standard Works of Musical Instruction, Published hy S. Brainavd <^ Sons, Cl&veland. Seroi 'pa8t-j)Cbid) on receipt of price. de Mecanisme, Bralnards' N Exercis( Preceded by Nine New ] New Study on Octaves, c Piano-Forte, from the Hamiltoa. Particular at of these well known stuc Price — In three numbe bound in cloth, Sl-50. Mailed to any address FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY MfTHODH Correct original edition of this standard Piano-Forte method. Price — Complete, p.OO. Abridged, §2,00. Mai^gd^ pgst^paicl on receipt of price. 2^ BEI?,TI]NI' ilD BY FINGER EXERCISES- composed expressly for young stion to the same author's exer- l these studies very valuable for sach. Complete, bound in cloth. lECHANISM. -Forte, by J. B. Duvemoy. t new edition of tliese standard hers .liroughout the country. > cei^ts each. Complete, otb, $1.50. OUT A MASTER. CONTAINING THE ELEMENTS OF MUSIC AND COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MELODEON. GRAND [X[ TO WHICH IS ADDED In Single and Double Notes, selected from Bertini's Piano Method, and adnairably adapted for Teacher's use. Price Fifty Cents. JVIailed on receipt of price. A choice Collection of Popular Music, VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL, BY R EORTON. Published by S. BRAINARD & SONS, Cleveland. Sent post-paid on receipt of price. '» A Library of Piano-Forte Music. A COLLECTION OF lEW ^ CMAIRMING SOieS, By BLAMPEIN, CLARIBEL, VIRGINIA GABRIEL, DOLORES, AIDE, GOUXOD, LIXDSAT, HATTOX, AND OTHER POPULAR SOXG WRITERS. ■mTH ACCOM±-ANTirENTS KOK THE This is undoubtedly luo best coilection of popular songs ever published, embracing nearly all the standard English songs of the day, many of them beins here published for the first time. The accompaniments are equally well adapted for the Piano-forte or Reed Organ. The work contains which if purchased in regular sheet form would cost about $35. We therefore give in this new book TUrty-Flye Dollars forlli of Choice Soup for $2.50. Every Song is a gem, and as a critic remarks in noticing the work; "They are genuine diamonds and not an imitation." No Singer should be without a copy of Song Diamonds— 224 large pages, printed on heavy white paper. Price: Bound in boards, 32.50; in cloth, $3,00; in full gilt, an elegant gift edition, $4.00. Mailed to any address en receipt of price. A choice collection of Favorite aitd Mixlern Piano< j Forte Music, cousistiag of Marches, ^Yaltze8, Schottisches, M»- j zurkas, Polkas, Redowas, Dances, Piano Fantasias, Popular Airs, Four-Hand Pieces, -. side, gain, maze, — g-f- Tho' thou canst not hear or 'Mong the hosts of pur - ri Not a stripe was borne in 1- f :t ^ T=T ^^ I ^ dim e rit. ^m m 5^ *-^-?: see. ■ fied., vain. He car eth for thee. He ^ =1. *=i eth for thee. -« *- m DR. BETHUNE. u cow£ wim Loim /icclhim. •' I will praise God," Ps. 104, 33. "W. A. OGDEN. I i^ m & fi=Js 5 1. We come, we come with loud ac-claim, To sing the praise of Jesus name, And make tho vaulted 2. With thrilling pulse and smil-ing face. We gata-er round the throne of grace, And low - ly bend to 3. Oh bless our friends and teachers dear, Our pas-tor kind and parents dear, And lead as with thy J * * » m ^ Choeus. t ^ ^ m * it=t^ tem - pie ring, With loud ho - san - nas to our king. of - ler there, From hum - ble lips, our thank - ful prayer, We come, . . we come, ten - der love, Up to our hap - py home a - bove, T« iJS i t-; h- -i—l ^ ^ f i J r ; 5=5: We come with loud ac-claim I ^"^ ^h^ ^ H rP l J I i ^^I j Jif4: j ^ ^ sW a a j^JiJN^^jrjj -^-•— .- :* ^ -*- . i . ViTv 1^ praise . . his name, . And make the vaulted temple ring, With loud ho-san-nas to our King E3 ^ H "^ I ' 1 c r To praise the Savior's name. Worda by DR. BONAR. J. R. M. ** Wbosoever sbaU confess me before men, talm shalt the Sod of man confess before tbe angels of God." 4: ^ 4=g: -&-■ i±^ -r-J- 1. Fade, fade, each earth - ly joy ; Je - sua is mine ! 2. Tempt not my soul a - way ; Je - sus is mine ! 3. Fare - well ye dreams of night ; Je - sus is mine ! . ^-i (2 _42 (t —»-. fS.' 'Y i: fe^ Here would I ev - er stay ; Lost m this dawn-ing bright ; -^(2 £ 1^ -^ •M — — r . r tfcte m Si J }\i- I J F=m # Q • ^ j: 3 a ^ Je - BUS is mino ! Je - sui is mine! Jo - sus is mine ! ^ Je - BUS a - lone can bless, Dark is the wil - der-ness, Per - ish - ing things of clay, Born but for one brief day. All that my soul has tried, Left but a dis - mal void. -&-r- iffi S ^^ P ^ s ^ S Earth has no rest-ing place, Je - sus is mine. Pass from my heart a - way, Je - sus is mine. Je - sus has sat- is - fieJ, Je - sus is mine. ^ . p , ' p (2— H= ^ W^ 'f^ e 4 Farewell, mortality ; Jesus is mine I Welcome, eterni-ty ; Jesus is mine I Welcome, O Lord and blest, Welcome, sweet scenes of rest. Welcome, my Savior's breast, Jesus is mine. ADI Theme from BEETHOVEN. ' Grow In grace and ibe kno» ledi;e of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." D. 0. 1. Am 1 com-ing. tru-ly coming'. Nearer to my Father's home, As so wea-ry. struggling, 2. Am I growing, tru-ly glowing. In that grace He free - 1}' gives, To the child who all for- ^ X ■»•♦•• -^ •»• •."•••.- . n ■^' ^ -^ -0- •*• 1^ m ^-^rr-{r^~ J±:£ ■3^ ^ 4?=p: ifc -*-^ ^ Fine ^ ^ 5-W^ » » ? ^ -0 ' 0-^—0 at ^■ #-#«- -» r^—0 0—' — r Btraying, Thro' the world's dark paths I roam? Am I lean-ing, tru-ly lean-ing, sak-ing, In Him breathes and in Him lives? Thou are mine, O Sav-ior take me, ■^ . f »u r o rt ^ J=i on my cast my ^£ St ^^^ ^^34-^ ' — g «> # . > a - **T-**- -5 — a! — 5t— * — a ^ — 5^-^- ^^>-^ — ^ Z).C. I Sav-ior as I go? Ami of - ten sigh-ing, praying, That of Him un - be - lief a - side, Cleanse me from all sin, and make me Ev-er - more I more may know? iu Thee a - bide. IS » — 1 . -1 ' — t:'t jL ^- ^ ^ m -#-*- r rr r rs^fe ^^^ I ALFRED SULLY. Ttit Ml Of IHt LOfiU. "la rlfhteooBpesB he doth Judge and make war," H. A. LEWIS. ^ ^^ ^^g ^ 3 :v- f -5: — iT — ^ — *- ■€-T- 1. God is mar - shal-ing hia ar - my ' For the res - cue of his truth, He is call - ing 2. Let the watch man on the tow - er Keep his post with sleepless eyes, Let the privates 3. 'Tis a war that lasts for - ev - er 'Tis a con - flict with the world ; There can be no ^ i t ^ -^ ^ f==5=^ I s ffi J^ \' J\ J- '=i=pi t==^ bat -tie Both the vet- 'ran and the youth. You can hear his mighty summons In the pick - et Guard a-gainst the least surprise, For the or - der is for - ev - er To be grant-ed, There must nev - er flag be furl'd. We can nev - er cease the con-fllct, Till the now to out on fur-longh e=f: i' ^t-n =?t ^ g : fe j m t± I & b'tz^^^ 3^ -V- r^ ^'; j \ ji J', j' j-j^^ ^. I' !' ±^ -€-T- the Lord! the Lord! the Lordl thun-der read - y summons ^ of his word ; Let us then be val - iant soldiers In the ar - my of at a word ; There must be no sleeping soldiers In the ar-my of home be heard, We have all for life en - listed, In the ar - my of u :t =F^ -0-^—0- ^ F. r mt I^W Of mt L out) .-CONCLUDED. Chobus. I ^^ ^ March - ing on, March - iug on, P^ Let S ^ ± ^ V- March mg on, March - ing on, uuai. j' jttf^t^=jy^ j.M^ ^ fe keep the campfires blazing, Let us sound abroad his word ; Marching on, March-ing -#— ^ -A-^ aa 1^ m :^-fA-t-t ^ :ff-r"-fr 5* ;^ ^ i' March-ing on, -fe- ^ FF^ -g-i-g- g l XIiT A— i p aj £ on. f:*. ^ i ■y 9 ;/ ' ' j^ There are glor-ious vic-t'ries com insr to t: it' ± ±' ^-^ -#-r- the ar - my of the Lord. ^ 5?: E f: -#-^- I March-ii)" on. to i Rev. W. B. O. PEABODY. *' And they Bball bring the glory and honor of the nations Into U. " ^=: ^^ J. H. TENNEY. T^ ^a ^3=^=5= f-# r * *; 1. O, when the bours of life are past, And death's dark shade u - nites at last; It 2. Their way to heav'n was pure from sin, And Christ shall there re - ceive them in ; There 8. There au - gels will u - nite their prayers, With spir-its bright and blest as theirs ; And E ^ r £ ' i ' r ^ 4^^ i aM -J^-J— N ^^ ^Se ^m r^ ^-t ^ -0-i- j : J ^- — • — 5 — * -*-r- ^t-^ is not sleep, it is each shall wear a robe light shall glance on ev' not rest, 'Tis glo - ry op'n-ing to the blest. of light, Like His di - vine - ly fair and bright. ry crown, From suns that ner - er more go down. ^ m -0-^ ^ Chords. i * = d . ^ 4r q?3 '^ -*-r- Sweet land of the blest, Sweet land of the blest, It is not sleep, it is not rest, 'Tis I— Cl£ ■V — L iUi] LUM Of ]n BLU I -CONCLUDED. It r: ; w * y. ^-* -T — i — I — r glo - ry op'n - inj -^-T- I to the blest. ^ T=F: =t5t: No storms shall ride the troubled air, No voice of passion enter there ; But be all peaceful as the siofh Of evenino- gales, that breathe and die. For them the God of mercy shed3 His parent influence on their heads, And gilds the spirits round the throne, With glory radiant as his own. ^ LOOklNQ 10 lUIIS- " The author and finisher of our faith." ^ ^ ' =ii-i. ; s ^r~t~ * '^ ' ^r~tr' ti! ^-^ 1. O eyes that are weary, And hearts that are sore 1 Look off unto Je-sus, now sorrow no more; The 2. While looking to Je-sus My heart cannot fear, I tremble no more when I see Jesus near; I 3. Still looking to Jesus Oh may I be found, When Jordan's dark waters encompass me round ;They I ^ ♦. j^ ^ -i w r* • i • — *-rm * ^ — # ' -# ■ • m —0 * » , ^ ^ — « — P — # a ^ ;t c ; r ; ^ 3& ^m ^ e —0 — = — _ — I — — #- -0- ' ' -0- -0- -0- -r^ light know bear ^^ of His countenance shineth so bright. That here as in heaven There need be no night, that his presence my safeguard will be, For *' why are you troubled " He saith un-to me. me a-way in his presence to be, I see him still near-er Whom al - w.iys I see. 5 T=^ ; ; g i* 12 m DIULOW m 1$ QLlQlNQ. " In the Lord pat I my trust. Wm. T. ROGERS. ^ * -f"i- ^ ^ T*- f-i*- 1. The m el-low eve is glid - ing Se-rene- ly down the ivest; 2. The ev'ning star has light-ed Her crystal lamp on high; So, ev - 'ry care sub- So, when in death be- :t=: ^ ■*-r- -♦-T- -■f^ ^ EE ^ ipt Jgl r=r -Tr—^r^i—^ -*-i— aid - ing, My soul would sink to rest, -night - ed, May hope il - lumethe sky. ^ The wood-land hum is ring - ing, The In gol - den splen - dor dawn - ing, The " " " -* — t — i-^ il E ^ H«-i- ^^ ^=^ i ^={ ^ ^3 :±Jt ^ ' I -1 1 ' day -light's gen - tie close; May an -gels round me sicg - ing, Thus hymn my last repose, mor-row's light shall break, ! on the last bright mom-ing, May I in glo-ry wake. m \^ ^. 1^ ^ ■^ ±=1* ^^ ^HM- qtric T I ^m &^ ■I haTelonjred lor thy salratlon." 13 W. A. OGDEN. ^^ ^ ^ ^ l yr>2-3 z3; ?±=^ :fr 1. Pur-er yet, and pur - er 2. Calm-er yet, and calm - er, 3. Higb-er yet, and high - er, I -would be in Tri - als bear and Out of clouds and mind, pain, night, Dear - er yet, and Sar - er vet, and Near-er yet, and ^ ! I i ^ ^ 3t — :* f. ^ dear Eur - er near - er iv Ev Peace Ei3 ■ ry du - ty at last to iD2 to the find; gain; light; -&- Ho - ping still, I Suf - I ring still and Li^ht se - rene and ^^ trust in do - iag, ho - ly. gS m r=f m ^^ ^ -•—* — Pa - tieut - ly be - liev And to God sub - du Pur - i - fied and low *=5: ing He will make all clear. ing Heart and will and mind, ly, Sane - ti - fied and blest. God with - out a fear. To his will re - sign'd, Where my soul may rest, '@^ ziz -# # # fl — ,—'5 © , — « M wniii u}^ I mvt 10 luii?. ' Come aud follow me ." m 5 Dr. J. B. HERBERT. w- . — a 1- ej :f==^ Before each vkrsb. What can I give to Je - sus, Who gave himself for me? How can I show my love for him Who ^ mff= \H -^-f if -^ #. #. ^2-* i:^:^ # . ^ ■*■ ♦ « g ' ^ 7 I I g: P =#^-P^ .d ll_L ^=iF^ -4^ =t=i died on Calvary? 1. I'll 2. I'll 3. rii 4. I'll Pi^ give my heart to Je - sus, In childhood's tender Spring ; I know that he will give my soul to Je - sus, And calmly, gladly rest, Its youthful hopes aud give my mind to Je - sus, And seek in thoughtful hours, His spirits grace to give my strength to Je-sus, Of foot, and head, and will, llun where he sends and -G- -*---♦- -(2- -ts- f -# » ^ s ^ not despise So mean an of - fer - ing. fond desires Up-on his lov - ing breast con-se crate Its car - ly op'n-ing pow'rs, ev-er strive His pleasure to ful - fll. I r I- ' — —^ -»-— Wi I'll give my txrae to Jesus, Oh. that each hour might be Filled up with holy work for him, Who spent his life for me. I'll give my all to Jesus, 'Tis little I possess ; But all I am, and all I have, Dear Lord, 'accept and bless. Christian Intelligene«r. I ftl 'Who Bpake as never man spoke 15 Dr. J. B. HERBERT. m te=t! i jjj M J:i j ^ifc^ 1, 'And Jesus said, re-ceive thy sight,' 'And Jesus said, a- rise and walk.' With the command He sent the 2. 'And Jesus said, I am the way,' 'I'll give thee clothing, food and drink, Only be-lieve the worda I ^' t^'t: r . ^ 5^^ T=S: ± 1:44 © =5=^ ^f=f ^ l ^ U M : H light, The lame could leap.thedumb could talk.' And Jesus 8aid,come unto me, 'And I will give thee perfect say, I'll guide theesafeto Jordan's brink, And then I'll bear thee safely o'er The de6p,darkriver,thouBhalt UJ^ I * ! « I * t-=r? i ; i j. j-j^/ i fN^ ^ Chorus, ^ i h— K 3i fc^ . 4 i i ; ' J rest. Come bear rtrj cross, and tbou Trilt see To flow'rs 111 ebangelt thoa'lt be blest, Ob blessed words m fraught with dwell At mx rlgbt hand for • ev - er-more.Wben tbou sbalt bid the world fto«-well. 16 l^^j-H'if niiJh ^ M \UU U\h CONCLUDED. N S K I, N N N ^ . *' »- £ff g ^ ^ ?==?=; - g g # J -j—J- ^=^ jj l J.^ <^ -•-T-*— #- ^-1_ love ; kind Pro-tec-tor, Heavealy Guide.I long,I long to soar a-bove,And nestle close at thy dear side. ^ . ?: g: / mm j-^--i-i-i -f r — ar :: f rit F^ S=P: f= ^S :?J=p: P P'^' ^' f f i^ '/ ntJET. tHNIHQ PNYtR. Dr. J, B. HERBERT. JN J i 3 ^ » I g 1. 0, Je - sua, fold me in thy gen - tie arms, And guard Thy lit - tie lamb from 2. 0, Je - sua, do thou par-don all my sin. And in Thy pre-cious blood waah 3. 0, Je - BUS, bless my friends, so kind and dear. Take care of them, and be thou m a -^hr- s ^m 5=3 all me V6 ^ a - larms Through this quite clean, And set ry near To all, dark me . this 7 night, right, night. r=^ Words by BO Cheerful. NAR BLUsto mytR. " WILLIAM W, BENTLEY. " And be showed oie a pure river of the water of life " ^ 4-t — * - ^ i^ 1, Forth from the throne of glo - ry Brinrht in its crj'stal grleam, 2. Stream full of life and gladness, Spring of all health and peace, 8. Kiv - er of God 1 greet thee, Not now a-far but near ; *1 ^^' Bursts out the liv - ing No harps by thee hang My soul to thy still -»- P^ r a ! r u dt=^ -^r-^ -^ -»-P-p- / V I 'K=t Chorus. ^^ ^ jn-^-s =^ ■ g ■ foun - tain, si - lent, wat - era Swells on Nor hap Hastes in ^ ' r the liv - ing stream, py voi - cea cease, its thirst - ing here. # — #- Bles-sed Eiv - er, let me ev - er iS -r—fTf-t ^E* -# ^- ffi f— ^5-r 5=t I ^ H ©; — I N J F-' # # 3= f +>-r -8 -r t y m Feast ray eyes on thee. ^^^^ Bles-sed Riv - er, let me ev - cr Feast my eves on thee, ^ ^ -' ^ ~ - J JJ* ^ ^ 18 M. A. MAITLAND. kttP H LIPT IN mt WIND * Let yonr light shine before men." S H. A. LE"WIS. ^ ^ 6-» ^^-i? -*-&- -€-T-^ s ^ 1. Keep a light in the win - dow burn-ing, Faint though its glimtnering be, . . It may 2. Keep a light in the win - dow burn-ing, Bril-liant-ly for a sign, . . That up - 3. Keep a liglit in the win- dow burn-ing, Ye who in the Lord re-joice. . .And with fcf: fcit -*-*- -0-^ zzn ^ -^ I fc=^ $ ^ ^ - J a ^ ^- 5 . ■ y-r-j . lighten some home-less wan - derer Toss'd up - on life's dark sea; . . ou you the "God of Is - rael " Mak - eth his face to shine; . . hope - ful souls are wait - ing For the sound of the bride-groom's voice ; It may Hoping Till the §££ m ^ IMt ^=^ l^^-j^^^ 1 =^ — !S ^« S 'r- ' 1 'r =?=! '■^ J-^-^- whis - per thoughts of that some long - lost light of his glo-ri-ous — i^.- w— com - fort, broth - er, pres - ence P • f And Way Ex - -J — — «' — tA- '-* — • — • — ^•— hope to the sink laid in the path tin - guish the fee - - ing of ble ■*■ heart, Of the sin. May des- ray. Like the r^' ii S « S 9 ^ 1 1 ^ \ ■ "i ■ •' • * « ■ i*i K r i r ! 1 ' p * p 1 f f f -^ \ \h^. — T k— 1 — 0-^ — » — — h ; h r ' — --H — ^ — 5— • 1 "i- ! ^/ 1 — ^ — 1 ' 1 1 — 1/ L_J> \/ •/ — tr^ i__i 1 — ^ — ^ — t t r=^ kttP H LI5«T m T«t WIN DOW. -CONCLUDED. 19 ^ 3 !^ 5 fe^ I ^ • • • •■ W r- = = 9 . j^ bea - cou that fad • less gleam - eth, When the sunbeams of earth de - part, cry its wel - come glim - mer, And joy - ful - \y en - ter in. . . morn-ing star it shall van - ish In the light of the "per - feet day.". m if: :^ if: I ^ m £ t: itfc i n. Joyfulhi. "Rejoicing always." J. R. M. ^=^=H# =J -^0 ^ i^^S 1. Children of the heav'nly King, As ye journey, sweetly sing; Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, 2. Ye are trav'ling home to God In the way the fathers trod ; They are hap-py now, and ye 3. Lord, sub-missive make us go, Glad-ly leav-ing all be - low ; On - ly thou our leader be. mw ^^^^ ; , ■» — y: r^f-f+r-'^^ f k^i^: Refraik. ^E jHj J I -j ^ ^^^ .^U^hh^=^ -9- ^^ Glorious in his works and wa}'s. Soon their happi - ness shall see. Sweetly sing, sweetly sing, Children of the heav'nly King: And we still will fol - low Thee. ••-••-••- •0- -^- ■0- •0- -^ ^ ' I I f r ^T ^^ s s =^0 mt Dr. T. G. CHATTLE. ' Cheerful. ^^ OOtl jIND Hit mijt. N ^ " Think on these things." Wm. W. BENTLEY. =^ -1 1 1 •- ^ '^— K m i ^J3EH3 What We'll Our In i i. ev- er our station, in ail tliat we do, We'll take for our watcli word, be good and be true- ev - er be true to all blessings confer'd. And true to in-stnietions so frequent-ly heard, day may be drea-ry, no sunlight may shine, Our way may be weary, our courage decline, ac-tion we'll strive to be good and in thought, And truthful in words as our Savior has taught. 9¥*^ ±±: -^-#- f=t ±=8=/ it; EE ■h i ^ 1 1 ' F- ^ > S i — xir^S — 5-^*— S — ■- s^^s ZilETt ^l — - With this May all By seek- Be true 13^1^] :*zi*: ^^^ on our ing in iSE our banner we'll ev - er pre-vail. For good ness and truthfulness nev-er can fail thoughts daily be on-ly of good,And e - vil iu ac - tion be ev - er withstood, the pathway of wisdom and peace, Our darkness will brighten, our courage increase, our friendship, be good to our foes, Thus life in its ending will hap-pi - ly close. ±-^—» ^ fi-, -0 » ' p^_±-pL_^ •_^«__« -_!_• h ^i!l ■^■ ± ^=^ ^ ^^^^^^ Chorus. i 1 I: -^=^ ^=^=^=^=^ ^ ^l^^jlj- ^ -w-^ The good. 9S -1= The good ^ For- ev - er we'll stand by the good and the true, For 0.^^0—0. i ± ^ ^ f=^% t^^^ t^- £ and the true. and the uue, t > J J-.^ TH HOOD m Tflt TRDt. -CONCLUDED. » 5 gg^jUl|-^ ^ U ^ i i i s -*-*- s -*-f- fc*4 ^F*^ 3: S this is our mot-to in al] that we do, For-ev - er to stand by the good and the true. s z fe^^^ -f-rf- ^ ♦-(?- # • ■» i^ it ^ U ! I I g^ ::f^ ■vj— F SlhONl]. L. |M. H. A. LEWIS. I ES^ =i4: i=fr -»-r- -g»- iT" :#: -«^-i- 1. Be thou ex - al - ted, O my God ! A - hove 2. My heart is fixed, my song shall raise Im - mor • 8. High o'er the earth his mcr - cy reigns, And reach ^m ^ i the heav'ns where an tal hon - ors to ■ es to the ut - 43- -fSL^ fL 4U. ■ gels dwell ; Thy name ; most sky ; i i It -*»- 1^-^ i ^ -&-T- ^ =^ -«- T Thy power on earth be known a - broad, A - wake my tongue, to sound his praise, His trath to end - less years re - main, I ,4t^ -&-, ^^- -SZ Aud land My tongue, When low - to land thy won the glo - ry of er worlds dis - solve ^ ders tell, my frame, and die. I 22 SON? Of Tilt m^n- '•Glory to God in tlie highest." 5& n-N W. T. ROGERS. m ^ it-t-^ -¥-^ =r on earth and mer-cy mild, til' angelic host proclaim : and life to all lie brings, on earth and mer-cy mild, _- *■ /* "^ #■ -^ — € — t r—r-P — u I- 1. Hark 2. Joy - 3. EaU, 4. Let I the herald an - gels sing, " Glo - ry to the new-born King, Peace ful, all ye na - tionsrise, Join the triumph of the skies; With the ho - ly prince of peace ! Hail, the sun of righteousness ! Light us, then, with an-gels sing, Glo - ry to the new-born King, Peace t r^f . r E I m £ m ^ I ^^^ Choeus. Hail him, hail him, Hail him, hail him Hail him, Sav - ior — M- / J / l !- J^ ^ ^ w fTT^i Joy-ful-ly, Joy-ful-ly, Joy-fal-ly, Joy-ful-ly, ?t=t m God and sin-ners rec-on-ciled." "Christ is born in Beth-le-hem." Eis'n with heal-ing in his wings, God andsin-ners rec-on-ciled. *• - ♦ ^ —00 7 7^ Joy-ful - ly, Joy-ful - ly, Joy-ful - ly, Joy-ful - ly, f- Joy-ful Joy-ful Joy-ful Joy-ful ly. E #-f- 5 ^i ^^ r r r t? p p ^re=p= ^ ? I g i J ^-L - f=^ i a^ =^ ^=1= ^ '0 *m I ^' gath-er, to bring Our songs and our prais - es to lay at thy feet, And world where we stay, In his beau - ti - ful man-sions where com - eth no night, We'll ^ -0- J' r r r- -^ T m^ -/-^/- i i2=t^ J J' 1' -i *. m — » w. *. — ¥ 5^ * 9 ■ • 9 g Hj^; ji '- lis - ten to words of in - struc-tion so sweet; We love thee, we love thee, for sing with . His an- gels, and live in His sight; Oh, Je-sus, our Sav-ior, all _* * c c c * S N — "^^ • . . fl 0- V ":; : '^ Wt LOU J Utt— CONCLUDED. 25 i :^3^ ^^l tr 5#- who hath be - side So ten - der - ly lived, and so low - ly we bow, And pray thou wilt make u« thy lev - inof - ly died. And cho - sen ones now, May our ^ 1#- ♦ :t->:^— ' . , \ — ■^ •0- •0- -^ -0- ■0- ■0- •0- ■*• -f- ■0- =t=^T • 1/ • • . » . ^ — #. * • < — 1 — ; \ , , ==^it:: ^ ^ -s-^ I JllL^O-; , - ^ .i, - -* --^0 • called e- ven lit - tie ones safe to hi= arms, To guard them.andbless them. and .shield them from harm hearts and our .service to thee all be jjiven, May we love thee on earth, and a-dore thee in heav'n. -M — m — m — m. — *__^ — « — « — c * » 0000 — •_ __ s S '^ MARY FORREST. HVOCjtriON. Dr. J. B. HERBERT. d m a I I II I Jq .'. .Stoop to me lof-ty and low-ly One, Stoop vtiy near! Smile on me, blesserl and ho-ly one. Make thp " in its pur - 1 - ty. G!o-iy and pi .-icr.Wliioli tliroujrh an endless in - tnr - 1 - tr. Is not to ct-ase. -•- ••■ •0- &- -0- •0- •0- -&-. \ I I I •#- -^ - ^ -|g- ■ »••»■ ^ ^ -4-^^-#- 26 FANNIE CROSBY. LOOK lif, \i\]^ lUUin tYt. Oently. WILLIAM W. BENTLEY. "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Phil. I: 21. IN SACKED MEMORY OF THE LAMENTED SILAS MAIN. ^^^^^^ m ^^1 -s=5 -t-*— i- -#-;—#- U ! ■ — 1 ■• 1. Why should we think of death, With sad fore- 2. Why should we dread the grave, If faith in 3. Whj' should our hearts re - pine, When dear ones 4. No tri-umphs in the grave, The sting of -bod -in g fear; Christ be bright; pass a - way; death is o'er; To those who love a 'Tis but the door through They are not lost, but And they who reach the qi=^ ^ tdt r^-r^r ; ' r I Refeain. rq: ^^\ PF^r ^eS m =3= 'i*/ r I ^ — 'I Sa-vior's name He, comes with words of cheer, which we pass To re-gions fair and bright. gone before, To realms of end -less day. bet - ter land, Shall live to die no more. Look up with tear - less eye, Look 1—^ t=t I^ sa i_^^L.;7^rB 5=*= -*-ir 33Et -*-T- up, there's joy be - yond, A home where love can never die, And fi ^=r=^ .—1 lend communes with friend. ^m Written and Connpc JUUS CALLS, lit SPUkS lO-DM. losed by 2? ' To-day. If ye will hear his voice. SS i -J5^-^ W. A. McNEAL. By Permission. B -*-r i ^ m -1 j^ r ^ z:= x= -^r-^r ^ ^^ ^^l=f 1. Je - BUS calls, he speaks to-day, wm £ WJiat will you, dear sinner, say) * tyy t II III begin, Will you turn from fol-ly, sin, ^ And the new life now be-gin, now be-^n, destruction fly? •<•: j^ -^ -#- -#-^ — # — I 1 — i g s v-v- v-v- ^ ^. > t/ ? t/ > I jD. C. Pass his pleading id - ly by . And to swift de-struc-tion fly ? #N^ 5 ^ I*ut bim to an o - pen shame ? Or will \'ou his lore dis-dain, dis-dain, i^ " * * ^ * ^ ^ J m s ^^ -^ Jeeus calls— he speaks to-day, What will you, dear sinner, say? Win your heart the call believe. And the blessed Lord receive? Then all heaven for you will bring Golden harps— triumphant sing Pruist.^ to jehovairs n;im<.'. That for you ihefLamb was slain. 8 Jesus calls,— he speaks to-day. What wli; you. dear sinner, say? 1)0 you linger? come, believe — Do not now the spiiit Btrieve! Hasten ! .lesuo <;tand3 close by, To his bo.^om quickly fly; lie will lioal your wounded heart. Shield you from the tempter's dart. 28 U WttI YOU OKCt iiyiK. Dr. T. G. CHATTLE. 0iecrjully. _, N ,_ -J (Anniversary.) " All the brelliren greet you." Written for tblb work. VVILLTAM ^A^. BENTLEY. 1. Friends we meet 2. Moments glide 3. Thus by month, you ouce a so si - lent and week, and I i JL jL gain. Here to sing our greet - ing song, ly, Scarce we heed them as they fly, day, Swift - ly float the hourg a - way; ^ «- i^ ffl ~F&^ m U.-S-i -^ Months have rolled their coarse a - long, And the weight of years is shed, Child - hood, youth, then manhood, age, Since our for - mer greeting song ; And so swift has Gent - ly on each bend-ing head ; That we tliink life Each, suc-ces - sive, fills life's page ; And when each its ^i^ •fL #. jL jL -#=P- f=T =S^=f =5" h Si jI J i f ^ -jFj-j^ ^ 3 #-«- pass'd a - waj'. That it seem.s but just be - gun, When its course is course is run, Sinks from life like -0-^ 0- yes - ter - daj'. And al - most run. That set - ting sun. And so swift has pass'd a - we think Jife just be - when each its course is way, gun, run, H .— GONCLUDk^. That it seems but When its course is Sinks from life like yes - ter • al - most set - ting day. run. sun. M fe 1^ -0- Thus as each successive year You behold us gathered here ; Seasons in their ceaseless roll, Bring us nearer to the goal ; Where all time to us shall be Lost in an eternity. Where all time to us shall be Lost in an eternit}-. WHY mui I WAIT? " Now Is the day of Sulration." :U=UA 29 * -^ 53= 1. Whv 2. Why 3. Why 4. Why should I should I should I should I wait? I can - not flee. To wait? I look with- in, And wait ? I must not wait. To wait? O Lord. I plead Thy QiR* :#i=; oth-er ref-uge than nothing there I see innr-row's sun may be nui-cv In this time -# — » ^ 0- to but to of thee; sin; late: need; And And And And ^ ^B 't^ — •- -«-J- zSn: g > -. ■ # I !»• -r vile and help - less though I be, Thou a - lone canst make me clean, death may seal my hap - less state, as my hid - ing place in - deed, T2®: 3*=iie ■^ Je - Je - Je - Je - sus, I come 8US, I come sus, I come sus, I come to to to to thee, thee, thee, thee. giF^^ i f- Hf t ^ dz=nf - ^-^ m ¥m 30 M, E. SERVOSS. JUL IT TO TH LORD. "For Ho caretb for you " J. R. M. pWfrt JH^^^^^^ s -^ ^ 1. If with sin you're ov - er - cast, Tell it 2. When he lifts the bur-den up, Tell it 3. Has a friend thy trust be-tray'd, Tell it to the Lord ; He'll for-give your sin - ful past, to the Lord; Should a joy o'ev-flow thy cup, to the Lord; Would you have a fear al-layed, ^^^ — £ ^#-M -# — ^ ^m 4 UX^JS S m -r=^ _^_i- I m se ^ & m 3^ _^_! 1 Tell it Tell it Tell it to the Lord ; Tell it from a con - trite heart, Faithful-ly per-form your part, to the Lord ; He a - lone can give thee joy, Sym-pa-thy, with-out al - loy, to the Lord; He will be a friend iu-deed, From your fear you will be freed. ^^e^ ^^ ^^=1: iS ^ a ^* £ ^m Tell it to the Lord, Tell it to the Lord. i^m. £ W 4 Was thy soul exchanged for gold, TellittotheLord; Has thy heart grown hard and cold^ Tell it to the Lord ; He alone forgiveth sin, He alone gives peace within, Tell it to the Lord. SWttI UiU]^ nowt. 31 Words Arranged by J. A. CAMPBELL. Music by E. N. CAMPBELL. -T^t-^'i "Let us go up to the courts of the Lord." 1 ^ i -5-T-H d ^Z=^ ^ m: -#-! ^ 1. Sweet Sabbath School, place dear to me, Where e'er through life I roam, My heart will of -ten 2. De - light - ful work,young souls to win, And turn the ris - ing race. From the de-ceit-ftil 3. Thy spir - it, Fath - er, on us shed, And bless this good de-sign, The hon-ors of thy Ji ■^ -^ ^f^ ^=^ * -fS-' ■#- -^ ■*• ■#., t -»-•- -#*F ^ n # K^ UUJ 1 n 1 1 1 •- V tr i" P 1* I 1 y. 1 1 J ' 'i J * \ ^ 1 it^ ^ I* • r r W ■' w *i * •, • 'i 1 * J 1 (m w — # — #-! — V— « 2 — «-i — ^ —4— — — \ — n_ — j_ ~j — J — t^ — 1— I t>H r — &-H- turn to thee, My own paths of sin To seek name be spread, Be all —'- r .— ^-^-c^; — ■ dear Sab-bath honoe. re - deem-ing grace, the glo - ry thine. f- r' f- ^ 1 ^ > 0-i. ^—1 ^I L Sweet Sabbath School, place dear to me, Where- ^1 L L ?:-=±= -\ — —0— -J — i — 1 — —IS-Jt — 1 ...9 . ^ — (i_±_^ — — i m te-I — \m~ H h: r— r— 4— ^- -4— — 1 — I- — ^ L-^'—i =^ 'r r r -&^ ^ 1 1 1/ T e'er thro' life I roam, My heart will of-tea ^ .(S-' A. turn to thee, My own dear Sabbath home. ^ -^ •^ -^ i«- •0-M ■0- i F^ S^^ :f: i ^ T»- -♦-5 — ^4 «-^ 32 '•'\Ve seek a city that is to come. s - ^^-^ i?i :ji=tc J. R. M. This is not In It all Soon we pass my place of rcst-ing, is light and glo - ry, this des-ert drea - ry, JL ^ ^ hS- Mine's a cit O'er it all Soou we bid y yet to come; a nightless day ; farewell to pain ; On-ward EV - ry Nev - er e - ter - nal home, hath pass'd a - way. er sin a - gain. f 7 r'^ i — REFEAIiT. K S N — K- ^ N h ^=5^^ -*r:- S.S ^ Nev-er more to sin a-gain,^Nev-ermore to s'jn a - galn.^Far from sorrow, care or pain, Never more to sin a-Kala. m . "^ ^ V V ? v~^/-w^ ^ s 4-1 — n — I U b: — - — P — * — *-Hi-t- know I Lon itsiis. 33< By Permission. Semi-Choeus. Written and composed by WM. A. McNEAL. •We love Elm because he first loTCd us." In trou-ble andsor-row, to Je - sus I'll flee, For I know that my Sav-ior will welcome me ; ) If I will but trust Inm and OH him be-lieve, My burdens he'll bear and my sorrows relieve, f My heart then I'll o - pen, the new song be - gin, For it makes me so hap - py when Jesus comes in, ^ t ^^^ . t- f. ^ ^ f. tt f- ^^ fc.f=l ^m ^^ » "^' Wl \ H-H^ r^ ^ Chorus. y^rrrt^^ j^-j_j UU _. ^N^ 4M^ L.Q. m s V J J ^ ^ * : i 3 -y-v I know I love Je - sus, I'm so hap-py and free, And I know when I love him he freely loves me All heaven is waiting in triumph to sing, The song of redemption ; dear sinner, come in. 2 sinner, now listen — his voice you may hear. So anxiously pleading close, close to your ear ; do not reject him, nor bid him depart, ' Chonu. But give him, now give him your poor, sinful heart. 4 From Calvary is flowing a deep crimson stream ; Chorus. Come wash ye within it, 'twill make you all clean ; 3 I know that the Savior is passing this way, Though your sins be like scarlet or crimson vou know In mercy now lingers to save you to-day ; He has said he will waah you as white as the snow. _ Chorut. 34 Read Eev. v, U-12-13-14. J. R, M. »n |:Ji JIJ ^^^^^^=H=^. -Ofi- -e -a L ■S- -^ Ij ♦ I 1. Come let ns join our cheer - ful songs With an - gels round the throne, Ten 2. Let all that dwell a - hove the eky, And air, and earth, and seas, Con - m 13 ■^~ — *- ^^ f=*=F f^ t ^ ^ n i 5==J f r f , , thous-and thous - and are their tongues, But all their joys are one. Bpire to lift His glo - ries tigh, And speak His end - less praise. P ■ l_ P P ^m-^-P !^^ f~ ^ *- t fe3 £ ^ \ \ \\\ \ ^^ ^^ r r S ^^ ^^^ ^ f5 Wor - thy the Lamb, "Wor - thy the Lamb, ^. - r u ^ •-^ To be ex - alt ^ ed thus ; ■•-■#.■#• "^-^ ih -^ ' f i* r ^ -g Wor - thy the Lamb, Wor - thy the Lamb, To be ex - alt - ed thus ; I ^ WORlflV mt LjimB. CONCLUDED. T ^ 35 m -Ihr m L_E a -H^ ^_ -J*- -•• ■•: ■*• IS slain lor Wor - thy the Lamb, I wor - thy the Lamb, For He fc m §5^^ 3s ^ -T-^^rt =F=f= BONAR. ItSlJS ONLY. 'And they saw no man save Jesus only. « m ^^ =? ♦ -5-. 1. Trust- ing-ly, trust-ing-ly, Je - sus to thee 2. Peace - ful - ly, peace-fnl - ly, Walk I with thee 3. Whom but Thy-self, Lord ! Have I a-bove ? P- ^ -^ Come I, Lord, lov-ing-ly Come thou to Je - sus, my Lord, thou art All, all to Wliat hnve I left on earth? On-ly thy me ! me ! love ! ^ i^ W ^ ^ ^ V -n^-^^t Then shall I lev - ing-ly, TlTen shall I joy -ful - ly, Walk here with Thee, Walk here with Thee. Peace thou hast left to us, Thy peace ha&t giv - en us; So let it be, F'o let it be. Com f^ then, Sav-ior! come, Come then,. spir- it! come, Heav-en-ly Dove! Heav-en - Iv Dove. £e£ ^. m 36 Hmm Wijil LIQfl T I • 'And He • * • * ♦ ♦ was called faitliful and true. J. R. M. ^m Crowued with light in a home in glo - ry, We shall sing with the an - gel band; If we work in the world's great harvest, If we la - bor and ne'er give o'er, Let us pray for the Sav - ior's blessing, Let us practice the gol-den rule'; Crowned with light in the saints sweet ha - ven, Robed in white in the bet - ter land; • m • » — I — # « — r— #' • 1 f" I ^ M :^ 3^^^ -*^i — »— < If on earth we are on - Ij Sow-ing seed for tlie gol-den Pleasant words and the deeds of If on earth we are on - ly • * r — 15 — • _— ,^ — -__ faith-ful, As we march to the heav'n - ly land, har-vest, We shall reap on the oth - er shore, mer-cy, We have learned in the Sab-bath School, faith-ful, We shall sing with the an - gel baud. iisfei m i Chorus. ^ -^-T- Glo - ry, Hal - Ic ^^ 0-§r-0 In ^2- jah, Sing glo - ry to the Lord, :t For He CfiOWNtD Wim Lj (Jill. -CONCLUDED. 37 1 ^, ^, 1 h 1*^ j _^ h 1 , V 1 ^ h '^ r^ 1 N S 1 ^ n J J J • 'r * J 1 1 A. h 1 " 1 _i V J J J W *^ •. 1 ■ * V ^ f 1 fr'\'^y J J ^ *i *i W •^ • 1 ' i ' J ' 1 il^ . A 1 " ^ 5 S W W V a J - J J - J ■J J m J 1 1 II promise is sure, And His love shall en-dure, Ev - er faith - ful His bles-sed word. t^VHr-t — U Is Is s • b— 1 r ^ r r 'n !^ — -f P E i— r ' ) — 1\ -^bV y f — ,'■ — • • f— ■i b — b — f" ■h ^T- ^ — * — T — r~ ~\ — ^ — H P U r L^ 1/ z' 1/ ^ l/ jo . II '^ ^ 1 1 . With feeling BLtSSttl WOfiD? Of ItSliS. (Recitation.) ^A^m. W. BENTLEY. 'Then were brought unto Him little children."— Mat. 19-13. MfiN%=^ ^nts I^ fe 4 i^ =i^ Je - sus when he lived on earth, Lit-tle children bleit, Toole them in his lov-lng arms. Laid them on his breast. B:-d2z4zs M i t t^tL ¥—^ V^. t^t-t^ ±± E £ i: ^ -^ ^ J" u i V— V- it—V -V— v'-V- ■nr Response. — And Jesus took a little child and placed in the midst of them. 2 Still are true his blessed words, Ne'er to be forgot ; Suffer each to come to me, And forbid them not. Response, — Suffer Utile children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven. 3 Then to him I'll gladly come. And will humbly pray, Jesus take me for thine own, Wash my sins away. Response. — Thoee that come unto me I will in no way cast out. 38 WHAT nni I s/iYTo-MY? I Written and Composed by (Quartette and Chorus) W, A. McNEAL. '■ Wliosoever shall confess me before men. bim shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God." By Permission. Sj . _, ^ '^mn ¥ tk ±=^- ■ji- iife^ What shall I say What shall 1 say What shall I say -1^±- - - to - day ? Shall I the spir - it grieve ? Or shall I bid to - day? When friends around me meet, And bid me not to - day? When Je-sus is so nigh? Shall I now turn him stay, de - lay, a - w^, ^ ^-'—P—P- F=F :^ c^ 2d£ ^ 1 -#-T- ^ -S-^ s -j ^^-^ — I *— *-' ^ — #- The spir - its call I know, He whispers soft and low ; Will he my bur - deus bear? Will he my sorrows share? O my poor, sin - ful heart, Pierced by con-vic-tion's dart. m^ And now be-lieve? But Je-sus seek? My Lord de - ny? Ht^-^ :^ trtz --i^ 42- ^ 1 r P Chorus. ^ ^^ ^ 7^-^- ^^^ Ttzii i3 :p=±^, -i§t- -«- Per - To Trera - -iS>- suad-ed shall I go. My ask him shall I dare, So bling I'll yield and start, For Lord re - ceive? sin - ful, weak? mer - cy cry. Jc - sus now is :^^ ^. [=p: > > pass-ing — — #- by, WHill nni I U1 I0-MY9-CONCLUDED. m ^ i ^ 39 repeat ^p =^=? :|^ r* — »* — » : ^ ^ — :^ pass-ing by, pass-inor by, Je - sus now is passing by, I'll go out to meet him. P m ± m^^ ^s ^=b=MJJ LOhil GOD, W M\\M Jlltt. . " Tills God U our God forever and ever." GERMAN. '^ ^'-- ? I f" f f ( 1 . _ 1 — I — r . , 1 C Lord Grod, we wor-ship Thee! In loud and hap-py cho - rus; j ■ \ We praise Thy love and powT, Where goodness reigneth o'er us; ( 2 ( Lord God, we wor-ship Thee 1 For thou our land de - fend - est; ) ■ "( Thoii pour-est down Thy grace, And strife and war Thou end - est ; ) ^ « — si — o — To heav'n our song shall soar, Since gold-en peace, Lord, For e - ver shall it Thou us to h2- 4S- -g- ^ , Tiy- m -<&- be see. -&- Re-sounding o'er and o'er, Our land with one ac-cord, Lord Lord TS — » — 5) — ■ — cr God, we wor-ship thee! God, give thanks to thee 1 £ -O- -6 G- F -i2- (5-^ 40 m Of WY SOUL. 'I am come, a Ugbt Into tbe world. J. R. M. fe ^^^ Sav - ior dear, It is not night morn till eve, For with-out thee ■j-ri * g ^ if thou be I can - not 1. Sun 2. A of my soul ! thou bide with me from ^ 9-^ 9-^ ^ m r r t t JD. C. Sun of my soul I thou Sav - ior dear, It is not night if thou be I Fine. 1^ *-T- i: ^'3UJ_3. =g =? f^=^ m near ; live; Oh, may no earth-born cloud a A - bide with me when night is • rise nigh, To hide thee from thy ser-vant's eyes. For with-out thee I dare not die. m ^ i : -p-^ £ r»-S 0-^ E m E tC ¥=^f-^ near, Oh, may no earth-born cloud a - rise To hide thee from thy ser-vaat's eyes. P fliJj '>J'J l J: jJ l^ hw r^r-i When soft the dews of Be near to bless me kind - ly sleep^ My wear-ied eye - lids gent - ly steep, when I wake. Ere through the world my way I tak_e^ ^yJAl \ m j^ J- ;• ; y^ '^li vr V il v\^- ^ ?^ 5lJfl Of MY 50DL. CONCLuDcG. 41 m ^ ^ i 4==. D.C. ^ ^ s s IS I ^-i-^^^^^4^ 3 ^ ^ -#n — #-^ He my last thought, how sweet to A - biae with me till in thy is fN h .-^ _ > ^ ,'^ £: rest For-ev - er on love, I lose my - self ^ .•#-••♦•.■•- ■•- ■•■• *-^ — I . L L L r W « my Sav-ior's breast. in heav-en above. ^?-^ f^ Words and Music by Moderato. WORK; RtSI. J. R. M. i 5E i 1. Press - ing on - ward in your call - ing "What- so - e'er it be; On the 2. Wea - ry tho' you may be, broth - ers, Faint not by the way ; For the 3. Yes, the rest is ver - y bles - sed. If the work is done, And the ■^ -^ ^ -ft- -P-' J^ -J> ^ ^ m ^ f ^P=s^ -«H- -^ ^ moun-tain high or the val - ley low, There du - ty waits rest is sweet where the bles - sed meet, In homes of end - soul shall know all the warmth and glov,' Of heaven, when it m ^ r ^^ for less is thee. day. won. I 42 Mrs. M. B. C. SLADE, Joyfully. n^ intY imv stt 1115 Met. (Bead Bev. xxn: 4, Matt, v: 8.) J. R. M. u m A — \- i ^te Tfcai •^ ' J. » » -^' ^ n> l-^ "-'^ JL For me my Father calls ; Tlie gates of peace I've found,And 8weetl}',o'er tiie jasper walls,His words of promise sound. I 2. Thy workSihow fair they are. In Eea,aud laud,aiid sky ; But oh, beyond their beauty, far, 1 look with longiug eye. My 3. I bear the Saviorsay, Up- on tlieiDount, to me,Xliepureinheartareblest,forthey TlieLordshallsurely see.Oh, =ti!|: Oo to Chorui in exact limt. •d— -c ) . . S r d: :^i::: °i^ irrat :5±=lz=t H— {=::3=5: long to know my Lord ; I trust his wondrous grace; And so I love this blessed word, "And they shall see his Father dear thou art I seek thy dwelling place ; Oh, keep thy promise in my heart, "And they shall see his clasp my hand in Thine ; My feet thy paths shall trace ; Cleanse thou my eyes, oh, love divine. And they shall see his rv face." face." face. S*^ g~g~r - p I* p £^ m W—P—P- n==F=F=F -^ i r^^^^^=F^ Chorus. "And they 'And they And thev shall see his face. And they shall see his face," And so I love this blessed word, "And they shall see his face.", shall see his face. And they shall see his face," Oh, keep thy promise in my heart,"And they shall see his faceA shall see his face. And they shall see his face,Cleanse thou mme eyes.Oh^ove dlvlne>Aiid they shal' see his face.'^ I ! BONAR. TUt NtW ItRllMLtiyi. "Comiug dowu from God out of heaven." m 43 « - -. -0 — 5 — i— "-p #-^-o-T^ It - self a sun - born ^eui, She sits all joy and light, 1. Bathed iu i.n - fal - len 2. Calm ill her queen - ly l^^^g sun glo light, -ts>- :*zii ^ i Fair gleams the glo - lious Pure in her bri - dal —&-r- Cit beau ^lE ty- The new Je - ru - sa Her rai - ment fes - tal white . m i U m Cit - y fair - est, Sple Home of glad-noss, Free -«- t=^ -|S- n - dor rar - est, from sadness, J* Let me, Let Let me. Let g=4 me, gaze me. dwell y-^ on iu theo -«5>- li m 8 Shading her golden pavement, The tree of life is seen, Its fruit rich branches waving, Celestial evergreen. Tree of wonder, Let me under. Under Thee forever rest ! 4 Fresh from the thone of Godhead, 5 Stream of true life and gladness, Bright in its crystal gleam, Bursts out the living fountain. Swells on the living stream. Blessed river, Let me ever Ever feast my eye on thee! Spring of all health and peace, No harps by thee hang silent. Nor happy voices cease. Tranquil river, Let me ever Ever sit and sing by thee. 44 E. E. BEXFORD, Wt MALL 5IT JIT IUU5' fttj. (Read Rev. m: 21.) J. R. M. .0. S 1. By and by, beyond the riv - er, We shall veax an an - gel crown, And for - ev - er and for - 2. There shall sorrow vex us never ; There shall vreepin^ never come I There, for-ev - er and fbr ■ 3. Home for ev - 'ry child im-mortal, I shall reach you oy and by ! I shall en - ter at the -*^ • P~3-#-T-? 1« ^3-1— -r4= p—^^ f- f Jd^ ■' t: ti' ^Ei £: ^ H^^^ :=^ :C± ^ tL :^ R :si 3 ^S Fine. ev - er, With the Lord of life sit down; ev - er, We shall be with Christ at home! por-tal, Of the gate-way, broad and high. ^m bh! ^he rapt-ure that comes o'er me, With the Nev - er slgh-ing, nev - er sor-row! Ohl the And I know in that fair ci - ty, Friends and t^ -#— 3~#- :t I ^ > - :ff: £ h% ^ ^ =? m ^ -^ ::& =1^:^=*= d Z).C. ^s ^m i^ \=^=U ^^^ X I: -fci- v=£.- -»N- T^-f thought so grand and sweet, There is rest be-yond the riv - er. We shall sit at Je - bus' j;hought is ver-y sweet, Nev -er care to bear nor borrow, Sit-ting at the Savior's kin - dred I shall meet, And— oh bless- ed thought of rapture - Shall sit down at Jesus' feet, feet, 'feet. i^ -^t— ^-3-#_^^^-^~ ■M — — • Wt— m ma - ny mansions stand, forth the light of morn •, frowiis not ou that scene, ■«*. * ^ A -^ * Prepared by hands di - vine for all Who seek the bet-ter land. Bright beaming from my Father's house To cheer the soul for - lorn. But light and glorious beau-ty shine Un-troubled and se - rene. in: :^=-P- Prepared by bands, 46 i Joyfully. Both young men and maidens; old men and children." R. G. STAPLES. ^^^ i t5: :P^=?5: fi: ^ -%- i± 1. Come ye chil-dren join to sing, 2. Come and lift youi' voi - ces high, 3. Praise we yet the Lord a - gain. Sing His praise ; Sing His praise ; Sing Hip praise ; Sing His praise ; Hymns of praise to Sing His praise ; Let your prais - es Siilg His praise ; Life shall nev - er ^I3L« L_ i ■ff- ■#- ii -g — ?- p m. ^ 4- His praise, yes, Sing His praise, yes. Sing His praise, yes. Sing Christ our King, fill the sky. end the strain. Sing Sing Sing [fc His praise ; His praise ; His praise ; N Let He Till It witli heart and .voice is our sure guide and friend on Heav-en's hliss - ful shore g S £ = ^=^ ^ - — v-f ■^ j^ #^ •r^-ir •S- -♦• -S- ^— ' — I H •i^ -* •«• "^^J* Sing His praise ; sing His praise, And be- fore His throne re-joice. Sing, yes sing His praise. Sing His praise ; sing His praise. And His love shall nev-er end, Sing, yes sing His praise. Sing His praise ; sing His praise, All His good - ness we a - dore, Sing, yes sing His praise. gig -t- ^w^- =}: -h — — h- i ?S ?^ Mias M. L. THOMPSON. 50D 15 VtRY NUtl. "Lo! I am with you always." Matt. 28. 20. 47 J. K. COLE. S S I X tr-fs- S FT^f^=J=^ :rr-^— ^ 1. ^Vhen 2. When 3. Thus * ^• •^^^^ IP^^ the buds of spring are op'ning, When the earth is closed in green, And the geu-tle rains de - the drifting snows of win - ter, In white folds the earth enshroud, When above the storm-cloads it is in life's bright summer, When with joy the heart is filled, When we see the sil - ver # ^ P «-W2 ^^-T- ^ • P • ^ ^ ^_^__^^_^^^L-A_^L_# ft ^1 ^ ^^ ± V ^ f ' ^?=f=^ -(2- ^?^-f-^-f f V V V % ^^ ^^ * s=* -rS- scend-iug. Wake to life a power un-seen; When the fragrant flow'rs are blooming, gath - er. And the teni-pest's voice is loud; AV hen the roar of o - cean breakers, lin - ing, Of the clouds that bode us ill ; Or when deed, dark waves of trouble, S^ » ■ • * ^ fe=^;^-: Hepeat pp. —I i 4 In the summer sunlight clear, ' Wild-ly surging, strikes the ear, I Gath-er round our pathway here, !^ |t-±-^ ^ F P P r=^ ^ 4= ir—^ — *-^sr Then a sweet voice « hispcrs God is ver - y near. Then a sweet voice wliispers God is ver - y near. Still the sweet voice whispers God i> ver - y near. ^ m « *-^£i c_^-^ g. '^ 48 nnvi A im in m inn.-MiiiTOs. DR, J. G. HOLLAND. " Glory to God In the highest." J. R. M. ^m ^^ =i: r^^^—^ 5-^_* e 9-±-s 5 — :^- 1. There's a song in the air, There's a 2. In the light of that star, Die the 3. We re - joice in the light, And we - - - - .g^ ir~^ — * - star in the sky, a - ges im-pearl'd, e - cho the song. — ^ — y There's a moth - er's And that song frepi a That comes down thro' the i ^ p^ i P ^=?= r^^-r-p- ^ Choeus. TSl- :^ :^ ^ I^ —2 # ' — 0- ■#•■#•■•• prayer, - far, night. 9t And a ha • by's low cry, Has swept o - ver the world, From the Heav - en - ly throng, -P- ^m V y ^ And the star Ev' - ry hearth Aye! we shout -|2- tWL i reigns its fire, While the is a flame, And the to the love - ly © - :& ^ ^^ i=^ iHt\^r-t~i ^ ^ beau - ti - ful sing. That the man - ger of : Beth - le - hem era - dies a King! beau - ti - ful sing. In the homes of the na - tions, that Je - BUS 13 Kingl - van - gel they bring. And we greet in his era - die our Sav - ior and King ! •0- ••■ •^ -^ ■9- -^ -f- •^ ■*- •0- •0- . 1 1 /^ O" i ' ' -Z!p- ^ '- u- U-- ■■';. 1 • 1 "m » {• ■ « II =^H*- — L— u — 1 " ' ' -L- — £ — L- 1 1 — -y^ -fi — \- 1 1 u [i 1^ u — 1 1 [— -H M H — JU ^A^o^_^ 1. On a pebbly shore, 2. While thro' lovely dells, 1M^ where, for-ever more, Gently creeps a music laden wave, grander music swells, Richer chords from rarer harps of gold. i -N—h- ^ -9- 4^ =jg: ^5 ig—i — ' ^ — I ^~0 — : ^ In the meadows green, which beyond are seen. Camps a conq'ring army true and brave ; List that soft refrain, that sweet vocal strain, Wherein now the victor's deeds are told ; ^=t: ^^ ^ ^3 =s^ -9r-^ Shining are the the weapons, of this martial throng, Crimson dyed their banners, battle worn so long. But How they toil'd in darkness, battling with the wrong, How, in hours of weakness. Jesus made them stron g,Ac- ^ ^ "" *^i-^S- -^ -^ -^ OUR m] GMNt) H^\>\H QROllNtl-coNCLUDED. I S S N — N - 5t ?^ >^=P- * s now they cast them down, and each receives a crown, While they chant their never-ending song, knowledg'd as his own, he seats them on his throne, "While they join their never-ending song. Choeus. iSrfc :M=jt -N-^- b 'n 'J * ^ ' ^ — Our Sav-ior and our King ! His vic-tor-ies shall ring ! His conquests thro' e - ter - ni - ty shall —/ ^ / — / — V — I >M-r Vj — i 1 ! > ■ h — h — -i ^ • — m ^: * — m i :5t= ■g?-.- sound. -^— ^ a^ ^ g War shall be no more, We have reach'd the shore, *^T— # — # — # — ^ y — — * ' a) ^ — " I sound, and war shall be no more, shall be no more, -#— ^ -|-# — * — *—0 — & Safely reach'd our last grand camping ground:: war shall be no more, -r. — a — s — a » t- » —0- ' ^ f- ^ ' - — p. 52 S ir^rnr out Mv NUHtli. ' The good land that la beyond Jordan." J. R. M, n 3 3: 5e 1. O'er the hills the sun is setting, 2. "One day near-er " sings the sail -or, 3. Near- er borne! Yes, one day near-er And the eve is drawing on, Slow-ly drops the As he glides the wa-ters o'er, While the light is To our Fath-er's home on high, To the green fields ^ :e=8: a. i "n—t r • • 'T v^ -rrr^ fcSrftf: a^ ^ ^^^^ ^ r-f- ^^ ♦•-#- iat -^T#-a^r*-y ? gen-tle twilight, For an-oth-er day is gone; Gone for aye its race is o-ver, Soon the dark-er soft-ly dy-ing, On his dis-tant native shore ; So the Christian on life's ocean, As his life boat and the fountainSjOf the land beyond the sky ; For the heav'n grows brighter o'er us, And the lamps hang S&££ :g -^-^-4 ^ P^ I SiiSg^ 3^ I P "iSE^ We are one day near "I am one day near For we're one day near -» — a- er home, er home." er home. ^^ shades will come, Still 'tis sweet to know at ev - en, cuts the foam, In the ev'n - ing cries with rapture, in the dome, And our tents are pitched still closer, §5fc -^2- fe£ *=* UNIO M£. 5^ 'The poor ye have always with yon. J, R. M. ^ % ^ tF * 1. ye who have homes of plen - ty, AVhose firesides gleam warm and bright, Who dread not the cold of 2. And when at the gate of heav - en, Ye cry, "Sav-ior, let me in, We've kept all thy dear com >a ^^ :#=P= » -^ +f-^t f=^ f^nr ^gr r L±-1—lM s i j J 1 : 3z:jzp |iJzgF.r=^ jtzjt: 1 morn - ing, And fear not the cold - er night ; For - get not the poor a - mong you, Their mand - ments, And walk'd all thy ways with - in ; " The mas - ter in lov - ing ac - cents Will ^ m 333:^ 8=F m= ^:^^ -&- •0- J j\ J' \ \ i A=i ^^ S=t=^ T/i J j l ''^: Jg=g^ ^ £^^fc=^ -&-T- bnr-dens are hard to bear. The rich-es that God has giv - en. With your lowly brother share say "Here your home shall be, For what ye have giv*!! my children, Ye gave, in dis-guise to me." ^ m r t-- ■Xr-ir-\ — r P i 54 Gently. OVtR m SIJltitlY WilY " And I give unto tbem eternal life." J. H. TENNEY. m 3-P: )ur - 1 ■ ty. Out from the 1. Gone in her child -like pi 2. - ver the sweet brow lov - ing - ly, Twi - neth her 3. Hearts where the dar - lings head hath lain ; Held by love'i _tf . • m . O « — , — «_ gol - den day ; Fad - ing a - sun - ny hair ; She was so shin - ing ray, Know je the way in the light so sweet, Where the sil - ver stars fra - gile, that love sent down, From his heavn'ly geins touch of her gen - tie hand Mak-eth bright the harp and sun-beams meet,'When the purple thai soft, bright crown To shade her in the un-known land, she waits for -#■-* — #■ A- f • ^ ga ffi ^ V > ^^ > m * =f -& -^ -^ -sr Tj light and the hill-tops greet, - ver the si - lent way brow with it3 waves so brown, Light as the dimp - ling air, us with the an - gel band, - ver the star - ry way, §ii hb- m. m - ver the si - lent way. Light as the dimp - ling air. - ver the star - ry wry. E •^ 'y I tVttiYIIIINd fOR ItSUj. "Words by Mrs. M. A. KIDDER. "The Sbephei;^ and Bishop of our souls." 53 EVA J, MYERS. m ^ *—*-+*-*-*■ 1. Why should we love the ways of sin, And dai-ly, hourly walk therein ; Why seek the world's false 2. Why should we strive to hide in vain. Our earthly sorrows and our pain ; Why all our se-cret 3. Why should we trust iu worldly things. That only disappointment brings; Why seek to rise on u. , ^ f p p p f , g ^ l" -^ T— I — ^-^ — i"^ m. ^ n I jn ^ 1 *^ , ^ 1 t \V r' J m m 7^ r^i r 1 . *\ 1 ^ ■| — k. r^ r Wn \ m * • 1 * • W J « J 1 1 ' J J ' 1 N - J 1 tV' J J J ■ J J 1 « 5 * « « ^ J "■, ^ 1 \\ \7 a m m m ■ m w« J S • * Uf • ■ b^«_ J* J ^ 5 d \ _, 1 praise to win, When we might live for Je - sus? griefs re-tain, When we might go to Je - sus? bro-ken wings, When we might trust iu Je - sus? J . ^ / ♦ *■ :^ *- - . . Oh, Je - sus, dear ! ■•- •0- Oh, Je- m m sus near • • Who <- \' II 5 1 1 1 1 s 2 " ■f V V \ ! r : i., L7 ^ W 1 v _ I'll ' • 1 . 1 1 ■^ Yi m '' \ F P ^ P 1 1 ' 1 ■ ^ '^ . 1 J ■ 1 .J \ ' ' w ' 1 ^ 1 • 1 > 1 "■ ' i ^ 1 > H B — rt 1 Ik — P^ — Vn 1 ^ ! 1 > !*•, ^ 1 ^ ; / ^■^ ^ • s 1 — f— ^ 1-+M \ p — I — . — a kJ? m — 0-^d- ^^. *^ — M -d. ^ ' ^ •^ ' ■ ' 1 56 Ilittlt'S il WORk foil YOll TO DO. "Words by T. "W. THAXTER. "■ Why stand ye here all the day Idle." BELLE. I S K— K tv-h ? ?tt77n 73 -N— V ^ ts=h B ?g~g~?~4 -^-T~^^5S- :^ -#-f-# s^ -••-# — 0- n why art thou 1 - die to-day, brother? There Is work all a-ronud yon to do, For the flelds-of the Lord are mil 2. Tho^our strength, It Is true, You can work in the field of the Lord, And the sheaves ihat you gather for 8. Then work for the Lord, while you may .brother? For ewift-ly the day speedeth onj^And the shadows of ni^ht soon will p f- -«- H«. ♦. „ ^ . -^ . . ^-^^ 4t- -^ ^ -ft- ^ -C^ -^-^ y > vfc m% w y pvr ht *-hS- ^ -y-v-i^ u- -V— V— i/- Chobcs. — \ i 1 1 € ? ^±± . 0^ White, brother. But the la - bor - ers there are fewT Him, brother, Shall bring you a rich re - ward. There's a woib fall, brother, "VThen the working of life Is done. to do, broth-er, 4± There's a work to do. brother, ■ ^ m^^m ^ ^ ^M \ j: i J::" j1 i" jlt^ ffl Work for us all to do; -(t .^ #. A #. For the Lord has a work for us all, brother, And there must be a work for, A- -^ ^ ■•- . ■#-. rrg^ ^m =t: " The Lord Is my Shepherd." J. R. M. 57 :fii=t (5 ^T- 1. Sa - vior, like a shep-herd lead us, Much we need thy ten-d'rest 2. Thou hast promised to re - ceive us, Poor and sin - ful though we ■•■_ '#•1*^ *-i5>- ••- -^^ y» -#■. 0^ } ^ « care, be. ^ -a- S I In thy pleas - ant pas - tures feed us, For our use Thy folds pre - pare ; Thou hast mer - cy to re - lieve us, Grace to cleanse, and pow'r to free; ^ T ^m i J21. I =r 3C5: 32: S Bless - ed Je - sus, Bless - ed Je - sus, Thou hast bought us, thine we are. Bless - ed Je - sus, Bless - ed Je - sus, Let us ear - ly turn to thee. r f I «8 i i ItJlJS, LOnR of IVIY SOlJL.'' n 1 . ' A sure hiding place." 1 1 J. R. M, U «> 1 I I . 1 ] ■ J J 1 1 1 1 1 /rsj J._ J- — 1 — ■ — 1 — 1 — 1 — i — ^H-; -d ^I- a " -^ ^ -^-rW-J- J 1 J _H L. 1. Je - sus 2. 0th - er lov - er of my soul, Let me ref - uge have I none, Hangs my to thy [lelp-less bo-s sOUl — «-J >om on fly; While the wa-ters thee ; Leave, ah leave me ^-3 ^- -g — 5- ^2 ^_ -j -IS #— fl_ 1 f ' c • ' ^ g s 2-4.-f= r- 1 ' i 1 ^(S-^ 1 ' f ■ P- — ^ ^- # -^^ — r i" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ^ 1^=1: 3 El =5= ^-L©-^ near me roll, not a - lone, -^ ^i;^ J^ While the tem-pest still is high. Hide me, O my Sav - ior, hide. Till the Still sup-port and comfort me. All my trust on thee is stay'd All my -&- •*••♦■_ ! 42- I S ^^^ i=d: a i 3 storm of life help from th»e ■^-s^s^ ^ -(S>-^ 91: is past ; Safe in-to the ha - ven guide, re - ceive my soul at last. I bring; Gov - er my de - fence- less head, With the shad-ow of thy wing. m WILI jyi NOT lOYflJL fit? "I go to prepare a place for you." 59 J. R. M, 1. Will that not 2. AVill that not 3. Will that not joy-ful joy-ful joj^-ful be, When me walk by faith no more, When the Lord we loved before As be, When to meet us rise and come, All our buried treasures home, A be, When we hear what none can tell, And tli* singing chorus swell, Of brother man we gladsome com-pa ■ an-gel's mel - o - m see; ny; dy; -<5>-. When he welcomes us a - bove. When we share his smile of love, When our arms embrace a - gain, Those we monrn'd so long in vain, When we join the songs of praise, Hal-le - lu - j^ahs with them raise, -^ Will Will Will tu^^ ^ ?^: :i-^-* that not joyful that not joyful that not joyful .^ ■fi- ■«■♦•♦ JT-^ -#-*-#- -g- be? Will that not joyful be? be ? Will that not joyful be ? be? Will that not joyful be? A ! J. ^ „ Yes, that will joyful be ; Let the world her gifts recall, There is bitterness in all, Her joys are vanity! Courage dear ones of my heart, Tho' it grieves me here to part, Thei-e we shall joyful be? There we shall joyful be? 60 LJII^B Of ijOO. ' Thou that takest away the sins of the world.' * ^m ^ ^ ^ ii ■Gh 1 1 r ' a^ ^J #— Wrh^- -a ^i* r . 1. Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bid'st me 2. Just as I am, tho' toss'd a-bout, With many a confliet, many a doubt, Fightings with-in and m i^ it a gifea^ ■&• t 1- 1= -4- I r m St-l-M I i i-a IS. Soprano or Tenor solo. 3==P ± t ittit come to thee, Oh ! Lamb of God, I come, I come. Just as I am, and wait-ing not. To rid my fears with-out, Oh! Lamb of God, T come, I come. Just as L am, thou wilt receive, Wilt welceme it >^bJr:i =^-i 1 \ 1- g^^ fer'M^i I fe w^ i ^^ s / i^ s pp :^:t a ^1;^ ^— 7i^ ^=5==^ •^'-^ ^ '- g -: ^^ soul of one dark blot, To thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come, par - don and relieve, Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. :t i u fei ^m Liimr or ]n womi). " I am tlie light of tbe world." 61 J. L. HATTON. Wblle I on earth a-bidt;; I have been lur'd a - way. There Is an an - gel band, Light of the Lisrht of the Light of the .g:^ 4 i 4t-W-* — #- -j?- 9 ^ world I Be thou my on - ly guide world I Far from thy path to stray, worldl They by the throne now stand. :?5: :^ :2± m Light of the Light of tJie Light of the ' m - ^t=f^ ■world! Danger a-loiie I sue, No hand out-stretched to me, world! Like a bark tempest loss'U, Rud-der and com-pass lost, world! They sing the song of praise. Join In the heav'n - ly lays. ^^ ^ ^ ir^T**- f-f-^g: g -«-r-^ ^ fe ■V — >- ^ Save when I turn to Thee. Till thy beam o'lt me cross'd. There I mv voice would raise. . ^'-~f>r-^ -> — V- j For \st and '2d verses. For last verse. 1. All is-(ven, all Iswell, Formy Sa-vlor ismy friend;HowHeloYes,howHeloves, And-willlovemetotheend; 2. Cares may come,caresmay come^ut in Him Iflnd re-llef ; Tears may fall, tears may fall, ButHe dries the flowing grief; 3. From His side, from His side. If my wand'ring steps depart. He restores, He restores, "WTien the tears of sorrow start; 4. "WTienI lie, when I lie, Panting on the bed of death, Ten-derly, ten-der-ly, "Will He watch the failing breath; m H -•1= 11 t^ - F fi W WFVTf-'. a V=^ P f> "^^ P I * - y P' p - p P P -^- W ^rp- 1^>I l^Ul '^l^l'U ^^ ^^ In His fold. In His fold. Peace and pleasantness abonnd. There my soul, there my soul. Blessed rest has found. Foes may frown, foes may frown. Fiery darts may pierce my soul, "Wounded sore, wounded sore, Jesus makes me whole. All my sin, all my sin. Freely, ful -ly, he forgives, And His child, and His child. To Hisfbid receives. Lioviug words, Xioving words, "Will my gloomy fears al - lay. On His breast, on His breast, I shall pass a - way. pis All Is well, all is well, Hap - py hours with Him I spend. All Is well, all is weU, Je -sua Is my friend. -» — A- ^- --r-^- V y :^=^ -^,^_i^ -^ ■ f^'0 ^ ^ 0. 3t=i: ^f=rrri fe V^^yC ■^-t^^^rt H» ^;=^ ^ / t ^ -v-K :|5=i^ ^ m- ^ar"-^ -&—. ^=?- day may brino: re-lief ; When the eyes with weepin^ spent. No dawn of hope can see, But the shades of thy absence fall ; As they search thro' clouds of fear, The morn-inor star to see, And the pass under midnight skies ; Tho' the sun of righteous - ness. On - ly faith's eye can see, Because 9HF^ l L-$ ■^ \/^- ^ - heart keeps watch in-tent. So wait-eth my soul for thee, light of life ap - pears. So wait-eth my soul for thee. Thou hast promised to bless, Lord Je-sus t wait for thee. I I » # ^ r:t— -pi- So waiteth my soul for thee. So wait-eth ray soul for thee. Lord Je - sus I wait for thee. ■#■••■ -^ ^ A ^-. I 64 Words by T. "Vv, fc Wt PASS BUT OHOt mis WjiV. " Do what thy bands And to do with thy might." w 1!> — J. R. M. 3 ^^ d h 3 3«= pi/ > 1. We are trav'-lers in a jour-ney, Walking each our given road, But our ways tho' they are 2. If God's still small voice is calling, Let us hear its pleading now, Go, where-e'er His spirit 3. Tho' we meet with pjiin and sorrow, And the tempt-er try us sore, When we reach the heav'nly -*-f- ^ =tz=?=t?= it^zzp; P-i'^i-ri ^ '.-.i tflM man lead- cit giB - y Eeach at last the bar of God; And what-ev - er fruit we bring Him, "When He -eth, Do what He would haA'e us do; And if we would gain a bless - ing, Let us - y, We should fear their pow'r no more ; For the storms which here as-sail us, En - ter i ' ^ : , *-_^ h N • ^ ri=g=£=g: 1^ r r r It ir — fr i ?H UfX ^^ ^ ^^ P ^=3 -V . J ; J -*5- ^itr-l* -a- Pi^ calls us on that day, We miistgath-er on this journey, For we pass bnt once this way. seek it while we may, For the time is swift - ly go - ing, And we pass but once this way. not the realms of day, And we ne'er a - gain shall meet them. For we pass but once thia way. m RefbAJN; Wt Hn W ONCt ]m WilY.-<50NCLUDED. 65 ^=^ t-^ -t^'-t- 'i=^=i=^ ^ "5 For we pass bnt once this way. For we pass but once this way. We must gather on tills Journey, For we pass but once this w»y •« — p—^ ■#-•-#- 4s=p: ^ -4— <- -«-h€ U '/ U - -f- M*- •%• !*• . "f^ 1^ "1"" 1 — — -•• :•#■ — :^=:fe: >= S ^ HS- -©- -(©- i ^^^ * - o ■ • ■ i^^i: :^ ?^-^-|i thine; feet; shake : i; Fath - er, for-give my tres-pas-ses, and keep This lit - tie life of Thy pardon be the pil-low for my head. So sliall my sleep be All's well! whichev-er side the grave for me The mora-ing light may -&- ■♦••#-■•- 4— 4— ■#• •«- -1 — H — _ mine, sweet. break. ^ P ± -* m m I^ ^ 66 n TiiY NY5 in SJHUUfl SflULL U, ¥ "Words by NEANTHES. till! (Dkut. 33-25.) I J. R. M. » I I ? 3^ •tt ^i^^ -• #• fS±i-T8S*c. ^P^ Sweet- ly to my soul o'er - bur-dened, As the fu-ture. far, I 'As thy days ' The toils and la - bors, Of the years that are to « I f I I t t I JL. see, When I shrink, hovr be, Are not great - er t I f t ^=^ -M-- ^^ D. C. Oh de - spair not, falt'r-ing Christian, The' thy path-wajr dark may be; Trust in Him who i S J I i I I .r: ; r q I I r I J I i J -. j' I 1 1 T^-T ^ ;— 44 blest th' as - sur-ance, 'As thy days, thy strength shall be.' 'As thy days. 'Are they ofsor-ro-w, than the meas-ure Of the strength that's giv - en thee. Gird - ed in thine ho - ly armor, ^^m ^j* leads thee ev - er, "As thy days thy strength shall be." D.a Darkened by af- flic-tion's pall? Fear thou not, for as thou go-est Strength is giv- en thee for all. Bold-ly press to vie - to - ry, Whatso - e'er in time a-waits thee, 'As thy days, thy strength shall be.' 9-1^ ?=^ I mi Of mt mn in houy. 67 J. R. M. Spirited. "Christ is the Head of the Chu rch." 1 1 t V 4 _P ^ 1 ' 1 I J^ 4 i J • # 1 ^1 ^ cJ V 1 1 ^^^ < ' « ' '^9 * J j_ ^ J 1 " ^ "* « J J s _.' M 1 u • ^ ! r I »/ # 0,09 1. Head of the hosts 2. An - gels ! arch - an - •*• m gels ! glo - ry ! We joy - glo - rious Guards of -S- ■0- -0- -0- ful the ■ ly church a - dore vie - tor 1 Thee, rious, 1 Thy Wor - ■f^* 't F P ' P \ i r- '■ W '* ' ^ ■v d 1 * 1. 4 P f r 1 1 ' P ." ^ '^ ■ ^ 1* 1 ^ r, W ^ . U W m P ' 1 I ^ .*■ 1 ' r ^1 r y r ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 > ;^ 1 1 ' ' ' ' i :^ church ship ^ =^? be the low, Lamb ! Blend - ing with those on high, Crown Him with crowns of light, j.^L Where through tue a - zure One of the three by ;=^ i 1^2:^ Blend Crown with those on hitch, with crowns of light. Where One through of 4=^ the the sky. . right, Thy saints Love, maj ecs ty. ta and ^yv might, For The ev - great glow I am I a - zure sky, three by rlKht, 3. Saviour! In glory beamlnff With radiance brightly streaming, Enthroned in power; Grant, by thy awfUl name. That we thro' flood and flame, Tlie Gospel may proclaim, Till life'o last hour. ADELAIDE PROCTOR. Slowly and gently. "Abide with me, for the day Is far spent." J. R. M. ^^ S i s i ^-^^h^f^^^ tl—i-M- r f *pc? :t --^ ' i. i m The shad - ows of the ev'n-ing hours, Fall from the dark'ning sky, The Bor - rows of thy Ber-vants, Lord, O do not thou de - spiee, Let pea ce. O Lord, Thy peace, God, Up - QP our bouIb de - scend, jw •0- Tod ■0- -^ ' - - . . P— ?. 44^-^ -^ ■7 J / if^ i V j Up - on the fra-granc« But let the in-cense From midnight fears and m=H ■ ■-= 0-^ i £ a^ ■^ t^— i jH H ^^^^M'-Uhz^'^uUi i'li u of the flow'rs The dews oi even-ing lieT of our pray'rs Be - fore thy mer - cy rise ; per - ils, Thou Our trembling hearts de - fend ; fe Be-fore thy throne, Lord of heav'n We The brightness of the com - ing night Up - Give us a re - spite from our toil, Calm ■h— £ ■^ J I *^^ ^ I ^ i P ^ ^ ^i /TN ff #V ^^ S ^ iT^^Itf? ^ ' f'^' -^- ^^ ^ at* 7~r^ kneel at close of day. Look on thy chil-dren from on high, And hear us while we pray. on the dark-nesB roll, With hopes of fu - ture glo - ry chase The shadows of their souls. and Bub-due our w oes, Through the long day we suf - fer Lord, give us now re - pose. y- a T . p f f -J ^ i£ ^ E ^ ^ 3^ • \u s ' Then remalaeth therefor* a re«t tor the people of God." 69 J. FU M. i ^ ^' | i^^ ^h j:M^ /:^^: i^^4jj 4- i.^ ^ teds rt I. There la a bles-sed home be • 7ond this land of woe, Where trl-als neyer come, Kor tears of Mr-row flow; When 3. TberoU a land of peace. Good au-gels know it well, Glad sohkb that never eeaae.Wlth-in Ita por-tnU swelL A- 8. Lookup yesalataofGod, Nor bear to tread be • low The path your Sa-Tlor trod, Of dal- ly toil and woe; Wait bijj- ^ f f i ^ f i f-nhH [■[ F^ i ^T^fif^ ^ — ' i ^ — # 'f * » •* ' • — • ' a I — h» — # . g # ^ ' g - o ' # * # S ' g^ - fttlth Is lost In sight. And pa - tient hope is crowned. And ev-er - last-lng light. Its glo-ry throws around, round lis KloriouB throne. Tea ihous-aud saiulsa-dore Christ, with the Father, One, And Spirit, ev - er-more, but a lit - tie while. In un • com • plaln-lng love, His own most Kracious smile Shall welcome you above. S r-f-t \U f g I *=*+! p r rij^Tj ^ ^au ffi ^^ ^ Chobfs, I atzJ ^ * ^ MO l J^ 1^ ^5 I I -# — 0- Home, Home, Blessed home. To thee, to thee we come. Home, Home, Blessed home. To thee, to thee we some. m EE ^=& i *±c =P=S ir r.K I ^^ ^ 70 nmi mt LoftDi vt m^m /most mw. •'Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord." _h S J. R. M, ^"4 i ■ J ^^i 5 3 -I J J ' I J-:- i i i = ' , j I g -T^ 1 3.3 J i i J 1, Praise the Lord ! ye heav'ns adore Him ! Praise Him, angels, in the height 2. Praise the Lord ! for he is glor - ious, Nev - er shall Hisprom-ise fail, Wor-ship, hon-or, glo - ry, bless - ing, Lord, we of-fer un - to thee; hNr^ -0-' -0- S- -a- ■«■ U^ -G-. 4--»-^-»^ I , r~ -tg — p Sun and moon rejoice be- God hath made His saints vie Young and old, thy praise ex- #-H-« — •. T p — 0- S ^ ^ ^^ D. C. Praise the Lord ! ye heav'ns adore Him, Praise Him, angels, in the height, Sun and moon re-joice be- ^ 5 yU r,y ^^^ ^ -s^ £3 fore him, Praise Him all ye stars of light, tor - ious. Sin and death shall not pre -vail; press - ing, In glad hora-age bend the knee. -^2 *' n fc^ Praise the Lord, for he hath spo - ken, Praise the God of our sal - va - tion, As the saiats in heav'n a-dore Thee, ■♦••"#-•#-■•-■#■•#- -Q- ■«- IS ^ yj XT -S^ -fore Him, Praise Him, all ye scars of light. 1^ ^^ B.C. -^ yw^zj^^j^ ^£J i=fci m t ^ St-. ^S3 S . S S S H d -(S-* Worlds His migh-ty voice o-beyed. Laws which nev-er shall be bro-ken, For their guidance He hath mad©. Hosts on high His pow'r proclaim ; Heav'n and earth, and all creation, Praise and magnify His name.' We would bow be - fore thy throne ; As thine an - gels serve before thee, So on earth Thy will be done. m ^ ^ W -m^-^ nr l;i= 4^-U-4^ '¥=^ m MMDl${ 71 § 'Where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest.' J. BARNBY. -I — r m e^ =f^¥= ^^ -*-^- ^ ' ^ - V m 1. Par - a-dise! Par - a -diss! Who doth not crave for rest? "Who would not seek the 2. Par - a-dise! Par - a -disc! Wherefore doth death de-lay? Bright death, that is the 3. O Par - a - dise ! Par - a - dise ! 'Tis wea - ry wait - ing here, I long to be where ^=P= 4i- -i»-^ ^ i ^ Where loy-al hearts and true, -4— ■ " =^=J = ^ ^ =P= =if= al hearts and true, Stand ^m hap - py laud, Where they that lov'd are blest. Where loy welcome dawn Of our e - ter - nal day. Je - 8U8 is. To feel, to see Him near. -■ - « — f . f- f — 1*- 'it . P - '-■'- ^ +i ^m "^^r -^2- S ^ ^ i fiEtii ^ ^ " Tg • ■ ev - cr in the light, All rap - tare through and through, In God's most ho - ly sight. ^^^m r^ ■^ m-r ^-T T^ i 1 h ^ 72 From " Silver Song," LtT US fit fillTilfllL, ' Be tbou faithful unto death." Words sind Music J. R. M, n tt 1 )L k. v. u ftp 1 ^ ^ > 1 . N L" ' "^ 1 1 h p fs ■■ /L "V w J J 1 1 n ■ 1 i « 1 n' W J rm Q It • S •( J 4 ' J 1 - « S * S '^ W V- ; n • . • • J J •i ' i 1 '. • it/ ^ ^ ■ »■ . » . « . 1. let us be faith - fal, 2. Sweet, sweet is the prom - ise, Sure, let us sure is « ^ ^ # • « • be true! . Stand read - y to the word, . Of him who hath N^ r [' F-H L-'. ' L . — ^_i ■Hs=ir- -H:K=fci=1 rr r ^ u r- ^ IT l^ p- -f- P -1 i*'' lA- — U— J ' n * 1 N \ f ff 1 N 1 ■ J - , rs li^ . . '"^ 1 1 1- w ', • ^ J m • ^ — i^ — \ — —J — n- — 0—. 4 — ' — — 1 — -i — tf — ^-. — f--—^ la - bor, f lov'd us stand Our —5 ih- read - y Sav - iour ■ # to and ••- do, . . Lord, . The • mas has - —4 - ter ten J ' ^ . 4-' — ^ is call - ing, to serve him, > - C\' "■■• ■■ • r- 1 5 . S ...» .^. ■m ■ •* » 1. ' 1 V . u '_ r r 1 m • m • ^ '• . • . ' r ^ » ^ 1 7 1 'J ^y if' ■ Q \ 1 haste to o - bey, E're day-light is past, ^ 4 r : r f ^i Go work in my vin - yard, Go while it is day. Then in - to His king-dom He'll bring ua at last. isz h^-. -n > ^nnu TO tiis NAMt. ** Blessed is be tbat eometb in the name of the Lord." 73 * I J-r-J l i ir^-^^ ;tt* ^ 5=;=? s ? ? 1. When His sal-va-tion bring-ing, To Zi - on Je - sus caaie, The children all stood 2. And since the Lord re - tain - eth His love to chil-dren still, Tho* now as King He 3. For should we fail pro-claim-ing, Oar great Ee-deem-er's praise, The stones our si-lence ilS It D. C. When His sal - va - tion bringing, To Zi - on Je - sus came, The chil-dren all stood Fine. sing - ing Ho - san - na to His name; reign - eth, On Zion's heav-en - ly hill ; sham - ing, Might well ho - san - nas raise ; 11 :M=± Nor did their zeal of- fend Him, But We'll flock a - round His ban - ner, Who But shall we on - Ir ren - der The t=^^ i ing Ho - san - na to His — V ^ fe-. D.C. m as He rode a - long, sits up - on the tlirone, trib - ute of our word? ^= 1 ^ r— U ^_ He let them still And cry a - loud, No, while our hearts at-tend Him, And smiled to hear their song, ho - san - na To Da-vid's roy - al son ! are ten-der. They too shall be the Lord's. ^F^f=£ " '115 SWttI TO RtST WV H\U OH T«H. R. G. STAPLES. _ Wm. W. BENTLETy. M ^ ' Tbon that takest away the sins of the world .^ ^m ♦«=? 1. When toss'd on life's tem-pes -tuoiis tide, 'Midst dan-g'rous shoals on ev'-ry Bide, "lis 2. A - mid the winds— the tem-pests rage. May thoughts of thee my soul engage, No 8. And when 1 near the far - ther shore. When earth- ly tri - als all are o'er. May ^ijiilfcj £ £: •«■?:« £ El #-H»- a m ^ ^ m ^ ^ -»h-^ i _ f/ V " " ' m ^ m sweet to calm - ly rest on thee, Thou lamb of God I who died for me. oth - er hand can guide my feet, No oth - er name is half so sweet. 1 with heav-en's blood-wash'd band, A - round the throne in glo - ry stand. t s t fe=£ ^ e I t g e =£: I 1=^ i yt ^ Ref^aik. Lj^j in ^ ^ ^ i — i * ■ Oh, Lamb of God I Oh, Lamb of God ! Slain for my sins on Cal - va - ry, 'Tis iil ■f—*- m^ T^F^ =f=f 'TIS SWttT TO lltST MV H\U ON TUtt -concluded. ■0 m JM— -^ 75 I ift^ vm sweet to rest my faith on thee. Since thou hast done so much for me. •0- .0- -0- -0- -0- ,. M +-+-+--0--0--0--f--h--0-^ -»-^ T-f^ • ■ ' T • • • * r— * .» ii • r W *- SiE^^ -J>- J. R. M. ^^im WY not), jIND MY m. :?1=t S -N— ^ ittizatiit 1. While thou, O my God, art my help and defender, No cares can o'erwhelm me, no terrors appall, The 2. Yes, thou art ray refuge in sorrows and danger. My strength when I suffer, my hope when I fall, My B^ n f-'- ^r V i f^* r '-^-f tVf >-F H«==^ - ^ ■•> ' 'P t^ W V '• '• .i^yzztj^ -K- S ■J — ^ ^^Si S^ 3^ :^iSri=i ^ t=:5: . * -0- •0- ' -#• wiles and the snares of the world will but render More live-ly my hope in my God and my all. com-fort and joy in this land of the stranger, My treasure, my glo - ry, my hope and my all. s q?=t 5^ H- \\ i\ \ t=ti^^i-^ ^ ^ ^ -4 ^- m^ f--- 76 ]HH tijllL! tHTtiRONtD IN noRY. ' ^ u P 'On the rii^t hand of the Majesty on high.' ^ 1 J. R. M i s 3= :^ t ^^ ^^ K , , - j^- ^ -,=— ^it — — ^^^ ■' • ^ ^ ^ J 1^ 1. Je - 8U8 hail ! en-thron'd in glo - ry, There for-ev - er to a - bide, All the heavenly hosts a 2. "Worship, hon-or,pow'r and bles8-ing, Thou art wor-thy to re-ceive, Fond-est prais-ea with-out m t- ;'; / SI ^t=t £^ ^ ^^^ f-^ i te^ ^ £ ^EE3^ S ^ ^3^ * r -f-^ — *- -'— :r -dore ceas thee. §! ^ Seat - sd at Thy Fath - er's side ; There for sin - ners thou art plead-ino^, Meet it is for us to give ; Help ye bright an - gel - ic spir - its, ±: ^ i ^^ ^ $ ^^JrzS i^S 1 . J 1 ^ «» ^P^ 3^^ -a — g- f "ir-^ Therethoudrast our place pre-pare; Ev-er for ua in - ter - ced - ing Till in glo - ry we ap-pear. Bring your sweetest, noblest lays ; Help to sing our Sav-iour's mer - its, Help to chant Emmauuel's praise. ■•L. ,'^ N h S . . . „ j ^ \^^ ^ ^ i ■•- ••• tO- w— s- I: i^^^ PlLStllW, BtNt) THY fOOTSItPS ON- "Henceforth tbere is laid up for me a crown of glory." 77 J. BARNBY. i ^ B ^ i ^ *: ^ 1. Pil-gritn bend thy foot-steps on In trembling faith, in hum -ble fear; Thy crown of glo-17 2. What has life to do with Thee, Its lin-g'ring griefs, its transient bliss ?Time changes to e- 3. Pilgrim swerve not in thy faith, Tho' thorns and briars strew the way ; O heed not what the IS^^^ t-f-r^f T r^T =^E^ :t=tz te ^K -fc— L ^ :^:^ ? is not won, Thy re - com - pense not here ; But on - ward with the an ter - ni - ty, O pil-grim pon-der this! And on -ward with the an worlding saith, Death soon will close life's day ; But on - ward with the an- ^ i g- g-hS -gels blest, -gels blest, ■gels blest, ^ ^ ^ a^ -r:0- I ffi r- V ^i ^ Seek the ha - ren of thy rest. gg ^ Seek it as the one thing worth, Turn to thy God in faith and love ; The peace thou can'st not find on earth, seek in Heaven above 1 And onward with the angels blest Find thy everlasting rest. 78 VVords and Music by Lively. filNd m BUL5. (CHRISTMAS.) R. G. STAPLES. ^S^,^^ 15: 3? ijrr: -^^ ^W- 1. Eing, ring the bells, for a Sav - ior is born, 2. lling, ring the bells, from each tur-ret to-day, Wel-come the dear, na - tal day . . . . Chim-ing the dear Sa-vior's praise ; -(^•- ia -#-=- -0.-- — 0- ^^ E ^ r— - — K s ^. — W- -•■ -•■ -^-i -^ •*• ■•■. -0- Send, send the tid- ings, with joy in the sound, Je - sus the life and the way; Chil-dren now join j'our sweet voices to raise, Songs to the an-cient of days;.... ^1=F -•-5 — t -0-^ -0 ' £ fc=b^ P =g= Je-su8 our Lord, who re-leas - es from sin, Je - sus, whose name giveth sweet peace within, Praise to the Fath-er, who gave His dear son, Prais-es to Je-sus, the cru - ci - fied one, ia m EEE tllNS ]^i 6UL5.— CONCLUDED. p I- -J =f ? s 79 Praise Praise _H-.-5- ^gffi jFf ?— i'-t- to His name, let the chorus be - gin, to the Spir - it — to all three in one, ■#-. - -.-■•• -•-* •*• -<5>- Praise Him on earth Prais - es for - ev - and in Heaven, er be given. -& ic: 53E ? ^ :tt ±d^ ■"^ Ctimsi LUtlS Wt TiiROllliH NO NRktll fiOOMS. "VA/'ords by RICHARD BAXTER, 1681. " I.eavlug us an ex.imple tbat ye should follow In bis steps." Si m -gh Christ Come, Then My leads me thro' Lord, when grace shall I end knowl-edge of no hath my that ■o — dark made sad life ^ -(&- ::fc^- -o- • er rooms Than He me meet Thy bles • eom - plaints,And wea is small, The eye r ic r went thro' be sed face to ■ ry, sin - ful of faith is ■^ ■ fore ; see; days ; dim ; ^2- i^«: iz^ -5: -^ ±7 ~^- -Q- s And For And But -P- — <5 he if join 'tis ^jr- :zr. that in thy works with the e - nough -&- -&- God's king - dom comes. Must en - ter on earth be sweet, What must thy tri - um - phant saints, To sing Je that Christ knows all. And I shall -O- -^ ^ 0^ ^ ^ >r, 3(- ■^ by this glo - ry ho - vah's be with door. be? praise. Him. I 80 Joyfully. WY HAPPY HOWt. ' The glory of God did lighten It, and the Lamb Is the light thereof.' J. R. M. -JM- ^hr9—ii -lt-:-»- £ li. :y^^-»r-^^-*r -0-^ ^ Je - ru - sa-lem, my hap-py home, Name ev - er dear to me, . When shall my la-bo rs There happier how'rs than E-den's bloom, Nor sin, nor sor - row know, Blest seats, thro' rude and A - pos-tles, mar-tyrs, pro-phets there A-round my Sa - vior stand, And soon my friends in ^^ ^ ^- 121 ^ y !■? I ^^^ fe^^^^^^ ^H -o- ^ d 3 d -n- -*=^ -^2- -(^ joy, and peace, and Thee? "When shall these eyes thy heav'n-built walls And on - ward press to you ; Why should I shrink from pain or woe, Or join the glo - rious band ; Je - ru - sa-lem, my hap - py home, My have an end. In storm - y scenes, I Christ be-low, Will — o • P -o-^ — s — » \ 1 1 G #- 9' \ { r I ' ^ i I i ^^^ - i I 4-^^- -jtZ±L m ti -j^d 3tZt -f — M^ pear - ly gates be - hold? Thy feel at death's dis - may ? I've 80ul still pants for thee, Then -jL -(^ d^3 d ^pt^ -A bulwarks with sal - va-tion strong, And streets of shining gold. Ca-naan's goodly land in view, And realms of endless day. shall my la-bors have an end, When I thy joys shall' see. ^ ^IL #• -&-" -G- _3. 1 — I- €-•*-* — *- -*— ^- ^ s Se ^^&^a -^— ^ S "Whom resist, steadfast in the faith." 81 « m ^ 1. Christian, dost thou see them. On the ho -ly ground? 2. Christian, dost thou heed them, How they work within? 3. "Weill know thy trou - ble, O my ser-vant true, •^ ♦ *• «- t: — f: — ± — r ^- How the pow'rs Striv - ing, tempt- Thou art ver - of dark ing, lur - y wea — Jjr- ■iies8, ing. •ry. Z25: ?=F -a- i 5 S ^^=5= Rage thy steps a - round ? Goad - ing in - to sin? I was wea - ry too ; ^ Chris-tian, up and smite Christian, nev - er trem But that toil shall make them, Count-ing gain but ble; Nev - er be down- thee Some day all mine Is: ?i=3r»^=^ I m m ^ loss, cast, own, S^ ^- --^- In the strength that com Gird thee for tlie bat And the end of sor eth By the ho - ly cross, tie, Watch, and pray, and fast, row, Shall be near vcvy throne. -/2- -«^. I^ m 82 "Words and Mxisie by m^ or um^h FRANK HOWARD. i ± ^ ^ ^ S ^ w=^ -J — 9 ^ 1. When with sin dis-tressed, Doubt - ing and de-pressed, When my way looks dark a-cross life's 2. In thy man-sions blest, what peace-ful rest Ev - 'ry wea - ry soul may find e- 3. Sav - ior, all di - vine, Make me whol - ly thine, In thy ten - der care for - ev - er - g e g ^ ^ n n m Fp- ^ ^ ' I I X \rl I I ^ - £ s ^ ^ s -Ti- chang-ing sea, - ter - nal - y, - more keep me, ^^ Ev - er com-eth peace. Thro' thy sav-ing grace, Fount of heav'nly truth, fe^ All my troub-les cease, All may see thy face, Guide me in my youth, When I lean on All may lean on Let me lean on g g ^q=e s ^ — V V ^ U 1/ U - Eefeain. ^ ^ % J ; / / i ^ =ii ¥ 3^3 -J J J J thee Thou Lamb of Cal thee Thou Lamb of Cal thee Thou Lamb of Cal va - ry. va - ry. va - ry. Fath - er, Friend and Sav - ior, i!S -fi- ^ 1r-^ r^=t s ^ mi of CAHjiiiy. concluded. 83 i ^ I s ^ =r Hear me while I pray. Thro' thy sav - ing grace, take all my guilt a - way m ^^ M^ ^ ^ P^ a pb nm iviMi 1113 juintL LtQioHs. 'He shall glTO his angels charge over thee.' I MENDELSSOHN. » ^ :J ^ f^ ^^^ -&- God shall charge His an - gel le - gions Watch and ward o'er thee Since with pure and firm af - fee - tion, Thou on God hast set Thoa shalt call on Him in trou - ble, He will heark - en, He -^2- -PL ■I r^ to keep; thy love ; will serve ; iS ^c:^ ^«= =F= f ^ :i^ i= g _l^^ ^j j g z:j S -g g ^'^- j^ ?!=f= 32: ?=r Though thou walk through hos - tile With the wings of His pro Here for grief re - ward thee re - gions. Though in de - sert wilds thou sleep, tec - tion, He will shield thee from a - hove, dou - ble, Crown with life be - yond the grave. W f ^i -Tlf-ff- E m f=r m Rev. Sir H. W. BAKER. Of LOVt MY 5«tNttlD IJ. J. II. SHEPHERD. '• ITie Lord is my Shepherd." S 4=v- 2-- -o- -9- s=t I^ «-#r 1. The King of love my Shep - herd 2. Where streams of liv - ins wa - ter -&- a* JS2- ^-r H2_ -(2- is, Whose good - ness fail - eth ney - - er flow My ran - som'd soul He lead - eth ; H2- -(2_ -t9- ^m -&- -^ <2^ ^ £^ -iSt- H h =i=±=i ■^ I^ i9- -®- -is)- (5 I I noth - ing lack, if I am And where the ver - dant pas-tures i=3 »-tr i^ IS -(^ His, And He ^row, With food -a is mine for - ev ce - les - tial feed -(&- ^^ -O- er. eth. -* Perverse and foolish, oft I stray'd Bat yet in love He sought me, And on His shoulder gentlj' laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me. In death's dark vale I fear no ill, With thee, dear Lord beside me; Thy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy cross before to guide me. Thou spread'st a table in my sight, Thy unction grace bestoweth, And 0, the transport of delight, With which my cup o'erfloweth. And so through all the length of days, Thy goodness faileth never; Good Shepherd may I sing Thy praise. Within thy house forever. Arranged from Abt. ^ YONtltft'S MY tiOMt. •'Wliose builder and maker la God." 85 fee: W. A. OGDEN. S -0 *-=^ . . w . on high, Dear land be - yond the sky, di -vine, Home where the light shall shine, a - bove, Home where the Sav-ior's love -•-;- -0-i 0— Beau-teous and Bright-er and Fills heav - en's :^^=^ 1. Home, hap - py home 2. Home, heav-'nly home 3. Home, han ^ py home ver • near por - nal - er, tals 'fT^ ^ t^ -0-^ » ^^— ^ ^ ^^-V -4^ f^r=^ -#-— ^=^ i F=^ .^-±. — ;r - nal, - er, - tal. ~7 u u where joys su - per - nal. Pur - er and clear - er, Thrills each im - mor - tal, Stead-fast, e - ter Dear - er and dear Thrills each im - mor ^ •0- •«■■»■ p •*- •*• ^±=t^ His saints shall sweet-ly share. To those who love his name. In 5'on - der bles-sed clime. 1^ i!- y fag ■ -r -^^ m it "^ Chorus. ^^^^ ^ -*r Glo - ry, Glo - ry, Yon-der's my home, ^^ -#-^ Glo - ry, Glo - rv, Yonder's my home. 0-^ '-P" ^¥^ -0-T -^-r* ^^ ViT I 86 fe tVtIIMOllt. FRANK HOWARD. hl^ I If} 1-^ ^ 5^EJ :4- 1. They are wait - ing 2. Oh how hap - py 3. Oh we long to fcr us there, Where there's neith-er grief nor care, Where there's they must be, In that sweet e - ter - ni - ty, When the meet them there, In the land so pure and fair. Where those f I C g gs m I t r ¥^S t f J J': i All their earth -ly work is Where His pure and ho - ly There we'll live a life of heav'n-ly joys to share, er - er-more; Sav - ior's face they'll see ev - er - more ; bless - ings we may share, ev - er - more ; ^ ti t m ^ ^=f g c g g ev - er - more ; t fc=i ^ I j' j- ^ J: J r f I I- I J' J' ^ r. j-i ^ t J j ^ done. And they nev - er more will roam 'Tis their pure and peaceful home, ev - er - more. light, Shines up - on the an - gels bright, And there's noth-ing but de - light, ev - er - more, love. And our trust in Je - sus prove, In His hap - pynome a - bove, ev- er-more. £ :£: ^ c c c y f g -#-^ — •- m Choeus, tVtMOllt. CONCLUDED. 87 m .'^ ^ i^l^ ^ =f=F =^ Ev - er - more, They will live a life of After 3d verse. We will live a life of Ev - er - more, S ^ » • # • nt : t t -I Hf Ev - er - more, ev • er-more, ev - er-more, ev - er - more, Thej will live a life of s % ; ; I / ^: i /-^ #-f- Love s ev - er - more, They are wait - ing for us there, Where there's -# P — ^ ^^^ ^=^ r^ g f g Love er - more, £ ^ J- J ^- ^ ^' i i J ^ JIJTH ^ 3 neith - er grief nor care, Where there's heav'n - ly joys to share, ev - er-more. s £ ^ i ^ :f: :*-r ^^ i Dr. J. D. VINTON. Cheerfully. COIVIt m lOIN 11^ "Come thou with us, and -we will do thee good." Num. 10-29. V/m. W. BENTLBY, By permission. ^- i: ^ ^ ^—7- ■M~ ^^ ■-^ -i—zr 1. Chil-dren lis - ten to the call, Of a Savior's friend-ly voice, Now entreat-iiig one and all, 2. Je - sus loves the weak-est child, Longing for re - lief from sin. And in contrite hearts, how mild 3. Je - sus is the dear-est friend, E'er a child on earth can find, He who from his throne can send ~-^ — (S- ^C-#- F (g T ^ I f-" f iSa^ i^^^ i— g- -«-^ -#-v — • — ©- -#-^ -#-7- In His constant love rejoice ; Come while youth and beauty o-low,While with health your cheeks are fair, Is the peace He speaks within ; Yes, there's peace for every one, Peace of heav'nbestowedon earth, Com -fort for the troubled mind ; Children lis - ten to His call, 'Tis the Savior's voice we hear, m =p=^^ ^ J 1 1^1 ±: -#-- -0-^ i fci=^ ^S ^ ^ s -0—i-» — #- ^ ^-^h-st- # . # — #- i-3t •*• J-^Tsi- C Say not hours are moving slow,Time will load thee soon with care. When the mighty deed is done, Souls accept the new - er birth. Come and join us in our journey On his mercy trusting all, He can save from every fear. _ -0-:ip J d » f T \— ^ vil^-^^FH"- iS=ti COMt nW )OIN II 5. -CONCLUDED. 89 ^ Up-ward to the bet - ter lands, Home to glory we are marching, Come and join our liap-py band. -P— *- :?=p: I* a T='- -#-^ — #- -V— <&- k<^ U« STILL Wiyff Ttitt. S- Eariiestly. J. R. M. ^ * ^ r « ar 1. Still with thee, O my God, 2. With thee, when dawn comes in 3. With thee, in thee, by faith I would de - sire to be ; And calls me back to care ; A - bid - ing I would be; By da}', by night at Each day, re-turn-ing By day, by night in 9fc -&- i Dim e rit. still with thee. God in prayer, still with thee. home, a - broad. I would be still with thee, I would be to be - gin, With thee, my God in prayer, With thee, my life and death, I would be still with thee, I would be itt f f 90 hn OUT, I^UHY EUL$. (Christmas Song.) ^A7■o^ds by EMILY HUNTINGTON MILLER. Joyfully. J. R. M. ^^ m s ^ 3. 1. Ring out, mer-ry bells, in the stee - pie. Sing loud hap-py voi-ces, to - nightl 2. Oh, na - tions that wait for the mor-row, Re-joice! for the dawn is at hand; The eyes of the blind shall he opened, The King in his beau-ty to see; -0 . - ^m ■^ i i: ^ f^^ 5 ^ m 5i: And join with each kin-dred and peo-ple In an-theras of praise and de - light! Oh, cap - tives who pine in your sor-row. The Sav - ior shall sev - er your bandsl The tongue of the dumb shall be loosened, To ut - ter his prais-es to thee I m :^=^: :fei ^ 1= ^i^-F- the Fath-er a-bove. children be- low. ^\n OlJI, WtRH BtLLS. -CONCLUDED. 9t m ^ £ ^ ^ morn when the Sav-ior was born, To ran-som our souls by his love. . . « ^ ■♦• -^ it H«-'^"^^ How fflad was the ■f — t ■n r r s b r I U ^ ^J=5=^=f -•-i- SpirUed. i- ffi ^ -J-T-gf- Dr. BURNEY. i m * -< & - . •s^- ^ 1. Now to the Lord 2. Grace 1 'tis a sweet. 3. Oh may I reach t=t a no - ble song, A-wake my heart, a a charming theme, My thoughts re - joice at that hap - py place, Where He un - veils His ■#•-!»- 1 -^ J wake my tongue I Je - sus' name; love - ly face ; =P=1= _" r>^ m P=t -0 — -i- 4=v^- -s-^ *^-#^ 1 f> ;^ r Ho - san - na to th' e-ter - nal name, And all his bound-less Ye an - gels dwell up - on the sound, Ye heav'ns re - fleet it Where all His beau - ties you be - hold, And sing His name to :fe ^J^^ ^ ■^ 4-51 love pro - claim, to the ground, harps of gold. i 92 wy i^n mtst i\n stars jippuring? By Pormission. ._,. . _ WILLIAM "W. BENTLEY. Duet. Cheerfully. (Christmas Carol.) m r*=r=^ * 1. Who are these like stars ap - pear - ing, Those be - fore God's throne who stand; 2. Who are these in djizz'-ling brio'ht-ness, Cloth 'd in God's own right - eons - ness; 3. These are they who have com - tend - ed For their Sav - ior's hon - or, long'; ;t=^ -Jt $ Each a gold - en crown is wear-ing, AVho is all this These of robes of pur - est white-ness, Shall their lus - tre Wrest -ling on till life was end - ed, Following not the Semi-Choeus. N -' hap - py band? still pos - sess? sin - ful thronsr. ii Al - le - lu - ia, Hark! they sing, Prais to their God and King. :p=ft it =f= -i-»- $ ^k=^- J- -TZ J 3 I i -e— ^ if-i: P i$- Al - le - lu - ia, Hark! they sing, Prais - es to their God and King. 0=lt i WHO URt mtjt LIkt Slims i\PPt^RlK(j?-coNCLUDED. Full Chorus. / it-*- ^■=f fe^=^^^=-=i Al J. le - hi - ia, t:?: IE? i Hark ! they sing. Prais - es to their -#-i- Gnd and King. — -» -» ^ -<§<- 93 I i ^^=P- ^ u-r ^^3S :iii: LUt) Wt JO liltt. " Whitbersoever thon goeet, there will I go." CHARLES L. ^A'^AL.KER. Duet. DoZce. o 1 N 1 1 N ' 1 1 • A. •* ' 1 i 1 W ' ii SJ w 1 n 1 1 •• • ^4-<-it;i»-v-€- f> J S ii*i • > J i 7 ^ It ! u 1 J ^ .J L. 5 « • ti* . fi*- « nii# . rj..# J € • « !(• 5! , C Beau -ti - ful man-sions, Home of the blest, Land where the faith - ful ev - er can rest;) ■ ( There is my treas - uve, There shall I be, Lord, I am wea - ry. Lead me to thee. \ i»f z\ - — ■ ■ w. --^ ■„» - — - : Full Chorus. Dim. Ritard. p I I Sav-ior, be near me, Thy sweet voice can cheer nie. Oh Je-sus, my Sav ior. Lead me to thee. 1^ Thou wilt not leave me, Comfortless here, "Why should I doubt thee, What do I fear; Light iu the distance, Breaking I see, Yet I am weary, me to thee. Cho. — Savior be near me, etc. rrrrt Jesus I love thee, Dwell in my heart, Never, never, From me depart; Hope like a rainbow, Shining 1 see. Yet I am weary, Lead me to thee. Cuo. — Savior be near me, etc. 94 Words Arranged. jINQU WillClitllS. ' For he shall give hU angels charge over thee.*^— Ps. 91-11. ^^ W. A. OGDEN. m^^^^^^m 3!!*. There's a band of an - gel Wait-iug there with smiling watchers, Just a-cross the foaming tide; O - rer by the dark cold fa - ces. In their spot-less robes of white ; While far out upon the ^^ But we soon shall pass the portal, Then we'll grasp the kindly hand ; Soon we'll greet the forms that Choeus. iSs riv - er, Waiting on the oth-er side. . bil-lows, Conies to us a gleam of light. . bind us, To the blessed glo-ry land. . They're waiting, waiting, wait-ing in the glory 1=1^ m E *=5t PfFP« r — F-^-P^ --^ ^ a- ■ . - > :^;=4^ ::*-:3t te land. — a They're wait - ing, Wait-ing, -Jrjzt- Walt-ing in the glo ry land. i^i^-r- -y - -F h 1 — : — « !s- I "Words by PAULINA. jm 1$ NOT YOllll iU]. "There remalneth, therefore, a rest." 95 IBELLE. M4-h-i- ^i N- .f ^- ^ =t W i -3z ^ ' ^ t -^*- 1. Gird ye for the toil-some day, This 2. This, the vine - yard of the Lord, This 3. "Work while it is call'd to - day," This S ^ .3 not your rest. 3 not your rest. s not your rest. Stay not i - dly Toil and wait His Wia to. Christ some i i -*s— •- I: m i^i^#^#N -^^- T^%— 5- ^ by the way, This is not your rest, just a-waj-a, This ia not your rest, soul a-stray, This is not your rest. ^ P^ There are sor - rows ye must share. There are bur - dens Toil and ask His bless-ing down, Heed-ing not the Hast - en - ing at dut - y'a call, Leav-ing to the I X =k=^ |> K -^ri i h »: t -\ 1 T r—r *l 1^ J i j. n ^ i 3 i ^ o . p=^ I — ^ -g- ■ 4: — jr^-1 There is need of faith and prayer, This is not your rest. So shall yours be cross and crown, Tiiia ia not your rest. Bles - scd they who stand or fall, This is not your rest. 1 . ^ i ^ ye muet bear, cold world's frown, Fath - er, all : .h=^ y—r- *t: m m ^^ 96 '• He sball gather the lambs with his arms, and carry thein iu his bosom." i 5 ^ ■^ ±1 ^ W 4. :$. 8US, ten - der Shep - herd, hear this day Thy hand has led my sins be all for - giv ^-^^^^-^ 1. Je 2. All 3. Let me, Bless Thy lit - tie rae, And I thank Thee en, Bless the friends 1 lamb to - night ; for thy care ; love so well ; ^ ^^ -«H 5 :sr—t- I Thro' the dark-ness be Thou near Thou hast led me, clothed and fed Take us all at last to hear ^i^-^«5r-f me, Keep me safe till me, Lis - ten to my en. Hap - py there with morn-ing liglit. ev'n - ing prayer, thee to dwell. E S3S m i ■:^m fefe Tdt Pimt, ]n n\w, i^t fiuuiifiiL * Think on these things." J, R. M. i m » ' i H U -i^" ^^^^^^Q^^^^ -^? The pure, the bright, the beau - ti - ful, That stirr'd our hearts in Let noth - ing pass, for ev - 'ry hand Must find some work to ^ youth, do; -0-^ The Lose T=^ -^^ fi Tilt PUfit, jut SfilljIlT, Tilt HilliTlfliL. CONCLUDED. Solo. 9f ^ s ^j^J_JLFg J ^^ t ^ -•^-^ 1 n . «y im - pulse to a word-lees prayer, The dreams of love and truth. The long-inga af - ter not a chance to wak - en love, Be firm, and just, and true. So Bhalf a light that ^^ fefe£ ^^^^^^^m ^^ -0-i—0^ DtTET. I S^ ± E^ Chorus. fes s ^ 8ome-thing lost, The spir - its yearn - ing crv. The can - not fade Beam on thee from on high. And ^ Eg striv - ings af - ter bet - ter hope, Thes* an - gel voi-ces say to th^e. "Thesa •X f-^ -f-^ Can nev - er Shall nev - er |B^..^ jij-j ittm die, die. Can nev Shall nev er er die. die. ^^ -0 I ■ •#' J I I ■•■ ■#■ * ♦T things can nev - er die7 things shall nev - er die. t^ l^F Can nev - er die, . Shall nev - er die, , Can nev - er die Shall nev - er die. S ^ 98 Old Latin Hymn. Traoslated In 1760. UU MW IS im TO-DM *H« is not here; Be U rlsea." PU ^ i M % Cut 1743. ^ ^ Tj — I \ r— «» 9 w- 1. Je - 8U8 Christ is risen to - day, 2. Hymns of praise then let as sing, 8. But the pains which he ea-dured, ^ lu - ia I Our tri - um - phant, la - ia 1 Un - to Chri8t our lu - iai Our sal - va - tion m ¥^ E n ^m } J i i ij ^ p i' ^ S ho - I7 day ; Al heavenly king, Al have pro-cured, Al 3G±r ^ ^ le - hi - ia J Who did onoe up - on the cross, le - lu - ia I Who redeemed the cross and grave, le - lu - iaINow a-bore the sky he's King, Al Al Al le- le- le- m ^ 3 ^tML ^ » 0- it ^ ^O lu lu lu - ia! - la! - iaI ^ Suffer to re - deem our loss, Al Sinners to re - deem and save, Al Where the an - gels ev - er sing f i ^ § 0, K«- ^ I g W tm s a N HUVtNLY Lon l(M\n, 99 'I vrlll lear no evU, for Thou art wtth me.' From 'School Chimes' In heav'n-ly love a - bid Where-ev-er he may guide Green pastures are be - fore ing iSo change ray heart shall fear, me, No want shall turn rao back; me, Which yet I have not seen ; And safe is such con - My shep-hord is be - Bright skies will soon be ^H £ -♦-i $ ^ ^s «^ :^3: f t i J. ^ ■ fid - ing For noth - in{ - Fide me, And noth - ine o"ei me, Where the darl here. chan - ges can I lack clouds Lave been The storm may roar with - out me. My IIus wis - dom ev - er wak - eth Hi? My hope I can - not meaa - nre My i '" > r t f ji^ ^3: § Mr ; r :^ f^ '^m iSn: ^:^ m head may low be laid; But God is roand a - bout me, eight is nev - er dim ; He knows the way he tak - eth, path to life is free, My Sav - ior has my treaa - ure, And can I bo dL^-mayed? And I will walk with Him. And lie will walk with me. f=rm=h m 100 ST. BERNARD. 1120. luiis, mt vtRy ]Mw of Ttitt. fS ^^m 'That name which is above every name. J. R. M. J-^-i^4W^=^ =^=? Je - sua ! the ve - ry thought of thee, With sweet-ness fills my breast, But Nor voice can sing, Nor heart can frame, Nor can the men' - 'ry find, A hope of ev - 'ry con - trite heart, joy of all the meek. To ^^ :fc^ £: :£ ^^ :£ $=, E: i J r J ^1 J J' I M u^ I j' l I 1^ j-g^ ■# « d 1 * 1 J 0—i * a 2d Zi * ^ M '■ J m « n— I— J— ! J m 1 <■ S * a — t ^r-g-r-t ... y^:i. sweet-er far thy face to see, And in thy pres-ence rest ; sweet-er sound than thy blest name, Sav - ior of man-kind; those who fall, how kind thou art, How good to those who seek ; But sweet-er far thy A sweet-er sound than To those who fall how ^ ^^i "5 3^^^ face to see, And in thy pres-ence rust, thy blest name, Sav-ior of mankind, kind thou art, How good to those wlio seek. '95=^*=?— » But what to those who find ? ah ? this, Nor tongue nor pen can show, The love of Jesus, what it is. None but His loved ones know. Jesus I our only hope be thou. As thou our prize wilt be ; Jp=U:i ! be thou our glory now. And through eternity. From 'School Chimss.' oflLY out i\m\n oun. They sbidl be gathered one by one.' 10! J. R. M. u ^^^ ^^^^=T =^=^ 1. On - ly one rrofs-ing 2. On - ly one crosa-ing 3. On - ly one cross-ing o - vpr, o - ver, - ver, te^ Wa - ters all dark anfl wido ; Storm on the fear -ful Far from the cares of earth ; Man - sions of rest are Sad - nf j;", and shroud and bier, Fill - ing one hour of fTif=E£l 1*=i=f :P=e: :£ S ^rvuT^ ^ -f — • — » — # — »■ pp bil - low, o - pea, part-ing, Peace on the o - ther sid There is life's new - est birth ; Then we shall en - ter there ; ^v r Fmip n^ -»-*- On - ly one scene of an - gnish, When the fond eyes are clos - ing, On - ly one night of tri - al r: r t -* — • — * — ^ M t^-MX jgu TO^i j- j iliiKB -# — — 0~ ^ ■^ Sor-row in sad words told. Speak of the sweet re - pose, Borne on the swell-ing tide, Then the sweet sound of sing - ing, Far from the land of mourn-ing, Then in our Sav-ior's prcs-ence, i Softened by harps cf gold. Heaven shall soon dis-cloae. We ev - er shall a-bide. N-rnf FiF-MP H f r i ffa-rf-f^^^^^ 102 ' To wbom M giw> tortrttT." From VON WEBER. i^ mn^Aiilihi&M^ ^' ^ ^ ^ An - gel bands in strains sweet sounding, Anthems to the 8av-ior raise, Hosts of heav'nhis Praise Him wild and rest - less O - cean, Praise Him monsters of the deep, Praise Him in your Ver-dant fields and val- leys blooming, In - sect myriads own His care, Wild beasts thro' the ^ £: ^^^ :?: X>. C. Ev - 'ry kin-dred tongue and na-tion, Him who gave you life .Fine adore ; Earth and Hoav'n and j ^Ji^N l^'J^H ^H-^^ IrTj' l J J ^^^ throne sur-round-ing, Hymn the great ere - a - tor's praise. P^a-diant orb of day a-doreHim, rude com-mo-tion, Storm that at His man - date sweep. Hills and mountains heav'nward towering, for - rests roaming, War-bling ten-ants of the air. Kings and ru - lers shout his glo - ry ^ :f=1t fe* i m ^ ^ ail ere - a - tion, Praise His name for ev - er-more m ^ ^h=t p=n ±i: ■ S — 0~i Praise Him thou who rul'st the night, Heav'n of heav'ns bow before him. Laud him All ye worlds of light. Fires that in their bosom glow, Clouds around their cliffe dark low'ring,Torrent3 down their steeps that flow Peo - pie join the loud ac-claim. Maidens, youths and fathers hoary, In-fants li3p His ho - ly name. It '^ f f r m El rT7~T - -»—p- f f r =^ F s 'AMde with ns, for tbe day is far sp«at.' 103 W. H. MONK. £ii«tand. 1^ i ^ 1. A - bide with me, 2. Swift 10 it3 close 8. I aeed thy prea -, a * s fast falls the e - ven - tide ebbs out life's lit - tie day, senco OY - 'ry pasa - ing hour; The dark - neea Earth's jovs grow What bat thy _fi . ife: ISIT. T¥^ ^ -O-r ^ -9- f=^ "O — deep - ens, Lord with me a - bide ; dim, it« elo - ries pass a - way, grac« can foil the tempt-er's power ; m ^ f— g- "When oth ■ Chan^ and Who like de - thy help cay - self ers fail and com -forts in all a round I my guide and stay can ^^ & ^ ^ •gg" me. me. me. flee, Help of the Boe; Thou who be ; Through cloud and help - leea chang - est not, sun - shine, Lord, ^ ^ -Q^- ^ bide bide bide with with with Efe ^ -<9- I fB«r no ft>e ■wltb The* at hand to M«m| Ilia haT« DO weight aod tears uo MtteraeM "Where la death's stlnjjf whenj, j?rave, thy Ttotoryt I triimiph sUU, If thou abide with id«. Hold Thoo thy Crosa bcfbrt my elostng ey«a. Shine through the Kloomand uolotioe to the s)ci««. Heaven's moniliu; breaks, anci earth's vain sliadows fiae. In life. In death, O Lord aUUa with me. 104 PAULINA. \^m "The kingdom of Heaven Is within yon.' * ^^m i — t- S i 'gf^ Jt ^ 1. We press on o'er life'a ru^-^ed path - way, and wait The summons 2. How heav - y the heart with its our - den of care, How pa - tient 3. The storm-clouds of sor - row may dark - en the day, The lamp of 4. Dear Sav - lor, we ask not that storms be o'er -past, But on - ly te(t^^-# ^ fi ■ ft if: ^ e=t to en - ter the the spir - it that the Christian is a rest in thy ^ if r r iJK ^ kt: 1^^ f=^ i rvf-t-t A .- m beau - ti - ful gate. It o - pens waits un - to prayer, That leaves at burn-ing al - way ; He sees by be - fore us to its cress foot, its its glim - mer, the hav - en at last ; That we may be nura - ber'd with ^ f |f f f | f 3 saints as weak - ness love that these who they win, and. sin, hath been shall win, We And His Who lidz m ^^ I H ^ ^^ Refrain. MH=^ & rciS £ 5^ cHi: at catch tne sweet cho - rus of Heav - en with - in. strengthened for all things, has Heav - en with - in. guide and his so - lace, his Heav - en with- in. bear thro' this earth-life, a Heav - en with - in. Heav - en with - in, m f . f f ,r fe t: £: i IIUHN W I Til IN. CONCLUDED. ^ 5 I 103 ^ ^ ? m Heav - en with - in, m ^ grant us, dear Sav - ior, ^ t: n t: *■ "^ i ^ injs 2iw» - en -t^ith - in. ^ ^ 3£ Hjunoy. ^ ivi> P Quietly. « J, R, M. ^^=f ^ :!= The Lord my shep He leads me to If e'er I go herd is, I shall be well sup ■ the place Where heaven - ly pas - tnre a - stray. He doth my soul re - grfTTf -*- r,T ^ t plied ; grows ; claim ; Since Where And ^ ^^m m -t- T it—^ He liv - guides -^ ing me m ^ ^ mine and I am His What can wa - ters gent - ly pass, And fall in his own right way. For His I want be - side. sal - va - tion flows. mosi ho - ly name. i (06 Tflt LHHD mm. "Words and Muslo by J. R. M. When, after tbe weary voyage that I flrst made across the ocean, sick, lonesome, I arose one nMrnlng and went qmm deck, botdtng on. orawilng, tbloking I was but a worm. I smelt In the air some strange smell, and said to the captain, '-What Is the odor?" " It is tbe laod breeze from off Ireland," he replied. I smelt the turf, I smeJt the Krass. I smelt tbe leaves, and all my slcksess do- parted from me; my eyes grew bright, and my nausea was gone. The thonght of the nearness ot land came to me, and cured me be««T than medicine could cure me. And when, afar off. i saw the dim line of land, jcry came and gave me health, and from that moment I had neither cicknese nor troabie; I was coming near to the land.— Henbt nVabd Bbschsb. pM ^ . J' J j I j ^ =1= =^ 1. Out up - on life's rest - less o-cean, 2,» Naught to glad our anx-ioas watchings, 3. Yes, 'tis com-ing ! faint not broth-er, 4. Soon we'll reach the peaceful hav-en, ^^ ^^ Far a - way from friends and home, Wea-ried with our Storm-y bil - lows, o- cean's roar, Faint of heart, al- Do not let your faith grow dim, Tis the Land Breeze All our wea - ry wan-d'rings o'er, Raise a - loft the f r=^ i i ^?=^=F^ f=f f^ ^ ^ a Refrain. ^fe £=£ 3 ? k-H *-r4 5^ It is com - ing, com-ing com - ing. «• t vain en-deaV - ors,* How we long for rest to come. TWfflt de-spair - ing, E'er to reach the qui - et shore, from the gar-dens Of our God, give praise to Him 1 song of tri-umph ! See ! the shore, the Heav'niy shore I ^ fe^ m ^ E E f^ ^M kli^^U: ^ £ -^ — s — 1" t^^=^ *=^ ^ t w- # * g Land of glo - ry, bright and fair ; Yes tis coming, com-ing, coming, Heav'niy breezes fill the air. ^ g p I I V 7: r itHMtL ^^ Y^^ rf: > fcj Words -written for this work. Confidingly. WILL fUH NO tVlL. 107 *Tot Tbou art with nw. J. R. M. I 5 1= 5 1. Thoagh the way seem long and area - ry, That oar fee - blfl steps must go, And oar feet may 2. Thoagh the night may fall op - on us, And our path be hid from sight, If His pro-sence 3. So up - on the rough-est moun-tain We may walk in heav-en's light. And Hia pre-senoe -^^-^ ^^^ :t==tL ^ v=x ■^ r • g r r '^F=g i — f ^' '': 'f r f/''i:iU B; *t ^ i i ^ ' ^ 5: oft grow wea - ry As we jour - ney hero be - low ; Though the path be steep and rug-ged go be - fore us E'en the dark-ness shall be light ; And if He who leads shall call us shall il - iu - mine All the gloom of dark - est night ; And when-e'er with - in the bor-dera ^ ^^ ^ f ' f ! f t f hiU k i» J ■ U J I J ,. i J .'' I J . J'-4- I I J ■ h I ■ I . .1 II I I ! I I That the Lord to us haa giv'n, Yet we know that each step upward Brings us always nearer heav'n. Though a gloom-y vale to go, We shall find that "liv-ingwaters"Tbrough the shadows ever flow. Of the vaie our feet shall come. We may drink of "liv-ing waters'' Sweet-ly flow-ing thro' its gloom. •^ «-^; -f-4f- 7rvr7~y ^^ ■^ — I I -r -It — gr ' ft ' f ' f - f ^-r f=f 108 Moderato. ' I eliall be satisfied, when 1 awake In thy likeness.' J. R, M. ^ g^^ji:Jij'jJ^'3gilii'="^W Ir. . *¥ * m Not here! not here! Not where the sparkling waters Fade in-to mock-ing sands as we draw near- There is a land where ev-'ry pulse is thrilling With rapture earth's sojourner's nev - er know ; Shall they be eat- i?-fied ? the soul's vague longings The achmg voidwhich nothing earth-ly fills? :a: iJ^ =?8=^ 5 5 ^ ^ :^ ■rr ^ ¥ rj: v: ± _ 1_« ^ ^.^ ' 0_ ^ m ¥ 5= ..... » ;^-»^- Where in the wil - der - ness each foot-step fal - ters, I shall be sat - is - fied ; Wliere heav'n re-pose the wea - ry heart is still - ing And peace-ful - ly life's time 0, what de-sires up - .on m)^ soul are thronging As I look up-ward to =3= but 0, toss'd cur the heav'n not here! rent's flow, ly hills, H*- t^ hA B^K i -^=5=^ ^^^^^^^^m w w^^=^. Not here where ev -' ry dream of bliss de-ceives u?. Where the worn spir - it ner-er gains its goal; Far out of sight, while j^et the flesh in -folds us. Lies the fair coun-try, where our "hearts a-bide, Thith - er my weak and wea-ry steps are tcnd-ing, Sav - ior and Lord, with thy frail child a-bide; * ^^^ IJHULL n SilTISfltD. ■ CONCLUDED 109 '-ttf'' 3' i ^'/i: :imHi-i '■ iTTvnm Where haunted ev - er by the thought thatgrieves us A - cross us floods of bit-ter mem - 'ry roll. And of its bliss is nought more wondrous told us Than these few words, "I ?hall be sat - is - fied." Guide me towards home where all my wand'ringend-ing I then shall see thee and be "sat - is - fied." Words by J. R, M. Tenderly, TUt POD SUtNtRD. 'I am the Good Shepherd.' Music by FLEMINO . I fe ^HH-^U^ -^^M -d- i TI S y i ^-^-.^ -^ i^ -r?- T#-- tS 1^— r 1. lie is the shep 2. In the green pas 3. ^lan • y the dear herd, we his sheep who fol - low Where e'er His bles-sed feet lead the way be- tures by the peace-ful wa - ters, Rest all the hap-py ones whom the shepherd lambs bask-iug iu Thy sun-shine, ilero and in Ileav'n ;i-bove, bletled, bles-Eed ^ ■*■ A A tr-j — I i € il * to=t^=m: p^^ p J3 our vvanJeriHu; His ten - der love is o'er us Guiding our onward way, thoir faintest cry and nev - er vain-ly plead-eth An - y who follow llim. g Shepherd. Thou whose watchful eye e'er s^es us, 'Make us of that blest fold. *•-• 1^ r t=^=t ^ -M^^^^^^^m -G 5( ©-T &: g tio |tSlI5 Of unUj^ Pil5StH BY. "Hie Master is come, and calletii for tbe«." J. R. M. ^ ^ ^'- i^ i iu ;i p i ~~r Tbes« A Ye Soou H Wha t means this eag - er anx-ious throng, Which moves with bus - y haste a - long, Who ia this Je - sub? why should he The ci - ty move so might - i - ly? Ho ! all ye heav - y la - den come ! Here's par - don, com - fort, rest, and home ; But if you still this call re - fuse, And all his won - drons love a - buse, J0. 1^ f. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fc^ -^^-» 5 E ; i r t r m If A Ye Too won - drous gath'r-ings day by day ? Rass - ing fftran - ger, has he skill wan-d'rers from a Fattx - er's face, will he Bad - ly from you turn, What means this strange com - mo - tion, say ? To move the mul - ti - tude at will? Re - turn, ac - c«pt his prof - fer'd grace, Your bit - ter prayer for par - don spurn, i f F f F i F f p -t # r^ ^^ ^E£ frU i'U jJ: N' •' ■' J f 'I'' ' I ac - cents hush'd the throng re - ply . gain the stir - ring tones re - ply : tempt-ed, there's a re - fuge nigh, late, too late'" will be the cry, m at ^ .^- ^ "Je - BUS of Naz - ar - eth pass - eth by 'Je - sus of Naa - ar - eth pass - eth by 'Je - BUS of Naz - ar - eth pass - eth by Je - sus of Naz - ar - eth pass - eth by ^ ^ '^ "'4. " In " A " Ye 'Too ^^^ \im Of uuu]^ Hni]^ 6v. .^ w .. ^ CONCLUDED. til Uii rhw i ; flu ^ '*~^ — *~^f — r ac - cents hush'd the throng re - ply ; gain the stir - ring tones re - ply : tempt-ed, there's a re - fuge nigh, late, too late ! " will be the cry, m "Je - BUS of "Je - Bua of "Je - BUS of "Je - BUS of f j: I L-Ua Naz - ar - eth pass - eth by Naz - ar - eth pass - eth by Naz - ar - eth pass - eth by Naz - ar - eth na<* paes'd by #: m ^ ^ 'M Bill jl LITTLt mi^\h J. K. COLE. ^Srnntrr^n i I iU-.I ." l -g^ ^ 1. I'm but a lit - tie lambkin, 2. Thy ten - der care shall lead me, ^^ But thou dost care for me; In thy graat flock, dear Thro' toils from day to day ; Thy gen - tie hands will F f f FW ^ i m 3^ tnr- ^ * i ; — I. I A^^zc ^ ^m ^ ^ '• I m Sav-ior, I ev - er safe shall be. soothe me, And wipe my tears a - way. s 3 Thy love will be like sunlight. Showing my pathway home ; Safe to that blessed heav'n, Whence I can never roam. i Here for life's days of trooble. My comforter thou'lt be ; Till endless days are given. Dear Lord, in Heaven with thee. ''2 ItSlij! jyy jut BUOJY jlRl. Words by BERNARD. EaTifiestly . The one altogether lovely,' J. R. M. 3333 i' l J J i- »' l ^ lit ^^ «-^ ^ T^ -P-" » 1 mu - sic darkness 1. Je - FU6 ! thou the beau - ty art Of an - gel ■worlds a - boTe ; Thy name is 2. Stay with us, Lord and with thy light Il-lume the bouI's a - byss ; Scat - ter the , ^^^+f-H ^ m H»-S- 1*-* IT- — I 7- P ^ s s ^3 to the heart Enchant - ing it with lore. Je - bos, Sav - ior ! hear the sighs Which of our night And fill the world with bliss. Je - bus, King of earth and heav'n Our — P- m ± i^=t ^ -9-^ S -e-^ rt- T=^ ^ mi=pT=t p -xS- ^ un - to thee I send, life and joy I to thee To thee my in- most spirit^ cries My be-ing's hope and end. Be hon - or, thanks and blessings giv'n Through .all e - ter - ni - ty, -fi — r — r ^ j^ PAULINA. m WHHI WILT mOU IlilVt Wt JO DO '•Go worlc to-day in icy Tlneyird ." Its * ^ ^VTiat wilt thou have me to What wilt thou have me to Bles - sed our toil in this Jt ■«- X Jt. ^ . do my Lord? What wilt thcu have me do my Lord? What wilt thou have me shad-ow land. Blest, with the goal Jt- ft- -^ •#-•#-■#- ■#■ -V- r^^^r i :^rzj: • ^ ^ ^ ^ — If — ^(—j. — • • --# ^ z- ■*■ ^ ^ — ^ — ?^ — 3r~ bring to thy service the feet that slide, The hands un-skilled and the heart un - tried. Yet toil in thy service, but on - ly glean The grapes that oth - ers have left im - seen ; So a glad new life with its sweet joy springs, Where thrills the air with the ques - tion - ings ; What m X l1 ^ k k k ^ I' \ \ IV — —0 — # — i^ U ^ • •■ * * ]• • f • Xr s ■ ■ ■ -ii ■ fain would that heart be true. dear Lord, fain would that heart be true. prec - :ous. so pass - ing few, dear Lord, More precious that they are few. wilt thou have me to do, dear Lord, What more can thy ser - vants do. ^^=M=K==M=Z, M. ■C ^ -^ • g ■0- — ^t-s — ^ — r 4-~0 — — — t — _J -^ ^ /< ^ — ^ — » — 1 1 — — 0-^ — — ■ m Spirited. ^m StHTtHCt.-BltSStD ARt ]M. 'He that overcometb, shall Inherit all thlqgs.' Arr from an Anthem In the lUFSBiAL. i ^#4^ ^s P *^=3=^ 3=? tit -t—t — *- Blessed are they that do his commandments, Blessed are they, Blessed are they, Blessed are they that F:^ e e g- 1^-9r ff' i f > ^r PF i ^^ .^4M/ ^« li,^ J J' J' J J I " r r [-J = rrJ' l i i 7 hh ^ ^ ^ > I J ^. ^ *-|«-^-i do his commandments, That they may have right to the tree of life, and may en - ter ^1 . t _^_l t it^ p^ ^ntf -f-r-fr ■^ *-«- J- ■? in. eo • ter la. -iHhS-S=£=g:± ^ T^is fioZo TTMzy Z>e sung by all the voices in unison. I 4 -4-i-JiJ: ^ m 24: 3=5: ?! ^jr^ -IS*- i^ fe^l^ Thro' the gates in - to the cit 1 J_i .-^^ 3^ rp^^ ^ ^^ I I I Thro' the gates in -to the cit - y, Thro' the gates, the gates in - to the cit - lAkt HOLD Of WY ililNll. 115 Miss LAURA E. THOMAS. P Dr. J. B. HERBERT. m & tei ^ ntzzt f^^J =i=i 1. 3. Take hold of my hand.dear Savior, And lead me thro' all of the years, For the clouds hang dark o'er my Take hold of my hand.dear Savior, And find me the way I must go. Be patient to me when I'm Take hold of my hand, dear Savior, My eyes are so sigh t-les3 and dim, I know there are heav'n-ly ^ j^ -C S- S- ^ _ ,i— i /^ ^ ^ ^ 4L i 3^1: g?=ffig=r^ ■^=H — 0^^0 h^ path - way, And are heav-i - ly care - less, And kind when I'm man-eions, I want you to burdened with tears. And e'en while the morning is bright-est, A - wea-ry and slow, ! help me to seek something higher, Than the lead me to them, I've need of thy lov-ing com-pas-sion, Fresh m Hf^=Hr- ^ :t -#-■•■■•• €— «- ^m 1/ u u- ^^ — ^^ ^ se r^=r "f like in the darkness and day, world and itsgaud-y dis-play, need of it ev' - - ry day, i-4,= ILl ^ fS-M « M— f * \ i. *^^ Take hold of my hand, dear Savior, Lead me and show me the way. Take hold of my hand, dear Savior, Lead me and show me the way. Take hold of my hand, dear Savior, Lead me and show me the way. A. M. ri6 CHILD ]im mih ■Words by HANS ANDERSEN. CHRISTMAS CAROL. Music by NIELS W. GADE. VOIGE Piano Orga -I I ^Efe ^=^==^ 1. Child Je - sus comes, from heav'n-ly height, To 2. Take cour - age, soul, in grief cast down, For- i ^=^- 3=q: ^ =^3^ 3t -v* — »• I save us from sin's keep - ing; On man-ger straw, in dark-some night, The Blessed One lies -get the bit- ter feel - iug; A Child Is born in Da-vid's town. To touch all souls with -J— j =y =; ■i- ^ £ ^ =g— 5» -d-T- ^ ^»- s Jt_t^ Fed. JJJ CtiILD \UU CO Wt5. -CONCLUDED. 117 i -#-^ 1^ ±^±L -W-v- sleep-ing; The Star smiles down, the an - gels greet, The ox-en kiss the Ba - by's feet. Hal-le- heal-ing ; Then let us go and seek . the child, Children like Him, meek, un-de-filed. Hal - le- m dim. -- — r- =^ lu jah, Hal-le - lu - ^^- / ; . jah, Child Je 3n^ I - bus! ^ ^^^ i-^HS : ^ ^ ^r Fed. * ^^ Fed. V H * Fed. * Ped * "8 msi n (JOB LUDs H' •Word^ by LAMPERTUS, 162S. " Thy will be done." « » ^ .N J' :^ n=t JOHN MORRISON. n N *!■*. ■! ^ & ^ 5=^=^*^ 1. Just as 2. Just as 3. Just as U- m &=3t God leads me, God leads I God leads I I would go, am content, all resign, i^ 1 - Ti iij :y I would not ask to choose my way ; Content with what he I rest me calmly in his hands ; That which he has de- I trust me to my Father's will; When reason's rays de- i^ r b ir I itOE -^^=^ ^-¥- 9i ^ m -.LLJ I 3 -#• •♦ -* • XT- -** .;• V will bestow, Assured he will not let me stray. So as he leads, my path I make. And step by step I creed and sent That which his will for me conmands. I would that he should allful-fil, That I should do his cep-tive shine, His counsel would I yet ful-fil. That which his love ordained as right Before he bro't me S W<^ ?=F=f qmt ::«= =r- m W ^ i^ nTr glad-ly take, A child in him con-fid - ing. gracious will. In liv - ing or in dy - ing. to the light, My all to him re-sign - ing. wm iz Just as God leads, I onward go, 'Mid thorns and briars often seen; God does not all his guidance show, But in the end it shall be seen. So as he leads, my path I make, And step by step I gladly take, A child in him confiding. Legato, TO mtt, on BLtsstti m\n. "^ CHARLES L. WALKER, * * At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow." i S^ 5=t^ 1. To Thee, O bles-sed Sav - ior, Our grate-ful song we raise; 2. may thy pre-cious gos - pel, Be pub-lished all a-broad; Oh tune our hearts and Till the be - night - ed n ** 1 1 1 i Dttet • •J^ru 'rJ— - ^ '* L i ^. \-^ — 1 1 — -. ■ '^ • 'jhnf—^ — —•. — tK- -^ * — ^Q ^ &<, ♦ 7 J _J ^ \ _ -7^ ^ — ^ — 1 1 — ' K V ■ • m r J J « s ^ • TOi ■ heath - ces Thy en Shall -^ -^~\ • ^ » ho - ly name to p know and serve the ] t *^ « J* -9-' •aise. jord, r-g-.- 'Tis Till by o'er thy sovereign tlio wide ere mer - cy a - tion, We're The |*>5u_g -•— ^#- -» — ^ — ^ — ^A A ^-^-n \ -.^ j- -4 L tV 1 ' , ! j 1 1 ^ » 1 j 1 ' 1 -^ -«»- •# i Choecs. -t-T I ^^ p^ =^ rt-gr « • — ' — iSnr -^ '-* # » « O 9 V -"-* 9 :^{ — 4, ■ p-«- now al - lowed to meet, And join with friends and teach-ers, Thy blessing to en-treat, ra3's of truth shall shine, And ua - tions now in daik-ness, A - rise to light di-vine. T*- r . I I I II I Tf| 1 I ! I 120 i ^Arords by E. H. SEARS. HUR T^^t m^n SIN5. " Are they not all ministering spirits." * 4==^ -9-^ — ^ « — I — F— t -a- -^ II I "■-*■-*■ -5)-. It carae up - on the mid - nlglit clear, That glo - rlous song of old, From an - gels bend - lug Still through the clo - ven skies they come, With peace - ful wings un-furled, And still their heav'n-ly O ye beneath life's crush - ing load, Whose forms are bend - ing low, Who toil a - long the For 10, the days are hastening on. By prophets seen of old. When with the ^^ U\\^4 ^^ f- \-^ f- ^f- ,^ .* j^n ^ ^C ^ -tr-r ■iS-'- ^m ^^ tr near the earth To touch their harps of gold ; Peace on mu - sic floats O'er all the wea - ry world; A-bove Cllmb-ing way, with pain - ful steps and slow; Look now clr - c'ling years. Shall come the time fore - told,When the the earth, good will to men. From heav'a's all gracious its sad and low - ly plains. They bend on hov'r-lng for glad and gold - en hours Come swift - ly on the new heav'n and earth shall own The Prince of Peace their m t^r f- f—^ -fHh-^ i £ -f^> f'^^^Fg #— i» n" i Eefeaut, ^^ =5 ^ ■ gels sing. ■ gels sing, gels sing, gels sing. .!U- m Kinpr, wing, wing, King, -^2- The world In sol-emn still- ness lay To hear the an And ev - er o er its Ba - bel sounds The bless - ed an O rest be-side the wea - ry road. And hear the an ■ And the whole world send back the song, Which now the an ' :;i=^= I ' 1 r i r t — fe — •-i — — 0- O bear the an • ^ela :t- -0-^ rf=r EEEf fltUll jut ANQUS 51111] —CONCLUDED. — j- tzi 3^ /C^ ^^ •lug. O hear the angels slug. S x=x rest beside the wea-ry road and hear the an-gels slijg. S =?=S^ =^ ^ 1^ Yes, bear, O bear them, rest be-slde, Ac. feri WflHI WILL T«V RtCOlil) Bt? " Whether It be good, or ■whether It be evil," * i i ^ 4 J 1 J : * J - =; ^ ^ -ft ^ ' * » 1. Heart, 4s it well with thee? 'Well with the soul? What will thy re-cord be, As the years roll 2. Life i3 so re-al, so Grand and so true, If our i - deal we Closely pur-sue; 3. Strive for the right, ev - er Live down the wrong'. Earnest en-deav - or, is What makes us strong^; ^a ^s r r r f=^ U ^=^= ^=^ ^ ^ = ^=km ^ H\\ I ff^-^J+^ W •w ^ -w -cr- On toward e - ter - ni - ty; will it speak peace? In the world's strife with thee, never to cease. Kaising our standard as high as we may; Toiling on heav'nward wbileyet it is day, God's spark within the heart, ne'er can grow dim. If we but do our part, looking to him. * 1=T m 122 f ■VSTords and Music by Solo, or Semi-Choeus. OH, 3iiilLL i 3INQ? "Looking unto Jesas.*'— Keb. 12: 2, "W. A. OaDEN. rr7 \ .u-^.4^=^ j-f- m 1. Oh, shall I sing the glad new song. And tell the sto-ry, And from his hand re- 2. Oh, shall I grasp a friend-ly hand, Of one dear soul I've pointed, To Je - sus Christ, the 3. Oh, shall I meet on yon-der shore, The loved of Je - sus singing "Glo - ry to God '" for- 4 S I-~tH 1 1 \ r-1 1 1 \ r-W b^; S r-U^ 1 g rr r rT f f i r- III r fir ^ i t=i Besponse in Full GHOEoe. We may meet 5 ^ d d 33 -*-r- F^ ^rr-i-r a ceive a crown In yon-der home of glo-ry? sin-ners friend, The King of heav'n anointed? ev - er more, In heav'nly prais-es ringing? - - - - f- " f ■ f . r rv f-f-f-f ^^ :t i ^^^ r And We may meet at Je-sus' feet. < The g t ■yzzyi I: ^ 4-i-Uj Hepeat Chorus for last stanza , pp . J — h-J — \ \ J ' » ' A — w • ■•■ - -i- ^ , •# , ■»• -«■ -0- ^ -f -S- • ^ tell the wondrous sto-ry, And fi'om his hand receive a crown soul of one we've pointed, To Je - sus Christ.the sinner's friend loved ones sweetly sing-ing, "Glo - ry to God " for-ev - er - more, m :£ ^ In yon-der world of glo - ry. , The King of heav'n anointed. In heav'nly praises ring-ing. E y I ; r r 1 m ^ r hT r r ■4r. May from pause as interlude. Words by PAULINA, In chant style. SOWING 6Ult)t ni WjlTtRS. " In due season ye shall reap If ye faint not." 123 * —X-' . -5— S S 4 2-l-# Lb /.— h -. -. hr ^^ nt—4' _j__j In the narrow gtreets and alleys. In the cottage or the palace, Where-so-e'erthe gos -pel feast is, There the greatest as rhc least, is Sow the seed in faith be-liev-ing, Toiling, giv-ing and receiving, Breath to ev' - ry child of sorrow, Uope and comfort for the morrow, Where the Wel-coine In the Hope in ••■■ •0- 1/ • high or to the right th ev'.ry low - ly heav'nly y sure de- need a- 3^ t ? H -^^ ^ [> C-i-U-l -^—^ -9 #i- -•— ^ ifae ■t s '^i J ^- J" ^^IJ'. J^/jW^ ^^ Refrain. ^i=-. 4 > : s gath-er, manna, fenc-es, vailing, t. t:- Dwells the ira-age of the Fath-er. Welcome to the glad ho - san - na. Think-ing naught of coii-se-quen-ces. Com-fort, to the end im-part-ing. S^^ -^— •- Blest, Zi - 011*8 sons and daughters, -• *- rrr ri Lj ii^^^ =^=i i;5=tc Ye who sow beside ^^ all wa-ters,' Blest Zi-on's sons and daughters, 'Ye who sow beside all waters.* «— ^ f P— ^T m : • f ^ P ' ^ T »-T-^ . • m m ^ ^ * ^ £e£ ^i^ It: i 124 5tHTtNGt.-"Tflty milT U Wljt " From Daotkl 12-3. J. R. M. I ^ i * 4- 4: ti — ♦ ES ♦-T- -€-r- They that be wise shall shine as the stars, They that be wise shall shine as the e ^9- 3^ ^ i&zf: i a^ ^'j . /; jTg :t* -€-3-*- g * » -*-v *- -#-; # S *- Stars ; !2i They shall shine, they shall shine, Shine as the stars for ev - er and ^ ^^ -*-^ r • r ^^ c ^^^ U J. ; / / 3=*: o-_i= :^ 45: -0—, -d -d 9- -*<3S-- -*-T- -*-i •— - they that be wise, they that be wise shall shine as the — » -9 » , ' « > a ^ 1 I »-^ 5 1 5— ev - er, They that be wise, P -rr 4 -r 5i r ^^ [HtY TiiilT Bt Wist -CONCLUDED. 125 ^^^ zg .'-i^ S g stars, shall shine as the stars, shall sliine as the suTrT, Al-le - lii-jah. Al - le - lu - jah. 1 u. r n r - l . r -«i-r-t=u4-^=t=v'-i^-^ g i =^— f- ■V \/ — vt- -V \^ 3^^ k^i^i;^ ±iSi2: -# — ItJlJS, Mttk ilND (jtNUt. "Thou art a place to hide me In." AA^. H. MONK. „ Joyfully. h 1 1 ! 1 L_ I}'* '11 ' , 1 / 1/ ^ ff «, 1 J 1 1 w wJ • O • - ^^-'^'~t Lead us on our journey. Be thyself the way, Thro' terrestrial darkness, Tj fclestial u.-.v. 13 Jesus, meek and gentle, Son of God most high, Pitying, loving Savior, Hear thy chiidrcu's cry. 126 I Miss M. E. SERVOSS, ry4 ^ ' •7 T 4 - # * t — #- ' - V — ^ LIJILt nUNtRS. ' These also shall come." BELLE. 5 =?=;^ i?E? T5-V jt- 1. The fields are white for the har- vest, The reap-er's work is be - gun, Man - y a soul is 2. The fields are white for the har-vest, As the reap-ers cut the wheat, The gleaners gath-er 3. The fields are white for the har-vest, And the har-ves ters are few, But when the chil-dren ^-^ .l^ -«- iH _(2_! na- -©-•- :£=e: T=^ ^J=^^^i=^ -^T-S ^^^i!= -0 r- -#^* -^-TT garnered in, Man-y a poor heart won; But the fields are large audscattered, And the harvesters are uj) the heads That scatter at their feet ; And as they work thej'' re-member. How the loving Savior old - ergrow, Then tliey'll be reapers too ; But now, while lit - tie children, Some good they'll find to ^-^-f•- ^r^^ 'F-t-r j>_i^ -v—>- #T»- ^^ --n t— n Chorus. '^ N > > J ^ J J ^ © -Si- few, told, do, Is there no work in Of one who left the If they but work for -^-T-# ^ ^ ^ har-vest time A lit - tie child can do. flock to find The lost lamb of the fold. Ilim who is Both gen-tle, kind and true. '- ^ ^ f ^ ♦ ♦ ♦ -fS- Yes, we will be lit-tle &. [& -»-i- ^E^ #=S— P= ■i/ / y > ^^ :|^ mt UfAdtRS.-CONCLUDED. 127 -J ^i m — g ■ » — •- — y =» « — » — ^ ^ ' a glean-ers. We will do the best we can, And that is all the Sarior asks, Either of child or man. -a ^ ^L-r-# * f^ r-,-^-. 4-r-# ^ ^ f-r^ ^ f > i f t » p. ' ' p^n #--^-^ r-r r r'-- T=^ v— v^ WAUINS fOR YOU. "And I glre nnto them eternal life." J. R. M. i jLjy ; ' J' j' J- 1 m ? & i. t t t i^ t — ' — * — *— :r 1. Two little lambs in the up - per fold. From heat of sum-mer, and win-ter*8 cold; 2. Two lit-tle dar-lings, whose pattering feet, With an - ^els bright, tread the gold - en streets ; 3. Two lit-tle lambs from all sor-rows free, Thro' long, long years of e - ter - ni - ty; ^ :4 r r ^W==^ :€=^ ^ I r &=^ ^^ ^=^ I S ^^ s ^ 5 i i i ^ V ^ ' -^ -t ■ » Safe from earth's guile and its dreams untrue, Two lit - tie lambs now are waiting for you. Wan - der for - ev - er 'mid E - den's bow'rs. Waiting for you thro' the gold - en hours From heat of sum-mer, and win - ter cold, AVaiting for you in the up - per fold. P "-;-j-» ^ f f f ^£— M-v— g-g ' g g ; 128 "Words and Music by ABBY L. NE^vhALL SPAULDING. "And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into It." ik . fc i k.^ — k. 1, \ !.., — I 1., !^ lb j 1^ J5l -J .V ^ -t^— V ^ ^-?- There's a land There's a land There's a land N . • •♦ -^ •*• " i/ " "^^ * ^ :^ be-yond the Jor-dan, Wherejoys ce-les -tial reign, TVherfi the cares of life re- be-yond the Jor - dan, And dear ones gone be-fore, Will be the first to be-yond the Jor-dan, A land of end-less day, Our feet must toil to =?= :t -iA 1 :i=^ 1^ 5^ __ ■* — 9 — g - a sign - ing, We a heav'nly crown shall gain ; There's a land be-yond the Jor - dan, Oh greet us. When we reach the oth - er shore ; There's a land be-yond the Jor - dan, Oh reach it. But the Say - ior leads the way ; There's a land be-yond the Jor - dan, And ♦ ^ ^ ^ 4t.' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f : i :£ :tz=t2: I S Its 1^ m jh-fr 1^ ^ -#-v- glor-ious, hap-py thought, We shall come in -to His presence, For Christ our ransom bought, peaceful, heav'nly thought, We shall come in -to the king- dom, The blood of Je-sus bought, bles-sed, blessed thought, Au en-trance to that country, For us our Sa-vior bought. m i . I g ':^ £ i SttiOLD, nt fiRlDUIiOOW COMtT«. 129 ^^ Earnestly. " WatcL and pray.' « i i=i inr i^i^ -«-^ 1. Re - joice, re - joice be-liev - era, And let your lights ap-pear, The evening is ad- 2- See that your lamps are burn - ing, Re pleu - ish thera with oil, Look now for your sal- 3. O wise and bo - ly vir - gins, Now raise your voi - ce=: higher, Till, in your ju - bi- ^^ ^ ES ■sc 5 ^ :g=? ^ *: is ranc - ing, And darker night is near; va - tion, The end of sia and toB ; la - tions, Te meet the an - gel choir; -tu ft fk The bridegroom is a - ris - ing, And The watchers on the moun-tain, Pro- Tne marriage feast is wait - ing, The ■3- £: m s ■4a- -«-i- ^ >, J j ^ =tl ^ ^ I ^^ I^ZJC :t«: ^ Boon He will draw nigh, Up! pray, and watch, aud wrestle, At midnight comes the cry. claims the Bridegroom near. Go meet Him as He com-etb, With hal-le- lu -jahs clear, gates wide o - pen stand, Up I apl ye heirs of glo - r^, The Bridegroom is at hand. >- M/ I I # fr^ i :b a F=f= t30 TUt SUNBRIMI CLIMt. Miss LAURA E. THOMAS. Dr. J. BUN HERBERT, M a J— ^ T ^ -jr^ J 3 N i 1. Havo you heard, have you heard of the sun - bright clime? Be - yoiid all the wasting and ^2. And the streets of the cit - y are bur-nished with gold, Its man-sions are man - y and 3. Where sounds of sweet mel - o - dy fall on the ear, Too pure, and too ho - ly for Hi4 a ^mH- 44H3 ^^ ^ ^ ^=3=S 3 " ^ # ( ^^' ^ "^'^ : r-^— ¥- blight-Ing of time, Where the o-dor of lil-lies is sweet in the air, And flow'rets all fadeless are fair to be-hold, And the mountains and hills have a splendor so grand, And wide o'er the plains of the mortals to hear, And crys - tal-like riv-ers are rippling a - long, Re-ech - o - ing back each me - •0- -^ -0- .U- «■■♦•■•■■•-■•-■»- * ■#--*--*-#'i*--^-#- ^ 1»--^ [^ ^fi , r f- t t r r -0-:=^ t ^ S V— >^ ^m Chobus. / -.^ n h— K- ^ ^ •r^ tFrrr-y-rtE^ es ^ -^-# blossomiug there sun -bright land. lo - di-ou3 song , > 0, yes. i^ we hare heard, and we long for the time,When the sorrows of earth are sub- -n ^ •» ^»^ ♦• ^ -^ !«< ^ ^^ H--; r i^"£g3 -#-^ 5 "T" nt SlJNfililMI C LI Wl -CONCLUDED. 131 S S J W J J -^J i # S — * — ^ i< d d sZii #--^ t— ^ ' g » ^ * &{ H > ' ' ' -d- -d- -9- eiding. When we'll go to our home in the sunbright clime, With our loved in Its orlory re - sid-ing. fe^ ■i- *■ £ T ^ /Ir . ^ g P^^ ^ ^crrTTFf ^ -*— f= ^v^ ^ > COMt UliJO |VI^ J. R. M. m^ ^ 5=* Come un - to me. All ye that la - bor, All ye that la-bor and are heav - y '^m= 4=^ . r^ -j-^ ^s 4-i-JUl 3t^: I i P^^ S=?=?: =^ -a-T- g a € ^ ■cr. ^• "*- la - den, And I, and 9^ - r 1 1 J i I will give you rest, Come unto me, Come unto me. ^ ^ > ^ # »-•- Come unto in^. 132 "Words by PAULINA Duet. nt v^m^^ n cniiNii. ' Follow thou me.' ^^im=M T^U^-i=u^ ^ ^s? 1. O come for the mas-ter Is call - Ing , as when Ho calmed the wild wa - ters, and walked s-monsr men, As 2. He calls thee to wres-tle with sin in the heart, To rule thine own splr - Itwher-ev-er thou art. To 8. O hast -en to Join in this ho - U -est strife, Fm- hrief is the day, and the con-flict of life, And -5-^-^^ when the brave Ushers of Gal - 1-lee's strand. Obeyed without ques-tlou His llnhtest command Ho calls thee to bat-tie for strive with the passions tlse tempters to ill. And hold them as captives, .as slaves of thy will ; To work while the day lasls.then when it Is certain, if lost or if won, The spirit looks backward on what has been done; Then hark to the master's cal truth and the rifrht. To do what thy hands find to do with thy might. com - eth the iiifrht. To do what thy hands And to do with thy might, fight tl>e good flsht. And do what thy hands Jind to do with :hy might. -J — t- To To do what thy hands find to do with thy mlgbt. And U ^?5^ #^ I s. J^—l "A land flovving with njlik and honey." S — 133 Prepared for this work, P way - ver Jor - dan. View the land, view tiielantl. ^Vav o - ver Jor - dan, ^ , *-•— # #— ^-^.j—, .— T-^ f , I ; |» -T 0-' # ■ 0—y- f^^==t- -f ^ r View the heav'n-ly land. O the trans-port - ing rap-turous scene. That ris - es O'er all those wide ex - tend - ed plains, Shines one e - When sh.nll I n ach that hap - py place, And be for - ju ^ JL ^ ^ M. 9 ■3. ifer D.C. 'M—, •- > ■* to ray slight, Sweet field.s ar-rayed in lir - ing i^reen, And riv - era of de-light, ter - nal day; There God the Sou, for - ev - er reigns. And seat-tors night a - way. ev - er bleet? When shall I see luy Father's face, And in Hi« bo - som re>t. 134 Words by T, W. T. Bead Pbaim xci. J. R. M. ^r^"^-^=^=^^-^^S"N U i j i^^R 1. The Lord is my ref-uge and strength, My God, aud my on - ly re - treat ; While 2. I fear not the ter-ror by night, Nor the ar-row that fli - eth by day ; His 3. No pes - ti-lence darkness may hide, Nor de-struc-tion that wasteth at noon; Shall 4. A thousand may fall at my side, Ten thousand up - on my right band; But 13^ * t f 'fE *■ *. *t: ^ ^ f=^ i ^^m ^ :^S±? ^^ «-r- ^ -» K, jg 1 1 L- safe - ty and rest are com - plete. presence my com - fort and stay. God, the Om - ni - po - tent One. cure in His shad - ow I stand. un - der His wings I a - bide, truth is my buck - ler and shield, cause me to fear, for I trust since I am un - der His wings, ■ ^^ ^f r r r ^t My His In Se ^ I -©-^ ^m- ^ 1 i 3^: teb t:r^3 i= uu\l.xa}^ :fc=l5 -0 #- 3=^ ^^ I am un-der His wings, Yes, un-der His wings. And my heart fears no dana:er,While under his •wmgs. m ^f f f f l^ ^ ^m ^ r^ r : gi^ ^ » • » Spirittd. i\n MY SOUL. ' B«bold, wbat manner of love the Father batb bestowed on lu. 135 J. R. M. P tei^ i . i =3t =h=^ ~C-T- -* cr Sins: my poul. His womiVous love, Who from yon bright throne a - hove. Ev - er watch-ful lle;ivn and earth hy Ilim were made, All is by his scup-tre swayd, What are we, that God, the mer - ci - ful and good, Bought us ■wuh the Sav-ior's blood; And to make oar T^ -tt-Oi ^ t g i Refrain. ^ ^- I I - ^ - - ^ - - * — ^ -zi— o'er our race, Still to m:vn ex - tends Hi3 gia<^e. He should show So much love to us be - Tow ? gafe - ty sure, Gu>ies U5 bv His Spir - it pure. Sing my soul, Sing my soul, ^ :^=^ F -*-^ riti: i ^bih^ 1 1 J . .r i i3 =^=S: i -^ #- . #- =5=5= I? ^i — • 1 r — ' — ^ ■ p Sing my soul his wond'rous love. Praise him, till he oalU ihee home, Trust liis love tor all to come. 136 Rov. A. W. ORNA^IG. Chorus. Fast. sa Tilt SDNMy SCflOOL. (Opening or Closing.) 5 -1^ J J J i J j,-J_i W. A, OGDEN. ^a i 5 ^ 5f5=^ D. (7. We'll not neglect the Sun-day School,The pleasant, ho - ly. bless-ed place, For there of Jesus' ^m i ?^^^ t: -f-^ f^ f^=^ Fine. Duet. 1. Tls tliere weleamto nn - der - stand God'a bo - ly word, tbe neglpct the Suu-day School, Where cbeerflil vol - cea neglect the Sun-day School, Tho' teiupt-ed oft to ne^jlect the Sun-day School, Nor be content that love we learn, And bow to run tbebeav'nly race 2. We'll not 3. We'll not 4. We'Unot ! I I t I - _ /T\ S^ ■P #- ^=^ 5^ i ^ :^ D.C. -jiiSi IB- book of truth, And Join In Bons;, But stay a - way, for we may go. But guid - ed by the light it gives, We And prize it far a - bove our play, Nor think if not there we might in-dulge. In 1 - try to bring in oth - era too. And save the way of the time we dle-ne99 and them from a life Tn spend there sin - fill world of youth, long, play, woe. B Ttitllt 15 Ji LAND Vi\H tYt U]^ Uih 137 ' Whose bnllder and m aker la God." Wm. T. ROGERS. r^M» ^^U-J -J-J^ J J . n J-j34-^--t— fri—M I J J . J-i > I t . . 1. There is a land mine eye hath seen. In vis-ions of en - rap-tured tho't, So bright that all which. 2. Its skies are not like earth-ly skies, With varying hues of shade and light, It hath lio need of ^m t:£ ^ i X=t q?ii=f: 3^^ spreads be-tween Is with its radiant glo-ry fraught ; A land up-on whose blissful shore There Buns to rise, To dis - i - pate the gloom of night; There sweeps no dea-o - lat -ing wind, A ^ :fa=e s^ Md. =1=1 f: ^ gE -7- aj-aO-i ^ ^=^ ^ -0 '. -g-;— »- 5« rests no shadow, falls no stain.There those who meet shall part no more.And those long parted meet again cross that calm, serene a-bode. The wan-d'rer there a home shall find, Within the Par-a - dise of God. g f-f^ 1 t ■^^ w r =Vh/ Vpi^ 4= 138 WOKDS n\ T. ^'. T. ^^4^j^ Tuoij i\yrsi n ji i^iQiin tiiiLtii. "He that is slow to anger is better than the miglity." -Nt ^^=^ ^ t^ — h Though no slave may bow be- fore thee, For the foes that strike the hard-est, Men may crown the brave with lau-rel, i And thou wear no crown, And with subtlest art, When the bat-tie's won, Thoumay'stbe a migh-ty Are not met on fields of Yet 'tis on - ly earth - ly ^ -fi-i^—0- f --^ V^^ ^ ^m =t: :rt fe: -^zz: -e- Though thou take no lof - ty cit - - y, And if thou art slow to an - - ger, But if thou shalt gain the vie - - fry, ^ -G>- rul - er, With a pow'r un-known ; bat - tie, But with-in the heart; hon - or, And will soon be gone ; Si :t=t: ^^ B tiS: 0-^ I ^ if-ufczzf: ^ ^ qFTf? -SHr- ^ =§=«*=*; Rich in stores of pelf, Thou art mightier far, O'er thy passions' sway, Yet thine hon-or shall be great - er, Than the warrior the' he con - qaer, God shalt give thee shining lau - rels, If thou rule thy - self. In the fiorc-est war. That shall last for aye. •»••»•■»■ ^ ^-^^ SpiriUd. "Let as gljt thanks onto the Lord." 139 JOHN MORRISON, P :C; 1. Al-might - 7 Lord of glo - ry, Our praise to Him we bring, And chant our country's sto - ry,\Vhos« 2. With half of heav'n a -.bove us, An o - cean on each hand, We've room for all who love us, And 3. In pal- ace or in pris - on. Our fea - ti - val i3 j^ne, The ^ wit-ness Christ is ris - en, Good I •#■ -fi^ ^te ^^ -(2- ^jr-HH m=:: ■«-^ ^ -J-J-4^ 5lfe ^^^ ^ i^ #- jF ? i ^ -r »■ • - # f=f=^ -> E? God a-lone ia King, His outstretched arms sustaining, Behold the May flow'r come ; His mercy fore-or- join our brother band, Praising the great all giv - er, Our home feast we dis- play ; And ev-er and for- will for men be-gun ; Our hearts one hope re - joi - ces, Our souls in con-cert play ; 'Mid songs of choral ^^ W { it-->- X ^-^-^ ir^i tfft 5 i ?Eizp: .^^^LJ^ - G - ' U ^ «^ ^ f F P' -©-*- ?=p=f dain ev ■ vol - ing, Our land for free-dom's home, His mer-cy fore-or-dain-ing, Our land for ir, Keep free Thanksgiving day, And ev - er and for - ev - er, Keep free Th freedom's home. er, ivcep tree inantsgiving aay. Ana ev - er ana lor - ev - er, iveeptree Thanksgiving day. ces, God bless Thanksgiving day, 'Mid songs of choral voi-ces, God bless Thanksgiving day. ^ jT^ f J . ,., L MJ- ; , I ii i^^* r - i s rn — rt ^ 140 If n LOVE Kit. *• JOHJf XIV, 15, and XV, 12. » let and 2nd measures to be chanted by a single voice. J. R, M. I m S N 3 ^ n These are the words of Jesus, Hearken and o ■ If ye love me keep my com-mand - ment, If ye ^^ ^^ ?^ m ±± ^ ■he "^ ^ r f -^ 34=4 9 ^- Cr - ^-^ love me keep my commandment, If ye love me, if ye love me, Keep my commandment, And m ^=t 1 ^A s ^^ ^^ ta 1 — r [y i ^li i if^-^ ^^^^i^ -#-T- this is my commandment, That ye love one an-oth - er, that ye love one an - oth - er, as tl t^ tL p t- =i=Fr fe* ^i: f: ^ ^ ss S r Yt LOVt H' CONCLUDED. 141 ^ I have lov'd you, This is my commandment, that ye love one an - oth - er, That i^ f-nf^-tr£ t 2e; 1^^ I^^^TiTi j^N -j-Hli-i" J , 1 J. 'M^U: ^ ^ ye love one an - oth - er as S ^-^ ^ T have lov - ed -f /» « 0- you Love one aa - oth - er. ^ 142 Wiijil CiiILD 15 THIS? (Christmas Carol.) Old English. ^^ ifc & 1. What child is this, who, laid to rest, On Ma - ry's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with 2. Come bring Him incense, gold and myrrh,Come, peasant, king to own Him ; The King of Kings sal - £ iS^S -/tj- =5TS=e ;^»- =?^^ F=^^^Y"^Ji||^.|jqp-:jr-^ a an-thems sweet, While shepherds watch are keep-ing ? This, this is Christ, the King ; whom, va - tion brings ; Let lov-ing hearts en-throne Him ; Kaise, raise the song on high, The ^ . -^ ^ *- -^ £ '^m -t — * 5 ^. r t r K' ^m ^ :?= I »?f - J-^^^^ 3 m -g:^'=*^.^^#^i-^^ri 11 shep-herds guard and an-gels sing ; Haste, haste, to bring him laud, The Babe, the Son of Ma - ry. Vir - gin sings her lul - la - bj', -^ ^^ PS^ ?=i^ Joy, joy, for Christ is born. The Babe, the Son of Ma - ry. — F-* — U— :p=c m ^ i k l^irited. 5IN5 Of ItSlJS. " To Him be glory forever." 143 •» ^1 i Sing With Thro' r—f Je - 8U8, Sin^ for - ev - er, ^0- 5=i? -«- -St m^m of Je - 8U8, Sin^ for - ev - er, Of the love that chan-ges nev - His blood the Lord hath bought them, When they knew Hira not, he sought the des - eii; Je - sus leads them, With the bread of Heav'n he feeds er, them, them, I: S -»- ~<9- r-f -Tsr ^ :$r 1-^ 5r Who, or what from Him shall sev - er, Those And from all their wan-d'ringa brought them, His And thro' all their ways He leads them, To be makes his own. the praise a - lone, their home a - bove. ^ ^ i ^=^ ^ =F WiM, wt TflUNk mtt. -&-^ m hh .* I 1. Fath-er we thank thee, For all th,y wond'rous love. Leading us gently, To thy dear home above I 2. Still may we ev - er. Be under tli}' dear care, Walking by waters And pastures sweet and fair l__«-U « • ._- M • « • * — « # It. 9 ■r^ a^k}!. ^ ^r ^ tJ^J^ ^ 144 GLORY 10 ]n (Eead Rev. th; 9.) B. EVA J. MYERS ^m ^ g~»! — 9- nt 3=3: ^ :Sat i ^5S f ^ — » 1 1. Hark I the notes of an - gels, siiig - ing, Glo-ry, glo - ry to the Lamb! All in heav'n their 2. Filled with ho - ly em - u - la - tion, We u - nite with those a - bove; Sweec the theme, a 3. End-less life in him poe- ses- sing, Let us praise his pre - cious name ; Glo - ry, hon - or, F m ^ I I r — - r I ' ' "L r ' i" Ti " m ^ ^^ :^ ChOBD3. ^S= p^^^^;^ v^— * y-r -#-r- =;? trib - ute bringing, Eais ing high the Sav-ior's name. free sal va - tion, Fruit of ev - er - lasting love. ^ Chil - dren join the au - gel cho - rus, pow'r and bless ing, Be for - ev - er to the Lamb. £ **■ r ^ ^ ^ gi=E a -0-^ s r r r r i As they sing his praise a - bove ; Join, O join in songs to Jesus, Who is all re-deeming love. :?: ^5-.^^^^ J ^=+: ^ ^j^-^-r: rr-'i^ ^m F=N - 1 1 rT TP^^^^rlir^T i II 15 NOT ]\H TilAI fLItS. 145 ' For what la onr lite." « ^^ ^ i^ i I f * i S i 1? * d _t is not time that flies _. It is not tmth that flies 3. It is not hope that flies ; 4. Yet we but die to iive^ 'Tis we, 'tis we are fly - ing. 'Tis we, 'tis we are fly - ing. 'Tis we, 'tis we are fly - ing. It is from death we're fly - ing. ^ r r L — r—r- It is not life that It is not faith that It is not love that For - ev - er lives our ^ • -^ -^ -^ 1 £ f. I f '' r '' I g ^ m a E It L_^< \ ^ * W/ I ^S j J' l n^j ;ij j =M^ #=^^j^ iO^fc TT~^ dies dies dies li^ 'Tis we, 'tis wo dy mg. 'Tia we, 'tis we are dy - mg. 'Tis we, 'tis we are dy - ing. For us there is no dy - ing. Time and e - ter - ni - ty are one, Time 0, ev - er dur - ing faith and truth, Whose Twin streams that have in heav'n your birth, Ye We die but as the spring bu 1 dies, In ^m ^^ ^ ^^ is e - ter - ni - ty be-gun, Time changes but without de-cay ; 'Tis we a - lone who pass a-way. youth is age, whose age is youth, Twin stars of im-mor-tal - i - ty ; Ye can-not per - ish from our sky. glide in gen ■ tie joy thro earth, We fade like flow'rs beside you sown, Yeare still ev- er flowing on. summers golden joy to rise, These be our days of A - pril bloom,Our Ju - ly is be-yond the tomb. * * h. ♦ ♦ ♦ . ♦ f ^ r rr f i t ;;tiL tf T i t rri^ir rr rr i a ^f tf t=^ *-!- r — ;7-r i46 mt (jtNiLt siiiiioti cms. •'Suffer little children to come." i 5 ^ « ^f=? 1. The gen - tie Sav - ior calls 2. "Let them ap - proach," He cries, b %-^t t-f fc^& The chil - dren to hig breast; He ' Nor scorn their hum - ble claim ; The ^ ^ -f- -^ -f. -^2- ♦ f. W f W \ P ' ^~ fe^ l=i 3t:i S ^w- /?s /rs /TN /^ ^m ^ folds them iu His gra - clous arms, Himself de-clares them blest. hear himsay-ing: heirs of heav'n are such as these, For such as these I came. 1^-* — r-^ t i T=r ^ r^^f^ s ^ 1 i £ f f- REFEArKT. Alhgretto Moderato. i ^ ^ 5 1 — r £ ^ ^ ^ tf * # -^ — * g. ^ ' 5 — 3 — 3 — •> — 1^ — W-'-T^ — *i — # Suf-fer lit - tie chil-dren to come unto me, Suf-fer lit- tie chil-dr en, Suffer lit - tie children, —>s U- 1 try ^ 4= =^ I t / / t h zzifi : 1 S « >J • 1- m (jtHILt SAVlOli C /ILLS. -CONCLUDED. 147 J J J-^ | .^>^;:jz] ; r^ ^ n /ij: I • 'T t :-tr ^ -P-V Suf-fer lit - tie children and for - bid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Hear'n. F n g p n p ^ 1 ^ ^ *r 1 ,i^ c c c ^^^ a± i r stmtuct-Htk vt mt lord. r^^ H. A. LEWIS. i-nfr;j i j j-^ j^ -4- s ^ ?^=|: r ^'-' ^'^^ ^ it=5: ^- r 1. Seek ye the Lord white he maybe found; Call ye up - on him while he is uear^ J, ^ / / . g^ i T ~ ra : i tJ: g^ h=t h^ I g *-l — #- Seek ye the Lord, i*^ ^ -£ 0- Seek ye the Lord, * Call ye up • on him while he is near. t: — J" T ■ * # , # T£ I £ c± =9: f m BVANaEIiUS. nut 'They that sow in tears shall rtap In Joy," * II3ES ?a i ^ ^ ±±: ^-7- ^-^ ^r^ » • » ' * g — g -''" ^ — Ij — * ^ m v -w — • • err— ar 1. Go, Christian lab rer, sow thy seed, The Master bids thee go ; Be faithful still in word and deed, Be- 2. Thou humble worker for the Lord, Thou tearful, hopeful oue,Each day shall bring its sweet reward, The 3. O loving toiler in God's fleld,Soon thou must cease to sow.But thou shalt have a glorious yield,For W¥^ -f—*- &S fefefefef ^ m ^ •#- - ' 0- * •• Pi D ' n -i — II ! r-rr^. r ^^ r r r side all wa-ters sow; Press on 1 glad fruits shall flU thy path.Whlch time can-not destroy. For they that sow In psalin of peace," Well done.'Press on I still high - er ^ood shall ope To thee la blest employ: For they that sow In all thy work below; Press on! look up I thy home a-bove Hath bliss with - out al-loy; For they that sow tn e^ ...£-1 |a m ^;=^ I^Hft- P-g f fh C3 ^^ r?=f ^ ^ i^X3N !^^ Si ? 3tt* ■*+* tears of faith. Shall reap In pre-seat .)<>y. tears of hope. Shall reap In-creae-lnK joy, tears of tore. Shall reap In heav'alyjoy. ^ f=^ ; — 21 ^ ■»" For they that sow In tears of faith. Shall reap In pres-ent Joy. For they that sow In tears of hope. Shall reap In - creas-lng Joy. For they that sow in tears of love. Shall reap In heav'nly Joy. ^ fz ± ^ ^Vo^«l« by T. W, T. IT 15 I, Bt PI AfMlll. " Lo, I amirtth jon al^ay." 149 * p% ' nji )i a^^ ^k^ ^^ m^ m 1. When life's stonn is fierce a-bout tuee, And thy hopes areswept away, Fear thou not, for one is near thee 2. When dia- ease shall come upon thee. And thy days are full of pain, Still thy Savior is beside thee 8. And although thy jvay ahalllead thetf. Thro' the gloom of death's dark vale. Still the Lord's right band shall hold t'jeo 3aHF^= £=fej^ g@^ f-T-f^- =e=f: -w: -M± te=£ =f=f=f^ ^i ^^ a^ ^ s^ i m m t=i ^=? *=r *-^ • -i •}• Who the wildest elonn can stay; For the Lord Is in the tempest And his arm shall give thee atd.nearhls voice irMch And his poWrcan heal a - KalUt Since His Ilewho^ordstUy pDlow, Let thy beai't be un-dis-may'd: llearhls voice stl'.l AadthystreoahehallaeT-er fall. Since Ue leads thee thro' the valley. Fear thou not Itscloomy shade; Hear his voice stlL f I r r i cs rrrM! - ^ 0^^ *T ^ ^^^ »-f- speaks to choer thee, speak to cheer thee, " It is I be not afraid.'' It is I, it is I, It is I be not afraid. speak to cheer thee. p f f v^ ^ 1^^ i. m 150 .H:-S tUlJSilLtW m (jOLOtd. (Read Rev. xxnu.) J. R. M. ^ h -I ^ f±:^^--!: P i i =^ =^ -*-. i ' I 1. Je - ru - 9a - lem the Gold - en, I lan-giiish for one gleam Of all thy glo - ry 2. Je - ru - sa - lem the Gold - en, There all our birds that llew, Our flow'rsbuthalf un- 3. Je - ru - sa - lem the Gold -en, I toil on day hy day, Heart sore each night with im^ -V -ai- jt ^. * « 9 — ■ — zi-' en, In dis - tance and in dream! My thoughts, like palms in ex en, Our pearls that turned to dew ; And all the glad life, mu ing, I stretch mv hands and pray That, midst Thy leaves of heal -r fold fold long -C2- ile. Climb sic. Now ing. My 9* -^ #* m. *=y "-f* r- r up to look and pray For a glimpse of that dear coun-try, That lies so for a - way. heard no lou - ger here, Shall come a - gain to greet us. As we are drawing near, soul shall find her rest, Where the wicked cease from troubling. The wea - ry are at rest. Choecs. ttillSHtM m 5 OLtitN, -CONCLUDED. t$l »H fV^ 1 1 U: — / i , . \ 1 h 1 ' ] 1 >- T p^ — 4 — #— ^ — — # — . ^_ * •- — — ?, — ' d 1 4 ^ — « — #-- . - — * # — #— — #— W • • * y^ : ^ + tf ' Je • i u M , ru - * • sa - lem the Gold 1 — 9- • eu, S- My hoi)€, my heav'n, ■0. -^ my JL lome ; W ^ With f^'f -F— — «— ? — tf • — * — a — —*— — 1 1 — 1 1 \^ ^ 1 i i r " ' r ! ' , ' - . 1 — i • ■ i -4 1 1— ^ 1 L m 1 sougs m -9 w r ^ ^ of joy and sweet — ♦ — ' ^ 9 "-^ ^ em - ploy. To Thee, to Thee we come. B=t i ^ MjiRlON. 83, Is & 6s. S ■f^ I ^^3:t:=3[^ ^ 33 ^-y ^ while thy flock is feeiiincr. Take these latnbsin thine arms, Now for shelter plead- storm of life is tow'ring Night and day beasts of prey, Lurking and de-vour - ev' - ry grace com- bin-in ?.Kecp these lambs in thine arms, On thy brca«t reclin - ^ JL t: J^M. ♦ I *^^. - Shep-herd While the Shepherd, ing. ing, inff. ^§ f^7i=^ ^^-f- r -f- £ ^ 152 Words by T. \?V. T. T«t Rock or OlJll SUCTION. (Bead Matt, vn-24.) J. R. M. O, may the house you build, But if up - on the sand, ThenbailJ, build your hopes, Be on th« firm rock founded, And then it ne'er shall You build your fu - ture dwell-ing, 'Twill sure -ly yield and Up - on the rock of A - ges, And you shall nev - er ^ #• ■^ n -©-1- £E£ move, When by the storm surrounded ;Tho'winds and floods may rage,Their pow'r shall shake it never, 'Tis falljWhen floods are round it swellinof; For shift-iug saud can make, A firm foundation nev - er. And fear, How - e'er the tem-pest ra - ges ; For Christ the Lordshall be Our ev - er sure foun-da-tion, Our •^* -*- #• -^ _ •*• -G- m _ . _ _ . S*- « « - -# — 0- -±=3fiZ J^ m :p ■ts--- i ^ i Refeaik. 5* n &s -jUir ^ ^ — ^i^T founded on a rock. And so shall stand for - ev - er. when the storm shall come, Your house will fall for - ey - er. strength, our safe re-treat, The rock of our sal - va-tion. ijra; _3^ For Christ, the liv-inof rock alone shall I ^ mt dock OF OUR SHVUTION-concluoed. 153 ri: iE^ i ^ -KT ZgLWL :^ ±tL M^ ^ • — r^-o w — I — b« our sure foun-da tion, Our hope,ourstrength,our safe retreat, The rock of our sal - va - tion. m -^ -f-T -«>- ■ !■ I T fiUHtH, I COWt 10 Tflit. MTorde by T. W. T. ' ' ' ' ' ' " Before they call I wlU answfi, and wbUe Ibey are yet speaking I win hear." BELLE. i lE m: =i^;^~j= ^ s ^5 — — , thee, For thou hast promised me Ev - ev to way, And still where-e'er I stray, Wilt thou'be go, Some work for thee to do, Some fruit to 1* hear; Thou know'st how- near ; Turn me from bear; And when life's K * 1. Fath - er, 1 come to 2. Yet torn not thou a 3. Help me where-e'er I PS ^' •0- :^ :^=?t 4-f- f^ ■■t==t? -IS-^ 1 ^ ^m St=*¥ tS: ' — ** — oft I Stray, Far from paths of f?ln Back to work is o'er, Bear me H iMt- thy fold a - way, Grieving thee ev' - ry day, Oh 1 Fath-er dear. thy fuld a - ^'•ain, Make me all pure within, Oh ! Father dear. to that blest shore. Where sin shall be no more, Oh! Fath-er dear. #■ #. ^ t^ *-••■, M."^^ .#-■ -i» 1= 1 - r ' >i a r-H • 1 1 r— «— :^==t ^ ^ '^ i^Y pt) nni v^ift m luu away. "Words by E, E. REXFORD. rREAD Kev. vn: 16-17) J. R. M. fc a fiK # Of all God's tender prom - ia - es, To pil-grims wearj* in the way, There is no sweet-er It makes my heart grow strong again, To bear its burdeus while it may, Earth's losses will be Oh, pil - grim wea-ry grown, and faint,Bear up a little while, I pray.The heaviest cross makes Oh God, thy prom-is-es aresweet. Like balm to bleeding hearts are they, But this my lips will ^^-xr ^ fiA-j J' J J' m -A'- ¥ iQirT liiS^fc ^ It^-Jt -*-*- one than this. That he shall wipe all tears a - way. >. Heav-en's gain, When God has wiped all tears a - way. I All tears a - way I All tears a-way I My glad - est saint, When God has wiped all tears a - way. j most re-peat. For God shall wipe all tears a - way. ^ ^^ * ^ - - - -^' ^ r^ f f=? ^ God shall wipe all tears away ; All tears away ! All tears a-way 1 My God shall wipe all tears away. ^■P- ■»- ■»- -a- -i- -0- ■»- r^ _ -l—P (5 *-T ■ ^ * V * - f— ^ =S=f ^-H^ -V^ Tilt mjn CROSS. 155 Words by MRS. M, B. C SLADE. 4& from "School FcstlTal," by penniislob. »• The Lord Is King and hatu put on jnonons apparei.' Have a lar^e moss or eyer^reen cross, fixed flrmly upon a table; have naila In It to recelTO the wreaths aad garlands. Har* a Njr'jatii o» thorns bacglngupoatbe cross. ^ > y^ '^ •For the 5th and 6th lines of last ver^e " While glad we 8lng,'4«. A litUe girl goes to the cross, removes the tkorn vtreath and places a wreath of white narcii&XLS* ir\ its place, toying : T?hi8 day no thorn-crowned cross of pain Must tell our hearts of Jesus, slain ; ' VVe take away the crown of thorns ; Now, Sharon's rose* the cross adorns. Second girl carnes a wreath of green leaves, and 'fangs it on the cross, saying : I bring the soft, green leaves that say, Earth has her resurrection day. Thek fresh, glad hues I now employ, To wreathe the cross of pain with joy. A third girl carries anemones, saying : I bring the Paschall flower that blooms When Spring's glad Easter morning comes, The Pasque-flower breathes this low sweet strain, " All things that die shall live again." Fourth girl with red flowers, says : My flowers have hue like that sad tide, That flowed from Jesus' wounded side ; We weep because he died, and then Bejoice, that he bath risen again. Fifth girl with white floivers, sayt : !My flowers are white, but purer, far. Was He, than snowy blossoms are ; i/ ■^ > ^ use last four measures of the mnsle. Lord make our souls as white as Thine, That we, above with Thee may shine. Sixth girl with yellow flow tn-, says : My flowers aie like the crown of gold. That the Beloved did behold Upon the risen brow that wore The platted crown of thorns, before. Seventh girl with blueflower&, says. My flowers are of the lovely hue That smiles in heavenly hii Us of blue, Where seek the children's i msing eyes, The risen Lord, beyond the tkles. Many very Utile ones scattering flowera at the fottl of the cross. Around the cross glad flowers we spread, For he hath risen from the dead I He loved the children when below; He loves them now, in Heaven we know. All sing, or say: Dear Lord, the shining angels said. Seek not the living with the dead : We wreathe the cross, our hearts we wreathe. Our hearts, like flowers, sweet incense breathe; While glad we sing this joyous strain. He lived, He died, He rose again. * The Rose of Sbaton of the Scriptures, was the Narclsso*. t56 Words by T. W, T. TO HIM m/ii oi/tficoiwtifl- (Bead Eev. ni-12-21.) J. R. M. P ? 3^ I* iSfe i 5 S ■*l-r- 3 S§ ^^ S^^ ^ 1. Faint thou not, O wea-ry Chri8tian,Gird a-new thine ar-mor on. Think of all that doth a- wait thee, 2. Fal - ter not, for God shall give thee Shining robes of spotless white, And a throne with him in heaven, 3. Thou Shalt drink of liv-ing wa-ters, Flowing by the tree of life, In that fair and blessed cit - y 2±Sff PP^ r=^ t m r^~r^. rrr-r-r •f ii I 1 — 1 — r ■h-l • ^ ^ J I ^ — I — "I — \ ^-rd 4 ^ :ftjMi i:y^^5^=f= -TSt- *— i: =^=^ ^ ji=± "When the vie - fry shall be won ; For to him that o - ver-com-eth Fight-ing in life'* K thou con-quer in the fight ; He shall be thy God for-ev - er. Thou shalt be to Where they know not pain or strife; Since such joys are set be-fore thee, Press thou on tte gp^ r^ *^ ^ -#-^ T 9- 1^ I - -» r A , k^ i ^ I A.^ J • • « • * ' f s "^ ' ;• m. ' J . f L - /?^ ff ' Vm • lis.'. A. y '-9 i i • * 1 !■ •V>u ■ w* * « - 1 «' L on - ward way. He make; ne-.v God's keep-ing,The future his \ "T"-' — # — # # — T—0 #— scenes to a -rise. mercy will clear. • ■-; — m 1 . ♦ f ^ ::o I go So I go 1 — 0— on, not knoiving, on, not knowing, —0 . «-r- > 1 I I *^>^? ». a ^: E— Hs ar- — 3 — g: g j ' 1* • > ^ L ;_y-n<*' .. ^ ■ n; A m 1 "^ ' ' '■ i ^ 1 * 1 ■ — . ^ — ;^ ,■&.•. L_^i — '0 — '0- 'i> k I ^ m E$ -#-r^ 3t:2 # . # -5»-7- ^._. # . 50^0-nt- -if^r0- m woald not know if I might: I'd rath-er walk with my God in the dark Than go a-lone in the light. t^ ^ ■ \ 0Z ^*=#= I3SriDE2^. AM I COMING 7 ALL IS WELL 62 AS THY DAYS THY STRENGTH SHALL BE 66 ABIDE WITH ME 103 AND THEY SHALL SEE HIS FACE 42 Angel Bands in Strains Sweet Sound- ing 102 AND JESUS SAID 15 AS THOSE THAT WATCH FOR THE DAY 63 ANGEL WATCHERS 94 ALMIGHTY LORD OF GLORY.. 139 BLESSED RIVER 17 BLESSED ARE THEY. .^. . . . 114 By and By Beyond the River 44 Bathed in Unfailing Sunlight 43 BLESSED JESUS 57 BLESSED WORDS OF JESUS. . 37 BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH 129 Beautilul Mansion, Home of The Blest 93 Be Thou Exalted, O my God 21 Children of The Heavenly King. CROWNED WITH LIGHT. CHRISTIAN, DOST THOU SEE THEM CHILD JESUS COMES 116 Come ye Children Join to Sing. ... 46 CHRIST LEADS ME THRO' NO DARKER ROOMS 79 COME AND JOIN US 88 COME UNTO ME 131 Come let us Join our Cheerful Songs. 34 Children, listen to the Call 88 EVENING PRAYER 16 EVERMORE 86 EVERYTHING FOR JESUS 55 FATHER, WE THANK THEE. 143 For me my Father Calls 42 Faint Thou not, O Weary Christian. 156 Fort 1 From The Throne of Glory. . 17 FATHER I COAIE TO THEE. ... 153 F?.de, Fade Each Earthly Joy 6 Friends, We Meet You Once Again. 28 GOD IS VERY NEAR 47 GLORY TO THE LAMB. ... 144 Gone, in her Childlike Purity e^ God is MarshalUng His Army 8 GOD SHALL CHARGE HIS AN- GEL LEGIONS 83 Gird ye for the Toilsome Day 95 Go, Christian Laborer, Sow Thy Seed 148 Heart, is it Well with Thee zai HE CARETH FOR THEE. 4 HE.'^D OF THE HOSTS IN GLORY : .. 67 HIS BOUNDLESS LOVE 91 HATHORN.. 105 He is The Shepherd 109 Hark, the Notes of Angels Singing. 144 HELP US 49 HOSANNA TO HIS NAME.... 73 HEAVEN WITHIN 104 Home, Happy Home on High.... 85 Have You Heard 130 Hark, The Herald Angels Sing .... 22 Hear The Gentle Shepherd 23 INVOCATION 25 -L IN HEAVENLY LOVE ABI- DING 99 I SHALL BE SATISFIED 108 IF YE LOVE ME 140 IT IS I, BE NOT AFRAID 149 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. 120 If With Sin You'i e Overcast 30 I See not the Path Before Me 157 I KNOW I LOVE JESUS 33 I WILL FEAR NO EVIL 107 I'M BUT A LITTLE LAMBKIN.' iii IT IS NOT TIME THAT FLIES. 145 In the Narrow Streets and Alleys. . 123 IN GOD'S OWN HANDS 157 In trouble and sorrow tojesus I'll Fle^'. 33 IISriD ESI— Continued. JESUS IS MINE 6 J JKSUS ONLY 35 JF.SUS TENDER SHEPHERD HEAK ME 96 JKSUS THE VERY THOUGHT OF THEE 100 JiJST AS GOD LEADS ME ri3 jj.RUSALEM THE GOLDEN.. 150 Jcsus when He Lived on Earth. 37 J< rusilem Mv Happy Home 80 IeSUS CALLS, HE SPEAKS TODAY 27 JESUS HAIL ENTHRONED IN GLORY 76 JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN TO- DAY 98 Ji;SUS OF NAZERETH PASS- ETH BY...; no JliSUS .MEEK AND GENTLE.. 125 Just as I am without one Pl«a.... 60 e.sus Lover of my Soul 58 KEEP A LIGHT IN THE WINDOW 18 LOOKING TO JESUS n LIGHT OF THE WORLD.. 61 LITTLE GLEANERS 126 LOOK UP WITH TEARLESS.. EYE 26 LET THEM COME TO ME.... -3 LEAD ME TO THEE o^ LAMB OF CALVARY 82 LORD GOD WE WORSHIP THEE 39 MY HAPPY HOME MY GOD AND MY ALL.. MY GOD SHALL WIPE ALL TE.ARS AWAY MARION MY F.ATHER'S HOUSE IVTot here, not where the Spark- -'■^ ling Waters Now to the Lord a Noble Song. . . . OYe Who Have Homes of Plenty OUR LAST GRAND CAMP- ING GROUND OVER THE STARRY WAY O LET US BE FAITHFUL ONLY ONE CROSSING OVER. . O HEAR THE ANGELS SING.. O Jesus, Fold me in Thine Arms. . O When the Hours of Life Are Past O'er the Hills the Sun is Setting. . ONE DAY NEARER O LAMB OF GOD O PARADISE O JESUS THOU THE BEAUTY ART O SHALL I SING Out upon Life's Restless Ocean. . . . O Eyes That are We^ry O May The House You Build O Come for the Master is Calling. . Of A:l God's Tender Promises On -A Pelibly Shore O Why Art I'hou Idle To-day O Way Over Jordan •. . . . PURER YET PRAISE HIM Pressing Onward in your Calling- .. 8oj PRESS ON 148 75 1 PILGRIM BEND THY FOOT- STEPS ON 77 154 POOR 58 151 45 108 91 53 50 54 72 lOI 120 16 10 52 52 60 71 112 122 106 II 152 132 154 50 56 ^33 13 102 41 PRAISE THE LORD, YE HEAV- ENS ADORE HIM 70 REST YONDER 33 RING OUT MERRY BELLS 90 RING, RING THE BELLS 78 Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers 139 Sweetly to my Soul O'er Burdened Stoop to me Lofty and Lowly One SONGS OF PRAISE SWEETLY SING SONG OF THE ANGELS SUN OF MY SOUL STILL WITH THEE SING MY LORD Sweet Sabbath School, Place Dear to Me Savieur Like a Shepherd Le-^d Us . SWEET LAND OF THE BLEST. STRONG SWEET SABBATH HOME SING HIS PRAISE SOWING BESIDEALLWATERS SEEK YE THE LORD Shepherd While Thy Flock is Feed- ing Songs of Praise the Angels Sang. . SING OF JESUS T lucre's a Band of Angel Watchers THE \RMYOFTIIELORD.. THE GOOD AND THE TRUE.. 66 25 3 19 22 40 89 13s 3t 57 3« 46 123 U7 151 3 94 8 ao 'HISri3!H]IXl— Continued. THE NEW JERUSALEM 43 THERE'S A WORK FOR YOU TO DO 56 THERE ISA BLESSED HOME.. 69 The Fields are White for the Harvest 126 THIS IS NOT YOUR REST.... 95 THE LAND BREEZE 106 TAKE HOLD OF MY HAND DEAR SAVIOUR 115 THEY THAT BE WISE 124 THE MASTER IS CALLING. ... 132 THOU MAY'ST BE A MIGHTY RULER ig8 THANKSGIVING HYMN 139 THE EASTER CROSS. 155 There is a Place of Waveless Rest. 45 Trustingly.Trustingly, Jesus to Tnee 35 T^is Day No Thorn Crowned Cross of Pain., 155 TO HIM THAT OVERCOMETH 156 The Lord is my Refuge and Strength 134 Phis is not my Place of Resting. ... 32 Two Little Lambs in the Upper Fold. 127 Tho' no Slave May Bow Before Thee 138 THE MELLOW EVE IS GLID- ING 12 TELL IT TO THE LORD 30 THERE'S A SONG IN THE AIR. 48 THE SHADOWS OF THE EVE- NING HOURS 68 'TIS SWEET TO REST MY FAITH ON THEE 74 THE KING OF LOVE MYSHEP- HERDIS 84 IHE PURE, THE LIGHT, THE BEAUTIFUL 06 THE GOOD SHEPHERD 109 I TO THEE O BLESSED SAVIOR THE SUN BRIGHT CLIME. . . . THE SUNDAY SCHOOL THERE ISA LAND MINE EYE HATH SEEN THE GENTLE SAVIOR CALLS THE ROCK OF OUR SALVA- TION Tho' the Way Seems Long and Dreary They are Waiting for us There The Lord My Shepherd Is THERE'S A LAND BEYOND JORDON THE DAY IS ENDED These are the words of Jesus UNDER HIS WINGS. UNTO ME 119 130 136 137 146 152 107 86 105 128 65 140 134 53 133 4 ■yiEW THE LAND » Voyager O'er Life's Rough Tide WE COME WITH LOUD AC- CLAIM, 5 WELOVETHEE 24 WHY SHOULD I WAIT 29 WHAT SHALL I SAYTO DAY. . 38 WILL THAT NOT JOYFUL BE 59 WHAT WILT THOU HAVE ME TO DO 113 WHAT CHILD IS THIS 142 WE SHALL SIT AT JESUS FEET 44 We'll not Neglect the Sunday School 136 While I on Earth Abide 61 When His Salvation Bringing 73 WE PASS BUT ONCE THIS WAY 64 iWAITING FOR YOU 127 I We Love Thee, We Love Thee.. 24^ WH.A.T CAN I GIVE TO JESUS. r4 WE MEET YOU ONCE AGAIN. 2* WORTHY THE LAMB 34 WORK— REST 41 WHO ARE THESE LIKE STARS APPEARING 92 WHAT WILL THYRECORD BE 121 "V^Tien With Sin Distressed Sa We Press on o'er life's rugged Path- way 104, When life's storm is fierce about Thee : i4<> Why should we Love the ways of Stn 55 Why sheuld we think of Death .... c6 We are Travelers on a Journey tej. What meajis this eager, Anxious Throng iia When tossed on life's Tempestous Tide 74 When the buds of spring are opening 47- Whatever Our Station 30 VTONDER'S MY HOME CHRISTMAS MUSIC. 85 THERE'S A SONG IN THE AIR ^i. RING, RING THE BELLS 78- RING OUT MERRY BELLS 90 CHILD JESUS COMES n6 O ! HEAR THE ANGELS SING 120 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear.. 122 WHAT CHILD IS THIS 140 SONG OF THE ANGELS 22- Hark the Herald Angel's Sing ^z THE CHEAPEST MT'SICAL PLBLICATIOXS IX THE ^VORLD I NINE Numbers of this popular series of Music Books are now ready. Each miraber containa from eight-^n to twenty -four pieces of choice new music — forty-eight pages — sheet music size, neatly bound in colored covers, tonning by far the cheapest collections ol music ever ptiblished. The iTUSICAXi ALBUMS are printed on fine white paper from full sized music plates, and each piece is compUtt and correct. The following numbers are now ready, and will be mailed, post-paid, to any address on receipt of fifty cents each. COKTTElSrTS OF BTIA.I3>3"^AJR.3:>S' I-IXXSICA-X. >^IL,BXJ3yCS. Jfo. l.—Sig'hteen Voctil and Inttrumental ^iecet.— Down '' Isolina Waltz; Fa-ist_March ; Cricket Waltz; II Bacio Polfea; Even- by the Biver side; As I'd ni^thing else to do; I'm dying. Mother, [ dying; Bright Things can never die; Oh, Ast me not; Eedowa de | Paris; My love is gone to battle; Somebody's Darling; Angels listen , ■when she speaks ; Over the Sea ; Song of the Skylark ; 11 Bacio Valse ; Strike the harp Waltz ; St. Paul March ; Shadow Dance ; Why do Snm- , mer Boses fade? Faust Waltz; Wedding Bells March. No. 3. — Ttcentt/ Choice Somg^ and ^HmrUtte*, — Do yon think of the days that are gone, Jennie? Hearts and Homes ; I i have loved Thee; Angel Footsteps ; Kobin Adair; Mother's Song; I Alone in the Lane; They tell me I am quite Forgot; Night brings , OTit the Stars ; When the purse ia full; O where art thou; Evening Mnsicon the Waters; I've no Mother now; Little drooping Flower; I Those other Times, Morning Waketh; O, bay of Dublin; Bonnie Dundee ; Castles in the air ; How can I leave Thee? 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Jfo. 5. — JBighteen Beautiful Piano-forte J»<«c««. — Violet Crown Mazurka; Home, Sweet Home; Fairy Sprite Schottische; ing Bells Quickstep ; Fairy Tales ; Recreation March ; Mabel Maztirka; \ Rainbow Waltz; Abingdon Waltz; W&ston's March; Silver Star Waltz; Happy Sprite Polka. Opal Mazurka. ICo. %.— Twenty Beautiful Sacrtd Quartette; with Fian* •r Org'an Jteotnpaniment , — There's Nothing True but Heaven; Come; Behold how good ; Ah! this Life, 'tis but a Vapor; Let ZiOD in her King rejoice; Come, said Jesus' Sacred Voice; Father, I own thy Voice: Cast thy burden on the Lord; Evening Hj-mn; Guide I me. Oh Thou Great Jehovah; Lord, Thou who call'xt us ; Abide ! with me; God of Israel; The Turf shall be my Sacred Shrine; When I our Heads are bowed with Woe; Give Glory to God; The Lord is in ' His Holy Temple ; Be Thou exalted. Oh my God ; The spacious Fir- mament on High ; Be Joyful ia God. TSo.T .—^'Intteen Son^t and Pimno J»i«««».— Elenore ; Drift- ing Away; NelUe Schottische; Kate O Shane; Sweetest EyesPi'lka; Starlight .Mazurka; Dream, Baby, Dream ; Voung Folks Polka; I love to hear thy gentle Voice ; Merrily, Merrily, I pass the time ; I bruit a bridge of Fancies; Little Finger Kedowa; United States Victory March; 'Tis Sweet to lookback sometimes; Fire Bell Galop; Hereme- Un; Early Dawn Schottische; Don't frown on me, Darl:ng; Garnet Schottisch. Xo. S. — jyineteen Popular Cotnie and Sentin^ental Stngy.— Florence McBrile; On the Beach at Brighton ; You Bid Me Go; The Cork Leg: Why are You Wandering hsre, I Pray? 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