PK^9g& SB 2. -1 ^ J ■V f . Jl I 'u i r \ [• V r t' I if. A DICTIONARY, HIJVBUSTJjVI AJVD EJWGLISm J BY JOHN SHAKESPEAR, OniENTAL PROFESSOR AT THE HONOURABLE EAST-INDIA COMPANY’S MILITARY SEMINA*RY. Jv cT S^'V V. r-'j ‘ cr< IU£ Ui\j b LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, By Cox and Baylis, 75, Great Queen-Street, Liiicoln’s-Iun-Field?, And sold by BLACK, PARBURY, and ALLEN, Booksellers to the Honourable East-India Company, Leadenhall Street. 1817. j ' .•^'^ I>'5='V '^. '- 'I’P ' V" . A .1^' ,V i‘ ' '■• T •<- r < «♦. : «.• ■ ^ ■ *« . ♦ • A ,YJ7 A MOITaKl} ’ - ^r J *: * ■ •"■‘4 ’ ’ ' , Ir6 *v ;/• ' '> «!"^- \:.!i /t* 4 .i ,, '/not ra ■■-rVIK"’; ; .^.1-1»<1 -i./aj n-'ltKi.H »lll^t<, i..i>»al .rv h\ ^ •■•. i ... » ♦ .'•■-w.’ -.^'M ••• H' •I, -J2- ~jr m . ^ ,.Jf ' ■ I -r .. r I • t • • I • ■ t. t! * * ~ im‘ ' > ! V; ■ J ‘-“v — - rj; c» I / ‘ »' 4 ' ^ ■ .V r :j 0' ; >^ (>« •/ () i ft. .. ■ I -.v.-v / ‘ ' ,*^<’'lf<-iii»I-»*a1.v.n<.l ,ii r-.i.i ,4“' t,’. „:a.l.„c;.r.W.u,<.m,U..-.U O. .vJ|.,..-. .r! '..^a.lJ.- >.n., ,Yl) JlllI/.-l ,>' J/..I3 t . , •:.>! TO THOMAS REID, E JOHN BEBB, Esq. Jacob Bosanquet, Esq. The Hon. Wm. F. Elphinstone. Joseph Cotton, Esq. Edward Parky, Esq. Rich. Ciiichei.ey Plowden, Esq. John Hudleston, Esq. John, Esq. James Pattison, Esq. George A. Robinson, Esq. M. P. John Alex. Bannerman, Esq. William Wigram, Esq. DIRE ] MANAGING ;q. Chairman. Deputy Chairman. Samuel Davis, Esq. James Daniell, Esq. John Bladen Taylor, Esq. The Hon. FIugii Lindsay. John Morris, Esq. David Scott, Esq. Alexander Allan, Esq. M. P. William Stanley Clarke, Esq. Richard Parry, Esq. John Thornhill, Esq. John Lumsden, Esq. TORS R HE AFFAIRS OF THE ^on» CJniteD Company of ^crcbant0 of €ngIanD, TRADING TO THE EAST-INDIES : THIS DICTIONARY, COMPILED UNDER THEIR PATRONAGE, IS, WITH GREAT DEFERENCE AND RESPECT, DEDICATED BY their most OBEDIENT, AND MOST HUMBLE SERVANT, London, 9.Mh February 1817. JOHN SHAKESPEAR. I PREFACE. The dialect, called zaban-i-iirdu^ rekhta, hindi or Hindustani, was formed through the intercourse of the IMuhammadan invaders of India with tlie people they found in that country : and, though its structure is chiefly Indian, yet the materials of which it is composed are taken abundantly, almost at pleasure, from the Persian, Arabic and other foreign languages, as well as from the various dialects peculiar to the Hindus. Being thus derived from many different sources, and as a living language, so constructed, liable to continual increase and alteration, it is extremely copious, and very indeterminate both as to the words which may be used and as to the sense in which many words are adopted. Besides, nothing in the shape of a dictionary has yet been published by those who use this dialect as their mother tongue. Much indulgence, therefore, ought to be shewn to the first lexicographers of this language : and, though many deficiencies exist in Captain Taylor’s collec- tion, which Dr. AVilliam Hunter revised, augmented, and published at Calcutta in 1808, yet great praise is due to the authors of that work for the care and dis- cernment, which the general accuracy, good taste and arrangement of it exhibit. The difficulty, which has already sometime existed, of procuring the publication above alluded to, proves how acceptable it was to the publick ; especially, if regard be had to the contracted demand which works of the like nature generally obtain : and, for students of Hindustani, a similar or some additional aid has become ur- gently necessary. The following work, therefore, founded on the “ Hindoostanee and English ” Dictionary of Dr. William Hunter, has been prepared : and, though some thousands of Hindustani words, gathered from good authors, are here added to the collection of Captain Taylor and Dr. Hunter ; yet, as it has been judged expedient to pass over many of the quotations in that work which seem of secondary consideration to beginners of the language, to abridge some parts, and to print with smaller types and much more closely, the present publication is by nearly one half less in bulk and expense than the foregoing. In an original work, such as that of Dr. Hunter, to which no corrections of the errors after printing were ever subjoined, some mistakes must inevitably occur : and these, it is hoped, have been rectified in such extracts from that work as the following sheets contain. Before the words herein explained, the initial roman letter of the name of the language, from which each appears derived, if known, is marked ; thus h. for Hindi, s. for Sanskrit, a. for Arabic, p. for Persian, x. for Turkish, g. for Greek, VI PREFACE. and the like: but, where the derivation is unknown, or is uncertain, u. is prefixed : and, if the word has changed its form or is corrupted in the derivation, a slanting or italick letter is generally adopted by way of distinction. Of the derivations given, though many are evidently correct, yet some, especially of those taken from the Sanskrit, are conjectural ; or they are words which, bearing a resemblance in sense and sound, are introduced when no more probable originals have been discovered : they should therefore, in such cases, be received with caution j and, it is hoped, they will be regarded with indulgence. In denoting the pronunciation of words by italick letters, the vowels «, e, i, o, % are intended to represent the Italian powers of the same letters ; and the con- sonants, for the most part, convey the sounds appropriated to them in English : thus, a corresponding to the Arabic vowel fal'ha is sounded as in America.” a alif-i-mamduda, is sounded as in “ all,” “ ball.” a or a the alif-i-}7iaksura, and sounded as a or <7. ai the ^d-€-sdki)t md kabl ninfluh, as i in “ night,” or uy in “ buy,” by the au people of India ; but by the Arabs and Persians rather as ei in “ sleight.” the zodw-i-sdkin 7nd kabl mnftuh, as on in “ our,” or as the German au. b < > as in “ babble.” bh ^ or the Sanskrit , as 6 with an aspiration. ch * as in church.” chh or the Sanskrit at., as ch with aspiration. chh for the Sanskrit as ch with aspiration. d j as d uttered with the point of the tongue pressed on the upper fore dh teeth, nearly as in “ dew.” or the Sanskrit as d above described, with an aspiration. d j or the Sanskrit sounded with the point of the tongue struck back on dh the palate, as in “ dull” nearly. nj or the Sanskrit ut when following c, g^kors, it may serve with each of those letters to denote a peculiar sound. Sec ch, gh, kh, sh. P H E F A C E. VII h corresponding to — as h above described, in India, though differently by the Arabs. fj with cfi, s or k prefixed. See clifi, sh and kh. i the vowel kasr, as in “ fin,” “ sit.” i the /iani~a-i-vwlaii/ana, and sounded nearly as f above described. i the ^a-c-m(i^ny\ as ee in “ peel,” or ea in “ tea.” j as j» “juflge,” “joy.” j/t ^ or the Sanskrit 5T, as J above described, with aspiration. k CS as in “ king,” “ sunk.” kh ^ or the Sanskrit as A' with aspiration. kh ^ a peculiar guttural sound, like the Scotch ch in “loch,” or the Ger- man ch. kh the Sanskrit‘S, uttered as k with aspiration. k J as A uttered by pressing back the root of the tongue on the throat. I J as in “lane,” “cowl.” m J* as in “ mar,” “ sum.” 71 (J as in “ noon,” “ rang.” n ianxcin in Arabic, and sounded as n. ii the Sanskrit a77uswara, being a nasal tone like that of n in the French words “ sans,” “ bon.” n ...... the Sanskrit HT, having the power of n uttered with the point of the tongue pressed back on the palate. 0 the wav>i-7nojhul, as in “ bone.” p CJ as in “ pun,” up.” j)h -ti o*" Sanskrit asp with aspiration. r ^ as in “ ran,” bur,” with a sensible vibration of the tongue. T J or the Sanskrit 3, having the power of r uttered by striking the point of the tongue on the palate. rh ij or the Sanskrit ^ being the r sounded with aspiration. ri the Sanskrit ^ sounded as in “ river.” s ^ as in “ sin,” “ sun.” ^ as in “ shine.” ? as s nearly by the people of India ; but by the Arabs with the tongue pressed on one side of the palate. :% as in “ sin ” by the people of India ; but, by the Arabs, as th in “ thin.” the Sanskrit as sh uttered with the point of the tongue reverted to the palate. ^ • . • . . • as in “ tube,” “ to-morrow ” nearly, being uttered by pressing the point of the tongue against ihe upper front teeth. th or the Sanskrit uttered .vs t above described, with aspiration. VIll PREFACE. t corresponding- to ih t 71 7/ U or the Sanskrit 2^ as in “ tub ” nearly, or as t uttered by striking the point of the tongue on the palate. ^ or the Sanskrit ^ sounded as t above described, with aspiration, b as / in India; but by the Arabs in a peculiar way, with the point of the tongue more on the palate, the vowel zamm, sounded as in “ full ” or as oo in foot.” zamm, followed by the zoaze-i-ma^diila, which latter is not sounded, the zcaw-i-7nd^ruf, as oo in “ fool.” 9 • w TSi y zh j as in ‘‘ sieve.” ^ having a power between the English v and w ; but, when following a vowel or 77 in a syllable, it is sounded nearly as o or v slightly, the wdxQ-i-mi^dula^ and but very little, if at all, sounded. ^ as in “ year.”' j as in “ zeal.” ' . as in “zeal” by the people of India; but by the Arabs with the tongue applied to one side of the palate. 1 1? as in “ zeal,” by the people of India; but, by the Arabs in a peculiai* way more on the palate. j as z in “ zeal ” by the people of India, but rather as dh by the Arabs. J as s in “ pleasure,” or as the French j in “Jour.” ^having a guttural sound peculiar to the Arabs. After the e.xample of Mcninski, this*, when initial in a syllable, is placed over the vowel which follows in pronunciation ; and when not initial, it is placed after the vowel w hich precedes. So JJb ^ ma*. The initial letters or abbreviations for the parts of speech, grammatical terms, and other purposes, are generally such as are common to dictionaries, or as are well known : thus, s. for substantive, v. for verb, adj. for adjective, conj. for conjunction, adv. for adverb, pron. for pronoun, prep, for preposition, postpos. for postposition, interj. for interjection, m. for masculine, f. for feminine, a. for active, n. for neuter, poss. for possessive, sing, for singular, plur. for plural, caus. for causal, compar. for comparative, super!, for superlative, dim. for diminutive, comp, for compound or compounded ; contr. or contract, for contraction, met. Ibr metonymically, r. for root, q. v. for quod vide, or which see, q. d. for quod demonstrat, or which means &c. A DICTIONARY, HINDUSTANI AND ENGLISH. AUf is the first letter of the Arabic and Persian alphabets. At the beginning of Hindi words, denoted by the characters of these alphabets, 1 with the vowel written or understood, represents the Devanagari letter a; with kusr, the letter ^ T ; with zamm, the letter 3 u ; and with the sign madda the letter 3TT a : at the beginning of Hindi words, moreover, when \ is followed immediately by the two letters together, according to the vowel written or understood with 1, stand for ^ I ^ e or ^ ai ; and, when 1 is followed in like manner bjj, these two letters together represent, according to the vowel used with 1, either ^ u 3TT o or au : but, in the middle or at the end of such words, 1 stands invariably for a. In the representation of numbers by the Arabic letters, 1 stands for one; whence it is used also as a symbol of the deity : it signifies, more- over, the first day of the week, or Sunday ; and, in astronomical descriptions, the sign Taurus of the Zodiac. From its form, too, this letter is adopted to denote straightness ; hence, also, a brave man. And, in allusion to its simple, unadorned, figure, it is sometimes used to mean naked. In Arabic words, at the beginning, it may be v_ alif-i-tafzilzcataksir, used to form adjectives in a comparative degree ; as, afzal from fdzil, ahkar from haklr : and, with J (/«m) it may compose the article (a/) ; in which case, if the word which it precedes is subsequent to . another word in construction, this \ termed wasli, conjunctive, is written only but not sounded. At the beginning or in the middle, it may be the <— iJl alif-i jairf'^ sign of the plural number; as, in ahkdm, JU^ rijdl. In the middle, after the second radical letter, it may be adopted to form adjectives in the superlative degree ; as, zalldm from zdlim. And, at the end, it may denote the accusative case of certain nouns, used as ad- verbs only in Hindustani ; so takhmi- nan : or a plural form ; as \^>\ umard : or, it may be the alif-i-tdnis, sign of the feminine gender; which is either mam- duda, long, as in hamrd, red ; or, sjyoLc maksura, short, as in hubla, pregnant. B “ In Persian words, at the beginning, it may be the i— a!l alif-i-wasli, which is liable to be cut off ; as, in afsun, afshan, which are also Avritten and pronounced (jj— i fasun, (jlii Jishdn. In the middle, between two nouns, it denotes continuity, proximity or con- junction, as sfmb-a-sfiaby sar-a-pa, tug-d^u: or, in the middle of a word, it seems in some cases redundant ; as, .Ify...' si- tamgdr for situmgar. And, at the end, it may be the IjJ c-ill alif-i-nidd, sign of the vocative case ; as, LiL: sdkiyd, O cup-bearer ! ULi shdhd, O king ! or, it may be used in an exclamation of disapprobation, praise, or grief; as, Ijo badd^ how bad ! lip. khnslid, how good ! blessed ! dareghd, what sorrow ! alas ! or, subjoined to adjectives, it may form abstract nouns; as, gar md, heat, from garm, hot. In Hindi words, at the end, \ may be used to form the diminutive of a noun ; as, lyj A very small box, from ^ j : or, adjectives from sub- stantives ; as, l^,^^ Hungry, from 1 (for a, The name of God or Vishnu. Also, when prefixed to a word, it is an inseparable particle of negation, privation, or diminution ; so, Injustice, from Jus- tice, Poor, from Wealth. s. T (for ) o, prep. To, at, until, unto, as far as. It is the opposite of 3f^, marks the li- mits of action, and prefixed to certain verbs, reverses their meaning. 8. <__»! fib, (Sans. 3f^) adv. Now, presently, just now. A. <— fi^ (contract, of s. m. A father. (_Ji' db (Sans. Water; splendor, ele- gance, dignity, honour, character ; lustre (in gems) ; temper (of steel, &c) ; edge or sharp- ness (of a sword): mode, manner. 8. i—)\ (Sans. ^^). adv. Thus, as, in like * ^ • imuincr. A. W ibd, s. m. Denial. A. IT dbd, s. plur. (of jjI). Fathers. A. abdbil, s. ra. A swallow. A. e: 1’^ ibdhat {^rovsx ^l)j s. f. Giving liber- ty, permission. p. jlT dbdd, adj. Cultivated, full of buildings and inhabitants, populous, pleasant, prosper- ous ; (in compos.) a city, a delightful dwelling place, an abode ; well done ! H. jIjT dbdd karnd, v. a. To build, to cul- tivate, to make a place habitable. P. dbdddn, same as jlT dbdd. p. db&ddni, s. f. A habitation ; a culti- vated, populous, pleasant place ; population, cultivation, prosperity, abundance. H. dbddi, s. f. same as dbdddnl. ? H. Ijll ubdrnd,yf.A. To set at liberty. s. ti/ll and r. Speak), a~bdh or a-^dch, adj. Speechless, silent. H. ubdknd, v. a. To vomit. H. Ulll ubdlnd, V. a. To boil, or cause to boil. p. (jIjT dbdn, s. The eighth Persian mont.ii, when the sun enters Scorpio. H. Ill ubdnd, V. a. To sow, to plant. A. ^^11 abd-i, adj. Belonging to, or descend- ing from, one’s ancestors ; paternal. p. j^l^l cJT db-i-bdrdn. Rain-water, rain. p. ^^jl db-bdzi. Play or sport in water; swimming. p. -t" < <_JT db-i-basta. A glass. s. 1% and r. Di- vide) a-bi-bek, or a-xhveka, s. m. Want of dis- crimination, indiscretion. s. a-bi-bekatd, s. f. Same as ^1* v. p. i^l (__T db-pdshi. Sprinkling water. / T db-paikardii. The stars. p. cJl'<— >T db-tdb. Splendor. H. ab-tab (comp, of and adv. Presently. l^\ ab-tub-honu. To be at the point of death. A. IkXijl ibtidu (from *jj), s. f. Beginning, com- mencement. A. ^IjcjI ibtidd-oij, adv. In the beginning, at first. A. Jljcjl ibtizul (from Jjj) s. m. Vileness, baseness, meanness ; carelessness in preserving any thing. A. ^1 (ibtar (from jj Was destitute of a tail), adj. Ruined, spoiled, worthless, destitute of good qualities, dissolute, wanton. A. ablari, s. f. Worthlessness. A. ibtisam (from s. m. A smiling, gaiety. adv. Till now, hitherto, yet. H. ab-(ak H. ’^'■'1 ab-talak H. ab-tori H. ab-torl A. iblihuj (from s. m. Gladness, alacrity, chearfulness. Ji H. ttbta-ln, adv. Till now. H. ohte?), adv. From this time, henceforth. ' 1 H. ubti, t H. tibtan, ) s. m. See ^1 uptan. ^ ■ H. Libl vbatnd, v. a. To rub on the body a detergent application, called uptan. s. Water, and 3T Born; q. d. produced in or from water) abja, s. m. The njTnphaea or lotus; the moon; a conch; a kind of tree (eugenia acutangula) ; the physi- cian of the gods. p. cJT (ib-i-jdri. Running water; a stream; a rivulet ; tears flowing. A. abjad, s. m. A particular arrangement of the Arabic alphabet ; the alphabet ; a mode of denoting numbers by the letters of the al- phabet. p. ^J:er\ abjad-khtpilti, s. m. One who is learning his alphabet. P. iib-josh. Gravy, soup. H. a-hach and bachnu), adj. That which has not escaped. s.x\ (3T, and r. Go, move) ab-i| db-i-chashm. Water of the eyes ; tears. p. cJT db-chashi. The giving drink to a child for the first time (generally when about six months old) preparatory to weaning. s. (3f, 1% and r. move), a-bi-chal, or a-^i-chal, adj. Motionless, un- moved, unshaken, resolute, firm. p. (*1^ 4_JT db-i-hardm. Wine: the tears of a person who weeps hypocritically and sorrow- less. p. t__>T db-i-hasrat. Water of desire; wish, appetite, longing. p. cjT db-i-haydl. Water of life; the fountain of life. p. db-i-haizodn. Water of life; name of the fabulous fountain of immortality. p. ^U. db-khdna. A repository of water. A. abkhirah or abkharah, s. plur. (of JJi' orjj:^) Vapours, exhalations, perfumes. P. s“ - <«_jT db-khast (for . -i')'). Wounded or broken by water ; an island in the midst of great waters. A. abkhal, adj. corapar. (of J^)- More, most, or very covetous. p. jyi-t-JT dh-khur "I Drinking and eating; vic- p. db’khurd } tuals; fortune; destiny. B 2 4 Joi p. ab-khura. A narrow mouthed vessel for drinking out of; a cup for drinking water. p. <_JT db-lhez. A soil in which water rises up if dug into but little. A. Jul abad, s. m. Eternity without end. A. IajI abadan, adv. Eternally, never. V. i— ub-ddr (cjjT q- v. and^lj Having) s. m. The person entrusted with the charge of water for drinking ; any thing full of water or splendor, as fruits, jewels, pearls, swords, adj. Polished, of a good water (as gems), well tempered (as steel), sharp (as a sword). p. J < >1 db-ddr-khdna. The place where the ab-dar keeps the water for drinking. P. c_>T db-ddri, s. f. ' The brilliancy (of gems), temper or polish (of steel), sharpness (of a sword). A. ibdd* (from ^ ) s. m. The production of something new, invention. A. JU^ ibddl (from Jjo ) s. m. Change, ex- change, substitution of one thing for another. A. abddl, s. m. (plur. of JjJo). A religious person, a devotee, an enthusiast. p. <-JT db-ddna. Drink and food, p. i-r^T db-dast. Water for washing the hands ; washing the hands ; brightness, tresh- ness, elegance, or celerity of the hands : a guiltless fakir. p. db4-danddn. Sharpness and polish of the teeth : db~danddn, Weakness, trouble ; crime, or fault; a kind of pear; a kind of pomegranate; any pulpous fruit; a kind of sweetmeat, adj. Bad, oppressed, in vain, useless, base, silly. g. and r. Kill) a-badh or urxadhych adj. Not to be killed, sacred, in- violable. 8. (3{ and Understanding) a-budhj adj. Ignorant. p. db-i-dahan. Water of the mouth ; spittle. St ab-dhdt, s. m. and r. ^ Shake) s. ab-dhdtni, s.f. J A kind of Hindu de- votees, worshippers of Siva. A. (ibadi, adj. Eternal, without end. s. bjol ( and 1w science) a-bidyd, s. f. Ignorance. iAjj db-i-dida, s. Tears, db-dida, adj. In tears, weeping. v.j\ abr (Sans. abhra) s. m. A cloud, iL-j abr-i-sij/dh, A black cloud. abr-i- ghaliz, A thick cloud. H.jjj abar, adv. Now. p. abrd, s. m. The outer fold of a double garment (distinguished from astar, the lining). See sj\ A.jljjj abrdr, s. plur. (of j). Just, holy, pious men, dutiful (to parents). A. ibrdm (from j^), s. m. Twisting; dis- tressing, solicitation, entreaty, urgency. A. ibrdhlm, n. prop. Abraham. A. i^ji\ abj'cid, adj. compar. (from ^.y). Colder, very cold. A. ^j>\ abrets (from ijsji), adj. Leprous, liaving the leprosy. A. ^ji\ abrak (Sans. abhrak), s. m. s. iJ^\ abrak ) Talc, mica. P. tjA abrd (Sans. ^ bhru) s, f. The eyebrow. P. dbi'd, s. Splendor of the countenance ; honour, character, renown, elegance. Name of a poet. ji. jJ\ dbrd utdrnly v, a. To dishonour, to disgrace. P^ , iT db-i-raxedn. Running water ; a fouii> tain ; the sky ; a kind of extremely fine mus- lin. II. iihru bar hud deni, v. a. To lose one’s own character, to destroy that of another. H. if ji dbru par girih mdrni, v. a. To frown. II. dbrii deni, v. a. To impart honour or reputation to any one, to lose or give up one's character, &c. H. dbru karni, v. a. To treat with re- spect. H. ^ji\ iibrn icni, v. a. To take away cha- racter or reputation. s. and r. Con- fine) a-bi-rodh or a-vi-rodh, s. in. Tranquillity, quietness. , in. I 'ini, f. I adj. Quiet, tranquil. s. a-bi-rodhi, in. s. ct-bi-rodliini, p. abra, s. in. The outer cloth of a double garment. Seel^l p. abri, adj. Clouded, variegated. abri kdg/iuz, A kind of thick and shining paper, clouded, (from Cashmir). nbresham or dbresham, s. m. Silk, sewing silk, raw silk. p. abreshami, adj. Silken, of silk. A. ibrik, s. m. An ewer. P- iib-i-zuldl, Pure, limpid, wholesome water. s. and Power, will) ei-bas, adj. Powerless, without choice. p. JLjI absul, s. m. A vineyard, a garden. p. dbist, \ p. abistan, >adj. Pregnant, with young. p. abistan, ) p. (t— jT abista, adj. Pregnant, with young (a woman or animal) : new-born (a child). j p p. abistam, ) . p. db-i-surd. Cold water, s. ^ and Calamity), a-bisan, adj. Without desire, indifl’erent. s. and Cloth), a-basan, adj- Without clothes, naked. fi H. uhasna^ v. n. To rot, to putrify. S. and Breathe), a-bi-szvds, s. in. Want of confidence, distrust. s. a-bi-swdsin, \ d a-bi-swdsini, \ d a-bi-szedsi, j adj. ni. f. Without con- fidence, distrustful. H. J 5— ab-se ddr (an expression of those who, after reciting past misfortune, pray to be preserved from a return of it). Far be it from us ! p.jIL'T dbshdr, s. f. A water-fall, cascade, ca- taract. p. cJT db-shinds. The sailor who heaves the lead in sounding. p. db-i-shor. Brackish water, salt or sea-water. p. ZjjJa db-shora. Water cooled with salt- petre. s. 3Tf>T^q; (3rfiT and r. Sprinkle), abi-shek, s. m. Bathing, baptising, sprinkling with the water of the Ganges ; ini- tiation, royal unction ; purification by means of sprinkling water and pronouncing certain prayers. A. absdr (plur. of ) basar, Eyes, sights, understanding. A. JlLl ibtdl (from JLj), s. m. Abolition, act of destroying or annihilating. A. Jiail abtal, adj. compar. (of Ji?b ).' More, or most vain or fruitless. X A. A*.d abad, adj. compar. (of J>^). More or most distant. p. ci-ylc <-JT db-i-ashrat, Wine, sherbet, semen genitale. Jj\ 6 A. ibkd, s. ra. Rendering permanentj con- firmation, establishment, preservation. H. Uol ab-kd, ad j. Of the present time, now. p. db-kdr, s.m. A water-carrier, a sprinkler; a distiller (especially of spirituous liquors), a wine-merchant or seller of spirituous liquors, a drinker of wine. p. db-kdri, s. f. The business of a water- carrier, &c.; the business of a distiller; a duty levied on distilleries. H. ubkd-i, s. f. Act of vomiting. s. (3T and Evident, dis- tinct) adj. Hidden, unintelligible : any invisible principle. s. abikt ganit, s. f. Arithmetic of unknown quantities, algebra. p. db-kash. A drawer of water. H. Uol ubakndy v. n. To vomit. t_JT db-i-kausar. The water of the river Kausar, fabled to flow in paradise with milk or nectar. s. ' g abi-khek, s. m. See abi-shek. (3Tq- and Hair; fruit) ab-keshi or ava-kesi, adj. Without fruit, barren (a tree). p. jljif db-guzdr. A water-passer, an expe- ditious messenger, a courier; a passage of a . river, a ford. P, d1)-i-garm. Warm water. P. <_.jT db-i-gosht. Gravy, broth; water in which meat has been boiled down. (It is used in dressing pulaos). p, <_J[ db-gir. A receptacle of water ; a lake. p. K'-Sa dbglnahy s. m. (Hass, a mirror, a look- ing glass, a drinking glass; wine; a diamond. a-bal and StrengtJi), adj. m. Weak. s. a~baldy adj. f. Weak. s. f. A w'oman. s. bib! a-bald-pd, s. m. Weakness. A. ^Ib! ibldgh (from ) s. m. Causing to ar- rive, conveying, sending. P H. bib! ubidndy v. a. To cause to boil (by the hands of another), to boll any thing with such violence that it is spilled. s. s. ^/Ib! a-hald-i {irova lb!), s. f. Weakness. A. ^! ablak (from ^>)} adj. Pyebald, black and wliite, party-coloured. A. Ub! ablakd, s. m. A bird of the raaina kind, a starling. s. t_..^AJJ! (3f and Delay) a-6?7a?ni, s.m. Quickness, diligence. P H. bJj! uhalnd, v. n. To boil. p, ai)T dbila, s. m. A blister, ^'b aLT dbila pd-iy s. f. The having blisters on the feet. aid dbila-i-farang, s. ra. The french pox, a bubo. A. ab! ablahy adj. Foolish, silly, ignorant, bash- ful. A. ablahly s. f. Folly, silliness. s. 1^'! «-&«//, adj. Weak. See Jj!. A. '! ibllsy s. m. The devil. A. 1^! ibn, s. in. A son. (plur. \ij\abnd). s. ^bj! (^, and r. ITTST Disappear, be. come lost) a-bi-ndSy s. m. Exemption from loss, safety. s. ^bj! a-bi-ndsly adj. Safe, en- tire, free from loss, everlasting, eternal. A. ^J.-^ abnd-i-jim, s. plur. Of the same quality or rank ; comrades, companions, equals. s. jJcj! ( Point, drop) a-bindu. Without point or dot. A. jbj 1^! ibn zij/dd, n. prop. A governor of Kufa and a great enemy of the sect of All. 7 p. Sjisj t^T ab-i-nukra. Quicksilver, silver re- duced by any menstruum to a liquid state. p. abnits, s. m. Ebony. p. ubnusl, adj. Made of ebony. p. A ub-nai. The perpendicular tube of a liukka on which the chilam is fixed. S. (3T, and r. Conduct) a-bi-mi, s. m. Pertness, wantonness. 8. (3T, and r. Conduct) a-binili, adj. Wanton, pert, petulant. A. abu, s. m. Father. A. jjl abit-l-fazl (father of excellence), n. prop. Tiie secretary of the Emperor Akbar. A. abu bakr (litt. father of the virgin), n. prop. The father-in-law and first successor to Muhammad. A. abu tiirdb, n. prop. Ali, the son-in- law of Muhammad. A. (‘bu jahl (father of ignorance), n. prop. An uncle of Muhammad. A. abuhuraira (father of the cat, because he was in the habit of carrying a cat with him) n. prop. One of the companions of Muham- mad. A. <— abzcdb, s. plur. (of ljIj) Doors, chap- ters. s. r. Understand) a-bujh, adj. Stupid, void of understanding. (3T and \^y Understood) a-bujhd, adj. Not understood, incomprehensible. H, and Jjj Speak) a-bol, adj. Silent. H. a-bola, adj. Disposed or accustomed to silence. 8. 3rPr abhi, prep. Before (in time and place), against, wdth respect to. It is the re- verse of '^T^. A. ,^y\ abzci, adj. Paternal. p. dbxcahav^d, s. f. Water and air; cli- mate. s. 'AI I^TT and r. HT Shine) d-bhd, s. f. Splendor, beauty. s. jlyji and Load) a-bhdr, adj. Light (in weight). H. jlyjl ubhdr, s. m. Swelling, plumpness, tu- mefaction. H. ubhdrnd^ v. a. To plump up, to raise up, to excite, to persuade. P II. ubhdnidj v. a. To take away, to steal. s. Fortune) a-bhdg^ s. m* Misfortune. s. a-bhdgd, adj. Unfortunate, destitute. A. ibhdm (from The thumb; sus- picion, ambiguity ; adj. covered, concealed, unknown. P II. ubhdnd^ v.a. To alarm, to disturb. s.jl^l (3T and Being) a-bhdV) s. m. Non-existence, annihilation, death. 8. (3TfH and . r. Speak) abhi-bdd, s. m. Obeisance, a bow or prostra- tion to a person addressed by name : also, an opprobrious or unfriendly speech. s. abhi-bddan, s. m. The same as q. v. s. (3ff^ and r. ITT Satisfy, please) abhi-prdj/a, s. m. Meaning, intention, opinion. P H. ubhrd, adj. Unladen (as a cart or boat)* H. ubhrdnd, v. adj. To fill a vessel till it run over. s. abhrak ( s. m. (The mineral called) talc. s. and r. ^ Nourish, support), d- bhararifS.m. Jewels, ornaments, decoration. P H. ubharnd, v. n. To swell, to rise up, to overflow, to unlade (a cart or boat). s. and r. ^ Go) abhi-sdrikd, adj. 8 , . I- . 7 f. Going to an assignation with her husband or lover (a woman). s. and ^f|fi Service) a-bhakt, s. f. Disregard, want of desire, indifference. s. (3rft- and r. De- sire) abhi-ldk, s. m. Wish, desire. s. abhi-ldJchu, s. f. Wish, desire. See .. ^rPrifpr (srfSr and r. Know) abhi-mun, s. m. Pride, haughtiness, self-con- ceit. s. abhimdnl^ adj. Proud, haughty. s, abhimanya, adj. Proud, haughty. s. and New) abhi- nav, adj. New. 8. and r. ^ Exist, be) a-bhut, adj. Non-existent. s. 1’- Eat, enjoy) a-bhoj^ adj. Unfit to be eaten, not eatable. s. and r. Adorn) d-bhukhan, 8. m. Jewels, ornaments. 8. r- Enjoy) a-bhog, adj. Unfit for use, unpossessed. H. ahhuii, adv. Hitherto, yet. II. ab-hl (c_j] «&, Now, and ^ hi, Ex- actly), adv. Just now, exactly now, imme- diately. y ^j\ and Fear) a-bhai, adj. Fearless, without fear. (3rfH and Have, hold, support) abhi-dhdn, s. m. A dictionary. s. and r. Separate, divide) Orblied, adj. Inseparable, indivisible. p. uiT dbi, adj. Aquatic, of or belonging to water, watery, moist. H. (ibe, interj. (used by way of contempt), llolu, you fellow, you rascal ! 11 V H. til adv. Now, exactly now. (Little used). A. ci;L'l abydl, s. plur. (of ^^t) Houses ; dis- tichs or verses (most commonly). p. db-i-yakhni, Water in which meat has been boiled down, gravy. s.^1 and Time) a-ber, s. f. Delay^ | lateness. A. i^l abyaz, adj. compar. (from ^i) White, whiter, more or most splendid or shining. H. cJT dp, pron. Self, yourself, you Sir (used, instead of the personal pronoun of the second person, by an inferior when addressing his su- perior). s. c^l “Jj M apa, prep. Under, below, (denoting inferiority, secrecy, disappearance, slyness, &c.) ill, amiss. The reverse of 3rfV. s. L^l vpa, prep. Near, by, by the side of, M'ith; secondary to. The opposite of <2^. H. LT dpd, s. f. An elder sister. Self. s. vy and Sin, crime) a-pdp, adj. Guiltless. H. t-jl c->I dp dp, s. Selfishness, egotism. s. ybl and Fit, worthy) rt-pJ/r, adj. Unfit, unworthy. s. ifjl>l and Have, hold) up-d-dh, s. f. Violence, injury, injustice, tyranny. s. i^jljl up-d-dhl, adj. Violent, unjust. s. ibl and opposite bank) a-pdr, adj. Doiindless, incomprehensible. P. ^bl ipdr, s. Thyme, wild marjoram. s, Liu-3-^ljl (3^ and r. .Vcquirc) np-drjii, adj. Acquired. s. 3M 1 --51^ (31T and r. Earn) vp-drjan, s. Earning, acquirement. II. bj’bl ttpdrnd, v. a. To root up, to extirpate? to eradicate. 9 jV s. LT and 3m Eat, unless it be a V contract, of q. v.) up-(~rs, s. ni. A fast. s. LjI)\ itpdsd, adj. Hungry, one who fasts. s. L-oM and r. 3fTFf Sit, stay) up-disand, V. a. To reverence, to worship. f f s. _jbl upd-o, s. m. Remedy, redress. See II adj. Lazy, cripple; a person who never visits any one. s. i^\i\ (3^^^, 3fJ and r. ^ Go) up-d-ya^ s. ni. Expedient, plan, scheme, preparation, redress. s. tipd~i, adj. Contriving, remedying. s. 3pr^T^ (3fCf and r. Speak) apa- bdd, s. m. Complaint, accusation, censure, ^ s.* 3m and r. Will) apa-bas, adj. Absolute, independent. s. (viM and A wood) upa- ban, s. m. A grove, an artificially planted wood or garden. and qf^A husband) / ) s. ni. A ( fumes, L2j1 upland, y rub th A composition of per- flour, &c. used to the body with. To be tired or to be upa-pati, s. m. A gallant, a paramour. s. 3fTTf^ (3rr and r. Go) d-patli, s. f. Misfortune, calamity, fault. s. Li-ol and pat, Honour, &c.) a-pat, s. Discredit, disgrace. s. aiid ^i^t^ITTT A virtuous, faith- ful wife) a-pati'Vratd, adj. and s. f. A bad woman, a courtezan. s. and Friendly, profitable) a-pathya, adj. Indigestible. {Hunter.) s. U.1 (3f and Trust, confidence) .. y a-patiyd, adj. Faithless, treacherous. H. a-paty dr d, adj. Faithless, treacherous. H. and LXij To dash, to strike) a-paiak, adj. One whose hands and feet are become useless ; paralytic. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. r upathna, v. n. sick of a business. upaj, 8. f. The burthen of a song, the chorus, variations in music. upjdnd (Sans. -A M and r. Produce) V. a. To produce, to make to grow. upjd-u, adj. Fertile. upa-jit, adj. Produced, propagated. and r. Strive, take pains) upa-jatan, s. ni. Preparation, exertion. and Fame, reputation) aporjas, s. in. Infamy. -cA apa-jasi, adj. Infamous, unfortunate- upajnd (Sans. and r. >Sl«1 Produce) V. n. To spring up, to grow, to proceed. apchhard s. f. A female dancer in the court of Indr. See 1^— jb jjj' (3^T and r. Go) dpad, s. f. Ca- V lamity. IjjT (3fT and r. Go) d-padd, s. f. Misfor- tune, calamity. ,Jo( (3R and r. 5!! Run) upa-drav, s. m. A portent, injustice, iniquity. -jJol (3*^ and r. Shew) upa-des, s. m. V , , Advice, counsel, exhortation, admonition. , upa-desi, s. m. f. An adviser. ^ upar, prep. Above, on. See^^l upar. and r. Conquer) a-pard-jit, adj. Unconquered, invincible, un- a-pard-jitd, s. f. The name of a twin- ing shrub, called also koyal, and kavwd-thenll. Crow’s beak (Clitoria terhatea) : also, the name of other plants. C 10 s l5^W ^ Conquer) a-pard-jai, s m! Invincibility, victory. "n^e ®ur. complished) apa-rddh, s. m. Offence, gression, crime. s. apa-rddhin, s. f. ) A criminal, sinner, s- ' offender. H. uprdld karnd, v. a. To take ones part, to protect, to stickle for. ,, uprunt, „dv. After which, afterwards. ... ling- , ^ (3T a and r. HT Shine) a-pra-bha, s. f. 'want of splendor; darkness, dull, .ess. .u , (3( Clfr and r. Go, n.ove) a-pari- *■ f. Deviation from established custom. u (3f CT and r. fTCf Burn, shine) arpra- '■ mp,i. m ’ Want of acuteness, of power or of fortune. «. '•■P™-'®*’*’ "‘'j- fortunate. . lliijl (3f CTtH and r. ’?! Stand, ream, n) '■ ^iuUhlM, s. f. Want of rospectalnlity. amlSfg Eye, a,lj. Imperceptible, secret, ah- sent. , LjjI and r. Wf Become celchrnted) '■„.pn(/uJ, s.,f. Deviation fi-o„. custom; »e- crccy. Renowned, famous ; faitii, confidence) a-prnlU, adj. Without credit. s. of credit. , (3f CT and r. Be glad, shine) „.;rth,md, adj. Without dignity, splendor or sharpness. A (3T ^fK a«ul perceive) ’■ »• f- Want oftrial or proof. u-i' s. M^j}\ andR^^ Chief) a^md/iaw, adj. Subordinate, secondary, mean, powerless, s. and r. FTSJ Touch) a-paras, s. m. * state of a Hindfi after bathing, previous to worship or to eating, during which it is unlawful for him to touch any one ; (for the Arabic ) Leprosy. s ^jLyl and CTRKT Offered to the dei- 'ties, from CTITK Pleasure, favour, kindness) aprasSdi, adj. That which is not presented to the deity. s. (3f and Man) a-purusli, adj. Im* - potent, effeminate. VI uparla, adj. Superficial ; the outside of a garment (opposed to the lining), s- M a-prarndn, adj. - Without proof, untrue. ,1 (3f p,iv. 'Tr;JT Original, great, and mr Opposite bank of a river) a-pamm-par, _ adj. Boundless, infinite. \i J\ upurnd, ?>. n\. ^4 scarf. aparampdr, same as ■i. i '• ' inort de chien, cholera morbus. y:-J upr,m,clu-,, s. m. A towel or cloth for 'wiping the body. adj. Superheat. (cJ Self, and Form) «p-r»p, s. m. Self u‘M- Self-formed (the deity), s e^^J(3TandatfK: Pleasure, love) a-pr'd, s. f. "Knmity, hatred. s (3f and Affection, kindnes^)«-Fm, s. m. Enmity, hatred. . f - V II To be rooted out, to be 11. tip»r»Ay///, J '■ V ’ ^ business), adj. Attending to one’s own business, having an opportunity of ac- complishing one’s own business. s. ^ ^pa-f^dr, s. m. Favour, kindness. s. upa-kdrJ, adj. Beneficent, s. (3T and A side, party, wing) u-paksh, adj. Without wings, without assist- ance or protection. ir. LI tipld, s. m. Cakes of dried cow-dung. s. apaJajj, adj. Impudent, immodest, shame- less. See s. 1^1 (3j l.j and ^5^sfTf Shame, modesty) apa- fajjd, s. f. Impudence, shamelessness. s. apalajji, adj. See apalajj. s. and A mark, a sign) apa- -lachchhan, s. m. A bad omen, bad sign s. apa-lachchhand, adj. m. Of a bad sign or suspicious appearance, unlucky, ominous. ttpli, s. f. Cakes of cow-dung of a smal- ler size than LI upld. fi s. ui OTirr (OT' and ^ 1 Measure) upa-md, s. f. Resemblance, comparison, simile, that thing to which another is likened, a resem- blance. s. .,Uj! upa-mdn, s. m. Resemblance. See UjI upa~md, S. yUl StTTiTFT f3PT and I «-| Respect) apa-mdti, s. m. Disgrace, an affront, disre- spect. s. iJUjI apa-mdm, adj. Disgraced, abased. H. dpan, pron. recip. Self. H. Ld apud, m. apn/, f. pron. poss. Of or belonging to self, own. apm-gdond To sing one’s own praises, to egotize. H. Ulijl apnand, v. a. To make a thing one’s own, to convert to one’s own use. H. apndi/at, s. f. Family, relations, kin- dred. H. apampd, s. m. One’s self. (Used in the accusative case only, as \i\sf^ UjI apampd ha- chdna. To guard or protect one’s self). s. (3f and kj!i| ; A road) a-panth, s. m. A wrong or bad road, a devious track ; heresy. s. a-panth), adj. One who has lost his way, devious; heretical. C 2 12 ■y s. (3T and Virtuous action) a-^unj/a, j s. m. Uncharitableness. apaoad, s. m. Complaint, reproach, accusa- tion, censure. s. apa-vadin, s. f. "I A coraplainer, an ac- s. apa-^adi, s. ni. j cuser. upa-vds, s. m. Fasting, a fast. H. iSJy\ 3rg3T (3T and A child) a-put, adj. Childless; undutiful (a child). s. Jy\ (3{ and TZrfcf^ Clean, pure) a-pavitr, adj. Unclean, defiled. S. \jjy\ a-pavitratd, s. f. Uncleanness, filth. S. (3f an^ r. Worship) a-piij, adj. That which is not worshipped, or is not a pro- per object of worship. 9. 3ftT^ (3f and Preceding) fi-pwri, adj. New ; unheard of, admirable, uncom- mon, remarkable. s. i^-^y ^ ^ and r. Qait, leave) opa-tiarg, s. m. Liberation, deliverance, emancipation; final beatitude, the deliverance of the soul from the body and exemption from further transmigration. ■vit, s. m. The thread or cord worn by the three first classes of Hindus over the left shoulder and under the right. s. (TS'^ and The scripture, q. d. De- pending on, derived or springing from, the Veda) upa-vcd, s. m. The Purans. H. aphrdnd, v. a. To feed a person so that’his belly swells ; (met.) to give a person (money, &c.) to the utmost extent of his de- sire. “• aphrii-i, s. f. Gluttony, a surfeit, ii. apharnu, v. n. To swell out (the belly), to gormandize, to eat to satiety ; to become very rich. s. <3f and rj^ Fruit) a-phal, adj. Fruit- less, barren. s. u-Avi' a-phalit, adj. Not in fruit (a fruit tree). H. uphannd, v. n. To boil over. H. y-y dphu, 1 im,j f. Opium. H. aphi s. ^1 (3T and Froth, foam) a-phen, adj. Without foam. H. aphenda, adj. Self-conceited, obstinate. <31 and Pain) a-pir, adj. With- out pain. s. andr. ^t) upa-j/uld, adj. "worthy, fit, proper, qualified. s. yyj U r. See) a-pelfi, adj. Invisible, unseen. s. (3f Light, lean. s. (3f andr. xf\ Drink) fl-piy/rt, adj. Un- fit to be drunk, forbidden (liquor). s. P'^^P" P°"*t of time, place, or degree), gone by, passed over, exceeding, surpassing, very. s. CjI prep- Up> upwards, on high, over, above. It implies superiority in place and degree, and is the reverse of II. cJT at, s. m. Custard apple (annona squa- mosa). II. it, adv. Here, hither. it-hxoai, F rom here, hence. II. c^l ut, adv. There, thither. T. \ji aid, s. m. hather. II. UT dtd, s. m. A custard apple (annona squa- mosa). T. i^\i\ aid-bug, (comp, of bj aid, Father, and Lord), s. m. A master, a teacher, a title given to kings or prime ministers, uiiir (perhaps from Sans. 3f^rT]^), e. m. Descent. ulur To bring down ; (met.) to disgrace, to dislmnour. P H. iituru, 8. m. A descent; an answer; cast off clothes, disgrace, degradation ; ran- som, self-devotion. P H. uturan, s. f. A fragment. P H. lijUl utarml, v. a. To cause to alight, to bring down ; to degrade, to take off, to tear off, cut off or break off (a portion of any thing), to make a return or recompense, tUdre /lu-e, Engaged with desperate resolution in any enterprise. (Metaphor taken from ca- valry, who dismount to fight on foot with a determination to conquer or die). T. atdltk, s. m. A private tutor. T. ittu/ik}, s. f. Private tuition. S- ( 3fT »'• Extend, stretch) uNdn, adj. Supine, lying on the back ; shallow. P H. Jjlj1 utux£al, s. f. Quickness, speed, des- patch. P H. iitdvld, adj. m. Swift, quick, speedy, precipitate, rash. P H. utuvU, adj. f. Swift, &c. ; s. f. Haste, speed, rashness, impatience. H. rtfd-?, s. One who sings and dances gratis. s. and Limit) ati-bel, or ati-vel, adv. or adj. Much, excessive, frequently. s. C^n rf^ shine) d-tap^ s. m. Sunshine. s. (3rl^ and r, Fall) ut-pdt, s. m. A portent, phenomenon ; violence, in- justice. s. and r. Move) itt- patti, s. f. llirth, origin, creation. P s. ulpann, adj. l*roceeds, profit, produce. II. L.:;.!-! and Power) a-latfid, adj. Power- less, « ithout authority. s. s. m. Performance. ijrd karnd, To perform. A. ajrdm, s. plur. (of Bodies. A. Hjf'ot, s. f. Reward, wages, hire. s. H. \y^\ ujrdpujrd, part. In ruins, desolate. 5. b^l (5if^ and r. ^ Decay) ujartid, v. n. To become desolate. s. ujarwdnd, v. a. To lay waste by the hands of a third person. A. ajzd, s. plur. (of juz) Parts, portions, s. (3{ and Fame) ajas, adj. In- famous. A. ajsddy s. plur. (of A».-y-) Bodies. A. ajsdm, s. plur. (of j*—*-) Bodies. s. a-jukt, ')(3f and r. ^3^ Join, fit) s. a-jugatf j adj. Unfit ; s. f. Violence, oppression, compulsion. 3T3P1T a g«at, and 3J Swal- low) aj’gar, s. m. A large serpent, the Boa constrictor. A. J:>.1 ajal, s. f. The term of life, death, the hour of death, the predestined time of death, a stated time, delay, respite, period for the payment of a debt, ajal-girifta, On the point of death, in a situation that leaves no hopes of life, in the jaws of death. A. ajall, adj. compar. (from J.^) More or most glorious. / ' - ' s. -5^^ Shine) ujjalj adj. Clear, pure, shining, luminous, blown, expanded. A. ^jJ^Ujlds (from s. f. Seating, caus- ing to sit. ajldf, s. plur. (of jilf) Vile, igno- ble, unjust people. A. ijldl (from s. m. The bestowing or acknowledging of greatness; magnificence, honor, respect. s. (from Ul^l) ujldndj v. a. To cause to cleanse. / ^ Hj’jolit) adj. Pure, clean, clear. Sec ujjal. t s. ujalnd (from J.^1 uj-jal), v. n. To become clean, to shine, to be bright. A. «d^1 ojiNa, s. plur. (of (ijall), Illustrious men. A. ymd* (from s. m. Act of as- sembling, an assembly, senate, council, court of justice, a crowd, collection, amount, whole. A. ijmd!^4-ummat, s. m. General as- sembly of the people, unanimous consent. / A. JU»-i ijmdl (from «tU^), s. m. An abstract, compendious account, synopsis. A. ijmdli, adj. Abridged, compendious. A. ajnuf-in^ s. plur. (of j^l) The whole, all together. A. ajmal^ adj. compar. (of J-a^) More or most beautiful. A goat, and r. Be s. m. Parsley (apium involucratum), common carroway, a kind of lovage. A. ajnds, s. plur. (of Kinds, sorts, species ; goods, chattels, merchandise. A. wO.s-1 ajndb, )acto*’yj success) o-jai, adj. Not victorious, unsuccessful, subdued. V s. (3f and r. Conquer) a-jit, adj. Invincible, unsubdued. -5- uji baran, s. m. Leprosy (of a bad kind). A. ajyad, adj. compar. (of j*^) Very good, excellent. A. ai- A slave, a hired servant, r and r. Decay) a-jlran, s. m. . Indigestion ; flatulence. s. (3rl^and r. fv^ Conquer) uj-jain, s. m. Name of a city. s. and ^fr^I Life) adj. Lifeless. s. and r. -.SlT^ Live) d-jivikd, s. f. Subsistence. J (3H and 1% Gather) High. See unchu. uch-cha, adj. H. ljVJ> to be tired. ^ C' ' ' ' ' ' s. uchcitan^ s. m. s. uchdfl, s. f. uclidf. hand, v. n. To be wearied, The act of vexing or > rendering sorrowful, vexation. ^ -c- , s. (Sans. and Divide) uchdtnd^ V. a. To divide, separate. o and r. Go) nc/i-c/idr, s. m. Pronunciation, utterance. s.^uT 3rrqrx (3tt and r. Go) d-chdt', s. m. Established rule of conduct, institute, religious observance. II. iU»-l dchdr, s. m. Pickles. ' ’ r s. and r. Go) d-chdraj, ; s. m. A spiritual guide or teacher, a learned pandit. P s. t/ch-efidran, s. m. Pronunciation, ut- P terance. See jW P P s. uch-chdrnd ( from ^Ls»l), v. a. To pro- nounce, to speak out. s. d-chdri (froin^l^T), adj. Strict in the observance of religious ceremonies. 21 -\ ticfikdnd, V. a. To lift or raise up. II. ^ J^\ achkari, s. f. Wantonness, lascivious- ness, wickedness. s. (STand^gn; Eye) a-chaks/m, adj. Blind. H. s. f. Spectacles. s. and Bland, soft) a-chikkan^ adj. Rough, unpolished. H. bXxs-l uebaknd, v. n. To rise, to be raised or lifted. H. uchakki, s. f. A female thief or pick- pocket. s. J.xs-1 and r. Move) a-chal, adj. Immoveable, incapable of motion ; s. m. A mountain, an aged person. nil achal^ The blue mountain near Baleswar. s. (See kj.^1) a-chald, s. f. The earth. P s. Ij'Jcs-1 uchldnd, v. a. To order a person to separate (one thing from another). s. (5^ and r. Move) uchalnd, v. n. To separate, to be separated. H. achambhd, s. m. Wonderful thing, astonishment, cause of astonishment. s. ■3rr^^T^ (3j I and r. Eat, drink) ddunan, s. m. Sipping water before religious ceremonies, meals, &c. from the palm of the hand and spitting it out again. s. and A mark) a-diin, adj. Without note or consequence. H. I -‘.-^1 achambhd, s. m. See s. and f^rTT Thought) a-diint, adj. Thoughtless. ♦ s. (3f and Moving) a-chanchal^ adj. Fixed, unmoved, firm, inactive. H. and Error) a.l) The units, ones. A. ui-jjU-i ahddis, s. f. (plur. of Tradi- I • ** • ' , ** '* tions, (particularly) the traditions or sayings of Muhammad. A. ithU-l ikdta, (from h^) «. f. A surrounding, an enclosure, a fence ; comprehension, com- pass, besieging. A. ahabb, adj. compar. (of y_ - More beloved, very or most lovely, amiable ; a friend. A. 1^1 flAiWa, )s. plur. (of Friends, A. ahbdby ) lovers. A. ihtirdz, (fromj^) s. m. Abstinence, regimen, abstaining from improper actions of any kind, forbearance, controuling the pas- sions. 9 A. ihiirdm^ (from Ju^) s. m. Act of ho- noring, veneration, attention, treating with respect. A. t ihlisdb, (from i ^...^) s. m. Making up accounts, estimating ; superintendence of police. 23 A. ihtishum, (from s. m. Pomp, retinue. A. ihtildm, (from s. m. Nocturnal pollution. A. JUia-l ihtimul, (from s. in. Act of bearing or supporting ; doubt, uncertainty, probability. ihtimdl hoiu7, To be probable. ihtimdl karnU) To doubt, to impute. A. ihti^dj, (from s. m. Necessity, want, occasion, need. A. ihtij/djdt, s. plur. (of ^1^1) Re- quisite things, wants, necessaries. A. ihtij/dt, (from s. f. Caution, cir- cumspection, foresight, scrupulousness, care. A. ahad, s. Unity, one, an unit. A. Ikdds, (from s. m. Act of making or producing anything new, invention. A. ahdi, s. m. An armed attendant, a sort of soldier. A. ahadi7/at, s. f. Unity, the being sin- gular. A. ihrdk, (from s. m. Act of burn- ing or setting on fire. A. ihrdm, (from s. m. Act of forbid- ding or interdicting, putting on the pilgrim’s habit, determination or resolution. (At a cer- tain distance from Mecca, the pilgrims inter- dict themselves all worldly enjoyments, &c. There their resolution is fixed to complete the pilgrimage ; and, hence, the word means the determination then formed). A. ihsdn, (from s. m. Beneficence, benevolence, benevolent actions, favour, cour- tesy, kindness. ihsdn karnd, To oblige. A. p. ihsdn-mand, adj. Obliged, grate- ful. \ A. ahsan, adj. compar. (of »-) More or most beautiful, excellent, agreeable. A. iV/zar, (from s. m. Act of causing to be present ; summoning ; a summons. A. (thakk, adj. compar. (of JuJb-) More or very proper or deserving. A. Ihkdk, (from s. m. Act of proving or establishing the truth of a doctrine, re- storing to rights, administration of justice. A. yib-l ahkar, adj. compar. (of More or most contemptible. (A self-humiliatory ex- pression). A. ahkdm, s. plur. (of hukm) Orders, commands, decrees. ^ A. ahkam, adj. compar. (of Strong- er, firmer, more stable, or very strong, very firm, &c. A. alnnad, adj. compar. (of Juao-) More or most praiseworthy or commendable. n. prop. Name of Muhammad and of others. A. ahmadi, adj. Belonging to Ahmad. A. p. ahmad-dbdd, Name of a city in Gujrat. A.y4js-\ ahmar, adj. Red. A. ahmak, adj. Foolish, fool, very fool- ish, blockhead. A. H. ahmak-dpan, s. m. Folly, stupi- dity. " A. H. ahmak-dna, adv. Foolishly, stupid- ly. (Figuratively) this word is applied to the money which an Amil is obliged to pay, to make good the deficiency of the revenue. A. H. ahmak-pan. See A. ahmaki, s. f. Folly. A. Jly:-! ahwdl, s. m. (plur. of JU. hdl) Con- dition, circumstances, events, occurrences, state, account. \jL) ahwdl batldnd, To state one’s condition. ahwdl-pur- sdn or ahwdl-pursi, Enquiry after health, circumstances, &c» 24 A. ahwal^ adj. Squinting, one who sees objects double. A. ahi/u Cplur. of haiy) The living : ihyu^ s. m. (from Act of giving life, sav- ing, preserving. A, ahyamn, adv. Sonxetiraes, now and then, from time to time; in the event, in case, should. A. aJeh^ s. m. Brother. mM, Imitative sound of coughing. akh akh, An exclamation of joy, ah ! A. U-i akhkha^ An exclamation of surprize, ha ! A. (from j^) akhhaTy s. plur. News, a newspaper : ikhbdr^ s. m. Act of giving intel- ligence, or information. A. akhbas, adj. compar. (of Very impure or contemptible. p. .y^\ akhpakh, s. m. Understanding, wisdom, intelligence. A. ikhtildm (from s. m. Completion, fulfilment. akhtar, s. in. A star, a constellation; good fortune, good omen, horoscope. A. ikhlird’- (from s. m. Invention, inventing, fancying. ikhtisdr (from s. m. Abridge- ment, act of contracting, reducing, curtailing. A. ikhtisas (from s. in. Appro- priation, peculiarity. A. U:;^^ ikhlifd (from s. m. Act of hiding, concealing, covering. A. ikhlildl (from laL>-), s. m. Act of mix- ing, mixture, confusion, intercourse, friendship, conversation. A. ikhtilaf (from c-bU-), 8. m. Difference ✓ (of opinion), opposition, discord, disagree- ment, misunderstanding between friends, cool- ness. (plur. ikhtilafat). A. ikhtilal (from s. m. Interruption, disturbance, obstacle. p. akhtUy adj. A gelding. A. (from s. m. Choice, will, opinion, election; authority, power. ikhtiydr karnd^ To approve of, to adopt, to choose. ikhtiydr men hand, To be in the power of, or dependant on. ikhliydri, s. f. Approbation, choice; authority, power, adj. In one’s power, sub- ject to election or choice, at one’s disposal. A. akhzy s. f. faking, seizing, intercepting ; objection, cavil, hostility. a.^T aM?V, adj. Last, latter, s.m. The end, issue, adv. At last, finally. A. ikhrdj (from s. m. Drawing forth, derivation, explosion. A. dkhiru-l-amr, adv. At the end, finally, at last. A. dkhirat, s. f. Futurity, a future state, the world to come. A. p. dkhirash, adv. At the end of it, at last, tiiially, after all. A. (...-.iiyiT dkhir-i-shab, s. The end of the night, before dawn. H. akhrot, s. m. A walnut: the fruit of the Aleurites triloba, also, is so called. A. (_^y>T dkhiri, adj. Last, final. A. uA-Aom, adj. compar. (from More or most avaricious, mean or very mean. A. akhass, adj. compar. (from More or most especial, or excellent. A. ikhfd, (from Concealment. A. akhfash, adj. Having small eyes, weak- sighted. akhgar, s. f. Live ashes, a spark of fire. A. ikhlds, (from 8. m. Sincerity, aftectlon, friendship, love. V. i/i/i/as harna or rakhna^ To esteem, &c. A. p. ikhlds-mand, adj. Sincere, friend- ly, affectionate ; a friend. A. \siJA akhlut, s. plur. (of Ul4. khilt) The hu- mours of which the blood is composed in the bodies of animals. A. akhlak, s. plur. (of ^jL>. khulk) The good properties of mankind, virtues, disposi- tion, ethics. p.j^l akhor, s. f. Refuse, oftals, filth : a stable. A. ikhwdn, s. plur. (of ^1 ak/i) Brothers. P. dkhrtn, ) p. A. akhvi, adj. Brotherly. A. akhj/dr, adj. plur. (of Good people. A. same mother but by a different father (a brother or sister). A.j^\ akhir, adj. Last. s. m. The end, ac- complishment, completion. s. 3^ ud, prep. See 3ri; s. jT 3nfs: (3rr and r. Give) d-diy adj. First, prior, pre-eminent ; (in compos.) other, et cetera. A. add, s. f. Performance, execution, dis- charge, payment, blandishments, coquetry. r s. bT add, (Sans. drdraka) s. m. Gin- ger in the undried state. A. cjbT dddb, s. m. (plur. of adab) Cere- monies, devoirs, etiquette, politeness, forms of address in writing and speaking, salutation, respects. A. p. Jcj bl add-band, A describer of the actions or blandishments of women. A. p. ^^AX'bl add-bandi. Description of blandish- ments, &c. A. c-'bl addt, s. f. An instrument ; a particle (in grammar). s. Ijbl I C3f and r. Give) a-ddld, adj. Illiberal, avaricious, stingy. s. jbl 3^57TT ^3^^, T and r. ^ Go) ud-dr, adj. Liberal, generous, munificent. . f r^ _ .. .. 8. l^bl vibl uddhat, (from udd) s. f. Brown- ness. s- 3 A. (_5bl add-i, s. f. See bl add. A. p. add-i-dain, s. m. Payment of debt. A. adab, s. m. Institute, rule, good breed- ing, politeness, respect, urbanity ; taking care not to pass the bounds of any thing. \j^ adab karnd. To respect, to behave politely. A.jbjl idbdr, (from jjj) s. f. Turning back, going back ; misfortune, bad luck, adversity, ruin. 8. a particle denoting sur- prise, and r. ^ Be) ad-bhut, adj. Wonderful, admirable. E 9 s. ud-hhav, s. m. Act of being born or of springing up (as plants from seed), birth, production. s. ejJT sriftiT adit, adv. like. See jT s. r am. f-a s. m. Strenuous and continued effort, exertion, perseverance ; calling, employment. 9 s.^ji vduinhar, s. m. The glomer- ous fig-tree (Ficus glomerata). A sect of Erahmans. P. |*jT ddam-khor, adj. Man-eater, man- devouring. s. (\jfcjl q. V. and Dead) ad-mard, adi. m. Half dead. p. |*jT ddam-zdd, s. m. f. Man, mankind. p. |*Jl ddam-gari, s. f. Humanity, bene- volence. s. \yoJi\ (l>ol q. V. and Dead) ad-mud^ adj. m. Half dead. p. ^ ddm-i, s. m. f. A descendant of Adam, a human being (man or woman), an individual, people. p. ^S\ ddmi-garl, s. f. Same as ^ JT ddam-gari, q. v. A. ddml^at, s. f. Humanity, civility. ddm/j/at pakarnl, To become ci- vilized. (JL^Cj ddmlyat sikhldni, or jT ddmiyat men Idnd, To civilize. ddmiyat karni, To behave w'ith humanity. s. and Day) a-din, s. m. An un- lucky day. A. bjl adnd, adj. compar. (of ^jj) Inferior, lower, 27 lowest, mean, little ; a person of no conse- quence. s. JujI adwand, adj. Quiet, tranquil, free from strife. A. adna, adj. compar. Same asljjl fldw«. S. joT 3TT^ ddatt, adv. At first, in the be- ginning. A. adwdf, s. plur. (of c-'!jl) Instruments; particles (in Grammar). A. adwdr, s. plur. (of^^j daur) Revolutions, periods, ages. II. adxcdn, "is. f. Braces for tightening adzedyan,) the tape of a bedstead. (3f and Sunshine) a-dot or a-dyoh adj. W^ithout splendor. A. adzean, adj. compar. (of j^y) More or most mean or wretched. s. and Two) a-dzaait, adj. Peerless, matchless, unequalled. s. t^yl (^^ and r. fqr^f Dread) ud-xeg, s. m. Agitation, fear, consternation ; exertion. A j\ vdhrd, adj. m. Opened, undone, un- rolled (as the seam in a garment, or thread which was rolled up in a clue). u. adharsd, s. A half piece of cloth. H. (3{ and qTJC Justice) «■ (//lami, 8. m. Injustice, sin, crime, adj. Un- just, impious. s. a-dharm-l (from 3{qTJf) adj. Unjust, sinful, criminal. s. 3(“fq^ (3rf^ and r. Sound) adhi-k, adj. Exceeding, greater, more, ad- ditional. s. uddhak, (Sans. urddhag) s. m. Asthma, act of gasping or panting ; plethora in the vessels of the head; headach. (Hunter). s. jlCfcw'l l\ (3{fq and r. ^ Make) adhi-kdr, s. ra. The bearing of the royal in- signia, dominion, possession, right. adhi-kdri, (from adhi-kdr) adj. Possessor of a right or title. s. adhikdnd, (from Sffirai) V. a. To augment, to increase. s. adhikd-i, (from s. f. Increase, _ augmentation, abundance, excess ; oppression. s. (3(^ Half, and Skull) adh- kapdli, s. f. A pain affecting half the head : a nut of Areca shaped like a hemisphere (so named, probably, from two kernels being contained in one shell; and, to such a nut the virtue is ascribed of curing the disease of the same name). (Hunter). H. (ifjl Half, and Ripe) adh-kachchd^ adj. m. Half-ripe. H. adh-kachrdy adj. m. Half-dressed (vic- tuals). s. 3rf (3f^ Half, and Tax) adh-knr, s. m. Half the tax or duty of any kind (the other half being remitted). s. adh-kahdy (3U^ Half, and r. Speak) adj. m. Half-spoken, half-pronounced. A. adham, s. m. A dark coloured horse. s. adham, adj. Inferior, low, vile, despicable. s. (3ff Half, and r. ^ Die) adh-ninrmi, adj. Half-dead. f. (idh-mudy adj. Hall-dead. J(u'\ 29 II. odhati, s. m. Water set to boil for dres- sing victuals. s. (3{ and Wealth) a-dhan, adj. Poor, destitute. s. C3f^ Half, and Bo- dy) adh-ang, s. in. Palsy affecting half the body, hemiplegia. s. adh-angd, (from adh-ang) adj. .Affected with hemiplegia. s. (See a-dhan) a-dhan-i, adj. Poor, indigent. s. adhwdr, adj. Half. (Generally applied to pieces of cloth). H.yysol adhotar, s. f. A fine kind of cloth. s. adhurd, adj. Half-ready, half-dressed; immature (a fietus), unfinished. s. adhauri, s. f. Half a hide (of a thick strong kind). s. Down, and w Face) adho-mukh, adj. With the head down- wards (as the Hindus practise in the tapasya), looking downwards, drooping the head (from grief or sliame), headlong. s. adhzcan, adj. Half of anything. s. addht, s. f. Half a damri (a small coin), half a piece of cloth. s. and r. ^ Go) adhi/u- s. A section of a book, a reading, a les- son, a chapter. s. adhydna, (from bjT ddhd) v. a. To halve, to divide. s. Steady) a-dhlr^ adj Confused, perplexed, unsteady. s. a-dhir-td, (from j^j\ a-dhir) s. f. Con- fusion, perplexity. s. 31^ (3T and Firm) a-dhlraj, s. m. Confusedness, perplexity, unsteadiness, adj. Perplexed, confused, unsteady.^ vif J ^3f and fi-dhlr^ adj. m. Confused, perplexed. s. adder, adj. Middle-aged, just past the prime of life. (Applied most frequently to women). II. adhernu, v. a. To undo, to unravel. s. ILajI adhdd, s. m. Half a paisa (a small coin). s. adheli, s. f. Half a rupee or gold niohur. s. 3T^ (3{f^ and A master) ad- hln or ddh'in, adj. Obedient, dependent, sub- missiveT^ s. 3ftn*irl I (^) s. m. Act of march- ing or travelling; departure; death. A. irtiddd (from s. m. Opposing, re- fusing ; apostacy, recantation. A. irtisum (from ^J) s. m. A distinguish- ing mark, plan, painting; writing. irtiiis (from ^o)s. m. Trepidation, A. irtidsh (from J^j)\ trembling. A. (from ^,) s. m. Elevation, ex- altation, ascent, height. A. irtikub (from s. m. The com- mencement or undertaking of an enterprize, perpetration or commission of a crime. H. 11^1 artald, s. ra. A patron, a protector. wr^M, s. m. Crimpling, plaits (as of clothes). See ultu. tirlu-gar, s. m. A criinpler or plaiter (of clothes). s. (r. 3{^Seek, beg) artli, s. Inten- tion, purpose, design, sake, meaning ; proper- ty, wealth, goods, riches, substance ; request, begging. -V tapas^arth, For devotion’s sake, for devotional purposes. -• arth) adj. Self-interested, designing. O O H. . ^j\ artfu, s. f. A bier. s. (r. Seek, beg) arthlt/u, s. m. A follower, a client, a protegee, a person re- commended. s. iJjT urli (Sans. I i, I drulrika) s. f. A ceremony performed, in adoration of the gods, by moving circularly, round the head of the image, a platter containing a burning lamp with several wicks. {Hunter). A. frx, s. m. Inheritance. A. s. m. A horse w'ith one white foot, a large-footed man. p. arj-mand, adj. Beloved, dear, happy, blessed, noble. s. (r. 3j’3T Gain) arjan, s. m. Gain, acquisition. r arjun, s. m. Name of a cele- brated hero, the third son of Pandu. Name of a tree. ( Terminalia alala glabra). r^ s. (r. Acquire) arjanu, v. a. To gain, to acquire. H. arajhna, v.n. To be ravelled or en- tangled (as thread) ; to be bound *(as in fetters, &c.) ; to quarrel without cause, or unreason- ably. s. ^ ,1 aruchi, s. f. Sickness at stomach, nausea. {Hunter). T' r s. U-,1 '5T^T (r. Worship) s. f. Worship, V adoration. 32 (r. Worship) archil, adj. Worshipped, reverenced, saluted. s. Cr- Worship) archah, adj. Worshipping, a worshipper, an adorer. 5. (*■. Worship) archand, v. a. To worship, to honor, to treat with ceremony. A. [*12*^^ arhdm, s. plur. (of ^j) Wombs, ma- trices ; relations by the mother’s side, uterine kindred. A. arham, adj. compar. (of j*->y) More or most merciful. arhamu-r-rdhi- min, The most merciful of the merciful. (An attribute of God). A. irJihd-i-indn, s. m. Letting loose the reins; unruliness. p. drd, s. m. Flour, meal. II. urddbegani, s. f. A female armed at- tendant in the haram. H. ardds, s. f. Representation, offering to a deity. (Perhaps a corruption of {Hunter). II. arddwd, s. m. Coarsely ground meal. s.uT3rr^ drdrd, s. f. Name of one of the lunar mansions. Seel^JT T. Urdu, 8. m. An army, a camp, a market. r. A. urdu-i-mualla, The royal camp or army (generally means the city of Dihli or Shahjahanabad, and i-mmdla ki zabdn. The court language). s. Hdj\ (r. Increase) arddh, adj. Half. II. Si^J\ urdh, 8. m. A kind of vetch. 8. I J I (3f^ Half, and 3f3J Bo- dy) ardh-dng, 8. m. Palsy affecting one side or the upper or lower part of the body, hemi- plegia. s. ardhdng-i, (from 3T^PT) adj. One afflicted with a hemiplegia, s. f. A wife. s. urdhag, s. m. A disease occa- sioned by the mounting of wind upwards. {Hunter). p. urdi, s. Name of the first month of au- h-' tumn, September; or, for April. V. jj\ arz, s. m. Price, value, esteem, venera- tion, honour, quantity. arz-i-bdzdr. Price current, market price. 9 A. jj\ uruz or urz, s. m. Rice. A. Jljjl arzdl, (for adj. plur. (of or Jjj^) Low, common, mean (people), the vulgar. p, arzdn, adj. Cheap. p, arzdn-i, s. f. Cheapness ; abundance of provisions. arzdni rakhnd. To pre- sent, to give gratuitously. A. ^jj\ arzak (corrupted from azrak) adj. Blue, azure, cerulean, cat’s eyed. A. p. arzak chashm, adj. Blue eyed, cat’s eyed. p. arzan, s. m. A kind of grain, millet. (Hind. chend, Panicum pilosum, Roxb.). p. »jj{ drzu, s. f. Wish, desire, hope, want, distress. drzu-kash, adj. Anxious, desirous. p. drzu-mand, adj. Desirous, longing. V. j>jj\ arziz, s. f. Tin. s, (3{ and Juice, taste) a-ras, adj. Without juice, sapless, tasteless. 5. arus, for »'• Name of a medicinal plant. (Justicia adhenatoda and ganderussa). s. dras, for (from Idle, lazy) 8. m. Idleness, laziness, inactivity. A. JU|1 irsdt, (from J-^) s. in. Act of sending 33 fespecially, a writing, letter, &c.), missiou, remittance. s. ars-pars, s. m. Partial bathing (throwing a very little water on the head with one’s hand instead of bathing), sprinkling or aspersion; act of touching. {Hunter). H. ISL^l arsattd, s. m. Guess, conjecture, valua- tion, appraisement ; a mediator, a broker. T. arsldn, s. A lion. -• arasi, (Sans. Idle) adj. Idle, lazy, indolent, inactive. H. drsi, s. f. A mirror (particularly, a mirror on the thumb). n. a. liJ arslle naind^ adj. Having weak eyes, with eyes as if just awake. A. irshdd, (from jji^) s. m. Direction, com- mand, order. A. arshad, adj. compar. (of Ju.i^) Most upright, most tenacious of the right way ; a person who explains orders, commands, &c. (especially, of the deity). A. ^jOj\ arz, s. f. The earth, a portion of land (plur. Lands). A. ^j\ arz-i, adj. Terrestrial, relating to the earth. A. s. plur. (of Jl^) Certain mea- sures of weight so called, pounds. G. arghanun, {Opyactov) s. m. An organ. P. turghawdn, s. m. A plant whose flowers and fruit are of a beautiful red ; a red colour. P. arghawdn-i, adj. Of a red colour, purple. A. i\ij\ irfdh, (from iij) s. m. Bestowing af- fluence, comforting, cherishing; enjoyment of peace and affluence. A. orfaz, adj. An obstinate heretic; par- ticularly a bigoted Shla. X. orfa% adj. compar. (of «^) Most exalt- ed, very high. A. itkdni, (from s. m. Act of writing. A. arkdn, s. m. Jaundice, mildew or blight in corn. 8. ark, s. m. The sun : swallow wort (Asclepias gigantea). H. arkdt. Name of a city in the Dakkhan. H. arkdl-i, s. m. A pilot. (So named, per- haps, from the city or territory of Arkat). adj. Belonging to .4,rkat. ^ arkdti rupj/a, An Arcot rupee. A. arkdn, s. plur. (of ^J) Pillars, props, supports. arkdn-i-daulal. Nobles, grandees, ministers of state. s. 3fTXpi ^3fT and Red) d-rakt, adj. Red. H. arkat, s. f. Vigilance, activity, clever- ness, ingenuity. s. Breast, and r. Go) urag, s. m. A snake. H. aragdyd, adj. Silent. H. Isjl argajd, s. m. Name of a perfume of a yellowish colour and compounded of several scented ingredients. H. adj* Dyed with argajd (as gar- ments, &c.), H. arganl, s. m. A rope stretched for dry- ing clothes on, or for similar purposes. A wooden rod or bamboo, placed horizontallj, has the same name. {Hunter). s. (r. Worship, or r. Cost, be worth) argh, s. m. Mode of worship ; an oblation of eight ingredients to a god or brahman ; act of pouring out water in honour of a deity (the sun, moon, &c.) while perform- ing worship : price, value. s. \^j\ (3{T^ Worship, or r. Cost, be worth) arghd, s. m. A vessel shaped like a boat, used by the Hindus for performing libation in their devotions, {Hunter). F 34 \J\ A. tram, s, m. A fabulous garden in Arabia ; paradise. P. armdn, s. m. Sorrow, desire, wish. P. JUe,^ armun-i, adj. Aspiring, desirous. s. “■ rambh, s. ni. Beginning, thing begun; effort. P, arma gh an or ar mug han, s. ra. Present, rarity, curiosity. P. arman, n. prop. Armenia. P. arman-i, adj. Armenian. p. dramida, adj. At rest, pacified, (plur. dramldagdn). '3{TrDT arun, s. ra. The sun ; the dawn ; the colour of the dawn, dark red. n. arnd, s. m. A wild buffalo. Cow-dung found spontaneously dried in the forest (used as fuel bv the native apothecaries in the pre- paration of medicines). {Hunter). A. arnab, s. m. A bare, a rabbit. p. sjjj\ drinda, s. m. A porter, a carrier. s. arand, (Sans, etl") from which castor oil is made (Ricinus vulgaris or Palma Christi). s. arandrl (from 1^1) s. f. The fruit of the Uicinus vulgaris or Palma Christi. s. 3(111^ (from Water) arnav, s. m. ocean. H. J.l arm, (from bj) s. f. A female wild buf- falo. A. arwdh, s. plur. (of Spirits, souls. P. C}j\ drogh, s. m. Belch, eructation. s. a-rog, ■)03f and Disease) adj. Free P ^^yi-rogi,) from disease, healthy. R A-f T and Disease) d rogya, s. m. Health. R (3H and r. Enclose, seize) d- • • Tundhnd, v. a. To strangle. hanth-drundhan, Strangulation. H. arm, s. f. A species of Arum, the root of which is used in food ; Arum colocasia. (Called, also, and in Bengal kachu.) {Hunter). -• (<^nr*'nptly for aruch) s. f. Sickness at stomach arising from pregnancy, p. ij\ arra, s. m. A saw. jS sj\ arra hash. A sawyer. b5U-y chaldnd. To oppress any one, to commit violence. ^_$J\ y ^ y bhi maddr maddr. He has incurred punishment and disgrace, yet he has not reformed his manners. (Sans. 3TT^T). H. arhat, s. m. An engine for raising water. Same as 5 Jij\ arhar (Sans. |.) v. n. To walk with a stately or affected gait. 9 M. ^j\ uras, s. m. A bug. H. 5. \ijj\ ar-karnd, (comp, of \)j\ and \jj) v. n. To stop. «. A constellation, and A mul- titude) urgan, s. plur. The stars ; the starry firmament. ’ ** -• wraw (from 1^1) adj. Flying. H. \jj\ urnd, (3^ and r. Fly) V. n. To fly. H. 1^1 arnd, v. n. To stop, to hesitate. H. \jj\ drnd (from jT) v. a. To prop, shelter, protect. H- manufacturing town, s. ar-angd (comp, ofjl Contention, and J3ody) s. m. A mode of wrestling with the feet, an obstacle. II. jjJ dru, s. m. A peach. H. \jj\ ar-ua, (from bjlladj. Obstinate, perverse^ mulish. nr-wdr, adj. Stopping, obstructing. H. jljjT dr wdr, s. f. A prop. H. s. paros, s. m. Neighbour- hood. s. urhdnd (from Li^l) v. a. To cause to clothe. H. 1,5^^ arhdl, adj. Two and a half; or, when used with a noun of number, twice and half the aggregate number, s. f. A full gallop. H. arhat, s. f. Agency, commission, sale by commission. n.s,\jj urhak karnd, v. n. To seek, or cry for, an absent person. (Applied to a child only). f H. urhaknd, v. n. To overset. s. urhnd, (r. Cover) v. a. To put on clothes. See orhnd. H. urhangan, s. m. Any thing placed under a vessel to prevent its oversetting ; a prop, a support. P s. urhaiyd, part, (from liJ^jl) A wearer or putter on of a dress. H. arhaiyd, s. m. A weight of two and a half sers, a measure containing two and a half sers. H. are and, v. n. To protect, to become a protection. H. drl, s. A tone or tune in music. (Perhaps the same as U^^). F 2 36 H. ^j‘\ ari (from IjjT) part. A protector, de- fender, supporter. H. Jjj\ anyal (from \jj\) adj. Obstinate, per- verse, mulish. H. arainch^ s. f. Enmity. p,jl az, prep. From, of, than, by, with. «2 has^ From the abundance, notwithstanding. izij khud rafta, Absent in mind, dis- tracted. khud raftagi, Depar- ture from one’s self, distraction of mind. az khud shudan^ To be out of one’s self, the being out of one’s mind. It may, also, be prefixed to Persian words beginning with a vowel; as, ^J[J\ az-un, From that; az-lrt, P'rom this. p.jT «Zj s. f. Avarice. p. j\j\ dzdd, adj. Free, liberated ; solitary, lonely, s. m. A kind of fakir who shaves his beard, eye-lashes and eye-brows, and vows chastity, [iij J\j\ dzdd karnd, To manumit, to set at liberty. P. dzdd-agi,'ts.f. Freedom, independance, p. dzdd-ly J release, conduct of an dzdd. p. ij\j\ dzdda^ adj. Free, noble. p.^jjT dzdr, s. m. Sickness, disorder, disease, trouble, affliction, injury. izdr, s. f. Drawers, trovvsers. p. izdr-band, s. m. The string with which drawers are tied. tzJZj j\j\ izdr-band-i rish- la. Connexion through a wile; petticoat inte- rest. P. dzdr-i, adj. Sick, a sick person. A. izdla, (from Jl^j) s. m. Removal, abo- lition ; (in grammar) elision of a letter or of a vowel point from a word. r. j-'j^ az-bar, adv. By heart, by rote, by me- mory. A. izdihdm, (from ^j) s. m. A coI^- course, a crowd, a rushing together of people. A. izdij/dd, (from «jLj) Increase. dzurda-gi, s. f. Affliction, displeasure, vexation. p. xJjj\ dzurda, adj. Afflicted, sad, dispirited, sorrowful, vexed, displeased, weary. dzurda-khdtir, Vexed, offended, disgusted. A. jjjl azraky adj. Cerulean, blue, azure. I A. idj\ azuka, Food. See azuka. 9 T. CJjf uzak tdzak, s. m. Pomp, splendor; the habits or fashions of a king; the king’s seal. A. Jjl azaf, s. f. Eternity without beginning. A. azallat, s. f. Famine, scarcity, streights; injustice, injury (suffered without power of redress), oppression. {Hunter). A. azal-i, adj. Eternal, without beginning, ffbm all eternity. p. LojT asmJ, part, (in compos.) Trying, proving. p. H. IjUjT dzmdnd, v. a. To try, to prove, to examine ; to touch gold, &c. on the touch- stone. A. azmdn^ s. plur. of or AiU) w hich see. p. dzmdjyish, s. f. Trial, proof, exami- nation. A. ix\ and Virtuous) a-sddh, adj. Evil-minded, thievish. s. wLI and Fondness) a-sddh, adj. Without desire or energy ; lazy. s. and fiom r. Become accomplished) a-sddht/a, adj. Unable, inca- pable ; impossible, incurable. s.jU and Pitk> marrow, essence, strength) a-sdr, adj. Hollow (like a reed); foolish, weak of understanding. H. IjLl usdrd, s. m. A porch, portico, peristyle, vestibule. s. lsL\ usdrnd, and Move) v. a. To remove, to put out of place. s. asdrh (Sans. ds/iddha) s. m. The name of a Hindu solar month (June- July), during which the sun is in Gemini ; and the full moon is near |^T’ com- monly called or >i>r| I a constellation in Sagittarius. s. asdrh-i (Sans. dshddhi) s. f. Day of full moon in Asarh. 8. Breathe) usds, for uchchhwds, s. f. Breath, breathing ; hope. A. asds, s. f. Foundation, pedestal. s. usdsnd (from j^LjI) v. n. To breathe. u. A. a-sdal (37 and t- .pA... A portion of time) s. f. A(j unlucky moment. s. .^L)\ (37 and ^[^^7 Testimony, credit, re- putation) a-sdkh, adj. Without credit or re- putation. s. (37 nnd Evidence, witness) a- sdkhi, s. m. False testimony, without evi- dence. 8. (37 and ^ 1^227 Ability) a-sdinarlh, adj. Powerless, weak. A. asdmi (plur. of ^^1) s. f. Names; office, place, appointment, substitution of one person to do the duty of another, s. m. or f. A de- fendant (in a law-suit), a tenant, renter, client. p. ^LT dsdn, adj. Easy, convenient, commo- dious. H. liLl usdnd, V. a. To winnow. H. ULj'i usdnd, V. a. To boil. p. iJLT dsdn-i, 1 c r- " ^ V s. f. bacihty, easiness. p. dsdn-itjal, ) ?• -iiWNC asdwari, s. f. Name of a Ragni or musical mode : a kind of pigeon ; a sort of cotton cloth. T. JjLl isdu>al, s. m. A poursuivant. s. 3nSTN*Tl : (from 3{ |S(1| Hope) dsd-zcant, adj. Expectant, dependant. H. (^ and Brave) a-sdwant, adj. Fearful, unquiet, pitiful. p. dsdyish, s. f. Rest, ease, tranquillity, repose, quiet. 3S A. asbdb, s. m. plur. (of t,_ ^ Causes ; goods and chattels, furniture, tools, apparatus, baggage. A. asbut, s. plur. (ofla^ sibt) Tribes (espe- cially of Israel). A. asbak, adj. compar. (of ^Ls) More or most surpassing or excellent ; past times, days of yore. p. asp (Sans. s. m. A horse. H, isput (perhaps from the Portuguese espada) s. m. Steel (of a tough kind). H. s. i^\j ds-pas, s. m. Vicinity, circumfe- rence. adv. Around, on all sides. s. asparsi (r. ^US[[ Touch, or 3f and r. if the 1 is prefixed merely because the Arabs and Persians cannot pronounce two quiescent consonants at the beginning of a word, then it is) adj. Palpable, tangible:^ (but, if the initial 1 stands for the priv. then the meaning is) Intangible. 8. ispriha or spriha, s. f. Inclina- tion, desire, wish. p. ispaghol, s. m,. Seed of fleawort or plantain. (Psyllii semen). p. ■■1 aspak (dimin. of (^..^1) s. f. Bridge of a musical instrument. p. Jki-— j ispand, s. m. A seed burnt at marriages to drive away evil spirits : it is, also, burnt as a charm for the like purpose some days after a child is born, particularly at the door : and when a child goes out or comes home. It is often mixed on those occasions with mustard seed, and hence has been confounded with the latter (Jc^). p. ispahan, n. prop. See isfahdn. *. uL-v-)! 3|Trf ost, 8. Setting of the sun. l)jjb ast hand) To set (the sun). H. ustd, s. m. A barber. ’ s. (3nrT Sun-set, and A mountain) astdchal, The name of a mountain in the west, behind which the sun is supposed to set. p. isldd, s. f. The act of standing : part, (for i(L)li«jl) Standing, raised up. A. ustdd, s. m. A teacher. p. istdda-gl, s. f. Firmness, resistance. p. istdda, part. Standing, set up, erected ; (hence sub.) A pole, ensign-staff, &c. parti- cularly, a prop for supporting the door of a tent, and not the tent pole. p. ustdd-i, s. f. Teaching, instruction adj. Masterly (as workmanship, &c.). p. usldz, same as ustdd. p. dstdn^ (Sans. Place, r. ^ Stand) s. m. A threshold, a fakir’s residence, sldn or istdn (in compos, signifies) place. p. istdmbol, n. prop. Constantinople. p. AibJT dstdna, same as A. 4 istibddd (from ju) s. m. Absolute do- minion, despotism, insisting upon a thing’s be- ing done. A. istibrd (from s. m. Cleansing, washing one’s hands of a business or desiring to be freed from it ; the waiting of a woman after being divorced from her husband, to as- certain whether she is pregnant or not, before she can contract another marriage. (The term is three months, according to the Muhamma- I dan law). A. istabrak, s. m. Silk cloth or satin, tlie colour of which seems to change agreeably to the light it is seen in (particularly, green silk). 39 ». asiut (Suns. ^ sluli) s. f. Praise, an anthem. \ (from s. m. Concealment. A. isthkal (from JaJ) s. m. Heaviness, trouble, importunity. A. istisna (from s. m. Exception, dis- tinction. A. istihaza (from ^---^) s. m. Immode- rate flux of the menses. A. istihbub (from o.-) s. m. Contract- ing friendship; an action the performance of which is meritorious, and the omission not criminal; work of supererogation. A. --grT-'l istihsan (from ^ ---^) s. m. Approv- ing, praising, taking or considering as a fa- vour. A. istifizar (from s. m. Calling, citing to appear, summoning before. A.^lisi-j! isti/ikar (from s. m. Treating with contempt, vilifying, scorning, despising. A. islihkdk (from s. m. Demanding justice, right, merit, ability. A. |*U.srL.jl istihkam, (from jX»-) s- m. Confir- mation, firmness, strength. A. istikhara, (from s. m. Judging from omens, augury. A. istikhddm, (from s. m. Employ- ing, making use of the labour of another, asking or getting employment. A. istikhraj, (from s. m. Making to go or come out, expulsion, drawing forth, extracting. A. i_»UkLl isiikhfaf, (from s. m. Making light of, despising, holding in contempt. A. istikhlds, (from s. m. Seeking to liberate; liberation, liberty, freedom. p. ustukh^driy s. m. A bone, the stone of fruit, &c. A. isliddmat, (from ^IjO) s. f. Seeking to be permanent, quiet, steady, everlasting ; assiduity. A. istidrdky (from s. m. Reach- ing, overtaking, obtaining; comprehending, understanding. A. istidd, (from (JZJy-j) s. f. Request, de- sire, invitation, supplication. A. islidldi, (from s. m. Seeking proof, arguments or reasons ; demonstration. s. jzj (r. Throw) astr, s. m. A mis- sile weapon, a weapon in general, p. astar, s. m. A mule; lining. ' aslar-kdri, Plastering. A. istirdhaty (from s. f. Repose, rest, ease, tranquillity, sleep. A. islirddd, (from jij) s. m. Demanding restitution of any thing, repelling, driving or forcing back. A. istirzdy (from s. f. Seeking to please ; willingness, alacrity. G. astarak, s. m. Storax. P. ustaroy s. m. A razor. s. istri or istiriy (Sans, strl) s. f. A woman. H. islriy s. A smoothing Iron. \jj istri karndy v. a. To iron or smooth with an iron. A. jU-s-jI istisddy (from jjt-) s. m. Desiring hap- piness, being fortunate, considering any thing as a happy presage, conceiving well, of any ! thing.' 40 A. istiskd, (from s. m. The dropsy. istisku-i-zikki, Anasarca. isliskd-i-tabli) Tympany, i_5la«»r..A isliska-i-lahmi, A dropsy pervading all the mem- bers of the body. A. istishhad, (from o^) s. m. Summon- ing witnesses, bringing testimony or proof, taking evidence; falling a martyr for religion. A. istiswdb, (from s. m. Ap- proving ; consultation. A. istitdat^ (from s. f. Power, pos- sibility ; submitting to, dependence. A , istizhdr, (from^Jb) s. m. Imploring assistance ; calling to memory, remembering. A. Xj\jc^\ istiara, (from s* m. Borrowing ; using a word metaphorically, a metaphor. istiara karna. To beseech, to beg earnestly. A. istidnat, (from s. f. Asking as- sistance, imploring help ; assistance, protec- tion. A. JLs*^l isli*jdl, (from Jj^) s. m. Wishing to make haste, ordering one to make haste, has- tening, accelerating, dispatch. A. -nIa*-....! isti^ddd, (from s. f. Readiness ; ability, means, capacity. A. \A>cJi istiyd, (from s. m. Asking forgive- ness, deprecating. A. l)cA isti*ldf (from jU) s. m. Desiring exal- tation or promotion ; superiority, exaltation. A. JUjc-jI isti’^mdly (from J^) s. m. Custom, daily practice, use. isli^mdl karnd, To use. A. ist^mdl-i, adj. Used, usual, s. m. Fine rice. A. istighdsa, (from c£_y) s. m. Asking for help ; demanding justice, complaining. A. istighrdb (from h y) s. m. Great admiration, amazement, wonder. A. istighrdk, (from jy.) s. ra. Drown- ing; overwhelming, adj. Drowned; immersed in thought, engrossed, wholly employed, drowned in sleep, &c. A.jlixi»j1 istighfdr, (from (jlyi) s. m. Begging mercy, craving grace, deprecating^. A. astaghfiru-lldh, I entreat forgiveness of God. (An expression signifying negation). A. istighnd, (from Lc) adj. Independent (in point of fortune), contented, s. ra. Content. A. ifjls:;*.)! istifdda, (from ifjuli) s. m. Seeking gain ; profit, advantage. A. istifld, (from J^yJ) s. ra. Consulting (a lawyer or learned man). A. istifrdgh, (from s. m. Vomit- ing. A. istifsdr, (from j^) s. m. Searching for information, asking an explanation, en- quiry, interrogation. li^'sy...o-— .1 istifsdr karnd, V. a. To enquire, to interrogate, to demand an explanation. A. ^1^°"— 4 istifhdm, (from s. m. Desiring or seeking information ; enquiry, interrogation. (_Jp- harf-i-istifhdm, An interrogative pronoun. A. istikdmat, (from j*U) s. f. Residence, rectitude, integrity, A. istikbdl, (from J^) s. m. Encounter- ing, meeting, the ceremony of meeting and receiving a visitor; futurity. A. lys-jl isti^d, (from -ty) s. m. Reasoning from induction. A. A. J^g~— istiklal, (from s. m. Absolute power; intrepidity, resolution, perseverance, vigour. A. j\J^\ istikbdr, (from s. m. Pride, pre- sumption. A. istikralt, (from s. f. Aversion, re- luctance. A. ( iliXi-jl istikshdf, (from s. m. Seek- ing the manifestation or laying open (of any thing). A. istikmill, (from JU^) s. m. Seeking the completion or perfection of any thing ; completion, perfection. A. istilzam, (from s. m. Rendering necessary ; necessity. A. istinuT*, (from s. m. Hearing, listening (to music, &c. particularly); tidings, report, rumour ; what is heard. A. (.liJUi-:! istimafat, (from J.^) s. f. Concilia- ting, consolation, encouragement, s. '1 istambh or slambh, s. m. The trunk of a tree, a column, pile, post, pillar. A. isthntd*, (from s. m. Enjoying, reaping the fruits of, being delighted ; cele- brating the solemnities of the festival of Mec- ca; enjoyment (of a woman). A. istimddd, (from jxc) s. f. Begging assistance. istimrdr, (fromjjj^) s. m. Continua- tion, perseverance. A. ^1^4- ?s) s. m. The appear- ing of the new moon. s. 3T(W (r. Throw) asthiy s. ra. A bone. s. 3nd True) a-sat^iy adj. Liar, untrue. 42 S. 3rarft (3f and Virtuous wife) a-sall^ adj. A disloyal or unchaste wife. A. istlsal (from s. m. Eradicating, pulling up by the roots, extirpating, destroy- ing. A. istidb (from t— s- Taking the whole, extirpating ; asking for a present. A. istifd (from Uj) s. ra. Satisfying com- pletely, paying dr receiving the whole of what is due; renouncing, relinquishing. A. istild (from s. m. Predominance, conquest. p. dsthi, s. f. A sleeve. ^ dsthi kd sdinp, A domestic enemy, an enemy who wears the mask of friendship. ist'mds (from s. m. Familiarity, intimacy, sympathy, s. and True) a-sat^a, adj. Un- true, false. s. 1^“=^ priv. True, and r. Generate) a-saj-jan, adj. Unfit, untrue, improper. A. asad, s. m. The lion, leo (the sign of the zodiac). H. p. is-dam^ adv. This moment, directly. 8. 3rflf^(3r and Complete) a-siddh, adj. Unripe, invalid, false. s. (3f Pure, correct) a-suddh, adj. Incorrect, impure, inaccurate, mistaken. 8. jJ and A deity) a-sur s. m. A demon. (The asurs are demons of the first order, and in constant hostility with the gods). 8. ly-oT dsrd (Sans. s. m. Asylum ; trust, reliance, hope, defence, retreat, abode, house. A. J\jJ\ asrdr, s. plur. (of ^) Secrets, confidential concerns. A. isrdr (from ^) s. Concealment, a secret. A. isrdf (from (_Jy-=) s. m. Prodigality, dissipation, abuse of wealth, consumption, ex- travagance, ruin. A. isrdfil, s. ra. The name of an angel who, it is said, will sound the last trumpet at the resurrection. A seraph. s. obyr 3nS[fl‘^T^ Blessing, and r. Speak) dsir-bdd or dshir-vdd, s. m. Be- nediction, blessing. s. CLijJ d-srit, | and r. s. yjJ asartu, j Serve) adj. One w'ho relies on another, a protegee. s. r. ^ Grow tired) d-svatrif s. m. Abode, residence; a religious class or order of mankind (arranged by the Hindus with reference to the di(ferentj)eriods of life : as, 1st. That of the brafi- 7nachdri, or student : 2d. That of the grihastha, or householder : 3d. That of the vdnapraslha, or anchorite : and, 4thly. That of the fitg bhikshu, or begg-ar). s. 3{S[nTir (3T and SOlTir Asylum) a-saran, adj. Unprotected, helpless. s. \}jJ usarnd, and r. ^ Go) v. n. To re- treat, recede, shrink from. P. isrif’j) s. m. Minium, cinnabar. 8. (3{T and r. Serve) d-srait, adj. Hopeful, trusting, confident. s. 3ng'Ct^rr^ Ssurt-ma^d, s. f. De- ception of demons. ! A. isUibal, s. m. A stable, (Lat. 57a- ' bulum). 43 / / L H. A. ts-taroh, „^anngr, ii.A. is-tara/i se, j thus. / G. usfurlub, s. m. An astrolabe. A. Jm-j) asad, adj. compar. (of Ju*-j) More or very fortunate or happy. A, asfur, s. plur. (of jLj sifr) Volumes, re- gisters. P. isfundj, s. m. Spinage. A. Ji«;l asfal, adj. compar. (of JjL) Inferior, the lowest. JuL^! asfa/u-s-scl/Hin, The lowest hell. 6. isfanj (a-rnyyai) s. in. A sponge; a yeast dumpling. p. jLjufi-)! hjindi^dr, n. prop. The son of kishldsb of the first dynasty of Persian kings, p. isfahan, n. prop. Ispahan, the capital of Persian jlys irdk (the ancient Parthia). A. Isliul iskat (from kiL:) s. m. Causing to fall ; procuring an abortion, miscarrying, taking away, dying (of cattle). II. A. j-u-jl is-kadar, adv. Thus much, thus. A. JuLj! iskil (Lat. squilla) s. m. A squill. A. iskdt (from s. f. Pacifying^ soothing, silencing. H. klSLil uskdna, v. a. To light a fire or candle; to excite, to instigate. s. or ^ and Power) dskat or askat, s. f. Laziness, tardiness. s. kliCd (from q. v.) askatand or askatdnd^ V. n. To be lazy. s. dskat-i or askat-i, adj. Lazy, remiss. A. hkandar, n. prop. Alexander. A. iskandarli/a, n. prop. Alexandria in Egypt. s. iJCLC)! iskandh or skandh, s. A chapter, a division of a book. s. ( 3f and ^) Ancestors. A. isldm (from j*iL) s. m. The Muham- madan religion ; orthodoxy (according to Mu- hammadans). A. (_ycL.'l isldm-i, s. m. f. A muhammadan, a believer. A. isldmiya, adj. Faithful, orthodox. II. bU- J ) J«.'l usal pusal jdnd, v. n. To be agitated, to be tossed, to get into confusion. 9 A. usluh, or vulg. aslub, s. m. Manner, mode, method, order, arrangement. jljojL)! uslub-ddr, adj. Well-arranged, elegant. A. ism, s. m. Name, a noun. ism bd musamma, Name coinciding with the named, or, whose name fitly denotes the qua- lities of the named, (plur. asmd). A. jU-;l asmdr, s. plur. (of Nightly conver- sations. A. ismad, n. prop. Ishmael son of Abraham. ^ p. dsmdn (comp, of as, A mill, and ■ y.'iL Like) ‘s; m. The sky, the firmament, heaven, the celestial orb. dsmdndpar kadam rakhnd, To give one’s self G 2 ’ 44 airs, to aspire, to be vain, j) asmun par khainc/ina, To be proud, to affect greatness. U ^ ^^U—T asmdn se girnd, To fall from the clouds, is applied, particularly by women, to signify an acquisition that has been made suddenly and unexpectedly, without labour or care, and the value of which is in- considerable. p. (JUJf dsmdn-i, adj. Heavenly, celestial; sky- coloured, cerulean, azure. ^JUJT dsmdnt tlr wa ghairah, An arrow, &c. shot in the air. s. (r. Remember) ismirti or smriliy s. f. The Hindu law. s. (3T and ^ Powerful) a- samarthj adj Powerless, weak. A. p. ism-nawisi, s. f. A list, roll, ca- talogue. s. Time) a-samam, adv. Out of season. (r. Sit) dsan, s. m. A j. stool, a seat ; a small carpet on which the > Hindus sit at prayer, a carpet to sit on; stay, abiding, posture, attitude, sitting (especially, the attitudes adopted by Jogis in their devo- tional exercises, of which they enumerate eighty-four); the withers of an elephant, the part where the driver sits. UjsjJb jj-sl dsan bdtidlind, In congressu venereo femora mulie- ris super viri coxendices ponere. dsan tale, and, To come under subjection. dsan jornd, To sit on the hams. dsan dolnd, Spoken of a holy man, who perceiving by supernatural intelligence that some one in distress has called on him, interposes in Ins behalf, dsan se dsan jornd, To sit close in contact witli another person. \j\S dsan lagdnd. To sit obstinately in a given posture till one’s request be obtained. LJ dsan lend, same as \aa>jJ\j dsan bandhnd, \^U dsan mdrnd. To ‘ sit, to retain one’s seat firmly on horseback. k S. 3TtP^ dsin or dswina, s. m. The sixth Hindu month, in which the moon is full near the head of Aries. s. or dsan, s. m The . name of a tree on which the tasar silk-worm feeds. (Terminalia alata tomentosa). s. (r. Eat) 05an, s. m. Eating'^ Ibod ; also, the tree last described. H. usnd, part, (from h-*— >1 usannd) Boiled. A. asndd, s. plur. (of v--') Grants, law papers in general, sanads. s. jjLul isndn or sndn, s. m. Bathing. See H. usndnd, v. a. To cause to boil. s. l::. (3f, ■^T and r. Be pleased) a-san-tushi, adj. Discontented, unsa- tisfied, displeased. s. (3T, ^ and Be pleased) a-san-tokh or a-san-tosh, s. m. Discontent. s. ^ and r. Join, fit) a-san-jog or a-san-j/og, s. m. Want of op- portunity. s. (3{ an d Doubt) «- sansliaj/a, adj. Undoubted. s. 3rRJTrT (3f and qTIrf Proper) a- sangat, adj. Improper, absurd, bad. H. f- •- -'1 usannd, v. n. To boil. ./ s. dsani, s. f. A small carpet, &c. on . which Hindus sit at prayer. See 8. y-j^ asxoa, s. m. A horse. aswa-pali, Lord or master of horse, a horseman. p. j\yJ aswdr, s. m. Cavalry, a horseman ; mounted, riding (on any thing, as a ship, &c.). 8. vH (3TT Breathe) d-swds, 8. ro. Completion, cessation, comfort. 45 s. (3T and siftHT Sple>«lour) «■ sobha, adj. Shapeless, ill-made, uglj. s, ^^1 asoj, s. m. The sixth solar month. See iisin. H. (3T and To be visible) a-sujh, adj. Invisible, incorporeal, s. C3{ and To be sorrowed for, or regretted, r. Sorrow, grieve) a-soch, adj. Not contrivable, impossible to be eli’ected by reflection or study ; not to be regretted. s. (3{ and Sorrow) a-sochi, adj. Careless, indifferent, unconcerned, p. dsuda-gi, s. f. Quiet, peace, content. p. SsudUy adj. At rest, glutted, saturated^ quiet, satisfied, at ease, contented. JU i JjJT dsuda-hdly Full, at ease, &c. s. ^ shrub common- ly called asoca. (Jonesia asoca). See s. (3{ and Sjt^ Grief) a-sog or a-soka, s. m. Ease, tranquillity ; a tree, call- ed also dexadam (Uvaria longifolia, ' Willd ). s. aswa-gandh, s. ra. Same as q* V. a. J^\ and Sorrow) a-sogiy adj. At ease, unmolested. H. adv. This year. s. aminiy s. f. The first of the twenty-four constellations in the moon’s path, hence considered its mansions. (It consists of three stars in the head of Aries, and is so named from A horse, because repre- sented by the symbol of a horse’s head). ^ j\^\ ishdly (from Jh^) s. m. Loosening, opening, purging, flux, s. ^ and Sufierahle, from r. ’ Bear) a-sahajj, adj. Intolerable, insufferable. im A. ashaly adj. compar. (of J.^) More or most easy. s. and r. Bear, endure) a-sahuny adj. Impatient, not bearing with. H. assly (Sans. adj. Eighty. s. fn asiy s. m. A sword, a scimitar. s. «JT (3|’ and r. Rest) u-sai or d- sayOy s. m. Meaning, intention, theme, sub- ject. p. LJT dsij/dy s. f. A mill. r. ) s. m. Compre- hension, containing. A. ly-il ishtihd (from s. f. Appetite, de- sire, hunger. A. ishtihdr (from s. m. Publication, divulging, fame, rumour, report, renown. p. dshti, s. f. Peace, concord, reconcilia- tion, agreement, convention, confederacy. ; amour, intrigue. A. ishtiydk (from jy-i>) s. m. Wish, desire, strong inclination. ' s. (r. Desire) isht, part. De- sired, reverenced, worshipped ; s. m. A god, a deity, an object, a beloved person, any thing wished for. s. Eight. s. ctshlddash, adj. Eighteenth. s. asht-dshili, adj. Eighty eight. s. (3f^ Eight, and 3fJT Body) as/it-dng, s. Performed with eight members, adoration. s. CuAJjlLll Aj ^ ashtd-vinshati, adj. Twenty-eight. s. ashtd-vimhaii- tam, adj. Twenty-eighth. s. ashta-panchdshat, adj. Fifty-eight. 8. c^cUil asbta-saptati, adj. Seventy-eight. s. hj ashta-trinshat, adj. Thirty-eight. 8. JUi.1 Ai ^ rd{ ^{Xy^\r\^ashtarchat- drinshat, adj. Forty-eight. ashta-dhdti, (3f^ Eight, and 47 Mineral) s. A mixed metal of iron and others, a compound of eight metals. s. ashta-shashthi, adj. Six- t)f-eight. s. ashtam, adj. The eighth. 8. ^4^-M 3T^7ift os/ilami, s. f. The eighth day of the moon. 8. ashta-naxall, adj. Nine- ty-eight. , ashjar, s. plur. (of^^) Trees. A. - ashj(/^, adj. compar. (of More or most valiant or brave. I 8. (3H and r. ^ Go) ash- i cfiarja, s. m. Amazement, astonishment, sur- prise. A. asfiklius, s. plur. (of j^^—) Persons. . A. ashadd, adj. compar. (of jjjJi) More or most vehement, severe, strong. s. and Pure, correct) adj. Impure, inaccurate, wrong. §. LfiOwil a-shuddfnj/a, (from sjj^\ a-shuddh) adj. One who speaks or reads w rong. A. jJi>\ asharr, adj. compar. (of^.^^) More or very vicious, malignant, atrocious : or, vi- cious, malignant, &c. ashrar, s. plur. (of^^) Wicked, wretch- ed, criminal, seditious. A. ashrdf, s. plur. (of i_Jj^) Nobles, grandees, gentlemen, men of high extraction. ishrdk, (from j.-^) s. m. Splendor, lus- tre, beauty. A. ishrak, (from e--^) s. m. Partici- pating, entering into partnership. s. 3ITftrr(3n and r. Serve) a-shrit, See i^jJ\ a-srit. s. and ■5|'4 I Faith, fondness) a-shraddhuy s. f. Aversion, disgust, loathing, contempt. A. ashraf, adj. compar. (of More or most noble, s. m. A gentleman, a person of noble birth, a nobleman. aslirafu-l-makh/ukdt, The most excellent of created beings ; mankind. P* ashrafi, s. f. A gold coin so called. (The Calcutta ashrafi is worth a€’l. Hi. 8d. and the gold of it is better than English stand- O ard gold by five shillings in the ounce, or about By the regulations of May 1793, it should weigh 190.894 grains troy). S. 3rr5fJf d-shram, s. m. Same as u-sram, q. v. A. ashdr, s. plur. (of ^) Verses, poems. A. ashab^ n. prop. Name of a man noto- rious for greediness. A. ashi*a, s. plur. (of ^'jci) Rays of light. A. ashghdl, s. plur. (of JjLi shughl) La- bours, cares, occupations. A. ashfdk, s. plur. (of -Vc.),) Kindnesses, compassion, tenderness. p. dshufta-gi, s. f. Misery, distraction, un- easiness. p. dshufla, adj. Distracted, distressed, wretched, miserable, uneasy. JU- ■• 3^ Burn, heat) uskn, adj. Hot warm ; s. heat, warmth. s. (r. Eat) ashan, s. m. Eating, food. p. b-i>T ashnd, s. m. f. An acquaintance, lover, friend. U-i«T dshnd-parast, Friendly, at- tentive to friends. s. ^ 1*^ (r. HJI'T shnd, Purify by bathing) ashndn or sndn, s. m. Bathing. > ^ p. dsfmd-i, 8. f. Acquaintance, friendship. Ui dshnd-i karni, v.a. To associate, to unite, lifi ashnd-l lagnd, v. n. To be- ■ come intimate, to be united in friendship. X p. dshndydna, adv. In a friendly way, I through friendship. 1 / » S. 3Pcf ashwa, s. m. Ahorse.^ ' ‘ | p. dshob ox dshuh^^. m.. Tumult, clamour, f terror, misfortune, storm, tempest ; an impos- | tor ; inflammation of the eyes. ^ S. and 5?tKT Splendor) c- i shobhd, s. f. Ugliness. s. Horse, and ^ fr^ Lord) ashwa-pati, s. m. A person of rank at- tended by horsemen. s. (3T Become pure) a-shuoch, s. m. Impurity ; mourning. s. (3f and S(ft^ Grief) a-sliok, adj. At ease, unmolested, s. m. Ease, tran- quillity; name of a plant (Jonesia asoca). s. (3{5*^ Horse, and Sacrifice) ashwa-medk, s. m. The sacrifice of a horse. > , s. . ^ s. dshwinl, s. f. Name of the first lunar mansion. See aszoini. A. ishhdd) (from s. m. Taking to witness, bringing proof. A. ashhdd, s. plur. (of jjblii) Witnesses, eye-witnesses, they who were present at any transaction. A. ashliab, adj. Of a black and white colour, in which the white prevails ; grey (a horse), dun-coloured (a camel or mule). A. ashhar, adj. compar. (of^^,^) More or most celebrated or known. 8. (^T and r. scfr Repose) d- ' shai/n, 8. m. Meaning, intention, theme. A. 1^1 ashyd^ s. plur. (of j^) Things, effects. p. yJ^To*>7», A bird’s l>P5t. p. AiLil dshiyam,} 49 ) ashiti, adj. Eighty. s. 3^rtX ushlr^ s. f. A fragrant sort of grass, called in Persian and Hindi khas (Andropogon inuricatnin). s. (Ishh'-bdd, s. A salutation or benedic- tion. See Jo^l dsirbiid. s. u-shlsh or d-$is^ s. f. Bene- diction, blessing. See iisis. A. asdghir, adj. plur. (of yLal) Little; mean, contemptible, poor. A. LiiJU asd/al or isdiat, (from J...;!) s. f Firm- ness, the being well rooted, constancy, solid! ty of judgment. A. UU>1 asdhdon^ adv. Firmly, entirely, abso- lutely, radically. A. ashdh, s. plur. (of » ^U) Lords, masters, grandees, companions, friends, apos- tles. (In composition the word signifies) Pos- sessed of; as ^ as/idb-i-ilin, Learned men, &c. A.jWl isddr, (frora^>) s. m. Producing, ap- pearing, issuing. A. isrdr, (from s. m. Persisting (in any thing), perseverance. A. isrdf, (from u_^)s.m. Expenditure, waste, prodigality. isrdf karnd, v. a. To squander, &c. A. i?t?bagh, (from i^) s. m. Imbuing, staining ; dipping, baptism. A. istabal, (vulg. astabal) s. m. A stable. See G. ustu7'ldb, s. f. An astrolabe. See A. istildh, (from s. f. A phrase, idiom, technical term, figure in rhetoric. (PI. U1 A. jit^\ asghar, adj. compar. (of Less, very little, least, little, mean. A. s. m. The caper tree (Capparis spinosa). yisif, the name of a man considered to have been Solomon’s wazir. dsif~ rdi, Prudent as Asif. dsifu-d-daula, The Asif of the state. A. jU.^1 axfdr^ s. plur. (of sifr) Cyphers. A. jLe\ (isfrir, adj. Yellow. A. JlA osnl or as/, s. f. Root, origin, founda- tion, lineage; capital, principal sum, stock in trade. A. 1^1 as/d or as/aii, adv. By no means, never, not at all. UHKiUl as/a?i mut/akan, Never ab- solutely, by no means. Icjl is/d/i, (from s. f. Correction, amend- A. Z ment. A. J-sl as/u-s-sus, 6. m. Liquorice. A. as/ah, adj. compar. (of ^L) Best, most adviseable. A. as/-l, adj. Original, radical, essential, principal ; noble, of a noble family. A. asamm, adj. Deaf; a surd number (in arithmetic), the opposite to muntik. jazr-i-asamm, The square root of a surd. A. s- plur- (of Sorts, kinds. A. usul, s. plur. (of Roots, causes ; a musical mode or tone, furu*, Roots and branches. A. osU, adj. Well born, noble, genuine : (in Hind.) s. f. A maid servant. A. izdfat, (from s. f. Addition, adjunct ; construction of one noun with ano- ther. A. izdfa, s. m. Addition, junction, aug- mentation, attribute. H A. A. H. izltrub, s. m.^ (^from i^j^) Agita- ^T' ^ ^ } restlessness, an- guish, trouble, chagrin. A. j\Ji3^\ iztirdr, (from j^) s. ni. Violence, con- straint; agitation. A. ( plur. (of zi*f) Double. A. compar. (ofe_i^) Very weak or lielpless, most impotent. A. azld*, s. plur. (of zil*) Ribs, sides ; districts, divisions (of land) ; convexities, arches. A. itd-at, (from s. f. Subjection, submission, obsequiousness, obedience, reve- rence, worshipping. A. Usl utibhd, s. plur. (of Physicians. A. s- f* plur. (of (__^) Sides, en- virons, confines, skirts, districts. A. Hfii, (from yi?) s. m. Extinction. A. JUlsl s. plur. (of JiL) Children ; fa- mily. A. (from ^J!h) s. f. Manifesting, no- tice, declaring, investigation, information, knowledge. A. (from s. m. Setting at li- berty, divorcing ; disengagedness, freedom. A. alias, s. m. Satin. A. Ummm, (from s. f. Tranquil- lity, rest, repose, quiet, content, security. itminun-i-khdtir, Peace of mind. alwdr, s. plur. (of^^) Manners, beha- viour, devoirs. j\^\ khns/i-atwdr, Well- mannered, well-bred. A. aflu'ir, adj. plur. (of^Us) Pure, chaste. A. azlam, adj. compar. (of More or most unjust, tyrannical, &c. A. hhdr (from ^y^) s. m. Making evident, revelation, demonstration, publication. A. j^\ azhar, adj. compar. (of y>\ls) Very clear, more evident. azliaru mina-sh- shamsi, Clearer than tlie sun, A. iunat (from ^y-) s- f- Help, aid, as- sistance, favour. A.jLiiil i^libdr (from s. m. Confidence, faith, belief, credit ; reliance, respect, esteem. i'libur rakhnu, To give credit to, to believe. A. i^libur-1, adj. Of credit, creditable. A. i’^tiddl (from Jac) s. m. Evenness, equilibrium, moderation, temperature, recti- tude. A. jliocl i’^lizdr (from yc.) s. in. Excuse, apo- logy- A. i*lirdz (from Turning away from ; refusing assent, objecting, discussion criticism, animadversion, opposition. A. i’-tirdf (from uJ^x.) s. m. Confession', acknowledgment, avowal. A. i*lizdz (from ciy) s. m. Excellence, prevalence. A. J\yi£.\i*lizdl (from s. m. Secession, abdication. A. i^tisdm (from s. m. Abstain- ing from what is irreligious or unlawful, the grasping (any thing) with the hand, keeping with a friend or comrade. A. u'libxl i^likdd (from ci-'AJLc) s. m. Confi- dence, faith, trust, belief. A. I i*tikdf (from c_iSlc) s. m. Continu- ing in the place of worship or mosque (espe- cially at Mecca), the being constant in prayer and divine worsliip and abstaining from the concerns of the world. 51 LM A. i'limdd (from ji^) s. m. Reliance, trust, faitli, confidence, dependence. A. Ixii! i^'lind (from s. f. Care, attention, study, labour. A.jUrl «^V7s (fromjs^) s. m. Disappointment; miracle, wonder, astonishment, amazement, £. surprise. jls^l t*jdz-i-))iasiljd-I, A cure as miraculous as the cures of the Messiah. A. ti*juba, s. 111. A wonder, a miracle. A. Ijlc! a'dd, s. plur. (of.jts) Knemies. A. i’^rdb (from t_^) s. m. The notation of the vowel points, the vowel points. A. 7*r«^(froin s. m. Aversion, avoid- ing, dislike. A. 1 s. 111. Purgatory, a station be- tween heaven and hell. A. a*raj, adj. Lame by nature, lame. A. i’^zdz (from CiJjs.) s. m. Honouring, mag- nifying, respect, attention. A. lacl a*~(7, s. plur. (of Members, limbs. A. jjicl (^zam, adj. compar. (of ^ -Ur.) Greater, greatest. A. /*/«;« (from s. m. Making known; proclaiming, indicating, announcing; a noti- fication, a warrant. A. i*/(7« (from Jts.) s. m. Divulging, ma- nifesting, publishing. A. aVam, adj. compar. (of ^Jlc) More or most wise. A. nVa, adj. compar. (of jjji) Higher, most high, most exalted. A. JUcl i’^mdl (from s. Causing or teach- ing to act. A. JUil d^mdl, s. plur. (of Actions, &c. A. d^trut, adj. Blind. A. a*j/dn, s. plur. (of Eyes ; grandees, nobles. T. lil dglid, s. ni. Lord, chief, master. p. jUT dghdz, s.m. Beginning, commencement, A. ighrdk (from j.^) s. m. Drowning, submersion. p. dgbisfda, part. Moistened, macerated mixed, polluted. A. jlUl ighldk (from s. m. Any thing dif- ficult to be understood or abstruse; an ob- stacle. A. iglildm (from J.i) s. m. Inflaming w'ith desire, provoking to venery ; sodomy. A. aghlab, adj. compar. (of Supe- rior, stronger, adv. Most likely. A. ighmdz, s. m. (from y^) Detraction: but, sometimes used for j^Uil q. v. A. ighmdz (from s. m. Dissimula- tion, connivance, superciliousness, ogling, co- quetry. A. 1^1 aghniyd^ s. plur. (of Independent, rich. A. lyil ighwd (from s. m. Seduction, temp- tation. ighwd karnd, To seduce, to lead astray. p. dgJiosh^ s. f. Embrace, bosom. A- oghi/dr, s. plur. (of Strangers, fo- reigners, unknown persons ; rivals. P A. cJl w/, interj. Fye! poh ! for shame! alas! Ij^ ^1 nf karnd, To disapprove of, to lament. A. ci;ljT dfut, s. plur. (of ^i'\) Calamities, mis- fortunes, evils, dangers. A. jliT Hfdk, s. plur. (of jjl) Horizons, quarters of the heaven or of the earth, regions. A. ifukat, s. f.\ Convalescence, A. ifdka, s. m.? recovery. H 2 r 52 A. dfaty s. f. Calamity, misfortune, wretch- edness. (Sans. 3fXrTrT). (^iT ufat- rasida, Unfortunate, wretched. p. dftdb, s. m. The sun, sunshine. dftdb-parast, A worshipper of the sun. uftub-parast-i, s. f. Worship of the sun. ^ dfldb-gir, A parasol, an um- brella. p. dftubay s. m. An ewer. p. aftdb-i, s. f. A parasol of a particular form, a target studded with gold. adj. Faded by the sun ; yellow. p. jliil uftdd, ) ^ ^ \ part. Fallen. p. uftdda\ p. uftdda-giy s. f. A falling. p. uftdn wa khezuriy Now falling now rising. p. dftdwd, s. m. An ewer. See ajliil. A. iftikhdr (from ) s. m. Glory, honour, elegance, gracefulness. A. if(i7'd (from .s. f. Fiction, calumny. A. J\js\ (ifrddy s. plur. (of Individuals, single one.s, singular numbers. A. J\js\ ifrdd (from s. m. Withdrawing from society. V. )\j»\ afrdz, part. Exalting, raising. A. ifrdt_ (from ly) s. m. Excess, supertluity. bUl iJrdU-akhldl or \>\j\ ifrdt-i-kbun, Plethora. P, afrozy part. Illuminating, enlightening. e. dfrid-gdr, s. m. The creator. p. iiX^T dfrida, part. Created. p dfrirty 8. f. Praise, interject. Bravo ! well done! (In compos.) part. Creating, creator; as, J^Mdn-dfriny Creator of the world. ^ dfrin karnd, To praise, to applaud. p. dfrlnishy s. f. Creation. p. nfrimnda, part. Creator. p. IjJl afzdy part. Encreasing. p. afzdj/ishy s. f. Encrease. Vy afzudy s. m. Encrease, addition, abun- dance. adj. More, greater. p. afzuHy adj. Encreasing, more, greater, manifold, nouch. p. ciyjil afzun-iy s. f. Encrease, abundance. P. ajl jl afsdnoy s. m. A fiction, tale, story, ro- mance. P afsaVy s. m. f. A crown, a diadem. P. nfsurda-giy s. f. Dejection, melancho- ly, lowness or depression of spirits. p. X ^ . afsurday adj. Dejected, dispirited, low- spirited, melancholy. ijj^\ afsurda-kfid- -/?>, Depressed in mind, dispirited. nfsttrda dify Faint-hearted, low-spirited, deject- ed. p. afsns, s. m. Sorrow, concern, vexation, interj. Ah ! alas ! p. (ifsdriy s. m. Incantation, a spell, verses used in spells or enchasitment, fascination, sor- cery. afsun-sdzty s. f. Enchant- ment. ,1 nfsdn karndy To enchant, to use spells or incantations. p. ^ afsdn-gar, s. m. An enchanter, one hIio uses spells, &c., a sorcerer. A. llil ifs/id, (from , s. m. Divulging, pub- lishing. p. afshdriy part. Scattering, dispersing, pouring out (used in composition chiefly; as, gul-afshdn. Strewing roses. zar-nfshdn-kaghazy Paper sprinkled with gold). p. ijl * afshdn-ly adj. Sprinkled, scattered, dis- 53 persed. afsham Icdg/iaz, Sprinkled (with gold, &c.) paper. (In compos.) s. f. Scattering, sprinkling. p. (ifshurda, part. Pressed, squeezed out, tiltered. A. afsa/i, adj. compar. (of^.uj) Verj elo- quent, speaking very correctly. p. JUi! afzdl, s. plur. (of Jujj) Graces, virtues, favours. A. compar. (of J^li) More or most excellent. t, , L,' ^ .1. -<1 tifza/i^at, s. f. Excellence, pre-emi- nence. a.JLs\ ijtnr (from s. m. Breaking a fast. ift/ir karnd, To break one’s fast in the evening after fasting all day, as the Musalmans do during the month of Ramazan. A. JUil afu/, s. plur. (of Jjo) Actions, &c. X X. A. (vulg. fl/7) s. ra. A serpent. p. jjUil afg/idu, s. m. Same as fig/idn, which see. n. prop. A people, called also Patlidnx, inhabiting the hilly country to the N. W. of Lahaur. in their history, they pre- tend to derive their origin, as well as name, from Afghan, whom they account a grandson of Malik 'I'alut (king Saul). As to religion, they are Mahometans, notwithstanding the claim they set up to a Jewish extraction. (Plur. Arab. ajdghina or Pers. afghdndn). / A. vfk or ufuk, s. in. The horizon; a tract or region of the earth ; (poet.) the world. A. j\^\ ({fkdr, s. plur. (of Jj) Thoughts, me- ditations, opinions, counsels. p.jlfjl of gar, adj. Wounded. p. afgan, part. Casting, throwing, casting down. A. {fas, (from ^_^) s. m. Poverty, penu- ry, bankruptcy. A. afldldn, n. prop. Plato. A. ajldk, s. plur. (of (.Sjlj) The heavens, heavenly bodies. A. afwdj, s plur. (of ^y) Armies, crowds. ofwdj-i-kdhiru, A victorious army. A. ihil aficdh, s. m. plur. (of s^) Mouths, s. f. Doubtful news ; fame, report. A. afwdh-l, adj. Reported, famed, noised about. H. (fun, (corrup. of s. f. Opium. (Sans, modern 3{CfPT Hunter). H. ^ afim-chl, adj. A ,, „ . I- c I Eater of opium;(fig.) 7, adj. f. y * a / a sot. H. ■■ nfhnan, ^ H. afiml, adj. m. ) A. afyun, s. f. Opium, the inspissated juice of the Pa|)aver somniferum. The word may be derived from ^^1 To deprive of reason or prudence (Got.); or, from Gr. ’o7to{ Juice, es- pecially of the Laserpitium (Hippoc.), whence 'oTtidv (Dioscor.y, or, from the Sans, ahiphen, comp, of 3jT^ Serpent, and Froth, foam. A. afi/un-l, adj. Same as afim-chi, q. V. A. liT dkd, s. m. Master, ow'ner. (Turk. UT) A. ukdrib, s. plur. (of j_^^) Relatives. A. akdlim, s. plur. (of j*Jj1) Climes, cli- mates, regions. A. ikdmat, (from |*\J) s. f. Resting, stay-_ ing, abode, residence, dwelling. A. ^yfi\ ikbdl, (from ^ti) s. m. Prosperity, good fortune, auspices. ikbdliihu. His good fortune, &c. ikbdluhum. Their good fortune, &c. p. ikbdl-mand, adj. Prosperous, fortu- nate. A. iktibds, (from ^j.Js) s. m. Borrowing 54 (fire from another); acquiring, procuring, gain- ing, asking, begging, quotation. A. Lvijit i/clicldf (from s. m. Following, imitation. A. (from j_vj) s. m. Power, autho- rity ; excellence, dignity. A. ildisdm^ (from s. m. Division, partition. A. jLaiyl iktisdr^ (from s. m. Abbreviation, abridgement, restriction ; determining or fix- ing the bounds of any thing ; failing, w'asting. A. ikddm, (from s. m. Intrepidity, endeavour, effort, diligence, spirit, resolution, firmness, attention. A. akdas, adj. compar. (of^^Aj) Very or most holy. A..j\J>\ ikrdr, (from^l^j) s. m. Confession, con- firmation, assurance, promise, agreementj at- testation. \jJj\Ji\ ikrdr karnd, To promise. iUlijlyil ikrdr-ndma^ s. ra. Written agreement, bond, contract, indenture, &c. A. akrah, adj. compar. (of More or most near. A. \iji\ akrihu, s. plur. (of Kindred, friends, allies. A. LLJl aksdt, s. plur. (of U V) Portions, in- stalments. A. aksdniy s. plur. (of Various kinds, every sort. A. \^i\ aksd, ^adj. compar. (of Extreme, A., i most distant ; extremely. A. J.j\ «/•«//, adj. compar. (of J^) Less, least. A. iklhii, s. m. Clime, climate, region, country. (Gr. A. Jlyil (d/wdt, s. plur. (of Jy) Words, say- ings, agreements, promises. A. (ikwdi)i, s. plur. (of ^y) Tribes, people, / nations, casts. / 1^1 s. lLS I uk, (Sans. s. m. Curled flow- - ered gigantic swallow-wort. (Asclepias gigan- tea). s. ti/T dk, (Sans. s. m. A sprout of su- X gar-cane. » s. lL^\ ik, adj. One. See ek. ' y s. lil ikkd, (Sans. eka) adj. Single, incom- parable, unique, super-excellent : s. m. An ^ ear-ring of a single pearl ; an ornament worn on the Avrist, often hollow, containing per- fume ; a champion who serves alone, without being attached to any corps, A.^lil akdbir, adj. plur. (of j^\) The great, people of rank. akdbir zsa asdghir, High and low, rich and poor. s. (3[" 3>i^T (3n and r. ^ Make) d-kdr, and — corruptly akdr, s. m. Hint, sign, appearance, form, aspect. II. akdrath, adj. Unprofitable, fruitless, yielding no returo. s. dkds or okds, s. m. The fifth _ element, aether ; the sky, the atmosphere, space. (This element is held by the Hindus to be more subtle than air, to fill and pervade the universe, and to be the peculiar vehicle of life and sound). MllHI The sky, and Sound) dkds-bdnl, s. f. A voice from heaven ; revelation. ^ s. The sky, and J Livelihood) dkds-bril^ s. f. Subsistence not derived from any certain funds or depending i on any particular person ; living from hand to mouth. s. dkds-britl-i, (from adj. used substantively. One whose subsistence is j fortuitous. 55 s. ilkus-pawaii, (Sans. T^TSJ^fTT -7- or or A vejjetable onioning on other trees, air-plant or dodder. (Cuscuta re- flex a). Hunter. ^ \ s. L;J (ikas-dlj/d, (Sans. 3n’^T^^TfT dkd- so-dipa) A lamp which the Hindus hang alofl on a bambu in the month Kartik. ^ s. ^ dkdS'HhUy s. m. A plant growing on I trees so called (a kind of Epidendron). J/un- i s. i/>v7s7, (Sans. ek-dsUi) adj. Eighty-one. s. Jb'l 3[^T^ (3T and Sfn-^ Time) a-kdl, s. m. Unseasonableness, famine, scarcity, ex- tremity, pincli. adj. Unseasonable, prema- ture, untimely, sij | akdla-vrishti, Un- timely rain. A. akkdl, adji superl. (of J^T) A glutton, gormandiser. I \ H. Ull^l ukdlnd, (from Ll^l) v. a. To boil water. -• ikdnavwe, (Sans, adj. Ninety one. H. ikdwanj (Sans. ^^j- Fifty one. t t A.j^\ tikbar, adj. compar. (of^^) Greater, ve- ry great, greatest. I s. (r. Speak) ukii, s. f. Speech. P H. ukat, s. f. Contrivances, invention. bJ ukat lend, To discover, to find out. P H. uktdrnd, v. a. To promote, to for- w'ard. P H. uktdru, part. Instigator, promoter. jfc.- H. iktdlis, (Sans. -cf rl) adj. Forty one. P C^ L H. ukldndy V. n. To fi-et, to be melancholy or dejected, to be out of humour with, to be tired of, to tire. A. iklisdb, (from c— w ^) s. m. Acquisi- tion, gain. A. \h^\ Iktifd, (from vji-o_U^) s. f. Sufliciency, contentment. s. ( and r. Speak) a-kath, adj. Un- - told, not to be related. n. iktis, (Sans. ^cfjf^SJf[^) adj. Thirty p H. I'liil uktdnd, ) V, a. To dig up slowly a thing u. b^( ukalnd, ) *^*" 'ed in the ground, to ex- tract a secret gradually and artfully, to pump. a. ik-lak, s. A fixed looking at any thing ^ ' without closing the eyes. s. 1^1 One, and |*^ Place) ika-tlhd or ik-lhd, adj. United, collected, together. s. (jUiii ik-lhdn, adj. See ika-tlhd. ^ " A. jS\ aksar, adj. compar. (of Most, many,, much : adv. Generally, for the most part, usually, often, aksaraukdt, At most times, generally, frequently. s. a-kar, (3f and Hand, tax, duty) adj. Hand-less, duty-free, exempt from duty. s. J,'\ (3TT and r. ^ Make) d-kar, s. f. Mine, quarry ; multitude. h.^T dkar, s. f. The den of a lion or tiger. H. 1/1 akrd, adj. Dear, costly, s. f. A kind of vetch. See ankri. A. akrdm, s. plur. (of j*/) Favours, kind- nesses, obligations, honour, respect. A. ^J>\ ikrdm, (from |♦/)s. m. Honouring, com- plimenting, treating with attention and cere- mony. A. il/1 ikrdh (from s. f. Horror, aversion, abhorrence, detestation. 56 A. akram, adj, compar. (of Very kind, merciful, generous, bountiful. /t p. s. (3T and Action) a-karm, s. m. Bad action, sin, vice, wickedness. r , r s. 3T^JT^ C3T and Action or subject of action) a-karmak, adj. Intran sitive (a verb). s. (3T and Action, religious ac- tion) a-karmi, adj. Wretch, sinner. s. and Fit to be done) a-karm or a-karanij/a^ adj. Inconsistent, indecent, unsuitable. H.J^\ akar, s. f. Crookedness; strutt. See akarna. H. \^\ akrd, part. Stiff, &c. See \j^\ H. p. akar-hdz (comp, of andjb) An af- fected person, a fop, a swaggerer. £. H. akarbdi, s. f. The cramp. H. akarna, v. n. To writhe, to ache, to be cramped, to become stiff or rigid ; to strut affectedly. M. ukru, s. m. The pcsture of sitting on the hams with the soles of the feet on the ground. H. akrait, adj. An affected person, a swaggerer, a fop. Seejbj^l akar-hdz. s. iksath (Sans. adj. Sixty- one. II, (i.^\ ek and^ 5y f\ dgparndy v. n. To be enraged; as, ^^1 ^ merl bdton se us par dg parti bai, He is enraged at my w ords : also, the same as dg barasnd. Li j dg dendy v. a. To burn a Hindu corpse. fT dg sulgdndy v. a. To inflame ; to excite sedition, to foment a quarrel clandestinely, u/ if! dg kamdy v. a. To make any thing exceedingly warm, to excite envy or anger : (used among women). dg lagdndy v. a. To set on fire, to inflame ; to enrage, to cause disturbance. j ^ ijb fT dg lagdke pdni le daurndy To pretend to ap- pease a quarrel which one has purposely ex- cited, to play tricks, to deceive. Ud fT dglagndy v. n. To be enraged; to be very hungry. Uf)U (j LsoLiysi dg lage par billi kd mut dhundhnd yd mdngndy To put off, to delay or excuse one’s self on vain pretences. bT f tS/T dglenekodndy To come to get fire (is spoken of a friend who goes to visit another and leaves him quickly). y'3 tjb f T dg men pdni ddlnd, same as dg bujhdnd. ^ ^ ^ bjj! b dg men kisi ki jalnd yd lotndy or ^ ^T ghair ki dg mefi jalndy To bring i ^<\ 58 S\ reproach upon, to accuse, to suffer for another. ag men lotna, To be afflicted with grief or melancholy. \jyt, Sg hona, To be enraged. s. \^T ugu (Sans. agra) s. m. The front, forepart ; the space in front of a house, the forepart of a turband. \fT dga plchha Jcarnd, v. n. To hesitate, to waver. H. igdrah, adj. Eleven. s. i^j^\ ogurl (from l^T) adv. Before, in front, forward, further on. s. f. The ropes with which a horse’s fore feet are tied. agdr'i mcirnd, To attack in front, to defeat a hostile army in pitched battle. cjjWl 15\^ agdrl pichhdrl laguna, To confine (espe- cially a horse). 5. agust (from l^T) s. m. f. A turband, a terrace in front of an upper room. Jius ans. 3r{^ and r. ^ Eat) vgul, s. m. That which is spit out after chewing any tiling (especially, betel leaf). dp kd ugdil merd udhdr, Your worship’s leav- ings are my nourishment; i. e. You, Sir, are my support and benefactor. s. p. ugdl-ddn, s. m. A spitting-box. s. jlsi cigd-u, (from li 1) adv. Before, in front. p. dgdh, adj. Informed of, acquainted with, intelligent, vigilant. s. bjblff (Sans. 3rT and r. Take) ugdlind, V. a. To gather, to collect, to accumulate. p. dgdh-i, (from \) s. f. Information, intelligence, vigilance. s, ugdhl, (from lijsl^l) s. f. Usury ; the trade of lending money on interest of one fourth, the payment of which is received by instalments. s. ?/grt/, (from U^i) part. Growing, spring- ing up ; production. s. (3TandJTf% Procession, path), a-gaii, adj. Without character, dishonoured disgraced ; one whose funeral ceremonies are not performed, s. f. Disgrace, distress, in- convenience, damnation, condemnation. p.^1 conj. If. H. (tgar, (perhaps, Sans, vij J [ Aloe wood) s. A perfume of a light brown colour. s. First, and A mouthful) ag- grds, s. m. The first morsel. s. agrds, First, and s. ^\/\ 3T!TT5T^T agrdsan, ( r. Eat) s. III. Victuals offered in oblations, sacrifices &c. to the gods. p. agarclii, conj. Although. s. (3fIT Before, and Thought^ care) agra-soch, s. m. Foresight, providence, precaution. s. agra-soch-l, adj. Provident, endued with foresight. H. agar-wdld, s. m. A race of merchants of the Vaisya tribe from Agroha, a place to the westward of Dihli. u. agur-l, adj. Of the colour of agar, q. V. figar bagar, s. m. Trifling employ- ment or talk, trifles, trash. s. 3f->t f^H or s. m. Name of a tree (Aiischynomene grandi- flora): name of a sage or apostle, the regent of the star Canopus. s. '^\ og/d, (Sans. ogTo) adj. Chief, prin- cipal, prior, first, former ; ancestor, ancient, other, next. s. lAf I (Suns. and r. Eat) ugalnd, v. a. To spit out, to vomit; (metaph.) to refund property surreptitiously obtained. s. J'\ '^TPPT and 1. Go, come) d- gam, s. m. Futurity : a Sastra or work on 59 sacred science, and of divine origin. LijJ'lj o^am bdmUiua, To determine the future. T iigam hidyu^ s, f. The art or science of foretelling or divining. | and Teller, from r. ^ "Cj Tell, speak) dgam bakld, A foreteller, predictor ; Siva, one who tells the doctrines of d^am. JU j/T dgam jdm or dgam gnj/diiij Knowing the future; a prognos- ticator.^ s. and To be gone or come on) (hgam or a-gat)ij/a, adj. Impassable; bottom- less, unfordable. s. (^T and r. Go) d-ga- man, s. m. Coming, arriving, proceeding. s. and r. Move) dg~niand, s. m. The advanced guard, adj. Adventurous, ven- turesome, forward (as fruit). s. a-ganii/a, adj. Impassable, deep^ bottomless, inaccessible, impervious. See s. ogni, (vulgarly agin) s. m. Fire; the ffod of fire and the of the south- east quarter; the name of one of the Purans. g. (3f and Skill, merit) a-gun, adj. Unskilful, without merit, ineffectual. H. agin, s. m. Name of a bird, a sort of lark. See Lfl (igij/d. s. ugnd (3^ and r. ^*1 Produce) v. n. To grow, to be produced, to rise (as the moon). US* LiP ' 'J'o be wither- ed immediately on springing up, (is applied to a hope or expectation which is blasted in the bud). 5. jb agin-bdo, (Sans. 3ff^ |rl ) s. f. The farcy in horses, an eruptive disease in men. s. (3T and Numbered) a-ganil, adj. Innumerable. s. jfT dgu, (from Sans. 3fIT) adj. Forward, adv. Before, heretofore. s. 1^1 agxed, (from Sans, ^flf) adj. Foremost, s. m. A guide, a forerunner, harbinger ; one who adjusts a marriage. s. Ijf I dgiod, 8. ni. A pommel. s. \j\^\ agwdrd, s. m. The front, the forepart; the space in the front of a house. agwdni, (Sans. ^•M-'lT^T) s. m. A guide, harbinger. See agwd. -• (from dg, Fire) 8. f. s. agwdi, J Conflagration. agwd-i, (from \^\ ogzi'd) s. f. Guidance. s- yr/' (3T and An object of sense) a-gochar, adj. Unperceived, invi- sible. H. bjjfl agornd, v. a. To watch. Same as Uljfl agolnu. H. \,jf\ agoriyd, (from b^/\) s. m. Watchman. s. ij^\ and Hidden; difficult) a-gurh, adj. Easj. -• agori or agori, adj. In advance, beforehand. H. agolnd, V. a. To watch. Same as \>j^\ agomd. s. ij^\ agauni, s. f. The sending forwards some one to receive a person with honour. p. ogah, adj. See *1^ t dgdh. s. ughdrnd (trans. of b^l) v. a. To un- cover, discover, unveil, open, pull off. s. ,Jl^\ uglidru, (from \jj\^\) s. in. One who uncovers or unveils. H. aghdnd, v. a. To surfeit, to satiate, adj. Satiated, rich, affluent. s. \jj^\ ugharnu (3^^^ and r. Strive) v. n. To be uncovered, discovered, opened, pulled off. s. ogni, s. f. See ,^\ agni, Fire,.'&c. s. aghan, (Sans. s. in. The 1 2 60 s/' name of the Hindu eighth month (during which the sun is in Scorpio and the moon is full near Orion’s head). s. aghor-panth^ (Sans. m. A particular religious order among Hin- dds. See^^^^^/1 s. aghor-panth-i, (Sans. \ > adj. (used s. i^j^\ aghorl, (Sans. 3!’Jtrr)) substantively), An order of religious mendi- cants professing aghor-panth. They eat every thing, however filthy, even human carcasses ; hence, a gross or filthy feeder. p. agahi, s. f. Same as agdhi^ q. v. s. age, (Sans. 3f^ agre) adv. Before, in front, beyond, more, ago, already, formerly, forwards, onwards ; hence, rather, sooner. UJjjbO age dharlend, To get before, to outstrip, to surpass, to pass (as a horse in a race). liT dge ana, v. n. To come for- ward ; to hasten, to accelerate, 5. \^\ aggya, (Sans. djnya) s. f. Com- mand, order, permission. s. Lfl tig^yo., s. m. Name of a bird (Alaudaag- gia, Buck.). s. (STfrifT Un. known, and Youth) agyiit-jaubanu or a-jnydla-yauvand, s. f. A girl arrived at ma- turity and surprised at the symptoms which then appear, not knowing to what to attribute her sensations. H. agydrl, s. f. Kindling the fire by Hindus at the time of worshipping. See hom. s. ('^fT^rr order, and Doer) aggyd-kdrl or djnydi-kurl, adj. Obedient, acting according to order. s. M and Knowledge) a- Is gydn or a-jnydn, adj* Witless, ignorant; a simpleton. H. o,gydnd, v. a. To burn vessels of metal _ for the purpose of cleaning them. s. H. a-gydn-pan, s. m. Ignorance, fool- ishness, stupidity. s. (JLfl, adj. See agyun. p. agin, (used in comp.) adj. Full. H. JT dl, s. f. The name of a tree, from the root of which a red colour is extracted for staining leather, dying silk, &c. (Morinda ci- trifolia), A. jT dl, s. f. Children, family, progeny, off- spring, race, dynasty. s* (sij f^) ali, s. in. A large black bee. See - ,^\ all. H. ilT did, s. m. A small recess in a pillar or wall for holding a lamp, &c. adj. Wet, run-; ning (as a sore). ^ H. Hid, s. m. A wart. i? A. i!l Hid, adv. If not, if, besides, except, other- wise, but, unless. s. (3TT and r. Speak) d-ldp, (corruptly, aldp) s. f. Prelude to singing s. m. Speaking to, address, conversation. > s. dldp-chdrl, s. f. The act of tuning the voice previous to singing. s. (from 1 d-ldp, q. v.) dildpnd or cddpnd, V. a. To tune the voice, to run over the dif- ferent notes previous to singing, to catch the proper kty, to sing, to time. A. dldt, s. plur. (of dial) Instruments, tools, utensils. ^ u. ildchl, s. f. Cardamums. ^ ■ 9 II. uldrnd (trans.oflj^l) v.a. To cause to sleep. II. c^l uldgh, s. 111. An owl. T. uldk, s. f. A kind of small boat. A. aidki, s. f. (plur. of Questions, problems : misfortunes. s. ululnuy (3rT and Throw up, or Desire) v. a. To overset, to lay over to one side. A. dldm, s. plur. (of alam) Pains, griefs. A. al-dmdn, s. m. Mercy, quarter ; calling for quarter in battle. L. alamati, (Lat. Alemanni) A German. A. al-dn kamd kdna, adv. As before, as formerly, just as heretofore. H. alldnd, v. n. To bawl, to scream, to squeak. S’ H. aldo, s. m. A bonfire. p. dldj/ish, s. f. Pollution, contamination, filth. H. uldhnd, s. m. Reproach. See urihnd. p. alburz, s. m. Name of a celebrated mountain in Persia. A. albalta, adv. Certainly. H. LJ\ albeld, adj. Artless, simple, innocent, s. m. A fop, a beau. H. albcl-pand, s. ra. Foppishness, airs and blandishments. s. L Little, small, few, short. A. ^ -IT dlat, s. f. A tool, an instrument, appa- ratus ; membrum virile, veretrum animalium. s. altd or dlld, (Sans. or 3f[R^iT) s. m. Cotton strongly impregnated with the dve of lac, ready to be used for dying, &c. principally used by the Hindu women for stain- ing their feet red. A. iltijd, (from s. f. Fleeing to any one for relief or protection, request, petition, refuge, protection. A. iltizdm, (from ^jj) s. m. Being neces- sary or expedient, being assiduous, taking on one’s self, A. cuUJl iltifdt, (from c:,.vrJ) s. f. Friendship, kindness, obligation, courtesy, respect; an apostrophe (in rhetoric). A. iltimds, (from ^^^) s. m. f. Beseech- ing, petitioning, supplication, prayer, request. T. altamghd, s. m. A royal grant in per- petuity descending to posterity, royal insignia, royal diploma, a tax levied on travellers. tamghd (among the Turks signifies) A stamp on gold or silver plate to certify its being of standard purity. {Meninski). H. altani, s. f. The rope round the neck of ah elephant, in which the driver puts his feet as in stirrups. H. ullhd, s. m. Translation (of a writing, &c.). A. iltihdb, (from s. m. Burning^ heat, flaming. ir. ulalhnd, v. n. To undulate, to be agi- tated (as the ocean by storms). ^ S’ A. iltiydm, (from a)!) s. m. Healing or clos- ing: of a wound. o 9 II. liiii uUd^ adj. Reverse, opposite, contrary, s. m. Pease pudding, a kind of pudding made of the meal of any pulse. H. ISJj Isll ultd pultd^ adj. Topsy turvy, higgledy piggledy. H. Uliiil ultdnd^ v. a. To overturn, overset, per- vert, thwart. H. bliilj ultdnd pultdnd, v. a. To reverse, to modify, to interchange. 9 9 H. ulat pulat, adj . H iggledy piggledy, topsy turvy. s. f. Confusion, interchange. 9 H. liiill ulatnd, v. a. To pervert, subvert, thwart, reply, v. n. To be reversed, turned over or turned back. p 62 A. a//M* (J| art. and Hunger) interj. used in complaining of hunger. H. uljJulna (trans. of J^) v. a. To en- tangle, to ravel or entwist (as thread). H.y uljhdo, s. m. Entanglement, perplex- ity- f f H. bW ula}h pulajh jana, v. n. Same as ufajlina, q. v. H* uljhan, s. f. Involution, entanglement, complication. H. ufqjlwd or i/ajhnd, v. n. To be entangled? to lie involved (in difficulty), v. a. Toquarrelj^, to debate. H. uljherd or iljheru, s. m. The state ' ffi'^ours being entangled. See ^ H. lisl^ uhichnu, v. a. To throw out the water from any thing, to drain. P H. yi ularnn, v. n. To lie down, to rest. alarhalar, s. f. Trifling talk or employ- ment. A. (from j*jJ) s. m. Conviction, re- i proof, censure, proof. s. (3f and Employ) a-las, s. ra. Laziness, sloth, drowsiness. A. (*0 ns-satfm, See saldm. s. UUl ahund (from q. v.) v. n. To doze, to be drowsy, to slacken. A. ahinn, s. plur. (of^^LJ) Tongues. 8. 64 U1 p, uluda, adj. Defiled, stained, smeared, soiled ; overwhelmed, immerged. T. ulush^ s. m. Same as ulash, q. v. A. Adj- plur. (of ■ " " > Thousands. s. ulukhalj s. f. Same as ukhli, q. V. s. (3f7 and Shaking, moving) a-lol^ s. f. Gambol (generally applied to a horse). (3f and ^<^^) adj. Steady. s. Jjll alol kalol, s. f. Gambols, playsome- ness, wantonness. s. (3f and ^qTTf Salt) a-lond, adj. Not salt, fresh. A. uluhlyal^ s. f. The divinity. A. <)JT dla^ s. m. Same as c:.-,!! alat^ q. v. A. ildhy s. m. God. bdr-i-ildh^ Great God. H. l^T dlhdj n. prop. Name of a Hindu soldier and poet, from whom a species of poetry takes its name. A. ilhdm, (from ^) s. m. Inspiration, re- velation. H. alhdnd, v. n. To rejoice, to be cheerful. alhar, adj. Young, untaught (animal), unskilful. P H. ulahnd, s. ra. A complaint, v. n. To grow, to vegetate. A. ildhl, adj. Divine, inter). O God ! II. alhmydy s. f Name of a Ragnl. A. ildhltjat, 8. f. The divinity, godhead. A. i7«, prep. Up to, till. ila-l-dn, Till this time. *”* .. jT 3rrl^ or dlij 8. f. A female friend, a damsel. 8. 3|f^ ulij^. m. A large black bee, fa- bled to be enamoured of the lotus, s. f. (for dli) A female friend. H. U1 alaxyd halaij/d, s. f. Sacrifice, victim, lighted wisps with which the Hindus divert themselves at the season of the Dewali. P H. ulichnd, v. a. To throw up water. ^ H. p. dl-l rang^ s. m. A colour extract- ed from the al tree (Morinda citrifolia). A. alim, adj. Painful, excruciating. « P H. ulendnd, v. a. To pour water. s. |*T dm, dmra) s. m. The mango tree (Mangifera Indica); the mango fruit. P A. umm, s. f. Mother. A. U1 ammd, conj. But, moreover, neverthe- less, however. * s. U1 ammd, ambd) s. f. Mother. p. dmdj, s. m. A mark or butt for shooting arrows at. dmdj-gdh, A place for shooting arrows. p. dmdda-gl, s.f. Readiness, alertness. p. «oUT dmdda, adj. Prepared, ready, alert. A. tUjUl imdrat, s. f. Government, office of amir. A. iiju\ ammdra, adj. Imperious, head-strong, obstinate. p, dmds, s. m. Smelling. dmds karnd. To smell. A- amdkin, s. plur. (of JL<) Mansions, habitations, places. A. imdm, s. m. A leader in religious affairs, a prelate, patriarch, priest, chief; a large bead in a rosary, which remains fixed in the hand and is not turned over in counting (call- ed by the Hindus Sumeru). A. imdmat, s. f. Office of mdm. A. imdmiya. Name of a sect among Mu- hammadans, the sect of Ali. A. amiin, s. f. Safety, security, grace, mer- cy, protection, quarter. s. liU\ a-mand, (r. ^ Measure) v. n. To be contained, to go into. A. amdnat^ s. f. Deposit, charge, any thing given in trust, faith, religion. amunal-ddrl, s. f. Guardianship, agency, trust, charge, faithfulness. s. H H spect, worship) a-mdnaniya^ adj. Incredible. s. liUl (3^ and r. Jfpf Honor, or Pride) a-mdnl, adj. Incredulous, inattentive; with- out pride, humble. A. (jUl amdn-'i, s. f. Security, trust, charge, de- posit. adj. (applied to land) What is in charge of a collector on the part of government (in opposition to ^U-1 that which is farmed). s. going, access and 1 egress, intercourse. p. dmdani, s. f. Import, income, revenue, ways ; the season in which any merchandize generally arrives; perquisites, any thing gain- ed over and above. p. iixJT dmada, part. Come. H. UjJ umdd dend, OXcl part, of and L) j To give) v. a. To overflow. H. IjjUl umadnd, v. n. To overflow, to fall (as tears), to swell, encrease, be poured out (as a river, clouds, an army, the heart, &c.). K 66 A. amr^ s. m. An order, a command ; the imperative mood (in grammar) ; an affair, a transaction. a.^T amir, part, (from j^) One who orders, a commander, a ruler. s. j^\ and What dies, from r. 5T Die) a-mar, adj. Immortal, exempt from death, long-lived, everlasting; God; the name of a Sanscrit lexicographer. s. \j^\ amra, C^T^TtT^) s. m. The hog-plum (Spondias mangifera). A. \j<\ umard, s. plur. (of j^\) Nobles, gran- dees ; a noble (generally). A. amrdz, s. plur. (of jjo^) Sicknesses, diseases. s. amar-dwatl, s. f. The celestial city of Indra. -* The mango tree, and A line or row) amrdl, s. f. A garden of man- goes. s. (3f and r. JT" Die) a-mrit, vulg. imrat, s. m. The food of the gods, ambrosia, nectar; immortality, any thing sweet, water, wine, a guava. s. amrit-i, or vulg. imratl (from a-mrit) adj. Nectareous. s. f. A kind of sweetmeat, a small vessel for drinking out of, a kind of cloth. K, (imrad, adj. Beardless; handsome (a youth). amrad-parast, A sodomite. v.jjA dmurz, part, (in compos.) Pardoning, pardoner. P. dmurzish, s. f. Pardon, grace, forgive- ness of sins (by the Deity). P. dmurz-gur, s. m. lie wlio pardons ; an epithet of God. 4 dm-ras (Sans. Mango, and Taste, juice) s. m. Inspissated juice of the mango. Sec (JbjUl s. amriit (Sans. ^PJ^) s. m. A guava (Psydium pyriferum). p. amrud, s. m. A pear. im-ro% (^1 This, and Day) adv. To-day. imroz fardd, To-day or to- morrow, i. e. soon, imroz fardd karnd. To put off, to procrastinate. A. 0 nahl, s. m. Commands and prohibitions, orders and counterorders, com- manding and countermanding. A. imsdk (from s. m. Holding, retaining ; parsimony, abstinence, a medicine taken to prolong pleasure, scarcity, want. p. im-sdl (for This, and JL> Year) adv. This year. H. umasnd for L«j1 ubasnd, q. v. " A p. im-shab (^\ This, and Night) To-night. A. amd, s. plur. (of mid) Intestines, guts. H. iCiJsS amkd dhamkd, s. ra. Trifles, trif- ling ; a person of little estimation. A. imkdn (from s. m. Possibility ; contingent existence (in opposition to <— Necessity, or necessary existence). A. amal, s. m. Hope. H. amal, s. m. Intoxication. s. arnl, adj. Acid, sour. s. and Filth) a-mal, adj. Pure, clean, clear, bright. J-«l amial-pani, A kind of stitching. A. imld (from Ic) s. m. Filling up, complet- ing ; orthography, writing correctly. A. ulj Lcl amldk, s. plur. (of milk) Posses- sions, properties (generally applied to land). 67 u' ' A. tlfiU' imldk (from . ' i1 s. ni. The emblic niyrobalan. (Pliyllanthus eniblica). s. ni. A tamarind tree. (Taniarindus indica). . A. flWJW, s. m. Security, safety. amn amdn, s. m. (Quarter; crying out for quarter. tt ^ P • H. umandndj v. n. See \jS^\ iimadnd. 9 H. umang, s. f. Excessive joy, transport, ambition. H. iimangndj v. n. To advance with joy. H. umang-i, adj. Aspiring, ambitious. A. amnli/at, s. f. Security, safety. H. dmne sdmne, adv. Opposite, face to face. A. amzi'dl, s. plur. (of JU) Riches, wealth, etfects, property. p. dmokhfa, part. Learned, taught. K. umur, 8. plur. (of j^) Things, affairs, actions, commands. v.jy^ dmoz, part, (in compos.) Teaching, learn- ing. s. a-mol (3T and Price) adj. In- valuable. 9 A. ummi^ adj. Not knowing how to read or write; uneducated, unacquainted, unknown. H. ami, The water of life, nectar. See s. dma^a, s. ra. Sickness. p. umed or ummed or ummaid, s. f. Hope, expectation, trust, dependence; (in Hind.) pregnancy. ummed se, Pregnant. ummed-wdr, adj. Hopeful, hoping, ex- pecting. s. An expectant, a dependent, a candidate. 9 P* ummed-wdr-1, s. f. Expectation, hopefulness, dependence. A. j^\ amir^ s. m. A commander ; a nobleman, a grandee, a lord. am/ru-l-umard, Lord of lords (a title given by eastern princes to their prime ministers). amiru. l-mumintn^ Commander of tlie faithful (a title of theKhalifs). A. p. amlrdna, adj. Princely, lordly. A. j^\ amir-Ij s. f. Sovereignty, lordship, dig- nity of j^\ F.jyc\ dmez, part. Mixed, mixing, s. m. Mix- ture. p, (_^voT dmezish, s. f. Mixture, temperament. A. ^^T dmin or amln, adv. Amen, so be it. A. amln, adj. Constant, safe, faithful, s. m. A commissioner, a trustee, an umpire, an ar- bitrator, an investigator. A. amin-l, s. f. The office of an amln, Trust, guardianship, security, adj. Secure. A. JT dn, s. f. Time, hour, minute. s. dn any a) adj. Other, different. s. an, 3f«T A prefix of negation, privation or diminution, used properly before words beginning with a vowel only ; 1 or 3f being adopted before consonants : in Hindi, however, frequently occurs with consonants. So an-ant, an-dekhd. p. ijT an, s. f. A graceful attitude, an affected gait; affectation, pride. p. JT an, pron. dem. That. H. in (a pron. in the oblique case) These, them. H. an (a pron. in the oblique case) Those, them. s.j3fg anu, prep, ^fter (in time, place, K 2 68 rank and degree) ; according to, in imitation of. It is the reverse of 3TfH s. J am, s. m. Food, victuals, grain. H. \j\ ana, v. n. To come, to be : \jy ^ an parna. To happen, s. ra. The sixteenth part of a rupee. A. indhat (from Cjjy) s. Conversion, re- pentance. s. "i Master, &c.) a-ndth, adj. Husbandless, without lord or master, without chief or sovereign. H. andj, s. m. Grain. s.jolJl and Respect) an-ddar, s. m. Disrespect, affront. p.jbl andr, s. m. A pomegranate (Punica gra- natum) ; a kind of fire-works. H. andr-pan, s. m. Silliness, clumsiness, inexpertness, ignorance. H. anar?,) adj. Unskilful, clumsy, inex- H. isp\ andrl, j pert. s. A novice. s. ^l3\ undsi (Sans. 3^1XftfH) adj. Seventy- nine. A. blsUT dnan-fa-dnan, adj. Every minute, con- stantly, incessantly. s. ip\S\ (3f=T 3n^rff Listen to) ««• dkdni. Turning a deaf ear, overlooking, wink- ing at, purposely neglecting. A. j*ljl andm, s. Mankind. A. I, “ - andinat (corrupt, of t::..Jtol) amdnat, q. v. A. andmil, s. plur. (of Fingers, tips of the fingers. A. andniyal, s. f. Egotism, boasting, ar- rogance. p. amhdr, s. m. Magazine, heap, a stock, a granary. ambdrl, s. f. A canopy. p. jU3\ amhdz, s. A partner, an associate. P. ambdz-i, s. f. Partnership. \ H. jjT dn ban, s. f. Spirit, proper pride, s. ambat, adj. Sour. See s. bliJl ambatdnd, v. n. To grow sour, to be acidulated. s. ambar, s. See A. bL-jl imbisdf (from k.j) s. f. Gladness, joy, delight, cheerfulness, recreation, mirth. H. JjJl am-bol priv. and Speech) adj. Silent, speechless. p. amboh, s. m. A crowd, multitude, mob, concourse. p. s. iJ)\ amba, s. m. A mango, or mango tree. See J.T A. LjI ambiT/d, s. plur. (of ^^3) Prophets. s. LjI ambit/d, s. f. A small unripe mango. s. priv. and ULj Married. Sans. f^cfjfi^ri) am-biydhd, adj. Unmarried. s. (^^1 priv. and laxj Bored. Sans. f^':^) an-bedhd, adj. Unbored, unperfo- rated. s- JiJ and Drink) a«w- pdn, s. m. Any thing in which a medicine is mixed to facilitate the taking of it, or which is swallowed after the medicine; a fluid vehicle (in medicine). s. Lood, and Water) ann pdni, s. m. Victuals and drink. s. (3FH R rorih, forward, and Eating) anna prdsan. Same as db-chashi, q. v. s. priv. and Read) an-parhd, adj. Illiterate, uninformed. s. dnt, (3i^ antra) s. f. Entrails, gut, tripe. l3jT e:.-'3T dnl-dond, v. n. To be afllict- ed with the coming down of the rectum. -iT dnt-girnd, v. n. To void white glu- tinous stools. 69 * I ' S. (ifit 3Trr s. ni. End, completion ; per- dition, destruction; mind, heart, adv. After all, at last. s. (For 4^ antara) In, within. (For anj/alra) Elsewhere, somewhere else. II. (ji-ol ant, s. m. Intelligence, news, ac- count of. X S. (3T and Eternal) a-«^7 or a~nitj/a, adj. Not for ever, frail, perish- able. H. unluUs, adj. Thirty-nine. A. i intikhub, (from k_-^) s. m. Selec- tion, drawing or plucking out ; making ex- ^r*-’ tracts from books, election, choice. i antar, adv. Within, between, amongst, without, except, s. ra. Interval, in- termediate space ; period, term ; clothing ; covering : difference : sake, behalf : hole or rent; own, the self: without, outside: op- portune time : midst, the midst : the supreme soul. a«/ar;/an?/. Knowing that which is within or concealed. antar dht/an, Out of thought or meditation ; dead. - 3PrTTT antara, adv. In the middle, among; near at hand; without, except. s. \jij\ antara, s. m. A verse, any verse of a song except the first. s. si] rH^ I M I (3|rrX '^‘thin, and apat^a. Child) antar-apat, adj. Preg- nant, with child, with young. s. 3{rrTTTtT^ (sil«Tl <1 In the mid- dle, and r. rfCf Emr\) atUard-tap, s. f A ter- tian ague. s. Jlyul (3[7rnj In the midst, and r. ?iT Take) antardl, s. Included space. See s. antarbed, n. prop. Name of the coun- try between the Ganga and Jamuna rivers^ called in Persian tJ\^j du-uba. s. una-trinshat, adj. Twen- ty-nine. una-trinshattam, adj. Twenty-ninth. « s. (Sans, |«-| from I^‘®" tance) antriyd, s. m. Intermittent, an inter- mitting fever. s. antrl, (Sans. 3{^) s- f* Entrails, in- testine, bowels, gut. antriyuh jal- na. To be very hungry. Jj antriydii kul huzca-Uuh parhnd. To be very hun- gry, litt. The belly repeating, there is but one God. Jj antrl ku bal kholnd, To eat a bellyful after starving. \ antriyoh men ug lagna, To be very hungry. A.jliijl intishar, (from ^) s. m. Unfolding, spreading abroad, dispersion ; confusion, ex- planation, divulging. A.jlliyl inlizdr, (from Jaj) s. m. Expectation, looking out for. A. intizur-l, s. f Same as q. v. intizdrl karnd. To expect, to look out for. A. 1*113^)1 intizdm, (from jJaj) s. m. Arrangement, disposition, order, regularity. A. intidsh, (from s. m. Rising up, recovery from a fall or from sickness, increase in size (of an animal). A. intifd*, (from ^ij) s. m. Profit, advan- tage. A. intikdl, (from Jju) s. m. Transporting, travelling; departure, dying. A. intikdm (from ^) s. m. Revenge, re- taliation. 70 s. Jl^ ( 3f?rf End, and cj^l^ Time) ant-kdl, s. ra. Dying moment, hour of death. s. Within, and An organ) anta-karan, s. m. The un- derstanding. A. inlihd (from §• f- Termination, end, extremity, summit, adj. Finished, com- pleted, prohibited. town, a house) antali-pur, s. m. The inner apartments. s. untls (Sans. 3'«Tf^5T«T) adj. Twenty- nine. s. and Eternal) a- nitya^ adj. Not lasting, frail, perishable. H. (JI-JT ««fj s- f- A knot; envy. II. liUl antd^ s. m. A ball, a marble, antd-ghary A billiard room. H. (1231 A ball, and Lying on the back) antd-chit, adj. Unlucky, whose fortune is exhausted. (A term of abuse). ... antdkofi, s. f. A cord with which cattle are tied neck and heels. JLCU3T Knot, and CUiL Joining) dnt-sdnt, s. f. Partnership ; intrigue. H. U23\ anlnd, v. n. To be contained, to be tightened, to be filled up (a well, tank, &c.). II. U23l untnd, v. a. To fill (a well, tank, &c.), to come or go into, to reach. II. l5l;23l antwdnd, v. a. To make contain, to cram into. II, bVj' anlhldnd, v. a. To twist, to writhe. V. n. To swagger, to strut, to give one’s self airs, to walk affectedly. See 13^1 itrdnd, and \jLp\ iljildnd. II. dntjn, s. f. Stone of fruit ; coagulation. 8. * ^1 anOutrl (Sans. 3f^Cf^) s. f. A tick, the louse that attacks dogs, &c. {Hunter). H. dntl, s. f. A handful, a skein of thread, a bundle of grass, &c., a small faggot. j*Wl anjdm, s. m. End, termination ; acci- dent, vexation. UWl (^1 priv. and Ul^ from To grow) an^jdmd, adj. Barren (land) in which nothing will grow. priv. and Knowledge) an-jdn, adj. Unwitting, unintentional, not knowing, ignorant, s. A stranger. bWi ((ji priv. and llU- Known) an-jdnd, adj. Unknown, ignorant. anjara or injara, s. m. A nettle. Fame) an-jas, s. m. Infamy. 1 Water) an?i-jal, s. m Victuals and drink. anjld (Sans. ^3Tf^) s. m. The cavity formed by putting the hands together and holding the palms as if to receive w ater ; as mucb as can be held in both hands so disposed. anjli, s. f. See h^\ anjld. anjum, s. plur. (of Stars. anjuman, s. f. An assembly, a meeting. company, banquet. dnjan,Y^^^^ ^ collyriura or anjan, ) application to the eye-lashes to darken and improve them. . anjnd (from ^\) v. n. To have the eyes tinged with anjan. . L:^T anjnd (from 3T3T^) v. a. To tinge tlie eyes with anjan. I (J\ priv. and Born) anjand, adj. Unborn. *• anjan-sdr, s. m. Colly- rium. s. (^3T5T Gollyrium, and from r. 71 ^ Take by force) anjan-huri, s. f. A stye (or stithe) on the eye-lids. s. Snjhu, s. m. A tear. See j«jT unsu. s. p. s. m. A fig. G. J-jst! injil, s. in. The new testament, the gospel, (jvayytuov). H, iinch, s. f. Heat, flame of a fire (not of a candle). s. unchus (3^^^T?JrT) adj. Forty- nine. s. i^\^\ unchus (from High) s. f. Height. s, (from unchanii, v. a. To raise, to take up. s. an (sit -drA) s. m. s. J^i (inchal, Same as a>2chra, q. v. also the breast (of a noman or lactescent animal). anchld, s. m. Same as \y^\ an- chrd, q. V. also, a sheet used among jogis. s. (ij and from UL^ To pare, &c.) an-chhild, adj. Unpared (as fruit, &c.), unlicked, rude. A. inhirdf, (from s. m. Deflexion, inversion, declination (in astronomy), change. (met.) proving a turn coat ; recantation, de- viation, apostacy; a disease, defect, distemper. a.jLlsct\ inhisd)', (from s. m. Surround- ing, encircling. A. (_JU.5^1 inkhifdf, (from iii.) s. ni. Levity, y lightness. p. anddkhla, part. Thrown. n. inddrd, s. m. A large well of masonry. p. jljJl anddz, s. m. Measure, measurement, weighing, valuation, guess; time in music; propriety of behaviour, mode, manner, (in comp.) part. Throwing: asjjjjl (a throw- er of lightning) A matchlock-man. p. anddza, s. in. Measure, measurement, weighing, valuation, guess ; time in music. p. ^\^j\ anddm, s. m. Body, stature, figure, yjul anddm-i-nihdni^ The private parts. p. ondar, (Sans. 3prTX) P^®P- Within, in the inside. s.jJjl (r. Have great splendor) indra, s. ni. The regent of the visible heavens and of the inferior divinities. s. (r. Have great splendor) indird, s. f. Same as lachhmi, q. v. A. indirdj, (from ^o) s. m. Insertion, folding together; extinction of posterity. s. Indra, and Seat) indr- disan, s. m. The seat or throne of Indra. s. ^ town) indra- puri, n. prop. The city of Indra. s. ^57«aoft q. V.) indrdni, « s. f. The wife of Indra ; also, the name of a medicine or plant. s. ^.^AiUSans. indra-rdrunl, TK and Names of two deities) indrdyun^ 72 s. f. Colocyntb, wild gourd (Cucumis colo- cynthis): a fruit of beautiful appearance but bitter taste ; hence, a beautiful but worthless person is called The fruit of in- dr iiy an. s. ^ Indra, and or A woman) indra-badhuy s. f. Name of an insect (a species of acarus of a scarlet colour and like velvet); the wife of Indra. s. and qrST side of a mountain) indra-prastha, A name of the city Dihli. -• indarjau, (Sans. indra-yava, i. e. The plant, and Seed) s. m. Name of a medicinal seed. (Nerium Antidysenteri- cum). p. andarz, s, m. Last will, last advice, precepts, admonition. H. Uo(A31 andarsu, s. ra. A kind of fried sweet- meat, a kind of cloth. See adarsd. p. andarun, adv. or adj. Within; inner apartments, interior. x, s. indri, (Sans. from Soul, self) s. f. An organ of sense, the privities, membrum virile, veretrum animalium. indri-julldb, A diuretic medicine. A. ihdifd’', (from jjj) s. m. llepelling, repulsion, prohibiting. p. andak^ adj. Little, small, few. A. ^Ujul indimdl, (from Jxij) s. m. Recovery j^m illness, getting well of a wound. s. jJuT dndu, (Sans. s-m- The chain or rope with which the i®et of elephants are tied up. p. AjAil andud, part, (in comp, for anduda) I ncrusted, plastered over, washed Over (as a wall, &c.). / s.jja;4 indur, s. m. A rat, mouse. s. UjAil andolna, (Sans, sij v. n. To . swing. p. ^A3l andoJiy s. m. Grief, anxiety, trouble. andoh-gln, adj. Full of grief, sad, af- flicted. s. lifcAil andhd, (Sans. Blind, dark. lilSl jcjbj \jsjJ1 andhd dhand lutdnd, To squan- der, to spend extravagantly. andhd kudy A well filled up with rubbish. s.jl^jJl Blind, and ^ What makes) andh-kdr, s. m. Darkness. s. ILfeAil andhld, (Sans, ^j^f) adj. Blind, dark. See UjuI s. H. andhld-pan, s. m. Blindness, intel- lectual blindness, acting as if one were blind. s. (jAAjl (from Kindle) indhan, s. m. Fire-wood. s. jjAAil an-dhan, (3f??f Victuals, and Riches) s. m. Wealth in both grain and corn. s. Ijjbjul an-dhod, ' (^^1 priv. and lysj Washed. Sans. 3fv)fr) adj. Unwashed; unclean. H. ^AiT dndhi, s. f. Storm, tempest. i^aJT l3yb dndhi hand, To engage keenly in a bad action. ■ s. andhydrd, (Sans. <^) adj. Dark, blind. andher, s. m. Misfortune, calamity, injustice, tumult. s. !^a)1 andherd, adj. Dark, blind. See |^l^Aj\ andhydrd. andheri kothri, s. f. A dark room ; the belly, the womb. p. (jL;a31 andesh, part, (in' comp.) Thinking, considering, meditating. p. AijAjl andesha, s. m. Thought, meditation, suspicion, care, concern. andesha 73 karna, To reflect, to hesitate, to fear. cl/U ondesha-nak^ adj. Thoughtful. s. att-dekhd, priv. and Seen) adj. Unseen, invisible. H 4 tt ^ J~ H. X>\ and, (vulgarly jL)| and, or (Tnr) s. in. Palma Christ! (Ricinus vulgaris). 8. .Sjl 3ftF^ ond, s. m. An egg; a testicle. and-kos. Rupture, hernia. 4..^ s. .XfT and or drir, (Sans. 3fU^) s- A tes- I tide. . — s. andd, (Sans. 31X1^) s. ni. An egg. _ s. -Ij! 3TTTJ3T (3pr:j Egg, and ^ Born) andaj, adj. Oviparous. -I- s. dndu, (from j!j\ 3{TJ^) adj. Having ^ large testicles. dndu-bail, A bull. H. IjJcl indud, s. m. A round fold or roll used in carrying a burthen on the head. See H. indui, s. f. A round ornament for the top of the head. s. Jjlj\ and-el, (from 3fI7^ An egg) adj. Ovi- parous ; with egg (a bird). V. ' jj / H. undelnd, v. a. To pour, s. J <;|J| (5{d and TFT: Colour, passion, from r- Colour, be in love) anu- rdg, s. m. Affection, love. (V s. J\jJ 3TgXFfr and JJ7\i Colour, passion) anu-rdgl, part. act. Making friend- ship, loving, caressing. s. ^jj\ (3T^ Meaning, cause) an-arth, adj. Absurd, improper. -• L/y' (c;' Taste) an-ras, s. m. Coolness or misunderstanding between friends. s. priv- and ^ Usage) an-rit, s. f. Unmannerliness, ill-behaviour. A. Jljji inzdl, (from JyjJ) s. m. Causing to descend ; emission, emissio seminis. A. p. anzarul, s. m. Sarcocolla. (Gum resin, said to be from the Penaea mucronata). II. dns, s. f. The fibrous part of any thing. s. ; or («•• 3{XT or Part, divide) ans, s. m. Part, division, share, right, possession, essence ; a degree of a circle, &c. A. ,^1 ins, s. 111. Men, iiiankind. A. jj-i! uns, s. m. Society, companionship, friendship, love, affection. A. ansdb, s. plur. (of t^-wj) Genealogies, lineages, races. A. insdn, s. m. Man, mankind ; a human being. A. insdn-l, adj. Human, relating to man. A. ci-wLjl insdnij/at, s. f. Humanity, human kindness, affability, politeness. A. ansab, adj. compar. (of t__..^>) Most suitable, convenient, proper, worthy. s. un-salh, (Sans. Fifty-nine. s. Part, and tflTt from ^ Hold, assume) ans-dhdri, adj. Suc- cessful. (In theology) Incarnating. s. anu-sarnd, v. n. To be successful. s. (r. Divide) ansik, adj. (used substantively), A partner, a proprietor. s. ,^\ (j^l priv. and r. Learn) an-sikh, adj. Unlearned. s. (^^1 priv. and sund, Heard, from r. ^ Hear) an-sund, adj. Unheard ; not noticed, disregarded. s. priv. and Understood) an- samjhd, adj. Not understood, not knowing. s. y-jT dnsu, (Sans. ) s. m. A tear. L 74 0^1 A. j ins wajinn, s. rn. Men and spirits. s. sNt (r. 3j^ Divide) ansi, adj. A partner. * A. LL5\ inshd, (from Lij)s.f. Production, creation ; y (common acceptation) writing, composition, elegance of style, the belles lettres. insha-parddzl, s. f. Writing, letter writing, jl jo lijl inshd-tirdz, An elegant writer. A. Li> in slid alldhu tadla, God willing, if God pleases. A. c_iLul insdf, (from s. m. Decision (of a cause); equity, justice. A. insirdm, (from s. m. Cutting off; finishing, completing. A. inum, (from c:,^) s. m. A present, a gift. (Plur. c-jUU;1) indm-i-ikrdm, An honourable gift. A. |*U)1 armm, s. plur. (of («::^vtjc) Gifts, favours. A. inilcds, (from j^Jlc) s. m. Inversion, reflexion, representation of appearances in a mirror. A. jUil anfdr, s. plur. (of Ju) Persons, soldiers, servants. A. anfds, s. plur. (of ^jJj) Breaths. A. JLiAjI injisdl, (from s. ni. Separation, division ; settling, decision (of a cause). JUjiJl inJisdl karnd, To decide, to settle. A. JUijl infidl, (from Jju) s. m. Being affected or troubled ; shame, modesty. A. inkibdz, (from s. m. Contraction, constipation. A. inkisdm, (from s. m. Division, partition. A. Liaj\ inkizd, (from s. m. The expira- ration of any term. adj. Elapsed, ended, ful- filled, accomplished, finished. A. <-.j1U.i1 inkildb, (from t—Ji) s. m. Revolution, vicissitude, alteration, change, inversion. A. inkii/dd, (from j^j') s. m. Obedience, submission; fidelity. s. ank, s. tSjOl ank, spot, figure, number, letter of the alphabet; flank or part above the hip ; the body ; em- brace; mark on cloth to shew the price. A. jUjI inkdr, (from njj) s. m. Denial, disal- lowing. s. UlCl ankdnd, (r. Mark) v. a. To cause to value, to prize, to examine (as cloth), to approve of. S- s. ankdo, (from UlCl) s. m. Valuation. s. (3f5^ and Told, r. Tell) an-ukt, adj. Not told. s. in. A trope. s. ankri, s. f. A kind of vetch (Vicia sa- tiva): wet grain. A young sprout (Sans. II. ijJS\ dnkri or ankri, s. f. The barb of an arrow, a hook, a tenter ; a circle. s. dnkus or ankus, s. ra. The iron with which elephants are driven, a goad. \jj^ dnkus mdrnd, To reduce to submis- sion, to bring to obedience. A. inkisdr, (from^^)s. m. Humility, con- trition. A. inkisdr-l, s. f. Humility. See^LX'l ^ • y. anksl, (Sans. s. f. A hook, a tenter. s. ujX'l (r* vij Mark) ankak, s. m. An accountant, an arithmetician. s. biol anknd, (r. Mark) v. n. To be va- lued, prized, examined, approved of. I . (r. Mark) s. m. Mark, 75 s. LCT anknd (trans. of Uli!) v. a. To value, to examine, to approve of. s. Victuals, and A heap) amia-kui, s. ni. A festival celebrated by Hindus, on the day following the dexixili^ by otfering a large quantity of meat to s, \j^\ankurd (Sans. s. m. A sprout. s. unkh (Sans. 3ff^) s. f. The eye. dnkh-anjam, s. f. A stye on the ej e-lids. ,JT .^T dnkh-dnt, To have an in- flammation in the eyes, to be blear-eyed. ^‘T iinkh hachdnd, To steal away pri- vately and unseen. Uju dnkh hadalna, . To withdraw one’s favour or affection from any one. ULj j>}ji ioT dnkh hardhar nakar saknd (Not to be able to look steadfastly in another’s flice) To be ashamed, J dnkh band kar lent, To turn from another, to treat one with neglect : to die. I N dnkh hharke dekhnd, To look till one’s curiosity is fully satisfied. 10! ^ dnkh hhar Idnd, To have eyes full of tears, to be ready to cry. -^'T dnkh pasdmd {obso- lete) To open one’s eyes, to stare ; to be wise and prudent, to discriminate, to discern, to be judicious. dnkh pathrdni {^rom A stone) To become dim (the eyes) from long expectation. dnkh pharakniy To feel a pulsation in the eye. (Considered, if in the right eye of a man or the left of a woman, as an omen of some desirable event, whilst the contrary affection is regarded as unlucky). dnkh phutm.) To be blind, phutl pir gai, The eye is lost and the pain is gone. (Spoken of a contention which has ceased, from the object of it being lost to both parties). ,j$oT dnkh phord, s. m. A midge that flies into the eyes at night. 75 -f^T dnkh phorni, To make blind, to ex- pect or watch in vain, -^T dnkh pherni, To shew aversion after friendship, dnkh pher lend, To turn away the eyes (as from grief, displeasure, &c.). -^T dnkh. phaildnd, see .^T dnkh pasdrnd. dnkh ihandi karni, To have conso- lation by meeting friends, to be glad. dnkh jorni, To look steadfastly : {in- elegant). .^T dnkh jhapaknd (To move the eye-lids quickly) To fear, -iCT dnkh churdni (To steal eyes) Not to attend to, to avert the eyes through shame, to avoid the sight of any one. dnkh charhdni. To be angry, to be intoxicated. dnkh charhnd, To have eyes marked by de- bauch. dnkh chamkdni, To make the eyes dance, to roll one’s eyes in anger or as a blandishment. tiW*- dnkh chhipdni (To hide one’s eyes) To be ashamed of an improper act. dnkh chir chlr dekhnd, and j .^1 dnkh chlrke dekhnd. To look with great attention and deep meditation or with anger. dnkh ddbni (To shut one’s eyes) To forbid by signs. dnkh dikhdni, or dnkh dikhldni (To show one’s eyes) To frighten, to deter, to brow-beat. \j^ ..^T dnkh dekhke kuchh karnd. To do any thing after consulting the inclination of another. (Jbju3 dnkh dabdabdni, The eyes to fill with tears. .^1 dnkh dhakni {obsolete) (To have eyes shut) To die, to be ashamed. dnkhrakhm. To love, to entertain friend- ship, to have hope, to discern, dnkh surkh karni. To be angry. ^ se dekhke kuchh karnd, To do any thing knowingly and with reflexion. L 2 76 ankh se girna (To fall from eyes) To become contemptible. unkli senkni, To contemplate the beauty of any one. ^ ^ dnkh kisi se roshan karnd, (To obtain a look from any one) To meet (visit) a friend or person of rank. ^ ankh kisi ki dekhni (To look at one's eyes) To receive education in any one’s com- pany. f -4^ ankh kfiatakni, To have pain in the eyes. -^1 dnkh kholnd, see UjLj dnkh pasdrnd. dnkh garni karni, see .^1 dnkh senkni. "4^ dnkh ghuraknd^ To look at with anger, dnkh lardniy To wink as a hint, to communicate a secret by signs. dnkh larni, To meet with one’s lover un- expectedly. dnkh lagdni, To con- tract friendship or affection for any one, to fall in love. .4^1 dnkh mdrnl, To wink, to stop any one by a sign, to make amorous signs with the eyes. dnkh michavwnl) s. m. or ■4^'^ dnkh michauli, s. f. Blind- man’s buff. JLc dnkh mildni (To mingle looks) To contract friendship. dnkhmilni, To look steadfastly. l)W ..^1 dnkh minch jdnd, To die, to perish. dnkh morni, see dnkh pherni. ,^1 CSi\ mundke ek chiz kd ikhliT/dr karnd, To choose or accept precipitately or inconsiderately. dnkhmundni, see J Sij ..^1 dnkh band kar Uni. .4^ dnkh mundanrd, Blindman’s buff. (^4/ -4^ dnkhnarakhni (Not to have eyes, not to look) To have no hope or expec- tation ; to be menUtlly blind, ^ dnkh nani karnd, see 1)^ ^ ..^1 dnkh hhar f and. L^iLj ji dnkhoh pur bailhnd (To sit on eyes) To be beloved, to sit or cause to sit on a very elevated place, to become digni6ed. ^Jy4^'\ dnkhoh kd guldbi karnd (To have the redness of the eyes) is applied to a look of intoxication or wantonness. (JT dnkhoh meh dni. To intoxicate (ap- plied especially to wine). ui4^^ dnkhori meh phirnd, To be always present in one’s eyes, to be ever in one’s mind. L?* dnkhofi meh charbi chhdnd, To be wilfully blind, to pretend from pride not to know one’s old acquaintance. t^y^T UJj dnkhoh meh khdk ddlnd (To throw dust in one’s eyes) To commend or puff wares of an inferior quality ; to pilfer or snatch awav any thing quickly and privately. ^*4^^ LlJ\j dnkhoh meh rdt lejdnd. To pass the night awake. ^ dnkhoh meh khurakna, To be seen with envy and dislike, to be unpleasant (the meeting of any one). dnkhoh meh ghar karnd. To be beloved or esteemed : to persist in one’s own erroneous opinions. ankhth dekhnd, To study one’s temper or inclination, to behave respectfully towards another. ^ / .J 44 i_s^ dinkheh nili pili karni, To change the colour of the face from excess of anger. s. ankhri, s. f. An eye. s. ankhit/dh, s. f. Eyes. s. dng,'} • ^ i. 3pr Go, move) «. 'file body. s. nngd, (Sans. Body) s. m. A coat. II. s. f. A maid whose business it is to hold, watch, and amuse a child ; a kind of nurse. s. 3TJTTT nngdrd, s. m. Firebrand, em- bers, sparks remaining in ashes. j 77 angdron par lotmly To be agitated or tormented (particularly t’rom jealousy). P. angabhi^ s. in. Honey. s. \4p (i{7\ Body, and Pro- tection) angarkhd, for atiga-rakhd, s. m. A coat. s. angurif s. f. A finger, &c. See pj\ ungll. II. \j\p\ angrdiid, v. n. To yawn, to stretch the limbs, to oscitate. II. angrd’i, s. f. Stretching the limbs, a yawning. H. pi\ angarh, m. f. priv. and gar h- H. \jpi\ angarhd, m. V ««, To form) adj. Un- H. angar/u, f. J wrought, unformed ; uneducated, unlicked, unfinished, unset (as a ring or jewel). cu\j ^p^ angarhl bdl, In- consistent or ill-arranged speech, p. i,.r - ’*^'■1 angusbt, s. f. A finger. augushl-i-hairal ddntoii men rakh- nd, To bite the finger or place it between the teeth to express surprise. J> angusht-i- nar, The thumb, the great toe. angns/it-i-shahadat, The fore-finger. p. angusht-dna, s. m. A ring (particu- larly the one worn on the thumb), a thimble. p. angusht-ari, s. f. A ring (particularly one w orn on the finger, and not applied to that on the thumb). p. UJ angusht numd, One who is pointed at ; famous (in a good or bad sense, but in India most frequently in a bad one), notorious. s. mgal, s. m.') (Sans. 3PJ^) A finger; s. ^pj\ ungli, s. f. J a fiirger’s breadth. H. anglet^ s. f. See anget. ®' "”^'^"|(Sans. from r. 3TJT Move) s. angna) i ' < i i s. m. A yard, area, court, inclosed space ad- joining to a house. *. (^^1 priv. and Uf gind, part, of IJ" ginnd, To count. Sans, sjj ) an-gind, adj. Uncounted, numberless, angind ma- k/na, The eighth month ofa w'oman’s pregnancy. 5. angnd-i, s. f. See p\ dngan. s. an-gint 1 , . , j. a„.gi„r, (Counted) adj. Uncounted, countless, nuni- berless. II. <^p angot, s. f. Appearance, person. See iJUXl and s. \^p angidhd (Sans. s. m. Thumb. anguthd dikhdnd, An attitude adopt- ed by women, in blandishment, as a token of prohibition. s. angdlhi (Sans. 3f3J^) s. f. A ring w orn on the finger. angoc/ihd, s. m. A cloth which Hindus fasten round the waist when bathing, and af- terwards wipe themselves with ; a towel, a handkerchief. p.j/j! angdr, s. m. A grape; granulations in a healing sore. H. ^jp\ angord^ s. m. A midge, a gnat. p. ^jp\ angur-i, adj. Of the grape, relating to the grape. p. i)p\ angiiza, s. m. Asafoetida. «. p angij/d (from 3j-jy Body) s. f. Bodice, stays. H. onget, s. f. Appearance, person. See Llfp] and H. angetfil, s. f. A chafing-dish. p. p\ angez, part, (in comp.) Exciting. p. H. lijXl angeznd^ v. a. To bear, to suffer, to experience, to excite. 8. 3j7ft^TT (3TJT A particle of asseve- ration, and from r. ^ Make) aiigi-kdr, s. m. An agreement, a promise, av owal. 78 (r« BrcdtliG) s« f* Windj air, s. 3pR7j (r. 3f^ Live) anal^ s. f. Fire. A. Uj! inna-ma, adv. Indeed, truly. s. J 3[gjrT^ (3rg and r. rp[ Measure) arm-man.) s. f. Inference, logical conclusion. 9 s. Li-vwl 3^5TK (32^ and Drunk, mad) un-matl) adj. Mad, insane, drunk, lustful. s. an-mil) adj. See an-md. s. liAol un-manU) (Sans. comp, of :5^ and Mind) adj. Regretting, sorrow- ing for a lost or departed friend, troubled in mind. -• Price) an-mol, adj. Invaluable, beyond price. s. (^Jl priv. and r. Meet, associate) an-mel, adj. Discordant, heterogeneous. s- 3TFPT (3fT and r. Breathe) anan, s. m. Mouth, face, visage. s. anan, (perhaps, for 3fT^ff) s. f. Order. s. lijT anna, (Sans. 3TT=T5pr from 3f7 and r. Uft Conduct) V. a. To bring. H. \ij\ anna, s. m. The husband of a nurse, or the masculine of ann'i, q. v. PORT. anannds, s. m. A pine-apple. PORT. H. anannds-i, adj. Made like a pine-apple. s. J 3f^ tJOT anna-purnd, food. *1«Ti vij Lnd) an-ant, adj. Boundless, endless ; s. m. A name of the serpent that supports the eartli ; a name of the god Vishnu; name of several plants; a cord with fourteen knots, which the Hindus tie on their arm, on the fourteenth day of Blia- don, Sukl pachh, which is sacred to Vishnu, and called ^ or s. 'XJi\ sij d-nand or a-nand, (3H and r. 5TK Rejoice) s. m. f. Happiness, joy ; ease. s. (3T^ and Body) an-ang, s. m. Kama, the Hindu Cupid. H. anni, s. f. A nurse, or attendant on a child. s. yT uiiv, (Sans. 3fT^ from r. 3f3T Make sick) s. m. The glutinous whitish matter or mucus voided by people afflicted with a te- nesmus ; sickness, affection of the bowels. \jyLjyT diiv baithnd, To be afflicted with a tenesmus, or to be in the act of discharging the yT s. yl SJOT and, s. m. An atom. s. Satiety of s. s. *'• Speak) anu-vdd,s.m‘ Repetition, answer; reviling. s. l<0 Speak- er, accuser, from r. Speak) anu-vddl, part, act. A defendant, an opponent. A.j\y\ anxiodr, s. plur. (of jy) Lights, splendor. H. L)lyl anwdsd, adj. Old, stale, seasoned, s. m> A handful of corn or grass cut in reaping. H. L-jlyl anwdsnd, v. a. To season (a new earthen vessel by letting water remain in it some time), to rinse. A. ^yl anwd*, s. plur. (of ^) Sorts, kinds, va- rieties. adj. Various, diverse. s. <_jyl an-dp, (Sans. from priv. and Resemblance) adj. Incomparable, best. s. 3r5iTFr (3T^ After, and Drink) s. m. A fluid vehicle in medecine. See J n. ciyl anzoat, s. m. A ring furnished with lit- tle balls and worn on the great toe. 79 'j' H. amithu, adj. Hare, wonderful, uncom- mon. (Generally applied to things and ani- mals). See A.jyl aniL'ar, adj. compar. (fromjy) More or very splendid, shining, resplendent. . H. anokha or anaukhil, adj. Rare, uncom- mon, wonderful. (Generally applied to man). See s. anola, (Sans, sij s. m. Name of a fruit, a kind of myrohalans. (Phyllanthus emblica). s. auolusdr, (Sans. 3f5^) s. m. A sort of brimstone so called, \jluntcr). s. Jli JyT dhxa'alndl, The navel string, &c. of an infant. s. anu-mun, s. m. See anu-mdn. s. Uyl a-nond, (for UjH a-lond, q. v.) adj. With- out salt, saltless. ) una-vinshatij adj. Nine- s. teen. (^•1 ) una-vinshatitam, s. adj. Nineteenth. a«/idr, s. plur. (of Rivulets, streams. H. anhdti, s. ra. Bathing. See H. UUl anhdnd, v. n. To bathe. See s. an-hit priv. and Love, friend- ship) adj. Without aflFection; an enemy, s.’ Enmity, disaffection. H. un-hattar, adj. Sixty-nine. A. inhiddm (from ^jjs) s. m. Demolition, ruining, abolishing. H. anhwdnd (trans. of Ul^l)v. a. To cause to bathe. H. an-hond (^\ priv. and ljy> To be) adj. Impossible. s. j 3rfor an/, s. f. The point or edge of any thing sharp (as of an arrow, spear, &c.). and rij Propriety) an-ydyl^ adj. Unjust, unequitable, lawless. s. tiUl (3f pr'v- and rij |i| Propriety) a-nxjde ov a-nydya^ s. m. Injustice, outrage. s. (3{ and Conduct) a-nJ/i, s. f. Unmannerliness, injustice. H. unls^ adj. Nineteen. A. ams or anis jails, s. A com- panion. G. (jy— anlsun (Gr. dvivov) s. m. Aniseed. (Pimpinella anisum). s. (3pf and One) an-ek, adj. Many, much, abundant. H. au, conj. And. s.yl The vocative, O ! S.j\^ ava, prep. From, down from, off, away. It is the reverse of and is some- times used to denote deprivation, disgrace, disjunction, &c. H. IjT dwd, s. ra. A potter’s kiln. H. flsuaiZ (from Ut To come) s. f. Approach, advance ; the coming of an army, the approach of a friend ; the season in which merchandise is expected. H. dwd-jd-i (from UT To come, and To go) s. f. Coming and going, dancing after. azodkhir, s. plur. (of ^T) Ends, latter parts. awdr, s. f. Delay : injustice, tyranny. p. dwdrja or awdrija, s. m. A journal, a diary. p. dwdra-gl (from ij\^) s. f. Vagrancy^ profligacy. p. Sj\^ dwdra, adj. Vagabond, wanderer. Xj\^ UyJb dwdra hand, To wander, to be distressed, to be oppressed, to be miserable, /■/ \ 80 ( t ^ awarn Jcarnd, To harass, (plur. dwu- ragdri). V, dwdz, s. f. Voice, sound, report, fame, echo, a whisper, sentence. dwdz uthdnd^ To raise the voice, to spread a report. \jy dwdz parnd, To be reported : the voice to be suppressed (from hoarseness or otherwise). p. dwazCf s. m. Report, fame, rumour. s. (*■• Move, prep, and r. Go) dw-d~gawan.) s. m. Transmigration. -• ( 3{T and r. ^ Call) d-wdihan^ s. f. Calling, summons. H. dwdi^ s. f. Report. H. awd-i (from \}\ To come) s. f. Approach, advance : a saddle-cloth adorned with fringes, &c. A. JjIjI awdi/il, s. m. plur. (of J.l) Commence- ments, &c. Ut aubdsh, s. m. A rake, a dissolute fel- low, a mixed crowd of various nations and of all sorts of people, but especially of the mean- est ; the mob, the canaille. p. ^\i»\ auhdsh-i, s. f. Rakishness, dissolute- ness, debauchery, attending at games and spec- tacles. ' s. au-hat, adj. See H. dbh, s. m. Oppressive heat, languor oc- casioned by heat. and Road) au-bbaty adj. Impassable, steep, inaccessible, devious. S. 3n^r>rf|f) do-bhagat, s. f. Civil reception or salutation ; welcome. Sir ! H. ubhnd, V. n. To be agitated or oppressed with heat, to be angry or dissatisfied. ir. <-^y op, 8. f. Brilliancy, lustre, polish. r H. ^j^y opchi (({. d. Brilliant, from c^y) s. m. -’J' A man armed with weapons or clothed in mail. y Ot, s. f. Protection, shade, shelter, skreen, partition. n. by old (from cLy) s. m. A partition-wall or skreen. H. (3y ut-patdng, s. m. Absurdity, non- *.r. sense, what is without meaning or foundation, adj. Poor, helpless, destitute, in disorder. II. dby ut-paldng-i, adj. (used substantive- ly) One who speaks inconsiderately or without pre])aration. 81 iij)\ H. aulan, verbal n. (from autna) Boil- ing, evaporation by boiling, s. ni. A knife used for cutting tobacco. H. UjjI olna (from v. a. To defend, to screen, to shelter ; to thrumb, to separate the seed from cotton ; to catch (a ball, &c.) H. autna, v. a. To boil (as milk), to evapo- rate over a fire. v. n. To consume with rage or vexation. A. auj, s. m. Height, summit, the top; dig- nity, preferment, promotion ; the higher apsis of a planet. tt. ojh, s. m. Entrails, stomach, guts. ojhar,'a.(. Thrust, push. H. ojhal, 8. f. Same as ol, q. v. also, privacy, adj. Concealed.N^ H. auciih, s. ra. Name of a root from which an* orange colour is extracted. (Morinda citri- folia). H. ochha, adj. Light, of little consequence, absurd, trifling, fruitless. \jys> ochha hona, v. n. To want. s. ,.>/ ud (Sans, r. 3^ Make wet) s. m. An otter. See jL s. oda (r. 353 Wet) adj. Wet, moist, damp. H. 1.^1 uda, s. m. Brown, adj. Of a brown co- lour. s. (perhaps, vijcj and r. ^ Give, or and r, 2^) ajiddn, s. m. Gratis, what is given over and above or without purchase. ^ - H. uddhat, s. f.l (from iidd) Brown- H. ^\4 s. f. J ness. s.jLjji wd-fiiVao, s. m. An otter. See s. wjl and r. tH" Hold) atadh, s. f. Agreement, promise, engagement; a name of the province of ayodhya (vulg. Oude). s. and r. Hold) axa-dhi, s. Limit ; adv. As far as, as long as. 8. JWjl 3ff^ Water, and r. ^Tf enxtti or ahdhi, s. ra. The ocean, s. and r. VT Hold) ava- dhan, adj. Cautious, attentive, s. m. Cau- tion, attention. 9 f H. jAJyl u-dhar, adv. There, thither. See ytjl udhar. / H. udham, s. m. Noise, impudence, rebel- lion, disturbance. H. udham-i, adj. Making noise, impu- dent, rebellious. H. or, 8. f. Origin, boundary, limit, way, side, (ward), us or. That way, on that side, thither- ward. or nibdhnd, To be constant to, to protect (for ever). H.jyl aur, conj. And, also. adj. More, other. aur ek, Another, separate, distinct, else, y nahih to. And if not then, and otherwise, aur hi, Quite different, extraordinary. p.jjT dvoar, part, (in comp.) Bringing, bearing. A. aurdd, s. plur. (of wird) Daily re- hearsals, commemorations, devotion. A. j y aurdk, s. plur. (of jjj) Leaves. ^ p. dwurda, part. Brought. H. Uy\ ormd, 8. m. The name of a particu- lar kind of sewing, stitching together two breadths. P. aurang, s. m. A throne. p. aurang-zeb-i, s. m. A kind of cloth so called. , p, aurang-shfih-i, s. m. A kind of silk so called. ' H. or-i, (from j^\) adj. Partial ; sides-man protector, s. f. The eaves of a house. M H. ora. s. ni. A basket, pannier. s. orhna (r. ^CFT Cover) v. a. To put on (dress), s. m. A sheet, i, cloak, or mantle. s. orhrii (from s. f. A smaller sheet, a veil or woman’s cloak. auzdr, s. plur. (o(jjj) Burthens, loads; sins or offences (but not used in Hindi for these meanings); arms, tools, apparatus ; the rigging and implements of a ship or boat : asylums, places of defence. A. auzan, s. plur. (of j^j) Weights. H. 05, s. f. Dew. parjdm, To fall in value, to be deprived of importance, splendor, &c. to become less in demand than formerly. A. ausdn, s. m. Sensation, sense, courage, presence of mind. s. M and r. Finish) ava- sdn, s. m. Conclusion, termination, cessation. H. 0S‘barg, s. m. Name of a medicine. s. 3{qWT and r. Stand, stay) ava-sthd, s. f. State, condition (of humanity, varying with time, as youth, age, &c.). s. Thought) au-such, adj. Without consideration, heedless, without hesi- tation. s. (3f5f and r. Go) avasar or ausar, s. m. Occasion, opportunity. ^ H. osar, s. f. A heifer. iisar, Sans. adj- Barren (kind). II. osrd, s. m. Turn, vicissitude. 'j^y — ^ ' Q A. k-jjl ausal, (from k-jj) adj. Middle, inter- vening. s. m. Tlie middle, medium, interval?^'' mediocrity, moderation. A. ausat-i (from L-.-jf) adj. Midmost, mid- ^ 82 auser, s. f. Remembrance, memory. ^ s. and r. Go) ava-shj/a,QJ adv. Certainly, necessarily, positively, ac- tually, really. ’ ^ s. (from An annual or , deciduous plant) aushadh, s. f. A medicament, a drug, any herb, mineral, &c. used in medi- cine. s. Heat, and ^ Have) oshadhl or okhadhi, s. f. An annual plant or herb ; an ingredient of a medicine. A. i—iiaj] aumf, s. plur. (of i_jL>j) Praises, qua- lities, endowments, descriptions. uJLyl ausdf-i-hamlda, adj. Of praiseworthy quali- fications, of noble properties. A. ausiyd, s. plur. (of ^^) Preceptors, executors (especially of the divine commands). A. auzd*, s. plur. (of ^j) Behaviour, manners, breeding, politeness, &c. H. oglird, s. m. A dish of food so called. A. aukdt, s. f. (plur. of cx-Jj) Times, cir- cumstances. aukdt basari, s. f. Pas- time, amusement, employment. H. dwak, s. m. Insurance. (D H. ok, s. f. Sickness at the stomach,' incli- nation to vomit: a draught of water from the hollow of the hand. H. uk, s. f. Error, slip. s. and r. Shine) ^ V ava-kdsfi, s. m. Leisure, opportunity; inter- diing, moderate. s. (lusnd (r. Scent) v. n. To be- come musty, to rot, to putrify. 7. ^val, space. oknd, V. n. M. dknd, V. n. mistake. To vomit. '.V To miss, to err, to trip, to s. nkh (Sans. '5,5^ ) s. f. Sugar-cane. (Sac- charum ofhcinarum). 's. au-kfiadh, s. f. A medicament. See 83 ' j; >■ oklili, s. f. A mortar. Sec uk/il't. II. augah, adj. Deep. I ®- ava^gdk, and r. s. ^^1^1 *=1 ^ I ( ^*1 ava-gahan,j Agitate) s. ni. Bathing, ablution. -• ati-gtin (Sans. 3f^’3TnT comp, of and Excellence) s. m. Defect, blemish, vice. / s. au-guni (from au-gun, q. v.) adj. Without virtue or science, ignorant. s. au-ghat (3{^ and r. Go, move) adj. Inaccessible, steep ; unfrequented. (iifg'h s- ^ "'^‘P ^ waggoner’s about seven cubits long, used in training / /. ■ ' A.^j\auzcal, adj. First, best, principal; pro- per, fit. s. m. Beginning, autval or Vi auzcald, adv. At first, in the first place. H* Name of a vegetable the root of which is eaten. (Arum campanulatum. lioxb.) A hostaae. j ^ • H. old, s. m. Hail; the name of a kind of sweatmeat. liW-ysW old hojdnd, To become cold. jon sir mun- ddi/d toil ole pare, I had no sooner shaved my head than a shower of hail came on. (Spoken of one who has just engaged in an enterprise which turns out unfortunate). A. ny, auld, adj. Better, best: see ^^1 aula, auxcalan, adv. At first, in the first place. A. j'Jjl auldd, s. f. (plur. of jJ^) Children, off- spring, descendants, progeny. H. oUi, s. f. The eaves of a roof. T. olka or ulka, s. m. Territory, domain. f \ I A. did, adj. Possessed of, endowed with. See uli. I ^ " q H. jljl did, s. f. A kind of grass used in thatch- ing. (Saccharum cylindricum). ®- and r. See) axa-lokan, s. m. View, sight. s. avaloknd (3f^ and r. ?^See) v.a. To see. A. aulavijjat, s. f. Excellence, superiority, pre-eminence. s. avail, vulgarly ault, s. f. A row . A. aula, adj. compar. (of^j) Better, best, (Grandees). K.^j^dla, adj. f. (of Jjl aMtt’fl/) First, principal, best. X, ull, adj. Possessed of, endowed with. ulU-ahsdr, Discerning, wise, dis- creet. uli-l-ajniha. Winged animals. uli-l-azm. Determined, resolute. uli-l-Um, Possessed of science, learned. A. Ujl aulii/d, s. plur. (of ^^) Friends, com- panions (especially of the prophets); the saints, the apostles, the holy. f s. untni (from tJUjjl) s. f. A female camel, s. onth (Sans. s. m. The lip. See unchd (Sans. from and r. Gather) adj. High, tall, above, steep, loud. i}y. unchd hoi bolnd, To speak with pride. unchd sunndy To be hard of hearing. la^l unchd kdnl, s. f. Deafness. Jjj unche hoi kd muhh nichd, The proud ones are degraded. s. unchd-l (from s. f. Height, eleva- tion, steepness. 5^ ^ unch nlchy s. f. Ups and downs of life, vicissitude, high and low, particulars. p. JJjT dwand (comp, of and oJj) s. ra. A vessel, a pan. II. iJJjl ondh, s. m. The cord with which rafters or frames for thatching on are pulled into their places and fastened till the roof is finished. H. UjJjI aundhd^ adj. Upside down, overturned. Ujjjl aundhd hakht, s. m. Misfortune, adverse fortune. aundhi peshdnij adj. Short-sighted, unfortunate. H. UUjjy aundhdnd^ v. a. To turn upside down, to reverse, to overturn, to ^ill. II. UibjJjl aundhndf v. n. To lower (as the sky). H. IjujI aunddj adj. Deep. II. ungh, 8. f. Nodding, sleepiness. K H. unghnd, v. n. To nod from sleepiness, to doze, to droop. /» H. unhih^ adv. Exactly in that manner, so. H. ijy uijl aunepaune^ adv. More or less. s. ^ un-i (from un) adj. Woollen. H. ^1 oho, interj. Heigh! ho! ^ - \ H. interj. Oh ! P. j.jjT diues, part, (in comp.) Hanging. dwez karnd, To hang, to suspend. p. syi^ dwezoy part. Hanging, pendent, s. m. An ear-ring, drops worn in the ear. P. aT dh, s.f. A sigh: interj. Alas! aT ah bharnd, To sigh. alCW kT dh-i-jdn-kdh, A heart- rending sigh. dA-i^/igflr-joz, A heart- burning sigh. p. al uh, interj. Oh ! H. jW uhdr, s. m. A covering, a cover of a lit- ter or palkl for women. H. ahdr, s. m. Starch, glue, paste. s. jUT and r. ^ Seize) d-hdr, vulgarly ahdr, s. m. Aliment, food, victuals. H. bjW ahdmd, v. a. To paste. A. ahdli, s. plur. (of Ja!) People, pos- sessors, consorts, inhabitants. H. ahdn, interj. Do not, no, nay. A. ihdnat (from j^y») s. f. Contempt, dis- dain, affront, insult, enmity. s. bfclibW ahdhdhd (Sans. interj. expres- sive of surprise, pain, pleasure, &c. ah! aha! 8. and Love) a-hit, s. m. Enmity, want of afifection. A. ihlimdm (from pjs) s. f. Solicitude, care, anxiety, diligence. s. dhat, 8. f. Sound (slight, gentle). II. unghds ^(from s. f. Drowsi- H. unghd-i) ness, nodding, sleepiness, drooping. H.^U ysT dhar jdhar, s. f. Coming and goingX H. li/.l uhamd, v. n. To subside (a swelling or inundation). 85 s. ahra (Sans. from ^TT and r. ^ Hold) s. m. A reservoir for collecting rain water to water the fields : fuel made of cow- dung. p. M iihhta -gi, s. f. Slowness, delay, gen- tleness, softness. p. l ahamm, adj. compar. (from u:,v«jb) Im- portant, very momentous. ahamm-i-kdr^ Important business. A. JUI.W, Negligence, A. ihmdl-i, s. f.i indolence, delay, care- lessness. H. ahari, adv. Do not, not, no, nay. H. ihiii (Braj.) This very (manner, &c.) thus. dhan, s. m. Iron. p. \)j dhan-rubd (^T Iron, and \jj rubd^ part, of To seize) s. m. A loadstone. s.J^\ (3f^ I, and What makes) ahankdr, s. m. Arrogance, haughti- ness, pride. s. 4^1^^ ahankdri, adj. Haughty, arrogant, proud. p. dhangy s. m. Design, intention : ap- plication : an arch : a shore : method, man- ner : quality of men or animals : drawing : sound, melody : one of the Persian tunes or modulations in music. 86 dhan-gar, s. m. A worker in iron, a blacksmith. p, dhan-t, ) adj. Of iron, iron, made of p. dhan-in, ) iron. i,sX) dhanin- panja, adj. Iron-handed, strong, powerful. p. dhu, s. m. A deer : vice, defect, fault : a loud noise or voice : asthma, ij ^ dhu bara, A fawn. ^ dhu girl, The catch- ing of deer. s, jaI (3f^) uho, interj. O ! heigh ! hola.^ won- derful ! s. ahe (perhaps or interj. O ! sign of the vocative. s. ahir (Sans. 3TT>frt:) s. m. A cowherd, a cast or tribe whose business it is to attend on cows. s. aher (Sans. s. f. Prey, game, the chace, hunting. s. ahlrl (Sans. s. f. A female of the ahlr cast. s. aher-l, 1(Sans. ^ ) s. m. A s. aher-iyd,) sportsman, a hunter. s. p. ai (Sans. interj. O ! used in calling to or addressing. ai kdsh, Would to God ! I wish. s. interj. O! a respectful particle of address. H. ai (in Braj.) Come. A. dydt, s. plur. (of c:^T) Signs, marks ; sentences of the Kuran. T. t^\ aydgh, s. A cup for drinking from. p. ir. JU aydl, s. f. A horse’s mane. (Pers. JV.)-' A. (from J^l) s. f. Dominion, go- vernment. A. aiydm, s. plur. (of Days, times ; season, weather. s. bW aydnd, adj. Ignorant, &c. See A. dyat, s. f. A sign, a mark ; a sentence of the Kuran contained between signs or marks, equivalent to stops ; a verse or paragraph of the Kuran. u:^T dyal-i-mutlak, A stop (in grammar), used in the Kuran only and corresponding nearly to a comma. v H. bjj eta, adj. So much, so, thus much. ^ H. jSjj Itar, part, (from biyi ilrdnd, q. v.) Acting ' affectedly, &c. A. itildf (from ^a\\) s. m. Familiarity, ' friendship, society, connexion, company, cor- respondence. ^ H. etna, adj. So much, so. See bj and Lii" ' V etwdr, s. n. Sunday. Secj^yl itwdr. A. Ijdb (from s. m. Rendering necessary ; (in logic) Affirmation (opposite to privation) ; (in Muhammadan law) the first proposal made by one of the parties in nego- ciating or concluding a bargain. A. jbsrl Ijdd (from Jy>-j) s. m. Invention, adj. Invented, jlsrJ ijdd karnd, To in- vent. H. idhar, adv. Here, hither. Same as ^ idhar. A. Ibj izd (from s. f. Pain, trouble, vexation, distress, afiliction. \^\ Isd- dihindi, s. f. Giving pain, tormenting. H. erdpher, s. m.") Exchange, interchange, II. erdpherl, s. f.J dancing attendance. A. Irdd (from J>jj) s. f. Bringing, adducing, producing. P. irdn, n. prop. Persia. P. irdn-i, adj. Persian. ^ s- airdvat, Indra’s elephant. s- ^ Strength) dyur-bal, s. f. Age. 87 \ & s. 1^3 or ir^'Aa or irsh^a, s. f. Envy, emulation. H. ^ eri, A vocative particle for females, h.JjI cr, s. f. Striking wiHi the heel, spurring. UjIoJj! er inurnd, To spur. H. eri, s, f. The heel, eri dekho, Look at your heel (look at home) : a phrase used to obviate the effect of an evil eye. p. iijj\ ezid, s. m. God. p. ezid-l, adj. Divine. 1 (r. ^3.1 Rule) is, s. III. Lord ; a s. name of Siva. H. L..;! (lisa (^\ and L> Like) adj. Such, this- like, so ; resembling (particularly when joined to other words ; as, L-d mard aisu, Like a man). L-jj aisd laisd or L-jj LjI aisd zoaisd, So so, indifferent. s. (r. Rule) isdn, A name of » Siva. ^J-^} isdn hon, s. m. North-east. p. w istdda, part. Standing. H, ^«.jT ^ dj/asu, s. Command, oi-der. s. (r. Rule) iswar, s. m. C ti Ruler, lord ; Siva; God. s. jj iszoar-td, s. f. Divinity. TTq, ^ \ H. aisoii, adv. This year, s.j^l ishwar. SeOj^^l isu'ar. A. Liij aizaij, adv. Again, also, as before, even. A. \h\ Ifd (from Uj) s. m. Performing a promise, paying, satisfying. s. ek, adj. One. ILl ek-d^ek-h adv. All at once. jT ek\hd karnd. To gather, to collect. s. ekavinsa, adj. Twenty-first. s. IH ekavinsati, adj. Twen- ty-one. 8. ikh (Sans, s. f. A sugar-cane. 8, aigun (Sans. i. e. and 3pj|" Skill) s. m. Unskilfulness, stupidity. See T. elchl, s, m. An ambassador, envoy, agent, attorney. \^j elchi-pand, s. m. V Ambassadorship, agency. elchi gari karnd, To act the ambassador, «&c., to act for another. A. JjI iyal or aiyul, s. m. A stag, a mountain goat. H. Ijbj dwd, s. m. Aloes. A. UjI imd (from Uj) s. m. Sign, nod, wink, em- blem, symptom. A. (^UjI imdn (from ^1) s. m. Salvation ; faith, belief, religion, conscience. imdn-ddr,' faithful, honest. H. eman, s. m. A musical mode. A. jcjT di/inda, part. Coming, future, adv. In future. P. tjjjj sxjI dyinda ravinda, part, (from To come’ and To go) Coming and going, passing to and fro. s. indhan (Sans, r* Kindle) 8. m. Fuel (wood, grass, &c.) H. aindnd, v. n. To stretch one’s self out, to walk with a strut. H. indhud, s. m. A roll or round fold on which a burthen is carried on the head. tngur, s. m. Red-lead, minium. p. (ti^T dim, s. m. A mirror, a looking glass: the knee-pan. din-basta, or, <5— j haslordln. Adorned with mirrors. ^ dina-bandi, s. f. Ornamenting with mirrors. jL) dim-sdz, A mirror-maker. i^A dina-imhal (a glazed house). An apartment the walls of which are covered with mirrors. *.jdT dyu (Sans. dyus) s. Age. p. aiwdn, s. ra. A hall, a gallery, a palace. S' JjjjJ dyurbal, s. f. Age. See s. dyurdd (Sans. >^1 s* f- Age. p. A. oi wde (Pers. and Arab. in- terj. Alas ! alas ! s. Ujy.3 CS{ and r.' gVf Fight) ayodhyd, s. f. Not to be warred against. The name of the country of which Rama was sove- reign, Oude. See H. \^} eddi, adv. Here. See yahdn. A. tA dya, s, m, A sentence of the Kurin. See i.£^T dyat. be, called b bd in Arabic, is the second letter of the Arabic and Persian alpha- bets ; and, in the representation of Hindi words by the letters of these alphabets, it corresponds to the NagarT ^ ; or, with t {he) subjoined, to When used numerically, according to the or arrangement of the Arabic alphabet to signify numbers, it stands for Ixco ; hence, it is used to denote the second day of the week, Monday ; and, in astrono- mical calculations, the sign Gemini. By way 89 of abbreviation, moreover, it is occasionally written for the month which word it is the final letter. At the middle or end of a word, this letter is sometimes changed to ^ or i_J cj as, tap for tab, A fever ; xafdn for ^bj zabdn, Lan- guage ; ghuzhm for ghuzhb, A grape- stone. In Persian words, too, it is occasional- ly interchanged with^; and in such as are borrowed or derived from the Sanskrit, it is frequently substituted for the Nagari letter A. bi, prep, (always prefixed to another word) Ry, with, from, in, into, near, on, ac- cording to, for, towards. p. ba, prep, (often prefixed to another word, but, when standing alone, written j) With, by, for, in, into, to, up to, on, upon. s. (_j ba, may stand for (^^^1) barmi, The god of water. It may, also, denote Sun, ocean, or water. p, \j ba, prep. With, by. b bd dbru, adv. Honorably, respectably. ^Ib bd osar, adj. Notable, remarkable, effectual. \} bd maza. Tasteful, delicious. b bd zcaf. Mannerly, politely, respectful- ly. bj b bd vcafd, Faithful. A. (_jb bah, s. m. A door; subject, head, af- fair, business, point, matter, reason, manner, mode, species, sort; a chapter, section or division of a book. T. bb bdbd, s. m. Father; sire! sir! child. A. c:.,^b hdbat, s. f. Account, head, article, item ; business, affair, matter; on account (of). A. Jjb babul, n. prop. Babel or Babylon. H. i^b bdhni, s. f. A snake’s hole. See j^y^b H. ^b bdbu, 8. m. A child, a prince ; master (a title given by Hindus, equivalent to Mr. or squire). p. <0^b bdbuna, s. m. Camomile ; wild-ivy {Ri- chards). H. cjb bdp, s. m. Father. \jj, L^b hdp karnd, To consider as a father. ^Jb bdp re, (O father!) an exclamation expressive of sur- prise, grief, &c. bdp merd, (My fa- ther !) an exclamation expressive of surprise, grief, &c. s. ^b bdph (Sans. ^JECf) s. f. Steam, vapour. ^ s. tl-'b bdt (Sans, r. Come to pass) s. f. Speech, language, word ; account, sub- ject, question, cause, affair. LaJubciiJb bdt bdndhnd, To sophisticate, to prevaricate. c-*b bb^ bdt barhdnd. To prolong a contest, ci^b \jJ\fj bdt bigdrnd, To mar a plot, to spoil, bbj dJb bdt bandnd, To make up a story, to make excuses, bb cjb bdt pdnd, To accom- plish one’s wishes, to effect one’s purpose, ly .1 c.;b bdt phernd, To equivocate. tub l-C-. ... bdt phenknd. To jeer, to mock, to speak at but not to. bJb - tub bdt chaldnd. To converse, to start a subject, tub bdt chit, s. f. Conversation, chit-chat, tub blyo bdt dhardnd, To persist in making ex- cuses, to put off, to evade. bJiJ tub hat ddlnd. To throw away one’s words, to ask in vain. (ub hat rakhnd. To assist, to agree, to comply, bj^tub bdt rahnd. To make good one’s words, to be fulfilled or accomplished (declarations), to succeed, to overcome, to get the better in arguments ; to be accepted, to preserve perfect. tub bdt kd batak- kar karnd. To multiply words, to talk much on little, bjl^ tub bdt kdtnd, To interrupt. by> ^ ; * •' tub bdt kursl nishin hand, To be acceptable or approved of, a word or speech, l^tub bdt karnd, To converse, to talk, to speak, tub ^ tub bdt ki bdt, Un- N ’ - ’ 90 ob meaning orders, commands not expected to be obeyed, adv. Instantly. bat garhna, To speak to the purpose, to speak so that one’s words have effect or make impression, c-'b b\fl bat lagdnd, To calumniate, to insinuate something maliciously, b^bo cub hdt mdrnd, To turn off, to evade, to divert a discourse, &c. ^ cub bdt men kuchh karnd, To perform a business in a short time, to lose no time in doing any thing. bL-j ^^b bdten sundnd^ To abuse, to speak harshly. ^j,Jb b/— . bdten sunnd^ To receive abuse or harsh reproof. 8. cub bdt (Sans. vdla, Wind, from which this disease is supposed to arise) s. m. Pain in the joints, rheumatism. s.^(JjJb (from cub adj. Conversible, talkative, chatty, entertaining. s. iJyi'b bdluniyd (from cub bdV) s. m. A talk- ative, conversible, entertaining person. s. (jb bail (Sans. t^) s. f. The wick of a lamp, a candle ; a tent or bougie put into a wound to keep it open. s. c^bm^■ bdt., s. f. A road, a highway. « s. club bdt (Sans. s. m. A weight or measure of weight. s. bob bdtikd, s. m. A villa. s. ^^'b bdtl, s. f. A habitation, dwelling- house, home, a garden-house. s. ,^b bdte ghdte (club Road, and c!b\^ Pass, ford, bathing place by a river side) adv. Somewhere or other. p. ^b bdji s. m. A tax, duty, toll, impost, &c. tribute, jlj^b bdj-ddr, A tax-gatherer, a col- lector of tribute or revenue. j/^b hdyguzdr, One who pays taxes, duties, &c. s. U-b bdjd (Sana. ^?I) s. m. A musical in- strument. H. |y»-b bdjrd, s. m. A kind of grain so called, indian corn. (Holcus spicatus). s, ^^b bdjan, s. m. plur. Musical instruments. See U-b s. lu>-b bdjnd (from see U-b or r. ^ Speak) V. n. To sound (as a musical instru- ment); to be published. s. U^b (jf-b bdjan bdjd, s. m. plur. Musical instruments. s. bijb bddshdhat^ s. f. Royalty, empire, kingdom, government. p. ^biijb bddshdh-i, adj. Royal, imperial, s. f. Royalty, empire, reign. p. ^^ob bdd-kashy s.m. A fan, a ventilator, s. Jjb bddal (Sans. s. m. A cloud. H. ^jb bdd/d s. m. Gold or silver thread or H. <0jb bddla ^ wire, brocade. H. bddali, s. f. Silver cloth, p. UJ jb bdd-numd, s. m. A weather-cock, p. »jb bdda^ s. m. Wine, spirits, p. Ujb bddhd, plur. of jb bdd. Winds. s. bsjb ^TVT bddhd, s. Pain, distress. * P. ^lyijb bdd-hawd-i, s. f. Fruitlessness, use- lessness, waste, p. bdd-i, adj. Flatulent. s. i_5'^b (r. Speak) bddl or vddl, part, used substantively, A speaker, an accuser, a plaintiff, an enemy, a mischief-maker, a dis- putant. bdd'Khor, An inveterate thief. A. i^Ai bddl, part. act. (from jjj) Beginner, au- thor. p. 1 bdr-ydb, adj. Admitted at court or into company. p. ^b.b bdr-ydb-i, s. f. Admittance at court or into company. P_ iSjOjb 6«riA*, adj. Fine, slender, minute, sub- tile. ^ i^CiJi bdrikdnn, adj. Intelligent^ quick of apprehension, penetrating. 93 jV p, ^Srik-i, 9. f. Subtilty, minuteness. .v.jb 6uf (r. Divide) s. f. Edge, margin; a fence, a hedge ; a line (of soldiers) ; name of a place near Monger, Jb bar urdnd, To fire a volley. LajJIjJIj bdr bdndhnd, To en- close a field with thorns. bdr jhdrnd, To fire a volley. bdr chins>dndy or bdr chirnd, To sharpen. \j\^j J\j bdr dilwdnd, or UjjJU bdr dend, To sharpen, to grind ; to excite, to instigate. bdr rak/md, To sharpen. s. Ijb bdrd (r. Divide) s. m. An enclosure : alm.s, charity. s. ^ bdrh (from Ijj^lj) s. f. A flood ; promo- tion, increase. s. bdrhnd, v. n. To increase, &c. See -• bdrhl (from L^=b) s. f. Usurious profit or interest taken on grain. s. bdu (Sans. s. f. A kitchen gar- den ; a house with the garden, orchard, &c. attached to it. s. bjb bdr-yd (from jU Edge) s. m. A whet- ter (of swords, knives, &c.). P. jb bdz (Sans. ^T3T)s. m. A hawk, a female falcon, jljjb bdz-ddr,s. m. A falconer. ^^Ijjb bdz-ddr-i, s. f. The keeping of hawks or fal- cons. adv. Again, back. adj. Open, bijb bdz dnd, To decline, to leave off, to refuse, to reject, to desist. b.^jb bdz rakhnd, To hold back, to prevent, to forbid, bj^jb bdz rahnd, To decline, to reject, to leave off. (in comp, part, of (jJdjb To play) Player, jb^^^ shatranj-bdzj Chess-player, jb hukka-bdz^ A juggler. p. j^b bdzdr^ s. m. A market. p. (_^j'jb bdzdr-i, adj. Belonging to a market; a market person. LT'b p. ^j)^j\i bdz-purs^ s. m. ) Reiterated en- p. bdz-khwdstj s. f. y quiry, minute investigation. p. »ly>-jb bdz-khzpdh, s. A requirer, an inves- tigator. p. bdzurgdn, s. m. A merchant. p. ci^jb bdzurgdn-i, s. f. Merchandise, traffic, trade, commerce. p. j\i bdz-gasht, s. f. Return, retreat. p. jjb bdzu, 8. m. The arm ; the fold of a door; the side of a bedstead ; a friend, a companion; one who repeats the chorus of the ntar- 5iya, an accompanier in a song, bjjjjb bdzu dend, To assist, to help, to support. See Lj J ^b p. Jcj jjb bdzu-band, s. ra. An ornament worn on the arm, a bracelet. P. ufjb bdzl, s. f. Play, sport, bb ^^jb bdzi pdnd, To be victorious or prosperous, ^b bl^ iasi khdndj To lose, to be cast; to be cheated. bU3 ^b bdzi lagdnd, To wager, blsd ^jb bdzi lejdnd, To win, to excel. p. <^jb bazib bdsar or vdsar, s. m. A day. 94 t'i s. hasak (Sans. s. m. The I s. bdsuki j chief of serpents, which is fabled to support the universe, and which was used as a string: to whirl the mountain Mandar in churning the ocean for the Amrita, &c. G. (J^\> bdsalik (Gr. 0a bdsira, part. act. (from jo) used substan- tively) Sight, the sense of seeing. A. Jbb butil (from JL) adj. False, vain, ab- surd ; futile ; ignorant ; abolished. jjbb bdlilu-s-sihr, Destroyed by charms and incanta- tions. A. ^^b bdlin (from Jta) s. m. The inward part; the heart, adj. Internal, hidden, concealed. A. cAV bdtin-i, adj. Internal. A. '^b bdl bdndhi kauri mdrnd. To shoot at without missing, to act with great care, not to mistake. \Lo Jb bdl bikd, A bent or disordered hair, is used to express “ the smallest harm or inconvenience,” so bbj Jb bdl bikd na howe. Let not a hair be disordered (let not the least harm be done). p. Jb bdl, s. m. A wing, a pinion. Jlii\ Jb bdl-afshdni, s. f. Expansion of the wings, taking flight. H. Jb bdl, s. f. An ear of corn ; a crack in a cup or glass ; the thread on which sugar is chrystallised. jlj^b bdl-ddr, A cracked vessel (of china, glass, &c.). A. Jb bdl, s. in. Heart, mind; state; power. P, )!b bdld, prep. Above, up. adj. High. s. m. Top. )!b Hb bdld bdld, adv. Deceitfully, frau- dulently ; secretly, bb ^b bdld batdnd, or bj j ^b bdld dend. To balk, to circumvent, to dupe, to put off, to disappoint, to prevaricate. bdld-dast, adj. Upperhanded, supe- rior. s. ^b bdld, s. f. A female child, a girl not arrived at the age of maturity : a medicinal and fragrant plant, s. ra. An ear-ring ; (for Sans. 1^) A male child, a boy. p.^^b bald-bar, s. m. Part of the \^Jj\ angarkhd that laps over the thighs. p. Jcj 5b bald-band, s. m. A part of dress, a kind of turband ; a coa tof a particular kind. s. H. 5^ 5b bdld-bhold, adj. Innocent, artless as a child, s. m. An artless child. JV 96 s. H. hala-pan, s. m. Childhood, infancy. p. bald-posh, s. ni. A coverlet, a quilt. p. A. (Jb bdnl, part. act. (from tjj) used substan- tively, A builder, architect, composer. H. Jb bdnl, s. f. The price paid for a work : ashes : the thread with which cloth is woven. (Sans. ^ifSr Weaving). g_ ^Jb bdni or xtdnt, s. f. Speech, lan- ffuaffe; name of Saraswati, the goddess of o O' speech. H. JjJ JV hdni-bonl, s. f. The price of weaving. A.p.jbJb bdni-kdr, s. Architect; composer, author, beginner, instigator. A.p. Jb bdnl-kdr-i, s. f. Architecture; com- position, commencing a business, instigation. s.jb6«o (Sans. ^T^) s. f. Wind, air. ^b (jsjjb bdo bdndhnd, To prevail over an ad- ■ versaiy by flattery or invective without argu- ment. band), s. f. Sophistry, exaggerated praise of a worthless being, jb b^ bdo sarnd, To be discharged backwards (wind), bbj l^yV 99 cheat, to impose on, to deceive. ^\j bao khani, To live in pleasure and enjoyment : to court one’s inspirations, i. e. to protract a miserable existence. H. jU bao, s. f. The pox. See jj H. bdo-batds, s. f. Being oppressed or possessed by a demon or devil ; misfortune, calamity. See s. H. yb bdo-bhak, )adj. A prattler, trifling s. H. bdo-jhak, y talker. p,^,yb bdzoar, s. m. Belief, faith, confidence, truth, credit, adj. True, credible. H. t*b bdwar, s. m. A kind of sweetmeat. >> • ' T. j^_2^yb bdwarchi, s. m. A cook. U. bdwarchi-khdna, s. m. A kitchen. H. i^yyb bdori, "Is. f. A large well. See ^yb H. (_f;yb bdii'an, j bdoli. §. Jy->yb bdo-sul (Sans. s. m. The colick. H. ig^^b bdzL'ag, s. m. Seed-time. s. ^yfyb bdo-gold (Sans. '• ^Trf Wind, and The spleen) s. m. The colick, flatulency. s. 5yb bdold or bdwald (Sans. adj. Mad, insane, crazy. H. ^yb bdoU, s. f. A large well into which people descend to get w ater : the drag (thing or animal) with which hawks, dogs, &c. are taught to hunt : a trick. L' j , Jyb bdoli dend, To initiate. s. H. bJyb hdolend, s. m. Name of a defect in horses. s. ^^bb bdhdn (Sans. adj. Left (hand). f See ^bb -■ bduan (Sans. ) adj. Dwarfish, diminutive, s. m. The fifth incarnation of Vishnu. See^byl H. (^yb hdxjcan, adj. Fifty-two. #. by bdond, adj. Dwarfish. See ^yb s. «b bdhu, s. f. An arm. See .^b p, »b bdh, s. f. Virility, manhood ; coitus. 8.y,b hdhar or bdhir, adv. Without? abroad; adj. Foreign. A.ybb bdhir, part. act. (from ^) Excelling, emi- nent ; conspicuous, manifest. s. ijb\> bdhira (from ybb) s. m. The left side (in sword exercise, &c.). s. bdhir~i (from Sans. I f^i^) adj. Out- ward, foreign ; stranger, foreigner, p. j*a>b bd‘ham, adv. Together. s. ijAJiib hdhman (Sans. 5} 141^^1) s. m. A Brah- man, a man of the sacerdotal class of Hindus. s. <_jC/*Jbb hdhman-i, s. f. The w ife of a Brahman, a Brahmaness. See tjC^b bdmhni. 8. j^b bdhan, s. m. A carriage, any vehicle. H. Lfcb bdhnd, v. a. To shoot, to discharge a weapon. H. ^ib bdi, s. f. Mistress, lady (among Maharat- tas) : a dancing girl. ^^b bdiji, s. f. The mother bawd. s. t.jb bde, or bdi (Sans. ^ 1^) s. f. Wind, air; flatulency, rheumatism. bdi pachni, To be mortified, to be depressed, to die away, b^t^b bdisarnd,see l^*jyb bdo sarnd. bdi men bharaknd, To prate foolishly. *• (Sans. ^^) adj. Left (hand, &c.). s. m. The bass part in music, the bass sound (especially, of tabla, dholak and ^y^ pakhdwaj, which are played on with the left hand. U^yyjb (jbb bdydn pdnv pujnd, To acknowledge the cunning of an artful per- son. H. -tb hdyab, adj. Apart, separate, distinct ; strange. <— -;’b ci-^b yih bdit hdyab hai, This is another thing. O 2 100 J^- s. (Sans. or ^Tf^T ) s. in. North-west. 5. (^Jijy> hue hirang (Sans. fq-^TT) s- ">■ Name of a medicinal seed, p. jjLii JuIj ha^cid shciyud, As it should he. A. bdjyi*, part. act. (of ^ seller. H. g'0^^5 S’- ni. See gold. II. hdls^ adj. Twenty-two. u. hdis-l, s. f. The royal army (so called, because composed of the troops of twenty-two ijya suba) ; a command of 22,000 men. bdisl lulnd, To attack with one’s whole force. s. jh bd^an, s. m. Sweetmeat,, &c. which is distributed to friends in commemora- tion of a success. H. s. f. A basket in which snakes are carried about for show. s. bdihd, s. m. Rheumatism. Seeci;b^’PT bdt. s and r. Speak) bibdd, s. A contest or law-suit; cpiarrel, altercation, s. s. c. A disputant, a plaintitl. s. iU s- ni. Marriage. See b(dmr, s. m. One who crops the manes of horses. F.j^ bahar, s. m. A lion, a tigci . H. babardbhcrl, s. 1‘. Quarrelling, dis- sention. (f^ and r. ^ Cover) bi-barun, »fu\. Interpretation, explanation. adj. Faded in colour. babrutd, 8. m. A clown, a lout, lump- kin, clumsy young man. »• f' tate; patrimony. s. \J^_ baphdrd (Sans- s. m. Vapour, va- pour bath. See hhdph. $. bipharnd, v. n. To be irritated. ,s biplidi, s. III. Thursday. See biliphdi. ]01 a H. bataurl (from tub Wind) s. f. A flatu- lent or cedematous swelling. A. Jcu balul, s. f. A pure virgin. H. butoll, s. f. Buffoonery. s. bithd (Sans. ^*^T) s. f. Pain, affliction. s. bithdrnd (from b^) v. a. To cause to scatter, to cause to sprinkle. s. bithdrl (from l^lfj) s. f. Cleansing the warp. s. b|^ bithrdndi, v. a. To scatter, to sprinkle. s. b^ bitharnd, or bithurnd (perhaps, and r. ^ Sprinkle) v. n. To be scattered, to be sprinkled. s. bathiid (Sans. ^ s. m. A kind of greens or potherbs. (Chenopodium album). §‘ bati, s. f. A word. See c;^b s. ^ battl (Sans, ^"f^) s.f. A candle, a wick, a match ; a tent or bougie. See tjb s, Lsj bitliyd (from bj biitd or Sans. A span) s. m. A dwarf; i. e. a span (in height). s. b\^ batiydnd (from Lub A word) v. a. To speak, to talk, to saj, to converse. s. bilit^ adj. Passed. H. hatls^ adj. Thirtj-two. H. batis-d, s. ra. A medicine composed of thirty-two ingredients, usually given to mares after foalina:. o H. batis-i, s. f. A set of teeth ; any aggre- gate consisting of thirty-two parts, bl^j batisi dikhdnd, v. a. To show teeth; to laugh, to scoff or make faces at anj one. s. iJbo ^ bal, s. ra. Name of a tree. (Ficus Indica). A single cowrie. *. (Jbo bat (r. or W rap, entwine) s. m. Tripe: (from bJb To twist) Twist; a wrinkle or fold of the abdomen: (in compos, a contrac- tion of cibb) Road ; as in Jb (JL.U bat pdr. H. \l) battd, s. m. Deficiency ; exchange or dis- count ; defect, blemish, injury, offence ; a ball (of wood or stone) : a box in which gems are kept. hntld-dhdr, and bb battd- dhdly adj. Level, even. s. ^j'b (JUj bat-pdr-i, s.f. Highway-robbing. H. batri, s. f. A small cup. H. batlohi, s. f. A brass vessel in which Hindus dress their food. y. bib batnd (r. or ^ Wrap round, en- twine ; divide, share) v. a. To twist, to form by convolution (as ropes) ; to gain, to make profit. V. n. To be divided, to be twisted, s. m. An instrument with which ropes are twisted. s. baliid^ (r. Surround) s. in. A purse, a small bag (generally used for holding beetle- nut, &c.) : a brass vessel in which Hindus dress their food. H. lyib bitawd, (dimin. of bL;) s. m. A son. s.jlyb ba^wdr, (r. Divide) s. m. A ta.x ga- therer who collects a tax levied in kind. s. yyb bat-wdrd (r. Divide) s. in. A share. 5. j^b bator (r. Surround) s. m. A gather- ing, a crowd, a resort. H. bitaurd, s. m. A heap of the cakes of dried cow-dung. s. bjylb batornd (r. Surround) v. a. To gather up, to collect, to purse. H. Ujlb bitond, v. a. To scatter, to sprinkle, s. m. A son : see bitawd. s. i^yb batohi (from A road) s. ra. A traveller. H. bl^ bithdnd, ■|(from bw^S-j) v. a. To cause H. bithldnd, J to sit down. H. bl2j bit/md, V. a. To scatter, to sprinkle. s. jbj butdii (Sans. s. m. A traveller. s. batdl (from Uib To twist) s. f. Hire paid for twisting ropes, &c. s. L -^1 bitnp (Sans. s. m. A tree. “ Y * * bilap, or vitapa, s. m. A twig. s. Jb (Jbo hat-pdr (elbb Road, and bjb To throw down) s. m. Highway-man, footpad, villain. s. ^ hatal (from lx£b To twist) s. f. The art of making gold thread. 11. bJb bitiyd (dimin. of s. f. A daughter. II. Ll» balyd, s. f. A silken cord adorned with three fringes, which women use to tie their hair behind. (Pers. jlj Hunter). 3. i-lbb TF? ) s. A narrow pas- sage : (from A small measure of weight. 103 s.j^ baler (Sans. s. f. A kind of quail. (Perdix olivacea. Buck.) P. ba-ja () v. n. To be in earnest, to be im- portunate. ^ bajr, or vajra, s. m. A thunderbolt, a diamond, adj. Hard, bajr pare us par wa ghaira, May lightning fall on him, &c. (An expression used in cursing any one). \jsf bajrd (from perhaps, in the sense of hard or hear}/ or Eng. barge) s. m. A boat for travelling in, a pleasure-boat of a larger kind. s, ^ bajr-battu, s. m. Name of a fruit. s. bujr-ang (Sans. HI i. e. Lightning, and Body) s. m. A title of Hanuman. s. bajrang-l, s. f. A kind of tilak or mark made on a Hindu’s forehead with red lead. p. jsf ba-juz, prep. M ith the exception, with- out, besides. s. (Sans. s. f. Lightning ; a thunderbolt. See H. bajnd, v. n. To be sounded, to sound, s. m. A rupee (used among brokers), part, act. Sounding. {Hunter). H. LssT bujnd, s. m. A cloth used by menstruous women, a pessary. s. Lait bijnd (Sans. ^3T^) s. m. A fan. See and H. bajantarl, s. m. One who plays on musical instruments. mahdl, s. m. The quarter inhabited by mu- sicians ; a brothel ; taxes on musicians and female dancers. p. A. ba-jins, By kind, in detail, particu- larly. S. and Junction, lucky conjuncture) bijog or vijoga, s. m. Separa- tion ; misfortune, bad luck, mischance. H. bujhdnd (trans. of bujhnd) v. a. To extinguish, to put out. j^bj piyds bujhdnd, To quench thirst. s. blf!^ bujhdnd (caus. of Uf^y) v. a. To ex- plain, to make to comprehend, to demonstrate, to push as with argument, to persuade, to cause to believe, to take to. H. bl^^sT bujhdnd, v. a. To entangle, to ensnare (as game), to entrap. H. bujahrd, s. m. A vessel for warm water. s. blCfiC bijhkdnd (trans. of bXjsc:) v. a. To frighten, to scare, to alarm. s. bijhaknd (from Sans. Alarm- ed) v. n. To be alarmed. H. bujhnd, V. n. To be extinguished, to be put out. H. bujhnd, v. n. To be ensnared, to be caught (as game), to stick. H. bujh-ail (from Load) adj. Laden ; a beast, &c. of burthen. s. (f^ and 3T^ Victory) bijai, or vi-jui/a, s. m. Triumph. bijai-dasaml, (The victorious tenth) The tenth of Asin sukl pachh, the anni- versary of Rama’s victory over Ravana. s. fwspft (ft- and r. Conquer) bijayt, ox vijuyi, adj. Vanquisher, conqueror. 104 S. R^-MT hijayd, s. m. Bhang. (Canna- bis sativa). g ^ lack, or vach, s. f. Orris root. H. hick, adv. In, among, between. See ^ p, hachu (Sans. s. m. A child, the young of any animal. See hachcha. and r. Go, move) hi- char, or vi-char, s. m. Consideration, reflexion, contrivance, judgment, opinion, thought, will, s. R^T^ hichur-ak (from J^) part, act. Investigator, judge, inspector. s. bichur-nd (from v.a. To consider, to think, to investigate, to compre- hend, to apprehend, to conceive. P, hichdra{ioY fl*''*) Helpless. H. bichdli, s. f. Straw. bachdnd (trans. of v.a. 4o save, to preserve, to protect, to reserve, to spare, to defend, to guard, to leave, to conceal. H. bachdo (from Ul^) s. m. Protection, de- fence. p. II. bach-pan and s. m. Child- hood, infancy. 8. RRf^ bichilr, or vi-chitra, adj. Varie- gated, various ; wonderful. H. ^ hachli (from li^) s. f. Residue, remain- der. II. bichkdnd (trans. of v. a. To balk, to disappoint, to break one’s promise, p. H. bach-kdnd, adj. Small (generally ap- plied to shoes and clothes) : s. m. A dancing boy. p. II. d^. ^ adopted by an old prostitute. II. bichaknd, v. n. To be disappointed, to be balked ; to sprain ; to run away, to retreat; to withdraw a consent which has been given. I H bkh-knnnd Within, and Car) 8. m. An ornamentSvorn in the anterior lobe of the car. *» » p. bachcha-gdna, adj. Fit for children, puerile. p^ bachcha-gl, s. f. Infancy, childhood. s, bichalnd (R* and r. Go) v. n. To turn, to bend, to break one’s promise, to slip, to infringe. s. (r. Speak) bachan, s. m. Speech, talk, discourse, word ; promise, agree- ment. LJ bachan bandkar lend, To bind by promise, byjs Jcj bachan band hand. To promise, to be agreed upon. bJb ba- chan pdlnd. To abide by a promise, y ^ bachan tornd. To break one’s word. bachan chhornd. To break one’s promise. bjj bachan dend. To promise, to agree, bJlj bachan ddlnd. To question, to ask, to en- quire. bJ bachan lend. To receive a pro- mise. bjbe bachan mdrnd. To conclude an ao-reement. bjU ^ bachan mdnnd. To obey . O U*' ” • bl^ bachan nibhdnd, To abide by a pro- mise. b,li» bachan hdrnd. To promise, to agree, to give one’s word. H. bachnd, v. n. To be saved, to escape, to remain unexpended, to recover. H. d^}^. bich-wdni, (from ^.) s. m. A media- tory interposer, arbitrator, agent, ambassador. H. hich-auliyd, s. m. An arbitrator, &c. See hkh-xcdnl. P. bachcha, (Sans. s. m. An infant, a "child, the young of any creature, s. ^ bachh (Sans. s. ni. A calf. See p. bachcha-ddn, s. m. Ihe woml). n b'l^>n bichhdid, s. m. A stinging nettle. (Urtica interrupta). 11. IjJ bichhd dend, v. a. To spread; (me- tonim.) to knock down, to drub. n.\j\^. bichhdnd, (trans. of b.^) v. a. To spread. s. 5;^ bachrd, or bachrd, (Sans. s. m. A calf ?• hachhru, (Sans, cj s. na. A calf. §• bichfiurao, (from ^Ji^) s. m. Separation. s, bichhupta or bichharnoj (1% and r. W Cut) V. n. To be separated. bichhalna, ( and r. move) v. n. To be separated, to slip, to slide, to slip out of place, to sprain, to turn away the face. M. bichhna, v. n. To be spread. bachchhnag, (Sans. W-TW s- “• Name of a vegetable poison. s. bichchhu (Sans. s. m. A scor- pion, the sign Scorpio. s. bichhud (Sans. f^'^i'^) s. m. A scor- pion. H. bichhud^ s. m. A sort of dagger : an ornament worn on the toes. If. bichhwdnd, (from li^) v. a. To cause to spread. s. bichhornd, (from Ijj^) v. a. To se- parate. s. bichhoh 7 (from s Separa- s. bichhohd j tion, absence. H. bichhaund or bichhondj (from Lf^) s. m. Bedding, carpeting. s. bachhiyd, (from ,^) s. f. A (female) calf, s. bachherd, (Sans, cj ^^ ) s. m. A colt. s. bachheri (dimin. of s- f- A foal. A. CL-'lssT bahhdsy adj. superl. (from vj,^) A great disputer, controvertist, arguer, a dis- putant. bihdr, s. plur (of^^) Seas, p. A. borhdl (a» In, and JU. condition) adj. Unaltered, happy, flourishing, reinstated, as before (in service or condition). A. bahs, s. f. Enquiry, discussion, alter- cation, controversy. A. iJj^\^ss:r bal^s-d-bahsyj s. f. Controversy, dis- cussion, argumentation. A. H. Uiat:' bahamd (from v. a. To ar- gue, to dispute, to talk, A. bahr, s. m. A sea, a bay, a gulph, s. f. Metre ; a fleet. A. buhrdn, s. m. The crisis of a disease. A. bahr-i, adj. Maritime, belonging to the sea, s. f. A kind of falcon or hawk. See bahri. A. buhaira (dimin. of s. ra. A small sea, a lake. A. bukhdr, s. m. Steam, glowing heat (of the ground or such as is felt in a fever), vapour, exhalation. bukhdr dil men, rakhnd, To entertain enmity or' malice in the heart. bukhdrnikalndj To break out (as an eruption on the skin). p. bakht, s. ra. Fortune, luck, prosperity, felicity. ^j\j bakht-bdzi, s. f. The try- ing one’s fortune. ^ bakt-bali, adj. Lucky, fortunate. bakht-jalnd, To lose one’s luck, to become unfortunate, bakht-i’si^dh, Misfortune. bakht’dwar, adj. Fortunate. p. bukhti, s. f. A quick-paced camel (ge- nerally used to ride on and not for burthens). p.^Li^ bakht-ydr, adj. Fortunate, p. bakht-^dr-i, s. f. Good fortune. P. \j^ bakhrd, s. m. Share, portion. P. bakhrait (from |^) adj. Partner, sharer. P. bakhsh, part, (in compos.) Irapartingj bestowing, forgiving, s, m. Share, portion, lot, forgiveness. Ixio bakhsh dend, To give, to bestow. p. bakhshdnd (caus. of Lli^) v. a. To cause to give, to procure pardon for another. p. bakhshish (from ^^JuiJ::) s. f. A gift, forgiveness, liberality, generosity. P 106 00 00 P. Lioi: bakhshna (from v. a. To give, to forgive. p. »0o-Ls^ hakhshinda, part. act. (from ) Giving, giver, bestower, pardoner. p. bfikhxhl, s. m. A general, a commander in chief. bakhsh'i-almamalik, A title or rank equivalent to commander-in-chief. AiU bakhshl-khdna, The pay-office, the general’s office. P. bakhshi-gari, s. f. Office or duty of a general. A. bukhl, s. ra. Avarice, stinginess, parsi- mony. bakhur, s. m. Perfume, odour, frankin- cense. A. hakhil-l (from J^.) s. f. Stinginess , niggardliness. p. bakhi^a, s. m. A kind of stitching, a strong quilting. P. jj bad, adj. Evil, bad. oo bad-akhldk, adj. Of bad habits. <_0jLj1 oo bad-aslub, adj. Ill-shaped, ill-made, of bad conduct. Oo bad-asl, adj. Low-born. oo bad-andesh, adj. Evil-minded, inimical. bad-din, adj. Of bad manners, observing no religious precepts, Oo badrbdtin, adj. Internally evil. Oo bad-bakht, adj. IJnlucky, un- fortunate. jj 00 bad-bu, adj. Fetid. s. f. Stink, oo bad-parhez, adj. Not controul- ing one’s fficlinations and passions, intempe- rate. . jj bad-chashm, adj. Malignant, envious^veting otiier men’s goods (particu- larly, wives). JU- Oo bad-hdl, adj. In bad circumstances, ill-conditioned. ^ bad- hawds, adj. Senseless, in consternation. bad-khat, adj. Writing ill. bad-khulki, 8. f. Bad disposition, evil nature. ^ jj bad- Mo, adj. Of bad habits, ill-disposed, jio X bad-khwdh, adj. Wishing evil. Uo oo bad-dud^ s. f. A curse. Jj jj bad-dil, adj. Suspicious. ^ j Oo bad-damdgh, adj. Dissatisfied, dis- pleased with every thing. Oo bad-da- -mdgh-l, s. f. Ill-will, displeasure. JjO Oo bad-daul, adj. Ill-shaped, ungraceful. CL-'U Oo bad-zdt, adj. Low-born, of bad breed, wicked, vicious. sj bad-zihn, adj. Stupid, slow of apprehension. oo bad-rdh, adj. Wicked, sinful. Oo bad-rikdb, adj. Ill-paced, dif- ficult to mount (a horse), t^^oo bad-rang, adj. Of bad colour, or of bad kind, jj jo bad-rau, adj. Ill-paced (a horse). ^ bad-zabdn, adj. Indecent (speaker), abusive: s. f. Indecent language, abuse. ^Jbj jo bad- zabdn-i, s. f. Abuse. jj jo bad-zeb, adj. Ungraceful. io:.-vcUj oo bad-sdat, s. f. An un- lucky moment. ^ Si bad-saj, adj. Ungrace- ful, ill-looking. J\Lj jo bad-sigdl, adj. Evil- minded, malevolent, malignant. oo bad- suluk-l, s. f. Bad behaviour, maltreatment. Oo bad-sirat, adj. Ill-tempered, of bad disposition. jo Md-sMrM, adj. Drunk. 00 bad-shardb-i, s. f. Drunkenness, jo bad-shaki, adj. Ill-shaped, ill-looking. Oo bad-surut, adj. Ugly, ill-conditioned. JO bad-tarik, s. m. Bad habit (in a reli- gious sense). Oo bad-tinat, adj. Male- volent, iniquitous. Oo bad tinal-i, s. f. Ma- levolence, iniquity. ^ Oo bad-zann, adj. Sus- picious. Okys Oo bad-ahd, adj. Faithless, trea- cherous. (Jjo Oo bad-fi^l, s. m. Evil deeds : adj. Of bad habits (particularly, in a religious sense), oo bad-kdr, or bad-katddr, adj. Evil-doer, sinful. aj bad-kesh, adj. U 107 Jjo Impious, irreligious. Oj bad-guman^ adj. Suspicious. iJUf Ju bad-gumdn-ij s. f. Sus- picion. ^ Si bad-go, adj. Evil-speaking, slan- derous. Si bad-go-i, 8. f. Slander, evil- speaking. ^ Si had-guhar, adj. Of bad origin. Si bad-lihuz, adj. Unmannerly, disrespect- ful. Si bad-fagum, adj. Not obedient to the reins (a horse), hard-mouthed. -3^ bad-maza-gi, s. f. Tastelessness ; coolness be- tween friends. jo had-muzanna, adj. Sus- picious. Si bad-madsh, adj. Of a bad profession, of an infamous trade. aLoWo Si bad-mu dmalai, adj. Unfair in dealing. si bad-mihr-i, s. f. Disobligingness, unkind- ness. Si bad-nam, adj. Infamous, calum- nious. bad-ndm-i, s. f. Infamy. si bad-nasl, adj. Of a bad race or breed ; a bastard. ^ si bad-nafib, adj. Unfortu- nate. Jjc Si bad-nd^l, adj. Tripping (a horse). U" X' bad-mimd, or Si bad-numud, adj. Ill- looking, ungraceful, inelegant. Si bad- numd-i, s. f. Ungraceful ness, inelegance. si olyi bad-nihdd, adj. Ill-disposed, Si bad- waf', adj. Evil-disposed, sibad-hai'at, adj. Ill-formed, ugly. bad-yumn, adj. Ill-omened, unpropitious. s> bad-yumn-i, s.f. Bad omen, bad luck. H. Si bad, s. f. A bubo. ^ H. Jo bid, s. f. A little pit into which children in play endeavour to throw balls or marbles. \ s. Jo badi, s. f. The wane of the moon. See s. ^Si ,1 s. or A. Ijo bidd and ^jj) s.f. Dis- mission, taking leave, farewell, adieu. ' ^ I H. \jo badd, adj. Predestined. H. i^SiSsi baddbadi, adv. With emulation or rivalship, contentiously. s. l^ljo bidarnd (Sans. i. e. and r. ^ Tear) v. a. To tear, to rend, to remove. II. Ladjo biddhnd, v. a. To turn the plough over a field after the seed is come up, to plough im- mediately after sowing for the purpose of co- vering the seed ; to harrow. A. ioi--jJjo baddyat, s. f. Beginning. S. LUJo (r. Know) bidit, part. Known, famous. p. ^^LIAju badakhshdn. Name of a country fa- mous for the production of rubies. A. jSi budr, s. m. The full moon. p. jSi badar, adv. Without, out. A. iijSi badrika, s. m. A guide, convoy or guard on the road ; a fellow traveller ; any thing ordered to be taken with a certain medicine (as water gruel with salts), a vehicle (in medi- cine) like s. anu-pdn. p. badar-rau, s. f. A drain, a sewer. A. ijSi badra, s. m. A bag of money ; a weight of ten thousand dirhems. H. bidri, s. f. A mixture of metals, so called (used for hukkas, &c.). s. Loo bad-said (^ A hog, and 5(TT^T A house) s. m. A hog-sty. A. 1." -<*Ai bidat, 8. f. The introduction of novel- ty or change in religion, schism ; violence, op- pression, wrong. A. bidat-l (from ij:^Si) adj. Tyrant, op- pressor. A. Jjo badal, s. m. Exchange, substitution, re- taliation : (used adverbially) In exchange, for. bJ Jjo badal lend, To exchange, to take in exchange. badal-i-mdl, s. m. Price, barter. s. Jjo baddal (contract of Job q. v.) s. m. A cloud. A. ^JJ badld, s. m. Exchange, lieu, stead, a substitute. bJ )!jo badld lend, v. a. , To alter, to revenge. P 2 ' V. a. A 108 SJJ A. H. li^Jj hadldnd (from Jjj) alter, to change. To cause to A. H. badldi, s. f. Price of exchange. A. H. Uljo badalndj v. a. To change, to alter. s. badli (dimin. of Jj\j q. v.) s. f. Cloudi- ness, a small bit of cloud. 8. ^^*1 badan, or vadan, s. m. The mouth, the countenance. A. badan, s. m. The body. badan phal jdnd, v. n. To be covered with an eruption of pustules. H. UiAi badnd, v. a. To wager; to settle, to take (as witness), to obey, to acknowledge, to agree, not to refuse. p. jJj badu, adj. Infamous. A. jJu badu, s. f. Beginning. A desert ; (for a tribe of Arabs of the desert, an inha- tant of the desert. s. bid-wan, adj. Learned in the beds (see 8. bed). H. bidornd, v. a. To screw ; to mock, to laugh at, to ridicule. H. bidornd, v. a. To laugh at. See bidornd. p. A. ba-daulat. By the fortune, by the means. s. iSi R ^ bidhu, or vidhu, s. m. The moon. s. hadh, or vadh, s. m. Killing, slaying, ^ slaughter. s. IjUjj f^VTfTT hidhdtd, or vidhdtd, s. m. He who has predestined, i. e. The deity Brahma. See ijj bidh. s. yjUju bidhdn, or vidhdn, s. ra. Com- mon practice, precept, direction. See xsi fW H. IjUjo badhdwd, s. m. A song in congratula- tion : presents, &c. carried to the house of a woman on the sixth or fortieth day after child- 2 birth. s. cL^jUjo bidhdwat (from s. f. Perfora- tion. H. badhdi, s. f. Congratulation. See s. (r. Kill, and Line- age) badh-bans, s. m. Slaughter of a family or race. s. lIX&aj (r. ^ Kill) badhik, s. m. A huntsman, sportsman, shooter, fowler. buddhi-mdn, adj. Wise, sensible, intelligent. s. L&jo badhnd (r. Kill) v. a. To kill, to smite. p. bidun, prep. Without, besides. A. badawi, adj. Of the country or desert ; an Arab of the desert, a countryman. 8. buddh, s. m. The ninth avatar or Hindu incarnation. See avatar, 8. (r. Rule, govern) bidh, or vidhi, s. f. Rule, order, precept, direction, decree ; Providence ; name of Brahma : man- ner. 8. SSl f (r. gV Understand) buddhi, s. f. Sense, knowledge, understanding, discretion. 8. budh, 8. m. The planet Mercury; Wednesday. H. LiiJj badhnd, s. m. A kind of pot with a spout to it, a vessel for drinking water from. 8. bidhnd (from 8. m. See UUju bidhutd. 8. badhu, s. f. A wife, a lady, a daugh- ter-in-law. s. yjj bidhawd, s. m. The deity. See Uboj 8. lysAJ bidhavd or vidhavd, 8. f. A Wi- dow. (Lat. Vidua). 8. buddhi-wdn, adj. Wi8C, in- telligent. II. ^00 baddhi, 8. f. An ornament worn round 109 the neck, hangingdown to the waist and cross* ing behind and before ; a belt, a sash. H. badhii/u, s. f. A bullock, any castrat- ed animal. s. ^ badt, s. f. The dark half of the lunar month from full moon to new moon. See s. Ju p. ft-1 ^ birajna and r. Shine) v. n. To be conspicuous or splendid, to enjoy one’s self ; to live in health, ease, content and in- dependence. hirddar, s. ra. Brother, ftfradcr- parwar, Kind to friends and relations. p. birddar-dna, adj. Brotherly. p. irjljjjly birddar-zdda, s. ra. A brother’s son, a nephew. p. birddar-i (from jn\jj) s.f. Brotherhood, relationship. A. burdda, s. m. Filings. bardrd (Sans. I ) s. f. A thong, a rope (particularly of a swing). See s. barhd. K. j\j> bardz, prop. bird%^ s. m. Stool, motion, excrement : fighting. A. oV burdky n. prop. The ass, on which Mu- hammad is said to have passed from Jerusalem to heaven. A. jly barrdk Jj^) adj. Flashing, shining, brilliant, resplendent. H. bi-rdnt, (Perhaps a corrupt, of ^ With- out, and s. or p. ^\J\ Rest, ease) adj. Ill, sick. p. bar-dmad, s. f Coming up, issue, ex- penditure; informing (more particularly, of bribery), accusation, impeachment. p. ss<\ji har-dmada, s. m. A verandah, balcony, porch. P. ^\j} burdn (from part. Cutting, sharp. H. Uly bardnd (r. ^ Stop.) v. n. To abstain. H. Wy barrdnd^ v. a. To talk in one’s sleep or in a delirium. H. lily hirdnd, adj. Strange, foreign, belong- ing to another. H. 1)1^ birdnd, v. a. To mock. p. jli^ilyJ bar-anddz, part. Overturning, destroy- ing. s. j\j> bardo (ft-om Ul^) s. Abstinence. p. i^yly bar-award, s. f. Calculating, estimating, considering before hand what may be neces- sary for a feast, &c. ^^;ly bar-dward kamd, To strike out (of a muster roll) ; to calculate, to estimate, to carry to account. S’ H. Ujly birdond, v. a. To vex. See Uly birdnd. s. i\jJ choice thing, 3ff and r. Smite) bardh, or vardh, s. m. A boar, the third avatar or incarnation of the deity (in the belief of Hindus). H. e:->*ly barrdhat (from Oly) s. f. Chattering, prate, rant. s. ^ brdhman, s. m. A brahman. s. brdhman-i, s. f. The wife of a brah- man. H. burdi (from \ji burd) s. f. Mischief, evil, wickedness. L&jJb \j li^ly tS)/, burdi pur uthnd yd kamar bdndhnd, To resolve on mischief. p. ^^*1^ barde, adv. By reason of, on account of, for. p. tiby bar-bdd, adj. Given to the winds; thrown away, destroyed, laid waste, ruined. H. barbar-t, s. f. A large kind of goat (from Barbary). p. Ijjy barbat, s. f. A kind of harp or lute. ^'0 H. 1- burbhasiyd, adj. Affected; an old per- son who affects the manners of youth. H. ^yy bur-bold (\y Bad, and Jy Speak) adj. Scurrilous. p. s. bar-pd karnd, v. a. To raise, to pitch, to establish. p. H. bar-pd bond, v. n. To be raised, pitched, or established. lUjJ baral (Sans, s. m. A meritorious act, a fast, a vow, a religious rite or penance : (perhaps, Hindi) Use. ffFT Sriii, or rriVi, s. m. Appointing ; a proxy in the performance of religious duties. s. cyy Ar/V//, or vnUi, s. f. Livelihood, stipend, pension, income, estate. s. by A//7« (Sans, s- ni. Substance, abi- . lity, power. See AiV<. H. \jji hartd, part. That which has been used. H. bl^ hnrtdnd, v. a. To distribute, s. m. Old clothes. s. briildnt, or vrilldntj s. m. In- telligence, tidings, narration, topic, mode, cir- cumstance. H. barjatiyd^ s. m. An innocent kind of snake. • H. bur-jarij s. f. A term of abuse (applied to a woman). p. y-j* bar-jasta (y Up, and To leap) adj. Opportune, a-propos, right, proper, exact, prompt. H. barajnd, v. a. To forbid, to prohibit. H. birchan, s. m. Flour made from the fruit of the Ber. (Rhamnus Jujuba). s. brichchh or vriksha, s. m. A tree, a plant. Ill p.Jiji bai'4ar, adj. High, higher, excellent. P. ijJji bar-lard, s. f. Excellence, superiority. s- M Exist, be current) hartamdn, or vartamdn, adj. Existent, pre- sent ; the present tense. H. ^j} bartan, s. m. A dish, plate, bason, &c. vessel, utensil. H. \:Jj} baratnd, v. a. To consider, to reflect. H. \iJj> barlnd, v. a. To use. brithd, or vrilhd, adj. Abortive, vain, in vain. S- (from brat-I, or vral-i, s. m. One who fasts. H. iJjj birti, s. m. Name of a plant. (A species of Panicum). H. bruj, s. m. A large track rope, (a small one being called ^). H. ^ burj, s. m. A cable. A. burj, s. m. A bastion, a tower ; a sign of the zodiac. s. ^ braj, s. m. Name of a district, con- taining the several villages of Mathura, Gokul, Brindavan, &c. being about 168 miles in cir- cumference. p. bar-jd (comp, of y and l^) In place ; ac- curate, right, true. H. barchhd, s.m.) A. (long slender) spear, H. barchhi, s. {. ) a javelin. ot-y^l^y A spear-man. s. birchhik, see brischik. H. barchhait (from s. m. A spear-man. p. Lii-v-:Uy bar-khdst (from ^y^^Uy) s. f. Rising up, recalling or removing from office. P. bar-khurd, s. f. Success, the obtaining one’s desires. e. bar-klmr-ddr, adj. Happy, enjoying long life and prosperity. (Male children are thus called, q. d. Enjoying the fruits of life. Gladwin.) p. barkhe, or birkhe, s. A little, somewhat, a small part. s. jy barad (Sans. s. m. A bull, a bullock. H. Jy burd, s. ra. A term used at chess when the king only, on one side,, remains on the board ; hence, also, an opportunity of making some acquisition. H. i^y birad, s. m. Fame, reputation, panegyrick. A. bard, s. m. Cold, frigid. n.v.J\dy bar-ddr (y Breadth, and Having) adj. Wide, broad (cloth). V, bar-ddr, part, in compos, (from 112 U^ji Taker up, carrier, bearer. So, Club-bearer, &c. p. ji bar-dar-i, s. f, (in compos.) The act of bearing, carrying, &c. p. jj bar-ddsht (from ji) s. f. En- durance, patience. p. bar-ddshia, part. Raised up, elevated; removed. 8, barddn or tara-ddn A bridegroom, a blessing, and A gift) s. m. A wedding gift (to a bride), the answer to a prayer addressed to God or to a Saint. p.^bt^ burd-bdr, adj. Burthen-bearing, forbear- ing, mild. p. burd-bdr-i) s. f. Forbearance. p. barda, s. m. and f. A captive, a slave. barda-farosh, A slave merchant. s. Siiji briddh or vriddha, adj. Old. s. JbJj) (r. Increase) briddhi orvriddhi, s. f. Increase ; vegetation. s. iiij) and r. Injure) biraddh, adj. Unjust, unlawful. a. \jjbi^ buradhnd (from jji A bull) v. n. To bull a cow. s. bardi (Sans. ) adj. A drove of cattle loaded. A. bardi, s. f. Papyrus. H. bardait, a. m. A panegyrist, a bard. barzakh, s. m. Interval ;_the time and state of man from death till the resurrection. *• u^ji bris {Sana. ^^) s. m. A bull; Taurus (the sign of the zodiac). -• (Sans. s. m. A year. baras-gdnth, s. f. The ceremony of tying a knot on the anniversary birth-day of a child. “• baras, s. m. An intoxicating drug made of opium. 8. barsd, s. m. See or LTjl V s. barsdt (Sans. (?r^) s. f. The rainy ^ season, the rains. -• barsdt-i (from ti?L^) s. f. The name of a disorder in horses, the farcy. p. bar-sdm { y Bosom, and Inflamma- tion. Gol.) s. m. The pleurisy. An inflamma- tion of the diaphragm. ( Bahru-l-javodhir). §. barsdnd (causal of q. v.) v. a. To cause to rain. % H. jLy barsdu (from ULj^) part. act. Raining. a. barastd, (from b-.^) s. m. Rain. s. ('^P-qc^) brischik or vnschik, s. m. A scorpion; Scorpio (the sign of the zodiac). H. birasnd, v. n. To stay, to remain. a. barasnd (r. ^^) v. n. To rain. ' s. baras^wdn (from j^«*;;j)adj. Annual, an- niversary. a. baras-auri, (from s. f. An annual tax or rent. s. ^j} barsi (Sans, s. m. Annual ce- remony in commemoration of deceased rela- tions. s. brisk or vrish, s. ra. A bull ; Tau- rus (the sign of the zodiac). *’• (from s. f. Cutting. s, (r. Rain) iars /id, barkhdorvar- shd, s. f. The rains, the third season (of the six) from the 15th of Asharh to 13th ofBha- dra ; rain. (Persian, ^^b). s. (Sans- i- ®- and =15 rj season) barshd or barkhd or xarshd-ritu, 8. f. The rainy season. 8. (c(^b|y Rain, and Season, time) barshd or barkhd or xarshd-kdl, s. m. The rainy season. 8. hrisabh or vrishabh, s. m. A bull. r. iiJLy birishto, part. pass, (of Fried, broiled. *• Rain, and 5pfT^ Season) iarsA- kdl or varsha-kdla, s. m. The rainy season, the rains. A. baras, s. ni. Leprosy, p. A. < bar-tarof, adj. Aside, apart, dis- missed \jj bar-taraf karnu, v. a. To dis- miss, to discharge, to turn off. Uyb i— bar-taraf hona, v. n. To be dismissed, dis charged or turned off. i», A. bar-faraf-i, (from s. f. Dis- mission, discharge. P. r y barf, s. m. f. Ice, snow, iijjf < hatf-parward, adj. Iced, congealed, cooled in ice. p. barfi, s. f. A kind of sweetmeat, adj. Icy, snowy. A. bark, s. f. Lightning, bark-anddz, A matchlock man, a musketeer. A. jJjj burkd^ or burkaa, s, m. A dress or kind of veil with eye-holes to it, covering the whole body from head to foot, ji burk(f-posh, One who wears a burked. s.cLi brik or vrik, s. m. A wolf. See bik. A. barakdt, plur. (of barakat) s. f. Blessings, auspiciousness, prosperity. (Comp, with the Persian b With) <^1^ b bd barakdt, Fortunate, prosperous, fortunate in every un- dertaking and communicating good fortune to every thing one is concerned in, productive of advantage and success. g. e: hirkat (Sans. comp, of prep. ♦ and from the root Be in love) s, m. A kind of fakirs who have relinquished the world, adj. Wearied, disgusted, A. barakat, s. f. Blessing, abundance, prosperity, auspiciousness, an inherent pros- perity which produces success or abundance, s. hriksh or vriksha, s. ra. A tree. See >13 A, iSjj birka, s. m. A pond, a well, r s. barkh or xarsha, s. m. A year, S«e LTf 8. brikh or vrikfia, s. m. A bull; Tau- rus (the sign of the Zodiac). O 8, barkhd or varkha, s. f. See lAy s. ^ ^ Year, and Eating) barkhdsan or varkhusan, s. m. Yearly pay or subsistence. r\ s. barakh or varkha, s. Rain. 8. brikhabh or xrhhabha, «. m. A bull'. ■ s, barakhnd, v. n. To rain. See r 8. barg or xarga, s. m. An assembly of people of one class ; a multitude of similar things ; a class of letters pronounced on the same part of the mouth (as the gutturals, pa- latals, &c.); the square of a number. p. barg, s. m. A leaf: warlike apparatus, provision or necessaries for a journey : a mu- sical instrument, melody. (Plur. H. bargd, s. m. A rafter. p. bar-gusida, part. past. Chosen, select- ed, elect. p. bar-gashta-gl, s. f. Retrocession, in- version, apostacy. p. icjJji bar-gashta, part. past. Turned, changed, inverted, apostatised, rebelled. s. , bargl (Sans. ^5^1^) s. m. The Ma- harattas are so called. H, bargd, s, m. An ortolan. (Alauda). H. ‘iji burld, s. m. A wasp. s. ‘iji birld oxxirala, adj. Delicate, fine; scarce, uncommon, rare, wonderful. H. harmd, s. m. A kind of gimlet or borer worked with a string. H. barmdnd, v. a. To bore. Q 114 uji §. UUo^ birmanu (causal of li^) v. a. To tame, to reduce to obedience, to allure, to stop. p. harmala, adj. Public, conspicuous. 5. biramnd (1^ and r. Rest) V. n. To stop, to remain, to delay. ji. barmhd^ n. prop. The people of Ava are so called. s, banoi or varuna, s. m. The god of water. Name of a tree : (Cratceva Tapia). g_ ^y ^^baran or mran, conj. Moreover, and even, but, even. r s, baran (Sans. ^O^f) s. m. Colour, sort; one of the four tribes among the Hindus (viz. I. 2. 3. 4. ^); a letter of an alphabet. s. \)ji baratiu, n. prop. A river near Benares. s. Ujj barnd (Sans. ^^OT) s. m. Name of a fruit tree (Cratceva Tapia). See .^y barim. V. a. (from A bridegroom) To marry. p. barnd, s. m. A youth. II. \jji barnd, v. n. To burn. See Uj balnd. ^y biranj, s. m. Rice : brass. p_ biranj-i, adv. Brazen, of brass. S. ^y viririchi, or viranchi, pj. (cj virancha) hirinchi, n, prop. See H. vrind, s. m. A demi-god. r ♦ s. harn-sankar or varna- ^cara, s. m. A person of a tribe originating in the intercourse of a man of one tribe with a woman of another. o H ^to (c^UI^T^T) barna-mdld or variia-mdld, fi. f. An alphabet. j . q’of^T (r. ^ Describe, celebrate) bar- * mi or tarnan, s. ni. Description, explana- tion, praise. ^y barnan karnd, To explain, to describe, to extol, to praise. o s. \ijj} barannd (r. StR Describe) v. a. To ex- plain, to describe, to praise. s. ijy barani (<^^uf|) s. f. An eye-lash. H. birni, s. f. A wasp : a small grain. H. \jj> hirwd, s. m. A plant, a tree. H. \jji barxi'd, s. f. Name of a RaginI, in music, - by which deer and serpents are said to be tamed. H. birwdhi, s. f. An orchard. birwdhl karnd, To make an orchard, to enclose with a hedge. s. bi-rdp (ft" and I'orm) adj. Dis- figured. P. barut, s. f. Whiskers, mustaches. H. t " ’2/.’ barwat, s. f. A kind of snake. H. barwat, s. m. A tumor in the belly. H. \yjy barolhd, s. m. A washerman : a vesti- bule. A. ^^y biiruj, s. plur. (of ^y) Bastions, towers^ sians of the zodiac. A. harudal, s. f. Coldness. fine) birodh or vi-rodh, s. m. Quarrel, enmity, contrariety. s.^jjy birodh-l (from adj. Quarrel- some. s. birog (Sans. and Junction> 8. m. Separation, absence. s. ^.y birogan (f^ and ^VT Ja«ction) adj. Separated, distressed from separation. p. x^^y baru-mand, adj. Fortunate, happy. H. i^y barwa, s. m. The name of a bird that- feeds on fish. p. iy bara, s. ni. A lamb, a kid. V ' • s. V anJ r. Leave, qviit) hirah or vi-raha, s. in. Separation, absence ; the be- in^ alone. H. harhdy s. ni. A field where cows feed. ^ — s. barhu (Sans. T) s. ni. A rope, a thong. • ^ H. by burhil, adj. Wicked, bad. eA- §. laj birhd, s. ni. Same as .y birah, q. v. Also, a kind of song peculiar to w ashermen. A. ^by burhutij s. m. Demonstration, proof. brihaspali or xrihas-pali. Name of the spiritual preceptor of Devatas ; the planet . I upitcr ; Thursday. 4'' 8. ^b.y«yj brihaspalibdr or vri- haspati-vdr, s. m. Thursday, s. j*y ®lf^ brafim, s. m. God, spirit, the very soul. brahma-hali/df The murder of a Brahman ; sacrilege. j*y brahma- daili/a, An apparition, Satan, ghost. brahma-rdkhas, A kind of demon, p. bar-ham^ adj. Confused, entangled, spoiled ; angry, vexed, sullen, bar. ham darham, adj. Entangled, confused, topsy- turvy. ifjij barham-zada^ Confused, con- vulsed, turned topsy-turvy. ^ barham- zem^ An exciter of quarrels, an embroiler. barham-zan-i, s. f. Embroiling, inter- ference, prevention, putting a stop to. ^ s. L^jy brahma, See b'lfeJo bidhdtd. JSJmhj brahmd-rdtri, Name of the night ^ ® of the Ras of Krishna, a bright night, a long night (like that of Brahma). 15 6. liboj Soul and Ej J) brahmdnd, s. m. The top of the head, the mundane egg (of the Hindus). 5. brahman, n. prop. A Brahman. See p. barham-zadan (^y Together, and To strike) s. m. Striking together, confusion, p. barham-i, s. f. Confusion, convulsion, trouble. -• birhan (Sans. from y) adj. f. (A woman) suffering the pangs of absence in love, (a female lover) separated from the object of her affection. p. barahna-gl, s. f. Nakedness. p. barahna, adj. Naked. b^Uy barahna- pd, Bare-footed. s. ^j} (from iji) birhi or virahi, adj. m. Suffering the pangs of absence in love, separated from one’s love. s. iLy barheld (Sans. i^l^) s. ra. A wild hog. See barheld. s. barhi or varhi, s. m. A peacock. s. Ly birh'n/d (from y) adj. Amorous, sensual, suffering the pangs of absent love. H. ji burl, s. f. Quicklime. s. ^ j barl, s. f. (Sans. ^cTt) A dish made of pulse : (from Sans. ^^) Wedding garment. S' A. !^j3 barl (from 1^) adj. Acquitted, free, clear. y\j3 birez birez (from Overcome by and yielding to misfortune or an enemy. -. ^ year. See haras. H. barain, s. f. A (female) seller of betel- leatj or rather cultivator of betel. p. bavin, adj. High, sublime. s.ji bar (Sans. s. m. The Bengal fig-tree (ficus Bengalensis or Indica) : in compos, a contraction of \ji Great ; as, bar-bold, A noisy talkative person ; bar-bhahud,, A blockhead ; bar-petd, adj. Big-bellied, a great eater ; greedy, avaricious. II. jj bur, s. f. Pudenda foemiiiae. s. \jj bard (Sans- ^^) adj. Large, great, &c. barn harnd. To enlarge, to exalt, to promote; to extinguish, to put out (a lamp, &c. as to use the direct phrase is deemed un- lucky). s.H. bard-pa (from \y) s. m. Grandeur, dignity, elevation. ?. bard-i (Sans. s. f. Greatness, excellence; magnifying, boasting, bard-i karnd. To extol, to magnify, to boast, to vaunt. Ljj bard-i dend. To honour. H. burdind, v. a. To cause to sink. II. \j\y bardind, v. a. To talk in one’s sleep, &c. See blj barrdnd. s.JiJj barbar (Sans. T ) s. f. Muttering, the light-headed talk of a person in a delirium. . s. barbardnd (fromjjjj) v. a. To mutter, to chatter nonsense, to talk light-headedly. ^orbarii/d (from Ul^Jj) A chatterer, a jiiuttercr. ^y. H. bar-jdnd, v. n. To enter. H. bur-chod, A term of abuse ; you rascal ! s. b^jJj barunkhd Great, and A su- gar-cane) s. m. A kind of sugar-cane with long joints. s. H. bl^ burhd-pd (from s. m. Old age. s. II. barhd-ldnd, v. a. To bring forward, to lead on (an army). s. bl^ barhdnd (trans. of bu^) v. a. To in- crease, to lengthen, to make advance, to raise, to promote, to rear up ; to extinguish, to shut up (a shop), to remove the table cloth. s. barhdio (from UU^) s. m. Prolongation, advancement, increase. s. Ijb^ barhdwd (from bl^) s. m. Population, excitement ; flattery. H. sy burh-bhas, adj. A fleeting in old age the manners of youth. s. barh-ld, s. m. ) (from bj^. Sans. !) s. barh-ti, s. f. ) Increase, overplus, pro- motion. -• U^y carpenter’s wife. See [jy s. bj^ barhnd (r. Increase) v. n. To in- crease, to go on, to proceed, to advance, to exaggerate, to grow, to rise, to swell, to be promoted. 5, barhni, s. f. A broom ; advance made for cultivation or manufacture or a contract. s. barhotar, bj^) Interest, -• '•^/yy i profit, advantage. -• ^yy (Sans, ^^f^) s. m. A car- penter. s. 6flr/i/ya (from b-^j) adj. High-priced. s, burhit/d (from b^^) s. f. An old woman, s. barheld, s. m. ' A wild hog. See s. ^ ^5^ bari, s. f. A dish made of pulse. 117 man : H. bare miijun^ s. m. An old Sir ! (applied to an elderly man). p. jj i«2, 8. m. A lic-goat. buz-dil, A coward, jj buz-dil-1, s. f. Cowardice. biiz-kuh-i^ 9. m. The mountain goat. buz-gtr~i, 9. f. Goat-stealing. A. j) buzz, 9. m. Fine linen. H. \ji bazdf 9. m. Name of a bird. A. bazzaz, adj. (superl. of jj used substan- tively) A cloth-merchant, a mercer. A. p. bazzdz-i, s. f. The business of a cloth merchant. A- buzak, s. Spittle. p. jbjj bazbaz, s. m. Mace (the spice so called). See — * p. buzurgf adj. Great ; (used substan- tively) a grandee, a great man, a saint, an elder, an ancestor. buzurg-wdr, adj. Ancestor, elder, saint. p. buzurg-wur-i, s. f. Greatness, emi- nence. p. buzurg-l (from <^Jj) s. f. Grandeur, greatness, exaltation. p. ^\k.y.buzghula, s. m. A kid. A. bazla, s. m. A jest. See p. bazm, s. f. Banquet, assembly, company. P. bizan (imper. of the verb ^^jj) Strike. p. ny baza, s. m. A sin, a crime. gy baza-kar, A criminal, a sinner. p. bas, adj. Enough, plenty, abundance, too much, very much. bas kamd, To stop, to seize, to put an end to. s, ^ bas (Sans. r. Desire) s. m. Power, opportunity, advantage, authority. \jj> bas karnd. To overpower, to bring to submission. has ana, To be obtained, to come into one’s power. s. bisXSans. f^^) s. m. Venom, poison of reptiles, &c. Mei ; this word is sometimes applied to bitter things, ytj bis-dhar, A snake. P. L.J basu, adj. Much, very. L.J basd bitzurg, Very great, very noble. II. bisut, s. f. Means, capital stock, estate. H. bisdt-l, One who sells every kind of things, a pedlar. s. bisurnd (trans. of \j^) v. a. To forget. A. bL-j bisdt (from la«>j) s. f. Spreading out; bedding, carpeting, a chess-board, &c. also same as n, c-'L.j bisut, q. v. 9. bisukhd, or visdkhd. The name of the IGth mansion of the moon. s. ju bisdl, or xisdla, adj. Great. II. (jL-j bisun, s. f. An offensive smell (as of fish, onions, &c.). See ^L-j p. ) basun, adv. Like. s. IjLj basunu (trans. of L— j) v. a. To people, to colonize, to bring into cultivation, to settle a country. H. bL-j bisund, v. a. To purchase. See LbL-j H. ib-j bisdh, s. f. Purchase. H. LfcL-j hisuhnd, v. a. To buy, to purchase. H. ^[^ bisuhan, ) ^ Fetidness, stink. H. OkiJib-J bisdhind, ) H. ljcjsb~j bisdhindd, adj. Fetid, stinking. A. basbdsa, s. m. Mace (the spice so called). H. bL-k«-j bisbisund, v. n. To yield a sound as in the fermentation of putrifying vegetables or of vinous liquors. See bU^^. s. i>i‘ -nv; bast (Sans. ^^'^) s. f. Chattels, things, baggage. p. .1 hist (for i," Twenty, bast, part. (in compos.) Bound, shut. p. bastd, s. m. The cloth in which a bundle is tied up, a bundle. s. jb-i (f^^rTTT '• and r. Spread) 118 r-i hislui\ or vi-slar, s. m. Abundance, prolixity, (liiFusioa. p. bustdn, s. m. A flower-garden. See p. bustdn-l, adj. Of the garden. p. bistar, s. m. Bedding, carpeting, a bed, &c. s. bastar, or vastra, s. m. Cloth. H. ljU-j bastard, s. m. The name of a plant. (CalHcarpa Americana). p. y~- ■< bistar d, s. m. A bed, &c. peculiar to Fakirs, the abode of a Fakir, p. basta-gi, s. f. Binding, contraction, constipation. p. bastani, s. f. A cloth for binding toge- ther bundles of paper, books, ink-stands, &c. H. ) bistui. >s. f. A lizard. 'rfj ' \ H. bj"- -I bisluiyd, j p. basant-l, adj. Of yellow colour. (This was Krishna’s favorite colour). bisn-i (from bisan) s. m. A rake, a debauchee, a lecher, adj. Delicate, nice, showy' in dress. . hasniy s. f. A purse. bisva or viswa, s. m. The universe, the world. S. \^mm3 ftfSTT biswiiy s. m. A land measure, the twentieth part of a higha. See j ( I ) biswus or viswdsa, s. m. Confidence, faith, sincerity, dependance. biswdsa-ghdt, s.f. Taking advantage of the conhdence of others, treacherous friend- ship. biswdsa-ghdt-i, s. A treacher- ous friend, one who seeks to take advantage of the confidence placed in him. (r. Dwell, or A dwelling) bas-zoa-bds, s. m. Horae, dwelling-place, resi- dence, country. . bisurndj v. n. To cry slowly, to sob. s. s. L./. J World, and n from r. ^ Make) biswakarmd or viswa- karmd, The artist of the gods. H. basuld, s. m. A kind of axe used by carpenters, an adze. H. basuli, s. f. An instrument for cutting bricks. s. iy— j bisz£a (from Twenty) s. m. The twentieth part (particularly of a See kallhd. ^ s. c/y--* biswi (from s*-c( ) adj. Worldly, re- lating to the world. s. j bishd (from 1%Br Poison) adj. Venom- ous (as reptiles). H. yy^-— > bisahru, 1 part. act. (from UaLj) Pur- H. — 1 bisahrudfj chaser. H. J bisahri, s. f. A phlegmon or boil on the hand. p. jL » bisi/dr, adj. Many, much, very, abun- dant. p. ^fyL-J bisydr-i, s. f. Abundance. g ^ . . . bisiyar (from f^^) adj. Venomous. H. ' baserd^ s. m. A time before evening when birds return to their nest, a night’s lodging, a bird’s roost, a bird remaining on its roost. \jj baser d karnd, To roost. s. bisestd (Sans. s. f. Abun- dance. A. t baslt (from k-^) adj. Simple, uncom- pounded, elementary. s. bisekh or visesha, s. m. Parti- cular, circumstance : name of the serpent said to support the earth, adj. Peculiar, spe- cial, particular, abundant, adv. Particularly, specially. See * j s. k— J biseld (from ft'Br Poison) adj. Venomous. H. basendhd (from adj. Stinking. A. bashdrat, s. f. Glad tidings. 120 A. hashshash (from adj. superl. In good spirits, pleased, delighted, cheerful. A. bashashal, s. f. Cheerfulness, alacrity, s. bishtha or vtshiha, s. f. Ordure. s. ^^JLL> bishti (Sans. ^f%) s. f. Rain. a.jIj bashar, s. m. Man, mankind, a human being, mortals. p, ba-sharti-U, On condition that, pro- vided that. A. (JiaJ ball, s. m. Rendering vain, abortive or of no effect. A. butldri) s. m. Abortion, falseness, vanity. A. baln^ s. m. The belly. A. batun, s. m. Interior part ; heart, mind, adj. Concealed. A. bitikh, s. ra. A musk melon. . A. ba*s, s. m. Excitement, motive, cause, resurrection. A. XjIj bushra, s. m. The countenance. A. bashr-l, adj. Human, relating to man. A. i.:L.OyJLi bashrl^at, s. f. Humanity, human nature. s. ^ bishan or visbnu, n. prop, (in Hindu mythology) The deity in the character of preserver. s. hishan-pad or vishnu-pad?/a, A particular song in the name of Vishnu. ». (JiLi bishnl, s. m. See bisni. A. ^-.ij bashir, s. m. A messenger of good tidings. s. s. bishesh I bishekh See bisekh. A. c.^Ly basdrat (from j^) s. f. Sight, seeing, perceiving. A.y«aj basar, s. m. Seeing, discerning, vision, sight, understanding, knowledge. A. basal, s. An onion. A. bafir, part, (from j^) Seeing. A/ct. Rlind. A. basiral (from j^_) s. f. Sight, circum- spection, prudence. A. bazdat, s. f. Capital stock in trade. A. laj bat, s. f. A goose, a duck, p. A. ba-Uirik (comp, of and (Jj^) By the way. A. p. bal-ak (dimin. of Lo) s. f. A duck ; a vessel formed in imitation of a duck. A. jLj j bc^s zva nashr, s. m. The resurrection. A. Joe bef'd, adv. After, afterwards, subsequent. jjT j\ Joe bef'd az dn, After that. A. Joe bu'd, s. f. Distance. A. ^Joe bc^da-hu, adv. After that or which, then, however. A. ba% A. ba'ze, A. baalbak, n. prop. Balbek in Syria. A. CJUJ JiM baalzabub, s. m. Belzebub. A. Ju^ bald (from Joe) adj. Far, distant, ab- sent, remote. ^ JjLs bald akl se, Foolish, absurd, far from wise. ^ ^ A. . bag-chdl. dhydn lagdnd, To act with dissimulation. s. bak (Sans. s. f. Prattle, foolish talk. bak lagnl, Talkativeness, gar- rulity. H. bukkd, s. m. Handful. s. (f^ and r. ^ Do) bikdr, or vi- kdra, s. m. The change of any thing from its original state, deterioration ; disease. H. bakdrd, s. m. A forerunner, a harbin- ger ; a traveller. A. bakdrat (from Jj) s. f. Virginity. 8. bikds (R and r. Shine) adj. Smi- ling, shining, blooming. s. Jl^ R^if^ CR and Time) bikdl, or vi-kdla, s. m. Afternoon. UlJo bikdnd (trans. of Uo biknd) v. a. To sell. s. bikdo (from bl^) s. m. Sale, vent. p. Jjbj bakdwal, s. m. A cup-bearer, a steward, a head cook, superintendant of the kitchen. bakdyan, s. f. The name of a tree. (Melia sempervirens). s. bak bak (from CJii) s. f. Prattle, foolish talk. \j^ bak bak karnd, To prattle, to chatter, to gabble. (Arab. (JJ (Jj)- s. bakbakdnd (from (from U^) part. act. A chatterer, an idle talker. H. bakotnd, v. a. To lacerate with nails. - H. bakk, s. The world. “ ^sf bikh, or vikha, s. m. Poison, ve- nom. See H. bakhdr, s. m. ) A storehouse, a gra- H. bakhdri, s. f. j nary. s. bakhdn (Sans. from , sif T and r. Describe, celebrate) s. ni. Ex- planation, praise. s. bakhdnnd (from ^J^) v. a. To ex- plain, to define, to praise, to commend. s. \jj^ bikharnd (f^ and r. Scatter) v.n. To be scattered, dispersed or dishevelled; to become angry {Hindam). H. i^j4^ bakhri, s. f. A cottage, a house. bikham, or vikhama, adj. Odd ~o_ (number) ; difficult. ii)W^ bikh-mdn (from ^ Poison) s. m. Name of a medicine or poison. H. bakhi, s. f. The side under the armpit. bikhai, or vikhaya, s. m. An object of sense ; affair, matter, &c. The five senses ( Hunter). 1 bikhayi, or vikhayi, adj. Sen- sual, worldly. p. L^G bakhii/d (corrup. of -:S^.) 6. ni. A kind of stitch, strong quilting. See p. H. bakhiydnd (from .^) v. a. To stitch, to quilt. 183 • — H. hahherna, v. a. To scatter. M. bakhera, s. m. Wrangling, a tumult, contention, dispute. II, bakheriya (from adj. Quarrel- some ; a wrangler, - H. bukkif 8. f. A cloth brought over the ! shoulders under the armpits and tied behind : I a handful. (See Uj). bukki mama, ! To pass a cloth under the armpits and tie it 1 behind. A j ' ' s. bakki, part. act. (from Ub) Talkative; a prater.* (San.s. c( ch|). Ci-H. bikki, s. m. A partner (at play, &c. Gilch.). H, Ub bakit/a, s. f. A clasp-knife, a pen-knife. H. -^1 bakelu, s. m. The root of a grass of which rope is made, bag (Sans. See uJb bak. bag-punli, s. f. A row' or line of Baglas, bag-chdl, s. f. Walking slowly (like a Bagla). /ag«« (.^b A tiger, and To tie, or tether) v. n. To be stupified or petrified with fear at the sight of a tiger. p. \j€j bugdrd (corrupt, of ^Uj) s. m. A large hole or breach. ^ H. bagdmd, v. a. To throw away; to spread over. s. bxgdr (from l^l^) s. m. Violation, differ- ence. bxgdr kamd, v. a. To quarrel, to forfeit friendship. bigdr par dnd, V. n. To be ready to quarrel. - s. bxgdrrxd (trans. of \>:^) v. a. To spoil, to mar, to damage ; to cause misunderstanding between friends. p. iS€j bigdna, adj. Strange, &c. See p. ba-gdh, adv. In time, opportunely, sea- sonably. j. ^ Rjifd and Conduct) bi- gati, or vi-gati, s. f. Badness. H. bag-chhut Rein, and chhutnd, To be let go) s. f. Galloping. bag-chhut daurrxd, To gallop. H. bagddnd (trans. of Uj»^) v. a. To cause to return, to put to the rout. H. \jSL bagadrxd, v. n. To return ; to be spoiled. H. bagar, s. m. A kind of rice. H. ^ bagrd, s. m. Trouble; cheat, deceit. bagrd karxxd, To avoid the payment of one’s debts or the performance of a promise. s. bigamd (perhaps, and r. Flow, melt) V. n. To be spoiled or damaged, to quarrel, to fail of success, to be enraged. s. bxgri (from l^) s. f. Spoil, damage ; misunderstanding between friends, war, battle. H. bagr'xyd (from \j^) A deceitful person. H. bagrendx, s. f. Name of a plant. (Ja- troplia Curcas. Lirx.). s. b..€i bxgastxd, v, a. See ^ > bikasnd. H. ^ bagld, or baguld, s. m. Name of a bird, a species of heron. (Ardea Torra and Putea. Buch.). See (JJo bak. bagld-bhagat, A hypocrite. s. bigarxdh, or vigarxdha, s. f. Stink foetor. H. baguld, s. m. A whirlwind. H. baghdr, s, m. The spices which are mixed with food to give it relish ; seasoning, condiment. H. baghdrnd (from^l^) v. a. To season. s. bxghan (Sans, f^^) s. m. Hindrance, stop, prevention, interruption. s. baghrxd (Sans. I y *1 ^^^ ) s. m. The teeth and nails of a tiger which are hung round the neck of a child. s. baghnahd (Sans. M s. ra. Name of a medicinal herb with a fragrant root. R 2 h 124 §. bag-hans (Sans. s. m. The name of a bird, a grey-goose. H. baghi, s. f. A horse-fly. s. Jjj baghd (from /b) s. m. Name of a tribe of Rajputs. o s. baghela, s. m. See baghd: also,^ a tiger’s whelp. H. Jj bal^ s. m. A coil, twist, convolution. j\^ bai-dar, adj. Crooked, twisted, coiled, con- voluted. s. Jj bal, s. m. 1. (®T^) Power, strength. interj. Bravo! 2. A sacrifice, an offering, Jj bal jana, or bW Jj Jj bal bal jana, To be sacrificed. j(Sans. f^) s. m. A hole. j s. L bild,j H. Jj bul, s. f. See j bur. H. lb balls, s. m. A pole or boat-hook, g. lb bala, s. m. A medicinal plant. (Sida Rhombifolia, Rhomboidea and Cordifolia). A. L bala, s. f. Calamity, misfortune, accident, vengeance. Jj/lb bala-gardan, s. m. What averts evil", expiation, sacrifice. H. h bulla, 8. m. A bubble. See 11^ s. lb bills (Sans, s. in. A male cat. A. lb bi-lS, prep. Without, jjy lb bilS taraddud, Without hesitation. lb bilS tawakkuf. Without delay, speedily, lb bilSnafib, Unfortunate. u. lb bulS bhejnS, v. a. To send for. A. jlb bilSd, 8. plur. (of Jj) Countries, cities. .s.jHj billSr (Sans. 8. m. A male cat. 8. ,-lb (1^ and r. Play) bilSs or vi-lSsa, s. m. Pleasure, satisfaction, delight. 8. ^Hj bilSs-t or vi-lSs-/, adj. Volup- tuous, addicted to pleasure. A. ^ balls*, adj. superl. (from used substan- tively) A glutton. A. u:^lb balSghat, s. f. Eloquence, maturity. H. jlb bulSk, 8. m. An ornament worn on the nose. H. bU Hj bulS iSnS, V. a. To summon. H. bib bulSnS (trans. of Uy) v. a. To call. 8. bib bilSnS (from Disappearance) v. n. To vanish, to retire, to be lost. v. a. To cause to vanish, to dissipate, to dispose of, to distribute. M. bib billSnS, v. n. To weep or complain from grief or pain. See bH-b bilbilSnS. H. Jjlb bilSnd, s. f. A span. s. jUj bilSv, s. m. A cat. Seeh billS. H. Jjlb bilSwal, s. f. Name of a Ragini. H, iji^lb bulShat (from bib) s. f. Calling, a sum- mons. s. ^_s^lb bilSi (Sans. f^T^I^) s. f. A she-cat : (Same as jJj J) A grater for scraping pom- pions, &c. s. xS bilSl-kand, s. m. Name of a medicine. A. H. U balSeh lenS, To draw the hands over the head of another in token of taking all his misfortunes upon one’s self. (Generally practised by women). ^ s. \/j Jj bal-bakrS (Sans, A goat for sacrifice) s. m. A person who dies in a battle, &c. without doing any thing. p. JJj bulbul, 8. f. A nightingale : (in India) a shrike. (Lanius Boulboul. Lath.). s. ILL bulbuls (Sans. ^^^) s. m. A bubble. H. blUj balbalSnS, v. n. To ferment (as sour milk, curds, &c.) ; to be inflamed with lust ; to make a noise (a camel) from lust. BilbilSnS, V. n. To be restless, to be tormented with pain, to complain from pain. 8 ballabh or vallabha, adj. Dear, be- loved. 8. m. A favorite, a friend ; a superin- tendant, a master. s. bl«^' balbhSnS (from ^ ^(WT) v. a. To allure. See bUb 125 M.JlJjj bal-iar, s. m. The male palm or toddy tree. (Borassus flabelliformis). s. JjAj bailor (Sans, ej from A hair, and r. Dissect) s. m. .A. pimple, a sore, a small bile. (Supposed to be caused by the breaking or pulling out of a hair, as the word imports). s. UsL bilatna (f^ and r. Grow foolish), V. n. To become bad. s. bilachna (f^ and r. ^ Mark) V. a. To extract, to select (as passages from books), to pick. A. jJj balad, s. A city, town, country. H. P. j'oJj bal~ddr, adj. See under Jj bal. s. bali-dan, s. m. Act of sacri- ficing, offering a sacrifice to God. H.yijJj balddS, "Is. m. A cow-herd, a bullock- u. bjJj baldij/d, } driver. A. JjJj biilda, s. m. A city, a town. s. \Jj bilrti (Sans. s. m. A he-cat : see . A kind of cloth. s. balardm, n. prop. The elder brother of Krishna. s. bal-rdnd (Sans. «sj s. f- A wi- dow' who lost her husband while very young. See iulj Jb A. balsdn, s. m. Balsam. s. i'- - I bilasnd (ft- and r. Play) v. n. To be pleased, to be satisfied, to be delighted. p. ’ bilisht (Sans. ftrTfft) s. f. A span. A. ♦ib balgham, s. m. Phlegm ; a running at the nose from cold. A. balgham-l, adj. Phlegraatick. Sr" s. bjl) balaknd (r. Move) v. a. To open : to speak indistinctly from excessive joy or in- toxication. H. bil) bilakna, v. n. To sob, to cry violently (as a child) ; to long for, to desire eagerly. H . balki, adv. Moreover, but, nay. ^ftWT bilag or vi-laga, adj. Separate. bilagnd (ft and r. Come in con- tact) V. n. To be separated ; to curdle, to turn (as milk). bA) balgand (*^ ^*^ I *1 1 ) v. See UXb balaknd^ s. m. A sob. b\^' bilgdna (trans. ofbAj bilagnd) v. a. To separate. hilgdo (from b\^) s. m. Separation. SJj bilalld, adj. Foolish, simple, silly. ^ bilam (Sans, s. m. Delay, long stay. ^ ballam, s. m. A spear. ^1^ ballam- barddr, \ spear-man. Jj balam, ^(Sans. s. m. A lover, a CJj balmd, ^ husband. bUb bilmdnd (from Beloved) v. a. To allure, to tantalise. V- bilambnd (ft and r. Hang from) V. n. To stay, to tarry, to delay. bilambh or rilamba, s. m. Delay. . bL balnd, v. n. To burn. v\. buland, adj. High, elevated, exalted, su- blime, tall. ajbjcL buland-pdj/a, adj. Of high rank. JcL buland-hausila, adj. Am- bitious, aspiring. Jiu jJj buland-nazar, adj. Aspiring. jJj huland-himmat, adj. Am- bitious. ^Aib huland-l (from jJj) s. f. Height, eleva. tion, exaltation. < hilangnd, v. a. To climb, to ascend. ^b bilni, s. f. A stye or stithe, the disorder in the eye-lids. 1 Jj bailed s. ra. A tumult, riot ; sedition, -/ • ^ mutiny, alarm. 1^ balud (from or^T^^Tf) adj. Sandy. i^ljb bal-icdn, ") (from ^ adj. Strong^ 3Uj bal-wdld, J powerful. IS6 A. jjL hillaur (Pers. hdur) s. m. A kind of stone, crystal ; glass. H. U^ylj halurna^ v. a. To scratch, to tear with the nails. ladj. Made of crystal or glass, p. balurin, J A. hjlj balut^ 8. m. An acorn, an oak, a chesnut- tree. A. bulugh, s. ra. Puberty. A. bulughatj s. f. Puberty. s. biloknd (f^ and r. Look) V. a. To see, to look at. s. baluld (Sans. s. m. A bubble. H. bilona, v. a. To churn. s. ■ bal-want (Sans. plur. ^ •'*1 J) adj. Powerful, strong. See A. Ai balah, adj. Weak, silly, simple, ignorant, unskilful. H. Jcj Aij) s. f. Slavery, ser 129 vice, devotiou, compliment. bandagi men khudui karnd, To affect authority while in servitude. H. jLJjcj 6artrffl«6ar I s. f. A wreath of flowers, H. Jcj bandamcdr ) a garland. p. Ijjoj banduuy s. m. A prisoner, a captive. p. (jUv-JjJcj bund-o-bast (from s. in. Set- tlement, regulation, disposition, arrangement, economy, management, government. p. band-o-bast-l,s. f. Arrangement, eco- nomy. H. bandor, s. f. A female slave. T. jJjJcj banduk, s. f. A musket. T. banduk1j bungdh, s. f. Baggage,, equipage of an army. II. bangrl, s. f. An ornament worn on the wrist (properly, made of grass) ; a bangle (as named by Europeans in India). II. bangld, s. m. A kind of thatched house, a summer-house : a sort of betel leaf so called. n. kangl, s. f. A humming top. p. bang-i, s. m. One who intoxicates him- self wdth bang. s. bnn-mdl ( A forest, and A garland) s. f. A garland of various flow'ers. s. ban-mdnus A forest, and 5TT^^ A man) s. m. A man of the woods, a wild r.ian, an orang-utan. j ?. banwuri (Sans. s. m. A ! name of Krishna. s. banzoas or vana-vdsa, s m. Liv- ing in a wood, separated from one’s family ; (met.) disinherited (a son). (_? banzsd-l (from ULi) s. f. Price paid for making any thing. II. ^ lyj binzcdi (from L.' binna) s. f. Price paid for w eaving. banzear (Sans. ^P^) s. f. A creeper, a vine. H. ‘iyj hinauJd, s. m. The seed df the cotton tree. '(It is said to be very fattening food for cattle). binauld cbdbnd, To say unpleasant things. II. binanli, s. f. Hail (of a small kind). H. bai2Z£aiyd (from Ulii) s. m. Maker. II. Lai banhd, s. m. A conjuror. H. banhdi, s. f. A female conjuror, an enchantress. H. banl, s. f A bride. s. bani or vani, s. f. A small forest, a wood. A. (Jij bani, s. m. plur. (of ^1) Sons. tjw- . * * ** bani ddatn, Sons of Adam; men. bani isi'dil, Children of Israel, Israelites, bani jdn, Beings who inhabited the world A before Adam ; Genii, Fairies. S. Iaj banyd (Sans, s. in. A shop- ‘ keeper, a merchant (usually, a corn-chandler). p. jIaj binvjdd, s. f Foundation, basis, origin. s, 1.x.^Laj banat/d kandd, s. m. Cow-dung dried for fuel, (not made up). See under ^ ban. s. ban/yd/'i, s. m. See Lj p. (^)Ljj bunj/dn, s. f. Foundation. Sce.j'*,,^ batij/dj/an, s. f. Wife of a Lij (shop, keeper, &c.) f rf 131 H. banaiti, 8. f. A torcli lighted at both eiids and whirled round so as to form a double circle of tire. s. (from Wood) adj. Wild, s. bamini, s. f. Wife of a (shop-keep er, &c.). See A. ^ (for^l) Father; possessed of, endowed with. P, ^ btl (in India, bo) s. f. Smell, odour. bu-kashl, s. f. Taking a smell. A. y) bavv, adj. mas. and xy baxva, adj. fern. Foolish, silly. li. bria, s. f. Sister: (in IliiKlacsi) an aunt by the father’s side. H. hoard (from s. m. Seed time. A. bazedstr, s. plur. (of^.^^) The piles or hemorhoids. A. bu-l-ajah (comp, of ^ Endow'ed w'ith, and Wonder) adj. Wonderful. A. bu-l-fuzul (comp, of jj Endowed with, and Excess) adj. Excessive talker. A. bu-l-hawas (comp, of y Endowed with, and Desire) adj. Desirous; w'hiinsical, a w'avering tickle person, a blockhead. l-lj.' bodnd, V. a. (s. from U^) To cause to SOW' : (n. from y Smell) To stink, to emit a smell. u. Ijshj bazodhd, adj. Pocky, effected with Lues venerea. s, biwdi (Sans, s- f- A kibe, blister or chap on the foot. s. bodl (from Ijjj) s. f. Sowing, the act of sowing, seed-time. II. bjj bobd,s. m. Goods and chattels, property; a bundle. H. yy bubii, s. f. A sister ; (on the west of India) a lady. See blbl : a favorite concu- bine or one of superior rank. H. \iy hula, s. m. Strength, power, ability. p. \jy bold, s. m. A young camel. A. bdtdl (properly, c:jI;^) s. m. Account of household expcnce. A. bdtdt-l (from Cl-'lj'yj) adj- Itelating to household expence. p. idy hula, s. m. A crucible, a melting pot. H. yy bold, s. m. A he goat. p. JlKJy bFUlntdr, s. A heron. H. tJLjy but, 8. m. \ kind of pulse, chick-pea. (Cicer arietinum). H. '^y butd, s. m. A flower (particularly, worked on cloth or painted on paper, &c.), a bush, a shrub. ,\j ^y bufe-ddr, Flowered (cloth). H. ^>y bull, s. f. Drugs : flowers or sprigs (on muslin). II. ^y boll, s. f. A morsel or lump of meat. II. ^ybojh, s. m. A load. \j^ .^y hojh pa- kariid. To affect consequence or to give one’s self airs ; (generally spoken in raillery), ^y Uyi bojh sir par hand, is applied to a task the performance of which is become indispen- sable. s. ^y buj/i (iidns. ) s. f. Understanding, comprehension. ^^J^y bdjh ke. Wittingly. A. bu-jahl, n. prop. See abu jahl. adj. Foolish. H. bojh-al (from ^y) adj. Loaded. s. ^'■y^y biijhnd (r. Understand) v.a. To understand, to comprehend, to think. LJ ^y bujh lend (at cards) To settle the account of gain and loss. H. bojitnd (from -ffyj) v.a. To load: to scald or parch rice. H. bojh-el (from ^y) adj. Loaded. H. ^y bocti, s. m. An alligator. See H. U-.J hoehd, s. m. A kind of sedan, a chair V (pdlkl). H. U-yi buchd, adj. m. Ear-cropt, without ears- S 2 132 H. biichna^ v. n. To sit in a confined pos- ture, to crouch. a. baitchhdr, "Is. f. Driving rain, wind H. bauchhdr^ ) and rain. H. buchi, adj. f. Without ears, ear-cropt. p. bud (from ^ji^) s.f. Being, existence, dwelling. II. bodd, adj. Weak, low-spirited. bo-ddr, adj. Scented; s. m. A kind of leather so called. p. bud-bdsh (from s. f. Existence, subsistence, residence, abode. II. bodll, adj. f. A simple woman, a trol- lop. s. f. A woman who lives with a Benawa Fakir and dresses like a man. p. bud’O-bdsh (from s. f. Exist- ence, living, residence. s. KJjj bodh, s. m. Understanding, know'- ledge. II. bodh, s. m. A security. .s. Understand) boddha, adj. Intelligent, ingenious, sensible, s. bodhnd (Sans. ^^5^) v. a. To wheedle. bor, adj. Deep. s. in. Studs of gold or silver. jy. Barren (land), s. f. Chaff, liusk. laddu, A sort of sweet- meat made with the husk of grain. T.he con- fectioners avow the imposition and cry out to passengers, “ you’ll repent if you eat it, or regret not tasting it.” Hence, great men are sometimes called when they make a practice of encouraging their dependants to hope, but do nothing for them at last ; as, dancing attendance on them and neglecting them arc each likely to produce regret. The term also means, any person or thing, which is fair without and foul within, or that pro- mises w'ell but turns out ill ; a well looking, but stupid, fellow. ji. \j^ burd, s. m. A coarse kind of sugar : saw- dust, powder. H. \jyi bord, s. m. A canvas bag (particularly, for holding about two maunds of rice), a sack : A kind of bean like French beans (Dolichos Catsang). s, \j^_ baurd, adj. Mad, insane. See I'.b -. [:y}jy s. m. Madness. s. baurdnd, v. n. (from \j^) To be mad, to madden. p. biirdni, s. f. A kind of food consisting of the fruit of the egg plant ( baingan ) fried in sour milk. Ojy Borax. II. .j boro, s. m. Rainbow. The name of a kind of rice which is cut in March. “•by boriyd, s. m. A mat. II. bora, A kind of bean (Dolichos Catsang). See bord. n, ^'jj-ojy bur marnd, v. n. To be drowned, to (ii own. u bornd, v. a. To cause to dive, ii. burnd, v. n. To dive, to be immerged, io drown, to dip. A', burhd (Sans. ^^T) adj. Old ; an old man. burhd drhd, Old man, eldest man. If. burl, s. f. A point of a spear, a spike in the end of a stall’. u. L'“y buriyd (from \jj^) s.m. A diver, p. bo~, s. m. A cream-coloured horse, white tinged with red or brown horse. p. \j jj bozd, s. m. Beer. J'^jy s.m. A maker of bozd, a bren er. p. LSp'jy bozd-gnr-l, s. f. The brewing of p. ijjyi boznu, s. m. A monkey, p. bozulna, s.m. A monkey. p. boza, s. m. The name of a bird (Ibis denudata ? Buch.). buza, A kind of bticr. p, icjjy buxlna, s. m, A monkey. \33 Jr' *►. bostdn, s. ni. A flower-garden. bosokinur, s. m. Kissing and toy ing, dalliance. p. bosa, s. ni. A kiss, i^y bosa-bdzi, s. 1. Kissing and toying. p. ^.x^y bos'da-gi, s. f. Rottenness, corruption. p. iX^y bosida, adj. Jtotten, stale. p. boghd)nndj s. in. The cloth in which any thing (particularly, a saddle) is wrapped up. p. boghrd^ s. in. A dish made of boiled meat, flour, &c. LKJ \jiy boghrd nikalnu, To be well beaten. r. bogbmd, s. ni. Trumpery, trifles, scraps? rags, &c. the stores of a wallet, adj. f. Ugly and fat (woman). A. ^y buk^ s. m. A trumpet, a clarion. A. bukalamun, s. m. A camelion ; hence, any thing of various hues ; adj. Various, varie- gated, changeable. A. bokla (corrup. from alsj) s. m. Pot-herb. O' s. CJy bok (Sans, s. m. A he-goat, a ram. II. \^y bukd, s. m. Pow'der, small pearls. ^ s. \Jy hokrd (Sans, s. m. A he-goat. ii. ISy buknd, v. a. To reduce to pow der, to grind. s. bokri (Sans. s. f. A she-goat. s. bol, s. m. Myrrh. H. bol (fromUjj) s. ra. Speech, talk, conver- sation ; words of a song. J^ baul^ s. ra. Urine. H. bauld, adj. Toothless. H. bold-chdli, s. f. Conversation. H.pJb Jyj hol-bfdd (Jy> Speech, and ^UHigh) s.m. A kind of benediction. Uyiillj bol-bdld bond, To prosper. H. UyJ boUd, part. pres, (from Jyj used substan- tively) The faculty of speech ; soul, life. H- JV J.^ bol-chdl, s. f. Conversation. uy. ji. Uyj bolnd, V. n. To speak, to sound, to emit sound, to tell, to say. bolnd-cbdlnd, To converse. Speech, dialect, language, con- versation, talk. \jj ^y boll karnd, To jeer, to jest. "• ^oli-lbori, s. f. Jeering, speaking at but not to a person. Jy bolt tholi sundndy or boll tjioli murndy To reproach, to blame. p. ^y bum^ s. m. An owl Land, ground : (Sans. ^fiT). s. \iy bond (Sans. r. q-q-) y. a. To sow. ^ \jy bound (Sans- adj. Dwarfish, s.m. A dwarf ; the fifth ( avatdr) incarnation of the deity. See^Uj! n. bont^ s. m. A stalk. II. !>jx^y bunt^ s. m. A kind of pulse vvhen green (Cicer Arietinum) : see cL^y but. The plant of bunt. adj. Little, compact and firm: (epithet applied to a pony, sometimes used substantively). ,htj^y bunl-puldio, s.m. A putdzo made of CL^y II. libyj bantu, s. m. See \5yi biitd. II. ^'y bunti, s. f. See butd. s. jjy bund (Sans. fifT) s. f. A drop. II. xjy bund, adj. Good, well, excellent ; high, soaring (generally applied to kites). ^ xjy bund kl bund. Rectified, twice distilled (spirit, &c.). s. l^jy) bundd (Sans, "^q"^) s. ni. A large drop, ljuyj bundd bdndi. Small and interrupted dropping of rain. s. bundi (Sans. ) s. f. Drops of rain : name of a place. H. Joy) bound, s. m. A creeper, a vine. H. jJoyj boioandar, s. ra. A whirlwind, a devil. H. haundnd v. n. To entwine (creepers orr vines). I *s C W m II. bond', 8. f. The germ of a plant after tl)e flower is shed. H. bhrud, s. ra. An extra allowance to troops on service. H. bbiby haundij/and, v. n. To twine; to run irregularly or in a crooked path with turnings and windings. s. (Jyj bauni (Sans. s. f. A female dwarf. H. bhdt, s. m. A bard. A tribe : see H. ^^”1^ bhatan, s. f. The wife of a bhat. H. yi(2J bhdt/m, s. ra. A current or stream, the ebb-tide. s. boni (from l;.j) s. f. The season of sowing. II. Uji bauhd, adj. Pocky. SeeUl^ H. biyj bauhdi, s. f. A woman afflicted with venereal disease. H. bohni, s. f. The first sale for ready money in the morning. H. but, s. f. A word used to frighten chil- dren, a goblin. H. bazeesit/d, adj. Talking nonsense, a babbler, s. m. A catamite. H. b'jj boiyd, s. m. A small basket. p. (tj ba, pi*ep. By, with, in, to. See c_> p. l^ HT^fT bhdshd, s. f. Speech, language. s. hhdkslj s. f. A kiln. See s. w s. bhdkhd, s. f. Speech, language, dialect. See Lil^ s. bhdkhnd (r. Speak) v. a. To speak, to call. II. i^\^j bihdg, s. m. Name of a liagini. s. (S‘H*s. HT^^) s. m. Fortune, destiny. s. s. m. Share, portion, quar- a ter, lot; (tnel.) chance, venture, destiny. II. tS-fW if bhdgd-bhdg, s. m. Flight, run- ning away. II. b'ks- (.s/l^J bhdg-jdnd, v. n. To run OAvay, to tlee. H.^l^ bhdgar (from lifUj) t?. f. I'light, a gene- ral emigration, escape, immediate danger. II. bihdgard, s. m. See <^l^ bihdg. II. bhdg(dpdrd, s. m. A kind of cloth from IJhagalpur. s. (jUfU (Sans. adj. For- tunate. s. bhdg-mdn-i^ s. f. Good fortune, pros- perity. H. lifL.j bhdgnd, v. n. To flee, to run away, s. bhdg-u:dn (Sans. ^T^^^T^)adj. For- tunate. ' s. bhdg-/, s. m. A partner, ^sharer, parti- cipator. H. JLj bhdl, s. f. The point of an arrow. S'. JLj bhdl, s. f. The forehead; fortune, s. Ju_> bhdl (Sans. H^^) s. ni. A bear. s. bhdld (Sans. W) s. m. A spear (about seven cubits long), s. bhdluk I s. bhdld ) ^ s. (r. HT Shine) bhurm, s. m. The Sun. H. bihdn, s. m. Morrow, morning. H. bhdnd, v. a. To suit, to fit, to be ap- proved of. 136 §• bahanuy (trans. of v. a. To make ilov, to set afloat, to launch. n. bihdiiu, v. n. To spend or pass (the time). II. bhdnl, s. f. Manner, mode, method, kind, sort. u. bhdnt-bhdnl^ adj. Various. s. bhunt (Sans. s. m. A medi- clicinal plant. (Clerodendron infortunatum : Lin. Volkameria infortunata, Roxb.). s. (Sans. m. Theeg-g plant. (Solanum melongena). s, bhdnj {kom s. m. Twist, twist- ing. s. bhunjd (Sans. s. ni. A sis- ter’s son. s. bhdnjnd (Sans. v. a. To put into circular motion, to twist, to turn on a lathe, to wave, 'to brandish. s. (Sans. s. f. A sis- ter’s daughter. H, bhdnjl, s. f. Interruption, hindrance ; tale-bearing, s. m. An interrupter, a tale bearer. 1)1,^ bhdnji khdnd, v. a. To give malicious intelligence. bhdnji-dend or-mdrnd, v. a. To interrupt, to put a stop to, to break in upon. « s. (Sans. s. m. A mimic, an • actor. (Sans. H^T^) A small earthen, pot. s. blidndd (Sans. s. m. A large earthen pot: estate, equipage. y if* hhdndd-phutnd, v. n. To lose one’s character. s.\jlj[^ bhdndnd (Sans. v. a. To abuse. s. bhdnmati, s. f. A female juggler. H. bhdnnd, v. a. To turn (on a lathe), to put in circular motion. See bhdnjnd. -• ^^'dnzcar, 'l(r. Move about) s. f. -* ^f^dziwrl, J Revolution, circulation. *rfjy^d bhdnwri-phirnd, v. n. To circle ; to be sacrificed. p. bafidnuy s. m. Pretence, evasion, con- trivance, excuse, pretext. H. ti^J bihdne, adv. Early, soon. n.^ bhdo, s. m. Price, value, rate ; friendship. s. bhdv, s. m. Sentiment, passion, choice, liking, will, disposition, notion, idea ; blandishment; gesticulation, acting, panto- mime, expressing a meaning bj signs; a sud- den idea or emotion of the mind, bhdv-batdnd^ v. a. To gesticulate. s. bahdv (r. Flow) s. m. A flood, a flooding. s. (r. ^ Consider) bhdvit, adj. Thoughtful ; apprehensive ; alarmed. H. bhdotd, adj. Amiable, dear, beloved, love. s. bhdwaj (Sans. 5flrJ3TT^T) s. f. A bro- ther’s wife. s. (r. ^ Consider) bhdwaky s. m. Thoughtful ; a friend, a lover. S- H. blidoii, postpos. See bhdwc/i. s. (r. ^ Consider) bhdvandy s. f. Apprehe:ision, contemplation, thought, doubt, fear, concern. II. bhdond, v. a. See \j\^^ bhdnd. s. iijlyj bhdwah (Sans. s. f. A younger brother’s wife. 5. bhdng (Sans. ^^T) s. f. TIemp (Can. nabis sativa) of which an intoxicating potion is made. Sec Lat:' bijayd. II. bhdtuezi, postpos. In the regard or estimation, intention, opinion, &c. g. bhdi (Sans. HT^T) s. in. Brother. 137 (Sfins. ^?j | ^ } s» ni» Brothers, relations, friends. -• bhui n. bbdcji, adv. See bhdzcai. -• (’'• ^ Fear) adj. Terrible, awful. s. bakihbachan, adj. Plural. n. bhabhdtid (from v. a. To kindle, to light ; to provoke, to exasperate, to enrage ; to spur a horse. H. bhabaknd^ v. n. To be enraged, to rush on with rage ; to catch fire ; to run with great rapidity (a horse). s. LC^j bhabkd (from Sans, cj (tt.|) s. m. An alembic : a kind of drinking vessel with a large mouth. u. bhabkj, s. f. Threat. J^j bih-bal (f^ sA Strength) adj. Helpless, weak, unsettled. p. bih-bud, s. m. 't Health, vigour, good- p, ij’iyyJ bih-bud-l, s. f. ) ness, welfare. s, bahbahd (r. Flow) adj. Brave, bold ; public, notorious. bhabhar (Sans. s. m. Solici- tude, alarm. bhabhar-parnd, v. n. To be alai’raed, to be frightened. s. bJiabhrdnd, v. n. To swell (particularly the face) See f. bhabharnd (from v. n. To be solicitous, to be alarmed, to be frightened. H. bhabhak, s.f. Sudden bursting forth ol (lame : forcible expulsion of water from a fountain or pipe : smell arising suddenly. n. bliab/iaknd, v. n. To simmer, to bub- ble : to emit steam, to boil. II. bhabb/ud, adj. Fat. s. bhidthut (Sans. f^T^f^) s. f. Ashes ol cow-dung which fakirs rub over their bodies. II. bhabhukd, s. m. Blaze, fiame, explo- sion, adj. Red (as a coal, sometimes applied to the splendour of a beloved person’s counte- nance); splendid, beautiful. s. bliaphdrd, (from Sans. ) s. 111. Steam, vapour. -• bihphai (Sans, s. in. Thurs- day. s. bahut, (Sans- adj. Much, many Uyi)^b ^dr bond, To become more intimate than formerly. s. bahtd, (from U^j) part. act. Running (water). UysJ bahle pdni men hdlh dhond, To pay attention to one’s friends, or to attend to one’s own duty or affairs while the opportunity is favourable; to make hay while the sun shines. H. bhulld, s. m. See bhuttd. s. bahuldl, (Sans. ^^^T) s. f. Excess, abundance. See s. bhatdr, (Sans. ^ husband. A. buhldn, s. ra. Calumny, false imputa- tion. s. bhutdhd (from iZJyp) adj. Devilish, pee- vish, fierce. s. bahuldyat, (Sans. ^tTT) s. f. Abun dance, plenty, multitude. V. bih-lar, adj. conipar. Good, excellent, well, better. P. bih-tar-ln, adj. sup. Best, most excellent. H.ji.p bahattar, adj. Seventy two. 5. hhutnd (from ^ small devil, an imp, a demon. T 138 Li-v^ s. hJmlni (frora^^ Wife of a devil, a female demon. H. bJiatla, s. m. See bhdta. s. ULoj.' bhuti^anu (from <^j^) v. n. To be like a devil. s. bhatljd (Sans, s. m. Nephew, brother’s son. 5. bhatiji (Sans. yT5l I) s. f. A niece, brother’s daughter. s. bahuterd (Sans. adj. Many, very, much. H. bhut^ s. f. Misfortune, curse : an oven, a furnace, a kiln (Sans. VTT^ )• H. bhat parndj v. n. To be cursed, to be unfortunate, to be lost : (lit. to fall into the fire). s. bhat, s. m. A wamor, a hero. s. bhatt, s. m. A learned man, a title of Maharatta Brahmans. H. bhutta, s. m. Indian corn (zea mays). s. bhattdchdrj, s. m. The most learned of the learned. H. bhafkdj adj. Astray. II. bhatkdndj v. a. To mislead, to balk, to deceive, to scare, to cause to wander. §. bhat kaldi)s.f. The name of a s. bhat katai^d) prickly plant. (Sola- num jacquini, Willd.). H. bhalakndy v. n. To go astray, to wan- der, to miss the right path. n. bhilm, s. f. A nipple. II. ^ bhatu, interj. O sister! II, bhnl-thd, s. m. A furnace, kiln, oven. II. \j\^^'blialhiiydrd, s. m. A sutler, an inn- keeper, one who prepares victuals for travellers in a Ij-j sard. II. p. bhalhij/dr-klidna, s. m. i?\ninn, a caravansary. H. bhathil/ dr-pan, s. m. The business of a bhathii/drd. H. bhatliiydl, adj. With the current, i. e. down the river and not with the flood tide, s. m. A kind of or elegiac verses sung in praise of Hasan and Husain. H. bhalhii/dnd, v. n. To go down the river ; to ebb (the tide). S. H. bhatai, s. f. Praise, the encomiums of a bhdt, which see. s. bhuj, s. m. The arm (above the elbow) ; the perpendicular or shortest side of a right angled triangle. s.p. jcj£V^ bhuj-band, s. m. An armlet. s. I bhujd, s. f. An arm (above the elbow). s. bli- T3Tf%^ r. H3T Serve, worship) bhdjmkn, s. in. An adorer, a sinjjcr. s. l.g^ bhnjiijUy s. f. Greens. See II. bltitch, adj. Barbarous, ij^norant. X, (^jCsr’v'J bhachak or bhichak (Sans. V adj. Alarmed, aghast, starting, < ‘ C^.-i bhachak-rahnu. To be amazed or astonislied at a sudden or unexpected event. s. bhachakna, v. u. To be astonished or amazed. s. bhachan, s. m. Food. j. UiM-? bhucliampuf s. m. The name of a tree ; a fire-work like the flower of that tree. s. hhuchmg (Sans. ^^) s. m. Name of a bird. (Lanius Coerulescens). See s. bhachh or bhaksh (Sans. adj. Eatable. (H^) s. m. Food. s. (r. Eat) bhachchhak or bhakshaka, part. act. A gormandiser. s. bhkhchhuk, s. m. A beggar. I. bhachhnd (Sans, v. a. To eat, to take food. s. (r. Eat) bhacJtckhi or bhah shi, s. m. An eater. n. Juj bhad, s. f. A slap, a crash. See M. bhadda, adj. Stupid, senseless, dull. H. bhaddk, s. A crash, the noise made by any thing falling ; as \jj^^ ^ bhad or bhaddk se gir pard, It fell with a crash. n. bhaddkdf s. ra. A sound. M. Ji.yj bhad bhad, s. Sound made by the fall of a fruit or by the walking of a person, &c. H. bhadbhaddnd, v. a. To make a sound by striking two bodies together : to strike repeatedly. H. bhad bhaddhaf, s. f. Sound made by the fell of fruits^. rd s. \jXf> bhadrd, 8. ni. Name of a bird, a lark. s. bhadrd, s. f. An unlucky moment ; the 4?d, Till and 12th days of the lunar month. s. bhadrak, s. f. Advantage, pro- duce : nature, genius, reason : beauty, good- ness, pleasantness. s. I ^ I bhadrakdll, s. f. One of t!’ie names of a Hindu goddess. s. u. l3y> bhadr-hona, v. n. To be clean or purified by shaving one’s head and beard after mourning in a holy place. -• (from s. m. A n astrologer, a palmister. s. l*xj bahudhd, adv. Usually, often. II. bhadesul, adj. Ill-shaped, ugly, awk- ward. p. ^ bahr, prep. For, on account of. A.j^j bahar (corruption of^^) s. f. A fleet. s. H ^ bhar, adj. Full, as much as, as far as, up to, whole, all, bulk, size, every, each. As, bhar makdur, To the best of one’s power; ^ bdjis bhar, The height or length of a bamboo ; ser bhar, A ser ; A*os bhar, A kos\ whereas ^ bhar kos would mean a full kos. H. bharrd, s. m. A panic. fauj men bharrd pard. The array was seized with a panic. s. bhard, adj. Full. H. bahr a, adj. Deaf. s. jj\j^j bahrdru (from J^b) s. m. An upstart, a stranger. p. bahrdm, s. ra. The planet Mars. ' s. bhurdnd, v. a. To wheedle. See H. bahurdnd, v. a. To bring back, to cause to return. s. bhar and (r. ^ Fill) v. a. To fill, to cause to fill ; to cover (a mare). T 2 140 s. hharawat (r. ^ Fill) s. f. Filling, stuffing. H. bharbhdnd, s. m. The name of a prickly poppy (Argemene Mexicana). II. bhurbhurd, adj. Dry and in the state of powder. H. bliurbhurdnu^ v. a. To throw or sprinkle sugar or salt upon meat. s. bharbharund (r. ^ Fill) v. n. To swell and be glossy (particularly the face, as in fever). 5. (fi'om s. f. A, swelling, a sore. s.\j\ijj^ bhar-pdnd,v.a. To be paid, to receive the full amount. Met, It is used when a per- son is disappointed ; as, bU inam ne bharpdyd, I am paid. r\ -• bhar-puran, adj. Brim- ful." s. ^TTrT bharat, n. prop. Name of Ra- ma’s brother, s. m. One of the nine divisions of the world, between Lanka and Sumeru ; India. II. bhart, s. m. A mixed metal composed of copper and lead. s, bhart (Sans. s. m. The name of a bird (a species of lark), a sky-lark. o 8. I bliartd, s. m. A husband. II. bhartd or bhurtd, s. m. Vegetables boiled or fried and broken in the hand. s. iSj\d (from l)^) s. f. Completion ; filling; loading; (vulgarly used for) promotion. \jj> iSj^. bharll harnd, To recruit. II. bharl-iyd, s. m. A brasicr, a worker in the metal called s. bhar-jdnd, v. n. To be filled ; to be lined (a bitch) ; to be broken winded (a horse from severe exercise). 1*. A. ba-har-hdl, adv. By every means, some how or other. -• V. a. To pay; to fill; to reimburse ; to darn. ♦ s. (r. Fall down) bhrashty adj- Fallen down ; polluted, abominable, vicious, dissolute, b ^ bhrashl karnd, v. a* To pollute, to seduce, b ^ bhrasht hand, v. n. To be polluted ; to calcine. p. A.^jb ba-har-laiir, adj. By every means, some how or other. H. bharkd, s. m. Slaked lime. II. bharkdnd, v. a. To slake (lime). s. bhirkull, s. f. The eyebrow. p.A. ba-har-kaif, adj. By any means. s. bhram, s. m. Error ; mistake ; sus- picion, apprehension, perplexity, doubt. s. bharam, s. m. Credit, character. \j\^bharam-ganwdndy v. n. To lose character. s. bharmdnd (from bhram) v. a. To deceive, to excite by throwing out temptation ; to perplex, to alarm. bhramar, s. m. A krge black bee. -• (from j^j) adj. Suspicious. s. bharm-lld, adj. Ambiguous, doubtful, confounded, scrupulous. -• UA'^- (from adv. Up to, to, till. s. b^.^ bharnd (fi om r. ^ Fill) v.a. To fill, to daub, to abound, to heal a wound. s. b^^j biharnd (Sans. fs I) '• To rejoice, to take pleasure, to enjoy. II. \ly^_ bahiirnd, v. n. To return, to come back. s. f^bring, s. m. A large bee ena- moured of the lotus. See Jl ali. • ' S. ^1''^ bhring-rdj, s. m. Name of a kind of shrike (Lanins Malabaricus or Ca?ru- lescens) : name of a medicinal herb (Felipta or Verbasina prostrata). s* ^hrws'h s- A kind of wasp called also kumhuri, q. v, (Vcspia solitaria). b/ianit, (from s. f. Weft, woof. s. iJj^j f bhurmu, s. f. The name of the second lunar mansion. (Three stars in Miisca). bafm-rup, s. m. Mimickry. O s. balm-rupuy s. ni. A cameleon. See s. c| bahu-nlpij/d, s. m. An actor, a mimick. «. b/iarosu, (Sans. from Good, and, 3f73[JJ Hope, desire), s. m. Hope, de- pendence, faith. u. ^%j,jbahitron, adj. Again. ®’ bhrunj s. ni. A foetus; pregnancy. p. bahra, s. ni. Property, fortune; quota, share, portion ; profit, gain, advantage. hahra-mand, or^j bahra-xcar, Blessed, pros- perous, profitable. p. Hyj babra-mand-i, s. f. Prosperity, hap- piness. *• vOir? s. f. The weight of one sicca rupee. H. bihri, s. f. A subscription to raise a certain sum, an assessment, quota, share. H. bubri, s. f. Fried or parched barley. H. habri, s. f. A falcon, a female hawk. (Falco calidus. Lath.). H. babri-bacbd, s. in. The male babri, q. v. s. V'j^p babri j/d (from Out) adj. A stranger. s. babitrij/d (Sans, ^f^) s. f. A daughter- in-law. • H.yp bbor, s. m. A large boat, a lighter. u.j^jbbur, s. f. A hole through which water runs out. H. bbirdnu, v. a. To join, to place close to, to close, to cause to fight. II. Simple, candid, without guile. s. bbarbbanjd, (Sans, s.m. A man who parches grain. s. bbarbbunjan, s. f. A w'onian who parches grain. II. bjJ-J bbararij/d, s. m. A conjurer. II. bbarak (from s. f. Splendour, show' ; perturbation, agitation, alarm, starting (in animals). n. bl^.j bbarkdnd, v. a. To frighten, to scare ; to blow up into a flame, to kindle (a fire). H. bbaraknd, v. n. To start, to shrink, to be scared, to be alarmed, to be blown up into a flame. II. ij^y-p bbark-el (from \:^yp) adj. Shy, coy, wild, untamed. II. bbark-ild (from adj. Splendid, glittering. II. \jyp bbirnd, v. n. To close (as two armies), to come together, to be joined, to shoulder, to join, to be placed together, touching each other, to be continuous. II. bharang, adj. Simple, un designing, silly, artless, having the quality of telling secrets without C'Cserve. H. bbarud, s. m. A pimp, onew'ho lives on what a prostitute earns. H. bbariiui (from s. f. Pandarism, pimping; the wages of prostitution. s bbirhd (Sans. s. m. A wolf. H- bhakt. \j^ bhogal-karnd, To disguise. bhagat-khelnd, v. n. To be dis- guised. bhagal-hond, v. n. To be initiated as a devotee, to be affiliated to a re- ligious order. (This is peculiar to the low tribes. The initiation consists in putting a necklace of beads round the neck, and marking a circle on the forehead. After which, the initiated person is bound to refrain from the use of spirituous liquors, flesh, &c.). s. bhagldi, s. f. Piety, devotion, re- ligion. s. bhugldnd (from v. a. To cause to enjoy ; to cause to requite; to distribute. s. bhugatmdn (Sans- (*^) adj. Fit to enjoy, deserving punishment. s. bhagtan, s. f. Wife of a bhagat ; (ironically) a lewd woman, a prostitute, a whore. s. 1 ; bhugatnd (from i^JJ) v. a. To enjoy, to suffer, to receive the punishment of a crime. s. bhagliyd (from 9. m. A dancing boy. 143 H. bha^al, s. tn. Affectation, hypocrisy, trick, deception. Ul>o bhagal nihdtnu, V. a. To pretend poverty. II. bhagUt/d, s. in. Trick, cheat, imposture. H. bhagU-gahnd, 8. m. False jewels, trinkets. s. bhagandar or bfntgandar, s. ni. A fistula (in ano). s. b/iagint, s. f. A sister. II. bluiggd, part. act. (from Lf^j) A de- serter, a runaway'. s. bbagK'dti, s.m. The deity, the Supreme being. H. bhagzcdn, s.m. Cloth dyed with (a kind of red chalk or ochre). s. bhagazcat, s. f. Name of a book. H. bhagord (from s. m. A runaway, a deserter. H. UXj ^ligond (trails. v. a. To wet, to steep. s. bhagwarit (Sans. s. m. God, the deity. H. bhagonhd, s. m. The reddish colour e.xtracted from gerd, q. v. H. bhagel (from Lf^j) s. f. Overthrow, defeat : s. m. A runaway, a deserter. H. JvJ bahal, s. f. A two-wheeled car (for riding in, not for baggage), a coach, a carriage. P. bi-hil, imper. (of ^^J^) Let go, leave alone. A. bahl^ Little, easy : lamentation, maledic- tion. s. J.,j blial (Sans. H^) adj. Good, well. See ' H. &/m/, s.m. Side, direction. sir he bJtcd, Head-foremost. s. 1L.J bhald (Sans. H5^) adj. Good, excellent ; benevolent, kind, healthy, virtuous, righteous, sound; strange, wonderful, admirable, comi- cal, droll. bhald ddml, s. m. A per- s. s. II s. s. s. H P. son of respectability, a gentleman ; (iron ;) a sillyfellow'. bhald chan gd, adj. In good order, in liealth, perfect. . bahild, adj. f. Barren. (Generally ap- plied to cattle). bhuldnd (from Uy-^j) v. a. To cause to forget; to inveigle, to mislead, to deceive, to fascinate, to coax. bahldnd (trans. of U^,.j) v. a. To divert, to amuse. bhnldwd (from bl^j) s. m. Deception, fraud, cheat, deceit. bhuldwd dend, To deceive, to play a trick. bhildwdii, |(Sans. M^i) s.m. A bhildti'an, j nut used for marking clothes. See. (Semecarpus Anacardium). bhald-i, s. f. Goodness, health, welfare. bhulasnd, v. n. To be singed, scorched. bhalkd, s. m. A gold patch fixed on the nose-ring : a kind of bamboo : dawn of day. bhal-mansdl (Sans. s. f. Humanity. bhal-mansi (^^ Good, and Manhood), s. f. Good-nature, benevolence. bahalnd, v. n. To be diverted, to be amused. JyLj bahliil, s.m. A prince endowed with every virtue : name of a celebrated Dervis : a man much addicted to laughter. bhilaunji (Sans. ‘^^3T) s. f. The seed of the bahaliT/d, s.m. A kind of servant armed with bow, arrow. See. a huntsman. See ba-ham (for q.v.) adv. Together, one with another, one against another. l;i baham-dnd, To be^ procured, to be acquired. baham pakunchdnd, v. a. To get, to acquire. baham pahunchnd, v. n. To be pro- cured. baham-digar, Together, one with another. Hi ir. bhamOhcri, s. f. A butterfly. s. hhamnu (r. Move, wander) v. n. To revolve. P, bahman, s. The eleventh solar month, when the sun is in Aquarius. s. bahmanetu, s. m. A young Brahman. s. bhumyaii (Sans. Land) s. m. Land-holder. s, buliin or bahan (Sans, sister. hhinn, adj. Separate, apart, other, diflerent. II. — ) bihin or bihan. s. m. A seed. 5. bahna (r. Run, flow) v. n. To flow, to glide, to float ; to blow. H. bhinnuna, v. n. To have a singing in the ears, to be giddy : to sound (as shot, brass pots, &c.). H. bhimbhindnd or bhambhandnd, v. n. To buz as a fly. II. bliambhud^ s. m. A fakir who is pressed by hunger to rob. II. bhambhornd, v. a. To bite and mum- ble as a dog, to worry. II. hhamberl, s. f. A butterfly. See II. bliinluds^ s. m. A sort of pulse. II. hhan'iwds, s. ni. Name of a grain, the fruit of the hoi or water-] illy. j. bhanjdnd (r. To change money. 5. (‘*- H3T part. act. Breaking, destroying, demolishing, separa- ting. s. m. Breaking, &c. II. bitand, s. m. Confusion, spoiling. bys bfinnd bond, v. n. To be destroyed, to be f poiled. bhandd (Sans. ^'HJ) s. ni. A vessel, a large earthen pot. bhandd plidlnd, To be disclosed (a secret). s. bhanddr (Sans- | J|| 4^) s. m. A place .where household goods are kept, a store H. bhanddrd, s. m. A feast of Jogis, San- yasis, &c. s. bhonddri (Sans. A house-steward, one who has charge of the storehouse, a treasurer. bhandsdr, 1 (gans. s- f- s. bhamlsdl, j The provision which is previously reserved for years. s. bhandsdli (Sans. Ic^) s* m- One who reserves provision for years. II. bhundli, s. f. A kind of worm covered Avith hair, the palmer-worm. s. bhandauwd (Sans. s. m. Satire, ribaldry. H. bkindi, s. f The name of a vegetable. (Hibiscus esculentus). II. p. '• W Sound) bhanaU, s. f. A low sound, a distant sound. II. bhinaknd, v. n. To buz (as a fly) ; to be covered with flies, to swarm. s. bhang (Sans. ^lemp. See s. ItPT Creak down) bhang, s. in. Breaking, destruction, sporting; a breaker, a wave. II. bhangd, s. m. Name of a bird. s. bhangrd (Sans. ) of an herb. (Eclipta or Verbesina prostrata). 145 **• s. f. The wife of a Ilalul- khor. -*• cAw (Sans. ;|fjpf|-) s. f. A female drinker of bhang. H. bhavgnu, s. f. A kind of 6sh. **• s. ni. A cast of sweepers or JIaldl-khors. s. f. A stick with ropes hanging from each end for slinging baggage to, which is carried on the shoulder. *• l WT" s. m. A drinker of 5//awg'. §. bhang-era, (from ^Jff) s. m. One who sells bhans. bhang-eran {(rova s. f. A female seller of bhans. a H. bhunnu (Sans r. Parch, frj) v. n. To be parched, grilled, fried, broiled. bihnaur {^rom bihin) s. f. A seed- plot. -*• bharnxar (j. Wander) s. ra. A whirlpool, eddy. s. bhaiizcar') „ s. bha/iwra)^ black bee : creeper. see Jl all. A s. m. climbing A large plant. H. bhahxcar kali, s. f. A collar or halter (for a dog, goat, &c.). I «• >”• A sister’s husband, a brother-in-law. H. buhni, s. f. Handsel, first sale. bahaneli, s. f. An adopted sister. s. hahu (Sans. s. f. A daughter-in-law, a son’s wife, a wife, j. bhau (Sans- H^) s. m. Fear, s. ^ ^ bhfi,s.{. Earth. Jj^ Under the earth, the earth. *• bhav, 6. m. Existence, the world ; the god Mahideva or Siva. II. ij.^j bhud, 8. f. Father’s sister : a worm, a caterpillar. s. bahuur (Sans, ^(^cj \ s. m. Name of a fruit. (Cordia myxa and cordia latifolia). See \Jj.J >■ 4'ni bhawuni, s. f. Name of a Hindu goddess, wife of Siva or Mahadeva. H. bhubhal, s. m. Hot ashes. *• bhup, 8. m. A king, a sovereign. H. bhopa, s. m. A kind of fakir, a magi- cian. s. (5T Earth, and r. Lj Pre- serve) 8. m. A landlord, a king, a raja. s. bhupal Earth, and Lord) s. m . A sovereign, a prince. s. bhul, s. m. A demi-god, a demon, a goblin : the past, preterite tense ; an ele- ment. (The Hindus reckon five elements ; viz. I. Earth, 2. Water, 3. Fire, 4. Air, and 5. Space or aetlier. See bhulhonu, v. n. To be distracted with rage. H. bhola, adj. Blunt. bhutni (from CJ>y.^j) s. f. A female demon or goblin. s. bhoj, s. m. (Sans. Eating, feast : (Sans. i^\^) n. prop. Name of a celebrated Raja. s.j bhoj-pur, n. prop. Name of a place. s.^ bhojpattar (Sans. s.m. The bark of a tree used in making hukka snakes. MtsFT bhojan, s. m. Eating, food, victuals. WJ^rRH) s- f- A bro- ther’s wife. U 146 ». hhauchak (Sans. adj. Aghast : (Inelegant). See ig,<^ bhachak. bhoTj s. f. Dawn of day. bhor hand, v. n. To be finished, to be terminated. H. jjy? ^^“^5 s. f. 1. Charity given to poor people, alms. liSJb bhur bdnind^ v. a. To give alms to a numerous assembly of the poor. 2. A spring, a fountain. adj. Much, many. H. bhor a, adj. Simple, artless. See H. \jy^ bhurd, adj. Fair, auburn or brownish (as hair). -• (^[^ Much, many, and Colour) adj. Various or variable (in colour) ; changeable. H. Jyyj bhur, 8. f. Sandy ground, soil in which much sand is mixed. H. bhural, s. ra. Talk, mica. H. bhosd, s. m. V H. bhosrd, s. ra. \ Vulva raagna. H. s. f- ) s. bhusi, (Sans* or ^b|) s f. Chaff. s. bhavisfya, s. The future time. H. bhokas, s. m. A wizard, sorcerer, magician. Earth, and r. chM Trem- ble) bhukamp, s. m. An earthquake. s. .,^yp_ bhukh (Sans. Hunger. s. \^yp. bhukh-d (Sans. ^^f^*T) adj. Hungry. Dress, adorn) bhukhan, 8. m. Dress, ornaments, jewels. s. bhokhnd, (r. Bark) v. a. To bark. See \i^yp, bhaunknd. 8. Eat, enjoy) bhog, s. m. Enjoyment, suffering ; pleasure, satisfaction, yd bihi-ddna, s. m. Quince- seed. s. bhai (Sans, yy) s. m. Fear. bhai-khdnd. To be afraid or oppressed with fear. s. ^d ^haya (r. ^ Be) in compos. Being, ex- istence. H. bhi, conj. Also, too, even, and. H. ^d ^ stitched’ at the sicles but at the ends ; a register, book .of accounts, ledger. U 2 148 s. bhaiyu (Sans. s. m. Brother. s, hhayd (r. il" Be) past tense or part, of the verb subs, (in Hindawi) Was, became, become. 1 (Sans.^{J^p^) s. m. Bro- J therhood, friendship. «->W H^T^T hhay-dtur^ adj. Terrified, distracted with fear. s. hhar/dnak (from Fear) adj. Terrifying-, frightful, terrified. 'T' ■ s. hha^dvand (from Fear) adj. Ter- rible. s. (for Sans, f^) s. f. A w^all, or breadth of a wall : (for Sans. iJf|rT) fol* J ^3^ ochhe lit prit jon hdlii kl bhJt, The friendship of the mean is like a wall of sand (i. e. unstable). s. bhitar (Sans. 3fi-2frf^) ^dv. Within. s. bhllri (from y<^) adj. Inward, inside, internal. I. bhllariyd (Sans. 3{P-3|rrTft[^) adj. used substantively. The people who live in a house, not strangers, domestic : men who pre- side at a temple (i. e. A steward; A priest ; V y>j rasoiyd A cook) : those among the guests at a wedding feast who eat in company with the relations of the bride; (those who partake of the feast without, being called l^b). 5. bahetu (from L^) s. m. A vagabond, vagrant, wanderer. u. bhet, s. f. Meeting, interview; a pre- sent to a superior. H. bhHd, 8. m. An old house, a former residence (provided some vestige remain). n. blidu, s. m. A stalk, a stem. See CU3jJ H. ijhelnd^ v. a. To join, to meet, to arrive; to make a present (to a superior). H. bhetij s. f. A stalk, stem. See ^5^ H. bhejd, s. m. The brain. H. bhejnd, v. a. To send, to transmit. H. bhijnd, v. n. To be wet; to be affected (with grief). s, bhaichak (from iJf^) adj. Alarmed, e starting, aghast. See bhachak. H. bhichnd, v. a. To squeeze, to compress, to crush. s. ^ (r. Separate) bhed, s. m. Separation, difference; secrecy, mystery, Lj bhed-lend, v. a. To spy, to pry into, to work one’s self into confidence. s. bhe.dakiyd (from i^^) s. m. A scout, a spy. s. bhed-u (from i{^) s. A secret-keeper, a confident. s. bhedl, 7 (Sans. iT^^) adj. Intelli- s. bhedij/d, ^ gent ; s. m. A scout, a secret-keeper. blier (Sans, s. f. A kind of pipe, a musical instrument, a kettle drum. f- The baggage, &c. of an army. See bahlr. H. p. \jrdt bhigna, is ap- plied to the night passing in mirth and musical entertainment. s. uW bliil, 3. m. The name of a race of mountaineers. s. bheld (Sans. M*^) m. Seraecar- pus anarcardium. See H. bhdl, s, f. A lump of coarse sugar (or s^t)- :i. LL,.' bahelit/d, s. m. A fowler; the name of a tribe of Hindus. s. bhlm, s. ^ bhlm-sen, hishthir. s. bhaimdn (from Fear) adj. Terri- ■ fied, afraid. #. bhlm-sen-i, s. f. A kind of camphire. i n. prop. The second bro- ther of Jud- H. bhend, s. f. Sister. H. b- - 1' > bhind, adj. Wet, s. m. Sister’s hus- band ; brother-in-law. s. blunt, s. f. A wall. See H. Interview, visit ; present. See ii.\:!L^^ bhentnd, v. a. To meet with, to visit. See s. bhains (Sans. H ^ female buffalo. s. i bhalnsd (Sans. s. m. A male buffalo. s. jL' bhnlnsd-ddd,^ 7 s. j'j 1 - t hfminshjd-ddd, ^ ^ ^ j s. m. A kind of ringworm. Do, make) bhayankar, adj. Terrific, terrible. H. bhengd, adj/ Squint-eyed. H. bhlngnd, v. n. To be wet. See s. bhev (perhaps Sans. >f[^) s. m. State, being, nature, disposition. bhayau (in B raj, for q. v.) Was, be- came, become. bhaihu (Sans. ^Ir^Ij be-tdb, adj. Faint, powerless ; restless. eJ be-tdb-i, s. f. Faintness ; restlessness. be4dl or aJb ^ be-tdla, adj. Out of time (in music), ill timed, be-tdn, adj. Out of tune. be-lahdsha (perhaps for 1^) Without fear, fearless, rashly. ^ be-tadblr, adj. Incautious, inconside- rate, unwitting. jMoid be-takslr, adj. In- nocent. be-iamlz-iy s. f. Want of discrimination, indiscretion. i3 ^ be-tah, adj. Bottomless ; without foundation, unmeaning. ^ be-tah-l, s. f. Bottomlessness, &c. be-thaur thikdne. Groundless, incon- sistent, improperly, inconsiderately. tulJ ^ be-sahdly Instable, inconstant. W ^ be-jd, adj. Ill-placed, ill-timed, inaccurate. be-jdda, Variegated coral. ^ be-jdn, adj. f. Lifeless, faint ; valiant, brave. ^ jur^al-l, s. f. Want of courage, pusillanimity* ^ be-jurm,jidy Faultless, innocent. be-jirm, adj. Without blemish, spotless (a jewel). be-jawdb, adj. Unable to answer. be-chdra-gl, s. f. Helpless- ness, necessity. ^U*jJ be-chdra, adj. Without remedy, without choice, helpless, poor. JlfU be-chdl and be-chdli, adj. Unprincipled : 8. f. Misdemeanor, ill-behaviour. be- chardgh, adj. Lampless; desolate, childless. be-chun, adj. Incomparable. be-chain, adj. Uneasy. JU- ^ be-bdl, adj. Ill-circumstanced. be bydh-ldnd. To take in marriage, to bring home a wife, to marry. s. UU hydhd (f^^Tffir ) ) s. hydhld (f^^T | ) ) Married. s. UaU bydhnd r. Generate) v. n. To be delivered of young (an animal) : see IjLj bydnd. (From 1^) v. a. To give or take in marriage. s. bydhan-jog, adj. Fit for marriage, marriageable. s. (*IjU (f^, and r. Rest) hydydm or vydydma, s. ra. Exertion, labour, exercising, practising. H. beb, s. f. Name of a grass. II. ^ bibi, s.f. A lady, (vulgarly) a wife. 5.jU^ 5a/p«r (Sans. ^PTTT ^ I and 155 r. ^ Labour) s. m. Trafic, trade, business, labour. s. baipur-i (Sans. 5ncrr0')>. m. A mer- chant. A. bait, s. f. A house, temple, edifice ; a couplet, a verse (in poetry). ^*-c^ t bail- balis-l, s. f. Criticism of poetry. (Sans, cj ^ ) s. f. A cane, a ratan. (Calamus rotang). s. Jli^ betal or baital or vetdla, s. A dead body occupied by an evil spirit; name of a demon. A. j Wind and r. PT Cross) s. f. ' Dry ginger. ^ s. baitarni or vaitaranl, s. f. A river, according to the Hindus, which is to be crossed by the dead on their way into the world of spirits, like the Styx of the ancients : a ri- ver in Uresa (Orissa). A. Ji-J baital (abbrev. of JlJ,! adj. Un- lucky; vicious. s. blind (r. 5^^ Pass) v. n. To pass. See \iiu bitnd. m- V? — > bit, s. f. (Sans, ^) Dung of any ani- mal : (same as ) a factitious salt containing sulphur. H. 12,^ beta, s. m. A son, a child. H. L2-J blind, V. n. To spill, to scatter. H. blt/id, s. m. An annular cushion put on the head to carry a pot of water on. H. ly!Lj bailhd, s. m. A paddle. ir. bailhdlnd (from v. a. To cause to sit down. H. baithak, s. f. ^ A seat, a place where H. ICyibj bailhkd, s. m. ^ people meet to sit and converse, a bench : s. f. (from L^) Act or state of sitting, sitting ; a kind of exercise. s. bethan (Sans. velope, in which cloth purchased is folded up, to which the purchaser is entitled ; packcloth. H. bailhnd, v. n. To sit, to ride (on a horse); to visit a person in grief for the pur- pose of condolence ; to sit in dharnd. H. baithwdii, (from L^ji-j) adj. Flat, w- bell, s. f. A daughter. s. 8* Seed. Sperma genitale (viri aut mulieris). 5. bljdbarkhand, 8. III. A forest. s. jlsu blj-dr (from ^j) adj. Seedy. s. 8. m. A ticket tied to goods or on bags to mark their contents, price, &c. a list, an invoice. s. bljnd, s. m. (See L-sr bijnd). A fan. 5. baijantl (Sans.^^pijT^f^ s. A flag or standard ; the standard of Vishnu. H.y^ beju, s. m. The name of an animal that feeds on carcases. (Ursus Indicus, Shaw. Indian badger, Pennant.) s. bejhd (Sans, s. m. A butt or mark for archers. H. bljhnd, V. a. To tear up the earth with the horns : to push, to shove, to shoulder. X 2 156 IT. fSXj biji, s. f. A weasel, a mongoose. (Vi- verra Ichneumon). H. blch, adv. In, into, among, between, du- ring. s. m. Middle, centre : difference ; quar- rel, hostility. bich parna, v. n. To dif- fer, to raise a quarrel between. blch hi ungll^ The middle finger. H. bechna. v. a. To sell. V ^ p. be~choba, (Z/tV. pole-less), s. m. A kind of tent pitched without a pole. s. blclihd (Sans. m. A scorpion ; the sign Scorpio. p. behh, s. f. Root, origin, foundation. ^ behh-kan, An extirpator; a Judge (as ex- tirpating thieves) ; a thief (as destroying the subjects). s. baid (Sans. m. A physician. s. iXj bed ox veda, s. m. The name of the four Hindu Scriptures ; (namely, rih, sdmai ^ kJi^^ajush ; atharvnj ; Met. Certainty, faith. p. bed, s. f. A willow, a sort of cane, a ratan. (Calamus rotang. Sans. ^^)- (_Jb bed-hdf, One who works on ratans ; a basket maker, bed-bdf-i, Weaving with ratans ! (as the bottoms of chairs and the pannels of j doors or windows). i p. jIjuj beddr, adj. Awake, watching. ! beddr-bahht, adj. Fortunate. Jj beddr- j dil, adj. Alert, watchful, quick of apprehen- | sion. beddr-dil-'i, s. f. Alertness, quickness of apprehension. p. ..jjx^, beddr-i, s. f. Wakefulness. s. q-^TrT beddnt or •ceddnUt, s. m. The name of a particular Hindu philosophical sys- tem. s. %S;Trfr beddtU-i, or veddnll, s. m. One who is conversant in the beddnt system. §. t./\x^, baiddi (Sans, Piactice of physic. baidak (from Pers. kjLj) s. ra. A pawn at chess. '* S. baidik, s. m. A physician. ^ S. liJuJ bedikd, s. f. An altar, plat- form. See bedan, g Pain, sickness, s. bedand, C s. Uj-j bed-usd, s. m. A reader of the Beds. s. iJuj bedh or vedha, (from r. Pierce), s. m. Bore, crack, hole. s. 'viJbJuJ bedhnd (from v. a. To pierce, to perforate. s. bedhl or vedhl, s. m. A borer. s. {^X^ bedl or vedi, s. f. An altar. See s. bir or vlra, s. m. A hero : adj. Brave. H. ^ blr, s. f. A sister : a tusk. s. m. A brother. H. ^ blr, s. m. A jewel worn in the ear. s. ^ bair or vaira, s. m. Enmity, revenge. s.j^ ber, s. f. (Sans. ^^^) The name of a fruit, that of the jujube (Zizyphus Jujuba) : Time, delay, vicissitude : (%^) While. s. bairdg oxvairdgya, s. m. Pe- • nance, devotion, the act of leaving the plea- sures of the world. bairdgd (from ^ small crooked stick, which a bairdgl places under his arm-pit to lean upon as he sits. s. bairdgl (Sans. f^TT^T) adj. Austere, lecluse. s. m. A kind of wandering fakir who practises certain austerities. s. bairdgan (Sans. IwPrnft) 8. f. A lemale bairdgl : also, the same as ber-ber (Sans. Often, frequently, repeatedly. s. blrj, 8. ra. See also, Power^^ strength. 157 h'lrla or virata, s. f. Prowess, valour. A. bairak, s. m. A banner, ensign, colours. H. bairakli, s. f. A (lag, an ensign, &c. -■ bairati (Sans. s. f. A female enemy. H. biran, s. m. Brother. p. ^^^ bei'Foi, prep. Without, on the outside. herun-jdt, Country (opposed to town). benm-jfil-i, A villager, belonging to a village ; a countryman. s. beri (Sans, s. f. The tree of Zizyphus J ujuba. s, blr'i (Sans. ) s. f. A betel leaf made up with spices, &c. &c. (see : the colour which adheres to the lips from chew- ing betel. H. b'lri, s. f. A composition which being rubbed on the teeth stains their interstices of a reddish colour. s* bairi or vairi, s. m. An enemy. u.j^ ber, s. m. An enclosure. \jj her bandi kamdy To enclose a field. s. hero, (Sans. ^ M ) s. m. A raft, a float; the raft w hich is floated by the Muhammadans in honour of Khwaja Khizar. (Besides the anniv'ersary bera oflered to propitiate him, hundreds of smaller ones with lamps may be seen on Thursdays of the month Bhadon par- ticularly, which are offered by the Muham- madans to this saint). Ix&Jjb bera bundhmJ, V. a. To collect a crow d. UlS b b^jb \j^ bera par karnd or lagdna, To relieve from distress, to remove difficulties, to help one through a business ; (Lit. To ferry over a raft). byAjb Jj-j bera par honu, To obtain deliver- ance from misfortune or distress, to succeed. H. bird, s.m. 1. The same as s. biri. 2. A thong tied to the hilt of a sword by which it is retained in the scabbard, a sword knot, bl^l bird ulhdnd, v. a. To undertake a business. Uli bird ddind, To propose a premium for the performance of a task : (the e.xpression originates in a custom that pre- vailed of throwing a bird of betel into the midst of an assembly, in token of proposal to any person to undertake some diflicult affair then requisite to be performed ; and, the per- son who took up the betel bound himself to perform the business in question). II. berhd, adj. Crooked, s. m. Paling, rail- ing. II. bj^ berhndy v. a. To enclose with a fence, to surround ; to pound (cattle, &c.) : to drive away cattle. H. beriy s. f. Irons fastened to the legs of criminals, fetters : the baskets used to irrigate fields with. H. bjj-j beriydy s. m. The name of a cast of Hindus. p. bezdry adj. Displeased, angry, out of humour : (vulg.) sick. P. bezdr-iy s. f. Anger, bad humour, dis- pleasure. s. bais (for Sans. s. m. 1. The third of the four Hindu casts or varm : See ^ 2. A name of a tribe of Rdjpuls. (A prince of that tribe formerly reigned at Dauriridkherd. His dominions, which extended over a great part of Oude, on the north bank of the Ganges, are still called am J. 3. (For Age. s. bis (Sans. Twenty. s. 1 bisd (Sans. ) s. m. A dog which has tw'enty nails. s. -iLj baisdkh or vaisdkha, s. m. The first solar month of the Hindus, the full moon of which is near ft'SCnifTT Visdkhd (four stars in Libra and Scorpio) s. L^L-J baisdkhd, s. m. A crutch ; a club armed 158 < ^ ^ with iron. (tsOT^) A club consecrated in j the month of Baisakh. s. baisakh-i, adj. Growing in the month of Baisdkh, or relating to that month, s. f. A large kind of myrobalan or citron fruit. H. jaU-.i baisundu, adj. Sedentary, idle. p. btst, adj. Twenty. p. blstun, n. prop. Name of a celebrated mountain in Persia. H. j- besar, s. f. The small ring worn in the nose. H. besard, s. m. A kind of falcon. (Falco nisus var.). p. s. be-sur-u, adj. Out of tune. H. .1 besati, s. m. The flower or meal of pulse (particularly of chanu, Cicer arietinum). H. besnaull (from s* f A cake made of pease-meal. H. tiwj besan-i, adj. Made or mixt with besan. s. <_ji— ^ baisani, s. f. A female of the bats cast. s. Ij- heswd (Sans, f. A prostitute. s. bais-zodrd, s. m. The residence of Bais, the nativity of Bais. s. bisi, s. f. A measure of grain, adj. (f^Srf%) Twenty. p. besh, adj. More ; good, proper, well, excellent, elegant, delightful | hesh-kimat, Of great price or value j\ > besh az besh^ Very much, a great deal. p.yjL^ bcsh-tar^ adj. comp. More, for the most part, exceeding, better. 8. yJLrf bais/tnav or vais/piava, adj. Of j or relating to Vishnu^ a worshipper of Vishnu. p. J besh 0 kam, adj. Not much, a mo- derate cpiantity, more or less. p. 't beshuj 8. m. A forest. p. besh-i, s. f. Excess. A. baiz, s. ra. A mark fixed to public wri- tings by the Magistrate or any principal officer. A. Lij baizd, 1. adj. White. 2. s. m. The Sun. yad-i-baizd dikhdnd^ v. a. To dis- tinguish one’s self in any work, (an allusion taken from the luminous hand of Moses). A. p. baiz-dna, s. in. The perquisite of the magistrate, &c. for marking public papers. A. baizdwi, s. f. The name of a book containing a commentary on the Kurdn. A. (from adj. Fashioned in the shape of an egg. la»- khaU-i-baizavi^ s. in. A form of the Persian Nastc^lik charac- ter, in which the curved tails of the letters are segments of an oval; opposed to tjliiT khatt- i-dfldbl, in which they are portions of a circle. A. iUa-j baiza, s. m. An egg. A.jlk^ baitdr, s. m. A horse doctor, a farrier. A. ^ bai*, s. f. (Buying and selling) Com- merce, selling. \j^ bai* karnd, v. a. To sell. X A. ‘U'jV baidna, s. m. Earnest money. X A. baiat^ s. f. Homage, fealty. Ij ^ burnt karnd, v. a. To become a disciple of some saint. s. JICj baikdl (Sans. 8. m. After- noon. See Jllo * ^ _ s. ca cji3" baikunlh, s. m. Paradise. 5. bekh (Sans. ^^) s. m. Habit, dress. See s. beg, s. m. Celerity, haste, rapidity ; dung. adv. Soon, quickly, with haste. T. beg, s. m. A Moghal title, correspond- ing with the English, Lord. H. begdr, s. m. A person forced to work with or without pay. n, begdr-i, s. f. The act of pressing or 159 forcing to work. LJ hegdri lend, To take forcibly or press, witli or without pay. P- hegdna-gi, s. f Strangeness, being foreign or not domestic p. begdna, adj. Strange, not domestic, foreign, unknown. T- (4- ^^5 am, s. f. A lady, a queen. (Women of rank are called 5fg«7«5). Plur. T. begmd (dimin. of 4>) s. f. A young lady. ii. haigan, s. m. The egg plant. (Solanum Melongena). H. baigantl, s. A sort of wood. s. bighd (Sans. s. m. A quantity of land containing twenty kaUhds or 1^0 feet square. s. (from / ^ I ^JC) adv. Quickly. s. bail (Sans, cj ^cj s. ni. A bull, an ox : met. A blockhead. d. hcl (Sans. ) s. m. The name of a fruit, (Cratoeva or iDgle marmelos) ; (^^t) s. f. A creeper, climber. H. bel, (Sans. I) Th. name of a flower, (Jasminum Zambac). bel phalne, To attain one’s precise or utmost wish. p. bel, s. m. A spade. s. IL) ^ while, a time. H. lU held, s. f. Name of a shrub, (Jasminum Zambac) : a cup : an instrument of music re- sembling a fiddle. p. ILj held, s. m. Money for charity. ^ beld-barddr, One of the retinue of a great man who scatters money among the people. H. IjyJ hel-hutd, s. m. A shrub, bush or creeper. bel-cha, (dimin. of J«j) s. ra. A hoe, a spade, a small mattock. bel-ddr, s. m. A pioneer, a digger, user of a spade. P. bel-ak, s. f. A small mattock; the iron point of an arrow. 8- Spread) bclan, s. m. A rolling pin. helani, A branch. -• ^"^4 (Sans. ^ ) s. m. A rolling pin. V. a. To spread out, to laminate, s. ^ held (from LLj) Rolling. H. ^ bc-lau, adj. Dispirited, heartless, p. him, s. m. Fear, terror, dread, danger. H. blmd or bimdj'i, s. m. Insurance. s. be-mdt (Sans. f^'^TT^T) s. f. A step- mother. C-'U.^ bemdl-bhdl, A brother born of a difterent mother by the same father, a half-brother by the father’s side. s- >4 baimdlr, s. m. A brother born of a difterent mother by the same father. p.jLw bimdr, adj. Sick, indisposed. ajU-jlw bimdr-khdna, s. rn. An hospital. p. bimdr-dna, adj. Sickly. p. j'jjU-j bhndr-ddr, s. A nurse of a sick person. p. blmdr-ddr-l, s. f. Care of a sick person. p. (^4* Sickness. s. ^ bln (Sans. s. f. A kind of stringed musical instrument, a sort of lute. p. yp) bln, part, in compos. Seeing, looking. s. ^ hen (Sans. ^^) s. m. A flute, pipe, fife. s. ^ bain (Sans. ^T^) s. f. A word, speech. A. bait/an (perhaps, corrupt, of ^,Lj) s. ra. Explanation, interpretation. s. Lj baind (Sans. ^7^T^) s- m- Victuals dis- tributed at marriages. See H. li-j baind, s. m. An ornament worn on the forehead. ‘ p. U-J bind (from (jjqj) adj. Clear-sighted. s. Lu bend, s. m. (for Sans. ^TT^) The name of a grass, klias-khas (Andropogon muricatura): (for ^T^^) A fan. 160 btnu-i, s. f. Sight. A. ^ ^ hain-bain, adj. Intermediate (between good and evil) ; passable, indifferent, tole- rable. H. bent, s. m. A handle. ir. benjn'i (from adj. Purple (the colour of the Solanum melongena). H. Lsij benchnu, v. a. To sell. II. Uv-^> baindu, s. m. A mark placed on the forehead as a preparative to devotion among the Hindus. See and s. L&Jo-j blndhnd (Sans. V. a. To bore. II baindi, s. f. An ornament worn by wo- men on the forehead. H. blndu, s. m. A roll of paper. H. bendd, adj. Crooked. s. bendhnu, v. a. To plait, to braid. .s. blndi (Sans. %of!) s. f. The hair twisted or plaited behind ; a tail. See bent. p. blnish, s. f. Sight, discernment. s. beng (Sans. s. m. A frog, pad- dock, toad. See H. baingan, s. m. The egg plant. See baigan. ' •s s. ^OTT bem, s. f. The hair twisted behind. See bindi. p. blnl, s. f. The nose. blnh burida, adj. Whose nose is cut off. p. \y^ bcwd, s. f. A widow. See -• u'ird (Sans. s. ni. The ve- hicle or self-moving car of a Hindu deity : a (Hindu) bier. See bimdn. s. bj/opuri, s. m. A merchant. See baipdrt. A. bui/f(ldt, plur. of A house, c(c. q. v. Also, liousehold expenses. II. \jyj byord, s. m. Difference, distinction; e\ planation, history, detail of circumstances, account, an account of particulars or detailed account (in book-keeping). ^yore-war, adj. Explicitl}', distinctly. — s. s- m. Separation (ge- nerally of lovers). See ^Hog. s- Jii?. (f^ and Junction) biyog-l, s. m. A lover suffering the pain of absence. H. byont, s. ra. Shape, thejict of cutting out clothes. V. a. To cut or shape clothes, in. The instrument with which leather is scraped and cleaned. byongd phird nahlii, His hide has not been curried yet, (said of a spoiled child, &c.). H. byongi, s. f. See byongd. p. bewa, s. f. A wddow. See bewd. byohdr or byauhdr (Sans. ^T^’^TX) s. m. Profession, calling, trade, negotiation, trans- action, practice. byohar (^^^|^) s. m. A loan. s. byohard )(Sans. ni. y. hyohariyd | A creditor, a lender. ^ , s. beh (Sans s. m. A hole, a perforation. H. behar, adj. Uneven, abrupt, rugged. p, bchld (Pers. fe is substituted for it in Persian words adopted into the Arabic language. With a he affixed, it may stand for the Sanskrit ^ as ^ s. ^ s. m. The wind ; iEolus the god of the wind : (r. Preserve) a nourisher or pro- tector : (r. m Drink) act of drinking, p. (Sans, m^) s. m. The leg, foot. In compos, part. act. of pdidan, To con- tinue ; as, b^ kam-puy Of short duration ; byj der-pu, Permanent. p. jIjJI b pu-anddz (b Foot, and part, past of To throw), s. m. A carpet spread at the entrance of a room on w'hich the feet are cleaned. P. JuJ b pd-band, s. m. A rope with which the fore-feet of a horse are tied. (Sans. adj. Clogged, fettered. pa-band-hond, V. n. {Met.) To be married. p. b pd-bos (b Foot, and part, act. of To kiss) Kissing the feet, i. e. Adoring, worshipping, revering. by> b pd-bos-hond, V. n. To worship, to revere, to adore. pdbos-i, s. f. Worship, reverence, ado- ration. pd-bosl-karnd, v. a. To worship, to reverence. A. c^b pap, s. m. A crime, sin, fault. H. bb papa, s. m. A weevil, an insect bred in rice. See * r\ s.Jjb pdpar or pdpar (Sans. g ^ thin crisp cake made of any grain of the pea kind. \:S^j^pdpar-belnd, To undergo great labour or pain. f. Ijjb pdprd (Sans. ^^^) s. na. A certain plant, (Gardenia Latifolia. Roxb.). I. pdprd-khdr (Sans. s. m. Ashes of the plaintain tree (Musa paradisiaca) used instead of salt for seasonins: the cakes called jjb pdpar. s. i^b pdpin (Sans. M I fM*Tt from Crime) adj. f. A sinner, a criminal, p. pd-posh, s. f. A slipper, s. j^b M I Ml pdpd, adj. m. A sinner, a criminal, p. ajUb pd-pii/dda, adv. On foot. s. ti-'b pat (Sans. 8. m. A leaf: an orna.- ment worn in the upper part of the ear: a draught or check on a banker. bXlT ^yb pdton-d-Iagnd, applied to trees, indicates the fall of their leaves in autumn : metaphorically, it signifies that one’s power or ability is ex- hausted; and this expression is often applied to patience exhausted by the scorn of a beloved person ; or, to a destitute condition from ad- verse fortune. p. b pat (Sans. M l) s. ra. Silk : a mill-stone. (crft'^T) A boardj shutter, plank, flap, seat, throne ; a plank on which washermen beat clothes. s. lIiU paid (Sans. s. m. A plank on which washermen beat clothes. -• d>]/^^Pat-rdm (t3b A throne, and A queen) ^f. The queen or principal wife of a Raja. s, put-kiram (Sans. ^ i i. e. Silk, and An insect) s. m. A silk-worm, s. Jjb pdtal, s. m. Rose or pink-colour. s. j^\j pdt-ambar (Sans. 'C|‘'^J^^) s. m. Silk cloth. \y If. pdtan, s. f. A roof: s. m. Name of a city. H. Ljb pulnu, V. a. To roof, to cover, to shut : to fill, to irrigate, to water, to pay : to over- stock, to heap, to pile, to accumulate, to fill up. H. pdlunl, s. m. A ferryman. s. path, s. m. A lesson, a reading, a lecture. H. pSihii, s. m. A young animal full grown (generally, a goat or elephant) ; a youth or young wrestler. s. pdlhak, s. m. He that gives lessons, a teacher, a professor ; a title of Brah- mans. s. 'JL puth-sdlu, s. f. A school, a college. s. ^b pathi, s. m. The same as pTitJiak, q. v. s.f. A young goat. s. ^b puli (Sans. s. f. The side pieces of a bedstead : a kind of mat : a kind of board on which children learn to write. I*. '’■ Behind, after. See ■' '' * (pdchhaih or ^ -• 1 pdchheh, j s. jb pdd (Sans. TIJ^) s. m. A fart. bjU jb pdd-mdrnd, To let a fart. p. pdddsh, Is. m. Retaliation, recom- p. pdddsht, j pence, retribution, re- ward. H. Ijb pddd-non, s. m. Black salt, prepared by melting common salt with a small propor- tion of inyrobalans. (It contains sulphur). s.jlcn-bu pdd-chdr, adv. On foot, p. j\jAi pd-dardz, adj. Contented, tranquil, at ease. p.^j^jb pdd-zahr, s. m. The name of a medi- cine, expeller of poison. ( Bezoar stone). p. ibi>jb pdd-shdh. See ^lilJb hddshdh. p. i^liijb pddshdh-i. See ^biijb bddshdhi. p. ijlj ilijb pddshdh-zdda, s. m. A prince. H. pdd-ghdbrd, adj. Frightened out of one’s wits. fs s, bjb pddnd (Sans. Lj v.n. To fart. .s. l&jb pddhd (Sans. 3fTT'b5^75^) s. m. A school-master. s.jb Over, across, on the other 103 J 0 side, through, tlie other side. par-kurnd, lo ferry over, to cross: to finish: to perfo- rate : to relieve : to carry off. -• (Sans. or ^K^ s.,n. Quick- silver, mercury, s- pdrdwur, adv. On both sides (ot a ri\er). s. in. Limit (of sea) : sea, ocean. s- M KT^Cn" pdrdj/an, s. m. The act of reading a Purdn continually, without express- ing its meaning. p. pdreha, s. m. A fragment, a piece, a scrap, a piece of cloth, a rag, cloth, clothing. s. paras (Sans. s. m. The philosopher’s stone ; (M I f) Persian. p. parts (Sans. M I s. m. Persia. p. L|lj pdrsd, adj. Abstemious, chaste, watch- ful.'' p. J^J^ pdrsdl, s. or adv. Last year. p. tJ pdrsd-i, s. f. Chastity, purity, absti- nence. s. i.b udras-patthar, ) _ r X pSras-pMIml, f WSCWfrn: s. m. The philosopher’s stone. s- pdras-plpal (Sans. 'qTSC'^'Rrq'^ ) s. m. The name of a tree (Hibiscus Popul- neoides. Roxb.). s. p. ^j\jpdrsi (Sans. s. m. A Per- sian, the Persian language. H. , ^X) pdrsi, s. m. A follower of Zoroaster, s. purkhl (Sans. M < I ^ =(i see s. m. An examiner, a discriminator. s. ^}JSparal (Sans. s. m. Name of a plant. (Bignonia Chelonoides, or Bignonia Suaveolens. Roxh.). pdrnd (Sans. s. m. Breaking a fast. V. a. To finish. s.jlyjb par-war (Sans. adv. On both sides (of a river) : quite through, through and through. TRrff purroatiy s, f. (Daughter of or a mountain), Durgd the wife of Sha. p. para, s. ni. A strap, a slip, a piece, a bit, a fragment, pdra-doz, s. m. A patch- er ; a tent-maker or one who applies the leather parts in tents, pardas, &c. «• P^f) s- A scafibld. Ijb pdrd, s. m. A quarter of a town, a wa^. H. \iJ\j pdrnd, V. a. To let fall, to throw do^ : to collect lamp-black. H. Ujb pdrhd, s. m. A hog-deer. (Cervus por- cinus). pdrhi (from jb) s. f. Crossing a river (when travelling on it) : a young buffalo, a buffalo-calf. _/^b p«-2oAr, s. m. An antidote to poison, be- zoar. See ^ jb -• pas (Sans. Lj (!^cj Side) postpos : Near, about, at. P* s- Sake : a watch or term of three hours, a guard. ^b pds-i-khdtir, Attention to (one’s) wishes. -• pdsd (Sans. M l^i^) s. ra. A die (plur, j^b pdse, dice, the oblong dice with which chaupar is played). pds-bun, s. ra. A sentinel, a watch, a guard, a shepherd. P. pds-bdn-i, s. f. Watch, guard, protec- tion, keeping. • p. pds-ddr-l, s. f. Watching, guardian- ship. p. csXi-ib pd-sang, s. ra. A make weight, sorae- tlfing placed in one scale to balance the other, or something placed on one side of a load to form an equipoise to the other. s. ^b past (from Sans. ^^) s. f. A net, a rope with which the legs of a horse are bound. (n^T^Tt) s. m. A fowler. s. ^b pds-l (from Sans. M |S^| A rope) s. m. One whose business it is to make tddl. (So Y 2 named from the rope round his leg when he climbs the jIj tree). pash, part. Sprinkling, scattering, p, pash-pash, part. Shivered, scattered, p. ^) s. m. The W. bj^b pdkariyd, f ^ H HI C I ^ citron leaved Indian fig-tree. (Ficus venosa). n. t^/b pdk-sahpi, s. f. A table vice, a bench vice. (This is a modern name; for, the instrument was introduced by Europeans). p. A. uJbtfLl/b pdk-sdf, adj. Pure, clean, un- defiled, unpolluted. s. b^b pdknd (from Sans, Ripening, dress- ing food.) V. n. To boil in sirup. H. Vb pdkhd, s. m. A shed, any small building leaning against the W'all of a yard or area. s. ,.,b^b pdkhun or pdshdn, s. m. A '•V stone, a rock. H. pdkhar, s. f. Iron armour for the defence of a horse or an elephant. 6. li^b pdk hand or pdshand, s. m. Wickedness, deceit, hypocrisy, heresy. 8. pdkhandl or ^pds- handi, adj. Hypocritical, deceitful, heretical. **• s. f. Purity, cleanness, sanctity. Q ^b pdki lend, v. a. To shave or pluck hai^ from parts concealed, p, pdkiza-gi, s. f. Cleanness, purity, iieatncss- p. pdklzOf adj. Clean, pure, neat. s. ts/b pdg, s. f. A turband. (^^) Sirup. H. bb pdgd, s. m. A troop of horse (among Maharattas), a stud. H. /b pdgur, s. m. Act of chewing the cud, rumination. H. bl^b pdgurdnd, v. a. To chew the cud, to ruminate. H. jfb pdgal, s. ra. A fool, idiot, madman. {Bangld ). H. Jb pdl, s. m. f. A sail : a small tent : layers of straw, leaves, &c. between which unripe mangoes are ripened. §. i’b pdld (Sans, td Frost, hoar- frost, snow : trust, charge : a heap of earth made by children to separate the two parties in a game called kabaddl : leaves of a tree named jharberi, (a species of Zizyphus). Jb 2)dle parnd, v, n. To fall within the power of another. s. ^j^^b pd-ldgan (Sans. s. m. Reve.. rence, respect, veneration. p. pdldn, s. m. Pack-saddles, dorsers. s. <_g.^b pg/aA tSans. Lj|n^c^^ s. m. A kind of * greens, (a species of spinach) : (TlfrSfc^) A bedstead : part. act. (from r. Preserve) A watchman, a preserver, ^<3b pdluk-pulr An adopted son. H, db pdlak-juhi, s. f. Name of a medi- cinal tree. (Justicia nasuta, also, Lxora undu- lata. Roxb.). H. ^^b pd-lakrl, s. f. Blocks of w'ood placed under the feet of a bed to raise it. (It is the custom to have two such blocks ready to raise the head of a bed, to give it a sloping posi- tion). n. ^b pdlkl, s. f. A litter, a sedan. palk'i-sawdr, one who rides in a pdlki. ^^b pdlkhnishln. Entitled to be carried in a pn/Ab (Formerly this privilege was granted by a King or Viceroy). 1 65 uV «. M pulan, s. in. Bringing up, rear- ing, breeding, nourishing. s. Ul» pdlnu (r. Preserve) v. a. To bring up, to breed, to educate, s. in. A cradle. r. pci-laliajig, s. ni. A tether, a halter. II. pit'h s. f. A battle bctiveen birds ; a place where birds fight ; a covering of a pot. p.. JUb pd-tiidl, adj. Trodden on, ruined. p^ JUb pdmdl-i, s f. Devastation, ruin, the being beaten down by treading. p. jJb pdlez, s. f. A field of melons. P. pd-7)iard-iy s. f. Strength ; resolution, valour. s. yU fuf&l pdtiij s. The hand. fv s. j^b p5«(Sans. THTJJ) s. m. Betel leaf, (leaves of Piper Betel). s. (^b pdn (for pdricfi, q. v.) Five. s. bb pdnd, v. a. (Sans. i. e. and r. 3fJCf Acquire) To get, to acquire, to find, to overtake, to reach, to accept, to obtain, s. ra. A plant growing in stagnant water. s. (j:.-Jb pdnt (Sans. ) s. f. A row ; a line (of writing) ; a rank of soldiers. pdntar (Sans. ^ long and lonesome way) s. ni. A desert field. §. pdns hojdnd, To rot, to become mellow (land). II. U-Jb pdmsnd, v. a. To manure. ¥ s. cSJbb pdnk (Sans. s. III. A bog, mire, mud, slough, quagmire. II. Ixib pdngd, s. m. Culinary salt obtained from sea sand (as by the process in use on the sea coast of Bengal). s. yb pd/iw (Sans. Pers. b) s. m. Leg, foot. \jji\ yb pdnzi^-ularnd, To be dislocated (the foot). blLs>- b b\y\ yb pd)iu>-uthdnd yd chaldnd^ To go quickly, bljl yb pdiim-urdnd^ To in- terfere unprofitably in any one’s affairs, yb bb^ pdihw barhdnd, To take the lead among one’s equals : to desist from one’s former courses. bW ^ yb pdiiw bhar jdnd, Numb- ness of the feet, sleeping of the feet, yb yb pdhzo pdhxa, or ^yb ^yb pdiwh pdhon^ adj. On foot. Lf^yb y y\jpdhwpar pdhzi) rakhndf To imitate or adopt the conduct of another, to walk in the steps of another : to sit at ease, to sit cross legged. \jy^ yb pdhw parnd, To in- treat submissively, bybyb pdiiw pakarndj To beseech submissively : to prevent one from going. yb pdiiw pujnd, To honour an- other : to avoid another, b^ Ji'i^ y\j^pdhxa phaildkar sond, (Lit. To sleep with the legs extended) is applied to signify perfect content and security, bil^ yb pdnw phaildnd, To in- sist, to be obstinate, bJLo yb pdhw pilna^ To stamp with impatience. CS^ yb \y^j pdhw phuk phuk rakhnd, To do any thing carefully. ^ yb pdhw tale mnlnd, To give one pain, to annoy, bvy yb pdhw torndj To desist from visiting any person : to visit one very often : to be tired. \-.Aj cibob y\> pdhw ^,dbit rakhnd) To persevere firmly in ^ 166 resolution. liU^ y\i pdhw jamdnuj To stand firmly. UU- j3l> panw chal jdnd, To tot- ter, to become unstable. purvw chaldnd, See jjb pdrm uthdnd. ytj j3b ysJ pdnw dho dho plnu, {Lit. To drink the water with which one’s feet are washed) denotes perfect confidence. yb punzo dcllna, To prepare for and commence an un- dertaking. yb pdnw dignd, To slip. yl) pdiiw ragarnd, To go about foolishly and unprofitably : to be in the agonies of death. ij j y\j pdnw zamln par na thaharnd, is used to express excessive joy. bj-j jjb pdnw sond, To be numbed, to sleep (the foot). y\i ^ pdnw se pdiiw bdndhnd, To watch one close. pdnw se pdnw bhirdnd.) To be near. pdnw kdyim karnd, To occupy a fixed habita- tion : to adopt a new resolution. b y\> pdnw kd anguthd, The great toe. b U-J'b jjb pdiiw kdmpnd yd tharlhardnd., To fear to attempt any thing, yb pdnw kisi kd ukhdrndy To move any person from his place, intention or resolution. ^ Jb UIj pdiiw kisi kd gale men ddlnd, To convict one by his own arguments. ^ yb pdnw ki ungll, A toe. y\j pdnw gdrndj To plant one’s feet, to stand immove- able. bfl yb pdiiw lagnd, To make obeisance, lilbb jjb pdnw nikdlnd, To exceed one’s pro- per limits : to withdraw from an undertaking : to be a ringleader in a criminal action. UT yb dabe pdiiw and, To come gently and unperceived as a spy. s. yb pdiiw-roti, s. f. A loaf of bread, bread made in the form of a loaf. s. \^y\j pdnwrd, s. m. A carpet spread at the entrance of a house for a guest to walk on. Sec yjjl b pd-anddz. ib V H. j;y\) pdnhar, s. m. A kind of reed. s. ^Jb pdni (Sans. s. m. Water; lus- tre ; sperm, byj (Jb pdnl bharnd, To confess inferiority, ^Jb pdnl parnd, v. n. To rain, b-jy ^ cib pdnl pi pi kosnd, To curse ex- cessively, (i. e. till the throat, being dry, must be moistened by drinking). bU-jJb Jjdni jdnd, V. n. To be afilicted with the fluor albus : to be disgraced : to shed tears. bJjs- (J,b pdni chalnd, v. n. To be afflicted with the fluor albus. by ll,:u (Jb pdni se patld karnd. To abash, to put to shame. DJj tjb pdni kd hulbidd, (A bubble of water) indicates insta- bility. byyb pdni karnd, v. a. To abash; to facilitate. by« tjb pdni marnd, v. n. To dry up, to be evaporated : to exhibit signs confirming a suspicion. b\^ ^Jb pdni men dg lagdnd. To revive a contention |( which had subsided. tj ^ib pdni na mdngnd, To be slain with the single stroke of a sword and die instantly. s. t^-jb pdnyati, s. f. The foot of a bed. s. jb pdo (Sans. ^T^) s. m. A quarter, a fourth part, pdw, see yb pdiiw. S. ;_^jb pdwas (Sans. s. m. The rainy '' season. s. C-^b pdwak, s. f. Fire. a, ^b pdold (from jb) s. m. A quarter of any coin (as of a rupee, &c.). S- s. (^jb pdoii. Same as yb pdnw, q. v. s. M (r. ^ Purify) pdwan, adj. Sa- cred, purifying. S- P»»«. cnETTUr from r. -• U* » pdhan, ^ Grind, pulverise) s. m. A stone. s. ^^b pdhun (Sans. s. m. A guest. a. Ub pdhund (Sans. Ml^^) s. m. A guest ; a son-in-law. 1G7 g. pahun} (Sans. 9 s. f. A female guest. H. pdhu, s. m. A person. H. ^'^Ij pdc, s. ni. A peasant residing in one village and cultivating land belonging to ano- ther village. s. pdi, ■) (from s. f. A coin, the *• pah), J fourth part of an and. H. 1 "oavers to H. pah), f wind off the warp from. P. pae (Sans. s. m. The foot, the stand of a table, chair, &c. jcj pue-hand, adj. Tied by the leg: (met.) encumbered with a family : s. m. Fetters, pde- takht, s. m. The royal residence or place of general residence of the royal family. pde-turdb, s. m. l^ie first stage of a journey. (It is usual to make one short stage at the commencement of a journey, and then to wait a few days to collect every thing necessary). P^^ land, To settle ac- counts. pde-ddm, s. m. A gin, a springe, a snare, a noose. <_>>\^t^'b pde- rikdb, Retinue, train. pue-zanjlr, adj. Chained by the leg; (met.) encumbered with a family. iju/*b pde-zih, s. in. A loop or slip knot tied to the legs of falcons, &c. ; a staple, pde-zeb, s. f. An ornament worn round the ankle by females. bi3 ^*b - Y pdedagnd, v. n. To make obeisance by em- bracing the feet : (a token of respect paid by the Hindus to Brahmans). JU ^^‘b pde-mdl, adj. Trampled on, ruined, JU pde- ?ndl karnd. To trample on, to destroy, to lav waste. to ravage. jbe ^'b pue-mdl-i, s. f. Destruction, ravage, ruin (occasioned by an army or cattle overrunning and trampling fields, &c.). ti^b pde-mardl, s. f. Cou- rage, resolution ; see p. t^bb pd-ydb, adj. Within man’s depth ; ford- able. 8. m. A ford. p. ^_ejbb pd-1/db-t, s. f Quality of being fordable. p. ,.,bb pdudn, s. m.') ^ , , . . (. >Fnd, completion, extreme, p. ^jbb pui/am, s. t. J * p. tj\i ^*b pde-tdba, s. m. A sock. See iJb palthar pdni ho jdnd, The melting of a stony heart ; a difficult task to be facilitated. palthar pasijnd, To be softened or melted (a stony heart), jj palthar chhdti par rakhfid, To be patient by compulsion or from being without remedy. bjU Lj palthar sd phenk mdrnd, To reply rashly witli- out understanding the meaning of one’s ques- tipn. l^bo b bj^^ ^ palthar se sir phornd or mdrnd. To teach or instruct a fool, byb palthar bond. To lie heavy ; to be stable, to stand still ; to be unmerciful, (o^fu pallharc, occurs in Mir TukI as a plural ; so s. \j\j^ palhrdnd (fromj^) v. n. To be petri- fied; to become hard (a bile). See under ^SS\ s.j^ jfj pallhar-phor, s. m. A wood-pecker (Picus). s. bbfc jfj palthar chatd, s. m. Name of a sort of greens: a skin-flint: name of a serpent : name of a fish. adj. One attached to his own house, who remains there even in distress. §■ patlhar-chur (Sans. nTrfT^^^?) s- Name of a plant. (Plectranthus aromaticus, Roxb.). s. Hi jSj pallhar-kalu (Sans. I ) adj. used substantively, A firelock. s. pallhri (from Cy^') v. n. To fall from one's rank or estimation. H. ^^^^patkan, s. f. A knock, a fall, bl^ patkan khdnd. To fall down. H. bLib pataknd, v. a. To dash against any thing, to throw on the ground with violence, to knock. H. s. L.O (_jLib patknni dend, "1 v. a. To dash on H. 8. L;J patki dend, j the ground, to throw against any thing with violence. ji. ^^palan, s. m. Hoofing. >1. Lib palnd, v. n. To be paid, to be procured ; to be watered: to fill ; to be covered, to be 171 roo^, &c. intrans. of U,"L q. v. s. ni. Name of a city. (Sans. *1^). ^11. Ulb piffiel, V. n. To be beaten. H. s* ^ ferry-man. See (Jyb. s. jlO p(Plu (Sans. Cloth) s. m. A kind of '' woollen cloth, a cloth to cover with from rain, &c. s. iyb pofild (r. Stri nij, arrange) s. m. A man w hc^trings pearls, a braider, a maker of fringe and tape. H. |yi) patuu, s. m. Tow made from the Hibiscus Cannabinus. One who keeps ac- count of lands, a land steward. H. jiyb pat war, Is. m. H. patwdri, ) coi ^ ' .f H. blyy patwuna, v. a. To provide money : to water. See LjI» V s. patut r. Move, shine) s. m. Vigour, virility, activity, skill. H. (yyb patotan, s. m. Roofing with planks or boards, transom. s. patukd Cloth) s. m. See patku. UjsjJ'b patukd bdndhnd, To determine on, or to prepare for any act. patukd pakarnd, To hinder or obstruct. H. pataunl, s. m. A ferry-man. See H. Li>^ palohiyd, s. m. An owl. H. /’o/t/z, Is. m. A young full-grown ani- ' H. patthd, J mal, a youth, a wrestler : a sinew, a tendon : a plant with long leaves. H. s. m. The buttock, the hip (of an animal). ^ — r H. pathdnd or pithdnd, H. pathaund, }v.a. To send. pieces of the frame of a bedstead. \i.ij (Jifc patti pakarke Mite rahnd, denotes ex- cessive weakness and laziness, patti tornd. To be be (jy^en. ?«^^oxnre H. pathi/d, part, past, Sent. H. pathiyd, s. f. A young full-grown ani- mal. (Generally applied to kids, fowls, &c.). 5. ^ pMCt, s. f. 1. (Cj Wl) A bandage. 2. (qlW) A quarter of a place. 3. The side patti se patti mildnd,^ expresses the most inti- mate proximity. 4. A row. 5. A kind of sweetmeat. 6. Division of the hair which is combed towards the two sides and divided by a line in the middle. s. LSj pMjyd (M ^ s. f. A slate or slab of stone. H. patait (from lib) s. m. A cudgeller. H. paterd, s. m. Papyrus. H. J-2j (from l«j) 8. m. Cudgelling: so- vereignty: a chief among the KunbI tribe; a title of Maharattas. H. pateld or pataild, s. m. A kind of boat, fiat-bottomed : a log or beam used to roll or harrow ground. Lllj patel ddlnd, To in- terrupt, to throw obstacles in the way of a business : to beat. patilnd, v. a. To exact, to subdue: to beat. H. , pateli (dimin. of)Lib) s. f. A small flat- ^ - V ^ • •• y bottomed boat. s. pati-md Cloth, and r. HT Measure) s. m. The planks on which cloth is spread for printing. H. LJb patind, s. m. Name of a bird. s. bUf' pujd-pd (from I Worship) s. m. The apparatus of w orshipping. H. \jb<' pujdnd, V. a. To fill, to complete. p. pajdwa (corrupt, of s. m. A brick- kiln. s. pwjMana (caus. of Ls^y) v. a. To cause to worship. H. pajaurd or pajord, adj. Low, mean, shabby. 5.‘H. UG \^^pachd ddlnd (see L^) v. a. To di- gest, to rot. Z 2 172 u. \J^ puchura, s. m. A thin coat of clay for laying- on a Avail : the sponge of a gun. Upjj puchard phernd, To sponge a gun. puchdrd dend^ a thin coat of clay on the walls of a hou^, ^ white-Avash a Avail. s. pachds adj. Fifty. -. pachdsi (M’^TSrrf^) adj. Eighty-five. s. ^iX^pachdnd (from \*sf) v. a. To digest, to ferment. s. pachdnawwe adj. Nine- ty-five. u. ‘^‘^^pachpach, s. m. The noise made by walking in damp places. u. \f\^^pichj)ichd, adj. Flabby, Avatery, sticky. H. pachpachdndy v. n. To be damp, to be wet; to sweat. H. puchpan, adj. Fifty-five. H. pachlolhja^ s. m. A kind of cloth. u. j^,pachchar, s. f. A Avedge. \ij^ j^ pachchar mdrnd, To teaze, to harass, to distress. H. pichukkd, s. m. A squirt. II. puchkdrd, s. m. See puchdrd. \jjyj puchkdrd phernd, To Avhite-wash a Avail. H. pichkdrl, s. f. A squirt, a syringe. H. pichkdnd (from v. a. To squeeze, to pVess together, to shrivel, to wrinkle, to burst. H. \S^pkhaknd, v. n. To be squeezed ; to be shrivelled. S. pachkhd s. f. Six days from to ^^rTT’ Avhich days several kinds of work are unlawful. g. puch-khand Five, and Part.) adj. Consisting of five parts or divi- sions (a house, &c.). g. II. andj) Roav, fold) adj. Consisting of live roAvs, five-fold. / f V ^ s. pach-lond (Cj -ejej^ Five, and JpSalt) s. m. A medicine composed of five kinds of salt. s. A. pach-mahalld Five, and Mansion) adj. Of five stories (a house). s. pach-mel CCf-cj 4-j i. e. TlJ-cjq^ Meeting, mixture) adj. mixed, confused. H. pachnd (r. Tlpcf Cook, mature) v. n. To be digested ; to rot ; to be consuni^ ; to take pains, to labour. s. ip pachotara i. e. q Five, and, 3^"^ l^eply) s. m. A duty of five per cent on merchandise. H. puchukd, s. m. A squirt, ^syringe. s. Jy<,pachaunl (r. Cook, &c.) s. f. The stomach. s. (r. Take a part) pachh or pakh, s. m. Protection, defence, cdfrfirmation, par- tiality; a feather; a side or division of the month, a fortnight. s. puchhdr (from s. m. See pursa. ^ H. puchhdr (from l^l^) s. f. *A fall: the act of Avinnowing. \j[^ Ji^p^pdchhdr khdnd, To fall doAvn, to sufter pain. H. pachhdrnd (from v* a. To throAv doAvn, to abase, to conquer. -• pichhdrl (from Behind, or r. Prevent, bind) s. f. The rear; the ropes by Avhich a horse’s hind legs are tied. l^Ls pichhdrl mdrnd. To attack in the. rear. s. pachhdu s. m. W’^est. H. pichhdniid, v. a. To knoAV, to be ac- quainted Avith, to recognize. See LiUti s. pachhldnd (q^^IXTST i. e. 'q'lrr^ Behind, after, and ^T*Ti Heat, from r. Burn) V. n. To regret, to repent of. s. pachhtdwd ( M ^ I See under 9. ni. Regret, pt'nitence, contrition, concern, "rief. parhhattar, adj. Seventy five. pnchhapid, v. n. To fall, to tumble down. u. pac/i/iarjdnd, v. n. To be overcome. iQ, s. 'L^.picMilu (from q. v.) adj. Hinder- most, last, modern. LiLb yb pichhle pdnw haind, To withdraw from "one’s agree- ment. (Jl h. pichlutlpd'i, s. f. The ghost of a woman. s. piclihahid, (from Sans. V. n. To slip, to slide. See U — ,j * ^ s. pachchham ) s m. West. H. pac/ihnd, s. m. The act of scarifying (tattooing) : inoculation; a scarificator, (name of an instrument). H. fj.^^p(iihlmi, s. f. Scarifying, (tattooing). L s. (tTr^qJTTTfT i. e. West, and Wind) s. f. Western wind. ^JLs. \j\y^ nicliincdrd {from q- '' •) s. m. I he rear, the back, part. adj. Hinder, in the rear. 4 . s. pichhid behind) adv. Rehind, afterwards, s. m. Rack ot a house, s. pkhhauri, s. f A three-cornered hand- kerchief ' to tie round the head, s. pachhnnid (r. Separate) v. a. To w innow w ith a basket used for this j)urpose. See s. puchhwaii/d (from s. ra. An en- quirer. . ^ s. , A side, party, wing, from r. tif^' Take a part) pachchhi, s. m. An ally, an assistant, an advocate, a patron, a bird, s. pdctiliij/dw CM see |yi>^) §• f* A w'esteilj w ind. s. pichhet (from ^-^) s. m. The back of ^ a house ; a yard or enclosure behind a house. ir. pachc/if, adj. Adherent, joined : {jnct- in music) in unison. pachchi-kdri, s. f. Mosaick: patching or dafiiing of damaged cloth, bjjs ^^^^pachchi bond, To be stuck to- gether as with glue ; to be in unison ; to be strongly attached by love. s, pachh adj. Twenty- live s. (from s. f. A game played with cowries instead of dice, and so named from the highest throw which is twenty- five. 5- ^}\^^p(if'kdl Water, and Leather) s. 1. A large leather bag for carrying w'ater, generally on bullocks. Properly, Jl^X» q. v. P* piifkilart, s. f. Cakes (or bread) w'hich are laid over dishes when bringing to table, and under whidi the meat is kept warm : cakes im- bued with clarified butter from being laid over ceitain greasy dishes, such as dopij/dza, &c. ( I hese cakes are very soft and savoury; whence) bl^> Ubc mdmd pukhtarij/dn khdnd, To eat cakes of tliis description prepared by his mother, is applied to a person accustomed to luxury and incapable of labour or fatigue. p. pukhla-gi, s. f. Ripeness, the being cooked ; maturity, experience. p. pukhta, adj. Dressed (as victuals), baked (as bricks), made of brick; ripe; sly, knowing^ wise. \jj pukhta karnd, To make strong. P. pakhsh, adj. Pressed with the foot; extended, drawn out. g. jj pad, s. m. The foot; footstep; rank, dignity, character ; (in grammar) a word ; place, station. H. Iaj piddd, s. m. Name of a bird. s. Meaning, request) pad-drth, s. m. A rarity, a good, a delicacy or exquisite food: the meaning of a word : a category or predicament in logick. 174 iCJa - y padas (from Ujlj Sans. r. TjT^) s. f. Inclination to fart, flatulency. s. LjIjj paddsa (from Ujb) adj. m. Inclined to fart, flatulent. s. \j\s) padana from Ujb) v. a. To cause to fart. {Mel.) To frighten or to put to flight. s. iJS) padb'i s. f. A path, a road ; rank, character ; title, titular name, surname, patroniniick. p. jJo pidar, s. m. Father. p. pidar-ana, adj. Father-like, paternal. p. pidar-t, adj. Paternal. H. pidari, s. f. A tom-tit. s. padam s. m. The lotus (Nelura- bium speciosum. Willd.). Ten billions (ac- cording to the Sastr) : or, one thousand billions (according to the Dasturu-l-amal, or the Royal ordinances of Akbar). s. UiX» pudmdy s. f. The goddess of riches, Lachhml. s. padmuwat n. prop. Name of a celebrated princess, whose adventures are related in a romance entitled Padmdwall. s. padmani s. f. A description of women, the most excellent of the four classes into which woman kind is divided by the Hindus. (The names of the other three are Chitrini, Sankhinl and Haslini). -• 1 (from ol) or tj adj . Having -• ^ the quality of farting. ( Mel.) -• } A coward. H. pnd/i(~irna, v. n. To go, to depart. s. paddhat (M'^l A good road) s. f- Manner, custom ; a treatise on a particular science ; ritual ; a title or titular name. 5. ujJo paddi (from A foot or r. Gro) s. f. A path, away, an alley. p. jjJj pid'td., adj. Open, public, clear, evident, manifest, conspicjious, visible. V. p. phlr^ part, in compos^, (from Taking, receiving, admitting ; being possessed of or endowed with, %'inal-piAr, Possessed of ornament, adorned. jJnj safd-pizlr^ Endowed with integrity, sincere, pure. p. phlrd, ) (from ^ j jj) adj. Acceptable, p. Xjjjj pizlra, ) agreeable. M.jjpar, 1. (for adj. Distant, remote; other, strange : par-des, Abroad, adv., and conj. Over, above, through, after, at, by, for, of ; but. 2. (for (<^) prep. On, upon, at. 3. pari (Cjf^) prep, in compos. About, around, round about, entirely : (Greek Treft). 4. pra, (CT) prep, in compos. Forth, for, forward ; off, abroad, away : (Greek tt^o : Latin pro, pra, fores, and English pre-, for, fore). s. ra. A feather, a quill, a wing. {j\lj\jjpar-afshdm. Expansion of the wings. Ujy par-lulnd or par-jalnd. To be without power or ability, y par-jhdrnd or par-girdna. To prepare to fly : to get new feathers after moulting. ^ y par^zan, Striking the wings, flying. par-fshdnl s. f. A shaking of the feathers or extension of the wings. par nikdlnd. To display, on acquiring power, those qualities >vhich re- mained concealed in poverty or a low station. p. y par, adj. Full, complete, loaded, charged, (bans. ^^r)‘ pur, s. m; A city, a town. y pura-bdsi. Inhabitant of a city. s. \y purd s. m. A large village, a town, an assemblage of habitations, s. \y pard, prep, in compos. Hack, back- ward; reverse, defeat: ((*reek 5r«p«). H. \jj pard, s. m. A company, a body (of troops). ^ 'y. 175 s. pnritjMt (P | i. e. P and r. ^TTP Acquire) s. tn. Gain, income, produce, ad- vantage, benefit : adj. Acquired, attained. - ( PTrT: prat, s. in. Morning, dawn of day. 11. pardt, 1 rail, J ■ f. A large plate. '' * Old, aged. } J H. pardll s. purdtam, s. y purdlan II. pardlhd, s. m. Ilread made with butter or ghi and of several layers like pye-crust. s. (M 1,1 and Victory) pardjai, s. m. Overthrow, defeat, discom- fiture. '■ pardchit (CTT^f^^) s. m. A fine or penance imposed on religious occasions as the price of absolution, atonement, expiation. s. pardchin (ITT^t^) adj. Old, of for- mer times, ancient. ^ s. and 3ftfpf Docile, dependent) parddhln, adj. Dependent, hum- ble. n. iSiJiy prdrahdh, s. f. Fate, destiny. (Properly s. and ) prdrambh, s. m. Beginning, commencement, s. pards (W^[I) s. m. The name of a tree (Butea frondosa) ; oakum made of the bark of that tree. 9. prdschit (pr^rf^Ti) s. m. Atone- ment, expiation. See s. j) HT^T prdkrit bhdshd, s. f. K learned dialect formed from the Sanskrit a language. s. and r. Step, pace) pardkram, s. m. Great power, ability. ^ *. M pardkrami, adj. Bold, powerful, stout. s. pardg, s. m. Pollen, farina (of a flower).^ s. s. m. The ancient name of liahabad. p. pardganda-gl, s. f. Dispersion. P. iAifly pnrdgandu, adj. Dispersed, scattered, distracted. s. J!^ pardl (Sans. s. f. Straw. See J'ji- s. (IT, and the r. Gain) pard/abdh, s. m. Fate, predestination, ven- ture, chance. s* CTO pardon) pardmarsb, s. m. Council, advice, consideration, reflexion. s. pardmodimd (Mi,T and r. Re- joice) s. in. Wheedling. s. purdn, s. m. Hindu mythological books. s. ^^\jj ^TOT pardn or prdn, s. m. Breath, soul, life ; sweetheart, mistress. s. \j\jj purdnd ^1^1 ) adj. Old. (r. Fill) V. a. To fill. ♦ s. \j\jj pardnd ('T^T^^) v. n. To run, to flee. s. \j\ji pirdnd (r. Give pain) v. n. To have pain, to be painful. u. pariiithd, s. ni. A kind of cake, paste. See \yly pardthd. s. prdn-t, adj. Having life, an animal. s.s\jj^pardh s. f. Flight, a general emigration. s.\\j} poi'di/d (Sans. ^TX) adj. Strange, fo- reign, belonging to another, of another. p. para^i'c/io, Arab. plur. (®f4^b) Shreds, bits of cloth, &c. H. parb, s. in. Gem, a flat diamond. s. L^j) parah CQf^) s. m. A festival, a holiday, anniversary, feast. IT^ ]H (R and r. Dwell) prabds, s. m. Travelling, journey. 176 s. prabah, s. m. Stream, tide, tlood ; breadth of a river. 8. ^T^TTHt (See prabas-J, s. m. A traveller : Town, and r. Dwell) pura-bdsi, An inhabitant of a city. s. A mountain, s. parbat-iy s. m. A mountaineer. s. parbat-l, _s. f. I s. \^ji parbat-iydy s. m. > duction of hills) A kind of pumpkin. s, ji parbas (Sans. M 5,5^) adj. Depend- ing on the will of another, dependant, pi’e- carious. s. Jjjj parbal i. e. CT and Strength) adj. Predominant, superior, prevalent, vio- lent. s. <3j prahnndhy s. m. A kind of song: style, composition (of a discourse), s. adji or and r. Know) s. m. Demonstration, consolation, persuasion, s. and r. Shine) prahhdy s. f. Splendour. s. and r. HT Shine) pr«Wu/, s. m. Morning, dawn. s. wTPt r pruhhul-ly adj. Sung in a tune (or rciginl ) peculiar to morning, s. prabhdw and r. ^ Be or obtain), s. in. Influence, prosperity, felicity, majesty. s. prabhull, s. m. |(R and r. ^ s. T prabhutdy s. f. | Re or ob- tain)' Ability, government, liberty, option, superiority, influence, legislation, s. prubhd, s. m. Commander, lord, master, principal. besy 8. m. Entrance, adir.iUance, access, s. Pe- netrating. 8. and r, Desire, occupy) prabiny adj. Knowing, intelligent, accom- plished, skilful. ^ s. Isi-j y ^^nWrTT prabln-tdy s. f. Knowledge, skill.'' H. parpardndy v. n. To smart. H. (JUiilyy parpardhal (from s. f. Acri- mony. ♦ s. parpanchy s. m. Delusion, fraud, imposition, treachery, deceit, art, artifice. parpanch-ly adj. Insidious, fraudulent, artful. s- ujAA or or ^ and r. Fill) par-piirany adj. Brimful. 8. (R and r. Blossom) par-phullity adj. Blooming, in blossom ; gay, lively, cheerful. H. s- in. A duplicate of a bill of exchange. H. C-Jj parat, s. m. A fold, ply, layer, crust, a stratum. 8. t-iy pratiy prep. Again, against, back again, towards, for, in exchange, instead, adj. Each, respectively. H. by parldy s. m. A reel (for winding thread). s. cJby and r. Burn, ^be glo- rious) pru-tdp, s. m. Splendour, majesty, glory, prosperity, felicity, courage. s. prcitdp-zcdtiy | adj. Glorious, s. praUq>l, f potent. s. 1^^) prali-bimby s. m. An image or picture; the reflexion of an image or figure from a mir- ror. s. jUy P«e- seiwe') pratipdl, s. m. Patronising, tuition, fostering, rearing, breeding, cherishing. s. ^\Pa pralipdlaky s. m. Cherishcr, patron. 177 '■^ji s. M fdM praiipalan, See JU^ • s. UL^ pratipulna (see v. a. To pre- serve, to keep, to clierish. s. .^j}^ partachh or parlichh (Sans- i. e. Rf^ and 3rf5T The eye) adj. Obvious, evident, apparent, pul)lick, present, adv. In the presence, before. * s. c-y prali-din, Each day, every day. ^ s. liiJj praiishld and r. ^ Stand) s. Ce- lebrity, renown. s. L'-vy pralignii/a (Sans. i. e. ctIH and r. Know) s. f. Agreement, compact, promise. H. pnrtal, s. f. The baggage of a horse- man carried all on one bullock or tallu ^ portal kd (oitu, A pack-horse, a bat-horse. H. l“j partald, s. ra. A sword belt. >v * s. pratimdy s. f. Image, statue, pic- ture, likeness. p. yjj parlu, s. m. Light, the sun-beams, rays. (Sans. qTTFr)- s. n- prop. Name of an ancient Raja, son of Vena, Raja of Bettur. He Mas married to a form of the goddess Lakshml, taught men to cultivate the earth, &c. s. l.^.^ pruthd, s. f. Immemorial custom, notoriety, fame. s. prjthak, adj. Separate, witli- out. s. pratham, adj. First. -*• prathml or pirihml, 1 TTf^cft s. VTM^^^h r ^ s. pirlhi,prithtorpirathi,j orTJ5p|)s. f. The world, earth, ground. s. prithl-ndth (Sans. s. m. Lord of the earth ; a sovereign, a king. s. pratijai, s. m. Trust, conGdence, belief, faith. a. parti (from L^) s. f. Waste ground. s. 1, - p«r//7 (Sans. PrlTP)s. f. Faith, con- fidence. part'd karnd, To examine ; to believe, to trust. a. parj, s. f. 1. Name of a musical mode or liigiiu. 2. Handle of a shield, jlj parj-ddr, adj. Basket-hilted (a scimitar). s. Uy parjd (Sans. P3TT) s. f. A subject, tenant, renter. R3TTRffr ■finUhing, completing; performing on music. r H Ujj pardanS (from xjji) v. a. To keep ' behind a screen, to conceal. (Inelegant), P *• f- Concealment '(ipMially of women) ; a modest chaste wo- man, one who is confined at home. , , pardamun (Sans- O^) P™P- " m. (or Cupid) son of Krishna and husband of Rati. p. parda, s. m. A curtain, a skreen; mo- ' desty : a musical tone, iJy pt^rda mrda dckhnd, To pry or enquire secretly into any matter. l3> P^rda parda harna, To do a thing secretly or privately, (j-y parda-posh, Keeping a secret. ,^y parda- posh-i, The act of concealing a blemish, ay parda chhornd, To remove a curtain ; to lay aside concealment, jlj sjy parda-ddr, Con- fidential. jj idjj parda-dur, A betrayer of secrets. »y parda-dar-i, The betraying of secrets, i*y parda rakhnd, To give obscure hints, or to relate a matter in such terms as to be understood by part only of the hearers. iy parda-fdsh, Betraying secrets, iy parda karnd, To conceal. ^y parda kisi kd phdrnd, or, ifJjJ parda kisi kd kholnd, To reveal the faults of another, «y parda-nishin, Remaining behind the curtain ; modest. \j^ parde men surdkh karnd, Spoken of a woman who secretly indulges licentious practices. s. j^by pardhdn (Sans. s. m. A pre- sident, leader, chief, a minister or counsellor of state. s. u~:>.y par-dcs, s. m. Remote or foreign country, adj. In another country, abroad. s. jy Foreigner, stranger, adj. Foreign. p. i'y purza, s. m. A scrap (generally applied to paper), piece, bit, rag, frippery ; the nap of cloth or the down of birds. l)y> purze hand, To be severely wounded in battle. s. ^ji^purus (Sans. *• man. A s I wJ paras, s. m. Touch. See s. by ’* A 1 * p. purs, part, (in compos.) Asking. p. by pursd, 6. m. Condolence. See from a s. prandli (Sans. q’UH<:>[])s. f. J ^ gutter, a drain, a conduit, s. p\jji Vff^Ul parmdm, s. m. Sequel, result. s. UHTK (R =>nd r- tJ[JC Bow, bend) pra- ndm ov parndm, s. m. Salutation, adoration. H. Ity par-nund, s. m. A great grandfather by the mother’s side. s, VJ'TrT parantu, conj. But. Jh ' n3 p. Jjy parand (contract, of adj. AVinged, fleet ; s. m. A bird. Joy parand hojdnu, To move with great rapidity, p. sSijj paranda, part, past (from joy) Flying: s. m. A bird. ‘’'y ^ parande led par na murnd kis'ijdgah men, is used to denote a place quite inaccessible. s.j/.Rofr pram, adj. Resolute. 182 Jji s. \Jj) purani^a (from M s. m. An old man ; a patron. II. puraniya or purainiyd, s. m. Name of a district and town. p. parniydn^ s. m. A kind of fine painted silk. p. \^ji parwu, s. f. Care, concern, anxiety, vex- ation ; fear, terror ; inclination, affection, con- cupiscence, desire; rest, quiet. parwa, adj. Without fear, careless, intrepid; adv. Boldly, undauntedly. s. \jjj purwd (Sans. ) s. f. An easterly wiid. -• ^3ji (Sans. day of the moon. J'lA ("^3 s. m. Family, at- tendants, dependents. p. parwdz (from s. m. Flying, flight. pavwdz karnd^ To fly. II. Jljjy parwdl, s. m. A disease of the eye-lids in which the eye-lashes fall, a stye or stythe. H. parwun, s. The yard (of a sail). parwdn charhna, To grow up : (a phrase peculiar to women). s. purwdnd (r. Fill) v. a. To cause to fill. p. (JL3\£s^\^ji parwdna-jdt (plur. of <)y|^) s. ra. Or- ders ; licenses, passes. P. parwuna-gi (from s. f. Cora- niand, order, permission. p. porwiina, s. in. An order, a pass, a li- cense, leave, command, a precept, a warrant ; a butterfly, a moth. Ijyi ajljy pnrwuna hisi liu honu, To be desperately in love with any one. P. i\jA, s. f. Same as \jj) q. v. p. i^^A, (froiii \ja) who stands in need, necessitated, having occasion for. H. ^jij^^ji^paropahun Other, strange, and 3A. r. ^ Do) adj. Acting for others, preferring the interest of others to one’s own ; beneficent, hospitable. s. (Sans. ipft3T=T) s. m. Pur- pose, use, exigence. ^‘J'A part. act. and pass, (from i^jjA) used in compos. A patron, protector, nou- risher, cherisher : educated, cherished. As, jjA^'-tA.A S^‘o>"ik-parwar, Cherisher of the poor, jjA, praurh, adj. Able, clever. s. paros (Sans. or Vicinity. s. Lijji parosd (Sans. M Rfr|) s. ni. dish which is sent to a friend. ^ ^ s. U-jy^ parosnd (Sans. qft^^) V. a. To lake up dinner, to distribute, to serve up, to divide. s. (^yyJ parosi (see j^yy) s. A neighbour. . s. L-)yy parosaiyd (from l^-iyy) s. ni. A distri- f buter of victuals to the guests, one who serves up dinner, a waiter. II, \jjj) pirond or par on d, v. a. To thread (as, a needle), to string (as, pearls). / u.‘x^ ; ' ■« II. liiiyy parohd, s. m. A bucket for drawing water with. ' y, it ft 183 0 v*y. ncfore, for merly and f^rl Appointed, employed) purohit, s. in. A priest who presides at the performance of religious ceremonies ; family priest. purohituui (Sans. s. t. The wife of a Purohila or priest. P(»ohan (Sans. i. e. 3{T and r. Mount) s. m. Carriage, vehicle, instruments of transportation. V.V (Sans. Easter- ly wind. f.jJjjJ parwh, n. prop. A prince, the lover of S/iirin, celebrated in romance. LTi.}A Enter) pro- ves, s. Entry. p. parxvln, s. m. The pleiades. s. Perceive) pro- vin, adj. Intelligent, skilful, wise, conversant. prahur, s. m. The act of beat- ing, a stroke. K-tt®- LtVv (Tfr Laugh) parihds, s. m. Jest, joke, jeer. prahdri (from jby) s. m. A striker, smiter. < • s.ysyj A watch of the day or night, an eighth part of the twenty-four hours. j * , s. lysy pnriharnd CCJ"f^ and r. ^ Take by force) V. a. To take away. p. parhez (from or ^,jjj^j) s. ni. Abstinence, forbearance, continence, control of the passions, j^jy badi-parhez, Ab- staining from evil. p. s. U^jjy parhez kamd, v. a. To control one’s passions ; to abstain from, to observe a regimen. p. parhez-gdr, adj. and subst. Abstinent, one who controls his passions.. P- parhezgdr-i, s. f. Abstinence, con- trol of the passions. p. parhcz-'i, adj. Fit for a person under a regimen; also, sameas^,lyjy q. v. -• sOi (from ^^) adv. Ileyond, yonder. pore rahfid, To remain at a distance. port, s. f. A fairy. pari-poikar pof'i-cbihra, I'airy-faced, angelic. P^i^bijvash, Fairy-like. P. pur-i, s. f. Fullness, repletion. W purl, s. f. A city, a town. s- (ftPT) '»• 2. (f^qi) adj. f. Beloved, dear. s- Mlfd (••• ITt Love, enjoy) prP, s. f. Love, friendship. s. prel, s. m. A departed soul, a spirit of the dead, a ghost, an evil spirit. s. prltam (Sans. adj. used subst. A lover. See - 1 pjlam. n. li,y poretd, s. m. A reel (for winding yarn). H. paretnd, v. a. To reel (thread or yarn). s. pretni (from ^fT) ^ female ghost or demon. p. (_y parl-khwdn, s. m. A magician, one who holds the fairies and genii in subjection. V. pari-ddr, adj. used subst. A person possessed by fairies or demons. p. iJoy parida (from ) part. Flown, s. CTlTir prenn, ) (^andr.f^Move, s. 'ij.j, CTHTirr prerand, j drive on) s. ra.. The act of sending ; command, p. J\jji parl-zdd, adj. Fairy-born ; beautiful. P. pareshdn, adj. Dispersed, perplexed, dishevelled, ruined ; distressed, wretched. JW pareshdn-hdl, distressed in condition, j) pareshdn-dil-i, s. f. Trouble of mind. \J^.y pareshdu kahnu, To talk, foolishly from absence of mind. 184 ImmJ r. pareshun-i, s. f. Dispersion ; distress, perplexity. S. parlkshit, Name of an an- cient Raja. See • H. p pushta, s. ni. A buttress, a prop, a bank, a dike, a quay, a hill, an eminence, a heap. pushta-bandi, s. f. Embankment. p. pusht-i, s. m. Support, a prop ; alliance, aid: the cover of a book, (Sans. ^b pushtl-bdn, An ally, a prop. iJb pushti-bdn-l, s. f. Support, alliance, aid. b ^ pushtl karnd, To assist, to support, to se- cond, to back. s. (JUij P^^h{-) adj. Nourished; fat; resto- rative, provocative. s. b Lib-ij "U^rTT P^sht-td, s. f. Fatness; invi- goration, restorative power. p. pishkal, s. m. The orbicular dung of sheep, &c. s. pishun, adj. Wicked, cruel. ,a p. ^ pashm, s. f. Wool, hair; a thing of no moment : pubes turn maris turn feminae. b^U jj pashm par mdrnd. To be perfectly con- tented and independent, to despise, to disre- gard. ^ pashm samajhnd. To despise, b^^ ij pashm naukharnd, Tosufler nothing from the enmity of another, not a hair of the head to be touched. (Spoken in great con- tempt of an adversary). p. ^^^pashmi, Woollen. p. pushmln, J p. A'- - 4 " ■ pashmlna, adj. Woollen, woollen (goods). p. pislnmz, contr. of peshwdz, q. v. p. pashsha, s. m. A gnat. p. ,U - pashemdn, adj. Penitent, ashamed, abashed, disgraced. p. J\4 - * » pashemdn-i, s. f. Ilepentance, regret, shame. s_ of a bird, black cuckoo, (Cuculus Iiidicus). pik-biniy adj. Having a nose as elegant as that bird’s. s. bj pakkd (Sans. XJ^) adj. Ripe, boiled, 187 V dressed (opposite to raw), cooked, ])aked (as bricks); instructed, proved, knowing. ‘pakkii karttUf To establish a claim, agreement or proposition, so that no doubt or subject of dispute can remain. pukdr, s. f. Bawl, calling out aloud. n-\^\>ij^^piikdrdend, v. a. To proclaim pub- licly, to call. V pakhdl ^ i. e. Water, and Leather) A large leather bag for holding water, generally carried on bullocks. s. pakhdn or pdkhdn, ) ^ s. pak/tdnd, j ^ M I ^ |H( ) s. III. A stone. ^ J s. f. A kind of drum, a timbrel. H. pukdrnd, v. a. To call aloud, to bawl, to cry out. s. UlC pakdnd (trans. of UiO) v. a. To ripen, to dress victuals, to cook. s* pakdo (from L)l^) s. Suppuration, s. pokd} (from biG) s. f. Ripeness. 11. pnkar {ivom Ij^) s. f. The act of seizing, seizure, capture; objection. H. pakrdnd (from l^) v. a. To cause to be caught, seized or laid hold of; to deliver over, to give in charge. u. pakarnd, v. a. To catch, to lay hold of, to seize, to apprehend. ^ pakld, s. m. A sore between the toes produced by moisture. I. LC paknd (L|-c(ci) v. n. To be dressed or cooked ; to ripen ; to suppurate (as an inflam- mation, bile, &c.) ; to turn grey (hairs). *' pokzodn, s. m. Sweet-meats, victuals fried in butter or oil. s. pakwdnd (from bXj) v. a. To cause to be dressed or cooked, to cause to ripen. H. pakzcdl (from 01^0) s. f. Price paid l^^for cooking. pakord., s. m.1 „ J. pakorl, s. f. A kind of dish made of pease-meal. s. pakh (TJ^) s. m. A period of fifteen ♦days, a fortnight : two ; side, party, assist- ance, protection, r s. pakhdrnu (CT^]^vj i. e. ^ and r. Wash) V. a. To wash. /•■'" • / pakhdwaj-ij s. m. One who beats the pdkhdioaj. pukhrdj, s. m. A topaz. pakhrauUl, s. m. A bit of gold or sil- ver leaf covering a bird or mouthful of betel. pakkrl, s. f. A petal or flower-leaf. s. pakheru (from A wing) s. m. A bird. H. pakhes, s. m. Mark, stamp. s. pag, (Sans. X^^) s. m. The foot. j pag-dandi, s. f. A by-path. J pag-dandi lend, To track, to trace. H. pagd, s. m. A rope fastened round the neck of a bullock, a tether. p. »€j pagdh, s. f. Dawn of day, morning twi- light. -p. pagdhdar, s. f. Early dawn. H. \j\Jj pagurdnd, v. n. To ruminate, to chew the cud. H. pogri, s. f. A turband. pcigri ataknd, To be obstinate, to persist or persevere. H. ^ /Jflg(a,'adj. Foolish. (Phrase peculiar to Bengal and the eastern parts of Hindustan). s. liL pagnd (from |cj^) v. n. To be dipped in or covered with sirup; {met.) to be in love. H. paghd, s. ra. The same as ft- v. H. paghdl, s. m. A kind of hard iron or steel. s. pighldnd, i. e. ^ and r. Runout) V. a. To melt, to fuse; to soften (an angry or a hard person), to assuage. Bb2 h 188 V H. paghai^a, s. m. A trader in cloth, iron, &c. s. pighalna, i. e. 5T and r. Run out) V. n. To melt or to be melted, to be in fusion. S. pighldw (from s. m. Fusion. H. pagii/a, s. f. A turband. s. pal, s. m. A moment, the 60th part of a ^hari or dand ; (S| pals being equal to one mi- nute). pal-ot. For an instant. iJjU Jj palmarte, adj. Immediately, instantly. P. Jj pul, s. m. A bridge, an embankment. LibJjbJj pul hdndhnd, v. a. {lilt. To make a bridge) To limit: to abound. u. pilld, s. m. A pup, a whelp, a cub. hardmi pilla, A bastard. H. ib palla, s. m. Space, distance: assistance: a border of cloths : a sheet (generally applied to chintz or shawl) : a bag : labium vulvae : one shutter of a door, &c. border, margin, p. Hj pallet, s. m. One scale (or side of a pair of scales) : See ^pense, revenge. bbib paltdnd, v. convert. Return, exchange, recom- a. To cause to turn, H. bl^ bib paltd khdnd, v. a. To turn over head and heels, to overturn, to be tilted. H. paltdw (frombbib) s. in. Contradiction. V V ' • V 0 H. bJ bib /e««, "I V. a. To take back, to H. bJ tib-b palat lend, J take in return, to take revenge. 189 K. paltan, s. f. A battalion. H, L2b palahia, v. n. To return, to turn back, to retreat; to overturn, to rebound; to change. H. tjU palthu mdrna, v. n. To sit down on the ground resting on the buttocks. .<>■11. pifachnd, v. n. To adhere. II. \^^p(ilrd, s. in. A scale, i. e. one side of a pair of scales. u. P^h'h s. f. Forced meat. F. pn/asfit or palis/it, adj. Polluted, im- pure, unclean ; {met.) s. f. An adulteress, a strumpet. F. A. pul-sirut, s. m. The bridge over which Musalmans believe they must pass into paradise. F. palak, s. f. The eye-lid. \jjj palah-daryd, s. in. Clouds. palak mdrna or matkdnd, v. a. To wink. (JJli palak lagdnd, The twinkling of the eye. s. Uj pilnd r. Cast, throw) v. a. To attack, to assault, v. n. To be bruised, thrashed, treaded, pressed, ground. *. UL palnd r. Preserve) v. n. To be reared, to be fattened, to thrive. H. \^j puliridd, s. m. A bundle. s. i^A^afang s. m. A bed (with- out currSins), a bedstead, ■ palang- posh, s. m. A coverlet, a counterpane. F. pfi^ong, s. m. A tiger, a panther, a leopard. s. palang-ri s. f. A small bedstead. s. puling (TJ|^3J) adj. Masculine. s. jL pallav, s. A sprout or shoot of a branch, a twig. *. jlj pillu s. m. A worm. H. yb palluy s. m. The hem of a garment, the border of a garment pallu-ddr, A gar- ment with a silver or gold border. s. !jb pildd (^tTiCti) s. ni. A worm. H. jljb palwdr, s. m. A kind of boat. H. (_fj^yb palwdr-i (fronijl^b) s. m. Boatmen (belonging to a palwdr). H. palauthd, adj. Firstborn, (q. d. pahild uthd). s. palwal s. m. The name of a plant. (Trichosanthes dioica. Roxh.). J^b palii'al-lati The plant of palii'al. p. <$b palla^ s. m. The side or bason of scales : see lb palld. The step of a ladder. s. \j[^ pulhdnd (Sans. a- To persuade. II. palihndd, s. m.)A shelf upon which H. palihndi, s. f. J water pots are placed, a place where water is kept. - • pila'l (^^J) s. f.The spleen ; a disease from enlargement or inflammation of the spleen. s. *jj pala'l (Sans. ^W^) s. f. A young branch dr spray of a tree. H. ^ pall, s. f. A ladle used to take out oil with. See lb paid. p. ci-Jj palit (Pers. jJj) adj. Polluted, un- clean. s. palU (perhaps, for q’rT) ghost. p. Ljb palitd, s. m. (corrupt, of or <*i^) A match (of a gun), a wick of a candle ; a candle, bl^cbl^b^ palitd chdt jdnd, To flash in the pan. H. palethan, s. ra. Dry flour laid under and over bread when it is rolled. Ubb palethan pakdnd, To contrive the ruin of any one. bJbb jj^u-b palclhan nikdlnd, To beat se- verely. p. Jkbj pilid, prop, palid, adj. Unclean, polluted. p. pilid-i or palid-i, s. f. Uncleanness. H. paleo, s. m. Soup : pounded rice or flour put into soup to thicken it.-q^^-p, : ':^ Again. (^05^) s. m. adj. Silent in company, taciturn, mealy- mouthed. pan bhalla^ s. m. A kind of drink made Virtue, virtuous action, charity, merit. See punyul. H. pin, s. m. A sound. s. pan, s. m. (M^l) 1. An aggregate num- ber consisting of twenty gandas (q. v.) or, eighty liouris : (and sixteen pans make a ka- han). 2. Vow. s. (qr^) contr. of as l2j pan-batta, s. m. A betel box. H. ^ pan, A termination, affixed to nouns, an- swering to the English terminations ship, hood, ness, &c. as ^ larak-pan. Childhood. ^ Lu baniyd-pan. The business of a q.v. from rice. ^ ■ ^^^^pwnba'i {{rom «u.j)adj. Made of cotton. P(i»panu (from ':;^)v.a. To cause to flou- rish, to promote the prosperity of another, to refresh. (Little used). H. panapnu, v. n. To commence increas- ing in bulk (a man, tree, &c.) ; to prosper, to flourish, to thrive, to shoot, to be refreshed or restored. H. pinpindnd, v. n. To twang, to whiz. H. pinpindhat or panpandhat, s. f. The whizzing of an arrow or shot. H. lyuj pantawd, s. m. A kind of sweetmeat. H. bj pand, A termination of the same import as H. q. V. H. U» punnd, V. a. To abuse. H. Uj pannd, s. m. A beverage. The upper part of a shoe. s. lij pannd, s. m. L (^•'^^) An emerald. 2. (•qt/f) A leaf. s. Li pinnd, (fqTTq'jqj’) s. m. A cake of mus- tard seed remaining after the expression of the oil and given to cows, &c. for food. t^jL pandri (^TfJTT^) s. m. A drain or pipe by which water runs off from the roof of a house. s. C/L pindk, (perhaps from |'=fl The bow of Siva) s. A musical instrument so called. p. Aui pandh, s. f. Shade, shelter; protection; asylum, refuge. iXU ^ pandh kisl se mdngnd. To seek protection : to avoid. 5. i^L pandili, s. f. See ^^L pandri. l^^Ui pandli parnd, To be very fat (a horse). 5. bL pandnd, v. a. To cause the milk to come into the udder of animals. See Ul^j. p. <1^ pumba, 8. m. Cotton, pumba- ha-gosh, adj. Deaf. pumbordahan. s. panth, ( ; r. qSJ" Go) s. m. A road; a sect, a religious order. sT panlhi, s. m. A traveller; a sectary, follower. p. 1* Five. (Sans. qq[7[). 2. Of seven years old (a horse). ^ naye panj, Of five years old, mute panj. Of ten years old : (applied to horses only). panj-roza, The space of five days. ^ panj aib-i-shari, adj. Very vi- cious (possessed of five vices, i. c. 1. Rob- bery. 2. Adultery. 3. Gaming. 4. Dynk- enness. 5. f'alsehood). ^ P^^'dyat, The five chapters of the Kurin, \thich are read during; the mourning; of a Musalman. t^\i ^ panj tan-i-pdk. Five holy persons (i. e. 1. Muhammad. 2. All. 3. Fatima. 4. Hasan. 5. Husain). p. panj-db (cLT ^) s. m. Name of a country. (Sans. p. panj-angushl, s. m. Cinque-foil, s. panjar s. m. A rib. See s. pinjrd (ffcrsTT* *■ m. A cage, pinjrd bond, To be or grow lean. 191 (iv V. JL panj-sdly s. ni. Five years ; a five years old (horse). p. «0L panj-sdla, adj. Of five years, quin- quennial. p. ponj-shaniba, s. in. Thursday. A p. A. 1—'^ ^ panj-aib, adj. Very vicious (a horse). p. iJL>f ^ panj-gosha, | adj. Pentangular; a p. po^^V-gond, i pentagon. P. ^,^1 panjum, adj. Fiftli. p. <^,-cu panja, s. m. 1. A claw. 2. A sort of link or torch resembling the five fingers, which is also called panj-shdhha. 3. A hand made of ivory, &c. to scratch the back with. panjapficrnd, To overcome, to over- power. \j^ pdnja karnd, A kind of wrest- ling, wherein the antagonists lock their fingers together. par7ja-kash,s. m. An iron instrumentresemblingahand,w'ith which w rest- lers exercise themselves hy locking their fin- gers into those of the insrument. 4. A kind of bread bearing: the marks of five fing:ers. pinjiydrd (from liisw) s. m. One whose business it is to beat or separate cot- ton. s. panjlrl medicine composed of sugar, ghi, flour, &c. given to puerperal women ; caudle. s. panch, adj. Five; s. m. A council, an assembly, a meeting, a company ; arbitra- tors. Jj panch-pallav, The branches of five trees which are used in reli- gious ceremonies. V|^SJT<^T panch- shdkhd (Pers. ^j)see panja. by ^ panch-pirij/d, 1. Any person, Hindu or other, who worships the five plrs or saints of the Musalmans. 2. A cast of Haldlkhors. j\j Jj , • V V ^ panch-pdtr, s. ro. A kind of vessel used by Hindus during worship. s. panchdidhydyu^ s. Five readings, sections or chapters. s. Five, and Mouth) panch-dnariy s. m. 1. A name of .S«ra. 2. A lion. ♦ • H. panchdwan (Sans. I V>|r|^ adj. Fifty-five. s. iji-jU-u panchdyal (fT'^rTT) ^ meeting of any particular society, (generally as a court of inquiry); a jury, an inquest. s. panchdi/ali (T^-cjf^ |) s. f. 1. Same as 2. Relationship. s. (q^ Five, and The essential) pancha-tatwa, s. The five ele- ments or principles according to the Hindus. s. q-cj pandit - khdna (for oat so called. iji Water, and Cloth) s. m. Soft cloth wetted and applied to a wound or sore. s. pankh C'^^) s. m. A feather, a wing. 5. \fC:j pankhd A wing) s. m. A fan. s. pankhrl (from A wing, a feather) s. f. A petal, a flower-leaf. s. panklii (from s. f. A small fan : a bird. C-"TT ’T ^1 IC^I) s. m. A stand where water is pro- vided for passengers. II. pankhi, s. f. A kind of woollen cloth winch comes from the hilly countries. s. pnnkhiyd, 1. s. f. (dim. of A small liin.’ 2. s. m. A kind of fakir who fans every body. 3. A wicked man. opium ; drow'siness, Intoxication from eating nodding. 193 -y pujna (^T3T^) v. a. To adore, to vene- rate ; to idolatrize. s. pujariij/a, adj. To be wor- shipped, deserving respect, venerable, s. ^ cnerable. p. -y puch, adj. Absurd, obscene, inordinate, injudicious, useless, nonsense, y puch-go, Talking nonsense, puch-go-i or puch-bfif-i, s. f. Talking (or weaving) nonsense. s. .^y puchh (from s. f. Incpiiry, in- vestigation. puchh puchh, s. f. Inquiry. s. puchhnd v. a. To ask, to inquire. s. puchhi (TJtd^) s. f. The tail of a fish. p. puchiydt, s. pi. (of ^ y) Toolish prat- tle.’"' ^ ” p. Jy pud, s. Warp, web. p. ^Ijjy poddur (Pers. J\^i^y) s. m. A person whose business it is to assay coin or to exa- mine whether it is sterling or not, an examiner of coin ; also, a cash-keeper, a clerk whose business is to reckon and examine money. H. bjy podna, s. m. The name of a bird. (Syl- via olivacea). H. podni, s. f. Female of bjy. H. Isoo paudhd, s. m. A young tree, p. podlna, s. in. Mint. (Mentha sativa). u por (tlfcC^r) S. f. The space or interv al between two joints or articulations (of the body, or of a bamboo, sugar-cane, &c.) jy ,y por-por, adv. Every joint. p.jy pur, s. m. A son. s.jypaur, s. f. A gate, a door. -• h)i complete, ex- act, full, perfect, total, ripe. ^y]jy purd hamd, v. a. To fill, to reimburse. -• purdl (from \jy) s. f. Fullness, com- pletion. s. purab s. m. East, purba, adj. Anterior, prior, preceding : purvdrdf/. The former or prior half. 5. tjj y purbi, 1. s. f. (T^q^^ The name of a rdgin'i sung before evening. 2. s. m. Eastern, from theea.'rt. 3. A kind of rice from the east of Bengal, r s.^jjypuran (UDJ) adj. romplete, perfect. yb puni-pdlr (TJcffTI(^ ) 3. m. A vessel filled with 236 handfuls of rice given to the superintending priest at a religious ceremony. ^y ^,jy puran-poU, s. f. A kind of bread. s. \jjy purnd (from TTUf) v. a. To weave (a* a spider). v. n. To be filled, b^y CSy>- chauh purnd. To make chequers or squares. s. br^y nfrrrJTT punnmd, s. f. The full moon. s. ;»lr«omrt5r{T^lT[rj7Fn ) s. f. The full moon. s. m. A small village. o s.\jjyporud s. m. A joint or phalanx of the fingers ; a joint of a tamarind. P°^^ s. f. A joint of bamboo, &c. -• P^^^ s- f A kind of fresh cake fried in butter or ghi. H. \ijy^pauriyd {^roxn jypaur) s. m. A door- keeper, a porter. H. \jjy pitriyd, s. f. The name of a musical mode or rdginl. H. \jy purd, 8. m. A kind of cake made of pease-meal. H. b^y paurhd, adj. Wide, broad. s.\£>Jy paurhd, adj. (cftT) Strong, firm. See C c 2 LPy, 196 §. paurhui 1- 1* Strength, firmness, 2. Breadth. H. paurhna, v. n. To sleep. p. jy)^ puz, s. m. The lip of a horse. See njy **• pozish, s. f. Excuse, palliation, apo- logy, pretence, pretext. P. puz-mdlj s. m. A cord twisted tight round a horse’s lip or ear to enable the farrier to manage him, a twitch. P. s. m. The lip (of a horse parti- cularly), P. piczl, s. f. Part of the ornamental ac- coutrements of a horse. s. pus (T^T^) s. m. The name of the 9th solar month, the full moon of which is near p. post, s. m. Crust, shell, skin, bark, hide, rind, poppy head or capsule. post-kan, A skinner or preparer of skins. p. post-l (from s. m. One who intoxicates himself with infusion of poppy heads; (met.) a lazy indolent person, p. post-in, 1. adj. Leathern (garment). 2. s. m. Fur, 3. A fault, a blemish. s. L-:jj posna, (Cj |b|0j) V. a. To breed, to rear, to educate, to nourish, to tame. p. posh (from 1. part, in compos. Covering, clothed in ; as ij^y\i pu-posh, (co- vering the feet) Shoes, slippers. subz-posh. Clothed in green. ^Jiiyi^ kulah- po5/i. Wearing a hat or cap. 2. s. A garment, a covering. p. poshuk, 8. f. Vestments, dress, ha- bit, garments. p. poshdk-i, adj. Fit for making garments (cloth). p, poshish (from y.±y) s. f. Dress, gar- ments, vestment. p. poshida-gi, s. f. Concealment. p. itXjAyJ poshida (from adj. Concealed, hidden. S' P^^^ (ybij") s. m. The eighth mansion of the moon comprising three stars in Cancer. pokhan, s. Breeding, rearing. See -• pokhndi, V. a. See posnd. s.j4ypokhar, (^^^) g. m. Water; a pond, a tank. s. Sjj puld (r. Heap together) s. ra. A bun- dle of grass or straw. Jy pule tale guzrdn kamd, (lit. to live under a bundle of straw) implies a very destitute condition. H, 'iy pold, adj. Soft, hollow. p. poldd, s, m. The finest Damascus steel, which with that of Kaum is esteemed the best in the east. See s. i^y pulak, (r. Heap together) s, A staff covered at one end with straw bands, used in driving an elephant. H. ^^y^ poll, s. f. A term of abuse, simpleton. -. ^3i (^^) s. f. A small bundle of any grass or straw, &c. H. puii, s. A sound of farting. -• puun or pawan, (^^^) s. f. Air, wind. ^^^y pawan-chakki, s. f. A wind-mill. S' uX ) adj. Three quarters, a quarter less than one ; or, when used w’ith nu- merals, a quarter of one, or of the aggregate number with which it may be constructed, less than that number. H. Ijy pond, V. a. 1. To make bread. 2. To string (pearls). 3. s. in. A spoon w ith holes in it like a colander for skimming &c. It. ponid, s. m. Snot. See \I|y s. ^jsfy piinji (from ^^) s. f. A capital in trade, stock, principal sum. s. ponthi ) s. f. A kind of small fish. (Cyprinus chrysoparcius. Buck.). GCf 197 5. punchh ^ y-c^) s. f. A tail. s. punc/ihar (from adj. Tailed. s. punchhlu (^-b^) s. in. A tail. H. ponchhan (from \i^y) s. ni. Wipin'^, a rag, &c. with which any thing is wiped ; any thing thrown away after wiping. pet-ponchhan^ The last child of a woman. 11. \:,^y ponchhna or punchhna, v. a. To wipe. s. paumld or ) s. m. A kind of sugar cane. H. LaJoy pattnd/md, v. a. See ^jy. 4 II. pdn-saldi, s. f. A thin roller on which cotton is prepared for spinning. H. \^y ponkd, s. m. The ship-worm. (Teredo navalis). H. poiiknd, V. n. To be fluxed. n. ^y pongd, s. m. A blockhead: a sort of drum: a thin joint of bamboo, adj. Empty. H. Sjy piingi, s. f. Flute, pipe, a kind of pipe played upon by jugglers. H. ijy patina, s. m. A spoon with holes in it like a colander for skimming with, &c. -• s/y pditrte, adj. (used wHtb a noun of number denotes) One quarter of the aggregate number less than such number. (See paun). ^ H. ijy punl, s. f. Rolls of cotton prepared for spinning. s. yyy puniyo, s. The day on which the moon is full, the fourteenth of the month. H. poh, s. f. Dawn of day. H. sy pauh, s. A stand where water is kept ready for travellers. See y^ sign. 2. H. IjSyJ pohnd, V. a. To make bread. . ^y s- f- A kind of ve- . \)^y poyd,?>.vo.) getable. (Basella alba and rubra). *y p. poi/a, s. m. A canter or hand gallop, uyy poyon chalnd, v. n. To canter, &c. -• u^.y P^^ Inter. Ho! hola ! (calling to people in the road to gef out of the way), have a care. s. <*j pa, conj. adv. or postpos. Contraction of y par, But, on, at, &c. H. pah, s. f. Dawn. ^ phitpherd,\w. ^adj. Descended from, H. phupheriy f. ^ or related through a paternal aunt. \:i;V b/iui, The son of a paternal aunt, pheri bahin, Daughter of a paternal aunt. ii. s. Curse, malediction, adv. F_ye ! (J! — pbit phit, Curse on it ! fye upon it ! s. phut (^CF^) adj. Odd, unpaired. s. phalu (from Ll^) s. m. A crack. Lo yl) phale vienpdhzo dend, To interfere in any thing. H. phitdnd, v. a. To beat up and mix, to froth. H. phat parnd, v. n. I. To be produced plentifully. 2. To become fat suddenly. 3. To be confounded with too much business- ijU-cl dsnidn phat parnd, v. n. To rain hard. phatphatdnd^ v. a. 1. To shake or flap the wings as birds just going to fly. 2. To give a sound as the shoes of a person walk- ing. s. phatak Chrystal. H. phitkdr, s. f. Curse, malediction, re- moving something to a distance. II. bj'Xiif) phitkdrnd, v. a. To curse. s.J^ phutkar *■* Separate) adj. Separate, dispersed (as a horseman) ; odd, un- paired. s. phitkirl ovphUkari (Sans. | or or ^^^) s. f. Alum. s. Uxlp plialaknd r. Break, se- parate) v. a. 1. To winnow, to dust, to shake or knock off any light thing which slightly ad- heres (as crumbs from a table-cloth or dust from a table). 2. v. n. To be separated. 3. s. m. The tape in a pellet bow which strikes the ball. II. phutki, s. f. A blot, spot, stain. s. , phutki, adi. See phut, II. phalkl, s. f. A fowler’s net, a large Cciige; a rope tied to a tree to frighten birds with its sound. s. phatnd ) v. n. To be torn, split, rent, broken, burst, cracked. II. puhchdn (from LiUvJ) s. f. Acquaint- ance, knowledge. • II. lyWv^ pahchdnnd, v. a. To know, to recog- nize. H. phadphaddnd, v. n. See ULJj H. phudaknd^ v. n. To jump, to leap, to hop (applied to small birds), to dance about in token of delight H. phudkf, s. f. The name of a bird. (Certhia T ula). H. ^ phur, adj. True, right. II. jp phurr, s. m. The noise of a bird, as a par- tridge or quail, suddenly taking wing ; or, of a small quantity of gunpowder exploding. n. phir or phiri, adv. Again, then. s.j^^ pahar (R^^) s. ni. A division of time consisting of eight gharls, a watch. s.j^ phar (*^^) s. m. A fruit. See s. pahrd (from^.j) s. m. A watch, a senti- nel ; tour of watch ; a corporal and six. Ijj •• ** ' '* pahrd dend. To watch. pahre meii ddlnd. To give in charge to a guard. pahre men parnd. To be given in charge to a guard. H. 61^ pharrdta, s. m. A piece of bamboo. A sound made by the flying of a flag or the breath- ing of a horse. H. pharrds, s. m. The name of a tree. (Its leaves resemble those of the Cypress or of w 200 the Tamarisk, and make a whistlin'; noise in the wind; whence the name). H- ^^je^phirdna, v. a. To cause to turn, to whirl, to return, to change, to roll, to shift, to wander. s. pharrdnd v. n. To fly (as a flag). s. 1)1^ pahrdnd or pahirdnd^ (q'(^^|j5^) v. a. To cause to dress, to clothe, to dress. H. phirdo (from phirdnd) s. Return, restitution. -• phardwd (from lil^ pahrdnd) s. Dress. 5. pahardwnl s. f, (from Ul^) A woman who dressess the guests at a wedding, a tire- woman. pahirdwaniy A dress of honour. H. phurphurdnd, v. n. To tremble ; to wave, (as hair in the wind). H. phurphuri, s. f. Trembling, quiver- ing, tremour, palpitation. H. pharphand, s. m. Deceit, trick, wick- edness. H. pharphandiydj adj. Deceitful, treach- erous, wicked. H. phirat (from U^) s. m. Rejected things : money paid by a lewd woman to her paramour. s. phurt or phurti ( . f. Activity, quickness. H. Ijyf) phirtd rahnd, v. n. To wander, to perambulate, to walk about. H. phirtl (from l^) part. f. or s. f. Return- ing, return, homeward bound. phirti kd bhdrd, The hire of a return boat, car- riage, &c. s. phurti (^Lljfff) s. f. Activity, quickness. s. phurt-ild {{rom phurt) adj. Quick, nimble, active. H. phir-jdndj v. n. To return, to revolt, to be distorted, to warp. n. pharchdf s. m. 1. (for Ip^) Clearing away or dispersion (of clouds or of a multitude of people); fair weather. 2. (from 01^^) De- cision, definitive sentence (of a judge). ^ H- Pharchdnd, v. a. To decide, to give a final sentence. Pharchhd, adj. Pure, honest, fair. '^J^jii^pharchhd-karnd, v. a. To clean, to settle, to sweep. pharchhdndy v. a. To clean, to wipe, to settle, to clear away (the clouds, &c.). H. pharsd, s. m. A pick-axe or instrument for digging. phirki, s. f. A whirligig, any thing turninff as on an axis. -Q ■- ® H. phirnd, v. n. To turn, to return, to walk about, to whirl, to wheel, to wander. a. paharnd CCrfTVT^) To put on clothes, to dress, to clothe one’s self, to wear. 'll. phirni (from b^ ) s. f. The same as q. V.' " ^ s. m. A watchman, s. pahrud, ) a sentinel. H. pharuhd, s. m. An instrument for raking together. H. pharahrd, ") 1. s. m. A vane, a pen- H. pharahri, / dant. 2. adj. Half-dried. s, phari or QtC^) s. f. A shield, a target. H. phari, s. f. One of several fishes. H. phariyd, s. f. 1. A kind of bordered vestment worn by Hindus. 2. A contractor for reaping. s. pahriyd (from M l^(\^) s. m. A watch- man, a sentinel. u. ^ phar, s. f. 1. A gaming-house where dice are played. 2. A place where goods are ex- posed for sale. 3. The shafts or pole of a carriage, pfuir-bdz, s. m. 1. A player at dice, a gamester. 2. A prater, a talkative fellow, phar-bdzi, s. f. Gambling, play- ing at dice. 1 201 Jp j. pharund (r. Break, separate) v. a. To cause to be torn, split or cleaved. H. pharphardtKi, v. n. To flutter, to wave, to twinkle, to move w'ith convulsive motion. II. phorpharij/u, I. s. m. A flutterer. 2. adj. Swift, quick. u.\j'^^^pharkdnd (from v. a. I. To cause to flutter, to cause convulsive motion in the muscles, &c. 2. (we/.) To show. H. pharakna, v. n. To flutter, to vibrate with convulsive involuntary motion as the eye-lids and muscles; to throb, to palpitate; to writhe (the shoulders). H. pfiarki, s. f. A coarse skreen. pfiarij/d (fromj^) s. m. 1. A pedlar, a retailer. 2. The keeper of a gaming house or dice table. H. phurij/d (dimin. of \J^) s. f. A sore, a pimple, a bile. H. phasdkd, adj. Bad tobacco. (Inele- gant). s. phasdnd (from U-jj) v. a. To cause to V %y to stick (as in mud, &c.); to catch, to cause to be emprisoned : to squash. H. phusdhindd^diA]. Disgusting, stinking. H. phusphusdnd, v. n. To whisper. H. bL^ phisphisdnd, v. n. To be terrified. H. phusphusdwat (from bL-^-«..^) s. f. Whispering. H. phasphasd, adj. Flabby, loose, not rigid. H. phusarphusar, s. m. Whispering. H. phuskd, adj. Weak, without strength ; slack (as a knot). H. bbL.^ phaskdnd (from LC«^) v. a. To burst, to split, to break ; to loosen, to slacken. u. phaskar, s. m. Sitting on the ground with legs extended. II. phasakndjV. n. To split, to burst, to break. «. b)L«^ phisldnd (from TM V. a. To cause to slip, slide, err. H. bL-jj phusldnd, v. a. To coax, to wheedle, to instigate. phusldu (from blL^) s. m. A coaxer, a wheedler. s. phisalnd (from 1. v. ii. To slip, to slide, to err. 2. adj. Slippery. H. Lid it phuslaunwd (from I'lM.. .t) s. m. A wheedler, a coaxer. H. 1 phisalhd (from y s. m. Slipping. s. phasnd (r. Restrain, bind) v. n. To be stuck (as in mud or in a narrow passage), to be caught, to be ensnared, to be imprisoned, to be impeded. H. (Jbij phish, interj. Pish ! pshaw ! tash ! u. bjlC^j phikdrnd, v. a. To uncover the head, to unplait the hair of the head. H. phakkar, s. m. Wrangling, mutual abuse, raillery. jbjCjj phakkar-bdz, An abuser, an indecent chatterer. H. phakri, s. f. The act of treating with rudeness. s. UCft phuknd, see bX)^ phunknd. H. bX^ phuknd (from 8. f. amall ram. H. phonhar, ) phuhar, 1. adj. f. Undisciplined, un- educated; stupid; obscene, foolish, rude (ap- plied to woman). 2. s.f. A bad housewife, a slut or slattern. b phiihar-pan or -pand, s. m. Stupidity, &c. H. phuhrd, adj. Talking obscenely, n. phuhi, s. f. Small rain. See H. phuhdr, s. f Drizzling rain, mist. H. pahij/d, 8. m. A wheel, u. phephart, s. f. Inability to move. p/ie/, s. f. The waist when bound with a belt. n. phetd, s.m. I. A small turband. 2. A waistband without a fringe. n. phehul, v. a. To mix by trituration. pher (from s. m. Turning, mean- der, maze, curvature, twisting, coil ; circum- ference ; equivocation, ambiguity ; dilliculty, distance. ;jAerparn«, To differ . pher-p/iar, adj. Alternate. phar karna, To alternate. L»J^ phcr denu, To return. pher men ddlnu, To throw obstacles in the way of another. \j\^ pher khdna, To wind (as a river), to meander, to go round about ; to meet with perplexities. pheru (from s. m. Turning, cir- cuit ; a roll ; a wooden frame with which lime, sand, &c. is measured. H. pheru-pherl, s. f. AValking back- wards and forwards, going and coming ; re- turning, alternating. u. l)^ phemu, V. a. 1. To turn back, to in- vert, to revert, to make to walk backwards and forw'ards, to bring or carry back, to shift. 2. To plaster, to stroke, hath pher- nd, To caress, to fondle. sir par hdth phernd, To deceive by coaxing. H. pheri, s. f. See parikramd. H. pheri-wdld, s. m. A pedlar. H. phik, s. f. The point of a scourge. H. 1$^ phikd, adj. 1. Weak, vapid, tasteless, insipid. 2. Pale, sallow, light (in colour). H. phaildnd (from U-^) v. a. To spread, to expand, to diffuse, to widen, to publish, to proclaim, to branch out. \j\^^y\i pdnw phai- ldnd. see under 4jb pdhw. bL^ti .^bi hdth phaildnd, To beg. 205 Lj panded, to be diffused, to be scattered or dis- persed ; to become public. S' paheli (L-|^f^c^^() s. f. A riddle, an enigma. ,.^,phcn I j. 8. b-^ phend j s. in. Foam, froth. -• phaindnd (from ^^^i) v. n. To foam. phent or phaint, s. f. Waist-band, fob, phentd, s. f. A small turband. H. phentnd, v. a. To mix, to beat (as eggs, &c.), to triturate. H. phenii s. f. A skein (of thread, &c.). phinch ddlnd,'^\.a. To wash cloth, H. phlnchnd, ) to rinse, to squeeze. s. phenus 8, m. Beestings, the first milk of a cow, &c. after calving. s, phenk (from LXj;^) s. f. Throw, cast. phenk dend, v. a. To throw away. s. phcnkdo, adj. Requiring to be thrown. s. phenknd v. a. To throw, to fling. s. phen-l, s. f. A kind of sweetmeat. s. ^ pi ( ^ ) adj. Beloved; s. m. A lover, a sweetheart, a husband. P. Ph s- f- Fatj grease, tallow. p. li paij s. m. 1. The foot. bT pai and. To have a splint (ahorse). ^^pai karnd, To plague, to seize, to be importunate. 2. A nerve, tendon, sinew. 3. prep, orconj. Be- hind, after, following, therefore. 5. tJ pai 1. s. m. Milk. 2. (I'Tlt) adv. On, upon, over, at, to, nevertheless, yet. 3. conj. But. 1 n. phaildo (from bil^) s. m. Spread, ex- pansion, diffusion, publication, extent ; plenty profusion. H. lyLfi phaildwd (from b^l^) s. m. Prolixity. H-. b)^ phailnd, v. n. To be spread, to be ex- H. pet cbalnd or cbbutnu, To be purged, to have a diarrhoea. pet dikhdnd. To complain of po- verty and hunger. Ulj P^i ddlnd, 1 o procure abortion. P^- ^eikbund. To get with child, (JU-j pe{ rahnu. To be pregnant. ^ pet se, adj. Pregnant. Uyb pet se bond. To be pregnant. bib dG ti^ ^ P^t blind, is ap- plied to the steady motion of a horse which does not agitate the rider, P^- parda, s. ra. The omentum, bj'li libA-J pe{ kdtnd. To pinch one’s belly, to starve one’s self ; (in Bengal) to be griped, bj J pet kd Jukh dead, To starve. , ^ f T i tJLs.o pet ki dg,s. f. Maternal affection, ^b ^ pet ki bdteri, s. f. Bosom secrets, bl^ pet girdnd. To cause an abortion. petghnd, To miscarry (a female), pet gargardnd. To have borborygmi. ^ bbs- pet lag jdnd, To be starving with hunger, bj^ P^’ ^ahnd. To be very hun- gry. b^bo y pet mdrnd, To commit suicidej to stab one’s self, pet men paitbnd, To worm one’s self into the secrets of another, to become intimate. P*'t wdli, adj. f. Pregnant. bt^Jb ci-vJ pf^t har- -hordnd. To have a griping or inclination to stool. s. petdrlbu and 3rSft Desirous, r. f\ 3f!5r Ask for) adj. Gluttonous, epicurean. s. Lly pltnd (tfrm ) v. a. I'o beat, to thrash, to dash, to strike, to knock, to pound. s. ^ pet-u (from ci^)- adj. See^^jllLj. s. pciaukbd, s. m. A looseness, purging, flux. s. pith (^^J^) back. j) - * pith par hdlb pbernd. To pat on the back, to encourage, b^^ pith pbernd, To turn one’s back, to depart, to flee, to leave, to w ithdraw, bjj pith dend, To run away, to flee, to turn, to shrink from, to veer, to turn away in displeasure, blf) pith lagd- nd, To throw down in wrestling, bfl . . pith lagnd. To have a sore on the back (a horse) : to mount a horse. H. paith, s. m. 1. A duplicate (of a bill of exchange). 2. (from b^) Entrance, admis- sion, access. s. 1^2^ pethd cft.]^^) s. m. A kind of gourd. s. pithd (fl^^) s. m. A kind of food made of rice and flour. s. paithdlnd (Rt^*?) V. a. To force in, to make to penetrate, to thurst, to rush in, to introduce, to insinuate. H. b^ paithnd, v. n. To rush in, to penetrate, to enter, to pervade. s. b»jiLj pitliautd (from ^^) s. ra. Page of a -yxi.. y-l» O book. s. or H. CSj^ b^ pithy d thonk, adv. Closely. s. , ^ pet~i, (from cU-j) s. f. A belly-band, a - ..y * • ..y y y girth: a portmanteau : a box, a tumbril: the thorax, chest, l^beb peti-larnd or -mdr- nd, v. a. To copulate. ..y s. 1-2^ peti^u (from (s. m. A pension, daily food. s. pl-jdnd, V. a. To drink or to be drunk, to absorb ; to stifle one’s passions; to refrain from answering. H. s. f. A vow, a promise. b ^ ^ paij karndj v. a. To make a vow. p. peek (from s. f. Twist, revolution, a coil, a plait, a screw; perplexity, difficulty, trouble, deceit ; complication. ptch ulhdnd^ To suffer loss or distress, peck ukharnd, To loosen (the twist of any thing). La>Jjb ^^pech hdndhnd, To grapple in wrest- ling. 7t ,pech-pdch, s. m. Twist, coil. &c. \jy peck parnd, To become difficult or intricate, to occur as an obstacle, to be en- tangled. ULs- peek chalna, To prevail by stratagem. Lsi- peck chunnd, To bind the twists of a turband with care, ^ pech-ddr, adj. Twisted, coiled, crooked. pech-dar-pech, Coil within coil, entangled. \:jJ^^pcch dendy To circumvent, to deceive, to twist, to screw, &c. peck ddlnd, To throw obstacles in the way; (in playing with paper kites) to entangle the string of an ad- versary’s kite, ^ peek karndy To deceive, to trick, to complicate ; to seize in wrestling, to grapple. \j\^ peek khdndy To coil, to be perplexed, to fall into difficulties, to sus- tain a loss. peek khulndy To be un- twisted or unscrewed. peek kholndy To untwist, to unscrew. bJ ^ peek lendy To fight paper kites (each party endeavouring to entangle and cut the string of his adversary’s kite) ; to meet, to embrace. Urp pechd (b|-c|cj)) s. m. An owl. P. pechdiiy adj. Twisted, coiled. s. m. Restlessness, alarm, suspense, per- p. p. pech-tdb pcch-o4db ’ 1 Ubyf plexity, folds, twisting, knots. b\.<< pech- tdb khdndy To suffer distress or anxiety; to be vexed. **• (from s. f. Inflexion, contortion, writhing; trouble, perplexity ; pain in the bowels, tenesmus, gripes; circumven- tion, contention. P* pechaky s. f. A ball or clue of thread; the bottom on which thread is wound. H. y^^plchuy s. m. The fruit of the Capparis. p. pech-wdUy adj. Twisted (generally ap- plied to hukkas or hukka snakes). H. pichhy s. f. Rice water in which rice has been boiled, rice gruel. s. pichhd (from s. m. The hinder part, the rear ; pursuit, persecution, follow- ing. plchhd-pherndy To leave, to withdraw, b^^ pichhd karndy To pursue, to chase ; to recoil (a gun, &c.). bJ pichhd lendy To pursue, to importune, to be obstinately persevering. s. pichhwd (from s. m. The hindei’ part (of a saddle particularly). s. pichhe (from Ij^) adv. After, behind, b^ pichhe parndy To dance attendance, to importune, to dun, to persecute, to tor- ment : to be outstripped. bJl J pichhe ddlndy To leave behind, to outstrip. ?. , pech-ida-giy s. f. Twisting, contor- tion, winding. p. pec/j-irffl (froni part. Twisted. p. Jl=£U paikhdly s. m. Dung of birds. H. Liu pekhnd (properly s. m. A pup- pet shew : a plaything ; the artifices and pre- tences of a woman. p. Ijuj paiddy adj. Born, created, produced, exhibited, discovered, invented, b^ljuj karndy v. a. To discover, to produce, to find, to get, to earn, to invent, to procure. paidd-zedry s. m. Produce of a field, fruit. 209 profit of trade, &c. paidd honuj To be born, to be created, to be found, to be earned, to be produced. paidd-ish (from Ijcj) s. f. Hirth, crea- tion, production ; earnings, produce, profit. P. pai-dar-pai, adv. Successively. -. paidal, adv. On foot. s. m. Infantry. s. pir (M I^T) s. f. Pai n, sickness. p.j^^pir, adj. Old; s. in. An old man, a saint, a spiritual guide. (Plur. Pers. ^^1^ plrdn). H. ^ plr^ s. Monday. H. pair, s. m. The foot, p. paird (from part. Adorning, adorned. s. pird, adj. Yellow. See Lj pild. H. pairdk (from s. m. A swimmer. p. 1^1^ pirdman, s. m. A circuit, circumfer- ence, environs, adjacent places ; the skirt, lap- pet or flap of a garment ; adv. About, around. p. pairdmun, See p. ^1^ pirdn, s. m. Charity-lands (bestowed on the poor in honour of a saint). H. \j\j^ pairdnd (from U^) v. a. To cause to swim. p. ij\j^ pirdna, adj. Elderly, like an old man, growing old : belonging to, connected with, or worthy of a saint, p. pairdhan, s. m. A long robe, a shirt or shift. (Sans. To wear clothes). H. pair do (from applied to Mater) adj. Beyond man’s depth, where it is necessary to swim. (Sans. H. pirdi, s. ra. Name of a tribe or cast Mho beat a kind of drum called dhol. q. V. H. pairdi (from l3^) s. f. Place of swim- ming or distance over which it is necessary to swim : art of swimming : wages for teaching to swim. p. pirdya, s. m. An ornament, p. pirzdl, s. f. An old woman. H. \jj,j pairnd, v. n. To swim. i£. pairdki (from U^) s. f. Act or art of swimming. p. pai-rau (^ Foot, and Going) Follow- ing, follower^’ p. pairm-i, s. f. Following, imitation, consequence. p. pairahan, s. ni. See jmirdhan. p. pir-l, s. f. Old age. H. paird (from ^) s. f. An ornament worn on the legs. II. per, s. f. A tree, a plant, P^T lagdnd. To plant trees, s. pir ( M I I ) s, f. Pain, labour (in child birth). perd (fq-;:j) S. m. A kind of sweetmeat made with curds : a globular mass of leaven prepared for baking. s. pird, s. f. Pain. s. pJrit, adj. Sick, afflicted. s. per«f7 (^"^^ or a. To press (oil by means of a mill), to squeeze, to rack. H. yJ-j peru, s. m. The belly below the navel, pubes. s. plrhd (cfte') s. m. A stool or chair. ) s. f. A stool, a chair : a generation. H. peri s. f. 1. A kind of sweetmeat made with curds: (dimin. of 1^). 2. A kind of be- tel leaf. 3. The indigo plant after being once cut. 4., The trunk of a tree. ^,j\^paizdr, s, f, A slipper, a shoe, paizdrd'pahdri, s. f. Fighting or mu- Ee 210 L tual beating with slippers. paizar-patll or kdriy s. f. Act of beating with slippers, paizdr-khor, adj. Abject, mean, base (q. d. fit or deserving to be beat- en with slippers). (_<**= se. An ex- pression of contempt, signifying it concerns not or affects not me, I care not. ' paizdr khdndy To be beaten with slippers. p. ijj^^pezna (from or s. m. A sieve. p, peSy s. m. Leprosy. p. ^^^^ pes-iy adj. Leprous. H. l-,r -* paisdy s. m. The name of a copper coin ; money, cash, bljl L— i paisa urdnd, To spend extravagantly ; to take the money of another by theft or deceit. paisd pher phdr karndy To turn the penny. L-j paisd dqbondy To sink money, to lay out money without return. paisd duhndy To be sunk (money). l_^i j)aisd khdndy To spend extravagantly, to waste ; to subsist by wages or the produce of labour : to take bribes : to em- bezzle. l)\^ ^-.t paise lagdndy To lay out or expend money, paise wdld, adj. 1, Moneyed. 2. Worth one jaa/sa. H - paisdr, s. m. Access, ability, admission. s. 1-. -I plsnd (Cf^TTf) L v. a. To grind, to tri- turate, to bruise, to powder; to gnash (the (teeth). 2. s. m. The corn or grain for grind- ing. p. - 1 pesky I. adj. Promoted, advanced, res- pected, confided in, possessing influence. 2. 6. m. Before, front. 3. The vowel point (>’). ^\Ji pesh az in, Before this, pesh- dmad, 8. f. Access, admittance. pesh- and. To treat, to behave, to negotiate, A,‘-.> pesh-handy s. m. The belt that passes over a horse’s breast to prevent the saddle’s slip- ping back. t/AiJ pcsh-bandi, s. f. Fore- sight, timely preparation. fj^^pesh-hin, adj. Prudent, provident, wise. poij/d, s. ni. A wheel. II, pel, s. f. A small basket, a portmanteau. te, in Arabic called td, is the third letter of the Arabic and the fourth of the Persian alpha- bet. In the representation of Hindi words by the letters of these alphabets, it stands for the Nagarl ff, or, with i (he) subjoined, for When used numerically, it denotes 400, ac- cording to the abjad, or appropriation of the letters of the Arabic alphabet to represent numbers. At the beginning of Arabic words, this letter is much used to form verbal nouns of various forms; as iiyw from jJlJ from from and, prefixed to a noun, it may be the -c'\ .sb’ denoting an oath ; as, By God. At the end of words in that language, more- over, it may be the sign of the femi- nine gender ; as, aJXo (for a$Xo) A queen, from A king ; and this termination may be adopted to restrict the noun to unity ; as, (for ij^) A single date, from ^ : or, it may be used in the formation of infinitives or verbal nouns ; as, from ^ : or, the superlative degree of some few adjectives ; as, (for iclLc) Very learned. At the end of Persian words, CL> may represent the pronoun of the second person singular ; or, it may be redundant ; as in for A pillow. In dilferent parts of a word, it may be substituted for j (dd() ; as, for HjyGj A drum, y:; -^~jj for Zoroaster, for Ye may do : and, it is also found used for „ (jini); as, for Plunder. In some instances, too, cu suiters apocope; as, for True, for (bad name) Abuse, for (bad heart) Enemy. s. ^ ta, signifies 1. Heaven. 2. A thief. 3. Embrace. 4. A tail. 3. Amrit (ambrosia). G. To cross over. 7. Impure, barbarous. H. tiy (f^) ti (in Braj, pron. of the 3d pers.) He, she, it, that, they, those. H. \j (^T) td (in Braj, inflect, of the 3d pers. pron.) Him, her, it, that, jiiu (^J rj*il) tanau, Of or from that person. p. \j td, adv. To, until, so far as, even to, in order that, to the end that, in such a manner that : take care ! li' td ba-zlst, While life remains, tdba-kujd, How far ? whi- ther? as far as, where. ba-kai, Till what time ? to what length ? when ? how much ? how many? td chand, How many? how long ? by how much ? ,\j \'J td chand bar, How often ? hoAv many times ? ^ Iv td chunln, Hitherto, thus far. JU. b' td hdl. Yet, hitherto. j*jb' td dam zlst, While life remains. td zindagl, During life, b^b td kujd, How far ? td ki, So that, to the end that, until, so long, whither? ^b’ td kai, Till when ? how far ? |*jsb td ham, Yet, nevertheless, j^b td ham%, Yet, still, hi^ therto, tilE 2J4 p. lub, s. f. Heat (Sans. rffCT): light, splendor ; rage, furj ; power, endurance, brooking : twisting, contortion. tab-lilli^ s. t. An induration of the spleen at- tended with, or preceded by fever ; splenitis, ague-cake. tab-dur, adj. 1. Briglit, luminous. 2. Twisted. Ljj • 2. used participially. Retarded, postponed: following. A.^^b tdkhir (from s. f. Delay, procras- tination, impediment. b^,^^b tdkhir karnd, To delay. A. <-.^ob tddib (from cjjl) s. f. Correction^ chastisement, amendment, erudition. b^i..^.4.'b tddib karnd, To instruct, to correct. s.jb tdri, See ^b tali. v. Jd tdr, s. m. i. A thread, a wire, the string of a musical instrument. 2. Darkness, obscu- rity. liJ^JJb^b (dr bdndhnd. To continue or re- peat an action without interruption. bjjj Jd tdr idlnd. To be disjointed, to be separated. Idr-i-ankabut, Cobweb. ^ Jd tdr- kash, s. m. A wire-drawer. ^_5-i«^jb tdr-kash-i, s. f. A kind of needle work : wire-draw'ing. \jj> ,^^Jd tdr-kash-i karnd, To draw wires. s. ^b tdrd,%.m. i. A star. 2.^he apple of the eye. 3. n. pr. The name of the wife of Raja Bali. tdire ginnd, To count the Stars, 1. e. to get no sleep. H. jbjjb Idr-patdr, adj. Dispersed, &c. p. H.jyjd tdr-tor (Jd Thread, and JJi Break) s. m. A kind of sewing or iveedle work, open work, pulling out some threads, &c. p. ^l^b tdrdj, s. m. Plunder, devastation. A. ‘^J p tdza karnd, To renew, to refresh, to recreate, p T. ^b tdki, adj. m. and f. Defective (horse), having the eyes of two different colours, s. f’ A kind of hat. s.^^\jtak (^q[j) s. f. A look, a glance; an aim, tlie act of aiming, pointing (of a dog). UjJb C/b tdk bdndhnd, To covet, to point as cl dog. lA^b tdk rahnd, 'I'o aspire. P. L_Tb t«/i, s. f. A vine, a fresh vine plant. II. (-lib ij/b tdk-bdk, s. f. Nick of time. s. lib tdknd (from \^j\jtdw khdnd, To be heated ; to be angry. H. jb tdw, s. m. 1. A sheet of paper. 2. Proof, trial, assay. 3. Speed. H. Jb tdu, s. m. A paternal uncle, father’s el- der brother. jj\jb tdwdn, s. m. Debt, loan, retaliation, recompence, fine, mulct. ((^\jb is used in op- position to kisds, and means the price paid for blood). UJ b IxfcjJb ^^Ijb tdwdn-bdndh- nd ox-lmd, To fine, to mulct, tdwdn lagdnd, To amerce. p. ^y^yb tdwdn-l, loan. s. f. Compensation, debt, fine. s. bjb Jdwnd or ^^^) 1. To heat, to raise heat by blowing witli bellows ; to prove, to assay. 2. To twist. A. Jjjb tdwU (from Jjl) s. f. Explanation, elu- cidation, interpretation, paraphrase. p. ib toll, 8. f. A plait, fold, ply : multiplicity, perplexity. H. ab tdhi (*i if^) pron. (in Braj) To him, her, it. H. u^b tdhirl, s. f. A kind of dish. viz. Rice boiled with borl (^^3T), which consists of pulse (Phaseolus radiatus) ground in a wet state, mixed with ginger, pepper &c. and dried in small lumps. A. Jj&b ta'ahhul (from Jjsl) s. m. Mai’riage, es- tablishing a family. A. i_^_b td'fh (from Juy) part. act. Repenting, penitent. H. tJb tdl, s. f. 1. An aunt, paternal uncle’s wife, father’s elder brother’s wife. 2. An earthen frying-pot. A. Job ta'ld (from joJ) s. f. Corroboration; aid, assistance. (Plur. cjljub). s. tab, adv. 1. (fT tabancha miirnd, To shoot with or to lire a pistol. A. tabannl (from j_ja) s. f. Adoption, p, (from Kenewal. i. tajdid, s. f. j 221 A. tajriha (from s. m. Experiment, trial, proof, experience, assay, probation. l(ijriba-kar, adj. Expert, conversant in. tajriba-kar-i, s. f. Experience. A. tajarrud, (from s. m. Living in so- litude, solitude, celibacy. s. 1 ^ s. f. A tertian fever. See A. lajrid (from 0^) s. f. Separation, soli- tude, celibacy : (properly. Rendering solitary). A tajazzi {^rom 1^) s. f. Separating into small pieces, analysis. A. -y Iqjassus, (from s. f. Spying, ex- ploring, search, inquiry, curiosity, inquisitive- ness. ^ lajassus karna, To pry into, to search diligently, to explore. A. iajalll (from 1U-) s. f. Splendour, brilli- ancy, lustre, clearness. Plur. lajaUij/dly Lustres, illuminations. A. J-«csr tajammul (from s. m. Dignity, retinue, furniture, conveniences. (Plur. tajammuhlt). s. tajna (^^ ^*1 ) v. a. To abandon, to de- sert, to quit, to leave A. ^ tajnls (from s. f. Making of the same kind; resemblance, analogy; equivoca- tion ; punning to the eye instead of the ear. tajnis-i-khafji, AVriting words alike which are pronounced differently, a sort of equivoque in writing; as pul, pal and pil in this couplet of Sauda : 7/ih na ho daryd ki jis se guzriye pul bdndhkar ; mauj-i^ashm-i‘dshikdh de tor pal men pil ke pul. This is not a river that you can cross by means of a bridge; the waves that arise from the eyes of lovers would demolish a bridge in a mo- ment by their shock. A. Ji>yrsr tajwiz (fromj^) s. f. Inquiring into, examining, investigation, considering ; appro- bation, contrivance, sentence, judgment, trial, plan, permission. A. tajwif (from uJy^) s. f. Hollowing, makin.) Grieving, re- gretting, regret; condolence. A. nahs, adj. Spoilt, broken, dispersed, overthrown, destroyed, unfortunate. (The last part is significant, the first redun- dant). A. c'l— ^ tahsln (from ^ ) s. f. Approbation, applause, acclamation. A. (from Jj*as^) s.f. Gain, acqui- sition, profit, attainment, learning ; collection (particularly, of revenues). PI. tah- silatj Collections, acquisitions. A. jIjIjmosC' taljsil-dar, s. ra. A collector, a tax gatherer. A. H. liL.iisc' tahfilnd (from v. a. To col- lect, to gather a tax ; to oppress, to afflict. A. tahsil-ddr-z, s. f. Collectorship, tax gathering. A. tuljfajdt, s. pi. (of Rarities, curiosities, presents. A. tuhfa-gi (from iiAssC) s. f. Excellence, rarity, beauty, neatness, elegance. A. tuhfa, s. m. 1. A curiosity ; 2. a present ; 3. adj. Rare, uncommon, excellent, admira- ble, nice, choice, beautiful, wonderful, odd, singular. tukfa-ma*jun, A wag. A. tahakkuk (from ^_^) s. m. Ascertain- ment, certain knowledge. tahklr (from c^lii»^) s. f. Despising, scorn, neglect, disdain. A. la/jkik, (from ^_^) s. f. Ascertain- ing, investigation, trial, verification, exact- ness, precision; truth, certainty; adj. Au- thentic, actual, real, indubitable, apparent; adv. Truly, indeed. A. tahakkum (from s. ra. Command- ing, ruling, dominion, power, authority ; usurp- ing authority. A- tahlll (from jj»-) s. (used generally in compos, with verbs) Dissolving, solubility, making lawful ; digestion, concoction. tahlll honu, To waste, to consume. A. tahammul (from s. m. Carrying, bearing ; patience, endurance, long-suffering, resignation, forbearance, truce, peace, meek- ness, humility. A. tahmll (from J^) s. f. Burthening, imposing a load on; importuning, asking more than one’s right. A., tahazowur {kom j ra. Haste, ce- lerity ; anger. A. (Jjy^ tahwlKSrom Jya^) s.f. Change, trans- fer, renovation, return ; trusts, charges, cash ; passing of the Sun, Moon or a planet from one sign to another. (Plur. tahioildl). A. tahwU-ddr, s. m. A cash-keeper, a treasurer. A. p. tahwil-ddr-l, s. f. The office of cash-keeper. A. tnhhjat (from s. f. A salutation, congratulation, prayer, benediction. (Plur. tahii/dt). K. lahaiyur (from cu»j^) s. m. Amazement, wonder, astonishment. A. takhuluf (from s. m. Opposition, contention, enmity. P, 1^- taklit, s. m. A throne. tnkht baklit, Throne and fortune; (used as a form of benediction, particularly by women, to signity wedlock and wealth). jj taklil par baididltid, To enthrone, y taklit par baithnd, To reign. \jj taklil chhornd, To abdicate a throne. j\j takht-ddr, s. m. A king. takht-i-ra- 223 J^" ■watt, s. m. A travelling throne, a throne on which the king is carried. takhl se ut(7rnu, To dethrone. takht-nisfian, Seating on, or bestowing thrones. takhl-nisfiin, s. in. One sitting on a throne; a king, a sovereign. takht-nisfu)hi^ s. f. Accession to the throne, reign, takht i/u lakhta, Either a throne or a bier : (spoken on engaging in a des- perate enterprise). p. iak/it-gdfi, s. f. The royal residence, metropolis. p. tak/ita, s. m. A plank, a board; a stool, a bier, a sheet of paper. tak/ila-bandi, s. f. Wainscot, boarding. takhta -gardatt, adj. Thick, broad and straight necked (ahorse). taklita-nard, s. m. Back- gammon. p. taklill (dimin. of \ji tardsha, s. m. Shaving, splinter, chip, shred. II. tardkri, s. f. The beam of a balance. A. ^\J tardkum (from ^j) s. m. Heaping toge- ther, the being thickly collected together. II. Jij! lardn, s.m. Revenue. 225 s. n, s. s. H trun, 8. m. 1. Safety. trun larndj To free, to protect. 2. A coat of mail. Uly tarrdnd, v. n. To grudge, grumble, murmur. bljj tirdnd or tardnd (fTTX^ * ' ^ Crossover, swim) V. a. To cause to pass over or swim ; to save. iirdnawwe (ft=T^frr) adj. Ninety- three. jly t/r«o or farJo (from Uly) s. m. Swimming. ij\j) tardm, s. m. Modulation, harmony, voice, song, melody, symphony, trill, shake, quaver; a kind of song. tardna-par- ddz, Composing songs. tardwisli, s. f. Distillation, dropping, exsudation. i\ji h-dhi, interj. Mercy! Ird/ii Irdhi karnd, To complain, to repent of a sin. • tardi, s. f. A marsh, mead, meadow. Living in, or near water, water fowl, water-(spaniel, &c.). iardin, (^T^) s. m. Stars. larb, s. f. A musical tone, c-y lurb, s. m. A radish. , ^ y tirbdehak s. m. An agree- ment confirmed three times. P turbot, s. f. A tomb, a sepulchre. (Jly turbat-l, adj. Sepulchral. jijp tar-ba-tar, adj. Completely wet. Uys jiijl tar-bortar bond, To drip with wet,(but generally) to be covered w'ith blood, juy turbad, s. m. A purgative Indian root, Turbith. (Convolvulus Turpethum). yp tarbuz, "j s. m. A v,ater melon. (Cu- jyp tarbui ’1 , J curbita citrullus). tirbhangd, (f^^^ comp, of Three, and m Broken, r. Break down) adj. s. s. A. A. ^P Standing awry, or bending, (properly with legs, loins and neck bent). ^fi^p lirbhaug-l (from . 1. An epi- thet of Krishna. 2. (f^^Tfl’) Name of a species of poetical measure. tribhuwan, s. The three worlds, viz. heaven, earth, and the infernal regions ; the universe. ^-y tarbij/at (from ^j) s. f. Education, in- struction, tuition, breeding, correction^jjL::--;^ tarbli/at^dzlr, Docile, tractable. \j^ t - tarbiyut karnd, To educate, to instruct. tarbr (from s. f. Dividing into four, making a quadrangular or square figure ; (in astronomy) a quadrangular aspect of the stars, a quartile, quadrature. bb y turpdnd, v. a. To stitch, to darn, to hem. tirpad s. m. A tripod. fN ... tarpon, s. Satisfaction, gratifica- tion ; an offering of three handfuls of water to ancestors.' ^irpan (f^M^|5^|FT ) adj. Fifty-three. y^p turpan, s. f. A kind of stitch. bj p turapnd, v. a. To sew (in a particular manner), to stitch. u. UjJy tirpauliyd (f^ Three, and Jy A door) s. m. A building with three doors or arches. \i^p tirphold s. m. The name of a medicine composed of three myrobalans. turt, 1 adv. In- j\jy turtdw, > stantly, quickly, di- iJLJj turtphurt, j rectly, presently, immediately. \pp turturd (r. Make haste) adj. Nim- ble, active, flippant. \p p tortard, s. m. A kind of dish. \i\yy tartordtd, adj. 1. Very greasy. 2. Dripping with moisture. G 226 71-y H. \)\jj Ji tiriirunu, v. n. To trickle, to drop. H. \j\j Jj tartarunu, v. n. To bluster, to boast. n. tartardhat (from Ji) s. f. Bluster, boast. s. ^ Ji tirtlj/a adj. Third. A. tarlib (from s. f. Arrangement, disposition, order, method. Lij '-r^y iarllb (lend, To order, arrange, &c. LiV Hastily, quickly. A. tarjumdn, s. in. An interpreter. A. ‘U»y tarjuma, s. m. Translation, interpreta- tion. tarjuma-navis, s. m. A trans- lator. tarjik (from ^ Gaining a superiori- ty, preference, excellence, pre-eminence. lb tarjih-i-bild murajjah, Unreasonable preference. \-^j tarjVi rakhnd, To excel, to surpass. A. p. Sui tarji^-band, A kind of stanza, in which one line recurs at stated intervals. (From Return, repetition). s. [^jj tirc/ihd adj. Crooked, across, crosswise, bent; perverse; affected, foolish. tirchhd dekhnd, To squint. L^! Ipy tirchhd lagnd, v. n. To strike obliquely, tirchhi dnkh karnd, To look angrily, to cast unkind looks. Jhj tirchhi nazar, adj. Leer, ogle, side-glance. s. bL,py tirchhiydnd (from If^y) v. n. To edge, to go obliquely : (little used, the proper ex- pression being kalrdnd). s. lirchhdnd (from or frr?^^) V. a. To crook, to place in a transverse position ; v. n. To be perverse, to be affected. n. larchhal, s. f. Dregs, sediments. See A. tnrahhum (from ^J) s. m. Pity, com- passion, kindness, mercy. A. 1*;;^' tarkhim (from s. f. Abbreviation, contraction, apocope (in grammar). A. JJJ taraddud (from j.) s. m. Irresolution, hesitation, fluctuating, suspension of judgment, anxious consideration, debating; rejecting, contrivance. tamdduddt-irdun- -yadi, Attention to worldly affairs. p. tar-dast, adj. Expert, active. p. t(ir-d(ist-l, s. f. Expertness, activity. s. (fW There, and Evil, fault, r. Be polluted) tri-dosh, s. m. Ef- fervescence of the three humours, viz. phlegm, bile and atrubilis. A. Jowy tardid (from ^J) s. f. Repelling, oppo- sing. Jujy I— iy- harf-i-tardid, The disjunctive conjunction, b yd, Or. H. (^y tars, s. m. Compassion, mercy. bl/(^y tars khdmi, To compassionate. p. tars, s. m. Fear, terror. (Sans. ^ IH)- p. Ly tarsd, s. m. A Christian, a worshipper of lire, a guebre, a pagan, an infidel. p. (jly tarsdn (from part. pres. Fearful, timid. fN ♦ s. bLy tarsdnd (^f^O]") v. a. To cause to long, to tantalize, to teaze. s. tirsath Cf^^t%) adj. Sixty three. s. Lyi tarasnd (p^'^^f) v. n. To long, to desire anxiously ; to pity. p. tars-ndk, adj. Timid cowardly. s. J,-y- trisul, s. m. A trident (the weapon borne by Mahadeva). H. uy-y tarsoii, adv. The third day past, or to come (not including the present, i. e. two days intervening). A. J-y tarsll (from ^j) Sending, transmitting. P. ^yy adj. Sour, harsh; ill-tempered. ^ - -. V, crabbed, /^/rs/^-rM,adj. Cynical, morose, surly, stern, hard-favoured, ugly. \j titrs/hlab’^ or -inizaj, adj. Sour temper- ed, harsh. s. liy I trishu, s. f. Desire, thirst. p. turshu-l (from Uliy) s. f. Sourness, harshness, acidity. p. blJy turshuna (from jjiy ) v. n. To acidu- late. A. iarashshuh (from s. m. Sweating, exuding; dripping, distilling; small rain. p. \jiij tarashnu (from v- Ji* To be cut or pared. Aj s. r|bU| \ tris/ina^ s. f. Ambition, desire, avarice, thirst. (Pers. Thirsty). p. iJiy tursha, s. Wild sorrel. I*- Li-V tursh-'i, s. f. Sourness, acidity, harsh- ness. turshi-badi, adj. Acid or flatulent : (a medical term). A. Xajj tarasmd (from j^^) s. m. Expectation, hope. A. targhlb (from s. f. Exciting desire, temptation, stimulation. L.>j targhlb dend, To set a gog, to tempt. A. c— tarnkkub (from l--^) s. m. Contem- plating, expectation, hoping. A. tarakkl (from s. f. Increase, pro- motion, preferment ; making progi'ess in learn- ing, proficiency. (Plur. izj\^sy Preferments, advances). tirrV tarklk (from c:^-,) s. f. Softening, thin- ning, dilution. A. iarkhn (from s. f. Writing, noting. A. p. tiirk, s. ra. X soldier, a Musalman (properly, a Turk, which in Persian takes many other meanings. Sans. H ^y turk-ckashm, A murdering or captivating • eye. cJy turk-saxedr, s. m. A horseman, 227 <-y- a cavalier. turk-mizdjy adj. Wicked, sly; depraved. (Plur. turkdn). A. tjjy tarkj s. ni. Abandoning, leaving, de- serting. tark-i-adab, Disrespect. H. tarakj s. f. A beam, a rafter. s. ijjy rf^ tark, s. m. Logick ; (in logick) a proposition. tarkdri, s. f. Esculent vegetables. P- j^y turk-tdz,m.\s. Inroad, depredation, at- p. i^jtSy turk-tdziy{.j tack; feigned anger (of a lover) ; walking affectedly or with a tossing about of the body. tirkutd (f^c^^) s. m. A mixture of dry ginger, long pepper and black pepper. p. ^iy tarkash, s. m. A quiver. Aij tar- kash-ba/id, Wearing a quiver. s. J^y tarkul, s. m. The fruit of the tdr tree, (Borassus flabellifbrmis). p. II. ^Jy turk-an (from cJy) s. f. A Turkish woman. p. H. tj^y turkan-i, s. f. A sort of female atten- dant (perhaps, Turkish). p. j\jj Lip iurk-o-tdz, s. ra. See jlj tip. A. tarka, s. m. The estate of a deceased person. H. \^y tarkhd, adj. Rapid (a stream). s. Up (r. Be thirsty) tirkhd or trishd^ s. f. Thirst; desire. s. trikhd-xcant (from l^-) adj. Thirsty. s. tif'’^huntiy s. f. A trivet. Jj turki, adj. Turkish; s.ra. A kind of horse. turkltamdm hui, Spoilt, destroyed. A. L-,— p tarklb (from l-P^) s. f. Composition, mixture, cement, make, form, mechanism. Lpc_-~p(' tarklb karnd, To organize. (Plur. CjlPp tarkibdt, Mixtures, compositions). A. tarkib-i, adj. Composed, mixed, artful, artificial. G g 2 228 uj s, Jy iaral, adj. Capricious, changeable, fickle, inconstant, ticklish, volatile, unsteady. - H. ^ tarld, I. s. m. A kind of bamboo. 2. adj. Lower, nethermost. s. tri-lok, m. »• "■«»*■<■> f- i. e. Heaven, earth, and the regions under the earth) s. The universe, the world. H. (J^j turmatl, s. f. The name of a hawk. (Falco Cyanellus : B. Fasciatus : B. Tinnun- culus : Duhius). H. tirmira, s. m. 1. A spot of oil, &c. swimming on water. 2. An ocular spectrum, or spark appearing before the eye from the internal state of that organ. H. tirmirdnd, v. n. To vibrate, to dazzle, to thrill ; to shake ; to glisten as grease or oil swimming on water. H. tirmiruhat (from s. f. Vibra- tion. tirmiri (from Darkness) s. f. 'Vertigo, darkness. A. (j— tun'mus, s. The lupine, the Turkish lupine. s. tri-murtif s. f. The three bodies, or forms; the three principal Hindu deities; Trinity. ‘ 8. trin-) s. m. Grass. s. tarun, adj. Young, adult. 8, ^y (r. Cross, traverse) taraniy 1. 8. m. The sun. 2. s. f. A boat. 3. taran^ One who has found salvation, delivered from sin. 5. \jj iarnu (rT^Or r. Cross, pass over a river, &c.) v. n. To pass over, to be ferried ; to be saved. H. ly tirnd, v. n. To swim. -. s. Youth, puberty. (f^ Three, and World, s. f. Adolescence, youth, puberty. St tav (iTit (^qftrT ) adv. Instantly, quick- ly, directly. A. >^y tiiranj, s. ra. A citron. p. or ^j^y taranjabln or tarangabin, s. m. 1. Manna (produced from the Hedy- sarum Alhagi). 2. (by this name some callj Honey mixed with lime-juice, &c. s. trinsha, adj. Thirtieth, s. ijL^y trinsliat, adj. Thirty. s. jXijy f^aj^ST trinshallam, adj. Thirtieth- s. tarang, s. f. "Wave, emotion ; whim, conceit, caprice : becoming state and dignity. ♦ s. ^“rcrwg, s. ra. A horse. s. ^y rT^jft tarang-t, adj. Braggart, fantas- tical, whimsical. A. yy tarannum (from Jj) s. ra. A song, mo. dulation. s. ijy tarrii r. ^ Cross over) s. f. A ship, a vessel, a boat. s.J\^ytarwdr (^^^^TVv) H. f. A sword, a sci- mitar. p. tar-o-tdza, adj. New, fresh; cheerful. F. ^j\j ,y tar-o~tdsa-gI, s. f. Newness, freshness. s- ^ s.\j j^y tarwariyd (fromjhy) s. m. A sword; a swordsman, a fencer. H. IjJjy tirmmddy s. m. A buoy, beacon. p. xji icira, 8. m. Garden herbs, pottage, greens. fj^^y iy tara-farosh, A green-grocer. s. tirhut s. f. Name of a district. s. iirhtdit/dy adj. Belonging to Tirhut, produced in Tirhut. 229 p. jJ hjj tara-tcz, Is. m. Garden cresses. (Le- p tnra-tezak,} pidiiini Sativum). H. lurhly s. f. A trumpet, a clarion. s. s. f. A star. ,, tiri ({%) adj. Three, tqrej^ adv. Under : see Jj tale. 11. Xjy tirend, s. m. The float of a fishing- line, a float or buoy. n.ljc.y tirendil, s. m. A float.' s. traj/odasi, adj. Thirteenth day of the month. s. traj/avinsh, adj. The twenty third. ij_ tura'i, s. f. The name of a kind of cu- cumber (Cucumis acutangulus : Bo.rb.). p. tar-l (from J) s. f. 1. Moisture, fresh- ness. 2. Sugar. ^ tari se, adv. By water. j. by firiyd s. f. A woman, maid, fe- male, wife. Jujby iiriyu-hed (N1 and Knowledge) The science of women, know- ledge of w'oman. tirij/a-charitr (^T ■^TT^) s. m. Female wiles. .JiXj j lirit/d- rs raj Amazon country, petticoat government. s. by laraiyd (^T^T) s. f. A star. A. 1* Treacle; (but in Hin- dustan it always means) opium. 2. An an- tidote. A. jV.y s- ra. The name of a medicine. A. <-L/by tirydk, See jby tiryak. H. tirihirl, adj. Dispersed. H. iaret, s. m. A buoy. s. bjy ^rTT frefa, s. m. The name of the se- cond Hindu jtfg, the silver age. H. \jij} tarerd, s. m. The falling of water from a spout, or from any height. s. ;^iX'y trayndas, adj. Thirteenth. P.yy tarh, s. f. The pieces in a vestment that are cut transversely or diagonally. P. ^y tarlfij A particle added to Persian adjec- tives, to form the superlative degree. s . Li” ^..ijyy trayavinshati, adj. Twenty three. s. jfciiiJUyy trayavinshalitam, adj. Twenty third. H.Ji tar, s. m. 1. Party, division, faction. 2. An imitative sound. H. taru, s. m. An island. H. \j\jj tardrd, s. m. Throwing water. S l^y tarerd. H. ^3\jJ iardka, adj. Pretty, shewy, gaudy. H. tardkd, s. m. Tlie sound of striking. s. bl^ lurdnd (from bjy) v. a. To cause to break. ir. \j\ys tardwd, s. m. Shew, ostentation, vanity. H, b\^' tardyd, s. m. Gaudiness in dress, wear- ing smart clothes. b^’ tardyd-ddr, s. m. One who dresses well and is particular in having fine and well made clothes. H. i-yy tarap (from bjJj) s. f. Haste, hurry, outrageousness, explosion, fury, leap, jump. H. bbjj tarpdnd (from bjy ) v. a. To put in great agitation, to cause to flutter, or stumble. H. l^y tarpard, s. ra. The noise of falling water. H. bjJJ iarapnd, or taraphnd, v. n. To flutter, to palpitate, to be very desirous about any thing, to be agitated, to w rithe, to jump, to spring, to bound, to wriggle, to toss. H. .yji taraph (from b^y ) s. f. Agitation, toss- ing about, palpitation. H. bl^Jj tarphdnd, v. a. See bby . H. iarphardnd, v. n. To flutter, to pal- pitate. 230 ir. tarphardfmt (from s.f. Act of fluttering, palpitation. H. tarpild (from bjjj) adj. Hasty, hurry- ing. p. H. Vjjj taraknd (from v. n. To be cracked, to be split. H. \j\yiy tartardnd, v. n. 1. To trickle, to drop, to patter, to bluster, to welter. 2. To warp or crack with noise (as a plank exposed to the sun). H. tarkd, s. m. Dawn of day. tarjce, adj. In the morning, early. H. C>^\yy tartardhat (from \j\yy) s. f. The act of dropping. p.H. taraknd (from v. n. To be crack- ed,. to be split. A. Si\ji tazdyud (from s. m. Increase, T. tuzuky s. m. 1. Retinue, pomp. 2. Re- gulation, ordinance, institute. A. tazahul (from s. in. Commotion, agitation, trepidation ; an earthquake. A. yjji tazwir (horn j^j) s.f. Imposture, fraud, deceit, stratagem, deception, lie. A. ^ji^y tazin (from s. f. Dressing one’s self, decoration, ornament, jewel, honour. v.hy tazeld, s. m, A tdzi (Arab) colt. H. tis (obi. case from pron. correl. That, this, &c. fjJi tis upardnt, adv. More- over. jyJ tis par, Besides, over and above, moreover, yet, nevertheless, then, after that, thereon, whereat. ^ ^ tis par bhi, Thereon, nevertheless. s. ^ tis s. f. Thirst. S* ^^r.-r * l/USilT s. m. Ice, frost, or snow. A. tasdniub (from ^*^) s. m. Reciprocal indulgence, mutual kindness and forgiveness ; double meaning, connivance. A. i tasawi (fiom ^^^.^) s. f. Similarity, sameness, equality, neutrality. A. JjiL-j' tasdhul (from J^) s. m. Conniving at, pardoning ; carelessness, indifference. A. tashih (from ^.j) s. f. 1. The act of praising God. 2. A rosary, a chaplet of beads, (not applied to a Hindu rosary). 3j\J^ tashih-khdna, A chapel. tashlh-khwdn, 1. Saying prayers. 2. A person hired to pray for another, a private chaplain. ^ tasbih-khwdn-i, The office of a chaplain. tasakhkhur (from ^,.^)s.m. 1. Ridicule. 2. Subduing, making tractable. A. j*sr^ taskhir (from s. f. Imprisoning, ta- king a strong hold, subduing, captivating. taskhir-i-kuluh, Captivating hearts. A. tasdis (from ^wA~;) s. f. Dividing into six parts; a sextile aspect of the stars. St tasar (^^:)s. m. A kind of coarse silk, the produce of a particular worm (Bombyx paphia) that feeds on the dsan (Terminalia alata tomentosa), &c. s. tisrdyat (from 1^— J‘) s. m. A third person, an umpire. A. adj. Nine. s. J^..d taskar, s. m. A stealer, a thief, a robber. 5. taskar-i (from rT^^T^) f- Theft. A. “ taskln (from s. f. Consolation, comfort, pacifying. Lo cT:^' taskhi dend, To appease, to pacify, to sooth, to calm, to as- suage. taskin-bakhsh, adj. As- suasive, mitigating. II. ILj' tasld, s. m. A vessel used by Hindus to dress their victuals. A. J— 1— J tasalsul (from .iL-L:) s. m. Connect- ing like a chain, association of ideas, infinite series, succession ; flowing (as water). A. tasallul (from LLo) s. in. Domination, sway, absolute rule. A. tasalli (from or Lj) s. f. Consola- tion, comfort, solace. tasalli dend. To comfort, to assure, to secure, to animate, to exhilarate, to console. A. " taslim (from s. f. Delivery, con- signment ; recommending to the care or pro- tection of another; health, security', (plur. cl-'U-LJ taslimdt). tosl/mul hajd /dud, To make obeisances. (nslhn bond, To be resigned or committed. u. ) s. f. Consolation : becoming calm (after anger), calmness. A. tashakhuk (from uX-) s. m. Doubting. IxiJ tishnd (rp{JfT) s. f. Thirst ; temptation. ,^(Aj tashannuj (from .^i>) s. m. The cramp, convulsion, spasm. p. tj tashank, s. m. An iron instrument for piercing walls. tishna-gl, s. f. Thirst ; temptation. tishna, adj. Thirsty. (Sans. ^S(Tf ; ) tishna-i-khun, Blood-thirsty. \jj tishna karnd, To make thirsty ; ( met.) to create 232 desire, to tempt. tishm-lab, adj. Thirsty. ^ > tion, meditation, reflection, fancy, conception, preconception, ajiprehension. A. tasazs)zcuf (from i_fy^) s. m. The theology of the sufis or mysticks of the east ; mystery, contemplation. 233 \ju x.jiyAi tasuHr (from s. f. A picture, an image. lAu or tasxoir banana^ or tasii'ir bhahichnu^ To draw, &c. to paint. A. w'Lu tazadd (from j^) s. m. Contradiction, contrariety, absurdity, inconsistency. A. taz'/iik (from s. f. Mocking, derision, ridicule. A. tazarm* (from s. m. Supplication; lamenting. A. tazmin (from s. f. I. Giving satisfaction for an injury. 2. Comprehending or including one thing in another. 3. Insert- ing the verses of another in one’s own poem. 4. Giving security. 5. Intrusting with an- other. 6. Lending on interest. 7. Putting in a purse or strong box. \j^ tazmin karnu, To insert the verses of another in one’s own poem, making the one correspond with the other. A. (from s. f. Spoiling, wast- ing, idling (away time). tazT-i- aiikdt, Idling away time; ennui, weariness. X A. t«s’//(from s. f. Doubling. A. jjUaj tatdbuk (from s. m. Similarity, congruity, analogy ; coherence, cohesion. A. Jyllsj' totuzcul (from J^) s. m. Usurpation, tyranny, conquest, rudeness, insolence. A. JLj-ki' iatbik (from s. f. Comparing, likening; drawing up in line, or making to confront (as two armies). A. tatwll (from J^) s. f. Extending, lengthening, prolonging, stretching out, pro- rogation. tat'hlr (from s. f. Purification, purgation, sanctification. A. jjiij tazal/um (from ^Jd?) s. m. Groaning under oppression, injustice, injury. A. laaruf (from s. m. Mutual ac- quaintance ; rule, fashion, custom. A. u— taukub (from i^ib) s. m. Pursuit ; persecuting ; alternate succession, following. A. JUj‘ JU;' taul tacll, interj. Good God ! Bravo ! A. tauld (fromjLs) adj. Most high. \Axj taallukdt, s. plur. of q. v. H. .j\ az hauz-i-lallf ub bardur, Draw water from the pellucid cistern. The letters in c— Ll-;! make 943, from which subtracting those of 3, we have the date required 940). 3. An enigma. A. id^w'iz (from j^) s. m. Having recourse to the deity, asking protection ; a charm, an amulet. A. (from jy:) s. f. Suspending, preventing, delaying, averting. * A. taahhud (from s. m. Agreement, engagement ; rent. ia'aij/Ksh (from s. m. 1. Rejoicing. 2. Procuring a livelihood by labour and in- dustry. (from s. m. Manifestation, appointing, establishing, assigning, deputing. t vulg. ta'in (from s. m. Appointing, deputation. vulg. ta'lndt (plur. s. m. Appointing, deputation. A. ta'aiyunut^ s. plur. (of ta'aiyun) Appointments. A. H. incltdy s. f. The object or business of an appointment, &c. tour of service. p. jUj taghdr, s. in. A'tub, bucket, trough, pail, platter. P* taghur-i^ s. f. A small tub, trough or , bucket. A. jJiU)' Uighufid (from s. m. Negligence, inadvertency; being absorbed as in sleep, &c. laghdful-shiur, adj. Careless. A.^Ui’ taghdj/ur (from s. m. Difference. A. diJM taghzlya (from ljui) s. m. Food, nou- rishment. A. tagludtub (from A A) s. m. Taking advantage, cheating, imposition, forgery, em- bezzlement. A. \ij tafuhhur (from s. m. Boasting, vaunt. A. JjUj tafdruk (from j.y) s. ra. Division, se- paration. A. tU'jUj tafdtcut (from s. m. Distance, difference, distinction, disparity, adj. Dis- tant, separate, away, absent. UjJ iafd- icut bolnd, To prevaricate. A. jyij ffl/arow/ (from J\j) s. m. See Jyij'. p. Heat, ardour, trouble (of mind, &c.). p. tafta, part. Hot, melted, s. m. Quick- lime. A. taftish (from s. f. Examination, inquiry, search, investigation, research. H h 2 (from s. m. Suppuration, bursting- forth. A. tafahhus (from s. m. Investiga- tion, inquiry, search, disquisition. A. tafakhkhur (from s. m. Pride, boast- ing, arrogance. A. ^Ju tafarruj (from s. m. Recreation, amusement, relaxation of mind. A. ^jsCi tafarruh (from s. ra. Leisure, ease, refreshment. A. tafarrus (from s. m. Intelligence, understanding ; judging from physiognomy. A. tafrika (from j,y) s. m. Separation, dispersion; divorce, distress. (Plur. T. SjSu tafra^ s. m. Pride, affected magnihcence. A. tafrlh (from s. f. Rejoicing, ex- hilarating, amusement. tafrih-i-tab*y Ease of mind, cheerfulness, hilarity. A. infris (from f^js) s. f. Rending, break- ing, tearing in pieces. A. tafrlk (from jy) s. f. Separation, di- vision ; partition, participation ; jealousy, mis- understanding; department. \jj> tafrlk karniiy To analyse. p. tafslda, part. Burning, warmed; cracked (lips). A g'»‘ tafslr (iram ^ s. f. Explanation, com- mentary, paraphrase, an interpretation of the Kuran. A. J-Aiasj tafsll (from J-^) s. f. Separation, ana- lysis, explanation, division, detail. j\^Lm2Su tafsil-wdr, adv. Distinctly, in detail. A. JUuj tafazzul (from J-oi) s. m. Excelling ; deserving. A. (from s. f. Disgrace, disre- pute. A. tafzll (from Excellence, pre-emi- nence. ^J\ ism-i-lafzil, An adjective in the comparative or superlative degree.^ 236 U; A. Aiiij tafakkud (from s. m. Searching for a thing lost; kindness. A. Jdu tafakkur (from s. m. Reflection, me- ditating, considering; anxiety. A. tafakkuh (from aO) s. m. 1. Admiring. 2. Penitence. 3. Enjoyment of any thinor. (Plur. p. lufang, s. f. A musket (properly any tube through which a thing is blown). A. tafanmm (from j^) s. m. Amusement, pastime, diversion. A* iJjj^ tafazczDuk (from jjJ) s. m. 1. Pretend- ing to a superiority over others. 2. Doin«- any thing by degrees. A. tafazcioul (from ^Jli) s. m. Presaging happily, taking a good omen from a name, &c. A. tafwlz (from s. f. 1, Resigning^ committing to another, recommending, con- fiding to another. 2. Marrying a wife w ithout a fortune. A. tafahhum (from ^^j) s. m. Understand- ing, conceiving. A. ja-y'ij tafhlm (from j^) s. f. Teaching, in- structing. A. Jjliij takubul (from JJi) s. m. Encountering, drawn up in mutual opposition. A. takdrub (from t_^) s. m. 1. Approach- ing one another. 2. (in versification) Name of a measure. A. Uliu takdzd (from ^_^‘) s. m. Dunning, ex- acting, urgency, importunity. ^ ^Ulij ta- -kdzd-i-sinn, The customs or habits of different ages, as of childhood, youth, manhood, &c. jojJi t_s\G>\£j takdzd-i-shadid, Inexorable dun- ning. S- A. H. takuzd-i) adj. Importunate, urging, solicitous. A. Js\su iakdtur (from Jaii) s. m. Distilling droii by drop ; raining. 237 A. CJjUj takaxcal (from s. f. Piety, absti- nence, continence. A. takdwt (from s. f. 1. Strengthen- ing, assisting (particularly tenants) ; money in advance. 2. Vying, contending with. A. takaddasn (3d pers. sing, of the past tense of the measure trom a verb used adjectively) Pure, holy, purified. iakaddasa ladld (an epithet of the deity) Holy most high. A. takaddiis (from s. f. Purity, sanctity, holiness. A. takaddum (from s. m. Priority. A.jiSij takd'ir (from jjJi) s. f. Fate, predesti- - nation. (Plur. A. takdis (from s. f. Sanctification, sanctity, purity, sanctifying; magnifying. A. takdhn (from j*jJ) s. f. Giving pre- cedence, priority, precedence, performance. takdhn karnu^ To perform, to put before, to give precedence to. A. takarrub (from s. m. Propin- quity, nearness, approximation ; access. A. jjij takarrur (from s. m. Confirmation, ratification, approbation. A. takrlb (from ^-y) §• f- Bringing near, approximation, access ; recommendation, men- tioning any one to another before meeting ; occasion, conjunction, cause, pretence, motive, approaching, proximity, probability, takrlb karnu, To commend, to recommend, to prepare a person for the reception of an- other. A. takriban, adv. Near to, about, nearly. A. takrlr (from Jj) s. f. Confession, I'ela- tion, recital, detail, narration, confirmation. t»h^tr karndj To relate. A. takrls (from s. Cooling, con- gealing. A. lakslin (from s. f. Dividing, dis. tributing; division (in arithmetic). \j^ iakslm kartid, To distribute. A. takfir (from ^3 ov j^) s. f. Fault, error, crime. (Plur. takslrdt)j\j takslr-wdr, Blameable, criminal. A. jAajij taktir (^rom Jji) s. f. Distilling, drop- ping (particles of urine), strangury. A. takti* (from ^1=3) s. f. Dissection, cut- ting into parts ; the caesura or pause in reading poetry; scanning of verse. A. takallub (from i ^) s. m. Conversion, change, transmutation. A. takllb (from u^i3) s. m. Conversion, inversion, change, transposition. A. Juiij taknd (from ji3) s. f. Imitation, coun- terfeiting, forgery : investiture. A. H. taklid-l (from juLiu) adj. Imitated, forged, false (as stone, &c.), counterfeit. A. taklil (from s. f. Diminishing, re- duction, causing to look less. A. takzcd, s. m. Piety, abstinence, the fear of God. ahl-l-takwd, Pious. A. takzoazcwl (from ^,i) s. f. Assisting, (particularly tenants by advances, remitting rents, &c.). A. takxaiyal (from ,_$yj) s. f. Corrobora- tion, strengthening, establishing, confirming, confidence, strength, assurance, comfort, re- liance, trust, aid. A. takwlm (from ^,s) s. f. An almanack, ephemeris, calendar. A. taki, adj. Pious, fearing God. /aAfl, s. Piety, fear of God.. A. takaiyud (from aJt) s. m. Application, at- tention, diligence, injunction ; care, assiduity, superintending, overseeing. (Plur. luIjlJu). H. LliCj tuk^ s. f. One line of a poem, a mo- ment, a rhyme. H. CSi tak, 1. adv. Till, to, up to, whilej to 238 ward, near lo. 2. s. f. A scale, balance. 3. verbal n.f. (from LC) Aim. b Lajjb Ul^S tak-bundhna or —rahnu ov —lagdnd^ To gaze, to stare. H. 10 tikha^ s. m. A small piece of flesh. H. 10 tukkd, s. m. A sort of arrow blunt at the \y end, a small hill, an eminence. A. jJ~:lO takusul (from s. m. Indolence, negligence, carelessness. H. (jlO takdn, s. m. Motion, agitation, gesture. H. blO takund (from bO) v. a. To aim. A. JJ^lO takdhul (from s. m. Negligence, remissness. A.^0 takabbur (from jS) s. m. Arrogance, haughtiness, pride. A. H. takabburi (from s. f. Haughti- ness. A. takblr (from s. f. Repeating the Mu- salman creed ; or only saying, “ God is great,” upon particular occasions. jf, < * Ci tik-tik, A sound used in driving a cart. H. tak-tak, The sound of feet. A. taks'ir (from s. f. Augmenting, en- larging, increasing. A. jjO’ lakaddur (from^j^) s. m. Muddiness, dregs ; dulness, inoroseness, disquietude of mind. A. L tnkiJb (from s. f. Accusing of falsehood, giving the lie. A. takrdr (from^) s. f. Repetition, tautolo- gy, altercation, contention, dispute. A. H. (akrdr-i (from j\Jj) adj. Importu- ning, seizing, troublesome, fond of argument. A. jJj takarrur (from s. m. Repetition, re- peating, reiterating; persevering. A. lakrim (from ^J>) s. f. Treating with respect, honouring ; honour, reverence, re- spect. A. lakassur (from j^) s. m. 1. Reing broken or shattered, spent or debilitated. 2. Carrying (figures in arithmetic). 3. Folding up the wings as a bird when about to cease from flight. A. takassul (from s. m. Sickness, being lazy or inactive. A. taksir (from s. f. Breaking to pieces; carrying (figures in arithmetic) ; divi- ding so as to produce a fraction. p. tukkash (corrupt, of s. m. A qui- ver. A. Jiib taknjfid (from Ji^) s. m. Taking secu- rity ; becoming security for another. A. j-iC' takfir (from s. f. 1. Covering; expia- ting a crime, doing penance or paying a mulct as atonement ; humbling one’s self before ano- ther (putting the hand upon the breast, and inclining the head), showing distant respect. 2. Accusing one of impiety, calling him infi- del, making one an unbeliever ; guiltiness. A. lakf/n (from s. f. Putting on the winding sheet, laying in the coffin, &c. shroud- ing, sepulture. ir. JO iukkal, s- \ , , • , ... r A kind oi onper kite* H. K; tu/aa^ s. m. J * ^ s. no takld (^^:) s. m. A spindle. See IjO and UO. A. eJO takaUuf (from i__cli) s. m. Taking much pains in any matter ; inconvenience, ceremo- ny, extravagance, profusion, preparation. (Plur. Cl-'UIO Uikalliifdl). jb^O Cl-'UiO takal- lufdt-i-d(trbdr, Expending much. C-?U10 f(ik(dlufdl-i-rasni/, Ceremonious attention, emp- ty compliments. \ c:-''viiO takaUufd’-i- rmijlis, The ceremonies of society, etiquette. i_^.b t__ilO lakalluf bar loraf, Waving cere- mony. .^Ij-ceJO lakallaf-mizdj, adj. Cere- monious. A. JO takallum (from s. m. Conversation. II. tukli (dimin. of Kj) s. f. A (child’s) kite. H. takll, s. f. A weaver’s reel. A. tnklif (from s. f. Imposition of a burthen ; ceremony, trouble, dilliculty, mo- lestation, distress, inconvenience, ailment, af- fliction, annoyance. (Plur. Uikl'ifut.) Lj j u_ijLC takllf deuu, To annoy. A. takmila (from s. m. Perfection, com pletion. >. l) s. m. Delight, plea- sure, charms. s. ^ lulsi, s. f. The name of a plant worshipped by the Hindus (Ocymum sanctum). Tiilsi or Tulasi was a nymph beloved by Krish- na and by him turned into this plant. tuhhdas, n. p. Name of a Gosain. lijlj ij tuht-ddna, A gold ornament. s. til-sfiakari and A kind of sweetmeat made of sesame and sugar. A. talaltuf (from ol") s. m. Kindness, obligingness, blandishment, favour. A. tokif) s- ai. Ruin, destruction, loss, pro- digality, consumption, expense. JUJI t-iii j4jS\ talafu-l-mdl khalafu-l-umr. The loss of riches is the prolongation of life. talaf karnd, To waste, to consume. talaf hand, To be unfortunate, to meet with a loss. A. lifiJj talaffuz (from liij) s. in. Utterance, ex- pression, pronunciation. A. UIj tlfkH (from or s. m. 1. Reprehen- sion. 2. Arriving at, meeting with, falling upon, encountering in battle. A. talkln (from s. f. Instructing, in- forming, religious instruction ; prayer over the dead at the time of interment. \j^ talkln karnd, To instruct, to inform, to teach. 8. ^ tilak, s. ra. 1. The mark which Hindus make on their forehead. 2. A com- mentary. p. tilaky s. f. A gown. ir. lLOJi' talak, adv. To, up to, &c. See tak. s. L? Jj til-kit 1 , 8. m. The name of a sweet- meat, composed of pounded sesanium and sugar. II. blUJj talnmldnd, v. n. To be tantalized. A. jw*ij Ifilffilz (from or s. m. A student, a scholar, disciple, jnipil. H. Uj talnd, v. a. To fry. s. UJ tulnd{r. Weigh) v. n. To be weighed or balanced ; to be drawn up in array (as one army against another). s. tilangd j ) s'- ni. An inhabitant of Tai- lang, in which the first soldiers were clothed and disciplined in the European manner ; (hence) a soldier. H. ifilj tilansd. ?. m. ) . , , , „ ^ ( A kind of (child’s) kite. H. lilangt, s. f. ) s. IjJj tilud (from frl^) s. m. A kind of sweet- meat (eaten particularly by the Hindus when the Sun enters Capricorn). s. IjJj taluu or talwd (r|C^) s. m. The sole of the foot. taldd chdtnd, or ^ \jjiijtalwe tale hdlh dharnd. To flatter. lalwe sahldne, {lit. To stroke the soles of the feet) signifies excessive flattery, adulation. talwon se dg lagni, (lit. burning in the soles of the feet) implies exces- sive anger. talxodr CrTT!'“l'F 1"^) s. f. See^Uy H. talwdsnd, v. a. Spoken of the feet of an animal which are worn by treading on hard rocky ground. p. talwdsa, s. m. Commotion, astonish- ment, trouble. s. “[■ tiloltama, n. p. Name of an Apsard, nymph or dancing girl, in the court of Indr a. -■ talwariyu {^xom j\p) 1. s. f. A scimitar. 1 i 212 2. s. m. A swordsman, one armed with a sci- mitar, a sword player. A. talawwun (from s. m. Changing co- lours (like a cameleon) ; fidgetting, restless- ness, capriciousness, b talawwun- fab* or -mizaj, adj. Capricious, whimsical, fretful, (jyij talawwun-mizaj-i, s. f. Ca- priciousness. 5. tilonhd (from Oil) adj. (spoken of a lamp) Sloped so that the oil may reach the wick. s. IjjJj tilhd, (from adj. Oily. s. talihru (from Bottom) Inferior, next, below, one who acts at the command of ano- ther. s. ^ tali s. f. 1. The bottom of any thing; the sole of a shoe ; beneath, under. 2. Impalpable powder. ^ tilli, s. f. The spleen or milt. ^ tap-tilli, s. f. Disorder of the spleen. I. ^ tale Bottom) adv. Below, down, beneath, under, tale-upar, adj. Up- side down ; confused, tale tale dekhnd, To see clandestinely. l/ LS^ tale ki zamin upar honi, is used to express great disturbance and confusion. s. talaiya (from or c^lb) s. f. A small pond. H. tilaiha, s.m. A turtle dove. s. ^ tama, s. m. Darkness ; irascibility, or promptitude to the vindictive passions. See under s. y turn 2d pers. pron. plur. You. (_jT turn dp, You yourself. jLc turn ko, To you. P. U-Lf’ tamdchd, "I s. m. A slap, a blow. See p. tamdcha, j P, tamddi (from s. f. Perseverance ; a long time. H. tamdkhrd mdrnd, v. a. (inelegant) 1. To reproach in jest. 2. To put on airs of consequence in poverty. A. [jpj^ tamdruz (from S. m. Feigning a disease. A. tamdsukh (from ^--«) s.m. Effacing, transforming, metamorphosing, A. LIjL;' tamdshd (from s. m. An enter- tainment, show, a spectacle, sight. l3j^ tamdshd karnd, v. a. 1. To see. 2. To take a walk. 3. 1 o jeer, to jest. tamdshd- hln-i, s. f. Luxury, libertinism. ^ tamdsh-hin (Lil^" and ^ Seeing, from To see) A rake, an epicure, a whoremaster. tamdsh-bin-i, s. f. Raking, whoring. A. H. tamdshd-l, s. c. A spectator. AMEUic. tamdku (for s. m. Tobacco. A. |*Lr tamdm (from y) adj. Entire, perfect, complete, y tamdrn-lar, adv. Wholely, completely, entirely. ^*1^' tamdm karnd, To perfect, to complete, to finish. tamdm bond. To be finished ; to die. A. tamurn-i, s. f. I. Completion, perfec- tion, totality. 2. Brocade, cloth of gold tissue. H. turnurrd, v. a. To cause to be carded. p. tambd, p, tanibun, II. tumd'i, s. f. H. tambd, s. ni. m. Trowsers, See The price of carding. A tent. A. tamattu' (from j^) s. m. Enjoyment, using, gaining, deliglit, pleasure. s. UUx;' tamtamdnd (from J) v. a. To grow red (in the face) ; to glow, to sparkle, to twinkle, to (lash. s. l!U5>U:^’ tamtamdhat (from bUo.;^') s. f. The state of growing red (in the face). A, Jllr timsdl (from Jx«) s. f. Resemblance, picture. 243 liTf" (iT A. JiXr’ tamassul (from 8. ni. Imitating, resembling ; applying allegories. A. tanytil (from J*,«) s. f. Comparison, similitude ; allegory, parable, apologue, an example. (Plur. latmUut). tamsil Idna, To allegorize. tamjid (from j^) s. f. The glorifica- tion of God ; hence, the hymn, or prayer tliat is pronounced from the minarets an hour and a half before dawn. iimir, s. m. Darkness. tamar, s. m. A date. lomar-i-hindi, s. f. A tamarind. A. tamarrud (from 4^)s. ni. Refractoriness, stubbornness, disobedience, insolence, rebel- lion. s. tamasj s. Darkness, &c. See X. jsr^ tamaskhur (from s. m. Buffoonery, joking. p. \kj: tamghd, s. m. A stamp on gold, silver, &c. or a brand or mark on an animal : a tax on travellers : a royal grant or charter. A. ‘ * ^ - r tamassuk (from s. m. A note of hand, bond, obligation, receipt. §. tamak (from *) s. f. 1. Vanity, arrogance, pride. 2. (Verbal n. f. from LC;*;. Growing red in the face. H. tamkii, s. m. A stroke of the sun. s. tamakna, v. a. 1. Same as UUs.;" 2. To be enraged without cause, or to break out into violence at a temperate and reasonable speech. A. tamkanat (from s. f. Dignity. A- tamkln (from s. f. Majesty, dig- nity, authority, pow'er. A. tainalluk (from ^^Lo) s. m. Soothing behaviour, cajoling, flattery, adulation, cere- mony. P. ^ tuman, s. m. Brotherhood, connexion. cast, &c. bevy, crowd, troop, squadron, (pro- perly ten thousand). See (jUy toman. ^ LibJub tuman bandhnu. To collect a body of troops. ^ tuman-dur, The commander of a tuman. tuman-ddr-i, s. f. The com- mand of a tuman. A. tamannd (from s. f. Request, wish, prayer, supplication, inclination, petition. P. tamancha, s. m. A pistol. A. tamanni, s. f. See \j^' . A. tamaxcisuj (from s. m. Agitation or fluctuation of w'ater. A. tamawwul (from JU) s. f. Riches, be- coming rich. s. I tama, s. Darkness : illusion of mind, headstrong passion, anger. See under H. tumhdrii, pron. 2. per. gen. pi. Your’s, your. A. tamhld (from s. f. Disposition, arrangement, settlement, management, con- firmation, preliminary, preamble, preface, pre- parative, introduction. \jj, tamhld kamuy To dispose, &c. K. iotniz (from s. f. Discernment, judg- ment, discretion, distinction, sense. ^ harf-i-tamiz, An adverb. p. s. tan (Sans. s.m. The body, person. 1^ ^ tan-i-tanhd, adv. Alone, solitary. ^ jjj tan-durmt, adj. Healthy, vigorous. tan-durust-i, s. f. Health, vigour. ^ ifj tan-dih, A person of application. ^_^XJ tandih-i, s. f. Application, exertion, attention. Up ^ tan dend, To pay attention. ^ ^ l^U, tano-man mdrnd, To restrain one’s de- sires and be silent. s. ^ tunn, 1. s. m. Name of a tree. 2. s. f. The flow'er of the tree (used for dying a yellow colour). (Cedrela toona : Roxb.). I i 2 244 s. lij tannd, v. n. 1- To stretch, to pull tight. 2. To sit upright. A. jlij tanddd (from jJ) s. Dispersion, flight. A. tandzu* (from ^y) s. m. Wrangling. A. Jjlii" tandzul (from Jjj) s. m. Descent, de- cline (falling of price, losing rank, &c.) ; leap- ing from a horse in order to fight. A. tandsub (from i t) s. m. Resem- bling, relation, proportion. A. tandsukh (from s. m. Transmigra- tion, metempsychosis. A. tandsul (from J^) s. m. Uninterrupted descent through a series of generations. •A. tandfi{hom f. 1. Expelling, pur- siiing, persecuting. 2. Denial (that another person has performed some thing, as that he has paid a debt). H. tanndnd, v. n. 1. To twang. 2. To have a sharp pricking pain from inflammation. tan-dwar^ adj. Corpulent. A. JjUj tandwul (from Jjj) s. m. Eating. Jjlj tandwul karndy To eat. A. landhi (from s. f. Finishing, com- pleting, arriving at the end or place of des- tination. p. LiJ tambd (Pers. jjLij) s. m. A kind of draw- ers, (very wide, almost like petticoats). Ameuic. tambdku, s. m. Tobacco. p. tambdn, s. m. Drawers, trowsers. n. tambuj s. m. A tent. A. tamburd^ s. m. corrupt, of^^^ lambur^ q . v. s. tambol (rTT^^C'^) s. m. The betel leaf. UT tambol dndy To bleed from the bridle (a horse’s mouth). s. tambolin ^ man whose business it is to sell betel leaf. 2. Name of a tree. ji, tamboU (pjp|5c^(^) s. m. Name of a cast, whose business is to sell betel leaf. A. f/a (from s. ra. Purging; clean- ing (the bowels), winnowing grain. p. tumik, adj. Slight, weak, delicate, thin, effeminate. timuk-hazL'us, adj. Sensible. CS'J tunuk-knwus-i, s. f. Sense, sensibility. tmmk-zarf, adj. (a weak vessel) Tale-bearer, tatler, simpleton. 215 ^ya cSjCu’ lunuk-mizdj, adj. Whimsical, cap- tious, peevish, fretful. s. ^ tamk, adj. A little, adv. Slightly. H. lioJ tinkd, s. m. A straw, a bit of the stalk of grass. LJ link(7 ddnlofi men lend, To make submission, confess inferiority, or ask for quarter. linke chunne, (lit, to pick straws) To be intoxicated. V. tinkdr, s. m. Borax. (Sans. (^c^(I|). II. tinaknd, v. n. To flutter, to palpitate, to throb. p. H. tunk-i, s. f. A fine kind of bread or wafers thin as muslin. s. tung, adj. High, tall. p. s. m. I. A vessel with a long and narrow neck. 2. A body of troops. p. ^ tang, 1. adj. Straight, tight, narrow; wanting, scarce, barren. 2. s. m. A horse- belt, a girth. 3. A bag, a sack, half a horse, bullock, or camel’s load. UJ tang dnd, To be distressed, to be exhausted, to be de- jected. tang-chashm, adj. Miserly, niggardly. JU>^ tang-hdl, adj. Poor, dis- tressed, straightened in circumstances. tang-lidl-i, s. f. Poverty, distress, narrow circumstances. tang-dast, adj. Poor, distressed : miserly. tang- dast-i, s. f. Parsimony: poverty, vvant. J.> tang-dil, adj. Miserly, niggard. tang-dil-i, s. f. Niggardliness, stinginess, par- simony. ybj tang-dahan, adj. Small mouthed; an epithet of a sweetheart. Lj^ , ^ tang karnd, To straighten, to tighten, to con- tract ; to distress. UJ tang lend, To tighten, to take in, to contract, H. tangd, s. ra. Two paisas. (Ifo). p. ^ iang-ehdl, s. f. Tightness, close- 246 9 ness ; scarcity, distress, difficulty ; stinginess, parsimony. p. tangna-l, s. f. A strait place or pas- sage ; a difficulty. p. tangl, s. f. 1. Straitness, tightness, nar- rowness ; poverty, want. 2. A bag, a sack. tangl karnd, To be parsimonious. p. tanuvy s. m. An oven, a stove. p. tanomand (comp, of ^ Body, and the particle adj. Robust, corpulent. tanwir (fromjy s. f. Illumination- A. tanwin (from s. f. Nunation ; doubling the vowel with the final letter of a word in writing, which in pronunciation gives such vowel the additional sound of w ; asj tukhminan, ittifdkan. p. tana, s. m. 1. A stalk, stock, trunk, stem. 2. A spider’s web. p. tanka, adj. 1. Alone, solitary, singular, unique. 2. Private, apart. 3. adv. Only, single. P. tankd-ly s. f. Loneliness, solitude. H. tanly s. f. A string with wliich garments are tied. H. tinniy s. f. A kind of rice. H. taniyd, s. m. A kind of coveiing for the waist. s. y to 1- ^ conjunc. introducing the an- swer to a conditional proposition, as y yy \tjJo y jo tu dwegd to pdwegd. If thou wilt come, then shalt thou receive. 2. An adv. denoting asseveration or emphasis ; as bjJ ij' V ^ ^ y (jtr* main to utd thu^ par usne une na diyd, I was in fact coming, but ho prevented me. s. y tau adv. Then, that time, in that case, moreover, that, also, for, yes, well. ^ y tau bhiy adv. Still, nevertheless, y y b tau toil or tau lag, adv. Then, in that case, till then. « H. y tu, pron. 2 p. sing. (Sans. Pers. y) Thou, y y tu-tu, Sound of calling a dog. n.y pron. 2. pers. inflect, (in Braj) Thee. p. \y tawu or <)ijb) s. m. 1. The iron plate, on which bread is baked. 2. The part of a Hukka to which the tobacco is fixed, or the tobacco itself. 3. An iron mirror. A. y\f) tawdtur (from Ji^) s. m. Continuation, succession. A. tawajud (from q- v.) s. Mutual ec- stacy, rapture. s. s. f. A kind of pulse. (Cy- tisus cajan). See s. \j\y tiwdrd, s. m. A hall or building with three doors. See xjji. A. i^j\y tawurud (from s. m. 1. Unintention- ally inserting the sense of another in one’s own poems. 2. Corresponding by letter. A. i^.J'y tawdrikh, s. (plur. of i^JCi) Dates, his- tories, annals. s. adj. Stale, three days old. A. tarcdzu*' (from s. f. Humility, at- tention, pretended kindness, empty compli- ments. tawdzu^-i-samaikandi. False politeness, pretended kindness, empty compliment. A. ^yi|y tazedfuk (from s. m. 1. Concord, agreement, coincidence, concurrence. 2. (in arithmetic) the relation between two numbers which have a common divisor; as 6 and 8; both being divisible by 2. A. ^^ly taiodli (from s. f. Continuation, suc- cession. A. |4y' tau'am, s. m. A twin. A. i^Vt\y tau amdn, s. (du. of Twins. P. ^\y tawdn, s. m. Power, strength. 247 p. \j\y tawuna, adj. Powerful. p. taiodml-i, s. f, Power. r. tazL'dn-gar, adj. Powerful; rich, opu- lent. H. tuwdml, s. m. The name of a bird. P. ^J\y tawui (properly s. f. Distress, mis- fortune. A. iby s. f. corrupt of y topnd, v. a. To bury, to cover. A. C-y tut, s. m. A mulberry. H tiJ totd, s. m. A parrot; the cock of a match- lock. H. '^3y iotld, adj. Stutterer, stammerer. H. bW tolldnd, v. n. See \Skj tutldnd. H. Jiy tutan, s. m. Chips, clippings, filings, fragments. H. Ijy totnd, V. a. To weave tape or ribband. jy H. ^y loti, s. f. The female of ly q. v. A parrot. See P. ^y loti, s. f. A singing bird. (Loxia rosea). H. ijjy tula'i or tuta'i, s. f. A vessel with a spout. p. Ly tdtii/d (Sans, ) s. m. Blue vitriol, tutty. A. tc>-y tazcnjjuh (from s. f. Turning to- wards, regarding, attending to ; kindness, fa- vour, obligingness. (Plur. tul^y). A. ) s. ra. _ 1. (Orig. but not used in Hind.) Being torn or worn out. 2. Disgrace, dishonour. II. thutkdrnd, v. n. To drive away scorn- fully.' s. thuthnl mouth of a horse, camel, &c. ji.sV fabajjiid (from ^xs*) s. m. 1. A form of prayer said during the night. 2. Wake- fulness. 3. Sleeping sound. A. tahajji (from ^) s. f. Spelling. hurdf-i-tahajji, The letters of the alpha- bet. p. AiVsV tah-khdna, s. m. A subterranean house, a cellar. A. tahdid (from Si>) s. f. Terrifying, threat- ening, menace, threat. A. tahzlb (from s. f. Purifying, ad- justing, adorning, edification. tahzlb-i-akhldk, Civilization, good breeding. s. thar (FST^) s. m. A lion’s or tiger’s den. H. tihrd, adj. Triple. H. tharrdnd, v. n. To tremble, to quiver. H. tihrdnd, v. a. To tertiate, to do the third time, to triple. s. thirdnd (from v. n. To settle (as liquor). H. tihrdwat (from Ul^y) s. f. Triplica- tion. s. thirtd (Sans. J ) f* Rest, set- tlement, tranquillity. n. tharthar, adj. Trembling. H. tharthardnd, v. n. To tremble, to qui- ver, to shiver, to shake. H. tharthar dhat, \ s. f. Tremour, sha- H. LJj^je J trembling, quivering. K k 2 252 t/liraktiu, v. n. To set one’s self off well in dancing, to dance with expressive action and gesture, P* _}j ^ iah-ru, s. m. The stuffing of a saddle, ir. tharharna, v. n. To tremble. H. tharharana, v. n. To tremble. H. p. thur-dild (\Jj^ Little, and Jj Heart) adj. Miserly, narrow-minded. H. tahas-nahasy adj. Ruined, destroy- ed, dispersed. (Arab.^jsT ). ir. ihak, Is. m. Clot, lump (congealed), ir. IX^' thakkd, J thakke ke thak- ke, Congealed, thick, conglomerated. s. IX^’ thakd (from liX^) adj. Tired, weary. 5. lilX^’ thakdnd (causal of LXgi) v. a. To tire, to harass, to weary, ic. 0\X^’ tliukdnd (from v. a. 1. To cause ' to spit. 2. To cause to reproach. H. (XJV ‘ * X-v thak thak, adj. Very wet, drenched- H. IjlX^' lLX^' thuk thukdnd^ v, n. To spit on the mention of any disease, as a preservative against it ; or, as a caution against the influence of an evil eye. s. thakit (from liX^) adj. Wearied, stopped, motionless, astonished, s. LX^‘ thaknd v. n. To be wearied, to tire, to fatigue. 11. \Xy thukhdi (from tl5^‘) adj- Base, con- temptible (q. d. fit to be spit upon). s. lhal (^^^) s. m. Place, J^' thal herd and ^^nc[) Place of abode and means of attaining one’s desires. H. thal thaldnd, H. s. J^‘ J^' thal thal karnd, fluctuate as a thick or glutinous fluid, to shake as the flabby flesh of a fat man. H- thul-lhul,adv. Gently falling or drop- ping as water from a small height. See chul chul. v. n. To un- dulate, to H. thalaknd, v. n. To palpitate, to flutter. A. ) s. f. Congratulation. s.l^thandd (from ^) s. m. 1. Inflamed breast (of a woman). 2. Name of an animal. H. Ihop, s. m. An ornament at the end of the bamboo of a pdlld, See. head, topping. s. thopnd(r. Heap up) v. a. 1. To support, to prop. 2. To plaster. 3. lo pile to heap. H. thopvjund, V. n. To trickle. ^253 n. thotrii, aclj. 1. Ikiiised and spoiled (as the head of a mallet). 2. Toothless. II. t holla y adj. Blunt. s. thulhrd (^^5]’) n». Mouth. H. tholhd, I. s. in. The name of a medi- cine. 2. An arrow without a point. 3. adj. Hollow, empty, i. Toothless. c:.;b tholhi bat, s. f. M'ord without meaning:. II. (holhidy adj. Blunt, not sharp. s. LiJfcJ Ihdlhndy s. m. ) *n f (gngT) The mouth of s. thaUim, s. f. ^ a horse, camel, &c. A. ijH^J Inhawn'ur (fronij^) s. m. 1. Temerity, plunging inconsiderately into any business. 2. Fury. 3. Oppression. H. Ihovy ) adj. A little, small, scarce, H. thordy ) seldom, some, less. 1"^ ihoi'd bahuty adj. More or less. thord thordy adj. A little. \}^ \J^ thord ihord hondy To be ashamed, to shrink with shame. thore se thordy aA]. Very little. A. tahmi'u'u* (from *• ni. Sickness at stomach, inclination to vomit. H. thohy s. m. 1. Amount, heap, ready money. 2. Share, portion. j\j thok-duTy s. m. A wholesale dealer. H. thuky s. m. Spittle. thdk chdtndy To break one’s promise. thdk dendy To leave, to give up. thdk lagdkar chhornd. To treat with sovereign contempt, thdk lagdndy To apply spittle, (a term of abuse and of most indecent meaning). H. thdkndy v. a. To spit. - H. thdniy s.f. A post, pillar, column. II. thdhaVy s. m. The name of a plant, (Euphorbia neriifolia. Roxb.). (^2^ M ^ mason, a bricklayer, an architect. p. ^ tihiy adj. Empty, vain. b/ ^ pahld tihi karndy To abstain. tihi- dasty adj. Empty-handed, poor. ^ tihi-dasl-'iyS. (. Poverty. tihl-dimdghy adv. Ignorant. ^ from r. Stand) adj. Tran- (|uil, calm, smooth. s- f- A patch (in a garment). thaildy s. m. \ , A purse tied round the waist. 2. A bag. H. ifiaiiUy s. m. \ j H. thaU'iy s. f. \ H. thailiydy s. f. ) H. lahin (contract, of ther, there. H. thewdy s. m. A stone set in a ring. £ A. lalvya (from iLa) s. m. Preparation, provision, putting in order. H. thel-thely s. f. Merry-making. H. ci (Braj) adj. So many. s. tj rf t€y pron. They, those (in Braj). H. (S postpos. From, by, with. s. tiyoy s. f. A woman. See by tiriyd. p.jU taiydVy adj. Ready, prepared, finished, complete. p, taiydr-iy s. f. Readiness, preparation, &c. s. Abandon) tydg, s. m. Abdication, leaving, abandonment, renoun- cing. s. b/U tydgnd | j| r. ^3T) v. a. To leave, to abandon, to desert, to forsake, to quit,< to abdicate. s. ^\j tydgl (from [J|) part. act. Leaving, relinquishing. H. tepchly s. f. A kind of stitch. s. liy t'Ud (ffl^) adj. 1. Bitter. 2. Pungent, hot. 234 s. teia (Sans. fn^) adv. So much, thus much. II. telalls, adj. Forty- three. s.jlJ tilar s- ni. A partridge (Per- dix Francolinus). l/ lachhmi, {lit. Good fortune proceeds from the mouth of the partridge, which is a small bird, of little estimation) A saying used when a person of mean understanding is chosen to decide in matters of which he is incompe- tent to judge. H. tltrl^ s. f. 1. A butterfly. 2. The name of a medicine. s. adj. Thirty three. •N (’’• f^3T Sharpen) s. m. Ardour, splendour, glory. ^ tej-man, adj. Glorious. s. tij s. f. The third lunar day. *. tijd (^5TT) s. m. The third day after the death of a relation, on which oblations are offered. (Used among Musalmans). s. CjU tej-pdt (^c{chLj:5j) s. ra. The leaf of the Laurus Cassia. s. tejasw'i, adj. Glorious, portly. s. tcjwantj adj. Glorious. -• tichhan, adj. Ardent, sharp. fy s.^ s- the shore of the sea. 2. Near. F.jJ tlr, s. m. 1. An arrow. 2. The planet Mercury. 3. The fourth solar month of the Persian year, (corresponding to Sans. 1^ b( shrdvan^ or Hind. Sdnwan). 4. .A beam. izT"(ifiduz^ s. m. Anaicher. jul tlr-anddz-t, s. f. Archery, ^ tlr-bdrdn, A punishment, in which the culprit is shot with arrows. tlr-partdh, Tlie range of an arrow, bow-shot distance, \jhy- jy iir chxildnd, To shoot an arrow. jJ tir-hhdkl, s. f. A kind of arrow (light and with a small head). adj. Wounded by an arrow, tlr-ras, A bow-shot, the range of an arrow, tir-zan, s. m. An archer. ^ tir-kdri, s. f. The piercing of the body by an arrow. tir-kash, s. m. Aperture, loop-hole. ^ tlr-gar, s. m. A maker of arrows. ^ tir-gar-l, s. f. Arrow-making. tir-i-ndwak, s. m. An arrow discharged through a tube. H. terd^ pron. 2d pers. sing, (in the gen. case). Thy, thine. (Sans. s. rTT^ tlrth, s. m. Pilgrimage. (A Hindu term). .Jj rfl^ 4, 1 ^ tirth-rdj, The city of llaliabad. s. tcras s. f. The thirteenth day of the moon. p, tiragi, s. f. Darkness, obscurity. 9. \jjJ lairnd (rT5[0T) v. a. To swim, to cross over. H. terali., adj. Thirteen. (Sans. p. lira, adj. Dark, obscure. J\ tira-abr, s. m. Black clouds. lyp tira-bakhti, s. f. Misfortune. Jj ijJ tira-dil, 1. adj. Black- hearted, malicious. 2. s. m. An apostate, an outcast. i^Jjj ijJ fira-raiig, adj. Black, lyj s- f- Misfortune, adversity. p. tez^ adj. Sharp, pungent, acute, hot, strong, impetuous, violent, swift. lez- db, s. in. Nitrous acid, aquafortis. taz- pdt, s. m. (corrup. of ci;b Sans. ^^^^^) The name of an aroinatick leaf. (Laurus Cassia), yyj /cs-pwr. High-flying, swift-flying. JJ orJcjjjJ lez-rafldr ov-nw, adj. Fast-going. yj tez-lab*, adj. Quick of apprehension. 235 V. tez-akl or-fa/im, adj. Intelligent, quick of apprehension, jJ tez-kudam or-gdm, adj. Swift, active, quick, fast-going. tez-gdm-1, s. f. Swiftness. tez-nakhioi, adj. Sharp-nailed. p. tezaky s. ni. Cress, cresses. (Lepidium Sativum). p. tez-iy s. f. Sharpness, strength, swift- ness, &c. s. Us (f^SJrT) aflj. Thirty. A. tais, s. m. A goat (especially, an old goat). H. L— J taisii, 1. adj. Such. 2. adv. So, in that manner, in like manner, at the same moment. s. 1^- tlsrd (rjrft^) adj. Third. s. t'lsi (^frflnt) s. f. Flax. (Linum usitatissimum). p. 't ‘ tesha, s. f. A kind of axe used by car- penters, an adze. P. tegh, s. f. A scimitar, tegh-zan, s. A swordsman, a user of a scimitar, tegh-zaii-i, s. f. Use of the scimitar. p. \Juj t^gkd, s. m. A short, broad scimitar. teghd-numd, A sword like a scimitar. A. tai/akkun (from s. m. Ascertam- ing, certainty. ^ H. ~ tikathy s. m. Posteriors, .-t-' ' ‘ s. liO tlkhu (rftJEtir) adj. Pungent; angry, passionate; sharp, penetrating n. tlkhury s. f. A starchy substance obtain- ed from the root of the Curcuma Angustifolia, Roxh. s. cJxJ tlkhiy adj. f. A sharp (tone in music). See . s. tel (^) s. m. Oil. tdin (^ f^»fl ) s. f. Wife of an oil seller. s. m. Name of a cast whose business is to sell oil. H. tilly s. f. A bar (as of a cage, &c.), the calf of the leg. H. LLj tcliydy s. m. Name of a colour, dark bay. icliyd-surangy2id^y Light bay coloured. p. jU-j timury s. m. 1. Care, attention, regi- men of the sick. 2. Infirmity, sickness, in- disposition, affliction. A. taj/ammmn (from s. m. Purifying before prayer with sand or dust, when water cannot be had. H. iju teuy (Braj) pron. Thou, postpos. From, by, with, in. H. taiiiy postpos. Up to, to. *. ^ tin (Wtf&T) adj. Three. tin tlidtiy s. m. 1. The private parts. 2. Penis (only). ^ tlnderahy adj. Dispersed, scattered. s. tendu (f^r^'i^i) s. m. The name of a fruit. (Diospyros Ebenum). II. tendudy s. m. A leopard (Felis Leo- pardus). Vi. tezcai'y s. ra. Swimming or giddiness in the head. H. te'ordndy v. n. To have a swimming in the head, to be faint, to stagger, to fall down senseless from a blow. s. te’orasy (rTrff^T^^) The third year past or to come, year before last, year after the next. H. te'oriy s. f. Frown. tdori charhdndy To frown. H. (jyJ' ti^uh or iyauhy adv. 1. So, in like man- ner, (Sans. rf^TT). 2. At the same time. H. tyondhdy adj. Dim-sighted, purblind. H. tdohdr, s. m. A holy day, a festival. S56 H. teh, Is. m. Steadfastness, firmness, H. teha, J speaking- with warmth, vehe- mence, peremptoriness, perseverance, p. taihu, s. m. 1. A small partridge. 2. (In Pers.) Empty. H. tehiy adv. Exactly then. H. tels, adj. Twenty-three. (Jj c!i/ Represents the Sanskrit letter It does not occur in the Arabic or Persian alphabets ; and its sound or pronunciation differs from that of CL? in being formed by the forcible applica- tion of the tip of the tongue to the palate, in- stead of the roots of the teeth. The same letter aspirated ^ represents the Sanskrit cha- racter H. ^15 tdbar, s. f. A small lake. ’ H. c-jIj tap, s. f. 1. A stroke with the fore-foot of a horse. 2. The sound of a horse’s hoof in travelling. 3. A frame made of bamboo for catching fish. H. bll) tdpa, s. m. A hen coop. b\j or tapd-to’i or tupd-toiyd-karnd, 1. To trifle. 2. To grope, to rummage. H. luC tdpnd, V. n. 1. To paw with the fore- feet (as a horse expecting his corn). 2. To whore : (low phrase). H. y)C tdpu, s. m. An island. H. ci»lj tat, s. m. Canvas, sackcloth. tdt-bdf, s. m. A weaver of canvas. ^\j tdt-bdf-i, s f. Embroidery. H. t(ftak, adj. 1. See 1<«I) . 2. Juggling. H. tdrnd, v. a. To move out of the way. See UC tdlnd. H. lari, s. A distance. H. lari, s. f. A small axe. H. tdl, I. verbal n. f. (from Ulj) Evasion, re- jecting a request. 2. s. f. A heap (of grain, &c.), a stack, a rick. 3. Baldness from age. 4. A turn or trick in wrestling. tdl karnd, 1. To put off. 2. To heap. LjUjC idlmdrnd, 1. To heap. 2. To turn the scale fraudulently in weighing. JlLcjU tdl matdl. Fraud, deceit. H. i!\j tdld, s. m. 1. Evasion, &c. (see Jlj). 2. A rick, heap, stack. tdld bdld bat and. To put off. tdl-tol, T s. m. Evasion, preva- tdl-mafol, J rication, putting off, shuffling. H. Uij tdlnd, V. a. 1. To evade, to prevaricate, to put off. 2. To drive out of the way, to move, to prevent. H. LiUilj tdnt. s. f. The crown of the head. H. idnthd, adj. Powerful, strong, firm, solid. H. tdnthd-i, s. f. Solidity. tdnch, i adj. Perverse, audacious, H. tdnchrd, ) troublesome. H. tdndd. s. ni. 1. A venture (of goods). 2. Name of a place. 3. The goods ofabanjdrd. s. tank (^^) s. m. A weight equal to fourmashas. (See ^y). H. bXilj tank, s. f. 1. An iron pin. 2 A stitch. H. bit' tdnkd, s. m. I. A stitch. 2. A tub made of stones. 3. Solder. tdnke lagdnd, 1. To stitch. 2. To solder. H. bbit idnknd, v. a. To stitch. H. tdnki, s. f. 1. A venereal chancre. 2. A square piece cut out of a melon to examine its quality. §. ^t tCmki (^^) s. f. A chisel. H. ti^t tdng, s. f. The leg. lil^'l tang uthdnd, To copulate. bj tang dcnd. 1. To hang up, to hang. 2. (lit. To give the leg) To be a catamite. H. tangan, s. m. See . H. tangna, v. a. To hang up, to dangle, to hang by a string, &c. (not on a peg). H. tunghan, s. m. A kind of horse, a high- land-pony. Lr tanghan-numa, adj. Like a tanghan. • s. tiingi s. f. A hatchet. H. ^ tabbar, s. m. Family. H. tibhdna, v. a. To give a small daily allowance, such as merely to save one from starving. H. iibhdo (from U\^) s. m. A small daily allowance. See Ul^. H. tubhak, s. f. 1. The sound of water dropping. 2. Sound of guggliog. H. tap, s. m. Spring, leap, bound, a drop of rain or other liquid. 2’. A sound. H. i-J {oppa, s. m. 1. The postoffice. 2. The name of a mode in musick. 3. The bound of a ball, &c. 4. A sort of hook. 5. A jump, a bound. l^U Lj tappd murnu, 1. To sew or stitch w ith intervals. 2. To read in a desul- tory manner. tappa khand, To bound or ricochet (a shot). M. b\J tapdnd, v. a. To cause to jump over, to cause to leap, to make to bound. H. ^ tap par nd, v. a. To thrust one’s self into other people’s concerns, to intermeddle, to interfere. H. s. liU- fapjdnd, v. n. To jump over. H. tapak (from \i^) s. f. 1. Pain. 2. Sound made by dropping. \jjj tapak parnd, To drip. (j-Jyj ^ tapak-navis, s. m. One who reports erroneously what he pretends to have overheard. u. tapkd, s. m. 1. A drop of rain. 2. Fruit falling when ripe (particularly mangoes), a windfall. H. fip^a, s. ra. A stain of any colour applied by the finger. II. blLS lapkdnd (causal of UXJ) v. a. To cause to drip, to distil. H. liXJ tupakud, V. n. 1. To drop when ripe. 2. To drip, to distil. 3. To throb, to pal- pitate. H. s- f- diminutive of tapkd, q. v. iapki parni aurat ki, To be wanton (a woman). s. ^ tippan ( fd ^ ) s. f. Annotation. H. li-j tapnd, V. a. To jump over. L3 lapd tod, part. Groping. H. ISj tattd^ s. m. A skreen. H. bl2j tatdnd, v. n. To be dried. (Vulgar). H. Jj {attar, s. m. A matted shutter. H. tatrl, s. f. 1. The crown of the head. 2. A fence, a hedge. H. tatkd, adj. Fresh, new, recent. H, ^ {utkd or tptkd, s. m. A charm, a super- stitious remedy. H. ljUbS titkdrnd, v. a. To urge an animal by titkdri, q. v. II. titkdri, s. f. The noise made by draw- ing the tonffue from the roof of the mouth, to make horses, &c. proceed. H. ySj tattu^ s. m. A pony. H. tatzedni, s. f. A pony mare. H. U p tatplnd, V. a. To feel for, to grope, to search for by feeling, to touch. H. tathiz/d, s. f. A flat dish used by Hindus. H. pj tatti, s. f. 1. A skreen, a matted shutter. 2. A necessary office. 3. A frame for illumi- nation. p tatti bandhnd, To draw up • • • men in a close rank. Ipiip ^ ^ shikar ki tatti ki of baithnd, 1. To do secretly. ' 2. To form an ambuscade. L 1 25S s, s. f. The name of a bird. See A sandpiper. ir. -A skreen, a matted shutter. 5. ialVira, s.m. l. A sand. s. latlhn, s. f. J piper (Tringa or Parra goensis). l^/U- UU‘ ^^UJT ^ tatlhri se. asmun thumd jdegd? Will the sky be sup- ported by the sandpiper ? Applied to a person ivho undertakes an enterprise far above his strength. (This bird being said to sleep with its legs extended upwards, as if to prop the firmament). 2. A kind of rattle. H. UP tuchclid, s. m. A rake, a blackguard. V * If. lal'hnu (prop, li^) s. m. The ankle joint. n. {iddu, s. m. A grasshopper. II. Ijddl, s. f. A locust. H.Ji /«r, adj. Intoxicated; inattentive, regard- less, like one intoxicated. II. yi land, adj. I. Wicked, vicious, (particu- larly a horse). 2. Stout. s. \'i\y iarrdnd (from ^^^T) v. a. To chatter. ,s. yj) (arlcir, s. f. Chattering. s, Uyiy Uirlardfid (from 2”^1.T) v. a. To chat- ter. s. iarf/iri, s. f. Chattering. H. larknul, s.m. .4, contemptuous epithet for a woman, a low priced trull. 11. fnffipfind, V. n. See lijjp Uirapnd. s. [osar, B. m. See u. lasak, s. f. Shooting pain, stitch, throb. II. liL-j [mnhnd, v. n. 1 . To move, to shake. 2. To have pain. 3. To decline in quality. II. liX-J! lusahrid, v. n. To cry, to weep. II. L.J Umnd, v. II. To burst (as tight cloth, or a pillow stulVed too full), to split, to crack. II taswe, s.m. Tears. II. to/.', s. Temper, nature, disposition. L&Aib tak hdndhnd, To stare. tak lagdnd^ To expect, to long for. s. CSd tuk »^.i- ^ ^‘ttle. H. IXj (akd, s. m. A copper coin equal to two paisd. H. U'Xi! fikdnd, v. a. To retain, to fix in any place, to stop, to billet, to lodge, to station. S- II. tikdu, adj. Durable. H. jlXii iikdw, s. m. Stability. H. takdi, s. fi 1. A tax, duty, collection, imposition. 2. A cheap trull. H. < ‘ XfiX’i taktak, An imitative sound of kicking, &c. H. tjkiikl, s. f A lizard. H. taklaki, s. f. Staring, fixed look. H. lakkar, s. f. Shoving, pushing, shoulder- ing, knocking against, striking a blow, butt- ing; the knocking of head to head ; equality. {akkar pahdr se leni, To enter the lists against an antagonist of greatly supe- rior force. \j\^ takkar kfidnd, I. To stum- ble. 2. To be dashed against any thing. 3. To meet with a loss or misfortune. ^ iakkarmdrnd, 1. To knock against. 2. (7nel. from the suppliants striking their heads on the ground) To pray. 3. '1 o curse. s. yXj inkrd or tukrd piece, a bit, a morsel, njy^ yXll lukrd pin'za, s. m. Scraps, clippings, shavings. iukr-godd, A bcffiiar for a bit of bread, &c. OO ' ^ a. UyX!) Udcrdnd (from J^) 1. v. a. lo knock together the heads of two people, to dash the head on something. 2. v. n. lo grope in a dark place or passage. likkar, s. f. A thick loaf of bread. .S', yjo tukrd, s. m. A piece, a bit, &c. See II. likri, s. f. See {ikli. s. JLJo taksal (Sans. |^|) p- uiiiit. jLio iahsi'd chorhml, To be edu- cated. JLili> taksdl-bufiar, adj. Unedu- cated, unpolished, rude, unclassical. 15^ taksal ku khotd, adj. Spoilt in education. s. (aksdli, "I (from JL-Xj) s. m. Offi- s. UU3 taksdli^dy J cers of the mint. II. tikli, s. f. 1. A wafer, a small round cake. 2. An ornament worn hi the forehead. II.* LC taknd, v. n. To be stitched. H. LC tiknd^ V. n. To stop, to remain in any place, to be detained. s. iakdd (rf^:)s. m. A spindle. H. t?7ior, s. 111. A cataplasm, a poultice. H. takord, s. in. 1. A fillip, a tap. 2. A very small unripe niangoe. 3. The sound of a drum. H. lakorttd, v. a. To foment. 11. takaund, s. m. See lakd. H. taki, s. f. Stare, fixed look, aim. U. likki or tiki, s. f. A small loaf of bread. bid Jj tikki lagdnd, To form a connection, to make interest, to earn a scanty livelihood. M. L^' tjkit/df s. f. A small cake, a little cake of charcoal for the hukka, a wafer, a bolus. H. takait, 'i (from IXj) adj. Rich, posses- H. ISJo toketd, j ed of ready money. H. \j\^< tagarund, v. a. To roll. H. \)ps lagarnd, v. n. H. taghrdnd, v. a. / H. b^^ tag/iarnd, v. n. >To roll. H. \j\^ taghldnd, v. a. i H, taghalnd, v. n. / H. tighalnd, v. n. To be melted, to rarify. H. talld, s. m. Impetus sive succussus in coitu. talle-navlsi, s. f. Unprofitable em- ployment, wasting o^ime. II. bUj iu/dud, V. a. To cause to disappear, to cause to give away. II. bl^ Jj lal jdnd, v. n. To get out of the way, to disappear, to vanish, to pass away. H. blojj tal maldnd, 1. To totter. 2. To tan- talize. u. talap, s. f. A piece, a fragment. II. bJj talnd, v. n. To give way, to shrink from ; to disappear, to pass away. s. tilud, s. m. A flatterer. See talud. n. talud, s. m. A man who watches over a Jb’ till, q. v. H. talle, s. III. Congressus, sonitus collisionis in coitu. II. tjli^d, s. f. A young hen. H. tjmtim, s. m. A sound. II. bUiUj timtimdnd, v. n. To give a faint light. H. ijj tan, s. in. 1. Twang. 2. Pride, conceit, vanity. ^ ^ tan tan, A sound. II. bj {and, s. ni. Pudendum muliebre, clitoris. s. blij tandnd extend, to stretch. ji. bliiiil! tuntmdnd, v. a. To tune slowly. II. l5iii tantd, s. m. Wrangling, altercation, squabble. H. fund, s. m. A hand or branch that has been cut oft'. H. llij tundd, adj. 1. Handless, whose hands have been cut off, or one born without hands. 2. The knob in the back part of a turband. tunde-ddr, A turband which has a knob in the hinder part. H. ^ tanch, adj. Miserly, hard, untractable. H. tundi, 1. s. f. (from Belly) The navel. 2. adj. f. Handless, b LajJb (^bocJ 1-— ^ b blfc^ tundi-ydn-bdndhnd, ov charhdnd or -kasnd, To tie the hands behind the back. H. tanderd, s. m. See tarendd. H. tanak. s. f. A harsh sound. L12 260 M I* H. tanka, s. ni. The jingle (of plates, dishes, &c.). s. jKij (^c^( 4^) tankar, s. f. The twang (of a bow string). H. tankornu, v. a. To twang. H. tungu, s. in. Scut, a short tail. tungur, s. f. Pecking, nibbling fruit, &c. more for amusement than from appetite. H. tang jdna, "i v. n. To be hung, to H. tangnd, ) be^suspended. H. tangri, s. f. The leg. H. tuhiyd, adj; Tiny, by Lili tuniyd lota, A kind of parrot. H. 1^ to'd, s. f. Act of feeling or groping. H. fy'd-to'i, s. f. Searching, feeling for, feeling.' H. <_jy top, s. m. 1. A hat, a cap, a head, a cover, a thimble. 2. Bait. 3. A stitch. H. topi, s. f. A hat. 'i\j topi-wdlu, One who wears a hat, or an animal with a comb, crest, &c. It is used to express the Persian or Moghal troops, and also those of Europeans. s. tut (from Sans, s. f. 1. Frac- ture, breaking. 2. Misunderstanding, or cool- ness, between friends ; harm, loss, deficiency. 3. A passage omitted in the writing of a book, which is afterwards written in the margin. tut parnd, To break in upon, to rush in, to be collected in crowds. UW cIjjj tut jcind, 1. To be broken. 2. To become ill, to pine. \jJbj tidrahnu, 1. To be distressed, to be weary, to be reduced to poverty, to pine away. 2. To be separated. tuid^ 1. part, (from 1:.^^) Broken. 2. s. m. Want, deficiency. Zy tula phiitd, adj. Fragments, broken to pieces. H. 'dy totu, s. m. 1. Loss, deficiency. 2. A cartridge. 3. A candle’s end. y, lotru, s. m. A kind of turtle dove. uy H. totka, s. m. A charm, an amulet,' a philter. s. l;j.3 tictnd (r. Break, or Dissect) V. n. To break, to break forth, to rush upon. H. toru, s. m. A ledge extending out from a wall to keep off the weather, without pillars ; eaves. '^jy name of a musical mode or Rdginl. H. tusl, s. f. A bud. H. tok (from \J,p) s. f. 1. Hindrance, pre- vention. 2. The influence of an evil eye. ^ Little, a few) s. m. 1. A s. by tukd, \ piece, a little, a particle, an atom, a bit. 2. A single beat of a drum. H. by tokd tokl, g s. f. Hindrance, pre- H. cyb CSp tok tdk, j vention. tokru, s. m. A large basket (without a lid). H. lsPP tokrl, s. f. A small basket (without a lid). H. Iby toknd, V. a. 1. To interrogate, to pre- vent, to challenge, to envy, to accost. 2. To look at with an evil eye. H. Jy tpl, s. m. 1. A company, a society. 2. A hamlet. Jy tol mdrnd. To dash one top against another while in motion. H. i5y told, s. m. A quarter, or particular part of a town. H. ^y toll, s. f. A company, a society, a crowd. II. (*y Idni, s. m. 1. Trifles. 2. An ornament. 3. A frame for pigeons to perch on. j*y tum-tdm, s. m. 1. A few trifles. 2. An orna- ment. bjy j*y turn (lend. To push gently. H. tun, s. m. Ventris crepitus. U/ tun karnd, Crepitum ventris edere. II. by tom, 1. s. m. Enchantment, fascination. 2. V. n. To feel, to grope, n. ^^bby fond ldnmn,s.m. ) Hocus pocus, jug- II. y (««« s. f. j gling. H. {otttdy s. ni. 1. A cracker, a serpent in fire-works. 2. A joint of bamboo, &c. 3. A cartridge. 4. adj. Ilandless. H. tontj, 9. f. A spout. u. uflijU tundi, s. f. I. (from rT^ Belly) The navel. 2. A small branch, or stump of a tree, broken at the end and leafless. fwrtgf, s. f. The same tungur, q. V. H. tungd tdngl, s. f. Pecking and nibbling. H. tungndy V. a. To peck, to nibble, to chew straws &c. for amusement, to pick, to piddle. H- W toMZi’d, s. m. J. A kind of hawk. 2. Enchantment : see . H. lyjj tonhd, s. m. A juggling man, a conjuror. H. tonhdiy s. f. A juggling woman, a female conjuror. H. Ihuy s. m. A sound made by striking one thing on another. H. l1)\^ s. m. 1. The frame of a roof for thatching, on which the straw is laid. 2. Ar- rangement, adjustment. thdthy s. m. 1. State, dignity, equipage, pomp. 2. Conveniency, plenty. thdry s. m. 1. Determination. 2. Snow, frost. H. adj. Erect. H. thdrhy adj. Steep. H. thdrhd, adi. m. "J ^ .1- r [Erect, standing. H. thurhiy adj. f. ) ® H. thdrhnd, v. n. To be fixed, to stand. See . H. thdsndy V. a. To stuff, to cram, to ram down. Rajputs). 4. A landholder. 5. A barber. \j\^j thdhur-dwdrdy An idol-temple. H. Jl^ ihdly s. m. H. thdldy s. m. H. {hdliy s. f. H. 1:. — thdnsndy v. a. To stuff, to cram. H. Ihdnnd, v. a. I. To resolve, to deter- mine, to be intent on, to set one’s heart on. 2. To settle, to perform. s. ihdnza (fsn^) 8. f. A residence, a place. H. thdnlhuy adj. 1. Worthy of belief, trusty. (Vulgar). 2. s. m. The report of a musket. s. Ihdofiy s. f. A place : seeyl^ thdiiw. H. thappdy s. m. An instrument for stamping leather with a die, a stamp. H. li-J thapnd, v. a. To strike. s. that (tT5^) s. m. Bank, shore. Seei^’. H. thath, s. m. Throng, crowd. H. that-thd, s. m. 1. Fun, sport, joking, jest. 2. Name of a place, jb that-the- bdZy A jester, a humourous person, a funny fellow, jocular. that-the-bdzi, s. f. • Jesting, sporting, joking, fun. ^ ^ 'j s. m. Beauty, freshness or ~v^r’ I splendour, conspicuous at a H. tahUM, j H. thathdnd, v. a. 1. To strike, to beat. 2. To beat one’s own head, &c. (in token of vexation). 3. To harass one’s self. H. thatthar, s. m. The frame made of bam- boo for thatching, shell of a house. plithir or thithur, s. f. Numbness, chilli- ness. H. \j^ thithardy adj. Numbed, benumbed, tor- pid. H. \ thathrdy s. m. A fence. VA branch. j s. thdkur (^^^'^) s.m. 1. The divinity. 2. An idol. 3. A lord, master, chief (among 262 U H. thithrahal (from s. f. Numb- ness, torpor. H. Ihilhirnd or thiihurnu, v. n. To be numbed, to be cbill. H. t/iaihri, s. f. I. The frame of a matted skreen, the frame (bamboo work) of a thatched roof, shell of a house. 2. A bier. 3. A ske- leton, a very thin person. H. [hithah (from s. f. The state of standing- amazed. b thithak -rahnd or-jund, v. n. To stop short. II. thathaknd or thithahid, v. n. To stop, to stagnate, to stand amazed, to draw back in surprize, to shrink. H. thalhor, "I adj. Banterer, waggish, jo- H. thaihol, J cular, jocose. 11. {halholi, s. f. Fun, humour, sport, joking. H. thatherd, s. m. 1. A brasiei', a tinker. ^ thathere kl bad- la'i, A bargain between two people equally acute or knowing, diamond cut diamond. 2. The stalk of the Jo’iir (Holcus sorgum). n. 1^^^^ lhalheri, s. f. A female brasier, or tinker. 11. Ifiaddd, s. mj The beak of a paper kite. H. l/niddi, s. f. 1. The chin. 2. Parched grain. \j^ pakarnd, To flatter, to curry favour. n.^ fkir, s. f. Frost, coldness. u. tharrd, s. f. 1. A kind of wine or spiri- tuous liquor. 2. A kind of shoe worn by vil- lagers. H. Ijy tihrd, s. m. A small village. II. lbirdt?d, v. a. To cause to congeal. II. l/tarar, "Is. m. Snore. l)^b II. cSjZ' t/iarak, j rak pdrrid, v. n. To snore. II. l/iirndj v. n. 'I'o freeze, to be chilled. II. Ifiarhyd, s. m. A kind of earthen liukka. ti. tharri, s. f. See iharrd. H. thaS', this or thus, An imitative sound, as • of a musket ill charged, or flashing in the pan. H. L-j!l thassd, s. m. 1. A mould or form into which plates of metal, &c. are beat to take the form of pastes of ornaments, &c. 2. Pride, vanity. ir. thasd thus, adj. P'illed, crowded. H. thusdnd, v. a. To cause to stuff. H. thasnk, s. f. State, dignity. H. b.(. tjmsuknd, v. a. 1. Peditum ciere, sup- pedere. *2. To weep but not aloud. H. i' thasaknd, v. a. To break a piece off of any vessel of earthen ware, by knocking two vessels together, without completely destroy- ing It. H. p Ihuski, s. f. Ventris crepitus surdus. H. ll-y thusnd, v. n. To be stuffed, to be crammed. iH. thasnl, s. f. A rammer. tahak, s. f. Pain in the joints. H. bb^ thikdnd, s. m. 1. Residence, place, station, abode, dwelling. 2. Boundary, limit, bbl^ bJ^lj.J^3 thikdnd dhnudhnd, To seek a residence or employment, b^ bl^ thikdwd karnd /i'o ac- count, to search or trace an affair to its com- mencement. blS bl^ thikdnd lagdnd 1. To esta- blish, to settle, to prove. 2. To find out one’s residence, bl^ ihikdne lagdnd, 1. To put to death, to kill, to waylay, to make away with, to assassinate. 2. To establish, to settle. thikune lagnd. To be killed, to die. II. thak thak, s. m. f. 1. Hard work, harassing labour, difliculties. 2. A sound. H. blX^ibl^ thak thak and, v. a. To tap, to rap, to pat. II. thaJithauiod, s. f. A small boat so called, a shallop. n. thak thakij/d, s. m. A stickler, a wrangler. 2G3 H. (hakthela, adj. SUifled together in a crowd, crowded. u. lliilod, s. 111. 1. A fragment of an earth- en vessel, a shard. 2. A vessel for carrying fire, sncli as Fakirs use. H. thukr (111(1 (from v. a. To kick or strike with the toes. s. thakurui (from ^1^) s. f. Divinity, lordship. s. thakurdj/an (feni. of^ly) A female di- vinity or idol. n. Lxy laliakudy v. n. To pain. Ji. LXij liihukndy V. n. To cry. H. ^ {kagy s. 111. ]. A robber. 2. A cheat. \^S4' (kfig-bidiyd or -bdzi, s. f. Cun- ning, art, fraudulent dexterity, t-", tfiag Idndy To rob, to cheat. bJ thag lend, To cheat. • H. bl^ thagdnd, v. n. To be cheated. H. thagd'iy s. f. Robbery, theft, cheating. H, (betgin, s. f. See . H. thagndy v. a. To cheat, to deceive. H. lhagtu, s. f. A female robber or cheat. H. {kagorl, s. f. Cheat, trick. H. thagij/d, s. in. A cheater. H. Jk..j lahal, s. f. Housewifery, housekeeping, duty, service, task, business, work, job, use, drudgery. \j^ iahal karnd, To serve, to drudge, Jy (ahal lagdni, To dance at- tendance. H. blyj tahldndi^rom IJy) v. n. To lead about, to cause to walk backwards and forwards (as a horse and child) ; to make dance attendance. H. ULj tahalndy v. n. To walk backwards and forwards, to take the air, to rove, to ramble. H. tahalni, s. f. See tahluL H. bLj tahludy s. ni. A manager of household concerns, a servant. H. tahlui, s. f. A housewife. n. Uy Ihilii/d, s. f. A waterpot. H. thumak {{ron\ lil4y)s. f. The act of waving, or walking with a graceful easy air. Jbs- uliC^y thuuKik-chdl, A dignified pace, state- ly gai\, graceful carriage. n. ICiy thumkdy adj. Short, of low stature. H. tjnnnaknd, v. n. To walk with grace and stateliness, to strut, towalkwitli dignity. 11. thiimkl, 1. adj. Lazy. 2. s. f. The playing of a paper kite to keep it up when the wind is light. H. lahand, s. m. A branch or large bough of a tree. n. by thannd, v. n. To be fixed, to be ascer- tained. (hand, v. a. o fix, to settle, to perform. II. C/by thandky s. A jingle, tinkle, clink. H. bb^ihy thnhihandnd, v. ii. Tojiiigle, to rattle. H. jbjj tliand, s. f. Coldness, a cold. H. 1 V-.p lliancid, adj. Cold. b^ thmdd parndy To abate (anger, virility, or wanton- ness). ly \Jby thandd kur-fidy v. a. To make cold, to extinguish ; to comfort, to as- suage. bys lly thandd bond. To become cold, to be extinguished ; to be comforted or pacified, to rest, to lose virility, ^icy bjjs kalejd thandd hondy 1. To be pleased, to be happy (by seeing a friend, son, &c.). 2. To have one's revenge gratified. H. y'liy thanddiy s. f. 1 . Refrigerant medicine. 2, The intoxicating drug made of bhang. H. (.l/iby thandaky s. f. Coldness. H. c_5Joy than(jiy adj. f. Cold, tjy j^~jL t^Jby thandi sans bharnly To sigh. H. bsiby thandhd, adj. See liy . H. uiby thinak or thunuk (from bdby) s. f. Sob. H. bbby t/iMrtA-arta (from bXjy) v. a. To cause to knock or to hammer. H. bXy thinaknu or thnmknd, v. n. To sob. 264 II H. tahm, s. f. A branch. n.j»^ thaur, s. f. Place, residence ; adv. Upon the spot. thaur rahnd, To be mur- dered, to be knocked down lifeless upon the spot. VL. thor, s. f. Beak, bill. L. f. The chin. See . H. (hori, J H. {fios, adj. Solid. H. thosa, s. m. The thumb presented in token of denial. (A mode peculiar to women. See H. thosnd, V. a. To stuff. H. tahokd, s. m. A blow. H. thokar, s. f. 1. A blow, a stroke, a thump. 2. Tripping or striking the foot against any thing, a kick, a stumble. 3. A stumbling block. thokar khdnd, 1. To trip, to stumble. 2. To meet with a loss or misfor- tune. liS thokar lagndf To strike against the foot (a stumbling block or obstacle). 11. thokrd, 1. s. m. A fillip. 2. adj. Hard (as bad bread). H. thoknd, V. a. To beat, to strike, to drive (as a stake). H. V ihold, s. m. 1. A cup for the food and drink of a bird in a cage. 2. The knuckles. \jjlo 'iyu {hold mdrnd, To strike with the knuckles. II. taho?i, s. m. The voice of a new born child. s, thivnd (Sans. 3f^^rT) s. m. See thexmd. II. thonth, s. in. Beak, bill. H. thdnih, s. ni. 1. A slump, a branch of a tree (broken off at the end and leafless). 2. An ani|)utated hand. II. thunthd, adj. 1. Having the hand am- n putated. 2. Having its branches lopped and leafless (a tree). H. thunthi, s. f. Stubble. H. thuntiyd, 1. adj. See . 2. s. m. An eunuch. H. UC- ^ thonkndy v. a. 1. To knock, to ham- mer. 2. To drive (as a stake). 3. To thrust with the finger, to fillip, to drive, to beat. H. {hong, s. f. The act of striking with a finger or beak, pecking. H. thongd, s. m. Striking with the beak. II. thahdkd, s. ni. A peal, a succession of loud sound, an explosion. cjliLe ^ thahdke ki muldkdt, s. f. Meeting with great demonstrations of friendship. H. thaharnd, v. ii. To be stopped, to be fixed, to stop, to be settled, to be determined, to be proved. / ^ H. thahardnd (from L)^^) v. a. To fix, to stop, to determine, to appropriate. > n. thahardo (from U\^) s. m. Settle- ment, fixture, appropriation, proof. H. -^7*! thipi s. f. A kind of lamp. H. cork, a plug, a stopple, ly j cS^ thepi muhh meii dend, To be silent. H. s. f. A knock, a blow, tripping against a stone, &c. a shove, a push, a thrust. II. ihesrd, s. m. Sneer, oblique reflexion or inuendo. H. !•- thesnd, v. a. 1. To pierce. 2. To knock against. 3. To stuff, to cram, to ram in. 4. To eat ravenously. H. ” thek, s. f. 1. A support, a prop. 2. A large sack filled with grain. II. {klk, 1. adj. Exact, even, accurate, complete, just, fit, proper, reasonable, true, regular, right. 2. (met.) Parsimonious. 3. s. m. Sum, addition. thikkamd, 1. To put to rights, to correct, to adjust. ,2. To beat. ULt tlCy {fiik [hak ba- ntind, To adjust, to put in order. H. fhekd, s. m. A plug. s. m. 1. Hire, fare, fixed price. 2. Work done by contract, a task. fhlkrd, s. in. A broken piece of earthen- ware. tkikri, s. f. 1. A broken piece of earthen-ware. 2. Mons veneris. thlkrl chiintid^ To be mad. H. thtkain (bik, adv. Exactly, truly, rightly. {btkam thikd, s. ni. Abuse. (b^ki^ s. f. Act of resting on the W'ay (a porter carrying a load), bj b ibeki-lagund or -dend, To rest (a porter carry- ing a load). LsW’ {held thelij s. f. Shoving and shouldering. {bclndy v. a. To shove, to push, to move forward by pushing. {belndy s. m. Acting the bulFoon. adj. 1. Pure, genuine. 2. Con- tentious. H- LitM' tM»[bi, s. f. 1. A cork, a plug. 2. A ball of ear-wax. o. A dboti^ or cloth reach- ing no further than the knee. H. {bengd, s. m. 1. A stick, a small club. 2. A tool (penis). H. Ls-b tbevgd bdjnd, v. a. To spoil. H. fbengnd, adj. Short, dwarfish. s. b^^‘ ibewnd (3P?t^ s. m. The knee; the pastern (of a horse). H. ( Jj tip, s. f. 1. A note of hand. 2, Draw- V ** * ing a card. 3. Raising the voice in singing. 4. (from s. f. The act of pressing, compressing, tip fdp, s. f. 1. Or- nament. 2. The act of pressing, or compress- ing. bJ u— w tip lend, To draw a card. H. b-J tipnd, V. a. To press, to compress, to grope, to feel, to squeeze. II. titjl, s. f. The name of a medicine. II. 12J tlld, s. f. Lingula vulvas mulierum. II. ^ tlr, s. f. A transverse piece in cloths, or a breadth cut diagonally. II. ^ ter, s. f. 1. Tune. 2. Voice. II. 1^ terd, 1. 8. m. A curtain. 2. adj. Squint- eyed, cock-eyed. H.y ternd, v. n. 1. To bawl, to roar to, to call loudly, to shout, to halloo. 2. To tune. II. terd, s. m. 1. The trunk of a tree. 2. An instrument for twisting: coarse thread or twine, bil* \jj terd hildnd, To be afflicted with the venereal disease. H. b^ terhd, adj. Crooked, bent. terbd herd, adj. Crooked, l^b^ terbd karnd, To bend, to crook. II. i^^b^ terhd-I, s. f. Crookedness. II. terhl, s. f. 1. Pride, vanity, haughtiness. 2. Perverseness. H. tirl, s. f. A locust. See i^3o tiddl. II. [Is, s. f. A throb, throbbing, a shooting pain. \jjV< [Is mdrnd, To throb. II- L--0 [Isnd, V. n. To palpitate, to throb. a. [esu, s. m. 1. The blossoms of ihepalds tree. (Butea frondosa). 2. A kind of play. H. ujbo [^b, s. f. 1. A prop, a pillar, reliance. 2. A promise, a vow. b-i^ Ciw [ek rahnd, To lean upon. s.igsi"^ tikd, 1. s. f. A commentary. 2. s. m. Inoculation. 3. A mark made on the forehead by Hindus. 4. An ornament worn on the forehead. 5. The nuptial gifts or en- gagement. blj [Ikd bhejnd, To send the M m i266 K nuptial gifts, which are presented by the rela- tions of the bride to the bridegroom- LJ ti/r{7 hnu^ To accept the nuptial gifts. H./-S tekar^ ") H. tvkru, j ^ height, a rising ground. tekan^ s. m. A prop, support. H. tekna, v. a. To support, to prop. -* tikait (from adj. Invested with the tiku or badge of sovereignty. 111* A rising ground. H.JJt*7,S.f. 1. A young hen. 2. A woman : (so named in contempt). H. s. m. A rising ground, a ridge, a hillock. II. lii^ telna, v. a. To remove. H. IjLp telua^ s. m. A beam. H. ^ tern, s. f. Snuff of a candle, the flame of a. candle or lamp. tlmtam, s. m. Dress- ing. H. tent, 8. m. 1. The ripe fruit of kartl. 2. A speck on the eye. H. tenta, s. m. 1. A large ripe fruit of karil. 2. A fizgig. 3. Speaking inconsiderately. H. tenlua, s. ra. The windpipe, the throat. H. tenlar, s. m. Name of a fruit. H. tentl, s. f. 1. Name of a fruit. 2- king inconsiderately. H. lenten, An imitative sound, inarticu. late sound. s. tengrd, s. m. I The name of *7?/^ tengri, s. f. ^ ^ (Silurus). H. 8* f* Teazing. H. lent, 8. m. A particular breed of fowls. a( Ij. Tiny, small, w* custom, u. lyJ lewd, 8. m. 1. Calculation of nativity. 2. Habit, custom. tevid, s. f. A prop, a pillar. H. bjJ tevnd, V. a. To sharpen. H. tehrd, s. m. A village. H. lyJ tehld, 8. m. The customs of marriage. cl; Called *1; or is* *1; is the fourth letter of the Arabic alphabet. It does not occur in words of Persian origin. Its sound, among the Arabs, is that of th, in the English word thin ; but the Persians and Indians give it the sound of s. In the appropriation of the letters of the Arabic alphabet to denote num- bers, cl) represents 500. When, moreover, Persian words are introduced into Arabic writings, this letter is sometimes used instead of tu or ; as for , and for ^ and in Arabic words the letter ^ is sometimes substituted for cj, as for A. cu-oU ^ahil (from CJ»^) adj. Firm, constant, durable, stable, proved, confirmed, established, fixed. sdhit rahnd, To adhere to a person. sdhit-kadam, adj. Immove- able, stable, resolute, permanent, constant. c::.-.j\j ^.ubit karnd, To confirm, to establish, to render durable, to prove by witness. A. H. ci^ sdbit-khdn-7, A kind of soldier or servant, armed or dressed, probably, agreea- ble to the device of a . A. 1 -'A* s/7kib (from adj. Shining, splen- did ; sublime, high. A. (from clJj) s. m. The third; an umpire, an arbitrator, a mediator. <0^ eiJU salts saldsa, s. ni. Trinity, *alin bi-l’khair, An unprejudiced arbitrator. A. salisa, s. f. An arbitrcss, a mediatrix. sdlistij s. m. Arbitration. A. ^unlf I. adj. Second. 2, s. in. f. The second. tiU Another time. A. sabl-hond, To be inscribed or written. A. c:JyJ sabfit, s. m. Firmness, stability, per- manency, confirmation by evidence. A. ip Sara, 1. adj. Opulent, rich. 2. s. m. The earth. A. sarwat, s. f. 1. Wealth. 2. Multitude. ij^Ji sarwatuhu, His wealth. A. by suraiyd, s. m. The pleiades. A. s(^lab, s. m. A fox. (Plur. A. v_ sc^lab miMri, s. m. Salep (the root of a species of orchis, considered, parti- cularly' in the east, to be a strong restorative and aphrodisiack). A. CjUj sikdt, n. plur. of AaS sika, q. v. A. sakdlat, s. f. Heaviness, weight. A. JLiu sikl, s. m. Gravity, weight ; indigestion, heavy load. A. iM sika, s. m. 1. Confidence. 2. A con- fidant, a trusty fi-iend. A. sakil (from Jjjj) adj. Heavy ; lazy, phlegmatic' indigestible. A. eijib salds, adj. Three. A. cljib sulds, adv. By threes. A. (Jyb nulas-h ^dj. 1. Triangular, any thing made up of three parts, triple. 2. (in gram.) Triliteral. 267 ^ A. suls, fl. m. The third part. An Arabian hand-writing. A. samar, s. m. Fruit; produce, advantage profit, offspring. mmar-ddr, adj. Fruit bearing. A. samra, s. m. Fruit, profit, reward, re- compcnce, offspring. A. ^ saman^ s. m. Price, value. A. or sttnwn, s. m. The eighth part. A, bj sand, s. f. Praise, applause. sand-gustari, s. f. Scattering praise. A. sawdb, s. m. 1. The future reward of virtue. 2. A virtuous action, reward, pre^- mium. A. aawdbit (plur. of ci-ob) s. m. The fixed stars. A. F.aub, s. m. A robe, a vestment. A. jji saur, s. m. 1. A bull. 2. Taurus, the sign of the Zodiack. 3. Twilight, crepuscule.- 4. The name of a mountain near Mecca. A. sai/db (plur. of c-iy) s. m. V'estments, clothes, robes. A. . ^ for xj^s>- A clucken ; for (particularly in conformity to Arabic pro- nunciation), as for Europe; for a as for A Turquoise. Again, for _ are used, c:j as foi’ — Plunder; j as for A scorpion ; as for Contrary. Rarely it is redundant, as for Ljj Brocade. In words borrowed from the Sanskrit, 3T is generally substituted for ^ which is pronounced as 5T by the Ben- galees, Tirhutiya and others. H. U- 3TT ja (in Braj) pron. rel. inflect, sing. Whom, what, which, any one. p. U-J^5 s. f. A place. ja-ha-ju, adv. Every where. ja-nishin, s. m. A lo- cum tenens, a deputy, a successor, a vicegerent. H. s. m. 1. Muzzle for large cattle. 2. A net for fruit. 3. A sort of grass. A. ^Is- jdbir (from part. act. Despot, tyrant. H. jabl, s. f. Muzzle for small cattle. See <— . s. c->U- ^ IM jap (r. 3T1T Pronounce inwardly) s. m. Counting one’s beads, reciting to one’s self. (A Hindu term). 8. LUoW jrquil;, "I (3TT^^) s. m. One who s. j^Ph ) counts his beads, or who recites to himself. s. tijU- jilt (3TTf^ r. Produce. Arab. Cl^li) s. f. Cast, sect, tribe, class, race; c:..>U- ei.^3lj jdt-pdiit, s. f. A pedigree. s. lyU (r. 5TT Go) jV7/r«, s. f. 1. A mo- ment (generally, a fortunate moment). 2. Pilgrimage. 3. Departure, march, journey. 4. A festival. 8. (^V ^ pilgrim, fi. jail, 8. f. Jasmine. (Jasminum grandiflorum). V jilli-phal, B. in. Nutmeg. Sec H. eijU- jdt^ s. m. The name of a tribe amons Rajputs. s. jdth s. m. I. The axis of an oil or S'jgar-mill which presses the grain or the canes. 2. A post placed by Hindus in the centre of a tank to mark its being dedicated to the deity'. A. jVTjrti, s. f. The series of binary com- binations of letters beginning with ^ (jhn ). s. (r. Worship) jVpaA-, s. m. A Brahman, who presides at the performance of a religious ceremony, an officiating priest. H. l!X=-W jdjak, s. m. A player on cymbals or on the labour. H. jdjam, s. f. A cloth thrown over the carpet to sit on. See . s. (r.‘3TT^ Ask, beg) jdchak, s. m. A solicitor, a beggar, a person who goes about singing for charity. s. L:s-U- jf«c/iwa (5j"p^?^) V. a. To want, to need, to require, to implore, to solicit, p. < (3TFTrl3^^1^:) adj. Possessed of or exerting miraculous power. s. 3TTjK^ (r. 3TPJ Wake) jdgaran, s. m. V'^igil, w akefulness (in a religious ceremony or prayer), vespers. a. LfU7«g«M (3TFTTW r. 3TPJ Wake) v. n. To awake, to be awake. H. s- (• See jugah, Place, &c. p, jd-gir, s. f. Land given by government as a reward for services, or as a fee ; a pension (in land). ^Ij jdglr-ddr, s. m. The holder of a fee or jVTgir, a feotfee. JU^7«/ (corrupt, of Jjts^) adj. Forged, coun- terfeited. s. JU^ 3TT^i«f} s. m. A net; a sash. a. jdld (3TT^) s. m. 1. Cobweb. 2. A pellicle. 3. A jar. 4. A speck on the eye, a cataract. jdl-ddr, adj. Reticulated. JU. jdl-sildhi, s. f. A coat of mail. JU- jdl-lahrl, s. f. Valerian. s. ja/J (from Jl^) s. f. I. Network. 2. The integument in w hich a foetus is enveloped. 3. A coil, a caul. \jjj^\-^jdli parnd, ex- presses the hardening of the stone of a mango. 4. Lattice, grate, trellis-work. c. jdlmus, n.prop. Galen. A. jdsus (from ^r-^) s- ni. A spy, an emissary. I A. jdsus-J, s. f. The action of a spy, spying. \ij, ^yJ^jdsusi karnd, To play the SPJ- s. i^\s^ |ij jag, s. m. A religious sacrifice, vigils. u. ]f\s^jdgd, s. m. The name of a cast of Hin- dus. s. tjAu IfU- jdgd-bandi, s. f. Drow siness, sleepi- ness. s. jligat (r. 3TPJ Wake) s. f. Watch- fulness, waking. p. s. m. 1. A goblet, cup, glass, any vessel for drinking out of, a bowd. 2. A mirror. *\=^ jdm-ijam or -jamshld, s. m. ..... j .( . The mirror of Jamshld, in which he saw whatever he wished, br (jb-*- aW jd?7i-i-jahdn- aJ'UjIaoW jdm-ddr-khdna, Jij j*U-. jdm-i-lab-rez, A niimd, A pharos A wardrobe bumper. s. ^\::^jdm, s. m. 1. The rose apple. (Eugenia Jambos, &c,). 2. (^TW) A watch ; see j\i A. xA»~jdmid, adj. Styptick. ism-i-jdmid. Primitive or concrete noun (not derived from arty root, and from which no word is derived ; as, tree). p. jamdani, s. f. 1, A kind of cloth in which the flowers are wove and not worked, (generally muslin). 2. A kind of leather basket. 3. (Applied to utensils of metal, &c.) adj. Flowered, sculptured or embossed. A, (from^y*.>-) 1. part. act. Com- pleting, comprehending, collecting, collector. 2. adj. All, whole, universal, collective. 3. s. f. A great mosque, temple, or cathedral, where the prayer called khulba, is re- peated on Fridays. jdmi'u-l-ka- maldt, adj. Most learned, skilled in all sciences, containing the essence of all perfec- tion. p. jdmgi, s. f. 1. A salary. 2. Match of a gun. jdman (3T^^) s. f. A fruit and tree so called. (Eugenia Jambolana). H. jdman^ s. m. Sour milk used to coagu- late fresh milk, runnet. jaminlj s. f. Night: see ijdminl. jamani, Mahometan; see ^dmani. A. jdmus, s.m. A buffalo. (Pers. p. «uU- jdma, s. m. A garment, robe, gown, vest. AiU- ^jdma- zeb, adj. Becoming one’s clothes. jdn pahchdn. An intimate friend, an acquaintance. jdn-tardsh, adj. Weakening. jdn tasllm karnd. To resign one’s life. ^1^ jdn chburdnd, To escape, to get rid oh jdn-ddr, An animal (generally implying strength), powerful, active, spirited (as a horse). Ju^i^^jdn‘supdr, adj. Resigning one’s life into the hands of another : (an epithet of a lover). J^jdn-sitdn,^Ay Life-destroying, (as poison or a snake, &c.). jdn-sot, adj. Heart-inflaming, beloved. ^ ^ jdn se mdrnd, To kill. jdn-Jishdn, adj. Ready to sacrifice one’s life for another, zealous, fervent, ^lls jdn-Jisbdn-i, s. f. Very hard labour, extreme diligence, devo- tion. jdn-Jisbdni karnd, To strain every nerve. adj. Life- reducing, pathetic, affecting. jdn kisi par dend, 1. To love excessively. 2. To die, to fall a sacrifice. jdn kan- dan, s. m. Gasping in the agonies of death. jdn-kandani, or ^ jdn-kani, s”. f. The agonies of death, agony, torture. jun-guddz, adj. Life-consuming, de- bilitating. jdn-guddz-i,s A. VVast- ing or consumption of life, debility, b lil^ jdn mdrnd or khdnS, To overcome, to ex- haust, to deject, to oppress, to vex, to per- plex, to plague. UT jdn men jdn and, To be satisfied, to be comforted. ^1*J jdyi-nisdr, adj. Devoted, sacrificing one’s life. ijijij ^\o~ jdn-nisdr-i, s. f. Devotedness, &c. s. jjU- jdn, s. m. 1, A conjuror, an astrologer, (b'oin bjW) part. Knowing. jdn bujhke, adv. Wilfully, purposely. s. \j\t^jdnd (r. 2JT Go, attain) v. n. To go, to be, to pass, to reach. \j\c^ jatd rahnd, To be lost, to be missing, to disappear, to go away, to pass away. P. ^Jj\i^jdndn (plur. of ^\s^) Lives, sweethearts, or a sweetheart. A. t^^\:^jdnib, s. f. Part, side. adv. Towards. i^^\». jdnib-ddr, A supporter, a second. jdnib-ddr-i. Supporting, seconding. A. jdnibain, dual (of oW) Mutual, on both sides. ^ jdnibain se, adv. Re- ciprocally, alternately. p.H. c>V jdn-pahchdn, s. m. An acquaint- ance. s. ) s. f. A wooden trough for raising wafer. « * s. liiW jdntd A machine) 1. A stone mill for grinding corn, a hand mill of two stones one over the other. 2. A pair of bellows. jdntd-kal, s. f. See jdnt. H. ■^\:^jdnch (from bc^W) s. m. Trial, exami- nation, test, assay, proof. H. \usf\o~ jdnchnd,v. z.. To examine, to inquire into, to ascertain, to try, to prove, to assay. H. jdnkar, s. ra. Money (or other pledge) left for a thing purchased, while it is carried away to be finally approved. s. jdngar (^^ ) s. m. The thigh and leg. I. ^^jdngh s. f. The thigh. s. jdiigbnl ^ heron. (Ardea indica). - • s. L^U- jdnghiyd (from 3T^TT) ^ of breeches that do not cover the thigh. s. bJb»- jdnnd (r. ffT Know) v. a. To know, to understand, to comprehend, to suppose, to trust. s. yU- jdno (from LjU-) Understand, suppose ; that is, videlicet. p. jdn-W(tr, s. m. An animal. (Pers. plur. P. jdni, adj. Of the heart or soul ; (used substantively) A lover, a friend. jdni-dushman. An enemy desirous of one’s life. s. jdne do (from liU. and bjj) Never mind, let alone, don’t. s. jdne dend, v. a. To liberate, to let go ; to excuse, to pass over (as a fault). s. jdwdn (^T^3T) adj. Twins. *• jdzoitri (3TT?frq’5fr) s. f. Mace. P. ^1 jjW adj. Eternal. See P. vJ'jyU- jdwiddn-}, s. f. Eternity. s. jdicak, s. m. The red colour procured from iheldk'h insect. See bJl dltd. s. bi>\^ jdvani bhdshd, s. f. The language of Javans. (See javan). p. ^»\^jdwed, 1 , fad). Always, eternal, p.. jawedan, J p. «U- jdh, s. f. Dignity, rank, grandeur, j iW jdh-ojaldl, Dignity, grandeur, splendour, magnificence. H. ifU- jdhi (Braj) pron. rel. in the dative case, To whom, to whomsoever. A. jdhil (from J^^.;^) adj. Ignorant, bar- barous, brutal. s. jdhi (3TTrft) s. f. The name of a flower 272 (Jasminum Grandiflorum) ; a firework resem- bling that flower. P. ^j\»~jde, s. f. A place. See W jd. jd-e-i*’lirdz, The time or place of oppo- sition. jjja£> jd-e-zarur, s. f. The neces- sary. V The place or time of grief. jd-e-nishln, A successor, locum tenens. s. jd'i (v5l |rl I) adj. f. Born; s. f. A daughter. s. \>\=^jd^d C3^]rT) adj. m. Born; s. m. A son. s. jde-phal (3n^t^) s. m. Nut- meg. p. jljoW jde-ddd, s. f. An assignment on land for the maintenance of any establishment. A. jd'i^ (from j\y^) 1* Lawful, per. mitted, right, proper, warrantable, autho- rized. 2. s. m. A joist, a beam. iSy}i^jd'iz ki, Possibly, it may be that. A. ay\s^ju'’iza, s. m. 1. Examination, review- ing, confronting. 2. Benignity. Y. j^\:^ jde-glr, 1. s. f. Pension. 2. adj. Fixed, &c. j\j jde-gir-ddr, A possessor of jd- gir-land. Employed by holding a pension or consignment. g j(d) (^^T) adv. When, at the time ' when. V. ^ -talak oY-tori, adv. Till when. i^L-^jabki, adv. At the time when, when. job kd tab, adv. At the time when, at the pro- per moment. jab-lag, adv. Till when. U L -- w. jab nd tab, adv. Perpe- tually. jab-ill, adv. At the very time. s. U. jubd, adj. Young. A.jU^ jabbdr (from 1. adj. supcrl. Om- nipotent, mighty. 2. Conqueror. 3. s. m. A tall palm tree. 4. A revenger. 5. Orion. A. jibdl s. plur. (of y^jabal) Mountains, hills. A. ^J^jabdn, adj. Pusillanimous, timid. A. jibdh, s. plur. of jabha, q. v. s. jubatl, s. f. A young woman, a damsel. H. jabaddd, adj. Rigid, stiff, awkward. H. jabadnd, v. n. To be filled, to be folded. H. jabaddiyd, adj. Ill-shaped. A. Jabr, s. m. Oppression, violence, strength, force, power. j^jabr se. By violence, violently. jabr-i-nuksdn. Making good a deficiency, (as if two horses are to be given to two persons, one to each ; if they are not equally good, saddle and bridle are given with the worst). jabr-o-mukdbila, Algebra. A. jabran, adv. - jabarl, s. f. A. Oppressively, by violence. Oppression, injury. -The archangel Gabriel. A. jabrdil, A. jabrd'il, A. jabra'il, A. Jj^j^jabril, A. y.j^jabrm, A. J-J. jahrafil, H. \j^jabrd, s. m. The jaw, or the part of the face from the corners of the mcuth to the jaws. See . * %, A. jabal, s. m. A mountain, a hill. A. jibillat, s. f. Essence, quality, dispo-^, sition, temperament, constitution, creation, form. A. jahalkum, s. m. xVn amethyst. A. jlbilli, adj. Natural, innate, essential, * * in general. A. A. i^jabba, s. m. Pusillanimity. A kind of Iona: vest resem- bling a shirt, a coat of mail, a. jabhd, s. m. Thejaw. 273 11. jihhdrd, adj. Abusive, talkative. II, jub/ird, s. m. The jaw. A. jabha, s. ni. The forehead L is^jMa- sd (lit. rubbing one’s forehead on the ground) Beseeching, begging earnestly. J-L jabha-sd-i, The act of beseeching earnestly, &c. jabln, s. f. The forehead. (r. 3T^ Pronounce inwardly) jap, s.^m. Silent repetition of the name of God, silent meditation, adoration, repeating the bead-roll. :■ jap tap and V V • s. m. Devotion, adoration. )!U I mdl ov-mdld 1^1) s. f. A rosary. s. japtid (^ ^«-( i’- TsfCf Repeat in silence) V. a. To count one’s beads, to repeat the name of God internally, to recite the bead-roll, to make mention, japat, part. Repeat- ing prayers, worshipping. s. ^ l<^pl (from 3m and*TR.‘) s. m. , An adorer. s. jut (in compos.) With; as ^ dharm-jut, adj. Virtuous. ' s. adv. Where. (In Braj). II. \:^jitd, adj. So much, as much as, as many as. See jitnd. s. \j:^jat (^tTlrf)s. f. Manner, fashion, kind. s. ci-f- jat (!i^f^;) s. f. Brilliancy. See * s. ijL.^j(it (^f^) s. f. A kind of musical rhythm, (generally sung at the lioli). ' s. jatdrd (from li-'W) s. in. Dynasty. s. jatdnd (from ^r^) v. a. To inform of, to caution, to remind, to declare, to admonish. s. \}\z^jutdiid (from ^^) v. a. To conffluti- nate. s. jutdnd (^3i*T) To be joined, to yoke. 2. To be tilled. s. jutdJ, 1. adj. Arable. 2. s. f. Tillage. s. jrV//rt;i (5j"r^) s. m. Carefulness, remedy, care. II. m. ^ adj. How much, so much, II. jllfd, f. ^ as much as, as many. (Sans. s. jatani (from ^rVft)adj. Careful. s. jutwdnd (ciiuiia\ of juld?u7, q. v.) V. a. To cause to join or yoke. s. jal/td (^^) s. m. A company, band, party, class. jalhd bdmlhnd, To form a party. s. jathd, adv. As, so, like, in the manner of, according to, to the utmost of. s. jfdhdrth, adv. In fact, exactly, truly. s. ^ dt jat/, adj. 1. Faithful to the mar- riage bed (a man). 2. Religious person, de- votee. 3. A particular order of devotees. H. \}\ps^juliydnu (from v. a. To beat with a slipper. II. jiteh, adj. As much as, as many as. II. {J! -y- jot, s. m. The same as jdt, q. v. s. jftt, s. f. ) Matted hair. s. jatd, s. f. J 3r5TVTtt jatd'dhdri, 1. adj. Whose hair is matted. 2. s. f. Thecock’s- comb flower. (Celosia cristata). II. lib- jafd, s. m. See kJbU- jdt. s. TsR'T^THt jatd-mdsl or -mdiisl, s. f. Spikenard (Valeriana Jatamansi). s. yjlib- 1^ jatdj/u, n. prop. Name of a bird, mentioned in the story of Rumchandra and Rdvam. s. LiL-ib-j«/iV, s. f. Set work of jewels, &c. s. J%- jatil, adj. Having matted hair. s. liib- jufnd (from v. n. To close with, to engage in close fight, to unite, to close, to join (as the edges of a wound), to stay, to wait. s. J\^js~jithdnl (fern, of -^ib^, <1- v.) s. f. Hus- band’s elder brother’s wife. N n A. J^jusja, s. m. The bodjj the figure of the human body. s. (r. Worship, make offerings) jajman, s. m. A customer, a person to whose custom. Brahmans, barbers, and some others, have a legal claim. (The hereditary Brahman, or barber, &c. of a village must be paid his fees, whether you chuse to employ him or another person). S- jajmuni I^^TT^T) s. f. 1. The stipend paid by a jajmdn, q. v. 2. Wife of a jajmdn. s. m. An engagement, a battle. H. jijiyd, s. f. 1. A sister, breast. 2. A dug. p. jachd or jachchd (from or i^\j or s. f. A woman in childbirth and for forty days after, a lying-in woman. H. jachdwat (from s. f. Test, trial, examination, proof. s. 6s^jad adv. As, while, whilst, when, so soon, at the time when, b b jad-tak or-talak or-lag adv. Till, until, yet, whilst, as long as, while. oJ -\ Ancestors). 2. Dignity, Glory (of God), happiness, prosperity. A. ^s>~jidd, s. m. Trial, endeavour, effort, study. j As- jidd-o-jUid karnd, To endeavour, to strive, As- jidd-o-kad, s. m. Expostu- lation, endeavour. fl. As- jadu, n. prop. An ancestor of Krishna. ] jadu-bansi, adj. One of the family of Jadu, belonging to that family. See jjU- jddav. p. \s».Judd, adj. Separate, away, absent, dif- 274 <^A^ ferent, peculiar, \dc-\jo-juddjudd, adv. Va- rious, one by one, severally. b-,^^ Ia;^ juddjudd kahnd. To particularize. A. ^^\Si^jiddl (from Jas-) s. m. Altercation, contest, jjl A^ j jang-o-jidd(, s. m. Fight- ing, contention. A. ^^^S:^jaddwi^, s. plur. of JjAs- Jadwal, q. v. p. 4^ \s:^judd'i (from Ias-.) s. f. Separation. s. bAj‘ bA^ X jadbd tadbd, s. m. Un- meaning expression, so so. s. vA- or jadapi or jadyapi, conj. Though, although. A. judri, s. f. The small-pox. A. jadal, s. ra. Fighting, battle, encounter, altercation. A. jadwdr, s. m. Zedoary. (Kqempferia Zedoar). A. jadwal, s. f. 1. Lines drawn in a book (as ruling, or to separate the margin). 2. A rivulet. 3. A table, an astronomical table. (Plur. JjIa^)- A. ^^A:^jadwal-i, adj. Marked with lines (a book). ' s. ght) judh s. m. Battle, war. §. jidhar (^TW) adv. Where, n herever, there. jidhar tidhar adv. Whither, thither, here and there. s.JLLs^ judishtar (Sans. yudhishthira)^ n. prop. Name of an ancient sovereign of • India, son of Raja Pdndu. A. s- ni- 1- ^ he-goat. 2. The sign Capricorn. 3. The polar star (pro- nounced Judai to distinguish it from the sign. Muntakhab-ul-lughat). A. t_sSo^Jadd-I (from a»-) adj. Ancestral, be- longing to ancestors. A. A'A»- jadid, adj. New, modern, fresh. 275 A. 1*1 juzam, s. in. Leprosy. ju- I zam-khana, s. ni. A lazaretto. A. s. m. Allurement, attraction, ab- sorption, drawing (as a plaster). Ijys <— jazb bond, To be absorbed. A. jozba, s. ni. Passion, rage, violent desire. A.jjo- s. in. 1. Origin, root. 2. The square root (in arithinetick). 3. The ebb-tide : see jazr. s. s. f. 1. (3TST) A root. 2. (-^s^"^) A fever. A. jarr, s. m. 1. Drawing, dragging. 2. The base, foundation, foot of a mountain. 3. The vowel kasra at the end of words. j\^ ‘ harf-i-jarr or -Jurr, A particle which gives to the noun a termination in kasra. A. Sj^jurra, s. m. A kind of hawk (male of jb q. V.). A. jurrdb, s. m. A sock. A. Jur'^at, s. f. Courage, audacity, bold- ness, bravery, temerity, valour. A. jarruh (from s. m. A surgeon. A. jardhat, s. f. A wound, a sore. A. s* C Surgery. A. S\j^jardd, s. m. A locust. s. L'j 1^ jurd dend, v. a. To procure. jarrdr, adj. Warlike, brave, multitu- dinous (an army). s. jardsandh, n.prop. Name of a kshalriya Raja. H. \3l^ jurdnd, v. n. To be comforted or pa- cified. s. Uly^ jardnd *’• burn, to kindle. s. jurdnd (from 3T^^) ' To procure. s. ^\j^jardns Paroxysm of a fever. s,^^jurdo (from bly^) s. ra. Procurement. s. jurdican (from lib»-) adj. Procurable. s. m. See 1^ jurrd. A. jardj/im^ s. (plur. of lyf-) adj. Valiant, intre- pid. A. ^ s. m. Running, flux (of blood, urine, &c.). cjl uVyt“ ji^ydn-i-db^ Fluor al- bus. Sli ,.,b .5- jirj/dn-i-shikm, Dysentery, ^^b ^ jirydn-i-mazl, Fluor albus. j^b^ jirt/dn-i-maniy Gonorrhaea simplex, gleet. H. i_ jarib, s. f. A sort of wooden dart Avith an iron point, blr^- jarib chaldnd^ To throw the Jarib. A. L- - jarib, s. f. 1. A land measure. 2. A corn measure (of 384 madds or about 768 lbs.). ^_^j^jarib-kash, s. m. A land-surveyor. jarib-kash-i, s. f. Mensuration (of land), the office of a land-surveyor. A. jarida^ adj. Alone, separate, solitary, unattended (when travelling), unincumbered. N n 2 2T6 A. jarimama. §. eb. Penalty, SbrStiL 6ae. %.y^jvr, s. m. 1. \) A root, origin. S. (^) An inanimate body, wiiat b roid of 1 ^ The root of a medid- |, \^y^jcfrijfa (from 5- m- 1. A jeweller, one who sets jewels. 2. A striker. lifr, a blockhead. f. jvrana (causal of 1- To cac5C to Join, to cause to coople, to get mended. 2. | ^ adr. Besides, except. nal herb. jari biii, g. C Medkinal herbs, drug*. To tear the hair in token of grief or rexatk>n- . 1. Vjs>~ jarana (from -3T3 ) t. n. To be cold. s. \i\y^ jarand s- To cao§e to stud, to cause to set jewels. 5. jjs~ jardo (from •. m. Setting of jewels. $. ^ jara 5, adj. Set- jewelled. 5. jdrdzcar. 1 clothes, winter dress. 8- C Price of setting jewels, : the act of setting jewels. H. j**T^h '• The price of joining, mend- ing, &c- jar per, s. m. Root and branch. y-j>- joT per te ukhdrnd, r. a. To e.xdr- Warro -fV- s.^ pate. Janddj s. f. Immoreablec^s- sUffness, rigidity, torpor, stupidity. g ,5^ Jaran (from J*».) s. f. The act of setting jeweb. y. \dy^ janta (r. ) t. a. I. To strike, to shake off. 2. To join, to make adhere. 3. To i a. jazr^ s. m. The ebb-tide, the reflux of A. jtn., s. a. 1. A part, portian. S. Adiri- »uMi of a book coasisting of eight leaves- 3. logredienL '■»- jaz-boMdi, s. L Binding of a book. ^ juz-rm.f, adj. 1. Peoetrai- iug, sagacious. 2. Frugal, economkaL s. f. Frugality, economy, dec. jmz--) t. a. To cause to set with jewels. g. jarxrat (from or ^3T?T) s- The trunk of a tree. g. 'jty^ Jurhd (r. Join) s. m. Twins. r _ g, jiy^Jarhan s. m. Rice cropped at the end of the rainy season. the sea jk . ‘e>- jazr-o-madd. s. m. The ebb and flow of the tide. jazmiy s. m. 1. Decision, determining, resolving. 2. Amputation. 3. The orthogra- phical character jazm (-) which is placed over a letter to show that it is quiescent or has no vowel following it. htdjaznty AVith decision, in earnest. A. . same as j^Juz, q. v. ^ adj. A little, part, few. (Plur. - or Parts, particulars> >0) ICO 277 jasira, s. ni. An island, a peninsula. (Plur. A. s. m. A tribute, capitation-lax levied on individuals, poll-tax. s. s. 111. Name, cliaracter, ce- lebrity, reputation, fame, luck, jas apajas I) s. III. Good or bad. y/s, pron. inflect, (of from ) That, what, who, whom. jis tis, Whomever, whatever, every one. Jis jis, Whichever, each of which. jisjagah, adv. Where, wherever. r>c- jis tftrafi, adv. According to, as. Jis taraf^ adv. Wherever, ^^^Jis dam, adv. When, while, whilst, jis kadr, adv. W^hatever, whatsoever. ^ jis kisi kd, Of whomever, • jis kisi ko, To whomever. A. jasdrat, s. f. Boldness, intrepidity, presumption, temerity. A. jasdmat (from s. f. Corpulency. . jas pat, 1 (jjui.-qlff) adj. Reputa- . jaspati, J ble, renowned, p. jasi (from s. f. A leap, a jump, leaping, jumping. l^U b \jj, i„z^>,^jast-kar»d ov-mdrnd. To jump, &c. 1 H. ^justd (corrupt, of ii-,.) s. m. Power, A. U strength. justju, ■) (fi-om ^just-ojo,j ing, J) s. f. Search- ing, seeking. jusla {^voxa part, past, Sought. Jasad, s. m. The body. jisr, s. A bridge. s~jasaszd (from adj. Renowned. jism, s. m. Body of any animated being. ^jjSs^jism-ijauharl, Constitutional parts. iS^y^ jism-i-lmiwdtil, Animal body. * • • • * i jism-i-uabdti, Vegetable body. ) adj. Beloiiffinff o o jism-ijamddi, Metallickbody. A. jismdni (from to body, corporeal. A. c:^U--^y/sw««(yfl^,|(froni s. f. Ma- A. jismiyat, J teriality. s. jasxi>ant (plur. cff; ) adj. Famous, illustrious. s. (from adj. Famous, celebrat- ed, renowned. A. jaslm (from adj. Corpulent. p. jashn, s. ni. A feast, a festival ; (chiefly applied to the royal celebrations of festivals). p. jashnl (from adj. Voluptuous. A. j(^ba, s. A quiver. A. ji^d, s, f. A ringlet, a lock of hair. A. jkxs^ jt^far, s, A river ; a proper name. A. jayar-i, s. f. 1. A kind of cupola. 2. A sort of skreen (the interstices of the frame being lozenged). Lattice-work (corrupt, of 3. The purest kind of gold. 4. The name of a yellow flower (called also (jf Linum trigynum). A. Jjto- ji*l, adj. Counterfeit. G. jughrdfya, s. m. Geography. (Ffw- ypa(pla'). P. U=^ jafd, s. f. Oppression, violence, injury, injustice. J^^jafd-kdr, An oppressor. jafdkdr-l, s. f. Oppression. P. jaft, s. m. Evenness, party, a pair, a couple, a match. p. jafta, adj. 1. Bent, wrinkled. 2. Run- ning together (the threads in cloth). p. H. juftl khdnd, v. a. To copulate, to pair (as birds). A. jafar, s. m. The art of making amulets or charms. §. CS^jak s. m. 1. When treasure, &c. is buried, an animal (sometimes a man) is killed and buried with it as a guard. This animal is called, /aA:, and receives orders to allow no one else to take up the treasure, &c. 2. Met. A miser, called also j(^k ka gu- mashta. H. Sij jakar-band, adj. Tight. H. \jj^jakarna, v. a. To tighten, to draw tight (as a knot), to bind, to fasten, to tie, to pinion. s. jakh, s. m. A fairy, an attendant of Cuverd the Indian Plutus. See t^Jo-jak. s. jakhani s. f. A female or a fairy. s. s* ni. 1. A period, one of the four great Hindu periods. 2. A term used in the game of chaupar (the opposite of a blot, two or more men standing on the same square). 3. A pair. jug~phornd or ■phutnd ) V. a. To cause a dif- ference between friends, to fall out. jugdnjug, For ages, for ever. jug jug, adv. Constantly, eternally. s. f. The world, the uni- verse. j^S s. ra. 1. The universe. 2. A feast, entertainment. 3. Sacrifice, a religious ceremony. -• j^g^jol (^ 1 -Cl : ) s- f- Splen- dour, much light. n. jugdlnd, v. a. To chew the cud. n. ^€^jugdli, 5.^. The cud. n.\j^jugdnd, v. a. 1. To be careful of, to keep with care. 2. To lend labour, i. e. To assist another in his work in expectation of similar assistance being returned hereafter. \j'€^jagund, (^ffjy^oj) V. a. To awake, to rouse from sleep. 8. \^t>. s. m. I. The world. 2. 278 ^ A buttress, :^T jagat- dukhi, A tyrant. s. jugat s. f. Address, dexterity, contrivance, counsel, wit, a pun, art. i, » jugat bolnd, To pun. jugat- hdzl, s. f. Quibble, pun, witticism, economy. s. (^TFrrT) adj. Awake. -• adj. Artful, clever, cun- ning, economical ; facetious, punning. s. ^ I jagatital, s. m. The W'orld, the earth, sublunary things. H. Jogjagu, s. m. Brass tinsel, very thin plates of brass used in decoration. H. jugjagdhat, s. f. Splendour, much light, glitter. H. \JJ^ jigjigit/d, adj. Fawning. H.s. ^t^Jigijigi karml, v. a. To fawn. s. (Mother of the world) s. f. An epithet of a Hindu Goddess, wife of Mahudeva. s. jagadis (3T^r^ The world, and r. See) s. m. World-surveyor, sovereign of the world. v.j^jigar, s. ni. The life, vitals, heart, mind JCJ jigar-band, s. ni. A son. jigar-chdki, s. f. Brokenness of heart, p PP P y/gar^Vg-ar digar-digar, Mine i< mine, and yours is yours, or every one knows where his own shoe pinches. \^p.jigar S03, Heart-burning, heart-inflaming, torment- ing. pPjigarfigdr, llcart-hrokcn. LJpJ^g^^'h adj. Belonging to the liver oi heart; liver-coloured, ^^P J.^^}k-ijigari, Carnelion. i^p. jigari-ddgh, s. nu 1. Indelible slain or mark. 2. Natural spot. 3. Inconsolable grief. 5- s. jugd/ I pjugwn adj. T wo. 279 H, jagmaga, adj. Glittering^, splendid. H. y«gvHfl "•«//«, V. n. To glitter. u. iJL^^tAf^jagmagu/iat, s. f. Glitter, splen- dour, much light. s.\J^jagn(~i (Tsrr^TTjOT) V. II. To awake, to be awake. 11. y^jugnu, s. m. 1. The fire-fly. (Lampyris). 2. A jewel worn about the neck. H. s. f. Glow-worm, s. jagopabit s. m. The ceremony of putting on the Brahmanical thread. See y '--^ jotieu. ir. Jfigab, s. f. Place, station, quarter, room, vacancy, stead. jaga/i chhormJ, v. a. To leave a blank. s. j.^jagliar I "•* Wakeful- ness (occasioned by apprehension or disease). 2. Coughing at night, vigils, vespers. s. j— ^ jaggesar or jagneslni'ar ) s. m. A name of Vishnu and of Siva. II. ^J^jigijig'i, s. f. An exclamation ex- pressive of surprise and pleasure. A. s. f. A housing or covering for an elephant, bullock, &c. II. J-^ jul, s. m. Deceit, cheating, a trick. jb jul-bdz, A knave, a cheat. s. jfl/, s. m. Water. , ^ , U Jal pachchhl (-5lt?^jM^T) s. f. Water-fowl. atJj- Full of water, w'et. jal that, s. m. ('^l^ Water, and Dry- land) Ground half covered with water, marshy ground. jal-krird^ s. m. Playing in the Avater. A. jail (from J^) s. m. Majesty, glory^ splendour, power. A. %^jila, s. f. Splendour, lustre, brightness, scouring, polishing. ^biU.yi7d-A:«r, A polisher. Jsj %^jild-watan, s. m. Emigration, leaving one s country. \j^ jild-wat an karndy To abandon one’s country. s. h^jald or jalld (from 3T^) s. m. A lake. A. julldby s. m. A purge, (q. d. Dratv- ing, from Drew ; and, in this sense, it is generally used in India : but Golius says) A mixture of Avater and sirup {perfumed with rose-water, from Pers. A rose, and Water). s.n. h'i^ jald bald, adj. 1. Fretful, passionate. 2. Scorched. See Jj , ?. II. 11^ jald bhund, adj. Passionate, hot tem- pered. s.J^ jal-kukkar s. m. A V \ Avater-hen, a diver. K. Sis>~ jalldd, s. m. An executioner ; (and hence) cruel, hard-hearted (q. d. one who skins or flays, from jkia- The skin). ,aH-^ jalldd-i-falak, The planet Mars. A. LuJia- jalddal, s. f. Activity, agility, strength. A. jalldd-l, s. f. The office of an execu- tioner, cruelty, villainy. .. s. jaldrnav, s. m. A deluge. A. JlU- jaldl, s. m. Dignity, state, majesty, grandeur, splendour, power. A. jaldlat, s. f. See J1U-. A. jaldliya, s. m. 1. A person who wor- ships the more terrible attributes of the deity. 2. The followei’s of JIU- 3. A kind of pigeon. « s. blU- jaldnd r. Shine, flame, burn) V. a. To burn, to kindle, to inflame, to light, to make jealous. s. blU- jildnd (canal of jind 3ft^) V. a. To give life to, to recover any thing almost dead ; to foster, to patronise. s. jaldwan s. f. Firewood. 280 p. ii^juluh, s. m. 1, A weaver of the p. i^y^jolah, V Muhammadan religion. 2. P. A^julah, ) (3Iet.) A fool, a blockhead. iis- julah-durhl, s. f. A short round beard, such as juldhs usually wear. s. H. Jj (from luW and UL) part. Burnt up or consumed with fire. See lb lU- . s. jal-bahl, s. f. Striking with the arms and legs or playing in the water. s. jal-pun, s. m. Drinking (of water), eating, taking liglit food between meals, a luncheon. H. jal-pui, s. f. 1. The Elaeocarpus ser- ratus. 2. An olive. s. jal-tarang, s. ra. The musical glasses or harmonicon ; playing on glasses or china bowls by rubbing the edges : a brass vessel in which water is put and the edges are beaten with two sticks. 5. Ji Jal-taranji, s. f. Name of a musical instrument. s. ILs^ jaljald (from liL-) adj. Indignant, out- rageous. s. jal-jalunu, v. a. To be indignant. s. jaJjaluhat, s. f. Indignation, rage, passion, anger. s. jal-jantu, s. m. An aqua- tick animal, a porpoise, shark, &c. g_ jul-char, adj. Aquatick (as birds, but not fish). p. A>-Jald, adj. Expeditious, quick, brisk, fast, hasty, fierce, jb jald-bdz, adj. Expedi- tious, fleet, hasty, jald-buz-l, s. f. Haste. jkU- jald-kadam, adj. Fleet. j(dd-mizdj, adj. Passionate. A. j'dd^ s. f. The skin, leather; the binding of a book ; a volume, a book. \j^ ,y' ^ jild Icarnu, To bind (a book). Mbgw; s. m. A book-binder. p. (^J^jald-I, s. f. Quickness, adv. Quickly. A. jils, s. m. A companion, guest, comrade. s. t_j jalsdl (///. sleeping on the water) adj. An epithet of Vishnu, when, after the destruction of the universe, he alone of all beings remains floating on the water, on a leaf of the Bar or Ficus Indica, or on the great snake Ananta. A. bJ^yw/asc, s. plur. (of Companions. ja^sd-khatibl, sA. The sitting down of the khatjb between the reading of the first and second khutba. s. jalsut (3f^IT^) s. f. A guinea-worm. (Filaria raedinensis). s. jal-senl (3T^^(5^?T i. e. ■vp'a, ter, and r. •TIT Sleep) s. f. 1. Sleeping in water by way of mortification. 2. A fish. A. s. m. Posture, situation, seat, post, state, meeting, assembly. A. i^J^jalaf, 1. s. m. A miser. 2. adj. Mean, base, despicable. (Plur. <_ilU.-l) . 5. jal-mdnus, s. m. A wa- ter-man, a mermaid. s. jalamai, s. m. Flood, inun- dation. s. ^^^jalan (-s^^^) s. m. Burning, heat; passion, vexation. • s.\i\s^Jalnu V. n. To burn, to be kindled. J=^jsAs^J(da/idhar (3T^^^T3) dropsy. s. p-Jo- jalnhn m. The name of a drug. x.^jdau, s. f. yV rein (of a horse’s bridle). 981 retinue, court, equipage, jilau-dar, Altendrat. <0U- jilau-khana, An area, vestibule, porch, antichamber. A. Hlwd (from s. in. The meeting of the bride and bridegroom (in presence of the re- lations). kd g'll, s. m. Epi- thalamium. A. iiilus, s. III. The accession to, or sit- ting on a throne. tontd, s. m. A liglit cartridge. A. ^^Juhls-i, adj. Of the reign, relating to the reign, S- jalaukd, s. A leech. A. s. m. J. Splendour, lustre. 2. The bridal bed or ornaments, jalwa-gar., adj. Splendid, conspicuous. jal^a- gor-1, s. f. I. Blandishments, atfectatioii. 2. ConspicLiity, splendour. A- jali, adj. Plain, apparent; large, plain (hand writing). fasl-i-jali, A season before the commencement of the rains in which a crop of rice is cut. s. bjL>. jalwaij/d, s. m. Burner. s. U». jaliyd (from Net) s. m. A fisherman. A. i— jolik (corrupt, of ^ q. v.) s. m. At- tendants, equipage, suit. jaleb- tds, s. m. The goglet, in which water is cooled with nitre. M. ^^^jdlebl, s. f. A kind of sweetmeat. A. jaleb-i, s. f. Belonging to the retinue. A. Jrt/?s(frora |^^W)s.ra. f. A companion. A. jdl'd (Irora JiU-) adj. Great,, illustrious. jalilu-l-kadr, adj. August, illustrious. A. y^jaleo, s. f. Attendants, equipage, suit. p. ^jam^ n. prop. Name of an ancient king of Persia. See 6. ^ jam^ s. ra. Pluto, death. Jam-dut, Messenger of Pluto, of fate or of death, ^Jam dij/u candle or illumination sacred to Pluto, lighted on the 13th of Kartik, krishn paksh, i. e. three dajs defore the derodli. A. jamniy s. A multitude, jamm-i- ghnfiry A vast multitude. H, ^ jivt, conj. Like, as, in such manner as. A. jUs- jumdd, s. m. A stone. Plur. jamdddt, Minerals. A. jiind^, s. f. Coitus, concubitus. A. e: -rU-^ jamdal, s. m. A crowd, an assembly, a troop, meeting, society, senate, congrega- tion. A. 6- Beauty, elegance. H. jamdl gof.d, 8. m. The name of a purgative nut. (Jatropha curcas). jamdl'i^ s. m. A kind of muskmelon (red-lleshed). s. UUc- jimund feed, to en- tertain. 5. bUo- jamdnd (causal of Lac^) v. a. To collect, to sum up ; to coagulate, to freeze or make ice. s. jU>. jamdo (from UU^) s. m. A crowd or mul- titude, a collection, accumulation. s. ‘ jamdwat (from l)U«^) s. f. Coagula- tion, agglutination. j. litoUo- jamdhnd, v. n. See jamhdnd. s. jamdhij s. f. See jamhdi. §. jamdi (>5l lHT*i |) s. m. A son-in-law. VL. ^ ^ jamjam^ adv. Always, constantly, per- petually. A. jamd, s. m. Congelation, connection. ^ jamadagni, n. prop. Name of Parasurama’s father. s.jbJ^jamdhar (comp, of Pluto, death, and Sharp edge) s. ra. A dagger. s. Janiardj, n. prop. Pluto. ^0‘o 282 p. jamshid, n. prop. Name of an ancient king of Persia. A. s. f. A congregation, conjunction, collection, accumulation, assembly, amount, sura total, whole, plural number. Jam*-bandi, s. f. Accounts of the revenues, set- tlement of the revenues. J jarrfddr, s. m. ] . A native officer of the army so called. 2. The head of any body, as of guides, harldras, See. jam*ddr-l, s. f. The business of a Jam*ddr. ^ jam*-o-kharch, s. m. Account of receipt and disbursement, account current, ^ janf’-o-kharcli karna, To make up, or balance an account. jam^-wasil-bakl, An account stating payments periodically due, with the amount received and the arrears. X. s. f. The weekly allowance to schoolboys paid on a Friday ; also the present given on a Friday by schoolboys to their preceptor. A. iMs-juma, s. m. Friday (on which day Mu- salmans assemble to pray at the great mosque). A.H. juma-rdt^ s. f. Thursday. A. jamaiyat, s. f. 1. Collection. 2. Wealth. 3. Recollection, reflexion. 4. Peace of mind. A. ^ jamm-i-ghafir A multitude, and All, every one) s. m. A great multitude. H. jamak (from liUs.) s> f. The state of succeeding or going on well. s. jamak, s. m. 1. Repeating of a word in different significations (in rhetorick). 2. A twin. II. jamkund (causal of v. a. 1. To adjust, to go on well, to settle. 2. To assem- ble, to crowd together. H. jamaknd, v. n. To succeed, to go on well, to fit, to be assembled. dukdn Jamki, Buyers and sellers are collected in the shop. lardi Jamki, The fight was joined. majlis jamki. The assembly is full. -) The whole, the sum. t^Lc.^ hisdb jumal. The reckon- ing by abjad. A. p. jumlagi, s. f. Universality, totality. A. tL^jumla, s. ra. 1. The whole, the sum, aggregate, total, ^ fuljumla, Upon the whole. ^ min jumla, From or out of the whole. 2. A sentence. (Plur. ,J.4>>.). f. jamund, n. prop. f. Name of a river ; in mythology, tw'in sister of Yam. jamnd (v5j*'H) v. n. To germinate, to grow. s. jamnd (r. Bind, restrain) v. n. 1. To be coagulated, or frozen. 2. To be col- lected. 3. To adhere, to stick. 4. To pace in the manage. H. jamognd, v. a. To ascertain. s. \j\^^jamhdnd v. n. To gape, to yawn. s. jamhdi (3T^T or r. or Yawn, gape) s. f. Gaping, yawning. UJ jamhdi lend. To gape, to yawn. A. jumhur, adj. Universal, all. s. m. High heaps of sand, a republick, populace, the greater part of a people or of any thing. A. adj. All, universal. A. jamiat, s. f. A congregation, a mul- titude. • A. (froiu'jU^) adj. Beautiful, ele- gant. Fern. . * 283 8. ^ Jm/, 3. m. Man, a person, an in- dividual. In comp, it has a plural sense ; as str'i-jan, Women. H. ju», s. m. Time. II. ^ jin, 1. pron. plur. inflect. Whom, what. 2. A neg. particle. No, not. s. jin, s. m. A deified saint, accord- iiiff to the heretical sect of Jin and Budh. A. ^jinn, s. m. A genius, spirit, demon, one of the Genii. s. lo- jand, 1. (3pD s. m. A person, indivi- dual. 2. part, past (ofUj^*-) Born; a son. ♦ 5. jannd (3ppf r. 3pf Produce) v. n. To be delivered of a child. K. jandb, 1. Side, brink, margin. 2. Majesty, highness, excellency. Janub-i-utl, A^our majesty, your or his excel- lency. 3. Vestibule, threshold. A. jandbat, s. f. Pollution. s. cjWUs- jandjdt, adv. Man by man, one by one (person). A. jindh, (correct, jandh) s. f. A pinion. A. jandza, s. ra. A bier, jandza- ravi'dn {met.) A horse. A. jindn, s. plur. (of jannat) Gar- dens, paradise. s. jandnd, v. a. 1. (causal of Uw) To de- liver, to bring to bed. 2. (causal of LjU-) To inform, to remind, to tell, to warn : (used but little except in the Braj dialect ; being more commonly adopted in this sense). s. j\:.s>~Jando (from Lfli»-) s. m. A signal. s. jandi (from s. f. A midwife. A. s. A side, a part, a tract of country. A. i^^^junub, adj. Defiled, polluted. A. janibd (from s. m. Support, se- conding, countenancing, assistance, partiality. p. JL^ jumbish (from s. f. Agitation, motion, gesture. s. y^jambu (^*-<^c^) s. m. A jackal. I r. jambddip (^-l). ^ jins-i- ' bashar. Mankind. jins-wdri, adv. Se- parately. O o 2 J • A. s.f. Kindred nature, simi- larity of kind. A. jantiyuna, s. m. The herb Gentian. H. ui^ Januk, conj. To wit, though, although. 9. ya/joA', n. prop. 1. The father of SUd. 2. Father. H. janikd, s. m. Double-entendre, an ex- pression having more than one meaning. 8.^ janak-pur, s. m. The metropolis of Raja Janak. H. s. f. 1. Emotion, impulse. 2. A volume containing several books. P. ;‘a«g-. s. f. Battle, war, combat, fight. jang-dzmuda^ A veteran, warlike, brave. jJ\ i^Sc^Jang-dwar, A champion, hero. i^jT jang-dwar-i, s. f. Battle, jang-jo, Contentious, litigious. Jjo- j jang-o-jadal, s. m. Battle, conflict, brawl, squabble, altercation. p. jwgdl (corrupt, of^l^j) s. ra. Verdi- gris. p. (Jil^\^^jo»gd'mushti (comp, of and s. f. Boxing. p. jangdh (contr. of Battle, and jlf A place) s. f The field of battle. s. m. A forest, a s. i^^jangala) ’ wood, jangal-buri, s. f. Act of clearing wood-lands. UW b jd^gdl’ phirnd, or -j and (lil. To walk in or go to the wood) V. n. To ease one’s self. 5. 'iLsyjangld 1- adv. Wild. 2. s. m. Name of a Rdgini or musical mode. s.p.^^jti>-jangi-h adj. f. and m. Wild, savage, barbarian, clown^ boor. ^ jangli-hilli, 8. f. A wild cat. jU jnngli piyds, Squills. ^Jijtyjungli singhdrd, s. m. Ilermodactyl. ^^^L^jangli kaxsMod, s. ra. A rav6n. H. jangam, s. m. A kind of FakTr who haa matted hair, and rings a bell. s. (r. 7[tj“ Go, move) jangam, adj. Removeable, moveable, in motion, mendicant. s. jangkd, s. f. The thigh. P* (from s. m. A combatant, a warrior, adj. Warlike, relating to war. P* khdn, n. prop. The famous conqueror, born A.D. 1154. •s ®- 3T73T3RT janmejai, n. prop. The son and successor of Raja Parikshit. s. ^^janam (r. 3T^ Produce) s. m. 1. Birth. 2. Life. jonmdshtatni^ The eighth of Bhidra-Krishna-paksh, the birth-day^of Krishna. janam-bhuiyi C3T^^f^) s. f. ^irth-place.. ^ janam-patri (^jjH M f%^T) s.f. Horoscope, nativity. janam-jald, adj. Burned or spoiled from its birth, originally bad. jamm-din C^-STk/T) s. m. Birth-day, Jij 3i;n <)nr janam-rogi, adj. Valetu- dinarian. ^ janam-swdrth, A fortunate or well-spent life. >51 janam-maraii, Eternal death. s. bUi^ janmdnd (from rj^) v. a. I. To beget. 2. To make vegetate. s. janamnd (from *-i) v. a. To be born. s. \uic>-jannd (3f^^ Produce) v. n. To produceyoung, to be delivered. S* 3FTffr janani, s. f. Mother. H. Jono, adv. As, like as. s. janu'dsd (3T^^TR^) s. m. The place at the bride’s house where the bridegroom and his train arc received. A. jandb) s. in. South> J>85 A. janub-t, adj. Southern. A. junun, s. ni. 1. Madness, insanity, phrensy. 2 A demoniack. A. \Sy-^ juniin-l, adj. Mad, insane ; passionate. \i. junhaVy s. m. A kind of grain (com- prising many species, of which Indian corn is one). f. janhar (from and adv. Man by man, every one. H. junhdiy s. f. The moonlight. a. janhdi (fronf'-Sl'l) adv. Man by man. H. junhai^a, s. f. The moonlight. A, jinn-l, s. m. f. An aerial spirit, one of-the race of tlie genii. Plur. jiivnj/dt. s. 8- !• (from ) A maid ser- vant. 2. (3T^ft) Da ughter4n-law. A. (^>05.- jonin, s. Foetus, embryo. H. jane'll, s. m. 1. The brahmanical thread : (Sans. H. \y^ janetea, s. f. The name of a grass (dilb grass. Agrostis linearis). p. jo, s. f. A river, a brook.. See ju'^- P. yy jo, part, (used in compos, from c/w^) Seeking, seeker. H. ys- jau (Sans, 1. conj. If, that. 2. adv. M'hen, what time. See _ S.P. jaw S. in. 1. Barley, yj- b jau jau hisdb lend. To take a strict account. 2. The mark between the joints of the finger. H. y^y'o, conj. ]. If,. that, that which. 2. (Sans. &c.) pron. Who, what, yy yy jo jo (Sans. Whoever, yy jo chiz. What, whatever, or -soeveiv ,^yf- jo kuchh (Sans. ) Whatever, or -soever. yy jo kol (Saos. ) Whoever. joki. Though, although, whichever. u. yyju. Lord master! sir! See ^^J*' II. \y^jawd, s. m. 1. A clove of garlick. 2. A kind of stitch in needle-work. j\j ^_^y^ jawe~ ddr. Sewed in a particular manner. s. ly^ ja^d, s. m. 1. Mark in the joints of the fingers. 2. (3T^T) Name of a flower (Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis), s. \yy jud s. m. I. A yoke. 2. A die, dice, a game, gambling. 1^ jud khelna. To gamble. iSjU- yy- jue-khdna, A gaming- house. g. ly^ juvd, adj. Young. A. (^\yy jawdb, s. m. An answer, any thing answering to another. i^\yA> jawdb-i- bd-^awdb, s. m. A proper answer. )lb jaxedb-bdld, A kind of benediction (i. e. may your advice prevail), ij jawdb-dih, adj. Amenable, accountable, jawdb dend, 1. To be accountable for, to be amenable, or responsible, to reply. 2. To discharge, to dismiss one from his office. Jl^. c->lys- jawdb sawdl, s. m. Altercation, conversation. <—>ly^ jawdbd-kata'i, s. m. A definitive answer, i^ly.: jawdb sawdl-i, s. m. Reply, re- joinder. j radd-i jawdb, s. m. Reply, rejoinder. A. jawdb-i (from t— >ly^) s. m. 1. A. re- s^ndent. 2. A kind of bill of exchange, the price of which is not paid till notice is received of the bill’s having been cashed. 3. The cho« 28G . rus, especially in repeating a marslya or elegy. jawdbi sawdli, s. m. A mediator, an ambassador, an agent, an attorney. judlh 1^) g. m. A yoke. A. jawwdd,zni]. (superl. of Liberal, beneficent. A. jawdr, s. m. Neighbourhood, vicini- tj- H. jodr, s.f. 1. The name of a grain, In- dian corn. (Holcus sorgum). 2. Flood-tide. .* H. juwdrd, s. m. • Large maize. p. jawdras, s. m. Corrupt of q.v. p. jawdrish, s. f. A stomuchick medicine. (An Arabism of from To di- gest, to be agreeable). H. judrl (from s. m. 1. A gambler. 2. A thread stretched over the bridge of a mu- sical instrument, beneath tlie cords, whereby the sound is said to be improved. A. jawdZy s. m. Permission, lawfulness, propriety. S. JUWUSd (^'hTR) s. m. A prickly bush of which tdlls are made. (Hedysarum Alhagi). s. jawdhhdr ^ s. m. Name of a medicine, impure saltpetre. s. jwdld, s. f. Flame. §. jawdld, s. m. Grain mixed with barley as food for cattle. s. jwdld-mukh (from A title of the goddess Devi) s. f. A volcano. u. jawdli, s. f. Mixed wheat. P. s. jawdn 1. adj. Young. 2. 8. m. A youth, lad, man, adult. jawdn-bak/il, adj. Of blooming prospects. ^ jawdn-pan or -pand, s. in. Youth. jawdn-i-sdlifi, s. m. A fine youth. jdTxdm-marg mnnid, To die prematurely. (Pers. pliir. Jawdndn). s. jiwdnd, v. a. See \j\aj^ jimdnd. Alsq (causal of To cause to live. p. jawdnd-marg, s. f. Death in the bloom of youth. jawdnd-marg marndy To die prematurely. #. jawdnsd (^rq-TR) s. m. See Ljly^ . P- iij-c\j^jctwdn-mard, 1. adj. Brave, generous, manly. 2. s. ra. A fine young fellow, a brave fellow, a hero, jawdn-mard-i, s. f. Manliness, generosity, magnanimity. P- yy but used in either number) A jewel, gem, &c. (Plur. -• (properly, Sans, ^TFTTtTT) s. m. A son-in-law'. joban (5^^rf) s. m. 1. Puberty, youth. 2. (met.) Breast. s. joban-wati, adj. f. At the age of pu- berty, fit to be married, II. jot, s. f. Cultivation, cultivated land. s.c:j)yyjot ;) S- f- L Brilliancy, lustre. 2, The sun beams. 3. The flame of a candle or lamp. 4. Vision. jot-mdn Luminous, bright. Ly.j^jotissarup Self- re- • splendent) adj. Luminous (an epithet of God). II. \jy~jutd, s. m. A shoe. u, Jdy^ jotdr (from C-?^) s. m. A ploughman, a husbandman. ii.'p. LiJyy jiil-khora, 1 adj. Beaten with H. p. ijy^ ^y^ Julan-khora,) slippers, infamous. {indegfnit). -• LSyyy C3TTrftqqt) s. f. Mace. s. CSdyy Jautuk, s. m. Dower, fortune, gift, nuptial present. S. ^^sjy^ jotik "1 s. ni. Astrology, s. ^yy Joiikb} astronomy. .. 287 u^yr s. ^^jolikhi,'U J astrologer, an astronomer. s. \ijf^jotnd (5j^3pf) a- 1- To yoke. 2. To plough, to till. s. s. in. A band, a company. See jot ft (7. II, Jitli s. f. A shoe, Juli-Jchor, adj. Beaten with slippers ; mean, abject, jul'i-pahur, s. f. Scuflle. jidi- kdn, Act of beating with slippers. II, jotiy s. f. The string which suspends the scale of a balance, s, juvati, s. f. A maiden, a dam- sel, a young woman, H. ciL'ys- jot^ s. m. A fellow, peer, one of a pair, a match, adj. Equal, even, not odd. ^y jot hdndhnuy To pair. s. ly-y jojan, s. m. A measure of four cos s. Jdjhiu (from V. n. 1. To fight. 2. To be killed in battle. -yy marnd, To die fighting. A. Jy jud, s. m. A present, liberality, benefi- cence. A. ^->y jaiidat, s. f. Ingenuity, intelligence, quickness of apprehension, benignity. S. \>Jy jodhd, s. m. A hero, a warrior, a brave fellow. s. jodhan, s. m. Fighting, battle. A. jaur, s. m. Violence, oppression. s. ^jy 5I^Xr3T s- son, the heir apparent, appointed to the empire. H. jjy. joru, s. f. A wife. (Sans. 3TT55[T)- s- jy (!•• s- ra- J unction, joints, joining, a patch, a seam, so- ciety. Jor dena, To cast up, to add the sum. Jy Jy. jor tor, s. m. Contrivance: see, also, jy. j[yjy jor jar, s. m. .Sa- vings, collecting by small quantities, scraping, together. s.Jy jur (-51 ) adj. l.Cold. 2. s. m. Cold- ness, the cold. ' m ^Jy jdrd, s. m. 1. (3E?) Cold. 2. (3T?T) The hair done up in a knot behind. 3. The hinder part of a turband. s. \Jy joru (r. Join, couple) s. m. 1. A pair, a couple ; a pair of shoes ; a suit (of clothes). 2. Alchymy. • -■ (•'• Join) 6. f. Calculation^ reckon in*;. O ujy Uniting, joining) jorn/7, s. m. 1. Solder. 2. Runnet. y jornu (3fe^T r. 3T Join, bind) v. a. 1. To join, to mend, to patch. 2. To add toge- ther. 3. To reckon, to add up. 4. To get or rather to save and scrape a fortune, &c. to fa- bricate, to cement, to solder, to unite, to tye, to invent, to contrive. s. y jorl (^s^^ : J unction, &c.) s. f. A pair, a couple. s. y~ jun (from 3T3 Cold) s. f. An ague. A. jy jauz, s. m. A nut ; nutmeg. A.\jy jauzd, s. m. 1. The sign Gemini. 2. Orion, -• (^H) s. ra. Broth. (Lat. Jus). s, f^y or joshi ( s. m. An astrologer, an astronomer. II, josi, s, m. The name of a tribe of Hindus. / ^ p. u^y josh, 1. s. m. Heat; ebullition; passion, lust, josh kharosh, %. m. Anger, passion, rage, i^y josh-i-khun, s. m. Ebullition of the blood; (the name of a disease). u) Lty" josh-xan, adj. Boiling up, agitated. 2SS J>r 2. (In compos.) part, (from Boiling, effervescing. p. joshan, part, (from ^ v-A^^) Boiling, bubbling up. p. joshanda, a. ra. A decoction. p. joshish (from s. f. Heat, ebullition ; violent desire. A. jaushan, s. m. A cuirass, armour, coat of mail. A. s. f. Hunger, appetite. ju"u4-bakar, adj. Voracious, gluttonous. A. <-J^ The interior cavity (of any thing. Hence a drum called (_Jyjsr° mujaw- waf)^ ji. 7«wA', s. m. A troop or body of men. j ^ jauk jauk, In troops. s. jok ^ leech. See. . P, /_ jau-kob, adj. Half-pounded, coarsely ground, (q. d. reduced to particles like barley corns. Comp, of and part. act. of H. ^yyjokh (from s. f. Weight. H. jokhm, s. f. A risk, venture. jokhim uthdna, To run the hazard, to venture. M. jokhim-i, s. m. A risker. H. jokhna, v. a. To weigh. u. ^^y-jokhon, s. f. See . *• fortunate mo- moment, oppcutunity. 2. P-enance, devotion. J. Junction. 4. Certain divisions of a great circle, measured upon the Ecliptick : (see Asiat. Res. Vol. IX. p. 365). 5. (5j)j ij ) adj. Pos- sible, capable, fit. (In comp, it answers to able, worthy, &c.). yy jogmdt/d, A per- son’s assuming any number of forms of his own body at pleasure, J. €yyjogdf adj. (3^(7^) Opportune, fit, pro- per, able, capable, adequate, advisable, ap- posite. 9- (comp, of and Practice) The life and practice of a Jogi. s. 1- Manner, mode. 2. Skill, cleverness. 3. A pun, or double meaning. See bdz, A punster, or rather one who is fond of uttering double meanings. 5. ^yy Jogtd (3^j I ) s. f. Suitableness, capability, ability, fitness. 5. ijfyyjugali, adj. See gall . s. ^yyjogin (^f^t^) Female bf jogi, q. v. s. i^yy 3. f. 1. A class of female deities attendant on tlie goddess Dtbt. 2. (in astrology) Spirits governing periods of good and ill luck. g. ^yy 2^5ft J^Sh ®" ^ Hindu fakir. 2. A cast of Hindus who are commonly weavers. (The people of this cast do not burn, but bury their dead ; and the women are sometimes buried alive with their hus- band’s corpse). H. \^yy jogiyd^ s. m. 1. Name of a colour. 2. f. The name of a RRginl or musical mode. 3. A kind of pigeon. s.j^yy jogesar (?f(7fS[qi^) «• m- devotee, an adorer. s. iJyy jogya, adj. Accomplished, fit, capable. H. ra. Guile. s. m. Fraud, deceit. \^jj'iy>~ jold dend^ To deceive. P. ^yyjauldn^ s m. Coursing, springing, wan- dering. ^piyyjaulan-gari, s. f. Galloping fast, (leetness. S89 r. jaulani, s. f. Strength of mind (or body), quickness of apprehension, fleetness. M. jaulag, adv. Until. H. As, when. J ^^jonkar, or \j^ ^ jon-loti-kar or -ke, adv. In any way, by some means, somehow or other, as it could be done, same, as before, as it was. H. s. f. A louse, jun-muhha^ adj. Smooth-faced, hypocritical. {Lit. Small- mouthed). H. jaun, pro. Who, what, which. M. jun or jaun, s. m. Time. I. jaxan^ s. m. A Greek or a Mu- salman. ‘ /S-. s. JO"'} ®* Pudendum mulieris. H. jiinu^ s. m. 1. A rope of grass. 2. A ring of twisted grass laid under a round bot- tomed jar to prevent it from oversetting. i. jaundr (^i-| ) s. f. A feast. The name of a grain r (Jiidr, Holcus Sorgum). H. ^yyyjunri, } u. \jjy^ \jjyy jauiird lliaunrd, s. m. A retired room, a vault. s. i^'yy jonk :) s. f. A leech. UlS f^Jiiiyyjonk lagdnd, To apply leeches. H. 'vX)y»- jaunknd, v. a. To rail. H. jonhin, adv. As soon as. H. y> jowatf Sees, regards. 5. ijs^juh (^^I) s. m. A yoke. X. ybyy jauhar (from Pers.ysjf) s. m. 1. A gem, jewel, pearl. 2. Skill, knowledge. 3. Mat- ter, substance, essence (distinguished from accident).^ 4. Virtue, worth, merit. 5. Black- ish marks in the steel of well-tempered scimi- tars. 6. adv. Bright, glittering. jbyy jauhar-ddr^ A scimitar marked with jmthar^ q.v. j!byy jauhar kamd, To kill one’s self, to commit suicide. p. Llj\yi,^jauhardt, s. plur. (ofj&yy) Jewels. X. jyjbyy jau/iar-i-fard, s. m. 1. An indivisible atom. 2. (Metaph.) A person unrivalled or unequalled. 1. s. m. A jeweller.* 2. adj. LiSsential, relating to a jewel. H. jSbyyjuharj s. m. Pits filled with water at the bottom of mountains. H. Lsbyyjohnd, V. a. To expect, to look out for. -. 3. f. Jasmin (Jasminum auriculatum) ; a kind of firework resembling the jasmin. §. jo’e (3TT^TT) s. f. A wife. P. jo'e, s. f. A rivulet, a brook. j\pyy joe-bdr, A river, a large river. p. lyy joj/d, Kfrom part. act. One p.asxjyy jo'inda, j who searches for, an In- quirer, a seeker. yy jo'hida ydbinda, Finds who searches, search and you shall find. H. jhdbd^ s. ra. A leathern pot for measur- ing oil, ghi^ &c. H. jAyyjhdbar, s. f. Marshy land. H. jhdpd, s. m. A narrow-mouthed basket. H. [^\^jhdjhd, s. m. An intoxicating mixture made with bhang or hemp. X. jihdd, s. m. War (especially against infidels). u.J^j^hdr, s.f. Hindu salutation, obeisance. *. jhdrl (from H ^ A cascade) s. m. A pitcher with a long neck and a spout to it, an ewer. g jAar, s. m. 1. Bushes, brambles, under- wood. 2. A kind of firework. 3. A lustre or chandelier, the same as ^ panj shdkhOf q. V. under ^sisu 4:. A purge. 5. Continued rain, PP 290 I • Scc.sec^j^jfinrl. j\^jhar bclndhtid. To rain without ceasiii". ^[^.ibdr pa/idr, Di- gres«ion. j/‘dr phrml:, h. f Jug- gling, conjuring, hocus pocus (parOculai 1\ to cure the bite of a snake or a disease). jhdr jhatak, s f. Sweeping. jhdr jlKinUidr, s. ’in. Brambles, large dry bushes. jhdr jhur^ s.f. 1. Sweep- ings ; perqi'isites. 2. Thicket. jhdr dend, To brush, to clear away. jhdr-khnnd, I. adj. Bushy. 2. The forest of Baij7id(h. If. i^r ddlnd, V. a. To sweep out or away. H.ljV jhdrd, s. m. A stool, a purge. bW ihdrd jhapte jdnd, To go to the ne- cessary. \:J jhdrd jlutpld lend, To search. jhdrd phirnd, or Jhftlka phirnd, To walk among the bushes, which means to go to the necessary. bjt> jhdrd dend, To submit to search. ddkdnjhdrd, s. m. Sweepings of a druggist’s) shop, compound medicine. jj. jhdmn (from bj=l^) s. f. 1. Sweepings. 2. A coarse cloth for wiping furniture, &c. M. jhdrnd, v. a. To sweep, to shift, to clean, to knock olf, to dash, to strike, to strike fire (as with a flint). jhdrnd phunknd, To exorcise, to repeal spells or charms. ji. jhdranl, adv. Entirely. jhdrd, s. m. A broom, b ^ jhdrudnsh or-barddr, s. m. 1. A sweeper. 2. The cast of jP JiU haldl-khor, q. v. w. underwood, brushwood. a camel’s saddle. 3. A portion in the dispo- sal of the wife. 4. Funeral apparatus. 5. Vulva, pudenda mulieris. jahdz par, adv. Aboard (a ship). ^ij^j\^jahdz-shikani, 8. f. Shipwreck. A. juhdz-i, 1. s. m. A sailor. 2. s. f. A kind of scimitar. H. (^{^jhdg, s. ra. Foam, froth (of the ocean), sc'im. H. jhdl, s. m. 1. Sharpness, heat, fieri- ness (as of pepper). 2. A large basket. 3. Joining or soldering of metals. A. p^juhhdl, s. f. plur. (of JjiU) Fools, simple- tons. A. jahdlat, s. f. Ignorance, barbarism, brutality. H.)\^jhdlar, s.t Fringe. s. \}\^jhdlrd (^) s. m. A spring (of water). jhdlnd, V. a. 1- To season (pickles). 2. To polish, to clean (plate). 3. To solder. s. Ule bricks burnt to cinder. See ^\y\^jh(inwan. P. jahdn, s m. The world. jahdn jahdn, adj. Much, many. ^b jahdndHin, World-protector, a sovereign. j(didn-ddr. Ruler of the world, a king. jahdn-dida, adj. One who has seen the world, experienced. jahan-soz, adj. Morld- inflaming. jahdn-gard, s. m. A tra- veller. which place, which place, jahdn iahdti, or Pp b jahdii kd luhdh, W her- ever, every where, in the same place as before. jahdn jahdn, adv. Wher- ever. Ppyjahdti kahili, adv. \V herever. ,^- jfidd s. 111. Name of a tree, called also in Persian s/iorfl-gnf2, from its growing in marshy ground. (Tam^irix lu- dica). II. ^^‘[^jkdi/i, s. f. 1. Shadow. 2. A freckle, or black mark on the face (not a mole). H. jhabbd, s. in. A tassel. II. J/iflAA'rtWtf, V. a. To astonish. H. jfiabbud, adj. 1. Long haired (cattle or dogs). 2. Bent, curved, bending (as the bough of a tree). H. jhabbi, s. f. Trappings. II. jkabi^d, s. ra. The name of an orna- nient. H. ^^,^jhap, 1. adj. A trice, quick. 2. adv. Quickly. ^ jhap se, adv. Quickly. k— f'hdndj v. n. To overset (a paper-kite in flying). H. jbapdt, s. f. Quickness. B. jbapd jhapi, s. f. Haste, hurry. H. jhapds, s. f. A shower. H. jhapdsij/d, adj. Deceitful, frauduknk. H. \jL^ jhapdnd, v. n. To take a nap. H. f* Sc6 , H. jhnpat (from L5-^) s. f. A snatch, a spring (as of a tiger). UJ jhapat lendy To snatch. H. jhapattdy s. m. Assault, sudden attack, the spring of a tiger, a snatch. jhapattd mdrnd, To snatch. H. jhapatnd, v. n. To snatch, to spring, to attack suddenly. H. jhapkdnd, v. n. To wink, to twinkle H. jhapaknd, 1. v. a. To fan, to move to and fro (a fan). 2. v. n. To spring as a ti- ger. 3. To snatch. 4. To wink. P p 2 292 H. jfiapkl, s. f. A snatch, a spring (as of a tiger), drowsiness, wink, twinkle. H. \)\f^ jhapltina, v. a. To wash, to rinse. A. ^ jihat^ s. f. 1. Account, cause, reason. 2. Side, surface, form, manner, mode. s. jhat (^(^RT) adj. Quick. ^ - Jfiat se, or jhat pat, adv. Quickly, hastily. H. jhatas, Flap, clap, rain blown with a strong wind. See j\^y . s. jhutalna (from s. •>^*^) v. a. 1. To prove to be false, to prove one in the Avrong. 2. To pollute victuals by touching them, &c. munh jhutalna, To eat something muhkd muhh jliu- talna, To give a man the lie to his face. s. jhat pat adj. Quickly, hastily. H, jhotak, s. f. Twitch, stitch, toss, throw. H. \il^jhatka, adj. Slaughtered by cutting off the head (in the Hindu way), broken asunder or torn by a sudden jerk. s. ra. A shake, a pull, a twitch. H. jhatkana, v. a. To shake, to pull. ir, jhataknu, v. n. J. To tousej to shake, &c. 2. To become lean. s. jhutlund (from v. a. To belie, to falsify. H. jhajha, s. m. A long beard. II. jhajjhar, s. m. A goglet. H. jhijhak (from s. f. Start. H. lilC^g4=»- jhijhkdnd, v. n. To start. H. jhajhkdrnd, v. a. To browbeat, to speak snappishly. H. jhijhaknd, v. n. To start, to feel the sensation of the limbs being asleep, or as if pins and needles were striking into them. H. jhajhld, s. m. A kind of sweetmeat. A. jfhd, s. m. Struggle, endeavour, exer- tion, effort, diligence, care, application, assi- duity. ^•j\^j^har, s. m. 1. Speaking loud enough to be heard by the company. 2. A female obla- tion. barnu, v. n. To burn, to be all in dames. j^^^ jhir (^dcT^) adj. Running in a slender stream (water, &c.). ^j^j^jhirjhird adj. Very thin. s. jhirjhirdnd (from v. n. To. trickle, to rill. H. jhurmat, s. m. 1. A multitude, crowd, assembly, ball. 2. A battle, conflict. 3. A shawl twisted round the head. H. jharnd, 1. s. m. A skimmer. 2. s. (from A spring, a cascade. 3. v. n. To spring. H. \jj^ jhurnd, n. To Avither, to fade (from grief), to pine. H. jharokhd, s. m. A lattice, a window. H. ^_JJ^jhu7^l, s. f. A wrinkle. H. jhurit/dnd, v. a. 1. To weed. 2. To? wipe, clean, and plaster a house, &c. a.J^jhar, s. f. 1. Heavy rain. 2. s. f. m. A kind of lock. jhard jhar, adv. Hastily, rapidly. H. jhardk, s. Speed, haste, hurry, (g,. H. jhardkd, or jhardk jha- rdk, s. m. Haste, hurry, (s. i| frl)- H. jhardkhd, s. m. Sky-light. H. jhardnd (from v. a. To get swept. 2. To cause to be exorcised. H. s. jhar ber, s. m. (from A H. s. jhar btr'i, s. f. > bush, and s*. H. s. jhar bcl, s. f- ) A wild her tree, (J njubes). H. c— s. f. Heat, fieriness (as of pepper), acrimony. H. jharpi, s. f. Fighting (particularly, of birds). H. jharpunii, v. a. To fight (cocks or other birds). 11. jfiarjfiarana, v. a. To shake. H. (from s. f. Threat, au- gury, jerk_ H. jfiir^ujhirki, s. f. Mutual wrang- lihg. *M. jhirakna, v. a. To browbeat, to speak snappishly, to jerk. H. jkirki, s. f. Rebuft', snappishness, frowning. Jerk, repercussion. H. j/inran (from U^^) s- f* 1* The act of falling oft' (as of fruit from the tree). 2. Snuft'. H. jhapia, V. n. To fall off (as fruit from the tree), to emit, to drop, to fall, to pour, to shake, to strain, to be sounded (the nauhed). M. jharwana (from l^J^«-) v. a. To cause others to sweep. H. jkarota^ s. m. The end of the season (of fruit, &c.), going out of season. H. Continued rain, showers, storm, wet weather. 2. Perquisites. ji. jhak, s. f. Passion, emotion. l^to jhak-murnu, To act fruitlessly, or absurd- ly. jhak-margi, s. f. The acting fruitlessly or absurdly. H. jhakdjfiak, adj. Shining, glitter- ing with gold and silver, &c. brocade. H. I'lCp- jhukdiid, V. a. 1. To cause to stoop, to tilt, to bend downwards, to nod, or make nod. n. jhukdo (from s. m. The state of being bent downward. H. jhukSli)atj s. f. Stooping, nodding. u-^y- jkakjhori, s. f. Scrambling and w'rangling, snatching. milk-pail or -vessel. jkakkar (^^‘j"^) s. m. A squall, a storm, a tempest. H. jfiaknd, v. a. To chatter, to reflect, to lament. H. liX^yV/ «/■««, V. n. 1. To nod, to be bent downwards as the bough of a tree, to be tilted. 2. To be angry, to be perplexed. H. jhakor, s. f. Loss, misfortune. is be-drdmi se hahut jhakor pdi, This illness has reduced him much. H. jhakord, s. m. Raining, a shower, a squall. H.\jjjC^jhakornd, v. a. To drive as wind and rain in a squall, to shake. H. jhakol (from Uy$l^) s. f. The act of shaking in the water. H. jhakolnd, v. a. To shake. H. jhakhnd, v. n. To chatter. See jhaknd. H. jhagd, s. m. Cloth. H. jhagar, s. m. A kind of haw k. H. jkagrd, s. m. Wrangling, quarrelling. jhagrd-pakarnd, To engage in an- other’s quarrel. 1^ jhagrd ragrd, s. m. Squabbling and wrangling. H. jhagrdnd, v. a. To set a wrangling. H. jkagrdlin, f. ^ adj. Quarrelsome, H. ^\j^^jhagrdh~i,m. \ WTangling. H. \jj^^ jhagarndy v. a. To w-rangle. H. 11^ jhaguld, s. m. A child’s frock or shirt. See l^jhulld. H. J^jhal, s. f. 1. Passion, anger, jealousy.. 2. The heat from a fire. A. J^jahl, s. m. Ignorance.. 294 H. 14?- jhiilla, s. m. A shirt or vest that covers the body from the shoulder downwards. A. juhala, s. pliir. (of JjsU-) Ignorant peo- ple. jhaldbor, 1. adj. Splendid, shining, covered with jewels and ornaments. 2. s. ni. Splendour. ir. Jbalajhal, 1. adj. Luminous, re- splendent, embroidered. 2. s. f. Splendour, glitter. H.JS^ jhaldr, s. in. A thicket, a copse, under- wood. H. jhulunu, V. a. 1. To swing, to shove a swing in which others are. 2. To dangle, to hang. 3. To make another (as a dun) dance after one. H. \j'i^ jfinfund, V. a. To repair, to solder. II. j/ialjhal, s. m. Glitter. H. ihatjhaldnd, v. n. I. To glitter. 2. To be in a passion. 3. To throb, to ache, to smart. n ihafi/ialdhat, s. f. 1. Glitter, splen- dour. 2. Smart. H. IjUJcs.- j/iulxdnd (causal of I-.— Ig-^) v. a. To cause to singe. H. b-— ' jhulasndj v. n. To be singed or seared. H. bo jhulas dend^ v. a. To sear, to singe. II. UW jhulas jdnd, v. n. To be scorched or singed. II. CSy^jhalak (from s. f. Brightness, glitter, glare, refulgence, reflexion of light. H. jhallcdf s. m. A blister. H. bbip- jhalkdnd (causal of v. a. To cause lo shine. >1. jh.iif.kdnd, v. a. To scorch, to singe (as the small feathers of a plucked fowl), II. UXlp- jfudukudy V. n. To shine. II. jliatkl, 8. f. A glance. II. jhilgd, 1.8. m. The netted bottom of a bed or couch when worn out and separated. 2. adj. A couch or bed is said to he jhilgd^ when the bottom is worn out or broken. H. Jhdam, s. f 1. Armour, a coat of mail. 2. The vizor of a helmet. <— y jhilam ka fop, An iron helmet. H. Jhulmat, s. m. See . * * > » . * H. jhilmil^ s. m. 1. A kind of gauze. 2. A shutter, a Venetian blind. H. jhihnUd^ adj. Thin, sparkling. H. jhilmildnd^ v. n. To undulate as the flame of a candle or as water, to twinkle, to scintillate. H. jhatnd, I. v. a. To fan, to move to and fi'o (as a fan). 2. v. n. To be soldered or re- paired. II. €A^jhifangd, s. m. 1. A kind of soldier. 2. See \fl^ . s. Jhi//t, s. f. A cricket. H. jhifli, s. f. I. A thin skin, a pellicle. 2. The membrane in which the foetus is en- velloped (secundines). 3. The caul (omen- tum). ^^jahli (from J.^.;^) adj. 1. Lazj. 2. Pas- sionate. H. 1*^ jhamjham, 1 adv. Heavily and H. 1*^ jhamd jham, ) during the whole day (raining). II. l^Up- jhamdkd^ s. m. 1. A heavy shower. 2. Quickness, haste. II. jhanij/nnndnd, v. n. To glitter. ii.j^s^^A^JhamarJhamar, adv. Drop by drop (a small rain). II. jhnmak (from s. f. Glitter. H. ihaiukd, s. m. 1. Splendour, reful- gence. 2. f he clash or clatter of mctalltck substances. u. \L^jhumkd, s. m. 1. The bell shaped pen- dant of an ear-ring. 2. The wain, Ursa Major. 295 3. A bunch of flowers, or fruit. 4. Name of a flower. M. Ihnmahra, s. m. Splendour. H. jhamakna, t. n. 1. To glitter. 2. To dance. u. jfiani/,}, s. f. Glance, glare, glitter. H. s. f. .A slight resemblance. H. jhan, s. m. 4'he sound of platters or any vessels of metal striking against one ano- ther, clash of arms as swords, See. H. 'J' s. m. 1. AV’rangling. 2. Perplexity, encnmbrance. H. jf'onjhri, s. f. A lattice. H. j/iitnjh/dnd, v. n. To be peevish or fretinl, to be petulant or irritable, to rage, to storm. H. jhanjhati, adj. Perplexing. H. jhunjhund, s. m. A child’s rattle. M j/innihanclj adj. Peevish, fretful. |. ihnnjhandrd (r’Ulr^ I "• tinkle, to clink, to tingle, to ring. H. - jhaujhandhnt, s. f. Peevishness. s. jhmijhkdr s. f. Clinking, tinkling, ringing. H jhunjhunl. s. f. Little bells worn on the feet. n. jhinjhinl, s. f. The tinkling sensa- tion felt when a limb is asleep. H. A- jhiind, s. m. A crowd, swarm, flock, the buzzing noise of a crowd. II. Ia- --^ j/iutidu, s. m. A banner, a flag, an ensign, a streamer. n. ih(tndiVu, adj. With thick handsome foliage (a tree), with a fine head of hair (a child). ' H. s- f A bush, a clump of grass. s. JJ^jhunak (^OTrO s. f. Ringing, tink- ling, clinking, tingling. 8. I ^ jhankar^ s. f. Clinking, tink- ling, ringing. s. [Jj^ jfiamkntl (from v. a. To tinkle, to clink, to tingle, to ring. II. \j\Su^ jkankhuru, s. ni. 1. An elk. 2. A tree without leaves. II. jkntikfind, v. a. To be horror struck, to have the hair stand on end, to shudder. u. jhangii (^JTff) s. A coat, gown. HEU. A. jnhannnm, s. m. Hell. (Ileb. D3n 'JI 'i'he valley of Hinnom. See GoUus). A. jahannanid, adj. Hellish, belonging to hell. * It. jhamouii, s. m. A kind of rice. H. jhmiwdnd, v. n. 1. To tan (in the sun). 2. V. a. To wash feet by rubbing jhddzcmi, q. v. s. jhin-haddd Thin, slight, and Bone) adj. Raw-boned. s, jhazewd s. m. 1. See 2. A basket (without a cover). s. jkdth adj. False, s. m. Lie, false- hood. muth, False, untrue. s. jhdihd ) adj. 1. Liar, false. 2. (among Hindus) That w'hich has touched food, and is th* reby detiled. 3. s. m. Leavings of food. UU- jhdijiu chdlnd, To eat leavings, to be very wretched, jhdthl na puchhnd. To refuse even common civility. H. jhojk, s. m. 1. A nest. 2. The sto- mach. 3. A pendulous belly. H. jhojhd, s. m. The stomach. H. 1 jhurd, adj. Withered.- H. \jjt^ jhurfzd, V. a. 1. To pound^ to grind. 2. To shake fruit from the ti^. 3. To pine. H, J^jhaur, s. f. 1. SquabWing. 2. Sound- ing all the strings of a musical instrument at once. S96 H. jhuT^ 3< rn. Bramble. H. jhusciy s. m. Misling rain. H. s. f. Name of a town near Ilahabad. H. jhok, s. f. A jolt. H. jhoka, s. m. A blow, a contact, colli- sion. )Sj\> jhokd bdo ka, A current of wind. H. s. m. 1. Puckering or wrinkling (as of ill made clothes). 2. A litter, brood, a birth. J. f^^jhul (corrupt, of s. f. Body clothes of cattle, housings, a bag, a wallet, a knap- sack. H. jhola, 8. m. 1. A stroke of the sun. 2. The palsy. 3. A knapsack, a wallet. H. s. m. A swing, the rope on which people swing. g. jhulnd 1. V. n. To swing for (exercise). 2. To swing, to da.ngle, to hang, to oscillate. 3. s. m. A kind of poem. H. jholl, s. f. A wallet. H. jhurri) s. m. 1. Abundance of foliage. 2. Waving, undulating. jhum jhunij Gathering of the clouds. H. jhumak. s. f. An assembly, a ball. {Mel.) A battle, an engagement. H. jhumkd, 8. m. 1. The bell shaped pendant of an ear-ring. 2. The constellation of the bear. See jhumkd. H. jhunikly 3. f. A kind of ear-ring. See jhumkd. H. jhumnd, v. n. To w’ave, to move the head up and down, to slumber, to move loose, to gather (thc‘clouds). n. \jy^ jhiind, s. m. J. A ripe cocoa-nut. 2. A kind of muslin. < M. Jhompd, s. m. 1. A bunch of fruit. 2. A cottage, a hut. A cloth with eyelets which covers the whole body. S. A spike. s. m. s- f- H. jhontd, s. m. 1. The hair of the back part of the head. 2. The motion of a swing. jhontd dendj To shake one’s head with violence. ) j^^i^jhunthar, s. f. Ground that produces two crops yearly. jhunlhanjhdnthan^ s. m. Lea- vings. (See l^»^). jkontij s. f. See jhontd. H. .^s^^^jhutijh, s. m. A bird’s nest. H. jhundi, s. f. A clump of grass. H. \jj<^ jhaunrd, adj. Tawny. H. i^Jj^jhonk, s. f. I. A shove or push in swinging. 2. The impulse of a squall or sud- den blast of wind, bo Jhonk dend, 1. To set fire to (particularly straw, &c.) 2. To throw dust, &c. 3. To throw away (the lives of men uselessly). jhonk khdnd, To roll. H. \iij^^jhonknd, v. a. To cast, to push, to throw, to toss ; to cast fuel into (an oven). H. jhu?imna, v. n. See jhumnd. A. y^jahez, s. m. A bride’s portion, whatever a wife carries with her to her husband’s house. H. jhisiy 8. m. A shower. H. \S^jhikndy ) V. n. To grieve, to think H. jkihkndy ) of any thing with sorrow, to recommend any thing seriously. H. jhlly s. f. A lake. H. ^^^^jahln, adv. Wherever. s. ^J^jhlny I (perhaps adj. Fine, s. 1-- -^^ ihind^ f subtile, thin. H. i- s. f. A shrimp, a prawn. 2. s. m. Cucumis acutangulus : Linn. Lu0a acutangula : Roxb. 297 jhhigal^ s. in. A steersman. H. s. m. The name of an insect, a cricket. s. ji (3fr^) s. m. Life, soul, spirit. Ul^l ji iilhuna, To withdraw one’s friendship or desire. jl bur a karna, 1. To vomit, to have a nausea. 2. To be displeased. jt harhdml, To be moderately desi- rous. ji bikharna^ v. n. To faint. UW ji bhar jdml, To be at ease and contented. UT ^ ji bhar ana, To be touched with compassion or seized with grief. ji bahldnd, To amuse one’s self, to dissipate reflection. Ub ji pdind^ 1. To understand one’s temper. 2. To be highly pleased, to escape from misfortune. ^Jl» \j^ ji pdui karnd, To harass, to teaze, to plague, to perplex. ji kisi ke chalnd, To obey one. ji par khelnd, To?isk one’s life, to run the hazard : See jJ jjW jdn par khelnd. b bW b bA^ ji pasijnd or -pighalnd or -pi- ghaljdnd, To be compassionate, to feel affec- tion. bW ji pakrdjdnd, To be sorry. bb»- ji phat jdnd, To be broken- hearted. bW^ ji phir jdnd, 1. To be contented. 2. To be satiated or disgusted. bL-,^ ji j aland, 1. To befriend. 2. To plague, to perplex. bjJ>*»^ ji chdhnd. To desire. bl ^ b b'-^ jl-chhipdnd or -chu~ rand, To do a work carelessly or lazily, to neglect, ji chaldnd. To act bravely. bA^ ^j^jichalnd, To desire. ^^ji-ddn. Granting life, pardoning a capital crime, per- mission. j ji dan karnd. To grant life, to pardon a capital crime. b^J jl dharaknd. To have a palpitation of the heart. ji jdnd. To faint, ji rakhnd. To be easily pleased, to please, bl^yl ^ ^^ji u tar jdnd, 1. To sink in the opinion of another. 2. To be broken-hearted, byi. ^ b^ ^ ji-karnd and -hand, To desire, to wish for. \j^ j^ kholke kuchh karnd, To do with pleasure or cheerfully. (_ ^ bjJ ji ke badal ji dend. To take up the cause of another. bU- ji ghat jdnd, To de- test. bl^ ji lagdnd. To excite desire or love, b^ ji lagnd. To contract affection for any person or thing. bJ ji lend, 1. To penetrate one’s thoughts. 2. To excite one’s desire. 3. To kill, ^ ji mdrnd, To mortify one’s desire, to displease. bLo ji mildind. To contract friendship. bT ji men and. To come into the mind, to occur to the recollection. bW jl men jaljdnd. To be tormented with envy or jea- lousy. bl ji men ji dnd. To be comforted, ji men ghar karnd. To be pleasant, agreeable or acceptable, biib ji nikalnd, 1. To die. 2. To desire or love excessively. 3. To fear exceedingly, ^b) ji hdrnd. To be deterred by cowardice, bl^ ji hat jdnd, To detest. H. ^ je (^) pron. rel. plur. (in Braj), Who, which, what. H. j(d, adj. As many. H. (in Braj), Gone, been. H. ^jh 1- Yes. 2. Sir, master, madam, s. jai r. Conquer) s. f. Tri- Q q 298 uniph, promotion, advancement, preferment, victory, bravo! huzza! all hail! jai jai har, s. f. Rejoicings, triumph, exulta- tion. s. \j\^ jij/dnd (from v. a. To cause to li-ve. A. i— s. f. The breast, the heart, the breast collar of a garment. H. s. f. A pocket. 1^ Jcatrd, s. m. A pickpocket. fi. jibh (f^T^J) s. f. The tongue. jibh barlidnd, 1. To be loquacious and abusive. 2. To pursue pleasures beyond one’s reach, jlbh palcarnd, 1. To silence, to interrupt one’s discourse. 2. To criticise minutely. j>bh jhukdnd^ To pre- tend to wealth falsely. jibh chdtnd, To long after or covet unattainable enjoyment. blLs- jibh chaldnd, To boast beyond one’s ability. CL-'b jibh ddbke bdt kahtid, To speak with reserve. jibh kdtnd, 1. To forbid by signs. 2. (from the Persian) To grant the request of a petitioner. 3. To be struck with terror or astonishment. lillXj jibh nikdlnd, To be extremely fati- gued or thirsty. X. jibhdrd (from adj. Plain spoken, loquacious. s, jibhi (from f31^T) s. f. 1. An instru- inent for cleaning the tongue. 2. A bit. X. j(d-ber adj. As many times, as often as. 5. jil s. f. Winning, victory. jdit or jet (3i3i?ffr) s. m. I. Name of a plant (iEschynomene Sesban). 2. Name of a musical mode. \i^Jild adj. 1. (3frf^^) Alive. jile jif adj. Alive. 2. Over, more, above. jlld bond, To be over. s. jdd adj. As much as, so much. <)a jeld ki, adv. Though, although. s. jitab, s. m. Life. s jelik adv. As many, as much. s. \xi^jUnd (r. Conquer, excel) v. a. To ■ win, to conquer, to overcome. s. jiid (^f[J) s. m. A winner, s, jitmint \ s. in. A -*• S vvimier. s. jd^yd (3lT^^^f%^lT) s. f. Name of a Hindu fast, with sacrifice to and worship of Devi, (jilii/d bart) observed by women, who have lost several children, to preserve the remainder. H. jet, s. f. Heap. s..f^jelh (:?^^) s. m. 1. Husband’s elder brother. 2. Name of the second Hindu month (the full moon of which is near s. jethd (:!s^^) adj. m. 1. Elder, first born. 2. The first and strong^t tint obtained from kusum (Carthamus tinctorius). s. jelhdni (from s. f. The wife of a husband’s elder brother. ‘ .. ,s. 1 jelhrd (from ^sZf^) ndj* E Elder, firstborn. 2. Husband’s elder brother, s. -tAx} jethi-madh s. m. Li- quorice. H. jwjamanli, s. f. Name of a Rdgini or musical mode. A. jid, s. Neck, jayad, s. Length of neck, beautiful neck. A. joi^id (froin <-'y^) Excellent, ele- gant, arable. 11.^0^ jidhar, adv. Same as ^^jidhar, q. v. s. jajdhdk ^>|) s. m. A kind of drum. ir. jer, s. The membrane in which the fmtus is enveloped, the after birth, secundines. • 20Q jij/ard s. m. liife, soul; (met.) beloved. s. Lr-j/Vd (3fr^ Pers. s^j) s. ni. Cumin seed. s.^^,J^jh^an CsftOT) adj. Old, decayed; di- gested. s. ' jfiisd adv. In the manner Avhicli. 1 o- jaiau diultiii/e^ As occa- sion may require, sufl'iciently. \.^ jnisa taisd, As well as. L-J ^ tr?" jdsu leu laisu, Precisely the same. jaisd A/, As though. s. jeshihd s. f. One of the mansions of the moon (the eighteenth. Antares and two other stars in Scorpio). A. jtfu, s. m. Carcase, corpse. s. 1$:^ filed s. f. Pens ion, livelihood. H. ftl, s. f. The highest note in singing or nuisick, the sharpest tone, the treble. See i£, jW, s. m. 1. A stringer line of captives chained together. 2. A string of buckets passed over the Persian wheel. s. jU-o- fimdr (5Tt^^T^) adj. 1. Capital (as a crime). 2. Mortifying one’s desires. s. adj. Victorious. ' H. ai. A sect of schismaticks among the Hindus. s. (3ft^^ r. Live) v. n. To live. II. jingurdnd, v. a. To corrugate, to wrinkle. s. s. s. S. jio, s. ra. 1. mal. 2. A sweetheart, Bravo ! Life, soul, an ani- a lover. 3. interj. jiwat (r. 3ft^) part. Living, alive. iJLiy^jiyaut (from Conquer, excel) adj. Brave, courageous. \j^^fiora^ s. m. 1. Life, soul, sweet (r heart, beloved. 2. Annual wages to washermen and others. II. \j^s^Jeord, s. m. Coi'd, string. II. string, a cord, a w'orm. 8. is:^ ^frf^RiT fiviled, s. f. Livelihood, pen- sion. s. ilo-gar, adj. Resolute, bold. s. 3ft^»T fiu'an, s. m‘. 1. Livelihood, living. 2. Water. H. adv. How much, the more so, when, as if. jyiih led lyuit, Precisely the same. §. jeond To eat. s.\j»^Jiond To live. R. p^jeondr v- «• ^ treat, feast, en- , tertainment. u.j..^jch(ir, s. m. The name of an ornament, bracelets. H.y^^jdior, s. f. 1. A pile of pots filled with water and placed one over the other in order to be carried on the head. 2. A ceremony pre- parative to marriage, in which pots filled with water are piled over one another, the whole is crowned with a bowd ot sharbat^ and the friends watch by it during the night. H. jb ^jaihai(-^^ in Braj), v. fut. Will ge. _ che or chlm, called also fim-i-fdrsl or fim-i- ajam'i, the sixth letter of the Persian alphabet, sounds like ch in the English word cheek. It does not occur in Arabic. If used to denote a number, according to the abjad, it stands for 3, like ^ (fim). The permutations of the letter ^ are the follow- ing; intoj asjl^ for Glass, a pine tree; intoj as pizishk for pichishk, Q q 2 300 4— >U- V V A physician or apothecary ; into as for Made of glass : into ^ as for ; and, arabistically, into as for China. This letter corresponds to ^ in Sanskrit, and when aspirated, to s. ^ in Sanscrit may signify Siva : a thief : a tor- toise ; seedless : vile : base : and : also : more- over : mutually : equally : otherwise : for : on account of: but, &c. or it may be used as an expletive to fill up the measure of a verse. Chin, c/ia, s. f. Tea. cha-ddn, s. m. Teapot. p. chdbuk, 1. adj. Active, alert. 2. s. m. A horsewhip. (In this sense however, it is found in the works of Khosru only, and it is probably Hindi), chubuk-bazl, s. f. Whipping, lash. <^jU- ckubuk-dasl, adj. Nimble, active, alert, quick, beautiful. chubuk phatkarnd, To crack a whip. chabuk-sawar, s. m. 1. A horse-breaker, a jockey. 2. A good rider. 3. A horse-broker. chdbuk-sazoar-i, s. f Jockey- ship, &c. U^Ui chdbuk mdrnuy To whip, to lash. p. chdbuk-l (from uJoU-) s. f. Activity, alertness, dispatch, celerity. s. Lils*- cliubnd (^^Uf) V. a. To chew, to mas- ticate. < >ls- cjIts- chub chub bCileh karnl. To mince one’s words, to speak little and haughtily. H. Ujb chabhat pdrna, v. a. To craunch, to crush. iV chdbt, s. f. A key. p. chdplus, s. m. A flatterer, a wheedler. p. chdplus-ly s. f. Flattery, wheedling. 11. chdphand, s. m. A kind of fishing-net. s. chdtur 1^) adj. Cunning, clever, wise. H. y U*- chdtar, s. m. A large net, a seine, s. chdlak s. m. Name of a * V bird. (Cuculus melanoleucos). H. cLjU- chdt, s. f. 1. Longing, wish, relish, taste. 2. Habit, custom. 3. A delicacy, bonne bouche. bJ <3U- chdt lend, To lick up. H. chdtnd, V. a. To lick, to lap. H. , JU. chdti, s. f. A churn. H. chdchd, s. m. Paternal uncle. See H.^U- chdchar, s. m. 1. The pole round which they play at the festival of the holi. 2. A fair or assemblage of people collected after the holi. p. chddar, s. f. 1. A sheet. 2. A cascade. V jjU- chddar bichhdnd, To lay the cloth. s. chdru, adj, Beautiful. P. chdr (Sans. adj. Four. V chdr-dbru, s. m. A kind of dervis who shaves his eye-brows and whiskers. J^j\ chdr ungal, s. m. A palm (four inches), chdr ungli, s. f. Hand’s breadth. iiijT chdr-dlna, s. m. Iron armour, chdr-bdlish, s. m. A throne, couch, or sofa. C^bjU- chdr-bdng, adj. Sensible, quick, in- telligent, alert. chdr-bisi, s. Fourscore, ^b jW chdr-pdra, adj. Divided into four, four pieced. chdr-tdk, adj. Broken (into four pieces). - chdr-chashm , s. f. Meeting, inter- f V > V view, the eyes of two people meeting. j\^ chdr-chaml, adj. (Quadruple, fourfold. V aiU- ,b^ chdr-khdna, 1. adj. Chequered. 2. s. m. A kind of cloth. chdr-dhcdri, s. f. A court yard, inclosurc, area. y\j > ^0^ JV chdr-zaiift, A inode of sittings, as tailors sit at work. chur-zdnu baithnil, To squat. JLojl>- char-sdl, A horse of four years old. char su, A cross road, two roads crossing each other. char shdna, adj. Tough, hardy. *1^ Jll chdroh shune chit parnd, To fall at full length on the back. char zarb, adj. Sensible, in- telligent (generally applied to slaves). chdr-niaghz, s.m. 1. A walnut. 2. An earthen ball with which children play. P. 1^1^ chard for chdra, q. v. p. - chdr-dah, adj. Fourteen ; (the moon) fourteen days old. p. chdr-dah-UTTJy adj. Fourteenth, p. A. chdr-kubb (with four domes) Any thing adorned with four domes, or knobs resembling domes ; an article of dress so called. s. \:Sj\js- chdr-gund, adj. Four-fold, p. chdrum (cont. of |^^-^) adj. Fourth, s. chdran. s. A dancer or mimick. Wi/ V * p. chdr-ndchdry "ladv. Certainly, in- p. jU-lj y chdr-o-ndchdr,) e vitably , by force, right or wrong, nolens volens. p. \» chdrui'd (- chdsndy v. a. To plough. H. , i-il> chdsly s. m. See Ll> chdsd. Sr V V p. chdshty s. f. The middle hour between sun rise and the meridian, also what is eaten at that time, breakfast, a collation. p. chdshni, s. f. 1. Flavour, relish, a mix- ture of sweet and sour. 2. A specimen. 3. Sirup. T. jl^ chdk, adj. 1. Active, alert. 2. Erect, a horse ready to cover. 3. In spirits. jl^ chdk chaubandy adj. Healthy and vi- gorous. p. l> chdky s. m. A narrow opening inten- tionally left in clothes, a rent, a slit, a fissure. chdk karndy To rend, to slit, to tear, to split. S. chdk s. m. 1. A potter’s wheel. 2. Rino-s of earth for forming a well. See cL?l» . V p. ^l>- chdkar, s. m. A servant. > V p. chdkr'iy s. f. Service. p. chdksuy s. m. The name of a medicine (a small black seed). P. chdku, s. m. A clasp-knife, a pen-knife. s. li^l> chdkhnd C^j"^0X r. r:| b) Eat, .taste) V. a. To enjoy, to relish, to taste. s. JU- (r. Move) chdl, s. f. Gait, pace, habit, custom. Ijjj^ Jl> chdl pakarnd. 303 rV To prevail. chal-chulna^ To behave. Jl*J Jl^ chid dhdl^ s. f. Manners, behaviour, breeding, politeness. Ld^ , chdl milnd, To smell a rat. chul, s. f. A colour in horses, roan. s. chrdd s. m. Motion, departure. (Met.) A lucky moment, p. chdld, "I adj. Laborious, active. 'did, ') V. chdldh, J hard working, alert, fleet, nimble, ingenious, clever. p. chdldk-l, s. f. Activity, alertness, nira- bleness, celerity. p. chdlish, s. f. 1. Exertion in battle. 2. Manner, conduct. s. chdlali, adj. Laxative. s. Idl^ chdlnd L v. a. To sift. 2. v. n. To be mischievous. Jjb chdlan-hdr, A sifter. s. chdla, s. f. The name of a fish (Sans. Sort of sprat. Clupea cultrata : Buck.). H. chdli, adj. Roguish, wicked, mischiev- ous. 5.' chdih ) adj. Forty, s. L-JU- chd/is-d, s. m. 1. A dimness of sight which is supposed to come on at forty years of age, and often to be removed on approaching the forty-eighth or fiftieth year. 2. The for- tieth year of any era, or of the century, ». chdlls-wdm adj. 1. Fortieth ; (hence) 2. The fortieth day after child-birth, death of a relation, &c. JU,- chdlis-l, s. f. Quarantine kept after the death of a relation, child-Iiirtli, &c. fV chdm s. m. Hide, skin, leather. ^ chdm ke ddm clwldne, v. a. To stretch to the utmost a temporary authority. {Lit. To give currency to a coin of leather). H ^ W- chdnip, s. f. J. The lock of a gun. 2. The stocks, the rack, i . 'i 1 chdmp cfiarlidnd, 1. To cock a gun. 2. To punish or torment by squeezing the ear with the lock of a gun. ir. chdmpnd, v. a. 1. To join. 2. To stuff, to cram, to thrust in, to press. H. chdntnd, v. a. To press, to squeeze. s. chdnd (-c|c^) s. m. 1. The moon. 2, The crown of the head. 3. A white spot in the forehead of cattle and many other things which are moonlike. 4. Name of an ornament. 5. A month. 6. A target (to shoot at). jjU- chdnd chhipdnd, To change as the moon. JuW chdnd-rdt, End of the month. V y 1. t; chdnd-tdrd, A robe made of flowerin«- muslin, &c. IlU chdnd mdrnd, To fire at a mark. o chdnd ne khet kit/d, The moon iias risen. s. chdndnd ; s. m. Light. chdndnd pakh, s. m. The light fortnight of the moon. s. chdndnl (-cl s. f. 1. The moon beams. 2. Name of a flower. 3. A cloth spread over a carpet. 4. Any thing white and shining. cS‘S>~ iJajU- chdndni chauk, s. m. A wide and public street or market, li iJjuU- chdndni kd mdrjdnd, v. n. To be affect- ed with a disease supposed to proceed from a stroke of the moon (a horse). s. chdndl, s. f. 1. Silver (pure), plate. 2. The crown of the head. H. 3j\s>- chdnd or chdhr, s. f. A prop. ir. chdns^ld, s. m. A colour in horses. H. chdhzcal, s. m. Rice. See Jyl»-. II. chdo, s. m. 1. Eagerness, pleasure, taste. 2. A measure equal to four fingers. 3. A kind of bamboo. jl>- chdo chochld, or chdo choz, Fondness, endearment, fondling and toying. n. chdwr'i, s. f. Name of a place in Dihli!! II. chuwal, 9. m. Rice (cleared of the husk and not dressed). H. c/idh (from s. f. Desire, wish, love, liking, atlection, choice, want, appetite. c/i(Vt chit, or , iU- chuh-o- Love, affection. p. iU- cA«/i, s. m. A pit, a well. ^U- * V ch(lh-i-za?j(ihh, or iU- chuh-i-zakan. The dimple of the chin. ^ ils- (huh-kun, s. m. A well-digger. II. Ul^ chdhd, s. m. Love, affection, will. H. chdhu chalilf s. f. The love of one’s country. H. chdhat, s. f. Desire, w’ill. H. chdhak, adj. Affectionate. u. LfeU- chdhnd, v. a. To love, to like, to de- sire, to wish for, to demand, to choose, to need, to require, to pray, to approve, to ask, to attempt, to try, to be under the necessity (of doing a thing). To look to, to regard. H. chdho. Either, choose, or. H. LjsU- chdhitd, adj. Agreeable, desirable, beloved; sub. A sweetheart. n. niistress, a sweetheart. H. chdlh. or ^ chulh, s. f. Scaldhead. ^ II. chibil, ■) adj. Unpolite, childish, boy- II. IL^ chibi/ld, j ish. ^ chihitld-pan, Doyishness. -• chubldnd (^^(JJ) v. a. To chew slowly. II. chabutara, s. in. 1. A terrace or mound to sit and converse on. 2. A custom- house. II. chubhdnd, v. a. To stick into, to thrust into, to pierce, to goad, to stab, to prick. II. chabhak, s. f. Sting. II. chubhki s. f. A plunge in water. II. chubhud, V. n. To be stuck or thrust »• y into, to be pricked, pierced, goaded, stabbed, to penetrate. H. chiibhond, v. a. Same as chu- bhdnd. s. chabenu (^'^Rf) s. m. Parched grain to exercise the teeth with when more substan- tial food is not at hand. s. chabeni (^q^Uf^) s. f. Parched grain. See chabenu. ... y p. chap, adj. Left (hand, &c. ). H. chap, adj. 1. Silent. 2. interj. Si- lence I (the word Hj being understood). 3* s. f. Silence : as, (j:t\ ( chup- lagnl or chupki lagni, v. a. To be struck dumb. H. chdlh, s. m. 1. Name of a low class of Hindus. 2. The seed of tamarind. 3. Scaldhead. s. U\^ chabdnd (^q'fff) v. a. To chew, to masticate, to bite (the lip). 4} chahd chabdke but karnJ, To speak with study or preparation ; also, w ithout reserve, or haughtily and scornfully. H. chabdold, adj. Childish. 5. chabdi (Sans. s. f. Mastication. '*7r • ^ H. chappd, s. m. A handbreadth. H. chupd chup, or t_jl^ chup chap, 1. adj. Silent. 2. adv. Furtively. H. (J chapdti, s. f. A thin cake of unleaven- ed bread. H. chapdnd, v. a. 1. To abash. 2. To place one thing on another, to pile. H. liUs- chiptd, adj. Clammy, viscous, glutinous. s. chaptd adj. Flattened, com- pressed, shallow. S04 H. chiptana, v. a. To sod, to turf, to ap- ply patches. s. Ul2^ chaptdnd (caus. of v. a. To flatten. H. p. jIj chapat-bdz, Femina libidini sap- phicae indulgens. chapat bdzl^ s. f. Congressus libidinosus duarum inulierura. s. chapatnd ) V. n. To be flat- tened. H. UiLjfc- chipatndj v. n. To stick, to adhere. H. chaptihl, s. f. The name of an insect. H. chaptl, s. f. Congressus mulierum. cbapU-larnd or -khdnd, v. n . Libidini sapphicae indulgere. H. ujU- chup chdp, adv. Silent. H. chipdy adj. Clammy, viscid, glu- tinous. H. chup chupdndj v. n. To keep silence. H. chipchipdnd, v. n. To adhere, to cohere. P. chippaJch, s. m. A sparrow-hawk. H. chipchipdhat, s. f. Viscosity, glu- tinousness. H. chiprd, s. m. Gum (of the eyes). H. chaprds, s. f. A buckle, a breast plate^ badge. H. chaprds-i, s. m. A messenger or other servant wearing a chaprds. ir 11,..^ ‘A ^ chapar chapar, An imitative sound of the noise of the mouth in eating. H. \)^ chuprd, adj. Plausible though false. H. chaprd, s. m. 1. A kind of lac. 2. Clear land, H. chaprdnd, v. a. To falsify, to brazen. H. chaprddj 1. adj. Brazenfaced. 2. s. m. Slippers. H UV.-o- c/ra/««, adj. Cleared (as eyes). >v V II. chnparnd, v. n. 1. To flee, to run away. 2. To desist, to deny. H‘ chuparnd, v. a. To varnish, to cover, to smooth, to palliate, to anoint. H. chnpri, s. f. Cakes of cow-dung. H, chupri, adj. f. 1. Oiled, greasy. 2. Smooth, plausible. aA: chupri-bdt, Flattery, soft words, chupri-roti, Cakes rich with clarified butter. T. chapkalish, s. f. Crowding, w'ant of room. H. chippak, adj. 1. Shallow. 2. s. m. Name of a bird. H. chupkd, adj. Silent. H. bUj- chapkd, s. m. Capriraulgus. H. chapkdnd, v. n. I. To make adhere, to stick on. 2. To compress. 3. To threaten. H. chapkan, s. f. A kind of vest, a sort of coat. chapkan-ddr, s. m. A vest like a chapkan. H. chipakndj v. n. 1. To stick, to adhere. 2. To spread or sink (as ink on damp paper). 3. To be compressed, \j\s~ chipakjdndy V. a. 1. To be sold on account of its sweet- ness. 2. To fall in love at first sight. H. chapaknd, v. n. To collapse. H. dmpkl, s. f. The state of being silent. H. chappal, s.f. Slipper. g. chopal, adj. Wanton, restless, volatile. s. lUs- chupald, s. f. Lightning. H. chappan, s. m. A lid or cover of a pot (Jarge). H. chapiid, V. n. To be abashed, to be bashful in company, to blush, to submit, to stoop, chipnd (for q- v.) v. n. I'o be concealed. H. chapnl, s. f. A lid, a cover, top (small), b b I^b chapni bhar pant men (or leke) dub marnd^ {lit. to drown one’s self in a saucer-full of water). To be U>- 305 £jTOOtly abashed. chapnl chultii^ (lit. Tb lick the pot lid) To be contented with little. II. chappii, s. m. A row, an oar. chappu mtirnd, v. a. To row. H. chap»li, s. f. An old worn-out turband. r. J. chap 0 last, s. m. (lit. right and left) 1. Unsteadiness, want of principle. 2. Carelessness. II. chaphdl, s. A place surrounded with marshes and mire. n. chipp'i, s. f. A patch on paper. H. chapp'i, s. f. Kneading the limbs. H. chiippi, s. f. Silence. s. Lii ^ chapet, s. f. A slaj), a blow ; a sudden misfortune, risk. •s 5. chapetd 8- n«. A slap, a bkiw. M. chapetd, 1. adj. Illegitimate. 2. s. m. A bastard. u, chit, 1. s. Look, glance, sense. 2. adj. Supine, lying flat on the back, cJiU karnd. To throw (one’s adversary) on his back (a term in wrestling), to discomfit, to overcome in battle. chit, s. m. Mind, life, soul, heart, memory. chit-chdi/a. Pleasing to the mind, satisfactory, what the heart desires. chit-chor, Heart-stenl- ing or -alluring. L.O dend, To pay attention. chit karnd, To make up one’s mind. ) chit-lagan, adj. Amusing, pleasant. s. chittd s. m. Name of a medi- * » cinal plant (Plumbago Zeylanica). H. chittd, 1. s. m. Application of a blister. 2. adj. Mliite. s. U^f^T chitd, s. f. A funeral pile. s. ckitdkhd, s. f. Funeral pile. ir s. s. chitdnd (%rpf Wake, be sensible) v. a. To caution, to warn, to ap- prise. chitdng, adj. Supine (applied to ani- mated beings). Ij, chitdonu V. a. See Ul:xs^ . , *\ ♦ (Jj chitdoni (from ^^5=f) s. f. I. A to- ken. 2. Admonition, warning. chitr, s. m. A picture, b )IL y..>- chitr-sdld or -sdri A gal- . A lery of pictures. chatur, adj. I. Clever, cunning, sly, shrewd, wise, knowing. 2. Four. chair (Sans. s. m. An umbrella. chulrd or chaturd (^^) adj. Wise, intelligent, cunning, clever. chitrd, s. f. Name of the four- teenth mansion of the moon. (Spica Virginis). chitr-hichitr, adj. Of various colours. ^ c^‘(diir-bhuj, adj. Having four hands, an epithet of Vislpiu. adj. f. Hav- ing four hands, an epithet of Devi. Strange, and Food) chitr bhojan, s. m. Change of diet, eating of unusual food. chaturdi, s. f. or chaturtd, s. m.J Tj^) Cunning, cle- verness, slyness, wisdom, knowledge. chaiurlh, adj. Fourth. (^haturthi, s. f. The fourth lunar day. chaturdas, adj. Fourteenth. <^kaiurdasi, s.f. Thefbur- t^nth day of the month. , R r W V • chitr-kary g. m. A portrait painter. ■ chilr-kur- 1 s. f. Por- trait painting. . cJiitrgupt, 11. prop. The recordina: anael. . chitrgar s. ni. A portrait painter. . jU chatar^iur, s. m. Toadstool, mush- room. cMtriniy s. f. The second division of women. (See chaturvmshaiiy adj. Twenty-four. s. cfialurvinsha, adj. Twenty Iburth. p. chalriy s. f. 1. A canopy, veil, a pa- rasol. 2. A tent, a pavilion. ckilkahru adj. Pie- bald, speckled. lb".- chillu adj. Spotted, piebald. chitnuy v. n. To look. chilna (from V. n. To be painted. chalwunnshat, adj. S06 s. s. s. H. d> S. H. II. II. II. H. II. II. Sight, a look. To see, to look at, to Forty. chitwariy s. f. \jcs>- chilaundy v. a. behold. chithurnu, v. a. 1. To tear to pieces. 2. To fill a paper with writing. 3. To abuse, revile, treat with indignity. chit-hat, s. f. Reluctance, repugnance. chithrd, s. m. A rag. chilhariyd, adj. Tattered, ragged, clothed in rags. chitli, s. f. 1 . A scar, a spot, freckle, &c; 2. A kind of serpent. 3. A kauri worn smooth with rubbing. chittl-ddr, adj. Speckled, ^ chittl Idnd, To scar. V * s. chiterd m. A person who paints flowers &c. on w'ood, a painter. II. fhit, s. f. Rag, scrap. chit ukharnd, To' splinter or have small pieces knocked off (furniture). H. chat, 1. adv. Quickly, instantly. 2. s. t. An excoriation, a sore, scab, chancre. 3. The noise of breaking. . chat- hhusam. Eating up the whole, licking the plat- ter clean. chat de tutnd. To snap short, to break. Ij < chat karnd. To eat, to dissipate. H. chuttd, s. m. See chofi. H. chittd, 1. adj. White, fair. 2. s. A silver coin. chittd ukhdrnd, To splinter or knock small pieces off furniture, s. chattd (^^) s. m. A schoolboy. s. C^^T^rT) chatdehat. Reiterated sound. II. lib lil^ chattd hattd, s. m. The name of a plaything, a kind of rattle or clapper given to children. H. U-lls>- chatdkhd (properly lilils*.) s. m. A" crash, an explosion, a smack (or kiss). II. chatdk, 1. s. f. A crash, an explosion. 2. adj. Intelligent. II. Ulis- chutdlnd (from cib^s^) v. a. To wound. V J t II. ijlibs- chatdn or chatldn, s. f. Rocky ground, block of stone. H. blibs- chatdnd (causal of bjl>.) v. a. To make V • V lick or lap up. II. blils» chuldnd (from <3^) v. a. To wound, lu. chatdi, s. f. A mat. bl^. chatdi bichhdnd, v. a. To mat, to spread a mat. chat pat, adv. Hastily, iu a hurry. II instantly. 507 n. lii chal-pnUl, adj. 1. Active, hasty. 2. Stout. 3. Meat dressed with little sauce or gravy. n. Ullt cJl-o.- chal-paldm, v. n. To he agitated, to llutter, to palpitate, to wiuce. H. (JUilit cfiat-patdfiat (from s. f. Agitatiou, ilurry, flutter, palpitation. II. ^ chat-patj, s. f. Haste, hurry, quickness, agility. H. chat-patij/d, adj. 1. Active, quick, alert. 2. Hot with spices. II. chatakfmd, v. n. To crackle (as char- coal). See , V II. ij}j cfiat’zira, s. m. The nime of a tree. s. ^_^L: chat sdrl, i. o. ^ s. JL JUs- chat sal, J A boy, and A house) s. ni. A school, an academy. H. chata/c, s. f. 1. A crash, a crack, a V * smack. 2. Intelligence, gaudiness. 3. Glitter, splendour, prime of life. <^2.^ chatak se, adv. Deceiving. UU- chatak se jdnd, To pay with the fore topsail. chatdk-zcdi, s.f. Quickness. II. chitkd, s. m. 1. A kind of grass or grain. 2. Mucus, slime. H. chatkd, s. m. Scarcity. 1)1^ chatkd V * •' V * lagdndf To thirst, to wish, u. chitkdrd, s. m. 1. A speck, a scar. f'kitkdrd lagdnd, To brand. 2. A clack with the tongue occasioned by an acrid taste. H. chatkdrnd, v. a. To urge cattle by the clacking noise made by' drawing the tongue from the palate. H. chatkdrl, verba], s.f. from q. v. H. chatkdnd, v. a. 1. To crack (as a V • w hip), to snap the fingers (in rejoicing). 2. To split. 3. To fire off a musket. 4. To irritate. H. Kib.* chutkuld, s. ra. 1 Pleasantry, faoetious- ness, wit, humour. 2. See ^{kd, (hi- nundrum. L> chutka/d-sd, adj. Amu- siug. II. chataknd, v. n. 1. To crackle, to crack (as a whip). 2. To split. s. chatkand box, a blow'. H. dmtki, s.f. 1. A pinch. 2. Snapping of the fingers. 3. The hammer of a gun. 4. A mode of printing cloth or gulbadan. 5. Name of an ornament worn on the toes. liJ b chutki-bharnd or -lend, To nip, to pinch ; to throw out provoking insinuations, bljfl chutkii/07i men urdnd. To put one ofl’ with a joke. H. chitki, s. f. Sun-shine. II. chatkild, adj. Splendid. II. chutld, s. m. A cue or lock of Uair worn V * behind. See chontld. > V * II. chiitnd, adj. m. Voracious (man). II. chatnl, 1. 8. f. A kind of acid sauce (or marmalade). 2. adj. f. Voracious (woman). II. !,ib- chatud, s. m. 1. A of plaything. > V • 2. A sort of hawk. H. U-ySrs. chatokhd, s. m. A kind of dove. H. \j chatord, s. m. An epicure. H. chatlhd, s. 111. A bonne-bouche, dainties. II. chitthd, s. m. A memorandum of money paid, or the pay of servants of the state. H. , bb*- f^hitthl, s. f. A note, a letter. tulu1} chitthl, s. f. A summons. ^ b ^'b chitthl-pdtl or -pattar, s. f. Epistolary correspondence. H. .lb- chitti, s. f. The hen of the little birds called Amaduvades (Fringilla Amandava). H. . chattl, s. f. Scarcity, want. u. Lib- chutiyd, s. ui. A spy to thieves, the head ’’ " R r 2 303 of a gang of thieves. 2. s. f. A lock of hair left on the head when the rest is shaved. s. chatij/a^ (5^1^) s. ui. A pupil, a scholar. H. chuliyand (from v. a. To wound. % H. chutjld (from cLj^) adj. Wounded, bruised, stricken. IX. U-J*- chachd, s. m. Paternal uncle, father’s brother. IX. liU?“ chuchdnd, v. n. To drop, to be drenched with water, to be dripping wet with sweat, water, &c. 11.^^^^ chachar, adj. (Land) that has been cul- tivated or ploughed one year. H. chachrd, s. m. The name of a tree. chuchchur^ (OTcfi)s. 111. Large breasts. s. chichri, s. f. A tick or louse (of dogs and sheep). H, chtchrUl hhainchnd, v. n. To scrawl, to score. II. chuchkdrnd, v. n. To fondle, to chirp to, to cheer by making the noise occasioned by drawing in the breath with lips protruded. H. chuch/cdrl, s. f. Blandishment, s. , l.s=^ chachchul) (-ci-cl) s. m. Large breasts. H. chichinda, s. m. The name of a vege- * ‘4 ** table (Beta vulgaris). II. chuchwunu, v. n. See • II. chachornd, v. a. To suck (a dry sub- stance from which nothing can be obtained). cJiachdd, s. f. Father’s brother’s wife, aunt. n. l)Ls=*" chichi^und, v. n. To squeak, to shriek, to bleat. chachir, s. m. A line, stripe, score. II. V ^ chachefd, adj. Descended from or rela- ted through a paternal uncle ; as, chacherd bhdi, s. m. A cousin, son of paternal chdchefi bahin, Daughter of paternal uncle. P. ^ chakfi, s. f. (Scattering, dispersing, but in flind:) Variance, rapture, quarrel. p. chakfidchakbi, s. f. Wrangling. p. chakhmdkh, s. f. See p. cliakhe (from Begone, away, a- vaunt. II. chadclhd, s. m. I. The groin. 2. A bubo. II. c/iudds, s. f. Lust. H. c/wddsd, 111,') adj. Desirous of copula- H. ebuddsi, f. J ting. H. chuddnd, v. a. Viri ample.xibus sesub- mittere (mulier). H. chtiddi, s. f. Copulation. p. jA^ chaddar (corrupt, of ^^U►). s. f. A sheet, a table cloth, a cloth of more than one breadth. jA^ chuddar bichhdnd, To lay the cloth. H.JjiA5>- chudukkar, s. m. A salacious person, qui coitu frequent! fruitur. II. Uas^ chudnd, v. n. Feminam subigere. II. IjUas- chudwdnd, See UIat*- chuddnd. J ^ V II. chudwdi, s. f. The hire of prosti- tution. H. chudicai^d, See jiAs»- chudakkar. H. js>- char, s. ni. 1. A ford, shoal, island. 2. Sound made by tearing cloth, &c. II. ^ char, An imitative sound. s. char, 1. adj. Rcmoveable, animate, capable of moving itself. 2. s. m. Forage, pasture. 3. Food. II. charrd, s. m. Thunder. chirdgh, s. m. A lamp, a light. (Plur. chirdghdn). b 509 c'hirugMtarhund, or -Ihandil knrnd, v. a. I'o put out, to extinguish (a lamp). c/iirugh--) s. m. Pasture ground. p. charu'inday adj. Grazing, s. m. i\. V grazier. -*• V chardi, s. f. The price paid for pas- turage. p. cliarb, adj. 1. Fat, thick, gross, vis- cous, oily. 2. Also charab, An overmatch. charb-dasf, adj. Active, ingeni- ous, (met.) a thief. ,.,b; < charh zabdn, adj. Agreeable, conversible, entertaining. churb ghizd, Dainties, viands. H. bbjjs. charbdnd, v. a. To brace a drum. P. charb-i, s. f. Fat, suet, grease. Jj charbl-ddr, adj. Fat, not lean, charhi kijhilli) s. f. Caul. II. charpnr, s, m. See ^ ^ charphnr. II. c//rtrpr/;v7, adj. 1. Acrid, hot (as pepper). 2. Smart (in conversation). II. c/iarpardnd, v. n. To smart. II. ckarpardhal, s. f. Smarting. II. ckurpari/yd, adj. Active, ingenious. p. charpuZf adj. Useless, stupid, miser- ly, wicked, mean. II. c/iarpliar, s. m. Activity, cleverness, quickness, II. ebarphard, adj. Active, clever, quick. II. churl or chart, s. f. Nap, drowsiness, nodding. 5. charit. See Jijs- charitr. charitr, s. m. Nature, temper, behaviour, disposition, conduct, procedure, act, carriage, quality, humour, use, custom, talent. s. iSj>~ chart}, s. m. One who does not fast. s. chir-jiv. See chiran-jlv. s. b^^ ^ chir-jlvnd (from js>~) v. n. To be long-lived. s. -cj charchd, s. m. f. 1. Talking over past events, mention, mentioning, report, dis- course, argument, prevalence. 2. Adoration. H. charchar, s. m. 1. Prating, chattering. 2. An imitative sou^id. H. chirchird, s. m. 1. Name of a medi- cinal plant (Achyranthes aspera). 2. A child. H. churthurd, adj. Crisp, acrid.^ H. bljjs-^ charchardnd or chirchirund, v. n. To crackle (as wood in the fire), to sputter, to chew with a cracking noise, to chide. H. chirchirdhat, s. f. Peevishness. H. churchuri, s. f. See churri. s. charchak, s. ni. An arguer. 6^ s. charchna (•cj-cjjj’) v. a. To consider, to reflect, to apprehend, to conceive. H. charchna, v. a. To apply, to anoint, n. charrehuh, s. ra. 1. An imitative sound (as of a carriage, wheel, &c.). 2. Idle prattl^. s. e.- charchait (from s. m. A reasoner, a meiitioner. ^ ^har chela (from s. ra. A chat- * •• V jV V > V terer, a prater. p. charkh (Sans. s. m. 1. A wheel (particularly a potter’s) 2. The sky, the heavens. 3. Turn, press. 4. The celestial globe, the sphere. 5. Fortune, chance, cir- cular motion. 6. A hyena. j^\ charkh- -i-afiir, The heaven of the stars. U-jj charkh pujd, A ceremony observed by the lower orders of Hindus in Bengal, on the day when the sun enters Aries, for the expia- tion of their sins. They are suspended, by an iron hook passed through the skin of the back, to one end of a lever, which is raised on the top of a high pole, and whirled round by means of a rope fixed to the other end. ZJ- charkh charknd, v. n. 1. To dress or adorn one’s self. 2. To turn as in a lathe. js^ charkh-i-dauzi'dr, s. m. The sky, the heavens, the firmament, ^ ^ charkh-zan, s. m. Spinner. ~ charkhd, s. ni. p. II. charkhi, s. f. See s. charki (from s. II, charki, s. f. Lock of hair See charkhd. ra. A leper. choli. 5II p. cfiirk-in, 1. adj. Filthy, dirty, slovenly, s. m. Dung;. H. churugna, v. n. To gabble, to prattle, u. cfiuragiia, v. a. To chirp. s. p. (Sans. charm, s. ni. Leather, a skin, a hide. u. churmura, An imitative sound. p. charm-ina, adj. Made of leather. Jjw' charmina-doz, s. m. A shoemaker. (^harmina-farosh, s. in. One who sells shoes. s. charan, s. m. 1. The foot. 2. The feet of a verse. 3. Shoes. UJ charandmrU lend, To wash the feet of a guest. 5. charnd (^^irTT) V. n. To graze. H. charnd, s. in. Half trow'sers. Ulajs* charnd charhdnd, v. a. To put on halt trousers. H. \jj£>- chirnd, v. n. To be torn, to split. p. b charand or charinda, s. m. A beast, a quadruped, ('horand o parand, s. ni. Beasts and birds. /s. chiran-ji, s. chiran-jlv. Life) s. tion). ' |(f^-3i; Long time, and Long life. (A benedic- H. charud, s. m. A large pot. s. charzodnd, v. a. See chardnd. H. chh'zcdnd, v. a. See blp.^ chirdnd. V >v s. bblj,^ charwdhd (from s. m. A grazier, a shepherd. s. charted}, s. f. Price paid for pasturage. H. chirauri, s. f. Beseeching, begging, requesting. chironjl, s. f. Nut of the Chironjia sapida. See Jl^ piydl. s. charl, s. f. Unripe corn cut for the food of cattle. H. churrl, s. f. Dregs, churl, A bracelet. If. char, s. ni. Sound made by breaking a branch. H. chitr, s. f. Vulva. “•Jr chir (from bj^) s. f. 1. Vexation, ini' tation. 2. Aversion, antipathy. y^ chir ntkdlnd. To banter. .5. chird s. m. A sparrow. II. bl^ chirdnd, v. a. To vex, irritate, mock. a. b Jilr charbar-bolnd or-harnd, v. a. To chatter, to prattle. charbarij/d, s. m. Chatterer. a. ]yy>- ^'f^h'pird, adj. Fiery, hot (as pepper), acrid. a. bl^j^ charpardnd, v. n. To palpitate,* to flutter, to throb. a. chirpirdhal, s. f. Acrimony. \i. y>y>~ char char. An imitative sound, a. \y>-J^ chirchird, 1. s. ni. Tlie name of a plant (Achyranthes aspera). 2. adj. Cross, peevish. a. charchardnd, v. n. To crack, a. chirckirdhai, s. f. Peevishness, fretfulness. jj, charar or charar, s. in. An imitative sound. a. b^ chirnd, v. n. To be vexed, irritated, &c. s. churud s. m. A dish pre- pared from parched rice. a. chirh, s. f. Abhorrence, abomination, dislike, vexation, provocation. ?>ee y^ chir. a. bbs'jjs- charhdnd (from lijs'is-) V. a. 1. To make ascend, &c. 2, To offer up oblations or sacriflee. 3. To string a bow, or to brace a drum. 4. To raise, lift, advance, apply, put, spread, bend, die (with colour), pull, run. a. bU'irs- chirhund, v. a. See blfj*. chirdnd. • > V • a. charhdo (from bla^) s. m. Ascent, acclivity, attack, rank, dignity, tide.. S12 H. charhai (from s. f. 1. As- cent, acclivity, attack, rank, dignity. 2. Price paid for ascending, riding, embarking, &c. diarhbanna, v. a. To find an oppor- H. wJii tunity. H. charhld hand, v. n. To excel. H. charhll, s. f. Advantage, gain. H. charhke, adv. Avowedly, designedly, excellently. H. charli^i-d^ v. n. To ascend, to mount, to advance, to attack, to rise, to climb, soar, spread, swell, ride. \jji\\:jty^char/indtitarnd, V. n. 1. To hire and dismiss. 2. Congressus. charhan-ddr, s. m. A passenger, super- cargo. H. charhni, s. f. Preparations for battle. H. charhwdn, adj. Rising up (a shoe over the heel of the wearer). H. b charhxcaiyd (from s. m. One who ascends, mounts, &c. a rider. H. charhi, s. f. Preparations for battle. H. charhait (from b&^) s. m. See charhmaii/d. charhaitd (from s. m. A trooper who does not ride his own horse, a rider. s. f. A bird. 2. A kind of H. H. ?/«, bjr». chirij/d-khdnay s. ra. An aviary. s. bj):^ chirij/d s. f. A hen-sparrow. 11. JjJp- churail^ s. f. 1. The ghost of a woman who died while pregnant. 2. A hag,^ a fury. 3. A dirty woman, slut, slattern. s.JuJy^ chirl-mdr A bird, and ^to part. act. of bjU To kill) s. m. A birdcatcher. p. ^b chaspdn, adj. Viscous, slimy, cohe- rent, sticking together. chaspidasyi (from s. f. Love, aifection, attachment, coherence, p. chaspida {i'l’om adj. 1, Join- ed to, stuck, adhered. 2. Addicted to, liking, fond of, attached. p. chust, adj. 1. Active, fleet, ingenious. 2. Narrow, strait, tig-fit. - chust chdldk, adj. Active, alert, fleet, p. b-«^ chastd s. m. Tripe, rectum. p. b~.^ chusid (from l,-- -...-w) adj. Tight, fitting well (as clothes). p. (jb.«*=». chisldn, s. m. An enigma, p. chusta, s. m. Runnet. p. chusi-I, s. f. Activity, alertness, fleet- ness. H. chasak, s. f. Pain, aching, throbbing pain, a stitch (sharp lancinating pain). II. 1^ — - chaskd, s. m. Love, ardent desire, a V ' relish, habit, custom. s chusakkar (from b~:^) s. ra. One in the habit of sucking ; ^net.) a tippler. II. - chasak nd, v. n. To throb. y, chuski, s. f. A mouthful of drink. II. chasudj V. n. To burst, or split (as tight cloth). (^^ufl-lj) s. f. See s. chusnl chusnl. H. chassis s. f. A species of itch peculiar to the palms of the hand and soles of the feet, said to be occasioned by insects. H. ■ chussi, s. f. The juice of fruits, p. 'f; - chashak (from s. f. A tasting, p. . " chashm. s.f. m. 1. The eye. 2. Hope, expectation. J*' dhu-chashm. Fawn- eyed, soft-eyed, (an epithet expressive of beau- ty). chashni-i-bad dur, Avaunt ma- licious glances. \jy> Ay chashm ba-rdh hand, To w'ait for, to expect. chashm-i-bimdr, s. m. An eye that looks half closed (from modesty, an epithet applied to beauty), chashm posht, s.f. Turn- in" away the eyes, affecting not to see or hear a petitioner &c. connivance. Jj chashm- i-lar, s. ni. Weeper. ^_^J} chashm-tm'i, s. f. Moist eyes, full eyes, weeping. jJLs- chashm-khdna, The socket of the eye. jij!l chashm-i-khun-ulud, Fiery eyes, eyes tilled with blood, murderous looks. chashm-ddsht, s. f. Hope, confidence. chashm-zakhm, s. m. The look of an evil eye, a misfortune. ci U" chashvi- ?iumdi, s. f. Reproof. chashni-o- chirdgh. Dearly beloved. p. dtasltmak,s. f. 1. Winking. 2. Specta- cles. 3. (called also cJidksd and kishmizaj) The seed of Cassia absus, used as a remedy in diseases of the eyes, chashmak zadan, A winking. chashma, s. m. 1. Spectacles. 2. A p. fountain. T. chaghattdf s. m. The name of a Mughal family, to which the house of Timur belongs. p. chughd, 8. m. An owl. p. chaghar, s. m. A wall-eyed horse. p. chagharbd, s. ra. Revelry. p. Jjbs. chughal or chughal-khor, s. m. A telltale, a talebearer, backbiter, informer. Jjbi- chughal-khor-i, s. f. The act of backbiting. p. chughli, s.f. Tale-bearing. c'hughli khdnd, To backbite, to tell tales, to inform. P. chaft, ^ ^ ^ prop, an arbour. p. chafta, J ^ T. ^js>- chik, s. f. A kind of skreen used to keep out the glare. T.. -i\s-.\As>~ chakdchdk, s.f. See l . T. jglj- chakchaki, s. f. A kind of musical in- strument made of wood, used by Mughals. H. yii>- chukkar, s. m. A shallow hole with wa- ter in it. See . T. ijUJLs- c/uikmdk, T. chakmak, T. cliakmdkif s. f. A firelock. p. chitkandar, s. m. Reet-root. (Beta vulgaris). H. chik. s. f. A pain in the loins. s. chak s. m. Landed property, an estate, a farm. chak-bandl, s. f. De- fining or marking the boundaries of an estate. H, chak, s. m. A shepherd or goatherd. s. liU- chakkd, s. ni. 1. Coagulated milk. 2. A carriage wheel, a circle, round. (Sans. P. I * chakdchdk, s. f. The sound of the stroke of a dagger. H. chakdehaundh, s. f. The state of V V being dazzled, radiance. H. \,^^chikdrd, s. m. I. A kind of antelope found on the banks of the Jumna. 2. A kind of fiddle. s. chikdrnu V. n. To squeak. H. chikdra, s. ra. See chikdrd. p. chikdra (<$j>- What and .1^ Business) adj. Useless. H. L^ilCes- chikdri, s. f. 1. Au insect like a mus- M V quite. 2. Smut. p. chikdri (See ^^X^) ^dj. f. Useless, contemptible, worthless, p. chakdn (from part, in compos. Dropping, distilling. H. chakkdn, adj. Thick (bhang See.), blot, blotted, smeared. H. chukdnd, v. a. 1. To finish, to coni- V plete, to settle. 2. To fix the price of. S s } s. f. A Hint. 314 H. chakawar, s. lu. The name of a disease in horses. p. chakuwak, s. m. A lark. s. chakawi, s. f. A ringworm. u. chukaf, s. f. See \j^s- chukauld, bjJ chukdi denu, To escape one's no- tice, to give one the slip. ckakil, adj. Astonished. T, chakalld, s. m. See H. chakld, s m. LA scraping of the skin, a scrape, a scar. 2. A slice, &c. LJ h UjJ chaklu-dend or ~lena^ To scar. H. chaktdna, v. a. To sod, to turf. V S. Li-C^ r^f^rRT chikilsuy s. f. Attendance of a physician on a patient, application of re- medies, physicking. 8. <•* R=j diikitsak. s. m. A physician. H. chaktiy s. f. 1. The hide of a rhinoce- ros (of which shields are made). 2. A patch of leather, a slice, compressed, flattened, a patcii. 3. A round plate of metal, &c. H. chuktiy s. f. Settlement. u, chUikaty adj. Filthy, covered with, grease and dirt. H. chikldy s. m. A kind of tasar cloth. V • ^ H.\^^ cJiikihuy 1. adj. Filthy, greasy. 2 s. An oil-merchant. m. 1,^ chakchakd, adj. Shining, resplendent. y H. chakchaki, 1. s. f. A kind of dagger worn on the waist. 2. adj. f. Resplendent. chakchhundi (Sans. s. f. A (Sorex coerulescens: Shaw. Sorex coeruleus : Turton). chakkar or chakr, s. m. 1. A whirl- wind or whirlpool. 2. A weapon used princi- pally by the Sikhs, an iron ring which they throw with great dexterity. (It was with this instrument, called x:} fbat Narayana cut off the head of the Asur Rahu ; when, after churning the Ocean, the Surs or gods, and Asursy fought for the Amrila or nectar). chakr-dhdriy A pea- cock, Vishnu. 3, A circular course, the lounge (in manege). UjU chakr murnuy To wheel round, to whirl round, bj J.^ ghore ko chakkar denuy To lounge a horse. 4. {met.) A misfortune, scrape, perplexity. 5. A side or quarter ; as chhoh chakkar mehy On the six sides, on all sides. -cj chakroarliy s. m. I. An emperor. 2. A title of Brahmans in Bengal. ». chikury s. m. 1. Hair. 2. Lock of hair. H. chakrdy s. m. A kind of dish made of pulse. s. chakrukdry adj. Circular. chakrdni (fern, of s. f. Woman servant. H. V chakarbdy s. m. Revelry. chakarhd machdndy \.a. To revel. s. chakrit adj. See chakit. I'- chakar makary s. m. Evasion, trick, subterfuge. s. 1*^ chakrxdky s. m. Name of a bird (.Anas Casarca). p. chakarihd (from ^U»-) s. m. A good servant, a person fit for (in want of) service, one habituated to service. s. chakrl s. f. 1. See s. 2. An assembly of singers. H. chakrethdy adj. See 1^*?^ -w . s. chakreld C^T^) adj. Rornid, circular. H.Jf^ chukkafy s. m. ’ -A small tank or pit. K. s. in. A perch for birds Cpur- ticuliirlv falcons), a roost. H. c/iahuril, s. f. The name of a grass. P. cliakisli (from s. f. The drip- ping or dropping (of water, &c.). H. chakia, 1. s. m. A brothel. 2. A hind of cloth made of silk and cotton. S. adj. Wide, broad. s. Kj- ckakl'i 1. s. m. A division of a country containing several Pargamis. chaklc-ddr, s. m. The governor of a pro- vince or country, chukle-ddr-i, s. f. The government of a province or country. 2. A round plate on which bread is rolled. 3. adj. Round. H. chakldnd, v. a. To extend in breadth, to widen. m. chakldiy s. f. Breadth. H. chikalna, v. a. To masticate, to chew' V (slowly). H. chakma, s. m. A game at cards. T. lL/UXj"- chakmdk, s. f. Corrupt, of , q.v. r, chakmak (juJi^) s. f. A flint. chikni jorii, s. f. A slippery wife. chikni supdri, s. f. A kind of betel-nut pre- pared by boiling. Ciij ye chikni suraty Prosperous, afllucnt, flourishing. chikni milti |) s. f. Clay. s. chiknd (f^<^{JT) s. m. Oil. H. LXi*. chnknd, v. n. 1. To be finished, to be completed, to be fixed. 2. To be agreed upon, to be adjusted. u. liSLs- chaknd char, s. m. Scraps, small pieces, atoms, filings. chaknd chur hand, To be dashed to pieces. s. chikndnd (from f^^OT) V. a. To clean, to polish, to smooth. s. chikndi, s. f. 1. Fat of meat. 2. Wantonness. 3. Gloss, smoothness, polish. s. chikndhat (from )s. f. 1. Cleanness, smoothness, polish. 2. Greasiness. 3. Beauty. H. chiknii/u, s. m. Beau, spark. p. chakku s. m. A clasp-knife, a pen- knife. s. chakwd, s. m. 1. Name of a bird (Anas casarca). 2. Whirlpool. H. chakma, s. m. A boot, a stocking. P. chikan (also s. m. A particular mode of working flowers on muslin or other cloth, embroidery. ^\j chikan-doz or -gar, s. in. One who performs chikan work. chikan-kdri, s. f. The making of / CT^* 8. chikkan, ] (f^^rjf) adj 1. Clean, po- *• f/i/Am?, ^ lished. 2. Beautiful (per- sons). 3. Greasy, oily. 4. Incontinent, lewd, wanton. b^V. chiknd-bdsan or j -ghurd bannd. To be incontinent, incorrigible, | deaf to admonition, ljub- chiknd chd7idd | y V =“’j- Beautifu,. i H. chukauld, s. m. A task, agreement, adjustment, decision. H. chakotara, s. m. A fruit of the lime kind, a citron. Pompelnioose, Shaddock. (Ci- trus dccumanus). s. chakor, s. m. The Bartavelle or Greek partridge, (Tetrao rufus : Lin. Per- dix rufa : Lath. Pers. * ^) said to be ena- moured of the moon and to eat fire at the full moon. H. chikord, adj. Restless, inconstant. n.\j ,Ss>- chikornd, v. a. To peck. s. IjJylrs- chakaundd, s. chakohr or chakt^aiir, S s 2 s. m. A species of cassia (Cassia obtusifolia) esteemed a remedy for ringworms. s. ^ (^lakori^ s. f. See^yl~^ . H. chikhuran, s. Weed. H. chikhurna^ v. a. To weed. H. chakhachakhi, s. f. Discord. s.\^ chakhnd (^Ej"DJ r. Eat, taste) v. a. To relish, to taste. H. chikhuri, s. f. A squirrel. s. chakai, s. f. 1. The name of a play- thing, a whirligig. 2. A duck, the female of q. v. s. chakk'i s. f. 1. A millstone, a mill, grinder.^ 3. A thunderbolt. H. chukki, s. f. Deceit, fraud. Ljj chukkl dend, v. a. To deceive, to play tricks. s. chikkl (f^^p s. f. A rotten betel-nut. H. 1^1-^ chakelhdy adj. With large eyes. p. chakldagi (from s. f. A drop, distillation. p. chaklda (from part. Dropping, distilling. H. 1)1^ chugdnd, v. a. To cause to peck. H. chagalnd^ v. a. To eat without appe- tite. H. chugan, s. f. A plait or fold in a gar- ment. u. chugnd, v. n. To peck, to pick up food with the beak. UJ chug lend, To se- lect, to choose. p. chi-guna-gl, s, f. Circumstance, man- ner. p. ij chi-guna, adv. How ? of what kind H. chager, s. f. A flowerpot, a bouquet. s. (r. Move) dial, s. f. 1. Going, dis- persion. 2. Variation, departure from truth, fai- lure in the performance of a promise or accom- plishment of a prediction. L, j chal dend, v. a. , 1. lo march (as an army). 2. To beguile. | chul, s. f. Itch, scratching. | p. chilld, s. m. 1. A forty days’ fast which i the religious of the East sometimes impose on \ themselves ; the fast of Lent. 2. Quarantine, i 3. The period of forty days after child-brtt;' 3 during which a woman remains unclean. chilld khainchnd, To keep quarantine. H. chilld, s. m. I. The string of a bow. 2. Gold threads put in the border of a turband. is- chilld khainchnd, To bend a bow ; . to prepare for battle. chilld char- hdnd, To bend a bow. s- <:1^aldchal, I (^T^) s. xhe -• ^ dialachali, j bustle of setting out on a journey &c. setting about any thing. 5. ^i^ chaldn, s. f. 1. Clearance. 2. Remit, tance. H. bis- chuldnd, v. a. V ' H. bis-- chilldnd, v. a. V ' See blj^ cho'dnd. To scream, to shriek. s. bi^ chaldnd causal of ULs- from r. Move) V. a. 1. To impel, to set a «roin«-, to drive. 2. To fire a musket or cannon, to shoot at, to do, to hasten, to forward, to send, to accustom, to act, to adv'ance, to throw, to thrust, to use, to walk. s. dialdu (from bi=-) adj. 1. Going. 2. Frail, inconstant, fickle. 3. On the point of death. s.yha- chaldo, s. m. Custom, p. chiddo, s. m. A kind of dish. -✓V y. bis- chaldwd (from bis-) s. Movement, mo- tion, going. II. tj^i^ chilldhal, s. f. Cry, outcry. s. chal-bichal, s. m. Error, mistake. II. \jHsAjy chalbidhrd, adj. Restive. II. Lib%ifcl chalbidhrdhal, s. f. Rcstiveness. H. iAs>- chuUiula, adj. 1. Restless, fidgetUng. ♦ 2. Airy, gay. chulbulu-pan, s. m. Gaiety. «. I'.V r- — chulbuluna, v. n. To be restless. (Little • ♦ used). II. ^ cfiulbulahat, See . II. chalpusa, s. f. A lizard. t V s. H. j — - chal-phfr (from and s. m. Motion. II. chalta^ s. m. 1. The name of a tree (Dillenia Indica) producing an acid fruit. 2. part. pres, (of LL^) Going, challl chiz, s. f. Saleable goods, passable coin, &c. chalilr s. m. See JjjS>~ charitr. p. c/ii/ta, s. m. A thick reduplicated coat for soldiers, or a coat of mail. See . s ^ cils- c/ui/t(ri (•^ I) adj. Gay, sportive, changeable, inconstant, affected. g J^^chu/chul (*^"^^) s. m. M'antonness, inconstancy. ♦ s. chulchulana (from -cj-d^V,) v. a. To • * y ^ y III itch, to titillate. H. I'iU- Is- chilchildnd, v. n. To shriek, to scream, to screech. s chalchaldOyS.m. Preparation for journey or departure. s. chulchuli, s. f. See chulchul. H.jij^clnllar, s. f. SeeyJ^ chllhar. chillar 77idrnd, v. a. To louse. H. bsV-ij- chilrdhd, adj. Lousy. > » p. chal^hoza, s. ra. A kind of nut like the pistachio. H. cjCb- chilak, s. f. Refulgence, glitter. V H. chilik, s. f. Twitch, stitch. y H. chilaknd, v. n. To glitter, to shine. H. ^s>■ chilam, s. f. The part of a hukka which contains the tobacco and fire, u. chilamchi (or s. f. 1. A wash-hand bason of metal with a cover to it. 2. Part of a hukka fixed under the chilam. P. chil-inarduH, s. ni. The leather fixed to the vacant part of the tree of a saddle. H. chilman, s. f. See chilzean. g. chaUtfi, 1. s. m. Habit, custom. 2. Ceremony. 3. adj. Current. LL=^ chalan chalnd, To behave. CT- s. chalnd (■oj^^i’ r. Move) v. n. To move, to go ; to go off, to pass (as coin), to blow, to flow, to behave, to sail, to work, to answer, to succeed, to last, to serve, to stand. chal liikalndf To turn out vicious, to exceed bounds. LL=«- chale chalnd, To fifo along. s, chalanld, adj. Vendible, saleable. s. chalnl, 1. s. f. A sieve. 2. adj. Current, usual, s. jLs- chullu s. m. A handful, the palm of the hand contracted so as to hold water. si''* jH chullu bhar pdni men dub marnd {lit. to drown one’s self in a handful of water) To be greatly abashed : See (Jb jp chapni bhar pdni mai dub marnd. LijU jLs- chullu chullu sddhnd, To get a habit of drinking by gradual increase. U.* Jl louc .Ls.- chullu men J J ^ V V ullu hand, To be intoxicated with a mouthful, s. chalo, (from lil^) inteij. Away ! begone ! s. chalwd, s. f. A kind of fish. (Clupea cultrata : Buch. mss.). H. chilwdn, s. A shutter. H. chilwan, s. f. A skreen for keeping out the glare, a Venetian blind, a lattice, s. chalaund, s. m. A small stick with which the spinning wheel is turned, p. H. chilla, s. m. See ^ chilld. V ' V ( H. chulhurd, adj. Lascivious, lewd. 318 It. chulhiil, ('from chul) adj. f. Lewd, libidinous (woman). s. chUhwahs A kite and jri^T Flesh) 1. The flesh of a kite (the eating of which is said to produce madness). 2. Scream- ing like a kite. XI. chilhorna, v. a. To peck, p. L-ls- challpd (corrupt, of ^ s. m. A cross. H. chilli, s. f. 1. A kind of dish made of eggs. 2. A blockhead, one who plays mischievous pranks. s. chamar s. m. A worker in leather, a shoe maker, a tanner, a currier. p. chumnuik, s. m. A shell, an iron or W'ooden club or mace. s. U.S- chumd, s. ra. A kiss. See Up- chumd. p. chamdn, adj. Walking haughtily or gracefully. s. UUp- chumdnd, (from v. a. To cause to kiss. H. chamdun, s. f. Slippers or shoes fixed to pattens. H. chamdi, adj. Copper coloured. p. chambar, (properly s. ra. Sphere, an orb, a wheel, globe, circle, disk, necklace. s. i chumbak, s. ra. 1. A load- * o stone. 2. Extract (from a book, &c.). H. chambal, s. f. Name of a river. ^ • _ . s. L«p- Champa (^'q'^) See H. V. champal-hond or -hqjdnd, V. n. To vanish, to disappear, to scamper away, to run away. s. champi, adj. Orange coloured. chamatkdr, s. m. 1. * V Amazement. 2. Splendour. II. chamatkdr, s. f. 1. Name of a grass. 2. Haste. s. chamalkdrJ, adj. Asto- nishing, sagacious, acute. H. Il4.5>- chimtd, s. m. Tongs. H. chimtdnd, v. n. To adhere, to cling to. H. li£>> chimat rahnd, v. n. To cleave to. h.\:3a^ chimatnd, v. n. To adhere. V * ' H. chimthd, adj. Elastick, tough. I H. LjI^ chimti kdlnd (corrupt, from chutki) V. a. To pinch. p. chamcha, s. m. A spoon. ^ cham- cha-bhar, adj. Spoonful. H. chimehima, s. m. Oil become viscous by age. H. chamcharakh, 1. adj. Lean, meagre. 2. s. m. A bat. H. UUs-'^ chamchamdnd, v. n. To tingle, to sleep, to sparkle, to shine, to glitter. H. chamchamdhat, s. f. Brightness. H. chamar bagli s. f. A bittern. * f\ 5. chamrakh, s. f. 1. The appa- ratus of a spinning wheel. 2. {Met.) A lean woman. chamrd (^T^) s. m. Leather, a hide, a skin. U chamrd- udherndy - chhurdnd, - khainchnd, or -nikdlnd, To flay. H. chimrd, adj. Tough, ductile, flexible, hardy. H. chimrdnd, v. n. To toughen, to grow tough. H. chimrdhat, s. f. Toughness, flexi- bility. H. chimrdl, s. f. Power, rigour, flexi- bility. H. chimarnd, v. n. To adhere. II. chimri, adj. Infrangible (a quill, for instance), hard. 319 chimsd, s. m. Glutinous (as oil by long keeping). H. chamah (from LC«js-) s. f. Glitter, splendour. chamak tamak, adj. Splendid, refulgent. f. chummak s. m. A loadstone, H. chiimkdr, s, f. A sound with the lips by which dogs and horses are called, H. chumkdrnd, v. a. To coax, to speak kindly to, to sooth (by drawing in the breath with protruded lips). H. chamkdnd, v. a. I. To provoke, make to start. 2. To wave, to brandish, to brighten. 3. To display. H. cliajnkdo, s. m. Glittering, splendour. H. chamkdhat, s. f. Glitter, splendour, much light. Bright, A bat. H. chamaktd (from adj. glittering. H, chamaknd, v, n. To glitter, to shine ; ¥ ^ to prosper, to be angry. H. chamgddar, s. m. H. chamg H. chamg H. chammal, s. m.> H. lUiw chanild, s. m. \ A beggar’s cup. chamli, p. chaman, s. m. A bed in a garden, a parterre, jcj chaman-band, s. ra. A gardener. U ^ chaman-band'i karnd, To lay out a garden, jbj chaman-i-dahr^ Terrestrial abode, jlj ^JAs>■ chaman-zdr^ Mea- dow. gadar, s. m.\ gudrl, s. f. > gidar, s. m.) na!, s. m.\ d, s. m. \ i, s. f. ) P. chamanistdn, s. m, A flower-bed. A razor- *• chamofi, s. f. J *' chamukartj s. m. A tick or louse in- festing cattle. j. chameld a. m. Box, thump, blow. H. chants, m. A kind of sugarcane. s. L:»- chand s. m. A kind of pulse, chick pea (Cicer arietinum), vetches. H. chunnd, 1. v. a. To gather, to pick, to choose, to select. 2. To pick up food (as birds). 3. To plait. 4. s. m. Ascarides. U-a. darwdza chunnd, I’o close a door with bricks. P. chindr, s. m. A poplar tree, a plane tree. H. UL-»- chundnd (from Ls.. chunnd) v. a. To ¥ V cause to pick, choose, &c. chund lend, V. a. 1. To plait (cloth). 2. To kill by build- ing a person into a wall. H. l^Uea. chandkd, s. m. See , ¥ V p. chundn, adj. Like that, such, so. p. g/cjv. chundn chunin, adv. In this and that manner ; (met.) evasion, subterfuge. p. chunanchi, adv. So that, in such man- ner that. H. (JLjjUjs' chundxcat, s. f. A plait. H. chambd, s. m. A tribe of beggars who cut or scarify their skin. P. chambar, s m. A cover (sarposh) for the chilam of a hukka, a circle, the cover of a pot. &c. chamhar-i-gardnn, Stocks, pil- lory, necklace, handkerchief, dog’s collar, p. chambar-l, adj. Round, circular, s. chumbak, s. ra. Magnet. H. chnmbal, I o , , , ^ >s. ra. see cliammal. H. chambla, J » H. chambu, s. m. A narrow necked vessel for holding water. H. chambeli, s. f. The name of a flower (Jasrainum grandiflorura). • ♦ s. champd (^'CJ'^) s. m. The name of a flowering tree (Michelia champaca). ^ 320 cliampa-Jcali, s. f. A necklace, the parts of which resemble the unblown flowers of the champu. champ d-keloy A kind of plantain. s. champak-baranl, adj. Of the co- lour of champu. i H. champu^ s. m. See . II. chunal (from chunnd) s. f. Plait- ing (cloths), plaits. 5. chint, ^ (f^^rfT) s. f. Danger, care, s. chintd, \ doubt, risk, anxiety, thought, peril. s. chintan, s. m. Study. s. chinland (f^rT^f) v. a. To study, to think. H, chant, s. m. A miser. V • ' « s. chanchal, adj. 1. Playful. 2. Kestless, wanton. 3. Perishable. ♦ s, chanchalanu (from v. n. To be playful, wanton, or restless. s. chanchalahat, s. f. Restlessness, unsteadiness, wantonness. ♦ s. chanchalatd, s. f. 1. Perish- ableness. 2. Restlessness. H. chunchund, s. m. Ascarides. H. chanchandnd, v. n. 1. To throb or shoot (as a bile, &c.) 2. To make the noise butter does in a frying pan. II. chinchindnd, v. n. To scream, to squeak, to squall. p. chaml, adj. How many? some, few. chand dar chand, adj. Several, various. r//aw^- -^^1^ chanduty s. m. An inferior cast of Hindus; {met) a miser, a merciless wretch. H. chanddwaly s. m. The rear guard. H. cha'tuloty s. m. 1. (corrupt, of chanduwal) The rear guard. 2. A sort of sedan. 3. The name of a bird. 4. A play- thing consisting of four little earthen pots joined together. H. chunarly s. f. A mode of dying cloths, in which they are tied in different places pre- vious to dipping them in the dye, so as to prevent the parts tied from receiving the co- lour : also cloths dyed in this manner. Ti. chansury s. m. Cress, cresses (Lepidium sativum). H. chanahy s. f. The bursting of the busk of a seed by exposure to the sun. H. chanakna, v. n. To burst and fall out (as a seed from the husk). H. chinagy s. f. Ardor urinae. p. changy s. f. 1 . A claw. 2. The hand expanded. 3. A kind of guitar, a harp. 4. Fame, report. 5. A paper kite which they fly at night. 6. The name of a suit at cards : see tuj. chang-natcdzi, s. f. Playing on the guitar, &c. s. chdiiga (Sans. ^Tf Handsome, dextrous) adj. Healthy, cured, sound, \j\uj changa handnoy To correct, to punish to put to rights, to chastise. bhald changdy adj. 1. In health and vigour. 2. Perfect, good. H. cliangaVy s. m. Tray, trough. s. chitigrdy m. A prawn, a shrimp. p. cfuuiguly s. m. A. claw, a talon, a hook. H. chiuagndy v. n. J. To throb, to shoot (as a bile, &c.). 2. To cry, to screech. H. clumgury adj. Excellent. H. chinghdry s. f. Scream, clamour, l^to chingfidren mdrndy To scream. H. chwghdrndy v. n. to scream, to screech (applied properly to the elephant). H. chingnly s. f. A chicken. H. chuKgly s. f. A tax gathered dailj from grain merchants, being as much grain as can be taken up in a man’s fist. H. chingiy s. f. 1. See chingdri. 2. A wicked dwarf. UKj \j IxJyp- chingl-jharndy -chhulnd or -nikalndy To sparkle. p. chang-ly s. m. One who plays on the c/m/7g', q. V. H. changery s. f. a flower-pot, a tray. H. chahgerdy s. in.'l 1. A large basket. H. changerly s. f J 2. A trough or tray. H. chunan, s. m. Rumple, crease. 5, chunautd^s. m. 1. The same as 5. chunautiy q. v. 2. The folding of the cloth called wmrnby women. s. chunaul} (^Dl^ffl’) s. f. 1. A box for holding the lime used to chew along with betel. 2. A small spoon used to take out the lime. H. chunautiy T t 8. f. 1. Encouraging troops 399 in the time gf battle (for which purpose there is an officer in Indian armies). 2. Selecting from an army the fittest men for a desperate I enterprise. 3. A practice which formerly pre- vailed at Benares: (On the 11th of Shukl paJis/t, the inhabitants were w'ont to swim across the river, and forming themselves into two parties to fight with swords, clubs, &c.). §. chanzoar (-cjij s. m. An instrument made of peacocks’ feathers, &c. waved over the head of a sovereign, intended originally to keep off flies. See chaunrl. s. chwh (1^) s. ra. A scar, a mark, feature, signature. chink char- hand, To stigmatize. s. chinhdr (from s. m. An ac- quaintance. 5. chinhdri (from s. f. Acquaint- ance. H. chunni, s. f. 1. A small ruby. 2. Ascarides. H. chanelh, s. f. Spices given to cattle, • drugs for oxen. P. chunin, adj. Like this, such, in this manner. n. y>^chau, s. ra. 1. A back-tooth. 2. Plough- share. 3. adj. (in comp.) Four. ^ lljq chau-boghld, s. m. A kind of jacket not open under the arms. lJ'^. chau-bandi, s. f. 1. Giving a horse new shoes: see . 2. The fastenings of baggage. chnu-hlur, adv. On all sides, all round. chau-pdra, adj. Four-pieced, ^ chau- pds, adv. All round, around. ^ chan- pahal, adj. Four sides, a square bottle. ^ chau-pahlu, adj. Four-sided. chau- tah, adj. Of four folds. ^ chau-iahd, adj. Of four folds. ^ chau-jugl, adj. Of the four ages or great periods. chau-goshi, s. f. An animal whose ears are slit (particularly a horse). chau-inahallS', adj. Of four stories (a house, &c.). ^ ■J V chau-mukhi, adj. Four-faced, having four faces. ^ chau-m.khd, Tying the elbows behind. chauwd, s. m. 1. A quadruped (particu- larly oxen). 2. See bp- chau-pd. ■ chod, s. m. 1. The name of a perfume. 2. The pod or skin of any kind of pulse. 3. A windfall (fruit). , chodr, s. m. A mountain robber, a mountaineer and outlaw. . chawdld (corrupt, of )!b s. m. A chair, a sedan. chatcdlis or ^ . chawdhlis (-^^«^ ]" fij\^ adj. 'Forty-four. H. chodn, s. f. Dropping, dripping. chudn, s. f. A reservoir, a cistern. chudn-khdl, A deep ditch with water springing at the bottom, blp- chodnd, v. a. To cause to drip, to dis- til, to filter, to draw oft'. jlp- chawdo C^^nXT^T^) port, slander. chauzodi s. f. A tempest, hurricane, commotion, (q. d. >vind blowing from four quarters). chazodi fro™ A-r> Reporter, backbiter. chob, s. f. 1. Wood. 2. A post. 3. A drum-stick, a stick, a club. chob-chhn, s. f. A medicinal wood. chob-kdrl or kdr-chobi, s. f. I . Beating with a stick. 2. A kind of embroi- dery. H H H - H N--*- H H S. S. 323 p. cIiob- chob-dasli, s. f. A staff, a slick, p. cbob-dur, s. m. A servant whose busi- ness is to announce the arrival of company, a mace-bearer. chaubar, adj. Stout, robust, bold. P. chobah, s. f. A drum-stick. H. chubby s. Prick, puncture. H. cbobfid, s. m. 1. A nail. 2. A kind of victuals given upon great occasions, man iages, &c. 3. Prey. 4. Puncture. lu chubhndy v. n. See chuUuid. s. ijy>- chaube s. m. A brahman acquainted with the four Vedas. (But now applied to the descendants of such though not learned). p. chob-'iy adj. Wooden. s. chaubh adj. Twenty- four. p. CA-yf* cbob-ItJ, adj. Wooden. H. (—>y>~ chop, s. f. Desire, wish, hope. See chomp. p. bo- chau-pd, adj. Four-footed. See V s. chaitpdr, s. ra. 1. *^1) A kind of summer-house or pavillion (generally built jointly by several people as a resting place common to them all). 2. ("ClH iCf An animal, a beast, s. chaupdJ, s. m. See . s. chaupdld s. m. A litter, a sedan. p. (^by2- chfiupdn, s. m. A Cowherd or shepherd. p. - chaupdld. s. chut (Tsi/ft^ ) s. f. Vulva. chut-mardni, Strumpet. H. bb‘^ chau-ldrd, s. m. A four-stringed musi- cal instrument. y. chautdla, s. m. A mode in musick. II. chaiUarkd, s. m. 1. A mitre. 2. A. kind of tent. H. chaulara, s. ig. See chabulara. H. jjys- chular, s. m. The backside, buttock, hip. bbsTjj^-- chular bajdnd, To be over- joyed. chular sakornd, v. a. To loiter, to hang back, chu- tar se kdn gdnfhnd, To speak in parables, to use far-fetched expressions. s. chauth, s. f. 1. (^^^) The fourth lunar day. 2. The fourth part ; hence. Tribute (collected by the Maharattas). s. chauthd (^H^) atij* Fourth. s. o Vyr chcvutkdi (^STHTOT) s- f. The fourth part. T t 2 -• "The fourth day. 2. A ceremony performed on the fourth day after marriage. §. chauthij/d (from s. m. 1. One who receives the ,^'ys- chauth, q. v. 2. A quartan ague. s. Ljys- chutiyd^ s. m. A blockhead, Ij^s- chulij/d-shahid, s. m. A cully, a dupe. s. chautis adj. Thirty- four. M. cliot, s. f. 1. A hurt, a blow, damage. 2. J’all. 3. Spite, effort, attempt, assiduity, desire, wish. chot par chot^ One misfortune follows another, misfortunes come not singly. LfcjJb chot bdndhndj 1. To defend. 2. To bind up the edge of a sword, &c. 3. To restrain by magick. iJLjy>~ chot khdnd, To be hurt, to suffer loss. «• chiit, s. m. A crack, a noise. H. chotd, s. m. 1. Discount or premium independent of interest. 2. Treacle. H. chottd, s. m. A thief. M. choti, s. f. The plait or tie of hair behind, a cue, summit of a hill. choti kd hondy To excel, to be pre-eminent or unrivalled. H. ■^y=>- s. m. Subtileness, beauty. H. choj-i, adj. Subtile. H. chochld, s. m. Playfulness, blandish- ments, endearing arts and expressions, co- quetry, toyishness. s. chuchi, s f. Breast, pap, nipple, teat, dug. See . H. chaudd?}}, s. f. Four, and si^jii^chau-dant ) adj. 1. Cross- ing their teeth in fight (elephants). 2. Sturdy, robust, stout. s. chaudant-i, s. f. Boldness. rv 5. chaudah (-c| H <^SJ) adj. Fourteen. H. chodwuhsd, adj. Libidinous. chaudhar, adj. Robust, active, vigo- rous, corpulent. H. chaudhardt, s. f. The business of a chaudhari (the head man of a trade). H. chaudhari, s. m. 1. The head man of a trade. 2. (in Bengal) A title of land- holders superior to taalluk-ddr. H. chaudol, s. m. A kind of sedan with two poles. chor, s. m. A thief, a robber. .^chor-bdlu, s.f. A quicksand. ,1^ chor-chakdr, s. m. A thief. a3U chor - khdna, s. m. By - room, concealed drawer. chor-darzodza, s. m. Trap- door. chor dhor, s. m. 1. Plaintiff and defendant. 2. All the parties of a law- suit. 3. A thief and what he has stolen. J ^ quagmire, bog. c/ior-s7r/(J, s. f. Back stairs, chor~khirki, s. f. A back door, a by- door. ^ chor-gall, s. f. A by-road, back lane. chor lagnd, To bo injured, to damage. S \i^i jyy chor lagnd sham*" ko, To w'aste, a candle, by a thief being attached to it. jy>- chor-tnahal, s. m. The apartments of the concubines of great men. ,4^.- c//or-j??«HrfM/v7, s. m. A game played by children. jyy chor mahlchnt, s. f. Hide and seek. chiir 1- s. m. Powder, filings. S25 atoms. 2. adj. Bruised, chur chur, adj. Broken to atoms. chiir rahnci, lo sot. \j^j^ chiir karna^ To break into small pieces. chur hand, 1. To be broken into small pieces. 2. To be ena- moured of, to be in love. 3. To be tired. wfli/je meii chur honii. To be intoxicated. H. chaurd, s. m. 1. .See . 2. The place where Hindu women are burned. #. churd s. m. J. Filings. 2. Saw- dust. 3. Grain reduced to coarse particles to be chucked into the mouth. §. chaurdsi adj. Eightj- four. H, chaurdsi, s. f. Morris-bells worn on the ankles by dancing girls. chaurdnazczce (•cjr1«^^Tf%) Ninety-four. H. p. chau-rdhd Four, and i\j W’^ay) s. m. A cross road. H. chauras, adj. Level, even. H. chaurasdl, s. f. Equality of surface, evenness. H. chaurasdnd, v. a. To level. H. U,*js> churmd, s. m. A kind of sweetmeat made of sug:ar and crumbled bread. O p s. chur an or churn, s. ra. A powder composed of medicines for promoting digestion. r • _ . s. churnd (r:|u|«^) v. a. To reduce to very small pieces or to atoms. j. chaurang ^ practice of the sword exercise. 2. Cutting the four legs of an animal off at one blow'. chaurang kdtnd, v. a. To cut off the four legs of an animal at one blow. tjU chaurang mdrnd, To lose the use of the limbs by illness. s. chart or ^:St) s. f Theft, roguery, stealth. chori, adv. By stealth, clandestinely. H. churl, s. f. ]. A bread rich with W/J. 2. Bracelet. H. chaurl, s. f. A summer-house. H. chur, s. m. 1. A silver or gold ornamoiit worn by the Hindu widows. 2. The ring fas- tened to elephants’ teeth. H. chaur, adj. Spoiled, destroyed. n. ]j ^ chaurd, adj. W^ide, broad. ILCa. chaurd chakla, adj. Extensive. s. churd, s. m. 1. The rings fastened to elephants’ teeth. 2. A kind of ornament. 3. A kind of food made of parched rice. H. chaurdn (from ljy^)s. f. m. Width, breadth. H. chaurdnd (from v. a. To in- crease in breadth, to expand, to widen. H. chaurd-l, s. f. 1. Breadth, extension. 2. Boasting. b chaurd-i-mdrnd or -karnd. To boast, to give one’s self airs. H. chaur chaupaf, adj. Abandoned, vicious, damaged. H. churl, s. f. 1. Bangles or rings made of glass, &c. and worn on the wrist. 2. See churl. churi-ddr. Drawers, or sleeve, made too long, so as to be crumpled into plaits. p, \ys>. chuz, s. ra. A young hawk, a hawk that has not hunted. p. chuza, s. m. A chicken, a young bird. ;lj s\^ chuza-bdz, s. f. An old woman who keeps a young gallant, an old woman fond of striplings. H. chaus, s. m. Flour, powder. s. chausaih adj. Sixty-four. 326 n. chausar, s. m. Name of a game. See chawisar. s. chusnd v. a. To suck. s. chusnl (-^ s. f. Child’s coral, a sucking stick for children. H. chiik, s. f. An error, inadvertencj, blunder, mistake. ». Cj'»s>- chuk 6. m. 1. Sour, acid. 2. A medicine made of Imiled lemon-juice and pomegranates. H. chauk, s. m. 1. A market. 2. A square of a city. 3. A court yard. 4. A square place hllcd, at marriages and on other occasions of rejoicing, with sweetmeats, which after cer- tain ceremonies are distributed. [> \jj^ l U chauh-bharnd or -purnd. To fill a chauk or square place with sweetmeats on some occasion of rejoicing, lii chauk-patlu, A seat on wdiich the people sit and eat in the cliauku. s. chuku s. m. A kind of sorrel. H. chukd, s. ni. A kind of earthen pot. H. lio!- chai(kd, s. m. 1. The space in which Hindus dress or eat their victuals. 2. A square slate of marble, «&c. a square space of ground. 3. The four front teeth. 4. The cube of a measure called ^\j ba/is, q. v. s. chau-kat s. f. See chaukhat. bound, i. e. to be fascinated, to have one’s senses benumbed. chaukarl mar baJthnd, To squat. chaukas, adj. 1. Cautious, watchful, diligent, active, clever, intelligent. 2. Full weight. H. ^ chaukasdl, s. f. Attention, circum- spection. w. cliaukasi, s. f. 1. Diligence, atten- tion. 2. Four people employed together, or eating out of the same dish or plate. H. chuknd, v. n. To blunder, to mistake, to depart from, to err. H. chaukarmd, adj. Cautious, alert, cir- cumspect, sly. s. chaukor, ') s. chaHkond, \ «dj. Four- cornered, square. H. chokJi, 1. adj. Sharp. 2. also chukh^ s. m. The name of a medicine. Orris root, Orrice or Iris root. H. chokfid, adj. Pure, unadulterated, ge- nuine, good, fine, sharp. II. chokhd-J, s. f. Purity, sharpness. s. chau-khnt s. m. 1. Frame of a door. 2. The upper and lower piece of the frame of door. H. chau-khuntd, adj. Square. H. ckaukhJ, adj. f. Sharp (tone in mu- sic). See chokhd. chokar, s. m. Husk of wheat, bran. chaukar-y adj. Good, well, fine, ex- cellent. II. chaukardy s. m. A ring of two pearls w orn in each ear. n, chaukariy s. f. 1. A bound, a spring. 2. A ring of pearls w'orn by men in the ears. ebaukari bharndy To leap, to bound. ^baukari bhulndy To forget one’s H. cbaukiy s. f. 1. .1 frame to sit on, a stool. 2. Guard or watch. 3. The post w here a guard is stationed. 4. .\n ornament worn on the breast. cbauki-ddry 1. adj. Keeping guard. 2. s. m. A watchman. ebaukiddr-ty 1. The business of a watchman. 2. The pay or hire of a w'atchman. l^U ebauki mdrndy To smuggle. II. cbogdy s. m. 1. Food of birds brought 997 up from the crop. 2. Food of birds in gcnc- ral. chogd-badahia, To l)ill, to caress as doves joining bills. H. c/iaugan, s. m. A plain. chaugdn, s. in. A game resembling cricket (or tennis) but played on horseback, the hat or club with which the game is played. chaugdii-gdfi, A place for that game. chaiigdn-hdzl, s. f. Playing of the game of chaugdn. H. cfiaugdna, aclj. Quadruple, fourfold. H. c/iaiigdni, s. f. A straight hithha snake or tube for smoking through, p. chaif-girdj adv. On all sides. H. chaugard, s. m. A rabbit, hare, u. chaugund, adj. Fourfold. p. c/iau-gosha, 1. adj. See 2. A kind of oblong tray. ji. 1 chaugoshtj/d, s. m. A tiirhi horse a horse with slit ears. s. chaughard, s. m. A small box of gold or silver, with four partitions, for holding perfumes. H. Jys- chill, s. f. 1. A tenon, the part of joiner’s work which fits into another (as a dove- tail). 2. A pivot upon which a door turns as on a hinge. 3. An axle-tree arm. b Uyb chuleii-ukharnd or -dlnli bond, To be tired, w'orn out with labour, s. chold, s. m. 1. See 2. A garment ■“ V V ^ V worn by a bride at her marriage. H. chauldi, s. f. A kind of vegetable «r V (Amaranthus polygamus). H. hiloo chau-lard, s. m. ") A necklace of four > V • V ^ H. chau-larl, s. f. J strings. s. U4^ cJiulhd, s. m. "I , • i’ A fire place, s. chulhi, s. t. ) s3 ^ ' s. choli, or s. f. 1. A bo- dice, u waistcoat, the body of a gown, a jacket. 2. A small betel-basket. 5. Uy^ chiimd, (-^t^ «-( ) s. m. A kiss. Uy>- chiund chdli, s. f. Dalliance. s. l-A-cy^ chau-mdsd Four months) s. m. The rainy season. s. jfj chumak patlhar, s. m. See < ^ chumbak, A magnet. s. chnu-mukh, (-c|rlid^4j^' Four-faced) s. m. 1. A lamp-stand with partitions. 2. A name of lirahmd. #. chnu-mukhd, Four-faced) 1. adj. Having four burners &c. (a lamp). 2. s. m. A lamp-stand with four partitions. 3. A A kind of \jj paid, q. v. .s. chau-mukhi, Four-faced) s. f. 1. A name of a Hindu goddess. 2. The seed of a tree, called (Scaevola Lo- belia). s. b^y^ chiimnd, (-^A-isj rj') v. a. To kiss. P* iiiy^ chun, adv. Like, as, when, s. chiin, (-^Lll) s. m. 1. Flour. 2. Lime. H. chatcan, adj. Fifty-four. s. by=^ chund, ( 1. V. n. To leak, to be distilled, to be filtered. 2. To drop from o the tree when ripe (fruit). 3. s. m. (-cHJI ) Lime. by»- chund lagdnd. To defame, p. t^y^ chun-i-be-chigun, adj. Without likeness, incomparable (an epithet of the deity). H. j,-- chomp, s. f. 1. Wish, desire, fond- V V ness, alacrity. 2. A gold ornament worn on the front teeth. H. chauiitard, s. m. A terrace. See chabiUara. H. \u^y>- chonthnd, v.a. To scratch, to claw. II. l2jy^ chuntd, s. ra. A large ant. 328 H. chonlld, s. ni. 1. The ribbon with which hair is tied or braided at the end, the cue or lock of hair behind. 2. False hair mixed with the real. H. chunlndy v. a. To gather (a flower), to claw, to pinch. chonti, s. f. 1. The hair braided be- hind (tail), cue, top, apex, summit, pinnacle. 2. An ornament worn on the head by wo.nrien. chonll usmun par ghisnd, To be very vain or aspiring, chontl-kat, A slave, <^konti kat- wand, To be a slave, to be obedient. bl chontl kisl kl hdlh men dnd, To have a power over one, to subdue. churiti, s. f. A small ant, or the female of \2jy>~ chant d, q. v. s. chonch s. f. 1. Beak, bill. 2. A point. chan chard, Wrangling, altercation. {Lit. When and wherefore). H. choAchld, s. m. See chochid. chunchi s. f. Breast, bubby, dug, nipple. H. chundhd, ") adj. Dim, purblind, ditn- H. chondhld, J sighted. H. (^hondhldnd, v. n. To be purblind, to see dimly. n. chondhi, s. f. Dimness, dulness of sight. H. ULobjJj^ chaundhiijdnd, v. n. To be con- fused, to be frightened out of one’s senses, to bo amazed, to bedazzled. n. chondd, s. m. 1. The head. 2. Hair braided on the top of the head. H. chaundu, s. m. A blockhead. H. chauhdol, same as , q- v. S, jjy>. chawanr, s. m. See . H. \j)^ chaunrd, a. m. An apartment under ground for grain. -• chauhri or^T^^) s. f. An in- strument for driving away flies, a fly-flapper. s. chauhsath, adj. Sixty-four. See s.j^jy^ chauhsar s. m. I. Tbe name of a game, the same as j^y>- chausar. 2. A garland of flowers. H. chaunk (from liXjy:>-) s. f. The act of starting. H. chaunknd, v. n. To start, to boggle, to start up from sleep, chaunk uthnd. To start, to wince, chaunk parnd, To bounce, to start up. H. bioysi- chonknd, v. a. To prick. H. chaunkel, s. m. An untamed animal^ a boggier. H. chaungd, s. m. Wheedling. chaungd karnd. To wheedle out of money. H. chongd, s. m. A funnel. H. chongld, s. m. A joint of bamboo used to send letters in. H. chungl, s. f. Toll, tax, duty. H. chaungi, s. f. Wheedling, jb chaungi-bdz, s. m. A wheedler. ^j\j chaungi-bdz-i, s. f. Sharping, &c. s, bry=>- chuhmd (for chumd) part, past, Kissed. H. chani, s. f. 1 . Pulse split or ground very coarsely. 2. A spark or small ruby or other gem. H. bbys- chuhd, s. m. A rat, a mouse. chuhe-ddn, s. m. A mouse-trap, ^to \j chuhe-mdr or chuh-mdr, s. m. A spar- - row hawk, cormorant, a inouser. s. chauhiin s. in. A cast of Jtdj pills. H. chfidpil, s. m. Eriition, print, seal, &c. chhiipd-wuld, Printer. c/iau-hallar, adj. Seventy-four. s. chau-haUd (y>~ Four, and Sliop, market) s. in. A place where four streets meet. H. c/iu/iar, s. m. The act of huntin'^ by de- ceiving game with a stalking-horse. H. c/id/ird, s. m. A Hindu sweeper. See H. chuhrl^ s. f. Wife of a Ji>. ha- Idlkhor. H. chohld, s. m. A large peg or pin. s. chuhnd (corrupt, of v. a. To suck. H. chuhi, s. f. A mouse. u. choj/d, s. in. 1. Husk of grain, the scale of a fish. 2. A hole dug in the sandy bed of a river which has dried up, in which •water is found. p. chah (contract, of il^) s. m. A well. P. chi, pron. 1. interj. What ? 2. Which ; wherefore, as, because. (When prefixed to another word, the n is dropped ; as, chiguna, In what manner? how' ? And, it may be affixed to various Persian words ; so, har-chi, Whatever; agar-chi, Al- though; dn» V sat, Trick, cheat, juggle. H. child pad, v. a. To print, to stamp. s. ci;’^ chhdt s. f. Roof. s. lil^ chhdtd s. m. A large umbrella. s. chhdil s. m. An umbrella. H. chhdil, 6. f. Breast, dug. ^ J\^ chhdli-hhar. Breast high. chhdil -hhar dad. To weep. UW fkhulihhar jdnd. To be chest foundered, chhdil par patlhar rakhnd. To have patience. U J chhdil par man g dulnu (lit. to grind pulse on the breast) To do any thing in presence of another person by which he is vexed. chhdtl phatnl, lo break the heart with grief or sorrow, to sym- pathise. chhdil pllnd. To regret, to repent, to lament. (chhdil Ihoknd, 1. To encourage. 2. To assure, Uji) chhdtl thandl hand. To be pleased or over- joyed. chhdtl jalnd, 1. To have the heart-burn. 2. To lament, chhdtl kd patthar. Nuisance, pest, chhdtl kd jam, (lit. the destroyer of the heart) applied to a person or thing the presence of which is unpleasant, a pest, a nuisance. LLc chhdtl kholke milnd. To meet frank- ly* chhdtl gadrdnl. The swelling of the breast in young women. chhdtl lagdnd. To lament, to grieve. lj\S chhdil lagdnd, or \jl^ ^ chhdtl sc lagdnd. To fondle. Uis- chhdtl nikdlke chalnd. To stalk, to strut. n. chhdp, s. f. Stamp, print, copy, a seal, impression. H. chhdj, s. m. A kind of basket used in winnowing or cleaning grain. U u s. chhajna v. n. 1. To thatch. 2. To befit, to become. H. chhdch. See chhnj. Hv chhuchh, s. f. Butter-milk. H. chhd-dun, s. A water-bag. s. chhdr, s. f. Ashes, dust. H. chhdr, s. f. A large clod of earth. p.jlp- chihdr, adj. Four, chihdr chand, adj. Fourfold. chihdr-bd- lish, s. m. Throne (Indian) with four cushions. chihdr-su, A square, a market-place. H. chhdru, s. m. The thrush (disease), blister. p. j\s=- chihdr-tag ov -tah, s. m. Gallop. p, 1^^^ chihdr-um, adj. The fourth. H. JV chhdr, s. f. A bank of a river. chhdr-chitthi, s. f. A permit, a pass. H. chhdr chhardd, s. m. Name of a medicinal herb. H. chhdk, s. f. Luncheon. H. chhdknd, v. a. To clear the water of a well, &c. s. chhdgal, s. f. 1. A leathern bottle with a spout to it, a goat skin. 2. (Sans. A goat. n. chhdl, s. f. Peel, skin, rind, bark. JW \jJo\chhdl utdrnd. To peel, to decorticate. II. chhdld, s. m. A blister, a pustule, pimple. H. U\^ chhdliyd, s. f. A kind of betel-nut. chhdn (from roof, a frame of bamboo for thatching. s. Ul^ chhdnd (lj;T^) V. a. To thatch, to shade, to cover, to roof, to spread. IjU- chhdl jdnd. To spread, to lie. LJ chhd lend. To cloud, to overspread, to darken. u. chihdnd, v. a. To embellish, to deco- rate. Jcj chhdn hindn, s. m. Investigation. H. chhdnt (from li«3l^) s. f. 1. Refuse. 2. Parings, &c. selection, fashion of clothes. \j^ chhdnt karnd. To vomit, to dis- gorge. liJ chhdnt lend. To elect. chhdnt chhatdo, s. m. Retrench- ment. H. chhdntan, s. f. Cutting, slip, chip. H. chhdntnd, v. a. 1. To vomit. 2. To separate the husk from grain by pounding it in a mortar. 3. To pare, to clip, to prune, to lop, to trim, to dress, to select. H. chhdnas, s. m. Chaff. H. chhdnd, s. f. A tether, a trammel, net. H. chhdndd, s. m. Share, part (among Fakirs). H. chhdknd, v. a. To tether, to fasten, to tie. H. chhdndnd, v. a. To let go, to lose, to emit, to vomit, to leave. H. chhdnnd, v. a. 1. To strain, to sift. 2. To search. UJ chhdn lend. To cull, to select, chhdn mdrnd. To search, to rummage. s. yip- chhdhw, ■) s. f. 1. Shade, s. .^\^chhdhh, J shadow. 2. The reflec- tion of any object in a mirror, &c. vW' chhdhh bdhh, s. f. Auspices. s. ^jlp- chhdh-hdrd, adj. Umbrageous. -s* chhdofi, s. f. Sliade, shadow. See yVr • II. chhdhwe, adj. Ninety-six. s. b.lts- chhdwnd, See bl^ . s. chhdwni, s. f. I. Cantonments, bar- racks or huts for soldiers. 2. Thatching, the act of thatching. s. blp- chhdnd, s. m. 1. Apparition, spectre. 2. Shade. 3. {met.) Somewhat re. sembling. 4. A mode in music. S31 g. chhayuml^ s. in. Name of a Rag or musical mode. “• chhdhhi, I rr i *, 7»— . >s. t. Discoloration. H. cniiai/i, J s. chhdi (^TT^) s. f. Ashes. §. chhab (^1% Aral). s. f. Shape* chfiab-takhti, s. f. Handsomeness. p. chah-bachcha (io- for iU- A well, and A child) s. m. A vat, a cistern. «• W chliabrd, s. m. A sort of basket. s. chhabbis adj. Twenty- six. H. i— chhap, 8. Squash. chliap c/i/iap, The sound occasioned by water or when struck with the hand. s. 5L-*^ chhabildy (from ) adj. Handsome, comely. - H. Lc^ chhtpd, adj. Close, hidden, concealed. chhipd rahnd, To abscond. chhipd chhipi, adv. Underhand, secret- ly- H. chhapdkd, s. m. The sound produced by strikinjf water. ^ H. uLcrs- chhwdndf chhttpdnd or chhapdnd, v. a. To conceal, to hide. H. chhapdnd, (from L>U>.) v. a. To cause to print. ' H.yU^ chhipdo (from UL^)s.m. Concealment. H. 4_^*Up- chhapdl, s. f. Edition, the price of printing, the act of printing. H. chhappar, s. ra. A thatched roof. chhappar-band, s. m. A thatcher. ^ chhappar-bandi, s. f. Thatching. H. §. cL:!/ V. (^happar-khat or -khdt, (from I) s. m. A bedstead with curtains. H. chhaprl, s. f. Puddle. H. chhipkd, s. ra. Sprinkling. H, chhapkdnd, v. a. To dash or throw water. H. chhipkali, s. f. A lizard. '■ II. chhipki, s. f. A lizard. II. chhappmi, adj. Fifty-six. II. chhapnd, chhipnd or chhupnd, v. n. To L be concealed, to be hidden, to be absent, to disappear, to lurk. LU. chhip jdnd, To retire, to withdraw. H. ^sp- cJihapnd, v. n. To be printed. s. chhapai, consisting of six feet) s" m. A kind of measure of Hindi verse. s. chhat, s. f. A roof, a cloth stretched across the roof of a room, a platform. Lilfl U Ujb liliJ chhal-bandnd, -pdind or-la- gdnd, V. a. To ceil, to cover the inner roof of a building. s. chhiti, s. The earth. chhatl'ir or chhalr, s.'in. !• -r-r-r -XT umbrella. b chhalr-pali or -dhdri, s. m. One en- titled to carry an umbrella, i. e. a Rdjd, prince, &c. 2. (corrupt of^^iu^)A house set apart for the charitable entertainment of strangers, guests, &c. II. chhitrdnd, v. a. To scatter, to spread. s. chlialrani, s. f. A female of the cast. s. chhatri, s. f. 1. A tester, a small umbrella. 2. A frame made of bamboos for pigeons to settle upon. 3 The second of the four Hindu casts. See H. chhitri, s. f. A small basket without lid or handle. H. chhatndr, adj. Bunchy, flat. H. chhutahrd, adj. Defiled by touching, foul, corrupt, polluted (applied to vessels, dishes, &c.). U u2 s, chhatlis^ Thirty- ' six. u. chhatllsl (from ^ q. d. one who knows thirty-six postures and pretends inno- cence) adj. f. Prude, prudish. H. chhut, 1. adv. But, except, save. 2. In comp, (contract, of Little, small; as chhul-bhaij/n, s. m. Middling class of people, lu chhut-pana, s. m. Child- hood. H. chhuta-pd, s. m. Littleness. H. chhutun (from s, f. Leisure, time. s. chhatunk s. f. The six- teenth part of a ser, two ounces. II, c/ihatpatdna, v. a. To toss, to tum- ble about. H, chhulkdrd, s. m. Exemption, liberty, liberation, disengagement. H. chhitkdnd, v. a. To dissipate, to dis- perse, to squirt, to scatter, to desert. H. chhutkdnay v. a. To release, to set at liberty. H. chhutkard.) s. m. Deliverance. H. chhitaknd, v. n. To be scattered, dis- sipated, to spread, (JjJU- chhitaknd chdndni kd, The diffusion of moon-light. H. chhilkanL s. f. A bolt. s. chhutkhdd ="'J- “ isso- lute. 5. chhutkke/}, s. f. Dissoluteness. H, cfihilkt, s. f. Small shot, speck. L-'j chhilki dend, To flecker, to spot, to mark with strokes or touches. Ulj chhilki ddlnd, To splash. Ul^I h \>J, chhilki-karnd or -las^dnd, To spot, to speck, &c. H. U%s- chhaltul, 1. s. m. A kind of sieve. 2. V. n. To decay, to separate, to be pruned, to be picked out. H. chhutnd, v. n. To be adrift, to be dis- charged, to escape, to be liberated, to be loose, to be disshevelled (the hair). s. chhalh s. f. The sixth lunar day. H. ^%=>- chhalahd, adj. 'Waspish, peevish. s. chhalhl (^f%) 1. adj. f. Sixth. 2. s. f. A religious ceremony performed on the sixth day after childbirth, ob -fcJy J chhathi kd dudh pad dildnd^ To correct. H. chhutli, s. f. Discharge, leave, time, leisure, cessation, disengagement, permission, freedom. Lean, skinny. V. a. 1. To drive 2. To set on or en- H. adj. Bushy. H. ^hhqijd, s. m. 1. Gallery. 2. Tlie ex- panded branches of a tree. H. chhichrd, s. m. Sink, slough (of a wound), skin. H. chhichrail, adj. H. b.bbsfr chhuchkdrnd, y V aw'ay contemptuously, courage a dog. jj chuhehuhd, adj. Deeply coloured. p chahehahd s. m. The song of a bird. \^b« chahehahe mdrnd, To sing (birds). H. blYfA'?* chuhchuhdnd^ v. n. To glow as a colour, to die a deep colour. p. bl^sir?“ chahchahdnd (from b^^-^) v. a. To sing (as a nightingale), to whistle, to warble (as birds). p chuhchahdhul (from bb^r?") The singing or talking (of birds). H chhichhrd, s. m. The prepuce. , chhachhari, s. f. The root of a cer- tain tree (the phapond). 9 333 H. chhkhhla, adj. ShaIlo\r. H. chhichhlui, s. f. Shallowness. H. chhichhli, s. f. The play of ducks and drakes. I •.! ..< chhichhli khelnd, To play at ducks and drakes. H. elfs^ chhuchhli, s. f. The play of a dog or cat with game, &c. H. Uljfsr?' chhuchhuHlna, v. a. To conjure, to u. exorcise, airy. chhichhord, adj. Trifling, puerile. chhiichhfmdar s. f. 1. Mole, musk rat (Sorex ca;rulescens : Shaw). 2. Squib, jSj chhuihhundar chhopid, To backbite, to calumniate, to excite resentment. chahchuhiyd, s, m. A whistler. H. chhadum, s. A coin, four of which make a paisa. s. chhidCinu (causal of b v. a. To - S y y cause to pierce, to perforate. ^^chhudr, adj. Mean, low, little, trifling. s. chhidnu (from V. n. To be pierced or bored. s. chhudhd, s. f. Hunger. H. chhar, s. f. Spikenard, shaft, pole, pike^ staff, flag. See . H. 1^^ chharrd, s. ra. Small shot. s. 1^^ chhuru s, m. 1. A large knife. 2. A razor. chhurd chhurl. s. f. Snickasnee, fighting vith knives. H. , ,i=>“ chhar thhoht. s. f. Jakes, a neces- sary. p. chihra, s. m. 1. Face, visage, counte- nance, air. 2. Description roll. li^ ^ chihra likhnd, To w rite a description roll (sol- dier’s).^ chihra likhdnd., I. To en- list. 2. To take service and horses. -• sC/T?" chhtiri (^^T) s. f, A knife. ^ LJ chhuri tale dam lend, To be patient in difficulties. chhini katdri, s. f. I. Siiickasnce, lighting with knives. 2. Quarrel. chhar, s. f, J. The pole of a spear. 2. Spikenard. chhard, s. m. An ornament made of pearls worn in the ears, 11. chhard, adj. Alone. H. chhnrdnd, v. a. To set free, to dis- miss, to separate, to cause to be freed, u. chhirkdnd, v. a. To cause to sprinkle. H. chhirkdo, s. m. Sprinkling, watering, H. chhiraknd, v. a. To sprinkle. \:^y chhirakkar bechnd, I. To sprinkle water on stale or faded vegetables or fruits to make them appear fresh, 2. To puli' olf goods. H. chharnd, v. a. To beat rice, to sepa- raie the husk from it. H. chhmrwdnd (causal of v. a. To cause to set free. u, chhuranli, s. f. Ransom. H. chhar i, s. f. 1. A switch, wand. 2. A procession of the followers of^lj^^ ihi shdh maddr. H. l-’Lp- chharlld, s. f. A kind of fragrant moss. H. chahkd, s. m. 1. A kind of fire-w’orks. 2, The smarting of a wound, &c. by the appli- cation of a medicine. chahkd lagdnd. To burn the skin slightly by fomenting. s. cNtakkd s. m. 1. The sixth (at cards, &c.). 2. A cage w ith a net attached to it. U ^ chhakkd panja karnd, To de- ceive, to play tricks. n. chahkur, s. f. Singing or talk of birds. H. chahkdrnd, v. n. See chahaknd. H. chhikdna, v. a. 1. To pamper, to cloy to satiate. 2. To chastise. H. clihakdl, s. f. Satiety. H. chhakkar, s. f. A slap, blow, cuft'. H. chhakra, s. m. A kind of carriage, a car. H. chhakrand, v. a. To slap, to cuft. H. \J^ chhiknd, v. a. 1. Warbling of the nightingale, &c. 2. The sound of fire-works. H. chaliaknd, v. n. To whistle (birds). H. chhaknd, v. n. 1. To be content or satiated. 2. To be afflicted, harassed, as- tonished. H. diMkuni, s. f. Wand, stick. « V H. chahkailh, adj. Brawny, stout. \ V s. chhagrl s. f. A small goat. H. LS^i>- chhagunl, s. f. Child’s coral. s. chJial, s. ra. Fraud, trick, decep- tion, knavery, artifice, evasion, excuse, sub- terfuge, pretence. jJj chhal bal, s. f. Stratagem, artifice, trick, b chhal-chhidr or chhal-chhidram, s. m. Plot, stratagem. tJf?" chlial-chhidr-I, adj. Deceitful, fraudulent. H. chuhal, s. f. 1. iMention. 2. Cheer, jollity, m\rih, festivity. chahal pa- hal, Jollity, mirth. \:<< chuhal karnd, To carol, &c. p chihal, adj. Forty. chihal-tah, s. f. Coat of mail. chihal-sulun or^L< chihal-))ui»dr, ji. prop. Name of Persepolis. chihal-kudinJ, s. f. 1 . Walk, rantble. 2. A custom at the funerals of Musalmans, of stepping back forty paces from the grave and again advancing to it be- fore reading the service over. u. chihld, s. m. 1. Mud, ooze, slime. 2. A splinter of wood. IJXj chihld nikalnd, To fatigue, to be tired. \jjh^ chihld karnSy To split to pieces. H. chuhld, s. ra. A large wooden peg, a tent pin. H. chhalld, s. m. A ring (ornamental). j\ii chhallc-ddr, adj. Annular. H. chhuldnd, v. a. To cause to touch. H. chhald/ig, s. f. Skipping, jumping, a spring or leap. b^U chhaldngen mdrndy To spring, to jump. H. chhaldic'd, s. m. Ignis fatuus. H. chahal pahal, s. f. Jollity, merri- ment, cheer. H. blf5^^ chhalchhaldnd, v. a. To murmur. H. bl^^ chhulchhuldnd, v. a. To make water V slow ly (as mares &c. in heat). H. chhalchhaldhat, s. f. Murmur. H. chhillar, s. m. The husk of chand, q. v. s. chhalak (from or s. f. Running over. H. chhilkd, s. m. Crust, husk, shell, peel, scale, rind, bark, skin. l^bj 10^-^ chhilkd uldrnd, To blanch, to peel. s. bUA^ chhalkdndy v. a. To spill. s. UXbp- chhalaknd, v. n. To be spilt, to over-' flow. H. chhulaknd, v. a. To make water slow ly (as mares &c. in heat). p. chihlum, adj. Fortieth, the fortieth (lay (of mourning &c.). s. bli^ chhalnd (^^^) v. a. To deceive, to cheat, to evade, to make excuses. II. Ulp- chhil/id, V. n. To be excoriated. II. chuhalndy v. n. To fatigue, to be tired. II. chhahmgy s. f. See chhaldng. II. chhalangfid, v. n. To skip. JI. chhahii, l.adj. Battered. 2. s. f. A sieve. chhalni karnd, To batter. I I I i 335 c;e H. chhuUn, adj. Boyish, silly. H. chhulorlnv ch/iilorJ, s. f. A whitlow, a blister. H. chhiilohld, 8. ni. Puerile, finical. if_ [^^^cliihlafid (from chihld) adj. Splashy, muddyj slimy. II. chhululild, adj. Boyish, puerile. II. chuhli, adj. Comic. chhali, "I adj. Deceitful, frau- ■ s! chhalit/d, J dulent, betrayer, artful, treacherous, false, perfidious. s. chhimd (^T) 9- f- I’ardon, quartern forgiveness, absolution, chhmd-jog, u chhamchhamdnd, v. n. 1. To shine, ^ to glitter, 2. To sound. chhin or chhmi s. m. A moment or instant. Min bidlians (^UT adj. Fading, frail, passing away quickly. "• chhan, s. A sound made by the falling of a drop of water upon a warm plate. - H. cha/ind, v. a. See chdhnd. H. chhannd, 1. v. n. To be sifted. 2. A sieve, a cloth through which any thing is sifted. H. chhandk, s. The sound of a drop of water Vailing on a hot plate, the sound of the breaking of earthen ware. H. Mindl, s. f. A harlot, a prostitute. chhindl-pan or-pand, s. m. Har- lotry, prostitution. H. cithindid, s. m. Fornication. U/ chhindld karnd, To whole. H. chhindo (from chhlnnd) s. m. Sei- * > '•V zure. ii. chhantdo, s. m. 1. Detachment on forage. 2. Beating rice to clear it from the husk. I II. chhantdi, s. f. 1. Cleaning. '2. The price paid for cleaning. H ckhantnd, v. n. To grow thin. 2. To diminish. 3. To be extracted or separated. H. ck/ianfu'dnd, v. n. To cause to clean rice. ii.l)lifcs-Vr»- cfikanc/ihaiidnd, v. n. I. To simmer. 2. To sound. 3. To smart, to pain. c/i/iand, s. m. 1. Measure of verses. ^ V 2. A measure (in rausick). II. 1 V’- c/i/utndd, s. m. See chhdndd. '•V ^ s. ,_v ' chhand-band (^?T) s. m. Trick, cheating, deceiving. II. I'A- — ■ c/ihandnd, v. n. To be tied. '• V s. j: chhnndl (^«^) Deceitful. 5lf0T^ chhanik, adj. Perishable, temporary, momentary, inconstant, uncertain. II. chliankdnd, v. a. To concentrate, to ^ V , cause to strain. H. V. chhinkdnd or -ch/iinkwdnd, V. a. To cause" to stop, to cause to seize, to cancel, to strike out. II. chhankdhal s. f. Concentration, causing to strain. H. chhinaknd, 1. v. a. To winnow. 2. V. n. To go away offended. H. chhingull, s. f. The little finger. 11. chhungliyd, s. f. The little finger. i£. M-. — ■ chhinald, s. m. Fornicator. V H. chhimednd (causal, of v. a. To cause to snatch. chhanhdi (from ^T^TT) s. f. Shadiness, s. chhinek (^f5f^) adv. Little while. II. chhod^ s. m. Treacle. chhiixsdo (from s. m. Resem- blance, likeness. XT 33G H. chhuana (causal of v. a. To cause to touch, &c. H. chhuani, s. f. Caudle given to a lying-in woman. H. c///«op (from s. m. A coat of paint &c. chhop chhup Icarnu, 1. To shuffle up. 2. To plaster or repair a wall &c. H. liJyp- chhopna, v. a. To fill up, to shut, to paint, to die. H. chhfd, s. f. 1. Defilement. 2. Con- tamination, touch. H. chfiot, s. f. Impurity, defilement. H. chhtit, s. f. 1. Remission, leaving. 2. Striking off hand or playing loose in fencing. 3. Radiance or splendor of jewels, reflexion of a mirror, &c. 4. Giving money off hand or at will to jugglers, &c. at entertainments. M. chhotd, adj. Little, &c. \jj chhotd bard, adj. Varied, variegated, various, great and small. H. chhotdi, s. f. Smallness. chhutnd, v. n. To escape, cease, get loose, leave, remain, slip away, to be dis- charged, dismissed. H. l^y^ chhuchhd, 1. adj. Empty, hollow. 2. s. in. Conjuration. H. \j y^ chhord, H. chhordo, V leaving. H. chhordzod, ) ing go. «• chhokrd, s. m. A boy. H. 4_5/yA=> tTJ J • V - chhckri, s. f. A girl. s. m. Release, omission, arins:, lett- H. chhauban, s. m. A scrambler. H. clihauknd, v. a. To scramble. H. chhiikl, s. f. A gnat. H. chholnd, v. a. To pare, to scrape. H. i_5^yf=^ chholm (from Uyf^) s. f. \ scraper. Uyn-r adj. Four. chahuh-or, adv. On all sides. L chahun-chakr or -dis, ^Rf^ari) Circumjacent. H. ^y^ chhund, v. a. To touch, to meddle With, to feel. H. liyf^ chhaund, s. m. Young of any aninval. H. IL^y^ chlionchld karnd, v. a. To fondle. H. chhonchhl, s. f. 1. Dodkin, case for needles. 2. A small cup for children. H ,^C'ij'-^ch/ionk (from LCy^)s. f. Seasoning, relish. H, chhonhan, s. m. food is seasoned. Spices with which H. chhaunknd, v. a. To season. II. chhuchhld, adj. Foolish, silly, empty. H. yp-y^ chhochho,' s. f. 1. A nurse. 2. Bo- som. tp-yp»- chhochho harnd. To fondle. H. (hhdchln, 1. adj. Contemptible, despicable, mean. 2. s. f. A pipe, a tube. H. jyp- chhor, s. m. 1. Border. 2. Edge. 3. End. 4. A tow boat. chhornd, v. a. To let go, emit fire, forgive, forsake, desert, loose, omit, pardon, re- lease, shoot, spare, abandon, abstain, breathe. c/ihauni, s. f. Barracks, cantonments, s. (Cr. xfiwv) chhoni, s. f. The e.irtli. s. iyp»- chhoh (^T^) Affection. 2. Anger. II. chhohrd, s. m. A boy, a child. s, cb/io/ii (from iyp-) adj. 1. Affection- a“te. 2. \ 111:17. II, . yy{*^ (libftl, s. 1, Chalk. II. ch/iaznxii^d (from Ul^) s. ni. A thatcher. • «.jTy ^ 337 H. chhuhara, a. m. A date. (Phoenix dactylifera). H. chhuhana, v. a. To whitewash. 11. cfihihattar, adj. Seventy-six. H. <^hhuhawat, s. f. Touch. I 5. ch/ia'i s. f. Consumption, s. chha'i, 1. adj. Abolished. 2. s. f. A thatched roof on a boat. 3. A stuffed pad to prevent bullocks being hurt when loaded. 8. c/t/tai, s. f. Mortality, frailty. ^_^p- chhai-rog (vulg. chha'i-rog) Consumption. H. chhl, interj. Tush ! tut ! fye 1 s. Up- chhayu, s. m. Victim. H. Up- chhaiya^ s. m. A boy. S. .^-jUp- chhi^usath adj. Sixty-six. s. chhii/usi ) adj. Eighty-six. II. j^-JLp- chhit/alis, adj. Forty-six. s, chhiyanaxexoe ) adj. Nine.; ty-six. II. chh'ip, s. f. 1. Discoloration or spot on the skin. 2. Fishing-rod. 3. The act of a buffalo’s pushing with his horn. H. ^':^p- chhlpna, v. a. 1. To print cloths. 2. To push with the horn as a buffalo. 3. To draw up the rod in fishing. H. chhipi, s. m •s 6. chhetr, A cloth printer, s. m. 1. A geometrical V figure. 2. Field, land, plantation. 3. A sacred or holy place (as Baniras &c.). chhelr-phal. s. m. The measure- ment (or superficial contents) of a field, of a triangle, or of other geometrical figure. H.ji-p- chhitar, s. m. Brogue, shoe. H. chhit, s. f. Spot, chintz. H. chhltna, v. a. To scatter, to sprinkle. H. ch/ujna, v. n. To decrease, to pine away. b\^ ,% dekhu dekhi kije jog, chhije kdyu burhe rog, They who merely imitate others in austerity, waste away, and their diseases in- crease. H. I)p5p- chhlchhrd, s. ra. The skinny and re- jected part of meat, a piece of flesh. s. Jcp- chhed (1%^) s. m. A hole, an orifice. H. 1j^ chhldd, adj. Thin, not close (said of a person or animal w'hose legs are much sepa- rated). s. chhedmi (r. f^) v. a. To pierce, to bore. s chh'ir, s. m. Milk. H. U^-p- chherna, v. a. To have a bad digestion. H. chheri, s. f. A goat. H, chlter (from U^-p-) ritating, vexing, &c. See the verb, jlp- J-p- chher chhdr or chher khunl, s. f. 1. Stricture, animadversion. 2. The act of vex- ing &c. H. chherna, v. a. 1. To irritate, to vex, to fret, to trouble, to abuse, to aggress, to touch, to handle, to stir up, to interrupt. 2. To play on a musical instrument. s. \L^ chhika, s. m. A sling for carrying - “ V baskets, &c. See UUp- . H. Uw^ chheknd, See To stop &c. H. Jsp- chhail, Is. m. A fop, a beau. H. chhaild, J chhail-pan, a. m. Spr\icenes3. H. LiXpW?" chhailchhiknh/d, s. m. A coxcomb^ a fop. H. chhilan, s. f. Parings. H. ULp- chhilnd, v. a. To peel, to skin, to ex- coriate, to pare, to erase, to scrape. Ulp- UJlp. chhilnd-chhdlnd, or \jj, Jlp- J'^p- chhil chhdl karnd, v. a. To pare, to peel &c. X x V 338 s. chheniy s. f. Welfare. JJSi c^them-kushal, s. f. Welfare. s* ^'H‘=h 0 chheniankarl, s. f. A sort of kite (Falco ponticerianus). H. chhiml, s. f. A pod, legume, husk. s. chhln^ adj. Slight, slender, little, H. U-^ chhcna, s. m. 1. Curd. 2. A small kind of cjmbal. H. chhmnd, v. a. To pull, to tear, to pluck, to rob, to snatch. \jj, clihind chhdnl karnd, To scramble. UJ chhln lend, To snatch up, to acquire, to take posses- sion. s. chhewd, s. m. Spaces, comma &c. chhezDur, s. m. Cuticle, skin. s. chheond v. a. 1. To pierce or to bleed a J\j tdr tree, to extract tdrl. 2. To mark. s. chheoni, s. f. A chisel, punch. H. chahij/e (for chdhlj/e, from U*U>) It is necessary, we must See. H. chepnd, v. a. To stick together., s. chait, (-cj^) s. m. The Hindu, name of the eleventh month, the full moon of which is near chitrd. II. chhlnt, s. f. Chintz. H. chhintd, s. m. Shot, spot, splash, V * handful of water. LjU chhintd mdrnd, To sprinkle. s. Lsij^ chhinchnd, v. a. To throw out water. H. chhenchnd, v. a. To mince, to hack, to pound. H. < * chhink, j ) *• f* Sneezing, sneeze. H. chhenk (from s. f. Seques- tration of goods. LJ , ^ chhenk lend, V. a. To confiscate. s. chhinkd (■Rl^) s. m. A net- work of strings or cords to hang any thing on, the cords of a bahangi. H. chhenkdo (from s. m. Se- questration of goods. H. chhenknd, v. a. To detain, to prevent, to stop, 4o retain, to bar, to restrain. s. chhinknd (from V. n. To sneeze. H. chhenkwaityd, s. m. A confiscator. s. chheni, s. f. See chheoni, s. chheo (see s. m. A mark, a piece of wood cut off. bjU chheo mdrnd, To line out, to mark. s. LL^^chet (from s. m. Memory, re- membrance, thought, perception, consciousness, circumspection. s. H. child (from s. m. Painting : wish, s. kp- chetd (from %rPf) s. m. An admo- nisher- s. child, s. ni. 1. A leopard or panther: . (Felis jubata: Schreb. Hunting leopard: Pennant). 2. Name of a medicinal plant : (Plumbago zeylanica. Sans. H. chital, s. A certain animal of the forest. (Perhaps, spotted, from Paint). 8. chetan, s. m. Reason, ration- ality, caution. - ^ ♦ s. chetnd, 1. v. a. (^fpT) To remember, to think of, to advise, to reflect, to be aware, to recover the senses. 2. s. f. (%rf^) Ac- tion. s. chitnd (I-. V. a. To draw, to • •• V ^ paint. H, chitnd, V. a. To wish. M V s. Wake, perceive) chaitaiij/a, adj. Cautious, attentive, perceiving, sentient (being) ; anin)al. H. chlthnd, v. a. To rend, to tear. N lIC.-*- •• V SS9 H. chetaky s. f. I. A miracle. 2. A de- ception. p. chechak, s. f. The small-pox. a. .Wv>- chikh ( ^Tr^TT^ ) s. f. A scream, screecli &c. L.U chikh mdr/w. To scream, to screech, to cry. s. Uicijs- ch'ikhnu (r. Be impatient or wrathful) v. a. To roar, to scream. p. chida (from part. Select, ga- thered. s. chir ( ) s. f. Rent, slit, strip. 2. Attire. UXj chh' nikalnd, To break through troops. chir, s. f. 1. Cloth. 2. A sort of cloth for w'omen : see . s, 1-cs- cherd, s. m. See L-:>. chela. w ^ K ) s. m. 1. Incision, cut, wound, slit. 2. Maidenhead. 3. furband. chird uldrnu, To deflower. chird-band, A virgin. s. cherd-i, s. f. Slavery. H. chimd, V. a. To reud, to tear, to split, to slit, to cleave, to harrow. p, Sj.^ chira, adj. Powerful. ^ . s. chira, s. m. 1. A turban d. 2. Maiden- head. s. chert or chert ( ) s. f. A slave girl, a girl servant. p. chh, s. f. Thing, commodity, ow chh hast and Sans. Thing) s. f. Chattels, baggage, furniture. •; p. - chistdn, s. in. An enigma, a riddle. •s' . . ' s. cheshid, s. f. Application, en- deavour, motion, exercise, search, appearance. H. chik, s. f. Mud," slime. ' ‘ j i h; u.i^,S^chikaf, 1. s. f. A mixture of oil and , dust. 2. ad}. Greasy or dusty (as'cloth),”^ ■■ . .j^’ .. H. chikar, s. f. Mud, slime. . > » • ' c / ; . chikh, 8. f. See . chikhur, s. m. A squirrel. chiklmd, V. a. 1. (Af^oj) To taste- 2. See chikhnd. s. chil ) s. f. A kite. (Falco Cheela ; Lath.). H. chaild, s. m. A billet of wood cut for burning, &c. s. chcld s. m. A slave brought up in the house, a pupil. s. chilh, s. f. See chil. u. chilhar, s. r. A louse. SeejLs... ?. cheli, s. f. A female slave or pupil. See cheld. , chain, s. m. 1. Ease, relief, repose, tranquillity. 2. Denying a bet in gaming, imposture. p. chin (ffom part. Gathering, picking, collecting. p. chin, s. f. 1. Fold, plait, wrinkle. chin abru .hand, or Uys 'chin ba-jabin hand, To frown, y chin par chin hand, To become wrin- kled from fat. UlJ chin ddlnd. To. crease. chin lend. To crumple. UiU chin manna, To acquiesce or submit to blame or loss. 2. s. m.- China (Sans. ^T^). s. Lo-. chaind ( ) s. m. A kind of corn. - .. y H. chend, s. m. Millet'. (Panicuin Italicura). H. chemp, s. m. The acrid resin of fruits and trees. • — ' . u. — ■ chinthnd, v, n; To be bruised by being trod upon. H. H. .4'* e chinti, s. f. Small ant. .0 » chench pencil, s. m. Brats. H. ‘ chen chen karnd, v. n. Tbchat- jO-^. ter, to chirp, to murmur, to grumble. X X 2 340 H, , chenchi, s. f. A needle-case. •» y H. chenra, adj. Young, little. chink ( ) s. m. A mark, a token by which any thing is known. s. chinha, s. in. An acquaintance. s. '.-i;- chinhna, v. a. To know, to recognise. H. chini, s. f. Sugar (coarse). *>r? P. chini, adj. Belonging to, or produced in China. (Sans. s. chyura ( ) s. in. Rice parched in a certain mode and eaten raw. H, cheyoli, s. f. Silk (cloth). H. chyunta, s. ra. Black ant. H. chyunti, s. f. Same as, or the dimin. of chyunta, q. v. TL Commonly called hd-i-muhmila or hd-i-hutti, the sixth letter of the Arabic alphabet, does not occur in Persian, nor is there in Sanskrit any letter corresponding to it. It is one of the six guttural letters ; its sound being an aspiration much stronger, and formed deeper in the throat than that of ». In reckoning by abjad it stands for eight : and, in astronomical tables, it denotes the sign, Sagittarius. It is sometimes substituted for n, as which is properly (ten vices) ; the proper name of that prince being or the lord of 10,000 horse in Dari signifying 10,000. > Is sometimes used for it ; as nihdwand, properly jJjT nuh dwind, the name of a city built by Noah, and also the name of a mode in music. .) adj. Ingenious, skil- ful, industrious. A. jiU- hdzik (from To prick, to stimulate) adj. Ingenious, skilful, penetrating, intelli- gent, excelling. 341 ^l>. A. hasid (from Ou^) 1. adj. Envious. 2. s. m. An enemy. A. liU- kasha (from or !• adv. Besides. 2. or GW kasha lilldh^ interj. God forbid, by no means. hdshdka and hdshalika, Far be it from thee. M kdshd-ka-lldk, God preserve thee from it. A. hdshij/a (from s. m. 1. A margin, hem, border. 2. A marginal note. 3. Peo- ple of inferior rank. A. hdsil (part. act. of s. m. 1. Produce. 2. Acquiring. 3. Profit. 4. Corn. 5. A tax, duty, custom, revenue. 6. Result. hdsil-i-bdzdrj s. m. Collections or duties of a market, hdsU-i-zarb, The product of multiplication. \jj, J.^U. hdsil karndy 1. To acquire, to get. 2. To gain. 3. To produce. 4. To collect. 5- To learn. ^ J.^>W hdsil-i-kaldm, In short, briefly. A. Aa^tr (from adj. Present, ready, willing, content ; the second person (in gram- mar). Plur. haziritty People present. hdzir bash, adj. (be ready) Content, attendant. hdzir-bdsh-i, s. f. Con- stant attendance. hdzir-jawdb, adj. Pert, answering wittily, ^U- hdzir-jawdb-t, s. f. Repartee. Li^ hdzir rahnd, To attend, to wait on. j>e\s>- hdzir-zdmin, s. m. Bail, security for the ap- pearance of another, a bondsman. hdzir •zdmin-l, s. f. 1. The act of giving bail for another. 2. A bail bond. hdzir-o-ndzir, adj. Present and visible. \j^ hdzir hond, To be at hand, to be ready, to consent. A. diJlyriW hdzirdt, s. f. Commanding or im- prisoning demons &c. raising the devil, spells. A. hdzirdti, s. f. Commanding evil spirits &c. A. p. hdzirdn, plur. (of j«?U-) The present (people &c.). A. hdzirl, s. f. 1. Breakfast, desert. 2. Levee, presence, audience, muster-roll. 3. An offering made to a saint. \j\^ hdziri khdnd, To breakfast. A. lijU- hdjiz (from iia».) s. m. 1. A guardian, governor, preserver. 2. Having a good me- mory. 3. One who has the whole Kurdn by heart. 4. The poetical name of a celebrated poet of Persia (Muhammad Shamsuddin). A. hdjiza, s. ra. A retentive memory. (Called also ilaiW C-JyS)* A. hakim (part. act. of s* A. ruler, 'a governor, a commander, a master. (Plur. hukkdm or hdkimdn). A. JU- hd.1, 8. m. 1. State, condition. 2. Busi- ness, affair. 3. Present time. 4. Ecstacy. (Plur. Jly:*-! ahwdl). liT Jl:*- hdl and, To be in- spired, to be thrown into ecstacies. ^ hdl hdl, In haste, quickly. ^ JU. Jl>- hdl be hdl hond, To be altered from good to bad, to be disordered. JL JU. hdl- sdl. This year, A. c.J^U- hdldt, s. f. plur. (of u:JU.) States, con- ditions, circumstances, cases. A. uu-Sls- hdlat, s. f. 1. State, condition, cir- cumstances, posture of one’s affairs. 2. Case. (Plur. cuSW hdldt). A. |JU- hdlim, s. m. Cress, cresses. (LepidSum sativum). - jw hdli, adj. 1. Modern, new. 2. advj Present, now, soon. 3. Current (coin). A. hdm, n. prop. Ham son of Noah. 342 A. X<\s- hdmid (part. act. of s. m. A prais- er (peculiarly, of God). A. hdmiz (part. act. of Sour. A. hdmil (part. act. of 1. s. m. A carrier, porter, bearer. 2. adj. f. Pregnant (a woman). hdmil-i-malan^ A commen- tary rehearsing, or annexed to, the text. A. hdmila (from J.*c-) adj. f. Pregnant. A. I'd^rni (part. act. from Ua- or s. m. A protector, a defender, hdml *' hharnd, To consent, to confirm : in which sense is feminine according to Saudii in these lines : l/ u3j^. ‘-r^’ P ( ^ ^ IjbiAU liw.} Ndz-harddrt kl hdml lab bharuii, dil kl kamar dam dildsd de bandhd Inn istikdmat ke liye^ I will then consent to endure her capricious airs, vvhen^ by soft persuasion I have fortified my heart for perseverance. A...<-i-0U. hdnh (part. act. of - and Jl^) 1. part. act. Restraining, intervening. 2. (used substan- tively) s. m. A shelter, defence, protection. A. hubb (Ileb. 3Dn) s. f. JLove, affection, friendship. hubbu-l-wafan, Love of • one’s country. X. habb, s. f. A berry or grain of fruit &c. a pill. (PI. cj^). A. hubdb, s. in. A bubble. hubub uthiu, To bubble. A. II. iJ.W- adj. Of the bubble, covered with bubbles, bubble-like. A. habba-d, interj. Excellent! bravo! A. hubs, s. m. 1. Retention, imprisonment 2. Prison. 3. A prisoner. 4. A bank, mound, dam. 5. A tank, pond, reservoir. habsu-l’baul, s. ra. A retention of urine, a stran- gury. habsu-n-nafas. Suffocation. habs-i-doriy s. m. 1. Retaining the breath, which some fakirs do as a religious act for a very long time. (This is esteemed a means of prolonging life, on the principle, that every man has a predestined number of inspira- tions to make, and the more slowly these are performed, the longer will be the period of ‘ his existence). 2. An asthma. H. kabshanl, s. f. A female attendant, ■ (perhaps) an Abyssinian. A. habsh-i (belonging to JL^) adj. Abys- sinian, a Caffre. A. habl (Heb. ^Dn) s. m. 1. Rope, cord. 2. A league, alliance, compact. hablu-l-warid, J ugular vein. A. habba, s. m. 1. One berry, one grain, one seed. 2. A particle, a part. 3. A mea- sure equal to two barley-corns. A. habtb (from i_^) adj. (used substan- tively) Beloved, a lover, sweetheart, a friend, a mistress. A. halldy conj. Until, up to, so that, in such a manner, and thus. b‘ b halta-l-makdur or -imkdn or •n'us’-y Up to, or Power, or Means, opulence) adv. To the best of one’s ability. A, kajj) s. m. I. Act of moving round, or going to a place. 2. Pilgrimage to Mecca. (Plur. ^U^)- ^ h/jdb (from . ^g^-) s. m. 1. Modesty, bashfuluess, sliame. 2. A veil, a curtain. 3. Night. hijub vlhndy v. n. 1. To be. lost (the sense of shame). 2. To be re- 343 moved (a skrecn). . « ^ chas/imi, Sheep’s-eyed. Avirwa, 1. To cover, hide, conceal. 9. To shame* \j\^ fiijub khand, To blusli. A. S' plur. (of Porters, &c. A. ( ^ Jo- hadd bhar kamd, To do one’s best, jc.. hadd karnu. To push any thing to extremity, to go beyond bounds. bjU Jo- hadd mama, To punish. A. (JIjo. hadddd (from JjJo- ) s. m. A black- smith. A. CJJo- hiddal, s. f. 1. The edge of a sword. 2. Passion, vehemence, impetuosity, poignan- cy, virulence. A. CjJo- haduf. or hads (Heb. s. m. 1. Any thing existing for the first time, recently hap- pening, novelty, contingency, event, accident. 2. An accidental cause of impurity, according to Musalmaii traditions, whereby it becomes unlawful to commence or finish a prayer with- out ablution. A. C-3J0- hudux, s. m. Novelty, invention. A. jjjs- hudiid, s. plur. (of jo-) Boundaries, con- fines, penal laws. A. Li-JJc- hadis (from s. m. 1. A his- tory, a tradition. 2. The traditional sayings of Muhammad. (.i-oje- hadis karnd, To forswear, to abjure, to renounce. A. Jj Je- hadid (From q. d. sharp or sharpen- ing) s. m. Iron. A. 4ajJo- hadlka, s. m. A garden. hazar, s. m. 1. Caution, prudence. 2. Fear. S44 A. s. m. Taking away, ejecting, cutting off a letter or syllable of a w’ord, apo- cope. \>J, hazfkarndy To omit, contract, reject. k.js- hurr (Heb. and Chald. mn) adj. Free, well born, genteelly born. A. hirdj^ s. plur. (of Flocks of camels, thickets of trees. A. hardral (from j>. Heb. “inn) s. f. Heat? burning fever, warmth ; zeal. J hardral-i-dini, s. f. Fanaticism. hardrat-i-ghanzl, s. f. Natural heat. A. hirdsat, (from ^j>-) s. f. Care, watch- ing, guarding. \j^ hirdsat karnd^ To take care of, to govern. A. harrdf, adj. (super, from 1. Ingenious, clever. 2. Pleasant, facetious. A. ^\js^hardm (fvom adj. Unlawful, forbidden, prohibited, excluded, sacred, wrong. harum rakhndy To prohibit, hardm- khor, s. m. One who lives on the wages of iniquity. r'/" hardm-zdda, adj. 1. Unlaw- fully begotten, bastard. 2. s. m. A wicked rogue. hardm-zddag-i karnd, To abuse, to ill treat. jjU hardm maghz, Spinal mar- row. 1*1^ hardm kdr, s. m. A fornicator. hardm-kdr-7, s. f. Forbidden acts (particularly, adultery and fornication). r!^ hardm khdnd, To receive the wages of iniquity. hdfdm-i, s. m. A robber, an assassin. 1) hardm-i-pilld , Bastard. A. harh, s. f. War, battle. alf harb-gdh, s. f. Field of battle. A. <0^ harba, s. m. Arms, warlike apparatus. A. harb-i, adj. Warlike, relating to war. s. A warrior. A. Vy- hirbd, s. m. A camelion. A. harfi (Heb. iy“in) s. m. Ploughing, cul- tivating, sowing; a ploughshare. A.jjs- hirz (Heb. nn) s. m. 1. An amulet, a charm. 2. A fortification, an asylum, a place of refuge. A. Mrs, s. m. Same as q. v. A. Mrs, s. f. Desiring eagerly, greedi- ness, avidity, ambition, avarice. A. liUp- Mrsdhd, adj. See fjoi ^ harts. A. hirs-i, adj. Greedy, covetous, ambitious. A. karf, s. m. 1. A letter of the alphabet. 2. A particle (in grammar). 3. Inverting, changing, turning (as a coat). 4. A crooked pen. 5. Writing diagonally. 6. A margin, side. 7. A word. 8. The summit of a moun- tain. (Plur. harfdt or huruf). ^ Is* huruf-i-hijd ot-tahajjl. The * letters of the alphabet, an alphabet. Lil i— ^ harf-dshnd. Being just able to read, knowing the letters. harf dnd. The approach of infamy, to be incurred (infamy). jIjJI harf-anddz, adj. Cunning, artful. harf-anddz-t, s. f. Cunning, artifice, art. u- ^ LW- b harf-baithdlnd or -jamdnd. To compose for printing, ^ par ungli rakhnd. To criticise. harf pakurnd. To censure, to criticise. harfi-lardid. Disjunctive conjunction. harfi-tashblh. The adverb of si- militude. t_fij j3u 4—^ harfi-ta’-rtf. The de- finite article. jSSi 1—^ harfi-lanktr. The indefinite article, i^j>- harfzan, adj. Talkative, talking, replying. \sjL harf~ -i-sharf, Conditional conjunction. harf-i-sahih, A consonant. karf-i- lllat, A long vowel, (i. e. ^ 1). harfgir, s. m. A critick. 545 s. f. Criticism. Ul’ b(tyf Idnn, To as- perse, to defame, to blot, to brand, toblemisli. .j-i /jarf-nd's/iamVf Not attendiiiij to advice, obstinate. fiarf-o-liikdi/at, s. f. 1. Disputing. 2. Doubting. A. harfan harfan, adv. Letter by let- ter, syllable by syllable. A. s. f. ■) 1. Trade, art, profes- A. s. m. J sion. 2. Skill, inge- nuky, cleverness, cunning. A. haraka{,s. f. 1. Motion, action (usually improper). 2. Prevention, hindrance. 5. A short vowel. \jj, hurakut karndy To commit an improper action. A. harakdty s. plur. of harakaty q. V. A. harakal-ly s. m. An interruptor. haraniy 1. adj. Sacred, forbidden. 2. s.m. The temple of Mecca, a sanctuarj. 3. s. f. A concubine. 4. daughter, women’s apartments, a seraglio, a harem. A. p. fiaramzadagi (for s. f. Rascality, baseness. A. kinndn (from |*^) s. m. Repulse, dis- appointment. A. e- - hurmat (from s. f. 1. Dignity, character. 2. Chastity, honour. 3. Rever- ence. U‘,y hurmat lornd. To disgrace. hurmat dendy 1. To bestow ho- nour, to exalt. 2. To lose one’s character, to incur disgrace. \j^ hurmat karndy To treat honourably and respectfully. 'oJ hurmat lend, I. To violate, to ravish. 2. To disgrace. A.. harlr (from s. m. Silk cloth. A. harira (from^) s. m. A kind of pap of milk and flour, caudle. A. j>. harlr-'iy s. f. A very thin kind of paper. A. /.‘(n'h (from adj. Covetous, greedy, gluttonous. A. (fl'oni Clever, cunning, pleasant, facetious. 2. s. m. A ri- val, an enemy. 3. An associate, a partner, a friend. A. harif-ly s. f. Rivalship, enmity. A. harim (from |*^) s. m. A sacred place, a sanctuary ; the enclosure of the temple of Mecca ; a house or dwelling. A. huz)iy s. 111. Grief, sadness, aflliction, sorrow. A. (from adj. Sad, afflicted, , melancholy, grieved. A. hazin-Jy s. f. Sadness, grief. A. hiss, s. 111. Sense, sentiment, feeling, imagination, .sympathy. <_AV hiss-l-bdlinly Internal sense. Exter- nal sense. hiss-i-mushlarak. Com- mon sense. A. fjisdb (from 6. m. Computa- tion, calculation, accounts. lLS\j l hisdb j)dk karnd. To clear accounts, c ^ >V hisdb-ddny%.m. An arithmetician. hisdb rakhndy To keep account of, to register. hisdb raf* karnd. To settle accounts. hisdb kildb, s. m. Accounts. hisdb karnd. To calcu- late. liJ hisdb lend. To take an account. hisdb-nawlsy s. m. An accountant. A. (j'ws- hisdb-i, adj. Proper, accountable, ac- curate, just. A. hassds, adj. (superl. from 1. Possessed of the five senses. 2. (used substan- tively) 111. An animal. A. |4L.>- husdm (from *...^) s. f. A sharp sword. A. hasab (Heb. 3tt>n To compute, to estimate) s, m. 1. Pedigree, nobility. 2. Y y Sufficiency. 3. Religion. i ^ u.—- hasab-o-nasab, s. in. Pedigree. A. hash, adv. 1. Agreeably, conform- ably, according to, in conformity with. 2. s. m. Way, mode, manner. 3. Computing, reflecting upon, considering. 5. Quantity, measure, proportion, value. 6. Number. hasbu-l4mkdn, As far as possi- ble. hasbu-l-amr^ or hasbu-l-irshdd, or hasbu-l-hukm, Agreeably to orders, hasbu-l- mcf-muly Agreeably to custom. JU. t_ .. , hasb-i-hrd, Agreeably to circumstances, as ex- igency may require. y_ hasb-i-dil- khzpdh, Agreeably to one’s desire. A. hasad, s. f. Rnvy, malice, emulation, ambition. A. hasrat (from^^ Heb. “iDn Want) s. f. Regret, grief, desire. nj)j hasrat-zada, adj. Wobegone, afflicted. hasrat- dluda, adj. Overwhelmed with grief. A. hasan (from husn) 1. adj. Good^ beautiful. 2. A proper name, a son of A. (j— ^ husn, s. m. Beauty, elegance, good- ness. husn-i-ikhtiyur, Free-will. hus?2-i-khulk, A good disposition. husn-i-zann, s. m. A good opinion, a favourable judgment. A. hasud (from Jws-) adj. Envious, ma- lignant. A. hasin (from adj. Beautiful. A. husain (dim. of hasan) adj. 1. Good, beautiful. 2. A proper name, a son of A ^Lc ali. =>- husainl, A sort of grape. A. hashush bashiish, adj. Joyful. A. hushusha (from JLs-) s. m. The re- mains of life, last breathings of a dying man. A. hashar (Heb. Tii'n) s. m. A meeting, con- gregation, concourse; the resurrection. yaumu-J-hashar, Day of resurrection. A. hasharat, s. plur. (of 1. The buzzing noise of a crowd. 2. Reptiles, in- sects, animalcula. hashardtu-l- arz, Reptiles. A. ills-, hashfa, s. m. Gians penis. A. hasham, s. m. Train, equipage, suite. A. hashmat, s. f. State, dignity, equi- i page, retinue. A. yls- hasho (from s. m. 1. Stuffing a pillow, cushion, bed &c. also, w hatever it may be stuffed with. 2. People of the meanest con- dition. 3. Small camels. hasho minha^ 1. Subtraction, deduction. 2. The quantity deducted. A. jLte- hisdr (from jx=4) s. m. An enclosure, a fence, besieging, a fortified place. A. hisdnat (from s. f. Firmness, stability, durability, steadiness. A. J.XS- hasar (Heb. nvn) s. m. 1. A siege, blockade. 2. Reckoning, counting, number. A. hisn (Heb. The arm, by which a thing is protected) s. m. A castle, fortification, hisn-i-hasin, 1. An impregnable fortress. 2. The title of a book of Musalman traditions. A. hu^d (from J-a>-) s. m. Acquisition, profit, advantage, produce. A. hissa (from Heb. fvn To cut, to di- vide) s. in. Share, lot, portion, division. hissa-ddr, A sharer. hissa-ddr-i, s. f. Sharing, being entitled to a share, ju-y - hism-rasad, An equal share, a proportional part. A. hash (from jxs-) s. m. A mat. A. hafin (from ^y«a>-) adj. Fortified, strong. huzzdr, s. plur. (of yiU. hdzir) Attend- ants, people present. 347 s. m. Residence, resting, remain- ing in a place, presence. A. hazrat, s. f. 1. Presence. 2. Dignity. 3. Majesty, highness, &c. (a title addressed to the great; and, when used respectively instead of a pronoun or name, the gender of the person to whom it has reference is adopted), Jis hazrat zill-hsubhdm, s. m. His majesty, the shadow of god, the king. t hazrat isu^ Jesus Christ. (Plur. l-}\ A. hinur (from s. m. Presence, ap- pearance, attendance, court, government. huzur-falab, Being called to the presence, summoning attendance. hazur-i, s. m. An attendant, s. f. Pi •esence. A. (from adj. 1. Low. 2. (substantively) The lower extremity or surface of any thing. 3. The foot of a mountain. 4. (In astronomy) The lower apsis in an eccen- trick orbit (opposed to ^^1) . A. Isa- s. m. 1. Pleasure, delight. 2. Flavour, taste. 3. Good fortune, felicity. (Plur. jJLJJ li>- hazz-i-7utfsdm, Sensual plea- sures. A. (lozr, s. m. Prohibition, seclusion, for. bidding. A. (from ki»-) s. f. 1. Memory. 2. Custody, guardianship, protection. hifazat Jearnd, 1. To preserve, to defend. 2. To repeat from memory. 3. To keep in memory. A. hifz, 1. s. m. Memory. 2. s. f. Custody, guardianship, protection. mardtib^ Observing etiquette, attention to the rank &c. of persons addressed. haf.^ s. m. An assembly, council, con- gregation A. hahk (lleb. ppn) To cut, engrave, decree.) 1- adj. Just, right, true. 2. s. m. The deity. 3. Justice, rectitude. 4. Right, portion. 5. Equity. (Plur. huMk^ Rights, duties, laws, just claims). hakk add kartid, to render every one his due. hakku’ssa'i^ s. m. The wages of labour, recompense for trouble. - hukka-barddr, The servant who prepares the hukka. haklr (from adj. 1. Contempti- ()le. 2. Thin, lean. 3. Vile, haklr jdmid. To contemn, to despise. A. hakikat (from ^_^) s. f. 1. Account, narration, relation, state, condition, explana- tion. 2. Truth, sincerity. Yy 2 348 LT A. IsilJia- haktkata?}, adv. Really, truly. A. hakiki, adj. Real, true, certain, ac- curate, just, own. i-f haJdki bhdl, A full brother. A. //a/iA', s. m. Erasure, scratching out. hakk karnd, To erase. Uys hakk hond, To be ei’ased. A. hakkdk (adj. super!, of s. m. A cutter and polisher of precious stones. A. hukkdm, s. plur. (of Governors, rulers, commanders. A. hikdiyditf s. plur. of q- v. A. Mkdyal (from or To speak Ileb. qn The palate, speech) s. f A history, ro- mance, story, tale, narration. (Plur. c:_'’ulXs^ hikdydt). A. hukm, s. m. Order, command, decree, effect, permission. (Plur. ULO b hukm-uihdrid or —nikdlnd, To draw at cards. j1a31 hukm-anddiz^ Obedient to directions, hitting the mark (an arrow, a bullet), hukm-rdn (^$b>- Order, and part. act. of To drive) Ruling, exercising sovereignty. hukm-kash (^=w Order, and part. act. of To draw or suffer) Obedient, subject. iUb hukm-ndma, s. m. Written orders. A. Ijakam, s. m. 1. An umpire, a mediator, an arbitrator. 2. (Ileb. DDH) Knowledge, wisdom, &c. A. UXs- hukamd, s. plur. (of j*-^) Philoso- phers, sages, physicians. A. hikmal, s. f. Wisdom, knowledge, skill, cleverness, contrivance, philosophy, mys- tery, miracle. j. kikmal-l, adj. Clever. yf. hukm-l, adj. Obedient to directions. (Applied to medicine). A, hukunud (from s. f. Dominion, sovereignty, government, jurisdiction. hetkk-'i (from wli^) s. m. An erasing knife. A. hakim (from adj. used substan- tively, A philosopher, a physician. A. p. hakimdna, adj. Physician-like, re- lating to a physician. hakim-', s. f. The practice of medicine. A. Jss.- hall (Heb. ^Sl) s. m. Solution, loosing. ^JSis-hall-kdrijS.f. Gilding. \jj hallkartul, To loose, to solve, to dissolve, discuss, dilute. A. halldj (from ^^) s. m. A comber, a carder of cotton. A. JiU- haldl (from J^) adj. 1. Legal, allow- able, lawful, right. 2. (A woman) laying aside mourning for the death of her husband, at the expiration of 100 days (during which time she is not by law allowed to marry). Jjl=- haldl-khor, s. m. A person of the lowest cast, generally a sweeper, or employed in the meanest and dirtiest occupations; so called, because every thing is laze ful food to him. JiU- haldl-khor-i, s. f. 1. Tlie business or state of a sweeper, &c. 2. A fe- male sweeper, &c. \jj, JiU- haldl karnd, 1. To slay according to the forms prescribed by the Muhammadan religion. 2. To murder. 3. To marry, halldl, s. Resolver, untier. A. haldla, s. f. A woman married again with her first divorcer after she had been di- vorced by her second husband. A. haldu'at (from Ileb. n!?n To rub, to polish ; and, thence, to be smooth or sweet) s. f. Sweetness. A. (_c\s- halab-i, adj. From, or belonging to Aleppo. A. hiltil, s. AssaAptida. A. w 3.1 -w hzdaf, s. An oath. A. (talk, s. in. The windpipe, the tliroat. J19 Uc»- A. /infkum, s. m. The windpipe, (the same as ,J^). A. AiiU- halkoj s. m. J. A riii";, a circle, an as- sembly, a fraternity. 2. A kind of fire- works. o. A knocker (of a door), lialka- ka-gos/i, A slave, a servant: i. e. One who wears a riii" in his ear, as a badge of servi- tude. kafka ba-gos/i-i, s. f. Servi- tude, slavery. A. k- A. (nlm (from Ijolmv, To dream, to be mild and long su tiering. Ileb. D/H To be firm, healthy, fat, gross ; to dream : or rather transp. from To be merciful, to spare) s. m. Gentleness, clemency, mildness, allability, gravity, wisdom, (lif/n, adj. Mer- ciless, severe. A. lyU- kulxi'a (from s. m. A kind of sweet- meat made of flour, ghi and sugar, ly!o- /lalwd-so/ian, s. m. jName of a sweetmeat. UlC !y]o- kalwti tiikul/id, To beat severely. A. kahcdii, s. m. A kid, a lamb. hahi)d-l (from lylo..) s. m. A confec- tioner. A. kalzcdj/an, s. f. A confectioner’s wife. A. JyU- hulul, s. m. 1. Descent. 2. Stopping or sojourning. 3. Entering or penetrating. 4. Transmigration. A. iyla- kahi'a, s. m. See kalut'd. A. huUa, s. m. Garment, a robe. A. hull, (from %>. Heb. n^?n To polish) s. f. Jewels, ornament. A. haUm (from Jj».) adj. Mild, affable, unassuming, tractable. 2. A kind of food dressed in the Muharram. a;jU»- hinidr (Heb. “ViDn, from To be hot, to be red ; because, says Bochart, asses in the east are of this colour : forsan potius a fervore libidinis in hoc animale. Vid. Ezech. 29, 20) s. m. An ass. A. hhndr-i, adj. Asinine, belonging to the ass. A. hhndkal (from s, f. Folly, stupidity. A. jUa- hammdl, adj. (superl. from J.^) usoA substantively, A porter, a carrier of burdens. A. hammdm (from ^ Heb. DOn To be- come warm) s. m. A bath. Iiamdm, s. A pigeon. A. hanimdm-1 , s. m. A bagnio-keeper. A. himdj/at (from Us..) s. f. I’rotection, detence, guardianship, patronage, countenance. LiL~;U>. hhndj/al kurnd, To defend, to pa- tronise. A. JjU>. hamd'il (from Ja^) s. f. 1. A sword- belt hung from the shoulders. 2. A necklace of flowers. 9. A small kurdn suspended to the neck as an amulet. A. hamd, s. f. Praise. ladj. Red. (Heb. “ion). A. hamrd, ) A. humk, s. m. Foolishness, stupidity, in- advertency. A. (_U>- hami, s. m. 1. A burden, a load. \j^ haml kurnd, To load, to impute, to accuse, to ascribe. 2. The fruit (of the womb), preg- nancy. 9. Fruit (of any kind), 4. Aries. A. hamla, s. m. 1. An attack, an assault. 2. ifg.) Concubitus. ^.T ^U^ hamla-dicar, Attacking. A. himmd, s. A fever. hummd. ” X. i'rib'lj A quartan ague. A. hamiyat (from U*.) s. f. Ardour, zeal, a nice sense of honour. A. hamld (from adj. Praised, laud- 350 able, glorious. (_>Usjl ausuf-i-fiamtda, Laudable qualifications. A. J-.40- hamil (from s. m. 1. A son of a whore, a bastard. 2. A surety. 3. Herbs, sticks, &c. carried down by the stream. A. Ls- hind, s. f. The tree with which the In- dians stain their hands and feet. (Lawsonia inermis). hind-i, adj. Of the colour of hind, stained with hind. A. hanjar, vulg. hinjar, 1 s. m. The A. hanjara, vulg. hinjard, J throat. A. hanzal, s. Coloquintida apple. A. hazowd (Heb. mn, from Heb. il'n To live ; “ because she was the mother of all living,” >n Vd Gen. iii. 20.) n. prop. Eve, the mother of mankind. A. hawdrl (from Heb. “)in) s. m. 1. Having a white skin. 2. A washerman, a fuller. 3. A friend, a companion. 4. An apostle, a disciple or apostle (of Jesus Christ), a friend, associate, companion (of Muham- mad). A. hawdss, s. plur. (of from j_^) The senses. hazodss-bdkhia, adj. Out of one’s senses. hawdss-i- khamsa, The five senses. A. hawdshi, s. plur. (of U.) Skirts, margins, borders. A. hawdsil (from J-^ii>-) s. m. 1. plur. of q. V. 2. An animal of whose skin they make garments. 3. A pelican. A. hawdldt (from Heb. ^in) s. f. Things given in charge, trusts. A. hawul-ddr and part. act. of ^^^b) s. m. A military officer of inferior rank. A. ^\y>- havodla, s. m. Charge, custody, care. possession, hawdle, adv. In the charge, care, &c. hawdl'i, s, f. Environs, outskirts, su- burbs. A., hut,?,. 1. Fish. 2. The sign Pisces. A. jy=>- hur, l(from^U.. Heb. and Ch. “iin To J be white, to see, to have beauti- ful dark eyes) s. f. A virgin of paradise, a black-eyed nymph. A. hauza (Heb. nno from jU- Heb. nn To collect, to accumulate, to possess) s. m. A track, side, part, middle. A. //atqvzYa (from J^) s. m. 1. The sto- mach, maw, crop. 2. (3Iet.) Resolution, de- sire, ambition, capacity, spirit. hausila-mand, adj. Ambitious, aspiring. A. huitz (from j^U-) s. m. A reservoir, a pond, the bason of a fountain, a tank, vat. A. Jys- haul (Heb. ^in) 1. Changing, return- ing. 2. Passing by or over. 3. Detaining. 4. Power, strength. 5. Deceit. 6. A year. haxcal, adj. Squinting, blind of an eye. A. hazoell, s. f. House, dwelling, habi- tation. A. haiy (Heb. >n) adj. Alive, ^ haiy kaiyum, adj. Eternal, immortal. Id-yamdt, Eternal, A. hayd (from s. f. Modesty, shame. hayd-ddr, adj. Modest. A. haydt (from ^) s. f. Life. sj\l haydt-i-ldza. New life, regeneration (used to express recovery from severe illness, the pleasure derived from meeting with a friend &c.). A. haisiyat (from ui-^) s, f, 1. Ubi- quity, universality. 2, Capacity, ability, merit. 3. Conditional proposition. haidar, s. m, A lion; a name of Alt, son in law of Mahomet. haidar-/, s. One of the sect of Ali. 351 cul»- t A. hair (in (from jU-) adj. Astonished confounded, disturbed, fatigued. A, hairSn-i, s. f. Astonishment, pertur- bation, distress. A. hairal, s. f. Stupor, perturbation, astonishment. han'at-afza and part. act. of To increase) Astonish- ing. A. hairal-i, adj. Astonished. A. haiyiz (from jU..) s. m. 1. A place, part, a tract of ground. 2. A court yard, an area. A. hais bais (^^3^ To escape, to retreat, and Adversity, calamity, con- fusion) s. f. Perplexity, hesitation, suspense, a perplexed business. A. The menses. A term of reproach. A. hah-i, adj. (used substantively) A wicked brat. A. hlta, s. m. A court, a place, an en- closure. A. !• interj. Ah! alas! 2. s. m. Iniquity, oppression. A. s- plur. (of ^d^) Frauds, tricks, snares. A. isLp- hlia (Heb. ^>rr) s. m. Stratagem, deceit, pretence, trick. A. P. hila-saz-l, s. f. Contrivance, stratagem, trick. A. hin, s. m. Time, interval of time. t" hln-i-Iiaj/at, Lifetime. A. haixsdn (from ^^^) s. ra. An animal, a beast. (Plur. . t ^ Called (_«ls- and the seventh letter of the Arabic alphabet, is a guttural letter, uttered by compression of the top of the throat near the mouth. It has no cor- responding sound in the English language, but is expressed by the Scottish pronunciation of gh in the word right. It seems to have the power of the Greek x- Meninski says that it is the ch of Poland, but pronounced somewhat more strongly. In numeration by the letters of the Arabic alphabet, it stands for 600. And in astronomy, it denotes the planet Mars. Its permutations are 1. into ^ as ^ for A spear, straight, high. ^1; for A tree fit for fire-wood. 2. into s as cl/bs for C/U- An egg. 3. into ^ as for name of a plant (Tribulus), a caltrop thrown in the road to prevent an enemy’s approach. It is substituted 1. for ^ as for Me- ridian, manner, bitter plants rejected by cattle. 2. for ^ as for A flint ; for ,jy=.- A multitude. In the conjugation of Persian verbs, ^ of the preterite is changed in the aorist 1. into j as jjj from 9. into ^ as jwLi from 3. into ^ as fi’om In derivation tl/appears to be sometimes put for ^ ; thus, a bow may be deduced from bending. A. hhutim (from Heb. onn To seal, to finish) s. f. 1. A ring worn on the fingers. 2. A seal. khatimu-l-mursalin or 1^'il |*jU- kkutimu-l-ambi^a, The seal of the prophets, i. e. Muhammad, khatim- bandy A seal-setter. A. khdtima (from s. m. Conclusion, epilogue, finis, end. iUjIA khdtima-bandi s. f. 1. A kind of workmanship of which they^ make bows. 2. The ceiling of a roof. p. (jyj'U- khdtun, s. f. A lady, a matron. 352 lU- Ididtun-i-jnnnat, The queen of heaven (a title given to Fatima the daughter of Muham- mad). p. u)'o- khdd, s. A kite, an eagle or kind of falcon. A. j»oU- hhddim, part. act. (from used substantively, A servant. hhudi- mu-t-\ulahu.) A public teacher, a professor (of a college). j*jU- kfiadim-i-dargdh, A ser- vant who takes care of a tomb, mosque &c. (Pers. plur. khadimdn). A. «UjU- khddima, s. f. of q. v. p. jU- khdr, s. m. 1. A thorn, spine, thistle, bramble. 2. A spur, a cock’s spur. khdr dnkhon kd, An eyesore, disagreeable. 1 ,.'*.1 khdr-pusht, s. m. A porcupine (Hystrix). jU- khdr khdr, Disquietude. jbjU- khdr-ddr, Troublesome, arduous, barb- ed, thorny. J'jJ^ khdr-zdr, s. f. A thicket of thorns &c. J:S khdr-kash, A wood- cutter. khdr-o-khas, Sweepings, any thing vile. A. khdrij (from part, or adj. Depart- ing, external, without, outcast. \jj, khdrij karnd, To exclude. A. ^ khdrija, s. m. The word at the bottom of a page which is repeated at the beginning of the next, an asterisk, a catchword. A. ^^J^khdriji, s. m. A sect of Muhammadans who do not reckon All among the legal succes- of the prophet. They are the mortal enemies of the Rdfizls or ShVas, who reject Abubakr, Omr and (Jthman, while the Sunnis consider the four as legal successors &c. AT't the ShVus call the Sunnis, khdriji. j>. khdrish (from s. f. The itch, the scab, the mange. iyU- khdrh.hl, s. f. The itch. U khdrishl-i, adj. Mangy, itchy, scabby. p. A. P. khdsta (from part, (in compos.) Risen, got up. cl/LiU- khdshdk, s. m. Sweepings, chips, leaves, shavings, rubbish. khds (from Heb. f2fn To cut, to divide, to appropriate) adj. 1. Excellent, noble, pure, unmixed. 2. Particular, private, what is kept for the king’s (or the master’s) private use, own, proper, peculiar, single, gentle. khds-barddr, s. m. A ser- vant who, in a great man’s retinue, carries a fii’elock. khds khrods, A royal fe- male servant. khds-ddn, A kind of canteen to carry water-vessels in. khds-mahal, s. m. Private apartment, the apartments of married women (in opposition to khurd-mahal) • met. First (married wife). khds~o-?nn. Noble and plebeian. khdsa-gi (from s. f. Excellence, nobility. khdsa, 1. adj. Excellent, pure, noble, elegant, good, charming, delightful, pretty, fine, virtuous. 2. s. m. Dinner. 3. A kind of cloth. khdfi, adj. f. Excellent, noble. i^^U- khdfii/at, s. f. Quality, innate pro- perty, natural disposition. khdlir (from ^,ki) s. f. The heart, soul, inclination, memory, prope'nsity, account, sake, will, choice. khdlir-dzurda, adj. Melancholy, dejected, sad. khdfh- dshitjla, adj. Distressed, dispirited, agitated. Jb\^ khdijrjam', 1. adj. Collected, com- forted, contented, trampiil, at case. 2. s. f. Satisfaction, assurance, encouragement. khdtirjam-i, s. f. Comfort, confidence. liy-jL-U- khdiir-kincdh, adj. Agreeable to onc’i wishes, hhuljr-dart, s. f. I'jiicoii- ragement, comfort, satii^faction. Uidiir-dushl, s. f. Complaisance, regard. JL-U hhalir rakhm't. To conciliate, to encou- rage, to comfort, to quiet. hhulir karnd, 1. 'J'o fondle. 2. To be desirous of pleasing. 3. To encourage, to comfort. C\-^ /.//d/b- men rakhiiu, To remember. /.//d/_'V fuen land, To regard, to attend to. JJL' hhdljr-nishdn, adj. Im- printed on the memory, by heart. khdlir-nisliin, adj. I. Fi.xed in the memory, by heart. 2. Chosen, beloved. . khdkdn, s. m. A king, an emperor. . JliU khdkdn-i, adj. 1. Royal, imperial. 2. 11. prop. Name of a most celebrated poet of Persia. . lLj'U k/tdk, s. f. Dust, earth. /'bJA- bdzi, s. f. Playing with dust. LiU- khdk-pd, s. f. Dust of the feet, earth trodden under foot, the lowest or most worthless thing. khdk phdnknd, To wander, to stray. '*y ijiy' Cj\i. k/idk-toda, s. m. A butt or mark of earth for shooting arrows at. khdk chhdnnd (lit. To sift the dust) expresses excessive labour and exertion in fruitless search. ijj U khdk ddlni, is used to ex- press the concealing of those things from the disclosure of which disgrace may be expected. khdk-rob, (lLA\A- and part. act. To sweep) s. m. A sweeper, khdk- roba, s. m. Sweepings. jLiU- khdk-sdr, adj. Base, mean, low-born. khdk-sdr-l, s. f. Meanness. UlVl .i cJ'A- khdk sir par J J urdnd, To lament. L)^ aL«j c/U- khdk sii/dh karnd, Toplunder and lay waste a country, to depredate. iJL C/U- khdk-sho, s. in. 1. .A per- son in the mint who washes the ashes to recover any particles of bullion which may liavc fallen. 2. The man who prepares earth for brick making or pottery. \j^ khdk knrnd, 'I'o waste, to ruin, to demolish, \j'L< ci/U- khdk nun niildnd, To destroy, to spoil, to demolish. cJ\^ khnk men milnd, I. To die, to perish. 2. To be ruined, demolished. ljU-ys uL/U- khdk ho jdnd, To moulder or pine away. p. liU. khdkd, s. m. A phin, sketch, draft, out- line. p. khdk-ddn, s. A receptacle for ashes; the world. khdkislar, s. f. Aslies. khdkis- tar bond, v. n. To calcine. P. khdkistar-J, adj. Of the colour of ashes, covered with ashes. p. ,-LsU- khdkshi, s. f. 1. A small weight used by goldsmiths (seed of Abrus precatorius) 2. A red bramble. 3. A small red seed used in medicine. P, pU- khdk-i, adj. 1. Dusty. 2. Earthen. 3. The epithet of a kind of arrow. IjJI khdki andd, s. m. 1. An addled egg, wind egg. 2. A term of reproach. p. khdgina, s. m. Fried eggs, a kind of dish made of eggs. A khdl, s. m. 1. A mole on the face (black and ornamental). 2. An artificial spot made for ornament. 3. A maternal uncle, mother’s brother. JU- JU- A/m/ />/<«/, adj. 1. Thick, close, thickly spread. 2. Little, scarce. j. khd/d, (properly khdi/a cfiumdnd, To disregard, to be disobedient, to be stubborn, not to submit to obedience. 1^ khardb (from t__^) adj. 1. Bad, de- praved. 2. Ruined, depopulated, deserted, lost, miserable, spoiled, waste, iz A khardh-khasta, adj. Ruined, desolated. khardb karke kahnd, To miscall. A. khardbdt, s. f. A tavern, a brothel. A. (jbl^ khardbdt-l, s. m. A haunter of ta- verns and rothels, a rake, a debauchee. 357 LTJ^ A. kfiardha, 1. s. in. Devastation, ruin. 2. adj. Depraved, bad. kfi(irdb-t, s. f. 1. Badness, depravity. 2. Knin, desolation, mischief. H. kfiarrdid, s. m. Snoring. ^1^ kharrdld mdriid, To snore. A. kkirdj (from s. m. Tax, duty, rent, revenue, tribute. kliirdj-giizdr, A tributary. khiidj /agdind, To tax, to assess. A. khardd (ls|^) s. f. A lathe. w'lyi- khardd c/iar/tnd, To be polished (as a clown by intercourse with the society of a city). kharddnd (from v. a. To turn in a lathe, to worry. khardd! (from s. m. A turner, p. khiirdsdii, n. prop. Name of a country. p. A7/«»v7s/i (from l.s. f. Scratch- ing, scraping, excoriation. 2. (in compos.) part. Scratching, lacerating, clawing. p. khardsha, s. ni. Scales, or iilings of iron, small debt. A. khardt (from II eb. Din) s. f. A turner’s lathe, kharrdt, s. m. A turner. A. kharrul'/, 1. s. m. A turner. 2. adj. Turned. A. ^\js^ khardtin (from 1^) s. m. An earth- worm. A. khurdfat (from i— ^ Ileb. rjin) s. f. A fable, tale, romance, ludicrous saying. (Plur. c:^'Li|^). p. khirdm (from s. f. Pace, gait, stately gait, graceful walking. \jj, ^\j^. khirdm karndy To march, to pace. khiish- khirdiVy adj. Walking elegantly, p. khirdmdn, part. Walking stately, mov- ing gracefully. p. kharbuza, 'h p. kharhuzUy Vs. m. A musk-melon, p. kharpuza, } A. kharj. Is. m. Expenditure, expence, A. kharch,} P'ice. (Plur. kharch akhrdjdl, I'lxponditure. kharch handy To be expended. khnrachnd (from — y^) v. a. 1. To expend. 2. To sell. p. kharchangy s. m. 1. A crab (fish). 2. A kind of herb. A. khurchu (from P»'oJ*g«lj expensive. A. kharcha, s. m. Costs of law-suits. A. It. kharch-iy 1. s. f. Price of stupra- tion. 2. adj. Prodigal. 3. Provision for a journey. p. JujUy;. khar khdictnd, s. m. Master, owner, possessor. (Spoken contemptuously). p. khur khio'y or khar khary Purring (of a cat). \}J khar khar karndy To pur. A. kharkhardy s. m. Snoring, p. khirady s. f. \Visdom. jk>c khirad- mandy adj. Wise. tiyJ- khiradmand-i, s. f. Wisdom. khirad-zcary adj. Sagacious, wise. Oj>- khiradioar-iy s. f. Sagacity, wis- dom. p. |*U- khurd khdniy adj. Bruised, broken, ground small. p. khardaly s. Mustard-seed, p. khar zahrOy s. m. Rhododaphne or Rose bay. (Nerium Oleander). p. kharkhashay s. m. A tumult, crowd, quarrelling. p, khirSy s. m. A bear. khirs- -bdzty s. f. Rudeness, romping, bear’s play, p. khursandy adj. Contented, satisfied, pleased. 358 p. kliursand-i, s. f. Content, pleasure, mirth. p. kharsang, s. m. Rival, a large stone. A. khartuniy s. ni. The proboscis of an elephant. A. ^ ktmrif, s. ni. A doting old man. A. khurfa, (from To pluck fruit from a tree, Heb. nD“in To strip olF honours or de- coration, to inflict ignominy), s. m. 1. That which is plucked from a tree: (Jauhari). 2. Autumnal fruit : (Mar.). p. khurfa^ s. ra. Purslain. (Portulaca oleracea). A. cujlc khark-i-adal, s. f. Contrary to nature, a miracle, (plur. A. ijjs- khirka (from ^^) s. m. A religious habit. p. khargdh, s. f. 1. A tent, pavillion, tabernacle. 2. The royal tent, court or palace. p. khargosh ( J,. Large and Ear) s. m. A hare, a rabbit. ■p. ^ji-khurram, adj. 1. Pleasant, delightful. 2. Cheerful, pleased. p. Up- khurmd, s. m. A date, (the fruit of the Phoenix dactylifera). p. khar-mast, adj. 1. Athletic. 2. Stupid. p. khirman, s. m. Harvest. P. kharmush, s. A mouse or dormouse of a large kind. p, kliar^mhra, s. m. The small shells culled kauri. (Cypraea moneta). p. kimrram-l, s. f. Cheerfulness, pleasure, delight. ^ p. A. 3dj. Magnum penem habeiis. A. khuruj, s. m. Sally, egress, excretion. P. khurus, s. m. A dunghill cock. P. kharosh, s. m. A crash, a loud noise, a tumult. P. kharid (from ^^u^) I. (In comp.) part. Bought. 2. s. f. Purchase, kharid farokht, Buying and selling. kharid ku 7nol, s. ra. Prime cost. p. kharidur (from s. m. A pur- chaser. P. kharidar-iy s. f. Buying, purchasing. p. kharida (part, past of adj. Purchased, bought. p. \jjjj~.~kharidnd (from Jo^) v. a. To pur* chase. A. kharifa, s. m. A purse, packet, bag, mail. (Letters are sent in India enclosed in bags, diversified according to the quality of the person to whom sent, being more or less rich or embroidered agreeable to their rank). Met. A letter. A. kharifa (from See s. f. Au- tumn, the autumnal harvest. kharifi (from ujb^) s. f. Grown in harvest. A. khaz, s. f. A coarse kind of silk cloth. A. p. (jlji khizun or khazdn (from ^^) s. f. Autumn, the falling of the leaves. A. khazunchi (a)!^ and s. m. A treasurer. A. Ajlyi- khazum ikovR m. 1. A treasury, magazine, granary, repository. 2. Treasure. 3. The chamber of a gun.^lj khazdna-ddr, A musket with a chamber. kha- zutia'e (imira, s. m. The royal treasury. (Plur. khazdi/in). A. khazaf, s. A potsherd. p. khaSf 8. f. The name of a grass of the roots of which lallis arc made. (Andropogon I • 3!)0 rauricatum). kfias-posJi, adj. Cover- ed with thorns. c/tiiU- . khas-o-khashdk^ 6. 111. Litter of tilings, rubbish. A. kkass, s. A lettuce. A. khisdrat (froni^^..^) s. f. 1. Loss, damage. 2. Perlidy, fraud. 3. Plunder, de- vastation. p. kidsdndu (from i) s. ni. An in- fusion (in medicine). A. 4. kliissai, s. f. 1. Stinginess, parsimonv* 2. Meanness. p. kkislak, s. f. Codpiece. P. ^ kkaslagj (from p-) s. f. 1. A wound, a sore. 2. Sickness. p. khasla, adj. 1. Wounded. 2. Sick. JU- k/ias(a-/id/, adj. Afllicted, distressed. 4“ ■■■4. khasia-jdn, Heart-broken. V. khusat', s. ni. A father-in-law. A. k/iasar, s. in. Damages, loss, injury, fraud. p. khusrau, s. ni. 1 . Name of a celebrated king (C^rus or Chosroes). 2. A king in ge- neral. 3. Name of a most famous poet of Dihli. p. khusrawdna, adv. Prince-like, kingly, adj. Royal. p. khusrawt, adj. Belonging to a king, royal, imperial. p. - ~ --t- k/iasak (dirain, of khas) s. Grass or rubbish. A. (_Jw> khusdf (from w_i~ *-) s. ni. An eclipse of the moon. A. ^ khusls (from adj. 1. Penuri- ous, sordid. 2. Ignoble. p. khisht, s. f. A brick or tile. j> khislit-paz, A brick-maker. p. < khishtak, s. f. A gusset under the arm- hole or down the side of a vest. p. khisht-if adj. Made of brick or tile. p. kh(ts/ik/iash,'\^ Poppy-seed, p, khaskkfidsk, ) (Sans. p. kkuslik, adj. Dry, withered. ^Uj Uiiishk-damdgfi, adj. Grievous. ^Uj khushk-dnmdgh-i, s. f. Grief. kliun/ik-sd/, A general dearth, a dry year, a drought. kknskk-sdl-/, s. f. Drought, sterility. ^ Idiushk-lahl, s. f. Dryness of the lips. p. iSJLi- klinsfika, s. m. Boiled rice. p. k/ittslikl (from l‘ s. f. I. Dryness. 2. Dearth, occasioned by drought. 3. Dry land. 4. adv. By land (in opposition to by water). khuskk-mag/iz, adj. Crack-brained. p. khashm, s. m. Anger, passion, rage, fury. jjST khasm-dlud,ii(ij. Deformed with rage. khashm-gln or kfiashm-ndkj adj. Enraged, passionate, angry. A. khashin, adj. Rough, severe, p. khusknud, adj. Contented, satisfied. p. khushnud-l, s. f. Satisfaction, plea- sure, content. A. khushunat (from s. f. Asperity, rigidness, disdain, fierceness, indignation. A. khisdl, s. plur. (of c:^A^) Qualities, virtues. A. A— 4. khaslat, s. f. 1. Habit, custom. 2. Quality, property, mode, talent, virtue, dispo- tion, nature. (Plur. Jloi- or JoLas-). A. jt-as- khasm, s. m. 1. An enemy, antagonist. 2. khasam, A husband, khasam-wdll, adj. f. A woman whose husband is alive. A.v. khasm-dna, adv. Like a good husband, economically, with attention to domestic affairs. A. p. khasm-L s. f. Enmity. A. ijoyas- khupts (from s. m. 1. An affair. SGO business, tiling, particular. 2. Doing any thing particular. 3. adv. Particularly. A. IJiususcm, adv. Particularly, especially. A. khusufi^at^ s. f. Peculiarity, singu- larity, attachment, friendship. A. hhusumal (from s. f. Enmity. A. khasfi, s. m. A castrated animal (particularly a goat), an eunuch. A. khusij/a, s. m. Testicle. A. khizub (from ( ...^) s. m. 1. Tinc- ture. 2. Tinging the nails and hair, but particularly the beard. khizdh-i-uhim karna, To shave the beard. X. kJiizr, n. prop. A companion of Moses, Phinchas : or the prophet Elias. A. Ls- khatt (Ch. tocon To dig, to engrave) s. m. 1. A letter, epistle. 2. A line, lineament. 3. Writing, handwriting, chirography. 4. Mus- taches, beard, youthful beard or down on the face. (Plur. kkatl-i-istiwu, The equator. liKi b l)T laa- khalt-dnd or -nikahid, To appear (the beard). b bbj ki- f^kaU- -bandnd or -banwdnd, To shave the beard. kkalt-i-jadi, The tropick of Capri- corn. lis- khall-i-sartdn, The tropick of Cancer. ia> khaU-i-shud*, The rays of the sun, also the name of a kind of writing, kii. k/t(ilj-i-ai7id(l^ A perpendicular line. L;- khatf-i-kildbat, Correspondence, ks- khatt-i-mutazedzi, A parallel line. klialt-i-musladlr, A circular line. kA kliall-i-rnusictkhn, A right line- khdU-i-munJiani, A curved line. A. Iki- (from Hcb. NDn To err) s. f. A mistake, error, fault, crime. Ikk Afiald-bak/tsh (lk:k and part. act. of To forgive &c.) s. m. A forgiver of errors &c. lk> hkald kanid, To err, to miss. A. i >'k:k khUdb (from ^^k^) s. m. 1. A title. 2. Conversation, speech, address. A. u:^lki khitdbat, s. f. Preaching, eloquence, rhetorick. A. blka- khaljdt, adj. super, (from used sub- stantively, A good writer. A. khatab, s. m. 1. Marrying, betroth- ing, contracting a marriage. 2. A thing, cause, work. A. iUks- kJiutba, s. m. A sermon or oration de- livered after divine service every Friday, in which the preacher blesses Muhammad, his successors, and the reigning sovereign. A. khaiar, s m. 1. Recollection, coming into the mind, thought, remembrance. 2. Danger, risk, fortune. tk/b ^^kk khatar-ndk, adj. Frightful, dangerous. ^b ^k>. khatnr-ndk-l, s. f. Danger. A. iSjtsA- IJuilro, s. m. 1. Danger. 2. Fear, risk, venture. \jj, khatra raf’’ karna, To ease nature, khatra na karnd, To make no bones of. bJlj khaire men ddlnd, To endanger, to risk, to venture. A. (Uai. khiita, s. m. A region, country, territory. A. bjk>- khutdt, s. plur. of k> q. v. A.jJkk khutdr (from s. m. 1. Coming into the mind, recollection, remembrance. 2. Dignity. A. k/iatlb (from t_j'k:k) s. m. A preacher. A. ^ khatir (from >k) adj. Great, im- portant, honourable, dignified. A. i—ci- /lA/^ (from (,:i,^kk) adj. Light (of weight, or morals), undignified, khvf, s. m. A boot. A. Us- khafd (Heb. nDn)s. f. A secret, a con- cealment. p. Us- khafd, adj. Same as isA- khafa, q. v. A. khijfat, s. f. Lightness of weight. levity of conduct, want of dignity, affront, disgrace. l/iijfal karnd, To vilify, to slander. p. khiifla (from part, past, Asleep. (Plur. khuf lagan). A. khafakCin (from Jik^) s. m. Palpitation (a disease of the heart especially). A. khafakdn-i, adj. Subject to palpitation. p. k/iafagi (from - q. v. khallt_a-€-tdfdn, An exciter of distur- bance, calumniator, w icked person. A. khalifa (from ckU- II eb. n'?n To pass over or beyond ; to succeed or follow) s. m. I. A successor, a sovereign, particularly applied to the successors of Muhammad. 2. (in Hind.) Cooks, tailors &c. are called khalifa. 3. A fencing master. 4. A monitor (as the elder boys at school become). A. khalik (from ^As-) adj. Of good dis- position. p. ^ kham, 1. adj. Twisted, crooked, coiled. 2. s. m. A coil, fold, ply, curl, ringlet. 3. That part of a noose which encircles the neck. ^ kham andar kham,. Twist within twist, curling locks. l^\.< b blss:^ bAj^‘ ^ kham-lhonknd, -hajdnd, or -mdrml, v. a. To strike the arms previous to wrestling &c. to challenge (as wrestlers do). r^r kham chum. or kham-o-cham, 1. s. m. Coquetry, blandishment, of a mistress. 2. adj. Elegant, graceful. ^ kham-i-rhait- gdn, s. m. The bat or instrument w ith which the game of chaiigdn is played, ^ kham-ddr, adj. Twistecl, curled, bent, crooked. P. ^ khitm, s. m. A large jar, an alembick, a still. (Sans. ^)T). blii'Ls- khum charhdnd, V. a. To boil cloths preparatory to w'ashing. A. (U^ khumdr, (froni s. m. I. Sickness, headach See. the effect of drinking. 2. Intox- icating. 3, Languishing appearances of the eyes, the effect of love, of drowsiness, of drinking &c. jySTjUi- khumdr-dldd, adj. Intoxicating (eyes). jUk khinndr-khdna, 363 9. m. A (avorn. khammar, adj. Drunkard, much given to drink, crop-sick. A. khumur-i, adj. Drunken, languishing. p. n. L'U;*. khamanu (from v. a. To twist, to curl, to coil. K. khamnr (from Ileb. "iDn To be hot, to boil, to ferment) s. m. 1 . Wine, spirituous liquors, i?. Covering, hiding. 3. Fermenting, leavenino:. O A. SjAc- khumra (from y*>>) s. m. 1. A small mat of palm leaves for kneeling on at prayers. '2. A small drum carried by beggars. 3. A small earthen pot in which leaven is prepared and kept. A. ^^—4^ kham.- khrouja khizar, n. prop. The name of a prophet skilled in divination, and who is said to have discovered the water of life ; hence he is considered as the saint of waters. The Muhammadans offer oblations to him of lamps, flowers, &c. placed on little rafts and launched on the river, particularly on Thurs- day evening in the month of bhudon ; and it is in his honour that the feast of the bera is held, q. v. klm uja-zada, s. m. Mas- ter. \j^ khwdja-sard^ s. in. An eunuch. khifdr, 1. adj. Poor, distressed, deserted, abandoned, friendless, wretched, contemptible, ruined. 2. part, (from Eating, eater, drinking, drinker, suffering, sufferer. A. kharpdrij, s. plur. of khdriji^ q. V. A. khawdrik, s. plur. (of or Contrary to nature, unusual things, miracles. p. khiodr-l, 1. s. f. Baseness, distress. 2. (in compos.) Eating, drinking. p. khwdst (from s. f. Desire, wish, request, kJncdst-gdr, s. m. (’andidate, competitor, bidder. A. khrc'dsta (from part. Desired, wished for. A. khazcdss, s. plur. (of !• Attendants, domesticks. 2. Grandees, ministers of state. 3. Properties, qualities. 4. A page, a female attendant, a lady in waiting. 5. A favourite. j kfiazadss o uwdm, Nobles and ple- beians. j. k/iait'dssi, s. m. The place where one sits behind a great man upon an elephant. r. k/ncdn, 1. s. m. A tmy. kfnpdn- c/ui, s. 111. A small tray. kJwdn- 'posh, s. m. A cloth for covering a tray, a tray lid, 2. part, (from used in compos. Reading, singing, repeating, p. khipdnda, part, past (of Read, (adjectively) Having the knowledg'e of reading and writing. ssjjAj ud-khxpdnda, adj. Igno- ramus, one who cannot read. P. khzpdit-sdmdn, s. m. A house steward, P. khwdnl, (in compos.) s, f. Reading, repeating, recitation. A. khaiodnln, s. plur. (of khdn) Lords, princes &c. p. s\j~^ khzpdh, conj. 1, Either, or, whether. 2. part. act. (of Wishing, requiring, soliciting, desiring ; as, A^djj tarakki-khxpdh, Wishing increase, daulal-kinpdh, M'ish- ing prosperity. 3. part. pas. as Jc\^ khdtjr khzpdh, The desire of one’s heart. khzpdh ma-khzpdh or 4I Jr* khzpdh na-khzpdh, adv. 1. Willing or not willing, nolens volens. 2. Certainly, positively, at all events. P. khzpdhdn, part. act. (of Wish- ing. (adjectively) Desirous. p. jAyi- khzpdhir, s. f. A sister. p. khzpdhish (from s. f. ]. Desire, wish, inclination. 2. Request. Le^ khzpdhish rakhnd, To wish, to desire. J - • ^ J A1.0 khzpdhish-mand, adj. Desirous. P. khub, adj. Good, excellent, well, beau- tiful, pleasing, amiable. khub-rue, ox iZJjy£> khub -sural, adj. Beautiful. (Plur. khubdn, The fair, the beautiful.) P. hhubdnl, s. f. The name of a fruit, an apricot. p. khubkaldn, s. m. Name of a seed of a cooling quality. khub-i, s. f. Beauty, goodness, e.xcel- lence. p. khoja, s. m. An eunuch. 3G5 p. hhod, s. m. A lielmct. p. jy- hhitd, j)ron. Self. hhud ha- k/md, Of thine, l>is &c. own accord, of itself. ^ J..\j khud ba-daulatf You, your worship, sir! khiid-l)hi, adj. Self-conceited, proud, arrogant, presumptuous. k/nid-boi-i, s. f. Pride. kbiid-pa- rasti, s. f. Self-sulTiciency, self-conceit, jc ) khiid-pasand, adj. Self-complacent, self- y conceited. Lj khiid-umd, An egotist. Jij::^jj^kbiid-riiklisati, Leaving a service of one’s own account, in which case it is cus- tomary to deduct something from wages. kfmd-rusta, or jjw'yri- khnd-ro khud, Self, and the participles of To grow) Any thing growing of itself without being sown, wild. ^ k/iiid-sar, adj. Ob- stinate, self-conceited, kliud-sar-ly s. f. Obstinacy, self-conceit. kfiud-gba- raz, adj. Selfish. kbi/d-kdsht, Cultivating one’s own field, khi/d- karda, Done of one’s self. k/iitd- mundd, A dervis, the disciple of no saint or pir. Ui ^y>- khud-mimd, adj. Proud, vain, p. kbi/d-i, s. f. Selfishness, pride, vanity. khur, 1. adj. Worthy, j bar-khur, adj. Worthy. 2. s. in. The sun : food, eat- ing. 3. part, (from used in compos. Eating, drinking. p. khurdk, s. f. Food, victuals ; daily food, eatables, one meal, one dose (of medi- cine). P, ^\jy> kfntrdk-l, s. f. Daily allowance of food or of money to purchase it, subsistence money. p. k/mrjin, s. m. A wallet, a portman- teau.. p. J,y^ kknrd, adj. Small. JL khip'd- sdly adj. Young. khurd-sdl-i, Youth. kkttrd-?nah(d, s. m. The apartments of the concubines of great men. V. b/iiird(in, s. Eating, devouring, suffer- ing. p. khi/rdan-i, s. f. Provisions, p. i-^jy^ kliurda, contracted Ojy^ k/iurd, part, past, (of ^^jyA) 1. Eaten, taken, sufl’ered. 2. (adjectively) Afllicted. 3. s. m. A blemish. ij-j ^^jy>- kfiurda-bln, s. m. A caviller, a cri- ticiser. khurda pakarnd^ To cri- ticise. kkurda-faros/i, s. m. A retailor, a huckster. \jj> n^jyi-kJmrda karnd^ To change coin, kknrda-gir, A cri- ticiser. i>. k/iurd-t, s. f. Childhood. p. kkitrdij/d, s. m. A money-changer, p. khursand, adj. Contented, pleased. p. ^\^bhurish(Svom ^:>jy^) s. f. Eating and drinking. p. x^jys- kimrshaid, s. m. The sun. P. khnrraml, See , khiirraml. p. s^jy>- khurinda (from (^^y^) part. act. used substantively. An eater, a gormandizer, p. isjy^ khiira, s. m. The leprosy. p. khiizadi (for i. e. t\y^ Self, and sj\j Born) adj. Undressed, unadorned (a woman). khush, adj. Pleased, delighted, excellent, delicious, cheerful, amiable, healthy, elegant, good, willing, glad, happy, content, merry, pleasant, sweet. k/msh-akhlar-i, s. f. Good fortune. ^J^y^■ kfmsh-aslub, adj. Well- formed. J\^\ ^-iys- kliusfi-afzcdr, adj.. Well-bred. A.yi- khushdmad-i, A flatterer, LTJ=' khush-auHiz or khuslHihang, With a sweet voice. jcjT khush-ai^and, adj. 1. Flattering' (caresses). 2. Grateful, wholesome, amiable, agreeable, pleasing, charming, khiish bash, adj. Free to stay or depart. Fragrant. 2. s. f. ..It) itci- khnsh-bo, 1. adj. Fragrance, odours. khnsh-baydn, adj. Eloquent, perspicuous, khush- parkdr, Well-proportioned, well-shaped, khush-poshdk, adj. Well dressed. khiisli-tarush, adj. Well made. khvshdukrir, Elocpient. khnsh-chashm-i, The having beautiful eves. k/msh-chhab, adj. Well- shaped, graceful. khnsh-hdl, adj. Happy, fortunate, in pleasant circumstances. JU ^ khash-khul {lil. having a good mole) A mistress, a sweetheart. -/ khimcha (properly s. m. A p. ^bLibyJ- kfiun^ishdn, adj. Murderous. p. tiyi- khdn-i, s. m. A murderer, adj. Bloody. p. cryyb kliun-in, adj. Bloody. p. xiyb khaioid, s. m. A green field, a sown field, green grass cut for cattle, green corn. p. i^^,y>- khiccs/i, I. pron. Self, ow'ii. 2. s. m. A kinsman. 3. A son-in-law, a family. C-Jbl^ khuJcs/i kardbdt, Kinsmen, relations. p. ^_e^:\y^ k/ncesli-J, s. f. Relationship. p. khalic, interj. Well done ! Bravo ! How excellent ! p. ^^bbeJ- khaijdbdn, s. m. A flower-bed. A. ybo- kldj/dr (from ^^) s. m. 1. Choice, elec- tion. 2. A cucumber. A. i^bJ- kha^drl, s. f. A kind of violet. A. khhjdrnin, s. m. Cucumbers (of two kinds). A. khah/dt (adj. super, of kn) s. m. Horsemen, ca- valry. A.\^khaild (from J^) A woman ha\nng riiany moles : (a great beauty among the Arabs). //. khtld (from l-.L-'C) adj. A playful, fool- ish (girl). bsr;l» kheld pdenchd, adj. Un- steady, foolish, inconsistent, unchaste (woman), p. j adv. Many, much, very, extremely. A. cU-J- khima (from ^l^) s. m. A tent, pa- vilion. j.j ) part. act. 1. Entering, penetrating, arriving. 2. (adjectively) Entered, produced, J^b ddkhil khdrij kamdy To transfer property (by taking out the name of the former proprietor from a deed or re- gister and insertiug that of the new). J.&-b ddkhil karnd, To cause to enter or arrive, to place or fix in ; to produce, to include, to insert. Ja.b ddkhil bond, To enter, to arrive, to penetrate, to belong, to appertain, to be inserted. A. )U-b ddkhild (properly . I I bj jj- uiip.-'.'b ddnt pisnd. To gnash the teeth, to grin. b bbj ^ ^^b ddnt tale nngli-da- bdnd or -kdind. To stand in amaze, to be " amazed, to wonder, ljy^ b b.^ ddnt-rahknd or -hand Iasi par, 1. To desire any thing exceedingly. 2. To hate. c:^b b\^ Ididnd, To be the most intimate friend of any one. bl2^ t-^b ddnt katkatdnd, v. a. To gnash the teeth. (.::--jb ddnt kachkachdnd, To grin, to shew the teeth, b^ L::_^'b ddnt khatte karnd. To dishearten, to displease, b^ (j:^'b Ulb b ddntddnd or -nikdlnd. To grow (teeth). Ubb ddnt-nikdlnd, 1. To laugh, to grin. 2. To express or confess inability and help- lessness. iJjL) (jycj ddntoh zamin pa- karni {lit. To bite the ground) To be reduced to extremities, to suffer great pain, (^yiib ddnton mdrnd. To gnash the teeth (with anger). s. JidibJb ddntdkilkil s. f Quarrel. s. ^^b ddntan, s. m. A tooth-brush made from the branch of a tre^. See datwan. s. <_ybb ddnt-i s. f. The tooth of a saw or other instrument, [jjj <_pb ddntl parnd, V. n. To be notched or indented (the edge of a tool), bjj ;_^b ddntl dend. To insist upon. Lfl 4_pb ddntl lagnd, To have a locked jaw. s. lib ddnd (^l^") s. m. Fine, punishment, oppression, injustice, injury. M •« * s. H. Ijbb ddndd mcndd (Sans. A stick put up as a laud-mark, and ic. A bank for the like purpose) s. m. The frontier or boundary between the lands of two proprie- tors. s. ^ijb ddndl ((J^^) s. f. A balance. p. ...... -A.> ddnist (from ^^'b) s. f. 1. Know- ledge. 2. Opinion. p. (U-J'b ddnista (from part, past, Known, knowing. P. JL'b ddnish (from ^^'b) s. f. Knowledge, science, learning. p. li^jb c/wws", s- f- 1- weight, the fourth 373 •» i(b part of a dirham or of a mhhdl. 2. Side or quarter (of a city, country &c.), the sixtli part of a city. p. dumnda (from part. Knowing, intelligent, skilled. H. y)lj dd/tw, s. ni. 1. Ambuscade, ambush, snare. 2. Power, opportunity. 3. Time. 4. Twisting of one another in wrestling, ylj U^!Lj dahw baithnd, To lie in ambush, ylj \j^ dahw pakapid, To wrestle. y\j duhw chaldm, To take advantage of. p. y\j d(l7iw (j\j) s. m. 1. A stake, a wager. 2. A throw or cast of the dice. s. yb (from ddnav, s. m. A de- mon, a Titan. See asur. s. ^;|yb ddiiwan s. Burning stubble &c. p. A3b ddna, s. m. A grain, seed, corn, speck, pimple. Uju . ^ forest. /Vv'- • H. yb dd’/7, s. m. An appellation of a liithcr^*^ ^ * or of an elder brother. ^ H. 'yb ddtjDd, s. m. The husband of a ^‘b ddV, a male nurse. See Lb' ddtjd. A. Jy‘b dd'dd (Heb. th from nn Beloved) n. prop. Name of a prophet, David. A. uf->y*b du'dd-i, 1. s. f. A shrub that bears a flower like camomile (Chrysanthemum Indi- cum); a kind of fire-work like that shrub. 2. A kind of armour. 3. adj. Relating to David. p. jyb ddwar, s. m. A sovereign, p. ^^yb ddwar-l, s. f. Sovereignty. II. ^yb dd'o/t, s. m. See yb ddiiw. H. Uy'j ddvnd, V. a. To thrash, to tread, s. »b (r. Burn) ddhy s. f. Burning, conflagration, ardour, ib ddh rakhndy To grudge. p. bb ddhd (from kj Ten) s. m. The ten days of the muharram^ in which the tombs of Hasan and Husain are carried about and thrown into the river or other water. See b j . s. L>b' ddhnd (<^(^«-j) v. a. To burn, s. bib ddhind, adj. Right (opposed to left. Sans. srfgnr South or right; because the earth, the navel of which corresponds to Hin- dustan, has its head to the west, its feet to the east, the right side to the south, and the left to the north : or perhaps, from the position of eastern people in adoration of the sun. In Arab. JU.i denotes the north or left: and this agrees with* the manner in which the Roman augurs determined the regions of tlie heavens, according to Livy, I. 18.). t \jj A. (lain (part. act. of adj. Shrewd, ingenious, penetrating. 5 da'i (r. Give. In compos.) Giving. P, H. dai (properly s. f. 1. A milk- nurse. 2. A midwife. da'i-pUa’i, s. f. A wet nurse. dd'i-jana'i, s. f. A midwife. f dd'lkosaumpnd. To put out to nurse. dal-hhilai, A dry nurse. dal-gari, s. f. Mid- wifery. II. Lb duyu, s. m. The husband of a i^^^b nurse, a male nurse. A.^jb dd'ir, part. act. (of jjj Heb. “in) Encir- cling. j ji\d dd'h-o-sdir, Going the circuit (judges &c.), absolute, invested with authority. A. ijjb dd'ira (fronijO) s. m. 1. A circle, a ring, circumterence, orbit. 2. A tambourin. S. A monastery. s. ubLb (r. Give) ddj/ak, part. Giver. A. j*jb dd'im (part. act. of ^y) adj. Perpetual, permanent ; always. j*jb dd'’hnu-1-kliamr, adj. Sot, drunkard. dd'imu-l-marz, Eternally sick. A. ^_^b dd'lm-ij s. f. Perpetuity, continuance, p. Ajb dd^Oy s. f. A nurse, a midwife. A. <_->J dubby s. m. 1. State, constitution, con- dition, custom, manner, property, quality. 2. (Ileb. m) A bear. Jtj\ dubb-i-asghaVy The lesser bear. dubb-i-akbavy The greater bear. 3. (met.) A fool. II. Lj dabdy s. m. Ambush. Lj dabd mdrndy To lie in wait. i>. ^Lj dubdrUy adv. Twice. See ^Ljj do-bdra. A. ^Lj dabbdgh (adj. super, of jjj He tanned) 8. m. A currier, a tanner. Day, and part act. of r. ^ Do) dibdkaVy s. m. The sun. H. LLj dabdndy v. a. 1. To press down ; to ad- vance. 2. To snub, to chide, to keep under. LJ lo dabd lendy To encroach upon. Lj dabd mdrndy * 1. To overcome, to get the better of. 2. To crush to death. U'j ^Lj dabd'e (Idlndy v. a. To keep concealed, to hide (generally furtively). H. jLj dabdo (from LL_') s. m. Strength, power, authority, pressure, resignation, submissive- ness. LjUyLj dabdo mdnndy v. a. To stand in awe. A. dabdaba, s. m. Dignity, state, pomp. s. LbJoJ dubdhd s. f. Doubt, sus- pense, uncertainty. A.jJJ dubur (ivom Heb. “iDT To lead : also, to follow, to be behind) s. f. The backside, posteriors, podex. p.jjj dabzy adj. Thick. j. P, dabistdn (comp, of Arab. con- tract. of t_jb Manner, custom, or of A writer, and Pers. Place) s. ra. A school. II. Llbj dabkdnd (causal of LXjJ)^ v. a. 1. To snub, to check, to chide, to threaten. 2. To conceal, to hide. H. dubkar (properly s. f. A trap. II. LXjj dabakndy v. n. To crouch, to sculk, to be awed, to lie in ambush, to twinkle. (JjLj Uaj L dabak-dndy -jdndy or -rahnd v. n. To sneak, to sculk. dabak baitjmdy V. n. To crouch. H. dabkiy s. f. Ambush, crouching, LjLo dabkl mdrndy To lie in ambush. H. dabkely^ 1 ^ Sculking. II, J s. hJ dubld (^^) atlj. Thin, lean, poor, barren. dubld-pdy s. ni. Eeanness. 375 i, duhhu s. f. Thinness, leanness. H. UjJ dabnuy v. n. 1. To be snubbed, to crouch, to shrink, to be pressed down, to be awed. 2. To be concealed. LU. dab jam, To retire, to withdraw, to be mortified. (__>j yjl; b dah-chalna, or -nikalnu, To be awed, to be overpowered. dab mama, To be crushed to death. H. dabang, ^adj. Ill-bred, brutish, fool- H. dabangd, J ish. H. daboclina, v. a. To conceal, to hide (generally furtively). A.jyJ dabur (from s. f. Zephyr, west wind. P. A. dabus, s. m. A club. H. dabos, s. m. A flint. p. Ljjj dabiisd (A-^J) s. m. The cabin of a ship, stern. H. dabosnd. To tope, to tipple. A. dabba (from s. m. A leathern vessel for holding oil. s. diibhuk s. m. A famine. p. dabir, s. m. A writer, a secretary, no- tary. H. dabd (from lijj) s. m. Subject, person under’ dominion. H. lUj dabild, s. ra. 1. The name of a medicine. 2. A paddle. s. durr (Heb. "n F.slh : I. 6. Bochart. Ilieroz.) s. ra. A pearl. durr-afshdn (scatter- ing pearls) Eloquent. y..j dur-rez (shed- ding pearls) adj. Eloquent. durr- rez-i, s. f. Eloquence. p. s.jJ dur (contr. of v. Sans. inter). Avaunt. p. 1^ dard (corrupt, from ^j) s. ni. The high- way. p. IjJ dard, s. A bell. A. ..IjJ durrdj (from ^jS) s. ni. \ partridge. A. darrdj, s. .\ hedgehog. 377 ITT din-achun, adj. Irre- ligious, profligate. H.jijJ (larur, s. ni. A crack, a fissure, rift, rent. i>. j\^j darns, iidj. Long. fJLij j\jj dards-dasi-i, s. f. Oppression. p. duruz-i, s. f. Length, extension. p. dar~dmad, s. f. Coming in, receipt. p. (j'o darun, part, (in compos, from Rending, tearing. H. U'.J dan and, adj. Going straight and quickly, without fear or delay. u. \j\jj durdml, v. a. To hide, to conceal. II. daranti, s. f. A sickle. P. durrdni, s. m. The name of a tribe of Pathiins, inhabiting the country about Kami- hur. They are said to have got this name from wearing pearls in the ear. 7'hey are also called Abdulis. s. ^ melt) druvak, adj. 1. Diuretick. 2. Solvent, discutient. p. daru-i, s. f. Beginning of a discourse, talking, a bell, a blacksmith’s hammer, con- tradiction, repugnance. harza-dard-i, s. f. Chattering, idle talk, dida- dard-i, s. f. Looking, conversing with the eyes. 8. darh s. m. 1. Prosperity, wealth. 2. Metal, substance, matter. darhdr, s. m. House, dwelling, court, hall of audience ; the holding of a court. p. darhdr-i, s. m. Courtier. p. dar-hdn, s. ra. A door-keeper, a porter. v. i::^y^jjdariibasi, See darobast. r «• ditr-bal, adj. Weak, infirm, faint, poor. p. jojjj dar-band, s. m. The bolt or bar of a door. (5"T With difuculty, and ging) dur-bhichh, s. m. A scarcity', a famine. n. darhnhrd, s. m. An intoxicating spirit drawn from rice. 8. (r. cnr Be proud) darp, s. m. Pride, boasting. darpan, s. m. A mirror. p. dar-pai, adj. Pursuing, following, desiring. A. durj, s. m. A little casket in wliich tlicy deposit gems. A. ^birj, s. m. A closet, a place for writing, or any thing written on, a volume. \>Ji darj karnu, 1. To write, to copy, to enter. 2. To fold. A. darja, (properly daraja) s. m. 1. Step, stair, gradation, degree, rank, station. 2. Action (of a play). 3. A degree of a circle. is-jd darja ba-darja, adv. Step by step, gradually. p. daraklit, s. m. A tree, p. darakhshun, part. Shining, flashing, p. darakhshinda-gi, s. f. Splendour, brightness. p. xxJJyi darakhshinda (from part. Shining, glittering. P. darkhxi'dst (from To wish, petition), s. f. Application, request, entreaty, proposal, desire, w'ish, demand, petition, ap- peal, or petition of appeal. . p. dard, s. m. 1. Pain, affliction. 2. Pity, sympathy, compassion. UT dard and, To be affected w'ith compassion, dard- anges, adj. Pitiable, exciting compassion. dard-i-zih, s. m. The pangs of labour, throe, dard-i-sar, s. m. or dard^ sari, s. f. 1. The headach. 2. Trouble, 3 C 378 Tcxation. dard-shartk, Sympathe- tical. L^.j dard-i-shikaniy s. iii. Colick. Ojj dai d-i-farzandl, s. m. Paternal affec- tion. j O d(H d-khdnii^ v. a. To feel compas- sion or pity, to feel the pains of child-birth. iiji dard lagnd, v. n. To feel the pains of child-birth. dard-mand^ adj. 1. Afflict- ed. 2. Compassionate, sympathizing. dard-mand-i, s. f. Affliction. p. durd, s. f. Sediment, dregs, lees. p. dardd, interj. Alas! p. dar-ddman, The ornament to the bor- der of a gown or robe. / H. (JiJ dardar. s. ni. Cinnabar. §. jj daridr, s. m. Poverty, wretchedness. See ddridr. H. dardard, adj. Half-pounded, coarsely ground. s. daridri, adj. See . p. A. ; darz, s. m. 1. Seam or suture (ofa gar- luem, &c.) 2. A rag, a slip of cloth, a long strip of cloth, a narrow shred. p , , ; ,L> darzan^ s. f. A needle. P. darz-i (from j^j) s. m. A tailor. A. l^^ading, learn- ing to read, a lecture, a lesson. dars derid, I'o teach to read. UJ dars lend, To read a lesson. s. s. m. J. Sight. 2. The conjunction of sun and moon. V. durusl, adj. Piight, fit; proper, just, true, well, safe, sound, entire, straight, ac- curate. li/j durusl rakhnd. To admit, to allow. durusl karnd, To ar- range, to adjust. »’• durusl-l, s. f. Hectitiidc, soundness, propriety, reformation, amendment. -• (<■• darsiin, s. m. Inter- view, appearance. darsan-dhdri, adj. Beautiful. s. darsun-l exchange payable at sight. 2. Offering, pre- sent. 3. adj. Handsome, sightly. darsanl jazodn, A beautiful youth. yi. dars-l, adj. Relating to reading or study. p. durushl, adj. Rough, hard, stiff, rigid, stern, morose, oppressive, fierce. p. (_s-bjO durusht-i, s. f. Severity, fierceness. s. (r. ^5,] See) drisht, s. f. 1. Sight, vision. 2. Eye. tJL'S drislit-kut, s. m. An enigma, a riddle. s. Sight, and End) drishtdnt, s. m. A parable, a simile. s. dars lion, s. m. See . p. durafshdn, part. Shining, splendid. A. i-i/tO dark, s. m. Comprehending, under- standing, perception, knowledge. II. darkd, s. m. Crack, crevice, cranny. p. Jijj darkdr, adj. Necessary, wanting. H. \j\^j darkdnd (causal of U^j) v. a. To cause to crack or split. II. daraknd, v. n. To split, to rend, to be torn, to crack. p. dar-kindr, adv. On one side, apart, out of tiie way. s. (r. See) drig, s. m. The eye. s. 2^7 (conip. of With difficulty, and part, of 3TTT Co, q. d. Difficult of passage) durg, adj. I. Impenetrable, impassable, in- accessible. 2. s. m. A strong fort. fN s. V durgd, s. f. 1. One of the names of Bhavdni. 2. {nut.) A word. 3. Name of '319 a Hindu book containing the narration of the goddess JJurga. V. dargdh, s. f. 1, A place, a court. 2. Ttireshold, door. 3. A mosque, a shrine. I. Bad, and Pace, state, con- dition) dur-gati, s. f. Meanness, abjectness. p. If. dar guznr /:arn(l, v. a. To pass over, to neglect, to excuse. V. II. dar guzarnd, v. n. To decline, to leave oil', to refrain I'rom, to pass by. p. u. dar girift ka7'm, v. a. To catch, to seize, to captivate. s. ^2"^ With difliculty, and r. Cio) durgani, adj. Deep, profound. See durs:. O i. rfpiHT durgamatuy s. f. Depth. s. U,J darmdhd-ddr, One who re- ceives monthly wages. s. I^ad, and 5Tf^ Understanding) dur-mati, s. f. Polly, foolishness. II. ditrmus, s. m. A pounder, an instru- ment for pounding pavements with, a rammer. p. dar-mij/dn, 1. s. m. Interval, middle. 2. adv. postpos. or prepos. In the midst, between, before, in view, buj darmi- ydin dead, To employ as a mediator. p. darmari (contract of j^U,j) s. m. Drug, remedy, medicine. P. dnrmij/du-i, 1. adj. Midmost. 2. s. m. A mediator. /'• Jjju) darind, )part. act. (of Tearing ; p. dniinda, } (used adjectively) Rapa- cious, fierce, ravenous : (subst.) A ravenous beast. p. dirang, s. in. Delay, hesitation. p. dirang-i. s. f. Lateness, tardiness. p. .jJ dirau, s. m. Reaping, cutting corn at harvest. \j^ dirau karnd. To reap. p. darwdza, s. m. Door. wdza ihohnd, To knock at a door. jii dari/d, s. m. The sea, a river, the waters, P. daryd-cha, s. m. A small sea, a lake., p. darydfl (from ^\jS) s. f. Con- ceiving, understanding, discovery, bys darydft bond. To be discovered. p. bjt) daryd-i, adj. Of the sea or river. H. darebd, s. m. A stall (in a market) where betel is sold, p. daricha, s. m. A window, p. darida, part, past (of Torn. darida-dahan, adj. Plain spoken, saying whatever comes uppermost, p. daregh, s. m. 1. A sigh, sorrow, re- pugnance, disinclination. 2. inter). Alas ! daregh karnd. To withhold, p. \ju daregh d, interj. Alas! p. daryuza, s. m. Beggary, begging. See fs, drirh or dirh, adj. Firm, strong, s. <9 drtrhald or dirhatd, s. f. Firm- ness, strength. s, dirhdnd (from Strong) v. a. To prove. H. \jjJj darera, s. m. Hard, impetuous rain, p. JjJ duzd, s. m. A thief, a robber, p. duzd-1, s. f. Theft, robbery, s. das, adj. Ten. s. dis, ^s. f. Side, quarter, point s. Lo disd, j (of the compass). disd kartid. To travel. s. Jy-:Lo disdsul, A sign in the heavens, con- sulted on commencing a journey, s. Lj dasd, s. f. Condition, state, cir- cun stances. 381 disdti'ar, s, A cliniale. « I. dasdns, s. ni. Tenth part. r, ^..v \ dasf, s. ni. 1. Hand, c»d)it. 2. Stool, purge, evacuation. J^T cl-v-jJ dust-dmoz (c:^J and part, of To learn) adj. 1. Tame, familiarized, tractable. 2. Skilful, dextrous. j\jj\ dasl-anddz and part, of To throw) 1. He who commences a business. 2. An oppressor, a plunderer. j,;jT dast-du'eZf s. f. Signature, a note of hand, bond, title-deed, &c. J dast ba-dast, I. From hand to hand, quick, ex- peditious. 2. Ueadj-money purchase tijj dasi-burdy s. m. Superiority, advantage, victory, dasl-barddr hondy To leave off, to desert, to decline. \s^ ^ y dasl bar sar bond, To be unable to execute . one’s intention, to be distressed, weak, poor, or wretched dasl-farosh, s.- m. A pedlar. dasl-farosh-iy s. f. The business of a pedlar. dast-kudrat. Power, abi- lity, strength. j\^J dasl-kdr, 1. s. m. A handicraftsman. 2. adj. Dextrous. dast-kdr-iy s. f. Handicraft, dexterity. dasl-kasb, Taking or taken by the hand, or extending the hand, a leader, a captive, a beggar, dnsl-girifla, a(\j. Seized by the hand or taking the hand ; a helper, an assistant. dasl-gir, 1. s. A patron, protector, saint. 2. adj. Laying hands on, taking prisoner. dnst-gir-i, s. f. Aid, help, assistance, support, protection. JU dfLsl-mdl, s. m. A handkerchief. ‘S dast-nigar (Regarding the hand) adj. Needy, w'anting. Ijys } d-wA dast-o- giribun bond. To engage in combat. H. dastd, s. m. Zinc, tutanag, lapis cala- miuaris. p. jlx-O dastdr, s. f. A turband. jcj dastur- bandy A servant whose business it is to make up the turband. dastdr-khwdn, s. m. A table cloth. p. dastdna, s. ra. A glove, a gauntlet. p. dasiar-khzcdn (properly q. V.) s. ni. A table-cloth. p. 1 ‘ daslaky s. f. 1. Clapping of the hands, rapping at a door. 2. A pass, passport, sum- mons. 3. Commission. p. dastakl, s. f. 1. A pocket-book, a tweezer-case. 2. A falconer’s glove. 382 p. dast-gdh, s. f. Power, ability, strength. A. p.j^J dastur, s. m. 1. Custom, fashion, mode, manner. 2. A minister, senator. 3. Model, regulation. dasluru-l-amal, s. m. A rule, regulation, model. p. dastict'-I, s. f. 1. Perquisites paid to servants by one who sells to their master. 2. Leave, license, conge. p. dasta, s. m. 1. A handle. 2. A pestle. 3. A quire of paper. 4. A bundle consisting of twenty-four arrows. 5. A handful. 6. A skein of thread. 7. A division of an army, a brigade. dasta-ddr, s. ra. Commander of a dasta. p. dast-ij s. f. A torch or link, that is carried in the hands, adj. Of or from the hand. p. dastj/dr, s. m. Aider, assistant. p_ dask'haU, contract, of ki- khatt, q. v. under . H. ^-.-0 dussar, s. m. Double stakes at dice, &c. playing double or quit. s. dasarath, n. prop. Name of an antient rdjdy father of Rama, who is hence called . 8. dasama, adj. Tenth. s. dasami, s. f. The tenth day of a lunar month. 8. (r. ZJl dasan, s. m. A tooth. H. dasoKhd, s. m. Moulting (of birds). dusokhd jhdrnd, To moult. II. dusaundhi, s. m. Panegyrist. 5. ^