^c /yA • j; 1 C Af\?hK LADY DURANB FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ■ ■nBH. - IMITATIONS FROM THE GERMAN OF S PITTA AND TERSTEGEN. IMITATIONS THE GERMAN OF SPITTA AND TERSTEGEN. BY LADY DURAND. LONDON : HENRY S. KING & CO., 65, CORNHILL, AND 12, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1873- (All Rights reserved.) IBetucatrtj, BY PERMISSION, TO The Rev. ALEXANDER DUFF, D.D., LL.D. CONTENTS. PART I. FROM SPITTA'S "PSALTER UND HARFE." Page THE APPEARANCE OF CHRIST I EASTER 4 " MY SOUL THIRSTETH FOR THE LIVING GOD " . . 8 ,; THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD" II WORK IN THE LORD 14 " ALL WELL ! " l6 FOR THE YOUNG 19 THE BEAUTY OF NATURE 21 SPRING'S WONDERS . . 23 SUNDAY MORNING 25 " HOW LONG WILL YE LOVE VANITY?". ... 27 LIFE AND FULL SUFFICIENCY IN JESUS . . . . 2Q Till. SERVANT OF THE LORD 32 THE SONG OF SONGS 35 "REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS" 36 x Contents. Page THE TIME OF DROUGHT . . . ' . . . . 40 REST IN GOD 43 FAITH-LIFE 46 "I ABIDE EVER WITH THEE " . . . . .48 WINTER 50 THE MESSENGERS TO THE HEATHEN .... 52 PILGRIM-SONG 55 COMFORT OF THE NIGHT 58 RETURN ! 59 "SCHICKET EUCH IN DIE ZEIT " 6l COMFORT IN THE LOVE OF JESUS . . . ' . . 63 THE SONG OF DYING 65 THE FULNESS OF CHRIST 67 PART II. FROM GERHARD TERSTEGEN'S " GEISTLICHES BLUMENGARTLEIN." THOUGHTS FOR A NEW YEAR, OR BIRTHDAY ... 73 THE SUN OF THE SOUL 75 " I SLEEP, BUT MY HEART WAKETH " . . . -77 THE SPIRITUAL FORGE 79 THE BLESSED WALK IN GOD's PRESENCE . . . 8l Contents. XI A FAINT GLIMPSE OF ETERNAL JOY . HEART-THOUGHTS, ON THE STRIKING OF THE CLOCK **t LOVE IS MIGHTY" "JESUS, WHOM I LONG FOR " .... THE WILL OF GOD "WATCH AND PRAY " PILGRIM-SONG DRAW ME DYING THOUGHTS OF A FAITHFUL SOUL THE BENEDICTION UPON GOD'S PEOPLE O THOU WHO FAIN ONLY A LITTLE WHILE THUS DOST THOU HOYER STRENGTHEN THOU THY WEARY HANDS AH, I AM FAINT AND WEARY WALKING WITH EYES FAST CLOSED BECAUSE MY HEART IS BLIND . . . . POOR, HEART, WHO IN THYSELF .... GREAT MASTER, WHAT AM I ? WHEN IN HIS JUDGMENTS' WAYS WITH OUTWARD TEACHERS THY WORKS SHALL PROFIT NOTHING . O GOD, THOU HIDDEN ONE ON OUTWARD THINGS RELY NOT HOW GOOD IS STILL THAT ANCIENT WAY Page 84 90 91 92 9 6 98 100 103 105 10S 110 in 112 113 114 ii5 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 Xll Contents. WHEN GOD HIMSELF . IN GOD THOU EVER LIVEST A CLOUD, THE SPRING OF LIFE . THUS, NOUGHT REMAINETH FAIN WOULD I BE A LITTLE CHILD . I LOOK ON THIS AND THAT . HERE IS THERE NO REPOSE LORD, WE ARE GIVEN TO THEE RENOUNCE WITH CALM CONTENTMENT TRANSPLANTED MUST I BE Page 125 126 127 128 I2Q 129 I30 ISO 131 131 DETACHED ''FLOWERS." GOOD COURAGE 132 GOLD IS TRIED IN THE FIRE 132 "THOU ART CAPTIVE" I33 ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD I33 ENTIRE RESIGNATION 133 "WHERE IS GOD?" . I34 A TROUBLED SOUL I34 "STAY AT HOME" . . '.' I34 "LET THYSELF BE LED " 135 ACCORDING TO THE FOOD, SO IS THE LIFE . . . I35 "MY SECRET IS MY OWN " 135 ONE THING IS NEEDFUL 136 "IT IS BEST TO GO HOME " 136 Contents. xiii Page EVERYTHING HAS ITS TIME 1 36 THE HERO I37 "ie thou canst not do much, thou must keep quiet" . . . 137 "it concerns not the stranger" . . . -137 how to bear suffering aright 138 the wise bee i38 the tranquil soul is rich i38 " all is not gold that glitters " . . . 139 the purgatory of love 1 39 jesus to the soul . . 1 39 "soon, soon!" - . . 140 "above the clouds blows no wind" . . . 140 ever ready i4i what is melted, flows easily together ... i4i food on the journey i4i ever calm and clear 1 42 god loveth those that love him . . . . i42 seclusion i42 "pray without ceasing" i43 COURAGE .......... 143 EVERYTHING IN ITS OWN ORDER I43 WITH THE HOLY, ONE BECOMES HOLY .... 144 AFTER SHORT SORROW COMES ETERNAL JOY . . . 144 "THROUGH STRAITNESS INTO GREATNESS" . . . I44 XIV Contents. GOD HOLDS HIM FAST, WHO TRUSTS HIMSELF TO HIM HE WHO CLEAVES TO NOTHING, DWELLS IN REST BITTER TO THE TASTE, BUT WHOLESOME . JESUS TO THE SOUL HE THAT LOVES GOD ALONE, REMAINS UNTROUBLED THE GATHERING JESUS TO THE SOUL THE BLESSED RETREAT "IT WILL SOON BE ACCOMPLISHED" "I AWAIT THE VISIT" "WHAT STANDS OUTSIDE CONCERNS THEE NOT " . ADAM'S DEATH IS CHRIST'S LIFE .... " SINK DOWN, AS A LITTLE CHILD, IN THE TENDER MERCY " . . . . * . OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE AS WITH GOD ALONE THE FREEDOM OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD "WITHOUT DISSIMULATION" LOOKING UNTO JESUS THE SELF-DRAWING LOVE "THOU BEHOLDEST GOD WHEN THINE E\ES ARE CLOSED " THE SON MAKETH FREE INDEED " . CONCLUSION . Page 145 146 146 146 147 147 147 148 148 14S 149 PART I. FROM SPITTA'S PSALTER UND HARFE." IMITATIONS FROM THE GERMAN. THE APPEARANCE OF CHRIST. (ERSCHEINUNG CHRIST!) Christ, Who in Death's night of darkness As a Shining Light did'st come ; — Seeking Thee in Herod's Palace, Vainly did my spirit roam. Found I there all dazzling splendour ; Joys enchaining sense and mind : Yet my craving heart was empty : — Thee, alone, I could not find. Imitations from the German. Forth I went to men of learning ; Versed in Scripture-lore were they : But from wise and subtle spirits Jacob's Star concealed its ray. Of the Light that had appeared They spoke, also, to the blind : Yet all vain my search amongst them — Christ Himself I could not find. Came I then within the precincts Of the Temple's holy ground : Sacrificial Fire was burning ; Radiant brightness gleamed around. Here conceiving of His Presence, Yet I found Him not at last : Quitting then thy walls, O Salem, On to Bethlehem I passed. Lonely through the street I wandered j Far and near was heard no sound : All was silent and deserted ; And no passing guide I found. But, at length, I saw above me, Through the gloom, a bright Star shine Thus, through seeking and believing, Christ Himself at last was mine ! Imitations from the German. Only seek — so shalt thou find Him ! Only faint not, nor despair ; Do not check thy heart's keen yearning, Which thy God hath kindled there ! Follow on, in trustful patience ; Faithful to His teaching live : Light from Heaven above shall guide thee Light from Heaven the Star doth give. Imitations from the German. EASTER. (OSTERFEIER.) With brighter glory, Easter Sun, Shine forth upon thy way ; For my Redeemer, and thy Lord, Rose from His grave this day ! Thou didst hide in veil of darkness When He bowed His Head to die :■ But now shine forth — thy Master Has risen up on High ! Earth, in thy tranquil beauty lie Thy calm blue skies beneath : Thy Lord deserts thee not — His Arm Hath burst the gates of death. When He breathed forth His Spirit, Thy mighty rocks were riven. Greet now The newly Living ; Steeped in soft light from Heaven ! [nutations from the German. But thou, my soul — how dost thou keep And celebrate the day When Christ with strong arm left the grave, And bore its might away ? Bringeth the dawn of Easter • True Easter-joy to thee; — Telleth to all thy gladness How great this Jubilee ? Out of the deep death-night of sin Hast thou with Christ arisen ; — From bondage hast thou struggled free ; Or art thou still in prison ? Still in thy sin's dark dwelling Lying concealed and dead, Doth Easter-Morning bring thee No glorious Morning-Red ? O hasten forth — by sin's black night No longer covered be ! Thy Lord hath risen from the dead That He might waken thee. Come, rise from sleep — The Master The soul from death would save : To the New Life He calls thee ; — Arise from out thy grave ! Imitations from the Germ&n. See, rich in mercy, He extends To thee His pierced Hands ; And lovingly He sets thee free From death's strong icy bands. From Him fear no rebuking Who waits each soul to bless : Rise to the New Life's rapture — Thy new-found happiness ! Rise quickly to that Life, O Soul, For thou hast slept too long ! He, Who hath tasted death for thee For life will make thee strong. Only first venture forward, Though weak and all untried ; He Who awaked thee walketh For ever by thy side. O ponder and consider not So long, how thou must go ! Such thoughts but make thee more inert, And thy steps more faint and slow. No help He will deny thee ; — Go forth without alarm ! Thy Lord, when thou art weary, Will bear thee on His Arm. Imitations from the German. That thou should'st waken and arise, Thy Saviour rose on High, To draw thee out of Sin's hard bonds Into bless'd liberty. He casting off the fetters Thou worest as a slave, Thine old life lies behind thee, As a dark and empty grave ! Imitations front the German. "MY SOUL THIRSTETH FOR THE LIVING GOD." (" MEINE SEELE DURSTET NACH DEM LEBENDIGEN GOTT.") Ask not why my soul doth languish ; — Ask not why the sad tears start : Thirst for God hath filled my spirit ; Yearning love consumes my heart. Give me all that earth can offer ; Nought this craving void shall fill : Without God, all poor and empty, Through the world I wander still. Glory, beauty, wealth, abundance, Art, and science — none can give Stillness to the spirit's yearning : — None can give it strength to live. Strength for life, for love, for sorrow, Patient faith when joy is gone, Joyful courage in life's partings, Gives the Living God alone. Imitations from the German. Human Art's imaginations, Like to heathen fancies vain, Are but vapour ; and their workings Cannot ease the spirit's pain. So all fancy-painted symbols, Drawing thought and mind abroad, Set no barrier to the longing That cries out alone for God. Ah, when shall I reach the Country Where, no more in vision dim, God's own Face at last beholding, I may rest alone in Him ? When shall I possess him wholly ; Into Him engrafted be, So that nought shall tear me from Him, As His Word. hath promised me ? When shall His Blest Spirit's Fulness All my living energies Consecrate to His Own Service, Blending all my will with His ? When shall all my eager longings Sink and merge into the one That His Work may stand and prosper, To His Glorious Praise alone ? io Imitations from the German. Ah, I know the once-roused .yearning Shall not always grief remain ! He, Who set the spirit thirsting, Will at last relieve its pain. When it leaves this dreary desert For the blessed Eden Shore, Where Life's stream for ever floweth ; — Then shall all its thirst be o'er. Imitations from the German. i i THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. ("DER HERR 1ST MEIN HIRT.") I know Thy Voice, my Shepherd, And strive to follow Thee ; Though slow, and often failing, My feeble footsteps be. O let me ever listen To the guiding of Thy Love ; That from Thy blessed pathway My steps may never rove ! Thy rod and staff console me When dangers near me lie : When trouble is the greatest, I feel that thou art nigh. When all my courage leaves me, And my strength grows ever less, Thou still shalt give me counsel, And succour in distress. 1 2 Imitations from the German. Often the thought comes o'er me, Musing in sorrow lone, " What fate shall yet betide me, Ere night's dark shades are gone ? " Then cometh sudden brightness, And my heart is glad again Awhile — yet clouds will gather, Returning after rain. Often I sadly ponder On the Future's aspect drear ; Its darkness haunts my spirit, And fills my soul with fear. Then speaks Thy Word, with healing, Consolingly to me : — Thus finds my heart contentment, And quiet rest in Thee. Full oft sin's wounds, though hidden, Arouse my bitter grief, Till Thou dost come to bind them, And bring my heart relief. I sink upon the journey, In weariness and pain : But Thou art near, to strengthen, And raise me up again. Imitations from the German. i 3 Thou Giver of all blessing, My Shepherd ! I would seek To follow Thee at all times ; But I am faint and weak. O draw me on, and help me, When all my strength is gone ! If Thou but carest for me, I am no more alone. It may be but a moment Till the sorrow shall be past ; And Thou wilt lead me homeward, To the Father's House at last. Then shall Thy faithful guidance, In these painful earthly days, Throughout the long " For Ever " Be my song of thanks and praise. 14 Imitations from the German. WORK IN THE LORD. (DIE ARBEIT IN DEM HERRN.) Whate'er thou doest in the Lord shall well succeed ; The glory His — the blessing all for thee : He gives the right intention, and fulfils the deed. In great and small things, He will ever be Maker and Lord of all. With hearts in heaven above, And hands upon our work — thus shall it stable prove. There is no work so small before The Master's sight That He doth not stand by, His help to lend, That it may prosper ; and to arm thee with His might, And bring it all Himself to such an end, That thou with joy the finished work may'st see : Ask but His Aid in all — thus all shall perfect be. He knoweth how in quiet rest the heart to hold, If wearisome and hard the work appear : In the cold work He lets thy spirit not grow cold ; He chaseth from the brow the lines of care : He giveth patience, industry, and much more still ; And doth each loving action with His Blessing fill. Imitations from the German. 1 5 And if He walks with thee, He scatters not thy might ; But, gathering all together, He doth shed Over thy handiwork a radiant, joy-clear light, That so its weariness be banished : And for the work which by His help thou dost achieve, From His own Hand thy soul the guerdon shall receive. O blessed life, to have Him ever in our sight : — To speak with Him at all times ; and His Voice To hear, refreshing soul and spirit, day and night ! Thus in His living Friendship to rejoice With joy that to the world is mystery unknown, As, also, is the ease with which our work is done. 1 6 Imitations from the German. "ALL WELL!" ("GETROST!") O how many an hour of gladness From our God have we received : And how many a grievous heart-wound Has His healing touch relieved ! When the sun shone hotly o'er us — When our hearts were weak and low, How hath He revived our spirit, Wiped the moisture from our brow ! And, however long the warfare, There is victory at last ; And He takes us to His Glory When the pilgrimage is past. Clad no more in pilgrim-garments Shall we reach the Fatherland ; But in robes of festal brightness In His longed-for Presence stand. Imitations from the German. Should not this make glad thy spirit, Make thy heart lie calm and still : Waiting only for His leading ; 1 >eaving all things to His will ? All shall serve for thy well-being, If thy heart in Hirn confide : Only wait a little longer ;— Calmly, patiently abide. E'en the bitterest and hardest Serves for blessing, not for loss : Thou art not the only pilgrim Who has learned to bless his cross. Pathless heights rise steep before thee On Faith's journey evermore ; If thou canst not climb their summits, God Himself will bear thee o'er. Only, — with eyes uplifted, Still in faith and hope endure : On thy homeward way press forward, Heart and longing true and pure. c 1 8 Imitations from the German. Fearlessly, and without trembling, - Walk in the dark valley here : God's blue heaven is ever o'er thee, Free and open, calm and clear. Imitations from the German. r 9 FOR THE YOUNG. (FUR DIE JUGEND.) Thou Father over all the children-hearts That here on earth are found \ — To Whom the children's song of thanks and praise Rings forth with joyful sound : — O Father, let them evermore rejoice, As children, in Thy Love ; Yet may their hearts with quick remorse be touched, When from Thy ways they rove ! Thy Spirit's discipline, "whilst life is fresh, Grant them to feel and know. The soul that early seeks Thy loving Grace Rests free from later woe. Waken their hearts from all delusive dreams Of long life yet to be : Many a blossom, ere it comes to fruit, Falls, withered, from the tree. 20 Imitations from the German Let them, O Lord, as plants of righteousness, Here in Earth's Garden stand ; Yet training only for the fuller life In the sweet Fatherland. In Thine own Vineyard may their tender growth Thy fostering care employ : Cherish and guard the good and precious shoots, The evil ones destroy ! O fill them with Thy Grace, and may Thy Love Their souls' best powers engage : Lord, call them early, lovingly to Thee, And guard their heritage ! In life and death, O Father, make them Thine ; Ordered in all by Thee : As heirs of Life, conduct them at the last Into Eternity ! Imitations from the German. 2 1 THE BEAUTY OF NATURE (DIE SCHONHEIT DER NATUR.) Rejoice in Earth's fair beauty ; 'Tis worthy of delight ; — The glorious splendour that our God Strews forth before our sight ! And yet, 'tis but the Footstool, Rich garnished, for His Feet : His creature fraught with wonder-works, In loveliness complete. In Sun and Moon rejoice thou, And in each radiant star ; As, o'er our valley wandering, They bless us from afar. Yet are they but creations, By The Hand Almighty sown Along the wide-spread drapery That falls about the Throne. 2 2 Imitations from the German. If in His Throne and Footstoo Such glorious lustre be ; What at His Heart may we conceive Of Bliss and Radiancy ! Imitations from the German. SPRING'S WONDERS. (FRUHLINGSWUNDER. ) Winter's dark hours are over ; The snow and rain are past : Life, that was captive held by Death. Breaks from her bonds at last. All, that so long lay sleeping In the darksome winter-night, Stirs mightily — and soon shall stand All glorious in the light. God sends His Breath, life-giving, To wave through wood and plain : Voices from Nature's graves awake, And her life-blood flows again. Her face in beauty gloweth ; And, with swelling verdure rife, In the valleys and the mountain-sides Burst thousand germs of life. 24 Imitations front the German. Sweet blossoms open, trembling ; Their casements, here and there, Strike out their heads inquiringly Into the soft mild air. There sounds the bird's loud carol Joyful amidst the bowers ; — " Yes, Spring again is with us now : Come forth, come forth, ye Flowers ! ' " Life has from Death arisen ! " Resounds on every side : And the blue heaven laugheth joyously, And Earth smiles like a bride. O Soul, be full of gladness, This miracle to see : God sends His Breath, restoring life, And Spring comes forth for thee ! Imitations from the German. 25 SUNDAY MORNING. (SONNTAGSFRUHE.) My heart is bright with joy \ A Day of blessing sheds its ray : There is the clear sound ringing forth, " Come to God's House to-day ! " To-day, when He shall speak, Open thy heart, and keep thee still : Cease from the labours of thy hands, When God would work His Will. 'Tis Open House to-day : The hungry souls He portioneth With Living Bread ; that all who eat May never taste of death. To-day, The Faithful Sower Goes forth, the good seed scattering : There, in each spirit where it dwells, Rich harvest it shall bring. 26 Imitations from the German. To-day, The Shepherd True His sheep and lambs together leads To pastures fresh, where water-springs Flow through sweet grassy meads. To-day, The Great Physician, Who heals our souls from every ill, Stands rich in help, in word and deed, Each pain and grief to still. This is a Day of Blessing ; And joyful voices seem to say In the Bells' clear tones, "Come forth, O Soul, To the House of God to-day ! " Imitations from the German. 27 HOW LONG WILL YE LOVE VANITY? ("WIE HABT IHR DAS EITLE SO LIEB?") Eternity draws nearer ; — Time hastens fast away : Mark'st thou its flight with gladness, Or would'st thou bid it stay ? Hast thou but tears and sighing For that which hastens past ; And knows thy heart no yearning For higher joys, that last ? Receivest thou life's being From what this world has given ; And hast thou never tasted The powers of Life from Heaven ? Does Heaven seem strange and distant — Is Earth thine only home ? How shall it be, O Mortal, When death's dark hour is come ! 28 Imitations from the German. Bethink thee of the issue When earthly days are o'er : What doth this vain life promise When Time shall be no more ? Soon shall its course be finished ; Thy heart shall cease to move : — Shall the grave beneath thee open, But not the Heaven above ? O let not sinful fancies Thy spirit's breath destroy ! Seek, in the time accepted, The Life that brings true joy : One only can impart it ; — The Life Himself, Who saith " He that believeth, liveth ; And dying, sees not death." Imitations from the German. 29 LIFE AND FULL SUFFICIENCY IN JESUS. (LEBEN UND VOLLE GENL'GE IN JESU.) J esus, my Sun, before Whose beams Night's shadows quickly flee ; — Jesus, my Bliss, Who drivest far All grief and misery ! One clear sound ringeth in my heart Where'er I stand or move ; — O Son of God, Thou Holy One, How wondrous is Thy Love ! One instinct ever fills my soul, Deep, heavenly, and clear ; Unceasingly it seems to say, " Thy one sole aim is here ! " Yes, I would fain for this one Pearl Sell all that I possess ; All joys that constitute a life Of earthly happiness. 30 Imitations from the German. In silent gladness, from my heart All things I would remove, That from His Presence can divide, Or rob me of His Love. If separate from Thee, my Lord, No other life I know : Thou art my soul's true Element, Through which its life must flow. Living in Thee, I am secure ; No more I know of death ; For sin; — my spirit's only foe — Thy strong Hand vanquisheth. I know no more of sorrow now : No trials that betide, Thou Well-spring of all blessedness, Can part me from Thy side. Yea, if I only have Thy Love, No other joy I crave; And, with a beggar's staff alone, I royal riches have. Imitations from the German. 3 1 Already am I, here on earth, Thus blest, and light of heart : What, then, shall be my portion There, When all earth's clouds depart ? Then death all untold bliss will bring ; ' And I possest shall be Of the Eternal throne and crown God's mercy gives to me. Without Thy blessing Love, O Lord, My spirit had been lost ; Left floating, helpless and alone, On life's wild ocean tost : — But Thou hast to the Haven blest Brought in my weary heart ; And, full of peace, I rest in Thee, For Thou my Saviour art Imitations from the German. THE SERVANT OF THE LORD (DER DIENER DES HERRN.) O highly blessed servant, Who ever ready stands, In joyful singleness of heart, To do his Lord's commands : — Who, as a child, delighteth To serve Him night and day ; And sore bewaileth every sin That leads his feet astray ! Thy heart and glance thou hangest On the Beloved Lord : Each moment finds thee close to Him, And listening for His Word. No warning loud thou needest ; But, silently and still, Close following The Master's- steps, Thou canst foresee His Will. Imitations from t/ie Gorman. 33 The burden laid upon thee Is scarce felt by thy heart : Thou thinkest, " He who sent the load Will also strength impart." E'en through thy tears thou smilest ; And, when bowed down by woes, On thy Beloved Redeemer's Heart Thou findest sure repose. There, blessed, weep thou freely ; To Him thy griefs reveal : He, Who far greater ones endured, Can for thy sorrows feel. To Him pour out thy trouble, Who ever waits to hear ; — Who, in compassion, gave Himself, His children's griefs to bear. And thy heart in bliss abideth ; And thy foot walks forth in light : Thus, as thy Sun, He shineth down, Breaking through clouds of night. From Him all blessing cometh, And leadeth back to Him ; Therefore on Him thy gaze is fixed, Piercing all earth-clouds dim. 34 Imitations from the German. v How blessed is thy portion ; — How well is it with thee, Thus, with thy whole life's earnestness, To serve Him faithfully ! In comfort and in trouble, In good and evil days, In joy, and in affliction's hour, To follow in His Ways ! Thus in our Lord's dear Service The time flies quickly past ; And, ere our hearts can think of it, We reach the Place at last. Then, pressing on in boldness, v To The Father's House we come, Where the servant shall for evermore Rest with his Lord at Home. Imitations from the German. 35 THE SONG OF SONGS. (DAS LIED DER LIEDER.) A blessed Song of songs there is : — when thou hast learned its strain, Unweariedly thou singest it, again and yet again. No heart of man, hath framed that Song, so rich in all delight \ — So full of deep instruction, and of earnestness and might. It singeth of a Love, which chaseth all Life's griefs away, Like clouds that melt and vanish at the breaking of the day. So do all sorrows disappear, and all our cares depart, When rightly we intone that Song of Beauty from the heart. 36 Imitations from the German. "REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS." ("FREUET EUCH IN DEM HERRN ALLEWEGE. Rejoice in God at all times, His Mercy and His Love ; Be not inert in gladness That cometh from above. Shall He pour forth the fulness Of Living Joy in vain ? The bliss thy Lord would give thee Shall cure thy heart's worst pain. He first to Earth's sad country The wondrous Blessing brought Which, after sin's sharp anguish, Delight unspoken wrought. O pure Joy-Fountain, springing Amid the desert drear ; — Where draws each thirsting spirit The healing waters clear ! Imitations from the German. Was it for you all vainly That Angels, from the Height, The joyous Christmas Tidings Brought, in the Blessed Night ? Praised not those Angel Heralds The joy that yours should be ; — And stand ye, sad and grief-worn, Powerless that joy to see ? Shall Zion's Daughter glory In the Coming of her King ; — And will ye shun the gladness That to Him might honour bring ? When palms ye should be bearing, And glad " Hosannas " cry, Will ye stand and weep, faint hearted, As the joyous crowds pass by? And His great Love unfathomed — Hath it not done all well ? Remains there aught unfinished, Or wanting to us, still ? His children's joy to perfect, And render safe from loss, He bore their sins' sore burden, And laid it on His Cross. 38 Imitations from the German. And stands He not victorious Over the dark grave's power ; — 1 The bonds of fear and anguish Bursting, in Death's drear hour ? He lives, our souls to quicken, And His own Joy impart : — Speaks to the sad, " Whom seek'st thou ? " Why weepest thou, poor heart ? " He poureth down salvation From The Father's Throne on High ; And from the saints' far dwellings Rings forth a joyful cry ; — Triumphant songs of gladness ' For The Saviour's Victory : He hath conquered, and shall conquer, Till all foes before Him lie. To the souls that know and love Him What joy shall then be given, When He cometh in His Glory, Amid the clouds of Heaven ! How will He save and bless them ; — Yea, recompense His own ; And le'ad them to the City Prepared by God alone ! Imitations from the German. 39 There, on their heads for ever Rest glory and delight : — There, no more sun is needed ; No more the moon's soft light There, in The Father's Presence, Within His Light they lie ; Partakers of His Glory, And of Eternity ! To you this bliss belongeth, Because Christ's own are ye ; — Because your souls He purchased, And He hath made you free. Shall not your hearts be joyful In Him, your Master True ? Car, ye still weeping linger, As though no Christ ye knew ? For ever, O redeemed ones, Glad hearts to Him up-raise ! Let Joy reign daily o'er you ; Each day sing forth Plis Praise- Each day be Love's own offering Of thanks and gladness given ; — So shall ye train your spirits For perfect Joy in Heaven. 40 Imitations from the German. THE TIME OF DROUGHT. (DIE DURRE ZEIT.) Life often seems so dreary; — The heart so void and bare ; As if no spark of love or faith Were still remaining there. The Healing, that had oft-times * Our spirits' life restored, Seems far away : — and yet such hours Bring blessing from The Lord. Yearning, we seek His Presence, When He leaves us thus alone : We would clasp Him to our fainting hearts, And hold Him for our own. Then the soul, with tears, like Jacob, Would wrestle and implore, Till the 'strife is hers — and " Israel " Is her name for evermore. Imitations from the German. 4 1 In hours like these, of sadness, Our spirits feel aright The misery of all life here When He is far from sight. How, through this earthly desert, Could our weary Spirits move, Were not our tear-fare sweetened oft By Jesus' wondrous Love ? These are the Soul's true fast-times, When far He seems to go ; And the heavy burden of our sins We learn, alone, to know. Then doth His Grace restore us, In penitence and prayer ; And for the glorious Feasting-Day He doth our souls prepare. The Lord His own time chooseth For blessing and relief: He gives the glimpse of joyousness After the bitter grief. His gracious rain He poureth Into the arid soul ; And leads us on, by darkened ways, To the Light — towards Heaven's Goal. 42 Imitations from the German. Then learn, in lowly patience And faith, to understand, ' When times of drought pass over thee, The guiding of His Hand. Soon droppeth down from Heaven ' His bounteous Mercy-rain : Then, like a freshened meadow-land, The desert blooms' again. Imitations from the German. 43 REST IN GOD. (RUHE IN GOTT.) O Mortal, who would'st fain create Light, peace, and joy; — in vain thy strife And weary search : O haste thee back To God, The Fountain of thy life ! There, where that life began to flow, Direct thy longing, yearning quest : When to its Great Creator turned, The soul first finds its only rest. But ah, thou canst not go to Him ;— Thou lookest on the sins which stand As a partition-wall between : Yet see, thy Saviour gives His Hand ; With pitying Voice He calls thee near ; — In Arms of Love up-raises thee : He hath destroyed the barrier-wall ; Bears thee to God, and makes thee free. 44 Imitations from the German. Thus, thy Creator gave thee life, And Christ thy life gives back once more : And yet more gifts The Father hath For thee, His weary child, in store. A Blessed Guide He promiseth, To tell thee of thy Father's love ; To give thy spirit strength and peace ; And lead thee to thy home above. Now, to the Living Fount returned, . Through Time's dim glass thou may'st descry, With joy-clear glance, the glorious view Of the Divine Eternity. Heaven's blessedness, e'en now, is thine ; For ever past thy spirit's strife : Crowned by God's Love, it rests on Him, In calmness, through this battling life. And thou, O restless heart, that still Art seeking for thy true repose — Seek it not here, nor in thyself ; Such search but multiplies thy woes : It makes the weary heart more faint, And brings Fatigue's repose, at best : Deem not this sleep, from weariness In searching, to be true heart's-rest ! Imitations from the German. 45 An infant, in its cradle -bed, Rocked with the softest lullabies, Rests not so tranquilly as when Upon the Mother's breast it lies. Where its first draught of life was found, Its truest happiness will be. O Soul, return thou to thy God ! In Him alone is rest for thee. 46 Imitations from the German. FAITH-LIFE. (GLAUBENSLEBEN.) Can aught bring higher blessedness, — Aught purer joy afford, Than life entire to consecrate In faith, unto The Lord ! Within His Presence close we stand, And there may ever be, As though our eyes beheld His Face : And glad at heart are we. E'en when the lips in silence rest The heart to prayer is given : Unchained by earth, our thoughts arise Unceasingly to Heaven. His Spirit strengthens us anew When all around is still : That Blessed Grace is all our own ; We have it when we will. Imitations from the German. 47 Like children sporting at His Feet, We rest beneath His Eye ; And when the tears of anguish fall, Straight to His Heart we fly. And when His children weary grow, He lays them down to rest ; And covers-o'er the tired hearts Within the earth's cool breast. There, hidden safely, shall we sleep Throughout the still, deep night, Until His wakening Call is heard, In glorious Morning-Light. What shall befall us on that Morn It doth not yet appear : — Dream-like our hearts' imaginings, Till all shall be made clear. 48 Imitations front the German. "I ABIDE EVER WITH THEE. ("ICH BLEIBE STETS BEI DIR.") Jesus, with Thee I would abide, For ever in Thy Service stay : Let nothing part me from Thy Side, Nor let me wander from Thy Way. Thou art my spirit's Life — the Strength And living impulse of my heart ; E'en as the Vine streams forth its power And to each branch doth life impart. Yes, I abide with Thee, my Lord ; In joy and sorrow I would be Thine own for ever — closely bound — For Time and for Eternity. I listen for Thy Signal Voice To call me from this world away : Ready is he to die, whose soul Hath clung to Thee throughout life's day, Imitations from the German. 49 Stay with me, Lord, upon this earth : — Stay, also, when my day is gone ; When shadows of the evening fall, And the night's coming draweth on. Then, on my weary, languid head Laying Thy Hand of blessing Love, Say, " Child, thy faith-life here is o'er : — Now shalt thou enter Life above ! " Stay with me then — still by my side — Death's early dawn begins to spread ; The cool, sharp breezes seem to blow, That come before the Morning-Red. When dimmer grows my failing eye, Let Light into my spirit come, That I may pass on joyfully, As one that travelleth to his Home. 5