TTWnitTWTHt'ia )=^ t :^=^5=^: I X I 1=8^ 1. Sav - ior, like a shep-herd 2. We are Thine; do Thou be - 3. Thou hast promised to re - 4. Ear - ly let us seek Thy J) lead ns, Much we need Thy ten- der care; friend us, Be the Guardian of our way; ceive us, Poor and sin- ful though we be; fa - vor; Ear - ly let us do Thy will; m^f=^4 =^ ^^ t2- -(2- ^ ■I — ^ — p— p— p-v i 3 :fc=t5: m ti—\T-fr- ^=t i In Thy pleas-ant pas-tures Keep Thy flock, from sin de - Thou hast mer - cy to re - Bless -ed Lord and on-ly g^ rrT~H^ "^ feed fend lieve Sav - 42 rt|=ijz=IE i us, us, us, ior, J: For our use Thy folds pre-pare: Seek us when we go a - stray: Grace to cleanse, and pow'r to free: With Thy love our bos- cms fill: Ji-^M -^ — ^ — * — ft—j.^- -p- ^ ^ ^ \> % j?r-f)— fr pi H>->— r ^ 4=2- 1^ :J=l=t1 Bless-ed Je-sus, Bless-ed Je - sus, Thou hast bought us. Thine we Bless-ed Je - sus, Bless-ed Je - sus. Hear Thy chil- dren when they Bless-ed Je - sus, Bless-ed Je - sus. Ear - ly let us turn to Bless-ed Je-sus, Bless-ed Je - sus, Thou hast loved us, love us -P- -0- -^5>- -•- -•- -p- -t— -t— 4^ -tr- ±r H — j^ M m m m m m t. ^^=1 ^W=K are; pray; Thee; still; :^ ^- n?— p- I 1 P U : i -f2- *^ ^9=5 il^C ^ Bless-ed Bless-ed Bless-ed Bless-ed Je-sus, Bless-ed Je-sus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. Je - sus, Bless-ed Je - sus, Hear Thy chil-dren when they pray. Je - sus, Bless-ed Je - sus, Ear - ly let us turn to Thee. Je - sus, Bless-ed Je - sus, Thou hast loved us, love us still, -•- - ^ P ^ 4-^ m notes al - most di - vine. In notes al - most soul shall ev - er shine. My soul shall ev all His glo -ries known, Make all His glo um - phant in His grace, Tri - um-phant in J-i m m m - ^ zz: T fr H4 l f-f f:ilf':l^ Hail, Thou ag - o - niz - ing Sav - ior, Bear-er of our sin and shame! All Thy peo - pie are for - giv - en, Thro' the vir - tue of Thy blood; There for sin-ners Thou art plead-ing; There Thou dost our place pre-pare: Help, ye bright an - gel - ic spir - its; Bring your sweet-est, no-blest lays; ^^ g I n I p m. M m -t5>-' ^^ T :si -&- By Thy mer - its we find fa - vor; Life is giv - en thro' Thy name. 0-pened is the gate of Heav-en; Peace is made 'twixt man and God. Ev - er for us in - ter-ced - ing. Till in glo - ry we ap - pear. Help to sing our Sav-ior's mer-its; Help to chant Immanuel's praise! A-MEN. ^^ ffi : / t 1: i -^9- ^ "JSL I 8 From Greenland's Icy Mountains Reginald Heber Lowell Mason ^ From Green-land's i - cy moun-tains, From In-dia's cor - al What tho' the spi - cy breez - es Blow soft o'er Cey-lon's Shall we, whose souls are light - ed With wis-dom from on Waft, waft, ye winds, His sto - ry. And you, ye wa - ters, ^m t I strand; isle; high, roU, h I a:^ -^ ±± ^ U^^nUU^ M f ^ fr Where Af - ric's sun - ny foun - tains Eoll down their gold - en sand: Though ev - 'ry pros - pect pleas - es, And on - ly man is vUe? Shall we to men be - night - ed The lamp of life de - ny? Till, like a sea of glo - ry, It spreads from pole to pole: f f - rr-nri-i i ^ i ^- f =f=^ -^s)- From man- In vain Sal - va - TiU o'er an-cient riv - er, Fromman-ya pahn-y plain, lav - ish kind - ness The gifts of God are strown; sal - va - tion! The joy - ful sound pro - claim, yan with tion! our ran-somed na - ture The Lamb for sin - ners slain, il 9-^ mjW J J J l t-TTl ^ They call us to de - liv - er Their land from er - ror's chain. The hea-then in his blind - ness Bows down to wood and stone. Till earth's re-mot - est na - tion Has learned Mes-si - ah's name. Re - deem-er, King, Cre - a - tor, In bliss re - turns to reign. A-men. Hr f f"'^' I a 9 The Morning Light is Breaking S. F. Smith G. J. Webb ^ HrT^Uy=W-i^l J J i-itU 1. The morn - ing light is break - ing, The dark - ness dis - ap - pears; 2. See hea - then na - tions bend - ing Be - fore the God of love, 3. Blest riv - er of sal - va - tion, Pur-sue thine on -ward way; 4. Kich dews of grace come o'er us In many a gen - tie show'r, M . m ^ -^ ', r, ' f K "^^rr j^ I j J lu-U The sons of earth are wak And thou-sand hearts as - cend Flow thou to ev - 'ry na • And bright - er scenes be - fore ing To pen - i - ten - tial tears; ing In grat - i - tude a - bove; tion, Nor in thy rich -ness stay; us Are ope - ning ev - 'ry hour; 1 ^ :22: 1 — tr-r IU^I-U4 ^ Each breeze that sweeps the o - cean Brings ti-dings from a - far, Of While sin-ners, now con-fess - ing. The Gos-pel's call o -bey. And Stay not tiU all the low - ly Tri - um-phant reach their home; Stay Each cry to Heav-en go -ing, A- bun-dant an - swer brings, And A J J ... * ^i =8q=5 P I T M -f^'-r m s ^ i ^ p na - tions in com - mo - tion, Pre-pared for Zi - on's war. seek a Sav-ior's bless - ing, A na - tion in a day. not till all the ho - ly Pro-claim, "The Lord is come!" heav'nly gales are blow - ing, With peace up - on their wings. -O. ^ f A -MEN. m 10 The Kingdom Coming Mrs. M. B. C. Slade R. M. MclNTOSH 9 — * n J -ri i^ ^=fc T=S 1. FiOm all the dark pla - ces Of earth's hea-then ra - ces, see how the 2. The sun -light is glanc-ing O'er ar - mies ad-vanc-ing, To con-quer the 3. With shout-ing and sing-ing, And ju - hi -lant ring- ing, Their arms of re- t:- f f f ^ 4=- ^m ^ P P I P =U: P I) I t^ =P :t£=t2: ^ ifct :&=^ «: ^=8: thick shad-ows fly! The voice of sal - va - tion A-wakes ev - ry na - tion, king-doms of sin; Our Lord shall pos-sess them, His presence shall bless them, bel - lion cast down, At last ev- 'ry na - tion The Lord of sal -va - tion, ■f f f f r . ^^ S ^ S p I) if^' i I I p p :5==U: :t:=:p: :^=^ Chords. ,1 , 1 h h F) . — ^ ^ :&=:t5: ^=r Come - ver and help us, they cry. His beau - ty shall en - ter them in. The king-dom is com -ing, Their King ?nd Ke-deem - er shall crown! ^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t -H» • • • m— =P= P P P P — r-v h i> ■ I — f5 — f^> — ^ ^^ i i i i g =P :fc=^ :r=t=s=8=«= ^ J 8 I tell ye the sto - ry, God's ban-ner ex -alt - ed shall be! The earth shall be -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -ih -Tg- » 1~ . V ^#^ i^ ^t ^►^ » rt s r-^ ^ r r "^ I ^ ^ ^m >-r p p P P :^ ^ :t2=p: tt=t2: i n D 1 P l^ ;' P ^ t=:=r=s: ±: ifc:^ J Z 9 i 3 full of His knowledge and glo-ry. As wa-ters thatcov- > . » .1^ f f f » ^.. « i^ ^ -<&- -27- er the sea. A -MEN. fe^ ^' j l z^l ^ ^ ^ b ^ t ^ ^ ^ 42- ga ■p-tr Used by permission of R. M. Mcintosii 11 How Tedious and Tasteless John Newton Lewis Edson fA i ^ iEte :& ^=#=5^ T 1. How te-dioas and taste-less the hoars When Je - sas no lon-ger I seel 2. His name yields the rich-est per-fume, And sweet-er than ma -sic His voice; 3. Con - tent with be-hold-ing His face, My all to His pleas-ure re-signed, 4. Dear Lord, if in -deed I am Thine, If Thou art my sun and my song, ' 1^ * h * 'r — ' Z±r ^ ^ 3 J ^ Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flow'rs, Have all lost their sweetness forme. His pres-ence dis - pers - es my gloom, And makes all with -in me re-joice: No chang-es of sea - son or place Would make an-y change in my mind: Say, why do I lan-guish and pine, And why are my win-ters so long? l^ D ^ b r m The mid-sum-mer sun shines but dim; The fields strive in vain to look gay; I should, were He al-ways thus nigh, Have noth-ing to wish or to fear; While blest with a sense of His love, A pal - ace a toy would ap-pear; Oh, drive these dark clouds from my sky; Thy soul-cheer- ing pres-ence re -store; j2^ J: ^ ^ ^=k =t 52=ti=P=t2: ^m ^ =r? t=,«^ ^ ■<&^ But when I am happy in Him, De - cem-ber's as pleas-ant as May. No mor-tal so hap-py as I; My sum-mer would last all the year. And prisons would pal-a-ces prove. If Je-sus would dwell with me there. Or take me un -to Thee on high. Where winter and clouds are no more. A-MEN. ^^ J!l i p _ P _ P _ p . ^ fftMbH r 12 Come, Ye Thankful People Henry Alford George J. Elvey i i^ ^^ ^ r ^^=g i 1. Come, ye thank -ful peo - pie, come, 2. All the world is God's own field, 3. For the Lord our God shall come, 4. E - ven so. Lord, quick-ly come :?: :^; Raise the song of har- vest -home: Fruit un - to His praise to yield; And shall take His har - vest home; To Thy fi - nal har - vest - home; 1 r) . I , -JX zti ^ ■ i ^ r=^= rr M ^ r '^- I All is safe - ly gath - ered in, Ere the win - ter storms be - gin; Wheat and tares to - getli - er sown, Un - to joy or sor - row grown; From His field shall in that day All of - fens - es purge a - way; Gath - er Thou Thy peo - pie in. Free from sor - row, free from sin; : i — r f=r r * t: I l^=t :it=3 ^ 4 God, our Ma - ker, doth pro - vide First the blade, and then the ear, Give His an - gels charge at last There, for - ev - er pu - ri - fled, Jl i=t ^— L— g: For our wants to be sup - plied; Then the full corn shall ap - pear: In the fire the tares to cast; In Thy pres-ence to a - bide: -i9- =t=F i l=J=:^ r ;!*: 3t ^-5- ^ f -| — I — r i ^ -r i Come to God's own tem - pie, come, Raise the song of har - vest-home. Lord of har - vest, grant that we Wholesome grain and pure may be. But the fruit -ful ears to store In His gar-ner ev - er-more. Come, with all Thine an - gels, come, Raise the glo-rious har - vest-home. t ^ -^ ^ ->2- I 13 Just As I Am Chabuxttb Elliott WtLLIAU B. BRADBtmr r* Just as Just as Just as Just as Just as I am, I am, I am, I am— I am— m -j^ Sb -(2 — ^ -^2-. 12: ^ with - out one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, and wait-ing not To rid my soul of one dark blot, tho' tossed a-bout With many a con-flict, many a doubt, poor,wretched,blind;Siy:ht,riches, heal-ing of the mind, Thou wilt re-ceive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse relieve; -^ — fz tT- M 4=~(^ .^— tr m ± K -'^0 04- I I kh S3S E^ ^g=g= =^ ^ ^ -Z5*^ And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee, Lamb of God, I come! I ToTheewhosebloodcancleanseeachspot, Lamb of God, I come! I Fight-ings and fears with-in, with-out, Lamb of God, I come! I Yea, all I need in Tliee to find, Lamb of God, I come! I Be - cause Thy prom-ise I be-lieve, Lamb of God, 1 come! I ^ & J * fe ^ -15'- r- r -p—p- - ^ — r^n — t L come! come! come! come! come! & 14 Wm. p. Mackay Revive Us Again i :J=i John J. Husband -J \ 1- a: i=^ —4 — I — « • •- ^ ^ '^ ^ #- 1. We praise Thee, God! for the Son of Thy love, 2. We praise Thee, God! for Thy Spir-it of light, 3. All glo - ry and praise to tlie Lamb that was slain, 4. Re-vive us a -gain; fill each heart with Thy love; ^ ^=^ ^ rs: For Je - sus who Who has shown us our Who has borne all our May each soul be re- --iX^^ ^ -^r m Chorus is^^ :^ 5 ^H,^j=j: |E£ m died, and is now gone a - bove. Sav - ior. and scattered our niijht. Hal - le - la -jab" Thine the glo - ry, Hal- le- sins, and has cleansed ev'ry stain, kin- died with fire from a - bove. -^ j_ I ^ -^ #- .(2. ..«-•- ^ -^- ^ ^ ^^ i4-^-^^ m TT^ H ^ ^- -^^ Revive Us Again j =j=, ^ - to ^^d^^ 3± =f 5^ -dr la- jah! a-men; Hal-le - lu-jahlThinethe glo-ry, re-vive as a - gain m ±^ £ -^-=-#- ^irrg=g- V 1^ ^ TLlJ : o r 15 Joseph Scriven What a Friend J — _^_^_^ Chables C. Converse t^ i f5=it: —I H — ol H — «i or ^^^ ^#^ ^*^ ^ 4-^ 1. What a Friend we have in Je - sus, All oar sins and griefs to bear! 2. Have we tri - als and temp - ta - tions? Is there troub-Ie an - y - where? 3. Are we weak and heav-y - la - den, Cambered with a load of care? — ^ s V b l> — 1^=^ -#-=- U b tr- =F :^ J ^-|L_^ :45: #=f5: ^ t: =i=t^ ^ " ^ What a priv - i - lege to car - ry Ev - 'ry-thing to God We should nev-er be dis - cour-aged, Take it to the Lord Pre - cious Sav-ior, still our ref - age, — Take it to the Lord in prayer! in prayer, in prayer. i ^ •^ ^ Ti b U - sza: :^=^=^ 1 b b b 4 — 4:5 — ^ :t5=^ :r5=# ? :^5=^ -«— ^.E^J^^Ete what peace we oft - en for - feit, what need-less Can we find a friend so faith - ful Who will all oar Do thy friends despise, for-sake thee? Take it to the pain sor- Lord we bear, rows share? in prayer; :fc£: t=t: =■£ & ^= =5=5= am 1^-^^ b U b -I b — ^ i Efe* pi r=it= All Je • In > T -J ^ K H «; ^ 0-- -•- * -#^ ^ be -cause we do not car - ry Ev - 'ry-thing to sus knows our ev - 'ry weak - ness, Take it to the His arms He'll take and shield thee, Thoa wilt find a God Lord sol - m E Li \> l'- -»-= h- T r 'i b ^ u P in prayer! in prayer, ace there. i 16 Day of Rest and Gladness C. Wordsworth Ait. by L. MASON gi^ij: j' J^h^^^J-f;^^-^j ^iig^ M r *- * T T - I 1. day of rest and glad-ness, 2. On thee, at the ere - a - tion, 3. To - day on wear - y na - tions 4. New gra - ces ev - er gain - ing t -ts-- day of joy and light, The light first had its birth; The heav'n-ly man - na falls; From this our day of rest, S ^^ ^-^^ipim ^^E^i ^-4-n^m r *■ * r r - i balm of care and sad. - ness, On thee, for our sal - va - tion. To ho - ly con - vo - ca - tions We reach the rest re - main - ing •5 ^. ^ J] f] ^ Most beau - ti - ful, most bright; Christ rose from depths of earth. The sil - ver trump-et calls, To spir - its of the blest. i M S: m ■*-r ^ ^^j J IJ jH^^ ^ m On thee, the high and low - ly, Bend -ing be - fore the throne, Sing, On thee our Lord vie - to - rious The Spir -it sent from Heav'n; And Where gos- pel light is glow -ing With pure and ra-diant beams. And To Ho - ly Ghost be prais - es, To Fa - ther and to Son; The =8 I r- r ^—^^41 =^^=1 - 1 \ \ \ \ \w. % Ffg g * ! "I li' I III f^ Ho - ly, Ho - ly. Ho - ly. To the great Three in One. thus on thee most glo - rious A tri - pie light was given. liv - ing wa - ter flow - ing With soul - re - fresh-ing sireams. Church her voice up- rais - es To Thee, blest Three in One. A - MEN. • ' m 17 Safely Through Another Week John Newton Lowell Mason ^'tftH-^^-^^^ Ui ^=6: ^t=^ 1. Safe - ly through an - oth - er week God has brought us on our way; 2. While we pray for par-d'ning grace, Thro' the dear Ke-deem-er's name, 3. Here we come Thy name to praise, Let us feel Thy pres-ence near; 4. May Thy gos -pel's joy - ful sound Con-quer sin- ners, corn-fort saints; ffi ^ *ti " ^ F Hp ^^ m U4Mwn ' i.^^Tji7i p-y Let us now a bless -ing seek, Wait-ing in His courts to - day; Show Thy rec - on - cil - ed face; Take a - way our sin and shame: May Thy glo - ry meet our eyes, While we in Thy house ap - pear: Make the fruits of grace a - bound, Bring re - lief for all com -plaints: di ^'f l f'l -4i -a- i :f- , t I J -J^ ^- * f m ^ ^ b •• d Day of all the week the best, Em-blem of e - ter - nal rest: Day of From our world-ly cares set free. May we rest this day in Thee: From our Here af - ford us, ^ord, a taste Of our ev - er- last -ing feast: Here af- Thus may all our Sab-baths prove, Till we join the Church a- bove: Thus may m ±^ ^ ^^ -^ Eg: ^ »-* — » j^ EE ^i f H U=^^4^i^^^ ^m r=^ -rSJ-i I m all the week the best, Em-blem of e -ter- nal rest. world-ly cares set free, May we rest this day in Thee. ford us, Lord, a taste Of our ev - er - last - ing feast. all our Sab-baths prove. Till we join the Church a - bove. A - MEN. M P gi * r ^ 5"-^ i 18 The Son of God Goes Forth to War R. Heber H. S. Cutler m ^^^ ^ I I. gain; grave; came; ffi 1. The Son of God goes forth to war, A king-ly crown to 2. That mar - tyr first, whose ea - gle eye Could pierce be-yond the 3. A no - ble band, the cho - sen few On whom the Spir - it =F= t — ti— r- m -p— r * t: ei E mm -^ -»- i His blood - red ban- ner streams a - far: Who fol - lows in His train? Who saw his Mas-ter in the sky, And called on Him to save. Twelve val-iant saints, their hope they knew, And mocked the cross and flame. i j I X m It ^=t -^i=i: Who best can drink his cup of woe, Tri - nm-phant o - ver Like Him, with par -don on his tongue. In midst of mor - tal They met the ty-raut's brandished steel, The li - on's gor - v •I - -^ * ^ • ». m • ^ •- m I pam, pain, mane; m j=h — ^ i b^ 1 : :g=j: J Who pa -tient bears his cross be -low. — He fol -lows He prayed for them that did the wrong: Who fol - lows They bowed their heads the stroke to feel: Who fol -lows '- r r r in in in His train. his train? their train? ^=^ =F=5-F^ i 1 — p— f V Jesus Calls Us ^ 19 Mrs. Cecil P. Alexander WiLUAH H. JUDB m T J J ^ a^ i I ^ — tti»- =S'4-=5=* •— - ^r-^-fo : bjf. 1. Je-sus calls ns; o'er the tu - mult Of our life's wild, rest-less sea, 2. Je-sus calls us from the wor-ship Of the vain world's gold-en store, 8. In our joys and in our sor- rows, Days of toil and hours of ease, 4. Je-su3 calls us: by Thy mer-cies, Sav-ior, may we hear Thy call, m f=F -H-p — jg f: p~r~^F -^- 4=t ^ ^ ^ -I — I Jesus Calls Us 4 i— I- i ^^^ :a^ S -3 — a~^ -zt m Day by day His sweet voice sound-eth, Say-mg,"Chris-tian, fol-low Me." From each i - dol that would keep as, Say-ing,"Chris-tian, love Me more." Still He calls, in cares and pleasures, "Christian, love Me more than these." Give our hearts to Thy - be-dience, Serve and love Thee best of all. S|=t ^^ -^ -^ 52=^ =F= 20 Break Thou the Bread of Life Mary Ann Lathbury William P. Sherwdi ^ ±Z^ -9- 7t " 1. Break Thou the bread of life, Dear Lord, to me, 2. Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, To me — to me- 3. Thou art the bread of life, Lord, to me, 4. send Thy Spir - it, Lord, Now un - to me, -dZ- As Thou didst As Thou didst Thy ho - ly That He may -^ fc4z^ g- ite: ^ Sj^ i=4 - U- j 4 d (9 TTi- H-g i j =j ^: -s^- -^- -(51- ■S^ "S?" -<5^ break the loaves Be - side bless the bread By Gal Word the truth That sav ■ touch my eyes, And make the sea; Be - yond the sa - cred page i - lee; Then shall all bond- age cease, eth me; Give me to eat and live me see: Show me the truth con-cealed ^^ _d2- -^- i ts — *i- m '±=S t^ -^ — z^- I seek Thee, Lord; My spir -it pants for Thee, liv - ing All fet-ters fall; And I shall find my peace. My All in With Thee a - bove; Teach me to love Thy truth, For Thou art With- in Thy Word, And in Thy book re-vealed I see the Word. all. love. Lord. :& •(=2- s. ElEi i ^— ^ ?^ f=r 21 Day is Dying in the West Maby a. Lathbury William F. Sherwin fefc ^^H=i"fegHH=g=r ^ s » 1. Day is dy - ing in the west, Heav'n is touching earth with rest; Wait and 2. Lord of life, be-neath the dome Of the u - ni-verse. Thy home, Gath-er 3. While the deep'ning shadows fall, Heart of Love, en-fold- ing all. Thro' the 4. When for - ev - er from our sight Pass the stars, the day, the night. Lord of ft^i 4- ^ s ^ rf=" rr^T" ^ h^=^M *-^ f-^f ^^ :^ # — (5-^ 5 wor-ship while the night Sets her evening lamps alight Thro' all the sky. OS, who seek Thy face. To the fold of Thy embrace. For Thou art nigh, glo - ry and the grace Of the stars that veil Thy face. Our hearts as-cend. an -gels, on our eyes Let e -ter-nal morning rise, And shad-ows end! l ^j^y^j. 42- ^ ^i -#— ^ ZI S rT Refrain. ¥^^tH^^i:^^^^^4^^^ ^^ Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho- ly. Lord God of Hosts! Heav'n and earth are full of f 1^-i — 1^-^ a ^ :t i s ^^?: r i^^^d=F=l tr Tg' • ' (g !# .5- Thee! Heav'n and earth are praising Thee, Lord most high! A - men. I g •u sx: g szirz «^ -5^ 22 Charles Wesley Love Divine I n I- ^ — d • » John Zundbl gli — I I i 33 :4=« r i^ ^^ ^#- 1. Love di- vine, all love ex - eel-ling, Joy ofHeav'n,to earth come down! 2. Breathe, breathe Thy lov-ingSpir- it In - to ev - 'ry troub-led breast! 3. Come, Al-might-y to de-liv-er, Let us all Thy life re - ceive; 4. Fin - ish then Thy new cre-a-tion; Pure and spot -less let us be; fekEEt ^ T f-^T^ 1 V- 1" , P-l— -Hr^ h -i- -1 h ri — rl 1 1 A^ 1 I J \- -JiS^ m -J H =i « a=^=*=iJ ^i^} d d M s m * m _2 ^ • • Z) i 9 8 • • # - r (V Fix in us Thy hum - ble dwell - ing; All Thy faith - ful mer - eies erown. Let us all in Thee in - her - it, Let us find that sec - ond rest. Sud-den . ly re - turn, and nev - er. Nev -er - more Thy tem-ples leave: Let us see Thy great sal - va - tion. Per- feet - ly re-stored in Thee: m ^ M^ • m m P f- -•- ' &&-i—r- — 1 — — 1 -^ — ?-^'-^- =P= -f^ r i M "^-n^ — •— -T- — » — H \ \ — =t= =t= H h- '' J n s jz 4_j_u^aj ^ Jill # =¥=^ f r '" r ' T iH all eom-pas-sion, Pure, un-bound-ed love Thou art; bent to sin-ning,Al - pha and - me-ga be; al -ways blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts a - bove, in - to glo - ry, Till in Heav'n we take our place. Je - sus. Thou art Take a - way our Thee we would be Changed from glo - ry .«- .«. .0. Jl t ?^ ^ dz ja n i «==^ 3t?I=* t ^ li^tlJ ■d-^ Vis - it us with Thy sal -va- tion; En - ter ev - 'ry trem - bling heart. End of faith, as its be - gin-ning, Set our hearts at lib - er - ty. Pray, and praise Thee with- out ceas- ing, Glo - ry in Thy per -feet love. Till we cast our crowns be - fore Thee, Lost in won-der, love, and praise. ±L ?^^^ f I 23 The Church's One Foundation Samuel J. Stone Samuel S. Weslet ?3 ^ i :|}± 1. The Church-'s one foun - da - tion Is Je - sus Christ her Lord; 2. E - lect from ev - 'ry na - tion, Yet one o'er all the earth, 3. 'Mid toil and trib - u - la - tion, And tu - mult of her war, 4. Yet she on earth hath un - ion With God the Three in One, '. ft :^ ^m ^^ ^^m T=r ^ ^m & f ^ I She is His new ere - a - tion By wa - ter and the word: Her char -ter of sal - va - tion. One Lord, one faith, one birth; She waits the con -sum - ma - tion Of peace for- ev - er - more; And mys - tic sweet com - mun - ion With those whose rest is won: ^ --^ r r Ml s m From Heav'n He came and sought her To be His ho - ly bride; With One ho - ly name she bless - es. Par-takes one ho - ly food. And Till, with the vi - sion glo - rious. Her long - ing eyes are blest. And hap - py ones and ho - ly! Lord, give us grace that we. Like J-r-J — I f , T: ^g - r >f * ^ & e E 5 m ^U i i V'l ^ig ^ His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died. to one hope she press - es. With ev - 'ry grace en - dued. the great church vie - to - rious Shall be the church at rest. them, the meek and low - ly, On high may dwell with Thee. A-MEN. ^ ^ •||" i IHH i ^3± i 24 My Hope is Built Edward Mote William B. Bradbury ^^ 4^— ^ iS: ^ :^^=^- 4=^ ^ ^ 1. My hope is built on noth-ing less Than Je-sus' blood and righteousness; 2. When dark-ness veils His love-ly face, I rest on His un-chang-ing grace; 3. His oath, His cov - e - nant. His blood, Sup-port me in the whelm-ing flood; 4. When He shall come with trumpet sound. Oh, may I then in Him be found; m :f=l= rrr irrriififi 3: P=tt ^ iUUULU-\Il-i^ ^^^=f:U ^=^ I dare not trust the sweet-est frame. But whol-ly lean on Je-sus' name.- In ev - 'ry high and storm-y gale, My an-chor holds with-in the veil. When all a -round my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. Dressed in His right-eous-ness a - lone, Fault-less to stand be - fore the throne. * fffhlUf i llU ^ Refrain. 1=. .tL— D- ^f : : : ^ :?=^ On Christ, the sol - id Kock, I stand; All oth - er ground is m j— r—F^ T r T T :^=i fcft=fr g i f ^^^i^ -^ — • — # sink - ing sand, All oth - er ground is sink - ing sand. A - men, M i 25 When He Cometh W. O. OOSHIITO -it Dr. Geo. F. Root b u 'lib 1. When He com -eth, when He com -eth, To make up His jew-els, All Uis 2. He willgath-er, He will gath-er The gems for His kingdom; All the 3. Lit - tie chil-dren, lit - tie chil-dren, Who love their Re-deem-er, Are the tepES^ 3E i=j— M S^iS ;23=?: :t=t -| T II U .^ A Chorus -I 1- ■^ -tt-^ 5^ 3^^ jew - els, pre-cious jew - els, His loved and His own: , , pureones, allthebrightones,His loved and His own. ] ,, jew - els, pre-cious jew - els, His loved and His own ^ * * r |=j: ^ :t=t Like the stars of the They shall shine in their ^ __J J ■€- »^: 3: ii a^ g :j=b}: morn - ing, His bright crown a - dorn - ing, \ bean - ty, {Omii -0- ) S Bright gems for His crown. ^— r^ ^l^^^i^^ ^m £ r — \ ^ t=F=F 26 I Think When I Read That Sweet Story Mrs. Jemina Luke Arr. by William B. BRADBimv p h n— ^ fc=i!=i ^3 :fc g^4=^ 3± 1. I think when I 2. I wish that His 3. Yet still to His read that sweet sto - ry of old, When hands had been placed on my head, That His foot - stool in prayer I may go, And -^_J— « ^ , r- r t- r Mzt - . T— ;: J— r 5S s jn-^-^ ^q^= ^^^m w^ l3=fc ^^ Je - sns was here a-mongmen, How He called lit - tie chil-dren as arm had been thrown a-round me, And that I might have seen His kind ask for a share in His love; And if^^^^ I now ear- nest -ly m. ^—^ -•'- n - -0- s — (■ — 0t b# — r . f — <^-— # . ~ J U l J Ji l l t--^- , , , I ;-^^r ^ Sji g J i #-L^ r^ ' ^ g # g #-L g I g| » • • ^ - 0j¥ *-' *- #- -#- 5^-^- ^ p Y For-ward in - to bat -tie. See His ban-uer go! Brothers , lift your voi - ces , Loud your anthems raise ! Onward , Christian sol-diers, One in hope and doc -trine, One in char-i - ty. This thro' countless a - ges Men and an-gels sing. ^J ^-*-i-^ / m S::^^- 1^333 -0 0- <^^ ---T-TzT^ ^ m' T xr F^ -& -^ -& -w m 5 — g * r ^ — ^- 7 -zr ^S^Ti^ m Marcb-ing as to war, -jH> . » » # ^ i J ! J — *-r F- With the cross of Je - sus 6o-ing on be - forel ^•^E^ I i=:=FS ^^ f=^ iTT 29 There is a Fountain William Cowper Lowell Mason ^m iElEEi ^ i ^ i tE^ 5 m 1. There is a foun-tain filled with blood Drawn from Im-man - uel's veins; 2. The dy-ingthief re-joiced to see That foun-tain in his day;' 3. Dear dy-ing Lamb, Thy pre-cious blood Shall nev-er lose its pow'r, 4. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flow - ing wounds sup - ply , 5. Then in a no -bier, sweet -er song, I'll sing Thy pow'r to save. £ F? ^^^^^^m s f^^E^^ And sin -ners, plunged be-neath that flood. Lose all their guilt And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins Till all the ran-somed church of God Be saved, to sin Ee- deem -ing love has been my theme, And shall be till When this poor lisp - ing, stamm'ring tongue Lies si - lent in ^ rv- r t: ■y a no I the stains: ■ way: more: die: grave: E S. m n- ife i Mga^as 1 — p p Lose all their guilt - y Wash all my gins a Be saved, to sin no And shall be till I Lies si - lent in the stains, way, more, die, grave. Lose aU their guilt Wash all my sins Be saved, to sin And shall be till Lies si - lent in ^^^ -y a no I the ST. stains; way; more; die; grave; And And TiU Ee- When sin-ners, plunged be-neath that flood. Lose all their guilt -y there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins a all the ran-somed church of God Be saved, to sin no deem-ing love has been my theme. And shall be till I m this poor lisp-ing, stamm'ring tongue Lies ■^^^^» : * -r t stains, way. more, die. ^ si - lent in the grave. A-MEN. # I rP ' [r: ^Li^2_L| 30 John Eeblb Sun of My Soul Peter Rittek :fe 33SEazi3 1. San of my soul! Thou Sav-ior dear, It is not 2. When the soft dews of kind -ly sleep My wear -y 3. A - bide with me from morn till eve, For with- out 4. Be near to bless me when 1 wake. Ere thro' the ^ :8=r U.-M ^=1 r r r- night if Thou be near; eye - lids gen- tly steep, Thee I can- not live; world my way I take; J a P s id=d: m n-- -j^ ^j^^ f;3^ ■25t S 1 ^^'-^^f Oh, may no earth-born cloud a - rise Be my last tho't-how sweet to rest A- bide with me when night is nigh, A- bide with me till in Thy love To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes! For-ev-er on my Sav-ior's breast! Forwith-out Thee I dare not die. I lose my -self in Heav'n a-bove. m . r t r - ^(2- -^- ^^- i=t Holy, Holy, Holy pa 31 Reginald Heber Rev. John B. Dykes *^ m i 3?=C '-^ — 4- :J=S =P=r= 1. Ho-ly,Ho-ly, Ho - ly, 2. Ho-ly,Ho-ly, Ho - ly! 3. Ho-ly,Ho-ly, Ho - ly! 4. Ho-ly,Ho-ly, Ho - ly. 5=? ^te! ^■^Kf^ ^ ^ J rJ Lord God Al-might - y! Ear - ly in the All the saints a - dore Thee, Cast-ing down their Tho' the dark-ness hide Thee, Tho' the eye of Lord God Al-might- y! All Thy works shall -f^ 22: :f=fb * %^ i ^ :J=t Ho - ly! ser-a-phim ho - ly; Ho - ly! rJ fi •z?- morn - ing our song shall rise to Thee; gold-en crowns a-round the glass - y sea; sin-ful man Thy glo - ry may not see, praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea; y-^ r u 1 1 " S ^ ^^-*—'^ Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Cher-u - bim and On - ly Thou art Ho-ly, Ho-ly, :S«± 13^ ^ «^^ J — I- Holy, Holy, Holy m i lt=^ 3 ^ Z^ZZJtdL w^=^ ^^ Mer- ci - ful and Might- y! God in Three per-sons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty! fall - ing down be- fore Thee, Who wert, and art, and ev - er -more shalt be, there is none be- side Thee Per - feet in pow'r, in love, and pu - ri - ty. Mer- ci - ful and Might- y! God in Three per-sons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty! U ^^ £1 Jd ^ Y rp sa ^ .a \2- F=-^=rr=^^r=r=f 32 Come, Thou Almighty King Anonymous Felice Db Giabdini M :^^ d=^ ^±L * aJ y 1. Come, Thou Al - might - y King, 2. Come, Thou In • car - nate Word, 3. Come, Ho - ly Com - fort - er, 4. To the great One in Three -fZ- Help us Thy Gird on Thy Thy sa - cred E - ter-nal Ig * m ± I ' name to sing, might- y sword, wit - ness bear prais - es be £ ^ ^ 3 r i=^ * r Help us to praise: Our prayer at - tend: In this glad hour: Hence ev - er - more. iJ Fa - ther, all - glo Come, and Thy peo ■ Thou who al - might His sov- 'reign maj ^ ri - ous, O'er all vic- ple bless. And give Thy y art. Now rule in es - ty May we in k-r-ft-Tt =£ * H :r to - ri - ous. Come, and reign o - ver us, word snc-cess: Spir - it of ho - li - ness, ev - 'ry heart, And ne'er from us de - part, glo - ry see, And to e - ter - ni - ty m An - cient of Days. On us de - scend. Spir - it Love and of a pow r. dore. -m- - f-g-T^r t M f t r i- ( 1 h h k b •- *=t I i I ' I- I 33 G. DUFFIELD Stand Up For Jesus t=^=i=d=pi G. J Webb -4^ t^ ±:^z±i: -•— i EE ^=^=p=* I 1. stand up, stand np for Je - sos, Ye sol-diers of the cross, Lift high His 2. Stand up, stand up for Je - sus, The trump-et call o - bey; Forth to the 8. Stand up, stand up for Je - sus- Stand in His strength a-lone; The arm of ir-t :!i: 1 — r -0 ^te =£=d=; -J — I —J — y- :f: ::: :ti: 3* ^i^E roy - al ban - ner, It must not suf-fer loss; From vic-t'ry un - to vie - fry, His might-y con -flict, In this His glorious day.'Te that are men now serve Him," A- flesh will fail you — Ye dare not trust your own; Put on the gos-pel ar - mor, And, ^ Urt^-g-J— ^- rjJ— J j-^ i zr-* •— -i — '0—0 1 1 (—1—4 ite^ #-n(5^ '9- i m r ar - my shall He lead, Till ev-'ry foe is vanquished And Christ is Lord in-deed. gainst unnumberedfoes;Letcourage rise withdanger,Andstrengthtostrengthoppose. watching un - to prayer. Where duty calls, or dan-ger , Be nev - er want-ing there. i-i?-*— •— 1» — ^— s? r £ fi-^.f—0 ff- r-p- ■.?z=.*=K -I — f— rf=2- i 34 Jesus Spreads His Banner O'er Us RoswELL Park i^5=£ -I- l=± Louis von Esch m ^^a±3 ^—' ^ :f5= -(&-r- ^■ -6--=- 1. Je - sus spreads His ban-ner o'er us, Cheers our fam-ished souls with food; 2. In Thy ho - ly in- car- na-tion, When the an - gels sang Thy birth; , ^ ,. ^ I tV-J 1 ^^«-rJ 1^#-.— ^- r. J. n >— " h^-r^— ■ ^£ ±tzc g£ — I ^- :^: ^^ i He In f 42- the ban-quet spreads be-fore us. Thy fast - ing and temp - ta - tion, Of His mys - tic flesh and blood. In Thy la - bors on the earth, r=5T^ 3±3; a: Jesus Spreads His Banner ^ S -(22- ■(^- -^ ^d^ i ^^ n- ^-^ ■^- ■^ 1 — I — - — r—'^' — '^^ »— ^—.^j— ^- Pre-ciousban-qaet, breadof heav-en, Wine of glad-ness, flow-ing free; In Thy tri - al and re- jec-tion, In Thy saf-f'rings on the tree, 7~r-, •-= — F r-G>-^—^ i-i — — i-C 19 0— — M I g - ^2=^-=^ :^ I i fe^ pi^i^E^^ S :^: -^- gfe -.-. - - .^ .^. -- ^ May we taste it, kind-ly giv - en. In re-mem-brance, Lord, of Thee In Thy glo - rious res - ur - rec - tion, May we, Lord, re - mem-ber Thee. J - - -^-. - S: =P= E^ ■^- X w r=^- 125: p=bp — I — m 35 Close to Thee Fanny J. Crosby Silas J. Vail I S^^ fc=f5: #=* Thou, Not Lead tT t^ ^- -0-i- r my ev - er - last - ing por- tion. More for ease or world -ly pleas-ure, Nor me thro' the vale of shad-ows, Bear ffi \±=^ I— g— g±=g=pg±=^ than friend or life to me; for fame my prayer shall be; me o'er life's fit - fal sea; ^. -•-. ^ -(2. r-= la ^=p=t^ t^tt :t£=tt -^ =^=r i 5^ fc^ -1— J- i^ h h P^ Fine ^ ^-l— t ^=: :3= -«-5- D.S.- D.S.- D.S.- 5ff- -All a- long my pil -grim jour- ney, Sav-ior, -Glad-ly will I toil and suf - fer, On - ly -Then the gate of life e - ter - nal May I :?±=S= tt=tt :^=^ :0=P: let me walk with Thee, let me walk with Thee, en - ter, Lord, with Thee. :^=^r=^ =P=b-^ REFRAm :fe D. S. i ¥ -zt- -»Hr^ -•-^ -^- Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to ^ — • Thee, close to Thee; .a- -^-' -*- -(2- ^6 ite: i -P2- 5=0^ Used by permission 36 Have Thine Own Way, Lord i A. A. P. Slowly 7t> I Geo. C. Stebbins m^ 5s -<5'-s fS'-J- r 1. Have Thine own way, Lord 2. Have Thine own way, Lord 3. Have Thine own way. Lord 4. Have Thine own way, Lord -gi . ■ g^ s- . z> f=<=l r Have Thine own way!.. Thou art the HavQ Thine own way!.. Search me and Have Thine own way!.. Wound-ed and Have Thine own way!.. Hold o'er my m. w e :^. J S T g . g - ^ir4 -»-*—«>- -r -5<— -^ -ic 2^ a^ 'S^i — <^-iH7i# — ^ Pot - ter; I am the clay... Mould me and make me Aft - er Thy try me, Mas-ter, to - day!... Whit - er than snow, Lord, Wash me just wea - ry. Help me, I pray!. Pow - er — all pow - er— Sure-ly is be - ing Ab - so - lute sway!. Fill with Thy Spir - it Till all shall m -^-*- 'Bl T—f—r-T 1^ -42: -^^ — 12: i=l=l^ Kb ' " H- ^- -^- — - i :r -(5>- —^ 3 » ■ e> Sav - ior di - vine; My zeal in - spire; Be Thou my Guide; '^^-^ Now hear me when I As Thou hast died for Bid dark - ness turn to f f , f f pray, me, da\ Take Wipe all may sor - -•- my my row's -•- 4=- ^^^^ -rb I J ^ S sin a - way, love to -Thee, tears a - way, let me from this day Be whol - ly Thine! Pare, warm, and changeless be, — A liv - ing fire! Nor let me ev - er stray From Thee a - side. £ g _«__|2_ :^ J± p: f 38 Philip Doddridge Happy Day E. F. RiMBAULT d: ^ \Sr. It ^ t=t :£: # r py day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Sav - ior and my God! ) this glow-ing heart re- joice, And tell its rap-turesall a - broad, f py bond, that seals my vows To Him who mer - its all my love! 1 -ful an-thems fill His house. While to that sa - cred shrine I move.] the great trans-ac-tion's done; I am my Lord's, and He is mine;) me, and I fol-lowed on. Charmed to confess the voice di- vine, j my long-di - vid - ed heart; Fixed on this bliss - ful cen - tre, rest; \ fO hap- t Well may jo hap- iLet cheer f'Tisdone: (He drew [Now rest, (Nor ev - er from my Lord de ^^^ part, With Him of ev ^ -P- 'ry good possessed. ^ P yi t Fine : g— J— g tS± ^^ t=t -,^— m Hap - py day, hap - py day. When Je - sus washed my sins a - way! 5E^ * \ — \ — I — § i^^ g qtzqt -(5>-^ J -^ He taught me how to watch and pray, And live re - joic - ing ev - 'ry day; ■^ ^h=%=$i fc*=?=i£ m 39 Take the Name of Jesus With You Mrs. Lydia Baxter W. H. DOANB s^ ft ft n m 2^ 1. Take the name of Je - sus with 2. Take the name of Je - sus ev 3. the precious name of Je - 4. At the name of Je - sus bow -19— •■$(- you, er, sus! ing, Child of sor - row and of woe; As a shield from ev-'ry snare; How it thrills our souls with joy, Fall - ing pros-trate at His feet, ^^ i=r m rrr ^ p^^ -*- — •- P c^ P b" r ^^ -J -j^ feEJ^ *=* s ^' It will joy and com-fort give you, Take it, then, wher-e'er you go. If temp-ta-tions round you gath-er. Breathe that ho - ly name in prayer. When His lov-ing arms re - ceive us. And His songs our tongues em-ploy! King of kings in Heav'n we'll crown Him, When our jour - ney is com-plete. ^S SoEFE m jCZZIff p fj p \ i' r -^ I I) \ '> i'i =^ r Chords trr^ iTc te:^ ga ^ i 5 ^43 ■3(- Pre-cious name, how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav'n; Precious name, how sweet! | I ^. if: ll^* ' ' " " ' — • — ^i — +^ ^^ ^ S ■*-•—»- =P=P= i^ U^ :t5=:fe I 3^ 15 ^b£ :^: ^ Pre-cious name, how sweet! • . • Hope of earth and joy of Heav'n. Preciooa name, how sweet, howsweet! ^ - - - - - ^ ^jt^ r : t=f^ i — I cy . I f-lH^^r s rrr 1 ^ i> r Copyright, 1899. by W. H. Doane. Renewal 40 Anonymous My Jesus, I Love Thee A. J. GORDON P^ ^^ig m m £33 tSL ^-tr 1. My Je - sus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine, For Thee all the 2. I love Thee, be -cause Thou hast first lov - ed me. And pur-chased my 3. I'll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death. And praise Thee in 4. In man-sionsof glo - ry and end -less de- light, I'll ev - er a- E^E My Jesus, I Love Thee i=t* :ft^ m £ ? EZS 3^ ^ I fol - lies of sin I re- sign; My gra-cioos Re- deem -er, my par - don on Cal - va-ry's tree; I love Thee for wear-ing the long as ThoQ lend - est me breath; And say when the death-dew lies dore Thee in heav-en so bright; I'll sing with the glit - ter-ing Jul -1&- eS t=s=f=^ J -t- J- ^ 6*-^ s eI St i^ -K- ? m -US'-. SEte *: I Sav - ior art Thou; If ev - er I loved Thee, my thorns on Thy brow: If ev - er I loved Thee, my cold on my brow, If ev - er I loved Thee, my crown on my brow, If ev - er I loved Thee, my a^ Je - Je - Je - Je - SOS, 'tis sus, 'tis SOS, 'tis sus, 'tis now. now. now. now. K ^ -i5^ U- 5 f=F? 6 ^^ ^ 41 A Charge to Keep Charles Weslgt Lowell Mason ^ 1. A charge to keep I have, 2. To serve the pres - ent age, 3. Arm me with jeal - ous care, 4. Help me to watch and pray. A God to glo - ri - fy; My call - ing to ful - fill; As in Thy sight to live, And on Thy - self re - ly, ^S :^4, :^ ^ B M m ^ i 6=* ^ I -t: ■m 0g- *— f A nev - er - dy - ing soul to save, And fit it for the sky. may it all my pow'rs en-gage. To do my Mas - ter's will! And 0, Thyserv-ant, Lord, pre-pare, A strict ac-80unt to give! As-sured, if I my trust be -tray, I shall for - ev - er die. ^=p 5=^ i 42 The Half Has Never Been Told Frances R. Havergal R. E. Hudson i ^ m D h D r~i— i =t 25 ^ # I^ I 1. I know I love Thee bet - 2. I know that Thou art near • 3. Thou hast put glad-ness in 4. Sav - ior, pre-cious Sav - ter, Lord, Than an - y earth -ly joy, er still Than an - y earth-ly throng; my heart; Then well may I be glad! ior mine! What will Thy pres-ence be. r r I ^ V — r B^ ^ ifczzfc: :±i: s :S=^ :^ For Thou hast And sweet - er With -out the If such a giv is se- hfe — r- • en me the peace Which noth-ing can de - stroy. the thought of Thee Than an - y love - ly song, cret of Thy love, I could not but be sad, of love can crown Our walk on earth with Thee? I ^ ^ f :^ ±?i 1 — b — p — ^ Chorus *-},^I'I> I) ^ E^ 3=^=T frrr atzztzf m (The half has nev- JThe half has nev- .. :T if * t Of love so full and free; , er yet been told. The blood — it cleanseth me. f A-MEN» er yet been told i yet been told, ;:} -iL. i-t^ ~t — y • r t) ir^^ ' '-^^ Copyright, 1883, by R. E. Hudson. Used by permission 43 God, Our Help Isaac Watts WiLUAH Croft t'^F^^ 1' =r r- — ^ =^ 1- 4- -1- — d 1~ — H p^ — 1— f -0- -i- ^=^ =3= =g=J 1- =i- =S -i=«i- U±J 1. God, our help in a • ■ ges past, Our hope for years to come, 2. Un- der the shad -ow of Thy throne Still may we dwell se - cure; 3. Be- fore the hills in or - der stood, Or earth re- ceived her frame; 4. Tim( i, like an ev - er - roll - ing stream, Bears all its sons a - way; 5. God, our help in a - ges past. Our hope for years to come; fe):4 a -M— -|- " 1* "~1 ■ =1= J ^fc P ^ -»- ~^r=^ Fr^ 1^^ -h- =t= 1 -f- — 1 1 =^ 1 =t= =f=M ^ God, Our Help ^£ ±=4: i =st iF^ -•— ■T&-* Our shel - ter from the storm - y blast, And our e - ter - nal Suf - fi - cient is Thine arm a - lone, And our de - fense is From ev - er - last-ing Thou art God, To end -less years the They fly, for - got - ten, as a dream Dies at the ope-ning Be Thou our guide while life shall last. And our e - ter - nal home! sure. same. day. home. r ^g=g=%=ftg I P ^ :^ 44 One Sweetly Solemn Thought Phcebe Cahy Philip Phillips feg fr-n-^: «=t5 m^. a=j: i_f_^-ij— r-v^^ 1. One sweet-ly sol - emn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er; I'm near-er 2. Near-er my Fa-ther's house, Where many mansions be; Near-er the 3. Near-er the bound of life, Where burdens are laid down; Near-er to 4. Be near me when my feet Are slipping o'er the brink; For I am it ^=^ £ as =?=^ w ^ ^8 » F. I P ^^^^ H»-= — »- home to - day, to-day. Than I have been be-fore: great white throne to-day. Nearer the crystal sea: Nearer my home, Nearer my home, leave the cross to-day. And nearer to the crown. near - er home to-day, Per-haps, than now I think. § i r ' r'^f^ lf^ f ^ #-*^ ^ 5 ^ P=^=^ ^ f=^f=^ ^ £ ^ f^^r^ rfc Near-er my home to-day, to-day. Than I have been be - fore. A - MEN. ,^ e gxr^-rMr ^^ ix I ^ F -•-^ — »- 45 Work, For the Night is Coming Annie L. Cogbill Lowell Masoh ^^^ ^ *=Pi -I r) t ) ^ P R^T 1. Work, for the night is coming, Work thro' the morning hours; Work while the dew is 2. Work, for the night is coming, Work thro' the sun-ny noon; Fill brightest hours with 3. Work, for the night is coming. Under the sunset skies; While their bright tints are g g ; g r -•- -«^. 4—41-^ , 4. — ^-^0 — — f—-^ — ^ — » — » : i =p=g^ F i I r; M fct5: i ^ SEiE^af r » t^tl * m sparkling, Work'mid springing flow'rs; Work when the day grows brighter. Work in the la - bor, Rest comes sure and soon. Give ev-'ry fly - ing min-ute Something to glow-ing, Work, for daylight flies. Work till the last beam fad-eth, Fad-eth to ^^ m ^ ^ :?=<: J |J.,|J h JhJ =^ sa i rr=^f glow - ing sun; Work,for the night is com-ing. When man's work is done, keep in store: Work, for the night is com-ing, When man works no more, shine no more; Work while the night is dark'ning, When man's work is o'er. A-MEN. m p^^ t * -r m m ^ i r I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord rt 46 Timothy Dwight Aaron Williaus, Coll. ^^ ^ 1 ±^ F=T ^- ^=g :^ ^f^ — * — ^ — '^^ r u- 1. I love Thy king - dom, Lord, The house of Thine a - bode, 2. I love Thy Church, God! Her walls be - fore Thee stand, 3. For her my tears shall fall; For her my prayers as - cend; 4. Be-yond my high - est joy I prize her heav'n-ly ways, 5. Sure as Thy truth shall last, To Zi - on shall be giv'n II 1 ^ J. ^ ^ S ^ Jt. M. P :id=q=J I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord ^EEk m ^ f i^ & The Church oar blest Re - deem - er saved With His own pre - cious blood. Dear as the ap - pie of Thine eye, And grav - en on Thy hand. To her my cares and toils be giv'n, Till toils and cares shall end. Her sweet corn-man - ion, sol - emn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. The bright-est glo - ries earth can yield, And bright -er bliss of heav'n. :t ^^9 ^ m^m w s^ =F Faith of Our Fathers 47 Frederick W. Pabeb 4 H. F. Hemv ^^^© ^i^ ■(=2- iif: i ir 1. Faith of our fa -thers!liv-ing still In spite of dan-geon, fire and sword: 2. Our fa-thers, chained in prisons dark, Were still in heart and conscience free: 3. Faith of our fa-thers! we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife: gsfcss £ -It -1 — <5>- ^"^ -f^ r ^ ifefci -i-.LLhg . te ± HziTtzJizi^: -• — • — # — "-p ■^ Jt=Sr ■^ W't^—^^. how our hearts beat high with joy Whene'er we hear that glo-rious word! Howsweet would be their children's fate, If they, like them, could die for thee! And preach thee, too, as love knows how, By kind-ly words and vir-tuous life: I -^ -•- ^ r^t^ -(=2- -^ -&- Be± * ^ r 2: Vi • \ 5-ft ! \-— -^. S— -^ 4: i -^ -$ jr SES ~2y~i~ -T ^eS Faith of our Faith of our Faith of our ^ S fa-thers! ho - ly faith! We will be true to fa-thers! ho - ly faith! We will be true to fa-thers! ho - ly faith! We will be true to -J^£-=f- 1^=^ -?- -*- -f=2- thee till deathl thee till death! thee till death! ■^ '--(^ f i 48 Walk in the Light Bernakd Barton From Francis J. Haydn 1. Walk in the light! so shalt thou know That f el - low-ship of love His 2. Walk in the light! and thou shalt find Thy heart made tru-ly His Who 3. Walk in the light! and thou shalt own Thy dark-ness passed a - way, Be- 4. Walk in the light! and e'en the tomb No fear - ful shade shall wear; Glo- ^ Spir - it on - ly can be -stow Who reigns in light a - bove. dwells in cloud-less light enshrined, In whom no dark-ness is. cause that light hath on thee shone In which is per - feet day. ry shall chase a - way its gloom, For Christ hath conquered there A - MEN. i^ f2- i ^ I m p? ^ rrr 49 Jesus, I Have Promised John E. Bode Arthur H. Mann m ife: I H \ k r UdM ? rT Je - sus, I have prom-ised To serve Thee to the end; Be Thou for-ev - er let me feel Thee near me. The world is ev - er near; I see the sights that Je-sus, Thou hast promised To all who fol-low Thee That where Thou art la 1. 2. 3. ^ ^rid^=J f e p: tr Ie^ i ^^ fe^ ^-^>^^t|a-i ^-'^^^;-'=7^ m me, My Mas-ter and my Friend: I shall not fear the bat -tie If Thou art zle. The tempting sounds I hear: My foes are ev - er near me, A-round me ry There shall Thy servant be; And, Je-sus, I have promised To serve Thee near daz- glo - ^ ^ ->J, 1 ^ nJ^ ^2_ m m. 4 m \» I J rf ^ % rr^~D Jesus, I Have Promised ^ — 4- I ■s^- m S3F by my side, Nor wan-der from the path-way and with-in; But, Je - sus, draw Thou near-er, to the end; give me grace to fol - low If Thou wilt be my Guide. And shield my soul from sin. My Mas - ter and my Friend. ilEIS -122- i^=t -tf=lP itr^zt: :t=: ±: t=P: =0= 50 Jesus! the Name High Over All r Charles Wesley Oliver Holden St r r i -^-^ r earth, or sky; sin - ners giv'n; Sa - tan's head; of His grace! Je - sus! the name high o - ver all, In hell, or Je - sus! the name to sin - ners dear. The name to Je - sus the pris-'ner's fet - ters breaks, And bruis-es that the world might taste and see The rich-es Hap-py, test.breath I may but gasp His name; An - gels and men be - fore it fall. And dev - ils fear It scat -ters all their guilt -y fear; It turns their hell Pow'r in - to strengthless souls He speaks, And life in - to The arms of love that com - pass me Would all man - kind Preach Him to all, and cry in death, "Be -hold, be - hold 3^t: ^ ± a =«=t -i9—,-f^ -^ and fly; to heav'n; the dead; em - brace; the Lamb!" I ^- — I S -ts>-^ PS iE d=j=_i=^ . ^S i ^ ^ u^ i=^i :* a An - gels and men be - fore it fall, And dev - ils fear It scat -ters all their guilt-y fear; It turns their hell Pow'r ia - to strengthless souls He speaks, And life in- to The arms of love that com -pass me Would all man -kind Preach Him to all, and cry in death, "Be -hold, be - hold and fly. to heav'n. the dead, em-brace, the Lamb!" m j^ ■PjS^- -<2- H :te=:£3 tife i 51 All Hail the Power Oliver Holden te ^^- t m I I m 1. All hail the pow'r of Je - sus' name! Let an - gels pros - trate fall; 2. Ye cho-sen seed of Is-rael'srace, Ye ran-somed from the fall, 3. Let ev - 'ry kin- dred, ev - 'ry tribe On this ter - res - trial ball, 4=£; r 1^ 5^-^ i n n I J- ^?^ ^. ^:^=iri P J=^ 22: Bring forth the roy - al di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord of all, Hail Him who saves you by Hisgrace, And crown Him Lord of all, To Him all maj - es - ty as-cribe, And crown Him Lord of all, m i=f: ^ JLS: i-g-S: 42- -^ 1 ^ S :^ fS'— i ii j^ n I- — I — I — I- ^- i =i= -•-=- XJ I r- ^ Bring forth the roy - al di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord To Him all maj - es - ty as-cribe. And crown Him Lord of all! of aUI of aUI ^^- 1 ^r,0- i# e 1 ?^ r [Second Tune] Miles' Lane. C. M. William Shrubsolb ^. ^ tt: m 1. All hail the pow'r of Je- sus' name I Let an- gels pros-trate fall; Bring forth the roy- al . f 'f f ». ^ - t ^ ; , » , > . . J , ri , I » .f - f **i; |ig -]>-^-rh gT L L ^ ^- ?= ss ? -i7-J — p^ i i j- i :^i± 2i =PC#3 di - a - dem, And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, Crown Him Lord of all! ^^ ^ ■^--3—^ i± -<22-. ^a 52 Isaac Watts ^S Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed? s HtTGB Wilson i ■^ s =1= 2^ r ^ s :^ 1. A - las! and did my Sav - ior bleed? And did my SoV' 2. Was it for crimes that I have done He groaned up - on in dark-ness hide, And shut his glo can ne'er re-pay The debt of love 3. Well might the sun 4. But drops of grief 'reign die? the tree? - ries in, I owe; ^^ t £ '£& 4^ f=t^=f=tp=B r u ^ d=d= i^Si 1 s ^=^ ■z^ as I? de-gree! ture's sin. can do. Would He de - vote that sa - cred head For A - maz-ing pit - y! grace nn-known!And When Christ, the might-y Mak - er, died For Here, Lord, I give my -self to Thee,-'Tis such a worm love be - yond man the crea - all that I ^ J. 31 J—i ■G^- m ^(2- ^ f 53 Am I a Soldier of the Cross? Isaac Watts Tbohas a. Abnb te a :t^=S: 1. Am I a sol - dier of the cross, A fol-low'r of the Lamb? 2. M t I be car-ried to the skies On flow -'ry beds of ease, 3. Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? 4. Sure I must fight, if ^^ >— ^ — r I would reign; In - crease my cour - age. Lord; 42. .^ j .,2. .fZ. jC :M -^ fc±Li r. Li_bj.E ^ i ^ :s: m * And s lall I fear to own His cause. Or blush to speak His name? While oth - ers fought to win the prize, And sailed thro' blood- y seas? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? I'll bear the toil, en - dure the pain, Sup - port- ed by Thy word. -(2- -^' -#- H^ -5^ ¥^ *±=*: *#l £ I 54 From Every Stormy Wind Hugh Stowell Thomas Hasttnob U ^r \ir E «=»?* i 3t ^ 25 1. From ev-'ry storm-y wind that blows, From ev-'ry swell-ing tide of woes, There 2. There is a place where Je-sus sheds The oil of glad-ness on our heads; A 3. There is a scene where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend; Tho* 4. Ah! whith-er could we flee for aid, When tempted, des-o-late, dis-mayed; Or l^ M^'r^\- UM ^ — I ^5! P sz: is a calm, a sure re-treat: 'Tis found beneath the mer - cy place than all besrdes more sweet: It is the blood-bo't mer - cy sundered far, by faith they meet Around one common mer-cy how the hosts of hell de - feat. Had suff 'ring saints no mer - cy seat, seat, seat, seat? A - MEN. W ^ £ ^ JBl- J=i f=rr^f F f^ 55 RoBEBT Robinson Come, Thou Fount John Wyeth r 1. Come, Thou Fount of ev - 'ry bless-ing. Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; 2. Here I raise mine Eb - en - e - zer; Hith - er by Thy help I'm come; 3. to grace how great a debt - or Dai - ly I'm constrained to be! N^H^ ^ p— r ^ ffi «=r ^^ f=f -^ — ^- tnn^ ^=< I I Streams of mer - cy, nev - er ceas - ing. Call for songs of loud-est And I hope, by Thy good pleas-ure, Siife-ly to ar -rive at Let Thy good-ness, like a fet - ter. Bind my wand'ring heart to praise, home. Thee: my^ ^^^ 'V~~V m Come, Thou Fount f=U \fLi J' f I - f ^P I Teach me some mel - o-dious son - net, Sung by flam - ing tongues a-bove; Je - sus sought me when a stran-ger, Wand'ring from the fold of God; Prone to wan - der, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; it l^ tlf^^ . ^ fe^ ^ i I SeS :fc ^ ^^9 ^ Praise the mount — I'm fixed up-on it — Mount of Thy re-deem-ing love. He, to res - cue me from dan-ger, In-ter-posed His precious blood. Here's my heart, take and seal it; Seal it for Thy courts a-bove. A -MEN. m «H m ^ i> ' I 56 For a Thousand Tongues Charles Wesley « Carl G. Glaser Arr. by Lowell Mason ^^ m ^- :^ ^—^ 1. for a thou-sand tongues to sing 2. My gra-cious Mas - ter and my God, 3. Je - sus! the name that charms our fears, 4. He breaks the pow'r of can-celled sin, 5. Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, m te -t=2- -^fS- h My great Re-deem - er's praise, As - sist me to pro - claim, That bids our sor - rows cease; He sets the pris - 'ner free; Your loosened tongues em - ploy; e _jS2- ^ :t=t: fe: i^a ,.f2- 3^B IS :2t i The glo - ries of my God and King, To spread thro' all the earth a - broad 'Tis rau - sic in the sin-ner's ears. His blood can make the foul - est clean; Ye blind, be -hold your Sav-ior come; The tri-umphs of His grace. The hon - ors of Thy name. 'Tis life, and health, and peace. His blood a - vailed for me. And leap, ye lame, for joy. ^|^M~E :^ Sczijczz^ m 57 Now the Day is Over Sabine Baring-Gould Joseph Barnbt tt i i i i^^^-H i ^ f^'i^ V Now the day is o - ver, Je - sus, give the wear - y Grant to lit - tie chil - dren Thro' the long night-watch-es, When the morn - ing wak - ens, r Night is draw - ing nigh, Calm and sweet re - pose; Vi - sions bright of Thee; May Thine an - gels spread Then may I a - rise, ^^^ £ ,J^ ^SE H H ^^ i ?=5 Shad - ows of the eve - ning With Thy ten-d'rest bless - ing Guard the sail - ors toss - ing Their white wings a-bove me, Pure and fresh and sin - less rTTT M i^ steal a - cross the sky. May our eye - lids close. On the deep blue sea. Watch-ing round my bed. In Thy ho - ly eyes. A -MEN. £ J . J , I J J J rrrr^ f- Steal a - cross the sky. 58 Guide Me, Thou Great Jehovah William Williams Thomas Hastings m ki\ f^ ^ > ^m E -«-i- «T=r E ^^ 1. Guide me, Thou great Je 2. - pen now the crys-tal 3. When I tread the verge of - ho - vah, Pil - grim thro' this bar - ren foun-tain Whence the heal - ing wa - ters Jor - dan, Bid my anx - ious fears sub- N:jHlf p EiJl M n i ^^ * *F=i i i 3 f ' f. ^=ff E i^ a v=^ 'iy-^ land; I am weak, but Thou flow; Let the fi - ery, cloud side; Bear me thro' the swell- m ^ m ^m art might -y. Hold me with Thy pow'r-ful - y pil - lar Lead me all my jour - ney ing cur - rent. Land me safe on Ca-naan's J . :fe :tT=r Guide Me, Thou Great Jehovah .fc=i =^5==?? =fi=lF :k=X ~r^ t 1R^=^ -•-^ hand; Bread of Heav - en, Feed me till I want no thro'; Strong De - liv - 'rer, Be Thou still my Strength and side: Songs of prais - es I will ev - er give to —4 more; Shield; Thee; 1*=: ^ ■^ -¥ -•-=- -^-- :t=g: =1: 1 ST=8 D. F^ I -Z5J- m Bread of Strong De Songs of :t==t= Heav - liv - prais - -f— en, rer, es Feed me till I want no more. Be Thou still my Strength and Shield. I will ev - er give to Thee. -^ -^ 1 59 The King of Love My Shepherd Is Henry W. Baker t 1 — r J. B. Dykes ^ •^ rj^ 1. The King of love my Shep-herd is, Whose goodness fail-eth nev - er; 2. Where streams of liv-ing wa - ter flow My ran-somed soul He lead- eth, 3. In death's dark vale I fear no ill With Thee, dear Lord, be -side me; 4. And so through all the length of days. Thy good - ness fail - eth nev - er: I noth-inglack if I am His, And He is mine for - ev - er. And, where the ver-dant pas-tures grow, With food ce - les - tial feed - eth. Thy rod and staff my com -fort still. Thy cross be - fore to guide me. Good Shep-herd, may I sing Thy praise With-in Thy house for - ev - er. fct t=t - I ^ \ \ \ I 60 Asleep in Jesus Margaret Mackay Wm. B. Bradbury ^m h h h e s^ it m ^=t=t I ^ 1. A-sleep in Je 2. A-sleep in Je 3. A-sleep in Je 4. A-sleep in Je sus! blessed sleep, From which none ev-er wakes to weep! sus! how sweet To be for such a slum-ber meet! sus! peace-ful rest, Whose waking is su - prome-ly blest! sus! for me May such a bliss -ful ref-nge be! A calm and un-dis-turbed repose, Un-bro-ken by the last of foes. With ho-ly con -fi-dence to sing, That death hath lost his venomed sting. No fear, no woe, shall dim that hour That manifests the Savior's pow'r. Se - cure-ly shall my ash-es lie, Wait-ing the summons from on high. A - ^iflf4 MEN. f^ m^ te I a 5 tt=t2: t * T 5 C fp^ f 61 Jesus, Thou Art Standing William W. How Justin H. Enecht iJ m s P^ I ^-r ^=r T stand-ing Out - side the fast-closed door, knock-ing; And lo, that hand is scarred, plead- ing In ac - cents meek and low, 1. Je - sus, Thou art 2. Je - sus. Thou art 3. Je - sus, Thou art ^m ^ t^ rTi I V L I [^ • n #A g M f ^ * : r^^~W ^'-^ In low - ly pa - tience And thorns Thy brow en - "I died for you, My I m ^9 i^ wait - ing cir - cle, chil - dren, ^1^ f To pass the thresh-old o'er: And tears Thy face have marred And will ye treat Me so?" £ ^ r r r r S i i Mt Jesus, Thou Art Standing -4- ^ ^=K: e ^: -»-^ I f-f Shame on us, Chris-tian broth - ers, His name and sign who bear, love that pass- eth knowl-edge, So pa-tient-ly to wait! Lord, with shame and sor - row We o - pen now the door; ^h'f - * li H=t * I lA g a 3 ^ i=SF=f mM shame, thrice shame up - on sin that hath no e Dear Sav - ior, en - ter, en r OS, To keep Him stand - ing qual, So fast to bar the ter, And leave us nev - er - there! gate! more. n ^: m '^ f=r=r=f 62 The King of Heaven His Table Spreads Philip Doddridge rfe Scotch Psalter ^^- i. The King' of heav'n His 2. Par - don and peace to 3. Mil -lions of souls, in 4. All things are read - y. ta - ble spreads, And blessings crown the board; dy - ing men, And end -less life are giv'n, glo - ry now. Were fed and feast -ed here; come a - way, Nor weak ex - cus - es frame; ^ M: ^ f=r^ fcl: i its joys. Could such de - light af - ford, sus shed To raise our souls to heav'n. the way, A - round the board ap - pear, the feast, And bless the Found-er's name. Not par - a - dise, with Thro' the rich blood that And mil - lions more, still Crowd to your pla - ces all Je on at 3E E A L_- -•— — «— t i 63 Softly Now the Light of Day George W. Doanb I^- 1^ ^^■ i=d=F^ i -^— '--^ Louis M. Gottschalk P r .•-2^: 1. Soft - ly now the light of day Fades np - on our sight a - way; 2. Thoa, whose all - per - vad - ing eye Naught es - capes, with-out, with - in, 3. Soon from us the light of day Shall for - ev - er pass a - way; J: ^^i^ -J- ■O- (fc ■^-^ s -422- r r ite^^ii* fe m r* - I ft] Free from care, from la - bor free, Lord, we would com-mune with Thee. Par - don each in - firm - i - ty, - pen fault, and se - cret sin. Then, from sin and sor - row free. Take us. Lord, to dwell with Thee. I /^J II /~ I 4=2- 64 Come, Humble Sinner Edmund Jones i m ±=*: z^: fe@ Adapted by Robert Simpson 2^ 1 2. I'll 3. Pros-trate I'll lie 4. Per - haps He will 5. I can but per r =1 -(&- • -6>- • -In- come, hum-ble sin - ner, in whose breast A thou- sand tho'ts re-volve, go to Je - sus, tho' my sin Like mountains round me close; be - fore His throne. And there my guilt con-fess; ad - mit my plea. Per - haps will hear my prayer; ish if I go; I am re - solved to try; l^g 2^: I r^- ?2: ^: J- r^ m i^te fe^ 23: ^- ^ T Come, with your guilt and fear op-pressed, And make this last re - solve. I know His courts, I'll en - ter in, What-ev - er may op -pose. I'll tell Him, I'm a wretch un - done With-out His sov-'reign grace. But, if I per - ish, I will pray. And per - ish on - ly there. For if I stay a - way, I know I must for - ev - er die. I I I F=V-Ci r-fe— H r In the Gross of Christ John Bowrino iTSAKtAR ComCBT ^ :1= = r it 1. 2. 3. 4. In the cross of When the woes of When the san of Bane and bless-ing, £ Christ I glo - ry, life o'er-take me, bliss is beam-ing pain and pleasure, ' -<&- -0- -rs)- -J- -j»-r Tow'r-ing o'er the wrecks of Hopes de-ceive, and fears an Light and love up - on my By the cross are sane - ti time; -noy, way, fied; i £ m 4=2- t^- ^ r ' "^ ' 'I- i 1^ m ■^- I -^-4- ^ f — r ^r-i^ AU the light of Nev - er shall the From the cross the Peace is there that sa - cred sto - ry Gath-ers round its head sub-Ume. cross for -sake me: Lo! it glows with peace and joy. ra - diance streaming Adds more lus - ter to the day. knows no meas-ure, Joys that thro' all time a - bide. ^ rJ ^ :£ .:&. ^i I w p ^ p^ p^ 66 R. E. Hudson ril Live for Him h f ^ I i C. R. Dunbar ^ # ^ ■4- -0- -0- -0 T=? 1. My life, my love I give toThee, Thou Lamb of God who died for me; 2.1 now be-lieve Thou dost re-ceive, For Thou hast died that I might live; 3. Thou who died on Cal - va - ry. To save my soul and make me free, ^& f r- T f t: t= £^ -»-i- -»-r -#-i- S^ :r 5=^ =^ F=^ ^ ^^-r~r -p — t^ Cho.-PZ/ Zi?;e forHim who died for me, How hap-py then my life shall be! '^ D. C. Chorus I fct i ^4=r=i TtH :?5=:?5 ^ f ^ Oh, may I ev - er faith -ful be, My Sav-ior and my God! And now henceforth I'll trust in Thee, My Sav - ior and my God! life to Thee, My Sav-ior and my God! I'll con - se - crate my * f- f- £ i -»-r- E ^9=0= :^=Jc -»-^ =P= -D — r-^ ■p — p — r ni live for Him who died f(yr me, My Sav - ior and my God! Copyright, 1891, bv R. £. Hudson. Used by penoission 67 Spirit of the Living God James Montgomery John B. Dykes i - J [" > D =i=f: ^ ^— r^ 1. Spir-it of the liv - ing God! In all Thy plen 2. Give tongues of fire and hearts of love To preach the rec 3. Be dark-ness, at Thy com - ing, light; Con-fu - sion, or - 4. Bap-tize the na-tions; far and nigh The tri-omphs of - i - tude of grace, - on - cil - ing word; der, in Thy path; the cross re - cord; J=JU^ W=t m -HM ± :P=D: ^ f *=* _i ^ — « — SE^^ e ^=3=J r Wher - e'er the foot of man hath trod, De-scend on Give pow'r and unction from a - bove, Whene'er the Souls without strength, inspire with might;Bid mer - cy The name of Je - sos glo - ri - fy, Till ev - 'ry '»*~tr* rt our joy ■ tri- kin- ^^^^^^m a - pos - tate race, ful sound is heard, nmph - ver wrath, dred call Him Lord. n I ^ m rr 68 Mary A. Thomson Zion, Haste James Walch Ly=j^ ^1^^^^ ^ i^ «=tg^ 1.0 Zi -on, haste, thy mis-sion high ful -fill -ing, To tell to all the 2. Be -hold how man - y thousands still are ly - ing. Bound in the dark-some 3. Pro-claim to ev - 'ry peo-ple, tongue and na -tion That God in Whom they 4. Give of thy sons to bear the mes-sage'glo-rious; Give of thy wealth to f. t i=t i Pi^^^ m i world pris - live speed ^— r -t^r-t •^- that God is Light; That He who made all na-tions is not will - ing' on-house of sin, With none to tell them of the Sav-ior's dy - ing, and move is love: Tell how He stooped to save His lost ere - a - tion, them on their way; Pour out thy soul for them in prayer vie- to - rious; ■^-i- f=f ^-s- Zion, Haste ^ Refrain i J p=t^=S=j=li= 3^ ^ -<5>- f m One Or And And sool should per - isb, lost in shades of night. of the life He died for them to win. died on earth that man might live a - bove. all thou spend-est Je - sus will re - pay. Pub - lish glad ti - dings, £ i :& & f^^^m^^^m J J J-^.hn ■^r ^- s =J=iJ^ r t^ Ti - dings of peace; Ti- dings of Je - sus, Re-demp-tioo and re -lease. r jC ■Vnlt SfefcS e I ^ ■P 69 Lord, All I Am is Known to Thee Isaac Watts i 4-. Samuel Webbe ^1: 13: r tS =S^ s ^- ^ 1. Lord, all I am is known to Thee: In vain my soul would try 2. Thy all - sur-round-ing sight sur-veys My ris - ing and my rest, 3. My tho'ts lie o - pen to Thee, Lord, Be - fore they're formed with-in; 4. won-drous knowledge! deep and high: Where can a crea - tare hide? 5. So let Thy grace sur - round me still. And like a bul - wark prove, B % % ■^-- ■^- :?: «— ^ n*t 1 , 1 K 1 1 , -#5 H=^ ~A 1— =fcl=^ t^^ ^-=t- -4-J — U — T— • — w— 1 \ 1 To 5 My And With To g — \— — ^ — ^ — ^ shun Thy ] pub - lie w ere my ] -in Thy uard my s -sc- ores alks ips cir - oul - ence, , my pro-n cUng from r ^ or to 1 pri - vate i ounce the v arms I ev - 'ry flee svays 7ord, lie, Ul, The ,The Thoul Be - Se - ^=5 no - tice se - crets inow'st the set on cured by ^ ^ of Thine of my sense I ev - 'ry sov- 'reign eye. breast, mean. side. love. B ^1— «— f^ t -g- — n -^ S ^— # -t' * 1 — * s -^J — in i£^tT B— 1 ?- .(2 y _ -p- — 1 -p5 ^— -« B_ — — H ' 1 1 '* * p f J II 1 1 I 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 70 Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing John Fawcett Joseph Bahnbt i ^^33^ i3 * 1 :=f ^=it T— i '-^ -#- tj-g- 1. Lord, dis - miss as with Thy bless-ing, Fill onr hearts with joy and peace; 2. Thanks we give, and ad - o - ra - tion, For Thy gos- pel's joy- ful sound; 3. So, when - e'er the sig-'nal's giv - en Us from earth to call a- way. te^r^ ^F ^^p^^^ 3Ef^E=E :t=^ r- $ 3^^ ^=q g T-P-- ^ J^-l Let us each, Thy love pos - sess - ing, Tri - uinph in re- May the fruits of Thy sal - va - tion In our hearts and Borne on an - gels' wings to heav - en, Glad the sum - mons ^^. * :»=I ffi i ffi mm ^ ^ f ry^vr-i : deem - ing grace; re - fresh as, Trav-'ling thro' this wil - der - ness. lives a - bound; May Thy presence With us ev - er - more be found, to - bey, May we ev - er Reign with Christ in end - less day. -F- -.^ -^ .-*- -^ -^ -0- -p- -^ jiLJ ^J f^r f i- -f2- m ^ :^ 71 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee W. Gladden U. P. Smith u m^ n- ^ tS: -d — • — *- p3=3: 7:>- 1. Mas-ter, let me walk with Thee In low -ly paths of serv- ice free; 2. Help me the slow of heart to move By some clear, winning word of love; 3. Teach me Thy patience! still with Thee In clos - er, dear-er com - pa - ny, 4. In hope that sends a shin-ing ray Far down the fu-ture'sbroad'ning way, ^^ ^ Master, Let Me Walk With Thee ^^ n- Tell me Thy se - cret; help me bear The strain of toil, the fret of care. Teach me the way-ward feet to stay, And guide them in the homeward way. In work that keeps faith sweet and strong, In trust that tri-umphs o - ver wrong. In peace that on - ly Thou canst give, With Thee, Mas -ter, let me live. ' r-: ^^^^^m =?= -©^ 4 4= ■i — r 72 w m Gracious Spirit! Dwell With Me! Thomas T. Lynch tei H. DE LA HaYE BLACKITH a^ J ^^=t- 3^^: 3=r ^- ^ 1 — 1. Gra-cions Spir 2. Truth-ful Spir 3. Ten - der 4. Might -y 5. Ho - ly Spir - it Spir - it Spir - it dwell with me! dwell with me! dwell with me! dwell with me! dwell with me! -0- ft ^- my - self would gra-cious be, my - self would truth-ful be; my - self would ten - der my - self would might-y my - self would ho - ly i be; be; be: J- ^i=; ^ * -i^*^— :^- And, with words that help and heal. Would Thy life in mine re - veal; And, with wis - dom kind and clear. Let Thy life in mine ap- pear- Shut my heart up like a flow'r In temp - ta-tion's darksome hour', Might -y so as to pre- vail, Where un - aid - ed man must fail; Sep - a - rate from sin, I would Choose and cher - ish all things good; ^ t^ t -^ -(=2- ^: :*=«: See f ^ ^ r^ :fc And with And, with - pen Ev - er, And what -^-^ ^- r s ac - tions bold and meek, Would for Christ my Sav - ior speak, ac - tions broth-er - ly. Speak my Lord's sin - cer - i - ty. it when shines the sun, And His love by fragrance own. by a might-y hope, Press -in g on and bear- ing up. ■ ev - er I can be. Give to Him who gave me Thee. ^ *Wi -e^- 1^1 t 73 Lord, We Come Before Thee Now William Hammond Ignacb J. Pleybl 1. Lord, we come be -fore Thee now, 2. Lord, on Thee our souls de - pend; 3. In Thine own ap-point-ed way, 4. Send some mes-sage from Thy word, 5. Grant that all may seek and find At Thy feet we ham - bly bow; In com - pas - sion now de - scend; Now we seek Thee, here we stay; That may joy and peace af - ford; Thee, a gra- clous God and kind: Fill Lord, Let Heal do not our suit dis - dain; our hearts with Thy rich grace, we know not how to -go, Thy Spir - it now im - part the sick, the cap-tive free: Shall we seek Thee, Lord, in Tune our lips to sing Thy Till a bless -ing Thou be - sal - va - tion to each Full Let US all m^ ^ -n. -t re - loice in vain? praise, stow, heart. Thee. £ I -^ i: -•— "^1 74 Edward Hopper f^^ Jesus, Savior, Klot Me J. E. Gould tr- M :&=t5: ^3^ ^=J; 3^ -s* — I 1. Je - sns, Sav - ior, pi - lot me - ver life's tem - pes-tnous sea: 2. As a moth-er stills her child. Thou canst hush the o - cean wild; 3. When at last I near the shore, And the fear - ful break-ers roar ^ — ^' f > . p- r -^ -^ ^ fetf i=t: ^^^ -♦— -# =P= F=r r c r ; T ■p- ^ f ,1 , _f) j i t t m 4 ft f> l> y"^ ^ ra-. Un-known waves be - fore me roll, Bois-t'rous waves o - bey Thy will 'Twixt me and the peace-ful rest. P^ ^^=?==^= L> ; i; Hid - ing rocks and treach'rous shoal; When Thou say'st to them "Be still!" Then, while lean -ing on Thy breast. .■*! -•-^ ~^5= '¥ J^-^ Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me i ^yiy;d=^ i^^ fe^N .[^ Chart and com - pass come from Thee, Je - sus, Sav - ior, pi - lot me. Won-drous Sov-'reign of the sea, Je - sas, Sav - ior, pi - lot me. May I hear Thee say to me, "Fear not, I will pi - lot thee." m - zt-:- ^^^^ 4^ £ i =0=¥= 0=^ r V — ^-1 75 For the Beauty of the Earth FOLLIOTT S. PlERPONT i# Conrad Kocbeb S :2E i ^: ^-»- =^=8^ * ^ — — • — 0- 1. For the bean-ty 2. For the beaa-ty 3. For the joy of 4. For the joy of 5. For Thy church that ev - er - 6. For Thy-self, best Gift Di - For the beau-ty of the skies. Of the day and of the night, For the heart and mind's de - light; Broth-er, sis - ter, par-ent, child, Lift-eth ho - ly hands a - bove. To our race so free - ly giv'n; of the of each ear and hu-man earth, hour eye; love, more vine! Mt h -I S^ £ S ^S^ :^ fe* 5 ^ ■-« — « — $j— -•- -^- -&- - ver and a - round us lies, — Sun and moon, and stars of light, — Link-ing sense to sound and sight, — For all gen - tie thot's and mild, — Its pure sac - ri - fice of love, — Peace on earth, and joy in heav'n, — ^S For the love which from our birth Hill and vale, and tree and flow'r. For the mys - tic har - mo - ny Friends on earth, and friends a - bove; Of - f'ring up on ev - 'ry shore For that great, great love of Thine, -4' %^*-fL X— r-# fi X S *■ P 9 — r—* s "^ 1 r ^^ n ■^s^^ — ^- ^#^- i^^ -A-- ^- ^ 1-6. Christ our God, to Thee we ^-r-T l= E --^-^-T^ raise This our hymn of grate -ful praise. m # j- m 76 Father, I Stretch My Hands to Thee * Charles Wesley Hans G. Naegeu t=#=t m ^EE^ E iEJ^iEEJE i^g^aa ^ 1=1 1. Fa - ther, I stretch my hands to Thee, No oth - er help I knox?; 2. What did Thine on - ly Son en -dure, Be - fore I drew ray breath! 3. Sure - ly Thou canst not let me die; speak, and I shall live; 4. Au - thor of faith! to Thee I lift My wea - ry, long-ing eyes: J . . - ^- ^ tz*. *=£ i=N^ -0 — — -- D l > ' r ^=f^ :f5=:^ S a 3e ^=^=1 M±i=i=s=i=]t ^?=g: M ^ If Thou with-draw Thy - self from me, Ah!whith-er shall I go? What pain, what la - bor, to se - cure My soul from end -less death! And here I will un - wear-ied lie, Till Thou Thy Spir - it give. let me now re - ceive that gift! My soul with -out it dies. :f=?: ^ S-^ 9 v^ r=rf 77 Welcome, Delightful Morn Hayward n Friedrich Schneider 9 &-i #— a 1. Wel - come, de-light - ful 2. Now may the King de - 3. De - scend, ce - les - tial morn, scend. Dove, Thou day And fill With all of sa - cred rest! His throne with grace; Thy quick-'ning pow'rs; I Thy Dis- ^^:5=i=r=?±=^ i5 ± r s ^^ -<5i-i- fi>-i- 3E^ m hail seep- close ifct Thy kind re - turn; ter. Lord, ex - tend, a Sav - ior's love. Lord, make these mo ■ While saints ad -dress And bless the sa - ments blest: Thy face: cred hours: From Let Then -a 422-' Welcome, Delightful Morn of mor - tal toys, I soar to reach im- Thy qaick-'ning word, And learn to know and new life ob - tain. Nor Sab - baths be en- ! I I -j j J- pJ 1 — r — I — r It i^^§ s :^iPi ■<9- a Si n m St mor -tal joys, I soar to reach fear the Lord, And learn to know joyed in vain. Nor Sab - baths be -(&- -z?- i I I I l=U=i im - mor - tal joys. and fear the Lord. en - joyed in vain. I soar to reach "P- ^? .(2_S_ -|2 r i 78 Forth in Thy Name Charles Wesley John B. Dykes 1. Forth in Thy name, Lord, I go, My dai - ly la - bor to par -sue, 2. The task Thy wis-dom hath as-signed, let me cheer- ful - ly fnl - fill; 3. Give me to bear Thy eas - y yoke, And ev - 'ry mo-ment watch and pray; 4. For Thee de-Iight-ful - ly em -ploy Whate'er Thy bounteous grace hath giv'n; ^ :P=P: *W=%- ^ U f t-fH : '=i=-4=i- --t^ S "^•"irr'Tr I Thee, on- ly Thee, re-solved to know, In all I think, or speak, or do. In all my works Thy pres-ence find. And prove Thy good and per - feet will. And still to things e - ter- nal look, And has-ten to Thy glo - rious day. And run my course with e - ven joy, And close-ly walk with Thee to heav'n mE*E^:i^^^^^^3^ Ek 'jy I D 2 p f —I — m I 79 My God, I Thank Thee Adelaide A. Procter ^ Frederick C. Maker 4 — 1-5 W-4- i-- 3: ^ 2^: ^- m r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My God I thank I thank I thank I thank , I thank Thee, who hast made The earth so bright; So full of splen-dor Thee,too,thatThouhastmade Joy to a- bound; So man- y gen-tle Thee more that all our joy Istouched with pain; That shadows fall on Thee.Lord,that Thou hast kept The best in store; V/ehave enough, yet Thee,Lord,that here our souls Tho' am-ply blest, Can nev-er find, al- Pi^^^^P and of joy, Beau-ty and light, So many glorious things are here. Noble and right, tho'ts and deeds CircHng us round; That in the darkest spot of earth Some love is found, brightest hours. That thorns remain; So that eartti's bliss may be our guide, And not our chain , not too much, To long for more; A yearning for a deep-er peace Not known be-fore, tho' they seek, A per - feet rest; Nor ev - er shall, until they lean On Je - sus' breast. - i. ^ ;t3E !— !- J. :g=?2iT^^ I Mfc -(Z- t==t dtztzazz :S: -©'-=- rr 80 God, the Edward H. Bickersteth I Rock of Ages Lausanne Psalter 2^ r 1. God, the Rock of A - 2. Our years are like the shad 3. Thou, who canst not slum 4. Lord, crown our faith's en - deav -0- -0- T ges, Who ev - er - more hast ows On sun - ny hills that ber, Whose light grows nev-er or With beau - ty and with been, lie, pale, grace, prfc4=i fep^^^f^Nl m ■n *z -r~r 4 ^z^r ^- What time the tern -pest ra - ges. Or grass -es in the mead - ows Teach us a - right to num - ber Till, clothed in light for - ev - er, 5=3= =1 M — r ^^ f=i Our dwell -ing place se - rene; That bios - som but to die: Our years be - fore they fail. We see Thee face to face: jB^-^a • • — fei isz t i^ God, the Rock of Ages i i=t m ± 1^ J ^ -251- Be - fore Thy first ere - 9, - tions, A - sleep, a (^eam, a sto - ry On us Thy mer - cy light - en, A joy no lan-guage meas - ures; Lord, the same as now, By stran-gers quick -ly told, On us Thy good -ness rest, A foun -tain brim- ming o'er; 1 1^—1^—t jp- m s -^-^ t-T^ I :ft ^ * 4= -«-5- * m, r ' ' To end - less gen - er - a - tions The ev - er - last - ing Thou! An na - re -main -ing glo - ry Of things that soon are old. And let Thy Spir - it bright - en The hearts Thy - self hast blessed. An end -less flow of pleas - ures; An - cean with - at shore. PEEE -P2- i2=t r 81 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind John G. Whittier Frederick C. Maker 1. Dear Lord and Father of mankind, For-give our fev'rish ways! Reclothe us in our 2. In simple trust like theirs who heard. Be-side the Syr-ian sea The gracious calling 3. Sab-bath rest by Gal-i - lee! calm of hills a-bove. Where Jesus knelt to 4. Drop thy still dews of qui-et-ness,Till all our strivings cease; Take from our souls the 5. Breathe thro' the heats of our de- sire Thy coolness and Thy balm; Let sense bedumb,let :^=t :Si=#- ipifiBZz:^ ?=?=£^ 5=a f:2^:^P= f=S=f=g: -i — p-r-r ■G>-^ m ft^ j^^^^=^*t53i^ :& ^ -♦- -♦-• fF" right-ful mind; In pur - er lives Thy serv-ice find, In deep - er rev'rence, praise, of the Lord, Let us, like them, with-out a word, Bise up and fol - low Thee, share with thee The si - lence of e -ter-ni-ty. In - ter - pret-ed by love! strain and stress, And let our or-dered lives con-fess The beau- ty of thy peace, flesh re-tire; Speak thro' the earthquake, wind, and flre, still small voice of calm! £ f=f- Ckjpyright, Houghton MifiBin & Ck), 82 Augustus M. Topladt Rock of Ages Thomas Hastings ^*^^^ ^^ ^^ 1^ 1. Eock of A - ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my - self in Thee; 2. Could my tears for - ev - er flow, (Dould my zeal *no Ian- guor know, 3. While I draw this fleet-ing breath. When my eyes shall close in death, p ^ n ^m f^ ^g^3^ ■•— m ^3±E^ VS' T I tP h . F^ -^ - tr—f^ 15: m —w1 ■ ^^^ ^ Let the wa - ter and the blood, From Thy wound- ed side which flowed. These for sin could not a - tone; Thou must save, and Thou a - lone: When I rise to worlds un- known, And be - hold Thee on Thy throne. ^^ ^— U — ^ 0-^ V--^ — ^ -0- — 0- =p=r 4) l^ p = =5= fc=^ D t)\ 1 I b^ r^ P^- l^=J=i^ -#-r- -•- ^ T Be of sin tlie doub - le cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. In my hand no price I bring, Sim - ply to Thy cross I cling. Rock of A - ges, cleft for me. Let me hide my - self in Thee. ^ JLPJUJ i ± E^5 ••-^ -^- -«— ^ 83 Sarab F. Adams Nearer, My God, to Thee Arr. by Lowell BIason i ifr m & ^ -i — m-r g^ t—r 1. Near - er, 2. Though like 3. There let 4. Then, with 5. Or if m §J my God, to Thee, Near - er to Thee! E'en though it the wan-der-er, The sun gone down, Dark-ness be the way ap-pear. Steps un - to Heav'n:Ail tliat Thoa my wak - iiig tho'ts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my on joy - ful wing, Cleav - ing the sky. Sun, moon, and i 1^ r m :|±=f: S ^ Nearer, My God, to Thee ^m. mUJj , i t \: ^ t^ 3=* m be a cross That rais - eth me; Still all - ver me, My rest a stone; Yet in send- est me, In mer - cy giv'n: An - gels sto - ny griefs Beth - el I'll raise; So by stars for - got, Up - wards I'll fly, Still all my song shall be, my dreams I'd be to beck - on me, my woes to be my song shall be, t t i ^ ^ Sg* *tr # • 4 -#- 1 «-i-«-^ ^— # Near-er, my God, to Thee, Near -er, my God, to Thee, M * ^ V— H h — h- Near-er to Thee! H s± ^ fir 84 Charles Wesley Jesus, Lover of My Soul B. Marsh Fine 3 ^ -7S\- i ::^ i ^f^ T- f Je - sus, Lov - er of my soul, ( While the near - er wa - ters roll , (0th - er ref-ugehave I none; t Leav(3, ah, leave me not a - lone, (Thou, Christ, art all I want; (Raise the fall - en, cheer the faint, 5 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, \ Let the heal-ing streams a-bound , i Let me to Thy bos - om While the tem-pest still is Hangs my help-less soul on Still sup -port and com - fort More than all in Thee I Heal the sick, and lead the Grace to cov - er all my Make and keep me pure with "1 fly, high! Thee: me! find; blind. sin; in. i gT~ i T' ^ -^ ^ :^ to —Safe in • . — C!ov - er my . — False and full the ha -ven guide, re-ceive my soul de-fense-less head With the shad-ow of of sin I am, Thou art full of truth D.C D.C D.C. D.C. — Spring Thou up with - in my heart. Else to all e - ter - ni at Thy and lastl wing. grace. ty. i -sJ— Hide me, my Sav - lor, hide. All my trust on Thee is stayed, Just and ho - ly is Thy name, Thou of life the foun - tain art; Till the storm of life is past; All my help from Thee I bring; I am all un-right-eous - ness; Free-ly let me take of Thee; _! (2. i fe F=p -*-©- F^ "-'■I g 85 John Fawcett Blest Be the Tie Hans G. Naegeu I *: ^ El Ea r^?"^c^*"^^ 1. Blest be the tie that binds Oar hearts in Chris-tian love; The 2. Be - fore our Fa- ther's throne, We pour our ar - dent prayers; Our 3. We share our mu - tual woes, Our mu - tual bur - dens bear; And 4. When we a - sun - der part. It gives us in - ward pain; But ^-4- ^ -f^ £ p I?2= ^k^^M m. St i J i^T r r='-T r^=T fel - low - ship of kin - dred minds Is like to that a - bove. fears, our hopes, our aims are one. Our com - forts and our cares, oft - en for each oth - er flows The sym - pa - thiz - ing tear, we shall still be joined in heart. And hope to meet a - gain. i * I U- ■^ — T—^. n ^ ^ i 42- f^ 86 L. H. I Am Coming, Lord L. Hartsough i sa 6=* P^^ iE5^=i±t ^h i h't^^-l-t b I I 1. I hear Thy welcome voice, That calls me, Lord, to Thee, For cleansing in Thy 2. Tho' coming weak and vile, Thou dostmy strength assure; Thou dost my vileness 3. 'Tis Je - sus calls me on To per -feet faith and love. To per-fect hope, and n* iff ^jrtHV g— frH>-^ g=t#==3 f=f: ..f f f S l^ l^ P :t= =?=P= I Li l^ P i Choros .4- S ^ ^ ^ *^ t^ =F=^ I am coming, Lord! CJoming now to ■ [) " ' r pre-cious blood That flowed on Cal-va-ry. full - y cleanse, Till spot-less all and pure, peace, and trust, For earth and Heav'n above. £. ^ I 3E ^B -t t. I :e- If:- ^^ ^— r-r ^^=&-^ r— tr-tnr u u I? r— t^p-r Used by penniasion I Am Coming, Lord r—J b , ^ - ! N • ^ = ,r^ f ) I h f) J I ^^ t=t r Thee! Wash me, cleanse me in the blood That flowed on Cal - va - ry! i ^ii2=1 ^ •^i>~P ' * 87 Alexcenah Thomas Bring Them In W. A. Ogden ^^^^*^^^^ 1. Hark! 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear, Oat in the des-ert dark and drear, 2. Who'll go and help this Shepherd kind. Help Him the wand'ring ones to find?' 3. Out in the des - ert hear their cry. Out on the mountains wild and high; ^ ^4 I I I ^ =j: : r-g— l ±q=bl=3 :!= t±^ f=f^ ^ ^^^3 :r— rH^ ^ ^-^ J — ^ :*I=3^ ^ Call - ing the sheep who've gone a-stray Far from the Shepherd's fold a- way. Who'll bring the lost ones to the fold, Wherethey'llbesheltered from the cold? Hark! 'tis the Mas-ter speaks to thee, "Go find my sheep wher-e'er they be." Chorus , ^ * i^ ^-r 3E^ -«— ^ t Bring them in, bring them in, Bring them in from the fields of sin; fe»f-f-f rrr i=s 3Ct± ^ l-tj^lU ^ I Bring them in, bring them in. Bring the wand'ring ones to Je - sus. ^fi' i iM i | I :.; ii. I II Copyright, 1885. by W. A. Osden. Uaed by permiasion 88 Charles Wesley Jesus, Lover of My Soul i z^ni H^?E^ -I4*- 1 — re i=r 1. Je - SOS, Lov-er of my soul, 2. 0th - er ref-uge have I none; 3. Thou, Christ, art all I want; 4. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, I r^T Let me to Thy bos -om fly. Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; More than all in Thee I find; Grace to cov-er all my sin; ^ai^ 1=: -!»)— D— g=g= Fi±=:=t=8 -^-i- =r — p— 9=p= ■—I 1 H-h -«— ; f ■ - While the near-er wa-ters roll, Leave, oh, leave me not a - lone, Raise the fall-en, cheer the faint, Let the heal-ing streams a - bound; ■khz Z=t^ =P=P= r- While the tem-pest still is high. Still sup-port and com-fort me. Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Make and keep me pure with - in. ==p=p= t±=t =^=^ -<2- i J? -J ^ b- h h h i:^ .-J- 3!:^ ±=1^=: TT-r S a|=^=ij=«-r* q=^ -553- trt.-^^ Hide me, my Sav-ior, hide. All my trust on Thee is stayed, Just and ho - ly is Thy name, Thou of life the Foun-tain art, -•-. h -0- Till the storm of life is past; All my help from Thee I bring; I am all un-right-eous-ness; Free-ly let me take of Thee; =9=g=g=g=P= f^ J±=t E^ ^^ p p h 1 n h 1 N* f ^ ^ ii jfc^— r-1=3r=|H-J -K — ^ 1— f)-ih-r— --«^ ti^iriirf S^^-q; * i-r-^ ^^«- ^^ L*pf-j— : ^^ i^w i^_^^ Safe in - to the ha-ven guide. ( 3 re-ceive my soul at last! Gov - er my de-fense-less head 1 SVith the shad-ow of Thy wing. Vile and full of sin I am, <] 'hou art full of truth and grace. Spring Thou up with-in my heart, ] Rise to all e - ter - ni - ty. ^-i ' m m S)' n — 1 1- — • — — * — m— Ff-^ 1=1— 1---<-| ?' — H pg^^ 0' S D~P~^ '^~~ -*- \ — u b [T u b ig • — =^ i ^j 1 ^ 1 Ckipyright, 1916. by H. R. Danks. A. V. Danks. G. Lu Danks. and L. P. Builder 89 When Shall I See Jesus John Leland William Walker. Alt. S6^=± 4=. :g^fe3 ^^. z=2=Szib s :^ 1. when shall I see Je - sas, And reign with Him a - bove, 2. But now I am a sol - dier; My Cap-tain's gone be - fore, 3. Thro' grace I am de - ter - mined To con - quer, tho' I die; 4. When-e'er you meet with troub - les And tri - als on your way, a-g- :]=: g m A L 1 1 1-^. K J 1 _ 1 V Ll' 1 ill , - 1 1 J ! III i' li J 1 1 J 4 • w ^ m J 1 J 1 1 — i— — f~ *'i — H H— J ±~^ -d- — -i — s- -z^— 1; 2? And ■ ^-- r— from that — * — flow — • — -ing •-i foun - tain w g — Drink ev - — *— er ■ — — last ' -ing love! He's giv - en me my or - ders, And bids me not give o'er; And then a - way to Je - sus On wings of love I'll fly. cast your care on Je - sus, And don't for- ■ get to pray: STFIT -^^ # — ^ « -8- — e-r-8— -^- m -^— It @^-i= U 1* — 1 — — 1 — t— —f 1 — i _|i H " 1 1 1 '■11 1 1 1 ' ' 1 ^i^ When shall I be de - liv - ered From this vain world of sin, .... And, if I hold oat faith - fal, A crown of life He'll give; Fare - well to sin and sor - row, I bid you all a - dieu: . . . . Gird on the heav'nly ar - mor Of faith and hope and love; . . . . |2- ^ -422- i -0-0-0 rm K.h I =^ ^^-# hE? ^ 3=1=1: And with my bless - ed Je - sus Drink end - less pleas-ures in? And all His val - iant sol - diers Shall ev - er with Him live. Then, my friends, prove faith - ful, And on your way pur - sue. And when the com -bat's end - ed, You'll reign with Him a - bove. ^^ ^ ^ i—r-^ '^S ^ f— r-i 1 • P- 3 -(Z- i 90 There's a Wideness Fredebick W. Faber H2 I J*^ ^ LizztB S. TotntJEB ^itsg^ f ^ 3 ~^S1 1. There's a wide-ness in God's mer-cy, Like the wide- ness of the sea; 2. There is wel-come for the sin - ner, And more gra - ces for the good; 3. For the love of God is broad-er Than the meas-ure of man's mind; 4. If our love were but more sim-ple, We should take Him at His word, J ^^ -151- i5> S^ £ ?S: J. fegE ?z: e w^ sac i-i--r SS x ^- ^ls^ i fcr ^- p^tifcp f There's a kind -ness in His jus- tice, Which is more than lib - er - ty. There is mer-cy with the Sav-ior; There is heal-ing in His blood. the heart of the E - ter - nal Is most won - der - f ul - ly kind. our lives would all be sun-shine In the sweetness of our Lord. And And ^ £ -^-t>t^ ^ W M T G > *- I P ^ ^ n Only Trust Him f 91 J. H. S. k ^ i=i: J. H, Stockton ^ 3± 1. Come, ev - 'ry soul by 2. For Je - sus shed His 3. Yes, Je - sus is the 4. Come, then, and join this s sin op-pressed, There's mer- cy with the Lord, pre-cious blood, Rich bless-ings to be - stow; Truth, the Way, That leads you in - to rest: ho - ly band, And on to glo - ry go, m fe ^ in^t I 1 ; I t: %=^=^ t I 3^ -•-=- :J± * i^^ i ^ " ^ give you rest By trust -ing in His crim - son flood That wash - es white as ■ out de - lay, And you are ful - ly les - tial land. Where joys im -mor-tal And He will sure - ly Plunge now in - to the Be - lieve in Him with To dwell in that ce - word. snow, blest, flow. -t-^ f i f r ti—r -m 1 1 — m Only Trust Him Chords ^^ I I On - ly trust Him, on - ly trust Him, On - ly trust Him now; ) (He will save you, HewUlsave you, He will (Omif )J save you now. ^ ^v ^— J t :t=t Y^Yl plRfl ^ p 1ci=^ ' ^ r r 92 How Firm a Foundation George Keith Anne Steei e P^ ^ T 1. How firm a foun-da- 2. "Fear not, I am with 3. "When thro' fier - y tri 4. "The soul that on Je ■ m^^^ :^ tion, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your thee, be not dis-mayed, For I am thy als thy path-way shall lie, My grace, all-suf- sus hath leaned for re - pose, I will not, I P 3!=^ ^ f=f=F=f=tf $2: PT^ M ZSl. ^Q^ -^ aet faith in His ex - eel - God, I will still give fi - cient, shall be thy will not de - sert to ■^ ^ lent word! What more can He say, than to thee aid; I'll strength-en thee, help thee, and sup - ply; The flame shall not hurt thee; I his foes; That soul, tho' all hell should en- ^ ^1 :^ a ^^»^# P zf '^T^=^ ^ you cause on - deav • He hath said,- thee to stand, ly de - sign ■ or to shake. -To you, who for ref - uge to Je - sus have fled? Up - held by my gra-cious, om- nip - o - tent hand. Thy dross to con-sume, and thy gold to re - fine. I'll nev - er, no nev - er, no nev - er for- sake!" rr-f-r ^ f=^ ^ 33 I f :ffi: 93 Abide With Me H. F. Lytb W. H. Monk m 1. A - bide with me: fast falls the e - ven-tide; The dark-ness 2. Swift to its close ebbs out life's lit - tie day; Earth's joys grow 3. I need Thy pres-ence ev - 'ry pass-ing hour: What but Thy 4. Hold Thou Thy cross be - fore my clos - ing eyes; Shine thro' the ^ m I _i2_ ^^4^ 12:^ E r ite: 12^ ^ ^ & — L- « F i — Lg, 1—^ J 1 L^^ ^- \ ' ' '^ ' ' ' r deep - ens; Lord, with me a-bide: When oth - er help - ers fail, and dim, its glo - ries pass a -way; Change and de - cay in all a- grace can foil the tempter's pow'r? Who like Thy -self my guide and gloom, and point me to the skies: Heav'n's morning breaks, and earth's vain i: S -<^ -^ -(2- f r I r 'f ^ ^ 3 ±^ A^ ^=r -&L m com -forts flee. Help of the help -less, round I see: Thou whochang-est not, stay can be? Thro' cloud and sun -shine, shad-ows flee — In life, in death, Lord, 1 J=f: g a - bide with a - bide with a-bide -with a - bide with me! me! me! me I £ P ^ I tfe Se 1 Y If: 94 More About Jesus E. E. Hewitt ^^^u^^u^m^M Jno. R. Sweney ^..-1 — b. 1. More a-bout Je-sus would I know. More of His grace to oth - ers show; 2. More a-bout Je-sus let me learn, More of His ho - ly will dis-cern; 3. More a-bout Je-sus; in His word, Holding com-mun-ion with my Ix)rd; 4. More a-bout Je-sus on His throne, Rich-es in glo - ry all His own; I D I ..... , . .J J^ J fefe ^or' r r ^ 1^=^ 3|=4: jHh-> i^ rj ^ Copyright, 1915. by Mrs. L. E. Sweney. Renewal «^r) ^ b ^^ ^ More About Jesus ^EE^ Fine I s 7T^ 4-t =^ •-^ More of His sav-ing full -ness see, Spir-it of God, my teach -er be, Hear-mg His voice in ev- 'ry line, More of His kingdom's sure in-crease; More of His love who died for me. Show-ing the things of Christ to me. Mak-ing each faith -ful say - ing mine. More of His com -ing, Prince of Peace. •-?- ^ &=r=^ m '-^ -vr-—^t — » ^ :t=t r D.S. — More of His sav-ing full-ness see, Refrain M More of His love who died for me. D.S. ^^ IE3 ^-^ 3^ -•-s- More, more a - bout Je - sus, More, more a - bout Je - sas; ^fe -P— -^-v -p-i- J±=M: -ti—tr Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned r=r 95 Samuel Stennett Thomas Hastings ^ ^ s ^- 12^ zj: 1. Ma - jes-tic sweetness sits enthroned Up - on the Sav-ior's brow; His head with 2. No mor-tal can with Him compare, A-mong the sons of men; Fair-er is 3. He saw me plunged in deep distress, And flew to my re - lief; For me He 4. To Him I owe my life and breath. And all the joys I have; Hemakesme J- e W: W^ t= l7 — i * * f=r -^ ^ ^r^ J=a ±=1: i d^ -1 ;* E— g-ig=^ i gt^g rr ^:E^-2a i:q=q: radiant glories crowned. His lips with grace o'erflow, His lips with grace o'erflow. He than all the fair Who fill the heav'nly train. Who fill the heav'nly train, bore the shamefulcross, And carried all my grief. And car-ried all my grief. tri - umph o-ver death , Andsavesme from the grave. And saves me from the grave. J J # -g- » , I I — I ! . U I ..J I ^ m 42^ 'Xz. -A— A 0-4- -1^ n 96 No, Not Despairingly HORATIUS BONAR Miss A. B. SpraTT ^(=t t M n :2^ ^EJEte±s 3Efe -?5*- 1. No, not de-spair-ing-ly Come I to Thee; No, not dis-trast-ing-ly Bend I the 2. Ah! mine in - iq - ni - ty Crimson has been. In - fi-nite, in - fi - nite Sin up - on 3. Lord, I con-fess to Thee Sad - ly my sin; All I am tell I Thee, All I have 4. Faithful and just art Thou, Forgiving all; Loving and kind art Thou When poor ones 5. Then all is peace and light This soul v?ithin ;Thu3 shall I walk with Thee, The loved Un- m I 4 j ^ — f !» H i.^ i - # » . » — S> h- ^ 1 — r^r Fed. i 7r> ^ d -± :fe ^ ^ £ BsEi 3tZ^ -^-# ^-1 I knee: Sin hath gone o-ver me, Yet is this still my plea, Je - sus hath died, sin; Sin of not lov-ing Thee, Sin of not trusting Thee, In - fi - nite sin. been: Purge Thou my sin a-way, Wash Thou my soul this day; Lord, make me clean, call: Lord, letthecleansingblood.BloodoftheLambof God, Pass o'er my soul, seen; Leaning on Thee, my God, Guid-ed a - long the road, Noth-ing be-tweeo. I m -12- J-i. ^^^=£^^. I ^=22: =5= 97 p. p. B. g=F^ Let the Lower Lights Be Burning p. p. Buss * *=&: ^ jL-|^-_j_Lj qi^^: t. — ^g^ 3^ -0-^ W 1. Bright-ly beams our Fa-ther's mer - cy 2. Dark the night of sin has set - tied, 3. Trim your fee - ble lamp, my broth- er: From His light-house ev - er - more, Loud the an - gry bil-lows roar; Some poor sail - or tem - pest tossed, ^ r^=^ ?rS i fe^^ Fink b^ h ^ ^ -*^ But to us He gives the keep-ing Ea - ger eyes are watching, long-ing, Try - ing now to make the har- bor. Of the lights a - long the shore. For the lights a - long the shore. In the dark-ness may be lost. -^ ft- r | g g: C: E £ ^ -»-=- ■#-^ tr "D.S.-Somepoorfaint-ing, struggling sea- man Used by permissioa ip: g=fg "F You may res - cue, you may save. Let the Lower Lights Be Burning ■^-i—m ■•-^ m ^ ^ m fe -•-J ^ D.S. 1 — p-r-^-1; Let the low - er lights be buro-ingl Send a gleam a - cross the wave! \ b — h — H— y ^ ^ u l^ t^ i2=tfc 52=:p: i 98 p. p. B. Wonderful Words of Life p. p. Buss » J S " S' I h J J M I , h '^ J 7>l I M 1. Sing them o - ver a - gain to me, Won-der-fal words of Life; 2. Christ, the bless -ed One, gives to all, Won-der - ful words of Life; 3. Sweet -ly ech - o the gos - pel call, Won-der -ful words of Life; & -^f^^^^^hiH^:gi^H Let me more of their beaa - ty see, Won-der-ful words of Life. Sin - ner, list to the lov - ing call, Won-der-fal words of Life. Of - fer par-don and peace to all, Won-der-ful words of Life. b b .^ Words of All so Je - sus, life and beau free - ly giv on - ly Sav ty. Teach me faith and dn - ty: en. Woo - ing us to Heav - en: ior, Sane - ti - fy for - ev - er: M Refrain . H ,-9 , fe..f i 'n'j. i ;j 4^^^^ Bean - ti - ful words, won-der-ful words, Won-der-ful words of Life. Life [> [> [> IP i> i) Copyright, 1917, by The John Church Ca Used by pennissioo g l »: f :iH PiB 99 Lord, Speak to Me Frances R. Havergal A. BosT 1. Lord, speak to me, that I may speak In liv - ing ech-oes of Thy tone; As 2. strength-en me, that while I stand Firm on the rock, and strong in Thee, I 3. teach me. Lord, that I may teach The precious things Thou dost impart; And 4. fill me with Thy full-ness, Lord, Un - til my ver - y heart o'er-flow In -a ^-^^ m-^-^ — ^ A • P . ^"^ .r? — m-T^. — ^ Thou hast sought, so let me seek Thy er-ring chil-dren lost and lone, may stretch out a lov-ing hand To wres-tlers with the troubled sea. wing my words,that they may reach The hidden depths of many a heart, kin-dling tho't and glowing word, Thy love to tell. Thy praise to show. A-men. m i m. s f pf p^ i 100 Hark, Ten Thousand Harps Thomas Kelly Lowell Mason i ^ i fe=t5: fia ±L ^ M^-hH sv-a-r-tT «-r- Hark, ten thou-sand harps and voi - ces Sound the note of praise a - bove! Je - sus, hail! whose glo-ry bright-ens All a - bove, and gives it worth; Sav - ior, has - ten Thine ap-pear - ing; Bring, bring the glo-rions day. ^ ^^ i±=t ■^E^. 1 ^t^ Xr=i :p=* k u ^T=^ m f^ i I ;. i l» . ; 3 i Je - sus reigns, and Heav'n re - joi - ces, Je - sus reigns, the God of love; Lord of life. Thy smile en - Ught-ens, Cheers and charms Thy saints on earth; When, the aw - ful sum-mons hear-ing, Heav'n and earth shall pass a- way; 5-.- . -«- g 1^-fr XL \ |P= \\\V^ Hark, Ten Thousand Harps ^-U «" i' ^T ^^^ V ^ ' ^' ^ ^ ^ See, He sits on yon - der throne; When we think of love like Thine, Then with gold-en harps we'll sing, Je - sus rules the world a - lone. Lord, we own it love di - vine. "Glo - ry, glo-ry to our King!" fc h f) h b y ^-'^^rtr r-- V , n=^H4 Jti s ^ It: -«v--^ Hal - le - In - jah! hal- le - lu - jah! Hal-le - lu - jah! A - men! A - MEN. H ki— h \ ^ h - . » '0 b • b -■ L I e i 4=^ ^«1 P^ p V=S' r 101 Take My Life, and Let It Be M F. R. Havergal f5 Wm. B. Bradbury I ; njn} :S^f m i fl=3t 3= ^ ^ 1. Take my life, and let it be Con-se-crat-ed, Lord, to 2. Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beau-ti - ful for 3. Take my sil - ver and my gold, Not a mite would I with 4. Take my will, and make it Thine, It shall be no Ion - ger e^^ "L n r- r- r ^^^ ^ ^^ i Thee; Thee; -hold; mine; ^ ^ ss :f~^ HTT-r t p: Cho. — Lord, I give my life to Thee, Thine for -ev- er-more to D. C. be; U-Pn^ ^S ^m a ife a ^ ». b. ^ Take my hands, and let them move At the im - pulse of Thy love. Take my voice, and let me sing Al-ways, on - ly, for my King. Take my mo-ments and my days, Let them flow in cease-less praise. Take my heart, it is Thine own, It shall be Thy roy-al throne. i £ ^* A -MEN. S r-r^rt jftje: ^5V r L(mi, / ^'ve my life to Thee, Thine for-ev - er-more to be. 102 Mrs. H. M. Hall Jesus Paid It All John T. Grape ¥f7fH=f ±1 ^ i: i i t 1. I hear the Sav-ior say, "Thy strength in- deed is small, 2. Lord, now in -deed I find Thy pow'r, and Thine a - lone, 3. For noth - ing good have I Where-by Thy grace to claim- V Child of Can I'll 4. And when, be - fore the throne, I stand in Him com-plete, "Je-sus - A-f • f f 42- 42- ^ M: I \^ \^ ^ %-^ ^^ Choeus i 5^ e=* ^ t| J±=t=^=| weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all." change the lep-er's spots, And melt the heart of stone. Je-sospaidit all, wash my garments white In the blood of Cal-v'ry's Lamb. died my soul to save," My lips shall still re - peat. ^^^^3 ^ t=:p=P=P: D D L) t* 1. / r^ m H-| : ^ ; ^^=t^ 3Et8±EiEiEEg All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. I * ^ ^ i t± I M U P -p P I J ■p-tTT 103 E. W. Blandly Where He Leads Me J. S. NORBI3 ^ %t ^^^^^J^^F #^ fc-fr-r ^ 5=^ 1. I can hear my Sav - ior call - ing, I can hear my Sav - ior call - ing, 2. I'll go with Him thro' the gar -den, I'll go with Him thro' the gar -den, 3. I'll go with Him thro' the jadg-ment, I'll go with Him thro' the jadg-ment, 4. He will give me grace and glo - ry. He will give me grace and glo - ry, I — p— r SxF -Where He leads me I will fol-low, Where He leads me I wUl fol'UnOf Copyrtsht 1890. by 1.8 MorrU. Utad bv pemusokin ^=^ ^ Where He Leads Me 4 — ^-,_^ i =^=^ 1^ s -•-. -0- --» el r=s -zr -J- V. -J. I can hear my Sav - ior call - ing, Take thy cross and fol-low, fol - low I'H go with Him thro' the gar - den, I'll go with Him, with Him all the I'll go with Him thro' the judg-ment, I'll go with Him, with Him all the He will give me grace and glo - ry, And go with me, with me all the Me." way. way. way. t±=t: r /?\ /7\ T^~0t. 5 ^=P=r P t=r ■t5-T ^-v Where He leads me I will fol - low, Fll go with Him, with Him aU the way. 104 Lord, I'm Coming Home W.J. K. WH. J. EiRKPATRICK ^ ^ m i i ^ V -J. -1^-2- ^ 1. I've wan-dered far a - way from God, Now I'm com -ing home; 2. I've wast - ed man- y pre - cions years, Now I'm com -ing home; 3. I've tired of sin and stray -ing, Lord, Now I'm com -ing home; 4. My soul is sick, my heart is sore, Now I'm com -ing home; J , ,. , I , ... — , .. ,1 — I !> J £ 5^e j u I- Wi^ r r ^ ^ Fine 79 r - — ^ J- d 2^ * The paths of sin too long I now re - pent with bit - I'll trust Thy love, be - lieve My strength re-new, my hope I've trod. Lord, I'm com -ing home. ter tears. Lord, I'm com -ing home. Thy word. Lord, I'm com -ing home. re -store, Lord, I'm com -ing home. im^ ^ \^^4-^ -p-^ ^ . I g . r^ r T D. S. — - pen wide Thine arms of love, Lord, Fm com 'ing kmne. Chorus D. S. ^ a s t i' J Com - ing home, com - ing home, Nev - er - more to roam, r r u -F— f— p- i m^ 9-^ r=" X I2=t :^ ' r r r Copyright, 1920. by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. Renewal 105 Lead On, King Eternal Ernest W. Shurtlefp Benry Smart — ^-•-^•— I— i— •-'^^=1 — '-'^^ — 9 — ^— #-4i--r-.i:-'=« — I— *— r 1. Lead on, 2. Lead on, 3. Lead on. King E - ter-nal. The day of march has come; Henceforth in fields of King E - ter-nal, Till sin's fierce war shall cease. And ho-li-ness shall King E - ter-nal. We fol-low, not with fears; For gladness breaks like i=d^^to=d= s * con-quest whis - per morn - ing fe^ Thy tents shall be our home. Thro' days of prep -a - ra - tion Thy The sweet A - men of peace; For not with swords loud clashing, Nor Where'er Thy face ap-pears; Thy cross is lift - ed o'er us; We p m^ r t=E * 3; t 5:": grace has made US strong. And now, King E-ter-nal, We lift our bat-tie song, roll of stir-ring drums; With deeds of love and mercy ,Theheav'nly kingdom comes. jour - ney in its light: The crown awaits the conquest; Lead on, God of might. ■4=k= H = ^=^ ^^^, t=rs^ f- 106 There is No Sorrow Jane Crewdson Joseph Grigo 1. There is no sor - row, Lord, too light To bring in prayer to Thee: 2. Thou who hast trod the thorn -y road Wilt share each small dis -tress; 3. There is no se - cret sigh we breathe But meets Thine ear di - vine; 4. Life's ills with-out, sin's strife with- in. The heart would o -ver-flow, *=Ffc=»^ F=F ^ ^ ^ ts- /TV =1= There is No Sorrow t ^_t_^ 1 a=i 1 =^=:; :% r There is no anx - ious care too slight To wake Thy The love which bore the great - er load Will not re - And ev - 'ry cross grows light be- neath The shad-ow, But for that love which died for sin, That love which gf^ 422- ^ >-^ sym- fase Lord, wept pa the of with -thy. less. Thine. woe. I 107 Glory to His Name Rev. E. A. Hoffman Rev. J. H. Stockton ^E^^- j — h— 4^ « id m-i. zFV ^ \ :3= 1. Down at the cross where my Sav - ior died, Down where for cleansing from 2. I am so won-drous - ly saved from sin, Je - sus so sweet-ly a- 3. Oh, pre-ciousfonn-tain that saves from sin, I am so glad I have 4. Come to this foun-tain so rich and sweet; Cast thy poor soul at the ^Slt lizi: ::: A _^ ^-=t- t—r^ v=^- -p— 1^ f yi Fine -rrr -| - s :^: -M-=^- ♦-^ -^ sin I cried. There to my heart was the blood applied; Glo-ry to His name, bides with-in. There at the cross where He took me in; Glo-ry to His name, en - tered in; There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean; Glo-ry to His name. Sav-ior's feet; Plunge in to-day, and bemadecom-plete; Glo-ry to His name. m^ -(22- # 0— — • — 0— — • — r# 1 ^ — I — • * • — a-f^-i — -• f -p— t^- D. S. — There to my heart was the blood ap- plied; Glo-ry to His name. Choeus D.S. ^ S=tjFJ^ Glo - ry to His name, ^-^ 71 - J J ^ Glo - ry to His name; i r #— #- i 108 Jesus Loves Me (The favorite Hymn of China) ^*^ ^=i=»=i'= N Wm. B. Bradbury b N L ^ P) D h ^ :«=J=J= 1. Je - sus loves me! this I know, For the Bi - ble tells me so; 2. Je - SQS loves me! He who died, Heav-en's gate to o - pen wide; 3. Je - SUS loves me! loves me still, Tho' I'm ver - y weak and ill; 4. Je - sas loves me! He will stay Close be - side me all the way; ^t :i — r = 74 U D -U- $ SiJ^ p P f^ -5— N Chords ^m 3Et ifcj: t —t — t J=t Lit -tie ones to Him be -long, They are weak, bat He is strong. He will wash a - way my sin. Let His lit- tie child come in. Yes, Je -SOS From His shining throne on high, Comes to watch me where I lie. If I love Him when I die. He will take me home on high. loves me. Yes, Je-sus loves me. Yes, Je-sus loves me, The Bi -ble tells me so. t f: :?: IS :^=t r :P=tJ: f :p=P: IT tr-r 109 Thou, Whose Bounty Fills My Cup Jane Crewdson W. Gardiner fc J^ U^h^ 33 I 1. Thon, whose boun-ty fills my cap With ev - 'ry bless -ing 2. I praise Thee for the des - ert road. And for the riv - er - 3. I thank Thee for both smile and frown, And for the gain and 4. I thank Thee for the wing of love. Which stirred my world - ly 5. I bless Thee for the glad in-crease, And for the wan - ing --0T' i» d I ^ZIKZ ^5z^ dark, and I am far from home; Lead Thou me on! Keep Thou my feet; I choose and see my path; but now Lead Thou me on! I loved the gar - ish fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The nightis gone, And with the morn those do not ask to see . . . The dis-tantscene; one step e - nough for me. day, and, spite of fears, .. Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years! an-gel fa - ces smile, . Which I have loved long since, and lost a - while! fTj f^i rX. J ^^T us, ^ s s & S> r-g^— i g "^ I ' 9 Jag f i g . ^ a » I (g — * \ '^ P ^-rrr~r p=r P ^ 112 From All That Dwell Below the Skies Isaac Watt3 and John Wesley John Hatton ^^ 4^ K.-^ ^ 3^ ISt ■^1 t^T^ :g= 1. From all that dwell be - low the skies. Let the Cre - a - tor's praise a - 2. E - ter-nal are Thy mer-cies,Lord; E - ter-nal truth at - tends Thy 3. Your loft-y themes, ye mor-tals, bring; In songs of praise di - vine - ly 4. In ev-'ryland be- gin the song; To ev-'ry land the strains be- rise; word: sing; long: From All That Dwell Below the Skies 1^^ P :^— 5^ r -*-f-^ ^fefe Let the Ee-deem-er's name be sung, Thro' ev-'ry land, by ev-'ry tongue Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more . The great sal-va - tion loud pro-claim, And shout for joy the Sav-ior's name. In cheerful sounds all voi - ces raise. And fill the world with loud- est praise. :t jt '■1^- -42- T-0 =e I :t^ =F 113 Savior, More Than Life Fanny J. Crosby W. H. DOANE -45- m £ i ^ ^ aeS -# • •— 1. Sav - ior, more than life to me, I am cling-ing, cling-ing close to Thee; 2. Thro' this chang-ing world be- low, Lead me gen - tly, gen - tly as I go; 3. Let me love Thee more and more, Till this fleet-ing, fleet-ing life is o'er; ^^a t -•-?- m 1-1^—1-^- =p=r f :^=p=S=^ M ^ fl—tT te Fine P y=^- £ i i t :^=fc * * m «_ Let Thy pre-cious blood ap - plied, Keep me ev - er, ev - er near Thy side. Trusting Thee, I can- not stray, I can nev - er, nev - er lose my way. Till my soul is lost in love, In a bright-er, bright-er world a - bove. ^ b=ci D. S. — May Thy ten - der love to me Bind me do - ser, clo - ser, Lord, to Thee. Refrain H— F»— ^ -1^^ ^^^ p.s. I ^^ 3±s 422- ii 3i3: P^ 3±3 :J=^ g^3 Ev - 'ry day, ev - 'ry hour, Let me feel Thy cleans-ing pow'r; Ev- 'ry day and hour, ev - 'ry day and hour. s^^ T— t- s: I :p — ^4^-4^ P=5= ■*22- ^ P— P- Copyright, 1908. hs W. Q. Doane 114 Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare John Newton A. H. C. Malan Come, my soul, thy suit pre - pare. Thou art com-ing to a King; Lord, I come to Thee for rest; While I am a pil-grim here, Show me what I have to do; rj Je- sus loves to an-swer prayer; He Himself has Large petitions with thee bring; For His grace and Take possession of my breast; There Thy blood-bo't Let Thy love my spir-it cheer; As my guide, my Ev-'ry hour my strength renew; Let me live a s -<^ :p2 — p2- s: ?^=s -tn 1 •<2— »^ 42. 42. .(2. :&=^ :£ t (^ » r=f=T=F (2 — ^ — '^—9f- ^ — s— -^- 4:^ f^ ^5^^ I — r- bid thee pray. Therefore will not pow'r are such. None can ev - er right main-tain, And with-out a guard,my friend, Lead me to my life of faith, Let me die Thy -(2- -<2- ^2. ^ ^ -&- 25* — &- 1 m ■^ -t^ say thee nay. Therefore will not say thee nay. ask too much. None can ev-er ask too much, ri-val reign, And with-out a ri-val reign, jour-ney's end. Lead me to my journey's end. peo-ple's death, Let me die Thy people's death. -- m -<5i- -0 =t=ZIEt fJ--^ fe ^ h^ f?- ^ZZlfiZZZ^ '^ 1 — p— r 1 r f— J- -mA — • Si- :zt ^fe -gt- ist- ^t That will not trem But, in the hour That when in dan ■ That seas of troub And with a pure I'll taste, e'en now, - ble on the brink Of an - y earth of grief or pain, Will lean up - on ger knows no fear. In dark-ness feels - le can - not drown. Nor Sa- tan's arts and heav'n-ly ray Lights up a dy - the hal-lowed bliss Of an e - ter - • ly woe! its God; no doubt; be - guile; ing bed. nal home. m i=e= P :fe: j&_ J: ZSH I 117 Ashamed of Jesus Joseph Grigg. Alt. by Benjamin Francis ^.-1 Henry K. Oliver =lq =l=* trdrd: iii -|=f=Pg= ^s=:=te i 1. Je - sas, and shall it ev - er be, A mor-tal man a-shamed of Thee? 2. A-shamed of Je - sus! soon-er far Let evening blush to own a star; 3. A-shamed of Je - sus! just as soon Let niid-niglit be a-shamed of noon; 4. A-shamed of Je - sus! that dear Friend On whom my hopes of heav'n de-pendl 5. A-sharaedof Je - sus! yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash a - way; 6. Till then, nor is my boast-ing vain, Till then I boast a Sav - ior slain; i i^-l/g^U ^=^=ii: :5<: LSi: a^^cS -s^: -jt±sL l^ A-shamed of Thee, whom an - He sheds the beams of light 'Tis mid-night with my soul No; when I blush, be this No tear to wipe, no good And 0, may this my»glo - gels praise, Whose glories shine thro' endless days? di - vine O'er this be-night-ed soul of mine. till He, Bright Morning-Star, bid darkness flee, my shame. That I no more re - vere His name, to crave. No fears to quell, no soul to save, ry be, That Christ is not a-shamed of me! ^EE ^ -*-rg- ^^- -I j -h fsz=p del 118 Into the Woods i Sidney Lanieb Peter C. Lutkin -&±^JE^ iEj i^-Uc:^- ^ L +-H-=i- ^-rtr 1. In - to the woods my Mas-ter went,.. Clean for-spent, for - spent; 2. Out of the woods my Mas - ter went. And He was well con - tent; zttit^ I±^ i=fc=ti=fe=& J ) p ; 4=J: Ei -^- In - to the Out of the woods my Mas woods my Mas r p iZll_ j !=i|=jl=r=riz: p ::i=P P=±^ ter came, For-spent with love and shame, ter came. Con-tent with death and shame. £ -P=F ? Copyright, 1884, 1891, by Mary D. Lanier. Copyright, 1905, by Smith & Lamar Into the Woods 1= :t n-j D I r) =js h ^ ?F=5^ ^ -h h h =5: ^ 53t ^w-r **o"~-*~^-"p-' :r 1^- t=^ t But the ol - ives they were not blind to Him, The lit - tie grey leaves were When death and shame would woo Him last, From un-der the trees they ■^^^- ^=p: ibi t- ^ -P^W^>^.^ ^^w'^ P- P=P=F -fH— 4?: A-j- :«=S ^=r trj— 1^ m -^w kind to Him, The thorn-tree had a mind to Him, When in-tothe woods He came, drew Him last.'Twas on a tree they slew Him — last When outof the woods He came. A -• -^ =^ —^ -^—18: ^ I -x>—v-^\j V=^ It 422- p— p-tr-r— i^ :t=^ 119 For a Closer Walk With God William Cowper LoRiN Webster 3^ =^f4^E:: n v=^ 1. for a clos - er walk with God, A calm and heav'n-ly frame; 2. Where is the bless - ed-ness I knew, When first I saw the Lord? 3. What peaceful hours I once en - joyed! How sweet their mem-'ry still! 4. Re - turn, ho - ly Dove, re - turn, Sweet Mes-sen - ger of rest! 5. The dear -est i - dol I have known, What-e'er that i - dol be, 6. So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and se - rene my frame; -4 V I St s=M=^ * :* ^ -^ at *-^ A light to shine up - on the road Where is the soul - re - fresh- ing view But they have left an ach - ing void I hate the sins that made Thee mourn. Help me to tear it from Thy throne. So pur - er light shall mark the road That leads me to Of Je - sus and The world can nev - And drove Thee from And wor - ship on - That leads me to the Lamb. His word? er fill, my breast, ly Thee, the Lamb. ^ ^N-tf^^=^f^ ^S m. Copyright, 1905, by Eaton & Mains 120 There is a Name I Love to Hear ^^ I j n :J'4j-iLj-j UJ 4f , '4 - J4^ 1. There is a name I love to hear, I love to 2. It tells me of aSav-ior'slove,Whodiedto 3. It tells me what my Fa-ther hath In store for 4. It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel my sing its worth; It sounds like set me free; It tells me ev - 'ry day, And tho' I deep-est woe, Who in each. ^^g rfr rr \ r '^ ^ a 1^ W^ ^^^M^J.^^ Chorus. ^ ^ ^T^-^m -^ mu-sic in mine ear , The sweet-est name on earth . of His precious blood, The sin-ner'sper-fect plea, tread a darksome path, Yields sunshine all the way. sor-row bears a part, That none can bear be -low. ^i^=it -r*- ^ r^-nc p ' K-M Oh, how I love Je • sos, I rrv' r ^ ^^ -^ r ^'^' ^ ' ^ ^ ^^?^'r'S g g '^ w S Oh, how I love Je-sos, Oh,how I love Je-sus,Be-cause He first loved me. A-men. ^^^ J i ^nir-r : i MjM^ I ^ P ^ ^ p b p 121 On Jordan's Stormy Banks Samuel Stennett Arr. by R. M. MclNTOSH 1. On Jor -dan's storm -y banks I stand, And cast a wish-ful eye 2. All o'er those wide, ex- tend -ed plains Shines one e - ter - nal day; 3. No chill - ing winds, nor pois'nous breath, Can reach that healthful shore; 4. When shall I reach that hap - py place. And be for - ev - er blest? i i 1 — I — r T=F &? '3 i j n^ J On Jordan's Stormy Banks ^ ^ i Fine. 1^5= f=f 1^ ^ t=t f To Ca - naan's fair and hap - py land, Where my pes - ses - sions lie. There God, the Son, for - ev - er reigns, And scat - ters night a - way. Sick - ness and sor - row, pain and death, Are felt and feared no more. When shall I see my Fa-ther'sface, And in His boa - cm rest? ^ ULiLIXX-tillU^ f p^m — pnr D.S.-O who will come and go with me? I am bound fortheprom-isedland. Refrain. _ , f^ T^^ _ . D. S. '\ \ n'^^^\i--i^ i'i \uim4 ^ ^=^ o I am bound for the promised land, .... I am bound for the promised land; A-MEN. promised land, ^ FFii' I :mrM e Ii=^=r v-p- Amazing Grace 122 John Newtom Arr. by E. O. Excell m m ^'J- -J-' 58 > r -z)- r 1. A - maz - ing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I 2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears re-lieved; How 3. Thro' man- y dan-gers, toils and snares, I have al - read - y come; 'Tis 4. Whenwe'vebeentheretenthousandyears,Bright shin-ing as the sun. We've ^S V" 4^2- f=»=B' I I h pJ) ^ m m n 3 t tSt ^^-^ m once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. pre - cious did that grace ap - pear The hour I first be-lievedl grace hath bro't me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first be - gun. A-MEN. 123 More Love to Thee Elizabeth Prentiss ^ fc t W, H. DOANE 3 t P^ -^ ■.j'^*^ = g g E3±- ^— # prayer I make On bend - ed knee; lone I seek, Give what is best; part - ing cry My heart shall raise; -J. -a. -fg- This is my ear - nest plea: This all my prayer shall be: This still its prayer shall be: -(2- -*- -^ ^. ^ .^ E £ ^ I 3a ■sA-z:^-^ e&-=- :^-^ 5i^ More love, Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee! Used by permission 124: Praise the Savior, All Ye Nations Benjamin Francis ^ ^ Lowell Mason u=i5: 3 i^ --^^ ^.-^■ -s± Praise the Sav - ior, all ye na - tions, See how beau-teons on the moun-tains With my sub-stance I will hon - or -•-r- :&=^ -•-i- — t^ — « — ^ ± 1 Praise Him, all ye hosts a - bove; Are their feet, whose grand de-sign My Re- deem -er and my Lord; :tJ=: £ m. :p=it r ^ ft=t5: ^ a^ :5= g Shout, with joy - ful ac - cla - ma - Is to guide us to the foun- Were ten thou-sand worlds my man ^ 1^ ^» . • J- -*- -^ ^^ tions, His di - vine, vie - to-rions love; tains That o'er- flow with bliss di - vine; - or. All were noth-ing to His word: I S^ ^p=it ^m :5=P r Praise the Savior, All Ye Nations Ul ^ - ^--r ^—P ^^ :^ g=g=^ 1 Be His king-dom now pro-mot - ed, Let the earth her Mon-arch Who pro-claim the joy - f al ti - dings Of sal - va - tion all a - While the her - aids of sal - va - tion His a-bound-ing grace pro - ^ f^ -^ ^ f- [^ J) h f) b b know; round, claim, mjlS ; T ^eeI A :^±=^. t i U — p- p=^=p=^=p=p= i -15—^^ p=^ :5^=^ I ^— f— fi -*i-i- ^r=r ^ Be my all to Him de - vot - ed. To my Lord my all I owe. Dis - re - gard the world's de - rid - ings, And in works of love a - bound. Let His friends, of ev - 'ry sta - tion, Glad-ly join to spread His fame. ^ J'. *=t t * ^ E P=ti ti-- i3: m^ ^F=P=^ ^=p= — t^ 125 I Am Coming to the Cross William McDonald William G. Fischer i m: :^- iSL ^^ -»— -3(- I am poor and weak and blind; Long has e - vil reigned with - in; -Friends and time and earth - ly store; Now I feel the blood ap - plied; Per- feet -ed in Him I am; 1. I am com - ing to the cross; 2. Long my heart has sighed for Thee; 3. Here I give my all to Thee,- 4. In the prom - is - es I trust; 5. Je - sus comes! He fills my soul! mi^ '4^=^ 1^ ■P^ ^ T % ■a- P=p=tt =^=^= Cho. — / am trust - ing. Lord, in Thee, Bless - ed Lamb qf Cal - va - ry; i D. C. Chorus ^S I ^ ^^ 3± -* — ^ =i= I am count - ing all but dross; Je-sus sweet - ly speaks to me, — ' Soul and bod - y Thine to be, — I am pros-trate in the dust; I am ev - 'ry whit madt whole: I shall full sal - va - tion find. 'I will cleanse you from all sin." Whol-ly Thine for - ev - er - more. I with Christ am cru - ci - fied. Glo-ry, glo - ry to the Lamb! m^: m^- :^ m -^ 1«— -3 -t2- t2=ti: :t=Sc ^-- =P=P=r -L,- -P— P- Huni'bly at Thy cross I bow, Save rm, J& - sm, save me now. 126 Depth of Mercy Cbarles Weslet IGNACE PLETEL irt A- ^^^ m i ^ t 1. Depth of mer - cy! can there be Mer - cy still re-served for 2. I have long with-stood His grace, Long pro - voked Him to His 3. Lo! I cum - ber still the ground: Lo! an Ad- vo-cate is 4. Je - sus speaks, and pleads His blood; He dis - arms the wrath of 5. Kin - died His re - lent-ings are; Me He now de-lights to me? face; found! God! spare; Therefor me the Sav-ior stands; Shows His wounds,and spreads His hands: -. ,^ -r- -r- , -r -^-S i LMM -^J- ±1 -»-=- P^^ P^ ^. 1 ^ f f I f*-- Can my God His wrath for - bear? Would not heark-en to His calls; 'Has -ten not to cat Him down; Now my Fa-ther's bow - els move; Cries,"How shall I give thee op?" God is love! I know, I feel; Me, the chief of sin -ners, spare? Grieved Him by a thou-sand falls. Let this bar -ren soul a - lone." Jus - tice lin - gers in - to love. Lets the lift- ed thun-der drop. Je - sus weeps and loves me still. ^B 1 =* E Soldiers of Christ, Arise ?^ 127 I Cbakles Wesley George J. Elvey ^ I D D- 3^ i ^ i^: ^ ^ It ' ' ' \ Sol - diers of Christ, a - rise, And put your ar - mor on. Stand, then, in His great might. With all His strength en-dued; From strength to strength go on, Wres-tle, and fight, and pray; %=%^^ — ^-=- J=g2: J=^ "r 1 — r Us S ^ :*=«=*: ^ — I -7^ r Strong in the strength which God sup-plies Thro' His e - ter - nal Son; But take, to arm you for the fight, The pan - o - ply of God: Tread all the pow'rs of dark-ness down. And win the well-fought day: ^ i s^i f=^= * a r ' ^ I i 'x^ Soldiers of Christ, Arise ft ^ ^=t m 't s '"^ 3 g . Strong in the Lord of hosts, And That, hav - ing all things done, And Still let the Spir - it cry, In ^^gE^ * in His might - y pow'r, all your con - flicts passed, all His sol - diers," Come," fajk— I— Ml U^. U w ^ 3^^r^ Who in the strength of Je - sus trusts Is more than con- qner - or. Ye may o'er-come thro' Christ a - lone, And stand en - tire at last. Till Christ the Lord de - scend from high. And take the conqu'rors home. a fc4= J^ I X. rT=^ 128 Children of the Heavenly King John Cennick Justin H. Enecht i J4=j=j=^^y -^^=i :»: 1-T ^ 33, 1^— f- m Chil-dren of the heav'n-ly We are trav-'ling home to ye ban-ished seed, be Fear not, breth-ren, joy Lord, - be-dient-ly i- J?. King, God, glad; fal stand we'll go. As we jonr - In the way Christ our Ad - On the bor ■ Glad - ly leav ney let us sing; our fa - thers trod; vo - cate is made: ders of our land; • ing all be - low: ^ ^^=^ 33 ^=r^ m I i I -^- * T ^ * Sing They Us Je- On - our Sav-ior's wor-thy praise, Glo-rious in His works and ways, are hap - py now, and we Soon their hap - pi - ness shall see. to save our flesh as -sumes. Broth -er to our souls be -comes, sus Christ, our Fa-ther's Son, Bids us nn - dis-mayed go on. ly Thou our Lead-er be. And we still will fol - low Thee. J ^^rt^ L P P 129 I Phcebe Palmer Behold Thy Temple 4 Henry K. Oliveb g=i£^ ^fe=^=* 3!=^: :5t^=^#=S=i: \^~- ti Be - liold Thy tern - pie, God of grace, The house that we have reared for Thee; When from its al - tar shall a - rise Joint sup-pli-ca-tion to Thy name, And when from hence the voice of praise Shall lift its tri-umplis to Thy throne, When here Thy min - is-ters shall stand, To speak what Thou shalt bid them say. Now, therefore, • our God, a - rise! In thia Thy rest-ing-place ap- pear; J-J-U J--^ ^ ' --- ^ - ^ ^ £ :t S ^— ^ :t=fi: J: ^: i^: -(«<-=- :i=^ 1 Re - gard it as Thy rest-ing-place. And fill it with Thy maj - es - ty. Deign to ac - cept the sac - ri - fice, Thy-self our answ'ring God pro - claim. ShowThy ac - cept-ance of our lays, By mak-ing all Thy glo - ry known. Maintain Tliy cause with Thine own hand, And give Thy truth a win - ning way. And let Thy peo-ple's long-ing eyes Be-hold Thee fix Thy dwell-ing here. -^ ... . J- 130 The God of Abraham Praise Thomas OLrvERS I s i ^m ^4^ -0— i=t 1. The God 2. The God 3. The God 4. He by I) of of of r i^=*^^ A A A Him-self m^ ^^ brah'm brah'm brah'm hath praise, praise, praise, sworn; Who reigns en-throned a - At whose su-premecom ■ Whose all - suf - fi - cient I on His oath de - :^ 1^ bove — mand, grace pend; 2l 2^ 2^ An - cient of From earth I Shall guide me I shall, on P=E ev rise, all ea • i er - last - ing and seek the my hap - py gles' wings up - days, And God joys At His days In all borne, To heav'n ^ '■?sr. of love: ri?ht hand: His ways: as - cend: ^te3 fS"— r The God of Abraham Praise i a P ^9-1 ! 1 F— I I ~g f— "—j igd — ^ i^ y-^ z^zn^ :t; -p-r- Je I He I ho - vah, great I AM! By all on earth for - sake, Its calls a worm His friend! He shall be - hold His face, I earth and heav'n con - fessed; wis - dom, fame and pow'r; calls Him -self my God! shall His pow'r a - dore, -^- *— r ^- ^- IB I And And And bow Him He sing and bless the my on - ly shall save me the won - ders sa por to of ^ cred name, For - ev - er blest, tion make. My shield and tow'r. Thro' Je - sus' blood. For - ev - er the His i end, grace more. t it!^ ^^- r=& (2- r 131 Ere Mountains Reared Their Forms Sublime Harriet Auber Lowell Mason :]=» ^ ^lEg^^&i^^ i ^3tg3 f r 1. Ere mountains reared their forms sublime, Or heav'n and earth in or - der 2. A thou-sand a - ges, in their flight. With Thee are as a fleet -ing 3. But our brief life's a shad-owy dream, A pdss-ing tho't that soon is 4. To ns, Lord, the wis - dom give Each passing mo-ment so to stood, day; o'er, spend, -^- ^t-^ -<2- ^, *^ 4- gy - a s. ^ s i =l=q: -s;t- m. ^i^ la- ^ f ^a Be - fore the birth of an - cient time, From ev - er - last - ing Thou art Past, present, fu - ture, to Thy sight At once their va - rious scenes dis That fades with morning's earliest beam, And fills the mus- ing mind no That we at length with Thee may live Where life and bliss shall nev-er God. play, more. end. ■P- -jg- te :^ I s g ife: 132 Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care Richard Baxter John B. Dykes ^^ =il=^ :^ •5^ i=P»=^ "-J TT^^ 1. Lord, it be - longs not to my care Wheth-er I 2. If life be long, I will be glad That I may 3. Christ leads me thro' no dark - er rooms Than He went 4. Come, Lord, when grace hath made me meet Thy bless - ed 5. My knowl-edge of that life is small; The eye of die or long thro' be face to faith is :*35=t=f: H&z -- m t^ 42- :»=»: J. live; - bey; - fore; see; dim; ^ ^± fe^EE^ I ^f -Tzir To love and serve Thee is my share, If short, yet why should I be sad He that in - to God's king-dom comes For, if Thy work on earth be sweet, But 'tis e - nough that Christ knows all. ■f^-'^ And this Thy grace must To soar to end - less Must en - ter by this What will Thy glo - ry And I shall be with give, day? door, be? Him. ri I m -^ -©' — •- ■^— 3 -"=r Hail, to the Lord's Anointed 133 James Montgoueky German Ti ^ g^ P4 ^ ■ij r^ 1. Hail 2. He 3. He 4. To to the Lord's a - noint - ed, Great Da -vid's great- er comes with sue - cor speed - y To those who suf - fer shall come down like show - ers Up - on the fruit - ful Him shall prayer un - ceas - ing, And dai - ly vows as ■ iifei Son! wrong; earth, cend; ^ ^ ^ * -tia-j- y, Hail, in the time ap - point - ed, To help the poor and need And love and joy, like flow His king-dom still in - creas J His reign on earth be - gun! And bid the weak be strong; ers. Spring in His path to birth: ing, A king-dom with -out end: i tiZtL t=t ^ ^ ^ 5 F^ Sd^: Hail, to the Lord's Anointed J I ^^ ^^ 3E£a :t±: ^^-H ^ He To Be - The ^ comes to break op - pres - give them songs for sigh - fore Him, on the moan - tide of time shall nev - K l^-l t^ slon, To set the cap - tive free; ing, Their dark-ness turn to light, tains, Shall peace, the her - aid, go, er His cov - e - nant re - move; S I ^^=1= ^ i=r ^-*- -«— To take a - way trans-gres Whose souls, condemned and dy And right-eous-ness, in foun His name shall stand for - ev - sion, - ing, - tains, - er; r-a And rule in Were pre - cious From hill to That name to ^ -t=3t ^ eq - 01 in His val - ley QS is -•- -•- L — U- • ty. sight, flow. Love. I i2- <5^ 134 Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast Charles Wesley LoTVELL Mason m. HJ=8=J -^ 3^ -St- -gi- -S*- ' I ^ 1. Come, sin-ners, to the gos - pel feast; Let ev-'ry soul be Je - sus' 2. Sent by my Lord, on you I call; The in - vi - ta-tion is to Come, all ye souls by sin op-pressed, Ye rest-less wand'rers aft-er My mes-sage as from God re - ceive; Ye all may come to Christ and See Him set forth be-fore your eyes, That precious, bleeding sac-ri - 4t 3. 4. 5. guest; all: rest; live: fice! ■P2- I t=: :t: fcr -:^ A (S> — Lj 0^ ^- ^— ©--g: i^: Ye need not one be left be - hind, For God hath bid-den all man - kind. Come all the world! come. sinner, thou! All things in Christ are read - y now. Ye poor.andmaimed,andhalt,and blind. In Christ a heart-y wel-come find. let His love your hearts constrain. Nor suf - fer Him to die in vain. His of-fered ben-e - fits em -brace, And free - ly now be saved by grace. m^ 42- S t^ -a- fet ^U :l=bp=p±t:zf=:j=t:tp=p: --|S2_ I 135 Frederick W. Faber Hark, Hark, My Soul ^ J. B. Dykes Js; i ■(S^-^ la f- 1. Hark, hark, my soul! an - gel - ic songs are ^well-ing O'er earth's green fields and 2. On -ward we go, for still \ye hear them sing-ing, "C!ome, wear-y souls, for 3. Far, far a - way, like bells at eve- ning peal- ing. The voice of Je - sus 4. An - gels, sing on! your faithful watch-es keep - ing; Sing us sweet frag-menta -t^ m zfe ^^p^ i=U4^^=4 ^M^d4=Ui=44 *: - cean's wave-beat shore: How sweet the truth those blessed strains are tell-ing Je - sus bids you come;" And thro' the dark, its ech-oes sweet-ly ring - ing, sounds o'er land and sea; And la - den souls, by thousands meekly steal - ing, of the songs a - bove; Till morn-ing's joy shall end the night of weep -ing. g^fffn-if f f^f^^f^ W^ i i Refrain. :fe: i I rJ rJ :*=^ i 1^^ ' t u ^ •gyy- Of that new life when sin shall be no The mu - sic of the gos - pel leads us Kind Shepherd, turn their wear-y steps to And life's long shadows break in cloud -less J I A^ h^hl more. home. An - gels of Je - sos, Thee. love. -- 137 Just for To-day E. R. WiLBERFORCB H. R. Palmer ^m mm «^^ ^S * i=5 1. Lord, for 2. Let me 3. And if, -S>- -(5" to-mor-row and its needs I do not pray; no wrong or i - die word Un-think-ing say; to- day, this life of mine Should ebb a - way, -^—^^ ^ 1 * * :;P5 1 — '5> O- Keepm my God, from Set Thou a seal up- Give me Thy sac- ra- bft — It ' f t -^ -g - t±^ E^ *2- -•-^-H» ^i> 4 \ D t t ^ ^—^ r H^ -. — i s =fi=f^ r stain of on my ment di- sin Just for lips Thro' all vine. Fa - ther. -(=2- 4=^h^ day. day. day. Help me Let me So for to la - bor ear - nest - ly, in sea-son, Lord, be grave, to - mor-row and its needs it ^ m bV^ — u- :^ ^ ^^ T^—i\*- ff rail. ^^ ^^ 1 ^ t^=: And da In sea I do ■ ly pray; Let son gay; Let not pray; Still ^t it^ B 'A me be kind in word and deed, Fa - ther, to - day. me be f aith-f ul to Thy grace. Dear Lord , to- day. keep me, guide me, love me. Lord, Thro' each to-day. ^ P , P- # -# • » ^ te=5C=t=iZZ==Z fep— I u =¥ ^ X Copyright, 1897. by H. R. Palmer 138 Come, Sinner, Cornel W. E. WlTTEB H. R. Palmer gj^^ ■Y-2- 1^ :C5=3: -t—L- .^^ r 1. come! come! J While Je - sus whis-pers to you, Come, sin-ner, ( While we are pray- ing for you, {Omit I Are you too heav - y - la - den, Come, sin-ner, 1 Je - sus will bear your bur - den, {Omit f Oh, hear His ten - der pleading, Come, sin-ner, come! 1 Come and re - ceive the bless-ing, {Omit m -»-' fd^ -^ )Come, )Come, ) Come, sin-ner. Sin-ner, sin-ner, ^- come! come! come! ^ :. fi » . m t •i»-i-»-» 1 — p- t — \ — p- Copyright. 1879, by H. R. Palmer Come, Sinner, Come! ffNow is the time to own Him, Come, sin-ner, come! (Now is the time to know Him, (Omit ) Come, sin-ner, come! (Je - sus will not de-ceive you, Come, sin-ner, come! (Je - sus can now re-deem you, (Omit ) Come, sin-ner, come! (While Je-sus whis-pers to you, Come, sin-ner, come! (While we are pray-ing for yon, (Omit ) Come, sin-ner, come! ^ : L. ^ k Efe 1 — I — ^ 139 Almost Persuaded p. p. B. ^ P. P. Buss ^ r 1. 'Al-most per-suad- ed," now to be - lieve; 2. "Al - most per-suad - ed," come, come to - day; 3. "Al-most per-suad -ed," har-vest is past! 4H4--J- I J. J-J ^ lJ i I it "Al - most per-suad - ed," "Al - most per-suad - ed," "Al - most per-suad - ed," h $ :^ ^ 5 i Christ to re - ceive; turn not a - way; doom comes at last! =s= m ^i=^ r Seems now some soul to say, Je - sus in - vites you here, 'Al - most" can - not a - vail; 4± S it i 1 b • i^ 'Go, Spir - it, An - gels are Al - most" is m =^ =r :8=8:? ^ go Thy way. Some more con - ven - lent day- ling'ring near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear, but to fail! Sad, sad, that bit - ter wail, ^ ^3 ^ 17 ^ -^ On.. Thee I'll call." 0... wan-d'rer, come. 'Al - most," but lost. -*:^>- Copyrisht, 1916, by The John Church Go. Used by permisaioa -> •>• TH^ i 140 We Shall Sleep, But Not Forever Mary A. Kidder Arr. by. S. Geo. SHIPLEY ^fe n h r> t) t> P^E^^^^^iS m :±: 0—t- ^ 1. We shall sleep, but not for - ev - er, There will be a glo-rions dawn! 2. When we see a pre-ciousblos-som. That we teud-ed with such care, 3. We shall sleep, but not for - ev - er. In the lone and si - lent grave: -#- -9- -#-. -• ^ • P- t^-P^ -t= r^-: ft P- P- -l--f—^C2.- ^ ^^ ft 4. ) h ^i rt — h n- ti=P=ip=p=P: -p i^iqia 1 P— P— ^ P=P: -^-^ n l-i iL ^ h- 1 i^An — rr-n-^^ip^ 5 -h^ k^— T =15: -^-^i'-rr ~rH 1 p We shall meet to part, no. Rude - ly tak - en from our Bless ed be the Lord that -•- 5»v K 1 • ; I • ^ "T nev bos - tak - 1 — *5> — ■ er, om, eth, ] p On the low our Bless-ed res ach- be — •— — • — • R- -i — **'~ll- • ur - rec-tion ing hearts de the Lord that morn! ■spair! gave. ^-^H-H p — p — P — P — h— =^=^^ 1 P~ =t= -» — to — W— h^-M ■ P b P P I !^ fc fcift M icij: :^ S ^?=:= ^^ nr^ 3^^^3eS =g? From the deep-est caves of o - cean, From the des-ert and the plain, Koundits lit - tie grave we lin - ger. Till the set - ting sun is low, In the bright e - ter - nal cit - y, Death can nev- er, nev- er come! JL— ^— t;^ ^^^ :r=5= :^ =»=^=^ > | i ^ t — n — i - i P -3f- : p— p — P -te?-^ 1 — p— tr Ref. — We shall sleep, but not for - ev - er, There will be a glo-rious dawn! i^ :t5=& D. S. for Refrain =r5— i t *=a=8: r r IP P - - - -I- -5^. From the val-leyand the moun- tain. Countless throngs shall rise a -gain. Feel - ing all our hopes have pei - ished With the flow'r we clier-ished so. In His own good time He'll call us. From our rest, to home, sweet home. ^tl^ Ih 4=- -P F- I m :5=P: -^=-* ::2=p: ir-D- » r 13' PFc s/iaW meet, to part, no, nev - er, On the res -ur -rcc- tion mom! 141 The Rock That is Higher Than I E. Johnson ^^ It? m fr. r =f5: William G. Fischer m^^^ 1. 6 some-times the shadows are deep, And rough seems the path to the goal, 2. sometimes how long seems the day, And sometimes how wea-ry my feet; 3. near to the Eock let me keep, If bless-ings or sor-rows pre-vail; ^^ii :i=k :p=p: i^^ ^ J{ ^ S«E^ 3^£ ^S^E^ES^I =0= r ^^S^ f=ii=i~S r And sorrows, sometimes how they sweep Like tempests down o - ver the sonl! But toil - ing in life's dust-y way. The Rock's blessed shadow,how sweet! Or climb-ing the mountain way steep, Or walk - ing the shad-ow - y vale. ^m ^EE^^ rl5>~ I D g=fc^ ^^B^ =P=^ i^zzi: :p=ti: Refrain f ^ ^ -^ f)- -f) ^ S5 then to ^ 1: the Eock let me fly, let me To the ^0=P=Pt=^l=f=.t=l :ti=^ ^ ^=4- -^— D- 3^=: -s*- I f) \) Eock that is high ^ iL^ er than I; is high er than I; g=T^ then to the j 1— 1=1= =U=P: "U" I frt J f ' > SEEEriS Eock let me fly, 1=f =JJ :ft=& ^ let me fly, =J m To the Eock that is high - er than I! ^ C— c-l: ^^ rf^ 4 i> b =F=^ b^ 1 142 Deliverance Will Come John B. Matthias John B. Matthias r^ p^ p) D -Lj . ^ - n =. ^m ^t^=t^ :t5=t :-r-i—i ^ -0— j=r 1. I saw a way-worn trav'ler 2. The sum-iner sun was shin-ing, 3. The songsters in the ar - bor 4. I saw him in the eve-ning, 5. While gazing on that cit - y, 6. I heard the song of tri-umph In tat-tered garments clad, The sweat was on his brow, That stood be-side the way The sun was bend-ing low, Just o'er that nar-row flood, They sang up -on that shore, And,strag-gling His gar-ments At - tract - ed He'd - ver- A band of Saying,"Je-SQS k^9 ±Sz V — ^^— tJ- P=5= 4^-^ -0-0- W :|5: -t^-^-T ^— ^ ■j;_-^^_r^ i • -0. -0. • -#-• m np the mountain, It seemed that he was sad; Hisback wasla-den heav-y. His worn anddust-y, His step seemed very slow: But he kept pressing on-ward, For his at-ten-tion, In - vit-ing his de - lay: His watchword being "Onward!" He topped the mountain, And reached the vale below: He saw the golden cit - y, His ho - ly an - gels Came from the throne of God: They bore him on their pinions Safe has re-deemed us, To suf-fernev-er-more."Then,casting his eyes backward On the t=8=C: r g±=g -t— s ^=t=t=\ rp=r G ^ :} J [)-v-\ — ^ h D ^ t= b \) ^-JH-^ t^=%=^l=:t l± :^pl! :«=: 1^ 1 • -0- -0 • -•-• strength was almost gone, Yet he shouted as he journeyed,"De-liv-er-ance will come." he was wending home, Still shout-ing as he journeyed, "De-liv-er-ance will come." stopped his ears and ran, Still shout-ing as he journeyed,"De-liv-er-ance will come." ev - er-last-ing home. And shout-ed loud, "Ho-san-na, De-liv-er-ance will come!" o'er the dash-ing foam. And joined him in his triumph, — De-liv-er-ance has come! race which he had run. He shout-ed loud, "Ho-san-na, De-liv-er-ance has come!" ^^ :«=f=t I -4 -^-^ Refrain i>^^ IVEifKAlJN ^, II h S p ••-• -0- -•-• -•--•- I Thenpalmsof vie -to- ry, crowns of glo-ry, Palms of vie -to- ry I shall wear — p- 11— gzilizz n ^^— b- i ^ .11^ *±4 I r 143 Rest for the Weary William Hunter J. W. DADMtIN m -b-ji ^ i ^ i^=*=tt --t=it 1. In the Christian's home in glo - ry, There remains a land of rest; 2. He is fit - ting up my man - sion, Which e - ter - nal - ly shall stand, 3. Pain and sickness ne'er shall en - ter, Grief nor woe my lot shall share; 4. Death it-self shall then be vanquished. And his sting shall be withdrawn; £ ^m =§=F ^^^^^ ^. I f) P^ ^^=r t=r ^ • w «-^ T$^^ There my Sav-ior's gone be-fore me, To ful - fill my soul's re-quest. For my stay shall not be tran - sient, In that ho - ly, hap - py land. But, in that ce - les - tial cen - ter, I a crown of life shall wear. Shout for glad-ness, oh, ye ran - somed! Hail with joy the ris - ing morn. P m Chorus. ^ — r^-=^ J. p,p ^ ^ * ! • ^ ^ P^^^ tl-4-L^-i^ rt—i ("There is rest for the wear-y. There is rest for the wear-y, lOn the oth-er side of Jor - dan, In the sweet fields of E - den, P3^ *• « ;• » i l «: f m 5^^ jcz: ^ ^^ ^^^^^^ 4 I There is rest for the wear - y. There is rest for you. 1 Where the tree of life is blooming. There is rest for you. J A-MEN. P t:i l f-f^^f f f i p r | p :i ll ^ 144 Sweet By and By S. F. Bennett 1 t J. P. Webster 1 k. K ^fe-w^ U— j' J ^=^-7^—^=1 1 Ji J'-hl— jT-iT- 1. There's a 2. We shall 3. To oar land that is fair - er than sing on that beau - ti - ful boun - ti - fal Fa - ther a - day, shore bove, 1 ^-3 LJ J— J And by faith we can The mel - o - di - ous We will of - fer our ,. f P^ ^ -f- ^44r^—^- # p » L J ~/2^-^ pLt b * ^ !• - ^^ U P -1 P P k ^^ .i-n -1 U P- J U U — . 1 W i =1= -*-r- :i^^^=g: r if!: -«-f- -g-T- ^^ ^^3 see it a - far; For the Fa - tlier waits o - ver the way, To pre- songs of the blest. And our spir - its shall sor - row no more, Not a trib - ute of praise, For the glo - ri - ous gift of His love, And the m-^—n^-t :Sfci=r^ d==^ -»-. f -J^-f- i ■©'-^ t=U=:p: ±=ti I Chorus fe=ti: '4=i=i=s SEI IS-T- rS'-J #-r- -#-v by and pare ns a dwell - ing-place there. In the sweet sigh for the bless - ing of rest. bless-ings that hal - low our days. In the sweet ^ — t^-r ^2: =F r fa^ w ^ ^^ J h h i I ^ i=i=s^=i ± (i?-^ by, We shall meet on that beau - ti - ful shore; In the by and by, by and by, »fc 1^ f" g = p =f= f p g r =F=p= :p=p: ¥=P= i SSE ^^^^^ 5=^4^ sweet by and by, We shall meet on that bean - ti - ful shore. In the sweet by and by, M.'^ -#--«-• -P- -P- -P- ^ES^ £: Copyright, 1910, by Joan H. Webster V' ? M P g ^ ^ !^' '' ^^ ^P=^p fe: § 145 The Haven of Rest H. L. GlLMOUR --^ &i ^ Geo. D. Moobe 1 i V 1. My soul in sad ex - ile was out 2. I yield - ed my - self to His ten 3. The song of my soul, since the Lord 4. How pre - cious the thought that we all 5. Oh, come to the Sav - ior, He pa - SW -r-r—i on life's sea, So ■ der em - brace, And made me whole, Has may re - cline. Like tient - ly waits To — p i J •—■ t ' r g r r b- f^ ss 12Z=3(: ^3^ ^;^ =i^^ ^i:^-^ TS-i- L)--i) bur-dened with sin and dis - trest. Till I heard a sweet voice say-ing, faith tak-inghold of the Word, My fet-ters fell off, and I been the old sto - ry so blest. Of Je - sus, who'll save who-so- John the be-lov-ed and blest. On Je - sus' strong arm, where no save by His pow - er di - vine; Come, an - chor your soul in the l^. h I £ -fe,-v4^ ^ t±=t J?M :^=fc=t S r^ ^^ z\x^:iX D. S. — The tem - pest may sweep o'er the ^«= Fine. & te ii;^:tL 2^^^^ r -^. -^ b^L) 'Make me your choice;" And I en-tered the "Ha - ven of Kest!" an-choredmy soul; The "Ha-ven of Rest" is my Lord, ev - er will have A home in the "Ha - ven of Rcstl" tem -pest can harm, — Se - cure in the "Ha - ven of Rest!" 'Ha - ven of Rest," And say, "My Be - lov - ed is mine." £ J- ^ ig . g M :^ t2-^^ ^^ ^^tp P=:p: m^ v-^ wild, storm-y deep, In Je - sus Fm safe ev -er - more. n Chorus 4- 4U5. js{jji3ij.j-j.j4a|Ie -«-i- -« — «- t=4: ^ ' ¥ ¥ -¥—¥- I've anchored my soul in the "Ha-ven of Rest, ' ' I'll sail the wide seas no more; Copyrisht, 1889. by John J. Hood. Renewal, H. L. Gilmour, avfUSS 146 Mary B. C. Sladb Footsteps of Jesus A. B. EVEBETT ^ ^~rri=^ ±; ^=r 1. Sweet-ly, Lord, have we heard Thee call-ing, Come, fol - low mel 2. Tho' they lead o'er the cold, dark mountains, Seek - ing His sheep; 3. If they lead thro' the tern - pie ho - ly, Preach -ing the word; 4. If Thy way and its sor-rows shar-ing. We go a - gain, 5. Then at last, when on high He sees as, Our jour-ney done, '&h=^z -J^- 'i?^ 1^^ f^ ^ J J /; .^ -I — j^ »=f And we see where Thy foot-prints fall - ing Lead us to Or a - long by Si - lo - am's foun-tains, Help - ing the 6r in homes of the poor and low - ly, Serv - ing the Up the slope of the hill - side, bear -ing Our cross of We will rest where the steps of Je - sos End at His Thee, weak: Lord: pain: throne. m IE =^T rT=r 'f=r Chords ^ m Foot - prints of Je - sus, that make the path - way glow; t^- ■A 1 1— gy • .Zfc 1 ^m rr ' ' f a ' We will fol - low the steps of Je - sos wher - e'er they go. # m ^i ^ — ^ ^^m ^4-4-*--M^=J=J^ ^ § ^ * F=^ Used by permission of R. M. Mclntosb, owner of Ckipyiigbt 147 There is Power in the Blood L. E. J. L. E. Jones ^¥ 1^ 1. Would you be free from the bar - den of sin? There's pow'r in the blood, 2. Would you be free from your pas-sion and pride? There's pow'r in the blood! 3. Would you be whit - er, much whiter than snow? There's pow'r in the blood,' 4. Would you do serv-ice for Je-sus your King? There's pow'r in the blood! ^^^^^^ 1 P~P— I :tt=t2 i ^t^ k W=^ 3 ^ ^ =r5=t5: r=r i 45=^ T=r t— n- 8 : ^ ^ pow r m pow'r in pow'r in pow'r in the blood; Would you o'er e - vil a vie - to - ry win? There's the blood; Come for a cleans-ing to Cal - va-17's tide; There's the blood; Sin-stains are lost in its life -giv-ing flow; There's the blood; Would you live dai - ly His prais-es to sing? There's -42_ r -r ' r g g r ^ ir-\y 42=P Chorus. rmn^ ^^ won - der-ful pow'r in the blood. There is pow'r, pow'r, Wonder-working pow'r there is Won -der-work-ing pow'r In the pre - cious blood of the Lamb. ■(2- A -MEN. Copyright, 1899. by H. L. Gilpiour. Wenonah. N. J. Used by permission 148 A Sinner Like Me Charles J. Butler C. J. Butler ^ ^ ^: ilur-^— 1. I was once far a - way from the Sav - ior, And as 2. I wan - dered on in the dark - ness, Not a 3. And then, in that dark, lone - ly hoar, A 4. I lis - tened, and lo! 'twas the Sav - ior That was 5. I then ful - ly trust - ed in Je - sas, And 6. No Ion - ger in dark - ness I'm walk - ing, For the 7. And when life's jour - ney is o - ver, And tJwji ^^^$=^ W^ vile as a sin-ner could be; ray of light could I see, voice whispered sweet-ly to me, speak-ing so kind-ly to me;. what a joy came to me!. light is now shin -ing on me,. 1 the dear Sav - ior shall see, . w ■-: m m — '0-^ -zz^^r'^- p- E^t I won - dered if And the thouglit filled my Say -ing, Christ the Re- I cried, I'm the My heart was And now un - to I'll praise Him for- ^^^l fi m *=3= ' ■b_c^^-M^-;n ^ ^ ^F^^=iM=fe m j^siiEH^ i t: ainzi^ Christ the Re - deem heart with sad - deem-er has pow - chief of sin - filled with His prais ■ oth - ers I'm tell - ev - er and ev - S ^?=± -J^ ■ er Could save a poor sin - ner like ness, There's no hope for a sin - ner like er To save a poor sin - ner like ners. Thou canst save a poor sin - ner like es For sav - ing a sin - ner like ing How He saved a poor sin - ner like er, For sav - ing a sin - ner like me. me. me. me. me. me. me. ^M^ i^ F=5 p ti 11 '~ — g Used by permissioa 149 Wondrous Love Author unknown t^'^=^ -H i — ! ik- — <^ — —J -^ ■1 T~ H— — k- - 1 -=t=1 1. What won-drous love is 2. When I was sink-ing 3. Ye wing - ed ser - aphs, 4. Ye friends of Zi - on's 5. And when from death I'm f^. ^ . — g-^ 8 ^ f^ m-^ this! down, fly, King, free, 1 * — i- my Sink-ing Bear the Join the I'll sing s u — (S — z^ soul! down, news, praise, on, -8- Sink Bear Join I'll my -ing the the sing -W — I soul! down! news; praise; on; ^H7-4— ^— -V — b — r — r- \ — B W— — V bi — -t f5? 1 ^~^\} -1 1 1 1 — » — n 1 'II 1 1 1 I ;g =w=3=J=i= :;;^ :^: :i^: i What wondrous love is this! my soul! What won-drous love is this. When I was sink-ing down, Sinking down. When I was sink-ing down. Ye wing-ed ser-aphs, fly. Bear the news: Ye wing-ed ser-aphs, fly. Ye friends of Zi- on's King, Join the praise: Ye friends of Zi -on's King, And when from death I'm free, I'll sing on: And when from death Fm free. That caused the Lord of bliss To send this pre - cious peace To my Be - neath God's right-eons frown, Christ laid a- side His crown. For my Like com - ets thro' the sky, Fill vast e - ter - ni - ty With the With hearts and voi - ces sing. And strike each tune-ful string. In His I'll sing and joy - ful be, And thro' e - ter - ni - ty, I'll sing m ^- it m J -*2- -122- -t=r. t :d=q J— J I I 3^ — 1 — *z 3EB i * 3^iE I m soul, To my soul! To send this pre - cious peace To my soul. For my soul, Christ laid a - side His crown For my news. With the ii.^ws. Fill vast e - ter - ni - ty With the praise. In His praise. And strike each tune-ful string. In His on, I'll sing on. And thro' e - ter - ni - ty, I'll sing :i — r- sonl! soul, news, praise, on. -ts: ^^=t: It ^i m 150 Fanny J. Crosbt Blessed Assurance Mrs. J. P. Enapp r-: ^-s : ^ •— -a-i~»T — M~ fq=i= :^ & t :^=t5: ^^=$^ t J T ^H-g- ^=^^ 1. Bless-ed as-sur - ance, Je-sus is mine! Oh, what a fore -taste of 2. Per -feet sub-mis - sion, per-fect de -light, Vi-sions of rap - ture now 3. Per -feet sub-mis - sion, all is at rest, I in my Sav - ior am ^^ |=S=|:S£i± iI_C_ S35 ^3=P=P=5= 9-^ =p=p=p= =p=^=? :k=^ :t5=^ m HP I glo - ry di burst on my hap - py and [) U vine! Heir of sal - va - tion, pur-chase of God, sight; An - gels de- scend-ing, bring from a - bove blest; Watching and wait - ing, look - ing a - bove, m ti ^ git=e T «±=S: D l'^ U P' [>■ ' ^ M Chorus I r ^ h h J. I T' r- D ^ i ^ F*=t: :t5=^ :ft l=l=F 3^«^ Born of His Spir - it, washed in His blood. Ech - oes of mer - cy, whis-pers of love. This is my sto - ry, this is Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. my m. song, Prais-ing my Sav - ior all the day long; This is my sto - ry, -f 1 1 1 1 ri.-: 1 1 V i I • . * . * «•— »— H h- I I I I =g=g==» ^ ' I P P =g \n p -u— ^ I <— g 8 -h i^ : p S' v -nr^- g T ^n -^hi- •j-»-t-5:T}fr this is my song, Prais-ing my Sav - ior all the day long. ?#pi £fc ^-' >-. tf~P"~p p M"""*' ^ •-= — *r J *=p: T" 3^E5E m 151 Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken Henry F. Lyte From Mozart ^ jjtitf J | J:M ■l l i l^ e» 1. Je - sus, I my cross have ta - ken, All to leave, and fol - low Thee; 2. Let the world de-spise and leave me, They have left my Sav - ior, too; 3. Man may troub-le and dis - tress me, 'Twill but drive me to Thy breast; 4. Haste thee on from grace to glo - ry, Armed by faith, and winged byprayer; ^ m\A^ % TM ? y F ^ £ ^ m.iii \ \-ip^ \ ^ ^ *5 Des - ti - tute, de-spised, for-sa - ken, Hu - man hearts and looks de - ceive me; Life with tri - als hard may press me, Heav'n's e-ter - nal day's be - fore thee, - ^ - -.-^ r Thou, from hence, my all shalt be: Thou art not, like man, un-true; Heav'n will bring me sweet-er rest. God's own hand shall guide thee there. ^i e^E3 ^ & ^ P 4X T=f f m^l44^UiH^^^^H . H Per - ish ev - 'ry fond am - bi - tion, And, while Thou shalt smile up-on me, 'tis not in grief to harm me, Soon shall close thy earth-ly mis - sion, All I've sought, and hoped, and known; God of wis -dom, love, and might, WhUe Thy love is left to me; Swift shall pass thy pil - grim days, b ;^ £ m,^\\:^^\\i^^ i 5 ^ -iS>- Yet how rich is my con - di-tion, God and Heav'n are still my own! Foes may hate , and friends may shun me ; Show Thy face , and all is bright. 'twere not in joy to charm me. Were that joy unmixed with Thee. Hope shall change to glad fru - i - tion. Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. A-MEN. ^ 4^ ^ P I F atzat 152 The Home Over There D. W. C. Huntington A I t) n ^ TULLius C. O'Kanb ^ i ^ -f^-ir 3' :± :i=^ -•— 1. think of the home o - ver there, By the side of the riv - er of 2. think of the friends o - ver there, Who be -fore as the jour-ney have 3. My Sav - ior is now o - ver there, There my kin-dred and friends are at 4. I'll soon be at home o - ver there. For the end of my jour-ney I m fcrif f r r ^ B=B— «-HB tzt rr=r JF— ir tt=tl: fc=ti: p— E J^ b I i hn-J ^ ^ *=jf « * « ■ "1-= "^ "^ -# :m D2: light, Where the saints, all im - mor - tal and fair, Are trod. Of the songs that they breathe on the air, In their rest; Then a - way from my sor - row and care. Let me see; Man-y dear to my heart, o - ver there. Are - ver there, ipt^p: ^ ^ 4=^^^ Refrain m I S^JEE^ m ^ 4=J=t3^ 5 r^Tt robed in their garments of white, home in the pal - ace of God. fly to the land of the blest, watch-ing and wait-ing for me. J - ver there. m *i-» - ver there, o - ver - ver there, o - ver 0- ver there, o - ver - ver there, o - ver 0- ver there. I jFqFl w^. ^'^=rm P=5S: 0^ # 1 P ]^ 1 h s» P ^ /l^ — ^5^ -tK -^ i' ^ i :; -iP- -6 — ^- /* the the the the re, re, re, re, 0- vert here, My ru It think of the home o - think of the friends o - Sav - ior is now o - soon be at home o - f ? ? f r vert vert ver tl vertl 4i lere, lere, lere, lere, - ver 1 there —ff— —^15 0- ver 0- ver - ver - ver ^ ft ^ \ 1 t^ :iX^ =;t £ T. C. O'Kane. owner of Copyrisbt The Home Over There P=n -^-^: I mri—m — ri a-s — JV m ^-•-i-ff— ,•- si^i ^i there, there, there, there, b b ver there, - ver there, o-ver there, think of the home o- ver there. - ver there, o-ver there, think of the friends o-ver there. - ver there, o-ver there. My Sav - ior is now o - ver there. - ver there, o-ver there, I'll soon be at home o - ver there. m iS J^ >J =p=g= ^mi ' ^ m p=t^i — p— t^- r -^-^-^ rr-^ 153 Why Do You Wait? G. F. R. Geo. F. Root, by per. I u s=a S: :ti=±n=ti ifc t-8-j-< 1. Why do you wait, dear broth-er, 2. What do you hope, dear broih-er, 3. Do you not feel, dear broth-er, 4. Why do you wait, dear broth-er, i* Oh, why do you tar - ry so long? Your To gain by a fur-ther de - lay? There's HisSpir-it now striv-ing with-in? Oh, The har-vest is pass-ing a - way; Your *-=—•—• — I p p p I p^b 1^1 p FT u ^m ^ T> h - m P=^ f5=^ ¥^^^^ • d' :1= 3=8=^ Sav - ior is wait - ing no one to save you why not ac-cept His Sav - ior is long-ing to give you A place in His sane- ti- fied throng, but Je-sus, There's no oth-er way but His way. sal-va - tion, And throw off your bur-den of sin? to bless you. There's danger and death in de - lay. t p p p - -g — w inF -P— P p l^.- jE M p p p Chorus P P P |w| p M I P^ ==f=^ ^=^5: t^ ^ ^=3=i -#-=- Why not? why IP PI not? Why not come to Him now? now? ^EfE m t± =t=^ -m B — ' — ^ — *- ■iS>—- ^^ rr p p pi =tt -frg- ^^T^ 154 His Way With Thee C. S, N Cyrus S. Nusbaum D ' ' ' P 1. Would you live for Je - sus, and be al-ways pure and good? Would you walk with 2. Would you have Him make you free, and fol-low at His call? Would you know the 3. Would you in His king-dom find a place of con-stant rest? Would you prove Him' * £ t i f; f - f ; f ^ ^ i=^ i PE£ i 4 b P P -C i ::t=t£ ^ P b P g P b ij^ J^. ^ r^ -fe - J L b ^ fc:^ ^ ^ : I I g Him with - in the nar-row road? Would you have Him bear your burden, car - ry peace that comes by giv-ing all? Would you have Him save you, so that you need true in prov - i - den- tial test? Would you in Hisserv-ice la - bor al-ways $ § t »: t g^ P t i I) ci I) e i P -T^ P fi ^ ^ Chorus. i j^^^tedd: ; » j'J s; ft t ; h ^ n p all your load? Let Him have His way with thee. nev - er fall? Let Him have His way with thee. His pow'r can make you what yoa at your best? Let Him have His way with thee. ^=k ■■i f--i r i pnM;- h p.-g^'t i> & i) ^ ' f P b P C^ m-a44 ^— ^- ^^ f5=^ I J. J ^: j i %' ^ m ought to be; His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free; His love can fill your «=t i=. ^ ^ ±=i=ltir|±=f =3 t=t£ rt b P b ^jf iN ^^ I f t ^=^ :g: soul, and you will see 'Twasbest for Him to have His way with thee. A -men. m^ ^m %m ^ m t2=tt ^?=^ ^=^ f is; Copyright, 1899, by H. L. Gilmouc. Wenonah, N. J- 155 He Ufted Me Chablotte G. Homer Chas. H. Gabriel ^i;jj.ji :j i.jiij;jiiii.i 1. In lov - ing-kind-ness Je - sus came My soul in mer - cy to re-claim, 2. He called me long be - fore I heard, Be - fore my sin-ful heart was stirred, 3. His brow was pierced with many a thorn. His hands by era - el nails were torn, 4. Now on a high - er plane I dwell. And with my soul I know 'tis well; ^ •; M ! • • g ; ; ). ,; ttrt\:i c:i p p r And from the depths of sin and shame Thro' grace He lift - ed me But when I took Him at His word, For-giv'n He lift - ed me When from my guilt and grief, forlorn. In love He Uft - ed me Yet how or why, I can-not tell. He should have lift - ed me. m rr ^J. A tfc=tt ^m He lift-ed me. i Chorus. T^^ m tw-tL 9 H ^ m From sink-ing sand He lift - ed me, With ten-der hand He lift - ed me, m P p m h t =^=^ ^ P ■ P M t it=ti t=te \)J P I — h 3: : , Jitzt ? ^ ^ i ^E a ^ From shades of night to plains of light, praise His name, He lifted me! A-MEN. ^ l= > p: I 1 - ^ »** # ^1PPll ti: tt=ti P= p-P p 'p p I p ' p p j > -"r f Copyriebt, 1905. by Cbas. M. Alexander. International Copyriebt secured 156 F. H. Rowley ^ i I Will Sing the Wondrous Story Peter P. Bilborn ^—t^r 3t •«--5f m ±« f i±=r f t 1. I will sing the won-droussto - ry Of the Christ who died for me, 2. I was lost, but Je - sus found me, Found the sheep that went a -stray, 3.1 was bruised, but Je - sus healed me; Faint was I from many a fall; 4. Days of dark-ness still come o'er me, Sor - row 's paths I oft - en tread, 5. He will keep me till the riv - er Rolls its wa - ters at my feet; "• f f • f . . f *■* ------- f- m i l'^ D l i v—^ I ri ^-LJ- ^zzt; ^i^P S3EEJ T How He left His home in glo - ry For the cross of Cal - va - ry. Threw His lov - ing arms a-round me. Drew me back in - to His way. Sight was gone, and fears possessed me. But He freed me from them all. But the Sav - ior still is with me; By His hand I'm safe - ly led. Then He'll bear me safe- ly o - ver, Where the loved ones I shall meet. 4=- I e^ fefci ^i>-p — b b P g^ I P 'X 1 — D b Chorus :t=t=lT -fr-ft- ^§13: ■G>- *..> sP 'I ^- "' P Yes, I'll sing the won-drous sto Yes, I'll sing -# — ft- ry Of the the won-drous sto - ry r r f t^ ^» ip li : ■q. |» ^ zLzazzji J2^ V ;i u b P V p- ^ ^^^ ^- ^#-#^-^ ^3=^^ f-^^^pg=p=5 P t^ P t ^ ^' p b b" b P ^ ^ '^ ^" — "^b b) Christ .... who died for me, Sing it with .... the saints in Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with t: I -#-^«-^- ifcfc t^ ^^-.^^H-3:*: b-P— b-u P gj P "T^IT fel: ^!=r5: P yzi^ ^ -m-i- m -*— # glo the saints in g i £ rv, I glo - ry, Gath-ered by thecrys-tal sea. r-^riT rath-ered by the crvs-tal sea. ^^ tne crys-tai MM I fei r^»-r ^^ b P t i i; L_t i ^»-s- -^J— b~P b P d Words and Music Copyrisbt^ 1887 by Ira D. Saokey. Keuewal 1914 by P. P- Bilborp 157 He's a Wonderful Savior to Me Virgil P. Brock Blanche Kerr Brock P=^ ^^^:^^iE^^^^: 4M^ 1. I was lost in sin bat Je-sas res-cued me, He's a won-der-fnl Sav-ior to 2. He's a Friend so true, so pa-tient and so kind, He's a won-der-ful Sav-ior to 3. He is al -ways near to com-fort and to cheer, He's a won-der-ful Sav-ior to 4. Dearer grows the love of Je-sus day by day, He's a won-der-ful Sav-ior to -|— ' «««««. -F- -^ -L^L '» L^E 1^ 4 P_p: •p— tr-p— p— 1 tr-p-n5~p-| — D~r-t7 n h 1 h h h h N y lP \ ^ h J "^ J m m 1* 1 / b h r) n 1 * * J • « ^ •^ r i.r ^>^^d-h— t i -0 — — •^ •' — - J— J ^ m—^~A me; me; me; me; So ^ — won- ^ der- full • —0 — • — ^0 • — I was bound by fear Ev-'ry-thing I need He for-gives my sins. Sweeter is His grace p f » m -t •-' (— but Je-sus set me free, in Him I al-ways find He dries my ev-'ry tear, while pressing on my way, _^ ^ -P- hm m -»- P He's a He's a He's a He's a "P" h« fe):,t> ^>- — 1* » P P • ^ '^ b ^ — ^ — 1 -^-MS— ^^Hri -li— ^ -t2= _»_J_i^_U -t)-t)- i i Chorus ^sif^^ Sd= :t5=^=^ :f5: :p=il: -p — p-"-p-p— t^ P— P- won - der - ful Sav - ior ^^ t^ L) J [; P to me For He's a won - der - ful So won-der-ful! -•^ ^ TIP =^NJ/ . f 'W - ^r^ ^ -p— P— U: B^ -^ P=P=P ^^^=S iWr :P-^ I^tto ■sJ— ^#=?^ -p-p- 3E^8^^^ ■^-r- .^_^ r pp r Sav-ior to me. He's a won-der-ful Sav-ior to me; , won-der-ful! _ , , won-der-full I was m. lost in sin, but Je-sas took me in. He's a won-der-ful Sav - ior to me. 5=P= saE ^ ^p=p=^ ^ Et-pll4-^ S ^E^ Copyright, IdlS, by Homer A, Rodeheaver. International Copyright secured 158 He Keeps Me Singing L. B. B. L. B. Bridgers te^fe^^fe^feN h , h ^ ^ ^^H—i ^ li^ i3^-f-J-j r 1. There's within my heart a mel - o - dy Je - sus whis-pers sweet and low, 2. All my life was wrecked by sin and strife, Dis-cord filled my heart with pain, 3. Feast -ing on the rich-es of His grace, Resting 'neath His shelt'ring wing, 4. Tho' sometimes He leads thro' waters deep, Tri - als fall a - cross the way, 5. Soon He's com-ing back to wel-come me Far be - yond the star - ry sky; ^w:^ ^4 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I-* * f^ i m rrr^TTM^ D D V a =t ^-^h: *^ ^ i i H^-^ -2^ 8 J J— 8— ^ .-^ ^ H^ Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still. In all of life's ebb and flow. Je - sus swept across the broken strings, Stirred the slumb'ring chords again. Al-wayslook-ing on His smil - ing face. That is why I shoot and sing. Tho' sometimes the path seems rough and steep, See His footprints all the way. I shall wing my flight to worlds un-known, I shall reign with Him on high. feH r r '~^r —h\ r r r \: t t ; : t ^m »b i« ' • |« i« '' — kl I* f P I i'' [' i> b I I I H - ' I I \) I ' I I I I f i ^ Chorus. t i H 5ES ^=^ Je - sus, Je - sus, Je ^m sus, — Sweet -est name I know, m^ m ±6= i^EsN i i -^h^^ * ^ j^. 22112 Fills my ev - 'ry long - ing. Keeps me sing-ing as I go. ^^u. : : * ' m ^ P * » g » ^ t5'-s- A-MEN. 1 ^ rf l> l> I? P r CopyriKht, 1910. by L. B. Bridgers. Robert H. Coleman, owner 159 J, p. s. :i ^. Saved, Saved! J. P. SCHOLFrELD ft i t p izi. ^ -•-*- & who is all to me,.... His ev-'ry sin and harm,. Se- y and all a - lone,... In tnrm }iril±2i U 1. I've found a 2. He saves me 3. When poor and -I- _ friend from need - H «-; 1 [—H i *-i F ^- I . I j — «- 1^ — — j— I ^ . I — 3 — «- =^-fr :J: It l-TTl h -0- — •-= — 0-^ WiiWtruW^^ ^^ J f .•S.JLJL -=1— =i- Lrrp-Tr'CrTJT I love to tell how He I'm lean-ing strong on His Come un - to me and I'll love is ev - er true; cures my soul each day; love He said to me,. m 'j^^^^=t- :^: -Q-*- -*-r- :^- =:|=f: i '■ i ^ ^ -X S * -•-i- U U u U lift - ed me.... And what His grace can do for yoa. . . might-y arm;.. I know He'll guide me all the way... lead yoQ home, To live with me e - ter - nal - ly."... J \ A 1 I- I . . .- I J^_l )t6 t- r=* =t ^ ^ X- Chorus. -i- "T" izfe :&=4? -^4^ :^t^=4 JM- « -li— -g — *y~ r^ S: =S IS Saved .... by Hispow'rdi-vine, Saved .... to new life sub-lime! Saved by His pow'r, Save d to new life, t :8=*i :r T^iSL±± s ^t=?=p= -l^^)4^ P^ •-S- -p— ^- ^ :& r2Y. 4i_^ i i -•-j- i -sHr ' p u b Life now is sweet and my joy is com-plete, For I'm Saved, saved, saved! I Tb->- jj ->-r =^ I) p i> =^^^ s*-^ p p b p P' Copyright. 1911, by Robert H. Coleman 160 True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted Frances R. Havergal Geo. C. S'KBBiNa I ^fi :t ii^^fe^ i^&EB^!^S^ —a — ^ # ft* ^ 1. True-hearted, whole-hearted, faith-ful and loy - al, King of onr lives, by Thy 2. True-hearted, whole-hearted, full- est al - le-giance Yielding henceforth to oar 3. True-hearted, whole-hearted, Sav - ior all - glo-rious! Take Thy great pow-er and «^i^^l id, oav - lor all - gio-rious! lake iny great po — h» » » — •-* — •— =r L . ^ — i — t — i =^ HH^ ■m' * i * ^ grace we will be; Un-der the standard ex - alt - ed and roy - al, Strong in Thy glo - ri - ous King; Val-iant en-deav-or and lov - ing o-be-dience. Free - ly and reign there a - lone, - ver our wills and af-fec-tions vic-to-rious. Free - ly sor- k :r=r -*-#- — »- -•-^— »-^-^ =p= -V- CnoBus ^^^^^m^^^^ strength we will bat-tie for Thee. Peal out the watch-word! si - lence it nev-erl joy - ous - ly now would we bring. ren-dered and whol-ly Thine own. Peal :ut the watch- word! si-lenceit nev-erl <* )♦, i -p — * — r I I — hS— g^ r^. »— »— »— P*-'— » - ' 1 =p= 5E ^^=P=g=^= =w=P=P= ^^fe 1 — P- fi=tj=fi: 3r|^t=|e|±=i=i=i ■•— ^ i±i±i|H m Song of oar spir-its, re - joic - ing and free; Peal oat the watch -word! Song of our spir-its, re-joic-ing and free; Peal out the watch-word! M. JL. .m. JL. r r r P'r ju^i % M 'f , -g- -T- T-Jz^J^z i ^ ^'\> D~T r-^n^-r -V — ^ ifc^-:^ ^P=g I^Tlr s^^^^i^^^ loy - al for - ev - er, Kin^ of oar lives, by Thy grace we will be loy - al for - ev - er, King of our lives, by Thy grace we wifl be. Jtu ^. J^ M.. I f- !:• -i-^f:: -f- , r r r .r t ^ T- T g^ u ' b »-=—»- ■*- ^-^^-^ ♦-S- Copyric.L. ^^.u. by Geo. O. Stebbiaa. lioBewul. Uopc Pubiiabing Co., owner 161 He Hideth My Soul Fanny J. Crosbt M Allegretto WM. J. KiP.EPATRICK h. j^ n 1 W I=t5=:^: fcit?: W^ i - n T) P h K Wv - v^' lit Jyi3 ^^E^a 8=r 1. A won-der-fal Sav - ior is Je - sus my Lord, A won - der-ful 2. A won - der - ful Sav - ior is Je - sus my Lord, He tak - eth my 3. With num - ber - less bless-ings each mo - ment He crowns, And filled with His 4. When clothed in His brightness, transport-ed I rise To meet Him in ^ ; I ;^^=| ^£ = f^=t -r r t - -»- — » •- b :i P" .0-1 — -»- l^ b D fc#=^=i 'r^^-^ ^ ~J^^g=^ ^ :t5: 4±=5=r i=s=^ 8=S=i T « Sav -ior to me. He hid - eth my soul in the cleft of the rock, Where bur - den a - way. He hold -eth me up, and I shall not be moved, He full - ness di - vine, I sing in my rap-ture, oh, glo - ry to God For clouds of the sky. His per-fectsal- va-tion,His won-der-ful love, I'll -#- -^* . . -^. -(«- Hit. m ^— r i=t: U p f = P ^ D D -b— P= -»-* — • — » — • •- Chorus #=45: i±33^ :fc d: f3r 1 riv - ers of pleas-ure I see. giv - eth me strength as my day. He hid-eth my soul in the cleft of the rock such a Ee-deem-er as mine! shout with the mil -lions on high. :J±J: ]^=^g=g=i: a • •i t =!«=t p b I) r p b i Irt: :fc=l5: A-^ A-^ T' h r> a It r s^ r If i^r -»-*- • — •- 8- -#- -•- That shadows a dry, thirst-y land; He hid-eth my life in the depths of His love. tr-g-tr-r And cov -ers me there with His hand, And cov - ers me there with His hand. V— b^- iS i 9 a 3 ■#-s-: rf U '-^ t) P l:) b P Copyright, 1918. by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. Renewal. Hope Publishing Co.. owners r F=E 162 Tell Me the Story of Jesus Fanny J. Crosby Jno. R. Gweney ^^^ P=^ I : I * I : < «^ Of 1. Tell me the sto - ry of Je - sas, Write on my heart ev-'ry word; 2. Fast-in^ a -lone in the des - ert, Tell of the days that are past, 3. Tell of the cross where they nailed Him, Writh-ing in an-gaish and pain; C^ :p=tt tJ=tt -te" to: :t=t: i: S=b :^ n(2- to: — D— ^-1 — 15— r- Cho. — TeM me the sto - ry of Je - sus, Write on my heart ev - Wy word; j > -. fi -L4 Fine 1 ±!=fc i5=l!: * ?=^ ^^=% -0-!—0- IT^ 1^ Tell me the sto - ry most pre - cioas, Sweet-est that ev - er was heard. How for onr sins He was tempt - ed, Yet was tri-nm-phant at last. Tell of the grave where they laid Him, Tell how He liv - eth a - gain. .-^=i i :ts: t-. =P=P=^ ^ b P ^ car - ols I sing. And this is the sunbeams of spring, I'm free and re - you He would bring — Come in - to the ^=te L L ^ rea - son — I walk with the King, joic-ing — I walk with the King, sun - light and walk with the King. d • r h F hr- ^ ^- ^- -p P — P=b: 5— P— P= Chorus =P=P= i :t5: ^=?5: iU^ ^- ifc ^=5: Set :t5: ^ ^ ^i-*-#^ P D I walk with the King, hal-le - lu - jah! P P I walk with the King, praise His name! i-z-^ p=t^g= mr-p — p — r Vr-T'^]-- C L i— E p=tp=p=p=p=p=^ 8±6 1 '"•''I I :&=:t5=^- ^^^-^ ifc ^ ^ fflu ^^3^=£«j=; 1^=1: 3^ No lon-ger I roam, my soul fa-ces home, I walk and I talk with the King. t?— p— U: E^ ± p=^p= ^p~p-^ ^r^ ^ Copyrierht, 1915, by Homer A. Rodebeaver. International Copyright secured 164 C. A.M. In The Garden C. AcsTtN Miles ^ ^ ^=^5: ■J ^-j!-- 1^ :^ -fr-j^-g i=i=; =iE T 1 ^ 4 T ^ ^ 1. I come to the gar -den a - lone, While the dew is still on the 2. He speaks, and the sound of His voice Is so sweet the birds hush their 3. I'd stay in the gar - den with Him Tho' the night a - round me be ¥W- A- ' n ^- 6=^4=J=iN: ^ S i E?J :i:^ ^-^ :3=rg±z5=±^ ros - es, And the voice I hear, Fall - ing on my ear, The sing - ing, And the mel - o - dy That He gave to me, With- fall - ing, But He bids me go; Thro' the voice of woe His g ai-rzj - -i^ n=^^ n . n s '^Chorus m^^±t^m ^^ :t?==^ -f?— n- ^ ^ ^»- •* And He walks with me, and He Son of God dis - clos - es. in my heart is ring - ing. voice to me is call ^ 1 n 1 n • mg. a. vjv— ■li ^ h- ^ 1 s ^ :l:tJ: '^- X ^ in S^ B ^=:^ -fr-ir S talks with me. And He tells me I am His own; And the T'^ <— »-N — >=^ t P ::t=;J: itzrtz: fcB: fH=f^^N^ftJ-t^= j^^rH# feJ' joy we share as we tar - ry there. None oth-er has ev - er known. ^^ P # :i»=t ilMI £ ^ -#-s- , ^— P— tr-p- CopyriKht, 1912, by Hall-Mack Co. International Copyright secured -ji ; t? \\ -^1^ •#— W i 165 Help Somebody To-day Mrs. Frank A. Breck Chas. H. Gabriel ^^nn i i i n^pHrirm 1. Look all a-round you, find some one in need, Help some-bod-y to - day! 2. Man - y are wait-ing a kind, lov-ing word, Help some-bod-y to - day! 3. Man - y have bur-dens too heav - y to bear. Help some-bod-y to - day! 4. Some are dis-cour-aged and wear-y in heart, Help some-bod-y to - day! f^^ ^Ff^^^fF^ 'i^^fr-* L& Hftti-^ri^=i^^ U'IjM I Tho it be lit - tie— a neigh-bor - ly deed— Help some-bod - y to-day! Thou hast a mes-sage, let it be heard, Help some-bod - y to - day! Grief is the por-tion of some ev-'ry-where. Help some-bod-y to-day! Some 0H3 the jour-ney to Heaven should start. Help some-bod - y to - day! -^-ii-^-4M:i_^ ^ ^ ji h^ 3^ ^ I " ^ r p p p" p ^^*- * p-^ Choeus. ^ h P D i i^ * ■f> h t) fv f « « 7==i=^ r THr^-'T^^-r^ ^ W^ Help some-bod - y to-day, . . Some-bod-y a - long life's way; . . Let to-day, home-ward way; wrTt t \t t ' ^=t ^ -^ E rr^ r sorrow be ended, The friendless befriended, Oh, help somebody to-day! A - MEN. u ^ p p p p p p ^^-p-^; Copyright, 1904, by Chas. H. Gabriel. Copyright, 1909, by E. O. Excell 166 Tell It To-day C. H. G., Ja. Chas. H. Gabriel, Jr. li^ :t5: 5: J^ ^ ^=5: tr- 1. Dear is the sto - ry of won-der - ful love Told of a Sav - ior who 2. Hat - ed, de-spised and re - ject - ed was He, Whose word commanded the 3. Torn were His feet by the bri-ars of scorn; Pierced was His forehead by 4. When, with the loved ones who've gone on before, Eansomud we stand on that h=%=\%-%—^-^ ^ B ^ t>4- :p=p: :;J=p: I i; P : :tJ=p: "o-^r^ ^ • ^ ^ ^2=?: i ^ :D=:|5: IT came from a-bove, Bore all our sins, and in sor-row and shame Snf-fered and wind and the sea; By whose com-pas-sion the hun-gry were fed, Whohealedthe man-y a thorn; Wonnded for us were His hands and His side, Bro-ken the beau-ti - ful shore; When in His beau- ty ourSav-iorwe see, Oh, what a t I V ^ I 4=t jO- ^ g_n-r - S?: i E ^^^=g= 321 4J=p: -I7=g- T5— tr rt- — « — * • — ^- Chords ^ S ^ PJ^jH^ S^^ ; p I died a lost world to re- claim. liv-ing. whose voice raised the dead. Tell it to-day, it will brighten the way, heart of the Lord cru - ci - fled. glo - ri-ous day that will be! Tell it to - day, f- -^ tell it to - day; No oth - er theme can such -#- -#- -t — t: • — a — . — . • • ^ «. fe=^ ^ Its: :P=t 12=ti i ^ ^ s ^ d2=r -ft — R — ^-i L^ t^ P P ^ U p p - - -^ -^ be-stow; Joy will come to some-one if you tell it to - day. bless - ing ^ I ■^^ -^ ' ; b L^—p- '-i? : l^ P :5: :*=iE Copyright, 1916, by Homer A. Rodebeaver. Istemational CopyriEbt gecured 167 He is Able to Deliver Thee W. A. O. W. A. Ogden 1. 'Tis the grand-est theme thro' the a-ges rung; 'Tis the grandest theme for a 2. 'Tis the grand-est theme in the earth or main; 'Tis the grandest theme for a 3. 'Tis the grand-est theme, let the ti-dings roll, To the guilt-y heart, to the f: ■*jJ^ a :?=^i=t: T g- 8= )t±^ r=? =^=r ^^=r tt s :6: S§ ^=r ^ -»-i- * mor - tal tongue; 'Tis the grandest theme that the world e'er sung, "Our God is mor-tal strain; 'Tis the grandest theme, tell the world a - gain, "Our God is sin- ful soul; Look to God in faith. He will make thee whole, "Our God is m t irfc r r ' 5 ^^E I^ -tr-r ^^ * Chorus, * i ^^ M? ^^^F^ ^^=^ • « ^ -0-r- P 55 ^^ a - ble to de - liv - er thee." He is a - - ble to de - liv - er thee, a - ble, He is a - ble ^m. p b P b I) b b i *=i e=£^b^ ^^ ^it^ • « # — s*- ^ He is a - - - - ble to de - liv - er thee; Tho' by sin op-prest, a -ble, He is a -ble » ■ • • • •^^— • • • a • • ■ -H« — f2 p' • . t=t^=9=t^=t i -h-«-= — * »-=-» — » • » — •"^ — — m • » •-=— — I h 1 h ^m^-h' J jij^ Go to Him for rest; "Our God is a -ble to de - liv- er thee." A-MEN. m # ^ ^^ £ :r ^ ^ ■^ Copyright, 1915, by Mrs. W. A. Ogden. Kenewal. E. O. Excell, owner 168 I Know Whom I Have Believed El Nathan James McGranahan ' Moderato 1 t? J_ II K r* p^ f ' — 1 f— ZT-H — h f^ .^1 . — -. -A- U- J_J r^ A— — *\ •! — =1— -j^ — s — >-g t J ^i^ V» / *+ ^ * . f • * J J__ _>J -J X « ■ • •^ • i f J f - - ^ ^ • ' O ' — 1. I know not why God's won- drous grace To me He hath made known. 2. I know not how this sav - ing faith To me He did im - part, 3. I know not how the Spir - it moves Con-vinc-ing men of sin, 4. I know not what of good or ill May be re-served for me, 5. I know not when my Lord may come, At night or noon-day fair, te): h 4 g — t-. — C— ^-V t t ^L-r"h= 1~ t" ^ .r?- , — ^ hm— ts 1> _- l-l 1 ^S3=r- -»^ F — 1 P -^ ^ ^ ~\ 1 -W — 1 P 1 1~^ r H 1 fc=:1= 1^ ^ -J^ =1^ ir. ^^^ t :5!±=1 -•-*- r -»-»- 4: ^ Nor why on - wor - thy — Christ in love Re-deemed me for His Nor how be - liev - ing in His Word Wrought peace within my Ee - veal - ing Je - sns thro' the Word, Cre - at - ing faith in Of wea - ry ways or gold - en days. Be - fore His face I Nor if I walk the vale with Him, Or "meet Him in the '-fi>-s- own. heart. Him. see. air." 315: 1=F SES^ a i2=E r "tJ-r— r i^EE=s M: :$^=D: I l ^ t) E5±^3^r <=g^=r Bat "I know whom I have be -liev- ed, and am per-suad-ed that He is m -ft— fe. ^fi -t •f f ^f: E fe^ i2=P=ti TT-p^ : 1i^=^ I I l^ U =P: ■I ^ P— P—P I f=? a^ r^ a - ble To keep that which I've committed Tin -to Him a-gainst that day." m Jt i^ J- E ■■:^t^.^r ^J P p p =^i=fi=fiz=^ I I u i^- 5=ff Copyright. 1913. Renewal by Addie McGranahan. Charles M. Alexander, owner 169 Rev. G. B. The Old Rugged Cross Rev. Geo. Bennard ^^^^^^^^^P^ 1. On a hill far a - way stood an old rug-ged cross, The em-blem of 2. Oh, that old rug-ged cross so de-spised by the world, Has a wondrous at- 3. In the old rug-ged cross, stained with blood so di- vine, A won-drous 4. To the old rug-ged cross I will ev - er be true, Its shame and re- -»-j i: P^r=P= * — » — »— — » — » — » • — w- -t)^^-5^ i g ^ r=^=#=^ suf-f 'ring and shame; And I love that old cross where the dear-est and best trac-tionfor me; For the dear Lamb of God left His glo-ry a -hove, beau-ty I see; For 'twas on that old cross Je - sus suf-fered and died, proach gladly bear; Then He'll call me some day to my home far a - way, ^^ y-A>—\^>—^ :p=f 4==t= I .0-i — m 0-i 0. t:b -tl_^ Chorus ^ ^^=1;^: ifc^r? =£^S^ a=^ J=S: ^ r — C" k r' ^^ For a world of lost sin-ners was slain. To bear it to dark Cal - va - ry. To par-don and sanc-ti - fy me. Where His glo-ry for - ev - er I'll share. — « i— ? f-rP^*- So I'll cher - ish the old rug-ged cross, the fc^£=fl :.M: «q=r=:=j= •p=^— u— i>-^=^ r=g=:p=r=^ '-^- -»-=-p^ -c^^'=^ *=?? M^ :^ k-^-^ ^=1?=^: i^ ^^^=^ ■m~ — — # r ^^=J=^ «±=r iT=i=f cross,.... Till my tro-phiesat last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, #^-# — ^ S^E^SEE t t=t ■ w. m f=^ : p— P P I J -■0- — » — m p — t^— h p. — f5- ^=^ ;i s -«-^ *: VTr' r y ^- ^. # old rug-ged cross, And ex-change it some day for a crown. cross, the old rug-ged cross, -0 *— ^» — M — — * M—M-: • • m '-^ P- ^^ t :t=^- i m m±z ■0-^ -?- [- [> b P -P— P— P = ==lt b p ; I) -•-^ — » -^-^c Copyright, 1913. by Geo. Bennard. Homer A. Rodebeaver. owner 170 p. p. B. Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love p. p. BiLHORN ^^ :^ ^ -0-^ t t ( ^ m 1. There comes to my heart one sweet strain, (sweet strain.) A 2. Thro' Christ on the cross peace was made, (was made.) My 3. When Je - sus as Lord I had crowned, (had crowned.) My 4. In Je - SQS for peace I a - bide, (a - bide.) And - _. fe— — . J i^^ £ =5: ^ ^ -JUJ5_ ^ m ^ w — i^ V - glad and a joy - ous re - frain; (re - frain;) I sing it a- debt by His death was all paid; (all paid;) No oth - er foan- heart with this peace did a - boond;(a -bound;) In Him the rich as I keep close to His side, (His side,) There's noth-ing but J ^ \ , J^E * 3i=P=B ^ i^^^^P^i^ gain and a - gain, Sweet peace, the gift of God's love. da - tion is laid For peace, the gift of God's love, bless - ing I found. Sweet peace, the gift of God's love, peace doth be - tide, Sweet peace, the gift of God's love. ^ 3 S u^rr Peace, peace, sweet peace! Won - der-ful gift from a - bove!(a - bove!) Oh won- der-ful, won-der-ful peacelSweetpeace, the gift of God's love! -Ji — p^ r) T "S" • • I • '^ p p -if—r f^l=P= m i i fc: U P U ^ ^SS ifcid Words and Music Copyrighted 1887 by P. P. Bilbora Renewal 191« Martin God Will Take Care of You (Dedicated to my wife, Mrs. John A. Davis.) W. S. Martin S -4— J^- ^:::l^ jr=:^-r^ -^—T^ ^ 1. Be not dis - mayed what-e'er be - tide, 2. Thro' days of toil when heart doth fail, 3. All you may need He will pro -vide, 4. No mat - ter what may be the test, J.J. 3^ God will take care of God will take care of God will take care of God will take care of you; you; you; yon; ^—^ :=t b fr-f- =P= -Mk ^ =P= =^=P^ -» # -• — |- ^ -n— 1 — r :^ — t'-rt :r=s=fj=*= 3t=M: i -«-*- r Be - neath His wings of love a -bide, God will take care of you. When dan-gers fierce your path as - sail, God will take care of you. Noth-ingyou ask will be de-nied, God will take care of you. Lean, wear -y one, up - on His breast, God will take care of yon. m^^^. :r=r s^ =p= ^ D D E * • m • — I- p — p — p — a^ r^f Chorus ^ 8 iTnr r ^ God will take care of you, Thro' ev - 'ry day. O'er all the way; .r) p p , - t=r ^^==g= =p=a= -•-^ 1 — p-r dt PV-ti- ¥a i i itTt =ST r^^rr He will take care of you, God will take care of you. take care of yoa. t=f= ^fcfc ^ #-^ =F -p — P — p- Copyright. 1905, by John A. Davis. Used by permission 172 My Savior's Love C. H. G. Chas. H Gabriel fcfe :t5=fc ^ n— ^ s 4=t±=t ^it^-^ a-mazed in the pres-ence Of Je - sus the Naz - a - rene, it was in the gar -den He prayed: "Not My will, but Thine;" y an - gels be - held Him, And came from the world of hght 1. I stand 2. For me 3. In pit - 4. He took my sins and my sor 5. When with the ransomed in glo ^^ J^ rows, He made them His ver - y own; ■ ry His face I at last shall see, - m m. m ^ ^ :^=^ f I I ^ i 4— fe-fr- 1 ?^=f5: i ^i^=8l-| ^=i= And won - der how He could love me, A sin-ner, condemned, un-clean. He had no tears for His own griefs, But sweat-drops of blood for mine. To com - fort Him in the sor - rows He bore for my soul that night. He bore the bur -den to Cal - v'ry, And suf-fered, and died a - lone. 'Twill be my joy thro' the a - ges To sing of His love for me. ^ ^^ :f± P^ -#-*—#- '0 • '0 ^^Wm f=^ Chorus. =P=r ^^=^ r i fei -fe- j— ji-^ t i r r '• ' ^ ' r r How mar-vel-ous! how won-der-ful! And my song shall ev - er be Oh , how mar - vel-ous ! oh , how won - der - f ul! t^=f^ ^ ^~t^. '0-0- ^=F=T ^ ~S. I I L) :) I ^ J: i ^ i s 33^ 5t:5t rr -*TL- rr How mar-vel-ous! how won-der-ful Is my Sav-ior's love for me! A-MEN. Oh, how mar-vel-ous! oh, how won-der-ful -. ^^ J ^ ^ . ^ -i. mm ^- 1 I p 5^ I Copyrigrht, 1905. by Chas. H. Gabripl. International Copyrijihl secured Copyrigbt, miO. by Charles M. Alexander. Charles M. Alexander, owner 173 Rev. J. Oatman, Jr. He Included Me Hamp Sewell 4^i\ini>i \ n:i- \ ^UU4U 1. I am so hap -py in Christ to-day, That I go sing-ing a-longmy way; 2. Glad-ly I read, "Who-so-ev-er may Come to the fountain of Ufe to - day;" 3. Ever God's Spirit is saying, "Come! "Hear the Bride saying, "No longer roam;" 4. "Freely come drink,"words the soul to thrill! with what joy they my heart do fill! ^M ^ S S I s m ^-^ ^ ^ b b ^ D '-8-» P^ bD b M ^^ :^^ r t^ Yes, I'm so hap-py to know and say, "Je-sus in-clud-ed me too.' Bat when I read it I al- ways say, "Je-sus in-clud-ed me too.' But I am sure while they're calling home, Je-sus in-clud-ed me too. For when He said, " Who-so-ev - er will, " Je - sus in - clud - ed me too. i 13 m rtr-r-c -0-^ I) t) p t) Choeus. D P P P P H ^^ P=^ i i *-f- :M±± =1^ Je - sus in - clud-ed me. Yes, He in - clud-ed me. When the Lord said ■J--".^.. ... J. . . ?#-^ m fe 6^=»3: rf V- ^ i ^ r > , . r) I ^ r=t ai^=ap •«-= — « — « — «' r=«=^^ ^•-^ "Who-so-ev-er," He in-clud-ed me; Je - sus in-clud-ed me. Yes, ^ P P iM±t p He in- m^ r=f ^ V- fc^ J J' I hi I J ^ J f i j Pi' h 4^ II Ji±n r=« ^=^^ clud-ed me. When the Lord said "Who-so-ev-er," He included me. «-! ^ 0t § . » T .* 't m . 0^P A -MEN. m^ £ ^ X i £ ^ f=^ f=U » • » F tr Copyright, 1914, by Hamp Sewell, E. O. Excel!, owner 174 C. H. G. Growing Dearer Each Day Chas. H. Gabriel fc j^. r^ t^ r^ =^^^irf=i 1. How sweet is the love of my Sav-ior! 'Tis boundless and deep as the sea; And 2. I know He is ev-er be-sideme! E - ter - ni-ty on-Iy will prove Tho 3. Wher- ev - er He leads I will fol-low, Thro' sor-row, or shadow, or sun; And 4. Some day face to face I shall see Him, And oh, what a joy it will be To 9-^ 9-^— ^ t^ best of it all, it is dai-ly Grow-ing sweet-er and sweet-er to me height and the depth of His mercy. And the breadth of His in - fi - nite love, though I betriedinthefur-nace, I can say, "Lord, Thy will be it done." know that His love, now so precious, Will for-ev - er grow sweet-er to me. f • P -^L-*- ^ § m ^-t>-*— 133 W • - U U U U i » ir P+r^-gbD 1 Chorus ^ g g g f Sweet - - er and sweeter Sweeter to me, grow - , . , P > » ^ ^ to me, Dear - - er and ing sweet-er to me, Dear-er each day, * m — r^by ' ■ b^ — * — • — m- £ 7» '• • far "i» — r ^ ^^tr-n trn^ i^ r-j- ir-fr-rr i ^=^ ^ 2 Tl T^ g r 1^ =^< dear-er each day; grow - ing dear-er each day; Oh, won - - der-ful love of Oh, won -der-ful love, love of my my F— b L > u » u w =»^ fe£ ^ ^^^ p— r-p-r T-p- 1^: V: « ^ J»-4> ^ Sav-ior, Grow-ing dear Sav - ior, Grow-ing dear-er m m m , m m m m i -^- ■^r=^ ^- -zi~^ m i er each step of my way! A - MEN. and dear - er each step of my way! _^_^ n h D h h -^ t^ i^ t^ i> u =g Copyright, 1^7, by Chas. H. Gabriel. E. O. Excell, owner 175 The Cross is Not Greater B. B. ^ztzzb t=i5=^= Ballington Booth ^^^^^^^^m^ 1. The cross that He gave maybe heav-y, 2. The thorns in my path are not sharper 3. The light of His love shin-eth brighter, As 4. His will I have joy in ful-fill-ing, As I'm walk -ing in '^l 4r- :^=i^=r i ^ p r p-r-^r-p-g — ^- r — p- v_ But it ne'er outweighs His grace; Than composed His crown for me; it falls on paths of woe; His sight; -t^\ — D- ^ ^ p— ^ p- The storm that I feared may surround me, But it ne'er ex-cludes His face. The cup that I drink not more bit - ter Than He drank in Geth-sem-a - ne. The toil of my work grow-eth light-er, As I stoop to raise the low. My all to the blood I am bring-ing. It a - lone can keep me right. , CeoEus :t5==fc :^ -4^-^ =t5=:^ ■4^ — I — ^ — ^^^1=33 ^ M_r= ^ D- rz:3z=^S=::^ The cross is not great -er than His grace, -m- -|»- .0- .0. .0. .0. ^_ .^_ ^^^r~^ X^ 1^ 1^ += ^t X^^-(2- The storm can - not J2=t2: 1 " P : -p P P: ^^-^t&=5=*- ^ =to: -t- :P=P= ^-^ hide His bless -ed face; -•- -•- -•- -•- ■P — p p-b^=L;^' ■<2- E?.±SEB I am sat - is - fied to know That with f) f) b D 11 4 — i — ^L_iL :t=t b b fc=fc ^ ^^r=^ :1: ^1 Je - sus here be low, I can con - quer ev - 'ry foe. ^ .-"-^^ r-.*—*^ ^ I StiU -p^ p: Copyright property of Ballington Booth 176 E. E. Hewitt Give Me Thy Heart Annie F. Bournb I ?F=rF? m n f ^ r^ ^ it^ :t5=fc 3^EB 45=^ J^ te^l me thy heart, "says the Fa- ther a-bove, No gift so pre-cious to me thy heart, "says the Sav-ior of men, Call-ing in mer - cy a- me thy heart, " says the Spir - it di-vine, "All that thou hast, to my 1. "Give 2. "Give 3. "Give ^ it Wi?~~ir- g: ^^ :r=r =P=P- -p— P- p — r-cr-' i I^ -r^— i)- 3^ :^=:i!: 3333EH Him as oar love. Soft - ly He whis-perswher-ev - er gain and a- gain; "Turn now from sin, and from e - vil keep-ing re-sign; Grace more a - bound-ing is mine to e=^c- 3± 1^ £=!^ ^ v=v- ^r^ ?C =0=^ f: thou art, de - part, im - part, — # — I— •- =P= Choeus b D. P^ - ^ ^^: -n—rr S =r i Its: ^ r— J: ^ ^- -j»-' F "Grate - ful - ly trust me, and give me thy heart." Have I not died for thee? give me thy heart." "Give me thy heart. Make full sur-ren-der and give me thy heart." l^i ^ ^=i g=P^ i p 4l— ^-^ -m— — • — •— r=t5: ^ i ±: J^' ^^ ^ :^=< :#-^- P P Give me thy heart, ' ' Hear the soft whisper, wher-ev - er thou art; From this dark ^ ' -M-i — • «_.-• m m-JO^ i» «- g b P P P ^ _ world He would draw thee a-part, Speak-ing so ten -der-ly," Give me thy heart." f t?>-g- ■ f- f:^t- * i a e ^r=p=r=p: ^g=g=g= ^=F=D= -p— p— tr Copyright. 1898, by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. Hope Publishing Co., owner 177 Forward! Mrs. Frank A. BreCK Animato Grant Colfax Tollab i ^^to ^^=^=^5=^ -n— ^~r^ — ^-^ S 3p=i 3^ 3E ^^^=^^=r=* ^= :t igzzii 1. Christ, our mighty Cap-tain, leads a-gainst the foe, We willnev-er fal - ter 2. Sa - tan's fear-ful on-slaughts cannot make us yield While we trust in Christ, our 3. Let our glo-rious ban - ner ev-er be unfurled; From its might-y stronghold 4. Fierce the bat- tie ra-ges — but 'twill not belong, Then tri-um-phant, shall we -* — ^ :8±zt=t=t: KrM: :?==«: -m • # t?— ^ - t?— r 4 » • -» _p_! p p-i p_ T ' ^ h P?- \) ^ \) F^ : ^ ^ •«— 1^=^: ■r-=!- ii ^-. — ^- t^=^=tT=t=t 4t-^ t ^ when He bids us go; Tho' His righteous pur ■ Buck-ler and our Shield; Press- ing ev - er on- e - vil shall be hurled; Christ, our might-y Cap- join the blessed throng, Joy - ful - ly u - nit ■ 1 •-! — m *-i- pose we may nev - er know, -the Spir-it's sword we wield, tain, - ver-comes the world, ing in the vie- tor's song- S^ ♦-=- 1=^ P 0— P ^ Choeus p— r-t^ ^=^=f i *=fc fcf^ -J- h Pi i bU^^—^ -rr-fr ^ii=t=S± i i=t =|T ^-a -* — #- -#-i- Yet we'll fol- low all the way. And we fol -low all the way. And we fol -low all the way. If we fol -low all the way. For- ward! for- ward! 'tis the Lord's command; m 5 ^=t: fT-r ^— 0— P— ^: ^^^ -»-=—» — » • »■ p b p b I id=d=t=*: *=fc i J J J J ^if=t t^=S^ For -ward! for -ward! To the prom-ised land; wr^~f^ For- ward! for - ward! J * 4)— ^— P =^ d ?-D. ^ i ^^^S =b: ^ — #. — ^ -t— tr— ^ P* b P* cJ I 1 let the cho - rus ring: We are sure to win with Christ, our King! P m^ r-=!i=^ i= -»-*- • 5 i) I'- — p — g— tJ — &-isr-^ Copyright, 1900, by Tullar-Mereditb Go. 178 Jesus, I Come W. T. Slbefeb Geo. C. Stebbins i^^^ I =} ^ =j=r -^t:? :1^ ■y^ lilrnr Out of my bond-age, sor-row and night, Je-sus, I come, Je-sus, I come; Out of my shame-ful fail-ure and loss, Je-sos, I come, Je-sus, I come; Out of un-rest and ar - ro-gant pride, Je-sus, I come, Je-sus, I come; Out of the fear and dread of the tomb, Je-sus, I come, Je-sus, I come; In - to Thy free-dom, glad-ness and light, Je-sus, I come to In- to the glo - rious gain of Thy cross, Je-sus, 1 come to In - to Thy bless -ed will to a - bide, Je-sus, I come to In- to the joy and light of Thy home, Je-sus, I come to Thee; Thee; Thee; Thee; mt^ ' f r r ^ ■#-i- f f -»-=- f it=r- t ^-r ^ — 1 i J. I I ,-U i :^ fi i^± ^ * mrr ■•—•- s^ 1-rtt Out of my sick-ness in - to Thy health, Out of my want and in - to Thy wealth, Out of earth's sorrows in-to Thy balm. Out of life's storms and in - to Thy calm. Out of my - self to dwell in Thy love. Out of de-spair in-to rap-tures a-bove. Out of the depths of ru - in un - told, In - to the peace of Thy sheltering fold. ^ «3i x=^ m -f-t- ir-Jc S± S^ » :P=ti: A t^ i ifc 5 -^ 3± ^=i — ' ' — -i- - -#-. -^ -4- Je - sus, I come to Out of my sin and in - to Thy-self, Out of dis-tress to ju - bi-lant psalm, Je-sus, I come to Up-ward for aye on wings like a dove, Je-sus, I come to Ev - er Thy glo - rious face to be - hold, Je - sus, I come to T^-'-^g: -^ Thee. Thee. Thee. Thee. ^^^^ S± E I 3 u r :^ :^ ^ * rg Copyright, 1914, by ueo. C. Stebbins, Kenewal." Hope Publishinij »..o., owner 179 Just When I Need Him Most Rev. Wm. Poole Chas. H. Gabriel \ ) h I -y — b) w w 1 L -h- ? ^ m 1. Just when I need Him, Je - sus is near, Just when I fal - ter, 2. Just when I need Him, Je - sus is true, Nev - er for - sak - ing 3. Just when I need Him, Je-sus is strong, Bear-ing my bur -dens 4. Just when I need Him, He is my all, An - swer-ing when up- ;lk p o • — » 9 i P P V i) P ^ jib r> -& ^^tr^r^ t5 — -f! — T) — T)- -ts"-' ^=t -25f 1 just when I fear; Eead - y to help me, read - y to cheer, all the way thro'; Giv - ing for bur -dens pleas- ures a- new, all the day long; For all my sor - row giv - ing a song, 0^ Him I call; Ten - der - ly watch -ing lest I should fall, [ P — g-i — r-P P ^ P-i P . , ^ r p p p =^=^ ^ ^-j- r tr ^ ^ s J-i — ^-r'-s?-i — i^ *-^^ -d w S i ' ^w' Just when I need Him most. ^ W ■p-i- t b b Just when I need Him most. -f^ l !;/ ^f^ 1 ^?=^=^ m ^ t^ i i^ Just when I ^ i Hb P ^ need Him most; ^ Je - sus is m ^ I. near to ^ H-fv i ftiir^ti ^ ^1 ^ com - fort and cheer, Just when I need Him most I ; ; J> J. . A - MEN. ^H- g g ^ = ? -I — i ; ^^wm copyright, 1908. by Chas. H. Gabriel. Copyrig-ht, 1909, by E. O. Excell r 180 Blessed Be the Name W. H. Clark Arr. by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick I feA m EEi ^«— :r i ^=i ^tr-zir '^ 1. All praise to Him who reigns a - bove In maj - es - ty sn - preme, 2. His name a -bove all names shall stand, Ex - alt- ed more and more, 3. Re - deem - er, Sav - ior, Friend of man Once ra-ined by the fall, 4. His name shall be the Coun - sel - or. The might-y Prince of Peace, ^S£E&=^^. ^ £ =14=; r ;=[:::=:p=:r^F= E EE=^g^ m fet i^ % :3t ^sr-^ *=^ ^ Who gave His Son for man to die. That He might man re -deem! At God the Fa -ther'sown right hand, Where an -gel -hosts a - dore. Thoa hast de- vised sal -va-tion's plan, For Thou hast died for all. Of all earth's king-doms Con-quer - or. Whose reign shall nev-er cease. «=?=|: t=r=|: -l^*-!- 221 r Choeus Bless-ed be the name, bless-ed be the name, Bless-ed be the name of the Lord; &=:^ T t± -» — #-*— » tr-p-r~0- f J- e^^e&f^^ arzji: P=^- P P P P a fc=fe h .^ h g^.j4J4J-M J ^ p Jl-4 :a: g ■ — m -. — •^ 4^ T ^» * ^ Bless-ed be the name, bless-ed be the name, Bless-ed be the name of the Lord. * i -« — « — •-* — » — I — SraEE 9 ; k) P r p-p p t^ [ - ^ "'"^g'^P^"^"^ '''^^^ Copyrisrht. 1916, by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick 181 Jesus is All the World to Me W. L. T. Will L. Thompsom -1^ 1. Je - sus is 2. Je - sus is 3. Je - sus is 4. Je - SOS is ^ all the world to me, all the world to me, all the world to me, all the world to me, My life, my joy, my all; My Friend in tri - als sore; And true to Him I'll be; I want no bet - ter friend; F8-p: It :pt=^=t: S J=^ 1 r^ V Et=r ^=r ^^ He is my strength from day to day, With -out Him J would fall. I go to Him for bless-ings, and He gives them o'er and o'er. Oh, how could I this Friend de - ny, When He's so true to me? I trust Him now, I'll trust Him when Life's fleet -ing days shall end. fe^^ !i -tn- :fc=i: -9- =P= 1 I - t -p—r J±^ S- -•- ^ T ^2—^:^ :t5: r m J: -#- •- -«-• -i- -•- -#. -0- When I am sad, to Him I go. No oth - er one can He sends the sun - shine and the rain, He sends the har - vest's Fol - low -ing Him I know I'm right. He watch -es o'er me Beau-ti - ful life with such a Friend; Beau-ti-ful life that ■fe • •— 1— # # 0- r— • • 6 # •— 'I \z £ t^±±J2=t f=^ rf^5=5=^ ^ \) f) h 1r-^—1r-M f"^ PP ^m r—t—tr. -■^ >«• my Friend, my Friend, my Friend. my Friend. cheer me so; When I am sad He makes me glad, He's gold - en grain; Sun-shine and rain, har -vest of grain. He's day and night; Fol - low - ing Him, by day and night. He's has no end; E - ter-nal life, e - ter-nal joy. He's ^ :»=»: S! s=t ^a V 9- -; P p: , D I ■ ■ - -r Copyright, 1904, by Will L. Thompson. Bope Fublishing Co., owners 182 Look For the Beautiful T. H. Thoro Harris 1. Look for 2. Think ol 3. Speak of 4. Look to lis ^^:»=^=f= the beau-ti - ful, look for the true, Look for tlie beaa-ti - ful, think of the pure; On - ly the bean-ti - ful, speak of the pure; These to the stars of light (not down to earth); All that the beau the beau ■ e - ter - is beau- u ti-ful ti - ful ni-ty, ti - ful — f—^ r-t life's jour-ney thro'. Seek-ing true love-li-ness, joy you will know, As to the long can en -dure. God to His low- ly ones "givetli more grace"; None butthe lide- less en -dure. Er - ror shall van-ish soon, e- vil de-cay; God and the there had its birth. Up-ward and forward go, look-ing a -bove; There is the m P- 9-\ £ ^ £^E ^F^fe^l^- ^ Choeus m home a-bove on-ward you go. pure in heart look on His face. Look for the beaa-ti- fal, seek to find the true, beau-ti - ful pass not a - way. dwelling-place of per-fect love. - J I ■ O. I I rr m f-«- £ P^^^i=pgp ^^ijfe#^ God and the beaa-ti - ful will dwell with you; Look for the beaa-ti -fal, W. -•_£_ -f-A- — — ! — • — p- s Harmony seek to find the true. You shall be beau-ti- fal, beaa-ti -ful with-in. ^^- £E Copyright, 1911, by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick 1 — r 183 Isaac Watts Spirited We're Marehing to Zion Robert Lowrt ^m t^=t i ^^^^^^i 1. Come, we 2. Let those 3. The hiU 4. Then let -•— r that love the Lord, And let our joys be known. Join re - fuse to sing Who nev - er knew our God; But of Zi - on yields A thou - sand sa - cred sweets Be- our songs a -bound, And ev - 'ry tear be dry]^ We're m^ ^^^ t=ii: 1^^ ^ I «= -I- 3==5 T=j=i==:: £S ^ in a song with sweet ac - cord, Join in a song with sweet ac-cord. And chil-dren of the heav'n-ly King, But chil-dren of the heav'n-ly King, May fore we reach the heav'n-ly fields. Be- fore we reach the heav'n-ly fields. Or marching thro' Immanuel's ground, We're marching thro' Immanuel's ground. To ^ -^ It ^ .,- ^ _ ^ f. ^ .m. m 1=^ ^- f: r 1i=^ A 1 1 ^ =P= w ^ ^ -m-^ -V- ^ m ' d throne, broad, streets, high. m thus sur - - round speak their joys walk the gold - fair - - er worlds g ; t t rt ^^^ "f f- the throne. And thus sur-round the a - broad, May speak their joys a en streets. Or walk the gold - en on high, To fair - er worlds on thus sur-round the throne, Chorus \ P- And thus sur-round the tbrooe. S i^ -^ « •-: 0- =8? i :r=r T^ * on, Beau-ti - ful, beau-ti - ful Zi - on; We're on, We're march - ing to Zi We're march-ing on to Zi .pL .tL JL :^= k ^ ^ i I 1 --^ ri — b — B fi — \1r-- P ' ^ ^ ^=tt i h ft ^ R h-tT 1 ^ 8 g g ^ i God. march-ing np- ward to Zi - on. The beau-ti - ful cit-y of Zi - on, Zi-on, i fif Copyzislit, property of Mary Runyon Lowry. Used by permissioa 184 Love Lifted Me James Rows EOWASD E. Sbjith zfe m :tT- i ■•-r-#- ^^^8=r=i=yt^=nT-i-i-i- ; 1. I was sink-ing deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore, Ver-y deep-ly 2. AH my heart to Him I give, Ev-er to Him I'll cling. In Hisbless-ed 3. Soulsindan-ger, look a-bove, Je-suscom-plete-ly saves; He will lift yoa -# — ^- 1 r'^'l — i- -; r^ 1 hr- -•-*- I — 17"! — U D b I 1^5=^ 3^i «= --4^ i=s=< ir^: =«? stained with-in, Sink-ing to rise no more; But theMas-ter of the sea pres-ence live, Ev-er Hisprais-es sing. Love so might-y and so true by His love Out of the an- gry waves. He's theMas-ter of the sea, ^3 ■U— U— v~u~-v- ^- f-F^F i^ ^^^m^m r Heard my despairing cry, Fromthe wa-ters lift- ed me,Nowsafeam I. Mer-its my soul's best songs; Faith-ful, lov-ingserv-ice, too. To Him be- longs. Bil-lows His will o - bey; He yourSav-ior wantstobe— Be saved to - day. ^ :x:^m 3c=^ i; D D Choeus f=^ f=^ -=^ ~m- ^ ••-=- =«*==1- urit --^-r^rrj ^r r ^T Love lift-ed me! .... Love lift-ed me! .... When noth-ing e - ven mel e - ven me! ^ else could help, Love lift - ed me. _A-i m 1 ^ « ^ U^ Love lift - cd me. •m Copyright, 1912, by Charlie D. TiUmaa Robert Q. Coleman, owner 185 Dearer Than All is Jesus V. McC. 1 N 1 Vivian McCown 1 / 1 1 n \ 1 . K . 1 1 J 1 t%^A-1- -4-—^— -r ~A — 1 4-^ — 1 — 1 -n \ J H- ^^ xj) 4 1 1. Tho' 2. Tho' 3. Tho' 4. But 1 all the joys friends be ev oft the days some glad day 1 h 1 -^. ^S- 9 1 of earth com-bine ■ er kind and true, so dark may be He'll call to me 1 •. « « 1 To ] Un- I To — 1 :t make fail can ■ lay 1 — ^ -•- my ■ing, ■ not my —a g— t-g- 1 path-way bright, ev - er near; see His face, bur -dens down; ^=t 1 D — r 1 11 A J S U 1 1 1 1 1., 1 1 — F~ ^ — L= ^2^1 T^^4 1 1 i«' 1 T p r _J -J k— 1 M — ^ i ^s^ U'-r l^=3=S -S--lj: ^ My joy e - ter-nal, Light Di-vine, My Joy of joys is Je - sus. Tho' friends be man - y or but few, My dear - est Friend is Je - sus. 'Tis then I think of Cal - va - ry, And bear my cross for Je - sus. With Him for - ev - er-more I'll be, And wear my crown for Je - sus. 2^=k -•-^ :t=t: -• i •- -X2L p Chorus 3^ ^=?: p=F=^i 122- ^—i=t=t ^^=s=r -^-^ I Dear-er than all, dear-er than all, Tho' joy or grief o'er-take me. His 1 Dear-er than all, dear-er than all, Tho' all the world for-sake me, He ^=!*- lov - ing arm Shields me from harm And keeps me close £=t to Him. 1^^=^ t2— ^ i i i^i T i -z:^- guides me, keeps me, loves me still; Dear-er than all is Je sus. ^=r ^ :E^E^t -p'- =5==f==P= :^ -r Copyrig-ht, 1920, by Homer A. Rodeheaver, International Copyright secured 186 S. O'Maley Clupp I Am Praying for You ISA D. Saneey 1^ ^^ '-T^^ ^ ^ I have a Sav - ior, He'splead-ing in glo - ry, I have a Fa - ther; to me He has giv - en I have a robe; 'tis re-splen-dent in white-ness, When Je-sus has found you, tell oth-ers the sto - ry, I -r ^^—^ A dear, lov-ing A hope for e- A-wait-ing in That my lov - ing S :4J: J=^=J * ±1 i ^ ipi ^=t :2^ W ^ r ^ f Sav- ior, tho' earth-friends be few; And now He is watch-ing in ten - der-ness ter - ni- ty, bless -ed and true; And soon He will call me to meet Him in glo - ry my won- der- ing view; Oh, when I re-ceive it all shin-ing in Sav -ior is your Sav- ior, too; Then pray thatyourSav-ior will bring them to i ?2= :?£=»: -0 WL m -S-42- » *: .^-5- ^^ t=t= :t=t: rr-rr-rr .i: / Chorus -IS — S — o'er me. But oh, that my Sav - ior were your Sav-ior, too. heav - en. But oh, that He'd let me bring you with me, too! For you I am brightness, Dear friend, could I see you re - ceiv-ing one, too! glo - ry, And prayer will be answered-'twas answered foryoul ^ "# i# J. -<9- * «±» J=i f-r-T" p i fTsPPraU. 4=t pray-ing, For yon I am pray-ing, For you I am pray-ing, I'm praying for yon. JL .«. .^ -^- if: ^. ^=1: :^ ^i*#^ 1— r Copyrieht, 1904, by Ira D. Sankay. Used by permission of the BikIow & Main Co., owners 187 Christ Receiveth Sinful Men Arr. from Neumaster, 1671 -^ James McGramaban fe=a^^^=EfeE^^ j >7 \) ^ ^ 1^ r •25t- 1. Sin-ners Je - sus will re-ceive; Sound this word of grace to all 2. Come, and He will give yoa rest; Trust Him, for His word is plain; 3. Now my heart con-demns me not, Pure be - fore the law I stand; 4. Christ re - ceiv - eth sin- ful men, E - ven me with all my sin; ^.. ^ ^, ^ .(2. H*.. i^e m ^ -p — Ml i) D b q —V — ^ p p ill: 1^ j. h P/. A i^B :fc ^ ^ -z^- 1 3!=!: Who theheav'n-ly path- way leave. All who lin - ger, all who fall. He will take the sin - ful - est; Christ re - ceiv - eth sin - ful men. He who cleansed me from all spot, Sat - is - fied its last de-mand. Purged from ev - 'ry spot and stain, Heav'n with Him I en-ter in. JL. ^ ^. ^ .(2. ^. i=r=^ ii^PPP^ H —»-^ -•-^ ^b [ t) p - rq ^=r Sing it o'er and o'er a - gain; Christ re- Sing it o'er a-gain, Sing it o'er a-gain; Christ re- i:zit=ti=t V- ceiv - - - eth sin-ful men'; Make the mes - - - sage ceiv-eth sin - ful men, Christ re-ceiv - eth sin - ful men; Make the message plain, r—, '■ r^ clear and plain: Christ re - ceiv - eth sin - ful men Make the mes-sage plain: ^ ^ ^. ^ ^. fe.^ ^ .... J^ m i± ^ =e= Copyright, 1910, by Mrs. Addie McGranahan. RenewaL Charles M. Alexander, owner International Copyright secured 188 ■ El Nathan Why Not Now? i C. C. Case: m 6= ^1 -#T- Fl?? a^ -•-i — I-— 1. While we pray and while we plead, While yoa see your soul's deep need, 2. You have wan-dered far a - way; Do not risk an - oth - er day; 3. In the world you've failed to find Aughtof peace for troub-led mind; 4. Come to Christ, con- fes - sion make; Come to Christ, and par - don take; i=5=?^s= t±tr- ^ & =5= ■•— •-^ r -m~0-^ i P -Di I— ^— j-^ =j ^ SIP -t' t=t While our Fa - ther calls you home, Will you not, my broth-er, come? Do not turn from God thy face, But to - day ac - cept His grace. Come to Christ, on Him be - Heve, Peace and joy you shall re - ceive. Trust in Him from day to day, He will keep you all the way. e^. ff -m- — •-!— » •— "n 't±i i Chorus m ^^ =^ ^t— r ^x ^-^- ^T^a ^ ^S Why not now? . . . Why not now? . • ■ Why not come to Je - sus Why not now? Why not now? 3^ now? Jrzir: i=t m 1 — p-r -•— f=t=n" i iFi 1^ ^±zt^z l}z=:g^8z=F t=|=t now? ^ s^?. Why not now? . . . Why not now? • . . Why not come to Je - sus Why not now? Why not now? fc=|E=t -I— t i — 1*« !■ -^--^ 1 — tr -*— Ck>pyrisbt. 1891. by C. C Case U 1 I ^ 189 Throw Out the Life-Line Edward S. Ufford E. S. Ufford Arr. by George C. Stebbin3 fe^^ iT-fr 0— Jl fc=^ HN^ P H S3 ^=^ ip3!: ^ ^ V - • • •• . ? 1. Throw out the Life-Line a - cross the dark wave, There is a broth - er whom 2. Throw out the Life-Line withhandquickandstrong: Why do you tar- ry, why 3. Throw out the Life-Line to dan-ger-fraught men, Sink-ing in an-guish where 4. Soon will the sea - son of res -cue be o'er. Soon will they drift to e- m * f t J: ^ ^=1 Ifcit t IJ l^ I J- 42=t2: ^^- -D b ^ » — m- — p — • — m — •- fc* ^m ,r? ^ D h r^ r^ .M -ji i :^ ^ ^^«= ^ t^- -^- -^ T^ *^ ^ - w w - - P- some one should save; Somebody's broth-er! oh, who then, will dare To throw out the lin - ger so long? See! he is sink-ing; oh; has-ten to-day — And out with the you've nev-er been: Winds of temp-ta-tion and bil-lows of woe Will soon hurl them ter - ni - ty's shore, Haste then, my brother, no time for de-lay. But throw out the r) ^ b h r) . I h ^^ i ^^^r-0 -0- g : c 1 9 V- g U p b [) 4^— U -b ' ' J P I'i ti i ^-tL Chorus M -\t-0 . -4 g 8 : m 4 m 3^ Life-Line, his per - il to share? Life-Boat! a-way, then, a -way! Throw out the Life-Line! Throw out the Life-Line! out where the dark wa-ters flow. Life-Line and save them to-day. ^ ^. JL -fl ^ H — h — h — tB — — 0- k^=^ S P P P ^ P J) ti p D P r P P L) Someone is drift- ing a-way; Someone is sink-ing to-day. A -men. b p i) p p gl' ' -ip g g b ^ a i^^t^^ Used by permission of Biglow & Main Company 190 Fanny J. Crosby Saved By Grace Geo. C. Stebbins i a33E* I ^^^41 --^ 1. Someday the sil - ver cord will break, And I no more as now shall sing; 2. Someday my earth -ly house will fall, I can-not tell how soon 'twill be, 3. Some day, when fades the gold-en sun Be-neath the ros - y - tint - ed west, 4. Some day: till then I'll watch and wait, My lamp all trimmed and burning bright. -#— i^a^ & -a -t= — 1- * ^ -5zi=g=*: XI 2-j=T iH^ f r f i h h ^ W^- ~^—^ ^t=1= ^ -^il- But 0, the joy when I shall wake With-in the pal -ace of the King! Bat this I know — my All in All Has now a place in Heav'n for me. My bless -ed Lord will say,"Well done!" And Ishallen-ter in - to rest. That when my Sav - ior opes the gate, My soul to Him may take its flight. ja. rn -^ ^hi^^ :^=7^ ~*—i-i—-^~ f r Choeds *=*: :^ Me^J^^^e^ JEE And I shall see Him face to face, And tell the sto-ry — Saved by grace; shall see to face, m .^ T r T r r r if r f r I -• — » — # — \0 # '^h- -0-^ ^ =t-^^ r-l - h •— -fy =i^ri- h ^ — ^- ^H And I shall -#- -•- -•- i- * • see shaU -• — ' ^ ^^ij^ ;-bJ- Him face to face, And tell see to lace, J--: g,r , y=t= -*0- u thes to-ry — Saved by 4^ grace. !^- -■^—i^ — y— N= -l>— b- _^ :^_^ -^— 1-! 1^ T b 1 b +-U Copyright, 1921, by Geo. C. Stebbins. Renewal, Hope Publishing Co., owner 191 One More Day's Work for Jesus Anna. B. Warner Rev. RoBT. LoTraY :d?; m 9r-^ -25l- ^^ 4— t ~i i 2^ i^ i ifcz 1. One more day's work for 2. One more day's work for 3. One more day's work for 4. Oh, bless - ed work for Je Je Je Je ^ ^ s>— sus; sas; sus; sus! —iZ. -©>- One less How sweet Oh, yes, Oh, rest, of life for the work has a wea - ry at Je - sus' m ^— ^ ^ S 2^ me! But Heav'n is near - er, been, To tell the sto - ry, day; But Heav'n shines clear-er, feet! There toil seems pleas - ure, P ^ si— And Christ is dear - er. To show the glo - ry, And rest comes near - er, My wants are treas - ure, ji -fe= ±= Than Whea At And —(=2 it=^- -^- ^^ki f ^ yes - ter - day to me; His love and light Fill all my soul to-night. Christ's flock en-ter in! How it did shine In this poor heart of mine! each step of the way; And, Christ in all, Be - fore His face I fall, pain for Him is sweet. Lord, if I may, I'll serve an - oth - er day. ^^ >— » 1 \ 1- =t= I Choeus -^^^ T=s=r -<«!— -^ -^==i-±z^ ^^^l ^ =j=4--N One more day's work for Je - sus, One more day's work for Je - sus, ^ r=F mins i =^ -7'^-V s ^ -<9- One more day's work for Je - sus, One less of life m. It r -iC-S. P^=W^Y X :t= for ~sr- me! I -(5^ I Copyright property of Mary Runyon Lowry, Used by permission 192 It is Glory Just to Walk With Him Avis M. Bukgeson Haldor Lillenas ^^^^^-?^ 6 — i:^— ^— ^5-4 S ?==(!: set 1. It is glo - ry just to walk with Him whose blood has ransomed me; It is 2. It is glo - ry when the shad-ows fall, to know that He is near; Oh! what 3. Twill be glo - ry when I walk with Him on heav-en's gold-en shore, Nev-er It: ] — r I h *• *- 3i:z: ^t :N:i=^: tr- b-'^p— t^— p— ti— p— ti— p— b-"^ — t^—p — b— 1 — p— p rap-ture for my soal each day; It is joy di-vine to feelHiranearwher-e'ermy joy to sim-ply trust and pray! It is glo-ry to a-bide in Him when skies a- from His side a -gain to stray; 'Twill be glo-ry, wondrous glo-ry with the Sav-ior :t: ^3! -p C) P b It: :(:=[:: p— b-^tr-f)-p— b-p— b-p— b- P— b Chorus path may be; Bless the Lord, it's glo-ry all the way! bove are clear; Yes, with Him. it's glo-ry all the way! ev - er-more, Ev - er - last-ing glo-ry all the way! It is glo-ry just to walk with ' ^-p-p-'p— t:^-p-b i I ' Yff=Wi^r^^^ 53 P b 3:t=i Him, ... . It is glo-ry just to walk with Him; .... He will guide my steps aright, walk with Him , walk with Him ; -» •— • -»-=-• |=S=S P b ^± £E 1 — p— t^ »=^-i» b-t^b^-=^ ^=j± f5=j:^=1^3ib=^=_^r±=z!:^=& & — 1:5 — R — ^+-4:) — H-S — ^^-^-- --^ — N-OX 3d^ i^b ^ Thro' the vale and o'er the height; It is glo - ry just to walk with Him .walk with Him. ^ ^. ^. ^. ^ ^ , J. J) -mr-^ Irf— ^ ' , • l»- P== g=f=g=r ^±--g4p=^p=b — p— b- Copyright, 1918, by Arthur W, McKee, Tabernacle Publishing Co., owners 193 I Am Thine, Lord Fanny J. Crosby W. H. DOANB m^^^^^ S :A4 r=f -0- ♦ 1. I am Thine, Lord, I have heard Thy voice. And it told Thy 2. Con - se-crate me now to Thy serv - ice, Lord, By the pow'r of 3. the pure de - Hght of a sin - gle hoar That be - fore Thy 4. There are deptiis of love that I can -not know Till I cross the =^#* ^-4^ f i= rr V — H f=f=^ i* ^^s -t>-^ m J— m ' ^ — ^ ^ ^^^= ^^=^: ' m — q :^=t ^ 1^— J:-i: T love to me; But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be grace di - vine; Let my soul look up with a stead-fast hope, And my throne I spend, When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I com- nar - row sea; There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I m^- s -•-^ :?±=l fe- r^rf *={t mrz -4— J- Refrain ^=^ --^- -^n=^ 2^=^ =^: :M= clos - er drawn to Thee. will be lost in Thine. Draw me near mune as friend with friend! rest in peace with Thee. near - er, near - er, er, near- er, bless-ed »r- ^ =^^4= -y- -^ 1^ - I' b b U ■P^ J — I- ^-^ ^ ^ ^=^ =^ -#-= — •- Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died; Draw me near - er, near - er, ^^- ~p'^rT ^=^ :p=^ ite f r=f tr-p- fcr^ ' — • — •-• — * -^ • ed Lord, To Thy pre - cious, bleed - ing side. -P^ 1 •-: W near - er, rfc i ^ -• »-= •- ^ f -^ -v^ Copyright, 1903, by V7. Ht Doane. Renewal. Fannie T. Doane, owner 194 C. H. G. That Will Be Glory ^ Chas. H. Gabriel : S J J J J J i-l I I \ d; 1. When all my la-bors and tri-als are o'er, And I am safe on that 2. When, by the gift of His in - fi-nite grace, I am ac-cord-ed in 3. Friends will be there I have loved long a - go; Joy like a riv - er a- my^,- '. I L I S3 4- -^-r- f-<— t n n \ ' "^n° 1 1 \ ■ 1 1 ill 1 1 1 — j — 1 Abb- ^ — « — J — \ — \ — ^ — d — i — i~ "i — i — 1 — d-^-^ beau - ti - ful shore, Heav-en a place, round me will flow; Just to be near the dear Just to be there and to Yet, just a smile from my p ' ' L_J — S — • — '^ 1 Lord I a - dore, look on His face, Sav - ior, I know, ' p p (^ • fc): b u r — F — F — ^^^ —* «— p ' ^ — » I* i#- -^iT? i — "^t^b^ 1* ti* W ^■:r^— • — r — T — T — r — T~ -\ — r r ^ — 1 r 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' pHf4 rit. Chorus. Faster. ± ~W ^ Will thro' the a - ges be glo - ry for me. that will be that will Mt -# — ft- * • • '-r^ — • f J J ' , P • J - I I I I I i r g^ K 1 * - ^^' r r I r r r^ rrt ^^ 1 , 1 ^ j — i-^ J: f ^-^ r- r ^ r ' r- r ^ ^ t — nr ' r< — r glo-ryforme, Glo-ryforme, glo-ry for me; When by His grace be glo-ry for me, Glo-ry for me, glo-ry for me; ^ I ' r ir I I I ir I I ' ii I I I B^ ' rit. S I shall look on His face. That will be glo-ry, be glo-ry for me. A-men. :> :> :> > /T^ r r r T'T r M* r r I ' ' " piw^ Copyright. 1900, by E. O. ExceU. Words and Music 195 Sweeter as the Days Go By James Rowe HaMP SEWELt i s^=^ E=& s^ *: i^ 3iFJ p f-^rr 1.0 the love of Je - sus means so much to me, Keeps my path-way shin-ing, 2. Precious, lov-ing Sav-ior, all a-long the way. Words of cheer and com-fort 3. He, I know, will keep me, He will hold me fast Till my earth - ly tri - als ^ 5 s b g^ b !:i ■^=0= 4=-*-*— » — »-' — • — • — — !•- i> t> ' ^ I | — r D j^ ^ i r-T^— F? :J? ^ :r5: fF=i^ PT^I^H— ^' V; g ^ • "^ ■«-r- 3 f keeps me pure and free; More and more I praise Him, for He seems to be I have heard Him say, And He grows more pre-cious to my soul each day, be for - ev - er past; He will be, un - til I see His face at last, !_! — m #1 — « <2_ n i^ ^ ;^= -;Tt-:T- :E p b b b b b b b Chorus. ^jUjui ^t) ^^ r, t, , J i J" ^ ? t=^ 'b . Sweet-er as the days go by. Sweet-er as the days go by, as the days go by, m=t: ^2- i p ^fcfe tez:e=tz: r #-^ ir b b b b I H^ i r. ^^.^ .^. h.^ r- ^ z li^ j! — ^-A- s :^ ^ r r^C'^r Sweet-er as the mo-ments fly; Sweet-er and the dear-er as the mo-ments fly; ^^ i±^ * -•-=- r=£^=f l> ci u el f= I T b b b b b mMM ^ ^fjm ^iriU i:^^. ft j j =y 1 as to me He draw-eth near-er, Sweet-er as the days go by. A - men. mi - ft# ii ^^ e ^-^ ? p ^ ^ rrrr g ^ Copyright, 1914, by Hamp Seweh. E, O. Excell, owner 196 Can the World See Jesus in You? Mrs. C. H. M. Mrs. C. H. Morris Zfe ^-^ t^t- Ir^*-!— 5 — 3 I J ^- t>=f- 3^tS^^J^j^ 1. Do we live so close to the Lord to - day, Pass-ing to and fro on life's 2. Do we love, with love to His own ? - kin. All His creatures lost in the 3. As an o - pen book they our lives will read. To our words and acts giv-ing ^— «— r=j bus - y way, That the world in us can a like - ness see To the mire of sin? Will we reach a hand, what-so- e'er it cost, To re- dai - ly heed; Will they be at - tract - ed, or turn a - way From the ^ 1^ f=p=? 1 p— tr 1 1 \ p— P-^ Choeus H>-d— I 1 ! ^r^r^-tz;^ ^ h±a ^z G>-^ lEi ^ Man of Cal - va - ry? claim a sin - ner lost? . . • Can the world see Je - sus in me? Can the Christ we love to - day? . . . Man of Cal-va-ry? Can the world see Je-sus in me? - ^ , -(=2- r=^ :^ 5=M £ ?=f?=t: P^" IKZMl xnr dt P :j=-EEi3g^ A r=Wt=»=r-=* world see Je - sus in you? Can the world see Je-sus in you? Does your love to Him ring true, E^EtEE ^^^=g-g=f -^~c-=^- ^^ 'I S' ^^—\> b V \ ■$r=±L r» ^ ^M fHH fi =^=6: fct5=fc=:|5: Z^S=P=J=3S=S- nr^- And your life and serv-ice, too? Can the world see Je - sus in you? me — in you? J =2=d3E £!^: B tp=2=P=tJ: S^uEE^E^ — :r-D- Copyright, 1917, by Homer A. Rodeheaver. International Oopyrigbt secured P=^^± 197 H6 is So Precious to Me C. H. G. Chas. H. Gabriel. ^m U4 iHiii 1. So pre-cioas is Je - sus, my Sav - ior, my King, His praise all the day 2. He stood at my heart's door, 'mid sunshine and rain, And pa - tient - ly wait- 3. I stand on the moun-tain of bless-ing at last, No cloud in the heav- 4. I praise Him be-cause He ap-point-ed a place Where, someday, thro' faith S P ^ fr? ^ r r r r m r ^ r -t- long with rap-ture I sing; To Him in my weak-ness for strength I can cling, ed an en-trance to gain; What shame that so long He en-treat-ed in vain, ens a shad - ow to cast; His smile is up - on me, the val - ley is past, in His won-der-ful grace, I know I shall see Him — shall look on His face, g3 Mff ^ ^ ^^\\\\\ \ 1 1 ^ Chorus. Faster. ^ iJ I J J'J^J l Jr-Jl7li I I r-J. \V^^^^ TP' r. For He is so pre-cious to me, . . . ^ so pre-ciousto me,' For He is so pre-cious to me. ' ^^t i: : ^rx^^ ^ -K51 — I \* f* =g JA — 1»_! — » \»Yy • » • b <^-^ ' ^^ v\ \ \ i\ rr-^^r n J- J I J --— J ^ 5 3<=*: 3^^ Pf rr For He is so pre-cious to me; ... . 'Tis Heav-en be- low so pre-cious to me; a fif f f I f- f m. -(Z- 2: ^^2^ £ TXXX i fc^ nf. - ^-^-h ^ 3^^ -&-ri5^ *^~5: My Ke-deem-er to know, For He is so pre-cious to me A -MEN. m -^ « -r- -*- -i^^ r pif P r g P- P i P=R Copyright, 1902. by Chas. H. Gabriel. Copyright. 1907. by E. O Excell tf- 198 Will There Be Any Stars? E. E. Hewitt Jno. R. Swenet mffits^^ ill i f=r^ ?=t^=f f *=B: 1. I am think-ing to - day of that beau - ti - M land I shall reach when the 2. In the strength of the Lord let me la - bor and pray, Let me watch as a 3. Oh, what joy it will be when Ills face I be- hold, Liv-ing gems at His *=tt ^ sun go-eth down; When thro' wonderful grace by my Sav-ior I stand. Will there win-ner of souls; That bright stars may be mine in the glo-ri-ous day. When His feet to lay down; It would sweeten my bliss in the cit-y of gold. Should there J5— ^ £ -J — ^-4 ^ ^ f=ff a ^Chords. to?: ^ tr=^ 4-s-^ ±: f • — ^^- • * V ' ^' be an - y stars in my crown? praise like the sea-bil-low roUs. Will there be an-y stars, an-y stars in my be an-y stars in my crown. i^-# N b , j- b m 4V \ ^^ J >2^t^ :;2=^ r4= b ^^ S i ^m ^£^ way but this; I shall ne'er get sight of the Gates of Light, Sav - ior trod, If I ev - er climb to the heights sub - lime, nev - er-more; For my Lord says "Come," and I seek my home. ^i3 ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ it ^- i b b Chords ^ #-=- ■T^"-^ If the way of the cross I miss. Where the soul is at home with God. Where He waits at the o - pen door f The way of the cross leads ^ 5 J^ «-i- I k-j w 1» » # I ^ fe^=^ ft— & a f^^^^^^^^f^ home, The way of the cross leads home; leads home, leads home; -J- It is ^ f f--u fiULjE M s & i*= *=* i :^ I J i 3 13 J f ^-J-r ^- J 3 3 I g^ sweet to know, as I on -ward go. The way of the cross leads home. »U ^ ^.f . f—r ^ A -MEN, ^2- ^&- I :s Copyrisrht. 1906. by Chas. H. Gabriel. Copyright, 1907, by E. O. Excell 200 Higher Ground Johnson Oatman, Jr. Chas. H. Gabriel M :^=t5: -f?— fr ^-. g^=^ti^ ti:-=il: ^EL n — H — «- H • #- 1. I'm press-ing on the up-ward way, New heights I'm gaining ev - 'ry day; 2. My heart has no de-sire to stay Where doubts a-rise and fears dis-may; 3. I want to live a -bove the world, Tho' Sa-tan's darts at me are hurled; 4. I want to scale the utmost height, And catch a gleam of glo - ry bright; i ife i=* ^^ m H^zzzD: •?^ -• 9- «=^^ Still pray-ing as I on-ward bound, "Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground." Tho' somemaydwellwheretheseabound, My prayer, my aim, is high-er ground. For faith has cauglit the joy - ful sound. The song of saints on high-er ground. Bat still I'll pray till Heav'n I've found, "Lord, lead me on to high-er ground." ^ aziat -•— rr^ W=tK •-T- J [)[)[) bp= rt?— I r m r u p Chorus 1^ 45: -^ M P-ji. j> M=*=^=^ *: ^ ^-i- ift :fc Lord, lift me np and let me stand, By faith, on Heav-en's ta-ble-land, ^^ ^"g~" g=fr^^L^ — ^^ J azzzp: P ^^ P ^^^^ I L^ P P ^ I JL^ I j: *=*: P 3Es^ ^ a=«: »=5^ -,_._^. A high-er plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground. r T T , r ; 3=P=F f^ Copyright. 1898, by J. Howard Entwisle. John J. Hood, owner 201 Fanny J. Crosby Jesus Is Galling I Zfi T> t>— f^-j)- s ^ :S=8=J=^==| :^ ^ ^ Geo. C. Stebbins fc 3± p3 1. Je - sus is ten -der - ly call - ing thee home— Call - ing to - day, 2. Je - sus is call - ing the wea - ry to rest — Call - ing to - day, 3. Je-sus is wait-ing; come to Him now — Wait-ing to - day' 4. Je - sus is plead-ing; list to His voice: Hear Him to - day,' -s- -#- -•- \) ^ jt. ^. i: & ■P — ^ ^ &=^ =8=5SS 8 p t > ^i=t> r) p -9=^9 ^- — ^ tr-j^—t. m call - ing to - day; Why from the call -ing to-day; Brin^'Him thy wait-ing to-day; Come with thy hear Him to - day; They who be ■ -P- sun - shine of love wilt thou roam bur -den and thou sh alt be blest: sins; at His feet low - ly bow; lieve on His name shall re - joice; = r » :fe: -P P- Refraik :t= I h h h ti-t^ ^=«t ESi M Far-ther and far-ther a - way? He will not turn thee a - way. Come, and no lon-ger de - lay. Quick-ly a - rise and a - way. -fe w f— I — rj±ztl ^^t^ 1^=15: -0 — Lti. ^ Call - - ing to - day, .... Call - ing, call - ing to - day, to - day, -^ — Tf»- D P P t) =P=^ a=^ P P P P i^ ^ -*-i- ^^m Call - - ing to - day, Je - - - - sus is Call - ing, call - ing to - day, to - day, Je - sus is ten - der - ly -f — j- ^ •p-t -#--•- -0- -m- -e- r I I ' I I :t=3: 3=^ -j^ 4^ l%=t -^ ^ r< :8=8= ^=t ^^ :^ P call ... ing, is ten - der - ly call - ing call - ing to - day, -#- -•- -•- -•- -#- -•-. -0- -0. _ -0. to - day. i -p — \^ — l^ ^ it ip: lizzS Copyright. 1911, by Geo. C. Stebbins. Renewal. Hope Publishing Co., owner 202 Give of Your Best to the Master H. B. G. Mrs. Charles Barnard W ■^ — ^ — t— | - t ^-^ T&-r^ ^ 1. Give of your best to the Mas - ter; 2. Give of your best to the Mas - ter; 3. Give of your best to the Mas - ter; r r Give of the strength of your youth; Give Him first place in your heart; Naught else is wor- tliy His love; ^FFff^ H^BB •i2- ii: ■15'-^ Eef. — Give of your best to the Mas - ter; Give of the strength of your youth; I Fine ^^^iiP ^— r-g =r S3 Throw your soul's fresh, glowing ar - dor Give Him first place in your serv-ice, He gave Him -self for your ran-som, ^ 42- P=^- In - to the bat -tie for truth. Con - se- crate ev - 'ry part. Gave up His glo - ry a - hove: 1— J y-r-r p= p=^^r^ Clad in sal - va-tion's full ar - mor, Join in the bat - tie for truth, ^^^ ^ i i± f^=^«=nf W^-^ Je - sus has set the ex • Give, and to you shall be Laid down His life with-out m g am - pie; Dauntless was He, young and brave;., giv - en; God His be-lov-ed Son gave;., mur-mur. You from sin's ru- in to save;... ^ ?*=l= ^ r I I T i I 'i 1^ ra^. ^ i i D. C. ?3E (S*-^ Give Him your loy- al de Grate-f ul - ly seek-ing to Give Him your heart's ad-o ^-i—i- £=£=£ vo - tion. Give Him the best that you have, serve Him, Give Him the best that you have, ra - tion. Give Him the best that you have. -«>-• -5^» m m m ■ ^ -K?-^ i 203 Edgar Page Beulah Land Jno. R. Swemet :ft=|?: m ^^ ^^ 1 -fr-^ 4±=t i^=r=i 7 r 1. I've reached the land of corn and wine, And all its rich - es free - ly mine; 2. My Sav - ior comes and walks with me, And sweet com-mun-ion here have we; 3. A sweet per-fume up - on the breeze Is borne from ev - er - ver - nal trees, 4. The zeph- yrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of Heaven's mel - o - dy, it H^. ^ >^-r -^ — ^-\^ — ^— ' ^U) H -t-5 — B— p-^ ^3 i2=t ^ f=nr-g-r ^ ^=^_=j-j-hM =^=^e^ i :8±=S=t i ^ r Here shines undimmed one bliss-ful day, For all my night has passed a - way. He gen -tly leads me by His hand, For this is Heav-en's bor-der-land. And flow'rs, that nev-er - fad - ing grow, Where streams of life for - ev - er flow. As an-gels with the white-robed throng Join in the sweet Re-demp-tion song. 1^ *=k tt Chorus /'is rr i^L|_j^ — ; : ^ -ft-^ i^ i^i ^ ^=5 Ben - lah Land, sweet Beu-lah Land, As on thy high - est mount I stand, g *2=^=t=t i ^ P=^- P=^ 1 ■ I) b ^^ fi P fe !t tfcSfcJ: ^±3i I look a- way a- cross the sea. Where mansions are pre-pared for me. And ^ ^ .t=t f±ifiz$=9L p— ^T 5=r :fi P=tt a=f: ^^ -^-4- J -D — ^F i 3tz: ^ T^ #- 11 view the shin - ing glo - ry-shore, — My Heav'n, my home for - ev - er-more! * l > V » ' ^^^^V-T J: I ir~^ b i^ [ r ^ Used by permission of lixa. Jno. B. Sweney rr 204 Grace, Enough For Me E. O. E. 1 P 1 b u .^ tv-1 1 — h— — I — h — 1 E. O. EXCELL h ~n ^^Hrtr-fr-^"- 4' =^H^=i h —^ — « — *-^ =5N ^— H ¥ — ^ ^: J.^ J.. 1. In look-ing thro' 2. While standing there 3. When I be - held 4. When I am safe i 3- 3 my tears one my trem-bUng my ev - 'ry with - in the day, heart, sin veil, — 5— '-d^ I saw Once full Nailed to My por - m m • Mount Cal - va- of ag - 0- the cm - el tion there will f^^HrH^-f .4 4 • r .« . M» 1 — r} •* — w~^ — b — S-J— 4 — ^-5v^iV-^ • • « 4 • '» r :>- - ^ 1 1-^ ^^ rY-^ p L^ f ^ "^ 45: ^ i 6: ^ ^ ^=1^ ^^ ^«^-^ -:^- 1]^ P P ^ ' P ry; Be-neath the cross there flowed a stream Of grace, e -nough for ny, Could scarce be-lieve the sight I saw Of grace, e - nough for tree, I felt a flood go thro' my soul Of grace, e - nough for be, To sing thro' all the years to come Of grace, e - nough for ^ ^^=Wr=ii :r ^ ^£=1 r «M- 1 p~Ti r m Chorus. m -tr-r rrrrtr^ f=n^ me. ^ Grace is flow-ing from Cal - va - ry, . . . e- nough for me. Grace is flow-ing from Cal- va - ry for me, ^ f r ^ ^ Mrg^-g ^ F^ V i) '^ r p t i p it-l «^ 4^-45- ^^ E 3t i -» — *- ^m r 15- ^ Grace as fath-om-less as the sea, . . Grace for time and e- Grace as fath-om-less as the roll - ing sea, Grace for time and e- • ^: f f f .f f f Tf:.r ?•• f:?f sa^nfrrfH^ ^ f fe*: j J J.— ^- I J ^ i 1^ I 1 ^ ^ g"^ ' ^ f"g ' r^ f ter - ni - ty, . . . Grace, . . e-nough for me. ter - m - ty. His a-bun-dant grace I see, e-nough for me. t\» ^ f JL C£l 1^ . p I P Ik i m^ I -^s-i n^ f>-^ \> \> i> f^ Words and Music CopyriKht, 1905. by E. O. ElxceU. International Copyright secured 205 When You Know Jesus, Too Ina Duley Ogdon feS ^=15: ^H^EiES B. D. ACKLEY -4- r ^^^^:E^ =^t=fi: -2?- 1. When yoQ my Je -sus nn-der- stand, When you ac-cept His lov-ing hand, 2. His joy will gladden ev-'ry day, His bless-ing shine a-Iong the way, 3. You'll see His mer-cy thro' your tears. His peace will hal - low all the years, 4. You'll know His way is al-waysbest, And glad-ly leave to Him the rest, -1^— fe- :t==i^=^ -^- TT^~'~ ^f :^f=z^—p—¥- ^- t=:4£S=^=l 'L^ P P i p— IL_U- #^ s gEB^3^3^ -f^— tr fc=^=^M=d: -«-i- ^^=3i m t^- A hap - py morn will dawn for you, When you know Je - sus, too. And you will share His prom-ise true. When you know Je - sus, too. The val - ley holds no dread for you, When you know Je - sus, too. And tell what He has done for you, When you know Je - sus, too. -•— r-»-^ •-• f5 f^ •— D- po: :t= :^ 17— r -»-^ Chorus -Jti2z ' -^-^— r^hj- I s. f^ r) J^E^P^^ :P=^ ^^=M :fe=t5: D [> p p r When you know Him, when you know Him You'll love Him just as others do; as oth-ers do; ^— •-r« s (t— *^ — J • ;g— g-^ g- f £ ^^ P P P P ttu =p fc^ ::]: D h ^=t5: CT^^^ 3= ±: 4 45=11: ^5|- ^==i= m A hap - py morn will dawn for you When you know my Je - sus, too. P p ' 'tr Copyright, 1914, by Homer A. Rodeheaver. International Copyright secured r 206 Prisolla J. Owens Jesus Saves Wm. J. EntKPATRtCK ^ d: la 4-j^^ *T-4r^T7^ ??^ «-^-sH =;j^ 1. We have heard the joy - ful sound: Je - sns savesi 2. Waft it on the roll - ing tide; Je - sas savesi 3. Sing a - bove the bat - tie strife, Je - sns saves! 4. Give the winds a might -y voice, Je - sus saves! :^ *Mt 3e - sus saves! Je - sus avesl Je - sns saves! Je - sus saves! -A ^m ^ r—r tt=ct £ ±L T^ -9^-^ TT-vr # .. -«— :* ^ tr-^- "TT - - - Spread the ti - dings all a -round: Je - sus saves! Tell to sin - ners far and wide: Je - sus saves! By His death and end - less life, Je - sus saves! Let the na - tions now re - joice, — Je - sus saves! EEf m^ £ *i^;- Je - sus savesi Je - sus savesi Je - sus saves! Je - sus savesi -a — i :t2=ii: ^ =?=r r_S_I ^ p_! 0_ b \> b r F^ m t^=^ 4±i:* 3 2^ #^-< -0-i- Bear the news to ev - 'ry land. Climb the steeps and Sing, ye is - lands of the sea; Ech - o back, ye Sing it soft - ly thro' the gloom. When the heart for Shout sal - va - tion full and free; High -est hills and m ^=w-- :^ %±^ it=tt :i=i cross the waves; - cean caves; mer - cy craves; deep-est caves; -^ -^ — pin :tt=tt ^^ -P—Vr-V yfU- h '-(^ ~1~ -^ =t5=i- -1— H On - wardl- -0^. — t — 0^-J— -'tis our Lord's com- mand; Je- sus saves! Je - sus saves! Earth shall keep her ju - bi - lee: Je- sus saves! Je - sus saves! Sing in tri - umph o'er the tomb,— ■ Je- sus saves! Je - sus saves! This our song of vie - to - ry,— Je- sus savesi Je - sus saves! .... m.. rf- ■^' m 15>- It • • r* f" r " sr»^ ■ f f * '• rm 1 m • ■ II -1 — ^r-^fe- -17 — p~ =:ti= —'5' x^y q — H 1 p Ei-J ^ U p— ^-1— ■ 4 1 ^ — b-' 9 U Copyright, 1910, by Wm. J. Kirkpatridc. in renewal 207 Catherine Haneey I Love to Tell the Story &¥ :fc 1. I love to tell the 2. I love to tell the 3. I love to tell the 4. I love to tell the I te#:1= William G. Fischer :U sto sto sto sto -J y-^ ry Of un - seen things a - bove, Of ry, More won -der- fill it seems Than ry,'Tis pleas -ant to re - peat What ry, For those who know it best Seem J- Je - sus and His glo - ry, all the gold- en fan-cies seems, each time I tell it. Of Je Of all sns and His love. I our gold-en dreams. I hun-ger-ing and thirst-ing To hear it More won-der - ful - ly sweet. I 1^^ JL •#- -(5>- w ^^ ¥. :t=t like the rest love to love to love to And when,itt :^ £i :^ ^B± ■4 — •-- — ^ ^ — r * JL u ^ :t::=l:|= r ^ t tell the sto - ry, Be-canse I know 'tis true; tell the sto - ry, It did so much for me; tell the sto - ry, For some have nev-er heard The mes-sage'oF sd- scenesof glp - ry, I sing the new, new song, 'Twill be the old, old It sat And that is-fies my is just the longings As noth-ing else can do. rea-soni tell it now to thee. va - tion From God's own ho-ly word sto - ry That I have loved so long, -•- ^ W rr. s- -^ -&- dc=fc I love to tell the sto-ry, 'Twill 4=- te m it± I u I i^ ^==^ ^-^-4-^-Vd—A ^ j=-j- '-^ -H-tT -«— # at=tf* ^ be my theme in glo-ry To tell the old, old sto - ry Of Jesus and His love. Used by permission of W. G. Fischer 208 There Shall Be Showers of Blessing El Nathan James McGranahan m h h h -h^ I^ 1 1. "There shall be 2. "There shall be 3. "There shall be 4. "There shall be show - ers show - ers show - ers show - ers J l^E^Sr. ^si of bless -ing:" This is the prom-ise of love; of bless - ing"-Pre-cious re - viv-ing a - gain; of bless -ing: "Send them up -on us, Lord; of bless -ing:" Oh, that to - day they might fall, J^l^. -p, ^ .^. ^ —m m *<• — «- s ■♦-=- =F ^J — J- i t— fr t— r> h h -h — iu -i r h p P- ifc ^± P i -•— :;=8=j=:;=|i=r ^ There shall be sea- sons re-fresh -ing, Sent from the Sav-ior a - bove. - ver the hills and the val - leys, Sound of a - bun-dance of rain. Grant to us now a re- fresh- ing, Come, and now hon - or Thy Word. Now as to God we're con-fess - ing. Now as on Je - sus we call! m m m a m m ~^» £ I -•-^ Chords m ^=h ^si=^=F:^ P h -X-h h ^ M i:^: Li g g "^ " ^ *F 22: n p=^=^ Show - - ers of bless - ing, Show- ers of bless- ing we need: Show - ers, show- ers of bless - ing, ^ ^ -•-=- r D b b b 1 I b b b - ^ b pfaH-^^ r^ f^ r^ r^ — ^ a ^5= j^~i~r^ 3^ 7^ Mer-cy-drops round OS are fall - ing. But for the show-ers we plead. ^A.^ -r -r f- Bgnj-j^ Eig ^pyiii;tit, li>12, by Charles M. Alexander 1 =t ^ -r»S2- F I 209 He Whispers His Love to Me V. McC. VrviAN McCowN i=^ ^ # ^=:=r 1. 'Tis so sweet just to know that a - long 2. When He scat - ters the gifts from His bound 3. When my heart is so tempt - ed and sore - 4. Oh, His voice is so won-drons-ly sweet -0 r— » the less ly to way Je - sus store, And His tried. It is me! There's no .^ «-! 0- walks by my side all the live- long day, And He knows when the shadows be- show-ersof bless-ing a -round me pour. Lest I hum-ble and grate-ful for- then that I know He is by my side, And I know He will give me the mu - sic on earth has such mel - o - dy; There's no joy that can come to the £ 1 l^-g ^: ^ ■\ — r— r =r D b :^^:^: P t^ s gin to low'r, And He whis - pers His love to me o'er and o'er, get to be, Je - sus whis -pers His won-der- ful love to me. vie to - ry As He whis -pers His won-der- ful love to me. hu - man heart Like the joy that His love ev - er doth im - part. m=^ m i %^=%? ^^ J »-^ t)— r "tJ — r Chorus 1^ ^-X :^=3j: :i=S= ^ iizb^iE: r r r T r r r r He whis-pers His love to me. He whispers His love to me; His love to me, His love to me; g=IJ= ^ s g^ g^ 3^a i* ^--t >-k ^- :t= ■^ f . h I — M- H :^=ii: me ^g^ Lest I should stray from Him a - way, He whis-pers His love to i=tzi: 332 "t:~r ^333^ -H I I — =^ n Copyright, 1920, by Homer A. Rodeheaver. International Copyright secured 210 When the Roll is Called Up Yonder J. M. B. J- M. Black 3^^ tEZl ^ ^ :^|::^=^ ^ 1. When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, And the 2. On tliat bright and doudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise, And the 3. Let us la - bor for the Mas -ter from the dawn till set -ting sun, Let us i?bJ>. I'l'. I'l '. w m 3 morning breaks, e-ter-nal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather glo - ry of His res -ur-rec-tion share; When His cho-sen ones shall gather talk of all His wondrous love and care; Then when all of life is o-ver, p ±^ fel r- r \r- r r ^E ^ r ^^ rrt- \ V \ H J^-fr- ^ I r^ 1^ r) I S i ^ -^ - 3 1 ^- iF=^ And the roll And the roll And the roll - ver on the oth-er shore, to their home beyond the skies, and our work on earth is done, is called up yon-der, I'll be there, is called up yon-der, I'll be there, is called up yon-der, I'll be there. I Chords. l^^=iF? ^ I- < i: g =H =* F-' =<- ^^ :r ^;^=^ When the roll When the roll is called up is called up yon - - - - der. When the yon - der, I'll be there, ^ ^-^— b" :) lP =g -^ i> b s roll .... is called up yon - - der, When the roll .... is called up When the roll is called up yon-der, I'll be there, When the roll is called up It- It It- It If:- It :?: it- it ifi' ipi Hi^ i -# — w- gi u^' ^> \^ ; ^ ^=^= ^b b u— g i- Copyright, 1921. Renewal by J. M. Black. Tabernacle Publishinsr Co., owner When the Roll is Called Up Yonder fcr4 :fc ^ , ^. - ip «-: *. -^-' I i t> — s^- :g==S=i: :^ -lir—^ T^-s — r- ^^ yon 42. - der, When the roll is called up yon - der, I'll be there. ^> — ^^— ? — ^ • 8 g-^ I ^ ?s {- L) b^-'^ ti i^ r ^ i^^ 't i P' ti=S^ 211 Worship the King Sir Robert Grant Francis Joseph Haydn H J=M s i 3^E3 ^ cr 1. wor - ship the King all - glo - rious a - bove, And grate-ful - ly 2. tell of His might, and sing of His grace, Whose robe is the 3. Thy boun - ti - ful care what tongue can re - cite? It breathes in the 4. Frail chil-dren of dust, and fee - ble as frail, In Thee do we ^^4^\l^ ± £ r^ T=^ i It A i ^^ ^/i-j^K^ b^E^E^JE^Eg sing His won-der-ful love; Our Shield and De-fend-er, the An-cient of light, whose can - o - py £ pace; His char - lots of wrath the deep thunder-clouda air, it shines in the light, It streams from the hills, it de-scends to the trust, nor find Thee to fail; Thy mer-cies how ten -der! how firm to the ■I - J- m^=^ t \ f t i BE u ^^ a^ I ^m s ^ tr days, Pa-vil-ioned in splen-dor, and gird-ed with praise. form, And dark is His path on the wings of the storm. plain, And sweet-ly dis - tUls in the dew and the rain. end! Our Mak - er, De - fend - er, Re - deem - er, and Friend, A - MEN. ir^f p f [M^ r=t 3x; i 212 Psalm 136 King of Kings J. B. Hehbert =r5=4— |r^ 1=^ 3=^^^: 1. thank the Lord, the Lord of love; thank the God of gods a - bove; 2. Give thanks to God, for good is He; Thanks to the God of gods give ye; 3. Whotho'ton us a -midst our woes, And res - cued us from all our foes; 4. praise the Lord for He is kind; Give thanks to Him with heart and mind; '^m -\ — I — r ^^ i ^ ^ s -•^i-^- f^=i=g_=^-*-i=^=tt^^=lj^=j: f ©fc thank the might-y King of lungs, Whose arm hath donesachwondroasthings. Thacksgive the Lord of lords un - to, Wlio on- ly won - ders great can do: Who dai - ly feeds each liv-ing thing; thank the heav'n's Al-might-y King. His mer-cy flows an end-less stream. To all e - ter - ni - ty the same. -* ^ =ii= ^ — r-g- | — v^ ' I — ^ ~^ =i — ^ 1 1 — ' I b-i — ^ U ' • ^ :ti=p: m Chorus {Suggested by the ^'Hallelujah Chorus'') ^z=8^a=Ji^=S-J: ^^a^^iEJEB King of kings for- ev-er and ev-er; Lord of lords, for- ev-er and ev-er; King of kings, Lord of lords, 1 J. J^-i— .1. i i J ^ J "^i- :p=P=3=»=p=:K t?— » 1 f~P~M p-"g-n ^= f>--^-iH: S iz»: - ifat^->— <=:|r± 5 :f: T^- -(5'— King of kings for -ev-er and ev-er; King of kings and Lord of lords King of kings, J J 1^ I ^ ^ I u : — P~~~P ^ — -(2- -«— ^ Copyright, 1916, by Homer A. Rodeheaver. International CopyriRht secured 213 J. H. Sammis Trust and Obey D. B. TowNEB f5=t5: ^ r^ \) D f^= i :25t :^ ^5^ ^ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. b When we walk with the Lord In the Light of His Word What a glo ■ Not a shad-ow can rise, Not a cloud in the skies, But His smile Not a bur -den we bear, Not a sor- row we share. But our toil But we nev - er can prove The de-lights of His love Un - til all Then in f el - low-ship sweet We will sit at His feet, Or we'll walk ■ry He quickly He doth on the by His ^ r f- f m^ ■f- -r T i ^ b4P b ^^ i ^ :t5: r=f sheds on our way! WhUe we do His good-will. He a-bides with ns still, drives it a - way; Not a doubt or a fear. Not a sigh nor a tear, rich-ly re-pay; Not a grief nor a loss, Not a frown or a cross, al - tar we lay; For the fa - vor He shows, And the joy He be-stows, side in the way; What He says we will do, Where He sends we will go,— r <» r . -^ — >— ^-r ^ r » — « « -^ ^ ^ ^ t^ ^=t m I p ^s ■? *: *=*: ^=r Chorus. hH^H^^ And with all who will trust and o - bey. Can a -bide while we trust and o - bey. But is blest if we trust and o - bey. Trust and o - bey, for there's no oth-er Are for them who will trust and o - bey. Nev-er fear, en - ly trust and o - bey. i :£l £ -^ -^ 5^ g :fe=B:^ E^ CZl 1— t— t g)^ g 8- ^ ^ ^ 5=^=3=^=^ g [) p -0- -9- -i^ "-• - # • i H \ ^ Be this our bat - tie- Thro' Per-sia's land of With prayer the song we'll Choeus. m ^ ^ H=? :3=F f Cm - ci - fied shall con-quer. And vie - to - ry is nigh. sto - ried Pal - es - ti - na, And Af-ric's des-ert gloom. This whole wide world speed the prayer with la-bor,Till earth shall crown Him King. r.-^'f f-.-fr t- J .J J J I . I .-r =b: f^^i ^ \ I \ M l^:MU cry; .... shall con-quer, bloom, Pal - es - ti - na, wing, .... with la - bor, Cop^runi. 19Utj, by Will L. Tbompsoo. Hope Publisbins Co., owners The Whole Wide World For Jesus i^^^^ ■ig-r- I ■42- S=9=i=4 ^F=t=tt ■(S>— r r For Je - sas! for Je - sns! This whole wide world for Je - sas Christ, our Lord. y p^±^= ^ ^^^^ =^^^ m 215 R. L. Beautiful River Robert Lowby ^ m iy-it-b- M W\- 4-i i ^-^- gii U fe=«=i^ :^ b 1. Shall we gath - er at the riv - er, Where bright an-gel feet have trod; 2. On the bos - om of the riv - er, Where the Sav - ior-King we own, 3. Ere we reach the shin-ing riv - er, Lay we ev - 'ry bar- den down; 4. Soon we'll reach the shining riv - er, Soon our pil-grim-age will cease; -^ — ^- L ^ "b~^i » w H - 4 i f : ^ ^- ^_^i^- fc I :P=£3 P ' J - l»-5— *- 1 1 p— 0-D-^ ^5=^^ £q^^3=j=gz^p :fc £^3^ -•-^ b With its crys - tal tide for - ev - er Flow-ing by the throne of God? We shall meet, and sor- row nev - er, 'Neath the glo - ry of the throne- Grace our spir - its will de - liv - er. And pro- vide a robe and crown. Soon oar hap - py hearts will qui - ver With the mel - - dy of peace. 0- I l^fc^ p- i=^: -H -p — b P b :p=p: 5 =F= Chorus Yes, we'll gather at the riv - er. The beau- ti-ful, the beau-ti - ful riv - er, i ^ — I — P^- b^ ^ ir-r p b p b ~r ^^^ &=d^=E-=!^ ii=F te^^^Sa ^ ^F=r? :f5=^: r ^ s Gath- er with the saints at the riv - er That flows by the throne of God. -j^. -0- -0-, -0- r^^ ^ . -p- -^- r*i j?-s— ft IjT-^-S-^^-S -' -^ X- P — P- %fr ^ ' b \>' b =P-4)- b - :^ i= i^ I ■• ^^ i Copyright property of Mary Runyon Lowry. Used by permission 216 Count Your Blessings i Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. :fc=:fc=fe: E. O. ExcEU. :t^ ^ r ; D P;. iE :t5=& i :r=t t=t=t ± t=r 1. When up -on life's bil-lows you are tern - pest - tossed, When you are dis- 2. Are you ev - er bur-dened with a load of care? Does the cross seem 3. When you look at oth - ers with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has 4. So, a - mid the con-flict, whether great or small, Do not be dis- :p •_! , p..p . ft p .r^ . p ^ ^ fefeg iE aia-2_k. E fr4p ii p ti ^ i> m — » l^t^~tr"P" P P l^ P tK^. e J^ P M h h h ^ f-^ j^ n r^ 1 ^^ 1 *— l=d- — « i -^ U U U — ^ — -t i i I' -^-? ^^ « i—0 « ._ 1_^| 41 w . : , cour-aged, think-ing all is lost, Count your man-y bless-ings, name them heav - y you are called to bear? Count your man-y bless-ings, ev - 'ry prom-ised you Ilis wealth un - told; Count your man-y bless-ings, mon-ey cour-aged, God is o - ver all; Count your man-y bless-ings, an - gels • • • m m -f- -r- f— m m » m "T" • • (m\' i-i r , 1 ; i i^J-l \> # ^ t* i» Y^ ^ » « # m 1* • ^-^\) hi * » • 1' [7 • » I) lj 1) 1) 1 [) 1 P 1 ^ ■>r P ::5=fc 7^ £3 i =ir ^ 1- - Copyri -Vt i- g D b b =rtf ^^^^ i^n? Chorus te £ t -f— ^l^ZIl^ -3)- f- *-^ Thou art call-ing. Do not pass me by. deep eon- tri- tion, Help my un - be - lief, Sav - ior, Sav - ior, Hear my humble bro - ke^n spir - it, Save me by Thy grace. earth beside Thee? Whom in Heav'nbutThee? ^^ ^ l2=^=|=tte r PFT i* m :fc^ i i=UUJJ 3351^ 3^ cry; While on oth- ers Thou art call-ing. Do not pass me by. l^^S ^ ■<5^ i fc: -5 b b I) b -^ 2z: P Copyright property of Fannie T. Doane 220 W. C. Martin, arr. My Anchor Holds D. B. Towner :±=*±=?= Tho' the Might-y I can Troub-les 5==^==*:^=::^ P3 ^zizzr: -f?-- fi- Pt^=i=n=t — ^J an - gry sur - ges roll tides a - bout me sweep, feel the an - chor fast al- most 'whelm the soul; iP: 5^: On my tem Per - lis lurk As I meet Griefs like bil - -•-. -•- -•-. —I 1 r— fr — pest-driv - en sonl, with - in the deep» each sud - den blast, lows o'er me roll; --9—P=P=^ 1 -^- -e~^ :iii -«<-s- S'-S- I am peace - ful, for I An - gry clouds o'er-shade the And the ca - ble, though un Tempters seek to lure a - -•-• -tf- I f) - - know. Wild - ly though sky, And the tem - -seen. Bears the heav ■ stray; Storms ob - scure the winds may blow, pest ris - es high; ■ y strain be-tween; the light of day: ESiEE?^^=t '^^ :p=F=F 1 h 1 1 t) 1 D 1 1 1 it-^^^ -i^-i—i^i- -f^ • 1 — :3«^ :^-— 1— « J- =2^^ d ^ p I've Still Thro' But an I the in an - chor safe and stand the tem-pest's storm I safe - ly Christ I can be ^ % S h — sure, shock ride, bold, 1 -'5>-. 9 • That For Till I've can my the an -%- ev - er-more en - an - chor grips the turn - ing of the an - chor that shall dure. Rock, tide, hold. ^ _ -b- _»:^ *__| L h p — t)- 4 -—^ J- d Chorus J ^^N— J- ^=^ ^.=^ •-T -0— D ^ \^ /I I I I \ J ^' And it holds, my an - chor holds; Blow your wild - est, then, And it holds, my an - chor holds; Blow your wild - - - est, p :i gale, On my hark so small and frail: By His grace I shall not then, gale, U— ^ Copyritrht, 1909, by Charles M. Alexander -f)-^ My Anchor Holds .1 4 2* I fail, For my an For my an T chor chor holds, -i r holds, firm - ly J.. r holds, my an - chor holds. -^- ■^ i It -PZ- ^' 221 Sweet Hour of Prayer W. W. Walford Wm. B. Bbadburt M ^ lF=t fc^^ ^ r=r t=^ ^=rj ^ 1. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care, 2. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer ! Thy wings shall my pe - ti - tion bear 3. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer ! May I thy con - so - la - tion share. i^ p r ^ =£^ t: ^ ^ :P: ^=r ^ t=r 15: ^ And bids me at my Fa-ther's throne Make all To Him whose truth and faith-ful-ness En-gage Till, from Mount Pisgah's loft - y height, I view =s=r ^=3: i: my wants and wish the wait-ing soul my home, and take - es known; to bless; my flight: 1=£=^ ^ ^ fe^ ^=i=^ r i :r T ^ In sea - sons of dis-tress and grief, My soul And since He bids me seek His face, Be-lieve This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise To seize has oft - en found His word and trust the ev - er - last - re - lief, His grace, ing prize; f=S=F m ^ i t ^ =i=s 1^ And oft es - caped the tempter's snare By thy re -turn, sweet hour of prayer. I'll cast on Him my ev - 'ry care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. And shout, while passing thro' the air. Farewell, farewell,sweet hour of prayer. W ^ ^ =5^^ i ^^ ^ 222 When Love Shines In Mrs. Frank A. Breck Wm. J. KlRKPATRICK M m r=>— : -f?— ^ :t=t5=q: 8: ir^:-^^ l±«=tg=l=l=^ ID I 1. Je - sus comes with pow'r to gladden, When love shines in, 2. How the world will grow with beauty, When love shines in, 3. Dark-est sor - row will grow brighter, When love shines in, 4. We may have un - fad - iug splendor, When love shines in, -#- -•- -•- h Ev - 'ry life that And the heart re- And the heav-iest And a friend-ship l^fcfcS— t Si 1)1=:^ V ^ P" ^ m4^^ -F -r-'-,^ — p-1 — t^ li- h T ' fe i=|: i^i 3E M-i ■ — -* r - j\ --r- ■ * r Love will teach us how to pray, Tri - als may be sane - ti - fied, 'Tis the glo - ry that will throw When earth vic-t'ries shall be won, woe can sad-den. When love shines in. joice in du-ty, When love shines in. bur- den light-er, When love shines in. true and ten- der, When love shines in. -^ -^000 • » • 1 D D D — P" ^-^ 0^^ mmMi ^ *=r^ ^ h^ h n ±\ fc 5r^ -I M :|5: S ^ * l >* m i 4^? ' ' r ' " \ u ' ^ ^ ' " " r^ Love will drive the gloom away, Turn our darkness in - to day, When love shines in. And the soul in peace a-bide, Life will all be glo-ri-fied, When love shines in. Light to show us where to go; 0,theheartshallblessingknow,Whenlove shines in. And our life in Heav'n begun, There will be no need of sun. When love shines in. S #— 1^ -]- -0^^ n^-h- =P= 1—7 I Chorus !?=& I ^^ ^ When love shines in, When love shines in,. When love shines ^J J> J -.J> i-r-J. m yt =*=^ fc?: ::t It When love shines in, When love shines in, When love shines in,., £ ^^^ S f f t»± =^^^ How the heart is tuned to sing-ing, When love . . shines in; When love shines in; f f T> 1 1 r r f r =1 ^ nz^ H ^ ^ fjiH r L) t)~g f^^f^ Copyright, 1902. by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. Hope Publiabios Co.. 0WD«c When Love Shines In When love shines in, When love When love shines in, . . . 1 ^ }^ ^ Ir- shines m,. fefeit T^ P 1 ±±: When love shines in, When love shines in, ^ When love shines in, . rfc I r ^ =P= :9 H Joy and peace to oth - ers bring-ing, When love shines in. When love, when love shines in.. ^ J V - ^ :g: ^ J. j^ j P . U i fc=Pt ^^=5= J±=t ^ =^ IP: f^ 223 Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve Philip Doddridge Hakdel te^^^^ -S T"-* ■»T I-=-h| ^•- -«1 ■! *-»-•■ C9 I u l^tl #-•- 1. Awake, my soul, stretch ev'ry nerve, And press with vig-or on! A heav'n-Iy 2. A cloud of wit-ness-es a-round Hold thee in fullsur-vey; For-getthe 3. 'Tis God's all - an - 1 - mat - ing voice That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis His own 4. Blest Sav-ior, in-tro-duced by Thee, Have I my race be-gun; And, crowned with J. - f^ 1 .a A 9 5=?: ;3- ^ J..^-M^J: Mtdz '^» -p ^ ^ ^. i s -#,: s= •H 1 — I — I- l=r i^ ?*=^ P-^-f ir -.2^ race de-mands thy zeal. And an im-mor-tal crown, And an im-mor-tal crown, steps al - read - y trod. And onward urge thy way, And on-ward urge thy way. hand pre-sents the prize To thine as-pir - ing eye. To thine as-pir - ing eye. vie -fry, at Thy feet I'll lay my hon-ors down, I'll lay my hon-ors down. m J?4 -0 • W — h# • • # (5>— s I I #=?- f ig-j- 224 Faith Is the Victory John H. Yates Iha D. Sankey =^ ^=^ d^ #- -0- -0- -•- -0- -0- 1. En-camped a -long the hills of light, Ye Chris-tian sol-diers, rise, And 2. His ban-ner o - ver us is love, Our sword the Word of God; We 3. On ev - 'ry hand the foe we find Drawn up in dread ar - ray; Let 4. To him that o - ver-comes the foe, White rr.i-ment shall be giv'n;Be- -A ^ ^^^^^^ =5= i ^=*= ^rzA' i -0- -0- -#^-#- -0 :^ ■^ #- ■0^'-0- 0' J: m press the bat- tic ere the night ShrJl veil the glow-ing ski's. A-gainst the foe in tread the r^ a'' the saints a-bove With shouts of triumph trod. Py faith , they like a tents of ease left be-hind, And — onward to the fray. Sal- va-tion's helmet fore the an- gels he shall knowHisnameconfessedinheav'n.Thenonward from the -• — — 0- -0 »- t f r , i 7t - t-it-^£ ^^ 4 P f- ¥^ ^~\~^ -ih -^ 1 — Xr-\ i=^ =l^=* M n^ —\ =1 1 1 -0 s ^— t vales be-low Let all our strength ^c hurled; Faith is the vie -to - ry, we know, whirlwind's breath, Swept on o'er ev-'ry field; The faith by which th-y conquered Death on each head, With truth all girt a - bo'~t, The earth shall tremblc'neatho;:r tread, hills of light. Our hearts with lovea-flame; We'll vanquish all the hosts of night, ^- 0- J^-^ W^ /'7\ Chorus r'^^ That - ver-comes the world. Is still our shin- ing shield, And ech - o with our shout. In Je-sus'conqu'ringname. Faith is the vic-to-ry! Faith is the vie - to - ry I . A Faith is tho Faith 19 the :ii=?= =5=P=^ -jg-^ Copyright, 1919. by the heirs of Ira D. Saakey. Renewal. Used by permission tr-tr Faith Is the Victory i in ^= ^ :^ ^ id . d S S - P S=f T^ vie -to-ry! Oh, glo-ri-ous vie - to - ry, That o - ver-eomes the world, vie - to-ry! .,- ^ ..._J*: ^ J^ .^. -^ -#- -m-. ^ -» — »— -#4-# — s ^ =p= =^ b b b T 225 W. D. LONGSTAPP Take Time to Be Holy Geo. C. Stebeins S ^3 ^ ^ izz^-j ^ ft=S^-^— *^ ^ ^-— s l± n!: 1. Take time to be 2. Take time to be 3. Take time to be 4. Take time to be ho - ly, Speak oft with thy Lord; A - bide in Him ho - ly, The world rush-es on; . . Spend mach time in ho - ly, Let Him be thy Guide, And run not be- ho - ly, Be calm in thy soul;. Each tho't and each -fi- =P=FS 'mr b I) b- -b— ^— b- 1 P— tr ^t=t5: t— h— ^ -A±=i=^ i -^r- — ^p^ :%^=tF=^ -*-'—# «-v al- se - fore mo- ff^;=l?±=f± b ways. And feed on His Word. Make friends of God's cret With Je - sus a - lone — By look - ing to Him, What - ev - er be - tide;.. In joy or in tive Be - neath His con - trol;.. Thus led by His chil- dren; Je - SQS, sor ■ ■ row, Spir - it -»- »-. -*-I- ^ \,> \r tj — t? — tr ^^^ feU: ^^ ^El^ ^-^— ^ t^; i- -o-'-0-» Help those who are weak; For - get-ting in noth-ing His bless-ing to seek. Like Him thou shalt be; • . Thy friends in thy con-duct His hkeness shall see.. Still fol-low thy Lord, And,look-ing to Je - sus. Still trust in His Word. To foun-tains of love, Thou soon shalt be fit -ted For serv-ice a - bove. -»-^»-^ -0-^ ^ ^ f ]i=t #L_ 5_^5qq i — b b u Copyright, 191S, by Geo. C. Stebbins. Renewal. Hope Publishing Co., owner -| p— tr 226 C. A. M. If Jesus Goes With Me C. Austin Miles ^^SP^ :|5: 3?=i!: 3t=*: i l±|: ^ 1. It maybe in the val-ley, where countless dangers hide; It may be in the 2. It maybe I must car -ry the bless- ed word of life A- cross the burning 3. But if it be my por-tion to bear my cross at home, Whileothersbeartheir 4. It is notmineto ques-tion the judg-mentsof my Lord, It is but mine to e^ £=^ -n -i- - te— * =a: I: Efei=F&=5=p: ^ tic t -8-!-H'-! ;^i — p-r 1 — r r-p-i — p- i^ ^^e d: 33^ 3i sun - shine that I, in peace, a - bide; But this one thing I know — if des - erts to those in sin - ful strife; And tho' it be my lot to bur -dens be-yondthe bil- low's foam, I'll prove my faith in Him— con- fol - low the lead-ings of His Word; But if to go or stay, or 3E =& if=:^ £= - \ i> \ i> l±r|=l^ :t:^ J: :p: W-)r ^t=p: ffiii kig#^3pffsi J i t±t ■0-i- I M it be dark or fair, If Je - sus is with me, TU go an - y - wherel bear my col-ors there,If Je - sus goes with me, I'll go an - y - where! fess His judgments fair. And, if He stays with me, I'll stay an - y - where! wheth-er here or thereJ'U be, with my Sav-ior, Con-tent an - y - where! -0- -#-•-•- 1^ =^ ^ ^ ^ i -t p- Chorus Ji^fe—^ f r~^ ^ ±9±=i± 4- V \'- \ P — • — ♦^^- sa ?^=^ .^-i_^_ •-* — 0— ud*: ^ !:5p If Je-sus goes with me, I'll go . • An - y - where! 'Tis heaven to me, Wher I'll go CTzrf-r^ ^m t?— b-p— P— b-p ■ i T ' I in=E=cii ■ ^ £ JL .0. JL it -P P P :p: -^ M_D_JL_t^ ^E^^ef^iE5±iE£tj^ S±=J: e'er I may be. If He is bP there! I count it apriv-i-lege here.. His His cross, His sg£; = >-4--:--; r FJ. J. ir fhr rr *• . , n^ ^£^^ p P I P- - I ^ : =^ 1i'^-r- if. li_ t r— »— | i- pz= ni=Mi. — 1 s^ • ^ K M - ^-. -l Pi — Lh, U K* u» U p, Li ■ v I I ' -r p 'p t ^ p p & ^ p I PI p ' Copyright, 1908, by Hall-Mack Co. If Jesus Goes With Me i ]_L4-.^.v^_4i l^=^=t m^^^^m cross to bear;.. If Je-sus goes with me, I'll go... An - y - where! cross, His cross to bear; -•-• -#- -#-•#• -«. -#-• -0. .#- .0. .0.* .0. -tcr^ I I W^^^ 4)— fe) D l> U-sl : f^ ?:i?E ^ S 227 I Need Thee Every Hour Mrs. Annie S. Hawks Rev. Robert Lowby ^^ 33E te=t5: ^=i^ :^ -•- -^ :^ ^ to55: ntntat rr :i=i: 1. I need Thee ev - 'ry hoar, Most g-ra - ciousLordiNo ten - der voice like 2. I need Thee ev-'ry hoar, Stay Thou nearby; Temp-ta-tions lose their 3.1 need Thee ev - 'ry hour, In joy or pain; Come quick-ly and a- 4. I need Thee ev-'ry hour, Most Ho - ly One; make me Thine in- -I 1- *^ ■7^ ^ ^a±3=^=M I r^ p p Chorus ^^^P^^^ r h\ 1 1 1 :S=:3: Thine Can peace af - ford. pow'rWhenThou art nigh. I needThee.O I need Thee; Ev - 'ry hoar I bide, Or life is vain. deed, Thon bless- ed Son! fefeS ■i-^ ^ n. S *-r-#-; i- D I) D' I i> D D ^ ^ ^=15: l^=3=i ^ !=Efe^ 3=^ need Thee! bless me now, my Sav - ior, I come to Theel Copyright, 1914. by Mary Runyon Lowry, Renewal. Used by permission i 228 His Eye is On the Sparrow Mrs. C. D. Martin Chas. U. Gabriel h r^ J J^ ±=^ m 1. Why should I feel discouraged, "Why should the shadows come, Why should my 2. "Let not your heart be troubled," His ten-der word I hear, And rest-ing 3. When-ev-er I am temp-ted, When-ev-er clouds a - rise, When songs give ^tC^zfi d <> '^ 4- J- -^- i^ i=^ ^ ?sp gitF=: tB SS heart be lonely And long for Heav'n and home, When Jesus is my portion? My on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears; Tho' by the path He leadeth But place to sighing. When hope within me dies, I draw the clo-ser to Him, From ± h.-f--*- t- 1 — f~ m 5=t fi ^rr n^ tt *-f — 0- -0~f- i=^fu ^ 1 ,N j j - ^ i ^^ U- g -, ^ -I'^i^ s ^ rr"^ constant Friend is He: His eye one step I may see: His eye care He sets me free; His eye is on the spar-row. And I know He watches is on the spar-row, And I know He watches is on the spar-row, And I know He cares for i t- ^ ^^P E r \-Xl \ :^5=t5: me; His eye is on the me; His eye is on tlie me; His eye is on the sparrow. And I know He watches me. sparrow. And I know He watches me. sparrow, And I know He cares for me. t= J i^ ;^ j ,j ^ l i ^^ ^^ 5^ f.^^p — r^ s Copyright, 1905, by Charles M. Alexander. International Copyright eecured Chorus. His Eye is On the Sparrow * j^=^ i 5 I 5cz^ -n 1 — tr-r- . b ^ b P I sing be-cause I'm hap-py, (I'm happy,) I sing be-cause I'm free, (I'm free,) -- g -t- T . f . f . . ■ f ,-r f 1- t i- * * ^ i £ :f=t: fe -I I I I ^ =?^ S ±i V- S=P= p P ' i^ ' ? u b fe^^M ^ f) ! h. ^ raK. Si^^ ^^S '-r -z^ For His eye is on the spar-row, And I know He watches me. A - MEN. ^^wrT~ ^ ^^-^^ i^ 229 I Love Him English Hymn Book S. C. Foster i m :f5=:^ :I5=^ =^^=^ ± =S=F =F 1. Gone from my heart the world and all its charm; Gone are my sins and 2. Once I was lost up - on the plains of sin; Once was a slave to 3. Once I was bound, but now I am set free; Once I was blind, but % ^^^ "P b I I) V D i^ P -v-^-r =p= irf: ^ i 1: D—tT -rr-tr g: ^ ^ -d - =P= -^ St -^1 5^—* — '^ all that would a - larm; Gone ev - er-more, and by His grace I know The doubts and fears with-in; Once was a-fraid to trust a lov-ing God, But now the light I see; Once I was dead, but now in Christ I live, To fe -f^—^ ±= ^^ m p p p p 5= p p I) [--^ =^=^ 0= S 1^^ i ft=fc=fc D. S. — Be-cause He first loved me, A7id Fine. ^ ^ ^ D. S. g^ s . # i^ ^^ -•-=- T<— »- 1=^— 1^ S^ ^ pre-cious blood of Je - sus cleanses white as snow. now my guilt is washed a- way in Je - sus' blood. I love Him, I love Him, tell the world the peace that He a -lone can give. ^^ ^ ^ A-men. JlM-jL m ^^ ± 4i= I ! - ^ ?==* » *] '» ^ ^ -§ i =P^^ P^t) P P purchased my sal ' va • iio» on Cal'vWy'stree, 230 Lizzie DbArmono If Your Heart Keeps Right B. D. ACKLEY \ h s N ]/{^ -IN P ^ J ^ ^ 1^ 1 1 J ' ^ 1 / W Y^ P ' J 1 f J P ^ n ' J 4 ~ \ fr\ ^ \> \ 2 » S • • 1 J P J S^=5 d— S=^ \v> "4- g m • • • f J • J ' P ■ P • ' b 1. If the dark shad-ows gath- er As you go a - long', Do not 2. Is yoar life just a tan - gle, Fall of toil and care? Smile a 3. There are bios- soma of gladness 'Neath the win- ter's snow, From the , ^. , . y ^f— rt= p T T ft 1 P—x-^ 1 r f f . ^^n±^ ^ _p » -p p p '^ i^ » 1 ^ > p — ^' 174 ^ J U \^ — V — V — U — '■ -A , 1 U — r^ — 1 :^=t5: ^ T ± tr- It J2zp: S 1 P— P— p ' grievefortheir coming, Sing a cheer- y song; There is joy for thetak-ing, bit as you iour-ney,Oth-ers' burdens share; Do not take troub-le hard-er gloom and the darkness Comesthemorning'sglow; Nev-er give up the bat- tie, . _ _ -P -i- It .P f P - -0- :ti- P P 1 tfcz?: :p=p: S =P=g= 52: :P= P P P P i: ift 4:^J^-^ ^=t ±=^ ^ :S: ^S^ ^ ^— ^ b - - P It will soon be light,-Ev- 'ry cloud wears a rainbow If your heart Than you real-ly might, Skies will grow blue and sunny If your heart Yon will win the fight, Gain the rest of the vie -tor. If your heart keeps right, keeps right, keeps right. p r r m m fe^ v=^ V^—L =P=^ P P ' I Chorus ', fc^tc &=tr &-tFi=i ^^m M-^. If your heart keeps right. If your heart keeps right. There's a song of - - \ I ; f p siyt ±± « — » — p- 1 — p— p" zfe ^ t!=* j I .h ^3^ m #— ( ^ s :t5#- ^ It;. glad-ness in the dark -est night; If your heart keeps right, ^^ - -•- P n n— j < < i r ^ If your (yj;,,? u ji =b=ti > Copyright, 1915, by Homer A. Bodeheaver. loternational CooyrlghX eecured v-^ If Your Heart Keeps Right ± i i^ -N t^ ^i i ^ 3 heart keeps right, Ev-'ry cloud will wear a rain-bow, If your heart keeps right. m fee Near the Cross 231 Fanny J. Crosby W, H. DOANB :^ t& m ^-^— ;-^- ^ Its: -^- E 1. Je - sns, keep me near the cross, 2. Near the cross, a trem-bling soul, 3. Near the cross! Lamb of God, 4. Near the cross I'll watch and wait, There a pre-cions foun Love and mer - cy found Bring its scenes be - fore Hop - ing, trust-ing, ev ^ tain me; me; er, -•- =P=^ H 4- I — u-h- ^- ^ tr-r $ p=^- s t I J' j i -f- -•- -•- -#- 3^3^ Try -«-s- Free to all — a heal ■ There the Bright and Morn Help me walk from day Till I reach the gold ing stream, Flows from Cal- v'ry's -ing Star Sheds its beams a - to day, With its shad-ows • en strand. Just be - yond the moun round o'er riv • ^ tain, me. me. er. ^ -^ v=f~irn^ ■p-r Chokus i i :^ ^a ^ ^ In the cross, in the cross. Be my glo - ry ev - er; -H*>-^ :t2=t: t ^ tc my rap P I tured soul shall find Rest TiU be- yond the riv - er. ^t I ^ ^ r-v-TT Copyright. 1890. by W. H. Doane. Used by permission 232 More Like the Master c. a G. Chas. H. Gabriel ^ ^m^-J^^ fr ^ ^M^4=i=al=^ ^ n 1. More like the Mas- ter Iwouldev-er be, More of His meek-ness, 2. More like the Mas -ter is my dai-ly prayer; More strength to car-ry 3. More like the Mas -ter I would live and grow; More of His love to l 1. I i ! r I — r-r r t- r-^-rr iT i \ \t^ =M ^S5 i2:^ » . » . f P — t— Jdft^Filr3J Si more hu- mil- i - ty; More zeal to la-bor, morecour-age to be true, cross-es I must bear; More ear-nest ef- fort to bring His kingdom in; oth - ers I would show; More self-de - ni - al, like His in Gal - i - lee, -g. -^ -^ -^ Ql ^^^ ^P ?= rT"ir r p f^-p mux: d=3 % ^^^ ^ rit. Chorus. m in 5 n -^ f f More con - se - era - tion for work He bids me do. More of His Spir-it, the wan-der - er to win. More like the Mas -ter I long to ev-er be. ^ . Pi P . Take Thou my r^ -•— b. — I — Take my heart, \j/-r-^ r f f ^^=p= T^r -V — h- heart, . . I would be Thine a-lone; . . Take Thou my heart. . and take my heart, I would be Thine a-lone; Take my heart, take my heart and PS^^i f | f f -Mi\i If r -# — 0- DSS^ ^^ N#i^ ^ M^h - j J1,J j>^ make it all Thine own; . . Purge me from sin, ... Lord, I now un- make it all Thine own; Purge Thou me from ev'ry sin, Lord, I CopyriKbt, 1906, by Chas. U. Gabriel. £. O. Excell, owner More Like the Master i jfit ^^^^^ ±: ^- i=i M I L) I ' r c r E' plore, • . . Wash me and keep. ■ ■ • me Thine for-ev now im-plore, Wash and keep, wash and keep me Thine for-ev r^ er - more, er - more. \^:^ -M 233 And Am I Born to Die? Charles Wesley Arr. by Arthur S. Suluvan ■^~ ^^^ m I And am I born to die? To lay this bod-y down? And mast my trembling Soon as from earth I go, What will become of me? E - ter - nal hap-pi- Who can re - solve the doubt That tears my anxious breast? Shall I be with the Thou who wouldst not have One wretched sin-ner die; Who diedst Thyself my S t=t: r i -^. 8: t=P= E^t t±z% E * -^ J J S :^ t=z ^ i4=r spir - it fly In - to a world unknown, A land of deep-est shade, Unpierced by ness or woe Must then my portion be: Waked by the trumpet's sound, I from my damned cast out, Or numbered with the blest? I must from God be driv'n, Or with my soul to save From endless mis-er-y; Show me the way to shun Thy dreadful i^ -©i-j— hu - man tho't, The drear-y re - gions of the dead. Where all things are forgot? grave shall rise. And see the Judge, with glory crowned. And see the flaming skies! Sav - ior dwell; Must come at His command to heav'n, Or else — de-part to hell! wrath se-vere. That when Thou comest on Thy throne I may with joy ap - pear. - ■ -i- * I * ?: * al i^ 5 Till r 234 Dwelling in Beulah Land C. A. M. C. Austin Miles 1. Far a - way the noise of strife up - on my ear is fall -ing, Then I know the 2. Far be - low the storm of doubt up - on the world is beat- ing, Sons of men in 3. Let the storm-y breez-es blow, their cry can-not a-larm me; I am safe -ly 4. Viewing here the works of God, I sink in con-tern- pla-tion, Hearing now His m f^ s -#— ^ ■»-^ — •- v=f=^ f :3=t sins of earth be - set on ev-'ry hand: Doubtandfearandthiugsof earth in bat - tlelong the en - e-my with-staud: Safe am I with -in thecas-tle sheltered here, pro-tect-ed by God's hand: Here the sun is al-ways shin-ing, bless-ed voice, I see the way He planned: Dwell-ing in the Spir-it, here I ^i -^ — #- f=F= -^-i It t I f- t' t~r~T r- tr=^ vain to me are call -ing, Noneof these shall move me from Beu-lah Land. of God's word re-treat - ing, Nothing then can reach me — 'tis Beu - lah Land. here there's naught can harm me, I am safe for - ev - er in Beu-lah Land, learn of full sal-va-tion, Glad-ly will I tar-ry in Beu-lah Land. ? & i- ytifz: ^ :t: -is?- 19-^ r -,^ I I It Choeus I I I *^ ^ :S?^=t tnizfe: i—f ^T^ r I'mliv-ing on the moun-tain, un-der-neath a cloud-less sky, I'm Praise Godl t=^ ?~r~p^ =^F= r~t^"T~rt~ p =^ e^^p^^i^ i 5bi i nzitq: 1^— s^ drink-ing at the foun-tain that never shall run dry; yes! I'm feasting on the m ^ 1 — r g^^ ^^^ Copyright, 1911. by Hall-Mack Ck). International Copyrlffht secured Dwelling In Beulah Land 0^^^^m^^ i ^^dMd m B43 man-na from a boun-ti - ful sup-ply, For I am dwelling in Beu - lah Land. ff — «— ,-P — ^ ^ — (2 — m. -f^ 1^33 pg: I ^—-^ rrr^ f ■45"-^ 235 His Yoke is Easy ^- R. B. Hudson t :^5=^ r(i h r^ P =1^ :fc -J M iD^ ^=s=r=5 ^ ^ 1. The Lord is my Shep-herd, I shall not want; He mak-eth me down to 2. My soul cri-eth out: "Ee-store me a -gain, And give me the strength to 3. Yea, tho' I should walk the val - ley of death, Yet why should I fear from m ft ^— ^# « (■ ^ ft—^ — H ksSi m V — ; r ^.=p=^ TT-n^-n p- =W=!5: :t5=:i: i^J=S=f ■i^C" 4=^8= i-^ lie In pas-tures green. He lead - eth me The qui - et wa-ters by. take The nar- row path of right-eous-ness, E'en for His own name's sake." ill? For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me com - fort still. 4- id2z±z $=1 4=^=5 t=^ — ^^^ — • — • — • — •- -' T — D — I — p- p=±pz Chorus ^^=^ 1^5=:^^ 1^!=:^!=^ it=t ■ai B il P ^^— * « • •— * 1-^ -i d 1 -M I- 1- j__q^ 8 J. ■ {■— S=^ — • — • — 1—^^% 9 ir—i-^t -1 -g. His yoke is eas-y, His bur-den is light, I've found it so, I've found it so; id2= JstEtEt^ t2=9=;2= ■l* b b b dz LL3'4j=.fc^^^4^ i r=l5: 1^ He lead- eth me by day and by night. Where liv-ing wa ters flow. Sfe :g=i r=F=r £ I 5^ p u i; f^ 23B H. E. Blair Meet Me There WM. J. KlRKPATRICK :fc=^: n^-i^-^ :^-i? r). ^ t' t Z^t ±z t^-t—r ^ -#-^ 1. On the hap -py, gold-en shore, Where the faithful part no more, When the 2. Here our fond-est hopes are vain, Dear-est links are rent in twain; But in 3. Where the harps of an - gels ring, And the West for - ev - er sing, In the f f f f f E^^ ^£ 1^ r^ll'^ t i I) t^ i'i ri l'^ ri I P r i ^ r 1 V ^ ^ ^ —5^ :fe S ^?=^ ^ -^v- jfz^t±=l=:l lit -^ -#-^ r ^ storms of life are o'er, Meet me there; Where the night dis-solves a -way Heav'n no throb of pain, Meet me there; By the riv - er spark-ling bright, pal - ace of the King, Meet me there; Where in sweet com-mun-ion blend P. .^ P. }^ -r ^- . ^. .. . £ i 4^ ^^^ D b b b v^ ^ ■r?-^ ^ r;^ ' J P ±=fe=fc s ^ r) ^ b ^ ^f^=t -0 • • r -^ P - - - 7 Si/ I In - to pure and per-fect day, I am go-ing home to stay, Meet me there. In the cit - y of de-light, Where our faith is lost in sight. Meet me there. Heart with heart and friend with friend , In a world that ne ' er shall end , Meet me there. i »=t±=^ H-F-5 - V ^~iy t v-^ i i: Chorus D. T il T -^— &. h !^ a ^^ s r yl ^=t^=t^ g-g r ---^' -*-= — *: ■0-^ "p" Meet me there, Meet me there. Where the tree of life is Meet me there, Meet me there, f f f . ,., . r-f.fff ^ s t^ t i Ij) tj t ^=gi i> , J h D ^ ^ 4q=J^ sat ^ bloom-ing, Meet me there; When the storms of life are o'er, On the Meet me there; IHE ^ 5t=i: ^^ l'^ ';^ ? i b=::t Copyright, 1885, and 1913, by Wm. Kirkpatrick, in Renewal Q , b 1^ R j f^ ^ h ^ Fj - Meet Me There ^^ i n±:±-: S i-^U^ n=^ t^ ^ hap-py, gold-en shore, Where the faithful part no more,Meet me there. Meet me there. JU-Jt^- e. leet me :e I F5=EE 237 David Denham Sweet Home Henry Rowley Bishop ^ ^-5=15: i i i i ^^T ^ n= S^^ 1. 'Mid scenes of con - f u - sion and creature complaints, How sweet to the 2. Sweet bonds that u - nite all the chil-dren of peace! And thrice pre-cious 3. While here in the val - ley of con - flict I stay, give me sub- 4. I long, dear-est Lord, in Thy beau-ties to shine; No more as an -^ 4=- 1i=N: 1 P— P : :|ci=)E ■i- P P- * Jl^EiEEi soul is com-mun- ion with saints; To find at the ban-quet of Je - sus, whose love can-not cease! Tho' oft from Thy pres-ence in mis -sion, and strength as my day; In all my af - flic-tions to ex - ile in sor - row to pine; And in Thy dear im - age a- 4=- t:_1=- -0- :l± -P— P- L-» "V~P :P=P= :P=p: ^3=45: ^m^^^ ^ ■M-v—^—d ^ \- mer - cy there's room, And feel in the sad-ness I roam, I long to be- Theewouldl come, Re-joic-ing in rise from the tomb, With glo - ri - fied f f -* — -i — -»■ pres-ence of Je - sus at home! hold Thee in glo - ry, at home, hope of my glo - ri-oushome. mil - lions to praise Thee at home. -•- P I th: :*=^ > — r- -=f :p=P: 42=P: -1 P — p- Refkain tr-^ -^=^- •4- r -0-^ t^Fr m Home, home, sweet, sweet home; Pre-pare me dear Savior, for heav-en, my home. -^ F=?^^ 4=- :^5=fc=3t I P P :t- I P 1^^ p~tr 238 To the Work Fanny J . CnOSBY =^ =#=J=t^ -^ H — j^ W. H. DOANE gr-4-ly 1. To 2. To 3. To 4. To =1- the the the the -*— work! work! work! work! —f — to to to to -F- -4^ « 5 J^ :?:- the work! we the work! let the work! then the work! in T ; 8 =3F are the 5 is the -^ -^ serv - ants hun - gry la - bor strength of =1^^^ — i—t- of God, Let us be fed; To the for all; For the the Lord, And a r r T f —h — • » » — fol - low the path that our Mas-ter has trod; With the balm of His foun - tain of life let the wear - y be led; In the cross and its king-dom of dark-ness and er - ror shall fall; And the name of Je- robe and a crown shall our la- bor re -ward; When the home of the r r r ^^- \ i: f: : T-f-;-ri7 T: "^ m =^=^ ^=^ ^^=^ i ILJLJ ^ J^ I ^ fcn^ fl I i ^^^ coun - sel our strength to re - new, Let us do with our might what our ban - ner our glo - ry shall be, While we her- aid the ti - dings, "Sal- ho - vah ex - alt - ed shall be, In the loud-swell-ing cho - rus. "Sal- faith - f ul our dwell -ing shall be, And we shout with the rau-somed, '"Sal- g-: I T T: -T-T T T- ^^4 £. ^ ^=^ ^p=p= ?=p= i~^ p Chorus. &=:^ S I ^ ^ t^ z ^ n — r- hands find to do. va - tion is free!" Toil- ing on, va - tion is free!" va - tion is free!" Toil - ing on, toQ-ingoD, toil - ing on, . t f.h M r- r f :- ^w i * — p — •-? — ♦- ^=t ^ ^^ rt Copyright, 1899. by W. H. Doane To the Work ^^S m i Toil-ing on, toil - ing on; Let us hope, Toil - ing on, toil - ing on; and trust, ^if Fff F?il f=t ^-^ -r-b- i S^ h .r) ^m I r^ let us watch, And la - bor till the Mas - ter comes. A -MEN. and pray. I ana pray, | '\> I) ^- v—t God Moves in a Mysterious Way 239 William CtowpER 1 1 Samuel Webbe ^7\ V tt «> 1 , J d ^j 1 -*,, 1 >' ^ fi A 1 1 ^^ 1 1 • ' • • J — * 1 ((V- 4 — -^ ! ~i^ ^ — -^ — U — « — -A i— * ^ •— -# ^^ — -1 — 1. God moves i 2. Deep in i 3. Ye fear-fi 4. Judge not t 5. His pur-p 11 ff ^ -^ n a mys - te - rioQS way His won-ders to per -form; He m-fath-om - a - ble mines Of nev - er - fail - ing skill, He 111 saints, fresh courage take; The clouds ye so much dread Are he Lord by fee - ble sense, But trust Him for His grace; Be- os - es wUl rip - en fast, Un - fold - ing ev - 'ry hour; The a^'4 ^ p r> fZi 1 fj ' # • rr f j3i f s r _ O \ ^ iL, ^ jH ^^4 1 — 4 ' \ r— U- ^ W~ \ — ' 1 fH f-r t ^'r St/ i,j' J J 1 1 ; 1 1 1 J L iJi ^jf^j^^gi f * r ' r r plants His foot-steps in the sea. And rides up - on the storm, treas - lires up His bright de-signs. And works His sov-'reign will, big with mer-cy, and shall break In bless -ings on your head, hind a frown-ing prov - i - dence He hides a smil - ing face, bud may have a bit - ter taste, But sweet will be the flow'r. A - men. ^ hJ r ,^J ^pa E 240 Lead Me Gently Home, Father W. L. T. W. L. Thompson y^'tJ- "V ^^^ ' r-frr p= •«^r- ^Jt^=± 1. Lead me gen-tly home, Fa-ther, Lead me gen-tly home, When life's tolls are 2. Lead me gen-tly home, Fa-ther, Lead me gen-tly home, In Ufe's dark-est ^ t±=t 4 ; ': i^ ^ ^ i—^ a , r^ P3E LLL^A^=LM=^^ •' I T I b~i^ ^m ^ :^ ^ ^ ■i^-i- end - ed, And part-ing days have come; Sin no more shall tempt me, Ne'er from hours, Father, When life's troubles come; Keep my feet from wand'ring, Lest from ^^ S^ ti V=^ * ' t 4 > J *^ _ •_!— J » » , » » 1;^ irWzf: S i J^ rit. , ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ f ^ * ' ztt Thee I'll roam, If Thou'lt on -ly lead me, Fa-ther, Lead me gen-tly home. Thee I'll roam, Lest I fall up -on the way-side, Lead me gen-tly home. , J . h . I ^ — #— 1-* — I — i ^' 4 i \ 4 ^ T ^—^ — Ji ' p ^^ M ^ :t-4:- E m -\ — r ^ i-e-b I Chorus. 15: i ^ i 1 F=y= Ei * ^ Lead me gen - tly home. Fa - ther, lead me gen - tly Lead me gen-tly home, Fa - ther, Lead me gen-tly home, Fa-ther, m ^- Pi i-i : ^ i ^ m Copyright property of Hope Publishing Ca Lead Me Gently Home, Father r :t ^E^=^ T I f Lest I fall up - on the way -side, Lead me gen - tly home. Lead me gen - tly, gen - tly home. 241 Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go George Matheson A. L. Peace 3^ P§^ ^ fc3= =-•.-=^5=3=' ■(S (S(-^ %=v 1. Love that wilt not let me go, 2. Light that fol - low'st all my way, 3. Joy that seek -est me thro' pain, 4. Cross that lift - est up my head, -g-: r— r— r :E: :J=j :p2=^ rest yield can dare k my wea - ry my flick-'ring not close my not ask to ^ X fc2=^; i|=: J?:^ -^ 1 ^ :^^=i=|i: :g=t soul in Thee; I give Thee back the life I owe. That torch to Thee; My heart re - stores its bor - rowed ray, That heart to Thee; I trace the rain -bow thro' the rain. And hide from Thee; I lay in dust life's glo - ry dead. And H«- -^- -P- ^ -&-'. -»- 0- -0- -0- -*- ^- -S>- ^ s 125 ^ :t=li: ^=z: — -n 9-W^p^-. m d M J- i^E^ I S=! in Thine o - cean depths its flow in Thy sun-shine's glow its day feel the prom - ise is not vain from the ground there blossoms red n- s ±1 — I — \- r — \ — r iQ: T May rich - er, full - er May bright-er, fair - er That morn shall tear - less Life that shall end - less -^a. ^ J3L be. be. be. be. i 242 I Must Tell Jesus E. A. Hoffman :t5=it=4 m . » g- 8 r^l ^ — • • •- — g^— I— LZ#-; — i= 1. I must tell Je - sus all of my tri - als; I can - not bear these 2. I must tell Je -sus all of my troub-les; He is a kind,com- 3. Tempted and tried I need a great Sav - ior, One who can help my 4. hovf the world to e - vil al - lures me! how my heart is fe^^-;^;Ehl-^-.l^-l- ? ^ p i^ i'^ I I? r~^ -#— 3S^ -p— p— t? ^ ^^l^^^^^P g^~fr-r^ b bur - dens a pas - sion- ate bur - dens to tempt- ed to J¥^ lone; Friend; bear; sin! PL) •[) [) In my dis- tress He kind-ly will help me; If I but ask Him, He will de - liv - er, I must toll Je - sus, I must tell Je - sus; I must tell Je - sus, and He will help me ^ I ft=i^t 'f-r m s^ :p=p: 5^^ P U p- -D P P i^ 4 Z- Chobcs P=^ i^P^ :jrz: ± ^ 4=g= -0~ He ev - er loves and cares for His Make of my troub - les quick-ly an He all my cares and sor-rows will - ver the world the vie -fry to own. end. share, win. i> D i) ^r I must tell Je SQS! i -»— 3£|E :t^^t •.i P ^ •a =t5=fc e-r- -p — p- i ^=±1 ^-^Jt-^ 3t=J: i;:i^ P P I must tell Je - sus! I can-not bear my bur-dens a - lone; I must tell -0- -f- -f- -#-. -•-. ^ m -P ■* • b b P P P- ^=^=9= I I p p =p: *^ P P P m- ^M J^ h f) T=«: Jt :^^±> 14^,^ :fi=:t^ ^=^ -f^- •-S— #- P P -- I ------- ^ - - |-W| Je - sus! I must tell Je-sus! Je- sus can help me, Je-sus a - lone. t Copyright, 1893. hv The Hoffman Music Ck). — p p P r- 1 — POP ^43 Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart C. H. M. ^ ^ ^- Mrs. C. H. MoRRig ^- — • — ^ jg g - t p^ r^ - 4^ ^^^ ;^^ 1. If you are tired of the load of your sin, Let Je - sus come 2. If 'tis for pu - ri - ty now that you sigh, Let Je - sus come 3. If there's a tern - pest your voice can - not still, Let Je - sus come 4. If you would join the glad songs of the blest. Let Je - sus come f^i^feE ^-^ft ^izSEiii i^^ :ci=t2: b p n :t5=ifa=:1^ J m •■ 5^s5=# ^^E^3±^Et^E^^|^?^t-^ in - to your heart; If you de - sire a new life to be - gin, in - to your heart; Fountains for cleans-ing are flow - ing near by, in - to your heart; If there's a void this world nev - er can fill, in - to your heart; If you would en - ter the man-sions of rest, & m^ : u bp u p p u u r 1? p p p- M P 3^ p p p Chorus -#— -n-^ Just now, your Let Je - sus come in - to your heart. -•— ^ ^EE^ ^ y2=E ^— p- Jr- -h it f^ ^ :^ ■^^ % t=^l -Tr 4-^ -^ #• ' •■• doubt-ings give o'er; Just now, re - ject Him no more; Just now, throw ^ # •^-,-#^= ^ •-r-» # # ^ ■ ■ J-^ V J— p p r =^ s :2: 'i ■": Tz ■ ^ » ^ il ^ - pen the door; Let Je - sus come in - to your heart -. — • , — r . f * f- -f- — ^ — -f- f -- •^^' i i= '^-^ P P :l:i=t2: Copyright, 189S, by H. L. Gibnour. Used by permissioQ 244 Let Him In J. B. Atchinson E. O. EXCELL teE -t- tr-^ t=t^ i :^ s: ^0^ ^ 1. There's a Stran-ger at the door, 2. - pen now to Him your heart, 3. Hear you now His lov - ing voice? 4. Now ad - mit the heav'n-Iy Guest, 1 gr 'Tfin Let Him in; Let Him in; Let Him in; Let Him in; Let the Sav-ior in, Let the Sav-ior in; I m » m_ jt Jr^ I ^^^ ^^^ bav-ior in, Let the Sav-ior m; i i V ii i ' |i [[rrc' . >yg^p.i!,i-f-m £&EE *=* ^^ ^ii tn^ He has been there oft be - fore, If you wait He will de - part, Now, oh, now malse Him your choice. He will make for you a feast, ,f f f * ^ Let Him in; Let Him in; Let ■ Him in; Let Him in; Let the Sav-ior in, Let the Sav-ior in; #— • — X l _^ ll .> ^ I ^S Let Him in, ere He is gone. Let Him in, the Ho - Let Him in, He is your Friend, He your soul will sure He is stand-ing at your door, Joy to you He will He will speak your sins for-giv'n. And when earth ties all m -*9-^ ^?=!^ -0 — 0- ly One, Je-sus de-fend. He will re -store. And Hia are riv'n, Hg will ^ ^ ^Hmr =F=F ^j j i j- 3 ^ 0^-0^ tnr rrr-rf^^ Christ, the Fa-ther's Son, Let " Him in. keep you to the end, Let Him in. name you will a - dore, Let Him in. take yoQ home to Heav'n, Let Him in. J-v I Let the Sav-ior in, Let the Sav-ior in. A-MEN. Copyrisrht. 190a by E. O. ExceU. Renewal 245 Softly and Tenderly W. L. T. Very slow PP ^ Will L. Thompson ^ ^ -^ h h :^=f5: :^5=r5: :^: lizzi: i t5=f5: ^=*=4 ^ 3P=i^: ^^-^ :ir 1. Soft - ly and ten-der-ly Je-sns is call-ing, Call - in g for you and for me; 2. Why should we tarry when Jesus is plead-ing, Pleading for you and for me? 3. Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing,Passing from you and from me; 4. Oh! for the won-der-ful love He has promised,Promised for you and for me; ^-^ t^t-^ «±3ECEEra ^^ t—r EEP^ =P=^=g=Fp^ LJ2Z&P ifzzt I) p l> ff b^ j^ J^ r; jil^ tr-tr -r^-fe. j-tr^ -tv-tr 3!=<* tr± a!=^ :^33C :i= ^=«^ ^ V ^ ^ J -i^ — ^ Hr W^^ ^ See, on the portals He's waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me. Why should we linger and heed not His mercies, Mer-cies for you and for me? Shadows are gathering,death-beds are coming, Com-ing for you and for me. Tho'wehavesinned, He has mercy and pardon. Par-don foryouandfor me. • — # — • — •-*— • — a — r*-^ ^3^=K :8=t F=f=^ B=r " P ~ Lr - p - % tr-p— ^-p- ^ p-p- Chorus m ^- -^1— ■-* — h — — ■- 1> B u — a— h — b— f- W^ •#-^ ^if-p" ^g Come home,.. come home, Ye who are wear-y, come home;... Come home, come home, -J- J '""V '^•-» -•--♦--♦--#- -#-. — -•- — ^. _ TT _ la- -t- -t- 1- ¥=P= t2=tt =t^=^=P= /?P ^ PPP n<. ^^^^^:rft=^ -M^-J^M =# PP t^-^ t=A ^^ ■MH^-- T^-^ ^ 3t=i: Ear-nest-ly, ten-der-ly, Je-sas is call-ing, Call-ing, sin-ner, come home! r-r — P * P — • ^ — ^^r ^ ■m — »-s — a~ g^ ^-^ J2z^ b b f=F^ •^ b ^ ,^ ^^ D u ■b-^ i=^=i:;^=P^P M Hope Publishing Co., owners. Used by permission 246 Rescue the Perishing Fanny J. Crosby WlLLIAM H. DOANB ^^^^^^^^^m 1. Res - cue the per-ish-ing, Care for the dy - ing, Snatch them in pit - y from 2. Tho'theyareslighting Him, Still He is wait-ing, Wait-ing the pen - i - tent 3. Down in the hu-man heart, Crushedbythetempter,Feel-ings lie bur - ied that 4. Kes - cue the per-ish-ing. Da - ty de-mands it; Strength for thy la-bor the fc=± ^^ &=f=^ -T^ r> 1 t 6=^ f ^t ^ —i—t=^§^ ^Tf I I sin and the grave; Weep o'er the er - ring one, Lift up the fall - en, child to re-ceive; Plead with them ear-nest-ly, Pleadwiththemgen-tly, grace can re - store; Touched by a lov - ing heart, Wak-ened by kind-ness, Lord will pro - vide; Back to the nar-row way Pa - tient - ly win them; m -tr- y^W k ^ 1 P— P- 1 u D t) i)—r ■b-^ :t2=P= Chorus ^m p^ ri^^=^^F^=^=^^ 1 s £ ^ Tell them of Je - sus the migh - ty to save. He will for - give if they on - ly be-lieve. Res-cue the per-ish-ing. Chords that are bro - ken will vi - brate once more. Tell the poor wan-d'rer a Sav - ior has died. :t=t: 1i=6^ ^ I :p=9= =P=P^ =P=?= V ■p— r I Md - ^-HH^ |±=*: -m » S Care for the dy - ing; Je - sus is mer-ci- ful, Je - sos will save. P^^ ^ ^-1 — i>-^ nri I p i^ r - i :P=U Copyright property of W. H. Doane 247 The Touch of His Hand On Mine Jessie Brown Pounds Henry P. Morton te ^#^ s m ^^^^m ifc:^ 1. There are days so dark that I seek in vain For the face of my 2. There are times, when tired of the toil-some road, That for ways of the 3. When the way is dim, and I can - not see Thro' the mist of His 4. In the last sad hour, as I stand a- lone Where the pow-ers of SH i ^ ^ m p—t+-t Pf 4 ¥' ¥ w-^ t2=5fc v—f ^ J i i: J' s m :fc ^ Friend Di - vine; But tho' dark - ness hide. He is there to guide world I pine; But He draws me back to the up -ward track wise de - sign, How my glad heart yearns and my faith re - turns death com - bine. While the dark waves roU He will guide my soul -M ^ . -r- ^ I Copyright, 1913, by Chas. H. Gabriel. B. 0. Excell, owner 248 Whiter Than Snow James Nicholson Wh. G. Fischeb feM^^^ y^iJ^^^^miJ 1. Lord Je-sus, I long to be per-fect-ly whole; I want Thee for-ev - er to 2. Lord Je-sus, look down from Thy throne in the skies, And help me to make a com- 3. Lord Je - sus, for this, I most hum-bly en-treat, I wait, bless-ed Lord, at Thy 4. Lord Je - sns. Thou seest I pa-tient-ly wait. Come now, and with-in me a ^te f=t £^ * — » ^ I n r ^ i ^=^=^ s 3 ^ live in my soul. Break down ev - 'ry i - dol, cast out ev - 'ry foe; plete sac - ri - fice; I give up my - self, and what-ev - er I know, cru - ci - fied feet; By faith, for my cleans-ing, I see Thy blood flow, new heart ere - ate; To those who have soupfhtThee, Thou nev-er saidst "No," i -f — f- 3E p=^=^=n ^ O: Chobus. ^^ ^* ^^ i Now wash me, and I shall be whit - er than snow. Whit-er than snow, yes, ^ t I i i=g=^ r'r r r r ^m m Sa *=3t s=:isjC whit-er than snow; Now wash me, and I shall be whit-er than snow. A - men. 15>- 249 Is Thy Heart Right With God? E. A. H. ^ *=i* J5=4t -t I ^ 4r-r ^^ i Rev. E. A. Hoffman s ^ ^^m 1. Have thy af-fec-tions been naUed to the cross? Is thy heart right with God? 2. Hast thou do-min-ion o'er self and o'er sin? Is thy heart right with God? 3. Is there no more con-dem-na-tion for sin? Is thy heart right with God? 4. Are all thy pow'rs un-der Je - sus' con-trol? Is thy heart right with God? v~v U4^N=^^^^^ ^E^ tM±ii=i& Dost thoQ count aU things for Je - sus but loss? Is thy heart right with God? - ver all e - vU with-out and with-in? Is thy heart right with God? Does Je - sus rule in the tern -pie with-in? Is thy heart right with God? Does He each mo-ment a - bide in thy soul? Is thy heart right with God? 1^1 [n [ I f I n ::-' rii.i I Chorus. ^^^^^^^^ -J^-JL i Is thy heart right with God, Washed in the crimson flood, Cleansed and made g b g '- 45 I '■'■"■ l l^f^ nr-p t t C fe=6=fe • • 1 ^^^^^M =#=^ m i ho-ly, hum-bleandlow-ly, Eight in the sight of God? . . A -men. of God? gj^ : :.i i g ; r ^rr .i / mJ Used by permission of E. A. Hoffman, owner of Copyright 250 Since Jesus Came Into My Heart R. H. McDaniel Chas. H. Gabriel i £ ^^Ei VZJt -a « m . ^ ^-^ — f\ ^tT=^- ^=fc r ^ ~w — ^r — d *- 1. What a won - der - ful change in my life has been wrought Since Je-sus came 2. I have ceased from my wand'ring and go - ing a-stray, Since Je-sus came 3. I'm pos-sessed of a hope that is stead-fast and sure, Since Je-sus came 4. There's a light in the val - ley of death now for me, Since Je-sus came 5. I shall go there to dwell in that Cit - y, I know, Since Je-sus came i#i h hr, S - ^—t t: ^ b—t^ -«- -#- s s \^ t=*_=bpzzqEz=)ii=:fe U U ^ in - to in - to in - to in - to in - to ^- -«- my heart my heart my heart my heart my heart I have light in my soul for which long I had sought. And my sins, which were man-y , are all washed a - way, And no dark clouds of doubt now my path - way ob-scure, And the gates of the Cit - y be-yond I can see, And I'm hap -py, so hap-py, as on -ward I go, <^-^ -fe— ^ ^^ 4 — r^— 1^ 1c=t -• • ^-r- I I I *===T=rrr ^ p l:* #-^ e ^ ^ Chorus s i f r-t r 5i=it U" m Since Je-sus came in - to my heart! Since Je-sus came in - to my j -^j~ J Since Je - sua came in, came ir^ — ir-v n;~r-v ti^^ltdtt: fr=vf=f I fei i: f^ 15: q ^)-f>- rr l=F=| Jtut ^T ^^^ f^^^S^ ^ heart, Since Je-sus came in - to my heart. Floods of joy o'er my in -to myheart, Since Je-sus came in, came in-to niyheart, f f=I±Zlt:— ^-i « r-W-,#— •-#- :t=:t: li ^ ^ y- p I p pr=^^ :£E£ p^ ^^^ES ■v P * ^ :^r=fc J t)—tL ^-l I P P I :^: :i=i: :it=i: soul like the sea bi[-lows roll, Since Je-sus came in - to my heart. 4- m # J-i^ N /rs t: £ i ^ £^^ i'l ! P i^ =j: -75^ 1?- Copyright, 1914, by Cbas. Q. GabrieL Homer A. Bodeheaver, owner 251 I Would Be Like Jesus James Rows B. D. ACKLE7 mMH^^HH^i -U^iiJi 1. Earth-ly pleas-ares vain- ly call me; I would be like Je - sas; 2. He has bro-ken ev - 'ry fet-ter, I would be like Je - sus; 3. All the way from earth to Glo - ry, I would be like Je - sas; 4. That in Heav-en He may meet me, I would be like Je - sus; would be like Je-sus; s# ^a £ :2; i&- r T~g i mU^ =dd ... vs/ Noth-ing world-ly shall en -thrall me; I would be like Je - sas. That my soul may serve Him bet - ter, I would be like Je - sas. Tell - ing o'er and o'er the sto - ry, I would be like Je - sas. That His words "Well done" may greet me, I would be like Je - sus. would be like Je - su8. m^=M^ ^= f=it^ ^ ^ $2: J- -^ — ^ "s: Choeus. ^ J J U J . ^E l J J I I ^m Be like Je - sus, this my song, 5) , ^2_._ rF In the home and in the throng; -1— ^-r £ i « * ■2?-S- 1 Be like Je - sus, all day long! I would be like Je - sus. A - men. ) m^ [ [rr^^^^ ^ l5>-r Copyright, 1911, by E. O. ExceU. Words and Music -l^-T 3 S 1 252 Dr. E. T. Cassel The King's Business Flora H. Cassel ^ Ff;=fi Efe m ^m i m m :«=* 1^ 1. I am a stranger here, with-in a foreign land; My home is far a -way, 2. This is the King's command: that all men, ev'rywhere, Repent and tarn a - way 3. My home is bright-er far than Sharon's ro-sy plain, E - ter-nal Ufe and joy -«-!—# ^ • ^ m ^ . 0' - II . 0' 0^ ^ ^ b b p D Jil » M I p 'jr* ' iJ up - on a gold-en strand; Am-bas-sa - dor to be of realms be-yond the sea, from sin's seductive snare; That all who will o - bey, with Him shall reign for aye, thro'-out its vast domain; MySov'reign bids me tell how mortals there may dwell, ^^ i±=S^ F=F=a -0 — 0- fct p= p=r tt P b P ib t i T-r fcl e s^-h ^ Chorus. t=h=^ ^ 3 ^rit=^ 3^^ *=*=*: ^ I'm here on business for my King. And that's my business for my King. This is the mes - sage that I Andthat's my business for my King. bring, A mes-sage an-gels fain would sing: "Oh, be ye rec-on-ciled," ^ J^ Jl .0 ^ J^^ ■ r^^0 VJh ^ ^ ^ ^ T^T— tr P 11^ P f--nr-r-t^ - U ll** iJ ss w Ml. B^ I i— ^ f' \ J' J J- J J J 1^ P Thus saith my Lord and King , " Oh , be ye rec - on - ciled JLJI^ to God." A-MEN. ± Hf^^- i9- i ^::^^ g f=T P P Copyright. 1902, by £. O. EzceU. Words and Music 253 $ Colin Sterve Voices in Unison We've a Story to Tell H. E. NiCHOL ^ - h fr ^ '^^ iS-^- ^^ m 1. We've a sto - ry to tell to 2. We've a soQg to be sung to 3. We've a mes - sage to give to 4. We've a Sav - ior to show to -p-^ — - the na - tions, That shall the na - tions, That shall the na - tions, That the the na - tions, Who the fc£M=: 1^- t- ^ itnt: ^^m git m turn tlieir hearts to the right; lift their hearts to the Lord; Lord who reign- eth a-bove, path of sor - row has trod, s=* 3=g A sto - ry of truth and sweet - ness, A song that shall con - quer e - vil Hath sent as His Son to save us, That all of the world's great peo - pie 1- J ^--^^^- a 1 I h h J- S t ^ -o-^ A sto-ry of peace and light,., A sto - ry of peace and light. And shat-ter the spear and sword,. And shat-ter the spear and sword. And show us that God is love, . . And show us that God is love. Might come to the truth of God, .. Might come to the truth of God! U-=J- T- i Refrain ^^ ^ ifcto: i :ti=-^bt=i b b =3-=S -m— ^^^ w For the darkness shall turn to dawn - ing. And the dawning to noon-day bright, ^m iT-b- f±^ -^ ¥ >^=^=^ tr-t^ m i^P 5 =b-j)- ■•-i — m- =f=^ feJ^-^ . ; I — 4-M ^ i R l- Fq=TI And Christ's great kingdom shall come on earth. The kingdom of love and light. 254 Safe in the Arms of Jesus fe Fanny J. Crosby W. H. DOANB i^ t 5f-« *-s— J^ Eg±S ^^ — p— 'cJ 1. Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe on His gen-tle breast, There by His 2. Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe from cor-rod-ing care, Safe from the 3. Je- sus, my heart's dear ref - uge, Je - sus has died for me; Firm on the ^## ^~# =S=«: £ ^^=t^ :p=tJ=t: ^ :t=Si4= love o'er - shad - ed, Sweet-ly my soul shall rest. Hark! 'tis the voice of world's temp-ta - tions. Sin can -nut liarm me there. Free from the blight of Kock of A - ges, Ev - er my trust shall be. Here let me wait with ^?^sl n. A •- J:^.^- --J^-*- -•— =^- tr^T- +- :| ^ ^ ^ .^ ! :^ ^tzJ 5« f a^i^ i an - gels. Borne in a song to me, . . - ver the fields of glo - ry, sor - row, Free from my doubts and fears; On -ly a few more tri - als, pa - tience, Wait till the night is o'er; Wait till I see the morn -ing - ver the jas - per sea. On - ly a few more tears! Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe on His Break on the gold- en shore ^^m gen- tie breast, There by His love o'er - shad- ed. Sweetly my soul shall rest ffi -*. ^ £: 2 ■^-5^ l— U— t^ rrr^ r Ck>pyrigbt property of Faonie T. Doane 255 He Lives On High Words by B. B. McKiNNEY Arr. by B. B. McKlNNEY From Hawaiian Folk Song -A — ^- -si- ^ -p — I — -ft— 1. Christ the Sav - ior came from heaven's glo - ry, To re -deem the 2. He a - rose from death and all its sor - row, To dwell in that 3. Wea - ry soal, to Je - sns come con- fess - ing, Ke - demp-tion from -T f- -t— P— .- f- lost from sin and shame; land of joy and love; sin He of - fers thee; On His brow He wore the thorn-crown He is com - ing back some glad to- Look to Je - sus and re-ceive a m :[=: i: I J ■Ut" t * m y—^- :^=^ ^=^=t5=ifc=iFd r *-d- mor bless nzQ: ry, And up - on Cal - va - ry He took my blame, row, And He'll take all His children home a - bove. ing, There is life, there is joy and vie - to - ry, =^=j=^- ^^ * ^ — ^. — i^ — \ r- ;d?. Chorus iiSI :t=t: 4 -P— He lives on high, He lives on high, Tri-um-phant o - ver sin and all its ^- H r -r C # f ' f -rf — i *-^ , , A - ^ 1^ » ' t=t t—t—i—t=\ :g=:^_^_^,^=P= p— p— ^ :d2: 4=^ -5f- -»-i- d=d==ft -TN S tol: -^"-i^- =i 1 stain; He lives on high. He lives on high, Some day He's com-ing a - gain. Mz -(22- :f±t -•-^»- -r^-r-rj -^ a F ^ F j-W ■ Arr. Copyright, 1921, by Robert H. Coleman I — I — r ■•-!- Xl =5=p: r- 256 The Crowning Day El Nathan zi: ^ h h ]) I ^=g; James McOranahan ^^ :fi=it t^^- 1. Oar Lord is now re-ject- ed, And by the worlddis-owned, Bytbeman-y 2. The heav'ns shall glow with splendor, But brighter far than they The saints shall 3. Our pain shall then bo o - ver, We'll sin and sigh no more, Be - hind us 4. Let all that look for, has -ten The com- ing joy - ful day, By ear- nest ^m ^ i t m Vt ' ' t ( ^ f ^ "H) b i U h ^ ^m s 9 h — "-rt r^ rt rt- 3E :i=i: p — >^ u u ^^^-^ ^ still neg-lect-ed, And by the few enthroned;But soon He'll come in glo - ry, shine in glo -ry. As Christ shall them ar-ray; The beau-ty of theSav-ior all of sor-row. And naught but joy be -fore; A joy in our Re-deem- er, con - se-cra-tion, To walk the nar-row way, By gath'ring in the lost ones, \lJi . f ^ ^ ^HMXXX^UIM^ m fc^ y=i ?r=^ ^ ^ Fine. :4±=1 ^ ' ^ \) ^ ' The hour is draw-ing nigh, For the crown-ing day is com-ing by and by. Shall daz- zle ev - 'ry eye, In the crowning day that's com-ing by and by. As we to Him are nigh, In the crowning day that's com-ing by and by. For whom our Lord did die, For the crowning day that's com-ing by and by. ^^ Ue^ -n :; ^^ v=g ^ ^ -^=^ ■^ ; rj b :U=i^ P= =?^ f= D.S. — Each wailing, watchful eye, Inthecrown-ing day that's com-ing by and by. I b [7 ^ r v tj: ^ ^ss=^3m^ ffi i^ d m d Oh , the crowning day is coming. Is coming by and by, When our Lord shall come in ^^:=^=g=g: £ i l^ C^ l> m "^ ^S^=>^i#=|: D.S. ^ , • f d ^fe^ ^^ |: i j if ' ' power, " And " glory " from on high . Oh , the glorious sight will gladden A-MEN. Copyright, 1909. Renewal by Add ie McG^anahan. Charles M. Alexander, owner The Church in the Wildwood Dr. Wm. S. PlTTa 1. There's a church in theval-ley by the wild- wood, No love - li - er 2. Oh, come to the church in the wild- wood, To the trees where the 3. How sweet on a clear Sab-bath morn- ing, To list to the 4. From the church in theval-ley by the wild- wood, When day fades a- JzM -f^-f : -•— r^ ^^Z 5- -»-^ -•— ^^-1 — p— r-p-^u i> b ^i_^ t ^^ ^£3: P^ :^-=3i: -^-j EEt -•-^ 1 3£j 1^^i«: r :^ ife r spot in the dale; No place is so dear to my child-hood As the wild flow -ers bloom; Where the part-ing hymn will be chant-ed, We will clear ring- ing bell; Its tones so sweet - ly are call - ing, Oh, way in - to night, I would fain from this spot of my child-hood Wing my -•-=- '^ .^=^1 -S'— V^-- >—> :t= -^ -x^=^ i= f '*- — ■•- D.S. — No spot is so dear to my child-hood As the Fine Chorus lit -tie brown church in the vale, weep by the side of the tomb, come to the church in the vale, way to the man- sions of light. fes Come to the Oh, come, come, come, come, come, come, lit- tie brown church in the vale. -J — ^ to& :J±±-^ L ^ 1 F 1 ,#=^ ri^^^ D.S. wood, Oh, come to the church in the vale; r^v^^r^ I U U church in the wild come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come; ^Egg^ggB ^ ^-^ 5=1 -^ -n ^=±e^ t^-^^- b b b 258 I Will Sing You a Song Ellen H. Gates ^^lUlk*^ ifct tL Philip Piin.LiPS ^ :S=5: 5 ^ 1. I will sing you a song of that beaa-ti-ful land, The far-a-way home of the 2. Oh,thathomeofthesoul! Inmy visions and dreams Its bright, jasper walls I can 3. That unchangeable home is for you and for me. Where Je-sus of Naz-a-reth 4. Oh, how sweet it will be in that beau-ti-ful land. So free from all sor-row and ^M ^^ ^ 2: ^^ * jz: S p 4- [1 [ ) s ^^M ic* i=^ S^ ■^- t ^=^ 3^3 ^ soul,"Where no storms ev-er beat on the glit-ter-ing strand, While the years of e- see; Till I fan - cy but thin-ly the veil in-ter-venes Be - tween the fair stands; The King of all kingdoms for-ev - er is He, And He hold-ethour pain, With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands. To meet one an- f r ^ yf t ^[f^ ^ -ii2- t£s$J =t2^^^ e tt42 i fes ^H — ^ E^ it is: f :^ ±! 1^ r ^ ^ ter - ni-ty roll, While the years of e - ter - ni-ty roll; Where no storms ev-er cit - y and me. Be - tween the fair cit - y and me; Till I fan - cy but crowns in His hands, And He holdeth our crowns in His hands; The King of all oth - er a - gain. To meet one an - oth- er a -gain; With songs on our ^^S £ w=P=fe- zzzs: U2^3: r t itfe -t5*- ±=:fc m s £3Eg^ T^HM f^E^^ m p " r -^:-s>-: beat on the glit-ter-ing strand,While the years of e - ter - ni-ty roll, thin - ly the veil in-ter-venes Be - tween the fair cit - y and me. kingdoms for-ev - er is He, And He holdeth our crowns in His hands, lips and with harps in our hands, To meet one an - oth - er a -gain. A- MEN ± I? i -p^-tr-H it4^ V ^m 259 The Ninety and Nine Elizabeth C. Clephane Ira D. Sankey f^ fv j^ h I iTi ?Fl? f^-^ 1 ::^;^-:fc ^_!__^_ 3p=it -A=^~'' 1. There were ninety and nine that safe - ly lay In the shel-ter of the 2. "Lord, ThoQ hast here Thy nine-ty and nine; Are they not enough for 3. But none of the ransomed ev - er knew How deep were the waters 4. "Lord,whence are those blood-drops all the way That mark ontthe mountain's 5. But all thro' the mountains, thun-der-riv'n, And up from the rock-y fold, But one was out on the hills a -way, Far off from the Thee?" But the Shep-herd made answer: "This of mine Has wan-dered a- crossed; NorhowdarkwasthenightthattheLordpassedthro' Ere Hefound His track?""They were shed for one who had gone a-stray Ere the Shepherd could steep. There a-rose a glad cry to the gate of heav'n,"Ee- joice! I have -t: ^^ :b^^-^^^ ^- ^-Xy b I ^'^ '^ -0- -0- ■0- -0- -f^ ■+- -0- 0—0 — r0 -^t—^ :^=r :|^ -tJ-C^ rit ■^ ^5 fe ^ 1" W^. h 4x :i^ ^Ei^^ :^±=* -0- -0- n ^.^ ^^ ^4 gates of gold — A - way on the moun - tains wild and bare, A- way from me, And al - tho' the road be rough and steep, I sheep that was lost. Out in the des - ert He heard its cry — bring him back." "Lord, whence are Thy hands so rent and torn?" "They're found my sheep!" And the an - gels ech-oed a - round the throne, "Re- ft ,fer^ » ^' i^^^ :b^=fe Xr-^r = tr^ — p = ^ '-t> i f-V u t!>.\> i'- ^ S feS f'h T'J i ^/rs t=^=^ I ^ -t^p-p- :p:ia: P^ ^^ f^ way from the ten-der Shepherd's care, A-wayfrom the ten- derShep-herd's care, go to the des-ert to find my sheep, I go to the des-ert to find my sheep." Sick and helpless, and ready to die; Sick and helpless, and ready to die. pierced to - night by many athorn; They're pierced to-night by man-y a thorn.'* joice , for the Lord brings back His own ! Re-joice , for the Lord brings back Hisown. ' ' t-t- — 0- m^^^ ^-^-^ -=^^^^^ tL -t-f- i=t:t : pnr-p- 1-t^; :p^ ^ [ rT^ 3 ^ t ^ P'-'U V Copyright, 1904, by Ira D. Sankey. Renewal. Used by permission 260 Tell Me the Old, Old Story Kate Hankey W. H. DOAMB ^ t t I 2^; l=r 1. Tell me the Old, Old Sto-ry, Of un-seen things a - bove, Of Je-sus 2. Tell me the sto-ry slow-ly, That I may take it in — That won-der- 3. Tell me the sto-ry soft-ly, With ear-nest tones and grave; Re - mem-ber 4. Tell me the same old sto-ry, AVhen you have cause to fear That this world's J J J :£:i- and His glo - ry. Of Je - sus and His love; ful re - demp-tion, God's rein-e - dy for sin; I'm the sin - ner Whom Je - sus came to save; emp-ty glo - ry Is cost - ingme too dear; --e t—^ :U=i ^ :^ Tell me the sto - ry Tell me the sto - ry Tell me the sto - ry Yes, and when that world's :^ i 4=±=± m^^^m^^^^ ^^^ r sim-ply, As to a lit - tie child, For I am oft - en. For I for-get so soon, The"ear-ly al - ways, If you would real-ly be, In an - y glo - ry is dawn-ing on my soul, Tell me the weak dew" time Old, and wea - ry, of morning of tronb-Ie, Old Sto - ry: £= jg -^^^^^f-rr- L-'^ ^^m Chokus re ^^ eES ^=3Fl jas^ ^^ m And help - less and de - filed. Has passed a - way at noon. A com - fort - er to me. "Christ Je - sus makes thee whole." Tell me the Old, Old Sto - ry, Tell me the Old, Old Sto - ry, Tell me the Old, Old Sto - ry Of Je-sus -#■ and His love. i^ r^ r - i f r It 4=|r 3?= •r r , t '^^m — 1 — n Copyright property of Fannie T. Doane 261 Open My Eyes, That I May See C- H. S. Chas. H. Scott a^ i^ ^==f5: Tl b uM=i=H=^^^ m itj^ 1. - pen my eyes, that I may see Glimps-es of truth Thou hast for me; 2. - pen my ears, that I may hear Voi - ces of truth Thou send-est clear; 3. - pen my mouth, and let me bear Glad - ly the warm truth ev-'ry-where; p J gsa^iFR if=^ I % i ff=rf= :iX=t£ Place in my hands the won-der-ful key That shall un-clasp, and set me free. And while the wave-notes fall on my ear, Ev - 'ry-thing false will dis - ap-pear. - pen my heart, and let me pre-pare Love with Thy chil-dren thus to share. ^^ ^ £^ '[-i U D t) b I Tl m see; see; see; Si - lent - ly now I wait for Thee, Read-y, my God, Thy will to Si- lent -ly now I wait for Thee, Read-y, my God, Thy will to Si- lent -ly now I wait for Thee, Read-y, my God, Thy will to J P ^llll L il^ rr rr-:-^ b P P HP l) h I Di J J' Phi M j f^ I I I j M I.-J II I I ! I I - pen my eyes, il - lu - mine me, Spir - it di - vine! - pen my ears, il - lu - mine me, Spir - it di - vine! - pen my heart, il - lu - mine me, Spir - it di - vine! A - MEN. abf r ; g ^ W=f a g M r ^T ^ Copyright, 1895. by Clara M. Scott. Owned by The Evangelical Publishing Co., Chicago 262 Gathering Home Mrs. Maeiana B. Slade H-m — c — « — f — ■ — c — i^^*^ :t5=t5 - i^-^ Chorus -^=t-- f— f te^: P P 17 ^tS=8— J— .J.-J- EE5^3^ =r5=t5=Tt5=i!:r; =^5= :^: -4i^*^^f^~^^ ^ IK r p T I am so glad that Je - sus loves me, Je - sus loves me, Je - sus loves me, ^- -^ b h b I 8=8: P— P— P: :^f=fc=fe: -P P P- =P=^=P= i5=P: m ^^-r—r — r— ^ — iP- ^ n r, 1 — • — =feiTi ^ P P P 1 J I am so glad that Je - sus loves me, -J ^ — * 4-=- — a b b \a-i — P P P B V «#^ V • p p p Je - sus loves e - -8 8 8 8- ven — • — me. 1^ ^W" U Ul p! 1 U *- P P P 1 LP P P 1 -P- — l-j — >-i- A Copyright. 1902. by The John Church Co. Usetl iy permissioD 264 ru Go Where You Want Me to Go Mary Brown Carrie E. Rounsefell 1. It may not be on the mountain's height, Or o- ver the storm- y sea; 2. Per-haps to - day tliere are lov - ing words Which Jesus would liave me speak; 3. There's surely somewhere a low - ly place In earth's harvest-fields so wide, 4?-.-r— 1»_, — -r f .f f— *— #-^->-f--gi- '" "^d^ m^ 53 It: T -^—i—^—v- J=l^ r^r #r=^ d — ^ ^ ^-^ -1 ^A ^, ii li • *- :r,^-^-^-]— ^ -;r-r1 It Ther Whe may not be at the bat - tie's front My Lord will have need of me; B may be now, in the paths of sin, Some wand'rer whom I should seek, re I may la - bor thro' life's short day For Je - sus, the Cru - ci - fied. ^ r r 1 T , ^ -I- ^ • . .• f^ ^ ^ • ..^- . <^r~t~ -# w — •-^— ^ — ■— ~\ ^^ — T 1 — — t 1 i*'r1 ^b w 1 L) !/• P P 1 V ^ L Ift • 1* !■ ■ ■ 1 ^ \- 1 1 1 P vj/ i; ^p b p i b Sri r=ii: -^—fi-i^-n -f^f^-- T)-- 1^- «i^ i i :s=j=*=r But if by a still, small voice He calls To paths I do not know, Sav - ior, if Thou wilt be my Guide, Tho' dark and rug-ged the way. So, trust-ing my all un - to Thy care, I know Thou lov - est me! m "9=^ t: SEJ P ^b "I ' I "1 I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine, I'll go where yon want me to go. My voice shall ech - o the mes-sage sweet, I'll say what you want me to say. I'll do Thy will with a heart sin-cere, I'll be what you want me to be. I — -^ \ ^ ^ ^ c= — pj-i p— t? u p F=t r^^^ Refrain up -J - I'll go where you want me to go,dear Lord, O'er moontain, or plain, or sea; Sfi^"^^ tJ— t)— p— p — ?- r r r £ ^ Copyright. 1894, by C. £. Kounsefell. Uoiner A, Rodeheaver, owoer ru Go Where You Want Me to Go -P3-40 f^=fcf5=:ts: I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord, I'll be what you want me to be. ■t r; f- r ■m—-» — 0- z^-g=z -p— r~r~P~ t ^ EE^e *- -p^ ^ »-■ p gTt ■ -p — b p p — p— p 265 Beautiful Isle Jessie B. Poxjnds J. S. Fearis ifra: fe=t5: ii^ i — ^ 1. Some-where the sun 2. Some-where the day 3. Some-where the load J= =F=^=ys feu C L ^N b p p r is shin - ing, Some-where the song - birds dwell; is Ion - ger, Some-where the task is done; is lift - ed, Close by an o - pen gate; # • » ^ ^ ^ ' t p ife 4i^ b P P ^ 5 P 5 ^^ r. ^ #~^ m Hush, then, thy sad re - pin - ing, God lives, and all is Some-where the heart is stron - ger, Some-where the guer - don Some-where the clouds are rift - ed, Some-where the an - gels well, won. wait. £EE£ -•-^ 0-^ 3± f M Chorus. r"r^~r ^^ if r Some - where. Some - where, Beau-ti - ful Isle of Some-where! Some-where, beau-ti - ful, beau-ti - ful Isle, .t) . _ 1^7, g I g V=T ^ ^ E -^ -p- P P ^ ' f=F ^^ ^=6: 3ee3e^ -«— f=i: t? t^- J t ■«-r- 2^ r '•-6^- I Land of the true, where we live a-new,— Beau-ti-ful Isle of Some-where! A-men b-%^1^ p p t g=^i: : ;^Tr^ =^ f^=^ =r=^ ^ ^ -#-r U b P I i) =l f P Copyright. 189^, oy E. O. Excell. Words and Music 266 There's a Song in the Air I JosiAH G. Holland Andante con tnoto Karl P. Harrington tpi rr :i|: z^. -^- m 'T* D 1. There's a song in tlie air! Tliere's a star 2. Tliere's a tu - mult of joy O'er the won 3. In the light of that star Lie the a - 4. We re - joice in the light, And we ech h ^ I J , , I in der ges S3- m t±=|: ^ \ U the sky! ful birth, im - pearled; the song •-r «: ritard. 3 There's a moth - er's deep For the Vir - gin's sweet And that song from a ■ That comes down through the -z^: -^ T ---X prayer, And a ba - boy Is the Lord far Has swept o ■ nii^ht From the heav by'3 of ver - en I low cry! the earth. the world. ly throng. m^ ^ piu mosso T :t f -•— •— I— ^ i: :1±=1: =3= And the star reigns its Ay! the star reigns its Ev - 'ry hearth is a - Ay! we shout to the I fire while the beau fire while the beau flame, and the beau love - ly e - van ^£=s? ti ti • ti gel ful sing, ful sing, ful sing, they bring, ^mm ± d=i i^- ^m =5=^- ritard. ^^^^^i 1 a±=1: :tl« i For the man - ger of Beth - le - hem era - dies a King! For the man - ger of Beth - le - hem era - dies a King! In the homes of the na - tions that Je - sus is King! And we greet in His era - die our Sav - ior and King! 7^—»- — m h ^^=^- :^t EE^E m=^m T — I — r r Music Copyright, 1905. by Eaton & Mains 267 Isaac Watts Joy to the World! s^ George F. Handel ^=± =J P^ 1. Joy to the world! the Lord is 2. Joy to the earth! the Sav - ior 3. No more let sins and sor - rows 4. He rules the world with truth and I come; Let earth reigns; Let men grow, Nor thorns grace, And makes re- their in- the ceive her King; Let ev - 'ry heart pre - pare Him room, songs em - ploy; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains fest the ground; He comes to make His bless -ings flow na - tions prove The glo - ries of His right- eons - ness, I. h |EE^£ ^ ^« t=^ -T^ h- ^ g r ^S-Si =nt iftzz:^ And Heav'n and na - ture sing, Re - peat the sound - ing joy, Far as the curse is found. And won-ders of His love, 1. And Heav'n and rSSrP And Heav'n and na - ture Re - peat the sound - ing Far as the curse is And won-ders of His ture sing, And m -^- =P==^ -r5>- r -€-i- 1^ fc^ -^i=^ sing, joy, found, love. ^ Heav'n and na - ture And Heav'n, and Re - peat, re Par as, far And won-ders, and ^ ^=T Heav'n and na - ture peat the sound -ing as the curse is won - ders of His -z) — I sing. joy. found. love. i -•-r- sing, X -•-r- -»— T Ji I 268 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Charles Wesi-ey Mendelssohn # 1 ; J I J.JJ UtiiM^d^^ f 1. Hark! the her - aid an - gels sing, "Glo - ry to the new-born King; 2. Christ, by high-est Heav'n a - dored, Christ, the ev - er - last - ing Lord: 3. Hail the Heav'n-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Sun of right-eous-ness! 4. Come, De- sire of na - tions, come! Fix in us Thy hum-ble home: ■f- ^ 1^ -^ ■#- -f2- S t — I h ^ r t \ t f f i f f t rTT^^~Tr^ I ^^ ^ f ^^ Peace on earth Late in time Light and life Rise, the wom- f , and mer - cy mild; God and sin - ners rec - on-ciled." be -hold Him come. Off -spring of a vir-gin's womb, to all He brings, Ris'n with heal -ing in His wings: an's con-qu'ring seed. Bruise in us the ser-pent's head-, ^^r=t^ ^^ J^Jl- rT=f m t J j^ — .,;_« — ^ ^—^-d '— '^ ye na- tions, rise, the God -head see, His glo - ry by, Join the tri-umph of the skies; HaU th' in-car-nate De - i - ty! Born that man no more may die; Joy - ful, all Veiled in flesh Mild He lays Ad- am's like-ness now ef - face, Stamp Thine im-age in its place: ^ M=i = ^=f= j ^i^^^^fe ^ m I With an - gel - ic hosts pro-claim, "Christ is born in Beth - le -hem.'* Pleased as man with men to ap-pear, Je - sus our Im-man - uel here. Born to raise the sons of earth; Born to give them sec - ond birth. Sec - ond Ad - am from a - bove, Re - in - state us in Thy love. =& f^fr^^^ m Hark! the Herald Angels Sing m J3=^ I f=t=i=^ ^ Hark! the her- aid an - gels sing,"Glo - ry to the new-born King." H 1 r F- er^=F -i, P^5: ^ i- !> . I ^ ^ 269 Somebody John R. Clements W. S. Weeden ^^ ^^ !^^r=-'^:=P=±=^ ^ *? -J-. -J- -J- -J- f^' n -4-' -#-• -^ -#- -#- -^* -0- -•- 1. Some-bod-y did a gold-en deed, Prov-ing him-self a friend in need; 2. Some-bod-y tho't 'tis sweet to live, Will-ing-ly said, "I'm glad to give;" 3. Some-bod-y made a lov - ing gift, Cheer-ful-ly tried a load to lift; 4. Some-bod-y i - died all the hoars, Care-less-ly crushed life's fairest flow'rs; 5. Some-bod-y filled the days with light, Constantly chased a - way the night; mfi=^ I m m ^ F=^ P u i b h h ^^Uh^l.i^44 ^: pm ^ t =^^1^ ^ m Some-bod-y sang a cheer-ful song, Bright'ning the sky the whole day long, — Some-bod-y fought a val-iant fight, Brave-ly he lived to shield the right, — Some-bod-y told the love of Christ, Told how His will was sac - ri - ficed, — Some-bod-y made life loss, not gain, Tho't-less-ly seemed to live in vain, — Some-bod-y'sworkbore joy and peace, Sure- ly his life shall nev - er cease, — f f f 1 ^ f: f f rrt 1 1 i nrrrrr -5?^ rit. :fc=f5: =f :t5=:fe ^=f 5=r Was that some-bod-y you? A -men. Was that some-bod-y you? s=s m g ' ' =F=F¥ :^ -+5^ D P D Words and Music Copyrighi. 1901. by W. S. Weeden. E. O, Excell. owner 270 Christ the Lord is Risen To-day Charles Wesley H i S^ 1. Christ the Lord is ris'n to - day, 2. Lives a - gain our glo - rioos King: 3. Love's re - deem - ing work is done, 4. Soar we now, where Christ has led. ^ ^ ^ Sons of men and an - gels Where, death, is now thy Fought the fight, the bat - tie Fol - I'wing our ex - alt - ed say: Al sting? AI won; Al Head; Al ie - lu - ia! - le - lu - iai - le - lu - ia! - le - lu - ial -g- ^ ' -9- -•- -^ -0- Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth re Where thy vie - to - ry, Christ has - pened Par - a Ours the cross, the grave, the ^^ ^ ply. Al grave? Al dise. Al skies. Al le - le - le - le - lu - ial lu - ial lu - ia! lu - iaf ■i. 0. A St ^5=i a=t ""i u ■q" f I 271 Robert Lowry Christ Arose g= :t=:i -I- Robert Lowry ■4— r- 'A:r^ —i=&%— t —^ 5=i: i^: 1. Low in the grave He lay — Je -sus my Sav- ior! Wait-ing the com-ing day — 2. Vain-ly they watch His bed — Je - sus my Sav - ior! Vain-ly they seal the dead — 3. Death canuot keep his prey — Je- sus my Sav -ior! He tore the bars a -way — -&- -0- -•- -•- -•- 15' >2 ^_ - "^" '^ '1^' '^' ■^' "'•' "^ '^' :t=t: ^ 41^ y ^ :p: E ^ :^ ^ r^ TT Refrain Faster § k^ fi=* ^ i ^' -t5>- t=:^-J=f^^ r ■&— #-=- I P b Je - sus my Lord! Up from the grave He a- rose, (He a-rose,)With a f^ \- — ^—G> "i hi V^ 1 * »- ^ ?^ ;*^=^ 1 P 1^ 1?— t^ 1? 1^ d— ir^-.ft -t- ;=i=ST=r^J^ =?? M=d=.^.^=^ might-y tri-umph o'er His foes; (He a -rose!) He a - rose a Vic - tor from the t:: =^=5=1= >' k k :C^: t^ t > \r -y- r 1 — P — E^-r fe- h P^ ^1=^ S t— ^- ^ ^ ^=if^ I? -•-J — •- dark do - main, And He lives for - ev - er with His saints to reign. He a- ■T — I »-i— U — k^ J: ^ T — b b— ^ 1 — P — ^ fe^ i r^Y. i ^ rose! He a - rose! Hal - le - lu- jah! Christ a - rose! He a -rose! He a - rose! ^?=g^ ^jgiX-t-C^^ :«: •&• I g 5=? g; Copyright, 1916, by Mary Bunyoa Lovrry. lienewal. Used by Dermisaion 272 Little Town of Bethlehem Pbilups Brooks S WH-t^-MtM^f^ Lewis H. Redner r^ 1. 2. 3. 4. lit - tie town of Beth - le - hem, How still we see thee For Christ is born of Ma - ry; And gath - ered all a - How si - lent - ly, how si- lent -ly, The won - drous gift is ho - ly Child of Beth - le - hem, De - scend to us, we lie; bove, given! pray; j- i^ ^ n Pi 5>-=- j>*j l j J iJJ-tH j j l j p-Ht^ A - bove thy deep and dream-less sleep The si - lent stars go by: While mor-tals sleep, the an - gels keep Their watch of won-d'ring love. So God im- parts to hu- man hearts The bless- ings of His Heav'n. Cast out our sin, and en - ter in, Be born in us to - day. m W i J !ipf- f g± ^^ ^^ ^ ¥=t ;^ Yet in thy dark streets shin - eth The ev - er - last - ing Light; The morn - ing stars, to- geth - er Pro -claim the ho - ly birth; And No ear may hear His com - ing. But in this world of sin, Where We hear the Christ-mas an - gels The great glad ti - dings tell; -f- . <■ liit- fe- ^[-p ^ f fe j j^ f r I J J l^M- ^ ^^ J= m i ri ^=3= hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee to - night. prais - es sing to God the King, And peace to men on earth. meek souls will re -ceive Him still. The dear Christ en - ters in. come to us, a - bide with us. Our Lord Em - man - u - el. A - MEN. I ^r N^ ^ i ''f f f f^ 273 Is My Name Written There? M. A. K, Frank M. Dxvis iP5 *rt f5=^ ^ ft=i^ ^:^ ^i:—t^ 1 -tS*- 1. Lord! I care not for rich-es, Nei-ther sil - ver nor gold; I would 2. Lord, my sins they are man - y, Like the sands of the sea, But Thy 3. OhI that beau - ti - ful cit - y, With its man-sions of light, With its ^ ^rp? t=i P^ m-i- il^ teJ ^ r b b :^— {^- ^ m 5 it* ^ ^ s make sure of Heav-en, I would en - ter the fold; In the book of Thy blood, my Sav - ior, Is suf - fi - cient for me; For Thy prom-ise is glo - ri - fied be- ings, In pure gar-ments of white; Where no e - vil thing ^ ■ m ?se f=nf^ ^^m ^ -^-^ m #^r-< fe=fc ^J=^Fj t king-dom. With its pa-ges so fair, Tell me, Je-sus, my Sav -ior. Is my writ - ten, In bright letters that glow, "Tho' your sins be as scar - let, I will com - eth To de -spoil what is fair; Where the an -gels are watching. Is my # — ^ f . ^ I p p p i -rg ^ . ^ #- T-1^ # . F r-- • , — t i# ^ Refeain ^m ^^=#d=j i ^ •4-' • -&- name wi'it-ten there? make them like snow." Is my name writ-ten there, On the page white and fair? name writ-ten there? ^k^p_. M^ I r-r r r Mf^ r- r ir r s ^ s n ^ ^ In the book of Thy king-dom, Is my name writ-ten there? A - men. m' ^ -*- - ^ W V~3 f :f±=t t^ -^- f 'S'-r e 1 274 Scatter Sunshine Lanta Wilson Smith tt E. O. EXCELL ^^^^ ^ ^ & i^ 1. In a world where sor - row Ev - er will be known, Where are found the 2. Slight-est ac - tions oft - en Meet the sor - est needs, For the world wants 3. When the days are gloom-y Sing some hap-py song; Meet the world's re- need - y, And the sad and lone, dai - ly Lit - tie kind - ly deeds; pin - ing With a cour - age strong; How much joy and com - fort Oh, what care and sor - row Go with faith un-daunt-ed ^#4^^^^ t t f ?^E£ m ^ 0-^ fet 1 ^=f^0^4^ \ i:i:\\:i ^ You can all be - stow, If you scat - ter sun-shine Ev-'ry-where you go. You may help re - move, With your songs and courage, Sym-pa-thy and love. Thro' the ills of life; Scat-ter smiles and sunshine O'er its toil and strife. ^^ Jt t t < t- \ ?^=M? m tr Prr ^^ -0h-^ § ** Chorus. i m^ m ^M-^ t=i=i S Scat - - tor sun-shine all a-long your way, . . . Cheer and bless and Scat-ter the smiles and sun-shine all a-long, o - ver the way, ^ ^1^ i i tzzt \nr^ y= ^n& ^m t: 7-s I iN^^^ f Kzaz::3:iiz2 P f--i=*=^ *— #- h * v-v bright-en Ev-'ry pass-ing day; . . Ev-'ry pass-ing day. I K pass - ing day; A - MEN. Copyrisbt, 1919, by £. O. SzceU. Renewal 275 The Unclouded Day J. E. A. Rev. J. K. Alwood -e-J-r 1 k. i>>. — F— 1 f^ — fr r— 1 1 yfk^5 — [) — fir -M- =^-^ -iP-J •-- -J^ -^ j -1 h ^H \A) 4- r n ^ J J J J J J 9 J n J _P T 1. they tell 2. they tell 3. they tell 4. they tell ^ s • me of me of me of me that a home far a home where a King in He smiles on 1 a P • - * be - yond the my friends have His beau - ty His chil - dren 4 skies, gone, there, there. 4: ^ they they And they And His P ^ V\'n 4 d • ■ d ^ • B 1 . B B # • . # . a » i i ' a I ffJJf 4- f; . ~ i , )j i 1, ij 1 , ;j 1 fc2!LI_ti — i— P— -P U -5^ 1 U— —^i— » P 1^ 1 1 ^:^^r^r-t j^ P',^. P^ S'l^ yi ■ — ft — ^ffiH-=Hg^ii^=ffi44# y D. S. — they tell me of a home ^ -^ :^ Fine. ^. fe^ tT^rfv ^ :p= -«-i- ^=i^ «=r where no storm-clouds rise, they in e - ter - nal bloom Sheds its that is whit-er than snow, In the ev - er come a - gain. In that D -•— r-^ tell me of an un-cloud-ed day. fragrance thro' the un - cloud-ed day. cit - y that is made of gold. love-ly land of un-cloud-ed day. m =t I — i r-r where no storm-clouds rise, they , Chorus r i r=md tell me of an un-cloud-ed day. D.S. i^ ^ the land of cloud-less day, 15- '—r^ the land of an un-cloud - ed day; g=l±=y r [ p- -^ j±5=pi g 5=1 iti=i»: m t i I i:' gi 276 It Is Wen With My Soul H. G. Spafpokd P. P. Bliss ^ ^ ^^3==^ ^=r ^- =1=1 -5(- ^ r 1. Whenpeace,like a riv - er, at - tend-eth my way, When sor-rows like 2. Though Sa-tan should buf - fet, tho' tri - als should come, Let this blest as- 3. My sin — oh, the bliss of this glo - ri - ous tho't — My sin — not in 4. And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled ^iS i?=it fcrX: ^ ^ ^ a -< & # — d- m *: n 22: ^^ sea - bil - lows roll; What-ev-er my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, sur - ance con-trol. That Christ has re-gard - ed my help -less es-tate, part, but the whole. Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more, back as a scroll. The trump shall re-sound and the Lord shall de-scend, r ^ Chords ^=^ m^ 'M=0 t^ -ri- -^ -^ ■JKHMl ^^f=rr^ It is well, it is well with my soul. And hath shed His own blood for my soul. It is well with my Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, my soul! 'E - ven so"— it is well with my soul. It is well -#- V -^ ^^feS t=* J- -9-^—p ■^ ^ fe :^- p -H-^ ^ i sool. It is well, it is well with my soul, with my soul, f ■ f :t2: ^ ^ gir-H F^lPb "^ :2:^ r I I CvpyriKbt. 1904, by The John Church Ca Used by penniasioa 277 We Shall See the King Some Day L. E. J. L. E. Jones ^^a^^=^^= J=U^.N f ^^^ 1. Tho' the way we jour - ney may be oft - en drear, We shall see the 2. Aft - er pain and an-guish, aft - er toil and care, We shall see the 3. Aft - er foes are con-quered, aft - er bat-ties won. We shall see the 4. There with all the loved ones who have gone be - fore. We shall see the :?=?= m^ D fc^ I) b ^^ i ^^ E 3E^^ f=^ King some day; (some day;) On that bless-ed morn-ing clouds will dis - ap-pear; King some day; (some day;) Thro' the end-less a - ges joy and blessing share, King some day; (some day;) Aft - er strife is o - ver, aft - er set of san, King some day; (some day;) Sor-row past for - ev - er, on that peace-ful shore, t^=t=t ^ -^ b b b f ■m i :fc Chords. Pi 1\^1 \^ ' tS^-Ji-i^M 1 •i^rd t^-*-^-^F= l |' [» !» ^¥ We shall see the King some day. We shallseetheKingsomeday, (someday,' -•-i — • — »-i — 9 — » » — nS"-! r-#-* — P — I ^\— ;p ^H tS- 5 l)^:r-r r g ^ p' b p' s r =^ ■^ ±^ -m- — ^ #-1- ^s ^ :8^ 5=^^=^ -^^ ^± When the clouds have rolled a - way; (a-way;) Gath-ered 'round the throne, ^ fei S5^ =£=&: i PP ^ li U d rr^ i fc^ bP n ,^ A ^^ :|^ ^ S ^-'-^- C gT iT" ^ •<5K- :*5=^ ^ B^ ^ f— r -9 ^ When He shall call His own, We shall see the King some day. A -men. :i=W :5l^ gj-VH : I ^- ri^^ ^ CTS^T T^ ^ I -m Copyright, 1906, by Chas. H. Gabriel. E. O. ExcelU owner 278 Battle Hymn of the Republic Julia Ward Howe William Stefpb ^I^eeMe^e^^ ^^ t5={!=t5 ^m ij T-^-r. =|-t|4=i ^ 1. Mine eyes have seen the glo - ry of the cora-ing of the Lord; He is 2. I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hun-dred circling camps; They have 3. He has sound-ed forth the trumpet that shall nev - er sound re-treat; He is 4. In the beau- ty of the lil-ies Christ was born a -cross the sea, With a £ I e i=|t -»-=- 4-^c;^ -»-^ =P=r =^=^ r^ D b p 5i r-f r- F^ -a - J^ ^f=# ^^^-^^^^-m M ^^-^n ^ W=t± tram-pling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the build -ed Him an al - tar in the eve-ning dews and damps; I can read His sift - ing out the hearts of men be - fore His judg-ment seat. be swift, my glo - ry in His bos - om that trans-fig-ures you and me; As He died to f f f ^^ ^^r4r^ ^^i4=^ vtzutt Jt=p=tt=p=tt b b b r-1 b b b b ^ m ■»H — ■ r=f5: 3^ =i4^ ifcl?: 5 fate - ful light-ning of His ter- ri-ble swift sword; His truth is march-ing on. righteous sen-tence by the dim and flar-ing lamps; His day is march-ing on. soul, to an-swer Him! be ju - bi-lant, my feet! Our God is march-ing on. make men ho - ly, let us die to make men free; Wb.ile God is march-ing on. ^ * JU *=f p Ktzf E i5=ti -»— [) b u P ^=^ :5=r Chorus w i pi Glo-ry! glory, hal-le-lu-jah! Glory! glory,hal-le-lu-jah! His truth is marching on. Glo-ry!glory,hal-le-lu-jah! Glory! glory,hal-le-lu-3ah! His day ismarchingon. Glo-ry! glory, hal-le-lu-jah! Glory! glory, hal-le-lu-jah! Our God ismarchingon. Glo-ry! glory, hal-le-lu-jah! Glory! glory, hal-le-lu-jah! While God is marching on. ^^t 279 America the Beautiful Eatherikb Lee Bates Samuel A. Ward A i m '4=i=m 3p: i^ r 1. beau - ti - f ol for 2. beau - ti - ful for 3. beau - ti - ful for 4. beau - ti - ful for spa pil he- pa ■cions skies, For am - ber waves of - grim feet, Whose stern, im-pas-sioned • roes proved In lib - er - at - ing •triot dream That sees be-yond the ^M £ ■j^ 4=- i^ =fc^ t^ i ::t5=z4: ^ t* maj free- coun cit - For pur - pie moun-tain A thor-ough-fare for Who more than self their Thine al - a - has - ter b I ' ' ' ' • es - ties A - bove the fruit - ed dom beat A - cross the wil - der ■ try loved. And mer - cy more than ies gleam, Undimmed by hu - man plain! ness! life! tears! ^ t^^-^fi i=t s l!^(t m i *s ^ -«— ^3f t?r>' A -mer A -mer A -mer A -mer 1 - i - i - i - ca! ca! ca! ca! -^ -^ ^ A- A A A- mer mer mer mer ■»T- ca! God shed His grace on ca! God mend thine ev - 'ry ca! May God thy gold re ca! God shed His grace on --t—ti- J_i thee, flaw, fine, thee. ^ -l^p I J I :^==g: S -iSi-i ^ ^ ^ And crown thy good with broth - er-hood From sea to shin - ing Con - firm thy soul in self - con-trol, Thy lib - er - ty in Till all suc-cess be no - ble-ness, And ev - 'ry gain di - And crown thy good with broth - er-hood From sea to shin - ing m At -J- U=i sea! law! vine! sea! 280 God of Our Fathers Daniel C. Roberts NATIONAL HYMN George W. Warren ff Trumpets before each stanza «?=> T=?=l=« ^=t= •3^ 1. God of our fa-thers, whose al-might-y hand 2. Thy love di-vine hath led us in the past; 3. From war's a-larms. from dead-ly pes - ti-lence, 4. Re - fresh Thy peo - pie on their toil-some way; •- ^ • ^ Leads forth in beau - ty all the star-ry band In this free land by Thee our lot is cast; Be Thy strong arm our ev - er sure de-fense; Lead us from night to nev-er-end-ing day; 5= il :t=t Of shin-ing worlds in Be Thou our Ru - ler, Thy true re - lig - ion Fill all our lives with I 5S^ J. :^: X -XL ±SL splen-dor thro' the skies, Guardian. Guide and Stay, in our hearts in-crease, love and grace di-vine; -*- -5^. ^ \ I i— r :^: Our grate-fnl songs be-fore Thy throne a Thy Word our law. Thy paths our chos-en Thy bounteous goodness nour-ish us in And glo-ry. laud, and praise be ev - er ■ rise, way. peace. Thine. £e3 ffi m 281 S. F. Smith My Country, 'Tis of Thee English i ^13=11^^ w i=i= 3F=:='jFJ=«^ aEESliS thee I 1. My coun-try, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of lib - er-ty, Of thee I sinp: Land where my 2. My na-tivc coun-try thee, Land of the no -blc, free. Thy name I love: I Idve thy 3. Let mu-sic swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song; Let mor-tal 4. Our fa-thers' Godl to Thee, Au - thor of lib - er - ty, To Thee we sing: Long may our ■9^ ^ ^ ifetEm3EE ^rr ^% My Country, 'Tis of Thee fa - thers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From ev-'ry mountain side Let free-dom ring! rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills Like that a - bove. tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break, The sound pro-long, land be bright With freedom's ho-ly light; Pro-tect us by Thy might, Great God, our King! -f^r T i T' t ^- ^j: pj. p^^a Land of Our Hearts 282 John H. Ingham 4- Geo. W. Warren -J- B^ Land Land Land Land Land ■6) ^ ^E^M^ T='=f ^- E =*=r ^=» of onr Hearts, up - on whose bonnteous breast Earth's wea-ry sons of the North, where bat-tiing breez-es sweep O'er Arc - tic snow of the South, where odorous warmth pervades For - ests of palm of the East, where erst our fa - thers trod, Vow - ing the soil of the West the pi - o - neer hath won, Fol-lowing the prom man - y lands find rest. Bind pine - en - cir - cled steep. And ev - er ver - dant glades. Gold - free-dom and to God, More guid-ed by the sun, — From us in love, thun-d'rous tor ■ fruit - ed groves, we de - mand gleam-ing grain, I I I that we may tru - ly rents wres-tle in the wide a - cres crowned with than wealth of mine and from sky - as-cend-ing j J J J k ^-i -p^^ i=S ^^ee E :ii T i blood, one Na - tion, ev - er - last - ing - ly! us the strength to suf - fer and to dare! our lives thy sweet-ness and true wis- dom, no ture, sane - ti - fy * £ V, ■ on ns high aims, the , fu I thy light! ble art! our hope! 4-. .0. 42- ^ -S»-*- Used by permission 283 The Star-Spangled Banner Francis Scott KevI is ±=^-=^ ^ g^ ^^ ^zr n=^ ^ :t5=t3: •-r- H^ p^p S 1. Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's ear-ly light, What so prood-ly we 2. On the sliore, dim-ly seen thro' the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haaghty 3. And where is that band, who so vaunt-ing-ly swore That the hav-oc of 4. Oh, thus be it ev - er when free-men shall stand Be - tween their loved t±^ m=^ t: t r=l-' b ^^ = H t ^=E^?^^ r — tr -^i— fc- >- u rr ■si- hailed at thetwilight'slastgleaming? Whose broadstripesandbrightstars.thro'the host in dread si-lence re -pos - es, What is tliat which the breeze, o'er the * war and the bat-tie's con-fu - sion, A home and a coun - try should homes and the war's des - o - la - tion; Blest with vie - fry and peace, may the ^ *L— f I - ^^ :«=«= i=& =5=5= =^ --9=^ t- I5=r5: 3E ^ :?fc=jt rr per - il- ous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gal-lant-lystream-ing? tow - er - ing steep. As it fit - ful - ly blows, half conceals, half dis-clos - es? leave us no more? Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pol-lu- tion; Heav'n-rescuedlandPraise the Pow'r that hath made and preserved us a na -tion! tfc ^ f ^=^ =9^^P= #-*- '^ ^r: "9=^ f m -l_C-IU— !-J-r J— X M I J ,J J^-J^ rj— M^ ^dm uj M,^ -£ ; And the rock-ets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air. Gave proof thro' the Now it catch-es the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glo - ry re- No ref-uge could save the hire-ling and slave From the ter - rot of Then con-quer we must, when our cause it is just; And this be our :p:^ f=r i ■ft. The Star-Spangled Banner ^ jf Chorus > > i ^5=t5= -^- S^ ^ ^ :^=pl: night that our flag was still there, fleet - ed, now shines on the stream flight or the gloom of mot - to: "In God is the grave, our trust!" m ^ — C— £- J: Oh, say, does that star -span-gled 'Tis the star-span-gled ban - ner; oh, And the star-span-gled ban ner in And the star-span-gled ban - ner in s'^^^K ^> ==* •> z> > ,r> 4j__d_^^ — ^ — — ^^ — ^ — q* — V=^- v^^- £ :^i=t t=P=F I 1=3^ ^ 1 J 1- 1 l-N H 33 :t5=^ ^-=^?= 3^ :3^=i|= 3^ l=Fi :^=ii: ^S ban - ner yet wave O'er the long may it wave O'er the tri- umph doth wave O'er the tri - umph shall wave O'er the L(2- £ ry—ir i:?|c land of the free, and the home of the brave? land of the free, and the home of the brave, land of the free, and the home of the brave, land of the free, and the home of the brave. it s ^ p: ^? =P=t2: 284 God Bless Our Native Land C. T. Brooks Lowell Mason Bn . God bless our na - tive land; Firm . For her our prayers shall rise To may God she ev - er stand a - bove the skies; -Az :?=pl m ^ - i i T Thro' storm and night; When the wild On Him we wait; Thou who art T- -f- -p- ^ . -•--#- -0- tern - pests rave, Rul - er of ev - er nigh, Guard-ing with 1^ t- -I J- >=t: i^^ I -— In -»— -0S>-^ i - ca! i - ca! mer mer A - mer - i - ca! God shed His grace on thee, .... And A - mer - i - ca! God mend thine ev - 'ry flaw, .... C!on- ^^ ^ ^ •-; • 0- ■^ mer d? ^ i - ca! A - mer - i - ca! May God thy gold re - fine,. TUl :ii=2= J=J=F^ -• 0- t=F=F 0=^ I — mer mer - i - ca ! A- i - ca! God shed His grace on thee, .... And -•— 3=p: --^ fc^: i^ ta ^ =^ ^ -*^ i IJ^EE^M^p H-f -f-f-!- >_W' fcr ;fcrt I i^ -i^-i- :2^ — p— ^ — r crown thy good with broth-er-hood From sea to shin-ing sea. firm thy soul in self- con-trol, Thy lib - er - ty in law. A - MEN. a^Ei P^^l ?:5:ri=: -^ — ^- all ^ soc - cess be \) ! no - ble-ness. And ev - 'ry gain di - vine. A - men. '0—0- r i^^^:^^ i ^is± crown thy good with broth - er-hood From *-i — • — -t=^ ^= ittzt =P= sea to shin — # -ing sea. A - MEN. ^ fcS- -^2_r^ a ^ -» — 0- f '^t -^S>-i >5i- S i^ te=tt= :fc^ 35=t feF ^=te^=^F# -(22- • ^^.^ 286 Peace! Be Stilll Mary A. Bakbr H. R. Palmer ^ =. ^= j^d^ =fe t=t^ t=:t 1 3^ i t—t :t=i=r 1. Mas-ter, the tem-pest is rag - ing! The bil - lows are toss - ing high! 2. Mas - ter, with an-gaish of spir - it I bow in my grief to - day; 3. Mas-ter, the ter-ror is o - ver, The el - e-ments sweet-ly rest; t& H=!! — )*— K :t=t -#^ D 53=P=::tt U P P P P P i f^ J^ h S=^ -^r fcltC ^ t= -«-r- =r 3^ r=f= £ The sky is o'er-shadowed with blackness, No shel- ter or help is The depths of my sad heart are troub-led; wak - en and save, I Earth'ssanin the calm lake is mir-rored. And heaven's with-in my £ -Jz -•-=-•-=- nigh; pray! breast. P ' P PP -P P P^ =F=g= : U_P_P : :p^*: ii=:t5: I m m m^ m^ m^^^' 1 9- ^ # t—t— 9 P P P "Car -est Thou not that we per - ish?" How canst Thou lie a - sleep, Tor-rents of sin and of an - guish Sweep o'er my sink - ing soul! Lin-ger, bless -ed Re -deem - er, Leave me a- lone no more; m * i t: :t ^^r^r=^ fsp V — P — P — p — tJ — D~ I ^^ i fr-Vr ^ 1 — h- :6— f?-ii- i :t=l: ^ ^=i=j=i •♦-=-♦ When each moment so mad - ly is threat-'ning A grave in the And I per -ish! I per -ish, dear Mas-ter; has -ten, and And with joy I shall make the blest bar - bor. And rest on the an - gry take con bliss - ful deep? trol! shore. ~g JT >^— |i— ^ :£=E=tF«i:=l r I D [.. p g Jv_ — P-P-'-?— J— P— p— p— 7- Used by permission of H. R. Palmer Refrain Peace! Be Still! P PP t- ±=:f?=^l=:^=^:^ :^=:i:^t ^—t T— t-T c^: -^ -»- >— r -8^ 'The winds and the waves shall - bey my will. Peace,.. be still!"- •- Peace, be stilll peace, be still! m ^w=^ m. ic=^=;^=!iz=^ -•-s- -p— p— p— p— p— p- :^5=1: -f r-f^- t P -Jl :^=:^=:^z=:^z=ift=fe: ^— r— 8 ^— 8-- ^ -#- iq — 1 — 1—1 — 1- Wheth-er the wrath of the storm-tossed sea, Or de-mons, or men, or what- ^— * ft m. « •_ lt=a :t=t :fc=tc -p P P ^ -p p p — p p p- do - ^-\ ) -^ --^ — -fv ^^^3^r ^=^- h _ ^ -4^_-^ t=8: Ji-J- ff ' 4 • •— "-n ^ n — ev-er it be, No wa - ter can swal-low the ship where lies The Mas-ter of ^- -^ -^- i= l> t^ M g - :ji=t -f--f: V u p- t 1—8: ^- i :t=p8=l: P=zP: P P P- feN^ JM)- :&=& P =8=t -p— t p- r- -«i.— i— ■ o-cean and earth and skies; They all shall sweetly o - bey My will; Peace, be still! I h iM: -»- -4>- -m- r) -•- -#- -•- -#- -•■ ^ t. t=x -w~r - :p=P: ic ^_^_te _ fc > ^ I p -P P P P P i^ ■| P- T— rr ;3p S SEES I) --S— tr :r=ST±i?^ It^T Peace, be still! They all shall sweetly o - bey My will; Peace, peace, be still! -p-f ^ :t=t: =& pt ^ b u I P P P P 'I ^= i^^iztm s 287 Not Half Has Ever Been Told John Burcb Atcbinson O. F. Presbrey i & fcS EE# i^s^i 1. I have read 2. I have read 3. I have read 4. I have read P of a beau - ti - ful of briglit man -sions in of white robes for the of a Clirist so for ("it - y, heav - en, right - eous, giv - ing, Far a- Which the Of bright That vile -<&-• -^;^• :&: --^-- --dr F?=^ -• — *■ E3 =^=ti: ^tt^ way in the king-dom of God; Sav - ior has gone to pre - pare; crowns which the glo - ri - fied wear, sin - ners may ask and re - ceive I have read how its walls are of And the saints who on earth have been When oar Fa- ther shall bid them "Come, Peace and par - don for ev - 'ry trans- it: t-siz =1: si- i ^ -(St-* -&■• ^ ^- -#-^ 11^=1!: jas - per, faith - ful, en - ter, gres - sion, How its streets are all gold - en and Rest for - ev - er with Christ o - ver And My glo - ry e - ter - nal - ly If when ask - ing they on - ly be IfT broad: In the there; There no share;" How the lieve. I have ^T ^ Not Half Has Ever Been Told dr-d — P^— 13— ^ — h— J^ h #. *i * ^ — - — g — ^ — •- A t^-^—^^—J^-J^^—*- -r—f— =^—5^ =^— S— R— ti— p- — P " midst of the street is life's riv - er, sin ev - er en-ters, nor sor-row, right-eous are ev - er-more bless - ed read how He'll guide and pro-tect us, n Clear as crys - tal and pure to The in-hab - it - ants nev - er As they walk thro' the streets of If for safe - ty we en - ter be- grow pure His V 1 /L 1 irn JA ' \s\) ^ • ^ • J . «• • t: ij: 1 ^•V r^ 1 PJ. fy . 1 J . m • t-f^-irtv ■#• :ttzp=p: hold, But not half of that city's bright glory To mortals has ev-er been told, old; But not half of the wonderful sto - ry To mortals has ev-er been told, gold; But not half of the wonderful sto - ry To mortals has ev-er been told, fold; But not half of His goodness and mercy To mortals has ev-er been told. ^ ^- •\^%W- tj> ^3: -&.-' -5^' ■^- *: =^5: Refrain L^J h :] h—^ ^-^ i^:4 ji=jt=^— f)- -•-i- i ^^ Ei±3.^Bji^i:3 5? Not half has ev - er been told; . . Not half has ev - er been told; . . Not been told; been told; -^ -0. -^ -#--#- -#- .,- .0.^. .0- ^. -^ -#. M- ^. M.^ -r— H-H 1 I r^-^ -^-^mr-^-^- ^tzfc: > —^— ^ -w w m tt7-r- p~i — p- ■p-1 — p p p p ^-=^-: Repeat the Refrain p :^ fc=^±=i! ^ 4=t half of that cit-y's bright glo - ry To mor-tals has ev-er been told. -•— P P P P P ^ 1L p— r-p-5 =z^& ^j P ' ^i ' 288 D. R VAN Sickle All Hail, Immanuel Chas. H. Gabriel fci m :^ m s ^^ =»=*=^ rrr — r :^ 1. All hail to Thee, Im-man-u - el, We cast . . . our crowns be-fore Theer 2. All hail to Thee, Im-man-u - el, The ran - somed hosts surround Thee; 3. All hail to Thee, Im-man-u - el, Our ris - - en King and Sav - iorl -* . 1 m .42 . feS i P-; F 1 #• TTTn P ^S^^ ^^ ^-^n-TT "^^^ Let ev - 'ry heart o - bey Thy will. And ev And earth - ly mon-archs clam - or forth Their Sov - Thy foes are van-quished, and Thou art Om - nip - • - ry voice a- - 'reign King to - - - tent for- m ^- 1 i : ^^7^ ^ dore Thee. In praise to Thee, our Sav - lor King, The vi - brant crown Thee. While those re-deemed in a - ges gone. As - sem - bled ev - er. Death, sin and hell no Ion - ger reign. And Sa - tan's M . T' C m liJd ■•• * I m ^^=ti^ v- ■*- 0- I p r febd±j ■[ ,1 jjj^^jdd-j^afefei tr ^-rr chords of Heav - en ring. And ech - o back the might round the great white throne, Break forth in - to im - mor - pow'r is burst in twain; E - ter - nal glo - ry to ■ y strain: tal song: Thy Name: ^ ^^ P^f^ ctrfe ^ i i ^^— r^— ^M^ r r "^ - ^^-f^^f^^--^ -^^r-jg- All haU! all hail! All haU! aU haU! Im-man All haill all bail! el! ^^^^^^m 1^-i — »■ ^ ^-*d Copyright. 191U. by K, O. KjtcelL Words and Music e^^- Choros. All HalU Immanuel Hail! Ira-man-u-el! Im-man-a-el! Hail! 3@^^^^^ 4 ^P^ ^HTf :i=^ -ff-^ -p^ C^ P =1 I VW. P Hail to the King we love so well! Hail! Im -man-u-el! Hail to the King we love so well! Hail! y V h ,<- 3 m — «- P'f P t^ t 1^ at 5iB^ I p b I) b ^ -^=rg tn) b b b b b b T ^^ f b bp Im-man-u-el! Im-man-u-el! ^ «juuii^ 3jgd i ^#^ fd=p£ i5=fc *=B: K— »- rr ^ r^c 3t=» -i^-* r^^T^ r r or Hail! Im - man - u- el! Glo-ry and honor and majesty, Wisdom and power be Hail! Glo - - ry and maj-es-ty, Wis - dom be J-. %t>. ^n '^?A • . •- IS bb b ? r rit i^jpfe^ HaU! i =^ Im- ;ifc4? ^ ^ • s ». Fpff un - to Thee, Now and ev - er - more! ^juxjLim i;^ ^ ^ b b b =1 . Hail to the King we love so welll 3 -f— ^ P' P f M^:^ * _j^_! j^ ^ b b I -•— » — # — » • # — » • i» — »-*■ rtnnr-g=rTT man-u-el! Im-man-u-el! Hail! ^ Im-man-u-el! Im-man-u-el! ^???^-:^^Kr^^^^^ ^ & :» J^ V-M-* . ^"^ ' .^ * . J^j: Im - man - u - el! Hail to the King we love so well! Hail! Im - man - u - ell Hail! J: Hail! Hail! :^. •— ^ ^ J'. *=* ^ » — ■ • -» -^^^m ^ # — • — » . # » r I M i> ij ^ A-,& t^ :^ H 3^ ^^^ King of kings and Lord of lords, All hail, Im-man-u - el! A- MEN. m^ ^ \-kfr: f E ^ a 289 Charlotte G. Homer Awakening Chorus Chas. H. Gabriel 1. A -wake! A-wakel 2. Ring oat! Ring out! >): 2 M 1 . ^ f a - wake! and a-wakel ring out! ring out! -0- -0- -0- ^ h 1 ! ^ -u* ^ ^ ^- ^^ 4 -S sing the bless-ed 3eUs of joy and -^ — i» — • — — t5=S sto - ry; glad-ness! r-r— f^ 1 A- Re- ^4^ — \ — ^ — p— ' P— p- -^—. ' — P b P '# |f l# |e T?— P— p— P- -# «— "-T P i ^ T=t5: P -^ tr-p- -•-r- •^- J^^l^ ^=^^a n wake! a- wake! and let your song of praise a-rise; A -wake! a- A-wake! a-wakel A-wakel peat, re -peat a -new the sto- ry o'er a-gain, Till all the Re-peat, re-peat, ^ g - , I, ;g- |=p^:pM^=g-g-rg-g- g : :5=P: -^ U P i; — :^^ z-p_p u; | ^ -p— P i -^- Till all larzji: -^ tJ-tr ^J: :i=«= ••-i- wake! the earth is full of glo-ry, And light ■*i — w — • — =r TT^ is beam - ing a- wake I And light isbeam-ing earth shall lose its weight of sad-ness, And shout a - new the the earth And shout a - new -0. .0. .0. -0- -0- -0- ~0- -0- itzt !=«=«: -#- # *- ^c=Jt ^\—0 -| :^=^- ■3=p=:p=a P P P P — P — P — P — I u^" Male Voices in Unison i i^.^ T' f^ ^^^=^S 4f*= 3^ ic :i± -^ ^= i from the ra-diant skies; The rocks and rills, the vales and hills re-sound with glo-ri-ous re-frain; With an-gels in the heights sing of the great sal- ^ ' • -p r=v= 52: :^=p: :ti=i: =;2=:5= p: Full Harmony ^^M ^""^ ^^^ 1^^^^^^^.^ uiJij xa;vi\iuvj glad - ness, All na - ture joins to sing the triumph song. The Lord Je- va - tion He wrest - ed from the hand of sin and death. ^ Vt^' ^ ■0-^ ifcz^ ■U=^ Copyright, 1905. by Chaa. H- Gabriel Hope Publishing Co., owner ^^ Awakening Chorus h ,. L, Unison t-- ij: ho - vah reigns and sin is back-ward hurled! Ee - joice! re- sin is back-ward hurled I -0- -0- i^. J. P ^ ^f=^ =^=#= b U U :^ in tn -0-^- -0-^ ! lift heart and voice, Je - ho h I ^^~W ^ T J joice vah m KA ■K4- reigns! ±: -±L ^ ^ fc:^ ^ -^- -^ Full Harmony A 1- =^i ^ # :f^cti -#-*- -=1— ^ Pro-claim His sov - 'reign pow'r to all the pow'r to 1 world, And let all the world, And let His -0- -0- -0- -(t- -0- -0- His ^^^^^ W i — tw-l- i ^ 1^=^ J^^-X-4 nztz:^ s *=F= V-tr -#-^ u u p u glo - - rious ban-ner be nn- furled! grand and glo-rious ban-ner be on - furled! Je Je - ho - vah reigns I ho -vah reigns! Je- ho -vah reigns! k ^ g— ? -^-i b P b [) b u b b ^ 5^ h ^. f: -0-^ Tb #-^- tr-l7 -^1— "-^ ■nr Ee - joice! re - joice! re - joice! Re- joice! re - joice! re - joice! Je - ho - vah reigns! ■t *: y^^Mtt^-b ife4 ^ ^ P3 290 Reginald Heber Holy, Holy, Holy i fe I & II SOPBANOS John B. Dyhes Arr. for Chorus in six parts bj Harold Hart Todd 3^3= ^=i "I r I ^ ■ • 1. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, 2. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly! Alto i Lord God Al - might - y! all the saints a - dore Thee, :1=^ ■:zt. i3: 3. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly! I & II Tenors , tho' the dark-ness hide Thee, I 4-*- H 1-1 J pa^ ^F=t Lord God Al - might - y! 1^ 4. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho • ly! Bass ■^^=x P A d: 'm-f- -2^ -jisr. _|2. ISC ^-^ Piano ■tf^-~%- S ^ Lj_iJ ^_l_i_ilj :^ :p2: •-S- I^SE -•-*- d: vm Ear - ly in the morn - ing Cast - ing down their gold-en crowns oar song shall rise a -round the glass to Thee; y sea;.. "m Tho' the eye of sin -Jul -s"- ■•=^ man Thy glo - ry may not see; \ I: S-i- t^ p=tp^^ Sigi All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea; 3e^ -•— * fc± ^ m w w- i^^^^^^d. ^ — 3— i ==3 d: f=^ rf ^ii^=i 'JfSi f^s^ fc=t =^=t= 4 # ^3 =F t — r- Arr. Copyright, 1923, by Lamar & Barton Holy, Holy, Holy M fe^dd^ -lU 1 -^- M Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho Cher-u - bim and sera ly, mer - ci - ful and might - y, phim fall - ing down be - fore Thee, m :3^d^E ■7^- M On - ly Thou art ho - ly; there is none be - side Thee, ^: --J- -4- J- s^c 1^ s^=s It £ ^^ Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho ly, mer - ci - ful and might - y. &. m E -f2- f1* 2* ^ -^ :xsi -12- J -J- 1 i i 4 :^ J -(S- :p= r *l iSi^^ l=F =*^ ■•— (2- -•— 1 ^- bless - ed Trin ev - er - more I I #J: God in Three Per - sons. Which wert, and art, and i - ty. shall be. m MEN. 9 t^z -jtz: Per - feet in pow'r, in iid- g sir love, and pu - ri ty. MEN. I God in Three Per - sons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty. m i=l=3= MEN. l^^l g -(2- bui iAJ=± ^--f I 3t^ 1^ ^•-'-Tg: 422 tffi_ 1 — r iffi ^ J J, J }^ J^ U: -i .t^jA \ I i 291 Joy to the World! the Lord is Come Isaac Watts I & II Sopranos George Handel Arr. for Chorus in six parts by Harold Hart Todd 1. Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth re-ceive lier King; Let 2. Joy to the world! the Sav-ior reigns; Let men their songs em-ploy; While ,, Alto ^+f 't^ ^ # ^ :^ 3 1=::^ 3. No more let sin and sor - row grow, Nor thorns in -fest the ground; He 4. He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the na-tions prove The I & II Tenors mi=^ m '--^ j- =^ te tod. Bass j^;= :| Pit a :1^=fc=^ M 0- — 0- -^ ^ — ^ — --9-^ ^- -Ji Piano -J 1?i-^ ev - 'ry heart pre-pare Him room. And heav'n, fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Re - peat, And heav'n and na-tare Re - peat the sounding comes to make His bless-ings flow. Far as, Far as the curse is glo-ries of His right-eous-ness, And wonders, And won-ders of His -"^ ^- m 1. And heav'n and na - ture Bingr, 2. Re - peat the sound-in^r joy. era And Re- ^j n» — •- m -0 — • — •- -fefefc 3. Far as the curse is found, 4. And won-ders of His love. Far And Bg^£ i ?g ^ — — -# — 15- -to — •— -#-^-^=5= -|= t — 0—0 — -p — 0-^ Arr. Copyright, 1923, by Lamar & Barton Joy to the World! the Lord is Come ?c=p: -4= ^t 9- ^L^ r ^ -^1 — r-'-t — "-F-f-^i — " sing, And heav'n and nature sing, And lieav'n and natnre sing, joy, Ee - peat the sounding joy, Ee - peat the sounding joy. A ^E5E^E55 MEN. ^a D P ^ ^ 15: itif: -sH found, love, Far as the curse is And wonders of His found, Far as love. And won ■ the curse is found, ders of His love. A -nn- MEN. l^ fejd— ^3 «=:t= fji^z D b b t= heav'n and na - ture sing, peat the sound-ing joy. ^ u r-r ^fe»=« And heav'n, and heav'n and na- ture sing. Re - peat, re - peat the sound-ing joy. fe^iHH teS ^—^-¥ itp: tP as the curse is won- ders of His found, love. Far as, far as And won-ders, and won the curse is found, ders of His love. MEN. i=HESEs^fSEP ^EtEEs ;^S ^^g a isaJiJ-*- re=Et= ^ -■gi a 292 The Lord Our God Alone is Strong Caleb T. Winchester Harold Hart Todd m m S '^^ in =|: :t=i==y- :* ::!: T r r -* ■ - ' - • b 1. The Lord our God a - lone is strong, His hands build not for one brief day; 2. His mountains lift their sol-emn forms, To watch in si - lence o'er the land; 3. Be- yond the heav'ns He sits a - lone, The u - ni-verse o - beys His nod; 4. Thou sov'reign God, re-ceivethis gift Thy will-ing serv-ants of - fer Thee; 5. And let those learn, who hereshallmeet, True wis-dom is with re v'rence crowned; m. m. rtz £ E^ *: d=± Ei i -^= t 3t=1: ^=a: ^^ His wondrous works thro' a - ges long, His wis-dom and His pow'rs dis-play. The roll - ing ocean rocked with storms, Sleeps in the hoi - low of His hand. The lightning rifts dis-close His throne. And thunders voice the name of God. Ac-cept the prayers that thousands lift. And let these halls Thy tem - pie be. And sci-ence walks with hum-ble feet. To seek the God that faith hath found M — m — i-! — »__. — , — J^L-m 4 .-J — « — m^^S—^/L - '^ i t X-- -y- S t-- =P= Arr. Copyright, 1923, by Lamar & Sartoa 293 Come, Thou Almighty King Felice Giardini Charles Wesley I & II Sopranos Arr. for Chorus in six parts by Harold Hakt Todd W^ i-=fd r-"-T -<&-i- 1 T ^^^ t=f ^ 1. Come, Thou Al - might - y King, Help us Thy name 2. Come, Thou In - car - nate Word, Gird on Thy might „ Alto to sing, y sword, H^ m ^£ q=1: 1=1: :^3: 3. Come, Ho - ly I & II Tenors Com fort - er, Thy sa - cred wit - ness bear 4. To the great One Bass in Three, E - ter - nal prais es be ITd: 3iq=4 ^^=4: f©-*- ■<&-^ ^azf: m Piano 1== =A: r =t * s BE-. iEB r -F & :1=: P- r m Help us to praise! Fa - ther all - glo - ri - ous. O'er all vic- Our prayer at - tend; Come, and Thy peo - pie bless. And give Thy =1: =t ^S^^E^Ei -•-I— In this glad hour: Thou who al - might - y art, Now rule in ^ ^'- T' Hence, ev - er - more: His Sov -'reign Maj - es - ty May we in ^^ii-i- _i_._i_^_ |=i ^ m^- E^^H =1= -75>- 3^2^ i^f± -•-s- ;=3 4- 1^^^ ^• :-fc=t It -^-! -g - f t rt- Axr. Copyright, 1923, by Lamar & Barton i Come, Thou Almighty King -4- d=i i -^ i^H * to - ri-ous, Come, and reign - ver us, An-cient of Days, word success: Spir - it of ho - li - ness, On us de - scend. A - MEN. * &=d=td=d^i ^m -•-i- f -<5'-i- ev - 'ry heart, And ne'er from us de- part, Spir -it of pow'r. A - men J \ 1 ^B :t±^l ^=^=^'- :E glo - ry see, And to e - ter - ni - ty Love and a - dore. A - men. ^Hfi^ -p — r *=t l=C± ^±Et tri- -0-^ -O- :^ =5=P -«'— 'C* . -•&' ^^^ m a=i±3=»: i± 3=t ^^^^m It; :t::=P=t: r-^-r 294 Bishop Ken is Awake, My Soul Harold Hart Todd S= I: :ta=1=d ^i^3: ^: 1. A - wake, my soul, and with the sun Thy dai - ly stage of du - ty run; 2. Wake, and lift up thy-self , my heart, And with the an - gels bear thy part, 3. All praise to Thee, who safe hast kept, And hast re-freshed me while I slept; 4. Lord, I my vows to Thee re - new: Dis-perse my sins as morn-ing dew; 5. Di - rect, con-trol, sug-gest, this day, All I de-sign, or do, or say; s s l±=r p± I n ■H-; d d •- 4^-^-4 ^-=J=d: ta= TT -0- -0- Shake off dull sloth, and joy - ful rise To pay thy morn-ing sac - ri-fice. Who all night long un-wear-ied sing High praise to the e - ter - nal King. Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of end -less life par-take. Guard my first springs of tho't and will. And with Thy-self my spir - it fill. That all my pow'rs with all their might, In Thy sole glo - ry may u - nite. ip?=i=f± fc «|:l=:=-M4=i*±=J=» -I ^4_z 1 -| ^^^ ^ Arr. Copyright, 1923, by Lamar & Barton t=t: 295 JOQN KEBLE I & 11 Sopranos Sun of My Soul Peter Ritter Arr. for Chorus in six parts by Harold Hart Todd H^ ■75H 1. Sun of 2. When the Alto my soft soul! dews Thou of Sav kind m lor dear, sleep It My not ied 3 3. A - bide with me from morn 4. If some poor wan - d'ring child I & II Tenors , till eve, For with - out of Thine, Have spurned to- =1" :^=:t- ^- e r =i^=i: -?d— 5. Watch by the 6. Come near and Bass sick: en - rich the poor With bless - bless us when we wake, Ere through mgs the m a- S iEi r§^ ^^ 2^: J^ ^=i=i 3:3 -5*- ■i5>- PlANO saE* -,- 1 ^=^ i «=r— r — p'- -X =^ - 1 — I 1 — 1 1 — "-I 1 Ei5 1. Je - sus, Lov-er of my soul, Let me to Thy bos - om fly, 2. 0th- er ref-uge have I none, Hangs my lielp-less soul on Thee: Alto rtui •(& • — &-^^ ^ 4^- — -g<- -G— -si —7:i~ i 3. Thou, Christ, art all I & II Tenors I 1 — \—4 I want; More than all in Thee I find; 4- 1 d-H ^-r i d ^5ni T^—r - Icfc^ i=it: ^-- 5^2^ 4. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cov - er all Bass my WF^ sin: — -^ — n ^^ -iri' 3^: i ^ J- ^^ 1: Piano r ^ g—?' — J r fc=t s fH^-- r-t :ee j^^ 221 X — r § i u i&^t --^-^- ^ 22:^_«L_^'-^. :y^-i^. is fort t s?"- g?— While the near-er wa - ters roll, While the tem-pest still Leave, ah! leave me not a -lone, Still sup-port and com high! me: -^ :1= :=l: -<©— b^ -!&-=- -rJ-iTTi^ Raise the fall -en, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. -I- ^i -I- 4— J- ^r?i :t= 4= =t:: -s^ ^i :f=tr :?5<— ^:zi Let the heal-ing streams a-bound; Make J r^-=f=F "^ :^ ---X H and keep me pure with :i4: -f- -f>- -f- Ts^ TitJ^:^ '-^ t^EteEEi^^^E -s2--l_^- iB; i Arr, Copyrigrht, 1923, by Lamar & Barton Jesus, Lover of My Soul ^M ji -'S-T gur:^ -4 Ni .4 — ^- :?i=^ m ^ -G- -t^-— 32 4-. ^ Hide me. my Sav - ior, hide, Till the storm of Hfe be past; All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring; I r^- =i=t -s*- 1=1=1=:1: ^:^: ^^7^—r^ — * — n — ^— \-^- — ^ -^^-j-g *- Just and ho - ly \ — \—A- is Thy name, I am all un - right - eous - ness; r -2d- I -tS-j — g--'--z:( ■ g"-^ — p-f- -g-i-g -I ^- r -^5^ ^ :fT -s— -l5'-r ■ U- J , Thou of life the foun-tain art, Free-ly let me take of i^ ■p- — (g-^ — g— =E -s*-^ — 6'— Thee: — y=s ^:^z=^=^: ■— gi ^ — s*- -.^-S — IS- -5*- -;^^-^3;-?^ -I 1 ^- z^^^ ::^izzB s|: d± -'S-i- Z S ^ J^ Cl^ i^±t:^n^i -IS" m ^ — ^ 5^1— p2-! ^l^.^>5) -?- ig-^r!g i- ~ ,-^ S I , I Lt^ii -£- i<^ -*- L-MO p — --■&'— — •&- -\ — r -^-=- =P -W-J- ^^^ ■fS^ -iS' • — <5>-^ n- >J ??^=^?^S^33^» •f2- ■s?- ?2^=*=S— -^^ 4^=} TBjjT i s^ ^ a Safe in -to the ha-ven guide, re-ceive my soul at last! Gov - er my de - fense-less head With the shad-ow of Thy wing. A - MEN. 7^ ? ^ -iS— ^ -^ -3*- i g • - 1^ False and full of sin I am. Thou art full of truth and grace. A-MEN. Spring Thou up with-in my heart. Else to all e - ter - ni - ty. A-MEN. 298 For a Thousand Tongues to Sing Charles Wesley M I & II Sopranos ^ J 3^3: P H: Carl G. Glaser Arr. for Chorus in six parts by Harold Hart Todd ^=P ^fSr :=]: I^Z :«=« :i for a thou - sand tongues to sing My great Re -deem- er's praise, 2. My gra-cious Mas - ter and my God, As- sist me to pro -claim, ALto fc It =t =]: ^ ^ "2?- 3. Je - sus, the name that charms our fears, That bids our sor - rows cease; 4. He breaks the pow'r of can-celed sin, He sets the pris - 'ner free; I & II Tenors '-^^ ±1 ± -z^- ^- '=^=^ i^: t=t 5. He speaks, and lis - t'ning to His voice. New life the dead re - ceive; 6. Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, Your loos-ened tongues em - ploy; Bass m B^- -(=2- :^ :t= tir- i J— ^. 1 12^: •^=^=|: is: 4=t =!S2- Piano 5=^ -25*- T :^ te «. ■s><^- =f=t=f= :ti: = ^— ^ — r ^S =t C^ ^ sa :2^=t=t The glo-ries of my God and King, To spread thro' all the earth a -broad i^r- :&: -i — r The tri-utnphsof His grace. The hon-ors of Thy name. A-MEN. m. P^ =]: 3^ ^Z -&■:'- 'Tis mu - sic in the sin-ner's ears. His blood can make the foul - est clean, -k-^-^—A 1 1— .-I— J 1- 'Tis life, and health, and peace. His blood a -vailed for me. A-MEN. y^riEEt^: -s^— ^ r- J^- :ad= =f=f= v-'S'J The mournful, bro - ken hearts re-joice; Ye blind, be -hold yourSav-ior come; The hum-ble poor be - lieve. And leap, ye lame, for joy. A-MEN. Arr. Copyright, X923, by Lamar & BartOQ 299 Love Lifted Me James Rowb I & II Sopranos Howard E. Smith Arr. for Chorus in six parts by Harold Hart Todd :t5=d: 1?=P «=^^=4 •^ • ^ ^ ^= :t5=:^ •^ -p— P- -=h- I I was sink - ing deep in sin, Far from the peace - ful shore, Alto « B^S3: :r5=:l; 4^—4^ — ^ Tfe All my heart to Him I give, Ev - er to Him I'll cling, I & II Tenors -4-4- J r> i. r h p n «: 3!-=it:^ E=S: 8 -«-^ Souls Bass in dan - ger, look a - hove, Je - sus com-plete - ly saves; tefi :^ ifc :|t t D T'- -0-i — »- O^ ^^^fi=1: ^:^ k=3: iS ^ i^=tzj|=3= Piano ^=«=e J2:fi '— H— fc^=l»=b- :t=t: -«i-^ 1?- "tJ 1?- ^^ Ver - y deep- ly stained with-in, Sink -ing to rise no more; ^ tr=:^ ^ ^ -0-^ In His bless - ed pres-ence live, Ev ifc er His prais - es sing; --h b \ : -u — r V 1?^=^: -V- -Xi^^^ '-t=^ He will lift you by His love Oat of the an - gry waves; m. £=^ -g=F -9 I ) u- ^: -0-^ r=i=j^ ^.d 3Ci=e: 33: t^^ 1=4: :=«=:: t=:± X T T t P Words and Music Copyright, 1912, by Charlie D. Tilknan. Arr. Copyright, 1923, by Robert H. Coleman Robert H. Coleman, owner Love Lifted Me ■li— !• tl-J^^Jl—4l—tL -0— — I- -JT. ;:=« But the Mas - ter of the sea Heard my de - spair - ing cry, -0—0- F •±=f=^=l :d?: =1^ :|5: -* w "^ 9 m- Love so might - y and so =t5; ^ # / ;# ^ true, Mer - its my soul's best songs, d?: ±1 it :^=fc:^: ES -•-r- He's the Mas - ter of the sea, Bil - lows His will o - bey; : ^ 1 :ft=b==^ ±: 3DZZ-pZ=^ i^ =f^ EE From the wa - ters lift - ed me. Now safe am I. iz ^Ei :4: 3 -*— -•-=- Faith - ful, lov - ing serv - ice, too. To Him be - longs. ^ :^=i=ted: =J=F ^ He your Sav - ior wants to be — Be saved to day.. -^- r2=ar ^EE p—r -•-* — •- S^^ KH -- C I. ^ ^ T ,-* m t-. — 0- ^Z£^S^ Love Lifted Me Refrain i=i A i-*— lt=&: •— ^ E - ven me, Love lift - ed me, Love lift - ed -0-i- ^-. — ^ n I e - ven me, me, When noth - ing |C|=^ ^ I T ' I- zt==r5n -•-=- E - ven me, Love lift - ed me, Love lift - ed e - ven me, me, When noth - ing ^ -^- ^=^ ^^ ^=t f^ =•— ^ ?cz=pt=t ¥-^ E - ven me. Love lift - ed me, Love lift - ed 6 - ven me, me, When noth - ing 300 God Be With You J. E. Rankin W. G. TOMEB &4 i^D \) D i • ^^ — S g ■ g K s S ^--^ i^ ~r-g-<~i i=« ^— >— :— I 3E 1. God be with you till we meet a- gain; By His counsels guide, uphold yoo, 2. God be with you till we meet a - gain;'Neath His wings protecting hide you, 3. God be with you till we meet a -gain; When life's perils thick confound you, 4. God be with you till we meet a-gain; Keep love's banner floating o'er you; I \ ^. M. ^ JL ^. jZ. ^ > ^ S^= d^ -tr-p ij l)_u =?=P=P=P=P=t; ^ 1 ?^ r^ r^ [^ h h :fc& w r^: 3t=^: :^ With His sheep se- cure - ly fold you; Dai - ly man-na still pro-vide you; Put His arms un- fail-ing round you; i=tjT=r 1=?= ^ God be with you till we meet God be with you till we meet God be with you till we meet Smitedeath'sthreat'ning wave before you; God be with you till we meet gam. gain, gain, gain. ^ Jt : t t -t^ .ft. M. 4)— ^_4)— t r -p: t^ =9=P= J- 1 ^ •g ; ^ - i Chorus m g^ii^^i^ ?^^- ^ET^ 3i^ic i4* Till we meet, .... till we meet, Till we meet at Je - sus' feet; Till we meet, till we meet, ^_ till we meet; fe^ eqt ^-•-^-# :F=^ r i^ L^ I i) -: ^- ^J^ n I # I # I » # > » 12^ =p=?= 1^11 ^=P=P=I p p ^ i^ ^5. ^^ :5=& azTTT r itrdi^ 1 — P-I:!- -#-^ =1 » ^ ^^ r ^ Till we meet, ... till we meet, God be with yoa till we meet a-gain. Till we meet, till we meet, *=B :ti=i^ir:fi=tiEiii=l^3: • - - • - — 5=1 - p~p-r-p-t ^ ^ ^^ I Scripture Selections €**!a=5)Eg=*=feS) 301 The Godly Man Psalm 1 1 Blessed is the man that walk- eth not in the counsel of the un- godly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season ; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 4 The ungodly are not so: hut are like the chaff which the wind driveth azvay. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish. 302 ^^^ ^°o^ Citizen Psalm 15 1 Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 2 He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speak- eth the truth in his heart. 3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a re- proach against his neighbour. 4 In zvhose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honourrth them that fear the Lord. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not. 5 He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh re- v/ard against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved. 303 ^°^ Revealed in Nature Psalm 19 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shew- eth his handiwork. 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knozvledge. 3 There is no speech nor lan- guage, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the zvorld. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, 5 Which is as a bridegroom com- ing out of his chamber, and rejoic- eth as a strong man to run a race. 6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. 7 The law of the Lord is per- fect, converting the soul : the testi- mony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. 8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the com- mandment of the Lord is pure, en- lightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever : the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Scripture Selections 11 Moreover by them is thy ser- vant warned; and in keeping of them there is great reward. 12 lllio can understand his errors f cleanse thou me from secret faults. 13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me : then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgres- sion. 14 Let the zvords of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. 304 Providence Psalm 23 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makcth me to lie down in green pastures: he leadcth me be- side the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul : he lead- eth me in the paths of righteous- ness for his name's sake. 4 Yea, though I zvalk through the valley of the shadow of death, I zvill fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine ene- mies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I zs.nll dzvell in the house of the Lord for ever. 305 Recognition of God's Ownership Psalm 24 1 The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye ever- lasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory f The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye ever- lasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10 IVho is tJiis King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. 305 Exhortation to Praise Psalm 34 1 I WILL bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2 My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 3 O magnify the Lord with me. and let us exalt his name together. 4 / sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. 5 They looked unto him, and were lightened : and their faces were not ashamed. Scripture Selections 6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 7 The angel of the Lord en- campeth round about them that fear him, and deHvereth them. 8 O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusfeth in him. 9 O fear the Lord, ye his saints : for there is no want to them that fear him. 10 The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. 11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me : I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 12 What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? 13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. 14 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. 15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. 16 The face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. \7 The righteous cry and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as he of a contrite spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord deliv- ereth him out of them all. 20 He keepeth all his hones: not one of them is broken. 21 Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. 22 The Lord redeetneth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. 307 Refuge in God Psalm 46 1 God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore zvill not zve fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; 3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. 4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tab- ernacles of the most High. 5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved : God shall help her, and that right early. 6 The heathen raged, the king- doms zvere moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. 7 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. 8 Come, behold the zvorks of the Lord, zvhat desolations he hath made in the earth. 9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. 10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I zvill be exalted in the earth. 11 The Lord of hosts is witlj us ; the God of Jacob is our refuge Scripture Selections 308 P^^y^r 2ind Praise Psalm 67 1 God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; 2 That thy zvay may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. 3 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. 4 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou sJialt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. 5 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. 6 Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our omn God, shall bless us. 7 God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. 309 Appreciation of the Church Psalm 84 1 How amiable are thy taber- nacles, O Lord of hosts ! 2 My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God. 3 Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God. 4 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still prais- ing thee. 5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them. 6 Who passing through the val- ley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools. 7 They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. 8 O Lord God of Jiosts. hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob. 9 Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed. 10 For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. 11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield : the Lord will give grace and glory ; no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. 12 O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. 310 Praise Psalm 100 1 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before Jiis presence with singing. 3 Know ye that the Lord he is God; it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves ; we are his people, and the sheep of his pas- ture. 4 Enter into his gates tvith thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his namr. 5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. 311 Scripture Selections Prophecy of Christ's Coming Psalm no 1 The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy foot- stool. 2 The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beau- ties of holiness from the womb of the morning : thou hast the dew of thy youth. 4 The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Mel- chisedek. 5 The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. 6 He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many coun- tries. 7 He shall drink of the brook in the way : therefore shall he lift up the head. 312 Go^'s Providence Psalm 121 1 I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. 3 He will not suflfer thy foot to be moved ; he that keepeth thee will not slumber. 4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. 6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil : he shall preserve thy soul. 8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for ever- more. 3J3 Prayer for Peace of Zion Psalm 122 1 I WAS glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. 2 Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. 3 Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together: 4 Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto the tes- timony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord. 5 For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David. 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusa- lem: they shall prosper that love thee. 7 Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. 8 For my brethren and com- panions' sakes, I will nozv say Peace be zvithin thee. 9 Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek fhygood. Scripture Selections 314 The Beatitudes Matt. 5:1-12 1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain : and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 2 And he opened his mouth, and tought them, saying, 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit : for theii's is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteous- ness: for they shall be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful : for they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers : for the^ ghall be called the chil- dren of God. 10 Blessed are they zohich are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for their's is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you. And shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: Fo^ so persecuted they the prophets tvhich were before you. 315 Brotherliness Galatians 6: 1-10 1 Brethren, if a man be over- taken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness ; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. 3 For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. 4 But let every man prove his oimi work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. 5 For every man shall bear his own burden. 6 Let him that is taught in the word comDiunicatc unto iiim that teachcth in all good things. 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked : for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sozveth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life ever- lasting. 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 10 As zve have therefore oppor- tunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. 316 Gratitude and Its Blessings Philippians 4: 4-13 4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. 5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and suppli- cation with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God. which passeth all understanding, shall keep y u r hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Scripture Selections 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, what- soever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. 10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. 12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound : every where and in all things I am in- structed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 / can do all things through Christ zvhich strengthcneth me. 317 Character and Work of Christ Isaiah 53 1 Who hath believed our re- port? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed ? 2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness ; and when we shall see hitn, there is no beauty that 2ve should desire him. 3 He is despised and rejected of men ; a man of sorrows, and ac- quainted with grief : and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God. and afflicted. 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities : the chastisement of our peace was upon him ; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his ozvn way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. 8 He zvas taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall de- clare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the liv- ing: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. 9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any de- ceit in his mouth. 10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. 11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied : by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Scripture Selections 12 Therefore xvill I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil zvith the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he zvas numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the trans- gressors. 318 Responsibility of the Preacher Ezekiel 33:7-20 7 So THOU, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. 8 When I say unto the zvicked. O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his in- iquity ; but his blood will I re- quire at thine hand. 9 Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. 10 Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying. If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we pine aivay in them, hozv should we then live? 11 Say unto them. As I live saith the Lord God. I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked ; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die. O house of Israel? 12 Therefore, thou son of man. say unto the children of thy peo- ple. The righteousness of the right- eous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his zvicked- ness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteous- ness in the day that he sinneth. 13 When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteous- ness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousness shall not be re- membered ; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it. 14 Again, when I say unto the zvicked. Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that zvhich is lazvful and right; 15 If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die. 16 None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that zvhich is lazvfid and right; he shall surely live. \7 Yet the children of thy peo- ple say, The way of the Lord is not equal : but as for them, their way is not equal. 18 When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and com- mitteth iniquity, lie shall even die thereby. 19 But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby. 20 Vet ye say. The zvay of the Lord is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge ye every one after his zmys. Special Occasions (5==*=^B3(?===5=5 319 Easter Matt. 28: 1-10 1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Mag- dalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. 2 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. 3 His countenance was like light- ning, and his raiment white as snow : 4 And for fear of him the keep- ers did shake, and became as dead men. 5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye : for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. 6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 7 And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him : lo, I have told you. 8 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. 9 And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying. All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. 10 Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. 320 Thanksgiving Psalm 103:1-18 1 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: 3 Who forgiveth all thine iniqui- ties; who healeth all thy diseases; 4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee zvith loving-kindness and tender mercies: 5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle. 6 The Lord executeth righteous acts, and judgments for all that are oppressed. 7 He made known his ways unto Moses, His doings unto the chil- dren of Israel. 8 TJic Lord is full of compas- sion, and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. 9 He will not always chide; neither will he keep his anger for ever. 10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us after our Iniquities. 11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. 12 As far as the east is from tJie zi'est, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. 13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. 14 For he knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust. Special Occasions 15 As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. 16 For the ivind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place there- of shall knozv it no more. 17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting up- on them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's chil- dren; 18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his precepts to do them. 321 Psalm 107:1-20 1 O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for he is good : for his mercy en- dureth for ever. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, ivhotn he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; 3 And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south. 4 They watidered in the zvilder- ness in a solitary zvay; they found no city to dwell in. 5 Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them. • 6 Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses. 7 And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation. 8 Oh that men zvoidd praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his zvonderful zvorks to the children of men ! 9 For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. 10 Such as sit in darkness and in the shadotv of death, being bound in affliction and iron; 11 Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High: 12 Therefore he brought down tJieir heart ivith labour; they fell dozvn, and there zms none to help. 13 Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses. 14 He brought them out of dark- ness and the shadotv of death, and brake their bands in sunder. 15 Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the chil- dren of men ! 16 For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder. 17 Fools because of their trans- gression, and l)ecause of their ini- quities, are afflicted. 18 Their soul abhorreth all man- ner of meat; and they drazv near unto the gates of death. 19 Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. 20 He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. 322 Patriotic Deuteronomy 8:6-20 6 Therefore thou shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him. 7 For the Lord thy God bring- eth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of val- leys and hills; special Occasions 8 A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pome- granates; a land of oil olive, and honey ; 9 A land zvhcrcin thou shall eat bread without scarceness, thou shall not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou may est dig brass. 10 When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which he hath given thee. 11 Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and Jiis judg- ments, and his statutes, tvhich I command thee this day: 12 Lest when thou hast eaten and art full, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein ; 13 And when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied ; 14 Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; 15 Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, zvhere there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint; 16 Who fed thee in the wilder- ness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end; 17 And thou say in thine heart. My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. 18 But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. 19 And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish. 20 As the nations which the Lord destroyed before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God. 323 Christmas Matt. 2:1-10 1 Now when Jesus was born In Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. 3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was trou- bled, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 And zvhen he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. 5 And they said unto him. In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, 6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. Special Occasions 7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, en- quired of them diligently what time the star appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethle- hem, and said, Go and search dili- gently for the young child; and ivhen ye have found him, bring me tvord again, that I may come and worship him also. 9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. 10 When they saiv the star, they rejoiced zvith exceeding great joy. 324 New Year Philippians 3: 1-14 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. 2 Bezvare of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of tlie con- cision. 3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. 4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: 5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee ; 6 Concerning seal, persecuting the church; touching the righteous- ness which is in the law, blame- less. 7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knoxvlcdge of Christ Jesus, my Lord : for zvhom I have suf- fered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may tvin Christ. 9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith : 10 That I may know him, and the poiiwr of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; 11 If by any means I might at- tain unto the resurrection of the dead. 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already per- fect; but I follozv after, if that I may apprehend that for zvhich also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren I count not myself to have apprehended : But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reach- ing forth unto those things which are before, 14 / press toward the mark for the prise of the high calling of Cod in Christ Jesus. Index Titles and First Lines Abide with Me . . A Charge to Keep Alas and Did My Savior All Hail ImmanueL All Hail the Power All Hail to Thee . . _ All Praise to Him Almost Persuaded Amazing Grace . _ _ America the Beautiful . America the Beautiful (Chorus) Am I a Soldier And Am I Born to Die A Sinner Like Me Ashamed of Jesus Asleep in Jesus - . _ Awake ! Awake • Awake My Soul Stretch Every Awake My Soul (Chorus) -- Awakening Chorus . . _ A Wonderful Savior Battle Hymn ol the Republic Behold Thy Temple . . Be Not Disma>ed Beulah Land .. . _. _. Beautiful I^Ie ... _ _ _ Beautiful River . _ . Blessed Assurance Blessed Be the Name Blest Be the Tie Break Thou the Bread Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy Bring Them In 93 41 52 288 51 288 180 139 122 279 285 53 233 148 117 60 289 223 294 289 161 278 129 171 203 265 215 150 180 85 20 97 87 Can the World See Jesus In You 196 Children of the Heavenly King 128 Christ Arose 271 Christ Our Mighty Captain _ 177 Christ Receiveth Sinful Men 187 Christ the Lord is Risen To-day 270 Christ the Savior Came... Close to Thee Come Every Soul Come Humlsle Sinner. 255 35 91 64 Come My Soul Thy Suit Prepare.. 114 Come Sinner, Come 138 Come Sinners to the Gospel Feast 134 Come O Thou All Victorious Lord 296 Come Thou Almighty King 32 Come Thou Almighty King (Chorus) 293 Come Thou Fount 55 Come We That Love the Lord 183 Come Ye Thankful People 12 Count Your Blessings 216 Day Is Dying...... 21 Dearer Than All Is Jesus _ 185 Dear Is the Story of 166 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 81 Deliverance will Come 142 Depth of Mercy ._ 126 Do We Live So Close 196 Down at the Cross Where 107 Doxology 1 Dwelling in Beulah Land 234 Earthly Pleasures Vainly Call 251 Encamped Along the Hills 224 Ere Mountains Reared 131 Faith is the Victory 224 Faith of Our Fathers 47 Father I Stretch My Hands 76 Far Away the Noise of Strife 234 Footsteps of Jesus _ 146 For the Beauty of the Earth 75 Forth in Thy Name _ 78 Forward _ From All That Dwell Below- From All the Dark Places From Every Stormy Wind..... From Greenland's Icy Full Surrender 177 112 10 54 8 217 Gathering Home 262 Give Me Thy Heart - 176 Give of Your Best to the Master.. Gloria Patria Glory Be to the Father Glory to His Name God Be with You God Bless Our Native Land... God Moves in a Mysterious God of Our Fathers _ 202 3 3 107 300 284 239 280 God will Take Care of You 171 Gone from My Heart _ 229 Grace Enough for Me 204 Gracious Spirit Dwell with Me 72 Growing Dearer Each Day 174 Guide Me O Thou Great 58 Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus 7 Hail to the Lord's Anointed 133 Hark, Hark My Soul 135 Hark Ten Thousand Harps 100 Hark the Herald Angels Sing..... 268 Hark 'tis the Shepherd's Voice _ _. 87 Have Thine Own Way Lord 36 Have Thy Affections Been Nailed to 249 He Hideth My Soul _ - 161. He Included Me _ 173 He Is Able to Deliver __ 167 He Is So Precious to Me - 197 He Keeps Me Singing 158 He Leadeth Me -... 4 He Lifted Me 155 He Lives on High 255 He Whispers His Love to Me... 209 Help Somebody To-day 165 He's a Wonderful Savior to Me. 157 Higher Ground - 200 His Eye Is on the Sparrow 228 His Way with Thee _ - 154 His Yoke Is Easy - - 235 Holy, Holy, Holy 31 Holy, Holy, Holy (Chorus) 290 How Firm a Foundation — 92 How Sweet Is the Love 174 How Tedious and Tasteless _ 11 I Am a Stranger Here 252 I Am Coming Lord.. I Am Coming to the Cross I Am Praying for You I Am So Glad That Our I Am So Happy in Christ I Am Thine O Lord 86 125 186 263 173 193 I Am Thinking To-day 198 I Can Hear My Savior Calling 103 I Come to the Garden Alone 164 I Have a Savior - 186 I Have Read of a Beautiful 287 I Hear the Savior Say 102 I Hear Thy Welcome Voice. - 86 I Know I Love Thee Better Lord 42 INDEX I Know Not Why God's „ „ 168 I Know Whom I Have Believed _ 168 I Love Him _ 229 I Love Thy Kinjjdoni 46 I Love to Tell the Story 207 I Must Needs Go Home __ 199 I Must Tell Jesus 242 I Need Thee Every Hour 227 I Saw a Wayworn Traveler 142 I Stand Amazed 172 I Think When I Read 26 I Walk with the King 163 I Want a Principle 115 I Was Lost in Sin 157 I Was Once Far Away 148 I Was Sinking Deep in Sin 184 I Was Sinking Deep in Sin (Chorus) 299 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story 156 I Will Sing You a Song 253 I Would Be Like Jesus..... 251 If Jesus Goes with Me 226 If the Dark Shadows Gather 230 If You Are Tired of the Load 243 If Your Heart Keeps Right „.. 230 I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go 264 I'll Live for Him _ 66 I'm Pressing on the Upward _ _ 200 In a World Where Sorrow _ _.. 274 In Looking Thro' My Tears _ 204 In Loving Kindness _ 155 In Sorrow I Wandered _ 163 In the Christian's Home 143 In the Cross of Christ 65 In the Garden 164 Into the Woods My Master... 118 Invocation Sentence 2 Is My Name Written There 273 Is Thy Heart Right with God 249 It is Glory Just to Walk 192 It is Well with My Soul 276 • It May Be in the Valley 226 It May Not Be on the Mountain 264 I've Found a Friend 159 I've Reached the Land 203 I've Wandered Far Away _ 104 Jesus and Shall It Ever - 117 Jesus Calls Us „ „ _ 19 Jesus Comes with Power -.. 222 Jesus I Come _ 178 Jesus I My Cross Have 151 Jesus Is All the World to Mc. 181 Jesus Is Calling 201 Jesus Is Tenderly Calling 201 Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross 231 Jesus Lover of My Soul _ _ 84 Jesus Lover of My Soul (Chorus) _. 297 Jesus Lover of My Soul (Danks)._ 88 Jesus Loves Even Me _ _ 263 Jesus Loves Me 108 Jesus Paid It All 102 Jesus Saves : 206 Jesus Savior Pilot Me 74 Jesus Spreads His Banner 34 Jesus the Name High Over All 50 Joy to the Worl.l 267 Joy to the World (Chorus) 291 Just As I Am „ 13 Just for Today. _ 137 Just When I Need Him 179 King of Kings. .. _ Land of Our Hearts I cad Kindly Lij,'hf — Lead Me Gently Home... 212 282 111 240 Lead on O King Eternal IDS Let Him In _ 244 Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart 243 Let the Lower Lights 97 Look All Around You 165 Look for the Beautiful 182 Lord All I Am..... 69 Lord Dismiss Us with Thy..._ _. 70 Lord for Tomorrow and Its Needs 137 Lord! I Care Not for Riches 273 Lord I'm Coming Home 104 Lord It Belongs Not to My Care 132 Lord Jesus I Long to Be _ _ 248 Lord Speak to Me 99 Lord We Come Before Thee. 73 Lov Divine _ 22 love Lifted Me 184 Love Lifted Me (Chorus) 299 Low In the Grave He Lay 271 Majestic Sweetness „ Master the Tempest Is Raging Meet Me There , 'Mid Scenes of Confusion. _ Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory..„ More About Jesus More Like the ALister More Love to Thee My Anchor Holds My Country 'Tis of Thee My Faith Looks Up to Thee My God I Thank Thee -_ My Hope Is Built My Jesus I Love Thee _ My Life, My Love My Savior's Love 172 My Soul In Sad Exile 145 95 286 236 237 278 94 232 123 220 281 37 79 24 40 66 Nearer My God to Thee.., Near the Cross No Not Despairingly 83 231 _„ 96 Not Half Has Ever Been Told 287 Now the Day Is Over...._ _ 57 O Beautiful for Spacious Skies O Beautiful for Spacious Skies (Chorus). O Could I Speak. O Day of Rest and Gladness O for a Closer Walk with God O for a Faith That 279 285 6 16 119 116 56 298 80 43 38 49 61 272 241 71 141 67 212 194 195 275 152 109 89 211 68 283 On a Hill Far Away 169 One More Day's Work for Jesus _ 191 One Sweetly Solemn Thought _„ 44 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing_ O for a Thousand (Chorus) O Goil the Rock of Ages.- O t;.id Our Help _.. O Happy Day O Jesu.s I Have PromiswL O Jesus Thou Ait Standing.. O Little Town of Bethlehem _ O Love That Wilt Not O Master Let Me Walk O Sometimes the Shadows O Spirit of the Living God O Thank the Lord O That will Be Glory.. O the Love of Jesus.-.- O They Tell Me of a Home... O Think of the Home Over There O Thou Whose Bounty _. O When Shall I See Jesus O Worship the King O Zion Haste Oh, Say Can You Sce.„ INDEX On Jordan's Stormy Banks On the Happy Golden Shore Only Trust Him Onward Christian Soldiers Open My Eyes That I May See Our Lord Is Now Rejected Out of My Bondage Pass Me Not Peace Be Still . ... Praise God from Whom Praise the Savior All Ye Nations Rescue the Perishing.. Rest for the Weary. Revive Us Again Rock of Ages Safe In the Arms of Tesus Safely Through Another Week Saved by Grace - Saved, Saved Savior Like a Shepherd . Savior More Than Life Savior Thy Dying Love Scatter Sunshine Shall We Gather at the River Silent Night! Holy Night Since Jesus Came Into My Heart Sing Them Over Agiin to Me _ Sinners Jesus Will Receive Softly and Tenderly Softly Now the Light of Day Soldiers of Christ Arise Somebody Some Day the Silver Cord Something for Jesus.. Somewhere the Sun Is Shining . So Precious Is Jesus _ Stand LTp for Jesus Sun of My Soul - . Sun of My Soul (Chorus) Sweet By and By Sweeter As the Days Go By Sweet Home - - Sweet Hour of Prayer. Sweetly Lord Have We Heard Sweet Peace the Gift 121 236 91 28 261 256 178 219 286 1 124 246 143 14 254 17 190 . . 159 5 113 136 274 215 27 250 98 187 245 63 127 269 190 136 265 197 33 30 295 144 195 237 221 146 170 Take the Name of Jesus 39 Take My Life and Let It Be 101 Take Time to Be Holy 225 Tell It To-dav _ 166 Tell Me the Old, Old Story 260 Tell Me the Story of Jesus 162 The Church's One Foundation 23 The Church in the Wildwood 257 The Cross Is Not Greater ,. 175 The Cross That He Gave 175 The Crowning Day 256 The Fight Is On 218 The God of Abraham Praise. 130 The Half Has Never Been Told 42 The Haven of Rest 145 The Home Over There „ 152 The Kingdom Coming 10 The King of Heaven His Table Spreads 62 The King of Love My Shepherd Is 59 The King's Business 252 The Lord Is In His Holy Temple 2 The Lord Is My Shepherd 235 The Lord Our God Is Strong 292 The Morning Light Is Breaking 9 The Ninety and Nine _ 259 The Old Rugged Cross 169 The Rock That Is Higher Than 1 141 The Savior Said In I'leading 217 The Son of God Goes Forth.. The Star Spangled Banner The Touch of His Hand.. 18 283 247 The Unclouded Day 275 The Way of the Cross Leads Home 199 The Whole Wide World for Jesus 214 There Are Days So Dark _ „._ 247 There Comes to My Heart 170 There Is a Fountain 29 There Is a Name I Love to Hear 120 There Is No Sorrow 106 There Is Power in the Blood 147 There Shall Be Showers of Blessing 208 There Were Ninety and Nine 259 There's a Church In the Valley 257 There's a Land That Is Fairer 144 There's a Song In the Air 266 There's a Stranger at the Door 244 There's a Wideness.. There's Within My Heart Tho' All the Toys of Earth Tho' the Angry Surges Roll Tho' the Way We Journey Thou My Everlasting Portion.. Throw Out the Life Line 90 158 185 220 277 35 189 Thy Way Not Mine 110 'Tis So Sweet Just to Know 209 'Tis the Grandest Theme _. 167 To the Work _ „ 238 True Hearted, Whole Hearted 160 Trust and Obey 213 Up to the Bountiful Giver _ 262 Walk In the Light We Have Heard the Joyful.. We Praise Thee O God 48 206 14 We Shall See the King _ 277 We Shall Sleep, But Not Forever 140 Welcome Delightful Morn 77 We're Marching to Zion 183 We've a Story to Tell 253 What a Friend IS What a Wonderful Change ..„.. 250 What Wondrous Love When All My Labors .„ When He Cometh When the Roll Is Called.. When Love Shines In 149 194 25 210 222 When Peace Like a River _ 276 When the Trumpet of the Lord 210 When L^pon Life's Billows... 216 When You Know Jesus Too _.„„ 205 When You My Jesus Understand 205 When We Walk with the Lord 213 Where He Leads Me _ 103 While Jesus Whispers to You 138 While We Pray and While _ 188 Whiter Than Snow __ 248 Why Do You Wait 153 Why Not Now 188 Why Should I Feel Discouraged 228 Will There Be Any Stars 198 Wonderful Words of Life 98 Wondrous Love „ _ „ 149 Work for the Night Is Coming 45 Would You Be Free. 147 Would You Live for Jesus 154 ASPIRATION Earthly pleasures vainly — 251 Forth in Thy name, O Lord 78 I'm pressing on the 200 I want a principle within.- 115 Jesus Lover of my soul 84 Jesus Savior pilot me.... 74 Lead me gently home — 240 Look for the beautiful 182 Lord, Jesus I long to be... 248 Lord speak to me 99 Love divine, all love. '^■2 More about Jesus 94 More like the Master 232 More love to Thee 123 My hope is built 24 O Jesus I have promised.- 49 O Master let me walk with 71 sometimes the shadows 141 Open my eyes that I may 261 Savior like a Shepherd ^5 Welcome delightful morn_ // ASSURANCE Blessed assurance 150 He leadeth me -...- - - 4 How firm a foundation- 92 1 am coming to the cross 125 am so glad that our. 263 am so happy in Christ 173 am Thine O Lord 193 have a Savior 186 know I love Thee better 42 saw a wayworn traveler 142 in loving kindness 155 I've found a Friend .- ISy I've reached the land 203 Jesus Lover of my soul 84 My hope is built 24 O happy day 38 the love of Jesus — 195 The cross that he gave _ 175 The Lord is my Shepherd 235 There shall be showers 208 What a wonderful change 250 Why should I feel - 228 ATONEMENT Come Thou Fount — 55 Hail Thou once despised 7 1 hear the Savior say _.. 102 I know I love Thee better 42 I stand amazed 172 I will sing the wondrous- 156 In looking through my 204 Jesus paid it all 102 Lord. Jesus I long to be.- 248 My hope is built 24 O could I speak. 6 for a thousand tongues- 56 On a hill far away 169 Rock of Ages 82 Sinners Jesus will receive 187 The church's one foundation 23 There comes to my heart 170 There is a fountain.- 29 There is power in the. 147 We praise Thee O God 14 Would you live for Jesus 154 BIBLE Break Thou the bread of- 20 How firm a foundation — 92 1 love to tell the story 207 More about Jesus -...- 94 Sing them over again 98 Tell me the old, old story 260 Tell me the story of Jesus 162 Topical Index CHILDREN'S HYMNS Give of your best to the 202 Hark! 'tis the Shepherd's 87 I am so glad that our - 263 I think when I read 26 Jesus loves me 108 Savior like a shepherd...- 5 When He Cometh - 25 CHORUSES All Hail to Thee Immanuel 288 Awake, awake and sing — 289 Awake my soul - 294 Christ the Savior came 255 Come Thou Almighty King 293 Come Thou All Victorious 296 Holy, Holy, Holy 290 I've found a Friend 159 I was sinking deep in sin 299 Jesus Lover of My Soul — 297 Joy to the world -...- 291 beautiful for spacious..'..- 285 Oh for a thousand tongues 298 Sun of My Soul 295 The Lord our God alone is 292 CHRIST Abide with me 93 All praise to Him 180 Christ, our mighty Captain 177 Christ the Savior came. — 255 Gone from my heart — 229 1 am so happy in Christ — 173 In the cross of Christ I — 65 My hope is built 24 Walk in the light 48 CHRIST (.Love) I know I love Thee better 42 I will sing the wondrous 156 love th^t wilt not let 241 The church's one 2i There comes to my heart 170 CHRIST {.Master) Give of your best to the 202 1 was sinking deep in sin 184 Into the woods my Master 118 Lead kindly light 111 Master the tempest is 286 More like the Master 232 O Master let me walk 71 Onward Christian soldiers 2S There are days so dark....- 247 CHRISTMAS All hail to Thee Immanuel 288 All hail the power — 51 Hark, the herald angels 268 Joy to the world 267 O little town of Bethlehem 272 Silent night, holy night..... 27 There's a song in the air 266 CLOSING Abide with me 93 Be not dismayed 171 Day is dying in the west 21 God be with you — 300 Guide me O Thou great..-. 58 Lead kindly light 111 Lord dismiss us — 70 Now the day is over 57 On the happy golden shore 236 One more day's work for- 191 Savior like a shepherd 5 Shall we gather at the 215 Softly now the light of day 63 Sun of my soul _ — 30 Take the name of 39 COMMUNION Alas! and did my Savior 52 Break thou the bread of life 20 From every stormy wind 54 Hail thou once despised. 7 Jesus calls us o'er the 19 Jesus spreads his banner 34 The King of heaven his table 62 CONFLICT A charge to keep 41 Am I a soldier of the S3 Awake, my soul 223 Christ, our mighty Captain 177 Come we that love the Lord 183 Encamped along the hills- 224 Faith of our fathers 47 God of our fathers whose 280 Lead on O King eternal 105 O sometimes the shadows 141 Zion haste- 6S Onward Christian soldiers 28 Soldiers of Christ arise — 127 Stand up, stand up _ 11 The church's one foundation 23 The fight is on 218 The morning light is 9 The Son of God goes forth 18 To the work. -.. 238 True hearted, whole hearted 160 CONSECRATION Come every soul 91 Do we live so close _ _ 196 Earthly pleasures vainly 251 Have Thine own way, Lurd 36 1 am Thine, O Lord 193 I need Thee every hour-... 227 It may not be. 264 Jesus I my cross 151 Just as I am 13 Lord, Jesus I long to be 248 Lord, it belongs not 132 Lord speak to me. 99 ]More like the Master __ 2i2 More love to Thee My Jesus I love Thee My life, my love Nearer my God to Thee. No, not despairingly O happy day - O Jesus I have promised 123 40 66 83 96 33 49 241 261 136 love that wilt not. Open my eyes. Savior Thy dying love. Take my life and let it be 101 True hearted, whole hearted 160 CROSS Down at the cross 107 Have thy affections — 249 1 am coming to the cross 125 I am Thine, O Lord 193 I must needs go home 199 In looking through my 204 In the cross of Christ 65 Jesus I my cross 151 Jesus keep me near the. — 231 On a hill far away 169 The cross that he gave 175 DEVOTIONAL Abide with mc Am I a soldier of the.. Amazing grace Blest be the tic — Come Thou Fount Come ye thankful people- 93 53 122 85 55 12 TOPICAL INDEX Dear Lord and Father _ 81 Day is dying in the west 21 Earthly pleasures vainly 251 From all that dwell below 112 From every stormy wind... 54 I am coming to the cross 125 I can hear my Savior 103 I know not why God's 168 I need Thee every hour 227 Jesus; and shall it ever 117 Jesus I my cross have - 151 Jesus is all the world — 181 Jesus keep me near the 231 Jesus, Lover of my soul 84 fust when I need Him most 179 Lead kindly light HI Lord it belongs not 132 Lord speak to me 99 More about Jesus - 94 More love to Thee - 123 My life, my love 66 Nearer my God to Thee. 83 No, not despairingly 96 Love that wilt not let 241 One more day's work for 191 Rock of Ages - .•■■ 82 Safely through another week 17 Savior more than life to me 113 Savior Thy dying love 136 Sweet hour of prayer - 221 Take the name of Jesus 39 The Lord is in His holy... 2 What a Friend - 15 When we walk with the 213 DOXOLOGTES Glory be to the Father 3 Praise God from whom 1 DEDICATION Behold Thy temple, God of 129 DUETS 1 come to the garden alone 164 Jesus Lover of my soul 88 On a hill far away 169 Some day the silver cord 19C The whole wide-world for 214 EASTER Christ the Lord is risen 270 Low in the grave He lay 271 EVEN SONG Abide with me 93 Be not dismayed _ 171 Blest be the tie „ _ 85 Day is dying in the west 21 God be with you-.... 300 Nearer my God to Thee 83 Now the day is over 57 One more day's work for... 191 Savior like a shepherd S Softly now the light 63 Sun of my soul 30 Sweet hour of prayer 221 Take the name of Jesus 39 FAITH Encamped along the tuls... 224 Faith of our fathers _ 47 Father I stretch my hands 76 I know not why God's 168 My anchor holds 220 My faith looks up to Thee 37 O for a faith that will 116 Rock of Ages 82 FUNERAL Abide with me. __ 93 Asleep in Jesus 60 I will sing you a song 258 Nearer My God to Thee 83 O Love that wilt not 241 O think of the home 152 Safe in the arms of Jesus 254 Somewhere the sun is 265 Up to the bountiful Giver 262 We shall sleep but not 140 GOD Be not dismayed _ 171 Dear Lord and Father of 81 Ere mountains reared their 131 God of our fathers whose 280 God moves in a mysterious 239 Guide me O Thou great 58 Holy, holy, holy _ 31 How firm a foundation 92 Lead me gently home „. 240 Lord all I am is known 69 O for a closer walk with 119 God our help in ages 43 Safely through another 17 The Lord is my Shepherd 235 There comes to my heart 170 There's a wideness 90 We praise Thee O God 14 When upon life's billows 216 GRACE Amazing grace. 122 1 know not why God's.- 163 In looking through my 204 In loving kindness 155 Majestic sweetness sits 95 for a thousand tongues 56 Pass me not 219 Some day the silver cord._ 190 The cross that He gave 175 There are days so dark 247 When all my labors and 194 HEAVEN Far away the noise of strife 234 1 am thinking to-day of 194 I have read of a beautiful 287 I will sing you a song 258 In the Christian's home in 143 I'm pressing on the 200 I've reached the land of... 203 Lead me gently home. 240 'Mid scenes of confusion.- 2.^7 O think of the home over 152 On Jordan's stormy banks 121 One sweetly solemn thought 44 Shall we gather at the river 215 Some day the silver cord.- 190 There's a land that is 144 Up to the bountiful Giver 262 When all my labors and- 194 When the trumpet of the 210 HOLY SPIRIT Break thou the bread of life 20 Come thou Almighty King 32 Gracious Spirit dwell 72 Love divine, all love. 22 More about Jesus 94 O Spirit of the living God 67 Open my eyes _ 261 Walk in the light _ 48 INVITATION Almost persuaded „ _ 139 Come every soul 91 Come humble sinner in 64 Come sinner to the gospel 134 From every stormy wind.- 54 Give me thy heart 176 Have thy affections 249 I have a Savior _ _. 186 If you are tired of the - 243 Jesus calls us o'er the 19 Jesus is tenderly calling 201 Just as I am 13 Pass me not 219 Take the name of Jesus. 39 Take time to be holy 225 There's a Stranger at the 244 'Tis the grandest theme 167 We have heard the joyful 206 While Jesus whispers to 138 Why do you wait 153 Why not now 188 Would you be free from 147 Would you live for Jesus? 154 JESUS All hail to Thee Immanuel 288 Ashamed of Jesus 117 Do we live so close 196 I am so happy in Christ.- 173 I come to the garden alone 164 I hear the Savior say 102 I think when I read _ 26 If you are tired of the... 243 In loving kindness 155 Jesus and shall it ever be 117 Jesus, the name high over 50 Tust when I need Him most 179 Lord Jesus I long to be 248 Out of my bondage 178 So precious is Jesus_ 197 Softly and tenderly.. 245 Sweetly Lord have we _ 146 Take the name of Jesus 39 Tell me the story of Jesus 162 We have heard the joyful 206 What a wonderful change 250 Would you live for Jesus 154 JESUS (.Friend) I must tell Jesus _ 242 I've found a friend _ 159 Jesus is all the world to me 181 Jesus I have promised 49 What a friend IS JESUS (.Guide) It may be in the valley 226 Jesus calls us o'er the _. 19 Jesus Savior pilot me 74 Lead kindly light Ill 'Tis so sweet just to know 209 When we walk with the Lord - 213 JESUS (King) Come thou Almighty King 32 Hail thou once despised 7 Hail to the Lord's Anointed 133 Hark the herald angels 268 Hark ten thousand harps.- 100 1 am a stranger here. 252 Joy to the world 267 worship the King. 211 Our Lord is now rejected 256 The King of love my 59 JESUS (Love) 1 am so glad that our „ 263 I love to tell the story....- 207 I think when I read... _ 26 I was sinking deep in sin.- 184 Jesus comes with power 222 Jesus is tenderly calling. — 201 Jesus Lover of my soul 84 Jesus loves even me 263 My Jesus I love Thee 40 O Jesus Thou art standing 61 TOPICAL INDEX the love of Jesus — 19S Safe in the arms of Jesus 254 Tell me the old, old story 260 MISSIONARY Brightly beams our - — ^^ Dear is the story.— 166 Forth in Thy name O Lord 78 Frcm all the dark places — 10 From Greenland's icy 8 Hail to the Lord's Anointed 133 Hark 'tis the Shepherd's 87 1 am a stranger here 252 It may not be 264 Jesus calls us o'er the - 19 O for a thousand tongues 56 Zion haste 6S Praise the Savior all ye...... 124 RescUiC the perishing 246 Sinners Jesus will receive 187 The morning light is 9 The whole wide-world for 214 Throw out the life line..... 189 To the work - 238 We have heard the joyful... 206 We've a story to tell _ 253 OPENING All hail the power- 51 Come Thou Almighty King 'SI Come Thou Fount 55 Come we that love the Lord 183 Holy, holy, holy 31 How firm a foundation 92 1 love Thy kingdom. Lord 46 I need Thee every hour — 227 Lead on O King eternal....- 105 Lord we come before Thee 73 Nearer my God to Thee..„. 83 O for a thousand tongues 56 O worship the King 211 PATRIOTIC God of our fathers 280 Land of our hearts 282 My country 'tis of thee. — 281 O beautiful for spacious 279 Oh, say, can you see - 283 PRAISE All hail to Thee Immanuel 288 All hail the power 51 Awake, awake _ 289 Blessed assurance _ 150 Children of the heavenly.- 128 Come Thou Almighty King 32 Come we that love 183 From all that dwell below 112 Hark, hark my soul 135 Hark ten thousand harps 100 How tedious and tasteless 11 Love divine, all love 22 My God I thank Thee 79 O for a thousand tongues 298 O happy day 38 O thank the Lord — 212 O thou whose bounty fills 109 O worship the King — 211 Zion haste. _ - 68 Praise the Savior all ye. — 124 So precious is Jesus 197 The God of Abraham 130 There is a name I love. 120 There's within my heart.. 158 We praise Thee O God — 14 What wondrous love _ 149 PRAYER Abide with me. _ _ — 93 Come my soul thy suit. — 114 1 hear Thy welcome voice 86 I must tell Jesus — 242 I need Thee every hour — 227 Jesus Savior pilot me 74 Lord, for tomorrow and 137 Lord we come before Thee 73 O for a closer walk. — 119 O thank the Lord 212 Pass me not 219 Softly now the light of day 63 Sweet hour of prayer 221 Take time to be holy 225 There is no sorrow 106 What a Friend -. _ 15 PROMISE Be not dismayed 171 How firm a foundation 92 If the dark shadows gather 230 Look for the beautiful 182 The Lord is my Shepherd 235 There shall be showers _ 208 What a wonderful change 250 RECESSIONAL Awake, my soul, stretch 294 Christ, our mighty Captain 177 God of our fathers whose 280 How firm a foundation. 92 Zion haste 68 Onward Christian soldiers 28 Stand up, stand up 'ii The fight is on 218 The morning light is 9 To the work 238 True hearted, whole 160 We've a story to tell 253 REPENTANCE Alasl and did my Savior 52 1 can hear my Savior 103 I hear the Savior say 102 I hear Thy welcome voice 86 I must needs go home 199 I was lost in sin 157 I was sinking deep in sin 184 I've wandered far away 104 Jesus I my cross 151 Jesus lover of my soul 84 52 174 186 172 157 219 Just as I am }3 Out of my bondage 178 Pass me not 219 Rock of ages 82 SABBATH day of rest and 16 Safely through another 17 Welcome delightful morn_ 77 SAVIOR Alasl and did my Savior How sweet is the love 1 have a Savior I stand amazed I was lost in sia Pass me not _ Savior more than life... _ 113 Sun of my soul 30 SAVIOR iGx^xde) He leadeth me „ 4 I can hear my Savior _ 103 It is glory just to walk. — 192 !My faith looks up to Thee 11 The Lord is my Shepherd 235 There were ninety and nine 259 SAVIOR (Lotr) A wonderful Savior is 161 Dear is the story 166 Savior thy dying love _ 136 SOCIAL SERVICE A charge to keep — 41 Am I a soldier of the. _ 53 Awake, my soul, stretch — 223 Blest be the tie- 85 Brightly beams our.._ 97 Dear is the story 166 Forth in Thy name, O Lord 78 Give of your best to the 202 I am a stranger here 252 Look all around you 165 One more day's work for 191 Rescue the perishing 246 S