p-46m\ i;'ri^J Ui'iViVi •I'l^l^i ••'»'» 'l'l«l'l'l''f"'l"'l*'r''j''f»(J»''»''l'«,'l,-*l,'!r M'i'«'i'i'i'i'i'/'i»i»|lj'j^'»ri'i|'»/'i^.»i»?l '».'»»'* 'i 'i *t 'i i' — €s> ra '^". -.^± -^zz=\. Day IV. XI. XVIII. XXV. No. 4. i ^-^ -^^ I D. I I Rf V.W.Tucker. Day V. XII. XXVI. No. 5. ' A \ t±=zczT=X\ :^=zt:gz^hs-Hz:=±ss=g5= Canto Fermo. I I 1 I C!i_i^I^l^.S^. =r:5zp=Szi -^. :^r£:^z 1-^ zrizr2:^z-2zr^ PURCELL. E G. Monk. Day VI. XIII. XX. XXVII. No. 6. J-J-. r-J— Ur-I 1 Eg-:IS-SS^£ :2^z:^z ^^~^- 1^-^ :^. I I I [is =?^P^ Day VII. XIV. XXI. XXVIII. No. 7. i^igmspiSii '<=5" -.-Si:^-£ O. .Cb. fc^^dr^l :^ m Dr. W Haves. E. G. Monk. Venite^ exultemus Domino. AT MORNING PRAYER. Yenite, exultemiis Domino. No. I i:2_I_s.zi_gJl.c:^_[j_i=2_t:S-^-I-S-S-tIi: :^: :s:^ 1^1 I I :^ ^^=^^1^= T. Tallis. PSALM XCV. Venite^ exultemus Domino. r\ COME, let us fing | unto the | Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the | ftrength of ^ I our fal- I -vation. 2 Let us come before his prefence with | thankf- | -giving : and fhew ourfelves | I glad in | him with | pfalms. 3 For the Lord is a | great | God : and a great | King a- | -bove all | gods. 4 In his hand are all the corners | of the | earth : and the ftrength of the | hills is j I his I alfo. 5 The fea is his, and [ he | made it : and his hands pre- | -pared the | dry | land. 6 O come, let us worfhip, and | fall | down : and kneel be- | -fore the j Lord our | I Maker. 7 For he is the | Lord our j God : and we are the people of his paflure, and the | I llieep j of his | hand. 8 To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden | not your | hearts : as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation | in the | wilder- | -nefs ; 9 When your fathers | tempted | me : proved | me, and | faw my | works. 10 Forty years long was 1 grieved with this gener- | -ation, and | faid : It is a people that do err in their hearts^ for they | have not | known my | ways ; 1 1 Unto whom I fware | in my | wrath : that they fhould not | enter | into my | reft Glory be to the Father, and | to the | Son : and | to the | Holy | Ghoft ; As it was in the beginning^ is now, and | ever fhall | be : world without | end. ] I A I -men. Pfalm 1. 11. Day T. THE PSALMS OF DAVID iiloinmg ^ragcr. II. No. lo. ^ , PJalm i. ii. 2::^ •12: I I j^i. z^: :=^^ ^ tzitud B T. Tallis. PSALM 1. LESSED Is the man that hath not nor ftood in the | way of | finners Dr S. ELVjty. Beatus vir, qui ncn ahiit ^c, walked in the counfel of the ungodly, But his delight is him and hath not fat in the | feat | of the Lord : and in his law will he exercife fcornful. in the | law of the ^ felf I day and | night. 3 And he ihall be like a tree planted by the | water | fide : that will bring forth his I fruit in | due | feafon. 4 His leaf alfo | (hall not | wither : and look, whatfoever he | doeth, | it fhall | I profper. 5 As for the ungodly, it is not | fo with | them : but they are like the chafF, which the wind fcattereth away from the | face | of the | earth. 6 Therefore the ungodly fhall not be able to ftand j in the j judgement : neither the finners in the congre- 1 -gation | of the | righteous. 7 But the Lord knoweth the | way of the | righteous : and the way of the un- | I -god- I -ly fhall | perifh. PSALM II. ^are fremuerunt gentes ? AX/'HY do the heathen fo furioufly | rage to- | -gether : and why do the people i- I -magine a | vain | thing ? 2 The kings of the earth fland up, and the rulers take | counfel to- | -gether : agalnfl the Lord^ and a- | -gainft | his A- | -nointed. 3 Let us break their | bonds a- | -funder : and caft a- | -way their ! cords | from us. Day L Pfalm iii. 4 He that dwelleth in heaven fhall | laugh them to | fcorn : the Lord fhall I I have them | In de- | -rifion. 5 Then fhall he fpeak unto them | in his | wrath : and vex them | in his | fore dif- I -pleafure. 6 Yet have I | fet my [ King : upon my | holy | hill of | Sion. 7 I will preach the law^ whereof the Lord hath | faid unto | me : Thou art my Son, this day have j I be- 1 -gotten | thee. 8 Defire of me, and I fhall give thee the heathen for thine in- | -herit- | -ance : and the utmoft parts of the | earth for | thy pof- | -feflion. 9 Thou (halt bruife them with a | rod of | iron : and break them in pieces | like a | I potter's I vefTel. 10 Be wife now therefore^ I O Y^ I kings : be learned, ye that are | judges | of the | I earth. 1 1 Serve the | Lord in | fear : and rejoice unto | him with | rever- | -ence. 1 2 Kifs the Son, left he be angry, and fo ye perifh from the | right | way : if his wrath be kindled, (yea^ but a little,) blefTed are all they that | put their | truft in I him. L Pjalm iii. iv. v. No. 9. -^- ^ I ! i II J^ A.A Z2: :^: :^: ^: H .T. Monk. Dominey quid muhiplicati. R. Farrant. PSALM in. T ORD, how are they increafed that | trouble | me : many are they that | rife a- 1 I -gainft I me. 2 Many one there be that | fay of my | foul : There is no | help for him | in his | I God. ^ • 3 But thou, O Lord, art | my de- | -fender : thou art my worfhip, and the | lifter | I up of my I head. 4 I did call upon the Lord | with my | voice : and he heard me | out of his | holy | I hill. 5 I laid me down and flept, and rcfe | up a- 1 -gain : for the | Lord fuf- | -tained | me. 6 I will not be afraid for ten thoufands | of the | people : that have fet themselves a- 1 -gainft me | round a- 1 -bout. 7 Up, Lord, and help me, | O my | God : for thou fmiteft all mine enemies upon the cheek-bone ; thou haft broken the | teeth of j the un- | -godly. 8 Salvation belongeth | unto the | Lord : and thy blefting | is up- | -on thy | people. 8 Pfalm iv. V. Day I I. i Pfalm --^ til; I I I No. 9 II. No. I I. ! I J is! I \ I t; Pfalm iii. iv. v. I I ^is-z^^L^^:^: Si^Hi ^ -€ iii R. Farrant. PSALM IV H. T. McNK. Cum invocarem. ILJEAR me when I call, O God of my | righteouf- | -nefs : thou haft fet me at liberty when I was in trouble ; have mercy upon me, and | hearken | unto my I I prayer. 2 O ye Tons of men, how long will ye blaf- |-pheme mine | honour : and have fuch pleafur.^ in vanity, and | feek | after | leafing ? 3 Know this alfo, that the Lord hath chofen to himfelf the | man that is | godly : when I call upon the Lord_, | he will | hear | me. 4 Stand in awe, and | fm | not : commune with your own heart, and in your I I chamber, | and be | ftill. 5 Offer the sacrifice of | righteouf- | -nefs : and piit your | truft | in the | Lord. 6 There be | many that j fay : Who will | fhew us | any | good .^ 7 Lord, I lift thou j up : the light of thy | counte- | -nance up- | -on us. 8 Thou haft put gladnefs | in my | heart : fince the time that their corn, and j wine. and I oil, in- | -creafed. 9 I will lay me down in peace, and | take my | reft : for it is thou, Lord^ only, that 1 I makeft me | dwell in | fafety. PSALM V. Verba me a auribus, pONDER my | words, O | Lord : con- | -fider my | medi- | -tation. 2 O hearken thou unto the voice of my calling, my | King, and my I God : for unto I thee will I | make my i prayer. 3 My voice ftialt thou hear be- | -times, O | Lord : early in the morning will I direct my prayer unto | thee, and \ will look | up. 4 For thou art the God that haft no pleafure in | wicked- | -nefs : neither ftiall any j I evil I dwell with | thee. 5 Such as be foolifti ftiall not | ftand in thy | fight : for thou hateft all | them that work I vani- | -ty. 6 Thou ftialt deftroy them that | fpeak | leafing : the Lord will abhor both the blood-thirfty | and de- | -ceitful | man. 7 But as for me, I will come into thine houfe, even upon the multitude | of thy j I mercy : and in thy fear will I worftiip to- ] -ward thy i holy | temple. Day I Pfalm VI. 8 Lead me, O Lord, In thy righteoufnefs, becaufe of mine | ene- | -mies : make thy way I plain be- | -fore my | face. 9 For there is no faithfulnefs | in his | mouth : their inward parts are | very I I wicked- | -nefs. 10 Their throat is an open | fepul- | -chre : they | flatter | with their | tongue. 11 Deftroy thou them, O God; let them perifh through their own i- | -magi- I I -nations : caft them out in the multitude of their ungodlinefs ; for they have re- I -belled a- | -gainft | thee. 12 And let all them that put their triift in | thee re- | -joice : they fhall ever be giving of thanks^ becaufe thou defendeft them ; they that love thy Name I I fhall be | joyful in | thee. 13 For thou, Lord, wilt give thy blefTing | unto the | righteous : and with thy favourable kindnefs wilt thou defend I him as I with a I fhield. ofbmmg ^lagen No. 12. IL Pfalm vi. vii. r I I 1 From Dr. H. Aldrich -1 1 Pfalm vi. Vii No. 14, Domine, ne in furore. -nation : neither chaften ! me in PSALM VI. ff\ LORD, rebuke me not in thine | indig- ^^^ I thy dif- I -pleafure. 2 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for | I am | weak : O Lord, heal me, | for my | I bones are | vexed. 3 My foul alfo is | fore | troubled : but. Lord, how long | wilt thou | punifh | me .^ 4 Turn thee, O Lord^ and de- | -liver my | foul : O save me | for thy | mercy's | I fake. 5 For in death no man re- | -membereth | thee : and who will give thee | thanks | I in the j pit P 6 I am weary of my groaning ; every night wafh | I my | bed : and water my | I couch I with my | tears. 7 My beauty is gone for | very | trouble : and worn away becaiife of | all mine | I ene- 1 -mies. .siJ: T. Kelway. F. a. G. Ouselet. PSALM IX. Confitebor tibi, T WILL give thanks unto thee^ O Lord^ with my | whole | heart : I will fpeak of | I all thy I marvellous | works. 2 I will be glad and re- [ -joice in | thee : yea, my fongs will I make of thy | I Name, O | thou moft | Higheft. 3 While mine enemies are | driven | back : they fhall fall and | perifh | at thy | I prefence. 4 For thou haft maintained my right | and my | caufe : thou art set in the | throne that I judgsft I right. 5 Thou haft rebuked the heathen, and deftroyed | the un- | -godly : thou haft put out their | name for | ever and | ever. 6 O thou enemy, deftru6lions are come to a per- | -petual I end : even as the cities which thou haft deftroyed ; their memorial is | periftied | with | them. 7 But the Lord ftiall en- | -dure for | ever : he hath alfo pre- | -pared his | feat for | I judgement. 8 For he fhall judge the world in | righteouf- | -nefs : and minifter true | judgement | I unto the | people. 9 The Lord alfo will be a defence | for the op- | -prefTed : even a refuge [ in due | I time of I trouble. 10 And they that know thy Name will put their | truft in | thee : for thou, Lord, haft never failed | them that | feek | thee. 11 O praife the Lord which | dwelleth in | Sion : fhew the | people | of his | I doings. 12 For, when he maketh inquifttion for blood, he re- | -membereth | them : and forgetteth not the com- | -plaint | of the | poor. 13 Have mercy upon me, O Lord ; confider the trouble which I suffer of | them that I hate me : thou that lifteft me up | from the | gates of | death. 14 That I may ftiew all thy praifes within the ports of the | daughter of | Sion : Twill re- | -joice in | thy fal- | -vation. Day II Pfalm X. 13 15 The heathen are funk down in the | pit that they | made : In the fame net which they hid privily, | is their | foot | taken. 16 The Lord is known to | execute | judgement : the ungodly is trapped in the I I work of his | own | hands. 17 The wicked fhall be turned | into | hell : and all the people | that for- 1 -get | I God. 18 For the poor fhall not alway | be for- | -gotten : the patient abiding of the meek | fhall not | perifh for | ever. 19 Up, Lord, and let not man have the | upper | hand : let the heathen be | I judged I in thy | fight. 20 Put them in | fear, O | Lord : that the heathen may know them- 1 -felves to | 1 be but I men. Pfalm X. ^--Jq=^znz=i -^-^-1 I i=lr* I I I I lisiiiiiiig I T. Kelway. ZCSS3T-^ '.-. A. G. OUSELEY. PSALM X. Ut quid, Domine ? Vl^HY ftandefl: thou fo far | off, O | Lord : and hidefl thy face in the | needful | I time of I trouble. 2 The ungodly for his own lufl doth perfe- | -cute the | poor : let them be taken in the crafty wilinefs | that they | have i- | -magin'd. 3 For the ungodly hath made boafi of his own | heart's de- | -fire : and fpeaketh good of the cDvetous, | whom | God ab- | -horreth. 4 The ungodly is fo proud, that he careth | not for | God : neither is | God in | I all his I thoughts. 5 His ways are | alway | grievous : thy judgements are far above out of his fight, and therefore defieth he | all his | ene- \ -mies. 6 For he hath faid in his heart, Tufh, I fhall never | be caft | down : there fhall no harm | happen | unto \ me. 7 His mouth is full of curfing, de- | -ceit, and | fraud : under his tongue is ungodli- I -nefs and | vani- | -ty. 8 He fitteth lurking in the thievifh corners | of the | flreets : and privily in his lurking dens doth he murder the innocent ; his eyes are | fet a- | -gainft the | I poor. 9 For he lieth waiting fecretly, even as a lion liirketh he | in his | den : that | he may | ravifh the | poor, ro He doth \ ravifh the | poor : when be ! getteth him | into his j n?.f. 14 Pfalm I. No. 17. ^ I till XL II. Day II. No. ^ ^J. :s::^: &—>^ :^=^: I I la :sfc? P/^/»J X. 19. iif^PP^ ^^^ -^-^ :2^=2:^ -^-r^^ ^iiiSl^ife T. Kelway. I F. A. G, OUbELEY, He falleth down, and | humbleth him- | -felf : that the congregation of the poor may fall into the | hands | of his | captains. He hath faid in his heart, Tufh, God | hath for- | -gotten : he hideth away his face, and I he will I never | fee it. Arife, O Lord God, and lift | up thine | hand : for- Wherefore fhould the wicked blaf- | -pheme | God heart, Tufh, thou God | careft | not | for it. Surely I thou haft i {^tx\ it : for thou beholdeft un- | -get I not the | poor, while he doth fay in his 1 1 12 heart, Tufh, thou God | careft | not | for it. 15 Surely | thou haft | {z^x\ it : for thou beholdeft un- | -godli- j -nefs and j wrong. 16 That thou mayeft take the matter | into thine | hand : the poor committeth him- felf unto thee ; for thou art the | helper | of the | friendlefs. 17 Break thou the power of the ungodly | and ma- | -licious : take away his ungod- linefs^ I and thou | fhalt find | none. 18 The Lord is King for | ever and | ever : and the heathen are | perifhed | out of the I land. 19 Lord, thou haft heard the defire thine ear | hearken- | -eth there- 20 To help the fatherlefs and poor be no more ex- | -alted a- | -gainft | them. of the I poor : thou prepareft their heart, and -to ; unto their I right : that the man of the earth L No 16, PJalm |fi«^ r:^ r ^ -^ :s^ u ^- X^ I T. Kelway. II. No. 18. Pjalm D 3SI, ^ ^ sf t=x sirz:^: 23: 1 ^- F. A. G. OUSELEY. PSALM XI. In Domino confido. TN the Lord put | I my | truft : how fay ye then to my foul, That fhe fhould fiee as a I bird | unto the | hill } 1 For lo, the ungodly bend their bow, and make ready their arrows with- 1 -In the I quiver : that they may privily fhoot at them | which are | true of | heart. % For the foundations will | be cafl | down : and what | hath the | righteous | done ? Day II Pfalm xu. 15 4 The Lord is in his | holy | temple . the Lord's | feat | is in | heaven. 5 His eyes con- | fider the | poor : and his eyelids | try the | children of | men. 6 The Lord al- | -loweth the | righteous : but the ungodly, and him that delighteth in wickednefs | doth his foul ab- | -hor. 7 Upon the ungodly he fhall rain fnares, fire and brimftone, j ftorm and | tempeft : this fhall I be their | portion to \ drink. 8 For the righteous Lord loveth | righteouf- | -nefs : his countenance will behold the I thing | that is | juft. afbmms ^ragm I pfalm xli. xlii. xiv. W. HiNE. PSALM XII. left W. Macfarren. Salvum me fac. for the faithful are they do but flatter with X-JELP me, Lord, for there is not one | godly man minifhed from a- | -mong the | children of | men. 2 They talk of vanity every one | with his | neighbour their lips^ and diflemble | in their | double | heart. 3 The Lord fhall root out all de- | -ceitful | lips : and the tongue that | fpeaketh | I proud I things ; 4. Which have faid. With our tongue will | we pre- | -vail : we are they that ought to fpeak, I who is | lord over | us } Now for the comfortlefs troubles' fake | of the | needy : and becaufe of the deep | I ^g^i^g I o^ the I poor^ I will up, I faith the | Lord : and will help every one from him that fwelleth againft him, | and will | fet him at | reft. The words of the Lord are | pure | words : even as the filver, which from the earth is tried, and purified | feven times | in the | fire. Thou fhalt | keep them, O | Lord : thou fhalt preferve him from this | gener- | I -ation for | ever. The ungodly walk on | every | fide : when they are exalted, the children of | I men are | put to re- | -buke. i6 Pfalm xiii. xiv. Day IL Pjalm xii. xiii. xiv. No. 20. II. No. 21. J^.. I I f— r I Pjalm xii. xiii. ^iSSSaH^ ■^--1- .^_c:j. I > I W. HiNE. PSALM XIII. I I 1 1 W. Macfarren. VJquequo, Domine ? TIJOW long wilt thou forget me, O | Lord, for | ever : how long wilt thou | hide thy I face | from me } 1 How long {hall I feek counfel in my foul, and be fo vexed | in my | heart : how long fhall mine enemies | triumph | over | me ? 3 Confider, and hear me, O | Lord my | God : lighten mine eyes, that I | fleep | I not in I death. 4 Left mine enemy fay^ I have prevailed a- | -gainft | him : for if I be caft down. they that trouble me | will re- | -joice | at it. 5 But my truft is | in thy | mercy : and my heart is | joyful in | thy fal- | -vation. 6 I will fing of the Lord, becaufe he hath dealt fo | lovingly | with me : yea^ I will praife the | Name of the | Lord moft | Higheft. PSALM XIV. Dixit inftpens, npHE fool hath | faid in his | heart : There | is | no [ God. 2 They are corrupt, and become abominable | in their | doings : there is none that I doeth good, j no not | one. 3 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the | children of j men : to fee if there were any that would underftand, and | feek | after | God. 4 But they are all gone out of the way^ they are altogether become a- ! -bomin- | I -able : there is none that j doeth good, | no not | one. 5 Their throat is an open fepulchre, wi:h their tongues have j they de- | -ceived : the poifon of | afps is | under their | lips. 6 Their mouth is full of curfing and | bitter- ! -nefs : their feet are | fwift to | fhed | I blood. 7 Deftrudion and unhappinefs is in their ways, and the way of peace have | they not I known : there is no fear of | God be- | -fore their | eyes. 8 Have they no knowledge, that they are all fuch | workers of | mifchief : eating up my people as it were bread, and call | not up- | -on the | Lord ? 9 There were they brought in great fear, even where | no fear j was : for God is in the gener- 1 -ation | of the | righteous. Day III. Pfah m XV. XVI. 17 10 As for you, ye have made a mock at the counlel | of the | poor : becaufe he putteth his [ truft | in the | Lord. 1 1 Who fhall give falvation unto Ifrael out of Sion ? When the Lord turneth the captivity | of his | people : then fhall Jacob rejoice, and | Ifrael | fhall be | glad. Day III, MovnixxQ ^ragen -^::^" I I Pfalm XV. xvi. xvii. j r-\- m No. 22. m 0. J 2. d 4 — I- ill 15^1 ■-^-- -^^. .s^- I ' I I i^::^- :^sz: :^=^: ±zz± Dr. S. Arnold. E. G. Monk. PSALM XXIV. Domini^ eft terra. 'npHE earth is the Lord's, and all that | therein | is : the compafs of the world, and I they that | dwell there- | -in. 2 For he hath founded it up- ] -on the | feas : and prepared | it up- | -on the | floods. 3 Who fhall afcend into the | hill of the | Lord : or who fhall rife up | in his | holy | I place } 4 Even he that hath clean hands^ | and a pure \ heart : and that hath not lift up his mind unto vanity, nor | fworn to de- | -ceive his | neighbour. 5 He fhall receive the blefling | from the | Lord : and righteoufnefs from the | God of I his fal- 1 -vation. 6 This is the generation of | them that | feek him : even of them that | feek thy | I face, O I Jacob. 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye ever- 1 -lafting | doors : and the King of | glory | fliall come | in. Day V. Pfalm XXV, 29 8 Who is the | King of | glory : it is the Lord ftrong and mighty^ even the | Lord | I mighty in | battle. 9 Lift up your heads^ O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye ever- | lafting | doors : and the King of | glory | fhall come | in. lb Who is the | King of | glory : even the Lord of hofts^ | he is the | King of | No. 32. Pfalm xxiv, xxv. xxvi. Sgg a" II. Pfalm i 1 -^-^-[-^->^ -4-.S "^^V^^^- No. 34. I WJ-J- siSssiitiiia Dr. S. Arnold PSALM XXV. U E. G. Monk. Ad te^ Domine levavi. NTO thee, O Lord, will I lift up my foul ; my God, I have put my | truft in | thee : O let me not be confounded, neither let mine enemies | triumph | over j me. I For all they that hope in thee fhall not | be a- | -fhamed : but fuch as tranfgrefs without a caufe fhall be | put | to con- | -fufion. 3 Shew me thy | ways, O | Lord : and | teach | me thy I paths. 4 Lead me forth in thy | truth, and | learn me : for thou art the God of my falva- tion ; in thee hath been my | hope | all the day | long. 5 Call to remembrance, O Lord, thy | tender | mercies: and thy loving-kindnefTes, which I have been | ever of | old. 6 O remember not the fins and offences | of my | youth : but accordir-g to thy mercy think thou upon me, O | Lord, | for thy | goodnefs. 7 Gracious and righteous | is the | Lord : therefore will he teach | fmners | in the | I way. 8 Them that are meek fhall he | guide in | judgement : and fuch as are gentle, | I them fhall he | learn his | way. 9 All the paths of the Lord are | mercy and | truth : unto fuch as keep his covenant, | I and his | tefli- 1 -monies. 10 For thy Name's | fake, O | Lord : be merciful unto my | fm, for | it is | great. I I What man is he, that | feareth the | Lord : him fhall he teach in the | way that | I he fhall | choofe. I 2 His foul fhall | dwell at | eafe : and his feed | fhall in- | -herit the | land. 13 The fecret of the Lord is among | them that | fear him : and he will | fhew them his 1 cove- 1 -nant. 30 Pfalm XXVI, Day V. II. PJalm XXV. xxvi. No. 34. i^^giiSg^iS mi Dr. S. Arnold. -t-r :^ E. G. MoxNK. 14 Mine eyes are ever looking | unto the | Lord: for he fhall pluck my | feet | I out of the I net. 15 Turn thee unto me, and have | mercy up- | -on me: for I am defolate, | and in I mife- | -ry. 16 The forrows of my heart | are en- | -larged : O bring thou | me | out of my | I troubles. 17 Look upon my adverfity and | mife- | -ry : and for- | -give me | all my | fin. 18 Confider mine enemies, how | many they | are: and they bear a tyrannous | I hate a- | -gainft | me. 19 O keep my foul, and de- | -liver | me : let me not be confounded, for I have I I put my I truft in | thee. 20 Let perfecftnefs and righteous dealing | wait up- | -on me : for my | hope hath | I been in | thee. 2 I Deliver Ifrael, | O j God : out [ — of | all his | troubles. PSALM XXVL . Judica me, Domine, T> E thou my Judge, O Lord, for I have walked | innocent- | -ly : my truft hath been alfo in the Lord, | therefore | fhall I not | fall. 2 Examine me, O Lord, and | prove | me : try out my | reins | and my | heart. 3 For thy loving-kindnefs is ever be- | -fore mine | eyes : and I will | walk | in thy I truth. 4 I have not dwelt with | vain | perfons : neither will I have fellowfhip | with the de- I -ceit- ] -ful. 5 I have hated the congregation | of the | wicked : and will not | fit a- | -mong the un- I -godly. 6 I will wafh my hands in innocency, | O | Lord : and fo will I | go | to thine | I altar. 7 That I may fhew the | voice of thankf- | -giving : and tell of [ all thy | wondrous | I works. 8 Lord, I have loved the habitation | of thy | houfe : and the place | where thine | I honour 1 dwelleth Day V. Pfalm xxvii, 31 9 O fhut not up my foul | with the | finners : nor my life | with the | blood- | -thirfly. 10 In whofe hands is | wicked- | -nefs : and their right | hand is | full of | gifts. 1 1 But as for me, I will walk | innocent- | -ly : O deliver me, and be | merciful | I unto I me 1 2 My foot I ftandeth | right : I will praife the Lord | in the | congre- | -gations. «Pbenmg grayer* No. 3 c. Pfalm xxvu. xxviii. ■ , -^ Z2: J- ■^?- -^- :tz^: -(S-- J S*l I I I ! I I ^-rp— p-i-<^- P. H .Pfa/m XXVII. XXVIII. No. 37, ^mmmssm I I .-^.- ^-^- I I m 'Z2L. gg^j^lj UMPHREYS. G. A. Macfarren. PSALM xxvn. Dominus illuminatio. 'T^HE Lord is my light, and my falvation ; whom then | fliall I | fear : the Lord is the ftrength of my life ; of whom then | fhall I | be a- | -fraid } 1 When the wicked, even mine enemies, and my foes, came upon me to | eat up my I flefh : they | ftumbled | and | fell. 3 Though an hoft of men were laid againft me, yet fhall not my heart | be a- | I -fraid : and though there rofe up war againfl: me, yet will I | put my | trufl in I him. 4 One thing have I defired of the Lord, which I | will re- | -quire : even that I may dwell in the houfe of the Lord, all the days of my life, to behold the fair beauty of the Lord, | and to | vifit his | temple. 5 For in the time of trouble he fhall hide me in his | taber- | -nacle : yea, in the fecret place of his dwelling fhall he hide me, and fet me up up- | -on a | rock of | flone. 6 And now fhall he lift | up mine | head : above mine | enemies | round a- | -bout me. 7 Therefore will I offer in his dwelling an oblation with | great | gladnefs : I will fing, and fpeak | praifes | unto the | Lord. 8 Hearken unto my voice, O Lord, when I | cry unto | thee : have mercy up- | I -on me, and | hear | me. 9 My heart hath talked of thee, | Seek ye my | face : Thy face, | Lord, | will I | I feek. 10 O hide not thou thy | face from | me ; nor cafl thy fervant a- | -way | in dif- | I -pleafure. 32 Pfalm xxviii, Day V. No. 35. II. ssJggPii I I Pfalm xxvii. xxviii. , No. 37. J^. gzt ^±^fc :^5: 1 tgi^ ss: p. Humphreys. G A. Macfarren. 1 1 Thou haft | been my | fuccour : leave me not, neither forfake me, O | God of | I my fal- | -vatlon. 12 When miy father and my | mother for- | -fake me: the | Lord | taketh me | up. 13 Teach me thy | way, O | Lord : and- lead me in the right way, be- | -caufe of mine | ene- | -mies. 14 Deliver me not over into the will of mine | adver- | -faries : for there are falfe witnefTes rifen up againft me, and | fuch as | fpeak | wrong. 15 I fhould utterly have | faint- | -ed : but that I believe verily to fee the goodnefs of the Lord in the | land | of the | living. 16 O tarry thou the | Lord's | leifure : be ftrong, and he fhall comfort thine heart ; and put thou thy | truft | in the | Lord. PSALM XXVIII. Ad te, Domine. T INTO thee will I cry, O | Lord my | ftrength thou make as though thou heareft not, I b think no fcorn of me ; left, if become like them that go | down | I into the | pit. 1 Hear the voice of my humble petitions, when I | cry unto | thee : when I hold up my hands towards the mercy-feat | of thy | holy | temple. 3 O pluck me not away, neither deftroy me with the ungodly and | wicked | doers : which fpeak friendly to their neighbours, but imagine | mifchief | in their | I hearts. 4 Reward them according | to their | deeds : and according to the wickednefs | of their | own in- | -ventions. 5 Recompenfe them after the | work of their | hands : pay them | that they | have de- I -ferved. 6 For they regard not in their mind the works of the Lord, nor the operation | of his I hands : therefore ftiall he break them down, | and not | build them | up. 7 Praifed | be the | Lord : for he hath heard the | voice of my | humble pe- | -titions. 8 The Lord is my ftrength, and my ftiield ; my heart hath trufted in him, and | I I am I helped : therefore my heart danceth for joy, and in my | fong | will I | I praife him. Day V. Pfah m XXIX. ZZ 9 The Lord | is my | ftrength : and he is the wholefome de- | -fence of | his A- I I -nointed. 10 O fave thy people, and give thy blefTing unto thine in- | -herit- | -ance : feed them, and | fet them | up for | ever. I. No. 36 iz5=it:Szt]ig=E^;i^:pi:s^3.\-^ :^: M ' I i isisa Dr. B. Cooke. II, Pfalm xx'x. No. 38. iE^saiiis^a I I I I :^- "<^"^" agpBigjgsa G. A. Macfarren. PSALM XXIX. Afferte Domino T> RING unto the Lord, O ye mighty, bring young rams | unto the | Lord : afcribe unto the | Lord | worfhip and | ftrength. 2 Give the Lord the honour due | unto his | Name : worfhip the | Lord with | holy | I worfhip. 3 It is the Lord, that com- | -mandeth the | waters : it is the glorious | God, that | I maketh the | thunder. 4 It is the Lord, that ruleth the fea ; the voice of the Lord is mighty in | oper- | I -ation : the voice of the Lord | is a | glorious | voice. 5 The voice of the Lord breaketh the | cedar | trees : yea, the Lord breaketh the | I cedars of | Liban- | -us. 6 He maketh them alfo to fkip | like a | calf : Libanus alfo, and Sirion, | like a young I uni- | -corn. 7 The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire ; the voice of the Lord fhaketh the I wilder- | -nefs : yea, the Lord fhaketh the | wilder- | -nefs of | Cades. 8 The voice of the Lord maketh the hinds to bring forth young, and difcovereth the I thick | bufhes : in his temple doth every man | fpeak | of his | honour. 9 The Lord fitteth above the | water- | -flood : and the Lord re- | -maineth a | King for I ever. 10 The Lord fhall give flrength | unto his | people : the Lord fhall give his | people the I blefTmg of | peace. %^ Pfalm XXX, Day VI, iHonuus ^rager. . Pfalm XXX. xxxi. I I I I A^Y ^5Si No. 39. a II. ^^1^: I I'' I I ! 1 -^^ — ^- 't I I m^ PJalm XXX. xxxi. No. 40. \^^^: I I I ^mw^^m^m Dr. T. S. Dupuis. 1 \' Dr. C. W. Corfe. PSALM XXX. hxaltabo te, Bomine. T WILL magnify thee, O Lord, for thou haft | fet me | up : and not made my foes to I triumph | over | me. 1 O Lord my God, I cried | unto | thee : and 3 Thou, Lord, haft brought my foul | out of thou haft I healed | me. hell : thou haft kept my life from them that go | down | to the ] pit. his an d give thanks unto him for a life 4 Sing praifes unto the Lord, O ye | faints of ^ remembrance | of his | holi- | -nefs. 5 For his wrath endureth but the twinkling of an eye, and in his | pleafure is heavinefs may endure for a night, but joy | cometh | in the | morning. 6 And in my profperity I faid, I ftiall never | be re- | -moved : thou. Lord, of thy goodnefs haft | m.ade my | hill fo | ftrong. 7 Thou didft turn thy | face from | me : and | I | was | troubled. 8 Then cried I unto | thee, O | Lord : and gat me | to my | Lord right | humbly. 9 What profit is there | in my I blood : when I go | down | to the | pit P Shall the duft give thanks | unto I thee : or ftiall | it de- | -clare thy | truth ? Hear, O Lord, and have | mercy up- | -on me : Lord, be | thou | my | helper. Thou haft turned my heavinefs | into | joy : thou haft put off my fackcloth, and | I girded | me with | gladnefs. Therefore ftiall every good man fing of thy praife with- | -out | ceafing : O my God, I will give thanks | unto | thee for I ever. TO I I 12 PSALM XXXI. In te, Bomine, Jperavi. TN thee, O Lord, have I | put my | truft : let me never be put to confufion, deliver me I in thy | righteouf- | -nefs. 2 Bow down thine | ear to | me : make hafte | to de- | -liver | me. 3 And be thou my ftrong rock, and | houfe of de- | -fence : that | thou mayeft | I fave ! me. Day VI. Pfahn xxxi. 35 4 For thou art my ftrong rock, | and my | caftle : be thou alfo my guide, and lead me I for thy | Name's | fake. 5 Draw me out of the net, that they have laid \ privily | for me : for | thou | art my I ftrength. 6 Into thy hands I com- | -mend my | fpirit : for thou haft redeemed me, O Lord, thou I God of I truth. 7 I have hated them that hold of fuperftitious | vani- | -ties : and my truft hath | I been | in the | Lord. 8 I will be glad, and rejoice | in thy | mercy : for thou haft confidered my trouble, and haft known my foul | in ad- | -verft- | -ties. 9 Thou haft not fhut me up into the hand of the | ene- | -my : but haft fet my j feet in a I large | room. 10 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for | I am in | trouble : and mine eye is confumed for very heavinefs ; yea, my | foul | and my | body. 1 1 For my life is waxen old with | heavi- | -nefs : and my | years | with | mourning. 12 My ftrength faileth me, becaufe of mine in- | -iqui- | -ty : and my | bones | are con- I -fumed. 13 I became a reproof among all mine enemies, but efpecially a- | -mong my | I neighbours : and they of mine acquaintance were afraid of me ; and they that did fee me without con- | -veyed them- | -felves | from me. 14 I am clean forgotten, as a dead man | out of j mind : 1 am become | like a | I broken | veftel. 15 For I have heard the blafphemy of the | multi- | -tude : and fear is on every fide, while they confpire together againft me, and take their counfel to | take a- j I -way my | life. 16 But my hope hath been in | thee, O | Lord : I have faid, | Thou | art my | I God. 17 My time is in thy hand ; deliver me from the hand of mine | ene- | -mies : and from I them that | perfecute | me. 1 8 Shew thy fervant the light of thy | counte- | -nance : and fave me | for thy | I mercy's | fake. 19 Let me not be confounded, O Lord, for I have | called up- | -on thee : let the ungodly be put to confufion, and be put to | filence | in the | grave. 20 Let the lying lips be | put to | filence : which cruelly, difdainfully, and defpite- fully, I fpeak a- | -gainft the | righteous. 2 I O how plentiful is thy goodnefs, which thou haft laid up for | them that | fear thee : and that thou haft prepared for them that put their truft in thee, even be- I -fore the | fons of | men ! 22 Thou ftialt hide them privily by thine own prefence from the provoking of | all I men : thou ftialt keep them fecretly in thy tabernacle | from the | ftrife of ] tongues. 36 Pfal, m xxxu, Day V.T :± Pjalm XXX. xxxi. N0.39. No. 40. V :^=^ I I I I I iSS ^ :^ ^liiiil^iEife Dr. T. S. Dupuis. Dr. C. W. Corfe. 23 Thanks be | to the | Lord : for he hath fhewed me marvellous great kindnefs | I in a I ftrong | city. 24 And when 1 made | hafte, I | faid : I am caft out of the | fight of | thine | eyes. 25 Neverthelefs, thou heardeft the | voice of my | prayer : when I | cried | unto | thee. 26 O love the Lord, all | ye his | faints : for the Lord preferveth them that are faithful, and plenteoufly re- | -wardeth the | proud | doer. 27 Be ftrong, and he fhall ef- | -tablifh your | heart : all ye that put your | trull | in the I Lord. (0bmms ^lagen Pjalm No. 41. IL :^Sg^==eg ^?^: n 1 ::^-^: :s: ^- I I I I I I :^2Ji\ -^- PSALM XXXII. :c >i c^i I I Dr. W. Crotch. :-!2: -^-1 A Pjalm xxxii. xxxlii. xxxi No. 43. ---^- (^-'- LESSED is he whofe unrighteoufnefs | is for- | -given : and whofe | fin i I cover- I -ed. 2 Blefi'ed is the man unto whom the Lord im- | -puteth no | fin : and in whofe | fpirit there | is no | guile. 3 For while 1 | held my | tongue : my bones confumed away | through my | daily com- I plaining. 4 For thy hand is heavy upon me | day and | night : and my moifture is ] like the I I drought in | fummer. Day VI Pfalm xxxiu, 37 5 I will acknowledge my fin | unto | thee : and mine unrighteoufnefs j have I | not | hid. 6 I fiiid, I will confeis my fms | unto the | Lord : and fo thou forgaveft the | I wickednefs | of my | fin. 7 For this fhall every one that is godly make his prayer unto thee, in a time when thou I mayeft be | found : but in the great water-floods | they fliall | not come | I nigh him. 8 Thou art a place to hide me in, thou flialt preferve | me from | trouble : thou fhalt compafs me about with | fongs of de- j -liver- | -ance. ' 9 I will inform thee, and teach thee in the way wherein | thou fhalt | go : and I will | I guide thee | with mine | eye. 10 Be ye not like to horfe and mule, which have no | under- | -ftanding : whofe mouths muft be held with bit and bridle, | lefl: they | fall up- | -on thee. I I Great plagues remain | for the un- | -godly : but whofo putteth his truft in the Lord, mercy embraceth | him on | every | fide. 12 Be glad, O ye righteous, and re- | -ioice in the | Lord : and be joyful, all | ye that are I true of I heart. I. Pfalm xxxiii. xxxiv. -^-^-.-j- No. 42. m \ Pfdi'm xxxii. xxx'ii. xxxiv, No. 43. ^- I I I I :^:^- ■^r^ mm Dr. W. Crotch. PSALM XXXIII. h i i E. G. Monk. Exultate^ jujli. O EJOICE in the Lord, | O ye | righteous : for it becometh well the | jufl: | to be | I thankful. 2 Praife the | Lord with | harp : {\\\^ praifes unto him with the lute, and | infl:rument | I of ten I fl:rings. 3 Sing unto the Lord a | new | fong : flng praifes luftily unto him | with a | good | I courage. 4 For the word of the | Lord is | true : and | all his | works are | faithful. 5 He loveth righteouf- | -nefs and | judgement : the earth is full of the | goodnefs | I of the I Lord. 6 By the word of the Lord were the ! heavens | made : and all the hofls of them by the | breath | of his | mouth. 7 He gathereth the waters of the fea together, as it were up- | -on an | heap : and layeth up the deep, as | in a | treafure- | -houfe. 8 Let all the earth | fear the I Lord : ftand in awe of him, all | ye that | dwell in the | I world. 38 Pfah m xxxiv, Day VI. I. Pjalm xxxi.i. xxxiv No. 42. W^ES iPiifes -^zz^t ^W- ^^^: S^^l Dr. W. Crotch. II. I iy^i/wz xxxii. xxxiii xxxiv. No. 43. • ga Q ' e> I I I I ^ EE :^=2:i 1— t" :s^ ^^: i £. G. Monk. 9 For he fpake, and | it was | done : he com- | -manded, and | it flood | faft. 10 The Lord bringeth the counfel of the | heathen to | nought : and maketh the devices of the people to be of none eiFecfl, and cafteth | out the | counfels of | I princes. I r The counfel of the Lord fhall en- | -dure for | ever : and the thoughts of his heart from gener- \ -ation to | gener- | -ation. I 2 BlefTed are the people, whofe God is the | Lord Je- | -hovah : and blefied are the folk, that he hath chofen to him to be | his in- | -herit- | -ance, 13 The Lord looked down from heaven, and beheld all the | children of | men : from the habitation of his dwelling he confidereth all them that | dwell | on the | I earth. 14 He fafhioneth all the | hearts of | them : and under- | -ftandeth | all their | works. 15 There is no king that can be faved by the multitude | of an | hoft : neither is any mighty man de- | -livered | by much | ftrength. 16 A horfe is counted but a vain thing to | fave a | man : neither fhall he deliver any | man by | his great | strength. 17 Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon | them that | fear him : and upon them that put their | truft | in his | mercy. I 8 To deliver their | foul from | death : and to feed them | in the | time of | dearth. I 9 Our foul hath patiently tarried | for the | Lord : for he is our | help, | and our | I fhield. 20 For our heart fhall re- | -joice in | him : becaufe we have hoped | in his | holy | I Name. 21 Let thy merciful kindnefs, O Lord, | be up- | -on us : like as we do | put our | I truft in ! thee. PSALM XXXIV. Benedicam Domino. T WILL alway give thanks | unto the | Lord : his praife fhall | ever be | in my | ^ I mouth. 2 My foul fhall make her boaft | in the | Lord : the humble fhall | hear there- | -of, and be | glad. 3 O praife the I Lord with | me : and let us magni- | -fy his | Name to- | -gether. Day VI. Pfalm xxxw. 39 4 I fought the Lord, | and he | heard me : yea, he delivered me | out of | all my | fear. 5 They had an eye unto him, | and were | lighten'd : and their | faces were | not a- I I -fhamed. 6 Lo, the poor crieth, and the Lord | hearcth | him : yea, and faveth him | out of | I all his I troubles. 7 The angel of the Lord tarrieth round about | them that | fear him : and | — de- I I -livereth | them. 8 O tafte, and fee, how gracious the | Lord | is : blefTed is the | man that | trufteth in I him. 9 O fear the Lord, ye that | are his | faints : for they that | fear | him lack | nothing. 10 The lions do lack, and | fuffer | hunger : but they who feek the Lord fhall want no I manner of | thing that is | good. 1 1 Come, ye children, and hearken | unto | me : I will teach you the | fear | of the | I Lord. 12 What man is he that | lufteth to | live : and would | fain | fee good | days ? 13 Keep thy | tongue from | evil : and thy lips, | that they | fpeak no | guile. 14 Efchew evil, | and do | good : feek | peace, | and en- | -fue it. 1 5 The eyes of the Lord are | over the | righteous : and his ears are | open | unto their | prayers. 16 The countenance of the Lord is againft | them that do | evil : to root out the remembrance of | them | from the | earth. 17 The righteous cry, and the Lord | heareth | them : and delivereth them | out of | I all their | troubles. 18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a | contrite | heart: and will fave fuch as I be of an | humble | fpirit. 19 Great are the troubles | of the | righteous : but the Lord delivereth | him | out of I all. 20 He keepeth | all his | bones : fo that not | one of | them is | broken. 2 I But misfortune fhall | flay the un- | -godly : and they that hate the righteous | I ihall be | defo- | -late. 22 The Lord delivereth the fouls | of his | fervants : and all they that put their truft in him fhall \ not be I defti- I -tute. Pfahn xxxv Day VII lilnnmitj ^Jrnpfr. I. ^5 xxxv. xxxv;. Xo 11. ^ i .n^ ti ^ h ^ ^ 1 "^ "t^ "T"^" E± ^-h— /^j.OT XXXT. XXXV- Xo. 45' s^.iig^^iiti^i -^-"^ •- J _ - A.NONVMCei. G A. 4\iACFAS8EN. PSALM XXXV B: r/ii'/ie. pLEAD thou my caufe, O Lord, with them that [ ftrive with againft them that [ fight a- | -gainft | me. 1 Lay hand upon the | ftiield and \ buckler : and ' ftand | up to 3 Bring forth the fjpear, and ftop the way againll them that | unto my foul, \ I am [ thy fal- | -vation. 4 Let them be confounded, and put to fhame, that feek [ after me and fight thou [ help me. perlecure nie : lav my foul be turned back, and brought to confiifion, that i- | -ma^rine | mifchief an d the meeJ or let them for me. Lord I le: :::e Lord I of th: c:.i:fe : vea, even 5 Let them be as the duft be- [ -fore the [ wind : I fcattering [them. S Let their way be dark and [ flippe- [ -ry : and I perfecute [ them. 7 For they have privily laid their net to deftroy me v. :: without a caufe have they | made a | pit for my | fc : . B Le: a fudden deftrudtion come upon him unawares, and his net, that he hath laid privily, | catch him- ! -felf : that he may fall ! into his j own r ifchief 9 And, my foul, be joyful [ in the | Lord : it fhall re- \ -joice ::. : is lal- -vation. 10 All my bones fhall fay. Lord, who is like unto from him that is too | flrong for ! him : yea, mifery, from | him that ' fpoileth [ him : 1 1 Falfe witnefTes | did rife | up : they laid to my charge :' : ms : : I k: I 2 They rewarded me | evil for [ good : to the great dif- -comrort o: : 13 Neverthelefs, when they were fick, I put on fackcloth, and humb :i with I failing : and my prayer fhall turn [ into mine | own | bofom. I behaved myfelf as though it had been my friend, [ or my \ brother heavilv, as one that moumeth 1 for his j mother. Bur in mine adverfity they rejoiced, and gathered them- | -felves to- yea, the very abjefts came together aeainfl me unawares, making mouths at | I me and I ceafed 1 not. tnee, who ■u. tr.e P oor, deiivereft ri-^e and him that oor in 14 not. ibul I went •sether : Day VII. Pfalm xxxvi. 41 1 6 With the flatterers were j bufy | mockers : who gnafhed up- 1 -on me | with their | I teeth. 1 7 Lord, how long wilt thou | look upon | this : O deliver my foul from the cala- -mities which they bring on me, and my ' darling from the j lions. 1 8 So will I give thee thanks in the great j congre- -gation : I will praife j thee a- I I -mong much | people. 19 O let not them that are mine enemies triumph over ' me un- ' -godly : neither let them wink with their eyes that hate | me with- i -out a , caufe. 20 And why } their communing is | not for | peace : but they imagine deceitful words againfl: them that are ' quiet ; in the ; land. 2 1 They gaped upon me with their | mouths, and ^ faid : Fie on thee, fie on thee, we I faw it | with our | eyes. 22 This thou haft [ feen, O Lord : hold not thy tongue then, go not ' far from ' me, ; Lord. 2j Awake, and ftand up to | judge my j quarrel : avenge thou my caufe, ray | God, | 1 and my ' Lord. 24 Judge me, O Lord my God, according to thy I righteouf- ] -nefs : and let them not I triumph | over ! me. 25 Let them not fay in their hearts, There, there, ^ fo would we ' have it: neither let them fay, \ We have de- j -voured ; him. 26 Let them be put to confufion and fhame together, that rejoice ' at my | trouble : let them be clothed with rebuke and difhonour, that j boaft them- \ -felves a- | I -gainft me. 27 Let them be glad and rejoice, that favour my | righteous ' dealing : yea, let them fay alway, BlefTed be the Lord, who hath pleafure in the prof- | -perity ] I of his I fervant. 28 And as for my tongue, it fhall be talking of thy | righteouf- [ -nefs : and of thy | j praife \ all the day j long. PSALM XXXVI. Dixit injuftus. TVTY heart fheweth me the wickednefs | of the un- | -godly : that there is no fear of I God be- -fore his eves. 2 For he flattereth himfelf in his | own fight : until his abominable j fin be found j I out. 3 The words of his mouth are unrighteous, and ' full of de- -ceit : he hath left oflF to behave himfelf wifely, | and to do ' good. 4 He imagineth mifchief upon his bed, and hath fet himfelf in | no good | way : neither doth he abhor | any thing | that is j evil. 5 Thy mercy, O Lord, reacheth \ unto the ' heavens : and thy ' faithfulnefs \ unto the clouds. 42 Pjalm XXX vii. Day VII. Pfalm XXXV. xxxvi No. 44. II J ■mm^^m =]: •=2: -ii^id:^' I I saga er «l= l^Jalm XXXV. xxxvi ^^fe. --1- No. 45. -i^. 4?^ _,^ ^^'-^l ^ ^c Anonymous. G. A. Macfarren. 6 Thy righteoufnefs ftandeth like the | ftrong | mountains : thy judgements are | I like the | great | deep. 7 Thou, Lord, fhalt fave both man and beaft ; How excellent is thy | mercy, O | I God : and the children of men fhall put their truft under the | fhadow | of thy I wings. 8 They fhall be fatisfied with the plenteoufnefs | of thy | houfe ; and thou fhalt give them drink of thy pleafures, as | out | of the | river. 9 For with thee is the | well of j life : and in thy | light fhall | we fee | light. 10 O continue forth thy loving-kindnefs unto | them that | know thee : and thy righteoufnefs unto | them that are | true of | heart. 11 O let not the foot of pride | come a- | -gainfl: me : and let not the hand of the un- I -godly | caft me | down. 1 2 There are they fallen, all that work | wicked- | -nefs : they are caft down, and fhall I not be I able to I ftand. e^benutg ^rager. No. 46. II. PJalm XXX U F -^- No. 47. AA SZS2: :^: ill. \mm Dr. W. Croft, PSALM XXXVII. E. G. Monk. Ncli cemulari. T^RET not thyfelf becaufe of | the un- | -godly : neither be thou envious a- 1 -gainft the I evil- | -doers. 2 For they fhall foon be cut down | like the I grafs : and be withered even | as the I green I herb. Day VII. Pfalm xxxvii. 43 3 Put thou thy truft in the Lord, and be | doing | good : dwell in the land, and verily | thou | fhalt be | fed. 4 Delight thou | in the | Lord : and he fhall give | thee thy | heart's de- | -fire. 5 Commit thy way unto the Lord, and put thy | truft in | him : and | he fhall | I bring it to | pafs. 6 He fhall make thy righteoufnefs as | clear as the | light : and thy juft dealing | I as the I noon- | -day. 7 Hold thee ftill in the Lord, and abide patiently up- | -on | him : but grieve not thyfelf at him, whofe way doth profper, againft the man that doeth ] after | I evil I counfels. 8 Leave off from wrath and let | go dif- | -pleafure : fret not thyfelf, elfe fhalt thou be I moved to | do | evil. 9 Wicked doers fhall be | rooted | out : and they that patiently abide the Lord, thofe I fhall in- | -herit the | land. 10 Yet a little while, and the ungodly fhall be | clean | gone : thou fhalt look after his place, and | he fhall | be a- | -way. 1 1 But the meek-fpirited fhall pof- | -fefs the | earth : and fhall be refrefhed in the | I multi- I -tude of | peace. 12 The ungodly feeketh counfel a- | -gainft the | juft : and gnafheth up- | -on him | I with his I teeth. 13 The Lord fhall laugh | him to | fcorn : for he hath feen | that his | day is | coming. 14 The ungodly have drawn out the fword, and have | bent their | bow: to caft down the poor and needy, and to flay fuch as are of a | right | conver- | -fation. 15 Their fword fhall go through their | own | heart: and their | bow | fhall be | I broken. 16 A fmall thing that the | righteous | hath : is better than great | riches | of the un- I -godly. 1 7 For the arms of the ungodly | fhall be | broken : and the | Lord up- | -holdeth the I righteous. 18 The Lord knoweth the | days of the | godly: and their inheritance | fhall en- ] I dure for | ever. 19 They fhall not be confounded in the | perilous | time: and in the days of dearth | I they fhall | have e- | -nough. 20 As for the ungodly, they fhall perifh ; and the enemies of the Lord fhall confume as the I fat of | lambs : yea, even as the fmoke, fhall | they con- | -fume a- | -way. 2 I The ungodly borroweth, and payeth | not a- | -gain : but the righteous is merci- | I -ful, and I liber- | -al. 22 Such as are bleffed of God fhall pof- j -fefs the | land : and they that are curfed of him I fhall be | rooted | out. 23 The Lord ordereth a | good man's | going : and maketh his way ac- | -ceptable | i to him- I -felf. 44 Pfalm xxxvii. Day VII I. ^:^- :ir:^ite: s^ No. 46 Fjahn xxxvii. •^M r^:?" ^sssi &—G>- Dr. W. Croft. No. 47, sa^i^^ j-j^-=- ^1^ E. G. Monk. 24 Though he fall, he fhall not be | caft a- | -way : for the Lord up- | -holdeth him I with his | hand. 25 I have been young, and | now am | old : and yet faw I never the righteous for- faken, nor his | feed | begging their | bread. no The righteous is ever merci- | -ful, and | lendeth : and | — his | feed is | bleffed. 27 Flee from evil, and do the | thing that is | good : and | dwell for | ever- | -more. 28 For the Lord loveth the | thing that is | right: he forfaketh not his that be godly, but I they are pre- | -ferved for | ever. 29 The unrighteous fhall be | punifh- | -ed : as for the feed of the ungodly, | it fhall be | rooted | out. 30 The righteous fhall in- | -herit the | land : and | dwell there- | -in for ever. 3 I The mouth of the righteous is exer- | -cifed in | wifdom : and his tongue | will be I talking of | judgement. The law of his God is ] in his ] heart: and his | goings | fhall not | flide. The ungodly [ feeth the | righteous : and feeketh oc- | -cafion to | flay | him. The Lord will not leave him | in his | hand : nor condemn | him when | he is | I judged. 2t^ Hope thou in the Lord, and keep his way, and he fhall promote thee, that thou fhalt pof- I -fefs the ] land : when the ungodly fhall | perifh, [ thou fhalt | fee it. ^G I myfelf have feen the ungodly ] in great | power : and flourifhing | like a | green | j bay-tree. 37 I went by, and lo, [ he was ] gone: I fought him, but his place | could no | I where be | found. 38 Keep innocency, and take heed unto the | thing that is | right: for that fhall bring a man | peace | at the | laft. 39 As for the tranfgrefTors, they fhall | perifh to- | -gether : and the end of the ungodly is, they fhall be ] rooted out | at the | laft. 40 But the'falvation of the righteous cometh [ of the | Lord: who is alfo their flrength | in the | time of | trouble. 41 And the Lord fhall ftand by them, and | fave | them : he fhall deliver them from the ungodly, and fhall fave them, becaufe they | put their \ trufl in [ him. 32 34 Day VIII. Pfal m xxxviii 45 Moinms ^lagtr. I. Pjalm xxxviii. xxxix. ^=t VA-^- No. 48. IL m :^ iiiS=s?; ! I tT ^^: ~C2: .^:2_ 1221 fSEg I I, I ^=1: 1:22: PjJm XXXVIII. XXXIX. No. 50. I I Till J A .^. , , I -J- -^ 3=:^ ^S'-l Pliili H. PURCELL. PSALM XXXVIII. J. TURLE. Domine, ne in furore. pUT me noc to rebuke, O Lord, | in thine | anger: neither chaften me | in thy | I heavy dif- | -pleafure. 2 For thine arrows ftick | fail: in | me : and thy | hand | prefTeth me | fore. 3 There is no health in my flefh, becaufe of | thy dif- | -pleafure : neither is there any reft in my bones, by | reafon | of my | fin. 4 For my wickedneffes are gone | over my | head : and are like a fore burden, too | I heavy for | me to | bear. 5 My wounds ftink, and | are cor- | -rupt : through | — my | foolifh- | -nefs. 6 I am brought into fo great trouble and | mife- | -ry : that I go | mourning \ all the day | long. 7 For my loins are filled with a | fore dif- | -eafe : and there is no | whole part | in my I body. 8 I am feeble, and | fore | fmitten : I have roared for the very dif- | -quietnefs j of my I heart, 9 Lord, thou knoweft | all my de- | -fire : and my groaning | is not | hid from | thee. 10 My heart panteth, my ftrength hath | failed | me : and the fight of mine | eyes is I gone from | me. 1 1 My lovers and my neighbours did ftand looking up- | -on my | trouble : and my kinfmen | ftood a- | -far | oft'. 1 2 They alfo that fought after my life laid | fnares for | me : and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickednefs, and imagined de- | -ceit | all the day I long. 13 As for me, I was like a deaf man, and | heard | not : and as one that is dumb, who I doth not | open his | mouth. 14 I became even as a man that | heareth | not : and in whofe | mouth are | no re- | I -proofs. 15 For in thee, O Lord, have I | put my | truft : thou ftialt anfwer for | me, O | 1 Lord my j God. 46 Pfahn xxxix. Day VIII. 16 I have required that they, even mine enemies, fhould not triumph | over | me : for when my foot flipped, they rejoiced | greatly a- | -gainft | me. 17 And I, truly, am | fet in the | plague : and my heavinefs is | ever | In my | fight. 18 For I will confefs my | wicked- | -nefs : and be | forry I for miy | fin. 19 But mine enemies live, 1 and are | mighty : and they that hate me wrongfully are | many in | num- | -ber. 20 They alfo that reward evil for good are a- \ -gainft | me : becaufe 1 follow the | I thing that good \ is. 21 Forfake me not, O | Lord my | God : be not \ thou | far from | me. 22 Hafte I thee to | help me : O Lord | God of | my fal- | -vatlon. PSALM XXXIX. Bixi, cuftodiam. T SAID, I will take | heed to my | ways : that L of- | -fend not | in my | tongue. 2 I will keep my mouth as it were | with a | bridle : v/hile the un- | -godly is I in my | fight. 3 1 held my tongue, and | fpake | nothing : I kept filence, yea, even from good words ; but it was | pain and | grief to | me. 4 My heart was hot within me, and while I was thus mufing the | fire | kindled : and at the lafl: I | fpake | with my | tongue ; 5 Lord, let me know mine end, and the number | of my | days : that I may be certified how | long I | have to i live. 6 Behold, thou hafl: made my days as it were a | fpan | long : and mine age is even as nothing in refpe6l of thee ; and verily every man living is alto- | -gether | I vani- I -ty. 7 For man walketh in a vain fhadow, and difquieteth him- | -felf in | vain : he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell | who fhall | gather | them. 8 And now, Lord, | what is my | hope : truly my | hope is | even in | thee. 9 Deliver me from all | mine of- | -fences : and make me not a re- | -buke | unto the j foolifh. 10 I became dumb, and opened | not my | mouth : for | it was | thy | doing. 1 1 Take thy plague a- | -way from | me : I am even confumed by the means | of thy I heavy | hand. I 2 When thou with rebukes doft chaften man for fin, thou makefi: his beauty to confume away, like as it were a moth | fretting a | garment : every man there- fore I is but I vani- | -ty. 13 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and with thine ears con- | -fider my j calling: hold not thy I peace | at my | tears. 14 For r am a I firanger with | thee : and a fojourner, as | all my | fathers | were. 15 O fpare me a little that Y may re- l -cover my | fl:rength : before I go hence, j I and be 1 no more I feen. Day VIII. Pfalm X 47 I. -0- 1 — \ — ^ P I'a/m xl 1 , No 49- ^^r- ^^- -^- ^z :^ -^ -s-^- -^- 1 1 - M i1 -^ b^-^ -Z^— J- — ^ — 1- — I Anonymous. 11. 1 P/i/w xl. — ^-^- rJ — No "r;^ — : — Z^ • 51. (-v^-^ l^ (*}: ^ :^ 1 1 — ^^ — 1 1 1 iSZc ^ 1 1 1 1 J. TURLI. PSALM XL. Expert ans expe^avi. T WAITED patiently i for the | Lord : and he inclined unto ' me, and \ heard my | I calling. 2 He brought me aifo out of the horrible pit, out of the \ mire and \ clay : and fet my feet upon the rock, and \ order- | -ed my | goings. 3 And he hath put a new fong i in my ' mouth : even a thanks- | -giving | unto cur I I God. 4 Many fhall | fee it, and j fear : and fhall put their | truft | in the | Lord. 5 BlelTed is the man that hath fet his ! hope in the | Lord : and turned not unto the proud, and to fuch as I go a- | -bout with I lies. 6 O Lord my God, great are the wondrous works which thou haft done, like as be alfo thy thoughts which | are to ; uf-ward : and yet there is no man that j I ordereth , them unto j thee. 7 If I fhould declare them, and \ fpeak of 1 them : they fhould be more than Y am | I able I to ex- i -prefs. 8 Sacrifice, and meat-offering, thou ] wouldeft ' not : but mine I ears haft thou ' open'd. 9 Burnt-offerings, and facriiice for fin, haft thou ' not re- \ -quired : then fiid | I, | I Lo, I j come. 10 In the volume of the book it is written of me, that I fhould fulfil thy will, \ O my I God : I am content to do it ; yea, thy law is with- \ -in my I heart. 1 1 I have declared thy righteoufnefs in the great | congre- ' -gation : lo, I will not refrain my lips, O | Lord, and ; that thou ^ knoweft. 12 I have not hid thy righteoufnefs with- | -in my ; heart : my talk hath been of thy truth, | and of | thy fal- | -vation. 13 I have not kept back thy loving j mercy and ; truth : from the ' great | congre- | I -gation. 14 Withdraw not thou thy mercy from | me, O : Lord : let thy loving kindnefs and thy truth ! alway pre- | -ferve | me. 15 For innumerable troubles are come about me; my fins have taken fuch hold upon me that I am not able to '\ look ', up : yea, they are more in number than the hairs of my head, and my | heart hath [ failed | me. 48 Pfalm xli. Day VIII, I. Pjalm xl. cT SEE^E^iEHSE^^: 4—1- No. 49. 11. 1^2: :^^: I I I I ! I @-^-E^:^ tzt I I i^l i P/tj/wz xl. No. 5 I I :^=^: 4-^ :^zg: 1 — I- Ji? iz^s:^ Anonymous. J. TURLE 16 O Lord, let it be thy pleafure to de- | -liv^er | me : make | hafte, O | Lord, to | I help me. 17 Let them be afhamed, and confounded together, that feek after my foul | to de- | I -ftroy it : let them be driven backward, and put to re- | -buke, that | wifh me I evil. 1 8 Let them be defolate, and re- | -warded with | fhame : that fay unto me. Fie up- | I -on thee^ | fie up- | -on thee. 19 Let all thofe that feek thee be joyful and | glad in | thee : and let fuch as love thy falvation fay | alway. The | Lord be | praifed. 20 As for me, Y am | poor and | needy : but the | Lord | careth | for me. 2 1 Thou art my helper | and re- | -deemer : make no long | tarrying, | O my | God. ePbmmg finger* L Pjalm xli. xlii. xliii. , No. 52. i^-i i^a^ si^zis:^ -1—^- :q: till _-S: -ci tJ2: ^: ■^ ^ L J_i :^: :^ ±=± II. tf 2^; Pjalm xli. xlii. xliii. No. c^z- :^; -^--^ -^=sf- =^ y "^ I I ■^_> rz) -■^ii^-^fe sz^: jr2^ Dr. T. S. Dupuis. PSALM XLI. 'e.g. Monk. Beatus qui intelligit. "DLESSED is he that confidereth the | poor and | needy : the Lord fhall deliver him I in the | time of | trouble. 2 The Lord preferve him, and keep him alive, that he may be bleffed up- | -on | I earth : and deliver not thou him into the | will of his | ene- | -mies. 3 The Lord comfort him, when he lieth fick up- | -on his | bed : make thou all his j I bed ] in his | ficknefs. Day VIII. Pfahn xlii. 49 4 I faid. Lord, be merciful | unto | me : heal my foul, for \ have | finned a- | -gainft | I thee. 5 Mine enemies fpeak | evil of | me : When fhall he die, | and his | name | perifh ? 6 And if he come to fee me, he fpeaketh | vani- | -ty : and his heart conceiveth falfehood within himfelf, and when he cometh | forth he | telleth it. 7 All mine enemies whifper together a- j -gainft | me : even againft me do | they i- I -magine this | evil. 8 Let the fentence of guiltinefs proceed a- | -gainft | him : and now that he lieth^ let I him rife | up no | more. 9 Yea, even mine own familiar friend, | whom I | trufted : who did alfo eat of my bread, hath | laid great | wait for | me. 10 But be thou merciful unto | me, O | Lord : raife thou me up again, and I | ftiall re- I -ward | them. 1 1 By this I know thou | favoureft | me : that mine enemy doth not | triumph a- | I -gainft I me. 12 And when I am in my health, thou up- | -holdeft | me : and ftialt fet me be- | I -fore thy | face for | ever. 13 Blefted be the Lord God of | Ifra- | -el : world without end. 1 A- | — | -men. PSALM XLII. ^emadmodum LIKE as the hart defireth the | water- | -brooks : fo longeth my foul | after | thee, O I God. 2 My foul is athirft for God, yea, even for the | living | God : when ftiall I come to appear be- | -fore the | prefence of j God ? 3 My tears have been my meat | day and | night : while they daily fay unto me, | I Where is | now thy | God } 4 Now when I think thereupon, I pour out my heart | by my- | -felf : for I went with the multitude, and brought them forth | into the | houfe of | God ; 5 In the voice of praife and | thankf- | -giving : among fuch as | keep | holy- | -day. 6 Why art thou fo full of heavinefs, | O my | foul : and why art thou fo dif- | I -quiet- I -ed with- | -in me ? 7 Put thy I truft in | God : for I will yet give him thanks for the | help of his | I counte- I -nance. 8 My God, my foul is vexed with- | -in | me : therefore will I remember thee con- cerning the land of Jordan, and the | little | hill of | Hermon. 9 One deep calleth another, becaufe of the noife of the | water- | -pipes : all thy waves and ftorms are | gone | over ] me. 10 The Lord hath granted his loving-kindnefs | in the | day-time : and in the night- feafon did I fing of him, and made my prayer unto the | God | of my | life. 5° Pfalm xliii, Day VIII. Pjalm xll. xlii. xliii. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. E. G. Monk. 11 I will fay unto the God of my ftrength, Why haft thou for- | -gotten | me : why go I thus heavily, while the ene- | -my op- | -prefTeth | me ? 12 My bones are fmitten afunder as | with a | fword : while mine enemies that trouble me | caft me | in the | teeth * 13 Namely, while they fay daily | unto | me : Where | — is | now thy | God } 14 Why art thou fo vexed, | O my | foul : and why art thou fo dif- | -quiet- | -ed with- I -in me ? 15 O put thy I truft in | God : for I will yet thank him, which is the help of my | I countenance, | and my | God. PSALM XLIII. Judica me, Bens. /^^IVE fentence with me, O God, and defend my caufe againft the un- | -godly | ^^ I people : O deliver me from the de- | -ceitful and | wicked | man. Q. For thou art the God of my ftrength. Why haft thou | put me | from thee : and why go I fo heavily, while the ene- | -my op- | -prefTeth | me .^ 3 O fend out thy light and thy truth, that | they may | lead me : and bring me unto thy holy | hill, and | to thy | dwelling. 4 And that I may go unto the altar of God, even unto the God of my | joy and | I gladnefs : and upon the harp will I give thanks unto | thee, O | God, my j I God. 5 Why art thou fo heavy, | O my | foul : and why art thou fo dif- | -quiet- | -ed with- I -in me ? 6 O put thy I truft in | God : for I will yet give him thanks, which is the help of my I countenance, | and my | God. Day IX. Pfalm xliv. 51 iilontmg ^raefn No. 54. II. Pjalm xliv :^: No. 56. i I 11 i— t :l3llil W. Lee. F. A. G. 0\ PSALM XLIV. Deus^ aurihu* TXT'E have heard with our ears, O God, our j fathers have | told us : what thou haft done | in their | time of | old ; I How thou haft driven out the heathen with thy hand, and | planted them | in how thou haft deftroyed the | nations, and | caft them | out. 3 For they gat not the land in pofteftion through their | own | fword : neither was it their own | arm that | helped | them ; 4 But thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy | counte- | -nance : becaufe thou hadft a | favour | unto | them. 5 Thou art my | King, O | God : fend | help | unto | Jacob. 6 Through thee will we overthrow our | ene- | -mies : and in thy Name will we tread them under, that | rife up a- | -gainft | us. 7 For I will not | truft in my | bow : it is not my | fword | that fhall | help me ; 8 But it is thou that faveft us from our ] ene- | -mies : and putteft them to con- | I -fufion that j hate | us. 9 We make our boaft of God | all day | long : and will | praife thy | Name for | ever. 10 But now thou art far off, and putteft us | to con- | -fufion : and goeft not | forth | I with our I armies. I I Thou makeft us to turn our backs upon our | ene- | -mies : fo that they which | I hate us | fpoil our j goods. 1 2 Thou letteft us be eaten | up like | ftieep : and haft fcattered | us a- j -mong the | I heathen. 13 Thou felleft thy | people for | nought : and | takeft no | money | for them. 14 Thou makeft us to be rebuked | of our [ neighbours: to be laughed to fcorn, and had in derifion of them | that are | round a- | -bout us. 1 5 Thou makeft us to be a by-word a- | -mong the | heathen : and that the people | I ftiake their | heads | at us. 16 M V confufion is | daily be- 1 -fore me : and the fliame of my | face hath | covered | me. 52 Pfalm xlv, Day IX. I. Pjalm xliv. 1^ TJ =]:. ^ No. 54 11. I I ^ --S"- M.j :^: :^=:^ 1- W. Lee. fe P/tf/w xliv. :1=t 1^-^21 -^s— -^'- ^iSp ■e?- 1 ■ ■^.~^ : II. Pfalm 1 In. No 63. -r-^ ^S-il zi ^tS: ^ I I ! s:^" Dr.W. Hayes John Goss. 9 I will take no bullock | out of thine | houfe : nor | he-goat | out of thy | folds. 10 For all the beafts of the | foreft are | mine : and fo are the cattle up- | -on a | I thoufand | hills. Ill know all the fowls up- | -on the | mountains : and the wild beafts of the | I field are | in my | fight. 12 If I be hungry, I | will not | tell thee : for the whole world is mine, and | all that I is there- | -in. 13 Thinkefi: thou that Y will | eat bulls' | flefii : and | drink the | blood of | goats ? 14 Ofi^er unto | God thankf- | -giving : and pay thy vows | unto the | mofl: | Higheft. 15 And call upon me in the | time of | trouble : fo will I hear thee, and | thou fiialt I praife | me. 16 But unto the un- | -godly faid | God : Why doft thou preach my laws, and takefi: my | covenant | in thy | mouth ; 17 Whereas thou hatefl: to | be re- | -formed : and hafi: | cafi: my | words be- | -hind thee } 18 When thou fawefl: a thief thou confentedfi: | unto | him : and hafi: been partaker | I with the a- | -dulter- | -ers. 19 Thou hafi: let thy mouth fpeak | wicked- | -nefs : and with thy tongue thou | I haft fet I forth de- | -ceit. 20 Thou fateft, and fpakeft a- | -gainft thy | brother : yea, and haft flandered | thine own I mother's | fon. 21 Thefe things haft thou done, and I held my tongue, and thou thoughteft wickedly, that I am even fuch a one | as thy- | -felf : but I will reprove thee, and fet before thee the | things that | thou haft | done. 22 O confider this, ye that for- | -get | God : left I pluck you away, and there be | I none to de- | -liver | you. 23 Whofo ofi^ereth me thanks and praife, he | honoureth | me : and to him that ordereth his converfation right will I [ fiiew the fal- | -vation of | God. Day X, Pfalm li. 59 No. 62. 11. J I ' Dr. W. Hayes. No. 64. ^ Pfa/mli. ' ^' PSALM LI. t John Goss. Mijerere mei. Deus. goodnefs : according to the fin. TLTAVE mercy upon me, O God, after | thy great multitude of thy mercies, do a- | -way | mine of- | -fences. I Wafh me throughly from my | wicked- | -nefs : and | cleanfe me | from my ^ 3 For r ac- | -knowledge my | faults : and my | fin is | ever be- | -fore me. 4 Againft thee only have I finned, and done this evil | in thy | fight ; that thou mighteft be juftified in thy faying, and | clear when | thou art | judged. 5 Behold, 1 was fhapen in | wicked- | -nefs : and in fin hath my j mother con- | I -ceived | me. 6 But lo, thou required truth in the | inward | parts : and fhalt make me to under- ftand I wifdom | fecret- | -ly. 7 Thou fiialt purge me with hyfibp, and I | fhall be | clean : thou fiialt wafh me, and I I fhall be | whiter than | fnow. 8 Thou fhalt make me hear of | joy and | gladnefs : that the bones which thou haft | I broken | may re- | -joice. 9 Turn thy face | from my | fins : and put | out all | my mif- | -deeds. 10 Make me a clean | heart, O | God : and renew a right | fpirit with- | -in | me. I I Caft me not away | from thy | prefence : and take not thy | holy | Spirit from | me. 1 2 O give me the comfort of thy | help a- 1 -gain : and ftablifh | me with | thy free | Spirit. Then fhall I teach thy ways | unto the | wicked : and finners fhall be con- | I -verted | unto | thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltinefs, O God, thou that art the | God of my | health : and my tongue fiiall | fing of thy | righteouf- | -nefs. Thou fhalt open my | lips, O | Lord : and my | mouth fiiall | fiiew thy | praife. For thou defireft no facrifice, elfe would I | give it | thee : but thou delighteft not I in burnt- | -offer -| -ings. 17 The facrifice of God is a | troubled | fpirit : a broken and contrite heart, O Goci, | I fhalt thou I not de- | -fpife. 1 8 O be favourable and gracious | unto | Sion : build thou the walls | of Je- 1 -rufa- 1 -lem. 19 Then fhalt thou be pleafed with the facrifice of righteoufnefs, with the burnt- offerings I and ob- \ -lations : then fiiall they offer young | bullocks up- | on thine I altar. 13 16 6o Pfalm lii, Day X. I. 5 ^ Pjalm 1, . . . lii. No. 6 1. II. I I S- ■Z3- ^X^- ^^. '^=fg- H .^12. J^. ^ -^- S iS: I I I J :^ :ss=^ Dr. W. Hayes. No. 62. Pfalm 1. . . . Hi. r^ ■==? a-i I I I t^ i John Goss. PSALM LII. ^id gloriaris ? mifchlef : VVT'HY boafteft thou thy- | -felf, thou [ tyrant : that | thou | canft do ^ 1 Whereas the | goodnefs of | God : en- | -dur- | -eth yet | daily ^ 3 Thy tongue imagincth | wicked- | -nefs : and with lies thou cutteft | like a | fharp | I razor. 4 Thou haft loved unrighteoufnefs | more than | goodnefs : and to talk of lies | more than I righteouf- | -nefs. 5 Thou haft loved to fpeak all words that | may do | hurt : O | — thou | falfe | I tongue. 6 Therefore fhall God def- | -troy thee for | ever : he fhall take thee, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling, and root thee out of the | land | of the | living. 7 The righteous alfo fhall fee | this, and | fear : and Ihall j laugh | him to | fcorn. 8 Lo, this is the man that took not | God for his | ftrength : but trufted unto the multitude of his riches, and ftrengthened himfelf | in his | wicked- | -nefs. 9 As for me, I am like a green olive-tree in the | houfe of | God : my truft is in the tender mercy of | God for | ever and | ever. 10 I will always give thanks unto thee for | that thou haft j done : and I will hope in thy Name, for thy | faints | like it | welj. Day X, Pfalm liii. liv, 6i PJalm liii. liv. Iv. . (iJbmmg iaiagm No. 6s> No. 66. /y^/w liii. liv. Iv r^^ ssiSn:^ ^gggg =!^: :s^zr in John Weldon. John Goss PSALM LIII. Dixit infipiens, T HE foolifh body hath fald | in his | heart : There | is | no | God. 2 Corrupt are they, and become abominable in their | wicked- ] -nefs : there is | I none that | doeth | good. 3 God looked down from heaven upon the | children of | men : to fee if there were any, that would understand, and | feek | after | God. 4 But they are all gone out of the way, they are altogether become a- | -bomin- | I -able : there is alfo none that doeth ' good, j no not | one. 5 Are not they without understanding that work | wicked- | -nefs : eating up my people as if they would eat bread .^ they have not | called up- | -on | God. 6 They were afraid where no fear | was : for God hath broken the bones of him that befieged thee ; thou haft put them to confufion, becaufe God | hath de- | I -fpifed I them. 7 Oh, that the falvation were given unto Ifrael | out of [ Sion : Oh, that the Lord would deliver his people : out of cap- ] -tivi- | -ty ! 8 Then Should j Jacob re- 1 -joice : and Ifrael | Should be | right ] glad. PSALM LIV. Deus, in nomine. CAVE me, O God, for | thy Name's j fake : and a- j -venge me | in thy | ftrength. 2 Hear my j prayer, O | God : and hearken unto the | words | of my | mouth. 3 For Strangers are rifen up a- | -gainft j me : and tyrants, which have not God be- fore their eyes, | feek j after my | foul. 4 Behold, | God is my | helper : the Lord is with them | that up- | -hold my | foul. 5 He Shall reward evil unto mine | ene- | -mies : deStroy thou | them | in thy | truth. 6 An offering of a free heart will I give thee, and praife thy | Name, O j Lord : becaufe it | is fo | comfort- | -able. 7 1 or he hath delivered me out of | all my | trouble : and mine eye hath feen his defire up- I -on mine I ene- 1 -mies. 62 Pfahn Iv, Day X, I. . Fjalm liii. liv. Iv, :c: No. es> II. Pjalm liii. liv. h No. (^G. TJ 1^2122: •>"^ ^ Oi ' m ^S: I I I -§^=P ^ 1 1^^ is^ John Weldon. John Goss. PSALM LV. Ex audi ^ Be us. "LJEAR my | prayer, O | God : and hide not thy- | -felf from | my pe- | -tition. 2 Take heed unto me, and | hear | me : how I mourn in my prayer, | and am | I vex- I -ed. 3 The enemy crieth fo, and the ungodly cometh | on fo | faft : for they are minded to do me fome mifchief ; fo malicioufly are they | fet a- | -gainft | me. 4 My heart is difquiet- | -ed with- | -in me : and the fear of , death is | fallen up- | I -on me. 5 Fearfulnefs and trembling are | come up- | -on me : and an horrible dread hath | I over- I -whelmed | me. 6 And I faid, O that 1 had wings \ like a | dove : for then would I flee a- | way, and I be at ' reft. 7 Lo, then would I get me a- j -way far | off: and remain | in the | wilder- | -nefs. 8 I would make hafte | to ef- | -cape : becaufe of the | ftormy | wind and | tempeft. 9 Deftroy their tongues, O Lord, | and di- | -vide them : for I have fpied unrighteouf- nefs and | ftrife ' in the ! city. 10 Day and night they go about within the | walls there- | -of: mifchief alfo and forrow are | in the | midft of | it. 1 1 Wickednefs | is there- | -in : deceit and guile | go not | out of their | ftreets. 1 2 For it is not an open enemy, that hath done me | this dif- | -honour : for | then I I could have | borne it. 13 Neither was it mine adverfary, that did magnify himfelf a- | -gainft [ me: for then peradventure Y would have j hid my- | -felf from | him. 14 But it was even thou, 1 my com- | -panion : my guide, and mine | own fa- | I -miliar \ friend. 1 5 We took fweet | counfel to- | -gether : and walked in the | houfe of | God as | I friends. 16 Let death come haftily upon them, and let them go down quick | into | hell : for wickednefs is in their \ dwellings, | and a- | -mong them. 17 As for me, Y will | call upon | God : and the | Lord fhall I fave j me. 18 In the evening, and morning, and at noon-day will I pray, and that | inftant- | I -ly : and | he fhall i hear my | voice. Day XI, Pfalm 1 VI, 63 19 It is he that hath delivered my foul in peace from the battle that was a- 1 -gainft ( I me : for | there were many with | me. 20 Yea, even God, that endureth for ever, fhall hear me, and | bring them | down : for they will not | turn, nor fear | God. 21 He laid his hands upon fuch as be at | peace with | him : and he | brake his [ I cove- I -nant. 22 The words of his mouth were fofter than butter, having war | in his | heart : his words were fmoother than oil, and yet | be they | very | fwords. 23 O caft thy burden upon the Lord, and he fhall | nourifh | thee : and ihall not fuffer the | righteous to | fall for | ever. 24 And I as for | them : thou, O God, fhalt bring them into the | pit | of de- | I -ftru6lion. 25 The blood-thirfty and deceitful men fhall not live out | half their | days : never- thelefs, my truft fhall | be in | thee, O | Lord. Day XL iHoiumg iirayer* Isaac Baf B Dr. E. F. Rimbavlt. Mijerere mei^ Beus, vour I me : he is PSALM LVI. E merciful unto me, O God, for man goeth about to de- daily I fighting, and | troubling | me. 2 Mine enemies are daily in hand to | fwallow me | up : for they be many that fight againft | me, O | thou moft | Higheft. 3 Neverthelefs, though Y am | fometime a- | -fraid : yet put | I my | trull: in | thee. 4 I will praife God, be- | -caufe of his | word : I have put my trufi in God, and will not fear what | flefh can | do unto | me. 5 They daily mif- | -take my | words : all that they imagine | is to | do me | evil. 6 They hold all together, and | keep themfelves | clofe : and mark my fleps, when they lay | wait | for my | foul. 7 Shall they efcape for their | wicked- | -nefs : thou, O God, in thy dif- | -pleafure fhalt I caft them | down. 8 Thou telleft my flittings ; put my tears j into thy bottle :. are not thefe things | I noted I in thy | book .^ 6+ Pfalm Ivii. Day XI. No. 68. Isaac Barrow. Dr. E. F. Rimbault. 9 Whenfoever I call upon thee^ then iliall mine enemies be j put to | flight : this I know ; for \ God is | on my | fide. 10 In God's word will i I re- | -joice : in the Lord's word | will I | comfort j me. 1 1 Yea, in God have I | put my | truft : I will not be afraid what | man can | do unto I mie. 12 Unto thee, O God, will I ' pay my | vows : unto | thee will | I give | thanks. 13 For thou haft delivered my foul from death, and my j feet from | falling: that I may walk before God in the | light j of the | living. PSALM LVII. Miferere mei, Beus. T>E merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me, for my foul | trufteth in | thee : and under the fhadow of thy wings fhall be my refuge, until this tyran- | -ny be i over- j -paft. 2 I will call unto the | moft high | God: even unto the God that ihiall perform the caufe I which I | have in | hand. 3 He fhall ] fend from \ heaven : and fave me from the reproof of him | that would | I eat me ' up. 4 God fhall fend forth his \ mercy and | truth : my | foul is a- | -mong | lions. 5 And I lie even among the children of men, that are | fet on | fire : whofe teeth are fpears and arrows, and their | tongue a | fharp I fword. 6 Set up thyfelf, O God, a- | -bove the | heavens : and thy glory a- | -bove | all the | I earth. 7 They have laid a net for my feet, and prefTed | down my \ foul : they have digged a pit before me, and are fallen into the | midft of | it them- | -felves. 8 My heart is fixed, O God, my | heart is | fixed : Y will | {mg, and | give \ praife. 9 Awake up, my glory, awake, | lute and | harp : I myfelf | will a- | -wake right | early. 10 I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, a- | -mong the j people : and I will fmg unto thee a- , -mong the | nations. 1 1 For the greatnefs of thy mercy reacheth | unto the | heavens : and thy | truth | I unto the | clouds. 12 Set up thyfelf, O God, a- 1 -bove the ! heavens : and thy glory a- | -bove | all the I earth. Day XI Pfalm 1 vin. 65 PSALM LVIII. Si vere utique. A RE your minds fet upon rlghteoufnefs, O' ye | congre- j -gatlon : and do ye judge '^ the thing that is right, | O ye j Tons of | men ? 2 Yea, ye imagine mifchief in your heart up- | -on the \ earth : and your hands | I deal with | wicked- | -nets. 3 The ungodly are froward, even from their | mother's | womb : as foon as they are born, they g;6 a- | -ftray, and | fpeak | lies. 4 They are as venomous as the poifon , of a , ferpent : even like the deaf ^ adder that I ftoppeth her | ears ; 5 Which refufeth to hear the | voice of the | charmer : charm | — he | never fo | I wifely. 6 Break their teeth, O God, in their mouths; fmite the jaw-bones of the | lions, I Lord : let them fall away like water that runneth apace ; and when they (hoot their arrows | let them be | rooted | out. 7 Let them confume away like a fnail, and be like the untimely | fruit of a | 1 woman : and | let them not | fee the i fun. 8 Or ever your pots be made j hot w-ith | thorns : fo let indignation vex him, even as a I thing | that is | raw. 9 The righteous fhall rejoice when he ] feeth the | vengeance : he fhall walli his footiteps in the | blood | of the un- | -godly. 10 So that a man fhall fay. Verily there is a reward [ for the | righteous : doubtlefs there is a | God that | judgeth the | earth. Orbriimg iJiaycn Fjalm lix. Ix.lxi., No. 69. IL :s2z ^-»-- Pj'jlm lix. Ix. Ixi. No. 70. i^ Anonymous. F. A. G. OUSELEY. PSALM LIX. Erip.' me de ininncis. T^ELIVER me from mine enemies, | O j God : defend me from them that | rife up a- I -gainft | me. 2 O deliver me from the [ wicked \ doers : and fave me \ from the blood- ' -thirfty | I men. 66 Pfahn lix. Day XL cr ^- i^ :^ :S2: Pjalm lix. Ix. !xi No. 69. -3-=^ ";;^' ' • -^- -^- J-J j_ -gj ^-. SisS^ s 1-" Anonvmous. II. --J- Pjalm lix. Ix. Ixi. No. 70. gMis^gi I I ^fsigiiss^ r F. A. G. OUSELEY. 3 For loj they lie waiting | for my | foul : the mighty men are gathered againft me, without any offence or | fault of | me, O | Lord. 4 They run and prepare themfelves with- | -out my | fault : arife thou therefore to | I help me, | and be- | -hold. 5 Stand up, O Lord God of hofts, thou God of Ifrael, to vifit | all the | heathen : and be not merciful unto them that offend of ma- | -licious | wicked- | I -nefs. 6 They go to and fro | in the | evening : they grin like a dog, and j run about | I through the | city. 7 Behold, chey fpeak with their mouth, and fwords are | in their | lips : for ] who | I — doth I hear P 8 But thou, O Lord, fhalt have them | in de- | -rifion : and thou fhalt laugh | all the I heathen to | fcorn. 9 My strength will I afcribe | unto | thee : for thou art the | God | of my | refuge. 10 God fheweth me his goodnefs | plenteouf- | -ly : and God fhall let me fee my defire up- | -on mine | ene- | -mies. 1 1 Slay them not, left my | people for- | -get it : but fcatter them abroad among the people, and put them down, O j Lord, | our de- | -fence. 12 For the fin of their mouth, and for the w^ords of their lips, they fhall be taken | I in their | pride : and why I their preaching | is of | curfing and | lies. 13 Confume them in thy wrath, confume them, that | they may | perifh : and know that it is God that ruleth in Jacob, and unto the | ends | of the | world. 14 And in the evening they | will re- | -turn : grin like a dog, and will | go a- | I -bout the I city. 1 5 Thev will run here and | there for | meat : and grudge if they | be not | fatif- | I -fied. 16 As for me, I will fing of thy power, and will praife thy mercy be- | -times in the I morning : for thou haft been my defence and refuge in the | day | of my | I trouble. 17 Unto thee, O my ftrength, | will I | fmg : for thou, O God, art my refuge, | I and my | merciful | God. Day XL Pfah?i Ix. Ixi. 67 PSALM LX. Dcus, repidifti nos. r\ GOD, thou haft call: us out, and fcattered | us a- | -broad : thou haft alfo been difpleafed ; O turn thee | unto | us a- j -gain. 2 Thou haft moved the land, and di- | -vided | it : heal the fores thereof, | for it | I ftiak- I -eth. 3 Thou haft ftiewed thy people | heavy | things : thou haft given us a | drink of I I deadly | wine. 4 Thou haft given a token for | fuch as | fear thee : that they may triumph be- | I -caufe I of the | truth. 5 Therefore were thy beloved de- | -liver- | -ed : help me with ] thy right | hand, and I hear me. 6 God hath fpoken in his holinefs, I will rejoice, and di- | -vide | Sichem : and mete | I out the I valley of | Succoth. 7 Gilead is mine, and Ma- | -naftes is | mine : Ephraim alfo is the ftrength of my head ; Judah | is my | law- | -giver ; 8 Moab is my wafti-pot ; over Edom Vv ill I caft | out my | ftioe : Philiftia, | be thou | I glad of I me. 9 Who will lead me into the | ftrong | city : v^ho will | bring me | into | Edom '^. 10 Haft not thou caft us ! out, O | God : wilt not thou, O God, go | out | with our | IhoftsP 1 1 O be thou our | help in | trouble : for vain \ is the | help of | man. 12 Through God will we | do great | ads : for it is he that ftiall tread | down our | 1 ene- | -mies. PSALM LXI. Exaudi, Beus. X-JEAR my | crying, O | God : give | ear | unto my | prayer. 2 From the ends of the earth will I | call upon | thee : when my heart | is in | I heavi- | -nefs. 3 O fet me up upon the rock that is j higher than | I : for thou haft been my hope^ and a ftrong tower for me a- | -gainft the | ene- | -my. 4 I will dwell in thy taber- | -nacle for | ever: and my truft fhall be under the | I covering ] of thy | wings. 5 For thou, O Lord, haft heard | my de- | -fires : and haft given an heritage unto | I thofe that | fear thy | Name. 6 Thou ftialt grant the King a | long | life : that his years may endure through- | I -out all I gener- | -ations. 7 He ftiall dwell before | God for ] ever : O prepare thy loving mercy and faith- fulnefs, I that they | may pre- | -ferve him. 8 So will I alway ftng praife | unto thy | Name : that Y may | daily per- | -form my | I vows. 68 PfaL m Jxii. 1X111. Day XII ;ffl[ontms ^ingfr. Pjalm Ixii, Ixiii. Ix'v. . No. 71. 11. PJalm Ixii. Ixiii. Ixiv. CT U,-A- No. 72. silsitlSil ~;s; II II issi ?_^s:i- Anonymous. PSALM LXIL E. J. Hopkins. Nonne Deo. A/TY foul truly waiteth | ftill upon | God : for of him | cometh | my fal- | -vatlon. 1 He verily is my fhrength and | my fal- | -vation : he is my defence, fo that I I fhall not | greatly | fall. 2 How long will ye imagine mifchief again ft | every | man : ye fhall be flain all the fort of you ; yea, as a tottering wall fhall ye be, and | like a | broken | hedge. 4 Their device is only how to put him out whom God | will ex- | -alt : their delight is in lies ; they give good words with their mouth, but- 1 curfe | with their | heart. 5 Neverthelefs, my foul, wait thou | ftill upon | God : for my | hope | is in | him. 6 He truly is my ftrength and | my fal- | -vation : he is my defence, | fo that I | I fhall not I fall. 7 In God is my health, | and my | glory : the rock of my might, and in | God | is my I truft. 8 O put your truft in him | alway, ye | people : pour out your hearts before him, for I God I is our | hope. 9 As for the children of men, they are but | vani- | -ty : the children of men are deceitful upon the weights, they are altogether lighter than | vani- | -ty it- | -{t\L 10 O truft not in wrong and robbery, give not yourfelves unto | vani- | -ty : if riches increafe, fet not your | heart up- | -on | them. 1 1 God fpake once, and twice I have alfo | heard the | fame : that power be- | I -longeth I unto | God ; 12 And that thou, Lord, art | merci- 1 -ful : for thou rewarded every man ac- [ I -cording | to his | work. PSALM LXIII. Beus, Deus meus. GOD, thou I art my | God : early | will I | feek | thee. 2 My foul thirfteth for thee, my flefh alfo longeth | after | thee : in a barren and dry land | where no 1 water I is. O Day XII. Pfalm Ixiv. 69 3 Thus have I looked for thee In j holi- | -nefs : that I might be- | -hold thy | power and I glory. 4 For thy loving-kindnefs Is better than the | life It- | -felf : my | lips fhall | pralfe | I thee. 5 As long as I live will 1 magnify thee | on this | manner : and lift up my | hands 1 I In thy I Name. 6 My foul fhall be fatlsfied, even as it were with | marrow and | fatnefs : when my mouth pralfeth | thee with | joyful | lips. 7 Have I not remembered thee | In my | bed : and thought upon | thee when | I was | I waking ^. 8 Becaufe thou haft | been my | helper : therefore under the fhadow of thy | wings will I I re- I -jolce. 9 My foul hangeth up- | -on j thee : thy right hand | hath up- | -holden | me. foul : they fhall | go | under the | earth, fword : that they may | be a | portion for 10 Thefe alfo that feek the | hurt of my 1 1 Let them fall upon the | edge of the I foxes. 12 But the King fhall rejoice In God; all they alfo that fwear by him fhall | be com- I -mended : for the mouth of them that fpeak | lies | fhall be | flopped. PSALM LXIV. Exaudi, Beus. TLTEAR my voice, O God, | In my | prayer : prefer ve my life from | fear of the | I ene- | -my. '2 Hide me from the gathering together | of the | froward : and from the infur- | I -redllon of | wicked | doers ; 3 Who have whet their tongue | like a | fword : and fhoot out their arrows, | even | I bitter I words ; 4 That they may privily fhoot at | him that is | perfecl; : fuddenly do they | hit him, and I fear | not. 5 They encourage them- 1 -felves in | mifchlef : and commune among themfelves how they may lay fnares, and fay,, that I no | man fhall | fee them. 6 They Imagine wickednefs, and | pra6life | It : that they keep fecret among them- felves, every man in the | deep | of his | heart. 7 But God fhall fuddenly fhoot at them with a ' fwift | arrow : that | — they | fhall be I wounded. 8 Yea, their own tongues fhall | make them | fall : infomuch that whofo feeth | them fhall I laugh them to | fcorn. 9 And all men that fee It fhall fay, | This hath God | done : for they fhall perceive | I that It I is his | work. 10 The righteous fhall rejoice In the Lord, and put his | truft in | him : and all they that are true of I heart I ftiall be | glad. 7o Pfahn Ixv. Day XII. (01)cmns i^iagcr. I. PJalm Ixv. Ixvi. Ixvli No. 73. II 5— E^-E--n=d:r:tE^z:0 F=H ~1' i^s: PSALM LXV. T Rev. W. Felton. Slon Pjaltn Ixv. Ixvi. Ixvii. No. 74. 1 juirri lAv. lAvi. lAvii. I I I Dr. T. a. WALMI^LtY. 21? (S'^r^?/ hymnus. and unto thee fhall the vow be performed | HOU, O God, art | pralfed In I in Je- I -rufa- 1 -lem. Thou that | heareft the | prayer : unto | thee fhall | all flelli | come. My mifdeeds prevail a- | -gainfl: | me : O be thou | merciful | unto our | fins. BlelTed is the man, whom thou choofeft, and receiveft | unto | thee : he fhall dwell in thy court, and fhall be fatisfied with the pleafures of thy houfe, even | of thy I holy \ temple. Thou fhalt fhew us wonderful things in thy righteoufnefs, O God of | our fal- 1 I -vation : thou that art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them that remain | in the | broad | fea. Who in his flrength fetteth | faft the | mountains : and Is | girded a- | -bout with | I power. Who ftilleth the raging | of the | fea : and the noife of his waves, and the | mad- nefs I of the | people. They alfo that dwell in the uttermoft parts of the earth fhall be afraid | at thy | I tokens : thou that makeft the out-goings of the morning and | evening to j I praife | thee. Thou vifiteft the earth, and | bleffeft | it : thou | makeft it | very | plenteous. The river of God is | full of | water : thou prepareft their corn, for fo thou pro- I -videfi: | for the | earth. Thou watereft her furrows, thou fendeft rain Into the little | valleys there- | -of: thou makeft It foft with the drops of rain, and | blefleft the | increafe | of It. Thou crowneft the year | with thy | goodnefs : and | thy | clouds drop | fatnefs. They fhall drop upon the dwellings of the | wilder- | -nefs : and the little hills fhall re- | -joice on | every | fide. 14 The folds fhall be | full of | fheep : the valleys alfo fhall ftand fo thick w!th corn, that | they fhall | laugh and | fmg. 9 10 1 1 12 13 Day XII. Pfalm Ixvi. Ixvii. 7 o PSALM LXVI. Jubilate Deo. BE joyful in God, | all ye | lands : fing praifes unto the honour of his Name, make his | praife to be | glori- | -ous. 2 Say unto God, O how wonderful art thou | in thy | works : through the great- nefs of thy power fhall thine enemies be found | liars | unto | thee. 3 For all the world fhall | worfhip | thee : fing of | thee, and | praife thy | Name. 4 O come hither, and behold the | works of j God : how wonderful he is in his doing to- I -ward the | children of | men. 5 He turned the fea | into dry j land : fo that they went through the water on foot ; there did | we re- | -joice there- | -of 6 He ruleth with his power for ever ; his eyes be- | -hold the | people : and fuch as will not believe fhall not be able | to ex- | -alt them- | -felves. 7 O praife our j God, ye | people : and make the voice of his | praife | to be | heard ; 8 Who holdeth our | foul in | life : and fiiffereth | not our | feet to | flip. 9 For thou, O God, haft | proved | us : thou alfo haft tried us, | like as | filver is | I tried. 10 Thou broughteft us | into the | fnare : and laideft | trouble up- | -on our | loins. 1 1 Thou fufferedft men to ride | over our | heads : we went through fire and water, and thou broughteft us out | into a | wealthy | place. 12 I will go into thine houfe | with burnt- | -ofF'rings : and will pay thee my vows, which I promifed with my lips, and fpake with my mouth, | when I | was in | I trouble. 13 I will offer unto thee fat burnt-facrifices, with the ] incenfe of rams : T will | I offer I bullocks and | goats. 14 O come hither, and hearken, all | ye that fear | God : and I will tell you what | I he hath | done for my | foul. 15 I called unto him | with my | mouth : and gave him | praifes ] with my | tongue. 16 If I incline unto wickednefs | with mine | heart : the | Lord | will not | hear me. 17 But I God hath | heard me : and confidered the | voice | of my | prayer. 18 Praifed be God who hath not call: | out my | prayer: nor | turned his \ mercy | 1 from me. PSALM LXVII. Beus mifereatur, /^OD be merciful unto us, and | blefs | us : and fhew us the light of his count- enance, and be | merciful | unto | us. 1 That thy way may be | known upon | earth : thy faving | health a- | -mong all | I nations. 3 Let the people praife | thee, O | God : yea, let all the | people | praife | thee. 4 O let the nations rejoice | and be | glad : for thou fhalt judge the folk righteoufly, and govern the | nations up- j -on | earth. 72 Pfalm Ixviii, Day XIII. Pfalm xlv. xlvi. xlvii. No. 73. EiE3i:^-:§^B^E^q]z=| ^^=;:7-^^^ I I II ^iil^- Rev. W. Felton. II. TJ Pjalm\xw. Ixvi. Ixvii. No. 74. 12^ :«l: I I I -^ .C2. r^ -1 — Y Dr.T. a Walmisley. 5 Let the people praife | thee, O | God : let all the | people | pralfe | thee. 6 Then fhall the earth bring | forth her | increafe : and God, even our own God, fhall I give | us his | blefling. 7 God fhall I blefs | us : and all the ends of the | world fhall | fear | him. Day XlTI. iiloinmg ^laym lie; Pjalm Ixviii. No. 75. II. I I ^sgg; ! ! , Pjah 'aim Ixviii. No. 76. g"^=g-F^-^--F^-R-^4^— ^ :=]=i: ^ -^-^- ^ ' J I J. B Lamb. 1 '■ Dr. E. F. RiMBAUi-T PSALM LXVIII. Exurgat Beus. T ET God arife, and let his ene- | -mies be | fcatter'd : let them alfo that hate him j I flee be- | -fore | him. 2 Like as the fmoke vanifheth, fo fhalt thou | drive them a- | -way : and like as wax melteth at the fire, fo let the ungodly perifh | at the | prefence of | God. 3 But let the righteous be glad and re- | -joice before | God : let them j alfo be | I merry and | joyful. 4 O fing unto .God, and fing praifes | unto his | Name: magnify him that rideth upon the heavens, as it were upon an horfe ; praife him in his Name JAH, | I and re- | -joice be- | -fore him. 5 He is a F'ather of the fatherlefs, and defendeth the | caufe of the | widows : even God in his ■ holy | habit- | -ation. Day XIII Pfalm Ixviii. 73 6 He Is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in an houfe, and bringeth the prifoners out of cap- | -tivi- | -ty : but letteth the runagates con- | -tinue in | I fcarce- | -nefs. 7 O God, when thou wenteft forth be- j -fore the | people : when thou wenteft | I through the | wilder- | -nefs, 8 The earth fhook, and the heavens dropped at the | prefence of | God : even as Sinai alfo was moved at the prefence of God, who is the | God of | Ifra- | -el. 9 Thou, O God, fentefl: a gracious rain upon thine in- | -herit- | -ance : and refrefheJft | it when | it was | weary. 10 Thy congregation fhall | dwell there- | -in : for thou, O God, haft of thy good- nefs pre- | -pared | for the | poor. 1 1 The Lord | gave the | word : great was the | company | of the | preachers. 12 Kings with their armies did flee, and were dif- | -comfit- | -ed : and they of the | I houfehold dl- | -vided the | fpoll. 13 Though ye have lien among the pots, yet fhall ye be as the | wings of a | dove : that is covered with fllver wings, | and her 1 feathers like | gold. 14 When the Almighty fcattered kings | for their | fake : then were they as | white as I fnow in I Salmon. 15 As the hill of Bafan, | fo is God's | hill : even an high hill, | as the | hill of | I Bafan. 16 VVhy hop ye fo, ye high hills ? this Is God's hill. In the which it pleafeth | him to j dwell : yea, the Lord will a- | -bide In | it for | ever. 17 The chariots ot God are twenty thoufand, even | thoufands of | angels : and the Lord is among them, as in the | holy | place of | Sinai. 18 Thou art gone up on high, thou haft led captivity captive, and received | gifts for I men : yea, even for thine enemies, that the Lord God might | dwell a- | I -mong I them. 19 Pralfed be the | Lord | dally: even the God who helpeth us, and poureth his | I bene- | -fits up- | -on us. 20 He is our God, even the God of whom | cometh fal- | -vatlon : God is the Lord^ by I whom we ef- | -cape | death. 21 God fhall wound the head of his | ene- | -mies : and the hairy fcalpof fuch a one as goeth on | ftill in his | wicked- | -nefs. 22 The Lord hath fald, I will bring my people again, as I | did from | Bafan : mine own will I bring again, as I did fometime from the | deep | of the | fca. 23 That thy foot may be dipped In the blood of thine | ene- | -mies : and that the tongue of thy dogs may be | red \ through the | fame. 24 It is well {^^':\^ O God, | how thou | goeft : how thou, my God and King, goeft | I in the | fan6lu- | -ary. 25 The fingers go before, the minftrels | follow | after : in the midft are the damfels | I playing | with the | timbrels. 74 Pfalm Ixviil, Day XIII. II. I I Tjalm Ixvlii. . . 1-^ I _ I I ^ I 1 No. 76. 1=^. T- I I T 1 I ^^ 1 1 J u ^ I I ' — i — ^-^-^^ B. Lamb. r— r-t Dr. E. F. RiMBAUiT. 26 Give thanks, O Ifrael, unto God the Lord in the | congre- | -gations : from the | I ground | of the | heart. 27 There is Httle Benjamin their ruler, and the princes of | Judah their | counfel : the princes of Zabulon, and the | princes of | Nephtha- | -li. 28 Thy God hath fent forth | ftrength for | thee : ftablifh the thing, O God, that | I thou haft I wrought in | us. 29 For thy temple's fake at Je- | -rufa- | -lem : fo fhall kings bring | prefents | unto | I thee. 30 When the company of the fpear-men, and multitude of the mighty are fcattered abroad among the beafts of the people, fo that they humbly bring | pieces of | I filver : and when he hath fcattered the people | that de- | -light in | war ; 31 Then fhall the princes come | out of | Egypt : the Morians' land fhall foon ftretch out her | hands | unto | God. 32 Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms | of the | earth : O fing | praifes | unto the | Lord ; Z7> Who fitteth in the heavens over all | from the be- 1 -ginning : lo, he doth fend out his voice, yea, and | that a | mighty | voice. 34 Afcribe ye the power to God over | lira- 1 -el : his worfhip, and | ftrength is | I in the [ clouds. 35 O God, wonderful art thou in thy | holy | places : even the God of Ifrael ; he will give ftrength and power unto his | people ; | blefted be | God. Day XIII Pfalm 1 XIX, 75 (JJbfnms ^ini>cr. Pfalm Ixix. Ix> No. 78. feg^iHlg^Silil T. Tallis. PSALM LXIX. ^-' -:^'-_^'_ _^ -^- F. A. G. OuiELEY. Salvum me fac. CAVE I me, O | God : for the waters are come In, | even | unto my | foul. 1 I ftick fafl: in the deep mire, where | no ground | Is : I am come Into deep waters, fo that the | floods run | over | me. 3 I am weary of crying; my | throat Is | dry : my flght falleth me for waiting fo | I long up- I -on my | God. 4 They that hate me without a caufe are more than the | hairs of my | head : they that are mine enemies, and would de- | -ftroy me | gulltlefs, are j miighty. 5 I paid them the things that I | never | took : God, thou knowefl: my fimplenefs, and my faults | are not | hid from | thee. 6 Let not them that truft In thee, O Lord God of hofls, be afhamed | for my | I caufe : let not thofe that feek thee be confounded through me, O Lord | God of I Ifra- I -el. 7 And why .^ for thy fake have I | fufFer'd re- | -proof: fhame | — hath | cover'd my I face. 8 I am become a Granger | unto my | brethren : even an alien [ unto my | mother*s | I children. 9 For the zeal of thine houfe hath even | eaten j me : and the rebukes of them that rebuked thee are | fallen up- | -on j me. 10 I wept, and chaftened my- | -felf with | fafting : and that was | turned to | my re- I -proof 1 1 I put on I fackcloth | alfo : and they | jefted up- | -on | me. I 2 They that fit in the gate fpeak a- | -gainfl: | me : and the drunkards make | fongs up- I -on I me- 13 But, Lord, I make my prayer | unto | thee : In | an ac- | -ceptable | time. 14 Hear me, O God, in the multitude | of thy | mercy : even In the | truth of | I thy fal- I -vation. 15 Take me out of the mire, that | I fink | not : O let me be delivered from them that hate me, and | out of the | deep | waters. 76 Pfalm Ixix, Day XIII. I. r, . No. 77. 1 I Pjaltn lx:x. Ixx. | 11^^ I I. I I -^- ^: 1— i- -cro- r^: :^z^:±:^ I I :^::^^: SSI II. ^^: t=q: P/"^/ff7 IX'X. Ixx. . . -,-. r. r—-\ 1- No. 78. :^: -S= .^.. I- A. A. T. Tallis. "f f- H"^ (-^ ^ (-^-^^ H - "^^1" "^^ ^ i — ' — ' — ^- ■ F. A. G. OUSELEY. ^9 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Let not the water flood drown me, neither let the deep | fwallow me | up : and let not the pit fhut her | mouth up- | -on | me. Hear me, O Lord, for thy loving-kindnefs is | comfort- | -able : turn thee unto me according to the | multitude | of thy | mercies. And hide not thy face from thy fervant, for | I am in | trouble : O | hafte | thee, and I hear me. Draw nigh unto my | foul, and | fave it : O deliver me, be- i -caufe of mine | I ene- | -mies. Thou haft known my reproof, my fhame, and | my dif- | -honour : mine adver- faries are | all | in thy | fight. Thy rebuke hath broken my heart ; I am full of | heavi- | -nefs : I looked for fome to have pity on me, but there was no man, neither found I | any to | I comfort I me. They gave me | gall to | eat : and when I was thirfty they gave me | vine- | -gar to I drink. Let their table be made a fnare to take them- | -felves with- | -al : and let the things that fhould have been for their wealth be unto them | an oc- | -cafion of ] falling. Let their eyes be blinded, that | they fee | not : and ever | bow thou | down their | backs. Pour out thine indignation up- | -on | them : and let thy wrathful dif- | -pleafure take I hold of | them. Let their habit- | -ation be | void : and no man to | dwell | in their | tents. For they perfecute him whom | thou haft | fmitten : and they talk how they may vex | them whom | thou haft | wounded. Let them fall from one wickednefs | to an- | -other : and not come | into thy | I righteouf- | -nefs. Let them be wiped out of the | book of the I living : and not be | written a- | I -mong the | righteous. As for me, when I am poor and in | heavi- | -nefs : thy help, O j God, ftiall | I lift me ! up. I will praife the Name of God | with a | fong : and magni- | -fy it with | thankf- | I -giving. Day XIV. Pfalm Ixx. Ixxi. 77 32 This alfo fhall | pleafe the | Lord : better than a bullock [ that hath | horns and | I hoofs. 33 The humble fhall confider this, | and be | glad : feek ye after God, | and your | I foul fhall I live. 34 For the Lord | heareth the [ poor : and defpifeth | not his [ prifon- | -ers. 35 Let heaven and earth | praife | him : the fea, and | all that | moveth there- | -in. 2,6 For God will fave Sion, and build the | cities of | Judah : that men may dwell there, and | have it | in pof- | -feiTion. 37 The pofterity alfo of his fervants fhall in- | -herit | it : and they that love his | 1 Nam.e fhall | dwell there- | -in. PSALM LXX. D^//j in adjutorium. ILJASTE thee, O God, to de- | -liver | me : make hafle to | help | me, O | Lord. 2 Let them be adiamed and confounded that feek | after my | foul : let them be turned backward and put to con- | -fufion that | wifh me | evil. 3 Let them for their reward be foon | brought to | fhame : that cry | over me, | I There, j there. 4 But let all thofe that feek thee be joyful and | glad in | thee : and let all fuch as delight in thy falvation fay | alway. The | Lord be | praifed. 5 As for me, I am poor and in | mife- | -ry : hafte thee | unto | me, O | God. 6 Thou art my helper, and | my re- | -deemer : O Lord, make | no long | tarry- | Day XIV. ;ffilonnnfl ^raj)en L , Pjalm Ixxi. Ixxii. . No. 79. ^^^^m \ \i A A. ' i ?r:S: I ' ^^el^^eeI Dr. C Gibbons. PSALM LXXI. II. Pjalm Ixxi. Ixxii. | No. 80. '^^" -J-.~i-. ■^:?- I ' I 1 I sa -1--~1 — ^■ TN thee, O Lord, have I put my trufl, let me never be | put to con- | -fufion : rid me, and deliver me, in thy righteoufnefs ; incline thine ear unto I me. Dr.T. a. Walmisley. In te, Domine^/peravi, but and I fave I me. 2 Be thou my ftrong hold, whereunto V may | alway re- | -fort : thou hafl promifed to help me, for thou art my houfe of de- | -fence, | and my | caflle. 78 Pfalm Ixxi. Day XIV. Pjulm ixxi. Ixxil. 4 No. 79. fel^sfe^:5^s=b r I "1 ' ' '1 ^^ -^- -'^- -^-JL_:^- ^_ — C3- n Dr. C. Gibbons, 11. P/j/m Ixxi. Ixxi'. No. 80. — ^" ^::<;s- I I "^" t-T us 1 I ^ \ - Urt. T. A. WAtMisLEy 3 Deliver me, O my God, out cf the hand of | the un- | -godly : out of the hand of the un- | -righteous and | cruel | man. 4 For thou, O Lord God, art the thing that I | long j for; thou art my hope, | I even | from my | youth. 5 Through thee have 1 been holden up ever fince | I was | born : thou art he that took me out of my mother's womb ; my praife j fhall be | always of | thee. 6 I am become as it were a monfter | unto | many : but my fure | truft | is in | I thee. 7 O let my mouth be filled | with thy | praife: that I may fing of thy glory and | I honour j all the day | long. 8 Caft me not away in the | time of | age: forfake me not when my | ftrength | I faileth | me. 9 For mine enemies fpeak againft me, and they that lay wait for my foul take their counfel to- | -gether, | faying : God hath forfaken him ; perfecute him, and take him, for there is | none to de- | -liver | him. 10 Go not far from | me, O | God : my God, | hafte thee to | help | me. 1 1 Let them be confounded and perifh that are a- | -gainii my | foul : let them be covered with fliame and difhonour that | feek to | do me | evil. 12 As for m^e, I will patiently a- | -bide | alway : and will | praife thee | more and | I more. 13 My mouth fhall daily fpeak of thy righteoufnefs | and fal- | -vation : for I| I know no | end there- | -of. 14 I will go forth in the flrength of the | Lord | God : and will make mention | of thy I righteoufnefs | only. 15 Thou, O God, haft taught me from my youth up | until | now: therefore will I I tell of thy I wondrous | works. 16 Forfake me not, O God, in mine old age, when | 1 am gray- I -headed : until I have fhewed thy ftrength unto this generation, and thy power to all them | I that are | yet for to | come. 17 Thy righteoufnefs, O God, is | very | high : and great things are they that thou haft done ; O God, i who is I like unto thee ? Day XIV. Pfalm Ixxii. 79 18 O what great troubles and adverfities haft thou fhevved me! and yet didft thou turn I and re- | -frefh me : yea, and broughteft me from the | deep of the | I earth a- | -gain. 19 Thou haft brought me to | great | honour: and comforted | me on | every | ftde. 20 Therefore will 1 praife thee and thy faithfuhiefs, O God, playing upon an inftru- I -ment of | mufick : unto thee will I fmg upon the harp, O thou Holy | I One of I Jfra-|-el. 2 1 My lips will be fain when I | fing unto | thee : and fo will my foul | whom thou | I haft de- | -liver'd, 22 My tongue alfo ftiall talk of thy righteoufnefs | all the day | long : for they are confounded and brought unto ftiame that | feek to | do me j evil. PSALM LXXII. Bens, judicium. /^IVE the King thy judgements, | O | God : and thy righteoufnefs | unto the | I King's I fon. 2 Then ftiall he judge thy people according j unto | right : and | — de- | -fend the | I poor. 3 The mountains alfo | ftiall bring | peace : and the little hills | righteoufnefs | unto the I people. 4 He ftiall keep the fimple folk | by their | right : defend the children of the poor, and I punifti the | wrong | doer. 5 They fnall fear thee, as long as the fun and | moon en- | -dureth : from one gener- | -ation | to an- [ -other. 6 He ftiall come down like the rain into a | fleece of | wool : even as the | drops that I water the | earth, 7 In his time ftiall the | righteous | flourifti : yea, and abundance of peace, fo | long as the I moon en- | -dureth. 8 His dominion ftiall be alfo from the one fea | to the | other : and from the flood | I unto the | world's | end. 9 They that dwell in the wildernefs ftiall kneel be- | -fore ' him : his ene- 1 -mies fliail I lick the I duft. 10 The kings of Tharfis and of the ifles | ftiall give | prefents : the kings of Arabia and I Saba | fliall bring | gifts. 1 1 All kings fliall fall down be- | -fore | him : all [ nations fliall | do him | fervice. 12 For he fliall deliver the poor | when he | crieth : the needy alfo, and | him that | I hath no | helper. I J He fliall be favourable to the | fimple and | needy : and fliall preferve the | fouls | I of the I poor. 14 He fliall deliver their fouls from | falfehood and | wrong : and dear fliall their | I blood be | in his \ fight. 15 He fliall live, and unto him fliall be given of the gold | of A- ] -rabia : prayer fliall be made ever unto him, and | daily fliall | he be | praifed. 8o Pfalm Ixxiii, Day XIV. Pjalm Ixxi. Ixxii. 4- No. 79. II. I III :^: -i r- Dr. C. Gibsons. P/^/»z Ixxi. Ixxii. No. 80. ^ssnai^l ^B I I I -J-, 1 1 — i - Dr. T. a. Walmisley. 16 There fhall be an heap of corn in the earth, high up- | -on the | hiils : his fruit fhall fhake like Libanus, and fhail be green in the city like j grafs up- | -on the I earth. 17 His Name fhall endure for ever; his Name fhall remain under the fun among the pof- 1 -teri- | -ties : v/hich fhall be blefTed through him ; and all the | heathen fhall I praife | hlrn. 18 Blefled be the Lord God, even the God of | Ifra- | -el : which only | doeth | I wondrous | things ; 19 And blefled be the Name of his Majef- | -ty for | ever: and all the earth fhall be filled with his Majefty. | Amen, | A- | -men. O^bnims i^ragtn u p.; ,...,. No. 81. Pjalm Ixxiii. Ixxiv. II. 1'^^^ .Si. .^ i-^E^e ^-=^1:: 1 ^- -S^- is: pjalm Ixxiii. Ixxlv. No. 82. 1 rjaim ixxiii. <;3 S-^^:^' m 1 1 ^ ;is: i W. HiNE. PSALM LXXIII. t G. A. Macfarren. ^am bonus IJraell ''pRULY God is loving unto | Ifra- | -el : even unto fuch as | are of a | clean | I heart. 2 Neverthelefs, my feet were | almoft | gone : my | treadings had [ well-nigh | flipt. 3 And why .^ I was grieved | at the | wicked : I do alfo fee the ungodly in I fuch prof- I -peri- | -ty. 4 For they are in no | peril of | death : but | — are | lufly and | flrong. Day XIV. Pfalm Ixxiii. 8 1 5 They come in no misfortune like | other ! folk : neither are they | plagued like | I other I men. 6 And this is the caufe that they are fo | holden with | pride : and over- | -whelmed with I cruel- 1 -ty. 7 Their eyes | fwell with | fatnefs : and they do | even | what they | luft. 8 They corrupt other, and fpeak of wicked | blafphe- | -my : their talking is a- | I -gainft the | moft | High. 9 For they ftretch forth their mouth | unto the | heaven : and their [ tongue goeth | I through the | world. 10 Therefore fall the people | unto | them : and thereout fuck | they no | fmall ad- I -vantage. 1 1 Tufh, fay they, how fhould I God per- | -ceive it : is there knowledge | In the | I moft I High .? 12 Lo, thefe are the ungodly, thefe profper in the world, and thefe have riches | I In pof- I -fefTion : and I faid. Then have I cleanfed my heart in vain, and wafhed mine | hands in | innocen- | -cy. 13 All the day long have | I been | punifh'd : and | chaftened | every | morning. 14 Yea, and I had almoft faid | even as | they: but lo, then I fhould have con- demned the gener- | -ation | of thy | children. 15 Then thought Y to | underftand | this : but it | was too | hard for | me. 16 Until I went into the fandu- | -ary of | God : then underftood | I the j end of thefe I men ; 17 Namely, how thou doft fet them in | flippery j places : and cafteft them down, | I and de- | -ftroyeft | them. 1 8 Oh, how fuddenly do | they con- | -fume : perifh, and | come to a | fearful | I end. 19 Yea, even like as a dream when | one a- | -waketh : fo fhalt thou make their image to | vanifh | out of the | city. 20 Thus my | heart was | grieved : and it went j even | through my | reins. 21 So foolifh was I, and | ignor- | -ant: even as it were a | beaft be- | -fore | thee. 22 Neverthelefs, I am | alway by | thee : for thou haft holden | me by | my right | I hand. 23 Thou fhalt guide me | with thy | counfel : and after that re- | -ceive | me with | !,g^ory. 24 Whom have Y in | heaven but | thee : and there Is none upon earth that I defire in com- 1 -pari- | -fon of | thee. 25 My flefti and my | heart | faileth : but God is the ftrength of my heart, | and my I portion for | ever. 26 For lo, they that forfake | thee ftiall | perifti : thou haft deftroyed all them that commit forni- 1 -cation a- 1 -gainft | thee. 27 But It is good for me to hold me faft by God, to put my truft In the | Tord i I God : and to fpeak of all thy works in the gates | of the | daughter of | Sion. 82 Pfahn 1 XXIV. Day XIV. I. Pjal>n Ixxiii. Ixxi :^- No. 8 1. I=:4 11. ssisia .£2. ^. I I iS: iig-f^iiSiiggil W. HiNE. ~J- Pjalm Ixxiii. Ixxiv. No. 82. pr^prqn^n — rr~ B :^"^5:^ i^s: r G. A. Macfarren. Ut quid^ Deus ? PSALM LXXIV. f~\ GOD, wherefore art thou abfent from | us fo | long : why Is thy wrath fo hot againfl the | fheep | of thy | pafture ? 2 O think upon thy | congre- | -gation : whom thou had: purchafed, | and re- | I -deemed of | old. 3 Think upon the tribe of thine in- | -herit- | -ance : and mount Sion, where- | -in | I thou haft I dwelt. 4 Lift up thy feet, that thou mayeft utterly deftroy every | ene- | -my : which hath done evil | in thy | fandlu- | -ary. 5 Thine adverfaries roar in the midft of thy | congre- | -gations : and fet | up their | I banners for | tokens. 6 He that hewed timber afore out of the | thick | trees : was known to bring It | I to an I excellent | work. 7 But now they break down all the carved | work there- | -of: with | ax- | -es and | I hammers. 8 They have fet fire upon thy | holy | places : and have defiled the dwelling-place of thy Name, | even | unto the | ground. 9 Yea, they faid in their hearts. Let us make havock of them | alto- | -gether : thus have they burnt up all the houfes of | God | in the | land. 10 We fee not our tokens, there is not one | prophet j more : no, not one is there among us, that under- | -ftandeth | any | more. 1 1 O God, how long fiiall the adverfary do | this dif- | -honour : how long fhall the enemy blaf- | -pheme thy | Name, for | ever. 12 Why withdraweft | thou thy | hand : why pluckeft thou not thy right hand out of thy bofom to con- | -fume the | ene- | -my ? 13 For God is my | King of | old : the help that is done upon earth he | doeth | I it him- I -felf 14 Thou didft divide the fea | through thy | power : thou brakeft the heads of the | I dragons j In the | waters. 1 5 Thou fmoteft the heads of Levia- | -than In | pieces : and gaveft him to be meat for the people | in the | wilder- | -nefs. 16 Thou broughteft out fountains and waters out of the | hard j rocks : thou | I driedft up | mighty | waters. Day XV, Pfalm 1 XXV, 83 17 The day is thine, and the | night is | thine : thou haft prepared the | light | and the I fun. I 8 Thou haft fet all the borders | of the | earth : thou | haft made j fummer and | I winter. 19 Remember this, O Lord, how the enemy | hath re- | -buked : and how the foolifti people | hath blaf- | -phemed thy | Name. 20 O deHver not the foul of thy turtle-dove unto the multitude of the | ene- | -mies : and forget not the congregation | of the | poor for | ever. 21 Look upon the | cove- | -nant : for all the earth is full of darknefs, and | cruel 1 I habit- I -ations. 22 O let not the fimple go a- | -way a- | -ftiamed : but let the poor and needy give | I praife j unto thy | Name. 23 Arife, O God, maintain | thine own [ caufe : remember how the foolifti | man blaf- I -phemeth thee | daily. 24 Forget not the voice of thine | ene- | -mies : the prefumption of them that hate thee increafeth I ever I more and | more. Day XV. forums ^laurn Pjulm Ixxv. Ixxvi. Ixxvii. No. 83. IL nz^ ~1- W-% s^iS ! I gZTr==P^^ ^ZC 1- J. Battishill. -.9-, PJalm Ixxv. Ixxvi. Ixxvii. A — ^- No. 84. H=lT^ lEE^: -—-r^. isz :^: fa PSALM LXXV. r Dr. E. F. Rimbault, Confitehimur ttbi. T INTO thee, O God, do | we give | thanks : yea, unto ] thee do | we give | thanks. 2 Thy Name alfo | is fo | nigh : and that do thy | wondrous | works de- | -clare. 3 When I receive the | congre- | -gation : I ftiall judge ac- j -coi-ding | unto j right. 4 The earth is weak, and all the inhabit- | -ers there- | -of: Y bear | up the | pillars | I of it. 5 I faid unto the fools. Deal | not fo | madly : and to the ungodly, | Set not | up your I horn. 6 Set not up your | horn on | high : and | fpeak not | with a ftiff | neck. 84 Pfahn 1 XXVI. Day XV. I. Pjalm Ixxv. Ixxvi. Ixxvii. No. 83. II. -&->~^- ■^ ppgiiB «i=C=: ll[ 1 J. Battishill. rjalm Ixxv. Ixxvi. Ixxv No. 84. ^ -r— ] r- ] 1 122" 1^ ,s ^s:s:: s^ f^*^^- IS 4:1, Dr. E. F. Rimbault. 7 For promotion cometh neither from the eaft, nor | from the | weft : nor | yet | I from the | fouth. 8 And why } \ God is the | Judge : he putteth down one, and | fetteth | up an- | I -other. 9 For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the | wine is | red : it is full mixed, and he | poureth | out of the | fame. 10 As for the | dregs there- | -of: all the ungodly of the earth fhall drink | them, and I fuck them | out. 1 1 But I will talk of the | God of | Jacob : and | praife | him for | ever. I 2 All the horns of the ungodly alfo | will I | break : and the horns of the | righteous fhall I be ex- I -alted. Notus in Judcea. his Name is | great in | Ifra- | -el. -nacle : and his | dwell- | -ing in | Sion. I of the i bow : the fhield, the I fword, I and the I battle. of the I d all an robbers, the men whofe PSALM LXXVI. TN Jewry is | God | known : 2 At Salem is his | taber- | 3 There brake he the arrows 4 Thou art of more | honour and | might : than the | hills 5 The proud are robbed, they have|{lept their | fleep : hands were | mighty have | found | nothing. 6 At thy rebuke, O | God of | Jacob : both the | chariot and | horfe are | fallen. 7 Thou, even thou | art to be | feared : and who may ftand in thy | fight when thou art \ angry ^ 8 Thou didfl caufe thy judgement to be | heard from | heaven : the earth | trembled, I and was | ftill, 9 When God a- | -rofe to | judgement : and to help j all the | meek upon | 10 The fiercenefs of man fhall j turn to thy ] praife : and the fiercenefs fhalt I thou re- | -frain. 1 1 Promlfe unto the Lord your God, and keep it, all ye that are him : bring prefcnts unto | him that ] ought to be ] feared. 1 2 He fhall refrain the ' fpirit of \ princes : and is wonderful a- | mong the ] kings of the I earth. earth, of I them round a- I -bout Day XV. Pfahn Ixxvii. 85 PSALM LXXVII. Voce mea ad Bominum, T WILL cry unto God | with my | voice : even unto God will I cry with my voice, and he fhall | hearken | unto | me. 2 In the time of my trouble I | fought the | Lord : my fore ran, and ceafed not in the night-feafon ; my | foul re- | -fufed | comfort. 3 When I am in heavinefs, I will | think upon | God : when my heart is | vexed, I | I will com- I -plain. 4 Thou holdeft mine | eyes | waking : I am fo feeble, | that I | cannot | fpeak. 5 I have conf idered the | days of | old : and the | years | that are | paft. 6 I call to re- | -membrance my | fong : and in the night I commune wi:h mine own heart, and | fearch | out my | fpirits. 7 Will the Lord abfent him- j -felf for | ever : and will he | be no | more in- 1 -treated ^ 8 Is his mercy clean | gone for | ever : and is his promife come utterly to an | end for I ever- | -more ^ 9 Hath God forgotten | to be | gracious : and will he lliut up his 16ving-|-kindnefs | I in dif- I -pleafure ? 10 And I faid. It is mine own in- | -firmi- | -ty : but I will remember the years of the right | hand of the | moft | Higheft. 1 1 I will remember the | works of the | Lord : and call to mind thy | wonders of | I old I time. 12 I will think alfo of | all thy | works : and my talking | fhall be | of thy | doings. I J Thy way, O | God, is | holy : who is fo great a | God as | our | God ? 14 Thou art the God that | doeth | wonders : and haft declared thy | power a-|-mong the I people. 15 Thou haft mightily de- | -liver'd thy | people : even the | fons of | Jacob and | I Jofeph. 16 The waters faw thee, O God, the waters faw thee, and | were a- | -fraid : the | ! depths I alfo were | troubled. 17 The clouds poured otft water, the | air | thunder'd : and thine | arrows | went a- | I -broad. 18 The voice of thy thunder was heard | round a- | -bout: the lightnings ftione upon the ground ; the earth was | moved, and | ftiook with- j -al. 19 Thy way is in the fea, and thy paths in the | great | waters : and thy | footfteps | I are not | known. 20 Thou leddeft thy ] people like I ftieep : by the | hand of | Mofes and | Aaron. 86 Pfalm 1 m Ixxviii, Day XV. O^bmiug grayer* L ^1 % Pfalm Ixxviii. ■ , No. 85. I I 'Z^ I ' Ml ^^: SHIEi^ 1 — ^- Dr. R. p. Stewart. II. p.; , ... No. 86 . Pjalm Ixxviu. . . . t? 1I' I n I I (^. giJ.,j. PSALM LXXVIII. From Walond. Attendite^ popule. TITEAR my law, | O my | people : incline your ears unto the | words | of my | ^^ I mouth. 2 I will open my mouth in a | para- | -ble : I will declare hard | fenten- 1 -ces of | I old ; 3 Which we have | heard and | known : and fuch as our | fathers have | told | us ; 4 That we fhould not hide them from the children of the gener- j -ations to | come : but to fhew the honour of the Lord, his mighty and wonderful | works that | I he hath | done. 5 He made a covenant with Jacob, and gave Ifra- | -el a | law : which he commanded our fore- | -fathers to j teach their | children ; 6 That their pofteri- | -ty might | know it : and the children | which were | yet un- | I -born ; 7 To the intent that when | they came [ up : they might | fhew their | children the | I fame ; 8 That they might put their | truft in | God : and not to forget the works of God, but to I keep | his com- | -mandments ; 9 And not to be as their forefathers, a faithlefs and ftubborn | gener- | -ation : a generation that fet not their heart aright, and whofe fpirit cleaveth not | flead- faftly I unto | God ; 10 Like as the children of | Ephra- | -im : who being harnefled, and carrying bows, turned themfelves back | in the | day of | battle. 1 1 They kept not the cove- | -nant of | God : and would not | walk | in his | law ; 1 1 But forgat what | he had | done : and the wonderful works that | he had | I fhewed | for them. 13 Marvellous things did he in the fight of our forefathers, in the | land of | Egypt : even | in the | field of | Zoan. 14 He divided the fea, and | let them go | through : he made the waters to ] fi:and ^ I on an | heap. Day XV. Pfalm Ixxviii. 87 15 In the day-time alfo he Jed them | with a | cloud: and all the night through | 1 with a 1 light of | fire. 16 He clave the hard rocks in the | wilder- j -nefs : and gave them drink thereof, as it had been | out of the | great | depth. 1 7 He brought waters out of the | ftony | rock : fo that it gufhed | out | like the | rivers. 18 Yet for all this they fmned more a- | -gainfl: | him : and provoked the moft Higheft I in the | wilder- | -nefs. 19 They tempted God | in their | hearts : and required | meat | for their j luft. 20 They fpake againll: God | alfo, | faying : Shall God prepare a table | in the | j wilder- | -nefs "^ 21 He fmote the ftony rock indeed, that the water gufhed out, and the ftreams I flowed with- | -al : but can he give bread alfo, or provide j flefh ] for his I people ? 22 When the Lord heard this, | he was | wroth: fo the fire was kindled in Jacob, and there came up heavy difpleafure a- | -gainft | Ifra- | -el ; 23 Becaufe they believed | not in | God : and put not their | truft | in his | help. 24 So he commanded the | clouds a- | -bove : and | opened the | doors of | heaven. 25 He rained down manna alfo upon them | for to | eat : and | gave them | food from I heaven. 26 So man did eat | angels' | food: for he ] fent them | meat e- I -nough. 27 He caufed the eaft wind to blow | under | heaven : and through his power he brought I in the | fouth-weft | wind. 28 He rained flefh upon them as | thick as | duft : and feathered fowls like as the | I fand I of the | fea. 29 He let it fall a- | -mong their | tents : even round a- | -bout their | habit- | -ation. 30 So they did eat, and were well filled ; for he gave them their | own de- | -fire : they were not difap- | -pointed | of their I luft. 3 I But while the meat was yet in their mouths, the heavy wrath of God came upon them, and flew the | wealthieft | of them : yea, and fmote down the chofen men that I were in | Ifra- | -el. 32 But for all this they | finned yet | more : and believed | not his | wondrous | works. 22 Therefore their days did he confume in | vani- | -ty : and | — their | years in | I trouble. 34 When he flew them, | they | fought him : and turned them early, and in- | I -quired | after | God. 25 And they remembered that God | was their | fl:rength : and that the high | God was I their Re- | -deemer. 26 Neverthelefs, they did but flatter him | with their | mouth : and difi^embled | with him I in their | tongue. 37 For their heart was not | whole with | him : neither continued they ftedfafl: | in his I cove- I -nant. 88 Pfalm Ixxviii. Day XV. 1. No. 85 II. I ' I I ^3= PJalm Ixxviii. s^ ^.j. :^:HrrgTr:§T:gziZ3:zrg.-j:=q I I :— ^it^: PJalm Ixxviii. No. 86. !_j--^„_=__Ly. From Walond. Dk. R. p. Stewart. 38 But he was fo merciful, that he forgave | their mif- | -deeds : and | — de-j-ftroyed them I not. 39 Yea, many a time turned he his | wrath a- | -way : and would not fuffer his whole dif- I -pleafure | to a- | -rife. 40 For he confidered that they | were but | flefh : and that they were even a wind that pafTeth away, and | cometh | not a- | -gain. 41 Many a time did they provoke him in the | wilder- | -nefs : and | grieved him I I in the | defert. 42 They turned back, and | tempted | God : and moved the Holy | One in | Ifra- 1 -el. 43 They thought not | of his | hand : and of the day when he delivered them from the I hand of the | ene- | -my ; 44 How he had wrought his mira- | -cles in | Egypt : and his wonders | in the | I field of I Zoan. 45 He turned their waters | into | blood; fo that they | might not | drink of the | I rivers. 46 He fent lice among them, and de- | -vour'd them | up : and | frogs | to de-|-ftroy them. 47 He gave their fruit unto the | cater- | -pillar : and their labour | unto the | grafT- 1 I -hopper. 48 He deftroyed their | vines with | hailftones : and their mulberry- | -trees | with the I froft. 49 He fmote their cattle | alfo with | hailftones : and their flocks with | hot | thunder-| I -bolts. 50 He caft upon them the furioufnefs of his wrath, anger, dif- | -pleafure, and | I trouble : and fent evil | angels a- | -mong | them. 51 He made a way to his indignation, and fpared not their | foul from | death : but gave their life over | to the | pefti- | -lence ; 52 And fmote all the firfl- | -born in | Egypt : the moft principal and mightieft | in the I dwellings of | Ham. ^2 But as for his own people, he led them | forth like | flieep : and carried them in the I wildernefs | like a | flock. 54 He brought them out fafely, that they | fhould not | fear : and overwhelmed their I enemies I with the i fea. Day XV. Pfalm Ixxviii. 89 55 And brought them within the borders of his | fan6lu- | -ary : even to his moun- tain which he purchafed | with his | right | hand. 56 He cafl: out the heathen alfo be- | -fore | them : caufed their land to be divided among them for an heritage, and made the tribes of Ifrael to | dwell | in their | I tents. 57 So they tempted, and difpleafed the | mofl high | God : and kept | not his | tefti-| I -monies ; 58 But turned their backs, and fell away like | their fore- | -fathers : ftarting afide | I like a | broken | bow. 59 For they grieved him with | their hill- | -altars : and provoked him to difpleafure | I with their | Imag- \ -es. Go When God heard this, | he was | wroth : and took fore dif- | -pleafure at | Ifra-|-el. 61 So that he forfook the taber- | -nacle in | Silo : even the tent that he had | pitched a- I -mong | men. 62 He delivered their power into cap- J -tivi- | -ty : and their beauty | Into the | I enemy's | hand. 62^ He gave his people over alfo | unto the | fword : and was wroth with | his in- | I -herit- I -ance. 64 The fire confumed [ their young | men : and their maidens | were not | given to | I marriage. 6^ Their priefts were flain | with the \ fword : and there were no widows to | make | I lamen- | -tation. 66 So the Lord awaked as one | out of | fleep : and like a | giant re- | -frefhed with | I wine. 67 He fmote his enemies in the | hinder | parts : and put them | to a per- | -petual | I fhame. 68 He refufed the taber- | -nacle of | Jofeph : and chofe | not the | tribe of | Ephraim ; 69 But chofe the j tribe of | Judah : even the hill of | Slon | which he | loved. 70 And there he built his | temple on | high : and laid the foundation of it like the ground which he hath | made con- | -tinual- | -ly. 7 I He chofe David | alfo his | fervant : and took him a- | -way from the I fheep- | 1 -folds. 72 As he was following the ewes great with young ones ' he | took him : that he might feed Jacob his people, and Ifrael | his in- | -herit- | -ance. 73 So he fed them with a faithful and | true | heart : and ruled them prudent- | -ly with j all his \ power. 90 Pfalm 1 XXIX. Day XVI, ;fflioittmfl ^lagen No. 87. 11, Fjalm Ixxix, Ixxx No. 89. .^A ^g- 1 '1 I I From Savage. PSALM LXXIX. E. G. McNK. Z) — t I II N^S II. Pfalm Ixxxi. , No. 90. From Savage. im^iSiig E. G. Monk PSALM LXXXI. Exult ate Deo. make a cheerful noife | unto the CING we merrily unto | God our | flrength '-^ I God of I Jacob. 2 Take the pfalm, brhig j hither the | tabret : the merry | harp | with the | lute. 3 Blow up the trumpet | in the new | moon : even In the time appointed, and up- | I -on our I folemn feaft- | -day. 4 For this was made a ftatute for | Ifra- | -el : and a | law of the | God of | Jacob. 5 This he ordained In Jofeph for a | tefti- | -mony : when he came out of the land of Egypt, and had | heard a \ ftrange | language. 6 I eafed his fhoulder | from the | burden : and his hands were deliver- | -ed from | I making the | pots. 7 Thou calledft upon me In troubles, and V de- | -livered j thee : and heard thee what time as the j ftorm | fell up- | -on thee. 8 I I proved thee | alfo : at | — the | waters of | ftrlfe. 9 Hear, O my people, and 1 will aiTure thee, O | Ifra- | -el : if thou wilt | hearken | I unto I me, 10 There fhall no ftrange god | be in | thee : neither fHalt thou worfhip | any | I other I god. 1 1 I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the | land of | Egypt : open thy mouth | wide, and | I fhall | fill It. 12 But my people would not | hear my | voice : and Ifrael | would | not o- | -bey me. I J So I gave them up unto their | own hearts' | lufts : and let them follow their | I own I- I -magi- | -nations. 14 O that my people would have hearkened | unto | me : for if Ifrael had | walked | I In my | ways, 15 I fhould fbon have put down their | ene- | -mies : and turned my hand a- | I -gainfl: their | adver- | -faries. 16 The haters of the Lord fhould have been | found | liars : but their time | fhould have en- | -dured for | ever. 1 7 He fhould have fed them alfo with the | finefl wheat- | -flour : and with honey out of the ftony rock fhould | I have | fatisfied | thee. Day XVI, Pfalm Ixxxii. Ixxxiii, 93 Ci) emits |3 layer. I. Fjalm Ixxxii. Ixxxiii. 1 No. 91. xxx'v. Ixxxv. •^-^-, I I I I ^gsaiSii^ I — \- From W. Russell. II Pfalm Ixxxii. Ixxxiii. Ixxxiv. Ixxxv. No. 92. A PSALM LXXXIL r— 1 — F, KiNKEE. Deus ftetit. /^OD ftandeth In the congre- | -gation of | princes : he Is a | Judge a- | -mong | I gods, 2 How long will ye | give wrong | judgement : and accept the | perfons 1 of the un- | I -godly.? 3 Defend the poor and | father- j -lefs : fee that fuch as are in need and ne- | -cefTity | I have I right. 4 Deliver the | outcaft and | poor : fave them from the | hand | of the un- | -godly. 5 They will not be learned nor underftand, but walk on | ftill in | darknefs : all the foundations of the | earth are | out of | courfe. 6 I have faid, | Ye are | gods : and ye are all the | children | of the moft | Highefl. 7 But ye fhall | die like | men : and | fall like | one of the | princes. 8 Arife, O God, and judge | thou the | earth : for thou fhalt take all heathen to | I thine In- I -herit- I -ance. PSALM LXXXIII. 'Deus^ quisfimilis? T-JOLD not thy tongue, O God, keep I not ftill I filence : refrain | not thy- | -felf, ^^ OjGod. 2 For lo, thine enemies make a | murmur- | -ing : and they that hate thee have | 1 lift I up their | head. 3 They have Imagined craftily a- | -gainft thy ] people: and taken counfel a- 1 -galnft thy I fecret | ones. 4 They have faid, Come, and let us root them out, that they be no | more a | I people : and that the name of Ifrael may be no | more | In re- | -membrance. 5 For they have caft their heads together vjith ] one con- | -fent : and are confeder- | I -ate a- 1 -galnft | thee ; 6 The tabernacles of the Edomltes, and the | Ifmael- | -Ites : the Moab- ] -ites, and | I Hagar- | -ens ; 94 PfaUn 1 XXXIV. Day XVI. P/Iz/»2 Ixxxil. Ixxxiii. Ixxxiv. Ixxx No. ^-j^iggiiga II. li Fjalm Ixxxii. Ixxxiil. Ixxxiv. Ixxxv No. 92. II ^ I I .c^' ' 11^— ^-h-1 — ^ H — H - ^-F- From W. Russell. T~t m F. KiNKEE. 7 Gebal, and Ammon, and | Amal- | -ek : the Philiftlnes, with | them that 1 dwell at I Tyre. 8 AfTur alfo is | joined | with them: and have | holpen the | children of | Lot. 9 But do thou to them as unto the | Madian- | -Ites : unto Slfera^ and unto Jabin I I at the I brook of | Klfon ; 10 Who perifh- \ -ed at | Endor : and became | as the | dung of the | earth. 1 1 Make them and their princes like | Oreb and | Zeb : yea^ make all their princes like as | Zeba | and Sal- | -mana ; I 2 Who fay. Let us | take to our- | -felves : the houfes of | God | in pof- | -feffion. 13 O my God, make them like ! unto a | wheel : and as the | ftubble be- | -fore the I I wind ; 14 Like as the fire that burneth | up the | wood : and as the flame | that con- | I -fumeth the | mountains. 15 Perfecute them even fo | with thy | tempeft : and make them a- 1 -fraid | with thy I ftorm. 16 Make their faces a- | -fhamed, O | Lord : that | they may | feek thy | Name. 17 Let them be confounded and vexed ever- | -more and | more : let them be ] put to I fhame, and | perifh. 18 And they fhall know that thou, whofe Name | is Je- | -hovah : art only the moft Highefl: | over | all the | earth. PSALM LXXXIV. §jjam dile5la O HOW amiable ] are thy | dwellings : thou | Lord | — of | hofts ! 2 My foul hath a defire and longing to enter into the | courts of the | Lord my heart and my flefh rejoice | in the \ living | God. 3 Yea, the fparrow hath found her an houfe, and the fwallow a nefl: where fhe may lay her | young : even thy altars, O Lord of hofts, my | King | and my God. 4 Blefled are they that dwell | in thy ] houfe : they will be | alway praifing | thee. 5 Blefied is the man whofe ftrength | is in | thee : in whofe | heart are thy | ways. 6 Who going through the vale of mifery ufe it | for a | well : and the | pools are I filled with I water. Day XVI. Pfalm Ixxxv. 95 7 They will go from | ftrength to | ftrength : and unto the God of gods appeareth every I one of | them in | Sion. 8 O Lord God of hofts, | hear my | prayer : hearken, | O \ God of | Jacob. 9 Behold, O God | our de- | -fender: and look upon the | face of | thine A-|-nointed. 10 For one day | in thy | courts : is [ better | than a | thoufand. 1 1 J had rather be a door-keeper in the | houfe of my | God : than to dwell in the | I tents of un- | -godli- | -nefs. 1 2 For the Lord God is a light | and de- | -fence : the Lord will give grace and worfhip, and no good thing fhall be withhold from them that | live a | godly | 13 O Lord I God of | hods : blefled is the man that | putteth his | truft in | thee, PSALM LXXXV. Benedixifti, Bomine. T ORD, thou art become gracious | unto thy | land : thou hail: turned away the cap- I -tivi- I -ty of | Jacob. 2 Thou haft forgiven the offence | of thy | people : and | covered | all their | fins. 3 Thou haft taken away all | thy dif- | -pleafure : and turned thyfelf from thy | I wrathful | indig- | -nation. 4 Turn us then, O | God our | Saviour : and let thine | anger | ceafe from | us. 5 Wilt thou be difpleafed at | us for | ever: and wilt thou ftretch out thy wrath from one gener- | -ation | to an- | -other P 6 Wilt thou not turn again, and | quicken | us : that thy people | may re- | -joice in I thee ? 7 Shew us thy | mercy, O | Lord : and | grant us | thy fal- | -vation. 8 I will hearken what the Lord God will fay con- \ -cerning | me : for he fhall fpeak peace unto his people, and to his faints, that they | turn | not a- | -gain. 9 For his falvarion is nigh | them that | fear him : that glory may | dwell | in our | I land. 10 Mercy and truth are | met to- | -gether : righteoufnefs and | peace have | kiffed each I other. 11 Truth fhall flourifh | out of the | earth: and righteoufnefs hath | looked | down from I heaven. I 2 Yea, the Lord fhall fhew | loving- | -kindnefs : and our | land fhall | give her | I increafe. 13 Righteoufnefs fhall | go be- | -fore him : and he fhall dired his | going | in the | I way. 96 Pfalm 1 XXXVl. Day XVII. iHormns i3rni)n% I. feS^I: . 'Pjalm Ixxxvl. ] xxxvii. ixxxvii 31^ No. 93. IL I I \ =j: Bi I I -^-^- :^^ -'^»-, Py^/»? Ixxxvi. Ixxxvii. Ixxxvii No. 94. SE^EglSS J :i=^- I' I I I ^ i^ ■^.dz^'.- I From E. PURCELL. PSALM LXXXVI. E. G. Monk. Inclina, Domine. T>OW down thine ear, O | Lord, and | hear me : for I am | poor, | and in | mifery. -^ 1 Preferve thou my foul, for j I am | holy : my God, fave thy fervant that | I putteth his ] truft in | thee. 3 Be merciful unto | me, O | Lord : for 1 will | call | daily up- | -on thee. 4 Comfort the | foul of thy | fervant : for unto thee, O Lord, do | I lift | up my | I foul. 5 For thou. Lord, art | good and | gracious : and of great mercy unto all | them that I call up- | -on thee. 6 Give ear, Lord, | unto my | prayer : and ponder the | voice of my | humble de- | I -fires. 7 In the time of my trouble I will | call upon | thee : for | thou | heareft | me. 8 Among the gods there is none like unto | thee, O | Lord : there is not one that can I do as I thou | doeft. 9 All nations whom thou haft made fhall come and worfhip j thee, O | Lord : and fliall I glori- I -fy thy | Name. 10 For thou art great, and doeft | wondrous | things : thou | — art | God a- | I -lone. 1 1 Teach me thy way, O Lord, and I will walk | in thy | truth : O knit my heart unto thee, that | I may | fear thy | Name. 12 I will thank thee, O Lord my God, with | all my | heart : and will praife thy | I Name for | ever- | -more. 13 For great is thy mercy to- | -ward | me : and thou haft delivered my foul | from the I nethermoft | hell. 14 O God, the proud are rifen a- | -gainft ] me : and the congregations of naughty men have fought after my foul, and have not fet | thee be- | -fore their | eyes. 15 But thou, O Lord God, art full of com- | -pafTion and | mercy : long-fuffering, • I plenteous in | goodnefs and | truth. Day XVII. Pfalm Ixxxvii. Ixxxviii. 97 16 O turn thee then unto me, and have | mercy up- | -on me: give thy ftrength unto thy fervant, and help the | fon | of thine | handmaid. 17 Shew fome token upon me for good, that they who hate me may fee it, and | I be a- I -fhamed : becaufe thou. Lord, haft holpen | me, and | comforted | me. PSALM LXXXVll. Fundamenta ejus, T-TER foundations are upon the | holy | hills : the Lord loveth the gates of Sion more than | all the | dwellings of | Jacob. 2 Very excellent things are | fpoken of | thee : thou | — | city of | God. 3 I will think upon Rahab and | Baby- | -Ion : with | them that | know | me. 4 Behold ye the Phi- | -liftines | alfo : and they of Tyre, with the Morians ; | lo, | I there was he | born. 5 And of Sion it fhall be reported, that he was | born in | her : and the moft | High fhall I ftablifh | her. 6 The Lord fhall rehearfe it when he writeth | up the | people : that | he was | born | I there. 7 The fingers alfo and trumpeters fhall | he re- 1 -hearfe : All my frefh | fprings fhall I be in I thee. PSALM LXXXVIII. 'Domine Beus, O LORD God of my falvation, I have cried day and | night be- | -fore thee: O let my prayer enter into thy prefence, incline thine j ear | unto my | calling. 2 For my foul is | full of | trouble : and my life | draweth | nigh unto | hell. 3 I am counted as one of them that go down | into the | pit : and I have been even as a I man that | hath no | ftrength. 4 Free among the dead, like unto them that are wounded, and | lie in the | grave : who are out of remembrance, and are cut a- | -way | from thy | hand. 5 Thou haft laid me in the | loweft | pit : in a place of | darknefs, and | in the | deep. 6 Thine indignation lieth | hard up- | -on me : and thou haft vexed | me with | all thy I ftorms. 7 Thou haft put away mine acquaintance | far from | me : and made me to | be ab- I -horred | of them. 8 I am fo I faft in | prifon : that | — I | cannot get | forth. 9 My fight faileth for | very | trouble : Lord, I have called daily upon thee, I have ftretched forth my | hands | unto | thee. 10 Doft thou fhew wonders a- | -mong the \ dead : or fhall the dead rife up a- | -gain, and I praife | thee ? 1 1 Shall thy loving-kindnefs be fhewed | in the | grave : or thy | faithfulnefs | in de- I -ftrudion .^ 12 Shall thy wondrous works be known | in the | dark: and thy righteoufnefs in the land where | all things j are for- | -gotten ? q 98 Pfahn lxxxix\ Day XVII- No. ^1,. ... No. u4. /111. -^ ' II. J, PJalmWxxw'i. Ixxxvii, Ixxxvii Ml ^ ^ 1^, From E. Purcell. u E.G. Mo>.K. 13 Unto thee have I | cried, O | Lord : and early fhall my | prayer | come be- | -fore thee. 14 Lord, why abhorrefl | thou my | foul : and hideft | thou thy | face from | me ? 15 I am in mifery, and like unto him that is at the | point to | die : even from my youth up thy terrors have I fuffered | with a | troubled | mind. 16 Thy wrathful difpleafure goeth | over | me: and the | fear of thee | hath un | I -done me. 17 They came round about me | daily like | water : and compafTed me to- | -gether on I every j fide. 1 8 My lovers and friends haft thou put a- | -way from | me : and hid mine acquaintance [ out | of my | fight. flPbcnmg ^lajam PJalm Ixxxix. :^^z^: W -^- ES3 is::^ No. 95. -- '--b- — n II. I I ^^m A '^ y- t=X m PJalm Ixxxix No. 97. cr -\y I I I J .J_^'_. ± 1 lL ^ L J^J Dr. W. Hayes. Lord Bishop of Ely. PSALM LXXXIX. Mifericordias Domini, "IV/TY fong fhall be alway of the loving-kindnefs | of the | Lord : with my mouth will I ever be fhewing thy truth from one gener- | -ation | to an- | -other. 1 For I have faid, Mercy fhall be fet | up for | ever : thy truth fhalt thou | ftablifh | I in the | heavens. 3 I have made a covenant | with my | chofen ; I have fworn | unto | David my | I fervant ; Day XVII. Pfahn\xxx\x. gg 4 Thy feed will I | ftablifh for | ever : and fet up thy throne from one gener- I I -ation I to an- | -other. 5 O Lord, the very heavens fhall pralfe thy | wondrous | works : and thy truth in the congre- | -gation | of the | faints. 6 For who is he a- | -mong the | clouds : that fhall be com- | -pared | unto the I I Lord? 7 And what is he a- | -mong the | gods : that fhall be | like | unto the | Lord ? 8 God is very greatly to be feared in the council | of the | faints: and to be had in reverence of all them | that are | round a- | -bout him. 9 O Lord God of hofts, who is | like unto | thee : thy truth, moft mighty Lord, I I is on I every | fide. 10 Thou ruleft the raging [ of the | fea : thou ftilleft the waves there- | -of when | I they a- | -rife. 1 1 Thou haft fubdued Egypt, and de- | -ftroyed | it : thou haft fcattered thine enemies abroad | with thy | mighty | arm. 12 The heavens are thine, the earth | alfo is | thine: thou haft laid the foundation of the round world, and j all that | therein | is. 13 Thou haft made the north | and the | fouth : Tabor and Hermon ftiall re- | I -joice I in thy | Name. 14 Thou haft a | mighty | arm : ftrong is thy hand, and | high is | thy right j hand. 15 Righteoufnefs and equity are the habitation | of thy | feat: mercy and truth ihall I go be- | -fore thy | face. 16 BlefTed is the people, O Lord, that can re- | -joice in | thee: they fhall walk in the I light of thy | counte- | -nance. 17 Their delight fhall be daily | in thy | name: and in thy righteoufnefs | fhall they I make their | boaft. I 8 For thou art the glory | of their | ftrength : and in thy loving-kindnefs thou fhalt I lift I up our | horns. ^ 19 For the Lord is | our de- | -fence : the Holy One of | Ifrael j is our | King. 20 Thou fpakeft fometime in vifions unto thy | faints, and | faidft : I have laid help upon one that is mighty ; I have exalted one | chofen | out of the | people. 21 I have found | David my | fervant : with my holy oil have | I a- | -nointed | him. 22 My hand fhall | hold him | faft : and my | arm fhall | ftrengthen | him. 23 The enemy fhall not be able to do him | vio- | -lence : the fon of | wickednefs | I fhall not I hurt him. 24 I will fmite down his foes be- | -fore his | face : and | plague | them that | hate him. 25 My truth alfo and my mercy fhall | be with | him : and in my Name fhall his j I horn I be ex- | -alted. 26 I will fet his dominion alfo | in the | fea : and his | right hand | in the | floods. 27 He fhall call me, | Thou art my 1 father : my God, | and my | ftrong fal- | -vation. lOO Pfalm 1 m ixxxix. Day XVIL 1. ^^ ^ Pjalm Ixxx'x. No. 95. rc^ 7 :^2: sgiiiriai^igiii] Dr. W. Havis. II. .s-5- i>/a/»! 1; No. 97. :^:_ I I ^ I 1=^ ^S^: ^z^m^i mi t=l: rr Lord Bishop or Ely. 28 And I will make | him my | firfl-born : higher than the | kings | of the | ! earth. 29 My mercy will I keep for him for | ever- | -more : and my covenant | fhall ftand I faft with | him. 30 His feed alfo will I make to en- | -dure for | ever : and his throne | as the [ I days of | heaven. 31 But if his children for- | -fake my | law : and | walk not | in my | judgements ; 32 If they break my ftatutes, and keep not | my com- | -mandments : I will vifit their offences with the rod, | and their | fin with | fcourges. ^^ Neverthelefs, my loving-kindnefs will I not utterly | take from | him : nor | I fuffer my \ truth to | fail. 34 My co^^enant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone | out of my | lips : I have fworn once by my holinefs, that | I will | not fail | David. ;}^ His feed fhall en- | -dure for | ever : and his feat is | like as the | fun be- | -fore me. ^6 He ihall ftand faft for evermore | as the | moon : and as the I faithful j witnefs in I heaven. I. fei-^l No. 96. =^=a3s 1^2: 1^=^: '■^rf~ y 1 I -^5- ^iSHBiiSs No. 97. I I .^-r^ sS Lord Bishop of Ely. ' I Dr. W. Hayes. 37 But thou haft abhorred and forfaken | thine A- | -nointed ; and | art dif- | I -pleafed | at him. 38 Thou haft broken the covenant | of thy | fervant : andcafthis | crown | to the | I ground. 39 Thou haft overthrown j all his | hedges: and broken | down his | ftrong- | ! -holds. 40 All they that go by ] fpoil | him : and he is become a re- | -proach | to his | I neighbours. Day XVIIL Pfalm xc. I OI 41 Thou hail fet up the right hand of his | ene- | -mies : and made all his adver- | I -faries | to re- | -joice. 42 Thou haft taken away the | edge of his | fword : and giveft him not | vidlory | ! in the | battle. 43 Thou haft put | out his | glory : and caft his | throne | down to the | ground. 44 The days of his youth | haft thou | fhorten'd : and | covered him | with dif- | I -honour. 45 Lord, how long wilt thou hide thy- | -felf, for | ever : and fhall thy | wrath | I burn like | fire ^ 46 O remember how | fliort my | time is : wherefore haft thou | made all | men for | I nought } 47 What man is he that liveth, and /hall | not fee | death : and fhall he deliver his foul I from the | hand of | hell ? 48 Lord, where are thy old loving- | -kindne/T- | -es : which thou fwareft unto | I David j in thy | truth ? 49 Remember, Lord, the rebuke that thy | fervants | have : and how I do bear in my bofom the re- | -bukes of | many | people ; 50 Wherewith thine enemies have blafphemed thee, and flandered the footfteps of | thine A- | -nointed : Praifed be the Lord for evermore. A- | -men, and | A- I -men. Day XVIIL L Pfah No. 98. IL ssz ss I I M J ^ SI Dr. p. Hayes. :i- PJalm No. 100. ^IN^siiS^SliJ T^' ■^^ "=5" 1^ ii: :^: ^A. :^ -G-^ ^^ 1— t G. A. Macfarren. PSALM XC. Domine, refugium. T ORD, thou haft | been our | refuge : from one gener- j -ation | to an- | -other. 2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth and the | world were | made : thou art God from everlafting, and | world with- | -out | end. 3 Thou turneft man | to de- | -ftrudlion : again thou fiyeft. Come a- | -gain, ye | I children of | men. 102 I. PJalm xc. Pfahn No. 98, xc. Day XVIII, :^Z2^- nj '^ 1 J-J, Es: 1 r D«. P. Hayss. lil^ 9 ik:Sz ^"■=5" 1 PJalm xc. No. 100. :^:^zS: 1— T G. A. Macfarren. 4 For a thoufand years in thy fight are but as | yefter- | -day : feeing that is pafl | I as a I watch in the | night. 5 As fjon as thou fcattereft them they are even | as a | fleep : and fade away | fud- denly | like the | grafs. 6 In the morning it is green, and | groweth | up : but in the evening it is cut down, | I dried | up, and | wither'd. 7 For we confume away in | thy dif- | -pleafure : and are afraid at thy | wrathful ] I indig- I -nation. 8 Thou had: fet our mif- | -deeds be- | -fore thee : and our fecret fins in the | light of thy I counte- | -nance. 9 For when thou art angry all our | days are | gone : we bring our years to an end, as it I were a | tale that is | told. 10 The days of our age are three-fcore years and ten ; and though men be fo flrong that they come to | four-fcore | years : yet is their ftrength then but labour and forrow ; fo foon paffeth it a- | -way, and | we are | gone. 1 1 But who regardeth the power | of thy | wrath : for even thereafter as a man feareth, | fo is | thy dif- | -pleafure. 12 So teach us to | number our | days : that we may apply our | hearts | unto | I wifdom. 13 Turn thee again, O Lord, | at the | laft : and be | gracious | unto thy | fervants. 14. O fatisfy us with thy mercy, | and that | foon : fo fhall we rejoice and be glad | I all the I days of our | life. I 5 Comfort us again now after the time that thou haft | plagued ] us : and for the years wherein we have | fufFer'd ad- | -verfi- 1 -ty. 16 Shew thy | fervants thy | work : and their | child- | -ren thy | glory. 17 And the glorious Majefty of the Lord our God | be up- | -on us : profper thou the work of our hands upon us, O profper | thou our | handy- | -work. Day XVIIl. Pfalm xci. 103 :fcfe=rt Pjalm xci. xcll. No. 99. II. ^^h-" SilE^S^i3 "Tl "P," s^JzSp ii^-. <=_, l^^l J-i-^ "n — r Dr. p. Hayes. V-A Pjaln 55:- No. loi. ^ s PSALM XCI, G. A. Macfarren. ^i habitat. VITHOSO dvvelleth under the defence of the | mofl: | High: fhall abide under the I fnadow | of the Al- | -mighty. I I will fay unto the Lord, Thou art my hope, and | my ftrong [ hold : my God, | I In him | will I | truft. 3 For he fhall deliver thee from the fnare | of the | hunter : and from the | nolfome | I pefti- I -lence. 4 He fhall defend thee under his wings, and thou fhalt be fafe | under his | feathers : his falthfulnefs and truth fhall | be thy | fhleld and | buckler. 5 Thou fhalt not be afraid for any | terror by | night : nor for the | arrow that | I flieth by | day ; 6 For the peftllence that | walketh In | darknefs : nor for the ficknefs that de- | I -ftroyeth | In the noon- | -day. 7 A thoufand fhall fall beflde thee, and ten thoufand at | thy right | hand : but it fhall I not come | nigh | thee. 8 Yea, with thine eyes fhalt | thou be- I -hold : and fee the re- | -ward of | the un-j I -godly. 9 For thou, Lord, | art my I hope : thou haft fet thine houfe of de- | -fence | very | I high. 10 There fhall no evil happen | unto | thee : neither fhall any | plague come | nigh thy I dwelling. I I For he fhall give his angels charge | over | thee : to keep | thee In | all thy | ways. J 2 They fhall bear thee | In their | hands : that thou hurt not thy | foot a- | -galnfl a | I ftone. 13 Thou fhalt go upon the | lion and | adder: the young lion and the dragon fhalt thou I tread | under thy | feet. 14 Becaufe he hath fet his love upon me, therefore will I de- | -liver | him : I will fet him up, becaufe | he hath | known my | Name. 15 He fhall call upon me, and | I will | hear him : yea, I am with him In trouble ; I will deliver him, and j bring | him to | honour. 16 With long life will I | fatlsfy | him : and | fhew him | my fal- | -vation. I04 Pfalm xcii. Day XVIII. Dr. p. Hayes. PSALM XCIL G. A. Macfarren. Bonum eft confiteri. TT is a good thing to give thanks | unto the | Lord : and to fing praifes unto thy | -■" I Name, | O moft I Higheft ; 2 To tell of thy loving-kindnefs early | in the j morning : and of thy truth | in the | I night- 1 -feafon ; 3 Upon an inflrument of ten ftrings, and up- | -on the | lute : upon a loud inftrument, | I and up- I -on the | harp. 4 For thou, Lord, haft made me glad | through thy [ works : and I will rejoice in giving praife for the oper- 1 -ations | of thy | hands. 5 O Lord, how glorious | are thy | works : thy | thoughts are | very | deep. 6 An unwife man doth not well con- 1 -fider | this : and a fool | doth not | under- | I -ftand it. 7 When the ungodly are green as the grafs, and when all the workers of wicked- | I -nefs do ] flourifh : then fhall they be destroyed for ever ; but thou, Lord, art the moft I Higheft for | ever- | -more. 8 For lo, thine enemies, O Lord, lo, thine ene- 1 -mies fhall | perifh : and all the workers of wicked- 1 -nefs (hall | be de- | -ftroyed. 9 But mine horn fhall be exalted like the horn of an | uni- 1 -corn : for Y am a- 1 I -nointed | with frefh | oil. 10 Mine eye alfo fhall fee his luft of mine | ene- | -mies : and mine ear fhall hear his defire of the wicked that arife | up a- | -gainft | me. 11 The righteous ftiall flourifh | like a | palm-tree : and fhall fpread abroad like a| [ cedar in | Liba- | -nus. 12 Such as are planted in the ] houfe of the | Lord : fhall flourifh in the courts of the I houfe | of our | God. 1 3 They alfo fhall bring forth more fruit | in their | age : and fhall be | fat and | I well- I -liking. 14 That they may fhew how true the Lord my | ftrength | is: and that there is no un- 1 -righteouf- 1 -nefs in ] him. Day XVIII. Pfalm xciii. xciv. 105 Cbmins ^ra^fr. I. ^IBI P/^z/w xcili. ^ g - J— J- :^^c^: No. 102. \-A- II. :^^ ! 1 -^^^=^: ii MM 122: P/i/w xciii. xciv. No. 104. 3- ^z ^ -i ^ ^Bzgj^V^ t^: T:^: zS: ! I I'l ^, ^-. -^- :^: Dr. W. Turner PSALM XCIII. Rev. T. Helmure. Dominus regnavit. ''pHE Lord is King, and hath put on glori- | -ous ap- | -parel : the Lord hath put on his apparel, and | girded him- | -felf with | ftrength. 2 He hath made the round | world fo | fure : that | — it | cannot be | moved. 3 Ever fmce the world began hath thy feat | been pre- | -pared : thou | art from | I ever- | -lafting. 4 The floods are rifen, O Lord, the floods have lift | up their | voice : the | floods lift I up their | waves. 5 The waves of the fea are mighty, and rage | horri- | -bly : but yet the Lord, who dwelleth on | high is | mighti- | -er. 6 Thy teftimonies, O Lord, are | very | fure ; holinefs be- | -ccmeth thine [ houfe for I ever. No. 103. ^^^' ^_ ... . No. 104. PSALM XCIV. Dr. W. TuRNEa. Rev T. Helmore. Deus ultionum. Q\ LORD God, to whom | vengeance be- | -longeth : thou God, to whom ven- geance be- I -longeth, | fliew thy- | -felf. 2 Arife, thou | Judge ofthe | world : and reward the proud | after | their de- 1 -ferving. 3 Lord, how long fhall | the un- | -godly : how long (hall | the un- | -godly | triumph } 4 How long fliall all wicked doers fpeak fo dif- | -dainful- | -ly : and | make fuch | I proud I boafting } K, They fmite down thy | people, O | Lord : and ! trouble thine | herit- | -age. iq6 Pfahn xciv, Day XVIII No. 103. 11. ^m S=^ES2Ed: W=l -&-r&—^- J J J.. ! Wf^ rr No. 104. -^ I PJalm xciii. xciv. 1 I I ^ 1^ - - i-c^,-i-'^-^; Dr. W. Turner. Rev. T. Helmore. 6 They murder the widowj | and the | ftranger : and put the | father- | -lefs to | death, 7 And yet they fay, Tufh, the Lord I fhall not | fee : neither fhall the | God of | I Jacob re- | -gard it. 8 Take heed, ye unwife a- | -mong the | people : O ye fools, when I will ye | under- 1 1 -ftand .? 9 He that planted the ear, fhall I he not | hear : or he that made the | eye, fhall | I he not I fee .^ 10 Or he that nurtur- | -eth the | heathen : it is he that teacheth man knowledge, | I fhall not I he | punifh ^. 1 1 The Lord knoweth the | thoughts of | man : that | — they | are but | vain. 12 BlefTed is the man whom thou chaften- | -eft, O | Lord : and | teacheft him | in thy I law ; 13 That thou mayeft give him patience in time of ad- | -verfi- | -ty : until the pit be digged | up for | the un- | -godly. 14 For the Lord will not | fail his | people : neither will he forfake | his in- | -herit- 1 I -ance ; 15 Until righteoufnefs turn again | unto 1 judgement : all fuch as are true in I heart fhall I follow 1 it. 1 6 Who will rife up with me a- | -gainft the | wicked : or who will take 'my part a- I -gainft the | evil- | -doers ? 17 If the Lord had not | helped | me : it had not failed but my foul | had been | put to I filence. 18 But when I faid. My | foot hath | flipt : thy mercy, O | Lord, | held me | up. 19 In the multitude of the forrows that I | had in my | heart : thy comforts | have re- I -frefhed my | foul. 20 Wilt thou have any thing to do with the flool of | wicked- | -nefs : which imagineth | mifchief | as a | law ^ 21 They gather them together againfl the | foul of the | righteous : and con- | -demn the I innocent | blood. 22 But the Lord | is my | refuge : and my God is the ftrength | of my | confi- 1 -dence. 23 He fhall recompenfe them their wickednefs, and deftroy them in | their own | I malice : yea, the Lord our | God | fhall de- | -ftroy them. Dav XIX. Pfalm XCV. XCVl. IC7 Monimci ^lagen 05. I- . .. No. -^ ^ PJalm xcv. XCVl. xcvii. :i."g--^- ^Sai J ' J_J.. :^: s:s=^ isz: --N 11. pfalm xcv. xcvi. xcvli. 4: No. 106. Dr. W. Crotch. PSALM XCV. Upon an ancient Theme. Venite, exultemus Domino. r\ COME, let us fing | unto the | Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the | ftrength of | I our fal- I -vation. 2 Let us come before his prefence with | thankf- | -giving : and fhew ourfelves | glad in I him with | pfalms. 3 For the Lord is a | great | God : and a great | King a- | -bove all | gods. 4 In his hand are all the corners | of the | earth: and the ftrength of the | hills is | I his I alfo. 5 The fea is his^ and | he | made it : and his hands pre- | -pared the | dry | land. 6 O come, let us worihip, and | fall | down : and kneel be- | -fore the | Lord our | I Maker. 7 For he is the | Lord our | God : and we are the people of his pafture, and the | I fheep I of his | hand. 8 To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden j not your | hearts : as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation | in the | wilder- | -nefs ; 9 When your fathers | tempted | me : proved | me, and | faw my | works. 10 Forty years long was 1 grieved with this gener- | -ation, and | faid : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they | have not | known my | ways ; 1 1 Unto whom I fware | in my | wrath : that they jfhould not | enter | into my | reft. PSALM XCVI. Cantate Domino. f\ SING unto the Lord a | new | fong : fing unto the Lord, I all the | whole ^^ I earth. 2 Sing unto the Lord, and | praife his | Name : be telling of his fal- | -vation from I day to I day. 3 Declare his honour | unto the | heathen : and his | wonders | unto all | people. 4 For the Lord is great, and cannot worthi- | -ly be | praifed : he is more to be I feared | than all | gods. io8 Pfalm xcvu. Day XIX. No. io6. Dr. W. Crotch. Upon an ancient Theme 5 As for all the gods of the heathen, they | are but | Idols : but It is the | Lord that I made the | heavens. 6 Glory and worfhip | arc be- | -fore him : power and honour are | in his I fan6lu- I -ary. 7 Afcrlbe unto the Lord, O ye kindreds | of the | people : afcrlbe unto the | Lord I worfhip and | power. 8 Afcrlbe unto the Lord the honour due | unto his | Name : bring prefents, and I come I Into his | courts. 9 O worfhip the Lord In the beauty of | holl- | -nefs : let the whole earth | ftand In I awe of I him. 10 Tell It out among the heathen that the | Lord Is | King : and that It Is he who hath made the round world fo faft that it cannot be moved ; and how that he fhall judge the | people | righteouf- | -ly. 1 1 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the | earth be | glad : let the fea make a nolfe, and I all that | therein | Is. 12 Let the field be joyful, and | all that Is | In it : then fhall all the trees of the wood re- 1 -jolce be- 1 -fore the | Lord. 13 For he cometh, for he cometh to | judge the | earth : and with righteoufnefs to judge the world, and the | people | with his | truth. PSALM XCVIL Bominus regnavit. 'T^HE Lord is King, the earth may be | glad there- | -of: yea, the multitude of the Ifles I may be | glad there- | -of. 2 Clouds and darknefs are | round a- | -bout him : righteoufnefs and judgement are the habi- | -tatlon | of his | feat. 3 There fhall go a | fire be- | -fore him : and burn up his ene- | -mies on | every | I fide. 4 His lightnings gave fhlne | unto the j world : the earth | faw It, and | was a- | -frald. 5 The hills melted like wax at the prefence | of the | Lord : at the prefence of the | I Lord of the | whole | earth. 6 The heavens have declared his | righteouf- | -nefs ; and all the | people have | feen his I glory. Day XIX PfaL m xcviii. log 7 Confounded be all they that worfhip carved images, and that de- | -light in vain | I gods : worfhip | him, | all ye | gods. 8 Sion heard of it, | and re- | -joiced : and the daughters of Judahwere glad, becaufe of thy I judgements, | O | Lord. 9 For thou. Lord, art higher than all that | are in the | earth : thou art exalted | I far a- | -bove all | gods. 10 O ye that love the Lord, fee that ye hate the | thing which is | evil : the Lord preferveth the fouls of his faints ; he fhall deliver them from the | hand | of the un- I -godly. 1 1 There is fprung up a light | for the | righteous : and joyful gladnefs for j fuch as I are true- | -hearted. 12 Rejoice in the | Lord, ye | righteous : and give thanks for a remembrance | of his I holi- I -nefs. (i^bnimg |^raKn% L /"/i/ra xcviii. xcii. c, ci. No. 107. II. siiiS •S^3= iH I I I I :^ V=± '-^^ PJalm xcviii. xcix. c. ci. No. I08. ■^^: ^^^ AJj :^i^. I I ssaa iijBSia Dr. B. Cooke. PSALM XCVIIL Dr. E, F. Rimbault. Cantate Domino, r\ SING unto the Lord a | new | fong : for | he hath done | marvellous | things. ^^^ 2 With his own right hand, and with his | holy | arm : hath he gotten him- I I -felf the I vido- | -ry. 3 The Lord declared | his fal- | -vation : his righteoufnefs hath he openly fhewed in the I fight I of the | heathen. 4 He hath remembered his mercy and truth toward the houfe of | Ifra- I -el : and all the ends of the world have feen the fal- | -vation | of our | God. 5 Shew yourfelves joyful unto the Lord, | all ye | lands : fing, re- | -joice, | and give I I thanks. 6 Praife the Lord up- | -on the | harp : fing to the harp with a | pfalm | of thankf- I I -giving. 7 With trumpets | alfo, and | fhawms : O fhew yourfelves joyful be- | -fore the | I Lord the | King. 8 Let the fea make a noife, and ail that | therein | is : the round world, and | they that I dwell there- | -in. no PfaL m xcix. c. Day XIX. No. io8. iMiii^ Dr. B. Cooke E. F. RiMBAULT. fore 9 Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills be joyful together be- | the I Lord : for he is | come to | judge the | earth. 10 With righteoufnefs fliall he | judge the | world : and the | people with | equi- T' Dominus regnavit. -patient : he fitteth between PSALM XCIX. '"pHE Lord is King, be the people never | fo im the cherubims, be the earth | never | fo un- | -quiet. 2 The Lord is | great in | Sion : and | high a- | -bove all | people. 3 They fhall give thanks | unto thy | Name : which is great, | wonder- | -ful, and I holy. 4 The king's power loveth judgement ; thou haft prepared | equi- | -ty executed judgement and | righteouf- | nefs in | Jacob. J O magnify the | Lord our | God : and fall down before his footftool, | for | he is | I holy. 6 Mofes and Aaron among his priefts, and Samuel among fuch as call up- | -on his I Name : thefe called upon the | Lord, | and he | heard them. 7 He fpake unto them out of the | cloudy | pillar : for they kept his teftimonies, and the | law | that he | gave them. 8 Thou heardeft them, O | Lord our | God : thou forgaveft them, O God, and punifh- I -edft their | own in- | -ventions. 9 O magnify the Lord our God, and worftiip him upon his | holy | hill : for the | I Lord our | God is | holy. thou haft O PSALM C. BE joyful in the Lord, Jubilate Deo. all ye | lands : ferve the Lord with gladnefs, and come before his | prefence | with a | fong. Be ye fure that the Lord | he is | God : it is he that hath made us, and not we ourfelves ; we are his people, and the | fheep | of his | pafture. O go your way into his gates with thankfgiving, and into his | courts with | praife ; be thankful unto him, and | fpeak good | of his | Name. 4 For the Lord is gracious^ from gener- | -ation to his mercy is | ever- gener- | -ation. -lafting : and his truth endureth Day XX. Pfalm ci. cii. Ill PSALM CI. Mi/ericordiam et judicium. AyTY fong fhall be of | mercy and | judgement: unto thee, O | Lord, | will 1 1 fing, 1 O let me have I under- ! -(landing : in the I way of I eodli- I -nefs. perfe6l | • I -nefs : I -itaii^iiig . Ill tii^ I way or | g 3 When wilt thou come | unto | me : I will walk in my houfe | with a I heart. 4 I will take no wicked thing in hand ; I hate the fins of un- | -faithfu there fhall | no fuch | cleave unto | me. 5 A froward heart fhall de- | -part from | me : I will not | know a | wicked | perfon. 6 Whofo privily (lander- | -eth his j neighbour : him | — will | I de- | -ftroy. 7 Whofo hath alfo a proud look and | high | ftomach : I | will not | fufFer | him. 8 Mine eyes look upon fuch as are faithful | in the | land ; that | they may | dwell with I me. 9 Whofo leadeth a | godly | life : he | — fhall | be my| fervant. 10 There fhall no deceitful perfon dwell | in my | houfe: he that telleth lies fhall not I tarry | in my | fight. 1 1 I fhall foon deftroy all the ungodly that are | in the | land : that I may root out all wicked doers from the | city | of the | Lord. Day XX. I. iSlorumg ^ragen Pfalm ci No. 109. 11. i^^ ri L^ sz^zs:^: :=]: . 1 Pfalm cii. No. 1 1 1. I I II I I I I 1 Dr. W. Crotch. PSALM CII. F. A. G.OUSELEY. Domine, exaudi. |-TEAR my | prayer, O | Lord : and let my | crying | come unto | thee. 2 Hide not thy face from me in the | time of my | trouble : incline thine ear unto me when I call ; O | hear me, and | that right | foon. 3 For my days areconfumed a- 1 -way like | fmoke : and my bones are burnt up | I as it I were a | fire-brand. 4 My heart is fmitten down, and wither- | -ed like | grafs : fo that I for- | -get to | I eat my | bread. 112 Pfalm cii. Day XX. I. i 22: ^ Pjalm cii. No. 109. II. t ==1: --g-- u I 1 ::=:5:^ zz f^ ' J_^_.:^i :l=^: 25=^ Pjalm cii. | No. III. I 1 J* 1 ^- :22: ^ s; s^ I J. J- I Dr. W. Crotch. F. A. G. OUSELEY. 1 2 Look how wide alfo the eaft is | from the | weft : fo far hath he | fet our | fins from I us. 13 Yea, like as a father pitieth his | own | children : even fo is the Lord merciful | I unto I them that | fear him. 14 For he knoweth whereof | we are | made : he remembereth | that we | are but | I duft. 15 The days of man are | but as | grafs : for he flourifheth as a | flower | of the | I field. 16 For as foon as the wind goeth over it, | it is | gone : and the place there- | -of fhall I know it no | more. 17 But the merciful goodnefs of the Lord endureth for ever and ever upon | them that I fear him : and his righteoufnefs up- | -on | children's | children ; 1 8 Even upon fuch as keep his | cove- | -nant : and think upon his com- | -mand- ments to | do | them. IQ The Lord hath prepared his | feat in | heaven : and his kingdom | ruleth | over I I all. 20 O praife the Lord, ye angels of his, ye that ex- | -eel in | ftrength : ye that fulfil his commandment, and hearken | unto the | voice of his | words. 21 O praife the Lord, all | ye his | hofts : ye fervants of | his that | do his | pleafure. 22 O fpeak good of the Lord, all ye works of his, in all places of | his do- | I -minion : praife thou the | Lord, | O my ] foul. Day XX, Pfalm CIV, 115 efbntmci ^ragei% I. ici Pp/w No. 1 13. :22: i:^q=^==1: S'-'-SMSBi-J-eS i^, BE cs::?: :=^ -^^S^Tg^ 1— r J. Travers. II. P/i/w civ. PSALM CIV. H.T. Monk. Benedic anima mea. pRAISE the Lord^ | O my | foul : O Lord my God, thou art become exceeding glorious ; thou art clothed with | majef- | -ty and | honour. 2 Thou deckeft thyfelf with light as it were | with a | garment : and fpreadeft out the I heavens | like a | curtain. 3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers ] in the | waters : and maketh the clouds his chariot, and walketh upon the | wings | of the | wind. 4 He maketh his | angels | fpirits : and his minif- | -ters a | flaming | fire. 5 He laid the foundations | of the | earth : that it never fhould | move at | any | time. 6 Thou coveredft it with the deep like as | with a | garment : the waters j ftand | in the I hills. 7 At thy re- | -buke they | flee : at the voice of thy | thunder they | are a- | -fraid. 8 They go up as high as the hills, and down to the | valleys be- | -neath : even unto the place which thou | hafl: ap- | -pointed | for them. 9 Thou haft fet them their bounds which they | fliall not | pafs : neither turn a- | I -gain to I cover the | earth. He fendeth the fprings | into the | rivers : which | run a- | -mong the | hills. All beafts of the field | drink there- | -of: and the wild | afl^es | quench their | I thirft. Befide them fliall the fowls of the air have their | habit- | -ation : and | flng a- I -mong the | branches. He watereth the hills | from a- | -bove : the earth Is filled with the | fruit | of thy I works. 14 He bringeth forth grafs | for the | cattle : and green herb | for the | fervice of | I men ; 1 5 That he may bring food out of the earth, and wine that maketh glad the | heart of I man : and oil to make him a cheerful countenance, and | bread to | ftrengthen man's I heart. 10 II 12 13 ii6 Pfalm CIV, Day XX, -s-A ip> No. 113. II. tr T=^: ::5^:*; ^S.-L_^J_ H^ig^H Dr. W.Turner. I Pjalm cv. No. 1 16. s^qi^J PSALM CV. H. S. Oakklcy. Confitemini Domino. r\ GIVE thanks unto the Lord, and call up- | -on his | Name : tell the people what I things ] he hath | done. 2 O let your fongs be of | him, and j praife him : and let your talking be of | all his | I wondrous | works. 3 Rejoice in his | holy | Name : let the heart of them re- | -joice that | feek the | Lord. 4 Seek the Lord | and his | flrength : feek | his face | ever- | -more. 5 Remember the marvellous works that | he hath | done : his wonders, and the | I judgements | of his ] mouth, 6 O ye feed of A'bra- | -ham his | fervant : ye | children of | Jacob his | chofen. 7 He is the | Lord our | God : his judgements | are in | all the | world. 8 He hath been alway mindful of his cove- | -nant and | promife : that he made to a | I thoufand | gener- ] -ations ; 9 Even the covenant that he made with | Abra- | -ham : and the oath that he | fware | I unto I Ifaac ; 10 And appointed the fame unto Jacob | for a | law: and to Ifrael for an ever- | I -lafting I tefta- | -ment ; 1 1 Saying, llnto thee will I give the j land of | Canaan : the lot of | your in- | -herit- | I -ance ; 1 2 When there were yet but a | few of | them : and they | ftrangers | in the | land ; 13 What time as they went from one nation | to an- | -other: from one kingdom | I to an- I -other | people ; ii8 Pfalm cv, Day XXI PJalm cv No. 115. igiil ^^^ :=^:gt 22: i ^ i^: :ii-'-- .^^ lisa ^ II. rdJ: P/"^/w CV. No. 116. :^i^ rrr ~4- :^W ^ :2:± I :^ -^- ^ 1 Sis Dr. W, Turner. H. S. Oakeley. 14 He fufFered no man to | do them | wrong : but reproved even | kings | for their | I fakes ; 1 5 Touch not I mine An- | -ointed : and | do my | prophets no | harm. 1 6 Moreover, he called for a dearth up- | -on the | land : and deftroyed | all the pro- I -vifion of | bread. 1 7 But he had fent a | man be- | -fore them : even Jofeph, who was fold to | be a ] ! bond- I -fervant ; 1 8 Whofe feet they hurt | in the | flocks : the iron | entered | into his | foul ; 1 9 Until the time came that his | caufe was | known : the word of the | Lord j tried | I him. 20 The king fent and de- | -livered | him : the prince of the | people | let him go | I free. 2 1 He made him lord alfo | of his | houfe : and \ ruler of | all his | fubftance ; 22 That he might inform his princes j after his | will : and | teach his | fenators | I wifdom. 23 Ifrael alfo came ( into | Egypt : and Jacob was a ftranger j in the | land of | I Ham. 24 And he increafed his people ex- | -ceeding- | -ly : and made them ftronger | than their | ene- | -mies ; 25 Whofe heart turned fo, that they | hated his | people : and dealt un- | -truly | I with his I fervants. 26 Then fent he | Mofes his | fervant : and | Aaron whom | he had | chofen. 27 And thefe fhewed his | tokens a- | -mong them : and wonders | in the | land of | Ham. 28 He fent darknefs, and | it was | dark : and they were not o- | -bedient | unto his I word. 29 He turned their waters | into | blood : and | flew | — their | fifh. 30 Their land | brought forth | frogs : yea, even | in their | kings' | chambers. 3 1 He fpake the word, and there came all | manner of | flies : and | lice in | all their | quarters. 32 He gave them hail- | -flones for [ rain : and flames of | fire | in th^ir | land. '^i^i. He fmote their vines | alfo and | fig-trees : and deflroyed the trees that | were | I in their 1 coafls. Day XXI. Pfalm cvi, 119 34 He fpake the word, and the grafshoppers came, and caterpillars in- | -numer- | I -able : and did eat up all the grafs in their land, and devoured the | fruit | of their | ground. 2S He fmote all the firft-born | in their | land: even the | chief of | all their | I ftrength. 2,6 He brought them forth alfo with | filver and | gold : there was not one feeble | I perfon a- | -mong their | tribes. 31 Egypt was glad at | their de- | -parting : for they | were a- | -fraid of | them. 3 8 He fpread out a cloud to be a | cover- | -ing : and fire to give light | in the | I night- I -feafon. 39 At their defire | he brought | quails : and he filled them | with the | bread of | I heaven. 40 He opened the rock of ftone, and the waters | flowed | out : fo that rivers ran | I in the | dry | places. 41 For why ? he remembered his | holy j promife : and | Abra- | -ham his | fervant. 42 And he brought forth his | people with | joy : and his | cho- | -fen with | I gladnefs ; 43 And gave them the lands | of the | heathen : and they took the labours of the | I people I in pof- | -feflion. 44 That they might | keep his | flatutes : and | — ob- | -ferve his | laws. Ofbmmfl ^ragm I. tt^i :s:5: -J PJalm cvl. No. 117, II. m^MM -^—^ ^- T^^"^ i-^^feg^ 1-^- n Pfalm cvi. No. 118. :gz^^: ■^r ^~'^" ^iTc^zs^: -i^- _s:i. -^ ^^I =1=^ fe :^=^- ^ i:±. i^zs:^ Dr. J. Alcock. F. A. G. OUSELEV. PSALM CVI. Confitemini Domino, t~\ GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for | he is | gracious : and his | mercy en- | -dureth V^ for ' '^"'^" ever. 2 Who can exprefs the noble ac5ls | of the | Lord : or ] fhew forth | all his | praife ? 3 BlefTed are they that | alway keep | judgement : and | do | righteouf- j -nefs. 4 Remember me, O Lord, according to the favour that thou bearefl: | unto thy | I people : O vifit [ me with | thy fal- | -vation ; I20 Pfalm cvi, Day XXI 4-J- Fjalm cvl. No. 117. II. 2^=^ ^1"^ "^ 1=1 S r^— <^ a= I . J_ ' I :^=^=^: :^" --«s^ -^ FJalm ctI. No. II .ei. .^. IP h*^S ^^m F. A.G. 0U=£LEY. Dr. J. Alcock. 5 That I may fee the felicity j of thy i chofen : and rejoice in the gladnefs of thy people, and give thanks with | thine in- | -herit- | -ance. 6 We have finned | with our | fathers : we have done amifs, | and dealt | I wicked- | -ly. 7 Our fathers regarded not thy wonders in Egypt, neither kept they thy great good- nefs i in re- | -membrance : but were difobedient at the fea, | even | at the Red | I fea. 8 Neverthelefs, he helped them for j his Name's | fake : that he might make his | I power 1 to be I known. 9 He rebuked the Red fea alfo, and it was | dried | up : fo he led them through the deep, as j through a | wilder- | -nefs. 10 And he faved them from the adver- | -faries' | hand : and delivered them from the | I hand of the | ene- | -my. 1 1 As for thofe that troubled them, the waters over- | -whelmed ] them : there | was not I one of them | left, 1 2 Then believed \ they his | words : and fang | praife | unto | him. 13 But within a while they for- | -gat his | works : and would | not a- | -bide his | I counfel. 14 But luft came upon them in the | wilder- | -nefs : and they | tempted | God in the I defert. 1 5 And he gave them ] their de- | -fire : and fent leannefs with- ' -al | into their | foul. 1 6 They angered Mofes alfo | in the | tents : and Aaron the | faint | of the | Lord. 1 7 So the earth opened, and | fwallowed up | Dathan : and covered the congre- | I -gation I of A- I -biram. 1 8 And the fire was kindled in their | compa- | -ny : the flame | burnt up ] the un- I -godly. T 9 They made a | calf in | Horeb : and worfhip- | -ped the | molten | image. 20 Thus they | turned their | glory : into the fimilitude of a | calf that | eateth | 1 1 And they forgat | God their | Saviour : who had done fo | great | things in | I Egypt; _ . , . 2 2 Wondrous works in the | land of | Ham : and fearful | things | by the Red I fea. Day XXI. Pfalm cvi. 121 23 So he faid, he would have deftroyed them, had not Mofes his chofen flood before him I in the | gap : to turn away his wrathful indignation, | left he [ fhould de- | I -ftroy them. 24 Yea, they thought fcorn of that | pleafant | land : and gave no | credence | unto his I word ; 25 But murmured | in their | tents: and hearkened not unto the | voice | of the | I Lord. 26 Then lift he up his j jhand a- | -gainft them : to overthrow them | in the | I wilder- | -nefs ; 27 To caft out their feed a- | -mong the | nations : and to | fcatter them | in the | I lands. 28 They joined themfelves unto | Baal- | -peor : and ate the | offerings | of the | dead. 29 Thus they provoked him to anger with their | own in- | -ventions : and the | I plague was | great a- | -mong them. 30 Then flood up | Phinees and | prayed : and | fo the | plague | ceafed. 31 And that was counted unto him for | righteouf- | -nefs : among all pofteri- | -ties for I ever- | -more. 32 They angered him alfo at the | waters of | flrife : fo that he punifhed | Mofes | for their | fakes ; 33 Becaufe they pro- | -voked his | fpirit: fo that he fpake unad- ] -vifedly | with his I lips. 34 Neither deflroyed | they the | heathen : as the | Lord com- | -manded | them ; "^i^^ But were mingled a- | -mong the | heathen : and | learned | their | works. 2^ Infomuch that they worfhipped their idols, which turned to their | own de- | -cay : yea, they offered their fons and their | daughters | unto | devils ; 37 And fhed innocent blood, even the blood of their fons and | of their j daughters : whom they offered unto the idols of Canaan ; and the land | was de- | -filed with | I blood. 3 8 Thus were they ftained with their | own | works : and went a whoring | with their | I own in- | -ventions. ]9 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled a- | -gainfl his | people : infomuch that he abhorred his | own in- | -herit- | -ance. ^o And he gave them over into the hand | of the | heathen : and they that hated them were | lords | over | them. 41 Their enemies op- | -preffed | them : and | had them | in fub- | -je6lion. 42 Many a time did he de- | -liver | them : but they rebelled againft him with their own inventions, and were brought down | in their | wicked- | -nefs. 43 Neverthelefs, when he faw their ad- | -verfi- | -ty : he | heard | their com- | -plaint. 44 He thought upon his covenant, and pitied them, according unto the mCdtitude I of his I mercies : yea, he made all thofe that led them away | captive to | pity 1 them. 122 Pfalm evil. Day XXIL I. ft pfalm cvi. g£3= V }:^2ir^ :=t^ No. 117 11 11. ^^ ISS- «=n P/i/jK No. 118, ■^^- :^ ^;g| :l=^: ■m-- ^. -A. ■^J^.-^ Dr. J. Alcock. F. A. G. Guseley. 45 Deliver us, O Lord our God, and gather us from a- | -mong the | heathen : that we may give thanks unto thy holy Name, and make our | boafl ] of thy | I praife. 46 Bleffed be the Lord God of Ifrael from everlafting, and | world without | end : and let all the | people | fay, A- ] -men. Day XXIL L ;^oinms iBiagen ^ ^ FJalm cvli. | 2:± No. 1 19. IL :^^ I I "^ ^ czzss: :^: ^ S^z.^ Pfalm cvii- No. 120. -I tr^- ^: si^ :^= w A4 - r^r s«^ ^ ^ ■^s=^-- I I gsa^- HH#4#^ Peter Fussell. PSALM ex. E. G. Monk. T)ixit Dominus. 'TPHE Lord faid | unto my | Lord : Sit thou on my right hand, until I make thine I ene- ] -mies thy | footftool. 1 The Lord fhall fend the rod of thy power | out of | Sion : be thou ruler, even i the midft a- | -mong thine | ene- | -mies. 128 Pfah m CXI, Day XXIII. I. . Pfalm ex. cxl. cxil. cxiil. No. 125. :^=^ -^^ -^-■^ ..d .^ P^=^^: I Pi II iiH :^^ ex. exi. exu. cxiii. No. 126. II issiiSa Peter Fussell. E. G. Monk. 3 In the day of thy power fhall the people offer thee free-will-offerings with an | I holy I worfhip : the dew of thy birth is of the | womb | of the | morning. 4 The Lord fware, and will | not re- | -pent : Thou art a Prieft for ever after the order | of Mel- | -chife- | -dech. 5 The Lord upon | thy right | hand ; fhall wound even kings in the | day | of his | I wrath. 6 He fhall judge among the heathen ; he fhall fill the places with the | dead | bodies : and fmite in funder the heads | over | divers | countries. 7 He fhall drink of the brook | in the | way : therefore fhall | he lift | up his | I head. PSALM CXL Confitebor tibi. T WILL give thanks unto the Lord with my | whole | heart : fecretly among the faithful, and | in the | congre- | -gation. 2 The works of the | Lord are | great : fought out of all them | that have | pleafure there- | -in. 3 His work is worthy to be praifed, and | had in | honour : and his righteouf- | I -nefs en- | -dureth for | ever. 4 The merciful and gracious Lord hath fo done his | marvellous | works : that they ought to be I had | in re- | -membrance. 5 He hath given meat unto | them that | fear him : he fhall ever be mindful | of his I cove- | -nant. 6 He hath fhewed his people the power | of his | works : that he may give them the I heritage | of the | heathen. 7 The works of his hands are veri- | -ty and | judgement : all his com- | -mand- | I -ments are | true. 8 They fland faft for | ever and | ever : and are done in | truth and ] equi- | -ty. 9 He fent redemption | unto his | people : he hath commanded his covenant for ever : holy and | reverend | is his [ Name. I o The fear of the Lord is the be- | -ginning 0^ \ wifdom ; a good underflanding have all they that do thereafter ; the praife of | it en- | -dureth for ] ever. Day XXIII. Pfalm cxii. cxiii. 129 PSALM CXII. Beatus vir, "DLESSED is the man that | feareth the | Lord : he hath great de- | -light in | his com- I -mandments. 2 His feed fhall be mighty up- | -on j earth : the generation of the | faithful | fhall be I blefled. 3 Riches and plenteoufnefs fhall be | in his | houfe : and his righteouf- | -nefs en- | -dureth for | ever. 4 Unto the godly there arifeth up light | in the | darknefs : he is | merciful, | loving, and I righteous. 5 A good man is merci- | -ful, and | lendeth : and will guide his | words | with dif- I -cretion. 6 For he fhall | never be | moved : and the righteous fhall be had in ever- | -lafl- I I -ing re- | -membrance. 7 He will not be afraid of any | evil | tidings : for his heart flandeth fafl, and be- I -lieveth | in the | Lord. 8 His heart is eflablifhed, and | will not | fhrink : until he fee his defire up- | -on his I ene- | -mies. 9 He hath difperfed abroad, and given | to the | poor : and his righteoufnefs re- maineth for ever ; his horn fhall | be ex- | -alted with | honour. I o The ungodly fhall fee it, and | it fhall | grieve him : he fhall gnafh with his teeth, and confume away ; the defire of | the un- | -godly fhall | perifh. PSALM CXIII. Laudate, puerL pRA'ISE the I Lord, ye | fervants : O praife the | Name | of the | Lord. 2 BlefTed be the Name | of the | Lord : from this time | forth for | ever- | -more. 3 The Lord's | Name is | praifed : from the rifing up of the fun unto the | going | I down of the | fame. 4 The Lord is high a- | -bove all | heathen : and his | glory a- | -bove the | heavens. 5 Who is like unto the Lord our God, that hath his | dwelling fo | high : and yet humbleth himfelf to behold the things that [ are in | heaven and | earth ? 6 He taketh up the fimple | out of the | dufl : and lifteth the ( poor | out of the | I mire ; 7 That he may fet him | with the | princes : even with the | princes | of his | people. 8 He maketh the barren woman to | keep | houfe : and to be a | joyful | mother of | I children. 130 Pfalm cxiv. cxv. Day XXIII, (S^btmng ^rager. PJalm No. 127. fjaim cx.iv. CXV. . I No. 128. m-- -^- ^Sh fill 1. I -COS" Dr. W. Hayes. G. A. Macfarren. PSALM CXIV. AXT'HEN Ifrael came | out of | the I ftrange | people, 2 Judah was his | fandlu- | -ary : 3 The Tea faw | that, and | fled : 4 The mountains | fkipped like Egypt : In exitu Ifrael. and the houfe of Jacob from a- | -mong and I Ifrael | his do- | -minion. Jor- I -dan was | driven | back, rams : and the little I hills I like young | fheep. 5 What aileth thee, O thou fea [ that thou | fleddeft : and thou Jordan, that | thou waft I driven | back } 6 Ye mountains, that ye | Ikipped like | rams : and ye little | hills, | like young | 1 fheep ^ 7 Tremble, thou earth, at the prefence | of the | Lord : at the prefence | of the | God of I Jacob ; 8 Who turned the hard rock into a | ftanding | water : and the flint-ftone | into a | I fpringing | well. PSALM CXV. Non nobis, Domine. "^OT unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name | give the | praife : for thy loving mercy, and | for thy | truth's | fake. 2 Wherefore fliall the | heathen | fay : Where | — is | now their | God } 3 As for our God, | he is in | heaven : he hath done whatfo- | -ever | pleafed j him. 4 Their idols are | filver and | gold : even the | work of | men's | hands. 5 They have | mouths, and | fpeak not : eyes | — have | they, and | fee not. 6 They have | ears, and | hear not : nofes | have | they, and | fmell not. 7 They have hands, and handle not ; feet have | they, and | walk not : neither | fpeak they I through their | throat. 8 They that make them are like | unto | them : and fo are all fuch as | put their | I truft in I them. 9 But thou, houfe of Ifrael, truft | thou in the | Lord : he is their | fuccour | and de- I -fence. Day XXIV. Pfalm cxvi. ^31 10 Ye houfe of Aaron, put your truft | In the | Lord : he Is their | helper | and de- | I -fender. 1 1 Ye that fear the Lord, put your truft | In the | Lord : he Is their | helper | and de- I -fender. The Lord hath been mindful of us, and | he fhall | blefs us : even he fhall blefs the houfe of Ifrael, he fhall | blefs the | houfe of | Aaron. He fhall blefs them that | fear the | Lord : both | fmall | — and | great. ^ The Lord fhall Increafe you | more and | more : you | — | and your | children. Ye are the blefTed | of the | Lord : who | made | heaven and | earth. All the whole heavens | are the | Lord's : the earth hath he given [ to the ] I children of | men. The dead praife not | thee, O | Lord : neither all they that go | down | into | filence. But we will j praife the | Lord : from this time forth for evermore. | Praife | — the I Lord. 12 13 14 16 17 18 Day XXIV. iilonimj3[ ^rasfr* pfalm cxvi# No. 129. II. Pfalm cx\\. cxvii. cxviii. No. 131. AA £^i II 11 -s:5- :zi 3::^ Henry Purcell. PSALM CXVI. F. A. G. OUSELEY. Dilexiy quoniam, I AM well I pleafed : that the Lord hath heard the | voice [ of my | prayer ; ^ 2 That he hath Inclined his ear | unto | me : therefore will I call upon him as | I long I as I I live. The fnares of death compafTed me | round a- | -bout : and the pains of | hell gat | I hold up- I -on me. I fhall find trouble and heavlnefs, and I will call upon the Name | of the | Lord : Lord, I befeech | thee, de- | -liver my | foul. Gracious is the | Lord, and | righteous : yea, our | God Is | merci- ] -ful. The Lord pre- | -ferveth the | fimple : I was In mifery, | and he | helped me. Turn again then unto thy refl, | O my | foul : for the Lord | hath re- -warded | 1 thee. 132 Pfalm cxvu, Day XXIV. I. ^ Pjalm cxvi. No. 129. ^ ■^:t 2:2: ssn Pjalm cxvi. cxvii. cxvii 1221 No. 131. 1'^. J I n=^ h!=tor-T^-i?«^T^ ^g^ Z2: m :c^^ Henry Purcell. F. A. G, OUSELEY. 8 And why ? thou haft delivered my | foul from | death : mine eyes from tears, | and my I feet from | falHng. 9 I will walk be- | -fore the | Lord : in the | land | of the | living. 10 I believed, and therefore will I fpeak ; but Y was | fore | troubled : I faid In my hafte I All | men are | liars. 1 1 What reward fhall I give | unto the | Lord : for all the benefits that he hath | I done I unto | me ? 1 2 I will receive the | cup of fal- | -vation : and call upon the | Name ] of the | I Lord. 1 3 I will pay my vows now in the prefence of | all his | people : right dear in the fight of the Lord is the | death | of his | faints. 14 Behold, O Lord, how that | I am thy | fervant : I am thy fervant, and the fon of thine handmaid ; thou haft | broken my | bonds in | funder. 1 5 I will offer to thee the facrifice of | thankf- | -giving : and will call upon the | I Name | of the | Lord. 1 6 I will pay my vows unto the Lord, in the fight of | all his | people : in the courts of the Lord's houfe, even in the midft of thee, O Jerufalem. | Praife | — the | I Lord, II. X Pfalm cxvi. cxvii. cxviii. JNO. 13^* rS'-r-^-r-n t— I- •^-^--^ 1-t ! I ^? -^- i:^^=r^ 3: ±^^. M-- ^-P :s^ PSALM CXVII. F. A. G. OuSELEY. Laudate Dominum, /^ PRAISE the Lord, | all ye | heathen : praife | him, ] all ye | nations. ^^ 2 For his merciful kindnefs is ever more and | more to- | -wards us: and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. 1 Praife I — the I Lord. Day XXIV. Pfalm cxviii. 133 PSALM CXVIII. Confitemini Domino, r\ GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for | he is | gracious : becaufe his | mercy en- | I dureth for | ever. I Let Ifrael now confefs, that | he is | gracious : and that his | mercy en- | -dureth for I ever. 3 Let the houfe of Aaron | now con- | -fefs : that his | mercy en- | -dureth for ever. 4 Yea, let them now that fear the | Lord con- | -fefs : that his | mercy en- | -dureth for I ever. 5 I called upon the | Lord in | trouble : and the Lord | heard | me at | large. 6 The Lord is | on my | fide : I will not fear what | man doeth | unto | me. 7 The Lord taketh my part with | them that | help me : therefore fhall I fee my defire up- | -on mine | ene- | -mies. 8 It is better to truft | in the | Lord : than to put any | confi- | -dence in | man. 9 It is better to truft | in the | Lord : than to put any | confi- | -dence in | princes. 10 All nations compafTed me | round a- | -bout: but in the Name of the | Lord will I I de- I -ftroy them. I I They kept me in on every fide, they kept me in, I fay, on | every | fide : but in the Name of the | Lord will | I de- | -ftroy them. 1 2 They came about me like bees, and are extindl even as the fire a- | -mong the | I thorns : for in the Name of the | Lord I | will de- | -ftroy them. 13 Thou haft thruft fore at me, that | I might | fall : but the | Lord | was my | help. 14 The Lord is my ftrength, | and my | fong : and is be- | -come | my fal- | -vation. 1 5 The voice of joy and health is in the dwellings | of the | righteous : the right hand of the Lord bringeth | mighty ] things to | pafs. 16 The right hand of the Lord hath the pre- | -emi- | -nence : the right hand of the Lord bringeth | mighty | things to | pafs. 17 I fhall not I die, but | live : and declare the | works | of the | Lord. 1 8 The Lord hath chaftened and cor- | -redted | me : but he hath not given me | I over I unto [ death. 1 9 Open me the gates of | righteouf- | -nefs : that I may go Into them, and give | I thanks | unto the | Lord. 20 This is the gate | of the | Lord : the righteous fhall | enter | into | it. 2 1 I will thank thee, for | thou haft | heard me : and art be- 1 -come | my fal- I -vation. 22 The fame ftone which the | builders re- | -fufed : is become the | head-ftone | in the I corner. 23 This is the | Lord's | doing : and it is | marvellous | in our | eyes. 24 This is the day which the | Lord hath | made : we will rejoice | and be I glad in I it. 25 Help me j now, O ] Lord: O Lord, fend us | now prof- | -peri- | -ty. 26 Blefted be he that cometh in the | Name of the | Lord : we have wifhed you good luck, ye thit are of the | houfe | of the | Lord. 134 Pfalm cxix, Day XXIV, 1. Pfalm cxvii. cxviii. H— 4- No. 130. II. ■j^. szitezzp :s:^-^ :c^--^to I I ■,- I I I I ^n^: s^n^: i -1 ^■ Dr. p. Hayes. :±: Pfalm cxix. to v. 32. No. 133, -^A ^ - ^S^ s: -2± V\ ^wi: I I .1 "^ :ss: m^WM nif: ^: U=L ^1 PSALM CXIX. I — r Dr.T. A. Walmisley. Beati immaculati. "D LESSED are thofe that are undefiled | in the | way : and walk in the | law | of ^ the I Lord. 2 Blefled are they that keep his | tefti- | -monies : and feek him | with their | whole | I heart. 3 For they who do no | wicked- | -nefs : walk | — in | his | ways. 4 Thou I — haft | charged : that we fhould diligently | keep | thy com- | -mandments. 5 O that my ways were made | fo di- | -reft : that | I might | keep thy | ftatutes ! 6 So {hall I not | be con- | -founded : while I have refpedl unto | all | thy com- | I -mandments. 7 I will thank thee with an un- ) -feigned | heart : when I fhall have learned the judgements | of thy | righteouf- | -nefs. 8 I will keep thy | cere- | -monies : O forfake me | not | utter- | -ly. Day XXIV. Pfalm cx\x, 135 In quo corriget ! ^IXTHEREWITHAL fhall a young man | cleanfe his | way : even by ruling himfelf | after | thy | word. 10 With my whole heart | have I | fought thee : O let me not go wrong | out of | I thy com- | -mandments. 1 1 Thy words have I hid with- 1 -in my | heart : that I | fhould not| fin a- | -gainft thee. 1 2 BlefT^d art | thou, O | Lord : O | teach | me thy | ftatutes. 13 With my lips have | I been | telling: of all the | judgements | of thy | mouth. 14 I have had as great delight in the way of thy | tefti- | -monies : as | in all | manner of I riches. 1 5 I will talk of I thy com- | -mandments : and have re- | -fpec5t | unto thy | ways. 1 6 My delight fhall be | in thy | ftatutes : and Y will | not for- | -get thy | word. Retrihue Jervo tuo. r\ DO well I unto thy | fervant : that P may | live, and | keep thy | word. ^^^ 18 O'pen I thou mine | eyes : that I may fee the wondrous | things | of thy | law. 19 I am a ftranger up- | -on | earth : O hide not | thy com- | -mandments | from me. 20 My foul breaketh out for the very | fervent de- | -fire : that it hath | alway | I unto thy | judgements. 21 Thou haft re- | -buked the | proud : and curfed are they that do | err from | thy com- I -mandments. 22 O turn from me ftiame | and re- | -buke : for Y have | kept thy | tefti- | -monies. 23 Princes alfo did fit and | fpeak a- | -gainft me : but thy fervant is | occupied | In thy I ftatutes. 24 For thy teftimonies are | my de- | -light : and | — my | counfel- | -lors. Adhcefit pavimento. AyTY foul cleaveth I to the | duft : O quicken thou me, ac- | -cording | to thy | ^^^ I word. 26 I have acknowledged my ways, and thou | heardeft | me : O | teach | me thy | I ftatutes. 27 Make me to underftand the way of | thy com- | -mandments : and fo ftiall I talk I of thy | wondrous | works. 28 My foul melteth away for very | heavi- | -nefs : comfort thou me ac- | -cording | I unto thy | word. 29 Take from me the | way of | lying: and caufe thou me to make | much | of thy I law. 30 I have chofen the | way of | truth : and thy judgements | have 1 1 laid be- | -fore me. 31 I have ftuck unto thy | tefti- ] -monies : O | Lord, con- | -found me | not. 32 I will run the way of | thy com- | -mandments : when thou haft fet my | heart at I liber- I -ty. 136 Pfalm CXIX, Day XXV, iMornmg ^lagen -4. '&-.m^ s^ Pfalm cx\x. V. 33 to 72. I — L 9 s; s i^:^: :s:^=^ No. 134. A — ^-. I J ^_ A J. jzL -^ m. ^- s^: -^?- t=t :^ P/2:/»2 cxix. 1/. 33 to 72. No. 135* ^Sl From W. P.ussell. Legem pone. G. A. Macfarren. 'T^EACH me, O Lord, the | way of thy | ftatutes : and Y fhall | keep it | unto '*' the I end. 34 Give me underftanding, and Y fhall | keep thy | law : yea, I fhall keep it | with my I whole | heart. 35 Make me to go in the path of | thy com- | -mandments : for there- | -in is | my de- I -fire. 2^6 Incline my heart unto thy I tefli- | -monies : and | not to | covetouf- | -nefs. 37 O turn away mine eyes, left they behold | vani- | -ty : and quicken thou | me | I in thy | way. 38 O ftablifh thy word | in thy | fervant : that | I may | fear | thee. 39 Take away the rebuke that | I am a- | -fraid of: for thy [judgements | are | good. 40 Behold, my delight is in | thy com- | -mandments : O quicken me | in thy | I righteouf- | -nefs. Et veniat Juper me, T ET thy loving mercy come alfo unto | me, O | Lord : even thy falvation, ac- | I -cording | unto thy | word. 42 So fhall I make anfwer unto | my blaf- | -phemers : for my | truft is | in thy | I word. 43 O take not the word of thy truth utterly j out of my | mouth : for my | hope is I in thy | judgements. 44 So fhall I alway | keep thy | law : yea, | — for | ever and | ever. 45 And I will walk at | liber- | -ty : for I | feek | thy com- | -mandments. 46 I will fpeak of thy teftimonies alfo, even be- | -fore | kings : and | will not [ be a- I -fhamed. 47 And my delight fhall be in | thy com- I -mandments : which I 1 1 — have | loved. 46 My hands alfo will I lift up unto thy commandments, which | I have | loved : and my ftudy | fhall be | in thy | ftatutes. Day XXIV. Pfalm cxix. 137 Memor efto Jervi tui, C\ THINK upon thy fervant, as con- ] -cerning thy | word : wherein thou haft caufed | me to | put my | truft. 50 The fame is my comfort | in my | trouble : for thy | word hath | quickened | me. 5 1 The proud have had me exceedingly | in de- | -rifion : yet have I not | (hrinked ) I from thy | law. 52 For I remembered thine everlafting judge- | -ments, O | Lord: and | — re- | I -ceived | comfort. c^i^ I am horri- | -bly a- | -fraid : for the ungodly | that for- | -fake thy | law. 54 Thy ftatutes have | been my | fongs : in the houfe | of my | pilgrim- | -age. c^c^ I have thought upon thy Name, O Lord, in the | night- | -feafon : and | — have | I kept thy | law. 56 This I — I ] had : becaufe I | kept | thy com- | -mandments. Portio mea, Domine. 'T^HOU art my | portion, O | Lord : I have promif- | -ed to | keep thy | law. 58 I made my humble petition in thy prefence with my | whole ) heart : O be merciful unto me ac- | -cording | to thy | word. 59 I called mine own ways | to re- | -membrance : and turned my feet | unto thy | I tefti- I -monies. 60 I made hafte, and prolonged | not the | time : to | keep | thy com- | -mandments. 6 1 The congregations of the ungodly have | robbed | me : but T have | not for- | I -gotten thy | law. 62 At midnight I will rife to give thanks | unto | thee : becaufe | of thy | righteous | I judgements. 62 I am a companion of all | them that | fear thee : and | keep | thy com- | I -mandments. 64 The earth, O Lord, is | full of thy | mercy : O j teach | me thy | ftatutes. Bonitatem fecifii. r\ LORD, thou haft dealt gracioufly | with thy | fervant : ac- | -cording | unto thy | I word. 66 O learn me true under- | ftanding and | knowledge : for I have be- | -lieved | I thy com- | -mandments. 67 Before I was troubled, | I went | wrong : but now | have I | kept thy | word. 68 Thou art | good and j gracious : O | teach | me thy | ftatutes. 69 The proud have imagined a | lie a- | -gainft me : but I will keep thy command- ments I with my | whole | heart. 70 Their heart is as j fat as | brawn : but my delight hath | been | in thy | law. 71 It is good for me that Y have | been in | trouble : that | I may | learn thy | ftatutes. 72 The law of thy mouth is dearer | unto | me : than | thoufands of | gold and ] filver. 138 Pfalm cxix. Day XXV. IGHTEOUS art ] thou, O j Lord : and | true | is thy | judgement. 138 The teftimonies that thou | haft com- | -manded : are ex- | -ceeding | I righteous and | true. 139 My zeal hath even con- | -fumed | me : becaufe mine enemies | have for- | -gotten thy I words. 1 40 Thy word is tried to the [ utter- | -moft : and thy | fervant | loveth | it. [41 I am fmall, and of no ] repu- | -tation : yet do I not for- | -get | thy com- | I -mandments. 142 Pfalm cxix. XXVI . Pfalm cx\x.,v 10510144.. No. 138. 11. ^ I I ^f LILIJ ■^ I "^,^ ^ gf^^ii tzz J Pfalm cxix., t/. 105 to 144. No. 139. :^=^ I I Ci-J^i£;:^__s^_ -' J. HiNDLE. ^&:^^ll^irsil F. A.G. 0U = ELEY. T42 Thy rlghteoufnefs Is an everlafting | righteouf- | -nefs ; and thy | law | is the I truth. 143 Trouble and heavinefs have taken | hold up- | -on me : yet is my de- 1 -light in I thy com- | -mandments. 144 The righteoufnefs of thy teftimonies is | ever- | -lafting : O grant me under- I -(landing, and | I ihall | live. OPbmmfl ^raKtr* e ^:- pfalm cxix., v. r45 to end i-^— n— r-4-J. No. 140. II. iS ^-- I ! ig= ZS2: ^feia 122: 22; =^ SSI Pp/« cxix., V. 145 to end. ■-4— l-r^n r-^-^- i ^#g B No. :=^=^ 53 :^ I I eg?ai$ j:2. ..^ -^-.^ .^=2. :^: Dr. T. S. Dupuis. Clamavi in toto corde meo. 1— t ;^S= E. G. Monk. T CALL with my | whole | heart : hear me, O Lord, | I will | keep thy | ftatutes. 146 Yea, even unto thee | do I | call : help me, and Y fhall | keep thy | tefti- | I -monies. 147 Early in the morning do I cry | unto | thee : for in | thy word | is my | truft. 148 Mine eyes prevent the | night- | -watches : that I might be | occupied | in thy | I words. 149 Hear my voice, O Lord, according unto thy | loving- | -kindnefs : quicken me, ac- I -cording as | thou art | wont. 150 They draw nigh that of malice | perfecute ] me : and are | far | from thy | law. 151 Be thou nigh at | hand, O | Lord : for all | thy com- | -mandments are | true. 152 As concerning thy teftimonies, I have | known long | fince : that thou haft I I grounded | them for ] ever. Day XXVI. Pfalm cxix. 143 Vide humilitatem, r\ CONSIDER mine adverfity, and de- | -liver | me : for T do | not for- | -get ^^ thy I law. 154 Avenge thou my caufe, and de- 1 -liver | me : quicken me, ac- | -cording | to thy I word. 155 Health is far from | the un- | -godly : for they re- | -gard | not thy | ftatutes. 156 Great is thy | mercy, O | Lord : quicken | me, as | thou art | wont. 157 Many there are that trouble me, and | perfecute | me : yet do I not fwerve | I from thy [ tefli- | -monies. 158 It grieveth me when I | fee the tranf- | -greflbrs : becaufe j they keep | not thy | I law. 159 Confider, O Lord, how I love | thy com- | -mandments : O quicken me, ac- cording I to thy I loving- | -kindnefs. 160 Thy word is true from | ever- | -lafting : all the judgements of thy righteouf- nefs en- | -dure for | ever- | -more. Principes perfecuti funt. pRINCES have perfecuted me with- | -out a | caufe : but my heart ftandeth in | I awe I of thy | word. 162 I am as glad | of thy | word: as one that | findeth | great | fpoils. 1 62 As for lies, I hate | and ab- | -hor them : but | thy law | do 1 | love. 164 Seven times a day | do I | praife thee : becaufe | of thy | righteous | judgements. 165 Great is the peace that they have who | love thy | law : and they are | not of- | I -fended | at it. 166 Lord, I have looked for thy | faving | health: and done ] after | thy com- | I -mandments. 167 My foul hath kept thy | tefti- | -monies : and loved | them ex- | -ceeding- |-ly. 168 I have kept thy commandments and | tefti- | -monies: for all my | ways | are be- I -fore thee. Appropinquet deprecatio, T ET my complaint come before | thee, O | Lord : give me underftanding, ac- | 1 -cording | to thy | word. 170 Let my fupplication | come be- | -fore thee : deliver me, ac- 1 -cording | to thy | I word. 171 My Hps fhall fpeak | of thy j praife : when thou haft | taught | me thy | ftatutes. 172 Yea, my tongue fhall fing | of thy | word : for all thy com- | -mand- | -ments are | righteous. 1 73 Let thine | hand | help me : for T have | chofen | thy com- |. mandments. 144 Pfalm cxix, Day XXVII. I. PJalm cxlx., v. 145 to end. No. I 4O. 11. 221 ^ Szsz^gg: :s^ I I "^ ^ 1^ 22 i I I :^ a P/^/w cxix., 'V. 145 to end. JN O. I4I. i g'-^'-rn 2^:z^ I I -CT- :^zt^: n^r ' I I Dr. T. S. Dupuis. 1 I ^ ^— E.G. Monk. 174 I have longed for thy faving | healthy O | Lord: and in thy | law is | my de- I -light. 175 O let my foul live, and | it fhall | praife thee : and thy | judge- | -ments fhall [ I help me. 176 I have gone aft ray like a fheep | that is | loft : O feek thy fervant, for 1 do not for- I -get I thy com- | -mandments. Day XXVII. ifflnntuifl ^lagm I f r=^ No. 142. Pjalm cxx. cxxi. cxxii. cxxiii. cxxlv. cxxv. II. ^^^: I I 3=3:— I ^q= I I I .1 J J 22: 5=5=^: 4=± ssz::^: I From Dr Dupuis. Pfalm cxx. cxxi No. 143. pw^^^P I I m^ J--^ :^„-U^ :^ tzH: I I ---«s.- ^1 ^>?r^;^r-^- _-^-f?z^-i* ^_-^z I" r Dr. T. S. Uupuis. I ■ . -1 -- Dr. T. a. Walmisley. 1 1 The Lord hath made a faithful oath | unto | David : and he | fhall not | fhrink from I it. 1 1 Of the fruit ] of thy | body : fhall I | fet up- | -on thy | feat. 13 If thy children will keep my covenant, and my teftimonies that | I fhall | learn them : their children alfo fhall fit upon thy | feat for | ever- | -more. 14 For the Lord hath chofen Sion to be an habitation ] for him- | -felf : he | — hath | I longed I for her. 1 5 This Ihall be my | reft for | ever : here will I dwell, for I | have a de- | -light there- 1 -in. 16 I will blefs her | vidluals with | increafe : and will fatif- | -fy her | poor with | I bread. 17 I will deck her ] priefts with | health : and her faints | fhall re- | -joice and | fmg. 1 8 There fhall I make the horn of | David to | flourifh : I have ordained a | lantern for I mine A- | -nointed. 1 9 As for his enemies, I fhall clothe | them with | fhame : but upon himfelf | fhall his I crown 1 flourifh. I. Pfalm cxxxiii. cxxxiv. cxxxv, No. 150. \-=\- ^=^ ^=^ .„—. ^m PSALM CXXXIII. 1,1, ^ — -*'- ^ II. No. 151. Pfalm cxxxii. cxxxiii. cxxxiv. cxxxv. U r :=§z^=:z^: I . 1' ! II C. King. Dr. T. a. Walmisley. Ecce^ quam bonum ! T>EHOLD, how good and joyful a | thing it ] is : brethren, to dwell to- | -gether in I uni- | -ty ! 2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down | unto the | beard : even unto Aaron's beard, and went down to the | fkirts | of his | clothing, 3 Like as the | dew of | Hermon : which fell up- | -on the | hill of | Sion. 4 For there the Lord promif- | -ed his | blefting : and | life for | ever- j -more. Day XXVIII. Pfalm cxxxiv. cxxxv^. 15] PSALM CXXXIV. Ecce nunc, "D EHOLD now, | praife the | Lord : all ye | fervants | of the | Lord ; ''^ 2 Ye that by night ftand in the houfe | of the | Lord : even in the courts ot the I houfe | of our | God. 3 Lift up your hands in the | fandu- | -ary : and | praife | — the | Lord. 4 The Lord that made | heaven and | earth : give thee [ bleffing | out of | Sion. PSALM CXXXV. Laudate Nomen, r\ PRAISE the Lord, laud ye the Name | of the | Lord : praife it, O' ye | fervants | ^^ I of the I Lord ; 2 Ye that ftand in the houfe ' of the | Lord : in the courts of the | houfe | of our | God. 3 O praife the Lord, for the | Lord is | gracious : O ling praifes unto his | Name, for | I it is I lovely. 4 For why ? the Lord hath chofen Jacob | unto him- | -felf : and Ifrael | for his | own pof- I -fefTion. 5 For I know that the | Lord is | great : and that our Lord | is a- 1 -bove all | gods. 6 Whatfoever the Lord pleafed, that did he in heaven, '! and in | earth : and in the fea, I and in | all deep | places. 7 He bringeth forth the clouds from the ends | of the | world : and fendeth forth lightnings with the rain, bringing the | winds | out of his \ treafures. 8 He fmote the | firft-born of | Egypt : both | — of | man and | beaft. 9 He hath fent tokens and wonders into the midft of thee, O thou | land of | Egypt : upon Pharaoh | and | all his | fervants. 10 He fmote | divers | nations : and | flew | mighty | kings ; 1 1 Sehon king of the Amorites, and O'g the | king of | Bafan : and | all the | kingdoms of I Canaan ; 1 2 And gave their land to be an | herit- | -age : even an heritage unto | Ifra- | -el his | I people. 1 3 Thy Name, O Lord, en- | -dureth for | ever : fo doth thy memorial, O Lord, from one gener- | -ation | to an- | -other. 14 For the Lord will a- | -venge his | people : and be | gracious | unto his | fervants. 1 5 As for the images of the heathen, they are but | filver and | gold : the | work of | I men's | hands. 1 6 They have | mouths, and | fpeak not : eyes | have they, | but they | fee not. 1 7 They have ears, and | yet they | hear not : neither is there any | breath | in their | I mouths. 1 8 They that make them are like ] unto | them [ : and fo are all they that | put their | I truft in I them. 1 9 Praife the Lord, ye houfe of | Ifra- 1 -el : praife the | Lord, ye | houfe of | Aaron. 20 Praife the Lord, ye | houfe of j Levi : ye that fear the | Lord, | praife the | Lord. 2 1 Praifed be the Lord I out of 1 Sion : who dwelleth | at Je- I -rufa- I -lem. 152 Pfalm CXXXVl. Day XXVIII, I. (0beums i^ragen No. 152. No. 154. PJalm cxxxvi. H 1 "^i :^^, t=1: 1 ' 1 i^s: :^- II 11 T. PURCELL. PSALM CXXXVI. J. TURLE. Confitemini. /^ GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for | he Is | gracious : and his | mercy en- | -dureth ^^^ for I ever. I O give thanks unto the God | of all | gods : for his | mercy en- 1 -dureth for ] ever. 3 O thank the Lord | of all | lords : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for | ever. 4 Who only | doeth great | wonders : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for | ever. 5 Who by his excellent wifdom | made the | heavens : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for I ever. 6 Who laid out the earth a- | -bove the j waters : for his | mercy en- [ -dureth for | I ever. 7 Who hath | made great | lights : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for j ever. 8 The fun to | rule the | day : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for | ever. 9 The moon and the ftars to | govern the | night : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for | I ever. 10 Who fmote Egypt | with their | firft-born : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for | ever; I I And brought out Ifrael | from a- | -mong them : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for I ever. 1 2 With a mighty hand, and j ftretched-out | arm : for his | mercy en- 1 -dureth for | I ever. 13 Who divided the Red Sea | in two j parts : for his [ mercy en- | -dureth for | ever. 14 And made Ifrael to go through the | midfl of | it : for his | mercy en- 1 -dureth for I ever. 15 But as for Pharoah and his hoft, he overthrew them in the | Red | Sea : for his ] ! mercy en- | -dureth for | ever. 16 Who led his people through the | wilder- | -nefs : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for I ever. 17 Who I fmote great | kings : for his I mercy en- | -dureth for | ever. * Borh fides of the Choir are rec^ueiled to fing the words, "For his mercy endureth for evei." Day XXVIII. Pfalm cxxxvii, 153 18 Yea, and flew | mighty | kings : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for | ever ; T 9 Sehon king of the | Amor- | -ites : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for \ ever ,' 20 And O'g the | king of | Bafan : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for | ever ; ■2 1 And gave away their land for an | herit- | -age : for his | mercy en- | -dureth for I ever. 22 Even for an heritage unto Ifra- | -el his | fervant : for I ever. Who remembered us when we | were in | trouble : for I ever ; And hath delivered us from our | ene- | -mies : for I ever. flefh : for his | mercy en- God of I heaven : for his 23 24 for his I mercy en- | -dureth for his I mercy en- | -dureth his I mercv en- I -dureth for I 25 Who giveth food | to all 26 O give thanks unto the I ever. 27 O give thanks unto the I. Pjalm cxxxvii. ■dureth for mercy en- ever ; -dureth for en- I -dureth for I ever. T. PURCELL. J.TURLE. PSALM CXXXVII. Super flumina. T> Y the waters of Babylon we fat | down and | wept : when we re- | -membered | ^ I thee, O I Sion. As for our harps, we | hanged them | up : upon the | trees that | are there- | -in. For they that led us away captive required of us then a fong, and melody, in our I heavi- | -nefs : Sing us | one of the | fongs of | Sion. How fhall we fing the | Lord's | fong : in | — a | ftrange | land P If I forget thee, O' Je- | -rufa- | -lem : let my right | hand for- | -get her | I cunning. 6 If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof | of my | mouth : yea, if I prefer not Je- | -rufalem | in my | mirth. 7 Remember the children of Edom, O Lord, in the day of Je- | -rufa- | -lem : how they faid, Down with it, down with it, | even | to the | ground. 8 O daughter of Babylon, wafted with | mife- | -ry : yea, happy fhall he be that rewardeth thee, as | thou haft | ferved | us. 9 Bleffed ftiall he be that | taketh thy | children : and throweth them a- | -gainft the I ftones. 154 Pfalm cxxxviii. Day XXVIII, V V Pfalm cxxxv 1 No. 152. r^^ 1 P^^ IJ____L^~4_,^^. "^"^r^ tt ■g"<3Ts: 1- T. PURCELL. II. „, , . * * * ... No. 154. rjalm cxxxvi. '^ * ='' cxxxvm. -^ ' . 2 Trebles. | . S: A^- j^ I "T [d; :s-z^: L=l PSALM CXXXVIII. ' J. TURLE. Confitebor tibi. WILL give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my | whole | heart : even before the gods will I fing I praife | unto | thee. I will worfhip toward thy holy temple, and praife thy Name, becaufe of thy loving- 1 kindnefs and | truth : for thou haft magnified thy Name, and thy | Word a- I -bove all | things. When I called upon thee, thou | heardeft | me : and enduedft my | foul with | much | I ftrength. All the kings of the earth fhall praife [ thee, O | Lord : for they have heard the | I words I of thy | mouth. Yea, they fhall fing in the ways J of the [ Lord : that great is the | glory | of the I I Lord. For though the Lord be high, yet hath he refpedl | unto the | lowly : as for the proud, he be- | -holdeth | them afar | off. Though I walk in the midft of trouble, yet fhalt | thou re- 1 -frefh me : thou fhalt ftretch forth thy hand upon the furioufnefs of mine enemies, and | thy right I I hand fhall \ fave me. The Lord fhall make good his loving-kindnefs to- | -ward \ me : yea, thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever ; defpife not then the | works of | thine own | hands. Day XXIX. Pfah m cxxxix, 155 I. Pjalm cxxxix. cxl. cxii. iHonuns larayrr. No. 156. II. -1— J-, I I 1:2=: ■^- s S2i_, J -^::;^: Pjalm cxxxix. ^..(=^. ^. ~ I I I No. 157* n Dr. M. Green. pijpgl^ PSALM CXXXIX. "1— E. G. Monk. Domine^ probafti. f^ LORD, thou haft fearched me | out, and | known me : thou knoweft my down- fitting, and mine up-rifmg ; thou underftandeft my | thoughts | long be- | -fore. 2 Thou art about my path, and a- | -bout my | bed : and | fpieft out | all my | ways. 3 For lo, there is not a word | in my | tongue : but thou, O Lord, | knoweft it | I alto- I -gether. 4 Thou haft faftiioned me behind | and be- | -fore : and | laid thine | hand up- | -on me. 5 Such knowledge is too wonderful and | excellent | for me : 1 cannot at- | -tain | I unto I it. 6 Whither ftiall I go then | from thy | Spirit : or whither ftiall I | go then | from thy | I prefence .^ 7 If I climb up into heaven, | thou art | there : if I go down to hell, | thou art | there | I alfo. 8 If I take the wings | of the | morning : and remain in the uttermoft | parts | of the ] |fea; 9 Even there alfo ftiall | thy hand \ lead me : and | thy right | hand ftiall | hold me. 10 If I fay, Peradventure the darknefs ftiall | cover | me : then ftiall my | night be | I turned to | day. 1 1 Yea, the darknefs is no darknefs with thee, but the night is as clear | as the | day *. the darknefs and light to | thee are | both a- | -like. 1 2 For my | reins are | thine : thou haft covered me | in my | mother's | womb. 13 I will give thanks unto thee, for I am fearfully and wonder- | -fully | made : marvellous are thy works, and that my | foul | knoweth right | well. 14 My bones are not | hid from | thee : though I be made fecretly, and faftiioned be- I -neath | in the j earth. 1 5 Thine eyes did fee my fubftance, yet | being im- | -perfed : and in thy book were | aft my | members | written ; 1 6 Which day by day were | faftiion- | -ed : when as yet | there was | none of | I them. 156 Pfalm cxl, Day XXIX, I. :j %mi^ • , ,. No. 156. Pfalm cxxxix. cxl. cxii. -^ II. 1"^ •*^. ^ -^-I^- :^--!^ 22: :S:t I I I < ) I ^^ ■^: 1-^- ^ ±=± Pfalm cxxxix. No. 157 §SSg 2^: I I 1 _i ^^ I "l" :22: ^5? :s. :^: :s:^: :^=^: Dr. M. Green. 1 ^- E. G Monk. 17 How dear are thy counfels unto j me, O | God : O how great | is the | fum of | I them ! 1 8 If I tell them, they are more in number | than the | fand : when I wake up | ! I am I prefent with | thee. 1 9 Wilt thou not flay the | wicked, O | God : depart from me, | ye blood- | -thirfty | I men. 20 For they fpeak unrighteoufly a- | -gainft | thee : and thine enemies | take thy | I Name in | vain. 1 1 Do not I hate them, O Lord, that | hate | thee : and am not I grieved with thofe that I rife up a- | -gainft | thee ? 22 Yea, I hate | them right | fore : even as though they | were mine | ene- | -mies. 23 Try me, O God, and feek the ground | of my | heart : prove me, | and ex- I -amine my | thoughts. 24 Look well if there be any way of | wickednefs | in me : and lead me in the | I way I ever- | -lafting. L No. 156. II. Pfalm CXXXIX. cxl. cxIi. eSTs l-=l-^— 1- Pfalm cxl. cxli. No. 158. ifgf^ I I ! m. ■^-^. '^- :s:5: -±. :r3: jzzj: Dr. M. Green. PSALM CXL. F. A G OU.ELEY. Eripe me^ Domine: T^ELIVER me, O Lord, from the | evil j man ; and preferve me | from the | I wicked | man. 2 Who imagine mifchief | in their | hearts : and ftir up | ftrife | all the day j long. 3 They have fharpened their tongues j like a | ferpent : adder's | poifon is j under their | lips. 4 Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of | the un- | -godly : preferve me from the wicked men, who are purpofed to | over- | -throw my | goings.. Day XXIX. Pfalm cxM. 157 5 The proud have laid a fnare for me, and fpread a net a- | -broad with | cords : yea, and I fet traps | in my | way. 6 1 faid unto the Lord, Thou | art my | God : hear the voice | of my | prayers, O | I Lord. 7 O Lord God, thou ftrength | of my | health : thou haft covered my head | in the | I day of I battle. 8 Let not the ungodly have his de- | -fire, O | Lord : let not his mifchievous imagination profper, | left they | be too | proud. 9 Let the mifchief of their own lips fall upon the | head of | them : that | compafs | I me a- | -bout. 1 o Let hot burning coals | fall up- | -on them : let them be caft into the fire, and into the pit, that they | never rife | up a- | -gain. 1 1 A man full of words ftiall not profper up- | -on the | earth : evil fhall hunt the wicked | perfon to | over- | -throw him. 1 2 Sure I am that the Lord will a- | -venge the | poor : and maintain the | caufe | I of the I helplefs. 13 The righteous alfo ftiall give thanks | unto thy | Name: and the juft ftiall con- | I -tinue I in thy | fight. PSALM CXLL Domine^ clamavi, T ORD, I call upon thee, hafte thee | unto | me: and confider my voice when I | I cry I unto | thee. 2 Let my prayer be fet forth in thy fight | as the | incenfe : and let the lifting up ot my hands be an | evening | facri- | -fice. 3 Set a watch, O Lord, be- | -fore my | mouth : and keep the | door | of my | lips. 4 O let not mine heart be inclined to any | evil | thing : let me not be occupied in ungodly works with the men that work wickednefs, left I eat of fuch | things as ] pleafe | them. 5 Let the righteous rather | fmite me | friendly : and | — re- | - prove | me. 6 But let not their precious balms | break my | head : yea, I will pray yet a- | -gainft their | wicked- | -nefs. 7 Let their judges be overthrown in | ftony | places : that they may hear my | words, for I they are | fweet. 8 Our bones lie fcattered be- | -fore the | pit : like as when one breaketh and heweth | I wood up- I -on the | earth. 9 But mine eyes look unto thee, | O Lord | God : in thee is my truft, O | caft not | I out my I foul. 10 Keep me from the fnare that they have | laid for [ me : and from the traps | of the I wicked | doers. I I Let the ungodly fall into their o vn | nets to- | -gether : and let me | ever ef- I -cape | them. 158 Pfalm cxlii. cxliii. Day XXIX. afbmius ^inKtr. I. No. PJalm cxlii. cxliii S9' II. No. 1 60. ^ga^g P/i/»2 cxlii. cxliii. ^ lis I I U-^S- g=sf ^s^H -^=^: -^-'^- :— ?^-T+* I I Mil :=1: gS^BIiiiil C. King. PSALM CXLII. G. A. Macfarren. Fbr^ ;;?^^ ad Dominum. T CRIED unto the Lord | with my | voice : yea, even unto the Lord did I i make my I fuppli- I -cation. 1 I poured out my com- 1 -plaints be- | -fore him : and | fhewed him | of my | trouble. 3 When my fpirit was in heavinefs thou | kneweft my | path : in the way wherein I walked have they privily | laid a | fnare for | me. 4 I looked alfo upon my | right | hand : and faw there was j no man | that would | I know me. 5 I had no place to | flee | unto : and no man | cared | for my | foul. 6 I cried unto thee, O | Lord, and | faid : Thou art my hope, and my portion in the I land | of the | living. 7 Confider | my com- | -plaint : for Y am | brought | very | low. 8 O deliver me from my | perfe- | -cutors : for they | are too | flrong | for me. 9 Bring my foul out of prifon, that I may give thanks | unto thy | Name : which thing if thou wilt grant me, then fhall the righteous refort | unto my | I compa- I -ny. PSALM CXLIII. Dominey exaudi. T-JEAR my prayer, O Lord, and confider | my de- | -fire : hearken unto me for thy I truth and | righteoufnefs' | fake. 2 And enter not into judgement | with thy | fervant : for in thy fight fhall no man [ I living be | jufti- | -fled. 3 For the enemy hath perfecuted my foul ; he hath fmitten my life down | to the | I ground : he hath laid me in the darknefs;, as the men | that have | been long | I dead. 4 Therefore is my fpirit [ vexed with- | -in me : and my heart with- | -in me is j I defo- I -lat\ ^ Yet do I remember the time paft ; I mufe upon | all thy | works : yea, I exercife myfelf in the | works ] of thy | hands. Day XXX Pfalm cxiiv, 159 6 I llretch forth my hands | unto | thee : my foul gafpeth unto thee | as a | thirfty | I land. 7 Hear me, O Lord, and that Toon, for my fpirit | waxeth | faint : hide not thy face from me, left I be like unto them that go | down | into the | pit. 8 O let me hear thy loving-kindnefs betimes in the morning, for in thee | is my | I truft : fhew thou me the way that I fhould walk in, for I lift | up my | foul unto I thee. 9 Deliver me, O Lord, from mine | ene- | -mies : for I flee | unto | thee to | hide me. 10 Teach me to do the thing that pleafeth thee, for thou | art my | God : let thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the | land of | righteouf- | -nefs. 1 1 Quicken me, O Lord, for | thy Name's | fake : and for thy righteoufnefs' fake bring my | foul | out of | trouble. 12 And of thy goodnefs flay mine | ene- | -mies : and deftroy all them that vex my foul ; I for I I am thy | fervant. Day XXX. Moruiufl ^ragen Pjdlm cxliv. cxlv. CxUi. 1 ' ' . 1 No. 161. I- ' iilillSSag II 2 Trebl s No. 162. Pjalm ex iv. cxlv. cxlvi. --4— I J. Battishill. _ c c — D — 1 — ^ — j_t_^ — ^ a PSALM CXLIV. 1 — ^- J. TURLE. BenediElus Dominus. "DLESSED be the | Lord my | ftrength : who teacheth my hands to war, | and my I fingers to | fight ; 2 My hope and my fortrefs, my caftle and deliverer, my defender in | whom I I I truft : who fubdueth my people | that is | under | me. 3 Lord, what is man, that thou haft fuch refped: | unto | him : or the fon of man, that thou I fo re- | -gardeft | him .? 4 Man is like a | thing of | nought : his time pafleth a- | -way | like a | fliadow. 5 Bow thy heavens, O Lord, | and come | down : touch the | mountains, and | they fliall I fmoke. 6 Caft forth thy lightning, and | tear | them : flioot out thine arrows, | and con- | I -fume I them. 7 Send down thine hand | from a- 1 -bove : deliver me, and take me out of the great waters, from the | hand of j ftrange | children ; i6o Pfalm cxlv. Day XXX. :i=F= No. i6i. P/"^/w cxliv. cxlv cx'vi. ~^--r^^ t^-.- ■--l-T J. Battishill. P/^/w cxliv. cxlv. cxWi. I No. 162. 4:x 11. 2 Trtb'es ^ -d-^- ^ I I -J- - J ^^g^lilgEg: :^=^: :S2: J. TURLE. 8 Whofe mouth talketh of | vani- | -ty : and their right hand is a right | hand of | I wicked- | -nefs. 9 I will fing a new fong unto j thee, O | God : and fing praifes unto thee up- | -on a ten- I -ftringed | lute. 10 Thou haft given vidlory | unto | kings : and haft delivered David thy fervant from the | peril | of the | fword. 1 1 Save me, and deliver me from the hand of | ftrange | children : whofe mouth talketh of vanity, and their right hand is a right hand | of in- | -iqui- | -ty. 1 2 That our fons may grow up as the | young | plants : and that our daughters may be as the pohfhed | corners i of the | temple. 1 3 That our garners may be full and plenteous with all | manner of | ftore : that our fheep may bring forth thoufands and ten | thoufands | in our | ftreets. 1 4 That our oxen may be ftrong to labour, that there be | no de- | -cay : no leading into captivity, and no com- | -plaining | in our | ftreets. 1 5 Happy are the people that are in | fuch a | cafe : yea, blefted are the people who have the I Lord | for their I God. PSALM CXLV, Exaltabo te^ Deus. T WILL magnify thee, O | God, my | King : and I will praife thy | Name for | I ever and | ever. 2 Every day will I give thanks | unto | thee : and praife thy | Name for ] ever and | I ever. 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous, worthy | to be j praifed : there is no | end | of his ] greatnefs. 4 One generation fhall praife thy works | unto an- | -other : and | — de- | -clare thy | I power. 5 As for me, I will be talking | of thy | worfhip : thy glory, thy ] praife, and | ] wondrous | works ; 6 So ' that men fhall fpeak of the might of thy | marvellous | a6ls : and I will | alfo | I tell of thy I greatnefs. 7 The memorial of thine abundant kindnefs | fhall be | ftiewed : and men fhall fmg | I of thy I righteouf- | -nefs. Day XXX. Pfalm cxlvi. i6i 8 The Lord is gracious and | merci- | -ful : long-fufferlng, | and of | great | goodnefs. 9 The Lord is loving unto | every | man : and his mercy is | over | all his | works. 10 All thy works praife | thee, O | Lord : and thy faints give | thanks | unto | thee. 1 1 They fhew the glory | of thy | kingdom : and | talk | of thy | power ; 12 That thy power, thy glory, and mightinefs | of thy | kingdom : might be | known | I unto I men. 13 Thy kingdom is an ever- | -lading | kingdom : and thy dominion en- | -dureth through- I -out all ] ages. 14 The Lord upholdeth all | fuch as | fall : and lifteth up | all thofe | that are | down. 1 5 The eyes of all wait upon | thee, O | Lord : and thou giveft them their | meat | I in due | feafon. 16 Thou open- 1 -eft thine | hand : and fiUeft all things | hving with | plenteouf- | -nefs. 17 The Lord is righteous in | all his | ways : and | holy in | all his | works. 1 8 The Lord is nigh unto all them that | call up- | -on him : yea, all fuch as call up- I -on him | faithful- | -ly. 1 9 He will fulfil the defire of | them that | fear him : he alfo will hear their | cry, I I and will | help them. 20 The Lord preferveth all | them that | love him : but fcattereth a- | -broad all | the un- I -godly. 21 My mouth fhall fpeak the praife | of the | Lord: and let all flefh give thanks unto his holy | Name for | ever and | ever. PSALM CXLVI. Lauda, anima mea. pRAISE the Lord, O my foul ; while I live will I | praife the | Lord : yea, as long ^ as I have any being, I will fing | praifes | unto my | God. 2 O put not your truft in princes, nor In any | child of | man : for there | is no | help in I them. 3 For when the breath of man goeth forth he fhall turn again j to his | earth : and then I all his | thoughts | perifh. 4 Blefted is he that hath the God of Jacob | for his | help : and whose hope is | in the I Lord his | God ; 5 Who made heaven and earth, the fea, and all that | therein | Is : who | keepeth his I promife for | ever ; 6 Who helpeth them to right that | fuffer | wrong : who | feed- | -eth the | hungry. 7 The Lord loofeth men ] out of | prifon : the Lord giveth | fight | to the | blind. 8 The Lord helpeth them | that are | fallen : the Lord | careth | for the | righteous. 9 The Lord careth for the ftrangers ; he defendeth the father- | -lefs and | widow : as for the way of the ungodly, he | turneth it | upfide | down. 10 The Lord thy God, O Sion, fhall be King for | ever- | -more: and through- | -out all I gener- | -atlons. ^ l62 Pfalm cxlvii, Day XXX, PJalm cxlvii. cxlvlii. cxiix. cl. Ofbenmg ^lagcn No. 163. II. ^ 3: I 1 1 I •ens- ^: :^ ?=l=f "^"^ '^-^- :^=^^4=^ :s: 2:^ :s:^ er 3^Z^ Fjalm cxlvii. cxlviii. :s:^ Z2Z -- si^i^ii t=.-=x- ^-^z -^-^- -^>- -s:=V ^^i iiili crT> -U s; J. Battishill. PSALM CXLIX. F. A. G. OUSELEY. Cantate Domino. r\ SING unto the Lord a | new | fong : let the congre- | -gation of j faints | praife ^^ him. 2 Let Ifrael rejoice in | him that | made him : and let the children of Sion be 1 joyful | I in their | King. 164 Pfalm cl, Day XXX. I. Pfalm cxlvii. cxlviii. cxlix. cl. No. 163. 11. I I • I ■• ^=^: m .^ :=t^ mi Pfalm cxlix. cl. No. 165. 12^: 1-1- dE:"^iyi=^ii=;i ^z5f:[^^ J. Battishill. F. A. G. OUSELEY. 3 Let them praife his Name | in the | dance : let them fmg praifes unto | him with | I tabret and | harp. 4 For the Lord hath pleafure | in his | people : and | helpeth the | meek- | -hearted. 5 Let the faints be | joyful with | glory : let them re- | -joice | in their | beds. 6 Let the praifes of God be | in their | mouth : and a two-edged | fword | in their | I hands ; 7 To be avenged | of the | heathen : and | to re- | -buke the | people ; 8 To bind their | kings in | chains : and their | nobles with | links of | iron. 9 That they may be avenged of them^ as | it is | written : Such | honour have ] all his I faints. PSALM CL. haudate Dominum, C\ PRAISE God in his | holi- | -nefs : praife him in the | firmament | of his I power. 2 Praife him in his | noble | a6ls : praife him according j to his | excellent | I greatnefs. 3 Praife him in the found | of the | trumpet : praife him up- | -on the | lute and | I harp. 4 Praife him in the | cymbals and \ dances : praife him up- | -on the | ftrings and | pipe. 5 Praife him upon the well- | -tuned | cymbals : praife him up- | -on the | loud | cymbals. 6 Let every thing | that hath | breath : praife | | — the | Lord. Proper Pfalms, J65 PROPER PSALMS CHRISTMAS DAY Venite to No. i. ffi=S: iS No. I Pjalm xlx. xlv. Ixxxv. I I J .J. ! I "^^ :S: i^^ssg j=j^= ::t=[:: P/i/m xix. xlv. Ixxxv. No. 72. ]=:H.— n— r^ laisisf-sii ^-"-^.fr^-^F^, I I Dr. R. Woodward. T PSALM XIX. HE heavens declare I handv I work. E. J Hopkins. Cceli enarrant. the I glory of | God : and the firmament | fheweth his One day | telleth an There is neither I them. Their found I -other : and one night | certi- | -fieth an fpeech nor | language : but their voices are I -other, heard a- ihe wo rid. is gone out | into all | lands -mong I and their words into the I ends I of In them hath he fet a tabernacle ! for the I fun : which cometh forth as a bride- groom out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a | giant to | run his | courfe. 6 It goeth forth from the uttermofl part of the heaven, and runneth about unto the end of I it a- | -gain : and there is nothing | hid from the | heat there- | -of. 7 The law of the Lord is an undefiled law, con- j -verting the | foul : the teftimony of the Lord is fure, and giveth | wifdom | unto the | fimple. 8 The ftatutes of the Lord are right, and re- | -joice the | heart : the commandment of the Lord is pure, and giveth | light | unto the | eyes. 9 .The fear of the Lord is clean, and en- | -dureth for | ever : the judgements of the Lord are true, and | righteous | alto- | -gether. 10 More to be defired are they than gold, yea, than | much fine | gold : fweeteralfo than honey, | and the | honey- | -comb. i66 Proper Pfalms. :=^ PJulm xix. xlv. Ixxxv. 1-1 n^^rW No. I r 9. No. 2. is ^=^ ^; ■^ =^- :S: -:& I I ?:^=^: t==c :s5: Pfalm xix. x'v. Ixxxv. ISSIC l-n— J- SSPSsS ^ff=^ ^^ ji^2- ^^^-1 ^_?: ji 1 I :^: :^ Dr. R. Woodward. -11 f 1 \- i E. J. Hopkins. 1 1 Moreover, by them is thy | fervant | taught : and in keeping of them | there is | I great re- | -ward. 12 Who can tell how j oft he of- | -fendeth : O cleanfe thou me | from my | fecret | I faults. 13 Keep thy fervant alfo from prefumptuous fins, lell they get the dominion | I over I me : fo fhall I be undefiled, and innocent | from the | great of- | -fence. 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation | of my | heart : be alway ac- | ] -ceptable | in thy | fight. 15 O I — I Lord : my | ftrength, and | my re- 1 -deemer. PSALM XLV. Eru^avit cor meum, A/TY heart is inditing of a | good ] matter : I fpeak of the things which Y have I I made | unto the | King. 2 My tongue j is the | pen : of | — a | ready | writer. 3 Thou art fairer than the | children of | men : full of grace are thy lips, becaufe God hath | bleffed | thee for | ever. 4 Gird thee with thy fword upon thy thigh, O | thou moft | Mighty : according to thy I worfhip | and re- | -nown. 5 Good luck have thou | with thine | honour : ride on, becaufe of the word of truth. of meeknefs, and righteoufnefs • and thy right hand fhall | teach thee | terrible | I things. 6 Thy arrows are very fharp, and the people fhall be fubdued | unto | thee : even in the midfl among the | King's | ene- | -mies. 7 Thy feat, O God, en- | -dureth for | ever : the fceptre of thy kingdom | is a | I right I fceptre. 8 Thou hafl loved righteoufnefs, and hated in- | -iqui- | -ty : wherefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of | gladnefs a- | -bove thy | fellows. 9 All thy garments fmell of myrrh, | aloes, and | cafTia : out of the ivory palaces, whereby | they have | made thee | glad. 10 Kings' daughters were among thy | honourable | women : upon thy right hand did ftand the queen in a vefture of gold, wrought a- | -bout with | divers | I colours. Chrijimas Day. 167 11 Hearken, O daughter, and confider, in- | -cline thine | ear: forget alfo thine own people, I and thy | father's | houfe. 12 So fhall the King have pleafure | in thy | beauty : for he is thy Lord | God, and I worfhip thou | him. I J And the daughter of Tyre fhall be there | with a | gift: like as the rich alfo among the people fhall make their fuppli- | -cation be- | -fore | thee. 14 The King's daughter is all glori- | -ous with- | -in : her clothing | is of ! wrought j 15 She fhall be brought unto the King in raiment of | needle- | -work: the virgins that be her fellows fhall bear her company, and fhall be | brought | unto | thee. 16 With joy and gladnefs fhall | they be | brought : and fhall enter | into the | I King's I palace. 17 Inftead of thy fathers thou | fhalt have | children : whom thou may eft make | I princes | in all | lands. 18 I will remember thy Name from one generation | to an- | -other : therefore fhall the people give thanks unto thee, | world with- | -out | end. PSALM LXXXV. Benedixifti, Bomine. T ORD, thou art become gracious | unto thy | land : thou haft turned away the cap- I -tivi- I -ty of | Jacob. 2 Thou haft forgiven the offence | of thy | people : and | covered | all their | fins. 3 Thou haft taken away all j thy dif- | -pleafure : and turned thyfelf from thy | I wrathful | indig- | -nation. 4 Turn us then, O | God our | Saviour : and let thine | anger | ceafe from | us. 5 Wilt thou be difpleafed at | us for | ever : and wilt thou ftretch out thy wrath from one gener- | -ation | to an- | -other ^ 6 Wilt thou not turn again, and | quicken | us : that thy people | may re- | -joice in I thee .? 7 Shew us thy | mercy, O | Lord : and \ grant us | thy fal- | -vation. 8 I will hearken what the Lord God will fay con- | -cerning | me : for he fhall fpeak peace unto his people, and to his faints, that they | turn | not a- | -gain. 9 For his falvation is nigh | them that | fear him : that glory may | dwell | in our | I land. 10 Mercy and truth are | met to- | -gether : righteoufnefs and | peace have | kifFed each I other. 1 1 Truth fhall flourifh | out of the | earth : and righteoufnefs hath | looked | down from I heaven. 1 2 Yea, the Lord fhall fhew | loving- | -kindnefs : and our | land fhall | give her | I increafe. 13 Righteoufnefs fhall | go be- | -fore him : and he fhall dired his | going | in the | I way. i68 Proper Pfalms. afbcnmg. No. 95. Pjalm Ixxxix. to v 36, and PJalm ex. cxxxii m --^-^, SiP gW. :=1: I I I ss: :S= ill Pp/»z Ixxxix. to =1; No. 3: 36, and Pp^/wi ex. cxxxii. Hi '.C2'. 1 I S: ^^: -(^- I 1 ; ilH^==3: Dr. W. Hayes. PSALM LXXXIX. G. A. Macfarken. Mijericordias Domini. TV/TY fong fhall be alway of the loving-kindnefs | of the | Lord : with my mouth will 1 ever be fhewing thy truth from one gener- | -ation | to an- | -other. 2 For I have faid, Mercy fhall be fet | up for | ever : thy truth fhalt thou ; ftablifh | I in the 1 heavens. 3 I have made a covenant | with my | chofen : I have fworn | unto | David my | I fervant ; 4 Thy feed will I | ftablifh for | ever : and fet up thy throne from one gener- | -ation | I to an- I -other. 5 O Lord, the very heavens fhall praife thy | wondrous | works : and thy truth in the congre- | -gation | of the | faints. 6 For who is he a- | -mong the j clouds : that fhall be com- | -pared | unto the ] Lord? 7 And what is he a- | -mong the | gods : that fhall be | like | unto the | Lord? 8 God is very greatly to be feared in the council | of the | faints : and to be had in reverence of all them | that are ! round a- | -bout him. 9 O Lord God of hofts, who is | like unto | thee : thy truth, moft mighty Lord, | is on I every | fide. 10 Thou ruleft the raging | of the | fea : thou ftilleft the waves there- | -of when | I they a- | -rife. 1 1 Thou haft fubdued Egypt, and de- | -ftroyed | it : thou haft fcattered thine enemies abroad | with thy | mighty , arm. I 2 The heavens are thine, the earth | alfo is | thine : thou haft laid the foundation of the round world, and | all that | therein I is. 13 Thou haft made the north | and the | fouth : Tabor and Hermon fhall re- | -joice | I in thy | Name. 1 4 Thou haft a ] mighty | arm : ftrong is thy hand, and | high is | thy right | hand. 1 5 Righteoufnefs and equity are the habitation | of thy | feat : mercy and truth fhall | I go be- I -fore thy | face. 16 Bleffed is the people, O Lord, that can re- | -joice in | thee: they fhall walk in the I light of thy j counte- | -nance. Chrijlmas Day. i6g 1 7 Their delight fhall be daily | in thy | name : and in thy righteoufnefs | fhall they | I make their | boaft. 1 8 For thou art the glory | of their | ftrength : and in thy loving-kindnefs thou fhalt I lift I up our | horns. 1 9 For the Lord is | our de- | -fence : the Holy One of | Ifrael | is our | King. 20 Thou fpakeft fometimes in vifions unto thy | faints, and | faidfl : I have laid help upon one that is mighty ; I have exalted one | chofen | out of the | people. 21 I have found | David my | fervant : with my holy oil have | I a- | -nointed | him. 22 My hand fhall | hold him | faft : and my | arm fhall | ftrengthen | him. 23 The enemy fhall not be able to do him | vio- j -lence : the fon of | wickednefs | I fhall not I hurt him. 24 I will fmite down his foes be- | -fore his | face : and | plague | them that | hate him. 25 My truth alfo and my mercy fhall | be with | him : and in my Name fhall his | I horn I be ex- | -alted. 26 I will fet his dominion alfo | in the | fea : and his j right hand | in the | floods. 27 He fhall call me, | Thou art my | father : my God, | and my | ftrong fal- j -vation. 28 And I will make | him my | firft-born : higher than the | kings | of the | earth. 29 My mercy. will I keep for him for j ever- | -more : and my covenant | fhall ftand | ! faft with I him. 30 His feed alfo will I make to en- | -dure for | ever : and his throne | as the | days of I heaven. 3 I But if his children for- | -fake my | law : and I walk not | in my | judgements ; 32 If they break my ftatutes, and keep not | my com- | -mandments : I will vifit their oiTences with the rod, | and their | fin with | fcourges. 2^1^ Neverthelefs, my loving-kindnefs will I not utterly | take from | him : nor | I fuffer my | truth to | fail. 34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone | out of my | lips : I have fworn once by my holinefs, that | I will | not fail | David. 3 5 His feed fhall en- | -dure for | ever : and his feat is | like as the | fun be- | I -fore me. ^d He fhall ftand faft for evermore | as the | moon : and as the | faithful | witnefs in 1 heaven. lyo Proper Pfalms. FJalm Ixxxix, 'v. t^-J No. 96. IL ■^z:^. •- - LESSED is he whofe unrighteoufnefs | is for- ] -given : and whofe | fin is | ^^ I cover- I -ed. 2 BlefTed is the man unto whom the Lord im- | -puteth no | fin : and in whofe ] I fpirit there | is no | guile. 3 For while I | held my | tongue : my bones confumed away | through my | daily com- I -plaining. 4 For thy hand is heavy upon me | day and | night : and my moifture is j like the | I drought in | fummer. 5 I will acknowledge my fin | unto | thee : and mine unrighteoufnefs | have I | not | hid, 6 I faid, I will confefs my fins | unto the | Lord : and fo thou forgaveft the | I wickednefs | of my | fin. 7 For this fiiall every one that is godly make his prayer unto thee, in a time wheu thou I mayeft be | found : but in the great water-floods | they fiiall | not come | I nigh him. 8 Thou art a place to hide me in, thou fiialt preferve | me from | trouble : thou fin alt compafs me about with | fongs of | de- | -liver- | -ance. 9 I will inform thee, and teach thee in the way wherein | thou fiialt | go : and I will | I guide thee | with mine | eye. 10 Be ye not like to horfe and mule, which have no | under- | -fi:anding : whofe mouths mufl: be held with bit and bridle, | lefl: they | fall up- | -on thee. 1 1 Great plagues remain | for the un- | -godly : but whofo putteth his truft in the Lord, mercy embraceth | him on | every | fide. 12 Be glad, O ye righteous, and re- | -joice in the | Lord : and be joyful, all | ye heart. that are | true of PSALM XXXVIII. Domine, ne in furore. in thy me OUT me not to rebuke, O Lord, | in thine | anger : neither chafi:en j heavy dif- | -pleafure. 2 For thine arrows fl:ick | faft in | me : and thy | hand | prefieth me | fore. 3 There is no health in my flefii, becaufe of | thy dif- | -pleafure : neither is there any reft in my bones, by | reafon | of my | fin. Apj Wednefday, 175 4 For my wickednefles are gone | over my | head : and are like a fore burden, too | I heavy for | me to | bear. 5 My wounds ftink, and | are cor- | -rupt : through ] — my | foohfh- | -nefs. 6 I am brought into fo great trouble and | mife- | -ry : that I go | mourning | all the day I long. 7 For my loins are filled with a | fore dif- | -eafe : and there is no | whole part | in my I body. 8 I am feeble and | fore | fmitten : I have roared for the very dif- | -quietnefs | of my I heart. 9 Lord, thou knoweft | all my de- | -fire : and my groaning | is not | hid from | I thee. I o My heart panteth, my ftrength hath | failed | me : and the fight of mine | eyes is | I gone from | me. I I My lovers and my neighbours did ftand looking up- | -on my | trouble : and my kinfmen | ftood a- | -far | off. 1 2 They alfo that fought after my life laid | fnares for | me : and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickednefs, and imagined de- | -ceit | all the day | I long. 13 As for me, I was like a deaf man, and | heard | not : and as one that is dumb, who I doth not | open his | mouth. 14 I became even as a man that | heareth | not : and in whofe | mouth are | no re- I -proofs. 15 For in thee, O Lord, have I | put my | truft : thou fhalt anfwer for | me, O | I Lord my | God. 16 I have required that they, even mine enemies, fhould not triumph | over | me : for when my foot flipped, they rejoiced | greatly a- | -gainfl: | me. 17 And I, truly, am | fet in the | plague : and my heavinefs is | ever | in my | flght. 1 8 For 1 will confefs my | wicked- | -nefs : and be | forry | for my | fln. 1 9 But mine enemies live, | and are | mighty : and they that hate me wrongfully are | I many in | num- i -ber. 20 They alfo that reward evil for good are a- | -gainfl | me : becaufe I follow the ' I thing that [ good | is. 21 Forfake me not, O | Lord my | God : be not | thou | far from | me. 22 Hafte I thee to | help me : O Lord | God of | my fal- | -vation. 176 Proper Pfalms, PJalm cii. cxxx. cxiiii. No. 46. ■^~^" ■x=\ SI 'TT-^-^ W-. I I J 22ZHZ22: I I :?:±^z=22 a t= Dr. Croft. P/iz/w cii. cxxx. cxiiii. No. 160. =^ ^- i=^^ :^i3=g;% ■A- -jC^'. J J J, I i^zts:^-^^ dztz^=zq:: G. A. Macfarren. PSALM CII. Domine, exaudi. TIJEAR my | prayer, O | Lord : and let my | crying | come unto | thee. 1 Hide not thy face from me in the | time of my | trouble : incline thine ear unto me when I call ; O | hear me, and | that right | foon. 3 For my days are confumed a- | -way like | fmoke : and my bones are burnt up | I as it I were a | fire-brand. 4 My heart is fmitten down, and wither- | -ed like | grafs : fo that I for- | -get to | I eat my | bread. 5 For the | voice of my | groaning : my bones will fcarce | cleave | to my | fleih. 6 I am become like a pelican in the | wilder- ] -nefs : and like an | owJ that | is in the I defert. 7 I have watched, and am even as it | were a | fparrow : that fitteth a- | -lone up- | -on the I houfe-top. 8 Mine enemies revile me | all the day | long : and they that are mad upon me are fworn to- I -gether a- | -gainft | me. 9 For I have eaten afhes | as it were | bread : and [ mingled my | drink with | I weeping ; I o And that becaufe of thine indig- | -nation and | wrath ; for thou haft taken me | I up, and I caft me | down. I I My days are gone | like a | fhadow : and I am | wither- | -ed like | grafs. 12 But thou, O Lord, ftialt en- | -dure for | ever : and thy remembrance through- | I -out all I gener- | -ations. 1 3 Thou ftialt arife, and have mercy up- | -on | Sion : for it is time that thou have mercy upon her, | yea, the | time is | come. 1 4 And why ? thy fervants think up- | -on her | ftones : and it pitieth them to | fee her I in the | duft. 1 5 The heathen ftiall fear thy | Name, O | Lord : and all the kings of the | earth thy I Majef- | -ty ; 16 When the Lord ftiall | build up | Sion : and when his | glory | ftiall ap- | -pear ; Apj Wednefday. 177 1 7 When he turneth him unto the prayer of the poor | defti- | -tute : and de- | -fpifeth not I their de- ( -fire. 1 8 This jfhall be written for thofe | that come | after : and the people which fhall be | I born fhall | praife the | Lord. 1 9 For he hath looked down from his | fandu- | -ary : out of the heaven did the | I Lord be- | -hold the | earth ; 20 That he might hear the mournings of fuch as are in cap- | -tivi- | -ty : and deliver the children ap- | -pointed | unto | death ; 2 1 That they may declare the Name of the | Lord in | Sion : and his worfhip | at Je- I -rufa- | -lem ; 22 When the people are gather- | -ed to- | -gether : and the kingdoms | alfo, to | ferve the I Lord. 23 He brought down my ftrength | in my ] journey : and | fhorten- | -ed my | days. 24 But I faid, O my God, take me not away in the | midft of mine | age : as for thy years, they endure through- | -out all | gener- | -ations. 25 Thou, Lord, in the beginning haft laid the foundation | of the | earth : and the heavens are the | work | of thy | hands. 26 They fhall perilh, but thou | fhalt en- | -dure : they all fhall wax | old as | doth a I garment ; 27 And as a vefture fhalt thou change them, and they | fhall be | changed : but thou art the fame, and | thy years | fhall not | fail. 28 The children of thy fervants | fhall con- | -tinue : and their feed fhall ftand | faft | I in thy | fight. PSALM CXXX. Beprofundis. r\[JT of the deep have I called unto | thee, O | Lord : Lord, | hear | my | voice. 2 O let thine ears con- | -fider | well : the | voice of | my com- | -plaint. 3 If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is | done a- | -mifs : O | Lord, who | I may a- | -bide it ? 4 For there is | mercy with | thee : therefore | fhalt | thou be | feared. 5 I look for the Lord ; my foul doth | wait for | him : in his | word | is my | truft. 6 My foul fleeth | unto the | Lord : before the morning watch, I fay, be- | -fore the I morning | watch. 7 O Ifrael, truft in the Lord, for with the Lord | there is | mercy : and with | him is I plenteous re- | -demption. 8 And he fhall redeem I Ifra- I -el : from I all I his 1 fins. m lyS Proper Pfalms, PJalm cii. cxxx. cxlHi. No. 46. No. 160. :^: il ^^ :S: -g^- ^E I I r^" J= D tl=p_j- 1— J- :?^=^-: X=t PJalm cii. cxxx. cxliii. s q=^ :^=^: i .■^-^ ^i^jga^gg^ :t=t Dr. Croft. PSALM CXLIII. G. A. Macfarren. Bominej exaudi. TJEAR my prayer, O Lord, and confider | my de- | -fire : hearken unto me for thy I truth and | righteoufnefs' | fake. 2 And enter not into judgement | with thy | fervant : for in thy fight fiiall no man | I living be | jufti- | -fied. 3 For the enemy hath perfecuted my foul ; he hath fmitten my life down | to the | I ground : he hath laid me in the darknefs, as the men | that have | been long | I dead. 4 Therefore is my fpirit | vexed with- | -in me : and my heart with- | -in me is | I defo- I -late. 5 Yet do I remember the time paft ; I mufe upon | all thy | works : yea, I exercife myfelf in the | works | of thy | hands. 6 I fiiretch forth my hands [ unto | thee : my foul gafpeth unto thee j as a | thirfl:y | I land. 7 Hear me, O Lord, and that foon, for my fpirit | waxeth | faint : hide not thy face from me, left I be like unto them that go \ down | into the | pit. 8 O let me hear thy loving-kindnefs betimes in the morning, for in thee | is my | I truft : fiiew thou me the way that I fiiould walk in, for I lift | up my | foul unto j thee. 9 Deliver me, O Lord, from mine | ene- | -mies : for I flee | unto | thee to | hide me. 10 Teach me to do the thing that pleafeth thee, for thou | art my | God : let thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the | land of | righteouf- | -nefs. 1 1 Quicken me, O Lord, for | thy Name's | fake : and for thy righteoufnefs* fake bring my | foul | out of | trouoie. 1 2 And of thy goodnefs flay mine | ene- | -mies : and deftroy all them that vex my foul ; I for 1 I am thy | fervant. Good Friday. 179 GOOD FRIDAY. Venite. No. I. Vtn'ite. ETILi£0_ W-^±^ •ccg- --cgr-^ =1=1 :^^- g'l^gl'^^Sll feiigifei No. I. 1 I I J r^=^ = :^: -^- -1^ -^- I I I I _l i^^^i 1 — 1- :^^ No. I Pjalm xxii. xl. liv. ^ ^-: -CTS- -^- :^: I I I Mm m :g^q: -i - v-su - ■^^E> ■^ -J \- ■^-r^ Pfalm xxii. xl. Hv. 1— t T. Tallis. No. 66. S~;i^^: i^r Pii^ I I 2:± I I -mr-- J. Goss. • As it is cuftomary in many Churches for the Organ to be filent on this day, thefe Chants are given in uniibn for Voices alone. PSALM XXII. DeuSj Deus mens. TVyTY God, my God, look upon me ; why haft thou for- | -faken | me : and art To far from my health, and from the | words of | my com- | -plaint } 1 O my God, I cry in the day-time, but thou j heareft | not : and in the night- feafon | alfo I | take no | reft. ^ 3 And thou con- | -tinueft | holy : O thou | worfhip of | Ifra- j -el. 4 Our fathers | hoped in | thee : they trufted in thee, and thou [ didft de- | -liver | I them. 5 They called upon thee, | and were | holpen : they put their truft in thee, | and were | not con- | -founded. 6 But as for me, I am a worm, | and no | man : a very fcorn of men, and the | out- caft I of the | people. 7 All they that fee me | laugh me to [ fcorn : they fhoot out their lips, and | ftiake their [ heads, | faying, i8o Proper Pfalms. No. I, No. ee. -^-7 t=T: Pjalm xxii. xl. liv. ?^^: ^: 1= :?i I I ^=^- m PJalm xxii. xl. liv. :^ . F^ ^m m. idzl r:^: -^:^^' . si s:^=s:5 I ' I IJ.Goss. 8 He trufted in God, that he would de- | -liver | him : let him deliver him, | if | he will I have him. 9 But thou art he that took me out of my | mother's | womb : thou waft my hope, when I hanged yet up- | -on my | mother's | breafts. 10 I have been left unto thee ever fince | I was | born : thou art my God even | I from my | mother's j womb. 1 1 O go not from me, for trouble is | hard at | hand : and | there is | none to | help me. 12 Many oxen are j come a- | -bout me : fat bulls of Bafan clofe me | in on | every | I fide. 13 They gape upon me | with their [ mouths : as it were a ramping | and a | roar- ing I lion. 14 T am poured out like water, and all my bones are | out of | joint : my heart alfo in the midft of my body is | even like | melting | wax. 15 My ftrength is dried up like a potfherd, and my tongue cleaveth | to my | gums : and thou fhalt bring me | into the | duft of | death. 16 For many dogs are | come a- | -bout me : and the counfel of the wicked layeth | I fiege a- | -gainft | me. 17 They pierced my hands and my feet; I may tell | all my | bones: they ftand I ftaring and | looking up- 1 -on me. 18 They part my | garments a- | -mong them : and caft | lots up- | -on my | vefture. 19 But be not thou far from | me, O | Lord : thou art my fuccour, | hafte thee to| I help I me. 2C Deliver my foul | from the | fword : my darling from the | power | of the | dog. 21 Save me from the | lion's | mouth : thou haft heard me alfo from among the | I horns of the 1 uni- | -corns. 22 I will declare thy Name | unto my | brethren : in the midft of the congregation | I will I I praife | thee. 23 O praife the Lord, | ye that | fear him : magnify him, all ye of the feed of Jacob, and fear him, all ye | feed of | Ifra- | -el. 24 For he hath not defpifed, nor abhorred the low ef- | -tate of the | poor : he hath not hid his face from him, but when he called unto | him he | heard | I him. Good Friday. i 8 1 25 My praife is of thee in the great | congre- | -gation : my vows will I perform in the I fight of I them that | fear him. 26 The poor fhall eat, and be | fatif- | -fied : they that feek after the Lord fhall praife him ; your | heart fhall | live for | ever. 27 All the ends of the world fhall remember themfelves, and be turned | unto the | I Lord : and all the kindreds of the nations fhall | worfhip be- | -fore | him. 28 For the kingdom | is the | Lord's : and he is the Gover- | -nour a- | -mong the | I people. 29 All fuch as be | fat upon | earth : have | eaten, and | worfhip- | -ped. 30 All they that go down into the duft fhall | kneel be- | -fore him : and no man hath I quicken'd his | own | foul. 3 1 My I feed fhall | ferve him : they fhall be counted unto the Lord | for a | I gener- | -ation. 32 They fhall come, and the heavens fhall declare his | righteouf- | -nefs : unto a people that fhall be born, | whom the | Lord hath | made. PSALM XL. Expe^ans expe5favi. T WAITED patiently | for the | Lord : and he inclined unto | me, and | heard my | I calling. 2 He brought me alfo out of the horrible pit, out of the | mire and | clay : and fet my feet upon the rock, and | order- | -ed my | goings. 3 And he hath put a new fong | in my | mouth : even a thankf- | -giving | unto our | I God. 4 Many fhall | fee it, and | fear : and fhall put their | trufl | in the | Lord. 5 BlefTed is the man that hath fet his | hope in the | Lord : and turned not unto the proud, and to fuch as | go a- | -bout with | lies. 6 O Lord my God, great are the wondrous works which thou haft done, like as be alfo thy thoughts which | are to | uf-ward : and yet there is no man that | I ordereth | them unto | thee. 7 If I fhould declare them, and | fpeak of | them : they fKould be more than I am | I able I to ex- | -prefs. 8 Sacrifice, and meat-offering, thou | wouldefl | not : but mine | ears | hafl thou [ I open'd. 9 Burnt-offerings, and facrifice for fm, hafi: thou | not re- | -quired : then faid | I, | I Lo, I I come. 10 In the volume of the book it is written of me, that I fhould fulfil thy will | O my | I God : I am content to do it ; yea, thy law | is with- | -in my | heart. Ill have declared thy righteoufnefs in the great | congre- | -gation : lo, I will not refrain my lips, O | Lord, and | that thou | knoweft. 12 I have not hid thy righteoufnefs with- | -in my | heart: my talk hath been of thy truth, I and of | thy fal- | -vation. l82 Proper Pfalms. No. I. No. 66 Pfalm xxii. xl. llv. ?^=^: 1^1 :?:± :|=^: I I ■W=^- ilH I I m ■^ iM ^ Pfalm xxii. xl. liv. .^q: tf- -^- i^igl- ^■^" » «s ! I -?d- T<^- s:^^:^ ' J. Goss. 13 I have not kept back thy loving | mercy and | truth : from the | great | I congre- | -gation. 14 Withdraw not thou thy mercy from | me, O \ Lord: let thy loving-kindnefs and thy truth | alway pre^ | -ferve | me. 1 5 For innumerable troubles are come about me ; my fins have taken fuch hold upon me that I am not able to | look | up ; yea, they are more in number than the hairs of my head, and my | heart hath | failed | me. 1 6 O Lord, let it be thy pleafure to de- | -liver | me : make | hafte, O | Lord, to | I help me. 17 Let them be afhamed, and confounded together, that feek after my foul | to de- | -ftroy it ; let them be driven backward, and put to re- | -buke, that | wifh me ] evil. 1 8 Let them be defolate, and re- | -warded with | fhame : that fay unto me, Fie up- I -on thee, | fie up- | -on thee. 19 -Let all thofe that feek thee be joyful and | glad in | thee : and let fuch as love thy falvation fay | alway. The | Lord be | praifed. 20 As for me, L am | poor and | needy : but the | Lord | careth | for me. 2 1 Thou art my helper | and re- | -deemer : make no long | tarrying, | O my | God. PSALM LIV. DeuSy in notnine. 'AVE me, O God, for | thy Name's | fake : and a- | -venge me | in thy j flrength. 2 Hear my | prayer, O | God : and hearken unto the | words | of my | mouth. For ftrangers are rifen up a- | -gainfl | me : and tyrants, which have not God before their eyes, [ feek | after my | foul. Behold, I God is my | helper : the Lord is with them | that up- | -hold my | foul. He fhall reward evil unto mine | ene- | -mies : deftroy thou | them | in thy | truth. An offering of a free heart will I give thee, and praife thy | Name, O | Lord : becaufe it | is fo | comfort- | -able. For he hath delivered me out of | all my j trouble : and mine eye hath feen his defire up- | -on mine | ene- | -mies. Good Friday. 183 Cbenms. #ls Pfalm Ixix. Ixxxvi No. I ^ i^^dsss: :s?:^ '=^ Sy I I ~f^& FP^^: ^f :i^ Pfalm Ixix. Ixxxviii. No. 94. felBgs 22: r :=1: ,..d. ;E«: :^ :c?; lJ. fe:a L^Ea^^fe 1— t-'-i E. G, Monk. PSALM LXIX, Salvum me fac. CAVE I me, O | God : for the waters are come in, | even | unto my | foul. 2 I flick faft in the deep mire, where | no ground | is : I am come into deep waters, To that the | floods run | over | me. 3 I am weary of crying ; my | throat is | dry : my fight faileth me for waiting fo | I Jong up- I -on my | God. 4 They that hate me without a caufe are more than the | hairs of my | head : they that are mine enemies, and would de- | -ftroy me | guiltlefs, are | mighty. 5 I paid them the things that I | never | took : God, thou knoweft my fimplenefs, and my faults | are not | hid from | thee. 6 Let not them that truft in thee, O Lord God of hofts, be afhamed | for my | caufe : let not thofe that feek thee be confounded through me, O Lord | God of | I Ifra- I -el. 7 And why ? for thy fake have I | fuffer'd re- | -proof : fhame ] — hath | cover'd my | I face. 8 I am become a ftranger | unto my | brethren : even an alien | unto my | mother^s | I children. 9 For the zeal of thine houfe hath even | eaten | me : and the rebukes of them that rebuked thee are | fallen up- | -on | me. 10 I wept, and chaftened my- | -felf with | fafl:ing : and that was | turned to | my re- I -proof. Ill put on I fackcloth | alfo : and they | jefted up- | -on | me. 1 2 They that fit in the gate fpeak a- | -gainft | me ; and the drunkards make | fongs up- I -on j me. 13 But, Lord, I make my prayer | unto | thee : in | an ac- | -ceptable | time. 14 Hear me, O God, in the multitude | of thy | mercy : even in the | truth of | thy fal- I -vation. 1 5 Take me out of the mire, that | I fink ] not : O let me be delivered from them that hate me, and | out of the | deep | waters. 184 Proper Pfalms. FJalm Ixix. Ixxxviii. No. 1. i 2i:^i:^s: L^:::^ ^^^.^- 2^ -1—1- :?^=^ :f=t: P/i7/»j Ixix. Ixxxviii No. 94. E. G. Monk. 16 Let not the water-flood drown me, neither let the deep | fwallow me | up : and let not the pit fhut her | mouth up- | -on | me. 17 Hear me, O Lord, for thy loving-kindnefs is | comfort- | -able : turn thee unto me according to the | multitude | of thy | mercies. 18 And hide not thy face from thy fervant, for | I am in | trouble : O | hafte | thee, and I hear me. 19 Draw nigh unto my | foul, and | fave it : O deliver me, be- j -caufe of mine j I ene- | -mies. 20 Thou haft known my reproof, my fliame, and | my dif- | -honour : mine adver- faries are | all | in thy | fight. 21 Thy rebuke hath broken my heart; I am full of | heavi- | -nefs : I looked for fome to have pity on me, but there was no man, neither found I | any to j I comfort I me. 22 They gave me | gall to | eat: and when I was thirfty they gave me | vine- | -gar to I drink. 23 Let their table be made a fnare to take them- | -felves with- | -al : and let the things that fhould have been for their wealth be unto them | an oc- 1 -cafion of | j falling. 24 Let their eyes be blinded, that | they fee | not : and ever | bow thou | down their | backs. 25 Pour out thine indignation up- | -on | them : and let thy wrathful dif- | -pleafure take 1 hold of | them. 26 Let their habit- | -ation be | void : and no man to | dwell | in their | tents. 27 For they perfecute him whom | thou haft ] fmitten : and they talk how they may vex I them whom | thou haft | wounded. 28 Let them fall from one wickednefs | to an- | -other: and not come | into thy | I righteouf- | -nefs. 29 Let them be wiped out of the | book of the | living : and not be | written a- | I -mong the ] righteous. 30 As for me, when I am poor and in | heavi- | -nefs : thy help, O | God, fliall ] I lift me [ up. 31 I will praife the Name of God | with a | fong : and magni- 1 -fy it with | thankf- | I -giving. Good Friday. 185 32 This alfo fhall | pleafe the | Lord : better than a bullock | that hath | horns and | I hoofs. 2Z The humble fhall confider this, | and be | glad : feek ye after God, | and your | I foul fhall I live. 34 For the Lord | heareth the | poor : and defpifeth | not his | prifon- | -ers. 2^c^ Let heaven and earth | pralfe | him : the fea, and | all that | moveth there- | -in. nfi For God will fave Sion, and build the | cities of | Judah : that men may dwell there, and | have it | in pof- | -fefTion. ■^y The pofterity alfo of his fervants fhall in- | -herit | it: and they that love his | I Name fhall | dwell there- | -in. PSALM LXXXVin. Bomine Bens. C\ LORD God of my falvation, I have cried day and | night be- | -fore thee : ^"^ O let my prayer enter into thy prefence, incline thine | ear | unto my | caUing. 2 For my foul is | full of | trouble : and my life | draweth | nigh unto | hell. 3 I am counted as one of them that go down | into the | pit : and I have been even as a I man that | hath no | ftrength. 4 Free among the dead, like unto them that are wounded, and | lie in the | grave : who are out of remembrance, and are cut a- | -way | from thv | hand. 5 Thou hafi: laid me in the | lowefl | pit : in a place of | darknefs, and | in the [ I deep. 6 Thine indignation lieth | hard up- | -on me : and thou hafl vexed | me with | all thy I florms. 7 Thou haft put away mine acquaintance | far from | me : and made me to | be ab- | I -horred | of them. 8 I am fo I fafl in | prifon : that | — I | cannot get | forth. 9 My fight faileth for | very | trouble : Lord, I have called daily upon thee, I have flretched forth my | hands | unto | thee. 10 Dofl thou fhew wonders a- ] -mong the | dead: or fhall the dead rife up a- | I -gain, and | praife | thee } 1 1 Shall thy loving-kindnefs be fhewed | in the | grave : or thy | faithfulnefs | in de- I -flrudlion ? 1 2 Shall thy wondrous works be known | in the | dark : and thy righteoufnefs in the land where | all things | are for- | -gotten ? 1 3 Unto thee have I | cried, O | Lord : and early fhall my | prayer ] come be- | -fore thee. 14 Lord, why abhorrefl | thou my | foul : and hidefl | thou thy | face from | me ? 15 I am in mifery, and like unto him that is at the | point to | die : even from my youth up thy terrors have I fufFered | with a | troubled | mind. i86 Anthems. K±s22. ::^_^- -csd^ : i^ t—r No. I. Pjalm Ixix. Ixxxviii. No. -n |< ^^g^-gasgr^ i 1.1: ^ES -^-'S> ^^-^ Pjalm Ixix. Ixxxviii. 94 S- Kl A A ^. .^. j_^ 1 o>, 1-1- 22: ^iis:^: H — [--^-i— 1 E. G. Monk. 1 6 Thy wrathful difpleafure goeth | over | me : and the | fear of thee | hath un- | I -done me. 17 They came round about me | daily like | water : and compared me to- | -gether on I every | fide. 18 My lovers and friends haft thou put a- [ -way from | me: and hid mine ac- quaintance I out I of my I fight. EASTERDAY. At Morning Prayer, injiead of the Pjalm , O come, let us fing, &c., theje Anthems pall be fung or /aid. i s -J— 4- No. 13. ^—r±i^- ■jc:^-z:c^z±^. m^ ! I i^ii^Biimid^ =P^= tgis^z^ 22: 4—1- No. 23' ■r± I i r^' I I m :^: 1221 S^^-^i tzi p. Humphreys. E. G. Monk. /^HRIST our pafTover is facri- | -ficed | for us : therefore | let us | keep the | feaft. Not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and | wicked- | -nefs : but with the unleavened bread of fin- | -ceri- | -ty and | truth, i Cor. v. 7. /^HRIST being raifed from the dead | dieth no | more : death hath no more do- | I -minion | over | him. • For in that he died, he died | unto fin | once : but in that he liveth, he | liveth | unto | 1 God. Tikewife reckon ye alfo yourfelves to be dead indeed | unto ] fin : but alive unto God through I Jefus | Chrift our | Lord. Rom, vi. 9. Eajler Day. 187 /^HRIST is ri fen I from the | dead : and become the firft- | -fruits of | them that | ^ I flept. For lince by^ | man came ] death : by man came alfo the refur- 1 -redlion | of the | dead. For as in Adam | all | die : even fo in Chrift fhall | all be | made a- | -live. I Cor. XV. 20. Glory be to the Father, and | to the | Son : and | to the | Holy | Ghoft ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever fhall | be : world without | end. | I A- I -men. 5 t=i: :^=^: ■'^g^- Pjalm ii. Ivii. cxi. No. 152 1=1: i^^?:^ m Tr-5^ :S2: -^- Pfalm ii. Ivii. cxi. --h=.z r^-T- t^ No. 165. I I s::)-, B S-,^i i 4=i ^-i^ is; I PSALM II, T. PURCELL. F. A. G. OUSELEY. ^are fremuerunt gentes ? '\\/'HY do the heathen fo furioufly | rage to- | -gether : and why do the people i- I -magine a | vain | thing ? 2 The kings of the earth ftand up, and the rulers take | counfel to- | -gether : againfl the Lord, and a- | -gainft | his A- | -nointed. 3 Let us break their | bonds a- | -funder : and caft a- | -way their ! cords | from us. 4 He that dwelleth in heaven fhall | laugh them to | fcorn : the Lord fhall | have them | I in de- | -rifion. 5 Then fhall he fpeak unto them | in his | wrath : and vex them | in his | fore dif- | I -pleafure. 6 Yet have I | fet my | King : upon my j holy | hill of | Sion. 7 I will preach the law, v/hereof the Lord hath | faid unto | me : Thou art my Son, this day have | I -be- | -gotten | thee. 8 Defire of me, and I fhall give thee the heathen for thine in- | -herit- | -ance • and the utmofl parts of the | earth for | thy pof- | -fefTion. 9 Thou fhalt bruife them with a | rod of | iron : and break them in pieces | like a | I potter's I vefTel. 10 Be wife now therefore, | O ye | kings : be learned, ye that are [ judges | of the | I earth. 1 1 Serve the | Lord in | fear : and rejoice unto | him with | rever- 1 -ence. 1 2 Kifs the Son, left he be angry, and fo ye perifh from the | right | way : if his wrath be kindled (yea, but a little), bleffed are all they that | put their | trufl in | I him. t88 Proper Pfalms, Pfalm ii. Ivil. cxi. \ \-r- No. 152. Pfalm ii. Ivii. cxi No. 165. •E merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me, for my and under the fhadow of thy wings fhall be my refuge, u: F. A. G. OUSELEY. Miferere met, Deus, foul I trufteth in | thee : ^ ""^ and under the Ihadow of thy wings fhall be my refuge, until this tyran- 1 -ny be | \ ] over- I -paft. ^ 2 I will call unto the | moft high | God : even unto the God that fhall perform the ^ caufe I which I | have in | hand. ^ 3 He fhall j fend from | heaven : and fave me from the reproof of him | that would | ^ I eat me | up. i \ 4 God fhall fend forth his | mercy and | truth : my | foul is a- | -mong | lions. V \ I ^ And 1 lie even among the children of men, that are | fet on | fire : whofe teeth are Vi.- fpears and arrows, and their | tongue a | fharp | fword. 6 Set up thyfelf, O God, a- | -bove the | heavens : and thy glory a- | -bove | all the | \J I earth. 7 They have laid a net for my feet, and prefled | down my | foul : they have digged a pit before me, and are fallen into the | midfl ^ of | it them- | -felves. 8 My heart is fixed, O God, my | heart is | fixed : I will | fing, and | give | praife. 9 Awake up, my glory, awake, | lute and | harp : I myfelf | will a- | -wake right | I early. ^ ^ 10 I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, a- ] -mong the | people: and I will fing unto I thee a- | -mong the | nations. 1 1 For the greatnefs of thy mercy reacheth | unto the | heavens : and thy | truth | I unto the | clouds. A 1-12 Set up thyfelf, O God, a- | -bove the | heavens : and thy glory a- | -bove | all the | \y I earth. PSALM CXL Confiuhr tibi. T WILL give thanks unto the Lord with my | whole | heart : fecretly among the faithful, and | in the | congre- | -gation. 2 The works of the | Lord are | great : fought out of all them | that have | pleafure there- | -in. J His work is worthy to be praifed, and | had in \ honour : and his righteouf- | -nefs en- I -dureth for I ever. Eajier Day. 189 4 The merciful and gracious Lord hath fo done his | marvellous | works : that they ought to be j had | in re- | -membrance. 5 He hath given meat unto | them that | fear him : he fhall ever be mindful | of his | I cove- I -nant. 6 He hath fhewed his people the power | of his | works : that he may give them the | I heritage | of the | heathen. 7 The works of his hands are veri- | -ty and | judgement : all his com- | -mand- | I -ments are | true. 8 They ftand faft for | ever and | ever : and are done in | truth and | equi- | -ty. 9 He fent redemption | unto his | people : he hath commanded his covenant for ever ; holy and | reverend | is his | Name. 10 The fear of the Lord is the be- | -ginning of | wifdom : a good underftanding have all they that do thereafter ; the praife of | it en- | -dureth for | ever. aPbenmg* No. 166. No. 128. u tt Pjalm cxiii. cxiv. cxviii. :sf ^3: :^: Z2: --■^-^- W^^^ ^^-^---\ JzJ: ^ PSALM cxin. ^ .^- ■^-. zt. I ! ^: :s;^: :^.-^ :tzt Pjalm cxiil. cxiv. cxviii. Dr. Aldrich. G. A. Macfarren. Laudate^ pueri, >R AISE the | Lord, ye | fervants : O praife the | Name | of the | Lord. 2 BlefTed be the Name | of the | Lord : from this time | forth for | ever- | -more. The Lord's | Name is | praifed : from the rifmg up of the fun unto the | going | I down of the | fame. The Lord is high a- | -bove all | heathen : and his | glory a- | -bove the | heavens. Who is like unto the Lord our God, that hath his | dwelling fo | high : and yet humbleth himfelf to behold the things that | are in | heaven and | earth ^ He taketh up the fimple | out of the | duft : and lifteth the | poor | out of the | I mire ; That he may fet him | with the | princes : even with the | princes | of his | people. He maketh the barren woman to | keep | houfe : and to be a | joyful | mother of | I children. igo Proper Pfalms. Pfalm cxVn. cxiv. cxviii. No. i66. Pfalm cxiii. cxIv. cxviii. No. 128. Dr. Aldrich. G. A. Macfarrin. PSALM CXIV. In exitu Ifrael. \X7HEN Ifrael came | out of | Egypt : and the houfe of Jacob from a- 1 -mong the | I ftrange | people, 2 Judah was his | fan6lu- | -ary : and | Ifrael j his do- | -minion. 3 The fea faw ] that, and | fled : Jor- | -dan was | driven | back. 4 The mountains | fkipped like | rams : and the little | hills | like young | fheep. 5 What aileth thee, C3 thou fea, | that thou | fleddeft : and thou Jordan, that | thou waft I driven j back ? 6 Ye mountains, that ye | fkipped like | rams : and ye little | hills, | like young | I fheep ? 7 Tremble, thou earth, at the prefence | of the | Lord : at the prefence | of the | ] God of I Jacob ; 8 Who turned the hard rock into a | ftanding | water : and the flint-ftone | into a | I fpringing | well. PSALM CXVIII. Conjitemini Domino. r\ GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for | he is | gracious : becaufe his | mercy en- | ^^^ I -dureth for | ever. 2 Let Ifrael now confefs, that | he is | gracious : and that his | mercy en- | -dureth for I ever. Let the houfe of Aaron | now con- | -fefs : that his | mercy en- | -dureth for | ever. Yea, let them now that fear the | Lord con- | -fefs : that his | mercy en- | -dureth for I ever. I called upon the | Lord in | trouble : and the Lord | heard | me at | large. The Lord is | on my | fide : I will not fear what | man doeth | unto | me. The Lord taketh my part with | them that | help me : therefore fhall I fee my defire up- | -on mine | ene- | -mies. 8 It is better to truft | in the | Lord : than to put any | confi- | -dence in | man. 9 It is better to truft j in the | Lord : than to put any | confi- | -dence in | princes. 10 All nations compafTed me | round a- | -bout: but in the Name of the | Lord will I I de- I -ftroy them. Eajier Day. 191 1 1 They kept me in on every fide, they kept me In, I fay, on | every | fide : but in the Name of the I Lord will | I de- | -ftroy them. 12 They came about me like bees, and are extind even as the fire a- | -mong the | I thorns : for in the Name of the | Lord I | will de- | -ftroy them. 13 Thou haft thruft fore at me, that | 1 might | fall : but the | Lord | was my | help. 14 The Lord is my ftrength, | and my | fong : and is be- | -come | my fal- | -vation. 15 The voice of joy and health is in the dwellings | of the | righteous: the right hand of the Lord bringeth | mighty | things to | pafs. 16 The right hand of the Lord hath the pre- | -emi- | -nence : the right hand of the Lord bringeth | mighty | things to | pafs. 17 I ftiall not I die, but | live : and declare the | works | of the | Lord. 1 18 The Lord hath chaftened and cor- | -redled | me : but he hath not given me I over I unto | death. 1 9 Open me the gates of | righteouf- | -nefs : that I may go into them, and give I thanks | unto the | Lord. 20 This is the gate | of the | Lord : the righteous ftiall | enter | into | it. f 21 I will thank thee, for I thou haft | heard me : and art be- | -come | my fal- | I -vation. 22 The fame ftone which the | builders re- | -fufed : is become the | head-ftone | in the ] corner. 23 This is the | Lord's | doing : and it is | marvellous | in our | eyes. 24 This is the day which the | Lord hath | made : we will rejoice | and be | glad in 25 Help me | now, O | Lord : O Lord, fend us | now prof- ] -peri- | -ty. 1 26 BlefTed be he that cometh in the | Name of the | Lord : we have wiftied you ^ good luck, ye that are of the | houfe | of the | Lord. 27 God is the Lord who hath | ftiewed us | light : bind the facrifice with cords, yea, even unto the | horns | of the | altar. 28 Thou art my God, and | I will | thank thee : thou art my | God, and | I will ] I praife thee. \ 29 O give thanks unto the Lord, for | he is | gracious : and his | mercy en- | -dureth } for I ever. 192 Proper Pfalms, PJalm ASCENSION DAY. Venite to No. i. No. 26. Vlll. XV. XXI. m n i=i: ^ -^z^ HE^iSlI s=^ -r -i4 I I :3^ :^S I From Battishill. tg: P/a/w viii. xv. xxi. No. 120. :^: iT^^'ig: PSALM VIIL I J. TuRtE. Dominey Dominus nofter. r\ LORD our Governour, how excellent is thy Name in | all the | world : thou ^^^ that haft fet thy | glory a- | -bove the | heavens ! 1 Out of the mouth of very babes and fucklings haft thou ordained ftrength, becaufe of thine | ene- | -mies : that thou mighteft ftill the enemy, | and the a- | -ven- | 3 For I will conftder thy heavens, even the | works of thy | fingers : the moon and the ftars, | which thou | haft or- | -dained. 4 What is man, that thou art | mindful | of him : and the Ton of man, j that thou | I vifiteft I him } 5 Thou madeft him lower | than the | angels : to crown | him with | glory and | I worfhip. 6 Thou makeft him to have dominion of the | works of thy | hands : and thou haft put all things in fub- | -jedlion | under his | feet ; 7 All I ftieep and | oxen : yea, and the | beafts | of the | field ; 8 The fowls of the air, and the fifties | of the | fea : and whatfoever walketh through the I paths | of the | feas. 9 O Lord our | Cover- | -nour : how excellent is thy [ Name in | all the | world ! PSALM XV. Bomine, quis hahitabit ? T ORD, who ftiall dwell in thy | taber- | -nacle : or who ftiall reft up- | -on thy | ^ I holy I hill .? 2 Even he, that leadeth an | uncorrupt ] life : and doeth the thing which is right, and fpeaketh the | truth | from his | heart. Afcenjion Day. 193 3 He that hath ufed no deceit in his tongue, nor done evil | to his | neighbour : and I hath not | flander'd his | neighbour. 4 He that fetteth not by himfelf, but is lowly in his | own | eyes : and maketh much of I them that | fear the | Lord. 5 He that fweareth unto his neighbour, and difap- | -pointeth him | not : though it I were to his | own | hindrance. 6 He that hath not given his money upon | ufu- | -ry : nor taken reward a- [ -gainfl: the I inno- | -cent. 7 Whofo I doeth thefe | things : fhall | — | never | fall. PSALM XXI. Bomine, in virtute tua, '"T^HE King fhall rejoice in thy | ftrength, O | Lord : exceeding glad fhall he | I be of I thy fal- | -vation. 2 Thou haft given him his | heart's de- | -fire : and haft not denied him the re- | I -queft I of his | lips. 3 For thou ftialt prevent him with the | bleftings of | goodnefs : and fhalt fet a crown of pure I gold up- | -on his | head. 4 He afked life of thee, and thou gaveft him a | long | life : even for | ever | and | I ever, 5 His honour is great in | thy fal- | -vation : glory and great worfhip | ftialt thou | I lay up- I -on him. 5 For thou ftialt give him everlafting fe- | -lici- | -ty : and make him glad with the | I joy of thy | counte- | -nance. 7 And why ? becaufe the King putteth his | truft in the | Lord : and in the mercy of the Moft Higheft | he fhall | not mif- | -carry. 8 All thine enemies fhall | feel thy | hand : thy right hand fhall | find out | them that I hate thee. 9 Thou fhalt make them like a fiery oven in | time of thy | wrath : the Lord fhall deftroy them in his dlfpleafure, and the fire | fhall con- | -fume | them. 10 Their fruit fiialt thou root | out of the | earth ; and their feed from a- | -mong the I children of | men. I T For they Intended mifchief a- | -gainft | thee : and imagined fuch a device as they are not | able | to per- | -form. 12 Therefore fhalt thou | put them to | flight : and the ftrings of thy bow fhalt thou make ready a- | -gainft the | face of | them. 13 Be thou exalted, Lord, in | thine own | ftrength : fo will we | fing and | praife thy I power. N 194- Proper Pfalms. Cbmmg. n PJalm xxiv. xlvli. cvii 4 No. 107. isi m' 2^ ^ :^^ 1—1- 'C^ -^ ■.^. =H ^-^ "^ ^l^E^ I J I I :22Z HS^ .„s:^_sz^. P/i/w xxiv. xlvli. cviii. feg ^ 4—1 :::S::^S: - - I _r:2- .^.'^ -- 1- Dr. Crotch. F. A. G. GUiELEY. PSALM XLVIIL G Magnus Dominus, REAT is the Lord, and highly | to be | pralfed : in the city of our God^ even up- I -on his I holy | hill. 2 The hill of Sion is a fair place^ and the joy of the | whole | earth : upon the north- fide lieth the city of the great King ; God is well known in her palaces | as a | I fure I refuge. 3 For lo, the | Kings of the | earth : are gathered, | and gone | by to- | -gether. 4 They marvelled to j fee fuch | things : they were aftonifhed, and | fudden- | -ly caft I down. 5 Fear came there upon | them, and | forrow : as upon a | woman | in her | travail. 6 Thou fhalt break the | fhips of the | fea : through | — the | eaft- | -wind. 7 Like as we have heard, fo have we feen in the city of the Lord of hofts, in the city I of our | God : God up- | -holdeth the ] fame for | ever. 8 We wait for thy loving- | -kindnefs, O | God : in the | midft | of thy | temple. 9 O God, according to thy name, fo is thy praife unto the | world's | end : thy right hand is | full of | righteouf- | -nefs. 10 Let the mount Sion rejoice, and the daughter of | Judah be | glad: be- | -caufe of I thy I judgements. Walk about Sion, and go | round a- | -bout her : and | tell the | towers there- | -of. 'up her I houfes : that ye may tell | them that | II 12 Mark well her bulwarks, fet I come I after. 13 For this God is our God for I death. ever and | ever : he fhall be our | guide j unto Whit-Sunday. 197 PSALM LXVIII. ^ Exurgat Beus. T ET God arife, and let his ene- | -mies be | fcatter'd : let them alfo that hate him | ^^ I flee be- | -fore | him. I Like as the fmoke vanifheth, fo flialt thou | drive them a- j -way : and like as wax melteth at the fire, fo let the ungodly perifii | at the | prefence of | God. 3 But let the righteous be glad and re- | -joice before | God : let them | alfo be | I merry and | joyful. 4 O {\ng unto God, and fing praifes | unto his | Name : magnify him that rideth upon the heavens, as it were upon an horfe ; praife him in his Name JAH, | and re- I -joice be- | -fore him. 5 He is a Father of the fatherlefs, and defendeth the | caufe of the | widows : even God in his | holy | habit- | -ation. 6 He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in an houfe, and bringeth the prifoners out of cap- | -tivi- | -ty : but letteth the runagates con- | -tinue in | I fcarce- | -nefs. 7 O God, when thou wenteft forth be- | -fore the | people : when thou wenteft | I through the | wilder- | -nefs, 8 The earth fhook, and the heavens dropped at the | prefence of | God : even as Sinai alfo was moved at the prefence of God, who is the | God of | Ifra- | -el. 9 Thou, O God, fenteft a gracious rain upon thine in- | -herit- | -ance : and re- frefhedft | it when | it was | weary. 10 Thy congregation fhall | dwell there- | -in: for thou, O God, haft of thy goodnefs pre- | -pared | for the | poor. I I The Lord | gave the | word : great was the | company | of the | preachers. 1 2 Kings with their armies did flee, and were dif- | -comfit- | -ed : and they of the | I houfehold di- | -vided the | fpoil. 1 3 Though ye have lien among the pots, yet fliall ye be as the | wings of a | dove : that is covered with filver wings, | and her | feathers like | gold. 14 When the Almighty fcattered kings | for their | fake : then were they as | white as I fnow in | Salmon. 1 5 As the hill of Bafan, | fo is God's | hill : even an high hill, | as the | hill of | I Bafan. 1 6 Why hop ye fo, ye high hills ? this is God's hill, in the which it pleafeth | him to I dwell : yea, the Lord will a- | -bide in | it for ] ever. 17 The chariots of God are twenty thoufand, even | thoufands of | angels: and the Lord is among them, as in the | holy | pi. ce of | Sinai. 18 Thou art gone up on high, thou haft lei captivity captive, and received | gifts for I men : yea, even for thine enemies, that the Lord God might | dwell a- I -mong | them. 19 Praifed be the | Lord | daily : e.en the God who helpeth us, and poureth his | I bene- | -fits up- | -on us« ig8 Proper Pfalms. PJalm xlviii. Ixviil. No. IOC. _ , No. 1:31. -* ^^ I Pfalm xlviii. Ixviu. '-' i^: 4^ ^. -d=2- 3=^ :s:^: I Dr. Crotch. F. A. G. OUSELEY 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 and the hairy fcalp of fuch a one mine He is our God, even the God of whom | cometh fal- | -vation : God is the Lord, by I whom we ef- | -cape | death. God fhall wound the head of his | ene- | -mies as goeth on | ftill in his | wicked- | -nefs. The Lord hath faid, I will bring my people again, as I | did from | Bafan own will I bring again, as I did fometime from the | deep | of the | fea. That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine | ene- | -mies : and that the tongue of thy dogs may be | red | through the | fame. It is well feen, O God, | how thou | goeft : how thou, my God and King, goeft | I in the | fanftu- | -ary. The fingers go before, the minftrels | follow | after : in the midft are the damfels | I playing | with the | timbrels. Give thanks, O Ifrael, unto God the Lord in the | congre- | -gations : from the | I ground | of the | heart. There is little Benjamin their ruler, and the princes of | Judah their | counfel : the princes of Zabulon, and the | princes of | Nephtha- | -li. 28 Thy God hath fent forth | ftrength for [ thee : ftablifh the thing, O God, that | I thou haft I wrought in | us. 29 For thy temple's fake at Je- | -rufa- 1 -lem : fo fhall kings bring | prefents | unto | thee. 30 When the company of the fpear-men, and multitude of the mighty are fcattered abroad among the beafts of the people, fo that they humbly bring | pieces of | I filver : and when he hath fcattered the people | that de- | -light in | war ; 3 1 Then fhall the princes come | out of | Egypt : the Morians' land fhall foon ftretch out her | hands | unto | God. 3 2 Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms | of the | earth : O fing | praifes ] unto the | I Lord ; '^'^ Who fitteth in the heavens over all | from the be- | -ginning : lo, he doth fend out his voice, yea, and | that a | mighty | voice. 34 Afcribe ye the power to God over | Ifra- |- el : his worfhip, and | ftrength is | in the I clouds. 3 5 O God, wonderful art thou in thy | holy | places : even the God of Ifrael ; he will give ftrength and power unto his | people ; | bleffed be [ God. Whit-Sunday, 199 Cbmmfl. Fjalm civ. cxlv. No. 163. Fjalm civ. ex v. No. 27. J. Battishill. PSALM CIV E. J. Hopkins. Benedicy anima mea. >RAISE the Lord, | O my [ foul : O Lord my God, thou art become exceeding glorious ; thou art clothed with | majef- | -ty and | honour. Thou deckeft thyfelf with light as it were | with a ] garment : and fpreadeft out the I heavens | like a | curtain. Who layeth the beams of his chambers | in the | waters : and maketh the clouds his chariot, and walketh upon the | wings | of the | wind. He maketh his | angels | fpirits : and his minif- | -ters a | flaming | fire. He laid the foundations | of the | earth : that it never fhould | move at | any | time. in 6 Thou coveredfl: it with the deep like as | with a j garment : the waters | ftand the I hills. 7 At thy re- | -buke they \ flee : at the voice of thy | thunder they | are a- | -fraid. 8 They go up as high as the hills, and down to the | valleys be- 1 -neath : even unto the place which thou | hafl; ap- | -pointed | for them. 9 Thou haft fet them their bounds which they | fliall not | pafs : neither turn a- I I -gain to I cover the | earth. 10 He fendeth the fprings | into the | rivers : which | run a- | 11 All beafts of the field | drink there- | -of: and the wild I thirft. 1 2 Befide them fliall the fowls of the air have their | habit- | I -mong the | branches. 13 He watereth the hills | from a- | -bove : the earth is filled ,thy I works. 14 He bringeth forth grafs | for the | cattle : and green herb | for the | fervice of | I men ; 15 That he may bring food out of the earth, and wine that maketh glad the | hearr of I man : and oil to make him a cheerful countenance, and | bread to | ftrengthen man's I heart. ■mong the | hills. I afles I quench their ation : and | fing a- | with the I fruit I ot 200 Proper Pfalms. rjalm civ. cxlv. No. 163. T=l :S:S S-i .^J. :^3^: A mm A :=5: :;1:^ PJalm cxiv. cxlv. No. 27. ^sirgg^i =lt=B I I T^ ^isiii^^r"^ .<:^.A-J- iz^±=: 2z: J. Battishill. E. J. Hopkins. 16 The trees of the Lord alfo are | full of | fap : even the cedars of Libanus | which | I he hath | planted ; 17 Wherein the birds | make their | nefts : and the fir-trees are a | dwelling | for the I ftork. 1 8 The high hills are a refuge | for the wild | goats ; and fo are the llony \ recks | I for the I conies. 19 He appointed the moon for | certain | feafons : and the fun | knoweth his | going | I down. 20 Thou makefl: darknefs that it | may be | night : wherein all the | beads of the ] I foreft do | move. 21 The lions roaring | after their | prey : do | feek their | meat from | God. 22 The fun arifeth, and they get them a- | -way to- | -gether : and lay them | down | I in their | dens. 23 Man goeth forth to his work, and | to his | labour : un- | — — | -til the | I evening. 24 O Lord, how manifold | are thy | works : in wifdom haft thou made them all ; the earth is | full | of thy | riches. 25 So is the great and | wide fea | alfo : wherein are things creeping innumerable, both I fmall and | great | beafts. 26 There go the fhips, and there is that Le- [ -via- | -than : whom thou haft made to I take his | paftime there- | -in. 27 Thefe wait | all upon | thee : that thou mayeft give them | meat in | due | feafon. 28 When thou giveft it them they | gather | it: and when thou openeft thy hand | I they are | filled with | good. 29 When thou hideft thy face | they are j troubled : when thou takeft away their breath they die, and are turned a- | -gain | to their | du'ft. 30 When thou letteft thy breath go forth they | fhall be | made : and thou .{halt re- I -new the | face of the | earth. 31 The glorious Majefty of the Lord fhall en- | -dure for | ever: the Lord fhall re- I -joice ! in his | works. 32 The earth fhall tremble at the [ look of | him : \^ he do but touch the [ hills, | I they fhall [ fmoke. Whit-Sunday. 201 '^'1^ I will fing unto the Lord as | long as I | live : I will praife my God ] while I | I have my | being. 34 And {q fhall my | words | pleafe him : my joy | fhall be | in the | Lord. 35 As for finners, they fhall be confumed out of the earth, and the ungodly fhall | j come to an | end : praife thou the Lord, O my | foul, | praife the | Lord. PSALM CXLV. Exaltabo te, Beus, T WILL magnify thee, O | God, my | King : and I will praife thy | Name for | ever and I ever. I Every day will I give thanks | unto | thee : and praife thy | Name for | ever and | ever. 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous, worthy | to be | praifed : there is no | end | of his I greatnefs. 4 One generation fhall praife thy works | unto an- | -other : and | — de- 1 -clare thy | I power. 5 As for me, I will be talking | of thy | worfhip : thy glory, thy | praife, and | won- drous j works. 6 So that men fhall fpeak of the might of thy | marvellous | ads : and I will ( alfo | I tell of thy I greatnefs. 7 The memorial of thine abundant kindnefs | fhall be | fhewed : and men fhall fing | I of thy I righteouf- | -nefs. 8 The Lord is gracious and | merci- | -ful : long-fuffering, | and of | great | goodnefs. 9 The Lord is loving unto j every | man : and his mercy is | over \ all his | works. 10 All thy works praife | thee, O j Lord : and thy faints give | thanks | unto | thee. I I They fhew the glory | of thy | kingdom : and | talk | of thy | power ; 1 2 That thy power, thy glory, and mightinefs | of thy | kingdom : might be | known | I unto I men. 13 Thy kingdom is an ever- | -lafting | kingdom : and thy dominion en- | -dureth through- I -out all | ages. 14 The Lord upholdeth all | fuch as | fall : andliftethup | all thofe | that are | down. 1 5 The eyes of all wait upon | thee, O | Lord : and thou giveft them theirj meat | I in due | feafon. 16 Thou open- | -eft thine | hand : and fiUeft all things j living w^ith | plenteouf- 1 -nefs. 17 The Lord is righteous in | all his | ways : and | holy in | all his | works. 18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that | call up- | -on him : yea, all fuch as call up- I -on him | faithful- | -ly. 19 He will fulfil the defire of | them that | fear him : he alfo will hear their | cry, | I and will I help them. 20 The Lord preferveth all [ them that | love him : but fcattereth a- | -broad all | the un- I -godly. 21 My mouth fhall fpeak the praife | of the | Lord: and let all flefli give thanks unto his holy | Name for | ever and | ever. THE CANTICLES AND HYMNS. 204- C ant ides and Hymm (Bu^itx aintfiemsi. I— J-.-I- No. 13. -W- 1 \ 1 -, , , r -H 1— , 1 l-r j: I I -9 — ei- er gis No. 23' I I II I I I I I J m^^^^im^ p. Humphries. No. 121 E. G. Monk. No. 106. _A i* "j^ a3||E|^||3gg^l^| ^, S^L^^ er ;iE^i I I I I :c2Z 's::?- :p=1: ^^: ;^: '=^'^' 1 I 11:22; Dr. W. Chard. -1—1- Upon an ancient Theme. ^HRIST our paflbver is sacri- | -ficed | for us : therefore | let us | keep the | Not with the old leaven^ nor with the leaven of malice and | wicked- | -nefs : but with the unleavened bread of fin- | -ceri- | -ty and | truth, i Cor. v. 7. Christ being raifed from the dead | dieth no | more : death hath no more do- | I -minion | over | him. For in that he died, he died | unto fm | once : but in that he liveth^ he | liveth | I unto I God. Likewife reckon ye alfo yourfelves to be dead indeed | unto | fin : but alive unto God through | Jefus | Chrift our | Lord. Rom, vi. 9. Christ is rifen I from the | dead : and become the firfl- | -fruits of | them that | I ^ept. For since by | man came | death : by man came alfo the refur- | -redion | of the | I dead. For as in Adam | all | die : even fo in Chrift fhall [ all be | made a- | -live. I Cor, XV. 20. Glory be to the Father, and | to the | Son : and | to the | Holy | Ghoft ; As it was in the beginning^ is now^ and | ever fhall | be : world without | end. | 1 A- 1 -men. {a) Canticles and Hymns, No. 105. ^ {b) 205 iia Dr. W. Crotch. No. 13, p. Humphries. No. 152. From Battishill iiiS Dr. W. Hayes. (/) T. PURCELL. No. 38. Insi^iiii^ii I I I I "=^"'=5' I I -^4 -^^^^^^^ G. A. Macf T— L 4—1- T1- -'^s- ■^ No. 13 r-l 1- ^5::^=^ @^P 2::^Z2^ :^s: 1=± ^=::^ I I 1 t=t: p. Humphries. (0 No. 26. m: ist Wd ^—53 s=^ :gt^ I I ,^-r ^ i=p -^j 15=5: From J. Battishill. W i i^:^::^ I I 4— J. No. 152. -r^z^. t=X- siz^ :± J I I , •^iJurJ rj ■czt =5: 1 ss T. PURCELL. (0 •rt ^ " - ^ g:^ ^ 4-4- No. 95. ■^ -< ^ ' o> 4 V ^ij:^-^--^-- ^ I I ss: 33: §^ t=1: .s:s. 1 I Dr. W. Hayes. (/) ^= ^. ISIS No. 38. I J m^ +=l :^:^-:^: ::ss: J J ^ ' iS: s? t=X s:^: G. A. Macfarren- 24 Day I by | day : we | magni- 1 -fy | thee; 25 And we | worfhip thy | Name : ever | world with- | -out | end. 26 Vouch- 1 -fafe, O ] Lord : to keep us this | day with- | -out | iin. 27 O Lord, have | mercy up- 1 -on us : have | mercy up- | -on [ us. 28 O Lord^ let thy mercy [ lighten up- | -on us : as our | truft | is In j thee. 29 O Lord, in thee | have I | trufted : let me | never | be con- 1 -founded. 2o8 Canticles and Hymns, asmetrinte, omnia ©pna* No. 97. -^ I J W%- :^: ■\-=^-- ■<^s- \\f tzA^t No. 49. — V — tx n r^^ — l-r-^' — ^^-f :SzE:§zESzE^zszE^2Zi^EEz I J 1 I I I 1 h ::s^ .^ ^ -- ■^■ 1=1= = m Right Rev. Bishop Turton. Anonymous. Bene die it e omnia opera, r\ ALL ye Works of the Lord^ blefs | ye the | Lord : pralfe him, and | magnify | I him for | ever. 2 O ye Angels of the Lord, blefs | ye the ] Lord : praife him^ and | magnify | I him for | ever. 3 O ye Heavens, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him^ and | magnify | him for | ever. 4 O ye Waters that be above the Firmament, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him^ and I magnify | him for | ever. 5 O all ye Powers of the Lord, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | I him for | ever. 6 O ye Sun, and Moon, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him^ and | magnify | him for I ever. 7 O ye Stars of Heaven, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for I ever. 8 O ye Showers^ and Dew^ blefs | ye the | Lord ; praife him^ and | magnify | him for I ever. 9 O ye Winds of God, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for | I ever. 10 O ye Fire and Heat, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for I ever. 1 1 O ye Winter and Summer, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | I him for | ever. 12 O ye Dews^ and Frofts, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him^ and | magnify | him for I ever. 13 O ye Froft and Cold^ blefs [ ye the ] Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for I ever. 14 O ye Ice, and Snow, blefs | ye the 1 Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for I ever. Canticles and Hymns. 209 15 O ye Nights, and Days, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for I ever. 16 O ye Light^ and Darknefs, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him. and | magnify | I him for | ever. 17 O ye Lightnings, and Clouds, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify I I him for | ever. 18 O let the Earth | blefs the | Lord : yea, let it praife him, and | magnify | him for I ever. 19 O ye Mountains, and Hills, blefs | ye the j Lord : praife him, and | magnify | I him for | ever. 20 O all ye Green Things upon the Earth, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and I I magnify. I him for | ever. 21 O ye Wells, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for | ever. 22 O ye Seas, and Floods, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for I ever. 23 O ye Whales, and all that move in the Waters, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for | ever. 24 O all ye Fowls of the Air, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | I him for | ever. 25 O all ye Beafts, and Cattle, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | I him for | ever. 26 O ye Children of Men, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for I ever. 27 O let Ifrael | blefs the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | him for | ever. 28 O ye Priefts of the Lord, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | I him for | ever. 29 O ye Servants of the Lord, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | magnify | I him for | ever. 30 O ye Spirits and Souls of the Righteous, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | I magnify | him for | ever. 31 O ye holy and humble Men of heart, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and j I magnify ] him for | ever. 32 O Ananias, Azarias, and Mifael, blefs | ye the | Lord : praife him, and | I magnify | him for | ever. Glory be to the Father, and | to the ] Son : and | to the | Holy | Ghoft ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever fhall | be : world without | end. | I A 1 -men. 2TO Canticles and Hymns. 3$enetiicitr, omnia ii^pera* Dr. P. Hayes. Decani. Cantoris. i Full. -I \- ^ ^: -gg'- ^=fe& 25— Ci I I I tit: :2: is I I m -rz>—r:>—r:tx: ^=:s5=ss: /^ ALL ye Works of the Lord, blefs ye the Lord ^'^ O ye Angels of the Lord^ blefs ye the Lord O ye Heavens^ blefs ye the Lord O ye Waters that be above the Firmament, blefs ye the Lord O all ye Powers of the Lord, blefs ye the Lord O ye Sun and Moon, blefs ye the Lord O ye Stars of Heaven, blefs ye the Lord O ye Showers and- Dew, blefs ye the Lord O ye Winds of God, blefs ye the Lord O ye Fire and Heat^ blefs ye the Lord O ye Winter and Summer, blefs ye the Lord O ye Dews and Frofts^ blefs ye the Lord O ye Froft and Cold, blefs ye the Lord O ye Ice and - Snow, blefs ye the Lord O ye Nights and Days^ blefs ye the Lord O ye Light and Darknefs, blefs ye the Lord O ye Lightnings and Clouds, blefs ye the Lord O let the Earth blefs the Lord O ye Mountains and Hills, blefs ye the Lord O all ye Green Things upon the Earthy blefs ye the Lord O ye Wells, blefs ye the Lord O ye Seas and Floods, blefs ye the Lord O ye Whales, and all that movej ^ ^^^^ ^^^ Lord m the J ^ ^ O all ye Fowls of the- Air, blefs ye the Lord O all ye Beafts and Cattle, blefs ye the Lord O ye Children of. Men, blefs ye the Lord O let Ifrael blefs the Lord O ye Priefts of the Lord, blefs ye the Lord O ye Servants of the Lord^ blefs ye the Lord O ye Spirits and Souls of the... Righteous, blefs ye the Lord O ye holy and humble Men of heart, blefs ye the Lord O Ananias, Azarias, and Mifael, blefs ye the Lord yea, let it Canticles and Hymns. 211 Full. d; ^: Ei=^ -^-- praife Him, and mag - -^ M^ ni - f y Him for ■ggt ev :^: r^. ^^ iss: iss: er. iss: GLORIA PATRI. 3 1 :g§ziLi§=3=i3=E£==l^ iss: sis: :^ Glory be to the Father, and to the Son ; and m .S!i- to the Ho - ly Ghoft ; I i 3! :ss: ss: :s:^: ^ a=:dr:=5: t=t ss: r^- 34 3E g S :ss: As it was in the begin ■^-^r m ; It was m the begm- ) n n i u -.i ^ j a 5 \ ever mail be : world without end. A - men. nmg, IS now, and J ^ ^_, ,_^ :di ^ ss: 212 Canticles and Hymns. No. 126. ^zzs: -Zr^tL ^n I I ::^-q:^: ^ijSlS^Sil S;=r:=lrzi: lis : z^sz -g^-c^- No. 88 ;-^>- :r-^ :?^ E.G. Monk. No. 128. R :s: 1— f : I I I i ^^ ^^S" ■1-4- ^ll^S I I I J ^m iiSSl 1 — ^- G. A. Macfakren. :.=U :^ .? ■^>t: ^ From Savage. No. 131. 1 1 Pl¥ B ss: ^^ s:^ -^ t F. A. G. OUSELEY. for he hath vifited, | and re- | "D LESSED be the Lord God of | Ifra- | -el I -deemed his | people ; 2 And hath raifed up a mighty fal- | -vatlon | for us : In the houfe [ of his ] I fervant | David ; 3 As he fpake by the mouth of his | holy | Prophets : which have been | fince the | I world be- | -gan ; 4 That we fhould be faved from our | ene- 1 -mies : and from the | hands of | I all that I hate us ; 5 To perform the mercy promifed to | our fore- | -fathers : and to remember his | I holy I Cove- | -nant ; 6 To perform the oath which he fware to our forefather | Abra- | -ham : that | he would I give | us ; 7 That we being delivered out of the hand of our | ene- | -mies : might ferve | I him with- | -out | fear ; 8 In holinefs and righteoufnefs be- | -fore | him : all the | days of | our | life. 9 And thou^ Child^ fhalt be called the Prophet | of the | Higheft : for thou fhalt go before the face of the Lord | to pre- | -pare his | ways ; 10 To give knowledge of falvation | unto his | people : for the re- | -mifTion | of their | fins^ X I Through the tender mercy | of our | God : whereby the day-fpring from on | I high hath | vifited | us. I 2 To give light to them that fit in darknefs, and in the | fhadow of | death : and to guide our feet | into the | way of | peace. Glory be to the Father, and | to the | Son : and | to the | Holy | Ghoft ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever fhall | be : world without | end. ] I A I -men. Canticles and Hymns. 213 No. 83. No. 108. -^J, J.. ^ ^n^ ^^^-'-Jn-^r ipjl J. Battishill. No. 163. :=^d^ Dr. E. F. Rimbault. ^^ J-J- :^rs 1 — t- ■^ sgta^ii 5-^ No. 125. -1—4 -^ -^ iS= :^: J. Battishill. No. 120. Peter Fussell. m ^ ^- t=-l ^:i^. icirt =f^- ■^'-^i- F ^-M : at^ ■^-T No. -J— J. 2. 2:^ e ■-'S»,-L— : S |CS| — before all things it is neceflary that he hold the Catholic .... Faith. I 1"* 1 1 ■ 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- lo. II. 12. 14. 16. »7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31- 32. 33- 34- 35- 36. 37- 38. 39- 40. 41. 42 without doubt he fhall perifh — . that we worlhip one God in Trinity, and Trinity- nor dividing — and another of the Holy — . The Glory equal, the Majefty co and fuch is the Holy — and the Holy Ghoft— and the Holy Ghoft — and the Holy Ghoft — , . but — .... but one uncreated, and one — , • and the Holy Ghoft — . • but — .... and the Holy Ghoft is — . . , but — and the Holy Ghoft — but — . . . . to acknowledge every Perfon by Himfelf to be God- to fay, There be three Gods, or three — neither created, nor — not made, nor created, but — neither made, nor created, nor begotten, — one Holy Ghoft, not three — • none is greater, or lefs — . . . and CO- — . . . . the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity is to be — muft thus think .... that he alfo believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord Jefus that our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Son of God, is God — and Man, of the Subftance of His Mother, born — of a reafonable foul and human flefti — and inferior to the Father, as touching — yet He is not two, but one — but by taking of the Manhood — but by unity — fo God and Man is one — defcended into hell, rofe again the third day — from whence He fhall come to judge the quick— and fhall give account for their own — and they that have done evil into everlafting — which except a man believe faithfully, he cannot — and to the Holy — world without end. A- — ever- in . the -laftingly Unity. Subftance. Ghoft. . -e- -ternal. Ghoft. uncre- -ate. incompre- -henfible. e- -ternal. one eternal. incompre- Al- -henfible. -mighty. one Almighty God. . one God. . Lord. , one Lord. and Lord ; , Lords. be- -gotten. . be- but pro- -gotten, -ceeding. Holy than an- Ghofts. -other; . -equal. of the worftiipped. Trinity. , Chrift. . and Man; in the world ; . fub. -fifting ; His Manhood. , Chrift. into God ; . of Perfon. , Chrift i from the dead. and the dead. , works. , fire. . be faved. . Ghoft; . -men 2 l6 Canticles and Hymns. AT EVENING PRAYER ■^— 1- No. 32. SS 2:^ £Si I I I m. j^. ^=^ r:^ ~ i-^-A ^-^'- --- ^PS ^ No. 127. 221 g I ' ' ' , ' I ^:^Jc.-^ Dr. S. Arnold, Dr.W. Hayes. No. 133. n^^n- m^d^ tptr ^_.^. :22: =T^ t Dr, T. a. Walmisley. No. 107. $ §^^s I I ^-^- (i:2 :S ss isszzss: Dr. B. Cooke. i ^ fe^^^ g &* 1^ 1 1 -^- No 164. :^^ ^ -<^ -^ jd.^ -^- 22: ^^is 12:^1 J: No. 161. V^" : — I — rrzz:^:gs ^ 221:2::^: -- S^" A -^-A. j^ E G. MoNr ^=T^ J. Battishill. Canticles and Hymns. 21J No. 76. s I I m W^m i^j: I I ^ ^:Q ^ -J^:^^=:^<^ Dr. E. F. Rimbault. No. 165. feipteiii ■n' fe s ^ ai^^a F. A. G. OUSELEY. Magnificat. IVTY foul doth magni- | -fy the | Lord : and my fplrlt hath re- | -joiced In | God my I Saviour, 1 For he | hath re- | -garded : the lowll- | -nefs of | his hand- | -maiden. 3 For be- | -hold, from | henceforth : all gener- | -atlons fhall | call me | blefTed. 4 For he that Is mighty hath magni- | -fied | me : and | holy | Is his | Name. 5 And his mercy Is on | them that | fear him : through- 1 -out all | gener- 1 -atlons. 6 He hath fhewed ftrength | with his | arm : he hath fcattered the proud In the Imagin- | -atlon | of their | hearts. 7 He hath put down the mighty | from their | feat : and hath ex- | -alted the | I humble and | meek. 8 He hath filled the hungry | with good | things : and the rich he | hath fent | I empty a- | -way. 9 He remembering his mercy hath holpen his fervant | Ifra- 1 -el : as he promlfed to our forefathers, Abraham | and his | feed^ for | ever. Glory be to the Father, and | to the | Son : and | to the | Holy | Ghoft ; As It was In the beginning, is now, and | ever fhall | be : world without | end. ' I A I -men. 2l8 Canticles and Hymns. CantaU Somino* No. 72. No. 115. i^ai E. G. Monk. From W. Russell. Cantate Domino. r\ SING unto the Lord a | new | fong : for | he hath done | marvellous | things. ^^^ 2 With his own right hand^ and with his | holy | arm : hath he gotten him- | I -felf the I vido- | -ry. 3 The Lord declared | his fal- | -vation : his righteoufnefs hath he openly fhewed in the | fight | of the | heathen. 4 He hath remembered his mercy and truth toward the houfe of | Ifra- | -el ; and all the ends of the world have feen the fal- | -vation | of our | God. 5 Shew yourfelves joyful unto the Lord^ i all ye | lands : fing, re- | -joice. | and give I thanks. 6 Praife the Lord up- | -on the | harp : {\ng to the harp with a | pfalm | of thanks- | I -giving. 7 With trumpets ( alfo^ and | fhawms : O fhew yourfelves joyful be- | -fore the | I Lord the | King. 8 Let the fea make a noife, and all that | therein .| is : the round world, and | they that I dwell there- | -in. 9 Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills be joyful together be- | -fore the | Lord : for he | cometh to | judge the | earth. 10 With righteoufnefs fhall he | judge the | world : and the | people with ) 1 equi- 1 -ty. Glory be to the Father, and | to the | Son : and | to the | Holy | Ghoft ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever fhall | be ; world without ) end. | I A I -men. Canticles and Hymns. 219 fLwwi trimitti£(. No. 166. . ^- 2^: ^^ Z^t^IS^ -^- ^^ 3 ^=^T^ :tzz± No. 117. :i ^z^: ^ ^ 1=1: §11 -<^Tgzglm S ■^'-(S'- L,-<=LJ s?:^ ^S Rev. Dr. Aldbich. No. 81. P=l:=t ^3^^E^^ i ' II ^ 'IZL ^^^ ^=1: n & Dr. J. Alcock. No. 143. A—A- -^ ^^ai^^s 1— 1-"-1- ■iiA W. HiNE. No. 99, ^S ^J^^i^P I I ^?:i; 22: ^ ^ W. Dyce. No. 9. L^^ifei -(f^- -^ 122: ^SR TCTTfl A J. J. J. ^^-- ■^^- 1— 1- ^ 3 5:^=^ 1 — \ R. Farrant. Dr. p. Hayes. Nunc dimittis. T ORD^ now lettefl thou thy fervant de- | -part in | peace : ac- | -cording | to thy I word. 2 For mine | eyes have | (t^n : thy | — | — fal- | -vatlon, 3 Which thou I haft pre- | -pared : before the | face of | all | people ; 4 To be a light to | lighten the | Gentiles : and to be the glory of thy | people ( I Ifra- I -el. Glory be to the Father^ and ] to the | Son : and | to the | Holy | Ghoft ; As it was in the beginning, is .now, and | ever ihall | be : world without | end. | I A I -men. 220 Canticles and Hymns. l9cu£S mijimatur. No. 8 No. 55. I J J-^ . -i ^BP :s:s=:^ 1 1- T. Tallis, No. 188. W. Lee. No 82. ) I :^ n I I I ^=^ tr s gsgiS ^ y ^• :^b:i - <^ o - I I ^ ,-4t-^^ J t=^ £N^ 5=-g=if E. G. Monk. ^ ^: i— G. A. Macfarren. Deus mifereatur, /^OD be merciful unto us, and | blefs | us : and fhew us the light of his counte- nance, and be | merciful | unto | us. 1 That thy. way may be | known upon | earth : thy faving | health a- | -mong all | I nations. 3 Let the people praife | thee, O | God : yea, let all the | people | pralfe | thee. 4 O let the nations rejoice | and be | glad : for thou fhalt judge the folk righteoufly, and govern the | nations up- | -on | earth. 5 Let the people praife | thee, O | God : yea, let all the | people | praife | thee. 6 Then fhall the earth bring | forth her | increafe : and God, even our own God, fhall I give | us his | blefTing. 7 God fhall I blefs | us : and all the ends of the | world fhall | fear | him. Glory be to the Father, and | to the | Son : and | to the | Holy | Ghofl ; As it was in the beginning, is now^ and | ever fhall | be : world without | end. | I A I -men. APPENDIX. 221 i66. .67. t) E^ "^ T^ ei^^^j &fc J^^qngrn-®- : l — [- Jz^iO Fisr Goot/ Fi'Jay. ^-ggz^ ::^::^ ej 1— r- :^s: n :^=^ :&^ ■r-r I I :1B :«: 168. Rev. Dr. Aldrich. For Good Friday, ;s^^^_^'^:y ^g^ T -^S5> I 1—1- :?:^=^. 169. '^^. Melody of No. i. ^Ss *--^- ei ^if:^- ?:i:g --^g: -^- -^- 1-' IS 170. SSSSi No. I. with another ending. -J-M Dr. W. Turner. 171 ^iti: ■s-^r ^ ^JL^ZIZ ^"^r- j.-...-.,^j^. R. Langdon is i^l- ,i3EBpl^£;^S^: bfc: ^2^ I III -z^-zzX- ,.C2., -1 — i ^c-^ — ^x^a Dr. W. Crotch. 172. u ^ — ^- ^=^: ^E^iSEp Itq^ :a^:;i: -^. j^ ^ fe1^^C=ll -S— isSp^ i I I I I I HS-*- ^liiife^ c:2 <^^_i^. E. G. Monk. 222 Appendix. 174. it 175- S^HSgi 2^ ^^12:: I 1 I I -^- i^ -Sl-Si- EBE I I 3Tg3 ^§^^s^^ ^T'-^- :§: j=i. ^. I SI J _l 176. Dr. G. J. Elvey. ^ P sz^izs:^ On an Ancient Theme. F^^*%^ 3^^:F^ i I I R. Farrant. On an Ancient Theme. ibo. ^SilS 2^^=^: ^^ ^-=^ :^=^: ill ^^; e^ ^=^: 32: I I 1.^ J-. J ISi^C 181, P^^sip,^ip Bgg 1-^ ^3 .Sii. ss: :^ I I I I ■ -J J ^^a-iiSi feil |=q-::::2z::5t 2ii:^ i^Ss^^^s^ 9 ^^.t^dtsz ^T ^: "^^ ss±:=; m j=L M -A -I 1- e=^ I i I ^' -, J=1: sz^zi^iz^; o . e^ - M I Rev. p. Henley. 224 Appendix. ^ I I -^1 -J- J J _^ -^- -^ -^- -^ -r-<^— ^— r^-n r ^ — — r^ it ^ — r^^ n-7=^i i ^ 4=^ z:^; ■^^ i^zif-^ :^ :^5: :s:^ Z2: :^ J I :^: s^ I W. MORLEY. p^i^S 2± ^ 2:± t=l: i :=^: :2^=^- ■cr i?~_^^2: :?;=■ i s: -^-^^- ^ I I z^zz^. 3-5r,d=^_Sz,r-S3f^=^ili3-=Egi^5a53]^EiE^ i=± m ^ I I I i=j: -^» — — -Sr S 1 — r J. Robinson. te tr m P 1:^=^ -(S»- tt 22: ?ES ^' 22Ztr_" 2^=:^^^=:= :^=^= n-^- -,^- ^^ =:^ :=^=i: =^ ■^" ?^ ^^- IS^ZZC^ gl .c .<^. -C^. ^2: ■■=t m I Dr. W. Boyce. —- ^-.^ ! i iS^ gig j5s agi=5ggsEgga-=7pi From H. Lawes. Appendixs 225 10. ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ i z? ss A ^^ 22: :i==T q=q: :^ ss I I ^ :^ '^~^' 1221 1— r Dr. W. Hayes. R. Langdon. 12. t^ g J I 3: ss: is: S5z: -^^ - ! ! , 1 2:^ ^ ^ TS^ is: •|-g^ s J: : :15s: I I^ SSI -g ^-g ^zsi ' I I ^ ^ s^zzs:^ LSI Dr. J. Nares. 226 INDEX. SINGLE CHANTS. Name of Compofer. Number of Chant. Alcock, Dr. j. - - - - - 117, 1^6 Aldrich, Dr. H. - - - - - 12, 166 Anonymous - - - - 44, 49, 69, 71, 145, 176 Arnold^ Dr. S. - - • - - -32 Ayrton, Dr. E. ~ • • - - 58 Barrow, Ifaac - - - - - - 67 Battiihill, J. - - • - - 26, 83, 161, 163 Blow, Dr. J. - - - - - - 28 Chard, Dr. W. - - -> ™ - 121 Cooke, Dr. B. - - - - - 2^, 107 Corfe, Dr. C. W. ^ - - - - 40 Crotch, Dr. W. - - - - 24, 41, 46, 105, 109, 171 Dupuis, Dr. T. S. - - - 39, 52, 140, 142, 149 Dyce, W. -...-_ 143 Elvey, Dr. G. J. - ... - 137^174 Elvey, Dr. S. - - - - - - 10 Ely, Lord Bifhop of (Dr. Turton) - - - "97 Farrant, R. - - • - - - 9, 178 Pel ton. Rev. W. - - - - - S9y 73 FufTell, P. - - - - - - 125 Gibbons, Dr. C, - - - - -79 Gofs, John ----- 30, 62, 66 Green, Dr. M. - - - - • - 156 Hayes, Dr. P. - - • - - 98 Hayes, Dr. W. - - - - - 61, 95, 127 Helmore, Rev. T. - • - - - 104 Hine, W. - - - - - 20, 81 Index. 227 Name of Compofer. Number of Chant. Hindle, J. - - - - ■ - 138 Hopkins, E. J. - - - - - 27, 72 Humphreys, P. - - - - - "^Z^ 2^ Jones, J. - - - - - - 22 Kelway, T. - - - - - - 16, 17 King, C. - - - - - 150. 159 Kinkee, F. - - - - - - 92 Lamb, B. - -.- - _ -y^ Langdon, R. - - - - - - 170, 180 Lee, W. - - - - - - 54 Macfarren, G. A. - - 23, 37, 45, 82, 100, 128, 135, 160 Macfarren, W. C. - - - - - 21 Monk,E.G. 14,25,33,34,43,47,53,60,89,94,126,141,144,147,157,164,173 Monk, H. T. - - - - - II, 114 Nares, Dr. J. - - - - - -181 Oakeley, H. S. - - - - - 116 Oufeley, F. A. G. - 18, 56,70, ''S, xii, 118, 123, 131, 139, 158, 165 Purcell, E. - - - - - - 93 Purcell, H. - - - - - 48, 129 Purcell, T. - - - - - -152, 153 Rimbault, Dr. E. F. - - - (i%, 76, 84, 108 RufTell, W. - . - . - - 91. 134 Savage - - • - - - 87 Stewart, Dr. R. P. - • - - - 85 Tallis, T. - - - - - I, 8, 77 Travers, J. - - • - - -113 Turle, J. - ^ . ^ 50, 120, 154, 162 Turner, Dr. W. - « - - 102, 115, 169 Upon an Ancient Theme - • - 106, 175, 177, 179 Walmifley, Dr. T. A. - • . - 74, 80, 133, 151 Walond - - - - - - 86 Weldon, John • - - - - 6^ Woodward, Dr. R. - - - - -119 2 2 8 Index. DOUBLE CHANTS, Name of Compofer. Number of Chant. Boyce, Dr. W. - - - - - 8 Cooke, Dr. B. - • • - - I Cooke, R. - ^ - • - -2 Flintoft ------ 3 Hayes, Dr. W. - - - - - JO Henley, Rev. P. • - - - - 4 Langdon, R. - - - - • • li Lawes, H. - • • - - 9 Morley, W. - - • • • • j; Nares, Dr. J. - * • 12 Randall, Dr. j. • • * • • 6 Robinfon, J. ► • • y ^his Pointing of the P falter is authorized by His Grace the Archbijhop of York. Cijf ^i^alUr, airaitseti foi* Cijanting, (Second and Improved Edition , at reduced prices,) With appropriate Englifh Chants. Edited by the Rev. Sir F. A. Gore Ouseley, Bart., M.A., Mus. Doc, Oxon., &c., and Edwin George Monk, Mus. Doc, Oxon., Organift and Choir- Mafter of York Minfter. The fpecialities of this work are, ifl. — The divifion of the words; in which the two extremes of the purely fyllabic and the polyfyllabic have been equally avoided. 2nd. — The employment of Single Chants only. 3rd. — The provifion of two feries of Chants throughout the month ; the one, more or lefs ancient (from the time of Tallis to Dr. Crotch), the other by living compofers. Edition I., in izmo., as a hand-book for Choir and Congregation, for diftribution by Clergymen, and for ufe in Singing ClafTes and Collegiate and Parochial Schools. Price 2s., bound in whole cloth, limp. The Chants printed in vocal parts, a feparate edition for each voice. (See Specimen.) Edition IL, in Foolfcap quarto, handfomely printed in antique Pica type, with the Chants in fhort fcore, for the reading-deik, organ, &c Whole cloth boards. Price 5s. Edition III., in Imperial 32mo., without the Chants. Cloth, is. Ditto, with Proper Pfalms IS. 3d. (See Specimen.) %* A few copies may Hill be had of the Demy quarto Edition, printed from antique Great Primer type, with the Chants in fhort fcore. Whole cloth boards. Price 2 1 s. W^t Cantirteg, or l^gmniS of tfie Ct)«rf6, From the "Pfalter." ComprefTed fcore, 9d. Each Voice part, fingly, 3d. Words only, 24mo., ijd. Cije anglican Ciboral ,#nbi« 2$oofe, Being the order for Chanting the Daily Prayer, Litany, and Holy Communion, &c, as noted by Merbeck and other authorities, adapted for prefent ufe in the Englifh Church by Edwin George Monk, Mus. Doc, Oxon. i8mo., in paper cover, is. ; whole cloth, 2s. Sixth Edition, Revifed and Enlarged. Cibc ^ngliran C^ant Boofe, A Colleftion of Single Chants, Ancient and Modern, appropriated to the Daily Pfalms, Canticles, and Hymns, in the Book of Common Prayer. The Chants correfpond with thofe of the " Pfalter," and are fimilarly numbered. Edited by Edwin George Monk, Mus. Doc, Oxon. 1 8mo., in paper cover, is. 6d. ; whole cloth, 2s. 6d. New edition, whole cloth, Foolfcap quarto, large type, 4s. London : Novello, Ewer and Co. SPECIMEN OF VOCAL PARTS.— 12mo. Demy. PSALM 1. 11. Day I. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. Day I. ifilornins ^rager. .1. 1 fl Psalm i. ii. 1 No. 8. 7? (TJ . 1 v-| -^ -T^-^- ^-| ^f : ^^1 br-^ 1 Psalm i. ii. T. Tallis. No. 10. :p: -(©- i^i 1^ Dr. S. Elvey. Psalm i. — Beaius vir, qui non abiit. Blessed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the | way of | sinners : and hath not sat in the | seat | of the | scornful. 2 But his delight is in the | law of the | Lord : and in his law will he exercise hiin- 1 -self | day and | night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the | water | I side : that will bring forth his | fruit in | due | season. 4 His leaf also | shall not | Avither : and look, whatsoever he I doeth, | it shall | prosper. 5 As for the ungodly, it is not | so with | them : but they are like the chaff, which the wind scattereth away from the | face | of the | earth. 6 Therefore the ungodly shall not be able to stand | I in the | judgement : neither the sinners in the congre- | -gation | of the [ righteous. 7 But the Lord knoweth the | way of the | righteous : and the way of the un- | -god- | -ly shall | perish. Psalm ii. — Quare fremuerimt gentes '^ Why do the heathen so furiously | rage to- 1 -gether : and why do the people i- | -magine a | vain | thing ? 2 The kings of the earth stand up, and the rulers take | counsel to- 1 -gether : against the Lord, and a- | -gainst J his A- | -nointed. The lines which surround the page are intended to represent the size of book* SPECIMEN— 32mo. Imperial. Day 1. THE PSALMS. Psalm ii. — Quare fremuerunt gentes f WHY do tlie heathen so fiiriously | rage to- I -gether : and why do the people i- I -magine a | vain | thing ? 2 The kings of the earth stand up, and the rulers take | counsel to- | -gether : against the Lord, and a- | -gainst | his A- | -nointed. 3 Let us br^ak their | bonds a- | -sunder : and cast a- | -way their | cords | from us. 4 He that dwelleth in hedven shall | laugh them to I scorn : the L5rd shall | have them | in de- I -rision. 5 Then shall he speak unto them | in his | I wrath : and vex them | in his | sore dis- | -plea- sure. 6 Yet have I | set my | King : up5n my | I holy I hill of I Sion. 7 I will preach the law, whereof the L5rd hath I said unto | me : Thou art my Son, this day have | I be- | -gotten | thee. 8 Desire of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine in- | -herit- j -ance: and the utmost parts of the | earth for | thy pos- 1 -session. 9 Thou shalt bruise them with a | rod of | iron : and break them in pieces | hke a | potter's | vessel. 10 Be wise now therefore, | ye | kings : be learned, ye that are | judges | of the | earth. 11 Serve the | Lord in | fear: and rejoice unto | I him with | rever- j -ence. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and so ye perish from the | right | way : if his wrath be kindled, (yea, but a little,) blessed are all th^y that I put their | trust in \ him. The lines which surround the page are intended to represent the size of book. NOVELLO, EWER AND CO., TYPOGRAPHICAL MUSIC AND GENERAL PRINTERS, I, BERNERS STREET, AND 35, POULTRY, LONDON. Witmm mmMmmmmmmm '^l\x\^t\\x.WWui,'i\ ^m ^«ii