FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY *U $./ *A >.)A g i 1 "X kAUDES A HYMNAL FOR CATHOLIC CONGREGATIONS COMPILED BY Samuel A. Baldwin, PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, At 21 W. Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minn. Copyright, 1894, by Samuel A. Baldwin. P.oneer Press Company, ^""^Tr^KT^ 1 ^' Printers, Lithographers and Publishers, SLZav's S c x p A ,,, Minn 3 01 Washington Ave. &., 1894 Minneapolis, Minn. THE author's purpose has been to compile, at a price within the reach of all, a book adequate to the needs of churches having congregational singing. In accomplishing this object care has been taken that every hymn should be available for ordinary use. For all hymns for special occasions, translations of the liturgical hymns of the Church have, as far as possible, been used. More than one-third of the book is of this character. To these have been added hymns from the best modern sources, of which several from such well-known writers as Cardinal Newman and Father Faber appear in a hymn book for the first time. The greatest difficulty has been to find fitting, and at the same time pleasing and singable music. Old melodies have been largely employed, many of which have been sung in the Church for centur- ies, as well as the best that could be found of recent production, both European and American, with a certain number of original tunes written as necessity demanded. The Author. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. HYMNS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. Nos. 1-3 4-8 9 io ii Advent Christmas The New Year Epiphany The Holy Name Lent 12-15 Palm Sunday 16 Holy Week 17-20 Easter 21-24 Ascension 25, 26 Pentecost 27-30 Trinity 31,32 Nos. The Blessed Sacrament 33~4 2 The Sacred Heart 43~45 The Precious Blood 46-48 Holy Baptism 49 Holy Matrimony 50 Confirmation 51 The Blessed Virgin 52-63 St. Joseph 64-68 Sts. Peter and Paul 69 St. Aloysius 70 St. Agnes 71 The Holy Angels 72, 73 HYMNS FOR GENERAL USE. Nos. Praise 74-78 Evening Hymns 79-84 God the Father 85-87 Jesus Christ 88-94 The Atonement 95 Divine Providence 96-98 Nos. Christian Faith 99-101 The Christian Life 102-104 National 105 Temperance 106 The Judgment 107 Heaven 108-113 APPENDIX. Nos. Hymns for Processions 114-116 Litany of the Blessed Virgin 117 Vespers for Sundays 118 Vesper Hymns 119-123 Antiphons of the Blessed Virgin 124-127 Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 128-130 METRICAL INDEX. If a change of tune is desired, another of same metre may be found by referring to this index. All tunes marked P. M. (peculiar metre), which are irregular and not interchangeable, and all tunes having no other of similar metre in the book, are omitted. L. M. (long metre) — Nos. 2, 17, 20, 25, 28, 38,67,69,70, 75, 80, 107, 116, 119,128. L. M., 6 lines (or 8s. 6 lines) — Nos. 1, 27, 35, 36, 52, 71, 77, 81, 101. C. M. (common metre) — Nos. 9, 12, 49, 73, 85, 86, 88, 89, 97. • C. M. D. (common metre double) — Nos. 43, 61, 90, 92. S. M. (short metre) — Nos. 11, 106. 6s. and 5s. — Nos. 14, 42, 54, 62, 103, 104. 7s., 4 lines — Nos. 23, 39, 87, 95. 7s., 6 lines — Nos. 10, 29. 7s. D. — Nos. 15, 22, 94. 7s. and 6s. D. — Nos. 3, 16, 18, 24, 44, 48, 53, 58, 68, no, in, 112, 113. 8s. and 6s. — Nos. 30, 46, 51. 8s. and 7s. — Nos. 5, 37, 63, 96. 8s. and 7s., 6 lines — Nos. 33, 34, 115, 129. ns. — Nos. 60, 66. INDEX OF FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. No. Abide with me S4 Adeste fideles (b) 4 Adoro te devote 41 Ad regiasagni dapes 122 All glory, laud and honor... 16 All is divine which the High- est hath made 57 All things beautiful and fair. 87 Alma Redemptoris 124 Angels we have heard 6 Art thou weary, art thou languid 93 As pants the heart for cool- ing springs 40 As the dewy shades of even, 63 As with gladness men of old 10 At the cross her station keeping (a) 19 At the Lamb's high feast we sing 39 Audi, benigne Conditor 121 Ave Maris Stella 62 Ave Regina ccelorum 125 Ave verum corpus 34 Blood is the price of heav- en 47 Brief life is here our portion, 11 1 Brightly gleams our banner, 104 Christ is risen from the dead 23 Christ the Lord is risen to- day 22 Christian, dost thou see them 14 Come hither, ye faithful (a) 4 Come, Holy Ghost, send down those beams 30 Come, O Creator, Spirit blest 28 Come ye disconsolate 98 Come ye lofty, come ye lowly 5 Creator alme siderum 120 Creator of the starry height, 2 Creator Spirit, by whose aid, 27 No. Crown Him with many crowns 26 Daily, daily sing to Mary.... 53 Dear angel, ever at my side, 73 Dear Guardian of Mary 66 Dear Saint, who on thy nat- al day 70 Fading, still fading 55 Faith of our fathers 101 Fierce was the wild billow... 102 For thee, O dear, dear coun- try 112 Gloria, laus et honor 114 God bless our native land... 105 God that madest earth and heaven 83 Hail, bright star of ocean.... 62 Hail, holy Joseph, hail! 65 Hail ! Jesus, hail! who for my sake 46 Hail! Queen of heaven, the ocean star... 52 Hail, true Body of the Sav- iour! 34 Hail, Virgin, dearest Mary.. 58 Hail, Virgin of virgins 54 Hark, hark, my soul! 72 Holy God, we praise Thy Name 74 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! 31 Holy Patron! thee saluting.. 68 Holy Spirit! Lord of light!.. 29 I come to Thee, my Love... 91 I dwell a captive in this Heart 43 I heard the voice of Jesus say 92 Immaculate! Immaculate!... 59 In this Sacrament, sweet Jesus 37 In token that thou shalt not fear 49 It is no earthly summer's ray 69 Jerusalem, my happy home, 108 INDEX OF FIRST LINES OF HYMNS— Concluded. No. Jerusalem, the golden 113 Jesus Christ is risen to-day.. 21 Jesus, gentlest Saviour 42 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all! 36 Jesus, Saviour of my soul.... 94 Jesus, the very thought of Thee 88 Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts 38 Joy of the Saints! 67 L,audate Dominum 130 Lead Kindly Light 99 Litany of the Blessed Virgin, 117 Lucis creator optime 119 My God, how wonderful Thou art! 85 Mourn for the thousands slain 106 Nearer my God to Thee 100 Now are the days of humb- lest prayer 13 O Blessed Trinity! 32 O Bread of Heaven! 35 O come and mourn with me awhile 20 O come, loud anthems let us sing 77 O come, O come Emmanuel, 1 O God, Thy power is wond- erful 86 O holy martyr, spotless dove 71 O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord! 89 O Jesus, Thou art standing.. 3 O little town'of Bethlehem.. 8 O Maid, conceived without a stain 61 O Paradise! O Paradise! 109 O purest of creatures, sweet mother 60 O Sacred Head surrounded, 18 O Sacred Heart! Our home lies deep in Thee 4.S O Salutaris Hostia! 128 O Sanctissima! 56 Once in Royal David's city.. 7 Once more the solemn sea- son calls 12 Onward Christian soldiers... 103 No. Pange lingua gloriosi 115 Praise be to Him who built the hills 75 Regina cceli 126 Salve Regina 127 Saviour, when in dust to Thee 15 Sign'd with the Cross that Jesus bore 51 Sing alleluia forth 78 Sing, my soul, His wondrous love 95 Sing, my tongue, the Sav- iour's glory 33 Sing we triumphant hymns of praise 25 Stabat Mater (6)19 Sun of my soul, Thou Sav- iour dear 80 Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go 81 TantumergoSacramentum, 129 That day of wrath, that dreadful day 107 The ancient law departs n The bird let loose in eastern skies 97 The day is past and over 82 The day of resurrection 24 The royal banners forward go 17 The sun is sinking fast 79 The voice that breath'd o'er Eden 50 The world is very evil no The year is gone beyond recall 9 There are many saints above 64 There is a green hill far away 90 There's a wideness in God's mercy 96 To Jesus' Heart all burning.. 44 Veni Creator Spiritus 123 Vespers for Sundays 118 Vexilla regis prodeunt 116 "We come to Thee, sweet Saviour 48 When morning gilds the skies 76 I. HYMNS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. ADVENT. O COME, O COM/\ EMM \NUEL. Ss. 61. Samuel A. Baldwin. Well marked, not too fast. |^z=dz=jz=:^z=^=d=:j=j=^ir^— \— 7=3=3 - 4 ] [ 0—0-—% « ;— fS — 0— — s-0- Yl s • — ; r '*j 1. O come, O come, Em - man - u - el, And ran - som cap - tive - *. JL *. M. *. fL +- Ji +. +- _ .#. p *gr fi5 = — r — e?= P !* i» ,t — — — l — — 1 — -j — * — 1 — 1 — f -.» til the Son of God ap - pear. Re-jcice! Re-joice! Em- U ' ' \ J O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan's tyranny; From depths of hell Thy people save, And give them victory o'er the grave. Rejoice! etc. O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine Advent here, Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death's dark shadows put to flight. Rejoice! etc. O come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heavenly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. Rejoice! etc. O come, O come, Thou Lord of Might! Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height, In ancient times didst give the law, In cloud, and majesty, and awe. Rejoice! etc. Amen. I^itin Hymn, 12th Cent. Copyrighted, iSy-j, by Samuel A. Baldwin. i 2. L. M. ADVENT. CREATOR OF THE STARR 2' HEIGHT. From Gounod: Arr. bv Samuel A. Baldwin. 4-t w m ■ ■ m i. Cre - a - tor of the 2. Thou grieving that the 3. Thou cam*st the Bride - groom 1 star - ry height, an - cient curse of f the Bride, Hy4r Thy peo - pie's ev - er Should doom to death an As drew the world to last - ing u - ni ■ ev' - ninsc light, verse, tide; m B And hear Thy To save and The spot - le ser - vants heal a Vic - tim * m 2a *■ ^ . ■*• • <3 • ^r -f ff — r W-^- 1 -5 • — - *]*-*- # _- L » — , r -^ -*- pH -a • & At Whose dread Name, Majestic now, All knees must bend, all hearts must bow, All things celestial Thee shall own, All things terrestrial, Lord alone. O Thou whose coming is with dread To judge the living and the dead, Preserve us, while we dwell below, From ev'ry insult of the foe. Laud, honor, virtue, glory be To God the Father; Son, to thee; And to the Holy Paraclete, Now and through ages infinite. Amen. For Latin words see Creator Aline Siderum. ADVENT. O, JESC'S, THOU ART STANDING »S, "s. D. H \ \ \ ptT-j u j ui=-BtiTr i. O Je - suS,Thou art standing Out-side the fast-closed door, 2. () Je - BUS, Thou art knocking: And lo! that hand is scarred, 3. O Je - BUS, Thou art pleading In ac - cents meek and low,- gigifEfij ^ J3-» • #. flA *. £=£ = 1 H 4 1 # r-— — , U I |- — R- — I i=i=fcgi^:l ^$ In low - \y pa - tience wait-ing To pass the threshold o'er: And thornsThy brow en - cir - cle, And tearsThy face have marred: "I died for you, My chil - dren, And will ye treat Me so?" „ r \ m b- ¥ * * _n^ ^ :t=t -0 F r-#- -£~- t We bear the name of Christians, His name and sign we bear: Oh, Oh, love that passeth knowledge, So pa - tient-ly to wait! Oh, O Lord, with shame and sor - row We o - pen now the door: Dear sissi t=tj M:= s = x: :£ •IS*- 1 — I- r shame, thrice shame up - on us! To keep Him standing there, sin that hath no e - qual,So fast to bar the gate! Sa-viour, en -ter, en - ter, And leave us nev - er - more! A-men. r; -© •»— iSfc^E^^ P==E=! n J=t*=frc tr- CHRISTMAS. 4. («) COME HITHER, YE FAITHEUL. P. M. Adeste Fideles. msr- Come hith-er, ye faith-ful,Tri-umph-ant - ]y sing! Come, see in the True Son of the Fath-er, He comes from the skies ;To be born of a Hark, hark, to the An-gels!AU sing-ing in heav'n, "To God in the To Thee, then, O Je - sus, This day of Thy birth, Be glo - ry and _ r~ - ' ! "^ ' 4-4 man-ger The an - gels' dread King! To Beth - le-hem hast - en, With Vir - gin He doth not de - spise. To Beth -le-hem hast - en, With high - est All glo - ry be given. '"To Beth -le-hem hast - en, With hon - our Thro' heaven and earth ;True Godhead In-car - nate! Om- m m i ™ I ac - cord ; ac - cord; ac - cord; tent Word! O O =t - I come ye, come hither, O come ye, come come ye, come hither, O come ye, come come ye, come hither, O come ye, come come, let us hast-en, O come, let us ^ . * a ~ i r i i j hith-er, O come ye, come hith-er To -\vor-ship the Lord! hither, O come ye, come hith-er To wor-ship the Lord! hith-er, O come ye, come hith-er To wor-ship the Lord! hast-en, O come, let us hast-en To wor-ship the Lord! A-men. Adeste Fideles, Latin Hvmn . i}4 * » if r f j=± -t =F?=F smsa CHRISTMAS. 4.(*) ADESTE FIDELES. Adeste fideles, Lseti triumphantes, Venite, venite in Bethlehem. Natum videte Regem angelorum. : Yi'iiite adoremus:|| Venite adoremus Doniinum. Deum de Deo Lumen de lumine, Gestant puellse viscera, Deum verum < renitum, non factum. Venite, etc. Cantet nunc Io Chorus angelorum, Cantet nunc aula ccelestlum. Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo. Venite, etc. Ergo qui natus Die hodierna, Jesu tibi sit gloria. Patris reterme verbum caro factum. Venite, etc. 8s, ;; COME YE LOFTY, COME YE LOWLT. 'O sanctissima. Sicilian Melody. n 1. Come.yelof- ty! come, ye low-ly! Let your songs of gladness ring; 2. See, in Mary's arms re - po-sing, Christ, by highest heaven adored ; -#--«-#. *- *■ -H- * mm u- -I h ^~ \— t In a sta - ble lies the Ho- ly, In a man-ger rests the King. Come,your cir-cle roundHim closing,Pious hearts that love the Lord!(Amen.) ?stJ*-» » » » — r* * 1 1 — r * 1 1 ' — t* — *~»-^ — r^T ^n i ^5^^=»=P=E^=p=fi=pEt^|iz=f^z:t=±i=:^z=p=F^:E-j3 3. Come, ye poor! no pomp of station Robes the Child your hearts adore ; He, the Lord of all salvation Shares your \vant,is weak and poor. 4. Come, ye gentle hearts and tender! Come, ye spirits keen and bold ! All in all, your homage render, Weak and mighty, young and old! 5. High above a star is shining, And the wise men haste from far ; Come, glad hearts, and spirits pining For you all has risen the star. 6. Let us bring our poor oblations, Thanks and love and faith and praise Come, ye people! come, ye nations! All in all, draw nigh to gaze. Amen. CHRISTMAS. ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD. An-gels we have heard on high — Sweetly sing-ing o'er the plains, Shepherds why this ju - bi - lee? Why your rapturous strains prolong? Come to Bethle-hem, come and see Him whose birth the angels sing; See -with - in a man-ger laid, Je - sus,Lord of Heav'n and earth! IS c\; 4 • — » — -0 — * — -0 5 0~. =~ 1 mP f \ -~ -0 * r^'-pr l^ == ^-/—\ 1 1 ■ 1 ' 1 1 -^_>_^ — -fr-r-1 1 1 — <^A K n -ja-t— jOh — M q m -%— 5— 5— 0^t*^—*-i—*— =5- — *^#-« ' — » • =J-S And the mountains in re - ply Ech - o back their joy-ous strains. Say what may the ti - dings be, Which in-spire your heav'nly song. Come adore on bend - ed knee, Th' In-fant Christ, the newborn King. Ma-rv, Jo-seph lend vour aid, With us sing our Sav-iour's birth. * * ^. -. J.. -^J^IS -.*-..» J. . ~ *. : # _k ±: '-0- •#■ -0- -0- I ri-a in ex-cel-sis De - o, *-.-0- •*■ -0- ■*- •*■ CHRISTMAS. ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID'S CITY. 8s, ys, 7s. Old Carol. Once in roy - al Da-vid's ci - ty, Stood a low - ly cat -tie shed, He came down to earth from heaven Who is God and Lord of all, S5 TTT 8 ^ :Ei d=pi— : m. f 1 ff | I LJ ' Where a moth-er laid her Ba-by, In a man -ger for His bed: AndHis shelt-erwas a sta-ble, And His era - die was a stall; PEE -r»— i=* u=fc M: t=fc **=*=; u_i y :z— =^=r^z?==tt~gif^ tracer u - *— 1 . Ma - ry was that mother mild, Je - sus Christ her lit-tle Child. With the poor, and mean, and lowly, Lived on earth our Saviour holy. (Amen.) B -.t:£U^E=^=f=fzz pe -I — f- =fcst H And, thro'all His wondrous childhood, He would honour, and obey, Love, and watch the lowly maiden In whose gentle arms He lay; Christian children all must be Mild, obedient, good as He. For He is our childhood's Pattern, 6. Day by day like us He grew, He was little, weak, and helpless, Tears and smiles like us He knew; And He feeleth for our sadness, And He shareth in our gladness. And our eyes at last shall see Him Through His own redeeming love, For that Child so dear and gentle Is our Lord in heaven above; And He leads His children on To the place where He is gone. Not in that poor lowly stable, With the oxen standing bv, We shall see Him; but in heaven, Set at God's right hand on high; When like stars His children crowned All in white shall wait around. Amen. CHRISTMAS. 8. 8s, 6s. O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM. -r.srlishMelodv. O lit - tie town of Beth-le-hem! How still we see thee lie, For Christ is born of Ma - rv, And gathered all above, ♦ r 9^= -4- •r ■H+- - — 1— J — '- -#- 1 J a " ^-1 ! — Ab While r 1 , * « $ 3ve thy deep and nortals sleep the Jf B f f— MP— lr- 1 # — * — , dreamless sleep, The an-gels keep Their w ■0- '" -0- -0- -0- r-0 1 -0^-T-* « * » * -0- si-lent stars go atch of wondering rMWn 3T. by; ove. i & • S i I 1 ' r- • 1 1 L i — i — i — i — LfiU — 1 '¥=*=* w :» Yet in thy dark streets shin - eth The ev - er - last-ing Light : The O morn-ing stars to - geth - er Proclaim the ho - ly birth! And ■«- ■»- *- +-J&-0- J 2*- M | I |__J J T hopes and fears of all the years, Are met in thee tonight, prais-es sing to God the King, And peace to men on earth (1 - men.) HP i — i — i — r How silently, how silently, The wondrous gift is given; So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of His heaven. No ear may hear His coming, But in this world of sin, Where meek souls will rewire Him still, The dear Christ enters in L l r- &-T- O holy Child of Bethlehem! Descend to us, we pray, Cast out our sin and enter in, Be born in us to-day. We hear the Christmas angels, The great glad tidings tell, O, come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Emmanuel! A-meu. THE \i:\V YEAR THE TEAR IS GONE, BETOND RECALL. From Beethoven. * ? re - call, Thee, Lord, cious Lord, With all its For count-less The new-horn & hopes and fears, With all gifts received; And pray year to bless; De-fend A its bright for grace our land and to from y\aa - dening keep the pest With all faith Which saints lence; Give peace its mourn of old and plen m c F r - ers tears; believed. teous-ness; men.) l Eli-JJ Forgive this nation's many sins; The growth of vice restrain; And help us all with sin to strive, And crowns of life to gain. From evil deeds that stain the past We now desire to flee; And pray that future years may all Be spent, good Lord, forThee. O Father, letThy watchful eye Still look on us in love, That we may praiseThee, year by year, With angel-hosts above. A-mcn. Latin I 1\ mn . 9 EPIPHANY.— THE HOLY NAME. 10, AS WITH GLADNESS MEN OF OLD. 7s, 61. German Melodv. ( As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold; ) \ As with joy they hail'd its light, Leading onward, beaming bright; ) fWfc^ 1 P ~- ?z*: \ \- N I -•— g- t*=S: So, most gracious Lord, may we Ev - er-more be led toThee. (A-mcn.) -1— r— *- J—5- -^f-T-r m ss 2. As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed, There to bend the knee before Him whom heaven and earth adore ; So may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy-seat. 3. As they offer'd gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King. Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransom'd souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. In the heavenly country bright Need they no created light; Thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown, Thou its Sun which goes not down ; There forever may we sing Alleluias to our King. Amen. II. THE ANCIENT LA W DEPARTS. S. M. From Robert Schumann. 1. The ancient law departs, And all its terrors cease; 2. The Light of lightdivine, True Brightness un-de - filed, 3. To-day the Name is Thine, At which we bend the knee; +^\ • <►_ M m f- b< For He They _ # m. #- 1 — T Y~[f *. L fr4f =*= 10 LENT. I Je-sus makes with faithful hearts A cov - e-nant of peace, boars for us the shame of sin, A ho - lv, spot-less Child, call Thee Je-sus, Child divine! Our Je-sus deign to be. A-men. From Paris Breviary. L— . ■ I 1 # » r 1 — I # m — -#— # — ,* 1 * — : 0-~ — | , n ±±fcp —f— ^ pEEEEt r ^ F{— j i - FFpFF ^e^a 12. C. M. ONCE MORE THE SOLEMN SEASON CALLS. rflrl i ! ! linftriM * * $ III TT i. Once more the sol - eran sea - son calls A ho - \y fast to keep; 2. But vain all out - ward sign of grief, And vain the form of prayer, h — • — ^ — ; — - F+- H ' — »^'—f — ^--©--i-Fa-r PstTi i— ii — i — L ©--#-• — L sr-; L i #a 1 — ' — I 1- 1 — I— L H— ' — £ JJ *p* - ?* r " r r ■* ^ * *■ And now within the tem-ple Malls Both priest and people weep. Unless the heart implore re-Iief And pen - i - tencebe there. (A - men.) +&=,« 3. We smite the breast, we weep in In vain in ashes mourn, [vain, Unless with penitential pain The smitten soul be torn. 4. In sorrow true now let us pray To our offended God, From us to turn His wrath away, And stay the uplifted rod. 5. O God, our Judge and Father, To spare the bruised reed; [deign We pray for time to turn again, For grace to turn indeed. 6. Blest Three in One, to Thee we Vouchsafe us in Thy love [bow; To gather from these fasts below Immortal fruit above. Amen. From Paris Breviarv. It LENT. J 2 < NO Jl ' ARE THE DAIS OF HUMBLEST PR A 2'ER. P.M. Sfmofy and dez-outly. Samuel A. Baldwin. ±_« i_g f e » 1 — «__ # * * 1_# 1 1 1. Now are the days of humblest prayer When con-scien-ces to 2. Now is the sea - son, wise-ly long, Of sad - der tho't and * * # # # — •— — 0— • ' God lie bare, And mer - cv most de - lights to spare, gra - ver song, When ail - ing hearts grow well and strong. m -^?- hearken when we cry, Chas-tise us with Thy fear; Yet Father, in the mul - ti-tude Of Thy com-pas-sions hear. A - men. 3. The feast of penance! O so bright, 5. We who have loved the world mngtlrarn With true conversion's heav'nly light, Upon that world our backs to turn, Like sunrise after stormy night. And with the love of God to burn. Oh hearken, etc. Oh hearken, etc. 4. O happy time of blessed tears, 6. All glory to redeeming grace, Of surer hopes, of chastening fears, Disdaining not our evil case, Undoing all our evil years. But showing us our Saviour's face. Oh hearken, etc. Oh hearken, etc. Copyrighted, 1S04, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 12 LENT. 14. CHRISTIAN DOST THOU SEE THEM. 6s, <3 T>. Well Marked. 3t*=t 3 1 — T i -4-4 -3=X- ^^m 1. Christian! does thou see them On the ho - lv ground, 2. Christian, does thou feel them, How thej work with - in, — ' m 1 — m d — — \-m #= r— I <5> 1 ^S=s= Ei -rA -J 1- i — n — 4 1 I i i IT =5=== : ^H- — ^Fj How the powers of Striv-ing, tempting, dark - ness Rage thy steps a - round? lur - ing, Goad - ing in - to sin? 2iffl- ^2. < 0^^ » * J— J^ • j 1 — 3t Z=t i 1~ r -4 — -J Christian, up and smite them, Counting gain but loss; Christian, nev - er trem - ble; Nev - er be downcast; In the strength that com - eth By the Ho - ly cross. Gird thee for the bat - tie, Watch and pray and fast. (A - men.) IS Christian! dost thou hear them, How they speak thee fair? "Always fast and vigil? Always watch and prayer?" Christian, answer boldly: "While I breathe I pray!" Peace shall follow battle, Night shall end in day. 4. "Well I know thy trouble, My servant true; Thou art very weary, 1 was weary too; But that toil shall make thee Some day all Mine own, And the end of sorrow Shall be near My Throne." Amen. St. Andrew of Crete. 13 LENT. IS. SAVIOUR, WHEX IX DUST TO THEE. 7s. D. Slozvly, with much expression. Samuel A. Baldwin. a=k: F -0- . -0- $ — +. - m -+ ju &. I * I !-#■.-#■ 1. Saviour when in dust to Thee, Low we bend th'a-do-ring knee; 2. By Thy birth and ear - ly years, By Thy human griefs and fears, ^9 -r- m • -•*— • | • ^—•- ? Y * J g * rr- ~ o~ m 4-g- *=^=* When, re-pent-ant, to the skies Scarce we lift our streaming eyes; By Thy fasting and dis-tress In the lonely wil - der-ness, zt ttz MJ— $— & s <: f -j L O, by all Thy pain and woe Suffer'd once for man below, By Thy victory in the hour Of the sub-tie tempter's power ; Bending from Thy throne on high, Hear our solemn lit Te-sus, look with pitving eve; Hear our solemn lit- i / j it*. *.- n i a - ny. a- ny. (A-men.) pi^J :2#: t— \— r *=*- By Thine hour of dark despair, 4 By Thine agony of prayer, By the purple robe of scorn, By Thy wounds, Thy crown of thorn, By Thy cross, Thy pangs, and cries, By Thy perfect sacrifice; Te>us, look with pitying eye: Hear our solemn litany. By Thy deep expiring groan, By the seal'd sepulchral stone, By Thy triumph o'er the grave, By Thy power from death to save; Mighty God, ascended Lord, To Thy throne in heaven restored, Prince and Saviour, hear our cry, Hear our solemn litanv. Amen. Copyrighted, 1894, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 14 16. PALM SUNDAY. ALL GLORY, LAUD AND HONOR. h u J J ■' f ^Ti, L (AH glo-ry, laud, and hon - or, To Thee, Re-deem -er, King! ( To whom the lips of chil - dren. Made sweet Ho-san - nas rine - r ■« *• - Lj The 2nd and following stanzas. w 2. Thou art the King of Is rael, Thou David's >- ■ Ro - yal Son, *n i f r f ' \ \J J^^^^ m jEgEJ =d=Ff^- J-J |J J [ i 1 1 1 Who in the Lord's name com - est, The King and mm 5=t :-: =S= b? Blessed One. i is -at wmm\ After each stanza. _I '—- I—d-rH-n— r- D3 -p — c f-f-* — 9 — ^— e g . .rgx^33 k r ' (All glo-ry, laud, and hon - or, To Thee Redeemer, King! ) ., I To whom the lips of chil - dren, Made sweet Hosannas ring. \ l A-men -) . The company of Angels Are praising Thee on high; And mortal men and all things Created, make reply. All glory, etc. . The people of the Hebrews With palms below Thee went: Our praise and prayer and anthems Before Thee we present. All glory, etc. St. Theodulph, 9th Cent. 5. To Thee before Thy passion They sang their hymns of praise: To Thee, now high exalted Our melody we raise. All glory, etc. 6. Thou didst accept their praises; Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. All glory, etc. Amen. For Latin words see Gloria, laus, et honor. 15 17. L. M. HOLY WEEK. THE ROTAL BANNERS FORWARD GO. Samuel A. Baldwin. li^fe^i^g-i -Or ' -0- lh>- i. The Roy #±=2 -s- al Ban 2. Where deep for us 3. Fui-fill'd is all ners for - ward go, The Cross shines the spear was dyed, Life's tor - rent that Da - vid told In true pro- ■#- ■&■ -p- •&■ • ■*■ r r — r EE :s- •©-v- — I 1 — — I 1 — I — "Si s>~ forth In mvs - tic glow; Where He in Flesh, our flesh who rush - Ing from His side, To wash us in that precious phet - ic song of old; A-midst the na - tions God, saith made, Our sentence bo flood Where mingled wa he, Hath reign'dand tri o — bore, =F=ff zmM^ our ran - ter flow'd, umph'd from som paid, and blood. the Tree. 4. O Tree of Beauty! Tree of Light! 6. O Cross, our one reliance, hail! O Tree with royal purple dight! This holy Passion-tide, avail Elect on whose triumphal breast To give fresh merit to the saint, Those holy limbs should find their rest! And pardon to the penitent. On whose dear arms, so widely flung 7. To Thee, Eternal Three in One, 5 The weight of this world's ransom hung: The price of human kind to pay, And spoil the Spoiler of his prey. Fortunatus, 6th Cent. Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin O, SACRED HEAD. Let homage meet by all be done; Whom by the Cross Thou dost restore Preserve and govern evermore, Amen, For Latin words see Vexilla Regis. 7s, 6s. D. tr- 3 -? — c *-v— s * L JJ- 1 b sa - cred head sur-round-ed By crown of piercing thornj frCr=*=fc=Z*C i I' u £ 16 ■» : p r- — 1 \n • — 3 HOLY WE -3 -j — kg - -i — -| — 1 1 O bleed-ing Head,so wounded, Re - viled and put to 6corni — H 1 1 :H J-i ^8 18 i | — *f=5*- — *** • 1 gJ . =H ffi=£: I Death's pal-lid hue comeso'er Thee.The glow of life de - cays, __u_| J»i 1 j_i £_ J * s,- ^J=to=======!=^=:====F=l z — f _L # _ T _^ ce: — m — c^___^_« g_x crT _i_ c? _L sr jj Yet an - gel-hosts a - dore Thee, And tremble as they gaze. (A-men.) m #••■# • g ■*• •» H 5=1= E F=t 2. WhatThou, my Lord! hast suffered4. The joy can ne'er be spoken, Was all for sinners' gain ; Kline, mine was the transgression, But Thine the deadly pain: Lo! here I fall, my Saviour! 'Tis I deserveThy place; Look on me withThy favor, Vouchsafe to meTny grace. 3. In this Thy bitter passion, Good Shepherd think of me, With Thy most sweet compassion Unworthy though I be; Beneath Thy cross abiding, Forever would I rest, In Thy dear love confiding, And with Thy presence blest. St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th Cent. Above all joys beside, When inThy body broken I thus with safety hide: My Lord of life! desiring Thy glory now to see, BesideThy cross expiring, I'd breathe my soul toThee. 5. Be near me when I'm dying, Oh! showThy cross to me! And, for my succor flying, Come. Lord! and set me free; And, when my heart must languish Amidst the final throe, Release me from mine anguish, By Thine own pain and woe. Amen. J[ O ■ Second Tin One of the oldest German Chorals; Arr. by Bach. 4- zj^^=q zq=^T= ===1 T j- j=£z ±f=£=i F j=qf4=== | 1 | J ~jq ! J +■* I * "N LI I W BIT* ' 4*- -*— I— ^ t.~ t 17 HOLY WEEK. I9.(a?) k ^==i AT THE CROSS HER STATION KEEPING. Gregorian. =3=3=S i u J i. At the cross her sta-tion keep-ing, Stood the mournful 2. Through her heart, His sor - row shar-ing, All His bit - ter fe# =Pf= 3=1 ^*EE?EE.ti s moth-er weeping, Close to Je - sus • to the last. an - guish bear-ing, Now at length the sword has passed. (K - men.) ^=tp #■ •»• g ■*• HH 3. Oh, how sad and sore distressed 10. Make me feel as thou hast felt; Was that mother highly blest Make my soul to glow and melt Of the sole begotten One! With the love of Christ my Lord. Christ above in torment hangs; She beneath beholds the pangs Of her dying glorious Son. ii. Holy mother! pierce me through; In my heart each wound renew Of my Saviour crucified: Is there one who would not weep, 12. Let me share with thee His pain, Whelmed in miseries so deep, Who for all my sins was slain, Christ's dear mother to behold? Who for me in torments died. 6. Can the human heart refrain From partaking in her pain, In that mothers pain untold? 7. Bruised, derided, curs'd, defiled, She beheld her tender child All with bloody scourges rent. 8. For the sin of His own nation Saw Him hang in desolation, Till His spirit forth he sent. 9. O thou mother! fount of love! Touch my spirit from above, Make my heart with thine accord. 13. Let me mingle tears with thee, Mourning Him who mourned for me, All the days that I may live: 14. By the cross with thee to stay; There with thee to weep and pray, Is all I ask of thee to give. 15. Virgin of all virgins blest! Listen to my fond request; Let me share thy grief divine; 16. Let me, to my latest breath In my body bear the death Of that dying Son of thine. 18 HOLY WEEK. 17. Wounded with His every wound, 19. Let me by the Cross be warded, Steep my soul till it hath swooned By the death of Christ be guarded, Inllis very blood away. Nourished by divine supplies. 18. May I, fired with pure affection, 20. When the body death hath riven, Virgin, have through thee protect- Grant that to the soul be given, In the solemn Judgement Day. [tion Glories bright of Paradise. Stabat Mater;Jacobus de Benedict's 13th Cent. 19. (&) STABAT MATER. I. Stabat Mater dolorosa, Juxta crucem lacrymosa, Dum pendebat Filius. 11. Sancta Mater istud agas Crucilixi fige plagas Cordi meo valide. 2. Cujus animam gementem, Contristatam et dolentem, Pertransivit gladius. 12. Tui nati vulnerati, Tarn dignati pro me pati, Pcena's mecum divide. O quam tristis et afflicta, Fuit ilia benedicta, Mater Unigeniti! 13. Fac me tecum pie flere Crucifixo condolore Donee ego vixero. Qua? mcerebat et dolebat, Pia Mater dum videbat Nati pcenas inclyti. 14. Juxta crucem tecum stare, Et me tibi sociare In planctu desidero. 5. Quis est homo qui non fleret, Matrem Christi si videret In tanto supplicio? 15. Virgo Virginum prseclara, Mihi jam non sis amara; Fac me tecum plangere. Quis non posset contristari, Christi Matrem contemplari Dolentem cum Filio? 16. Fac ut portem Christi mortem Passionis fac consortem, Et plagas recolere. Pro peccatis suae gentis, Tidit Jesum in tormentis Et flagellis subditum. 17. Fac me plagis vulnerari, Fac me cruce inebriari, Et cruore filii. Vidit suum dulcem natum, Moriendo desolatum. Dum emisit spiritum. 18. Inflammatus et accensus, Per te, Virgo, sim defensus, In die judicii. 9. Eia Mater, fons amoris, Me sentire vim doloris Fac ut tecum lueeam. 19. Fac me cruce custodiri Morte Christi praemuniri, Consoveri gratia. 10. Fac ut ardeat cor meum In amando Christum Deum, Ut sibi complaceam. 20. Quando corpus morietur, Fac ut aniiua? donetur Paradisi gloria. 19 HOLY WEEK. 20. ° COME AND MOURN WITH ME AWHILE. L. M. 3=t ■0- P come and mourn with me ~ ~- - J. while; See I Ma SEE M ^ =* ■jSr. IF ^^-> calls to i ■rt*- her side; J O come, to - geth - er g— - ■#-- rr -*— [ j r r. r r •■ " " p let us mourn; Je - sus, our Love, is cru - ci - fied. (A - men,) =t=± -e- 1 - IE F S=tS£ 20, 2. Have we no tears to shed for Him, While soldiers scoff and Jews deride? Ah! look, how patiently He hangs; Jesus, our Love is crucified. 3. Seven times He spake, seven words of love; And all three hours His silence cried For mercy on the souls of men: Jesus, our Love, is crucified. 4. A broken heart, a fount of tears, Ask, and they will not be denied; A broken heart love's cradle is Jesus, our Love, is crucified. . Second Tune. Arr. from Gregorian Chant. ^t^j^i^^^^S^^aS :g:: ~2— © — 1 — \-A g-$_J T fe T > f-f.r? ^ ^-P^-r^ 1 =£* ^ fc^^ ^iE^l^^^^p: t — -^,- _©. 1 1 ■©—#-! ^ -a—\ 20 21. EASTER. JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN TO-DAT, Old Melody. g-HKj i^j'^^y ^^ i. Je - sus Christ is risen to - day, ■fa A Al i le lu - ia. Turrit t> — (5 — r© — — 1-55 1 1 r o - rO #-st®- • — « r:^ — i f= l F=F=f : EP Suf - fer to re - deem our loss. ■#■ .2 •# — s- -4— -I © — r»-*-| — *~ 1 — — — lu - ia. (Amen.) ^© -s»-+— ©+ 2. Hymns of praise then let us sing Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Who endured the Cross and grave, Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia! 3. But the pains which He endured Our salvation have procured; Now above the sky He's King, Where the angels ever sing, Alleluia! Amen. Latin Hymn. 21 EASTER. 22. CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN TOD AT. 7s. D. H4 — « — r*-r — # — * — * — r* 9 * * Felix Mendelssohn-Barthold}'. -J A. =fc 1: Christ, the Lord, is ris'n to - day ; Christians haste your vows to pay, 2. Christ the Vic- tim un - de - fil'd, Man to God hath re- con-ciled, 3. Christ, Who once for sinners bled, Now the first-born from the dead, 4= -t— r F- Of - fer ye your praises meet, At the Pas-chal Victim's feet; When in strange and awful strife, Met to - ge-ther death and life. Thron'd in endless might and pow'r Lives and reigns for ev - er-more. c 1. r*. %m :t= Jl r: :t: :t: P=S r- -U4 -^ — i— L ^ — 1 c -^=* fe* :3=q: -^ — «*- -^v- H For the sheep the Lamb hath bled, Sinless in the sinners stead; Christians on this hap-py day, Haste with joy your vows to pay; Hail! e - ter - nal Hope on high! Hail! Thou King of vie - to - ry! 3= -l~- :t=Ft: -t- ^£ £ -J-v- fczfc±»=fc Christ the Lord is ris'n on high; Now He lives no more to die '.Christ the Christ the Lord is ris'n on high ; Now fie lives no more to die ! Christ the Hail ! Thou Prince of life ador'd ! Help and save me, gracious Lord ! Hail! Thou ■*•■•" £ -0- -0- -0- •£ m :t=t I 1 I :E 1+-* t: £ f 22 EASTER. C 1 ft ^ 4 f- — ' 4— 4 * L^ 1^__C _JJ Lord is ris'n on high; Now He lives no more to die! Lord is ris'n on high; Now He lives no more to die! Prince of life a-dor'd! Help and save me, gracious Lord! Amen Latin I Ivmn. J_ J. I* - 23. CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD. 7s. -G-P*-,- —A K 1 1 i-i • -J # — * — 1 ! — Old French Melody. 1 — h .! fe'^4 — *— — =H -• — — i — — #— 1 # * 5E * • * i. 2. 3. Christ An - Man • • S is gels was } ris - :lad but 1 i en in a — •— from snow slave the c - y \v be -i J2 — — i ead hite ore, FfF Ris - en , Com - ing Man 1 ^W*-- t= — y — -1 — — i — — y- 1 -U f" y H 3=q: J 1- ■a) «-- — ■ — # s—. — as He tru - Iy said; Praise the Lord with grate - ful from the realms of light, Bid us sing with grate - ful free for ev - er - more, Heav'n and earth, with grate - ful 9$$$EE* t= — J — J- ^si 1 — aid, To fill the hearts Avhich Thou hast made. Love, And sweet a - noint - ing from a - bove! Thou, Who dost the tongue with power en - dow. (A - s)-.- men.) mm x: £= = 1 r -W - . -I 1- itiea 4. Our senses touch with light and fire; Our hearts with charity inspire; And, with endurance from on high The weakness of our flesh supply. 5. Far back our enemy repel And let Thy peace within us dwell; So may we, having Thee for guide, Turn from each hurtful thing aside. 6. Oh, may Thy grace on us bestow The Father and the Son to know, And evermore to hold confessed Thyself of each the Spirit blest. 7. All glory while the ages run Be to the Father, and the Son, Who rose from death ; like praise to Thee, O Holy Ghost, eternally. Amen. Latin Hymn, 9th Cent. For Latin words see Veni Creator, 28 C* O Second Tunc. PENTECOST. \j^$-U=^ j l J J l j i l jJJI F p f 4.^ ♦ I I U -v I 3EP ,ri=h^:« yj i d J i jy miiu.i i ^ • h J — » I {3 & jP* 29. //OZ,r SPIRIT, LORD OF LIGHT. 7s. 6 1. T i 'a i I i i - j *— H 1 —I — I — i — ^-F. 5. r j - [ 1=^j=jzrj=^z^-+ E Jz = W^zq Thy bright throne above. 2. O come, ThouFather of the poor Thou bounteous source of 3. O, Thou of Comforters the best,0 Thou, the soul's de- 4. Thou art true rest in toil and sweat, Refreshment in th'ex- 5. Thrice blessed Light shoot home Thy darts And pierce the centres 6. Grant us in life Thy helping grace :6rant us in death to M. JL *. +. +. -^M+ — b 1 -H P»-5-#— — 9- -m — — I — V- 1 0-^—0 — P— I — ^m. F=F all our store ;Come fire our hearts with love, lightful guest, The pilgrims sweet relief, cess of heat And so-lace in our grief. of those hearts Whose faith aspires to thee. seeThy face, And endless joy s in heav'n. Come, Ho - ly Ghost, send down those beamsWhich Mr r MH ; m ^^YfrfTf D.S. i — r_~ — j — J — L g ; • *-&— =fc=t==t I J sweet-ly flow in si-lent streams From Thy bright throne a-bove. A - men. =t=:= x- 4-4—4 = t- . — I 1 1" Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 30 miH PENTECOST. Second Tutu From Haydn. is i 1. Come Ho - ]y Ghost send down those beams Which sweetly 2. O Thou of Com - fort - ers the best; O Thou, the 3. Thrice bless - ed Light, shoot home Thy darts, And pierce the ■fa -ft -fa j j iigi £ p -w re lis H^D Ae in si-lent streams From Thy bright throne a-bove. de - light - ful guest, The pil-grim's sweet re - lief ; tres of those hearts Whoso faith a - spires to Thee. O come, Thou Fa-ther of the poor ; Thou bounteous source of Thou art true rest in toil and sweat, Re - freshment in th'ex- Grant us in life Thy help-ing grace; Grant us in death to te ms$ -0— r a- Izittz: :*=tE— ?=Et ■© » — — -t G f _t,g f_t p ^_c a ._C3==t:^_33 ttst S r r i r *+■ — ■*■ all our store; Come fire our hearts with love, cess of heat, And so - lace in our grief. see Thy face, And snd - less joys in heav'n. A - men. Veni Sancte Spiritus, Robert II of France. *■ +- I fl i"^ _ ! J_ 1= 17? »— P^ » — R= P- f= tt =t= t F =F=^ :£ I 31 TRINITY. 31. HO LI', HOL2', HOLT. IIS, I2S, IOS 3& Ear - ly in the morn - ing our song shall rise to Thee; Casting down their golden crowns a-round the glass - y sea; Though the eve of sin - ful man Thy glo - ry may not see; All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky and sea; ■¥=#. -=-1 h x: 1 \- tz m y -*— # — >. — 4- — M- Ho - ly, ho - ly, Cher-u-bim and On- ly Thou art Ho - ly, ho - ly, <\ i ^_i i i ho* - ly, mer - ci - ful and might - y, sera - phim fall-ing down be - fore Thee, ho - ly; there is none be - side Thee, ho - ly, mer - ci - ful and might -y — F? I I .' r* .o i 1^, e- — God in Three Per - sons, blessed Trin - i - tyl Who Wert, and art, and ev - er - more shalt be. Per - feet in power, in love, and pu - ri - ty. God in Three Per - sons, blessed Trin - i - ty! A-men. S r FH 2 - E 1 1 32 -0—r — 2 32. TRINITY. O BLESSED TRINITY. P. M. Samuel A nalilwin. | J H -• •—, ~» J O* Bless -ed Trin-i - tyl Thy children dare to lift their heartB to O Bless - ed Trin-i -tyl O sim - plest Ma-jes-ty! O Three in 9&&m* BEEVES 1 F— ti— h# ^=t= I i — H — n Thee, And Mess Thy tri-ple Ma - les - tv! ) TI , ^ . . , , <"v i — 1. Sing, my ton?ne, the Saviour's glory, Of His Flesh the mystery sing; 2. Of a pure and spotless Vir-gin Born for us on earth be-low, #. #. 42. e = r -| I I — h~\ .**-& 0-m^0-S-0 K ■ 0-0'-\- dr Of the Blood, all price ex-ceeding, Shed by our im-mor - tal King, He, as Man with man conversing, Stay'd, the seeds of truth to sow; m ■0- m ■*- & £=i=j£=£=:&: -0 ;-0 0— . 3 — r—ry— E—B =rf -A 1- -i 1 — 1— — — % 1— '# — §» — f-%0— ' '0 — 3— s 4— Des-tin'd, for the world's redemption, From a noble womb to spring. Then He clos'd in so-lemn or - der Won-drous-ly His life of woe. (A - men.) a -0- $■*- -0-0 a m-*~ m #■ 4— -4— 2- -0- ■*- -0- -0- m m •*• ■*- — -*■ -0- m ±z -i — -i, * W— \-W — « — i 1 — B |# — — i 1~_ 3 3. On the night of that Last Supper, Seated with His chosen band, He, the Paschal Victim eating, First fulfills the Law's command; Then as Food to all His brethren Gives Himself with His own hand. 5. Down in adoration falling, Lo, the sacred Host w-e hail; Lo, o'er ancient forms departing, Newer rites of grace prevail; Faith for all defects supplying, Where the feeble senses fail. 4. Word made Flesh, the head of nature 6. To the everlasting Father, By His word to Flesh He turns; And the Son who reigns on high, Wine into His Blood he changes: — ■ With the Holy Ghost proceeding What though sense no change discerns! Forth from each eternallv, Only be the heart in earnest, Be salvation, honor, blessing, Faith her lesson quickly learns. Might and endless majesty. Amen. For Latin words see Pange Lingua. (Use tune on opposite page if desired.) 34 THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. 34. HAIL, TRUE BODT OF THE SAVIOl R. 8s, ;s. 6 !. (. I VE VERl r M CORPUS.) 1. Hail, true Bo - dy of the Sa - viour, Spot - less Ma - ry's 2. From whose side, for sin-ners piere-ed, Wa - ter flow'd, and 1. A - ve, ve - rum Cor - pus, na - turn Ex Ma - ri - a 2. Cu- jus la-tus per - fo - ra - turn Ve - ro flux - it -$W 1 — i I— H \-0- * • ^ IS Vir - gin birth! Slain up - on q=zj: ^* 5- the cross to cleanse us, min - gled blood. Maj'st Thou, dear - est Lord, be gi - ven, * J] J & i*l J i ptpr ' •» ^ ?tt=r — F»-S — -•-»- »-F- 1 0- :t Vir - gi - ne, San - gui - ne. Ve - re Es - to P x: pas - sum, im - mo - la - turn, no - bis pra? -gus - ta - turn, In death's hour to CD.. i S be our food. In cru Mor - tis —I Hear us, mer - ci- n m-0—0- ce pro ho in ex - a mine. ni-me. O O cle - mens, dul - cis, ■P—W- =1=1 P= 3 -f-^ =^R=H=i ■S— ! a o - i ful and gra-cious, O sweet Je - su, Ma-ry's child. A-men O dul - cis +- :c: is jl-'su! ( J e " su > Fi " liMa -» (Use tune on opposite page if desired.) 35 A-men. 35. THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. O BREAD OF HE A VEN. Ss. 61. :z>- =t 1 i =t ^r ■0- • i. O Bread of Heav'n! be - neath the veil, Thou dost my ve - ry 2. O Food of Life! Thou who dost give The pledge of im - mor- -^ J- " ! 94-3? ;-7=ff t ^: 4^ God con - ceal; ta - li - ty, r J^4 ±=t "Sr-f- My Je - sus, dear - est treas-ure, Hail! I live; no, 'tis not I that live; 4— 5^4=*— :=v^— 3 r I love Thee, and a - dor- ing kneel. Each lov-ing soul God gives me life, God lives in me: He feeds my soul, 1 1 — i — j *h by Thee is He guides my fed With Thine own self in form of bread. ways, And ev -'ry grief with joy re-pays. (A - men.) — ff-r-— F— r± E=to=te My dearest God! who dost so bind My heart with countless chains to Thee! O sweetest Love, my soul shall find InThy dear bonds true liberty. Thyself Thou hast bestowed on me, Thine, Thine forever I will be. Beloved Lord! In Heaven above, There, Jesus, Thou awaitest me; To gaze on Thee with changeless love; Yes, thus I hope, thus shall it be; For how can He deny me Heav'n, Who here on earth Himself hath given? Amen. 36 THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. 36. JESUS, A/2' LOUD, M Y GOD, MY ALL. 8s. 61. Samuel A. Baldwin. A344i u_Ji4_j-H- lj J ' -=— — #— J— *-Q • — L *— P- ^mi ¥= F: ■ M f ,1 — — r »— f — n— r - V — T—r (2 — ought? And how revere this wondrous gift, So far sur - pass - ing King ; Oh ! with what bursts of fer-vent praise, Thy goodness, Je - sus vine! — I can-not corn-pass all I have, For all Thou hast and aid, 'Tis God! 'tis God! the ver - y God, Whose pow'r both man and day! He comes! He comes! O Heav'n on earth! Our Je - sus comes up- §S BE Z +.£'+&.. s ca-- — 3=^ hope or thought? would I sin art are mine! an-gels made! on His way! ■f 2 ■+ Sweet Sacrament! we Thee a-dore, O make us fe* 1-1-t ipfe #--e— rzzn: S a- lo Bid?: II I I ve Thee more and more, O make us love Thee more and more. Amen. a — , , „-. ,1 1 i,i — r,p -0,*,. ,r* ,n m t~ d- r w 1 — r (Use tune on opposite page if desired.) Copyrighted, 1894, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 37 I »-P THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. IN THIS SACRAMENT SWEET JESUS. German Melody. 4 j j J H — * : 1. In this Sa - era - ment, sweet Je - sus. Thou dost give Thy 2. Yes, dear Je - sus, I be - lieve it, And Thy presence I i r> ^ W. *Z M It?* i flesh and blood, I a - dore. With Thy soul And with all £ V * + and God - head heart I al - so As our own most love Thee, May I love Thee pre - cious food, more and more. I A - men.) m _z: 3. Come, sweet Jesus, in Thy mercy, 5. Blessed be the love of Jesus, Give Thy flesh and blood to me; Come to me, O dearest Jesus, Come, my soul's true life to be. 4. Come, that I may live for ever, Thou in me and I in Thee Living thus, I shall not perish, But shall live eternallv. Giving us His flesh and blood, Blessed be His Mother Mary, Mother ever kind and gocd. 6. Blessed be the great St. Joseph, Sing then with devotion true; "Dearest Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Heart and life I give to you." Amen. 38 yESUS, THOU JOT OF LOYIXG HEARTS. L. M. From Mozart. P ST** -9-0- 1. Je-sus Thou Joy of lov-ing hearts! Thon Fount of life! thou Light of men! r . THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. t1 f I * 1 1 g 1 — ' _ 1 1 ji Hi* < 'a f From the best bliss that earth imparts, We turn un-lilled to Thee again. (A-men.) yp g ei 111 VfPr r=m 3! S3 * :« iw- r — r iui 2. Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood; Thou savest those that on Thee call; To them that seek Thee, Thou artgood, To them that rind Thee, All in All. 3. We tasteThee,0 thou Living Bread, And long to feast upon Thee still ; We drink Of Thee, the Fountain Head, And thirst our souls from Thee to rill ! st 4. Our restless spirits yearn for Thee, Where'er our changeful lot is cast; Glad, when Thy gracious smile we see, Blest, when our faith can hold Thee fast. 5. O Jesus, ever with us stay; Make all our moments calm and bright; Chase the dark night of sin away, Shed o'er the world Thy holy light! Amen. , Bernard of Clairvaux. 39. AT THE LAMB'S HIGH FEAST WE SING. Old French Melody. 1 1^ -& . 1. At the Lamb's high feast we sing Praise to our vie - to-rious King, I 1*3 ■*■ I A. ^. I ^_i_ # _,_J p #-*-T^rt= J— »— r* — I L * c£— J -1 — 1- lilgippl^lpl^pli ; (A-men.) Who hath washed us in the tide Flowing from His pierced side ; (A-men.) ,_, J~a-, u 2. Praise we Him, whose love divine Gives His sacred blood for wine, Gives His body for the feast, Christ the Victim, Christ the Priest. 3. Praise we Christ, whose blood was shed, Paschal Victim, paschal Bread; With sincerity and love Eat we manna from above. 4. Mighty Victim from the sky ! Hell's fierce powers beneath Thee lie ; Thou hastconquered in the light, Thou hast brought us life and light; 5. Now no more can death appall, Now no more the grave enthrall; Thou hast opened paradise, And in Thee Thy saints shall rise.Amen. From Roman Breviary. 39 THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. 40. AS PANTS THE HART FOR COOLING SPRINGS. F=N=^ -*— &*- 3=±z -dr -_i — ' -m — L #— M+» — * 1 1- ** "* «u "* ~* "* "J * -+-+■+■& -* -+ 1. As pants the hart for cool-ing springs, Among the rocks, and bar-ren 2. My tears have flow'd by day and night, When I have felt Thy chast'ning 3- Where art Thou, Lord, my life, my all? Thou art a-bove, around with- 4. Joyl then and endless ju - bi - lee! Di-vine re-ward of faith and 5. Why, then, my soul, art thou depressed? God is thy drink, and He thy W — N- -4S N^rH^— ^ sands, So doth my soul, rod; But wick-ed men in; What e'er be - tides, love; I hear the strains O King of kings, Long for re- en- joy the sight, And mocking, on Thee I call, To save me, of har- mo - ny From the Tri- food; — Bequeath'd to thee — His last be-quest — His Bo - dy ?s^ -7— p — v — \J- fresh-ment at Thy ask'd, "Where's now Thy and to par-don umphant Church a and His Precious n Long for re-freshment at Thy hands. And, mocking, ask'd, "Where's now Thy God"? To save me, and to par-don sin. From the Triumphant Church above. His Bo -dy and His Precious Blood ^^J^.tfiPPVfM j*=s.- 1F -*-£ My soul, O God, doth thirst for Thee, For Thee, the source of ev - 'ry r* Mfcr 1 Mi r* r^ r* 1 H 1 1 — — 0- -s—s—U- :rt=n d: Used by arrangement with Oliver Dftson Co., owners of Copyright. 40 a^=5 THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. _N ,S K_ .. |_ „ — - ^ N !*> s *—*: f—0=^' grace. O when shall ■7»-N- -A , g=2=S=*: i §^£ — #- \J J V riten. Thy beauty see, When shall I ■0 r O # 1 r-bj J_ V-\q b- :ti h= -y — u- * 1 p ^ ^ see Theo face to face, When shall I see Thee face to face? A-men. zJ^—f — — • — • — [ P t=?=/ *=*=*: *=t«=t»=l»= & ^ s 41. ADORO TE DEVOTE. Gregorian. i. A-do-ro te de - vo - te, latens De - i- tas, Quns sub his fi- 2. Je - su quem ve - la - turn nunc a - spi - ci - o, O-ro fi - at — i — s- £g — < rj '- — i— — -ri — ' ' — 0~*-\ — ' — i~ -o— — — i — n gu - ris ve-re la-ti-tas; Ti- bi se cor me - um totum il - lud, quod tarn si - ti - o: Ut te re -ve - la - ta cernens itl- JJU j l 1^ -0-0~ l -&— 0- 1 — i— 0-L0— m -0- Quia te contem - plans totum de - fi-cit. Visusimbe-a - ius tu -as glo-ri-ae. 42. 6s, 5s. THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. (Thanksgiving after Communion.) JESUS, GENTLEST SAVIOUR. French Melody. 3^3 fe B 1. Je - sus, gentlest D. C. Out beyond the 2. Yet the hearts of D. C. Je * sus, gentlest *=* :*_*- Sa-viour! God of might and shin - ing Of the furthest chil - dren Hold what worlds can Sa-viour! Thou art in us ft* ... 1 r> 1 u. r— M=i^==r== r t=)p= ■**■ . pow'r! star, - not, now; I. =F=^ =t F r^- Fine ^ 3=* Thou Thy-self art dwell -ing Thou art ev - er stretching And the God of won - ders Fill us full of good-ness, ■ft In In • Loves Till I t us at this fi - nite - ly a low • ly our hearts o'er r* 1 is *=f hour far. spot flow Na-ture As men m can-not hold Thee, Heav'n is all too strait to their gar - dens Go to seek sweet flowers, See :t: f= ■»-.- :=: :t: z?. c. -4- 3te feE^^^E^EE^EES For Thine endless glo - ry, And Thy roy - al state. In our hearts dear Je - sus, Seeks them at all hours. (A - men.) iZS&EE -I — -#- -0 E=E Pray the prayer within us That to heaven shall rise; Sing the song that angels Sing above the skies. Multiply our graces, Chiefly love and fear, And, dear Lord! the chiefest — Grace to persevere. Oh, how can we thank Thee For a gift like this, Gift that truly maketh Heav'n's eternal bliss. liHlllipIglfi 42 Ah! when wilt Thou always Make our hearts Thy home? We must wait for heaven, — Then the day will come. Now at least we'll keep Thee All the time we may; But Thy Grace and blessing We will keep alway. When our hearts Thou leavest, Worthless though they be, Give them to Thy Mother To be kept for Thee. Amen. THE SACRED 111: ART. 43. I DWELL A CAPTIVE I.Y THIS HEART, V I 9 i. I dwell a captive in this Heart, Inflamed with love di -vine;'Tis 2. Here like the dore with-in the Ark, Se-cure - \y I re - pose; Since 3. From every bond of earth, O Lord, Thy grace hath set me free; My J f- fr f- f- ■*■ * . ■»-+-' =jg=^=l — I — rl — t=g=f=i±±=t — | — p- i=£ here now soul i?ipppi^iiis I live alone in peace, And constant joy is mine. It the Lord is my de-fence, I fear no earth-ly foes. What de - liv -ered from the snare, En - jovs true lib - er - ty. Nought i .<«* ^-ff ^ h- 0k -*. Jt <— -F .* 9 TT# 1 A- 1 *=t=t= ^A Ps- —-0 — — -— — 0- is the Heart of God's ovrn Son, In His human - i - ty, Who though I suf - fer, still in love I ev - er true will be; My more can I desire than this, To see Thy face inHeav'n;And « £=t t- =*=*= t=t +■ *-'*. JL :*: V=5l ■0-^-0 1 ^^^^^^^P^| all en - amored of my soul, Here burns with love of love of God shall deeper grow, When cross - es fall on this I hope, since He on earth, His Heart in pledge hath giv'n. Amen. me. me. 43 THE SACRED HEART. 44. TO JESUS' HEART ALL BURNING. js, 6s. D. i. To Je - sus' Heart all 2. O Heart, for me on 3. As Thou art meek and 4. When life a - way is burn - ing With fer - vent love for fire With love, no man can low - ly, And ev - er pure of fly - ing, And earth's false glare is sN - n men, My heart with fondest speak, My yet un-told de Heart, So may my heart be done. Still, Sacred Heart, is yearn -ing Shall raise the joy - ful - sire God gives me for Thy whol - ly Of Thine the counter- dy - ing I'll sav I'm all Thine :=: "1 # I* — * — "=s» 1 1 [- -P- L*E *— r- — -m 1 - T> — I strain. 1 ,' > While a-ges course a - long Blest be with loud - est own. J -*- *L *=* -' 1 r song The sa-cred Heart of Je - sus, Bv ev-' rv heart and tongue, T * * ** = r i T! n 44 THE SACRED HEART. The Sa-cred] [eart of Je - bus, By cv - 'ry heart and ton..,,,.. A ,„,„. cv~*— qe= r**— J — L g ^— £_ r f-_ £_ fLL * e ~ * Samuel A. Baldwin. * n c „ i it ii /~v "•■■#■ ^ Sa-cred Heart! Our home lies Sa-cred Heart! Thou Fount of Sa-cred Heart! Our trust is deep in Thee, On con-trite tears, Where- all in Thee, For * 5 r r ? t? — i? — £ — L | f — d earth Thou art 'er those liv tbusrh ry lirtj: ex-ile's rest, In heav'n the glo wa-tersflow, New life to sin-n c , earth s night be dark and drear, Thou breathest rest wheq =£=tfcz=g— 2=2=1 * ' 'l I ' ' J' U. -U4JJ. of the blest, they be-stow, Thou art near, O Sa-cred Heart! O Sacred Heart! (A-nien.) ~fe • — -F »- ^t^: :t: £=te 4. O Sacred Heart! When shades of death shall fall, Receive us 'neath Thy gentle care, And save us from the tempters snare.' O Sacred Heart! 5. O Sacred Heart! Lead exiled children home Where we may ever rest near Thee, In peace and joy eternal lv, O Sacred Heart! Amen" Copyrighted, 1894, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 45 THE PRECIOUS BLOOD. 46. HAIL! JESUS, HAIL! WHO FOR MT SAKE. Ss, 6s. -1 1 o- m -*—&-£•- =t J r Hail! Je - sus, hail! who for my sake, Sweet Blood from Ma - ry's To end - less a - ges let us praise The Precious Blood whose O sweet -est Blood, that can im-plore The peace of God, and Oh to be sprinkled from the wells Of Christ's own sa-cred Ah! there is joy a-mid the saints, And hell's des-pair-ing ■rt'- veins didst take, And shed . it all price could raise The world from wrath heaven re-store, The heav'n which sin Blood, ex - eels Earth's best and high • cour - age faints When this sweet song i And The The Earth's When shed it all for world from wrath and heav'n which sin had best and high-est this sweet song we me ; sin ; lost; bliss: raise; Oh bless-ed be my Saviour's Blood, My Whose streams our inward thirst ap-pease, And While A-bel's blood for rengence pleads, What The min-is-ters of wrath divine, Hurt Oh louder then, and louder still, Earth life, heal Je not with m -o mv light, my on - ly good, My life, my light, my the sin - ner's worst disease, And heal the sin - ner's sus shed still in-ter-cedes, What Je - sus shed still py hearts that shine, Hurt not the hap -py y chor - us fill, Earth with one might - y #■ J- - - J - the hap ■ one might :c: E :f= tz 46 THE PRECIOUS BLOOD. ^|ipP^=|ipi^fPiP on - \y good, To all worst disease, If lie in - ter-cedes For those hearts that shine With those chor - us fill, The Pre - e - ter - ni - ty. but bathe there - in. \\ ho wrong Ilini most. red drops of His. cious Blood to praise. From the Italian. A - men. mm BLOOD IS THE PRICE OF HE A VEN. Samuel A. Baldwin. 4- I. Blood is the price of Hcav'n; All sin that price exceeds; Oh come to be for- 2 Un - der the o - live boughs, Fall-ing like ruby beads, The Blood drops from His "W1T4 |- b fc j» [■ | 1 1 EE± FtFp JEEE |g— Hf=\ Ml f— ?— *— *- ts — '-&— 9~ L ^ ">. 1 While the fierce scourges fall, The Precious Blood still pleads: In front of Pilate's hall He bleeds, etc. Beneath the thorny crown The crimson fountain speeds; See how it trickles down, — • He bleeds, etc. Bearing the fatal wood His band of saints He leads, Marking the way with Blood; He bleeds, etc. (A-men.) HES He hangs upon the tree, Hangs there for my misdeeds: He sheds His Blood for me, He bleeds, etc. His Blood is flowing still; My thirsty soul it feeds; He lets me drink my fill; He bleeds, etc. O sweet! O Precious Blood! What love, what love it breeds, Ransom, Reward, and Food, He bleeds, etc. Amen. Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 47 48, THE PRECIOUS BLOOD.— HOLY BAPTISM. WE COME TO THEE, SWEET SAVIOUR. from Mendelssohn. ( We come toThee, sweet Saviour! Just because we need Thee so: ) \ None need Thee more than we do: Nor are half so vile or low. \ lfc*J a n *-*- JO- ^3- 1 — r -p^-- |=q=|j=^^=3^ SB :fe ^-# 1 plen-ti-ful re-demp-tion! O blood of Mary's Son! * 1 r- ^m. :t: -0 — 4= 1~ r (A - men.) ■*■__ "» ^1 We come to Thee, sweet Saviour! With our broken faith again; We know Thou wilt forgive us, Nor upb/aid us, nor complain. O bountiful salvation! etc. We come to Thee, sweet Saviour! It is love that makes us come: We are certain of our welcome, Of our Father's welcome home. O bountiful salvation! etc. We come to Thee, sweet Saviour! For to whom, Lord, can we go? The words of life eternal From Thy lips for ever flow. O bountiful Salvation! etc. We come to Thee, sweet Saviour! And Thou wilt not ask us why: We cannot live without Thee, And still less without Thee die. O bountiful salvation! etc. 49 C. M. IN TOKEN THAT THOU SHALT NOT FEAR. From Spohr. ■*- '— I N- i. In token that thou shalt not fear Christ cru - ci-fied to own, We 2. In token thatthou shalt not blush To glo-ry in His Name, We HOLY MATRIMONY. print the cross up - on thee hero, And stamp thee His a - lone, bla -zon here up - on thy front His glor - y and His shame. (A - men.) on thee hero, And stamp thee His a 7vi-r 1 1 — | f — r *-h^-* " rS ttT— i 1 1 ■■ f-* - * — r l rr^Tl 3. In token that thou too shalt tread 4. Thus outwardly and visibly The path lie travell'd by, We seal thee for His own; Endure the cross, despise the shame, And may the brow that wears His cross And sit thee down on high; Hereafter share His crown. Amen. 50, THE VOICE THAT B RE AT IV D O'ER EDEN. 7s, 6s. Samuel A. Baldwin. t\ Fb.3 S |"««»3 I O 1 1 — I P 1 1 K— I — 1 1 H 1 — K — r ■ I \ -, jf ^Jz^zt==J=^^-S^^£^Np^=3t?^=*Fi=?^ 1 ■•■•-#■■#■• ^i n 1 \j 1. The voice that breath'd o'er E - den, That ear-liest wed-ding - day, The -h — I H — L l f — 1-\- F-=)C ±=£ 3^: pri - mal marriage It 22 r^3 n g; a hath not pass'd a-way. (A - men.) V ^ r 2. Still in the pure espousal Of Christian man and maid, The holy Three are with us, The threefold grace is said. 3. Be present, awful Father, To give away this bride, As Eve Thou gav'st to Adam Out of His own pierced side. 4. Be present, Son of Mary, To join their loving hands, As Thou didst bind two natures In Thine eternal bands! fcfc* :t- Z- EEE pfe •&■. t 5. Be present, holiest Spirit, To bless them as they kneel, As Thou, for Christ the Bridegroom, The heavenly spouse dost seal! 6. O spread Thy pure wing o'er them, Let no ill power find place, When onward to Thine altar Their hallow'd path they trace, 7. To cast their crowns before Thee In perfect sacrifice, Till to the home of gladness With Christ's own Bride they rise. Amen. Copyrighted, 1894, bv Samuel A. Baldwin. 49 CONFIRMATION. S I . SIGWD WITH THE CROSS THAT JESUS BORE. 8s, 6s. Samuel A. Baldwin. Sign d with the Cross that Je - sus bore, We kneel and trem - bling- Now, in that presence dread and sweet, His own dear Spir - it Spir - it of wis-dom, turn our eyes From earth and earth - ly Spir - it of coun - sel, be our guide; Teach us, by earth - ly 4L *. .*. fL J^J !3 1 I 1 I ? ly a-dore Our King up - on His throne. we en-treat, Who seven-fold gifts hath shed van - i - ties To heaven - ly truth and love. strug-^les tried, Our heaven - ly crown to win. Qlt= gJb£=£ The lights up- On us, who Spir-it of Spir-it of — srr. _tt_ )• — . £ » » on the al - tar shine fall be - fore Him now, un - der-stand -ing true, for - ti - tude, Thy power Around His Ma - jes- Bear - ing the Cross up- Our souls with heaven - ly Be with us in temp- ty di - vine, Our on our brow, On light en - due, To ta-tion's hour, To P 'God which seek keep and our the us f Ma - ry's Mas - ter things a - pure from Son. bled. - bove. (A r i 5. Spirit of knowledge, lead our feet 6. But most Of all, be ever near, In Thine own paths so safe and sweet, Spirit of God's most holy fear, By angel footsteps trod; Within our inmost shrine; Where Thou our Guardian true shalt be, Our souls with awful rev'rence fill, Spirit of gentle piety, To worship His most holy Will, To keep us close to God. All righteous and divine. Amen. Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 50 THE BLESSED VIRGIN. 52. HAIL QUEEN OF HEAVEN> THE OCEAN STAR. 8s. 61. in ■ lish Melody. zfcdz: 1. Hail! Queen of Heaven, the o- cean star, Guide of the wan-d'rer 2. O gen - tie, chaste and spotless maid, We sinners make our A S?=I : R= I =N ^J _i _ — j 1 1 — | rj 1 _! 1 L © *-&—. ' here be - low: Tossed on life's surge we claim thy care; prayers through Thee; Re - mind thy Son that He has paid •♦- ■*<■ i^s l 3s= 3fer=fe H 2 - tfe 1= -f = 3= r :t=: t= =t* = kj— i— Save us from per The price for our g— hb-Ejj— g— f— l-g±=d il in and from - qui woe. • ty. Moth-er of Christ, Vir - gin most pure, s fct=t: 5 £? 1 , 4J £: Z -t JrJ M lJ i -4+TP^ j the Sea, the Sea. Pray for Pray for the wan-d'rer, pray for me. the sin-ner, pray for me. (A-men.) Sojourners in this vale of tears To thee, blest advocate, we cry; Pity our sorrows, calm our fear, And soothe with hope our misery. Refuge in grief, Star of the Sea, Pray for the mourner, pray for me. And while to Him who reigns above, In God-head one; in Person, Three; The source of life, of grace, of love, Homage we pay on bended knee? Do thou, bright Queen, Star of the Sea Pray for thy children, pray for me. 51 THE BLESSED VIRGIN. DAILT, DAILT SING TO MART. -*! J 0A : J 1^ ^€ r I. Dai - Iv, dai-ly sing to Ma-ry, Sing, my soul, her prais-es due; * #•• ..I.J E o:it 2 ) r i l . r ig r 2±zp 1_± w— tj=^». # — #- 1=1= ?=F^=i * p*. fl- Fine. 3=T=P rU -i HI i "P F-: — : All her feasts, her actions worship, With the heart's de-vo-tion true. D.S. Call her Mother, call her Vir-gin, Hap - py Mother, Virgin blest. il^^iligi^ i i i \ — M D. S. i . i-hi — I— c *,— ^r-^.— *-^— *- r 5-l— "V- '-J 3 !- XT-t^W 3 Lost in wond'ring contemplation, Be her Majes- ty confess'd: (A-men.) is [s i 1 h E :t=1 ■*— f- o rrrron She is mighty to deliver; Call her, trust her lovingly; When the tempest rages round thee, She will calm the troubled sea. Gifts of Heaven she has given, Noble Lady, to our race: She, the Queen, who decks her subjects, With the light of God's own grace. Sing, my tongue The Virgin'strophies, Who for us her Maker bore, For the curse of old inflicted, Peace and blessing to restore. Sing in songs of praise unending, Sing the world's majestic Queen: Weary not nor faint in telling, All the gifts she gives to men. Amen. 52 54. THE BLESSED VIRGIN. HAIL VIRGIN OF VIRGINS. 6s, 5s. D. English Melody. 1. Hail, Vir - gin of vir - gins! Thy prais - es we sing, Thy 2. Let all sing of Ma - ry, The Mys - ti - cal Rod, The 3. Let souls that are ho - ly Still ho - li - er be, To m E0F fan £=E=tE i r. ' F T=F a. %± i ^ 3- i t a: B- =t *-,-- J -F= s §s throne is in heav - en, Thy Son is its King. The Mir - ror of Jus - tice, The Hand-maid of God. Let sing with the an - gels, Sweet Ma - ry, of thee. Let t — r 1 — r (2. E= £ it f: 3= F^ saints and the an - gels Thy glo - ry proclaim; All val - ley and moun - tain U - nite in her praise, The all who are sin - ners To vir - tue re-turn, That m^ t -&- :^E 1 — r ©-v- i 9— e- -Bh tC" * — *-t— al- :M. — at- fc*=F na - tions de-vout - ly Bow down at thy name, sea with its wa - ters, The sun with its rays, hearts with-out num - ber With thy love may burn. (A I I PS .a- r — t- — jp r. t El f r— £ men.) Thy name is our power, Thy love is our light; We praise thee at morning, At noon and at night. We thank thee, we bless thee, When happy and free; When tempted by Satan, We call upon thee. Oh! be thou our Mother, And pray to the Lord, That all may acknowledge And worship His word. That good men with courage May walk in His ways, And bad men, converted, May join in His praise. Amen, 53 55. THE BLESSED VIRGIN. FADING, STILL FADING. P. M. S=3 n — fs-H ^ — ^F^— h 5 — *_Eh=>,1S=5: h4 — I 1 1 — — I « 1 al-r-i — * -P- -d 1 — -•■-•■-#•-•■ ■#■ m -0- * -5- # s^-#- i. Fad-ing, still fad-ing, the last beam is shining; 2. A - ve Ma - ri - a! oh! hear when we call! :p=rf=*=*=F A - ve Ma- Mo-ther of cu-2-e ^ — •— F^ « — ^— p^ ^z=^=c* |B — c? ft — ?—z — ^ — tr— tHr — t?— &P 13 — •— '-i-^ — 1 — tr-F 3 big: ^_ J± ^-j|=gH-j = f£z± -N IV ■ n -jr— ^ -r- 1 -l_i ^ — i \^J H-— # « « ri - a, day is de - clining: Him who is Saviour of all; i r\ N Safe - ty and in Fee - ble and fail no-cence - ing we Of— P=P=e=F*=* ^— F* - — -P ==F* ==g= *— Fp^^ 1 - -i- I" 1 1 1 t/- L * # * — L h ^-h H h K — L l- / M — n^^h ' h * 1— — i « m— F* —ft*— fly with the light, Temp-ta - tion and dan-ger walk forth in the trust in thy might, In doubting and darkness, thy love be our I is is 9\—4z ^_3 P — «= :p===i= Fh = §» — »— F^ — p=*— F' — * — '—3 [ ^— "-f y — y— ^ £ — f - ! y — y — # • # -••-#■-♦■ -a- 3: — n — rv night. From the fall of the shade till the ma - tin shall shine: light. Let us sleep on thy breast while the night ta-per burns, is N I is is I is " is I Is ,|s And Shield us from dan-ger and save us from crime. ) . AT „ • i ,, u t u t J- A - ve Ma - ri - a, wake in thy care, when the morning returns.^ ^—W ^— P-FP p — fe_t^=z=i==L±^— M P — I— F P fr t : 54 THE BLESSED VIRGIN. A-ve Ma - ri - a, i r\ ^ di nos. # — *— *— c i 5 t — n— r,— J A-ve Ma - ri - a, au - di nos. A - men y y Big ;i] 56. O SANCTISSIMA. O sanc-tis' - si - ma, To - ta pul-chra es, Si - cut li - li - um, In mi - se - ri - a, o o in pi - is Ma - ri ter spi an - gus si - ma, ■ - a, - nas, ti - a, Dul Et Sic O fa CIS ma- Ma- ra Vir - go Ma - ri - - a. cu - la non est in te. ri - a in-ter rl - lias. Vir -go, pro no - bis. -&- ==±° — >=d:K— i — -1 Ma - ter a - ma - ta, Ma - ter a - ma - ta, Ma - ter a - ma - ta, Pro no-bis o - ra, -&- a- ~w w— r-i t=ttt in - te-me- in - te-me- in - te-me- in mor-tis 0—0 — t=t3 tppp t=T5bd==fen^bd=4 ^&Qfel^ ra pro no ra pro no ra pro no ra pro no ±2E 55 57. P. M. THE BLESSED VIRGIN. ALL IS DIVINE WHICH THE HIGHEST HATH MADE. Samuel A. Baldwin. £=:* -N— £> f— I? ■*■ All is di-vine which the Highest hath made Through the days that He In beau - ty surpassing the u-ni-verse smiled, On the morn of its Yet "worlds brighter still and a brighter than those And a brighter a- But I know of one work of His In - fi -nite Hand Which special and The fresh-ness of May and the sweetness of June, And the fire of Ju- O Ma - ry all months and all days are thine own, In thee lasts their wrought till the day When He stay'd; A - bove and be - low, birth, like an in - nocent child, Or like the rich bloom of some gain, He had made, had He chose ; And you never could name that con- sin-gu - lar ev - er must stand; So per - feet, so pure, and of ly in its pass-ion-ate noon, Mu - ni - ficent August, Sep- joy - ousness, when they are gone, And we_give to thee May, not be- — #— r #- — t **-*— , 1 r-l 1 I-— > — — h» • #— # — in and a-round, From the centre of space de - licate flow'r; And the Fa-ther re - joie'd ceiv - a-ble best, To ex-haust the re-sources gifts such a store, That e - ven Ora - ni-po to its ut-ter - most in the work of His the maker pos- tence ne'er shall do tem-ber se-rene, Are to-geth - er no match for my glori - ous cause it is best, But be-cause it comes first and is pledge of the - -0 1 k — R4 — — ji — i — Pf- — i — 0i-- a 0\0 - ± -0—j — 9 -\-e Id* bound; From the cen - tre of space to its ut-ter-most bound, power; And the Fa-ther re-joie'd in the work of His pow'r. sess'd; To ex- haust the re-sources the Maker pos-sess'd. more; That e - ven Omni-po - tence ne'er shall do more. Queen; Are to-geth - er no match for my glori - ous Queen. rest; But be - cause it comes first and is pledge of the rest. Amen. 0-T0 J. HC4 *■ -0-- fctt Cardinal Newman. i=t=t=F?s V v—>j - m^ Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A, Baldwin. 56 58 THE BLESSED VIRGIN. //.I//, VIRGIN, DEAREST MART, 7s, 6k V. r-7 1 H- 1 l-J 1 I- i 1. HaillVir -gin, dear - est Ma - ry, Our love 2. Hail, Ma - ry, sun -clad Vir - gin, Our smil 3. Behold earth's blossoms spring -ing In beau 4. The rose and li - ly wreath - ing, The hum -0- -0- -0- y Quejn ■ ing Queen teous form 1)1 e vio - 1 of of and let -I A- — G a -0 1 «— : 1 1 ^h— ~d j « 1-*— : -I f$^ May, All spot-less bless-ed La - dy, Ac - cept our gladsome May, All sin-less, star-crown'd La - dy, Ac - cept our tuneful hue; All na-ture glad -ly bring-ing Her sweet - est gifts thy fair, To thee their perfumes breathing, With sweetness scent the — I — t, — ! — F— •— tp 4 I L. *B* S~ :c_ p: F -y— I h" nS =fc=T- 1 1 *-*- M 1 1 1- -F- — — - L€ -ii-H — 2-tr*- or 1 lay. Thy child-ren humbly bend - ing Around thy shrine so fair; lay. We've gather'd fresh bright flow - ers, To wreathe oar fair Queen's brow; due; The mig-nonette, the li - lac, The sweet forget-me-not, air. So now our blessed Mother,Smile on our festal day, *l * n - Py-f^n 1 J I-r^-ri—r— With heart and voice as - cend - ing, Sweet Mary, hear our pray'r. From gay and ver-dant bow - ers, We haste to erown thee now. The eg - lan-tine and myr - tie, The i - vy from the grot. Ac - cept our springtide off - rings, And be our Queen of May. Amen. ^- =II - : H — 1 — p — j — Ff— \^j-\ — r— F — E — = F-^Ff ? --l— F^HH 57 59. Ss, 6s. I h THE BLESSED VIRGIN. IMMACULATE/ IMMACULATE! JS* :=: §ttl u 1. O moth-er I could weep for mirth, Joy fills my heart so fast; My 2. The Angels an-swer with their songs,Bright choirs in gleaming rows; And 3. And I would ra-ther, Mother dear, Thou shouldst be what thou art, Than *— h« « n # ^—0—t # p_i_#_* t p £. 4-t t=t= ^— i ^- £ r l-±-*—M # r p 0- » L-fi T~tL L r — 1- 1; J -' L 0- =t=q *=* soul to-day is heav'n on earth, O could the transport last! saints flock round thy feet in throngs, And heav'n with bliss o'er- flows, sit where thou dost, O so near Un - to the Sa - cred Heart. 3 think of thee, and what thou art, Thy ma- jes-ty, thy state; and N N 1 1 — v I §se* :=: -h- s * *** singing in my heart- Im-ma-culate! Imma-cu-late! A-men. /v rs j, -0- • * • *■— r4 i ft if* ! 17 t" f 1 - #-fW g if ?' r (=■ «=K »=£ -h- ■y- -y-v— y— 7h 1 Yes, I would forfeit all for thee, Rather than thou shouldst miss One jewel from thy majesty, One glory from thy bliss. I think of thee, etc. Conceived, conceived Immaculate! O what a joy for thee ! Conceived, conceived Immaculate ! greater joy for me! 1 think of thee, etc. 58 60. THE BLESSED VIRGIN. O PUREST OF CREATURES. =t=tq O pur - est of creatures; sweet Mother, sweet Maid! The one spotless To sin-ners what coin-fort, to an-gels What mirth; That God found one So -worship we God in these rude latter days; So worship we Peep night hath come down on us Mother! deep night, We need more than 1 r * * 1 r I r 1 ■-» t 1 — — V-0—0 — — y-0 — — h f — rb — ; — -j -E— »- rl — ^=-» ■womb -wherein Je - sus was laid, Dark night hath come down on crea-ture un - fall - en on earth, One spot -where His Spir - it Je - sus our Love wlien we praise His won - der - f ul grace in ev - er the guide of thy light; For the darker the night is, us un- the the 'fl. * .f" t ■0- *- __« — j — K0^—0. ^ 1 | 0— i. — 1 , 0— — ^=±t -jj M V Moth -er, and we, Lookout for thy shining, sweet Star of the troubled could be, The depth of thy shining, sweet Star of the gifts He gave thee, The gift of clear shining, sweet Star of the bright-er should be Thy beau - ti - ful shining, sweet Star of the m *.+.+.+. r *—*- — -0 — S r^ 1 s — r* — * — * 1 • D * Sea, Look out for thy shin -ing, sweet Star of the Sea. Sea, The depth of thy shin -ing, sweet Star of the Sea. Sea, The gift of clear shin -ing, sweet Star of the Sea. Sea, Thy beau -ti-ful shin -ing, sweet Star of the Sea. _ _ ng . -0- ■*- -*- -*• ■*- IN IN 59 A-men. *±-T-0±- ^ THE BLESSED VIRGIN, C. M. D. O MAID CONCEIVED WITHOUT A STAIN. d=±=* I —I — p j q i— fJ=3=3= — | 1 -j K 1 \-* M 8 m 1 y-. p—0 w Z 9 9 * 9 ^ 9 * * - 1 i. O Maid conceiv'd -without a stain, O Moth - er bright and 2. Thou art far pur - er than the snow, Far bright-er than the 3. O then for us, thy children, plead, Thy pi - ty we im- ^-*3H | l U 1 1 =|=tep^: T T _-: te p— — p— * — •— c# — % — — 0— l x 1 1 v 1 _ fair, Come thou within our hearts to reign, And grace shall triumph day; Thy beau - ty none on earth can know, No tongue of men can plore; That we from sin and sorrow freed, May love thee more and m Ttf— "— * ?*- JL *±=z=Z=± i ^—r-r—y—- f= : Hail, Ma-ry ever undefiled, Hail, Queen of puri - ty! O Mother of all mothers best, Who soothest every grief, Hail, Mary, ever undefiled, Hail, Queen of puri - ty! O In O =t=F ^^nr Mt r^ rr^ i—M wm r make thy children chaste and mild, And turn their hearts to thee. thee the weary find their rest, And angnish'd hearts re - lief. make thy children chaste and mild, And turn their hearts to thee. ?j|iil=|li A-men. \a-± L< g ' THE BLESSED VIRGIN. @2. AVE MARIS STELLA. 6s, 5s. D. {HAIL, B1UC ITT STAR OF OCEAN.) I. Ave, Maris stel - la, De-i ma-tcr alma, Atque 6emper Virgo, I. Hail, bright star of O-cean, God's own Mother blest; Ever sinless Virgin, 2$i3~=g i 5 C_C i be P- 1 ^— «— J — aj— I — 1-.---!-^ 1 i-Jffl — r-rt f9 — — I 1 — m 1- Sumens illud A - ve Ga-bri- e - Hi Taking that sweet A-ve Which from Gabriel 1 p — p — j L-i 1 L|» L h 1 1 Felix ca'-li porta. Sumens illud A-ve Ga-bri- e - lis ore, Gate of heav'nly rest; Taking that sweet A-ve Which from Gabriel came, mm -A — J— 1-r-H * — *— d = K— J Fun -da nos in pa - ce, Peace confirm with - in us, 1» i *» -s „ u "•■ tie ■*- "*■ ^ *r" ■*- Mu -tans E - vsenomen. Changing E -va's name. (A • men.) 1 2. Solve vincla reis, Proferiumen ca?cis, Mala nostra pelle, Bona cuncta posce. Monstra te esse matrem Sum at per te preces, Qui pro nobis natus Tulit esse tuus. 3. Virgo singularis, Inter omnes mitis, Nos culpis solutos, Mites fac et castos. Vitam praesta puram, Iter para tutum, Ut videntes Jesum Semper collsetemur. (Sing- following- stanza to first eight measures.) 4. Sit laus Deo Patri, Summo Christo decus, Spiritui Sancto, Tribus honor unus. Amen. til rrTT -\~Wm ■»— — • — » — # — H — - :«=] 2. Break the captive's fetters; Light on blindness pour; All our ills expelling Ev'ry bliss implore. Show thyself a mother; May the Word divine Born for us thine Infant, Hear our prayers thro' thine. J. Virgin all excelling, Mildest of the mild, Freed from guilt, preserve us Meek and undefined; Keep our life all spotless, Make our way secure, Till we find in. Jesus Joy for evermore. (Sing following' stanza to first eight measures.) [. Through the highest Heaven To the Almighty Three, Father, Son and Spirit, One same glory be. Amen. 63. Ss, Vs. THE BLESSED VIRGIN. AS THE DEWT SHADES OF EVEN. -fi-s ; — 1 — — i d=^ 1 — i — ■ 1 1 .- — -1 pi 3- J — i -a — 1 — _i_ — # _ 0— u *==^ — shades near a -i-% ! L_i _|_ » \-m> 0— —0 1%=^0- ven Gath - ver, Free -£=cg : 1 i. As 2. Ho - Bs3— ' — the -#- dew - Moth -1 y - er! of me e - ho - ■*■ r 1 er my i • ^4 P m a - 1 • -1 _|52 1 F= -(2 T r= B = -J — — .- i o'er the balm - y air; tho'ts from aught de - filed; Lis - ten, gen - tie Queen of With thv wings of mer - cv 3S U « \l w- Hea-ven, Lis - ten to our cov - er, Keep from sin thy ves - per help - less prav r. child. ii Thine own sinless heart was broken, Sorrow's sword had pierced its core; Holy Mother! by that token, Now thy pity I implore. Queen of heaven guard and guide me, Save my soul from dark despair; In thy tender bosom hide me, Take me, Mother, to thy care. Amen. 62 ST. JOSEPH. 64. THERE ARE MAN!' SAINTS ABOVE. P, M. Samuel A. Baldwin. ~-K-r4 — fc There are ma - ny saints above \\ ho love Thou wort guardian of our Lord, Foster - fa Thou wert Ma-ry's earth -ly guide, For ev Sad - ly o'er the de-sert sand, Into E - us ther — *— r "?l — b> — t*— F- w »~r<5>- with true of the • er at her gypt's darksome IS 1 — — — r- 1 — 1 1 1 — g- — F *f— HH # * 3» gels ev - er thine arms did sake hear our ile didst thou nigh; lie: cry ; fly; But If For we And 1= m Jo - seph! none there be, we His brothers be, fol - low in thy way, we are ex - iles too, =£ — r_| _>,^=^zH — js h — 3 -* L s» *^^»- — L — - — * ' Oh none, who love like We are fos - ter-sons to Loving Ma - ry as we With a world to tra - vel /TsS/enr/y. i thee,— ~| thee i ' > Dearest of Saints! be near us when we die! A - men. may ; — f through; J §fet= -PI I~ 63 ST. JOSEPH. HAIL, HOLT JOSEPH HAIL! -tf-Lg * L»^___. # * 1 Hail Hail Hail Hail ho - ly Jo-seph, hail! Chaste spouse of Ma - ry, hail! Pure ho - ly Jo-seph, hail! Father of Christ es - teemed, Fa- ho - ly Jo-seph, hail! Prince of the House of God, May ho - ly Jo-seph, hail! Help of the need-y, hail! Cheer ■#-•■#•■#- •#■ • ! P— , P-i —— . _ , 1 1 | W « F WL F p«_ J as the li - ly flow'r ther be thou to those His best wishes be thou the hearts that faint, §i£EE In E-den's peace-ful vale. Thy Foster - Son redeemed. By thy sweet hands bestow'd. And guide the steps that fail Amen. _^ = g # ^_n _ t ___ = Fg : 66- Z>^/? GUARDIAN OF MART. 3=^ 1. Dear Guardian of Ma -ry! 2. For thou to the pil-grim 3. O bless - ed Saint Jo-seph! 4. When the treasures of God were 1 m rs -0- m .4 * f l_^«_y_t__ u dear nurse of her Child! Life's art fa - ther and guide, And how great was thy worth, The un-sheltered on earth, Safe ways are full weary, the desert is wild; Bleak sands are all round us, no Je - sus and Mary felt safe at thy side; Ah! blessed Saint Joseph, how one chos-en shadow of God up-on earth; The father of Je- sus — ah! keeping was found for them both in thy worth; O father of Je - sus! be * ■*- m m dM -p— p ■0- -0- $0- -0- -0- 4- ■«- ■*; ^v. , — * r~ r — f — 1 1 rfti 1 1 ^-^—F !. u r. b ' -EF i ij l r ^ y — 5— y— 9 ■9-9- 64 : F= :.j2=p=5=^s ST. JOSEPH. 3 \j N — IS 1 rrs ^ R rS — ci ^ » home ran we see; Sweet Spouso of our Lady! we lean upon thee, safe should [be, Sweet Spouse of our Lady 1 if thou wert with me. then wilt thou be, Sweet Spouse of our Lady I a father tome. father to me, Sweet Spouso of our Lady! and 1 will love thee. A-men. yor Oi^ 7W.E SAINTS From Plevel. 1. Joy of the Saints! who didst uphold Our life's sure hope, the world's one stay, 2. The great Crea- tor made it thine To be the spouse of pur-est maid, 3. Thou seest with joy in man-ger lie The Saviour sung by seers of yore, -I — r-i 1 g » ^-s— -* — 1 r- — Y° — I rfc — 1 H =t | .€_L & ._fl#-L©i-C^ q L. *..L|___LgA_l Joseph ! as now thy praise is told, Hearken to us in love to-day. And father of the Word divine In name, salvation's work to aid. And him, the Son of God most high In lowliness thou didst adore. (A-men.) gte*^^BE^HEEEpgES&| ** r^- g±^Clu-rLj: E L L_ E5^gib^r z TtBg 1— r p^=t±fe t — I — ^t — r 3=* The King of kings, the Lord of lords, The God whom heaven in awe attends, Whose nod makes trembling demons fall, To thee in meek submission bends. To God most high, the Three in One Be praise, who gave such grace to thee. He makes us win what thou hast won, The joys of life, eternally. Amen. 65 ST. JOSEPH. 68. HOLY PATRON, THEE SALUTING. 8s, 7s. D. =1 *— L #- i — i 1 L #— — — English Melody. 1. Ho - \y Pa-tron! thee sa-lut-ing, Here we meet with hearts sincere; 2. Worldly dangers for them fearing, icuthful hearts to thee we bring; 3. Thou who faithful-ly attended, Him, whom hcav'n and earth adore; 4. May our fer-vent pray'rs ascending, Move thee for our souls to-plead: ■1 — E=F -I r-| « 1 P M K— • :i=PE -N— , 1— _|Z — 0-± — j — # — __,_ I * -0- 9 I f I •■W \^ I I I . Blest Saint Jo-seph, all u - nit-ing, Call on thee to hear our prtiy'r. Grant, in virtue per - se-ver-ing, Vice may ne'er their bo-som sting. Who with pi-ous care de-fended Ma - ry, Virgin ev - er pure; And thy smile of peace descending Ben-e - dictions on us shed. 1 I 1 1 N m - * • f f * i S.-v- *— * t_ r £- u 1 r 1 Lp , L J jj^_, :?: X- Hap-py Saint, in bliss a - dor-ing Je-sus, Sa-viour of mankind; q^^= 1 — 0^^^0-0-^0--^-^-0—^0^0 -— r 0—^0- 1 s- ^ '•> 1 1 . Hear thy child-ren thee imploring, May we thy protection find. Amen. ^, r g ; f • -• J t : •—*—•-—£?■ — — J — *— r=f-c-r^-n 2 -qq I ' U r r 66 69. STS. PETER AND PAUL. IT AV AO EARTHLT SUMMER'S RAT. 3 3 y -j — -j — v=- T -I- Ohl Melody. 1. It is no earth - \y 2. The bless - ed seer to 3. Fa-thers of might - y tp=^=*=E a ■S-s— mMm sum - mer's ray That sheds this whom was given The hearts of Rome, whose word Shall pass the r f ra - - 1= :t ■» r »- gold-en bright-ness round, Crown-ing with heavenly men to teach and school, And he who keeps the doom of life or death, By hum-ble cross and (9- F Hght keys bleed the of ing 9—— J 9 <9 1 F*-t m — -R — — F — Fstt ■H- •* ^ * -0-Sh ■&■' ■#■ • day The Prin-ces of the heaven For those on earth that sword Well have they won their Church were crowned, own his rule, — lau - rel wreath. (A - men.) ^= t: ft 3= E C*-~ O happy Rome, made holy now By these two martyrs' glorious blood, Earth's best and fairest cities bow, By thy superior claims subdued. For thou alone art worth them all, City of martyrs! thou alone Canst cheer our pilgrim hearts, and call The Saviour's sheep to Peter's throne. All honor, power, and praise be given To Him who reigns in bliss on high, For endless, endless years in heaven, The only God in Trinity! Amen. Breviary Hymn, "Decora lux jeternitati 67 ST. ALOYSIUS. 70. DEAR SAINT, WHO ON THY NATAL DAT. From Mozart. L. M. -4-3— =it — •— : 2=? 4- i?J 1= i. Dear Saint, who on thy na - 2. Sweet flow'r that lov'd to bloom 3. Blest youth, who cast a crown ■P ?- tal day un-known, a - way, 9ff£ *=*: f=i= t l=? r To Ma - ry's A saint 'mid To be with :t: 4^4 zt s gi|=E I ten - word Christ o u sr ^—^-71 der care ly pomp des - pis'd wast given, And did'st be-neath her gen- tie and pride; Who at the foot-step of a and poor; Teach us to walk our low - ly -E- It sway Almost un - sin - ning throne Knew nought but Je - sus way, Content, though hum - ble pass cru be to heav'n: ci - fied: our store. May no repining fill our breast Amid the ills of poverty; Oh, make us feel that we are blest, To be thus poor with Christ and thee! Teach us like thee to shrink from sin, Like thee to love sweet purity; That we from Mary's heart may win The love she once bestowed on thee. Thus safe beneath her gentle sway, Oh, may the grace to us be giv'n, To pass from earth some happy day, And join thee in the courts of heav'n. Amen. 68 ST. AGNES. 71. ° HOLT MARTYR, SPOTLESS DOVE. If ; a — i — r~- t ~i , f-d~= j=pj^f i ^ i, J i d ^— i— ^.— L i5»- 1. O ho - \y 2. Thy cru-el Pfe= mar - .vr, suff-ring's J _|_ spot • less dove, With joy we ce - le- all are past, A crown of glo - vy si IE bliss a - bove, round thee cast, t=fc=fczt=EE=3 — I ca ^=# — * — Z W- — •. — &-*— * * — * — w~ Where ty-rants And God is oer thee ha\ r e no sway. ) *. a ., . . J > Sweet Ay-nes, pure, thine for - ev - er now. ) or ^— th 1=1 Fr^ # — — i — i — i — tzzt — '• — bt-i child, Sweet Agnes, pray, oh, pray for us. (A fofrj J — J r«l d^g =— r-r- — r^- -t^+t^- 1 — M= — * — L ^— Oh, pray that we may ever seek To be as free as thou, from stain; As constant, fervent, pure and meek, Regardless of earth's fleeting pain. Sweet Agnes, etc And, holy saint, be this our prayer, That prizing not the world's renown, Through trials it may be our care, To strive but for a heavenly crown. Sweet Agnes, etc. Amen. 69 *=t£ t=: mi'n. ) &- 1 »-•- m THE HOLY ANGELS. HARK, HARK Ml' SOUL. m Hark, hark, my soul! an - gel - ic songs are swelling O'er earths green On-ward we go, for still Ave hear them sing-ing, "Come, weary Far, far a - way, like bells at eve-ning peal-ing, The voice of Rest comes at length, though life be long and drea-ry ; The day must An-gels, sing on! your faithful watches keep-ing; Sing us sweet -J 1 "- -1 W . P -4-ar- 3t=t 1 1 E t=t -*—0- -: ~z r fields and o-cean's wave-beat souls, for Je - sus bids you Je - sus sounds o'er land and dawn, and darksome night be fragments of the songs a pri£ :-: How sweet the truth those And through the dark, its And la - den souls by All journeys end in Till morn-ing's joy shall 4 1 — ' ' -c- Y S bless-ed strains are tell - ing ech-oes sweet-Iy ring - ing, thousands, meek-ly steal - ing, welcome to the wea - ry, end the night of weep - ing, :-: ># :z: =F Of that new life when sin shall The mus- ic of the gos -pel Kind Shepherd, turn their weary And heaven, the heart's true home, will And life's long: sha-dows break in THE HOLY ANGELS. I Sing - ing to wel - conic the pilgrims of the night I A - men. (-(^ »— »- 9 9 r-0 p— [-— . | I 1 'M ^n > ~ b i — 1 — I H* i i***! 73 C. M DEAR ANGEL, EVER AT MT SIDE. 3-T) *" 3= — *~ * i— J— N- ^=s= 3d 1. Dear an - gel, ev - er at my side, How loving must thou be, 2. Thy beau-ti - ful and shining face, I see not tho' so near; 3. But when, dear spirit, I kneel down, At morn and eve to pray'r To The There ^QEJ :«=3=3=!v ++ ^=H^: # ^ -J— I- 1 -*— 5 J m leave thy home in heav'n to guard A sinful childlike me. sweetness of thy soft low voice I am too deaf to hear, is a voice within my heart Which tells me thou art there. #- H«- Pj fr I IS » ■ * ' 4 ; (A - men.) 4. Yes, when I pray, thou prayest too, Thy pray'r is all for me; But when I sleep, thou sleepest not, But watchest patiently. Then love me, love me, angel dear! And I will love thee more; And help me when my soul is cast Upon th'eternal shore. Amen. 71 HYMNS FOR GENERAL USE. PRAISE. 74. HOLT GOD WE PRAISE THT NAME. 7s, Ss, 7s. German Choral. 1. Ho- ly God, we praise Thy Name! Lord of all, we 2. Hark! the loud ce - les - tial hymn An - gel choirs a- 3. Lo! the A - pos - tol - ic train Join, Thy sa - cred bow be -fore Thee! All on bove are rais - ing! Cher - u Name to hal-low! Pro-phets rf= *=* Fg= earth Thy seep - tre claim, bim and Ser - a - phim, swell the loud re-frain, t=tZ ^f :|c=|c 1^1 I * :^3i ^_« — — 1 S L^=i- B2=s^£ a a^ All In And in un • the Heav'n • ceas white-robed a - bove ing cho a-dore Thee! In rus prais-ing, Fill Mar - tvrs fol-low! And - fi - nite Thy the heavens with from morn to ■&■' vast sweet set do-main, Ev - er - last - ing is Thy reign, ac - cord: Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord! of sun, Through the Church the song goes on. (A -t*- -*- +* £=F 4 +- +- *• * S --1 =t»=tB- r=-i — r =S BT ±5 1 4. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three we name Thee, While in essence only One Undivided God, we claim Thee; And adoring bend the knee, While we own the mystery. 5. Thou art King of Glory, Christ! Son of God, yet born of Mary; For us sinners sacrificed, And to death a tributary; First to break the bars of death, Thou hast opened Heaven to Faith. 72 PRAISE. 6. From Thy high celestial home, 7. Spare Thy people, Lord! we pray, fudge of all, again returning, I3y a thousand snares surrounded; We believe that Thou shalt come, Keep us without sin to-day, On the dreadful Doomsday morning, Never let us be confounded. WhenThv voice shall shake the earth, Lo! I put my trust in Thee, And the startled dead come forth. Never, Lord, abandon me. Amen. Te Di'iim Laudamus. 75 PRAISE BE TO II I M WHO BUILT THE HILLS. Alfred Young. Praise be to Him who built the hills; Praise be to Him the Praise be to Him who makes the morn, And bids it glow with Praise be to Him whoso love has giv'n In Christ His Son, the 4— fl^-ff-, i streams who fills; Praise be to Him who beams new-born: Who draws the sha-dows Life of Heav'n: Who for our dark-ness lights each star of the night, gives us light, JSL t That Like And spar cur turns in tains, o'er to day our our E£ +- blue a - far. wea - ried sight. deep - est night. * , f (A - men.) :t: 4. Praise be to Him who sheds abroad Within our hearts the love of God; The Spirit of all truth and peace, Fountain of joy and holiness! 5. To Father, Son, and Spirit now Our hands we lift, our knees we bow: To God in Trinity we raise With grateful hearts this song of Praise! Amen. Used by permission, Rev. Alfred Young, owner of copyright. 73 PRAISE. 76. WHEN MORNING GILDS THE SKIES P. M. i. When morning gilds the skies, My heart a - wak-ing cries, 2. To thee O God a - bove, I cry with glowing love, 3. Does sad-ness fill my mind, A sol - ace here I find; 4. When evil thoughts mo - lest, With this I shield my breast: zJf t jp -• F 1 » — May Je - sus Christ be pr.iised: A - like at work and prayer, May Je - sus Christ be praised: This songcf sa - cred jov, May Je - sus Christ be praised: Or fades my earthly bliss, May Je - sus Christ be praised: The powers of darkness fear, =t=t= a* To Je-sus I re - pair; It never seems to clo} r : My comfort still is this : When this sweet chant I hear: h#H — hr — u — » — »- -1 — 1 — ?■ ■u — » — *- May Je - sus Christ be praised. May Je - sus Christ be praised. May Je - sus Christ be praised. May Je - sus Christ be praised. (A - men.) t—f— rn p=q -p— ~-t- ^S When sleen her balm denies, My silent spirit sighs, May Jesus Christ be praised: The night becomes as day, When from the heart we say, May Jesus Christ be praised. Be this, while life is mine My canticle divine: May Jesus Christ be praised: Be this th' eternal song, Through all the ages long: May Jesus Christ be praised, 74 PRAISE. 77. CO.]//:', LOUD ANTHEMS LET I'S S/.YO. I.. M. 61. From I [aydn. -f-F* — -]— «-h>— I — .*-f *— * — # -f-Fs — 8 — F*— j— *=3 O come, loud an - thems let ns sing, Loud thanks to In - to 1 1 is; pre - sence let US haste, To thank Him The depths of earth are in His hand, I Ier se - cret O let us to His courts re -pair, And how with e — k e * — h — — ► s SB^-tfi?- 1] J L| — |_ rH ._J ■3 1— r -S= 0— E£ ^^h- 3 our for wealth ad Al His at might - y King: For we our voic -es high should raise, fa- vorspast;To Him ad- dress, in joyful songs, His command; The strength of hills that reach the skies, - ra - tion there ; Down on our knees, de-vout-ly all, — r a ~-t— M W- sal The praise that Sub - ject - ed Be - fore the ■ va - tion's Rock to His name to His, em - Lord, our Mak j — r _) — \ 1 — i — i — i — — i &-; — — i — i — i — we praise, be-longs. pire lies, er, fall. I — 0- EEE Great is the :t=t= -© g 4-4 4S 'ji r r J.i i r & • *■ • -& • Lord! what tongue can frame An e-qual hon - or to His name. Amen. PRAISE.— EVENING HYMNS. SING ALLELUIA FORTH. Samuel A. Baldwin. #- T — •— # f— L# # #- T L_ 1 Cj. Al - le -lu - ia forth in duteous praise, O cit - i-zens of next, who stand before the Eternal Light, In hymn-ing choirs re- Ho - ly Cit -y shall take up your strain, And with glad songs re- r- V \> i . n — r— p — '- c - heav'n ; and sweetly raise ) ech - o to the height [• An sounding wake again ) end-less Al le lu - ia. Amen. 4. In blissful antiphons ye thus rejoice To render to the Lord with thankful voice An endless Alleluia. 7. This is the rest for weary ones brought back, This is the food and drink which none shall lack, An endless Alleluia. 8. While Thee, by whom were all things made, we praise L For ever, and tell oul in sweetest lays 6. There, in one grand acclaim, for An endless Alleluia. 5. Ye who have gained at length your palms in bliss, Victorious ones,vour chant shall An endless Alleluia. till ever ring The strains which tell the honor of your King, An endless Alleluia. 9. Almighty Christ, to Thee our voices sing Glory for evermore; to Thee we bring An endless Alleluia. Amen. Latin Hymn, Sth Cent. Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 79. THE SUN IS SINKING FAST. P. M. Samuel A. Baldwin. 1. The sun is sink 2. As Christ up- on 3. So now herself ing the my fast, The day Cross His head soul Would vvhol light dies; Let in - clined, And ly give In- Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 76 EVENING HYMNS. 4—r-l -J— j^U-v-4-J . I J — p ^= j love a-wake, and pay Her evc-ning sac - ri to His father's hands His part - ing soul re to His sa-cred charge, In whom all Spirits S^liliife^Ill: 4. So now beneath His eye Would calmly rest, Without a wish or thought Abiding in the breast. 5. Save that His will be done, Whate'er betide; Dead to herself, and dead In Him to all beside. V V ¥ Thus would I live; yet now Not I, but He In all His power and love Henceforth alive in me. One sacred Trinity, One Lord divine. May I be ever His, And He for ever mine. Amen. Latin Hymn, 7th Cent. O . s l ' v OF Mr so UL, THO U SA VIO UR DEAR. L. M. German Choral. S^^=^=i=S-^=*= R^=F i-ja-jLi 1. Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear, It is not night if Thou be near; 2. When the soft dews of kind-ly sleep My weary eyelids gently steep, « - r— i — H =+ -J 1—4 O may no earthborn cloud a-rise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes. Be my last thought, how sweet to rest For-ev -er on my Saviour's breast. (A-raen.; $m T-7 « — — ?- r » — — •- ■1 — 1 — r- -Gh-r^-j-Gh- 1 h ^f-^|-LC-rp-LCrJ 1 3. Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. 4. If some poor wandering child ofThine Have spurned, to-day, the voire divine, Now, Lord, the gracious work begin; Let him no more lie down in sin. 5. Watch by the sick ; enrich the poor With blessings fromThy boundless store; Be every mourner's sleep to-night, Like infant's slumbers, pure and light. 6. Come near and bless us when we wake> Ere through the world our way we take; Till, in the ocean of Thy love, We lose ourselves in heaven above. Amen, 77 81. EVENING HYMNS. SWEET SAVIOUR BLESS US ERE WE GO. 8s,61. fe ±=i- \yip» — • — -J — • English Melody. Sweet Sa-viour, bless us ere we go ; Thy word in - to our The day has gone, its hours have run, And Thou hast ta - ken Grant us, dear Lord, from e - vil ways True ab - so - lu - tion minds in - still, And make our luke warm hearts to glow With count of all, The scan - ty triumphs grace hath won, The and re - lease; And bless us, more than in past days, With ■#- •&■ JSL r ft= — r— Etz— e=Ei= =dEb=z±d TH-r-tzJ=g love and fer - vent will. vow, the fre - quent fall. [• Thro' life's long day and ty and in-ward peace. i ^-j — c — F— i — r~ F- - f 1| -p-f] p_ -*=*-* death's dark night, O gen ■<*>■ sus be our light. A - men. % _ a— — Fi a-^ — 5 *—-» ^-hd — -I — T-i — r?J^-r-^--H ^-•-r-m-T — h !*-- — * « r# s "£- & s; £ 0_ #- $ V GOD THE FATHER. 8S. MT GOD HOW WONDERFUL THOU ART. C. M. From Handel. |te^=-.*s-H « ri — l—i- 1 > i i ■ i^s-t-i — i i i — rs i. My God, how won-der-ful Thou art, Thy Ma-jes - ty how 2. How dread are Thine e - ter - nal years, O ev - er- last - ing J - . . J /£#• J.J. #- . ^^1^ =^=^ =^= EEESES g ii | fl. bright! How beau-ti - ful Thy mer - cy-seat In depths of Lord! Bv prostrate spir - its day and night In-cess-ant- I C*l >l &£$ ^ — 0— r0 r r 1 ^ m — r -tf- ^ i light! dored, I In depths of burn-ing light! In - cess - ant - ly a-dored. (A - men.) 3. How beautiful, how beautiful, 6. No earthly father loves like Thee; The sight of Thee must be, No mother half so mild Thine endless wisdom,boundless power, Bears and forbears, as Thou hast done And awful purity! With me Thy sinful child. 7. Only to sit and think of God, O what a joy it is! To think the thought, to breathe the Name, Earth has no higher bliss. 5. Yet I may love Thee too, O Lord, 8. Father of Jesus, Lcve's Reward! Almighty as Thou art; What rapture will it be, For Thou hast stooped to ask of me Prostrate before Thy throne to lie. The love of my poor heart. And gaze and gaze on Thee! Amen. 82 4. O how I fear Thee, living God! With deepest, tenderest fears, And worship Thee with trembling hope And penitential tears. 86. <;oi> tiik fatiikk. O (,(>/> THY POWER IS II < > A DERFUL. Prom Spohr. 1 - — -i p* — I • -J~- 1 H rf-f # • C. M. i. God Thy pow'r is wonderful, Thy glo-ry passing bright; Thy 2. Thy jus tice is the gladdest thing Crea- tion can be - hold; Thy 3. There's not ,1 craving in the mind, Thou dost not meet and still; There's 4. O, lit-tle heart of mine, shall sin Or sorrow make thee moan? When — 2-y-r; 1 — p-M — y g-p r ^ -r^r — ^ sight. bold. wisdom with its deep on deep A rapture to the ten-der-ness so meek, it wins, The guilty to be not a wish the heart can have, Which Thou dost not ful - fil. all this God is all for thee, A Fa- ther all thine own. A - 87. (Use tune on opposite page if desired.) ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL AND FAIR. ±-j_LJ English Melody. ^=' bd=fc u — 1 — 1 — j=pj=tz=n All things beauti-ful and fair, Earth and sky and balmy air; Ev' - ry tree and flow'r we pass Ev'-ry tuft of wav-ing grass, Lit- tie streams that glide along, Verdant, mossy banks a-mong, He who dwelleth high in heaven, Un-to us hath all things given; 3— fc 1=± ?= t x: £=l=t Ira (-— u — — t- # — l # — # — © — •-# — # — - — ^ — 1 — * — ©- F £ H5>— I Sun-ny field and sha-dv grove, Gently whisper, "God is love," Ev'-ry leaf and opening bud, Seem to tell us "God is good." Shadowing forth the clouds above, Softly murmur, "God is love." Let us, as through life we move, Ev-er feel that "God is love." Amen. JESUS CHRIST. O 8. JESUS THE VERT THOUGHT OF THEE. C. M. *=* 25 J :± mm -"z—m-d-m- -a ' — *- m Je-sus, the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills the breast; But No voice can sing, no heart can frame. Nor can the memory find A O Hope of ev'-ry contrite heart, O Joy of all the meek, To "0 — \-0— ; »-r-#- f=f= t =t==F= t t= :f=t=J Tiff— i r» »-^t<5 | r» — •— *g— S * ' 4 • ' • f U * # ^ *— C f— «— l= ^— ■"BT- 1 ^-" li I II sweeter far Thy face to see, And in Thy presence rest, sweeter sound than Jesus' name The Sa-viour of mankind, those who ask, how kind Thou art! How good, to those who seek! (A. - men.) m $ — 0- -i — i — t 4. But what to those who find? Ah! this Nor tongue nor pen can show; The love of Jesus, what it is, None but His loved ones know. 89. : t= d . Jesus, our only joy be Thou, As Thou our prize wilt be; In Thee be all our glory now, And through eternity. Amen. St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th Cent. O JESUS, JESUS, DEAREST LORD! £j=^j = ii=5 1. O Je - sus, Jesus, dearest tord! Forgive me, if I say, 2. I love Thee so, 1 know not how My transports to con - trol; 3. Burn, burn, O Love! Within my heart, Burn fiercely night and day, For Thy Till ■*- #— r£ — • 1-2 — *- — r*—»r? — *~r° r *■ ^ 1 # 1 ■»- ? 1 — 1 ver - y love, Thy Sacred Name A thousand times a love is like a burn-ing fire Within my ver - y all the dross of earth-ly loves Is burned, and burned a day. soul. way. (A-men.) 84 JESUS CHRIST. THERE IS A GREEN HILL FAR AWAY D. Samuel A, lialdwin. fci: [ZZ^>Lj - H-h J ==l r-q=dc^^=±=\ L-#-i 1 \-0 M 1 —i H ! j 4 — -M- There is a green hill far We may not know, we can He died that we might be There was no oth- er good M P-i— ft— 1 — p- =1 J a - way, With - out a cit - y not tell, What pains lie had to for-given, He died to make us enough To pay the price of — = = r #— Vj P- 1 — r % :fct: :t=d -1- — 0—0 — 0- % .4 ^h_-j 5^ wall, Where the dear Lord was cru - ci-fied who died to save us all. bear, But we believe is was for us He hung and suffered there, good, That we might go at last to heav'n, Saved by His precious blood, sin, He on - ly could unlock the gate Of heav'n, and let us in. =£— *"— r -jp-i— «-g ■#•-» — #-♦ fe^i 1 — i- Qi -•— ' =tt ± — )— 1 0— r 1 1 • 1 1 — * — Y-0 ~ — 0— 1- a m vd — — '- 9 - 1 — — • — * — L * — — • — * — L « - -0 — — S — *- L -g5-r-^i — ' O, dear - ly, dear-lj 1 1 f\ -^^d 0h _4 0__^ O, dear - ly, dear-ly has He loved, And we must love Him too, And 1 J\ I L-8H-- £ S^-*- — #— =fe f*# ^--& — trust in His redeem-ing blood And try His works to do. A-men. T|g;uu g^^^ig :c_ 1 — 1 — 1 — r-^r 8 - — p-f- Copyrighted, iS^j, bv Samuel A. Baldwin. 85 JESUS CHRIST. / COME TO THEE, MT LOVE. 6s. SI. Rev. Alfred Young. ^y— Sr^i— f=S— *-^ fzr-t^i^l — *— Sr C J- I come to Thee, my Love, Oh, touch me with Thy hand, mn long when far a -0 0- ray From ways of grief and pain; As in the dust I lie; To be with Thee a-gain, , « &■ -I- — g -» -0 0- 5=t 5£S ±^i~ :J=ti=i=i-=S=t? come to Thee, my Love, Who here in bliss dost reign: The > -lift me to Thy Heart, Without Thee I must die: My :re treasures of Thy grace Fall like the fruitful rain: O •J SL *. +. ■*■ ■*: t=\ r- t— t- m tem-pest raves with - out, soul is dim and faint, Te - sus, hid-den Love, i i i i m -0 — i — P — •- — \-0 — j- The an-gry bil-lows roll; But I come for help to Thee — To O Je - sus, loving Lord, From 9 1-# #« — — S»— r— 0# -d J- -J — ! i i~ PJ P2 — T^ = k i i — i -h=p= : l : ^ here Thy peace is mine, De-sired One of my soul, find it in Thy strength; Thy gracious light to see. Thee the sil-ver showers Up - on my heart are poured. (V-men.) J > ^ 1 1- ■r =^-E=^=»=r^=ife==^3 I come to to Thee, my Lord; Yet linger by the way: I come to Thee, my Lord; Before Tby Soul to pray: One glimmer of Thy light Brings peace from God to me, As in Thy "wealthy rest" My spirit leans on Thee. A storm of pain and grief Oft bends me with its power; My comforter art Thou In sorrow's bitterest hour: Be with me then, my God, Nor leave me poor and lone; For light and joy are Thine Upon this Altar-throne. Amen. Used by permission, Rev. Alfred Young, owner of Copyright. 86 92. C. M. D. JESUS ('I IK 1ST. I HEARD THE VOICE OF JESUS SAT. Adapted from Spohr. s- L 9—j. — — s — *-* — — * — • — r f — *— # — 4- g: J i. I heard the voice of 2. I heard the voice of 3. I hoard the voice of Je - sus say, Je - sus say, Je - sus say, "Como un - to Me and rest; "Be-hold, I free - ly give "I am this dark world's light: ^PfE T a f m * — »=E F=F : — J — fcH — 1 — I *--i :*zfizfiEEE3 *_J F> 4 4- =* 3 * I r l> ( Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast: : The liv-ing wa-ter! thirs - ty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live." Look un - to Me; thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright.' -F — 1 — r — r- w m r m ^ =t=\ — Q-JE p==f I came to Je-sus as I came to Je-sus, and I looked to Je-sus and I was, Weary, and worn, and sad; 1 drank Of that life-giv-ing stream: I found In Him my Star, my Sun; iLiel r ^ ?- * r-' HEzh Hn—i — 1 — = :=fc a. _n 1 1 1 " 1 ~ i * — 8* I found in Him a restingplace, And lie has made me glad. My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, And now I live in Him. And in that light of life I'll walk Till travelling days are done. Amen. .1 M 1 1 1-j ^ • =- S C lj 87 y.t|i*J:_tp — • — gz±E — ^_ # _t=_*_t5 — «- z — ff -p— R £—\ 1 — h»— [--* — ai— F * — j- JESUS CHRIST. 93. ART THOU WE ART, ART THOU LANGUID. P. M. Samuel A. Baldwin. L J ^ — L, # 1 — | # — l„ ^_ # _i_ Art thou wea-ry, art thou languid, Art thou sore dis-tress'd? Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my guide? Is there Di - a-dem as Monarch That His Brow a-dorns? in^s -5- -0- P "Come to Me," saith One, "and coming, Be at rest." "In His feet and Hands are Wound-prints, And His Side." "Yea, a Crown, in ver - y sure-ty, But of Thorns." (1 - men. z=\7 • » — i — 1 s — r* — \y*mr 9 »-r»— H — —i — I — H ■ . i — I -n 5^-?-^ a _p # — »=pi , |j — ^H y — F* =z -f =: ^ = H#-^ F | — F^-^ H r 4. If I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here? "Many a sorrow, many a labor. Many a tear." 5. If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last? "Sorrow vanquished, labor ended, Jordan past," 6. If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay? "Not till earth, and not till heaven Pass away." 7. Finding, following, keeping, struggling, Is He sure to bless? "Angels, Martyrs, Prophets, Virgins, Answer, Yes." Amen. St. Stephen the Sabaite. Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 94. JESUS SAVIOUR OF Ml' SOUL. *- o-4— ©- ( Je-sus Sa-vi'our of my soul, Let me to Thy re-fuge { While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is D C. Safe in-to Thy haven guide, O receive my soul at Tine. fly, high, last! m THE ATONEMENT. D. C. &-Z.S \v_- r, ~, i !-— , —I 1 1 ■ I . J. l 1 1— -r. if ■ T& ) ;_ e J * > d j g jlgJ . gJ.lj . J":ig j * eJ. II Hide me, O my Sariour, hide, Till the storm of life is past T-F (A - men.) Z_C C.I. p_CC C LC COj Lp_J iC 3,-. 2. Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee: Leave, O leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me: All my trust in Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I hring; Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing! h=t- 3. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin: Let the healing streams ahound: Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee: Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. Amen. 95. SING M2~ SOUL HIS WONDROUS LOVE >■ Old French Melody. iafe: Lg I I -0 - *-- [ #---8- _j — « — _j — 3_ — I- — d -0 e * 0— \-r) -1 ■0 * — -0 — L g ' Sing, my soul, His wondrous love, Who, from yon bright throne above, Heaven and earth by Him were made, All is by His sceptres way 'd; God, the mer - ci - ful and good, Bought us with the Saviour's blood; Sing, my soul, a-dore His name, Let His glo- ry be thy theme; 1 Jli LqfljrdLs=JjJ- fc Ev-er watchful o'er our race, Still to man extends His grace. What are Ave that He should show So much love to us be-low? And, to make our safety sure, Guides us by His Spirit pure. Praise Him till He calls thee home, Trust His love for all to come. Amen. 1 1 ** iii DIVINE PROVIDENCE. THERE'S A WIDEXESS IN GOD'S MERCY. f3=t ; — * — \-» — - — ; T ^* — ^H 4-0 — g — •- ,__. i. There's a wideness in God's mercy, Like the wideness of the sea: 2. There is welcome for the sin-ner, And more graces for the good; -*■■#-_ 1^1 There's a kindness in His jus-tice, Which is more than liber-ty. There is mer-cy with the Saviour ; There is healing in His Blood. (Anien.) 3. For the love of God is broader 4. If our love were but more simple, Than the measure of man's mind; We should take Him at His word; And the heart of the Eternal And our lives would be all sunshine Is most wonderfullv kind. In the sweetness of our Lord. Amen. 9*7. THE BIRD LET LOOSE IN EASTERN SKIES. C. M. Samuel A. Baldwin. ~ 0_ * 1. The bird let loose in east-ern skies.When hastening fondly home, Ne'er 2. But high she shoots through air and light,Above all low de - lay, Where stoops to earth her wing, nor flies Where i- die warblers roam; nothing earth-ly bounds her flight, Nor shadows dim her way. (\-men.) m & ^ V-* 1 — r -f-« — o- ~r\ r mm nn DIVINE PROVIDENt E. So grant me, God, from every care And stain of passion free, Aloft, through Virtue's purer air, To hold my course to Thee! No sin to cloud, no lure to stay My soul, as home she springs;-- Thy sunshine on her joyful way, Thy freedom in her wings! Amen, 98 COME TE DISCONSOLATE. ^4-4- 2— t- , F3 fV-^E— F- K— N-3— H—PJ-H-* - 1 > T ' 1 1— Z \ 2—s> -J — I— F^— — • — © — F*-v-* — "— m — — T-»—m — — — i . 1 — iV- -a- -0- -0. • -a- ■*+■ ■&■ -#• ^* -#■ #- •*■ -*■ 1. Come, ye dis-con-so-late, where'er ye 2. Joy of the de - so-late, light of the 3. Here see the Bread of Life; see waters m ^—M— -fO_ —\—Z. Q- lan - guish, Come at God's stray -ing, Hope of the flow - ing Forth from the - A . r V I E =*=te== \ 1 al-tar kneel, fervently kneel ; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your pe - ni-tent. fadeless and pure, Here speaks the Comforter, in God's name Throne of God, pure from above ; Come to the feast of love ; come, ev - er ^ 1 — r r n*^ — F<° — »»— — Ft — *—*~>-fP I 1/ I g W is; =P*=ir =s*=l=fc S±F* 3fc= =t :q: *: an - guish ; Earth has no sorrow that Heav'n cannot heal, say - ing, "Earth has no sorrow that Heav'n cannot cure." know-ing Earth has no sorrow but Heav'n can re-move. A-men. I — ^ s f— 1 ~--0- V -j— -f- :« *. 1—r iiifi^ 91 99. CHRISTIAN FAITH. LEAD KINDLT LIGHT. -R-N-K fz\££t-*=.$- I. Lead, kind-ly Light a-mid th' en-circling gloom, Lead Thou me on; The night is *..#.-#..•.. I •*-£ S ■«■ J- I I ^ ■#- #■ -0 — i* — h — \j — | — #-i-i *- — 0-0-0-d-\ — i — m — i dp3=& m -l 0-0 — — — i 00 * — ■■ m ■&■ -0- i *i riy feet \—rr m -0- dark, and I am fair from home, Leadlhou me on; Keep Thou my feet; I tz t-0 — i r — i- 1 w i-s E=t^z5-Ets£=E see The distant scene; one enough for me. (A-men.) . -r-t- 1 was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on; I loved to choose and see my path; but now Lead Thou me on: I loved the garish day, and spite of fears, Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years. So long Thy power has blessed me, sure it still Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till the night is gone; And with the morn those angel faces smile Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile! Amen. 99 Second Tune. LEAD K1NDL Y LIGHT. Cardinal Newman. Samuel A. Baldwin. ' . i © — 9-ra-T-j- * — a-r© r® — ^ir^^-b:=Fjzz_i = g-gg= n:_r-i- =F ■sj — »— f- O — 0- L f2- Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin, 93 CHRISTIAN FAITH. J. 1 , h iii^ii^ ^a -H-i — I i5»-r-i5>---#- r # 1 — r*— i 1 -n 100. NEARER MT GOD TO THEE. 6s, .(s. trfi — l=== ^ — s i I " F 1 h^F^^^H 1 — sH 1. Nearer my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee; E'en though it be a cross 2. Deep in Thy Sacred Heart Let me a - bide; Thou that haitbled for me, 3. Friends may depart from me, Night may come down; Clouds of adver-si-ty -J— -I H* r-r J . J A I 1 R7-^T-*"-a|— »- i 0—0— — fcfr-r — *— h-f> — •—•- r It :q: ^z5 E=^ v- S==t==f v-r That rais-eth me; Sorrowed and died; Dark - en and frown ; ■Eg Still all my song shall be Near-er, my Sweet shall my weeping be, Grief sure-ly Still through my tears I see Hope gently = =1=4 1 — P~^3 7 ir F^^t- — * EZfc :t: 1 ^====l=fis^===fttq==l=5p^^ -g— God to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Near - er to Thee, leading me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Near - er to Thee, leading me, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Near - er to Thee. A - men. 1 — =— 2 ic ^_ip — — =ij 1 — r=c==j — tj — j-—" Used by arrangement with Oliver Ditson Co., owners of Copyright. 93 101. 8s, 61. CHRISTIAN FAITH. FAITH OF OUR FATHERS. ■mi <2- -^-» **=!— o- :©- P f j -* x U 22 1. Faith of our Fa-thers! liv - ing still In spite of dungeon, 2. Our Fathers, chained in pris - ons dark, Were still in heart and n ^i f-r-r EE^ * — I — I — s> J- C p«-^— c i— Zf-*-^ h- c -i j-M f=J fire, and sword; O how our hearts beat high with joy When- conscience free; How sweet would be their chil - dren's fate, If i — l+- aear that glo- nous word! { Faith o£ our Fa . thers , hem, could die for thee! ) rV, J - ,-sJ J . J _++*&--£*■£', e er we they, like the fcF* i i P ± j-j j> -|-f— -r— n-rm 1ffrr¥ rrj-rrr;^ ho - ly faith! We will be true -»?4 -0- • -#■■**• I to thee till death. A-men. 3. Faith of our Fathers ! Mary's pray'rs 4. Faith of our Fathers ! we will love Shall win our country unto thee, Both friend and foe in all our strife; And through the truth that comes from God, And preach thee, too, as love knows how, O, then indeed shall we be free! By kindly words and virtuous life. Faith of our Fathers! etc. Faith of our Fathers! etc. Amen. 04 102. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. FIERCE WAS THE WILD BILLOW. V. M. l I d ' — — i f^ q= - German Choral. -i H I u ' -i i. Fierce 1 -J -* — 1 was --5-4 — J — # — — jM — •- — * — i* m — — L ^— jj# — 0- the wild bil low, Dark was the i -JUL . L tt hP- • b ni ght, Oars labored 1 ?— ±=±^h -1 -T=H f—ir r— H=FT-i- ^=rt=a :iH=td=d s *=t j 1 1— — j — =^z4=q m -*, — ! -J— jMK -* bH > i heav - i - ly, Foam glittered white, Trembled the mar - i - ners, 4W4 fi»-i- £ ^ # 4 — h«-T — h* — • — » 3-J — 3 — *- t( — '-nH — • ^-H Per-il was nigh; Then said the God of God, "Peace! It is I." (A - men.) -^ # ,f? * , g # — #— -,— J « 2. Ridge of the mountain-wave, Lower thy crest! Wail of Euroclydon, Be thou at rest! Sorrow can never be, Darkness must fly, Where saith the Light of Light, "Peace! It is I!" 3. Jesus, Deliverer, Come Thou to me: Soothe Thou my voyaging Over life's sea: Thou, when the storm of death Roars, sweeping by, Whisper, Thou Truth of Truth,- ""Peace! It is I!" Amen. 95 St. Anatolius, 450. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS. Samuel A. Baldwin. I. Onward, Christian soldiers' ^*T\ I k :g=£ =}= rrH ~T~T rn~n to war, With the cross of Je-sus 4 — i c-i 1 — * i o — &~ --©-r-i-(-i»— »- Marching as to war, With the cross of Je-sus Going on before. A-men. . 1 0TT T . I r _, h-r-^F &-*-] 1 — P 1 C "-©^JJ i r ■ : r At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee; On, then, Christian soldiers, On to victorv! Hell's foundations quiver At the shout of praise; Brothers, lift 3'our voices, Loud vour anthems raise. Onward, etc. Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God: Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod; We are not divided, All one body we, One in hope and doctrine, One in charity. Onward, etc. Copyrighted, 1804, by Samuel A 96 Crowns and thrones may perish. Kingdoms rise and wane But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain; Gates of hell can never 'Gainst that Church prevail; We have Christ's own promise, And that cannot fail. Onward, etc. Onward, then, ye people! Join our happy throng, Blend with ours your voices In the triumph-song; Glory, laud, and honor Unto Christ the King, This through countless ages Men and angels sing. Onward, etc. Baldwin. 104. 6s, 5s. D. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. BRIGHTLY GLEAMS OUR BANNER. From I l.i', dn. tl-j J j — l -H-z z=|d=j - r-7r-[— 1 J J .l 4 = F :£=^q Z - 3 -^ * ^— Z G) p — C — I LS._C # _ # _ # I ^ __L ^ ^ _ J Brightly gleams our banner, l'ointing to the skv, War-fog wand'rers onward =2_ pz=f_t f^r f 1 ' : To their homo on high. Journeying o'er the des - ert, Gladly thus we pray, 'nward way. Brightly gleams our banner, — T— I— F^^ 1 ^ =■ Pointing to the sky, Waiting wand'rers o 3: ward to their home on high. ^-^&-\q\&- •men. =f= : F=F : Hail, sweet Jesus! Master! Round Thy sacred feet, Now with hearts rejoicing, See Thy children meet. Long, alas, we've left Thee, Straying far away ; But once more we enter On the "narrow way." Brightly, etc. Mary! Mother! Ave! Israel's Lily, hail! Comfort of thy children In this sinful vale. 'Mid life's surging ocean, Whither shall we flee, Save, O stainless Virgin Mother, unto thee? Brightly, etc. 97 Ave! Joseph! Ave! Chaste and spotless flower; Cast thy mantle o'er us At death's solemn hour. Be our father ever, Joseph, meek and mild, Chaste spouse of our Mother Keeper of her Child. Brightly, etc. Jesus! Mary! Joseph! Sweet and holy Three, List the praise we pay you On our bended knee. May we sing your glory In glad realms above, Bound for ever to you By the bonds of love. Brightly, etc. Amen. NATIONAL.— TEMPERANCE. I OS. C'OI? BLESS OUR NATIVE LAND. 6s, 4s. 1 -A-i 1 1 — — 1 — ■ei — 3 — §Sfe God bless our na-tive land! Firm may she ev - er stand, Thro' storm and For her our prayer shall rise To God, a-bove the skies; On Him we - «__£» *■ *> *> & & *■ ' & f =E=S $=^z^Z- -5=-f2 -*— 9- &—'■ f= 3 night; When the wild tempests rave, Ru - ler of winds and wave, wait; Thou who art ev - er nigh, Guarding with watch - ful eye, ^ i=t=fc Do To §a Thou Thee -*- V 3=ar J — i 1. — _j — \-m— s — 1 — 1 1 1-1 our a - I K coun-try save loud we cry, By Thy great might. God save the State. A-men. £^E U= &-~ mm MOURN FOR THE THOUSANDS SLAIN. From Beethoven. =1= 3 =t -• — LJ — m — — i_ •©— «- Mourn for the thousands slain, The youthful and the strong; Mourn Mourn for the tarnished gem — For reason's light di-vine, Quenched Mourn for the ruined soul — ■ E - ter-nal life and light, Lost Mourn for the lost,-but call, Call to the strong, the free; Rouse Mourn for the lost,-but pray, Pray to our God a-bove, To ffift t=t F=F *=*=:=* ±: ±— [--tc ^= 1 98 THE JUDGMENT. for the wine-cup's fearful reign, And the de - hi - ded throng, from the soul's bright di - a-dem, When God had bid it shine. by the fiery, maddening howl, And turned to hopeless night. them to slum that dreadful fall, And to the re-fuge flee, break the fell destroyer's sway, And show his sav-ing love. A-men. S- -0- -0- -0- Q0- :zz -«-m — a — I 1 — F> — I » — F~ f^^^F? *— r-' £l. ?- Bl I OT. THAT DAT OF WRATH, THAT DREADFUL DAT. L. M. Arr. from Gregorian Chant. '■4~e> 1. That day of wrath, that 2. When shrivelling like a 3. Oh! on that day, that -0-^L -r t f* i -h — F— Ps H r : SEE F=f dread - ful day! When heaven and parch-ed scroll The flam-ing wrath - ful day When man to -# r* ,rf©- 1 3* ■•- ■#- :E : earth shall pass heavens to - geth judg - ment wakes 9* E|: a - way, What power shall be er roll; When loud - er yet, from clay, Be Thou the trem — 1=£ :t: the and bling — r w 1 I I I sin - ner's stay? How shall he meet that dread - ful day? yet more dread, Swells the high trump that wakes the dead! sin - ner's stay, Though heav'n and earth shall pass a - way. Amen. 0- *r *■ V From Dies Irae. v 1 J TT — »- see 1 — r 99 108. HEAVEN. JERUSALEM, MT HAPPY HOME. Ss, 6s. -PS r- $ 2 =*-- -^ Je - ru - sa - lem, my hap - py home, How do I sigh for No sun, no moon in bor-row'd light, Re-volve thine hours a- From ev - 'ry eye He wipes the tear; All sighs and sor - rows Pif a & ±=i +-^—$^-* :ti *— -^ — — j P thee? When shall my ex - ile have an end? Thy joys when way: The Lamb on Cal - v'ry's mountain slain, Is thy e- cease; No more al - ter - nate hope and fear, But ev - er- rs i p* u n r* 3= i t r- ^ s w 3E 1^§ J t — i r*~i- shall I see?) ter - nal day. I Je - ru - sa -lem, Je - ru - sa -lem, Je - ru - sa- last-ing peace. ) „ 1 JS —In P§^g[ : F f=PC seee ; 5P lem, my hap - py home, How do I sigh for thee! A-men. Latin Hymn, 8th. Cent. m & n -^•♦j P -#-— 100 HEAVEN. 109. O PARADISE! O PARADISE! P. M 73rq=33z^_h._|_^=^:=::fc:.J 1 — p — q= j=j=gi- — 3— # L # _i — — L # — # _ # Lj # » — 0- — <-g,__. O Pa - ra-dise, O O Pa - ra-dise, O 1— -:*->^ — 1 — Pa - radise, Who doth not crave for rest? Pa - radise, The world is grow-ing old; 4i^-N- * =^=pi= — £— i — - e^ ff^ Who would not seek the happy laud Where they that loved are blest Who would not be at rest and free Where love is never cold? m ■#-.■#- ^ ■#• -£■ Where lov-al hearts and true Where loy - al hearts and true Stand ev - er in the light, All -@- rap-ture through and through in God's most holy sight. A - men. # P—0-, ft , 0— r *— »— e — f-tf^ = i c 1 — r~ r 3. O Paradise, O Paradise, 'Tis weary waiting here; I long to be where Jesus is, To feel, to see Him near; Where loyal hearts, etc. 4. O Paradise, O Paradise, I want to sin no more, I want to be as pure on earth As on thy spotless shore; Where loyal hearts, etc. ■ * r g ~ 1"® rg — r & r-;g 1-| ^r=Et=tpEEzpz=EEEEsEEE:3J 5. O Paradise, O Paradise, I greatly long to see The special place my dearest Lord In love prepares for me; Where loyal hearts, etc. 6. Lord Jesus, King of Paradise, O keep me in Thy love, And guide me to that happy land Of perfect rest above; Where loyal hearts, etc. 101 HEAVEN. THE WORLD IS VERY EVIL. Arr. from Mendelssohn. 3g£FE The world is ver - y e Be so- ber and keep vi r m ^ . _ tz T=F vil, The times are waxing late; ) gil, The Judge is at the gate- ) F F r-F — T- — G-» r: .&- t: 1 ilpppl The Judge who fumes in mer - cy, The Judge who comes wilh might, Who -%- SH&zt & ^ ■(a ■ F F F-+ 1 — i — r—^t—xJ &E & comes to end the e - vil, Who eomes to crown the right. (A - men.) — I — -U ^-v-\r\ — - r ,* — f- c 4= re^ ^ Arise, arise, good Christian, Let right to wrong succeed; Let penitential sorrow To heavenly gladness lead — To light that hath no evening, That knows nor moon nor sun, The light so new and golden, The light that is but one. 1- r r .1 O Home of fadeless splendor, Of flowers that fear no thorn, Where they shall dwell as children Who here as exiles mourn ; 'Midst power that knows no limit, And wisdom free from bound, The Beatific Vision Shall glad the saints around. O happy, holy portion, Refection for the blest, True vision of true beauty, True cure of the distrest! Strive, man, to win that glory; Toil, man, to gain that light; Send hope before to grasp it, Till hope be lost in sight. Amen. Bernard of Cluny, 1145. 102 HEAVEN. III. BRIEF LIFE IS HERE OUR PORTION. Jrs, 6s. D. Jfc- L —~p ^S-r— * -i 1 — m- J. P. Holbrook. Brief life is here our por-tion; Brief sor-row, short-lived care; 2. And there is David's fountain, And life in full-est glow; 3. There Je - sus shall embrace us, There Je - sus be embraced, — ffi ^niTi^K =f=*=r;rT=»=»=t H 1 1— -y-i — F- The life, that knows no And there the light is That spir - it's food and S^=iS end - ing, The tear-less life, is there: gold -en, And milk and honey flow; sunshine Whence earthly love is chased: -: r> 1 % $z -f- m Oh, hap - py re - tri - bu - tion! Short toil, e-ter - nal rest; The light, that hath no eve-ning, The health that hath no sore, Yes! God my King and Por - tion, In full - ness of His grace, t- ■v- ±: ?=* a — — 1 — 1^—1 1 — I ■ r H^ -h*-— m—^ •— -O- ^ZZZ 1 '— C H — , * *~ fzr t==J ^E^E^fe - c rv- l -- L cr- J For mor-tals, and for sin - ners, A man-sion with the blest! The life, that hath no end - ing, But last - eth ev - er-more. We then shall see for ev - er, And wor-ship face to face. m £=t £ =zfc — r Bernard of Cluny 1145. 103 mtm HEAVEN. 112. FOR THEE, O DEAR, DEAR COUNTRT. •js, 6s. D, ^-1 1 fc # * <-0 m e # L &— . J z> fc* 1. For thee, O dear, dear country, Mine eyes their vigils keep; 2. O one, O on - ly man-sion;0 Pa - ra-dise of joy! 3. With jas-per glow thy bul-warks, Thy streets with emeralds blaze; 4- f= -p—*- "5 -I — h- -A—T-—t-- -H ^ -1 — U 3 U- R — ^ - ==q==qziF ! 1 For ver - y love, be - Where tears are ev - er The sar-dius and the hold - ing Thy hap - py name, they weep, banished, And smiles have no al -loy; to - paz U - nite in thee their rays; The men-tion of thy glo The Cross is all thy splen Thine age- less walls are bond 1 r> 1 ry, Is unc - tion to the breast, dor, The Cru - cified thy praise; • ed With am - ethyst un-priced; BTT" i J I J J= FF rfi= E r* -0 i- ■ \-0 ' m h- — p f 1 V* -*■ -^ -tt •*■ 1 And med - i -cine in sickness, And love, and life, and rest. His laud and ben - e - dic-tion Thy ransomed people raise. The saints build up its fa - brie, And the cor-ner-stone is Christ. (A-men.) !?5!:tf=*=^:=Fg mm ±=t= -0 — 0- I *■ ' 1 1 1 H l i 4. Thou hast no shore, fair ocean! Thou hast no time, bright day! Dear fountain of refreshment To pilgrims far away! Upon the Rock of ages They raise thy holy tower; Thine is the victor's laurel, And thine the golden dower. t-f-r 5. O sweet and blessed country, The home of God's elect! O sweet and blessed country, That eager hearts expect! Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest; Who art, with God the Father, And Spirit, ever blest. Amen. Bernard of Clunv, 1145. J04 113 •js, 6s. T>. HEAVEN. JERUSALEM THE GOLDEN. . 1_ Samuel A. Baldwin. J m 1 1 ^ 1 1 1- q:zp— 3=-r=*_- t Je - ru - sa-lem, the gold -en, With milk and hon- ey blest! Be- They stand, those halls of Zi - on, All ju - bi-lant with song, And There is the Throne of Da - vid;And there, from care released, The O sweet and bless-ed Country, Shall I e'er see thy face? O J i i — f < j g— # M . g __ i — I -» — J— — /- r :LE •

=£= F— \ ' bziEEz: j L =Ehz=tr=b: -Si — * m V know not, O, I know not, What so - cial joys are there; What Prince is ev - er in them, The daylight is serene; The they who, with their Leader, Have conquered in the fight, For have the hope with - in me To com-fort and to bless, ' Shall P P :S= F izr= F=J ■ft ra-dian - cy past-ures of ev - er and I e'er win of glo - ry, What light beyond compare, the Bless - ed Are decked in glorious sheen, for ev - er Are clad in robes of white, the prize it-self? O tell me, tell me, Yes! A-men. ■*■■*■ *■:#■■(?. v I i r i i . > > Bernard of Cluny, 1143. Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin, 105 114. HYMNS FOR PROCESSIONS. GLORIA, LA US, ET HONOR. First Stanza and after each stanza. Gregorian. 1 — i K — I — i — ^=-1 -i — , — •■ i-i — i — I — n — I — i — I — f*r- 1 — ^ 1 i. Glo - ri - a, Iaus, et ho - nor tibi sit, Rex Christe Redemptor: +-*-4-^J t*rr -w i — - l I Cu - i pu -e - ri - le decus promp - sit Ho - san - na pi-um. — i Second and following; Stanzas. n I- 1 1 1 P \ 1 i £— i ^ 1 1- ) ! -Pi- -»— *-{*— G—m- "Hi— ^— J" T - 1~ *&-*=*-*= =S^-J . si — 3 -— • — 4 * m H^ — -± i * * 4^X J -0-'-0- -rti- i 1 I 1 ^y-0-& • | 2. Is -ra -el es tu Rex, Da - vi - dis et in - cly - ta proles: 3- Ccetus in ex - eel-sis te lau - dat coe - li - cus omnis 4- Plebs He - jrse - - a ti-1 >l cum palmis ob - vi - a ve-nit: f>- Hi tibi pas - su - ro sol - ve • bant mu - ni - a lau-dis: 6. Hi placu ■ e - re tibi, pla - ce - at de-vo-ti - o nostra: -J *4— | *— J ■#- -ft ■0- ^J J. I?' 9t ■ r * \~~ * t "S* - fr ~~f— i — r "■ £ W K — » "r a r tni4_q:!=:_ -I ** CJ r F ' 1 1— r -LJ — « i -1 k i i D. C. ^^ wu. i i i . — Tf No-mi-ne qui in Do - mi-ni, Et morta-lis ho mo, Cum prece, voto, hym - nis Nos tibi reg - nan - ti Rex bone, Rex cle - - mens, r r I Rex be - ne et cuncta ere ad su - mus pan - gi - mus I i die - te, venis. - a - ta simul. ec - ce ti- bi. ec - ce melos. cm bo - na cunc - ta pla-cent. (English words, no. 16.) 10G 115. Ss, ;s. 61. HYMNS FOR PROCESSIONS. PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI. i a_d: 1— 1±- =1— d — o-v— * — FJ — * — Gregorian. -I — I — ,4-== = g=j= i. Pan - ge, 2. No - bis lin - da - gua, tus, glo - ri no - bis o - si na - tus Cor Ex po- in- 2i spar* — 1_ -J r _ . M» ,• »— t »— J+^r- -«Lt-I I f"~J J'l J I l - l I ! I J J I I II -+£* San - gui -nis-que pre - ti - o - si, Et in mun- do con - ver-sa-tus, ^.. +. +> &. 2. V ,*. rtr-r-^l P 1 r&~~ " — H teH E£=E=Ei=t=E|: r =fc=g3 Quern in mun- di pre - ti - um Spar - so ver - bi se - mi - ne, —\ — ^A *^i — L s>- ■*■■*•■*■ -#• F Fructus ven - tris ge - ne- Su - i mo - ras in - co- liiippii In supremaa nocte cocnge Recumbens cum fratribus, Observata lege plene, Cibis in legalibus, Cibum turbre duodenje Sedat suis manibus. Verbum caro, panem verum Verbo carnem efficit: Fitque sanguis Christi merum, Et si sensus deficit, Ad firmandum cor sincerum Sola findes sufficit. V. Panem de ccelo praestitisti eis. (English 5. Tantum ergo, Sacramentum Veneremur cernui, Et antiquum documentum, Novo cedat ritui, Prsestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectui. 6. Genitori, Genitoque Laus et jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedictio, Procedenti abutroque Compar sit laudatio. Amen. l{. Omne delectamentum in se habentem. vords no. .?,*■) 107 116. HYMNS FOR PROCESSIONS. VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT. L. M. t^ 2 s < *— i o 9 — * — a — * — r« — 9 *-t — a — ;il la Re gis pro i«^ de - unt, Fulget Cru- :£=£=[:— £? *£» dZ_ U — =s # s^- - s-^— *■!■-♦- •=•- - urn. Quo car - ne car - nis con - di- 4-r4= --I- -S # — • — Fai — 5" — * - h r gi— F g ^g — * Quae vulnerata lancese Mucrone diro, criminum Ut nos lavaret sordibus, Manavit unda et sanguine. Impleta sunt, qun? concinit David fideli carmine, Dicendo nationibus: Regnavita ligno Deus. Arbo decora, et fulgida, Ornata Regis purpura, Electa digno stipite, Tam sancta membra tangere. 5. Beata, cujus brachiis Pretium pependit sreculi, Statera facta corporis, Tulitque praedam tartari. 6. O Crux, ave, spes unica, Hoc Passionis tempore Piis adauge gratiam, Reiscpie dele crimine. 7. Te fons salutis, Trinitas, Collandet omnis spiritus; Quibus Crucis victoriam Largifis, adde prsemium. V. Eripe me, Domine, ah homine malo. R.. A viro iniquo, eripc me. (English words, no. 17.) 108 LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. 117. Old French Melody. Ky - ri ■ kv • ri ■ Pater de Spiri - tus e e - le e e - le coe • Us De Sancte De le - 1 - son, le - 1 - son, no - bis. no - bis. m ^^=^=m -ti — I — fcg mm Frrr^ ta Ma - ri ter Chrl - ter cas - tis - si • ter a - ma - bi • Sul - va - to - pras - di - can - go fi - de • nostra' l;v ■ ti - ti sig- ne de- vo - tio- e - bur - ne - a Coe yi - urn pec - ca - yi - na An - ge- ^i na A - pos-to - gi na Vir - gi ■ •na - li con - cep- - gnus De - - gnus De - gnus De ste Au - di a, Sane - ta stl, Mater di - ma, Ma - ter lis, Ma - ter ris, Vir - go da, Vir lis, Spec - u - x, Vas spi - nis, Ro - a, Do - li, Stel - la torum, Con - so - lorum, Re - - lorum, Re - - nuin, O ta, O i, A i, A i, A nos, Chri De - i Gen - i vi - na; gra - ti • in - vio - la - - ad - mi - ra - bi - pruden - tis - si - - go po - lum jus - ti - ti - ri - tu - a - - so Mys - ti - mus au - re - ma - tu - ti - - la - trix af - flic gi - na Pa-triarch-a- gi - na Mar - ty • ra pro no - - ra pro no - - - gnus De - gnus De - gnus De ste ex - au - di trix, x, ta, lis, ma, tens. •'•, le, ca, a, na, torum, rum, rum, bis, bis, i, i, i, nos, :i_bg — J — # — jz tzj •♦ * Chris - ste e • le - i - son, Chris - ste au - di nos, Fili Re-demp-tor mun - di Deus, Sane - ta Trin - i - tas unus Deus, I Chri Chri Mi Mi ste ste - se - se nos. bis. bis. P= Sane - ta Ma Mater in - Ma - ter Vir - go \ lr Se - des Vas Tur - ris Fee - de - Sa - lus Aux Re Re Re Regina Nacratissi - Qui tol - Qui tol - Qui tol - Chri Vir- go Vir- gi - num, ter pu - ris -si - ma, \ tern - e - ra - ta, \ Cre - a - to - ris, 1 ven - e - ran da, 1 - K° cle - mens, / sa - P 1 - no - en - ti- x, I ho - ra - bi- le, V O - | ra pro no - | bis Da - VI - di - ca, 1 ris ar - ca, 1 in - fir - mo - rum, \ i - mm Chris- tian- o-rum, 1 an - na Prop >e- ta-rum 1 gl - na Con- tes- sorum, / s: 1 - na Sanc-torum >mnium/ mi Ro - sa - ri - i, lis pec - ca -ta mundi, Parce no - bis Do- mi - ne. lis pec - ca -ta mundi, Exau-di nos Do- ml- ne. lis pec - ca - ta mundi, Mi - se re - re no - bis. ste au - di DOS, Chri - ste ex - au - di nos V Ora pro nobis, sanct: i Dei Genitrix R Utd igni e fficiamur i roiuissior libus Chr sti. 109 VESPERS FOR SUNDAYS. 118. P. — Deus in adjutorium meum intende. 3zi= =W i£r i Domine, ad adjuvandum Gloria Patri et Filio . . . . et Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper, et in scecula £1 £1 zrzz: — — — — 1 1 me fes- Spiritu-i ssculorum ■*■ ■*»■ ti - na. Sanc-to: A-men. -Ci- m =ps| ^^m During Lent instead of Alleluia, sing— H h Laus ti -bi Dom-i- ne, Rex aeternae gloriae. — — — -4* -0- ■*- — — ^-^-9-i mm DIXIT DOM I XL'S. Psalm CIX. w — r, &-i\— i. Dixit Domino me - o: §tS E : Sede a -Jtl dex-tris A jSl. H ^2. *- V Donee ponam ini-mi-cos fu-os* 6. scabellum fc-dum tu-o-rum. Virgam virtutis ture Y emittet 7. Dominus ex St-ow :* dominare in medio iaivai-co-rutn tu-o-rum. Tecum principium in die virtutis g tare Y in splendori-bus sanc-/o- rum :* ex utero ante lu-ci-ferum ge-nui te. 9- Juravit Dominus, et non pceni-te- bit e-um:* Tu es Sacerdos in 10 seternum Y secundum or-di-;/rw- Mel-chi-sedcch . 110 Dominus a dex-tris tu-is* confre- git in die i-ras sn-ce re-ges. Judicabit in nationibus, Y im-ple- bit ru-i-nas;* conqussabit capi- ta in ter-ramul-to-rtim. De torrente in vi-a bi-bct ;* prop- terea exal-ta-bit ca-J ut. Gloria -Pa-tri et Fi-lio* et Spi-ri- ///;' Sanc-to. Sicut erat in principio Y et nunc et srm-J>er* et in sae-cula sae-cu- lo-rum. A-men. VESPERS. CONFITEBOlt. 1 'sab,, CX. i. Confitebor tibi, Domine, in toto cor-de me-o; i,A ,i ■£. p. ^ ft in eonsilio justo- ruin, et congre-ga-ti EFFF : E3EEE r-r fj V .(iff =3=3 H-SH+ F^--! S Magna o-pcra Do-mini* exquisita 7- in omnes vo-lun-ta/es e-j'us. Confessio et magnificentia <>/«.« c- y«i f * et justitia ejus manet in °- BX-culum see-cult. 4. Memoriam fecit mirabilium suo- rum y miserfcors et miae-ra-tor JDo-minus:* escam de-dit W-men- ti-bus se. 5. Memor erit in sse-culum testa- mcu-ti-su-i;* virtutem operum suorum y annuntia-bit po-fulo su-o ; 6. Ut det illis hxredi-ta-tem gen- tium:* opera manuum ejus veri-tas etj'u-dt-cium. 9- Fidelia omnia mandata ejus y con- lirmata in sce-culum sae-culi,* fac- ta in veritate et a> qui- talc Redemptionem misit fo- ft ulo suo ;* mandavit in rcterum y tes-ta- men-tum su-um. Sanctum et terribile no-men e-jus:* initium sapienti-ae ti-mor Do- mini. . Intellectus bonus omnibus faci- en-tibus c-um :* laudatio ejus ma- net in sx-culum see-cull. . Gloria Patri ct Filio* et Spiri/-v-z' Sancto. . Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper* et in srecula saeeu/o- rum. Amen. BEAT US VIR. Psalm CXI. 3§* Beatus vir, qui ti-met Dominum ; in mandatis ejus volet ni - mis, fa &. p. p. ma, p. ** £~ Gh- Q— r \- ■-©- -»—,<=- EECJEEi «-©— I- Potens in terra erit se-men e-j'us;* generatio rectorum be-nc-di-ce- tur. Gloria et divitias in do-mo e-jus;* 8. et justitia ejus manet in sce-cu- Inm scecult. Exortum est in tenebris lu-men rec-lis:* misericors, et mise-ra- ,- tor, ct jus-tus. Jucundus homo, qui miseretur et commodat;Y disponetsermones suos in ju-di-cio;* quia in a;ter- num non com-mo-ve-bitur. 10 In memoria a?terna e-r it jus-tus;* ab auditione ma-la non ti-me-bit. x : Paratum cor ejus sperare in Do- mino ;Y confirmatum est cor e- 111 jus;* non commovebitur, y donee despiciat i-ni-mi-cos su-os. Dispersit, dedit pauperibus; y jus- titia ejus manet in sce-culum sce- culi;* cornu ejus exal- ta-bi- tur in gloria. Peccator videbit, et irasce-tua, y dentibus suis fremet, et ta-bes- cet;* desiderium pecca-lo-rum fte-ri-bit. Gloria Patri ct Filio* et Spiritu-i Sancto. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper Y et in saecula ssecu-fo- rum. Amen. VESPERS. LA UDA TE P UERI. CXI I. Laudate, pueri. Do-mi-num: ■P. M- JL ii t :z: Laudate no- men Do-mi-ni. tz - Sit nomen Domini be-ne-dic-tum* ex hoc nunc, et us-que in sce-culum. »_ A solis ortu usque ad oc-ca-sum* laudabile no-men Do-mini. 5. Excelsus super omnes gen-tes Do- minus,*et super coe-los glo-ria ejus. ^ Quis sicut Dominus Deus noster, Y qui in al-tis /ta-bitat*et humilia IC respicit in cce-lo et in terra? Suscitans a ter-ra i-no#em,*et de stercore e-rigens fauferem. Ut collocet eum cum prin-ci-fibus,* cum principi-bus fo-juli su-i. Qui habitare facit steri-lem in domo; * matrem fi\i-o-rum Ice -t ant em. Gloria Patri, et Ei-lio,*et Spiri-£»* Sancto. . Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semj>er*&t in sa?cula sxcu-lorum. A men. IN EXITU ISRAEL. Psalm CXIII. i. In exitu Israel de E - gyp- to; domus Jacob de popu-lo * r*v bar-ba-ro. 2. Facta est Judaea sanctifi -ca-tioc-jus* Israel po-tes-tas e-jus. I2 . 3. Mare \\-dit,ct fu-git :*]ordian\s con- versus est rctror-sum. j-, # 4. Montes exultaverunt ut a-ri-ctes,*et colles si-cut a-gni o-vium. j, 5. Quid est tibi, mare, quod jtt-gis-tir* et tu, Jordanis, quia conver-sus es „ rc-tror-sum. 6. Montes, exultastis si-cut a-ri-ctes? * et colles, si-cut a-gni oviumi 7. A facie Domini mo-ta est terra* a. 16. faci-e De-i Jacob. 8. Qui convertit petram in sta-gna a- 17. qua-rum, * et rupem in ion-tes a- qua-rum. 9. Non nobis, Domi-w, non nobis* sed 18. nomini tu-o da gloriam. 10. Super misericordia tua et veri-ta-te tu-a;* nequando di-cant gentes: Y Ubi est De-us e-o rum? 11. Deus autem nos-terin ca-lo;*omn\a 112 19 quscumque vol u -it, j eat. Simulacra gentium argen-tum et aurum*opera ma-nu-um ho-minum. Os habent, et non lo-qucn-tur :* oculos habent, et non vi-dc-bunt. Aures habent, et non au-dient ;* nares habent, et non o-do-ra-bunt. Manus habent, et non palpa-bunt; V pedes habent, et non ambu-la- ount;*non clamabunt in gut-tu-re su-o. Similes illis riant qui fa-ciunt c-a* et omnes qui con-h-duut in < -is. Domus Israel spera-w»V»« Do-mino; * adjutor eorum et protec-tor e-o- rum est. Domus Aaron spera-r/7 in Do-mino; * adjutor eorum et proX.eo.tor e-o rum est. Qui timent Dominum, spera-ve- rnnt in Do-mino;* adjutor eorum et protec-tor e-o-rum est. V ESPERS. »3- 24. Dominus memor fu-it nos-tri t * el .25. bene-di-xit no-bis. Benedixit do-mui Is-ra-el,* bene- dixit do-mui . \-/ Advent.") V. Ang'elus Domine nuntiavit Maria'. R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto. (From Christmas to the Purification.) V. Post partum Yirtro inviolata permansisti. R. Dei Genitrix intercede pro nobis. 116 ANTIPIIONS OF THE blessed virgin. I2S. AVE REGTNA CCELORl M '. (From tlic Purlfiction till Easter.) Samuel A. Baldwin. V. Dignare me laudare te, Virgo sacrata. R. Da mihi virtutem contra hostes tuos. Copyrighted, 1894, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 117 ANTIPHONS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. 126. REGINA COELI. (From Easter till Trinitv Eve.). A [ =*=! i=S Samuel A. Baldwin. N S_ I * g i. Re - gi - na coe - li 2. Quia quem me-ru -is - ti 3. Re-sur-rex - it si lae por cut ta ta dix re. it. Al - le- ■&- &. 1 — r cresc. -A — lu P* Al -le lu - ia, Al - le lu «9\ > — r ii^e V. Gaude et l.i-tare, Virgo Maria, Alleluia. K. Quia surrexit Dominus vere, Alleluia. Copyrighted, 1S94, by Samuel A. Baldwin. 118 ANTIPIIONS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. 127. SAL VE BEGIN A (From Trinity Sunday till Advent.) ■ pi Samuel A. Baldwin. Sal Ad E Et ve Re te cla ja Je - sum g» ma er be-ne na, Ma - ter mis mus ex - u - les go, Ad - vo - ca dic-tum fruc - turn ven Fi - ri- - lii ta tris * — # — j V spes, spes nos - tra, Et spes nos-tra, sal - ve. mentes et flentes in hac la - cry - ma-rum val - le. se - ri - cor - des oc - cu - los ad nos conver - te. il - i um, ex - il - i - um os - ten - de. ■»■- *■#- -0- k m - f~t ^V +. EEEE fe* tz*-.— *— ^ 5. O clemens! O ^j 1 .h 1 j-^ ' ^^g , * — — b*»- L * **-* — 0—0 J 0— ='-©- — 33 P> y V a! O dul-cis Virgo Ma -y- -y- V. Ora pro nobis, Sancta Dei Genitrix. R. Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Copyrighted, :So4, bv Samuel A. Baldwin. 119 BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. 128. L. M. O SALUTARIS HOST I A. Gregorian. Cr 3 -hr ts: B*z2"-£ :=: Ee =:= t= = E S» LJ lu - ta - ris tri - no - que ■*■ ■*>■ -ff. -*>- :J=i=*d ■«- Hos Do ti - a! Quae mi - no, Sit coe - li sem - \ i- «r r C* 1 £l3E§E=!E pan - dis ter - na OS glo ti-um, Bel - la prie-munt hos - ti - li- ri - a; Qui vi - tarn, si - ne ter - mi- m si :ps:=snzt: = c —Q- T&- &- :s_ -©- -*J -I-5- I. O saving Victim! opening wide The gate of Heaven to man below; Our foes press on from every side, Thine aid supply, Thy strength bestow. To Thy great Name be endless praise, Immortal Godhead, One in Three! O grant us endless length of days In our true native land with Thee. Amen. 120 BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. ! 2.9. TANTUM ERGO SACRAMBNTUM. 8s, 7s. 61. ' Gregorian. —=-3 — a— C S — •— M-ttt- iiPiiP IV- * I I i. Tan-tum er - go Sa - era -men-turn, Ve-ne - re-mur cer - nu- 2. tie - ni - to - ri, Ge - ni - to -que, Laus et ju - hi - la - ti- I rri-v-^-r®- 5 *~r # — d — i — i ti— rtr-rr7;rg J3 i: Et an - ti - quum doc - u - men - turn, Novo ce - dat o, Sa - lus, ho - nor, vir - tus quo - que, Sit et be - ne- . •*- &• ^m -*- *= F&fe= F =^ Sen - su - urn de - fee - tu - i. Coin-par sit lau - da - ti - o. -# — , -i — i. Lowly bending, deep adoring, 2. Glory, honor, might, dominion. Lo! the Sacrament we hail; Be unto our God most high; Types and shadows hare their ending, To the Father, Son, and Spirit, Newer rites of grace prevail; Ever blessed Trinity, Faith for all defects supplying Praise be given, and power eternal, Where the feeble senses fail. Unto all eternity. Amen. 121 BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. V. Panem de coelo prsestitisti eis. R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem. V. Thou hast given them bread from heaven. R. Full of all sweetness and delight. Alleluia is added during Paschal Time and the Octave of Corpus Christie Oremus. Deus, qui nobis sub Sacramento mirabili, Passiqnis tuse memoriam reliquisti: tribue, qussumus, ita nos Corporis et Sanguinis* tui sacra mys- teria venerari, ut redemptions tuoe fructum in nobis jugiter sentiamus. Qui vivis et regnas in srecula sosculo- rum. Amen. Let us fray. O God, Who has left us in this won- derful Sacrament a perpetual memo- rial of Thy Passion: Grant us, we be- seech Thee, so to reverence the sa- cred mysteries of Thy Body and Blood, that we may continually find in our souls the fruit of Thy redemp- tion; Thou Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. 130. LA UDA TE DOM I NUM. B£ s=s §fc Laudate Dominum Quoniam confirmata est super nos miseri- 3. Gloria 4. Sicut erat in principio et cor - Patri dia et et =fet pi. 1. O praise the Lord, 2. For His mercy is con- 3. Glory be to the Father As it was in the beginning, is now, and all ye firmed up- and to ev - er gen Fi tes: jus Ho, per, -»- na - tions: on us: the Son: shall be: I =tet Laudate eum et Veritas Domini manet et Spiri - et in ssecula ssecu - om in tu lo PI: pe- ter pu Sane =£=¥ -^- praise Him ia.ll ye Ipeo and the truth of the Lord re-lmaineth for I ev and to the Ho world Iwith - out lend. 122 A li. num. to. men. SI pie. er. Ghost; men. u**** Is