*A B w- .^f. , *> jUriuja. FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ScB Scctloa ' \ THE REFORMED MBT9Cifllfe4*7 1936 . REVISED: COLLECTED FROM FARIOUS AUTHORS. DESIGNED FOR THE WORSHIP OF GOD IN ALL CHRLSTIAN CHURCHES. Let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Isaiah xlii. 11. I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people : I will sing unto thee among the nations. Psalms lvii. SECOND EDITION. TAUNTON, MASS. PRINTED BY STEPHEN CARR 182^. INTRODUCTION, Bear Brethren : As we have i»een appointed a Coniniit- tee to rc'vise arul make additions to the Hymn Book now in use by us, being thouwbt. by many, to he defective in many respects ; we in pursuance of our appointment have endeavored faithful i'/, ac^ordinff to (uir best jud/rment, to exclude such Jlymsis fro n said book as we thoui^ht to be improper, and make an addition of those tSiat mii^ht add to the spirituality of our devoti)Us. In comiuiionr our Hymns, we W«^re under thf^' necessity of mtermixinjr them in such a manuer tiiat the B>nk will appear al- most entirely new; we li^ve observed withtuit any alteratiims the form" of the ol Book .(s re- spects Its tliree pas-tsaiul references. The First part contains a selection from the E p'scopal Methodist fli/mn Bonk, latest revised edition, and each hymn hath fixed to it a refer- ence to the pag'e on whicli it stands in said Book. INTRODUCTION. The Second part is a selection from I)i Watts'' Psalms and Hymns, with their referen- ces to the Psalms or Hymns as they stand num- bered in his Book. We have not deemed it proper to make any references in the Third part, it being a seiec- tion from various GM^ors, together with some original Hymns adapted more particularly to Pray«''r Meetings, Class Meetings, Camp Meet- ings and Love Feasts. In presentin.^ you this Book, we dare not presume to say it is entirely free from defects and exceptions, but trust it will aid Christians of ail denominations in their devotions. We are dear brethren your Pastors in Christ*. SAMUEL DAVIS, PLLNEY BRE'PT, \ Committcf^- EWRTAL MI ^VIS, ) LE^PT, } NOR. j REFORMED METHODIST POCKET HYMN BOOK, BOOK I. Selected from the Methodist Episcopal Church Hymn Book ; and numbered as they are in that Book. AWASENXNG A.ni> xix'vmva. Melody.-] HYMN 1. C. M, (Page 7.) FIRST PART. 1 O FOR a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise ; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace ! 2 My gra INVITING His proffer'd benefits embrace, The plenitude of Gospel grace. 2 A pardon written with his blood, The favour and the peace of God ; The seeing eye, the feeling sense, The mystic joys of penitence. 3 The godly fear, the pleasing smart, The meltmos of a broken heart ; The tears that teli your sins forgiven ; The sighs that waft your souls to heaven. 4 The guiltless shame, the sweet distress. The unutterable tenderness ; The genuine, meek humility ; The wonder, " Why such love to me ! 5 Th' o'erwhelming power of saving grace, The sight that veils the seraph^s face ; The speechless awe that dares not move. And all the silent heaven of love. St. Anns.] HYMN 4. C. M. * (Page 25.) 1 THOU Son of God, whose flaming eyes Our inmost thoughts perceive, Accept the evenmg sacrifice Which now to thee we give. 2 We bow before thy gracious throne, And think ourselves sincere : But show us, Lord, is every one Thy real worshipper ? 3 Is here a soul that knows thee not. Nor feels his want of thee ; b4 I AWAKENING A Stranger to the blood which bought His pardon on the tree ? 4 Convince him how of unbelief, His desperate ^tate explain : And fill his heart with sacred grief, And penitential pain. 5 Speak with that voice that wakes the dead, And bid the sleeper rise ; And bid his guilty conscience dread The death that never dies. 6 Extort the cry, " What must be done To save a wretch like me ? How shall a trembling sinner shan That endless misery ? 7 " I must this instant now begin Out of my sleep to wake, And turn to God, and every sin Continually forsake. 8 " I must for faith incessant cry, And wrestle Lord, with thee ; 1 must be born again, or die To all eternity !" Calvary.] HYMN 5. P. M. (Page 8.) 1 COME, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sorCj Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love and power; He is able. He is wiUing doubt no more. AND INVITING. 2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings you nigh. Without money Come to Jesus Christ and buy, 3 Let not conscience make you linger ; Nor of fitness fondly dream; AH the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you, 'Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruis'd and mangl'd by the fall, If you tarry till you're better, You will'never come at all, Not the righteous, Sinners, Jesus came to calL 5 Affonizing in the garden, Lo ! your Maker prostrate lies ! On the bloody tree behold him ! Hear him cry before he dies, " It is finish'd 1" Sinners, will not this suffice ? 6 Lo ! th' incarnate God ascending. Pleads the merit of his blood ; Venture on him, venture freely ; Let no other trust intrude : None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. 1 AWAKENING 7 Saints and angels join'd in concert. Sing the praises of the Lamb, While the blissful seats of heaven Sweetly echo with his name : Hallelujah ! Sinners here may do the same. Dudley.] HYMN 6. P. M. 8 lines, 7's. (P. \{).) 1 SINNERS, turn, why will ye die ? God your Maker, asks you why ? God, who did your being ^ive, Made you with himself to live ; He the fatal cause demands, Asks the work of his own hands, Why ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross his love, and die ? 2 Sinners, turn, why will ye die ? God, your Saviour, asks you why? God, who did your souls retrieve. Died himself that you might live. Will you let him die in vain ? Crucify your Lord again 1 Why, ye ransom'd sinners, why Will ye slight his grace and die I 3 Sinners turn, why will ye die ? God, the Spirit, asks you why ? He who all your lives hath strove, Woo'd you to embrace his love ; W^ill ye not his grace receive ? Will ye still refuse to live ? Why, you long-sought sinners, why Wili you grieve your God and die 1 A?fl> INVITING. 11 Dead already, dead vvitliiii, Spiritu'liy dead in sin : Dead to God, while here you breathe ; Pant you after second death ? Will you still in sin remain, Greedy of eternal pain 1 O, ye dying sinners, why, Why will you forever die I Nazareth,] HYMN 7. L. M. (Page 16.) ^ 1 A.WAKE, Jerusalem, awake. No longer in thy sins lie down : The garment of salvation take. Thy beauty ^nd thy strength put on. 2 Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight. And hides the premise from thine eyes v Arise, and struggle into light. The great Deliverer calls, Arise ! B Shake off the bands of sad despair, Sion, assert thy liberty ; Look up, thy broken heart prepare, And God shall set the captive free. 4 Vessels of mercy, sons of grace. Be purg'd ftom every sinful stain, Be like your Lord, his word embrace, Nor bear his hallow'd name in vain. 5 The Lord shall in your front appear, And lead the pompous triumphs on ; His glory shall bring up the rear, .^nd perfect what^his grace begun, 12 AWAKENING Thacker.] HYxMN 8. S. M. (Page 22.) 1 SINNE RS, the call obey, The latest callof^race: The day is come, the vengeful day Of a devoted race ; Devils and men combine To plague the faithless seed, And phif»Is full of wrath divine, Are bursting on your head. H Enter into the Rock, Ye trembling slaves of sm, The Rock of your salvation, struck, • And cleft to take you in : To shelter the distrest He did the cross endure ; Enter into the clefts and rest In Jesus' wounds secure. 3 Jesus, to thee we fly From the devouring sword ; Our city of defence is nigh ; Our help is in the Lord. Or if the scourge o'erflow, And laugh at innocence, Thine everlasting arms, we know Shall be our souls' defwnce. 4 AVe in thy word believe, And on thy promise stay ; Our life, which still to thee we give^ Shall be to us a prey : Our life with thee we hide Above the furious blast> AND INVITING. 18 And shelter'd in thy wounds abide Till all the storms are past. 9 Believing against hope, We hang upon thy grace, Through every low^ing cloud look up^ And wait for happy days ; The days when all shall know, Their sins in Christ fbrgiven, And walk awhile with God below, And then fly up to heaven^ Bishop.] HYMN 9. L. M. (Page 17.) 1 HO ! ev'ry one that thirsts, draw nigh ; 'Tis God invites the fallen race ; Mercy and free salvation buy, Buy wine, and milk, and Gospel grace. 2 Come to the living waters, come ! Sinners, obey your Maker's call ; " Return, ye weary wand'rers, home, And find my grace is free for all." 3 See from the rock a fountain rise ; For you in healing streams it rolls ; Money ye need not bring, nor price, Ye laboring, burden'd, sin-sick souls. 4 Nothing ye in exchange shall give, Leave all you have and are behind, Frankly the gift of God receive, Pardon and peace in Jesus find. 5 " Why seek ye that which is not bread, Nor can your hungry souls sustain ? 14 AWAKENING On ashes, husks, and air you feed ; Ye spend your iittle all in vain. 6 "In search of empty joys below, Ye toil with unavaiiino- strife : Whither, Ah ! whither would ye go 1 I have the words of endless life. 7 Hearken to me with earnest care, And freely eat substantial food ; The sweetness of my mercy share; And taste that I alone am ^ood. 8 *' I bid you all my croodness prove, My promises for all are free : Come, taste the manna of my love, And let your souls delight in me. 9 '* Your willing- ear and heart incline, My words believingly receive ; ' Quicken'd your souls by faith divine, An everlasting life shall live." Tishury,] HYMN 10, C. M. (Page 18.) 1 LET ev'ry mortal ear attend. And ev'rv heart rejoice ; The trumpet of the Gospel sounds With an inviting voice. 2 Ho ! all ye hungry starving souls, That feed up n the wind. And vainly strive wii earthly toys To fill an empty mind ; AND INVITINCf. 15 3 Eternal V/isdom hath prepa.r'd A soul-reviving feast, And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. 4 Ho ! ye that pant for living streams, And pine away and die, Here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. 5 Rivers of love and mercy here, * In a rich ocean join ; Salvation jn abundance flows Like floods of milk and wine. G The happy gates of Gospel grace, Stand open night and day : Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. Bethel] HYMN 11. CM. (Page 25.) 1 SINNERS, the, voice of God regard ; 'Tis mercy speaks to-day ; He calls you by his sacred word From sin's destructive way. 2 Like the rough sea that cannot rest, You live, devoid of peace ; A thousand stings within your breast Deprive your souls of ease. 3 Your way is dark, and leads to death ; Why will you persevere ? Can you in endless torments breathe, Shut up in black despair ? 16 AWAkENlNe 4 Why will you in the naked ways Of sin and folly go ? In pain you travel all your days, To reap eternal wo, 5 But he that turns to God shall live» Through his abounding grace : His mercy will the guilt forgive, Of those that seek his face. 6 Bow to the sceptre of his word, Renouncing e^^ery sin, Submit to him your sovereign Lord, And learn his will divine. Bethel] HYMN 12. C. M. (Page 26.) 1 COiME, O thou all-victorious Lord, Thy power to us make known : Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break these hearts of stone. 2 O that we all might now begin Our foolishness to mourn ! And turn at once from every sin, And to the Saviour turn. 3 Give us ourselves and thee to know, In this our gracious day ; Repentance unto life bestow. And take our sins away. 4 Convince us first of unbelief, And freely then release ; Fill every soul with sacred grief, And then with sacred peace, AND INVITING. 17 6 Impov'rish, Lord, and then relieve, And then enrich the poor ; The knowledge of our sickness give, The knowledge of our cure. 6 That blessed sense of guilt impart, And then remove the load ; Trouble, and wash the troubled heart In the atoning blood. 7 Our desperate state, through sin, declare. And speak our sins forgiven : By perfect holiness prepare, And take us Up to heaven. Old Winsor.] HYMN 13. C. M. (Page 27.) 1 TERRIBLE thought ! shall I alone, Who may be savM, shall I, Of all, alas ! whom I have known, Through sin forever die ? 2 While -all my old companions dear, With whom I once did live, Joyful at God's right-hand appear, A blessing to receive. 3 Shall I, amidst a ghastly band, Dragg'd to the judgment seat, Far on the left with horror stand, My fearful doom to meet ? 4 Ah ! no : — 1 still may turn and live, For still his wrath delays ; He now vouchsafes a kind reprieve. And offers me his grace. 18 PENITENTIAL. 5 I will accept his ofiers now, From every sin depart ; Perform my oft-repeated vow, And render Iiim my heart. G I will improve what I receive, The grace through Jesus given ; Sure, if with God on earth I live, To live with God m heaven. PEXrZTENTIAL. , Stafford.] HYMN 14. S. M. (Page. 32.) 1 O THAT I could repent ! O that I could believe ! Thou, by thy voice, the marble rent, The rock in sunder cleave ; Thou by thy two-edg'd sword. My soul and spirit part ; Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break my stubborn heart. 2 Saviour and Prince of peace, The double grace bestow ; Unloose the bands of wickedness, And let the captive go : Grant me my sins to feel, And then the load remove : Wound, and pour in my wounds to heal-, The bairn of pard'ning love. 3 For thine own mercy's sake, The hindrance now remove : fENlTENTIAJL. 19 And into thy protection take The pl'is'ner of thy love ; In every trying hour, Stand by my feeble soul, And screen me from my nature's power, i Till thou hast made me whole. 4 This is thy will, 1 know, That T should holy be ; Should let my sins this moment go, This moment turn to thee : O might I now embrace Thine all-sutficient power ! And never more to sin give place, And never grieve thee more. Maiden.-] HYMN 15. C. M. (Page 63.) FIRST PART. 1 JESUS, if still thou art to-day. As yesterday, the same, Present to heal, in me display The virtue of thy Name ! 2 If still thou goest about to do Thy needy creatures good. On me, that I thy praise may show^ Be all thy wonders show'd. 3 Now, Lord, to whom for help I call, Thy miracles repeat ; With pitying eyes behold me fall A leper at thy feet. 4 Loathsome, and vile, and self-abhorr'd, I sink beneath my sin ; b6 20 PENITENTIAL. But if thou tvilt, a gracious word Of thine can make me clean. 5 Thou seest me deaf to Ihy command, Open, O Lord, my ear, Bid me stretch out my vvither'd hand, And lift it up in prayer. 6 Silent, (alas f thou know'st how long,) My voice I cannot raise : But, O ! when thou shalt loose my tongue. The dumb shall sing thy praise. 7 Lame at the pool I still am found r Give, and my strength employ ; Light as a hart I then shall bound ; The lame shall leap for joy. 8 Blind from my birth to guilt and thee, And dark I am within : The love of God I cannot see, The sinfulness of sin. 9 But thou, they say, art passing by ! O let me find thee near : Jesu, in mercy hear my cry, Thou son of David, hear ! 10 Behold me waiting in the way For thee, the heavenly Light ; Command me to be brought, and sav, ** Sinner, receive thy sight ! SECOND PART. 1 WHILE dead in trespasses I lie, Thy quickening Spirit give ; PENITENTIAL. 21 -Call me, thou Son of God, that I May hear thy voice, and live. 2 While full of anguish and disease, My weak, distemper'd soul Thy love compassionately sees, let it make me whole. 3 Cast out thy foes, and let them still To Jesu's name submit, ; Clothe with thy righteousness, and heal, And place me at thy feet. 4 To Jesu's name, if all things now A trembling homage pay ; O let my stubborn spirit bow, My stifF-neck'd will obey ! 5 Impotent, dumb, and deaf, and blind. And sick, and poor I am : But sure a remedy to find For all in Jesu's name. 6 I know in thee all fulness dwells And all for wretched man : Fill every want my spirit feels, Ana break off every chain. 7 If thou impart thyself to me, No other good I need : If thou, the Son, shalt make me free, 1 shall be free indeed. 8 I cannot rest till in thy blood I full redemption have : b7 22 PENITENTIAL. But tliou, through whom I come to God, Canst to the utmost save. 9 From sin, the guilt, the power, the pain^ rhou wilt redeem my soul. Lord, I believe, nud not in vain : My faith shall make me whole. 10 I too. with thee shall walk in white, With all thy saints shall prove. What is the length, and breadth and height, And depth of perfect love. Durham.} HYMN 16. S. M. (Page 41.) 1 AH ! whither sliould I go, Burdened, and sick and faint ! To whom should I my troubles show, And pour out my complaint ? My Saviour bids me come, Ah ! why do ' delay ? He calls the weary sinner home. And yet from him I stay ! 2 What is it keeps me back From which I cannot part T ^Vhich will not let the Saviom caRe Possession of my Iteart ? Some cursed thing unknown, Must surely lurk within ; Some idol which I will not own. Some secret bosom-sin. f^ Jesus, the hind'rance show. Which I have fear'd to see ;. PENITENTIAL. 3S And let me now consent to know What keeps nie back from thee. Searcher ot hear's, m mine Thy trying power display ; Into its darkest cornes siiinej And take the vail away. 4 I now believe in thee Compasssion reigns alone; According to my aitii, to me O let it, Loid, be done ! In me is all the bar, Which thou wouldst fain remove ; Remove it, and 1 shall declare That God is only love. Bedford] HYMN 17. CM. (Page 46.) 1 O TILVT I could my Lord receive, Who did the world redeem ; AVho gave his life that I might live A life conceal'd in him ! 2 O that I could the blessing prove. My heart's extreme desire : Live happy in my Saviour's love, And in his arms expire. 3 Mercy I ask to seal my peace^ That kept by mercy's power, I may from every evil cease, And never grieve thee more. 4 Now, if thy gracious will it be, E'en now my sins remove, b8 '^4 PENITENTIAL. And set my soul at liberty By thy victorious love. 5 In answer to ten thousand prayers. Thou pardning God, descend : Number me with salvation's heirs, My sins and troubles end. 6 Nothing I ask or want beside, Of all in earth or heaven : But let me feel thy blood applied, And live and die forgiven. Bethel] HYMN 18. C. M. (Page 48.) 1 My drowsy powers, why sleep ye so ? Awake my skiggish soul ! Nothing hath half thy work to do, Yet nothing's half so dull. 2 Go to the ants ; for one poor grain See how they toil and strive ! Yet we, who have a heaven t' obtain, How negligent we live ! 3 We, for whose sake all nature stands, And stars their courses move ; We, for whose guard the angel-bands 1 Come flying from above. 4 We, for whom God the Son came down, And labour'd for our good. How careless to secure that crown He purchas'd with his blood. 5 Lord, shall we live so sluggish still, And never act our parts ? PENiTENTIAt. 2^ 5 Oome then, and to my soul reveal The heights and depths of grace, The wounds which all my sorrows heaL That dear disfigur'd face. 6 Before my eyes of faith confess'd, Stand forth a slaughter'd Lamb ; And wrap me in thy crimson vest, And tell me all thy name. 7 JEHOVAH in thy person show, JEHOVAH crucified! And then the pard'ning God I know, And feel the blood applied. 8 I view the Lamb in his own light, Whom angels dimly see ; And gaze, transported at the sight, To all eternity. Devizes.] HYMN 24. CM. (Page 3J.) t HOW sad our state by nature is I Our sin how deep it stains ! And Satan binds our captive souls Fast in his slavish chains. H But there's a voice of sovereign grace Sounds from the sacred word : Ho ! ye despairing sinners come. And trust a faithful Lord. 3 My soul obe3^s the gracious call, And runs to this relief; I would believe thy promise, Lord ! O help my unbelief. 30 PENIPENTIAL. 4 To the blest fountain of thy blood, Incarnate God» I fly, Here let me wash my spotted soul From crimes of deepest dye. 5 A Guilty, weak, and helpless worm, Into thy arms I fall ; Be thou my strength and righteousness, My Jesus and my all. Mear.] HYMN 25. C. M. (Page 49.) 1 GOD is in this and every place ! But, O ! how dark and void ; To me 'tis one great wilderness. This earth without my God. 2 Empty of Him who all things fills, Till he his light impart ; Till he his glorious self reveals, The veil is on my heart. 3 O Thou who seest and know'st my grief^ Thyself unseen, unknown ; Pity my helpless unbelief. And break my heart of stone. 4 Regard me with a gracious eye, The long-sought bessing give ; And bid me, at the point to die. Behold thy face and live. 5 A darker soul did never yet Thy promis'd help implore : O that I now my Lord might meet. And never lose him more ! PENITENTIAL. 27 ^ Though I have most unfaithful been, Of all who e'er thy grace receiv'cl ! Ten thousand times thy goodness seen ; Ten thousand times thy goodness griev'd. 4 Yet, O ! the chief of sinners spare, In honour of my great High Priest ; Nor in thy righteous anger swear T' exclude me from thy people's rest. 5 This only wo T deprecate ; This only plague I pray remove ; Nor leave me in my lost estate ; Nor curse me with this want of love. 6 Now, Lord, my weary soul release, Upraise me with thy gracious hand, And guide into thy perfect peace, And bring me to the promis'd land. Kentuchj.'] HYMN 2-2. S. M. (Page 63.) 1 AND wilt thou yet be found. And may I still draw near ; Then listen to the plaintive sound Of a poor sinner's prayer. 2 Jesus, thine aid afford, If still ;he same thou art, To thee I look, to thee, my Lord ! Lift up a helpless heart. t} Thou seest my troubled breast, The strugglings of my will, The foes that interrupt my rest, The agonies I feol. bIO 28 PENITENTIAL. 4 The daily death I prove, Saviour to thee is knovk^n ; 'Tis worse than death my God to love, And not my God alone. 5 O my ciFended Lord, Restore my inward peace, I know thou canst ; pronounce the word, And bid the tempest cease ! 6 I long to see thy face. Thy Spirit I implore, The living water of thy grace, That 1 may thirst no more. China.] HYMN 23. C. M. (Page 36.) 1 WITH glorious clouds encompass'd round, Whom angels dimly see ; Will the unsearchable be found. Or God appear to me 1 2 Will he forsake his throne above. Himself to worms impart ? Answer thou Man of grief and love, And speak it to my heart. 3 In manifested love explain Thy wonderful design ; What meant the suffering Son of Man, The streaming blood divine. 4 Didst thou not in our flesh appear, And live and die below, That I might now perceive thee near, And my Redeemer know ? PENITENTIAL. 25 Come, holy Dove, from th' heav'ly hill, And warm our frozen hearts. 6 Give us with active warmth to move, With vig'rous souls to rise ; With hands of faith and wings of love, To flj and take the prize. Mourner.] HYMN 19. L. M. (Page 51.) 1 LORD Jesus, when, when shall it be, That I no more shnll break with thee ? When will this war of passions cease, And my free soul enjoy thy peace 1 3 Here I repent, and sin ag^ain ; Now I revive, and now am slain ; Slain with the same unhappy dart. Which O, too often wounds my heart ! 3 O Saviour, when, when shall I be A garden sealed to all but thee 1 No more expos'd no more undone ; But live and grow to thee alone ? 4 Guide thou, O Lord, guide thou my course, And draw me on with thy sweet force ; Still make me walk, still make me tend. By thee, ray way, to thee, my end ! Watchman.] HYMN 20. S. M. (Page QQ.) \ AND can I yet delay, My little all to give 1 To tear my soul from earth away. For Jesus to receive ] b9 ^ ^ENlTENTIAt. 2 Nay, but I yield, I yield, I can hold out no more ; J sii'k, by dying love compelled, And own Thee conqueror ! 3 Thousfb late, I all forsake, My friends, my all resign ; Gracious Redeemer, take, O takej- And seal me ever thine ! 4 Come, and possess me whole, Nor hence again remove ; Settle and fix my wavering soul With all thy weight of love. ^ My one desire be this, Thy only love to know ; To seek and taste no other bliss, No other good below. 6 My life, my portion thou, Thou all-sufficient art ; My hope, my heavenly treasure now Enter and keep my heart. Kirke.] HYMN 21. L. M. (Page 44.) 1 STAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay, Though I have done thee such despite : Nor cast the sinner quite away. Nor take thine everlasting flight. 2 Though I have steel'd my stubborn heart, And still shook off my guilty fears; And vex'd, and urg'd thee to depart, For many long rebellious years : PENITENTIAL. 31 6 Now, Jesus, now the Father*s love Shed in my heart abroad ; The middle wall of sin remove, And let me into God. Jehudijah.] HYMN 26.. L. M. (Page 53.) 1 JESUS, thy far-extended fame, My drooping soul exults to hear ; Thy name, thy all-restoring name, Is music in a sinner's ear. 2 Sinners of old thou didst receive With comfortable words, and kind ; Their sorrows cheer, their wants relieve. Heal the diseas'd, and cure the blind. 3 And art thou not the Saviour still in every place and age the same 1 Hast thou forgot thy gracious skill, Or lost the virtue of thy name 1 4 Faith in thy changeless name I have, The good, the kind physician, thou Art able now our souls to save. Art wiHing to restore them now. 5 Though eighteen hundred years are past Since thou didst in the flesh appear; Thy tender mercies ever last. And still thy healing power is here. 6 Wouldst thou the body's health restore, And not regard the sin-sick soul ? The sin-sick soul thou lov'st much more, And surely thou wilt make it whole. 32 PENITENTIAL. 7 All my disease, my every sin To thee, O Jesus, I criifess 111 pardon. Lord, my cure begin, And perfect it in holiness. 8 That token of thine utmost good, Now, Saviour, nww, on me bestow ; And purge my conscience with thy blood, And wash my nature white as ^now► Devotion] HYMN 27. C. M. (Page 59.> 1 FATFER of Jesus Christ, my Lord, I humbly seek thy face ; Encourag'd by the Saviour's word To ask thy pard'ning grace. 2 Entering into my closet, I, The busy world exclude ; In secret prayer for mercy cry, And groan to be renew'd. 3 Far from the paths of men, to thee I solemnly retire; See thou who dost in secret see, And grant my heart's desire. 4 Thy grace T languish to 'eceive, The spirit of love amd power ; Blameless before tliy face to live, T > live and sin no more. 5 Fain would 1 all thy goodness feel, An 1 SAVIOUR, I now with shame confess, My thirst for creature-happiness ; By base desires I wrong'd thy love, And forc'd thy mercy to remove. 2 Yet would I not regard thy stroke. But when thou didst thy grace revoke. And when thou didst thy face conceals. Thy absence I refus'd to feel. ON BACKSLIDING. 41 3 I knew not that the Lord was gone ; In my own fro ward will went on ; I liv'd to the desires of men, And thou hast all my wand'rings seen. 4 Yet, O the riches ot thy grace ! Thou, who hast seen my evil ways, Wilt freely my backslidings heal, And pardon on my conscience seal. 5 For this I at thy footsool wait. Till thou my peace again create : Fruit of thy gracious lips restore My peace, and bid me sin no more ! 6 Far off, yet at thy feet I lie, (Till thou again thy blood apply ; Till thou repeat my sins forgiven,) As far from God as hell from heaven. 7 But for thy truth and mercy's sake, My comfort thou wilt give me back ; And lead me on from grace to grace. In all the paths of righteousness, 8 Till thoroughly sav'd my new-born soul, And perfectly by faith made whole , Shall bright on thy full imaire rise, To share thy glory in the skies. Aylesbury.] HYMN 38. S. M. (Page 100 1 O JESUS! full of grace, To thee I make my moan, Let me again behold thy face, Call home thy bariish'd one g3 4'^ ON BACKSLIDING'. 2 Again my pardon seal, Again my soul restore, And freely my backslidings heal. And bid me sin no more. 3 Wilt thou not bid me rise ? v^-peak, and my soul shall live ; Forgive, my gasping spirit cries, Abundantly forgive. 4 For thine own mercy's sake Relieve my wretchedness, And O my pardon give me back, And give we back my peace ! 5 Again thy love reveal, Restore that inward heaven : O grant me once again to feel, Through faith, my sins forgiven. 6 Thy utmost mercy show. Say to my drooping soul, In peace and full assurance go. Thy faith hath made thee whole. Old Windsor.] HYMN 39. C. M. (Page 99.) 1 O WHY did I my Saviour leave. So soon unfaithful prove : How could I thy good Spirit grieve, And sin against thy love love 1 «y I forc'd thee first to disappear, I turn'd thy face aside ; Ah, Lord ! if thou hadst still been here. Thy servant had not died. PRAYER ANN INTEKCESSION. 43 3 But O, how soon thy wrath is o'er, And pard'nin^ iove takes place! Assise me, Saviour, to adure The riches ol thy grace. 4 O could I lose myself in thee ; Thy depth of mercy pii>ve; Thou vast, unfathomable sea Of unexhausted love I 5 My humbled soul, when thou art near. In dust and ashes lies : How shall a sinful worm appear, Or meet thy purer eyes? 6 I loathe myself when God I see, And into nothing fall ; Content if thou exalted be, And Christ be All in All. PRA?Z3R A:£7X> 13STBB.0BBST0Jit. Devizes.] HYMN 40. C. M. (Page 129.1 1 FOUNTAIN of life, to all below Let thy salvation roll ; Water, replenish, and o'erflow, Every believing soul. 2 Into that happy number. Lord, Us weary sinners take ; Jesus, fulfil thy gracious word, For thine own mercy's sake, c4 44 PRAYER ANB 3 Turn back our nature's rapid tide, And we shall flow to thee, While do^Yn the stream of time we glide To our eternity. 4 The well of life to us thou art, Of joy the swelling flood ; Wafted by thee, with v,illing heart. We swift return to God. 5 We soon shall reach the boundless sea, Into thy fulness fall : Be lost and swallow'd up in thee, Our God, our All in All. Bramcoaf.] HYMN 41. L. M. (Page 130.) 1 O THOU, whom all thy saints adore, We now with all thy saints agree, And bow our inmost souls before. Thy glorious, awful Majesty. 2 The King of nations we proclaim ; Who would not our great Sov'reign fear ? We long t' experjence all thy name, And now we come to meet thee here. 3 We come, great God, to seek thy face, And for thy loving-kindness wait ; And O, how dreadful is this place ! 'Tis God's own house, 'tis heaven's gate. 4 Tremble our hearts to find thee nigh, To thee our trembling hearts aspire And lo ! we see descend from high The pillar and the flame of fire. INTERCfiSSIOX. 4.5 5 Still let it on th' assembly stay, And all the house with glory fill : To Canaan's bounds point out the way, And lead us to thy holy hill. 6 There let us all with Jesus stand, And join the general churcli above ; And take our seats at thy right hand, And sing thine everlasting love. ' 7 Cbme, Lord, our soul? are on the wing", Now on thy great white throne appear, And let mine eyes behold my King, And let me see my Saviour there. Devizes.] HYMN 42. C. M. (Page 133.) 1 LORD, all I am is known to thee ; In vain my soul would try To shun thy presence or to flee The notice of thine eye. 2 Thy all-surrounding sight surveys My rising and my rest, My public walks my private ways, The secrets of my breast. 3 My thoughts lie open to thee, Lord, Before they're form'd within, And ere my lips pronounce the word, Thou know'st the sense I mean. 4 O wondrous knowledge ! deep and high ' Where can a creature hide ? Within thy circling arms I lie, Beset on every side. CO 46 _ P RAVER AND ;> So let thy grace surround mo stijl And like a bulwark prove, To guard my soul from every ill, Secur'd by sov'reign love. Hamilton.] HYMN 33. L. M. (Page 110.) 1 I THIPIST, thou wounded Lamb of God, To wash me in thy cjeaii&ing blood; To dwell within thy woundj? ; then pain Is sweet, and life or death is gain. 2 Take my poor heart and let it be Forever clos'd to- all but thee ! Seal thou my breast, and let me wear That pledge of love forever there. 3 How blest arc they who still abide Close shelter'd in thy bleeding side ! Who life and strength from thence derive, And by thee move, and in thee live. 4 What are our works but sin and death, Till thou thy quick'ning Spirit breathe ? Thou giv'st the pov/er thy grace to move ; O wond'rous grace ! O boundless love ! 5 How can it be thou heavenly King, Tliat thou should'st u.* to glory bring ; Make slaves the partners of thy throne, Deck'd with a never-fading crown. G Hence our hearts melt, our eyes overflow. Our words are lo?t, nor will we know, Nor will we think of aught beside, ^' MvLord, my love is crucifv'd." INTERCESSION. 47 7 Ah ! Lord, enlar|Sje our scanty thought, To know the wonders thou hast wrcuj^ht; Unloose our statntirrino: tongues to tell Thy love immense, unsearchable 1 8 Firstborn of many brethren thou, To thee, lo, all our souls we bow : To thee our hearts and hands we a^ive ; Thine may we die, thine may we live. mirland,] HYMN 44. S. M. (Page 114.) 1 LO, in thy hand T lay, And wait thy will to prove ; My Potter, stamp on me, thy clay, ^ Thine only stamp of love : Be this my wh^le desire, I know that it is thiup '? Then kindle in my soul a fire Which shall forever shine. 2 Thy ojracious readiness To save mankind assert ; Thine ima;Te, love, thy name impres?,. Thy natu»*e on my heart : Father of mercies, hear ! Into my soid come down ; Let it throuffhont mvlife appear, That I have Christ put on. 3 O plant in me thy mind ! O fix in me thy home ! So shall 1 cry to all mankind, ^onie to the waters, come • 48 PRAYER ANI> Jesus is full of grace, To all his bowels move ; Behold in me, ye fallen race, That God is only love. Red. Love] HYMN 45. P. M. (Page 119.) 1 LORD, we come before thee now, At thy feet we humbly bow ; O ! do not our suit disdain : Shall we seek thee. Lord, in vain 1 2 Lord, on thee our souls depend ; In compassion now descend ; Fill our hearts with thy rich grace, Tune our lips to sing thy praise. 3 In thine own appointed way, Now we seek thee, here we stay ; Lord, we know not how to go, Till a blessing thou bestow. 4 Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace afford ; Let thy Spirit now impart Full salvation to each heart. 5 Comfort those who weep and mourn. Let the time of joy return ; Those that are cast down lift up ; Make them strong in faith and hope- io Grant that all may seek and find, Thee a gracious God, and kind ; Heal the sick, the captive free ; Let us all rejoice in thee INTERCESSION. 49 Mourner.] HYMN 46. L. M. (Page 121.) 1 MY hojDe, my all, my Saviour thou, To thee, lo, now my soul I bow, I feel the bliss/thy wounds impart, I find thee, Saviour, in my heart. 2 Be thou my stength, be thou my way> Protect me through my life's short day : In all my acts may wisdom guide, And keep me, Saviour, near thy side. 3 Correct, reprove, and comfort me ; As I have need, my Saviour be : And if I would from thee depart. Then clasp me Saviour to thy heart. 4 In fierce temptation's darkest hour, Save me from sm and Satan's power ; Tear every idol from thy throne. And reign, my Saviour, reign alone. 5 My suff'ring time shall soon be o'er. Then shall I sigh and weep no more ; My ransom'd soul shall soar away, To sing thy praise in endless day. 3Iourner,] HYMN 47. L. M. (Page 123.) 1 WHEN, gracious Lord, when shall it be That I shall find my all in thee ? The fulness of thy promise prove, The seal of thine eternal love 1 2 A poor blind child, I wander here, If haply I may feel thee near : 50 PRAYER AND dark ! dark ! dark ! I still must sa »> Amidst the blaze of Gospel-day. 3 Thee, only thee, I fain would find. And cast the world and flesh behind ; Thou, only thou, to me be given. Of all thou hast in earth or heaven. 4 When from the arm of flesh set free. Jesus, my soul, shall fly to thee : Jesus, when I have lo^t my all, 1 shall upon thy bosom fall. Abridge.] HYMN 48. C. M. (Page 126.) 1 FATHER, I stretch my hands to thee. No other help I know ; If thou withdraw thyself from me, Ah, whither shall I go ? 2 What did thine only Son endure, Before I drew my breath ! What pain, what labour to secure My soul from endless death !, 3 O Jesus, could I this believe, I now should feel thy power ; Now my poor soul thou wouldst retrieve^ Nor let me wait one hour. 4 Author of faith, to thee I lift My weary, longing eyes : O let me now receive that gift. My soul without it dies. Surely thou canst not let me die ; O speak, and I shall live ; INTERCESSION. 51 And here I will unwearied lie, Till thou thy Spirit give. 6 The worst of sinners would rejoice, Could they but see thy face : O let me hear thy quick'ning voice, And taste thy pard'ning grace ! Kentucly.\ HYMN 49. S. M. (Page 127.) 1 O MAY thy powerful word Inspire a feeble worm, To rush into thy kingdom, Lord, And take it as by storm. "2 O may we all improve The grace already given, To seize the crown of perfect love, And scale the mount of heaven ! Pickering.] HYMN 59. C. M. (Page 135.) 1 JEHOVAH, God, the Father, bless, And thy own work defend ! With mercy's out-stretch'd arms embrace^ And keep us to the end. 2 Preserve the creatures of thy love ; By providential care Conducted to the realms above, To sing thy goodness there. 3 Jehovah, God the Son, reveal The brightness of thy face ; And all thy pardou'd people fill With plenitude of grace. >^ PRAYER A2iD 4 Shine forth with all the Deity, Which dwells in thee alone ; Anl lifts us up thy face to see. On thy eternal throne. 5 Jehovah, God the Spirit, shine. Father and Son to show : With bliss ineffable, divine, Our ravish'd hearts o'erflow. 6 Sure earnest of that happiness, Which human hope transcends, Be thou our everlasting peace, When grace in glory ^nds. Alfreton.] HYMN 51. L. IVL (Page 115.) 1 O THOU, to whose all-searching sight, The darkness shineth as the light, Search, prove my heart, it pants for thee» O burst these bonds, and set it free ! 2 Wash out its stains, refine its dross, Nail my affections to the cross ; Hallow each thought, let all within Be clean, as thou, my Lord, art clean. 3 If in this darksome wild I stray, Be thou my light, be thou my way, No foes, no violence I fear, No fraud, while thou, my God, art near. 4 When rising floods my soul o'erflow, When sinks my heart in waves of wo, Jesus, thy timely aid impart, And raise my head and cheer my heart. INfERCESSION. S3 5 Saviour, where'er thy steps I see, Dauntless, untir'd, I follow thee ; O let thy hand support me still, And lead me to thy holy hill ! 6 If rough and thorny be the way, My strength proportion to my day ; Till toil, and grief, and pain shall cease, "Where all is calm, and joy, and peace. Parvus.] HYMN 52. L. M. (Page 115.) 1 GREAT God, indulge my humble claim, Be thou my hope, my joy, my rest; The glories that compose thy name Stand all engag'd to make me blest. 2 Thou great and 2:ood, thou just and wise. Thou art my Father and my God ! And I am thine by sacred ties. Thy son, thy servant bought with blood. 3 With heart and eyes, and lifted hands. For thee I long, to thee I look, As travellers in thirsty lands Pant for the cooling water brook. 4 E'en life itself, without thy love, No lasting pleasure can afford; Yea, 'twould a tiresome burden prove, If I were banish'd from thee. Lord ! 5 I'll lift my hands, I'll raisesmy voice, While I have breath to pray or praise ; This work shall make my heart rejoice, And spend the remnant of my days. 54 fRAVER AN© Watchman.] HYMN 53. S. M. (Page 106.) 1 SPIRIT of faith, come down, Reveal the things of God ; And make to us the Godhead known, And witness with the blood; 'Tis thine the blood t' apply, And give us eyes to see ; Who did for ei^eri/ sinner die, Hath surely died for me. 2 No man can truly say That Jesus is the Lord ; Unless thou take the veil away. And breathe the living word : Then only then we feel Our int'rest in his blood ; And cry with joy unspeakable, " Thou art mi/ Lord, mi/ God." 3 O that the world might know The all-atoning Lamb ! Spirit of faith, descend and show The virtue of his name : The grace which all may find, The saving power impart ; And testify to all mankind, And speak in every heart. 4 Inspire the living faith, Which, whosoe'er receives, The witness in himself he hath. And consciously believes : The faith that conquers all, And doth the nlountain move ; And saves whoe'er on Jesus call, And perfects them in love. INTERCESSION. 55 Jordan.] HYMN 54. C. M. (Page 108.) 1 GOD of all grace and majesty. Supremely great and good, If I have mercy found with thee Through the atoning blood ; The guard of all thy mercies give, And to my pardon join A fear lest I should ever grieve, Thy gracious Spirit divine. 2 If mercy is indeed with thee, May I obedient prove, Nor e'er abuse my liberty, Or sin against thy love : This choicest fruit of faith bestow On a poor sojourner ; And let me pass my days below, In humbleness and fear. 3 Still may I walk as in thy sight, My strict observer see ; And thou, by reverent love, unite My child-like heart to thee ; Still let me, till my days are past. At Jesu's feet abide : So shall he lift me up at last, And seat me by his side. Shirland.] HYMN 55. S. M. (Page 109.) 1 MY God, my life, my love. To thee, to thee I call : I cannot live if thou remove, For thou art all in all. 2 Thy shining grace can cheer This dungeon whero I ilwefl: d1 C6 PRAYER AND 'Tis paradise when thou art here, If thou depart 'tis hell. ^ The smilings of thy face, How amiable they are ! 'Tis heaven to rest in thine embrace, And no where else but there. 4 To thee, and thee alone, The angels owe their bliss ; They sit around thy gracicius throaey And dwell where Jesus is. 5 Not all the harps above, Can make a heavenly pl'ace, If God his residence remoi e, Or but conceal his face. 6 Nor earth, nor all the sky, , Can one delight afford ; No. not one drop of real j oy, Without thy presence, Lord. 7 Thou art tlie sea of love, Where all my pleasure 3S roll : The circle where my pa^is, Ions move? And centre of my soul, 8 To thee my spirits fly, With infinite desire ; And yet how far from thee \ ^ lie I O Jesus raise me higher. Irish.] HYMN 56. C. M. (1 ""aqe 118.) I O SUN of Righteousness aria ® With healing in thy wing ; INTERCESSION. 57 To my diseased, my fainting soul, . Life and salvation bring. 2 These clouds of pride and sin dispel, By thy all-piercing beam ; Lighten mine eyes with faith, my heart With holy hope inflame. 3 My mind, by thy all-quick'ning power, From low desire set free ; Unite my scatter'd thoughts, and fix My love entire on thee. 4 Father, thy long-lost son receive ; Saviour, thy purchase own , Blest Comforter, with peace and joy, Thy new-made creature crown. 5 Eternal, undivided Lord Co-equal One in Three, On thee all faith, all hope be placM, All love he paid to thee. 3fear.] HYMN 57. C. M. (Page 12«.) 1 COME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quick'ning powers « Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look how we grovel here below, Fond of these earthly toys ; Our souls how heavily they go, To reach eternal joys ! 8 In vain we tune our formal songs; In vain we strive to rise ; d2 58 PRAYER AND Hozannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Father, and shall we ever live, , At this poor dying rate 1 Our love so faint, so cold to thee, An thine to us so gr^at ? 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quick'ning powers ; Come, shed :tbroad a Saviour's love And that shall kindle ours. Devizes.] HYMN 58. C. M. (Page 13$J.) 1 JESUS, the all-restoring Word, My fallen spirit's hope, After thy lovely likeness Lord, Ah, when shall I wake up ! 2 Thou, O my God, thou only ar^ The Life, the T ruth, the >Vay ; Quicken my soul, instr»^t my hearty My sinking footsteps stay. 6 Of all (hou hast in earth below. In hearen above to give, Give me thine only love to know, In thee to walk and live. 4 Fill me with all the life of love ; In mystic union join Me to thyself, and let me prove The fellowship divine. 5 Open the intercourse between My longing soul and thee, INTERCESSION. 59 Never to be broke oflf again To all eternity. Al/reton.] HYMN 59. L. M. (Page 128.) 1 O GOD, most merciful and true, Thy nature to nty soul impart, 'Stablish with me the covenant new. And stamp thine image on my heart. 3 To real holiness restor'd, let me gain my Saviour's mind. And in the knowledge of my Lord, Fulness of life eternal find. 3 Remember, Lord, ray sins no more, That them I may no more forget ; But, sunk in guiltless shame, adore With speechless wonder at thy feet. 4 O'erwhelm'd with thy stupendous grace, 1 shall not in thy presence move, But breathe unutterable praise, And rapturous awe, and silent love. 5 Then every murmuring thought, and vain, Expires, in sweet confusion lost ; I cannot of my cross complain, I cannot of my goodness boast. 6 Pardon'd for all that I have done, My mouth as in the dust I hide ; And glory give to God alone. My God for ever pacified I 1)3 60 PRAYER AND Bethel] HYMN 60. C. M. (Page ir^> 1 COME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God in persons three, Bring back the heavenly blessing lost By all mankind and me. 2 Thy favour and thy nature too, To me, to all restore ; Forgive, and after God renew, And keep me evermore. 3 Eternal Sun of Righteousness, Display thy beams divine, And cause the glories of thy face Upon my heart to shine. 4 Light, in thy light, O may I see, Thy grace and mercy prove ! Reviv'd, and cheer'd' and bless'dby thee^ The God of pard'ning love. 6 Lift up thy contenance serene. And let thy happy child Behold, without a cloud between, The Godhead reconcil'd. 6 That all comprising peace bestow On me, through grace forgiv'n ; The joys of holiness below, And then the joys of heaven ! Ebor.] HYMN 61. C. M. (Page 117.) ] BEING of beings, God of love, To thee our hearts we raise ; UNTERCESSION. &1 Thy all-sustaining power we prove, And gladly sing thy praise. 2 Thine, wholly thine, we pant to be, Our sacrifice receive ; Made, and preserved, and sav'd by thee, To thee ourselves we give. 3 Heavenward our ev'ry wish aspires, For all thy mercy's store ; The sole return thy love requiresj Is that we ask for more. 4 For more we ask, we open then Our h^farts to embrace thy will ; ' Turn, and beget us, Lord, again ; With all thy fulness fill. 5 Gcfne, Holy Ghost, the Saviour's love Shed in our hearts abroad ; So shall we ever live and move, And be with Christ in God. PHAirSH AND WATCZirULNZSSS. St. John's.] HYMN 62. P. M. (Page. 149.) 1 BE it my only wisdom here. To serve the Lord with filial fear, With loving gratitude ; Superior sense may I display, By shunning every evil way, And walking in the good. d4 62 PRAYER AND 2 O may I still from sin depart ; A wise and understanding heart, Jesus, to me be given ! And let me through thy Spirit know, To glorify my God below, And find my way to heaven. Portugal] HYMN 63. L. M. (Page 156.) 1 O THOU who all things canst control, Chase this dread slumber from my soul. With joy and fear, with love and awe, Give me to keep thy perfect law. 2 O may one beam of thy blest light. Pierce through, dispel the shades of night ; Touch my cold breast with heavenly fitre. With holy, conquering zeal inspire* 3 For zeal I sigh, for zeal I pant, Yet heavy is my soul and faint ; With steps unwav'ring undismay'd, Give me in all thy paths to tread. 4 With out-stretch'd hands, and streaming Oft I begin to grasp the prize ; [eyes, I groan, I strive, I watch, I pray ; But Ah ! how soon it dies away ! 5 The deadly slumber soon I feel Afresh upon my spirit steal ; Rise, Lord ; stir up thy quick'ning power, And wake me that I sleep no more. 6 Single of heart O may 1 be I Nothing may I desire but thee : WATCHFULNESS. 63- Far, far from me the world remove, ^ And all that holds me from thy love ! Kentucky.] HYMN 64. S. M. (Page 144.) 1 THE praying spirit breathe, The watching power impart ; From all entanglements beneath Call off my peaceful heart ; My feeble mind sustain, / By worldly thoughts opprest ; Appear, and bid me turn again To my eternal rest. 2 Swift to my rescue come, Thine own this moment seize, Gather my wand'ring spirit home. And keep in perfect peace : SufFer'd no more to rove O'er all the earth abroad, Arrest the pris'ner of thy love, And shut me up in God. Mear.] HYMN 65. C. M. (Page 145.) 1 SHEPHERD divine, our wants relieve, In this our evil day ; To all thy tempted followers give The power to watch and pray. 2 Long as our fiery trials last, Long as the cross we bear, O let our souls on thee be cast In never-ceasing prayer ! 3 The spirit of interceding grace, Give us in faith to claim ; d5 64 PRAYER AND To wrestle till we see thy face, And know thy hidden name. 4 Till thou thy perfect love impart, Till thou thyself bestow ; Be this the cry of every heart, I will not let thee go. 5 I will not let thee go unless Thou tell thy name to me ; With all thy great salvation bless, And make me all like thee. 6 Then let me on the mountain top Behold thy open face ; Where faith in sight is swallow'd up, And prayer in endless praise. Kentucky.] HYMN 66. S. M. (Page 149.) 1 A CHARGE to keep I have, A God to glorify ; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. To serve the present age. My calling to fulfil : O may it all my powers engage, To do my Master's will. ^ Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live ; And O thy servant, Lord, prepare, A strict account to give ! * Help me to watch and pray, And on thyself rely, WATCHFULNESS. 65 Assur'd if I my trust betray, I shall for ever die. Matthias.] HYMN 67. S. M. (Page 146.) 1 JESUS, my stength, my hope, On thee I cast my care, With humble confidence look up, And know thou hear'st my prayer. Give me on thee to wait, Till I can all things do, On thee, Almighty to create, Almighty to renew. 2 I want a sober mind, A self-renouncing will. That tramples down, and casts behind, The baits of pleasing ill. A soul inur'd to pain. To hardship, grief, and loss : Bold to take up, firm to sustain, The consecrated cross. S I want a godly fear, A quick discerning eye, That looks to thee when sin is near. And sees the tempter fly ; A spirit still prepar'd. And arm'd with jealous care, For ever standing on its guard, And watching unto prayer. 4 I wa#,t a heart to pray. To pray and never cease, Never to murmur at thy stay, Or wish my sufferings less. *>6 PRAYER AND This blessing, above all, Always to pray I want, Out of the deep on thee to call, And never, never faint. 5 I want a true regard, A single steady aim i Unmov'd by threat'ning or reward. To thee, and thy great name ; A jealous, just concern For thine immortal praise ; A pure desire that all may learn. And glorify thy grace. I rest upon thy word, The promise is for me ; My succour and salvation, Lord, Shall surely come from thee ; But let me still abide, Nor from my hope remove, Till thou my patient spirit guide, Into thy perfect love. NeiD Sah.^ HYMN m. L. M. (Page 148.) 1 JESUS, my Saviour, brother, friend, On whom I cast my every care, On whom for all things I depend, Inspire, and then accept my prayer. 2 If I have tasted of thy grace, The grace that sure salvation brings ; If with me now thy Spirit stays, And hovVing, hides me in his wings ; WATCHFULNESS. eif 3 Still let him with my weakness stay, Nor for a moment's space depart ; Evil and danger turn away, And keep till he' renews my heart. 4 When to the right or left I stray, His voice behind me may 1 hear, *« Return, and walk in Christ thy way, Fly back to Christ, for sin is near !" 5 His sacred unction from above, Be still my comforter and guide, Till all the stony he remove, And in my loving heart reside. 6 Jesus, I fain would walk in thee, From nature's every path retreat ; Thou art my way, my leader be. And set upon the rock my feet. 7 Upheld me, Saviour, or I fall ; O reach me out thy gracious hand ! Only on thee for help I call ; Only by faith in thee I stand. Watchman.] HYMN 69. S. M. (Page 153.) 1 GRACIOUS Redeemer, shake- This slumber from my soul ! Say to me now "Awake, awake, And Christ shall make thee whote.'* 2 Lay to thy mighty hand, Alarm me in this hour : And make me fully understand The thunder of thyj power! ^ PRAYER ANP S Give me on thee to call, Always to watch and pray,. Lest I into temptation fall, And cast my shield away. 4 For each assault prepar'd. And ready may I be. For ever standing on my guards And looking up to thee. 5 O do thou always warn^ My soul of evil near ! When to the right or left I turn, Thy voice still let me hear : 6 " Come back ! this is the way 1 Come back ! and walk therein !" O may I hearken and obey. And shun the paths of sin I Matthias.] HYMN 70. S. M. (Page 154,) 1 THOU seest my feebleness, Jesus., be thou my power, My help and refuge in distress, My fortress and my tower. 2 Give me to trust in thee ; Be thou my sure abode : My horn, and rock, and buckler be. My Saviour and my God. S Myself I cannot save, Myself I cannot keep ; But strength in thee I surely have* Whose eyelids never sleep. WATCHFULNESS. 69 4 My soul to thee alone, Now therefore I commend : Thou, Jesus, love me as thine own, And love me to the end ! St. Thomas.] HYMN 71. S. M. (Page 155.) 1 BID me of men beware. And to my ways take heed ; Discern their every secret snare. And circumspectly tread. 2 O may I calmly wait Thy succours from above ! And stand against their open hate, And well dissembled love. S My spirit. Lord, alarm, When men and devils join : 'Gainst all the powers of Satan arm. In panoply divine. 4 O may I set my face, His onsets to repel ! Quench all his fiery darts, and chase The fiend to his own hell. 5 But above all, afraid Of my own bosom foe. Still let me seek to thee for aid, To thee my weakness show, 6 Hang on thy arm alone, With self-distrusting care, And deeply in the Spirit groan, And never ceasing prayer. 70 JUSTIFICATION Fakon-St] HYMN 72. S. M. (Page 155.) 1 GIVE me a sober mind, A quidk discerning eye, The first approach of sin to find, And all occasions fly. 3 Still may I cleave to thee, And never more depart, But watch with godly jealousy, Over my evil heart. 3 Thus may I pass my days Of sojourning beneath, And languish to conclude my race,. And render up my breath. 4 In humble love and fear. Thine image to regain, And see thee in the clouds appear, And rise with thee to reign ! JITSTZFXCATXOi^r BY FAITH. Lenox.] HYMN 73. P. M. (Page 165.) 1 ARISE, my soul, arise. Shake off thy guilty fears, The bleeding Sacrifice In my behalf appears; Before the throne my Surety stands, My name is written on his hands. BY FAITH. 71 '2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede, His all«redeeming love, His precious blood to plead ; His blood aton'd for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. 3 Five bleeding wounds he bears, Receiv'd on Calvary ; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly speak for me ; Forgive him, O forgive, they cry, Nor let that ransom'd sinner die I 4 The Father hears him pray, His dear anointed One : He cannot turn away The presence of his Son ; His Spirit answers to the blood. And tells me I am born of God. 5 My God is reconcil'd. His pard'ning voice I hear ; He owns me for his child, 1 can no longer fear ; "With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry. Thatcher.] HYMN 74. S. M. (Page 162.) FIRST PART. 1 HOW can a sinner know His sins on earth forgiven 1 How can my gracious Saviour show My name inscribed in heaven ? 72 JUSTIFICATION 2 What we have felt and seen With confidence we tell ; And publish to the sons of men, The signs infallible. 3 We who in Christ believe That he for us hath died, We all his unknown peace receive, And feel his blood apply 'd., 4 Exults our rising soul, Disburthen'd of her load. And swells unutterably full Of glory and of God. 5 His love surpassing far The love of all beneath, We find within our hearts, and dare The pointless darts of death. 6 Stronger than death or hell The sacred power we prove ; And conqu'rors of the world, we dwell In heaven, who dwell in love. Pichering.] HYMN 75. C. M. (Page 166.) 1 I ASK the gift of righteonsness, The sin-subduing power ; Power to believe, and go in peace, And never grieve thee more. 2 I ask the blood-bought pardon seal'd, The liberty from sin ; The grace infus'd, the love reveal'd^ The kingdom fixt within. BY FAITH. 73 3 Thou hear'st rae for salvation. pray ; Thou seest my heart's desire ; Made ready in thy powerful day, Thy fullness I require. 4 My vehement soul cries out, opprest, Impatient to be freed ! Nor can I, Lord, nor will 1 rest, Till I am sav'd indeed. 5 Art thou not able to convert ? Art thou not willing too 1 To change this old rebellious heart, To conquer and renew 1 (y Thou canst, thou wilt, I dare believe, So arm me with thy power, That I to sin may never cleave, May never feel it more. Portugal] HYMN 76. L. M. (Page 161.) 1 AUTHOR of faith, eternal word, Whose Spirit breathes the active flame; Faith, like its finisher, and Lord, To-day as yesterday the same. 2 To thee our humble hearts aspire, And ask the gift unspeakable ; Increase in us the kindled fire, In us the work of faith fulfil. -3 By faith we know thee strong to save, (Save us, a present Saviour thou !) Whate'er we hope, by faith we have : Future and past subsisting now. e1 74 JUSTIFICATION 4 To him that in thy name beheves^ Eternal life with thee is given, Into himself he all receives, Pardon, ; nd holiness, and heavem 5 The things unknown to feeble sense, Unseen by reason's glimm'ring ray, With strong commanding evidence, Their heavenly origin display. 6 Faith lends its realising light. The clouds disperse, the shadows fly. The invisible appears in sights And God is sqei) by nsortai eye* Devizes.] HYMN 77. C. M. (Pagk 166,) 1 GREAT God 1 to me the sight afford, To him of old allow'd ; And let my faith behold its Lord, Descending in a cloud 1 5i In that revealing Spirit come down, Thine attributes proclnim, And to my inmost soul make known The glories of thy name. 3 Jehovah, Christ, I thee adore, Who gav*st my sovil to be ^ Fountain of being, and of power, And great in majesty. 4 The Lord, the mighty God thou art, But let. me raTher prove. That, name inspoken to my heart, That favourite name of Love. BY FAITH. 75 it Merciful God, thyself proclaim In this polluted breast ; Mercy is thy dislins;uish'd name, And suits the sinner best. a Our misery doth for pity call, Our sin implores thy grace ; And thou art merciful to all Our lost, apostate race. Neia Sab.] HYMN 78. L. M. (Page 170.) 1 JESUS, whose glory's streaming rays, Though duteous to thy high command ! Not seraphs view with open face, But veil'd before thy presence stand ! 3 How shall weak eyes of fiesh, weigh'd down With sin, and dim with error's night, Dare to behold thy awful throne. Or view thy unapproached light 1 3 Restore my sight ! let thy free grace An entrance to the holiest give ! Open mine eyes of faith ! thy face So shall I see : yet seeing live. 4 The golden sceptre from above Reach forth ; see my whole heart I bow ; Say to my soul ^^ Thou art my love, My chosen midst ten tliousand thou !" 9 O Jesus, full of grace ! the sighs Of a sick heart with pity view ! Hark, how my silence spe^^ks — and cries, '* JVIercy, thou God of mercy, show !" e3 76 THE GOODNESS OF 6 I know thou canst not but be good ; How shouldst ihou, Lordj thy grace re- strain, Thou, Lord, whos6 blood so freely flow'd; To save me from all guilt and pain 1 7 By faith I to the fountain fly, Open'd for all mankind and me, To purge my sins of deepest dye, My life and heart's impurity : 8 From Christ, the smitten Rock, it flows. The purple and the crystal stream ; Pardon and holiness bestows, And both I gain through faith in him» THS GOODNESS OF GOD ZK RS- DEI^PTZ02f. Salm,] HYMN 79. C. M. (Page 173.) 1 BEHOLD the Saviour of mankind Nail'd to the shameful tree ! How vast the love that him inclin'd To bleed and die for thee ! 2 Hark, how he groans ! while nature 8hak6sj( And earth's strong pillars bend ! The temple's veil in sunder breaks. The solid marbles rend. 3 'Tis done ! the precious rancom's paid, *' Receive my soul !" he cries : GOD IN REDEMPTION. I4 See where lie bows his sacred head ! He bows his head, and dies ! 4 But soon he'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory shine : O Lainb ot God: was ever pain, Was ever love like thine ! Burshm.] HYMN 80. L. M. (Page 178.) 1 OF him who did salvation bring, I could forever think and sing ; Arise, ye needy, he'll relieve ; Arise, ye guilty, he'll iorgive. 2 Ask but his grace, and lo, 'tis given !' Ask, and he turns your hell to heaven ; Though sin and sorrow wound my soul. Jesus thy balm will make it whole. 3 To shame our sins he blusii'd in blood, He clos'd his eyes to show us God ; Let all the world fall down and know. That none but God such love can show. 4 'Tis thee I love, for thee alone I shed my tears and make my moan ! AVhore'er I am, where'er I move, I meet the object of my love. 5 Insatiate to this spring I fly ; I drink, and yet am ever dry ; Ah ! who against thy charms is proof? Ah ! who that loves can love enouoh 1 F.3 ^ 7S THE GOODNESS OF St, Peter.] HYMN 81. L. M. (Page 455,) 1 HE dies, the Friend of sinners dies, Lo ! Salem's daughters weep around ; A solemn darkness veils the skies ! A sudden trembling shakes the ground ! Come, saints, and drop a tear or two For him who groan'd beneath your load : He shed a thousand drops tor you, A thousand drops of richer blood.^ 3 Here's love and grief beyond degree^ The Lord of glory dies for man ! Butlo ! what sudden joys we see : Jesus the dead revives again ! The rising God forsakes the tomb; (In vain the tomb forbids his rise) Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies. 3 Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell. How high your great Deliv'rer reigns : Sing how he spoil'd the hosts of hell, And led the monster death in chains ! Say, " Live for ever, wondVous King ! Born to redeem, and strong to save !'* Then ask the monster, " Where's thy sting 1 And Where's thy vict'ry, boasting grave V* ^Shields.] HYMN 82. C. M. (Page 175.) 1 ALAS! and did my Saviour bleed? And did my Sovereign die ? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? GOD IN REDEMPTION, 79 2 Was it for crimes that I have done, He groan'd upon the tree 1 Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! . And love beyond degree ! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in ; When Christ the mighty Maker died, For man the creature's sin ! 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While his dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The d^bt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself away, 'Tis all that I can do. Arlington.] HYMN 83. C. M. (Page 174.) 1 PLUNG'D in a gulf of dark despair. We wretched sinners lay. Without one cheering beam of hope, Or spark of giimm'ring day. 2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief: He saw, and (O amazing love !) He ran to our relief. 3 Down from the shining seats above With joyful haste he fled ; Enter'd the grave in mortal fleshy And dwelt among the dead. e4 so THE GOODNESS OP 4 O for this love kt rocks and hills Their lasting silence break ! And all harmonious human tongues. The Saviour's praises speak. 5 Angels, assist our mighty joys; Strike all your harps of gold ; But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told ! Luton.] HYMN 84. L. M. (Page 176.) 1 EXTENDED on a cursed tree, Besraear'd with dust, and sweat and blood, See there, the King of glory see ! Sinks and expires, the Son of God ! 2 Who, who, my Saviour this hath done 1 Who could thy sacred body wound 7 No guilt thy spotless heart hath known, No guile hath in thy lips been found. 2 I, — I alone have done the deed ! 'Tis r thy sacred flesh have torn ; My sins have caus'd thee, l.ord, to bleed, Pointed the nail, and fix'd the thorn. 4 For me the burdon to sustain Too great, my Lord, on thee was laid ; To heal me, thou hast borne my pain ; To bless me thou a curse wast made. 5 In the devouring lion's teeth, Torn, and forsook of all I lay ; Thou sprang'st into the jaws of death, From death to save the helpless prey. tfOl) IN KEDEMPTrON. Bi G My Saviour, how shall I proclaim, How pay the mighty debt I owe ? Let all I have, and all I am, Ceaseless to all thy glory show. 7 Too much to thee I cannot give ; Too much I cannot do for thee : Let all thy love, and all thy grief, Graven on my heart for ever be ! 8 The meek, the still, the lowly mind,. O may I learn from ihee, my God ; And love, with softest pity join'd. For those that trample on thy blood. 9 Still let thy tears, thy groans, thy sighs, O'erflow my eyes, and heave my breast : Till loose from flesh and earth I rise. And ever in thy bosom rest. Mourner.] HYMN 85. L. M. (Page 178.> 1 O THOU, dear suffering Son of God, How doth thy heart to sinners move ! Help me to catch thy precious blood ; Help me to taste thy dying love ! 3 Give me to feel thy agonies. One drop of thy sad cup afford : I fain with thee would sympathize, And share the sufferings of my Lord, 3 The earth could to her centre quake, Convuls'd while her Creator died : O let my inmost nature shake. And die with Jesus crucify'd ! Ho 83 THE GOODNESS OF 4 At thy last gasp the graves displayed Their horrors to the upper skies ; O that my soul might burst the shade, And, quicken d by thy death, arise I 5 The rocks could feel thy powerful death. And tremble, and asunder part : rend with thine expiring breath, The harder marble of my heart ! Portugal] HYMN 86. L. M. (Page 181.) 1 ADAM descended from above ! Saviour and Head of all mankind ; The covenant of redeeming love, In thee let every sinner find. 2 Our Surety, thou alone hast paid The debt we to thy Father ow'd : For the whole world atonement made, And seal'd the pardon with thy blood, 3 Thee, the Paternal Grace Divine, A universal blessing gave; A Light, in every heart to shine ; A Saviour, — every soul to save. 4 Light of the Gentile world appear, Command the blind thy rays to see ; Our darkness chase, our sorrows cheer. And set the plaintive pris'ner free. 5 Me, me, who still in darkness sit, Shut up in sin and unbelief; Deliver from this gloomy pit. This dongeon of despairing grief. GQD IN REDEMPTION". 83 6 Open mine eyes the Lamb to know, Who bears the general sin away ; And to my ransom'd spirit show, The gJories of eternal day. Firmament,] HYMN 87. L. M. (Page 454.) I OUn Lord is risen from the dead, Osir Jesi:s is gone up on high ! The powers of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay, Lift up your heads ye heaveniy gates ; Ye everlasting doors give way. ^ Loose all your bars of massy light, And wid? unfold the ethereal scene ; He claims these mansions as his right. Receive the King of glory in. Who is the Knij;' of ; lory, who ? The Lord tha all our foes o'ercame, The world, sm, deafh, and hell, overthrew ? And Jesus is the conqueror's name. 3 Lo ! his triumphal chariot waits. And angels chant the solemn lay. Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ; Ye everlasting doors give way. Who is the King of Glory, who ? The TiOrd of glorious power possest ; The King of saints and angels too, God over all for ever blest. Adisham.] HYMN 83. L. M. (Page 456.). 1 YE faithful souls, who Jrsu>; know, If risen indeed with him ye are, 84 THE ATTRIBUTES Superior to the joys below, His resurrection's pow'r declare. 3 Your faith by holy tempers prove : By actions show your sins forgiv'n ! And seek the glorious things above, And follow Christ your head to heav'n. 3 There your exalted Saviour see, Seated at God's right-hand again, In all his Father's majesty, In everlasting pomp to reign. 4 To him continually aspire, Contending for your native place ; And emulate the angel chojr. And only live to love and pnnise. 5 For who by faith your Lord receive, Ye nothing seek or want beside ; Dead to the world and sin ye live ; Your creature-love is crucifi'd. ^ Your real life with Christ conceal'd Deep in the Father's bosom lies ; And glorious as your Head reveal'd, Ye soon shall meet him in the skies. THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. Archdah.] HYMN 89. C. M. (Page 183.> 1 FATHER, how wide thy glories shine ! How high thy wonders rise ! Known through the earth by thousand signs^ Ry thousands through the skies r OF GOD. 85 Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power : Their motions speak thy skill : And ou the wings of every hour We read thy patience still. 2 Part of thy name divinely stands. On all thy creatures writ, They show the labour of thy hands, Or impress of thy feet ; But when we view thy strange design To save rebellious worms, Where vengeance and compassion join In their divinest forms : 3 Here the whole Deity is known, Nor dares a creature guess Which of the glories brightest shone^ The justice or the grace ; Now the full glories of ttie Lamb Adorn the heavenly plains : Bright seraphs learn Immanuel's name, And try their choisest strains. 4 O may I bear some humble part In that immortal song ! Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, And love command my tongue. To« Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Who sweetly all agree To save a world of sinners lost, Eternal glory be. Bethel] HYMN 90. C. M. (Page 189.) I HAIL, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost J One God, in person three ; 80 THE ATTRIBUTES Of tliee we make our joyful boast. And homage pay to thee. 2 Present alike in every place, Thy Godhead we adore : Beyond the bounds of time and space Thou dwell'st for evermore. 3 In wisdom infinite thou art. Thine eye doth all things see ; And every thought of eYery heart, Is fully known to thee. 4 Whate'er thou wilt, in earth belowj Thou dost, in heaven above ; But chiefly we rejoice to know Th' Almighty God of love. 5 Thou lov^st whatever thy hands have made. Thy goodness we rehearse, In shining characters display'd Throughout our universe, 6 Mercy, with love, and endless grace^ O'er all thy works doth reign ; But mostly thou delight'st to bless, Thy favorite creature man. 7 Wherefore let every creature give To thee the praise designed ; But chiefly, Lord, the thanks receive, The hearts of all mankind. UgcVsHymHJ] HYMN 91. L. M. (Page 194.) I HOLY as thou, O Lord, is none ! Thy holiness is all thy own ; OF GOD 87 A drop of that unbounded sea Is ours, a drop deriv'd from thee. 2 And when thv purity we share, Thy only glory we declare ; And humbled into nothing, own, Holy and pure is God alone. 3 Sole, self-existing God and Lord, By all thy heavenly hosts adorM ; Let all on earth bow down to thee, And own thy peerless majesty : 4 Thy power unparallel'd confess, Establish'd on the Rock of peace ; The Rock that never shall remove, The Rock of pure, almighty love. Randall.] HYMN 92. C. M. (Page 195.) 1 BLEST be our everlasting Lord, Our Father, God, and King ! Thy sovereign goodness we record, Thy glorious power we sing. 2 By thee the victory is given : The majesty divine, [heaven, And strength and might, and earth and And all therein is Ihine. 3 The kingdom. Lord, is thine alone, Who dost thy right maintain ; And high on thy eternal throne, O'er men and angels reign. 4 Riches, as seemeth good to thee, Thou dost, and honor sive ; 88 THE ATTRIBUTES And kings their power and dignity Out of thy hand receive. i Thou hast on us the grace bestow 'd, Thy greatness to proclaim ; And therefore now we thank our God, And praise thy glorious name. 6 Thy glorious name, and nature's powers. Thou dost to us make known ; And all the Deity is ours, Through thy incarnate Son. Old Hundred.] HYMN 93. L. M. (Page 196.) 1 ETERNAL Power, whose high abode Becomes the grandeur of a God ; Infinite lengths, beyond the bounds Where stars revolve their little rounds : 3 Thee while the first archangel sings, He hides his face behind his wings : And ranks of shining thrones around Fall worshipping, and spread the ground. i^ Lord, what shall earth and ashes do ? We would adore our Maker too ! From sin and dust to thee we cry, The Gi-eat, the Holy, and the High ! 4 Earth from afar hath heard thy fame, And worms have learnt to lisp thy name ; But O ! the glories of thy mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind ! -6 God is in heaven, and men below r Be short our tunes ; our words be few ■ OF eot» 89 A solemn reverence checks our songs, And praise sits silent on our tongues. Vhina.] HYMN 94. C. M. (Page 197.) 1 HAIL ! holy, holy, holy Lord ! Whom One in Three we know; By all thy heavenly host ador*d, By all thy church below. 2 One undivided Trinity, With triumph we proclaim ; Thy universe is full of thee, And speaks thy glorious name. 3 Thee, holy Father, we confess ; Thee, holy Son, adore : Thee, Spirit of Truth and Holiness, We worship evermore. 4 The incommunicable right, Almighty God, receive ! Which angel-choirs, and saints in light. And saints embodied give. 5 Three Persons equally divine We magnify and love : And both the choirs ere long shall join, To sing thy praise above. 6 Hail ! holy, holy, holy Lord, (Our heavenly song shall be,) Supreme, essential One, ador'd In co-eternal Three ! 90 SACRAMENTAL. Sfdrland.] HYMN 95. S. M. (Page 200.) 1 O ALL-CREATING God ! At whose supreme decree Our body rose, a breathing clod, Our souls sprang forth from thee. 2 For this thou hast design'd, And form'd us man for this ; To know, and love thyself, and find In thee our endless bliss. Triumph.] HYMN 96. L. M. (Page 200.) 1 MY soul, through my redeemer's care, Sav'd from the second death, I feel ; M}' eyes from tears of dark despair, My feet from falling into hell. o Wherefore to him my feet shall run ; My eyes on' his perfection gaze ; My soul shall live for God alone. And all within me shout his praise. SACRASMIENTAZi. THE LORD^S SUPPER Matthias.] HYMN 97. S. M. (Page 20L) 1 LET all who truly bear The bleeding Saviour's name. Their faithful hearts with us prepare, And eat the Paschal Lamb : Ourpassover was slain, At Salem's hallow'd place. SACRAMENTAL. 91 Yet we who in our tents remain, Shall gain his largest grace. 2 This eucharistic feast, Our ev'ry want supphes, And still we by his death are blest. And share his sacrifice ; By faith his flesh we eat. Who here his jmssion show, And God out of his holy seat Shall all his gifts bestow. 3 Who thus our faith employ His suff'rings to record, E'en nuw we mournfully enjoy Comto union with the Lord ; As though we every one Beneatii his cross had stood, And seen him heave, and h eard him groan And felt his gushing blood. 4 O God 1 'tis finish'd now ! The mortal pang is past ! By faith his head we see him bow, And hear him breathe his last. We too with him are dead, And shall with him arise, The cross on which he bows his head Shall lilt us to the skies. China,] HYMN 98. C. M. (Page 202.) i JESUS, at whose supreme comrnaud, We now approach to God, Before us in thy vesture stand, Thy vesture dipt in blood. 92 SACRAMENTAL. Obedient to thy jrracious word, We break the hallow 'd bread, CommemVate thee, our dying Lordy And trust on thee to feed. 2 Now, Saviour, now thyself reveal, And make thy nature known, Affix thy blessed Spirit's seal, And stamp us for thy own. The tokens of thy dying love, O let us all receive, And feel the quick'ning Spirit move, And sensibly believe ! 3 The cup of blessing, bless'd by thee, Let it thy blood impart ; The bread thy mystic body be, And cheer thy languid heart. The grace which sure salvation brings, Let us herewith receive ; Satiate the hungry with good things, The hidden manna give. 4 The living bread sent down from heaven. In us vouchsafe to be ; Thy flesh for all the world is given, And all may live by thee. Now, Lord, on us thy flesh bestow, And let us drink thy blood, Till all our souls are fill'd below, With all the life of God. Watchman.] HYMN 99. S. M. (Page. 203.) 1 JESUS, we thus obey Thy last and kindest word ; SACRAMENTAL. 93 Here in thine own appointed way, We come to meet our Lord. 2 The way thou hast enjoin'd, Thou wilt therein appear; We come with confidence to find Thy special presence here. 3 Whate'er th' Almighty can To pardon'd sinners give, The fulness of our God made man, We here with Christ receive. Wells.] HYMN 100. L. M. (Page 204.) 1 AUTHOR of our salvation, thee With lowly thankful hearts we praise, Author of this great mystery. Figure and means of saving grace. 2 The sacred, true, eftectual sign, Thy body and thy blood it shows ; The glorious instrument divine. Thy mercy and thy strength bestows. 3 We see the blood that seals our peace ; Thy pard'ning mercy we receive ; The bread doth visibly express The strength thro' which our spirits live* 1 Our spirits drink a fresh supply, And eat the bread so freely given, Till b>»rne on eagles wings we fly, And banquet with our Lord in heaven Oi SACRAMENTAL. Pickering.] HYMN 101. C. M. (Page 207.) 1 COME, Saviour, let thy tokens prove, Fitted by heav'iily art, As channels to convey thy love, To ev'ry faithful heart. 2 The living bread sent down from heaven In us vouchsafe to be ; Thy flesh for all the world is giv*n. And all may live by thee. ^ Now, Lord, on us thy flesh bestow. And let us drink thy blood. Till all our souls are fiU'd below. With all the life of God. 4 Determin'd nothing else to know But Jesus crucify'd, I will not from ray Jes !s go, Or leave his wounded side. Salem.] HYMN 102. C. M. (Paoe 207.) 1 THAT doleful night before his death, The Lamb for sinners slain. Did, almost with his dying breath, This solemn feast ordain 2 To keep the feast Lord, we have met, And to remember thee ; Help each poor trembler to repeat, '^ Forme, he dy'd for me !" ? These sacred signs thy suff'rings, Lord, To our remembrance brings : SACRAMENTAL. f)o We eat and drink around thy board, But think on nobler things. 4 O tune our tongues, and set in frame. Each heart that pants for thee, To sing '* Hosaiina to the Lamb," The Lamb that dy'd for me ! Tisbury.] HYMN 203. C. M. (Page 208.) 1 YE wretched, hungry, starving poor, jbeliold a royal least ! Where mercy spreads her bounteous store. For ev,ry humble guest. 2 See, Jesus stands with open arms ; He calls, he bids you come ; O stay not back, though fear alarms ! For yet there still is room. 3 O come, and with his children taste The blessings of his love ; While hope attends the sweet repast, Of nobler joys above! 4 There