till he have performed the t. of his heart 29. 11. I know the t. that I think toward you t. of peace and not evil, to give an expected end X)a)i.2. 30. thou mightcst know the t. of thy heart 4.5. Nebuchadnezzar's t. upon bed troubled him 19. Daniel was astonished, and his (.troubled him 5. 6. then king Belshazzar's t. troubled him 10. the queen said, let not thy t. trouble thee 11. t 24. think his t. against the strong holds Mic. 4. 12. but they know not the t. of the Lord Mat. 9. 4. Jesus, knowing their t. said, 12. 25. Luke5.2i. | 6. 8. | 9.47. | 11. 17. 15. 19. out of the heart proceed evil t. Mark 7.21. Jyuke 2. 35. the t. of many hearts may be revealed 24. 38. and why do t. arise in your hearts? Pom. 2. 15. their t. accusing, or else excusing 14. t I. but not to judge his doubtful t. 1 Cor. 3. 20. the Lord kno\vetii the t. of the wise Heb. 4. 12 the word of God Is adiscerner of thei. Jam. 2. 4. ye are become judges of evil t. THOUSAND. Oe7i. 20. 16. I have given thy brother a t. pieces JViim. 31. 4. of every tribe a t. send to war, 5, 6. 35. 4. suburbs of cities are t. cubits round about Deut. 1. 11. the Lord make you a t. times so many 7. 9. God who keepeth covenant to a (.generations 32. 30. how should one chase a t.? Jos/i. 23. 10. Judg. 6. t ]5. my t. is the meanest In Manasseh 9. 49. the men of Shecbem died, about a t. men 15. 15. Samson slew a t. men therewith, 16. 20. 10. a hundred of a t. a t. out often thousand 1 Sam. 17. 18. ten cheeses to the captain of their t. 18. 13. Saul made David his captain over a t. 25. 2. Nabal had three t. sheep and a t. goats 2 Sam. 8. 4. and David took from him a t. chariots and seven hundred horsemen, 1 Chron. 18. 4. 18. 12. though I should receive a t. shekels 19. 17. there were a t. men of Benjamin with him 1 Kings 3. 4. a t. burnt-ofl%rings did Solomon offer upon that altar, 2 Chron. 1. 6. 2 Kings 1.5. 19. Menahem gave Pul a t. talents 24. 16. carried away craftsmen and smiths a t. 1 Chron. 12. 14. and the greatest was over a t. 34. of Naphtall a t. captains, and with them 16. 15. word he commanded to a t. generations 19. 6. the children of Amnion sent a t. talents 29. 21. they sacrificed sacrifices unto thp Lord a t. bullocks, a t. rams, and a t Iambs 2 Chron. 30. 24. Hezckiah did give a t. bi.llocks Ezra 1. 9. Cyrus did bring forth a t. chargers 10. thirty basins of gold, and other vessels a t. Job 9. 3. he cannot answer him one of a t. 33. 23. if there be an interpreter, one of a t. ■ 42. 12. Job had a t. yoke of oxen, a t. she- asses THO Psal. 50. 10. the cattle on a t. Iiills are mine 84. 10. a day in thy courts is better than a t. 90. 4. a t. years in thy sight are but as yesterday 91. 7. a t. shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand Eccl. 6. 6. yea, though he live a t. years twice told 7.28. one man among a t. have I found, but a wom. Cant. 4. 4. whereon there hang a I. bucklers 8. 11. for the fruit was to bring a t. pieces 12. thou, O Solomon, must have a t. Isa. 7. 23. where were a t. vines, at a t. silverlings 30. 17. one t. shall flee at the rebuke of one 60.22. a little one shall become a t. and a small one Ezek. 47. 3. the man measured a t. cubits 4.again he measured a t. and brought me thro',5. Dan. 5. 1. Belshazzar made a great feast to a t. of his lords, and drank wine before the t. Amos 5. 3. the city that went out by a t. shall leave 2Fet. 3. 8. be not ignorant, one day is with the Lord as a t. years, and a t. years as one day Rev. 20. 2. and he bound Satan a t. years S.deceive nations no more, till I. years be fulfilled 4. and they reigned with Christ a t. years 7. and when the t. years are e.xpired One THOUSAND two hundred sixty. Rev. 11. 3. they shall prophesy one t- 260 days 12. 6. they should feed her one t. 2G0 days One THOUSAND ttoo hundred ninety. Dan. 12. 11. there shall be one t. 290 days One THOUSAND three hundred thirty-five. Dan. 12. 12. ble.'ised that cometh to the t. '.i'ii days One THOUSAND siz hundred. Rev. 14. 20. by the space o( one t. GOO furlongs Two THOUSAND. JVum. 35. 5. ye shall measure on the east-side two t. cubits, on the west-side two t. south-side tico t. Josh. 3. 4. space between you and the ark two t. 1 King's 7. 20. the molten sea contained two t. baths 2 Kings 18. 23. and I will deliver thee two t. horses if thou be able to sot riders upon, Isa. 36. 8. JWA. 7. 72. the people gave two t. pounds of silver Mark 5. 13. about two t. swine were choked in sea Two THOUSAND two hundred. JVc/j. 7. 71. fathers ga.vetwn t. 200 pounds of silver Two THOUSAND three hundred. Dan. 8. 14. to twot. 300 days, sanctuary cleansed Two hundred THOUSAND. 2 Chron. 28. 8. carried captive of brethren 200 t. Two hundred eighty THOUSAND. 2 Chron. 14. 8. and out of Benjamin two hundred Two hundred THOUSAND THOUSAND. Rev. 9. 16. the number of horsemen were two hun- dred thousand thousand. Three THOUSAND. JCxod. 32. 28. there fell of the people three t. Josh. 7. 4. there went to Ai about three t. men Judg. 15. 11. three t. went to bind Samson 16. 27. there were upon the roof three t. men 1 Sam. 13. 2. Saul chose three t. men of Israel 24. 2. then Saul took three t. chosen men, 26. 2. 25. 2. Nabal had tliree t. sheep and a t. goats 1 Kings 4. 32. Solomon spake three t. proverbs 2 Chron. 4. 5. the molten sea held three t- baths .Tob 1. 3. his substance was three t. camels Jer. 52. 28. carried away captive three t. Jews Mcts 2. 41. were added to them three t. souls Four THOUSAND. 1 ■'^am. 4. 2. they slew of Israel ahont four t. men 1 CAron. 23. 5. four t. porters, four t. praised Lord 2 Chron.9. 25. Solomon had/uH?- e. stalls for horses Mat. 15. 38. they that eat were four t. Mark 8. 9. 16. 10. seven loaves among four t. Mark 8. 20. Ji-cts^X. 38. ledrtest into the wilderness /ojtr t. men Four THOUSAND^ue hundred. Ezek. 48. 16. on the north-side of the city four t. 500 measures, cast-side, south-side, west-side four t. 500 measures, 30, 32, 33, 34. Five THOUSAND. Josh. 8. 12. and he took about ^ve t. men Judg. 20. 45. they gleaned of them /yc t. men 1 Chron. 29. 7. and gave of gold^iie t. talents 2 Chron. 35. 9. for offerings /tie (. small cattle Ezra 2. 69. they gave /tie t. pounds of silver Mat. 14. 21. they that had eaten were tihout five t. 16. 9. nor remember the five loaves of the five t. Mark 6. 44. ] 8. 19. Lulce 9. 14. .Tohn 6. 10. Jicts 4. 4. number that believed were about five t. Five THOUSAND /o«)- hundred. Ezra 1. 11. vessels of gold and silver five t. 400. Six THOUSAND. 1 Sam. 13. 5. against Israel with six t. horsemen 2 Kings 5. 5. Naaman took six t. pieces of gold 1 Chron. 23. 4. and six t. were officers and judges Job 42. 12. for Job had six t. camels Six THOUSAND seven hundred and txeenty. Ezra 2. 67. their asses, six t. seven hundred and twenty, JVcA. 7. 69. Seven THOUSAND. 1 Kings 19. 18. yet I have left me seven t. in Isr. who have not bowed to Baal, Rom. 11. 4. 628 THO 1 Kings 20. 15. children of Israel, being seven t. 2 Kings 2i. 16. carried away men of might, sev. t. 1 Chron. 12. 25. of Simeon, mighty men, seven t. 18. 4. David took from him seven t. horsemen 19. 18. David slew of the Syrians seven t. men 29. 4. I prepared seven t. talents of silver 2 Chron. 15. 11. they offered seve7i t. sheep 30. 24. Hezekiah gave congregation seven t. sheep Job 1. 3. his substance also was seven t. sheep Rev. 11. 13. in earthquake were slain seven t. men Seven THOUSAND seven hundred. 2 Chron. 17. 11. Arabians brought Jehoshaphat seven t. 700 rams, seven t. 700 he-goats Ten THOUSAND. Lev. 26. 8. a hundred shall put ten t. to flight JVum. 10. t36. return to the ten t. thousands of Isr. Deut. 32. 30. how should two put ten t. to flight 7 33. 2. Lord came with ten t. of saints, Jude 14. Judg. 1. 4. they slew of them in Bezek ten t. men 3. 29. they slew of Moab ten t. men, all lusty 4. 6. Barak, go, and take ten t. men of Naplitali 10. he went up with ten t. men at his feet, 14 7. 3. and there remained to Gideon ten t. 20. 34. there came against Gibeah ten t. men 2 Sam. 18. 3. but now thou art worth ten t. of us 1 Kings 5. 14. sent them to Lebanon, ten t. a month 2 Kings 13. 7. leave to Jehoahaz ten t. footmen 14. 7. Aipaziah slew of Edom in the valley ten t 24. 14. he carried away even ten t. captives 2 Chron. 25. 11. smote of the children of Seir ten t. 12. other ten t. left alive, did Judah carry away 27. 5. the Ammonites gave Jotham the same year ten t. measures of wheat, and tent, of barley 30. 24. Hezekiah gave congregation ten t. sheep Esth. 3. 9. I will pay ten t. talents of silver Psal. 91. 7. ten t. shall fall at thy right hand Cant. 5. 10. my beloved is the chiefest among ten t. Ezek. 45. 1. the breadth of the land shall be ten t. 3. 5. I 48. 9, 10, 13, 18 Dan. 7. 10. ten t. times ten t. stood before him Mat. 18. 24. which owed him ten t. talents Luke 14. 31. whether he be able with ten t. to meet 1 Cor. 4. 15. for though you have ten t. instructors 14. 19. than ten t. words in an unknown tongue Rev. 5. 11. number of them was ten t. times te7i t. Ten THOUSANDS. Deut. 33. 17. they are the ten t. of Ephraim 1 .Sam. 18. 7. Dav. slain his ten t.8. \ 21. il.\ 29. 5 Psal. 3. 6. 1 will not be afraid often t. of people 144. 13. that our sheep may bring forth ten t. Dan. 11. 12. he shall cast down many ten t. Mic.G. 7. or be pleased with ten t. of rivers of oil Twelve THOUSAND. Josh. 8. 25. all that fell of Ai were twelve t Judg. 21. 10. sent twelve t. men to Jabesh-gilead 1 Kings 4. 26. Solomon had twelve t. horsemen, 10. 26. 2 Chron. 1. 14. | 9. 25 7?eu.7.5.of tribe of Juda, Reuben, Gad, sealed tw.t. 6. of Aser, Nephthalim, Manasses, sealed tw. t 7. of Simeon, Levi, Issachar, were sealed tw. t. 8. of Zabulon, Joseph, Benjamin, sealed tw. t. 21. 16. he measured the city twelve t. furlongs Foxirtcen THOUSAND. .Tob 42. 12. for Job had fourteen t. sheep Fourteen THOUSAND seven hundred. JV«7n. 16. 49. that died in the pldigae fourteen t. 700. Sixteen THOUSAND. JVum. 31. 40. the persons were sixteen t. 46. Sixteen THOUSAND seven hundred fifty. JVum. 31. 52. gold of offering sixteen t. seven hun drcd and fifty shekels Seventeen THOUSAND two hundred. I Cliron. 7. 11. sons of Jediael seven t. two hundred Eighteen THOUSAND. Judg. 20. 25. destroyed of Israel eighteen t. men 44. there fell of Benjamin eighteen t. men 1 Chr. 12. 31. of half-tribe ofManasseh eighteen t. 18. 12. Abishai slew of the Edomites eighteen t. 29. 7. they gave of brass eighteen t. talents Twenty THOUSAND. 2 Sam. 8. 4. David took from Hadadezer king of Zobah, twenty t. footmen, 1 Chron. 18. 4. 10. 6. the children of Ammon hired Syrians, 20 t. 18. 7. slaughter of Absalom's company twenty t. 1 Kings 5. 11. Solomon gave Hiram twenty t. mea- sures of wheat, 2 Chron. 2. 10. JV£7i. 7. 71. fathers gave to work 20 t. drams, 72. Psal. 68. 17. the chariots of God are twenty t. LukeX4.^ meet him that cometh, with twenty t. Twenty two THOUSAND. JVam. 3. 39. the number of Levites twenty two t. 43. the first-born males were twenty two t. 26. 14. of families of Simeonites twenty two t. Judg. 7. 3. there returned of Gideon's army 22. t. 20. 21. Benjamin destroyed of Israel ttoenty two t. 2 Sam. 8.5. David slew of the Syrians twenty two t. men, 1 Chron. 18. 5. 1 Kings 8. 63. Solomon offered twenty two t. o.\en, 2CArow. 7. 5. 1 Chron. 7. 2. of Tola 22 t. 11 7. of Bela 22 /. THO Twenty three THOUSAND. JVum. 26. 62. numbered of Levites twenty three t. 1 Cor. 10. 8. and fell in one day three and twenty t. Twenty four THOUSAND. JVum. 25. 9. died in the plague twenty four t. 1 Chron. 23. 4. 24 t. Levites to forward the work 27.* 1. the officers that served were ticenty four t. Twenty five THOUSAND. Judg. 20. 35. destroyed of Benjaraites 25 t. 46. Ezek. 45. 1. holy portion of land twenty five t. reeds in length, 3, 5, 6. | 48. 8, 9, 10, 13. Twenty six THOUSAND. Judg. 20. 15. Benjamin numbered twenty six t. 1 Chron. 7.40. of Asher, apt to war, twenty sizt. Twenty seven THOUSAND. 1 Kings 20. 30. a wall fell on twenty seven t. men Twenty eight THOUSAND. 1 Chron. 12. 35. Danites, expert in war, 28 t. Thirty THOUSAND. JVum. 31. 39. and the asses were thirty t. 45. Josh. 8. 3. Joshua chose thirty t. mighty men 1 Sam. 4. 10. there fell of Israel thirty t. footmen 11.8. and the men of Judah were thirty t. 13. 5. Philistines gathered thirty t. chariots 2 Sam. 6. 1. David gathered thirty t. chosen men 1 Kings 5. 13. and the levy was thirty t. men Thirty two THOUSAND. JVum. 31.35. thirty two t. women taken captives 1 Chron. 19. 7. Ammon hired thirty two t. chariots Thirty two THOUSAND two hundred. JVum. 1. 35. number of Manasseh 32 t. 200, 2. 21. Thirty two THOUSAND five hundred. JVum. 26. 37. of Ephraim were numbered 32. t. 500. Thirty three THOUSAND. 2 Chron. 35. 7. gave thirty three t. bullocks Thirty five THOUSAND. JVum. 1. 37. of Benjamin were thirty five t. Thirty six THOUSAND. JVum 31. 38. the beeves were thirty and six t. 44. pertained to congregation tliirty six t. beeves 1 Chron. 7.4.the bands of soldiers were thirty six U Thirty seven THOUSAND. 1 Chron. 12. 34. of Naphtali thirty and seven t. Thirty eight THOUSAND. 1 Chron. 23. 3. Levites from thirty years, 38 t. Forty THOUSAND. Josh. 4. 13. &houi forty t. prepared for war Judg. 5. 8. was there a shield seen amon^ forty t. ? 2 Sam. 10. 18. David slew forty t. horsemen 1 Kings 4. 26. Solomon had forty t. stalls of horses 1 Cliron. 12. 36. of Asher, expert in war, forty t. 19. 18. David slew of Syrians, /orf?/ t. footmen Forty THOUSAND /kc hundred. JVum. 1. 33. of Ephraim -were forty t. 500, 2. 19. 26. 18. of Gad were numbered forty t. and 500. Forty one THOUSAND /uc hundred. JVum. 1. 41. of Asher numbered 41 t. 500, 2. 28. Forty two THOUSAND. Judg. 12. 6. fell of Ephraimites forty two i. Ezra 2. 64. whole congregation forty tieo t. JVeh. 7. 66. Forty three THOUSAND seven hundred thirty. JVu7n. 26. 7. of Reubenites/orty three t. 730. Forty four THOUSAND seven hundred sixty. 1 Chron. 5. 18. of Reubenites to war 44 t. 760 Forty five THOUSAND four hundred. JVum. 26. 50. of Naphtali were forty five t. 400 Forty five THOUSAND six hundred. JViim.26.41. numbered of Benjamin /orZ;/ fivet.CM Forty five THOUSAND six Mindred fifty. JVum. 1. 25.were numbered of Gad, 45 «. 650, 2. 15. Forty six THOUSAND/tie hundred. JVum. 1.21. of Reuben /ort?/ SIX «. and 500, 2. 11. Fifty THOUSAND. 1 5rtra.6.19.the Lord smote fifty t. and seventy men 1 Chron. 5. 21. took of the Hagarites sheep fifty t. 12. 33. of Zebulun//t?/ t. could keep rank .^ets 19. 19. the price of the hooks fifty t. pieces Fifty two THOUSAND seven hundred. JVum. 26. 34. of Manasseh //«?/ two t. and 700 Fifty three THOUSAND four hundred. JVum. 1. 43. of Naphtali //