» i It^-**' // -> I THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, ^ Princets>n, N. J. ( fV/.sv, Division. .0,V:^.Srr....Al Ji \ i;» !» \ ,<^t^^^iJ^>r*. The ADVANTAGE of the Kingdom of Chrift, In the Shaking of the Kingdoms of the World ; OR, Providential Alterations in their Sub ferviency to C H R I S T^ Exal^ tation^ Opened in a SERMON Preached to the .PARLIAMENT, A folemn Day of THANKSGIVING for the Deftrudion of the 5 C T^ Army at IVorceJier^ with fundry other Mercies. By John OwEN^, Mimjicr of the Gojpcl. Vol. U LONDON, Printed for J o s e p h M a r s h a l l at the Bit/c in Kcwgiitc-flrrct, 1720. Tuef day the 2 8. o( OSloher^ 1^51. Ordered by the Parliament, THA T the Thanks of this Uoiife he given to Mr. Owen Dean of Chr ift-Church in Oxford, y^r his great Tains taken in his Sermon preached before /^^ P a R L i a m e n T at Mar- garef i" Weflminfter, on Friday the 24/6 of 0£lo- ber, ( being a Day fet apart for Vuhlick Thankf- giving:) And that he he defired to Frint his Ser- mon: And that he have the like Vrivilege in Printing the fame^ as others in like Cafe have ufurU ly had. And that the Lord General do give him \ he Thanks of this Houje, and defire him to Frint his Sermon accordingly. Hen. Scobell^ Cler. Parh T O T H E Supreme Authority of the Nation, The COMMONS AlFcmblcd in PAPvLIAMENT. Right Honourable, F all the Times tvhich the Holy One o^ Ifrael hath canjcd to pafs over the Kation^ of the JVorldy there hath not any (from the T>ays of Old) been Jo filled uith eminent Dtfccveries of his Prefence, Power^ and Frj^ vtdence in difpofwg of all Affairs here Below ^ according to the Couniel ot his own Will, as the Scdfon wbcrem he hath made lou a Spc(^acle unto Men and Angels, being the Injirumnit in his Hand, to prr- form ail his Flcafurc. JMcitber in this Sealcn hath he^ upon any Opportunity^ fo ghrioufly laid huld upon his own Strength and Goodnejs^ to manifcjt the Fixcdnels of his Eye on thofe who are as the Apple of it, as in that mighty Dc- liveranee^ the high Praifes whereof^ according to his good Hand upon you, you Utcly rcndred unto him. The more Beauty and Vefirablenefs any I^efjgn again jl tJjc Lord Chrifi is cloathcd withal^ the more Power ard Subiilty it is fupported with^ the greater is the Br'ie.htuvh of his Coming for its Wajhng and Vefolation, fVith what Dc- ceivablcnefs of Unrighteoufncfs, and Lyes in Hypocrily, the late grand Attempt of thofe in Scotland, with then Ad^ herents^ (which alfo was of the former, ani is gone into Dc- firuUion) was carried on^ is^ in fomc meajur , now made fiskcd to the loathing of its Abominations. In digi^ing deip^ to lay a Foundation for Blood and Revenge ; ;/; covering pri^ vate and fordid Ends^ with a Pretence of Ihings puhlick and glorious ; in limning a face of Kdigion upon a worldly Sto^k ; in concealing difiant Aims and bloody Annrnfities^ to cowpjfs $ne Common End^ that a Iheatre might be provided to ail A 3 fvcral The Epiftle Dedicatory feveral Parts upon ; in pleading a Mcefjiy frvn? an Oath of God UHto moji dtfprate Undertakings againji God ; and fuch-lih Ihings as thfe: Ferhapy it gives not place to any rJhich fortnet Ages have been acauainted withal. Notp ta rejeli all the Claims of the Authors and Abettors thereof^ to any Commifton from Above, to diveft them of all Pretences to Religion and Zeal thereof^ to difappoint them in their ex^ peeled A{fociations^ and to mak^ all their Strength to become as Tow that hath frock the Fire, hath been his Workalone^ who takes to himfelf his great Power, to carry on the In- tereft of his Kingdom againji all Oppofers, Vndcr the Ihadow of this Mercy^ compofed of as many Branches of Wifdom^ Popper^ Goednefs^ and Faithfulnejs^ as any out- ward Vifpcnfation hath brought forth^ fince the Name of Chriniatt was known, d§ lou now fit in Council^ and the Kefidueofih Nation in Peace, What Obligations from the Lord ? What Cords of Love are upon us ? The Returnal and Improvement of all his Dealings with us^ which he re- quireth and expcUeth from us^ I have pointed you unto in the following Sernion. For the prefent, I jhall only add^ that' as whatever there hath been, of Beauty^ Glory^ or Advantage unto the People of God in the late Jranfaltions^ hath been eminently of undefcrved Grace ; fi the dreadful Vengeance which the Lord hath executed againji the Men of his Enmity and Warfare^ hath hen mpft righteoufly procured, by their cloathing curfed Vefigns of Revenge^ Perfecution^ Bondage in Soul and Body, Spoil and Rapine^ with the mofl glorious Pretences of Zcal^ Covenant^ Eefermation^ and fuchM^e Things^ which mvir came into their Hearts, Therefore^ that ih^ God of all our Mercies and Deliverances weuld for ever keep alive in your Hearts a faithful Acknowledgement of his Grace^ and a pratlical Detefiation of thofe Ways which are flich a Provocation to the Lyes of his Glory ^ Jhall be the con^ jiant Prayer of\ From my Your moA humble Servant Study, Ch, Ch, Oxon. Ui our dearcft Lord, Nov. 7* John Owe?/. The ADVANTAGE of the Kingdom of Chrift, ire E Z E K. xvii. 24. Ani all the trees of the field pall knovff that I the Lord have brought down the high tree, and have exalted the lovo tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourijl) : I the Lord have fpoken it, and have done it, although all the Works of God's Provi- dence, (which are ireat, and fought cut of all that have Fleafurc in them, Pfal. III. 7.) have fuch a Stamp and Imprefs of his own Image on them, his Wifdom, Goodncfs, Power, Love, that they declare their Author, and reveal from Hea- ven his Kindnels and Wrath towards the Children of A i Men, 6 the Advantage of the Kingdom of Chrijt^ &c. Men, FfaL jp. i, 2. Rom. i. i8. A&s 27. 26, 27. Yet lucii are the Prejudices, Lulls, Inordinacy of At- feaions and Interefts of many, that it hath always htm a long and difficult Task to convince them of his Trefence in them, when it hath been moil uncon- trollably evident. The Egyptians will wreftle with many a Plague, by thinking the Magicians can do fo^ Exod. 7. 11, 12, and the ?hilijiincs will try to the utmoll whether it be his liand^ or a Chance^ that it hapned to them, I Sam. 6. 9. Lord (fairh the Prophet) when thy hand is lifted lip^ they will not fee ^ lia. 16. 11. Yea, of ten-times, (er^pcchlly wh^n judicial Blindnefs is gone forth upon them, Ifa, 6. 11, 12.) though they cannot but iee his Arm awaked, as of old, and made bare, they will not reft in his fbveraign Difpolal of Things, but rife up againfl the Works of his Revenge and Hoiinels: like Wild Beafts that are purfued, when all Ways of Efcape and Turning are fliut up, they fly in the Face of him that follows them : They repent not of their evil deeds, bta bite their tongues for anger, and blafpheme theGodofheaven^ Rev. i^. 10, IT. Yea, fuch is the Power of deceivable LuJIs, that many will admire at the Blindnefs of others in former Generations, who confidered not the Works of God, (as the Jetvs in the Wildernefs,) when themfelves are under aflual Contempt of no lels glorious Difpenfi- tions ^ like the Fharifees, who bewailed the Folly of jher Fathers in perfecuting the Frophets, when Them- ielves were endeavouring to kill the Son of God^ Matth. 2^ 29, 30. To bring then upon the Spirits of Men a Convi^ion of the Works of God, and his Righteoufnefs therein, lb as to prevail with them to reft in his Determina- tion of Things, is a Task meet only for him who knows preach d to the ParUament^ Oft. 24. 1651, knows all their Hearts w"thin them, and can carry on the Iflbes ot his Providence, until to a man thcv Jhall fiiy^ Verily there is a revOiird for the righteous : ve- rily he is a God vrho juJgeth in the earth, PfaL 58. 11, and this is that which the Lord here undertakes to accomplilh. xind, laith he, all the trees^ &c. In the Preaching and Prophelying oi'Ezekiel, this one thing, among others, is eminent, that he was Art if ex Faraboliiruf?!, a wonderiul Framcr oiSimiH- tudes and Parables, Ezek. 20. 45. a way of Teach- ing, attended with much Evidence, Clearneft, and Power. In particular, he frequently compares the World to a Held, or a Foreji, and the Inhabitants of it to the Trees therein. An AUufion exceedingly proper, confidering the great Variety, and Difterence ot'Con- dirion both of the one and the other. The Trees of the Held are fome hi^h, fbme low, fome green, fbme dry, Ibme ftrong, rbme weak, fome lofty, fbme con- temptible, ibixit fr^jtjul, fome barren, fome ufeful, fome altogether uj^hifs : So that you have all forts of Perfons, High and Low, of what Condition, Relation, or Interelt ibever, clearly reprefented by the Trees of the Field ; and thefe are the Trees in my Text. This Chapter, unto ver, 22. is taken up in a Rid- dle, a Parable, with the Expofition of it, chap. 17. 2. The Time being come, that God would dellroy the Outward Viilble Monarchy of the Jews, for their Falle-worfliip, Tyranny, Perfecution, and Opprdlion ^ he employs the King of Babylon in that Work, 2 Qjron, ^6, 17. who fubdues the Nation, takes away two Kings one after another, and appoints Zedekiah a Titulary Governor under him, 2 Kings 14. t, 2, ?. But the Wrath of God being to come upon xhora to the uttermoft, he alio clofes with Egypt, rebels againlt him by whofe Appointment alone he had any Right A 4 to 8 The Advantage of the Kivgdcm of Chrifi. 6cc, m II ■ « I ■ . — .- to ^ be a Ruler, ver, i6. lb Way is made, by his Ruin, ro r-t an End to the Kingly Reign of the Houfe O^Dav'h- Jerufale7n, Jer. 29. 16, 17. The T .-rd had, of old, ere£led a Kingly Govern- tnent ir/;!^:" Houfe of David. Not for any Emi- nency in^-; Government it felf, or for the Civil Advantage I that People •, for he had long before chofen and- c 'blifhed another, confifting oi feven- ty elders of the people^ Numb. 11. 24. to whom he added Prophets and Judges extraordinarily railed up in leveral Generations, according to his Promife, J^eut^ t8. 18. which when the People rejefled, he faid. They reje^ed him, or his Inftitution, i Sam, 8. 7. but that it might be ^ + Type of the Spiritual Domi- nion of their MeJJiah, and fo was a part of their Pe- dagoj^ie and Bondage, as were the refidue of their Types every one of them'^ yea, the molt glorious En- joyn-ienti whatlbever, which were granted them, which did vet reprefent Ibmething that was afterwards to be brought in, was part of that fervile Estate wherein God kept that People, that without us they fhould not be made perfeO:. But now this Carnal People beholding the "outward Beauty, Luftre, and Glory of the Type, they began to relt in it, to the negle£l of the Spiritual \\ Kingdom of Chrift reprefented thereby. And thus did they with the reft of their Types, until the Lord deftroyed all their outward Pomp and Glory, Ifa. i, 11, 12. ^er. 7.4, 14, 15:. So in particular dealt he with their Kingly Govern- ?z?^^?r, when -once they began to account their iB^;?- dage their Glo?% and to embrace the Shadow inftead * ]er. ^7. I. 2 Kings 24. 17. 2 Chron. 56. 10. 2 Sam. r,' ii,&:i2.io. tPfal»45.6. Hor.3. 5. ini.9-7.&i^» 5, & 22.22. Jcr. 25. $, Amos p, 11. Ezek. 54. 25,240 & 37.24,2^. (] j'Cor. xc» n. Afts 15. 10, Gal. 3.4. preaclfd to the Pjrliament^Od. 24. 1651. 9 of the SubjJimcc. And this did he, to recall them ro a lerious Confideration ot the Tendency of all lypiCid Inflitutions, and the Dcfign he ' '^^ carrying on, concerning the Kingdom of Chrilt. Hence vcr. 22. of this Chapter, hecaj' *i|em from their Thou^htfulnefs about the Dclhu" JTOelbla- tions, and Conrenticns tiiat were ar :gU them in reference to their Civil Rule, to the .onfideration of that Defign, which he was fecretly and iilently car- rying on under all thefe Difpenfations : / ziv// nlfo take of the highcfi branch of the high cedar ^ and will Jet jt^ I mil crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one^ and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent. In the ??iountain of the height of Ifrael imll I plant it :• and it fhall bring forth boughs^ and hear fruity and be a goodly cedar: and under it fhall dwell all fowl of every wing^ in the fhadow of the branches thereof fhall they dwell. As if the Lr^rd fliould fjy ^ There is a great Noife in the World about letting up and plucking down of Kings in this their carnal Rule, and many of you lee nothing elle, you will look no fanher j but I alio have my Work in hand, my Defign is not bounded •within theie Limits and outward Appearances, 1 am letting up a King that fhall have another manner of Dominion and Rule than thefe Worms of the Earth. He fl-)all fiand^ as Micah 5:. 4. The letting up, then, of the Kingdom of Chrift, vdho is the highefl branch of the high cedar ^ and plant- ing it in the Church, the mountain of Ifrael^ with the Profperity hereof, and the Safety of him that fliall dwell therein, is the Subjeft of t;^;*. 22. chap, 2?. This being thir, to the Confideration whereof God here calls his People in fuch a Seafon, I fjiall name one or two Obltr\ acions from this connexion of the Words. Obf. 10 The Advantage of the Kingdom ofChrifl.Scc. ObfjJ] In the midft of all the Tu?mlts and Embroilments of the Nations, that which the Lord takes peculiarly as his own L)efign, into his own Ma- nagement^ is the carrying on of the Kingdom of the Lord Jejus. You are about your Work ( laiih che Lord,) I alio am about mine 5 you have your branches and cedars^ I alio have one to plant that fJiall tiourilh. Dan. 2. 44. In the days of thefe kings fl? all the God cf heaven Jet up a kingdom that fhall never be deflroy- ed^ &€. Were not thole Kings and Kingdoms alfb of his letting up, that it is laid, in their days he (hall let up one of his own > Yea, doubtlefs, tie chang- eth the times and the feafons : he-fetteth up Kings^ and removeth Kin^s^ Dan. 2. 21. He ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomfoever he will^ chap. 4. 25r. There is not a perfecuring Pharaoh^ but he raifes him up for his o-n purpoje^ Exod. 9. 16. But yet, in refpeS of the Kingdom of his Son, he fpeaks of them as if he had nothing to do with them ^ In their days I will do my own Work, advance the Kingdom of the Lord Chrili There are great and mighty Works in hand in this Nation ^ Tyrants are puniflied, the Jaws of Oppreffors are broken, bloody, revengeful Perlecutors difap- poinred, and, we hope. Governors fet up, that may be jufl^ ruling in the fear of the Lord^ that may be as the hght of the morning^ &:c. 2 Sam. 23. ?, 4. The Hand of the Lord hath been wonderfully exalted in all thele Things : But yet, ll:iould we relt in them, fliould they not be brought into an immediate Sub- ferviency to the Kingdom of the Lord Jefus, the Lord will quickly diltinguifh between them, and his own peculiar Defign, and lay. In the days oj thefe changes, I will do fo and fo ^ fpeak of them, as if he had nothing to do with them. The carrying on of the Interelt of Chrift, is his peculiar Aim , he, of his Good- nefs, make it ours alfo. Qbf. peach'dto the Varliarnent^ Ocl. 24. 1651. 1 1 Ohf. 2."1 Among all the Dcflgns that are on foot in the IVor/J, there is none that hath either P,/bi//ty. fix- edncfs, or final fucccjs^ hut only the dejl^n of God concerning the kingdom of ChnJL ^ Other Bunches may be iet, but the Branch of the Lord only pro- ipcrs : The likdkil appearances ot other Undertakings, are but as the glorious rifing of the Sun in the Morn- ing, quickly clouded. The Inrerdt otChrilt is like Jojcpb, Gen. 4 9. 23, 24. Oft-times the Archers (hoot at it and//7>w ;/ : but in the dole, the Bow thereof abides in Itiength •, and therefore this is the Klue of all Difpv.nfations,T/,v// the Kingdoms andXations are at length to be poffifjed by the Lord Chrijf^ Ila. 6c. 1 2, 13. Rev. II. 15. his Sheaf (landing up, and all 0- thers bowing thereunro. And unto the confideration of thefe things, in the midlt of all the Tumults in the World, doth God eSeftujlly recall his People, and withal tells them how he will carry it on, in the words of my Text, And all the trees^ &c. In the words, three Things are to bg obferved : I. The Work that God afcnbes to hiwjclf-^ and that he fetsdown under a two-fold hmilitude: 1. Of pulling down the high tree^ and Jetting up the low tree, 2. Of drying up the green tree^ and ?naking the dry tree to HourifJ). And both thele Similitudes are coincident, ferving only in this redoubling, for the clearer illuHration oi' that which they (liadow out. *<• Hagg. 2. 6. 6, 7. Hcb. 12.25,27. Ifj. 8. 9, \o.cbsp. 9. 7. cfc4^ 46. lu. d:A^. 53. 10. I'fal. 33.11. Vrov. 19. 31. iha^» l\.^ 30. Job 23. 13, 2. Thcr€ 2 The Advantage of the Kingdo?n of Chrifl &c. 2. There is the IJfu^ that God will carry this out unto, in refpeli of others ^ All the trees of the field flmll know. 9. A particular Ajjurance that the 'Lord, gives for the accomplijhment of all this, from the engageinent of Us 'Name, I the Lord, ^c For the firft, the expreffion of the Work of the Lord, may be taken two ways : i. Stri^lly and fro- perly, 2. Largely, and by the way of Analogy and Proportion. In the firft way, you may confider, 1. The Tree that is to be caft down andwithered, and that is the high tree^ and the green tree : A tree that, in their Eyes, had both Beauty and Vigour, high and green : This was the Judaical Kingdom, admired and delighted in by the Jews : This, lays God, I will reieO: ^ as alfo he will many a tall Eliab, that even lome Samuels may think to be his Anointed. 2. The Tree that is to be exalted and made to flourifh, and that is the low tree, the dry tree, con- temptible for Growth^ it is low. ufelefs for Fruity it is dry. And this is the Ipiritual Kingdom of the MeJJiah, contemned, defpiled 5 this, fiys God, I will exalt, carry on, and make glorious : For though the Intereft of Chrift and the Golpel may feem low and dry for a fealbn, in compirifon of the Glory of other flourifhing Interefts, yet in theiffiie, it (hall be exalted above them all. 5. As taken more Largely^ and by the way 0^ Ana- logy ', and fo the high and the green tree are the things of the molt glorious appearance in the World, Perfons and States, that feem to be exceedingly fuit- ed for the Work that God hath to do ; that are in the greatelt probability to be eminently inftrumental in his Hand : but alas, fays> God, thefe I will pull downandcaufe to wither. Perhaps you will thinkit ftrange, peaclfdtotheParlument,0&.2\. 1651. 13 flrange, that a mighty Monarchy, a triumphing Pre- lacy, a thriving Contormity, fliould all be brought down ^ but fo it fliall be, Every mountain Jhalt b» made a plain. 2. The loxc tree^ and the dry tree^ are Things, Per- ibns, Aflemblics, outwardly weak and contemp- tible, luch as wife Men do verily believe that God will never ufe : They will not understand that fuch Mofes» fliall be Deliverers, E^cod. 2. 14. but cry. Who made them Judges and Rulers ? Ath 7. 27. But even thefe will God exalt and caufe to flourilli : Every valley Jlhill he exalted. Two Obfcrvations flow from hence, which I fhall infift upon. 1. In the carrying on of the Inter eji of Chriji and theGoJpe/y Godmlluork wonderful providential Al- terations. 2. the aUings of God's Providence, in carrying on the Inter eji oj ChriU^ Jhall be exceedingly unfuited to the Reafonings and Expeffations of the moJloftheSoni cfMen, Some Trees mull be pluck'd down, and fome rai- fed up^ yea, high Trees thrown down, and the low caufed to tiourilh. 2. There is the IJfue of God's thus dealing in re- fpefl of others, Jll the trees of the field, ^c. By the trees of the f eld, are meant Men oi all forts that are concerned in thefe TranlaSions , and herein you may obferve two things : 1. Something intimated, and that is an unwilling- nels in Men to own thefe Dilpenfations of God : Hence the Lord undertakes himlclf to fct on a Con- viftion upon them, as a thing of j^reat difficulty. 2. Something exprrj]cd, which is the G'nv-£^ion itfelfj that fliall, in the llliie, fall upon ihcm, not- vvitli- 14 The Advantage of the Kingdom ofChrifl^dcc. withftanding all their reluSlancy. Hence alfo are thele two Oblervations. I. Men are exceeding unwilling to fee and own the hand, of God^ in thofe Works of his Providence which anfmr not their Reafonings^ Interejis^ and Expe&a- tions, 7, The Lord will not cenfe walking contrary to the carnal Reafonings of Men ^ in his mighty Works, for the carrying on of the Inter ejl of the Lord Jefus, until his Hand befeen, ownd, and confeffed. For what remains concerning the affurance of the Accomplifhment ot all this from the engagement of his 'Name, 1 (hall only add, That the Power and faithfulnefs of God are enga- ged in the carrying on the things of the Kingdom of ChriH, to the convidion of the mojl flubborn Oppo- fers. I begin with the firft. In the carrying on the Inter efi qfChrifl and the Go- Jpel, God toill work wonderful providential Alterations 2 Alterations among the Trees of the Field, Nations, States, and Men on the Earth. When the beginning of the Saints departure from under the Dominion of Antichrift, was followed with Wars, Tumults, and Deflru£lions, it was ob- jefled to Luther, That, that DoQrine could not be of God, which was attended with fuch Defolations : He reply d, according to the Vigour of his Spirit, Ego nifi tumultus ijlos viderem, Chrijium in inundo ejje non crcderem \ Did he not lee thole Tumults, he would not believe that Chrift was come forth into the World. The Lord tells you how he will bring on his King- dom, hag. 7. 6, 7. / Will fhake the heavens and the earth, and the fea^ and the dry landt And I will fhake all nations^ and the dcfire oj all nations fh all come, &c. The preach' d to the Par!'uime'ni^Q&,. 24, 1 65 r. 15 The drjire oj the nations^ is to be brought in, by the Jhaking oj the nations. They arc to be civilly moved, that they may be fpintually eftablifhed. Neither are they only to be (hakcn, but alio to undergo great Alterations in their (bakings. Ucb, 12. 27. This word once more^ fignijics the removing of thoje things that are fhtiken, as of things that arc made^ that ihofe things that cannot be fJ?akcn may remain. They mult have a removal as well as a (baking ^ fxcra'-^^tcrtv, a change, a trandation. Molt Nations in their Civil Conftitution lie out of order, for the bringing in of the Intereft of Chrift : They mult be (haken up, and new difpoled of, that all OMtacles may be ta- ken away. The day of the Gofpel is not only terri- ble in its dif covering light ^ and as it is a trying fur- nace^ MaL 9. 2. but alio in its devouring fury ^ as it is a confuming oven, chap. 4. i. There are three principal fealbns of the Lord's emi- nent appearance to carry on the Kingdom of Chrilt, and the Gofpel, and all attended with dreadful /?;'r>i;;- dential Alterations : And unto one of thele Heads, may all particular Aftings be reduced. I. The firlt is, the promulgation of the Gofpel a- mong the Jews, by the Lord Chrilt himfelf, and his Apoltles : What this was attended withal, is graphi- cally delcribed, -^^//, 24. 6,7. Andyefhallhear cfiKars^ and rumours of wars ^ Yor nation fhall rife againjl nation^ and kingdom againfl kingdom^ and there flmll he famines^ and pcflilences, and earthquakes in divers f laces. And the clofe of it you have ver, 29. Immediately after the tribulation of thofe days ^ fhall the Sun be darkned^ and the Moon fJ)all not give her light ^ an