-f * [' ~ ^- Cfjomaiei 'Broton, Dallteitib* ^ C5 it'l^^'i 'ih if^ / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/principallacts02chur THE PRINCIPALt ACTS Of The GENERALU ASSEMBLY, At E D I N B u R G H the fecond day ^m'm — EDINBURGH, Printed ^jEvan Ttler, Trinter to th i\mgs mofl Excellent Majejlie* Anno Dom. itf-fj*^ .J V^-., V.^, -J. ^? ^ -Mm. v^- •*> V T3f •• ■-. r 6' r ' '"^^ .-, '^. < Pag. i. GENERAEt ASSEMBLY, At Edinburgh^ ^^4-?- SelTT. I. Ji^gu/} 2. i6^].' D " ^ The K I N G S L E T T E R tO th Generall AlTembly^ ' T^refented hy his ee»ed» SefT. 1 1. (lAugiiJl 3* 16^. Oyertures anent ^ills ^ References, and (*Affeales, Ik yi ^^^j ^^ ^^B ftttat all Bills whatfoevcr of particular concern* /^^B J^^^ mcnt, whercunto all parties having intereft are ^^M v^S "*^^ citcd;j^{hould be rejedted. ^^* ^^^ ^^1 That all Bills be firftprefented to the inferi- ^ WP ^i!w% Our Judicatories of the Kirk, who may compe» SB^£^iSm^m tently cdnfider of them, and from them be or- derly 2ind gradatim brought to the AlTembly, according to the of- derprefcribed for Appellations in theAflembly of Edinburgh^ i^jp.in the i4.Sc{r. Auguft 50. ni. 1 hat the faid Ad of AlTembly 1 63 9. anent Appellations^be al- fo extended to References i IV. In Appellations and References of particular concernment , if all parties having intcreft , have been prefent in the infcriour Judi* catarie when the Appeal and Reference was made , then there is no neeeflkie of citation* But in cafe of their abfencc.^ citation of parties is fo neccfTar,that if it be wantingj Appellations and Refe- fences fliould not be received* V. .: f ^latcQftform to former Afts of AfTemblies, Appellations ptfi fentemdfH be made within ten dayes after tlie fenicnce,and other* ^ wiicnottoberefpeded. ) ^^^iS^niUforftainesthirOVirtuns 49 he ^/V^;^ U thfevet'Jt J ^ ^Committett for thiir4ki<^9n^ i:-i\vv bsvisldb b'.v ^niv/i-rl ^ a^r^M ni omO'Lgnt/i luOzr.u ^t^, II It The Qenerall (lAjfemhty^ 1 6^7, . 5 SelT. III. Augufl/\,. 1(^4.3. ^ABfor eleBion ofTrofeJfours to be (^ommijsio^ ners to Jljemhlies by Tresbyteries. J He Adembly thi'nks , if ProfeflTours of Divinitie in Uni- verfities be Minifters , that they may be choferi Com- ^.vv.^.™ miflioners to the Generall AfTembly, either by the Pres- byterie as Minifters, or by the Univerfitie. as ProfelTours of Divi- nitie. Scff, I V. dJ'ugu/i 5. 1154.3. The Petition oft he diJlrelJedTrofeffours in Ireland for cry oftliefe, whoat your direiflion made a fliortvint amongft us. We know you did not conceive it expedient at that time,to loofe any for ful fettling herc,till the waters of the bloudy bundation were fome what abated, and probability might be of fomc ^ The GenerallJJfemhly^ \6^\^ fome comfortable abode , which we through the Lords reven- ging hand.purfuing our enemies, and the yigilancic of your ^{^6- rious Army ^ is in a great meafure attained unto. Whatfoevef might have detained fome of theft whom ye directed to u§,Whofe ftay made our expectation piroVe abortive,we (hall dfcribfe it tb diif own abufc of fuch treafure,& want of fpiritu^U hunger,occafione(i juftly through the want of food ^ And yet that fame dif-appoint- ment, together with your faithful! ptomife of inlargirig ybui^ in- debted bountie , Vvhich is put upon record in all oui: hearts , hatli made us conceive the {tt6. of a lively expedation i that you ivill now no more put your bountie, Ind the means of our lifejinto the hazard of fuch fruftrations,but will once for all, beftow an ample and enduring blefsing. And ofthis we are fo much the more cori- fident,becaufe our former fuit was not denyed, but delayed ; only we fear, if anew delay be procured, till all things be fully fettled,' that the obfervihg of winde and clouds, fhall hinder both Ibwirig and reaping. And in the mean tinie , the Prelates and thfeir Pad:l- onmayftepin andinveft therhfelves of their old tyrannie ovet our confcieneesjwho if they once fhall fee us poflefFed of our bwri Inheritance, thofe Canaanites dare not offer to thrufl us out. Bj^ all appearance , if the Jcfuites had any hope to finde welcome jl- mongft us,they had provided us fully ere now with their poyfoii- ed plants. Our hearts abhorre the checking or fufpe<5ling of youif proceedingSjyet it is lawfuU to learn fometime from bur encmie: But in this you have begun before, not only to do, but dfo to be forward a \ year ago, and thereby have ingaged your felvcs to pef- ffed your own beginnings, and bring us out of our brphan cbhdi- tion. We are fallen in your lap, this ruine muft be under ybuf hand ♦, yOu cannot pretend want of bread or cloathing, you mufji be healers: Wehavechofen you Curators to your little young' fifter that wants breads •, there is none in earth to take her out of your hand,for we will not,nor cannot hide it from your Honbiir$ and Wifedomes,that we want bread,and mud: not only,as befor^^ have a bit for our prefent need, but alfo feed to fow the Land; It is therefore our humble and carneft! defire , that you would yet again look on our former Petition, and your own obligatqrie Adt,and at lead declare your confent, that a competent numbe'f of our ov^n Minifters may be loofed to fettle here , and breals bread to the children that lye fainting at the head of all ftreets 5 which although it maybe accounted but a reftoring of what we ioff,arid you have found, yet we fhall efteem it as the moft preci- ous gift that earth can affoord. When they are fo loofed, if they finde not all things concurring to clear Gods calling , it will be iri their hand to forbear,and you have t^ffified your bountie. But oB for the Lords fake, do not kill our dying fouls, by denying thefe Our neceffar defires. There are about twelve or fourteen wafte Congregations on this neareft coaft,Iet us have at leaft aconipctehf- dumber that may ereit Chrifls throne of difcipline5and may heljJ id 'The (jenerall Ajfembly^ 1 6^\ * 5 to bring in others , and then ihall we fing , that the people whd were left of the fword, have found grace in the wildernefle. We have fent thefe our brethren, Sir Robert ^dair of Kinhilt Knight, and William c^ackcma of Belfaft merchant, to attend an anfvver from yoUjWho have attained that happineflfe to be lenders and not borrowers,and to prefent the hcartie longing affcdtions of •a -rv 51 .•r>' Tour mojl obliged and more expeCfirfg brethren and fe^va^s* Subjcribedb) very many hands. mattM>mm^mti-maAm^ SefT. VI. <*jfugujl S. id-fj, ^Bs for fubfcr thing the (Covenant. He Gcncrall AlTembly confiderlng the gdbd aiid pidu^ advice oftheCommiffioners ofthe laft A{rcmbly,upon the 2 2. of September 1 541. /'tf/ meridiem^ recommen- ding to Presbyteries , to have Copies ofthe Covenant to be fubfcribed by every Minifter at his admiflion •, doth there- fore ratifie and approve the famine. And further Ordaines , chat the Covenant be reprinted , with this Ordinance prefixed there- to, and that every Synod, Pi*esbyterie, and Paroch, have one of them bound in ^«4r; to try and fearch foi: all books tending to Separation : And finding the famemoft neceffar, do therefore Ordain that recommendation to have iht ftrength^an ordinary Ad of Aflembly : And that every Mini- fter be carefull to try and fearch if any fUch bboks be brought to this Couritrfey from beyond feas^and if any fliall be f ound,to pr&- fent the famine to Presbyteries, that fome courfc may be taken to hinder the difperfing thereof: And earneftly recommend to the Civill MagiftrateSjto concurre with their authoritie in all things^ for efFe(5luall execution hereof* Jpprobatwn of the proceedings of the (^ommif^ Jioners of the lafi Ajjemhlj. iHeGenferallAfTembly having heard the report of the Committee appointed to confider the proceedings of the Commiffioners of the late Afl'embly at S. Andrews •, after mature delibe- ration, and ferious confideration thereof, findes _ the whole Adts, Conclufions and Proceedings bf the faids Commiffioners, contained in a Book and Regifter^^ fubfcribed by Mafter Andrew Ktr theirClerk,and by Maftcr David Lindfay Moderatour , and Mafler James Hamilton Clerk to the faid Committc, to declare much wifedomc,diligence, vigilancie, and every way commendable zeal and fidelitie in doing and dif- charging every thing according to their Gommifsion. stiTvffi The (jenerall AJJemhlj 16^1: 7 SqS^. VIII. Augujl 10. i6^T,. ^ropo/ttions given hy the Commipioners of the Parliament of England to a Committee^ to he prefented hy them to the AJfembly. E the Commifsioners appointed by both Houfcs 6i the Parliament of England , defire your Lordfhips, and the reft of this reverend Committee,to reprcfent to the reverend the General Aflembly otthe Church of Scotland, that we arc commanded. To acknowledge vrith all thankfulnefle to God, their zeal for purging and reforming Religion , and care not only to prevcrit the grouth, but utterly to extirpate the Reliques of Popery : And alfo^he great blefsirig of Almighty God upon their fo confcanc and faithfuU endeavours , thus far eftablifhing them in truth and peace,together with their labour of love, to procure the like hap- pinSfTe to our Church and Nation. . " : To give them an account of their eatnef^ defire and endeavour to fee the fame Work promoted and perfeded among our felvcs; which though it hath been oppofed and retarded by the induftri- OUs malice or the Popifh, Prelaticall, and malignant partie , yet through Gods goodnefle it hath fo fir prevailed , as to produc^e the removeall of the High Commifsion, the making void the co- ercive power of the Prelates and their Courts,The ejection of t^e Bifhops from the Houfe of Peers , The turning out of many fcan- dalous Miniflers •, Befides that they have pafTcd and prefented to his Majeftie diverfe Bills,i/;:{^,For the fupprefsing of Innovations, For the more ftrift obfervation of the Lords Day, Againft Plura- lities and non-rclidencie , Forthepunifhmentof the fcandalous Clergic, For the abolition of Epifcopacic , and the calling an AlTembly: The true Copies of which, we herewithall deliver. Which Bills,through the under-mining of the Papifts , Prelates, and their party ( the conflant enemies of Reformation ) have not yet obtained his Majeftics Royall aflent. And yet confidering the urgent necefsity of purging and fettling the Church ( as hath been often prefTed and prefented to the Parliament of England,by pious and frequent exhortations and Declarations from that re- verent Aflembly .) they have been conftraincd by an Ordinance of both Houfcs,to call an Aflembly of Divines, and others , now Kitting , to confider and prepare what may conduce thcreuntoj which by the afsiflance of fome godly and learned Divines fenc from this Nation ( as is earneftly defircd ; we hope may through the blefsing ot God,bring it to perfc(5^ion. B And S The(^eneraU JlJemhly^ i6^. And yet notwithftanding to let them know that by reafofidf the prevailing of the Papifts, Prelaticall Fadtionjand other malign hant enemies to this fo much dcfired Reformation ^ (all of thein being now in arms againft the Parli^^ment ) thefe hopefull be^ ginnings are likely ,not onely to be r^ndrcd irtefFc^uall^ but all the former evils, fuperftitions, and corruptions ( which for the pre^* fent, through the blcfsing of God> arc in a good meafure remo* vcd ) to be re-introduced by ftrong hand , which if once they fliould take root again in the Church and Kingdome of EnglandjWill quickly fpread their venome and infedion into the neighbour Church and Kingdome of Scotland', the cjuarrell of the enemies of this Work being not fo much againft the perfons of men 5 asthepowerofGodJinefTe , and purity of Gods worfhipj "whcrefoever it is profetl^d. Both Houfcs do therefore dc- fire that reverent Aflembly to lay ferioufly to heart the (tate and condition of their fifter Church and Kingdome , and not on- ly by their prayers to afsifl in thefe ftraits, but alfo by fuchfea" fonable and efFe(5luall means as to them (hall feem meet jto f urthef and expedite the prefent aid and afsiftancc demanded by both Houfes. And laftly to tnake known unto thfcrti,that we are defigned and fent by both Houfes of Parliament , to the Gcnerall Aflembly of the Church of Scotland, to propound to them, and confult with them concerning fuch things as may conduce to our own Refor» mation, and our fo much defired conjunction with this Chufchi which they have more fully exprefled in a Declaration of theit own, which hcrcwithall we prefent. Atiguji lo. 1^41 1 tVillidtn Bdnd^ Sccr.Commifl** e/f declaration of the Lords and Qommom in the Parliament of England^ to the(^e^ nerall Ajfembly of the Church of Scotland* •jr ! 'He Lords and Commons in Parliament acktiow* I ledging with humble thankfulnefle to Almighty ;God,the difpoferof heartSjthe Chriftian zeal and Jlove which the Generall AfTerably of the GhUf* ^ches of Scotland ^ have manifeftediri their piOiiS ^endeavours forthe prefervation ofthc.truerefof* mcd Protcftant Religion , from the fubtle pradiccs and attempts of the Popifh and Prelaticall party ,. to the neceflary Rcformatioft H T^he (jrenerall (lA^jJimhly^ 1 6^1i^ . p of Church difdpHne and Govenrment in this Kingdome,and the more near union of both Churches, doearneftly defire that reve- rend Aflembly to take notice,that the two Houfes of Parliament fully concurring with them in thefe pious Intentions •, for the better acccomplifliment thereof, have called an Aflembly of di- verfe godly and learned Divines , and others of this Kingdome, untothe City of Weftminfl:er,who are now fitting and confulting about thefe matters. Andiikewife have nominated and appoin- ted ^''''^^Earle of Ruth land , Sir Willtam Armim Baronet, Sir Henrj Fane the youngcrJCnight, Thomas Hauber^ ^n6 Henry Bar- ley Efquires, Committees and Commifsioners ofboth Houfes,to the Kingdome and States of Scotland, whobefide their Inftrudli- ons in matters concerning the Peafe and Commonweal ofboth Kingdomes , have received Dire<^ions to refortto the Generall Affembly of the Church of Scotland , and propound and confult with them, or any Commifsioners deputed by them, in all occafi- ons which may further the fo much defired Reformation in Ec- clefiafticall matters in this Church and Kingdome , and a nearer conjunftion betwixt both Churches. In performance whereof, Mafter Stephen Mar(]}all^ and Maffer Philip Nye, Minifl:ers of Gods Word , and men of approved faithfulncfle and abilities in their Fundion, both Members of this Aflembly of Divines here con- gregated, and fitting, are appointed to afsiff and advife the fame Committee in fuch things as fhallrconcerne this Church. And the two Houfes do hereby recommend the Committees and Di- vines afore-mentioned, to the reverend AiTembly of the Chwrch of Scotland, to be by them received with favour , and credited in thofe things, which they, or any three, or more of thcmfliall propound to them. Itis like wife defired , that that reverend Aflembly will accor- ding to their former promife and refolution,ferRl to the Aflembly here,fuch number of godly and learned Divines , as in their wife- dome they think mofl expedient for the furtherance of this work, which fo much concernes the honour of God, the profperity and peace of the two Churches of England and Scotland •, arKl which muft needs have a great influence in procuring a more fafe and profperous condition to other reformed Churches abroad. And that their endeavours may be more effeduall, the two Houfes do make this requeft to them,with their authority,advice and exhor- tation, fo far as belongs to them , to flir up that Nation to fend {bme competent Forces in aid of this Parliament and Kingdome, againftthc many Armies of the Popifliand Prelaticall party, and their adherents, now in arms for tlie ruine and deflrudf ion of ilie reformed Religion,and all the Profeffours thereof. In all which they iliall do that which will be pleafipig to God, whofe caufc ic is,and likewife fafe and advantageous to their own Church and Kingdome , who cannot fecurely enjoy tlie great blefsings of Religion , peace , and Libcrtie in tha/C Knigdoxue .» it B 2 this !0 The (jenerall Ajfembly^i6^i. this^ Church and Kingdome , by the. prevailing vio- lence of that partie , fhall bee brought to ruine and de- ftrudion. ^0. Browne Cleric. Henr: Elfjnge Cler. Parliamentorum. Pari. D. Com. ^ Letter from fome brethren of the Mini'* Jlerie in the Kirk^ of England^ to the Jjfemhly. Reverend and beloved^ ' He experience which we have had of your for- ' wardnefle in receiving , and faichfulneflfe in weighing our former addrefres,hath given us a- bundant encouragement to take hold upon this prefent opportunitie of breathing out fomcthing of our forrowes, which your love and our ncccf- fity, command us to reprefent to your confideration and compaf- £ion. Much we know we may commit to the wifedome and fide- lity of our Brethren thefe medengers, to impart unto you con- cerning our mifcrable condition , and unto them (hall leave thi; moft. Your own Nationall, but fpecially Chriflian intereft,will not permit you to hide your eyes from the bleeding condition of your poor diftreffed Brethren in England, fliould neither Letters, nor MefTengers be lent unto you •, But MefTengers coming , we fliould at once negled: our felves, {hould we not thus a little eafe our burdened hearts,by pouring them out into your bofomes,and feem ungratef uU to you, ot whofe readineffc to fuffcr with us, and do for us 5we have had fo great and ample teftimonies. Surely if ever a poor Nation were upon the edge of a moft de- fperate precipice , ifever a poor Church were ready to be fwal- lowed up by Satan and his Inftruments , we are that Nation , we are that Church. And in both refpeds by fo much the more mi- fcrable , by how much,we expeded not a Prefervation onely, but an augmentation alfo , of happineflfe in the one , and glory in the other. We looked for Peace , but no good came , and for a time of healing,and behold trouble I Our GOD who in his former Judgements was a moth and rotten effe ( and yet had of late be- gun to fend us health and cure ) is nov/ turned into a Lion to us : and threatens to rend the very cawle of our hearts : from above he hath fcnt a fire into our bones , and it prevails againfl; us •, from our own bowels he hath called forth , and ftrcngthened an adver- larie againft us, a generation of brutifh helhfh men , the rod of his anger, and the ftaffof his indignation , under whofe cruelties we bleed. thit y LORD^ and ]Hfi are all thy Judgements ! But O the more then barbarous carriages of our enemies , where ever GOD gives any of his hidden ones up into their hands , we need not ex- preflTe it unto you, who knows the inveterate and deadly malice of the Antichriftian fadion againft the members of our Lord Jefus. And it is well we need not exprede it unto you , for in truth we cannot. Your own thoughts may tell you better then any words of ours , whatthe mercieofPapifts is , toward the Minifters and fervants of our Lord Jefus Chrift. But the Lord knows we are not troubled fo much with their rage againft us , or our own miferies and dangers ^ but that which breaks our hearts isjthe danger we behold the Proteftant Religion , and dl the re- formed Churches in at this time , through that too great and for- midable ftrength the Popilh fa<5tion is now arrived at. If our GOD will lay our bodies as the ground , and as the ftreet un- der their foot , and poure out our bloudas duft before their fury, the wil of theLord be done^might our bloud be a facrificc to ran- fomethe reft of the faints or Church of Chrift from Antichrifti- an fury, we wouldofFer it up upon this fervice gladly. But we know their rage is infatiable,and wil not be quenched with our blouds, immortall,and will not die with us, armed againft us not as men, but asChrifti3ns,but as Proteftants,but as men defiring to reform ourfelves,and to draw our felves and others yet nearer unto God : And if God gave us up to be devoured by this rage , it will take the more ftrength and courage ( at leaft ) to attempt the like againft all the Proteftant and reformed Churches. In a deeper lenfe of this extream danger , threatning us and you , and all the Churches,then wecan exprefte , we have madethis addreflfe unto you •, in the bowels of our Lord Jefus Chrift , humbly imploring your moft fervent Prayers to the GOD that hears Prayers ^ who ( fliould we judge by providences) feems to be angry with our Prayers ( though we truft he doth but feem fo, and though he kill us , yet will we truft in him : ) Oh , give us the brotherly aide ofyourre-inforced tears and prayers , that the bleflings of truth and peace which our prayers alone have not obtained, yours conjoyncd , may. And give us reverend and much ho- noured in our Lord your advices , what remains for us further to doe , for the making of our own and the Kingdomes peace with GOD. We have lien in the duft before him •, we have poured our hearts in humiliation to him , we have in fincerity , endea- voured to reform our felves , and no lefTe fmcerely dcfired , ftudi- ed , laboured the publick Reformation •, Ne\ cithelefte the Lord hath not yet turned himfelf from the fierccnefte of his anger. And be pleafed to advife us further , what may bethchappieft courfe for the uniting of the Proteftant pnrtie more firmly c" that we may all ferve GOD with one confcnt,and ftand up againft An- tichrift as ogc man , that our GOD who now hides himfelf from it I be KjeneraliAJJembly^ 10/J.3; from his people may return unto us, delight in us, fcatter and fub- due his and our enemies,and caufe his face to fhine upon us. The Lord profper you and preferve us fo , that the great work of thefe latter ages may be finiflied to his honour, and our own and the Churches happinelle through Chrift Jefus. Subjcribed by very mmy hands. ^^^» I X. Auguft II. i<^4-3. Qyf B againji Curtails and hinging of Honours y (s^c. in I\ir^, \He Generall AfTembly confidering the great a- bufe of burying within Kirks, wherein GODS publick worfhip is cxercifed , notwithftand- ing diverfe Ads of this Kirk , prohibiting the fame. And that through toleration thereof, other abufes in hinging of Penfils and Brods,afii- xing of Honours and Arms, and fuch like fcandalous Monuments in the Kirk , hath crept in. Therefore for remedy hereof,do here- by ratifie and approve the former A(5ts and Conftitutions made againft burials in Kirks. And inhibites and difcharges all perfons of whatfoeverqualitie, to bury any deceafed perfon within the body of the Kirk,whcre the people meet for hearing of the Word, and adminiftration of the Sacraments. And als inhibites them to hing Peniils or Brods,to affixe Honours or Arms,or to make any fuch like Monuments, to the honour or remembrance of any de- ceafed perfon upon walls, or other places within the Kirk, where the publick worfhip of God is exerciied, as faid is. Scff. X. Qjfugujl iz. ^6^1, Q^B anent repo/ition of^Pi/finiJlers^ depofed by Superiour judicatories, [He Generall Aflembly confidering that fentcnces of Superiour Judicatories of the Kirk fliould ftand effe- duall, while they be taken away by themfelves , and that they (hould not be made wold and incfFe<5tuall by Inferiour Judicatories ; Therefore difcharges all Provincial! Af- femblies to repone any Minifter depofed by the Generall Affem- bly. And all Presbyteries to repone any Minifters depofed eithef by The (jenerall (tAJJemhly^ i6^. 12 by Generall or Provincial AfTemblies., And declares and ordains thatallfuchremcncesof repofition bythcfc Inferiour Judicato' n^sreffecitveMW be null in themfelves ^ And that the ienfences otdepofition by the Superiour Judicatories refvcCiivl ihallftand valid and efFeauallnotwithftandingthercof. Seil] XI. dAugujl 14.. \6d^7^. AB againjl Majlers n^ho have Servants thatfrophane the Lords day. HJ^'"/ P'"'?i^^'™^^y declares,that the has made againft ^vXi Salmond fifliing upon the Sabbath, or againft any other 'feBsw2& labour upon the Lords day , to be-not only againft fer- Vants who a^ually work ; But alfo that the famine ftiould be ex- tended againft mafterSjWhofe hired fcrvants they are. Sefl] XII. aAuguJl i^. ^^4-3« %Ad: for preparing the T>ireBorie for the i^orfhip ofCjod. J He Aflembly confidering how convenient it is, that all the Minifters of the particular Kirks within this Kingdome , in their adminiftration, keep unity and uniformity in the fubftance and right ordering of all the parts of the publick _ ^-..^^,^^ worlhipof God, and that all the particular Kirks by the fame unity and uniformity , teftifie their unanimous con- fent againft all fchifme and divifion , unto which thefe times, through the working oi Satan and his inftruments , againft the propagation of the Gofpel of peace are fo inclineable : Doth or- dain,?hat a Diredorie for divine worftiip, with all convenient di- ligence be framed and made ready in all the parts thereof, againft the next Generall Aft'erablyjto be held in the year 1644. And for this end that fuch as fliall be nominate by this Aflembly,fliall im- mediatly after the rifing of the Aftcmblyjfet themfelves apart (fd faras may bej from their particular callings , and with nil dili- gence and fpecd, go about this fo publick,fo pious, and fo profita- ble a work. And when they have brought their cndciivours and labours about this Uiredorie to an end , that it be put into the hands of the Commiffioners of the Generall AfTcmbly ,to be revi- fed,and thereafter by them fent in feverall Copies to all the parti- cular Synods to be held in April and May, that the famine being reported . reported with their confentjOr with their obfervatiortSjfiotfes, and animadverfionstothe Generall Adembly , it may in end > aftgf their full triall and approbation>by order and authority from theflft be received , and pradifed by ail the Miniftcrs and particulif Kirks. ' And for prelcrving of peace and brotherly unity > in the meanwhile , till the Dircdorie by univerfall confent of ths whole Kirk be framed, finiflied,and concluded , Thfe Aflembly forbiddeth under the,pain of the ccnfurfes.of thfe Kirk^ all difputa* tionby word or writing,in private orpublick, about different pta* dices in fuch things , as have not been fornierly determined bf this Kirk ■■, And all condemning one of another iri fiich laWfuU things as have been univerfally received , and by perpctuallcU'^ flome pra<5ti{ed by the moft faithfnll Minifters of the Gofpellj and oppofcrs of corruptions in this Kirk , fince the firft bfeginning of Reformation to thefe times. And doth exhort and cortimafta that all endeavour to keep the unity of the fpirit , in the bond of peace > that all beginnings df Separation , all fcandall arid divi- (ion , be by all means avoided •, And that againft envying > and ftrife, andfadion , and -glorying in men , every one go before another in the duties of love , and fo fulfill the Law Of Chfiftt That continuing in onefpirit and onemindc , and fighting to*' gether through the faith of the Gofpell , we may mutually aide^ ft rengthen and comfort one another in all Paftorall and Chfi- ftian employments , better refift the common adverfaries , edifie one another in the knowledge and fear of GOd , and the more ac- ceptably , and with the greater bleffing ferve the Lord who hath done fo great things for us. "Tropojitions from the Engiilh (^ommifsioners ^rejented this day to the Ajjembly^ )Ethe Commiflioners appointed by both ttoufes of the Parliament of England , being comnian* dedbythem ( as we have already declared ) to defirc the reverend AiTembly Of Scotland > fefi* rioufiy to lay to heart the prcfent Eftate of theif Sifter Church and Kingdome of England ^ and not onely to aflift with their t^rayers ijri their ftraits ^ but alfo by fuch reasonable and effeduall means as to themfclves fhall feem raeettofurtherand expedite the affiflance now defired by both Houfes from the Kingdome of Scotland , and a more fhridt uniofl with them , Have thought fit in Purfiiance of the commSinds re» ceived from both Houfes of Parliament , to commonitate to this AiTembly the paper which to this pur pofe we have lately delive* i£d to the Honourable Convention of Eftatcs, m this Kingdome* that fo this reverend Aflembly might be the bettet enabltd > id tontrfi The (jenerall Affemhly^ ^^\y ^5 contribute their beft aflfiftance toward the furthering and expedi- ting of the fair.e. Wherein we afTure our felvesof- their ready and wilhng affe(5lions jconfidering the great fervice they rhay do to God , and the great honour may redound to themrelvcs in be- coming the Inftruments of a glorious Reformation , notonely through this Hand , but from thence poffibly to be fpread to o- ther Churches now opprefTed under the Antichriftian bondage, and tyrannic of the Popifli and prelaticall Fa(5tion. We will not fay there lies any obligation upon this Church and Kingdome, to comply with the delircs ot the two Houfes of Parliament •, though we might call to minde that God by the hand of the Church and Kingdome of England , did once reach forth alTi- ftance and aid unto this Nation , and hath fince ufed them as a help to that blefled Reformation it now enjoyes. And who knoweth whether the wife providence of God hath not fuffered this Church and Kingdome to be tempted thereby ,to make chcrn the more (enfiblc of the prefent mileries of their larethren , and likewife given them a good iflue , with the tentation , that they might be made a means ot our deliverance ? We fiiill not need to offer any grounds of prudence to invite them hereunto, who have already prevented us in the acknowledgement of what might be laid of that kinde in the advice prefented by the Com- miflioners of the Generall Affembly , July 6. 1645, unto tbe Convention of Eftatcs , exprefling asone remedieoftheprefent dangers of this Church and Kingdome , their earneft defire of renewing the league nndalfociation with England,for the defence of Religion againff the common enemie , and of further extend- ing the Came a^ainftPrelacic, and Popifli Ceremonies , for Uni- formity in externall worfhip and Church-government. And we hope that the fame God who hath putthefe defires into the hearts ofboth Kingdomes , will make ufe of this prelent opportunity to knit them both to himfelf , and each other in a mofl ftrid and durable Union , and thereby the n-'ore firmly to eftablidi truth and peace in both Nations. Howfoever this which we have done in difcharge of our duty , will affbord the comfort of a good confcience in ourgreateft diffrefles , and give us ground to expedl deliverance feme way or other from the manifold wifedome and power of God , who though men and means fail , will notcaft off his people, nor forfake his inheritance. We have oncly this to adde further , that we are commanded by both Houfes to let this reverend Affembly know that it is their earneft defnc , that what other Propofitions may be thought fit to be added and con- cluded by this Affembly , whereby the afli ftance and Union be- twixt the two Nations , may be made morcbeneficiall and effe- duall for the fecuring of Religion and Libcrtic , Ihould be offered to us , and taken to our fpcedy confident ion . - Augujli'^. 1645. WiNtJm Bo jid. Sccr. Com, C rhe :i6 The (jeneraUAjfemhly^ \6\'i^ The Taper before-mentioned , delivered Augujiii^ to the Convention ^ and ''"''Zthuddyt^ 5E the Comniiflioners appointed by both Houfes ' of the Parliament of England, are by our inftrU- dions commanded to put their brethren of Scot ^ land in minde , that thePopifh and prelaticall Fa6lion that began with them , about tfie year 1638. and 163P. and then intended to make Way to the ruineoftheKingdome of England by theirs , hav^nota-, bated any part of their malice toward the Nation and Church Of Scotland , nor are at all departed from their defigne of corrupting and altering Religion through the whole Hand , though they -have inverted the manner ot their proceeding , conceiving ho vv -that they have an eafier way to dcftroy them , if they may firft prevail over the Parliament and Kingdome of England. Irt which refped it is the deiire of both Houles , that t he two Nati- ons may be ftridly united , for their mutuall defence againf^ thS . Papifts and prelaticall Padioh , and their adherents in both Kirtg^ domes , and not to lay down arms till thofe their implacable e- nemies iliall be dif-armed , and fubjed:ed to the authority and jU- ftice of Parliament in both Kingdomes refpedively. And is iil\ cfFcduall mean hereunto , they delire their brethren of Scotland to raife a confiderable force of Horfe and Foot , for their iide andaffiftance, to be forthwith fcnt againft the Papifts,prelaticall Fadion , and malignants now in arms in the Kingdome of England. ; jj;i. And for the better encouragement of the Kingdome of ScOt^ land to this neceflary and fo much defired Union , we are by both Houfes of Parliament authorized to ailtire their brethren ^ thslt if they fhall be annoyed or endangered by any Force or Army 3 fei- thcr from England or any other place , the Lords and Cortl- mons of England will aflift them with a proportionable flrerigth of Horfe and Foot , to what their brethren fhall nOvv iftooird ihem to be fent into Scotland for the defence ofthat Kingdoitiei Ahdthey will maintain a guard of Ships at their owh chargB upon the coafl of Scotknd for the fecuring of that Kingdohiej from the invafionoflrifhRebells or other enemies , during fUcK time as the Scotifh Army Ihall be employed in the defence of i\\t Kingdome of England. And to the end that nothing mig^itb^ t^anting in the Parliament and Kingdome of England to facilital* this work ( wherein the true reformed Religion ^ not onely ift thcfctwo Kingdomes 9 but throughout all Europe is ^0 highly • r.i; ., J . .A - coftcerft- ^<.\ The (jenerall Jjjemblj^ ^^+3- ^ 7 concerned •, We are farther auchorized co conlider with their bre- thren the Eftates and Kingdome of Scotland, of what other Ar- ticles or propofitions are fit to be added and concluded , whereby ^his afsiftance and Union betwixt the two Nations, may be made piorebeneficiall and effeduall for the fccurity of Religion and Libcrtie in both Kingdomes. ., , .. .^ q-nfi'// ^;)V w All which being taken into the ferious and Chriftlan cohfide- ration of the right honourable the Lords and others of the Con^- yentionofthe Eftates of Scotland , we hope there will not need jnany arguments to perfwade and excite them to give their con,- fent, andthat with all convenient (peed, to thefe deHres of, both houfes of the Parliament of England-/eeingnow they have fo fully declared , as by what they have done already , fo by whatthcy are yet defirous to do , that the true ftate of this caufe arid quarrell is Religion , in the Reformation whereof they are , and have beerr fo forward and zealous , as that there is not any thing exprelled unto them by their brethren of Scotland , in their former or lat- ter Declarations , which they have not fcrioofly taken to heart, and ferioully endeavoured to effed , (notvvithftandingthefubtlc malicious and induftrious oppofitions ) that fo the two King- domes might be brought into a near conjundion in one 6Drm of Church-government, one diredlorie of worfliip^one Catechifme, &c, and the foundation laid of the utter extirpation of Popery and prelacie out of both Kingdomes. The moft ready and effe- ftuall means whcreunto, Is now conceived to be, that both Nati- ons enter into a ftrid Union and league , according to the dcfires of the two Houfes of Parliament. Andto induce the perfwafion ofthis ( if there wcrecaufe ) we might obferve, that, in the many Declarations made b/th'e Ge- nerall Aflembly or Stvites of Scotland, to their Brethren of Eng'- land, there have been fundry exprcfsions, man^fefting the great necefsitie that both Kingdomes for the fecuritie pf their RcJigipQ and Liberties, ihould joyn in this ffcri^t Union againft the Papiftji Prelats, and their adherents : As alfo in the endeavour of ;<^|\eaf conjundion between the Churchespf both Nations. The J^pprcef henfion and forefight of which , hath caufcd;^hc Popiil^ ?ind PrPr laticall Fadion in forreigne parts as well as in his MajeftiesPp- minions,ftri6lly and powerfully,.i;o combine themfelvcs; ;^ x\{<^ hinderance ofthis fo neceffary Work, and tfic uriiverfall fuppref- fion of the true proteftant Religion in Europe: A courfe not much different from that which they took in the year 1585. when the wifedome and zeal ofthis Nation to counterj:myne fp wicJtcd a confpiracic,and from the due fcnfe of the mutuall intereft of thefe two Kingdomes in Religion and Libertie,found a necefsity of en- tring into a league ofthis nature,as well confidering,that thereby no leffe fafetie might be expeded to both Nations , then danger by forbearing the fame. And though we doubtnot but in fo necef- fary and fo gppd a Wprk, many difficulties may arife tp interrupt C a and i8 The (jenerallJjJembly^ 1(^4.^. and retard the fame j yet we are as confident, that the heartle and brotherly affedlion of this Nation to the ParUament and King* dome of England, will eafily break through them -, and the ra- ther becaufe in the like cafes of difficiiltie and danger , not only at the time of the league above-mentioned, but before, and likewifc fince,when any opportunity hath offered it felf particularly , du* ring the fitting of this prefent Parliament, the Kingdomc of Eng- land hath been very forward and ready to lay to heart the dangers oftheKingdomeofScotland as their ovyn , and to decline no means within the reach of their power for the redrcfle or preven- tion of the fame. %yiHgttfl 12. 1^45. WiUiam Bond Seer. Com. SefT. XI IL (L^uguji \6:\6\y %ecommmdauon to Presbyteries and t^niyerjs^ ties anent Students that have the Irijh Unguage. |H€ Affembly eiDnffcIering th^ lamentable ccndi' tion of the peoplfc in the Highlands, wfetre thei^ are many that gets not the k^neficeof the Word, in refpedt there are very few Preachers that can fpeak the Irifh language, Doforremeid thereof, think good, that young Students who have the Irifh tongue J be trained up at Golledges in Letters, efpeciallyin thfefludiesofDivinitie, And to this effeft recommend to Pres- byteries and Univerfities to pre ferre any hopefull Students that have the language aforefaid, to Burfarics , that they by their ftu- die& in procelTc of time attaining to knowledge>and being cnabM for the Miniflerie , may be fent forth for preaching the Gofpcl m fhele Highland patt^jUsoccafioAs ihall require* 1 1 r;:'i •r.^A.: • - (i i:.j{ :^> fii ' ' irlv, :' 'b:)>n dl'fu :;jd lon-ahr^i '^ir flgwodJ hnA.sfrjil.arfJ jqirrmni ct •.h'tj; \sim 2: 'I'L-^rfiib \vsaa <.:^ioW c ' 4 Th.e,^€ncrall(*jfjjembly^i6^\, 15? SefT. XIV. Jiigujl 17. i6Yy The Letter from the dAJjfemhly ofDivines in the K^ngdome of England^ TTo the right reverend the Generall JJJemhly of the Church of Scotland. Rhht reverend md dearly beloved m our Lord^eftt6 Chrijl, E the Affcmbly of Divines and otherSjCallcd and now fitting by authority of both Houfes ot Par- liament 5 to be confulted by them in matters of Religion , have received from the honourable Houle of Commons, a fpeciall order fdated the 5. ofthisinftant Auguft ) recommending it to us to write a Letter to the Generall AfTcmbly of the Church of Scotland,taking notice of the pious and good expeditions to this Church and State,certified in the late Anfwer Of the Commifsio- ners of the Generall Aflerably of the Kirk of Scotland,from their meeting at Edinburgh the ly.of July 1643. And further to de- lire them to podeffe the people of that Kingdome with our con- dition , and to encourage them to our aisiflance in this caufe of Religion. And having with that order received and read the faid Anfwer dire<3:ed to the honourable Houfes of the Parliament of England, we cannot fufficiently exprefTe the great content and comfort , unto which it hath raifed us in the midft of the fad and calamitous condition under which we lie. It is no fmall refrelliing to our mourning fpirit^ to findc , that yet our God hath not left us wholly comfortlefle , nor caff us Co far out of his fight , as having made us fick with fmiting , that ihould be verified of us , Lever and friend haji thou fut far from us ^ and that no man iliould turn afide to ask how we do : but that we finde fo many of the Churches of Chriff,and above them all, our dearefl Brethren of Scotland ,- fo far to take to heart our extremi- ties, as to fit in the duft with us, and fo to look upon our advcrfi- tks, as being themfelves alfo in the body. And as we cannot render thanks fufftcient ufito our God for re- membring fuch mercie in the midft of fo much Wrath •, fo we cm- brace with all chearfulnefic this opportunitic of thankfull ac- knowledgement of the great debt which your love doth continu- ally lay upon, not us alone,butupon this whole Kingdomc,in the free and full expreffions of your care, piety and zeal , and of like affedions of that whole Nation , toaltift and concurre with the Parliament here, by all good and lawfull means , for fettling of Rcli Religion in godly unity and uniformitie throughout all his Mir jefties Dominions, againft all th6 defigiies, power ind malice of bloudie PapiftSjand the Prelaticall Faction, with all their malign nantadherentSjthe common enemies of Reformation, truth and pcate. We are like wife much ingadgcd to the great vigilancie and tr^i vels of the honourable Convention of the Eftates of Scotland 3 in contributing their brotherly advice , and for their readinefle t6 give artiftance for recovering and fettling the peace df this King- dome, againft the devices, power and pradlices of the enemies of Religion,and the publick Good, whereof fome hints are givert irl that Anfwer , and of which we doubt not but the honourable Houfes of Parliament will be Co fenfible as to give fuch a retufii as becomes them : for they^better knowing then we do,the depth of the evils urtder which this Nation now groancth , and the fur- ther dangers imminent , will be more able to value and improve the great affcdion and wifedome of their Brethren^ in points of fo high and generall cOncernement, for the fafetie and glory 6f the Kings Majeftie , and of all his Kingdomes , and are more fit iO take notice of advices of that kindcin reference to the civil State^ which therefore we wholly leave with them. But as for the many prudent, pious , and feafonable admoniti- ons which concerne our AfTembly, the good Lord reward ( fot we cannot y fevcn fold into your bofomes all the good ^ which you have laboured to procure unto the Houfe of our GOD, and bleflfed be his Name who hath put fuch a thing as this into the hearts of our Parliament , to cleanfe the Houfe of the Lord of all theuncleanneflcthatisinitjbyirppure Do^rine , Worlhip^ 6i Difcipline. iGnrr, Nor can we in the depth of all our fufFerihgs and forrowSjWitha hold our hearts from rejoycingin the wonderful goodnes of Gdd toward this Kmgd6me,inthat he hath let us fee the gracious ffuil of your effeduall prayers and teares, as well as of our own endea- vours this way : In bringing together this AfTembly > although in a very troublous time,whereby we may have better opportuni- ty more fully to poure out our foules jointly and together to but God, for healing of this now miferable Church and Nation ; Td corifider throughly,for what more efpecially the Land mournethj jyid how we may be mofl ulefuU to our great GOD and Mafter Jcfus Chrift •, In contributing fomewhat to the vindicatirtg of his precious truth, many wayes corrupted through the craft of meii that have lycn in wait to deceive: In the feeking out of a right way of worfhipping our GOD according to his own helrt ; In pro- moting the power of Godlinefle„in the hearts and lives of all his peopie,and in laying forth fuch a Difcipline as may be mofta- greeabletoGodsholy Word , and moft apt to procure and pre= ferve the peace ofthis Church at home ^ and nearer agreemehfe with the Church of Scotland ( highly honoured by us ) and other the th<5 beft reformed Churches abroad , That fo to the litmoft of our power , we may exalt him that is the only Lord over the Churchj his own Houfe, in all his Offices , and prelent this Church as a chaft virgin unto Chsift. ■■. It is a timely arid favourie prayer which you have put up at tlfc throne of Gracd , touching the due managing of the proceedings inthis Aflembly, and that with ftraight intentions we may all feek the truth in everything, which by the blefsing of God upon our labours , ntuft needs produce all thofe blefsings which your worthie Cortimiffioners mention. And now, for your comfort as well as our own encouragement, we defireydu to take notice of the gracious anfwer of the God that heareth prayer , unto your fervent crycs. For befide our own particular addreffesandfecret vows to our God to be faithfull fwith difdain of all baits of ava- rice and ambition ) it hath pleafed the Divine Providence fo to diredl both the honourable Houfes of Parliament , to take care of preventing all obliquitie in our proceedings , and to ft op the mouthes of all that watch for their and our baitings , and are ape inalicioufly to traduce both, (as if we were lo reflrained by them, ill our votes arid refolutions , as to be bound up to the fenfe of a- thcrs,and to carry on private defignes in a fervileway) that the Houfes have tendered to us , and we have all mo ft readily taken a folemne and ferious Proteftation in the prefencc of Almighty God, to maintain nothing in this Alfembly touching Dodrinc, but what we are perfwaded in our confciences to be the truth •, nor in matters of Difcipline , but what we conceive to conduce moft to the glory of God, and the good and peace of his Church; which doth not only fecure the Members againft fettering of their judgements or votes, but engage them to the ufe of all free- dome,bccoming the integrity of confciencc , the weight of the Caufe , thegravitieandhonoiiroffuchan Aflembly. It is like- wife a great confolation , that our GOD hath put it into your hearts to defigne fome godly and learned Brethren to put in their fickles with us into this Harveft,which is fo great, and requires (b many Labourers-, for which, as we heartily return thanks, io we carneftly pray the Lord to open a way to their timely coming hi- ther, and do afllue them ofallteflimoniesofrcfpc(ii,love,and the right hand of fellow fhip , who fliall under-take a )ourney fo tedi- ous, and now fo perillous, to joyne with us in the Work, when it Ihall pleafe the honourable Houfes of Parliament to invite them thereunto. ,'iy It remaines that we fhould now fprcad before you our calami- ties,dangers and fears of further evils, not only drawing toward us,buteven threatningyoualfo;'and crave your compaffionate aids in all wayes becoming the fervants of Jefus Chrift. But your CommiflTioners have fo fully declared your certain knowledge and deep fenfe of them , that they have left us no room for in- largingojurfclvesinihis particular, to Brethren fo full of bowels and zz c T^he (jenerall Ajfembly^ 1 6^i v i and zeal. And they have fufficiently intimated unto the honorabfe • Houfcs, that you are well aware how often the common enemie's of both Kingdomes have confulted together with one cohfenttd cut oft" both the one and the other from being a Nation, and thai the tabernacles of £^ow,ahd the ijhwaeltm of Meaby and the Hkgk'- ,rensy Geball, Ammon^ and Amakky the curfed Papiftsjahd their inl^ i J)lacable and bloudy Abettors here , do ftill retain the fame hia- Jice, and carry on the fame defigneagainft Religion y and pcrfei^ Reformation even in your Kingdome, happily refcued from their former tyrannies, as well as in this of feorched England, now iri .the furnace : Only they have varied the Scene j pouring our all their fury upon us at the prefent : That fo^having once trode'rtiij under as mire in the ftreets , they may afterward more eafilyj (which God avert j fet their prdud and impure feet upon yoiit necks alfo. Wherefore with the good leave and favour of the ho- nourable Houfes of Parliament , we lliall now fpare the further exciting of you to that which we doubt not of your forwardneflB by all lawfuU and meet means, to promote with all your might •. namely, the polTeffing the good people of that Kingdome , '( di whofe willing minde and readinefle you have already given ample teftimony ) touching our condition , and to encourage them td our ailiftance in this Caufe of Religion. :" >[ And now remembring without ceafing your work of faith,ind labour of love, and patience of hope in' our Lord Jefus Chrif^j with all due acknowledgments of the precious effects of y6ut prayers •, We moft humbly and earneftly defire , that the fattie l;)teathings of the fpirit in you may ftill continue,and (if pofsiblie j inore frequently and fervently afcend to your God j and our Godj. not only for removall of outward preflures , and the vifitatioh bf the fwordjthat hath already learned to eat much of our fle'li , biit alfo for the fpeciall afsiftance and protection of the Father of lights , in this great Work unto which we are now called , arid wherein we already fihde many and potent adverfaries : thit feeing the plummet is now in the hands of our Zerubbabeis ^ alt mountaines may become plains, and they may bring forth the capfione of the Lords Hoafe mth Jhoutmgi ^crying, Grace, grace unto it: and that how weak and contemptible builders foever we be , the" Lord would enable us to build With them , that none may ha^e caufe to defpife the day of our fmall beginnings , nor to ftop our progreffe in the work which he hath given us to do. And as for us,who cannot but take notice of the extraordinary employmentij unto which you are called in your great AfTembly ; now alfo fit- ting : God forbid that we ihould fin againft the Lord, in ceafih^' to pray for you, that the Lord may enable you to be wife mifler- buikierSjpreferve your peace al wayes by all means, and rnak^ ybd ftedfaft,unmoveable,alwayes abounding in the work of the Lord^ to the praife of the glory of his grace , and to the further heriefit, and comfort of the whole Church of Godibut more efpecistliy^bf 'v^.Q thi§ this our afflidcd Ark, now wafted into the midft of a Tea of mife- ries, andtoffed with tempefts , untill our wife and gracious God, by the furtherance of your prayers and brotherly endeavours,{haIl caufe it to reft upon the mountains of Ararat , which may take a- way our fears, as well as put an end to our prefent fufferings , and give you to rejoyce with us , that now mourn for us. Wefiminfter^ Subfcribedbyjour mofl loving brethren, htghl-j pryjing the graces of Ced in jou, and that are your fervants for Jefus fake , in the name of the whole Af- jcmbly. WillUm Tuifffy Prolocutor. "} fohn JVhite, Afteftor. 1 Cornelius Surges^ Afleftbr. \ of the Aftembly. Henrj Roborough ^g.^ibesl K^domram ByjieLd ^ j THoe %efult of the Debates and (^onfultations of the (Committees of the Convention of E^ fates and Generall (*Ajfembly ^ appoint ted to meet with the Commif toners of the Parliament of England, ^uguf 17. 16 ^y •He Committees of the Convention of Eftates of Scot- land, and of the Generall Aftembly , being appointed to meet with the Commiffioners of the two Houfts of the Parliament of England , upon the Papers delivered in by the faid Commifsioncrs, unto the Convention of Eftates , and unto the Generall Aflembly , upon the 12. and 15, of this inftant 1645. 1) Con- Concerning the defitts of both Houfes, for a near and ftridi unicii to be entered into by the two Kwigdomes. And it being declared at the faid meeting , with what fenfible aflfe«^ions the Gcnerall Affembiy and Convention, did receive the defires above-mentio- ned : And how bencficiall it would be for the more firme fettl«- ment of the faid union, that a Covenant ihould be entred into by by both Nations ; And this forme thereof being by allthefore- faid perfons taken into moft ferious debate and confidemtion, and agreed unto : It was thereupon refolved by them , that it fbould be prefented to the Gencrall Affembty, to the Convention of E- ilates of Scotland , and to the two Houfes of the Parliament of England , by their refpeftive Committees and Commifsioners, that it rnight with all fpeed receive their relpedive refolutions. ^x.Primerofe. Subfcribed ^. Ker. ■ ' William Bond Sec. Com . THe League and Covenant a- bove-mentioned, being fent with the Commifsioners of this Alfembly^ to the Parliament of England , and Aflembly of Divines in that King- dome , to be received and approven there , is to be printed at the return thereof. Q^pfroha^ The (jmerall Jljembijj, i6^i. 25 4^frobaUon ^f'the he<^ue and Qovenani aboye-mcn^ tioned, ■.} ;Ke AfTembly having recommended, unto a Committee , appointed by them to joyne with the Committee of the Honourable Convention oFEftates , and the CommiflTioners of the Ho- nourable Houfes of the Parh'amcnt of England, for bringing the Kingdomes co \ more near con- jun(5lion and linion , received from ihe iforefaid Committees, the Covenant above-mentioned > as the refuh of their confultati- ons : And having taken the fame,as a matter of fo publick con- cernment andoffo deep importance doth require , unto their graveft confideration , Did with all their hearts , and with the beginnings of the feelings of that joy which they did finde in fo great meafure upon the renovation of the Nationall Covenant of this Kirk and Kingdome , All with one voice approve and em- bracethefame , as the mod powerful! meane, bytheblefifrnj^of GOD, for fettling and preferving the true Proteftant Rchgi- gion , with perfed Peace in his Majefties Dominions, and proba- gating the fame to otiier Nations , and for eftablifhing his Ma- jefties throne to all ages and generations. And therefore with their belt affections recommend the fame to the Honourable Convention of Efiatcs , that being examined and approved by them , it may be fent with all diligence to the Kingdome of Eng- land : that being received and approven there , the lame m.iy be with publick humiliation , and all Religious and anfwerable (o- lemnitie , fworn and fubfcribed by all true Profeflburs of the reformed Religion , and all his Majefties good Subjects in both Kingdomes. SelT. i6 The^enerall(t/{jjeml?lj, 1^43. Scii'. Ult. d/fugujl ip. 16^^. The Jjjemblies humble defires to his <^5\f ajejiie anent the Lifts for ^Prejentations : With a ^commendation to Vresbjteries, 'He Aflembly confidering the difficultie of ob- taining fix able and well qualified Perfons to be put into a Lift to his Majeftie , for every vaiking Kirk at his Majefties Prelentation : Therefore do moft earneftly recommend to his Majefties Commiffioner , to rcprefent their humble defires to his Majeftie , that he would be pleafed to ac- cept of a Lift of three : Asalfo conformtotliedefireofthelaft Aflemblyat S. Andrews , that his Majeftie would be pleafed to accept of any one qualified man , who fiiallbe able tofpeafc the Iri(h Language for Kirks vaiking in the Highlands ; Which the Commifsioners Grace promifed to do with the firft convcni- encie. And with all his Grace reprefentingtothe Aifembly , that he conceived his Majeftie had already done more , and yet would do more for fatisfadlion to the defires of this Kirk , anent Patro- nages, nor any other Patron : And therefore that it were conve- nient chat all other Patrons were earneftly defired to follow his Majefties example ^ And the Aifembly chinking it very neceftary that fome Generall courfe were fet down for providing and plan- ting of vaiking Kirks, whereby all occafions of contefts and diffe- rences amongft Patrons, Presbyteries, & Paroches may be remo- ved .-Therefore the Aftembly recommend to every Presbyterie,to confult and advife upon the beft wayes and means for effeduating hereof , And to report the refults of their confultations hereintiU to the next Aifembly. Overtures The (jeneralljjjembly^ id'4.3. 27 Overtures anentWitch --craft ^ and Char mingy (s^c. He abundance and increafe of the fin of Witch- craft , in all the forts and degrees of it in this time of Reformation , is to be taken to heart by this reverend Aflembly , who would to that end confider. Of the occafions thereof, which are found to I. be thele elpecially , extremity of grief , malice , palfion , and dcfire of revenge, pinching povertie,folicitation of other Witches and Charmers •, for in fuch cafes the devil aflails them, offers aide, and much prevails. O f the reafons and caufes of Satans prevailing^which are grofle I !• ignorance , great infidclitie , want of the love of the truth (which GOD hath made fo long and clearly to fliine in our Land ) and profanenefTe of life. O f the means and wayes to bring them to a confeflion and cen- III. fure, which we conceive to be, Thataftanding Commiflion for a certain time he ^ad from the Lords of Secret Councel,orJuftice Generall , to lome underftanding Gentlemen and Magiftrates within the bounds of Presbyteries that fliall crave it , giving them power to apprehend,try,and execute juftice againft fuch pcrfons as areguilty of Witch-craft within thefe Presbyteries^ For many Paroches want the concurrence of civill Magiftrates. 0{ the grounds of apprehending them , Which may be a reign- I V. ing brute of Witch- craft , backed with dilations of confefling Witches 5 being confronted with them •, for it is found that the dilations of two or three confcfTmg Witches , hath ordinarily proved true : alfo depofitions of honeft perfons , anent male- fices committed , or cures ufed by them , may be aground ot ap- prehending them. Being apprehended , there would be honeft and difcreet per- V. fons appointed to watch them ; for being left alone , they are in danger to be fuborned and hardened by others , or of dcftroying themfelves. Miniftcrs would be carefull at all times , efpecially Morning V I. and Evening , to deal with them by Prayer and Conference, whiles they are in prifon or rcftraint. The means to prevent the grouth of this wickedncfTe, are, V I L That Minifters be every way carefull and painfull in warning people of the danger thereof , and of Satans temptations , both privately and pubiickly, and to inftru(5^ them in the knowledge of the Gofpell,and grounds of Religion , by plain catechifing , to urge lively faith in Chrift , which faith Witches beftow other- wile ; Alfo to prefle holineftc of life , and fervent prayers in pri- E * vatc. 28 T^he (jenerallJlJemhly^ ^^4^ vate , and in Families , and in publick , that they be not led intd temptation •, And to ufe the cenfurcs of the Kirk againft profane perfonsjfuch as CurferSjWhooreSjDrunkardSjand fuch like , for over fuch like he gets great ddvanbge. Finally,it is requifite fot preventing ofthishainous fin, that people feek knowledge, ftu- die to beleevejV/alkin holineflcjand continue conftant arid inftaht in prayer. And becaufe Charming is a fort and degree of Witch-craft, and too ordinary in the Land-, It would be injoyned to all Minifters to take particular notice of them, to fearch them out, and fuch a§ confult with them, and that the Elders carefully concurire in fuch fearch -, And this Aflembly would think on an uniforme way bf cenfuring thefe Charmers , and fuch as employ them j or coiifuk with them , frimo quoque temfore. The i^JfemUy approves the Ayticlesand Overtures aforefaidyAnd ord&ims every Presbyterie to take to their further confideration b'i what other wayes or means ^the fins aforefatdoffVitch-ckaftyChar^ mingyand cortfultmg with Witches ^or Charmers^^^fuch like wic- kednes^ma) betried/ejlrained^and condigitelj cen/ureddndpunt- jhed ecclefiafiically and etviUy : And to report their judgements herein to the next AffemHyi Cbmmipion for a^Ti/tiniJlers i^ go to Ireland. ; He Generall Affembly having received a P^titioft fubfcribed by a very great number in the North of Ireland, intimating their deplorable cohditibii through want of thfe Miniftefy of the G6fpei,oc- cafioncd by the tyrannic of the Prelats , and the fword of the Rebels,ahd defiring fome Minifters^ Specially fuch as had been chafed from, them by the perfecutioh bf the Prelats,and fomc othfers to be addedjCither to befcnt preferitly over ro refide among theni , or declared tranfportable, that upbA invitation from them,thcyiilight go and fettle there : Together with a Letter from the Vicount of Airds to that farne efFcd. All which the Affembly hath taken to their fcrious confideration, be- ing mod heartily willing to fynipathlze with every Mfember bf Chrifl his body, although never fo remotie,much mbre with thai plantation there,which for the mofl part was a branch bf the Lord his Vine, planted in this Land. In which folicitudc , as they would be loath to ufurpc without their own bounds , or ftrietcH themfelves beyond their own meafurc, fo they dare not be want- ing to the inlargement of Chrifls Kingdome, where fo Ibiid a ci:y 6t f extreme neccffity , couldnot but flir up the bowels of Chri - The (jeneraUJJfembly^ ^^\V ^9 ftian compafTion. And although they conceive , that the prefent iinfettled condition both oFChurch arid State in that Land , will not fuffcr them fas yet j to loofe any, to make any conftant abode there-, yet they have refolvcd to fend over fome for the prefent cxigent,till the next Generall AfTembly.by courfes , to ftay three moneth allanerly. And therefore do hereby authorize and give CommifTion to the perforts following , to wit , Mafter Wtlliam Cockburne Minifter at Kifkmichell , and Mafter Cniattfiew Mackaill Minifter at Carmanoch,forthe firil: three moneths, beginning up- on the 8. of September next. Ma{\:eT George Hutch/ fon Minifter ac Calmonell,and Mafter Hugh Hcndcrfoa Minifter at Dairy , for the next three moneths, beginning the 8. of December. Mafter Wtili- am Adair Minifter at Air , and Mafter John Weir Minifter at Dal- ferfe, tor the third three moneths , beginning the 8. of March, 1644. And Mafter James Hamilton Minifter at Drumfreis , and Mafter ^(?A» MacclellamyWm^ktx. at Kirkubright for the laft three moneths, beginning the 8. of June, the faid year 1 644. To repair unto the North of Ireland, and there to vifit , inftrud , comfort, & encourage the fcattered flocks of Chrift:To employ thcmfelves to their uttermoft with all faithfulneffe and finglenefle of heart in planting and watering, according to the direiftion of Jefus Chrift, and according to the Do(5trine and Difcipline of this Kirk in all things. And if need be f with the concurrence of fuch of the Mi- nifters as are there ) to try and ordain fuch as fliall be found qua- lified forthe Miniftery •, Giving charge unto the perfons torefaids in the fight of God,that in Dodrinc , in Worfliip, in Difcipline, and in their daily converfation, they ftudy to approve themfelve^ as the Minifters of Jefus Chrift •, And that they be countable to the Generall Affembly of this Kirk in all things. And in cafe of any of the above-mentioned Minifters be impeded by ficknes, or otherwayes neceftarily detained from this fervice •, The Aftcmbly ordains the CommifTioners refiding at Edinburgh for the publick affairs of the Kirk , to nominate in their place well qualified men, who hereby are authorized to undertake theforefaid imploymcnfj as if they had been exprefly nominate in the face of the AfTem- bly. And this although poffibly it ftiall not fully fatisfie the large ex pe (Station of their Brethren in Ireland : yet the* Aflembly is confident they will take in good part at this time that which is judged moft convenient for the prefent condition , even a lent mite out of their own, not very great plentie to fupply the pre- fent necefs'ity : Requiring of them no other recompcnce,but that they in all chearfulnefte may embrace and make ulc of the Mef- fageofSalvation, andpromifingtoinlarge their indebted boun- tie at the next Aflembly , as they fhall finde the Work of the Lord thereto require. In the mean while wiftiing that thefe who arc fcnt,may come with the full blelfing of the Golpel of peace, i'ecommendsthem, their labours , and thefe to whom thej'arc fentjtothc rich blcfTrng of the great Shccpherd of the flock. 20 7"fee (jenerau Ajjemhly^ 1 04^. e>/H againft <*S\^iniJlers haunting mth €:>ccommUnicate perfonsk [tiny Minifter haunt the company of an excdittmuftU catc perfon , contrairto the Lawes of this Kirk \ Th^ faid Minifter for the firft fault fliall be lufpended frorft hisMiniftcriebyhisPresbyteric , during their plei- fure : And for the fecond fault be deprived. And in cafe the Pres- byteries be negligent herein , the Provinciall Aflembly ihallcen- furethe Prcsbyteriethus negligent* e//3 anent anotder for ujlngcivill Bx^^ cution againjl ExcommunU cateTerJbns, ^He Aliembly taking to their cohifideralioft aft Article, in the Heads andPropofitionsfenttd theAfTcmbly held at Edinburgh > irt Auguftj 1573. by the Lord Regents Grace ^ and allOv^* ^d by that Aflembly : Whereofthetenour fol* iowes. tt is refolved that the EJcccntidns ^f ihl fextenct of Excommunkatim Againp Perfom exccmmmicatt ^ 'Aj'ti'^ $he fpace offourtie dajes paft , fhdll be prejemed ra the Lord Thejattriry orhisCltrk , whethereufonpjallraife Letters hy deti'Qerdrtce to fatisfie tki Kirk , and obtain themjehes ahjolved under the fain of Kcbellio^-: And incafe thej paffe to the Home , to cAufe their Ejcheits be taken upy, /indalfotoraijeand caufe execute Letters cf Caption agdinfi thc^^^ Andthefe to be done at the Kings UHajifites charges : Do ratifie and approve the faid Article* And farther that the intention of the faid Article may be the better effediuate ■, doth alfo ordain > thai every Presbyterie caufe fend to the Procurator » or Agent of the Kirk j the forefaid Execution , that is , an minute or note of th^ lentcnces of Excommunication within their bounds > bearing the time and caufe thereof t And that under the hands of the Mode- ratour or Clerk of the Presbyterie , or of the Minifter who pro- nounced the Sentence 5 That the famine may be delivered to hi% Majeflics Thefaurer , Advocate , or Agent. To caufe Letters oiF Homing and Caption be raifed and esiecute ;, and okheir diligence 50 be ufed againfl the Excommunicat Perfons in manner forefaid* And that all other civill adion and diligence may be ufed agairtft them , warranted and provided by Adls of Parliament j or fecitt Counccll made thereanent : And that particular account hi craved hereof in every Gencrall Aflembly* T U* ' The ^eneraU (t/TjJembly^ 1 6*4.3 . ji TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTIE, I'he humble (t/fnfiver of the 3\(ationall (t/fjjembly of the K^l^of Scotland, iLthough the many and ample teftimonies of Your Majefties Royall favour and bountie to- wards this Kirk and Kingdome be living and lafting Monuments to hold all Your Majefties good Subjedls and us moft of all , in remem- brance of that duty, which we owe to Your Ma- jefties our great Benefadlour , neverbyany length of time to be deleted out of our minds: Yet when we remember even of confci- cnce we owe honour and fubjedion unto Your Majeftie as otiif dread Soveraigne , as well in Your Majefties abfence as prefcnce," We finde our obligation to be Religious , and thereby much in- creafed : And therefore have we at this time in all our confulta- lions and condufions , of which fome have been of more then ordinary weight and concernment , in anfwer to certain Propo- fitions , made unto us by the Commiffioners of the Houfes of Parliament of Your Majefties Kingdome of England , and fome Reverend Divines aflifting them , fixed our eyes arid thoughts upon Your Majefties honour and happinefte, with no other ind with no leflc intention , then if we had been honoured by Your Majefties Royall Perfon in our Affembly. And in like manner have given fuch Inftru(5lions to fome Minifters and others, to be fent unto the AfTembly of Divines now in England, as next unto the honour of God,and the good of Religion, may moft ferve for Your Majefties prefervation, and the peace of Your Kingdome^ : Concerning which , the Commifsioners ofthelaft Generall Af- fembly have fo fully expreft their humble thoughts and defireS in iheir Supplication and Remonftrance fent unto Your Majeftie, that we need not adde any thing , and Your Majefties times and affairs forbid all repetition. We do onely in all humilitie befeech Your Majeftie to judge ofus and our proceedings , by the nature and necefsity of our vocation,and the rules prefcribcd in the word ofGodforour direcffion, andnotby uncertain rumours, and un- grounded reports of fuch men as have not the fear ot God before their eyes. And do earneftly pray to God Almighty , in whofe hands arc the hearts of Kings ,to incline Your Majefties heart to r the ^z The Generall Alfembly, i6jp^* the counfellsoftruth and peace, to dired Your Government foi: thegoodofyour Peopfe, the punifhment af rhale-fedd^rs, and praife of Well-doers.^ liiat this fire of unnaCBrall and urtchrUliart warre being extinguHlied , the People of God- , Your Majefties good Subjeds may lead a quiet and-peaceable Ufc^ in all godlinelle andhonellie. ^ T f} VI \ A | • ■" T^he Anfiiper of the (^enerall Jjfemhly of the Church of Scot I and ^ to the T)eclaratiQn of the honourable Houfes of the Tar- liament of England, He Generall AfTembly of the Church of Scotland , ha- ving received a Declaration from the honourable Houfes of the Parliament of England, by their Com- mittees and Commifsioners now refiding here • Hav^ thought good to make knowne unto the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that all the Members of this Aflembly , and others well-afFcded here, dowithmoftthankiuUrefpefts, takefpeciall notice of the exprefsions which they have been pleafcd to make iil the afore-named Declaration, not only concerning their approba^ tion of the defires and endeavours of the Generall Aflembly of this Kirk, for the Reformation of the Church of England , and the union of both Churches in Religion and Church-govern- ment •, but alfo concerning the refolution of both Houfes, fullytd concurre with them in thefe pious inteiuions. With the fame thankfulnefle and due reverence , they acknowledge the high re* rped:s exprefled towards them by both Houfes, in diredling unto them their Committees and Commifsioners , afsifted by two re- verend Divines , and in defiring fome of the godly and learned of this Kirk to be fent unto the AfTembly fitting there. T he AfTembly doth blelTe the Lord, who hath not only infpi- redthe Houfes of Parliament with defircs and refolutions of thg Reformation of Religion, but hath advanced by feverall flepsand degrees that blelled Work ♦, By which,as they fliall moff approVig themfelvesto the Reformed Churches abroad , and to their Bre-- thren of Scotland, fo fliall they mofl powerfully draw even from Heaven the blefsings of profperity and peace upon Enghnd. And as it is the earnefl wifli of their Brethren here , that the true ftate and ground of the prefent differences and ccntroverfies in Eng- land may be more and more cleared to be concerning Religion j and that both Houfes may unceffantly profecute that good Work firft and above all other matters,giving no fleep fo their eyes, nor flumber to their eye-lids,until they finde out a place for tjie Lord^ an habitation for the mighty G O D of facelf:, whofle favouf ' ■ • ■ ' ■ ■■'^ alonr d be KjemraU '3 .Mor»; b.r •?.■} And left through Iny dtfe^ upon the Generall AfTemblies part,the Work of ReFonnation ('which hitherto to the great gr»ef of all the Godly hath moved fa flowly) flio'uld be any more re- tarded or interrupted, they have according to the renewed defircs of both Houfes of Parliament , and their own former proniifes, nominated and eleded Mr Alexander Henderfon , hi^KDha-^ Douglas y M.<: Samuel Rntherfoord, M^: Rolf ert Bailee ^M( George GtU /?yjp/>,Miniftersof Gods word •, and ^^Z^;? Earle of Caflfills, ^ohn Lord Maitland, and Sir Archbdd fohnfloun of Wariftoun , ruling Elders , all of them men much approved here •, With Com- mifsion and power to them, or any three of them , whereof two fliall be Minifters, to repair unto the AfTembly of Divines, and o- thers of the Church of England, now fitting at Weffminfter , to propound, confult,trcac,andcoii£lude with them, and with any Committees deputed by the Houfes of Parliament fif itflnll feeme good to the honourable Houfes in their wifedome fco dcr p'jte any for that end) in all fuch things as may conduce to the ut- ter extirpation of Popery, PrelaciejHerefie, Schifme,Superftition ^nd Idolatrie,And for the fetling ofthe fo much defired Union of this whole Ifland in one forme of Church-government,one Con- fefsion of Faith, one common Catechifme , and one Direifiorie for the Worfhip of G O D , according to the Inftrudions which they have received , or fhall receive fromthe Commilsionersof the Generall Afl'embly appointed to meet at Edinburgh from time to time, with the Aflemblies power for that end. And as the Generall AfTembly doth mofl gladly and aftcclionatly receive andfullytruft the Committees and Divines lent hither , fo do they hereby commend the afore-named Commilsioners, not on- ly to the like affcdion and truft ofthe Aflembly there, but alio to the favour and proteiftion of both Houfes of Parliaincnti ; no:M And for the farther fatisftidion and encouragement of the?r Brethren of England, the whole Afiembly in their own naracvif^ci in name of all the particular Churches in this Kingdomc , whom they reprefent • Do hereby declare , that from their zeal to the glory of G O D, and propagation ofthe Gofpell, From their affc- ^ion to the happine0e oftheir natiY£ King, audofiJic Kiugdauie of England , and from the fenfe of their own intcreft in the com- mon gangers of Religion, Peace, and Libcrtie , Ihcy are moft wiliiflg and ready to be united and aflbciated with their Bretiircn in a 5^ The Ljenerall Ajj^mblj^ \ 04-^i in a nearer League and folemne Covenant for thfe mainten^iic^ of the truly reformed Proteftant Religion , againft Popfery artel Prelacie,artd againft all Popifh and Prelaticall corrnptions , in dd- drine', difcipline, worlhip, or Church-government, and for th^ fettling and holding faft of unity and uniformity betwixt tht Kirks of this Ifland,and with the beft reformed Churches beyond fea. Which Union and Covenant , (hall with Gods affiftance be feconded by their cooperating with their Brethren in the ufe df the beft and moft effeduall meanes that may ferve for fo gddd ends 5 For the more ipeedy effeduating whereof^ tothecdniforE and inlargement of their diftrefled Brethren ( virhdfe hope defef^ red might make their hearts to faint ) the whole Aflembly with great unanimity of judgement, and expreffions of much affedidrij have approved ( for their part ) fuch a draught and forme of ^ mutuall League and Covenant betwixt the Kingdomes ^ as was this refult of the joint debates and confultations of the Commifll- oners from both Houfes ,alfifted by the two reverend Dfvinesj and of the Committees deputed fronithe Convention of the E- ftares of this Kingdome , and from the Generall AlTcmbly : Ex- peding and wifhing the like approbation thereof by the right hd- nourablethe Lords and Commons in Parliament, and by the re- verend Aflembly there, That thereafter it may. be folemnely fworne and fubfcribed in both Kingdomes, as the fureft and ftrai- teft obligation to make both ftand and fall together in that ciufe of Religion and Libertiei AstheEftates of this Kingdome have often profefTfed in thdf former Declarations, the integritie of their Intentions againft th6 fcommdn enemies of Religion and Libertie in both Kingdohie^j and their great affedion to their Brethren of England ^ by reafort of fo many and fo near relations •, So doubtlefle now in this timS of need they will riot fail to give reall proof of what befdre they profeflcd. A friend loveth at aU times ^ and a brother is bernforad- verptie. Neither fhall the Aflembly, or their Commiflloners bS wanting in exhorting all others to their duty, or in concurring fd far as belongeth to their place and vocation, with the Eftates noW conveenedjinany lawfull and pofsible courfe which may riioft conduce to the good ofReligion and Reformation ^ the honour and happinelTe of the Kings Majeftie,the deliverance of their Bre- thren of England from their prefent calamitous condition, arid td the perpetuating ofaiirme and happy peace betwixt the Kirig= to whom we are tied in fo neat and tender relations. When we were but creeping out of the deep darkneflc and bondage of Popery ^ and were almoft cruihed With the futy of Fot Veigne Invadersjoyned with inteftine enemiesjpte* tending the name and wirrand ot authority, as now yout opprt;l> fouts do 5 Then did the Lotd by yout Fathers fend us feafohablt affiftanceagainft that intended and begun bondage both of foul and body: The repayment ot which debt , the Divine PtOvU dcnce feemeth now to require at our hands . And whereas of lata through our fecurity we had fallen into a Wofull relapfe j and wettt compalfed about With dreadful! dangets on all hands > While WS. aymed at the recovery of our former putitie and libertie : Theft we Wanted not the large fupply of your ffervent Prayers,artd othef brotherly affiftance of that NationiWhile thofb who are now youf malignant enemies j Would have fwallowed us i|{^* Thcfc ftrait bonds of your ancient and late love ^ Ao fo poflefla Our hearts i that whenthc motions oftheCommifsioners of the honourable Houfes of ParUament.and yout Letters did chalknge our advice and aid fot defence of Religion ^ and advancement 6i Reformation-, ourfmoakingdefires for a moreftri(5t Union and Uniformitie in Religion betwixt both the Nations j did break fbrth into a vehement flamc^in i\ich fort,as when the draught Of a League and Covenant betwixt both Kingdomes for defence of Religion,&c. was read in open audience, ^ It was fo Unanimoufly and heartily embraced^with fuch a torrent of moft affeiSionate ejt*. prefsions, as none but eye or ear-witnefles can conceive^ whereof . the two reverend bivines fcnt from you to us, being then prefehtj . no doubt will give you an account* Neither was it fo onely with usjbut alfo the honourable Convention of Bflates here, with thg like harmony of afreaionateexprefsions> did entertain thefame^ So that we hope to be reall and conftant in J>rofecuting thecon* tents of this Covenant. When Wfe in our ftraits fled to the Lord j . and entred in Covenant with him j he owned us and our Caufej , rebuked and difsipated ourenemiesj and hitherto hath helped us*,; and bledbd our enterprifes with fucceffe from heaven > hotwith^- - ftandin^ our great weaknefle and unworthinelTe* We truft in thfi . Lord, that as once it was prophefied of Ifmt and fuddhi, Sd.^ Ihall Scotland and England become one ftick in the hand of thg ' Lord,they fhall ask the way to 5/o», with their faces thithetwatd. ^^ylt^S* Come, let us joyne oUr felves to the Lord in a perpetuall Covenant , that fliaU not be forgotten j AndfoihalUteome tdf,; kd:ivv 1) P^^'^^ ne general! e a cup of tremblings and a burthen foiile ftone to all their enemies round about .Though now it be the time of 5^4r(?^jtrouble,th6 Lord will deliver him out of it. Reverend and dear Brethren , we conceive your cafejand ofall the Faith^ull irithut Lwd,to be no other then oFa woman crying, traveHihg in birth , aftd pained till fhe be deli- vered. The great red Dragon, ( under whofe ftandard jjhe fons of 5c//4/ are fighting} is your Arch-enemy, This cannot but be a timeoffeariind forrow 5 But when the male childe (hall be brought forth , the pain (hall ceafe, and the (arrow (hall be for- gotten. We are very confident in thcLord,that you wil be faithful to Jefus Chrift , in the work committed to you by him in all his ordinances, and taking neither foundation , corner-ftone , nor any part of the rubbi(h of Babell to build the City that is called, "The Lord U there : Buc meafuring all with the golden reed of the Sanctuary , you m ly more clofely be united to the bc(l Reform- ed Kirks , in Doctrine , VVorlhip , and Government , that you may grow up in him in all things which is the head , even Chrift. And now Reverend and dear Brethren , though we know that you abound in all gifts and graces , the Spirit of Jefui Chrifl being plentifully powred out upon you , yet according to your dciire and the motion made by the Commiifioners of the Honou- rable Houfes of Parliament , to teftifie our hearty fympathtc with you in the work of the Lord , We have nominate and cle- wed fome Godly and learned of this Church to repair to your Aflembly . We doubt nothing of your hearty embracing them ^n the Lord, and their diligent concurrance with you in advancing that great work. Not onely the common danger we are under , but the confci- cnce of our duty to hisfuffering people , layeth bonds on us fre- quently to prelent you , and that bleflfed Work of Reformation* in your hands , to the throne of Grace , that the GOD of all Grace , who will call you into his cternall glory by Chrift Jefus, after that you have fuifered a while may make you pcrfcd , fta- bhfli, ftrcngthcn, fettle you. Edinburgh, Augufll 19. 1643. ' Subscribed in name tf the A^errAlj 6f the Church ofSettUmd , bj thi Clerk tftht^ . ni jliiflfi^ 7/ j8 'ihey^merMAIJembly^iQ^p ne JJjemMies Jn/her to the %ey€rend thiif beto'^ed brethren , afPVfiniJiers in the Church of England^ Xevereni and beloved, [Ec acknowledge with thankfulnelfe to G Dj ' that this is one of the good bleflings beftoWed^ upon our Kirk of late , and a plealant fruit df our free AfTemblies i That a way is opened fbt keeping communion with our fiftet Kitks a= _ broad , and correfpondence with you our deat . Brethren , in whofe joy and forrow we have fo near intereft,ahd whofe caufe and condition we defire to lay to heart as bwt dWrti I All your former Letters were jnoft acceptable , and full of re- frefhment unto us , being taken as the earned of a ftidrefulUrid conftantfellowfliip, longed after and hoped for : And this youf laft , although full of fadnefle and forrow , yet ^Counted dl US all moft Worthy of our tendered affe(aion and beft refpddsj both for your caufe who fent it , and for thefe wdrthy withtflfes which did atteft it : Wherein as you have given unto US hb frhall evidence , not only of your love , but alfooftruftandfri^ftdi^ refpe<5t , bychoofingtopoureoutyour grieved fouls ifi Otif bb- lome 5 So we (hall wifli 5 and God willing endeavour y thatydil may really finde fome meafure of brotherly compaffion in bUr re- ceiving thereof. For thefe your fad expreffions of deep fbf irOWj being as you have given us to conceive but a part of yoUr coiii^ plaint , and a lamentation lefle then the canles doth require, can- not but melt every heart , wherein there is any the leaft Waf itl^ nefle of the love of Chrift and his Saints : And whst Ghildt of"^ the Bridegrooms chamber, can hear the voice offo mafty ftieridg of the Bridegroom , lamenting for the evils which have befallert Chrifts Bride in England , in the very night before her expected efpoufalls , and not fit down and mourn with them , except hl^ heart be fallen afleep and frozen within him ? This pitifull con- dition of our fifter Church in England hes matter chougb we' confeffe to move , yea, to rend our bow^l^. . If we fhould weigh this youf heavie gtief in the fcales of cb{il= mon reafon , we behoved either to ftand aloof from your plagui as men aftonifhed , or fink down in heavineCfe and be fivlllowec! up of forrow : but When we ponder your lad conditio^ in th^ Ballance of the Sanftuary , we finde that nothing hath as yet be^ fallen unto you , fave that which hath been the exercife of the Saints in former times , who have been made to fitdowrtfof awhile in the {hadow of death before the day of their deliver ranee. We finde nothing but that which may be a fit Prepara^ tiofi tton for a comfortable out-gate from all your troubles. What if it was necedary in the wife difpenfation of Almighty G O D» that a People in great eftimacion forwifedome and power, fuch as England) fliould be thus farre humbled^ as you declare, to the end that your deliverance maybe feen hereafter to be of the Lord, and not of your felves <: What if the Lord would not draw back his hand from the Winc-prefTe wherein you now lye, till he fhould draw forth from you thefe pitifull expreffions of your low eftate, and fo provide himfelfwitnefles againfl: theday tocome^ that he may have the greater and purer glory in your falvation, andyourgloriationmaybein the Lord alone f Dear Brctjvrcn, comfort your felves in the Lord 5 this fowing in tears, dothpro- mife a reaping in joy , and who knoweth how foon he will give to you who are mourners in Zion,beauty for a(hes,the oyle of joy for mourning , the garment of praife for the fpirit of heavinelTc ; That you may be called the trees of righteoufnedcjthe planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified . Though weeping be in the evening of this begun Reformation and purging of the Lords Houfe among you , yet in the morning when the difcovered filthinefleandfweepings of the Temple fliall be orderly caft out , joy fhall come with thankfgiving and praife. Though a fire be kindled in the Land , yet it is not to confume a- ny of the mettal,forthe Lord is fitting down as a Refiner amongfl you,and efpecially to purifie the fons of Levi^ that he may have a more pure oblation of fpirituall worfhip and fervice in all his holy ordinances throughout all the Land , which is no token of wrath, but of loving kindnefle towards you. No wonder that Satan doth thus rage, as you relate , fore-feeing his caftingout ; No wonder he ftirre up all the children of difbbedience,&kindle their naturall malice againfl the children of God with the infpiration of hcllifli fury : No wonder the fpirit of Antichrifl bemad , when the morfell half fwallowed down , is like to be pulled out of his throat, the fat morfell of the rich Revenues of England ; No wonder he be cruell againfl you the fervants of Chrift , who arc confuting him by the breath of the Lords mouth. You do well to expert no mercy, if Papills and Prelats prevail over you,neithcr defire we to deceive our felves with hopes to be free from what ther power and malice can do againfl us •, for they will not do to us if they get the upper-hand,as we have done, and mufl do,tf God bring them low again under us, as they were be- fore^ for we and they are led by the contrary fpirits of Chrjfl,anc{ Antichrifl: We have laboured,and mufl labour for their conver- fion,but they (except in fo far as God fliall bridle them ) will not reft without our deftrudiort •, for their fury againfl our perfons is much more fierie then our zeal is fervent againft their abomina- tions : Let them follow the fpirit of lying and murthering , wee mufl take us to our refuge, and joyne our felves with all that «refenfiblcofthe danger of the reformed Religion in prayer and H fuppli- ^o i toe \jenerau d/ijjemviy^ i o 4*3 . fupplicatioft. The Lord of ho fs is rvith ^, t^^ God offaceb is ditr H'- fuge, Novv for advice , what can we fay to you who are upoiiyoiiib watch-tower, wherein is thefpirit of wifedome and counfell- who lye thus as humble Difciple sunder the Lords foot, who did nevef Ibifake them that fought him. Go on in the Name of our Lord Jefus Chrift , againft all oppofition, without fear of whatibeveif dangers^to purge the Houfe of the Lord, to repair the breaches thereof,tofet up all his Ordinances in their full beautie and per- fedion, to the uttermoft of your power, according co the pattern of the Word of G O D,and zeal of the befl reformed Kirks-, And let thefe two Kingdomes be knit together as one man in maintai* ning and promoving the truth of the Gofpel-, Let us enter in a perpetual! Covenant for our felves arid our pofterity , to ende- voUr that all things may be done in the Houfe of G O D accor- ding to his own will , and let the Lord do with us what feemeth good in his eyes. Onl^j wait u^on the Lord^ he of good courageyAndhe jhall flrengthen four heart. Let your hands be ever at your Mailers Work ♦ and hold your faces re folutely to his Caufe. (Vatehje^ jfta^dfa^m the faith ^ quite jourfehes like men,befirong , foryefhali feethefdlvatfo» of the Lord , and yom labour (liaH not be in vain* , Subfcribed in name &f the Getter all Affembly of ihe church of Scotlmd ^ Bj the Clerk of thi J^embtp CommipGn of the (jenerall and Sir Archbald fehnfloun of Warifloun Elders , or any three of them, whei«of two fhall be Miniilers, to repair to the Kingdome of England , and there to deliver the Declaration fent unto the Parliament of England , and the Letter ient unto the Allembly of Divines now fitting in that Kingdome. And to propone.con- fult 5 treat and conclude with that Ailembly or any CommifTiO'- ners deputed by them , Or any Committees or Com milTioners deputed by the Houfes of Parliament , in all matters which may further I J further the Union of thislfland in one forme of Kirk-govern- ment , one confeflTion ot Iraitli^ one Camchirme-^ and one Dire- dorie for the Worihip of G O I>, according-to the Inftrudions which they have received frpnj^the- Alfembly , or fliall receive frcm time to time hereafter from the Commiflioners of the Af- fembly deputed for that efled. With powec alio to. tii«.ra tQ convey t-o his Majeflfe-the humble AnCwer fent from this. Aflha- bly to his Majefties Letter , by fuchoccafionasthey MUhink convenient -, AndfuchUke to deliver the Ailen^bhes Anfwertp the Lettec fent from fome \vel-af!eded Brethren of the Miipite.y* there. Andgenerally authorizes them to do all thing-s which may furdier the fo much defired Union , and neareft con jimiS-jofj of the two Churches of Scotland and Engl^rid ,.c6nfc)rjrn.£o-tlieic Inilrudlions aforefaid. Inxiv %£ference to the Commipion , anent thcTer^ Jins dejigned to repair to the I\lm^ dome of England, »He ACfembly having this day appro V€a the no- ' mination made by the CoramifflTioners of the lat« AfTembly , of Perfons to repair to the Synod, of Divines in Englarvd : Aad having of new ele-^ ded and nominated all tlie fame Perfons, ^xccpn Mafter Eledi^ay B-orthrvick , who is now witb COD. Therefore gives power to the Commiflioners to l)e appointed by this Aflembly for the publick affairs of this Kirk, to nominate and appoint any otlier whom they fliall think meet in his place. And fuchlike the Affembly refers tothe faid Com- mifsion,to confidcr whether it be conveni<;nt to fend now at this prefent time to the Kingdome of England , all the Perfons ap- pointed to go thithet , and to deligne the Perfons whom they think meet to go at this prefent occafion , to determine tlie rime of their difpatch , and to give imto them their Infhkwfiions. Anci further incafe of lickneffe or death of any of the Perfons ap- pointed for that employment , or in the cafe of any other ne- ceflary impediment of their undertaking the faniine • Gives pow- er to the laid Commifsion , to nominate others in tlielr place iC the Commifsion ihall tinde it convenient. Ci am- fj ^) ~-rj Commiponfor theT^Mtc\affairs of this K^kc [He Geiierail Affembly, confideHng the iaudj(t>l@ cuftome of this Kirk , in appointing Comtnif- fions betwixt Aflertiblies for the publick afFaifS oftheKfrk , and the commendable {)ra(flice of the late Aflcmbly at Saint Andrews , inappom- ting their Commifsion for profecuting that blefled Wo'rk , for uniting the Kirks of this Illahdin Religion and Kirk-government , by all lawfull and Ecclefiaftick Waye§>fot continnahce of our own peace at homeland of the coinmofi peace betwixt the two Nations / and for other good ends , as at lenglh isexpreft in that Commifsion : And finding that the painfull eft^ devours and proceedings of that Commifsion^ linahimoufly ap^ proven in this Aflembly , though they haVe milch advanced thaE glorious Work of Unity iii Religion and Government i, yet hes not brought the famine to full pef fedlion and a finall accomplifh- ment ; And the Aflembly beingnow much animate and cncou= raged to profecute that Work by the Parliament of England theif Bills paft againft Epifcopacie , and furidry other corruptions, and the good hopes ofafolemne Covenant betwixt the Nations, And conceiving that in thir times of danger , there may be fonle dcca* fions for conveening the Aflembly , before the time indidled foi* their next meeting. Therefore the Afletnbly finding it necefla* ry to appoint a new Commifsion , By thcfe prefents , nominates and appoints M.^ Andrew Ramfdy^ M^ {Alexander Hendcrfoft^ M^ Jioierp Douglas^ M"" William Cohill, M' Willidm Bemct^, M' Georgt Gi/kfpiei M' John Adamfon^ M' John Sharps , M' James Sharpe^ }A' WtlUam Dalgleifhy M^ David Caldermod ^ h/V tjy^ndretv Blach hall^ M' James Flecming^ M' Robert Ker , M' John {JdAcghie^ W, Oliver Colt , M' Hugh Campbell , M' Adam Penman , M' Richard Dickfon, M' Andrew Stevinfon, M' John Lauder , M' Robert Blair^ iA^ Samuel Rutherfoordy M' {Arthur CMOrton^ M' Robert Traill^ M^ Frederick Carmichell^ W Uungo Lanf , M^ John Smithy M' Pd^ trick Gillefpie , M*^ John Duncan , M"" John Hume j M' Robert Knox , M^ William Jamefon , M' Robert CHurray , M' Henrif Guthrie, M* James Hamilton^ M"^ Bernard Sander fon , M' John Le^ vifton , M' James Bonar > M' Evdn Cameron ^ M' David Dick fon, M' Robert Bail:{iey lA' James Cunninghame, M' Geooge Toung , M^ Andrew Auchinleck , M' David Lindfay , M' Andrew Cant , M^ John Oifwald, M' William Douglas^ M' C^Iurdoe (.Mact^n^e , M*" Coline Macken^ie^ M^ John CMonroe , M' Walter Stuart Mini* ftersi Marquefleof^r_g)f/^, Earle Marfhell^ Ezvlc of Suther land, Earle of Bglintonn , Earle of Cafsills, Earle of Dumfermling^ Earl^ The (jenerall (lAjJembly, '^4-3« 4? 'B^'i\to^Lawdcrdail^ Ezrle o^ Lindfay , Earle of ^^^j^^rr/V^Earle of Dalhoujie, Lord Angtis, Vicounc ofDudhope^ Lord Maitland, Lord Elcho^ hoxdBalmerinoch , Lord Cowper , Sir Patrick Hep- hume oiWMchtoun^ Sir ArchbaldJohnflounoiV^^niioun , Sir P4W//«wf ofWedderburne, Sir Alexander Areskim of Dun Sir William Cockburne of Langtoun, Ruthven of Frieland, Sir^4;«wy/r»tff ofFernie, Sir Walter Riddellot that Ilk, Sir Lo- dovick Houflou/t of th'Xt Ilk,Sir William CarmichaellVixr cf that Ilk, Laird of Boniedbitrgh^ Lmdof Libbertoun^ LmdofBrodie , Sir Jo/m Smith , J-ames Dcnnifioun , Mafter Robert 'Barclay , John Ru- therfoord ^ William Glendtnmng , Johrt Sempill , John Kennedie^ M^i\cr A Icxand.r Douglas • To meet at Edinburgh the 21. day of Auguftnext , and upon any other day thereafter, and in any other place thfvfhall think good. And gives and grants unto them, or any fifteen of them , there being twelve Miniflerspre- fent , full power and CommifTion , to confider and pcrforme whattheyfindenecelTary by Praying and Preaching , byfuppli- cating his Majeftic and all the Judicatories of this Kingdome , by Declantions and Remonff ranees to the Parliament of England, to the Synod of Divines in that Kingdome, by Informations, Di- redions , Inftrudionsto . and continuallcorrcfpondence with the Commirtioriers, now defigned by this AfTembly to go to the Sy- nod of Divines in England , or by any other lawfull Ecclefiaftick wayes , for furtherance of this great Work , in the Union of this Ifland in Religion and Kirk- government , and for continuance of our own Peace at home ', and of the common Peace betwixt the Nations , and keeping of good correfpondence betwixt the Kirks of this Ifland. With power alfotothem to concurre with the Lords of Councell , Commiffioners of Peace , or with the Ho- nourable Eftatcs afl'embled in Convention or Parliament , or with their Committees and Commifsioners, in profecuting this good Work ;it home or abroad by all Ect lefiaftick wayes. And luchlike with power to them to prevent the dangers conteined in the Remonftrance , prefented unto the Convention of Eftates by the Commifsioners of the late AfTembly in JunehO^ , & to profe- cutethe remedies of thefe dangers conteined in another Remon- ft rance,prerented by the aids Commifsioners to the Conventior> the 6.ot July laft •, by admonitions, directions , cenfures , and all other Ecclefiaftick wayes. And further in cafe their Brethren of England fliallaaree to the Covenant betwixt the Kingdomes, the draught and frame whereof is now fo unanimoufly approveti in this Aflembly Gives alfo unto the Perfons forefaid,or ihc^Otio- r«7wabovc-written,full Power and Authoritie' to command and enjoynthe famine to be fubfcribed and fworn by all the members of this Kirk : And that in fuch order and manner, and with lucli Tolemnities as they fliall think convenient for fo great and glori- ous a Work •, And to fend their directions to Selsions , Presby- teries and Synods , for execution of their orders ihereincnt. And I with .A4- The (jmeraU Jfimhlji^ i<^4-^- .with pawer to procee4 againft any Perfon whatfoever , thac (bdl r^efufe to fubfcri'be and f. wear the-faid Covenant , with all the cm- Mi€S Qtf the K>rk , or4:-o refer the try all and ceoTures of fuchdelin- quents to Presbyteries or Synods as they fliall think convenient. Ai?d fuch liJce gives unto the pwfons forefaids power and lihertie, to call a Gfnerall Affembly pro n nata , incafe they {Iiall ^ndt the necefsityoftheKirk , and this great Work to require the fame ; With tidl power alfo to them to give Anfwers in nanae of the AdeiTibly , to all Lette^rs fcntio the Aflfembly fronathe Kirks of Holland , Zealand , or any other forraigne Reformed Kirks. And further gives power to them to promove the other defires. Overtures afid recommendations of this , or of any former Af- fembliesto the Kings Majelfie ^ Parliament or Convention of E- , dates, jDotheLord^ofCouncell , Sefsion , Exchequer, Com- mifsiojiers of Parlian:j.ents , for plarjtationot Kirks , for the com- .mon burdens , and for conserving the Peace. And fuchlike gives as full power and Commifsion to them to treat and decerne in any other matters referred , or to be referred to them by this Alfembly , as if the famine were herein particularly infert. And generally gives unto the Pcrfons forefaids, or the ^rtim above- mentioned full power and Authoriiie , to do and performe all things which may advance , accomplifli , and perfed the great Worl^ of Unity of Religion , and Uniformity of Kirk -govern- ment in all his Majefties Dominions , and which may be neceflfary for good order in all the publick affairs of this Kirk , untjll the pextAffembly , m ({md dmimenn c^pAt Ecclefia. Withals ample power in all matters particulary or generally above-menti- oned , as any other Commifsion of Gentrall AfTemblies , hes had or been in ufe of before •, They being al wayes countable to, afid cenfurable by the next G.?nerj^U Affembly, fov-their proceed- ings thereintill. i- THe Generall K^ffembly appoints the meeting of the next Generall Affemblj , to be at Edinburgh the }aft Wednefday of May , in the year 1^44. L^ FINIS. INDEX ;0 F THE ACTS of the AlTembly holden at Edinburgh i6^]* not printed. fie Kings (JiiaiejiiesContmifiion to Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall Knight y His Majefli^ yldvocate. ElecHon of C^LaJler Alexander Henderfon , Modcr rat our. ji^^otntment of Majler John Scoz, rvhorvasfcnt from the Presbpe- rie in the Scottif) Armj m Ireland^ to be prefcnt in the Jfjemhh e- very Sefsion. ^cflions propounded by the Modcratour , to fome brethren in the North, anent fome Papifls there^fl,nd their anfwer thereunto. Commtfsjon for 'uijitation ofthellniverfitie of S. Andrews. Letters f.om Mafier William Spang , Miniffer of the Scots Kirkat Camp heir ^Tvith atteflations of fome Dutch Kir^s , anent hinging of Penfi Us tn Kirks, (j^c. K^ ci for fummar excommunication ^^ Adam Abercrombie. Approbation of the depofition ofMafter John Forbes , With an ordi- nance for his fttbfcribin'f the Covenant. f^(lions frOfrt the Prcsbyterie of Hadtngton,rvith the Affemblies re- •jolution thereof^ anent Sir John Scaton, and his daughter. Approbation of the advice of the Commifsipners of the late A(fembfy at S. Andrews J for not printing two Aiis of the lafi Ajjernbty held at Aberdcnc. ^approbation of the Lord rjitaitland his faithfull dtfchargin^ the Commi[sion given to him by the late Afjcmbly at S. An- drews for repairing to the Kings Majejlie , and Parliament of Engr land,(^c. Committee appointed to meet with the Englifl) Commi (si oners. Power of Colleciorte to Mafier Robert Dalgleilh , of the anruiitieof 500.//^. (lerling., '^ranted by His Majellie to the Kirk. Approbation of the Lord Marquefje of Argyle his apprehending Ro- nald Macronald ?ric(i. Approbation of the Laird of Birtenboge , for apprehending John Robefon Priefl^ Pennn- JLAJV^N^iTV.* Remnciatiation of the unUwfull Band , conforme to the ordinance of the Afemblj at Edidburghj 1 641 . Recommendation anent the caf fives in Argiers, AffrobationofMafier Alexander Hendedon his faithfull and wife carriage in dif charging of the Commifsion given to him by the Commifsioners of the late Jffembly , for going to fits Maje- ftte.eb'C. Refort of the Committee af pointed to meet with the Englijh fommif- fioners. Re fort oft he Qommittee appointed for trying the Presbyterie of Auch- terardcr , The A(femblies approbation , admonition , and public^ rebuke of the fever all brethren of that Presbyterie refpedliv e ac cor ding to their behaviours. An Sufpenfton ofMafler John Grahame. With The ordinance for debarring the Miniflers who are Commifsioners of that Presbperie^from this A^embly. Recommendation to the Synod of Perth for reconciling the differences arnongfl the brethren of that Presbyterie. Tubltck rebuke ofCMajhr Henry Futhie. Recommendation of the defre of Sir John Crawfurd of Kilburnie Knight 5 to the Presbyterie ofDumbartan. K^nent Dolour Howies papers. Aci anent the deftre of the Letters fcnt from the Miniflcr of the Scot^ tijh Kirk at Campheir. Recommendation to him^ to urge the fubfcribing of the (Covenant. *Depofition of CM after Andro Logic. Erection of a Presbyterie at Siggar , With a fufpenfton of entrie thereunto. Reference of the matter betwixt the pariflioners of Closburne, ^c. and the Presbyterie ofPenpont^to the Synod of Drumfreis, Reference of the petition ofDunfcoir to the Commifs .Parl.for plantati- tation of Kirks. Recommendation anent the Kirk ofCarubie , to the Presbyterie of S, Andrews. Remitt. anent Tr aflat and Brungrey , to the Synod of Drum- freis. K^a anent Roger Lindefay of Maims his Excommunication , With a Recommendation to the Convention of Eftates concern- ing him. Recommendation to the Convention of Eftates, anent perfons excom- municate. Commifsion for vi ft at ion of Orkney^ Zetland^^c, Act anent the Kirk of Stracathro. Recommendation anent erecting a Kirk at Seatoun. Reference to the Commifsion to be appointed by this Affembly , for the fublick affairs of this Kirk^ for providing the Univerfitie of Aher- dene with a Profefjour of Divinity. Refe- Index. Reference to the [aid Commifs. for providing a Profejjour ofDivinitie to the Univerfitie of S. Andrews. •Committtee af pointed to conferrc with the Englijh fommifsiomrs t/pon the Papers prefcnted bj them to the i^jjewbly upon the 15.0/ Augujl . 'Committee to conferre alfo with the Committee of the (Convention of ,/, Eflatesthereanent. Ordinance that Majler Alexander Henderfon , CMaJler David QdXditv'WOod.^and (jAtafter David Dickfon , makefomc draught and forme of the publick Direct orie for JVor[hip. Act for proceeding with Ecclefiafiick cen{ures againjl the murtheren tf/William Creightoun. Commifsion appointed to fit at K^irfor the particulars concerning the parochiners ofStainiekirky^c. Tria/l of the Synod books. i^pprobationofthe Act ofthelafi Ajjembly , concerning the power granted to Sir Avchh&id John{)ioun Procurator of the Ktrk , and Clcrkjo the Ajfembly, Recommendation of the matter concerning a Collcgue to the LMini'sier ofDrumfrtiSy to the Commifsioners of Parliament for plantation of Kirks. Recommendation to the Synod &f Lowthian^ to try the proceedings of the Presbyterie of Peebles , ifiddmifsion ofLMaflcr John Hsiy to the Kirk.of Peebles, tiefrence efCMalhr John Mackinzie to the 'Commifsion of the Ce- nerallijy^jjembly. jfct for proceeding againjl the Presbjterie of Sky , for not keeping the Synod. Recommendation to ^e Lord Marqueffc Argy ICj^^j move the ruling El- ders in Argyle, to be more ohfrvant tf Presbyteries and Synods. Recommendation to the Lord Marquefje Argyle for planting Lo- cjuhaber. Ordinance for fupprcfsing of fub-fynods . Ordinance for deleting an Act dftije Synod i^ Murray. 'Reference ancnt the order Iff trinll of Synods , Presbyteries and Kirks, With a recommendation for ufing the orders fet down in the Ajjem- blies 1638. and i6o2. tn the mttnm. Commifsion for planting the Kirks of Edinburgh, Remitt. to the Presbyterie nfS^Andrtws^ ancntthe Kirhjf Largo. Recommendation ofCMafler James Fairlie , to the (^ommifsion of this Ajfembly. Recommendation anent the Bill given in by y/iWidim Janfon Printer in Amjlerdam. Reference anent Mafier Robert Fleiming l# the CoMwifsion appotmti, Report and approbation of the proceedings of the Commifsion of vifita- tionofthe Univtrfttic ofGlafgow, K ■« Com- Index. Com-mfsionof'uifaationofthatUnivcrfitie. Report of the Co'iimnttee anentthe difirejjed people in Ireland. Recommendation to the Commifsioners of the Genera/iJjfembly^to Jit at Edinburgh anent Exfeciants to go to Ireland, i^cis anent Jzmts Murray. Recommendation ^/Mafter Robert Brown. C ommifsion to the Presb-jterie of Edinburgh ^ for his admifsion to the Earle oflrmns Regiment. Report ofthe Committee anent the receiving and difpenfing of his re- ceipts of the annuitie office hundred pound Jler ling, (jrc And Ap - probation thereof. Report of the Committee appointed to confider the References from the Commifsion of the lateA(fembly . A5lfor Mafter Andrew Murray , CMinifier at Ebdie his exercifc of his calling of the Minijterie , and for rejecting honours, ^c. In- compa,tible with th(it calling. Recommendation Mafter William Bennet Minifler at i^Ancrum^ts ab (lain from civill courts and meetings, ^c. Recommendation to the Commifsioners of the tAjfemhlyfor trjallifany Excommunicate Papifls,be in the Scotijh Regiments in France, ^C^ Recommendation o^MaJler lames lohnftoun . Reference 10 , ^ o 1 6 ^, M' *^