& ... ,W /.' « 'S ,y. .Vrara V / MA 1/- gS»»« PKINCETON, N. J Collection of Puritan Literature. czCV Division ^-~> V — '„ J Secli0" (7'~^fi Number,, 1 O &f 1. * \ k r A TO THE RIGHT HO, NORABLE AND HIS SPECIAL GOOD LORD, ROBERT ERLE OF LEY^ CESTER, BARON OF DENBYGH, KNIGHT OF THE MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER, ONE OF THE CL.VEENES MAIEST1ES MOST HONORABLS priuie Counfell, &c. Grace, mercie, peace »nd trutheinChriftc. L men can skill to complayne with lob, thac this fhort life of ours L fraught with many mifer:es,affliaions,and adueriiues,and venc experience fh eweth it to be fo. For we fee dayly in others and feele alio in ourfelues,thecontinual perils and crones that beleegcvs and pcrce vs to the hart, euen frotn the time of our birth toothegiuing -^ VP of om" kftgafp. V Vc find them painful, irkfome and redioufc to ^^s» vs, and thcrfore wee would faine iTifcthemof Butinthemeane wbyle,dowelookevp tothehacdthatfmitechvs > doweeconli- der the caufes why they belayd vpon vs > do we feekeout the ends whervntothey tend' orhaue we aneyetothe frutsandeffe&sof „ them? Nay rather degenerating into a kind of brutiftincfle and han- ging our heads grouelingdowne to the groundward,wee eyther imagmthemtogroweoutofthc earth,or impute them totheinnWiceotthcskies.orfatherthe vpon fortune, or attribute them vnto men,or vvytetrre vpon the vnhappincfleof the time, or tie the to the place,or finally ftand a- mazedattheatfli£lionsthemfelues,furmizinganythingratherthathetruthe, as whofhould fay that God eyther could not or would not gouerne all thing* by his only will and prouidence, which is as much as to denie that there is any God at all. By reafon vvh'crof wefceldomeornc- uer enter into ourfcluts to conhder our ovvne ftate and the i nefh'mable goodnefle of our God, to think howiuftly we hauedeferuedtoobee fcourgedforour finnes, and how fatherly he dealer h with vs in clenfing the corruption of our infefted nature,and in£hewingthepeife6tneffe of his mightte power in thefefrayle earthen veffels of ourweakeand mortall bodies. None ofthefe things do we take heedeof:andiherforcmuch leffcdovelookcfofarre afore vs,as to confidcr chat theend vvhyGcd fcourgeth vs,isto bring vsback,foas there cannot iuftlyar iefaultof blame befound in any of his proceedings.By meanes wherof it commeth to pafTe, that if he giue vs eafe and profpe- ritie,vve be fofarrcolfromthakfulncfTeforthefame.that we mount vnmtopryde,and not only ftep forth to difdeping and skorning ofthofeto who he hath ginen lefhr abilitie:but alfo proccd'e to the vtter forgetting & defpifing of his maidh'c,as though vv chad al things of our lelues,& were not beholding to him for any thing. And if he touch vseythcr in our aoods.bodie.nameorother- wifetoour millyking- then eyther we ftorme,chafeand fret again ft him, (fpccialiy ifvvefrenot an apparant caufe of his doings) vvhenn vvceblafphemehimbyaccuhnghim indirectly of vn- rightuoufencfte; or elfe we fal 1 n to defpai rethinking it vnpofsiblefor vs to fcape out of the nre- fent daunger,whcrin we bereue him of his cheef gloric,vvhich is to fhevv mercie by pcrferuing theaffliftcd.andb^rayfingvpruchasarevndcrfoote. Tl-us ras much as in vsis) wee vtterly fkikeoffhisyoke,takinghimtobenotherour fatffcrnor ouicGod. Heerby it is rranifed^hat vvheraseueryoivshaththenameofpatienccinhis mouth, fewe knowe what right, patience a.ij. island THE EPISTLE island in mancr none at alldoo put itinvrc.Somcthinkittoobcaftout bearing out of aducrlicies without admitting anie grecf or hattby tmg for die fame. A nd othcrfome take it to be a yeelding to meprefcntafflictionvponhopetoooutwearcit bylengdi of ryme. But none of thefc twayneis the truepatience,vvhich is allowed oi God,and mccte to be in a Chriftcn man, as will appcercto thedili^cnt reader of this prefent woork. For the one is but a lingering in diftrcfle without ccr- taintieof good iffuc, and thcothcr is buta dulling and amazing otthelcnfes.to make manncs na- ture more ftubbornc againft Gods hand, which is tooftubborneof itfelfealrcdye.Godtherforc knovvinc* the frowardneffe oi mankind,^ minding eyther to bring vs home to himfelfor to lcaue vs vtterlyvnexcuzable: doeth in this bookc purpofely aboue al other parts of the holie Scripture, bothc defend hisovvneMaicfticm maintcyninghisryghtfulfoucraimie oucr al his creature;. : &: alfo fet down a perfect paterneof patiecc,conteyningthe due obedienceand fubiectio of thecrea- turctoohis maker. Thefc are the tvvoo cheef points wherevpon the whole bookc of lob is grounded. In the difcourfc vvheiof , there is fhewed the mediant defiroufencfle and indeucr of Satan too bring mantoodiftruction -.and manncs vrabihtie too if and againft him, without thcfpcciall prouidence and protection of God Whereof, thefirft warnethvs tooftand al- vvaves vpon our gard, that wee benotfurprized by our fo futtleand cruell cnimic : andthco- thcrberceuethvsofallfelftruft, driuingvstofceke our refuge andfuccour nowhere dfe but in God. And too the intent wee may the more willingly fufferall crofles, and take all things in power, riches, and authoritie inablcd him too doo, or what any outward occafions and opertunitics mcucd him too, or what the intycementes ofthe world and theperfuafions of men allured him too doo, or finally ,what fame or infamie, gayneorloffe, loueor hatred, or anye thing elfe prouoked h:m too doo, but what he knevve ought too bee doone of ryght, equitie, reafon, and confcience. For when mennes eyes (I mcene their myndes and wittes, which are in deede:hc very eyes orlampesoflyghttcothevvhcJem2n) are occupyed outwardly : eyther they rnfhcfoorth into all lewdneflie and become vtter'y wicked, like wild horfes diat haue caft their ryders,and run Icoce vvhitherfoeuer their furie inforceth the, a.iij. and THE EPISTLE DEDICATORIE. and thegrcater that fuch perfoncs,are themore harmedo they botheby decdeand by exampleror clfe they be dazclcd with the glittering gloife of vaingloric, accompanied with feare of punish- ment or hope of reward, and lb finally tall into the found fleepe of fenflellc hypocrifie, doing all things in obedience of their ovvne vvi"il,and not of Gods will.Theie lacer fort are tolerable in the adtiue and ciuillife,and oftentimes do greategoodbothe to their ncyghbours, and to the whole common weale,but neucr to thcmfelues .bycaufrtheir good doing fpringech not from the right roote, which is the hanie obedience of God, netendcth to the right end which is the only glorie ofGod-.andtherforethey may well bee likened to the fhipwrights that builded the ArkofNoe, and yet perifhed themfcliics in the find. But the other lore do good nother to thcmfelues nor to o- thers,except it beagainft their wills, vvhe God makeththem an cnfample of his rightful lufKce, by wiuing them the due reward of their wickednelTe.Hovvbecit torafmuchas theie things toge- ther with all other points before rehcrfed in this epiftle,are largely and fubftan dally difcufTed by the fVuthfull and learned feruant of God Maifter Iohn Caluin in thefc Sermons of his vpon the bookeof Iob,and it wercan vnfecmly thing for an vnexpcrtfcholer to wrytethebattcll of Troy again after Homer,as the Prouerb fayth : I wil not be tedioufein withholdingyour L.long from the reading of the Sermons themfelues.NeuerthelefTe I haue prefumed vpon y our L . patience to fetdowne th is forefayd brecfabftract of this woork^to the intent your honourand allothcr no- ble men (to whom cheefiy vnder our moft gracioufe foucraine Ladie Queene Elizabeth,thecarc of Gods Religion and of this common weale belongcth) beholding the groundvvoork and ask vvcretheplattormcoffo manye excellent matters, andthcrevponconfidering thegoodnelTc,ne- celTannefle.and profitablenefletherof tothe whole churche of God, and too the furtherance of eche manncs faluation,might hke thebetter ofthc booke, (as I doubt not but that the of tener your L.'fhallreadeany part ofit,the better you will like it) and by your wellykingcaufe it too bee the more imbraced of others to their fingular comfort,edifyingand vvelfare. For although the books ofholiefcripturctakcnoauthoriticorcreditofman,but haueafingular kind of foirit, lyfc,and woorkfulneffe in thcmfelues : Yet notwithstanding torafmuchas it is incident to the nature vvel- necre of all inferioures,to regard or negleft cuen thebeft things,according as their fupcriors fecmc to make more or lelTeaccount of them,and whengodly and wel difpofed men haue taken peines to open the Scriptures tothevndeiftandingandcapaciueof the people,their doings and writings are oftentymes morcflighdy and negligently receyued thantheydeferuetobc: The welJykingof fuch noblemen andmagiftratsasGod hath moreouerinnoblcd with the knowledgeofhisGo- fpell,isagreatcfunherancetoothegood acceptingpf botheof them among allinferiourdegrecs, andGodlooketh tobefoglonfiedatthcirhands.VVherforel humbly commend this woork, to- getherwidi my tranflation therof,vnto your good L.accuftcmedfauourJwherof I haue had foof- ten trial heretofore in accepting of diuers works of minc,though conteyning good.commendable, andgodly matters,yet notoflikefubftance,importanceand trauellvncothis. Andmy truth's that your goodnelTe,bothein refpeft of die newycre, (vnder the benefit wherof I am the bolder to pre- fent it as a token of my bound dutie and thankful mynd towards your honourjand alfo m refpccl of rhe woork itfelf, (which being adurzedly red will doubtleffe yeeld much more frute than can bccxprefTedinwoords): will beare with my faults and imperfections where any flialJoccurre. For although my confeience beare mce witneffe that I haucdelt playnly and faithfully in al refpeas, and not Hepped afide willingly in any poynt from thebeaten padi : and although fomc may dunk it flraunge'that he which aduentureth vpon fo greateandweightie works, fhould in any wife fceke excufc of ignorance or ouerfight : yet notwithftan ding torafmuchas I knowcdicgencrallinfirmi- tic of manncs nature,how eafic it is toflip vnwares,and this woork is the firft of any grcatc weyght thateucr Itranflated outoftheFrenchtoongtobepubliftied,Icraueitasafpcciall fauourto my felf,andas a bencfite to the Churche of God, that where any fauks frail be found I may bee made pnuictothem^nd I willbeeas forward as the forwardeft to amend them. Thus befeeching God tograuntyour L. to fee many happicandprofperoufenewyceres vpon this Rcalme,and vpon the ChurchcofGod furth red and aduaunced by your good counfcll and indcucr, to the increaccof your ownc honour bothe heere acdin die world to come, I humbly take my lcaue. Written the laft of December. 1573. Your honours mofl bumble afoayes tocommaund, Arthur Golding. f TO AL GENTLE READERS, GREETING. F cuer men needed to learne what patience is: furely the flate of this prefent time ought to lead e yea and to draws them to it. For if we looke well about vs, we fhall finde that there hath not bin almoft any Realme or countrie, wherin God hath not vttered greate fcourges.If ye demaund the caufe: it is cuident, fo as euen the blind (as ye would fay) may fee it. Let the old men that are now alyue confider the wic- ►ked things which they haue feene committed commonly, fincc they were firft a- ble to remember, vnto this day. and muft they not needs fay (as it was fay d of the tyme of the generall flud) that all flefh hath corrupted his wayes vpon earth, that all is full of extorcion and outrage, and that fuch as beare the name of Chriftians do (as fayeth fainct Peter) fulfill the wayeof the heathen, by liuinginfhameful- nefre,piide,]echerie,drunkenneffe,gluttonie,quaffingand abhominable ydolatrie? But like as it is good to knowe the caufes of the aduerfities that happen, to the in- tent that men may the better bethink themfelue6,to amend as well publikly as pri- u»:ely : fo J* it ryght neceffaric to be fenfed with true patience.that we fink not vnder the burthen whe Gods feourges continue long vpon vs/oreuen that alfoisonc of the pointsof the amendment which herequireth of vs. Ncuerthe> le(Te,it is a tuingthat cannot be learned clfwhere than in Gods woord.For although the auncientPhilofophers and o- ther wyfe men of the world haue fpokefi-ofit and giuen certaine rulesof ft ; yet was there neucr any man found that for all his learning therof in their fcSoole,could fhewe that he knewe what it is at the necde and when it commeth too the putting of it in vre.And in vcric deede euen thofe that tooke vpon them (asl fayd) to teach others,befids thattheir do&rinc was vnperf eft in itfelf,moft commonly wift not where they were when it came to the point that they fhould haue practized it in daungers : and thofcthatdid bcft,fhewed Iwote not whatarefemblance of patience, which being more necrly confidered was cleanc contrarie. Therfore not without caufe doeth the Apoftle fainct Paule fend vs too the whole fcripture too learne patience and comfort: according alfo as in another text he fayeth, that the end of the fcripture is to make a man perfect and readye in all good woorks.But yet among the books of Scripture, the booke of I o B is commended too vs by name for thatpurpofe by the Apoftle Sainct lames. And the verie bare reading of the ftorie,fheweth fufficiently that it is not without caufe. Neuertheleffe,itis not to bee doubted, but that the help of a good expounder is verie profitable euen to the skilfullefiand likewife ncceffarie in common, for the better knowing and vnderftanding of the diuerfitic of the matters,and for the furtherance of a mannes owne profiting in the doctrine that is conteyncd in it. That is it which hath moucd certaine good men, too putfoorth this yeere The Sermons of tbe faitbfull feruant of God and bit Cburebe Maifter lobn Caium, 1>/>om tbe bool^e of lob, notwithstanding that hehim- felf which is the author of them,and at whofe mouth thcynvere gathered, withftoode it as much as he could,according as he hath doone with his other Sermons. Furthermore although other men of knowledge haue traueled toogiue a more cafie vr.derftanding of this booke by their wrytings, yet notwithftanding, befides that thefe Sermons are in the common Freche toung: his maner of handling the doctrine thereof is fo playne and well framed to the capacitie of the groffeft forte (asyee would terme them) howbeit without omitting any needfull things,and moreouer fo applied one way and other to the behoof of the prefent tyme, that furely all fuch as intend toiudge vprightly and without malice, fhall find good helpe heere,wherwith to content themfelues.For proof wherof,it is not now needful to fhew a fumme of the book,or of the checf pointsof doctrine & of the vfe of the fame diuerfe ways.For befids that he fhall better find it here and there in reading his Sermons •• the firft ccteyneth a fufficient difcourfe,and yet verie fhort to be esfly borne in tnynd. Howfoeuer the cace ftand , if thofe that reade the who!e,bec folke that haue already left idolatrie, and giuen themfeluestothe doctrine of the Gofpell:they fhal find heere wherwith to further thcmfelues ftill more and more in the knowledge of God and of our LordIefusChrift,and fpecially to ftrengthen thefeiues with right patience in thcif aduerfities.Or if they be fuch a; haue not yet knowne or luted to difcernc the true Re)igion,to frame thefeiues there* after by leauing the falfe Religions, what occafionfo cuer hath letted them, yet being warned by the doctrine of this booke fo chawed tothemasthcy fhal finde it,and checfly being wakened by Gods estraordinaric judgement in lobs perfone, which they fhall fee there Iaydfoorth and declared at length : they fhall bee prepared tobethinke themfelues better, and too take profit of the greate number of aduerfities which are fecne nowadayes intheworld, and of farre greater wherwith it is verie likely that God threateneth men for the greate and open defpizing of his Gofpell. For al- though the things that are happened this yeere, as well in his punifhments laytl vpon the wicked forr and the enimies of Chrift,as in his chaftizements layd vpon the faithfull, bee verie terrible : Yet notwithftanding forafmuchas vcrye fewe amende.and contrariwife moft men growe more fpitefull in fighting againit Iefus Chrift, and fome hauirg be- gonne to do well wex rechcleffe againe,yea and vttcrly turtle away : there is none other thing too bee looked for, but that he will continue too frrite Ml. So then, the firft fort fhall haue to confider, that if lob being a found and ri^h- tuoufe man that feared God and efchewed euill, (according as it is witneffed of him) and liuing fo long tyme before the comming of our Lord Iefus Chrift and the greate light of the Gofpell, washandied I'o ftraunaely atGodshand who loued him : and that the fame was to the end that his patience fhould be tried : it is no marueli though wee new in thefe latter dayes.vndcr the reigne of Iefus Chrift,haue now and then many croffes to beare, and bee for our pecu- liar faults chaftized with ftrype vpon ftrype at the hand ofthe liuingGod, who notwithftanding loueth vs, forthe feruing of whom according to his woord.we be turned from ydoljs vnto him,as fayeth Sainct. Paule to the The (Ta'o- nils.The fecod fort fhal haue to think & bethink, yea and to chaw as their cudd r,that if God do fo fnake the rodde in his hand ouer thofe that are alreadye reclamed to his lure,to bridle theand make thern Walk ri:,ht foreward through- out : and that if he haue gone that way to woork with lob as is reported hecre, who nctwichftanding 1 ?d bene as an Angell in the world,in indeuering to do his dutie to God and man: What is likeJjf to Ivght vpon thcm&kies, if they cioo . b.4. 6c 639. a.iS. 5c 569. b. 10. Thecaufcs why God doth ordinarily Afflict men. 519.3.4 1. 5c, -43. b 11. Two points to be coniidcred in Gods dAffl lifting of vs. 3 4.3.58. 1 "Mle proper and gencrall end of Afflic- ■^Eons.94.b.l9- ^^Kds intent in Afflictingvt,;s chofen. i6.a.56.b.8c io6,a. 1 5c 113 a.io. The ends of Gods afflicting of die fjiih full. 30.a.zo.5cia.a.fii. 5c 514. a. . a.i. They make men know them- felues. io. a 14. The fruites of Affliction in Gods chil- dren. S8.b.55.6c.7ii.b. 57.6c 713. a. b 2c 714. a. b. Afflictions are expedient for Gods chil- dren , and nunc aiwayes to their fin* gular benefite and welfare. 2t. b.37. 5c 58.3. 14. 6c 96.a.r. 8c 55. a. 60. 6c 2.78. b.i. 6c 587.^50. 6c 601. a. ic 5c <5".b.53 5c 658.3. b 5c 659.3 b.Sc 654, a. 5. 6c 713.3.1. 6:744. b. 49. 6c 74S. b.6 5c 74^.3 b 5c 750 a. VVhy God AfHicteth our enemies. 334, b.oi. Gods Afflicting of vsisalwayes right- full, and muitbcfo acknowledged. 11 b 11.5c 31 b.30. It is the proper and peculiar markeof Gods children to profit by Afflictios 95 3.30. How we ounhr to bch3ue our felues in iud"eineof the Afflictions of others 45.3.47. 5c 4S9.0.19.5; 570. a. b. How wc ought to behaucour felues in iudgingorour ownc Afflictios .35. b. 5.6c 510. b. 17. 5c 570.3 50.8c579.a.5Z How too iudge of Afflictions both in our felues and in other men. 311. a. 13 Sc?7.4/-D 31- Whtfcw too bec done when God Af- flictcth vs but not for our finnes.25$ a.7. The Afflictios of the godly laft but for atimei2.b,55.5cj va.59. VVhy our Afflicriors ledurc long. 585. a-9.b.6c 590.3. God Aiflicteihvs not abouc our power ;,7.b.i4. God foifakethvs not though he Afflict VS 6)7.b.y,. God fuftcyneth vs in our Afflictions thou»h wee perceiuc it not.59jb.61S God c.iictli 1101 to louc vs though hce Afflict ifs.135-a.16. 5c 1 40. b. 31 Inthcmiditof our Afflictions, Godgi ucili vsfome taft of his mercy and goodnei1e.57.a.35 6c 134 3. ,8. All men are not Afflicted alikc.24.fe 3s, God will punifli fuch asvex the Affli- c::d 3^0.3.50. The.vithctcdarenottoo bee comfor- ted nor dclt withal alter one fort. 32ft Afrl.ctions are not alwayes fignes of Gods wuih. 26.3. 1 . 6c 66. b. 61. 8c 1,4. .,..,. How wee may perceiuc that God myn- dcth ^ood towaidcs vs when he At- flictcth vs. 6)0 a. 60. There is iuftoufc whvGodfliouId Af- flut men though thiy bee ncucr fo eodly. 579a 14 b 6c 58 .\a b. Gods d.-liueringand helping of the Af- flicted muft ltabhlh our faith. 756.4 To be (trong in Afflictions, is not to be ftubburne or fencelcife 195. b 12. God neuerAfflicteih vs fo much, but our iinneshsue well dclcrucd it.ijS b. 10. 5c 30 5c 3^0.3.61. Afflliftion prouoketh vs too impaticcy howbeit notofitowncniturc,666,b/ 21. 5c 667331. The c^cicniitic of the ptcfent Afflicti5 * bcrea- Afffsuetk men of their right vaiet- ftanding.<$09.b.9.8c 639.3.43.8:640 b.47. Affli&ios do men no good, except God woorkc in their harts by his holy fpi rite.fijp.a \, Why God driucth vs to repentance by Afflictions. 661 35. When God Afflictcth vs , we tnuft not looke what he doth to other men. 163.3 I. VVhy God puttethvs into the handed of the wicked, to be punifbed by the 65 8. bi3. Our only cofof t in Afflictions. 13 t.Y -1 We muft notiaint in Afflictions. 15. a 47. Af.;.ctionsareforTnalIes.68.b 8. The AtF.iitions of the godly aie alwara blefled.and haue always a happy end ' 80 a 64.6c 81 a 16.& 96.b 33. We mult not looke to be priuie to Cods purpofc in Afflicting me. 6^.3 b rj It is not for vs to a point the end of our Afflictions.^. a 17- & u«.b 38. Mcnncs llnnes are not to be mcafured by their Afflictions. 5651^47. We be loth to beare Afflicti6s.ii3.a is. Afflictions arc fharpc and bitter to the flefli.44.a 18. We muft bridle both our tongus and ourhartcs in our Afflictions 130 a 14 They that will not know God and ho- nor him at the preching of his word or other inftructions and warnings, mult learne to know him by force of Affl16tion.N85.b14. 8c 5«6.a. It is to no purpofe to be dcliuered from our Afflictions, except God be atone Withvs.f31.b38. Age. A gee* Antiquitiemuft not prfiudice things that are rightfull and necefia- ry.565-b 11. 6c 566.815. What account is to be made of Agein matters of Religion. 169. b. What manor of reuerencc ought to be giucvntoAge.564.a43,b&565. ab & 566.8. Old and Auncient men are meetefl for Gouernement.st^-b '4- Auncient rr.cn are nieetcfttobe Prea- chers. 566.3 18. Whs; our middle and laft Age is. 7 j.b n. Agrcablenefle. A*re.ir-leneiic bctweenc the hart and our outward fenfes. 3. b 44. & 4. a 5. Aire. VVhy the middle roome or Rcgionof the Airje1scoldeft.671.b55. Allegories. The Scripture mud not be d.ilved with by transforming it into Allegories. 753. 331. b 19. Allegories muft not bedrawen but out of thenatural fence ofa text. 733. a 35 Alines. VVhat the word Alines importeth.^. bi3. Wheiin Almesconfi9:eth.535.b 49. 3k is no Almee togjiietothc poore, ex- cept companion of hart go with it. 498. b 31. C'iv Abies muft be giuen without de- The Table, iay.53s.b44. AlmightincfTe. What maner of thing Gads Almighti nefle is, and how it is to be acknow- ledged 6i9.b i.5c 737. b 6.8c 738.a.b. VVhat is coprehcndcdvndcr the word Almightic. 138.3 49. VVhat is to be thought or gathered of Gods AlmightinefTc 614.3 19. Gods AlmightinefTc muft not be fepe- ted from his rightcoufiies.134. b 44. & 581. bio. Gods AlmightincfTe and goodncflc go euermarctogithcr.615 aij. Gods goodncflc.Iufhce.and wifedomc muftalwayes beioyned in the consi- deration of his Almightinclfc. 675.4 54- Mansfroward mifconftrewingofGods Almightincs.6i3.a 18. b 8. The mifconceyuing of Gods Almighti neflcinto impanencic.737. b 20. Gods AlmightincfTe and bis will so al- wa1estog1ther.757.b61. 8c 738.335. VVherunto Gods AlmightinefTc is too be applied. 738. a io. ThcfondncfTcofthcPapiftesin daly- ing with Gods AlmightinefTc. 7j3.a 41- Alterations,turnings, or Changes. Al Alterations, and Changes in this worlde.do come of Gods mfl iudge- ment.6i4.b3. The Alterations and Changes of the aire are not cafuall, but happen by Gods appoyntment. 674. b 10.8c 677 b 50.8c 681. a? 8c 707. b 35. The Alterations of the aire arc inftru- ctions to our welfare aad laluation. 6S1 a6o. Changes come of God and not of for- tune.159. b 9 8c 471. b 10. To what end God fendeth fo many Al- terations in the world. 68o.b 33. 8c 6'.i.a 8c 681. a 5. The Alterations and Changes of the aire are proofc of Gods maiefticpro uidence and fbuer aigntic oucr all his creatures. 671. bi4. 6?t. a. b. 67=;. a 8c 675.bj1.Sc 676 ab.& 677.8 b. 8c 678 a.b.Sc 68o.a 3o.b 8c 68i.a.b.8c 6St. ab.8c 683 a The Alterations and Changes of the airefhall beare witneffeagainftvs at the latter day.«Si.a 43. It behoiieth vs to bee fubiectto many Alterations and Changes. 510. a 44. VVe muft inure our (clues to confider the Alterations and Changes of the world. 503. a 44. Angelles. Angelles pitch theirtcnts about vs.lj. a 1. 8c 14. a 17. Angelles execute Gods vengeance on the wicked 1 f. a . 5 . Angelles .tre not a whit the more out of Gods prefencc for all their fcruice which they doin the world. 15. a 5.9 Anyels do not any thing of their own fellies. 15. an .ic 16 b 59. Angelles arc not fubiect to the Chan- gesofthis world 74. bit. Angelles come to accompt before God. 15-a.33.44. Angelles appeare beforcGod.i 4 .!>. 6i Angelles obey God willingly and natu- rally without any contrary inclinati- on.15. a 54.b57.8c I6.b4i Angelles are cuer before God. 14. b 67. How the Angellcsaievaincandvnftcd faft.73.b36.8c 171. b 40. How they be immortall.73.b 50. Looke ntort in Immortallitie. Why A Rgellcs be called P owers,Prin. fipalitics, Vertues, and Highncffcs. t5.a17.b18.8c 35.016. 8c 73 b 67. The Angelles do guide vs to the pray- fing and glorifying of GOD. 696.3. 4.b Why Angelles are termed the children of God 15. a 68. b i6.b 41.8c 696. a 41 The Angelles feme for our welfare. 15. b 18. 6c 14. a 45 Why the Angelles doo feruevs. 15. b 18 How Angelles may be glorified of vs. 74 *M What perfection is in the Angelles. 74 844. b35 Wherein the ftedfaftnefle of the An- gelles confifteth.74.b 1. 8c 75.3 34 The Angelles were not redeemed by Chrift.-4.b3 Cbrift is the mediator of Angelles, and why. 74. b 5 Anger. What Anger is allowable' and what not 561. a 33.6 8c 553.3 b Iuftcaufcs of Anger in ihcfcdayes.56j. a 11 To relent or relrafe our Anger wheo weefecourcncmieinextrcamc mi- fery, ought not to be counted a vet-. tuc.334.b18 C^Anfwering. Haftie Anfwcringistoobee efchewed. 111.858 Arcturus-707.a 39. Ariftotlcs error concerninge the eter- nitieof the world. 685. bi6. Cf Aires. k Ofwyldc AfTes.713.a61, b& 714. at. 60. How men are inworfe ftate than the: wilde Aflis.714.a1 Ashes. Allies and duft are not the true repen- tance it fclfe, but only fignes of it. 74i.a 38 Afiuranccs. AfTurances that God giueth vs to come tohim.3C6. a 10 Authoritic. The Authoiiucofmcn.and how iarre they be to betruftcd.175.b30. Themes nes whereby men climbcto» Au1horitic.6i3.b17.Sc 618.319 God dealeth not with vs byabfolute Authoritic as the poptfli Diuincs haue fmmifcd, but is vpright and tuft in all his dealinges.30i.b 66. B Banquet and banqueting. Looke FtA^and Ft tufting. Of Barking and by ting. Wee may well Barkc at God, but we« caa The Table. cannotbytehim.64i.a 44J Beaftes. TheBcaft Behemoth. 750. b 47. VVhy the Beaftes are difobedient vnto vs.100.b60. The wild Beaftesdo teach vsourfubic- ftion vnto God. 680. b 1. VVhy wee bee bereft of our dominion ouerall Beaftes which was giuen to Adam in hiscreation.-ij.a 54. God fendeth vs to Schoole to the brute Beaftes, and why. 718. a 12. b Sc 719. a & 73I..1 & 733. b 41.8c 735. b 30. VVhy God keepeth and mainteyneth wild Beaftes in the world, fince they be not to do men feruice.7ij.b 18. God referueth the Dominion or Lord - fhip of all Beaftes to himfelfc. 711. a 48. Gods wondcrfull prouidence and wor- kingin thcingendringand bringing forth of Beafts. 7 1 1. a 49.b 6c 712. a b Godseuidcnt fliewingof himfelf in the brute Beaftes , both vppon Sea and Land, is inough tocondemne ourig noranceand vnthakfulnclTc toward him. 733. a 3S.b Beaftes are reconciled to Gods children and how. 101.333. Belcefe and Bcleuing. ToBeleeue theGofpell is no common gift.t85.bi9. VVhcrfore the wicked cannot Belecue. l86.a 10. AH Chriftian Beleefe hath bin aboli- shed vnder the Pope.4ii.a 34. Look? more in Faytb, Benefites. GodsBenefites are but onr bane fo log as we be at oddes with .iim. 631. b 41. The remembrance of Gods former Be- nefites ought to cofort vsinourad- uerfities.5i.b 41. & 164. b 43. & 662. b 40.8c 646. b 41. All Gods temporall Benefites are a war rant to vs of his fatherly goodncfle, and a calling of vs to faluation. 683. b;7.a 1^. Jdermcsdcuyzed Ceremonies arc like- ned to Theeues Cauc* or Dcnncs. -3.i7.t6o Charitie. ■Cod trycth our Chantic by the ncceflii- tie of other 496 b 6 4. and 499. 32.4. Of Chafhfeinents and Corrections. Gods Chafhfements are always ioyned with mercy 54. a n. Wemuft not accufe God of crucltie, when he Chaftifcth vs 504.8 6. Gods Chaftisements prcuayle not in al men. 690. a 14. We ought to j>r.iy God to Chaftifc vs meafurably, and what rcafonablc Chaftifement is. 158 b 15. and 16. VVe mult difpofc ouifclues to rcccyuc all Gods Chaitifcments 510. a 3. 6. b 31. Children ought to be an increafement ol Joue bctwecnemanand wyfe.331 b 17. The cockenng of Children marten the and iendcth them too deftruction, <.5b50. The ericly Children of God are Miffed howfoeuer they fate in this worldc. Si. a '7. None fiiall be accepted for gods Chil- dren, but fuel: as prayfc and magny- fyc him earncftly.6ytf.b 18. Children vtterlyawelefle 5c lawleflc in thefedayesj) b 3.45. VVhy Children be dilobedient 6c loth to be corrected .9b 15. Why Children arefayd too beare the fi nnes of their Fat her^.Si.b 90. The well ruled defire of hauingc Chil- dren 5 .a 35. The vnruled defire too haue Children. ■50.333. What our Childhood is. 75. bit. The inordinate defire of woi Idlings to fiaue men children. 50.3 17. The pumfhment ol tlut dc.1re,pa(?.5o. 323. Chryft. Chryft is Gods natural! and only Son. 15^.33. Chry ft muft bee our refuge in all tem- ptations. 19. a 10. Icfus Chryftc is the true looking piaffe of Gods face- 133. b 13. Cfiryftaccufed vnto God in the pcrfon of Jofua the bygb Pneit by Sathan. *>a*.j. ThereigneofChrift.69.a64. Church. God had always a Church in the world 2 b.65.and io.b55.&n.a S. The Popifli Church lis the Diuels Sy- nagoge.w3.bl8. Circumcifion. Circumcifion not alwayes a figne of gods Couenant. t.b 2.3. Clowdes. The Clowdes are called gods Chariots, Pauillions or Pillers of his tents, and why. 671. b 13. CoidnelTe. Mcnnes Coldnefle or CowardlyneiTe in defending God & his trueth now adayes. 651.5 57. Of Comfort and Comforting The true and vpright Comforting.63. b 2450. Two things requifite in Comfortinoe, thatistofay,CompafIio& Cofort. 44^31. The chicfeft Comfort and reliefe that can be gyucn to the afflicted. 4fi.a 1. None can Comfort, Counfell or teache others well, but fuch as firfte arc ac- quainted with their oyvne infirmi- ties.577. a 17. The Crolfe of Chryfl and his redire- ction are our Comforts, pag. 749 b. 13- They that will Comfortcthc afflicted and forowfull.muft be pityful them felucs.and notchurhfh orvnkinde. 3©4.b 31. How wee ought to Comfort ourfelucs out of the Scriptures when we be af- flicted. 305.34. Howe neceflary Gods Couiforres arc'. 171.354. The true mcane of Comforting and gladding others or ourfclues. 594. b 60.6:595.3 b. All men are not to be Comforted after one fafliion.ipo.b 37. Commaundements. The CommauivaementsofGodarcin- pararable and do all of them make but one righteoufnefle. 617,3 34. b. 4«- Look* more in Counfell, and in Laxte^ndin Gods Veorde. Compafsion. How farre Companion cxtendeth. 113. a 51. VVe ought to haue Companion of the afflicted. 113. a 36. He that hath no Companion ofthe af- flicted hath no fcare ofGod. 113.^4 If we will haueGodmcrcifulltovs we' muft haue Companion ot our ncigli bours.3oo.b 15. Lokemorein j4lmes,Mercy,& pstie Of Condemns tion,and Condemning. Two fortes of hcalthfull Condemnati- on. 745-a 11. Wee fhouldc rather Condcmnc our fellies than other men. 80. a 30. The diuers fortes of Condemnation which God pronounccth vpon men. 745-3 7- VVctmufllwtnc too Condcmnc our felues.jt4.aS5. God Ihould find alwayes in vs where- fore to Condeninevs if he bare not with vs of his infinite goodnellc.j 17 b 11. Confcfsion,and Confefsing. The Confefwon which the Scripture re quireth of vs in refpeel of men. 5 > la 8 The true maner of cofcfling our faultcs 59S.a5i.b & 599.1 b & 74 - .a 4. He that doth contrary to that which he confefl'eth is double condemnable. 505.851. The two caufes why God will haue vs toconfefleour ownc giltineflcand bee acknowledge his goodncfle be- fore mcn.S'O. a 64. b. The former Confcflions of other men in old time do feruc forourinftru&i on and comfort. 600. b 10. Confcience. A good Confcience holdeth vs alwaies inftedfaftnelle.U9.b 44. A Confcience prefled with Gods iudge mentis alwayes troubled andin aa agonie.n6.bti. Conftancie. Conftancie in perliftingin goodncfle andin cfchevving of cuill. 18 . b 8.11. 61. & 17^54. Conftancie commended. 37. b.c. Of Confuming. God can confume vs without any infe- rior meanes.666.a.6t. Gods woorkingin Confuming nationi without any apparant plague in the place w here they dwell.666-a.17. Of Contempt. Ifanvman be brought to Contempt, let vs confider that as much might be fall iovs. 510.3.35. Ol Corruption. The Corrupnon of mans nature, is the> caufc of Gods rigor 96.b.7. Our Corruptions arc a bottomlcflc pit, 71.3.31. Whence our Corruption commeth. 174 b 17. Ofthe Corruption of mans nature by originall (inne.ijo.a. 50. OfCouetuoufnefTe Couetpufnes in al mc generally. J0.bt|. Couetouliuflcis Idol.1tru.54 1 .a.l 1. Counfell. When God bercueth men of their wit & difcretion they can ntuer receiue any good Counfell. 1^5.3.61, The Fapiftical diffcrece betwene a C0B1 fell and commaundement.5 46 a.6o. The daunger of difpiiing or neglecting oi'goodCcufcl 0radm0niti6.13.b3} Countenance. Look* face. , Craft inefTe. OfCraftinefTc againfl G O D, and his word. 168 b.io. Of Creation & Creatures. Tic right confidciation of our Creati- on fcrueth to abate the pride of all ftatcs and degrees 176,3.39. If a man knew the end of his Creation^ he would alwaies bedefirousto pro- file in knowlcdgc.504.a58. VVee coulde not rule the leaft liuing Cieauucoa earth if Cod giucrs not power The Table. power ouer jT.7ij.a jo. Cods goodnefTc in fubmitting and im- plying his Creatures to ourvfc and fcruice.68i.b 14. God fhewcth himfelfc fo manifeftly in his Creatures as he leaucth vs vtterly without ejeufc of Ignorance if wee honour him not.2.i4.b.ji.& 115. a. b Theincreafeand multiplying ofall li- uing Creatures come of Gods only prouidence.7ii.a 1. All Gods Creatures are mirrors and I- magesof his power, wifcdome.righ- teoufnelTc,and prouidence. 715.8 37. b 5c 710.3 b & 733.3 b.8c734.a b.6c 735-ab.6c 736.3 b. All Gods Creatures as well fencelefTc as hauing fcnce,do teach vs our obedi- ence and fubicctionvntoGod.6Si.a 62.8c 685.3 jo.b 6c 711.3 10. & 713. a. b & 714. a b. 6c 715. a b 6c 716. a b. 6c 717- a b 5c 718.3 b 6c 719.8 b.Sc 710. a.b.c<734. a7.b&73j.a.b. 6c 73s. ab. AH the Creatures of God owe feruice to his children by right of their inhc- ritance.701.a44. Cunningnefle. CunningnefTc to ouerthrowe a good matter is a hatefull vice btforcGod. 121.335. OfCuriofitie. The vaine Curiofitie of men in fcr- ching Gods fccrets.jj.a. 51.8c 706. b, Cod will not fcede our fond Curiofity. 48i.a 27. OfCurfing. VVhat i» is to Curfe God.14. a 37. b 4, 15.6c 31. a 12. How horrible a thing it is too Curfe God. 14. a 36. The Curie of God is alwaies vppon the wicked in what profperitiefo cuet they bee.47i.a 15. How men Curfe God to hisface.io.b. it. VVe may Curfe the wicked, and what is ment by Curling. So.b 36.6c 81. a 4J- OfDalying. It is not for vs to Dally with God. 283.8 47- To Dally with Sods word and raifevn profitable queftions and vaine difpu tations in the handling therof, is high trcafon again ft God.i66.b 5. Damnation. Our Damnation fhalbethe greater if we amend not at Gods warninges 6c chaftifcmcnts.660.3 3.6c 66i.a i6.b. Darkenefle. ThekingdomeofDsrkcnes 179.3 100. Dauid. Dauidsnumbringofthe people, n.b. Dauid was a fraileman.ij.b 66. Dauid ouerfliootes him ielfc through oT1ionour.5b7.b 3r„ Dauncing, Paunciflgis a curfed minh.373.b 57, Day. Our Day is fufficient too make vs in ex cufablc. I43.b 36. Which arc called the dayes of the Lord 415.hu. Deceiptes. Deceipts are worfe than open violence. 5i6»ai4 Defence. How needefull Gods defence is for vs. io. b 35.8c 18330. Wee ncede not bee afrayde fo lono 'as weebccvndertheDefenccand tui- tion 0fG0d.736.b1 How needfull it is for vs to bae Defen- ded of God. 18. a 30. How farre wee may defend our fclues. Sj.b.fi. Gods Defending and protecting of ts is acorzictoSathanand all the wic- ked.17^53. Gods Defence and protection, do im- bolden, incourage, Arengthen, vp- hold, and warrant the godly anainft all temptatioas, perils, and aflaultes. I7.b(53. G O D will Defcndevs no Iefle than he did thegedlyinoldtimc.i8.b 42, & 15^.48. Deliuering and Deliuerers, Only God Dcliucreth from aducrfitie. 99. b 66. Gods Deliuering of vs from any one ad uerfitic or affliction mull ftrcngthen vs againft all other afterward. 748. b Dutie of Rich men. 6. a 5. Dutie ofhouflioldas.il b 55.6c 13. a ji," 6c 13. bio. The Dutie of Offenders. 45. b 63. The Dutie ofa true Chrifti3n.63. b44 a,lS Ey es. Itisimpofsiblcforvs to open our Eyes without conccyuing fome offence againft God. 513. a 47 To what end our Eyes were made. \%$, a 19.5:605.3 16 Ezechias. Ezechias ouerfhoots himfelfe through profpcritie,and is rcproucd for it.t7. b.tJ. Trie Table. Fauor; Gods Fauour is net to be efteemed by the prcfent profpcnty.307.b 33. Our ftate is curfed in all things, ip long as we be not furc of Gods Fauour. 196.3 cJz.& 597 a.b. To hauegod Fauourahle.wemuft fcke him wiihout Hvpecrily. 104.3 63. The mod certaync experience of God his Fauour is in aduerfitie 465.3 30 The only cafe in our miferie,is to haue God Fauourable to vs no. a 49. God fcemeth lomctimes to withdrawe his Fauour from the godly, & why, fiii.bji. The Fauour of man auayleth vs no- thing in bearing out of our finnes, 6y. a rz. Face or Countenance. What is meant by the Face or Coun- tenance of Go d6z9.a 13. Gods countenance is the comfort and welfare of the faithfull, and the tcr- rour and dcftru&ion of the vnfaith- full 7z8.l5.z4. What is ment bv Gods hyding of hys Face from vs. 6i9.a i5.and 630. a z. Fayle. Godfuffcrcth men toFavlevs, that we might the better rcfortvnto him, or clle that hcmigtuhumblevs. 331. a. 13. and 31. Faire. VVhatfoeuer is Faire or good'vnder heauen,it turncth vs away from our God, whereas it ought toleade vs to him. 513.83.. Faultes and Faultinefle. It is for our welfare to haue our Faults difcouered and rebuked 6iz. a. 41. The lothncfle of men to acknowledge orconfclTethcirFaultes.^p.a r. Tbebcft thinges in man arc alwayes mingled with fome Faultinclle.5i8. b.,.° Other folkes Faults muff, teachevstoo take heed to ourfelues.637. a 19- It isimpofsible for vs toknoweall our Faultes. 515. bzi. Though it be a yong child that telleth vs our Faultes, yet is heeameflengcr ofGods lending. 495. b 18. Fayth and Faythfull. Favth mull be grounded vppon the ex- prcd'e word of God. 11. a 19. The nature of Fayth. 338. b 3t.'aud 459 a 46. Favth is an vncorruptiblcfeed.i6z.b 56 Favth oucrruleth our affections z$6.b. 47- Wherein Fayth flieweth it fcJfc. 730. a it. The Fayth of Gods children is well e- ftablifhed in true lowelynellc. 1 78.3 Favth cannot continew without pati- ence. z8. a 59. The confirmation of our Fayth 648.3. wardeinthe knowcledge and pta» flizing of Gods Doctrine, and not lfand at a flay, 604.365. b. and 605. a.b. Onechiefe Article of the Faith ofthe Papiftcs. 505^.47. Wherein the Faythfull differ from the Faythlcllc in this lyfe 3-5-a. 51. God will woorke continuallyc in his Faythfull ones. 514. a iz. The flate of the Faythcfull jn thys world. 154.319. The Fayth, fimplicitie and obedience ofthe Papiftcs.f75,a.S4. God dealeth with men accordingcto the meafure of Fayth, which hegy ueth thcm.Z4.b.z9.54.and 15. a. 37, Feare. 1 The Feare of God, what it is.4.b 31. 3c 167. b 3z. The Feare of God comprehondethall Religion, Seruice, and worfliipping of God. 4. b 45. Feareand wifdomc, two ftayes of earth ly kingdomes.z24.b zz. It is no woonder though fuch as Feare God be fubie£r to fclaunders.509.a 3 How we mod Feare God , and truft in God. 467.8 z. Wc can neuer Feare God aright , on- lelle we know him as he is. 487 a 43 Th e Feare of God ought to teach vs to ffiun euill. 487^45. The Feare of God is the ground of true vertue.and of all good iifc-4-a 50. h z The difference betwenc the Feare ofthe godly and the vngodlv. 3 1 9 . a 30. 5c 360. a $z. The deafc found of FearefulncfTc that affnghreth thew1cked.z79.a9. Themcancsnot robe afrayed out of mealurr.jSo.s 67. How profitable it is forvsfometime to be put in Feare 319.3 40. VVerauft not onlv Feare men, but fpe- ciallv the heaucnly iudge.493.bz9. Vnder this word Feare. lob comprclicn deth all the anguifbes that we can fcele, either fro God or rntn 5r3-b 4- Th.ev thatftjnde not in Feare of God, areinforccd toftandein Feare of his creatures. 73.b 25.5c 701. b 41. Gods goodnelfe cxtendeth it lei fc cuca tothewicked.701.31. God flieweth his goodneffe towards vs at all times-465.3 23. Wcmuft repofeour felues vpon Gods goodnelfe as lob did. 5 13.3 22. How we ought to conceiue the good* r.efle and power of God., and belcue in him. 337. b 20. Gods intent in vfing goodnelTc toward vs. jo. a 24.6c 677.au. Howvnmindfull we be of Gods good- nesinanyofouraduerfities. 25.353. Gods grace is not to be meafurcd by that that we lee 142. b iS. Gods grace is the onely ftay and repay- lcr of all things. 76-a 55-. Wherof itconuth that we be deftirui of Gods grace and holy fpirit.is.a S. The Fapiftskno w not what Grace is. 409.049. Wee mult goe ftill forwarde in Gods fchoole and not ftande ftill at a ftav.737.a 35. Gods fouereintie ouer man 8c all other his creatures. 1. a 15.1-". 5c 7.3 41. 5c 14 a 56. & 15. 3 it. 33. 41. 8c 2 1.3.27. 6c 31" a. 37. 6c 33.3 56.6c 34.863. VVheruntothe confiderstion of Gods fcueraigntic lcadeth vs. 87. bit. Godsfpirite raigncth aboue the order of nature.566.b.6.6c 567. a b. 6c 668. ab. The wonderfull alteration that Gods fpirite worketh in mennes har:s.747 b 29 Gods will is the rule of all righteoufneJ 614. a 35. God flieweth an incomprehenfible wifedome euen in the bafeft and fuialleft thing.«.706.a 56, Gods The Table. Qods woord is not harde ofit felfe.but by reafon of our dulueiTe.16. b sj Gods woord muft not be forbidden to be red of any men i<$.b 60 Godv woord and trueth are dishonored when it is put roan euillvfe. r.a 11 With what myndes men do common ly heare and readc Gods woorde.65 j a.64. Why God fendeth his woord vnto vs, 361.343- It is bell tor vs. that God haue hu eye vpon vs. 13*. a 59. The waye too come vnto GOD. 137-b 707. VVc cannot bring anv thing to God to pleafure him withall. S41- D 67> and *4ta43- ,. How God ftieweth himfclfcvntoo vs. 158^54. The things that are in God cannot be deuided the one from the other. 157 b45- Why the fcripture termeth GOD out Buckler,'Shceld,wall,tiench,r.ipyrc. bulwark,tower,foitrelle, 5cc.ro. b. Who foeucr fetteth him fclfeagaynfte God,ferteth himfclf againft all right andcquitie. isS.b 46. Look? more in the tytles ofAlwigb- UnefietAffllittions.BentfiteSyBeitigs Cbas~hi{emtnte$ , Defence, Face, Co$ds,Gouernement, Gtftes, Glorte, Holynefit, Honour ,lus~lify, fuflice, Judgements, Knowing and Knowc- ledge,L*Vee,Loue,Ltlier«litic,M,t- iefiie, Magnify . and ciuil policie,is an cuident proofed God> p.ouidccc 657.3 5. b. VVhy wicked Gouerners arc to beho- norod andobcyed, & how. 617.3 3^ The ftateof Goucrnment commcth of God, and to what end it is ordcyned 657.88. . VVhvGod fuffercth wickcdGoucrners and Officers to reignc oucr vs,6i4. b 47.and 630 a %j . The demeanor of Princes, Gouerners and Iufticers in theledayes 657. a 51. Comonly the word and w;ckcdft haue the Gouernemcnt of thinges in •world. 613. b z6. It ismeete rhatGod ihould Goucrnvs, and that we fhold followe his holy will. 513. b 2.6. Jarthly Goner nersrhaue need to be put in mind ottheir dutie,6i3.b ( 5. VVicked Gouerners are to be icbukcd by the preachers. 617. b 35. Why men ate put in fubieftion and thraldom vnto gouerners. 714. a 44b All inferior meanes of Goucrncmcnt, arc but inftrumentsand fcruauntes • of Gods fouerain dominion.^. a 53 God is not only the makcr,butalfo the continual! and alonly Gouerner of all things 613.3 67-and 614.3 53. an4 «8j.b.j.and 711.3*?. Gods almighty power in Gouerning al tilings, is an inuincibleand peremp- tory profe of hi s righteoulcnetle 61 3 b13.and6i4.b68. God Goucrncth, guydeth 5c dirccteth all things by hi* prouid cee, notwith Handing the manifold troubles and difordcrsin theworld.sji.a 37. et 655 How God Gouerneth the woildc 40 1. a 01. Godly. Godlv folke muft alwayei 'refifte euill. 18.bS.t5. Godlv folke are afflicted more roughly than reprobates is\a 5^. The honor that God dothvs in giuing vs grace to be Godly, & to ouercomc Satans affaults. 17^17. GOD fomeivmes clorheth the Godly with thefpoyleof the wicked. 471. bii. Look? mire in Faytbfull, Gofpell. ThcGofpdl is a cleare looking glalTe whenn we fee God face to face 332. b6j. The doctrine of the Gofpell belongeth to all fortes of men, both wyfe Sc ig- norant,learned and vnlcarned.bygh or lowe.(>04.a 36. h. The doctrine of the Gofpell can not bee attayned to by mans naturall vnder- ftanding. 566. b 68 • The caufe why the Gofpell is preached J74-M4 The chief ende of the Gofpel! 59c. b $6 The incftimable benefite and trcafurc of the Gofpell, and of all godly com- fort. 590. b 8. 5c 591. a b. & 593.3 19. The fin snilar priuiledge which God gi- ueth too thofe Countries where hys Gefpell is preached 591. b 41 In the Gofpcl we haucrnnnit tre.ifurcs ofwildom and knowledge jof.b ij The common manner of mens know- ing of the Gofpell fio+.b 5T VVhy the worldc hatcth the Gofpell. 434.31 Good and Goods. We muft do good tofuchea? :ia»? no meanes to recompence vs 4 97.^56. God giueth vs his Good>, to the intent we"fliould rclieae out brethcrn with them 53; a 60 We muft looke for Good accordingas God promifeth it. jjb.a H It is an vntollerablevice for a man too truftin hisgoods.541a.38 None of the Good turnes whiclic arc done in the world, are done freely. 49fi.b 17 Of Grudgingor murmuring. To murmur or Grudge againft God for afflicting vsjis as much as to iuftifie ourfeluesahoue him, or too 'make ourfcluct morerightuoufc than hec, e6r a 8 To Grudoean,avn(tGod in afflictions is a priuie and indirect blafphcming of him 640. a 10 To Grudge at theprofperitie of the wic kedotat the diforder of thinges in. the world, is a blaiphemiDgofGod, fo,?,b3i,and<5ii.a 38 ^ All that Grudge or pleade againft god, fllalbe confounded fiii.b 37. Looke more in Impaciencif, Ground. The falfc Groundc that lobes friendcl tookcin rcprouing him 565.145;. Hande. It is not poffible to withiland or efcapj the Hand of God 705.31 lob fhewech that when we bchclde vp by the Hand of God, wee haue as it were a ltrong corde to hold by 5l2.a The faythcfull that are prefTed by ihe Hand of god, haue a teiriblcang'uifli }t6.b43 The:e is no other faferie forvs but the hopcoifuccouratGodsHand, 513. Happy. Mans happinclle is not to bee enclofcrj within this prefent Ivfc, 46i.b 59. Thcfanhrulare more Happy inaduer« litiethen the faythlciUin profperity 467a 3i.b Happinefle. A difference bctrt'eene the HappincfTc of thcchildren or God. and r he chil- dren of this world 410. a 1. Ho w we fhall nidge man to be Happy. 467. bi Hart. What this woord Hart importeth 104 ai4.. Theftul^burnesand hardncs of mam Hart.isj.b 45 Hart burning 67.335 Hcauen. How the Heauens ar not deane before Cud. 173. a 56. God- mignry power and wifdomevtte rtu in iv.t ircauon of the Hcauent 6c in the order of the Skies prouoke vsto praifchim.££;.b.44,& 6^S.a. Hayle. TheingenderingofHayle. 7o^.bto \"\ hv Hayle is"cngendered intncayre, 671. b 50- Heauineiic. It is Tood rt-afon God flioulde cafic- vs into Heauincfle.fceing we abulc hia bcncfiics to fiiatnt fully Jio.b 41 Hell. What is me ut bv Chrifts going down into Hell. )t3.'o .3 Help?, Men cannot hue without many Helpe* 715.1* ;■<. All rhcHelpcsand fuftenancesofmanj lyi'e, do come of Gods meere proui- •dence.7i5.b 41. ,Itisoncly Gods office too Helpe the diilrcfled.and to difappoynt the wic ked of tbeii purpofes.SS.a 54. & 8^. a 5. 35. and jio.b 64. VVc canr.tconcevuc after what man« ner God Hcipcth vs. 515. b 7. If God gyuc vs wherewith, he bindeth vsovitof hand to Hclpefuchas wat, 4<>3.bi8. There is none of vs whichc hath not nesd yf acQ;h«rs Helpc. 49S a.««. Wby The Tabic Why GOD fometyme delayeth his Hclpc though we pray vnto him. 317 355. VVee muft not judge of God his Hclpe according to eaery moment of lime 515.343. How Gods afsiftance or Hclpc is to bee mcafured 101 a eo. VVhy God Helpeih vs not at our need. <>4;.b.6c 64.4..! b.5c 145. a b.Sc646 a b.6c 647.3 b.5c 648. a b. VVhat wayes God vfeth too Hclpc the opp1ellcd.510.au. Of Hearing and Hearkening. Men mufte firfte Hearken before they ipeakc, and leaine before they teach 637.838 We mult giue earc to the godly 5c lcr- ned.snd Hearc thcm.494-b-<> We muft not thinke it ftrange though God trye our fayth by not icetninge to Hearevs 515^55. The caufc why a godly man can not be reccvued and Heard 45)4. a 55. It is a dcfpvlingof the Spun of GOD, when we vouchfafe not to Hcare a man that may profit vs 494-b 21. Hcrefies. ThecaufcofHeiciicsanderrou;f.4s7- a 31. Hipocrifie. Hipociifie dcfctibcd.4.a 17. Hipocrifie can not bee hid from Gods eve 136.3 j3.and1r17.b7. Hipocrifie muft be fhunne'd.jii.a 14. Hypocrites haue forgotten God. 14;. b 25. Who bee Hypocrites ofhart.660 b.55. Menncs fool'.fh Hipocrifie in clokingc their finnes before GOD, and their lothnefle to haue them rebuked. 621 a b. 63 Ourlyfc fliall neuer be well ruled, fo lono as there is any fcinedneffc or Hi pocrilie invs.744.a 3. Hipocrifie and pride kcepevs from hii- blilig ourlclues before God,& from eonfefsinge our faultes before men. 6oo.a 47. Adam the firft lyginncr of Hipocrifie. 5P-3 4I Hypocrites can prayfeGod in piofpc- ritie.iji.b 60 and 10 329 OfHipocritesiSS.a 13 Hypocrites grudge againft God in ad- uerfitie ip.b 63. and 10. a 35 A maike to knowe Hypocrites by. 64. b40 Hiflories. Goib will is that we exercifeourfclues in Hiflories. 34?. a 6j lobes Hiftory was a thing done in deed and notdcuized for inftrurtion only 2.b.4<> ^To. what intent thcHiflory of lob was written i.a 15. & 2. a 6i.b' 33. 26. a 14. HolynclTe. HolynefTe beginneth within vs. 3 b iS. TrcwHolynel'lc defcribed iS. 3 51 A patent of all Holym :1V coy. b 11. The vcrtu of Holywatcr 43.b 64. Honour. Ofp.vuingtytlcsot Honour vnto men. 573-a 17. Who ought to be honored and hono- norable among vs.8i.b. 45 The meane toattaine to true honour, praile, or glory. 577a 1. Whv God aduaucethmen to Honor, and theirdutic 576.b 41. It isanati.rall thing for fuch as haue ben in Honourtobevnableto beare their ownc defacing. 507. a 3 i . The free mayntayning of Gods truth is no impeachment of any mans Ho- nor.573. b 6 Such as Honour and reuerence the wic ked are to be abhored as Dogges. 71 b.p. The right Honoring of God, what it is and wherein it confifteth, and how it is to be done. 66.b.i^.Sc 106. a 10. and nS.b 4. & 650.3 12. The Honour that God rcquireth con- fi fifth not in ceremonies. 160. a 100. He Honorcth God, that imbraccth his promife.ioi.b.6. Looke men in Scruice and Worjhip. Hope. Hope.tfi.b 501. Hope of a better life.54 .a 49. Of Hope for here after. 93.3 12. Hope ought to continew to the end. i«o.ai5. VVee ought to Hope in God beyond Hope. 337. a 40. The caufc why we bee fo eafly driuen out of the right way is want of Hope 650. a 50. Horfes. A proofe of Gods mighty power in the nature of Hor(cs.7i8.a 68. Gods oodnciTc {heweth it felfein that Horfes are tamed and fubdewed too our fcruice.7i8.b 61. Houfe. VVe muft not build our felues Houfes by guile. but according to the goods that God hath giuen vs. 472 a 12. lob compareth the Houfes of wicked men to moths Houfes 47. b.53. Humilitie or Lowlinefle. VVhat true Humilitie or Lowlinefle is 5 4 5-147. Humilitie the mother and roote of all vertue 55.376. b.19. Humilitie or Lowlinefle 'is 'a mod ac- ccptable Sacrifice to God. 545.3 41. God will admit no counteract Humili- tie 725^.52. VVe haue neede to be continuallv hiib led and brought Lowe. 746. a 31. The l'apiftcs Humihtie.2i7.b 56. 5c 725 b.56. An exhortation to Humilitie and re- pentancc.64y.a27. Mcancsto bring men to Humilitie. 8 4 b.24. & 85. a"4i. 8c 711.^35 & 7'4-a 22 b.ck 715 a b.& 716. a b & 717.3 b 6 718 a b & 719 a b. & 727. a 39. b. and 728. 3 band ^29. a b. and 750. a b.and 731.3 b.and 731 a b and -733 a b.and 734. a b.and 735.3 b.aud736 a.b. Hyde and Hyding OurHydinsc of our faultes from the world flial not auayle vs before God 6iT.a3S.b34." VVe muft take heede that in 'condem- • ning other men wee hide not our owne faultes. 496.3 57. Though God hide himlclfe from his lVruantsatthefirft.vet he ncucr for- getteth them. 516. a 62. There is no Hyding ol our (clues from God, for all thinges muft come too accompt beforehim.62i.a 1. Hynde. The properties of Hyndcs.7ii.a 6j.b* ? Idofl. An Idoll that hath no rcafon is a mitor of our nature. 476. b 59. Ignorance. Men cannot luitly pretend any c^cufc of Ignorance. 518. a u.cc 66o.b27. Wens Ignorance rcproucd.635.3 33. The Ignorance ol the heathen men is willull.and much more of the Chrt- ftians.626.b 30. Godfliewcth himfclfcfomanifcftly in all hiswooikes as wee cannot e.\cufe our felues by Ignorance. 718. a ,2. Our ownc wilful) Ignorance maketh vs bold to carp at Gods doings. 718. b38. VVilfuIl Ignorance fcrueth to condene men 6c not to excufe them. 660 a 50. Theinnumcra.blcvaricticofGods won dcrfull workes leaueth vs without excufc of Ignorance if wee glonfic him not. 713. a 53 b Mans mifalledging of his owne frailtic and Ignorance. 1. a 37.Sc 11.35. Image. We aretheImageofGod.76.a 31. Immortality. Fro whence the Immortal itic of foulrt procedcth. 11S. b 47. & 129. 33. 5c 6l6.b3. The Immortality of Angels procedcth frcm God. 118. b 54. Impatiency. VVhat Impatiency is. 314. a 20. The caufc of our Impatiency. io6°.a 7. 6c 58i.a 38. 5c 6ii.b 26.8c 725. b 42. Impatiency doth not vttcr it felfc coin- monlv at the firft brunt of aducrfity 20. a 68. b 1. It is not for man too bee Impatient by itriuin" againft God, or to find fault DO * with his doings . 719. a 40. 5c 733. *■ jo.5c735.b5iJ.6c 736.3 b. VVhcn God affliftcth vs, we muft bee watchfull that we tumenotafidevn to Impatiency and why. 666. b 21. 5c 4S6.a 49. Impatiency ie a robbing of God of his' right, and a making of our fduesc- cjuall with him.5S1.b5. Our grudging or pleading againft God through Impatiency, flial notauailc vj at all. 663. b 44. VVhofoeurr if livtpacicnt rcbclleth a? gnJnftG0d.667.b1. The lead Impatiency in the world, is a defying of God, and a condemning of him to be vnTigAluoufc.^.b 25 , 5c 716..1 b. There is not a woife thinee, thsn,to grudge at God; doing-. 1 1 rough hn paticncy,an4 v. hv.63j.b 19. To The Table. fo be Impatient in aduer(itic,!s a blaf- phemingofGod, a tskin°;vppon vs to be Msifters and controllers ouer him, and a condemning of him to be vnrightuouic.i38.b.53.and 579. b. 68.3nd 580.358.^50634^50. & 635 b. 4r.and 715^.13. and 715. a b. Thelnconucnicnces oflmpatiency in aduerlitic. 78 a 52. Theiuft fruteand reward oflmpacien cie.SS7.b-6r. and 6S8.a.b. and 690. b «i.and 691. a. b. and 692. b. 17. & 721. a.24,b and 711. a. b. and 713. a. and 726 a. 17. Inferiourmennes. God can worke our faluation without Infcriour me3ncs.6.io.a 20. VVliy God vfcth the lnferiour meanes in fauing and prcfcruing his faithful ones. 620.3.5 2. God needctu not thefelnfcriour mea- nes to prcfcrue the faythful. 619.^56 Infirmities. Cod knoweth oure Infirmities better then our fellies $18.4.41. Iniquitic. Iniquitie doth now Co ouerflowe, that they which be incite fh.iniekfle, arc moft valcant 493. b 52. Lo»ki wore m Sin and in Wtckedmfle. Inquifitiue. VVe muft not be to Inquifitiue erf gods doings 629. a 19.65. snd <530.a 14. Lookc more in Seeke or Scan he. Intent. The good Intent of man is^lothinge worth without Gods direction 44. a 40. The good Internes of the Papilles 609. a 61. Inuentions. Mennes ownc Inuentions muftc bee fhunned7S.b3i. Mens folic in preferring theirowne In- uentions before gods word 633. b 44 lob. *ob was a frayle man as wc be 25^.45. 66. lobmavntayninga goodcacemifhan- dlcth it, and his friends mavntaining an'euill cacc,handlc it well i.b 32. 5c 743. a 64. and 744. b 22. Iobfeemcth contrary to him felfc.but isnot 488. a 54. lob was righteous being coparcd with other men 170. b 65 lobliuedin this world as it were an An gellofGod fn.b.f 1. lob liurd after the time of Abraham. 3. a 5 Iobcodemncd ofwickedncfTe, bicaufe he had not ben patient enough 663. a. it lob is bleffedof god in al things 7. a 31 lob flieweth that the reproches which mendidvnto him, touched him too the hart 512^.40. lob rcnowmed among the people of , lfracll 2.b 5. lob and Dauidtwo mirrours of pati- cnce,faytri,and hope 5 1 4.a 7. lobes name interpreted 2.b.4j.' lobes antiquitie 2.a 50. lobes rich neiTe 5.867. lobes fault 606. b 61. and 639.332. and 744.314 Iob«sconftancie m efchcwingeuill Jc doing good 18. b 21.27. b 54 lobes foundncflc in Religion, andvp- tightnefleoflyfc 2.357^38. lobes vertuoufnefle and hunulitie 5.b. 60. and s.b •, i lobes vertncnifcnefTeisa condemnacio to the whole lande where hec lined, yesandtoall vnbelecueis and wic- ked liuers.3.b 21. 18. and 4.3 39. and 6 a 15. and 18. b 14 lobes friendes torment him vnder pre- tence of comforting him 1. a 59. and b.13. VVhy Iobes'vertuoufcand vpright life is repeated 18. a 19. V Vhv lob is fayd to haue withdrawea himfclfe fromeuill 36.362. VVhy God atfliclcd lob iSS.a.b VVhy (ome men haue ben o( opinion that this booke of lob was a deuy- zed portrayturcofpatienee.and not a play ne (lone or thing done 24 . b. 17. Ioy. The Ioye of the world is a turning a- way from God 466. b. 19. Thecaufewhv the I aye of this worlde is curfed before God 466. b.S. & 17. All men dciire Ioye 466. b. 3. Looke more in Mirth. Of Iudging and Iudgement. Cods Iudgements are executed bothy- pon good and bad 21. b 19. God hath alwayesleftfomerecordesof his Iudgements in this life. 343. a 53. Men muft be Iudged by God, and not take vppon them to Iudgehim668. b. 12. and 669. a. b. Godreferueth the Iudgement of mens finncs to himfclfc.623.a j 1 . Gods Iudgements are not alwayes ap- parant 471. b 16. Hipocritcsdo fkoffe out Gods Iudge- ments 92.3 23 How God Iudgcth 154 a 5 No Court can faue the wicked fto the Iudgement of God 361.3 10 It belongcth onely ro GOD too Iudqc whether we be good or euil 517.841 God cxccutcth not his ludgementes in this world, fo that nothing becout of fqu3re.309.a10. God beginncth Iudgement at his own houfc. 742. b. 48. and 743. a. God his ludgemom muft not Iveasit were buiycd and neuer to be fpoken of $25. a 12. It is common to the bcleeucr? and vn- bcleeuers to Iudgc of thinges in this world. 477.3 22. Difference benvencthemaner ofgods ludging.and the msnnet of worldly ludges 623. b 5. Msns corrupt Iudgement 81. a 4n Haftie Iudgement condemned 80. a 33. and 339 a 56 Haftie Iudgement is treafon to GOD, 367.3. Thecsufe thst menludgevnaduifedly gfGods wotkes <>2-a 16, b. and s,.i. a 27. and 70i.b.i7 VVe mult not ludge of Gods Joofnq» at the firft fight 650.3 39 Wee ought too wifhe for nothingc more then to be Judged atGoddes hands: especially if wc hauerccourfe to his mercy 305.8 52 God doth not execute hi? ludgenientei to the vcw of the eye 425.3 18 Men muft not thinke to comprehends Gods 1 udgemets in their own brayn. 476.337. Wc muft not Iudge of things by their outwatd apparance6<8.a 3S The meanes to feele our linnes aright, istothinkcvponGods maicftieand Iudgements 84,b 25 How we may be dilcrete ludges of the chaftifcments of God 62.b.28. VVe muft not Iudgc of men according toGods handlingc of them in thys prcfcntlyfe,68.b 51. and 324. b 40.6c 489 a so.snd 489 5 The way to coniider aright of Goddes Iudgements 308,367. How to bchaue our (clues againft that tchtation .when men giue a wrong- full Iudgement of vs ^23. a 64. What it is to fulfill the ludgementof the wicked 66?. 3 14 Wherein lobes friendes fayled inlud- ging of him 467. b 2S God executcth his Iudgements fwiftly and fpecdily 623. b to.and 624.8 2. luiiice. Gods Iuftice is knowen twoo wayes,' 163.345 Iuftice confiftcth of twoo partes 165.0-. T9. TherightfiilneiTcofGods Iuftice in pu r.ifhingar>d chaftifing \s6i-7.b 5. How men doe falfely meafurcGods III fticc 151.3 50 Some mavnrayncrs of Gods Iuftice^ bring in free will ; 5 1 b 59 VVe mart not alwayes feekc the execu- tion ofGods Iuftice in this worlde, 474.341. The Paplftcs knowenot Gods Iuftice, 177. b 50. The corruption of Iuftice among men, 65 5. h 5^. None fhal euer execute Iuftice duly, ex- cept they vie the fworde agaynft the wicked. 5CI. a 15. A note for fuch as arc in office of Iu- ftice 499.3 32.5c in Sequent. Iuftifye. VVhy the Scripture vfcth the word Iu- ftifye.591. a 59. Howe God uluftifyedby vs 562.8 IS. Hecihat luftifyeth himfclfe, condeni- ncihGod of vnrightuoufnc(if,726.a 37. b. Hcc that Iufti fieth himfeife,fightcth a- ji ay n ft God, 154^.26. To giue any token that weeluftifie the wicked, and like of their cuillcafc, is a Wilfull renouncing of God, 459. b. 38. It is to no purpofe to bee well liked ot Iuftihed of ihc world, except God al- low of our doings. 301. a 41. The performing of ihc Lawc were not Sufficient to luftifie vs.if god fliould dea'.c withvs according to hu perfect rightuoufenelfc. m-i. Tk< The mesne to be-Iuftified before God. - -*74-b$4- luflification. The caufe why men cannot receive the the Doctrine of free luftification, 603. b }(. Papiftcscannot bee pcrfwaded of the lufbfication of Fayih.i$».b n. j:. Keeper. VVhatismcfitbythis woord Keeper. >3I-l>45- Kill. " They that fordoe or kill themfelues.do it as it were in defpvte of God.'i49. bi. Kinred. Kinred 5c alliance among!* men, make a double band of louc.j3}-b 67. King. The higheft King mtifte haiie brother- hood with the pooreft Shccpheardc. $11,343. The excclleteft thing,that a King hath in himfclf.isthat he is a msn.jir.b 9 VVhy.andhowGodisKing 5c Iudge of the world.Si7.b 41. 5c SiS.a 37. Knit. Cod hath Knit men togyther to hclpe one another, or at the ieaft too pitie and haue campafsio one of another. 331. a lo.and 47. ■Of Knowing and Knowledge. VVhatis ment by Gods Knowingeof men. SHo.a 30. Knowledge pafi'cth men vp with pride 87.348. Our Knowledge in this wotlde can bee butinpart.^Si.a i'j. VVccan Knowe no morethan God li- fteth to rtueale vnto v>,and why hec 'reuealcth things but in pane as yit. 58 l.b 54. and 5X1.3. b. St is not for vs to defire to Know more than God vttereth vnto vs. 70S. b. 3. &7c^.ab.5c 703. a b.and73*.a 63 b We mull not couct to Know any fur- ther of Gods doinges than he rcuei- leth to vs. 735. a fTj.b. VV1 at manei of Knowledge we hauc of God, and where he is to bee loo- ked vpon. &71.10. How God is to be Knowne aright. 85. b 15. Cod cannot be Known orcomprchen- dcthjn his Maieftie^i.a I. Themcaneto attayne totheKnowe- ledge 0/ Gods workes.738. b 67. We can-not Know god to our benefit, except heiniightcn our bancs by hit holy Spirit. 679. bn. We muff ftriue to Knowe fuch things as may edilye vs in the f care of god. 48i.a<.S. VVc muft not prefume to hauc any o- «her Knowledge than God hath gy- «cn vs. 478.br. The (lcndeuicflc of our Knowledge,*: ijiowe wee maye fpcake well andai- J&ewably-OjS.a 33^ The Table. The Heathen men Knew God fuffici- ently to their condemnation. <78.b. 17- Why wee ought to Knowe GOD a- - right. 86.313. VVe ought to Know God truly. 85. a. 58.bc.ij). Thcpuniflimet for not Knowing God arighr.85.btf. VVe ought to haue a double Knowc- ledge in ourltluei. 131.3 u. Krye, How theyongRauenssrefaid toKrye vnto God. 7io.b. TheKrying of the faythlefTe is but a howling and roaringe without 3ny truft in God. 515.355. The punifhment of thofe that gvue no care when the poorc Krye. 498. a 5. Our very (innes themfclues Krvciourc vppon vs before God, though no mi clfedoo.iSi7.b 57. Keys. Theal'opes chalcnging of the Keys of Heaucn. 553,8.65. L Laddes. The braue Laddes of this werlde are like wodden pieWej. 467.8.$ Lawe. That God is the Lawe giuer and the Iudge, arc things that goioyntly to- gcther.517.a65. Why God in his woord vfeth many termes to exprcfle his Law thereby, asordinances,ftatutcs,dcciecs,iudg- mcnts.i43.a 31. GodsLavvcis a fufficient, perfect rule whereby too liue 3 good and godly life.i86.a 17 The Lawe and Prophets of God ought to be of great authentic among men and wliy.57i-a 55. The Lawe was qualified to the ftatc of mm before he fell. 413. 3 38. 5c 414. a 77- One ofthe prinr It ill parts which God requircth in his Lswe, is that wee fhuld noway fcekc our neighbours goods. 51s. 3 1. VVcecan not ftand before G O D, al- though we fulfil thcLawc.171.au. b ii.fc 138.350. God maketh warre agaiflft all fortes of merj that tianfgrcffc his Lawe. 705. b 4'?- VVe owe more vnto God than by the Lawe i? exacted ofvs. 413. a 15. How God hath giucn his Lawe. 139. b 11. VVhy the Lawe is called the meflage of death. 171. a 11. Laughing. VVhat is ment by Laughiogin time of calamitic.ioi.b a. Laying. What the Scripture meaneth by Lay- ing ones hand vppon hi»mj»udi.7*3 b.J9. Lazarus. Lizirui.? a 1. Learning and lcllon. VYhece we muft fetch our Learning & wifedome all our whole life. 665. a 6z VVhat wee hauc to Learne of that that God hath I unit ted our hfc.151 b 10. VVc muft not bee greeued to make ac- comptofagood Lefl'on, becaufcit iscommon.zjio.a 34. Leui3th3u.731.as8. Libertie, VVee ought too attempt nothing bur that, that God hath giucn vs Liber- tic 10do.5S.317. Lifting vp,and LoftinefTe. Mens LoftinclTc or prcfuming is of two fortes.546.ab. VVhat is ment in the Scripture by Lof- tinelTc.715j.b13. The two things that make vs too Lift vp our fclucsprefumptuouflv againft God, arc fclfe wifedome, and fclfe- rightcoufncffe.7 35 .a 57. Linage or offpring. Linage is a fingulcr honour that GOD doch giue vnto men. 101. a 50. The Nobleft Linages arc not alwayes thebeft. Liue, Liuing, & Life, AH thingeshaue their Life, moufng, and h'ing of God. 615. a 17. Mans Lii'e confifteth of two refpectes, the one vnto God, and the other t« our neighbour. 4.b 1. 5c u b.14. The Life of man in itfclfe.may wel be called a drcame. 347.340. Of the frayltic and fhortncsof msnj Lifc.340.a30. ■! Our Life is a continuall warfate.^p.a 6 5c ico.a 51. VVhat profirc we ought to take of the confederation of the fliortnes of this Life.147.b10. 5c i+s. a 9. The fliortnes of our Life ought to re- prclTeourprefunipruouscuriofiticSc carping againft God. 707. a 49. The comparing of the fliortnes of our Life with Gods euerlaftingnes muft feme to abate our pride. 671. a 60. Our Life is no othcrwife allowable be- fore God, than if it be ducly referred to his Lawe.i99.a 36. The Life of nun is full of mifcries, brit- tle, and tranfi1ary.10.bs7. & 51 l.b. s-7- No part of minnesLifc is in his owne hand 6So.b n. t*yv* < Great difference betwecne thinges that concerne this Life, and Gods fecret iudgcmcnts.470.b.57. 5o long as we couct too hauc our Life allowed of men, wee fhalbe full of fin tie fl1iftes.513b.58. fj t#%'i**1 Thcruleofagood Life.4-7 a 43. and 655. a j7. Our defire too Liuein this world muft be to fcruc God.410b.1S. Though a man Liue ncucr fb perfect and angelicall a Life otherwif<.,yit if heglonfie notGod in eucry poynt. all is but ftarkc wickedneffe. 607. b 6$. and 60S. a. What we ought to thinkepf this Life. 49.315. The jneace to Liue and die well, is too put put our fclues wholly into Gods tui- tion,and not to prcfumc ought at al vpponourowne power or wit. 616. a 28. The Life that is in man.isioyned with reafon and vnderftanding.l83.b 28. In what maner it is Lawfull for 3 man to be wcarieof this Life. 48. a 58. It is not lawfull for the faithfull to mif- like their Life-j8. a 42. The faithfull mud ftill hope for Life, yea cuen in the extreinitic of death. 303 a 62. Thecaufe why the Fathers of old time were fatiffied with long Liuing. 750 b3I The endes whereunto wee Liue in this world. n.b 14. & 14. b 5.6c 17. b 25.6c $89^55. The defiroufnes of the wicked to Liue itill in this world and their lothnefl'e todie.750.b41. The opinion of the heathen coccrning 1nansLifc.76.a23. All thinges that concerne euerlaftinge Lifearcfarrc aboucour reach. 478. *9- Lookins; & Lookes. God Looketh not only vpon the things thatarcapparantto the world. 525. a 36. Vnchafte Lookes fliew the corruption of the hcart.518.3 47. Our Lookes are as fparckles to kyll the tyre of luft within vs. 518. a 35. Men are alwaies vnhappie if God Lolce not vppon them, and bee readic too heare them. 464. a 44. The end why we ought to Looke vnto God. 4. bac. Loue, Cods tender & Fatherly Loue towards VS.lI.bl6.2tf. How needfull it isforvstobceperfwa- ded therof.26.3 56 65.6c 26. a 65, Why God doth not alwayes fhew the fignes of his Loue too his children. 370. b 47. The wrctchedncs of them that doubt of Gods Loue.2S1.a55. VVhy God trieth whether wee Loue him and feruehim or no. 4. a n. Gods incomprchenfibleLouc towards vs.7i7.3 43.b. We ought too bee pcrfwaded of Gods Loue towards vs.261.3 12. Gods Loue is not the lefle towardes vs forhisafthftingof vs. 26.b13.Sc 29- t>34- Why GodvttercdhisLoueinold time by giuing men long lifeand worldly profperitie more than now a dayes. 750.3.46. The true Loue of God 63.^44. The Loue 6c feruice of our neighbour muft be matched with the Loue and feruice of God, or elicit is to no pur- pofe.37.a2. Ilefhly fclfc Loue difpleafeth God.6o.b 40. We ought to Loue our neighbour as our fclfc 2.2 a 20. 53. The true triall of Loue.44.b.64. If wee Loue our enemies, it fhall turnc to our owne benefite.748. b 33. The bl.ifphemies of the Papiftes in de- nying that it was alwayes Gods will The Table. that wee fliould Loue our enemies. 54- Man is the womans head. 49. b. 40. Manes ftrcngth and abilitie arc wholly from abouc.47. Men biing nothing with the intoo the world neither fliall them caryc any thing with them. 30. a. 49. 64. ManncsdulnelTc andvnabilitiein con- ceyuing Gods fayings and dooings. 583.b.i. Men sre by nature wholly giuen too euill. iLb.33.6c i7.b. 40.6c 19.3.64. b.6o.6c 60. a. 16. VVherin Men differ from the brute beafts 566^.15. Men arc lefle moued when God calleth them to him then the brute beafts. pa. 483.3.3. VVhy Men sre termed thcchildrcn of God. 15.1-1.3.696.3.58. Me are naturally the bondflaues of the Diuell.i6.a.53. Men challenge more to them fclues the is mete for then. pa 526.3.62. All Me are alike before God. 618. b. 45. Men are loth too bceadmoniflicd of their mifdooings.13-b.i6. Manage. Themari.ige of children vnderyceres of difcretion is no mariagc at all. 565.^67. Marking. VVhat is ment by Gods marking or be- holdinge of our fteppes or paces. Mcafurc What mcafure is too bee kept in mu> zing vppon Gods woorks.665.b.65. Mcafurc hard too bee kept in fealting. 8.3.1. r wl)3t mcafurc we ought to kepe in the consideration of themifteriesof this lyfe.i49.a.2i. Mediator. The only mcancs too come too God is by the Medutor.246.b.35.Sc 747. a MceldneiTe. The meeldneflc and gentlenelTc thst Me owght to haue in reprouing one anothers vices. 6 3.0. 47. lob geueth vs 311 exsmple of mildencs. pa 506.3.35. Merits. Look? mere in Deferuings, How fondly the Pspifts do builde theft Merits vppon patches of Scripture. 744-a52. The func of the Papiftes in alleaging t heir owne Mcntes.i72.b 5$. Mirth and Mery. Moderate Mirth not to be condemned 50. b 40. Chriftian Mirth and rcioycing^o.b 44 & 344. a 66.6c 467.3 41.6c 590.3 10. &55>3-a-4. The children of God mayc, snd ought to bee Merry.344.a 28. The Minh.ioy.gladncfle or comfort of the worldlings and reprob3ts.}94.b. 66.5c 595-a.29. Mirth of the wicked in fcaftin6.z b & 677 a b & 63i b 36.0: £83.3 b & 707.8 1 8. b 6c 705>.a 15. b. VV'lut things wee owght too leerne by beholding the order of Narure.67f.a zi.\>£<. 676.3. b&677. a b 6c 678.3 b & 70S. b 61.6c 709. a b. VVherunto the conildcracion of tire whole order of Nature Leadeth vs. 87. b 47.6c 67 ^ b 45.6c 677 a 61. 3tljcth not in Man tooouerrule anie paito( live order ofNature 709. a 53. b 6c 7 18. a 68. b 6c 719. ab 5c 7x0 a b. VVhat Men i>< of their ovvne Nature. 7fi.b 33.41. b. 4;.' Thevurulinclkof MancsNaturc.7i7.a It is a Natural thinge in Man to plcadc againft God. 153.3 66. Our Nature is inclined to ftorme and repine. 114 .a 40'. The ftubbornneffe of our Nature. 664. a 5 -y The dnlneiTc of mens Nature invnder- ftandinge thinges pertemingc to fal- nation 115. a 5. Tiit horrible frowardneffe of our Na- turc.fiCi.a 5. The weaknefTc of out Nature hinde- reth our good defyres 4S.a 10. 2f we do but conceauceuil liking it be- vvraycrh the corruptnes of Mature. JM.blS. The Table. Our Nature hathc adubble clcnflng-. 15 1. bio. The diuerfitieofthe Natures of liuing Creatures , proue the being.thcpio- uideccand the Maieftie of the Crea- tor or Maher.720. a ^:.b. Nawghtinefle. Looke more in Euill. Wee mul! nor bee caryed away wiih other menes Nawghtincife.567 bio. Looke more in Sin & Fjce. Necefsitie. Why God fendeth Ncccffities to his faints. 11$. b 53. VVe muft reheue thofe in Ncccffity.u.7 3 7. Looke more in es4dnerfiiiej t/ff- fiiilionSiTrubbles, Negligence. Manncs Negligence in confideringhii ownc (laie and lyfe, 75. a 57. Negligence and folic of paients in theis dayes in bringingvp rheirchildicn. p. 3. 39. The Negligence and CarelcntiTeofMi- iiifters for their flocks.13 .a 37. Neftle. Xet Men Neftle rhem fclues vpon earth as they hft.it {hall not barrcGodfro plucking them away. 47a. a 16. Newters. IndifTcrent Newter , one that wouldc make a mcanc betwixt the papillei and vs. 132. b 41. and 233.8 5. Noc. Noe a condemnacion too the whole world. 3 a 12. Nyght. TheNyght is fitted for the mindinj and conl 665. a 67^ and confidenng of Gods wooiks. o. Obedience. Obedience is the fait that caufeth vs to find good taft in aduerfmes . 107. b 13. Obedience is the chiefeft thinge that God requireth 0tvs.418.b44.and 419. b33- Obedience to God is the trewfruteof Repentance 747. b 50. Childly Obcdience.i5.b Co. There is nothing better for man then. to Obey God 505.3 47. VVe ought to defire no turiher but that God be Obeyed. 4 07. a 11. The reuerenccand Obedience that me" Yccld too worldly Piinccs and Magi- ftrats, is a fufficicnt cuidcncc to con- demnc them for not Obeying God. 618. a i.\. If we will Obey God rightly we mnft onicouerall our ownc cultomcs and manei ot dcalmge.42r.a 3.3 r • A trew token oi out Obeying and rc- nerencing of God. 617. a 49? VVhat thing letteth vs too Obey God. 74S.ai. It is impolTible too Obey God and too glonfie him in his Judgments except wee haue Hope .655.310. VVhy Princes are Obeyed feinw that fubiection isodiowfe to manes na- ture.6iS.b 23. Offenders. Looke more in DeWtir. The multitude of Offenders muft not make vs to Oftcnd.36.b2. Lofkj more w Sinners. Office. Men muft not ta' c any Office vppoii them in the Churche except they bee called, and haue wheiwith toofur- nifli tire fame. 437. b 10. Opinion. Opinions concerning the land of Hus. i.b 10. Opinions concerning the wrytino of the bookeoflubc.i.a 51. Thcyaduanc'e them ("clues aboue God that folow thcyr ownc Opinion. 516. bio. OpprefTe, God wil not leaue the Oppreficrs of the pootc vnpuniflicd. 618. a 15. The c.iulc why ihc myghtie OpprefTe the weaJce.i28.a30. Order & Ordinarie. Older and honeftiearerequifitein mat tcrsofrhe Churche 571.32^. Order andtynie muft bee obftrued itl all things, and fpcciallv in (peaking of matters that concernc God. 571, 313. The confufion of ciuil Ordcrisafruit of our difobedicnce. 107 . a 07 . and 168. a 7.63. It is not Gods will that his fai'hfull ones fliotild bee maintcincd by Or- dinarie mcanes. 92. b 18. Onon. Orion. 7C7.a 37. Ouerfhoote. There is no flay with men when they haue once Oucrfliot themfclues.53.at 12. 5c 6:7.157.6c fiSi.3 44. Wee muft not proceede 111 euill by C3iife wee haueOuerlliot ourfclues ahedie.724.b 10. lobs frindes Oucrfliot them fclues. 62., b57. P. PapiflPopctloiTieck P. t . »." The Papifts tcarcGods Maicfticin pee. ccv.tco.a15 The Papil'rev denie the firft article of our bcliefe 221 b 13. The Papifics arc bereft of -llhopeof laluation.and why 206. a 50. 1 he bruiifhneileof the 1'apiUcs . 72 . b 40. The The Table. The deuelifh curiofitfeofthePapifter. 71 b 44. The fondneffe of the Papifts as well in curiofitic of fe'rehingthcthings which thtvov. oht not, as alio in fhunning the thing-; which they owght too kncwc.;§i.b 3. There is noihtngc in Poperis but hori- bloconlufion.i3i.b £2. Confullon of ihc Popedom fro whome it (pringetb.7i.b 30. Parents. Parents muft bringvp tbrir children in thefcarcofGod-9 a 19.61. Their negligence and folic in bringing them vp.jj.a 39. 5 t and quiet bearing The meanes too make vs patient in ad- ucrfitic.9fi.b35. Coniinuancc in Patience is requifite in Gods children too. a $6. How farre we comme fhort of the Pa- ticntnefle that wasinlob.fi1S7.a11. What Patience it behoueih vs too ha* ue when God hathe bin rowgh wiih Vs 713.3 44. Withowt Patience no fcruis can plea- fe God. 10. a 61. Lack of Patience is thecatife why we giudge at the wicked. z%C b 5*. Mens comon opinion concerning Pa- tience 28.54. ThePaticccofthe vnbeJeuers. ifi.a k. They that abufe Gods Patience fball fcele his wrath the forer.c^i.a 18. Paule. Paulein daungerofprvde.^.a 14. Paule is buffeted by Satan. 13.3 16. Paynims. The Painims rciect Gods oracc.7fi.a 17. ThePainims blafphemcd God. 75.3 34. Peace. Looks more in Reft. The trewc Peace that is blcfied of God. 177 ai4- How we mav haue Peace which God. . 277.1. Wcmmft feke peace in God and not in worldlv goods. 4_r4.b 15. VVhat is meant by holdingc ones Pea- ce. 118. bxi. Peacocke. Of Peacocks. 713. b 50. & 71*. a it.' Perfection. Thcwords Perfeft and Perfection mi- flakcn.and therfore refuzed of Cal- uinj.a 48. God onely knoweth what perfeftion is.154.a3fi. Perishing. Perifhinge is more than too be affli- cted 67. a 5s. Percenter. Peifccuteis are curfed ofGod.8r.a 15. Perfeuerance. Perfeuerance in knowledge.; 4 . b 6. Puie. Looks, more m Cowp.ifsion and in mertie. We muft be touched with the Pitic of our neighbours. 519. b ;?. It js a blafpheamy to thinke tint God Piticth notfucheas call vp'oti . hnn- 511. b 8. To be e Pitifull to the nedie , i? n token that we ate Gods children. 535. b 10. Pleacle. VVe ought not to Plead with God al- though we might. 301. b 4. It woold not boote vs or auavle rs though we had hbcrtic toPlcatlca- gcinltGod.fi fi. b 43. PledS. How a Pledge may be taken. 354. b at. and 418. a 32. Pleafe&Pleafures. OfPleafingordifuleafingofincn. 337. Differeee betwene thePIeafures ofthS Godlv & vn;;od]y.4fiS a 59. VVe muft fcke to Plcafe God only, aocj to obey him in all that we doc , and, Fay.497.b54. Pleiades. 707.4 S4<- Plyable. Few yealde the felues Plyable to Got}, 473-b37. Poetes. Thevnreafonal>lcnefrcofPoetes.957.a 39. Pollicie. Earthel; Policic is ordcined of God. jt. a 12. Earthly Policic conccrneth but this life 56. a 24. Worldly Pollicie fcrueth not to btitW vs to that perfection that God rcquit rtth of vs. 394. a 4^. To what purpofe wotdly Pollicie mold feme. 394. a 51. Poorc folkes & Pouertie. Poore toiks are more vnexcufable than riche folks. 6.a fi.b ifi. Poore folks are inle/ie daunoer by te- ptation than nche folks.fi. b 3. Both Poore and riche are called toofal- nation.7.a 13. Poucrty bringeth ftoreoftemptationSi fi.a 31. VVhat is to be doone when we be pin- ched with penurie 01 Pouertie. 710'. b3?. P'oorcnclTeof fpirir.fi.a 9. Pouertie the trcw fchoolmiflrej o£ myldneflc.91.b4. Power, The Power cfGod.C/.a 25. No Power of man is able too match God. 725. b 7. Gods grace and Power is not too bee mtalured after out rcafon. 148. b 14. Godh.iihc gcucn vsa great protc of his mighty lower in the perion of lob, $14,646. God his Power i= not fubiccte to any humane or woildlv means. 5:4. a 4c. Cods Pcwcr and ludgmcnu arecucr- mote matched with goodnefleand vpiightnefic.fiofi. a 63. b. VVhat mailer of Power is too bee ima- gined in God. 5Sc.b37.ck 581. a ifi. 3c 7iS.b3. VVeeiicedc not to go owt of our fel- ues too find proofes of Gods roightc Power, wifJomnieand rightuowfe- tvefie.73"j.b 3S.b 53.6c 699a b. Of Prj de in not humbling ourfclucs vn to God. i7i. 3 34 Proud tolkes are the bondflaues ofSa- 1311.15 366. Who bee the Proud ones. 7.9. a 17. The Piyde of men in profperitie in tru- flinsj to thefelues and to their world ly hclpes.6l9.b 17. All l'roude tolkes are Gods vtter ene- mies,and hec is at deadly and vnre- coneihahle food with them. 718. b. <<-..) nd -»i9.a b. There is nothing more agsinft our fal • nation , then PtefumpuiouleueiTe. l;y.b 48. No man ought to be Proud ofhis own greatneflc.6iS.b 49. Wee cannot come vino Chryft,till wc be bereft ol all Pryde.665. b 11. Men are ncuer fo through Iv humbled, but thcic icmavneth flill fome rootc of Prydc in them. 714. b 65. 5c 715 a The wdfpring of our Pryd in pleading againfl God.613.a10. lob rebuketh the froward Pryd of man 4^-^.b yi. It bclongeth onely to God to root out the Proud. 718.3 63 b. 6c 719. a b.and 7TO..1 b.6c 731.3 b. God dcitroyeth theProud.and fparcth the meeke.-iS.b 14 .and 719.3 b.and 730.3 b.and 751.3 b. Me3nesto pull down the Pryd of men, and 10 bring them to humilitic. 731. b 45 6c 735 i.b.6c 734.3 b. 5c 735 3. b.snd 736. a b Profit. Wctnuft fceketotake ProfTtebyGod his pun: (lung of others. 470. b. 7 VV'hcn hauc we I rofited well 111 Gods fchoolc.4ii.a 48. and 445. bio. Promifes. Gods Promifc muff be the rule of oure imagination. 61. a 44. What G QD Promikih vs. pag. 61. b. 3.0. ThePromifei' of tomforte, helpe, and faluaciori sre general to all nun and aotfsi5.b.Si.3ndi6.a 1. Difference beiwcenc God his promifes that belong to this life, and his fpiri- tu.ill proimies.470.b 60. Prophetesand Proprieties. The Prophets and Propbefyings which Gods Church ought to Icane vntoo. 57i.bi4. God fctterh appar.it markesin his Pro- phetes, to the ende they Ihoulde bee the more rciicrciiccd.571 b 40. The ftraungc llluflon of the Hesthcn Prophctes 5 71. b 61. Profperitie The nature of men in Profperitie.45. b 54- VVe ought to call vpon God in Profpe- . riticaswcllasi11adue.fitie.41S5. b.13 ' and 466 a 15. In Piofpcritie wee miide ptepare out felues to afflictions 107. a 53. 6c 510. Ptolperitie maketh al men forget them felues I7.b.i7.and83.b6i.and705. a 48. Profperitie maketh men both deafand blind to all goodneffe. 66. i.a 7. Nothing is eafiei than foi a man that is in Piofperirie,io bcleuc that lie contincwein it euer. jci. a Si. and 505. b 33. Wh.it foeucr Profperitie we haue.it it no ccrtey nc and aby ding ltate.503.a. n. How we ought to Bchauecraf frlfcia Profperitie and aducrfltic 307. b 65. Of the Profperitie of the wicked. 315. b 6. and 319. b. 54 Of the Profperitie of the wicked, and ourvnpatient grudging agaynft it. 34?-b34- The Trofpcritic of the wicked iscurfed and mi (era hie -9 366. The Profperitie of the wicked tur.neth. to then mine and confufion 150. b 39 and iij.b 39. and 359. a 55. Prouidencc. GodsProuidenceisa deepefecrcteand mufi be fo acknowledged o! vs. 739 338. Godscontinuall and cuerlaflino Pro. urdencc dooth as well oucrrujc and guyde dill the ikyes, Starrer. 5c Pla- nets as itdid gyue them their influ- ences at the firft.707 b.35. God? Protiidenceand wifdomevrtcrcd id the nature of the Eaflridgc. 710.3 61 b Gods former Prouidcnce is a warrant ofhis Prouidecc hereafter 707. b 17 Gods Prouidencc m feeding the Lyons and other wild bcaflcs and the birdt ofthe aire. 70v.b 43.6c 710 a b. Gods Prouidcnce in neftrayninge tlie vvyld bealles from dcuouring man- kind 7cy.b 61. Seeing Gods Prouidcnce e\tendcth to tlicbirdcsand bcaftcs, mucherriore fliall it extend tovs.7t-\a 43. Nothing h.ippeneth bin by Godsordi- nariccck Prouidencc. 11. b 14. The obieclrons of wicked worldelin"? againft Gods Piouidencc and Prede- il1na.cion.584.348. The The right confidering of Gods proui- dence.6t4.b ty. With what reu-rcnce GodsProuidece and all other his fecretsare to be tal- ked of. 739. b.i. Punishment and Punishing. God is righteous in Punifliingmen.137 a.J6~>& 5^1. b 1. As God isfloweinPunifhing.foFuni- iherh he the (brer. 617. b 15.. God doth notalwayes Punifli euill do- ings out of hand. 61 i.b 60. It is not neceflary for vs that God fliuld fo do. 6ri a. 14. God doth not alwayes Punifli accor- ding to our deferts.i^i.a 41. God in Puniflung men doth alfo beare with them, and wby.6u.a 40. 6c 613 a.15. The wicked arc fometimesPunifhed in their poftcritie, that is like them. 81. a. So. A double maner of pit ni filing the wic- kedneffe of the Fathers in their chil- dren.Si. bir. ItagTceth well with Gods righteoufnes to pumlh the children for tliefinncs of the fat!iers.349.a 1.8c 459. a 51. God ought to be glorified in Punching the wicked in their children. 4 60. b 13 God doth not alwaves fo Punifli the wicked in this lire as men may final- ly di'cerne by eye fight, thatGOD iudgeth them, and the daungcr that maye enfue vppon fuch an opinion. 313.340. The Puniihments layd vppon the wic- ked make them vtterly without ex- cufe..b.4i. * Refurre£t.ion. Herurreiftion.77.b. 1 6. What our true Rcfurrcclion is. 149. b. 21. TheRefurcction is not too be found in 0ur0wnenaHirc.119.a9. Of the Redirection, & comfort which we take 0f1t.159.a50. Let ChrifthisRefurrcetion be alwayes before our eves. 519. a 5 . The liuely Image of our Lift change or Rcfurrection.is our regeneration. W.b.io. Rctume VVe muft Rcturne too God.fofoneas hcvifiteihvs.i4.a.i5. It is ncuer out ot fcafon to returne vnio God. 714. Reuealc Cod Reuealeth his fecretsvntoo vs by his fpiriteand by bis wooid. 270.b. jj.and 63. The Table. Riches and Rich men. Of Riches 351. a 30 VVhat true Riches is. 351.^55 Of the blifsing of God in enryching of his children 351. b 15 Riches of themfclues arc not to be con- demned 6.b. 41. Riches arc not fimplya caufc of euill vnto vs 6.b 16 Riches hauc greater aflauhes and tem- ptacionsthan pouertiefi.a 47.b3.ic ti.b^S Riches acaufeofpryd and other enor- mities 5.b 64. &c 18. b 58 Riches and worldely abilities fliall not faueorraunfomemen fro the hand of God 655. a 31 Riche men arevnexcufablef. a is"}. Richcmen thinkethey dial ncucr part from their Riches jr. a 11 The Rich and mighty compared too- uerflowingnucrslij.b 13 All ftrcngth.forec, Riches and abilitie, arc nothing in refpect of God 664. b 40. & 655. a The wicked in the middeft of their Ri- ches.atc nothing bctterthen pooie folkei8o.ai3 Riches and dignitic often tymesbringc nothing but foly.to rock me aflecpe 480.3 40 The Riches of the wicked, deihuction to their children 470 a ti God taketh awaye the Riches of the godly for their good 470 a 43 How men do truft to their Riches, cre- dite, authoritie and other worldely hclj>cs665.a6 As well Riche as poore are called to fal- uation7.a Rigour. VVhereforeGod fiieweth allthefignes of Rigour fomctyme3gaynft ts 145. b 60. and 146 In what caces'a Treacher or Teacher muftvfe vehemencie or Rigour 577. a S3 Reuenge. God is the Reucngcr of our wrongs Sc afflictions 81. a 16 Reward, Reward 66.a 37 Rules. Rules of bringing vp of children 9 a 19 31. Rules tobeekeptatmeateand mcales. 8.bi4 Ryghtj Ryghtuoufe.'and RyghtuoufenelTe. VVhat Righteoufnes is 195. b 56 Two Rightuoufncfles to be confidcrcd in the fcripture,a mtanc which god rcquirethin vs and the Angelk, and a perfect Riglnuoufncs which oncly is in God him fclf 173. a 8 & 17 The Rightuoufenes of the Law is a per fret Righteoufcncs,& in what fenfie. 186. a 30.51 A difference betwene the Rightuoufc- neffeof God, and the Rightuoufncs of theLawci86.a33 cV 138 a is How the faythfull are called Righteous 187.br Cod mult alwaj'cs bee acknowledged Righteous and we humble outfelues wiiethcr hecodemnevsforour faur, orpunifli vsdiucrfly for many faults orcxccutcth his fecrereiudgeme:>is on vs, although wc labour too fcrue him with a good cofcicnce 243. b 55. God is Righteoufc, euen when wee perccyue no figue or inclink therof, 655. b 14 Wherin Gods RighruoufcnefTcconfi- ftcth 640.3 56 ThcRightcouIenes of God is in twoo fortes 315.3 14. & 411. b 67.ck 413. a l.fc 455-b 33 Gods Rightuoufncs muft not bee mca. fured by the Righteoufnes of man I6i. a 14 The Rightuoufncs of God isafecret. 71 363 , Gods Rightuoufncs is an infinit thing, 72.351 The truemanerofconfciTing God too bee Rightuoui59?.b 4.6c 6ro.b 5. <: fin. a is b 43. & 611. b 37 & 614.3 50 How and wherein Godv Rightuouines istobeknowen 6ti a 53 God his willis the rule of all cquitic & Right 469.8 it Howe God is faydeto berecue men of their Right 455. b 4.6c 456 b 41 Rightuouieneilccoilfteth of two pans, namely, of deutie towards God, and ofdeutic toward our neighbour co8 85* The knowledge of Gods Rightuoufnes is a biydlc to hold vs in patience. 138 b49 God prcferueththe Righteous 66.b 40 God teacheth men Rightuoulcnei. by executing his ludgeinents page. 139. b 1. There is no Rightuoufncs tobefounj in any mortal! wight. 170.3 { 3 Thcreis no Rightuoufenefic at all irt man asof himfclfe.neithcr bcf. re re generation nor after 734. a 56 b.and 735.a b. How wc become Rightuoufe 591.011. b 1 & 5>7-a 4i.b God not only fettethvs in thewayeof Rightuoufcnelfeand f.iluation, but alfo holdeth,guydeth,maynt3yneia and contmeweth vs in the fame too the end 601.3 55.ee 602. a b.3c603.b 17 How the Godly arc fayd to be Ryghtu- oufc 273. b 8.cjc 74 4. a 51 VVhat manner of Rightuoufenes that is, that isfer foorthin Gods Law 171. , b 15. & 139. b 10 If weprefumevpon our owne Rightu- oufenes, we cannot ftand in Goddes prcfence73.bi A man can not mayntaync his owne Rtghtuoufneflc without dcrogatio to Gods Riglituoufncfle. 608. b I Howe wee ought to bchaue our fclues whewefeethc Rightuoufe afflicted, and the wicked piofper3oS.b55 Mannes Rightuoufnefh giue vnto him bv Chryft„p.illcih the Riglnuoufncs that the Angclles hauc of their onn n.iture 175.3 iS Let vs take heede wee hec not fpoyled of thcappsrcllof Ryghtuouft '.lie, except tvecMill hauec ill fli.imclay- cd epen before God and his Angils, 501. ThcTapiftcs RyghtuoufuKu'e,ard the Thi- The Table. Philofophtfrs is ail onc,i99.a 5. Popifli RightuouienefTc. i ?S.a 13 • 5. Sackcloth. Look? Sorrow. Sacntifcand Sacrifiiing, Sacrifizes and Saciifizing ordeyncd of GOD from the beginninge of the world. 11. a 13.14. Sacrifizes ferue not to cloke euil. j.a 5. The right vfe and end of Sacnfizes and Sacrificing. 1l.a31.b68. God did not at anytyme receyuemen to mercy without Sacrifize, 6c why. 745. b. 15. and 7 4 7. a 17. The Sacrifizes of the Heathe, Papifts, andvnbeleeuers 11 a So. 6c 11. a it. Saluation and Sauing. The maner of Gods working to bringc vs to Saluation. 594,0.49. 584. b. and 585.3 b. 8c 586.3 b.6c ^87. a b.588.a b &5S9.a b. 590. a b.591. ab.591. a b. 593.3 b 594. a b.8c 601.355. The "reatcft difference betwene the pa pities and vs, is about themeaneof ' our Saluation. 197. b 50. why the tyme of Saluation is called an acceptable tyme. 594. b iS No man is able to Saue or mayntaync himfelfe.730.a58. All the troubles of the wotldecannot hinder our SalUation 471.813. How to attayne to the knowelcdgc of our Saluation. 695, b. 34. Satan or Deuill. Satan. 733-314. why theDiucloi feend is called Satan, that is to fay, aduerfarie, enemic, or To. 15. b. 1.65. and is. a 35. b 4. Satan and his Angelles.Feendes.or Di- uels were created ofGod. 1 6.a it. Satluns office and natuie, and where- abouthebuzycth Sc applyeth him- lelfc.1s.b4s. and 17.3 10.31. and 15. a S0.and13.b30. Satan the father of lyes and lying, and anennemie toalltrueth.20. biS. £c n.aS. Satan is prince of the world. 1S.aiS.33. **' * Satan is an accufer.i9.a io Satan is a roaring Lyon. iS.a 39. b 10. Satan is Gods execucioner or hangma toward the wicked, and his rod to- ward the godly.tt.a 19.1t. Satan is buzicft eiier with the godly.17. a 47. Sathans corruptneffe or nauglHincfTe came of himfelf.is.a 13.13. Satan turneth himtelfe into anAngell oflight.io.b 31. Satan is Gods Ape, and hath his prophe fies and reuelations alio. 571. b 57. Satan dooth fometyme fpcake trueth. 10. b 17.35- Satan laboreth to rocke vs aflepe in hi- pocrifie.523.a6i. Satans policies are infinit.iS.b 54. wherforeGod puttethvs in myndeof the power, pollicie, and crueltie of Sa tan.is.a 59. b S. 16. 6c i7.a 15.6c i?.a 17. Satansdooingstend altogythcr to the dettruc'uon and damnation of men, Z3.37.b 3058. Satans power oucr men in their owne nature. iS.a 53. Satan is alwayes praftifing agaynft vs without ceaffing. 17. a 4S.b.t.Scl8.b 50.andi9.a 7. Satan is to ftrong forvs ifgod preferue vs not. 13.48. Satan tempteth and sfflictethmen mo wayes than one at once. 14.350. 5S. and tsb s 1. Satanfinding out euery mans humour and difeafe, vfeth the fame too the parties hurt. 19. a 67. and 10. a 48. Satan will not fuffer men too humble themfelues.119.b59. Satans hope in affli£ting the godly. 11. a jo. How Satan is difappointedof his hope in afflicting the godly. 11. a Si. and n.bn. Satan doth fometyme feduce the godly bvG0dspermilT10n.il b4i. whyGod giueth Satan leaue to afflicte the godly n.a 28.44. God graunting of Satan leaue to afflict the oodly,U not for that heismoo- ued therto bv Satans fute,or for that Safari is in any credit or fauour with him.ii.ai8.b 41. Satan is fpyted in the godly, 17. b 12. & 11. a si. , AllSatanspractifesturne to the bene- fite of the godly.i3.a ii. Satan knovvetfi not Goddes inuincibte powerin hischofen. 11. a 51. As well Satan himfclfc as alfo al his sn- gels, are of Gods fending. 35. a 38. b Satan is fubiedtvntoGod, and can not do any thing without his leauc.i5.a. 43.6c & n.a?o. bi5& 35. a 10. Satans fubiection is inforced.i5.a Si 8c is.a 1 55. b 43. 11. a 25. VVhy Satan is let loofe agaynft vs 35. b Satans fundry weapons againft vs.18. a 14. Satans power oucr the wkked.i7.a 48. and 21. a 41. VVhv Satan is fayd to haue dominion and to rcigneouer the wicked. 12. b. 57- , ■, Satans aflaults are fo rr.uchc the more perillous,becaufc they be not vifible. 17 319. VVhy Satanic fayd to appeere or come in Gods prefence with his Angels. 15. a 38. 8c is. b 33. and 55 a 19 WhyGod is fayd to demaund «juefli- onsof Satan. iS.b 47. What is ment by Satans going out of Gods prefence. 13. a S3. b 18. How ware we ought too bee of Satans pollicies,andwhvi7-aj4&i3 a3° By what meancs and in what wyfe Sa- tan hath power ouer the lightnings, thunder, windes, tepefies, & ftormes in theayre.17.aS4. Wemuft neytherbeafeardof Satan, norcareleffc of his afiaults. 3S. a 14. Thercdieft wayeto withftandc theaf- f3ultes of S3tan.259 a i.and 54. Satisfaction. There is no attonement with God by any other Sactnizc or Satisfaction, than the onely death of Chrvft. 74 j b.18. The Papiftes Satisfaction. lyS.a 47. The mcane wherby Satisfactions were brought into the Papacy. 516. b3*i Saue, Lsoke Saluation. Sayings. God doth not in al caces work his Sav- ings vifibly to theeyc.3ii.b.iS. ScrupuloufnefTc. ScrupuloufenefTe in eating and drinks ing.and the inconueniencesthcrof, 7.bi. Sea. The Sea is as a little babe in thehand of God.S97.ai5. By what meanes the Sea is bounded. 697.313. b. Gods mighty power, wifedome, and goodneffc vtteredin bounding and ruling of the Sea,prouok vs to praifc and magnifie him.o^s. b 34.6c S.97-, a b.andSpS.a b. Secret. Gods Secret Iudgements are to high for vs toattayneto.114.bis. 6c 739! a 18. We mull not be cuerwyfe in Gods Se- cretes.iyi.a 18.6c 470. a54.ee 480. b 35- The Secretes 6c mifleries of Gods word and workes muft be delt withall re- uerently 3nd foberly. 170. b 50. and 691. b .3.1.8c S9i.a. How farreandin what wyfe we ought toincjuire of Gods Secretes.'8s. b 53, and 5§4.ai9. When wepalfeourboundesinfkan- ning and lifting ofgods Secretes, wc do but intangle ourfelucs without profit.73S.bi9. Why God concealeth his Secrets front vs. 583. a iS.5c 738. b. 40. Looke more in Judgments, Veoordtt) woorkes. See. Looke more in Knoty. How God is Scene of vs. 338^.13. and 74i.b.4. Seeke. After what maner and where God is td be fought and fcene. S48.b.So. and S49.b 4. The chiefc poynt in Seeking GODa- right.S48.a 41. Separate. The Pope Sepcrateth the things which God hath knit togithcr. 633^.49. The feede of life Sepcrateth Gods chil- dren from the common order of Na- ture.77.3.19. Our finncsfepcratevsfrom God. 174, b 19. Selfwifclome. Selefwifedome & impaciencie difplace allright.s3S.b19. Sermons. ** Men Men-cameto Sermons but feu falhion •fike.foj.b. 37. The-v/e ofScrmons i58.a.l 1 . Serue. "WhatSeruicc is acceptable to God. 11. b.58. ©urSeruing of God muft beefree and vncouftrayned 93^.54. and 497.8 17 and 515.^58. Xbctruc gtound oftlieSeruice of God is lingleharttrdneffc.i-^.a^. The chicfe Scruicc that God requircth ofvs.n.b 44. & ti.b.6\8c 378. b. 31. The true markc of a man that is min- ded to ferue God. 497. a 5-1. God will haue vs to ferue him through ly and with the whole man, and not by halues,6i7.a 15. TheSeruiceofGodmuftbefpirituall. ii.b.6o.& ii a 57. Tbe true Seiuice of G O D abufed. ii. a 37. Gods goodnefle in accepting our Ser- uice though he receiue no profit nor commoditie by it.642.b.nJ. Of Scaling GOD vppon Vferie.5.a 43. and 66.8.3. and 515.^58. JnSeruingofGod wee muft not haue regard of any worldly recompencc . 496. b. 14. ThcSeruing of God muft bee ioyned with the helping of our neighbour. ii.bra.. What the Papiftcs call Gods Sernice. 4i>..b.43. Seructus 3eruetus denieth that the holy Ghoft is come.7i.b.'59. Scruetus error touchingvifions. 71. b. 5*- Shadow. VVhy man islikened to a Shadow t. 47 .b.37. Shamefaflnefle. Shamifaftnefletodo euill in refpee"tof manisnovertueofit fclfe.493.a 4 3. Sharnef'aftneffeis quite rafed out in all men. 494. a. ti. VVe muft not be loth nor afhamed to acknowledge par vna^uifed woords or opinions that we haue hild before we knew the truth. -739.^42. Shewc. God fhewethhimfelfctoovsin all his Workes.717-b.39. Shrift, OfPopidr Shrift. 593 a. 68. The blafpheinoufneffc of Popifh Shrift 598. b.i6. Shync. VVhatis meant by the fhining of light in da jtkcncllc. 6 4<.b 5. Simplicitic. The opinion of the world concerning honeft fimple men. 91. b. 31. VVhat is happened in Popedom* vndc* colour of Simplicitic.iy.a.i. The Table. Of the Simplicitic of faith that Papiftct Tecmire.169.a19. Sinne. What Sinne is? 5S.b. 50. Sinne is not of Gods creation in man, but of the Diuells procurement. 16 a 19. Sinneis thecaufe of aljourrniferies.48. b.46. There are thTee degrees ©f faultineiTe in Sinne although it come not to the outward deede.51i-a.43. VVhcrfore Sinne is termed by many namesin theScripture.i4 5.a 66. How all mankind is infected with ori- ginall Sinne and corruption notwith Handing our foules be not dcliuered from A dam, bu: only our bodies. 148 b.40. The diftiction of Sinne into wilfull Sin and Sinne of ignorance,hathnofub ftancc init.143.a-i7. The very conceiuing of Sinne is Sinne. 43 a. 6. b. 32. 5c 714.865. Originall Sinne corrupteth cuen the thinges that are good.7.b.40. Man is nothing the more excufedbe- caufc Sinne is in him by nature 147. a.S. The very difpofition or motion to miff like of Sinne commeth of God. £30, Of the fweetenes that wicked men find in their vices and Sinnes.3p.a 37. Mens Sinncs are not alwayes to be mea fured by thcit afflictions. 455. a 8. It is not for men to cloake their Sinncs before God. 600. b 66. Sin is tobefhunnedas a peftilentaire, plage, or poyfoned meate.18. b 33. VVhether a man ought to be miftruft- full and afrayd of finnes vnknowea 13-bfio. Theblafphemoufe opinion of the Pa- piftes conerninge the motion or coa ceytofSin.511.a53. Signes. All the Signes and wonders that GOD wrouolu in old tvme, ought too bee -warrants of his woord vnto vs. 690. a 4«S. Skorne Look* Sclaunder. Skycs. TheSkyes.andtheayreand all things in them, ate altered and difpofed by Gods appointemet.and not by their 0wnc.p0wen7i7.b3j. TheSkvesare recordes both of Gods fauoiir and of his wrath. 707.8 18. Sla uerie. The greateft Slauerie that can come to man, is to bee fubieiftc too his ownc viccs.577.b5z. Sclaunder. Sathansprattife by ftirringe vp malici- ous folkc to Sclaunder vs, is that we fliould conclude that wee haue loft our time in doing good. 508 a 46. VVe muft take it in good parte when men Sclaunder vs. ead.b 13. •By lobs cxaplc wc muft learnc to bearc. Sclaunder? and reproches. pag. ead. b 14. V Vhen we be {corned bv fuch as haue no comcndable thinge in th em, it is much more hard tojvs. 510. b 3. Agaynft the temptation of Sclaunder. 269.830. Slccpc. Gods preferuing of vs 8c his watching ouer vs whe we be aflcepe, ought to prouokc vs to reioyce in hiui.645. a. 4- slowc. When there is any talke of Gods Jud- gements, wearefo (lowc thatit mo- ucth rs not a whit. 514. b 35. Snowe. The jngcndcringofSnowc.704. b io« Sunne. TheSunne and Moone.and al the hoft ofHcauen with thcclowds and fuch other things are fcruauntcs to Gods elect people. 681. b 11. The wonderful 1 ccrtaintie and eucn- nefle which the Sonne keepeth in go ing his dayly andycrcly couifes.699. a.68.b. Thecourfc of the Sunne maketh the diuerfitieof feafons. 157.3 1. Thelightoftbe Sun isa part of the in* heritancc of Gods children. 701. a 44 Sorrowe TheSorrow|thatis not to be flrunnect.' 741. b 1. Commendable and godly Sorrowe. 19 b.51. Mens inordinatnelTe in Sorrowing. 19. a 49. Vncommendable.hipocritly, and wic- ked Sorrow. 19. a 40^.50. Hartic Sorrowe willvtter it felfe per- force. 19-bi. It is a thing not to be defired neucrtoo haue any Sorrowe at all. 517.1 54. Ic behoucth the godly too bee touched with griefand Sorrow, when GOD layeth his hand vpon the. 29.a 11. b. 38. and 30. a. Sackloth, Shearing of mennes heades. Bending of thcrr garments, andca- ftingofduft and affiles vpon them, were tokens of Repentance, or clfe of great Sorrowe among the people of the Eaft Countries in old tymc.19 a.15. 30. 37.61.65. b 46. 56. Signes of Sorrow doe varye accordinge to the diueriitie of the cuftomes of Countries. 19. a 30. What things ought toprouokevstoo Sorrowe. 48. b 56. Thecommon manner of putting away Sorrowe or grief.19. b it. soueraintie. Looks Subiettion. Wherein confifteth the Soueraintie that God hath oucrvs. 441.831. Looks more in Prouidence. SoweandReapc, Such as wceSowc.fucb fhall wercape, £8.1x4. Soulc The Table. Soul. The Soule is not immottall of itfelf. 184.333- Cod brcathcth the Soule in to the child j6.z 4. The death and lyfe of the Soule . 154. a iS.and 13. Satan neuer hathe any powroucrthc Soules of the Godly. n. a 30. All men arc infcfted with original Sin, notwithftanding thatour Soules be not deriued from Adam.i4 8.b 40. The Sadduces dcniethc lmmortaluie cf the Soule. 370. b 11. Soundneffc. Soundneffe, what it is 3. a 4.the image thcrof in lob.j. a 66. A defcnptionoftrcwSoudnefle.j.bji. Soundneffc vnperfeft in this lyfc.j.b 7. Soundneffc of hart is the firft point and the very growndof trcw holineffe. i8.aij. Soundneffc of hart is thefoundacfon wheron vvee muft grownd our fel- ues wbcrin the fame is fhewcd.36.b 16. VVe ought not only inwardly too bee Soud.but alio fhewe our dedes that we be fuche as we leeme.310.40. Alore Soundneffc of lyfe in the old tint than in theis daycs.i.b 58. Spare. Cods Sparing of vsand hisdooingof vsgood isnorforany woorthineffe ©r deferuingofours,butforhisown ftee mercies fake or forlomeother caufe.s8i.b.6t . 5c 683.8 b. Scingthat God fpareth not whole na- tions that offcnd,much leffe fhall he 'fpare any one man. 666. a 5. Speake and Speach. In what wyfeGodSpeakcth to all fortj of men and openeth their cares . 585 . a is. Gods Speaking to vsis not to leaue vs in dowt. 617.1. God fpcaketh to vs after twoo fafhyonj 741.316. God is fayne to fpeake too vs in way of fkornc 6c mockage, & why 631. b !3.&Si3.a. Why God Speakcth too vs by men ra- ther than by himfclf immeadiatly. 578.330. God hathe diuers maners ofSpcaking to putvs tofilcnce.717.b5c6: 718. a The two things that wc learn by Gods fpcaking to vs. 583^52,. It ought too fuffize vs toohaue heard God Spoken of.7 40. btfl. Spceclicand the end and vfe therof 43. b 13.8c 51. a 58.6c 118. biS OurOucrhaftincffe in Speaking we woote not what . 635 . a 34. 8e 036. a 3«; HafiinefTe to fpeake ;is to bee difcom- mcndcd.j5.b 41. State. TheStateofourIyfe.74.bi4.8c75. b. 47- The State of me after this lyfe vntill the laftday.157 ai.a TheStateofthereprobate^.a 40. TheStatcof our bodies. 74. b 16. 6c 75. a 4 3- The State and condition of fcruants in the time of lob. 531. bio. Thefaythfullin confidcring their State ought toowayghe well both what they are , and alfo what God is able todo.154.b6. Thinos can not be i'n their perflte State tilfhelaftday.47i.b13. Ifwe thinke not of our State we fhaH alwayes be puffed vp with pride. 5 1 8 a 47- _ Stoutnefle. If a Magiftrate wanrcStourent-ffe too redreile matters he fliall ncuci per* fourmc his duty. 501. a 12. Storke. Of Storks 713 b 59.6c 7iS.a 41. The kindneffc that is naturally in Storks is amirrour ol the thankful- neffe that ought to be in children to wards their parents. 716. a 40. Strength. Al our Strength , and rightuowfeneffe cometh only of God. 734. b 3. It is for our profit and behofe not too haue theStrenth and iwiftneffe of birdes and bcalls.7i7.a 18. Strumpet. Looks Whore. Caluin rcproueth fharpely that a Stru- pet being put in prifon wasprefen- ted which une».34i-b 47- StabDOrnei God will dealerowghly with theSrul born. 747. a 59.6. Such ai are fhibborne againft God, come toconfufion.139.a37-. Stryue. It is invaync for man to Stryue ageinft God 01 hi.vtruthc.64i.a 11. Subieft & Subieftion. Manncs fubieftion and dewtieofobe- diencevnto God. i.a 19.6c 30. What maner of Subiecho man fhould haue bee in if he had not finned. 714.330. Doc the beft we ca,wc ca not be fo Sub iecte to God as were requifite. 517 a 41 It is for our welfare to be fo in Subic- d10n.7i4.a68. TheSubiecrion and feruisofbeafts vn- tovs is through , Gods taming and fubdewing of the to our hand. 714, b 66. 6c 715.8 b. The diuells arc Subiect to God and ca- not doanicthmg withowthis leaue 15. a 43.6c Nf.a 8 bi6. Lake more in Obedience. Submit. we muft alwayes Submit our felues to God that webe not touched witht vaine prefumprion. 511.86?. It is a hard thing for mantoSubmit himfelfe too the fingle will of God without a [king 3 reafon ol his woilc* 3M-b3S- Subflance. TheSubftace of our bodies and foules are no euill thinges , bur the good creatures ot God not wuhftandinge all that is in them is pesuerted and euill 174. a 15. To fay that the Subflance of Gods Spi- rit is in vs, is an hevcfie.4s;S.a 43. Seruetus held that mens loulcs were partakers of the Subftancc of the Godhead. 458. b 4. Sufferance & Suffering. God* Suffcraccisnotafingle permifficS or giumg leaue, but an effcctuall ap- pointing ot things to bee doone, 34, a 13 6cii8 b 19. Simple Siifferacedcftroveth the almigbi tineffeof God. 210. b 5. How the things that are doone by Sa»' tan 6; by wicked folk are doone by Gods ownc woorking and appoint- ment,and not fimply by his permifi Jon or Sufferancc.34.a 16.46. What fi ute,profit 6c confort redound to the Godly by knowing that Sati or wicked men can c!oo nothing but bv Gods Sufferance. 16. a 18 40.47^ 21.8c 53.636. Why GodSuffcreth manie things vn- puniflicd'.i65. b^7 .6c 166. b 37. 5c 655. bi7, Suchcas fuffer the .wicked, at length fcclcthe fnurt them felues. 437. b. it. Supcrftition. Superftition.86.a7. fjom whence the Supciflicion fpringJ. 399.8 18. ** Suftayne Suftayned. Wee are not Suftayned by the abun- dancetharwc hauc, but only by the gtaceofGod.3i8.a.3. Swearing and Othes. Swearing is monftrous and againft, na- ture.I54. b. 68. The ttucth and right ofSweating. 457. 358. Light Othes are fo many reproches too God. 457.3 45. Sweating. Caufcs of Sweating. 6S6.a.6Y. Swooid. The common drawing of the Swoord now adayes. 503.^31. Looi^e more in Gmicrners. Talke. All our Talke mud tend too the glory ofGod.653. b 33. Tame. Till wee knowthat God puttcthvs too reproch, and giueth men leaue too perfecute vs, wee fliall neucr bee Ta- med as we ought to be.5i2.b.i4. Teacli,Teacher,Teachable Teachablenefle. There is no Teacher like vnto God , and and how to learneathis hands. 66 7. b. 30. 5c 668. a. AH theTeaching, reading.and hearing ©fGods woord that can be, will not auailevs, except he wotke inwardly by his holy fpirit.667.b.6o. The waye too bee well taught at Gods hand. 711. a 48. & 740.^30 To be Teachable is a great vertue.ii7.a. 50. and 118.2.47. What Teachablenefle is. 74. b 31. The firft foundation of wifedome is Teachablenefle, that ts to fay ,a wil • lingnelTe ot defiroufnes to be taught 616. b. 19. When God Teacheth wee muft giue eare to hi1; Teaching 581.87. The Lord wiilhauevs only toreceiue that which hee thsnketh good too Teach vs. 484^.13. God Teacheth vs by men 5c according toourcapacitie.7i8.a 35 & 7S9 a. 9. He that will Teach others well, mull firft learne ofGod.Sc hauea perfect feclino of the true Dochinein his . o natt.575.a i.5c 576.318. The propetties of a good Teacher. 444 a 54 5c 496.8.39.60. TheofKce of the Preachers and Tea- chers of the Gofpcll toforgiuc finnes 593-3 2" The lets are many which turnemen a- fide from fufrring themfelucs to bee tauoht by God. 481 b.6. Very few now adayes can abide to bee Taught, but eucry man takcth vpon. him tobeaTeacher 495 3.48. Thev fliall neurr bee good Teachers which will notfvffer themfelucs too bereproued when they doo amifle. 6j7.b.63. Jf wee make no reckoning of the good The Table. life of fuche as ought to teache vs, we rciectcthe alTurance that God ge ueth vsof his doctiine. 4 96. a 15. They thatdefpife their teschers , offer wronge vnto God.H7.a 19. All Popifh Teachers are fcoruers of God. 197. a 40. The condemnation of hypocritical tea- chers.64^65. Temptations & Tempting. Temptation. 6i.a 40. Three degrees of Tentationes. 158. a 16. VVearefometimes Tempted without any inward affection. 518. b 38. Temptation, fpirituall. 1. b 17. Temptations too any vnlawfulncffe come ofthcdiuel.17.3 43. Great difference betwene the being beaten downe which Teptationes, and being fliaken onlv and yet with (lading them. 257. b 38. and fo forth. Temptations blot owt theremembc- rance of Gods benefits. 52. b 47. The Temptations, trialls,and trubbles of the Godly are nuny & manifold. 18.a66.cki6.b53. VVhy wee owght not to miflike of Gods dooing when hecsufcth vstoo bee Tempted snd tried. 17. b 44. The violence of Temptations and af- flictions driueth euen thegodlieft to ouerfhootc themfelucs. 607. a9.b & 608. b 58. Thelaintes which God molt loued haue bene in veryc great Tcmtatid, and howwe ought to apply this too our comfort.i9i.b.itf. VVhy fomc men arc ftronger in Tern-, ptations and afflictions than other- fome.14 b 38. Tliegreateft Temptation that can coin to man is to bepreffed with the fee- ling of Gods wrath. 103.369. and 104 a 11.b15.and no. a 1. How thcfaithfull ought to ftrcngthen them fcluesinTentationes.3ro.310 Godsftrength neuer fayleth mein their Temptations. 4 8. a 50. Our ouercoming of Teptationsisnot withowt leauing fomc marks of our infirmitie.607.a 18. The Ouercoming and withftandingof Tcmptstions and aduerfities cometh of Gods power in vs and not of our - felues.i^.b 51.67. Satans cheef Temptation in our affli- ctions. 46. b 47. Terrible. Too what end God fhewcfh himfelf Terrible to vs. 677. b 14. 6c 689.33 5. b&690.a b 5c 734-8 38. Thankcfulnefle. What maner of Thankfulnefle it be- houeth vs to ycald to God when we hauc felt his mercie in forgiuing our finnes. 597. b 44. Al Gods creatures prouoke vs to Thak- fulneffe towards Gods. 645. b 41. Thowghts. The errour of the papifts towching finfull thoughts. 43. b 48.6c 607. bi. Threatnings. l,eoke Vxtrmng, God denounceth not his Threatnings invainc.470.a.37. Thrycc. What the number of Thryce betofce- neth in holy Scripturc.6:i.a 7. Thunder. The ingendring of Thunder and light- ning in the aire, 673.3 30. The Thunder is termed the voyce of God 676.354. The Thunder and tempeftuous wea- . ther are meflcngersor Gods Maicfty, and proofes of his prouidcnce and foueraintie ouer all his creaturcs.680 a.4. The Thunder and lightning makevs vncxcufable if we do not therby both know fcarc and magnific God. 676. b.8.£V6-: 8.315. The Thunder maketh enen the Repro- bates and Atheifts to know and con fcfle that there is a God.67S.a- Tormenter. A man can haue no worfe Tormenter then himfelfe. 247.^63. Trades. All Trades are giftes of God. 477.4 4j. Traucll. All trauaileand turmoylc in the world csn not make a man rich except God blefle him.47o.b. 39. TrayteroufnelTe. The proud Tray teroufneflc of man. 264.3.14, Treafurc. What the fimilitude of the woorde Trcafure importeth.704.a.j7. Tumbe. The hcauen fliall feme for a Tumbe to Gods Saints. 473. a 16. Looke more in Bury all. Trubble. Such as are boldc in Troubling others (lialbe danted by the hand of God. 475.314. Truft. We muff continually truft in Gods goodnefle.99.3 4.6c 730.3 58. b. What is imported by trufting in God. 93. 314. 5c 136. b. 13. Gods bcrcauin;; vs of all truft in our owne ri"htcoufncfle is to our finsiu- lar benchteand welfare. 603^.55. Our Truft muft not betyed to thethin- ges that are feene.but we muft Truft in God euen in the nndft. of death. 514.334. Truth. When God offereth vs his Truth wee muftrccciucit without replying or gjinfay1ng.603.a39. The trueth of God fliall neuer be fup« prcfTcd.iio.b 38.6c 570. b. 9. It is blafphcmie againit God, too make countcnanceor content too fuch as maintaine an euil cafe 6c go againft the Trueih.459.b.6. He The Table. He that knoweth Gods truth inuftnor. keepe it clofe but is bound too his neighbours. 176.3.17. VVhcnforucrwcctcc a man ftriue a* gauift Gods Trueth in woordcsor workes.we ought to let ourfclfca- gainft hsm,34i.a 56. Thefearcfauourorauthoritieofman, mud not rcllrainevs from the main- tayningeor fettinge forth of Gods Truth. 571. b. 65 and 573. a. b. and 574. a. VVe muft not be afr.iyd to mayntainc Gods Truth, and why. 641.361. VVhy men dare not mayntaine the Truth and the punishment of their faynt hartedneflc 57cb.iS. God u not worshipped, if his Tructh benot obeyed. 117. b. 54. Man of his ovvne nature can not call vp ponGod in Truth. 155. b. 45' One caufe that hindercth the fimple fort to come to G O D is Truth. 480 a. 30.611. a. Turfce. The ground of the Turkcs Religion. 7i.b.47. Of Turning. Thewclfpring of all cuils, and of de- struction, is to Tourncawayc from God .615 b 7. VVhy the Heathen and Paynims are laid to becTurncd away from God. ^15.^x4. v. Vanitic. They that are giucn to Vanities are toea nc to heart talke of God. 466. b.35 . Vaineglory or Ambition. The Vaineglorious man doth not any thing but he looketh lor praifc. 496. b.3. The man that exalteth the metTage of Gods Doctrine is not to be condem- ned of Vaineglory. 654. a 34. The Vaincglory of Ambition of Pa- rents, iz. b. 46. TheVaine"lorioufnts ofwoildlin°es. J5.b.i4. Vertueand vertuoufnefTc. When a man is not grounded in the feareofGod.his Venues are but fil- thineffe.743.b.4S.c< 744. b.S. The more V'ertuous that me are the bet ter doth God like of them, nnd the more is hce honored and glorified thcrby.6s<,a.37. Gods Vcrtucs arc him fclfc.fSi.a 18. Vnbcliefe. The great vntclicfefpecially in afHicTi- ons.j9o.b 10. Vndcrftanding. Godsbountifulnclleingiuingofvnder (landing to fuel: ascraucir.tf33-b.it. Our Vndciftanding is notperfc&./i.b 16. God muft not be meafurcd by our Vn- dcrftanding.415. b.6o. The fpiriteof VnJei"ftanding is the gift oi : God, net ofiuuirc.io-t.a U. Godhathe" not fetmeninthisworlJe to bcrcaue thein of all vndcrftan- ding.484.a61. Leaks ™°™ m Retfett. Vndutiful. Vndutifull men are compared to dtie brookcs.114.a6. Vnicorne. OftheVnicorne. 713. b 35.8c 724^50. Vnitie. Our Vnitie ought to be in the right fcarcofG0d.288.b1. Vnkyndncfle. Mens Vnkindnes ought to prouokevs to remit our ielucs wholy vnto God. }o8.a 58. Violence. God accepteth not our prayers except bur hnadesbecleare from Violence i^.b 45. VnquietnelTe. The Vnquictncs of the wicked . 176. b 33- VnthankfulnelTe. Vnthankefulnes in men. 107.3 21. VnthankfulnelTe in grudging aoeinft God when he bereueth \s of his be- nefits. 3:.b 59. & 31. a 53. b 40. VnthankfulnelTe in forgetting Gods protection. n.a8. The mannes VnthankfulnelTe is the caufe of his decay.89.a 11. VVhen God giUeth the wicked the vp- perhand it is to pilnifh the Vnthant- iulncsofthe world. no. b 4 J. Vprightn elTe. Trcw Vprightne(Tc.3 b 3c. VVhece Vprightncfierpnngeth.i8.a 31. VVhcrin Vprightnefleconfifteth. 18 a 38. VVhcrtoo VprightnelTe tendeth . 18 . a 4t- The principal or cheef point of Vprioh- nelTc.r8.a ^r. ThetryallofVprightnclTe.iS.a.48. Trcw Vprightnefte the mark of and warrant of fowndndTc of hart . 4. a jo. It is vnpoffiblc that man fhouldc hauc fuche perfection as to begarniflied with Vpright dealing in all pointcs. joi.b.34. It is a wonder that a mnn which wal- keth Vprightly fliouldc be honou- red at this day .508. b 58. Viilble. The fight oftheis Vifible things muft Icadc vs too the confidcnng of the things that areinuiliblc. 713 a 6. Vifions. Vifions of the father'. 71. a 5.1S. VVhy God appecred in Vjfions and dreames to the men of old tyme and why hedooih notfoto vs.<8{.a b. VVhy the Vifions were with tokens to amaze men.7i.a 7.21. VVeeintheis daics muft not looke for V1fi.onsandrcuelations.5S4 bjJ. Gods inward working in mennes harts by remorfes, infpirations andVifi* ons584.b8. Vifions not to be longed for. 71. b.ioi The Vanitic of them that defire VifU ons. 71. b it Vifitacion. God fendeth vs his woord.Sc we know1 not the due tyme of his Vilitacion> J04, bij Vfurie. Of feruing God vppon Vfuric.ts*3 .b.to Vyce. Euery Vice drawcth man awaye frorrt God. 482.867 Twoo Vyces that commonlv rci^rie in ■ the wotld»namely contempt ot god> and (upcrftition.S^.b 54. Twoc trcme Vices amongft men, one in that fome arc greedy to knowe all things, the other, for that fome will not feeke to know that they (hold, and that iscuident amongllthePa- piuS.484.a 17. and 17 How loth all men are to hatte their Vi- ces rebuked, and fpecially Princes 5c great men. 6i7.b6i. Shjmcfull & ab hom in able Vyces may not be fpoken agaynft now adayes. 638.833 w. Walke. VVhat is merit or fignificd by Wal- king generally. 3. b 63. VVhat is ment by Gods Walkings vp>- pon thcfca.r66.b3r. VVhat it is to Walk with God. 609. a 14.48. bt VVhy Enockeis fayd to hauc Walked with God.6o9.a 40. What it is to walke with men. eo^.a." 2.1. VVhat it is to Walk with the wicked. 607. b 47.6c 60S. a. Solonge as man is vppon thcearthe, he mart needs walke amogft thorncs pag.ead.b.61. VVc cannot Walke to Gods contenti cion, except wee cfchew euill.iS.a 6j How wee may walke as it becometh vs 37-aij. VVant VVe fliall not Want any thing ifgod takethecharaeofvs 367. b 19. VVareneiTe, VVareneiTe needful in all ftates and dc* grecs.7.a 30. b S. VVareneiTe at fealtings.S.a 64. VVareneiTe in tvme of profperitic 20 a 53.f