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We have represented to us in it, (1) The character of tha Godly ; how holy they are, abstaining from every temp- tation to, or appearance of evil ; and with pleasure me- ditating on, and endeavouring to fulfil, the whole law of (rod, ver. 1, 2, and hqw happy, planted in the nearest fellowship with Jesus, the River of life, they prosper in their lawful attempts : They never fall from their grace or profession ; and they shall stand with approbation at the judgment-s^at of God, ver. 3. (2.) The sinfulness and misery of the wicked: How different from, and con- trary to the godly, in their inclination, companions, exer- cises, and ends ! How light and unsubstantial, as chaff, and ready to be hurled by the storms of infinite wrath, into the depths of hell, as cast and condemned in the righteous judgment of God ! ver. 4, 5, (3.) The great reason of the happiness of saints, and of the misery of sinners. The Lord loveth the righteous, and observes and approves their inclinations and behaviour ; but, as an enemy, he brings destructive vengeance upon the wicked, ver. 6. ^f While I sing these important lines, let my soul lift up her eyes to that great pattern of per- fection, Jp:sds, the man of God's ri^ht hand, who was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners ; and who fulfil led all righteousness, magnified the law, and made it honourable for men, — for me. United to his person, clothed with his righteousness, and all in- ilatned and animated with his redeeming love, shed abroad in my heart, let me examine myself as in his sight ; let me walk in him as my way, and follow him as my Pat- tern and Guide: Let me, with solemn awe, look to, and prepare for his last, his eternal judgment ! 4 PSALM I. 1 That man hath perfect blessedness who walketh not astray In counsel of ungodly men, nor stands in sinner's way : Nor sitteth in the scorner's chair; 2 But plaeeth his delight Upon God's law, and meditates on his law day and night. 3 He shall he like a tree that grows near planted by a river, Which in his season yields his fruit, and his leaf fadeth never : And all he doth shall prosper well. 4 The wicked are not so ; But like they are unto the chaff which wind drives to and fro. 5 In judgment therefore shall not stand such as ungodly are ; Nor in th' assembly of the just shall wicked men appear. 6 For why ? the way of godly men unto the Lord is known : Whereas the way of wicked men shall quite be overthrown, PSALM II. Perhaps this Psalm relates partly to David's instalment on his throne, and the victories over his enemies which attended it. Compare Psalm xviii. 2. Sam. iii. v. viii. x. xviii. xx. But the whole of it respects Jesus our Re- deemer. Behold, (1.) The violent and harmonious, but unsuccessful opposition, which the Jews and Gentiles of PSALM II. 5 all ranks make to the person and redemption work of the #reat God my Saviour. Behold what ruin and woe they draw upon themselves by their attempts! ver. 1 — 5, 9. (2.) Behold how, notwithstanding all their raging malice and furious opposition, Jehovah instals our Redeemer King in his Church, and infallibly fixeth him on his throne ; avows him his only begotten Son, and gives unto him the Gentiles for his people ! ver. 6 — 8. (3.) Be- hold JKHOVAH's demand of serious consideration and fear of, joy in, and trust, obedience and lcve to his exalt- ed Son, ver. 9 — 12. ^f While I sing, let me remark the horrid nature of sin ; let me, with broken heart, be- wail my neglect of, and opposition to Jesus Christ. Let me, wiih wonder, bless his name, that I have not already perished in mine iniquity. Let me, with earnestness, ac- cept that once debased Redeemer, as my Saviour, my Sovereign, my Proprietor, my God, and my All. Let me learn to know him, rejoice in him, and with holy awe, commit my whole salvation, and the salvation of my country, nay, of all the ends of the earth to him. 1 Why rage die heathen ? and vain things why do the people mind ? 2 Kings of the earth do set themselves, and princes are comhin'd, To plot against the Lord, and his Anointed, saying thus, 3 Let us asunder break their bands, and cast their cords from us. 4 He that in heaven sits shall laugh ; the Lord shall scorn them all : 5 Then shall he speak to them in wrath, in rage he vex them shall. 6 Yet notwithstanding I have him to be my King appointed, 6 PSALM II. And over Sion, my holy hill, I have him King anointed. 7 The sure decree I will declare : the Lord hath said to me, Thou art mine only Son, this day I have begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and for heritage the heathen 111 make thine ; And, for possession, I to thee will give earth's utmost line. 9 Tliou shalt, as with a weighty rod of iron, break them all ; And as a potter's sherd thou shalt them dash in pieces small. 10 Now therefore, kings, be wise ; be taught, ye judges of the earth : 1 1 Serve God in fear, and see that ye join trembling with your mirth. 1 2 Kiss ye the Son, lest in his ire ye perish from the way, If once his wrath begin to burn : bless' d all that on him stay. PSALM III. Having beheld the royal dignity of my Redeemer, let me here behold the joy, the peace, the safety of the re- deemed amidst their distresses innumerable. Here David, dri\#m from his holy capita] and high throne, by his re- bellious son Absalom, (I.) Complains to his (iod of the number and malice of bis enemies, ver. 1, 2. (2.) lie encourageth himself in bis God, as the source and sub- ject-matter of his safety, joy, and honour, ver 3. (3.) He PSALM III. 7 recollects how, on former occasions, his troubles had driven him to his prayers ; how he had always found God ready to hear and grant his requests ; how safe and easy he had lived under his protection ; and how effectually he had broken the power, and restrained the malice of his enemies, ver. 4, 5, 7. (4.) Triumphantly trusting in God, as the salvation and blesser of his people, he silenceth all his fears, and pours forth his prayers for new protection and deliverance, ver. G, 8. ^j Think, my soul, of Jesus, who, when bulls of Ba^han compassed him about, trusted in God, that he would deliver him. In all my distress, let me pour out my heart before him, believing in him as God, even my God. Let me always rejoice in the great God my Saviour. Let me trust in him at all times, that as he hath delivered, and doth deliver, so he will deliver me. A Psalm of David, when he feed from Absalom his son. 1 O Lord, how are my foes increas'd ? against me many rise. 2 Many say of my soul, For him in God no succour lies. 3 Yet thou rny shield and glory art, the uplifter of mine head. 4 I cry'd, and from his holy hill the Lord me answer made. 5 I laid me down and slept, I wak'd, for God sustained me. 6 I will not fear though thousands ten set round against me be. 7 Arise, O Lord ; save me my God, for thou my foes hast stroke All on the cheek-hone, and the teeth of wicked men hast broke. 3 PSALM III. 8 Salvation doth appertain unto the Lord alone : Thy blessing, Lord, for evermore thy people is upon. PSALM IV. This Psalm was perhaps composed on the same occasion as the former, when David fled from Absalom his son. Here, (1.) David encouraged by former experience, casts his burden on the Lord, and supplicates a merciful deli- verance, ver. 1. (2.) Addressing himself to men, par- ticularly to his persecutors, he reproves their contempt of God and religion, their delight in, and practice of vanity, fraud, and falsehood. — Vie represents the happiness of saints in having God their protector, and ready to hear their requests. He recommends a holy filial awe of God, a careful abstinence from sin ; a composed trial of, and converse with their own heart, together with a devoting of themselves, and their conduct and substance to the Lord, ver. 2 — 5. (3.) To encourage them to the study of practical religion, he remarks what superlative satis- faction and rest himself had found in familiar fellowship with God, and in a believing dependence on him, ver. 6 — 8. ^f While I sing, let me have faith in God, as my own God in Christ Let me abhor that levity of mind, that deceitfulness, that earthly-mindedncss proper to the ungodly, and every remain thereof. Let my soul pant for Jehovah, and prefer him to every thing else. Let me, by faith, lay myself down in his arms, his bosom, as all my salvation and comfort. To the chief Musician on Nccjinolhy a Psalm of David, 1 Give ear unto me when I call, God of my righteousness : Have mercy, hear my pray'r, thou hast enlarged me in distress. PSALM IV. 9 2 O ye the sons of men, how long will ye love vanities ? How long my glory turn to shame 5 and will ye follow lies ? 3 But know, that for himself the Lord the godly man doth chuse : The Lord, when I on him do call, to hear will not refuse. 4 Fear, and sin not, talk with your heart on bed, and silent be. 5 OiTrings present of right'ousness, and in the Lord trust ye. G O who will show us any good ? is that which many say ; But of thy countenance the light, Lord, lift on us alway. 7 Upon my heart, bestow d by thee, more gladness I have found Than they, ev'n then when corn and wine did most with them abound. 8 I will both lay me down i/i peace, and quiet sleep will take : Because thou only me to dwell in safety, Lord, dost make. PSALM V. Here, (1.) The man according to God's heart, in the assured faith of God's hearing his prayers and hating hit sins, fixeth a daily, an early, an earnest, a steady, a grace- founded correspondence with God, in his ordinanc meditation, prayer, praise, &c. ver. 1 — 7. (2.) Behold him a2 10 PSALM V. humbly requesting God's special direction in duties which his enemies had rendered difficult to perform; — suppiicating and predicting the ruin of his implacable foes ; — and, in the assured faith of obtaining it, imploring comfort and prosperity to his fellow-saints, ver. 8 — 12. ■([ While I sing, let my heart and flesh cry out, and my soul pant and wait for the Lord. In the firm faith of infinite mercy to forgive all my crimes, and wash out all my sin- ful stains, let me blush at, and detest my own abomina- tions. Let me cultivate the closest familiarity with the Lord my God. Let my prayers correspond with his pro- mises, and with the particular conditions of myself or others. To the chief Musician upon Nehiloth, a Psalm of David. 1 Give ear unto my words, O Lord, my meditation weigh. 2 Hear my loud cry, my King, my God, for I to thee will pray. 3 Lord, thou shah early hear my voice ; I early will direct My prayer to thee, and looking up, an answer will expect. 4 For thou art not a God that doth in wickedness delight ; Neither shall evil dwell with thee, 5 Nor fools stand in thy sight. All that ill-doers are thou hat'st : 6 Cuttst off that liars he : The hloody and deceitful man abhorred is by thee. 7 Ent I into thy house will come in thine abundant grace : PSALM V. 11 And I will worship in thy fear toward thy holy place. 8 Because of those mine enemies, Lord, in thy right'ousness Do thou me lead ; do thou thy way make straight before my face. 9 For in their mouth there is no truth, their inward part is ill ; Their throat's an open sepulchre, their tongue doth flatter still. 1 O God, destroy them, let them he by their own counsel quell'd : Them for their many sins cast out, for they gainst thee rebelled. 1 1 But let all joy that trust in thee, and still make shouting noise ; For them thou sav'st : let all that love thy name in thee rejoice. 12 For, Lord, unto the right'ous man thou wilt thy blessing yield ; 'With favour thou wilt compass him about as with a shield. PSALM VI. Observe here, (1.) David, a great saint, under grievous and manifold troubles, sickness of body, conscience-felt charges of guilt, vexation of mind, attended with desertion from God, and contemptuous insults from his enemies, -, 5, t, 5, 6, 7. (2.) His supplications, with strong (rics and tears to God for mitigation of trouble, support under ir, and deliverance from it, ver. 1 — 4, 6. (3.) His triumphant separation of himself from the wicked, in the 12 PSALM VI. fall assurance of faith, that God harl heaid, and would graciously grant his^ requests, and would either convert or destroy his opposers, ver. 8 — 10 ^| In all my afflictions let me believe that Jesus was afflicted for me. Let me call my sins to remembrance, spread my case before him, fill my mouth with arguments, implore his abundant, free, and sovereign mercy, as my sole and all-comprehensive relief. Nor let me ever expect a comfortable answer to my prayers, while I cultivate an intimacy with profane and wicked men. 1 Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not, Nor in thy hot rage chasten me. 2 Lord, pity me, for I am weak : Heal me for my hones vexed he. 3 My soul is also vexed sore ; But, Lord, how long stay wilt thou make ? 4 Return, O Lord, my soul set free ; save me for thy mercy's sake. 5 Because those that deceased are Of thee shall no remembrance have ; And who is he that will to thee Give praises lying in the grave ? 6 I with my groaning weary am ; 1 also all the night my bed Have caused for to swim, and I With tears my couch have watered. 7 Mine eye, consumed with grief, grows old, Because of all mine enemies. 8 Hence from me, wicked workers all, For God hath heard my weeping cries. 9 God hath my supplication heard ; My prayer received graciously. PSALM VI. 13 1 Sham'd and sore vex'd be all my foes, Sham'd and back turned suddenly. Another of the same. 1 Is thy great indignation, O Lord, rebuke me not ; Nor on me lay thy chast'ning hand in thy displeasure hot. 2 Lord, I am weak, therefore on me have mercy and me spare : Heal me, O Lord, because thou know'st my bones much vexed are. 3 My soul is vexed sore : but, Lord, how long stay wilt thou make ? 4 Return, Lord, free my soul, and save me, for thy mercy's sake. 5 Because of thee in death there shall no more remembrance be : Of those that in the grave do lie, who shall give thanks to thee ? 6 I with my groaning weary am, and all the night my bed I caused for to swim : with tears my couch 1 watered. 7 By reason of my vexing grief mine eye consumed is ; It waxeth old because of all that be mine enemies. 8 But now depart from me, all ye that work iniquity : 14 PSALM VI. For why, the Lord hath heard my voice when I did mourn and cry, 9 Unto my supplication the Lord did hearing give : When I to him my prayer make, the Lord will it receive. 1 Let all be sham'd and troubled sore, that en'mies are to me ; Let them turn back and suddenly ashamed let them be. PSALM VII. Here, accused of traitorous conspiracy against his So- vereign by king Saul, or by Cush, one of his courtiers, David, (1.) Appeals to God concerning his innocency of that crime, ver. 3 — 5. (2.) He supplicates, that God, as Governor of the world and King of Israel, would protect him from danger, plead his cause, and give judgment for him, ver. 1, 2, 6 — 9. (3.) In the exercise of faith, he depends on God to protect and deliver him, and to avenge the injuries he had sustained, upon his implacable adver- saries, ver. 10 — 16. ( k) He resolves to ascribe the glory of all his deliverances to God alone, ver. 17. ^f While I sing, let me contemplate the spotless innocency, the finished righteousness of my Redeemer, together with the injurious usage he received from his brethren of mankind ; and the fearful ruin which hath befallen, or awaits his incorrigible foes. Let me carefully approve mj-self m his sight, who searcheth my heart, and trieth my reins, and who must quickly be my final Judge. Let me implore the just vengeance of heaven against my spiritual enemies. And not unto me, not unto me, but to his name be the glory and praise of all my protection and deliverance. PSALM VII. 15 Shiggaion of David, which he sang unto the Lord, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite. 1 O Lord my God, in thee do I my confidence repose : Save and deliver me from all my persecuting foes ; 2 Lest that the enemy my soul should, like a lion, tear, In pieces rending it, while there is no deliverer. 3 O Lord my God, if it he so that I committed this ; If it he so that in my hands iniquity there is : 4 If I rewarded ill to him that was at peace with me ; (Yea, even the man that without cause my foe was I did free ; ) 5 Then let the foe pursue and take my soul, and my life thrust Down to the earth, and let him lay mine honour in the dust. 6 Rise in thy wrath, Lord, raise thyself, for my foes raging he ; And to the judgment which thou hast commanded, wake for me. 7 So shall th' assembly of thy folk about encompass thee : 16 PSALM VII. Thou, therefore, for their sakes, return unto thy place on high. 8 The Lord he shall the people judge : my judge, JEHOVAH, be, After my righteousness, and mine integrity in me. 9 O let the wicked's malice end ; hut stablish steadfastly The righteous : for the righteous God the hearts, and reins doth try. 1 In God, who saves th' upright in heart, is my defence and stay. ] 1 God just men judgelh, God is wroth with ill men ev'ry day. 12 If he do not return again, then he his sword will whet ; His how he hath already bent, and hath it ready set : 1 3 He also hath for him prepar'd the instruments of death ; Against the persecutors he his shafts ordained hath. 14 Behold, he with iniquity doth travail, as in birth ; A mischief he conceived hath, and falsehood shall bring forth. 15 He made a pit, and digg'd it deep, another tbere to take ; Bit he is fall'n into the ditch which lie himself did make. PSALM VII. 17 1 6 Upon his own head, his mischief shall he returned home ; His vi'lent dealing also down on his own pate shall come. ] 7 According to his righteousness the Lord I'll magnify : And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. PSALM VIII. This Psalm contains a pleasant, but solemn meditation upon the glory, the greatness, and the grace of God. Let me here observe, (1.) How illustrious and wide spread are his glory and renown, ver. 1, 3, 9. (2.) By how weak and insignificant instrument, he manifests and spreads his superlative fame, ver. 2. (3.) Behold his marvellous condescension and bounty to mankind, but chiefly to the Man Christ, in his uniting his human nature to his divine person, and in giving him all power in heaven and earth for the benefit of his chosen people, ver. 4 — 8. ^f May this Jesus, this name of (iod in him, be the enthroned inhabitant, the everlasting wonder, and the superlative darling of my heart. Let me, with the babes of Jerusa- lem, Matt. xxi. pour forth my Hosannas to Him that cometh in the name of the Lord to save me, — Hosannas in the highest. Let all the works of nature lead and ex- cite me to admire their Creator's kindness towards men, — towards sinful and insignificant me. To the chief Musician, upon Gittith, a Psalm of David. r low excellent in all the earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy name ! Who hast thy glory far advanc'd above the starry frame. 18 PSALM VIII. 2 From infants' and from sucklings' month thou didest strength ordain, For thy foes cause, that so thou might'st th' avenging foe restrain. 3 When I look up unto the heav'ns, which thine own fingers fram'd, Unto the moon, and to the stars, which were l>y thee ordain'd : 4 Then say T, What is man, that he remember'd is hy thee ? Or what the son of man, that thou so kind to him should'st be ? 5 For thou a little lower hast him than the angels made ; With glory and with dignity thou crowned hast his head. 6 Of thy hands' works thou mad'st him lord, all under's feet did'st lay; 7 AH sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts that in the field do stray ; 8 Fowls of the air, fish of the sea, all that pass through the same. 9 How excellent in all the earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy name ! PSALM IX. This Psalm was perhaps composed on the occasion of his ton Absalom's death, 2 Sam. xviii. or on the occasion of the death of Goliath, the champion and duellist of (Jath, 1 Sam. xvii. We have in it, (1 ) David's hearty thanks- givings to (Jod for his pleading of Ins cause against his and his country's enemies, and for giving him a complete PSALM IX. 19 victory over them, ver. 1 — 6, and his excitement of others to join with him therein, ver. 11, 12. (2.) His triumph in God as the righteous Judge of the- world, protector of his people, and the destroyer of his implacable enemies, ver. 7 — 10,15 — 18. (3.) His requests for further grounds of praising God as his own deliverer, and the confounder of his enemies, ver. 13, 14, 19, 20. ^f vVhile I sing these subjects, let me chiefly consider the blessings of re- demption, the victories of my Redeemer over sin, death, and hell ; and believe that I, through him, shall be more than a conqueror. Let the ruin of transgressors effectually admonish me to stand in awe of God, and at the farthest distance from sin. To the chief Musician 'upon Muth-Labben, a Psalm of David. 1 Lord, thee I'll praise \vith all my heart, thy wonders all proclaim. 2 In thee, most High, I'll greatly joy, and sing unto thy name. 3 When hack my fnes were turn'd, they fell, and perish 'd at thy sight: 4 For thou maintain'dst my right and cause; on throne sat'st judging right. 5 The heathen thou rehuked hast, the wicked overthrown ; Thou hast put out their names, that they may never more he known. 6 O en'my ! now destructions have an end perpetual : Thou cities raz'd ; perish' d with them is their memorial. 7 God shall endure for aye ; he doth for judgment set his throne ; di 20 PSALM IX. 8 In righteousness to judge the world, justice to give each one. 9 God also will a refuge be for (hose that are oppress'd ; A refuge will he be in times of trouble to distressed. 10 And they that know thy name, in thee their confidence will place : For thou hast not forsaken them that truly seek thy face. 1 1 O sing ye praises to (he Lord that dwells in Sion hill ; And all the nations among his deeds record ye still. 1 2 When he enquireth after blood, he then rememb'reth them : The humble folk he not forgets that call upon his name. 13 Lord, pity me ; behold the grief which I from foes sustain ; Ev'n thou, who from the gates of death dost raise me up again ; 14 That I, in Sion's daughters' gates, may all thy praise advance ; And that I may rejoice always in thy deliverance. 15 The henthen are sunk in the pit which they themselves prepar'd ; And in the net which the'y have hid their own feet fast are snar'd. PSALM IX. 21 16 The Lord is by t lie judgment known which he himself hath wrought : The sinners' hands do make the snares wherewith themselves are caught. 17 They who are wicked into hell * each one shall turned he ; And all the nations that forget to seek the Lord most high. 1 8 For they that needy are shall not forgotten be alway : The expectation of the poor shall not be lost for aye. 1 9 Arise, Lord, let not man prevail ; judge heathen in thy sight: 20 That they may know themselves but men, the nations, Lord, affright. PSALM X. In this Psalm of lamentation and woe, we have, (1.) David's mournful complaints of God's withdrawment of his gracious and comfortable presence, ver. 1. (2.) His mournful and shocking representation of the wicked men, who persecuted him duiing God's absence : They proudly gloried in themselves; they counteracted the laws and contemned the judgments of God ; they contradicted and defied their opposers ; they were malicious, treacherous, crafty, hypocritical, and atheistical persecutors, ver. 2 — 11. (3 ) His earnest supplications for relief to the people of God, attended with the firm faith of obtaining it, ver. 12 — 18. ^f While I sing these, ponder, my soul, what a privilege it is to enjoy familiar fellowship with God ! What abominations lie hid in an evil heart of unbelief! What a mercy that the Lord hath withheld me from that 22 PSALM X. outrage in wickedness of which my corrupt nature is capa- ble ! Let all my views of sins and of judgments cause me to flee to Jesus for relief. If he prepare my heart to pray, he will surely grant my requests. 1 Wherefore is it that thou, O Lord, dost stand from us afar ? And wherefore hidest thou thyself when times so trouLlous are ? 2 The wicked in his loftiness doth persecute the poor : In these devices they have fram'd let them he taken sure. 3 The wicked of his heart's desire doth talk with boasting great ; He hlesseth him that's covetous, whom yet the Lord doth hate. 4 The wicked, through his pride of face, on God he doth not call ; And in the counsels of his heart the Lord is not at all. 5 His ways they always grievous are ; thy judgments from his sight Removed are : at all his foes he pufteth with despight. 6 Within his heart he thus hath said, I shall not moved he ; And no adversity at all shall ever come to me. 7 His mouth witli cursing, fraud, deceit, is fill'd abundantly ; PSALM X. 23 And underneath his tongue there is mischief and vanity. 8 He closely sits in villages; he slays the innocent: Against the poor that pass him by his cruel eyes are bent. 9 He, lion-like, lurks in his den; he waits the poor to take ; And when he draws him in his net, his prey he doth him make. 1 Himself he hnmbleth very low, he croucheth down withal, That so a multitude of poor may by his strong ones fall. 1 1 He thus hath said within his heart, The Lord hath quite forgot; He hides his countenance, and he for ever sees it not. 12 Lord, do thou arise ; O God, lift up thine hand on high : Put not the meek afflicted ones out of thy memory. ] 3 Why is it that the wicked man thus doth the Lord despise ? Because that God will it require he in his heart denies. 14 Thou hast it seen ; for their mischief ' . and spite thou wilt repay : The poor commits himself to thee; thou art the orphan's stay. 24 PSALM X. 15 The arm break of die wicked man, and of the evil one ; Do thou seek out his wickedness, until thou findest none. 16 The Lord is king through ages all, eVn to eternity: The heathen people from his land are perish'd utterly. 17 Lord, of those that humble are thou the desire didst hear; Thou wilt prepare their heart, and thou to hear wilt bend thine ear ; 1 8 To judge the fatherless, and those that are oppressed sore; That man, that is but sprung of earth, may them oppress no more. PSALM XL Behold here, (1.) David, tempted by his timorous friends to escape to some mountain, and hide himself from the fury of Saul, or of Absalom, as if that were his only safe course, now when his enemies were exerting themselves to the uttermost, and all things were in disorder and con- fusion, ver. 1 — 3. (2) David baffling the temptation by a resolute profession of his trust in God, as the observer of all men : — as the holy and righteous punisher of the wicked, and friend of the godly, ver. 1, 4 — 7. If Let no temptation decoy me from my duty. Let no danger deter me from it. While JEHOVAH, my reconciled God and Father, manageth and judgeth the world, my safest course is to commit myself to him in well-doing. Let the just vengeance of God upon sinners deter my heart from sinning, and his kindness to his people encourage me in holiness in all manner of conversation. PSALM XL 25 To the chief Jfusician, a Psalm of David. 1 I in the Lord do put my trust ; how is it then that ye Say to my soul, Flee, as a bird, unto your mountain high? 2 For, lo, the wicked Lend their how, their shafts on string they fit, That those who upright are in heart they privily may hit. 3 If the foundations he destroy'd, what hath the righteous done? 4 God in his holy temple is, in heaven is his throne : His eyes do see, his eye-lids try 5 men's sons. The just he proves: But his soul hates the wicked man, and him that vi'lence loves. 6 Snares, fire and brimstone, furious storms, on sinners he shall rain : This, as the portion of their cup, doth unto them pertain. 7 Because the Lord most righteous doth in righteousness delight ; And with a pleasant countenance 4 beholdeth the upright. PSALM XII. In this Psalm, which was probably penned during the reign of Saul, observe, (1.) The times rendered extreme- B 26 PSALM XII. \y bad by the almost universal death of the godly, the general decay of piety and honesty, the common prevalence of dissimulation and flattery ; and by the proud and daring contempt of God, and oppression of the poor ; and by the protection and encouragement of wickedness, by those that bare rule, in church or state, ver. 1 — 4, 8. (2.) Enough in God to balance the evils of the worst of times. He is ready to help. He will in due time reckon with the wicked, and restrain their insolence. He will seasonably and effect ually relieve his oppressed people. His words are pure, firm, and faithful ; and he will always secure a remnant for himself, ver. 1, 5 — 7. ^f In evil time do thou, my soul, live on thy God. Walk humbly with thy God. Hope continually in thy God, and rejoice in his new covenant promises to men. — to me. To the chief Musician upon Sheminith, a Psalm of David. 1 Help, Lord, because the godly man doth daily fade away ; And from among the sons of men the faithful do decay. 2 Unto his neighbour ev'ry one doth utter vanity : They with a double heart do speak, and lips of flattery. 3 God shall cut off all flatt'ring lips, tongues that speak proudly thus, 4 We'll with our tongue prevail, our lips are ours : who's lord o'er us ? 5 For poor opprest, and for the sighs of needy, rise will I, Saith God, and him in safety set from such as him defy. PSALM XII. 27 6 The words of God are words most pare, they be like silver try'd In earthen furnace seven times that hath been purifi'd. 7 Lord, thou shalt them preserve and keep for ever from this race. 8 On each side walk the wicked, when vile men are high in place. i PSALM XIII. Here we have the Psalmist sowing in tears, but reaping in joy. Observe, (1.) His extreme distress, occasioned by- God's apparent unkindness, and by inward anguish of soul, and insolence of enemies, ver. 1, 2. (2.) His fervent supplications that God would consider his case, strengthen his faith, direct his goings, and comfort his heart, ver. 3, 4. (3.) Sudden deliverance, flowing from a fixed trust in God, and inducing to a triumphant joy in Him, ver. 5, 6. T Think, my soul, how divine withdrawinents, sensibly perceived, sting a renewed heart ! How change- able the saints' spiritual frames are while they continue in this world. Weeping endures for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. And, behold, how quickly the prayers of faith are answered, and its expectations fulfilled! To the chief Musician, a Psalm of David. 1 How long wilt thou forget rne, Lori ? shall it for ever be ? O how long shall it be, that thou wilt hide thy face from me ? 2 How long take counsel in my soul, still sad in heart shall I ? How long exalted over me shall be mine enemy ? m 28 PSALM XIII. 3 O Lord my God, consider well, and answer to me make : Aline eyes enlighten, lest the sleep of death me overtake : t est that mine enemy should say, Against him I prevail'd ; And those that trouble me rejoice, . when I am mov'd and fail'd. 5 But I have all my confidence thy mercy set upon : My heart within me shall rejoice in thy salvation. 6 I will unto the Lord my God sing praises cheerfully, Because he hath his bounty shown, to me abundantly. PSALM XIV. This Psalm represents the fearful sinfulness and misery of mankind, and the marvellous method of deliverance therefrom. Behold here, (1.) All mankind fearfully in- fected with the God-dishonouring, the soul-debasing and defiling, the world-disturbing, malady of sinful corruption in heart and life, ver. 1 — 3. (2.) Warm expostulations for the conviction, awakening, and reclaiming of wicked men, ver. 4 — G. (3.) Consolations exhibited to the righteous, from God's bein^ among them, and being a refuge to them, and from his sending his Son to save and redeem them, ver. 5 — 7. K While I sing these lines, let me have a deep sense of my corruptions. Let me be ashamed of them before God. Let me with a broken heart and weeping eye, confess my filthiness and crimes. Let me groan after and lice to Jesus, the Saviour, the salvation of God. () wretched man that I am ! who shall deliver me from this abominable life; — from this inward PSALM XIV. 29 body of death !— Thanks to the Redeemer who is come to Zion to turn away ungodliness from Jacob ! — Let therefore Jacob rejoice, and the Gentiles sing. To the chief Musician, a Psalm of David. 1 That there Is not a God, the fool dcth in his heart conclude : They are corrupt, their works are vile ; not one of them doth good. 2 Upon men's sons the Lord from heav'n did cast his eyes ahroad, To see if any understood, and did seek after God. 3 They altogether filthy are, they all aside are gone ; And there is none that doeth good, yea, sure there is not one. 4 These workers of iniquity do they not know at all, That they my people eat as bread, and on God do not call ? 5 There fear'd they much ; for God is with the whole race of the just. 6 You shame the counsel of the poor, because God is his trust. 7 Let Isr'el's help from Sion come : when back the Lord shall bring His captives, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall sing. b2 30 PSALM XV. Here let me (1.) With wonder, observe the happy state of present fellowship with God, in liis church on earth, and of everlasting fellowship with him, in the temple above, and how fixed'- the saints are in this their new covenant state, ver. 1, 5. (2.) Let me with self examina- tion remark the discriminating characters of such as are admitted to that happy state. They are sincere, upright, and honest, in all their ways ; they are kind to neigh- bours ; they esteem others in proportion to the appear- ance of Christ's image on them ; and they prefer a good conscience to every earthly advantage, ver. 2 — 5. Tf While I sing, let me think of my perfect and all-suffi- cient Saviour, who is passed into the heavens: — is en- tered for me, as the forerunner. And having received him into my heart as my sanctifying furniture, let me walk in him as my way, and follow him as my pattern ; denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, and living soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. Thus shall the Father and the Son come unto me on earth, and take up their abode with me : and so shall I in heaven be for ever with the Lord. A Psalm of David. 1 Within thy tabernacle, Lord, who shall abide with thee ? And in thy high and holy hill who shall a dweller be ? 2 The man that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness ; And as lie thinketh in his heart, so doth he truth express. 3 Who doth not slander with his tongue, nor to his friend doth hurt : Nor yet against his neighbour doth take up an ill report. PSALM XV. 31 4j In whose eyes vile men are depis'd ; hut those that God do fear He honoureth : and changeth not, though to his hurt he swear. 5 His coin puts not to usury, nor take reward will he Against the guiltless. Who doth thus, shall never moved he. PSALM XVI. This Psalm is indeed a IMichtam, a golden Psalm. Behold the man according to God's heart, (1.) Commit- ting himself to God as his Preserver, ver. 1. (2.) Avow- ing his endeared love to the people, and strict adherence to the worship of God, ver. 3, 4. (3.) With great con- fidence and joy, claiming God for his satisfying portion, ver. 2, 5 — 7. (4.) Comforting himself in and blessing God for his present intimacy wiih' him, and granting direction to him, and for his certain prospect of the eter- nal enjoyment of him, ver. 8 — 1 1. ^[ But chiefly be- hold ! here, Jesus, the man of God's right hand, sur- rendering himself up to his Father's service, in room of, and for the everlasting advantage of his elect ! Behold him taking out his new-covenant claim to God, as his God and portion for ever ; and as our God and portion in him ! Behold, how, supported of God, in his holy manhood, he suffers unto a tremendous death, and debased burial ; but being raised a?ain, he is crowned with everlasting glory and honour ! Behold ! how the agonies of suffering, and the pains of death are succeeded with fullness of joy, and rivers of life and pleasures at God's right hand for ever- more. Looking to him, let me with patience run the race that is set before me, living on, and rejoicing in God, as my all and in all ; and looking for the blessed hope, and glorious appearing of the great God my Saviour. Through him, neither sin, nor devils, nor death, nor hell, shall be able to prevent my immediate and everlasting enjoy- ment of Jehovah, as my infinite portion and exceeding joy. 32 PSALM XVI. Mich tarn of Da v Id. 1 Lord keep me ; for I trust in thee. 2 To God thus was my speech ; Thou art my Lord, and unto thee my goodness doth not reach : 3 To saints on earth, to th' excellent, where my delight's all plac'd. 4 Their sorrows shall he multiply 'd, to other gods that haste. Of their drink-offerings of blood I will no off 'ring make ; Yea, neither I their very names up in my lips will take. 5 God is of mine inheritance and cup the portion : The lot that fallen is to me thou dost maintain alone. 6 Unto me happily the lines in pleasant places fell ; Yea, the inheritance I got in beauty doth excel. 7 I bless the Lord, because he doth by counsel me conduct : And in the seasons of the night my reins do me instruct. 8 Before me still the Lord I set : sith it is so that he Doth ever stand at ray right hand, I .shall not moved he. PSALM XVI. 33 9 Because of this my heart is glad, and joy shall he exprest Ev'n by my glory : and my flesh in confidence shall rest. 1 Because my soul in grave to dwell shall not be left by thee ; Nor wilt thou give thine Holy One corruption to see. 1 1 Thou wilt me shew the path of life: of joys there is full store Before thy face, at thy right hand are pleasures evermore. N PSALM XVII. Here, in the depths of distress, (1.) David appeals to God, concerning the integrity of his heart, and the just- ness of his cause, ver. 1 — 4. (2.) He prays for establish- ment in grace within ; for tokens of divine favour from above ; and for preservation from his carnal, malicious, and insolent, his restless and powerful enemies around, ver. 5 — 14. (3.) He triumphs in the assured faith of his everlasting enjoyment of, and conformity to God. ver. 15. If Let me also here look after Jesus, in whose heart was no deceit, and in whose mouth was no guile : — Jesus, who fulfilled all righteousness for me ; and who, notwith- standing all the rage of devils and men, hath sat down at the right hand of God, crowned with glory and honour. Let me remember, That he, as the forerunner, is for me entered into the mansions of bliss ; and hath left me an example, that I should follow his steps. A Prayer of David. l Lord, hear the right, attend my cry, unto my pray V give heed, M 34 PSALM XVII. That doth not In hypocrisy from feigned lips proceed. 2 And from before thy presence forth my sentence do thou send : Toward those things that equal are, do thou thine eyes intend. 3 Thou prov'dst mine heart, thou visit'dst me by night thou didst me try, Yet nothing found'st; for that my mouth shall not sin, purpos'd I: 4 As for men's works, I, by the word that from thy lips doth flow, Did me preserve out of the paths wherein destroyers go. 5 Hold up my goings, Lord me guide in those thy paths divine, So that my footsteps may not slide out of those ways of thine. 6 I called have on thep, O God, because thou wilt me hear : That thou may'st hearken to my speech, to me incline thine ear. 7 Thy wond'rous loving-kindness show, thou, that by thy ri^ht hand Sav'st them that trust in theo, from those that up against them stand. 8 As th' apple of the eye me keep ; in thy wings shade me close 9 From lewd oppressors compassing me round, as deadly foes. PSALM XVII. 35 1 In their own fat they are inclos'd, their mouth speaks loftily. 1 1 Our steps they compass'd ; and to ground down bowing set their eye. 1 2 He like unto a lion is that's greedy of his prey ; Or lion young, which lurking doth in secret places stay. 1 3 Arise, and disappoint my foe, and cast him down, O Lord: My soul save from the wicked man, the man which is thy sword. 14 From men which are thy hand, O Lord, from wordly men me save, Which only in this present life their part and portion have: Whose belly with thy treasure hid thou fill'st : they children have In plenty, of their goods the rest they to their children leave. 15 But as for me, I thine own face in righteousness will see : And, with thy likeness, when I wake, I satisfy'd shall be. PSALM XVIII. In this Psalm of thanksgiving for manifold deliverances, observe (1.) David's ardent love to God in Christ, whom he believed to be his own, in every gracious and saving relation ; and whom he had experienced, his merciful, almighty, and seasonable Deliverer from depths of trouble, ver. 1 — 19. (2.) His comfortable reflections, on the in- 36 PSALM XV 111. tegrity which the Lord had enabled him to maintain, and on the gracious kindness of God consequential thereupon, ver. 20-— 2$. (3.) His thankful ascription of all the glory of his noted exploits to God, as his director and strength- ener, rer. 29 — 42. (4.) His triumphant faith and hope ol further assistance and favour from God, to himself and to his seed, for evermore, ver. 43 — 50 ^f But, let me not forget Jesus, to whom Jehovah is so closely, so mar- vellously, so sweetly related : — Jesus, who so ardently loveth his eternal Father, and for ever returns the grateful remembrance of his kindness, to him and to his chosen seed, in delivering him from distress, in raising him from the dead ; in rewarding his obedience unto death, in giving him glory at his own right hand, and in rendering all nations his obedient subjects. — Let me sing this new song, in the full assurance of faith, that God in Christ is my all and in all ; and with an heart ravished with the consolations of Christ, and in the sweet reviews of what he hath dono, what he doth, and what he will for ever do, for my soul. To the chief Musician, a Psalm of David, the ser- vant of the Lord, who spahe unto the Lord the words of this song, in the day that the Lord de- livered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. And he said, 1 Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength. 2 My fortress is the Lord, My rock and he that doth to me deliverance afford : My God, my strength, whom I will trust, a buckler unto me, The horn of my salvation, and my high tower is he. 3 Upon the Lord who worthy is of praises will I cry ; PSALM XVllf. 37 And then shall I preserved be safe from mine enemy. 4 Floods of ill men affrighted me, death's pangs about me went. 5 Hell's sorrows me environed : death's snares did me prevent. 6 In my distress I call'd on God, cry to my God did I : fc-*«d^^ He from his temple heard my voice, k to his ears came my cry. 7 Th' earth, as affrighted, then did shake, trembling upon it seiz'd : The hills' foundations moved were, because he was displeas'd. S Up from his nostrils came a smoke, and from his mouth there came Devouring fire, and coals by it were turned into flame. 9 He also bowed down the heav'ns, and thence he did descend : And thickest clouds of darkness did under his feet attend. 1 And he upon a cherub rode, and thereon he did fly : Yea, on the swift wings of the wind his flight was from on high. 1 1 He darkness made his secret place : about him for his tent Dark waters were, and thickest clouds of th' airy firmament. C 38 PSALM XVIII. 1 2 And at the brightness of that light which was before his eye, His thick clouds pass'd away, hail-stones and coals of fire did fly. 13 The Lord God also in the heav'ns did thunder in his ire, And there the Highest gave his voice, hail-stones and coals of fire. 14 Yea, he his arrows sent ahroad, and them he scattered : His lightnings also he shot out, and them discomfited. 15 The waters' channels then were seen, the world's foundations vast, At thy rebuke discov'red were, and at thy nostrils' blast. 16 And from above the Lord sent down, and took me from below ; From many waters he me drew, which would me overflow. 17 He me relievM from my strong foes, and such as did me hate : Because he saw that they for me too strong were, and too great, 18 They me prevented in the day of my calamity ; But, even then, the Lord himself a stay was unto me. 19 He to a place where liberty and room was hath me brought : PSALM XVIII. | Because he took delight in me, he my deliv'rance wrought. 20 According to my righteousness he did me recompense, He me repaid according to my hands' pure innocence. 21 For I God's ways kept, from my God did not turn wickedly. 22 His judgments were before me, I his laws put not from me. 23 Sincere before him was Tny heart, with him upright was I : And watchfully I kept myself from mine iniquity. 24 After my righteousness the Lord hath recompensed me, After the cleanness of my hands appearing in his eye. 25 Thou gracious to the gracious art, to upright men upright. 26 Pure to the pure, froward thou kyth'st unto the froward wight. 27 For thou wilt the afflicted save in grief that low do lie : But wilt bring down the countenance of them whose looks are high. 28 The Lord will light my candle so, that it shall shine full bright : The Lord my God will also make my darkness to be light. 40 PSALM XVIII. 29 By tlico through troops of men I break, and them discomfit all : And by my God assisting me, I overleap a wall. 30 As for God, perfect is his way ; the Lord his word is try'd ; He is a buckler to all those who do in him confide. 31 Who but the Lord is God ? but he who is a rock and stay ? 32 'Tis God that girdeth me with strength, and perfect makes my way. 33 He made my feet swift as the hinds, set me on my high places. 34 Mine hands to war he taught, mine arms brake bows of steel in pieces. 35 The shield of thy salvation thou didst on me bestow : Thy right hand hold me up, and great thy kindness made me grow. 36 And in my way my steps thou hast enlarged under me, That I go safely, and my feet are kept from sliding free. 37 Mine en'mies I pursued have and did them overtake.; Nor did I turn again till I an end of them did make. 38 I wounded them, they could not rise, they at my feet did fall. PSALM XVIII. 41 39 Thou girdest me with strength for war, my foes thou brought'st (Town all. 40 And thou hast giv'n to me the necks of all mine enemies : That I might them destroy and slay who did against me rise. 41 They cried out, but there was none that would or could them save : Yea, they did cry unto the Lord, but he no answer gave. 42 Then did I bent them small as dust before the wind that flies : And I did cast them out like dirt upon the street that lies. 43 Thou mad'st me free from people's strife, and heathen's head to be : A people whom I have not known shall service do to me. 44 At hearing they shall me obey, to me they shall submit. 45 Strangers for fear shall fade away, who in close places sit. 46 God lives, bless'd be my Rock : the God of my health praised be. 47 God doth avenge me, and subdues the people under me. 48 He saves me from mine enemies : yea, thou hast lifted me Above my foes ; and from the man of vi'lence set me free. 42 PSALM XVIII. 49 Therefore to thee will I give thanks the heathen folk among : And to thy name, O Lord, I will sing praises in a song. 50 He great deliv'rance gives his king : he mercy doth extend To David, his anointed one, and his seed without end. PSALM XIX. Now the books of God are opened, not for my trial and condemnation in the last judgment, but fur my in- struction. Let my soul look and read thereon. (I.) The book of Creation and Providence, in which all the works of God instruct mankind in general, concerning the eternal wisdom, power, and goodness of their Maker, 1 — 6. (2.) The book of Inspiration, the sure, the ri^ht, the pure, the true, the perfect, and powerful, oracles, which, instruct, convert, comfort, and warn the members of the church ; and in keeping of which, there is an ex- ceeding great and everlasting reward of glory obtained, ver. 7 — 11 (3.) What conviction of sin! What suppli- cation for pardon of it, and preservation from it; and for the acceptance of our duties, through Jesus' blood, doth, or ought to ensue upon a proper perusal of these volumes of heaven, ver 12 — 1 k. ^f While I sing these matters, let me, conscioustof my own ignorance and folly, in all things consult the mind of God Let ine blush, that my experience of the powerful influences of God's word is so scanty; and that in me still dwell such fear- ful remains of sinful corruption: Let me cry mightily to (iod, lor the subduing and destruction thereof. To the chief Musician, a Psalm of David. 1 The heav'ns (rod's glory do declare : the skies his hand-works preach. PSALM XIX. 43 2 Day utters speech to day, and night to night doth knowledge teach. 3 There is no speech, nor tongue, to which their voice doth not extend. 4 Their line is gone through all the earth, their words to the world's end. In them he set the sun a tent, 5 Who bridegroom-like forth goes From's chamber, as a strong man doth to run his race rejoice. 6 From heaven's end is his going forth circling to th' end again : And there is nothing from his heat that hidden doth remain. 7 G^jTs law is perfect, and converts the soul in sin that lies : God's testimony is most sure, and makes the simple wise. 8 The statutes of the Lord are right, and do rejoice the heart : ^ The Lord's command is pure, and doth light to the eyes impart. 9 Unspotted is the fear of God, and doth endure for ever : The judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. 1 They more than gold, yea, much fine gold to he desired are : Than honey, honey from the comb that droppeth sweeter far. 44 PSALM XIX. 1 1 Moreover, they thy servant warn how he his liFe should frame : A great reward provided is for them that keep the same. 12 Who can his errors understand ? cleanse thou me within 1 3 From secret faults. Thy servant keep from all presumptuous sin. And do no not suffer them to have dominion over me : Then righteous and innocent 1 from much sin shall be. 14 The words which from my mouth proceed, the thoughts sent from my heart, Accept, O Lord ; for thou my strength and my Redeemer art. PSALM XX. Probably this Psalm was composed to be a prayer for success, in some particular expedition in David's wars. Here, (1) The people pray for their king; that Gol would grant him his requests; protect, assist, and strength- en him in his work; accept his oblations; and succeed his projects for the public welfare, ver. 1 — k. (2.) They triumph in (rod, as their only strength and deliverer, in whom they shall be more than conquerors, ver. 5, G. — Tf Let not me forget Jesus, for whom prayer is made continually, — Jesus, who shall be daily praised; a:i 1 whom the Father heareifa always, accepts his sacrifice, and crowns him with glory and honour. And let no creature, bui Jkimvui as my (rod in Christ, be the ground and the object of all my faith and expectation. PSALM XX. 45 To the chief Musician, a Psalm of David. 1 Jehovah hear thee in the day when trouble he doth send : And let the name of Jacob's God thee from all ill defend. 2 O let him help send from above, out of his sanctuary ; ^ From Sion his own holy hill, let him give strength to thee. 3 Let him remember all thy gifts, accept thy sacrifice : 4 Grant thee thine heart's wish, and fulfil thy thoughts and counsel wise. 5 In thy salvation we will joy ; in our God's name we will Display our banners : and the Lord thy prayers all fulfil. 6 Now know I God his king doth save : he from his holy heav'n Will hear him, with the saving strength by his own right hand giv'n. 7 In chariots some put confidence, some horses trust upon : But we remember will the name of our Lord God alone. 8 We rise, and upright stand, when they are bowed down and fall. 9 Deliver Lord, and let the King us hear when we do call. c2 46 PSALM XXI. In this song of thanksgiving, observe (1.) All the joys, the honours, and happiness, of king David, founded in the perfections and gracious works of God, ver. 1 — 6. (2.) Full assurance of the stability of David's throne, and of the discovery and destruction of his implacable oppo- sers, ver. 7. — 12. (3.) Earnest supplications to God for the exhilarating displays of his glory and power, ver. 1 3. — If But chiefly, my soul, behold here, the everlasting honours, joys, happiness, and blissful influences of thy Redeemer ! Behold how fixed is his kingdom and dig- nity, in the infinite, everlasting, and unchangeable wis- dom, power, mercy, equity, goodness, and truth of the Most High ! Behold what inexpressible vengeance kin- dles upon and destroys his Jewish — his Heathen — his Antichristian, and other incorrigible foes ! — Rejoice, my soul, in this God thy Saviour. Rejoice at the glory wherewith he is crowned, — at the life granted to, and lodged in him ; and in his being made blessings for ever- more to men. — Blessings for evermore to me. And let the ruinous overthrow of his Jewish, or other enemies, make me stand in awe to provoke him, by presumptuous refusal of him, or rebellion against him. To the chief Musician, a Psalm of David. 1 The king in thy great strength, O Lord, shall very joyful he : In thy salvation rejoice how veh'mently shall he. 2 Thou hast hestowed upon him all that his heart would have, And thou from him didst not withhold whufe'er his lips did crave. 3 For thou with hlessings him pre vent* st of goodness manifold ; And thou hast sot upon his head a crown of purest gold. "s PSALM XXI. 47 4 When he desired life of thee, thou life to him did'st give ; Ev'n such a length of days, that he for evermore should live. 5 In that salvation wrought by thee his glory is made great : Honour and comely majesty thou hast upon him set. 6 Because that thou for evermore most blessed hast him made : And thou hast with thy countenance made him exceeding glad. 7 Because the king upon the Lord his confidence doth lay, And, thro' the grace of the most High, shall not be moved away. 8 Thine hand shall al! those men find out that enemies are to thee, Ev'n thy right hand shall find out those of thee that haters be. 9 Like fiery ov'n thou shalt them make, when kindled is thine ire : God shall them swallow in his wrath, devour them shall the fire. 10 Their fruit from earth thou shalt destroy, their seed men from among. 1 1 For they beyond their might 'gainst thee, did plot mischief and wrong. 12 Thou therefore shalt make them turn back w T hen thou thy shafts shalt \ lace Israel debas Aiieli 4S PSALM XXI. Upon thy strings, made ready all to fly against their face. 1 3 In thy great power and strength, O Lord, be thou exalted high : So shall we sing with joyful hearts, thy power praise shall we. PSALM XXII. Here the debasement and exaltation of David, king of si, are merely subservient to, and figurative of, the [ebasement and exaltation of Jesus Christ, our blessed Aijeleth iShahar, Hind of the morning. [1.] In this deep debasement, we find (I.) Bitter, but kindly and be- lieving, complaints of God's withdrawment, — attended with earnest attempts of faith to quiet the complainer's soul under it, — drawn fiom the consideration of God 1 9 holiness and highness, and his seasonable deliverance of his people in former times, when they cried to him, ver. 1 — 5. (2.) Bitter complaints of men's reproaches and Contemptuous derision, — attended with self-encourage- ments, drawn from former experience of God's early and seasonable care and friendship, ver. 6 — 10. (3 ) Bitter complaints of the number and rage of enemies, attended with exquisite agonies of body and mind, mingled with earnest prayers for God's speedy support, assistance, and powerful deliverance, ver. 11 — 22 T While I sing these, let me behold the vileness, the Criminality, the de- structive influence of sin ! Let me behold the sovereign- ty of God, who not only scourgeth every sou whom he receiveth, but spared not his only begotten Son, but de- livered him up for us all ! Behold how he hates ! 1 low he punisheth our sin ! -And what manner of love he bestow- ed upon us, that we might be called the sons of God ! Behold ! how he COmmendeth his love unto us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! And if Jesus, with patience, bore such desertion, reproach, and distress, let me, in the firm faith that he did all for me, and that God is mine, and maketh all things work for my good, itudy an Unhampered resignation to his will. PSALM XXII. 49 • [2] By the typical exaltation of David, and the increase, ha-ppiness, honour, and duration of his kingdom we have prefigured the glorious exaltation of our Redeemer, import- ing, that he should have a church among men ; that his Father should be glorified in them as well as in him ; that his true subjects should abound in prayer, praise, and spiritual comfort, and everlasting life ; and that his church should be enlarged with multitudes, of both Jews and Gentiles ; and should to his honour, and for his worship and service, continue to all generations, ver. 22 — 31. If While I sing this, let me trust and rejoice in, and plead his promises, relative to myself and his church. Let me ponder, whether I have heard his voice, shared his saving pity, feasted on his spiritual provision, and worshipped him in spirit, and in truth ? And whether it is the desire of my soul to cause his name to be remember- ed to all generations ? To the chief Musician, upon Aijeleth Shahar, a Psalm of David. 1 My God, my God, why hast thou me forsaken ? why so far Art thou from helping me, and from my words that roaring are ? 2 All day, ray (rod, to thee 1 cry, yet am not heard by thee ; And in the season of the night I cannot silent be. 3 But thou nrt holy thou that dost inhabit Isr els praise. 4 Our fathers hop'd in thee, they hop'd, and thou didst them release. 5 When unto thee they sent their cry, to them deliverance came: 50 PSALM XXII. Because they put their trust in thee, they were not put to shame. 6 But as for me, a worm I am, and as no man am priz'd : Reproach of men I am, and by the people am despis'd. 7 All that mc see laugh me to scorn ; shoot out the lip do they ; They nod and shake their heads at me, and, mocking, thus do say, 8 This man did trust in God, that he would free him by his might : Let him deliver him, sith he had in hirn such delight. 9 But thou art he out of the womb that didst me safely take ; "When I was on my mother's breasts thou me to hope didst make. I O And I was cast upon thy care, ev'n from the womb till now : And from my mother's belly, Lord, my God and guide art thou. 1 1 Be not far off, for grief is near, end none to help is found. 12 Bulls many. compass me, strong bulls of Bashan me surround. I 3 Their mouths they opened wide on me, upon me gape did they, Like to a lion ravening and roaring for his prey. PSALM XXII. 51 14 Like water I'm pour'd out, my bones all out of joint do part : Amidst my bowels, as the wax, so melted is my heart. 15 My strength is like a potsherd dry'd : my tongue it cleaveth fast Unto my jaws ; and to the dust of death thou brought me hast. 1 6 For dogs have compass'd me about : the wicked that did meet In their assembly, me inclos'd; they pierc'd my hands and feet. 17 I all my bones may tell ; they do upon me look and stare* 1 8 Upon my vesture lots they cast, and clothes among them share. 19 But be not far, O Lord, my strength : haste to give help to me. 20 From sword my soul, from pow'r of dogs my darling set thou free. 21 Out of the roaring lion's mouth do thou me shield and save : For from the horns of unicorns an ear to me thou gave. 22 I will shew forth thy name unto those that my brethren are : Amidst the congregation thy praise I will declare. 23 Praise ye the Lord, who do him fear ; him glorify, all ye 52 PSALM XXII. The seed of Jacob ; fear him all that Isr'el's children be. 24 For he despis'd not, nor abhorr'd th' afflicted's misery : Nor from him hid his face, but heard when he to him did cry. 25 Within the congregation great my praise shall be of thee : My vows before them that him fear shall be perform'd by me. 26 The meek shall eat, and shall be fuTd; they also praise shall give Unto the Lord, that do him seek : your heart shall ever live. 27 All ends of th' earth remember shall, and turn the Lord unto : All kindreds of the nations to him shall homage do: 28 Because the kingdom to the Loid doth appertain as his : Likewise among the nations the Governor he is. 29 Earth's fat ones eat, and worship shall : all who to dust descend Shall bow to him : none of them can his soul from death defend. 30 A seed shall service do to him; unto the Lord it shall ' Be for a generation reckon 'd in ages all. PSALM XXII. 53 31 They shall come, and they shall declare his truth and right'ousness Unto a people yet unborn, and that he hath done this. PSALM XXIII. Here is the children's Psalm, and which is, in very deed, a noted Song of all the children of God. Behold (1.) New covenant-relation to God, as a full and ever- lasting security against hurtful wants, ver. 1. (2.) Plea- sant experience of God's acting up to his new covenant character, indisposing of, directing, assisting, and feasting, and comforting his people, ver. 2, 3, 5. (3.) Well- grounded hopes of God's careful and seasonable supplies ; and of his comfortable presence and help, amidst distress and death ; and of the perpetual and everlasting mani- festation of his mercy and grace to us-ward ; and of our endless nearness to, and immediate enjoyment of him, ver. 1, 4, 5, 6. T While I sing, let me think, as before God, whether I have the experimental knowledge of all these things. Let my soul be as a daughter of the horse- leech, crying mightily, Give, Give what is good. And let me in all these forms, taste and see that God is good. A Psalm of David. 1 The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want. 2 He makes me down to lie In pastures green : he leadeth me the quiet waters hy. 3 My soul he doth restore again ; and me to walk doth make Within the paths of right'ousness ev'n for his own name's sake. 54 PSALM XXIII. 4 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, yet will I fear none ill : For thou art with me, and thy rod and staff me comfort still. 5 My table thou hast furnished in presence of my foes ; My head thou dost with oil anoint, and my cup overflows. 6 Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me : And in God's house for evermore my dwelling-place shall be. PSALM XXIV. Probably this Psalm was penned for the use of the He- brews when David brought up the harp of God to Jeru- salem, or when Solomon brought it into the temple, 2 Sam. vi. 1 Kings viii. in order to raise their hearts above their external ceremonies, to a reception of, and walking in Christ, who was thereby prefigured. Observe, (1.) Christ's kingdom of nature, comprehending the whole world, and all the inhabitants thereof, ver. 1, 2. (2.) His kingdom of grace, in the nature of it, the gracious character of its subjects ; and their charter to their ever- lasting happiness above, ver. 3 — 6. (3) Under the figure of a call to admit the ark, we have a solemn sum- mons issued forth by God for the heavens to receive Jesus our glorious and almighty King, into the blissful abodes in his ascension : And for us to receive him into our hearts and societies below, ver. 7 — 10. *[ While I sing, let me be affected with the double claim the Redeemer hath on me as his creature, and as his ransomed one. Let me try, whether I possess the distinguishing characters of a real saint, and whether 1 have received an abundance of the gift of righteousness, and of blessedness, from the PSALM XXIV. 55 God of my salvation. Let me charge, let me rouse up all my inward powers to receive Jesus Christ the Lord, as made of God, unto me wisdom, and righteousness, and BanctificaUon, and redemption. A Psalm of David. 1 The earth belongs unto the Lord, and all that it contains ; The world that is inhabited, « j,^ and all that there remains. 2 For the foundations thereof he on the seas did lay, And he hath it established upon the floods to stay. 3 Who is the man that shall ascend into the hill of God ? Or who within his holy place shall have a firm abode. 4 Whose hands are clean, whose heart is pure, and unto vanity Who hath not lifted up his soul, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He from th' Eternal shall receive the blessing him upon : And righteousness ev'n from the God of his salvation. 6 This is the generation that after him enquire, O Jacob who do seek thy face with their whole heart's desire. 56 PSALM XXIV. 7 Ye gates lift up your heads on high, ye doors, that last for aye, Be lifted up that so the King of glory enter may. 8 But who of glory is the King ? The mighty Lord is this ; Ev'n that same Lord, that great in might and strong in battle is. 9 Ye gates, lift up your heads, ye doors, doors that do last for aye, Be lifted up that so the King of glory enter may. 10 But wjio is he that is the King of glory ? who is this ? The Lord of hosts, and none but he the King of glory is. PSALM XXV. In singing this Psalm, let me observe (1.) What seri- ous work prayer is, what lifting up of soul : — what directing of eyes to God, and fixing them on him, must be in it, ver. 1 — 15. (2.) What mercies ought to be prayed for, pardon of sin, ver. 6, 7 — 18. — direction in duty, ver. 4, o. — familiar intimacy with God, ver. 16. — deliverance from trouble, ver. 17, 18. — preservation from adversaries, ver. 20, 21. And in fine, safety and deliv- erance to the Church, ver. 22. (3.) What pleas are propel to be used in prayer ; — as the trust we have re- posed in God, ver. 2, 3, 5 — 20, 21. — Our own divinely effected sincerity in the Lord's way, ver. 21. — Our dis- tress, and the malice of our enemies, ver. 2, 16 — 19. — Hut chiefly the mercy that is in God, and the glory which redounds to his name from his bestowing of new- covenant favours, ver. 6, 7 — 11. (4.) Strong encourage- ments to prayer, taken from the perfections of God's PSALM XXV. 57 nature ; and from his promises of instruction and direc- tion ; and from the fulness and grace of his Covenant ; and from his delight in allowing men familiar intimacy and fellowship with himself, ver. 8 — 14. Tf Let these things, my soul, be the object of thy strictest care and attention in all thy addresses to God. A Psalm of David. 1 To tliee I lift my soul. 2 O Lord I trust in thee :• My God let me not he ashamed, nor foes triumph o'er me. 3 Let none that wait on thee be put to shame at all ; But those that without cause transgress, let shame upon them fall. 4 Shew me thy ways, O Lord ; thy paths, O teach thou me : 5 And do thou lead me in thy truth, therein my teacher be : For thou art God that dost to me salvation send, And I upon thee all the day expecting do attend. 6 Thy tender mercies, Lord, 1 pray thee to remember, And loving-kindnesses ; for they have been of old for ever. My sins and faults of youth do thou, O Lord, forget ; After thy mercy think on me, and fcr thy goodness great. • 58 PSALM XXV. 8 God good and upright is : the way he'll sinners show. 9 The meek in judgment he will guide, and make his path to know. 1 The whole paths of the Lord are truth and mercy sure, To those that do his cov'nant keep, and testimonies pure. 11 Now for thine own name's sake, O Lord, I thee entreat To pardon mine iniquity ; for it is very great. 1 2 What man is he that fears the Lord, and doth him serve ? Him shall he teach the way that he shall choose, and still ohserve. 13 His soul shall dwell at ease, and his posterity Shall flourish still, and of the earth inheritors shall he. 14 With those that fear him is the secret of the Lord : The knowledge of his covenant he will to them afford. 15 Mine eyes upon the Lord continually are set : For he it is that slinll hring forth my feet out of the net. 1 (3 Turn unto me thy faro, and to me mercy show ; . PSALM XXV. 59 Because that I am desolate, and am brought very low. 17 My heart's griefs are increas'd, me from distress relieve. 18 See mine affliction and my pain, and all my sins forgive. 19 Consider thou my foes, because they many are, And it a cruel hatred is which they against me bear. 20 O do thou keep my soul, do thou deliver me : And let me never be asham'd, because I trust in thee. 21 Let uprightness and truth keep me who thee attend. 22 Redemption, Lord, to Israel from all his troubles send. Another of the same. 1 To thee I lift my soul, O Lord : 2 My God I trust in thee : Let me not be asham'd ; let not my foes triumph o'er me. 3 Yea, let thou none ashamed be that do on thee attend ; Ashamed let them be, f) Lord, who without cause offend. 4 Thy ways, Lord, shew; teach me thy paths! 5 Lead me jn truth, teach me: 60 PSALM XXV. For of my safety thou art God, all day I wait on thee. 6 Thy mercies that most tender are, do thou, O Lord, remember, And loving-kindnesses: for they have been of old for ever. 7 Let not the errors of my youth, nor sins remember 'd be ; In mercy, for thy goodness' sake, Lord remember me. 8 The Lord is good and gracious, he upright is also : He therefore sinners will instruct in ways that they should go. 9 The meek and lowly he will guide in judgment just alway ; To meek and poor afflicted ones he'll clearly teach his way. !0 I he whole paths of the Lord our God are truth and mercy sure, To such as keep his covenant, and testimonies pure. 1 1 Now for thine own name's sake, O Lord, 1 humbly thee entreat To pardon mine iniquity : for it is very great. 12 AVhat man fears God ? him shall he teach the way that he shall choose. 13 His soul shall dwell at ease, his seed the earth, as heirs, shall use. PSALM XXV. 61 14 The secret of the Lord is with such as do fear his name, And he his holy covenant will manifest to them. 15 Towards the Lord my waiting eyes continually are set : For lie it is that shall hring forth my feet out of the net. 1 6 turn thee unto me, O God, have mercy me upon : Because I solitary am, and in affliction. 17 Enlarg'd the griefs are to mine heart: me from distress relieve. 1 8 See mine affliction and my pain, and all my sins forgive. I Consider ihou mine enemies, because they many are, And it a cruel hatred is which they against me bear. 20 O do thou keep my soul ; O God, do thou deliver me : Let me not be asham'd ; for I do put my trust in thee. 21 O let integrity and truth keep me, who thee attend. 22 Redemption, Lord, to Israel from aU his troubles send. 62 PSALM XXVI. Here (1.) David solemnly appeals to God, concerning his integrity ; his constant regard to him and his grace ; his regular attendance upon instituted ordinances ; and his fixed aversion to sin and sinners, ver. 1 — 8. (2.) He deprecates from himself the condemnation of the wicked, and his being shut up in society with them, ver. 9, 10. (3.) Depending on the mercy of God, he resolves to hold fast his integrity, and maintain his confident hopes of eternal life, ver. 11, 12. ^f While I sing, let the per- fect God -man come into my mind. Let me wash myself in his blood, and so compass God's altar with songs of praise for his favours. Making Jesus' example my pattern ; let his ordinances be my pleasure, and his people my sole intimates and familiars on earth. A Psalm of David. 1 Judge me, O Lord, for I have walked in mine integrity : I trusted also in the Lord ; slide therefore shall not I. 2 Examine me and do me prove : try heart and reins, O God. 3 For thy love is before mine eyes, thy truth's paths I have trode. 4 With persons vain I have not sat, nor with dissemblers gone. 5 Th' assembly of ill men I hate : to sit with such I shun. (3 Mine hands in innocence, O Lord, I'll wash and purify ; So to thine holy altar go, and compass it will I. PSALM XXVI. 63 7 That I, with voice of thanksgiving, may publish and declare, And tell of all thy mighty works, that great and wond'rous are. 8 The habitation of thy house, Lord, I have loved well : Yea, in that place I do delight where doth thine honour dwell. 9 With sinners gather not my soul, and such as blood would spill : 10 Whose hands mischievous plots, right corrupting bribes do fill. [hand 1 1 But as for me, I will walk on in mine integrity: # Do thou redeem me, and, O Lord, be merciful to me. 1 2 My foot upon an even place doth stand with steadfastness : Within the congregations th' Eternal I will bless. PSALM XXVII. For thy instruction, my soul behold here, (1.) The holy courage and undaunted bravery of true faith, amidst mani- fold dangers and enemies, ver, 1 — 3. (2.) What earn- estness there ought to be ; and what pleasure, profit, and honour, there are, in the study of familiar fellowship with God, ver. 4 — 6. (3.) Fervent desires, with strong cries and supplications for the gracious favour, spiritual pre- sence, and saving direction and protection of (iod, ver. 7 — 1 2. (4.) Strong and encouraging expectations of help, favour, and strength from God, ver. 10, 13, 14. ^ 64 PSALM XXVII. While I sing, let my soul enter into the very marrow of these matters. Let God himself be relied on, as my trust, my Saviour, and my all in all. Let my heart burn with superlative desires after the knowledge and en- joyment of Him. Let nothing less than the most familiar communication with Him here, and the full enjoyment of Him hereafter satisfy my longings. Let me readily embrace every invitation to seek His face. Amidst enemies and distresses unnumbered, let me always believe in, wait for, and boast of God my Lord. A Psalm of David. 1 The Lord's my light and saving health, who shall make me dismayed ? My life's strength is the Lord, of whom then shall I be afraid? 2 When as mine enemies and foes, most wicked persons all, To eat my flesh against me rose they stumbled and did fall. 3 Against me though an host encamp, my heart yet fearless is: Though war against me rise, I will be confident in this. 4 One thing I of the Lord desir'd, and will seek to obtain, That all days of my life I may within God's house remain, That I the beauty of the Lord behold may and admire, And that I in his holy place may rev'rently enquire. PSALJJ XXVII. 65 5 For he in his pavilion shall. me hide in evil days ; In secret of his tent me hide, and on a rock me raise. 6 And now even at this present time mine head shall lifted be Above all those that are my foes, and round encompass me: Therefore unto his tabernacle I'll sacrifices bring Of joy fulness: I'll sing, yea, I to God will praises sing. 7 O Lord, give ear unto my voice, when I do cry to thee : Upon me also mercy have, and do thou answer me. 8 When thou didst say, Seek ye my face, then unto thee reply Thus did my heart, Above all things thy face, Lord, seek will I. 9 Far from me hide not thou thy face, put not away from thee Thy servant in thy wrath : thou hast an helper been to me. O God of my salvation, leave me not, nor forsake. 10 Though me my parents both should leave, the Lord will me up take. 110 Lord, instruct me in thy way, to me a leader be d2 66 PSALM XXVII. In a plain path, "because of those that hatred bear to me. 12 Give me not to mine en'mies* will ; for witnesses that lie Against me risen are, and such as breathe out cruelty. 13 1 fainted had, unless that I believed had to see The Lord's own goodness in the land of them that living be. 14 Wait on the Lord, and be thou strong, and he shall strength afford Unto thine heart, yea, do thou wait I say upon the Lord. PSALM XXVIII. Observe here (1.) David amidst great distress, earnestly supplicating deliverance from his God, ver. 1 — 3. (2.) His implacable enemies doomed to the just punishment of their sins, ver. 4-, 5. (3.) Himself triumphing in God, as the hearer of his prayers, and as his protector, help and strength, ver. 6 — 8. (4. ) His solemn supplication for salvation and blessedness : — for nourishment, honour and safety, to the people of God. A Psalm of David. 1 To thee III cry, O Lord, my rock, hold not thy peace to me: Lest like those that to pit descend I by thy silence be. PSALM XXVIII. 67 The voice hear of my humble pray'rs, when unto thee I cry : When to thy holy oracle I lift mine hands on higlf. With ill men draw me not away that work iniquity. That speak peace to their friends, while in their hearts doth mischief lie. Give them according to their deeds and ills endeavoured : And as their handy-works deserve, to them be rendered. God shall not bnild, hut them destroy, who would not understand The Lord's own works, nor did regard the doing of his hand. For ever blessed be the Lord : for graciously he heard The voice of my petitions, and prayers did regard. The Lord's my strength and shield, my upon him did rely, [heart And I am helped ; hence my heart doth joy exceedingly, And with my song I will him praise. Their strength is God alone: He also is the saving strength of his anointed one. O thine own people do thou save, bless thine inheritance ; 68 PSALM XXVIII. Them also do thou feed, and them for evermore advance. PSALM XXIX. This Psalm was probably composed on the occasion of a thunder-storm. It is a solemn charge from heaven to great men to worship and glorify God ; who (1.) in mag- nificence and power thunderethin the most terrible, alarm- ing, and destructive manner, ver. 1 — 9. (2.) Who is su- preme Governor of the world, and bestoweth strength and peace on his peculiar people, ver. 10, 11. A Psalm of David. 1 Give ye unto the Lord, ye sons that of the mighty he; All strength and glory to the Lord with cheerfulness give ye. 2 Unto the Lord the glory give that to his name is due: And in the beauty of holiness unto JEHOVAH bow. 3 The Lord's voire on the waters is; the God of majesty Doth thunder, and on multitudes of waters sitteth he. 4 A powVful voice it is that comes out from the Lord most high: The voice of that great Lord is full of glorious majesty. 5 The voice of the Eternal doth asunder cedars tear: Yea, God the Lord doth cedars break that Lebanon doth bear. PSALM XXIX. 69 6 He makes them like a calf to skip : ev'n that great Lebanon, And like to a young unicorn the mountain Sirion. 7 God's voice divides the flames of fire : 8 The desert it doth shake : The Lord doth make the wilderness of Kadesh all to quake. 9 God's voice doth make the hinds to calve ; it makes the forest bare ; And in his temple ev'ry one his glory doth declare. 1 The Lord sits on the floods : the Lord sits King and ever shall. 1 1 The Lord will give his people strength, and with peace bless them all. PSALM XXX. In this Psalm, composed for the dedication of the new palace, which David had built for himself at Jerusalem, 2 Samuel, .y. 11. or for the dedication of it, after it had been polluted by Absalom, 2 Samuel, xvi. He (1.) Offers thanksgiving to God for the answering of his prayers ; — the overthrowing of his enemies : — and the preserving of his life, ver. 1 — 3, 11, 12. (2.) He calls and charges others to praise the Lord on account of the purity of his nature, the short duration of his frowns, and the sweet- ness of his favours, ver. 4, 5. (3.) He remarks, how his carnal security under prosperity had occasioned his sudden fall into divine hidings and frowns, ver. 6, 7. (4».) He recollects what supplications he had made to God, in his former distress, ver 8 — 10. (5.) He triumphs in the 70 PSALM XXX. kindness of God towards him : and resolves to praise and thank him for evermore on accountof it, ver. 11, 12. ■jj While I sing, let me, with a grateful heart, remember the Lord's mercies. Let me remember my own follies ; and how the Lord corrected me for them. Let me look after my prayers, and wait for an answer. And the nearer my end draweth, let my heart and mouth be the more abundantly filled with the high praises of my God, and my Saviour. A Psalm and Song at the Dedication of the house of David. 1 Lord I will thee extol, for thou hast lifted me on high, And over me thou to rejoice mad'st not mine enemy. 2 O thou who art the Lord my God, I in distress to thee With loud cries lifted up my voice, and thou hast healed me. 3 O Lord, my soul thou hast brought up and rescu'd from the grave ; That I to pit should not go down, alive thou didst me save. 4 O ye that arje his holy ones, sing praise unto the Lord : And give unto him thanks, when ye his holiness record. 5 For hut a moment lasts his wrath ; life in his favour lies ; Weeping may for a night endure, at morn doth joy arise. PSALM XXX. 71 6 In my prosperity I said, that nothing shall me move. 7 O Lord, thou hast my mountain made to stand strong hy thy love : But when that thou, O gracious God, didst hide thy face from me, Then quickly was my prosp'rous state turn'd into misery. 8 Wherefore unto the Lord my cry I caused to ascend : My humhle supplication I to the Lord did send. 9 What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to pit ? Shall unto thee the dust give praise ? thy truth declare shall it ? 1 Hear, Lord, have mercy, help me, Lord, Thou turned hast my sadness To dancing ; yea, my sackcloth loos'd and girded me with gladness ; 12 That sing thy praise my glory may, and never silent he. O Lord, my God, for evermore I will give thanks to thee. PSALM XXXI. Observe here (1.) David's solemn professions of his depi ndance upon God ; and his prayers for support and deliverance, ver. .1—8. (2.) His sad complaints of in- ward grief, bodily weakness, unkindness of friends, unjust 72 PSALM XXXI. censures of enemies, and horror of death, — attended with solemn commitment of himself to God's mercy and care, and earnest supplication for deliverance from enemies, ver. 9 — 18. (3.) Amidst admiration of God 1 s kindness to hi« people, and thanksgiving for favours to himself, he en- coura^eth himself and others, firmly to trust in God, ver. 19 — 24. If While I sing, let me be deeply affected with my sores, and maladies, and troubles : And cast all my burdens on the Lord. In the assured faith that He is God, even fiy God. Let me admire his gracious thoughts, words, and deeds to me-ward, and commit my- self wholly to his care and protection. To the chief 3Iusician, a Psalm of David, 1 In thee, O Lord, I put my trust, sham'd let me never be : According to thy righteousness do thou deliver me. 2 Bow down thine ear to me, with speed send me deliverance : To save me, my strong rock be thou and my house of defence. 3 Because thou art my rock, and thee I for my fortress take ; TherefoVe do thou me lead and guide, ev'n for thy own name's sake. 4 And sith thou art my strength, therefore pull me out of the net, Which they in subtilty for me so privily have set. 5 Into thine hands I do commit. my spirit: for ihou art he f PSALM XXXI. 73 O thou JEHOVAH, God of truth, that hast redeemed me. 6 Those that do lying vanities regard, I have abhorr'd : But as for me my confidence is fixed on the Lord. 7 Til in thy mercy gladly joy : for thou my miseries Consider d hast ; thou hast my soul known in adversities. 8 And thou hast not inclosed me within the en'my's hand ; And by thee have my feet been made in a large room to stand. 9 O Lord, upon me mercy have, for trouble is on me : Mine eye, my belly, and my soul with grief consumed be. 10 Because my life with grief is spent, my years with sighs and groans: My strength doth fail ; and for my sin consumed are my bones. Ill was a scorn to all my foes, and to my friends a fear ; And specially reproach'd of those that were my neighbours near: When they me saw, they from me fled, 12 Ev'n so I am forgot, As men are out of mind when dead : I'm like a broken pot. E 74 PSALM XXXI. 13 For slanders I of many heard, fear compass'd me, while they Against me did consult, and plot to take my life away. 14 But as for me, O Lord, my trust upon thee I did lay : And I to thee, Thou art my God, did confidently say. 1 5 My times are wholly in thine hand : do thou deliver me From their hands that mine enemies and persecutors be. 16 Thy countenance to shine do thou upon thy servant make : Unto me give salvation, for thy great mercies' sake. 17 Let me not he asham'd, O Lord, for on thee call'd I have : Let wicked men be sham'd, let them be silent in the grave. 18 To silence put the lying lips that grievous things do say, And hard reports, in pride and scorn, on right'ous men do lay. 19 How great's the goodness thou for them that fear thee keep'st in store, * And WTOUght'st for them that trust iii thet the sons of men before ! 20 In secret of thy presence thou shalt hide them from man's pride : PSALM XXXL 75 From strife of tongues thou closely shalt, as in a tent them hide. II All praise and thanks be to the Lord; for he hath magnify 'd His wond'rous lo\;e to me within a city fortify' d. !2 For from thine eyes cut off I am, I in my haste had said ; My voice yet heard'st thou, when to thee with cries my moan I made. S3 O love the Lord, all ye his saints : because the Lord doth guard The faithful, and he plent'ously proud doers doth reward. 24 Be of good courage, and he strength unto your heart shall send, All ye whose hope and confidence doth on the Lord depend. PSALM XXXIL Perhaps this Psalm was composed for the great day of he national atonement on the tenth day of the seventh nonth, Lev. xvi. In it, observe (1.) The exceeding iches of the grace of God manifested in blessing men vith forgiveness of sin, and with protection amidst dangers, md direction in duty, ver. 1, 2, 7, 8. (2.) The indis- pensable duty of them who desire new-covenant blessings, —viz. to acknowledge their offences to God ; — to implore lis favours, which they need ; to w r alk humbly and cir- :umspectly before him, and to rejoice in him as God and heir God, ver. 3 — 6, 9 — 11. ^f While I am truly .onscious of my sinfulness, and deeply affected therewith, et the faith and experience of Jesus' full pardon of my 76 PSALM XXXII. sins, and of the communications of his grace, melt my heart, and animate me to every commanded duty. A Psalm of David, JIaschil. 1 O blessed is the man, to whom is freely pardoned* All the transgression he hath done, whose sin is covered. 2 Bless'd is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not his sin, And in whose sp'rit there is no guile, nor fraud is found therein. 3 When as I did refrain my speech, and silent was my tongue, My hones then waxed old, because I roared all day long. 4 For upon me both day and night, thine hand did heavy lie, So that my moisture turned is in summer's drought thereby. 5 I thereupon have unto thee my sin acknowledged, And likewise mine iniquity I have not covered : I will confess unto the Lord my trespasses, said I : And of my sin thou freely didst forgive th* iniquity. 6 For this shall ev'ry godly one his prayer make to thee, PSALM XXXII. 77 In such a time lie shall thee seek, as found thou may est be. Surely, >hen floods of waters great do swell up to the brim, They shall not overwhelm his soul, nor once come near to him. 7 Thou art my hiding-place, thou shalt from trouble keep me free : Thou, with songs of deliverance about shalt compass me. 8 I will instruct thee, and thee teach the way that thou shalt go : And, with mine eye upon thee set, I will direction show. 9 Then be not like the horse or mule, which do not understand ; Whose mouth, lest they come near to thee, a bridle must command. 10 Unto the man that wicked is his sorrows shall abound ; But him that trusteth in the Lord mercy shall compass round. 1 1 Ye righteous in the Lord be glad, in him do ye rejoice : All ye that upright are in heart, for joy lift up your voice. PSALM XXXIII. This Psalm contains a summons to praise the Lord, (1.) For his justice, goodness, and truth, manifested in his word and works, ver. 1 — 5. (2.) For his power manifest- 78 PSALM XXXIII. ed in th« work of creation, and in his sovereign dominion over the world, ver. 6 — 11, 13 — 17. (3.) For his special and new-covenant relations, and merciful kindness towards his chosen people, ver. 12, 18 — 22