s ^ PRINCETON, N. J. *^ Presented by VTX'T'^ .C'v\\(S>C.VT\<:A\-V\^rAC>s '* MAY 15 1909 •; THE ^^le^^^'^f GROWTH OF CHRISTIANITY DURING NINETEEN CENTURIES EXHIBITED IN A SERIES OF CHARTS AND NUMERICAL TABLES A. O. VAN LENNEP AND A. F. SCHAUFFLER NEW YORK ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH & CO. 900 BROADWAY, COR. 20th STREET. Copyright, 1884, By Anson D. F. Randolph & Company. ST. JOHNLAND PRINTED BY STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY, EDWARD O. JENKINS, SUFFOLK CO., N. V. 20 NORTH WILLIAM ST., N. Y. INTRODUCTION. The design of this pamphlet is to present in compact form such rehgious data of the human race since the year a. d, i as may be helpful to all interested in the progress of Religion. So many wild claims are made in these days about the decline of Evangelical Re- ligion, claims based on the ignorance and upheld by the hopes of Free-thinkers, Agnostics, Romanists, and other opponents of Prot- estant Christianity, that a few stubborn facts seem to be called for, put into such condensed form as shall command general attention. The cry of the Agnostic Scientist is iox fads. He here will find an abundant supply, from the best sources, which he may with profit "read, mark, and inwardly digest." Should pastors make use of the accompanying tables in their monthly concerts, they may find incentives to more earnest work on the part of the Church, drawn from the great progress of Evangelical Religion in spite of the small pecuniary outlay by the Churches. On the other hand, the last table will account for the bitter fact thai more progress has not been made. When Christ's Church shall be as lavish in its outlay of men and money as the world is, the conver- sion of Nations will not long be postponed. By far the larger part of the work involved in the preparation of this pamphlet was done by Mr. A. O. Van Lennep, so well known by Sunday School workers, as the "Oriental Lecturer." Since the work was put into the publisher's hands, Mr. Van Lennep has gone to his rest. The Sunday School teachers of Chautauqua, Framing- ham, and other summer assemblies have thus lost a gentle and labori- ous fellow-worker and teacher, whose place it will be hard to fill. A. F. SCHAUFFLER. New Yokk, November ig, iSSj. PROGRESS OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION IN THE WORLD. This will be considered under five different phases. FIRST. PROGRESS OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE WORLD FROM A. D. I TO A. D. 1880. No specific data exist on the subject of numbers, except in a general way, from A. D. i to looo; but the best authorities give 50 millions as the number of Christians in A. D. lOOO, and so for the different years as follows: A. D. I Beginning of Christian era. 1000 50 Millions of Christians. 1500 100 " 1700 155 1800 200 " " 1880 415 By what precedes we find the following gains: From A. D. Aiierage per year I to 1000, or in lOOO yrs., 50 Millions. 50,000 1000 " 1500, " 500 " 50 " 100,000 1500 " 1700. " 200 " 55 " 275,000 1700 " 1800, " 100 " 45 " 450,000 1800 " 1880, " 80 " 215 " 2,688,000 Or, An increase of 50 Millions in 1000 years, Doubling in the next 500 " Doubling again after 300 " And more than doubling- durin"- the last 80 " Progress of the CJiristiaii Religion. N. B. — It should be borne in mind that the Protestant Reformation began in 1500, that the great awakening under Wesley took place during the last century, and the inaugu- ration of Foreign and Home Missions only at the beginning of the present century. The authorities consulted for the above statistics are Ferussac, " Bulletin Universel," for A. D. 1500 to 1800; and Turner's " History of the Anglo-Saxons," for A. D. 1000. Prof. Schem, in "Statistics of the World" for 1876, gives the number of Christians for 1875 as 389 millions; and for 1880 (as reported by Dr. Dorchester, in " Problem of Religious Progress,") as 410,900,000. Returns, however, from several European and other countries, where the census was taken in 1880 and only recently come to hand, increase these figures to about 415 millions. See "The Statesman's Year Book" for 1882 and 1883. SECOND. GROWTH OF THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD UNDER CHRISTIAN GOVERNMENTS ; VIZ., ROMAN CATHOLIC, GREEK CHURCH, AND PROTESTANT GOVERNMENTS. This table begins with the Reformation: / /- i Roman Catholics Greek Church Protestants ments of \ I ; A. T). 1500 80 Millions 20 Millions " 1700 90 33 32 Millions " 1830 134 57 193 " " 1880 192 no 445 Showing 747 millions of the human race under Christian governments in iSSo. 5*0 . MlU'uans His. U\ IVom ■?ra\;tem o| ^eVcalotMS 7-f ooxes^ tvJBorfcWeste»- QOPrmanT itiB* byavsoh o f.kandolph SLCOMPAffr. So 13 loo. ttL' Gro\A;tV\ o^ Topu\.at\on«> vincLer Ko.Cart\o\lc, GreeK tkuTcVy^ TVotestanC Governrrxents. M JS-S Millions / Progress of the Christian Religion. 7 According to recent returns, England alone has now over 303 millions under her sway. N. B. — The authorities for the above table are, for 1500 and 1700, Turner's " History of Anglo-Saxons," and Sea- man's " Progress of Nations," and Adrian Balbi, " Geo- graphie Universelle"; while the figures for 18S0 have been compiled from "Statesman's Year Book," in 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. THIRD. THE STATE OF THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IN 1880. According to Behm and Wagner, the population of the world in 1880 was as follows: Europe 327,500,000 Asia 795,591,000 Africa 205,823,200 Australia 4,232,000 America 100,415,400 Polar Regions 82,500 1,433,644,100 Divided as follows: Christians, Protestants . . . 135 Millions Roman Catholics 195 " Eastern Church . 85 " .... 415 Millions Mohammedans 175 " Jews 8 Pagans (Shintos, Buddhists, Brahminists, Fe- tish, etc.) 835 1,433 See " Modern Missions: their Trials and Triumphs " (Young), London, and "Die Bevolkerung der Erde," Behm and Wagner. Progress of the Christian Religion, Rev. H. H. Jessup, D.D., for many years a missionary in Syria, is our authority for putting the Mohammedans as high as 175 milHons. He is also our authority for the number of Mohammedans under Christian governments as follows: Under Great Britain 41,000,000 " Russia 6,000,000 " France 2,000,000 " Netherlands 21,000,000 70,000,000 N. B. — " The Mohammedan Missionary Problem," by Dr. Jessup, gives the number under the Netherlands as one inillion. He has informed us that it should be 21 millions instead. These data show the following relative gains since the Reformation: Under R. C. Gov. Under Greek Ch. Gov. AYR. PER YR. GAINS AYR. PER YR. Under Prot. Gov. GAINS AYR.PERYR. First 200yrs. Nexti30 " Last 50 " 10 M. 44 " 58" 50,000 340,000 1,160,000 13M. 27" 50" 65,000 209,000 1 ,000,000 32M 161 " 252" 160,000 1,240,000 5,040,000 FOURTH. RELIGIOUS POPULATION OF EUROPE IN A. D. 1 5OO (THE BEGINNING OF THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION) AND IN THE YEAR 1880. /// A. D. 1300. Roman Catholics 80,000,000 Adherents of Greek Church, Mohammedans, and Jews 20,000,000 Protestants, a handful. Population of Europe in 1500 100,000,000 ^ p ^ *^- -J^ -^^ - ^ £• 2 ^ OsJ OO S« f r* rO > 5C cn -^ -r ■*. ^ "^ ~f - V ^ -J Q> •x -^ " -^^ -C ^^ e 2J .5^ >^ 1^ o ^ HV- ^ 5 -.^' J^L V ■ ' — V, ^ ^=^11:*''::" > ""'aV " ^ ?• ^& ^^ :- r^ -. o h-i ,-t ni Hb S 3 r! ^ O ^ « O \ c cr V v\ ^'H 0» > ^ to UJ '^ 8 O O O -I COPrmGHT l%&i BYAHSOU or KAHDOWH &.COMPt.NY. p c (? 1 g 0. ^ -^ — ^~ A.l>. 1880. Aa7 Mitl'iona ■^ ■^^ MM " -1 7^ r^ / k T M K c I J ^ / ^" y 8 / 7- r;^ . / « / / J ^ — )^ 1.. ^ TT "Emui-u ia. One M\l{ioir\. copyfiCHT lea* byansou or. Randolph & cowaawv Progress of the Christian Religion. Q According to Seaman's "Progress of Nations": In 1880. Roman Catholics I59.3i5.i55 Adherents of Greek and Eastern Churches . . . 81,148,062 Protestants 76,688,882 Mohammedans 5.309.9^9 Jews. 4,515.425 Not classified 524,487 327,502,000 N. B. — These last figures are compiled from the latest data procured by Behm and Wagner and "The States- man's Year Book," London, which contain the returns of recent government reports from Russia, Italy, and other countries, where the census had not been taken for sev- eral years. FIFTH. RELIGIOUS STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES AS COM- PARED WITH ITS POPULATION, FROM 180O TO 1880. These statistics show the increase of the population of the United States and of the Protestants and Roman Catho- lics at four different times; viz., 1800, 1850, 1870, and 1880 (the only dates obtainable). The data of the Roman Catho- lics are taken from their own authorities; and the Evangelical data are compiled from the reports of the divers religious bodies. (See, " Problem of Religious Progress," by Dor- chester.) To the number of communicants of the latter 2\ have been added to represent the probable number of persons, including children, who are members of the congregations though not communicants. They have been put down in a separate column under the term o^ Adherents. To the so- called Liberal denominations we have also added 2^ members to their official returns, but have not kept them separate. lO Progress of the Christian Religion. After deducting the Catholics and Evangelicals from the total population, the remainder have been put down as non-classified, which of course includes Indians, Mormons, and Chinese. In compiling the annexed table of statistics, we have availed ourselves of the very elaborate researches of Dr. Dorchester, in " Problem of Religious Progress." See chapter on " Religious Progress and Status in the United States." ^ H CO o < '"' C/2 D « U Hh y, O < < o 00 h 1— 1 C/2 o" O ^ oo o P o" J W U w Pi oy Pi < '"' Cu rn w :^ Pi K o < H u W >- w K i? Cfi H o C/2 < •uopBjndod JO OOI JOJ -ojsj o o o c^ -H VO 8 o 00 00 o o oo O O ON ^ CO VO VO 00 p O i- O IN. ro VO M CO O "~i OO tN < O u-i l-H M 1^ VO CO tN O •uopByndod JO OOI JOJ -ojvT o oo "-1 "^ VO -' o o VO Q CO O oo O Q "^ O 00 VO 00 CO p ro CO r^ oo VO VO VO O ij-i O ro VO t}- VO oo " VO 0\ 00 < VO VO M On 00 CO •uoT^-eyndod JO OOI JOJ -ojsi ij-> oo CO tN p- TO 8 "vO JN 00 o vr-i OO oo O oo 1>^ o\ c^ 00 Q 0\ o 8^ n tN P 6\ -^ lo oo m VO OO ^ VO "^ CO 00 ON < m 00 cs >- 00 CO •uoT^Bjndod JO OOI JOJ -oj^ t^ In tN 8 M ON 8oo N o tN 00 oo 1-1 N Q O O (U tN > 00 A.D. I VO - CO Q\ ^8 o CO lO 1. t/l -I-' U < > - Total Ev. R. Cath. Libs. (Unit,, Univ., etc.) Unclassified d o S308li82> ti.S.Cu*M44 . 1S10. 1850 /S30 ^8Ao )Z50 Jf^6o IS70. 1^80 88J . " TVoffless of ^ofestcMrvta /Jo6^^S3 3/4'4<-33J^/. ssrssss//. S0/S2 e66. A . Adnere>its . pav¥\ pioW^^ of T^Puxitoi^ »^O0\^v^"ttj ^OvoLt^tU \yf\A^ ^wuM^lilicci. +iavv6 ~ Progress of the Christian Religion. 1 1 From these statistics it appears that the increase of population of the United States, as compared with the Communicants of Evangelical Churches, was as follows: From 1850 to 1870 (20 years) 1870 " 1880 (10 " ) Pop. 66 per cent. Comts. 89 per cent. 50 In another form: Communicants in 1800 i in 14I " 1850 " " 6i " 1870 •' •' 51 " 1880 " " 5 N. B. — In accounting for the large percentage of " un- classified " in Chart No. V, we presume that the Church statistics gathered in the earlier years of this century were defective, leaving many to be numbered as "unclassified" who really belonged to the Evangelical ranks. (12) OTHER FACTS WORTH CONSIDERING. AMOUNTS RAISED IN THE UNITED STATES FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS FROM 181O TO 1880. From 1810 to 1819 1820 " 1829 " 1830 " " 1840 " " 1850 " " i860 " 1870 " 1839 1849 1859 1869 10 years 10 10 10 " 10 " 1 10 i. 1 II $206,210 745.718 2,885,839 5,078,922 8,427,284 13,074,129 24,861,482 AMOUNTS RAISED IN THE UNITED STATES FOR HOME MISSIONS FROM 181O TO 1880. From 1810 to 1819 10 years no record. " 1820 " 1829 10 " $233,826. 1830 " 1839 10 " 2,342,712. " 1840 " 1849 10 " 3,062,354. 1850 " 1859 10 " 8,080,109. " *i86o " 1869 10 " 21,015,719. " 1870 " 1880 II 31,272,154. These statistics are taken from Dorchester, " Problem of Rehgious Progress." See p. 358. The preceding tables give the following results as the average contributions per year to the two causes for the last 80 years: 1 8 19 aver, per year For. Mis. Home Mis. From 1 8 10 to $20,621 " 1820 " 1829 74-571 $23,382. " 1830 " 1839 " 288,583 234,271. 1840 " 1849 " 507,892 306,235. 1850 " 1859 " 842,728 808,010. " i860 " 1869 1,307,412 2.105,571. ** 1870 " 1880 2,260,136 2,842,923. * Contributions for the Christian Commission through "The Y. M. C. A.' are inchided in the returns for i860 to iS6g. lx>r Toreio^j'^' IVlIssio-rvi to l^zq ISIQ to /^/y // 2.o(>2/Os^ Amotnats reused. ^ Y, ^t^^ f;:>/a-^^^'^^';. tsxo to /O^ IS'5'0 Tov Home ^Ai S) s 1 on s . /; ^''^^^k!:^ -^ :