=i=F I'lUyCKTON, N. J. I ^- ^W^ Section I No. Booh\ % 'he John 3U. Krebs Donation. BS15b£ 854 ^r0pljttir Stiifes. LECTUEES ON THE BOOK OF DANIEL. CUMMING'S WOEKS, UNIFORM EDITION. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON CUMMIKG'S APOCALYPTIC SKETCHES; Or, Lectures on the Book of Revelation. One vol. 12mo. Cloth. CUMMIITG'S APOCALYPTIC SKETCHES. Second Series. One vol. 12mo. Clotli. CUMMING'S LECTURES ON OUR LORD'S MIRACLES. One vol. 12mo. Clotli. CUMMING'S LECTURES ON THE PARABLES. One vol. 12mo. Cloth. CUMMING'S PROPHETIC STUDIES; Or, Lectures on the Book of Daniel. One vol. 12mo. Cloth. Price 75 cts. per volume, and sent by mail, free of postage, upon receipt of this amount by the publishers. The Rev. John Gumming, D.D., is now the great pulpit orator of London, as Edward Irving was some twenty years since. But very different is the Doctor to that strange, wonderfully eloquent, but erratic man. There could not by possibility be a greater contrast. The one all fire, enthusiasm, and semi-madness ; the other a man of chastened energy aind convincing calmness. The one like a meteor, flashing across a troubled sky, and then vanishing suddenly in the darkness; the other like a silver star, shining serenely, and illuminating our pathway with its steady ray. He is looked upon as the great champion of Protestantism in its purest form. His church is densely crowded by the most intellectual and thinking part of that crowded city, while his writings have reached a sale unequalled by those of any theological writer of the present day. His great work on the " Apocalypse," upon which his great reputation as a writer rests, having already reached its 15th edition in England, while his "Lectures on the Miracles," and those on "Daniel," have passed through six editions of 1000 copies each, and his "Lectures on the Parables" through four editions, all within a comparatively short time. ^rjjjj|etic StiiWes. LECTUEES THE BOOK OF DANIEL BY THE KEY. JOIIN CIBIMESTG, D.D. MINISXER OF THE SCOTCH NATIONAL CHUKCH, AUTHOR OP APOCALYPTIC SKETCHES, LECTURES ON THE MIRACLES, PARABLBS, ETC. ETC. " "We have also a more sure word of prophecy ; ■whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a lii;ht that shineth in a dark place, \intil the day dawn, and the day-star ari.-:e in your hearts." — 2 Pet. i. 19. PHILADELPHIA: LINDSAY A]^D BLAKISTOK 1854. PREFACE. In these Lectures on Daniel tlie Prophet, there will be found scarcely a single discovery or application of pro- phetic symbol which is not already familiar to all students of prophecy. They were not prepared for the learned: they are addressed to the multitude. I have paid some attention to the critical investigation of this ancient and instructive prophecy ; I have studied more or less closely the varied and interesting exegeses of many learned and laborious critics, and from these I have derived much information ; but in these pages I do not attempt to pre- sent an analysis of such labours, or to enunciate the com- ponent elements of the conclusions I have formed, and herein expressed. I find it takes all my strength, as well as all I have learned and read, to enable me to make my mean- ing plain. I am satisfied in these Studies to appeal to, and interest and instruct the masses. One may appreciate the honour of speaking to scholars, but feel still more the duty of addressing mankind. I rejoice at witnessing the loftiest forms so splendidly occupied as they now are. I pray they may be covered with yet greater and more illustrious 6 PREFACE. scholarsliip. I am content to stand below and, learning daily as I do from the master spirits above me, to spread far and wide what I Lave gathered, in the most intelligible and acceptable words, among the "thousands of Israel."* I have invariably tried to bring out not only thd doctrinal, but the practical and comforting truths which are more or less latent in the sublime and mysterious predictions and symbols of the future. I have not, I trust, forgotten indi- vidual responsibility and requirement in my endeavours to trace out the course of the Church, the fall of dynasties, and the revolutions of empires, as they are delineated on the prophetic chart, and by no means obscurely predicted by the spirit of prophecy. In this, as in every portion of the word of God, there are proclaimed grand saving truths. Amid the foliage of prophecy — amid the flowers of poetry — in the details of biography, and in the long annals of national or universal history, truths profitable or refreshing or sanctifying to the soul flash forth continually. God in Providence never omits to feed the minutest insect in his provision for the greatest and the most important of created intelligences. In his Word there is living bread for the soul of the humblest, as well as warning and instruction and reproof for kings and nations. In the pages of the Prophets, as truly, if not as fully as in the pages of the Evangelists, such truths "•■■•" Tho critical disquisitions of Hengstenberg, the eloquent and philosophical investigations of Birks — not to speak of Medc, Wintle, and the two Newtons — are truly valuable. Stuart, as usual on prophetic subjects, is not to be trusted. PREFACE. 7 as the following are written : " Sin has entered, and death by sin." The world was not made as we find it; it has undergone some dread and terrible disaster. Ask the phi- losopher to explain this, and he is dumb ! xisk nature her- self, through any of her oracles, and she, too, is dumb ! Her groans, that have not ceased since the creation, are the only replies to your question. But consult the Scrip- tures ; inquire at them. What is at fault ? Their reply is, Sin has entered, and death by sin. The earth was created holy and beautiful. God pronounced it good. Man's sin has unhinged it. Every flower was once fragrance ; every sound was once harmony ; every sight was beauty ; but sin has fallen upon the earth, like a drop of ink on the sensi- tive blotting-paper, encircling with its poisonous influence the widest sphere, until the whole earth is tainted — stricken, as it were, with paralysis, groaning in travail, waiting for redemption. The intellect is darkened by the exhalations arising from the swamps of sin. The truth is not seen in its beauty ; not because it is dimly enunciated, but because the eye of him who looks upon it has become dim. The conscience also has become depraved, diseased, polluted. What a change has passed upon that faculty which was once the echo of the voice of God — the bright daguerreotype reflection of his own holy image! It too labours, as if anxious to be emancipated — to regain its lost sovereignty, and govern once more the heart and the afi*ections of the soul. Not only is the conscience and heart of man diseased, 8 PREFACE. but out of that heart in which God once dwelt — once the holy chancel, as it were, of created being — proceed adul- tery, murders, thefts, and all uncleanness. The gold has become dim, the fine gold has changed, man is altogether degenerate ; and this change, this dread affliction, is not individual, peculiar, limited, but universal; there is no spot upon the earth it has not reached — no climate where it is not felt. It has entered the hut of the Indian, the cave of the Greenlander, the cabin of the semi-savage Irishman, the cottage of the peasant, and the palace of the king; its voice mingles with the debates of parlia- ment, congress, and divan. It colours all circumstances ; it is seen in the flames of hamlets, and heard in the roar of revolution ; it rides on the storm. 1848 was an inci- dental testimony of what sin is ; all history shows it has made Golgotha and Aceldama but too plainly the types of earth and humanity. Man has sinned, and therefore he suffers. The Bible also testifies of the curse brought upon us in consequence of sin. The instant man sinned, Jesus stood between the living and the dead — modified and stayed the full rush of the terrible curse which sin had brought on ; but the time does come, and the place will be, when that curse created by sin shall descend in all its pressure on some, and wither down to the very roots all happiness and peace, close every spring of joy, and open up, at every point of the circum- ference of their existence, streams of misery immense, ceaseless. PREFACE. 9 We have not only sinned and suffered, but we cannot help ourselves out of it. We are not only without holi- ness, but without strength; no man can recover himself. All the popes, bishops, prelates, or councils in Christen- dom can no more change the heart of man, than they can create a fixed star, or soar to the sun. I will believe they can do it, when they will stand upon the grave of another Lazarus, and say, Come forth; and when Lazarus, the dead, in obedience to such command, shall come forth, and take his place among the living. What is the history of the world without God but a history of successive efforts and successive failures to regenerate itself? What is Pan- theism, but man's vain effort to regenerate man ? What are Popery and Puseyism, but priestly and abortive efforts to regenerate man ? What is Christianity, but God's his- torical and never-failing success in the regeneration of man? It is wrong for infidels to quote Aristides, Socrates, Plato, Alfred, and subsequent names, and say these are types of humanity ; they are not so. They are the excep- tions to the general condition of man; they are as tall trees seen from the distance, which appear a beautiful forest in the horizon ; but when we approach nearer, we find here and there, beneath and around them, the pesti- lential swamp, the deadly upas-tree, all manner of vile and worthless things. This is one of those sights in which "distance" may be said to "lend enchantment to the view," covering, with an apparently beautiful exterior, as 10 PREFACE. seen from afar, the terrible corruption which lies and festers below. If we desire to see vfhat man is, let us shut our ears to the harp of the poet, and visit the Mohammedan wife, the Indian maid, the Hindoo widow ; let us leave the romantic picture of mankind, and explore the lanes and alleys of London ; let us inspect our prisons and penal settlements. Bridewell and Botany Bay. After w^e have gone the round of these places, let us go home and read the first chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, and see if there is one exaggerating touch ! That chapter is a terrible but true picture of the lower strata of humanity. What were the deities in heathen times? Jupiter was a monster, Mercury a, thief. Mars a sort of cannibal, who drank the blood of his victims. Such were the gods of the heathen ; and like gods, like people. But of man's corruption we have awful instances in modern times. Men baptized in the name of Christ, professing his religion, and under his pretended sanction, have set up Inquisitions for the mur- der of saints, for the plunder of widows, and then they have built cathedrals with the produce. This gospel, itself pure, precious, and indicative of its divine origin, has been perverted, and made the patron of the build- ings, under whose splendid towers are dungeons deep and dismal. So intense is man's depravity, that not only will he worship Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars, but he will take the very stones God had selected and shaped for a tem- ple to himself, and with these construct a temple vocal PREFACE. 11 with men's praise, and in which wickedness shall be con- secrated. The gospel tells us that Jesus, who knew no sin, was made sin for us : in these words is the very substance of our sermons ; without these they w^ould be but as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. '' God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him might not perish, but have everlasting life." Her/ave, not permitted^ and the great Redeemer left the admiration of angels for the execration of the mob ; he exchanged a diadem of glory for a wreath of thorns ; he left the robes of majesty and beauty for that vile rag that Pilate cast upon his shoulders. Why ? It was for us ! that souls ruined by the curse might be redeemed by his blood, and restored to that great home he is gone to prepare for us. The Bible is not a mere directory, nor the pulpit a mere teacher's desk. Christianity is not a rule, but a prescrip- tion; not merely a direction to the living and healthy, but a cure for the diseased, life for the dead ; and Calvary is not a composite of Sinai, but that spot on which God in human nature died; looking to whom, and leaning upon whom, I am the possessor of justifying righteousness. He who knew no sin, was made sin for me, that I might be made the righteousness of God in him. On him were laid the iniquities of us all ; we bear his righteousness, and therefore by him alone do we recover every lost blessing. He did nothing worthy of death, although he died ; and we shall have done nothing wor- 12 PREFACE. thy of life when we hear the glad words, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." When Jesus died, he had done nothing to deserve it ; when we are admitted to glory, it will be wholly with- out merit on our part. He was the spotless Lamb — we are the poor stray sheep, clothed in his spotless righteousness. There is another great truth to which the Bible bears testimony — the regeneration of the heart by the Holy Spirit. Regeneration is no more by baptism than justifi- cation is by works : justification is our title, sanctification is our qualification ; justification is our franchise, sancti- fication is our fitness. This justification is by Christ's work alone. This regeneration is the Holy Spirit's work alone. The precious catechism of that church to which I belong, and in which I have been schooled from my in- fancy, says justification is an act of God's grace, and sanctification is a work of God's Spirit; one is an act done once for all, completely, perfectly, and for ever — the other a work begun, carried on, until at length we are made fit for heaven, and are removed to glory. The Bible insists on all who have themselves felt the truth — not ministers alone, but all who have received the gospel — doing their utmost to make it known to those who yet remain in ignorance. Psalm Ixvii. : ''God be merciful unto us, and bless us." Why? "That thy way may be known upon earth, and thy saving health among all nations." A man who can pray thus, and then pass the plate at a missionary collection, contented, it may be, with PREFACE. 13 giving nothing, or, what is worse, a trifle, does not know what the gospel is, or what Christianity really means. True, God can promote the gospel without our instru- mentality ; but it concerns us to ascertain not what God can do, but what he does — God's omnipotence is not our rule of faith. We know of, and he tells us of no other means. The sunbeams do not write salvation on the sky ; angel voices do not chant it ; the temple of nature tells us there is a God, but it tells not our relation to him. "How shall they believe if they have not heard, and how shall they hear without a preacher?" Take the microscopic view of the city missionary, and inspect the lanes and alleys of wretchedness, sin, and demoralization at home ; and then with the telescope sweep the broad horizon of the world from mountain top to mountain top. Behold so many of the people of Europe lying in darkness ; look on Asia, once the cradle of Christianity, now the battle-field of the Moslem and the Jew; see Africa, steeped in bar- barism, bleeding, mangled, and imploring your interposi- tion. And when you have gazed on these heart-rending spectacles — spectacles that look to us so shadowy, because our inner vision is so dark — hear the Son of God : first from the cross, and next from the throne, saying, " Go teach all nations." When the gospel has been preached as a witness to all, then shall Messiah come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, and the end shall come — the end of our dis- putes, quarrels, pride, sectarianism, selfishness, vain-glory ; 2 14 PREFACE. ^ hAf^M^f^ the end of despotism on the part of the rulers, and of insub- ordination in the subjects; the end of the toils of slavery, and the sufferings of martyrdom ; the end of Popery, Pa- seyism. Paganism, and Mohammedanism, — the Missal, the Breviary, the Shaster, and the Koran. That great rain- bow of the covenant, that starts from the cross, vaults into the sky, and sweeps over the throne, shall complete its orbit, and rest again upon the ground, and Christ and Christianity shall be all and in all. Then shall the desert rejoice and blossom as the rose. Then the tree of life shall be where the cypress is. Then shall nations sing God's praise, and Sion recount God's marvels. Then shall history retrace with new joy God's footprints. Then shall the glory of Jesus sparkle in the dewdrop, and in the boundless sea; in the minutest atom, and in the greatest star; and this earth, restrung, retuned, shall be one grand ^olian harp, swept by the breath of the Holy Spirit, pouring forth those melodies which began on Calvary, and shall sound through all generations. CONTENTS. LECTURE I. PAGE Daniel the Prophet Dan. i 19 LECTURE IL Christian Steadfastness Dan.i. 8, 9 29 LECTURE in. Living to God in Little Things Dan. i.1-13 38 LECTURE IV. True Principle is true Expediency Dan.i.17-21 48 LECTURE V. Babylon, the Golden Head Dan. ii. 37, 38 55 LECTURE VL The Medo-Persian and Gr.eco-Macedonian Empires. .X^aji. ii.39 72 LECTURE VIL The Mystic Stone smiting the Image Dan. ii. 34,35,41-45 86 LECTURE VIIL The Kingdom op God Z)a«, ii. 31-44 100 15 16 CONTENTS. LECTURE IX. PAGE Early Martyrs X>an. iii. 16 117 LECTURE X Pride Abased Z>au. iv. 37 134 LECTURE XL The Sceptre of God Z)an.iv.26 151 LECTURE XIL Belshazzar's Feast Dan. v 166 LECTURE XIIL Weighed and Found Wanting Z)a«. v. 24, 25 179 LECTURE XIV. The Prime Minister Dan. \i.l-10 193 LECTURE XV. Daniel in the Den of Lions Dan.yi.16 206 LECTURE XVL The Papacy i?a)(. vii. 16-28 220 LECTURE XVII. The Coming Kingdom i)a». vii. 9, 14, 22, 26, 27 238 LECTURE XVIIL The Moslem Dan. viii 252 LECTURE XIX. Fasting Dan.ix. 3 269 CONTENTS. 17 LECTURE XX. PAGE Prayer Dan.ix.Z 283 LECTURE XXL Sis, Confession, and Absolution Dan.ix. 4 298 LECTURE XXIL Daniel's Litany Dan. ix. It) 312 LECTURE XXIIL Messiah's Death Ban.ix. 26 327' LECTURE XXIV. The Great Sacrifice Ban. ix.26 34:5 LECTURE XXV. The Mission of the Messiah JJan.ix.2i 362 LECTURE XXVL Sacred Arithmetic Dan. ix.2i 376 LECTURE XXVIL The Messiah the Prince Dan. ix.2a 395 LECTURE XXVIIL Jerusalem and the Jews Dan.ix. 26,27 408 APPENDIX 423 INDEX 459 2* PROPHETIC STUDIES; LECTURES ON DANIEL THE PROPHET. LECTURE L DANIEL THE PROPHET. I READ the first chapter of Daniel in the course of our morning- reading of the Scripture this day, and I then stated that I would turn your attention in the evening to some of those studies in this interesting and instructive book, which it is impossible to set forth in the course of a few cursory remarks upon the lessons which we usually read. I may premise that Sir Isaac Newton, Bishop Newton, the Duke of Manchester, Faber, Birks, and others — men of distin- guished erudition and thorough piety — have devoted some of the best of their time to the elucidation of this book, and all without exception have testified to its excellence, its instructiveness, its value as a clue to the knowledge of the things that are passing in the history of this dispensation, and of the principles on which God governs the world. Sir Isaac Newton, who explored the firmanent with unwearied wing, and made an apocalypse of the stars, felt that he was sounding a greater depth, and rising to a loftier height, when he sat down a patient student of this book to ascertain the mind, and make plain to less gifted souls the mean- ing of the Spirit of God. Bishop Newton, a divine of consum- mate piety, laborious research, and great talent, makes the following 19 20 PROPHETIC STUDIES. remark on this book : — " Wliat an amazing propliecy is that of Daniel ! comprehending so many events, and extending through so many successive ages, from the establishment of the Persian empire, upward of five hundred years before Christ, to the second general resurrection at the last day. What a proof of Divine Providence and of Divine Ptevelation ! — for who could thus declare the things that shall be, with their times and their seasons, but He only who hath them in his power — whose dominion is an ever- lasting dominion, and whose kingdom endureth from generation to generation 1" It is a remarkable feature in the prophecies of Daniel, that they deal much with figures. There is in them, if I may use the expression, less of poetry, more of chronology. There is no prophecy so definite ; no prophecy that so much lays itself open to disproof, if it be false, or to proof if it be, as we believe it to be, true. There is no prophecy which the Jew has felt greater difficulty in dealing with. For the modern Jcv/ sees so plainly, that if Daniel be inspired, and his chronology be of God, the Messiah must have come, and that it is in vain to look for another, that the more earnest Jew meets the difficulty boldly by denying that the book is divine altogether, on grounds and upon premises on which he may deny that there is any divinity in the Old Testament at all, from the Book of Genesis to the last verse of the prophet Malachi. There is scarcely a doubt that Daniel is the g-uthor of the book. It does not begin with an express assertion of the^ fact, but throughout the work the most casual reader can hardly fail to perceive many marks by which it is plain that Daniel himself was the writer. For instance, in chap. vii. 28, he says, "I, Daniel;" viii. 2, '^A vision appeared to me, Daniel.''' Ail which, and I might quote other similar expressions, clearly prove that Daniel is the writer of the book. But the next question that arises is this : Is there evidence that Daniel not only existed, but was the singularly favoured, ex- cellent, and beautiful character that he is here represented — not proclaimed to be by words, but shown to be by implication ? We think there is : for instance, in Ezek. xiv. 14, " Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God." DANIEL THE PROPHET. 21 We have another allusion, almost the same, contained in Ezek, xxviii. 3 : " Thou art wiser than Daniel ; there is no secret that they can hide from thee." And I may state that Ezekiel was contemporary with Daniel. Ezekiel was the old and experienced saint, when Daniel was the young and growing, but highly fa- voured Christian ; and the beautiful allusion made by the elder to the wisdom and the excellence of the younger, were it not inspired, would lead us at least to say. How free from envy and jealousy was the aged Ezekiel as he waned from the stage, in reference to Daniel, who was about to fill his jDlace, and was throwing him into the shade by his greater lustre and glory ! This book was received as authentic by the Jews prior to the time of our Saviour, and was never disputed by them. It is plain evidence that it existed in the Hebrew Bible — that it was trans- lated by the Alexandrian Jews, three hundred years before the birth of Christ, into Greek, and accordingly it exists in the Sep- tuagint translation at this day. I may also observe that the Book of Daniel, as also the Book of Ezra, is written partly in the Chaldee, a language differing from the Hebrew in its form and structure, but not much more than Italian or Spanish differs from Latin. Any one who under- stands Latin may easily master either of the two former languages ; and any one who understands Hebrew has the key that unlocks all the cognate Oriental languages. This language begins at chap. ii. 4, where the Chaldeans, who spoke Aramcian, or Chal- dee, say to the king in ''• Syriac,^' which is the same dialect, and which was spoken by our Lord and by the Jews of his day, '■'■ king, live for ever !" Josephus, the distinguished Jewish histo- rian, bears testimony to the authenticity of this book in the fol- lowing terms : "All these things did this man leave behind him, writing as God had showed them to him; so that those who read his prophecies, and see how they have been fulfilled, must be astonished at the honour conferred by God on Daniel." Antiq. x. 11. This is the testimony of a Jew who was bitterly hostile to Christianity; and Josephus, in his Antiquities, shows how each prediction of Daniel had been fulfilled with reference to all the four great monarchies except the last, which was existing in his own time. But why this exception ? Because Josephus was a 22 PROPHETIC STUDIES. servant of the Eoman emperor, and lie liad not the courage to proclaim that Daniel's prophecies regarding Rome had been as truly fulfilled as his prophecies relating to Babylon, or to the Persian or Median empire. In the next place, our Lord and his apostles expressly refer to Daniel. You are all acquainted with one allusion to him in Matt, xxiv. 15 : " When ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth let him understand.^') But it is perhaps no less interest- ing to observe the allusions scattered through the New Testament, which clearly point to expressions and prophecies contained in Daniel, though the prophet himself is not expressly named. Thus, for instance, in 1 Pet. i. 10, we read, " Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you.'' Now, on looking to Dan. ix. 3, and xii. 8, we find the passages to which St. Peter refers, in the former of which we read, '^ And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession, and said, Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him," &c. ; and in the latter we read, "^ I heard, but I understood not; then said I, my Lord, what shall be the end of these things V &c. Hecollect these passages ; and while you recollect them, let the light struck from the language of Peter fall upon them, '^ Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow." An- other very plain allusion to Daniel is contained in 2 Thess. ii. 3, where we have the delineation of the features of the Man of sin, which may well be compared with what Daniel tells us of the " little horn" that is to arise ^' doing great things ;" and you will see that Paul in this is but the echo of Daniel ; that Paul in short fills up the outline which Daniel had previously sketched. An- other passage to which I may refer, is 1 Cor. vi. 2, where the apostle Paul says, " Know ye not that the saints shall judge the world ?" Why did the apostle thus appeal to them ? because the prophet Daniel expressly declares that they will do so, when he tells us in chap. vii. 22, '' Until the Ancient of days came, and DANIEL THE PROPHET. 23 judgment was given to the saints of the Most High." "What a wonderful harmony is there running through the whole word of God ! You cannot touch, as it were, a note in Daniel, but all the apostles of the New Testament respond to it. You may have noticed sometimes in a building, in a church, or a hall, that if a certain note or tone be given by the speaker, the whole building will instantly vibrate in harmony or in unison. In the same way, you cannot touch a truth in Daniel, but tones of harmony will burst from the lips of Paul and from the writings of Peter ; the whole Bible, in grand harmony, revealing the mind, the will, and the glory of God. We find another allusion — the last I shall here refer to — in Heb. xi. 33, ''By faith .... they stopped the mouths of lions." This evidently refers to the wonderful deliverance of Daniel, , recorded in this book, when cast into the den of lions by order of King Darius; upon which we shall comment on a future Sabbath evening. " Quenched the violence of fire." To what can this relate but to the escape of the three youths, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were thrown into the fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, and had not even their garments singed by the flames ? These allusions, scattered through the whole New Testament, show us that our Lord himself, Peter, Paul, and, I might say, all the apostles, assumed the Book of Daniel to be an inspired reve- lation of the mind and will of the Holy Spirit of God. I have thus, then, I think, shown you enough from the re- mainder of the Bible to prove that this book is of the Bible. Some Christians among you, who long perhaps for better things, and sweeter things, and higher things, will be ready to say, " Why prove to us this of which we are already convinced ?" So you are ; but there are many young men in every congregation who are placed among nests of infidels, and who will be taunted, and jeered, and scofi'ed at, for assuming or asserting the truth, that the visions and the predictions of Daniel are inspired : I ask, then. Is it not useful, — is it not demanded by the exigencies of the age, — is it not scriptural, to endeavour to enable every man to give a reason for the faith that is in him ? I know you may be convinced in your hearts — and nothing is so convincing that 24 PROPHETIC STUDIES. the Bible is true as the constant waiting upon a minister who makes known the precious gospel : but you need, not only what will convince your own hearts that the Bible is from God, but you need that which will enable you to convince others also. It is most important to have money in your bank; but you will lose many an advantage by the want of a little change in your pocket. It is most important to have deep convictions in your soul ; but it is not less valuable, in this strange world, and amid its strange mixture of society, to have a little ready argument which you can employ, and therewith answer a fool according to his folly. Let me notice also another line of thought, which tends to convince us that Daniel wrote at the time that is here assumed, and was a living participator in the events which he records. For instance, it is stated in this very chapter, that the youths were fed from the royal table. This is received by the ordinary reader as a naked fact, but it is singularly corroborative of what we have been saying ; for it was a custom peculiar to the Chaldeans and the Persians, and common to no people besides ; and the quiet way in which it is here alluded to as a common and a well-known fact, is presumptive evidence that the record was made by an individual who himself lived at the period and among the nation with whom such a custom prevailed. The change of the names of his companions from Hebrew into Chaldee, is not merely a fact that accidentally occurred in this particular case, but was in accordance with a custom universally prevalent among the Chaldees. We have an allusion to some- thing of the same kind in 2 Kings xxiv. 17, where it is said that the king of Babylon changed the name of Eliakim into Jehoia- kim. This, again, shows that what is recorded in this book is in harmony with the age and the country in which it purports to have been penned. The method of reckoning years is evidently Babylonish. Thus, in chap. ii. he says, ^^ In the second year of King Nebuchad- nezzar;" whence it is plain that the writer of it wrote then, and in that kingdom. You will find at once, from the way in which any person writes or speaks of longitude, in what country he has lived; because each country reckons longitude from its own DANIEL THE PROPHET. 25 meridian. Our meridian is a line supposed to pass through Greenwich, and therefore an English writer would reckon longi- tude from this point ; while a Frenchman vrould speak of longi- tude as calculated from the meridian of Paris ; and a foreigner of some other country would reckon it from another and a dif- ferent first meridian. Thus, as the mode of reckoning longitude would show the country to which the writer belonged, so the allusion here contained to the mode of reckoning time, shows that the narrative comes from the pen of one who was well acquainted with the habits and customs of the people concerning whom he wrote. Another proof of this fact may be found in chap, ii. 5, where the king commands the houses of the wise men to be " made a dunghill." It would be difficult to understand this of houses built of stone or of our brick ; but we must remember that the houses of the Chaldeans were made of bricks of clay hardened in the sun, which might easily be dissolved by violent rains, and which would speedily, by the continued action of the rain and moisture, be reduced to a pulp, or soft mass. We have further evidence of Daniel's veracity and authenticity, in the modes in which capital punishment is recorded to have been inflicted. Casting into a heated furnace was a cruelty practised only by the Chaldeans ; while casting into a den of v/ild beasts was a pLinishment peculiar to the Modes and Persians. You will therefore observe, that when Daniel is speaking of the infliction of capital punishment under the Chaldean dynasty, he mentions the former method, namely, casting into a furnace ; and when speaking of its infliction under the Medo-Persian dynasty, he, without saying a word about the change, relates that it was to have been performed after their national manner, by casting into a den of lions : thus showing how perfectly he was acquainted with the manners and the customs of the age. Again, we read, that at the great festival of Belshazzar, females were present at the feast. We have the authority of Xenophon, the historian of Cyrus, for saying that it was a custom peculiar to Babylon, and unknown among any subsequent nations : here also we see how accurately and minutely all the prophet states 3 26 PllOrilETIC t^TUDlES. accords witli the actual peculiarities of the age and country in which he professes to write. The historian Xenophon, to whom I have already referred, further corroborates the prophet in his statement concerning Belshazzar, for he tells us that ^Hhe last king of Babylon was cruel, cowardly, and voluptuous, who despised the Deity, and spent his time in riot and debauchery /' which is precisely the character given by Daniel to Belshazzar. It is Xenophon's description of Cyaxares, who may plainly be proved to have been the same with Darius, that he was weak, cruel, and pliable, yet furious in his anger and tyrannical in his exercise of power. Compare with this the character of Darius as delineated by the author of this book — a king who allowed his nobles to make laws for him which were unalterable, and after- ward repented and endeavoured to retract them ; who casts Daniel into the den of lions for non-compliance with his orders, and then spends the whole night in lamentation and remorse at the conse- quence of his cruel severity — and you have here another sketch from the very same original. It is thus that you catch, sounding along the lapse of centuries, echoes of the grand original. It is thus that the more you become acquainted with all that man's learning can teach us, the more you will be convinced that what prophets and apostles wrote they wrote truly, and by the inspira- tion of the Holy Spirit of Grod. I have thus alluded to these little points, but points not insignificant, especially in these days when men are so anxious to find matter of reproach and accusation against the Word of God. But, in speaking to a Christian audience of the presumptive evi- dence that Daniel wrote this book, let me beg you to notice some of its grand distinctive features. Throughout the whole of this book the great object of it seems to be to depress all that is human, to let loose and unfold the glory of all that is divine. I always regard it as the evidence of a good sermon, that it tends to place the creature in the dust, and to exalt God upon his throne ; and I lay it down as evidence that a book is in keeping with the grand and j)ervading tone of the whole gospel, that it humbles man, and exalts the Creator and the Redeemer of man. liead the whole of Daniel with this idea before you, and you will DANIEL THE PROPHET. 27 see at once that it represents kingdoms and their monarchs, their statesmen, their councils, their armies, their great men, their magnificence and their glory, as the dust only in the balance 3 it represents God as alone great — as casting down one and setting up another — as the monarch of an everlasting kingdom — as ^'the Ancient of Days" — as 'Uhe Living God" — the Giver of wisdom — the Ruler of the present, the Eevealer of the future. Throughout the hook you have these two grand ideas developed : — man, how poor ! how frail ! how short-lived ! how guilty ! God, how wise I how omnipotent I how sovereign ! how good ! how glorious ! Again, not the least triumphant evidence of the inspiration of the Book of Daniel, is its plain and obvious fulfilment. Part of it is fulfilled prophecy; part of it, by its own statements, and from its own internal allusions, is plainly unfulfilled prophecy. The portion of it which Daniel stated would be fulfilled within a given period, has been completely fulfilled, to the very letter; and that which remains to be fulfilled, we have the clearest evidence, from the past and the present, will be fulfilled with equal certainty and equal precision. The vision which Daniel saw by the banks of the Ulai and the Hiddekel, the two great rivers of the land of Shinar, has been partly fulfilled ) partly enlarged in the Apoca- lypse, is now in course of fulfilment, and by-and-by will be completely and perfectly accomplished. Porphyry, the earliest and the highly celebrated skeptic, from whom "and Julian the succession of skeptics traces itself,- saw so plainly the fuliilment of part of the prophecies of Daniel, that he declared the book to have been composed by one who lived in the days of Autiochus Epiphanes. He saw so plainly that what Daniel predicted had been fulfilled to the very letter, that he denied it was written nearly 600 years before Christ, and main- tained that it was written within 200 years of that event. But the answer to this is to be found in the fact, that the Greek translation from the Hebrew, called the Septuagint, was made and scattered throughout the world 100 years before Autiochus Epiphanes was born, and therefore that the objection of Porphyry is alike untenable, unhistorical, and absurd. It has also been objected to this book, that there are in it so 28 PROrilETIC STUDIES. many miracles and special manifestations of God that they seem unnecessary, and, as it were, supererogatory, and that it is not consistent with what we otherwise know of God, that he should thus so frecjuently and upon so many occasions miraculously manifest himself. But we must consider that at this period the Jews were in captivity — their temple was destroyed — their sacred rites, their sacrifices, and their ceremonies had ceased — their priests and their Levites were gone. Now, would it not seem perfectly natural, when all the outward signs of their religion were thus removed, that God should manifest more of himself to them, in order to keep up the light of religion in the absence of its out- ward and visible ordinances ? Does it not seem but natural that when the outer glory was shaded, the inner glory should be made to shine the more brilliantly ? Does it not seem but reasonable that when, in the land of their captivity, they lacked those sacred symbols by which they were wont to approach God, He who is not confined to temples made with hands should visit them in the time of their distress, and cheer them by special and glorious manifestations of himself? This has been the way of God in every age; and therefore the absence, not the presence, of such divine manifestations, would be a presumption against the claims of this book. There is no doubt of its inspiration. Let us therefore study it ; and in these studies we shall gather, not only glimpses of the blessed future, but directions for our guidance along the troubled present. 29 LECTURE 11. CHRISTIAN STEADFASTNESS. ''But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defilo himself ^yith the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank : therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs." — Daniel i. 8, 9. Having said so mucli by way of preface to my exposition of this book, let me endeavour briefly to look at the particular verse I have selected for remark, which is really a very important one. " Then Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat.'' Daniel, as far as we can gather, was very young when he was carried away a captive into Babylon. He is called " a child/' and we speak of the three children; but, as I told you on a former occasion, the word rendered '^ child," means ^^ a stripling," '^ a young man ;" the presumption therefore is that Daniel at this time was about fifteen or sixteen years of age ; and at the end of three years, when after living on pulse and water he appeared much faii-er and fatter in flesh than those of his countrymen who consented to become partakers of the royal bounty, he was probably about twenty years of age. But it may be asked, what was it that made Daniel so firmly refuse to eat of the king's meat or drink of the king's wine, when there was so great a temptation to do so ? It could not be that he thought it sinful to drink wine, or improper to dine with the king of the country. I have no doubt he knew just as well as others that wine was more agreeable to his taste than water, and that to dine at the royal table would bo a great honour ; but the reason of his refusal was evidently this : the king of Babylon, like all heathens, was in the habit of what we would call " asking a blessing" before his meals, or, as it is 30 PROPHETIC STUDIES. more popularly termed, " saying grace ;" in doing wliicli lie took a portion of his food and dedicated it to the god whom he Y/orshipped, and also a portion of the wine he was about to drink, and poured out a libation to his idol before tasting it himself; and thus, as it were, consecrated, according to his idea, the whole to the heathen god. Daniel now felt that he could not conscien- tiously partake of it, because it would have been, as I shall hereafter show, implicating himself with heathenism, and acting unfaithfully to his country, his religion, and his God ; and he was prepared to run all hazards rather than even appear to do so. What was it, then, that made Daniel thus resolute and firm ? It was this : Daniel had received an early religious education ; he was not brought up at a school where he learned the world and nothing more, or mere secular education to the exclusion of re- ligion, just as if that were possible. He was not educated at a school where he was taught what the French schoolmasters are now teaching — pantheism and socialism ; but he was brought up at the home of his father, where he acquired the knowledge of the God of Abraham, and that savingly and with profit. Early education was to Daniel, under God, the means of his preservation. The deep engraving of truth upon the heart of the young is never altogether effaced. Those impressions of divine truth that are made on our hearts in youth often emerge in after years with all the freshness and the beauty of j^esterday. Silenced they may be ; extinguished they rarely are : overshadowed they may be ; but obliterated they cannot be. I know, when I learned that scriptural but extremely abstruse work — perhaps more so than need be — "The Shorter Catechism,'' I did not understand it; in those days education was not so well comprehended, and it v/as not thought so necessary to explain to the understanding what was to be stored in the memory, as it is now ; but my memory was stored with the truths of that precious document ; and when I grew up I found those truths which had been laid aside in its cells as propositions which I could neither understand nor make use of, become illuminated by the sunshine of after years, and, like some hidden and mysterious writing, reveal in all their beauty and their fulness those precious truths which I had neither seen nor comprehended before, and which have been so long and are CHRISTIAN STEADFASTNESS. 31 now preached in the cliurch of my fathers, and no less so, I trust, in every section of the evangelical church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The words spoken by parents to their children in the privacy of home, or by teachers to their pupils in the more busy scene of the schoolroom, are like words spoken in a whispering- gallery, and will be clearly heard at the distance of years, and along the corridors of ages that are yet to come. Teach your children early truths, even if they cannot comprehend them, and those truths, impressed upon their minds when young, will prove like the lode-star to the mariner upon a dark and stormy sea, associated with a mother's love, with a father's example, with the roof-tree beneath which they lived and loved, and will prove mighty in after life to mould the man and enable him to adorn and improve the age in which he is placed. The heart of a child is ductile ; it is a soft soil, into which we may cast seed which shall either produce poisonous weeds, or spring up and expand into fruit-bearing trees, lleverence the child — that little white pinafore in the infant-school ought to be looked upon at least as reverently as the black apron of the most learned bishop or arch- bishop that ever lived. It has an importance that you cannot over-estimate ; that child may play a part that shall be terrible as that of a Napoleon — the scourge of nations 3 or beautiful as that of Daniel — the faithful amid the faithless many, " Train up a child in the way he sliould go," — mark the words, not '' in the way he would go," that is -the French system of education; but " in the way he should go — and when he is old he will not depart from it. Let me notice another feature in the prophet. Daniel was of noble, if not of royal birth. He was of the royal tribe of Judah ; and this shows us that while '^not many mighty, not many noble are called," there are some even of the highest rank who have adorned by their practice the faith which they professed. Isaiah and Daniel were of the royal tribe ; David was a shepherd-boy ; Amos was a herdsman ; Zechariah, a captive from Babylon ; Elisha, a ploughman ; so that we have among the Old Testament prophets, the prince and the peasant, the noble and the commoner, all equally inspired by the Spirit of God, and proclaiming with equal distinctness the truths of the everlasting gospel. I know 32 PROPHETIC STUDIES. that the minister of the gospel should look upon the conversion of a single soul as transcending and eclipsing every thing ; but under the present constitution of society — whether that constitu- tion be good or bad, it is not for me here to discuss — rank and wealth and power have a mighty influence, and we ought specially to thank God when families occupying the highest place in the land are found, as they are found, more and more every day, allying themselves to that which gives splendour to the most ancient coronet, and grandeur to the mightiest and most illustrious crown. Daniel then was of the royal tribe, and probably of the royal family, a man of rank and dignity, and he enlisted all his power and all his influence in the service of his country, his religion, and his God. In the third place, Daniel and his throe friends were evidently scholars; they were men of learning and talent. Daniel was skilled in all the secular as well as the religious knowledge of his country ; and when we contend for sacred education, you must not suppose that we mean to imply that secular and scientific knowledge is useless to you, or in any way to disparage the pur- suit of it. Only read the subsequent part of this chapter, and you will find that Daniel was skilled in all the learning of the times, and it proved of eminent advantage to him and his coun- trymen. For aught we know, those Babylonians, gazing upon the starry firmament in that splendid atmosphere, and in that glorious climate upon the plains of Shinar, may have had a know- ledge of astronomy which might make even Newton look less if we only knew all that the Chaldeans knew. Daniel, however, was a Hebrew, and was taught in the Hebrew school — science associated with religion. And such knowledge proved of use to him, for it was a great means of his exaltation to power. At the present day the possession of sound secular knowledge, in India, for instance, is of very great importance. I need not tell you that among the Hindoos in India we have 100,000,000 of fellow-subjects ; with them science is always most intimately con- nected with religion, so much so that it is one of the principles of their creed that all knowledge is equally inspired. They be- lieve their chemistry, their astronomy, their geology, to be as much inspired as any principle in their religion. If, then, you CrilUSTlAN STEADFASTNESS. S3 can prove to a Hindoo that any part of liis science is wrong, you have not only made him a better philosopher, hut you have taken out a stone from the very arch of which his whole system of be- lief is composed. When the Church of Scotland sent out her missionaries, she made the experiment ; but when they tried to teach the Hindoos science as well as religion, some people said, " What, are missionaries going out from a Christian church to teach astronomy T' and certainly the objection seemed plausible enough : but the result has proved how complete was the popular misapprehension. To give an instance of the advantages arising from the course we adopted, I may state, that the Hindoos believe that the earth is not a round globe, but an extended plain ; and that when an eclipse takes place, it is some great animal whose shadow produces this effect upon the moon, and that it betokens some disaster : but when one of our missionaries proved to a Brahmin what is the true figure of our globe, and demons^trated to him that an eclipse would take place on a certain day, and at a certain hour, and would be visible at a certain place, he had proved to the Brahmin that what he believed to be an inspired dogma was a gross scientific blunder; and by so doing he not only made the Brahmin a better philosopher, which was not worth doing, but he succeeded in shaking his faith in his whole system of religious belief, and thus led him to infer that if one article in his creed were false, might not all its articles be false together ? This shows us the great importance of teaching scientific know- ledge. Now, Daniel was acquainted with all branches of know- ledge, and it was of great use to him, as it ever will be in the hand and under the control of religion. So connected it becomes a Levite in the temple of God, a handmaid of the bride. It acts as a pioneer of the gospel till the spoils that are taken from Egypt shall beautify the temple of Salem, and all nature bring its trophies to adorn the Redeemer's triumph. It is evident, in the next place, that though the king of Baby- lon liked Daniel the scholar, he did not much like Daniel the Christian. He wished Daniel and his friends to be taught all the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans ; and he wished him at the same time to be taught to serve the gods and sympathize with the religion of the Chaldeans. The king liked Daniel's scholar- 84 PROPHETIC STUDIES. ship, but not his religion. lie would gladly avail liiinfcelf of Daniel's science ; but he would have liked it separate and dis- tinct from Daniel's religion. So it is with the world still ; men admire an eloquent sermon^ if there be not much gospel in it — they are pleased with an argumentative discourse, if it does not touch some tender part of their consciences. There are many who would be delighted with Christianity if they could only get rid of that continual appeal to their conscience which runs through the Bible. They have the greatest respect for the decencies of Christianity, and would even tolerate real Christianity, provided it does not become too earnest — too urgent for supremacy and mastery in the human heart. But the king of Babylon not only wished to unteach Daniel his Christianity; but, in order to detach him still more completely from his Hebrew associations, he changed his name. He had the more reason for doing so in this case, because the names of each of the three children had ^^ God'' in it, and thus served to remind them of the religion they professed. But every name which the Chaldee monarch gave them was either merely civil and social, or contained an allusion actually idolatrous. " Daniel,'^ for instance, signifies ^^ God my Judge ;" '^ Hananiah,'' the oii- ginal of the Latin "John,'' means "Grace of Jehovah;" "Mi- shael," "Asked of God;" "Azariah," "The Lord is my Keeper." These names were to the exiled youths, witnesses for God, and mementos of the faith of their fathers. The king of Babjdon, therefore, called Daniel " Belteshazzar," which means, "The treasurer of the god Bel;" Hananiah he called " Shadrach," "The messenger of the king;" and Mishael he called "Meshach," a name denoting, "The devotee of the goddess Shesach;" and Azariah had his name changed into- " Abed-nego," which signifies "The servant of Nego," one of the gods of Babylon. Thus Nebuchadnezzar heathenized their names, in hopes that he might thereby be the better able to heathenize their hearts. There is much in a name. A great poet has said — " What's in a name ? tliat ■\vliich we call a rose By any other name Tfould smell as sweet." Abstractedly and logically, he is correct ; but practically we find CHRISTIAN STEADFASTNESS. 35 that there is a great deal in a name. So thought the king of Babylon; and when he changed the names of the young Hebrew captives, he imagined that he had made a grand step toward changing their creed and their character. But in this he was mistaken : the alteration of names did not alter the conduct of those that bore them. The Hebrew youths made no resistance, but quietly took the names assigned them, just as Christians have ever taken patiently the reproaches of the world, and borne them joyfully; but, even in this new nomenclature, they heard the un- dertone or echo of those dear and holy names which their fathers had given them ; and they felt that though a tyrant might change their names, no tyrant can change a Christian's conviction or a Christian's heart. Neither the sheepskins nor the goatskins of the martyrs made them less lovely before God ; the beauty of the king's daughter is not a beauty that man can make or mar; her beauty is within, it is a moral — a hidden, and so a lasting beauty. The king of Babylon, we read, yet further to identify these four Hebrew youths with himself and his religion, sent them food from the royal table. Yv'e know that this was a mark of great generosity. It was, as it were, saying to these Hebrew youths, If you will become priests of our temple, we will give you an endowment from the state. I do not say here whether endow- ment is right or wrong. Truth can do without it, and may law- fully take it; but truth is not to be promoted by the sword, neither is error to be maintained by the treasury. This sending them meat from the royal table was a mark of esteem — a degree of preferment ; and as such it should be received with gratitude ; but it was refused in this case because it involved the sacrifice of principle. Every Jew was forbidden by the law to eat any but animals of certain classes which v/ere called clean. Herein lay one objection to the Hebrew youths accepting the proiFered honour of eating from the royal table. But whether our meat be from the table of the monarch or elsewhere, it must not lead us to abandon one jot of what we believe to be true, or to adopt the least item of what we believe to be unscriptural and untrue. The object of the king, as I have explained to you, was partly to engage their sympathies with heathenism, and partly to identify 36 PROPHETIC STUDIES. them more with the idol gods whom he worshipped. But another ODJection on the part of Daniel and his friends arose from the fact, to which I have before alluded, that it was customary with the Chaldeans, as with other heathen nations, always to com- mence their meals by the dedication of their food to tlie idols whom they adored. Speaking of this subject, the apostle tells us, 1 Cor. X. 27, 28, '^If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go ; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience' sake : but if any man say unto you, This is oifered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that showed it, and for conscience' sake." This was just the case of the Hebrew youths; and in settling this question they argued thus: '^ Shall I," said Daniel, "ask my conscience, or shall I ask my appetite ? shall I cease to live as an Israelite, or shall I cease to live as the protege of my royal master ? shall I give up the dignity reflected from the throne, or shall I give up the honour that cometh from Grod only ?" Had Daniel been one of those modern easy, accommodating Christians, who when they go to Rome say, "• We must do as Eome does," and when they go to Constantinople, "We must do as Constantinople does," he would have acted very differently. But he felt that truth has no latitude ; the living religion of the living God knows no lon- gitude. It is to be the same in London as in Paris; it is to have supremacy in all countries and in all climes; whether in Constantinople, or in Rome, or in England, we must be the wor- shippers of the living God, by Christ the living way, and through the teaching of the Holy Spirit, the comforter of all that believe. My dear friends, make the world bow to your religion ; never let your religion bow to the world. Let the world fail, and let give way who will, the earnest Christian and the honest man never ■ will give way. Do not try to be rude ; that is not necessary. Do not offensively obtrude what you believe upon others; but when it is demanded — when you are called upon to sacrifice your principles and to deny your Lord, remember that there can be little hesitation when the question is whether you are to obej^ God, or to obey man. Daniel so acted, and Daniel was blessed in doing so. Be ye followers of Daniel, and of all " those who through faith CHRISTIAN STEADFASTNESS. 37 and patience inherited the promises." Study Daniel, and copy him, as far as he copied Christ. We admire this star, because it shines in the light of Christ the original. " Faithful found Among tho faithless; faithful only ho, Among innumerable false ; unmoved, Unshaken, unseduced, unterrified. His loyalty he kept, his love and zeal. Nor number nor example with him wrought To swerve from truth, or change his constant mind. Though single." LECTURE III. LIVING TO GOD IN LITTLE THINGS. In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judali came Nebuchad- nezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God : which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god ; and he brought the vessels into the treasure-house of his god. And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes ; chil- dren in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had abi- lity in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans. And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank : so nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king. Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Haua- niah, Mishael, and Azariah : unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar ; and to Hanna- niah, of Shadrach ; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abed- nego. But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank : therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs. And the prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed your meat and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse liking than the children which are of your sort? then shall ye make me endanger my head to the king. Then said Daniel to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Ilananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days ; and let them give u^ pulse to eat, and water to drink. Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that cat of the portion of the king's meat : and as thou seest, deal with thy servants." — Daniel i. 1-13. In my introductory discourse upon this truly interesting book, I have endeavoured first of all to show you that the assumption that the book was written at the epoch at which it is said to have been written, viz. about six hundred years before the birth of LIVING TO GOD IN LITTLE TIHNGS. 39 Christj can be proved to be fact by internal as well as collateral evidence. I quoted various passages from the book itself in proof of this fact, for most of which I am indebted to Hengstenberg, the celebrated German vindicator of the Book of Daniel and of the Pentateuch; and I showed from several circumstances that the book must have been penned at the time, in the country, and under the circumstances in which it professes to have been written. I then referred to the circumstances in which the four captive Hebrew youths were placed. They had been brought up in the knowledge of the true God, and in the eujoyment of all the reli- gious privileges of Jerusalem ; and now, in the land of their cap- tivity, and among their heathen conquerors, the principles they had imbibed in their youth were put to the severest test. I endeavoured from these facts to draw the inference, that a Christian education is one of the greatest blessings you can bestow on those that are around you. The infant generation of to-day are the adult generation of to-morrow; and very much what we now make them, that they will be. As Christian men we must feel it hard and painful to see the child — the all but child — brought up at the police court, and sent to the treadmill, or banished to Botany Bay, when we recollect that it is those who read the intelligence who are to be blamed for leaving that child without the means of Christian and scriptural instruction ; and it may be that much of the blood of those that thus perish in their sins may lie at our door. At all events, no Christian con- gregation is warranted in being without a Christian school ; and the larger and the more influential the congregation, the larger and the better supported ought the school to be. Depend upon it, that the first lesson a son receives from a mother is the last lesson that a son recollects upon earth ; and though the earliest truths that we are taught at school may be silenced for a season, or overborne by the din and the roar of the wheels and the ma- chinery of mammon, yet the hour will come when that earl}' lesson, as if touched by some living influence, will instantly revive in all its beauty and its freshness ; and, as in the case of John Newton, when tossed upon the tempestuous deep, conscience will reason of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come. So 40 rROniETlC STUDIES. it was in the case of Daniel ; the lessons he had learned in his childhood were the lessons that guided him, comforted him, strengthened him, when a captive in the midst of Babylon. I noticed another feature; namely, that Nebuchadnezzar the king, seeing these youths well instructed, evidently well educated, and one of them, there is reason to believe, of royal lineage, was j anxious to make them adopt his religion. He did not try on this occasion the great blunder that is sometimes perpetrated, of driving them into his religion, or persecuting and punishing them — as if the punishment of the body could, in any case, promote the con- viction of the soul. He tried a far more artful plan. First of all, he changed their names ; for he knew that so long as they were called by their Hebrew names, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, so long there would be in their names mementos of early lessons and early associations. He therefore determined upon the expedient — and it was a most clever though in this case, by the grace of Grod, an unsuccessful one — of changing the names of the Hebrew youths ; hoping that, as they forgot their names, they would forget the creed with which they were asso- ciated. As I told you, every one of these three names denotes something in connection with God, and thereby served to remind them of the religion of their fathers. He therefore called Daniel, Belteshazzar; Hananiah, Shadrach; Mishael, Meshach; and Aza- riah, Abed-nego : which were all names containing some allusion to his heathen idols. A Christian name is a very beautiful thing; and we should always prefer to give our children names that in themselves are eloquent with whatever things are pure and beau- tiful and just, or which are by their associations connected with the good and great who have preceded us to glory. And we can- not but sometimes lament, when we are called upon to baptize a child by some name that reminds us of the gods of Greece or Rome, or the idols of the heathen, and not of those sainted names that have passed before us into immortalit}^ After this plan had been adopted by Nebuchadnezzar he fol- lowed it up by another. He thought that these Hebrew youths, having had their names thus changed, might, by Chaldean food, be made much more easily the subjects of Chaldean instruction. He, therefore, did not allow them to be fed on the ordinary food LIVING TO GOD IN LITTLE THINGS. 41 of captives, but lie ordered that they should receive their meat from the king's table. Daniel immediately refused it — some would say, on very paltry grounds. Those very liberal Chris- tians, but whom I venture to call very latitudinarian Christians ; for it is very possible to be liberal and yet not to be latitudina- rian ; liberal all Christianity bids us be — latitudinarian not one verse of it authorizes us to be ; we cannot be too liberal in con- ceding to a brother the largest husk of prejudice ; we cannot be too strict in refusing to compromise the least living seed of vital and essential truth; — now, some of these 'liberal," or rather, as I said, latitudinarian Christians, would have said that when Daniel refused the king's meat, and preferred pulse and water, he was a very scrupulous Jew ; others would have said, perhaps he thought that drinking wine was in itself sinful, and that water alone was lawful ; others would say, he need not have been so very strict in Babylon as he was in Jerusalem ; that in Rome men should do as Rome does ; in Constantinople men should do as Constantinople does ; and in London men should do as London does. How can any one seriously say so ? Is duty a thing of latitude and longi- tude ? Does that which is a duty here become the reverse there ? If I read my Bible right — if I interpret the first lessons of con- science right, duty is like its God, the same everywhere; and what is a duty, and loyalty, and allegiance to Him, is the same whether amid polar snows or in the torrid zone ; in Rome, where the superstitious hierarch reigns ; or in Constantinople, where the fallen star and the crescent are. Daniel felt it so, and he there- fore refused the royal bounty. But you ask, was there a valid ground for refusing it ? I answer there was ; and I thus explain the reason of it. Among the heathens, before commencing a meal, the meat was first offered or dedicated to the Lares or house- hold gods, and a portion of the wine was poured out as a libation to the idols whom they adored. What we call '' saying grace,'' or, to use a much more Christian phrase, " asking a blessing," was among them performed by offering a portion of the meat and a portion of the wine to the presiding divinities of their houses. The apostle Paul, in his Epistle to the Corinthians, reasons thus upon the subject: "It is nothing to you, of course, that he has done so; but if he means to entrap you into an expression of sympathy with 42 PROPHETIC STUDIES. his idolatry, by eating of his food thus dedicated to an idol, then ' you must abstain from it." Daniel acted on this principle ; and he preferred the pulse and water, the least nutritious of the elements of nature, to the daintier cheer of the royal table ; because he would rather have had, what I trust you would rather have, the smiles of your God from heaven, than the patronage of the mightiest king that ever swayed a sceptre upon the earth. Time would not permit me, in my last lecture, to draw all the practical lessons from this fact which I had intended to do. I will, therefore, turn your attention to them now. Daniel's refusal seemed, at first sight, somewhat uncalled for. Refusing the meat from the royal table, and the wine from the royal cellar, seemed, I say, frivolous to the worldling, but it involved a great principle. His refusal seemed small to the eye, but it was the turning point ..,of his Christianity. To have acted otherwise would have been no concession of a prejudice — it would have been no mere giving way in matters of detail ) it would have been surrender of principle — compromise of truth — apostasy from his religion j and Daniel felt that it was a light thing to be judged of man, for He that judged him was Grod. And have not we something to learn from Daniel's conduct ? He was placed under a darker dispensation, when the belief of Christ spoke good things, but spoke them faintly ; while we are placed in a brighter dispensation, where, as I showed you in a morning discourse, the belief of Christ speaks better things, and speaks them eloquently and distinctly. Are there not some among us, against whom these Hebrew captives will rise up in judgment in this matter? Are there any here who would sacri- Ifice their conscience, with its awful rec|uirements, to their tempo- I rary and worldly convenience ? who would stifle the convictions ; that are deepest in order to gain some temporary and evanescent advantage — who would give iip an article in their creed rather (than miss a good place, or lose a valuable living ? Are there any here who would risk the condemnation of their God rather than incur the sneer of man, or lose the king's meat when that meat is the most rich, or the king's wine when it is red in the cup ? If such there be, Daniel even now ris^s from his grave, and will rise at the resurrection morn and bear witness against them, for seek- ing their temporal advantage — though in so doing I shall show LIVING TO GOD IN LITTLE THLXGS. 43 that they kave missed it — and forgetting and neglecting their eter- nal and inexhaustible obligations to God. If this be so, listen to \ this the first great lesson that I draw from the passage before us. The Lord said, " He that is faithful in a little is faithful also : in much ; and he that is unjust in a little is unjust also in much."^ There is more force, more point, more application to our- selves in this sentence, than we are sometimes disposed to admit. Many Christians are like Naaman the Syrian, ever trying to do some great thing, and thinking that if a great crisis were to come, they would have their nerves prepared to meet it, and in God's ; strength they would be able to triumph. Many Christians tell us that they cannot find a place large enough for the discharge of l their duties ; to them religion becomes a sort of romance ; and in- \ stead of quietly laying one brick upon the earth, they are con- stantly building a thousand castles in the air — instead of discharg- ing the plain every-day duty, and showing their faithfulness and love in it, they pass life in looking for some grand occasion for the display of their Christian virtues — thinking that though they can- not live as Christians should live, if the crisis were to come they would die as martyrs have died. You are mistaken. If you can- not be faithful in the least, you cannot be faithful in much. I believe it to be a very important thought, that there are no little things in morals, though there may be little things in matter. Have not you yourselves found that many a great crisis which has absorbed your whole soul for years, has left yet upon it no deep impression that survives at the present moment ? And I appeal to some other man's experience; has not sometimes a random con- versation in a railway carriage — an accidental interview with a friend in the place of business — the turning of your foot into a place of worship that was near, because it rained, instead of going to your usual place of worship at a greater distance — have not lit- tle things such as these, and such as we call so, become the turn- ing points in your character ; so that, humanly speaking, if some such apparently small event had not taken place, the whole after conduct of your life would have been changed ? Thus we learn that events which seem to us frivolous and unimportant, may become the Thermopylae of a Christian's conflict, the Marathon of a nation's being J the turning point of everlasting life or everlasting death. ^- 44 PROPHETIC STUDIES. Let me notice in the next place, in order to vindicate and en- force faithfulness in what are called little things — for it was Da- niel's faithfulness in things such as these, which gave tone and complexion to his whole after life — that in the providence and the creation of God, you will find that God as Creator, or God as Provider, expends as much care, wisdom, time, if I may use the expression, certainly attention, on the very least things as he does on the very greatest. If you examine the petal of a rose you T/ill find it as exquisitely and as delicately tinted and touched by the pencil of God as the largest star that shines and stands like a sentinel before the throne of God. If you take the mightiest orb that the telescope brings within your horizon, you will find that it is not finished with greater care than the smallest molecule of matter that the microscope reveals to your view. In all God's works you will see infinite detail, exquisite elaboration of the minutest and the most microscopic things, patient labour, process, attention; and if we would be like God, let us take care to be faithful in the very least duty as well as in the largest sacrifice that he requires of us. In the next place, if you will notice that sublime life — which is sublimer than providence, more stupendous than creation — the life of the Son of God upon earth, you will notice v/hat has often* been overlooked, that, according to the same great analogy, Jesus paid attention to little things in his life, as great, as marked, as striking, as to the greatest acts that he did. And I have felt it in my own mind, as well as noticed it in others, that when we quote the character of Jesus, and are trying to show how grand it was, we point to him stretching out his hand, laying it upon the crested waves of the unruly ocean, and making it lie down and be still; we quote him turning water into wine, opening the closed eye, and unstopping the deaf ear. And we say how great was He ! But I doubt whether these are the highest proofs of the greatness of the Son of God. You find, at all events, that while he could thus display his mighty power in these great things, he yet descended to what you would call very minute things. I watch him, and I find him one moment speaking in beautiful but truth-breathing tones to Martha, exhorting her not to be over anxious about the affiiirs of her household. I find him again sitting down weary LIVING TO GOD IN LITTLE THINGS. 45 and wayworn at tlie well of Samaria^ and expending upon one poor woman more of eloquent, and earnest, and impressive reason- ing than lie ever expended npon kings, and counsellors, and high-priests. And just after he had wrought the great miracle of turning the few loaves and fishes into food for five thousand, you find him closing that stupendous evidence of stupendous power, by bidding his disciples gather up the crumbs that remained in order that nothing might be lost. Or, to notice a yet more striking instance, when he hung upon the cross in that dire and bitter agony which is so graphically recorded by the Evangelists, and which Chris- tians, Sabbath after Sabbatli, commemorate, with the whole burden of a world's transgressions resting upon him, do you recollect that touching and affecting fact, that while one moment he could cry, in anguish which no language can depict, '^ Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?'' ^^ My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ?" the next moment he descends to say to John, '' Behold thy mother !" committing, even in this hour of overwhelming sorrow, a weeping mother to the care of a faithful friend. And when, having completed the stupendous work in which he was engaged, he rose triumphant from the grave — when the great stone was rolled away at his bidding, and all the obstructions of the tomb were rent asunder at his word, do you remember, what we might consider a very petty and trivial incident, but really not so, that we are told by the Evangelist that the napkin that had been wrapped around the Saviour's head was found, not left behind in a state of confusion, but rolled up and laid aside by itself? and how he said to the women whose affection led them first to the sepulchre, "Go and tell my disciples and Peter?" What attention to little things ! What care over minute things ! What faithfulness in that which is least as well as in that which is great ! — a precedent and an example that we should follow in his steps. There is often as much real religion to be shown in little things as in great things. You have in Daniel all the feeling and the religious principle that a martyr would require for a martyr's triumphs, but it is exhibited in a circumstance the most minute and apparently unimportant. As great love may be displayed to 46 PROriiETlC STUDIES. our relatives in attention to little things, as in great and laborious sacrifices. Peter could unsheatli his sword, and cut off the ear of Malchus to defend his Master; but Peter could not help denying his Lord when accused by the servants of being a friend of Jesus. We have learned little Christianity if we have not learned this, that it needs as much grace to live divinely as it does to die divinely. It is possible to give our bodies to be burned, and to distribute all our goods to feed the poor, and yet not to have that love which endureth all things, beareth all things, hopeth all things, and is the highest evidence of our connection ■with and our belonging to God. Then, my dear friends, feeling this — seeing that there is weight in what I have now said, be- cause there is truth in it, let us seek to be thus faithful in that which is least. Let us ever remember that to be singular for the mere sake of singularity is absurd ; but to be singular when the call of duty and faithfulness to God demands it, is the evidence of a true Christian. Let us purpose, like Daniel, not to defile ourselves with any meat, even though it be the king's. It may be unfashionable, but it is Christian. It may look occasionally singular, but it is the singularity of principle, not the singularity of caprice. It may cost us much self-denial, but it is a part of our welfare. It may be construed as scrupulosity or fastidious- ness, but it is really an element of Christian character. And if we desire to be steadfast and to conquer in the minute as well as in the mighty, in the least as well as in the greatest, let us re- collect that we have the same source of strength -and of victory that Daniel had, " Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts ;" only we must not, as some persons do, confound two things that differ completely. They think they cannot be faithful without being very rude; they fancy they, cannot be true to God without being very discourteous, and per- haps very vulgar in their expressions toward man. Now, whether vulgarity and rudeness be sins or virtues, it is needless to discuss; at all events they arc not certainly evidence that there is faith- fulness along with them. Notice Daniel's example. He combines all the courtesy of the most finished courtier, with all the stead- fastness of the most devoted Christian. When he was told that his name should be changed he bore it with all meekness ; the LIVING TO GOD IN LITTLE THINGS. 47 ancient followers of the cross were clothed with sheepskins and goatskins ; thcj wandered in deserts and caves of the earthy being destitute, afflicted, tormented ; thej were branded with every ignominy, and regarded by all men as the very off-scouring of the earth. Yet they took it all patient!}^ — so did Daniel bear Ids cross ; but when it came to a point of principle, when he was ordered to eat the king's meat, and thereby deny his religion, wc do not find him fly into a furious state of excitement, or use the language of bravado ; there was no outbreak of temper, no boasting, no insolence or defiance. He did not say, ^' Tell the king I will not do so." That would have been violence, rude- ness, insolence — the least effective and the least expedient. He had confidence in his religious principles ; he trusted in the good-^ ness of his cause ; he relied upon the God whom he served ; and the reply which he made to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over him and his fellows, was this, '' Prove thy servants, I beseech thee,'' — the language of perfect respect, — '' ten days ; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink. Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat : and as thou seest, deal with thy servants." What gentle- ness and courtesy ! as well as what a sanctified heart ! the highest Christianity is always associated with the highest courtesy. My conviction is that none but a finished Christian can be a finished gentleman ; for if there be genuine Christianity in the heart, the manners will be but the outward evidences of the inward feelings of the heart — gentle, beautiful, courteous, bearing all things, hoping all things, enduring all things. We find that Melzar was so charmed and delighted to see so much self-denial united to so great courtesy and gentleness that he immediately permitted the experiment to be made, and the result is stated in verse 15, that at the end of ten days their countenances were found fairer and fatter in flesh than those of the children that did eat of the king's meat. 48 LECTURE IV. TRUE PRINCIPLE IS TRUE EXPEDIENCY. "As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom : and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. Now at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in, then the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchad- nezzar. And the king communed with them : and among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: therefore stood they before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and as- trologers that were in all his realm. And Daniel continued even unto the first year of king Cyrus." — Daniel i. 17-21. The next lesson that we have to draw from the closing verses of the chapter is a very important one — it is the result of Daniel's experiment. Was Daniel a loser by his firm adherence to principle ? Not at all; it was all the very reverse. We find that Daniel's faithfulness to conscience^ his allegiance to his God, his courteous but firm refusal to do that which was sinful, was even in this world blessed to him, and even in temporal aifairs turned to his advan- tage. Now I wish young men especially to look at this; because the lesson that I am drawing from it is a much needed one. The four children were found at the end of ten days to have been so blessed of God, that not only were they, as we have seen, fairer and fatter in flesh than any of the children — i. e. the children of Israel — who gave up their consciences and ate of the king's meat ; but the result was, in the end, that in all matters of knowledge and skill, they were many times wiser than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all the realm. God honoured his servants. The result of this faithfulness to God was promotion in the palace and the favour of the king. The lesson, therefore, that I draw from the whole subject is in these words : '' Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteous- TRUE PRINCIPLE IS TRUE EXPEDIENCY. 40 ness, and all other things will be added unto you.'' In other words, make religion the great thing, and all the rest that you want will fall into its place. You have heard of, and many of you have probably read Josephus, the Jewish historian. He was the servant of the Roman emperors, Titus and Vespasian, and of course he was anxious, as you might expect in a man not troubled with very much conscience or very much religion, to please and propitiate his masters as much as possible. He thus comments upon the conduct of Daniel and his fellows in prefer- ring pulse and water to wine and meat from the royal table. Of course, he could not say that it was Daniel's refusal to patronize or to connive at the idolatry of the heathen that made him so accepted and beloved, for this would have been to offend his Roman masters, who were worshippers of similar idols; but he gives this explanation : — ^'By the diet they took they had their minds in some measure more pure and less burdened, and so fit for learning, and had their bodies in better condition for hard labour; for they neither had the former oppressed with variety of meats, nor the latter effeminate on the same account ; so they rea- dily amassed all the learning of the Hebrews and the Chaldeans." Such is the account of the matter given by this Jewish historian. Josephus was very much like some of our modern philosophers, who are always glad when they can explain a phenomenon with- out G-od. If you ask them any thing about the firmanent above or the earth below; if you ask them for a solution of the plague, the pestilence, or the recent epidemic ; if you ask them for an ex- planation of any one fact or phenomenon in science, in history, in creation, in Providence ; they have some hundreds of what they call laws, and they say, '^ Such is the law of nature :" and no doubt there are laws; and as long as the word is used to denote harmony and consistency of movement, regularity and order, so long it is good; but the moment you are satisfied with a reference to the law as an explanation of the phenomenon, that moment you are working with Josephus and with the heathen, and attributing to lords many and gods many that which is the clear evidence of the presence of the living and the true Grod. The reason why Daniel prospered upon pulse and water, is not that a vegetarian diet, as Bome say, is the most wholesome, or that water is far more con- 6 60 rROPIIETIG STUDIES. ducive to healtli tlian wine — though I believe that the less wine you drink the better, if you have no physical need for it ; and I am sure that in perfect health there is very little need for it. But this was not the reason why Daniel prospered upon pulse and water. It was the blessing of the Lord added to the pulse and water, which made them far more nutritive than the king's meat and the king's wine, with that blessing withdrawn from them. In other words, he sought first God's kingdom and God's righteous- ness, and all other things were added to him. He found this to be true : ^' Godliness hath promise of the life that now is, as well as of that which is to come." And now I say again to you, my dear friends, as the inference from all this, ^'Seek first to do God's will, and all other things shall be added unto you.'^ Do not take anxious thought about to-morrow, but take prayerful thought about to-day. Depend upon it that the vigorous discharge of to-day's duties will be the best preparation for to-morrow's trials. Let alone to-morrow's cares till the sun of to-morrow looks upon them and awakens them. " Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.'^ And I know no- thing more absurd in itself, and yet nothing more common, than for men to scrape all to-morrow's trials that may be or that may not be, and add them to the duties and the trials of to- day, forgetting that God gives us strength for each day, and not strength for that day and the next likewise ; that God gives us bread for to-day, and yet not bread for to-day and to-morrow. You do God's will and stand by your post, and discharge your duties this day, and to-morrow will take care of itself. " Seek first God's glory and God's will, and all other things will be added unto you.'' And therefore I would say, enlarging and expanding this sentiment, seek first to know God before other things. By all " means study science ; but not science, not philosophy, not li- terature, not music, not painting //r.s^; but study Christianity Jirsf. Take the knowledge of God into the school. Into the university, into the encyclopaedia, as first and last. Hear, in- deed, the wisdom of Solomon, but hear first the wisdom of one greater than Solomon. Do not go through Solomon to Christ, but go through Christ to Solomon. Seek first to know Him TRUE PRI^X1PLE IS TRUE EXPEDIENCY. 51 ■whom to know is eternal life ; then study science, and literature, and painting, and music, and all that this world's learning can teach. TVe do not want to discourage secular knowledge, but to plant in its bosom that which will adorn, exalt, and sanctify both the study and the student, and make the one an ornament and the other an heir of the kingdom of heaven. In the next place let me say, study fii'st of all the safety of the soul. The first thought you have to think of, the first duty you have to discharge, is the duty that you owe to the soul. Who can calculate this problem, ''What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul ?'' Our first efi"ort should be to obtain an answer to this question. What shall I do to be saved ? My dear friends, no man ever yet set out to gain the world by the sacrifice of his soul, and succeeded in his object. The words are, "{/* you gain the world ;'^ it does not imply that if you set out to gain the world at such a cost, you are sure even- tually to gain it. Twenty men set out, all determined to be rich, and nineteen are strewed like wrecks on the highway. And have you not found, on the other hand, that the man who set out de- termined to provide for the safety of his soul in the first instance, has had other things added to him unexpectedly, and in far greater abundance than he could have anticipated? And if this be true, carry out the principle in 3'Our families. I speak to fathers and mothers : seek first to make 3'our children Christians, next, and only next, to he gentlemen. Send your chil- dren rather, I beseech you, to a school where they will be taught to pray fervently, than to a school where they will be taught to dance after the most approved mode and according to the most elegant movements. Be anxious rather to make your chil- dren Christians than to make them Churchmen, or Dissenters, or Episcopalians, or Presbyterians. Depend upon it that the old Adam will learn soon enough to fight about free church and in- dependency, and episcopacy, and presbytery, and about all the ''isms" to be found in the catalogue of man; but the last thing and the most diflicult thing that they will learn is to care about their souls, or to think about God. Teach your children that pulse and plain water, with the blessing of God, is sweeter and better 52 PROPHETIC STUDIES. and more nntritive than the king's meat and the king's wine without it. In the next place I would say, in fixing to attend on a ministry, carry out the same principle; seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things will be added unto you. Do not attach the greatest importance to the section of the church ; but you who are an Independent, prefer Christian and scriptural doctrine with episcopac}^, rather than unscriptural doc- trine with independency; and you who are an Episcopalian, prefer to hear the gospel from the minister of an Independent denomina- tion rather than to hear Puseyism and Popery from a bishop of your own church. And so with respect to the Scotch Church — I pre- fer it, and think it the best in existence ; and why should I not ? I was baptized in it, I have studied it, I know it, I love it; but if there were deadly error preached in the parish church I was born by, and if the gospel was preached by a poor Methodist local preacher in a neighbouring barn, I would go and hear the poor Methodist preacher, and leave the parish minister with empty pews. When the question is, shall it be bread or poison? by all means give me good bread in a silver basket; but rather give me good bread on a wooden trencher than poison in a golden basket. Take other things in their place, other things think about, other things prefer, but this you must have; and common sense, which is nearest to the highest Christianity, will insist upon mking this the first and the para- mount consideration. In the next place, carry out this principle in fixing upon a house to dwell in. In this world we are constantly changing. Let me tell those who have mansions and those who have cottages — those who have palaces and those who have cellars, that they are all equally precarious in their tenure, for there are two ways to get rid of them : either the inhabitant will be removed from the house, or the house will be removed from the inhabitant. There are two ways of separating the one from the other ; we are but dwellers in tents ; strangers and pilgrims, as all our fathers were; and therefore, if you are changing your house, do not, like Lot, prefer the well- watered plain, just within range of the din and the noise of Sodom, baskino- in its sunshine, listening to its noise, as to the sweetest TRUE PRINCIPLE IS TRUE EXPEDIENCY. 53 and best music ; but rather prefer a much smaller house, with a less beautiful lawn, and less spacious grounds, and. far fewer con- veniences, that basks in the sunshine of the countenance of God, and that gives jou the opportunity of hearing the gospel of the blessed Jesus. Prefer a house near to a pious and evangelical minister, rather than a house near to the hall of a noble or the palace of a king. Be content with bread — living bread — where you can know Grod, rather than the king's meat and royal wine without that knowledge. And so, my dear friends, I would urge you to carry out the same principle in entering upon any business. Do not select a bu- siness inconsistent with the exercise of your Christian duties, or in which you must sacrifice your Christian principles in order to prac- tise what it requires. Only let me add, do not be rash in saying, I cannot live as a Christian here, and therefore I will abandon it. That is very often an excuse for self-indulgence. It is very often an excuse for not determining to be firm and ftiithful. It is supposing that you can do your duty best on the soft lawn, and not on the hard and tented battle-field. "Wherever Providence has placed you, make the experiment if you can faithfully serve God there. And if you find that you cannot serve God, then you have no alternative. If you are about to choose a business, let it be one in which you can secure your Sabbaths. Give not up your Sab- baths; do not sacrifice them. It is not rich men who will feel the loss of such an institution, but the poor. Depend upon it, that the working man will get no more wages for his seven days' work than he now gets for six. It is a maxim of political economy, which is worth repeating from the pulpit, that the amount of wages is always dependent upon the amount of labour. Where there are few labourers and much to be done, there wages will be high J where there are many labourers and less to be done, there wages will be low. Now if you add a seventh day over all the kingdom to the six working days of the week, you bring a seventh part more of all the labourers in the land into the labour market, and wages will proportionately decrease. Ilely upon it, that by sacrificing your Sabbaths you will be dead losers even in a tem- poral point of view. Thcrefjrc, my dear friends, stand fast for your privileges; 5« 54 PROPHETIC STUDIES. ^^ Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy/' It is the poor man's privilege; the Sabbath is emphatically the poor man's day; and nothing is to me more beautiful than this thought, that there is a day that comes round among the days of the week, in which the poorest man and the richest man may meet in the sanctuary, and say, " We are peers ; though equally sinners by nature, we are equally saints by grace ;" and in this world, where men have divided so much and monopolized so much, there is still a place where the rich and the poor, the mightiest noble and the meanest peasant, can meet together and feel that " the Lord is the maker of them all." I advocate the maintenance of the Sabbath on these low grounds ; but I advocate it also on higher grounds than these, but which I need not now repeat, I say again, therefore, my dear friends, never give up your Sabbaths. Labour, as many young men do labour, to gain more time on your week-day even- ings for the cultivation of your minds, and for the study of all that can adorn, and beautify, and perfect them, as Christians and heirs of immortality; but never, never surrender this greatest of privileges — the Sabbath. And lastly, I would say, in your homes '^ seek first the king- dom of God and his righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you," Wherever there is a fireside, let there be an altar ; seek the blessing of Grod in your homes, and depend upon it that blessing will not be withheld from you. One reason why there are so many sad homes is just this, that there are so many homes in which there are no altars. One reason why there are so many undutiful children is, that no blessing has been asked by the parents on behalf of the children. Seek, therefore, in your homes, " first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things will be added unto you," In short, Daniel found, what every true Christian has found; that Christian principle is the highest expediency. 55 LECTURE V. BABYLON, THE GOLDEN HEAD. "Thou, king, art a king of kings : for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them aU. Thou art this head of gold."— Daniel ii. 37, 3S. This chapter records a prophecy revealed to Nebuchadnezzar, and through him, as the mere organ of utterance, to us, of what shall be the succession of the kingdoms of the world till the day when the great stone, the rock that is laid in Zion, shall grind them to powder, and there shall rise and flourish on their ruins the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever. This great image is meant to be a standing symbol, representative, as Daniel explains it, of four successions of supreme and sovereign kingdoms, beginning in the days of Nebuchadnezzar. History shows that there have been just four universal kingdoms in the world, and only four ; those verj^ four which were clearly foreshadowed to the king, and explained by Daniel as the interpretation of the dream. The first supreme kingdom without a rival, was the kingdom of Babylon, or sym- bolically the Head of Grold ; the second kingdom was the Medo- Persian, which I shall hereafter more fully explain. The third kingdom was the Macedonian, which every one knows to have been for a season universal. The fourth kingdom was divided into ten kingdoms, as the two feet of the image were divided into ten toes. These ten kingdoms, which I shall also show to have actually existed, and the prediction thus to have been fulfilled, have tried to mingle, one or other having set up to absorb the rest and be supreme, and all, in every instance, have failed. Since the Roman empire was divided into ten kingdoms, Charlemagne has swept the world, and retired unsuccessful from the eff'ort to make 56 PROPHETIC STUDIES. a universal sovereignty. After liim, and others who might be named, Napoleon visited every land, and subjected almost every country in Europe : but just as it seemed to be within his reach to lord it over all the world, and to construct out of the ten king- doms a new and universal sovereignty, the snow fell softly and beautifully from heaven, as the light upon an infant's eye ; but those same insignificant snow-flakes formed themselves into ram- parts that checked his troops, and ultimately made shrouds and graves for all his chivalry. So that we have already, in the his- tory of the past, clear evidence that what Daniel here describes as a dream, and gives the interpretation of, was a prophecy of that which has actually occurred, so that history in its chapters sounds the echo of truth in the prophecies of Clod. In looking at the introduction to this vision, and the failure of the magi to explain it, you will notice the unreasonable require- ment of the king. He substantially said, ''I shall not be satisfied by you astrologers giving me an interpretation of my dream ; you must state what the dream itself was, and I shall thereby have proof — for it seemed as if he were a skeptic even in his own reli- gion — I shall have proof by your thus telling me the nature of my dream, that you have a divine authority adequate to expound and unfold the substance of that dream. '^ The magicians and astrologers made every excuse and apology : first, that the thing was uncommon ; and secondly, that no king or dreamer had ever made such a requirement before, and that no wise man, or magi- cian, or astrologer, had even explained such a thing before. At this, the king became furious, and, like all men who have great power as well as ungovernable passions, he orders them to be slain. That king is but a specimen of what unsanctified man becomes when he has too great power. It is well that man in this world should not have absolute power. It is too awful a prerogative for him to possess in this dispensation ; it never has been wielded rightly, and it never will be until man is made a new creature, and all things are become new. At present we need restraint, modifications, and limitations — constitutional laws that counterbalance the excessive weight of democracy on the one hand, and check the effects of despotism in its fury on the other, so that the machinery of government may best answer its ends. BABYLON, TFIE GOLDEN HEAD. 57 Daniel, hearing of the king's decree, went into the royal presence and begged for a little timp. And why did Daniel ask time ? the answer is given in the subsequent verse : he asked time in order that he might go and speak to God, and implore on bended knee his help, instruction, and guidance. And accordingly, we find him, after making his request to Arioch, '^ making the thing known to his companions, that they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret ; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.'' If we are in difficulty, the right resource is prayer. There is no question that God does answer prayer. He may not answer it in the precise way which we in our ignorance prescribe, but he will answer it in the way that is most for his glory and our good. Whatever be the nature of our trial, we are warranted in ap- proaching God, and beseeching him to remove it; whatever be the thorn that is most poignant, we are warranted in asking God to extract it. It is no just objection to this, to say, we may be asking what is not good for us ; it is not our province to deter- mine this, but God's. It is our part to unbosom the wants of our hearts, and offer up the honest petitions of our souls, and to rest confident in this, that God will not give what would prove our present or our eternal ruin. When Daniel had prayed to God and had received an answer to his prayers, what did he next do ? He instantly returned to thank God. The man who prays sincerely in the morning will praise as sincerely at night. " Is any man afflicted ? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms." v It is wrong to be Christians when we are in want of any thing, and to be atheists when we have ob- tained itj Let us ask as Christians, and praise as Christians. Let us appeal to God for what we want ; and then let us give the glory to God when we have obtained what we asked. Daniel then goes to the king, and announces to him this groat ftict, that " there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets." And with beautiful humility he adds, " It is not because of the wisdom that is in me, that I am able to make known this secret, but it is for the glory of Him who has taught me, and who is willing to do good to thee." He next proceeds to explain to the king what he had seen in 58 PROniETIC STUDIES. his vision — an image whicli is here described. He then explains what that image represented. In this Icclnre I shall only be able to call your attention to '^ the head of gold.'^ The text, therefore, on which I shall specially speak in this Lecture is, (verses 37, 38,) " Thou, king, art a king of kings : for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold/' plainly meaning, ^' thy kingdom or thy state is so.'' The church of God was now captive in Babylon. How deeply distressed was the whole of Israel at this era ! The glory had departed from between the cherubim ; the sons and the daughters of Judah Avere captives beside the Euphrates; the sacred vessels of the sanctuary were now the property of the spoiler. Their grand temple was in ruins; and '^ Ichabod, Ichabod," "The glory is departed," was the sad inscription too legible to the heart of every captive in Babylon. But in this state of outward depres- sion you will notice how God compensated for all external disad- vantages by special manifestations of his wisdom and his power. He showed them that he was not dependent upon outward things; that when all ordinances have passed away, the Lord of the ordi- nance can take their jDlace, and more than compensate for their absence. Is it not still often felt in the experience of the people of God, that when the outward fabric is dissolved, the inward glory, that seemed restricted to its walls, only breaks forth with greater splendour, and spreads throughout the world with greater speed ? Was it not to the church in the wilderness ; to the two witnesses prophesying in sackcloth ; to the woman who was ob- liged to flee from the persecuting power of the Roman apostasy, that God revealed most clearly the riches of his grace, and made known with the greatest power the manifestations of his mind and will? Often, when the visible church is in ruins, does God con- struct upon its wreck a yet more glorious fane — a house not made with hands — more beautiful than the temples of Balbec, than the cathedrals of Europe, more splendid than the theatres of Ionia, more magnificent than the temple of Solomon in all its glory. It is often when the church has no mitre on her head, no Urim and BABYLON, THE GOLDEN HEAD. 59 Thummim upon her breast, that you may read most legibly the bright inscription on her brow, ^' Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Grod." The breaking of the outward crutch makes her lean more simply upon God. The departure of the beautiful sign makes her think more of the inner and the precious substance. You will see, too, in conformity with this idea, how God has ever given the greatest manifestations of his mind to suf- ferers. To a captive beside the banks of the Ulai and the Hid- dekel, i. e. to Daniel, God made known the greatest portions of his mind and will, as these were to be unfolded in future ages. To an exile and a prisoner, amid the dreary solitudes of Patmos, i. e. to John, God revealed that grand procession of saints, and mar- tyrs, and kings, and dynasties, and heroes, and conquerors, the history of which is recorded in the Apocalypse, and the fulfilment of which is contained in every chapter of human history. To the men who felt they had nothing upon earth, did God make knoAvn most plainly how much they had in heaven. To the eye that was shut upon all the splendours of time, did God disclose in the greatest fulness the glories of eternity. And just as God made known most of his mind to those who were most separate from the world, he will also discover most of the meaning of his word to those who are least bound up with the cares, the anxieties, the pomps, and the vanities of this present life. The first thing that occurred, when God was about to reveal to Daniel his purpose, was the silencing of the wisdom of man. These magicians owned their ignorance before God revealed his wisdom. It is thus that God shows the wisdom of man to be folly, in order that the wise man may not glory in wisdom ; and the strength of man to be but weakness, in order that the strong man may not glorify in his strength. In the case of the Egyp- tian magicians he showed the weakness of human power ; in the case of the Chaldean magicians he taught the ignorance of human wisdom; and in both cases he led prince and people from the broken cisterns to the divine and original fount. The four empires, as I have already explained, are the Baby- lonian, the Persian, the Grasco-Macedonian, and the Roman em- pires ; and the last, the empire of the stone cut out without hands, represents the empire of the gospel. 60 PROPHETIC STUDIES. The first kingdom, then, here represented by the head of gold, was that of Babylon. Let me just briefly notice what is said about it in the word of God, and in what respects that which was prophesied of it has been fulfilled. You will always perceive that one kingdom passes from the stage the moment that the other comes on. In other words, the Persian kingdom was constructed from the ruins of the Babylonian ; the Grseco-Macedonian was constructed from the ruins of the Persian ; and the Roman king- dom rose upon the ruins of all that preceded it. About 612 years B. C, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Nineveh; or, in the language of Scripture, as shown to be true by the disclo- sures of Layard, '^made its grave 3" burying in the deep and silent earth all its grandeur, its pomp, and its splendour. And when Nineveh, till that time the greatest kingdom upon earth, was thus entombed in its grave, Babylon ascended the throne, and swayed the sceptre over all the nations of the world. The walls of the city of Babylon, as we read not only in Scripture but in Xeno- phon, the beautiful and classic Greek historian, were of gigantic size, measuring sixty miles in circumference ; and the breadth of these walls, which were very solid, being built of brick cemented with bitumen, a substance produced upon the soil, were capable of allowing six chariots, each with two horses, to drive abreast upon them. The city had one hundred gates of solid brass. The temple of Bel, or of Belus, as it is called by classic writers, had a circumference of half a mile, and was upward of one thousand feet in height, or nearly three times the height of St. Paul's cathe- dral. The fertility of the whole region of Chaldea, watered by the Tigris and the Euphrates, was so great that classical histo- rians, Herodotus and Strabo, tell us that it produced two hundred- fold ; i. e. that one seed of corn, if I may use this mode of illus- tration, produced in the ear two hundred seeds; a degree of fertility unrivalled in any modern country. This I state to justify the description of the prophet, when he calls Babylon '^ the ex- cellency of Chaldea," and literally, " the glory of kingdoms.'' Again, what is the sign of it in Nebuchadnezzar's dream? " The head of gold;" in its natural and physical properties the most valuable of the four metals. In order to show you the descriptions given of it by other pro- BABYLON, THE GOLDEN HEAD. 61 pliets of Grod, I refer to tlie prophet JercmiaL, who thus speaks of it in chap, xxvii. 5-8 : " I have made the earth, the man, and the beast that are upon the ground, by my great power and by my outstretched arm, and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me. And now have I given all these lands into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant ; and the beast of the field have I given him also to serve him. And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son's son, until the very time of his land come : and then many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of him. And it shall come to pass, that the nation and kingdom which will not serve the same Nebu- chadnezzar the king of Babylon, and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, that nation will I punish, saith the Lord, with the sword, and with the famine, and with the pestilence, until I have consumed them by his hand.'^ You have in these words the investiture of the king of Babylon with universal sovereignty : in other words, ^' the empire of the head of gold," in all its magnificence; characterized by unrivalled fertility, wielding a dominion superior to that of the nations around, with no limits but the will and the power of the monarch. We then find that the head of gold passes away, to give place to an empire rising from its ruins, only less magnificent than the former. And in order to show how truly history is the echo of prophecy, I will quote the predictions of the downfall of Babylon, and then add the facts of its ruin, as those facts are recorded by Xenophon, Strabo, and Herodotus, the heathen historians. I will give, I say, first of all the predictions of God, as these were uttered many years before its fall, and then I will read the facts recorded in history by impartial writers, who did not even know of the prophecy, and who could not have the least design or intention of showing its fulfilment. The first passage to which I refer is Jer. xxv. 11, 12, and this is a summary of all that follows, where God says, " This whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment ; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years." You recollect I showed you the pro- phecy that all nations should serve him, and here you read what is to follow, "And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that 62 PROPHETIC STUDIES. natioDj saith the Lord, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations." The captivity of the Jews in Babylon was to last seventy years : and just while their punishment lasted, the prosperity of Babylon was to last, and no longer. I will now direct your attention to Isaiah xiii., ^^ The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amos did see;" and I will read such verses only as apply immediately to the subject before us. At verse 4 — and I will thank you to notice the very words used by the prophet, because the evidence of the inspiration of these prophets will be rendered the more plain by your observing how minutely each prediction has been fulfilled, — " The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people ; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together : the Lord of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land. Howl ye ; for the day of the Lord is at hand ; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt. And they shall be afraid : pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them ; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth : they shall be amazed one at another ; their faces shall be as flames. Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate : and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it." Then, verse 17, ^^ Behold, I will stir up the Medes," — the very name of the nation which was to destroy them is specified — " which shall not regard silver ; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children. And Babylon, the' glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation ;" and the prophecy grows more specific : " Neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there ; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there ; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures ; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there. And the BABYLON, THE GOLDEN HEAD. 63 wild beasts of the island shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces : and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged/^ Then at chap. xiv. 4, ^' Thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oj^pressor ceased ! the golden city ceased I" Then, (verse 11,) ''thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols ', the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.'' Verse 15, " Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.'' Verse 19, "Thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch." Verse 22, " I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the Lord." Then chap. xlvi. 27 — recollect that Grod is predicting here the destruction of Babylon, and the mode in which that destruction should be effected, though seventy years and upward before any thing of the kind had taken place — " That saith to the deep, Be dry, and I will dry up thy river : that saith of Cyrus," — before Cyrus was born — '^ He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure : even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the temple. Thy foundation shall be laid ;" giving a pro- phecy of the rise of Jerusalem, emerging from the ruins of Babylon. I then call your attention to Jer. 1. : ''The word that the Lord spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet. Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard ; publish and conceal not : say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces ; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces. For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein ; they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast." Again, verse 9, " For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country : and they shall set themselves in array against her ; from thence she shall be taken : their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man j none shall return in vain. And Chaldea shall be a spoil : all that spoil her shall be satisfied, saith the Lord." Again, at verses 12, 13, " Your mother shall be sore confounded ; she that Q^ rROPIIETIC STUDIES. bare you sliall be asliamed : behold, tlie liindermost of tlie nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert. Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate : every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues/' Again, at verses 15, 16, " Shout against her round about : she hath given her hand : her founda- tions are fallen, her walls are thrown down : for it is the ven- geance of the Lord : take vengeance upon her ; as she hath done, do unto her. Cut off the sower from Babylon, and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest : for fear of the oppressing sword they shall turn every one to his people, and they shall flee every one to his own land." Again, at verses 24-26, '^ I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, Babylon, and thou wast not aware : thou art found, and also caught, be- cause thou hast striven against the Lord. The Lord hath opened his armoury, and hath brought forth the weapons of his indigna- tion : for this is the work of the Lord God of hosts in the land of the Chaldeans. Come against her from the utmost border, open her storehouses : cast her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly : let nothing of her be left.'' Again, in chap. li. verse 35, ^' The violence done to me and to my flesh be upon Babylon, shall the inhabitant of Zion say ; and my blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea, shall Jerusalem say." And lastly, verse 47, " There- fore, behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon : and her whole land shall be con- founded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her." Then, once more, turn to chap. li. ver. 36 : " Therefore thus saith the Lord ; Behold, I will plead thy cause, and take ven- geance for thee ; and I will dry up her sea, and make her springs dry." And again, ver. 37, *'And Babylon shall become heaps," a dwelling-place for dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing, without an inhabitant." And again, ver. 39, " Li their heat I will make their feasts, and I will make them drunken, that they may rejoice, and sleep a perpetual sleep, and not awake, saith the Lord." And again, ver. 41, "How is Sheshach taken! and how is the praise of the whole earth surprised ! How is Babylon be- come an astonishment among the nations!" Ver. 44, "And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his BABYLON, THE GOLDEN HEAD. 65 mouth, that which he hath SY/allowed up : and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him : yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall/' And again, ver. 46, 47; *' And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall he heard in the land ; a rumour shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler. Therefore, behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon : and her whole land shall be con- founded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her/' I have thus read the leading parts of that great burden of pro- phecy against Babylon. I now quote in evidence of the fulfil- ment of these, the prophecies of God, the dispassionate testimony of the heathen historians : and I shall then give you an account not only of the rise, as I have already briefly done, but also of the fall of the head of gold, previous to the silver empire taking its place, and its order in succession onward to the end. First, then, in these prophecies, Cyrus is specified as the gene- ral who was to march his forces against Babylon. Xenophon directly states that such was the fact. Babylon, trusting in its gigantic walls, and in its provisions for twenty years, adequate to maintain it in case of its being besieged, instead of preparing to repel the invading army, gave itself, its whole population, from the prince upon the throne down to the meanest of his subjects, to debauchery, riot, profligacy, and drunkenness. In the next place, Cyrus, after he had come in array against Babylon, besieged it for years without success, and at last fell upon the expedient of digging trenches round the walls of Babylon, ostensibly for blockade, but really to divert the waters of the Euphrates from their accustomed course, and leave in the empty channel a path- way for his soldiers to march into the city. It was, as I have de- scribed, surrounded by vast walls; but the river Euphrates rolled through the midst of it. There was therefore an opening thus formed through the centre of the city; only there were walls upon each side, or on each bank of the river, with gates to each street leading down to it; and the plan of Cyrus was therefore to divert the waters of the Euphrates into the trenches he had dug, and to make the dry central channel a road for his troops to march down in order to gain possession of the city. Herodotus, the fiithcr 6^;j 66 PROrilETIC STUDIES. of historians, relates that, even after having marched along the bed of the river, the obstacles to his entrance were just as great as elsewhere ; for there were gates to each street leading to the banks of the river; and if these had been secured, the obstruc- tion to the entrance of Cyrus would have been complete. But there was a prophecy — part of which I read to you — that these gates should not be shut; and the Babylonians, not suspecting the stratagem of Cyrus in diverting the waters of the river, left their gates open, as if in conscious possession of impregnable security ; when part of the army, therefore, entered at one side of the city, marching up the bed of the river, and another part of his troops at the other side of the city, marching down the bed of the river, they found each of these gates open, which would not have been the case had not the people been indulging in feasting and drunkenness; the troops therefore entered by every gate; and before the Babylonians were aware that the enemy was so near at hand, their great and impregnable capital was in the hands of the next empire, the empire of the Persians. We notice another minute point that was singularly fulfilled. It was predicted that the enemy should come upon them unawares, and that " one post should run to meet another in the midst of the siege." Now, that such was literally the fact is recorded by Herodotus, for he says that those at one end of the city were in the hands of Cyrus before those at the other end of the city were aware of his attack, and before they had time to give the alarm ; thus fulfilling the prediction of the prophet, that post should run to post, and watchman to watchman, to give the awful and start- ling alarm that the forces of Cyrus were upon them. Then it is predicted by the prophet, that "they that were drunken should sleep a perpetual sleep;'' and that "the two- leaved gates should be thrown open.'' It is stated by the histo-" rian that the monarch was indulging in a feast, and was intoxi- cated with wine, surrounded by all his princes, nobles, and cour- tiers, at the very moment when the city had fallen into the hands of the Persian army; and hearing a noise outside the palace, he insisted on knowing what it was; and when some of the chief princes rushed to the gates of the palace in order to ascertain the cause, and threw them open for that purpose, they thus fulfilled BABYLON, THE GOLDEN HEAD. 67 the propliecj — the troops of Cyrus instantly rushed in, and Bel- shazzar and his princes were slaughtered in the midst of their festival : " the drunken slept a perpetual sleep/^ Thus you have every prediction that God gave by the mouth of Isaiah and Jere- miah fulfilled to the very letter : and that fulfilment is recorded by the dispassionate pens of the historians of ancient Greece. I shall now quote a few short extracts from the works of mo- dern travellers, in order to show how complete the ruin of Babylon has been, and how minutely each prophecy has been fulfilled. For these last I am mainly indebted to Dr. Keith's useful work on the fulfilment of prophecy. Porter, in his travels, states that ^^ mounds of temples and palaces were everywhere visible ;" " a vast succession of mounds of ruins is all that now remains of Ba- bylon.'' What Porter saw when he visited the spot had been foretold of God, when he prophesied that nothing should be left. Richards, when he visited it, found that " vast heaps constitute all that now remains of ancient Babylon ; there are no inhabit- ants." God had declared, " It shall never be inhabited." Kep- pel, another traveller, who visited the same spot, says, " Babylon is spurned by the heel of the Ottoman, the Israelite, and the sons of Ishmael." God had said beforehand, ^'The Arab shall not pitch his tent there." This is the more remarkable, because the Arabs are a nomadic race, wanderers that are found in almost every place where they can find temporary shelter or provender for their cattle : and Captain Mignon relates, that when he reached the spot, accompanied by six Arabs, he could not induce them to remain all night among the ruins, because, they alleged, the place was haunted. Buckingham, another traveller, says, ''All the people of the country assert that it is dangerous to approach the mounds of Babylon on account of the multitude of evil spirits that dwell among them." Man's excuse may arise from super- stition ; but the result is, the accomplishment of the ancient pro- phecy — '' The Arab shall not pitch his tent there." We have thus seen, then, the rise, the magnificence, and the fall of Babylon ; and in it we have seen God's word completely fulfilled. God's word is more- powerful than princes; more en- during than dynasties : it moves softly and silently, yet surely, to victory; turning obstacles into impulses, and obstructions into , 68 PROPHETIC STUDIES. facilities; until it sliall appear enthroned upon the ruins of the kingdoms of this world, and become the glory and the praise of the ransomed people of God. AYe may here observe how transient is human greatness ! The great walls of Babylon, on which, as we read, six chariots could ride abreast, are no more. Its magnificent temple, which caught the first rays of the rising sun, and reflected the last beams of the setting sun — the palace in which the choicest wines were drunk, and the sacred vessels of the sanctuary were profaned — are gone ; the golden head is buried in the dust; the hum of its mighty population is silenced. The Arab ventures not to pitch his tent there ; and the owl, hooting amid the broken ruins, seems to attest how perishable is all that man calls great ! — how lasting is all that God pronounces true ! The duration of Babylon's power, you notice, in the next place, was specified to be seventy years. It was destined to last only till it had accomplished God's purposes. The kingdom is ours ; and its duration we fancy that we are able to control. It is not so. We are in the hands of God, and the times and the seasons are all specified by him. The king of Babylon thought he had raised a great empire for his glory: in reality, he had built a school-house in which God was the teacher; a prison-house in which He was to punish his people for a season on account of their iniquities. And as soon as the work appointed of God had been accomplished, the '^ glory of the Chaldees' excellency" de- parts, " the golden head" falls, and the great empire is at an end. As its end drew near, Daniel, in clearer terms, as I shall show from the sequel of the prophecy, came to predict its ruin. From this a most able and talented writer on the prophecies of Daniel, Mr. Birks, the son-in-law of the venerable Mr. Bickersteth,* * It is difficult to overstate the loss -wliicli the church of Christ on earth has sustained by the removal of this eminent, excellent, Christian, and Protestant minister. He was ever ready to aid, by his advocacy, the cause of truth ; liberal, yet not latitudinarian ; a zealous contender for the faith, and yet never betrayed into bitterness of feeling or violence of speech. He loved his church, but he loved Christianity still more. No man was so tenacious of essential truth, yet none i-ejoiced more than he did in the company of the good and faithful of every name. He possessed great clearness of mind, and yet greater warmth of BABYLON, THE GOLDEN HEAD. 69 argues^ that we may expect that, as God revealed by liis prophets more clearly — for Daniel states that he " knew If/ hooks'' the number and the date of the seventy years — the time when the captivity should be ended, so, as we draw near to the end of this dispensation, he will make more clear, intelligible, and distinct, the years that number the times of the Gentiles. We must not suppose there was any thing strange in God's revealing this to a heathen prince, and through the medium of what appears to us so common and trivial a thing as a dream. To Abraham, Moses, and Job, God spoke face to face; but in general he revealed future events by means of dreams. And he himself declares, '' If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known to him in a vision, and will speak unto him in dreams. ^^ Jacob was promised his patrimony in a dream. In a dream the Lord appeared to Solomon, and bade him ask what he wished. In a dream Pharaoh was warned of the famine that was about to visit Egypt ; and from some traditional recollec- tions of these facts arises the popular belief, that that which is about to come to pass is sometimes revealed to men in dreams. It may be so. There is no reason to conclude that God does not come into closer contact with the human mind than many are dis- posed to believe ; only you are not to read Providence and Scrip- ture in the light of your dream ; you are to read your dream in the light of Scripture. If in a dream any thing seems revealed to you contrary to Scripture, it is not from God. If it be con- heart; earnest and unwearied advocacy of truth ; a walk unimpeachable before the severest censor, and beautiful, because truly apprehended by the people of God. Every Christian that knew him loved him. Even his enemies — the enemies of truth — hesitated to select Mr. Bickersteth as the object of vituperation, or satire, or assault, well aware, that in their selection of one so widely revered, their attack would recoil upon themselves far sooner than in the case of other and more easily vulnerable champions of truth. His removal at a crisis when his life and counsel were so singularly needed is to us inexplicable. Perhaps it is judgment beginning at the house of God, and thus his gain may be not only our loss but our punishment. Very soon he will come with his coming Lard, and such of us as may be alive will meet the sublime procession in the air, and our separation, so widely and bitterly be- wailed, will render our meeting again, where separations are unknown, more glorious. Even so, come, Lord Jesus ! 70 PROPHETIC STUDIES. sistent witli the Scripture, it is from Gocl. But recollect, you live not by what you dream, but by what you read in God's Holy Word. Any one that adds to that Word, to him shall be added its curses ; any one that subtracts from it, from him shall be subtracted the promises revealed in it. In the next place, is there not in the destruction of Babylon a foreshadow of what shall be the end of this dispensation ? Cyrus burst upon Babylon while its princes and its people were feasting and revelling ; and so in the period that immediately precedes our Lord's advent it will be asked, " Where is the promise of his coming ? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.^ ^ I believe that only God's people will be taught to anticipate that blessed day, that glorious epoch. They alone will be found resting, by retro- spective faith, upon that perfect sacrifice, which speaks better things than the blood of Abel ; their eyes stretching through the vista of the future, to catch the rays of the approaching sun, which shall rise and shine from his meridian throne to set no more. To those that look for him, " he will appear the second time without sin unto salvation.^' May we not believe, that we have in the destruction of the literal Babylon a type and foreshadow- ing of what will be the destruction of that Babylon of which it was the prototype, and with whose destruction the Apocalypse is so fully and unmistakably charged ? It is there stated that ^^her plagues shall come" upon Babylon "in one day, death, and mourning, and famine." You recollect my endeavouring to show you what the future prospects of Rome are. My belief always was, that the pontiff would be replaced on his throne ; but, along with that, the clear indications of the prophetic word seem to be, that by his attempts to assert a supremacy that is God's, and to wield a sceptre from which the prestige and the glory seem to be gone for ever, he should precipitate on himself only a more terri- ble and consuming catastrophe. But Babylon has passed away; and modern Babylon will pass away too. Where, however, are we ? and what shall we do when the crash and desolation of the last hour comes ? Is our citizen- ship in heaven? Are our hearts and pleasures beyond the skies? Are we travelling upon our road in practical obedience to the text BABYLON, THE GOLDEN HEAD. 71 — "'Be ye not conformed to this world?" Are we walking amid these dark shadows that are creeping over the surface of the whole earth, as pilgrims and strangers, '' looking for a city that hath foundations, whose builder and maker is Grod ?" Does the disso- lution of the kingdoms of the world, the breaking up of ancient establishments and hoary dynasties, the heaving of all things, church and state both together, as if some terrible subterranean forces were pressing upward and ready every moment to explode and leave all in ruins, affect us ? Are we leaning and trusting upon these things ? Are we thinking of our wealth, our rank, our property, our sect, our church, our party, more than we are thinking of Christ ? Are we looking for the Lord ? Does the night of approaching doom only warn us to prepare for the glo- rious jubilee that shall foUaw ? '' Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and with the cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares V May He add his blessing, and to his name be the praise. Amen. 72 LECTURE VI. THE MEDO-PERSIAN AND GR^CO-MACEDONIAN EMPIRES. "And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, -which shall bear rule over all the earth." — Daniel h. 39. This is part of the explanation of the vision seen by Nebuchad- nezzar. He saw a great image, of which we read at vers© 31, that this great image " stood beforo him, whose brightness was excellent, and the form thereof was terrible.'' The head of this image was of fine gold, " his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.'' And the king saw until " a stone cut out without hands smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them : and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth." This was the dream ; and then follows the interpretation : — " Thou, king, art a king of kings : for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this' head of gold." This was the first kingdom. Then the second kingdom, which is likened to the breast and the arms of silver, is described in verse 39 : '^And after thee shall arise another king- dom inferior to thee." And then the third universal kingdom is represented by the image having " the belly and the thighs of brass," and is described as ^^ another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth." And of the fourth kingdom, " the legs of iron," it is predicted, '' The fourth king- THE SILVER AND BRASS EMPIRES. 73 dom shall be strong as iron : forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subduetli all things : and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise." Now, I explained before, that in all the records of history there have been but four supreme, universal, absolute monarchies from the beginning; the first being that of Babylon, the sceptre of which extended over all the nations that were then known, and the sovereignty of which was undisputed, as it was impossible to oppose it. Such was the first, or the head of gold. In my last, I showed its rise, its national grandeur, its decay, and its utter destruction before the armies of Cyrus : we now find that another kingdom was to arise inferior to Babylon, just as the silver is inferior to the gold ; of greater territorial dimensions, but of less national sjDlendour and magnificence. The twofold character that is here indicated — for every symbol in the Bible has its counter- part in history and in fact — viz. its having the breast and the two arms stretching out from it of silver, instantly suggests the historic fact that Cyrus was the monarch, that Media was one arm, and Persia the other ; these being two component parts of the kingdom of Cyrus, he being the tie thcit knit the two realms into one. Persia was the one realm, and Media the other ; the latter absorbed by the former, and both, like two arms, joined together in Cyrus, who inspired them with their vigour, wielded their energies with success, and established their empire from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof. You have then, in Media and Persia, or, as it is called in history, the Medo-Persian universal sovereignty, the fulfilment, years after Daniel wrote, of the symbol shown to Nebuchadnezzar, and of the prediction un- folded by Daniel ; and thus the coincidence between the prophecy and the fact is entire. But that you may see how truly what I state is confirmed by history, I shall quote two sentences — I might quote many, but I will confine myself to two of the most striking — the one from Herodotus, " the father of history," who says, in describing the empire of Cyrus, "Wherever Cyrus marched throughout the earth, it was impossible for the nations to escape him ;" and the other from Xenophon, who, in his Cyropsedla, which, literally translated, means the "'instruction," or " bringing-up," of Cyrus, 74 PROPHETIC STUDIES. and witli whicli every schoolboy is more or less familiar — (here, I may mention, by the way, is one object in teaching yoimg men the classics, or the learning of the Greeks and Romans; such know- • ledge confirms and demonstrates to mankind the veracity and authenticity of the writers of the word of God) — Xenophon, then, in his Cij7^oiosedia, thus describes the universality of the sove- reignty of Cyrus : " He ruled the Medes, subverted the Syrians, the Assyrians, the Arabians, the Cappadocians, the Phrygians, the Lydians, the Carians, the Babylonians, the Indians, the Phoenicians, the Greeks in Asia, the Cyprians, the Egyptians, and struck all with such dread and terror, that none ventured to assail him. He subdued from his throne east, west, north, and south/' You have thus the heathen historian leaving behind him those recorded facts, which form the brightest comment upon the breast and the two arms of silver, or the second universal monarchy, which during its existence subdued and reigned over the whole earth. After its disappearance, we have a third empire, which is symbolized by '' the belly and the thighs of brass." This was the symbol that Nebuchadnezzar saw, and the interpretation of it by Daniel is, " a third universal sovereignty." Now show me, from the days of Cyrus downward to the com- mencement of Rome, any other empire, either from history or from any source whatever, that can be called universal — I mean, extendino- over the whole known world — except the Grasco-Mace- donian empire of Alexander the Great. He and his father Philip, king of Macedon, against whom Demosthenes so eloquently harangued, subdued the Medo-Persians, and finally and ultimately all the provinces of the habitable globe. This third monarchy was of brass ; making up in strength what it lost in value ', in glare and apparent splendour what it lost in real and substantial merit. But it also was divided, you find, into two great provinces, which, from their position, formed the lower or supporting parts of the empire. Accordingly, we ascertain from history, that Syria and Egypt, the lower parts of the empire, were divided j and on these the colossal image, or empire of Alexander, rested. It was about 334 years before Christ that Alexander began his expedition against Persia, the second universal empire. He over- threw ihoi silver monarchy, just as it had overthrown the golden THE SILVER AND CRASS EMPIRES. 75 monarchy of Nebuchadnezzar ; and by the great battle of Arbela, which was fought about 331 years before Christ, he established his own undisputed supremacy. It arose upon the ruins of Babylon and Persia, fed its strength from their wreck, and stretched out a sceptre more powerful than either, till Alexander the G-reat, when he had overthrown the wide world, leaving like a wilderness behind what he had found to be the garden of the Lord before him, sat down and wept like a child, because, the whole world being subdued, there was no other place to conquer and attach to his empire. You have, then, in the G-rEeco-Macedonian empire the fulfilment of that portion of the image which represented the third universal sovereignty that occupied the whole world. In looking at this part of my subject, there is just one thing more I should like to notice. The period that comprehended the Medo-Persian and the Grseco-3Iacedonian empires, or the second and third universal monarchies, was, perhaps, the most brilliant in the world. The galaxy of heroes, poets, painters, orators, statesmen, historians, that shine in the firmament of that celebrated era, has perhaps never been equalled in brilliancy and beauty. But what I wish you to notice is, that while this period occupied all the attention of the historians, the poets, and the orators of Grreece and Rome, and is referred to by them as the brightest and most illustrious in the history of the world, how little space it occupies in the word of Grod ! During the course of these empires, we have the conquests of Cyrus, the expedition of Xerxes — Marathon, the name of which is almost an oration — Thermopylae, which is the burden of so many poets' songs — and Salamis. \Ye have Miltiades, Themisto- cles, Aristides, Pericles, and Demosthenes; in short, all that man can appreciate of earthly glory reached at this period its culmi- nating grandeur, and has commanded in every land the admiration of poets, and the reminiscences of historians ; but these events, so prominent in the records of man, are but feebly touched by the pencil of the Spirit of God. Great warriors — able orators — mighty poets — illustrious statesmen — are treated in the Bible as the grass that groweth up and the flower of the grass that fadeth ; and great truths, interwoven with man's everlasting well-being, 76 rUOPHETIC STUDIES. are alone prominent in the word of God that liveth and cndurcth for ever and ever. But while these fade like the grass, and their greatest ones as the flower of the grass, the same book teaches us that " they that be wise shall shine as the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." Man's history relates to his own heroes and victories, and these occupy all his pages; God's history relates to and describes man in the light of eternity, and views all things as they bear upon that momentous issue. These, then, were the second and third empires ; and in verse 40 we have the fourth empire in its undivided state. ^'The fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron," etc. This empire can be proved from history to be none other than the great Eoman empire itself. From the period when Alexander swept the world and made it the measure of his kingdom, to the period when Rome gained the ascendency and became the universal empire, we read of no other universal, supremo, and absorbing sovereignty. We find from history that the Macedonian empire, which I have described, was overthrown about 142 years before Christ. Syria was conquered 64 years before Christ; Egypt 30 years before; and this vast empire then began its course about 30 years, or, at the very remotest, 142 years before Christ, and continued until nearly 400 years after that period, the alone supreme and uni- versal empire. One may also see that this the judgment formed by modern commentators was the universal judgment of the earliest writers upon the word of God. Theodoret, a Greek father, states that the first empire, of gold, was the Babjdonian ; the second, of silver, was the Medo-Persian ; the third, of brass, the Graeco-Macedonian ; and the fourth, or iron empire, he says, was none else than the Roman empire itself. You must notice, in looking at this prophecy of Daniel, that more space is devoted to the history of the Roman empire than to that of any of the other three. A large space is devoted to Babylon ; but a much larger space in the Bible relates to the Roman empire. Why so ? The Roman soldiers were present at the crucifixion ; a Roman oflBicer was the first among the Gentiles to receive the gospel ; the Roman capitol was the pulpit of Paul ; the Roman people became the first converts to the gospel ; through THE SILVER AND BRASS EMPIRES. 77 the Roman language and by Roman roads the gospel was carried from the Capitol to the remotest regions of the habitable globe ; and on the ruins of the Roman empire was constructed that dread sacerdotal despotism which has corrupted the oracles of God, ruined the souls of mankind, and is now drunk, as I shall show you in a subsequent lecture, with the blood of the saints of God — I mean the Romish Church. Now, in showing the rise of the Roman universal empire, we notice, first, Macedon was conquered, and disappeared from occu- pying its place among the nations of the earth; Carthage was razed to the ground ; Corinth, the capital of all that was luxurious and refined, was reduced to ashes. Spain next fell before the victorious arms of Rome ; Egypt was reduced to a Roman pro- vince; Judea became part of the Roman empire, as the New Testament will show you; and Jerusalem itself, the capital of Judea, was torn up by the Roman ploughshare, under Titus and Vespasian, the Roman emperors. When Rome had thus, like iron, bruised and broken down all the nations of the earth, and reduced them under its iron sceptre, this island, a small spot in the midst of the deep — a country full of roving savages and wild barbarians — a race that knew not what civilization was, and had still less idea of what Christianity proclaimed — this distant isle of the sea provoked the cupidity and stirred the ambition of Rome; at length it was invaded, and likewise subjected to the rule of the Roman empire. It was when the Romans had reached Scotland, and were subduing a portion of it, that Galgacus, the celebrated chieftain, addressed the Caledonians in the following words, which show how truly Rome was at this moment become the universal sovereign: — "These ravagers of the world/^ said the Scottish chieftain, " after all the earth has been too narrow for their ambition, have ransacked the sea also. If their enemy be rich, they are covetous; if poor, they are ambitious. The East cannot satiate theua, no more can the West. To plunder, to murder, to rob, is all their delight. Violence they call dominion; and wherever they make a dreary solitude, they call it peace." But the most decisive testimony to the universal iron supremacy of Rome, the fourth empire of Dciniel, is given by Gibbon, who, as usual, is here the undesigning, the unconscious, but the faithful 7* 78 PROPHETIC STUDIES. witness to the truth of the prophecies of God. Gibbon thus speaks of the extent of the Roman dominions : — ^' The empire was about two thousand miles in breadth, from the wall of Anto- ninus and northern limits of Dacia to the Atlas and the tropic of Cancer. It extended in length more than three thousand miles, from the "Western ocean to the Euphrates. The arms of the re- public, sometimes vanquished in battle, alwiijs yictorious in war, advanced with rapid strides to the Euphrates, and the Danube, and the Rhine, and the ocean; and the image of gold, or silver, or brass, that might serve to represent the nations or kings, were successively broken by the iron monarchy of Rome.^' Thus, strange enough, Gibbon states, as if he could find no language so truly descriptive of historic fact as the language of Daniel, '^ The image of gold, or silver, or brass, that might serve to represent the nations of kings, was successively broken up by the iron monarchy of Rome ;" so completely does God's prophecy find its echo in man's unconscious history. In other words, the infidel historian could find no language so descriptive of fact as the very words of prophecy in the book of Daniel ; and thus he proved, not only the fulfilment of prophecy, but the fulness, the beauty, and the force of the words in which that prophecy was couched. This iron despotism or empire is further proved to be the fourth universal empire, by another extract which I will give from Gib- bon. "There was," says the historian, "not an inch of ground then known exempt from its sceptre. The modern tyrant who should find no resistance in his own breast, or in his people, would soon experience a gentle restraint from the example of his equals, the dread of censure, the apprehension of enemies. The object of his displeasure escaping the narrow limits of his dominion, would easily obtain, in a happier climate, a secure refuge, freedom of complaint, and perhaps means of revenge. But the empire of the Romans filled the world, and when that empire fell into the hands of a single person, the world became a safe and dreary prison for his enemies. To resist was fatal, and it was impossible to fly. On every side he was encompassed with a vast extent of sea and land, which he could never hope to traverse, without being discovered, seized, and restored to his irritated master. THE SILVER AND BRASS EMPIRES. 79 Beyond the frontiers^ he could discover nothing except the ocean, inhospitable deserts, and hostile tribes of fierce barbarians/' Gibbon is my witness that the fourth kingdom should be " strong as iron ; forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and sub- dueth all things, so shall it break in pieces and bruise/' Thus truly is history the echo of prophecy ! God sketches the outline in his word, and kings, and heroes, and poets, and painters, and historians, as if smitten witli some mysterious instinct, instantly rise to their places, and fill up with their details what God has so fully sketched. Now then, having looked at the evidence of the existence of four great empires, I ask, can any one doubt, in reading their history, that the prophecy which predicted that existence hun- dreds of years before, is inspired by the Holy Spirit of God ? Can we doubt, from the comparison of the prophecy, so plain, with the historic facts, so indisputable and so clearly established, that there is a God who revealed them, and does reveal secrets still ? Can we suppose that that man was uninspired by Him to whom the present and the future are equally clear, who could stand up in the midst of the Babylonian empire, when its grandeur and power seemed the prophecy of its immortality, and the sceptre of its monarchy a sceptre too strong for any rival to destroy, or for any foe to shatter ; — can we suppose that Dcinicl, standing under such circumstances, in the midst of such imperial magnificence, and predicting that this empire should pass away, and a second should speedily occupy its throne ; and that that second empire should also fade, and a third should take its place ; and that a fourth empire should arise, fiercer and more powerful than the three that preceded it, and, like iron, irresistibly tread down and subdue to its supremacy all the nations of the habitable globe; — could he, I say, have done all this, if he had not been inspired by a power far greater than any human foresight could bestow ? If God be in history, which we know to be the fact, is there not God in prophecy? and history, therefore, is but the echo resound- ing in the ears of the present generation of that voice which sounded along the corridors of time in centuries and generations long past. We notice, then, the sublime and yet humbling light in which 80 PROPHETIC STUDIES. all the heroes and statesmen of ancient days were thus uncon- sciously placed. We see Hannibal, who had never heard of God's prophecies, begin his wars with Rome, and train her soldiers for being the conquerors of the world. "We see Scipio, Marius, Pom- pey, and Caesar, each take up the position assigned to him, and fight, or fall, or conquer, till they have made Rome nothing less and nothing more than what Daniel predicted that Rome should become. Thus we see the eloquence of Cicero, the poetry of Virgil, the odes of Horace, the annals of Tacitus, the pungent satires of Juvenal, the history of Gibbon, rush forward and be- come the witnesses to mysterious truths, which they could not themselves comprehend, but which are the most conclusive proofs that Daniel spoke by the inspiration of God, and the demonstra- tions to a skeptic world that God changcth the times and the sea- sons, he removeth kings and setteth up kings, he knoweth what is in the darkness and in the light, he revealeth the deep and secret things, and the light dwelleth with him. All these fell into their places just at the appointed times, and while they thought they were doing each his own work, all were co-operating to accomplish God's predictions; while they thought they were the statuaries cutting out the image after their own design, they were but the chisels in the hand of the great Statuary, un- consciously and unintentionally fulfilling his own grand and sub- lime purposes. In the next place, we learn the lesson that there are no accidents on earth — all history is thus constantly fulfilling all pro- phecy. If you read attentively the history of Rome, you would see that at times it seemed almost to struggle for existence. At one time it depended, you would say, upon the turning of a straw, whether Remus and Romulus, the alleged founders of Rome, should be left to perish in the wilderness ; it rested, you would say, at another time, upon the single sword of Camillus, which scale should preponderate; and once the Capitol of the city was saved by the geese which were accidentally fed there. All these seem to man accidents ; and human history, read by human light, seems a collection of lucky and fortuitous occurrences. But when a Christian looks at history, it becomes all luminous in the light of the gospel. The sword of Camillus was chosen and calculated THE SILVER AND BRASS EMPIRES. 81 by God as plainly as any fact in history ; the birds that saved the Capitol had their mission by the appointment of God ; and soldier and senator, poet and orator, had each his work to do, that God's great plans might be completed, and God's great work might be done. In the next place, we may learn that what was true of Rome, who fulfilled her portion of prophecy, is no less true of Great Britain, which is fulfilling hers. We see around us conflict, and trouble, and exaction, and dismay ; and we are sometimes prone to tremble, as if the glorious issue were placed in jeopardy. Save yourselves that feeling : you need not tremble. Man's word does ftiil, and he that builds on it may tremble; but God's word endureth for ever, and heaven and earth shall pass away, but one jot or one tittle of this book shall not fail till all be fulfilled. And therefore, when I look around me in this great land of ours, and see all things, consciously or unconsciously, criminally or innocently, doing God's work — the illustrious Wellington in the field — the great Pitt in the senate — the invincible Nelson on the deck — the martja-dom or the murder, call it which you please, of Charles — the ascendency of Cromwell — the reign even of George the Fourth, and the pure and beautiful sway of her who now wields the sceptre of this mighty land — I discover that all are ecjually helping the purpose, and accomplishing the predictions of God : I rest in the Lord, and am still. In the narratives of Scott — the poetry of Byron — the socialism of Owen — the piety of Wilberforce — the atheism of Yoltaire — the vulgar infidelity of Paine — the pantheism of Emerson — the " pamphlets for the last days of Carlyle," — all of them, whatever be their virtues or their crimes, whatever be their falsehood or their truth, whatever be their folly or their wisdom, are rising on the stage, each trampling down the other in its turn, to fulfil the purposes and manifest the glorious predictions of God. Their freedom and their responsi- bility are untouched ; the direction and the efi'ect of all they say and do is clear as the stars in the firmament. Thus centuries have their mission and their duty to perform — moments have their work — all men their places ; and the most wicked, like a leech applied to the human body, seek to serve themselves, but 82 PROPHETIC STUDIES. are only doing the work of the great Physician who prescribes, controls, and governs them. The next lesson we learn from this survey is, that God is also in the world. The world is not an orb abandoned by the Deity, and left to traverse its own course, or to follow its own impulses. Society is not like rain-drops sprinkled in the field or on the pavement, without design, without cohesion or purpose ; but they are all under God's providential government; and God is as much in the midst of this great city as he was between the cherubim when his glory dazzled all eyes by its splendour, or when he revealed himself in the burning bush, or when he thundered upon the heights of Sinai. Our creed is not ^^ God was," but '^ God is.'' The leaf that falls from the tree, and the king that is struck from his throne — the storm that sweeps the broad earth, and the tide of war, revolution, and convulsion that desolates great kingdoms, are all responses to the touch of God — mission- aries, consciously or unconsciously, criminally or innocently, executing and fulfilling the everlasting purposes of Him whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and whose dominion endureth for ever and ever. In the next place, let us learn from the survey of these four kingdoms, the downward and deteriorating tendency of all society, and nations, and corporations of all sorts, if they are without religion. They begin with gold ; they go on to silver ; they deteriorate into brass ; and lastly, they end in iron. And when the strongest has developed itself, a stone, physically weak, as I shall show in future lectures, but morally omnipotent, touches the iron that has subdued all, and it is scattered like chafi" upon the threshing-floor. Let us learn this great lesson, that true re- ligion is the sweetener and the strengthener of society. Exhaust religion from a country, from its schools, and its churches, and you exhaust the vital oxygen from the nation's air. It is only when the altars of a country burn with holy fire that the intellect of a country shall glow with pure and increasing light. It is just in proportion as religion leavens a nation that that nation stands firm on its feet, and may smile at the wear and tear of ages, knowing that it has immortality in proportion as it has Christianity. Babylon perished, because it had no religion. The THE SILVER AND BRASS EMPIRES. 83 Medo-Persian empire peri.shed because it Lad no religion. The Gr£eco-MacedonJan empire perished, because it had no religion ; and the Roman empire perished, because it had no religion. And if you look around at the present day, you find Egypt, be- cause without religion, is a mere mummy ; Greece, because with- out religion, is dead; India, because without religion, is a moral desert; China, because without religion, is a stagnant morass; and all society, domestic, national, provincial, universal, if stripped and deprived of its religion, becomes like a rope of sand, held together by political compression, but the instant that the politics tremble, that instant all its institutions go to decay. And this explains what has taken place on the continent of Europe. Why is France dying every day, so that one of its most illustrious writers has written an essay on the deterioration of France ; in which he shows that it is becoming daily so depopulated that they are obliged even to lower every succeeding year the standard of its army, till at length they will become pigmies instead of giants, as the Gauls once were ? Its moral state too is of the most awful description. And why is it thus sinking and deteriorating? Because, as a nation, it has cast off God. And why is Prussia, as a nation, weak and disturbed ? Because Prussian Protestantism has ceased to be what Luther left it. And why is it that Spain has a population above the soil not one whit grander or more capable of noble deeds than those that sleep quietly beneath it ? Because it has no real religion. And why is Rome the by-word of the nations — its infallibility a scoff, and its sacerdotal dynasty the horror of all that are acquainted with its terrible secrets ? Because it has no religion. You can raise a country's intellect only by raising its people's conscience. The bulwarks and the battlements of a land are not soldiers, nor sailors, nor creed, nor politics; it is righteousness that exalteth a nation, and sin that is the ruin of any people. But we have another lesson to learn from this : if all the move- ments of society are thus the executors of the purposes of God, it becomes the Christian to study what is going on around him, as well as what is written in the Bible. Christians are apt to exclude themselves from society, and to be ignorant of it ; to be acquainted with the Bible, which is their greatest glory, but to be 84 rRoriiETic studies. criminally and injuriously ignorant of all that is around them fulfilling the Bible, which is the neglect of their plainest duty. It seems to me that at the present moment, when, as I believe, the stone cut out without hands is breiiking the kingdoms of the world into atoms — at this moment, it seems to me, that the first study should be the book of grace — the chiefest, deepest, most solemn, most prayerful; but the next to that, the study of God's providential dealings at the present hour. So that, in my humble judgment, the very newspaper at this time is to me of no mean importance ; and if you want to see the Bible, which is prophecy, reflected in the form of history, just read the foreign correspond- ence of the newspapers of every day. We see there the world commenting upon what God has written ; and God, in his pro- vidential history, showing us the truth of his ancient and inspired prophecy. But do not read the newspaper to the neglect of the Bible ; read the Bible first and last, and chiefest ; and use the newspapers only as you would use any one fact in the past or present, as the evidence that God speaks in the Bible, and that God now acts in the world. The Bible is the key that unlocks all : it is the torch carried into the otherwise dark chambers of history, showing us order in apparent confusion ; revealing har- mony in seemed discord; unity, design, in what is otherwise inexplicable. Thus it becomes the bright chart that helps us to tread with certainty the windings of the labyrinth; and to rise from the chaos in which men plunge and speculate, to the light in which God is, and lives for ever. All around, I add, is changing; but the word of God lives and abides for ever. Thrones and dynasties and kings are passing away, but God's word remains; and in the midst of all the vicis- situdes and changes that are constantly occurring around us, how delightful to know that there are added day by day to the church of the living God such as shall be saved. I believe that, day by day, religion is becoming more felt and appreciated. I believe too, what you know, that empires may be shattered — sceptres broken — thrones convulsed — but that little thing, in the world's eye so weak, according to the world's calculation so perishing, the company of God's faithful people, may seem buried in the waves like the ark of old, but it is only to rise with the next bil* TPIE SILVER AND BRASS EMPIRES. 85 low nearer to the skies. ^^I give unto them," says our Lord, '^eternal life, and none shall be able to pluck them out of my hand." Nothing shall separate a living Christian from the liv- ing God; neither life, nor death, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature. Bre- thren, are we such Christians? are we transformed by the Spirit in the renewing of our hearts? No discussion on the fulfilment of prophecy must ever divert, but on the contrary, should draw our minds to the consideration of our personal safety in the sight of God. Are we reposing on the only fixture, the Rock of ages ? Are we hiding ourselves within the everlasting arms, — and when the last storm shall come, and the last thunder shall roar, and the last fires shall blaze, are we conscious that we shall be found rest- ing on the rock that shall never fail ? Are we born again ? Are we in the world and of the world ? or are we in the true church, and of the true church, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ? If we are, then we can stand and gaze upon the bright panorama that spreads before us, disclosing God in history, fulfilling God in prophecy; knowing that all things only work together for good to them that love God, and hasten that bright and blessed epoch, when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God, and all the people shall praise him ; and the earth shall yield her increase, and God, even our God shall bless us. Amen. 86 LECTUEE VII. THE MYSTIC STONE SMITING THE IMAGE. ''Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and cla}'-, and brake them to i^ieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them : and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potter's cloy, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men : but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the sil- ver, and the gold ; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter : and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure." — Daniel ii. 34, 35, 41-45. I HAVE explained the origin of the remarkable symbols, the last of which in this chapter I have this evening read. A great and supernatural image was made to pass before the eyes of Ne-. buchadnezzar the king, intended to presignify great events des- tined in the purposes of God to evolve in the latter days. That symbol none of the soothsayers of Babylon could interpret. What God reveals, God's people alone will clearly comprehend; and what God makes known by mysterious signs, God's own commis- sioned interpreter is able clearly to explain. The head, we are told, was made of gold, and was declared ex- pressly by Daniel to be the Babylonian monarchy. That head of THE MYSTIC STONE SMITING THE IMAGE. 87 gold, or Babylonian kingdom, passes away, as I have showed you by facts drawn from history, and another kingdom forthwith oc- cupies its place : the silver breast, with the silver arms, denoting the conjunct or combined kingdom of the Medo-Persians, which instantly succeeded the kingdom of Babylon on its overthrow and subjugation by Gyi'us, after whose victory its golden glory left scarce a rack behind. We then read of a third kingdom — not guessed by man to be so; but expressly explained by Daniel to succeed the second on its ruin and decay. ^'His belly and his thighs of brass." This kingdom, I showed you, denotes — the only possible kingdom it can be applied to — the Grseco-Macedo- nian, called frequently, as those acquainted with classic literature are aware, ^Hhe brazen-coated Greeks'^ — the Greeks who wore coats and helmets of mail and brass. This kingdom may be said to have been founded by Philip, who warred so successfully with the Greeks, and against whom the thunders and lightnings of Demosthenes were so vividly and so frequently pointed. He was succeeded by his son Alexander — Alexander the Great — who, I need not tell any one acquainted with the elements of schoolboy literature, swept the whole known world — subjugated every kingdom, almost the instant he touched it, by his victo- rious phalanxes; and at last, when he had subdued the whole world, he sat down and wept, because there was no more world to conquer. His kingdom passed away after it had fulfilled its mission, and was succeeded by the mightier, more powerful, iron kingdom of the Romans; whose history, rise, and progress, are described by heathen writers, and even by Gibbon, in a manner eminently confirmatory of the predictions of Daniel, as I have already endeavoured to delineate in the former lecture. This fourth empire has been called again and again ^^the iron em- pire." The crown or diadem of its monarchs was iron; the *'iron sway" was the name that poets gave to it; and when Gib- bon, the skeptic historian, wished to describe its rise, its splen- dour, and its might, he could find no symbol so expressive of its actual and historical nature as the very imagery used by.Daniel, which he consciously or unconsciously quoted, in order thereby to denote and delineate its unrivalled greatness, strength, and progress. 88 PROPHETIC STUDIES. I stated that the Koman empire* occupies a space larger than the rest, because the destiny of the people of God is very much interwoven and mixed up with it. I have showed you (and this is one great point I ask all to recollect) that there can be found no four successive empires in the world, or in the history of man- kind, possessed of universal sovereignty, except the four I have mentioned. Now, I ask you, is it possible, if Daniel were a mere guesser — a mere sagacious guesser of future possibilities — is it probable that he could have guessed so exactly what has taken place, and what all history attests ? Many are found who ask for miracles. Here is a miracle fresh and patent to all. Here is a delineation minutely given six hundred years before the advent of Christ ; and kings mount their thrones to fulfil it ; and the Roman legion and the Macedonian phalanx march to victory, in order to make its most microscopic lines appear true. Empire succeeds to empire, army destroys army, nation follows in the rear of nation, as if each saw the chart plainly delineated, and felt that each had a divine commission to go forth, verhafim et litera- tim, to fulfil it. Is not this prophecy written by the finger of God ? Is not all history the evidence of its inspiration ? Is not this a miracle that supersedes the necessity of mere manifestations of power, however impressive, and proclaims with a voice irresisti- ble and full of argument, " Thy word, God, is truth V In this lecture I proceed to show the division of the last king- dom, into what are called ^^ the toes of the feet'' of this image. The legs, from the knee, were represented as made of solid iron; the feet were composed of iron and clay ; and there were the five toes upon the one foot and the five upon the other, constituting thereby ten. But we should not conjecture it was ten, were it not that subsequent visions in the Book of Daniel, to which I • hope to be able to direct your attention, plainly state it ; and no less clear statements in the Book of Revelation indicate the same number of kingdoms. We read of the ^^ beast that was, and is * In searching Chrysostom for another quotation, I found, in his fourth Homily, on 2 Thess. ii. 5, the following words : — "^nsp yap al irpo rovrov KareXv'ir]- cav ^aaiXdai, oiov // MrjJwv vno toJj/ Ba,5uXa)i/icji', ?'; 'Ba/SvXoivioiv ino Ilipaoyv, rj lltpatjiv vno MuKciovov, fi 'MaKi:^6voiv vnd 'Pu/uiaiojv ovro) KaX av-ni vno roii 'Ai/rtxpiVroy, KaKeivo; wd Tov XptuTov Kal ovKETi *fa(9i?£(. — Vol. xi. 613. Paris. 1838. THE MYSTIC STONE SMITING THE IMAGE. 89 not." " And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet.'^ The words " king" and ''kingdom" are used convertibly in Daniel. Mr. Birks, who has written most ably and eloquently upon this book, says the ex- pression "kingdom" is used when it is the subject of change or division, and that it is called a king when it goes forth conquering and deciding the destinies of a nation. Accordingly we read in the 44th verse, '^In the days of these kings;" but in the previous passage it is said, " these kingdoms." Again, of the king of Babylon it is said, " Thou art that head of gold ;" meaning, '^ thy kingdom is represented by it." The two words, therefore, are used convertibly. Now it is said that this last kingdom, which we have shown, I think irresistibly, to be the Roman empire, Avas to be split into ten divisions ', or, if the wild beast from the abyss, seen by John in Patmos, be taken, it was to have ten horns ; or, if Daniel's subsequent visions be had recourse to, (which we shall come to by-and-by,) it was to be tenfold. We have the fact clearly pre- dicted, that it was to be split or divided into ten kingdoms. Here is a broad prediction, of which palpable facts can alone be re- garded as the fulfilment. Is it then matter of historic fact, as it is matter of prophetic declaration, that this Roman empire has been divided into ten kingdoms at its fall or decline ? That this has been so, every historian will tell you. Gibbon speaks of the ten kingdoms : Miiller, the German historian, alludes to the ten kingdoms of the Roman empire ; and I might quote from histo- rians innumerable, all speaking of this tenfold division, not as a prophetic announcement, but as an historical and actual fact. That this was so, I will show by giving these ten kingdoms as they have appeared in successive centuries. I need not enter into historical details, for they would be inappropriate here — all that devolves upon me is to show you the fulfilment of the prophecies of God ; and the discourse that proves to you that what God in- spired in prophecy has been fulfilled in history, is a discourse that contributes at least a drop to that mighty, deepening, widening current which carries, day by day, accumulating evidence of the inspiration and heaven-descended origin of God's blessed book. In the year 582 after the birth of Christ — that is, rather more 8« 90 PROPHETIC STUDIES. than a thousand years after the prophecy was uttered — we find the Roman empire, if I may use the expression, on its last legs ; and these last legs divided into the following ten toes, or king- doms : — the Bavarians, the Anglo-Saxons, the Alleman-Franks, the Burgundian-Franks, the Yisi-Goths, the Suevi-Franks, the Vandals, Ostro-Goths, and Lombards. The next or last three, as if to fulfil the significance of another vision of Daniel, were de- voured by the " little horn," (which we shall afterward speak of,) or were absorbed by the Roman pope, and constitute at this mo- ment what are called " the three estates of the Church." Then, in the year 900, there was the following division : Bavaria, G-er- many. Burgundy, France, Aragon, Castile, Lower Italy, and Rome, comprehending the three estates of the Church — the Vandals, Ostro-Goths, and Lombards. In the year 1214, the division was : Bavaria, Germany, Upper Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, Naples, and Rome with its three estates, rejDresented by the pope's triple crown, subject to the jurisdiction of the Church, and constituting its property. Then we come to 1700, when we find Bavaria, Austria, Savoy, France, Spain, Portugal, Naples, and Rome with its three estates, making altogether ten kingdoms, into which the Roman empire was at last divided. As you are aware, there is sometimes, in reading history, a dif- ficulty in distinguishing the one kingdom from the other; but, mark you, that very difficulty only makes the fulfilment of pro- phecy more clear, because the assertion of the seer is, that they shall attempt to intermingle with the seed of men, but that they should not succeed in being consolidated into one universal empire, as they were under Nebuchadnezzar, under Cyrus, under Alexander, or under the Roman Caesars; that with all their intermingling, as the sea interlocks with the land, the one losing and the other gaining a bit, the ten kingdoms should cast up at the end of every century, more or less separate, and should last till the end — when they should be smitten into fragments by a "stone cut out with- out hands." I ask you to notice this startling fact. If you will read any history of Europe, or if you will study the maps show- ing this division — maps which I hope one day to exhibit in my school-room, as I have exhibited others, if I can only get them prepared on a large enough scale — you will find that in each ceu- THE MYSTIC STONE SMITING THE IMAGE. 91 tury these ten kingdoms have always cast up, have always turned out of each revolution ; and every attempt to make them fewer, or to make them one, has signally and historically failed. The expression, " They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men/' simply means, that they should try by human alliances to intermingle. Napoleon, for instance, connected himself by marriage with Austria. One would have supposed that this would surely have brought about the consolidation of the two empires ; but it did not do so. Charlemagne subdued Germany, Saxony, Spain, and Italy ; but his conquests were temporary : he had no sooner turned his back upon the country he conquered, than it rose and reasserted its independence. Louis XIV., whose bril- liant, but sensual and profligate reign may be known to many of you, made the same experiment. Napoleon, with his iron crown, his formidable sword, and his devastating battalions, swept through Europe, reached Africa, visited even Palestine itself, or at least Syria ; till at last, in his desperate effort to consolidate all the nations of Europe, Asia, and Africa under his sway, he was all but paralyzed in his infatuated ambition, amid the snows of Kussia ; and finally, in that great victory in which our country signalized itself with glory, because it was a contribution to the peace of Europe and the well-being of mankind, he was finally smitten down. His attempt showed, as did the attempts of all that preceded him, that the inner powers of repulsion in the ten kingdoms were stronger than the outer compression of Napoleon's, or Charlemagne's, or Louis's sword. We have thus, then, the ten kingdoms always coming up, notwithstanding the efforts of suc- cessive despots, conquerors, and heroes to consolidate them. We have the failure of each hero written in blood, and stereotyped upon the page of Europe ; in spite of man's great forces, God's true word stands still, fulfilled to the very letter. Did Daniel guess all this ? Who is the more credulous — the man who says a Jewish captive guessed the history of Europe, or he that says a Jewish prophet predicted it by the inspiration of God ? We read, after this division of the empire, that ^'' a stone cut out without hands" was to smite '' the image upon its feet, that were of iron and clay." Then it is stated that " in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall 92 PROPHETIC STUDIES. never be destroyed/^ '^ Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold ;'" so will it be with the setting up of this great kingdom which shall never be destroyed. What the stone cut out without hands is, there can be scarcely a doubt in the mind of any Christian. The apostle Peter tells us, '^ To whom coming, as unto a living stone^ disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house.'' In his birth there was not the least of human agency ; in his resurrection there was none. In Christ, peculiarly and alone — and only of him can it be said so — there is realized and verified the symbol of a living stone, ^^ cut out without hands." But while this may be true, that Christ here personally is to be the Great Destroyer of the nations, it may be no less true that his people instrumen tally are to play a part in it. I cannot believe that the action of the ^^ stone cut out without hands'' upon the ten kingdoms was the birth of Christ, and the gradual spread of his empire, because it does not say that a power was to be introduced into the Roman empire that should spread like leaven, though that was true ; but it is here asserted that a stone was to strike the toes of the image in its last stage, and shatter it to pieces. Now the progress of the gospel, as a converting power, is gradual, slow, and invisible ; but the action of the stone, as here described, is not that of a converting power, but of a destroying and annihi- lating power. Therefore it is represented as smiting i\ie ten king- doms, or the toes of the image, and breaking them in pieces, so that they are scattered like chaff upon the threshing-floor of summer. It is believed by many, and I am one of those who incline to that belief, that the mystic stone at this moment has begun to smite the ten kingdoms of the Roman empire. And I am sure that no one who looks around him upon Europe, and reads its mysterious and its melancholy history — no one who is at this moment conversant with what is doing in France, where the vol- cano is smothered, but any thing but extinguished ; or with what is now passing in Italy, where the whole soil rocks, and is con- THE MYSTIC STONE SMITING THE IMAGE. 93 vulsed, as if by the heaving of some mighty, dread, subterranean elements, can doubt that if the stone be not smiting at this mo- ment, preparatory to the final destruction of the kingdoms of Europe, there is that going on which is the likest possible to it. Bavaria, Austria, Savoy, France, Spain, Portugal, Naples, the three kingdoms of the pope, or, as they are called, " the three estates of the Church'' — the Vandals, Ostro-Goths, and Lombards — are all at this moment convulsed, each to its very centre j flying from each other, as if by an irresistible centrifugal force; breaking to pieces, as if under the blows of some mysterious stone : Hungary flying off from Austria, as if a hammer smote it and chipped it off; Sicily dashed off from Naples; the pope's "three estates" rent, torn, agitated, convulsed; Ireland feeling also the blows, as if it belonged to the ten kingdoms, whose popish characteristics were to remain to the end, and struggling — we trust, in vain — to be severed from the nation that is its best, and its greatest, though it has been in past times its guilty and its offending friend. Does not all this look as if the stone had begun to smite the ten toes of the kingdoms of the earth ? And if it be so, how solemn is the moment we occupy ! standing on the eve of startling events; hearing thundering through the sky the reverberation of falling thrones, and exploding dynasties — sharing, indeed, a momentary lull, but, like the lull at sea which the sailor knows between the hurricanes, only preparatory to the rending elements that are instantly and terribly to succeed. Need I tell you that almost all men who have looked abroad upon the subject are full of these thoughts ? You cannot read the foreign communications of any of our newspapers without seeing it ; you cannot converse with any man acquainted with the state of Europe who does not tremble, if he has any stake in it, for fear of the things that are coming upon the earth. There is an ancient German prophecy, of which you may have heard, that can be traced half a century back ; I do not say it is inspired — far from it — because I have no evidence that it is so — but it was certainly a strange guess for the Germans to make so long ago : " I would not be a king in 1848 ; I would not be a soldier in 1849 ; I would not be a grave-digger in 1850 ; I will be any thing you please in 1851.'' This may be but a rough conjecture ; 94 PROPHETIC STUDIES. but how significant is, ^^ I would not be a king in 1848 !" How striking is, ^' I would not be a soldier in 1849 V And whether ^'I would not be a grave-digger in 1850'' is to be the foretoken of a yet more desolating scourge than any of those through which, by Grod's mercy, we have passed, Grod only knows. This, how- ever, we know — we are guilty. This we know — we ought now, in the moment of respite, both as affects the physical, and still more, the spiritual condition of our fellow-men, to lend a help- ing hand, and that right speedily. A pious person, writing from the continent, makes this statement : '' Much that has come be- fore us of late shows how rapidly things are classified — how all men are ranging themselves under their respective banners — all watching for the morning, the one for the Lord, and the other for Lucifer.^' While some are looking for Christ, the pantheists of Germany are looking for what they call " the coming man,'' the incarnation or personation of intellect, a human Grod. The beauty of the gospel is, that Grod was made man -, the error of panthe- ism is, that man is believed to be made God. The former was real ; the latter is a mockery. I have shown you, then, kingdom rushing from kingdom ; one detached from another, and all left unsettled. If you were to look into churches, you would see the same thing; fragments flying off from one church ; larger fragments from another church ] and the parties standing by, and seeming to enjoy the rending, themselves being rent in turn. This is the very age of breaking up — the age of crushing, of destroying, of rending — the age, in short, of the " stone" smiting the ten toes, and grinding to pow- der the kingdoms of this world. What would also confirm that which I have now been stating is, that it seems, from the language employed, to synchronize with the description of the seventh vial given by John. '' The seventh angel poured his vial into the air." That I have already explained to you. You have the air physically and morally tainted. I told you in Exeter Hall in 1847, before the vial was poured out, that the effects would be, whenever it came, if the principle of interpretation I thought to be true was correct, a taint of the air with a physical or pestilential taint, and the de- terioration of public opinion, sentiment, and belief, by deadly THE MYSTIC STONE SMITING THE IMAGE. 95 and destructive principles. '^And there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne, saying, It is done.'' Then, what takes place ? " There were voices'^ — who has not heard the voices that have been sounding over Europe for the last three years, in all shapes and forms? — "and thunders and light- nings ; and there was a great earthquake." As I told you, every newspaper said, that 1848 was the year of earthquakes. An earthquake shook all the ten kingdoms till they reeled and totter- ed, as if about to issue in their final destruction. "And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the na- tions fell ; and great Babylon came in remembrance before God'' — the popedom is now being visited and scourged, as the begin- ning of its utter and thorough destruction. If this, then, syn- chronizes with the seventh vial, you have still more confirmatory evidence — or rather, other language illustrative, still more forci- bly, by its symbols, of the period at which we are now arrived. If it synchronizes with the seventh vial, it would also syn- chronize with what our blessed Lord has told us in Matthew, (this is before the coming of Christ:) "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun" (used to denote imperial power) "be darkened, and the moon" (either a lesser civil power, or the ecclesiastical) "shall not give her light, and the stars" (or rulers in the church) " shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heaven shall be shaken : and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven : and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." And if it synchronizes with this, it will also synchronize with other predictions in the 37th and 38th chapters of Ezekiel: " Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many peo- ple with thee." There is a series of predictions in these chap- ters of Ezekiel revealing judgments that were to take place in the latter days — the restoration of the Jews, and glory of the Gentiles — which you can read at your leisure. It appears, then, that just before the advent of the Lord, there is to be the vial poured into the air, the thunder, the lightning, the great earthc|uake, and Babylon, the Romish apos- 96 PROPHETIC STUDIES. tasy, coming into remembrance before God; — secondly, to use the words of our Lord, the sun and moon and stars darkening, the heavens covered as with a sackcloth, and men's hearts fail- ing them for fear of the things that are coming upon the earth; and thirdly — to quote the imagery of Daniel — that the great stone (beyond all dispute, the Saviour) cut out without hands, is to smite the image, and break it in pieces, till it becomes like the chaff of the summer threshing-floor, swept to and fro by the wind, and carried away, so that no place should be ultimately found for it; and this stone, despised and rejected of men, whom men would not have as their foundation, becomes a great moun- tain, and fills the whole earth. Every one who looks abroad, as I have told you, sees what I may call the presumptive evidence of these things. You have only to look at the nations of Eu- rope to see that they want the great cohesive element of living, scriptural religion. No society can stand unless it be pervaded and knit together by the cement of a living Christianity. The strength of Britain is in the ratio of the depth of Britain's Christianity. The stability of our throne rests upon the Chris- tianity of our population. Never let it be forgotten, that the despised Scripture reader, and humble city missionary, in the dens and alleys, and subterranean cellars of this great metropolis, are contributing (the great men of the world may not see it, but Christian men feel it) to the stability of our most gracious queen's throne, to the splendour of her crown, and to the glory and greatness of this great empire. It is by religion that a na- tion stands; and in the absence of it a hundred thousand bayo- nets are not stronger than a hundred thousand straws — as Louis Philippe, in his own experience, can tell you; and with that reli- gion in a nation's heart, it needs few battalions round the throne, or soldiers to maintain and to defend it. There is a defence in the midst of us mightier than all — the glory of the Lord, our refuge and our strength, and our present help in time of trouble. But with the nations of the earth, every one sees that there is no chance of their keeping together. All their constitutions are carnal. They are merely being patched up; the evil day is, as it were, staved off. Who does not see, who has the least know- ledge of what is going on, that the kingdoms of Europe — the THE MYSTIC STONE SMITING THE IMAGE. 97 ten kingdoms — are kept down and quieted purely by manage- ment? Like an old rain, they are propped up; like a diseased body, they are kept in life by medicine; but the props will fall; the medicine will lose its power; and then will come, as Metter- nich prophesied, '^ the deluge, desolation, destruction, ruin/' Seeing, then, that the gold and the silver, and the brass, and the iron and clay — all these things must be dissolved — Babylon, Medo-Persia, Macedonia, G^reece, the Koman Empire, and the ten kingdoms — let me ask this question of you — a question that has been asked for 1800 years — ^'What manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for, and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?'' Reading the handwriting of doom upon the walls of palaces, and upon the face of thrones; hear- ing the successive crashes of nations booming over sea and land, as if they were the trumps of judgment, spared as we are, in a momentary lull when all seems quiet, only that the forces may muster for the more terrific havoc that is to come; standing on a part of the earth toward which earthquakes seem to roll, and yet, by a divine protection, seem successively to be repelled; — how earnestly should we examine ourselves, — how should we think of our state before God, — how should we try to anticipate, from the knowledge of our hearts, as reflected from God's Holy "Word, where we shall stand when the last crash shall come, and the Son of man, coming in the clouds of heaven, shall cover the sky with an unearthly splendour, and all men shall, for one brief period, enjoy a dreadful, suspensive, trembling pause, anxious to know, " shall we stand at the right hand or at the left hand of the Judge?" ^'Seeing all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be?" But does not a retrospect of this image, which represented to Daniel all the kingdoms of the world, tell us how to estimate these kingdoms? Riches — what are they? Fragments of the golden head; mere filings of the silver breast and of the silver arms; possessed, indeed, of currency below, but destitute of any currency where Christ and our inheritance are. And what, after all, is earthly rank? It is merely a foothold upon the iron legs; 9 98 PROPHETIC STUDIES. or, if a higher rank^ upon the thighs of brass; or, if a higher still, upon the silver arm; and the highest rank in the land is merely seated on the golden head. And when we know that the golden head, and silver arm, and belly of brass, and legs of iron, and toes of clay, shall be all smashed to pieces by that Stone, scat- tered like chaff upon the summer threshing-floor, oh! how pale does all earthly rank become — how poor does all worldly gran- deur appear — how little worthy of a people's love — how little en- titled to a nation's anxiety! What a call to us to think of the *^ unsearchable riches'^ that moth cannot corrupt — to think of the ^'honour that cometh from God" — to think, and secure while we think of a foothold, not upon the leg of iron, nor belly of brass, nor arm of silver, nor head of gold, but a foothold on the Rock of ages, which shall become one day ^^a great mountain,'^ and shall "fill the whole earth. '^ Blessed hope! brilliant pros- pect! As it was told by David, in the 72d Psalm, "His name shall endure for ever :" it shall last like the sun. The names ol Calvin, of Luther, of Knox, of Wesley, and Whitefield, and other names that may be musical to our ears, shall all be hushed, and the name of Christ alone shall endure audible for ever. All nations shall bless him, and all nations shall be blessed in him; and when that Stone has been turned into this great mountain, and when the whole earth shall be covered by that mountain, then shall be the era of the triumph of the catholic, or the uni- versal, and the true church; that mountain-brow basking in per- petual sunshine; and around that mighty mountain that fills the whole earth shall bo successive belts, like bright zones, of ador- ing and worshipping companies, that say and sing, "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto our Grod; to him be glory for ever and ever." Glorious structure, beautiful and holy home, sublime cathedral, happy rest, for the holy and happy people of God! No hospitals will be there, for there shall be no sick; no graves shall be dug in it, for death shall be destroyed; no sor- row, nor sighing nor tears; but the church catholic, apostolic, holy, blessed, for ever and ever, — Christ their King, and none known by any other name than Christians, the anointed subjects of the great King. THE MYSTIC STONE SMITING THE IMAGE. 99 My dear friends, some men quarrel with the study of prophe- cy. I have learned more since I began to study it thoroughly than ever I learned before. I do not say that these simple truths are denied by ministers of the gospel, but certainly they are not studied. They say, ^' We do not like to study these sub- jects." They even boast of their good sense in skipping the Book of Daniel and the Apocalypse. Alas ! for such unprotestant preachers. Whatever God has written, it is surely worth our trouble to study; and if we commit an error here and there, charity will forgive it, and God will forgive it for the sake of the great tmths that are beside it. This I have learned ever since I studied these truths : I have learned less and less to value those distinctions of church and dissent, of episcopacy and independ- ency and presbytery; and to feel more and more their utter insignificance in comparison with that glory that streams from the better land, and shows me that, in the sight of God, in the cycle of eternity, there are but two classes — the lost, in hell, who have clung to Antichrist, and the saved, in heaven, with whom Christ has been all and in all. ■ The future ! cruel were the power Whose doom would tear thee from my heart; Thou sweetener of the present hour, We cannot — no — we will not part ! Then haste thee, Time — 'tis kindness all, That speeds thy winged feet so fast Thy pleasures stay not till they pall; And all thy pains are quickly past. Thou fliest and bcar'st away our woes; And as the shadowy trains depart, The memory of sorrow grows A lighter burden on the heart. 100 LECTURE yill. THE KINGDOM OF GOD. " Thou, king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before theej and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces to- gether, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them : and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. This is the dream ,• and we v/ill tell the interpretation thereof before the king. Thou, king, art a king of kings : for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold. And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron : forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things : and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potter's clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the -iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed : and the kingdom shall not be left to other peo- ple, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." — Daniel ii. 31-4:-i. Time would foil me were I to attempt to recapitulate what I have preached on the portion of Scripture which I have now read. It will be sufficient to observe, that I showed that the head of gold was the Babylonian kingdom — the first supreme and univer- sal sovereignty that then existed upon earth; that the breast and THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 101 arms of silver we could have no difficulty in defining to be the Medo-Persian kingdom — the breast denoting its monarch, and the two arms, Media and Persia, united in him, and constituting one kingdom; that the belly and thighs of brass represented the next succeeding universal kingdom, the Grrajco-Macedonians, or the Macedonian Greeks, known in classic story as the ''brass- covered Greeks,^^ who, first under Philip, and next, and com- pletely, under his son Alexander, swept the earth, and subdued every kingdom under their powerful sceptre. I also showed, by irresistible proofs drawn from Gibbon, and from historians whose testimony in this matter must be regarded as dispassionate, that the fourth kingdom, the fourth in succession, and the only suc- ceeding kingdom that had absolute and universal sovereignty, was the iron kingdom of Rome, or the Roman empire. Now, this is not mere conjecture. I ask you to point out to me, in past history, any other four successive kingdoms each of which was in its day mistress of the globe, as far as the globe was then known. There have been but four universal empires — the four I have stated — each sovereign and supreme in its sway, and each displaced by its successor. The last of these, the Roman em- pire, which was of iron, subdued and ground to pieces all the kingdoms that preceded it. I showed you also, by comparisons with the Book of Revelation, and subsequent passages in the prophecy of Daniel, to which I will refer you, that, as the two feet of the image were divided into ten toes, the Roman empire might be expected, if the prophecy were true, to be divided into ten kingdoms. If you will open any history of any school or creed, you will find it stated that the Roman empire was thus divided into ten kingdoms in the fourth or fifth century; this is matter of universal admission. Strange enough, ever since that division took place — now some fourteen hundred years ago — the ten kingdoms which I specified by name, are seen, in every cen- tury, more or less clearly to cast up. Were they to cast up the same in limits and geographical extent in every century, prophe- cy would not be fulfilled; because the prediction is that they would try to ''mingle with the seed of men;^' that is, there should be efforts made to compress, to consolidate, to jumble them; in other words, destroy — though not intentionally — God's 9* 102 PROPHETIC STUDIES. prediction, and make tliem cease to be wliat God has declared they long shall be — numerically and clearly ten. Now, it is a fact, that ever since the division into ten, successive rulers have tried to amalgamate them into one great universal empire; and in each instance they have found that the word of the Almighty was stronger than the sword of Co3sar, of Charlemagne, or of Na- poleon, or of any other ambitious prince or soldier that made the experiment. Again and again marriages have been made among the ten kings. The most powerful effort, and the nearest to suc- cessful, was made by Napoleon, when he allied himself to the house of Austria. He controlled the most gallant, the bravest, the most active nation on i\\h continent of Europe. Europe seemed to lie prostrate at his feet, ready to accept his sovereign- ty; the cup of universal empire was almost at his lips; but God had destined it otherwise, and expressly said it should be other- wise, 600 years before the birth of Christ, and more than 2000 years before Napoleon was born. The waters of the Borodino engulphed his invincible battalions, and the snows of Russia be- came winding-sheets to half his army, and the bones of the rest, bleaching or buried on the plains of Waterloo, tell how feeble is the might of man, and how lasting is the truth of God. But we are told that in the time of these ten kingdoms, into which the Roman empire was to be divided, the God of heaven shoukl set up a kingdom which should never be destroyed. Now, this cannot be the commencement of Christianity eighteen hun- dred years ago, because it is said that God wouki set up this king- dom subsequent to the division of the empire into ten kingdoms; assuredly he will yet set up this kingdom in all its grandeur, completeness, and sovereignty; and between the ruin of the ten kingdoms of the Roman empire and the culminating glory of the Christian kingdom there shall be nothing intervening. This last and universal sovereignty of the Christian kingdom was to be the result of another fact: that a "stone cut out without hands" (which I showed by comparison to be the Lord Jesus) was, not gradually to leaven, but suddenly to smite the ten kingdoms. You will notice that the stone, which was Christ, (" to whom coming, as unto a I icing .stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen and precious,") was to smite the image in its tenfold division state. THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 103 It was not to smite it in the time of its golden head^ nor in the time of its silver breast, nor in the time of its brass thighs, nor in the time of its iron limbs ; but when the iron limbs should be divided into ten toes, partly clay and partly iron. This stone was suddenly to fall upon the ten kingdoms, and to split them into atoms, and scatter them as chaff is driven and scattered upon the summer threshing-floor. I showed you, by two or three simple facts, that it seems as if the blows of that stone were at this mo- ment reverberating throughout the continent of Europe. Who can fail to see kingdom after kingdom — without any explanation of the why — without any preconcerted scheme, or plan, or con- spiracy, that will account for the result — suddenly broken to atoms ? And if great statesmen are to be believed, whose saga- city is generally the nearest thing to prophecy, never was the continent of Europe at this moment in a more unsettled state. The stone seemed first to have smitten France ; and left that mo- narch, who fell asleep with a hundred thousand bayonets bristling around him, a refugee and an exile on the rise of to-morrow's sun. The stone then struck Austria; and its monarch was an exile among the Swiss. It next struck Germany; and even that giant empire reeled and staggered under the blow. The stone then struck Italy; the pope was driven from his throne; and the '^ three horns'^ that belonged to him — "the three states of the Church" — part of the ten — are at this moment substantially severed from him. I was told by a Eoman refugee, soon after this, that the prospect of his ever wielding the temporal sove- reignty over that people is remoter at this moment than ever. And, as if the very elements were sustaining men in their efforts to destroy him — not the man Pius IX., but the personation, the head, the representative of Babylon — we find, that no sooner was he settled in his recent place of retirement, than the earthquake rocked the soil, and Vesuvius burst out with preternatural fury; and the pope himself, who fled from his people a year ago, was flying from the burning element;''' as if the foretokens of the pre- "•••■ " Tbat which nothing else has been able to effect, the eruption of Vesuvius has effected, the flight, or rather the removal of the pope. It is only, however, to the palace on Capo di Monte, -where he can enjoy the magnificent scenes no^v being exhibited on Vesuvius Avithout trembling at the dreadful roaring of the 104 PROPHETIC STUDIi:S. dieted downfall of Babylon were accumulating and thickening every day. When I read this fact in the papers, it reminded me of what Mr. Elliot has shown will be the nature and agent of the destruction of Babylon. His belief is — and Scripture leads him to this conclusion — that that gigantic despotismj which has made slaves of the free and martyrs of the holy, and out of which there is only escape for such men as Achilli, when the power of our country and that of France are made to tell upon the fears of the guardians of its despotism — is to be literally mountain, and witliout fear of being overwhelmed. I hear nothing, however, of a more distant flight. Cardinal Dupont is still here, and the steamer, the Vaiiban, which brought him, waits in port. Arrests still continue here, and I hear that, last night, a terribly large batch was seized and sent off to prison — some say twenty-seven men of birth and respectability. Mr. Brown, an Ame- rican, formerly consul at Rome, has been ordered to quit Naples within forty- eight hours, whereupon an indignant and angry correspondence has taken place between the American charge d'affaires and the Neapolitan government. As yet I know not if, or how, it has terminated. " I must not forget to inform you of the state of Vesuvius. For a week, we have now enjoyed the most splendid eruption which has taken place for many years. The ashes have been carried as far, we know, as twenty miles, and, no doubt, much farther. The lava descends in two streams upon Ottajano, where it has destroyed a palace and much land belonging to a nobleman of that name, and another toward Torri deli Annunziata, while the flames and the immense masses of rock which arc ejected, form, at night, a splendid and terrific spec- tacle. The roaring of the mountain on Saturday night last was such as to disturb the whole country for miles round, and here in Naples our windows shook with every repetition of it, which was unceasing night and day. Im- mense crowds, of course, walk over to the other side of the bay to get a nearer view; religious processions are moving about, for the intercession of the Ma- donna and the saints ; and it is said that the pope is to perform some ceremo- nial to cause the mountain to stay its ruinous proceedings. I am sorry to add that the accidents to those who went over have been very sad. On Saturday night a young Pole was struck in the leg by a burning stone, which cut through the limb, and he died on the mountain from loss of blood. A young American ofiicer was struck in the arm, which hung suspended by a bit of flesh. On his arrival in Naples he had lost so much blood that an amputation could not take place, and as no reaction has up to this time taken place, it is not expected that he can live. A gendarme is also reported killed, and two men who had fallen a sacrifice to the eruption were said to have been buried yesterday at Portici. Some anxiety has been felt for an Englishman and his wife who had not returned from a visit to the mountain; and yet crowds roll on night and day to see this wonderful phenomenon. From the neighbourhood of the mountain all the inhabitants have fled, and the powder from the magazine at Torre has neon removed." — C(>rrc'i2^ond(^iif of tlic Daili/ Kcics. (April, 1S50.) THE KlNGDO:\I OF GOD. 105 burned with fire, and that there are volcanic elements enough iu Italy, not only to account for, but to lead us to expect, so terrible and so consuming a catastrophe. We wait : the only concern we have in the prospect of her catastrophe is : ^' Come out of her, my people, that ye partake not of her sins, and receive not of her plagues.'' I believe those who hold what are called Tractarian views are partaking of the sins of Babylon, and that they will perish in her ruin unless they repent. I believe it is the duty of every man more and more to protest against the system, and whatever be his love to its victims — and that love cannot be too intense, and he cannot speak the word of truth in too much love — to speak of it as Grod speaks to it, and himself to take care that he share in none of her sins ; and so shall he not suffer any of her plagues. Having, then, reviewed the whole of my statement on the great image, I now proceed to notice the kingdom that is here stated to succeed the other kingdoms, to cover the whole earth, and never to be moved. This kingdom is composed, first, of principles ; next, of persons : both now imperfect, but by-and-by to be made perfect in glory. First of all, it is composed of principles. The Spirit of God says — " The kingdom of Grod is not meat nor drink, but righte- ousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.'' Here you have this kingdom in its essential and constituent principles. Before un- folding these, let me first notice its negative aspect. ^' The kingdom of God is not meat nor drink." In other words, nothing merely ceremonial constitutes the kingdom of God. The ceremonies may be too many, or they may be too few — they may be very brilliant, or they may be very bald — they may please the senses, or gratify only the intellect : it is of no consequence. These things do not form a vital part of the kingdom of God. Nothing, in the next place, that is merely ritual constitutes this kingdom. ^' It is not," says the apostle, " meat nor drink." There may be rubrics, or there may be none — you may fost, or ■ you may feast — j^ou may kneel at prayer, or you may stand — you may kneel at the communion-table, or you may sit — the minister may wear a silk gown, or a surplice, or neither ; he may preach without notes, or he may preach with them ; these are matters of 106 rRoriiETiG studies. ceremony evanescent as the clouds; the great truths beyond and beneath them are, like the stars, fixed and beautiful for ever. This kingdom is not described by any fixed and clearly specified ecclesiastical regime. The church may be governed by bishops, or it may be governed by presbyters, or it may be governed by the people ; it may be episcopal, presbyterial, or congregational ; it may be favoured by the state, or it may be free from it; it may be endowed by the state, or supported by the people ; it may be a very imperfect church, or the most perfect church of all ; — these are matters that may be of less or greater advantage to the king- dom, but they are not, of necessity, essentials to the very exist- ence of the kingdom ) and if men only felt this more, they would labour less to reform the mere externals, and labour more to plant in the heart and impress on the people the vital and essential doc- trines of the gospel. The true way to get a church perfect is to try to have perfect men to compose it. The purity of the govern- ment of a church will always be in the direct ratio of the piety of the people that constitute that church. If we prayed more and quarrelled less, and each in his sphere did the work that devolved upon him more heartily, there would be far greater suc- cess in promoting the gospel — in vindicating the honour of God — in winning souls. Far preferable would this be to any eiforts to improve the outworks, or to alter its constitution, or to change its robes, its ceremonies, and its rites. Never forget that the citadel of a church's strength is not outward, but inward Chris- tianity. Vital forces are in each individual heart ; not in bishop, presbytery, or people. Thus, then, no one outward government is specified as an essential part of the kingdom of Christ. It is not ^' Lord, Lord,^' but being Christian ; it is not creeds, or fasts, or incense, or genuflexion ] it is not the voluntary system, nor the • establishment; it is not beads, nor holy water; it is not dipping, nor sprinkling ; it is not kneeling, nor standing ; it is not Geri- zim, nor Sinai ; '^ neither on this mountain," nor on that; ''the kingdom of God is neither meat nor drink," nor ceremony, nor form, ''but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." Let us now look at the positive side of this kingdom, or the constituent and normal elements of that kingdom which is to supersede all, and rise in beauty and glory when other kingdoms THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 107 have passed away. It is composed, first, of " rigliteousness." What is this righteousness ? It is twofold : there is a righteous- ness without us, by which we are justified; and there is a righteousness within us, by which we are sanctified. The first is the act of God's free grace; the second is the icorh of God's Holy SjDirit. The righteousness by which we are justified is as perfect at the moment we believe as it will be when we arc admitted into heaven ; the righteousness by which we are sancti- fied is day by day growing in strength, in influence, in power, until grace is lost in glory. The first, or the righteousness by which we are justified, is imjnifed to us; the second, or the righteousness by which we are sanctified, is imparted to us. The first is our title to heaven ; the second is our fitness for heaven. This righteousness, both as imputed and imparted — the act of Christ, and the work of the Spirit — is an essential element of that kingdom which " is not meat nor drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.''' Another element, we are told, is " peace.'' " Justified by faith, we have peace with God." There is no peace real or lasting, except the peace that passeth understanding. Old Mr. Howells used to say, "If you see two dogs at peace with each other, it is the indirect evidence of the power of the gospel." There would be nothing but war, interminable and exterminating, throughout all society, but for the direct or indirect influence of the gospel of Jesus. When we are justified by faith in the righteousness of Jesus, we have then peace : peace with God, for he is our father — peace with our conscience, for on it is the reflection of that Father's countenance — peace with every man who is a Chris- tian, for he is a brother — peace with every man who is not a Christian, for he may, by grace, be made a brother : peace, not indolence ; not ease, in any respect, but strife — not self-indulg- ence, but self-sacrifice — not acquiescence in what is evil, for the sake of quiet, but war with what is evil, for the sake of God — not a prudential avoiding of quarrels, but the sustained endeavour to make all things what grace has made us ; and to feel our peace increasing and flowing as a river, in proportion as the gospel of grace pervades, and permeates, and leavens all arouud us. Such 108 PROPHETIC STUDIES. is the peace liere indicated — peace with God, peace with conscience, and peace with one another. The third element, we are tokl, is "joy.'' It began in right- eousness, it proceeds in peace, it culminates in joy. In other words, the kingdom of God — that is, Christianity — is one-third character and two-thirds privilege. I have often declared, what I now repeat, that the gospel was inspired, that Jesus died, that the Holy Spirit came down at Pentecost, as much to make you and me happy and joyful, as to make you and me righteous and holy. Nay, the very first sound in that glorious message is '' good news." For what is the meaning of the work gospel ? '^ Good news." Instead of shrinking from that gospel, instead of looking upon it as something sepulchral and awful, that will dissipate all your joys, and dry up all the currents of your pleasure, you ought to know that the main elements of the king- dom of God are peace and joy. I am sure, if we confess at the throne of grace that the gospel has not made us righteous as it ought to have done, we ought to confess with equal sorrow that it has not made us happy, peaceful, joyful, as it was meant to do. If there be any man in this assembly who is not a happy man, it is not because the gospel has made him miserable ; if there be any man in this assembly who is not a joyful man, it is not be- cause the gospel is not fitted to make him so ; but because he is cherishing some sin which acts like a blind upon the gospel light, and prevents its cheering, its enlivening, and illuminating beams from entering into the chamber of his soul, and there lighting up perpetual sunshine. The gospel, then, is one-third character, and two-thirds privilege : not meat nor drink, nor form nor ceremony, about which men fight; but "righteousness, peace, and joy." How striking it is that all the quarrels among Christians are mostly about the negative part — about meat or drink. Now, if they would lay aside looking at the negative — form, ceremony, fasting, feasting, silk robe and surplice, meat and drink, about which disputes are endless, and would look more at " righteous- ness, peace, and joy," about which we feel unanimous, they would find they had left the region of passion and the arena of conflict, the gray twilight of misapprehension ; and that they were in the province of unity, amid th© air of peace, and the lights of THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 109 joy where the wilderness rejoices, and the solitary place blos- soms as the rose. Having ascertained what this kingdom is, as God himself has defined it, we see what it is that can truly renovate man- kind. Man has various prescriptions: God has but one. One man has a temperance society, and that is, I dare say, good; another has a peace society, and that is good enough, I sup- pose in its place; another man has some other society for some other object, and it may be equally good. But all these must fail, however good in design, however pretty in their little spheres of little working — they are toys, not quickening truths. Men will never be truly temperate, until the grace of God that teachcth to live soberly is implanted in their hearts ; and nations will never get peace by burning the navy and reducing the army. One of the greatest means, perhaps, in this sinful world of keeping peace may be the maintenance of the army and the navy; and one of the greatest blunders, I fear, may be found to be the de- stroying or weakening of either. But neither army nor navy are the means of creating peace. The only thing that can make peace is the kingdom of peace in every man's conscience, and the reign of the Prince of peace in every king's kingdom. When the whole world has become Christian, then will be the time to beat the spear into the ploughshare, but not until then. Our Lord has told us, "I am not come to send peace on earth, but a sword;" not intentionally, but necessarily. The result of holi- ness coming into contact with sin, peace coming into contact with war, love coming into contact with enmity, will be war, discord, division, dispute. x\ll man's plans for ameliorating society fail, because they touch merely the robes of society; they d9 not reach its heart. Man would be for manufacturing peace and happiness by machinery : God, for making happiness and peace by implant- ing within the principles of the gospel of peace. Man hits upon a scheme ; God implants a principle. Man wants to make duty a soft lawn, not a battle ; his life sitting in an easy chair, not a race that he has to run. Thus he proposes to reform society by reforming its circumstances, an empirical scheme which must always inevitably fail. Christianity proposes a revolution with- in, and then there will be a reformation without. It acts by 10 110 rROniETlC STUDIES. mind ; all other schemes act by mechanism. Man's plan is to begin at the circumference, and try to get inward; God's j^lan is to begin at the heart, and then carry power, principle, and re- formation outward. Man's way is to give man something that he has not; Grod's way is to make man something that he is not. Man's plan is to give the patient a softer bed ; God's plan is to cure the patient. The one is weakness, the other is power. The one is the quackery of man ; the other is the kingdom of God, and ^'righteousness, peace, and joy" in the individual heart; and thus "righteousness, peace, and joy" in universal society. If this be the kingdom of God, is it implanted in your hearts ? However sure the prospect of its universal sovereignty may be — however possible that it may burst upon the world like a thunder- clap ; yet it is true that, day by day, it is gaining power and pro- gress in individual hearts — it is advanced by means — it is ours to use them. Day by day, I solemnly believe, all society is splitting into two grand sections. You will find that all such names as Churchmen and Dissenters, Independents, and Baptists, and Wesleyans, et cetera, et cetera, and unfortunately et cetera still, will be lost in one great phalanx — they that are the Lord's. On the other hand, there will be another section antagonistic to that — Tractarians, Puseyites, Papists, the Greek Church, and all that hold the traditions of men — all passed over to their side, and under their banner, and forming the phalanx of antichrist : God's people finding the centre of their unity in Christ ; they that are not God's people finding the centre of their unity in antichrist. During the heat of the collision, the Lord will ap- pear, and shine before his ancients gloriously; and after smiting all the opposing kingdoms of the world, as the great mystic stone, he will, in the language of the text, '^ set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed ; but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." I ask, my dear friends, have you the elemental principle of this kingdom in your hearts? In other words, are you Christians? Remember, if there be any valid excuse why you should not be Christians, you will never be condemned for the want of Christianity. Wherever there is a valid excuse, there is no duty ; but there is no excuse in the height or in the depth, why every man is this assembly THE KINGDOM OF GOD. m Bliould notj this very night, resolve that for him and his, he will serve the Lord. Ail the excuses that men make are paltry and untenable. One says, "How liberal I would be, if I had not this encumbrance." Another says, " How religious I would be, if I were not so busy.'^ Another, again, says, " How good I should be, if I could only dispose of those circumstances which trammel me at present, but which by-and-by will be removed.'' My dear friends, circumstances are to be the servants of man ; not man the servant of circumstances. We have nothing in the universe to do with circumstances, but to concjuer them. The solemnity of duty, the obligation of convictions, responsibility to Grod, cannot wait till the circumstances around us are adjusted, but must pass, like ploughshares, through all circumstances; leaving scope for duty, none for excuse. I ask again, is the king- dom of God erected in your heart ? Do you know what it is to have a righteousness to lean upon, so complete that you would not fear at this moment to look the Sovereign Judge in the face, and feel that there is no condemnation for you ? Have you, at this moment, that peace which would enable you to feel perfectly composed if the earth were to vibrate beneath your feet by suc- cessive earthquakes, the sun to become as blood, the stars to foil from their sockets, and the last conflagration to kindle on the globe that you tread upon — would you feel peace ? Nay more, in the absence of all, in the loss of the fruit of the fig-tree — of all the property you have accumulated — in the midst of all losses, can you say, "Yea, I will rejoice in the Lord, and joy in the God of my salvation ?" Christianity is not a mere creed that a man subscribes to ', it is a kindling principle that runs through the whole of man's nature. Christianity is not a dogma for schoolmen to wrangle about ; it is a great, vital, personal expe- rience for each man to feel, and for the absence of which each man is responsible. We can all dispute about orthodoxy, and quarrel about ceremonies ; and the devil avails himself of such quarrels to conceal and darken the solemn obligations to believe in Jesus, to go to God, and to have peace with him through the blood of the covenant, and righteousness and joy in the Holy Ghost. Let us cease to quarrel. Let us begin to live. I have thus looked at this kingdom as composed of principles ; 112 PROPHETIC STUDIES. lot me notice it now as composed of subjects. Who are tlie sub- jects of this kingdom ? In one short sentence, they are those in whose hearts are '^righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Clhost/' But, if I may expand it, I would say, the subjects of this kingdom are not, as I have already endeavoured to indicate, men of any one denomination, or any one ceremony. You may be churchmen, or you may be dissenters, and not subjects of this kingdom. You may pray with a liturgy, or pray without one, and yet not be subjects of this kingdom. You may worship in chapel, in church, or in cathedral, and yet not be subjects of this kingdom. The subjects of this kingdom are not distinguished by the conventionalisms of man, but by inward regeneration of heart by the Holy Spirit of God. I do believe that if the attempt suc- ceed that is now made to identify, by a decision of any sort, bap- tism — a precious sacrament — with regeneration ; leading men to suppose that, baptized canonically, they are regenerated surely, the most awful apostasy will be commenced by the church of many of our fellow-subjects. If it were only understood what is man's state by nature, they would never dream that baptizing him by water could essentially alter that state. It may alter it ecclesias- tically : morally and truly, it cannot. What is man's state ? If man, by sin and by the fall, had merely suffered a slight shock — if all that Adam's ruin and Adam's sin had done were to throw man into a faint or swoon, then I do not see why water sprinkled on him might not revive him, and set him on his feet again. But if this be not the expression of the true state — if man be really dead in trespasses and in sins, let me ask you, who can raise the spiritually dead ? Only he who will sound the trumpet, and the dead shall come forth from their graves, can speak to the heart, and the heart of stone shall become a heart of living, of sensible, and of sympathizing flesh. The members of this kingdom are not the baptized, nor the circumcised as such ; but they are mem- bers of the body of Christ, the sons of God, the elect of God, a chosen generation, a peculiar people, a holy nation : " the lights of the world," 'Hhe salt of the earth," '' living stones," a " ro3'al priesthood," "kings and priests," and ''servants of God," tlie ^' sheep of his pasture," "disciples," and "heirs of God," " Christians" — the first name, as it will also be the last. THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 113 Let me notice, briefly, the external cliaracteristics of this king- dom. It is a catholic kingdom. We are the true catholic church • and this is a branch of the catholic church. The Romish Church is a section split off from it; and our objection to it is, that it is sectarian and not catholic. Catholic is the attribute of some of the epistles in the New Testament; it is the attribute of the church of Christ. But whom does it comprehend ? First, all those who have fallen asleep in Christ. Secondly, those who arc now alive, and born again. Thirdly, those who are not yet born, but will be born, and shall be born again, in the Providence of Grod. These are they who compose the catholic kingdom ; and when the last day shall come, all its subjects, from the first hour of the world's existence to its last, shall meet together, and con- stitute the one visible catholic church of the Lord Jesus Christ. This kingdom is a united kingdom. Its members may differ in forms, in ceremony, in detail, as men ever differ in these re- spects ; but they have one common characteristic — they are born again, they are children of one Father, they are walking in Christ the one way, they are regenerated by one Spirit, they cleave to one Bible, they are looking for one home : '' Let there be no strife between my herdsmen and thy herdsmen, for we be brethren.'' The Romish Church is a united kingdom, but it has a false centre — man ; we are a united kingdom, but it is around the true cen- tre, and that centre — Christ. And as I told you before, it is not enough to claim uniformity; there must be unity. Man can make a company uniform by dressing them alike, and making them march or move to the same tune ; but God alone can make hearts one by uniting them to himself, and inspiring them by his almighty grace. In the next place, this kingdom is a holy kingdom : it is com- posed of saints. Who are saints ? If you ask a member of the Church of Rome, he will say. Saints are those who wrought mi- racles, and, fifty years after the miracles were wrought, were canonized by the pope, according to a certain ceremony appointed for that purpose, and who are to be prayed to. If you ask the Bible, it tells you: '^ The saints at Philippi," "The saints at Damascus," "The saints that are at Corinth," "The saints that arc at Rome." In other words, all true Christians are saints. 10* 114 PIIOPIIETIC STUDIES. The word is a translation of ayot, the holy ones, the people of God. We are either saints by grace, or we are sinners by nature, and in no respect saints at all. If we belong to this kingdom, as its subjects, we shall be characterized by holiness, not perfect, but progressive; holiness in aim, holiness in aspiration, holiness in sympathy, and perfect holiness when time shall be no more. At present, I do not believe there is any one perfectly holy; I do not believe that perfect holiness is attainable in this world ; for there is no stage of a man's life in which he will not find these words applicable to him : " If we say/' says John — not separating him- self from his flock — " that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.'' " But/' he adds, ''if we confess our sins, Grod is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." And the seventh chapter of the Epistle to the Romans need only be read to show you that there is a battle-field in every man's heart; a law of the flesh that wars against the law of the spirit : so that when you would do good, evil is present with you. The man who is born again, and seeks to be holy, as God is holy, is like the poor captive bird in the cage : the cage cannot kill the bird, the bird cannot free itself from the cage; it can only still wait, and persevere, and sing, and seek, and look, till the hour of its freedom, its perfect eman- cipation into brighter realms and better days draws near. Finally, then, this kingdom, thus characterized and composed of these subjects, is the kingdom that shall destroy all other kingdoms, and cover the whole earth. Babylon, the great apos- tasy of the earth, shall be utterly consumed; the smoke of her fire shall rise up for ever and ever. The Jews shall be gathered to their own land; yea, Jesus shall shine in the midst of them, and before his ancients gloriously. Then the body shall be raised, for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we who are alive shall be caught up with them, and so meet the Lord in the air. Then Christ shall be revealed; we shall be like him — that is, perfectly holy; we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Then sacraments shall cease, for they are only to last "till I come again;" then faith will de- part, for it will be merged in fruition ; then hope will disappear like a bright vision, for it shall be merged in having; and then THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 115 grace shall be swallowed up in glory; there shall be no more tears, nor sighing, nor sorrow; all graves shall be filled up; the orphan's weeping face no more scarred with tear-channels; all creation's discord subdued; all nature at one with itself, and at one with Grod; and earth a vestibule of heaven; heaven and earth eternally one ! What a blessed day ! humanity pines for it; creation groans and travails till this kingdom consume all other kingdoms, and flourish for ever. The slave in the mines of Siberia longs for it; the slave in the Southern States of Ame- rica cries for it; the poor needle-woman, the greatest slave of all, earning a halfpenny or a penny per hour, as I have myself wit- nessed, sighs, and cries for it. Let them have patience and priiy on; it will- come. God hears the cry of the oppressed, the groans of nature, the petitions of his saints; and the kingdom shall come, and ^'it shall not be destroyed, nor left to other peo- ple, but break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms." Its light shall never be quenched, for God is its illumination; its life shall never be extinguished, for God is its everlasting life. Sublime thought ! that from the lonely and sequestered villages of Bethlehem and Nazareth there has come forth a kingdom whose triumphs multiply every day, whose glories shall fill the whole earth, whose expanding and progressive spring is God the Omnipotent; a kingdom that will shine when marble statues are defaced, and when palaces, and noble lialls, and thrones, and dynasties are ground to powder, and scattered as the chaff upon the summer threshing-floor. That kingdom is at our doors; that bright epoch comes speedily. Are you interested in it? Have you a share in it? Are you subjects of it? Are you born again ? My dear friends, what an awful thing if that kingdom should come in all its glory, and we should find ourselves excluded. What a terrible thing, if, when the trumpet shall sound, (and we know not when it may sound,) and the dead in every church- yard shall rise, — if from a grave where there are twain, one shall be taken and one left. And then, we that are alive, it is said, shall be caught up in the air. Oh, what a terrible separation will it be for one of a family, on hearing the royal sound, to as- sume mysterious wings, and soar, and come to Jesus, and the 116 PROPHETIC STUDIES. other to be left! And yet I am not describing a picture of fancy; I am stating what God himself has said. How dreadful the separation ! We now mourn over the loss of those that fall asleep in Jesus; what a terrible shock will it be v/hen we find those that we loved upon earth severed from us for ever and for ever I Why is it, my dear friends, that we are not Christians ? Why are we not the people of God? Why are we not trying to make others so? There is no reason outside you. There is only one — you will not. Your inability is moral. There is not the least reason why every man in this assembly may not go home this night, and bow his heart before God, and be at peace with him through Jesus Christ. Recollect the serpent of brass. The dying Israelite had but to look: the instant he looked he had physical life. As Moses lifted up the serpent, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth on him, looketh to him, leans upon him as a Saviour, may have instant life. May we have this kingdom within us; may we be its subjects, and so be the subjects of the kingdom of the Lord, for Christ's sake. Amen. 117 LECTURE IX. EARLY MARTYRS. " SbadracL, Mesliach, and Abed-nego, answered and said to the King, Ne- buchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter." — Dan. iii. 16. You will recollect that I explained in a series of successive discourses that remarkable image which appeared to Nebuchad- nezzar, of gold, silver, brass, and iron, and then the ten toes, representing ten kingdoms, mixed with iron and with clay, and incapable, by any pressure applied to them, of coalescing and mingling. I showed you that all that is so minutely described in prophecy has been exactly fulfilled in history; that man's his- tory, written by man's pen, is the echo of God's prophecy in- spired by God's Spirit; and that the strongest, because accumu- lating evidence that holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, is not in the record of the miracles that were done, or in the sublimity and purity of the truths that were uttered, but in the continuous fulfilment of those ancient pro- phecies in the years as they roll past before us. We now come to another stage in the incidents connected with Daniel himself — not connected with prophecy, but with personal character. I may, however, notice that Daniel's expo- position of the image made the king raise him to the highest dignity, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego also to the highest honour. But one grieves to see how short-lived is the patronage of man ; for we find by the preceding chapter that the men who were the objects of royal adoration yesterday are the objects of his fury and his vengeance to-day. Truly we are not to trust in princes nor in man's son. I may here notice the meaning of what I omitted to explain in my last lecture, that Daniel sat in the gate of the king. (Chap. ii. 118 PROPHETIC STUDIES. 49.) You must have observed that in the Bible, p:ates are fre- quently referred to : '^ He sat in the gate/' " Judgment in the gate.'' " Honoured among the elders in the gate." So Daniel was seated in the gate. The gate of a city in ancient times was the place from which justice was dispensed; it was a strong place, and was specially guarded ', and to put Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the gate, was to make them counsellors, and judges, and rulers in the midst of the land. The only country that re- tains any thing like a memorial of this usage is Turkey. You know the phrase used in the newspapers, when they refer to Turk- ish decisions — the ^'sublime Porte' — a word derived frompfr/«, which means a gate. It is simply the remains of an ancient East- ern custom, or oriental usage, retained in a modern tongue, and connecting the world that now is with the rites and customs of a world that is passed away. In the chapter I have read we find that Nebuchadnezzar raised a golden image of prodigious height. He tried to captivate all to worship it by the sounds of music, the dulcimer, and flute, and various instruments ; and he warned them that if his music would not prevail, his furnace would be sure to punish all recusants ; so that if they were not captivated, he would try to force them ; and if he did not force them, he would take care to burn them. How like Popery I It appears that certain Chaldeans and counsellors applied to the king — men who envied the dignity of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego — and informed him that there were Jewish parties who had dared to disobey his commands. He sends for them, speaks to them in very reasonable terms, warns them of what they had done, and the consequences that would follow, but unex- pectedly receives from them the magnanimous and noble reply : " We are not careful, king, it is not a matter of anxiety to us, to answer thee ; our miuds are fully made up ; we know what is duty ; and in the face of kings, and amid the prospect of a fiery furnace, we have grace to stand by it." This image set up by Nebuchadnezzar, some think, was meant to be an imitation of the splendid image which he saw in a dream. An image passed before him to give him a foresight of the fate of the kingdoms of the world ; but instead of learning prophetic EARLY MARTYRS. 119 wisdom from it, which was its legitimate use, he makes a copy of it — a copy that seems, to his taste, to excel the original — and sets it lip as an idol, or an object of worship. It is a singular fact^ that all false religion is not original ; it is only the corruption of the true : and we may calculate the height, the depth, and sub- stance of the true religion by the false religion which follows it ; just as men estimate the height of the pyramids by the length of the shadows they cast around them. This king used the image which he saw, and which God meant for a sublime and good pur- pose, to be a model for an idol, which was to take the place that belonged to God alone ; just as the Israelites took the brass ser- pent, which had a most beneficent mission according to God's ap- pointment, and made it an object of worship. Never, never is corruption so great as when it is the corruption of that which is pure. Popery is thus more corrupt than heathenism ; an angel falling becomes a fiend ; a woman falling from her dignity and purity becomes the most degraded of all -, and pure rites and or- dinances perverted by the wickedness of man become the most deadly vehicles of dishonour to God and injury to mankind. Take the sacrament of baptism, and make it occupy the place of the Holy Spirit; and you do what the Israelites did with the brass serpent, what Nebuchadnezzar did with the golden image : you lift it from its true and its beautiful position — a sign, a seal, and an introduction to the visible church — and you put it in the room of God, and make it sit in the temple of God, in antichristian state, showing itself that it is God. Most likely, the cause of the king's acting thus was not so much his love of idolatry as the cunning advice of his counsellors around him. They saw that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego were raised to honour — they were envious of the dignity to which these great and good men were exalted. They therefore hit upon the scheme of ensnaring them by getting the king to erect a god for universal worship, which they knew too well, because they knew the substance and depth of these men's religion, they would never consent to adore. Party spirit is the bitterest of all : it has done what nothing else in the history of man can do ; but it is a lesson to those who indulge in it, that wherever in the Bible it has been made to act against the people of God, it has recoiled 120 PROPHETIC STUDIES. in its action, and injured or destroyed those who used it. These men tried to destroy Shadrach, Mcshach, and Abed-nego, and they were destroyed themselves. It seems to be a great law or ordinance in Grod's dispensations with mankind, that they that shed blood, their blood shall be shed ; that they that wield the sword shall fall by the sword ; that no man can smite another without being smitten himself; nor any man curse another with- out receiving the echo and rebound of that curse immediately into his own bosom. Let us pray for kings, that they may have grace not to set up idols; let us pray for their ministers and counsellors, that they may have grace to give them good advice. A king has power; and when that power is allied to goodness, it is all but di- vine ; when that power is allied to wickedness, it is as disastrous as it is sinful. The image is here described to be of a certain measurement — threescore cubits in height, and in breadth six cubits. Anybody can see that this is a disproportionate measurement, and that an image which was sixty cubits (about ninety feet) in height, and only six cubits (or nine feet) in breadth, would be utterly dispro- portionate. It is plain, therefore, that this is — if I may reve- rently use the expression — a loose way of describing the image and pedestal together, the united height of both being ninety feet. Herodotus, the father of history, alludes to a golden image that was set up at Babylon, which he himself had heard of, and which every one was obliged to kiss before he entered the city. And we know, from classic story, that at Rhodes there was an image of gold seventy cubits in height — ten cubits higher than this one — and that it took thirteen years to construct it, or put together its different molten parts ; and on its being thrown down by an earthquake, such was its weight that it ploughed up the- solid earth, and buried itself to a considerable extent beneath the ground. I quote these facts to show that the incidents here re- corded are attested by heathen historians; that in heathen history itself we have a parallel case ; and that such images were not un- usual, nor impossible to be constructed by ancient art. This image, you read, in the next place, was made completely of gold. One can well conceive what a splendid object it must have been. It was incapable of being oxidized by the rains and EARLY MARTYRS. 121 the atmospliere^ and therefore it perpetually retained its splendour in that eastern and purer climate. No doubt, the king depended for popular adoration upon the splendour of the image, thinking its brilliancy and grandeur would be an attraction irresistible to all men. It seems to be the law of false religion that, having no inner moral beauty, it must depend upon outward trappings, pomp, and splendour, for its weightiest claims ; so much so that when- ever we see a church begin to heap up splendid pomps and cere- monies, gorgeous robes, magnificent rites, it should always lead us to suspect that that church is aware that the inner beauty is evaporated, and that the outer beauty must be increased and aug- mented, in order to conceal its loss and make it attractive. So it is with that great apostasy in the Yv^est. The Church of Rome depends for her power, not upon the purity of her creed, not upon the greatness and holiness of her morality, but upon the splen- dour of her rites, her crucifixes, her genuflexions, her golden shrines, her embroidered altars, her august and impressive tem- ples : like the ancient temples of Egypt, all magnificent as archi- tecture could make them without, but inside are the reptiles of the Nile, the gods the people bow down to. In order to make the image as impressive as possible, the king collected around it a great band of musicians, with all sorts of in- struments of music. He knew the charm, the power, and popular effect of good music ; and he was resolved that not only should the image have unwonted splendour by being golden, and thus reflecting the rays of rising and setting suns, but that it should also have near it all that is impressive and attractive in the shape of beautiful music. Painting and statuary are for the eye ; music for the ear. Thus he thought he would be sure to make his way to the heart. Some one has sarcastically remarked that if you can secure the five senses of men, you may calculate upon all the rest. What was said in sarcasm, has too often been fulfilled in fact. Men are too often led by their senses, not by their judg- ment; they worship show, not in spirit and truth. The Church of Rome is aware of this fact, and has made provision for man's senses in a most wonderful manner; calculating, with masterly sagacity, that, having secured the homage of all the senses by her 11 122 PROPHETIC STUDIES. adaptations to them, slie will, in nine cases out of ten, secure the conversion of the mind and the homage of the heart. These three Jews, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, as I have already said, were accused as guilty. They felt they had no alternative : they refused to how down and worship the image the king had set up. It was not on account of veneration for their own idolatry that the Chaldeans accused them; it was envy, jealousy, hatred, and all uncharitableness. When the king hears of their disobedience, he sends for them, speaks to them with condescending courtesy and kindness, and asks them the reason why they had refused to worship the image that he had set up. He had no idea that a man had a conscience — not the least idea that there was a word mightier and more impressive than a king's word; and he thought it the most monstrous, and perhaps the most extraordinary phenomenon he had met with in all his reign, that any man should refuse to obey the king's command, and re- fuse in circumstances where obedience was entitled to so much favour, and where disobedience would be visited with so severe and terrible a penalty. The three Hebrew youths calmly, cour- teously, but firmly, refused. They were not insolent to the king; they did not insult his creed ; they were prepared to argue with him, do doubt, if he condescended to permit them ; they used no oiFensive epithets, but they calmly and firmly said : ^' We cannot do it; it is with us a matter of conscience." Conscience is that sacred realm, even in the bosom of the lowliest, into which a king's hand may not dare to enter ; it is that sequestered, solemn, awful nook in the constitution of the human soul, into which God alone can claim admission. Kings may control the body; they cannot make or alter the convictions of the soul. Force may make bad men hypocrites ; but no force or fraud can make good men disobey the behests of conscience and the commandments of their God. There is nothing beneath God and the Bible so sacred as the conscience ; and there is no one fiiculty Vv^thin us to which we should listen with more reverential and attentive awe. It may be blinded, it may be warped, it may be hardened, it may be seared, but it is never utterly dead ; and a day always comes when, if long neglected, long scared, long disregarded, it reasserts its ancient and inherent rights, ascends to its own sacred pulpit, and EARLY MARTYRS. 123 reasons, in tones of tbunder, of righteousness^ and judgmentj and temperance ; and man must hear it. The king, finding these three youths determined, seeing that they could not be captivated by his music, nor persuaded by his reasons, to worship the image, threatens them with the burning- fiery furnace seven times heated. Such is invariably the last re- source of a false religion. It will try, first, to captivate by its charms, and if it fail, it will then endeavour to coerce by its threats. But the same conscience that smiled at the seductions of the music will triumph over the threatenings of wrath. The seven times heated furnace has no terrors for that man who knows that the ever-living God is his friend, and eternity his happy and blessed home. Tertullian, in speaking of the treat- ment of Christians by the Roman emperors of his day — that is, in the days of heathenism, says, '' We are thrown to the wild beasts to make us recant ; we are burned in the flame ; we are condemned to the mines ; we are banished to the islands, such as Patmos ; — ' and all have failed.' '' So was it here : the sove- reign's frown created no terror in these young men's breasts. They felt the force of duty ; their eye was single ; their path was plain ; their course was marked out before them. How absurd is persecution, in whatever way you look at it ! No punishment in- flicted on the- body can possibly alter the convictions of the soul. One wonders man can think so. If a man were all body, perse- cution might make him what the persecutor pleased ; but man is soul and body, and no maltreatment of the one ought, or is able, to warp the judgment of the other. The soul is to be dealt with by argument, by evidence, by love ; the body, being either pleased or punished, can exercise no real influence over it. In the conduct of these Hebrew youths we have a great pre- cedent for ourselves to follow in less painful circumstances. We should rather suffer, and if needs be, die, than renounce the gos- pel. It is a strong statement, but it is a scriptural one. St. Paul says, ^'I am ready not to be bound only, but to die at Jeru- salem for the name of the Lord Jesus.'' Perhaps it is not i-ight to say to men in these times of so great civil freedom, <^You should be prepared to die for the gospel." Perhaps to ask you to test your present Christianity by your readiness at a future time 124 PROPHETIC STUDIES. to die for it^ is not fair, scriptural, or necessary. I believe, when martyrs are required, G-od gives a martyr's spirit to meet the re- quirement. God's grace is also sufficient for the crisis 3 it is not given in excess before the crisis comes. The great question we have to ask is, " Arc we truly the children of God ? Are we, in heart and conviction, the followers of the Lamb ? Are we wash- ed in his most precious blood ? Are we leaning upon his most perfect righteousness ? Are we looking to God as our Father ? Are we anticipating the glory to be revealed as our home V If we can make sure of this, we need not now consider whether ^e could die for Christ. When the exigency arrives that will require us to do so, the God that j^ermits the crisis in his providence will supply the strength in his grace ; and you will find it amply sufficient for you. How composed and beautiful was the remark of these Hebrew youths : '' The God whom we serve is able to deliver us ; if he does not, well ; we commit ourselves to a faithful God.^' As if they had said : " If he miraculously deliver us, it is well ; if he do not, we know it is equally well. It will be but the torture of a moment ; an exceeding weight of an eternal glory is beyond it. We do not like the fire ; we have nerves as well as Nebu- chadnezzar ; we have sensibilities as keen ; we shrink from tor- ture, as all humanity must shrink; but we are willing to brave the flame for the glory that lies beyond it; we are willing to cross the deep, dark flood of death for the sake of the bright land of Goshen, that stretches in perpetual sunshine on the other side. We do not love death, nor do we wish death ; but we are willing to bear it for what death leads to.'^ AVhen you hear persons say, " We wish to die," their language is not correct. No man wishes to die. I have said before, that of all things death is the most horrible, the most unnatural, the thing from which we naturally and properly shrink and recoil; because man was never made to die. Sin has brought in ^' death and all our wo." But the Christian says, " I am willing to meet death either as a foe to hurl defiance at, or as a friend — to welcome the message and the messenger too ; not because I love that friend, or because I court that foe, but because in either case he is a pioneer that paves and opens tlic way for me to an inheritance which is incorruptible, EARLY MARTYPvS. 125 and undefiled, and that ftidetli not away/' These youths said, *^ The God whom we serve is ahh to deliver us ; and we know that if it be for his glory he will deliver us.'' They placed the whole stress upon God's ability. Satan would say of miracles, "Let God never interfere to deliver;" Man would say, "Let God always interfere to deliver;" God has determined in his wisdom to interfere when it is most for his glory, and best for you. "Were God always to deliver his servants by a perpetual miracle, it would not be a miracle ; it would be called — to use the phraseology of the day — "a law of nature." Were God never to deliver his servants, then the world would say, and Christians would begin almost to think, " There is no God." He interposes miraculously often enough to convince that God is, and God acts ; and he interposes seldom enough to make more vivid the interposition as an evidence of a divine and providential power. I need not say that a ceaseless miracle is, by its very necessity, no miracle at all. The present law is, that water should run down-hill; but if the law were that it should run up-hill, and if it had been so for eighteen centuries, men would say, " For water to run up-hill is a law of nature ;" and if any thing oc- curred to make it run down-hill, they would say, "This is a mi- racle." The present law is, that the vine should be planted, that the rain should saturate the soil in which it grows, that the juice should rise through the stem and go into the branches and the leaves, that it shall effloresce into blossom, and ripen into fruit; that the fruit shall be pressed, the juice fermented, and be con- verted into wine. But Christ, by one word, shortened the pro- cess; and instead of taking a year to allow the water to turn into wine, which is the ordinary law, he did it in a minute, saying, " Let the water be wine." But if water always became wine by the looking of a man, that would be a law, and the other process would be the miracle. What is continuous is called the law ; the suspension of the continuity indicates the interposition of the Lawgiver. A ceaseless miracle, then, is an absurdity. There- fore the idea of that body of Christians, who have followed the late Edward Irving, or improved or misimproved upon what he said — that there should be ceaseless miracles in the church, is to 11* 126 PROPHETIC STUDIES. me absurd ; it "will not bear examiuation ; it cannot be, bj the very nature and necessity of the thing. We read, that when the king had failed to convince, or to awe, or seduce these youths, he ordered the furnace, in his fur}^, to be heated seven-fold. The means of doing so were very easy in that country. The whole soil of Babylon to this day is full of naphtha and bitumen. They had only to collect the brushwood of the forests, and to cast in plenty of this naphtha and bitumen, (as an ancient historian says was done,) and the heat of the furnace, as any one must be aware, would become highly intense — or, as it is here said, be seven-fold. The three youths were then cast into the fire, with their hoseu and their clothes on, as the last and most desperate punishment the furious monarch could inflict. But God forgets not his own. At this crisis Grod was true to his promise, beheld in love his servants, and interposed for their deliverance. The flame recog- nised the presence of Him that made it, and bowed reverently before the Son of God, just as on other occasions the waters of the sea owned him; the winds heard him; and all nature re- sponded to him, and obeyed him. The flame lost its power to consume, because it was commanded not to do so by Him that kindled it at the first. Nature is all pliant in the hand of Jesus. He is the Lord of creation; he has but to speak, and all things will respond in ten thousand echoes, ^^ Speak, Lord, thy servants hear.'' These Hebrew youths, we are told by the apostle Paul, in his Epistle to the Hebrews, ^'quenched the violence of fire" by their faith. They said nothing calculated to irritate the king, as I have told you; they submitted meekly to the judgment he decreed, and cast the whole stress of their deliverance upon the Lord. Let me gather, then, from all this, these lessons. The mightiest on earth learn here, and have learned often since, how insignificant are the greatest efi'orts to injure the cause of Christ. ■ If you will read the history of the church of Christ, you will find that the most furious opposition has only served to spread its principles, and to add new attractions to those that professed them. All the power of earth and hell cannot burn out one sin- gle truth ; all the patronage of earth and hell cannot build up EARLY MARTYRS. 127 one permanent lie. It is God's great law that all things, directly or indirectly, shall build up truth; and that nothing upoft earth shall serve permanently to build up a lie. The Hebrew youths walked in the burning fire as amid groves of orange and of myr- tle, while one walked with them, like unto the Son of God — no doubt the Angel of the Covenant. The fury of the king was disappointed; the party-spirit of his ministers was checked; and they that kindled the fire were themselves the first victims of it. In looking at the conduct of these three youths, I may notice that they might have urged that it was their duty to obey the king, and worship the image he had set up; for it was the es- tablished religion of the country. So it unquestionably and, in this case, unhappily was. The king patronized the idol, and no doubt its worshippers; and these youths might have argued, as some men argue still, ''It is the established religion; it enjoys the sunshine of the countenance of the monarch; and as loyal subjects, it becomes us to embrace it.'' Whatever be the excel- lence, the merit, or the demerit of established religion, we should learn this: that the mere establishment of a creed — whether doing so be right or the reverse, it is needless now to discuss — is not necessarily the making of truth a lie, or the making of a lie truth. Mohammedanism is established in Turkey; but it is not, therefore, my duty to become a Mohammedan there. Popery is established in Austria; but it is not, therefore, my duty to be- come a Papist there. Pantheism, or the endowment of every thing upon earth that assumes the name of religion, is established in France; but it is not my duty to become a Pantheist, or to worship in the temple of the province in which I may be placed in France. Let religion be established by the powers that be, which they think true; but let me be regarded as having a con- science. If I cannot conform to the religion that is established by law, either from conscientious conviction, or from God's word, or from scrupulosity, as is the case with some, let me have the freedom — the full, unfettered freedom of worshipping beneath my own vine and my own fig-tree, according to the prescriptions of that conscience which kings can neither bind nor free, which laughs at sword and fire, and glories only in subjection to God its Sovereign. Because, then, it was the established religion, it 128 PIIOPIIETIC STUDIES. was not therefore their duty to conform to it. Nor did they cease to be loyal subjects, because they would not be the church- men of that day. It is possible to be churchmen, and to be most disloyal; it is possible to be a dissenter, and to be most loyal. Our conformity to the established church, however excellent, is not necessary to our loyalty; our non-conformity to the establish- ed church, however bad, is not necessarily disloyalty. In reli- gious matters the laws should leave us fi'ee; in civil matters, the law of Caesar ought to be, not for wrath, but for conscience' sake, reverently obeyed. I am not here speaking against a religious establishment, but against the abuse of it. These Hebrew youths might have urged also the highest pos- sible expediency for bowing down and worshipping the image. Mark how they were situated. They were captives in the midst of Babylon; they were promoted to places of power; they had great means of doing good to their captive countrymen in the midst of the city of their habitation; and if they had belonged to the expediency-mongers of every age and country, they might have argued in this way: ^^True, it is very bad to bow down and worship this image; but we hold places of power; we have ex- cellent salaries; we have great influence; we may be the means of doing good to our poor captive fellow-countrymen. Had we not better, therefore, bow the body, though we dcT not bow the soul, to this golden image?'' If it had been a matter of form, or ceremony, a matter of discipline or ritual, then I would have said, "Remain in the communion in which you can do the greatest good;" but as it was a matter that touched the con- iScience; and as that conscience responded to what God said, "Thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them,'' these three Hebrew youths had no choice. They did what was right, and feared not that the right would be always the most expedient. Do what is right, and you will always find it expedient. That cannot be politically expedient which is morally wrong. It is God's law plainly unfolded in his word. Do not look behind you, nor before you, nor above you, nor around you; but be satisfied that all things will work for good to you, while you continue to act aright. Duty alone is ours ; all the region beyond it — the region of events and consequences — is exclusively God's. We EARLY MARTYRS. 129 are to mind the duty that devolves upon us; we are to leave with God to settle the issues that may flow from our obedience to that duty. There was another reason they might have urged for their con- forming to the king's requirements — that was, their personal ob- ligations. They might have argued: ^'He has been to us a most gracious monarch; he has raised us, in his sovereignty, to places of high power and high honour; he has made us sit in the gate, the place of judgment, of greatness, and of justice, and we owe homage to the king and gratitude to the man."^ But duty to God was even stronger than gratitude and loyalty to an earthly king. My dear friends, there is nothing more painful than to be obliged to refuse a dear friend what our consciences tell us we cannot give. But "he that loveth father or mother,'^ much less a friend, "more than me, cannot be my disciple.'^ We must take up the cross, and follow Jesus. Do all that you can to gratify your friends; but do nothing to irritate and disturb your peace of conscience, and the allegiance that you owe to God. These youths might have also argued: "If we refuse to wor- ship the golden image, we shall present a very singular aspect : it is the universal worship; the whole mass upon the plain of Dura fall down and worship the image; and we three shall ap- pear the most singular and grotesque of non-conformists amid the inhabitants of mighty Babylon. ^^ Singularity, when it is as- sumed, is contemptible, and indicates a very weak mind indeed. To be singular for singularity's sake is positively detestable — be- low the dignity of man, and unworthy of the gravity of a Chris- tian ; but to be singular because it is the necessary result of not sinning, is worthy of the Christian, and it dignifies the man. We must not be afraid of being singular when duty makes that sin- gularity inevitable. If it be in an excellent thing, our singularity should not make us ashamed. Did you ever hear of any man ashamed of being singularly rich? of a woman ashamed of being singularly beautiful? of a man ashamed of being singularly wise? Is it not very odd that men should be ashamed of being singu- larly religious? Is not religion more beautiful than beauty? wiser than wisdom ? and far more valuable than riches ? Do not court singularity, but cleave to duty; do not fear singularity, if 130 PROPHETIC STUDIES. avoidino: sin necessitates it. Do not mind that the multitude are against you, if God be with you. Plant your foot upon one sin- gle text of the Bible, and defy all mankind: ''Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil."' ''x\s for me and my house/^ be it in Constantinople, be it in Vienna, — Petersburg or Rome, or Babylon or London; ''as for me and my house,' ^ whatever other men may choose to do, "we will serve the Lord." These men, too, might have pleaded the terrible penalty to which they were exposed by disobeying the commandments of the king. It was a terrible penalty; and a severe penalty for disobedience to a command so easily obeyed by a genuflexion of the knee, yet so impossible to be done by the bowing of a Chris- tian's heart. They might have said, "It is a terrible thing to be cast into a burning fiery furnace;" but they looked at the furnace, even when it was hottest, and they looked at the duty, when it had not one advocate or follower besides them, and they chose duty — naked, simple duty; and they were not careful to answer the king how they should meet or endure the burning, fiery fur- nace. What gratitude do we owe to God that we can be true to duty, and yet not incur such a dreadful penalty. But what re- buke does the conduct of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego administer to many of us ! You think if you become Christian — it is the thought of many a young man here to-night — if you be- come Christian you will be — what ? Thrown to the wild beasts ? One might not be surprised if you hesitated. — Be cast into the fiery furnace. If so, one might not be surprised that you should pause. But you think only, "If I become a Christian I shall have to give up this profit," — that is all; "I shall have to re- nounce this pleasure; I shall have to shut up my shop on Sun- day," — that is all. And can you hesitate to comply with a clear command from God, because you will lose a little pleasure, part with a little profit, die not so rich, live not so splendidly : when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refused to bow the knee for once upon the plain of Dura, though doing so would have gained them a loftier place, apparently, in the favour of their king, and shielded them from the terrible penalties attached to disobedience ? What you do now, indicates what you would have done if you had been added to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, and been EARLY MARTYRS. 181 a fourth tliere. Yoii would have bowed the knee^ and worship- ped the image, and escaped the penalty. But how will you meet Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego at the judgment-seat? They, with less light and fewer privileges — not having heard of Calvary, its cross, its agony, its bloody sweat — not having the gospel, in all its grace, and glory, and riches, unfolded to them — with weaker motives, less acquaintance with God, manfully refused the bribe, despised the penalty, and clave to duty; and you, amid privileges such as the world never tasted or enjoyed before, are overcome by the bribe, repelled by the penalty; open your shops on Sunday, cheat on the Monday, and grow rich by work- ing to death, in thousands, the young men that serve you. How would Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego have done if they had been of your religion and your spirit? And how will you meet them at that day when all the pageantry of kings and palaces will have passed away like a pale, airy phantasm; and duty, con- science, responsibility, God, the Saviour, the soul, will alone stand great and blessed, or terrible realities? These Hebrew youths had faith in God's power: they said, '^He is able to deliver us." They had faith in God's promises; they felt that he would deliver them. Perhaps they had heard sounding on the plain of Dura that very promise which God pro- nounced to Isaiah about a hundred years before: '^When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee ; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee : when thou walkest through the fire, thou shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee." Then, these three youths had the hope of the ^^glory that re- mains to be revealed." Some persons have tried to show that the ancient Christians, before Christ — the Christians in his twi- light, as we are Christians in his dawn — had no idea of a future state, and that it is not clearly revealed in the Bible. It appears to me that the Old Testament does better than in express terms announce it; for in every sentence and verse it unequivocally implies it. If the burning fiery furnace was to be the termina- tion of the being of these Hebrew youths, how could they have braved it? What reward or inducement was there to do so? But we are told by the apostle, who knew what his countrymen 132 PROPHETIC STUDIES. believed — for lie himself was a Hebrew, (Heb. xi. 14,) ^^For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a coun- try/^ ^^They desire a better country, that is, an heavenly." And again, speaking of Moses: ^^ Choosing rather to suffer afflic- tion with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt : for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible." And now, let us learn this great lesson from all I have said — that the path of principle is always the highest possible expe- diency. Never do a thing because it seems expedient if it be not clearly right. Never hesitate to feel that the thing that is right in the sight of God, will be the most expedient in the ex- perience of man. God himself has said, ^'He that walketh up- rightly walketh surely." Enter the furnace, if needs be, in obedience to God, and God will deliver you. Enter Paradise it- self in disobedience to God, and God will not keep you, but it will be to you more terrible in the end than the furnace seven times heated. Remember always that God is able, and is willing to deliver you, and he will deliver you — when, how, and vv'here it is most for his glory, and best for you. Learn also this last lesson : Christ has been with his church from the beginning of the world. Where has the church not been ? But you ask, perhaps, what is the church ? The church is not a great cathedral, or a national establishment, or local de- nomination — Independent, Wesleyan, Episcopal, or Presbyterian. The normal idea of the church of Christ is, ^' Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." The church was once the family of Adam, and Jesus was present when Adam and Eve and Abel kneeled down before the altar of their God. The church was tossed upon the deep in the ark with Noah. The church was in Abraham's family when he remonstrated with Lot. The church was on the plain of Dura when the three Hebrew youths stood firm. And the church was, lastly, in the burning fiery furnace when the three youths were there, and the Son of God was present in the midst of them, true to his promise : " Where two or three arc gathered together in my EARLY MARTYRS. 133 name, there am I in the midst of them/^ An architect can build a cathedral j a queen by her presence can create a palace ; but the presence of the Lord of glory alone can constitute a church ', and where two or three are present, there he will be. Let it be in the flood or the fire in the wilderness, or in the city, he will preserve it unto the last. The bush may blaze, but God is in the bush, and it cannot be consumed. His saints may suffer; but their sufferings shall only spread their faith, and glorify their Lord. And all things, the blunders of its friends, the bitterness of its enemies, the silence of its advocates, the opposition of its foes — all things, in height and depth, shall aid the cause of Christ, and prosper that church of which he is the foundation and blessed hope. Amen. 12 134 LECTURE X. PRIDE ABASED. " Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment : and those that walk in pride he is able to abase." — Daniel iv. 37. Perhaps, as I quoted all the previous chapter in my former lecture, it will be necessary now to read the greater portion of the chapter from which the text is taken — and on which, rather than on a mere historical statement, I desire in this lecture to dwell. We are told that Nebuchadnezzar, the king, wrote an epistle ^^ unto all people and nations and languages that dwell on the earth ;'^ and the substance of that epistle we are told was, '^ Peace be mul- tiplied to you.^' He explains the ground on which he bases his statement — " I thought it good to show the signs and the won- ders that the high God" — not his idol Bel, whose praises he had sung before, but " that the high God hath wrought toward me.'^ And then, carried away by the magnificent ideas that were before him, and by the goodness of that God who had so mercifully dealt with him, he exclaims in ecstasy, "How great are his signs ! and how mighty are his wonders ! his kingdom is" — not like my kingdom, a frail and fleeting one, but — "an everlasting king- dom, and his dominion is from generation to generation." He then rehearses the main fiicts from which he draws the precious truths contained in this chapter, one of which I am about to un- fold : he tells them, " I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at rest in my house, and flourishing in my palace." All his enemies were subdued without; all his fears were quieted within. And while he was thus " at rest in his house and flourishing in his palace," another dream, difiFerent from the one which had before glanced before his eyes in the night, visions passed before him, and his thoughts PRIDE ABASED. 135 troubled him. He called all the magicians of his kingdom to whom he had been wont to look in his prosperity, and asked them to explain the marvellous vision which he had beheld. They were unable to make it understood. God always taught Ne- buchadnezzar what he has so often taught us^ that all human glory must be stained, that God's alone may shine forth; that the wisdom of man — even of the magicians of the earth, must be seen and felt to be folly, in order that we may be led to drink from that fountain of wisdom which alone is pure and undefiled, and worthy of the name. Daniel, the minister of God, was again brought before Nebuchadnezzar, and was informed by him what his dream was, and required to give the solution of it. The dream was as follows : " I saw a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great. The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth : the leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all : the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed of it. I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and lo, a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven ; he cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit : let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches : nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field ; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth : let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him, and let seven times pass over him." Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, explains to Nebuchadnezzar what was the mean- ing and intent of the dream in these words : " My lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies." You will notice in this verse, (19,) that the word "be" is printed in italics; which shows that it was employed by the translators as being supposed by them to express more freely the meaning of the original. If it be so, the sentence would seem like a sort of anathema pronounced by Daniel on the enemies of the king; but if we look at the original, we shall find that v/o 136 PIIOPIIETIC STUDIES. ought to leave out ^^be/' and tlien tlie verse would run thus : — ^^ the dream (is) to them that hate thee/' &c. — i. e., " it is a dream which will make glad the hearts of your enemies ; because it makes sorrowful your own/^ It is not an imprecation of what Daniel wished on the foes of the king, but a declaration of what the foes of the king would feel when they heard of the calamities he was about to suffer. Daniel then proceeds, " The tree that thou sowestj which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto the heaven, and the sight thereof to all the earth ; whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all ', under which the beast of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heaven had their habitation : it is thou, O king, that art grown and become strong ; for thy greatness is grown, and reacheth unto heaven, and thy dominion to the end of the earth. And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field ; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him ; this is the interpretation, king, and this is the decree of the Most High, which is come upon my lord the king : that they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as T55i:en, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. And whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots ; thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule. Wherefore, king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by right- eousness, and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity.'^ After he had heard the interpretation, and undergone the sen- tence of degradation, king Nebuchadnezzar thus concludes his history: "And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the Most High, and I praised and ho- PRIDE ABASED. 137 noured liiin that livetli for eYer, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation: and all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing : and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven^ and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say nnto him, What doest thou ? At the same time my reason returned unto me ; and for the glory of my kingdom, mine honour and brightness returned unto me; and my counsel- lors and my lords sought unto me; and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me. Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of hea- ven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.'' This closing epistle, addressed by the king Nebuchadnezzar to his subjects, breathes a quiet and a beautiful spirit, that indi- cates to my mind a change in his heart, a transformation of his character — a true and an actual conversion to God. We cannot but notice in this epistle, first the great humility by which it is characterized. The pride that provoked punishment is super- seded by humility, that owns its justice and gives glory to tha God who punished him for his sins; and thus he shows that he felt his sin to be grievous, and his sentence to be just. You will notice, too, in the blessing which the king pronounces upo* all mankind, such a wish as can be expected to proceed only from a Christian's heart. The fierce monarch is changed altogether. Instead of war, he prays for peace; the hand that wielded the sword is stretched forth in benediction; the lion, fierce and ravenous, is changed now into the lamb. He that blasphemed and defied the attributes of heaven, now submits like a weaned child, and owns the justice of his punishment; and prays that blessings, such as God alone can give, and monarchs cannot take away, may be bestowed upon all his sub- jects, and that all mankind may rejoice in the enjoyment of them. You will notice, too, another feature in the epistle of the king — namely, the missionary feeling and missionary sympathy that pervades it. He says, ^' I thought it good to show the signs and the wonders, and the might he had wrought," which is only 12* 138 PROPHETIC STUDIES. another form of expressing wliat David said, when he cried, ^^ Come, all ye that fear God, and I will maJ^e known to you what he hath done for my soul." The king says, ^^ I have seen the greatness, I have tasted the goodness of God. It is now my wish that all the people of my realm should see that I have done so; and learn that the God that they are to worship is no golden image, but the God who made the heaven and the earth, and whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom;" and thus the Babylonian throne became the Christian pulpit. The mighty monarch became the humble and the faithful missionaiy; and his epistle a sermon eloquent of wonders, of mercy, of righte- ousness, and of peace. Here, then, we have an evidence what grace can do; what transformations it can work; what results sanctified affliction can achieve; how blasphemies are turned into blessings, and the fierce despot into the meek and humble and submissive saint. And the same grace that changed the heart of the Babylonian monarch can and will change the heart of the most depraved of mankind. That grace, like the air of heaven, can enter by the smallest cranny, and can achieve by the small- -est means the greatest possible results. It has found, and it will find, access into congress, divan, and cabinet, and fiimily. It will find its way into the temple of Bramah, — into the mosque of Islam, — into the cathedral of the Bomanist. Wherever there is a heart that beats, there grace can find a throne for its blessed supremacy. The dream of the king, which we have read, and which Daniel interpreted, was a beautiful one. A lofty tree was seen planted in the centre of the earth; herds and cattle from a thou- sand hills enjoyed shelter beneath its branches, and the birds of the air built their nests amid its boughs. Such is the symbol" of* a prosperous and happy king. Nations dwelt beneath his sovereignty; families found peace beneath his sceptre; his king- dom was rooted in the hearts of his loyal subjects; a spectacle too magnificent for man long to enjoy elated the monarch's heart; drew out the corruption of his nature, and prompted the exclamation which brought down the vengeance of heaven: '^ Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom, by the might of my power, and for the honour of my PRIDE ABASED. 139 majesty?'^ Tlie instant that he utters these thoughts, the sen- tence is issued that fells the tree, deposes and degrades the monarch of whom that tree was the symbol. So true is it in eveiy age, " I have seen the wicked great in power, and spread- ing himself as a green bay-tree; I passed by, and lo! he was not; I sought him, but he could not be found. ^' And again, God says, '^All the trees of the field shall know that I, the Lord, have brought down the high heart." The catastrophe of the monarch is the result that is here foreshadowed in the hew- ing down of the tree. The sceptre is shattered in his hand. The mighty ruler is driven to herd with the lowest cattle — the monarch of that mighty kingdom goes out a wretched and an unreasoning monomaniac; the inmate of a palace becomes an inhabitant of the desert; he that ate king's meat feeds with the beasts of the field; and he whose brow wore a diadem that re- flected splendour upon a thousand kings, is naked and wetted with the dews of heaven. ^' Hew it down; cut away its branches; shake off its fiiiit.'' Thus there are two ways in which God can punish kings, just as there two ways in which he can punish their subjects. He can drive the monarch from his realm, as ill the case of Nebuchadnezzar; or he can drive the kingdom from the monarch, as in the case of Belshazzar. So with the sub- jects, he can snatch the landlord from his estate, and place him at the judgment-seat; or he can snatch the estate from the land- lord, and leave him poor and friendless in the world. The one or the other of these results will follow whenever pride is in- dulged. It is a law as sure as that the sun shines by day, that pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Let a church be proud and boast of itself, and that church will soon be laid low. Let a man become elated and exalted by a sense of his talents, and he will soon be brought down. Let a people glory in their wealth, or glory in their wisdom, or in any thing but Christ, and they will soon learn, that he who tries to steal a ray from the glory of God takes a withering curse in- wardly into his own bosom. Such, however, we find, is the goodness of God, that before he strikes he warns. And therefore Daniel says, " Moreover, O king, let my counsel be acceptable before thee, and break olF thy 140 PROPHETIC STUDIES. sins by rigliteousness^ and tliy transgressions by showing mercy to the poor/' In the Roman Catholic Bible this verse is trans- lated, ^^0 king, redeem thy sins by righteousness:" and hence, it is favourite text, quoted veiy frequently by them in order to show that good works have a propitiatory or atoning virtue. But the translation that they have adopted is obviously wrong. The word is, properly translated, " break off;'' and what Daniel says to the king is equivalent to saying, "Cease to do evil; learn to do well; reverse the couree you have taken; show j^our repentance in the sight of God by your reformation in the sight of man. Be what you have failed to be; bring forth the fruits that you have not brought forth; pity the poor you have trodden under foot; abstain from the violence which peradventure has stained you." But it would be impossible for man, by any works of his own, to make atonement for himself; for " by deeds of law," we are told, "can no flesh be justified." If man could make atonement for man's sins, why was it necessary that God should become man, and should suffer and die, that his sins might be atoned for? But the idea is too absurd to require me to spend time in refuting it. Among the lessons we learn from this chapter, before we enter immediately on the elucidation of the text, the first is, that the end of all royal government is beautifully set forth by the symbol of a tree, giving shelter to some, a home to others, and protection to all. What should a nation's government be ? A government that protects the weak and provides for the poor; that gives a shelter to the oppressed and diffuses the greatest possible amount of freedom and happiness among all. We learn in the next place, from God's hearing Nebuchadnezzar, that God hears the whisper in the royal cabinet as well as the groan of the oppressed in a miserable cellar. It is here stated that the king was walk- ing in his palace, and he said within himself, "Is not this great Babylon that I have built?" God hears the thought of the heart — "Thou, God, seest me," may be said by every individual here this evening. God's eye is just as closely riveted upon the heart of that young man or that young woman, as if that young man or young woman were the only individual in the whole uni- verse of God. There is not a thought that flutters in our hearts — tliere is not a purpose in tliem formed for to-morrow — ^there is not a secret spring of wickedness arising in any bosom — ^tliere is not a design that is cherished in the secrecy of any heart, that you can hide from God — from that eye that pierces the darkness — from that car that hears in silence — from that God who will bring every secret thing to light, and judge according to the thoughts of the heart, the words of the mouth, and the deeds done in the body, whether they be good, or whether they be evil. What a solemn consideration it is that those thoughts which you would wish to conceal from that person who sits be- side you in the pew, are known to God: and your schemes, plans, and imaginations that you would not disclose to a mother, to a husband, to a wife, to a child, to a friend, for the whole world, are known to him ! You wrap your mantle round you, and you say, ^^How close and how secret can I keep my coun- sel!'^ God's burning eye is fixed upon it all — that eye which sees and searches and penetrates all space, and reads clearly and legibly our inmost thoughts. What an idea is this, that, in the judgment-day, man's secret thoughts will be set in the light of God's countenance ! What a fearful spectacle for those that rise from the dead as lost souls, when they behold that terrible light which has no shadow, no relief, nothing to soften its intense bril- liancy, shining upon every thought in the past, every prospect in the future, every feeling in the present — a spectacle so fearful that the lost souls shall cry to the everlasting hills to hide them, and the great sea to shelter them from the wrath of the Lamb- And blessed, blessed indeed is that man's soul that can say, then and there, ''I am guilty, but Jesus is my Saviour; I am a sinner, but that precious blood is my plea; I am lost in Adam, but retrieved in Christ : and I know that he to whom I have committed all will behold not me, for in me there is nothing worthy of love, but behold my substitute, and me in him, that died for me and became sin for me, that I might be made the righteousness of God in him." The king, we are told in this passage, was driven from his throne to wander with the beasts of the field, degraded and de- posed, as the appropriate penalty of his special sin. What was the king's special sin? Pride. What- was God's providential 142 PROPHETIC STUDIES. pimisliment ? Degradation. Generally speaking, you may read your sin in the light of your punishment. Not always, but gene- rally speaking, the punishment is just the rebound of the sin. And if you will examine it very carefully in the light of God's truth, in the punishment or chastisement which you are now un- dergoing, you will probably be able to trace the reason why God has inflicted it. God sends the punishment, not simply to wean you from the way that is evil, but to reveal by the light of the furnace in which he places you, the sin that has seduced you, and drawm down' upon you, like the conductor, the lightning of God's judgment. Was not this the case with the recent pestilence that visited us? In the punishment we saw one sin, at least, that brought it down — the neglect of the poor — the absence of all sanatory reform — one of the greatest social evils of the present day. "VVe savf thus in our punishment the sin which, as a peo- ple, we had indulged. There were other sins, I dare say, many others; but this was one which the judgment directly pointed out to us. And I trust we shall show that the punishment has been sanctified to us, by every man in his place discharging man- fully the special duty to the poor that clearly devolves upon him. It is stated also, that the king acknowledged, after his punish- ment, that "God doeth according to his will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth." God has not simply "prescience," but he has "purpose." It is not true simply that God foreknows what will come to pass; but, if the Bible speaks truth, as we know it does, he also purposes the event that is to take place. Prophecy is holy men becoming the amanuenses of God's truth; history is holy and unholy men be- coming the amanuenses of God's providence. God writes the prophecy in Scripture, and God fulfils the prophecy in history; and yet, when he does so, God is not the author of sin. God, though the author of all that is good, is not the author of any thing that is sinful: nor is man a mere automaton impelled irresistibly in its course; but he is a rational, reflecting, respon- sible being, deliberately choosing what he thinks to be best or most expedient for him. We learn another lesson from this histoiy : that prosperity is a very dangerous position. It is not the man who has lost his PRIDE ABASED. 143 property wlio is most likely to forget God; but tlie man who has obtained a fortune, or made a most successful speculation, or had left to him a large property. It is not the empty cup that we have any difficulty in holding; it requires the utmost nicety to balance the cup that is full to the brim. Adversity may depress; but prosperity elevates us to presumption. And if, as I have often told you, you ought to intimate that the prayers of the con- gregation are requested for a member of this church in deep affliction, you ought much oftener to say that the prayers of the congregation are requested for a member who has been visited with great prosperity. Depend upon it that the latter needs prayer just as much as the former. In the valleys, where all is shadow, we can walk securely. On the lofty pinnacle, where all is sunshine, we need a special power to keep us, a special arm to sustain us. If we take the experience of the church of Christ, we shall find that the man that draws closest to God has gene- rally had the least of the blessings of his providence. The Scotch fir-tree is, to my mind, the best symbol of the Christian. The least of earth is required for its roots; it finds nourishment in a dry soil and amid barren rocks, and yet, green in winter as in summer, it towers the highest of all the trees of the wood to- ward the sky, and with least of earth makes the greatest approach to heaven. So it is with the tree of God's planting: with the least of earth about its roots it towers the nearest to heaven; de- riving nourishment, not from the earth below, but from the sun- beams that fall upon it, and the rain-drops that sprinkle it, supported by that hidden nourishment that comes from God. We learn from Daniel's address to the king, that a minister of the gospel ought to be faithful. Daniel told the king honestly the whole truth, and was not afraid. Truth needs not to be pre- faced with apology. If what the minister says be not true, no apology can palliate it; if it be true, an apology is not required. When the minister speaks God's blessed word, he ought to know but two classes — those that are sinners by nature, and those that are saved by grace. Whatever be their rank, their age, their wisdom, their renown, we have nothing to do with these — we have only to do with this, that they belong to that great categoiy which has had so continuous a succession — the category of sin- 144 PROPHETIC STUDIES. nors; or to tliat blessed one that shall never fail — the company of God's faithful, redeemed, and regenerated people. We learn also from the experience of the monarch, the bless- ings of affliction. Nebuchadnezzar said, after his affliction, what he had never dreamed of submitting to think of before; and I have no doubt, he could say as sincerely as David said, ^^It is good for me that I have been afflicted." When God hides the sun by day, he reveals to us a thousand suns by night. It is in the dark that we see a vision which the day refuses to present to us. It is in afflictions that we learn lessons which we never could have learned in prosperity. And you know that on a sick- bed, in the moment of an expected wreck, in the hour of bitter and sorrowful bereavement, feelings were created, emotions felt, vows were uttered, (and if they were uttered, do you hold to them still ?) resolutions cherished, that made you say. If it be bitter in experience to be afflicted, it is blessed in the result. The storms of winter, the frosts and winds of autumn, strip the tree of its foliage and clothe it with icicles; but it is while the tree is thus shaken and laid bare by the tempest that it strikes its roots deeper into the earth, seeking warmth and shelter below, as it loses warmth and shelter above. And then, next spring, it comes forth with greater energy, casts out its foliage with greater beau- ty, and is prepared to meet and master succeeding storms with far easier victory. So it is with the Christian : it is during the winter of affliction that he strengthens himself. But the great lesson we are to learn from this chapter, and which is the lesson inculcated in my text, is the last; it is a les- son which is precious indeed, and one which God has been incul- cating ever since the world bcgan^—'^ Those which walk in pride, God is able to abase." The whole history of God's dealings with mankind is a commentary on this text. Man once started on the wings of pride : he tried in Paradise to soar to heaven : his frail wings were dissolved by the blaze of that sun as he rose ; he fell : the terrible retribution came : and he learned, in the cold projected shadow of the curse, that 'Hhem that exalt themselves, God is able to abase." And after man thus fell, we have to see whe- ther he learned in his ruin the lesson he would not learn in the time of his happiness, and in his state of innocence. Ciim rose PRIDE ABASED. 145 before God, and raised a fratricidal hand against liis brother in the exercise of that very pride which had brought the curse into the world, and death, ^^and all our wo:'^ and Cain went forth with this inscription, legible to heaven, upon his scathed brow, ^^ Them that walk in pride, Grod is able to abase /^ After Cain, we read that the daughters of the sons of God united themselves with the sons of men; society was dissolved; profligacy overflowed; they set their faces against heaven, and and cried, '^Who is Lord over us?'' And God saw that the pride and wickedness of men were great; the windows of the heaven and the fountains of the earth were opened; the sky poured down rain, and earth poured out floods; and the ark, careering with its favoured exceptions on the crests of the waves, revealed the great truth which was here disclosed to Nebuchadnezzar, " Them that walk in pride, God is able to abase/' And even after this, while man had the remains of wrecks, and the evidences of restoration before him, instead of being- humbled by the recollection of the past, and trustful in the God who saves the meek, they began to build a tower whose top should reach to the heaven, standing upon which they might laugh at such judgments, and defy the Almighty to his face. He breathed upon them, and each tongue spake confusion; no man understood what his fellow-labourer said; the work was ar- rested, the attempt failed, and man was again taught the tmtli he is so slow to learn, "Them that walk in pride, God is able to abase.'' A new period came in the history of the world, and God re- solved to quell the pride that still oozed out, not instantly crush- ing man by the direct expression of stupendous power, but by the operation of the very sin of pride preparing and promoting the destruction of him who is its victim. We find in the his- tory of the world great kingdoms beginning to emerge, splendid palaces built, temples raised to Ashtaroth and Baal, and shrines to Isis and Osiris, throughout all the empires of the world; on which God makes the text actual, no longer by the sudden stroke of almighty power, but by the sure, though slow opera- tion of those very principles that have influenced the men them- 13 146 PROPHETIC STUDIES. selves. For Nebuchadnezzar, and Belshazzar, and Cyms, and Alexander, and Caesar, all found, though, they were not smitten down by the thunderbolt because of their pride, yet that the higher they soared, only the deeper and the more disastrously did they fall : and never did nation succeed in writing on the productions of its wisdom or on the expressions of its power, '' I sit as a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no soitow," and, " I am the eternal city, and of my kingdom there shall be no end,'^ before another hand shot through the cloud and inscribed below man's inscription and prophesy of eternity for himself, God's record of the doom he should suffer, ''Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin," '' Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting/^ And ever as man said, ^'I will ascend to heaven, and fix my throne raiiid the stars of God," — wherever that was said and the attempt made, we see no longer the glorious proces- sion of splendour, of power, and of victory, but the funeral pro- cession that moves slowly and sadly to the tomb. And, in the history of the world, as often as great systems have arisen, which have thrust out God and put in man, the same great result has invariably followed. What is Mohammedanism ? A compound of Christianity, Judaism, and heathenism, all tending to glorify an ambitious impostor, and to dishonour G-od. The dried Euphrates, the waning crescent, all are teaching, and will teach soon with tremendous power, ^'Them that walk in pride, God is able to abase.'' And what is Popery? The magnifying of the priest till he takes the place of God, and sits in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God, and professing him- self to be the Vicar of Christ. And what is said of him? "Whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth, and. destroy with the brightness of his coming,'' that it may be seen that that church which boasts itself eternal is most temporary, and that he who sits as if he were the Lord in the temple is but an usurper of a throne that belongs not to him, and the wearer of assumptions which are only blasphemy in him that assumes them. Let it be the autocrat on his throne, or the mob in the dyopa-y let it be Nebuchadnezzar in his palace, or antichrist in his temple, it is God's great law — sure as the heavens, lasting as his word, — that'Hhem that walk in pride, God is able to abase." PRIDE ABASED. 147 The loftiest cedar of Lebanon shall be smitten down ; the high- est oaks of Bashan God is able to uproot. He has brought down the mighty from their seats^ and exalted the humble and meek. We read what are some of the elements of human pride in that beautiful passage in Jeremiah: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might; let not the rich man glory in his riches." And wherever there is glorying in these — be it a church — be it a nation — be it a family — be it an individual, they will be sure to find them- selves soon abased. Man is not to be proud of his wisdom : but we generally find that the man who has least wisdom is the most proud of the little he possesses; as if, conscious of its emptiness, and feeling it would collapse, he hugs it the closer, and makes the most of it. Is it not too true, that many a man would rather be called a knave than be thought a fool? Power is another source of pride. Has not philosophy its Nebuchadnezzar as well as political power? Satan is very aptly described by Milton, as saying, *' Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven ;" and have we not met with many a one who had rather be the head of the village than a subject in the metropolis? Such is man's lust of power; and wherever such love of power is, there it will be brought down. Need I tell you that man is proud of wealth? Money is the idol of the nineteeenth century. The banker's pen is more powerful now than the warrior's sword or the statesman's policy. It is not cabinets, but banks, that re- solve the fixity and the downfall of kingdoms. It is the stroke of the banker's pen, not the blow of the general's sword, that determines who shall conquer. Camillus of old cast his sword into the scale when the conflict was dubious : it is now the money-lender, who casts his money-bags into the scale, and deter- mines which nation shall be great. All the difference between the mammon-worshipper of the present day and the golden image-worshipper of Nebuchadnezzar consists in this, that Ne- buchadnezzar dug his gold from earth, melted and moulded it into a golden image, and caused the people, by the sound of mu- 148 rnoPHETic studies. sic, to fall down and Vv^orslilp it; and now man digs gold from the mine, stamps it into coins, and, by appealing to the lusts and affections of the human heart, making these the sweet music to entice, he causes men to fall down and worship. But whenever man thus puts wisdom, or wealth, or power, in the room of God, or, believing in God, is proud of the one or the other, he will learn — by the terrible penalty which, if he be an unconverted man, is purely penal, but if he be a Christian, by a blessed chas- tisement that is purely paternal — that ^Hhem that walk in pride, God is able to abase." I might allude to other forms of pride that God can, and will, surely abase. The careless sinner, who thinks nothing of God, and cares nothing about his soul, walks in perilous pride upon the brink of an aAvful precipice. The self-righteous man, who thinks his own righteousness good enough for God, and Christ's right- eousness too worthless to be accepted by him, walks in pride. The worldly-minded man, whose living is the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life — walks in pride ; and God will abase him. Pride is not the monopoly of those that ride in cha- riots and wear crowns and coronets. Pride grows in a cellar as well as in a royal palace. It is an indigenous weed. It is not the composition of the idol that makes the idolatry, but it is the devotion that is given by the heart to that idol, whether it be wood, or brass, or stone. There may be pride where there is but a single sovereign, greater than where there are a thousand. There may be pride in the possession of a single acre, greater and more hateful to God, than in the possession of a thousand acres. And where it exists, we learn from our text, and from all experience, none can bring it down but one. All the miracles of Moses failed to bring down the pride of Pharaoh : all the preaching down and denouncing of pride by the most eloquent preacher that ever spoke, will fail to abase the pride of a single individual in his au- dience. The wind may beat upon the icicle ; the storm and the tempest may smite it ; the earthquake may split it ; the avalanche may descend, and send it thundering down into the valley below, but only the sunbeam can thaw and melt it. Nothing can subdue the pride of man's heart but God — God, in the rays of the gos- pel. Experience will never do it. How true is it that, often as phiue abased. 149 we have found cistern upon cistern, that we have laboriously dug, to be emi^ty, we look for other cisterns still ? How is it, that of- ten as we find flower after flower to fade and wither the instant that we touch it, yet we seek after other flowers still ? How is it, that after joy on joy has been pursued, and has perished the instant that we grasped it, we yet still seek after joys that bloom not upon the tree of time, but only upon the tree that is in the midst of the paradise of God ? It is because we do not like to be indebted to another. Man would like to save himself, justify himself, regene- rate himself, glorify himself, and sing songs of praise throughout eternity '^tome that loved myself, and washed myself, tind redeemed myself, and glorified myself; unto me be glory and honour, and blessing and praise V What is all the gospel but just Grod hum- bling the heart ? What is justification ? God laying your glory in the ditst, and placing the greatest philanthropist and the great- est criminal on the same dead level of sin and condemnation ; that when they have learned where sin has laid them, they may be clothed with and exalted by the righteousness of Christ, and glory in his name all the day long, and realize this blessed experience, that when we begin to exalt God, God will begin to exalt us. What is regeneration, but God's Holy Spirit revealing to man what is in his own real nature, and that his flowers are w^eds, his gold is dim — nay, worse than dim, worthless ; that his sins are his own, and they should humble him ; that his graces are not his own, and they should humble him also ; and that he can no more change his own heart than he can, by any concentration of his physical powers, or combined action of his muscles, lift him- self from the earth a single foot ? When God has thus humbled man, and convinced him that he has no holiness and no grace -of himself, then he will exalt him. The man whose heart has been renewed only by baptism, will praise the priest ; but the man whose heart has been renewed and regenerated by the Spirit of God, will magnify and praise the Lord alone, and from the first bud to the next blossom, and the last fruit of a holy life, he will give all the glory unto God. Do I speak to any here that are proud ? This passion is in us all : it is human nature ; it is the secret of many of our miscar- ryings : it is the cause of most of our fiiilures. You say you do 13^> 150 PIlOniETIC STUDIES. not like to be humble : nobody does like to be humble. Man does not like to be humbled before a brother, but he likes much less to be humbled before himself; the instinctive pride that is in him rebelling against the humility that sweeps his foundation of self-sufficiency from beneath him. But if this pride be not abased in mercy, it will be abased in judgment. Think of the goodness, the mercy, the forgiveness of God, that, so thinking, you may be humble. Think of what human nature is ; that the greatest criminal who commits the most enormous crime, and perishes on the scaffold on account of it, is an alter ego, another self, actuated by the same passions, only in their full burst, flow, and develop- ment ', and that, except for the grace of Grod, that criminal might have been myself. Think of this, that you may be humble be- fore God. But if you wish to be humbled in the very dust, read those thrilling words, '' God so loved me, that he gave his only- begotten Son to die for me V See what my redemption cost ! See what a penalty my sin demanded ! See what my ruin is, by the height from which the Saviour came, and the depth to which the Saviour sank ! and when you have looked at that cross, and listened to that suffering cry, and beheld that completed sacrifice, and that unbounded love, oh ! then such grace — such love — such mercy, will expel pride from the stubborn heart of man ; and it will do what judgment, what affliction, what preaching, what ex- perience has failed to do — it will cause you to abase yourself in the sight of the Lord, that he may lift you up, and so you may be exalted in due time. Pray for that Holy Spirit which alone can melt the proud heart ; and when it has changed and regenerated that heart, then, in lowliness upon earth, you will bless him, and on a throne of glory in heaven, you will magnify him ] and thank God throughout all eternity that you have learned in mercy, the truth which so many have learned in judgment — '^ Them that walk in pride, God is able to abase." 151 LECTURE XL THE SCEPTRE OF GOD. " Thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule." — Daniel iv. 26. Nebuchadnezzar " learned that the heavens do rule/^ as we see in this acknowledgment, made after he was restored to his mind. The prediction was that the tree, the symbol of his ma- jesty, should be cut down ; and he who was symbolized by that tree should be driven forth to herd with the beasts of the field, and there to sufi"er degradation and shame till he learned the les- son that he had forgotten, that " God reigns,^'' or, to use the lan- guage of the text, " that the heavens do rulc.'^ And you will perceive that after he was restored he says, in verse 3, ^' How great are. his signs ! and how mighty are his wonders !" and then here is what he had learned : '' His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation. '' He learned the lesson, and he expressed it after he was restored to his mind, that it was not his sceptre that controlled the worlds, but the sceptre of Him whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and whose dominion endureth from generation to generation. The proposition I should wish to illustrate is, that " Glod reigns,'' "that the heavens do rule.j" and in endeavouring to do so, I will look first at some of the difficulties that lie in the way of our ac- knowledgment of this fact. There is nothing that man is more prone to dispute than the living, ever-present, ever-active supre- macy of God. There is an universal belief that God loas, there is a very faint belief that God is : there is an impression among some that God made the world, and then left the machinery ta go on after he had wound it up ; and that since he made it he has retired from the world, and left it to the dominion of what philosophers call second causes — what infidels call accidents. 152 rROPIIETlC STUDIES. Now then, let us look at some of the difficulties that lie in our way, and I will try as I am able very briefly to explain them. First, how can we reconcile the entrance of sin with the ex- istence, the supremacy, and the rule of Grod ? If you ask men, Does God govern the world ? they answer, '^ Yes." But how is it compatible with the government of a wise, a merciful, an om- nipotent God, that sucli an intruder, such a foul disturber of the harmony of the world as sin, should have been allowed to inter- polate itself, and occasion apostasy, rebellion, and discord in his suffering, wide dominions ? The entrance of sin is not the dis- closure of revelation, but the disclosure of history, of experience, and of fact. It is not the Christian alone who is called upon to explain why sin is come into the world, but the skeptic himself. He admits the existence and the reign of a God : he must admit the fact of the presence, and the disturbing power of sin. If there be a difficulty, it is a difficulty also at the door of the skeptic, as broad and as palpable as that which lies at the door of the Bible Christian. But we may look at it in a light in which it may appear at least not to have been God's fault, if I may reve- rently use the expression, that sin has entered the world. He made man perfectly free and unfettered, with every bias to good, and with no bias to evil ; with every inducement to retain his allegiance, with every possible dissuasive against the violation of that allegiance. He gave him genius to originate — a heart t-o love — a conscience, the realm of right and of wrong ; and, of ne- cessity, placed him under a law, because, if there be no law, there can be no lawgiver, there can be no subject; and, if no subject, of course no supreme governor. By the very nature of the crea- ture's constitution, the creature must be placed under law. Now when he placed Adam under law, God might by his omnipotence have prevented him from stretching forth his hand to touch ^he forbidden fruit. But it does not follow that because he might have prevented him, therefore he o^igJu to have prevented him. It may be — nay, we are sure it must be — that more grand and magnificent results will yet be evolved from the wrecks of Para- dise than ever could have been reflected from it, if it had retained its glory undismantled and unshorn, even to the age in which we now live. And to show how fallacious is the argument, tliat be- THE SCEPTRE OF GOD. 153 cause God could have prevented man, therefore he ought to have done so, I may observe, man has it in his power to destroy him- self; he may throw himself over a precipice, or cast himself into the sea : God might, by the exercise of omnipotence, have ren- dered this impossible : but then the very impossibility of it would have reflected deeper discredit on the creature ; for the creature would not have been a free and unshackled being, in which he glories as his dignity, but an automaton — a piece of machinery, moved by extraneous impulses, without a will to determine, a conscience to feel, or a judgment to reflect. Or, to use another illustration, if a man goes to put his hand into the fire, God tells that man, by the experience of others, and by the exercise of his reason, " If you put your hand into the fire you will burn it and sufi"er pain.'' That is the plan he has adopted : he might have taken the plan you propose, and by the fiat of omnipotence have rendered it a physical impossibility for the man to burn his hand. But he has not done so : he has shown man that if he puts his hand in the fire it is sure to be burned 3 and man, knowing what the efiect of the act will be, is thus deterred from the commission of it. Such was the case with Adam in Paradise. God did not draw back his arm by a physical restraint from touching the for- bidden fruit; but he told man, ^^If you touch that fruit you bring death into the world and all your wo ; it rests with you, as a free and responsible being, to touch it and perish, or to abstain and live for ever." Do we not then thus " vindicate the ways of God to man," and show that by permitting sin, not sending it, he treated man as a rational and responsible being, and that man could not have been placed, as far as we can see, in circumstances more favourable to obedience, compatibly with the dignity of his own nature, or in circumstances more calculated to set forth the wisdom, the beneficence, the love, the holiness, and the justice of him who rules in the heavens, and constituted man once his vicegerent upon earth ? Another difficulty in recognising the truth contained in my text, that God lives and reigns, consists in the fact that the pre- sent generation is often found to sufier for the sins of the past, and that the children of to-day inherit the consequences of the sins of their fathers of yesterday, and of former generations. If 154 PROPHETIC STUDIES. this be very difficult to reconcile with the fact that God reigns, let it be remembered it is not a text in the Bible only, but it is a fact in the history of mankind; it is not asserted in the Bible only that it shall be so, but it is proved to our senses, and is legible in the chronicles of every land, that it actually is so. And therefore, if it be difficult to reconcile it with the truth that God reigns, it is a difficulty that the skeptic must feel just as strongly as the Christian; but the Christian alone will try to show that possibly there are in this fact — that children suffer for the father's sins — lessons of the greatest possible goodness and practical value. May it not be to teach us that we have an inte- rest in all that are around us, and that the well-being of our child should be as precious to us as our own ? that man is a work not for himself only, but for others ? that if a man sin, the rebound of his sin will be felt, not only in himself, but in his children and his children's children to the third and fourth generations ? This great fact is fitted to make men feel, by reasons the most pressing and the most powerful, that it is their interest, and the interest of their offspring, that they should live soberly, righteously, and godly. And what seems to be a hardship is really a mercy, fitted to arouse all man's feelings against sin, and to lead him by the deepest instincts of his nature to guard against that which will not only ruin himself, but transmit suffering, and pain, and tribu- lation to the third and fourth generation of his descendants. Another fact that occurs in the government of God, very dif- ficult at first sight to reconcile with the fact of that government, is the strange procedure which sends one sinner to punish an- other, and one wrong-doer to avenge the misconduct and the crimes of another. For instance. Napoleon was employed or commissioned to punish the sins of profligate Europe; and at an earlier epoch, Cyrus, to execute judgment upon Babylon; and, at a period later than the last, Titus and A'espasian and the Eoman sword, to punish the disobedience and the gross transgressions of his people Israel. It is asked, How can you reconcile this with the fact that God reigns, when lie might himself punish by the direct interposition of his hand ? Does it not seem incompatible with our conceptions of his holiness, that he should employ men so profligate to execute his purposes, which are in themselves so TFIK SCErTRE OF GOD. 155 pure T Tliat he does so is not a declaration of Scripture only, but it is a cliapter in tlie history of every nation upon earth : God says himself, "0 Assyrian, the rod of mine anger; I will send him against an hypocritical nation, against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil and to take the prey, and to tread them down as the mire in the streets.'^ May it not be to teach men this yet more effectually than if God had interposed by a direct manifestation of his own right hand, that when sinners have ceased to rely upon God it is folly to rely upon one another? ]May it not be to teach mankind that no conspiracy of wicked men, however great, and however secretly concocted, is without an element of internal destruction, disor- ganization, and decay? If all men in the world could form a conspiracy that would last, it would be a very formidable thing; but history shows us that if bad men combine, there are elements of disorganization and ruin in the combination, so real and so active, that before many years have swept over the conspiracy, one will rise up against the other, and that which was designed to dethrone the Almighty, will end in the destruction of those that concoetod it. A very difficult thing to reconcile with the doctrine that God reigns, is the fact that infants die. But this fact is not only de- clared in the Bible, but it is proved in every page of the chroni- cles of every family as well as of every land. Infants do die, though free from actual transgression -, this is matter of fact ; and there may be in that occurrence not what is inconsistent with the reign of God, but what is eminently calculated to make that reign more palpable to man's mind. The babes die to teach us that original sin is an actual thing, and to show that some terrible disaster has fallen upon all mankind, which blights the flower that has just budded and bloomed to-day, as well as the gray- haired sire, on whose head the snows of threescore years and ten have fallen. And if it be true, that all babes who die in infancy are without exception saved, as true I believe it to be, then it is not cruelty to the babes, — it is making it a missionary to the parents, and teaching a lesson which man would deny if only actual sinners were cut off, and babes who have never sinned were universally spared. 156 PROPHETIC STUDIES. We see every day the fact, that parents are taken from their children in the midst of their lives, and their offsiDring cast de- pendent on the wide world. This appears to us a cruel thing, and we wonder how it is possible to reconcile it with the provi- dential government of God. Yet there may be lessons latent in it which we do not see ; it may be to teach the parents to work while it is called to-day, and discharge to their offspring the duties that they owe, not knowing how long the opportunity may be given them; and thus to make parental instruction more earnest, and parental duties more faithfully discharged, because there is ever present a deep sense of the possibility of the severance of ties so beautiful and divine, and the loss of the opportunity of giving those instructions which shall be the happiness of the child upon earth, and its yet greater and richer happiness in glory. Another difficulty in receiving the truth that God reigns, is the fact that vice and dishonesty are sometimes prosperous and triumphant, while piety and goodness are sometimes depressed. It is so ; the Bible says that it will be so ; but it also explains the reason why. This is not the dispensation of absolute justice. In hell the wicked universally suffer; in heaven the holy are universally happy. In this world the two parties are mingled, and we see sometimes bad men prosper and sometimes good men suffer. But if all good men prospered upon earth, then men would profess religion for the sake of its temporal benefits ; if good men, on the other hand, always suffered upon earth, men might bo deterred from joining the ranks of Christianity, because it would be joining the ranks of martyrs. But, under the provi- dence of God, good men sometimes suffer and sometimes prosper, and we are thus taught to cleave to the gospel because it is the mind of God, and to accept duty because it is duty, and not on account of the temporal rewards to which it may conduct us, or the temporal penalties from which it may possibly save us. The tares and the wheat grow in the same field ; it is right that they should thus grow together till the harvest; and whenever the effort is made to separate them now, it ends in the injury of the wheat, and not the rooting up permanently of the tares. Another great difficulty which occurs in receiving the great THE SCEPTRE OF GOD. 157 tnitli that the heavens do rule, is the lengthened lives of many- bad men, and the short lives and premature deaths of really good and devoted men. For instance, Voltaire lived to upward of eighty; Paine to a considerable age; Napoleon passed the meri- dian of life: if Voltaire, Paine, and Napoleon had perished in their cradles, how much mischief would the world have escaped ! how much injury and suffering would mankind have been spared ! and, on the other hand, we argue, if such men as Cecil, and Howell, and Newton, and Edward Bickersteth, and Chalmers had been spared to eighty, ninety, or one hundred years of age, what blessings would the world have reaped thereby! So we natu- rally infer; but if we could lift the curtain and see the reasons that are behind it, we should find that there were good reasons why Voltaire should be spared to eighty, and Bickersteth should be cut off at sixty; and reasons, perhaps, that are more connected with the real well-being of man, and with the glory of God, than we are at first disposed to believe. One lesson taught us by the fact that good men perish early is, that we must be more active; their mantles are bequeathed to us — the places they have vacated are for us to fill ; and it becomes us, therefore, ever as the good and the great fall like fruits that are ripe from the tree of life, to take their place and enter upon their duties, and try, however feebly, by the grace of that God who gives his strength to the weak and his grace to all that ask it, to supply to mankind the great loss, they have sustained by the departure of men so good, so beneficent, and so useful. Besides, when we look at these things, we are apt to think only of this world ; but when God called Bickersteth to himself, and said to him, ^' Come up hither,'^ it was because Bickersteth's work in this world was finished, and God had work for him to do in a higher, a better, and a nobler world, whence he shall no more be removed. We look at matters selfishly when we think of this world only, and forget that there are other worlds where there may be sublime missions to be discharged still ; and that those men have not ceased to labour, but have only laid aside the robe of the Levite who ministers outside the vail, to put on the sacred vestments of the priest, to minister before the altar, and in the Hoi}'" of Holies for ever and ever. . 14 158 PROPHETIC STUDIES. There is another thought too, that occurs to us as a difficulty in recognising the government of God — the afflictions of the people of God. Why do we see them suffer ? why do we see them be- reaved, deprived of their property, afflicted with disease, laid aside? Why is this? There are good reasons for it; and some of these the Bible gives us. "It is good for me," says one, "that I was afflicted;" another says, "Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh out for us a far more exceeding, and eter- nal weight of glory." Human nature, like the sons of Zebedee, would like to sit on the right hand and on the left hand of the Saviour, but we do not want to drink of the Saviour's cup. Yet he fixes the dispensation that suits us; and God, who superin- tends the action of the dispensation, will take care that our afflic- tions shall not be too great, nor too many, nor too heavy, nor too long, as Satan would like them; nor too light, nor too few, nor too short, as we should like them; but that they shall be just what is most expedient for us, conducive to our good, and illus- trative of his glory. It is thus that I have pointed out some of the difficulties tha*" lie in the way of our accepting the truth contained in the text, that the " heavens do rule." And I have tried to show, or rather to suggest, that there may be good reasons, though we cannot see them all, why all that man supposes to be irreconcila- ble with the sceptre and supremacy of God, may not only be re- concilable with it, but may be also calculated to cast greater glory upon his name, and to diffuse more extensive blessings among all the children of God scattered throughout the world. Let us then, in looking at the fact that "God rules," remember that he has designs of ultimate good to us and. of ultimate glory to him- self, which it may be most important for us to see worked out in the world. For instance, God suffers sin to develop itself upon earth into crimes and horrible calamities. He may be doing so, not because he hates us, for that he does not, nor because he would punish the guilty criminal — that will be a very minor rea- son — but because this earth on which we live is the great Icssou- book of the universe; and it may be that the inhabitants of sister orbs and of sister stars may be grouped in gazing clusters around this distant spot in the universe, and may be looking THE SCEPTRE OF GOD. 159 down and seeing, beyond the reach of its contagion, what terri- ble issues are treasured up in that terrible thing sin, and what it would do if all the restrictions were withdrawn, and it were left to create on earth, and to work out that hell, which it has wrought out in some sequestered place in the world, where the worm never dies, and the fire is not quenched. It may be we are apt to form conclusions that certain things are irreconcilable with the government of God, from our only seeing a portion of their action. If you see only the foundation of a house, you ought not thence to judge what will be the splendour of its superstructure: if you read the title-page of a book, you ought not, as many do, to say, the book is a false book, or a bad book, because you have only read the title-page : and if you see but some of the outside and less significant machinery of Providence, and cannot see the inner machinery which is with himself, the spring, and the issue, it is not right to judge of what things are, by the partial and defective view we are able to obtain of them. Take, for instance, the history of Joseph; when you saw Joseph cast into the pit, sold to the merchants, accused of an oifence by the wife of Potiphar, thrown into a dungeon; one would have said, if you had stopped there and seen no further, "What an unfortunate lad is that! excel- lent in his character, he seems to be the most unfortunate in life." But if you could have lived to see him at the right hand of Pharaoh — if you could have lived to see him save his nation from destruction, and ultimately triumph over all his trials, — you woukt have said, How wonderful in working is that God who overrules the passions of man, restrains his wrath, and makes the remainder of it to praise him ! And how rashly do we often judge. Again, when we reflect on such scenes as the French Pvcvolu- tion of 1792, to take the most dreadful one, you cannot under- stand how it could be that, if there be a God that ruleth in hea- ven, men should have been so left to themselves by that God, and within his dominions, as to perpetrate the crimes which can barely be mentioned, and the murders and atrocities which the historian is scarcely able to enumerate. But now that we have seen what it w^as, and have learned what lessons were to be de 160 PROPHETIC STUDIES. diiced from it^ we can show that it was first to punish the profli- gacy of an eminently profligate people; and, secondly, it was to prove Yfhat a people can do and will do that has cast off God; and it was next to teach us that the experiment has been tried, and in every case turned out not merely a fiiilure, but absolute destruction to them that made it, that the world cannot be car- ried on without religion : and that society cannot cohere without God; in the words of Robespierre, the sanguinary despot of that terrible era, "If there be not a God, we must make one, in order to make society hold together/^ The atheist in his blasphemy proclaimed God almost as distinctly as the Christian who says, ''God reigns, and the heavens do rule/' In the next place, we have to learn too, in looking at all these difficulties, that God, in dealing v/ith mankind, and in ruling over them, does not contemplate in his dealings one generation, but successive generations. We see one whole generation suffer, and we think it incompatible with the goodness of God : but if Ave look to the next generation we shall discover that the suffer- ings of the first were preparing the soil for seeds to be cast into it, which were designed to grow up and ripen into precious har- vests of happiness and peace to future ones. In order, there- fore, to judge of God's designs, and of the wisdom and goodness of his government, you must look, not at one particular genera- tion, but at all the generations of mankind, and be content to discover that your sufferings in the present may grow up and burst into blessings lasting as the stars, for generations that are yet to follow you. And in the next place, we must view all that God does in this world in connection with another world. Recollect that this world is but the pilgrimage through which we are passing, and the next world is the home to which we are going; and what seems irreconcilable with God's government, when beheld in the light of this world, may be seen to be not only reconcila- ble with it, but richly illustrating its beneficence and wisdom, when viewed in the light of that future world for which God is preparing his people, and toward which they are journeying as strangers and pilgrims through this present world. This world is but a nook — a little tiny nook — in the vast domains over THE SCEPTRE OF GOD. 161 which God's sceptre stretches. If it were possible to conceive of a flj being endowed with the faculty of reason for a moment — and if that fly were crawling about the cornice of one of the pillars of St. Peter's cathedral, it might perhaps say, ^' What a paltry, contemptible place this is ! these cornices seem to be do- ing no good; what is the use of them? what a mean little place it is, and how unworthy of the architect who planned it?" We should say, if we heard its reasoning, it was the smallness of the insect, and the limited nature of the horizon of its vision, which made it think what it saw to be so small and insignificant, and its not understanding that the cornice of the pillar could no more be dispensed with than the dome or the roof of the cathe- dral, being part and parcel of one great design, and in harmony with all that was about it. Yv^e are just like that fly in this respect, perched upon some little pinnacle in some little nook of this little vforld, where we venture to pronounce upon the whole from our very limited experience of a part, forgetting that our ignorance should make us humble, and our knowledge that God reigns should make us trust that all will be wisely, beneficently^ and graciously arranged. I have thus then looked at some of the objections to this truth. Let me now notice some positive facts tending to prove that the heavens do rule; and that while God does thus rule, there is every reason to believe, both from Scripture and experi- ence, that his rule is wise, and good, and merciful, and gracious. In the first place, God is infinitely wise : we are quite certain, therefore, that what he does must be the result of infinite wis- dom. Admit the fact that God reigns in the atom as well as in the fixed star — that God moves with the current of the tiny stream as much as he rides upon the whirlwind, and sails upon the waves of the desert sea : admit that God is in all the wind- ings of individual private life, as well as the cataracts and floods and storms of public and of social life — and then recollect, that the God who thus controls all, is infinitely wise, and you may be satisfied that there is no risk of a blunder, there is no possibility of a mistake, there is nothing done by God that will need to be undone, that, in short, there is no dispensation, from Adam to 14* 162 rROPHETIC STUDIES. the present hour, that is not associated with and" superintended by a wisdom that cannot err. Kecollect, in the next place, that God is infinitely good. That goodness is dimly shadowed forth in nature; it is clearly expressed in the gospel — " God so loved the world, that he gave his only- hegotten Son.^^ The gift of Christ is the measure of God^s good- ness. Let us pause at that text : it is not said, '^ God so loved the world that he permitted his Son to come and die for the world :" that would have been great love; but "God so loved the world that he gave his Son.^^ Christ is the donative of God, the expression and the measure of God's infinite love ; the truth is, not that " God loves us because Christ died for us ;" but it is '' that God so loved us tliat Christ died for us :" Christ is not the cause of God's love to us, but he is the cxjyression of God's love to us. And this is a beautiful thought, which seems to me so precious, that the death of my Saviour is not only a channel through which God's love can reach me consistently with his jus- tice, but it is also evidence to me that God loved me from ever- lasting, and will love me to the end ; and it is the proof to me that when I am admitted into heaven, I shall not be admitted there simply as the convict who has been pardoned, and to be treated and tolerated in heaven as such, but it is the evidence to me that I shall be welcomed into heaven as the reconciled and accepted son, amid the hosannas and acclamations of angels and of archangels, and that I shall be there as a son in the presence of a father, not as a forgiven criminal in the presence of a judge who barely tole- rates him there. " God so loved us that he gave his Son." If this be so, then, not only is there infinite wisdom, but there is in- finite love; and therefore the nature of God's government in the world is not only so wise as to prevent all possibility of mistake or error, but it is so good that it precludes the interposition of ill-will, revenge, or enmity, of any sort or of any degree. In the next place, God, who governs the world, is " omnipo- tent." We may therefore be sure, that whatever his wisdom de- vises, or his love ins|)ires, his power will execute. We are sure, therefore, that what the Psalmist says, when he thus describes the power of God, is borne out by history : " Lord of hosts, who is THE SCEPTRE OF GOD. 1G3 a strong Lord like unto thee, or to tby faithfulness round about thee ? Thou rulest the raging of the sea ; when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them. Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne : mercy and truth shall go before thy face.'' He is, in the language of the apostle, " able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." And, in the last place, the God who rules the world in wisdom and in love, and with omnipotent power, is described to be an un- changeable Grod. If Grod were a changeable being, we could have no confidence in his government at all; if God were a changeable God, who would retract to-day what he said yesterday, the Bible would be the most worthless of all the books upon earth, because how could I know that he would adhere to the promises he has made, or how could I know that the truth he had stated he will not reverse ? And therefore the immutability of God is the crowning point ; for his wisdom, his love, his power, his faith- fulness, his truth, are fixed as the heavens, and immutable for ever. And so it is in creation. The very facts that men quote as the evidences that God does not reign, are just the very facts that I would quote as the evidence that God does reign. For in- stance, the fact is that water shall run down hill : men say, that is the law of water, and therefore it can do so without God. It is the fact, for instance, that fire burns ; and they say that is the combination of the oxygen of the atmosphere with carbon, whereby flame is produced; that is the law, and therefore we need not admit a God to explain the phenomenon. The conti- nuity of the fact may give it the name of a law, but it does not the less prove it is the action of Deity. If these things were not always so, we could have no confidence in creation. What man would build a ship to carry his goods to the - ends of the world across the desert sea, if that sea were accidentally sometimes liquid and sometimes solid? What man could have any confidence in the safety of his house, or in the security of his person, if the fire sometimes burned and sometimes did not, or sometimes spread its flames a hundred feet, and sometimes only a few inches ? Tlic very fixity of the laws of nature is evidence not of God's retreat from his world, but of the immutability of the God that made 164 PROPHETIC STUDIES. them, and one of the grounds of my confidence in his govern- ment, and of my firm conviction that the heavens do rule — pre- cious in this world, and infinitely comforting in the prospect of that which is to come. God reigns; and the evidence of it is this, that he is showing year after year and age after age, that all the wiles of Satan, and all the power of men, cannot permanently build up a falsehood, and that all the combinations of them both together cannot uproot the truth that he has given to us. Is there no evidence of the present action and government of God in this fact, that every false religion is proved by history to be a blunder, and that every atom of divine truth is proved by experience to be immortal and permanent. Is it not evidence that the heavens do rule, when we see all men, of all pursuits, in all acts, and under all circum- stances, consciously or unconsciously, designedly or undesignedly, contributing to the spread and adding to the splendour of the claims and glory of the Christian faith ? Is it no evidence that the heavens do rule, when we see proofs of the truth of the Bible dug from the lava of Herculaneum and Pompeii, excavated from the grave of Nineveh by Layard, brought forth by Young and Champollion from the mummies hidden thousands of years in the pyramids ? Is there not evidence that there is a God watching over that blessed book called the Bible, and guarding that divine treasure called the gospel, in the fact that he is bringing forth elucidations of its truth and proofs of its authority, from the grave of Nineveh — the pyramids of the Pharaohs — the crash of cities — the wreck of nations — till at last the most skeptic minds are constrained to own that the religion of the despised Nazarene is the religion of the great God, and to predict that it will last, and flourish, and reign for ever and ever ? Is it no evidence that God reigns, or that the heavens do rule, when we see all things working together for good to the people of God; and their light affliction, which is but for a moment, issuing in their eternal glory ; and all the facts of history, and all the phenomena of science, and all the phases of national experience, helping, and in no respect retarding or obstructing the cause of Christ ? Is it not an evidence that God reigns, when we see the church and the university flourish together — religion and science, like sisters, THE SCEPTRE OF COD. 105 walk arm-in-arm, the one casting its glory upon the other, and both arrayed in priestly robes, witnessing to Him who gave them their commission, and ministering to the wants and necessities of mankind ? And is not all this tending to accelerate the advent of that blessed day when science shall come forth from her cells, and students from their colleges, and philosophers from their stu- dies, and historians from their labours, and all men from all places in the world, and all things in their maturity and ripeness, to combine with one heart, and with one mind, and with one mouth, in saying, " The heavens do rule," and " Jesus is the Lamb of Grod that taketh away the sins of the world V 166 LECTURE XII. belshazzar's feast. Daniel v. Being unable to select a verse on wliicli to construct an epi- tome of this sublime and interesting chapter, I have taken as the subject of comment the whole chapter. The main facts in it, as far as these relate to Nebuchadnezzar the grandfather, and Bel- shazzar the king his grandson, we have considered in the succes- sive expositions of various passages in the preceeding chapters : we have now the account of Belshazzar's reign, his sensual life, the departure of his kingdom, his own slaughter in the midst of his revels, the victorious army of the Medes in the midst of Ba- bylon, and the first or the golden empire passed over to the second or the silver one. There was no sin in the feast over which Belshazzar presided. I mean, it was not necessarily sinful. It was an annual festival, commemorative of a great event. The sin was not in the eating, or in the drinking, if both were in moderation, but in the spirit which actuated the eaters and the drinkers, and the excess to which they went in both, and the defiance they showed toward God. It was during this festival that Babylon was taken. The Mede knew beforehand its date, its nature, and its accomplishments, marched his troops into the midst of Babylon, took possession of its palaces, its halls, and all its glory, and instituted that second empire, the history of which we have briefly sketched in a pre- vious discourse. It is well known that the siege of Babylon had already lasted two years and a half; all the besieger's stratagems had failed, and he was on the point of retiring from Babylon as a city impregnable, and fitted by its great strength to defy all human aggressive power ; but on this night, one day's bacehana- BELSIIAZZAR'S FEAST. 167 lian excess did for Babylon what all the siege and stratagems of two years under the Mede had been utterly unable to accomplish. And it seems from this, as from kindred instances in the history of nations, that when God has pronounced the hour of a nation's doom, the inhabitants of that nation seem to lose the caution, the skill, the energy they had exhibited before, and precipitate the very result they themselves are anxious to avert. Nations rarely fall before a foreign aggressor ; their ruin or their glory is, under God, within themselves. Nations die suicides ; they are seldom or never destroyed by any force from without. Let a nation be true to God, loyal to its laws — let purity and piety and true reli- gion irradiate its palaces, and cast their softening influence over all its lanes, its alleys, and its hovels, and that nation has within it the grounds, as it has over it the promises, of immortality. But let a nation be corrupt in its lower classes, profligate and sen- sual in its higher classes — let there be education without religion — let there be profession without principle — ^let there be a name and a form without the substance, and it needs no prophet to predict that nation's doom, and no long or deep calculation to count the years that are sure to precede it. The great sin which seemed to characterize the feast celebrated on this occasion was, Belshazzar's impious mockery in taking the sacred vessels which his father, as he is here called, or, strictly, and as it might be rendered, his grandfather, had carried from Jerusalem and brought into the midst of Babylon, and in making use of those vessels for the loose and licentious purposes of an impious festival, as if he could hurl defiance at the God of Abra- ham, and despise and defy the power of him by whom kings reign and princes decree justice. There was in this act needless insult to the captive Jews, and impious blasphemy against the God whom they worshipped. If the vessels were taken by superior power, and in just judgment for the sins of the people, it became him in the presence of that people to lay them aside and shut them up from their reach, but not to insult them by profaning them. We have no warrant to insult the humblest rite of an- other's faith. Let it be Hindooism, let it be Mahommedanism, which we come into contact with ; convince, convert, enlighten, explain, but never think that you can put down a sentiment that 168 PROPHETIC STUDIES. is sacred, by mere ridicule ; or that you can exalt a dogma that is divine, by a needless reproaching of the creed and rites of the victims of a superstitious faith. No misfortune is so great as to have become the worshipper of a false god ; no man is so deeply to be pitied as he that has lost his way to heaven : to insult him is inhuman ; to turn his rites into ridicule is unchristian ; to try to enlighten, convince, and bring him into the more excellent way, is at once worthy of our highest efforts and our greatest sacrifices, most likely to succeed because owned, and blessed, and recognised by Him without whose blessing nothing can prosper, nothing is wise, nothing is holy, and whose blessing nothing sinful ever inherits. The sin then, I have shown, was the desecration of that which was holy, or the application to profane and licentious purposes of the vessels that were outwardly dedicated to the God of Israel. [s it possible that we, '^on whom the ends of the world are come,^' can in any respect be guilty of a similar offence ? It is possible, and in many ways. Where religion is dragged from its lofty and controlling sphere, and made to gild the claims of a party or to enforce the peculiar principles and power of a sect, it is a holy thing desecrated to an unholy purpose. When the sacra- ment is taken, not to commemorate the death of Christ, but to obtain a passport to an office and a qualification for a political or civil sphere, we see a sacred vessel desecrated to an unholy end. When the facts and the expressions of the Bible, its sublime, its pure, and its holy truths, are used, as they not unfrecjuently arc, to point a pun, add edge to a jest, or keenness to a sarcasm, to excite a laugh or to provoke a sneer, you have Grod's vessels de- secrated to unhallowed and profane ends. Never try to construct jests from the Bible. The jest that is based upon a text of Scripture will come across you like a dark horrid spectre when the most solemn appeals are made from the pulpit and the most holy lessons are being read from the Bible. I know not a more reck- less act, or a more offensive sin, than that of taking divine truths and making puns on them, or using them as douhle-entendres, or for other purposes of a like nature. Such deeds reflect little credit on the piety, and still less, let me add, on the good taste of those that so use them. I think we desecrate holy things when the sublime descriptions BELSF.AZZAR'S FEAST. 100 of the judgment to come are turned into a mere musical festival. No one more admires sacred music than I do. No one is more deeply impressed and thrilled by its magnificent and glorious con- ceptions. But, when the awful agonies of Calvary, the deep and sorrowful experience of the suffering Son of Man, are used merely to create the most delightful emotions, or the semi-sensuous, semi- spiritual feelings of the crowd that listen, I do think it is the nearest approach to Belshazzar's feast, when the sacred things of God are made to subserve to the sensuous tastes of man. I do not mean that there is to be no patronage of good music. I do not say that an oratorio is in itself inherently and inseparably sinful ; but I do say the music should be used to impress the sen- timent, not the sentiment to make the music only the more grate- ful. We are not to use God's truth to improve our music, but we are to use our noblest music to unfold the attributes and make more vivid and glorious the grandeur and the excellency of God's truth. And when the opposite course is adopted, and man takes holy and thrilling truths, the agonies of the cross, the triumphs of Tabor, the prospects of glory, the apocalyptic visions, and uses them for an unthinking crowd to shout ExcoRE ! and de- mand a repetition, and to applaud as a splendid exhibition or a glorious treat that they have listened to ; then I think it is all but a repetition of Belshazzar's festival. I should like to hear those noble productions of Handel as acts of solemn worship. And when I do hear them I feel for myself that it is the unfold- ing and developing of the deepest and holiest emotions of my heart. But when men who have no sympathy with God or with religion — no love to the Saviour or to his word, but merely a strong and enthusiastic sympathy with the grand and touching in musical cfeations, go to such festivals and use sacred words mere- ly to help them to feel sublime emotions and praise the musician while pleased themselves, I do think that there is in such circum- stances a profanation of that which is holy, and a desecration of that which is consecrated to God. There seems to me to be a desecration of the holy vessels when the Sabbath is used for purposes of trade — when transactions of a political nature are carried on upon it — when the assembly, or the cabinet, or the congress, or the parliament, or chambers, or 15 ■J 70 PKOPllETIC STUDIES. whatever these legislative bodies may be called, venture to meet on it. The Sabbath is the most sacred thing, next to the Bible, if not equal to the Bible, that God has given us. The desecra- tion of a holy thing to a profane and an unholy purpose occurs when the place appointed for the worship of God — for whether it be church or chapel, whether consecrated by a form or opened by a prayer, is to my mind of no great moment, for it is, in the one case or in the other, a place in which holy hearts are to beat, humble spirits are to bow, reverential prayer and praise are to be uttered — is employed for vestry meetings, for political disputes, for noisy and tumultuous assemblages, for shouting applause with the tongue, and beating applause with the feet. In this there seems to me to be an approximation to the profanation exempli- fied at the feast of Belshazzar, where sacred things were dese- crated to unholy purposes. Let us then recollect, that it is pos- sible to be guilty of Belshazzar' s sin in other than in Belshazzar' s circumstances. Still more are we guilty of desecration when the heart that was made for God is made the throne of Mammon — when the affections that were destined to cluster around him are made to cling to that which is earthly — when God is superseded by the world, and things divine by things that are human ; then that which was once the image of God, and is meant to be re- stored and be so again, is desecrated to unhallowed purposes, God is dishonoured, and we are thereby ruined. But I pass from the feast itself to notice the circumstances by which it was specially accompanied. It was a feast plainly of no ordinary splendour. All the lustre that rank and beauty and renown could shed upon it was there. There were toasts, I doubt not, of enthusiastic patriotism — there were songs of boundless loyalty — there was the loud defiance of every foe without, and there was the expressed and reiterated security against all dis- loyalty or treachery from within. But it was just when the feast had reached its highest splendour, and when all hearts were bounding, and all spirits were joyous, that a thrill of terror rush- ed through every soul — that the cup fell from the king's hand — and, in the language of the Spirit of God, ^^ his countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him; the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote the on« against the other." A BELSIIAZZAR'S FEAST. 171 mysterious writing appeared upon the plaster : no eye seemed to guide it, no visible hand seemed to inscribe it, and mysterious lingers, belonging none knew to whom, recorded with the speed and with the vivid impression of the lightning, the unintelligible, but to this ungodly prince, because unintelligible, the awful in- scription, '^Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin/^ One may ask, as the king and his lords did not understand it, why they were thus afraid ? To a man who lives in sin, the unknown is always the terrible. Why? Because we always interpret the events that we cannot understand in the light of our own consciences, which we cannot but feel. The man that is at peace with God sees all events approaching him as a joyous procession of friends and benefactors, and helpers to immortality. The man who is not at peace with God, but who lives in sin, reads all events in the light of his conscience, and amid the fore-thrown terrors of a judgment day to which that conscience points. Suspicion, fear, alarm, are in such circumstances always the first feelings of the guilty. It is when unknown, mysterious, and supernatural things occur, that the conscience recollects a thousand crimes, accuses of many wrongs, and reasons of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come. What an instance have we of this in the case of Adam and Eve ! Before they sinned they loved to hear the footsteps of their approaching Father, as sounds that were far more mu- sical to their ears than songs in the groves of Paradise. But the instant that they sinned, all was changed ! they ran from God. Why ? God merely said, " Adam, where art thou V — the words that he had uttered often before : but on this occasion, the instant they heard them, Adam and Eve ran and hid themselves. Why this charxge ? Because before the fall their innocent hearts had construed the footsteps of God as footsteps significant of nearing beneficence and love; but after they had sinned, their unholy hearts construed God's footsteps in the light of their sins, and they felt or feared, because they were guilty, that it was an aven- ger coming to destroy them. In the case of Felix, we arc told that when Paul reasoned before him he trembled. Take the case of Herod: when he heard of the progress of Jesus he was alarmed. What had Herod done ? He had beheaded John the Baptist, a preacher whom Herod for a time ^^ heard gladly ;'' who was to 172 TROPIIETIC STUDIES. Herod and to Herod's court tlic most popular preacher that ever ascended a pulpit, until he touched on a sin that Herod loved, and pointed out the offence that necessitated either Herod's reforma- tion or his fall. He took the alternative suggested to him by the infamous courtiers that were about him, and murdered the preacher in order that he might silence the preacher's testimony. Hence, when news were brought to Herod that Jesus was come, and that great miracles were wrought by him, Herod said, " This is John the Baptist, that is risen from the dead.''^ See here the force of Herod's conscience : he was a Sadducee, who did not believe in the doctrine of the resurrection ; yet so strong was his conscience, that it overpowered his convictions, and suggested to him that John was indeed risen from the dead, from which he once thought that no one could arise, and had come to punish him for the crimes of which he had been guilty. Take the case of any of those men- tioned in the word of Grod in similar circumstances, and you will call to mind what the poet has expressed in different words : — " Thus conscience does make cowards of us all." But Belshazzar, who was so awed by this vision, was one who had had great opportunities of knowing and of doing the will of Grod. He had seen his grandfather banished from the society of men, and made the companion of the herds of the field ; and the fact which ought to have been a lesson to him, he disregarded as if it had never occurred, and indulged in the sins and committed the crimes which had brought down such signal judgments upon Nebuchadnezzar. What he was condemned for by Daniel was not that he himself was wrong, but that he had not availed him- self of the opportunities he had of being right. Our condemna- tion at the judgment-day will not be that conscientiously we have believed a lie ; but it will be, that we neglected the opportunities of acquiring and making ourselves acquainted with the truth. I do not believe that the deist v/ill be condemned for his deism, but for his neglect of the means of making himself a Christian. I do not believe that the creed we have come to most conscien- tiously, as many a skeptic does, will be the great damning fact at the judgment-day, but that we devoted more time to the exami- nation of a pebble, more attention to the study of a butterfly, BELllAZZAR-S FEAST. 173 more of genius to the euricliing of ourselves and the filling of our coffers, than we ever spared for the solution of this great question, What must I do to be saved ? or for solemn preparation for death and judgment and eternity, which the Bible suggests and implies in every page. It may be that the very Sabbath which you re- solved to spend in dissipation at home, might have been that on which you would have heard the truth which would have turned you from darkness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God. It may be, that the very sermon which you neglected or excused yourself for neglecting by a headache which would never have kept you from the Exchange, or from the appointed hour and place of business, might have been the very sermon which, under the blessing of the Spirit of God, would have proved to you a savour of life unto life. Never lose an opportunity of hear- ing the truth if you can possibly avoid it. There are proper ex- cuses, beyond all dispute, but they ought to be grave, weighty, and worthy of the subject, to justify you in once omitting to lis- ten to that glorious gospel, in the preaching of which some single word dropped in season may be to you the turning point of your everlasting acceptance before God'. When the king saw this mysterious hand-writing, he sent for the astrologers, and asked them to explain the meaning of the inscrip- tion on the wall. It has been a puzzling question to commenta- tors why the wise men were unable to translate it. The words are plain, translatable Chaldee; and a Chaldean scholar of the present day, if called upon to read them when inscribed upon any thing, would be able instantly to do so. There have been two or three reasons assigned for this inability on the part of the wise men. One is, that they were written in the ancient Hebrew characters, the knowledge of which they had lost, and not in the modern Hebrew character, which differs little or nothing from the Chal- dean. The character in which the Old Testament is commonly written is not the ancient Hebrew character, and the square form of the letters now used is not the primitive form. It has therefore been supposed that the inscription was in their ancient characters, and that therefore the Chaldeans were unable to read it. The difference between the two forms may be as great as between our English letters and the German, or perhaps between 174 rrvOriiETic studies. the modern Englisli letters and the ancient Saxon or old English character. Others think that the words were inscribed in some dark, mysterious hieroglyphic, to the signification of which there was no key in the possession of the astrologers. Others, that it was the divine truth written by a divine hand, and that, like the Bible itself, it was intelligible only in the light in which it was written — that it was unmeaning and unintelligible to the astrologers, and luminous only to him whom the Spirit of God had taught. These are the reasons Which have been assigned, and any and all of them are sufficient to explain why the Chal- dean astrologers were unable to interpret the writing. Yv'hen they failed to do so, all was blank terror and alarm in the minds of the king and his courtiers; but in the crisis, when all seemed to be agitated and to have lost their self-possession, one woman aj^peared nobler than them all, and spoke with a calmness, a self-possession, and a dignity which kindled hope where all before was utter despair. This woman — here called the queen — was not the wife of Belshazzar, but the wife of his grand- fother, Nebuchadnezzar; and therefore I venture to call her the queen-dowager. She instantly stepped in, and suggested the person who could solve the difficulty; and, in so doing, she pre- sented a striking contrast to the conduct, feelings, and condition of those that were around her. It is almost invariably the fact, that woman, who is easily agitated by trifles, when some great crisis overtakes her v/hich calls forth all the latent energies of her soul, is found to display a calmness, a magnanimity, a self- possession that makes the magnanimity of the other sex sink into insignificance beside it! A woman is made for a great crisis; and it is in such that she shines like an angel, and in- dicates power which man does not give her credit for; and in this case, where those powers were illuminated, inspired, and sanctified by piety, she presented a contrast the most complete to all who were present at that dissipated festival, smitten as they were with fear, shuddering with alarm, and looking for the hea- vens to rend, and the thunderbolts of God to overwhelm them. And is not the whole history of Christianity a comment on v/liat I have said? Who was last at the cross? Woman. Who was first at the tomb on the resurrection morn? Woman. Amid BELSHAZZAll'S FEA^T. 175 all tlie voices of scorn, insult, and reproach that were lifted up against the blessed Jesus on the streets of Jerusalem, there is not one record of the voice of a woman being heard offering insult or using the language of scorn or reproach. If she was first in the transgression, she was first in the scenes of the re- covery and the resurrection also. It is time that man should not mention the first, but rejoice in her altered aspect and bear- ing in the last. And who does not know that the vigils of the dead, the beds of the sick, and the chambers of the dying, have never been without her presence? And who does not know tliat just where woman is placed in her proper position, there society culminates in its loYtiest grandeur? teaching us that the ordi- nance of God is not that woman should be, as she is made in some countries, the slave and the serf of man, but the orna- ment, the companion, the friend, and in some respects the in- structor of man. The queen, thus exhibiting such magnanimity, appeared in the midst of the scene, and suggested Daniel as the solver of doubts, the explainer of perplexities, gifted by God with miracu- lous and inspired understanding. There is just one fact which I will now dwell upon, reserving for another lecture the inscrip- tion on the wall, and that is, that it is stated by the queen that Daniel was the head of the astrologers and the wise men and the magicians of the kingdom, ^^whom thy father made master of the astrologers, the wise men, the magicians, and the soothsay- ers." This has been objected to, because it is expressly stated in Deuteronomy that the children of Israel were to have no sym- pathy or communion with diviners and soothsayers; for instance, ''There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divina- tion, or an observer of the times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer." (Deut. xviii. 10.) It has been asked, why did Daniel consent, according to the statement of the queen, to be the chief or the head of the as- trologers, soothsayers, and magicians of the king of Babylon? The answer is, that our apprehension, /. r. the popular apprehen- sion of the character of these astrologers is a very erroneous one. 176 PROPHETIC STUDIES. They were not enchanters who held communion with evil spi- rits; they were not diviners. They were men who studied the signs and phenomena of astronomy, and, having no written reve- lations, they believed that God had written the present, the past, and also some presentiments of the future, in the sky; that the stars were the letters of that revelation; and that by studying them they might interpret events — present, past, and to come. If they had been soothsayers or diviners in the same sense as those to whom Moses alludes, for Daniel to have allowed himself to be placed at the head of them would have been the sacrifice of his principles and the surrender of his faith. This he did not, and would not do. They were magi, not magicians. They were philosophers, not sorcerers. They held communion with Grod's outward world, not with evil spirits, as the sorcerers and diviners of old. When Daniel, therefore, consented to become their head, he became the patron of science, the principal of a university, the president of a royal society, and in no respect did he sympathize, by thus consenting, with sorcerers, magicians, or men that held communion with evil spirits. And no doubt more science than we generally give them credit for was known to these men. I doubt not that a perfect acquaintance with the stars of the sky, the flowers of the earth, all bright things above, and all beautiful things below, was more frequently the posses- sion of these ancient philosophers, than modern ones, with their loftier discernment, are disposed generally to admit. Thus we may see that if we had no written book reflecting God's mind, the next book, though far inferior to it, is God's book of Na- ture : we can see his smiles in the sunbeams, his mercy in Provi- dence, his glory in the expanse that it above us — his foot- print in the depths that are beneath us; and blind, blind indeed must that man be, who does not see that God is in the height, and in the depth, having a centre that is everywhere, and a cir- cumference that is nowhere. These astrologers were not to be blamed if, without a Bible such as we have, they took the next Bible, the book of the outer world, and there sought to under- stand the mind, the purposes, and the will of God. Daniel then, as the president of this royal society — a student of science — the principal of this learned university — is introduced BELSIIAZZAR'S FEAST. 177 into tlie feast amid its fading splendour, its departing joys, its miserable, degraded and degrading remains; and the king speaks to him as recoo-nising him only by name, but not knowing him m person Daniel was banished from that court : he was too honest spoken a prophet to be very popular there. The king therefore tells him, "I have heard that thou canst make interpretation, and dissolve doubts-that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that lioht and understanding and excellent wisdom is found m thee Daniel, without being discomposed by the cold reception of the monarch, and without being the least awed by the dangers he would have incurred through faithlessness, or in the least seduced by the honours and emoluments which would have fallen to his lot had he prophesied smooth things, addresses the monarch, see- ino- him disrobed of all the pomp and splendour of a throne, and only trembling like a guilty criminal in the presence of a holy and a heart-searching God. Daniel reminds him of his sins- tells him of his crimes— shows him how lessons he might have learned he had lost— how events that were significant he had neg- lected—how the history of his grandfather he had read back- ward—how he had incurred all the responsibilities of knowmg the truth, and lost the benefit of all its precious and practical lessons j and then informs him that, because of these things, the kino-dom had passed from him, and, in the high purposes of him who setteth up one and pulleth down others, had been given to another. Lessons that are neglected become awful judgments, ihe ser- mons which you hear, which are fitted to instruct, but from which you draw no practical instruction whatever, shall reverberate m crashes of thunder at the judgment-day ; and you will learn, when it is too late, that it would have been more tolerable if you had never appeared within the walls of the sanctuary, or read the sacred page, or listened to a preached gospel, than to have done all and despised all, and perished amid the ofi-ers of love, the sounds of reconciliation, and the hopes of glory. Turn to practical account every lesson that you hear: when the preacher has done, your duties only commence. What I speak is to instruct you, and that instruction is meant to save you. Go forth, and show on the Royal Exchange— in the cabinet, in the 178 PROPHETIC STUDIES. congress, in the parliament — show in all places that are high and in all that are lowly — in the high-roads of public life, and in the by-paths and isolated lanes of private life — show in every rela- tionship and position in society, that Christianity has made you holier, happier, nobler than the rest of mankind, and that it is not in vain that you have heard that a God has suffered that mankind might be redeemed. 179 LECTURE XIIL WEIGHED AND FOUND WANTING. *• Then was the part of the hand sent from him ; and this writing was writ- ten. And this is the writing that was written, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin." — Daniel \. 24,25. I NOTICED, in my previous addresses, the circumstances that preceded the interpretation of this mysterious inscription on the plaster of the royal palace : I now beg your attention to the sig- nificance of each word of that inscription, but especially to one which seems most capable of affording improvement to us, namely, " tekel.'' The word ^^ mene" is twice repeated, simply to give emphasis to the word: '^mene, mene;" literally, "there is number,^^ "thy kingdom is numbered," or, "God hath num- bered thy kingdom and finished it.'' It is repeated merely to give emphasis, just as the words are repeated, "thou shalt surely die;'' literally, "dying, thou shalt die." "Tekel," again, means simply, "he hath weighed;" it is applied to the act of a gold- smith, who weighs the gold, and ascertains the amount of alloy, that he may separate it from the pure metal. The word "uphar- sin" is the plural number of the same word which is repeated in the 28th verse, "peres;" and, though it reads so differently to us, it is really one word, differing only in number, and the meaning of it is, simply and literally, "is divided;" and Daniel the prophet adds, in the prophetic spirit, the words or the com- mentary, "and is given to the Medes and Persians." The word "upharsin," or "peres," has nothing to do with the word "Per- sians," or the word "Mede;" this last is the explanation given by the prophet; and the inscription, literally translated, would be "numbered, weighed, (and, probably, found wanting,) and 180 PROPHETIC STUDIES. divided;" and Daniel tlius explains tlie mysterious enigma^ by saying, '^ thy kingdom is numbered/' or the years of its exist- ence are now completed; ''thyself art weighed in the scales of the sanctuary, and found wanting; and your kingdom now is about to be divided among the Modes and Persians, your bit- terest enemies." Such is the meaning of the words. God is represented as weighing all men; all their motives, their ends, their characters. It is a common scriptural expres- sion, which indicates that it is meant by God that we should feel and realize this fact. For instance, Hannah said, "The Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed." Da- vid says, "Men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie; to be laid in the balance they are altogether wanting." Again, Isaiah says, "Thou most upright dost iceigh the path of the just;" and Solomon writes, "All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spi- rit." From these passages we learn that the idea contained in this inscription is one frequently found in Scripture, as appli- cable to all. It suggests to us many precious and important lessons. Let us realize this one fact, that there is not a motive in one single heart in this assembly that the eye of God does not now see as clearly as if that motive were the only thing in the whole universe, and that God does not weigh with an exactness as complete as if the destinies of the universe depended upon this one result. Let every man in this assembly only realize this. It is important that I should ask you to do so : for I believe it is not increase of light that you need from the pulpit, so much as increase of power in the pew, that will make the light which you feel to become life, and the lessons that you know to be im- pressed with effect. Let us then try to realize this solemn truth; and if there be a God in heaven it is true, that there is not a motive in the depths of our hearts, there is not a design the most intricate, the most secret within us, there is not a crooked path you intend to pursue to-morrow, nor a crooked practice in which you intend to indulge next week, that God does not now completely comprehend and unravel, the estimate of which God does not now form, and the doom of which is not WEIGHED AND FOUND WANTING. 181 denounced at a tribunal from wliieli there can be no appeal. Psalm cxxxix. ought to be the expression of our feelings now : "Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me; thou art ac- quainted with all my ways : thou knowest my thoughts afar off.'' I have often been struck with that single clause in Psalm cxxxix., God '^ knows our thought afar off.'' While the thought looms in the distant horizon, before we have clearly conceived it ourselves in all the length and breadth of its dimensions, God sees it, knows it, and thoroughly appreciates it. By him all thoughts are estimated, all actions are weighed, and all desires are known. This is not the case with one individual more than another, or one degree or rank more than another. The Psalm- ist, in the passage I have already quoted, says, " Men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie; to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity." Let the thought be in the heart of a monarch or a beggar, let it be the ap- propriated dishonesty of a penny, or the seizing violently of a kingdom — God sees it and notes it : and every deed that is done upon the earth, unrepented of and unforgiven, shall be heard in reverberating crashes throughout eternity; the crime containing in its bosom its punishments, and all eternity attesting that it is so. But let me look at the words I have selected, and especially at the word " tekel," " weighed in the balance and found wanting," because it is to each individually and personally instructive. God weighs every man, we are told, in the scales of the sanctuary. He weighs them at the judgment-seat, and in reference to their everlasting state of happiness or of sorrow. There is placed, if you will allow me to prosecute the figure without exhausting it, or extracting more from it than it is meant to convey, in one scale, God's holy, everlasting, immutable law — that law which is, " thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength, and thy neighbour as thyself." He will not subtract one atom : it is not "thou shalt love with much of thine heart;" but, "thou shalt love with all thine heart." It is not, "thou shalt love with a large share of thy mind," but " with all thy mind, and thy neighbour as thyself." This is placed in one scale : every man's 16 182 PEOPHETIC STUDIES. character is placed in the opposite scale, and by its preponderance or its lightness every man's doom is fixed and decided accordingly. What have we to place against it ? Years without thought, and days and nights without a sense of responsibility to God. Years of selfishness, and sin, and rebellion, and suspicion, and hatred, is all that man, the best among us, can place in the scale that is weighed against this. And needs it any logic of mine to de- monstrate that when in the one scale there is a perfect unchang- ing law, demanding perfect, continuous, unswerving obedience, and in the other are sin and folly and shame, the inscription must appear upon the very scales that belong to the balance, "By deeds of law no man living can be justified?'' "Tekel, thou art weighed in the balance, and art found wanting.^' But suppose, in the next place, I keep still in the one scale, this holy, perfect law, demanding perfect love for Grod, and per- fect love for your neighbour; and suppose I select the most ac- complished, the most honourable, the most just, the most generous of mankind, (and all these traits are beautiful, because originally divine,) and suppose I place this man, who has paid every debt, who owes no man any thing, who is characterized by every social, national, personal, and domestic excellence — and all these things are most precious and most excellent; and I only wish that Christians were more and more adorned with them than they are — suppose I put such an one in the scale opposite to that which contains the holy and the unchanging law of God. What would be the result ? That this scale must inevitably kick the beam. For, when the experiment is made, we must say to him, " Most justly have you done to man, but how stand you with reference to God ? most generously have you acted in society, but how have you acted toward God ? you have kept the last six commandments of the law, I will assume, perfectly; but what have you done with the four first? you have loved your neigh-, bour, I will admit, with all your heart ; but have you loved God with all your heart, and mind, and strength ? It is utterly im- possible that a half-obedience can meet the requirements of a law which demands whole obedience to every commandment and every section of it. You are not wanting if you are weighed against the last six commandments of the law; but you are 'Uc/cel/' alto- WEIGHED AND FOUND WANTING. 183 getlier wanting, if weigbed against tlic whole ten commandments of the law. It will be no justification in the sight of God that you have been blameless toward man, if you have not been what God requires you to be toward him that made- you, and gave his Son to redeem you. But I will adduce another character, and weigh him. I will take the man who is not only just, and generous, and good in all the relationships of social life — and such men there are, bearing mark of man's original beauty and perfection which sin and Satan have not altogether effiiced — but who, in addition, is most strict in his attention to what are popularly called " all his religious duties '/' who is never absent from the church ; who belongs to the strictest and most rigid sect in that church ; who is a punctilious observer of every ceremony ; who never made a genu- flexion too few or too many ; who never was absent from matins in the morning or from vespers at night • never ftiiled to bow at the name of Jesus ; wore black on Good Friday, and dressed in white upon Easter Sunday; one who fasted while others feasted — is such a one, who has been thus exact, thus punctilious, thus obedient to every ecclesiastical requirement, who has been thus baptized, thus confirmed, thus consecrated, thus dedicated, thus absolved — is he to be classed with the multitude of mankind ? — is he, when weighed in the scales, to be pronounced " altogether wanting ?" The answer is, God's law is not satisfied with cere- monies. You cannot pay your debts to God in rubrics. The sound will still thunder in your ears. Who has recjuired this at your hands ? God's law is, " Thou shalt love ;" your response has been, "I have performed.'' The decision must be, that with all your ecclesiastical ceremonies, and with all your social excel- lences, the first ecclesiastically perfect, the last morally exact, when weighed against the holy, unchangeable, unswerving law of God, you are " altogether wanting." But I will add one feature more, and will assume this charac- ter to be perfected by another; that he is in all not only perfectly sincere, but an earnest inquirer after truth, anxious in all respects to know and do his duty. Surely such a one, when weighed in the balance, though he has erred and come short in some things, will be forgiven, in that he was sincere in the pursuit of all s 184 PROPHETIC STUDIES. things. I answer, sincerity added to a sin does not make it virtue ; sincerity added to a lieresy does not make it orthodoxy. "When one is sincere, we respect the man because he is so ) but if he is in error, we do not the less condemn the error, because he is sincere that holds it. The sincerity with which he holds it makes us no less heartily denounce the error that ruins his soul. I have not a doubt that there are sincere Jews, sincere and en- thusiastic Romanists, sincere Socinians and skeptics — I have no doubt of it. Their sincerity must make me treat them with respect, their error remains to be judged by him in whose word it is clearly and unequivocally denounced. Saul of Tarsus said, ^' I verily thought that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus. ^' He was perfectly sincere ; but he adds, in the retrospect of his sincerity, ''Those things which were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ ; and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ. ^^ The sin- cerest ecclesiastic, and the sincerest moralist, if unjustified by a righteousness without them, and unwashed in the Redeemer's blood, when weighed in the scales of the sanctuary, must be found " altogether wanting.^' There is not, in one word, a saint upon earth, the most excellent that ever breathed, who is not compelled at every moment to say, '' If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ;" and there is not an enlightened and a Christian heart that docs not breathe, in the prospect of a judgment-seat, "Enter not into judgment with thy servant, Lord, for in thy sight can no man living be justified.^' There is not a Christian in this assembly who knows what sin is, and what his own heart is, and how pure, how per- fect, how infinite in its exactions is the holy law of Grdd, who does not feel, '' If thou. Lord, shouldst mark iniquity, Lord, who could stand ?" Therefore there is not a Christian who, as he thinks of this dread balance, and of that most perfect law, and of his own deep and conscious defects, does not cry, and cry with unfeigned lips, "God be merciful to me a sinner.'' How then can we meet this law? how can we escape the inscription " tekel," weighed and found wanting? Against tlie law is weighed for us the magnifier of that law. Against the law with its infinite demands, is wejo-hed the infinite rio-hteouf-ness WEIGHED AND FOUND WANTING. 185 of him that made it honourable. Against the breach of that law is placed that precious blood which cleaiLseth from all sin. When we look at that law, the inscription impressed upon every soul is, " weighed and found wanting.'^ But when we look at Christ, who is our representative in the prospect of the decisions of that law, then the inscription ^'tekel,'^ weighed and found wanting, is washed away in his precious blood, and the glorious and illuminated characters are inscribed in their stead, " com- plete in Christ, without spot or blemish, or any such thing." I have looked then at man as weighed against God's holy law; and we have seen that by deeds of law no flesh can be jus- tified" — that "weighed and found wanting" is our inscription by nature; and that justified, and complete, and accepted is only our inheritance by grace. I now take the expression "weighed and found wanting" in reference to Christian character. I put in the one scale not Grod's holy law, but I put in it true, though it may not be perfect, Christian character; and I wish you to look at various characters, as weighed against it, and see if we are among those who, thus weighed, are "found wanting." In the first place, they are weighed and found wanting who are not converted, or born again, or changed in heart and spirit. We are told in Scripture that the carnal mind is "enmity against God," and the unconverted man, however outwardly decorous, is the child of the wicked one. Now understand what I mean by regeneration. I do not mean baptism; I do not mean a decent outward change; but total transformation of cha- racter — a transition from a state of darkness, of distance, and of sin, to a state of light, of nearness to God, of holiness, and of happiness. I mean by it, not a mere ecclesiastical change, but life from the dead, or as it called by the apostle, "a new crea- ture." It is not, as some persons call it, thoughtfulness. That is not conversion. It is not seriousness, but regeneration : it is not becoming thoughtful, but it is being converted. It is not outward conformity to any requirement, but a thorough, inner, radical revolution of mind, of preference, of wishes, of hopes. It is not religious excitement; it is not ecclesiastical zeal; it is not an inappreciable and minute change, but it is as complete in the soul as the symbol that indicates it, "being born again." 16«- 18'6 mOPIIETIC STUDIES. Do not deceive yourselves in tliis matter: depend upon it, it is far easier to know if we are so than many persons are disposed to admit. Many get rid of tlie responsibility of ascertaining if tliey are so, by pronouncing it very difficult and very delicate. Certainly, to pronounce upon others is a very doubtful and deli- cate point; but to pronounce upon ourselves is not so difficult a thing as our own passions and prejudices lead us to suppose. I ask you, can the sun rise to his meridian at noon and shine upon the earth, and we be unconscious of it ? Can the dead step forth from their tombs, and themselves not be aware of the change? Can the spring burst upon the earth, and make it break forth into blossom, verdure, and beauty, and we not know it? Can the slave be made free — the maniac be made rational, and nei- ther of them be conscious that a great change has overtaken them? And yet all these changes are not greater, but very much less than that change which must pass upon every man before he can see the kingdom of heaven; for it is written, ''Except,^' and until ^^ye be born again, ye cannot see the king- dom of God." And therefore, my dear friends, whatever excel- lencies you may have outwardly — and I do not wish to depre- ciate them — whatever external accomplishments you may have — and I do not wish to deny them — if they were weighed, the brightest of them all, against the definition of Christian charac- ter, as given by the Spirit of God, will be found utterly "•want- ing." Then, if this be so, is there a question we can ask which more vitally concerns us than this — Are we born again? are we shams or realities? are we Christians or worldlings? are we transformed by the Spirit of God, or are we still ^' dead in tres- passes and sins?" If I have overstated the doctrine, then you may despise it; but if I have understated it, which is what 1 have done, then, my dear friends, carry home with you this night this deep, personal, individual impression, that whatever you may have be, whatever you may have given, whatever you may have suffered, whatever you have sacrificed, however jon may have been baptized, at whatever church or chapel you may worship, "except ye be born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God." Let me, in the next place, state this — men are "weighed and WEIGHED AND FUCND WANTING. 187 found wanting" when they are living, constantly living, at this moment in the practice of any known, deliberate, and voluntary sin. It is true of every man at every moment, "if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves;'^ but it is as true of the Christian at eveiy moment, that he wars against all transgres- sions, and becomes every day, like the shining light, more and more victorious. Do not in this matter deceive yourselves. If you harbour deliberately pride, vain-glory, avarice, ambition, murmuring, discontent, bitterness, evil-speaking, lying, and slan- dering — if these sins you knowingly indulge in, then, my dear friends, you give evidence in so far, that you are not born again — that you have not the Christian character that will stand — that you are in the category and condition of those who, when weighed in the scales in order to ascertain if they are fit for the kingdom of heaven, have in them that amount of alloy which destroys all the value of the gold : they have not reached the standard — they cannot be stamped with the impress of divine approval — they must be rejected as reprobate and worthless gold. They, too, in the next place, are " weighed and found want- ing," who do not exhibit in their character the distinctive juid peculiar features of the gospel of Christ. Many men are consti- tutionally moral, and the man who is addicted to one sin from his constitutional temperament, is generally found the most elo- quent denouncer of him who lives in the sin to which he is not naturally prone. There may be very moral men who neverthe- less are not Christians. If I understand the object of the gos- pel, it is not simply to make us moral, but to make us more than moral — "a holy nation, a peculiar people — a chosen generation, zealous of good works. '^ Surely Christ did not die — surely Pen- tecost did not dawn, in order that we might be just like the rest of mankind, in order that it might be very difficult to distin- guish whether we are Christians or not. The little space be- tween us and the world is proof. I fear the world has not made a nearer approach to us, but that we have made a nearer descent toward the world. If I read the Scriptures aright — and it is so clear in these cases that he that reads it may nm while he reads it — Christians are a people distinguished and separate from the 188 PROPHETIC STUDIES. rest of the world; they belong to an empire of glory and of beauty, so impressive, that the world's enmity is provoked by the contrast. I ask you if you are the subjects of this empire? if you, not separating myself from you, are characterized by the features of them who are heirs of God — who are followers of the Lamb — who are witnesses for Christ — who let their light so shine before men that others, seeing their good works, might glo- rify their Father in heaven. All these, I would notice, are ^^ weighed and found wanting" — wanting in their fitness for heaven, which is just as necessary as their title to heaven, of which I have already spoken. Never forget this great truth, that we need two things in order to reach heaven; we need as much the work of the Spirit of God within us to fit us for heaven, as we need the work and the righteousness of Christ without us to entitle us to heaven; and the man whose heart has not been changed by the Spirit's power, may depend upon it, that he is destitute of any thing like a title that will admit him to the presence of God and of the Lamb. I have looked at man then as " weighed and defective'^ in his title; I am looking at him now as *' weighed and defective" in his fitness for the kingdom of heaven : and I observe, that they are '' weighed and found wanting," who take deeper interest in the affairs of the world than they take in those of Christ. One of the characteristics of earthly minds given by the apostle is, '^ who mind earthly things." One of the characteristics of the people of God is, ^' whose conversation, ^. e. their conduct, their sympathies, their feelings, are all in heaven. I ask you, what is the predominating tone in your mind, what is the great direction in which you are impelled ? where runs, and to what rulis the main current of all your sympathies, your affections, youv hopes, and your desires ? We are not, my dear friends, borne to heaven accidentally : no man goes to heaven but he that sets his heart thitherward. Ask yourselves then. Do you mind eaj'thly things, or heavenly things ? what is the aim, the object, the predomi- nating desire of your mind ? where is your heart ? what is your treasure ? for whom do you chiefly live ? These are weighty questions : they are scriptural ones ; your response to them will WEIGHED AND FOUND WANTING. 189 determine whether yon are or are not wanting in fitness for hea- ven, and in real Christian character. In the next place, they are wanting when weighed in the scales of the sanctuary, who do not aid the cause of Christ and its ex- tension through the world by their prayers, their efforts, their means, and their exertions. If you be a Christian, you must be a missionary. I doubt if it be possible to be a Christian oneself and not to be consumed by an absorbing desire to make all the world Christians too. I ask, then, if, when you hear that there are minds unenlightened by the glorious gospel — that there are children uninstructed in the things that belong to their present and their everlasting peace — that there are Bibles needed, that there are missionaries to be sent, in order that the blessings of Chris- tianity may be advanced, however poor your means may be, how- ever inadequate to the demands and exigencies of the case, can it then be said of you, as was said of the woman in the gospel, ^' She bath done what she could V If you were poor, or hungry, or thirsty, or naked, would you call him a friend who refused to give you food, and water, and raiment ? But Christ identifies himself with all the needy upon earth, when he says, " Inasmuch as ye did it unto them ye did it unto me.^' There cannot be the supreme love of Christ within you unless there is corresponding sympathy with God's people without you. It is thus, then, that I have asked you to weigh your own condition against what seems to be the characteristics of a Christian, and to ascertain if, in the sight of Grod, you are of those who are " made meet for the inherit- ance of the saints in light," or among those who give obvious evidence that they have no lot or part in this matter. I may ap- ply the same great truth to official personages. Let me apply it to a minister of the gospel. Such an one may be gifted, eloquent, versed in theology, outwardly moral, laborious in all pastoral duties ; and yet, weighed in the scales of the sanctuary, he may be " altogether wanting." Gifts need not be graces of the Spirit of God. There may be the eloquence of the gifted tongue without the unction of the consecrated heart. There may be the ordina- tion of the bishop or the presbytery, but not the consecration wliicli God's Holy Spirit alone can give. He may have all gifts, all eloquence, all theological knowledge, all polite learning — yet, if 190 PROPHETIC STUDIES. wanting in singleness of eye, unity of purpose, earnest devoted- ness to the true end of his office, the conversion of souls, and the glory of God, however he may be applauded by the tongues of men, weighed in the scales of the sanctuary, he too is " altogether wanting/^ So I may apply these words to a church. It may have all that Caesar can give — able ministers, a splendid literature, the rich and the great in its audience, and yet it may be wanting in all that constitutes the church of Christ. The architect can build a glorious cathedral ; Christ's presence alone can make it a church. The builder may raise a magnificent edifice, the queen's presence alone can make it a palace. The orator may preach so that the crowd may be thrilled with his oratory, impressed with his reason- ing, riveted by his appeals } but he may not be a minister, and that crowd may not be a church : — " Where two or three are gathered together in my nctme^' — that is the essential — '^ there am I in the midst of them.^' No presence can compensate for the absence of this. No patronage can be a substitute for this. Laodicea said, '^I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing ;'' and at the very moment when she was saying so, Christ was weighing her in the scales of the sanctuary, and h\3 pronounced of her, ^' tekel;" thou art weighed in the balances; ^' thou knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. ^' In the same manner I inay apply these words to a nation. It was applied in the passage on which I am now commenting to a nation — namely, to that great kingdom over which Belsliazzar reigned. A nation may have brave soldiers, hardy sailors, gifted legislators, eloquent senators, prosperous trade, thriving agricul- ture, all the splendour and power, all the material strength of Imperial Rome, all the glory and the literary fame of Athens, and yet that nation, when weighed in the scales, may be altogether ^' wanting." Its aim may be territorial aggrandizement — its sole passion may be ambition — its eloquence, its efi"orts, its arms may all be exerted in favour of conquest and aggression — it may not be seeking the glory of its Clod, but the supremacy and the immortality of itself. Never forget that a nation's sinews are its Christians J its battlements arc its principles; its guide is, or AYEIGIIED AND FOUND V/ANTING. ]91 ouglit to be, tlie word of God. Real principle running through a land, pervading every institution, giving its tone to all its varied national crystallization — not expediency — is power, and strength, and immortality. A nation has not done its duty when it builds jails; it has not done all it ought to do, when it pays a police. There is something higher, nobler, more precious than all this ; and if it fail here, when weighed in the scales it will be found to be "tekel;" and its doom is written, " Mene, mene, tekel, uphar- sin;" its years are numbered ; it is weighed in the balances, and found wanting. Such then, are some of the practical thoughts arising out of the words I have now read. Let me ask you now, in closing my re- marks, to examine yourselves. Is there any thing wanting in your title — any thing deficient in your fitness for heaven ? For- get not, my dear friends, that it is possible to be " almost a Christian,'' and not to be saved. It is possible to reach nine points of Christian character, and to perish because you have not the tenth. To be almost saved, is only to be condemned with a more terrible judgment. The very height from which you fall renders that fall the more disastrous. And, in the next place, let there be, after the examination of our hearts, deep humility. All that is in us is fitted to humble us ; and the man that knows himself best will feel most humbled in the sight of God. All present will have some share in the common inscription upon the greatest and the lowest : " Tekel ; Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting." And let us recollect, in the next place, that if, under a deep sense of the pressure of that perilous condition, we cry with our whole heart unto God, that he will save us — if conscious that we have not a farthing to pay we ask him frankly to forgive us all — if conscious that, when weighed against this law, we must kick the beam, and be found altogether wanting — let us fly to that righteousness which alone can justify us, let us seek shelter in that City of Refuge in which alone we can be saved — let us ap- peal to that cleansing blood which alone can wash away the in- scription ^^ tekel," and that righteousness which alone can con- stitute our title as ^'accepted and beloved." Each minute as it passes carries us nearer to the burial-place of the dead, and to the 192 PROPHETIC STUDIES. judgment-scat of the living. A few more years, and those faces that are now looking, I trustj with anxious thoughts, will be numbered with the dead, and our souls, those live sparks that never can be quenched — thos6 great and sacred ^' bundles of re- sponsibilities'^ which can never die, will have to stand at the judgment-seat of God, either shivering and looking into that un- known, unfathomed abyss of wo, or rejoicing, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, and anticipating that joy, that inhe- ritance, that blessedness which is incorruptible and fadeth not away. My dear friends, deal honestly with yourselves; have done with church, with ceremony, with sign, with sacrament, till you have settled this question. Am I a child of God, or am I not ? I believe that nine-tenths of the controversies of the day are the devil's delusions to prevent men from settling God's great con- troversy, " Are we the children of God, or the children of the wicked one ?" 193 CHAPTER XIV. V THE PRIME MINISTER. ''It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom an hundi-ed and twenty princes, Tvhich should he over the whole kingdom,- and over these three presidents, of whom Daniel was first : that the princes might give accounts unto them, and the king should have no damage. Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him ; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm. Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion or fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him. Then said these men. We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God. Then these presidents and princes assembled together to the king, and said thus unto him, King Darius, live for ever. All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counsellors, and the captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any god or man for thirty days, save of thee, king, he shall be cast into the den of lions. Now, king, establish the decree, and sign the writing, that it be not changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not. Wherefore king Darius signed the writing and the decree. Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house : and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime." — Daniel vi. 1-10. We read in the previous chapters that great Babylon, the ex- cellency of the Chaldees, had passed away, and that on the very night when the mysterious fingers wrote the long inexplicable inscription on the plaster, Belshazzar, the king of the Chaldeans, was slain, and Darius, the king of the Medo-Persian empire, mounted its forsaken throne and received the reins of govern- ment. It was after this, and on the crumbling ruins of Babylon, that the Medo-Persian empire rose to splendour, and occupied its brief space in the history of the world. Darius, who was ap- pointed to be king, was, of course, a heathen; but, heathen as 17 194 PROPHETIC STUDIES. lie was, lie saw sometliing in tlic character and general conduct of Daniel, wliicli led him to believe that there was no one more worthy of a dignified place, a place of power and responsibility, than Daniel ; the Christian, as we may tnily call him, — the Jew, as he nationally was. He had witnessed his skill in solving a mysterious inscription; a skill which indicated communion with the fountain of wisdom: he saw strongly developed prudence, integrity, talent, steadfastness, and even success in all he under- took; and, amid his own gross superstition, his eyes could not fail to distinguish so remarkable a subject, nor his own sense of propriety and advantage fail to see in that captive Jew a meet- ness for service as rare as valuable. C They who do not understand a Christian's creed, will and do appreciate a Christian's walk.J Heathens understand a pure and noble life, even if they do not comprehend an orthodox creed. Yv^e learn from the impression produced upon Darius by the conduct of Daniel — a conduct which there is abundant evidence to show was unobtnisive and retiring, that real Christianity cannot be hid. If you are not a Christian it is of no use for you to call yourself one, or to pre- tend to be one, for the eye even of the most casual observer will be able to penetrate the vail of h^^DOcrisy, and detect the sham and pretension that are beneath; and if you are a Christian, you need not proclaim the fact in the market-place. Depend upon it, wherever real Christianity reigns in the heart, it will press out- ward and outward, and unite its name and impress its influence upon the place you occupy — the duties of the office intrusted to you — upon the family — the nation — upon all over whom, in the providence of God, you are placed. If there be health in the heart it will bloom on the cheek; if there be vigour in the muscles it will show itself in your walk. If there be salt in the earth it will spread; if there be light, it will shine; if the city be set upon a hill, it cannot be hid; if the epistle be written by the. Holy Spirit, the apostle tells us it will be ^een and read of all men. Or, in the words of another sacred penman, all that see them ^^ shall take knowledge of them that they have been with Jesus." The man who walks with God, we are told by the Psalmist — the man who shrinks from the scorner's chair, whose delight is in the law of the Lord, will not be hid, but he will be THE PRIME MINISTER. 195 "like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither, and what- soever he doeth it shall prosper." Trials and afflictions do not hide, but rather bring out only the | more the Christian's character; instead of darkening, they brighten I it; and many a one whom you have suspected to be a stranger to I the gospel, when placed in the furnace, displays the most beauti-j ftd and impressive sense of a long-tried and deep union and com- munion with Grod. It is in affliction that the Christian shines;' it is in the furnace that the dross is consumed, and the pure vir- gin gold glows in all its lustre and beauty: it is under circum- stances of affliction and distress that divine graces are implanted in the heart by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, which will rise to the surface and prove to all men, what they cannot fail to notice in the character and conduct of real believers, ''that they have been with Jesus. •'^ And this irrepressible nature of real Christianity is matter of the deepest gratitude and joy. Are you not thankful that it is so ? would it not be a pity that one truth in the gospel should be capable of being concealed? what article in your creed would a Christian wish to hide ? What fruit in that cluster of ''fruits of the Spirit," of which we read in the fifth chapter of the epistle addressed to the Gralatians, would you wish to conceal ? Let the miser hide his gold — let the admired \ of all conceal her beauty — let rank be ashamed of its honours — \ let the infidel conceal his skepticism, but let not the Christian be ashamed of that which is the ornament of the earth, the beauty of heaven, which gives weight to the lightest, and dignity at i once to the greatest and the meanest of mankind. Thank God, ' then, that Christianity cannot be hid; and that where it is, there it will be felt and seen, and men will own that it is so. 1 may state, too, that it is this silent but continuous and irrepressible power of Christian principle, which really tells upon the world around us. It is not a mere syllogism that will con- vert a skeptic. It is not a powerfully constructed argument that will alone convert a Roman Catholic : it is not such specimens of Christianity as church and chapel often furnish, which will make men feel that Christianity is the ambassadress of God and the benefactress of mankind. It is when the world sees 196 PllOPHETIC STUDIES Christianity softening all, sweetening, subduing, sanctifying, in- spiring, directing all — giving its tone, shape, and colour, and freshness to all ; it is when the world sees Christianity in self- sacrifice — in submitting our own temper and our own inclina- tions to those of others — in giving way and suffering, rather than appearing to dictate and presume — it is in the quiet by- paths of human life, that Christianity acts with the greatest force, and in which, if detected by the skeptic, he owns there is there the finger of God, the evidence of a power greater and holier than human. So Darius saw Daniel's Christianity: he understood not his sublime creed, but he appreciated his honesty, his integrity, his truth, his fiiithfulness. The world itself, if it do not practise, yet appreciates faithfulness and integrity. The mer- chant on the Exchange understands character, when he neither stu- dies nor subscribes a creed. Hence the pulpit is not the only place for preaching. Darius saw that integrity of conduct was an admirable qua- lification for a prime minister's ofiice — that the man who prayed to his God was not the least likely to be useful to his king. Even the heathen Darius saw that the most admirable elements of political efl&ciency were, not party zeal and partisan enthu- siasm, but faithfulness, integrity, honour — all that constitute these moral characteristics, which are the creations of Chris- tianit}'- in their greatest brightness; and have been often, but less distinctly, illustrated even by the heathens in their deepest degradation. Darius unquestionably was right : the true Christian is ever the greatest patriot. The men who are restless, dis- contented, fond of change for change's sake, are not generally those who have family worship and well-read Bibles, and who are seen oftenest in the sanctuary; and on the other hand, the men who are most loyal to their sovereign — most attached to their country — most devoted to it's best interests — most courage- ous on the field, most steadfast on the deck — most dutiful in all things, generally are actuated by motives inspired by the truth of God, and distinguished by actions influenced by the con- tinual recollection of this great truth — "Thou God seest me." It is no argument against all this, that there are hypocrites who make their pretensions to religion a passport to distin- THE PRIME MINISTER. 197 gnished notice, or to political power. Whatever is excellent has been imitated ever since the world was. Never yet was there a coin current in a realm that was not forged: never yet was there a good bank-note that was not imitated. You do not say the thing itself is bad, because there is a mockery of it. You do not reject the good bank-note because there are bad ones in the market. It is one thing to be a Christian, it is another and a very different thing only to pretend to be so. And be- cause there are some men who pretend to be Christians and are not, you are not therefore to suspect that every man who seems to be a Christian is not so. In your own conduct, rather be suspected not to be a Christian than sound a trumpet to pro- claim that you are so. Let your Christianity be an inference that the world might draw in the exercise of its reason, rather than a proclamation in the market-place. Daniel did not proclaim his religion. He did not thrust him- self into the palace of Belshazzar; and because he was faithful to his God, he did not therefore act discourteously toward his king. But the instant he was sent for he appeared, and he acted as a Christian ever will. He did not use his religion in order to obtain political power : he did not make his commu- nion to be a passport to political office ; but he lived as a Christian, and left the world to notice him or not, as the world pleased. Daniel was promoted to be prime minister in one of the ' greatest empires on which the sun shone. But, like many prime \ ministers of every country and of every age, the elevation to which his virtues raised him created envy, calumny, and suspicion. I doubt whether elevation in this world is so desirable a thing as man's ignorant ambition makes him think. He that is placed upon the loftiest pinnacle, '•'■ the observed of all ob- servers," is sure to create, or at least see projected around him, a dark, long-drawn shadow of envy, jealousy, suspicion, and all uncharitableness; not because he acts inconsistently, but be- cause self-seeking and dishonest spirits, ever at enmity to truth and integrity, the highest beauty, hate the man in proportion as he is the personation of them all. They di.slikcd Daniel, and they could not say why : they could not veto him, because ho 198 PROrHETIC STUDIES. was a royal appointment; they could not dismiss him, for they had not the power ; and Daniel occupied, therefore, the most painful and perplexing of all positions — an honest prime minister presiding over a dishonest, an antichristian, and an unmanageahle cabinet. They could find, however, no fault or cause of com- plaint against him, so they determined, in their envy and ma- lignity, to create one. They endeavoured to find out that his policy was had — that he had been open to bribery — that he was unfaithful, but they did not, and could not, succeed ', they could find none occasion of fault, inasmuch as he was faithful in all things. He was a perfect phenomenon in an Eastern court, where bribery ever has been, and is, to this day, universal; and where a bribe can blind the eye of justice, or shut the mouth of truth, or promote or put down, just as the man in power thinks expedient, or most conducive to his own interests. They found that Daniel, however, was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him. Why, then, did they so dislike him? why hate this good man? Plato asserted, that if Truth were to come down from heaven, and display itself in all its glory upon earth, all men would instantly fall down and wor- ship it. What Plato stated as an hypothesis, inspired history records to have been a lamentable miscalculation on his part. Truth came down from the skies — appeared upon the world in untainted glory, beauty, and perfection; neither hell nor earth was able to detect a flaw in it; but so false proved the prophecy of the learned and accomplished philosopher, that the world rose np against it, and shouted in a voice of thunder — '' Away with him, away with him ! crucify him, crucify him ! Not this man, but Barabbas.'' If Plato had known what the child in our Sunday school or ragged school is now being taught, that " the heart of man is enmity against God,^^ he would not have uttered any such prediction. What was the fault his cabinet urged against the detested ' Daniel ? First, he was a comparatively young man, while many < of these princes and counsellors were probtibly aged men : he was a junior promoted over the heads of his seniors; this was an old offence, and an oifence that is felt in every profession. But when the junior displays intellect, genius, talent, discre- THE PPtDIE MINISTER. 199 tion, prudence, heroism, devotedness, such as his seniors do not disphiy, all will soon learn to forget that he is young, and to feel that it is not years, but excellence, that constitutes the re- quisite to command the veneration of mankind. Probably they also hated and envied him because he was a Jew. Religious prejudices are not extinct even amid the light of the nineteenth century. We do not like to see one promoted who is not of our sect; we are offended if one of a rival party is advanced to power. And these men were worshippers of Bel: they as- sembled in the temple of Bel for worship, and they were indig- nant that a worshipper of Jehovah, the God of the captive and detested Jew, should be advanced to the highest post of honour and authority in that great empire. And partly, perhaps, they hated and envied him, because he was a stranger and a captive. Daniel was one of the spoils of war — a slave ; and though of royal family, he was held as a captive in the midst of Babylon ; and the haughty princes of that mighty monarch could not endure the insult of a Hebrew slave being made chief ruler over all of them. But the grand reason, in which they all concurred, no doubt was, that Daniel's integrity stood in the way of their enrichment. He would not take the bribes which they were accustomed to receive ; he did not approve of cheating, which they thought was canonical, and had made almost legal; they loved the wages of unrighteousness, while he hated them; and, like bold, bad men, they detested him, and determined on his destruction. The great difl&culty was, where to obtain a pre-/ text for getting rid of him. They could find none whatever in his management of the kingdom : he dispensed his patronage with perfect justice; he redressed the wrongs that were submitted to him with the greatest impartiality; he gave such good counsel to his gracious sovereign, that all that that sovereign did prospered. They could fi.nd nothing against the character of Daniel as touching the kingdom over which he presided with such dignity and justice, and with so remarkable success. But they saw ! that be had a different religion; and if they could not impeach him as a prime minister, they might assail him through the dogmas of his creed as a Jew. They proceeded with great skill and artifice, and formed the scheme recorded in verses G-9 : 200 Pr.OPIIETIC STUDIES. ^^ The presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counsellors, and the captains, have consulted to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, king, he shall be cast into the den of lions. Now, king, establish the decree, and sign the writing, that it be not changed, according to the law of the Modes and Persians, which altereth not. Wherefore king Darius signed the writing and the decree." The quiet self-possession of Daniel on this occasion was com- plete. "Now, when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house ; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime." We are not to be the slaves of circumstance, but circumstances are to be slaves to us. I am not to do wrong because circumstances urge me to do so; but I am to do right in the face of all danger, and in spite of all threats. We have continually, in the army and in the navy, instances of military self- possession the most remarkable, showing how even the natural man may be drilled into a state of discipline, subordination, and obedience to a human leader, that will make him fearless amid all the ele- ments of terror and of death. I recollect reading, that when Mar- shal Massena was marching at the head of a body of Napoleon's victorious troops, through the gorge of the Cardihell, in the iVlps, a vast avalanche descended from the heights above, and swept into the valley below some hundreds of his soldiers; and on the very ridge of the snow that was swept into the ravine beneath, was a drummer-boy, who, undisturbed amid the peril, continued beating the march he had commenced before the avalanche fell, until every soldier had passed through the gorge ; this was his own funeral march : he then sank down to die — an instance of the efiective discipline which then prevailed in the French army. One of Na- poleon's greatest marshals never felt himself perfectly calm and self-possessed till the dead fell in thousands round him, and the tide of battle seemed rolling against him ; — showing how human nature, in circumstances of great trial, may feel great calmness, and do its duty with unshaken and unflinching nerve. But if discipline can do this, Christianity can do more. It could make T[IE PllBlE MINISTER. 201 Daniel calm in tlie prospect of certain death; it could make Poly- carp regard the flames only as a chariot tbat wafted him to glory ; it could make the apostles feel bonds, imprisonment, and death, to be not calamities, but blessings, because they took them from scenes of suffering and conveyed them to the realms of glory. A Christian has ever felt — and in proportion to the depth and force of his Christianity he ever will feel — that " the work of righteous- ness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness quietness, and assurance for ever." " Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee." And I believe that if our Christian prin- ciple were what it should be, and what we are responsible for its being, though the mountains were cast into the midst of the sea, and though the earth should shake and vibrate with the swelling thereof, — though all things should seem to prognosticate the return of chaos, ruin, and destruction, — a Christian would hear and accept, sounding from his Father's lips, those beautiful and soothing accents, '^ Be still, and know that I am God." So Daniel learned and felt. Would that our confidence in God were deeper than it is ! We should not then be in the depths to-day and in the heights to- morrow; we should not be so often surprised, alarmed at this, and afraid of that. Do not think, my dear friends, that you and I are indispensable to the government of God. God governs ; he controls ' the universe and all its movements; and he is working out his own f bright and beneficent designs, sometimes with us, as often without ■ us, and occasionally in spite of us. Have confidence in God, confi- dence in our Father's love, confidence in his wisdom — a deep and indestructible persuasion that ^^ all things work together for good to them that love God, and are the called according to his purpose." But in lookins; at the manner in which Daniel discharo;ed his duty, there seems at first sight to be in it something like ostenta- tion, or something, at least, rather inexplicable as to its absolute necessity, in the attitude which he assumed. It is stated, that Ms windoics being open, he kneeled upon his knees, in his cham- ber, toward Jerusalem, and prayed in that direction. What was meant by his ihu'S, '^^iY^ymg toicard Jcniwleni f' We have it explained in the prayer of Solomon, at the dedication of the temple, in which he says, "If they," thy people, "sin against thee, (for there is no man that sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, 202 PROrilETIC STUDIES. and deliver tliem to the enemy, so that they carry them away cap- tives unto the land of the enemy far or near : yet if they shall bethink themselves in the land whither they were carried captives, and repent, and make supplication unto thee in the land of them that carried them captives, saying, We have sinned, and have done perversely, we have committed wickedness ; and so return unto thee with all their heart, and with all their soul, in the land of their enemies, which led them away captive, and pray unto thee toward their land, which thou gavest unto their fathers, the city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name : then hear thou their prayer and their supplication in heaven thy dwelling-place, and maintain their cause." Hence every pious Jew, when he prayed, "kneeled upon his knees," or stood, the other attitude of prayer, according to the cus- tom of the Jews; and, wherever he was, directed his face invariably toward Jerusalem. The reason why the Jew did so, was that the temple and the furniture within it constituted the only type that he had of Jesus, the great Mediator between heaven and earth. He rested his eye upon the significant sign of the only Mediator every time he prayed, and did in that dispensation, by a figure, what we in this dispensation do in fact — prayed in the name, leaning on the intercession, trusting to the mediation of Jesus. But if you were to argue, as certain very superstitious persons do argue, that because the Jews did so in the days of Levi or Solomon, therefore we, too, when we pray, ought to turn our faces toward the east ; or, if you were to contend that when we build churches we should build them with their chancels, or what some ignorantly term their altars, toward the east, you would be just doing precisely what the Gralatians did 3 letting go the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free : there would be in that fact a reflux to Judaism. You are thereby displacing Christ, the only IMediator, and substituting an exhausted type, a shrivelled symbol, in the room of him who is its substance, its reality, and its end. The law of the worship of the Jew was, " Pray with the face toward Jerusalem f the great law of the worship of the Christian is, "Pray in the name of Jesus." What constituted the church with the Jew was, his having that very temple, those very stones, that grand altar, those overshadowing cherubim, those bright THE PRIIME MINSTER. 203 beams of the ineffable glory ; but wliat constitutes our church is, not dead stones, but living ones ] not the glory that is visible and palpable, but that bright glory which consists of the minghng beams of mercy and truth that have met together — righteousness and peace that have kissed each other. And hence there is a Christian church, and a true and acceptable worship, wherever, on the sea-shore or on the mountain-side; on the tessellated pavement or in the public highway ; within the communion rail, in the pulpit, or in the pew ; on the deck, in the city, in the field ; in the deepest mine to which the miner can descend, and on the loftiest pinnacle to which the Alpine herdsman can climb ; wherever there are two or three met in the name of Jesus, there is a temple more glorious than that of Jerusalem; there is a temple of the Holy Grhost, in which Grod dwells, and where all his glory is manifested in another way than that in which he manifests it to the world. We see then the reason why Daniel prayed, looking toward the east. But it certainly does, at first sight, appear somewhat difficult to reconcile his conduct, in having his window open, with the idea that there was nothing in what Daniel did resembling pride, ostentation, or the needless thrusting forward of his custom in the face of the heathen nation among whom he dwelt. It is best explained by the fact, that the Jews' houses were built with flat roofs, and on the top of each flat-roofed house there was what is called in the Acts of the Apostles '^an upper room," not corre- sponding to our garret, but a sort of chamber built upon the flat roof, in which the pious Jew sequestered himself from the world, read the law, prayed, and held communion with God. And in the Septuagint translation of this very book — i. e. the translation from the Hebrew into G-reek, executed by the Alexandrian Jews three hundred years prior to the birth of Christ — the word that is used for "his chamber" means, literally, "he retired h-zolq v~tp6oiq^'' the very word that is used in the Acts of the Apostles to denote the place in which the Christians met at Pentecost, and where they where accustomed to worship God. And from the Acts of the Apostles it is evident that the upper room was the ordinary place, the most sacred and the most sequestered of all the rooms in the house, whither the Jew betook himself for prayer. And 204 PROPHETIC STUDIES. when Daniel therefore retired to his upper room, with the windows open toward Jerusalem it was not for the purpose of displaying his religious firmness, or for the purpose of defying those whom he knew to have conspired against his life, but he did that which, he had always been accustomed to do, — prayed with his face toward Jerusalem, and seeking the blessing and the presence of his Grod. It is thus in this simple fact thcD, and in this beautiful habit, that you have a chapter of the inner life of Daniel, the prime minister of Darius the king of Persia. His inner life was fed by prayer ; his outer life was characterized by integrity, faithfulness, and justice. It was his home habits that made his court habits so beau- tiful, and just, and true ; it was his private nearness to God that sustained and elevated his public consistency before men. I hope there are such statesmen still who preface their policy by their com- munion with God. Would it not be the loftiest dignity, were the highest in the land to prostrate themselves before the King of kings, the Prince of the kings of the earth, and not seek to devise, to meditate, to plan,till fii'st there had been implored an abundant bless- ing from Him, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is wise, nothing is holy, and nothing can prosper. An hour in " the upper room,'' in communion with God, before spending many hours in the House of Lords or in the House of Commons in transacting the business of the empire, is a recommendation worth all the political qualifications that a man can have. Depend upon it that God will not bless in politicians what he does not bless in private men, — the habit of trying to work the world without God. Depend upon it, he will not prosper measures in the high places of the earth which he will not prosper in the humble places of the earth, when those measures are concerted and attempted without recognising him. It should be written on the heads of princes, on palaces, and cabinets, "By me kings reign and princes decree justice.'' And is it not a privilege as well as a duty, to have prayer? I need not dwell upon the nature of prayer ; for I trust there is not a Christian in this assembly who knows not what it is. It is not a thing to be taught : it is the deepest instinct of humanity. It is, in my judgment, just as natural to pray as it is to breathe. And what the Spirit teaches — without whose teaching prayer will THE PRIME MINISTER. 205 not be the incense that rises to heaven — is to pray for things that are truly good, in the name of him through whom those things are given; and in every Christian's heart such prayer is an irre- pressible instinct. He cannot live without it, he cannot move without it. He feels that a prayerless man is a graceless man ; and that the enterprise he commences without asking God to bless it, is one in which he can expect no great success. God asks the tribute of your acknowledgment of him, and he will give you all the blessings of success ; " for whatsoever such an one doeth shall prosper.'^ Pray in your closets; pray in the house of business; pray when you are walking upon the highway. Shut your doors ; sound not the trumpet ; make no display ; but lift the heart daily — three times a day if you like — at stated hours and in stated places, if you like, for these remind you of the habit ; but " pray.'' Pray that God would give you grace for each day, (for there is only promise for the day,) that he will give you bread for each day : that he will give you '' forgiveness of your sins, and an inheritance among all them that arc sanctified." Great soldiers of our country, the great Washington of America prayed upon the field of battle ; prayed under that stern and terrible ne- cessity of nations where men made in the image of God take part in the dire shock of battle — prayed at such a crisis, that the God of justice would decide the conflict. Let us pray in approaching a communion-table, in approaching the judgment-seat at which we must appear ; knowing that whatsoever we shall ask in the name of Jesus believing, he will give it us. Pray, and you will prosper upon earth ; pray, and you will find your prayers on earth lost in the praises of eternity, through Jesus Christ. 18 20G LECTURE XV. DANIEL IN THE DEN OF LIONS. " Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee." — Daniel vi. 16. Looking at tlie whole treatment and experience of Daniel, one cannot but feel liow truly our Lord spoke, when he said, " In the world ye shall have tribulation.'^ It needs but a very limited ac- quaintance with the history of the people of God, to see that the most illustrious and the most distinguished of them have been the victims of the most continuous and unmerited suffering. They have been stoned, they have been sawn asunder, they have been tempted, they have been slain with the sword : they have wan- dered in sheepskins and goatskins, in dens and caves of the earth, being destitute, afflicted, tormented — although the world was not worthy of them. And yet through that faith which overcame the world, " they stopped the mouths of lions," says the apostle, alluding to the case of Daniel, ''and c(uenched the violence of fire,'' alluding to the case of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. When the world sees Christians, like Daniel, thus condemned, set apart for punishment and inevitable death, it exclaims, " God hath forgotten him : he trusted in God that he would deliver him; let Him deliver him, seeing he hath pleasure in Him.'^ But amid all the taunts of the world, and the revilings of the worldly wise, the child of God can hear, notwithstanding the clamour of a thousand tongues, the still small voice, the voice of his Father in the skies, sounding in his heart, unspent by the / distance through which it passes in its transit, and saying, ''I will '^ never leave thee, I will never forsake thee. A mother may for- get her infant, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb, yet will not I forget thee." And thus, in spite of the world's clamour, and because he hears his Father's voice, the DANIEL IN THE DEN OF LIONS. 207 Christian enjoys in tlic world peace, quietness, and assurance for ever ; and when he is phiced in the lion's den with Daniel, or walks amid the flames of the burning fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego ; whether he is crucified with Peter, or cast to the wild beasts with Paul, he can begin, in the agonies of death, the pa3an of a noble victory — " I am persuaded that neither life, nor death, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus my Lord/' I need not say that when Daniel was thus condemned by the king — and condemned by the king who was ensnared by the sub- tlet}^ and wiles of these wicked men — he expected death, and that death a very terrible one. Death is not a natural thing : it is the most horrible and unnatural of all things. Man was never made to die : it was never God's design that he should die ; he was made instinct with all the yearnings, and arrayed with all the powers of endless life. And when man shrinks from death, there is nothing unchristian in it. Paul did not desire death for its own sake, when he said, '' I desire to be unclothed," or, '^ I desire to depart," but he was willing to meet the foe for the sake of the victory ; he was willing to pass through the swelling of a dark and stormy sea because of the land of beauty and of blessedness that stretched beyond it. Nature shrinks from death ; but Christian nature, even in its agonies, can exclaim, ^^0 death, where is thy sting ? grave, where is thy victory ? Thanks be unto God that giveth us the victory through Jesus Christ." But when the Christian dies, it is not the Christian himself, but death that dies. When the Christian dies, he does not cease to be. "When the loved, the near, and the dear have ceased to communicate with us — when the eye that looked upon us, and the lips that breathed her name, are closed, he has not ceased to be. He has only begun to be as he never was before. Death to the Christian is not even a momentary suspension of the conti- nuity of life : it is only the removal of the restrictions and the trammels of this life : it is the Levite laying aside the coarse gar- ment in which he ministered as a Levite in the outer temple, and putting on the sacerdotal and coronation robes in which he shall 208 PROPHETIC STUDIES. minister as a priest and a king in tlie inner temple of God liis Father. And in such a case — in the case of Daniel — if he had died when placed amid the ravenous wild beasts, death would have been but the precursor of truly living ; the lions' den would have become, in this case, only the vestibule of glory ; the flame that consumes the martyr's flesh is the chariot that wafts his soul to immortality and joy ', and the evening twilight of this world does not close upon the eye of that happy spirit till the morning twi- light of yon world bursts upon it with a briglitness of eternal day. Thus we like not to leave the old house, every nook and cranny of which is dear to us ; but if we could only fix our hearts more upon the house not made with hands — if we could think less of all that is seen, and feel more of the magnificence and glory of the unseen that awaits us, we should rather long to depart, than desire to remain, that we might be with Christ, which is far better. The language here addressed by Darius to Daniel, is language which proves, I think, when taken in connection with other ex- pressions of the same monarch, that King Darius was an altered man — that something transpired in the life, and was heard in the language of Daniel, which led the sovereign to think, and, by the blessing of God, to think savingly. He sought to save Daniel, and he could not. We must not imagine that kings, be- cause they may be called absolute, are really practically so. Nay, it is the monarcli of all who is often the greatest servant of ail ; and he who occupies the loftiest position, and seems to us to have only to speak and it shall be done, is often the man who is least able to do what he pleases to those that are beneath him. Darius was unable to reverse his sentence ; but he said to Daniel, and said it plainly not in scorn, not in bitterness, but as a prophecy — partly a prophecy, partly a prayer — "The God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.'^ It is plain, from this, that the king had been brought to the ' knowledge of the true God. And, connected with the last verse of this chapter, whicli con- tains so remarkable a decree, it is a j)lain proof that he had learned and felt the truth which he here speaks not in scorn, but in solemn and painful earnestness. And what must have been the cause, next to the grace of God, of the conversion of the monarcli ? I have no doubt it was the meekness, the magnani- DANIEL IN THE DEN OF LIONS. 209 mity, the gentleness, the patience, the submission of Daniel, a prisoner chained and sentenced to a terrible death, connected and associated with the lessons that Daniel spoke, and the prayers that Daniel oflered, and the religion of which Daniel was the con- sistent exponent and the living illustration. And what does this teach us, my dear friends ? — That the means of conversion to others are not only the truths that Christians speak, but the lives that Christians lead, and the death that Christians die. Sick- beds have exceeded pulpits in persuasive eloquence, and dying martyrs have made conversions that living ministers have never been honoured with. No Christian lives to himself, no Christian dies to himself; and wherever a Christian is, there is an element of power wielded for God. In the silent prison, and in the In- quisitor's dungeon, and in the Papal fires, the sufferers have all emitted testimony for Grod, and proved to history and to mankind that God does not cease to reign when his children are persecuted, and that the truth does not die with her martyrs ', rather that Christianity has received a greater impulse, and has made greater progress by the opposition of her foes, than by the eloquence and advocacy of her friends. But the words are not only expressive of the pity of the man, but they are, if I may use the expression, an unconscious pro- phecy. God has often made use of men who were not Christiaos, as well as of those who were, to predict truths of which they themselves knew not the glory. Thus we read in the Gospel of John, that Caiaphas, being high-priest that year, " gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that some one should die for the people." Thus God made Caiaphas the trumpet of a glorious prophecy, just as before he made Cyrus the battle-axe by which he chastised the enemies of his people. God thus teaches man, (for man needs to know what a very little creature he is in His sight,) and he teaches Christians, what Christians more and more feel, that all things are under the power and control of Him who holds the reins and sways the sceptre of the universe. We read that Daniel was dropped into the lions' den, as a pebi ble is dropped into the silent sea, apparently to be forgotten for ever, and the world seemed to have its way, and the persecutors of the prophet to have had their will. But man's thoughts arc 210 rROPIIETIC STUDIES. not God's thoughts, nor God's ways man's ways. The persecu- tors of Daniel, when they placed him in that den, and put that heavy stone over him, and sealed it down, believed that no voice could rise from its depths to excite sympathy, and that no cry could come from the martyred prophet to arouse the popular in- dignation ; and still more, that no trace of the foul murder they had endeavoured to perpetrate, could remain to witness against them. They returned to their homes ; and never did they drink so freely, or sing so merrily, as when they recollected how successful they had been in putting out of their way a man who would not connive at dishonesty : that feared God, and rather than compro- mise his allegiance to his God, was willing to live poor, and to die a martyr. They rejoiced, and congratulated each other that the witness who prophesied against them was at last disposed of. As for the poor king, he went home, still giving evidence that his heart had undergone a change, filled with remorse for having signed the fatal decree, and not knowing how to retrieve or to re- trace his steps. When conscience echoes in the depths of the heart, it will cause the loins of the lord of Christendom to trem- ble. It is not nerve that is bravest, it is a conscience full of the peace of God which passeth understanding. But when conscience is vexed with a sense of sin, there can be no heroism, there can be no presence of mind, there can be no peace. All the opiates that physicians can prescribe will not give sleep unless God is pleased by a conscience cleansed in the blood of Jesus to give his belove'd sleep. And when there is sin in the conscience, what awful, what mysterious power it has ! It will pierce the armed battalion, it will enter within the thickest walls of the palace, it will invade the secret chambers of royalty, it will defy all opiates, it will hush all music; and though all sounds should be suppress- ed outside, and all books be shut, and all testimonies be silenced, that conscience grieved, wronged, offended, acting as the echo and the oracle of God, will reason, even in the royal bosom, of '^right- eousness and temperance and judgment to come," and make the possessor of it tremble, and his knees smite against each other, and be ill at ease. Early next morning the sleepless monarch rushes with the first rays of the rising sun to the den, and, as he then thought, the DANIEL IN THE DEN OF LIONS. 211 grave of tbe murdered prophet ; and half hoping, half despairing, rather as the expression of his deep commiseration than as the expression of any hope, he looked into the den and asked if the prophet was alive ; and Daniel, with that calmness which a con- science at peace can alone impart, with that supreme self-posses- sion which Christian principle can alone create, with that loyalty to his king which Christians ever have expressed, called out, '^Grod save the king/' And his second accents are giving glory to Him who had sent his angel to shut the lions' mouths and save him from so terrible and cruel a death. God is everywhere. You\ cannot banish a saint from God. You may banish him from his home, or from his country; you may bury him in the cave, you may seal him in the lions' den; you may cast him into the depths of the sullen and unsounded sea ; but you cannot banish him from his God. On the top of ancient Ararat, when it was surrounded by its first rainbow coronal, God saw, pitied, and blessed his people. In the depths of the lions' den, and among the beasts ravenous with hunger, God was present, and heard his praying prophet. In the silent catacombs of Rome ; amid the sands of the untrodden desert, or on the waves of the great and silent sea; on the heights, wherever man has soared; in the depths, wherever man has descended ; there, if there be a Chris- tian heart, will be found a present help, a Christian's God. How blessed is this thought I the poor Roman Catholic cannot have his God unless he has his consecrated altar ; he cannot obtain absolution unless he has access to his priest ; he cannot have his sacrifice for forgiveness unless he has his priest, altar, and wafer. But the Christian— let him be the miner in the depths of the dark mines of Northumberland, has there his priest, his altar, and his sacrifice, even Jesus ; or let him be placed on the loftiest pinnacle to which Alpine herdsman can climb, there he finds a temple, a sacrifice, and an altar, even Jesus. If he ascend into heaven, he is there ; if he descend into the grave, he is there ; if he take the wings of the morning and go down into the depths of the sea, even there is his Lord and Saviour too. God's eye can pierce all darkness; God's heart can pity his captive any- where, and God's hand can help him in spite of all obstacles. So Daniel felt, and so thousands of God's saints have felt it too. 212 rROPIIETlC STUDIES. When tlie king found tlie captive alive^ lie commanded the den to be opened, and Daniel to be taken out; and, as Eastern monarchs often did in the exercise of a rash and passionate revenge, sinful, improper, and unworthy of him as a Christian, and injurious to him as a monarch, ordered men who certainly deserved it, but to whom showing mercy would have been a brighter jewel in the regal crown, — he commanded those men, their wives, and their children, to be cast into the lion's den as a punishment for their cruelty and perfidy. Do not say, "This book is not from God,^^ because it states this. It does not de- i scribe the cruel conduct of Darius as right; it simply narrates I the fact. It does not say the king did what was merciful and good; it simply states his deeds. These men were most guilty: whether their punishment exceeded their crime, it is not for me to pronounce — but this certainly they found, that he which made a pit and digged it, is fallen into the snare which he laid. Jose- phus, the Jewish historian, recording this fact, mentions the fol- lowing circumstance : — he says, that when Daniel thus wonderfully escaped the lions' den, the princes said that the lions had been previously surfeited with food, and on that account it was that they refused to touch Daniel. The king, out of abhorrence to their wickedness, ordered that a great deal of flesh should be thrown to the lions, and when the beasts had filled themselves with the flesh, he gave further orders that Daniel's enemies should be cast into the den, when they were all destroyed. This is the statement of an uninspired historian, and of course must be taken for what it is worth; but these Persian princes were plainly very much like some of our modern philosophers, who account for every phenomenon without admitting the element of God. If pestilence comes, it was the want of ozone, or vol- canic action that occasioned it. If pestilence is removed, it was the cold weather that removed it. The thermometer becomes their God, and weather-phenomena the other idols they worship. So these princes said. It was not God that saved Daniel : no doubt the lions had been well fed, and therefore they spared Daniel. The experiment, according to Josephus, was tried; and the result proved that God delivered Daniel, while the lions devoured his enemies; not because their flesh was sweeter to their taste. DANIEL IN THE DEN OF LIONS. 213 We see, in his preservinp; Daniel from tlie lions, the eyiclence of a great fact, — namely, God's power over the beasts of the earth: he is able to stay their fierce propensities, when, and where, and under what circumstances he pleases. AVhen Adam was created, there is no doubt that the beasts were at peace with him, and at peace with one another. There is no evidence that what are now called carnivorous animals ate flesh before Adam fell. I know well the difficulties of the case. I know there are traces of death among the great saurian tribes long before Adam was created; as geologists have clearly shown. I am perfectly satisfied that this orb is probably hundreds of thousands of years old ; Genesis records merely the present collocation of its surface, the creation of man, and all that relates to man : and there is no doubt that fossil remains have been excavated from the bowels of the earth, among which, one animal has been discovered petrified in the jaws of another; showing that, prior to the creation of man, this earth has existed in a chaotic or inferior state, in which there was death and mutual destruction among the lower animals; and some of the best and ablest of our scientific men have doubted whether animals were originally made to live for ever, arguing, that if animals had never died, the earth, according to our pre- sent notions, would have been over-filled and over-stocked with them : and that death among the lower animals is no part of the curse pronounced upon man, — ^'In the day that thou eatest there- of, thou shalt surely die.''^ I know there are great difficulties in the subject: at some future time I hope to look more minutely at them ; but of this I am quite persuaded, that when man was created, and the animals were brought to him to receive their names, they were at peace with him, and at peace with one another. And I am as persuaded of this, that what are now called the carnivorous ani- mals did not then feed on flesh. I know the medical men and phy- siologists in this congregation will smile at what they will consider my ignorance, because we know that the structure and physical economy of the animal that feeds on grass is quite different from that of the animal that feeds on flesh. Their respective viscera difl"er greatly. No doubt of it. I do not say that there is no difficulty in the point; but I am stating this fact, on the authority of God, that when G-od created man, he said, "Behold, I have 21-1 PROrilETIC STUDIES. given thee every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earthy and every tree in which is the fiiiit of a tree yielding- seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every herb for meat: and it was so.'^ Man, in innocence, did not eat animal flesh. We have no evidence that the permission was given him till after the flood; and what do we, therefore, gather from this fact? That animals were not slain in order to supply man's wants till the deluge. It is plain, too, from the passage I have read, that the stronger carnivorous animals did not originally feed upon the flesh of the weaker animals; and the presumptive inference, therefore, is, that all animals, the lion and the lamb, the wolf and the sheep, were at perfect peace with each other; and that when they were so, they presented only a dim foreshadow of that better Paradise, when, as I believe, it will literally come to pass, that "the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and a little child shall lead tliem.^^ I know some will ask. How can you understand that prediction literally ? You may recollect what I told you in a previous lecture, — the prophecy of Zechariah was, that Christ shall come, "riding upon an ass, and on a colt, the foal of an ass.'^ Our spiritual and figurative interpreters would say this does not mean that the Messiah wijl come literally seated upon an ass, but that he will come in very great humility. But when you turn to history, you find the minutest particular fulfilled, — that Jesus so came, so riding upon an ass, and on a colt, the foal of an ass. And in the same manner I understand those glowing descriptions of the millennial day, when all things shall be renewed, when the High-Priest who is now in the holy place shall come forth, and pronounce, as creation's High-Priest, creation's grand benediction, — a benediction which shall ascend to the heights, and descend to the depths, of all created things; — I believe, upon the testimony and authority of God, that all creatures shall again recognise man as their lord; and that lion and tiger, and fish of the sea and bird of the air, shall all do him homage as creation's king, God's vicar upon earth. God gave token of this, when he showed, as I explained to you in discours- ing on the miracles of our Lord, that though man has lost the DANIEL IN THE DEN OF LIONS. 215 reins, God still holds tliem. And hence there are scattered throughout the Bible instances of a similar kind, — where the ravens bring food to the prophet; where the dumb ass, at God's bidding, preached a sermon to the disobedient prophet; and where the fierce lions, as in the example before us, revered the flesh of the sainted man, and dared not touch him. God has but to speak, and the curse shall be withdrawn; sin shall be obliterated, and all things become beautiful, harmonious, and happy, and the world blossom into paradise. Looking at Daniel's miraculous escape, let us never cease to have confidence, under all circumstances, in God. Do not look at things, but look at the Lord of things. Do not calculate what shall Be by what you see, but calculate ''how safe is that mother's child, ^' to use the language of Hooker, ''whose trust is in the Ilock of ages, the Lord Jesus Christ.'^ If God be youi- foe, or rather, if you be his, all creation shall bristle with enmity, and hostility to you; but if you be God's friend, and God your friend, the winds shall make music to you, the waves shall joyfully bear you, as their ornament, not their load, and all things shall work together for good to them that love God, and are the called ac- cording to his purpose. The monarch, thus impressed with the truth of Daniel's faith, and struck with the interposition of Daniel's God, issues a decree, — a decree which certainly shows his profound and solemn con- viction, — enacting that the God of Daniel should be worshipped and adored, and accepted throughout the whole earth. There was much in this decree that did credit to the monarch; there was much in it that displayed his thorough ignorance. The king issued a decree, commanding men to lay aside the creeds that they loved, however wrong they were, and to adopt a creed that was new and strange to them, however good. The king forgot that the despotic monarch of the East might lay his hand upon the property, or his sword upon the life of his subjects; but that there is a holy place of humanity, the conscience, into which even a royal hand is not permitted to enter. And when kings suppose that they can dictate creeds to their subjects, they assume a power that does not belong to them, and a power it becomes lawful instantly to resist. Litellectual convictions and conscirii- 216 ^ PROPHETIC STUDIES. tious impressions are created by truth, and they never can be coerced by force. I will tell you what I think the king should have done: instead of trying to persecute his subjects into the true religion, it would have been better if he had called every Christian throughout the land of Chaldea, all the friends and fel- low-sufferers of Daniel, and sent them out, two and two, through- out all Chaldea, telling them to go and proclaim to all people, to all his subjects, of all tongues, and of all tribes, that Jehovah is the li\^ng' God; that his dominion, to use his own words, is an everlasting dominion, and that Daniel's creed is the creed of truth. But his decree that men should become Christians, might create uniformity in subscription to a creed, but it could not produce unity of conviction, or heartfelt adoption of the truth "that he thus forced upon his unwilling subjects. Never, my dear friends, let us believe that truth can be aided by force, or that a lie can be burned out by the fire. If the sword is to be unsheathed, let it be unsheathed not by the friends, but by the foes of the gospel of Jesus. The weapons of our warfare are mighty; and mighty just because they are not carnal. But while the king's decree was wrong, inasmuch as he tried to force conviction where truth alone could create it, yet the traths which he embodied in his decree were grand and beautiful. He said, God is the living God. Jupiter is a dead god. Bel is a dead god. Mars is a dead god. But Jehovah is ^^tlie living God.^^ And he spoke truly when he said, "and his kingdom shall not be destroj'cd.''' Why, what is the history of the world? Dynasties have changed, and thrones have tottered, and crowns have been tossed as baubles, and sceptres have been snapped as infants' toys; vicissitude, and change, and decay have seized upon and made sport of the brightest and the noblest of created things; but there is one kingdom that emerges more beautiful from wrecks — the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christianity still holds on her upward and her on- ward career. Persecution has tried to destroy her power, or crush her influence ; but all history attests what the Bible confirms, that no power of man can permanently build up a lie, and that no hatred of man can permanently injure the truth of God. "He," saj^s the monarch in his decree, "maketh signs and wonders;" and he does so still. The flower that germinates, — the bud that bursts from DANIEL IN THE DEN OF LIONS. 217 the stem, — tlie spring of the year, which if it came only once in a hundred years, would be the wonder and the admiration of the world, — these are all evidences just as decisive of the signs and wonders of his presence and his power, as the miracles he wrought in Palestine. There is just as much of God's signs and wonders, and mighty power, in making my living heart continue to beat, as there was in making; Lazarus's dead heart be^in to beat agrain. What philosophers call phenomena, the Bible calls the signs, and wonders, and the tokens of the living God. He g-uides still by his hand the orbs that Newton discovered: he mingled those beauteous colours that Newton was the first to untwine. He buried the saurian tribes before man was created. He knows all the discoveries that science will make, all the creeds that theorists will form, and all the projects that diplomatists will propose. He makes, by his almighty power, the wrath of man to praise him. He causes obstructions to aid the progress of the gospel, and all things to work together for good to them that love him, and are the called according to his purpose. Thus, then, we have seen Daniel in the den, Daniel delivered, and the monarch praising, and acknowledging, and thanking God. In concluding my remarks, and especially in pleading the claims of my schools, which I do in this lecture, let me remind you that all the excellence and the Christian heroism that Daniel exhibited, was, as we are told at the beginning of the book, mainly the result of early religious education. Daniel as a youth was educated in the gospel, and therefore Daniel as a man lived according to the gospel. And how did he show his Chris- tian principle ? Just as I wish, and as you would wish, your babes to show it. When he was told that if he prayed he would be put to death, that if he confessed his religion he would bring down upon himself the shame and the disapprobation of others, he cared not what man might say; he only thought of what God would think. And therefore, my dear friends, we are to teach our children, when they are entering upon any duties in the world, not to submit to public opinion, but only to defer it ; not to fear the censure of the sinful, or the thoughtless, but to do rioht because it is right, and to cleave to duty just because it is duty. Let our children be taught to bow circumstances to duty, 19 218 PROPHETIC STUDIES. never to bow duty to circumstances. We have nothing to do with circumstances but to conquer them : ours is duty, God's the issue. A second feature in Daniel was self-sacrifice, another result of his early education. He was ready to give up his honours, his profits, his life, but never, never to give up his confidence in God, his belief in the gospel of Jesus. Accustom your children to self-sacrifice. Accustom them to be ready to give up their money, their plans, their play, when the requirement of a higher duty demands that they should do so. Accustom them to give to the claims of humanity, to the cause of God. A boy parting his only apple with his school-fellow, looks to many as a mere childish act; it is a sublime and significant fact. Daniel had parted his apple with his school-fellow before he grew up to part with his life, if needs were, at the bidding of his Father and his God. Teach your children, like Daniel, to shrink from every thing like recrimination. When Daniel was accused, how meekly he bore it ! when unjustly sentenced, how gently he took the sen- tence ! not one word of acrimony or retaliation fell from his lips. But what do many of you sometimes teach your children ? You tell your boy, when he is struck by another boy, '' Show a little spirit ; retaliate. '^ Nay, I have seen the nurse in the nursery doing a most mischievous thing, by teaching the little child that had accidentally struck its head against a table or a chair, to beat and scold the table or the chair by which the accident happened, thus instilling into its mind the principle of revenge even with its mother's milk. It is a lesson too soon and too readily learned. How much better to teach your child the lesson we read in our Saviour's sermon on the mount : " Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you V Daniel had better teachers and better schooling, and therefore retaliation — ^^an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'^ — was no dogma in Daniel's creed. Daniel was plainly a child trained to prayer. Teach your children not only the words, the sentiment of prayer, but teach the Jiahit of prayer. Teach them by a form, but tell them also to lift that little beating heart when the tongue must be dumb DANIEL IN THE DEN OF LIONS. 219 and give no expression to its feelings, and to think of our Fa- ther, who so loved us and gave Christ to die for us. Teach them to pray, and to seek a new heart from the Spirit of God, who alone can give that new heart. Pray that you may see them made Christians first; they will be Churchmen or Dissenters soon enough. See that they be Christians; leave all the rest. Teach them, as D^miel had been taught. Christian courtesy. But draw courtesy for your children not from Chesterfield, but from the apostle Paul. There is a great deal in refinement. I like to see children good, but I like to see them self-sacrificing. What is the highest Christianity ? Giving way to your neighbour iu all that can please him, without any saoi'ifice of principle or duty on your part. What is the highest mark of courtesy, the great evi- dence of a true gentleman ? It is yielding to the convenience, the comfort, and happiness of another. Teach your children so toact.^^ Teach them at your own table: don't say, "It is only home,'' it is only your own dining or drawing-room, and there- fore the child may do as it likes. Teach them to do at home as you wish them to do abroad, and then they will do abroad with- out restraint that to which they are accustomed, on the principle on which that issue is sustained. Thus Daniel showed in his grown-up life the graces which he learned in his earlier years. Those great reforms which are to revolutionize the world must begin in the nursery. From the first moment that the child leaves its cradle, to the last moment that lie spends at the university, there must be Christian instruc- tion bestowed upon him. Education of the head without educa- tion of the heart is worse than no education at all— it is not worthy of the name of education. 220 LECTURE XYL THE PAPACY. "I camo near unto one of them that stood b}', and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things. These great beasts, which are four, arc four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and i^ossess the king- dom for ever, even for ever and ever. Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass ; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; and of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them ; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. Thus he said. The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall arise after them ; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall sub- due three kings. And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws : and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the di- viding of time. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his do- minion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an ever- lasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in mo : but I kept the matter in my heart," — Daniel vii. 16-28. The four chapters on wliich I have discoursed on successive Sunday evenings^ have been evidences of the power of real religion, when the upholder and advocate of that religion was persecuted and oppressed. The sixth chapter^ on the last verse of which I THE PAPACY. 221 addressed you last Sunday evening, closed the personal biography, if I ma}^ so call it, of the prophet Daniel, presenting to us a specimen of Christianity in ancient times, as beautiful as it was rare, and showing us that if Daniel, amid such circumstances — a captive, persecuted, oppressed, misrepresented, cast to the wild beasts, denounced to his king — exhibited under such circum- stances, and amid the darkness of an age on which the sun of righteousness had not fully risen, such constancy, such attachment to his principles, such hatred of every thing like compromise or concession of the truth, such devotedness to God, such a martyr's spirit amid more than a martyr's sufferings, "How shall we es- cape if,'^ amid intenser light and with greater privileges, *^'we neglect so great a salvation ?" Before proceeding to expound the passage I have selected, I should like to read to you a sketch which has been drawn of the prophet Daniel by an ancient writer, which I hold in my hand. '' It was this love of Grod which made his greatly beloved Da- niel prosperous in adversity, that gave him freedom in captivity, friendship among enemies, safety among infidels, victory over his conquerors, and all the privileges of a native in strange countries : it was the love of God that gave his greatly beloved ' knowledge and skill in all learning and dreams.^ It was this love of God that delivered him in danger — from the conspiracy and malice of the Median princes ; from the fury of the lions } that sent one angel in the den to stop their mouths, and another angel at an- other time to bring a prophet on purpose to feed him ; that sig- nally avenged him of his enemies, and did by a miracle vindicate his integrity. It was the love of God that sent the angel Gabriel to visit him — to be his interpreter — to strengthen, to comfort, to encourage him ; to reveal secrets to him, and to assure him that his prayers were heard. It was the love of God which gave him the spirit of prophecy — that excellent spirit, that spirit of the holy gods, (as the Babylonians styled it,) by which he foretold the rise and period of the four monarchies, the return of the cap- tivity, and wrote long beforehand the history of future ages. But beyond all this, it was the love of God that presented him with a clearer landscape of the gospel than any other prophet ever ha 1 ; he was the beloved prophet under the old dispensation, as John 19* 222 PROPHETIC STUDIES. was the beloved disciple under tlie new, and both being animated by the same divine love, there was a wonderful harmony between them ; both of them had miraculous preservations — one from the lions, the other from the burning caldron ; both engaged young in the service of God, and consecrated their lives by an early piety ; and both lived to a great and equal age — to about an hundred years : both had the like intimacy with God — the like admittance into the most adorable mysteries — and tha^like abun- dance of heavenly visions : both had the like lofty flights and ec- static revelations.'^ Such is the sketch of the prophet given by an ancient writer, as comprehensive as it is beautiful and true. I sj^oke last Lord's- day evening of the safety of Daniel when cast among the furious wild beasts, because of his attachment to his God and his devoted- ness to his religion. I cannot but read here also a beautiful pas- sage from the justly-called judicious Hooker, which is founded upon this incident — Daniel's preservation in the den of lions. '^ It was not the meaning of our Lord and Saviour, in saying, ' Father, keep them in thy name,' that we should be careless to keep ourselves. To our own safety our own sedulity is required ; and then, blessed for ever be that mother's child, whose faith hath made him the child of God. The earth may shake, the pil- lars of the world may tremble under us, the countenance of the heaven may be appalled, the sun may lose his light, the moon her beauty, the stars their glory; but concerning the man that trusteth in God, if the fire once proclaimed itself unable to singe a hair of his head — if lions, beasts ravenous by nature and keen with hunger, being set to devour, have, as it were, religiously adored the flesh of the faithful man — what is there in the vrorld that will change his heart, overthrow his faith, alter his afFeetion toward God, or the afi'ection of God to him ? If I be of this note, who shall make a separation between me and my God ? ' Shall tribu- lation, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword ?' I am persuaded that neither tribulation, nor anguish, nor persecution, nor famine, nor nakedness, nor peril, nor sv/ord, nor death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, "nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,' shall ever prevail so far over me. THE PAPACY. 2.23 I know in whom I have believed ; I am not ignorant who^e pre- cious blood liatli been shed for me; I have a Shepherd full of kindness^ full of care, and full of power; unto him I commit my- self : his own finger hath engraven this sentence on the tables of my heart : ' Satan hath desired to winnow thee as wheat, but I have prayed that thy faith fail not/ therefore the assurance of my hope I will labour to keep as a jewel unto the end ; and by labour, through the gracious mediation of his prayer, I shall keep it/' Such is first a sketch of the life — such is a grand exhibition of the safety enjoyed by Daniel, and not only by Daniel, but all who have like faith, like love, and a like God to serve, to glorify, and to honour. I now enter upon that passage which is in some degree a repe- tition of what has been sketched before. You recollect that a great image appeared to Nebuchadnezzar, having a head of gold, the breast and arms of silver, the belly and the thighs of brass, and the feet of iron, and these feet divided into ten toes, partly clay and partly iron, which, apparently cohering together by the great law of attraction, were never made permanently to do so. And I explained, in expounding that passage, that the vision re- lated by the prophet was a description of the doom of Babylon ; the second, the Medo-Persian empire; the third, the Macedonian, under Alexander — the brass-coated Greeks ; the fourth, the Ro- man, or the iron empire, divided ultimately, at the breaking up of the empire, into ten kingdoms. These ten kingdoms preserved in every century more or less distinctness, and although Charlemagne made the efi'ort in one century, and Napoleon in a subsequent cen- tury, to extinguish the ten kingdoms, and to erect the fifth emj)ire composed of all the empires of the world, God's word was found to be stronger than the sword of Charlemagne, or the iron crown of Napoleon, and the ten kingdoms still remain, and God's pre- diction still stands true. You have now the very same historical facts — and this will prevent the necessity of again dwelling upon them — sketched in this chapter, under the symbol of beasts. The first was revealed to a heathen king ; the second is disclosed to a holy prophet ; and while it is perfectly true that God sometimes uses his enemies to be the exponents of his truth, it is generally 224 PROPHETIC STUDIES. true that ^^ holy men of old spake us they Avere moved by the Holy Ghost." But the very repetition of this passage shows that there must be importance in it. Surely God does not reiterate trifles. I ask you, Do those men treat the Scripture with that reverence which is its due, or God with truly responsive gratitude, who tell us that we ought to pass over such passages as these, as if our duty were not to pray, and labour to be able to explain, and, if possible, to understand whatever God has written for our learning ? And yet 1 have heard ministers of the gospel speak as if it were to their credit, that they were so dazzled by the glories of Palestine, that they could not spare one glance at what they think the humbler and the misty beauties of Patmos. It does seem to me that '' all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is pro- jQtable for doctrine, for correction, and for instruction in right- eousness :'^ and if God saw it to be for his glory to write it, surely the least response that we can give is, to make it our study to understand it. Of course it becomes us never so to dwell upon one part as to give a disproportionate attention to the rest. These historic and prophetic pictures are the few and the far between ; and we are only to discourse upon them on Sabbaths that are few and far between. The great, saving, vital truths of the gospel are to be the woof and the warp of every sermon ; the sum, the substance, the core, the life, of every appeal. But when such passages as these — historical, it is true ; prophetic, it is also true — come before us, in the ordinary course of our ordinary reading, it becomes us to look at them, and pray for light to understand them, and to gather from the tree that God has planted leaves that shall bfe for healing, and fruit that shall be for food to the people. These four kingdoms, then, are now depicted under a new symbol. The first symbol was the image composed of different metals ; the second class of symbols are four wild beasts ; the first, a lion with wings ; a hieroglyph in one respect : because this composite animal alone could express what was the mind of God, and denote the strength and courage that combined with them the speed and progress of the Babylonian empire. The second sym- bol, or type, was the bear — the symbol of Persia, and expressive THE TAPACY. 225 of its cruel and savage nature. The third was the leopard, — the Macedonian leopard, with four wings, to give a greater idea of the rapidity of its conquests; and with four heads^into which -the empire of Alexander was divided after his death, and the do- minion that was given to them. And then the last, an animal, not named, but described, — "dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly, stamping the residue with the feet of it, and diverse from all the other beasts,'^ — plainly the Eoman empire, repre- sented by the iron feet and toes of the great image. It had also ten horns. The horn is always used in Scripture to represent power : it denotes, in prophetic language, a dynasty, a political empire. This last wild beast, of terrific power and strength, and irresistible victories, vras to have upon his head, as the hieroglyph expresses it, " ten horns.'' These were the ten kingdoms, sym- bolized in the former image by the ten toes, into which the llo- man empire was to be divided ; these ten kingdoms I have enumerated in their order, in the course of my remarks upon the great image ; and I therefore forbear to repeat them now. These ten horns, or kingdoms, have existed in every age since the em- pire came into being, and are in existence at the present moment. Then there was to spring up in the midst of the ten horns, a ^' little horn,'' politically and physically small, but from its pre- tensions and its assumptions, terrible and influential. This little horn was to pull down three of the ten horns. Now, is there any one fact in history by which this is borne out, and which shows how truly this prediction has been fulfilled ? This I will look at by-and-by -, but, in the mean time, let me call upon you to notice that these four wild beasts arose from the ocean, or the great sea, convulsed and agitated by the four winds that swept it ; teaching us that these governments were to arise from social chaos, or, if I may so express myself, that society, torn and convulsed to its centre by the antagonistic passions of those that compose it, should be driven to have recourse to rule, government, and authority, in order to preserve it from utter extinction ; to consolidate its powers, and maintain harmony within ; to defend itself from the aggressions of enemies without. But these governments that were to arise are here called " wild beasts ;" denoting what, after all, has been the character of those great empires, and of every 00(3 PROPHETIC STUDIES. empire that Las not the gospel of peace to perfect, to sanctify, and to cement it. What has been the history of nations in the past ? — they have raised themselves to ascendency by force or by fraud; and they have maintained that ascendency generally by force or by fraud also. War has been the pride and the glory of nations in the past. Coercion has been the language of the most illustrious emperors ; and the sword cast into the scale, as in the case of Camillus of old, has been the justice which nations have meted out, and kings and great kingdoms have called in. A wild beast is the true symbol of a nation, a dynasty, or a king- dom that knows not, and coheres not by, the cementing influence of the gospel of Jesus. And when we know that this is the character of nations, how fervently should we pray for the advent of that blessed period, when the spear shall be turned into the jrruning-hook, and the sword shall be beaten into the plough- share ; — when the kingdoms of this world shall become the king- doms of our Grod and of his Christ, and the only sceptre that shall sway the nations from sea to sea, shall be the sceptre of the Prince of peace, the righteousness, the love^ the mercy, of the Son of God. I have noticed that this last wild beast, the fiercest, or the most powerful of all, had ten horns; or, as I explained to you, was divided into ten separate and independent dynasties. Of these I have already given you a list, as they exist at the present moment, with the slightest shade of differences, in the modern European nations. In the midst of all these, there was to arise a little horn ; plainly a political dynasty, like the rest, but with very great moral, personal, and distinctive peculiarities. This little horn was not Mohammed, or Bramah, or Confucius, because it was to appear in the midst of the other ten horns. It spread from the head of the wild beast, amid the ten horns, or kingdoms, which first arose ; and it was, like the other horns, a political dynasty ; but it differed from the rest in this respect, that it had eyes for seeing, and a mouth for speaking. We are, therefore, taught that this power should be a combination of the power of the seer and the speaker, the Ui