6 .// . 2 . 3 , LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON. N. J. Presented by Or\Qs Vn\\tf\Ae\c >Vmca 5(S'm\r\c7\ru\ <^-Vne C\\umn\ C>35oc\cvhcm. , Division . BV 4070 .P66 A2 1923 Philadelphia (Mt. Airy) Lutheran Theological The Philadelphia seminary bioaraphical record, 1864- I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/philadelphiasemiOOphil HENRY E. JACOBS, D.D., S.T.D., LL.D. PRESIDENT OF THE SEMINARY WHO THIS YEAR, I923, COMPLETES FORTY YEARS OF SERVICE AS A PROFESSOR V. ^ j i joL I C\ ^ P (A > L IA ' i ' 0\Y 1 i VUS-O i'-'' • 1 ’ ' 5cvm \y\cxyj THE PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD 1864-1923 EDITED BY LUTHER D. REED, >95 MT. AIRY, PHILADELPHIA ISSUED BY THE SEMINARY AND THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 1923 / CONTENTS PAGE Foreword . 5 List of Abbreviations. 7 Historical Summary . 9 The Board of Directors.. 25 * The Faculty .:. 34 The Alumni Association. 52 The Alumni . 65 Graduates of Other Seminaries. 251 Index of Names. 253 3 FOREWORD The editor of this Biographical Record of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia writes these final words out of a thankful heart— not so much because the task is finished, as because it was so well worth the doing. The impatience aroused by vexatious difficulties and delays in securing information, and the regret felt in writing the unhappy history of a very few names, are all forgotten in the overwhelming sense of consecrated endeavor and divine blessing represented in the records of more than one thousand men, whom the Philadelphia Seminary helped to prepare for the Ministry of the Gospel. The Seminary and the Church may well be proud of such a record of constructive achievement and spiritual influence affecting hundreds of thousands of souls in our congregations and communities. It is a record of preaching and teaching" and pastoral care; of missionary zeal and self- sacrifice in the great cities, on the frontiers and in foreign lands; of editorial labors and authorship; of administrative responsibilities and com¬ mittee tasks; of watchfulness and prayer and loving service in the spirit and Name of Jesus Christ by men who dedicated their lives and their gifts to Him and to His Church, and whose ministry has been wonderfully blest. Such a record compels not only admiration, but reverence and thanksgiving. This volume was projected by the Alumni Association and the editor was appointed by it. The Seminary has cordially furthered the work and assisted in its publication. The editorial plan provides brief biographical sketches of all professors and alumni, with trustworthy information objectively and uniformly given. Parishes served, with dates, are given as fully as possible, but it has been found impracticable to give detailed parochial statistics, such as accessions, financial statements, church building" programs, etc., and these have been omitted from all records. Official positions in Synods and General Bodies are indicated, but Conference positions have not been included. An effort has been made to record committee work when particularly important or of long duration. Positions of honor and trust and influential work in the community have been noted so far as possible, and an especial effort has been made fully to record all literary work of consequence. The attempt to include complete records of the many special and other students who spent a year or more in the Seminary, but did not graduate, proved impracticable and the plan was abandoned. It was only with the greatest difficulty that exact information could be 5 FOREWORD obtained concerning some of the early graduates, many of whom are deceased, others no longer in the ministry, etc. The records of quite a few other alumni presented almost as great difficulty, because repeated requests for information were ignored, and questionnaires not returned. But in nearly all these cases, correspondence with relatives, classmates and friends, and persistent searching of Faculty and Archive material, the Minutes of Synods, College and Seminary Catalogs, Synodical, Conference, and con¬ gregational histories, and obituary notices in Church almanacs and weeklies, have yielded some facts. With several hundred thousand separate items recorded it is too much to hope for entire accuracy, and the editor will be grateful for corrections and important additions that should be made in future editions. The compilation of such a Record would have been impossible without the cordial assistance of many persons, and this is gratefully acknowledged. But the editor is particularly indebted to President Henry E. Jacobs, whose unflagging interest in the work from its beginning to its conclusion led him to give to it many hours of valuable time, and supplied exact information and innumerable “clues” leading to results otherwise unattainable; and to Miss Mary E. Kaighn, Assistant Librarian of the Krauth Memorial Library', whose painstaking’ researches and intelligent handling of the material have contributed to the fullness and accuracy' of the Record. The Rev. Clarence H. Swavely, ’22, now of the India Mission Field, also made extensive searches and prepared a large part of the manuscript for the printer. The Seminary Mid-Lent, 1923 CAMPUS FROM LIBRARY ENTRANCE 6 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS assoc.associate (pastor), association asst.assistant (pastor) b.born bd.board Ch.Church Col.College Com.Committee contr.contributor d.died ed.editor, edited G. C.General Council instr.instructor Luth.Lutheran m.married mem.member Min. Pa.Ministerium of Pennsylvania N. Y. Min_Ministerium of New York ord.ordained pres.president prill.principal prof.professor s.son sch.school sec.secretary Sem.Seminary stud.student Syn.Synod tr.translated treas.treasurer U.University U. L. C.United Lutheran Church .deceased Institution and year ...graduation Institution and dates... attendance DOORWAY TO THE REFECTORY 7 THE OLD SEMINARY ON FRANKLIN STREET HISTORICAL SUMMARY With the farseeing vision that characterized all his activities, the Patriarch Henry Melchior Muhlenberg from the very beginning saw that the establishment of a Theological Seminary in or near Philadelphia for the training of Lutheran ministers was one of the most important objects comprehended in his call. Accordingly, in 1749, one year after the Ministerium of Pennsylvania was organized, he bought a lot of ground in the city and deeded it to Dr. Ziegenhagen in London and Dr. Francke in Halle to be held in trust for this purpose. While the project was long delayed, the Minutes of the Ministerium, especially in 1769, 1773, 1804, 1805, 1820, show that it never departed from the mind of the Church, and repeated plans were proposed and efforts made toward its beginning. To supply the lack of an institution, the Ministerium from time to time appointed certain of its abler members to give candidates for the ministry the needed preparation. In 1804 the Revs. F. V. Melsheimer, J. H. Helmuth, D.D., J. F. Schmidt, D.D., J. G. Lochman. D.D., F. W. Geissenhainer, D.D., and C. Streit, were elected theological instructors to whom students should resort, and some $500 were contributed as the nucleus of a Seminary Fund. Dr. Demme, Dr. Mann and others later gave similar private instruction. Many useful ministers and some of the more influential leaders of the Church were thus trained in the parsonages of busy pastors. An unsuc¬ cessful attempt was made (1842-44) to unite in the support of the College and Seminary at Columbus, Ohio, where Dr. C. F. Schaeffer was for some years a theological professor, and to which institution Dr. C. R. Demme had also been called. About 1850 a beginning was made of a union with the institutions at Gettysburg, when the interests of the Ministerium in Franklin College, at Lancaster, Pa., were sold to the Reformed Church, and the proceeds used to establish the Franklin Professorship at Pennsylvania (now Gettysburg) College. In 1850 Dr. F. A. Muhlenberg became the first incumbent of this professorship. In 1856 the Ministerium added another professorship, whose incumbent had the double duty of teaching Theology in German in the Seminary and teaching the German Language and Literature in the College. This professorship was partially endowed through the indefatigable efforts of the Rev. Benjamin Keller by collections made principally from congregations of the Ministerium. From 1856 to 1864 it was filled by Dr. C. F. Schaeffer, who in the latter year was transferred to Philadelphia. When the Ministerium had founded its own Seminary at Philadelphia and its College at Allentown, all claims to rights arising from its former relations were ultimately relinquished. 9 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD During the convulsion of the Civil War, in 1864, the importance of the establishment of a Theological Seminary in the place originally designed for it by Muhlenberg became apparent. It was confidently expected that with such an institution unreservedly based upon the Lutheran Confessions, with a longer course of study than was then usual, and with the wants of all parts of the Church in view, all the rapidly expanding needs of the Church, both in English and in German, throughout the whole country, would be better met than ever before. 1864 President C. W. Schaeffer, D. D., in his annual report to the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, meeting in Pottstown, Pa., called attention to ‘'the duty of making more ample provision for the education of pastors. . . . The necessity of definite and liberal action is now upon us. . . May 25th, the Ministerium resolved, “That in the Name of the Lord we now determine to undertake the establishment of a Theological Seminary.” A Committee consisting of the Revs. C. F. Welden, W. J. Mann, F. C. H. Lampe, and Messrs. C. F. Norton and Charles A. Heinitsh presented a plan the following day. Consideration was postponed to a special meeting, held July 26th in Allentown. The first three items, viz., that the Seminary should be unreservedly based on all the Lutheran Confessions, that it should be located in Philadelphia, and that instruction should be in English and in German, were adopted. Another Committee, consisting of the Revs. G. F. Krotel, J. Kohler. F. W. Geissenhainer, J. T. Vogelbach, and Messrs. G. Lindauer, James Dinkey and Charles A. Heinitsh, reported further plans the following day, recommending three regular professors, one to have charge of the English Department, one of the German Department, and one to cover both lan¬ guages ; and several assistant professors. This was adopted and Dr. C. F. Schaeffer was elected the first regular professor; Dr. W. J. Mann, Professor in the German Department; and Dr. C. P. Krauth, Professor in the English Department. Drs. C. W. Schaeffer and G. F. Krotel were elected Assistant Professors. It was also resolved to invite neighboring Synods to co-operate, any Synod endowing a Professorship to have the right to nominate the incumbent, with final election by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania. A provisional Board of Directors, consisting of eleven ministers and nine laymen, was elected, and steps were taken to open the Seminary at once and to secure endowment. The following constituted this provisional Board of Directors: Ministers: the Revs. W. J. Eyer, F. W. Geissenhainer, D.D., C. F. Welden, D.D., G. A. Wenzel, D.D., J. T. Vogelbach, B. M. Schmucker, D.D., S. K. Brobst, J. Kohler, D.D., G. F. Miller, J. J. Kuendig, F. Herold. Laymen: Dr. F. A. Muhlenberg, Dr. H. H. Muhlenberg, 10 HISTORICAL SUMMARY H. Trexler, C. F. Norton, L. L. Houpt, C. Pretz, Lewis Bremer, Frederick Genuth, James Dinkey. October 3d the Professors were installed at a service in St. John’s Church, the opening address being made by Dr. F. W. Geissenhainer, Presi¬ dent of the Board; the charge to the Professors given by the Rev. B. M. Schtnucker, English Secretary, and the inaugural in behalf of the Faculty by Dr. Krauth. October 4th, the Seminary opened in rooms on the second floor of the Lutheran Publication Society, 42 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, with eleven students. Mr. Charles F. Norton, of St. Mark’s Church, Philadelphia, son-in-law of the Rev. Benjamin Keller, gave $30,000 to endow the first Professorship. The Philadelphia Seminary was the first Lutheran institution in the country to provide a standard course in Theology covering' three full years. 1865 June 14th, the endowment of the second Professorship was assumed by the Ministerium. The purchase of a Seminary building, 212 Franklin Street, north of Race Street, was approved, and a Constitution adopted. 1866 The first annual report of the Board of Directors showed twenty-five students in attendance, and subscriptions totaling $80,000. All funds were held by the Ministerium in trust for the Seminary. 1867 The first class to receive three years* instruction, and consisting of eight members, graduated. 1869 The Board of Directors was authorized to procure ground and erect a suitable building, but was not financially able to do so. 1871 Total funds in possession of the Seminary were reported as $76,000, of which $10,000 was invested in the Seminary building. The salary of the regular Professors was reported as entirely inadequate, one of them only having received one-third of his salary to date, and the Assistant Professors having received no compensation whatsoever. 11 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1872 The Ministerium of New York offered to endow a Professorship and to pay $2,000 a year salary for a Professor until the endowment was com¬ pleted, which plan was accepted by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Anna M. Burkhalter, of Trinity Church, New York City, also announced her intention of endowing an English Professorship. 1873 Dr. C. W. Schaeffer accepted the call as a regular Professor on the Burkhalter Foundation. The Ministerium accepted the total payments of $24,820 made by St. John’s Church, Philadelphia, as entitling the congregation to a Professor¬ ship. Dr. C. F. Schaeffer was named as the first incumbent. The use of a building lot adjoining the Seminary building was given by Zion’s and St. Paul’s congregations, and the Seminary building was en¬ larged to accommodate sixty students, and opened February 10th. The Rev. C. F. Heyer was secured as House Chaplain and served until his death, in 1874. Sunday Schools and other societies contributed $2,200 toward furnishing the rooms. The Rev. A. Spaeth was elected to the New York Ministerium Profes¬ sorship, and September 10th he and Dr. C. W. Schaeffer were installed, thus making five regular professors in the Faculty. 1875 Fifty-six students were reported in attendance. 7 Dr. Mann became House Chaplain. 1879 The number of members of the Board was changed to forty, of whom thirty-two were elected by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania and eight by the New York Ministerium. This ratio was determined by the fact that the Ministerium of Pennsylvania had contributed $170,000 for buildings and endowment, and the New York Ministerium had assumed responsibility for $30,000. 1881 The question of possible removal to secure more healthful conditions was discussed. Several deaths had occurred among the students in previous years. The need for proper room for the Library and for a resident Professor was greatly felt. 1882 Theodore E. Schmauk, then a student in the Seminary, reorganized the Library and founded and edited the Indicator. 12 HISTORICAL SUMMARY 1883 January 2d, Dr. Krauth died. His family presented the greater part of his library, considered one of the finest private theological collections in the country, to the Seminary. The Ministerium accepted it for the Institution and provided an annuity of $500 in favor of Mrs. Krauth, which was continued until her death in 1900. The Ministerium undertook as part of the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Luther’s birth, to enter upon an effort to erect new buildings. May 16th, Dr. Henry E. Jacobs was elected Norton Professor of Systematic Theology to succeed Dr. Krauth. 1884 A Committee of the Board of Directors appointed to examine sites, after considering more than a hundred, recommended the purchase of a tract of six acres beyond the Fifty-second Street Station of the Pennsyl¬ vania Railroad in West Philadelphia. The Library was stored in a ware¬ house. The Rev. Reuben Hill, D.D., was called as Agent of the Seminary, October 1st. 1885 The West Philadelphia site was purchased for $24,506.85. Sixty-two students in the Seminary. 1886 April 12th, a special meeting of the Board considered a report of the Building Committee, which, because of dissatisfaction with the West Phila¬ delphia site, had examined twenty additional sites, and recommended the purchase of a property in Mt. Airy. June 14th, this location was visited, and the Ministerium, at its meeting, authorized the purchase of the Mt. Airy property, nearly six acres, on Germantown Avenue at Allen Lane, for $35,741.83. The Synod authorized an issue of bonds for $30,000 and the sale of the Fifty-second Street prop¬ erty. The sum of $100,000 was apportioned to the parishes to secure funds for new buildings. The Mt. Airy property was purchased from the Go wen family, September 29th. It is rich in historical associations, being the former home of Chief Justice Allen prior to the Revolution, and the actual site of the beginning of the Battle of Germantown. Later a Military Academy and afterwards an Agricultural College had been conducted here. 1888 April 15th, work was begun on the new dormitory, a three-story build¬ ing approximately 110 feet square, composed of seven compartments 13 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD separated by fireproof walls grouped about a central court 37 by 80 feet, the arrangement providing a bedroom and a study communicating, to be used jointly by two students. May 22d, the cornerstone was laid by Dr. Krotel, President of the Ministerium, with addresses by Professors C. W. Schaeffer and W. J. Mann. October 15th, Dr. B. M. Schmucker, for twenty-four years Secretary of the Board of Directors, died. 1889 Dr. Hill was made General Superintendent of the grounds and buildings. October 4th, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the original opening of the Seminary on North Ninth Street, the new buildings at Mt. Airy were dedicated, and the Seminary began its work there. In the first twenty-five years of its history 321 graduates had left its walls. Several thousand people were reported present at the dedication. The Matin Service was used. Dr. Seiss, President of the Board, delivered the address and conducted the Service of Dedication. Dr. Krotel and Dr. Spaeth also delivered addresses. The exercises in the afternoon were in charge of the Rev. C. J. Hirzel, President of the Alumni Association, and there were addresses by the Rev. E. T. Horn, of Charleston, S. C.; A. Richter, Rochester, N. Y. (German) ; W. A. Passavant, Jr., of Pittsburgh; J. J. Heischmann, of New York, and Dr. D. H. Geissinger, of Easton. A memorial number of the Indicator, founded by Dr. Schmauk and now edited by the Rev. Paul G. Klingler, contained the program of exercises, extracts of the addresses, etc. The first edition of 3,000 copies was exhausted and a second printed. Professor H. E. Jacobs was appointed Resident Professor and placed in charge of the inner administration. 1891 May 19th, twenty-seven students w'ere graduated and eighty-nine were reported in attendance during the year. A home for the Resident Professor was erected at a cost of $8,000. Professor H. V. Hilprecht, Ph.D., of the University of Pennsylvania, was elected Assistant Professor of Old Testament Language and Theology. The Rev. Jacob Fry, D.D., of Reading, Pa., was elected St. John’s Pro¬ fessor of Homiletics. The installation service was held September 21st. 1892 Dr. Mann, who had been disabled by illness in November, resigned his Professorship and was made Professor Emeritus. He died June 19th. 14 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Dr. Hilprecht resigned his Assistant Professorship after serving one ye; r. Dr. Spaeth spent the winter in Italy to regain impaired health. The old Seminary property on Franklin Street was sold for $18,450. 1893 January 10th, the Synod in special session approved a revised Constitu¬ tion of the Seminary, and recommended its legal incorporation. The pro¬ posed Charter was adopted by the Synod at its regular meeting, May 29th. The number of directors was fixed at thirty-six, of which the Ministerium of Pennsylvania should elect at least twenty-four. 1894 A legacy of $10,000 was received from the estate of Mr. Isaac Fegely, of Pottstown. The house for the use of Professor Spaeth was built next to Professor Jacobs’ home on Boyer Street. Dr. C. W. Schaeffer resigned his Professorship and was made Professor Emeritus, continuing lectures on Pastoral Theology, and presiding over the Faculty until his death, in 1896. Dr. Spaeth, withdrawing from the New York Ministerium’s Professor- ship, was elected in place of Dr. Mann to the German Professorship of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania. The Rev. G. F. Spieker, D.D., of Allentown, Pa., was elected to the Burkhalter Professorship. October 9th, Thirtieth Anniversary celebrated with gratifying results. This was the first “Seminary Day,” as similar exercises in succeeding years were known. Proceeds of offerings used for much needed repairs of grounds and buildings. 1895 March 3d, Dr. Reuben Hill, Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings, died. Office abolished and duties transferred to the Dean. A student Glee Club was organized which gave concerts and secured other gifts amounting in all to $700. Permission having been secured, these funds were used to put a second story in the stone barn on the grounds and fit it up as a gymnasium. 1896 March 15th, Dr. C. W. Schaeffer died. A legacy amounting to $53,553 was received from the estate of Henry Singmaster and his wife, Rosanna Singmaster, of Stroudsburg, Pa. 15 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Miss Elizabeth Schaeffer, of the Church of the Holy Communion, gave $30,000, half of which was devoted to the erection of two Professors’ houses, which were built in this year. The balance was devoted to other necessary improvements, and to the entire cost of the Boyer Street house erected two years before. The expansion of the Seminary life made more and more evident the need of a Library building and of a Chapel. 1897 Ninety-two students in attendance. The report of the Dean, analyzing the statistics of the last eight classes graduated, showed the requirements of the Church to have been for pastors preaching exclusively in English, 51 per cent, of the graduates; pastors preaching exclusively in German, 10 per cent.; pastors preaching partly in German, 46 per cent. The West Philadelphia property was sold for $22,123.50. 1899 The Board of Directors made alterations to the stone barn previously fitted up as a gymnasium by the Student Association, and provided a com¬ modious chapel, reading rooms, etc., at an expenditure of $3,500. The former Chapel was converted into a much needed lecture room and made a memorial to the Rev. Reuben Hill, D.D., former Superintendent of the Seminary. 1901 Students in attendance, sixty-four. Of the twenty-five graduated, sixteen were from the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, four from the New York Ministerium, and one each from the Pittsburgh, Michigan, Tennessee and Missouri Synods respectively, and one from the United Evangelical Church. 1903 Students in attendance, fifty. The establishment of other Lutheran Seminaries and the general decline in candidates for the ministry was responsible for the decrease. A reorganization of the Board of Directors was effected, and the New York Ministerium, the Pittsburgh Synod and the Synod of New York and New England accepted the invitation of the Ministerium to elect two directors each, one clerical and one lay, as members of the Board. September 16th, the Schaeffer-Ashmead Memorial Church, presented by Dr. William Ashmead Schaeffer, '69, to the Seminary in memory of his parents, Professor Charles W. Schaeffer, D.D., LL.D., and Elizabeth Ash¬ mead Schaeffer, was dedicated, Dr. Krotel preaching the sermon. The new 16 HISTORICAL SUMMARY building is of Chestnut Hill stone, 50 by 90 feet, with a Chapel in the rear 36 by 50 feet. 1904 Number of students, fifty-eight. June 20th, Dr. Seiss, for nearly forty years President of the Board of Directors, died. 1905 Number of students, seventy-five. 1906 January 8th, Mr. B. Frank Weyman, of the First Church, Pittsburgh (whose name was not disclosed until after his death), in response to a letter from Dean Henry E. Jacobs, offered to give $50,000 for a Krauth Memorial Library Building, and subsequently named the Rev. Luther D. Reed, ’95, as his personal representative, with Drs. Jacobs and Spaeth, for the carrying out of this work. May 24th, an additional gift of $50,000 from Mr. Weyman was received through Mr. Reed to make possible the completion and equipment of the building along the lines that had been projected by his representatives. The Board appointed a Building Com¬ mittee with the Rev. Dr. E. T. Horn, Chairman. Mr. Reed was elected Director of the Library'. September 27th (Seminary Day), the cornerstone of the Library was laid. 1907 March 1st, the Director of the Library organized a staff with Miss Mary E. Kaighn as Assistant Librarian, and work was begun on cataloging the collection. May 20th, the Rev. Dr. G. F. Krotel, one of the founders of the Seminary, a Professor, 1864-68, and President of the Board of Directors, 1904-07, died. The property, 7206 Boyer Street, with a residence and lot 115 by 240 feet, was purchased for $14,000, $5,000 of this being appropriated with the consent of the donor from the Library Building Fund. This purchase provided ground for future extension to the Library and gave an outlet from the Seminary grounds to Boyer Street. The Central Heating Plant was built and the Warren Webster System installed to heat all the buildings on the grounds at a cost of about $25,000. 1908 February 17th, the collection of books was moved from the third floor of the Lecture Hall and safely placed in the new Library Building. 17 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD The library of Dr. Seiss, about 2,800 volumes, was presented to the Seminary by Mr. W. R. Aumont. The Alumni Association established a Krotel Memorial Fund of $1,000, the income to be used for the purchase of books. June 3d, the Krauth Memorial Library was dedicated. The building, in the form of a great cross, 132 by 92 feet, with a massive central tower, is of Chestnut Hill stone with Indiana limestone trimmings, and in the Col¬ legiate Gothic style. A reading room provides for thirty-six readers and shelving for reference works. The stack room, containing three stories and absolutely fireproof, with standard iron and steel stacks made by Snead & Company, has a capacity for 90,000 volumes. The building also contains a periodical room, Librarian’s office. Cataloging room and a Lecture Hall with capacity for nearly two hundred on the first floor. A Seminar Room and private research rooms are on the second floor and a large dining* hall, kitchen, pantry and bindery are provided in the basement, where there is also an electric vacuum cleaner. The tower contains tower clock and bell. The furniture was specially designed by the Library Bureau. The total cost of the building and equipment was approximately $92,000. The architects were Messrs. Watson and Huckel, of Philadelphia. The exercises on the day of dedication were held in a large tent on the grounds, in which were chairs for 1,200 people. A choir of eight brass instruments and a student chorus conducted by the Rev. Gomer C. Rees, led the singing. An intellectual feast of rich abundance and of high quality was provided in the addresses of the day. Dr. Spaeth presided in the morning. The addresses were by the Rev. Robert Ellis Thompson, Ph.D., D.D., President of the Boys’ Central High School, Philadelphia, who spoke on “The Scholar Among His Books”; and by Dean Henry E. Jacobs, D.D., LL.D., whose subject was “The Name and Aim of the Library.” After the addresses Mr. Reed, as the representative of the donor, formally presented the building to Dr. Horine, President of the Board of Directors, “as a gift to the Lutheran Church of America to be administered under the care and direction of this Institution, in memory of Charles Porterfield Krauth and for the glory of God and the upbuilding of His Kingdom.” Dr. Horine formally accepted and dedicated the building. In the afternoon there were addresses by the following representatives of educational institutions: Dr. J. A. Singmaster, Gettysburg Seminary; Dr. A. G. Voigt, of the Southern Seminary; Dr. D. H. Bauslin, Hamma Divinity School; Professor George J. Fritschel, Wartburg Seminary; Dr. E. F. Krauss, Chicago Seminary; Provost Charles C. Harrison, D.D., of the University of Pennsylvania; President John A. Morehead, D.D., Roanoke College; President J. A. W. Haas, D.D., Muhlenberg College; Dean F. H. Bert, Thiel College; Dean Charles L. Brown, D.D., Saga Seminary, Japan; the Rev. John W. Richards, President of the Alumni Association. 18 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Ur. Horine resigned and Dr. Theodore E. Schmauk was elected President of the Board of Directors. The number of students in the Seminary was forty-three. 1909 The Catharine Ashmead Fund of $4,000 was appropriated by the Board of Directors to the purchase of new books. 1910 Dr. Henry Offermann, of Philadelphia, was elected to the New York Ministerium Professorship, and was appointed Professor of the New Testa¬ ment. He was inaugurated October 31st in St. Paul’s Church, Brooklyn. Dr. Laird resigned as Treasurer of the Seminary and Mr. Gloss K. Mohr was elected to this position. The Ministerium of Pennsylvania established an additional Professorship. June 25th, Dr. Spaeth, for thirty-seven years a Professor, died in Mt. Airy. 1911 A reorganization of chairs and courses was undertaken. Special lecturers were secured in the German Practical Department. Three Professors were elected: Dr. Theodore E. Schmauk, Professor of the Confession and Defense of the Christian Faith; Dr. E. T. Horn, Professor of Ethics and the Theory and Practice of Missions; and the Rev. L. D. Reed, Professor of Liturgies and Church Art. Dr. Schmauk, being President of the Board of Directors, did not accept the call to his Professorship, but was formally placed in charge of the department. The Director of the Library reported nearly $30,000 subscribed for the Library Endowment. The Go wen property adjacent to the Seminary grounds and containing the old Gowen homestead, subsequently altered and used as a Refectory, was purchased for $35,000. 1912 A reorganization of the inner work of the Seminary was effected. This separated the classes completely. The year was divided into two semesters. Library work more definitely required as part of the regular course. The daily Chapel Services were held in the Church building, with addresses by the Professors on Wednesday mornings, and four Communion Services a year. 19 d PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD July 1st, the Seminary for the first time assumed the entire running* expense of the Library, exclusive of the salary of the Director. To assist in this, Mr. Weyman gave an additional $5,000 toward the Library Endow¬ ment Fund. The entire expense of classifying, cataloging, etc., and mainte¬ nance which he had borne up to this time amounted to $15,000. 1913 Hon. Charles A. Schieren, formerly Mayor of Brooklyn, N. Y., through his pastor, the Rev. S. G. Weiskotten, D.D., established the Schieren Pro¬ fessorship of the Synod of New York and New England, with $40,000 endowment and $10,000 for a Professor’s house, which was built on the Seminary grounds. The Rev. Charles M. Jacobs, ’99, of Allentown, Pa., was elected to the Schieren Professorship and placed in charge of the Graduate School, which was organized this year. The Seminary undertook the management of the Refectory through a Committee appointed by the Board, Mr. F. C. Hassold, Chairman. A bequest of $40,000 by Colonel E. R. Artman, of the Church of the Holy Communion, Philadelphia, established the Artman Professorship. September 7th, Professor G. F. Spieker, D.D., for nineteen years Pro¬ fessor of Church History and various Old Testament branches, died. 1914 The New York Ministerium purchased from the Seminary the property at 7206 Boyer Street as a residence for its Professor, Dr. Offermann. The General Education Fund was authorized by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania in the effort to secure $500,000 for the Seminary and Muhlen¬ berg College. The old Go wen Mansion was remodeled and equipped as a Refectory at a cost of $6,403.43. May 26th, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Seminary was celebrated at the annual Commencement. Dr. Henry E. Jacobs delivered the address, “A Survey of the History of Fifty Years.” Dr. Schmauk awarded diplomas to the seventeen graduates. Immediately after the Commencement a Semi-Centennial Jubilee was held in the Reading Room of the Library, where representatives of the five decades delivered addresses: the Revs. W. K. Frick, D.D., ’73; F. K. Bernd, '83; F. F. Fry, D.D., ’88; F. H. Bosch, ’95; A. M. Rohrig, ’05. A Jubilee Dinner in the basement of the Library at 1 :30 and a social evening with addresses closed the exercises of the day. 20 HISTORICAL SUMMARY 1915 Number of students, sixty-seven, of whom thirteen were in the Graduate School. The Library reported 28 per cent, increase in circulation of books. Authority was secured from the University Council of the State of Pennsylvania to confer degrees. March 4th, Professor E. T. Horn, D.D., LL.D., died. March 10th, Hon. Charles A. Schieren died. May 28th, the Rev. C, Theodore Benze, D.D., was elected a Professor on the Burkhalter Foundation and assigned the Chair of the Old Testament. The first Summer Bible School was held at the Seminary under the auspices of the Philadelphia English Conference. 1916 The first Graduate Fellowship was established by the Board. The Seminary Bulletin was established jointly by the Alumni Associa¬ tion and the Board of Directors, with Professors Reed and C. M. Jacobs, editors, and the Rev. J. C. Mattes, '01, Alumni Editor. The Summer Bible School from this year was conducted under the auspices of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania. October 25th, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the ordination of the Dean, Henry E. Jacobs, was celebrated by arrangement of the Faculty with reso¬ lutions, addresses, music and refreshments served by a caterer in the Library. Every student in the Seminary enrolled in volunteer mission study classes under the auspices of the Father Heyer Society. 1917 The degree of B. D. was conferred for the first time upon a group of candidates who had met the special requirements. A bronze statue of Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg surrounded by his con¬ gregation, the work of J. Otto Schweizer, of Philadelphia, was presented by the Sunday Schools of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania and dedicated during the Quadri-Centennial Meeting of the General Council, October 27th. This commemorated the 175th anniversary of the arrival of Muhlenberg in America, 1742. The cost was $15,000. The President of the Board, in his report to the Ministerium, referred to the work of the Library during the ten years since its organization. 21 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD "it has made possible a revolution of method and material; it has greatly furthered the advanced work of the Graduate School, and has encouraged habits of reading and research among many of the abler and more recent students. It has devoted a vast amount of time to more general interests of the Church, especially in connection with the editing of the Common Service Book. It has made a good beginning by-keeping in touch with the Alumni and others and supplying them with literature for special investi¬ gation. The circulation during this year has increased 33 per cent, over that of the preceding year.” 1918 The value of the Seminary property was reported at approximately $350,000. $112,000 was received from the General Education Fund, which brought the General Endowment of the Institution up to $376,000 and the Library Endowment, including the Wattles Foundation of $5,000, to $65,000. Though feeling the effects of the war in many ways, there were sixty- five students enrolled, including a number absent on leave and in the mili¬ tary service. A sub-Junior Class of College grade was established with five members. Price of board was increased from $3.50 to $5.00 per week, but the Refectory operated with a deficit of $1,575. During the epidemic of influenza, twenty-four students dug graves in the neighboring cemetery, Ivy Hill, having volunteered for this service. October 24th, William Shannon Wright, a student in the Seminary', died in the military service at Camp Hancock, Ga. A development of great importance, as affecting the material and the method of instruction, was the preparation of an entirely new curriculum with Prescribed, Elective and Degree Courses. This curriculum, which provided a much more comprehensive, thorough and flexible course of instruction, was introduced the following year. 1919 March 3d, the Seminary' Choir, which this year was unusually well balanced, gave a musicale in the Library, assisted by soloists from the student body, including Mr. Hans Dressel, formerly a professional violon¬ cello player. June 12th, Mr. B. Frank Weyman, donor of the Krauth Memorial Library, died in Pittsburgh, Pa. 1920 February 19th, Professor Jacob Fry, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D., for twenty - nine years a Professor in the Institution, died. March 23d, the Rev. T. E. Schmauk, D.D., LL.D., for twelve \ r ears President of the Board of Directors, and for nine years in charge of the 22 HISTORICAL SUMMARY Department of Ethics, Apologetics and Pedagogy, died. The Seminary received from his estate a gift of $5,000 for General Endowment and a large part of his extensive library. Eighty-four students were in attendance, many of whom had seen military service overseas, and several of whom had been wounded. Mr. E. Clarence Miller, of Philadelphia, gave $29,000 to the Seminary to clear accumulated deficit and to purchase an additional tract of ground, 225 by 185 feet, immediately adjoining the grove. Extensive improvements were made in the Dormitories. The By-Laws of the Seminary were revised, the office of the Dean was abolished, and Professor Henry E. Jacobs, D.D., LL.D., was elected the first President of the Seminary. Mr. E. Clarence Miller, of Philadelphia, was elected President of the Board of Directors, the first layman to hold this position. June 2d, the Ministerium of Pennsylvania added $5,000 to its budget of Synodical apportionments for the work of the Seminary. The Rev. Emil E. Fischer, ’07, of Allentown, Pa., was elected a Pro¬ fessor on the Ministerium’s Professorship and was subsequently assigned the Department of Ethics and Apologetics. He was installed on Seminary Day. The Faculty assumed entire editorial responsibility for the Lutheran Church Review, and Professors C. M. Jacobs and Reed were appointed the Editorial Committee. The Alumni Association assumed responsibility of publication. Of the twenty-five graduates, two went out as missionaries to India, and the rest accepted calls from Canada to Texas, and as far west as the Mississippi. The New York Ministerium, the Pittsburgh Synod and the Synod of New York and New England accepted the invitation of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania and elected four delegates each on the Board of Directors. The Rev. John C. Seegers, D.D., ’91, of Wilmington, N. C., was elected a Professor and assigned the Department of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology. The Faculty proposed plans for Seminary Expansion, which were thor¬ oughly elaborated by a Committee of the Board, Professor Reed, Chairman, and approved by the Board at a special meeting, xA.pril 15th, and reported to the Synods. Lay members of the Board of Directors subscribed $2,500 for European book purchase. 23 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1922 Ninety-seven students reported in attendance (twenty in the Graduate School), exhausting the capacity of the dormitories. The students came from twelve different States and from Canada, Czecho-Slovakia, India, Japan and Turkey. The library of the Rev. Johann Mgebroff, of Brenham, Texas, was purchased and presented to the Seminary by Mr. E. Clarence Miller. This added about 1,500 volumes, rich in historic material, to the collection. The firm of Day & Klauder, architects, Philadelphia, was engaged to prepare a Comprehensive Development Plan for the Institution, and this plan, which provides for a harmonious and beautiful group of buildings, was adopted by the Board at its annual meeting. (Described in Seminary Bulletin, June, 1922.) October 3d to 4th, an Institute was held in New York City in connection with the annual meeting of the Eastern Conference of the New York and New England Synod, at which all the Professors delivered lectures and conducted discussions. December 30th, Professor Benze sailed for Moscow on leave of absence from the Seminary to serve as a Commissioner of the National Lutheran Council in charge of Relief Work. 1923 The eighty-nine students in attendance have received their preparatory training in thirty-five different Colleges and Universities. As this book goes to press, Day and Klauder, architects, are completing plans for the new Recitation Building, the first unit of the proposed group of buildings, and the first payment has been made in purchase of the Hammer property, consisting of a large and handsome residence with ample grounds adjoining the Seminary campus and extending the latter to Gowen Avenue. 24 E. CLARENCE MILLER, LL. D. President of the Board THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESENT OFFICERS President. E. Clarence Miller, LL. D Vice-President. . . .The Rev. E. P. Pfatteicher, Ph.D., D.D. Secretary.The Rev. W. D. C. Keiter, D.D. Treasurer.Mr. Gloss K. Mohr 25 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Presidents * FREDERICK WILLIAM GEISSENHAINER, D.D., was born in New Hanover, Pa., June 28th, 1797, son of the Rev. Frederick William Geissenhainer, who was pastor of Christ Church, New York City, dur¬ ing the Revolutionary War. He was educated in the schools of New York City and subsequently received the degree of D.D. from New York University. He was licensed in 1817 and became pastor at Vincent, Chester County, Pa., remaining there ten years. In 1826 he became pastor of St. Matthew’s Church, New York, remaining there until 1841, when he organized St. Paul’s Church, New York City, of which he was the pastor at the time of his death. Dr. Geissenhainer was active and liberal in the establishment of Lutheran congregations of New York City and vicinity. When the Philadelphia Seminary was founded in 1864 he became the first President of its Board of Directors, and served for one year. He remained a member of the Board until his death, June 2, 1879. He was survived by three children: Frederick William, Esq., the Hon. Jacob A., for many years a Director of the Seminary, and a daughter, Mrs. Mary L. Hunter. ►r JOSEPH AUGUSTUS SEISS, D.D., L.H.D., LL.D., was born near Graceham, Frederick County, Md., March 18, 1823, of Moravian ante¬ cedents, and son of John and Eliza (Schuler) Seiss. He studied at Gettysburg College, which subsequently conferred upon him the degree of D.D. He was Principal of an academy at Westminster, Md., and studied theology privately, being licensed by the Synod of Virginia in 1842. In 1843 he married Miss Elizabeth Barnitz, and they had the following children: C. Few, Helen E., Mary, Linnie J., and Ralph. He received the degree of LL.D. from Roanoke College in 1884, and L.H.D. from Muhlenberg College in 1892. Dr. Seiss was pastor of the following con¬ gregations : Martinsburg and Shepherdstown, W. Va., 1843-47; Cumberland, Md., 1847-52; Lombard Street Church, Baltimore, 1852-58; Old St. John’s, Philadelphia, 1858-74; Church of the Holy Communion, Philadelphia, 1874 until his death, June 20, 1904. 26 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Dr. Seiss was active in all the larger affairs of the Lutheran Church. He was President of the Synod of Maryland and of the East Pennsyl¬ vania Synod; Secretary of the General Synod’s Board of Missions; and a Director of the Seminary at Gettysburg. He was one of the founders of the General Council in 1867, and its President in 1888. He was President of the Association which established the Lutheran, and was editor of this journal for twelve years. He was a Director of the Lutheran Publication Society. He was an active member of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania’s Hymn Book Committee, and of the Church Book Committee of the General Council, and made extensive studies in liturgies and hymnody. He was President of the General Council Board of English Home Missions and of its Church Extension Society. He was elected President of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Seminary the year after it was founded, and held this office for almost forty years, being most active in promoting the interests of the Institution. He was for many years First Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Philadelphia, a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Director of the Philadelphia Free Dispensary, and actively associated with other organizations. Dr. Seiss was not only a distinguished preacher and an able adminis¬ trator, but a productive and influential author. He contributed extensively to the Lutheran Quarterly, the Evangelical Review, the Lutheran Church Review and other Church periodicals. For twelve years he was editor-in-chief of the “ Prophetic Times.” Besides numerous sermons, addresses, etc., in pamphlet form, his books are the following: Popular Lectures on the Epistle to the Hebrezvs, 1846; Baptist System Ex¬ amined, 1854; Last Times, 1856; Digest of Christ's Doctrine, 1857; Book of Worship, 1860; Gospel in Leviticus, Holy Types, 1860; Evangelical Psalmist, 1860; Parable of the Ten Virgins, 1862; Lectures on the Apocalypse, 3 vols., 1866, 1881 ; (German tr., 1889; Dutch, 1892) ; Ecclcsia Lutherana, 1868; Lectures on the Gospels, 2 vols., 1868, 1870; Plain Words, 1869; Truth Made Plain, 1870; The Javelin, 1871; Uriel, Occasional Discourses, 1874; Church Song, 1875, 1892; A Miracle in Stone, 1877; Life After Death, 1878; Thirty-three Practical Sermons, 1879; Voices from Babylon, 1879; Blossoms of Faith, 1880; The Gospel in the Stars, 1882-85; The Golden Altar, 1882—98; Luther and the Reformation, 1883; Lectures on the Epistles, 2 vols., 1885; Right Life, Dost Thou Believe? 1886, 1900; The Children of Silence, 1887; Letters of Jesus, 1889; Lectures on Gospels and Epistles for Minor Festivals, 1893; Proposed Nciv Hymnal, 1899; Beacon Lights, 1900; Lenten and Passiontide Scrmonettes, 1901; The Christ and His Church, 1902. ►P GOTTLOB FREDERICK KROTEL, D.D., LL.D. President of the Board, 1904-07. See under the Faculty, page 38. 27 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD ^ MAHLON C. HORINE, D.D., was born July 14, 1838, at Myers- ville, Md., son of John and Catherine Horine. He graduated at Gettys¬ burg College, 1861, with first honor, and at Gettysburg Seminary, 1864. He married Miss Emma F. Winebrenner, and at his death, May 16, 1917, was survived by three children: Paul C.; the Rev. Professor John W., D.D., ’92; and Harriet. Dr. Horine was pastor at Smithburg, Md., 1865-69; Dayton, Ohio, 1869-70; Zanesville, Ohio, 1870-73; Danville, Pa., 1873-81; St. James’, Reading, Pa., 1881-1909; Trinity, Manoa, Philadelphia, 1913-17. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Muhlenberg College for many years, a mem¬ ber of the Board of Directors of the Philadel¬ phia Seminary, 1891-1909, and President of the Board, 1907-08. He was President of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1904-07, a member of its Executive Committee and of other important Boards and Com¬ mittees. He was the author of Practical Reflections on the Book of Ruth, 1892, and of a History of St. James’ Church, Reading, Pa., 1900. * THEODORE EMANUEL SCHMAUK, D.D., LL.D. President of the Board, 1908—20. See under the Faculty, page 45. E. CLARENCE MILLER, LL.D., was born in Philadelphia, Pa., March 22, 1867, son of J. Washington Miller (Director of the Seminary, 1889-1900), and his wife, Mary Ann Bremer. He graduated from the Central High School of Philadelphia (A.B.) in 1884, and entered the banking business. He is now the senior partner of Bioren & Co., Bankers, established in 1865. In 1892 Dr. Miller married Miss Mary Wagner, of Philadelphia, and they have the following children: Doris A., E. Clarence, Jr., and Mary R. Dr. Miller is President or Director of various Public Utility, Industrial and Banking Companies. He was President of the Philadel¬ phia Stock Exchange, 1907-12. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. In 1922 Muhlenberg College conferred upon him the degree of LL.D. For thirty years Dr. Miller has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Old St. John’s Church, Philadelphia. He was one of the organizers and a member of the Church Council of St. John’s Church, Melrose Park. He has been a Director of the Philadelphia Seminary since 1903; was Vice-President, 1911-20; and was elected President of the Board in 1920, the first layman to hold this office. He was active in the movements which led to the formation of the United Lutheran Church in America and has been its Treasurer and a member of its 28 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Executive Board since its organization in 1918. His active interest and liberal support are constantly given to various Church and charitable causes. Vice-Presidents The Rev. Samuel K. Brobst.1865-72 The Rev. C. F. Welden, D.D.1872-74 The Rev. Gottlob F. Krotel, D.D., LL.D.1874-77 The Rev. E. F. Moldehnke, D.D...1877-80, 1887-88 The Rev. J. H. Baden....'..1880-87 The Rev. Hugo Grahn, D.D.1888-1904 The Rev. Mahlon C. Horine, D.D.1904-07 The Rev. Theodore E. Schmauk, D.D., LL.D.1907-08 The Rev. Edward T. Horn, D.D., LL.D.1908-11 The Rev. John E. Whitteker, D.D., LL.D.1911-21 The Rev. Ernst P. Pfatteicher, Ph.D., D.D.1921— English Secretaries The Rev. Beale M. Schmucker, D.D.1864-88 The Rev. Jacob Fry, D.D., LL.D.1888-91 The Rev. Oliver P. Smith, D.D.1891-1911 The Rev. William D. C. Keiter, D.D.1911— German Secretaries The Rev. J. T. Vogelbach.1864-79 The Rev. Philip Pfatteicher.1879-1909 The Rev. Henry Offermann, D.D.1909-10 Treasurers The Rev. John K. Plitt.1893-95 The Rev. Samuel Laird, D.D.1895-1911 Mr. Gloss K. Mohr.1911- 29 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Ministerium of Pennsylvania J CLERICAL Samuel K. Brobst.1864-71 John W. Early.1886-89 George C. Eisenhardt.1901-03 W. J. Eyer.1864-65 Jacob Fry, -D.D., LL.D.... 1879-91 Augustus T. Geissenhainer. 1880-82 Fredk. W. Geissenhainer, D.D.1864-79 David H. Geissinger, D.D..1879-94 Hugo Grahn, D.D.1879-1903 Emmanuel Greenwald, D.D. 1867-79 John A. W. Haas, D.D., LL.D.1907- J. Henry Harms, D.D.1920— Adolph Hellwege .1910-12 Reuben Hill, D.D.1888-95 John W. Horine, D.D.1911-14 Mahlon C. Horine, D.D... 1891-1909 Edward T. Horn, D.D., LL.D.1901-12 William D. C. Keiter, D.D..1905- John Kohler, D.D.1864-98 Theodore W. Kretschmann, Ph.D.1912-21 J. J. Kuendig, D.D., 1864-65, 1873-75, 1885-88 J. A. Kunkelman, D.D_1870^79 Irwin B. Kurtz, D.D.1914— Samuel Laird, D.D., 1865-67, 1883-1911 Louis Lindenstruth, D.D... 1909- John C. Mattes.1921- Frederick P. Mayser, D.D.1909-17 Nathan R. Melhom, D.D..1918- C. Armand Miller, D.D... 1914-18 G. F. Miller.1864-70 George P. Mueller.1896-1901 J. E. Nidecker, D.D.1903-15 Solomon E. Ochsenford, D.D.1898-1904 Henry OHermann, D.D.... 1907-10 Stephen M. Paulson.1916-17 Hiram Peters, D.D.1893-94 Ernst P. H. Pfatteicher, Ph.D., D.D.1911- Philip Pfatteicher .1875-1909 John K. Plitt.1879-86,1895-98 J. B. Rath.1879-85 Ezra L. Reed.1879-86 Wilson M. Rehrig, Ph.D.. 1905-21 Stephen A. Repass, D.D... 1894-1906 George W. Sandt, D.D., LL.D.1904- William A. Schaeffer, D.D.1879-95, 1896-1908 Jacob D. Schindel, D.D.... 1895-1904 Theodore E. Schmauk, D.D., LL.D.1904-20 Beale M. Schmucker, D.D.1864-88 John C. Seegers, D.D.1911-14 Joseph A. Seiss, D.D., LL.D.1865-1905 Edward E. Sibole, D.D., 1886-96, 1898-1904, 1905-11 Oliver P. Smith, D.D.1886-1911 Adolph Spaeth, D.D., LL.D.1871-73 H. Douglas Spaeth, D.D... 1915-20 George F. Spieker, D.D., LL.D.1888-94 Augustus L. Steimle, D.D. 1917-20 Albert T. W. Steinhaeuser, D.D.1920- Jacob Steinhaeuser, D.D... 1904-05 30 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Joseph Stump, D.D. 1911-16 Harvey A. Weller, D.D... 1902- J. T. Vogelbach. 1864-82 John E. Whitteker, D.D., J. F. Warn pole. 1879-86 LL.D. 1912-21 Revere F. Weidner, D.D., Frederick Wischan . 1879-88 LL.D. 1882-83 Samuel A. Ziegenfuss, Frederick W. Weiskotten, D.D..1892-1905,1906-07, 1908-11 D.D. 1879-1901 Martin L. Zweizig, D.D... 1917- C. F. Welden, D.D. 1864-75 LAY Antonius C. Albrecht, S. H. Ivnisely. 1904-06 1884-93, 1902-14 W. W. Kurtz. .1885-1905, 1906-08 Ephraim Ann strong . 1879-81 M. Langenstein . , 1889-99 Henry Beates . 1877-1903 H. Lehman . ,1877-89 John R. Baker . 1870-77 G. B. Lessig. .1892-95 Frank D. Bittner. 1895-1921 M. L. March. ,1912- D. S. Boyer. 1895-98 E. Augustus Miller, William P. M. Braun. 1909-15 1893-95, 1900-22 Joseph A. Bremer. 1894-1909 E. Clarence Miller. ,1901- Lewis Bremer . 1864-65 J. Washington Miller. ,1889-1900 R. K. Buehrle . 1895-98 Reuben B. Miller. ,1875-88 H. C. Chorley. 1886-92 Gloss K. Mohr. , 1902- Charles Colloday . 1883-85 George H. Moller. 1898-1902 W. J. Daub. 1914-17 W. Frederick Monroe.... ,1898-1921 T. H. Diehl. 1879-1900 J. K. Mosser. ,1894-1901 James Dinkey . 1864-65 F. A. Muhlenberg, M.D... . 1889-92 J. Endlich . 1865-68 H. H. Muhlenberg, M.D.. ,1864-68 George T. Ettinger. 1915- H. M. M u h 1 enbe rg. ,1881-84 Jacob Fegely . ,1889-1901 C. Neff . .1879-81 John C. File. ,1878-93 Charles F. Norton. 1864-1903 Charles A. FonDersmith.., .1903-09 Charles B. Opp. , 1899-1902 D. D. Fritch, M.D. 1905- J. L. Potteiger. 1922- S. Gross Fry . 1865-75 C. Pretz . , 1864-67 Jacob Geissenhainer . 1879-1904 I. Reinoehl . 1900-05 Frederick Guenth. 1864-65, 1867-70 H. M. M. Richards. 1917-21 William H. Hager. , 1909- Frank M. Riter. .1911- Charles Hahn . 1881-84 I. C. Romig. 1901-18 Frederick C. Hassold. . 1909- John Rommel, M.D. 1865-95 F. W. Heckel. 1869-72 Samuel P. Sadtler. ,1884- Gustavus Heins . 1869-75 C. Fleming Sandt. 1879-93 F. Herold . 1864-65 William L. Schaeffer. 1868-75 D. Herstine . 1865-69 B. F. Schmauk. , 1875-78 W. M. Heyl . ,1867-68 F. R. Schmidt. 1879-89 Lewis L. Houpt. 1864-84 A. K. Shearer. 1905-09 Paul P. Keller. 1871-77 Burton C. Simon. 1918-21 31 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD William H. Staake.1879-1909 B. F. Trexler.1868-69 H. Trexler .1864-67 M. Trexler .1693-94 A. Stanley Ulrich.1879-86 George Wagner .1872-75 Frank M. Wertz.1911- William Wohlsen .1909-13 Jacob Zaun .1868-94 J. B. Zimmele.1884-89 William E. Zinser.1903-08 Ministerium of New York CLERICAL I. H. Baden. , 1875-87 Hugo W. Hoffmann, Ph.D. 1908-14 Frederick H. A. Bosch... 1920- Gottlob F. Krotel, D.D., E. Brennecke . 1914-18 LL.D. . 1873-75 1. A. Dewald, D.D. 1894-95 E. F. Moldehnke, D.D., Tulius Ehrhart . 1873-79 1877-79, 1880-88 G. Flath . 1878-79 C. F. Petersen . 1887-91 A. E. Frey.1875-78, 1879-80 J. C. J. Petersen. . 1894-95 George C. F. Haas, D.D., F. von Rosenberg. 1873-74 1888-95, 1904-08 J. Ruperti . . 1873-75 John J. Heischmann, D.D., John A. Weyl . ,1922- 1891-95, 1918-22 LAY E. Bohm . 1878-79 George H. Moeller. 1872-74 C. D. Boschen. 1892-95 T. A. Prigge. 1891-95 E. Burkhalter . 1873-79 Theodore Roehrs . 1914-17 Jacob Dangler ..1908-14, 1917-22 Frederick Schaack . 1874-81 W. Eck . 1922- W. A. Schmitthenner. , 1874-88 W. Hauff . 1874-78 William H. Steinkamp.... ,1920- L. W. Kaufmann. 1906-08 A. Stohlmann . .1881-87 F. Kracke . 1887-91 John H. Tietzen. 1873-74 George A. Leicht. 1888-92 Martin Wulff . 1904-06 Pittsburgh Synod CLERICAL William E. Frey.1922- George J. Gongaware, D.D.1912-13 Frank C. Oberly.1915-22 J. Lawson Smith, D.D.... 1903-12 R. Morris Smith, Ph.D., D.D.1913-15 Edward A. Tappert, D.D. 1920- 32 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD LAY Valentine Gambier .1913-18 Thomas H. Lane.1903-09 J. B. Geissinger.1918-19 J. Harvey Wattles.1920-21 G. F. Greiner.1919- W. Warren Wattles.1909-13 w. f. Hill.1921- Synod of New York and New England CLERICAL LAY Franklin F. Fry, D.D.1920- John F. Dinkey.1917— Frank A. Kaehler, D.D... 1907- Hon. Jacob A. Geissen- Frank U. Klingensmith, hainer .1904-17 Ph.D.1904-07 Elwood M. Rabenold, Esq.1920- 42 N. 9th ST., PHILADELPHIA Where the Seminary began, Oct. 4, 1864 33 THE FACULTY -I- CHARLES FREDERICK SCHAEFFER, D.D., was born at Ger¬ mantown, Phila., Sept. 3, 1807, the son of the Rev. Dr. Frederick David and Rosina (Rosenmiller) Schaeffer. His father was pastor of St. Michael’s Church, Germantown, for twenty-two years, and later of St. Michael’s and Zion's Church, Philadelphia. Three of his brothers were Lutheran ministers, and his sister was the wife of the Rev. C. R. Demme, D.D. He had five children: Charles, Rose (Mrs. Reuben Hill), Georgianna, Aurelia and Vir¬ ginia (Mrs. William Shryock). Dr. Schaeffer was educated at Zion’s Parochial School, Philadelphia, and at the University of Pennsylvania (graduated 1827). He studied the¬ ology under his father and Dr. Demme and was licensed by the Synod of Maryland and Virginia in 1829, becoming assistant to his brother Christian in New York. He was pastor at Carlisle, Pa., 1831-34. In 1832 he married Miss Susanna Schmucker, of York, daughter of J. G. Schmucker, D.D. After a pastorate at Hagerstown, Md., 1834-40, he was called as Professor in the Theological Seminary at Columbus, O. In 1843 he withdrew from the Seminary and moved to Lancaster, O., living there until 1845, when he accepted a call to Red Hook, N. Y. In 1851 he became pastor of St. John’s, Easton, Pa. In 1855 he was called to the Gettysburg Seminary and to Gettysburg College as German Pro¬ fessor. When the Ministerium of Pennsylvania established the Seminary at Philadelphia in 1864, he became the English-German Professor and first Chairman of the Faculty, occupying these positions until his death Nov. 23, 1879. Dr. Schaeffer translated Kurtz’s Manual of Sacred History, 1855; Luther’s Small Catechism, in 1856; Lechler’s Commentary on Acts (v. 4 in the Lange series) ; Arndt’s True Christianity, 1868. His Commentary on Matthew (condensed by his son-in-law, the Rev. Reuben Hill, D.D.) was published after his death as volumes 1 and 2 in the Lutheran Com¬ mentary, 1895. He published numerous translated and original articles in the Evangelical Reviezv and in Bibliotheca Sacra, and also published various sermons. 34 THE FACULTY * WILLIAM JULIUS MANN, D.D, LL.D., was born in Stuttgart, Wuerttemberg, May 29, 1819, son of John George and Augusta Fredericka (Gentner) Mann. His father was one of the founders of the Bible Society of Wuerttemberg (1812) and city Al¬ moner of Stuttgart from 1845-58. One of his brothers became a pastor in Wuerttemberg and another a missionary in Africa. Dr. Mann was educated at the Gymnasium Illustre in Stutt¬ gart, and at the University of Tubingen (1841). He taught in a boys’ private school in Boennig- heim, Wuerttemberg; was assistant pastor there and later at Neuhausen until 1845, when, through the influence of his friend, the Rev. Dr. Philip Schaff, he came to America. He was pastor of Salem German Reformed Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1846-50; assistant pastor Zion’s and St Michael’s Church, 1850-54; pastor, 1854-84; pastor emeritus, 1884-92. In 1849 he married Mar- garetta Catherine Rommel and they had four children, three daughters and a son. In 1854 he was elected Professor of Theology and German Litera¬ ture at Gettysburg Seminary, but declined. In 1856, Pennsylvania Col¬ lege conferred upon him the degree of D.D. At the founding of the Philadelphia Seminary in 1864 he was elected a regular Professor and taught Ethics, Homiletics, Symbolics and Hebrew until his death in 1892. He was Housefather of the Institution, 1872-84. Dr. Mann was President of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1860-62, and again in 1880, and was active as one of the founders of the General Council. He was a man of wide interests and broad culture, a member of the German Society, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, American Society of Church History, Oriental Club, American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Oriental Society, etc. Dr. Mann (with Dr. Schaff) edited the Kirchenfreund until 1860 and regularly contributed to it later, as he did to the Lutherische Zcitschrift, Evangelische Zcugnissc, Kirchenboten, The Lutheran and Missionary, The Lutheran, The Workman, Evangelical Review, Lutheran Church Review, Mercersburg Remew. He contributed a large number of articles to the Herzog Realencyklopddie. In 1865 he edited Kohler’s Large Family Bible; translated Schmid’s Principles of Christian Ethics, 1872; was the author of A Plea for the Augsburg Confession, 1856; (with Dr. Krotfel) An Explanation of Luther’s Small Catechism, 1863; Heilsbotschaft (a book of sermons), 1881; Das Buch der Bucher und Seine Geschichte, 1884; Christopher Columbus, 1891. His great interest in the early history of the Lutheran Church in America led him to pains¬ taking researches in the Archives of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania (of which he was Archivist after 1881), many congregational records and 35 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD the Halle Archives, and resulted in his publication of a new and annotated edition of the Halle Reports (1744—86) in 1886, and his Rife and Times of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, 1887 (German edition, 1891). He published occasional poems in German and English. Died June 20, 1892. His biography has been written by his daughter, Miss Emma T. Mann, 1893, and by his colleague, Dr. Spaeth. 4* CHARLES PORTERFIELD KRAUTH, D.D., LL.D., was bom at Martinsburg, Va., March 17, 1823, son of the Rev. Prof. Charles Philip Krauth and Catharine S. (Heiskell) Krauth. He graduated from Penn¬ sylvania College in 1839 and from Gettysburg Seminary in 1841, being licensed in the same year by the Maryland Synod. He was pastor of the following churches : Canton, Baltimore, Md., 1841— 42; Second Church, Baltimore, Md., 1842-47; Shepherdstown and Martinsburg, Va., 1847-48; Winchester, Va., 1848-55; First Church, Pitts¬ burgh, Pa., 1855-59; St. Mark’s, Philadelphia, 1859-61; St. Stephen’s, Philadelphia, 1866-67. He married Susan Reynolds in 1844 and Vir¬ ginia Baker in 1855. His children were Harriet Reynolds (Mrs. Adolph Spaeth), Charles Philip, and the Rev. George Edward, ’97. Dr. Krauth was editor of The Lutheran and Missionary, 1861-64, and under his leadership this became one of the chief organs of con¬ fessional Lutheranism. When the Philadelphia Seminary was founded in 1864, he became Norton Professor of Systematic Theology and Church Polity, holding this chair until his death. He was one of the founders of the General Council, its President from 1870-79, and active in the formulation of its Fundamental Articles of Faith and Church Polity, its Constitution for Congregations, and similar basic material. He was an active member of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania’s English Hymn Book Committee after 1865, and of the Church Book Committee of the General Council, undertaking extensive liturgical researches. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Pennsyl¬ vania, and in 1868 he was elected Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy at the University, and from 1873-83 was also Vice-Provost. He died at Philadelphia, January 2, 1883. Dr. Krauth’s literary activity was very great. In addition to his editorial work on the Lutheran, he contributed articles to the Lutheran Observer, Mercersburg Review, Evangelical Review, and Lutheran Church Reviezv, many of which were lengthy and were reprinted sepa¬ rately. He was associate editor of Johnson’s Encyclopedia, contributing more than forty articles, some of unusual importance. He also con¬ tributed to Appleton’s Encyclopedia and Potter’s Biblical Encyclopedia. 36 THE FACULTY He was a member of the Americafli Committee for Bible Revision (O. T.), and, with Dr. Schaff and others, contributed to the Committee Volume on Anglo-American Bible Revision, 1879. He translated Tholuck’s Commentary on John, 1859, and published an edition of the Augsburg Confession with Introduction and Notes, 1868. He edited Fleming’s Vocabulary of Philosophy, 1860 (revised edition, 1878). Some of his other larger published works are Christian Liberty iti Relation to the Usages of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1860; Historical Sketches of the Thirty Years' War, 1870; The Conservative Reformation and its Theology, 1872; Infant Baptism and Infant Salvation in the Calvinistic System, 1874; Berkeley's Principles, 1874; The Strength and Weakness of Idealism, 1874; A Chronicle of the Augsburg Confession, 1878. He published various poems, among the longer being Cosmos, 1881, and Microcosmus, 1882; also translations of hymns from the Latin, German and Danish, and many pamphlets, sermons, festival discourses, etc. Dr. Krauth, with fine discrimination, collected a very extensive library, rich in source material, and more than 10,000 volumes of his collection, upon his death, formed the chief foundation of the present Library of the Philadelphia Seminary. His biography has been written by his son-in-law, Professor Adolph Spaeth, in two volumes, 1898, 1909. ►F CHARLES WILLIAM SCHAEFFER, D.D., LL.D., was born at Hagerstown, Md., May 5, 1813, son of the Rev. Frederick Solomon Schaeffer, who died in 1815 as a result of labors in a military camp, and Catherine E. Cremer, who subsequently married the Rev. Benjamin Keller. The Rev. Dr. Charles Frederick Schaeffer was his uncle and the Rev. Dr. Demme his uncle by marriage. Dr. Schaeffer was educated at the German¬ town Academy and the University of Pennsyl¬ vania (1832). He graduated from Gettysburg Seminary, 1835, and was ordained by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania in the same year in St. Michael’s Church, Germantown, on the fiftieth anniversary of the ordination of his grandfather, the Rev. Dr. F. D. Schaeffer. He married Miss Elizabeth Ashmead, of Germantown, and had four children: Katharine, Charles, Eva and the Rev. William Ashmead Schaeffer, D.D. He was pastor of the Churches at Barren Hill and Whitemarsh, Pa., 1835-40; Harrisburg, 1841-49; St. Michael’s, German¬ town, 1849-74. Upon the establishment of the Philadelphia Seminary he became Professor Extraordinary and devoted one hour a week to classroom work, 1864-74. In 1874-94 he was Burkhalter Professor of Church History and Pastoral Theology, being Professor Emeritus when he died, March 15, 1896. He was Chairman of the Faculty after 1879. 37 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD He was President of the General Synod, 1859; member of the Board of Trustees, Gettysburg College, 1855-73; active in the formation of the General Council (President, 1868) ; President or Treasurer of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania during one-third of his ministerial life, and active in many important committees, being Chairman of the Foreign Mission Board of the General Council at the time of his death. For thirty-seven years he was a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Schaeffer was the author of The Early History of the Lutheran Church in America; Family Prayers; editor of The Philadelphian; The Lutheran; and the Foreign Missionary; translator from the German of the Halle Reports, Wackernagcl’s Life of Martin Luther, 1883; Hans Sachs’ Wittenberg Nightingale, 1883; and various hymns; the author of numerous articles in the Evangelical Review and the Lutheran Church Revieiv. * GOTTLOB FREDERICK KROTEL, D.D., LL.D., was born Feb¬ ruary 4, 1826, at Alsfeld, Germany. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1846. Having studied theology under Dr. Demme, he was licensed by the Ministerium of Pennsyl¬ vania in 1848 and ordained in 1850. In 1849 he married Miss Elizabeth McGann, of Philadelphia, and they had three children: Luther, Paul and Elizabeth. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1865 and LL.D. from Muhlenberg College. Dr. Krotel was pastor of Trinity Church, Philadelphia, 1848-49; Salem, Lebanon, Pa., 1849-53; Trinity, Lancaster, Pa., 1853-61; St. Mark’s, Philadelphia, 1861-68; Holy Trinity, New York City, 1868-95; Church of the Advent, New York City, 1896-1907. When the Philadelphia Seminary was established in 1864, Dr. Krotel was called to be Professor Extraordinary, and gave part time to teaching in the Institution until his removal to New York in 1868. Dr. Krotel was President of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania and of the New York Ministerium for several terms, and was one of the founders of the General Council and responsible for its name. He became its third President in 1869 and was elected again in 1889 and 1891. He was a member of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania’s Hymn Book Committee and of the General Council’s Church Book Committee from its appoint¬ ment. He was President of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Seminary, 1904-07 (Chairman, 1905-07), and was active on many other Boards and Committees of the Church, Dr. Krotel translated Ledderhose, Life of Philip Melanchthon, 1855 and Uhlhom, Luther and the Swiss, 1876. He was the author of Who 38 THE FACULTY Are the Blessed? and (with Dr. W. J. Mann) of a popular Explanation of Luther’s Catechism. For the last twelve years of his life (1895-1907) he was the Editor of the Lutheran. He contributed to the Lutheran Church Reviezv and other Church periodicals and papers. He died May 20, 1907. •i* ADOLPH SPAETH, D.D., LL.D., was born October 29, 1839, at Esslingen, Wuerttemberg, son of Dr. Ernst H. Philip (a physician) and Rosine E. (Boley) Spaeth. In 1861 he graduated from the University of Tubingen and was ordained at Waiblingen. After serving as Assistant at Bittenfeld, he became tutor in the family of the Duke of Argyle, Scotland, in 1863, the Marquis of Lome, later Governor-General of Canada, being his pupil. In 1865 he married Maria Dorothea Duncan (daughter of the Rev. Dr. John Duncan), of Edinburgh, and to them were born the following children: Prof. John Duncan, the Rev. Dr. Henry Douglas, ’93, Maria Elizabeth, Ernst, Adolph, Martin. In 1880 he married Harriet Reynolds Krauth (daughter of Dr. Charles Porterfield Krauth), of Philadelphia, and they had the following children: Charles, Julia Carola, Sigmund, Reynold and Alan Bertram. In 1864 Dr. Spaeth accepted the call to be assistant pastor of Zion’s Church, Philadelphia, where he remained for three years. From 1867 to 1910 he was pastor of St. Johannis Church, Philadelphia (with an assistant after 1893). From 1873 until his death he was Professor of New Testament Exegesis (after 1892 also of Ethics, etc.) in the Semi¬ nary'. He was President of the General Council, 1880-88; President of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1892-95; President of the General Con¬ ference of Lutheran Deaconess Motherhouses in America, 1896-1910. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, 1875, and LL.D. from Muhlenberg College, 1896. Dr. Spaeth was an active member of many boards and committees. He was Chairman of the General Council Foreign Mission Executive Committee, 1876-91, and later President of the Foreign Mission Board; a member of the General Council Church Book Committee after 1881 (Chairman, 1907-10; Chairman of the General Council Committee on Convocations of Church Musicians (1898-1908) ; representative of the General Council in the Executive Committee of the Allgemeine Luther- ische Konferenz in Europe. In 1880 he became a member of the Board of Directors of the German Hospital, Philadelphia, and was later the confidential adviser of Mr. John D. Lankenau in the founding and development of the Mary J. Drexel Home and the Deaconess Mother- 39 A PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD house. He was a Corporator of the Presbyterian Ministers’ Fund. An ardent student of the Liturgy, Hymnody, and Church Music, he con¬ tributed most important material to the Kirchenbuch of the General Council, 1877, the Sonntagschulbuch, 1875, and collaborated with John Endlich in his Choralbuch and edited Liederlust. He translated and wrote hymns and tunes and occasional verse. He was an exceedingly able and impressive preacher and lecturer (the “Hero Series”). Dr. Spaeth contributed to the first American edition of Buechner’s Bibel Hand-Concordant, 1871 (8,060 passages) ; the Lutheran Cyclopedia, (more than 300 articles) ; Hasting’s Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, 1911; the Memoirs of the Lutheran Liturgical Association; Herold u. Zeitschrift, Lutherische Zeitschrift, EvangcUsche Zeugnisse, Jugend- fround (ed. 1877-89), Der Kirchenbote, Missionsbote (co-ed. 1878-91) ; and Der Deutsche Luthcraner. Also numerous articles in the Lutheran and the Lutheran Church Reznew, many separately reprinted. He was co-editor of the Documentary History of the Min. of Pa., 1898. He was the author of Saatkocrner (a collection of sermons), 1893; Erinnerungsblaetter (a memoir of Dr. W. J. Mann), 1895; a Com¬ mentary on the Gospel of St. John (Lutheran Commentary), 1896; Charles Porterfield Krauth, a biography, 2 vols., 1898-1909; Die Heilige Passion, 1897; The Order of Lutheran Worship, 1906. Dr. Spaeth was a member of Phi Beta Kappa (University of Penn¬ sylvania), American Historical Association, American Society of Church History, Association for Study of the History of the Reformation, etc. He died at Mt. Airy, June 25, 1910. His biography has been written by his wife, Mrs. Harriett R. Spaeth, 1916. HENRY EYSTER JACOBS, D.D., S.T.D., LL.D, was born at Gettysburg, Pa., November 10, 1844. His parents were the Rev. Michael Jacobs, D.D., Professor in Pennsylvania College, 1832—71, and Juliana M. (Eyster) Jacobs, daughter of General Jacob Eyster. He graduated at Gettysburg College, 1862, and Gettysburg Seminary, 1865, during his Seminary course serving in the United States Christian Commission in Virginia and Mary¬ land, 1864-65. He married Laura Hewes Downing, of Baltimore, 1872, and they had the following children: Eugenia Anna, Pro¬ fessor Charles Michael, ’99, Henry Downing, Laura Winifred, and Marguerite Eyster (wife of the Rev. W. M. Horn, ’04). He received the degree of D.D. from Thiel College, 1877; LL.D. from Thiel College, 1892; S.T.D. from Muhlenberg College, 1907. 40 THE FACULTY Dr. Jacobs spent one year in the study of history and law; was tutor in Gettysburg College, 1864-67; home missionary, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1867- 68; principal Thiel Hall, Monaca, Pa., 1868-70; charter member and first secretary, Board of Directors, Thiel College, 1870-71; Franklin Professor of Latin and History on the foundation of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, Gettysburg College, 1870-80; Ancient Languages, 1880— 81 ; Greek, 1881-83. Upon the death of Dr. Krauth in that year, he was elected Professor of Systematic Theology in the Philadelphia Seminary’, where he has been Secretary of the Faculty, 1885-94; Dean, 1894-1920; and President, 1920- Dr. Jacobs was Secretary of the General Council, 1879-81; President of the General Council Board of Foreign Missions, 1902-07; Secretary (and editor Proceedings), The Lutheran Diet, 1877; President, General Conferences of Lutherans, 1889, 1902, 1904; a member of the Joint Committee on Common Service, 1886- , having previously served from 1882 on the Ministerium of Pennsylvania's Church Book Com¬ mittee; Chairman of the General Council Church Book Committee, 1907-20, contributing much labor and material to the Common Service Book, 1917; Chairman of the sub-Committee which prepared the Doc¬ trinal Basis of the United Lutheran Church; Chairman United Lutheran Church Commission of Adjudication, 1919- ; President American Society of Church History, 1907-08; Pennsylvania German Society, 1910-11; Vice-President Pennsylvania Bible Society, 1893- . In 1895 he was Lecturer on Lutheran Liturgies in Union Theological Seminary’. He is a member of the American Historical Association, Pennsylvania Historical Society, sometime member Henry Bradshaw Society (liturgical), London; Corporator of the Presbyterian Ministers’ Fund. Dr. Jacobs was associate editor Johnson's Cyclopedia, contributing many articles; editor of the Lutheran Church Review, 1882-96; and co-editor, 1920- ; editor Lutheran Commentary (12 vols.), 1895-98; editor (with Dr. J. A. W. Haas, ’87) The Lutheran Cyclopedia, 1899; editor Documentary History of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1898; editor American edition of Meyer's Commentary on Ephesians and Galatians (supplementary material), 1884, and Rcz r clation (translation with notes), 1887; editorial writer for years for the Lutheran and the IV orkman. Dr. Jacobs translated (with Professor G. F. Spieker, ’67) Huttcr's Compcnd of Lutheran Theology, 1868; (with Dr. C. A. Hay) Schmid's Doctrinal Theology of the Lutheran Church, 1876; also The Book of Concord with Introduction, 2 vols., 1882; subsequently, with slight re¬ vision by the St. Louis Faculty, included as the English text in the Tri-glott edition published by the Missouri Synod. He edited an American reprint of Taverner's English Translation of the Augsburg Confession of 1536 (1888), and translated and edited Eck’s 404 Theses, 1908. 41 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD He is the author of The Lutheran Movement in England, 1891; History of the Lutheran Church in America, 1893 (German translation by Dr. G. J. Fritschel, 1896) ; Elements of Religion, 1894; Commentary on Romans, 1896; Commentary on I Corinthians, 1897; Life of Martin Luther, 1898; The German Emigration to America, 1709-40, 1899; Summary of the Christian Faith, 1905 (Chinese translation by O. R. Wold and Kuan Chang-Fu, 4 vols., 1917) ; Lincoln’s Gettysburg World- Message, 1920. Dr. Jacobs has contributed to the Evangelical Review, Lutheran Quarterly, Measel's Kirchen-Lexicon, New York Independent, Mercers- burg Review, Bibliotheca Sacra, Lutheran Church Review (71 articles), Constructive Quarterly, McClintock and Strong’s Encyclopedia, Schaff- Herzog Religious Encyclopedia (1st and 2d editions), International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (137 articles), Hastings' Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Homiletic Review, the Proceedings of the American Society of Church History and of the Pennsylvania German Society, etc., many of these articles being reprinted separately. JACOB FRY, D.D., L.H.D., LL.D., was born February 9, 1834, at Trappe, Pa., son of the Hon. Jacob and Mary' (Gross) Fry. His father was Auditor-General of Pennsylvania and a Congressman (24th and 25th Congresses), as was also his maternal grandfather. He graduated at Union College, 1851, and at Gettysburg Seminary, 1853. He married Eliza J. Wattles, of Gettys¬ burg, in 1855, and they had the following chil¬ dren : the Rev. Dr. Charles Livingston, ’81, Mary, Kate, Anna, the Rev. Dr. Franklin Foster, ’88, Josephine, Martin, Jenny and Louisa. He was ordained by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania in 1853 and served the fol¬ lowing congregations: First English Church, Carlisle, Pa., 1854-65; Trinity, Reading, Pa., 1865-96 (the preliminary' convention which re¬ sulted in the formation of the General Council meeting here in 1867) ; Church of the Ascension, Mt. Airy, 1896-1920. He was elected Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology at the Philadelphia Seminary, 1891, and occupied this chair until his death. Dr. Fry was Secretary and Treasurer of the Ministerium of Penn¬ sylvania and later its President (1907-09), and its Senior (1919), and President of the Pennsylvania German Society. He was active in the work of many boards and committees, was Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Seminary, and was for years President of the Church Extension Society of the General Council. Dr. Fry contributed to the Lutheran, the Lutheran Church Review 42 THE FACULTY and other Church papers; was the author of a History of Trinity Church, Reading, 1894; Elementary Homiletics, 1892; The Pastor's Guide, 1915; and various published sermons and pamphlets. Dr. Fry’s gifts as a preacher were universally recognized. He re¬ ceived the degree of D.D. from Union College in 1873; L.H.D. from the same college in 1911; and LL.D. from Muhlenberg College, 1911. For twenty-six years he was Secretary of the Faculty. He died at Mt. Airy, February 19, 1920, eighty-six years of age, having met his appoint¬ ments as professor and preacher to the very end. HERMAN VOLLRATH HILPRECHT, PH.D, D.D., LL.D., was bom in Hohenerxleben, Germany, July 28, 1859, son of Robert and Emilie (Wielepp) Hilprecht. He graduated from the Bemburg Gym¬ nasium and studied theology and philology at the University of Leipzig, 1880-85 (Ph.D., 1883). In 1886 he married Miss S. C. Haufe, and in 1903, Mrs. Sallie Crozer Robinson. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1894 and LL.D. from Princeton, 1896. Dr. Hilprecht was tutor in Old Testament Theology at Erlangen University, 1885-86; Professor of Assyrian and Comparative Semitic Philology and Curator, Semitic Section of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, 1887-1911; Director of the University’s Expedition to Nippur, Babylonia, after 1895. He reorganized the Babylonian Section in the Ottoman Museum. Constantinople, 1893-1909; was a member of various scientific societies and the recipient of German, Danish and Turkish decorations. Dr. Hilprecht’s most important publications are: Old Babylonian Inscriptions, Chiefly from Nippur; Business Documents of Murashu Sons (with A. T. Clay) ; Texts from the Temple Library of Nippur , 1906; Assyriaca; Recent Researches in Bible Lands; Explorations in Bible Lands During the 19th Century; Die Ausgrabungen im Bel- Tempel zu Nippur, 1903; Ausgrabungen in Assyrien und Babylonian, 1904; The Oldest Version of the Babylonian Deluge Story, 1910; besides numerous contributions to scientific journals. In 1891 Dr. Hilprecht was elected by the Ministerium of Pennsyl¬ vania, Assistant Professor in Old Testament Languages and Theology in the Philadelphia Seminary, and occupied this position for one year. * GEORGE FREDERICK SPIEKER, D.D, LL.D, was born at Elk Ridge Landing. Md, November 17, 1844, son of Herman Henry and Margaret Elizabeth (Dorges) Spieker. He graduated from Balti¬ more City College, 1863; attended Gettysburg Seminary, 1863-65, and graduated from the Philadelphia Seminary, 1867. In 1869 he married Hannah Hoch, and the following children were born to them: the Rev. Charles Gerash, ’95, Frederick William, George H, Margaret (Mrs. Gomer C. Rees). 43 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Dr. Spieker was pastor at Kutztown, Pa., 1867-83; St. Michael’s, Allentown, Pa., 1883-94; he was acting Professor of German at Gettys¬ burg College, 1864-66; Professor of German at the Keystone State Normal School, 1867-68; Professor of Hebrew at Muhlenberg College, 1887-94. In 1894 he was elected Professor of Church History and Old Testament Theology and Introduction at the Philadelphia Seminary, holding this chair until his death. He was German Secretary of the Ministerium of Penn¬ sylvania, 1876-77, and President of the Board of Directors of Muhlenberg College, 1886. In 1887 he received the degree of D.D. from Roanoke College, and in 1911 the degree of LL.D. from Thiel College. Dr. Spieker was a frequent contributor to the Lutheran and the Lutheran Church Review; he contributed to the Memoirs of the Lutheran Liturgical Association and other Church publi¬ cations. He was co-editor of the Church Messenger, Documentary History of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1898; co-translator of Hutter’s Compend of Lutheran Theology, 1868; translator of Wilden- hahn’s Life of Luther, 1882; and author of Commentary on II Corinthians (Lutheran Commentary Series), 1897. He was a member of the American Society of Church History. He died in Philadelphia, September 7, 1913. HENRY OFFERMANN, D.D., was born in Hannover, Germany, July 11, 1866, son of John and Margaret (Ahlf) Offermann. He was edu¬ cated at the Stade, Hannover, Gymnasium, Kropp Theological Seminary and the University of Pennsylvania (graduate work in Semitics). He was ordained by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1889, and was pastor of Christ Church and Trinity Church, Camden, N. J., 1889-1900, and of Emmanuel Church, Philadelphia, 1900-12. In 1890 he married Emily Saalmann, of Egg Harbor, and they have the following children: the Rev. Henry Carl, '17, Magdalena, Emily and Inna. Since 1910 Dr. Offennann has been Pro¬ fessor of the New Testament in the Philadel¬ phia Seminary. He was German Secretary of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1900-08; editor Luthcrischcs Kirchcnblatt, 1905-10; co¬ editor Der Deutsche Luthcraner, 1910-20; co-editor of the Lutheran Church Reviezv, 1920- ; contributor to the American Encyclopedia 44 THE FACULTY of Christianity, and a frequent contributor to the Lutheran Church Review, the Lutheran and other Church papers. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Mary J. Drexel Home, Philadelphia, 1910- , and of numerous Synodical, General Council and United Lutheran Church boards and committees. 0 Hh THEODORE EMANUEL SCHMAUK, D.D., LL.D., was born at Lancaster, Pa., May 30, 1860, son of the Rev. Benjamin W. and Wilhelmina C. (Hingel) Schmauk. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, 1880, and the Philadelphia Seminary, 1883, being ordained by the Minis- terium of Pennsylvania in that year. He was associate pastor of Salem Church, Lebanon, Pa., 1883-1903; and pastor, upon the death of his father, 1903-20. In 1897 he received the degree of D.D. from Muhlenberg College, and in 1910 the degree of LL.D. from Augustana College. Dr. Schmauk was President of the General Council, 1903-20, a longer tenure than that of anyone else. He was Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee at the organiza¬ tion of the United Lutheran Church in America, 1918; Chairman of the Committee to Prepare a Constitution, and a member of the Executive Board of the United Lutheran Church, 1918-20. He was President of the United Lutheran Church School and Parish Board, 1918-20; Chairman of the General Council Quadri-Cen- tennial Committee, 1917; member of the Executive Committee of the International Lutheran Conference, 1903-20, and of numerous other boards and committees. Dr. Schmauk was President of the Board of Directors of the Phila¬ delphia Seminary, 1908-20, and in charge of the Department of Ethics, Apologetics and Pedagogy, 1911-20, lecturing regularly at the Seminary several days of each week. He was one of the organizers of the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, 1892 (Chancellor, 1895-96) ; one of the or¬ ganizers of the Pennsylvania German Society, 1891 (President, 1896) ; one of the organizers of the Lebanon County Historical Society, 1898; a life member of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. His literary work was very extensive. For years he co-operated with Dr. H. C. Trumbull in work on the Sunday School Times. He was editor-in-chief of the Lutheran Church Rcviezv, 1895-1920; literary editor of The Lutheran, 1889-1920; editor-in-chief General Council Graded Sunday School Series; author Charms of Conversation, 1889; Hypnotism, 1890; The Voice in Speech and Song, 1891; Catechetical Outlines, 1892; Heartbroken, 1893; The Negative Criticism of the Old 45 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Testament, 1894; History of Old Salem in Lebanon, 1898; Bible His¬ tory, 1899; Bible Geography, 1901; The Early Churches of the Lebanon Galley, 1902; History of the Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania, from the Original Sources, 1903; Bible Facts and Scenes, 1905; The Christian Kindergarten, 1906; The Confessional Principle and the Confessions of the Lutheran Church, 1909; Annotated Edition of Benjamin Rush’s Account of German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, 1910; In Mothers Arms, 1911; Christianity and Christian Union, 1913; How to Teach in Sunday School, 1920; Annotated Bibliography of Religious Education and Child Psychology, 1920. Dr. Schmauk was in constant demand as a preacher, lecturer and contributor to the Church and secular press. He died at Lebanon, Pa., March 23, 1920. ►r* EDWARD TRAILL HORN, D.D., LL.D., was born at Easton, Pa., June 10, 1850. His parents were Melchior Hay and Matilda Louisa (Heller) Horn. He graduated at Gettysburg' College, 1869, and the Philadelphia Seminary, 1872. He was ordained by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania in 1872. In 1887 he received the degree of D.D. from Roanoke College and from Newberry College. In 1906 he received the degree of LL.D. from Newberry College. Dr. Horn married Harriet Chisolm, of Charleston, S. C., in 1880, and they had the following children: Robert Chisolm, William Melchior, '04, Isabella Traill, Harriet Emily, Edward Traill, Jr., ’ll, Mary Gregg and Melchior Hay. He was pastor of Christ Church, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, 1872-76; St. John’s, Charleston, S. C., 1876-97; Trinity, Reading, Pa., 1897-1911. He was President of the South Carolina Synod, the United Synod South; the Ministerium of Pennsyl¬ vania (1909-13) ; and the General Council Board of Foreign Missions (1907-15). He was a lifelong student of liturgies and was Secretary of the Joint Committee which prepared the Common Service from its organization in 1886 until his death. He was an active member of many Synodical and General Council boards and committees. He was Lecturer at Gettysburg Seminary on the Holman Foundation and the Baugher Foundation. In 1911 he was elected Professor of Ethics and Missions at the Philadelphia Seminary. Dr. Horn was a frequent contributor to the Lutheran, the Lutheran Church Review, Lutheran Quarterly and the Memoirs of the Lutheran Liturgical Association. He contributed many articles on liturgies, Church history and Christian doctrine to the Lutheran Cyclopedia and 46 THE FACULTY to Hastings’ Dictionary of Religion and Ethics. He translated Loehe’s Three Books on the Church, 1908. He was the author of The Christian Year, 1876; The Evangelical Pastor, 1887; Outline of Liturgies, 1890, 2d edition, 1912; Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, I and II Thessalonians, Philemon (Lutheran Commentary Series), 1897; Summer Sermons, 1908. He died at Mt. Airy, March 4, 1915. LUTHER DOTTERER REED, D.D., was born at North Wales, Pa., March 21, 1873, son of the Rev. Ezra Leiss, ’68, and Annie (Linley) Reed. He graduated at Franklin and Marshall College, 1892, and the Philadelphia Seminary, 1895; graduate work at the University of Leipzig, 1902; ordained by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1895; married Catharine S. Ashbridge, of Mt. Airy, 1906. He received the degree of D.D. in 1912 from Thiel College and from Muhlenberg College. Dr. Reed was pastor of Emanuel Church, Allegheny, Pa., 1895-1903; and of Holy Trinity, Jeannette, Pa., 1903-04. In 1906 he became Director of the Krauth Memorial Library 7 at the Philadelphia Seminary; In¬ structor in Liturgies, 1910- ; and Professor of Liturgies and Church Art, and Chaplain. 1911- . He was one of the organizers and President of the Lutheran Liturgical Association, 1898-1906; active in the General Council Convo¬ cations of Church Musicians, 1898-1908; President of the Church Music and Liturgical Art Society, 1906- ; Secretary of the Joint Com¬ mittee and the sub-Committees which prepared the text and music of the Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church, 1907-17; Archivist Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1909- ; United Lutheran Church, 1918- ; Pittsburgh Synod, 1920- ; Secretary of the United Lutheran Church Committees on Church Architecture and Common Service Book, 1918- ; Chairman, Philadelphia Seminary Committee on Expansion, 1920- Dr. Reed was co-editor (with H. G. Archer) of the Psalter and Canticles Pointed for Chanting, 1897; Choral Serznce Book, 1901; Music of the Responses, 1903; Season Vespers, 1905; editor of the Memoirs of the Lutheran Liturgical Association, 1898-1906; the History of the First English Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, 1909; and the Philadelphia Seminary Biographical Record, 1923. He is co-editor (with Prof. C. M. Jacobs) of the Seminary Bulletin, 1916- ; and associate editor and business manager of the Lutheran Church Rcvieiv, 1920- . He has contributed articles on Liturgies, Church Music, Church Architecture, 47 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD etc., to the Liturgical Association Memoirs, the Lutheran Church Re- view, the Lutheran, Lutheran Encyclopedia, etc. In 1917 he arranged the text for the Reformation Cantata, The City of God (music by H. Alexander Matthews, Mus. Doc.). CHARLES MICHAEL JACOBS, D.D., was born at Gettysburg, Pa., December 5, 1875, son of President Henry Eyster and Laura (Downing) Jacobs. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, 1895; the Philadelphia Seminary, 1899; did graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania, 1895-97 and 1901-02; and at the University of Leipzig, 1902-03. He received the degree of D.D. from Muhlenberg College in 1913. In 1905 he married Abigail Shearer, of North Wales, and to them were born the following children: Margaret Abigail, Hilda Elinor and Charles Shearer. Dr. Jacobs was ordained by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1899, and was pastor of St. Peter’s Church, North Wales, 1899-1902, and Christ Church, Allentown, Pa., 1904-13. He was Instructor at the Chestnut Hill Academy, 1895-96; Professor of History, Muhlenberg College, 1905-09; and since 1913 has been Professor of Church History and in charge of the Graduate School at the Philadelphia Seminary. He has been a member of important Synodical, General Council and United Lutheran Church boards and committees; Vice-President of the National Lutheran Com¬ mission, 1917-22; Chairman, Committee on Army and Navy Chaplains, 1917-20; member Executive Committee of the National Lutheran Coun¬ cil, 1918- ; Chairman American Committee on Lutheran World Con¬ vention, 1920- ; Chairman Committee on Religious Literature, United Lutheran Church Board of Publication, 1920- ; University Extension Lecturer. United Lutheran Church Delegate to the Lutheran World Convention, Eisenach, Germany, 1923. Dr. Jacobs is the author of The Way, a Little Book of Christian Truth, 1922; joint editor of the Philadelphia edition of Luther’s Works, 1915- ; co-editor (with Prof. Preserved Smith) of Luther's Corre¬ spondence, vol. 2, 1918; joint editor (with Professor Reed) of the Phila¬ delphia Seminary Bulletin, 1916- ; co-editor of the Lutheran Church Review, 1920- ; co-editor American Encyclopedia of Christianity, 1922- . He has contributed numerous articles to the Lutheran, the Lutheran Church Review, American Lutheran Survey, etc., and did im¬ portant editorial work on the Documentary History of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1898, and the Lutheran Cyclopedia, 1899. 48 THE FACULTY CHARLES THEODORE BENZE, D.D., was born at Warren, Pa., September 19, 1865, the son of the Rev. Adolph Leopold and Elizabeth C. (Kiehl) Benze. After graduating from the he took college work under private instructors, specializing in philology. He taught in the Erie Public School, 1883-95 (Chief of Mod¬ em Language Department in the High School, 1888-95). He graduated from the Chicago Theological Seminary, 1897, and was ordained by the Pittsburgh Synod, 1897. He married Hermine Elizabeth Ohl (daughter of Dr. J. F. Ohl, ’74) in 1898 and has one son, Winfrid Theodore. He received the degree of D.D. from Muhlenberg College in 1909. Dr. Benze was pastor at Beaver Falls, 1897-98; St. Stephen’s, Erie, Pa., 1898-1908; President of Thiel College, 1909-13 ; American Professor in Kropp Theological Seminary, Germany, 1913-15, and since 1915 has been Professor of Old Testament Theology and Missions in the Philadelphia Seminary. Dr. Benze was commissioner of the General Council to inspect the India mission field in 1908; President of the Pittsburgh Synod, 1908-09; is Vice-President of the United Lutheran Church Board of Foreign Missions, and Chairman of the India Committee (1918- ). In 1922 he was given leave of absence and left for Russia as Commissioner of the National Lutheran Council to engage in relief work. He is the author of Pilgerlieder fiir Schule und Hans, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions of the Lutheran Church (with Dr. T. E. Schmauk), 1908; and (also with Dr. Schmauk) a Commentary on the Gospels for the Trinity Season, 1919. Since 1920 he has been co-editor of the Lutheran Church Relieve. He has contributed frequent articles to the Lutheran, the Lutheran Church Review and other Church papers. He is a member of the Pennsylvania German Society, Society for Biblical Literature and Exegesis, American Oriental Society, Oriental and Classical Clubs, Philadelphia, etc. 49 Erie, Pa., High School, PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD EMIL EISENHARDT FISCHER, D.D., was born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 14, 1882, the son of the Rev. Christian Godfrey, 77, and Emily (Eisenhardt) Fischer. He graduated at Rutgers College, 1904, and the Philadelphia Seminary, 1907. He received the degree of D.D. from Muhlenberg College, 1920. He married Anita Emily Lins, of Brooklyn, 1912, and they have two children: Theodore and Jean. Dr. Fischer was ordained by the New York and New England Synod in 1907; was pastor of Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1907-13, and of Christ Church, Allentown, Pa., 1913-20. He was Instructor in Hebrew at the Phila¬ delphia Seminary, 1910-13; and in 1920 was elected Professor of Apologetics and Ethics. He is co-editor of the Lutheran Church Re- viezu and has contributed to the Lutheran, the Lutheran Church Review and the American Lutheran Survey. He is a member of various Synodical and United Lutheran Church committees. JOHN CONRAD SEEGERS, D.D., was born at Columbia, S. C., October 6, 1867. His parents were John Conrad and Mary D. (Schroeder) Seegers. He graduated at Newberry College in 1888 and the Philadelphia Seminary, 1891, being ordained by the Holston Synod in that year. In 1893 he married May Erwin Ide, of Richmond, Ya., and they have had the following children : John Conrad, Jr., Theodore, Virginia, Frances, Florence, Louis Walter, Sarah and Ernst. He received the degree of D.D. from Newberry College in 1909. Dr. Seegers was pastor of the First Church, Richmond, Va., 1891-94; Church of the Redeemer, Albany, N. Y., 1895-1901; St. John’s, Easton, Pa., 1901-11; Trinity, Reading, 1911-14; St. Paul’s, Wilmington, N. G, 1918- 21. He was Professor of Practical Theology in the Southern Seminary, Columbia, S. C., 1914-18, and in 1921 was elected Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology at the Phila¬ delphia Seminary. Dr. Seegers was President of the Home Mission Board of the United Synod South, 1916-18, and is Vice-President of the United Lutheran Church Board of Home Missions (1918- ), and Chairman of the United Lutheran Church Committee on Evangelism, 1920- . He is joint author of An Explanation of the Common Service, 1908; and 50 THE FACULTY author of The Church for the Ages, 1922. Since 1921 he has been co-editor of the Lutheran Church Reviezv and has contributed to the Reviezv, the Lutheran and other Church papers. He has served on many important Synodical, General Council and United Lutheran Church boards and committees. CHARLES PETER WILES, D.D., was born at Lewiston, Md., Jan¬ uary 27, 1870, son of Americus G. P. and Sarah S. (Hummer) Wiles. He graduated at Millersville (Pa.) Normal School and Gettysburg Theological Seminary, 1896. In 1896 he mar¬ ried M. Alice Miller, of Lancaster, Pa. In 1913 he received the degree of D.D. from Carthage College. Dr. Wiles was ordained in 1896 and was pastor of St. Michael’s Church, Rossville, Pa., 1896-1901; Mt. Zion, Pittsburgh, 1901-08, and Keller Memorial, Washington, D. C., 1908-13. In 1913 Dr. Wiles became editor of the publications of the Lutheran Publication So¬ ciety, Philadelphia, and since 1920 has been editor-in-chief of the United Lutheran Church Graded Sunday School Series, and President of the United Lutheran Church Parish and Church School Board. He is editor of the Augsburg Sunday School Teacher, 1913- ; editor-in-chief of The Parish and Church School Magazine, 1921- ; and author of The Challenge of the Sunday School, 1916; and Upon This Rock, 1917. He has contributed to the Lutheran Quarterly and the Lutheran, and is a member of the International Sunday School Lesson Committee (1913- ). In 1919 Dr. Wiles was appointed Instructor in English Bible at the Philadelphia Seminary, and in 1920 Assistant Professor in English Bible and Christian Pedagogy. 51 THE REV. STEPHEN M. PAULSON President of the Alumni Association THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESENT OFFICERS President.The Rev. Stephen M. Paulson, ’99 First Vice-President.The Rev. John C. Mattes, ’01 Second Vice-President. .The Rev. Paul Isensciimid, M.D.,’69 Third Vice-President.The Rev. Elias A. Yeiil, D.D., ’88 English Secretary.The Rev. Henry M. Wertz, T5 German Secretary.The Rev. Walter M. Ruccius, ’17 Treasurer.The Rev. William L. Katz, ’16 52 OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION Presidents George M. Lazarus. . 1870-71 Robert D. Roeder.. .. .'...1897-1900 John C. Dizinger. .1871-75 I. Chantry Hoffman.. .... 1900-03 William A. Schaeffer, Nelson F. Schmidt... ....1903-06 1875-80, CO 00 oo oo Tohn W. Richards.... .... 1906-09 Revere F. Weidner. .1880-83 John F. C. Fluck. ....1909-12 Frederick A. Kaehler.... .1883-86 Theodore W. Kretschmann.1912-15 Charles J. Hirzel. .1886-92 Tohn C. Mattes. .1915-18 Samuel A. Ziegenfuss.... .1892-95 Tohn H. Waidelich... .1918-21 Oliver P. Smith. .1895-97 Stephen M. Paulson.. .1921- First Vice-Presidents (English) Ezra L. Reed.... 1874-78, 1881-84 William L. Stough. .1903-06 Charles Koemer . 1878-81 Tohn C. Rausch. .1906-09 William A. Schaeffer. 1884-86 Elias A. Yehl.... 1909-12, 1915-18 Robert M. Zimmermann.. 1886-89 Harry C. Kline. .1912-15 Daniel K. Kepner. 1889-95 Arthur T. Michler. .1918-21 James L. Becker. 1895-1900 John C. Mattes. .1921- Jeremiah H. Ritter. ,1900-03 Second Vice-Presidents (“German” until i 9 1 9) Frederick W. Weiskotten. .1880-83 Tohn T. Heischmann. . 1890-93 Frederick Wischan, Louis Lindenstruth . .1893-95 1883-86, 1900-03 Tohn A. W. Haas. .1897-1900 Alexander Richter, August Fischer . .1903-06 1886-89, 1895-97 Paul Isenschmid, M.D.... .1906- Christian G. Fischer. . 1889-90 Third Vice-Presidents | [“Swedish” until i 9*9) Claus B. Jacobson. .1880-83 C. E. Lindberg. .1895-97 C. M. Esbjom, Alexis Andreen . .1900-03 1883-86, 1890-95, 1897-1900 Stephen M. Paulson. .1903-21 Revere F. Weidner. .1886-89 Elias A. Yehl. .1921- George W- Sandt. .1889-90 53 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD English Secretaries William A. Schaeffer. .1870-71 John W. Horine. ...1895-97 Daniel K. Kepner. .1871-80 I. Chantry Hoffman. . . . ...1897-1900 William Iv. Frick. .1880-83 Ulysses S. G. Bertolet.. ...1900-03 Samuel A. Ziegenfuss. ....1883-86 George Drach . ...1903-05 Jacob Neff . ....1886-89 George A. Kercher. ,..1905-09 Hiram Peters . ....1889-92 Luther D. Reed. ...1909-18 Robert D. Roeder. .. . ....1892-95 Henry M. Wertz. ..1918- German Secretaries Frederick Wischan . .. ....1873-74 George C. Eisenhardt.. . ..1895-1900 Frederick W. Weiskotten. 1874-80 August Fischer. ..1900-03 Paul Isenschmid, M.D., Carl B. Schuchard. ...1903-07 1880- 83, 1889-91 Hugo Meyer . ..1907-09 Louis Lindenstruth . . . ... .1883-86 Walter C. G. Veit. . .1909-18 E. H. Pohle.1886- -89, 1891-94 B eh rend Mehrtens . ..1918-21 Alexander Richter . . . ....1894-95 Walter M. W. Ruccius. ..1921- Treasurers Frederick P. Mayser. . . ...1870-74 Edward H. Trafford... ...1901-03 Charles J. Cooper. . . . ....1874-80 John F. C. Fluck. ...1903-09 George H. Trabert.... ....1880-83 William L. Stough. ..1909-12 William K. Frick. ....1883-84 Carl H. Hirzel. ..1912-15 Charles J. Hirzel. ....1884-87 Frederick C. Krapf. .. .1915-18 John L. Sibole....... ....1887-1900 William L. Katz. ..1918- George C. Eisenhardt. ... .1900-01 THE FIRST CLASS GRADUATED ( 1865 ) 54 THE NORTH QUADRANGLE AT MT. AIRY THE DORMITORY THE KRAUTH MEMORIAL LIBRARY STACK ROOM KRAUTH MEMORIAL LIBRARY THE SCHAEFFER-ASHMEAD MEMORIAL CHURCH THE LECTURE HALL THE REFECTORY MUHLENBERG MONUMENT AND FLAGSTAFF THE SEMINARY GLEE CLUB, 1895 ►f* ALUMNI 1865 DIZINGER, JOHN CHRISTIAN, b. Germany, Jan. 14, 1838; s. Daniel and Christine Catherine Dizinger; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1862; Phila. Sem., 1865; ord. Min. Pa., 1865; pastor, Dreifaeltigkeit, Camden, N. J., 1865-93; St. Paul’s, Hainesport, N. J., 1893-1903; d. Camden, N. J., Jan. 19, 1903. •r* SMITH, JACOB LAWSON, b. Middletown Valley, Md., Mar. 3, 1837; s. Jacob and Rebecca (Horine) Smith (father and grandfather veterans of War of 1812 and American Revolution) ; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1863; Gettysburg Sem., 1863-64; Phila. Sem., 1865; D.D., N. C. Col., 1894; Penna. Col., 1894; ord. Min. Pa., 1865; m. Caroline Eliza¬ beth Watson, 1869; children, Elizabeth Rebecca, Lewis Watson, M.D., Ralph Lawson, Esq., Stella Gertrude, Mabel Viola; pastor, Memorial Ch. (First Eng. Luth. Ch.), Erie, Pa., 1865-71; Vandalia, Ill., 1871; Alliance, O., 1872-82; Ligonier, Pa., parish, 1882-92; Christ Ch., Pitts¬ burgh, Pa., 1892-1906; retired from active ministry, 1906; sec. and miss, supt., Dist. Synod, O.; ed. and pub. J. P. Hentz’s History of the Lutheran Version of the Bible, 1910; contr. secular and religious press; d. Pitts¬ burgh, Pa., June 21, 1913. 1866 ^CORNMAN, WILLIAM OLIVER, b. Carlisle, Pa., Feb. 1, 1841; s. Jonathan and Anna M. (Embich) Comman; A.B., Dickinson Col., 1862; stud., Gettysburg Sem., 1863; Phila. Sem., 1866; ord. Min. Pa., 1866; m. 1st, Mary A. Monzer, 1867; 2d, Mrs. Sarah C. Fix, 1905; two sons, four daughters; pastor, Trinity, Danville, Pa., 1867-68; Lunenburg, N. S., 1868-69; Grace, Phillipsburg, N. J., 1872-73; prin. Eclectic Acad., Phillipsburg, N. J., 1879-81; representative of The Lutheran and other Church publications; pvt., Co. A, 130th Pa. Vol., wounded at Fredericks¬ burg, discharged 1863; d. Reading, Pa., Oct. 24, 1910. * FLECKENSTEIN, EMILIUS JULIUS, b. Wickenrode, Germany, February 2, 1836; Gettysburg Col., 1856-61; Phila. Sem., 1866; ord. Min. Pa., 1866; m.; s. Rev. Hugo H.; pastor, North East, Pa. (subse¬ quent pastorates in Mo. Synod); Providence, R. I.; Alexandria, Va.; Accident, Md.; Whitehall, Pa.; Blenheim, Md.; Saratoga Springs, N. Y.; resigned on account of ill health, 1904; d. Yonkers, N. Y., July 30, 1910. 65 1867 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD SCHLENKER, CHARLES, Chrishona Inst.; Phila. Sem., 1866; ord. Min. Pa., 1866; German home miss., Allentown and Bethlehem, Pa., 1868- 69; pastor, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1870; Toledo, O., 1878-83; d. Toledo, O., August 17, 1883. •i* STUECKLEIN, FREDERICK, Chrishona Inst.; Phila. Sem., 1866; ord. Min. Pa., 1866; pastor German Ch., Elizabeth, N. J., 1867-83; Falls City, Neb., 1887-88; Bruning, Neb. (Joint Syn. of O.), 1888-94; deceased. 1867 Hh CRESSMAN, JOHN JAY, b. Moore Twp, Northampton Co, Pa, Jan. 10, 1841; s. Abraham J. and Lydia (Frutchey) Cressman; A.B, Gettysburg Col, 1864; Phila. Sem, 1867; m. Emma Catharine Margaret Walter, 1865; children, Charles Frederick Schaeffer, Krauth Harms, John Luther, Abraham Irvin, Benjamin Franklin, Esther Lydia; pastor, St. Paul’s, South Side, Easton, Pa, 1867-77; Friedens, Bemville, Pa, 1877-1901; St. John’s, Kutztown, Pa, 1877-1914; mem. Co. A, 26th Pa. Vol, taken prisoner and paroled; author, various pamphlets, etc.; d. Jan. 5, 1914. * HUMBERT, DAVID KIDLING, b. Greenwich Twp, Berks Co, Pa, Mar. 11, 1835; s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Keidling) Humbert; Phila. Sem, 1867; ord. Min. Pa, 1867; m. Maria DeLong, 1867; children, Essie, Mary Elizabeth, Anna Susanna; pastor, Geigertown, Pa, parish, 1869- 72; Bowers, Pa, parish, 1872-1903; temporarily out of ministry, 1904-12; first sgt, Co. I, 167th Regt, Pa. Inf, 1862-63; d. Bowers, Pa, Sept. 21, 1913. LAZARUS, GEORGE MILLER, b. near Bethlehem, Pa, May 26, 1839; s. George and Elizabeth (Miller) Lazarus; Phila. Sem, 1867; ord. Min. Pa, 1867; m. Amanda C. Dech, 1860; children, Rev. Jacob Wilson, ’85, Dr. George F, Rev. Luther Dech, ’98, Newton C.; pastor, Quaker- town, Pa, 1867-68; Keller’s, Applebachville, Pa, 1870-74; prin. Quaker- town Acad, 1868-74; sec, Quakertown public schools, 1867-74; d. near Quakertown, Pa, Jan. 31, 1874, being thrown from his carriage on way to a funeral. ►f* RICHARDS, FRANK, b. New Middleton, O, Apr. 21, 1840; s. Edward and Mary Richards; A.B, Gettysburg Col, 1864; Phila. Sem, 1867; D.D, Gettysburg Col, 1894; ord. Min. Pa, 1867; m. Caroline L. Super, 1869; children, Rev. Herbert Franklin, ’99, Rev. Edward Ray, ’04, Rev. John Elroy, ’04, Harry G.; pastor, Trinity, Chicago, Ill, 1867- 73; Zanesville, O, 1876-1904; English sec, Pittsburgh Syn, 187CP73; pres. District Syn. of O, 1899-1903; office ed. The Lutheran and Mis- 66 ALUMNI 1868 sionary, 1873-76; pvt., Co. A, 20th Pa. Vol, 1863; d. Zanesville, O., Sept. 11, 1904. ^SCHINDEL, JACOB DANIEL, b. near Allentown, Pa., Jan. 11, 1841; s. Rev. Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Masser) Schindel; A.B., Gettys¬ burg Col., 1864; Phila. Sem., 1867; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1867; m. Ella C. Schmoyer; children, Mary E., Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Jacob, ’99; pastor, St. Paul’s, Catasauqua, Pa., and St. John’s,. Mickley’s, Pa., 1867-88; St. John’s, Coplay, Pa., 1873-88; Whitehall Pa., parish, 1888-1908; English sec., Min. Pa., 1878-81; pvt., Co. A, 26th Pa. Vol., 1863; U. S. Sanitary Commission, 1865; d. Allentown, Pa., June 27, 1908. IP- Hh SEIP, THEODORE LORENZO, b. Easton, Pa, Jan. 25, 1842; s. Reuben L. and Sarah A. Seip; A.B, Gettysburg Col, 1864; Phila. Sem, 1867; D.D, U. of Pa.; ord. Alin. Pa, 1867; m. Rebecca Keck; children, Howard Shinier, Rev. Frank Aluhlenberg, ’90, Annie Elizabeth, Dr. Theodore Lorenzo, Jr.; one of founders of Aluhlenberg Col, 1867; prin. Academic Dept, and asst. prof. Greek, Muhlenberg Col, 1868-72; prof, Latin Language and Literature, 1872-76; financial agent, 1876-77; prof, Greek and Latin, 1877-80; Alosser-Keck prof. Greek, 1880-85; pres, Aluhlenberg Col, 1886-1903; pres, Alin. Pa, 1895--98; Co. 26, Pa. Vol.; mem. American Institute of Christian Philosophy, American Society of Church History, Society of Sciences, Letters and Art of London; contr, Lutheran Church Reznczv and Church press; author, numerous historical pamphlets; d. Allentown, Pa, Nov. 28, 1903. •J* SPIEKER, GEORGE FREDERICK, see under The Faculty, page 43. ►p*ZENTNER, JACOB, b. near Bretten, Baden, Germany, Alay 24, 1838; s. Michael and Elizabeth (Oldgast) Zentner; stud, Ludwigsburg, Wuerttemberg; Mannheim Lyceum, Baden; U. Basle, U. Halle; Phila. Sem, 1867; ord. Min. Pa, 1867; m. Caroline Nelson, 1867; children, Anna A, William H, Harry G.; pastor, East Allentown and South Bethlehem, Pa.; Immanuel, Williamsport, Pa.; Trinity, Trenton, N. J., 1873-86; Alahanoy City, Pa.; Brighton, Mich.; St. Paulus, Sharon, Pa, 1906; prof, German, Teachers’ Sem, Karlsruhe, Baden, 1857-61; instr. languages, Normal School, Trenton, N. J, 1873-86; tr. into German, Gerberding, Way of Salvation, under title, Heilsweg, 1888; author, Glockenrufe sum House Gottes, 1890; d. Warren, Pa, July 2, 1917. 1868 CHRISTY, VAN BUREN, b. near Circleville, O, Jan. 23, 1841; s. Abraham and Elizabeth (Warner) Christy; stud. Capital U, 1856; 67 1863 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Fairfield (Iowa) Col., 1862-65; Phila. Sem., 1868; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; m. Susan M. Welty, 1870; children, Blanche, Elizabeth B., Rev. William Passavant, Mary Welty, Mark, Irene; pastor, Delmont, Pa., 1868-76; Irwin, Pa., 1876-81; Zelienople, Pa., 1881—90; Ellerton, O., parish, 1890- ; pres., Dist. Syn. of O., 1905—08; pvt., Co. F, 45th Inf. Reg., Iowa Vol., 1864. 4* GABLE, ZENAS HENRY, b. Cherryville, Pa., Aug. 13, 1842; s. Daniel and Elizabeth Gable; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1865; Phila. Sem., 1868; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; m. Thusie Vogelbach, 1868; children, Mae Elizabeth, Rev. Charles Jacob, ’97, Sue Anna, Rev. Luther Daniel, ’98, Edmund James, Dr. Franklin John; pastor, Scenery Hill, Pa., 1868-73; Birdsboro-Geigertown, Pa., parish, 1873-1909; d. Reading, Pa., Dec. 15, 1909. HANTZ, JACOB MUHLENBERG, b. Madison, Pa., Apr. 21, 1844; s. Jesse and Elizabeth Hantz; A.B., Westmoreland Col., 1864; Phila. Sem., 1868; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; prin., Mansfield Valley Academy, Hamilton Institute and Smithfield Academy; prof., Thiel Col., Muhlen¬ berg Col., Northwestern U. and Susquehanna U.; State Lecturer at Farmers’ Institutes, 1890-97; author, The Human Mind, 1885; contr., Lutheran Church Review , Lutheran Quarterly, Reformed Church Reviezv, Columbus Theological Magazine and other periodicals. 4- HENRY, SAMUEL STRICKHAUSER, b. Shrewsbury, Pa., Mar. 12, 1838; s. George M. and Lydia A. Henry; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1865; Phila. Sem., 1868; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; m. Maggie A. Ruhl, 1866; children, John George, Catharine Ruhl, Christiana Lydia, Justina Re¬ becca, Mary Elizabeth, Paul Christian; pastor, Berwick, Pa., 1869-73; Hinkletown, Pa., 1873-83; Jersey Shore, 1883-85; Pillow, Pa., 1885-89; East Berlin, Pa., 1889-93; Smallwood, Md., 1893-1901; pvt., Co. A, 26th Pa. Vol., 1863; d. Smallwood, Md., Jan. 13, 1901. 4* KRIBBS, JOHN AMOS, b. Clarion Co., Pa., 1835; s. Capt. John and Susanna Kribbs; Phila. Sem., 1868; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; m. Mar¬ garet Dinwiddie, 1872; pastor. Kittanning, Pa., 1868-78; housefather, Zelienpole, Pa., Orphans’ Home, 1878-1910; first sgt, 5th U. S. Army Corps, 1861-65; d. Zelienople, Pa., Oct. 8, 1913. MAYSER, FREDERICK PETER, b. Ulm, Wuerttemberg, Feb. 12, 1842; s. John and Frederica Mayser; U. of Pa.; Phila. Sem., 1868; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; m. Sophia Baltz; children, Charles Frederick, Theodore Edward, Harry John Franklin, Marie Sophie; pastor, Tulpehocken, Pa., parish, 1868-74; Zion’s, Wheel¬ ing, W. Va., 1874-75; Zion’s, Lancaster, Pa., 1875-1912; pastor emeritus, 68 ALUMNI IS68 Zion’s, Lancaster, 1912- ; German sec,, Min. Pa., 1885; published a number of sermons; frequent contr., Lutheran Church Review; mem. Min. Pa., and G. C. bds. and com. NEIFFER, JACOB GRABENSTEIN, b. Frederick Twp, Mont¬ gomery Co., Pa., Jan. 23, 1840; s. Christian and Cathrine Barbara (Grabenstein) Neiffer; Pa. Col., 1861-63; A.B., F. and M. Col., 1865; Phila. Sem., 1868; A.M., F. and M. Col., 1871; D.D., Wittenberg Col., 1903; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; pastor, St. Mark’s Ch., Richmond, Va., 1868- 70; St. John’s, Salisbury, N. C., 1870-75; St. Paul’s, Lima, O., 1875-85; St. John’s, Dayton, O., 1885-1904; Trinity, Toledo, O., 1904-08; sec., N. C. Syn.; pres., Dist. Syn., O.; present address, Wyncote, Pa. REED, EZRA LEISS, b. Stouchsburg, Pa., Nov. 7, 1842; s. John G. and Mary (Leiss) Reed; Gettysburg Col., 1862-63; A.B., F. and M. Col., 1865; Phila. Sem., 1868; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; m. Annie Linley, 1868; children, Beulah Lesley, Rev. Prof. Luther Dotterer, ’95; pastor, St. Peter’s, North Wales, Pa., 1868-73; St. John’s, Center Square, Pa., 1868-69; Christ Ch., Trenton, N. J., 1873-74; First Ch., Selinsgrove and Zion, Kratzerville, Pa., 1875-79; St. Paul’s, Millersville, 1879-80; asst pastor, Holy Trinity, Lancaster, Pa., 1880-81; pastor, Christ Ch., Lan¬ caster, Pa., 1880-92; St. John’s, Catawissa, Pa., 1892-97; Christ Ch., West Newton, Pa., 1897-1907; d. Mt. Airy, Phila., Jan. 6, 1911. TREXLER, DANIEL DIETRICH, b. Greenwich Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Nov. 29, 1842; s. Daniel and Anna (Dietrich) Trexler; Phila. Sem., 1868; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; m. Agnes Amanda Geiss; children, Martin Luther, Annie Elizabeth, Rev. Dr. Samuel Geiss, ’99, Rev. Charles Daniel, ’06; pastor, Frieden’s, Bemville, Pa., 1868-76; Christ Ch., Tulpe- hocken, Pa., 1868-78; North Heidelberg, Pa., 1868-83; Salem, Millers- burg, and Rehrersburg, Pa., 1868-1914; Schartlesville, Pa., 1874-1914; Lenhartsville, Pa., 1880-1914; d. Bernville, Pa., May 24, 1914. ^WAGENHALS, SAMUEL, b. Lancaster, O., Jan. 17, 1843; s. Rev. John and Katherine Wagenhals; Capital U., 1862; Phila. Sem., 1868; D.D., ord. Min. Pa., 1868; m. 1st, Eva Schaeffer; 2d, Ellen Hamilton; children, Margaret, Katherine, Mildred, Hildegard, Herbert; pastor, Trinity English Ch., Fort Wayne, Ind., 1868-1920; three years’ service in Civil War as pvt., sgt., major, 1st It., Co. B, 114th Ohio Vol. Inf.; tutor, prep, dept., Capital U., 1861-62; pres., Indiana (now Chicago) Syn.; pres., bd. dir., Chicago Sem., 1895-1920; d. Fort Wayne, Ind., Dec. 10, 1920. •j* WEISKOTTEN, FREDERICK WILLIAM, b. Elberfeld, Ger¬ many, Jan. 10, 1842; Hartwick Sem.; Phila. Sem., 1868; graduate work, 69 1SG9 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD U. of Berlin; ord. Min. Pa., 1868; m. Anna Catherine Gomph; s. Rev. Dr. Samuel George, ’87; pastor, Elizabethtown, Pa., parish, 1868-73; Bethlehem, Pa., 1873-82; St. Jakobus, Phila., 1882-1900; pres., G. C. German home mission bd.; sec., G. C. Bd. of Publication; ed., Missions- bote; d. on board S. S. “Arabia” while returning from inspection tour to India for G. C. foreign mission bd., Dec. 15, 1900. 1869 BARTPIOLOMEW, AMOS H., b. Anapolis, O., Sept. 21, 1841; s. Henry and Ann (Sloan) Bartholomew; stud., Capital U.; Phila. Sem., 1869; ord. Min. Pa., 1869; m. Rachel Ann Kuhns, 1876; children, Ellen, Philip Henry, Irene, Paul Amos, Bugher Sloan; pastor, Christ Ch., Trenton, N. J., 1869-73; Zion’s, Greensburg, Pa., 1874-77; Ch. of the Twelve Apostles, Saegertown, Pa., 1877-80; Holy Trinity (now First Ch.), Cleveland, O., 1881-87; St. James’, Ligonier, Pa., 1894-98; Emmanuel’s, Prospect, Pa., 1901-07; home miss., Davenport, la., 1874; Wheeling and Elm Grove, W. Va., 1892-94; Collinwood, O.; representa¬ tive, G. C. Bd. Publication, 1898-1901. * FEGLEY, HENRY SWINEHART, b. Boyertown, Pa., Sept. 15, 1843; s. John and Maria (Swinehart) Fegley; Phila., Sem., 1869; ord. 1869; m. Alice J. Long, 1871; child, Annie Minerva; pastor, Lynnville parish, Pa., for 37 years, 1869-1906; d. New Tripoli, Pa., Jan. 30, 1906. V* GESCHWIND, LEVI H., b. Tilden Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Jan. 26, 1846; s. John H. and Mary (Himmelberger) Geschwind; Phila. Sem., 1869; ord. Min. Pa., 1869; m. Elizabeth Ann Hull, 1872; two sons, one daughter; home miss., Richmond and Norfolk, Va., 1869-70; Butler, Pa., 1870-74; Lima, O.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Stewartsville, N. J.; pastor, St. John’s, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1886-90; Epiphany, Mana- yunk, Phila., 1890-93; home miss., Sullivan and Luzerne Co., 1893-94; d. Germantown, Phila., Aug. 18, 1894. ►r* HUNTZINGER, FRANKLIN K., b. West Cocalico Twp., Lan¬ caster Co., Pa., June 18, 1844; s. Jared and Leah (Krick) Huntzinger; Phila. Sem., 1869; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; ord. Min. Pa., 1869; m. Mary M. Hassinger, 1869; children, Ida Catharine, Charles Henry; pastor, St. Luke’s, Reading, Pa., for 52 years, 1869-1921; Kissinger’s, near Reading, 1869-81; Lenhartsville, Pa., 1870-76; St. Paul’s, near Hamburg, Pa., 1870-76; Alsace, near Reading, 1873-97; St. Peter’s, Richmond Twp., Berks Co., 1874-1904; pres., Bd. Trustees, Topton Orphans’ Home, 1897-1921; d. Reading, Pa., May 2, 1921. ISENSCHMID, PAUL, b. Zweisimmen, Canton of Berne, Switzerland; s. Rev. Edward and Salome (Meier) Isenschmid; stud, medicine, 70 ALUMNI 1369 Lausanne, 1863-65; American U., Phila., 1872; Theol. Missionary Inst., Basel, 1865-67; Phila. Sem, 1869; M.D., U. Pa., 1872; ord. Min. Pa., 1869; m. 1st, Elizabeth Seibel, 1871; 2d, Catharine Kern, 1874; children, Samuel, Helen Susanna, Clara F., Louise Maria; pastor, St. Paulus, German, Norristown, Pa., 1869-71; Zion, German, Wilmington, Del., for 43 years, 1871-1914; pastor emeritus, 1914- . * JACOBY, ROBERT M., Phila. Sem., 1869; ord. Min. Pa, 1869; pastor, Palmyra, Pa, parish, 1869-71; d. 1874. LICHTENBERG, J. PHILIP, b. Cassel, Germany; s. German prof.; Chrishona Inst.; Phila. Sem, 1869; ord. N. Y. Min, 1869; m. Anna Blandner; children, Helene Marie, Anna Marie, Johann Philipp, Julia Melanie; pastor, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 1870-73; Zion, Utica, N. Y, 1882- 89; Zion, Johnstown, Pa, 1889; d. with entire family in Johnstown flood, May 31, 1889. •b REPASS, STEPHEN ALBION, b. near Wytheville, Va, Nov. 25, 1838; s. Rufus and Salome (Brown) Repass; A.B, Roanoke Col, 1866; Phila. Sem, 1869; D.D, Roanoke Col, 1876; ord. Min. Pa, 1869; m. Frances E. Hancock, 1870; children, Louis Hancock. Elizabeth Brown, Rev. Bernard, ’01, Nannie Stuart, Mary; pastor, College Ch, Salem, Va, 1869-73; Christ Ch, Staunton, Va, 1884-85; St. John’s, Allentown, Pa, 1885-1906; pres, Gen. Syn. South, 1871-72; pres. Southern Sem., Salem, Va, 1873-84; pres, Muhlenberg Col. Bd, 1886—1906; prof, Christian Evidences, Muhlenberg Col, 1893-1906; contr. The Lutheran, The Lutheran Church Visitor, Lutheran Church Revieiv, Lutheran Quar¬ terly; ed. The Church Messenger for many years; mem, important bds. and corns.; d. Allentown, Pa, June 2, 1906. * SCHAEFFER, WILLIAM ASHMEAD, b. Harrisburg, Pa, Mar. 26, 1846; s. Rev. Prof. Charles W. and Elizabeth (Ashmead) Schaeffer; U. of Pa.; Phila. Sem, 1869; D.D.; ord. Min. Pa, 1869; m. Miss Eliza¬ beth Thompson, of Easton, Pa, 1893; pastor, Christ Ch, Easton, Pa, 1869-76; Wicker Park, Chicago, Ill, 1877-81; St. John’s, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 1882-83; St. Stephen’s, Phila, 1884-92; Supt. of Home Missions, Min. Pa, 1893-1902; sec, Bd. Home Missions, Min. Pa, 1902-07; pres, G. C. Bd. of Publication; erected Schaeffer-Ashmead Memorial Ch. at the Phila. Sem. as memorial to his parents, 1903; d. Germantown, Phila, July 27, 1907. 4" ZIEGENFUSS, HENRY LAFAYETTE, b. Kresgesville, Pa, Nov. 3, 1844; A.B, Gettysburg Col, 1866; Phila. Sem, 1869; D.D.; ord. Min. Pa, 1869; pastor, Rhinebeck, N. Y, 1869-74; entered ministry of Protestant Episcopal Ch, 1874; rector, Christ Ch, Poughkeepsie, N. Y, 71 1870 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1874; prof., Chemistry and German, DeGarmo Institute, Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1872; trustee, St. Barnabas’ Hospital, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; pub. various sermons; d. Feb. 8, 1894. 1870 * ALBERT, CHARLES STANLEY, b. Hanover, Pa., Aug. 17, 1847; s. Rev. Dr. John Jacob and Juliana (Diehl) Albert; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1867; Phila. Sem., 1870; D.D., Gettysburg Col.; ord. Min. Pa., 1870; m. Mary Wilhelmina Baker, 1872; children, William, Mary, Ethel, Charles Stanley, Linda Catharine; pastor, Trinity, Lancaster, Pa., 1870- 72; First Ch., Carlisle, Pa., 1872-81; St. Mark’s, Baltimore, Md., 1881- 93; pres., Gen. Syn., 1893-95; pres., Gettysburg Sem. Bd., 1881; pres., Maryland Syn., 1885; pres., Gen. Syn. Home Mission Bd., 18 years; treas., Editorial Assn., International S. S. Lesson Com.; mem., Joint Com. on Common Service; literary ed., Lutheran Pub. Soc., 1893-1912; ed., standard courses in teacher training; contr., Lutheran Quarterly, Augsburg Teacher, etc.; author, numerous pamphlets; d. Phila., Jan. 28, 1912. COOPER, CHARLES JACOB, b. Upper Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., Apr. 1, 1847; s. Jacob and Sarah Ann (Horlacher) Cooper; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1867; Phila. Sem., 1870; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1870; m. Emma S. Knause, 1870; children, William Henry, Charles Jacob, Rev. Frederick Eugene, ’99, Caroline Jacoby, Emma Malinda, Sarah Alice, Mary Catharine, Anna Rebecca; pastor, St. Peter’s, South Bethlehem, Pa., parish, 1870-86; Friedensville, Jeru¬ salem, East Salisbury and St. Stephen’s, North Bethlehem, Pa., 1907- \ treas., Muhlenberg Col., 1883-1907; financial agent, Muhlenberg Col., 1886-1906; registrar and sec., Muhlenberg Col., 1905-07; English sec., Min. Pa., 1884-85. ►h GOESSLING, JOHANNES, b. Westphalia, Prussia; Gueterbach Gymnasium; Phila. Sem., 1870; ord. Min. Pa., 1870; pastor, Immanuel, Frankford, Phila., 1870-73; Jersey City Heights, 1876-77; deceased. GOMPH, GEORGE H., b. Albany, N. Y., 1843; s. George H. and Mina (Strempel) Gomph; Hartwick Sem., 1865; Phila. Sem., 1870; D.D.; ord. N. Y. Min., 1868; pastor, Pittsford, N. Y., 1868-1909; archivist, N. Y. Min.; retired, 1909; pres., Bd. Directors, Wagner Col., d. Pittsford, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1918. •fKAEHLER, FRANK CARL CLAUDIUS, b. Holstein, Germany, Jan. 9, 1846; s. Heinrich Christian and Anna Magdalena (Ottesen) Kaehler; McGill U., 1866-67; Phila. Sem., 1870; ord. Min. Pa., 1870; 72 ALUMNI 1870 m. 1st, Louise M. Schilling, 1870; 2d, Ella R. Dieckman, 1893; children, Louise Ella (deaconess in charge of Passavant Hospital, Milwaukee), Frederick, Clara, Marie, Norma, Carl; pastor, Saugerties, N. Y., 1870- 74; Phoenixville, Pa., 1874-82; Wicker Park, Chicago, 1882-87; Van- dalia, Ill., 1887-93; d. St. Elmo, Ill., Sept. 4 , 1894. KEPNER, DANIEL K., b. New Hanover Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., Oct. 21, 1836; s. William and Sarah (Koch) Kepner; A.B., Gettys¬ burg Col., 1867; Phila. Sem., 1870; ord. Min. Pa., 1870; m. Lydia A. Brendlinger, 1871; children, Frederick William, Florence Gertrude; pas¬ tor, Slatington, Pa., 1870-75; Emmanuel, Pottstown, Pa., 1875-97; regt. quartermaster, 179th Pa. Vol., 1862-63; lieut., Co. C, 195th Pa. Vol., commissioned captain; discharged with regt., 1865; d. Pottstown, Pa., May 9, 1897. KOERNER, CHARLES, b. Bierbach, Germany, 1841; s. Jacob and Maria (Seelbach) Koemer; Hartwick Sem., 1867; Phila. Sem., 1870; D.D., Hartwick Sem., 1902; ord. N. Y. Min., 1869; pastor, St. Peter’s, Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1870-71; Transfiguration, Pottstown, Pa., and St. Paul’s, Amityville, 1871-80; Holy Trinity, Chicago, Ill., 1880-98; Holy Trinity, Meadville, Pa., 1901-03; St. Johannes, Charleston, S. C., 1903- 09; retired from active ministry, 1909; first pres., Indiana (now Chicago) Syn.; sec., bd., Chicago Sem.; d. Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1912. Hh ROTH, JOHN DAVID, b. Prospect, Pa., Nov. 24, 1841; s. Christian David and Susannah (Buechle) Roth; great grandson of Moravian missionary to the Indians, John Roth, who tr. portion of Gospels into language of Delawares; Phila. Sem., 1870; ord. Syn. of Canada, 1870; m. Susan S. Fletcher, 1861; children, four; pastor, St. Peter’s, North Williamsburg, Ont., 1870-73; Scenery Hill, Pa., 1873-78; Del- mont, Pa., 1878-82; Sidney, Neb., 1882; Nokomis, Ill., 1883-85; Decatur, Ill., 1885-88; Catasauqua, Pa., 1889-92; chaplain, Ill. State Penitentiary, 1893-97; pastor, Tarentum, Pa., 1908-11; author, Handbook of Lutheran¬ ism, 1890; correspondent for The Lutheran, 1870-97; contr., N. Y. Observer, 1885-86; Chicago Herald (series of articles on Prisons a)id Prison Life), 1898-99; assoc, ed., Young Lutheran, since its beginning; d. Decatur, Ill., March 23, 1922. 4* STRAUSS, WILLIAM HENRY, b. Wennersville, Pa., Apr. 20, 1846; s. Josiah and Mary Strauss; Allentown Collegiate Inst., 1867; Phila. Sem., 1870; ord. Min. Pa., 1870; m. Ellen Jane Clauss; children, Lewellyn Oscar Josiah, Mary Agnus Lenida, Edward William Henry, Ellen Polly Rebecca; pastor, St. Paul’s, Summit Hill, Pa., 1870-80; Mahoning, Pa., parish for 46 }^ears (1872-1918); d. Lehighton, Pa., Feb. 13, 1918. 73 1871 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD TRABERT, GEORGE HENRY, b. Leacock Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 16, 1843; s. Christoph Andreas and Fredericka Stapff Trabert; grandnephew Christian Ernst Genzler, supt. Ostheim, and cousin Prof. Genzler, court chaplain Coburg, who officiated at marriage of Duke and Duchess of Kent, parents of Queen Victoria, London, 1818, and also baptized Prince Albert, 1819; Gettysburg Col., 1864-67; Phila. Sem., 1870; D.D., Bethany Col., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 1870; m. M. Elizabeth Minnigh; children, Charles Luther, Rev. Earnest Anton, George Chris¬ topher, Elizabeth Fredericka, Paul Melancthon, Elsie Amelia, Ruth Esther, William Henry; pastor, Ephrata, Pa., 1870-73; Elizabethtown and Mt. Joy, Pa., 1873-77; Salem, Lebanon, Pa., 1877-83; miss, in the Northwest; organized St. John’s, Minneapolis; Memorial, St. Paul; St. Paul’s, Red Wing; St. Paul’s and Trinity, Minneapolis; pastor, St. John’s, Minneapolis, Minn., 1883-92; Christ Ch., Warren, Pa., 1892-95; St. John’s, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1896-97; Salem, Minneapolis, 1897-1920; retired from active ministry at the end of fifty years of service, 1920; pres., English Syn. of the Northwest, 1901-04; pres., Inner Miss. Soc. of Minneapolis, 1905-14, 1916-20; author, Outlines of Church History, 1880; Life of Luther in Picture and Verse, 1881; Mission Among the Telugus, 1893; Church History for the People, 1897; Luther’s Small Catechism, 1899; English Lutheranism in the Northwest, 1914; also various pamphlets; contr. to Lutheran Church Reziew; correspondent, The Lutheran, since 1883. 1871 4* BIEBER, IRWIN W., b. Kutztown, Pa., Nov. 23, 1847; s. Joshua S. and Mary (Bast) Bieber; A.B., F. and M. Col., 1868; Phila. Sem., 1871; ord. Min. Pa., 1871; m. Martha J. K. Hinterleitner, 1871; nine children; pastor, Farmersville and Hecktown, Pa., 1871-1905; pastor emeritus, 1905-09; tr. Livy for interlinear edition used as college text¬ book; d. Bethlehem, Pa., Oct. 16, 1909. BUERMEYER, FERDINAND FREDERIC, b. New York City, Apr. 13, 1846; s. Ernst Henry and Louisa Margaret Buermeyer; Hart- wick Sem.; Phila. Sem., 1871; D.D., Hartwick Sem., 1903; ord. Min. Pa., 1871; m. Hannah E. Ladd, 1887; pastor, St. John’s, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1871-82; Epiphany, New York City, 1882-91; Trinity, New Hol¬ land, Pa., 1891-99; Shillington-Edison, Pa., 1902-09; city missionary, New York Inner Miss. Soc., 1910-23; city missionary emeritus, 1923- ; contr.. The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Review; one of editors, G. C. Sunday School Book; address, Reading, Pa. Hr* FOUST, GEORGE DIEHL, b. Easton, Pa., Aug. 23, 1847; s. John S. P. and Elizabeth (Thomas) Foust; Muhlenberg Col., 1869; Phila. Sem., 1871; ord. Min. Pa., 1871; m. Mary A. Comly, 1881; children, 74 ALUMNI 1872 George Comly, Clement Edgar; pastor, St. Peter’s, Phila., 1871-74; St. Paul’s and Zion’s, Stroudsburg and Smithfield, Pa., 1874-79; St. Peter’s, North Wales, Pa., 1880-90; d. North Wales, Pa., July 31, 1890. •f* HUBBERT, WILLIAM EFFICH, b. Salem, Va., Oct. 23, 1844; s. Samuel and Mary (Andes) Hubbert; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1867; Phila. Sem., 1871; ord. Syn. of S. W. Va., 1870; m. 1st, Mattie Pettit, 1871; 2d, Harriet Virginia Ribble; children, Henry Samuel, Florence Virginia, William Effich, Jr.; pastor, Ebenezer Ch., Smythe Co., Va.; Montgomery Charge, S. W. Va. Syn., 1877-90; prof., N. C. Col., 1871-77; retired from ministry on account of throat trouble; engaged in banking business, Blacksburg, Va.; ed., Our Church Paper for 30 years; active in church affairs; d. Blacksburg, Va., Oct. 17, 1915. •i* JAMES, BASIL HARRISON, b. Dec. 15, 1836; Gettysburg Col., 1858-61; Phila. Sem., 1871; ord. Min. Pa., 1871; business agent, The Lutheran and Missionary, 1871-73; printing business, Baltimore, Md., 1874; deceased. RICKERT, WILLIAM HENRY, b. Coopersburg, Pa., June 4, 1844; s. Joseph and Hannah Rickert; Gettysburg Col., 1865-67; Muhlenberg Col., 1867-68; Phila. Sem., 1871; ord. Min. Pa., 1871; m. Elizabeth V. McKinstry, 1872; children, William McK., J. Edward, Horace, Helen Josephine; pastor, Market St. (now St. Mark’s) Ch., Williamsport, Pa., 1871-86; retired from active ministry. 4* WISCHAN, FREDERICK, b. Wallhaben, Bavaria, Germany, Mar. 5, 1845; s. Rev. Prof, and Mrs. Jacob J. Wischan; Kaiserslautern Gymnasium; Chrishona Inst., Basle, Switzerland; Phila. Sem., 1871; ord. Min. Pa., 1871; m. Flora Braun; children, Pauline, Hildegarde. Lydia, Adolph, Ernest; pastor, St. Paul’s, Phila., 1870-1905; mem. G. C. Home Mission Bd. from its inception; author, Die Schule des Lehens, 1877; founder and ed., Missionsbote; ed., Lutherisches Kirchenblatt; series of German graded Sunday School books; d. Phila., Apr. 28, 1905. 1872 4* ENGEL, ADOLPH OTTO, b. 1842; Dr. Sachse’s School, Berlin; Phila. Sem., 1872; ord. Min. Pa., 1872; pastor, St. Paul’s, Norristown, Pa., 1872-75; Synodical Conference, 1879-1920; last parish, Green Lake, Wis.; retired, 1911; d. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 14, 1920. FEGLEY, HENRY NEIDIG, b. Washington Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Nov. 18, 1848; s. Stephen and Lovina (Neidig) Fegley; A.B., U. Pa., 1869; Phila. Sem., 1872; D.D., Roanoke Col., 1903; ord. Min. Pa., 1872; 75 1872 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD m. Belinda Cecilia Reichard, 1875; children, Rev. Charles Krauth, ’03, Edith Elizabeth; pastor, St. Mark’s, Mechanicsburg, Pa.; prof., Philosophy and Religion, and German, Irving Female Col., 1892-1912. •b GEISSINGER, DAVID HARRISON, b. Huntingdon Co., Pa., Feb. 12, 1844; s. John and Jane Geissinger; Allegheny Col.; Phila. Sem., 1872; D.D., Lafayette Col., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1872; m. Elizabeth N. Bateman, 1884; asst, pastor, Trinity, Lancaster, Pa., 1872-74; pastor, Grace, Lancaster, Pa., 1874-79; Trinity, New York, 1880-82; St. John’s, Easton, Pa., 1882-93; First Ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1893-1907; pres., Pittsburgh Syn.; pres., Porto Rico Miss. Bd.; author, Lessons from the Cross; contr., Lutheran Church Review; staff correspondent, The Lutheran; 2d lieut., 5th Reserves, Pa. Vol., on staff of Gen. Hartranft; d. Pittsburgh, Pa., Mar. 22, 1907. •i* HORN, EDWARD TRAILL, see under The Faculty, page 46. * KINDBORG, JOHN WILLIAM, b. Sweden, 1844; Augustana Col.; Phila. Sem., 1872; ord. Min. Pa., 1872; pastor, State Ch., Sweden, 1877- 1917; d. Lot, Sweden, 1917. NEFF, JACOB, b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 12, 1848; s. Thomas and Julia Neff; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1869; Phila. Sem., 1872; ord. Min. Pa., 1872; m. Sarah L. Yount, 1872; children, Rev. Paul J., ’06, Charles H.; pastor, Spring City, Pa., parish, 1872-96; d. Spring City, Pa., Jan. 13, 1896. PRINCELL, JOHN GUSTAV, b. Sweden, 1845; studied at Paxton, Ill.; Augustana Col.; Phila. Sem., 1872; ord. Min. Pa., 1872; pastor, Campello, Mass., 1872; later Swedenborgian; present address unknown. *b SCHULTES, AUGUSTUS, b. Berne, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1844; s. Wil¬ liam and Sarah (Crounse) Schultes; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1869; Phila. Sem., 1872; ord. Min. Pa., 1873; m. Amelia Castleman, 1876; pastor, St. John’s Ch. and St. Paul’s miss., Williamsburg and miss., Morrisburg, Ont., Can.; miss, in Phila., 1877-82; inner miss, work in Syn. of Central Canada, 1882-1920; prof., Newark Col., 1873-74; d. Aultsville, Ont., Mar. 25, 1920. VEIT, FREDERICK MARTIN, b. Michelbach a. d. L., Wuerttem- berg, Feb. 16, 1845; s. George and Rosina (Erbel) Veit; stud., Thiel Col., 1866-69; Phila. Sem., 1872; ord. Min. Pa., 1872; m. 1st, Elizabeth Stahlschmidt; 2d, Martha Halleen; children, Laura Alwine Louise, Ida Wilhelmine Sarah, Maria Johanna Margareth, Martha Elizabeth Adolphine, Friedrich Johannes W., Rev. Walther Carl Georg, Erica 76 ALUMNI 1873 Sophia Pauline, Lucie Marg. Agnes, Agnes Babetta Caecilia, Dora Sophia Rosalia, Albrecht Erhardt Max Joh., Paulina Louise Rosine; pastor, Trinity, Sebastopol, Ontario, 1872-1917; St. Matthew’s, East Zora, Ontario, 1872-1902; pres., Canada Syn., 1882-85, 1888-92; mem., ed. staff Kirchenblatt der Canada Synode; author, A Short History of the Lutheran Church in Canada; retired, 1917; present address, 13 Vernon St., Kitchener, Ont., Can. 1873 *ERB, ISAAC NEWTON STELTZ, b. Gilbertsville, Pa., Feb. 27, 1844; s. David and Julia (Steltz) Erb; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1870; Phila. Sem., 1873; ord. Min. Pa., 1873; m. Ella M. Frailey, 1874; chil¬ dren, Herbert L. N., Florence Rebecca, Marion Julia; pastor, Orwigs- burg, Pa., 1873-88; contr., The Lutheran; d. Orwigsburg, Pa., June 3, 1888. *b FRICK, WILLIAM KELLER, b. Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 1, 1850; s. William and Maria Barbara (Keller) Frick; F. and M. Col., 1866-67; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1870; Phila. Sem., 1873; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1873; m. Louise Fredericka Klump, 1873; children, William Gerald, Lilian Louise, Norman Keller, Raymond Lewis; pastor, St. Paul’s, Phila., 1873-83 (1st pastor) ; Ch. of the Redeemer, Mil¬ waukee, Wis., 1883-89 (1st pastor of 1st English Lutheran Ch. in Wis¬ consin) ; 1st sec., English Syn. of the Northwest, 1891-93; 2d pres., English Syn. of the Northwest, 1894-1900; English rec. sec., G. C, 1895-99, 1905-18; 1st pres., Wisconsin Luther League; prof., English, Gustavus Adolphus Col., 1883-89; instr., Chicago Sem., 1893-99; mem., Chicago Sem. Bd., 1890-1918; sec. of same, 1895-1918; author, Bibli¬ ography of Pennsylvania German Literature; Henry Melchior Muhlen¬ berg, 1902; weekly contr., The Lutheran, 1878-1918; contr. and edi¬ torial writer, The Workman; contr., Lutheran Church Review; d. Mil¬ waukee, Wis., Aug. 20, 1918. b DRESSLER, WILLIAM GEORGE, b. East Hanover, Pa., Apr. 19, 1856; s. Jonas and Anna C. (Falk) Dressier; Muhlenberg Col.; Phila. Sem., 1885; graduate work, Chicago Sem.; D.D., Wittenberg Col., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Mary Kate Hoke, 1885; children, Elizabeth, Jonas Hoke, Anna Susan, Helen Mary, Hugo Luther, Ruth, Lois, Dorothy; pastor, St. Peter’s, Verona, N. Y., 1885-95; Mercer Co., Pa., 1895-97; St. John’s, Findlay, O., 1897-1918; miss, supt., Dist. Syn., O., 1904-12; pres., Dist. Syn., O., 1912; mem., bds. and corns.; d. Findlay, O., July 12, 1918. •b GRAEPP, ALBERT R. J., b. Spottershegen, Pomerania, June 2, 1859; grad., Thiel Col., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; pastor, Millvale, N. J., 1885-88; Ridgway, Pa., 1888-92; prof., Music, Thiel Col., 1892-95; pastor, Bridgewater, N. S., 1895-96; deposed from the ministry by the Pittsburgh Syn., 1897; teacher of music, Fresno, Cal.; deceased. •b HEISSLER, ANDREW JACOB, b. Trenton, N. J., Sept. 22, 1859; s. Jacob and Margaret (Koenig) Heissler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Lena Bierbauer, 1887; pastor, St. Paul’s, Utica, N. Y., 1885-88; Millville, N. J., 1888-91; Trinity, Albany, N. Y., 1891-92; d. Canajoharie, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1892. •b HOFFMANN, HUGO JOHN WILLIAM, b. Albany, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1863; s. Rev. John Martin Theodore Ernst and Sophie Friedericke Emilie (Hauffe) Hoffmann; Union Col., 1881-82; health failed; educa¬ tion continued under private tutors; Phila. Sem., 1885; graduate work, N. Y. U., 1897-1901; A.M., 1899; Ph.D., 1900; Columbia U., 1901-02; ord. N. Y. Min., 1885; m. Elizabeth Augusta Hagemann, 1886; children, Elizabeth Emilie Johanna, John Martin Theodore Ernst, Ruth Eleanore Johanna, Olga Angelica Johanna; pastor, St. John’s, Canajoharie, N. Y., 1885-86; St. John’s, Albany, N. Y., 1886-95; St. Paul’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1895-1917; mem., American Egyptian Exploration Fund, American Oriental Soc.; author, History of St. Paul’s, 1903; numerous articles in Lutheran Cyclopedia; contr., Lutheran Church Review, Biblische Erzaehlungen; assoc, ed., Sonntag-Schul Lektionsblaetter; mem., im¬ portant bds. and corns., N. Y. Min. and G. C., and director of institu¬ tions ; commissioner to Kropp Sem., 1907; one of founders, Soc. for Care of German Seamen, Hoboken, N. Y.; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1917. Ill 3885 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD ^ HUDSON, WILLIAM GEORGE de ARMAND, b. Madras Presi¬ dency, India, June 24, 1860; s. of English engineer in British Govern¬ ment sendee; Mission Schs., Rajahmundry; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; pastor, Stoutsville, O., 1885-88; Saltsburg, Pa., parish, 1888— 96; Catasauqua, Pa., 1896-1902; Grace, Franklin, Pa., 1902-20; d. Franklin, Pa., June 3, 1920. KLINGENSMITH, URIAH JAMES, b. Leechburg, Pa., June 2, 1858; s. Josiah and Susanna (Keppel) Klingensmith; A.B., Thiel Col., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Louisa Keller, 1887; pastor, St. Peter’s, West Pikeland, Pa., 1885-92; Ch. of the Redeemer, Syracuse, N. Y., 1892- . LAZARUS, JACOB WILSON, b. Nazareth, Pa., Oct. 24, 1862; s. Rev. George M., ’67, and Amanda C. (Dech) Lazarus; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. 1st, Gwennie M. Bytel, 1891; 2d, Jeannette M. Blanck, 1909; child, George B.; supply pastor, Trinity, Catasauqua; Trinity, Bethlehem; Cherryville, Pa., 1885— 87; pastor, Mt. Bethel, Pa., 1887-1904; Sinking Spring, Wernersville, Pa., parish, 1904- ; tutoring, 1888-98, preparing young men and women for college. MILLER, EDWIN LUNN, b. June 7, 1861; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; pastor, St. Paul’s, Doyles- town, Pa., 1885-88; Trinity, Scranton, Pa., 1888-97; St. Mark’s, South Bethlehem, Pa., 1897-98; St. Mark’s, Williamsport, Pa., 1898-1903; St. Mark’s, Boston, Mass., 1903- . ORR, JOSEPH HART, b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 15, 1861; s. Joseph and Eliza (Young) Orr; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Ernestine Hahn, 1886; children, Theodore Ernest, Joseph Justus, Eliza Janet, Anna Mary, Paul Rudbert, Elsie; pastor, Meadville-Corry, Pa., 1885-87; Trinity, Meadville, Pa., 1887-90; Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, parish, 1890-94; Trinity, Meadville, Pa., 1895-99; First Ch., Ridgway, Pa., 1899-1906; St. John’s, Phillipsburg, N. J., 1906- . RAMSEY, ALFRED, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Apr. 12, 1860; s. Joseph and Mary (Patterson) Ramsey; A.B., Thiel Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1885; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1909; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Sarah J. Brown, 1886; children, Rev. James Waters, Rev. Joseph McCray, Alfred Pat¬ terson; pastor, Bethlehem parish, Washington Co., Pa., 1885-90; St. Paul’s, Uniontown, Pa., 1890-96; St. John’s, Minneapolis, Minn., 1896- 1904; St. John’s, Stacey, Minn., 1920- ; Ohio prof., Historical The¬ ology, Chicago Sem., 1904-17; English sec., Pittsburgh Syn., 1890-92; pres., Theological Faculties Union, Chicago, 1912; tr., many German 112 ALUMNI 1835 hymns, and author, original compositions in verse for The Lutheran, Workman, and Lutheran World; contr., secular press. ROEDER, ROBERT DANIEL, b. Allentown, Pa., Mar. 2, 1862; s. Charles M. and Maria (Reichard) Roeder; Muhlenberg Col., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Fannie Reimer, 1904; pastor, Grace, Norristown, Pa., 1885-1904; First Ch., Butler, Pa., 1904-10; St. Paul's, DuBois, Pa., 1910- ; mem., Executive Com. and other corns., Min. Pa. and Pittsburgh Syn. SCHEFFER, NATHANIEL, b. Salem, Pa., Mar. 15, 1856; s. William and Priscilla (Kribbs) Scheffer; Thiel Col., 1880; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Emma Lavinia Kistler, 1892; child, Paul Kistler; pastor, Sarversville-Saxonburg, Pa., parish, 1885-89; Prospect, Pa., 1889-95; St. John’s, Mercer Co., Pa., 1895-96; Berwick, Pa., 1897-1904; Trinity, Meadville, Pa., 1904—19; Zion’s, Harrison City, Pa., 1919-20; St. Paul’s, Coudersport, Pa., 1920- . SMITH, GEORGE COWLES, b. Delaware, O., Jan. 15, 1858; s. Rev. J. H. and Adelia Smith; Thiel Col., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Dist. Syn., O., 1885; in. Lillie Viola Fanley, 1886; children, Lua Wanna, Ramona May, Dorothy Ruth; pastor, Roseville, O., parish, 1885-90; Lewisburg, O., 1890-95; First English Ch., Columbus, O., 1895-98; Stark Co., O., parish, 1898-1909; financial agent, Home Miss, and Ch. Extension Soc., 1909-12; pastor, Aurora, Ill., 1912-16; Ch. of the Atonement, Beloit, Wis., 1916- . SMOLL, EDWIN HARRISON, b. Phila., Apr. 2, 1861; s. Rev. B. S. and Kate A. (Welker) Smoll; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1882; A.M., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1882; m. Mada A. Weaver; child, Ruth I.; pastor, Millersville, Pa., parish, 1885-86; Schuylkill Haven, Pa., 1886- . WALZ, ADOLPH FREDERICK, b. Berrysburg, Pa., Sept. 23, 1862; s. Rev. George Frederick and Charlotte (Stimmler) Walz; proseminary, Elmhurst, Ill., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Kath¬ arine Bissikummer, 1888; children, Rev. Matthias Frederick, T4, Rev. Adolph Raymond, ’22, Dorothy Katharine Amanda, Kenneth Carl; pas¬ tor, Ridge Road, Sellersville, Pa., 1885-86; Trinity, Troy, N. Y., 1885- 1911; St. Mark’s, Troy, N. Y., 1911-12; Ch. of the Advent, Brooklyn, N. Y, 1912- . * WATERS, JOHN ARMSTRONG, b. Butler, Pa., July 16, 1857; s. Rev. A. H. and Hannah Catherine (Steck) Waters; A.B., Thiel Col., 1879; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Mary Ellen Banks, 113 1886 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1899; children, Dorothy Elizabeth, Alfred Ramsey, Oren John; pastor, Uniontown, Pa., 1885-90; Chalkhill, Pa., 1885-1910; Jumonville, Pa., 1890-1908; Ch. of the Redeemer, Carrick, Pa., 1908- ; supt., Soldiers’ Orphan School, Uniontown, Pa., 1890-1908; pres., Pittsburgh Ch. Ex¬ tension Soc.; mem., important Syn. corns.; d. Jumonville, Pa., Nov. 3, 1922. WISMER, ISAAC KEIL, b. Plumsteadville, Pa., Sept. 24, 1853; s. Solomon and Catherine (Keil) Wismer; A.B., U. of Pa., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Mary Louisa Kirkbride, 1885; chil¬ dren, Ida May, Martha Florine, Anna Katharine; pastor, St. Paul's, DuBois, Pa., 1885-92; Trinity, Latrobe, Pa., 1892-1906; St. Paul’s, Uniontown, Pa., 1906-13; New Stanton, Pa., parish, 1913- . WUCHTER, ASTOR CLINTON, b. Jacksonville, Pa., Feb. 4, 1856; s. Moses George and Mary Ann (Hermany) Wuchter; Institut Rudy, Paris, 1878-81; graduate work, Oxford U. and Paris U.; studied Ger¬ man, French, Swedish, Spanish, Italian, Slovak and Russian; Phila. Sem., 1885; ord. Min. Pa., 1885; m. Alice C. Holben, 1881; children, Arthur Leclercq, Ralph Moses, Anna May, Nora Marguerite, Eva Caroline, Ruth Helen; pastor, Summit Hill, Pa., 1885-90; Weissport, Pa., 1890-93; Pleasant Valley, Pa., 1893-1909; Paulding, O., 1911-13; St. Mark’s, Toledo, O., 1913-18; St. Luke’s, Yondota, O., 1913-17; supplying pulpits in Toledo, O.; teaching music and French, 1917- ; instr., English, Institut Rudy, Paris, 1880-81; prof., French, German and Latin, Wittenberg Col., 1909-10; contr., articles, poems, songs, etc., Pennsylvanla German Magazine, The Lutheran, Lutheran World, Ameri¬ can Lutheran Survey; ed., Lambert’s Pennsylvania German Dictionary. 1886 * BERGMAN, FREDERICK J., b. Oefjord, Iceland, Apr. 15, 1858; s. Jon and Halldora (Bessadottir) Bergman; Luther Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; pastor, Gardar, N. D., 1887-1904; Icelandic Tabernacle, Winnipeg, 1904-18; prof., Icelandic, Wesley Col., Winnipeg, Can., 1900-18; author, Vafurlogar, Tru og Pekking; ed., Iceland Journal; d. Winnipeg, Can., Apr. 11, 1918. A* BERLY, JOHN EUSEBIUS, b. Pomaria, S. C., Jan. 29, 1860; A.B., Newberry Col., 1879; Charleston Med. Col., 1882, M.D.; Salem Theo¬ logical Sem., 1883-84; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; pastor, Selwood, S. C., parish, 1886-90; d. Selwood, S. C., July 19, 1890. BIERDEMANN, GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS, b. Seagerstown, Pa., Nov. 15, 1859; s. Rev. Dr. Augustus Bernhard and Rachel Mary (Ruth- rauff) Bierdemann; A.B., Thiel Col., 1883; A.M., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1886; D.D., Montezuma U., 1899; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1887; m. 1st, 114 ALUMNI 18SS Emilie S. Haenl, 1887; 2d, Lucy Renninger, 1916; children, Josephine Emilie, Gertrude Rachel, George Haenl, Augustus Bernhard, Sophie Haenl, Ruth Elizabeth; pastor, Doylestown, 0., 1886-87; Ch. of the Holy Communion, Utica, N. Y., 1887-1903; St. Luke’s, Toledo, O., 1908-10; St. Matthew’s, Toledo, O., 1910-17; First English, Findlay, O., 1917-20; Trinity, Albany, N. Y., 1920- ; in mercantile business, account of throat disablement, 1903-07; commissioner, public education, Utica, N. Y., 1894-97; English sec., N. Y. Min., 2 terms; contr., secular press; mem., Syn. and col. bds.; national speaker, League to Enforce Peace. BROWN, WILLIAM ROEDEL, b. Wythe Co., Va., Aug. 9, 1859; s. Rufus and Margaret A. (Earhart) Brown; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. Mary E. Cassell, 1888; children, Anna Margaret, Florence Earhart, Paul Cassell, Josephine Virginia; pastor, Organ Ch. parish, N. C., 1886-94; Mt. Airy, Va., parish, 1894-98; Bethlehem-Waynesboro, Va., parish, 1899-1900; with¬ drew from regular pastorate on account of severe illness, 1900; since 1902, supplying vacant pulpits; Southwestern Virginia Syn. treas., 1907- OS; pres., 1908-09; vice-pres., 1909- ; pres., Marion Col. Bd., 1917- ; present address, Rural Retreat, Va. FOUST, JOHN JAMES, b. Allentown, Pa., Mar. 11, 1863; s. Prof. John S. P. and Elizabeth H. Foust; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. Leila Watson Atwood, 1889; pastor, Trenton, O., 1886-88; St. John’s, Stroudsburg, Pa., 1888-90; united with Methodist Episcopal Ch., 1890. •E GLASOW, PAUL FRANZ AUGUST, b. Stetsin, Germany, Feb. 10, 1852; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. Johanna Lawrence, 1890; pastor, St. John’s German, Tamaqua, Pa., 1886-89; Zion, Johns¬ town, Pa., 1889-97; d. Johnstown, Pa., Apr. 8, 1897. GRAEPP, JOHANNES KARL H., b. Stargard, Germany, Mar. 6, 1860; s. Rev. C. A. and Friedericke (Uecker) Gracpp; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. N. Y. Min., 1886; m. 1st, Maria Lueth, 1894; 2d, Louise Krause, 1902; children, Johannes Friedrich William, Maria Wilhelmine, Florence Esther Bertha, Ema Emilie Auguste, Selma Frida, Inna Ida; pastor, Brockport, N. Y., 1886-87; Scranton, Pa., 1887-91; Jerusalem Ch., Phila., 1891-93; St. Johannes, Springfield Cor., Wis., 1893-1903; Junction City, Wis., 1903-08; Rich- ford, Wis., 1908-09; Christus parish, Mannhaven, N. D., 1910- . •E KAYSER, FRANCIS, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 25, 1862; s. Philip and Mary Kayser; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; withdrew 7 from the ministry, 1893; deceased. 115 1886 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD KEISTER, THURSTON ORVILLE, b. Strasburg, Va., May 16, 1860; s. Amos and Frances Keister; Southern Sem., 1883-84; Phila. Sem., 1886; D.D., Newberry Col., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. 1st, Ella R. Lantz, 1887; 2d, Effie M. Lantz, 1918; children, Thurston Lantz, Mary Gardner, Frances Rebecca, Emma Elizabeth; pastor, Muhlenberg Ch., Harrisonburg, Va., 1886-90; Grace, Prosperity, S. C., 1890-95; Zion’s, Greencastle, Pa., 1895-1905; St. Mark’s, Roanoke, Va., 1905—13; First Ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1913-18; Christ Ch., Staunton, Va., 1918- ; pres., Southwest Virginia Syn.; lecturer; correspondent, religious and secular press; mem., institutional bds. KLINE, JOHN JACOB, b. Rehrersburg, Pa., Sept. 17, 1856; s. Jacob E. and Catherine (Zartman) Kline; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1891—95; U. of Wooster, O., Ph.D., 1899; D.D., 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. 1st, Georgie R. Brendlinger; 2d, Minnie E. Woelfly, 1917; child, Frances Marion; pas¬ tor, New Hanover, Pa. (Falkner Swamp), 1886- ; Christ Ch., Niantic, Pa., 1886-1905; Grace, Pottstown, Pa., 1896- ; Trinity, Bechtelsville, Pa., 1886-1916; author, History of the Lutheran Church in New Han¬ over, Pa., 1910; ed.-in-chief, Jubilee Volume of the Norristozm Confer¬ ence, 1917. KRAELING, EMIL CONRAD JOHANNES, b. Gemuenden a. d. Wohra, Germany, Oct. 22, 1865; s. Conrad and Auguste (Pistor) Kraeling; Koenigliches Gymnasium, Marburg, Germany; Capital U., 1883-84; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. Clara Mathilda Maus, 1891; children, Rev. Dr. Emil Gottlieb Heinrich, ’12; Rev. Carl Herman, ’20; pastor, Zion, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1886- ; chairman, numer¬ ous G. C. and U. L. C. bds.; mem., Ways and Means Com., U. L. C.; author, Unser Zion, 1905; Christ Kyrie, 1910-11; Martin Luther, 1917; asst, ed., Siloah, 1895-1900; ed., 1900- ; contr., Lutheran Church Review. REINARTZ, JOHANN GOTTFRIED, b. Aachen, Germany; s. Fried¬ rich Leo and Magdalene (Huppertz) Reinartz; maternal uncle first miss, to Borneo (1836), martyred by natives, 1848; maternal aunt first Lutheran deaconess in America; Gymnasium, Germany; Thiel Col.; Phila. Sem., 1886; D.D., Thiel Col., 1921; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1886; m. Sarah Julia Eppling, 1886; children, Friedrich Leo, Eugen Gottfried, Philipp Maximilian, Paul Victor, Charles Herbert, Frederick Eppling, Sara Magdalene; pastor, St. John’s, East Liverpool, O., 1886- ; pres., East Liverpool Bd. of Education; mem., numerous Syn. and institutional bds. and corns. RITTER, JEREMIAH HENRY, b. near Allentown, Pa., Aug. 27, 1858; s. Martin K. and Rebecca (Yost) Ritter; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 116 ALUMNI 1886 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; orcl. Min. Pa., 1886; m. Emeline M. Geisinger, 1886; children, Theodore Jeremiah, Ada Rebecca, Mary Anna; pastor, Jacobs’ Ch., Masontown, Pa., 1886-88; Zion’s, Venango, Pa., 1888-89; Zion’s and Bethlehem, Shannondale, Pa., 1889-95; St. John’s, Berrys- burg, Pa., 1895-98; St. John’s, Bath, Pa., 1898-1902; St. John’s, Centre Square, Pa., 1904-11; Trinity, Mildred, Pa., 1911-13; field sec., Good Shepherd Home, Allentown, Pa., 1913-20; supply pastor in vicinity of Allentown, Pa., 1920- . SCHLENKER, JAMES OLIVER, b. Greenwich Twp., Berks Co., Pa., June 10, 1861; s. Reuben and Annie (Fisher) Schlenker; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. 1st, Mary Kolb, 1887; 2d, Katherine Kohlhaas, 1911; children, Helen K., Luther Fisher ; pastor, Tamaqua, Pa., 1886-90; Christ Ch., Hazleton, Pa., 1890-1911; field sec., G. C. Slav Miss. Bd., 1911-15; pastor, Grims- ville, Pa., parish, 1915- ; pres., G. C. Slav Miss. Bd., 1905-11. -b SCHOENER, WILLIAM FRANCIS, b. Lewistown, Pa., Oct. 18, 1859; s. John Andrew and Mary Elizabeth (Balliet) Schoener; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. Alice A. Laros, 1887; one daughter; pastor, St. Peter’s, South Bethle¬ hem, Pa., 1886-1900; d. South Bethlehem, Pa., July 2, 1900. ►F SHUNK, JOHN, b. Ontario, Can., Nov. 5, 1849; A.B., Thiel Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. Mona Fishburn, 1887; children, Faith Jewel, Vaughan, Cotta, Heber; pastor, Sherrodsville, O., 1886-91; Jewett, O., 1891-95; Williamsburg, Ont., 1895-1904; Harrison City, Pa., 1905-07; Smithton, Pa., 1909—10; d. Morgantown, W. Va., Dec. 19, 1910. SMITH, JOHN WILLIAM, b. Floyd, Va., Feb. 27, 1855; s. Josiah and Amanda (Richards) Smith; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. Nancy Dorcas Phlegar, 1887; children, Warren Frederick, Sarah Margaret, Mary Amanda; pastor, Brandon Ville, W. Va., parish, 1886-91; St. Paul’s, Grafton, W. Va., 1891-92; Holy Trinity, Ephrata, Pa., 1892- . TREXLER, HENRY ALEXANDER, b. Rowan Co., N. C., Dec. 22, 1855; s. Caleb and Elizabeth L. Trexler; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1882; A.M., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. 1st, Eltha G. Poole, 1887; 2d, Sarah E. Lippard, 1903; children, Luther Melanchthon, Daisy Elizabeth, Duke Caleb, Charlie Otho Porterfield, Clarence William, Eltha Gideon; pastor, St. Peter’s and St. Matthew’s, Rowan Co., N. C., 1886-92; Nazareth, Shiloh and Bethany, Forsyth Co., N. C., 1892-97; Salem and Grace, Rowan Co., N. C., 1897-1907; Organ and Ebenezer, 117 1887 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Rowan Co., N. C., 1907-14; St. Matthew’s and St. Peter’s, Rowan Co., N. C., 1914-20; New Bethel, N. C., parish, 1920- . •i* WELDER, BENJAMIN G., b. Rockland Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Sept. 8, 1851; s. Benjamin and Eliza (Gaby) Welder; Phila. Sem., 1886; ord. Min. Pa., 1886; m. Mrs. Missouri A. (Weiler) Kissinger, 1902; pastor, Salem, Reams town, Pa., parish, 1886-21, and St. Paul’s, Adams- town, Pa., 1910-21; d. Reamstown, Pa., May 2, 1921. WELFLEY, ELMER SICKMAN, b. Brick Church, Pa., June 18, 1863; s. Rev. John and Catharine (Frederick) Welfley; A.B., Thiel Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1886; teaching in public schs., 1889-96; admitted to Colorado Bar, 1894. 1887 BREINIG, ALFRED JOHN LEWIS, b. Egypt, Pa., Apr. 25, 1860; s. Edwin L. and Catharine (Swartz) Breinig; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Sarah Annie Keefer, 1880; children, Joseph Edwin, Benjamin Elias, Catharine Esther, Mary Alice, Clarissa Hannah, Margaret Malinda; pastor, Trevorton, Pa., 1887-93; Bowmanstown, Pa., 1893-1906; d. Allentown, Pa., Apr. 8, 1906. FINCK, WILLIAM JOHN, b. Trenton, N. J., July 1, 1861; s. George and Louisa Finek; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; A.M., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1887; graduate work, U. of Indiana; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Anna L. Kretschmann, 1888; children, George Ernest, Margaret, Rev. Theodore Kretschmann, T8, Elmer Fred¬ erick; pastor, Memorial Ch., Allegheny, Pa., 1887-93; St. John’s, Ander¬ son, Ind., 1893-1906; St. Matthew’s, Augusta, Ga., 1906-12; Emmanuel and Mt. Zion, New Market, Va., 1912- ; one of incorporators, Weid- ner Institute; instr., Shenandoah Bible Institute, New Market, Va., 1913-21, and pres., bd., 1915-21; sec., Chicago Syn., 1896-1903; author, St. Matthew’s (Augusta, Ga.) History, 1911; Lutheran Landmarks and Pioneers, 1913; contr., The Workman, The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Review, Young Folks, Lutheran Church Visitor, and other Ch. papers. FOGLEMAN, DAVID L-AUCKS, b. near Womelsdorf, Pa., Nov. 14, 1861; s. Mahlon and Elizabeth (Laucks) Fogleman; A.B., Ursinus Col., 1884; A.M., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Ella A. Iveiser, 1892; miss., Minneapolis, Minn., 1887; pastor, German Ch., Danville, Pa., 1888-1902; Denver, Pa., 1902-21; Lincoln parish, Denver, Pa., 1921- . HAAS, JOHN AUGUSTUS WILLIAM, b. Phila., Aug. 31, 1862; s. John Christian (for 48 years teacher and organist, Zion’s Ch., Phila.) and Anna Margaret (Schur) Haas; A.B., U. of Pa., 1884; Phila. Sem., 118 ALUMNI 1887 1887; graduate work, U. of Leipzig, 1887-88; A.M., B.D., U. of Pa., 1887; D.D., Thiel Col., 1902; LL.D., U. of Pa., 1914; Augustana Col., 1917; Gettysburg Col., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Charlotte W Boschen, 1891; pastor, Grace, New York City, 1888-96; St. Paul’s, New York City, 1896-1904; pres, and prof., Religion and Philosophy, Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1904- ; pres., Min. Pa., 1913-16; mem., Ways and Means Com. and Com. on Constitution at organization of U. L. C.; mem., many important G. C. and U. L. C. bds. and corns.; pres., Allentown Civil Service Bd., 1918-19; university preacher at Harvard U., 1917; pres., Col. Presi¬ dents’ Assoc, of Pa., 1921, 1922; constantly engaged as preacher and lecturer; author, Lutheran Commentary on Mark, 1895; Bible Literature, 1902; Biblical Criticism, 1903; Trends of Thought and Christian Truth, 1915; In the Light of Faith, 1922; Freedom and Christian Conduct, 1923; co-ed., Lutheran Cyclopedia; regular contr. to Lutheran Church Review; frequent contr. to The Lutheran, American Lutheran Survey and many other religious and secular papers. HEISSLER, JOHN, b. Trenton, N. J., Feb. 15, 1863; s. Jacob and Margaret Heissler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; pastor, Ch. of the Advent, Trenton, N. J., 1887— 1919; present address, Trenton, N. J. HOLSTEIN, JUSTUS FRIEDRICH, b. Halle, Westphalia, Germany. July 1, 1863; s. Julius Gottfried and Caroline Wilhelmine (Wentrup) Holstein; Gymnasium, Minden, Germany, 1883; Phila. Sem., 1887; graduate work, N. Y. U.; Ph.D., 1915; ord. N. Y. Min., 1887; m. Johanna Caroline Gerken, 1890; children, Anna Sophie, Minna Mar¬ garet Benitt, Carolyn Johanna; pastor, Zion’s, Newark, N. Y., and St. John’s, Macedon, N. Y., 1887-88; St. John’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1891— 1904; prof., Greek and Latin, Wagner Col., 1888-91; treas., N. Y. Min., 1916; author, Rites and Ritual Acts as Prescribed by the Roman Re¬ ligion, According to the Commentary of Servius on Vergil’s Aeneid, 1915. KEITER, WILLIAM DANIEL CASPER, b. Allentown, Pa., Jan. 30, 1863; s. Aaron E. and Susan A. (Mohr) Keiter; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; A.M., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1887; D.D., Augustana Col., 1910; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Marne Millie S. Ruhe, 1887; children, Rev. Aaron Charles Robert, T2, Ernest R.; pastor, Trinity, Bethlehem, Pa., 1887-1910; St. Thomas’, Allentown, Pa., 1887-1901; treas., Min. Pa., 1916- ; Sec. of Benevolence, Min. Pa., 1916- ; sec., bd., Muhlenberg Col., 1901-18; sec., bd., Phila. Sem., 1909- ; executive sec., Min. Pa., Education Fund Com., 1912-18; mem., Ways and Means Com. at organi¬ zation, U. L. C.; pres., West Indies Miss. Bd., 1917- ; mem., U. L. C. Executive Bd., 1920-22; mem., many other important G. C. and U. L. C. bds. and corns. 119 1887 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD KELLER, SAMUEL LUTHER, b. Woodstock, Va., Jan. 15, 1859; s. Aaron C. and Eliza E. Keller; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1882; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Elisebeth R. Miller, 1889; children, Lucile Miller, Samuel Luther, Jr., Leila Jeannette; pastor, St. John’s, Concord, N. C., 1887-90; Orangeburg, N. C., 1890-93; Aurora, W. Va., 1893-95; Morrisburg, Ont., Can., 1895-1900; Zion and St. James’, Waynesboro, Va., 1901-09; Dakota City, Neb., 1910-14; retired, 1914, on account of ill health. KRAUSS, ELMER FREDERICK, b. Kraussdale, Pa., Sept. 7, 1862; s. Isaac Yeakel and Theodora Rosalie (Waage) Krauss; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1884; A.M., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1887; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; m. 1st, Irene E. Hartzell, 1887; 2d, Emma King, 1904; children, Irene Theodora, Rev. Paul Hartzell, Harold Frederick, Winfred Elmer, Ruth Sarah; pastor, Homestead, Pa., parish, 1887-92; St. John’s, Minneapolis, Minn., 1893-94; First English, Leechburg, Pa., 1894-1900; prof., N. T. Exegesis, Chicago Sem., 1900- ; acting pres., 1913-15; pres., 1915-20; prof., N. T. Exegesis, and dean, Extra-Mural Dept., Chicago Sem., 1920- ; mem., Soc. for Biblical Research, 1901- ; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Review, Lutheran Liturgical Association Memoirs, The Workman; mem., U. L. C. Executive Bd., 1918-20. CRUDER, HIRAM JOSEPHUS, b. near Laury’s Station, Pa., July 5, 1860; s. William M. and Catharine (Keck) Kuder; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Mary Montieth Johnston, 1888; children, Miriam Vashti, Paul Montieth, Mary Johnston, Luther Beaver, William Armstrong; pastor, Salem, Ellerton, O., 1888- 89; Christ Ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1889-92; St. John’s, Bath, Pa., 1892—97; St. John’s, Howertown, Pa., 1892-1912; Zion, Siegfried, Pa., 1896-1912; Holy Trinity, Northampton, Pa., 1897-1907; St. Mark’s, South Beth¬ lehem, Pa., 1912-18; prof., Christian Evidences and Moral Philosophy, Kee Mar Col., 1887-88; active in work among Slovaks; d. South Beth¬ lehem, Pa., Jan. 27, 1918. LEIBENSPERGER, JAMES OLIVER, b. Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Mar. 26, 1862; s. Stephen and Hannah Susannah (Deisher) Leibensperger; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; A.M., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Fianna Eleanor Miller, 1887; pastor, Zion’s, Girardville, Pa., 1887-89; Lincoln parish, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1889-1901; St. Peter’s, South Bethlehem, Pa., 1901- . ►f* PFLUEGER, OSCAR ERWIN, b. Little Hanover Twp., North¬ ampton Co., Pa., Mar. 11, 1861; s. James Levin and Elizabeth (Keim) Pflueger; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. 120 ALUMNI 1S87 Pa., 1887; m. Elmira C. Leopold, 1887; pastor, Beavertown, Pa., parish, 1887-89; Lykens Valley, Pa., parish, 1889-1902; Womelsdorf, Pa., par¬ ish, 1902-13; English sec., Min. Pa., 1903-13; co-ed., Jubilee Memorial Volume of the Danville Conference, 1898; sec., Executive Bd., Min. Pa., 1903-13; contr., The Lutheran; d. Womelsdorf, Pa., July 22, 1913. REITZ, JAMES JEFFERSON, b. Lynnport, Pa., Dec. 13, 1859; s. Benjamin (grandfather captain under Washington) and Leah (Philips) Reitz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; A.M., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1887; Jefferson Med. Col., 1897-98; Hahnemann Med. Col., M.D., 1903; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Ada Jane Follweiler, 1889; child, Charles Benjamin; pastor, St. Paul’s, Indianland, Pa., 1887-1911; Ashfield, Pa., 1887-88; Parryville, Pa., 1887-88; Emmanuel’s, Petersville, Pa., 1887-1912; chief burgess, Walnutport, Pa., 1918-22; practiced medicine and surgery since 1903; author, History Emmanuel’s Church, Petersville, Pa.; address, Walnutport, Pa. SCHAEFFER, GEORGE JAMES, b. Emaus, Pa., Jan. 22, 1858; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Ella Burns, 1888; pastor, Richfield, Pa., parish, 1884-97; Line Mountain, Pa., parish, 1897-1917; Pitman, Pa., 1918- . SCHEIDY, GEORGE MORRIS, b. Upper Tulpehocken Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Aug. 19, 1860; s. Enoch and Rebekah (Wenrich) Scheidy; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Anna Catharine Brown, 1901; child, Esther Catharine; pastor, Rose Bay parish, Lunenburg, N. S.; St. Mark’s, Scranton, Pa.; St. Joseph’s, Allentown, Pa.; Emanuel, Williamstown, Pa.; withdrew from Min. Pa., 1916; contr., The Lutheran World, The Lutheran; address, 211 Willow Street, Allentown, Pa. SMITH, ROBERT MORRIS, b. Altamanta, Pa., Jan. 25, 1862; s. George Quincy Franklin and Mary Ann Smith; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1883; Phila. Sem., 1887; Ph.D., U. of Indiana, 1908; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; m. Minnie Balliet Trumbower, 1887; pastor, Baden, Pa., parish, 1887-1907; First Ch., Washington, Pa., 1907- lb; Fifth Ch., Springfield, O., 1916-19; prof., Latin, and prin. of Pre¬ paratory Dept., Wittenberg Col., 1919- ; prin., Mission Valley Insti¬ tute, Tex., 1884; tutored many students for Thiel Col.; one of organizers and sec., Lutheran Liturgical Assoc., 1899-1906; contr., Lutheran Church Review, Lutheran Liturgical Association Memoirs. STUMP, JOSEPH, b. Marietta, Pa., Oct. 6, 1866; s. Michael and Leah (Huber) Stump; A.B., Capital U., 1884; Phila. Sem., 1887; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1908; m. Alice A. Cooper, 1891; children, Marian Alice, George Paul, Anna Lydia, Joseph Luther, Rose Margaret Leah, 121 1888 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD William Richard, Theodore Emanuel; pastor, Great Bend, Pa., 1887-89; Ephrata, Pa., 1889-92; Phillipsburg, N. J., 1892-1915; prof., Systematic Theology, Chicago Sem., 1915-20; dean, Chicago Ad Interim Sem., 1920-21; pres., Northwestern Sem., 1921- ; author, Life of Philip Melanchthon, 1897; Bible Teachings, 1902; An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism, 1907; joint author, Bible Story, 1897; An Explanation of the Common Service, 1908; ed. and tr., Starck’s Daily Handbook, 1904; Neve, Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America, 1904; Be Thou Faithful Unto Death, 1906; contr., Lutheran Church Review, The Lutheran. WEISKOTTEN, SAMUEL GEORGE, b. Syracuse., N. Y., Dec. 16, 1863; s. Rev. Frederick William, ’68, and Anna Catherine Weiskotten; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; Phila. Sem., 1887; graduate work, Yale U.; D.D., Gustavus Adolphus Col., 1909; m. Emily Theberath, 1892; child, Rev. Dr. Herbert Theberath, ’20; pastor, Trinity, Jamestown, N. Y., 1887-94; Ch. of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1894- ; pres., N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1908-10; mem., important G. C. and U. L. C. bds. and corns.; organizer and pres., English Lutheran Miss. Soc., Brooklyn, N. Y., and active in establishing congregations; secured Schieren Professorship for the Phila. Sem., 1912. ZUBER, WILLIAM HENRY, b. Collegeville, Pa., July 8, 1859; s. Henry and Susanna Zuber; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1884; Phila. Sem., 1887; ord. Min. Pa., 1887; pastor, Greensburg, Pa., parish, 1887-95; St Paul, Minn., 1896-99; Ferguson, British Columbia, Can., 1907-11; miss., Centralia, Wash., 1912-13; Nehalem, Ore., 1914-15; Chehalis, Wash., 1916-18; Powers, Ore., 1917- ; instr., Greensburg Sem., 1900- 03; prof., Science, Thiel Col., 1903-05. 1888 DELO, JOSHUA HOWE, b. Apollo, Pa., Aug. 25, 1862; s. John A. Delo; A.B., Thiel Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1888; pastor, Beaver Falls, Pa., 1888-91; Spring Garden, Allegheny City, Pa., mission, 1891-93; d. San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 19, 1893. DIECKHOFF, CARL AUGUST FRIEDRICH WILHELM, b. Ros¬ tock, Germany, Jan. 24, 1867; s. Rev. Prof. A. W. and Emma (Mommsen) Dieckhoff; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Min. Pa., 1888; m. Mary M. Ivettler, 1892; children, Bertha, Louise, Martha; pastor, Emporium, Pa., 1889-91; St. John’s, Findlay, O., 1891-97; contr., Lutheran Church Review; retired on account of ill health, 1897. FRY, FRANKLIN FOSTER, b. Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 1, 1864; s. Rev. Prof. Jacob and Eliza Jane (Wattles) Fry; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 122 ALUMNI 1388 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1888; m. Mrs. Minnie C. Stormfeltz, 1898; child, Franklin Clark; asst, pastor, Holy Communion, Phila., 1888-90; acting pastor, Trinity, Read¬ ing, Pa., and St. John’s, Easton, Pa., 1890; pastor, Grace, Bethlehem, Pa., 1891-1901; Ch. of the Reformation, Rochester, N. Y., 1901- ; pres., N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1917-20; tnem., Ways and Means Com., and chairman, Legal Relations Com., at organization of U. L. C., 1918; mem., U. L. C. Executive Bd., 1920- ; mem., many important G. C. and U. L. C. bds. and corns.; U. L. C. Delegate to Lutheran World Conference, Eisenach, Germany, 1923. HOFFMANN, FRANCIS RUDOLPH, b. Colberg, Pomerania, Ger¬ many, Sept. 3, 1866; s. Francis Ferdinand and Emily (Schmidt) Hoff¬ mann; Wagner Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. N. Y. Min., 1888; m. Clara Caroline Kleinfelder, 1888; children, Maria Anna Emily, Arnold Rudolph Henry, Carola Clara, Plerman George, Francis Fred¬ erick William, Paul Gerhard Francis, Elizabeth K.; pastor, Redwood, N. Y., 1888-1900; Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1900-04; St. Paul’s, Utica, N. Y., 1904- . HOPPE, CHARLES FREDERIC WILLIAM, b. Lancaster, Pa., June 29, 1865; s. Rev. Charles Frederic William and Margaretha Wilhelmina (Bruning) Hoppe; Muhlenberg Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; D.D., Newberry' Col., 1912; ord. N. Y. Min., 1888; m. Amanda H. Stettler, 1888; children, Marguerite Emma, Mae Ruth; pastor, Zion, Pittsfield, Mass., 1888-93; Salem, Bethlehem, Pa., 1893-1909; St. Johannes, Charleston, S. C., 1909-10; Ch. of the Ascension, Savannah, Ga., 1910- ; prof., Catechetics, Southern Sem., 1909-10; vice-pres., United Syn. South, 1918- ; vice-pres., Syn. of Georgia, 1912-14; mem., many bds. and corns., U. L. C. and United Syn. South; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Visitor, American Lutheran Survey; compiler, The Passion of Our Lord, 1922. HUFFARD, JAMES ALBERT, b. Wytheville, Va., July 26, 1862; s. Andrew Jackson and Elsie Love (Hudson) Huffard; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1884; A.M., Phila. Sem., 1888; D.D., Roanoke Col.; ord. Min. Pa. 1888; m. Emma Vermillim Peters, 1897; children, Daniel Carlisle, Olive Clay; pastor, Luther Memorial, Blacksburg, Va.; St. Mark’s, Roanoke, Va.; Woman’s Memorial, Pulaski, Va.; Bethlehem, near Waynesboro, Va.; St. Mark’s, Luray, Va.; Holy Trinity, Kingsport, Term.; sec., Southwestern Virginia Syn.; pres., Virginia Syn.; mem. of various corns. LAMARTINE, PHILIP, b. Mannheim, Baden, Germany, Feb. 1, 1865; A.B., Thiel Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Can. Syn., 1888; pastor, Walkerton, Ont., 1888-92; Connellsville, Pa., 1892-94; (led colony of 123 1888 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 600 from this place and founded Lamartine, Wis.) ; asst, pastor, St. Paul’s German, Phila., 1897; one of founders, Tabor Home, Doyles- town, Pa., 1900; Orient Miss. Soc., 1904; ed., Ararat, Kurdistan Miss., 1904-16; G. C. Home Miss. Supt., Eastern Canada, 1916-20; director, Foreign Miss. Soc., Hamburg, Germany, 1921- ; contr., many articles to Berlin papers. 4* LOMEN, KNUT O., b. Decorah, la., Mar. 6, 1860; A.B., Thiel Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Min. Pa., 1888; prof., Norwegian Augustana Sem., 1888-90; d. Beloit, la., Jan. 1, 1890. LYNCH, ROBERT BENJAMIN, b. Pennsburg, Pa., Nov. 28, 1860; s. Thomas J. and Maria (Long) Lynch; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Min. Pa., 1888; m. Maggie Ueber Jones; pastor, Dublin, Pa., parish, 1888-1903; Trinity, Kutztown, Pa., 1903- ; mem., Syn. corns. MAURER, JACOB, b. Erbsville, Ontario, Can., Oct. 24, 1860; s. John Henry and Anna Martha (Schmidt) Maurer; A.B., Thiel Col., 1885; A.M., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1888; D.D., Thiel Col., 1920; ord. German Canada Syn., 1888; m. 1st, Lavinia A. Keddy, 1892; 2d, Mrs. Adelia Moorhouse, 1917; children, Anna Louisa, Carl Albert, Paul Frederick, Ruth Elizabeth; pastor, St. John's, Mahone Bay, N. S., 1888-97; St. Matthew’s, St. Luke’s and St. John’s, Rose Bay, N. S., 1898-1905; St. Peter’s and St. Luke’s, Williamsburg, Ont., 1905-08; Bethesda and St. John’s, Unionville, Ont., 1908-13; St. Peter’s, Williamsburg, Ont., 1913-18; First English, Kitchener, Ont., 1918- ; first pres., Nova Scotia Syn., 1903-04; sec., Syn. of Central Canada, 1909-12; pres., 1912- ; pres., Waterloo Sem. Bd., 1918- ; mem., various bds. and corns. MEHRKAM, A. MILLES, b. Little Gap, Pa., Mar. 8, 1862; s. Adam and Mary Mehrkam; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; Potomac U., Ph.D., 1912; m. Emma La Barre, 1888; pastor, St. John’s, Columbia, Pa., 1888-1909; Grace, Rochester, Pa., 1909-17; St. John’s, Columbia, Pa., 1917- ; one of the founders, Columbia Hospital, and sec. of Bd. of Directors, 15 years; mem., Syn. and G. C. coins, and bds.; ed., Beaver Valley Lutheran and other local Ch. papers; contr. to secular press. REBER, OWEN, b. near Shoemakersville, Pa., Oct. 3, 1858; s. Jere¬ miah and Manesa Reber; A.B., Pa. State Col., 1885; A.M., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Min. Pa., 1888; m. Ida M. Jackson, 1890; children, Paul, Luke, Mark, John; pastor, Unionville, Ont., parish, 1888-90; Annapolis, O., parish, 1890-93; Middlepoint, O., parish, 1893-96; Cogan 124 ALUMNI 1838 Station, Pa., parish, 1896-1901; Washingtonville, Pa., parish, 1901—08; Rockville Centre, N. Y., 1908-10; Fredericksburg, Pa., 1910- . SADTLER, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, b. Lutherville, Md., Mar. 19, 1864; s. Rev. Dr. Benjamin (pres., Muhlenberg Col., 1877-85) ; and Caroline (Schmucker) Sadder; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1883; D.D., Thiel Col., 1922; Phila. Sem., 1888; graduate work, Johns Hopkins U.; N. Y. U., Ph.D., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1888; m. Z. May McCreary, 1898; children, William Barrett, Benjamin Philip, Robert Edward; asst, pastor, St. Stephen’s, Phila., 1888-89; pastor, St. Stephen’s, Wilmington, Del., 1888-90; St. John’s, Chicago, Ill., 1892-1901; Glen Morris, L. L, 1914- lb; St. James’, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1916-18; prof., English, Northwestern U., 1885-88; instr., Chicago Sem., 1892-1901; prof., English, Wartburg Sem., 1901-06; prof., Greek and Philosophy, Bethany Col., 1906-09; prof., English, Midland Col., 1909-13; prof., English and History, Eliza¬ beth Col., 1913-14; prof., English, Carthage Col., 1919; prof., Greek, Theological Dept., Susquehanna U., 1923; pres., Chicago Syn., 1895-96; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Relieve; author, Under Two Captains, 1902. SUMONS, ADAM C., b. New Brighton, Pa., Sept. 12, 1862; s. George C. and Magdalene Schweinsberg (name changed by act of court) ; A.B., Thiel Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1888; m. Dorothea M. Glass, 1908; pastor, Midville parish, Lunenburg, N. S., 1888- 96; Women’s Memorial, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1896-1900; Trinity, Bridgeport, O., 1901-08; St. Peter’s, North East, Pa., 1908-10; Mediator, Phila., 1910- ; contr., The Workman, The Lutheran. TOPE, HOMER WILLIAM, b. Dell Roy, O., May 28, 1859; s. Gabriel and Elizabeth (McHugh) Tope; Harlem Springs Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; D.D., Carthage Col., 1898; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1888; m. Alice Mackatnan, 1880; child, Dick B.; pastor, Grace Ch., Youngstown, O. , 1888-97; Grace Ch., Chicago, Ill., 1897-99; Women’s Memorial Ch., Freeport, Ill., 1899-1900; supt, Anti-Saloon League, 1900-07, in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania; 1907-20, at Phila., Pa.; supt., Pa. State, 1920- ; lecturer; author, numerous pamphlets and articles for the press on temperance. WEBER, ADAM MONROE, b. Bernville, Pa., Mar. 30, 1863; s. John and Salesa (Daniel) Weber; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Min. Pa., 1888; m. Alma Mathilda Rentschler, 1883; children, Charles Andrew, John Henry, Paul Arthur, Alma Kezia, Martin Luther, Rev. Ernest Adam, ’20, Mary Magdalene, Earl Nathan, Anna Salesa, Martha Elizabeth, Helen Rebekah; pastor, Grace Ch., Newark, N. J., 1889- 90; Trinity, Mt. Joy, Pa., 1890-93; St. John’s, Boyertown, Pa., 1893- ; mem., Pa. German Soc., Historical Soc. of Berks Co. 125 1889 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD WEICKSEL, WILLIAM, b. Warren, Pa., Mar. 29, 1863; s. Rev. Henry and Angeline (Creager) Weicksel; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1885; A.M., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Min. Pa., 1888; m. 1st, Emma Celesta Masser, 1888; 2d, Rosie E. Latsha, 1893; children, Angeline Catherine, Winfried, Grace Giovanini, Esther Olivia, William Seth, John Luther Paul, Ruth Mileta, Samuel Arthur, Miriam Elizabeth; pastor, Grace Ch., Shamokin, Pa., 1888-91; Coudersport, Pa., 1891-95; North Lima, O., 1895-99; Sherrodsville, O., 1900-02; Cogan Station, Pa., 1902-11; Red Bank parish, Pa., 1911-16; St. Petersburg-Emlenton, Pa., parish, 1916-20. WEIGAND, HERMANN AUGUST FRIEDRICH LUDWIG, b. Halberstadt, Germany, Dec. 7, 1858; s. August and Emma (Toepke) Weigand; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Alin. Pa., 1888; m. Ottilie Rumpff, 1888; children, Hermann, Elisabeth Ottilie, Hermann Johannes, Johannes Ludwig, Margarethe Frieda Emilie, Martin August; pastor, St. Alarkus, Phila., 1888-90; Christus, Phila., 1888-95; Petri, Logan, Ont, Can., 1895-1920; Weesatch, Tex., 1920"- ; sec., Central Canada Syn., 1906-08. WYSE, JOHN HOPE, b. Lexington, S. C., Feb. 14, 1861; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; ord. Alin. Pa., 1888; m. Aliss Grace Henderlite, 1889; pastor, Alt. Pleasant, N. C., 1888-89; Bethlehem, S. C., 1889-90; Pomaria, S. C., 1890-95; Cameron, S. C., 1896-97; Burke’s Garden, Va., 1898-1907; Alt. Tabor, S. C., 1908; d. Staunton, Va., Mar. 25, 1908. YEHL, ELIAS AMANDUS, b. North Whitehall Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., May 17, 1860; s. Joseph and Elizabeth (Dorward) Yehl; A.B., Aluhlenberg Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1888; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; ord. Min. Pa., 1888; m. Clara Louisa Kuhns, 1888; child, Richard Kuhns; pastor, Coopersburg parish, Pa., 1888-93; Trinity, Bangor, Pa., 1895-1916; St. Paul’s, North Bangor, Pa., 1898-1916; St. Peter’s, Allentown, Pa., 1916- . 1889 ARNDT, WILHELM GUSTAV TRAUGOTT, b. Carwitz, Pommern, Germany, Dec. 8, 1865; s. Johann and Wilhelmine (Raabe) Arndt; Wagner Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. N. Y. Alin., 1889; m. Elise Anna Sophie Auguste Rebeka Meyer, 1892; children, Wilhelm Hermann Emil, Immanuel Johannes Carl, Hilda Elise Wilhelmine Ernestine Dor¬ othea, Victoria Anna Regina; pastor, Immanuel, Webster, N. Y., 1889- ; treas., Wagner Col., 1912-14; author, Brief History of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Webster, N. Y 1918. BACHER, WILLIAM FREDERICK, b. Greenville, Pa., Nov. 12, 1866; s. John and Eva Alargaret (Alatthaei) Bacher; A.B., Thiel Col., 126 ALUMNI 1889 1886; A.M., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1889; D.D., Fargo Col., 1919; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1889; m. Bertha Kunkelman, 1889; children, Mary Eva, William Frederick, Bertha Marjorie, John Rea, Dorothy Ella; pastor, Parker-Emlenton, Pa., 1889-90; Ch. of the Redeemer, Bingham¬ ton, N. Y., 1890 u -97; Ch. of the Redeemer, Kingston, N. Y., 1897-1908; Memorial Ch., St. Paul, Minn., 1908-13; St. John’s, Duluth, Minn., 1913-15; St. Mark’s, Fargo, N. D., 1915- ; English sec., N. Y. Min., 1894-1900; first pres., N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1902-08; contr., The Lutheran. BENZE, GUSTAVE ADOLPH, b. Warren, Pa., Jan. 11, 1867; s. Rev. Adolph Leopold and Elizabeth (Kiehl) Benze; A.B., Thiel Col., 1886; A.M., 1889; Gettysburg Sem., 1886-88; Phila. Sem., 1889; D.D., Upsala Col., 1911; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1889; m. Alice Louise Fourspring, 1903; pastor, Corry, Pa., parish, 1889-91; St. John’s, Erie, Pa., 1891- ; pres., Lutheran Home for the Aged; mem., many Pittsburgh Syn., G. C. and U. L. C. bds. and corns.; one of founders, Erie Ch. Extension Soc.; sec., U. L. C. Bd., Northwestern Miss.; director, Bethesda Home; ed., Kirchliche Wegweiser; author, History of St. John’s Church, Erie, 1908; contr., The Workman, The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Reznew and secular press. 4* BOSSART, FRANKLIN PHILIP, b. Youngstown, Pa., Aug. 31, 1862; s. Paul and Mary (Kuhns) Bossart; A.B., Thiel Col., 1886; A.M., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1889; m. Elsie Theresa Ross, 1889; children, Virginia Ross, Ruth Marie, Paul Nathaniel, Franklin Philip, Edmund Belfour; pastor, Mt. Zion, Pittsburgh, N. S., Pa., 1889-90; asst, pastor, First Ch., and in charge of St. John’s, Pitts¬ burgh, Pa., 1890-95; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Buffalo, N. Y., 1895- 99; St. Paul’s, Lima, O., 1899-1907; St. Paul’s, Pleasant Unity, Pa., 1907-16; Salem Mission, Cleveland, O., 1916-18; sec., Dist. Syn., O., 1902-05; acting chaplain, Passavant Hospital, Pittsburgh, 1891-94; pas¬ tor, Erie Co., N. Y., Almshouse, 1896-99; contr., religious and secular press; d. Cleveland, O., Aug. 11, 1918. BREU, LEWIS, b. Meetschow, Germany, June 4, 1857; Wagner Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. N. Y. Min., 1889; pastor, St. John’s, Dan¬ bury, Conn., 1889; Clarence Center, N. Y., parish, 1890-92; Town Line, N. Y., 1893-95; present address, Cuba. DELFS, ALBERT C., b. Schleswig, Germany, Dec. 9, 1866; Kropp Sem.; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. Georgia Syn., 1889; pastor, Jacksonville, Fla., 1890-92; deceased. DOERING, FRIEDRICH LOUIS GUSTAV, b. Gross-Gottern, Sax¬ ony, Germany, Oct. 26, 1862; s. Christoph and Amanda (Kiel) Doering; 127 1889 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Wagner Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. N. Y. Min., 1889; m. 1st, Ida Dorothea Scheible, 1890; 2d, Irma Bertha Hettrich, 1906; children, Ida Dorothea Amanda, Gustav August Wilhelm, Edna Bertha Maria, Felix Alfred Georg, Gertrude Laura, Hildegard Alwine, Irmgard Erika, Lina Lillian; pastor, Zion’s, Newark, N. Y., 1889-92; St. Paul’s, Liver¬ pool. N. Y., 1892-93; St. John’s, Newark, N. J„ 1893-1903; G. C. Emigrant Miss., New York City, 1903-12; pastor, Immanuel’s, New Springville, L. I., 1912-15; supt., Orphans’ Home of the Children’s Friend, Jersey City, N. J., 1915- ; German sec., N. Y. Min., 1899-1903. ELSON, HENRY WILLIAM, b. Muskingum Co., O., Mar. 29, 1857; s. Jacob and Phoebe Clara (Swingle) Elson; A.B., Thiel Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1893-95; Litt.D., New¬ berry Col., 1905; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1889; m. 1st, Hannah E. Smith, 1889; 2d, Ida S. Macmillan, 1898; children, Delma Viola, Harold Altair, Winfred Paul, Henry; pastor, St. John’s, Kittanning, Pa., 1889— 93; St. Stephen’s, Phila., 1893-95; University Extension Lecturer, 1894— 99; lecturer in N. Y. C. public lecture system, 1897-1905; prof., History' and Political Science, Ohio U., 1905-16; pres., Thiel Col., 1916-21; mem., Ohio Constitutional Convention, 1912; pres., Ohio Valley His¬ torical Assoc.; author, What to Read, 1890; Sidelights on American History, 2 vols., 1899-1900; Five Biographies for Children, 1899; How to Teach History, 1901; History of the United States, 1905; History of the United States, 5 vols., 1906; Guide to American History, 1909; Star Gazer’s Handbook, 1909; Comets, 1910; Story of Our Country, 1910; Guide to English History, 1911; Story of the Old World, 1911; battle descriptions in Photographic History of the Civil War, 10 vols., 1911; Modern Times and the Living Past, 1921; Your United States, a History for Young People, 1922. HUNTON, WILLIAM LEE, b. Morrisburg, Ontario, Can., Feb. 16, 1864; s. Rev. John H. and Lavinia (Baker) Hunton; A.B., Thiel Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; graduate work, Thiel Col.; Ph.D., 1899; D.D., Thiel Col., 1920; ord. Dist. Syn., O., 1889; m. Emma M. Hoppe, 1894; children, William, Jr., Marion H.; pastor, Amanda, O., 1889-91; Grace, Rochester, N. Y., 1891-94; first pastor, Atonement, Buffalo, N. Y., 1894— 98; pastor, St. John’s, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1898-1901; Holy Trinity, Chicago, Ill., 1901-06; instr., Chicago Sem., 1902-06; supt., Chicago Syn. Miss., 1902-06; literary sec., G. C. Publication Bd., 1906-17; man¬ ager, G. C. Publication House, 1917-19; literary' manager, U. L. C. Publication House, 1919- ; chairman, Min. Pa. Summer Sch., 1914- ; mem., important G. C. and U. L. C. bds. and corns.; assoc, ed., The Lutheran, 1907- ; assoc, ed., General Council Graded Sunday School Lessons, 1901-20; ed., 1920- ; ed., Young Folks, 1908- ; Chicago Synod Lutheran, 1902-06; Lutheran Messenger, 1908-18; assoc, ed., The 128 ALUMNI 1889 Parish and Church School, 1921- ; assoc, ed., Sunday School Literature of U. L. C., 1918- ; author, Favorite Hymns, 1917; I Believe, 1922; author, tracts, pamphlets and numerous articles in Ch. and secular press. JEFFERIS, CHARLES WILLIAM, b. West Chester, Pa., Sept. 12, 1864; s. Jacob B. and Adaline (Breckinridge) Jefferis; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1886; A.M., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; m. 1st, Carrie V. Davidson, 1891; 2d, Katherine N. Weikel; children, Ernest Keever, Paul, Eleanor Ruth; pastor, Emanuel, Allegheny, Pa., 1889; Holy Trinity, Chester, Pa., 1889-91; St. Peter’s, North Wales, 1891-99; Ch. of the Resurrection, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1900-03; Holy Trinity, Jamestown, N. Y., 1903-06; St. Paul’s, Doylestown, Pa., 1906- 20; Zion’s, Marietta, Pa., 1921- . KEEVER, EDWIN FRANCIS, b. Reading, Pa., May 18, 1864; s. Elijah Flory and Johnetta Schwartz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; student. Harvard Divinity Sch., 1901-02; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; m. Mrs. Sadie Elizabeth Durr de Bang, 1897; child, Edwina; pastor, Holy Trinity, Seattle, Wash., 1889-93; G. C. Miss, in Oregon, Utah and Washington, 1893-94; pastor, St. Mark’s, Boston, Mass., 1894-1902; Holy Trinity, Catasauqua, Pa., 1902-07; Ch. of the Redeemer, Utica, N. Y., 1907-16; chaplain, 1st N. Y. Cavalry (Mexican border), 1916-17; student pastor, Cornell U., 1917; chaplain, A. E. F., France, 1917-19; National Lutheran Com¬ mission War Work, 1919; student pastor, Harvard U., 1919-21; pastor, St. Paul’s, Wilmington, N. C., 1921- ; pres., N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1912-14; honorary sec., Graeco-Roman Branch, Egypt Exploration Fund; mem., important G. C. bds. and corns.; contr., Lutheran Church Review, Lutheran Liturgical Association Memoirs; co-ed., Explanation of the Common Service, 1908. ►f* KRETSCHMANN, ERNEST THEODORE, b. Phila., Feb. 20, 1866; s. Ernest Christian and Wilhelmina Kretschmann; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1886; A.M., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1889; graduate work, U. of Pa., Ph.D., 1892; pastor, Augustus Ch., Trappe, Pa., 1889-94; retired on account of ill health, 1894; mem., Soc. Biblical Literature and Exegesis, Boston; Pa. Historical Soc.; joint ed., with Dr. H. Hilprecht, Old Babylonian Inscriptions, 1893; author, The Old Trappe Church, 1894; d. Anderson, Ind., May 30, 1897. LINDTWED, CHARLES BARAS, b. near Springfield, Ill., Aug. 25, 1857; s. Terje Christensen and Anne Bergitte (Simonsdatter) Lindtwed; A.B., Carthage Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; m. Carrie Galt, 1912; child, John Galt, 1917; pastor, St. Paul’s, Red Wing, Minn., 1889-92; First Ch., Washington, Pa., 1895-99; Bridge- 129 1889 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD water, N. S., parish, 1899-1902; supt., Bethany Orphans’ Home, Bridge- water, N. S., 1902-06; Ch. of the Redeemer, Livingston, Mont., 1906-07; St. John’s, Oshkosh, Wis., 1907-11; First Ch., Jersey Shore, Pa., 1911- ; instr., Preparatory Dept., St. Olaf Col., 1892-95. Hh LODER, ACESTES GRANT, b. Kellersville, Pa., Jan. 5, 1865; s. Alexander W. and Mary Ann (Yeager) Loder; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1886; A.M., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1889; graduate work, U. of Leipsic, 1890 1 —91; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; pastor, Tacoma, Wash., 1891; graduate in medicine, Jefferson Col.; practiced medicine, Phila.; deceased. MEYER, HERMANN CHRISTIAN ALBERT, b. Verden, Hannover, Germany; s. Christian and Elise (Schmidt) Meyer; Wagner Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. N. Y. Min., 1889; m. Emilie E. Haag, 1889; children, Rev. Herman Alexander, ’14, Emil William, Bernhard Ernst, Ernst Gustav Jacobus, William Justus Jacobus; asst, pastor, Zion’s, Rochester, N. Y., 1889-90; pastor, Friedens, Rochester, N. Y., 1890^-92; St. Jacobi, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1892- . * MILLER, CHARLES ARMAND, b. Shepherdstown, W. Va., Mar. 7, 1864; s. Rev. Joseph Irenaeus and Lida (Hulls) Miller; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1889; graduate work, Columbia U., N. Y. U., Union Theological Sem., Phila. Sem.; D.D., Roanoke Col., 1905; ord. Southwestern Virginia Syn., 1889; m. Mary M. Sherman, 1889; children, Armand Sherman, Karl Greenwood, John Kuder; pastor, College Ch., Salem, Va., 1888-96; Holy Trinity, New York City, 1896-1908; St. John’s, Charleston, S. C, 1908-12; St. Mark’s, Phila., 1912—17; asst, prof., Greek, Roanoke Col., 1893-96; lecturer, Southern Sem., 1908-11; instr., English Bible, Phila. Sem., 1916-17; mem., various bds. and corns.; author, The Way of the Cross, 1898; A Litrfe Book of Bible Texts, 1902; The Perfect Prayer, 1902; The Sacramental Feast, 1911; also various pamphlets; contr., Lutheran Liturgical Association Memoirs, Lutheran Church Rcvieiv; d. Liberty, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1917. Hh PARK, JAMES CLARK NEFF, b. Wythe Co., Va.; s. Ivy Newton and Elizabeth Ann Park; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1865; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; m. Agnes Ianthe Loder, 1889; children, Luther Augustine, Katherine, Ivan Clinton, James, Laura, Eugene, John Alex¬ ander, Florence, Percival; pastor, Centre Square, Pa., 1889-94; Beaver Falls, Pa., 1894-97; Pittsburgh, Pa., 1897; Leechburg, Pa., 1898-1904; engaged in evangelistic work, 1904—21; d. Nov. 24, 1921. PASSAVANT, DETTMAR LUTHER, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 9, 1859; s. Rev. William Alfred and Eliza (Walters) Passavant; A.B., Thiel Col., 1879; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; office ed., The 130 ALUMNI 1889 Workman, for 10 years; withdrew from the ministry; antiquarian book dealer, Zelienople, Pa. RONEY (Ronge), WILLIAM ERNEST, b. Easton, Pa., Jan. 16, 1863; s, Joseph and Rebecca (Weaver) Ronge; A.B., Lafayette Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; m. Clara A. Richards; children, Gertrude Marie, Ernest Joseph, Paul Richards; pastor, Trinity, Danville, Pa., 1890-1900; d. Danville, Pa., May 19, 1900. SCHMIDT, NELSON FREDERICK, b. Treverton, Pa., Dec. 11, 1866; s. Rev. John H. and Louisa A. (Newman) Schmidt; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; graduate work, U. of Pa.; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; m. Eva A. Sweitzer, 1890; children, Nelson Sweitzer, Ernestine Dorothea, Luther Sweitzer; pastor, Jerusalem Ch., Schwenksville, Pa., and St. James’, Limerick, Pa., 1889- . •i* SMITH, WILLARD L., b. Bellefontaine, O., July 24, 1862; s. Rev. and Mrs. Enoch Smith; A.B., Thiel Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; pastor, Trinity, West St. Paul, Minn., 1889—94; one of the organizers of the Syn. of Northwest, 1892; d. St. Paul, Minn., May 16, 1894. WAIDELICH, JOHN HENRY, b. Steinsville, Pa., Mar. 17, 1860; s. Michael Frederick and Sallie Ann (Folweiler) Waidelich; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1912-13; Phila. Sem., 1920- ; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1918; m. Alice Smith Keller, 1889; child, Luther Frederick; pastor, St. John’s, Ridge Valley, Pa., 1889-1917; St. Michael’s, Sellersville, Pa., 1889- ; mem., Min. Pa. and G. C. bds.; sec., Bd., Muhlenberg Col. WARMKESSEL, HENRY WILLIAM, b. Maxatawney, Pa., May 22, 1862; s. Thomas and Mary (Merkel) Warmkessel; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1889; m. Mrs. E. Irene Schalkof Moyer; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; asst, pastor, Bowers, Pa., parish, 1889-90; Coopersburg, Pa., 1890-91; pastor, Faith and Peace, Reading, Pa., 1891-98; Hope, Reading, St. Joseph’s, Hill Ch., and St. Paul’s, Lobachs, Pa., 1891- . WELLER, HARVEY AMERICUS, b. Trexlertown, Pa., July 8, 1859; s. Dr. Joseph (dentist) and Sarah (Kern) Weller; Muhlenberg Col., 1877-80; A.M., 1911; practiced law, 1882-88; Phila. Sem., 1889; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1889; m. 1st, Ada J. Desch, 1878; 2d, Marion J. Erb, 1921; children, Estelle M., Florence J., Helen Kern; pastor, Orwigsburg, Pa., parish, 1889-1916; English sec., Min. Pa., 1902-04; treas., 1904-16; pres., 1916- ; mem., numerous important bds. and corns., Min. Pa., G. C., U. L. C. and Ch. institutions; mem., 131 1890 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Ways and Means Com., U. L. C., at organization; U. L. C. Executive Bd., 1918- ; mem., Executive Bd., National Lutheran Council, 1917- ; Executive Com., Soldiers and Sailors Welfare Com.; author, various historical pamphlets published by Schuylkill Co. Historical Soc. and Lebanon Co. Historical Soc. and other pamphlets; tr., Loehe’s Seed Grains of Prayer, 1912; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Review and other Ch. and secular papers. WITMAN, EMIL MAXIMILIAN, b. Darmstadt, Germany, Sept. 16, 1865; U. Berlin; U. Erlangen Phila. Sem., 1889; Ph.D.; ord. N. Y. Min., 1889; pastor, Immanuel, Meriden, Conn., 1889; returned to Ger¬ many, 1889, for further study; present address unknown. 1890 DRY, CHARLES FUNK, b. Rockland Twp, Berks Co., Pa., June 2, 1851; s. John K. and Hannah (Funk) Dry; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Min. Pa., 1890; m. Mary Ann Mast, 1874; children, Carrie M., Milton M. , Franklin M., Sadie M. ; pastor, Mainville, Pa., 1890- ; teacher in public schs., 11 years. GENZMER, GEORGE ALBERT VICTOR, b. Woldeck, Germany, Jan. 24, 1867; s. Rev. Ernst August and Louise Agnes (Praepke) Genzmer (on fathers side in direct line of ministers for 300 years) ; A.B., Thiel Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Canada Syn., 1890; m. Grace Anne Fletcher, 1891; children, George Harvey, Frederic Carroll; pastor, North Williamsburg and Dunbar, Ontario, Can., 1890-92; Asbury Park, N. J., 1896-1907; served as pulpit supply, 1917-18; prof., Wagner Col., 1892-96; instr., Ocean Grove High Sch., 1897-1907; Brooklyn, N. Y., High Schs., 1907-08; Newark, N. J., High Schs., 1908- . GENZMER, WERNER LUDWIG, b. Woldeck, Germany, July 17, 1862; s. Rev. Ernst August and Louise Agnes (Praepke) Genzmer (on father’s side in direct line of ministers for 300 years) ; A.B., Thiel Col., 1887; A.M., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Canada Syn., 1890; m. 1st, Sadie S. Sawvel, 1890; 2d, Meta Buerfeind, 1915; children, Frank B., George Victor, Paul Ernest Raymond, Werner Louis, Marion Mar¬ guerite; pastor, St. John’s, Williamsburg and St. Paul’s, Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada, 1890-93; Zion’s, Pittsfield, Mass., 1893- ; mem., Executive Com. and other coins., N. Y. Min. GLATZERT, PAUL JULIUS CHARLES, b. Niederschleswig, Ger¬ many, Aug. 14, 1863; A.B., Thiel Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Min. Pa., 1890; pastor, New Castle, Pa., 1890-95; St. Peter’s, Evans City, Pa., 1896-1901; Keown, Pa., 1901-06; Sewickley, Pa., 1907- . 132 ALUMNI 1890 KLINGLER, PAUL GERHARDT, b. Butler, Pa., August 19, 1867; s. H. Julius and Barbara (Reiber) Klingler; A.B., Capital U., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Min. Pa., 1890; m. Bertie E. Lehmann, 1890; children, Paul Lehmann, Herman Julius, Jerome, Edith, Henry Luther, Charles David; pastor, St. Michael’s, Germantown, Phila., 1890-92; Sherrodsville, O., 1893; Trinity, Catasauqua, Pa., 1894-95; St. John’s, Easton, Pa., 1896-1901; manager, Booklovers’ Library, New York and Boston, 1902-06; Pine Creek parish, Wexford, Pa., 1907-22. KUEHNER, MILTON JOEL, b. Baalesville, Pa., Jan. 1, 1865; s. John R. and Caroline (Dourard) Ivuehner; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Min. Pa., 1890; m. Louisa S. German; pastor, Jordan, Pa., parish, 1890-91; Stettlersville, Pa., 1891-96; Hill- town, Pa., parish, 1896-1903; dropped from roll of Min. Pa., 1903; present address unknown. * MEYER, EMIL FREDERICK CARL AUGUST, b. Werden, Ger¬ many, Nov. 26. 1865; Wagner Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. N. Y. Min., 1890; pastor, Newburgh, N. Y., parish, 1890-93; d. Newburgh, N. Y., Mar. 16, 1893. MILLER, DANIEL DAWSON, b. German Twp., Harrison Co., O., Jan. 12, 1855; s. John and Susanna (Mikesell) Miller; A.B., Thiel Col., 1887; A.M., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1890; m. Belle S. Golden, 1880; children, Rev. Paul G., Rev. John O., Madge G., Mabel C., Helen B., Daniel D., Mary G.; pastor, Parker-Emlenton, miss., 1890-92; St. Michael’s and St. Paul’s, Armstrong Co., Pa., 1892— 1902; Jacob’s parish, Masontown, Pa., 1902-17; Smithton, Pa., 1917- . REICHERT, ALBERT JULIUS, b. Utica, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1865; s. John M. and Catharine Reichert; A.B., Thiel Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. N. Y. Min., 1890; m. Irene M. Leet, 1890; children, Frederick Leet, Irene Alberta; pastor, Trinity and St. Peter’s, Versailles, O., 1890-92; Zion’s, Doylestown, and St. Michael’s, Marshallville, O., 1892- 99; Zion’s and Fair Haven, Mulberry, Ind., 1899-1901; St. Paul’s, Red Wing, Minn., 1901-12; Christ Ch., Lancaster, Pa., 1912- ; prof., Theo¬ logical Sem., Red Wing, Minn., 1902-04; pres., Syn. of the Northwest, 1905-12; mem., Min. Pa. and G. C. corns. RICHARDS, JOHN WILLIAM, b. Greenwich Co., N. J., Apr. 12, 1867; s. Matthias Henry and Sarah M. (McClean) Richards (fourth in direct descent from Henry Melchior Muhlenberg) ; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Min. Pa., 1890; m. Caroline S. Pfeiffer, 1890; children, Prof. Matthias Henry, Dorothea Young; pastor, St. John’s, Sayre, Pa., 1890-93; Christ Ch., Lancaster, Pa., 1893-1911; 133 1891 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Redeemer Miss., Lancaster, Pa., 1902-07; Ascension Miss., Lancaster, Pa., 1909-11; St. Paul’s, Lima, O., 1911-14; St. Luke’s, Phila., 1914- ; author, History of Christ Church, Lancaster, Pa., 1907; History of St. Luke's, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919; various tracts and pamphlets; tr., Zietlic’s “Siloah,” 2 vols., 1922; lecturer at various Lutheran assemblies; regular contr., The Lutheran, 1897- (“Conestoga Chips,’’ “John the Constant’’ and “John of Lancaster”), Young Folks, 1902—19; contr., American Lutheran Survey, Lutheran Church Reviezv. SCHETTLER, GEORGE ERIE, b. Clarence Center, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1863; s. John and Elizabeth (von der Muehlen) Shettler; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. N. Y. Min., 1890; m. Ellen Jane Eshelman, 1890; child, Nora Mary; pastor, St. Paul’s, Hornell, N. Y., 1890-1904; Zion’s, Clarence Center, N. Y., parish, 1904- . *SEIP, FRANK MUHLENBERG, b. Allentown, Pa., Sept. 20, 1868; s. Rev. Dr. Theodore Lorenzo, ’67, and Emma Elizabeth (Shimer) Seip; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Min. Pa., 1890; m. Elizabeth C. Francis, 1890; asst, pastor, Salem, Lebanon, Pa., 1890- 97; pastor, Holy Trinity, North Lebanon, Pa., 1891—97; d. Allentown, Pa., July 2, 1898. SIEBOTT, HENRY DANIEL EMANUEL, b. Phila., Oct. 8, 1864; s. Henry W. and Marie (Reinhold) Siebott; A.B., U. of Pa., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Min. Pa., 1890; pastor, St. Paul’s, Summit Hill, Pa., 1890-94; St. Marcus, Phila., 1894- ; German sec., Min. Pa., 1907- ; treas., G. C. German Home Miss. Bd., 1906-19; German sec. and chaplain, Germantown Orphans’ Home and Asylum, 1906- ; treas., U. L. C. Bd. of Northwest Miss., 1919- . SMITH, PRESTON BLAIR, A.B., Roanoke Col., 1886; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Min. Pa., 1890; pastor, Trinity, Rochester, N. Y., 1894-95; in business since 1897; present address unknown. WOLTERS, KARL LUDWIG, b. Hamburg, Germany, Oct. 26, 1863; s. Theodore K. J. W. and Mary Louise (Overdieck) Wolters; German Gymnasium, 1886; Phila. Sem., 1890; ord. Min. Pa., 1890; pastor, St. John’s, Phoenixville, Pa., 1890—93; St. Matthew’s, Utica, N. Y., 1893— 1904; G. C. and U. L. C. Miss., India, 1904- ; statistician, Rajahmundry Miss.; tr., textbooks used in miss., etc. 1891 BLUM, ANDREW, b. Cleveland, O., Apr. 17, 1864; s. Carl and Eleonora (Leber) Blum; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. 134 ALUMNI 1891 Louise Haag, 1892; asst, pastor, Mary J. Drexel Home, Phila., 1891-94; pastor, Summit Hill and Lansford, Pa., 1894-95; First German Ch., Lancaster, N. Y., 1895-1910; St. John’s German Ch., Rochester, N. Y., 1910- . BOND, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, b. Greenwich Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Oct. 31, 1861; s. Edwin and Catharine Ann (Stump) Bond; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. 1st, Amy H. Brehm, 1891; 2d, Mrs. Katie Eva (Krebs) Snyder, 1904; children, Paul William, Mary Amy, Anna Elizabeth, John Ambrose, Ruth Irene, Catharine Esther; pastor, St. Paul’s, Tower City, and St. Peter’s, Orwin, Pa., 1891-1904; Bower’s parish, Shamrock, Pa., 1904- . CLAUSS, CHARLES DANIEL, b. Weissport, Pa., April 9, 1862; s. Phaon and Lucetta (Bauer) Gauss; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. Martha May Francis, 1891; children, Samuel Albert, Hilda; pastor, St. John’s, Stroudsburg, Pa., 1891-94; Zion’s, Leacock, Pa., 1895-1904; St. James, Folsom, N. J., 1910-17; retired on account of ill health; present address, Allentown, Pa. DEATON, JOHN LEROY, b. Rowan Co., N. C., Sept. 4, 1862; s. John Emsley and Nancy Jane Deaton; N. C. Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. 1st, Laura Lipe, 1887; 2d, Laura Hoke, 1900; child, Mary G.; pastor, Rowan Co., N. C., 1891-92; Holy Trinity, Seattle, Wash., 1893—96; Watauga Co., N. C., 1896-98; Rowan Co., N. C., 1899-1902; Edinburgh, Va., 1903—05; retired on account of ill health, 1905; present address, Lincolnton, N. C. DEATON, WILLIS ALEXANDER, b. Rowan Co., N. C., Sept. 4, 1862; s. John Emsley and Nancy Jane Deaton; A.B., N. C. Col., 1888; A.M., 1891; Phila. Sem., 1891; D.D., Lenoir Col., 1911; m. Maggie Pauline Miller, 1891; children, Miriam Ophelia, Rev. John Leroy, ’18, Oscar Claudius, Wilhelmina, Paul Willis, James Krauth, Louis Edwin; pastor, St. Michael’s, St. Andrew’s, Bethel and Mt. Olive, S. C. Syn., 1891-99; Holy Communion, Antioch, Philadelphia, Christ’s, Tennessee Syn., 1899-1906; field miss., Tennessee Syn., 1906-12; Bethany, Mt. Hebron, N. C., 1912-19; Bethany, N. C., 1919- ; ed., Catawba Lutheran; pres., Tennessee Syn.; mem., various United Syn. South bds. and corns. DIENER, GEORGE JACKSON, b. near Shannondale, Pa., Nov. 16, 1861; s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Keck) Diener; A.B., Thiel Col., 1888; A.M., 1891; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1891; m. Ella J. Beighley, 1891; child, Jacob Mann; pastor, Middle Lancaster, Pa., 1891- 94; Harrison City, Pa., 1894-1903; Forks, Pa., 1904-07; Saegertown, 135 1891 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Pa., 1908-10; South Sharon, Pa., 1910-11; Reynoldsville, Pa., 1912-16; Oak Grove, Pa., 1917-20; Saxonburg, Pa., 1922- . FETTER, CLINTON R., b. Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1863; s. Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Ruth) Fetter; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1888; A.M., 1891; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. Laura J. Smoyer, 1891; child, Madeline Dorothea; pastor, Pine Valley, Pa., 1891-93; Old Goshenhoppen parish, Pa., 1893- ; St. Paul’s, Telford, Pa., 1906- . GEBERT, GEORGE, b. Ohrnberg, Wuerttemberg, Germany, Sept. 23, 1857; s. Michael and Elizabeth (Krebs) Gebert; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. Amanda M. Henning, 1891; children, Charles Adam, Paul Julius, Herbert George; pastor, Zion’s, Tamaqua, Pa., 1891- ; Christ Ch., Rush Twp., 1891-97, 1920- ; Zion’s, Lewistown, Pa., 1891-1907, 1911- 12; mem., various G. C. and Min. Pa. bds. and corns.; contr., The Lutheran and Lutheran Church Review. j j J ■. • f GERBERICH, DAVID GERHART, b. East Hanover Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa., Mar. 1, 1863; s. George S. and Sarah (Gerhart) Gerberich; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. Eliza Jane Knappenberger, 1887; children, Mabel Anna, Helen Amelia, Hester Lillian; pastor, Zion’s, Weatherly, Pa., 1891-1901; Centreport parish, Berks Co., Pa., 1901-12; Emmanuel’s, Prospect, Pa., 1912- 17; Wolf’s Cross Roads, Pa., parish, 1917-19; McClure, Pa., parish, 1919- . GERMANN, TILGHMAN FRANKLIN, b. Weisenberg, Pa., May 23, 1867; s. Henry and Juliana Germann; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; asst, pastor, St. Stephen’s, Phila., 1891-93; pastor, St. Stephen’s, Phila., 1893-94; d. Allentown, Pa., Oct. 8, 1894. HOUK, EZRA ALONZO, b. New Middletown, O., Aug. 17, 1860; s. Henry and Mary (Barth) Houk; A.B., Thiel Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; m. Lydia Moherman, 1894; children, Arthur Jay, Armand Wayne, Esther Mildred, Helen Eldora, Gustavus Adolphus, Luther Alonzo, Velma Geraldine; farming; present address, 1105 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, O. KRAMLICH, WILLIAM WILBERFORCE, b. Kutztown, Pa., Jan. 22, 1866; s. Rev. Benjamin E. and Sophia B. Kramlich; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. Ida Ahrens, 1894; child, Clara Virginia; asst, pastor, Kutztown, Pa., 1891-92; pas- 136 ALUMNI tor, Womelsdorf, Pa., parish, 1892-1901; New Ringgold, Pa., 1907-12; Christ Ch., Freemansburg, Pa., 1912-14; Weissport, Pa., 1915-17; St. Luke’s, Noxen, Pa., 1918—20; Herndon, Pa., parish, 1921- . KRETSCHMANN, THEODORE WILLIAM, b. Phila., May 13, 1868; s. Ernest Christian and Wilhelmine (Kuemmerle) Kretschmann; A. B., U. of Pa., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; graduate work, U. of Pa., B. D., 1891; Ph.D., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. Margaret Graham Finley, 1894; children, Theodore Ernest, Dorothy Anna, Philip Miller, Herbert Finley, Stephen William; pastor, Christ Ch., Chestnut Hill, Phila., 1891-98; Ch. of the Atonement, Buffalo, N. Y., 1898-1905; Grace Ch., South Buffalo, 1902-03; St. Stephen’s, West Phila., 1905—19; instr., Hebrew, Phila. Sem., 1892-94, 1895-98; prof., O. T., Pacific Sem., 1919- ; chairman, U. L. C. Necrology Com., 1918-20; mem., Soc. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis; mem., Syn., G. C. and institutional bds. and corns.; author, History of Christ Church, Chestnut Hill, Phila¬ delphia, 1896; The Church's Treasures, a History of the Orphans’ Home at Germantown, Philadelphia, 1922; contr., Lutheran Church Review, The Lutheran and other Ch. papers. ►p KUMMER, PAUL, b. Siegelbach, Schwarzburg-Soudershausen, Ger¬ many, Jan. 31, 1866; s. Johann Wilhelm and Ida (Hamel) Kummer; Real Gymnasium, 1877-85; Breklum Miss. Institute, 1885-88; Kropp Sem., 1888-89; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1891; m. Emma Eichhorn, 1891; children, Martin Theodore, Gustavus Adolphus, Harold; pastor, St. James’, Tuscarawas, O., 1891-93; St. Paul's, Beaver Falls, Pa., 1893-95; St. John’s, Martin’s Ferry, O., 1896-1901; Emmanuel, Erie, Pa., 1901-02; Leetsdale and Monaca, Pa., 1902-05; Johnsonburg, Pa., 1905-09; St. Peter’s, Scranton, Pa., 1909—17; Gloucester, N. J., 1919; German sec., Pittsburgh Syn.; teacher, German and French, Ladies’ Sem., Sewickley, Pa., 1903-05; d. Gloucester, N. J., Sept. 2, 1919. LAMBERT, JAMES FRANKLIN, b. Friedensville, Pa., Sept. 15, 1863; s. Amandes M. and Charlotta Anna (Hendricks) Lambert; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. 1st, Ella Lydia Ochs, 1891; 2d, Mrs. Lena May (Crawford) Stevens, 1904; children, Marie Charlotta, Alva Margaret, Amelia Pauline, Elizabeth Henrietta; pastor, Ch. of the Incarnation, Phila., 1891-92; St. Paul’s, Catasauqua, Pa., 1892- ; mem., Syn. corns.; sec., U. L. C. Necrology Com.; author, History of Catasauqua, 1914; Luther’s Hymns, 1917. LEATHERMAN, ROBERT LEE, b. Lewistown, Md., 1863; s. Daniel and Caroline Leatherman; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1888; A.M., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1891; graduate work, U. of Minnesota, 2 years; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. 1914; pastor, Salem, Minneapolis, Minn., 1891-97; supply 137 1891 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD pastor, Maryland Syn., 1897-1903; Holy Trinity, Wilkinsburg, Pa., 1903-05; Mount Pleasant, Pa., parish, 1905- . LUDWIG, EMANUEL RUDOLF WILHELM, b. Berne, Switzer¬ land, Sept. 14, 1864; s. Rev. Emanuel and Fanny R. Schaerer Ludwig; Gymnasium of Neuchatel, Berne, Switzerland, 1884; U., 1884-86; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. N. Y. Min., 1891; m. Emma Born, 1891; children, Christiana Fanny, Philip John, Clara Mathilda; pastor, St. Luke’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1891-1905; Friedensgemeinde, Rochester, N. Y., 1905— 18; prof., Latin, Hebrew and Philosophy, Wagner Col., 1907- ; mem., bds. and corns. MARVICX, LEWIS S., b. Morris, Ill., Dec. 21, 1866; A.B., Capital U., 1888; Norwegian Divinity Sch.; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Norwegian Syn., 1891; pastor, Hegevisch, Ill., 1891; Moorhead, Minn., 1892-95; Hatton, N. D, 1896-1902; Ashland, Wis., 1903-10; Houston, Minn., 1911-13; Black River Falls, Wis., 1914- . * MURPHY, JOSEPH LAFAYETTE, b. Bristol, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1867; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Holston Syn., 1891; m. Miss Falk, 1891; pastor, Bristol, Tenn., 1891-93; Grace, Rock Island, Ill., 1894-1900; Muscatine, la., 1901-05; St. John’s, Duluth, Minn., 1905-09; resigned on account of ill health, 1909; d. Deland, Fla., Mar. 23, 1910. PETREA, HENRY MATTHEW, b. Mt. Pleasant, N. C., Jan. 7, 1868; s. Laban and Frances Petrea; A.B., North Carolina Col., 1887; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. North Carolina Syn., 1892; pastor, Addison, Pa.; Brandonville, W. Va.; Berrysburg, Pa.; Roy’s Hill, Pa.; Lovansville, Pa., 1909- . RECK, SAMUEL HENRY, b. Rochester, Pa., Dec. 14, 1866; s. Rev. Prof, and Mrs. Henry Reck; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; first pastor, St. Mark’s, Boston, Mass., 1891-94; dropped from Min. Pa., 1898; practicing law, Rockford, Ill. SCHEIRER, OSCAR SYLVESTER, b. Egypt, Pa., May 17, 1862; s. Adam and Caroline (Bortz) Scheirer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. Annie L. Kuhns, 1891 ; children, Esther Amanda, Minnie Caroline; pastor, Walmer’s parish, Lebanon Co., Pa., 1891-94; Beavertown, Pa., 1894-96; Grimsville, Pa., 1896-1914; Zion’s, Girardville, Pa., 1914-18; Christ’s Ch., Freemansburg, Pa., 1918- . SEEGERS, JOHN CONRAD, see under The Facultv, page 50. 138 ALUMNI 1892 Hh STAHLMAN, DAVID BENJAMIN, b. Shannondale, Pa., Oct. 23, 1858; A.B., Thiel Col.; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1891; pastor, Emanuel, Prospect, Pa., 1891-1901; Knox, Pa., 1902-05; d. Knox, Pa., Dec. 1, 1905. STEIMLE, AUGUST, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 23, 1870; s. Rev. F. W. and Anna (Neth) Steimle; Martin Luther Col., Buffalo, N. Y., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. Emily Augusta Bruning, 1899; assoc, pastor, Memorial, St. Paul, Red Wing, Minn., 1891—92; pastor, St. Paul’s, Red Wing, Minn., 1893— 95; Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1895-1907; St. John’s, Allentown, Pa., 1907—18; Advent, New York City, 1918- ; one of organizers, Syn. of Northwest, 1891; one of organizers of N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1902; assoc, ed., English tr., Luther’s Works, Philadelphia Edition; mem., many important Syn., G. C., U. L. C. and institutional bds. and coins.; contr., Ch. press; tr. and author, pamphlets. WENRICH, JOHN MERKEL, b. Reinhold’s, Pa., June 17, 1863; s. John and Elizabeth (Merkel) Wenrich; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; ord. Min. Pa., 1891; m. Jeannette Meyers, 1892; child, Frances Jeannette; pastor, Stoutsville, O., 1891-1909; St. Mark’s, Wapakoneta, O., 1909-16; field miss., Columbus, O., 1916-19; Hilltop Ch., Columbus, O., 1919- ; sec., Dist. Syn., O.; treas., Dist. Syn., O., 1908- . WRIGHT, PRESTON E., b. Enochville, N. C., Nov. 5, 1860; North Carolina Col.; Roanoke Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1891; teaching; at present, supt. of schs., Landis, N. C. 1892 BACHMANN, ERNST FREDERICK, b. Witten o. d. Ruhr, West¬ phalia, Germany, July 3, 1870; s. Ernst and Helene (Naumann) Bach- mann; Wagner Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; graduate w r ork, U. of Pa.; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1914; ord. N. Y. Min., 1892; m. Lydia Brezing, 1896; child, Ernest Theodore Herman; pastor, Concordia, Buffalo, N. Y., 1892-1906; rector, Mary J. Drexel Home, Phila. Deaconess Mother- house, 1906- ; author, An Outline of Christian Truth, 1914; Deaconess Work, 1915; ed., Diakonissenfround, 1906- ; contr., Lutheran Church Review and Ch. papers; pres., U. L. C. Inner Miss. Bd., 1918- ; mem., many important bds. and coins. ►L BECKER, PAUL FREDERICK JOHN, b. Butler, Pa., June 27, 1869; s. Charles August and Phoebe (Gleber) Becker; Wagner Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. N. Y. Min., 1892; m. 1st, Emma M. 139 1892 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Voigt, 1895; 2d, Barbara M. Schlicht, 1909; children, Caroline, Fred¬ erick, Paul, Edwin, Boas Timothy, Ernst Luther, Ruth Emma; pastor, Concordia, Byron Center, N. Y., 1892-93; Port Carbon, Pa., 1893-95; Zion’s, Clarence Center, N. Y., 1895-99; St. Peter’s, Verona Mills, N. Y., 1899-1900; St. Paul’s, Redwood, N. Y., 1900-05; Newburgh, N Y., 1905-06; St. John’s, West New York, N. J.; d. West New York, N. J., Jan. 27, 1916. BOCK, GEORGE MARTIN, b. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1870; s. George and Catharine Bock; Wagner Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. 1st, Laura Knapp, 1895; 2d, Bertha Zurbrick, 1918; children, George Frederic, Austin, Grace May; pastor, Port Car- bon-Middleport, Pa., 1892-93; Mahanoy City, Pa., 1893-1910; St. John’s, Lancaster, N. Y., 1910- . BOWERS, FREDERICK ANSPACH, b. Lunenburg, N. S., Oct. 27, 1863; s. Rev. William W. and Louisa (Cossmann) Bowers; A.B., Thiel Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1892; m. Mary R. Hunsberger, 1893; children, Dorothy Emma, Frances Bressel, Freda Joyce, Frederic H.; pastor, Rose Bay, N. S., 1892-97; Lunenburg, N. S., 1897-1901; Grace, Rochester, Pa., 1901-09; asst, to General Supt., G. C. Home Miss, and Field Miss., Phila., 1909-11; pastor, All Saints’, Phila., 1911-21 ; St. John’s, Richmond Hill, N. Y. C., 1921- ; Camp Chaplain, Pelham Bay Naval Training Station, 1918-19; with Pa. R. R., 1885-89; author, History Grace Church, Rochester, Pa., 1904; Little Talks to Boys and Girls, 1906; contr., Home Missionary, Young Folks, Lutheran Church Review. CLAY, ALBERT TOBIAS, b. Hanover, Pa., Dec. 4, 1866; s. John Martin and Mary Barbara Clay; A.B., F. and M. Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; graduate work, U. of Pa.; Ph.D., 1894; LL.D., Gettysburg Col., 1913; Litt.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Elizabeth Sommerville McCafferty, 1895; children, Albert George, Eliza¬ beth Barbara; asst, pastor, St. Mark’s, Phila., 1892-95; pastor, St. Mark’s, South Bethlehem, Pa., 1895; St. Mark’s, Chicago, Ill., 1896-99; instr., Hebrew, U. of Pa., 1892—95; Hebrew and O. T. Theology, Chi¬ cago Sem., 1895-99; Hebrew, Phila. Sem., 1904-10; Hebrew and As¬ syrian, U. of Pa., 1899-1903; asst, prof., Semitic Philology and Archae¬ ology, U. of Pa., 1903-09; prof., 1909-10; Laffan prof., Assyriology and Babylonian Literature, Yale U., 1910- ; annual prof., American Sch. of Oriental Research in Jerusalem, 1919-20; visited Bagdad to arrange for establishment of a Sch. of Oriental Research, 1920; Reinicker lecturer, Episcopal Theological Sem., Alexandria, Va., 1908; Special Lecturer in Biblical Archeology, Phila. Sem., 1922-23; curator, Yale Babylonian Collection; librarian (1912- ) and treas., American Oriental Soc.; 140 ALUMNI 1892 pres. (1920), Soc. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis; vice-pres., Archaeological Institute of America, 1917- ; one of founders and vice- pres. (1920- ), Palestine Oriental Soc.; mem., American Philosophi¬ cal Soc., Sigma Xi, Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft; Oriental Clubs of Phila., New York and New Haven, Conn.; ed., Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan; ed., Babylonian Inscriptions in collection of James B. Nies; author, The Empire of the Amorites, 1919; (with H. V. Hilprecht), Business Documents of Murashu Sons of Nippur, 1898; Business Documents of Murashu Sons of Nippur (2 vols.), 1904, 1912; Documents from Temple Archives of Nippur (3 vols.), 1906, 1912; Legal and Commercial Transactions, 1908; Light on the Old Testament from Babel, 1909; Aramaic Endorsements (O. T. and Semitic Studies in memory of W. R. Harper), 1908; Amurru, the Home of the Northern Semites, 1909; Personal Names of the Cassite Period, 1912; Business Transactions of the First Millennium, B. C., 1912; Legal Documents from Erech, Seleucid Era, 1913; Miscellaneous Inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian Collection, 1915; Neo-Babylonian Letters from Erech, 1919; (with M. Jastrow), An Old Babylonian Ver¬ sion of the Gilgamesh Epic, 1920; A Hebrew Deluge Story in Cunei¬ form and other Epic Fragments, 1922; Epics, Hymns, Omens and Other Texts, 1923; Amorite Traditions in Babylonia and Israel, 1923; contr. to various encyclopedias and scientific and religious periodicals, including Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie, Orientalistische Literatur Zeitung, Journal American Oriental Society, American Journal of Semitic Languages, Babyloniaca, National Geographic Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Art and Archceology, etc. ►J* ELOFSON, CARL J., b. Kola, Varmland, Sweden, Oct. 29, 1865; Augustana Col., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1892; graduate work, Yale U., Ph.D., 1892; ord. Augustana Syn., 1892; pastor, Zion Swedish, Phila., 1892-94; instr., Hebrew, Phila. Sem., 1892-94; prof., Augustana Sem., 1894-96; traveled in Egypt and Palestine, 1896-97; retired on account of ill health; author, The Assyrian Adjective (German tr. published by Assyriological Soc. of Berlin) ; d. Valley Springs, S. D., Nov. 19, 1899. GRAHN, ERNEST MUHLENBERG, b. Phila., Jan. 24, 1869; s. Rev. Dr. Hugo and Mary Catharine (Kurtz) Grahn; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1889; A.M., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Fredericka Louisa Zwirner, 1898; children, Paul Serfass, Mary Catharine, Theodore Kurtz; pastor, St. Luke’s, Easton, Pa., 1892-1904; Spring City, Pa., 1904-10; Ch. of the Redeemer, Albany, N. Y., 1919- ; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Review; assoc, ed., Bible Story, Scripture Lesson Quarterly. GRAVENGAARD, NIELS PETER, b. Denmark, Apr. 17, 1865; s. Peter Hansen and Mette Kjerstine (Christensen) Gravengaard; Sem. 141 1892 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD of Danish Evangelical Lutheran Ch. in America, West Denmark, Wis., 1891; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Danish Evangelical Lutheran Ch. in America, 1892; m. Anna Rasmussen, 1892; children, Theodor Peter, Adele Meta, Hans Peter, Marie Cathrine, Elmer Mauritz, Dagny Olivia, Axel Erhard, Gerda Sophia, Rigtnor Alfrida; pastor, Sioux City, la., 1892-94; St. Peter’s Danish, Brayton, la., 1894-1900; Bethlehem, Cedar Falls, la., 1900-09; St. John’s, Marquette, Neb., 1909-20; Luther Memorial, Des Moines, la., 1920- ; mem., Syn. and institutional bds., Danish Ch.; pres., Danish Evangelical Lutheran Ch. in America, 1912- 18, 1920- ; prof., Practical Theology, Grand View Col., 1920- ; author, En. Julcgave fra Amerika, 1901 ; Evigt Liv med idel Glode, 1904; Fem. Foredrag, 1906; A Christmas Gift, 1920; contr, Danish papers in U. S. and Denmark. HAIGLER, JESSE BOWMAN, b. Cameron, S. C., Dec. 5, 1863; s. Jesse and Caroline Haigler; Newberry Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Emma Havird, 1894; children, Oliver Newell, Helen; pastor, Zion’s, Spring City, Pa., 1892-1903; Wentzel’s Lake parish, Nova Scotia, 1903-05; Bethel parish, White Rock, S. C., 1905- 13; Ebenezer, Ga., parish, 1913-18; Roanoke, W. Va., parish, 1918-19; Union, N. C., parish, 1919- . RANCHER, ANTHONY DENVER RANKIN, b. Green Co, Tenn, Apr. 18, 1866; s. Rev. J. H. and Sarah (Bushong) Hancher; A.B, Roanoke Col, 1889; A.M.; Phila. Sem, 1892; ord. Tennessee Syn, 1892; pastor, Mill Point, Tenn, 1892; Buena Vista, Va, 1893-95; Knoxville, Tenn, 1896-1902; Staunton, Va, 1903-18; U. L. C. Home Miss, supt. Southern Dist, 1919- ; address, Richmond, Va. HANKEY, JACOB MARTIN, b. Armstrong Co, Pa, May 5, 1863; s. Jonas S. and Isabel (Heinselman) Hankey; A.B, Thiel Col, 1889; A.M, 1892; Phila. Sem, 1892; ord. Pittsburgh Syn, 1892; m. Margaret Ehrhardt, 1900; children, Sylvester, Kathryn, Margaretta, Paul; pastor, Bethel, Allegheny, Pa, 1892-94; supply pastor, 1894-1900; Elderton, Pa, 1900-03; Collingswood, N. J, 1906-09; retired from active ministry account of ill health, 1909; address, Helena, Ga. Hh HEIL, JOHN BENJAMIN, b. Germansville, Pa, Jan. 26, 1866; s. John and Catharine (Hunsicker) Heil; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1889; Phila. Sem, 1892; ord. Min. Pa, 1892 ; pastor, St. Peter’s, Hughestown, Pa, 1892-93; d. Germansville, Pa, July 1 , 1893. HEYD, ERNEST, b. Osterbruecken, Rheinpfalz, Germany, Sept. 12, 1871; s. Louis and Elizabeth (Mueller) Heyd; Wagner Col.; Phila. Sem, 1892; ord. N. Y. Min, 1892; m. Amelia Bender, 1894; pastor, 142 ALUMNI 1892 Trinity, Albany, N. Y., 1892-94; First German, Lyons, N. Y., 1894— 1900; Zion, Rochester, N. Y., 1900- . HOFFMAN, IRWIN CHANTRY, b. Norristown, Pa., Apr. 13, 1864; s. Thomas J. and Mary (Chantry) Hoffman; Phila. Sem., 1892; grad¬ uate work, Phila. Sem.; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Angelene Bird, 1892; children, Helen Bird, Catherine Chantry, Esther Crothers; pastor, Holy Trinity, Chester, Pa., 1892-1904; Nativity, Phila., 1905-19; supt., Home Miss., Phila., 1904—05; general supt., Eastern Dist., U. L. C. Home Miss, and Ch. Extension Bd., 1919- ; actively identified with work of home miss, since 1903; mem., important bds. and corns.; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Review, American Lutheran Survey. HORINE, JOHN WINEBRENNER, b. Smithsburg, Ind., May 23, 1869; s. Rev. Mahlon Carlton and Emma Frances Horine; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; D.D., Roanoke Col., 1914; Newberry Col., 1914; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Helena Laurent, 1893; children, Frederick Laurent, Charles Schaeffer, John Winebrenner, Jr., Robert George; pastor, Ch. of the Incarnation, Phila., 1892-97; St. John’s, Charleston, S. C, 1897-1907; St. Luke’s, Phila., 1907-14; ed., Lutheran Church Visitor, and manager, Lutheran Bd. Publication, Columbia, S. C., 1914-19; prof., Exegetical Theology, Lutheran Sem., Columbia, S. C., 1919- ; author, The Catechist’s Handbook, 1909; contr., Lutheran Church Review, The Lutheran, Lutheran Liturgical Association Memoirs, and other Ch. papers. JOHANSEN, MATTHIAS ALBERT, b. Norway, March 24, 1864; Augsberg Sem., 1888; Phila. Sem., 1892; present address unknown. LAURY, PRESTON A., b. Hellertown, Pa., Dec. 28, 1865; s. William and Elizabeth Laury; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1889; A.M., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1892; graduate work, U. of Pa.; U. of Leipsic; Judaicum Insti- tutum, Leipsic; Chicago Sem.; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Carrie Weber, 1893; children, William Harold, Elizabeth Weber, Joseph Ellis, Cranston Winfred, Robert Michael; pastor, Zion, Marietta, Pa., 1892-99; Trinity, Perkasie, Pa., 1899-1914; pres, and dean, Waterloo Sem., 1914-18; National Lutheran Commission Chaplain, military hospitals, New York City, 1918-19; pastor, St. Matthew’s, Bethlehem, Pa., 1920- ; prepared students in languages for col.; pres., Northampton Co. Historical Soc.; author, History of Lutheran Miss., 1899, 1905, and various pamphlets; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Reviezv and other Ch. papers. LEOPOLD, ELMER OWEN, b. near Allentown, Mar. 24, 1870; s. Rev. Owen and Maria (Daniel) Leopold; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1889; 143 1892 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Loeda B. Frederick; pastor, Zion’s, Girardville, Pa., 1892-1900; Washingtonville, Pa., 1900; Fogels- ville, Pa., 1900-08; Egypt, Pa., parish, 1908- . McCLANAHAN, GEORGE WALKER, b. Beeville, Tex., Mar. 6, 1863; s. George Walker and Mary Dorethea (Harris) McClanahan; A.B . Roanoke Col., 1889; A.M., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. 1st, Eliza Ann Robertson, 1893; 2d, Delia May Lovell, 1915; pastor, Salem, Frankford, Phila., 1892-97; St. Michael’s, Strasburg, Pa., 1897-1912; St. Matthew’s, Wilmington, N. C., 1913-21; Frieden’s, Gibsonville, N. C., 1921- ; author, Bible Questions and Answers. MOREHEAD, JOHN ALFRED, b. Pulaski Co., Va., Feb. 4, 1867; s. James W. and Barbara Katherine (Yonce) Morehead; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; graduate work, Leipzig U. ; D.D., Roanoke Col., 1902; D.Th., U. of Leipzig, 1922; ord. Southwestern Virginia Syn., 1892; m. Nellie Virginia Fisher, 1892; child, Margaret Katherine; pastor, Burke’s Garden, Va., 1892-94; Richmond, Va., 1894-98; pres., United Syn. South Sem., and prof., Systematic Theology, 1898-1903; pres., Roanoke Col., 1903—20; pres., United Syn. South, 1910-14; chair¬ man, European Commission, National Lutheran Council; resident in Europe, 1919- ; Executive Director, National Lutheran Council in Europe and America, 1923- ; mem., Executive Bd., U. L. C., 1918-22; active mem., other important bds. and corns.; pres., Assoc, of Virginia Cols.; frequent contr., Ch. press; U. L. C. delegate to Lutheran World Conference, Eisenach, Germany, 1923. SOBERLY, FRANK CLARENCE, b. Catasauqua, Pa., Mar. 14, 1869; s. John W. and Alaminda (Snyder) Oberly; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1889; A.M., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Addie M. Sherman, 1897; children, Henry Sherman, Robert Sherman; pastor, St. Mark’s, Luray, Va., 1893-95; First English, Decatur, Ill., 1895-98; Holy Trinity, Greenville, Pa., 1898-1913; Christ Ch., E. E., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1913-14; First English, Butler, Pa., 1914-20; Wash¬ ington, Pa., 1920-22; mem., various bds. and corns.; contr., Lutheran Church Rezneiv and Ch. press; d. Washington, Pa., Mar. 22, 1922. RAKER, JOHN HENRY, b. Raker, Pa., Jan. 1, 1863; s. Conrad Hoff¬ man and Susannah (Dornsife) Raker; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1889; A.M., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1892; graduate work, F. and M. Col.; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1920; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Estella Weiser, 1899; children, Ruth Dorothea, Martin Luther, Roberta Naoma, Conrad Weiser; pastor, St. John’s, Pen Argyl, Pa., 1891-98; Holy Trinity, Lebanon, Pa., 1898-1900; supt., Lutheran Orphans’ Home, Topton. Pa., 1900-07; pastor, Grace, Allentown, Pa., 1907-12; founder and supt., 144 ALUMNI 1892 Good Shepherd Home, Allentown, Pa., 1908- ; one of first directors, National Bank of Topton; ed., Topton Orphans’ Home Paper, 1900—07; Sweet Charity, 1909- ; correspondent, Journal for Crippled Children, and local press. RUFF, GEORGE GRANT, b. Greensburg, Pa., Sept. 16, 1865; s. Samuel and Sybilla Ruff; A.B., Thiel Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1892; m. M. Ella Elson, 1892; children, Paulin Eudora, Ella Katharine, George Elson, Henrietta May; pastor, Trinity, Derry, Pa., 1892-99; St. Peter’s, North East, Pa., 1899-1902; Grace, Dunkirk, N. Y., 1902-15; Reformation, Buffalo, 1915-16; St. Mark’s, Springdale, Pa., 1916- . SIEG, PAUL, b. Churchville, Ya., Mar. 12, 1866; s. Henry Bingham and Martha Anna (Davies) Sieg; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1887; A.M., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Virginia Syn., 1892; m. Clara Frances Groseclose, 1902; children, Paul, Jr., Katharine Groseclose, Martha Davies; pastor, St. John’s, Wythe Co., Va., 1893-1903; Bristol, Tenn., 1903-05; St. John’s, Wythe Co., Va., 1905-07; St. John’s, Lebanon, and Poplar Grove, Va., 1907-09; Radford, Va., 1909-10; Radford-Pulaski Miss., 1910-12; prof., Christianity, Roanoke Woman’s Col., 1912-22 (Elizabeth Col.); acting pres., Elizabeth Col., 1917-22; instr., Roanoke Col., 1887-89; sec., Southwestern Virginia Syn., 1905-12; pres., Orphans’ Home Bd., United Syn. South; treas., Elizabeth Col. Bd.; contr., Lutheran Church Visitor, Lutheran Church Revieiv. SNABLE, HARVEY GRANT, b. Easton, Pa., Feb. 21, 1867; s. Hiram and Sarah Ann (Hay) Snable; A.B., Lafayette Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; m. Mary A. Miller, 1898; pastor, Freeburg, Pa., parish, 1892-96; Salem, Pa., parish, 1896- . VORBERG, ROBERT TRAUGOTT, b. Milwaukee, Wis., Apr. 19, 1868; s. Rev. George Albert Gotthilf and Emilie Henrietta (Kempe) Vorberg; Wagner Col., 1889; Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Missouri Syn., 1893; m. Salome Amalia Ungerer, 1893; children, Magdalene Emily, Emily Henriette, Edith Salome, Martin Philip, Robert George Gustav, Salome Edith Sarah, Ruth Elizabeth; pastor, Zion’s, Newark, N. Y., 1892-95; Trinity, Floradale, Ontario, Can., 1895-1901; supply pastor, St. John’s, Syracuse, N. Y., 1901-02; pastor, First Ch., Dansville, N. Y., 1902-05; Mt. Sion, Blain, Pa., 1905-07; First Ch., Nashville, Tenn., 1907-15; St. Luke’s, Marietta, O., 1915- ; assoc, ed., Lutheran Volks- blatt, 1898-1901; author, LectionsbucJi fiir Sonntagschulen, 1900. ZEITFUCHS, OTTO, b. Nov. 2, 1867; Gymnasium course, Phila. Sem., 1892; ord. Min. Pa., 1892; pastor, Steelton, Pa., 1892-95; resigned to study languages, 1895; present address unknown. 145 1893 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1893 RAEHNISCH, PAUL AUGUST CARL ERNST, b. Lissa, Posen, Germany, Apr. 5, 1863; s. Ernst and Emilie (Klein) Baehnisch; Wag¬ ner Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. N. Y. Min., 1893; m. Elisabeth Graff, 1893; children, Marie Elisabeth, Margarethe Auguste Victoria; G. C. Miss., India, 1893-97; pastor, Epiphany, Hempstead, L. L, 1897- 98; founder and director, German Armenian Orphanage, Diarbekr-on- Tigris, Asiatic Turkey, 1898-1900; lecturer for Armenian Aid Soc. in Germany, 1900-01; pastor and teacher, Deaconess Institute, Bucharest, Rumania, 1901; traveling lecturer, Berlin Miss. Soc., 1902; pastor, Col¬ linsville, Conn., 1903-06; St. Paul’s, Gretna, Manitoba, 1906-17; St. Paul’s, Langenberg, Sask., Can., 1917- . BIELINSKI, CARL GUSTAV REINHOLD, b. Berlin, Germany, Aug. 27, 1871; s. Johann Gottlieb and Emilie (von Szumlanski) Bielin- ski; Sophien Gymnasium, Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster, 1890; Phila. Sem., 1890-91; U. Berlin, 1892; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; pastor, Zion, Riverside, N. J., 1893-95; asst, pastor, St. Johannis, Read¬ ing, Pa., 1895-1900; assoc, pastor, St. Johannis, Phila., 1900^-10; pastor, 1910-19; continuous service on G. C. and U. L. C. Foreign Miss. Bd., 1901- ; mem., Bd. Inner Miss. Soc., 1901-18; Lutherdank, 1918- ; ed., Der Missionsbote, 1901- ; Der Kleine Missionsbote, 1912; author, Handbuch zur biblischen Geschichte des Neuen Testaments, 1899; Luther’s Kleiner Katechismus mit einem Leitfaden fuer den Unterricht, 1903; numerous pamphlets and articles; various German mission book¬ lets later tr. and published in Swedish; contr., Monatl, Litteratur Blatt, Illustrierte Jugendblactter, Lutherisches Kirchenblatt, Kirchenbote, Germania. FEGELY, WILLIAM OLIVER, b. Breinigsville, Pa., Jan. 8, 1867; s. Benjamin and Mary Ann (Dankel) Fegely; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1890; A.M., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. Anna Mary Snyder, 1893; children, Byron Snyder [killed in Meuse-Argonne offensive, France, 1918], Grace Amanda, Alma Matilda, Florence Eliza¬ beth; pastor, St. John’s, Sayre, Pa., 1893-98; Augustus, Trappe, Pa., 1898- ; mem., Montgomery Co. Historical Soc. FREED, CHARLES ABRAM, b. near Waynesboro, Va., Aug. 23, 1868; s. William and Martha E. Freed; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; D.D., Newberry Col., 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. Ada Grove, 1895; children, Conrad C., Janet G., Elizabeth M., Joe Edward; pastor, Middlebrook, Va., 1893-1903; Ebenezer, Columbia, S. C., 1903-21; Ch. of Redeemer, Newberry, S. C., 1921- ; chaplain, South Carolina Senate, 1913-21; pres., Virginia Syn., 1902-03; pres., 146 ALUMNI 1893 South Carolina Syn., 1908—10; asst, ed., Lutheran Church Visitor, 1904- OS; vice-pres., Bd., Southern Sem., 1908- ; mem., U. L. C. Merger Com., 1917-18; vice-pres., U. L. C. West Indies Miss. Bd., 1920- ; mem., National Lutheran Council, 1920- ; mem., institutional and Syn. bds. HAPP, LEWIS, b. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1871; s. George and Bar¬ bara (Hausmann) Happ; Wagner Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. N. Y. Min., 1893; pastor, St. John’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1893-1922; St. Paul’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1922- . HECKERT, JOHN FLEMING, b. Sarversville, Pa., Apr. 8, 1868; s. Michael S. and Elizabeth C. Heckert; A.B., Thiel Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1893; m. Sarah L. Seiple, 1896; child, Sarah Elizabeth; pastor, Grace, Rochester, Pa., 1893-98; St. Paul’s, Wilkinsburg, Pa., 1898-1910; St. John’s, McKeesport, Pa., 1910- . Hh KLINGENSMITH, FRANK WARREN, b. Kittanning, Pa., May 6, 1868; s. Josiah and Catherine (Snow) Klingensmith; A.B., Thiel Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; fellow in Assyriology, U. of Pa., 1890-94; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. Ellen Allen Rissell, 1895; children, Grace Lydia, Esther Louise, Edward Hays; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Utica, N. Y., 1894-1907; Ch. of the Redeemer, Livingston, Mont., 1908- 16; contr., Lutheran Church Review; d. after years of ill health, Livingston, Mont., May 5, 1916. KOHN, ERNEST HOUSEAL, b. Little Mountain, S. C., Nov. 7, 1863; s. Aaron H. and Martha Elisabeth (Feagle) Kohn; A.B., New¬ berry Col., 1885; Phila. Sem., 1893; Newberry Col., Ph.D.; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. Catherine Ehrhardt, 1895; children, Gertrude Elisabeth, Paul Houseal, Grace Koiner, Ruth, Faith, George Ehrhardt; pastor, Emmanuel, New Market, Va., 1897-1902; St. Peter’s, Natrona, Pa., 1902— 04; St. John’s, Cherryville, N. C., 1904-09; St. James’, Sumter, S. C., 1909-11; Harrold, Pa., parish, 1911-13; Ch. of the Good Shepherd, Mount Holly, N. C., 1913- ; pres., Tennessee Syn.; mem., various bds. and corns.; contr., Ch. press. KURTZ, IRWIN BISHOP, b. East Greenville, Pa., July 19, 1867; s. Augustus E. and Elizabeth Kurtz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; m. Mary Ellen Faust; children, Luther Augustus, Irwin Faust, Ellen Elizabeth; asst, pastor, Emmanuel, Pottstown, Pa., 1893-95; pastor, Augustus, Trappe, 1895-97; Emmanuel, Pottstown, Pa., 1897- ; mem., important Syn. and institutional bds. and corns. 147 1893 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD LONGACRE, JACOB HOPPES, b. Normal Square, Pa., Aug. 10, 1865; s. David L. and Polly (Hoppes) Longacre; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. Irene D. Fenster- macher; children, Rev. David Fenstermacher, ’22, Reuben Fenster- macher; pastor, Weissport, Pa., 1893-1902; Unionville, Pa., parish, 1902- . MADER, CHARLES JOPIN, b. Rondout, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1871; Wagner Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. N. Y. Min., 1893; pastor, Kimberton, Pa., 1893; Harlemville, N. Y., parish, 1894-96; d. Denver, Colo., June 9, 1896. MEKLER, RICHARD JACOB WOLDEMAR, b.-Riga, Livonia, Russia, July 1, 1869; s. Carl Friedrich and Augusta Charlotte Marie Lamster Mekler; U. Berlin; U. of Bonn; U. of Leipzig; Sorbonne and Col. de France; Phila. Sem., 1893; Ph.D., U. of Leipzig; ord. N. Y. Min., 1893; m. Henrietta Amanda Tewes; child, Emilie Augusta Chris¬ tiana; pastor, Zion’s, Grand Forks, N. D., 1893-94; St. John’s, Flushing, L. I., N. Y., 1895-1902; Trinity, Boston, 1903; St. Paul’s, Middletown, Conn., 1904-05; Trinity, Hollis, L. I., 1906-07; St. Paul’s, S. I., 1909- 12; Emanuel’s, New Haven, Conn., 1913-15; Immanuel’s, Naugatuck, and Union City, Conn., 1916; supply pastor in Connecticut and New York, 1917- ; teacher, French and German, Riga and St. Petersburg; contr., Lutherische Kirchenblatt, various European and American periodicals. MILLER, NEVIN EUGENE, b. Lowhill, Pa., Feb. 5, 1866; s. Daniel H. and Pauline Miller; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. Emma J. Hildebeitel, 1894; children, Pauline Ruth, Viola Adele, Nevin Daniel, Emma Carrie; pastor, St. John’s, Phoenixville, Pa., 1893- . * MURRAY, WALDO EMERSON, b. Dedham, Mass., Nov. 26, 1862; s. Walter and Jane (Huggan) Murray; A.B., Thiel Col., 1890; A.M., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1893; graduate work, Berlin U.; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1893; m. Clara Diralla, 1910; child, Grace Cordia; pastor, North Williamsburg parish, Ontario, Can., 1893-95; Grace Ch., Rochester, N. Y., 1895-1905; Mahone Bay parish, Nova Scotia, 1906-09; St. Paul’s, Rochester, N. Y., 1910-15; Holy Trinity, Hickory, N. C., 1915-18; St. Peter’s, Verona, N. Y., 1919-22.; pres., Nova Scotia Syn., 1906-09; d. Verona, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1922. RAUSCH, JOHN CHARLES, b. Phila., June 21, 1867; s. Frederick and Anna Maria (Gonser) Rausch; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1915; m. 148 ALUMNI 1893 Amelia Sallie Kleckner; children, Mary Dorothy, Katharine Alice, Winifred Elizabeth, Anna Caroline, Paul Charles; pastor, Salem, Auden- ried, Pa., and Trinitatis, West Hazleton, Pa., 1893-94; St. Luke’s, Allentown, Pa., 1894- ; mem., Syn. and institutional bds. ►f* RICK, WILLIAM FREDERICK, b. Utica, N. Y., May 27, 1868; s. Frederick and Rosina Rick; A.B., Thiel Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; graduate work, U. of Pa., 189093; ord. N. Y. min., 1893; m. Edith Stanton Clarke, 1894; pastor, St. Mark’s, Williamsport, Pa., 1893-98; chaplain, 12th N. G., Pa., during Spanish-American War; d. of illness contracted in service, Williamsport, Pa., Aug. 21, 1898. * RITTER, IRWIN BEAN, b. Breinigsville, Pa., July 30, 1867; s. Dr. Nathaniel and Anna Louisa (Bean) Ritter; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. Martha M. Leopold, 1893; child, Miriam Corinne; pastor, Pine Valley, Pa., parish, 1893-94; Zionsville, Pa., parish, 1894-1906; Shoenersville-Rittersville, Pa., parish, 1906-16; director, Emaus National Bank; d. Allentown, Pa., May 7, 1916. ROEDER, AUSTIN HENRY, b. North Easthope, Ont., Can.; s. Conrad and Mary Roeder; Wagner Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. Catherine Bock, 1894; child, Herman George; pastor, St. John’s, Tremont, Pa., 1893—98; Christ Ch., Rochester, N. Y., 1898- ; treas., Wagner Col., 190012, 1915-18. Hr* SPAETH, HENRY DOUGLAS, b. Phila., Oct. 18, 1870; s. Rev. Philip Friedrich Adolph Theodor and Maria Dorothea (Duncan) Spaeth; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1887-88; U. of Pa., 1888-90; Phila. Sem., 1893; graduate work, U. of Tuebingen, 1897; D.D., Susquehanna U., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. 1st, Laura Emma Reinhold; 2d, Mrs. Rose (Muhlenberg) West; pastor, Atonement, Asbury Park, N. J., 1893-96; St. Paul’s, Liberty, N. Y., 1896-97; Christ Ch., Easton, Pa., 1897-1901; Redeemer, Albany, N. Y., 1901-10; First Ch., Selinsgrove, Pa., 1910—12; St. Mark’s, Williamsport, Pa., 1912-20; prof., German, Susquehanna U., 1910-12; prof., Homiletics, same, 1913; regular contr., The Lutheran; contr., Lutheran Church Rezncw, American Lutheran Survey; tr., A. Spaeth’s Order of Lutheran Worship; d. Clearview, Fla., Feb. 9, 1920. STEENSLAND, MARTIN MELANCHTHON, b. Sept. 20, 1869; s. Halle (Swedish Consul) and Sophia Halvorson Steensland; Luther Col.; Phila. Sem., 1893; present address unknown. STOUGH, WILLIAM LINCOLN, b. near Trent, Pa., Apr. 8, 1865; s. George Washington and Hannah (Boucher) Stough; A.B., Thiel 149 1893 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Col., 1890; A.M., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1893; ra. Cora Katherine Achre, 1893; pastor, Atonement, Phila., 1893- ; English sec., Min. Pa., 1913- ; sec., G. C., 1919- . •b SWICKARD, WILLIAM ROSS, b. near Osage, O., June 6, 1862; s. Daniel and Elizabeth Swickard; A.B., Thiel Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1893; m. Cora May Eckardt, 1893; pastor, Goshen, Ind., 1893-95; Portland, Ind., 1896-97; Grace, Franklin, Pa., 1898-1901; Mt. Pleasant, Pa., parish, 1901-07; First Ch., San Francisco, 1908- 09; Redlands, Cal., 1910; Berkeley, Cal., 1911-13; St. Luke’s, San Francisco, Cal., 1914-17; d. Los Angeles, Cal., Apr. 22, 1920. WANAERKE, CARL E. R., b. Frachenberg, Germany, Mar. 3, 1867; Wagner Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; pastor, Immanuel, Hudson, N. Y., 1894-98; Concordia, Kendall, N. Y. (Syn. Conference), 1899-1903; present address unknown. WELLER, PAUL M. W., b. Stolp, Germany, Jan. 1, 1869; Wagner Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. N. Y. Min., 1893; asst, pastor, St. Peter’s, Preston, Ont., 1893; Potter, N. Y., 1894-1900; withdrew from N. Y. Min., 1900; present address unknown. WEYL, JOHN ANDREW, b. Kingston, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1870; s. Wil¬ liam H. and Mary Margaret Weyl; Wagner Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; graduate work, Union Sem., 2 years; ord. N. Y. Min., 1893; m. Katherine Bender, 1896; pastor, St. Paul’s, Liverpool, N. Y., 1893-96; Grace, New York City, 1896- ; English sec., N. Y. Min., 1906-09; archivist, N. Y. Min.; vice-pres., N. Y. Min., 1922- ; mem., important Syn. and institutional bds. and corns.; author, Trials of the Early Lutherans in Nezv York City and various pamphlets; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Rezheiv. * WHITMORE, FRANKLIN ELLIS, b. Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 11, 1868; s. Michael and Anna Whitmore; A.B., Thiel Col., 1890; A.M., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1893; m. Maria A. Williams, 1894; pastor, St. James’, Phila., 1893-1922; asst, librarian, Athenaeum, Phila.; d. Phila., Feb. 1, 1922. ZUBER, THEOPHILUS, b. Pittston, Pa., Jan. 7, 1872; s. Rev. Lud¬ wig and Karolina (Mueller) Zuber; Wagner Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1893; ord. Min. Pa., 1893; m. Bertha Elizabeth Crone, 1896; child, Otto Bismark; pastor, Treverton, Pa., 1893-96; St. John’s, Tamaqua, Pa., 1896-98; St. John’s, Pittston, Pa., 1899-1909; Weissport, Pa., parish, 1909- 11 ; retired on account of ill health; present address, Weissport, Pa. 150 ALUMNI 1894 1894 BALLENTINE, SIDNEY CALHOUN, b. Pine Ridge, S. C.; s. John William and Mary Magdalene Ballentine; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1891; Phila. Sem., 1894; ord. Min. Pa., 1894; m. Carrie Emma Julian, 1894; children, Pearl Julian, William Augustus, Charles Sidney, Horace Mann, Mary Carolyn, Abner Calhoun, Lucy Llewella; pastor. Bethel parish, White Rock, S. C., 1894-1905; Hawkins’ Chapel, Rural Retreat, Va., 1905-08; Leesville, S. C., 1908-15; Bethlehem, Pomaria, S. C., 1915-17; Damascus, Va., 1918-22; Luther Memorial, Blacksburg, Va., 1922- ; chaplain, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1922- ; sec., South Carolina Syn., 1897-1905; sec., Southwestern Virginia Syn., 1921- ; mem., Bd. Trustees, Summerland Col., and other institutional bds. BIEBER, MILTON JAMES, b. Kutztown, Pa., Dec. 13, 1862; s. Jonathan and Briggita Bieber; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1891; A.M., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1894; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1894; m. Bertha Leeds Manning, 1898; pastor, Trinity, Mount Joy, Pa., 1894-97; Redeemer, Binghamton, N. Y., 1897-1904; G. C. Field Miss., 1904-17; G. C. Eastern Dist. Supt., 1917-18; miss, supt., Syn. of North¬ west, 1919- ; acting field sec., Northwest Sem., 1922; first pres., Syn. of Central Canada, 1909-12; teaching, public schs., 1880-88; instr., Waterloo Sem., 1912-13; mem., Pa. German Soc.; author, various pamphlets on Home Miss, subjects; frequent contr., The Lutheran; contr., Lutheran Church Review and other papers, secular and religious. KISTLER, WILLIAM WERLEY, b. West Penn, Pa., Sept. 12, 1861; s. Daniel and Maria (Werley) Kistler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1891; Phila. Sem., 1894; ord. Min. Pa., 1894; m. Mary Evalyn Mantz, 1894; children, William Jacob, Myron Mantz, Daniel D.; pastor, St. Paul’s, Upper Saucon, Pa., New Jerusalem, Leithsville, Pa., St. John’s, Coopers- burg, Pa., 1894- . POESCHE, FREDERICK WILHELM OTTO, b. Insterburg, East Prussia, Jan. 31, 1866; Phila. Sem., 1894; ord. Min. Pa., 1894; pastor. East Greene, Pa., 1895; Westfield, N. Y., 1896; present address unknown. RUPHOFF, HERMAN HENRY AUGUST CEIRISTOPH, b. near Kassel, Germany, Jan. 17, 1871; s. Henry and Helen (Klages) Ruphoff; Phila. Sem., 1894; graduate work, Concordia Sem.; ord. Min. Pa., 1894; m. Julia Miller, 1901; children, Helen, Paula, Laura, Emma; pastor, Ringgold, Pa., 1894-95; Youngstown, O., 1895-98; Ashland, O., 1899- 1900; Holt Co., Neb., 1901-03; Deshler, Neb., 1903-06; Schuyler, Neb., 1908-12; Salt Lake City, Utah, 1913-14; withdrew from active ministry account of ill health, 1914; present address, Grant Island, Neb. 151 1895 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD SENEKER, HIRAM FREDERICK JOSIAH, b. Bristol, Tenn., Feb. 15, 1863; s. James King and Leonora (Armentrout) Seneker; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1891; A.M., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1894; ord. Min. Pa., 1894; m. Sarah Allinda Fister, 1895; children, Julia Swan, Leonora Armentrout; asst, pastor, St. John’s, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1894-95; organizer and pastor, Christ Ch., Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1895-1904; organizer and pastor, St. Luke’s, Noxen, Pa., 1895-97; St. James’, Wanamie, Pa., 1896-1904; St. Luke’s, Easton, Pa., 1904—12; Ch. of the Transfiguration, Pottstown, Pa., 1912- . SNYDER, CHARLES CLINTON, b. Sellersville, Pa., Oct. 23, 1866; s. Simon H. and Lydia Ann Snyder; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1891; Phila. Sem., 1894; ord. Min. Pa., 1894; m. Sarah Elizabeth Snyder, 1894; pastor, St. John’s, Centre Square, Pa., 1894-1903, 1921- ; Lower Tinicum, Pa., parish, 1903-12; Trinity, Quakertown, Pa., 1912-16; Holy Spirit, Reading, Pa., 1917-21. WEISKOTTEN, CHARLES PETER, b. Mansfield, O., Dec. 1, 1860; s. Robert and Elizabeth (Boetcher) Weiskotten; A.B., Thiel Col., 1891; Phila. Sem., 1894; ord. Min. Pa., 1894; m. Margaret E. Fister, 1897; children, Thomas, Robert, Eda Allinda; pastor, Epiphany, Manayunk, Phila., 1894-1904; St. James, Tuscarawas, O., 1904-05; Grace, Rochester, N. Y., 1906; St. Paul’s, Roseville, O., 1907-10; field miss., Southern Peninsula of Michigan, Michigan Syn., 1911- ; contr., The Lutheran; author, Bits of Thought, 1900. ZARNKE, CONRAD F., b. St. Clements, Ont., Can., July 10, 1870; s. Frederick and Caroline (Hillmann) Zamke; Wagner Col.; Phila. Sem., 1894; ord. Canada Syn., 1894; m. Mary Anne Steiss, 1894; child, Egbert Erich; pastor, Arnprior, Ont., 1894-96; Pembroke, Ont., 1896- 1909; New Hamburg, Ont., 1909-11; Breslau, Ont., 1912—16; St. Matthew’s, Kitchener, Ont., 1916-17; St. Peter’s, Desboro, Ont., St. James’, Williamsford, Ont., 1918-21; St. Matthew’s, Conestoga, Ont., 1921- . 1885 ALTPETER, PETER, b. Rochester, N. Y., May 7, 1868; s. Peter and Martha Elizabeth (Kluemeroth) Altpeter; A.B., Thiel Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1893-95; D.D., Thiel Col., 1918; ord. Alin. Pa., 1895; m. Rozetta Julia Hogue, 1896; children, Martha Minerva, Milton Edwin, Gretchen Maude, Lucia Carroll; pastor, Trin¬ ity, Rochester, N. Y., 1895-98; St. John’s, Catawissa, Pa., 1898-1906; Atonement, Buffalo, N. Y., 1906-21; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran ' Church Reznew; present address, Altadena, Cal. 152 ALUMNI 1805 BERTOLET, ULYSSES S. GRANT, b. Fagleysville, Pa., Apr. 23, 1866; s. Samuel S. and Malinda Bertolet; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. 1st, Ida J. Blank, 1896; 2d, Caroline L. Fox, 1915; children, Dorothy, Beatrice, William, Samuel, Constance; pastor, Nativity, Phila., 1895-1904; Holy Trinity, Chester, Pa, 1905-12; Min. Pa. Field Miss, Phila, 1912-19; U. L. C. Dist. Supt. Miss, 1919— ; address, Oaklyn, N. J. BEYSHER, EDWIN MONTGOMERY, b. Red Hill, Pa., Sept. 28, 1871; s. Edwin N. and Rebecca (Reiter) Beysher; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1892; A.M, 1895; Phila. Sem, 1895; ord. Min. Pa, 1895; m. Dora S. Koons, 1896; child, Helen Elizabeth; pastor, Hobbie parish, Luzerne Co, Pa, 1895-1900; St. John’s, Sayre, Pa, 1900- . BOSCH, FREDERICK HENRY ALBERT, b. Brooklyn, N. Y, Aug. 8, 1870; s. Henry and Dorette Maria Louise (Dreyer) Bosch; Wagner Col, 1892; Phila. Sem, 1895; ord. N. Y. Min, 1895; m. Anna Christine Klee, 1896; children, Frederick Henry Albert, Jr, Rev. Herbert Arnold, ’21, Edmund Adelbert, Ruth Anna, Dorothy Christine, Austin Luther Paul; pastor, St. John’s, South Brooklyn, N. Y, 1895-1904; St. Paul’s, New York City, 1904- ; German sec, N. Y. Min.; pres, 1917-20; mem. Executive Bd, 1922- ; pres, G. C, 1920- ; vice-pres, Man¬ hattan Lutheran Hospital, 1922- ; mem, important bds. and corns. BRUBECK, JOHN JACOB, h. Staunton, Va.; s. William and Susanna Brubeck; A.B, Roanoke Col, 1892; Phila. Sem, 1895; ord. Min. Pa, 1895; m. Sept. 4, 1895; children, Horace Asdale, Claude Bertram, Paul Egbert, Harold Edmund; pastor, Grace Ch, Allegheny, Pa, 1895-1901; St. John’s, McKeesport, Pa, 1901-04; Holy Trinity, Jeannette, Pa, 1904-18; Derry, Pa, 1918-19; Chester, Pa, 1919-23; Epiphany, N. Y. City, 1923- . DOERR, FREDERIC, b. Lancaster, Pa, Sept. 20, 1864; s. John and Regina Doerr; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1892; A.M, 1895; Phila. Sem, 1895; ord. Min. Pa, 1895; pastor, St. Stephen’s, Wilmington, Del, 1895- ; author, Anniversary Souvenir, St. Stephen’s Church, 1913. DOZER, CLEMENT LAIRD VALLANDIGHAM, b. Dozer Ridge, O, Apr. 25, 1864; s. Solomon and Mary Magdalena Dozer; A.B, Thiel Col, 1892; Phila. Sem, 1895; student, vocal music, Washington, D. C, Ashtabula, O, Chicago, Ill.; ord. Dist. Syn. of O, 1895; m. Mary E. Bowman, 1900; children, Augustus Laird, Theodore Clement; pastor, Adamsville, O, 1895-96; supply pastor, St. Luke’s, Dayton, O, 1896; Zion’s, Cleveland, O, 1897; pastor, Portland-Alexandria, O, parish, 1898-1901; St. Peter’s, North East, Pa, 1903-04; Middle Lancaster, 153 1895 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD O., 1907—10; First English, Ashtabula, O., 1910-20; St. Paul’s, Den¬ mark Center, O., 1914-21; St. Luke’s, North Baltimore, O., 1921- . DRACH, JOHN GEORGE PETER, b. Greenport, L. I., Sept. 3, 1873; s. John Peter and S. A. Pauline (Simon) Drach; Wagner Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1920; ord. N. Y. Min., 1895; m. Marie D. Sterr, 1899; children, Ruth Dorothy, Katharine Amelia, John Douglas, Robert Welden, Howard Sterr; asst, pastor, Trinity, Reading, 1895-96; pastor, St. Stephen’s, Phila., 1897-1905; general sec., G. C. Foreign Miss. Bd., 1905-18; sec., U. L. C. Foreign Miss. Bd., 1919- ; special lecturer on Foreign Miss., Phila. Sem., 1922-23; dele¬ gate to World Miss. Conference, Edinburgh, 1910; chairman, Foreign Miss. Conference of North America, 1914; mem., Com. of Reference and Counsel, 1922- ; author, Luther’s Small Catechism for the Blind, The Words of the Lazv, The Telugu Mission, many pamphlets on foreign miss, subjects; ed., Foreign Missionary, 1906- ; contr., Lutheran Church Review, The Lutheran, American Lutheran Survey, Missionary Review> of the World; mem., various bds. and corns. EBERWEIN, CHARLES WILLIAM, b. Mechanicsville, Pa., Apr. 30, 1870; s. William and Anna Maria Eberwein; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1891; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. Irene M. Ritter, 1895; children, Ruth, Frane, Lois; pastor, Port Carbon-Middleport, Pa., par¬ ish, 1895- ; Frieden’s, Llewellyn, Pa., 1912- . FISCHER, AUGUST, b. Pfedelbach, Wuerttemberg, Germany, Jan. 30, 1868; s. Christian and Therese (Lieb) Fischer; Wagner Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. Julia A. Haebler, 1896; children, Julia Therese Emilie, Lydia Bertha Emma, Paul Edward, Elsie Emma; pastor, St. Michael’s, Phila., 1895-1906; St. John’s, Nanti- coke, Pa., 1906-16; Zion, Scranton, Pa., 1916- . FREY, WILLIAM EDWARD, b. Hancock, Md„ July 29, 1867; s. John and Mary Jane (Bechtol) Frey; A.B., Thiel Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1895; m. Harriet Elizabeth Berst, 1897; pastor, Zion’s Ch., Erie, Pa., 1895- ; mem., G. C. and U. L. C. Foreign Miss. Bds., 1907- ; and other important Pittsburgh Syn., G. C., U. L. C. bds. and corns.; pres., Bd. of Trustees, Thiel Col., 1910-22. HARTER, NORMAN NEWTON, b. near Akron, O., Aug. 19, 1867; s. David and Catherine Ann (Lower) Harter; A.B., Thiel Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Dist. Syn. of O., 1895; m. Lydia Evaline Heckert, 1898; pastor, Sarver, Pa., 1895-1900; Adamsville, O., 1901-05; St. Paul’s, Corry, Pa., 1907-09; Ch. of the Redeemer, Langhorne, Pa., 154 ALUMNI 1895 1909-11; Ch. of Our Saviour, Salinas, Cal., 1911-16; since then supplied various churches in southern California. JUNGE, WILLIAM JOHN FREDERICK THEODORE, b. Barkow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany, May 29, 1872; s. Wilhelm and Caro¬ line (Jarchow) Junge; Wagner Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. N. Y. Min., 1895; m. 1st, Minnie Siegler, 1895; 2d, Augusta C. Huelster, 1903; children, William Adolph, Julia Meta Augusta Wilhelmina; pas¬ tor, Kendall, N. Y., 1895-99; Newburgh, N. Y., 1899-1900; St. Matthew’s, New York City, 1900- ; author, History of St. Matthew’s Church (German and English), 1912. KERSCHNER, CHARLES ALFRED, b. Rothrocksville, Pa., Dec. 31, 1860; s. Charles and Julia Ann (Weida) Kerschner; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1890-92; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. Sarah A. Klotz, 1884; child, Maude J.; pastor, Pine Valley, Pa., parish, 1895— 1900; Conyngham, Pa., 1900-06; South Allentown and Lehigh parish, Pa., 1906- . KRAUCH, OSCAR WILLIAM LOUIS, b. Weilimdorf, Wuerttem- berg, Germany; s. Friedrich Jonathan and Pauline (Suesskind) Krauch; Wagner Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. N. Y. Min., 1895; m. Emilie Josephine Weitzel, 1895; children, Oscar Max, Edgar William Luther; pastor, St. Peter’s, Verona Mills, N. Y., 1895-99; Saugerties, N. Y., 1899-1901; St. John’s, Albany, N. Y., 1901-15; St. John’s, Buffalo, N. Y., 1915- ; pres., N. Y. Min., 1920-22; mem., important Syn. and institutional bds. and corns. *i* METZENTHIN, PAUL GEORG WILHELM, b. Muehlhausen, Germany, Feb. 25, 1874; s. Rev. Ernst and Marie (sister of Rev. Dr. Oscar Pank, Leipsic) Metzenthin; Wagner Col., 1887; Johannesstift, Berlin, 1891-93; auditor, U. of Berlin, 1891-94; Phila. Sem., 1895; graduate work, Columbia U.; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. Elisabeth Kather¬ ine Priester, 1895; children, Paul Ernst Henry, Waldemar William, Elisabeth Marie Susanne, Friedrich Karl; pastor, Trinity, Reynoldsville, Pa., 1895-98; St. Matthew’s, Benwood, W. Va., 1898-1902; social service, New York City; business, 1902-08; teaching and principal of Texas High Schs., 1908-12; sec., Architectural Soc. of New York City; authority on col. athletics; contr., secular press; d. Esperanza, Sonora, Mexico, June 13, 1913. PREUSS, GEORG PAUL ULRICH JOACHIM, b. Duennow, Ger¬ many, Aug. 19, 1868; s. Ernest and Marie Preuss; Greifenberg and Kropp, Germany; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. Flora May Smith; children, Frederick Ernest, Margaret Marie; pastor. Briar 155 I8S5 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Hill, Youngstown, O., 1895-97; Mansfield, O., 1897-1903; Kittanning, Pa., 1903-17; Ch. of the Covenant, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1917- . RAMER, ADAM LAUBENSTEIN, b. Kutztown, Pa., Jan. 5, 1867; s. Jacob H. and Mary (Laubenstein) Ramer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; graduate work, U. of Pa., Ph.D., 1895; student in Hungary, 1906H)8; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. Katherine Kress, 1895; child, Paul William; pastor, St. Mark’s, Scranton, Pa., 1895-1906; supt., G. C. Slav Miss. Bd., 1908—18, and U. L. C. Immigrant Miss. Bd., 1918- ; contr., Lutheran Liturgical Association Memoirs, Lutheran Church Review, The Lutheran; author, various tracts on mission work among immigrants. REED, LUTHER DOTTERER, see under The Faculty, page 47. RICHARDS, HENRY BRANSON, b. Phila., Feb. 5, 1873; s. Lt. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg (Litt.D., graduate Annapolis Naval Academy and author) and Ella (Van Leer) Richards; great-great- grandson Henry Melchior Muhlenberg; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1892; A.M., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. Martha Anna Bittner; pastor, Ch. of the Transfiguration, Phila., 1895-1903; St. James’, Lebanon, Pa., 1903-14; field sec., G. C. Porto Rico Miss. Bd., 1914-16; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Rochester, N. Y., 1916- ; mem., Pa. German Soc.; companion, 2d class, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, U. S.; contr., Lutheran Church Review. ROHDE, WALTER CHRISTOPH NATHANAEL, b. Simoetzel, Germany, July 16, 1869; s. Rev. Johann Carl Friedrich and Caroline Wilhelmine (Gramm) Rohde; Treptow Gymnasium, 1884-87; Greifen- berg Gymnasium, Pomerania, 1887-89; Breklum Sem., 1890-93; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. Alwine Kirsch, 1898; child, Lydia Charlotte; pastor, Friedens, Rochester, N. Y., 1896-1902; Farnham, N. Y., 1902-16; St. Luke’s, New York City, 1916- . -I- SIGURDSON, THORKELL OLOF, b. Iceland, Apr. 30, 1869; A.B., Thiel Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; Ph.D., Thiel Col., 1895; d. Grund, Manitoba, Dec. 27, 1895. SMITH, LUTHER JONAS, b. Ligonier, Pa., Feb. 10, 1869; s. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Smith; A.B., Thiel Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Dist. Syn. of O., 1892; pastor, St. Paul’s, Roseville, O., 1892-1914; First Ch., Goshen, Ind., 1914; Bethany, Cleveland, O., 1915- . SPIEKER, CHARLES GERASH, b. Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Oct. 4, 1870; s. Rev. Prof. George Frederick and Hannah (Hoch) Spieker; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 156 ALUMNI 1896 1895; m. Anna Luisa Schaefer, 1898; children, Paul Frederick, Mar- gareth Elizabeth; pastor, First English Ch., Cleveland, O., 1895-97; Holy Trinity, Scranton, Pa., 1897-1901, 1910^-15; organized and pastor, St. John's, Ogontz, Pa., 1902-10; d. Scranton, Pa., Apr. 19, 1915. STETLER, ISAAC HENRY, b. Phila., Mar. 14, 1869; s. Rev. Daniel Morgan, 74, and Barbara Anna Stetler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1895; Ph.D., Potomac U., 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; m. 1st, Lillian Ethel Wilks, 1897; 2d, Emma Fuhrer, 1908; children, Eileen Wilks, Frederick M., Ada Katheryn, Meta Anna, Barbara Ruth, Isaac Herman, Daniel Luther, Esther Eileen. Mark Leroy; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila., 1895-96; St. Peter’s, North East, Pa., 1896-97; St. Paul’s, Coudersport, Pa., 1898-1908; Monaca, Pa., 1908-12; Fultonham, O., 1912-19; Doylestown, O., 1919- ; pres., Sch. Bd., and pres., Borough Council, Fultonham, O. TRAFFORD, EDWARD HENRY, b. Monroe Valley, Pa., Nov. 28, 1867; s. Samuel Bowman and Rebecca (Ellis) Trafford ;• A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1892; A.M., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1895; ord. Min. Pa., 1895; pastor, St. Peter’s, West Pikeland, Pa., 1895-1903, 1915-19; G. C. Miss., India, 1903-08; pastor, Ch. of the Covenant, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1910-11; St. Barnabas’, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1911-15; Peace Ch. (Tohicken), Weisel, Pa., 1923- . 1896 BENZE, LEOPOLD OTTO, b. Warren, Pa., Mar. 26, 1869; s. Rev. Adolph Leopold and Elizabeth Catherine (Kiehl) Benze; A.B., Thiel Col., 1893; A.M., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1896; m. Estelle A. Hess, 1896; children, Leona, Alice, Estelle, Elizabeth Irene, John Warren, James Gauss; pastor, First English, Zelienople, Pa., 1896-1904; St. John’s, McKeesport, Pa., 1904-09; St. Stephen’s, Erie, Pa., 1909- . CASSELL, CHARLES WILLIS, b. Rural Retreat, Va., Mar. 25, 1871; s. Michael and Eliza Annie (Repass) Cassell; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Southwestern Virginia Syn., 1896; m. Helen Roberta Buchanan, 1899; children, Joseph Buchanan, Eliza Helen, Mary Brown, Anna Catherine, Rebekah; pastor, Bland Co., Va., 1896^-98; Graham, Va., 1898-1903; Bluefield, Va., 1904-05; Stephens City, Va., 1905-15; Trinity, Buena Vista, Va., 1916-18; Salem, Mt. Sidney, Va., 1918- ; sec., Southwestern Virginia Syn.; sec., Virginia Syn., 1917- . EBERT, ALFRED OLIVER, b. Lynn Twp, Lehigh Co., Pa., Feb. 19, 1870; s. Amandes and Sarah A. (Moser) Ebert; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Annie Minerva 157 1896 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Fegley, 1897; children, Paul Fegley, Anna Katharine, Alfred John, Luther James, Carl Amandes, Ruth Florence, Helen Sarah, Ralph Henry; pastor, Audenried-Beaver Meadow, Pa., parish, 1896-1904; Rit- tersville-Schoenersville, Pa., 1904-06; New Tripoli, Pa., 1906- . ERBES, HENRY CARL JULIUS, b. Dunkirk, N. Y., May 1, 1873; s. Henry and Marianna (Hartmann) Erbes; Wagner Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. N. Y. Min., 1896; pastor, St. Paul’s, Summit Hill, Pa., 1896-98; Trinit}'', Rochester, N. Y., 1898- ; English sec., N. Y. Min., 1899-1900; sec., N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1915- . FISCHER, JOHN LEONARD, b. Bullau, Plessen Darmstadt, Ger¬ many, Apr. 22, 1871; s. George Adam and Elizabetha Barbara (Mohr) Fischer; A.B., Thiel Col.; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1896; m. Mary Foulke Moninger, 1897; children, Dorothea Elizabeth, Katharine Louise, Anna Mary, Frances Irene, George Edmund, Theo¬ dora Pauline Margaret; pastor, Red Bank, Pa., parish, 1896-1903; Christ Ch., Beaver Falls, Pa., 1903-09; St. John’s, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1909-17; regularly supplied Springdale and Tarentum, Pa., Miss, for several years; pastor, St. John’s, Parkersburg, W. Va., 1917- ; financial rep¬ resentative, Zelienople Old People's Home. GONGAWARE, GEORGE JONAS, b. Adamsburg, Pa., Dec. 17, 1866; s. Philip J. and Hettie (Eisaman) Gongaware; A.B., Thiel Col., 1893; A.M., 1897; Phila. Sem, 1896; D.D, Thiel Col, 1911; ord. Pittsburgh Syn, 1896; m. 1st, Frances Mary Brown, 1900; children, Frances Cecilia, Hartford Philip ; 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth Bateman Geissinger, 1913; pastor, St. Paul’s, Uniontown, Pa, 1896-1901; First Ch, Warren, Pa, 1904—05; assoc, pastor, First Ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 1905-07; pastor, 1907-13; St. John’s, Charleston, S. C, 1913- ; prof. Literature and History, Greensburg Sem, 1901—03; miss, supt, Pittsburgh S} r n, 1903- 04; archivist, Lutheran Liturgical Assoc, 1898-1905; sec. treas, Ch. Music and Liturgical Art Soc, 1907- ; pres, Pittsburgh Syn, 1910—13; pres, G. C. Bd. Education, 1911-13; vice-pres, U. L. C. Bd. Education, 1917- ; pres, Pittsburgh Syn. Inner Miss. Bd, 1907-10; mem, bd. Institution of Protestant Deaconesses, 1910-20; chaplain, Sumter Guards of South Carolina, 1918- ; chaplain, The Fellowship Society of Charles¬ ton, 1916- ; chairman, Com. on Education, Charleston Chamber of Commerce, 1917- ; chairman, by appointment of Governor Cooper, of South Carolina, of Charleston Co. Welfare Board, 1918; mem. South Carolina Soc.; mem, important G. C. and U. L. C. coins.; contr. The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Visitor; author, various published sermons. GREEVER, WALTON HARLOWE, b. Burke’s Garden, Va, Dec. 18, 1870; s. John D. and Mary (Spracher) Greever; A.B, Roanoke 158 ALUMNI 1833 Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1896; D.D., Newberry C'ol., 1908; ord. South¬ western Virginia Syn., 1896; m. 1st, Neira Roberta Bruegel, 1901; 2d, Neta J. Umberger, 1917; children, Walton Harlowe, Jr., Miriam Roberta, Mary Virginia; pastor, Bluefield, W. Va., 1894-1901; St. Paul’s, Columbia, S. C., 1901-08; Church of the Ascension, Eau Claire, Columbia, S. C., 1914- ; lecturer, Southern Sem., 1912-14; sec., South¬ western Virginia Syn.; pres., South Carolina Syn.; mem., important Syn. and U. L. C. corns.; mem., National Lutheran Council; director, national campaigns for Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Welfare and World Re¬ construction; manager, Lutheran Bd. Publication, Columbia, S. C., 1908- 14; ed., Lutheran Church Visitor, 1904—14; founder and ed.-in-chief, American Lutheran Survey, 1914- ; contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Visitor, American Lutheran Survey; author, Scripture Lessons for the Year, Catechism on Constitution of the United States; Workers with God, 1921; book of verse, numerous tracts, etc. HAMMER, ERNST JULIUS, b. Unter-Weissig, Saxony, Germany, Apr. 22, 1874; s. Ernst Heinrich and Auguste Wilhelmine (Petermann) Hammer; Kropp Proseminary, 1889-92; Kropp Sem., 1892-93; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. N. Y. Min., 1896; m. Martha Elisabeth Wolf, 1898; children, Margarete Dorothea, Maria Martha, Ernst Ferdinand, Johannes Julius, Walter Julius; pastor, New Dundee, Ont., Can., 1897-1904; Elkhorn, Wis., 1904-06; Verona, N. D., 1906-09; Windsor, Colo., 1909- 11; Millard, Neb., 1911-18; Glidden, la., 1918-19; Cowles, Neb., 1919- . HELMS, ROBERT ANDREW, b. Middlebrook, Va., Feb. 25, 1866; s. Robert Andrew and Sarah Jane Helms; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Virginia Syn., 1896; m. M. L. McFarland, 1896; children, Mary Firth, Gladys Irene, Paul Marvin; pastor, Buena Vista, Va., 1896-99; Troutman, N. C., 1899-1902; Cannon Falls, Minn., 1902- 07; North St. Paul, Minn., 1907-12; South Whitley, Ind., 1913-17; Butler* Ind., 1917-20; Oshkosh-Lewelln, Neb., 1920- . HEYD, ALBERT, b. Middle Village, L. I., Oct. 26, 1876; s. Louis and Elizabeth (Mueller) Heyd; Wagner Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. N. Y. Min., 1897; pastor, St. John’s, Bloomfield, N. J., 1896-1900; First Ch., Lyons, N. Y., 1900- . HUNTON, CHARLES KRAUTH, b. East Germantown, Ind., Nov. 23, 1872; s. Rev. John Henry and Lavinia Priscilla (Baker) Hunton; A.B., Thiel Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Dist. Syn. of O., 1896; m. Elizabeth Rosina Meyer, 1901; children, Charles Adelbert, Hortense Elizabeth, Anna Priscilla; pastor, Ada, O., 1896-98; First English Ch., Columbus, O., 1898-1905; College Ch., Salem, Va., 1905-20; retired on account of ill health, 1920; sec., Dist. Syn. of O., 1905; pres., South- 159 1896 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD western Virginia Syn., 1913-15; mem., Bd. Trustees, Salem, Va., Or¬ phans’ Home, and treas., 1918-19; sec., bd., Roanoke Women’s Col., 1911-15; Elizabeth Col., 1915- ; statistical sec., Luther League of America, 1900-12; mem., various bds. and corns.; contr., blackboard outlines, G. C. Lesson Commentary, 1901-21. KERCHER, GEORGE AMBROSE, b. near Fogelsville, Pa., Aug. 17, 1874; s. Harry Kieffer and Sarah A. (Schmoyer) Kercher; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Ella Gertrude Baker, 1909; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila., 1896-1904; Grace, Norristown, Pa., 1904-15; Trinity, Mount Joy, Pa., 1916- . KRAHMER, JOHN CHRISTIAN CHARLES, b. Eisenbuehl, Ba¬ varia, Germany, Sept. 24, 1870; s. Johann Nicholas and Anna (Teich- mann) Krahmer; Wagner Col., 1893; Phila. Setn., 1896; graduate work, U. of Rochester, 1898-99, 1921-22; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Lydia Christine Grab, 1899; children, Theodore J., Herbert Christian, Alfred John; pastor, St. Luke’s, Noxen, and St. John’s, Ricketts, Pa., 1896-97; Saugerties, N. Y., 1901—07; Emmanuel, Hudson, N. Y., 1907-15; St. Paul’s, Pittsford and St. John’s, Victor, N. Y., 1915- ; prof., Latin, Wagner Col., 1897-1901; instr., German, Hudson, N. Y., High Sch., 1907-15; French, Latin, German, Pittsford, N. Y., High Sch., 1915-20. LAUB, WILLIAM OSCAR, b. Lehigh Twp., Northampton Co., Pa., Oct. 22, 1871; s. Lewis F. and Ellen (Kurtz) Laub; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Cora M. Tida- bock, 1892; children, Mary Ellen, Harold William, Margaret Isabel, Grace Aleen, Paul Lewis, Ruth Janet; pastor, Freeport, Pa., 1896-1904; West Reading, Pa., 1904- ; sec., bd., Topton Orphans’ Home. LEIBENSPERGER, AMBROSE WILLIAM, b. Maxatawny, Pa., Jan. 1, 1874; s. Stephen and Hannah Susanna (Deisher) Leibensperger; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Mary Elizabeth Frederick, 1896; child, Catherine Anna; pastor, Brickerville, Pa., parish, 1896-1903; junior pastor, Salem, Lebanon, Pa., 1903-20; Reamstown, Pa., parish, 1921- ; chairman, Min. Pa., Auditing Com., 1912- . MacINTOSH, ADEN BRUCE, b. Morrisburg, Out., Can.,' May 10, 1871; s. Barney Uriah and Catherine Maria (Garlough) Macintosh; A.B., Thiel Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Lillian Edna Wagoner, 1897; children, Walter Bruce, Dorothy Wagoner; pastor, Spring City, Pa., 1896-1902; Grace, Bethlehem, Pa., 1902-12; Trinity, Norristown, Pa., 1912-21; Trinity, 160 ALUMNI 1896 Lancaster, Pa., 1921- ; chaplain, A. E. F., in France, 1918-19; mem., important bds. and coins. MEYER, HANS ERNST WILHELM ROBERT, b. Muender, Ger¬ many, Jan. 17, 1872; s. Rev. Georg and Marie (Schneider) Meyer; Gymnasium, Hanover, Germany; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Martha A. Ruediger, 1898; children, George W. H., Ralph LIugo, Elizabeth M., Gertrude R.; pastor, Salem, Phila., 1896-97; Christus, South Williamsport, Pa., 1897-99; St. Johannes, Bridgeton, N. J., 1899— 1903; Seamen’s pastor and city miss., Phila., 1903-07; St. Paul’s, Phila., 1907- . MEYER, HUGO ERNST DAVID, b. Bueckeburg, Schaumburg- Lippe, Germany, Dec. 30, 1864; s. Carl Ernst and Auguste Friederike Ernestine (von Ehrenstein) Meyer; Adolfinum, Bueckeburg, 1885; U. of Goettingen, 1885, 1888-89; U. of Marburg, 1886; U. of Berlin, 1886— 88; U. of Oxford, 1894; Phila. Sem., 1896; Ph.D., Iowa Christian Col., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Ella Elizabeth Ebner, 1910; children, Eleanor Lillian Johanna, Ernest Adolph; pastor, St. Paul’s, Millville, N. J., 1896-1905; Grace, Roxboro, Phila., 1905-07; Atonement, Asbury Park, N. J., 1908-11; Trinity, Ravena, N. Y., 1911-12; Trinity, Albany, N. Y., 1911-13; Christ Ch., Woodhaven, N. Y., 1913- ; instr., Lan¬ guages, Hanover, Germany, 1889-93. MILLER, JOSHUA HAUSER, b. Appenzell, Pa., Jan. 2, 1866; s. Jacob C. and Elizabeth (Hauser) Miller; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1893; A.M., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1896; Ph.D., Taylor U., 1902; m. Anna Wal¬ lace Levering, 1897; children, Theodore Kenneth, Adeline Elizabeth; pastor, St. John’s, Newcastle, Pa., 1896-1906, 1906—18; St. Mark’s, Scran¬ ton, Pa., 1906; Holy Trinity, Irwin, Pa., 1918- ; author, The Bible of Nature and the Bible of Grace, 1919; mem., institutional bds. MOSSER, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, b. New Tripoli, Pa., Apr. 21, 1866; s. David S. and Catherine (Gombert) Mosser; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1893; A.M., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1896; m. Mrs. Anna M. Parry, 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; pastor, St. Paul’s, Coudersport, Pa., and St. John’s, Mina, Pa., 1896^98; relinquished ministry on account of ill health; in business, Bethlehem, Pa., since 1903; present address, Oak Lane, Phila., Pa. MOYER, HARRISON ERB, b. Niantic, Pa., Nov. 5, 1860; s. Henry Jacob and Sophia (Erb) Moyer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1891; A.M., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Amanda E. LeFevre; children, Phoebe L., Rev. Henry Harrison, ’20, Esther Andora, Floyd Herman, Florence Estella, Grace Lillian, Helen Amanda, Stella Sophia; 161 1896 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD pastor, Towamensing parish, Pa., 1896- ; instr., Languages, New Windsor Col., 1891-93. MUELLER, EDUARD JULIUS HANS, b. Augsburg, Germany, Oct. 20, 1875; s. Eduard and Wilhelmine Mueller; Gymnasium, Munich, 1892; Phila. Sem., 1896; D.D., 1920; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Johanna Emilie Melanie; children, Hans Rudolf Manoharam, Hannah Martha Velugu, Margarethe Stephanie Santoslyama, Dorothea Carola Karuna; G. C. Miss., India, 1896-99; G. S. and U. L. C. Miss., India, 1899-1919; U. L. C. Miss., Buenos Ayres, South America, 1919- ; author, Telugn Church History, 1909. REICHARDT, CHARLES JULIUS AUGUST, b. Gschwend, Wuert- temberg, Germany, Dec. 15, 1870; s. Carl August and Caroline (Muehl- bach) Reichardt; Wagner Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. N. Y. Min., 1896; m. Anna Bertha Schultz, 1896; children, Marie Rosie Johanna, Carl Albert John, Paul Jacob; pastor, St. John’s, Ghent and Immanuel’s, North Hillsdale, N. Y., 1896-1903; St. John’s, Canajoharie, N. Y., 1903—10; McKinley Memorial, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1910-17; St. Peter’s, Scranton, Pa., 1917- . SCHMOYER, MELVILLE BENJAMIN CHARLES, b. Trexler- town, Pa., Oct. 12, 1871; s. Benjamin J. and Matilda E. Schmoyer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Miss Frederick, 1896; pastor, St. John’s, East Mauch Chunk, Pa., 1896-1901; Trinity, West Hazleton, Pa., 1902-10; sec., Slav Miss. Bd., 1910-11 ; present address, R. D. 1, Macungie, Pa. SIEGER, PETREUS GEORGE, b. Orefield, Pa, Dec. 26, 1870; s. Owen and Sallie A. (Reber) Sieger; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1893; Phila. Sem, 1896; ord. Min. Pa, 1896; m. Emma Florence McCreary', 1900; children, George McCreary, Ruey May; pastor, Emmanuel, Lan¬ caster, Pa, 1896- ; National Lutheran Commission pastor, Camp Wads¬ worth, 1918; author, Hints and Helps to the Way of Salvation, 1912 and 1921; Heart to Heart Talks, 1916; and various historical pamphlets; contr, Lutheran Church Review and secular press; mem, Syn. corns. STETLER, EUGENE, b. Frederick Twp, Montgomery Co, Pa, Sept. 29, 1870; s. Rev. Daniel Morgan, ’74, and Barbara Anna Stetler; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1893; Phila. Sem, 1896; ord. Min. Pa, 1896; m. Ursula Benner, 1897; children, John, Betina; pastor, Gouldsboro, Pa.; Virgin City, Mo.; retired on account of ill health; caretaker, Good Shepherd Home, Allentown, Pa. STOECKIUS, ALFRED; Wagner Col, 1893; Phila. Sem, 1896; present address unknown. 162 ALUMNI 1897 STREICH, CARL JOHN, b. Heimthal, South Russia, Jan. 15, 1873; s. Lewis and Ernestine (Zuendler) Streich; Wagner Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. N. Y. Min., 1896; m. Mary A. Schuch, 1897; pastor, Ringgold, Pa., 1896-1901; St. Peter’s, Evans City, Pa., 1901-07; Grace, Shamokin, Pa., 1907-17; Weatherly, Pa., parish, 1917-23; St. Mark’s, Wilkes-Barre, 1923- . WESSINGER, ELMORE LAFAYETTE, b. Chapin, S. C., Jan. 10, 1870; s. James Daniel and Adaline Wessinger; Newberry Col., 1892; Phila. Sem., 1896; ord. Min. Pa., 1896; m. Alice R. Hartman, 1900; child, Lewis Hartman; pastor, St. John’s, Shiremanstown, Pa., 189b- 1903; Emmanuel, New Market, Va., 1903-08; Advent, Lancaster, Pa., 1908- ; pres., Tennessee Syn., 1904-05. 1897 BAUER, WILLIAM ERNEST, b. Glade Twp., Warren Co., Pa., May 27, 1874; s. Louis and Magdalene (Schirk) Bauer; A.B., Thiel Col., 1894; A.M., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1897; m. Pauline C. F. Schmidt, 1900; children, Grace Estella, William Ernest, Jr., Ruth Isabella, Margaret Elizabeth; pastor, St. John’s parish, Salts- burg, Pa., 1897-1902; Trinity, Braddock, Pa., 1902-09; Grace, Pitts¬ burgh, N. S., Pa., 1909—10; St. Paul’s, Wilkinsburg, Pa., 1910-15; Youngstown, Pa., parish, 1915- ; sec., G. C. Jewish Miss. Com., 1911-15. BEISECKER, LUDWIG, b. Dietschweiler, Bavaria, Germany, May 4, 1871; s. Jacob and Caroline (Bernd) Beisecker; A.B., Thiel Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1897; m. Myrtle Louella Best, 1902; children, Bernard Leroy, Dorothy Irene, Karl Paul, Margaret Louise, Hilmar Emmanuel, Lewis Edwin; pastor, St. Paul’s, Knox, Pa., 1897-1902; St. Matthew’s, Benwood, W. Va., 1902-03; Salem and Emmanuel, Delmont, Pa., 1903-07; Freedom, Pa., Rehoboth parish, 1907— 11; Youngwood, Pa., parish, 1911-14; Ellwood City, Pa., parish and Siebenberger congregation, 1914- . BLETHEN, CHARLES EDWARD, b. Unity, Me., Jan. 13, 1867; s. James Lamson (descendant, Massachusetts colonists, 1638, and relative of early N. E. pastors and of Dr. Marcus Whitman, miss, to Indians in Oregon Territory) and Ellen M. (Woods) Blethen; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Rose M. Delp, 1897; child, Alden James; pastor, East Bangor, Pa., 1897-98; Gouldsboro, Pa., 1899-1903; Con- neaut, O., 1903-07; St. Paul’s, Hartford, Conn., 1907-17; d. Hartford, Conn., Apr. 5, 1917. 163 1897 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD BOGER, WILLIAM JENNINGS, b. Flow’s, Cabarrus Co., N. C., July 13, 1869; s. Daniel Philip and Nannie Estelle (Crowel) Boger; North Carolina Col., 1893; Lenoir Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Tennessee Syn., 1897; m. Jennie Cook, 1897; children, Daniel Jennings, William Jonan, Charles Cook, Henry Crawford; pastor, Ch. of the Good Shepherd, Gaston Co., N. C., 1897-1913; St. Luke’s, Monroe, N. C., and Morning Star, Mecklenburg, N. C., 1913-18; St. James’ and St. Paul’s, Catawba Co., N. C., 1918- ; pres., Tennessee Syn., 1910-11; mem., bd., Lenoir Col., 1903- ; mem., Finance Com., raising $300,000 for Lenoir Col. BREZING, HERMAN, b. Heidelberg, Ont., Can., Apr. 30, 1877; s. Rev. Jacob (formerly pres., Canada Syn.) and Elizabeth (Hauff) Brez¬ ing; Wagner Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. N. Y. Min., 1898; m. Harriet E. Riehmann; pastor, Holy Trinity, Jamestown, N. Y., 1897-1900; St. Matthew’s, Toledo, O., 1901-04; Zion, Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1905- ; pres., Niagara Falls Charity Organization Soc. DRUCKENMILLER, GEORGE D., b. Hereford Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Feb. 26, 1864; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Ella J. Lerch, 1897; pastor, Freeburg, Pa., 1897-1900; Freemansburg, Pa., 1900-05; St. John’s, Nazareth, Pa., 1905-10; St. John’s, Hamburg, 1910-22; St. John’s, Tamaqua, Pa., 1922- . GABLE, CHARLES JACOB, b. Scenery Hill, Pa., Mar. 26, 1871; s. Rev. Zenas Henry, ’68, and Thusenelda (Vogelbach) Gable; Muhlenberg Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Dorothea Marie Kostenbader, 1899; children, Herman Carson, Helene Dorothea, Charles Jacob, Jr.; pastor, Trinity, Lansford, Pa., 1897-1910; St. John’s, Mel¬ rose Park, Pa., 1910- ; prin., Leesport Public Sch., 1893-94. GRAHAM, ERNEST ORION, b. Butler, Pa., Sept. 18, 1871; s. Eben- ezer and Wilhelmina (Fetter) Graham; A.B., Thiel Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1897; pastor, Trinity, Bridgeport, O., 1897-1901; Grace, Tarentum, Pa., 1901-08; St. Paul’s, Coudersport, Pa., 1908-10; St. Matthew’s, Leetsdale, Pa., 1910-14; St. Luke’s, Youngwood, Pa., 1914-22; Stephens City parish, Va., 1922- . HEINTZ, JACOB WILLIAM HENRY, b. Frederick City, Md., June 16, 1868; s. Jacob and Mary Jane Heintz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. 1st, Sarah Elizabeth Prichard, 1899; 2d, Alice Frey, 1912; children, Anna Louise Prichard, Jacob Martin Luther; pastor, Grace, East Stroudsburg, Pa., 1897-1905; Cove¬ nant Miss., later Prichard Memorial, Phila., 1905- . 164 ALUMNI 1397 KISTLER, WILLIAM ULYSSES, b. Kistler’s Valley, Lehigh Co., Pa., Feb. 10, 1869; s. William S. and Mariah (Grim) Kistler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Emily E. Miller, 1903; children, Mary Naomi, Henry Miller, William Stephen, Esther Fern; pastor, Amityville, Pa., 1897-1904; Pennsburg, Pa., parish, 1904- ; prin., Red Hill High Sch., 1918-19. KLINE, HARRY CHARLES, b. Phila., May 27, 1868; s. Christian S. and Amanda J. (Koch) Kline; Muhlenberg Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Gertrude Lillian Leh, 1897; children, Arlan Luther, Bernard Leh; pastor, Hamburg, Pa., parish, 1897-1910; Salem, Bethlehem, Pa., 1910-20; Reformation, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1920- ; mem., Berks Co. Historical Soc., Pa. German Soc.; sec., Phila. Sem. Alumni Assoc., 1912-16. KRAUTH, GEORGE EDWARD, b. Sept. 30, 1859; s. Rev. Dr. Charles Porterfield and Mary Virginia (Baker) Krauth; U. of Pa., 1881; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; pastor, Salem, Frankford, Phila., 1897; miss., Cleveland, O., 1898-99; Harrisonburg, Va., 1900-03; teaching and business, 1881-94; d. Searsport, Me., Jan. 31, 1905. KUNKELMAN, MERLE REA, b. Phila., June 5, 1875; s. Rev. Dr. John Alleman and Mary Rebecca (Rea) Kunkelman; A.B., Thiel Col., 1894; A.M., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1897; tutor and graduate work, U. Pa., 1898-1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Isabel Campbell Atwood, 1902; children, William Rea, Mary Isabel; pastor, St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea, Atlantic City, N. J., 1900-05; Good Shepherd Miss., Overbrook, Phila., 1906-07; retired on account of ill health, 1908-14; pastor, Edinboro, Pa., parish, 1915-18; Crawford Co., Pa., parish, 1918-20; Grace, Franklin, Pa., 1920- ; prof., Latin, Albright Collegiate Inst., 1897-98; mem., Executive Com., Pittsburgh Syn. LOOS, GEORGE CHARLES, b. Phila., Oct. 4, 1869; s. Charles and Fannie (Kretschman) Loos; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1894; A.M., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. June 25, 1908; child, Carola Maynard; pastor, Bethlehem Ch., Phila., 1897-1908; field miss., 1908-13; pastor, Holy Trinity, East Orange, N. J., 1914- . MELHORN, NATHAN RAYMOND, b. Ada, O, Dec. 23, 1871; s. Capt. Michael and Martha Melhorn; Ohio Northern U., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1897; D.D., Ohio Northern U., 1899; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Florence L. Richmond, 1901; children, Charles Richmond, Nathan R., Jr., Henry Boyer; pastor, Incarnation, Phila., 1897-13, 1918-22; Trinity, Reading, Pa., 1914-18; instr., Chem¬ istry and Physics, Ohio Northern U., 2 years; sec., U. L. C. Bd. of Publication, 1918- ; managing ed., The Lutheran, 1919-22; ed., 1922- . 165 1897 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD MILLER, JESSE LEROY, b. Germano, O, June 9, 1870; s. John and Susannah (Mikesel) Miller; A.B., Thiel Col., 1894; D.D., Thiel Col., 1921; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1897; m. 1st, Alice Theresa West, 1897; 2d, Ada Elizabeth Ritter, 1902; children, Jesse LeRoy, Jr., Alice Elizabeth, Harold Ritter; pastor, Grace, Youngstown, O., 1897- ; mem., bds. and corns., Pittsburgh Syn. NICKEL, WARREN, b. Ferndale, Pa.; s. William D. C. and Regina (Binder) Nickel; Gettysburg Col., 1890—93; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Mabel Alice Huttel, 1902; children, Ruth Miriam, Lois Esther, Regina Sue; pastor, Keller’s Ch., Pa., parish, 1897-1908; Emmanuel’s, Souderton, Pa., 1908- . POTTS, EDWARD McNEIL, b. Delmont, Pa., July 7, 1870; s. Daniel and Margaret Jane Potts; A.B., Thiel Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; Northern Illinois Col., Ph.D., 1904; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1897; m. Laura Bell Berkey, 1898; children, Nellita Margaret, Luther Adolphus; pastor, Baltic, O., parish, 1897-99; Middle Point, O., 1899-1903; Salem, Lewis- burg, O., 1903-10; St. John’s, Ingomar, O., 1904-07; St. Luke’s, Toledo, O., 1910-17; St. Mark’s, Wapakoneta, O., 1917-19; Corunna, Ind., 1920; St. Peter’s, Holgate, O., 1920- . SCHMIDT, REINHOLD, b. Kutusowka, Wolhynia, Russia, May 12, 1867; s. Ferdinand and Susanna (Mittelstedt) Schmidt; Wagner Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Elisabeth Landen- berger, 1899 ; children. Reinhold F. F., Karl G.; pastor, Friedens, Phila., 1897-1911; St. Michael’s, Harrisburg, Pa., 1911-20; St. James, Altoona, Pa., 1920- . SCHWEIKERT, CHARLES EDWARD, b. Lancaster, O., Feb. 27, 1868; s. Henry and Catherine (Burke) Schweikert; A.B., Thiel Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Dist. Syn. of O., 1897; m. Lena Clark, 1902; children, Sheldon Stanley, Samuel Lewis, Charles Mechling; pas¬ tor, St. Paul’s, McClure, O., 1898-1900; St. John’s and Zion’s, London, O., 1900-06; St. Michael’s, Marshallville, O., 1906-10; Avonmore, Pa., 1911-13; Woodlawn, Pa., 1915-20; Mercer Co., Pa., 1920- . b SNYDER, WILLIAM ALFRED, b. Wellesly, Ont., Can., Dec. 31, 1870; s. Dr. Thomas and Luisa (Stahlschmidt) Snyder; McGill U.; Phila. Sem., 1897; D.D., Lenoir Col., 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Emma L. Specker, 1897; children, Margareta Luise, John Harold, Wil¬ liam Louis; pastor, Bethany, West Reading and Trinity, Wernersville, Pa., 1897-1904; St. Paul’s, Wilmington, N. C., 1904-12; St. Luke’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912-21; contr., Lutheran Church Reviezv; review ed., American Lutheran Survey; mem., important G. C., U. L. C. bds. and 166 ALUMNI mi coins.; pres., Brooklyn Inner Miss. Soc.; d. Rockaway Point, L. I., N. Y., July 13, 1921. SUTTER, FREDERIC, b. St. Ambach, Palatinate, Germany; s. Fred¬ erick John and Johanna Sophia (Giessen) Sutter; Wagner Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. N. Y., Min., 1897; m. Emma Margaret Hoos, 1899; children, Frederick Ernst Emanuel, Hilda Anna Johanna, Carl John, Herbert Edwin; pastor, St. Paul’s, Liberty, N. Y., 1897-99; Emanuel, Hudson, N. Y., 1899-1907; Stapleton, L. I., 1907- ; English sec., N. Y. Min.; pres., Wagner Col. Bd.; mem., numerous bds. and coins.; teacher, Hudson, N. Y., High Sch., 2 years. WACKERNAGEL, FREDERICK WILLIAM, b. Reading, Pa., Dec. 5, 1871; s. Rev. Prof. William and Anna (Sandreczki) Wackemagel; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Emily Wisegarver, 1910; children, Frederick William, Jr., Paul Edward, Clotilde Emily; pastor, St. Paul’s, Millersville, Pa., 1897-1902; G. C. Miss., India, 1902-08; St. Mark’s, North Water Gap, Pa., 1908-10; St. Peter’s, Allentown, Pa., 1910-19; Zion’s, Lancaster, Pa., 1919- . WAHRMANN, HERMAN ERNST CHRISTIAN, b. Neu Ruppin, Brandenburg, Germany, Dec. 2, 1869; s. John Christian and Wilhelmina (Rahn) Wahrmann; Wagner Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. N. Y. Min., 1897; m. Emma Louisa Scholtz, 1898; children, Helen, Herman Theodore, Clara Martha, Ruth Katharina, Hilda Emma, Martin Luther, Carrie Elizabeth Scholtz, Frieda Louisa; pastor, St. John’s, Lykens, Pa., 1897-1901; Zion’s, Turbotville, Pa., 1901-05; St. Paul’s, Numidia, Pa., 1905-11; First Ch., Lock Haven, Pa., 1911-15; St. John’s, Lykens, Pa., 1915- . WALLACE, IRA MELVIN, b. near Williamsburg, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866; s. Miller M. (cousin of Gen. Lew Wallace) and Rachel (Focht) Wal¬ lace; Thiel Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; graduate work, U. of W. Va.; American U., Ph.D., 1903; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1897; m. Alice Lurene Schaeffer, 1897; pastor, St. John’s, Morris Crossroads, Pa., and St. Paul’s, Morgantown, W. Va., 1897-1903; Trinity, Verona and St. Paul’s, New Kensington, Pa., 1903-09; St. James’, Youngstown, Pa., 1909-10; Epiphany, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1910-20; Christ Ch., Mozart Park, W. Va., 1920- ; regular Pittsburgh correspondent, The Lutheran, 1906- ; contr., Lutheran Church Revieiv, Memoirs of the Lutheran Liturgical Association, American Lutheran Survey; mem., various bds. and corns. ZWEIER, CHARLES DRUCKENMILLER, b. Hosenack, Pa., Apr. 12, 1866; s. Adam and Clara (Druckenmiller) Zweier; A.B., Muhlen- 167 1898 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD berg Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1897; ord. Min. Pa., 1897; m. Louise Lydia Walter, 1897; child, Theodore Walter; pastor, Beavertown, Pa., 1897-1900; First Ch., Jersey Shore, Pa., 1900-11; St. Luke’s, Sunbury, Pa., 1911- . 1898 BAUER, VICTOR JAMES, b. Macungie, Pa., Nov. 7, 1873; s. John H. and Matilda (Andres) Bauer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Ella Rose Fritch, 1898; children, Nathan Fritch, Tryon Fritch; pastor, St. Paul’s, Summit Hill, Pa., 1898- 1902; asst, pastor, Dryland, Pa., 1905-06; pastor, St. Thomas’, Altonah, Pa., and St. John’s, Tatamy, Pa., 1906- . 4* BECKER, VITALIS JESSE, b. Berks Co., Pa., Apr. 28, 1870; s. Franklin L. and Catherine Becker; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Miami Syn., 1899; m. Evalina Maxwell, 1899; children, Ruth Elizabeth, Paul Norman, Naomi Louise; pastor, Xenia, O., 1899- 1901; North Georgetown, O., 1901-06; Harlan, Ind., 1906-08; Nappanee, Ind., 1908-09; New Corydon, Ind., 1909-11; d. Springfield, O., Sept. 2, 1911. BEHLER, PRESTON ALBURTIS, b. New Tripoli, Pa., May 2, 1872; s. Manasses H. and Medina Behler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. 1st, Lulu Tweedle, 1900; 2d, Sadie S. Trexler, 1911; children, Paul T., Beatrice Lucile, Theodore F., Luther T.; pastor, Quakake, Pa., 1898-1900; Grantville, Pa., 1900-03; Hilltown, Pa., 1903-10; East Allentown and Cedar, Cetronia, Pa., 1911- lb; Cementon-Indianland, Pa., parish, 1918- . BEHNKE, FREDERICK WILLIAM, b. Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 8, 1873; s. William Henry and Henrietta (Taraschke) Behnke; Wagner Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. N. Y. Min., 1898; m. Florence A. Stellwagen, 1902; children, Mildred Florence, Charlotte Henrietta; pas¬ tor, Concordia, Brockport, N. Y., 1898-1900; St. Peter’s, Verona Mills, N. Y., 1900-03; St. Johannes, Ghent, N. Y., and Immanuel, Harlemville, N. Y., 1903-06; Newburgh, N. Y., 1906-18; Bethlehem, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1918- . BLAESI, JOHN GEORGE FREDERICK, b. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1874; s. John and Eva Elisabeth (Wick) Blaesi; Wagner Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; graduate work, Columbia U.; spent 1902-03 in Europe; ord. N. Y. Min., 1898; m. Wilhelmina Johanna Elisa Horst- mann, 1904; child, George Milton Martin; pastor, Concordia, West Henrietta, N. Y., 1898-99; St. John’s, Bloomfield, N. J., 1899-1900; St. Paul’s, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 1900-01; Holy Trinity, Hollis, L. I., 168 ALUMNI 1898 1903-04; St. John’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1904-14; assoc, pastor, St. Peter's, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1914- . * BROWN, CHARLES LAFAYETTE, b. Iredell Co., N. C.. Dec. 3, 1874; s. Robert H. and Susan A. Brown; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1895; A.M., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1898; D.D., Lenoir Col., 1907; Roanoke Col., 1916; ord. Southwestern Virginia Syn., 1898; m. Virginia Frantz, 1898; children, Charles Alfred, Robert Marshall, Oscar Louis, Richard Halley; miss., Japan, 1898-1918; teacher, Kyushu Gakuin, Japan, 1912-16; sec., Bd. Foreign Miss., United Syn. South, 1918-19; U. L. C., 1920-21; author, Japan for Christ, 1908; author, various pamphlets, and contr., The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Visitor, American Lutheran Survey, Japan Evangelist; advisor, Japanese labor delegate, International Labor Conference, 1919; d. Liberia, Africa, while on tour of inspection of U. L. C. miss, fields, Dec. 5, 1921. CHALLY, LOUIS H., Phila. Sem., 1898; prof., Redwing, Minn.; present address unknown. DRACH, WILLIAM CARL, b. Greenport, L. I., Oct. 30, 1874; s. John Peter and Pauline (Simon) Drach; Wagner Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. N. Y. Min., 1898; m. Lydia C. Reiss, 1907; one daughter; pastor, Middletown, N. Y., 1898-1902; West New Brighton, Staten Island, 1902-03; St. John’s, Syracuse, N. Y., 1903-09; Concordia, Buffalo, N. Y., 1909- . ELLIS, WARREN JACOB, b. Jonestown, Pa., Dec. 27, 1874; s. George Wilson and Annie Mary (Light) Ellis; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1901-03, 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Sarah Shade, 1905; pastor, Ch. of the Apostles, Phila., 1898-1900; teaching, 1905-10; prof., German, Thiel Col., 1910- lb; Reading High Sch., 1916-18; Wagner Col., 1918- . GABLE, LUTHER DANIEL, b. Reading, Pa., Jan. 31, 1875; s. Rev. Zenas Henry, ’68, and Thusenelda C. (Vogelbach) Gable; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Minnie A. Schmidt, 1905; children, Dorothy A., Minnie May, Frank Luther; organizer and pastor, St. Stephen’s, Flatbush, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1898- . HOFFMEISTER, THEODORE, b. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 28, 1870; s. Hermann and Therese Barbara (Blau) Hoffmeister; Wagner Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Antonie Dorothea Graeber, 1903; children, Elisabeth Therese, Theodore Herman, Mar¬ garet Antonie; pastor, St. John’s, Tremont, Pa., 1898-1903; Trinity, New Holland, Pa., 1903-04; Redeemer, Yonkers, N. Y., 1904-05; St. 169 1898 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Paul’s, Redwood, N. Y., 1905-10; Saugerties, N. Y., 1910-11; St. John’s, Center Square, Pa., 1911-15; Christ Ch., Floral Park, N. Y., 1915-16; Kreuz, Famham, N. Y., and Zion’s, Silver Creek, N. Y., 1917- . KARSCH, CARL GUSTAV, b. Katscher, Germany, Feb. 16, 1871; s. Herman and Leopoldine (Thomas) Karsch; Temple U.; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Katherina W. Scheuermann, 1892; child, Rev. Carl Henry, ’20; pastor, Zion’s, Minersville, Pa., 1898- . KISTLER, CHARLES EDWARD, b. Kistler’s Valley, Pa., Aug. 23, 1870; s. William S. and Maria (Grim) Kistler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Effie Elizabeth Fisher; pastor, Alsace, Pa., parish, 1898- ; mem., various Syn. and institutional bds. and corns.; mem., Council of Berks Co. Historical Soc.; tr., Luther's Prayers, 1917; contr., Lutheran Church Review, The Lutheran, American Lutheran Survey. KLECKNER, GEORGE SNYDER, b. Moorestown, Pa., Dec. 12, 1868; s. Joseph and Sarah Louisa (Snyder) Kleckner; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Mary Rebecca Santee, 1895; children, Rev. Joseph Santee, ’21, Miriam Eliza¬ beth; pastor, St. John’s, Pen Argyl, Pa., 1898-1902; Grace, East Bangor, Pa., 1902-06; Forks-Amdt’s parish, Pa., 1906- . KRAPF, FREDERICK CHARLES, b. Wilmington, Del., June 13, 1875; s. Charles and Louisa (Gockel) Krapf; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Elizabeth Mary Lieb, 1907; children, Amelia Louisa, Russel Lieb; pastor, Holy Trinity, Elizabeth, N. J., 1898-1911; Palmyra-Hershey, Pa., 1911-15; St. An- drewVby-the-Sea, Atlantic City, N. J., 1915-20; St. Peter’s, Pittston, Pa, 1921- . LAMBERT, WILLIAM ALLEN, b. Hellertown, Pa, Nov. 15, 1874; s. Tilghman and Christiana (Laury) Lambert; Lehigh U, 1895; A.M, 1916; Phila. Sem, 1898; ord. Min. Pa, 1898; m. 1st, Katie E. Kern, 1899; 2d, Marie J. S. Meyer, 1904; children, Tilghman Albert, Robert Adolf; pastor, Emmanuel, Albany, N. Y, 1899-1901; Saltzburg-Avon- more, Pa, parish, 1902-04; St. Peter’s, Allentown, Pa, 1904-09; St. John’s Slovenian, South Bethlehem, Pa, 1909-14; St. James’, Lebanon, Pa, 1914-17; Grace, Allentown, Pa, 1917- ; instr, Thiel Col, 1901-02; Bethlehem, Pa, High Sch, 1920- ; Lehigh U, 1916- ; author, Religious Education, 1915; contr. Memoirs Lutheran Liturgical Asso¬ ciation, Lutheran Quarterly, Lutheran Church Review; tr. for Memorial Volume of Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1898; joint ed, Luther's Works, Phila. edition, 1913. 170 ALUMNI 1898 LAZARUS, LUTHER DECK, b. Quakertown, Pa., Feb. 11, 1874; s. Rev. George M., ’67, and Amanda C. (Dech) Lazarus; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1895; A.M., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Carrie H. Weil, 1898; children, Frank, Catherine, Luther Dech, Jr.; asst, pastor, Trinity, Reading, Pa., 1898-1901; pastor, St. John’s, Naz¬ areth, Pa., 1902-05; St. John’s, Pen Argyl, Pa., 1906-08; St. Mark’s, South Bethlehem, Pa., 1908-09; Holy Trinity, Bethlehem, Pa., 1910-22; Plainfield, Pa., parish, 1922- ; contr., Lutheran Church Reznew. LENTZ, ANDREW PHILIP, b. Paxton, Pa., Feb. 25, 1869; s. Augustus David and Rebecca Lentz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1895; A.M., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Alice V. Ritter, 1901; child, Margaret Ritter; pastor, Cross Roads parish, Northumber¬ land Co., Pa., 1898-1902; Ellwood City, Pa., 1902-14; organizer and pastor, Siebenburger congregation, Elwood City, Pa., 1904-14; pastor, St. James’, Chicago, Ill., 1914-18; Ch. of the Redeemer, Monaca, Pa., 1918- . MAYLE, LOUIS FERDINAND, b. Niagara, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1872; s. John Conrad and Magdalena Dorothea Rieckhoff Mayle; Wagner Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. N. Y. Min., 1898; m. Miss Regina Katherine Hoffman, 1900; children, Paul John, Amy Katherine, Carl Louis; pastor, St. Paul’s, Rochester, N. Y., 1898-1910; Groveland, N. Y., Presbyterian, 1911-13, 1919- ; West End Presbyterian, Albany, N. Y., 1913-19. MILLER, HARRY PHILIP, b. Selinsgrove, Pa., Apr. 22, 1873; s. Martin Luther and Esther Lydia (Ott) Miller; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1895; A.M., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Bertha Crawford Decker, 1910; children, Luther Thomas, Philip Chantry, Sarah Esther, Paul Crawford, John Stephen, Bertha Decker, Henry Edgar; pastor, Reformation, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1898-1913; Grace, Bethlehem, Pa., 1913- ; pres., Brooklyn Miss. Soc.; sec., bd., Good Shepherd Home, Allentown, Pa. PFATTEICHER, ERNST PHILIP, b. Easton, Pa., July 28, 1874; s. Rev. Philip and Emma (Spaeth) Pfatteicher; nephew, Rev. Dr. Adolph Spaeth; A.B., Lafayette Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; graduate work, Lafayette Col., U. of Erlangen, U. of Pa.; Ph.D., Lafayette Col., 1900; D.D., Lafayette Col. and Muhlenberg’ Col., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Helen Jacoby, 1905; children, Ernst Philip, Jr., Helen; asst, pastor, Salem, Lebanon, Pa., 1898-1901; pastor, Trinity, Kutztown, Pa., 1901; Trinity, Norristown, Pa., 1902—07; Holy Communion, Phila., 1907-18; Trinity, Reading, Pa., 1918- ; mem., Historical Soc. of Pa.; mem., important Min. Pa., G. C., U. L. C. bds. and corns.; author, Think 171 1893 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD on These Things, King David’s Earth-Born Son, 1906; Sermons on the Gospels, 1918; contr., Lutheran Church Review, The Lutheran, etc. POENSGEN, GUSTAVE, b. Venlo, Holland, Sept. 23, 1874; s. Edward and Mary Poensgen; Wagner Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Manitoba Syn., 1898; pastor, Manitoba, Can., 1898-1901; Pearl River, N. Y., 1901-04; d. Strathcona, Can., 1904 (?). REES, GOMER CHRISTMAS, b. Coalburg, O, Oct. 5, 1872; s. William C. and Esther (Burnett) Rees; A.B., Thiel Col., 1894; D.D., Thiel Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Margaret Elizabeth Spieker (daughter of Rev. Prof. Geo. F. Spieker), 1898; son, Comer Spieker; pastor, Christ Ch., Chestnut Hill, Phila., 1898-1915; Zion’s, Greensburg, Pa., 1915-19; Trinity, Lehighton, Pa., 1919- ; instr., for several years, Ch. Music, Phila. Sem.; mem., various Syn., G. C. and U. L. C. bds. and corns.; contr., Lutheran Liturgical Memoirs. REICHERT, JOHN CHARLES, b. Buffalo, N. Y„ Dec. 2, 1874; s. John and Mary Reichert; Wagner Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. N. Y. Min., 1898; m. Helen H. Brands, 1900; child, Robert Brands; pastor, St. John’s, Bayonne, N. J., 1898-99; St. Paul’s, Staten Island, 1899-1901; Immanuel, Albany, N. Y., 1901-08; St. Peter’s, Verona, N. Y., 1908-13; Zion’s, Buffalo, N. Y., 1913-15; Immanuel, Clay, N. Y., 1915- . ROTH, DAVID ALLEN, b. Albrightsville, Pa.; s. Jacob and Amelia (Hawk) Roth; A.B., Albright Col., 1894; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa.-, 1898; m. Anna M. Mehrkam, 1898; child, Allen Harvey; pastor, Christ’s Ch., Elizabethtown, Pa., 1898-1904; Brickerville, Pa., 1904-10; St. Luke’s, Freeland, Pa., 1910- . SCHUCHARD, CARL BERNHARD CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH, b. Kassel, Germany, May 1, 1875; s. George Wilhelm (descendant of sister of the reformer, Philip Melanchthon) and Elisabeth (Rudolph) Schuchard; Wagner Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Dist. Syn. of O., 1898; m. Anna Franz, 1899; children, Margaret Amelia Caroline Eliza¬ beth, Carl Valentine George; pastor, Martin Luther Ch., East Toledo, O. , 1898-1901; Bethany, Roxborough, Phila., 1901-05; St. Luke’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1905-12; Christ Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912- ; contr., Lutheran Church Reviezv, The Lutheran, Lutherische Herold, Der Deutsche Lutheraner; author and tr. several hymns. SMITH, JOHN WILBUR, b. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1872; s. Henry and Sophia Smith; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Winni- fred Marion Stiles, 1908; child, Edwin Stiles; pastor, English Ch., Mt. 172 ALUMNI 1839 Vernon, N. Y., 1898-1902; Ch. of the Redeemer, Yonkers, N. Y., 1902- 04; English Ch., South Lima, N. Y., 1906-08; Holy Communion, Utica, N. Y., 1908-15; St. Paul’s, Rochester, N. Y., 1915- . SNYDER, ELMER ELWOOD, b. Martin’s Creek, Pa., Jan. 15, 1872; s. Josiah C. and Louisa A. Snyder; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; m. Olive Grace Roseberry, 1910; pastor, St. Mark’s, Delaware Water Gap, Pa., 1898-1901; Christ Ch., Easton, Pa., 1901-13; withdrew from ministry account of ill health, 1913; present address, Easton, Pa. STEINHAEUSER, ALBERT THEODORE WILLIAM, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1876; s. Rev. Dr. Jacob, 75, and Marie C. (Becker) Steinhaeuser; Wagner Col., 1894; student, U. of Rochester, 1894; Phila. Sem., 1898; A.M., Muhlenberg Col., 1909; D.D., 1914; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; pastor, Holy Trinity, New Holland, Pa., 1899-1903; asst, pastor, St. Michael’s, Allentown, Pa., 1903-04; pastor, 1905- ; mem., various Min. Pa., G. C. and U. L. C. corns, and bds.; camp pastor, Camp Crane; comp., Luther Primer, 1917; ed., Leaders of the Lutheran Reformation, 1917; joint ed., Philadelphia Edition Luther’s Works, 1915; collaborated with M. Reu, Homiletics, 1922; contr., articles and poems, The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Review and Ch. press. WARNS, ANTON FRIEDRICH, b. Giitersloh, Westphalia, Germany, June 22, 1877; s. Rev. Johannes and Maria (Frommershausen) Warns; Breklum Sem.; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. Min. Pa., 1898; pastor, Zion, Rahway, N. J., 1898-1900; returned to Germany, 1901; present address unknown. WASMUND, HENRY CHARLES AUGUST, b. Farnham, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1875; s. Charles and Elwine (Schumacher) Wasmund; Wagner Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1898; ord. N. Y. Min., 1898; m. Lillie K. Krauss, 1899; children, Lillian Ruth, Paul Henry, Linda Alvina, Henry Charles, Robert Frederick, Esther Auguste, Clarence William; pastor, Salem, Frankford, Phila., 1898-1900; St. Peter’s, Port Jervis, N. Y., 1900-04; St. John’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1904—18; St. Paul’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1918-22; Trinity, Middle Village, N. Y., 1922- ; German sec., N. Y. Min., 1907-09; vice-pres., Bd. of Trustees, Wagner Col., and mem., various bds. and corns. 1899 BARR, WILLIAM PENN, b. Mauch Chunk, Pa., Feb. 16, 1867; s. Francis Angstadt and Lizzie A. (Helffrich) Barr; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; A.M., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. 1st, Laura M. Swab, 1890; 2d, Mary A. Koch, 1906; children, Bernice 173 1899 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Elizabeth, Margaret Viola, Francis Allen; pastor, Trinity, Mt. Joy, Pa., 1899-1903; Weatherly, Pa., parish, 1903-17; St. Bartholomew’s, Trenton. N. J., 1917- . BETZ, CARL FREDERIC WILLIAM, b. Herborn, Hessen-Nassau, Germany, Dec. 7, 1877; Wagner Col., 1894; U. of Rochester, 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. N. Y. Min., 1899; m. 1914; children, Carl Berthold, Martha Elizabeth; pastor, Bethlehem Ch., Rochester, N. Y., 1899- ; instr., Greek and History, Wagner Col., 1910-18, German and other subjects, Rochester Theological Sem., 1919-21; contr., Lutherische Her old, Lutheran Church Reviezv. CARTY, ARTHUR CLARENCE, b. Frederick, Md., Feb. 27, 1874; s. Clarence C. and Elizabeth (Fox) Carty; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Louanna Rease, 1905; child, William Proctor; pastor, Trinity, La Crosse, Wis., 1899-1904; Trans¬ figuration, Phila., 1904-10; assoc, pastor, St. John’s, Phila., 1913-18; on chaplain’s staff, League Island Navy Yard, Phila., 1917- ; pastor, St. James’, Phila., 1922- ; founded Lutheran Ch. Book and Literature Soc.; master, Blight Preparatory Sch., Phila., 1906-11; sec., U. L. C. Com. on Jewish Miss.; librarian and sec., The Athenaeum, Phila., 1922- . * COOPER, FREDERICK EUGENE, b. South Bethlehem, Pa., Oct. 16. 1876; s. Rev. Dr. Charles Jacob, ’70, and Emma S. (Knause) Cooper; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Rosa Muhlenberg Richards, 1900; children, Frederick Eugene, Jr., William Henry, Mary, Matthias Richards, Charles Muhlenberg; pastor, St. Mark’s, South Bethlehem, Pa., 1899-1908; St. Paul’s, Lima, O., 1908-11; Lake Park Miss., Milwaukee, Wis., 1911-17; d. Milwaukee, Wis., Apr. 9, 1917. DEAL, JAMES FRANCIS, b. Rowan Co., N. C.; s. Calvin Jeremiah and Sarah Jane Deal; Lenoir Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Tennessee Syn., 1899; m. Kate Virginia Peterson, 1909; children, James Francis, Jr., Charles Calvin, Elizabeth Virginia, Sarah Lillian; pastor, St. Jacob, St. Thomas, Bethlehem, Mt. Horeb, Lexington Co., S. C., 1899-1902; St. Martin, Mt. Gilead, Cabarrus Co., N. C., 1902-06; Trin¬ ity, Sardis, Cedar Grove, David Chapel, Lincoln Co., N. C., 1906-07; Christ, Bethel, St. Luke, Gaston Co., N. C., 1908-09; Emmanuel, Holly Grove, Beck, Lebanon, Davidson Co., N. C., 1910-11; St. Stephen, Lenoir, St. John, Hudson, Mt. Zion, Caldwell Co., 1911-16; Bland, Va., parish, 1916-18; Newport, Va., parish, 1918- ; sec., Tennessee Syn. DOZER, CHARLES EDWARD, b. Brush Creek, O., July 9, 1867; s. Solomon and Mary Magdalena (Swingle) Dozer; A.B., Thiel Col., 174 ALUMNI 1899 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Corinne Eugenie Worest, 1903; children, Reginald Edward, Corinne Elizabeth, Mildred Lilian, Marjorie Vivian; pastor, Ch. of the Resurrection, Phila., 1899- 1905; St. John’s and St. Matthew’s, Freeport, Pa., 1905-08; Delmont, Pa., parish, 1908-12; Ch. of the Redeemer, Monaca, Pa., 1912-16; Pleasant Unity, Pa., parish, 1916-21; Trinity, Ingomar, Pa., 1921- . FECHNER, GUSTAV ADOLF, b. Rochester, N. Y, Sept. 9, 1874; Wagner Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. N. Y. Min., 1900; m. Mary Elizabeth Laver, 1901; children, Margaret, Ruth Elizabeth, Frances Josephine, Paul Frederick, Mary Louise; pastor, St. John’s, Youngs¬ town, O., 1900-01; St. Paul’s, Rochester, Pa., 1901-04; Mahoning par¬ ish, North Lima, O., 1904-08; St. Peter’s and St. Luke’s, Williamsburg, Ont., Can., 1908-10; German Ch., Fort Plain, N. Y., 1910-12; St. John’s, Middletown, N. Y., parish, 1912- . FRANK, CHRISTIAN FREDERICK WILLIAM JACOB, b. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1877; s. Christian Frederick and Margaretha (Lauer) Frank; Wagner Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. N. Y. Min., 1900; m. Jennie Zora Smith, 1908; children, Elizabeth Margaret, Eleanor Frances, Christian Frederick, Jr., George Luther Lauer, Paul Nathan; pastor, Fort Plain, N. Y., 1900-06; New Castle, Pa., 1907-15; Martins Ferry, O., 1915-19; Salem, O., 1919- . FRESEMANN, HENRY PETER GUSTAV, b. Schwartau, Luebeck, Germany, Mar. 4, 1867; s. Gottlieb Heinrich Christian and Nicolene (Meran) Fresemann; Wagner Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. N. Y. Min., 1899; m. Clara R. Fuchsschwanz, 1900; pastor, Zion, Newark, N. Y., 1899-1900; St. Thomas’, Germantown, Phila., 1900-18; Zion’s, Riverside, N. J., 1918- . GENSZLER, GEORGE WILLIAM, b. Phila., July 4, 1867; s. Henry A. and Henrietta M. (Fuszbinder) Genszler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; A.M., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Stella K. Hunsicker, 1899; children, Henrietta Caroline, Garrett Filmore, Stella Marjorie, Mary Dorothea, George William, Jr.; pastor, First Ch., Selins- grove, Pa., 1899-1909; St. John’s, Columbia, Pa., 1909-17; Lake Park, Milwaukee, Wis., 1917-19; Holy Communion, Racine, Wis., 1919- ; instr., German and Homiletics, Susquehanna U.; pres., Wisconsin Lord’s Day Alliance, 1917; mem., hospital and col. bds. HANKEY, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, b. Brick Church, Pa., Jan. 18, 1866; s. William and Sarah Hankey; A.B., Thiel Col., 3 years; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1899; m. Georgia Fidelia Campbell, 1906; children, Mary Aileen, William Campbell; pastor, First Ch., San 175 1899 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Juan, P. R., 1899-1900; St. Paul’s, Scottdale, Pa., 1900-07; Emanuel’s, Bellevue, Pa., 1907- ; mem., various important bds. and corns. HEYER, WILLIAM FREDERICK CARL THEODORE, b. Han¬ over, Germany, Dec. 1, 1872; s. Carl and Dorothea (Thiele) Heyer; Wagner Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; pastor, Zion, Treverton, Pa., 1899-1908; dropped from the roll of the Min. of Pa., 1915. JACOBS, CHARLES MICHAEL, see under The Faculty, page 48. KRAMLICH, JOHN FREDERICK, b. Kutztown, Pa.; s. Benjamin E. and Sophia B. Kramlich; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; pastor, Grace, Royersford, Pa., 1899- . LEDDIN, PAUL DAVID ULRICH, b. Ghent, N. Y., July 11, 1876; s. Rev. Frederic Theodore and Charlotte (Merker) Leddin; Wagner Col, 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. N. Y. Min., 1899; pastor, Ellenville, N. Y.; Prices Forks, Va.; Clay, N. Y.; Herkimer, N. Y.; Wash¬ ington, D. C. MORDHORST, OTTO FREDERICK; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; pastor, Langenburg, Can., 1899-1904; Ladysmith, Can., 1905— 08; Baden, Ont., Can., 1909-10; Brazil, S. A., 1912- . PAULSON, STEPHEN MARMADUKE, b. Iceland. Dec. 6, 1875; s. Paul Erland and Margaret Gudrin Paulson; A.B., Thiel Col., 1896; A.M., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1899; graduate work, Phila. Sem.; instr., Sociology, Sub-Junior Course, Phila. Sem., 1918-19; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Edna R. Ort, 1907; child, Emilie Jane; pastor, Trinity, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1899-1903; St. Mark's, Williamsport, Pa., 1903-11; St. Michael’s, Germantown, Phila., 1911-21; St. Luke’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1921- ; alumni ed., Philadelphia Seminary Bulletin, 1921- ; weekly contr. of sermon to the Pennsylvania Grit, Williamsport, Pa., 1905- . RAHN, CHARLES SNELL, b. Schwenksville, Pa., May 1, 1875; s. Abel T. (descendant of colonists who helped build Augustus Ch., Trappe, Pa.) and Sarah Amanda (Snell) Rahn; A.B., Ursinus Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Agnes Holm, 1913; child, Flora; supply pastor, St. James, Portland, Ore., 1900-01; organized, St. John’s, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and pastor, 1901-12; pastor, Holy Trinity, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1912-18; emergency chaplain, U. S. A., 1918-20 (with A. E. F. in Siberia, 1919, penetrating 1,800 miles inland) ; chaplain, U. S. A., 1920-22; pastor, Good Shepherd, Easton, Pa., 1922- . 176 ALUMNI 1899 *%• REINHARD, MILTON URIAH, b. Salisbury Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., Aug. 12, 1866; s. Lewis Hartman and Hannah (Sanders) Reinhard; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Sallie S. Bowen, 1899; children, John, Hannah; pastor, Shellsville, Pa., 1899-1900; Brickerville, Pa., 1900; retired, account of ill health; d. Allentown, Pa., Nov. 13, 1920. RICHARDS, HERBERT FRANKLIN, b. Phila., Apr. 9, 1874; s. Rev. Dr. Frank, ’67, and Caroline Lydia Richards; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1899; graduate work, U. of Pa.; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Lilian Ainsley McDavid, 1901; children, Edward Franklin, Frank Bertrand; miss., Porto Rico, 1899-1905; pastor, South Langhome, Pa., 1905-07; Laurel-Fulton, Md., parish (Joint Syn. of O.), 1907-11; supt. of Colored Miss., Baltimore, Md., 1911- . SCHINDEL, JEREMIAH JACOB, b. Allentown, Pa., Oct. 25, 1876; s. Rev. Dr. Jacob Daniel, ’67 (grandfather and great grandfather also ministers of Min. Pa.), and Ella C. (Schmoyer) Schindel; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Jessie A. Hausman, 1900; children, Isabel Hausman, Mary Hausman; asst, pastor, Whitehall parish, Pa., 1899- 1908; pastor, Mickley’s-Coplay, Pa., parish, 1908-17; St. Mark’s, Phila., 1918- ; special lecturer, Phila. Sem., 1920-21; sec., Juvenile Court and Probation Assoc., Lehigh Co., 1910-18; mem. and sec. (1917-18), Lehigh Co. Historical Soc.; joint ed., Philadelphia edition, Luther's Works; contr., Leaders of the Lutheran Reformation, 1917; The Lutheran; mem., Syn. corns. SNYDER, JOHN FRANKLIN, b. Kresgeville, Pa., Oct. 20, 1874; s. Jacob and Sarah J. (Kuntsle) Snyder; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; pastor, East Bangor, Pa., parish, 1899-1902; Peace and Faith, Reading, Pa., 1902-18; Weissport, Pa., 1919- . STEINBICKER, WILLIAM HENRY, b. Lipstadt, Germany, Feb. 2, 1874; s. Henry B. and Wilhelmina Steinbicker; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. 1st, Elise Luning, 1901; 2d, Emma T. Miller; children, William Luning, Elise Henrietta; pastor, Holy Trinity, Rockville Centre, L. I., 1899-1901; Incarnation, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1901-10; St. Mark’s, South Bethlehem, Pa., 1910-12; Ascension, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912-14; field miss., Long Island, 1914-19; pastor, St. Luke’s, L. I., N. Y., 1919- . STETTLER, MARVIN HAROLD, b. Allentown, Pa., Nov. 17. 1875; s. Harrison D. and Medina (Baer) Stettler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 177 1899 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1896; A.M., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Naomi Ada Gougler, 1909; children, Mary Gougler, James Harry, Ruth Bea¬ trice; pastor, St. Paul's, Reading, Pa., 1899- . STRASSBURGER, CHRISTIAN ADAM HERMAN, b. Ham¬ burg, Ont., June 1, 1875; Wagner Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. N. Y. Min., 1900; pastor, Zion, Newark, N. Y., 1900-04; tr., Luther’s The Freedom of a Christian Man, 1901; d. 1907(F). STRODACH, PAUL ZELLER, b. Norristown, Pa., Mar. 27, 1876; s. Rev. Henri Jean Baptiste, 74, and Mary (Zeller) Strodach; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; A.M., 1899; graduate work, Princeton Sem.; Phila. Sem., 1899, B.D., 1918; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Bertha Laubach Kleppinger; child, George Kleppinger; pastor, Ch. of the Saviour, Trenton, N. J., 1899-1901; asst., St. John’s, Easton, Pa., and pastor, Ch. of the Good Shepherd, Easton, 1901-05; First Ch., Washington, Pa., 1905-07; Trinity, Canton, O., 1907-11; Grace, Roxborough, Phila., 1912-21; Holy Trinity, Norristown, Pa., 1921- ; instr., English Bible, Phila. Sem., 1918-19; sec., Min. Pa. Bd. of Education; mem., Joint Com. on Common Service, and sec., ed. com. which prepared Common Service Book; mem., important Syn. and U. L. C. corns.; contr., Memoirs Lutheran Liturgical Association, Lutheran Church Review, the Lutheran, American Lutheran Survey. TREXLER, SAMUEL GEISS, b. Bernville, Pa., Oct. 19, 1877; s. Rev. Daniel Dietrich, ’68, and Agnes A. (Geiss) Trexler; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; graduate work, Harvard U.; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; pastor, Ch. of the Messiah, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1899-1912; student pastor, N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1912— 14; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Buffalo, N. Y., 1914-20; U. S. A. chaplain, Base Hospital No. 8, A. E. F., 1917-19; sec., N. Y. and N. E. Syn.; pres., N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1920- . ULRICH, LEWIS DOMER, b. Selinsgrove, Pa., May 6, 1874; s. Lot and Margaret (Domer) Ulrich; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Lavinia Nase, 1900; child, Naomi Lavinia; pastor, Trinity, Danville, Pa., 1900-09; St. John’s, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., 1909- . ULRICH, WILLIAM SLOCUM, b. Selinsgrove, Pa., Feb. 10, 1873; s. Fred B. and Annie M. Ulrich; A.B., Susquehanna U., 1896; D.D., 1921; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Susan J. Phillips, 1900; children, Henry Frederick, Mary Helen, William S., Paul Philip, Sara Margaret; pastor, Bethlehem parish, Scenery Hill, Pa., 1900-07; St. Mark’s, Fargo, N. D., 1908-16; dist. miss, of the Syn. of Northwest, 1916- . 178 ALUMNI 1900 VALENTINE, CHARLES WILLIAM, b. Stolp, Germany, Jan. 1, 1878; s. Ferdinand and Wilhelmina (Neumann) Valentine; Wagner Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. N. Y., Min., 1899; pastor, Immanuel, Harlemville, N. Y., 1899-1900; Newburgh, N. Y., 1901-05; Toledo, O., 1906-07; Lindstrom, Minn., 1907-08; deposed by Syn. of the Northwest, 1910; present address unknown. WEAVER, WILLIAM MARION, b. Birdsboro, Pa., June 30, 1872; s. Francis Marion and Mary S. (Mertz) Weaver; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Bertha Maria Arenburg, 1901; children, Francis William, Pauline Mary, Ruth Eliza¬ beth, George Arenburg, Amy Flora; pastor, New Germany, N. S., 1899-1901; Lunenburg, N. S., 1901-15; Zion’s, Ambridge, Pa., 1915-16; Resurrection, Halifax, N. S., 1916-22; assoc, city miss., Phila., 1922- ; sec., N. S. Syn., 1903-06; treas., 1906-09; pres., 1909-15; manager, Nova Scotia Lutheran. XANDER, EDGAR PETER, b. East Penn Twp., Carbon Co., Pa., Mar. 19, 1872; s. Charles William and Cathrine Jane (Garver) ; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Min. Pa., 1899; m. Luella Lydia Elizabeth Rehrig, 1900; children, Ruth Naomi, Paul An¬ drew, Mary Elizabeth; pastor, Trinity, Lopez, Pa., 1899-1902; Weiss- port, Pa., parish, 1902-04; Audenried-Beaver Meadow, Pa., 1904-07; Quakake, Pa., 1907-12; Sacramento, Pa., 1912-18; Zion’s, Ashland, P, 1918- . * YOUNG, CHARLES J.; Phila. Sem., 1899; ord. Iowa Syn., 1899; Dubuque, la., 1902-04; deceased. 1900 ANDREEN, ALEXIS, b. Swedona, Ill.; s. Rev. Andreas and Hilda Andreen; A.B., Bethany Col., 1895; Phila. Sem., 1900; Augustana Sem., 1902; B.D., Augustana Sem.; graduate work, Yale U.; ord. Augustana Syn., 1902; m. Esther Monteen, 1903; children, Bertil Alexis, Bertha Esther, Pauline Margaret; pastor, Immanuel, Clinton, la., 1902-06; North Branch, Minn., 1906-09; Immanuel, Salina, Kan., 1909-13; Salem, Spokane, Wash., 1913-21; Red Oak, la., 1921- ; pres., Coeur d’ Alene Col. Bd.; pres., Spokane Research Club; mem., important Syn. and institutional bds. BAVENDAM, FREDERICK ARNOLD, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 24, 1876; s. Ahrend and Friedericke (Eiten) Bavendam; Wagner Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. N. Y. Min., 1900; m. Gesine Marie Lohse, 1908; child, Frederick Arnold, Jr.; assoc, pastor, St. Matthew’s, Jersey 179 1900 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD City, N. J., 1900-02; pastor, 1902- ; chaplain, Jersey City Fire Dept., 1915- . BERK, WILLIAM HARRY, b. Gouldsboro, Pa., Dec. 3, 1869; s. John G. and Mary J. Berk; A.B., Wittenberg Col., 1897; A.M., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; pastor, Trinity, Mildred, Pa., 1906-08; St. John’s, Berwick, Pa., 1908-16; Grace, Lehighton, Pa., 1916- . DECKER, CHRISTIAN AUGUST, b. Fowler, Ill., June 25, 1877; s. Heinrich and Sophia (Muenstermann) Decker; A.B., Wartburg Col., 1895; Wartburg Sem., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Iowa Syn., 1898; m. Dora Bess, 1903; children, Gertrude Maria, Herbert August, Robert Arthur, Frederick Heinrich; pastor, Zion, Peoria, Ill., 1900-11; Chenoa, Ill., 1910-12; St. Paul’s, Streator, Ill., 1912- . FISHER, WILLIAM KLOPP, b. Wintersville, Pa., Dec. 8, 1876; s. John L. and Elizabeth J. (Klopp) Fisher; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. 1st, Rose Gertrude Pfann- kuch; 2d, Tillie E. Fisher; pastor, Zion, Jonestown, Pa., 1900-06; Zion, Spring City, Pa., 1906-10; Blandon-Wyomissing, Pa., parish, 1910-13; Shoemakersville, Pa., parish, 1913- . FRETZ, FRANKLIN KLINE, b. Line Lexington, Pa., Apr. 6, 1876; s. Henry L. and Wilhelmina Fretz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; D.D., 1922; Phila. Sem., 1900; Sch. of Philanthropy, N. Y.; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1905-11; fellow in Anthropology, 1908-09; in Sociology, 1909-11; Ph.D., 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Cora V. Weikel, 1900; child, Barbara Catharine; pastor, St. John’s, Quakertown, Pa., 1900-05; assoc, pastor, St. Mark’s, Phila., 1905-12; pastor, St. John’s, Easton, Pa., 1912- ; prof., Ethics and the Social Sciences, Temple U., 1908-12; prof., Psychology, 1911-12; prof., Sociology, 1912- ; instr., Sociology, Lafayette Col., 1920- ; sec., G. C. Inner Miss. Bd., 1909-18; mem., Academy of Political and Social Science, American Psychological Soc., American Sociological Soc.; author, The Furnished Room Problem, 1912; contr., Lutheran Church Revieiv, Temple Reznezv and the Ch. press. FRIDAY, FREDERIC WHIP, b. Harper’s Ferry, W. Va., Sept. 10, 1874; s. Rev. John Milton and Sarah Ellen (Whip) Friday; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1897; A.M., 1900; Gettysburg Sem., 1897-98; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; pastor, Trinity, Braddock, Pa., 1900- 01; Zion, Olney, Phila., 1904-19; post chaplain, Camp Dix, N. J., 1918— 21; pastor, St. Paul’s, Millville, N. J., 1921- . HELDT, WILMER FRANKLIN, b. Lehighton, Pa.; s. Llewellyn J. and Sabina Heldt; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; A.M., 1900; Phila. 180 ALUMNI 1900 Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Arvilla D. Straub, 1902; children, Margaret S., Katharine S.; pastor, Zion’s, Girardville, Pa., 1900-04; Mt. Bethel, Pa., 1904-08; Christ Ch., Conyngham, Pa., 1908-17; St. John’s, Honesdale, Pa., 1917- . KEEHLEY, JOHN, b. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1868; s. Louis and Louise (Kuhn) Keehley; A.B., Thiel Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. N. Y. Min., 1900; m. Jeannette L. Weimer, 1901; child, Ruth Eleanor; first pastor, Holy Trinity, Elmira, N. Y., 1900-03; St. Mark’s, Min¬ neapolis, Minn., 1903-07; Salem, Albert Lea, Minn., 1907-10; Lake Park, Milwaukee, Wis., 1910-11; Resurrection, Buffalo, N. Y., 1911-14; also pastor, Redeemer, Montreal, Can., 1914-15; St. Paul’s, Toronto, Can., 1915-16; First English, Goshen, Ind., 1916-18; St. Paul’s, Lima, O. , 1918- . KIRCHNER, PHILIPP, b. Otterberg, Rheinpfalz, Germany, Jan. 24, 1876; s. Wilhelm and Karolina (Lackmann) Kirchner; Wagner Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; graduate work, U. of Leipzig; U. of Heidel¬ berg; U. of Berlin; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Wilhelmina Kirchner, 1904; child, Philipp Karl; assoc, pastor, St. Johannes, Reading, Pa., 1902-17; pastor, 1917- . KLICK, AARON HENRY, b. Lebanon, Pa., Mar. 22, 1860; s. Jonathan and Sarah Ann Klick; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Agnes Beuchler, 1889; children, Luther, George; Pastor, Hegins, Pa., parish, 1900-11; Weissport, Pa., parish, 1911-12; Pine Grove, Pa., parish, 1912-21; St. John’s, Lykens, Pa., 1921- . KLICK, IRA WERNER, b. East Hanover, Pa., Dec. 9, 1868; s. Jonathan and Sarah Ann (Werner) Klick; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; A.M., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Henrietta S. Coover, 1911; children, Richard Coover, Clifford Coover; pastor, St. Stephen’s, Allentown, Pa., 1900-10; Zion, Marietta, Pa., 1910-14; Strausstown, Pa., parish, 1914- ; mem., Pa. German Historical Soc.; author, Short Catechism on the Bible, 1906. KOPENHAVER, WILLIAM MILTON, b. Elizabethville, Pa., Mar. 20, 1866; s. William and Catherine (Romberger) Kopenhaver; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; pastor, Grace, Macungie, Pa., 1900-17; Cedar, Pa., 1918- ; ed., Lutheran Church Almanac, 1906-18; assoc, ed., Lutheran Church Year Book, 1919- . LEHMANN, JOHN JACOB, b. Buffalo, N. Y.; s. Jacob and Anna (Unger) Lehmann; Wagner Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. N. Y. 181 I960 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Min., 1900; m. Elizabeth Y. Hedges, 1900; child, John Seth; pastor, Dansville, N. Y., 1900-02; St. John’s, Gardenville, N. Y., 1902- . LITTLE, WILLIAM HERBERT, b. Lincolnton, N. C., Mar. 15, 1876; s. Rev. Marcus Lafayette and Candace Almette Little; A.B., Lenoir Col., 1896; A.M., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Tennessee Syn., 1900; m. Mary Elizabeth Rudisill, 1903; children, Wilbert Harold, Evangeline Rudisill, Marcus Lafayette, Lillian Augusta, Franklin Her¬ man; pastor, St. Martin’s and Mt. Gilead, Cabarrus Co., and St. Mar¬ tin’s, Stanley Co., N. C., 1901; prof., Modem Languages, Lenoir Col., 1901-07; supt, Bethany Orphans’ Home, Bridgewater, N. S., 1907-08; prof., German and French, Lenoir Col., 1901-18; and dean, 1908-18; resigned, 1918; temporarily engaged in business; present address, Hickory, N. C. MATTHEWS, GOMER B., b. Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England, Mar. 21, 1872; s. Joshua and Hannah Matthews; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1897; A.M., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; G. C. Miss., India, 1900-01; pastor. Advent, Lancaster, Pa., 1901-09; First Ch., Cleveland, O., 1909; financial agent, Thiel Col., 1909-10; entered Episcopal ministry; miss., Holy Apostles, St. Clair, Pa., 1911-16; rector, St. John’s Free Church, Kensington, Phila., 1916-20; Trinity Memorial, Warren, Pa., 1920-23; author, Waiting at the Cross, 1915; d. Warren, Pa., Jan. 18, 1923. MILLER, CHRISTIAN CLAPPIER, b. Reading, Pa., May 13, 1870; s. Jacob and Hannah (Clappier) Miller; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; A.M., 1897; Chicago Sem., 1897-99; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Edna E. Eberhart, 1897; child, Franklin E.; pastor, Freeburg, Pa., parish, 190CH03; St. John’s, Bath, Pa., 1903-10; St. John’s, Hones- dale, Pa., 1910-17; St. John’s, Coplay, Pa., 1917- ; contr., The Lutheran, Christian Herald and secular papers. MILLER, FRANCIS, b. Phila., Sept. 19, 1874; s. Augustus F. and Mary Miller; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Anna Almeta Koons, 1909; child, John Henry Koons; pastor, Salem, Frankford, Phila., 1900- . NEUDOERFFER, ERNST WILLIAM, b. Brazil, S. A., Nov. 5, 1877; s. Rev. Ernst William and Barbara (Spohn) Neudoerffer; Wagner Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; graduate work, 1921-22; B.D., 1922; ord. Canada Syn., 1900; m. 1st, Dr. Julia Van de Veer, 1906; 2d, Anna Rohrer, 1918; children, Ernestine Van de Veer, Theodora Katherine, Ernst Rohrer; G. C. and U. L. C. Miss., Rajahmundry, India, 1900- ; in charge Bhimawaram Dist. 182 ALUM NT 190® NOTHSTEIN, IRA OLIVER, b. Lehighton, Pa., Jan. 16, 1874; s. Lordy H. and Emma Louisa (Miller) Nothstein; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; A.M., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1900; graduate work, Library Science, U. of Illinois, 1919; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Minnie L. Kuhns, 1900; children, Esther Louisa, Stanley Eugene, Paul Luther, Elizabeth Mathilda, Ruth Dorothea; pastor, St. Mark’s, North St. Paul, Minn., 1900-02; First English, St. Peter, Minn., 1902-06; St. Paul’s, Summit Hill, Pa., 1906-07; Grace English, Rock Island, Ill., 1907-18; librarian and prof., Augustana Col. and Theological Sem., 1918- ; staff corre¬ spondent, Lutheran Companion; ed., My Church, 1915-22; contr., The Lutheran; author, The Gracious Water of Life, 1917; Our Lutheran Church, 1917; The Planting of the Church, 1920; Our Father’s Care, 1922; mem., Augustana Syn. Bd. of Publication and English Hymnal Com. REPASS, ELLIS ARTHUR, b. Rural Retreat, Va, Aug. 21, 1874; s. Luther Kurtz and Margaret Anne (Crabtree) Repass; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; Central U., Indianapolis, Ph.D., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Mary Florence Burch, 1900; child, John How¬ ard; pastor, Mt. Tabor, Va., 1900-03; Bethlehem, Augusta Co., Va., 1903-07; New Market, Va., parish, 1907-15; Muhlenberg Ch., Harrison¬ burg, Va., 1915-17; Bethel, near Salisbury, N. C., 1917-18; Mercers- burg, Pa., 1918- ; sec., Syn. of Virginia, 1913-17; author, various pamphlets and published sermons; contr., Lutheran Church Reziezv. SANDT, JACOB HENRY, b. Stockertown, Pa., Feb. 2, 1872; s. Melchior and Jamima (Uhler) Sandt; Lafayette Col., 1897; Columbia U., 1897-98; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Agnes Slamb; pastor, Trinity, Lebanon, Pa., 1900-09; St. John’s, Catawissa, Pa., 1909- . SCHENCK, ARCHIBALD CLARENCE, b. Bethlehem, Pa., June 3, 1875; s. Lovine Quintus and Mary Belinda Elizabeth (Moerder) Schenck; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; A.M., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1900; graduate work, Phila. Sem., U. of Pa.; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. 1st, Hattie Olive Ritter, 1901; 2d, Lucy E. Reissig, 1918; children, Elizabeth R., Archibald Carl, Paul Edward, Robert James; pastor, Topton, Pa., parish, 1900-02; St. Peter’s, North Wales, Pa., 1902-08; Bethlehem, Phila., 1908- ; contr., The Lutheran; sec., Bd. of Trustees, German¬ town Orphans’ Home. SCHOFER, HENRY MORRIS, b. District Twp, Berks Co., Pa., Feb. 2, 1869; s. James and Catharine (Diener) Schofer; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; m. Hannah Kulp, 1901; child, James Samuel; pastor, Pinegrove, Pa., parish, 1900— 183 1901 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 06; Llewellyn, Pa., parish, 1906-10; Red Cross, Pa., parish, 1910-15; Aristes-Gowen City, Pa., parish, 1915- ; author, History of the Schofer Family. *r* SCHULTZ, JULIUS GEORGE, b. New York City, May 29, 1880; Wagner Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; M.D.; ord. N. Y. Min., 1901; Bloomfield, N. J., 1901-05; St. Luke’s, Erie, Pa., 1905-07; resigned on account of ill health, 1907; later studied medicine; deceased. SCHUMANN, GILES VAN BUREN, b. Albany, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1873; s. John G. and Anna (Mack) Schumann; Wagner Col., 1891-94; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; pastor, Marshallville, O., 1900- 05; Ashtabula, O., 1908-11; Ghent, N. Y., 1911-12; Rensselaer, N. Y., 1912-19; Bronx, N. Y, 1919- . SIEGER, EDGAR E„ b. Orefield, Pa., Nov. 27, 1875; s. Hiram Franklin and Mentena A. M. (Leopold) Sieger; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1900; pastor, Beavertown, Pa., parish, 1900—02; Avonmore, Pa., parish, 1902-04; St. John’s, Lykens, Pa., 1904-08. TREBERT, WILLIAM, b. Romrod, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, Apr. 1, 1874; s. Georg Trebert; Wagner Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. N. Y. Min., 1900; m. Cathryn Richtberg 1 Unglenk, 1903; child, William Henry; pastor, St. Peter’s, Plainfield, N. J., 1900-01; St. John’s, Middle- town, St. Lukes, Chester, St. Paul’s, Narrowsburg, N. Y., 1901-06; St. Luke’s, Rochester, N. Y., 1906- . WEISKOTTEN, THEODORE FREDERICK, b. Mansfield, O., May 30, 1870; s. Robert and Elizabeth Weiskotten; A.B., Thiel Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1900; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1900; m. Georgia I. Bartholo¬ mew, 1905; children, Mary Lorraine, Robert Bartholomew, Theodore Frederick, Jr.; pastor, Mahoning, O., parish, 1900-04; Grace, Syracuse and St. Paul, Benton, Ind., 1904-05; Advent, Cedarburg, Wis., 1908-13; St. Mark’s, Pueblo, Col., 1914-18; Grace, Muscatine, la., 1918- . i 1901 BECK, CHARLES GURNEY, b. Maxatawny, Pa., Sept. 21, 1877; s. Richard Henry (M.D.) and Annie Hester (Herman) Beck; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Cora Aquilla Smith, 1902; children, Richard Alfred, Carl Smith; pastor, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, Can., 1901-05; Ch. of the Redeemer, Mon¬ treal, Can., 1905-09; St. Peters, North Wales, Pa., 1909-21; Holy Spirit, Reading, Pa., 1921- . 184 ALUMNI 1901 BEIDERBECKE, CHARLES HENRY, Jr., b. Otjimbingue, German Southwest Africa, Apr. 20, 1879; s. Rev. C. Heinrich and Margarita (Hahn) Beiderbecke (daughter of Dr. Carl Hugo Hahn, pioneer miss, among the Herero in southwest Africa); Wagner Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. N. Y., Min., 1901; m. Bertha K. Pries, 1906; children, Charles Henry, Hugo Edward; asst, pastor, St. John’s, Bronx, New York, N. Y., 1901-03; pastor, Epiphany, Hempstead, L. I., N. Y., 1903- 04; St John’s, North Tarrytown, N. Y., 1904-08; St. John’s, Bronx, New York, N. Y., 1908-09; Ghent-Harlemville parish, N. Y., 1909-13; St. John’s, Lyons, N. Y., 1913-21; St. Paul’s, Johnstown, Pa., 1921- . 4* BILLHEIMER, WILLIAM ASHER, b. Northampton, Pa., 1878; s. Cornelius Billheimer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; pastor, Leechburg, Pa., 1901-04; Forks Ch., Young- wood, Pa., 1905; d. White Rock, Pa., in attempt to rescue a young lady from drowning, Aug. 18, 1905. BOEHNER, CHARLES FREDERICK, b. Reed City, Mich., Feb. 26, 1876; s. Rev. Charles F. and Rufina Boehner; Saginaw Col.; Saginaw Sem., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Michigan Syn., 1897; m. Anna Rohrs, 1905; child, Ruth; pastor, Ludington, Mich., 1897; Emanuel, Corona, N. Y., 1901; First Ch., Pearl River, N. Y., and St. Paul’s, Nanuet, N. Y., 1902-22; St. John’s, Union Hill, N. J., 1922- . DAUGHERTY, EDGAR HARRY, b. Lycippus, Pa., Nov. 10, 1873; s. John and Caroline Daugherty; A.B., Thiel Col., 1897; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1901; m. Mary Louise Weber, 1903; chil¬ dren, Ruth Florine, Paul Edgar; pastor, Grace Ch., Allegheny, Pa., 1901; Oak Grove, Pa., parish, 1902-07; Harrison City-Boquet parish, Pa., 1907-09; Brush Creek-Manor, Pa., 1909- ; instr., Greensburg Sem., 1897-98. FEHR, WILLIAM HENRY, b. Bethlehem, Pa., Apr. 2, 1874; s. Joseph and Carolina (Young) Fehr; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1897; A.M., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1901; graduate work, Cornell U., 1915-16; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Lydia Charlotte Rohn, 1897; children, Marguerite Agnes, Emma Caroline, Ethel Dorothy, Joseph William, Victoria Lydia ; Leonard James; pastor, St. John’s, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1901-07; St. John’s German, Parkersburg, W. Va., 1907-09; Holy Communion, Harrisburg, Pa., 1909-13; Zion’s and St. John’s, Dushore, Pa., 1913- . GLENN, JOSEPH OSGOOD, b. Singleton, Miss., Oct. 18, 1862; s. Rev. Thomas Alexander (M.D.) and Mary Frances Glenn; B.S., Beth- Eden Collegiate Institute, 1887; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1890; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Dan Ella McLeod, 1893; children, Ella 185 1901 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Lucile, Jane Louise Mary Lavelle, Daniel Lamar; pastor, Donegal, Pa., parish, 1901-04; Harrolds-Seanor parish, New Stanton, Pa., 1904-11; Holy Trinity, Irwin, Pa., 1911-17; Scottdale-Alverton, Pa., 1917- ; teaching, 1890-98 (Soule Col., Chapel Hill, Tex., 2 years; prin., Academy, Moss Point, Miss., 1 year; High Sch., Brooksville, Miss., 2 years). GRUBER, LEVI FRANKLIN, b. Reading, Pa.; s. Franklin H. and Matilda (Himmelberger) Gruber; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; D.D., Muhlenberg Col., 1918; LL.D., Thiel Col., 1921; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Amelia Louise Hoehn, 1902; child, Luther; pastor, Holy Communion, Utica, N. Y., 1902-08; St. Mark’s, Minneapolis, Minn., 1908-14; Reformation, St. Paul, Minn., 1914- ; mem., G. C. and U. L. C. corns.; Pa. German Society; prof., Mathematics and English, Wagner Col., 1901-02; lecturer, Chicago Divinity Sch., 1920— 21; Northwestern Theological Sem., 1921- ; assoc, ed., Bibliotheca Sacra; author, The Version of 1611, 1913; The Truth About the So- called “Luther’s Testament in English,” 1916; Documentary Sketch of the Reformation, 1917; Wittenberg Originals of the Luther Bible, 1917; The Theory of a Finite and Developing Deity Examined, 1918; Creation ex Nihilo, 1918; Whence Came the Universe? 1922; conducted extensive research work in early mss., Reformation sources, etc., publishing results in numerous articles in Bibliotheca Sacra, Biblical World, The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Review, Papers of Bibliographical Society of America, etc., the more important of which, including some titles above, are reprinted in pamphlet form. HALE, HENRY FREDERICK, b. Phila., May 28, 1876; s. Edward and Ida (Meyer) Hale; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; pastor, Trinity, Manoa, Pa., 1901-07; Ch. of the Redeemer, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila., 1907-13; Good Shepherd, Overbrook, Phila., 1913- . HARTWIG, GEORGE HERMAN, b. Canajoharie, N. Y., June 27, 1879; s. Rev. Herman Henry, 78, and Ida (Greul) Hartwig; Wagner Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; graduate work Cornell U., 1909; Harvard U., 1911, 1913-14, 1916-17; Leland Stanford U., 1912-13, 1919, 1920, 1921; U. of Chicago, 1915; New York U., 1916; ord. N. Y. Min., 1901; pastor, Potter, N. Y., 1901—03; Hornell, N. Y., 1904-06; Midville, Nova Scotia, 1906-08; prof., English, Lenoir Col., 1908-12, 1914-16; instr., English Bible, Pacific Sem., 1917-19; prof., English, St. Olaf Col., 1919- ; mem., Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford U. HEIST, WILLIAM S., b. near Quakertown, Pa., Apr. 12, 1871; s. Henry C. and Leanna (Strunk) Heist; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Carrie Jacoby Ozias, 1902; 186 ALUMNI 1901 child, Paul William; pastor, Trinity, Vandergrift Heights, Pa., 1901-03; St. Paul’s, Scranton, Pa., 1903-13; St. John’s, Pen Argyl, Pa., 1913-20; South Langhome, Pa., parish, 1929- . KEULING, EMIL JULIUS, b. Berlin, Can, Mar. 9, 1863; s. Carl and Louisa (Hafele) Keuling; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1898; Phila. Sem, 1901; ord. Min. Pa, 1901; m. Antoinette Krugerman, 1885; children, Frederic Carl, Edgar Louis, Irene Louise; pastor, Zion’s, Weatherly, Pa, 1901-03; Grace Ch, Perth Amboy, N. J, 1903—05; Ch. of the Holy Spirit, College Point, N. Y, 1905-07; St. Luke, Union Course, N. Y, 1907-08; West Park M. E. Ch, Scranton, Pa, 1914-16; Bethany, North Bergen, N. J, 1916- . KISTLER, EDWARD HAINES, b. Allentown, Pa, Sept. 20, 1873; s. James A. and Annie L. (Haines) Kistler; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1895; A.M, 1898; Phila. Sem, 1901; graduate work, U. of Pa, 1911- 13; D.D, Wabash Col, 1921; ord. East Pa. Conference, United Evangelical Ch, deacon, 1893; elder, 1897; pastor, White Haven, Pa, 1891-93; Bethany, Bethlehem, Pa, 1895-97; Lehighton, Pa, 1897-98, 1901-03; Germantown, Phila, 1898-1901; First Ch, Reading, Pa, 1903- 07; Bethany, Allentown, Pa, 1907-10; First Presbyterian Ch, Moores- town, N. J, 1910-13; Babcock Memorial Presbyterian Ch, Baltimore, Md, 1913-17; Fourth Presbyterian Ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 1917- ; contr. to The Evangelical. 4* KISTLER, EDWIN LEVAN, b. Stony Run, Pa, Feb. 21, 1873; s. Edwin and Elmira Kistler; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1898; Phila. Sem, 1901; ord. Min. Pa, 1901; m. Mary K. Culp; two children; pastor, Cross Roads, Pa, parish, 1902-11; d. Sunbury, Pa, Jan. 29, 1911. KRESSLEY, GEORGE SMITH, b. Maxatawny, Pa, Feb. 8, 1877; s. Percival Nathan and Martha Rebecca Kressley; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1898; Phila. Sem, 1901; graduate work, Goettingen U, 1910; Muhlenberg Col, 1910-13; Litt.D, Muhlenberg Col, 1913; ord. Min. Pa, 1901; m. Anna Rachel Fretz, 1902; child, Helen Elizabeth; prof, Latin, Greek, German, Keystone S. N. S, 1901-17; head, Foreign Lan¬ guage Dept, Allentown, Pa, Schs, 1917- . ^•LENKER, GEORGE IRVING, b. Northumberland Co, Pa, Jan. 23, 1873; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1897; Phila. Sem, 1901; ord. Min. Pa, 1901; pastor, Grace Ch, Pittsburgh, N. S, Pa, 1901-08; resigned on account of ill health, 1908; d. Southern Pines, S. C, Mar. 22, 1918. LITTLE, CARROLL HERMAN, b. Hickory, N. C, Mar. 26, 1872; s. Rev. Marcus LaFayette and Candace A. (Herman) Little; A.B, 187 1901 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Gaston Col., 1889; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1893; Phila. Sem., 1901; graduate work, Johns Hopkins U., 1897-98; D.D., Lenoir Col., 1914; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Edith Blanche DeLong; children, Carolus, Herman Luther, Marion, Arthur, Robert, Eileen, Ruth; pastor, New Germany, Nova Scotia, 1901-09; Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, 1909-11; housefather, Beth¬ any Orphans’ Home, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, 1911-14; St. Lawrence parish, Ontario, Can., 1914-17;-sec., Syn. of Nova Scotia, 1904-09; pres., 1912-14; editor. Nova Scotia Lutheran, 1907-11; prof., Theology, Theo¬ logical Sem., Waterloo, 1917- ; acting pres., Theological Sem., Water¬ loo, Can, 1918-20; dean, 1920- . MATTES, JOHN CASPAR, b. Easton, Pa, Nov. 8, 1876; s. Henry Louis and Adelheid (Havemann) Mattes (daughter of William V. Havemann, prof. Ordinarius of History, Goettingen U.) ; A.B, Lafayette Col, 1898; A.M, 1901; Phila. Sem, 1901; ord. Min. Pa, 1901; m. Caroline Olga Niedt, 1906; children, Henry William, John Walter, Alfred Luke, Dorothea Mary, Olga Marguerite, Emma Adelheid; pastor, Ch. of the Saviour, Trenton, N. J, 1901-15; Holy Trinity, Scranton, Pa, 1915- ; mem, G. C. Ch. Book Com, U. L. C. Common Service Book Com.; tr, six hymns in Common Service Book; weekly contr. to The Lutheran, 1914-20; contr, numerous articles to Lutheran Church Reviezv, American Lutheran Survey, etc, some reprinted in pamphlet form; alumni ed, Philadelphia Seminary Bulletin, 1916-21. PALLESKE, THEODORE EMIL, b. Basel, Switzerland, Nov. 9, 1875; s. Emil and Clara Freund Palleske; Wagner Col, 1898; Phila. Sem, 1901; graduate work, U. of Berlin, 1901; B.S, Teachers’ Col, Columbia U, 1906; ord. N. Y. Min, 1903; m. Luise Schaefer, 1905; son, Siegwalt Odo; instr, Wagner Col, 1903-04; pastor, St. Paul’s, West Brighton, N. Y, 1903; St. Paul’s, Narrowsburg, N. Y, 1912-14; Trinity, Ravena and Coeyman’s, N. Y, 1916-20; St. John’s, Englewood, N. J, 1920-22; instr. Ocean Grove, N. J, High Sch, 1907-11; Coeymans, N. Y, High Sch, 1916-20; Wagner Col, 1922- . POSSELT, THEODOR OTTO FERDINAND, b. Kgalatlolu, Trans¬ vaal, South Africa, Oct. 21, 1881; s. Rev. Otto (miss, in South Africa) and Franziska (Twele) Posselt; Wagner Col, 1898; Phila. Sem, 1901; ord. N. Y. Min, 1902; m. Wilhelmine H. Heisenbuttel, 1905; children, Theodore Otto, Esther Catharine, Arthur Gustav, Frederick William; pastor, Emanuel, Harlemville, N. Y, 1901-03; St. John’s, North Tarry- town, N. Y, 1903-05; St. Peter’s, Port Jervis, N. Y, 1905-09; St. John’s, Bronx, N. Y. C, 1909- ; sec, N. Y. Min, 1915-22. REPASS, BERNARD, b. Salem, Ya, June 26, 1876; s. Rev. Dr. Stephen Albion, ’69, and Frances Hancock Repass; A.B, Muhlenberg 188 ALUMNI 1902 Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Lena G. Roth, 1910; pastor, Emlenton-St. Petersburg, Pa., 1901-04; St. Mark’s, Lan¬ caster, Pa., 1905-06; St. Peter’s, Chester Co., Pa., 1908-13; St. Barnabas, Charleston, St. Luke’s, Summerville, S. C., 1913-15; St. Paul’s, Scranton, 1916—20; St. Paul’s, Doylestown, Pa., 1920- . SMELTZER, JOHN MILTON, Jr., b. Myerstown, Pa., Sept. 16, 1878; s. John Myer and Adelaide (Miller) Smeltzer; A.B., F. and M. Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Gertrude Hager, 1904; pastor, Myerstown, Pa., 1901-02; East Bangor, Pa., 1902; Ricketts, Pa., parish, 1902-03; Grace, Gouldsboro, Pa., 1903-10; not in the ministry since 1910; present address, 63 Adams Street, Rochester, N. Y. *f» STOPP, SAMUEL AUGUSTUS BRIDGES, b. Allentown, Pa., Mar. 19, 1875; s. John and Ella Magdalene (Dech) Stopp; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1896; graduate work, Princeton U., 1897-98; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; pastor, St. Paul’s, Doylestown, Pa., 1901-06; Ch. of the Ascension, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1907; St. Andrew’s- by-the-Sea, Atlantic City, N. J., 1907-09; contr., Lutheran Liturgical Society Memoirs, Lutheran Church Review; d. Allentown, Pa., June 13, 1917; bequeathed his library of five thousand volumes to Muhlenberg Col. SULLENBERGER, JOHN KLEINGUINA, b. Bern Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Sept. 23, 1873; s. Henry M. and Henrietta (Kleinguina) Sullenberger; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Hattie S. Frederick, 1901; children, Anna Minerva, Frederick Henry, Melba Grace, Mary Elmira Elizabeth, Carolina Henri¬ etta; pastor, Quakake, Pa., 1901-05; supply pastor, Allentown, Pa., 1905-12. WENNER, WESLEY EDGAR, b. Litzenberg, Pa., Apr. 21, 1874; s. Allen Samuel and Rose Jane (Koch) Wenner; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1901; ord. Min. Pa., 1901; m. Kate Janette Heiberger, 1903; child, Mildred; pastor, Danville, Pa., 1902-04; Kim- berton, Pa., 1904-08; Mt. Bethel, Pa., parish, 1909-20; Sassamansville- Niantic, Pa., parish, 1920- . 1902 BECK, ALFRED RILEY, b. Cid, N. C., Feb. 17, 1867; s. William Austin and Elizabeth Beck; A.B., Lenoir Col., 1892; Chicago Sem., 1899-1900; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. United Syn. South, 1892; m. Carrie B. Leonard, 1893; child, Waldo McRee; pastor, Manassas, Va., 1892-93; Holly Grove, N. C., 1893-96; St. Peter’s, Lexington Co., S. C, 1896- 1902; First Lutheran, Albemarle, N. C., 1902-04; Forestville, Va., 1904- 06, 1907-11; St. James, Chicago, 1906-07; Holy Communion, Dallas, 189 1902 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD N. C,, 1912-17; St. John’s, Statesville, N. C., 1917-19; Shenandoah, Va., 1919-21; Newton, N. C., 1921- ; prin., Holly Grove Academy, 1893-96; sec., Tennessee Syn., 1897; pres., 1902, 1910-18. BECK, WILLIS, b. Stone Church, Pa., Feb. 12, 1876; s. George Ezra and Mary (Wolslayer) Beck; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Grace Klingensmith, 1903; children, Isabel Raeburn, Mary Caroline, Charles Clarence, George Willis; pastor, Trinity, Derry, Pa., 1902-05; Trinity, Superior, Wis., 1905-06; Cannon Falls, Minn., 1906-16; Redeemer, Zumbrota, and St. Luke’s, Goodhue, Minn., 1906- . BENDER, JOHN ADOLPH, b. Tamaqua, Pa, Feb. 4, 1874; s. Francis Xavier and Anna Maria (Beck) Bender; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1899; A.M, 1902; Phila. Sem, 1902; ord. Min. Pa, 1902; m. Elizabeth Pfeil, 1903; child, Luther Pfeil; pastor, St. Peter’s, Pittston, Pa, 1902-06; St. Mark’s, Scranton, Pa, 1906- . BERG, JAMES, b. Reading, Pa, May 12, 1875; s. Charles and Sarah (Rickenbach) Berg; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1899; A.M, 1902; Phila. Sem, 1902; ord. Min. Pa, 1902; m. Adeline Augusta Brommer, 1904; child, Anna Naomi; pastor, Mt. Vernon, N. Y, 1902-16; supply pastor, St. Andrew’s, Brooklyn, N. Y, 1918; New York City and Brooklyn, 1919-22; second miss, supt, Syn. N. Y. and N. Y. and N. E. Syn, 1922- ; city alderman, Mt. Vernon, N. Y, 1910-14; acting mayor, 1911-15; city comptroller, 1916-22. BUCHMAN, FRANK NATHAN DANIEL, b. Pennsburg, Pa, June 4, 1878; s. Frank and Sarah (Greenawalt) Buchman; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1899; Phila. Sem, 1902; studied, Inner Miss, under von Bodel- schwingh, etc.; ord. Min. Pa, 1902; pastor, Ch. of the Good Shepherd, Overbrook, 1902-05; housefather, Phila. Lutheran Hospice, 1905-07; sec, Y. M. C. A, Pa. State Col, 1909-12; extension lecturer, Hartford Theological Sem, 1916- ; personal evangelism tours, India, China, Korea, Japan, Philippines, 1915-19; contr, Japan Evangelist, China Continuation Commission Bulletins. COOPER, WILLIAM PEIPER, b. Lancaster, Pa, Apr. 8, 1877; s. Thomas F. and Mary L. Cooper; A.B, F. and M. Col., 1899; Phila. Sem, 1902; ord. Min. Pa, 1902; asst, pastor, St. Mark’s, Phila, 1902- 04; retired from active ministry because of ill health; present address, Lancaster, Pa. FETHEROLF, DANIEL ELMER, b. Fetherolfsville, Pa, Feb. 15, 1871; s. James K. and Lydia D. (Kistler) Fetherolf; A.B, Muhlenberg 190 ALUMNI 1902 Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. 1st, Lottie Belle Hilbish, 1911; 2d, Frances Pachnicke, 1920; child, Mary Lydia; pastor, North St. Paul, Minn., 1902—03; Freeburg, Pa., 1903-07; Stone Valley, Pa., 1907-17; Line Mountain, Pa., parish, 1920- . FREIMUTH, HENRY CHRISTIAN CARL, b. Hoboken, N. J., July 14, 1879; s. Paul J. and Anna (Dieckmann) Freimuth; Wagner Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; m. Julia Christine Wichmann, 1903; children, Julia Anna, Carl Henry, Luther Theodore; ord. N. Y. Min., 1902; pastor, Holy Trinity, Rockville Center, L. I., 1902—05; St. Paul’s, Liberty, N. Y., 1905-18; Peace, Rochester, N. Y., 1918-20; First Ch., Waterbury, Conn., 1920- . HEILMAN, EDGAR JAMES, b. Walberts, Pa., Sept. 30, 1871; s. Edwin and Brigitta Mary (Henninger) Heilman; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Mary Alice Bechtold, 1905; children, Robert Bechtold, Grace Elizabeth, Carl Edwin; pastor, Grace, Wyndmoor, Phila., 1902-09; Lykens Valley, Pa., parish, 1909-18; St. Luke’s, Easton, Pa., 1918- ; prin., Macungie, Pa., Schs., 1895; prof., Latin and Greek, Kutztown, S. N. S., 1901. HENRY, JONAS OSCAR, b. Stine’s Corner, Pa., Mar. 4. 1874; s. Daniel K. and Sarah (Wagamann) Henry; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Ida L. Sefing, 1903; children, Karl Sefing, Paul Jonas, Leonard Daniel; pastor, Topton, Pa., parish, 1902-09; Blandon, Pa., 1906-09; supt., Topton Orphans’ Home, 1909- . INTEMANN, CARL FREDERICK, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 11, 1878; s. Hermann Henry and Anna Dorothea (Truetner) Intemann; Wagner Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; graduate work, Columbia U.; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1902; m. Augusta Johanna Riether, 1909; pastor, Grace Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1902- . KAUFMAN, DAVID C., b. Olev, Pa., Apr. 23, 1876; s. Frank Y. and Hannah B. (Clauser) Kaufman; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1898; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Alice B. Brown, 1903; children, David, Eugene, Philip; pastor, Beavertown, Pa., parish, 1902-07; Zions- ville, Pa., parish, 1907- . KLICK, JONATHAN ALVIN, b. East Hanover Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1874; s. Jonathan and Sara Ann Klick; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Lillie J. Wagner, 1899; child, Marvin; pastor, St. John’s, Pen Argyl, Pa., 1902-06; Ch. of Good Shepherd, Easton, Pa., 1906-07; Hecktown-Farmersville, Pa., parish, 1907- . 191 1902 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD KLINE, WILLIAM HENRY, b. Bellemen's Church, Pa., May 7, 1854; s. Jacob E. and Catharine (Zartman) Kline; Palatinate Col., 1872-75; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Catharine S. Dehart, 1875; children, Henry Andrew, Minnie Catharine, George Luther, Wal¬ lace William, Sallie Rebecca, Ralph Waldo Emerson; pastor, Gowen City, Pa., 1903-04; Dushore, Pa., 1904-06; Hobbie, Pa., parish, 1906-10; West Hazleton, Pa., 1910-15; Mahanoy parish, Red Cross, Pa., 1915-18; Urban, Pa., parish, 1918- ; prin., Chambersburg, Pa., Business Col., 1897-99. KOCH, JOHN WILSON, b. near Bath, Pa., Mar. 28, 1875; s. Aaron and Tevilia E. (Stever) Koch; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; A.M., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Ida Leanna Seiple, 1902; children, Alfred Aaron, Catharine; pastor, St. Mark’s, North Water Gap, Pa., 1902-03; Shellsville, Pa., 1903-07; St. Peters, Pittston, Pa., 1907-12; Grace, Allentown-St. John’s, Fullerton, Pa., 1912-16; Howertown-Stone Church, Pa., parish, 1916- . KOPP, JOHN, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1869; s. John and Barbara (Roth) Koch; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. N. Y. Min., 1902; pastor, St. Paul’s, Liberty, N. Y., 1902-05; St. Paul’s, East Port Chester, Conn., 1905-15; Christ Ch., Jersey City, N. J., 1915- . KUNKLE, HOWARD ALLEN, b. Kresgeville, Pa., Nov. 11, 1870; s. James and Elizabeth (Kresge) Kunkle; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Gertrude Rinker, 1902; child, Howard; pastor, St. Paul’s, Scranton, Pa., 1902-03; North Beth- lehem-Friedensville, Pa., 1903-07; Lykens Valley, Pa., parish, 1907-08; St. Paul’s, Guelph, Can., 1908-09; Mohnton, Pa., 1909-10; St. Stephen’s, Allentown, Pa., 1910-14; Trinity, Hamilton, Ont., and Welland Miss., Can., 1914-16; Grace, Fairmount, W. Va., 1916-17; Ascension Miss., Lancaster, and Rohrerstown, Pa., 1917-19; Palmyra, Pa., 1919- ; sec., Syn. of Central Canada, 1909. LORENZ, MARTIN JOHN, b. Schleswig, Germany, Nov. 27, 1881; s. Rev. Otto E. and Agnes Lorenz; Wagner Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. N. Y. Min., 1902; m. Katherine Eva Uthe, 1906; children, Edward Otto, Gloria Katherine; pastor, St. Matthews, Collinsville, Conn., 1902-04; miss, work, South Buffalo, N. Y., 1904-05; St. John’s, Lindenhurst, N. Y., 1906-13; First Ch., Waterbury, Conn., 1913-20; First Ch., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1920- . REX, WILLOUGHBY FRANKLIN, b. Andreas, Pa., Dec. 28, 1873; s. Moses and Caroline (Steigerwaldt) Rex; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1899; A.M., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1902; m. Bertha 192 ALUMNI 1903 Knerr, 1902; pastor, Packerton-Pahnerton, Pa., 1902-04; Zion, Marietta, Pa., 1904-10; Atonement, Racine, Wis., 1910-15; First English, Free¬ port, Ill., 1915- . ZIEGELBRIER, CHARLES JOSEPH, b. Bartfeld, Hungary, Dec. 15, 1877; s. Karl and Anna (Mrasz) Ziegelbrier; Capital U.; Wagner Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1902; ord. N. Y. Min., 1902; m. Augusta Klein; children, Carl Frederick, Carl Luther; pastor, Bloomfield, N. J., 1902-03; Verona, N. Y., 1903-05; Mildred, Pa., 1905-06; South Williamsport, Pa., 1906-07; Evans City, Pa., 1907-09; Chicago, Ill., 1909-12; Fort Plain, N. Y., 1912-16; Ivripplein Christi, Wilkes-Barre. Pa., 1917-22; St. Peter’s German, Phila., 1922- . 1903 BOETTGER, EDWIN HENRY, b. Eggertsville, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1875; s. Rev. Adolph and Augusta M. (Seeband) Boettger; Wagner Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1903; m. Elizabeth Jane Inrig, 1914; children, Robert Alexander, Allan William; pastor, St. Paul’s, Toronto, Can., 1907-08; Grace Ch., Buffalo, N. Y., 1903-07, 1908- . BOYER, ELMER DAVID SCHUYLER, b. Dillingersville, Pa., June 17, 1874; s. Henry H. and Susannah Roeder (Schuyler) Boyer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; graduate work, Chicago Sem.; ord. Chicago Syn., 1904; m. Lillian Mae Wanner, 1914; pastor, Holy Trinity, Lafayette, Ind., 1904-18; Trinity, Danville, Pa., 1918- ; contr. to The Lutheran. BRAUNE, OSCAR ERNEST JOHN, b. Golconda, Ill., Dec. 28, 1877; s. Henry August and Mathilda (Droegsler) Braune; Wagner Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. N. Y. Min., 1903; m. Juliana Elizabeth Meyer; pastor, St. John’s, Newark, N. J., 1903- ; chaplain, 1st Regt., N. J. N. G., 1911-15. CLAUSEN, FREDERICK BERNARD, b. New York City, Feb. 25, 1880; s. John and Susan (Abel) Clausen; Wagner Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. Min. Pa., 1903; m. Freda Reineck, 1905; children, Frederick, Marguerite Catharine; pastor, Ch. of the Epiphany, New York City, 1903-12; St. Paul’s, Wilmington, N. C., 1912-18; St. John’s, South Brooklyn, N. Y., 1918- ; contr., Lutheran Church Visitor. CROUSHORE, HENRY JONAS, b. West Newton, Pa.; s. Henry and Elizabeth J. Croushore; A.B., Thiel Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. Min. Pa., 1903; m. Mabel Irene Hartzell, 1913; children, James 193 1903 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Henry, Paul David, John Frederick; pastor, Ch. of the Resurrection, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Redeemer, Montreal, Can.; Freeburg, Pa., parish; Rosemont, Bethlehem, Pa. DEISHER, GEORGE REUBEN, b. Maxatawny Twp, Berks Co., Pa., July 24, 1874; s. Jacob and Caroline (Butz) Deisher; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1903; m. Elsie Anna Catharine Guth, 1903; children, George Reuben, Catharine Elizabeth; pastor, Rohrerstown-Mountville, Pa., 1903-06; Jonestown, Pa., parish, 1906- ; St. Paul’s, Hamlin, Pa., 1917- . FEGLEY, CHARLES KRAUTH, b. Mechanicsburg, Pa., Sept. 17, 1877; s. Rev. Henry Neidig and Linnie Cecilia (Reichard) Fegley; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. Min. Pa., 1903; m. Ellen Margaret Cressman, 1912; children, Ellen Margaret, Ruth Elizabeth, Miriam Elise, Grace Carolyn; pastor, Emmanuel, Allegheny, Pa., 1903-05; Holy Communion, Harrisburg, Pa., 1905-10; field miss., G. C. Home Miss. Bd., 1910-18; pastor, Holy Trinity, Palmerton, Pa., 1918-23; Lansford, Pa., 1923- ; executive sec., G. C. Reformation Jubilee Fund, 1917; executive sec. for Pa. National Com. for Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Welfare, 1918; director, boys’ work, Palmerton Neighbor¬ hood House, 1919-21; instr., English, Allentown Preparatory Sch., 1913; chairman, Press Com., Min. Pa.; contr., Lutheran Liturgical Association Memoirs. KASTEN, PAUL ROBERT HERMAN, b. Poelitz, Pomerania, Ger¬ many, Sept. 2, 1880; s. Gotthilf and Augusta (Wolff) Kasten; Wagner Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. N. Y. Min., 1903; m. Lisette Neu- doerffer, 1913; child, Herman Gotthilf Ernst; pastor, St. Peter’s, Brook¬ lyn, N. Y., 1903—05; St. John’s, Lyons, N. Y., 1905-09; St. Peter’s, Port Jervis, N. Y., 1909—14; Concordia, Watertown, N. Y., 1914-20; Zion’s, Clarence Center, N. Y., 1920- . KRUTZKY, PAUL GUSTAV, b. Phila., Feb. 25, 1874; s. Frederick and Julianna (Bittkowski) Krutzky; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; graduate work, U. of Leipsic, 1901; U. of Halle, 1902; ord. Min. Pa., 1903; m. Olga Victoria Peterson, 1908; children, Martin Luther, Ethel Victoria, Paul Gustav, Jr., Frederick Warren, Ruth Louise; pastor, Holy Trinity, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1904-05; Holy Trinity, Worcester, Mass., and miss.. Providence, R. I., 1906-08; Christus, South Williamsport, Pa., 1908-09; St. John’s, Lykens-Reforma- tion, Williamstown, Pa., 1909-12; Grace, North Tonawanda, N. Y., 1912—19; Zion, Cohocton, N. Y., 1919— ; tr., Luthers Christian Pre¬ cepts for Every Day in the Year , 1904; contr., Lutheran Church Review , The Lutheran. 194 ALUMNI 1SC4 KUNTZ, FRANKLIN SAMUEL, b. Mulberry, Ind., Nov. 2, 1875; s. Rev. John Jacob, 73, and Sarah A. (Keck) Kuntz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. Min. Pa., 1903; m. Sadie T. Grimley, 1910; children, Jeremiah Franklin, Paul Grimley; pastor, St. Paul’s, Millersville, Pa., 1903-04; Grace, Lehighton, Pa., 1904-07; Apostles, Phila., 1907- . PAUL, FRANK I.; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. Min. Pa., 1903; pastor, Christ Ch., Camden, N. J., 1902-13; present address unknown. BIEBERT, WILHELM LORENZ, b. Ulfen, Germany, Dec. 7, 1876; s. Heinrich and Martha (Bomschier) Siebert; Wagner Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. N. Y. Min., 1903; m. 1st, Marie Schmidt, 1904; 2d, Elsie A. Steinle, 1915; children, Catharine Wilhelmina, Paul Joseph, William Steinle; pastor, St. Paul’s, Carbondale, Pa., 1903-04; German Ch., Lock Haven, Pa., 1904-05; German Ch., Newark, N. J., 1905- . STRAUB, HARVEY LYMAN, b. East Penn Twp, Carbon Co., Pa., June 12, 1875; s. David Harrison and Amelia (Hawk) Straub; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1900; ord. Min. Pa., 1903; m. Blanche Miller, 1903; children, Ruth Mildred, Harrison David; pastor, Frieden’s, Bemville, Pa., 1903-06; Bowmanstown, Pa., parish, 1906-16; resigned on account of ill health. TRUMP, LEWIS SMITH, b. Mohrsville, Pa., Jan. 3, 1875; s. Adam M. and Sarah (Smith) Trump; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1903; graduate work, Lafayette Col.; ord. Min. Pa., 1903; pastor, Ricketts, Pa., 1904-05; St. Mark’s, North Water Gap, Pa., 1905—08; Ch. of Good Shepherd, Easton, Pa., 1908-20; Wolf Cross Road, Sun- bury, Pa., 1920- . WESSINGER, BENJAMIN DAVID, b. near Chapin, S. C., Oct. 24, 1877; s. David Frederick and Julia Caroline (Frick) Wessinger; Lenoir Col., 1899; Phila. Sem., 1903; ord. Tennessee Syn., 1903; m. Nannie Virginia Caughman, 1903; children, Anne Julia, Elaine Virginia, George David; pastor, St. Peter’s and St. John’s, Chapin, S. C., 1903-04; Cedar Grove; St. Paul’s parish, Gilbert, S. C., 1904—13; Cherryville, N. C., parish, 1913- ; pres., Tennessee Syn., 1918-20; contr., Lutheran Church Visitor. 1904 BENNER, ALLEN LUTHER, b. Shoenersville, Pa., June 26, 1880; s. Elias Rothrock and Belinda Elizabeth Benner; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1901; A.M., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1904; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 195 1904 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1904; m. Edna Grace Erdman, 1909; children, Eleanor Elizabeth, Allen Luther; pastor, St. John’s, Richmond Hill, N. Y., 1904-21; Grace, Lancaster, Pa., 1921- . HIRZEL, CARL HENRY, b. Chestnut Hill, Phila., Jan. 4, 1880; s. Rev. Charles John, 76, and Ida (Miller) Hirzel; A.B., U. of Pa., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1904; graduate work, U. of Pa.; ord. Min. Pa., 1904; m. Clara Koch, 1905; children, Charles Koch, Stephen Otto, Leona Louise; pastor, Epiphany, Manayunk, Pa., 1904-18; St. Andrew’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1918- ; instr., English, Boys’ Central High Sch., Phila., 1918-19. HORN, WILLIAM MELCHIOR, b. Charleston, S. C.,'Nov. 28, 1882; s. Rev. Prof. Edward Traill, 72, and Harriet (Chisolm) Horn; Charles¬ ton Col., 1896-97; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1900; Phila. Sem., 1904; graduate work, Princeton U., 1900-01; U. of Pa., 1902-03; ord. Min. Pa., 1904; m. Marguerite Jacobs (daughter of Rev. Prof. Henry Eyster Jacobs), 1908; children, Edward Traill, 3d; Ruth Marguerite, William Melchior, Jr., Henry Eyster, John Chisolm, Robert Traill, Marguerite Eyster; pastor, Advent, New York City, 1904-17; resident pastor, Cor¬ nell U., 1917- ; pres., N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1914-17; pres., Virgin Islands Bd. of U. L. C.; pres., New York Inner Miss. Soc., 1910-16. MARTIN, FREDERICK CHARLES, b. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1876; s. Frederick and Maria Caroline (Luke) Martin; A.B., Thiel Col., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1904; D.D., Thiel Col., 1920; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1904; m. Clara M. Miller, 1904; children, Frederick, Paul; pastor, Holy Trinity, Elmira, N. Y., 1904—07; Grace, Rochester, N. Y., 1907-19; First Ch., Greensburg, Pa., 1919- . PESTKE, PAUL JOHN WALTER, b. Germany, March 26, 1879; s. Gottlieb and Rosa (Quenstedt) Pestke; Wagner Col., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1904; B.D., Union Sem., 1909; Columbia U.; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; pastor, Christ Ch., Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1904-08; Ch. of the Resurrection, Brook¬ lyn, N. Y., 1909-11; St. John’s, Canajoharie, N. Y., 1911- . RENGIER, RICHARD COURTNEY, b. Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 11, 1880; s. Albert S. and Rebecca D. Rengier; F. and M. Col., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1904; ord. Min. Pa., 1904; pastor, Holy Trinity, Mt. Joy, Pa., 1904-10; First English, Butler, Pa., 1911-13; d. Butler, Pa., Jan. 1, 1913. RICHARDS, EDWARD RAY, b. Zanesville, O., Feb. 14, 1881; s. Rev. Dr. Frank, ’67, and Caroline (Super) Richards; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1904; ord. Dist. Syn., O., 1904; pastor, St. John’s, Zanesville, O., 1904-07; Blufifton, O., 1907-09; Trinitv, Bellevue, Ky., 1909-13; Grace, Toledo, O, 1913- . 196 ALUMNI 1904 RICHARDS, JOHN ELROY, b. Zanesville, O.; s. Rev. Dr. Frank, ’67, and Caroline (Super) Richards; A.B., Gettysburg - Col., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1904; teaching; address, 539 First Avenue, Zanesville, O. SCHANTZ, JOSEPH S., b. Hosensack, Pa., Jan. 23, 1875; s. Erwin H. and Katharine W. Schantz; A.B., Lafayette Col., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1904; ord. Min. Pa., 1904; m. Katharine Smith Shelly, 1905; children, Miriam Katharyn, Esther May; pastor, St. Paul’s, Millersville, Pa., 1904- 07; housefather, Phila. Luther Hospice, 1907- ; pastor, Phila. Inner Miss. Soc.; temporary director, Artman Home, Sellersville, Pa. SCHOFER, JOHN ADDISON, b. Landis Store, Pa., Feb. 16, 1873; s. James and Catharine M. (Diener) Schofer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1901; A.M., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1904; ord. Min. Pa., 1904; m. Sarah Rebecca Kistler, 1905; children, John George, Anna Caroline, Karl Frederick, Martin Luther, Paul James, Henry Kistler; pastor, Berwick, Pa., parish, 1904—07; Nescopeck, Pa., parish, 1907—11; Stoutsville, O., parish, 1911-17; Stone Creek, O., parish, 1917- . SIEGER, HIRAM FRANKLIN, b. Allentown, Pa., 1878; s. Hiram Franklin and Mantena M. (Leopold) Sieger; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1901; A.M., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1904; ord. Min. Pa., 1904; m. Fanny Emily Plant, 1910; children, Charles Franklin, Gloria Susannah, Owen Leopold; pastor, Zion's, Spring City, Pa., 1904—05; Resurrection, Phila., 1905- 09; Holy Trinity, Northampton, Pa., 1909- . WACKERNAGEL, EDWARD JONATHAN, b. Mauch Chunk, Pa., Jan. 12, 1880; s. Rev. William and Anna M. (Deininger) Wackemagel; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1904; ord. Min. Pa., 1904; m. 1st, Bertha Struntz, 1905; 2d, Amelia Urbach, 1919; children, Mar- garetta Anna, Edward Carl; pastor, Christ Ch., Elizabethtown, Pa., 1904-12; First English, Toledo, O., 1912- . WENRICH, SOLOMON MARTIN, b. Reinholds, Pa.; s. John and Elizabeth (Merkle) Wenrich; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1901; A.M., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1904; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1921; ord. Dist. Syn. of O., 1904; m. Minnie Matilda Behringer, 1904; child, Ruth Olivia; pastor, Northampton Heights, Pa., parish, 1904-09; Gilbert-Kresgeville-Effort- Kunkletown, Pa., parish, 1909-11; Grace, East Bangor, Pa., 1911-18; Bowmanstown, Pa., parish, 1918- . WISCHKAEMPER, HENRY LEWIS RICHARD; Phila. Sem., 1904; later student in Union Theological Sem. and in Germany, and teacher in the U. of Minnesota; present address unknown. 197 1935 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD YOUNT, JOHN ARNDT, b. Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Feb. 15, 1881; s. Rev. Dr. Adolphus LeRoy and Helea (Henkel) (a direct descendant of Anthony Jacob Henkel) Yount; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1904; graduate work, West Virginia U., 1906-10; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1904; m. Mary Elizabeth Steele, 1908; pastor, St. John’s, Home¬ stead, Pa., 1904—06; St. Paul’s, Morgantown, W. Va., 1906-11; Zion, Meyersdale, Pa., 1911-13; Uniontown, Pa., 1914-17; St. John’s, Pitts¬ burgh, Pa., 1918- . 1905 APPEL, ALLEN REUBEN, b. Mountainville, Pa., May 9, 1880; s. John Paul and Emma S. (Kemmerer) Appel; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Mattie Nye, 1907; children, Bernard, Allen Reuben, Jr., Mary Heller, John Jonas; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer. East Falls, Phila., 1905-07; Shellsville, Pa., parish, 1907-09; Christ Ch., Freemansburg, Pa., 1909-12; Zion, Siegfried, Pa., 1912- ; Northampton, Pa. BACHOFER, ANDREAS JOHN, b. Phila., Apr. 13, 1878; s. Andreas and Fredericka (Ahrends) Bachofer; Wagner Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Margaret Feery, 1905; children. Margaret Ruth, Paul Andrew, Esther Elizabeth, Naomi Freda, Miriam Dorothy; pastor, Zion, Girardville, Pa., 1905-67; Dushore, Pa., parish, 1907-12; St. Peter’s, Hughestown, Pa., 1912-16; Hobbie, Pa., parish, 1916-19; temporarily retired on account of ill health; address, 6827 Clearview Street, Phila. BECK, WALTER CLEMENT, b. Orwigsburg, Pa., May 14, 1875; s. John C. and Emma C. (Becker) Beck; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1905; m. Anna E. Moll, 1905; children, Helen Elizabeth, Florence Louise; pastor, Emlenton-St. Peters¬ burg, Pa., parish, 1905—11; Warren, Pa., 1911-19; Evans City, Pa., 1919—21; Selinsgrove, Pa., 1922- . BERMON, JACQUES JOHN FREDERICK, b. Utica, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1878; s. Emil J. and Amelia (Brandt) Bermon; A.B., Thiel Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Franckean Syn., 1907; m. 1st, Elsie Katherine Bodenhom, 1904; 2d, Wilhelmina Clara Kramer, 1921; chil¬ dren, Frederick Bodenhorn, Paul Forney, Elsie Louise, John Emil; pastor, New Germany, N. S., 1909-12; Mahone Bay, N. S., 1912-13; St. John’s, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1913-17; St. Lawrence parish, Morris- burg, Ont., 1917-20; Holy Trinity, Port Colbome, Ont, 1920- ; ed.-in¬ chief, Canada Lutheran; sec.., Bd. of Governors, Theological Sem., Waterloo, Can. 198 ALUMNI 1905 DAPP, CHARLES FREDERICK, b. Harrisburg, Pa., July 4, 1880; s. Gottlieb and Mary Ann (Geiger) Dapp; Wagner Col., 1902; Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1907; graduate work, U. of Berlin, 1907-08; U. of Pa., A.M., 1909, Ph.D., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Lottie Zimmerman, 1905; child, Kathryn; pastor, Sumneytown, Pa., parish, 1905-10; Zion Ch., Spring City, Pa., 1910-22; Grace, Roxborough, Phila., 1922- ; asst, instr., German, U. of Pa., 1909-12; instr., Modem Languages, West Phila. High Sch. for Boys, 1913-16; asst, prof., 1916-21; prof., 1921- ; author, Henry Miller’s German Journalism, 1762-79, 1913; History of Zion Lutheran Church Near Spring City, 1919; mem., ed. staff, The Lutheran, 1919- ; contr., Lutheran Church Review; mem., Pa. German Soc. FEGELY, GEORGE SYLVESTER, b. Windsor Twp, Berks Co., Pa., Dec. 15, 1877; s. Oscar and Fiana Fegley; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Mary Ellen Baer; pastor, Emmanuel Ch., Souderton, Pa., 1905-08; d. Souderton, Pa., May 18, 1908. FRANKENFIELD, IRA FULMER, b. Haycock Run, Pa., July 28, 1875; s. Mahlon D. and Catharine (Fulmer) Frankenfield; A.B., F. and M. Col., 1902; A.M., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Anna M. Morgan, 1906; child, Ruth Catharine; pastor, St. Paul’s, Tower City, St. Peter’s, Orwin, Pa., 1905- ; statistician, Min. Pa., 1915- ; instr., F. and M. Academy, 1898-1902; Keystone S. N. S., 1903-04. GABLE, WILLIAM HENRY, b. near Numidia, Pa., May 22, 1875; s. John and Sarah C. (Helwig) Gable; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1902; A.M., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Ella May Hannan; miss., English Syn. of Northwest, 1905-06; pastor, Holy Trinity, Superior, Wis., 1906-16; Trinity, Glenburn, N. D., 1916- ; Trinity, Lansford, N. D., 1920- . HARTWIG, THEODORE GEORGE, b. Redwood, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1883; s. Rev. George Frederick, ’80, and Helen (Eberleh) Hartwig; Wagner Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; m. Mabel Caryl Saunders, 1906; child, George Frederick, Jr.; pastor, Martin Luther Ch., East Toledo, O., 1905-06; Holy Trinity, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1906-11; St. John’s, Jacksonville, Fla., 1911-15; Brooklyn Navy Yard, 1919- ; circulation manager, American Lutheran Survey, 1916-18. KISTLER, JACOB S., b. West Penn Twp., Schuylkill Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1877; s. Jonathan and Lydia (Shellhammer) Kistler; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Lulu Mae 199 1005 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Sittler, 1905; children, Louise Elizabeth, Ruth Esther; pastor, Grace, East Stroudsburg, Pa., 1905- . LINDENMUTH, ANSON WILLIAM, b. Hamburg, Pa., May 30, 1874; s. Joseph and Sara (Kauffman) Lindenmuth; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1902; A.M., 1905; Ph.D., Potomac U., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Elizabeth S. Moll, 1896; children, Marian, Ruth, Luther Moll, Anson William, Jr.; pastor, Amityville-Friedensburg, Pa., parish, 1905-10; St. James’, Pottstown, Pa., 1910-14; St. Stephen’s, Allentown, Pa., 1914- ; instr., Latin and Greek, Keystone S. N. S., 1903; History, Allentown Preparatory Sch., 1918-19. NEUDOERFFER, AUGUST, b. Santo Leopolidina, Brazil, June 18, 1876; Wagner Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Dr. Amy B. Rohrer; pastor, Hainesport, N. J., 1905-12; G. C., U. L. C. Miss., India, 1912- . RITCHIE, CHRISENBERRY ALEXANDER, b. Salisbury, N. C., Sept. 10, 1879; s. James Alexander and Jemima Camilla (Ludwig) Ritchie; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1901; Mt. Pleasant Theological Sem., 1901-02; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1905; m. Grace Jane Schwab, 1908; children, Margaret Williamson, Camilla Jane; pas¬ tor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Binghamton, N. Y., 1905- ; chaplain, 4th Inf., N. Y. N. G., 1917- ; sec., N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1910-13; trustee of State Hospital, Ray Brook, N. Y., and various welfare assoc. RUBRECHT, GEORGE KELLER, b. Phila., Dec. 25, 1877; s. John Adam and Sarah Catherine (Keller) Rubrecht; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1901; graduate work, Columbia U., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; D.D., Carthage Col., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Nora H. Brobst, 1905; child, Kenneth; pastor, Epiphany, Milwaukee, Wis., 1905-17; St. John’s, Minneapolis, Minn., 1917-20; sec., Syn. of Northwest, 1912-15; pres., 1917- ; mem., bds. and corns., U. L. C., one of organizers, Milwaukee Aquarium Soc.; author, Historical Sketches, Synod of Northwest, 1916. SCHAEFER, FREDERICK WILLIAM, b. New York City, Nov. 22, 1883; s. John Christian and Malvina Amalia (Guenterberg) Schaefer; Wagner Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Evelyn Elizabeth Brake, 1918; child, Donald William; pastor, First German, Lock Haven, Pa., 1905-07; Ch. of the Ascension, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1907-11; G. C. Miss, in India, 1911-14; supply pastor, Reformation, New Britain, Conn., 1915; Emmanuel, New Haven, Conn., 1915-17; Reformation, New Britain, Conn., 1918- . SMITH, CHARLES JACOB, b. Middlebrook, Va., Mar. 8, 1882; s. Rev. Luther Leigh and Virginia (Brown) Smith (lineal descendant 200 ALUMNI 1906 of Christian Streit, pioneer Lutheran minister in Pa. and valley ot Virginia) ; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1905; graduate work, Princeton U., 1901-02; D.D., Roanoke Col., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Mary Eleanor Price, 1913; children, Virginia, Charles J., Jr.; pastor, Ch. of the Advent, Lancaster, Pa., 1905-08; Holy Trinity, New York City, 1908-20; U. L. C. Commissioner to Lutheran Ch. in France, 1918; pres., Roanoke Col., 1920- ; mem., New York Southern Soc., 1918- ; Philothean Soc. of New York, 1911- ; contr., Lutheran Church Re¬ view; mem., important N. Y. and N. E. Syn. and U. L. C. bds. and corns.; lecturer on religious, educational and civic subjects. URICH, FRANK MOCK, b. Schaefferstown, Pa., Jan. 16, 1878; s. Samuel S. and Amanda M. Urich; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; A.M., U. of Pa., 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Jessie E. DeLong, 1911; child, Jessie Harper; pastor, St. John’s, Quakertown, Pa., 1905-12 ; Trinity, Phila., 1912- ; contr., Lutheran Church Review; mem., important com., Min. Pa. VEIT, WALTER CARL GEORGE, b. Tavistock, Ont., Can., Nov. 8, 1881; s. Rev. Frederick and Martha (Halleen) Veit, Wagner Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1905; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; m. Ida Wertz, 1907; children, Frederick Franklin, Louise Martha, Julia Alice, Carl Walter; pastor, Zion, Riverside, N. J., 1905-09; Zion, Easton, Pa., 1909- . WORTH, JOHN HOWARD, b. Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 22, 1880; s. John Kern and Catharine Cecilia (Eshelman) Worth; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1901; A.M., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1905; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1901-02; U. of Leipzig, 1907—08; ord. Min. Pa., 1905; pastor, St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea, Atlantic City, N. J., 1906-07; Mt. Zion, Pitts¬ burgh, N. S., Pa., 1909-15; Ch. of the Messiah, Brooklyn, 1915-19; St. Andrew’s, Charleston, S. C., 1919- . 1908 BITTNER, OLIVER REUBEN; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; pastor, Fredericksburg, Pa., parish, 1906-09; Grantville, Pa., 1910; Shellsville, Pa., parish, 1911-16; Grant- ville, Pa., 1917- . BLESSIN, GUSTAV CONRAD, b. Eldorado, la., Dec. 20, 1882; s. Rev. Gustav and Cordelia (Hertz) Blessin; Wartburg Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1906; pastor, St. Andrew’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1906-08; St. John’s, Summit, N. J., 1908-12; Calvary, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912-18; asst, educational director, Internationa! Com., Y. M. C. A.; director, religious work, Brooklyn Central Y. M. C. A., 1918- . 201 1906 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD BRANDT, YOST, b. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1878; s. Christian and Johanna Paulina (Armknecht) Brandt; Wagner Col., 1903; Chicago Sem., 1903-04; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. N. Y. Min., 1906; m. Anna Eva Vogt, 1909; children, Ruth Elizabeth Johanna, Erich Oscar, Louise Marie; pastor, Concordia, Watertown, N. Y., 1906-14; St. Peter’s, Pres¬ ton, Can., 1914-15; St. John’s, Albany, N. Y., 1915- . CROMAN, FRANK, b. Quakertown, Pa., Nov. 20, 1877; s. A. Jackson and Eliza M. (Hinkel) Croman; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; A.M., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1906; m. Lillie E. Cressman, 1908; child, Dorothy Marguerite; home miss, work, Provi¬ dence, R. I., 1906-07; pastor, Grace, Lehighton, Pa., 1907-12; Christ Ch., Elizabethtown, Pa., 1912- ; mem., Sons of American Revolution. ESTERLY, FRANKLIN THEODORE, b. Pottsville, Pa., Nov. 22, 1880; s. Daniel and Anna (Lauer) Esterly; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; A.M., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; m. Edith Tyler, 1906; children, Edith Mae, William Stanley, Franklin Theodore, Jr., Paul Tyler, Edith Mae; pastor, Ch. of Mediator, Phila., 1906-10; Christ Ch., Mahanoy City, Pa., 1910-15; Christ Ch., Hazleton, Pa., 1915- . JAXHEIMER, ERWIN REUBEN, b. Bucks Co., Pa., Aug. 28, 1879; s. Reuben R. and Marie (Lambert) Jaxheimer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; m. Bertha Marie Weis- kotten, 1906; children, Amelia Dorothy, William Weiskotten, Erwin Samuel; pastor, Christ Ch., Freemansburg, Pa., 1906-09; St. Luke’s, Woodhaven, L. I., N. Y., 1909- . KAUFMAN, ROGER CLAUSER, b. Oley, Pa., Jan. 28, 1880; s. Frank Y. and Hannah B. (Clauser) Kaufman; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; m. Blanche Hostetter, 1909; children, Marguerite Sara, Roger Hostetter; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Aurora, Ill., 1906-09; Grace Ch., Woodstock, Ill., 1909- . KURTZ, MELVIN AUGUSTUS, b. East Greenville, Pa., May 18, 1881; s. Augustus and Elizabeth Kurtz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; A.M., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; m. Louise Kohler, 1906; children, Marion Ruth, Helen Margaretta, Luther Augustus; pastor, Niantic-Sassamansville, Pa., 1906—15; Redeemer, Lancaster, Pa., 1915-20; St. Mark’s, Bethlehem, S. S., Pa., 1920- ; contr., Lutheran Church Review. MAUNEY, JOHN DAVID, b. King’s Mountain, N. C., Oct. 15, 1878; s. Jacob S. and Margaret Juletta Mauney; A.B., Roanoke Col.; A.M., 202 ALUMNI 1906 1903; ord. Tennessee Syn., 1906; m. Bessie Miller Frantz, 1901; chil¬ dren, Dorothy Virginia, Jacob Luther, Margaret Louise, Elizabeth Mar¬ shall, Mary Vera, John David, Marshall Frantz; pastor, Beth Eden, Newton, N. C., 1906-09; St. Paul, Columbia, S. C., 1909-10; St. An¬ drew, Hickory, N. C., 1910—17; St. Matthew, Augusta, Ga., 1917-21; Grace, Hendersonville, N. C., 1921- . NEFF, PAUL JACOB, b. Spring City, Pa„ Dec. 9, 1876; s. Rev. Jacob, ’72, and Sarah Louise (Yount) Neff; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1906; m. Gustava Keller; children, Charles, Dorothy Louise; pastor, St. Paul’s, Hartford, Conn., 1906-07; St. Paul’s, Summit Hill, Pa., 1909-13; Christ Ch., Easton, Pa., 1913-22; Holy Trinity, Wildwood, N. J., 1922- . NELSON, WILLIAM JOHN, b. Phila., Oct. 16, 1877; s. John Sven and Emily (Swan) Nelson; A.B., U. of Pa., 1903; Phila. Setn., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; m. Mathilda Anna Kyle, 1900; children, Gustave, Emily, Richard John, Luther Ambrose, William Carl, John, Elizabeth Henrietta; pastor, St. John’s, Catawissa, Pa., 1906-09; Christ Ch., Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1909-14; Mahone Bay parish, Nova Scotia, 1914-21; Ch. of the Redeemer, Kingston, N. Y., 1921- ; volunteer, Spanish-American War, 1898; ed., Nova Scotia Lutheran, 1915-18. PFATTEICHER, CARL FRIEDRICH, b. Easton, Pa., Sept. 22, 1882; s. Rev. Philip and Emma (Spaeth) Pfatteicher; A.B., Lafayette Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; graduate work, Heidelberg and Tuebingen U., 1908-10; Lafayette Col., 1910; Harvard U., 1911-12; instr., Lafayette Col., 1906-08; instr., English Bible and Philosophy, and Director of Music, Phillips Andover Academy, 1912- ; author, The Development in the Conception of God in German Protestant Hymnology; ed., The Christian Church Year in Chorals, 1917; The Christian Church Year in Sacred Part Songs for Male Voices, 1919; The Christian Church Year in Sacred Art Songs, 1921. Hh ROHRIG, AUGUST WILHELM EMIL FRANZ, b. Doemitz an der Elbe, Germany, Jan. 20, 1874; s. Heinrich and Ernestine (Harms) Rohrig; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1906; m. Eva Naomi Casseltnan, 1910; child, Henry Alfred; pastor, Reformation, New Britain, Conn., 1906—10; Christ Ch., Hazleton, Pa., 1910-15; d. Apr. 25, 1915. A? ROTH, WILLIAM HENRY B., b. Tylersport, Pa., Mar. 9, 1879; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; pastor, Turbotsville, Pa., 1906—09; deposed, Min. Pa., 1909; Ridley Park, Pa., 1915-18; d. Ridley Park, Pa., Jan. 24, 1918. 203 1§QS PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD SCHLOTTER, ROBERT, b. Spring Valley, Pa., Jan. 14, 1882; s. Cornelius and Mary Jane (Weaver) Schlotter; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1906; m. Hattie Elizabeth Bieber; child, Katherine Irene; pastor, Grace Ch., Perth Amboy, N. J., 1906- . SCHREIBER, OTTO LOUIS, b. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1885; s. Louis Ernest and Natalie Schreiber; Wagner Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; Hartford Theological Sem., Ph.D., 1914; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Svn., 1906; m. Myra Emily Dickinson, 1910; pastor, Springfield, Mass., 1906-07; Grace, North Tonawanda, N. Y., 1907-12; Reformation, New Britain, Conn., 1912-14; Holy Trinity, Lynchburg, Va., 1914-18; Cal¬ vary, Jersey City, N. J., 1918- ; author, The Lives of the Twelve Apostles, 1912; The Spread of Christianity Along the Roman Roads Down to 325 A. D., 1922. SCHUCHARD, GEORG, b. Cairo, Ill., Dec. 22, 1883; s. Rev. Karl and Emilie (Schaumloeffel) Schuchard; Vilmar Institute, Melsungen, Germany, 1901; Melsunger Missionhaus, 1904; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; m. Alice Stern, 1909; children, Julia Alice, Irmgard, George, Bernhard; pastor, St. Michael’s German-English, Phila., 1906- ; pres., Phila. Seamen’s Miss. SMITH, ARTHUR LEWIS, b. Gouldsboro, Pa., Apr. 12, 1873; s. George G. and Catharine (Garey) Smith; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; A.M., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; pastor, St. John’s, Ricketts, Pa., 1906-13; Trinity, Mildred, Pa., 1913- . SNYDER, HOWARD ELIAS, b. Egypt, Ind., Aug. 15, 1877; s. Edwin and Hannah Louisa (Rex) Snyder; A.B., Thiel Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1906; graduate work, U. of Wisconsin, 2 years; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; m. Caroline Pearl Bortz, 1906; children, Monica Catharine, Carolyn Hannah, Mary Louise, Paula Winafred; organizer and pastor, Holy Trinity, Wildwood, N. J., 1906-08; Ch. of the Redeemer, Kingston, N. Y., 1908-16; Luther Memorial, Madison, Wis., 1916H7; Christ Ch., Chestnut Hill. Phila., 1920- ; chaplain, 10th Inf., N. Y. N. G., 1912-16; chaplain, U. S. A., 1918-20 (A. E. F., 1918-19) ; National Lutheran Commission chaplain, U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 1917— 18; sec., N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1913-14; mem., Pa. German Soc.; instr., English and History, Frankford, Phila., High Sch., 1920; History and Economics, Boys’ Central High School, Phila., 1921; History, Pa. Insti¬ tute for the Deaf and Dumb, Phila., 1922. STRENGE, JOHN HENRY, b. Albany, N. Y., July 7. 1882; s. Henry Charles and Pauline M. (Ritzmann) Strenge; N. Y. U., 1900- 204 ALUMNI 1907 03; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1906; m. Anna D. Stahler, 1907; child, Paul John; organized, Ch. of the Ascension, Brook¬ lyn, N. Y., 1906-07; pastor, St. Mark’s, Lancaster, Pa., 1907-14; Trinity Ch., Lebanon, Pa., 1915-18; contr., The Lutheran; d. Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 13, 1918. TREXLER, CHARLES DANIEL, b. Bernville, Pa., Nov. 1, 1883; s. Rev. Daniel Dietrich, ’68, and Agnes (Geiss) Trexler; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1903; A.M., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1906; in. Christine H. Siefke, 1909; children, Charles Daniel, Jr., Ruth Christine; pastor, Ch. of the Good Shepherd, Brooklyn, 1906- ; chaplain, U. S. Army, 1917-19 (A. E. F., 1918-19; senior chaplain, 7th and 8th Army Corps, 1919) ; chaplain, 101st Cavalry, N. Y. N. G., 1920— . WILKER, CONRAD, b. Tavistock, Out., Can., Mar. 13, 1882; s. Henry and Barbara (Weicker) Wilker; Wagner Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. N. Y. Min., 1906; m. Emilie Augusta Lefort, 1906; children, Conrad Robert, Emilie Bertha, Dorothea Eugenia, Bernard Lefort; pastor, St. Peter’s, Verona Mills, N. Y., 1906-08; Trinity, Toledo, O., 1908-11; Zion’s, Medford, Ore., 1911-15; Prince of Peace, Phila., 1915-17; Advent, Phila., 1918- . YEANY, RALPH WALDO EMERSON, b. Shannondale, Pa., May 12, 1878; s. John H. and Maria (Keck) Yeany; A.B., Thiel Col.; Alle¬ gheny Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1906; m. Della Rinker; children, John Francis, Elizabeth Rinker; pastor, Sioux Falls, S. D., 1906-08; Freeport, Pa., 1908-10; St. Peter’s, Evans City, Pa., 1910-18; Brick Ch., Pa., parish, 1918-20; supt., Bethesda Home, Meadville, Pa., 1920- . YOUSE, ALVIN EDWARD K., b. New Jerusalem, Pa., May 2, 1876; s. William N. and Sarah (Keller) Youse; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1906; ord. Min. Pa., 1906; m. Lizzie W. Barto, 1906; children, John Edward, Alvin Luther, Miriam Esther, Karl Richard; pastor, First English, Winnipeg, Can., 1906-07; Myerstown-Mt. Aetna, Pa., parish, 1907- ; Richland, Pa., Miss., 1912- ; author, History of Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Congregation at Myerstown, Pa., 1912. 1907 CANUP, MARTIN LUTHER, b. Salisbury, N. C., Mar. 10, 1879; s. Cabb and Julia Ann (Brown) Canup; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Virginia Syn., 1907; m. Inez Bollinger, 1918; pastor, Mt. Jackson, Va., parish, 1907-09; Woman’s Memorial, High Point, 205 1907 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD N. C., 1909-12; Epiphany, New York City, 1912-22; St. Mark’s, St. Louis, Mo., 1922- ; pres., Lutheran Inner Miss. Soc., N. Y. C., 1912- 22; regular weekly contr. (“The New York Letter”), The Lutheran, 1914-22; also contr., Lutheran Church Visitor . DEILY, LAWRENCE GEORGE, b. East Allentown, Pa., Apr. 28, 1884; s. William H. and Alice M. Deily; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904: Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Grace A. Trexler, 1910; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Livingston, Mont., 1907-09; Holy Trinity. Wildwood, N. J., 1909-11; Trinity, Toledo, O., 1911- . DRY, MILTON M., b. Lyons Station, Pa., Sept. 14, 1878; s. Rev Charles F. and Mary Ann Dry; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Lillian Amelia Gotshall, 1909; child, Mary Amelia; pastor, Aristes, Pa., 1907-14; St. John’s, Nazareth, Pa., 1915- ; instr., Keystone State Normal Sch., spring terms 1905, 1906. FISCHER, EMIL EISENHARDT, see under The Faculty, page 50. FISHER, JOHN CALVIN, b. North Heidelberg, Pa., Apr. 10, 1880; s. John W. and Ellen M. (Lamm) Fisher; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Kathryn M. Wotring, 1908; pastor, Ch. of the Advocate, Germantown, Phila., 1907-13; Reformation, Brooklyn, 1913-20; Ch. of the Nativity, Phila., 1920- . GEIGER, WILLIAM MELANCHTHON, b. Ringtown, Pa., Mar. 18, 1882; s. Rev. William Henry, ’80, and Louisa L. C. (Harter) Geiger; Wagner Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Mabel L. Roat, 1911; pastor, Ch. of the Reformation, Williamstown, Pa., 1907- 09; Danville, Pa., German, 1910; Hobbie, Pa., parish, 1910-15; St. Paul’s, White Haven, Pa., 1915- . GOLD, HOWARD REUBEN, b. Aluta, Pa., Nov. 2, 1878; s. Stephen Henry and Mary Ann (Remaly) Gold; A.B., Lafayette Col., 1903; Phila. Sem., 1907; graduate work, Columbia U., U. of Pa., U. of Wis¬ consin ; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; pastor, Luther Memorial, Madison, Wis., 1907-16; First Ch., Middleton, Wis., 1908-16; student pastor, U. of Wisconsin, 1907-16; mem., G. C. and U. L. C. corns.; executive sec., Joint Committee on Celebration of Reformation Quadricentennial, 1916- 18; recording sec., Bd. of Education, U. L. C., 1918- ; field sec., National Lutheran Commission, 1918-19; sec., Inter-Ch. World Move¬ ment, 1919-20; Y. M. C. A. work in Europe, 1915; contr., The Lutheran and secular press; director, Lutheran Bureau of the National Lutheran Council, 1920-22; pastor, Holy Trinity, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1923- . 206 ALUMNI 1907 HOPP, WILLIAM FREDERICK, b. Kroeslin, Germany, June 21, 1886; U. of Kiel, Kropp Sem.; Phila. Sem., 1907; Ph.D.; ord. Pitts¬ burgh Syn., 1907; pastor, Honesdale, Pa., 1907—09; Bethel, Detroit, Mich., 1909-17; contr. to secular press. HUNTSINGER, WALTER JESSE, b. Dushore, Pa., July 14, 1879; s. Porter Wilson and Irene Huntsinger; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Anna Marie Roeder, 1907; children, Donald Maynard, Miriam Genevieve; pastor, Trinity, Manoa, Pa., 1907-10; Richfield, Pa., 1910^—12; Christ Ch., Camden, N. J., 1912— 14; Zion’s, Marietta, Pa., 1914-21; St. Paul’s, Millersville, Pa., 1921- . KELLER, JOHN FRANKLIN, b. Alburtis, Pa., Aug. 15, 1877; s. Daniel F. and Sarah A. Keller; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Clara A. Gilbert, 1907; children, Paul Nathan Daniel, Gilbert Francis; pastor, New Ringgold, Pa., par¬ ish, 1907-09; Fogelsville, Pa., parish, 1909- . KRUSA, HENRY BISCHOFF, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 25, 1881; s. Henry Julius and Meta (Bischoff) Krusa; Columbia U., 1904; graduate work, Bonn U., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. N. Y. Min., 1907; m. Johanne M. Ebeling, 1908; children, Ruth, Elsa, Paul Henry, Hans Ernst; pastor, St. John’s, Peekskill, N. Y., 1907-10; St. Paul’s, Red¬ wood, and miss, at Theresa, N. Y., 1910- ; Orleans Four Corners, N. Y., 1914- . MILLER, CHARLES DAWSON, b. Germano, O., Oct. 26, 1879; s. Andrew Belden and Flora Anna (Smith) Miller; Ph.B., Grove City Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1907; m. Mary Adaline Corll; children, Charles Belden, Robert Smith, Frank Dawson, Eleanor Dorothea; pastor, St. James, Avonmore, Pa., 1907-10; First Ch., Cleveland, O., 1910- ; prin., Fredonia, Pa., High Sch.; Kilgore, Pa., High Sch.; prof., Natural Sciences, Fredonia Institute. MILLER, LAWRENCE RENNINGER, b. Niantic, Pa., Dec. 4, 1873; s. Henry J. and Leah Amanda (Renninger) Miller; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. 1st, Ella Riegner, 1895; 2d, Mary Schlappig, 1921; children, Estella, Marguerite, Martin Luther, J. Edgar, Magdalene; pastor, Rohrerstown, Pa., 1907-12; Centre- port, Pa., 1912- . MILLER, LEWIS SAMUEL GODFREY, b. Salem, Va., Aug. 23, 1881; s. Rev. Prof. Lewis Godfrey Meineke, ’74, and Laura (Campbell) Miller; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1901; D.D., 1921; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Virginia Syn., 1907; m. Daisy Byron Sutton, 1909; children, Mary, 207 1S07 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Lewis Godfrey Meineke; United Syn. South and U. L. C. miss, to Japan, 1907- . M PFEIFER, WILLIAM FREDERICK, b. Evans City, Pa., Nov. 12, 1881; s. Peter Philip and Katherina Louisa (Ifft) Pfeifer; Thiel Col.; A.B., Wittenberg Col., 1904; A.M., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Pitts¬ burgh Syn., 1907; m. Christine Mary Wahl, 1912; children, William Frederick, Henry Wahl, Herman Edmund; pastor, Baden, Pa., parish, 1907-12; Trinity, Verona, Pa., 1912-16; First Ch., Selinsgrove, Pa., 1916-22; Memorial, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1922- . POENSGEN, CARL EDUARD, b. Venlo, Holland, Feb. 17, 1877; s. Eduard and Marie Poensgen; Wartburg Orphans’ Farm School, 1885— 93; N. Y. U., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Lili E. Muller, 1910; pastor, St. John’s, Bridgeton, N. J., 1907-08; St. Paul’s, Jersey City, N. J., 1908- . QUADE, EDWARD CHRISTIAN; Wagner Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. N. Y. Min., 1907; pastor, Dreieinigkeit, Hartford, Conn., 1907-09; address unknown. REICHARD, FRANCIS EDWARD, b. Citronia, Pa., Oct. 17, 1872; s. Edward Paul and Coletta Lucetta (Newhard) Reichard; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; pastor, Long Run-Packerton, Pa., 1907- ; Nesquehoning, Pa., 1912- . RHODES, GEORGE HEILIG, b. Gouldsboro, Pa., Jan. 28, 1881; s. Rev. George Heilig, 75, and Margaret Rhodes; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Southwestern Virginia Syn., 1907; m. Mary M. Flower; children, Paul Heilig, Virginia Elizabeth; pastor, Pulaski, Va., 1907-09; Rural Retreat, Va., 1909-20; Knoxville, Tenn., 1920- ; sec., Southwestern Virginia Syn., 1912-15; vice-pres., 1915-20; pres., 1920; sec., United Syn. Virginia, 1922- . RITTER, HORACE BEAN, b. Breinigsville, Pa., Aug. 10, 1874; s. Nathaniel F. (M.D.) and Anna Louisa (Bean) Ritter; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1904; A.M., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Jennie L. Kocher, 1904; children, Frederick Kocher, Ethel May, John Nathaniel; pastor, Hellertown, Pa., parish, 1907-15; Amityville- Oley, Pa., parish, 1915- . RITTER, NORMAN YERGEY, b. Boyertown, Pa., Dec. 6, 1882; s. Calvin and Candace Ritter; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Bessie R. Romich, 1908; children, Ruth Helena, Miriam Esther; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Eden, Pa., 1907-09; Keller’s, Pa., 1909-15; Trinity, Perkasie, Pa., 1915- . 208 ALUMNI 1907 SHAUD, JOHN IRA, b. Jonestown, Pa., July 4, 1882; s. M. H. and Clara (Sarge) Shaud; A.B., Lebanon Valley Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Louisa Tillie Hemke; pastor, Ridgway, Pa., 1907-09; Ambridge-Wall Rose, Pa., 1909-15; Christ Ch., Pitts¬ burgh, Pa., 1915- ; mem., Syn. bds. and corns.; pres., Ch. Extension Soc., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1913- . 4* STELLJES, JOHN HENRY MILES, b. New York City, Dec. 12, 1880; s. Martin and Anna Adelaide (Oetting) Stelljes; Wagner Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. N. Y. Min., 1907; m. Ida Minetta Gerling, 1907; children, Gomer Henry, George Gerling; pastor, Ghent-Harlem- ville, N. Y., 1907-08; Emmanuel, Albany, N. Y., 1908-11; Ch. of the Covenant, Ridgewood, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1911-17; St. John’s, Merrick- Smithville, N. Y., 1917; St. Peter’s, Verona, N. Y., 1922; d. Flushing, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1922. SULTZBACH, DANIEL ISAIAH, b. Elizabethville, Pa., Oct. 24, 1879; s. Joseph H. and Kathryn (Hartman) Sultzbach; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1904; A.M., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1907; graduate work, Temple U.; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; asst, pastor, St. Stephen’s, Phila., 1907-08; pastor, Ch. of the Resurrection, Phila., 1908- . SWANK, MARTIN JACOB, b. Wapwallopen, Pa., Sept. 6, 1877; s. Reuben and Mary (Weiss) Swank; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; m. Alma Mahlstedt; child, Albert Martin; pastor, St. John’s, St. Johns, Pa., 1908-18; resigned temporarily on account of ill health; address, 26 Rochelle Place, New Rochelle, N. Y. WEBER, EMIL WILLIAM, b. Tompkinsville, S. I., N. Y., Sept. 6, 1884; s. Friedrich and Mina (Ahrens) Weber; Wagner Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; graduate work, U. of Erlangen, Leipsic U., 1907-08; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Bertha Sophie Behner, 1909; pastor, St. Johannis, Bridgeton, N. J., 1908—13; Redeemer, Yonkers, N. Y., 1913-17; chaplain, 54th Inf., U. S. A., 1917-22; sec., Chaplains’ Sch., Fort Wayne, Mich., 1922- . WENDEL, HUGO CHRISTIAN MARTIN, b. Phila., Apr. 6, 1884; s. Hugo Rudolf and Louisa (Freudenberger) Wendel; Wagner Col., 1904; A.B., Princeton U., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1907; graduate work, U. of Erlangen, U. of Leipzig, 1907-08; Columbia U., 1915-16; U. of Pa., Ph.D., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1907; asst, pastor, Trinity, Trenton, N. J., 1907-10; asst, to director, Mary J. Drexel Home, Phila., 1910-14; withdrew from the ministry, 1915; Harrison Fellow in History, U. of Pa., 1915-16, 1917-18; asst, instr., History, N. Y. U., 1916-17, 1918-20; asst, prof., History, 1920- ; mem., Phi Beta Kappa, Princeton U.; 209 1908 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD American Historical Assoc.; American Soc. Ch. History; American Political Science Assoc.; Academy of Political Science; fellow, American Geographical Soc.; author, Evolution of Industrial Freedom in Prussia, 1845-49, 1918; contr., Lutheran Church Reviezv. WERNER, OSCAR VICTOR, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1886; s. Rudolph Carl and Lina Mathilde (Auer) Werner; Wagner Col., 1905; Teachers’ Col., Columbia U., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1909; Columbia U., 1920-21; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1909; m. Margaret Cecilia Haupt, at Rajahmundry, India, 1912; children, Oscar Victor Carl, Louise Nisamani, John Kenneth, Beatrice Pearl; pastor, Christ Ch., Freeport, L. I., 1909-11; G. C, U. L. C. miss., Rajahmundry, India, 1911- ; mem., American Oriental Soc.; examiner in Telugu, Southern India Miss. Assoc. WITTEKIND, JOHN, b. Asterode, Germany, Sept. 9, 1880; s. Henry and Martha Elisabeth (Stroh) Wittekind; Wagner Col., 1904; Phila. Sem., 1907; ord. N. Y. Min., 1907; m. Martha Anna Press, 1908; chil¬ dren, Friederike Elisabeth, Lydia Catherine; pastor, Fort Plain, N. Y., 1907-09; St. John’s, Syracuse, N. Y., 1909- . 1908 BLUNCK, AUGUST HINRICH CONRAD, b. Bracebridge, Can., May 30, 1885; s. August and Johanna (Jensen) Blunck; Wagner Col., 1905; A.B., N. Y. U., 1919; Phila. Sem., 1908; graduate work, N. Y. U., 1919-20; A.M., 1920; D.D., People’s National U, 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Wanda Margarethe Suessmann. 1914; pastor, St. Paul’s, Mill¬ ville, N. J., 1908-10; Kreuz Kirche, Phila., 1910-15; St. Paul’s, Port Chester, N. Y., 1915- ; author, Types of Conception Concerning the Origin of Man, 1922. DECK, LUTHER BUSHONG, b. Kimberton, Pa., Sept. 12, 1883; s. Rev. John Pemberton, ’81, and Martha Myerle (Hunter) Deck; U. of Pa.; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Emma Florence Winterer, 1909; child, Elizabeth Amelia; pastor, Holy Trinity, Min¬ neapolis, Minn., 1908-13; Holy Communion, Minneapolis, Minn., 1909- 12; field miss, for Minnesota, 1913-20; pastor, St. Paul’s, Vancouver, Wash., 1921- . DIMPFL, JOHN, b. Rochester, N. Y., June 12, 1882; Wagner Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1908; m. Emma Caroline (Dimpfl), 1914; child, Doris Elizabeth; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Yonkers, N. Y., 1908-10; asst, pastor, Ch. of the Reforma¬ tion, Rochester, N. Y., 1910-16; pastor, Grace Ch., Dunkirk, N. Y., 1916- . 210 ALUMNI 1908 DRIES, WIRT ADDISON, b. Maidencreek Twp, Berks Co., Pa., May 17, 1875; s. Cyrus and Catharine (Leibold) Dries; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg’ Col., 1905; A.M., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Estella F. Weidner, 1908; children, Paul Luther and John Cyrus, David Charles, Mary Elizabeth; pastor, Zion's, Girardville, Pa., 1908-11; Wolf Cross Roads, Pa., parish, 1911-14; Plainfield, Pa., parish, 1914-19; Mahoning, Pa., parish, 1919- ; teaching in public schs., 6 years; Kutz- towii S. N. S., 1903. GAUGER, CHARLES, b. Albany, N. Y.; s. Jacob and Margaret Miller Gauger; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1908; graduate work, U. of Pa.; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; asst, pastor, Holy Communion, 1908-09; pastor, Grace Ch., Wyndmoor, Pa., 1909-14; instr., Pa. State Col., 1921— 22; prof., Roanoke Col., 1922- . HAUSER, JOHN WILLIAM, b. Phila., Feb. 25, 1886; s. John and Anna Marie (Beck) Hauser; U. of Pa.; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; pastor, Grace, Roxborough, Phila., 1908—11; Holy Trinity, Chester, Pa., 1911-20; supt., Germantown Orphans’ Home and Asylum, 1920- . HEFFNER, CHARLES GABY, b. Richland Twp., Berks Co., Pa., Feb. 4, 1880; s. Isaac Rothermel and Emma Ahn (Gaby) Heffner; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Bernice Courson, 1910; child, Emerson; pastor, Washingtonville-Oak Grove, Pa., 1908—10; Mohnton, Pa., parish, 1910- . REISER, CLARENCE ELWOOD, b. Lyons, Pa., Oct. 12, 1884; s. William H. and Fianna Carl Reiser; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1908; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1909-10; A.M., 1910; Yale U., 1910-12; Ph.D., 1912; U. of Leipzig, 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; in. Eva May Heilman, 1914; pastor, St. Paul’s, Millersville, Pa., 190S- 09; supply pastor in Connecticut; asst, curator, Yale U. Babylonian Collection, 1912-14; instr., Biblical Literature, Smith Col., 1914-15; work in J. B. Nies’ Babylonian Collection, 1915- ; lecturer, Sumeriology, Yale U., 1919-20; mem., American Oriental Soc., 1912- ; contr., The Museum Journal; author, Cuneiform Bullce of the Third Millennium B. C., 1914; Letters and Contracts from Erech Written in the Neo- Babylonian Period, Vol. I, 1918; also the following in Yale Oriental Series: Selected Temple Documents of the Ur Dynasty, 1919; Patesis of the Ur Dynasty, 1919; A System of Accentuation for Sumero- Akkadian Signs, 1919; co-author, with Dr. J. B. Nies, Historical, Religious and Economic Texts and Antiquities, 1920. KERN, ISAAC HOWARD, b. Bowmansville, Pa., Aug. 23, 1881; s. Milton and Mary (Kramer) Kern; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1905; Phila. 211 1908 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Sem., 1908; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1907; Temple U., B.D., 1909; S.T.D., 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; pastor, Zion, Frackville, Pa., 1908-11; Trinity, Mt. Joy, Pa., 1911-16; Christ Ch., Mahanoy City, Pa., 1916- . KIDD, HARVEY SAMUEL, b. Bath, Pa., Apr. 28, 1884; s. John and Anna Margaret (Eberts) Kidd; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Anna Florence Kramer, 1908; children, Marian Althea, Violet Hilda, Heraldine Christine, Samuel Eberts; pastor, Windgap, Pa., 1908-12; field sec., $500,000 Educational Fund, Min. Pa., 1912-14; pastor, Womelsdorf, Pa., parish, 1914- . KLINE, WILLIAM HERBERT, b. Maxatawny, Pa., May 27, 1883; s. William F. and Mary A. (Grim) Kline; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Laura Edith Diener; children, David William, Mary Emmaline; pastor, Red Bank, Pa., 1908-09; Top- ton, Pa., parish, 1909- . KUNZMANN, PAUL LUTHER, b. Greensburg, Pa., Oct. 4, 1883; s. Rev. Dr. Jacob Christoph, 78, and Anna Christina (Mathay) Kunz- mann; A.B., Thiel Col., 1902-04; Gettysburg Col., 1905; A.M., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. English Syn. of the Northwest, 1908; m. Mary Alice Wagner, 1908; children, John Wagner, Jeanne Pauline, Doris Virginia; pastor, Ch. of the Reformation, Milwaukee, Wis., 1908-10; Cedarburg, Wis., 1908-09; Lansford-Hauto, Pa., 1910-22; St. John’s, Tacoma, Wash., 1922- . REITER, FRANK HORACE, b. Red Hill, Pa., Aug. 11, 1883; s. Calvin and Senora Ara Vesta (Miller) Reiter; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1908; U. of Pa., Ph.D., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1910; m. Elizabeth Hesser Mortimer, 1909; miss, to deaf of Min. Pa., 1910-16; instr. in Psychology, U. of Pa., 1914- . SCHOLL, JACOB F., b. Bath, Pa., Jan. 1, 1881; s. Henry W. and Harriet L. (Smith) Scholl; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1902; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Annie E. Miller, 1908; children, Paul, John, Martin; pastor, Christ Ch., West Newton, Pa., 1908- . SMITH, FRISBY DAVIS, b. Roanoke, Va., Aug. 18, 1884; s. Rev. William Jacob and Alice (Kizer) Smith; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Bessie Porter Fenton, 1909; child, Jane Porter Smith; G. C., U. L. C. miss, to Japan, 1908-22; pastor, Halifax, N. S., 1922- . WEIBEL, GEORGE LUTHER, b. Churchtown, Pa., Feb. 16, 1878; s. Rev. George Theophilus, 75, and Anna Susanna (Trabert) Weibel; 212 ALUMNI 1909 A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; m. Margaret Josephine Pachnicke, 1909; children, Frances Marie, George Luther, Jr., Laura Alice; pastor, Freeburg, Pa., parish, 1908-12; Zion's, Leacock, Pa., 1912-17; Grace, Tarentum, Pa., 1917-18; Ch. of the Saviour, Trenton, N. J., 1918- . 1909 ARTZ, WAYNE ZERN, b. Adamstown, Pa., Feb. 26, 1878; s. William and Louisa (Zem) Artz; U. of Pa., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. Min. Pa., 1909; m. Lillie Mae Root, 1909; children, Harold Eugene, Dorothy Elizabeth; pastor, Zion, Turbotville, Pa., 1909-18; Lykens Valley, Pa., parish, 1918- . BORNHOLD, JOHN FREDERICK, b. Aug. 19, 1885; s. Frederick and Louise (Loeffier) Bornhold; U. of Toronto, 1906; Phila. Sem., 1909; graduate work, Leipzig U., 1910; ord. Syn. of Central Canada, 1909; m. Louise F. Rittinger, 1913; child, Dorothy Louise; pastor, St. Paul's, Guelph, Can., 1909; St. Paul’s, Hainesport, N. J., 1911-18; Kensington, Buffalo, N. Y., 1918- . DRY, WILLIAM SCOTT, b. New Jerusalem, Pa., Dec. 14, 1882; s. Augustus F. and Annie (Boyer) Dry; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. Min. Pa., 1909; m. Emma M. Hartman, 1911; children, Frederick Augustus, Richard Hartman, John William; pastor, Stouchsburg, Pa., parish, 1909- . KARKAU, AUGUST CARL, b. Gunthen, Germany; s. Ludwig and Elizabeth Schmitke Karkau; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; Saginaw Sem., 2 years; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. Min. Pa., 1909; pastor, Trinity, Newport News, Va., 1909-11; Christ Ch., Freeport, N. Y., 1911-18; in business, 1918- . KERN, JOHN MARTIN, b. Phila., June 20, 1887; s. George and Mary Kern; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. Min. Pa., 1918; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1917- ; supply pastor under Min. Pa. and Home Miss. Bd., 1909- 18; pastor, Folsom, N. J., 1918- . KRAUSS, HOWARD HOFFMAN, b. East Greenville, Pa., Mar. 7, 1876; s. Henry Schultz and Amanda Hade (Hoffman) Krauss; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; A.M., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. Min. Pa., 1909; m. Susan W. Kriebel; children, Frances, Winifred, Frederick, Alberta, Ida May; pastor, St. John’s, Berrysburg, Pa., 1909-12; Auburn, Pa., parish, 1912- ; prin., Auburn, Pa., schs., 1918-22; pres., Borough Council, Auburn, Pa., 1913-20. 213 1909 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD LICHNER, SAMUEL, b. Modor, Hungary, Aug. 20, 1872; s. Samuel and Katherine (Wohlmuth) Lichner; Bratislava Lyceum; Phila. Sem., 1909; graduate work, Budapest U., M.D.; ord. Min. Pa., 1908; in. Dr. Mathilda Osborne; pastor, Slovak Ch., Northampton, Pa., 1908-09; Lansford, Pa., 1909—10; Holy Trinity Slovak Ch., Chicago, Ill., 1910- . MILLER, HERMANN FREDERICK, b. Mecklenberg, Germany, Apr. 11, 1887; s. Carl and Wilhelmina (Wichmann) Miller; Wagner Col., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. N. Y. Min., 1909; m. Adolphine A. Brezing, 1910; children, Flora Dorothea, Hermann Brezing, Esther Lydia; pastor, St. Paul’s, Pittsford, N. Y., 1909-15; Resurrection, Buffalo, N. Y., 1915- . PODSZUS, FRITZ EMIL, b. Gumbinnen, Germany, Dec. 29, 1886; s. Fritz and Caroline (Bastian) Podszus; U. of Koenigsberg; Phila. Sem., 1909; studied music, Koenigl. Academ, Musik, Hoch Schule, Ber¬ lin, 1912-13; Mus.D., Ph.D.; ord. Min. Pa., 1909; m. Ella Anna Faegen- staedt, 1911; child, Traut Erika; pastor, Williamstown, N. J., 1909-10; Coeymans and (supply) Trinity, Albany, N. Y., 1910; (supply) Neufietz, West Prussia, 1911; New Springville, S. I. N. Y., 1911-12; Lindenhurst, L. I., N. Y., 1913-15; Inner Miss. Soc., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1915- . REITER, FREDERICK ADOLPHUS, b. Quakertown, Pa., June 22, 1886; s. Rev. Daniel Henry, ’81, and Emma Catharine (Gross) Reiter; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. Min. Pa., 1909; m. Pearl R. L. Fisher, 1909; child, Marguerite Katherine; pastor, First Ch., Leechburg, Pa., 1909-21. RUDY, CHARLES ELMER, b. Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 31, 1881; s. Henry W. and Mary Virginia (Speicer) Rudy; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1909; m. Stella Kathryn Miller, 1909; children, Evelyn Miller, Richard Courtney Rengier, James Henry; pastor, Trinity, Reynoldsville, Pa., 1909-10; Woodlawn, Pa., 1910; supply pastor, Christ Ch. and Grace Ch., Lancaster, Pa., 1911-12; Zion’s, Frackville, Pa., 1912-21; St. John’s, Summit, N. J., 1921- . *r« SCHANTZ, JOHN W. B., b. near Macungie, Pa., July 8, 1878; s. Ambrose and Emma Schantz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. Mennonite Ch., 1907; m. Lydia Allebach, 1909; chil¬ dren, Lois, Evangeline; pastor, Schwenksville-Bertolett’s-Souderton, Pa., Mennonite congregations; d. Schwenksville, Pa., Sept. 18, 1916. STERNER, LEIDY BENNER, b. Richland Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 31, 1877; s. William and Susanna Elizabeth (Benner) Sterner; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. Min. Pa., 1909; 214 ALUMNI 1910 m. Emma A. Schutter, 1913; child, William; pastor, Audenried-Beaver Meadow, Pa., 1909-13; Weissport, Pa., parish, 1913-14; North Water Gap, Pa., parish, 1915-19; Herndon, Pa., parish, 1919- . STOLTE, JOHN FREDERICK, b. New York City, Oct. 3, 1884; s. Hermann and Elizabeth (Aichele) Stolte; Amity Theological Sch., 1906; Central U. of Indiana, Ph.B., 1919; Ph.D., 1922; Phila. Sem., 1909; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1909; m. Beta Kathryn Schaffer, 1910; pastor, College Point-Corona, N. Y., 1909-11; Grace, Gouldsboro, Pa., 1911-15; St. Mark’s, Lancaster, Pa., 1915- . WEBER, HERBERT TRIMBLE, b. Goshen, Ind., May 24, 1871; s. Rev. John and Lucy Ann Weber; A.B., Wittenberg Col., 1898; A.M., 1901; Chicago Sem., 1901; Phila. Sem., 1909; B.D., Wittenberg Col., 1915; ord. Dist. Syn. of O., 1901; m. Mary Baxter Ridgely, 1902; organized and pastor, Emmanuel, Coshocton, O., 1901-07; pastor, St. Paul’s, Coshocton Co., O., 1903-08; Holy Trinity, Humbuston, Ont., 1908; Stark Co., O., parish, 1909-19; St. Matthew’s, Detroit, Mich., 1919- ; sec., Dist. Syn., O., 1915-18; contr., Lutheran Church Reznew. 1910 BITTNER, JACOB HARVEY WEBSTER, b. Lowhill Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., June 18, 1882; s. Nathan and Hettie (Schadt) Bittner; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1910; ord. Min. Pa., 1910; m. Carrie Amelia Rauch, 1906; child, Jacob Luther; pastor, Brickerville, Pa., parish, 1910-14; Kutztown-Blandon, Pa., charge, 1914- . BROWN, JOHN DAVID MILLER, b. Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 2, 1883; s. John David and Mary J. (Dietrich) Brown; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1910; A.M., Columbia U., 1907; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1909-10; U. of Grenoble, 1914; Litt.D., Wittenberg Col., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1910; m. Mary Elizabeth Zimmerman, 1916; children, Mary Martha, Ruth Elizabeth; pastor, St. Paul’s, Millersville, Pa., 1910-12; supply pastor, Catasauqua, Pa., 1913-14, 1917-18; St. John’s, Allentown, Pa., and other congregations, 1918- ; instr., English and Public Speaking, Muhlenberg Col., 1912-15; asst, prof., 1915-17; prof., 1917- ; mem., National Council, Teachers of English; contr., poems and articles, The Lutheran, Lutheran Church Review. DEIBERT, WILLIS FRANKLIN, b. Lehighton, Pa., Mar. 15, 1883; s. Joseph Peter and Flora Ann (Kern) Deibert; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1910; ord. Min. Pa., 1910; m. Maria Louisa Seidel, 1915; children, Flora Louisa, Joseph Heber; pastor, Birdsboro, Pa., parish, 1910- . 215 1S10 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD HARRY, CAROLUS POWEL, b. Norristown, Pa., Jan. 13, 1884; s. Charles Howard and Elizabeth (Longaker) Harry; A.B., U. of Pa., 1907; A.M., 1912; Phila. Sem., 1910; ord. Min. Pa., 1911; m. Lillian Dannaker, 1914; children, Ruth, John Boyer; pastor, Ch. of the Holy Spirit, Reading, Pa., 1911-17; student pastor, Eastern Middle Atlantic States, 1917-22; general sec. for state universities and other schools, U. L. C. Bd. of Education, 1922- ; sec., personal evangelism, U. of Pa. Christian Assoc., 1920-22; asst, instr. in Hebrew, Phila. Sem., 1909- 10; head, History Dept., George Sch., 1910-11; chairman, Min. Pa. Boys’ Work Com., 1917-19; chairman, U. L. C. Com. for Work Among Boys, 1919- ; mem., Phi Beta Kappa, U. of Pa.; contr., Lutheran Church Review, The Lutheran, American Lutheran Survey; author, Protest and Progress, 1917. HERING, AMBROSE, b. near Kutztown, Pa., June 8, 1885; s. Pen¬ rose Michael and Amelia Susan (Komp) Hering; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1910; Phila. Training Sch. for Social Work, 1911; graduate work, U. of Pa.; ord. Min. Pa., 1910; m. Mabel A. Borthwick, 1912; child, Chalmers; director, Phila. Settlement, 1910-14; supt., Pittsburgh Inner Miss. Soc., 1914- . LAUER, WILLIAM HENRY CHRISTIAN, b. Nov. 5, 1885; s. Rev. William Conrad Ludwig, 73, and Mary Catharine (Schneider) Lauer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1910; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1920- ; ord. Min. Pa., 1910; m. Florence May Hartzell, 1910; child, Elizabeth Irene; asst, pastor, Holy Trinity, Lancaster, Pa., 1910- 12; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Montreal, Can., 1912-13; St. Paul’s, Summit Hill, Pa., 1914-20; St. Simeon’s, Phila., 1920- . LINK, JOHN WILLIAM, b. Duffields, W. Va., Feb. 10, 1882; s. William Harmon and Martha (Smith) Link; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1910; ord. Southwestern Virginia Syn., 1910; m. Helen E. Link, 1913; children, John William, Elizabeth Melvin, Arthur Stanley; pastor, Bristol, Tenn., parish., 1910-11; Strasburg, Va., parish., 1911-18; National Lutheran Com., camp pastor, 1918-19; New Market, Va., 1920- . MICHLER, ARTHUR THOMAS, b. Easton, Pa., Apr. 13, 1881; s. Edwin Thomas and Matilda Permelia (Nicholas) Michler; Lafayette Col., 1903-05; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1910; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1921-22; ord. Min. Pa., 1910; m. Carrie Minerva Ritter, 1913; pastor, Holy Trinity, Lebanon, Pa., 1910-14; Incarnation, Phila., 1914-17; Redeemer, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila., 1917- ; instr., History, Boys’ Central High Sch., Phila., 1920- ; contr., Lutheran Church Reviczv, The Lutheran, Luther League Review. 216 ALUMNI 1911 MULLER, GEORGE JOSEPH, b. Marietta, Pa., Oct. 27, 1884; s. Rev. George Philip, 78, and Anna Catharine (Stump) Muller; F. and M. Col., 1903-05; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1910; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1908-09; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1910; m. Daisy Elizabeth Skinner, 1911; children, Carl Luther, Harold Edwin, John David; pastor, Ch. of the Incarnation, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1910-17; St. Peter’s, Janesville, Wis., 1917- ; instr., Lancaster, Pa., High Sch., 1906-07; Allentown Preparatory Sch., 1909; Janesville, Wis., High Sch., 1917-21. OBENSCHAIN, ARTHUR BITTLE, b. Vinton, Va., Mar. 15, 1883; s. Rev. James Patterson and Sarah Frances (Engleman) Obenschain; Washington and Lee U., 1901-04; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1910; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1910; m. Kathryn Vera Cleopatra Wierth, 1910; children, Helen Frances Othorina, Arthur Wierth, James Luther; pastor, Holy Spirit, College Point, L. I., N. Y., 1910-12; Emmanuel, Albany, N. Y., 1912—20; St. Stephen’s, Lexington, S. C, 1920- . SHEWELL, JEHILE EDWARD, b. Phillipsburg, N. J., June 12, 1883; s. Edward and Emma Shewed; A.B., Lafayette Col., 1905; Phila. Sem., 1910; ord. Syn. of Northwest, 1910; m. Louisa M. Winter, 1910; pastor, St. John’s, Duluth, Minn., 1910—13; First Ch., Lorain, O., 1913-18, 1921; Mifflintown, Pa., 1919-20. 1911 BLUNCK, CONRAD FRIEDRICH ERNST, b. Rostock, Can., Mar. 2, 1888; Wagner Col., 1908; A.B., Upsala Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1911; graduate work, Columbia U., Bucknell U., Princeton U., Johns Hopkins U., Princeton Sem., B.D., 1913; ord. N. Y. Min., 1911; pastor, Plain- field, N. J., 1911-13; South Williamsport, Pa., 1913-15; Blossom, N. Y.; studying medicine, Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia U., 1919- . ^COPENHAVER, BENJAMIN ALPHONSO, b. Smyth Co., Va., Nov. 7, 1881; s. Reese P. and Elizabeth (Buchanan) Copenhaver; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1906; M.A., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. Syn. of Vir¬ ginia, 1908; pastor, Mt. Jackson, Va., parish, 1911-18; instr., Pre¬ paratory Dept., Roanoke Col., 2 years; d. Winchester, Va., Nov. 29, 1918. FEDDERS, JOHN FREDERICK, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1887; s. Louis and Margaret Fedders; Martin Luther Col.; Phila. Sem., 1911; graduate work, U. of Wisconsin, 1912; ord. Min. Pa., 1911; m. May 217 3911 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Hough, 1915; pastor, Holy Trinity, Madison, Wis., 1911-12; Holy Com- munion, Racine, Wis., 1912-18; chaplain, U. S. Navy, 1918-19; Lake Park, Milwaukee, Wis., 1919- ; Y. M. C. A. evening work, 1907-17. FITTING, HARRY WILLIAM, b. Enders, Pa., Jan. 14, 1872; s. William Henry and Caroline (Cooper) Fitting; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1911; m. 1st, Sarah Estella Swab, 1898; 2d, Evelyn Zendt Umsted; children, Sara Catherine, Eugene Luther; pastor, Amityville, Pa., parish, 1911-15; St. John’s, Quakertown, Pa., 1915- . FLUCK, WILLIAM ALBERT, b. Phila., Dec. 17, 1888; s. Rev. John Franklin Cressman, ’80, and Elizabeth Katherina (Schmitt) Fluck; Temple U., 1907-08; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1911; m. Carrie Sigafoos, 1916; children, William Franklin, Alice Eliza¬ beth; pastor, Holy Trinity, East Orange, N. J., 1911-13; Lower Tinicum, Pa., parish, 1913-21; St. Luke’s, Reading, Pa., Jan. 1, 1922. r HORN, EDWARD TRAILL, Jr., b. Charleston, S. C., Sept. 23, 1887; s. Rev. Prof. Edward Traill, "*72, and Harriet (Chisolm) Horn; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1911; graduate work, Yale U., 1908; ord. Min. Pa., 1911; m. Laura W. Rossiter, 1911; children, Isabella Traill, Edward Traill, Fordyce Hubbard, Frank Buchman, Louise Chisolm, Maurice Rossiter; G. C., U. L. C. miss, to Japan, 1911- ; acting American Consular Agent, 1917. KIRSCH, PAUL ANDREW CONSTANTINE, b. Webster, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1889; s. Rev. John A. W. and Louise Charlotte Martha (Leddin) Kirsch; Northwestern Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. N. Y. Min., 1911; m. Clara M. Haller, 1912; asst, pastor, St. John’s, Buffalo, N. Y., 1911-12; pastor, St. Mark’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912-13; Immanuel, Meriden, Conn., 1913- ; English sec., N. Y. Min. MEYER, HENRY CHRISTIAN, b. New York City, Jan. 16, 1887; s. Henry Christian and Christine (Schroeder) Meyer; Wagner Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. N. Y. Min., 1911; m. L. Berkemeier, 1916; children, Gottleibe Henrietta Caroline, Susette Louise; pastor, St. Paul’s, Narrowsburg, N. Y., 1911-12; St. John’s, Englewood, N. J., 1912-19; asst, director, Wartburg Orphans’ Farm Sch., 1919-21; pastor, Kreuz Kirche, Famham, N. Y., 1921- . PAULES, HOWARD SAMUEL, b. Slatedale, Pa., Feb. 16, 1884; s. Francis and Emma Paules; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1911; m. Martha A. Swartwood, 1911; children, Floyd Amos, Francis Samuel; pastor, Hilltown, Pa., parish, 1911-18; Trinity, Lansdale, Pa., 1919- . 218 ALUMNI 1911 PIFER, GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, b. Jefferson City, Pa., Aug. 5, 1881; s. George Warner and Hannah Melinda (Wolfe) Pifer; Susque¬ hanna U., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; graduate work, Susquehanna U.; ord. Nova Scotia Syn., 1911; m. Alice I. Stauffer, 1911; children, Josephine Melinda, George B. McClellan, Jr., Mildred Alice, Mary Catharine; pastor, Conquerall parish, Nova Scotia, 1911-16; St. Paul’s, Bridgewater, N. S., 1916- ; sec., Nova Scotia Syn., 1913-14; pres., 1915- ; pres., Bethany Orphans’ Home, 1914-19. ^RUDH, PAUL HERMAN, b. Christiania, Norway, Nov. 6, 1882; s. Henry and Laura Bertha (Haakensen) Rudh; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1911; m. Mary Debold, 1912; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Yonkers, N. Y., 1911-12; Freeburg, Pa., 1912—13; d. Freeburg, Pa., June 1, 1913. SCHMIEDER, JOHN, b. Edenwald, Can., Oct. 11, 1890; s. Rev. Heinrich Coelestin and Elfriede (Koermann) Schmieder (fifth genera¬ tion of Lutheran ministers); Northwestern Col., 1908; Kropp Sem., 1908-09; Phila. Sem., 1911; graduate work, Berlin U., 1915-16; Mar¬ burg U., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1911; m. Margaret Poser, 1918; children, Henry Herman, Marie Ruth; pastor, St. John’s, Shenandoah, Pa., 1911- 15 ; Dreieinigkeit, Phila., 1916-18; St. Matthew’s, Kitchener, Ont., 1918- . ►J* SEYLER, HARRY LEVI YOUSE, b. Friedensburg, Pa., May 27, 1884; s. James B. and Harriet H. Seyler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1911; pastor, Holy Trinity, Elizabeth, N. J., 1911-21; St. James’ and St. Peter’s, Pottstown, Pa., 1921; d. Pottstown, Feb. 25, 1923. SNYDER, FRANK CARL, b. Muff, Pa., Sept. 5, 1880; s. Casper and Margaret (Bradenbaugh) Snyder; A.B., Wittenberg Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1911; m. Mabel Elizabeth Hill, 1916; children, Eunice Elizabeth, Carl Luther; pastor, Christ Ch., Mozart Park, Wheeling, W. Va., 1911-15; Oak Grove, Zelienople, Pa., 1915—16; St. Paul’s, Warren, O., 1916-20; Jewett, O., parish, 1920- . SPIGGLE, CHARLES KRAUTH, b. Newport, Va., Oct. 25, 1883; s. Rev. George W. and Mary Jane Spiggle; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1911; m. Meta Charlotte Beneke, 1911; children, Mary Elise, George Claus; pastor, Coudersport- Mina, Pa., 1911-12; Delmont-Export, Pa., 1912—21; Warren, O., 1921- . STUMP, ALFRED MILTON, b. Shofer’s, Pa., Dec. 23, 1884; s. John K. and Catherine Stump; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; ord. Min. Pa., 1911; m. Anna Pauline Burkhart, 1911; children, 219 1912 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Alfred Milton, Jr., John Philip; pastor, Washingtonville, Pa., 1911-12; St. Luke’s, Easton, Pa., 1912-18; St. Paul's, Red Hill, Pa., 1918- . WEAVER, HERBERT ALEXANDER JOHN, b. Jamestown, Pa., Mar. 7, 1884; s. Oscar and Carlena (Gehring) Weaver; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1911; graduate work, U. of Pa.; ord. Min. Pa., 1911; m. Gertrude Estella Paules, 1911; children, Herbert Benjamin, Leonard David, Gertrude Sophia, Louise Emma; pastor, Spring City, Pa., 1911-16; Grace Ch., Phillipsburg, N. J., 1916- ; contr., Lutheran Church Review; necrologist, Min. Pa., 1918-21. 1912 BECHTOLD, GUSTAVUS HENRY, b. Phila., Jan. 8, 1882; s. Gus- tavus Conrad and Magdalene (Baumgaertner) Bechtold; Muhlenberg Col., 1907-09; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. Min. Pa., 1912; m. Leona Mary Wetmore, 1912; children, Esther Caroline, Gustavus Henry, Jr., Austin Theodore; pastor, Atonement, Asbury Park, N. J., 1912-14; director, Phila. Lutheran Settlement and Martin Luther Neighborhood House, 1914-22; executive sec., Bureau of Inner Miss., Min. Pa., 1922- ; mem., National Lutheran Commission; Min. Pa. and U. L. C. coins. COOPER, EDGAR CLAUDIUS, b. Rowan Co, N. C, Mar. 29, 1887; s. John Francis Jacob and Martha Jane Cooper; A.B, Roanoke Col, 1907; graduate work, Princeton U.; A.M, 1909; Phila. Sem, 1912; prin, Strasburg, Va, High Sch, 1907-08; ord. Southwestern Virginia Syn, 1912; m. Vera Lavene Mauney, 1913; children, Jacob Mauney, Margaret Juletta; pastor, Holy Trinity, Lynchburg, Va, 1912-15; Ch. of the Advocate, Phila, 1915- . DICKERT, HENRY BRUNO HELMUTH, b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y„ Jan. 30, 1888; s. John and Eva Anna Catharine (Hebei) Dickert; Wagner Col, 1909; Phila. Sem, 1912; ord. N. Y. Min, 1912; pastor, St. Paul’s, West New Brighton, S. I, N. Y, 1912-16; St. John’s, Canajoharie, N. Y, 1916- . EICHNER, FLOYD LEWIS, b. Freemansburg, Pa, Jan. 13, 1889; s. Alexander and Julia Eichner; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1909; Phila. Sem, 1912; ord. Min. Pa, 1912; m. Calanthe Larelda Fritchman, 1912; children, Myron Alexander, Miriam Calanthe; pastor, St. John’s, Stroudsburg, Pa, 1912- . GREEN, DALLAS FRANKLIN, b. Little Gap, Pa, Jan. 21, 1887; s. Charles and Catharine Jane (Ziegenfuss) Green; A.B, Muhlenberg 220 ALUMNI 1912 Col., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1912; Potomac U., A. M., 1914; Ph.D., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1912; m. 1st, Mary Alice Heimbach, 1909; 2d, Anna Amelia Emold, 1919; children, Luther Paul, Arlene Catharine, Isabel Christine; pastor, Howertown, Pa., parish, 1912- ; St. James’, Allen¬ town, Pa., 1915-17; Trinity, Bangor, Pa., 1917- . HAUSER, WALTER KISTLER, b. Snyders, Pa., Apr. 27, 1887; s. Lewis A. and Elmira (Kistler) Hauser; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. Min. Pa.. 1912; m. Louise Charlotte Klump, 1912; pastor, Selinsgrove, Pa., parish, 1912-15; Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, parish, 1915-20; St. Paul’s, Summit Hill, Pa., 1920- ; archivist, Nova Scotia Syn.; business manager, Nova Scotia Lutheran, 1915-19; ed., 1917-19; sec., Nova Scotia Syn., 1917-18. 4* HULSBERG, WILLIAM, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1888; s. John Henry and Adelhaide Katherine Hulsberg; Wagner Col., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. N. Y. Min., 1912; pastor, Trinity German, Ravena, N. Y., 1912-13; d. Ravena, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1914. KEITER, AARON CHARLES ROBERT, b. Bethlehem, Pa., Aug. 16, 1888; s. Rev. Dr. William Daniel Caspar, ’87, and Millie S. Keiter; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1912; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1909; A.M., Moravian Col., 1914; ord. Min. Pa., 1912; m. Mabel E. Snyder, 1912; children, Charles William Harvey, Edmund Snyder; pastor, Holy Trinity, Wildwood, N. J., 1912-15; Grace, Norristown, Pa., 1915-20; Salem, Lebanon, Pa., 1920- ; contr., Lutheran Church Rezriew. KERN, RUFUS ERB, b. Red Hill, Pa., Nov. 22, 1886; s. Milton M. and Annie H. (Erb) Kern; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. Min. Pa., 1912; m. Florence May Haring, 1912; pastor, Marion, Va., 1912-14; St. Bartholomew, Trenton, N. J., 1914-16; Keller’s Ch., Pa., 1916-22; St. John’s, Hamburg, Pa., 1922- ; instr., German and Ethics, Marion Col., 1912-14. KRAELING, EMIL GOTTLIEB HEINRICH, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1892; s. Rev. Emil Conrad Johannes, ’86, and Clara Mathilde (Maus) Kraeling; N. Y. U., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1912; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1911-12; U. Leipzig, 1912-13; Columbia U., Ph.D., 1917; ord. N. Y. Min., 1913; asst, pastor, Zion’s, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1913- ; instr., Hebrew, Phila. Sem., 1914-16; O. T., Union Sem., 1919- ; Se¬ mitic Languages, Columbia U., 1920- ; mem., Soc. of Biblical Literature, American Oriental Society; author, Aram and Israel, 1918; contr., Journal of American Oriental Society, Journal of Biblical Literature. 221 * 1912 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD KRUMBHOLZ, CLARENCE EDMUND, b. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1887; s. Amo F. and Katharine Lehman Krumbholz; A.B., Hamilton Col., 1909; A.M., 1912; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1912; m. Mary Krauth Dosh, 1916; children, Katharine Baker, Mary Lee; asst, pastor, Holy Trinity, New York City, 1912-14; director, New York City Lutheran Hospice, 1914-15; city miss., New York City, 1915-18; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Yonkers, N. Y., 1918-22; ex¬ ecutive sec., Inner Miss. Soc., New York City, 1922- ; mem., Syn. com.; mem., Phi Beta Kappa. NONAMAKER, EDGAR VASCO, b. Bedminster, Pa., Sept. 14, 1885; s. Noah S. and Elizabeth (Bean) Nonamaker; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. Nova Scotia Syn., 1912; m.; pastor, North- field, N. S., parish, 1912-21; Mahone Bay, N. S., parish, 1921- ; pres., Nova Scotia Syn., 1921- . OBERLEITER, LEO GEORG, b. Trendel, Germany, Feb. 10, 1889; s. Leonhard and Barbara Oberleiter; Kropp pro-Sem., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. Canada Syn., 1912; m. Anna Marie Heknle, 1913; chil¬ dren, Amo Bertram, Karl; pastor, St. Peter’s, Wiarton, Ont., 1912-13; St. Paul’s, Marine City, Mich., 1913-20; Bethlehem and St. Mark’s, Jewell, O., 1920- . PUTRA, PAUL ANDREW, b. Danova, Austria-Hungary; s. Andrew and Kathryn (Holick) Putra; Muhlenberg Col.; U. of Pa., A.B., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. Min. Pa., 1912; m. 1912; pastor, Phila. Slovak parish, 1912; Little Falls, N. Y., 1912-20; Irwin, Pa., parish, 1920- . SCHMIEDER, PAUL HENRY COELESTIN, b. Phila., Dec. 9, 1888; s. Rev. Henry Coelestin and Elfriede (Koermann) Schmieder (fifth generation of Lutheran ministers) ; Northwestern Col., 1906; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. Min. Pa., 1912; assoc, pastor, St. Johannes, Reading, Pa., 1912; pastor, Zion’s, Lancaster, Pa., 1912-18; St. Johannis, Phila., 1919- ; with Friends’ Service Com., Vienna, Austria, 1920-21. WHITTEKER, HERMAN DAVID, b. Greenville, Pa., Nov. 12, 1884; s. Rev. Prof. John Edwin and Emma Hanna Zenet (McKee) Whitteker; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1912; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1912; m. Anna Catherine Hess, 1912; children, John Edwin, William Frederick; pastor, Emlenton, Pa., parish, 1912-13; Derry, Pa., parish, 1913-17; Ambridge, Pa., parish, 1917-21; St. Stephen’s, Chicago, Ill., 1922- . 222 ALUMNI 1913 1913 BROWN, PLEASANT DAVID, b. Salisbury, N. C., Nov. 26, 1886; s. Nathan and Rosa Sophronia Brown; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1909; grad¬ uate work, Roanoke Col., 1910; A.M., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. North Carolina Syn., 1913; m. Florence Adelle Bodenhom, 1913; chil¬ dren, Robert Meredith, Janice Adelle; pastor, High Point, N. C, 1913- 21; Ebenezer, Columbia, S. C., 1921- ; instr., Latin and Mathematics, Roanoke Col., 1909-10; officer, Syn. com., etc. HASSLER, JOHN, b. Ephrata, Pa., Feb. 5, 1882; s. Frederick and Sarah Hassler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1913; m. Helen M. Haines, 1914; pastor, Holy Trinity, Elmira, N. Y., 1913- ; mem., Syn. com. HEMSATH, WILLIAM KARL, b. Bethlehem, Pa., Mar. 8, 1887; s. Rev. Charles Henry, ’78, and Ada Elizabeth (Leinbach) Hemsath; W. and J. Col., 1907; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1913; m. Adelaide M. W. Poehlmann, 1913; children, Mary Elizabeth, Ruth Marguerite; assoc, pastor, Holy Trinity, Buffalo, N. Y., 1913-17; pastor, Redeemer, Utica, N. Y., 1917-22; St. Michael’s, Germantown, Phila., 1922- ; instr., Science and Modem Languages, Thiel Col., 1907-10; pres., Lutheran Home for Aged and Infirm of Central New York, 1919-22. HUYETT, PAUL PHILLIPS, b. Lower Heidelberg Twp., Berks Co., Pa., June 24, 1888; s. Henry W. and Clara S. Huyett; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; m. Beulah Livingston Shenk, 1913; child, Jeanne Pauline; pastor, St. John’s, Berrysburg, Pa., 1913- . KELLER, ARNOLD FREDERICK, b. Santa Lucia, Cuba, Dec. 28, 1890; s. Herman and Emilie (Bahr) Keller; Wagner Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. N. Y. Min., 1913; pastor, Floral Park-Valley Stream- Lynbrook, L. I., N. Y., parish, 1913-15; Valley Stream-Lynbrook, L. I., N. Y., parish, 1915-16; Trinity, New Haven, Conn., 1917-20; St. Paul’s, Phila., 1920-22; Ch. of the Redeemer, Utica, N. Y., 1922- ; contr., The Lutheran. LANDIS, ELBERT EPHRAIM, b. Plumstead Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 26, 1886; s. William Rosenberger and Ella Amanda (Campbell) Landis; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1911-12; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; m. Henrietta K. Moyer, 1913; children, Olive, Oliver, William, Henrietta, Ellen; pastor, Redeemer and Ascension, Lancaster, Pa., 1913-14; Leesport, Pa., parish, 1914- . 1913 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD MEYER, WILLIAM RUDOLPH HERMAN, b. New York City, Nov. 18, 1889; s. Henry Charles and Christina (Schroeder) Meyer; Wagner Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. N. Y. Min., 1913; m. Louise H. Perry, 1914; child, Virginia; pastor, Epiphany, Hempstead, N. Y., 1913- . MILLER, CURTIS ALBERT, b. Gratz, Pa., Feb. 26, 1883; s. Emanuel and Caroline (Klinger) Miller; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; m. Hannah Miriam Hepler, 1912; children, Lucille, Curtis xMbert; pastor, Washingtonville, Pa., 1913-19; Hilltown, Pa., 1919- . REISNER, KARL LUTHER, b. Mercersburg, Pa., Aug. 5, 1887; s. Lewis Cashmir and Katherine Sophia (Koch) Reisner; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; m. Laura Helen Heaney, 1914; child, Frank; pastor, St. Simeon’s, Phila., 1913-19; Ch. of the Redeemer, Atlanta, Ga., 1919- . SANDT, WALTER CORRELL, b. Easton, Pa., June 24, 1887; s. Rev. Charles Milton and Esther Ellen (Hawk) Sandt; A.B., Haverford Col., 1909; teaching fellow, Haverford Col., 1909-10; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; m. Marie Theresa Kostenbader, 1916; child, Helen Barbara; asst, pastor, Holy Communion, Phila., 1913-14; pastor, Holy Trinity, Catasauqua, Pa., 1914-17; Gloria Dei, Phila., 1917- . SCHLICK, EMIL RUDOLF WILHELM, b. Allmendingen, Germany, Sept. 16, 1887; s. Johannes and Friederike Elisabeth (Koehler) Schlick; Institut Bartholdy, Strassburg; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1913; in. Elsie Frieda Hilbiber, 1913; child, Frederick John; pastor, Bridgeville, Pa., 1913-14; Gloucester City, N. J., 1914-19; St. Thomas’, Germantown, Phila., 1919- . SCHMOYER, ARTHUR HARRISON, b. Alburtis, Pa., Feb. 25, 1889; s. Charles Milton and Cresilda (Schafer) Schmoyer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1913; in. Maude Louise Smith, 1909; children, Arthur Robert, Gertrude Louise. Charles Frederick; pastor, Ch. of the Good Shepherd, Wee- hawken, N. J., 1913- . SHIER Y, GEORGE HENRY UNRUH, b. Phila., May 20, 1883; s. Nicholas Benner Unruh and Lucy Shiery (on death of his father, adopted by grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shiery, 1899) ; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; m. Miriam V. Mader, 1914; child, John Henry; pastor, St. Paul’s, Millers- ville. Pa., 1913-17; St. James, Lebanon, Pa., 1917-19; Spring City, Pa., 1919- . 224 ALUMNI 1914 VON BOSSE, SIEGMUND GEORGE RUDOLPH, b. Egg Harbor City, N. J., Oct. 2, 1892; s. George Siegmund Rudolph and Louise (Stiefel) von Bosse; Wagner Col., 1910; Kropp Sem.; Leipzig U.; Erlangen U., 1910-11; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; m. Inna Louise Vieser; children, Siegmund George, Louise Wilhelmina, Elsie Margaret, George Frederick; asst, pastor, Zion, Wilmington, Del., 1913— 21; director, Wartburg Orphans’ Farm Sch., Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 1921- ; mem., German Soc. of Pa.; American Academy of Social and Political Science; contr., secular press. WOHLSEN, PETER NICHOLAS, b. Lancaster, Pa., May 20, 1886; s. Peter Nicholas and Anna Susan (Schwebel) Wohlsen (descendant, Johann Schwebel, the German reformer) ; F. and M. Col.; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1909; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; m. Maude Edna Resh; child, Asa Sutherland; pastor, St. John’s, Quakertown, Pa., 1913— 14; Christ Ch., Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1914- .. YERGER, NATHAN BENJAMIN, b. Quakertown, Pa., Aug. 11, 1885; s. Henry Reichert and Ida Sevilla Rohrbach (Yoder) Yerger; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; m. Sadie Stitzer Fry, 1913; children, Paul Henry, Pauline Henrietta, Sara Elizabeth; pastor, Rohrerstown, Pa., 1913-16; Trinity, Quakertown, Pa., 1917- . YOUNT, PAUL LUTHER, b. Bridgewater, N. S., Apr. 22, 1885; s. Rev. A. L. and Leah Henkel Yount; U. of West Virginia; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1913; ord. Min. Pa., 1913; asst, pastor, Holy Trinity, Lancaster, Pa., 1913-15; pastor, St. Paul’s, Phila., 1916- 20; St. Mark’s, Williamsport, Pa., 1920- ; camp pastor, Camp Han¬ cock, Augusta, Ga., and Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga., 1918. 1914 ANDERSON, ROBERT HOMER, b. Marion, Va., Oct. 29, 1888; s. John Robert and Laura A. Anderson; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1910; A.M., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; ord. South Carolina Syn., 1914; m. Helen A. Morrissette, 1914; children, Helen Morrissette, Garnett Celeste, Robert Homer, Jr.; pastor, Pomaria, S. C., 1914-15; Tazewell, Burke’s Garden, Va., 1915-18; Strasburg, Va., 1919- ; Y. M. C. A. sec., U. S. Army camps, 1918-19. BARINGER, PHILIP SCHLOSSER, b. Hilltown, Pa., Jan. 11, 1884; s. Christian Frederick and Magdalena (Schlosser) Baringer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; B.D., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 225 1914 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1914; m. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hiltebrant, 1920; pastor, Ch. of the Re¬ deemer, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila., 1914-16; Kingston, N. Y., 1916-20; Sherwood, Ont., Can., 1921- . BERKEMEIER, WILLIAM G. J. H., b. Port Chester, Conn., Mar. 3, 1892; s. Rev. H. J. and Magdalena Luther Berkemeier; Wagner Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; graduate work, Phila. Sem. and U. of Pa., 1915-16; d. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1918. COLEMAN, FREDERICK LEROY, b. Lebanon, Pa., Nov. 16, 1887; s. Robert Dawson and Mary C. (Young) Coleman; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1914; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1922-23; ord. Min. Pa., 1914; m. Edith M. Shoop, 1914; children, William Daw¬ son, Julia May, Frederick Charles; G. C., U. L. C. miss, to India, 1914- ; sec., ministerium, Rajahmundry Miss.; instr., Lebanon, Pa., High Sch., 1910-11. GRUNOW, WALTER GEORGE HERBERT, b. Pittsfield, Mass., June 21, 1890; s. Franz and Elizabeth (Becker) Grunow; Wagner Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; ord. Min. Pa., 1914; m. Florence M. Stahl, 1914; children, Florence Adele, Lenore Helen; pastor, Cross Roads parish, Sunbury, Pa., 1914-16; Atonement, Asbury Park, N. J., 1916-22; withdrew from the ministry, 1922. * KAEHLER, JANN THIESSEN, b. Weddingstadt, Germany, Nov. 13, 1892; Kropp Sem.; Phila. Sem., 1914; ord. Min. Pa., 1914; pastor, Latrobe, Pa., 1914-17; d. Cresson, Pa., Jan. 23, 1917. KORNTHEUER, JOSEPH, b. Kiralyfalva, Hungary, June 12, 1885; s. Joseph and Theresia (Mattes) Komtheuer; Pressburg (Hungary) Col., 1907; Pressburg Sem., 1911; Redenburg Sem., 1912; Phila. Sem., 1914; ord. N. Y. Min., 1914; pastor, Ch. of Our Saviour, Buffalo, N. Y., 1914- 16; Reformation (Hungarian), Buffalo, N. Y., 1917-18; Zion’s, Martin’s Ferry, O., 1919- . KRAUSE, MORRIS WILLIAM, b. Kempton, Pa., July 9, 1879; s. Jacob and Mary Savinah (Smith) Krause; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1908; Phila. Sem., 1914; ord. Min. Pa., 1914; m. Flossie T. Huntsinger, 1917; pastor, Hegins, Pa., parish, 1914-18; Ringtown, Pa., 1918- . MEYER, HERMANN ALEXANDER, b. Rochester, N. Y., June 21, 1890; s. Rev. Hermann Christian Albert, ’89, and Emilie (Haag) Meyer; Wagner Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; ord. Min. Pa., 1914; m. Meta Juliana Schlobohm, 1914; child, Mae Adelheid Emilie; pastor, St. John’s, Bridgeton, N. J., 1914-15; Immanuel, New Springville, S. I., N. Y., 1915- . 226 ALUMNI 1314 POSSELT, FRANZ GUSTAV ADOLPH, b. Cohocton, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1890; s. Otto Ferdinand (miss, in Transvaal) and Margarethe (Horn) Posselt; Wagner Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; ord. N. Y. Alin., 1914; m. Elizabeth M. Goerke, 1914; child, Adalbert Franz Robert Otto; pastor, Naugatuck, Conn., 1914; St. Peter’s, Port Jervis, N. Y., 1914- 20; Dreieinigkeit, Phila, 1920- . SANJEK, LOUIS, b. Hrascina, Jugo-Slavia, Feb. 16, 1889; s. Joseph and Angela (Forst) Sanjek; State Gymnasium, 1907; U. Francis Joseph l, 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1916; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1914; m. Angela Cebocy de Cebovecky, 1912; children,. Russel Louis, Ewald Walter; pastor, Phila. Slovak parish, 1914-17; Mahanoy City, Pa., Slovak-Windish parish, 1917- . SCHORLING, GEORGE JOHN VICTOR, b. New York City, June 19, 1890; s. John Victor and Alargaretha Rebecka (Garlisch) Schorling; Wagner Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; m. Bertha Johanna Kettelhodt, 1914; children, Marjorie Victoria Bertha, Ruth Margaret; pastor, St. Paul’s, East Northport, N. Y., 1914-16; First Ch., Jeffersonville, N. Y., 1916-18; Newburgh, N. Y., 1918- ; contr., American Lutheran Survey. SIEVERT, EUGENE ALBERT, b. West Prussia, Germany, May 18, 1878; s. Albert Gustav and Mathilde Dorothea Wilhelmine (Kroepke) Sievert; Wagner Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; ord. N. Y. Min., 1914; m. Elisabeth Weigand; children, Martin Luther, Dorothea Elisabeth, Martha Ruth; pastor, Trinity, Victoria, Tex., 1914- ; Martin Luther Ch., Colettoville, Tex., 1918- ; Emanuel, Inez, Tex., 1916-20; First Ch., Tivoli, Tex., 1918-20; sec., Texas Syn., and pres., Miss. Bd. STEIK, PETER EDWARD, b. Ubbenorm-Uinurga-Oschi, Latvia, Sept. 27, 1879; s. Peter and Katrina C. Amolin Steik; Tiflis Gymnasium, Russia, 1901; U. of Dorpat, Russia, 1905 (graduate in chemistry) ; Phila. Sem., 1914; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1914—15; U. of Pa., 1915- 16; ord. Min. Pa., 1914; m. Olga Fels, 1915; children, Austra Sophie, Mirdsa Agnes; pastor, New York City and Phila. Lettish con¬ gregations, 1914- ; teacher of Sciences, Tukum Gymnasium, Latvia, 1905-07; industrial chemist, 1907-11; contr., The Lutheran, American Lutheran Survey, etc. VOGT, FREDERIC KARL, b. Brownville, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1892; s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Lebert) Vogt; Wagner Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; graduate work, Princeton U., 1915; A.M., 1915; Princeton Sem., B.D., 1916; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1916; pastor, Holy Communion, Utica, N. Y., 1916-20; Concordia, Watertown, N. Y., 1921- . 227 1915 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD WALZ, MATTHIAS FREDERICK, b. Troy, N. Y„ Mar. 2, 1889; s. Rev. Adolph Frederick, ’85, and Katherine (Bissikummer) Walz; Cornell U., 1912; Phila. Sem., 1914; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1914; pastor, Ch. of the Mediator, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1914-16; asst, pastor, Reformation, Rochester, N. Y., 1916-17; pastor, Trinity, Newark, N. J., 1917- . WOLPER, PAUL BERNDT, b. Norristown, Pa., Apr. 11, 1887; s. William H. and Anna M. Wolper; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1914; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1914-18; B.D., 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1914; m. Sallie M. Koch, 1915; child, Paul Koch; pastor, Grace, Wyndmoor, Pa., 1914-19; St. John’s, Tremont, Pa., 1919—22; Christ Ch., Easton, Pa., 1922- . 1915 BAUERS, ULLA ONI3CHKA EDWIN, b. Phila., Feb. 13, 1891; s. Clarence and Eliza Henrietta Morong Bauers; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1915; m. Mary Louise Muench, 1916; children, Barton Muench, Ulla Edwin, Robert Munch; pastor, Holy Spirit, Phila., 1915-17; North Water Gap, Pa., parish, 1917-19; Ascension and Magnolia, N. J., 1919- . BROBST, HENRY JULIUS, b. Mahanoy City, Pa., Apr. 23, 1890; s. Washington and Johanna (Walz) Brobst; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1912; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1915; m.; child, Richard Lamont; pastor, St. John’s, Tremont, Pa., 1915-19; d. Tremont, Pa., Jan. 11, 1919. DURR, RALPH MARTIN, b. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 14, 1888; s. John Jacob and Mary Louise (Horlbeck) Durr; Wagner Col., 1912; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. N. Y. Min., 1915; m. Henrietta Adele Stahl, 1915; pastor, Holy Trinity, Rockville Centre, N. Y., 1915-17; Christ Ch., Floral Park, L. I., 1917- . HINE, CECIL CLARENDON, b. Winston-Salem, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1891; s. Gilbert Clarendon and Garrie Efrid Hine; A.B., Roanoke Col.. 1911; graduate work, Yale U., 1912; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1915; m. Frances Julian, 1916; child, Gilbert Clarendon; assoc, pastor, Grace, Lancaster, Pa., 1915-17; pastor, Trinity, Catasauqua, Pa., 1917- . LINN, JOHN KENNETH, b. Mt. Pleasant, N. C., Apr. 29, 1889; s. Rev. Josephus Adolphus, 77, and Mary Cordelia (Miller) Linn; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1915; graduate work, Hartford Sem., 1918- 19; ord. Min. Pa., 1915; m. Lucy Laurie Ligon, 1915; children, Mary Louise, John Kenneth, Jr.; G. C., U. L. C. miss, to Japan, 1917- ; instr., English and Latin, Roanoke Col., 1911-12. 228 ALUMNI ISIS LOPEZ DE ALDA, MARCIANO, b. Santa Cruz, Spain, June 14, 1878; s. Agapito and Polasa Estrada de Alda Lopez; Monteagudo, 1893; Sn. Millan, 1895; Marcilla, 1897; Augustinian; converted to Protestant¬ ism; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1915; G. C. miss., Porto Rico, 1915-17. MIKKELSON, OTTO AUGUST, b. New York City, Apr. 28, 1892; s. Christian and Therese M. Mikkelson; Wagner Col., 1912; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. N. Y. Min., 1915; pastor, Farmington-Victor, N. J., parish, 1915; withdrew from the N. Y. Min. to unite with the Unitarians, 1918. OTTEN, FRIEDRICH WILHELM, b. Kropp, Germany, Nov. 3, 1892; s. Christian F. and Catharine (Paulsen) Otten; Kropp Sem., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. N. Y. Min., 1915; pastor, St. Paul's, Narrowsburg, N. Y., 1915-19; Rockville, Conn., 1919- . PLAGEMANN, OTTO AUGUST WILHELM, b. Jabel, Germany, Dec. 10, 1893; s. Gerhard and Augusta (Weidemann) Plagemann; Kropp pro-Sem., 1911; Kropp Sem., 1911-13; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. N. Y. Min., 1915; m. Mrs. Catherine A. Stead, 1920; pastor, First Ch., Southington, Conn., 1915- . SAVACOOL, JACOB STEELEY, b. Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 16, 1890; s. Jacob Andrew and Eve Lovina Savacool; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1912; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. Min. Pa., 1915; m. Anna Ruth Long, 1915; child, Mildred LaRue; pastor, St. James’-St. Peter’s, Potts- town, Pa., 1915-21; Emaus, Pa., 1921- . SCHOTT, J. FREDERICK WILLIAM, b. Pottstown, Pa, Feb. 4, 1885; Wagner Col, 1912; Phila. Sem, 1915; ord. N. Y. Min, 1915; m. Attilie Katharine Siegner, 1915; children, Amanda Theodora, Frederick Luther; pastor, Elizabeth, N. J, 1915- . SMITH, EDWIN BITTLE, b. Bloom, Va„ Sept. 2, 1891; s. William Jacob and Alice Bell (Kizen) Smith; A.B, Roanoke Col, 1912; Phila. Sem, 1915; ord. Nova Scotia Syn, 1915; m. Margaret Henderson, 1915; pastor, Midville, N. S, parish, 1915-17; Greeneville, Tenn, 1918- . SNYDER, CLARENCE MITMAN, b. Sellersville, Pa, Mar. 1, 1888; s. Milton Henry and Olivia (Mitman) Snyder; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1912; Phila. Sem, 1915; ord. Min. Pa, 1915; m. 1st, Bessie Gertrude De Esch; 2d, Gertrude Anders, 1921; child, Bessie Gertrude; pastor, Grace, Gouldsboro, Pa, 1915-21; Grace, Norristown, Pa, 1921- . WERTZ, HENRY MORRIS, b. Reading, Pa, Dec. 29, 1886; s. Cyrus and Mary E. Wertz; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1912; Phila. Sem, 1915; 229 1916 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1917-18; B.D., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1915; m. Adele H. E. Tapper, 1915; children, Mary Adele, Elizabeth Henri¬ etta; pastor, Epiphany, Camden, N. J., 1915-20; St. Stephen’s, Phila., 1920- . WUNDER, FREDERICK CHARLES, b. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1888; s. Frederick and Rose Margaret (Young) Wunder; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1915; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1915; m. Anna Mary Sensenderfer, 1915; children, Emma Margaret, William Frederick, Gretchen Winifred; pastor, Reformation, New Britain, Conn., 1915-17; St. James’, Allentown, Pa., 1917- ; instr., English Bible, Allentown Preparatory Sch., 1918-19. 1916 BARTSCH, CARL HERBERT, b. Warren, Pa., Oct. 25, 1888; s. Charles and Amelia (Schmidt) Bartsch; A.B., Thiel Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1916; m. Caroline Carleton Wineow, 1916; children, Carl Herbert, Jr., James David; pastor, First English, Winnipeg, Can., 1916-17; Holy Trinity, Minneapolis, Minn., 1917- . BROWN, BACHMAN STORCH, Jr., b. Madison Court House, Va., Oct. 6, 1889; s. Rev. Bachman Samuel and Mary Kate Brown; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Holston Syn., 1916; pastor, Salem and Luther Memorial, Parrotsville, Tenn., 1916- . CORLEIS, HARRY GEORGE, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1893; s. Henry and Gesche (Robohm) Corleis; Wagner Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Nova Scotia Syn., 1916; m. Alma H. Buck, 1916; pastor, Conqueral parish, Nova Scotia, 1916-17; Christ Ch., Ellenville, N. Y., 1917-19; St. Paul’s, Liberty, N. Y., 1919- . CRESSMAN, HARRY PHILIP CHRISTIAN, b. Weatherly, Pa., Oct. 28, 1889; s. Philip and Marie Gertrude (Mitze) Cressman; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; graduate work, Columbia U., 1920; U. of Pa., 1920-21; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; pastor, Holy Trinity, Wildwood, N. J., 1916-17; chaplain, 311th Inf., A. E. F., 1917-19; pas¬ tor, Grace, Gouldsboro, 1920-23; chaplain, Pa. American Legion, 1920- 21; instr., History, Sociology, Religion, Muhlenberg Col., 1920-21; contr., The Lutheran. DAVIS, HENRY GRADY, b. Eve Mills, Tenn., June 5, 1890; s. William Henry and Margaret Dorothy (Shaffer) Davis; Hiwassee Col., 1905-08; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1910; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Holston Syn., 1910; m. Madge Mitchell, 1917; children, Henry Grady, Jr., Mar- 230 ALUMNI 1916 garet; pastor, St. James’ parish, Greene Co., Tenn., 1910-13; Ch. of the Saviour, Trenton, N. J., 1916-18; Holy Trinity, Kingsport, Tenn., 1918- 21; pres., Weidner Institute, Mulberry, Ind., 1921- ; sec., Holston Syn., 1910-13. DEIBERT, ELMER ROBERT, b. Orwigsburg, Pa., Mar. 31, 1889; s. Nathan and Susanna Deibert; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Miriam Boyer, 1916; child, George Luther Muhlenberg; pastor, St. Peter’s, Pittston, Pa., 1916-21; St. John’s, East Mauch Chunk, Pa., 1921- . FREDERICK, DAVID HEFFNER, b. New Jerusalem, Pa., Sept. 30, 1885; s. Joseph M. and Susanna C. (Heffner) Frederick; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; pastor, Auden- ried-Beaver Meadow, Pa., parish, 1916- . HAWORTH, FREDERICK FRANCIS, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 20, 1888; s. Jehu R. and Ada Jeannette (Elliott) Haworth; A.B., Thiel Col., 1913; A.M., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1916; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1916-18; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1916; m. May Frances Roth, 1916; pas¬ tor, St. John’s, Center Square, Pa., 1916-20; Baden-Conway, Pa., 1920- . ISCHINGER, ROBERT HUGO, b. Stuttgart, Germany, Jan. 15, 1893; s. August and Clara (Seyfer) Ischinger; Wagner Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1916-18; B.D., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Ethel Gilbert, 1917; children, Hazel Marion, Robert Hugo, Jr.; pastor, Sassamansville-Niantic, Pa., parish, 1916-19; St. Peter’s, Allentown, Pa., 1920- ; contr., American Lutheran Survey, Dcr Deutsche Lutheraner. JANKE, OTTO CARL FERDINAND, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Mar. 5, 1890; s. Henry R. and Martha (Langner) Janke; Muhlenberg Col., 1908-11; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; A.M., Bucknell U., 1921; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Ethel Bell Sellick, 1916; pastor, St. Bartholomew’s, Trenton, N. J., 1916-17; Lairdsville, Pa., 1917-19; West Milton, Pa., 1919- ; instr., Jersey Shore, Pa., High Sch., 1911-12. KATZ, WILLIAM LEWIS, b. Shenandoah, Pa., Aug. 19, 1885; s. George and Henrietta (Bernhardt) Katz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1920- ; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Salina B. Weir, 1916; children, William Lewis, Jr., Anna Weir, Ruth Weir; pastor, Immanuel Ch., Burholtne, Phila., 1916- . KEIM, CHARLES EUGENE, b. Bath, Pa., May 27, 1894; s. Frank and Amanda C. (Kreidler) Keim; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. 231 1916 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Sem., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Hannah C. Hauser, 1916; pastor, Spring City, Pa., 1916-19; Holy Trinity, Lebanon, Pa., 1919- . KINARD, GEORGE HAROLD, b. Leacock, Pa., Apr. 29, 1890; s. Dr. George W. and Clara (Lenhardt) Kinard; Ph.B., F. and M. Col., 1911; Phila. Sem., 1916; graduate work, Princeton U., 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1917; m. S. Marie Zaun, 1917; children, Robert Kerwin, Constance Elizabeth, Richard Zaun; pastor, St. Paul’s, Easton, Pa., 1917-21; Christ Ch., Allentown, Pa., 1921- ; instr., Mercersburg Academy, 1912-13. KIPPS, MICHAEL MOSES, b. Repton Mills, Va., Mar. 24, 1884; s. Henry and Ann Rebecca (Tussing) Kipps; Lenoir Col., 1909-12; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Undine Heldtke, 1916; children, Frances Kiku, Henry Edward; U. L. C. miss, to Japan, 1916-21; asst, pastor, Ch. of the Transfiguration, Phila., 1921-22; pastor, St. Michael's, Cogan Station, Pa., 1922- . KNERR, WALLACE ROYER, b. Frederick, Pa., Aug. 8, 1887; s. John F. and Elamanda (Royer) Knerr; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Alverda J. Miller, 1911; children, Mary Elamanda, Kathryn Alverda, Bessie Louise, Wallace Luther; pastor, St. Michael’s, Strasburg, Pa., 1916-20; St. John’s, Denver, Pa., 1921- . KRAUSS, ROBERT HOFFMAN, b. Kraussdale, Pa., Nov. 20, 1887; s. Henry Schultz and Amanda (Hoffman) Krauss; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Maude L. Reeser, 1916; child, Robert Theodore; pastor, Hellertown, Pa., parish, 1916- . MECK, JOHN IRWIN, b. Phila., Aug. 7, 1888; s. John and Euphemia (Hoffman) Meek; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Ruth Elizabeth Walbert, 1916; child, Elizabeth Euphemia; pastor, Palmyra-Hershey, Pa., parish, 1916-18; Prince of Peace, Phila., 1918-20; Chester, Pa., 1920- . MENSCH, JOHN ABRAHAM LOGAN, b. near Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Dec. 21, 1884; s. John B. and Emma (Heinze) Mensch; A.B., Thiel Col., 1911; A.M., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1916; m. Nellie Ann Schearer, 1908; children, Alice Minerva, Mary Agnes, John Abraham Alexander, Henry James Franklin, George Luther Schearer; pastor, Grace, Erie, Pa., 1916-17; Erie Co., Pa., parish, 1918-19; Berlin Center, O., parish, 1920- . REUMANN, WILLIAM PAUL, b. Bridgeport, O., Dec. 9, 1892; s. Rev. Henry and Sophia (Knauss) Reumann; Wagner Col., 1913; Phila. 232 ALUMNI 1917 Sem., 1916; ord. N. Y. Min., 1916; m. Ethel May Rauth, 1917; pastor, St. John’s, Shenandoah, Pa., 1916-22; St. Paul’s, Easton, Pa., 1922- . SCHEEHL, LUTHER BUCHER, b. Utica, N. Y., July 26, 1890; s. Henry and Amelia Louisa Scheehl; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1916; pastor, Noxen, Pa., 1916-17; St. Paul’s, Johnson City, N. Y., 1917-20; Federated Reformed (Christ’s) and Second Lutheran, Fayette, N. Y., 1921- . SCHERER, PAUL EHRMAN, b. Mt. Holly Springs, Pa., June 22, 1892; s. Rev. Dr. Melanchthon Gideon G. and Alice M. C. Scherer; A.B., Col. of Charleston, 1911; A.M., 1915; Phila. Sem., 1916; graduate fellow, Phila. Sem., 1916-18; B.D., 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1916; m. Lilie Fry Benbow, 1919; child, Barbara Benbow; assoc, pastor, Holy Trinity, Buffalo, N. Y., 1918-19; Holy Trinity, New York City, 1920- ; instr., Elberton, Ga., and Charleston, S. C., High Schs., 1911-13; instr., Phila. Sem., 1919-20; contr., Lutheran Church Review. TOEBKE, CARL GUSTAV, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1884; s. Carl Louis and Helen (Gennert) Toebke; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1916; m. Anna Catharine Otten, 1919; child, Paul Frederick; pastor, St. Paul’s, Richmond Hill, N. Y., 1916- . WACKER, HENRY ALBERT DIEDRICH, b. New York City, Sept. 20, 1890; s. Henry and Anna Wacker; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1916; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1919-20; A.M., U. of Pa., 1922; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1916; m. Elsie H. P. Schlegel, 1917; child, Henry; pastor, Ch. of the Mediator, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1916-18; Epiphany, Manayunk, Pa., 1919- ; U. S. x\. chaplain with A. E. F., 1918-19. 1917 BEER, PHARES GROFF, b. Bedminster, Pa., Apr. 19, 1890; s. Edwin K. and Lydia (Groff) Beer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1913; Phila. Sem., 1917; graduate work, Temple U., 1914-15; U. of Pa., 1916-17; Susque¬ hanna U., 1919-20; U. of Pa., 1920-21; ord. Min. Pa., 1917; m. Edith H. Moyer; children, Edyth Vyrtue, Ruth Lydia Minnie; pastor, Line Mountain, Pa., parish, 1917-19; Plainfield, Pa., parish, 1919-21; Grace, Allentown, Pa., 1922- ; ed., Bibliography of Pennsylvania History, 1917. DEIBERT, ARTHUR SOLOMON, b. Schnecksville, Pa., Aug. 29, 1889; s. Joseph P. and Flora A. (Kern) Deibert; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1917; m. Elsie E. Sell; 233 1917 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD children, Katherine Louise, Leona Ruth; pastor, Berwick, Pa., parish, 1917-19; Washingtonville, Pa., 1919-23; Northampton, Pa., 1923- . DIEROLF, CLAUDE OCTAVIUS, b. Lancaster, Pa., July 20, 1892; s. Edwin and Orella Nora (Groff) Dierolf; A.B., F. and M. Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1917; B.D., International Christian Bible Col., 1919; S.T.D., Oskaloosa Col., 1920; m. Clara Hiller Bohn, 1917; children, Clara Orella, Claude Edwin; pastor, Zion Ch., Leacock, Pa., 1917- ; contr., The Lutheran. EGNER, HENRY CHARLES, b. New York City, July 12, 1889; s. Fred G. and Emily E. (Hammond) Egner; Wagner Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; ord. N. Y. Min., 1917; m. Romaine L. Osier, 1917; child, Henry Charles, Jr.; pastor, St. Peter’s, Verona, N. Y., 1917-19; Atone¬ ment, Saugerties, N. Y., 1919- . FRY, HENRY JACOB, b. Lancaster, Pa., May 2, 1892; s. Rev. Dr. Charles Livingston, ’81, and Laura F. Fry; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1914; Bible Teachers’ Training Sch., New York City, 1914-15; Phila. Sem., 1917; B.D., 1917; A.M., Columbia U., 1921; B.D., Union Theo¬ logical Sem., 1921; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1917; m. Gladys Eliza¬ beth Gordon-Smith, 1917; child, Alison; pastor, English Lutheran Ch., Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 1917-18; Y. M. C. A. Hut sec., Camp Mills, 1918; chaplain, U. S. Navy, 1918-20; sec., Inter-Ch. World Movement, 1920- 21; fel^w in Biology, Columbia U., 1921- ; withdrew from the ministry, 1922. GRAMMES, ARTHUR PETER, b. Walbert, Pa., Nov. 29, 1889; s. William and Rosa A. Grammes; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; B.D., 1917; graduate work, Harvard U., 1917-19; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1917; m. Carrie Mae Kuhns, 1917; student pastor, Harvard U., and pastor, St. Luke’s Community Ch., Cambridge, Mass., 1917-18; Berwick, Pa., 1919-22; St. Paul’s, Easton, Pa., 1922- ; instr., Allentown Preparatory Sch., 1909-10. HAMMER, EMANUEL WILLIAM, b. New York City, Apr. 3, 1895; s. Georg Reinhold and Hulda (Nehring) Hammer; Concordia, Bronx- ville, N. Y., 1908-13; Wagner Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; ord. N. Y. Min., 1917; m. Marie A. Ringen, 1918; child, Theodore Emanuel; pastor, St. Peter’s, Greenport, L. I., 1917-18; Emanuel, Hudson, N. Y., 1919- . HASSKARL, FREDERICK GEORGE HARRY, b. Frederick, Md., May 23, 1892; s. Rev. Dr. Gottlieb Christopher Henry, ’80, and Elizabeth (Wehrung) Hasskarl; Wagner Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; B.D., 1917; ord. N. Y. Min., 1917; m. Flora Frances Gruenagel, 1917; child, 234 ALUMNI 1917 Frederick George Harry, Jr.; pastor, St. John’s, Bridgeton, N. J., 1917-21; Zion, Wilmington, Del., 1921- . HAUSE, LOUIS GEORGE, b. Maspeth, L. I., N. Y., Mar. 2, 1892; s. George Conrad and Elizabeth (Oberdorf) Hause; Wagner Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1917; m. Ernestine A. Lutz, 1917; child, Edith Rose; pastor, Trinity, Magnolia, N. J., 1917-18; New Bedford, Mass., 1918- . JENSEN, CHRISTIAN PETER, b. Whitesboro, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1891; s. Andrew and Petrea Jensen; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1917; m. Anna Leona Leefeldt, 1917; child, Franklin Leefeldt; pastor, Ascension, Brooklyn, 1917-19; Gilead, Center Brunswick, N. Y., 1919- . KIDD, ELMER SYLVESTER, b. Bath, Pa., May 29, 1893; s. John and Anna M. Kidd; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1914; Phila. Sem,, 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1917; m. Helen R. Siegfried, 1917; children, Elizabeth June, Paul John; pastor, Ridge parish, Sellersville, Pa., 1917- . KRAUCH, RUDOLPH FREDERICK, b. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1892; s. Rudolph F. and Bertha Krauch; Wagner Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; ord. N. Y. Min., 1917; m. Anna M. Shank, 1917; child, Donald; pastor, Fort Plain. N. Y., 1917-20; Rochester, N. Y., 1920- . LEISEY, ELMER LEBBO, b. Denver, Pa., June 19, 1892; s. Abraham W. and Annie Leisey; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; graduate work, U. of Pa.; ord. Min. Pa., 1917; pastor, St. Paul’s, Numidia, Pa., 1917-22; Trinity, New Holland, Pa., 1922- . MEHRTENS, BEHREND, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1893; s. William and Augusta (Buck) Mehrtens; Wagner Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; B.D., 1917; graduate work, Union Sem.; ord. N. Y. Min., 1917; m. Pauline C. Gademann, 1917; children, Paul Henry, Ruth Beatrice; pastor, Holy Trinity, Rockville Center, N. Y., 1917-21; Trin¬ ity, New Haven, Conn., 1921- ; director, Education Fund Campaign, N. Y. Min., 1918. MILLER, HAROLD SCHAEFFER, b. Phila., Oct. 4, 1892; s. E. Augustus and Mary (Van Reed) Miller; A.B., Haverford Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1917; B.D., 1917; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1917; m. Anna Maria Eenberg, 1922; pastor, Incarnation, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1917- . OFFERMAN, HENRY CARL, b. Camden, N. J., Dec. 4, 1892; s. Rev. Prof. Henry F. and Emily (Saalman) Offerman; A.B., Haverford Col., 235 1918 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1913; graduate work, Princeton U., 1914; Phila. Sem., B.D, 1917; ord. Min. Pa., 1917; pastor, East Mauch Chunk-Christman’s, Albrightville, Pa., 1917-18; Holy Spirit, Phila., 1918-20; St. Johannes, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1929- . RUCCIUS, WALTER MARTIN WILHELM, b. Winnipeg, Can, Sept. 1, 1895; s. Martin and Wilhelmina (Wagner) Ruccius; Wagner Col, 1914; Phila. Sem, B.D, 1917; ord. N. Y. Min, 1917; m. Elsie Christine Xeller, 1921; pastor. Valley Stream-Lynbrook, L. I, N. Y, 1917-19; Grace, Wyndmoor, Pa, 1919"- . SCHMIDTKONZ, LOUIS, b. Kingston, N. Y„ Aug. 6, 1890; s. Rev. Adam and Anna (Berkemeier) Schmidtkonz; Wagner Col, 1913; Phila. Sem, 1917; B.D, 1918; ord. Min. Pa, 1918; pastor, St. Paul’s, Haines- port, N. J, 1918-19; Ch. of the Advent, Trenton, N. J, 1920- ; assoc, ed, Der Jugend-freund. SELL, HARVEY THOMAS, b. Newside, Pa, Dec. 21, 1889; s. Tilgh- man and Agnes M. (Kern) Sell; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1914; Phila. Sem, 1917; ord. Min. Pa, 1917; m. Marne E. Wuchter, 1915; children, Harold Wuchter, Grace Marne, Betty Jane, Robert Tilghman; pastor, Weissport, Pa, parish, 1917-18; Mickleys-Schoenersville, Pa, 1918- . SIEGNER, HERBERT LUDWIG, b. Tavistock, Can, May 5, 1892; s. Frederick and Elizabeth (Weicker) Siegner; A.B, Wittenberg Col, 1907-08; Wagner Col, 1914; Phila. Sem, 1917; ord. Syn. of Central Canada, 1917; m. Alice Henrietta Wesp; children, Allan Wesp, Robert Wesp; pastor, St. Peter’s, Ottawa, Can, 1917-18; Reformation, Buffalo, N. Y, 1919- . WARNATH, OSCAR JULIUS, b. Erie, Pa, May 12, 1890; s. Fred and Mary Wamath; Wagner Col, 1914; Phila. Sem, 1917; ord. Pitts¬ burgh Syn, 1917; m. Ruth Henrietta Juers, 1921; pastor, First Ch, Ridgway, Pa, 1917-22; All Saints, Phila, 1922- . WICKLUND, EDWARD RAYMOND, b. East Union, Minn, Jan. 17, 1892; s. Alfred and Emma (Holt) Wicklund; St. Olaf Col, 1913; Phila. Sem, B.D, 1917; ord. Syn. of Northwest; pastor, Faith, Winona, Minn, 1917-20; Richfield, Minneapolis, Minn, 1920- . 1918 BRAUN, CLARENCE LUDWIG, b. Elmwood, Can, Aug. 5, 1894; s. Valentine and Marian (Ludwig) Braun; Wagner Col, 1915; Chicago Sem, 1915-16; Phila. Sem, 1918; ord. N. Y. Min, 1918; pastor, St. John’s, Potter, N. Y, 1918-19; Grace, North Tonawanda, N. Y, 1919- . 236 ALUMNI 1918 CROUTHAMEL, EDGAR CROUTHAMEL, b. Phila., Feb. 22, 1888; s. Harry Rohr and Martha (Crouthamel) Crouthamel; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1918; m. Gertrude J. Bumieister, 1918; pastor, Faith-Peace, Reading, Pa., 1918-20; Advent, Newark, N. J., 1920- . DEATON, JOHN LEROY, b. Selwood, S. C., June 12, 1894; s. Rev. Dr. Willis Alexander, ’91, and Margaret Pauline (Miller) Deaton; A.B., Lenoir Col., 1915; Phila. Sem., B.D., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1918; pastor, Atonement, Wyomissing, Pa., 1918- . EBERHARDT, FRANK FELIX, b. Jersey City, N. J., May 21, 1894; s. Felix and Maria Eberhardt; Wagner Col., 1915; Phila. Sem., B.D., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1918; m. Ruth L. Hemsath; children, Charles, Ruth Ada; pastor, St. John’s, East Mauch Chunk, Pa., 1918-21; St. Mark’s, Cuero, Tex., 1921- . FINCK, THEODORE KRETSCHMANN, b. Anderson, Ind., Aug. 13, 1895; s. Rev. Dr. William John, ’87, and Anna Louise (Kretsch- mann) Finck; Newberry Col., 1910-12; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1915; Phila. Sem., B.D., 1918; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1915-18; ord. Min. Pa., 1918; m. Mary Elizabeth Aierstuck, 1920; pastor, St. Paul’s, Millersville, Pa., 1918-20; Prince of Peace, Phila., 1920- . HOH, PAUL JACOB, b. Reading, Pa., Sept. 20, 1893; s. Rev. Philip Jacob and Mary Ellen (Schick) Hoh; U. of Pa., 1914; Phila. Sem., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1918; m. Anna Moldenke, 1919; child, Philip Richard; pastor, St. Mark’s, Bethlehem, Pa., 1918-20; Holy Trinity, Wildwood, N. J., 1920-21; Ch. of the Ascension, Mt. Airy, Phila., 1921- ; instr., Bethlehem Preparatory Sch., 1914-15. HUDAFF, WILHELM HERMANN PETER, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 18, 1894; s. Oelrich and Julia Hudaff; Wagner Col., 1915; Phila. Sem., 1918; ord. N. Y. Min., 1918; pastor, St. Mark’s, Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1918; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1918. KROPP, HEINRICH AREND, b. Ritterhude, Germany, Oct. 24, 1892; s. Johann and Meta Gesine (Bruenjes) Kropp; Wagner Col., 1915; Phila. Sem., B.D., 1918; ord. N. Y. Min., 1918; m. Hildegard Wilhelmine von Bosse, 1918; pastor, Dreieinigkeit, Phila., 1918-20; German St. Paul’s, New York City, 1920- . LINN, CHARLES ADOLPHUS, b. Mt. Pleasant, N. C., Oct. 27, 1890; s. Rev. Josephus Adolphus, ’77, and Mary Cordelia (Miller) Linn; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1915; Phila. Sem., B.D., 1918; ord. Min. 237 1913 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Pa., 1918; m. Jennie Holmes Snider, 1919; child, Jennie Holmes; pastor, Holy Trinity, Wildwood, N. J., 1918-19; Ch. of the Redeemer, Macon, Ga., 1919-22; Mt. Pleasant, N. G, 1922- . SCHMITTHENNER, JOHN WILLIAM, b. Flushing, L. I., N. Y„ Sept. 20, 1884; s. Rev. August Elias and Addie R. (Heissenbuttle) Schmitthenner; Wagner Col., 1915; Phila. Sem., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1918; m. Florence May Neiswender, 1919; child, John William; pastor, New Ringgold, Pa., parish, 1918- . YIENGST, LEVI W., b. Mt. Zion, Pa., Oct. 3, 1890; s. William and Susan Yiengst; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1915; Phila. Sem., 1918; ord. Min. Pa., 1918; m. Helen Domey, 1915; children, Homer Arthur, Dor¬ othy June, Kathleen Eleanor; pastor, Hegins, Pa., parish, 1918-23; Noxen, Pa., 1923- . 1919 BAGGER, HENRY HORNEMAN, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1893; s. Hartwig Axel and Agnes (Homeman) Bagger; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1915; graduate work, Columbia U., 1916; Phila. Sem., B.D., 1919; A.M., U. of Pa., 1919; ord. Min. Pa., 1919; m. Margaret Finck, 1920; child, Geoffrey Austin; pastor, St. Paul’s, Morgantown, W. Va., 1919-21; First English, Butler, Pa., 1921- ; instr., German and English, Lebanon, Pa., High Sch., 1915-16; instr., sub-Junior Dept., Phila. Sem., 1919. BILLOW, HARRY JACOB, b. Newport, Pa., Feb. 19, 1888; s. Wil¬ liam H. and Ellen R. Billow; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1919; ord. Min. Pa., 1919; m. Sue E. Weaver, 1919; pastor, Zion’s, Turbotville, Pa., 1919- . EICHNER, CLIFFORD EARL, b. Freemansburg, Pa., Sept. 10, 1894; s. Alexander and Julia (Steinbach) Eichner; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1919; ord. Min. Pa., 1919; pastor, St. John’s, St. Johns, Pa., 1919- . HAFFNER, FREDERICK DANIEL, b. New York City, Mar. 21, 1894; s. John Daniel and Gertrude Elizabeth (Vaupel) Haffner; Wag¬ ner Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., B.D., 1919; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1919; m. Mabel Anna Schneider, 1919; pastor, Ch. of the Mediator, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1919-21; St. Paul’s, Scranton, Pa., 1921- . JAXHEIMER, DAVID GOODWIN, b. Bethlehem, Pa., Mar. 7, 1894; s. Reuben R. and Mary (Lambert) Jaxheimer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., B.D., 1919; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1919; 238 ALUMNI 1920 m. Christine Louise Paul, 1919; pastor, St. Paul’s, Hartford, Conn., 1919- . MILLER, CARL HUMBERT, b. Kutztown, Pa., Oct. 3, 1883; s. Ulrich John and Elizabeth Miller; Phila. Sem., 1919; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1919; m. Ruth Mary Snyder, 1915; pastor, Christ Ch., Freeport, N. Y., 1919- . MOEHLING, HENRY, Jr., b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1890; s. Henry and Anna Kate (Schumacher) Moehling; Pratt Sch. of Archi¬ tecture, 1909; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1919; ord. East Pa. Syn., 1919; m. Myrtle Miller Strohl, 1919; pastor, Geth- semane, Phila., 1918- . ROYER, PAUL LEEDS, b. Rothsville, Pa., Aug. 28, 1892; s. Francis G. and Elizabeth S. (Leeds) Royer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1919; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1918-19; White Bible Sch., 1922; ord. Virginia Syn., 1919; m. Grace E. Moyer, 1919; pastor, Mt. Jackson, Va., parish, 1919- . VESPER, HERMAN FREDERICK JOHN, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1891; s. Herman Andreas and Wilhelmina Dorothea (Meyerherm) Vesper; Wagner Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1919; ord. N. Y. Min., 1919; m. Marie Elizabeth Bohrer, 1919; pastor, Holy Trinity, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1919-22; Hudson, N. Y., 1922- ; commercial illustrator, 1910-16. WEAVER, HOMER ARTHUR, b. Dec. 2, 1889; s. Moses G. and Villetta (Moyer) Weaver; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1919; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1919-20; ord. Min. Pa., 1919; m. Ethel M. Anders, 1921; pastor, Hatfield, Pa., parish, 1919- . 1920 DOCKTER, ALBERT WARTZ, b. Rochester, Pa., Aug. 8, 1892; s. William Manfred and Mary Emma Dockter; A.B., Thiel Col., 1920; Chicago Sem., 1917-19; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1920; m. Elsa Dorothy Miksch, 1918; children, Mary Elizabeth, Albert Warren, Jr.; pastor, Ashtabula, O., parish, 1920- . DUERR, LEO FREDERICK, b. Detroit, Mich., July 17, 1891; s. Leopold Frank and Teresa Miller Duerr; Wagner Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; m. Maty Katherine Henrich, 1920; child, Elwood John; pastor, Freeburg, Pa., parish, 1920-21; St. Luke’s, Sunbury, Pa., 1921- . 239 1920 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD DUNDORE, ISAAC NOBLE, b. Lebanon, Pa., May 17, 1896; s. Joshua Wagner and Almeda (Garman) Dundore; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1920; pastor, Epiphany, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1920-22; Scenery' Hill, Pa., 1922- . EARLY, JOHN WILLIAM, Jr., b. Trevorton, Pa., July 19, 1893; s. Martin Luther and Margaret Ellen Garman Early; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; m. Margaret Gruver Hartzell, 1921; pastor, St. John’s, Pen Argyl, Pa., 1920- ; with A. E. F., 1918-19. HECKMAN, RAYMOND JEREMIAH, b. Hamburg, Pa., Nov. 5, 1892; s. Elias and Lenora Heckman; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; m. Grace Staudt, 1920; pastor, Faith and Peace, Reading, Pa., 1920- . KARSCH, CARL HENRY, b. Phila., Oct. 30, 1894; s. Rev. Carl Gustave, ’98, and Katie (Scheuerman) Karsch; A.B., U. of Pa., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1920; B.D., 1921; graduate work, Columbia U., 1922- ; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; asst, pastor, Zion’s, Minersville, Pa., 1920; instr., Allentown Preparatory Sch., 1921-22. KISTLER, SAMUEL KELCHNER, b. Allentown, Pa., Jan. 1, 1896; s. Samuel S. and Fyanna (Kelchner) Kistler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; m. Glenna Beidler, 1920; pastor, Christ Ch., South Camden, N. J., 1920- . KRAELING, CARL HERMANN, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1897; s. Rev. Emil Conrad Johannes, ’86, and Clara Mathilda (Maus) Kraeling; Columbia U., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1920; B.D., 1921; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1919-21; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; graduate fellow and instr., Phila. Sem., 1920-21; student, Heidelberg U., 1921-22; Columbia U. and Union Theological Sem., 1922-23; mem., Phi Beta Kappa, Columbia U.; mem., Classical League, Phila., 1920- . MOHN, JOHN EMERSON, b. Middleburg, Pa., Sept. 4, 1895; s. Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Mohn; Ph.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; m. Jean Doris Wittman, 1918; child, Jean; pastor, Hobbie parish, Nescopeck, Pa., 1920-22; Zion’s, Spring City, Pa., 1922- . MOYER, HENRY HARRISON, b. Aquashicola, Pa., Mar. 27, 1897; s. Rev. Harrison Erb, ’96, and Amanda Lefevre Moyer; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1917; m. Ethel Rauch, 1920; Phila. Sem., 1920; B.D., 1921; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; U. L. C. miss, in India, 1920- . 240 ALUMNI 1920 CTTEN, KENNETH PESCHAU, b. Wilmington, N. C., Apr. 17, 1896; s. Henry F. and Margaret (Peschau) Otten; U. of North Caro¬ lina, 1913-14; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1917; Phila. Sein., 1920; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1920-22; B.D., 1921; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; junior pastor, Incarnation, Phila., 1920-22; pastor, Holy Trinity, West Beth¬ lehem, Pa., 1922- . PORATH, PAUL EMIL FERDINAND, b. Erie, Pa., Mar. 29, 1893; s. Frederick Ferdinand and Johannah Pergandie Porath; Wagner Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1920; m. Louisa Schultz, 1920; child, Louisa Carolina; pastor, St. Matthew’s, Leetsdale, Pa., 1920- . REISSIG, FREDERICK EDWARD, b. West Henrietta, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1893; s. Rev. Ernest Frederick and Dorothea (Lange) Reissig; Wag¬ ner Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. N. Y. Min., 1920; m. Florence Anna Lee, 1920; child, Frederick Herman; pastor, Lynbrook-Valley Stream, L. I., N. Y., parish, 1920-22; St. John’s, Lynbrook, L. I., N. Y., 1922- . SHETLOCK, BELA, b. Egypt, Pa., Jan. 11, 1895; s. Andrew and Catherine (Schultz) Shetlock; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1920; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1921-22; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; pastor, Zion, Olney, Phila., 1920- . SIPES, HIRAM HILL, Jr., b. near Freeport, Pa., Sept. 25, 1888; s. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Sipes, Sr.; A.B., Thiel Col., 1913; A.M., U. of Pa., 1920; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Min. of Pa., 1920; m. Elsie Ashe, 1913; children, Mary Golden, Betty Eleanor, William Anderson; G. C. lay miss, in India, 1913-17, in charge of Peddapur High Sch.; U. L. C. miss, in India, 1920- ; in charge of Guntur Col. SNYDER, CORSON CRESSMAN, b. Harleysville, Pa., Dec. 20, 1892; s. Edwin and Emma Snyder; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; m. Lucy Willenbecker, 1920; child, Lucy; pastor, Shillington, Pa., parish, 1920- . TAPPERT, WILFRIED CARL HEINRICH, b. New York City, Apr. 11, 1899; s. Rev. Ernst August and Elsabea (Veers) Tappert; A.B., Thiel Col., 1918; A.M., 1920; Phila. Sem, 1920; B.D, 1921; ord. Pitts¬ burgh Syn, 1920; assoc, pastor, Zion, Johnstown, Pa, 1920- ; author, pageant, The Heavenly Word, 1922; contr, American Lutheran Survey. WEBER, ERNEST ADAM, b. Mount Joy, Pa, Oct. 22, 1893; s. Rev. Adam Monroe, ’88, and Alma Matilda (Rentschler) Weber; A.B, 241 1921 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Muhlenberg Col., 1916; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. Min. Pa., 1921; m. Clara J. Webb, 1920; child, Richard Webb; pastor, Pine Grove, Pa., parish, 1921- ; instr., Boyertown, Pa., High Sch., 1920-21; with A. E. F., France, 1918-19. WEISKOTTEN, HERBERT THEBERATH, b. Jamestown, N. Y., June 4, 1894; s. Rev. Dr. Samuel George, ’87, and Emily (Theberath) Weiskotten; Columbia U., 1914; A.M., Princeton U., 1915; Ph.D., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1920; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1920; m. Mary Catherine Wilcox, 1920; pastor, St. John’s, Summit, N. J., 192CP21; prof., Greek and History, Wagner Col., 1921- ; mem., American Soc. of Ch. History, American Philological Assoc.; author, The Greek Evangelistary, 1916; Sancti Augustini Vita, 1919. 1921 BELLAN, JOHN MICHAEL, b. Turckok, Slovakia, May 20, 1892; s. Michael and Susanna (Pasjak) Bellan; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1921; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1921-22; ord. Min. Pa., 1920; supplied Holy Trinity Slovak Congregation, Northampton, Pa., 1916-20; pastor, Holy Trinity, Slovak, Phila.; St. John’s Slovak, Tren¬ ton, N. J.; St. John's, Camden, N. J., and St. John’s, Pottstown, Pa., 1920- ; sec., Slovak Zion Syn., 1920"- ; business manager, Slovensky Lutheran, 1920- ; special representative of the U. L. C. in Europe, 1922; contr., American Lutheran Survey and Slovak Ch. papers. BOHRER, BERNHARD, b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 28, 1897; s. George and Margaret (Eppelmann) Bohrer; Wagner Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. N. Y. Min., 1921; m. Mary Marion Schmidt, 1922; pastor, First Ch., Jeffersonville, N. Y., 1921- . BOSCH, HERBERT ARNOLD, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1898; s. Rev. Frederick Henry Albert, ’95, and Anna Christine (Klee) Bosch; Wagner Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. N. Y. Min., 1921; m. Ruth Krauss, 1922; pastor, St. Peter’s, Port Jervis, N. Y., 1921- . COPE, MAHLON F., b. Perkasie, Pa., June 25, 1897; s. Frank L. and Ella Cope; Muhlenberg Col., 1919; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. Min. Pa., 1921; m. Anita E. Schoonover, 1921; pastor, Mt. Bethel, Pa., parish, 1921- 22; Kellers, Pa., parish, 1922- . DRUCKENMILLER, DAVID ULAM NUSS, b. Salfordville, Pa., Oct. 4, 1896; s. David Dess and Emma (Nuss) Druckenmiller; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. Northwest Syn., 1921; m. Edith Cecelia Hain, 1921; child, David Ulam, Jr.; pastor, Holy Trinity, Superior, Wis., 1921-23; Tremont, Pa., 1923- . 242 ALUMNI 1921 FIEDLER, FRED JOHN, b. Scranton, Pa., Jan. 19, 1891; s. Andrew Christian and Emily Sophie (Zimmermann) Fiedler; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1918; A.M., U. of Pa., 1921; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. Min. Pa., 1921; m. Sarah Rhoads Mayberry, 1921; U. L. C. miss., India, 1921- . FLEISCHER, CARL WILLIAM, b. Mamaroneck, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1895; s. Charles Henry and Johannetta Fleischer; Wagner Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. N. Y. Min., 1921; m. Katherine Marie Bradfisch, 1921; pastor, St. John’s, Potter, N. Y., 1921- . GETZ, ARTHUR GEORGE HENRY, b. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 14, 1897; s. Louis C. and Margaret Getz; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; A.M., U. of Pa., 1921; Phila. Sem., 1921; B.D., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1921; pastor, Concordia and St. James’, Chestnut Hill and Columbia, Pa., 1921- . GOERING, GUSTAVE CHARLES, b. Utica, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1895; s. Gustave Frederick and Anna Sheenan Goering; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1919-20; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1921; pastor, St. Peter’s, Baldwin, L. I., N. Y., 1921- . HOEBEL, WILLIAM JOHN, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Mar. 16, 1898; s. John and Margaret Hoebel; Wagner Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. N. Y. Min., 1921; pastor, Holy Cross, Yoakum, Tex., 1921- . HOH, ERNEST HENRY JOHN, b. Wheeling, W. Va., Feb. 16, 1899; s. Rev. Philip Jacob and Mary Ellen (Schick) Hoh; U. of Pa., 1916-18; Phila. Sem., 1921; B.D., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1921; pastor, Trinity, Fort Washington, Pa., 1921- . ISAAC, EDWARD JOHN, b. Roxbury, Boston, Mass., Oct. 7, 1896; s. John and Elizabeth (Laurila) Isaac; A.B., Tufts Col., 1919; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. Suomi Syn., 1921; pastor, Brantwood, Wis., parish, 1921-22; First Finnish, Duluth, Minn., 1922- ; mem., Phi Beta Kappa, Tufts Col. KLECKNER, JOSEPH SANTEE, b. Bath, Pa., Mar. 15, 1898; s. Rev. George Snyder, ’98, and Mary (Santee) Kleckner; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1918; graduate Work, U. of Pa., 1918-20; A.M., 1920; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. Min. Pa., 1921; graduate fellow and instr., Phila. Sem., 1921- . KLETT, WILLIAM GOTTLOB, b. New York City, May 11, 1896; s. William Gottlob and Augusta (Ohm) Klett; Concordia Inst., 1918; 243 1921 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. N. Y. Min., 1921; m. Helen Glenn, 1921; pastor, Atonement, Beloit, Wis., 1921- . KNUBEL, FREDERICK RITSCHER, b. New York, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1897; s. Rev. Dr. Frederick Hermann (first pres., U. L. C., 1918- ) and Christine (Ritscher) Ivnubel; A.B., Gettysburg Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn., 1921; asst, pastor, Ch. of the Reformation, Rochester, N. Y., 1921- ; U. S. A. Training Camps, Nov.-Dee., 1918. KRAFT, HENRY CHRISTIAN, b. West Hazleton, Pa., Dec. 31, 1887; s. Christian Henry Otto and Anna Margaret (Gicking) Kraft; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. Min. Pa., 1921; m. Helen Miller, 1921; pastor, St. Lawrence, Morrisburg, Can., parish, 1921- ; U. S. Army, Dec, 1917-Dec, 1918. MELVILLE, FREDERICK JEROME, b. Newark, N. J, Sept. 13, 1896; s. John and Katherine Melville; Wagner Col, 1918; Phila. Sem, 1921; B.D, 1922; ord. N. Y. Min, 1921; pastor, St. Paul’s, Fort Plain, N. Y, 1921-22; Freybush-Nelliston, N. Y, 1922- ; pvt, 1st class, U. S. Army, 1918. PFLUM, HENRY JACOB, Jr, b. Reading, Pa, Dec. 28, 1892; s. Henry Jacob and Ida Catharine Pflum; A.B, Roanoke Col, 1918; Phila. Sem, 1921; graduate work, Columbia U, 1921- ; ord. Min. Pa, 1921; m. Florence M. Wessell, 1921; pastor, Holy Trinity, Rockville Centre, L. I, N. Y, 1921- . % SCHMITTHENNER, AUGUST FREDERICK, b. Canajoharie, N. Y, Jan. 1, 1897; s. August Elias and Addie Rose Schmitthenner; Wagner Col, 1917; Phila. Sem, 1921; ord. Min. Pa, 1921; m. Marian Eyster, 1922; U. L. C. miss, India, 1921- . SCHWENK, ELWOOD, b. Red Hill, Pa, Oct. 28, 1894; s. John G. and Sarah Ann (Keck) Schwenk; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1917; Phila. Sem, 1921; ord. Min. Pa, 1921; m. Stella Tabor, 1918; children, Ruth Marie, John; pastor, Holy Trinity, Wilkes-Barre, West Side, Pa, 1921- . STREMEL, ALEXANDER WARREN, b. Johnstown, Pa, Nov. 28, 1893; s. William and Katharine Barbara (Datz) Stremel; A.B, Thiel Col, 1919; Phila. Sem, 1921; ord. Pittsburgh Syn, 1921; m. Ruth Wasser, 1920; pastor, St. Matthew’s, Erie, Pa, 1921- . TAMKE, GEORGE ROBERT FORMER, b. Brooklyn, N. Y„ Mar. 17, 1896; s. Henry Tamke; Wagner Col, 1918; Phila. Sem, 1921; ord. 244 ALUMNI 1922 N. Y. Min., 1921; pastor, St. Paul’s, West New Brighton, S. I., N. Y., 1921- . TAPPER, ANDREW EDWARD HENRY, b. Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 21, 1895; s. Henry H. and Elizabeth C. Tapper; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1921; graduate work, Phila. Sem., 1921-22; B.D., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1921; pastor, St. Peter’s, North Wales, Pa., 1921- . WUCHTER, MOSES LEROY, b. Orwigsburg, Pa., Nov. 12, 1895; s. Oliver Moses and Catharine Irene (Hauser) Wuchter; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1921; ord. Min. Pa., 1921; m. Mae Zinn Zimmerman, 1918; child, Robert Zimmerman; pastor, Holy Trinity, Hershey, Pa., 1921- . 1922 ATKINS, PAUL ALEXANDER, b. Wytheville, Va., Feb. 27, 1898; s. George Calahan and Myrtle Ryder Atkins; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1919; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Virginia Syn., 1922; m. Mary Johnson, 1921; pastor, Luther Memorial, Portsmouth, Va., 1922- . BROWN, FRANK MELANCHTHON, b. Norristown, Pa., Feb. 7, 1897; s. Frank Luther and Emma Marie Naegele Brown; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1919; A.M., U. of Pa., 1922; Phila. Sem., 1922; pastor, Ch. of the Holy Nativity, Endicott, N. Y., 1922- . ERNST, JAMES EMMANUEL, b. Centerport, Pa., Oct. 17, 1893; s. Charles Joseph and Ida Kauffman Phillips Ernst; A.B., Muhlenberg Col, 1917; A.M, U. of Pa, 1922; Phila. Sem, 1922; U. S. A, 1918-19 (A. E. F, France, 1 year) ; prof, of English, Jamestown Col. (Episcopal), Jamestown, N. D, 1922- . FINEHOUT, RAYMOND ENGLISH, b. Flushing, N. Y, Sept. 15, 1897; s. George and Aurelia Cornell Warmsley Finehout; Concordia Col. (Bronxville, N. Y.), 1919; Phila. Sem, 1922; ord. N. Y. and N. E. Syn, 1922; pastor, Woodhaven, L. I, N. Y, 1922- . FISHER, ALLEN SCHANELY, b. Bechtelsville, Pa, Apr. 24, 1890; s. Walter B. and Kate (Bauman) Fisher; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1918; Phila. Sem, 1922; ord. Min. Pa, 1922; m. Hattie Dengler Swavely, 1922; pastor, Tinicum, Pa, parish, 1922- ; pvt, 1st class, 317th Field Hospital, Apr, 1918-June, 1919, with A. E. F, France. GALLENKAMP, WALDEMAR LOUIS, b. Brooklyn, N. Y, Mar. 9, 1894; s. Rev. Oscar August and Christine (Volker) Gallenkamp; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1917; Phila. Sem, 1922; ord. Min. Pa, 1922; pastor, Zion, Frackville, Pa, 1922- ; U. S. Army, 1917-19; 1st lieut. 245 1922 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD HARTZELL, LUTHER FRANKLIN, b. East Bangor, Pa., Jan. 14, 1897; s. R. Frank and Edna E. (Kramer) Hartzell; A B., Muhlenberg Col., 1918; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1919-20; ord. Min. Pa., 1922; m. Kathryn George, 1920; child, Lucile Miriam; pastor, St. Luke’s, Bethlehem, Pa., 1922- ; pvt., 1st class, Motor Transport Corps, U. S. A., Sept., 1918-May, 1919. HERMAN, HARRY EDWARD, b. Elizabethville, Pa., Oct. 21, 1892; s. Harry Thomas and Minnie U. Lyter Herman; Muhlenberg Col., 1915-18; sub-junior, Phila. Setn., 1918-19; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1922; m. Elizabeth Whitmer, 1922; pastor, Ch. of the Redeemer, Reading, Pa., 1922- . HOEPPNER, MARTIN JULIUS, b. Norristown, Pa., Nov. 11, 1898; s. Rev. G. Julius and Margaretha (Heilman) Hoeppner; Muhlenberg’ Col., 1916-18; sub-junior, Phila. Sem., 1918-19; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1922; pastor, St. John’s, Shenandoah, Pa., 1922- . HOLCIK, SAMUEL, b. Bratislava, Czecho-Slovakia, May 5, 1895; s. Jan Holcik and Vilma Holcikova (Majtan) ; Classic Gymnasium, Bratislava, 1914; Theological Academy, Bratislava, 1918; U. and New Col., Edinburgh, Scotland, 1920; Bible Training Institute and Free Ch. Col., Glasgow, Scotland, 1921; Phila. Sem., 1922; War Hospital Service at Italian Front, 1915-18; ord. Lutheran Ch. of Hungary, 1918; pastor, Slovak Ch., Binghamton, N. Y., 1922- ; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1922-23. HORVATH, JOSEPH, b. Mosovce, Czecho-Slovakia, Feb. 8, 1897; s. Michael and Anna (Bullo) Horvath; Lutheran Theological Sem., Leipzig, 1914; Free Faculty of Protestant Theology, Paris, 1919-20; graduate work, U. of Paris; Lutheran Sem., Springfield, Ill., 1920"—21; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Slovak Zion Syn., 1922; pastor, Emmanuel (Slovak), Pittsburgh, Pa., 1922- ; officer in Czechoslovak Army, attached to Russian and French armies, 1914-19, rising to rank of major; wounded; on military missions through Siberia and Japan to the United States; decorated by the Russian, French and Czechoslovak governments. JENSEN, JOHN MARTIN, b. Toledo, O., Mar. 24, 1893; s. Rasmus and Margrethe (Sorensen) Jensen; Augsburg Col., Minneapolis, Minn., A-B., 1920; Biblical Sem. of N. Y., 1920-21; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. United Danish Ch., 1922; pastor, St. Peter’s, Salmonhurst, N. B., Can., 1922- . JENTSCH, TRAUGOTT EHRENFRIED WERNER, b. Waterbury, Conn., Aug. 27, 1897; s. Rev. Dr. Karl Wilhelm and Gertrud (Werner) 246 ALUMNI 1922 Jentsch; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1919— 21; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1922; pastor, Gloucester, N. J., parish, 1922- . KROUSE, LUTHER ADOLPH, b. Reading, Pa., Apr. 28, 1897; s. Harry K. and Mary A. Krouse; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1919-20; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Pittsburgh Syn., 1922; pastor, First Ch., Ridgway, Pa., 1922- ; hospital apprentice, 2d class, U. S. N., July, 1918-Feb., 1919. LINN, JUSTIN ARTHUR, b. Versailles, O., Oct. 27, 1893; s. Rev. Josephus Adolphus, 77, and Mary Cordelia Linn; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1917; graduate work, U. of Pa., 1920; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1922; m. Mabel K. De Ment, 1922; U. L. C. miss., Japan, 1922- ; 79th Co., 6th Regt. Marines, Apr., 1918-July, 1919, A. E. F., France; severely wounded by shell at Pontamusson. LONGACRE, DAVID FENSTERMACHER, b. Weissport, Pa., May 7, 1897; s. Rev. Jacob Hoppes, ’93, and Irene D. Longacre; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1918; Phila. Sem., 1922; m. Clara Andrews, 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1922; pastor, Stouchsburg, Pa., parish, 1922- ; acting sgt., Medical Corps, U. S. A., 1918-19. NUTZHORN, CARL WILLIAM, b. Englewood, N. J., June 6, 1898; s. Adolph and Emma Doris (Schwetje) Nutzhom; Wagner Col., 1919; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. N. Y. Min., 1922; pastor, St. Paul’s, Valley Stream, N. Y, 1922- . SHIREY, FREDERICK WALTER, b. Unity Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 11, 1894; s. Charles Frederick and Sybilla (Bossart) Shirey; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1917; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Michigan Syn., 1922; pastor, Luther Memorial, Detroit, Mich., 1922- . SNYDER, RUSSELL DEWEY, b. Berrysburg, Pa., June 14, 1898; s. Henry H. and Clara Elizabeth (Phillips) Snyder; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1919; A.M., U. of Pa., 1921; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1922; fellow and instr., Phila. Sem., 1922- . STRICKLER, LUTHER WARREN, b. Bridgewater, Va., Oct. 23, 1894; s. Rev. James William and Mary Cole Strickler; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1915; Phila. Sem., 1922; ord. Min. Pa., 1922; m. Ina Lee Frye; pastor, Redeemer, Macon, Ga., 1922- ; U. S. Army, 1917-19, first lieut. SWAVELY, CLARENCE HESS, b. Amityville, Pa., June 2, 1891; s. Mahlon R. and Violetta (Hess) Swavely; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 247 1923 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD 1914; A.M., U. of Pa, 1922; Phila. Sem, 1922; ord. Min. Pa, 1922; U. L. C. miss, India, 1922- ; sgt, 1st class, U. S. A. Base Hospital 68, A. E. F„ 1918-19. TEICHMANN, FREDERICK WILLIAM ERNEST, b. Brooklyn, N. Y, Nov. 19, 1899; s. Frederick Carl and Clara M. Teichmann; Wagner Col, 1919; Phila. Sem, 1922; ord. N. Y. Min, 1922; pastor, Holy Trinity, and student pastor, Purdue U. and Indiana State U, Lafayette, Ind, 1922- . ULRICH, GEORGE LEON, b. Harmony, Pa, Sept. 22, 1893; s. John George and Sarah Magdalena (Eichert) Ulrich; A.B, Thiel Col, 1919; Phila. Sem, 1919; ord. Michigan Syn, 1922; m. Edna Florence Ruth Keck, 1922; pastor, Holy Trinity, Flint, Mich, 1922- . WALZ, ADOLPH RAYMOND, b. Troy, N. Y, June 28, 1897; s. Rev. Adolph Frederick, ’85, and Katharine (Bissikummer) Walz; New York State Col. for Teachers, 1915-16; Cornell U, 1916-18; Phila. Sem, 1922; ord. Alin. Pa, 1922; pastor, Salem, Cleveland, O, 1922- . WENG, ARM IN GEORGE, b. Oshkosh, Wis, Oct. 9, 1897; s. Rev. George M. and Jennie F. (Hillemann) Weng; Wartburg Col, 1919; graduate work, U. of Wis, 1920; U. of Pa, A.M, 1922; Phila. Sem, 1922; ord. Min. Pa, 1922; pastor, First English, Bridgeport, Conn, 1922- . ZELM, CARL WILLIAM, b. Talsen, Latvia, Dec. 29, 1892; s. Karl and Eva (Kihwit) Zelm; Muhlenberg Col, 1916-19; Phila. Sem, 1922; ord. Min. Pa, 1922; pastor, Lettish Lutheran, Boston, Alass, 1922- . 1923 {CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION ) BORTZ, ROLAND GEORGE, b. Apollo, Pa, Mar. 10, 1896; s. George John and Barbara (Kepple) Bortz; A.B, Gettysburg Col, 1918; prin. Bell Twp. High Sch, 1918-19. BUTZ, JOHN EDWIN, b. Salem, O, May 24, 1899; s. Rev. Emanuel Theodore and Flora (Busch) Butz; A.B, Thiel Col, 1920. ERB, EARL STEYER, b. East Greenville, Pa, Alar. 4, 1899; s. George H. and Sarah Smith Erb; A.B, Aluhlenberg Col, 1920; m. Alma Dunkelberger, 1922. 248 ALUMNI 1923 FISCHER, ALBERT GOTTLIEB, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 19, 1894; s. Gottlieb Friedrich and Kathrine Anna Fischer; A.B., Roanoke Col., 1920; served with A. E. F. in Somme defensive, St. Mihiel and Argonne offensive, pvt., 320th Inf., 80th Division. HEMMIG, FREELAND LEROY, b. Mohnton, Pa., Dec. 13, 1898; s. Albert and Priscilla L. Hemmig; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1920. HILL, WILLIAM CHESTER, b. Vandergrift, Pa., July 22, 1896; s. William F. and Flora K. Hill; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1920. KLICK, LUTHER BEUCHLER, b. Pine Grove, Pa., July 19, 1894; s. Rev. Aaron Henry, ’00, and Agnes (Beuchler) Klick; A.B., Muhlen¬ berg Col., 1920; served with A. E. F. in France eight months; upon discharge, enlisted in A. E. F. “Y” service; pvt., 41st Division. MOYER, FLOYD HERMAN, b. Palmerton, Pa., Apr. 2, 1901; s. Rev. Harrison Erb., ’96, and Amanda Eschbach (Lefevre) Moyer; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1920; A.M., U. of Pa., 1923. NOLDE, OTTO FRED, b. Phila., June 30, 1899; s. Anton Harry and Ida Fuchs Nolde; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1920. REISCH, CONRAD RUPPERT, b. Southington, Conn., Dec. 3, 1898; s. Conrad John and Rosa Walker Reisch; Wagner Col., 1920; m. Emilie Saalfelder, 1923. REISSIG, HERMAN FREDERICK, b. Farmington, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1898; s. Rev. Ernest Frederick and Dorothea (Lang) Reissig; Wagner Col., 1920. RONGE, PAUL RICHARDS, b. Danville, Pa, Oct. 19, 1896; s. Rev. William Ernest, ’89, and Clara A. (Richards) Roney (Ronge) ; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1920; A.M, U. of Pa, 1923. ROWOLDT, PAUL MARTIN LUTHER, b. Wilkes-Barre, Pa, May 11, 1897; s. Rev. Paul and Marie (Boetcker) Rowoldt; Fort Wayne Concordia Col, 1912-15; Martin Luther Sem, 1917-19; m. Emma Garnich, 1923. SHUPP, FLOYD EDWIN, b. Gilbert, Pa, Aug. 17, 1894; s. Franklin D. and Ida A. (Schafer) Shupp; A.B, Muhlenberg Col, 1920; served on Meuse-Argonne offensive with A. E. F, Sept. 26, 1918, until the armistice. 249 1923 PHILADELPHIA SEMINARY RECORD SNYDER, HARVEY CRESSMAN, b. Upper Gwynedd, Pa., Feb. 1, 1896; s. Edwin and Emma S. Snyder; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1920; in. Dorothy E. Heintzelman, 1921; served with A. E. F. in Meuse- Argonne offensive, Grand Montagne sector, on Verdun front; sgt., 316th Field Hospital, 304th Sanitary Train, 79th Division. STEFFENS, KARL PAUL, b. Thorn, Germany, Jan. 23, 1896; s. Josef and Marie Steffens; A.B., Martin Luther Sem., 1922. TYSON, HOBART WILLIAM, b. Catawissa, Pa., Mar. 5, 1897; s. David and Annie Rachel Tyson; A.B., Muhlenberg Col., 1920; A.M., U. of Pa., 1923; m. Mary S. Siegel, 1918. WIEBKING, CARL CLIFTON, b. Baltimore, Md., Apr. 12, 1890; s. Louis H. and Anna Elizabeth Wiebking; Martin Luther Sem., 1917-20. 250 GRADUATES OF OTHER SEMINARIES WHO HAVE RECEIVED DEGREES IN COURSE BACHELOR OF DIVINITY 1917 DECKER, THEODORE CARL ROBERT SCHAEFFER, HENRY, Ph.D. 1920 KLUTTZ, MILAS JOSEPH 1921 BODIE, EARL KENNAN ROOF, EDWIN FRANKLIN KYZER SHEALY, JOSEPH ALONZO 1922 CHAMBERLIN, EDWIN ALLAN INADOMI, HAJIME KEPLEY, CHARLES EVERETT WEBER, PAUL CHARLES MASTER OF SACRED THEOLOGY 1918 DECKER, THEODORE CARL ROBERT, B.D. SCHAEFFER, HENRY, Ph.D., B.D. 251 INDEX OF NAMES (Faculty and Alumni) Year Page Albert, Charles Stanley.1870 72 •b Albrecht, John W.1878 92 Altpeter, Peter .1895 152 Anderson, Robert Homer. 1914 225 Andreen, Alexis .1900 53 179 ►I* Andres, William J.1877 90 •b Angstadt, Thomas M..1884 108 Appel, Allen Reuben.1905 198 Arndt, Wilhelm Gustav Traugott .1889 126 *b Artman, Horace Gree¬ ley B.1880 98 Artz, Wayne Zem.1909 213 ►J* Ash, Jacob .1876 86 Atkins, Paul Alexander.. 1922 245 Bacher, William Freder¬ ick .1889 126 Bachmann, Ernst Freder¬ ick .1892 139 Bachofer, Andreas John.. 1905 198 Baehnisch, Paul August Carl Ernst .1893 146 Bagger, Henry Horneman. 1919 238 Baker, Edward Luther... 1885 110 Baker, Isaac Oliver.1881 101 Ballentine, Sidney Cal¬ houn .1894 151 Baringer, Philip Schlosser. 1914 225 Barr, William Penn.1899 173 Bartholomew, Amos H...1869 70 Bartholomew, Oscar Doug¬ las .1885 110 Bartsch, Carl Herbert-1916 230 Bauer, Victor James.1898 168 Year Page Bauer, William Ernest... 1897 163 Bauers, Ulla Edwin.1915 228 Bauman, John Albert.1876 86 Bavendam, Frederick Ar¬ nold .1900 179 Eeates, James Frederick.. 1884 108 Bechtold, Gustavus Henry. 1912 220 Beck, Alfred Riley.1902 189 Beck, Charles Gurney.... 1901 184 Beck, Walter Clement.... 1905 198 Beck, Willis .1902 190 •b Becker, James Ludwig. 1877 53 90 •b Becker, Paul Frederick John .1892 139 Becker, Theodore Henry. 1880 98 *b Becker, Vitalis James.. 1898 168 Beer, Phares Groff.1917 233 Behler, Preston Albertis.. 1898 168 Behnke, Frederick Wil¬ liam .1898 168 Beiderbecke, Charles Henry, Jr.1901 185 Beisecker, Ludwig .1897 163 Bellan, John Michael.1921 242 Bender, John Adolph.1902 190 Benner, Allen Luther.... 1904 195 Benze, Charles Theodore. 21 24 49 Benze, Gustave Adolph... 1889 127 Benze, Leopold Otto.1896 157 Berg, James .1902 190 •b Bergman, Frederick J. .1886 114 Berk, William Harry.1900 180 Berkemeier, William G. H.1914 226 INDEX OF NAMES Year Hr* Berly, John Eusebius.. 1886 Bennon, Jacques John Frederick .1905 Bemd, Franklin Kline. 1883 Bertolet, Ulysses S. Grant. 1895 Betz, Carl Frederic Wil- Page 114 198 20 106 54 153 Blaesi, John George Fred¬ erick .1898 Blessin, Gustav Conrad... 1906 •r* Blethen, Charles Ed¬ ward .1897 Blum, Andrew .1891 Blunck, August H inrich Conrad .1908 Blunck, Conrad Friedrich Erast .1911 Bock, George Martin.1892 Bodie, Earl Kertnan.1921 Boehner, Charles Freder¬ ick .1901 Boettger, Edwin Henry.. 1903 Boger, William Jennings. 1897 Bohrer, Bernhard.1921 Bond, William Franklin. .1891 Booher, John F.1883 168 201 163 134 210 217 140 251 185 193 164 242 135 106 Year Page Bornhold, John Frederick. 1909 213 Bortz, Roland George_1923 248 Bosch, Frederick Henry Albert .1895 20 32 153 Bosch, Herbert Arnold... 1921 242 Hh Bossart, Franklin liam . 1899 174 Philip . .1889 127 Beysher, Edward Mont- Bowers, Frederick Ans- gomery . 1895 153 pach . .1892 140 Bickel, Lewis Jacob. 1885 110 Boyer, Elmer David Bieber, Irwin W. 1871 74 Schuyler . .1903 193 Bieber, Milton Tames. 1894 151 Brandt, Yost . .1906 202 •r* Bieber, William John.. 1881 101 Braun, Clarence Ludwig.. 1918 236 Bielinski, Carl Gustav Braune, Oscar Ernest Reinhold . 1893 146 John . .1903 193 Bierdeman, Gustavus •r* Breinig, Alfred John Adolphus . 1886 114 Lewis . .1887 118 •t* Billheimer, William Breu, Lewis . .1889 127 Asher . 1901 185 Brezing, Herman . .1897 164 Billow, Harry Jacob. 1919 238 •t* Brobst, Henry Julius..1915 228 Bittner, Jacob Harvey Brown, Bachman Storch, Webster . 1910 215 Jr. .1916 230 Bittner, Oliver Reuben... 1906 201 Brown, Charles La fay- ette .1898 18 169 Brown, Frank Melanch- thon .1922 245 Brown, John David Mil¬ ler .1910 215 Brown, Pleasant David...1913 223 Brown, William Roedel.,1886 115 Brubeck, John Jacob.1895 153 Buch, George .1877 90 Buchman, Frank Nathan Daniel.1902 190 Buermeyer, Ferdinand Frederick.1871 74 Butz, John Edwin.1923 248 254 Canup, Martin Luther.. *£• Carlson, Augustus B. Carty, Arthur Clarence. .1907 205 .1878 92 .1899 174 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Cassaday, Ernest Ran- dolph . 1880 98 Cassell, Charles Willis... 1896 157 Chally, Louis H. 1898 169 Chamberlin, Edwin Allan. 1922 251 Christy, Van Buren. 1868 67 Clausen, Frederick Ber- nard . 1903 193 Clauss, Charles Daniel... 1891 135 Clay, Albert Tobias. 1892 140 4* Clymer, Henry Treich- ler . 1879 95 Coleman, David Levin. 1875 83 Coleman, Frederick Le- roy . 1914 226 Conrad, Carl Nicholas.... 1882 104 ►J* Cook, Franklin Pierce. 1877 90 Cooper, Charles Jacob.... 1870 54 72 Cooper, Edgar Claudius.. 1912 220 Cooper, Frederick Eu- gene . 1899 174 Cooper, William Peiper... 1902 190 Cope, Mahlon F. 1921 242 *£• Copenhaver, Benjamin Alphonso . 1911 217 Corleis, Harry George.... 1916 230 Comman, William Oli- ver . 1866 65 ►f* Cressman, Emmanuel . 1881 101 Cressman, Harry Phillip Christian . 1916 230 ►f* Cressman, John Jay.... 1867 66 Critchlow, George Wash- ington . 1879 95 Croman, Frank . 1906 202 Croushore, Henry Jonas.. 1903 193 Crouthamel, Edgar Crouthamel . 1918 237 Dapp, Charles Frederick.. 1905 199 Daugherty, Edgar Harry. 1901 185 Davis, Henry Grady. 1916 230 Deal, James Francis. 1899 174 Year Page Deaton, John Leroy.1891 135 Deaton, John Leroy.1918 237 Deaton, William Alexan¬ der .1891 135 Deck, John Pemberton. 1881 101 Deck, Luther Bushong.... 1908 210 Decker, Christian August. 1900 180 Decker, Theodore Carl Robert .1917 251 Deibert, Arthur Solomon. 1917 233 Deibert, Elmer Robert.... 1916 231 Deibert, Willis Franklin.. 1910 215 Deily, Lawrence George.. 1907 206 Deisher, George Reuben.. 1903 194 Delfs, Albert C.1889 127 Delo, Joshua Howe_1888 122 Dickert, Henry Bruno Helmuth .1912 220 Dieckhoff, Carl August Friedrich Wilhelm.1888 122 Diener, George Jackson... 1891 135 Dierolf, Claude Octavius. 1917 234 *£* Dietrich, Franklin Smith .1882 104 Dimpfl, John .1908 210 Dizinger, John Chris¬ tian .1865 53 65 Dockter, Albert Wartz...l920 239 Doering, Friedrich Louis Gustav .1889 127 Doerr, Frederic .1895 153 Dozer, Charles Edward... 1899 174 Dozer, Clement Laird Val- landigham .1895 153 Drach, John George Peter. 1895 54 154 Drach, William Carl.1898 169 Dressier, William George .1885 111 Dries, Wirt Addison.1908 211 Druckenmiller, David Ulam .1921 242 Druckenmiller, George D..1897 164 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page •b Drumheller, Clayton Culp ..1880 98 Dry, Charles Funk.1890 132 Dry, Milton M.1907 206 Dry, William Scott.1909 213 b Duensing, Henry Theo¬ dore .1876 86 Duerr, Leo Frederick.... 1920 239 Dundore, Isaac Noble.... 1920 240 Durr, Ralph Martin.1915 228 Durst, Robert Ream.1882 104 Early, John William.1920 240 Eberhardt, Frank Felix... 1918 237 Ebert, Alfred Oliver..'... .1896 157 Eberwein, Charles Wil¬ liam .1895 154 Egner, Henry Charles.... 1917 234 Eichner, Clifford Earl.... 1919 238 Eichner, Floyd Lewis.... 1912 220 Ellis, Warren Jacob.1898 169 *T* Elofson, Carl J.1892 141 Elson, Henry William.... 1889 128 •i* Engel, Adolphus Otto.. 1872 75 b Englund, Martin Jona¬ than .1883 106 Erb, Earl Steyer.1923 248 b Erb, Isaac Newton Steltz .1873 77 Erb, Jesse Steltz.1876 87 Erbes, Henry' Carl Julius. 1896 158 b Erdman, Asa Edward.. 1877 90 Ernst, James Emmanuel.. 1922 245 •r'Esbjom, Constantin 53 Magnus .1883 106 Esterly, Franklin Theo¬ dore .1906 202 Fechner, Gustav Adolf... 1899 175 Fedders, John Frederick.. 1911 217 b Fegely, George Sylves¬ ter .1905 199 b Fegely, William Oliver. 1893 146 Year Page Fegley, Charles Krauth... 1903 194 b Fegley, Henry Swine- hart .1869 70 Fegley, Henry Neidig.... 1872 75 Fehr, William Henry.... 1901 185 Fetherolf, Daniel Elmer.. 1902 190 Fetter, Clinton R.1891 136 Fiedler, Fred John.1921 243 Finck, Theodore Kretsch- mann .1918 237 Finck, William John.1887 118 Finehout, Raymond Eng¬ lish .1922 245 Fischer, Albert Gottlieb.. 1923 249 Fischer, August .1895 53 54 154 b Fischer, Christian God- 53 frey .1877 91 Fischer, Emil Eisenhardt. 1907 23 50 206 Fischer, John Leonard.... 1896 158 Fisher, Allen Schanely... 1922 245 Fisher, John Calvin.1907 206 Fisher, William Klopp...l900 180 Fitting, Harry William. .. 1911 218 b Fleckenstein, Emilius Julius .1866 65 Fleischer, Carl William... 1921 243 Fluck, John Franklin 53 Cressman.1880 54 98 Fluck, William Albert.... 1911 218 Fogleman, David Laucks.1887 118 b Foust, George Diehl...1871 74 Foust, John James.1886 115 Frank, Christian Frederick William Jacob .1899 175 Frankenfield, Ira Fulmer.. 1905 199 Frederick, David Heffner. 1916 231 Freed, Charles Abram.... 1893 146 Freimuth, Henry Christian Carl . 1902 191 256 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Fresemann, Henry Peter Gustav .1899 175 Fretz, Franklin Kline.... 1900 180 Frey, William Edward... 1895 32 154 Frick, William Keller.. 1873 20 54 77 Friday, Frederick Whip.. 1900 180 Fry, Charles Livingston.. 1881 102 Fry, Franklin Foster.1888 20 33 122 Fry, Henry Jacob.1917 234 ►r*Fry, Jacob . 14 22 29 30 42 43 Gable, Charles Jacob.1897 164 Gable, Luther Daniel.1898 169 Gable, William Henry.... 1905 199 Gable, Zenas Henry-1868 68 Gallenkamp, Waldemar Louis .1922 245 * Gardner, George Chris¬ tian .1884 109 Gauger, Charles .1908 211 ^ Gauker, Israel Warze- luft .1880 98 Gebert, George .1891 136 Geiger, William Henry. 1880 99 Geiger, William Melanch- thon .1907 206 * 7 * Geissinger, David Har- 14 rison .1872 30 76 Genszler, George William. 1899 175 Genzmer, George Albert Victor .1890 132 Genzmer, Werner Ludwig. 1890 132 Gerberding, George Henry. 1876 87 Year Page Gerberich, David Gerhart. 1891 136 Gerhart, Elias Harry.... 1880 99 ►I* German, Jonas Peter.. 1878 93 *{■* Germann, Tilghman Franklin .1891 136 •%* Geschwind, Levi H.1869 70 Getz, Arthur George Henry .1921 243 *i* Glasow, Paul .1886 115 Glatzart, Paul Julius Charles .1890 132 Glenn, Joseph Osgood.... 1901 185 Goering, Gustave Charles. 1921 243 •h Goessling, Frederick ..1873 77 •i* Goessling, Johannes ...1870 72 Gold, Howard Reuben.... 1907 206 ►J* Gomph, George H.1870 72 Gongaware, George Jonas. 1896 32 158 Graepp, Albert R. J_1885 111 Graepp, Johannes Karl H.1886 115 Graham, Ernest Orion.... 1897 164 Grahn, Ernest Muhlen¬ berg .1892 141 Grammes, Arthur Peter.. 1917 234 Gravengaard, Niels Peter. 1892 141 Green, Dallas Franklin... 1912 220 Greever, Walton Harlowe.1896 158 Gruber, Levi Franklin..;. 1901 186 Grunow, Walter George Herbert .1914 226 Haas, George Christian 32 Frederick .1880 99 Haas, John Augustus Wil- 18 liam .1887 30 53 118 Haffner, Frederick Daniel. 1919 238 Haigler, Jesse Bowman.. .1892 142 Hale, Henry Frederick... 1901 186 Hammer, Ernest Julius... 1896 159 Hammer, Emanuel Wil¬ liam .1917 234 257 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Handler, Anthony Denver Rankin .1892 142 Hankey, Benjamin Frank¬ lin .1899 175 Hankey, Jacob Martin.... 1892 142 Hantz, Jacob Muhlenberg. 1868 68 Happ, Lewis .1893 147 Harry, Carolus Powel.... 1910 216 Harter, Norman Newton. 1895 154 Hartwig, George Freder¬ ick .1880 99 Hartwig, George Herman. 1901 186 Hartwig, Herman Hein¬ rich Friedrich .1878 93 Hartwig, Theodore George. 1905 199 Hartzell, Luther Franklin. 1922 246 Hasskarl, Frederick George Harry .1917 234 Hasskarl, Gottlieb Chris¬ topher Henry .1880 99 Hassler, John .1913 223 Haupt, Alexander James Derbyshire .1884 109 ►f* Haupt, Charles Elvin..l875 83 Hause, Louis George.1917 235 Hauser, John William.... 1908 211 Hauser, Walter Kistler... 1912 221 Haworth, Frederick Fran¬ cis .1916 231 Heckert, John Fleming... 1893 147 Heckman, Raymond Jere¬ miah .1920 240 Heffner, Charles Gaby.... 1908 211 ►£* Heil, John Benjamin... 1892 142 Heilman, Edgar James... 1902 191 Hh Heilman, Uriah Peter.. 1881 102 Heintz, Jacob William Henry .1897 164 Heischman, John J.1879 14 32 53 96 ►f* Heissler, Andrew Ja¬ cob .1885 111 Year Page Heissler, John J.1887 119 Heist, William S.1901 186 Heldt, Wilmer Franklin.. 1900 180 Helms, Robert Andrew... 1896 159 Hemmig, Freeland Leroy. 1923 249 Hemsath, Charles Henry. 1878 93 Hemsath, William Karl.. 1913 223 Henry, Jonas Oscar.1902 191 *b Henry, Samuel Strick- hauser .1868 68 Herbster, Samuel Kumerer. 1878 93 Hering, Ambrose .1910 216 Herman, Harry Edward.. 1922 246 Heyd, Albert C. F.1896 159 Heyd, Ernest .1892 142 Heyer, William Frederick Carl Theodore .1899 176 Hill, William Chester.... 1923 249 Hilprecht, Herman Voll- 14 rath . 15 43 Hine, Cecil Clarendon.... 1915 228 Hirzel, Carl Henry.1904 54 196 Hirzel, Charles John... 1876 14 53 54 87 Hoebel, William John.... 1921 243 Hoeppner, Martin Julius.. 1922 246 Hoffman, Irwin Chantry.. 1892 53 54 143 Hoffmann, Francis Ru¬ dolph .1888 123 •b Hoffmann, Hugo John 32 William .1885 111 Hoffmeister, Theodore ...1898 169 Hoh, Ernest Henry John. 1921 243 Hoh, Paul Jacob.1918 237 Holcik, Samuel .1922 246 Holloway, Clayton Lud¬ wig .1884 109 Holstein, Justus Friedrich. 1887 119 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Hopp, William Frederick. 1907 207 Hoppe, Charles Frederic William . 1888 123 Horine, John Winebren- 30 ner, . 1892 54 143 •p Horn, Edward Traill.. 1872 14 17 19 21 29 30 46 47 76 Horn, Edward Traill, Jr.. 1911 218 Horn, William Melchior.. 1904 196 Horvath, Joseph . 1922 246 Houk, Ezra Alonzo. 1891 136 *P Hubbert, William Ef- fich . 1871 75 *p Hudaff, Wilhelm Her- mann Peter . 1918 237 ^Hudson, William George de Armand . ,1885 112 Huffard, James Albert... .1888 123 ►p Hulsberg, William - 1912 221 *p Humbert, David Kei- dling . ,1867 66 Hunton, Charles Krauth.. ,1896 159 Hunton, William Lee. ,1889 128 Huntsinger, Walter Jesse. . 1907 207 •P Huntzinger, Franklin K. .1869 70 Huyett, Paul Phillips. .1913 223 { Inadomi, Hajime .. .1922 251 Intemann, Carl Frederick .1902 191 Isaac, Edward John. .1921 243 Ischinger, Robert Hugo. .1916 231 Isenschmid, Paul . .1869 52 53 54 70 Year Page Jacobs, Charles Michael.. 1899 20 21 23 48 176 Jacobs, Henry Eyster.... 6 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 40 41 42 ■p Jacobson, Claus B.1874 53 80 4* Jacoby, Robert M.1869 71 »p James, Basil Harrison.. 1871 75 Janke, Otto Carl Ferdi¬ nand .1916 231 Jaxheimer, David Good¬ win .1919 238 Jaxheimer, Erwin Reuben. 1906 202 Jefferis, Charles William. 1889 129 Jensen, Christian Peter... 1917 235 Jensen, John Martin.. .... 1922 246 Jentsch, Traugott Ehren- fried Werner . ....1922 246 Johansen, Matthias Albert. 1892 143 Junge, William John Fred- erick Theodore .... .1895 155 *P Kaehler, Frank Carl Claudius . .1870 72 Kaehler, Frederick Au- 33 gust . .1874 53 81 *p Kaehler, Jann Thieszen. 1914 226 Karkau, August Carl. .1909 213 Karsch, Carl Gustav. .1898 170 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Ivarsch, Carl Henry.1920 240 Kasten, Paul Robert Her¬ man .1903 194 Katz, William Lewis.1916 52 54 231 Kaufman, David C.1902 191 Kaufman, Roger Clauser.1906 202 Kayser, Francis .1886 115 Keehley, John .1900 181 Keever, Edwin Francis... 1889 129 Keim, Charles Eugene.... 1916 231 Keiser, Clarence Elwood.1908 211 Keister, Thurston Orville. 1886 116 Keiter, Aaron Charles Robert .1912 221 Keiter, William Daniel 29 Casper .1887 30 119 Keller, Arnold Frederick. 1913 223 Keller, John Franklin.1907 207 Keller, Samuel Luther.... 1887 120 Kepley, Charles Everett.. 1922 251 *t* Kepner, Daniel K.1870 53 54 73 Kercher, George Ambrose. 1896 54 160 Kern, Isaac Howard.1908 211 Kern, John Martin.1909 213 Kern, Rufus Erb.1912 221 Kerschner, Charles Alfred. 1895 155 Keuling, Emil Julius.1901 187 Kidd, Elmer Sylvester.... 1917 235 Kidd, Harvey Samuel.... 1908 212 Kinard, George Harold... 1916 232 *r« Kindborg, John Wil¬ liam .1872 76 Kipps, Michael Moses-1916 232 Kirchner, Philipp .1900 181 Kirsch, Paul Andrew.1911 218 * Kiser, John F.1873 77 Kistler, Charles Edw r ard.. 1898 170 Kistler, Edward Haines.. 1901 187 Year Page 4" Kistler, Edwin Levan.. 1901 187 Kistler, Jacob S.1905 199 Kistler, Samuel Kelchner. 1920 240 Kistler, William Ulysses. 1897 165 Kistler, William Werley..l894 151 Kleckner, George Snyder. 1898 170 Kleckner, Joseph Santee.. 1921 243 Klett, William Gottlob... 1921 243 Klick, Aaron Henry.1900 181 Klick, Ira Werner.1900 181 Klick, Jonathan Alvin.... 1902 191 Klick, Luther Beuchler... 1923 249 Kline, Harry Charles.1897 53 165 Kline, John Jacob.1886 116 Kline, William Henry.... 1902 192 Kline, William Herbert.. 1908 212 Klingensmith, Frank 33 Warren .1893 147 Klingensmith, Uriah James. 1885 112 Hr* Klingler, John Walker. 1883 107 Klingler, Paul Gerhardt.. 1890 14 133 Kluttz, Milas Joseph.1920 251 Knapp, Julius William... 1882 105 Knerr, Wallace Royer... .1916 232 Knubel, Frederick Ritscher .1921 244 Koch, John Wilson.1902 192 ►E Koerner, Charles.1870 53 73 Kohler, Charles Spener... 1874 81 Kohler, Frederick Wil¬ liam .1881 102 Kohn, Ernest Houseal.... 1893 147 4* Koiner, Julius Samuel. 1880 100 Kopenhaver, William Mil- ton .1900 181 Kopp, John.1902 192 Komtheuer, Joseph .1914 226 Kraeling, Carl Hermann.. 1920 240 Kraeling, Emil Conrad Jo¬ hannes .1886 116 Kraeling, Emil Gottlieb Heinrich .1912 221 260 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Kraft, Henry Christian... 1921 244 Krahmer, John Christian Charles .1896 160 Kramlich, John Frederick. 1899 176 *E Kramlich, Milton John. 1873 78 Kramlich, William Wilber- force .1891 136 Krapf, Frederick Charles. 1898 54 170 Krauch, Oscar William Louis .1895 155 Krauch, Rudolph Freder¬ ick .1917 235 Krause, Morris William.. 1914 226 Krauss, Elmer Frederick.. 1887 18 120 Krauss, Howard Hoffman. 1909 213 Krauss, Robert Hoffman. 1916 232 •E Krauth, Charles Porter- 10 field. 11 13 14 18 36 37 *E Krauth, George Ed¬ ward .1897 165 Kressley, George Smith.. 1901 187 *E Kretschmann, Ernest Theodore .1889 129 Kretschmann, Theodore 30 William .1891 53 137 ■EKribbs, John Amos.... 1868 68 Kropp, Heinrich Arend...l918 237 ■E Krotel, Gottlob Freder- 10 ick . 14 17 27 29 32 38 39 Krouse, Luther Adolph... 1922 247 Year Page Krumbholz, Clarence Ed¬ mund .1912 222 Krusa, Henry Bischoff... 1907 207 Krutzky, Paul Gustav_1903 194 *E Kuder, Hiram Josephus. 1887 120 *E Kuder, John Henry_1882 105 Kuehner, Milton Joel.1890 133 Kuhns, Samuel Washing¬ ton .1875 84 ►E Kummer, Paul . 1891 137 Kunkelman, Merle Rea... 1897 165 Kunkle, Howard Allen... 1902 192 Kuntz, Franklin Samuel.. 1903 195 •E Kuntz, John Jacob.1873 78 •E Kuntz, William Henry. 1873 78 Kunzmann, Jacob Chris¬ toph .1878 93 Kunzmann, Paul Luther.. 1908 212 Kurtz, Irwin Bishop.1893 30 147 Kurtz, Melvin Augustus.. 1906 202 Lamartine, Philip.1888 123 Lambert, James Franklin. 1891 137 Lambert, William Allen.. 1898 170 Landis, Elbert Ephraim... 1913 223 Laub, William Oscar.1896 160 *E Laubenstein, William Henry .1875 84 •E Lauer, William Conrad Ludwig .1873 78 Lauer, William Henry Christian ......1910 216 Laury, Preston A.1892 143 *E Lazarus, George Miller. 1867 53 66 Lazarus, Jacob Wilson... 1885 112 Lazarus, Luther Dech....l898 171 Leatherman, Robert Lee..1891 137 Leddin, Paul David Ul¬ rich .1899 176 Lehman, John Jacob.1900 181 Leibensperger, Ambrose William .1896 160 261 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Leibensperger, James Oli¬ ver .1887 120 Leisey, Elmer Lebbo.1917 235 4* Lemcke, Frederick Christian .1877 91 4* Lenker, George Irving. 1901 187 Lentz, Andrew Philip.1898 191 Leopold, Elmer Owen.... 1892 143 Lichner, Samuel .1909 214 4* Lichtenberg, J. Philip.. 1869 71 Lindberg, Conrad Emil... 1876 53 87 Lindenmuth, Anson Wil¬ liam .1905 200 Lindenstruth, Louis .1877 30 53 54 91 Lindtwed, Charles Baras.. 1889 129 Link, John William.1910 216 Linn, Charles Adolphus... 1918 237 Linn, John Kenneth.1915 228 4* Linn, Josephus Adolphus .1877 91 Linn, Justin Arthur.1922 247 Little, Carroll Herman... 1901 187 Little, William Herbert... 1900 182 4* Loder, Acestes Grant... 1889 130 4* Lomen, Knut 0.1888 124 Hr* Long, Achilles Johnson. 1874 81 Longacre, David Fenster- macher .1922 247 Longacre, Jacob Hoppes.. 1893 148 Loos, George Charles.1897 165 Lopez de Alda, Marciano. 1915 229 Lorenz, Martin John.1902 192 Ludwig, Alvin Theodore.. 1879 96 Ludwig, Emanuel Rudolf Wilhelm .1891 138 Lund, Emil Gunerius.1881 102 Lutz, William Alonzo_1877 91 Lynch, Robert Benjamin.. 1888 124 Year Page McClanahan, George Walker . 1892 144 4* McDaniel, Reuben E... 1873 78 Macintosh, Aden Bruce.. 1896 160 4* Made r, Charles John... 1893 148 4 Mann, William Julius.. 9 10 12 14 15 35 36 4* Manz, Charles Christian. ,1882 105 Markley, Abraham Berto- lette . 1879 96 Martin, Frederick Charley. 1904 196 Marvick, Lewis S. 1891 138 Mattern, John Walter.... 1901 94 Mattes, Tohn Caspar. 1901 21 30 52 53 188 4* Matthews, Gomer B.... 1900 182 Mauney, John David. 1906 202 Maurer, Tacob . .1888 124 Mayle, Louis Ferdinand.. 1898 171 Mayne, Joseph Webster.. 1884 110 Mayser, Frederick Peter.. .1868 30 54 68 Meek, John Irwin. .1916 232 Mehrkam, A. Milles.. .1888 124 Mehrtens, Behrend ...... .1917 54 235 Mekler, Richard Jacob Woldemar . .1893 148 Melhom, Nathan Ray 30 mond . .1897 165 Melville, Frederick Je - rome . .1921 244 Mensch, John Abraham Logan . .1916 232 262 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Hr* Metzenthin, Paul Georg Wilhelm .1895 155 ►r* Meyer, Emil Frederick Carl August.1890 133 Meyer, Hans Ernst Wil¬ helm Robert.1896 160 Meyer, Henry Christian.. 1911 218 Meyer, Hermann Alexan¬ der .1914 226 Meyer, Hermann Christian Albert .1889 130 Meyer, Hugo Ernst Da- 54 vid.1896 161 Meyer, William Rudolf Herman .1913 224 Michler, Arthur Thomas.. 1910 53 216 Mikkelson, Otto August.. 1915 229 Miller, Carl Humbert.... 1919 239 Hr* Miller, Charles Ar- 30 mand .1880 130 Miller, Charles Dawson.. 1907 207 Miller, Christian Clappier. 1900 182 Miller, Curtis Albert.1913 224 Miller, Daniel Dawson... 1890 133 Miller, Edwin Lunn.1885 112 Miller, Francis .1900 182 Miller, Harold Schaeffer. 1917 235 Miller, Harry Philip.1898 171 Miller, Hermann Freder¬ ick .1909 214 Miller, Jesse LeRoy.1897 166 Miller, Joshua Hauser.... 1896 161 Miller, Lawrence Ren- ninger .1907 207 Hh Miller, Lewis Godfrey Meineke .1874 81 Miller, Lewis Samuel God¬ frey .1907 207 Miller, Nevin Eugene.... 1893 148 * Miller, Oscar Daniel... 1894 110 Miller, William Jacob.1880 100 Minnich, Michael Reed... 1873 79 Moe, Peter.1875 84 Year Page Moehling, Henry, Jr.1919 239 Mohn, John Emerson.1920 240 Monten, Andrew P.1876 88 Mo rdho rs t, O tto F rede r- ick .1899 176 Morehead, John Alfred... 1892 18 144 Mosser, William Franklin. 1896 161 Moyer, Floyd Herman.... 1923 249 Moyer, Harrison Erb.1896 161 Moyer, Henry Harrison.. 1920 240 Mueller, Eduard Julius Hans .1896 162 Hr* Mueller, George Philip. 1878 94 H* Mueller, John.1879 96 Mueller, William Albert Christian .1878 94 Muller, George Joseph.... 1910 217 Hh Murphy, Joseph Lafay¬ ette .1891 138 H* Murray, Waldo Emer¬ son .1893 148 4* Myers, John W.1873 79 Myers, William Henry... 1876 88 Hr* Neff, Jacob .1872 54 76 Neff, Paul Jacob.1906 203 Neiffer, Jacob Graben- stein .1868 69 ►f" Neiman, Jacob H.1874 81 Nelson, William John.... 1906 203 Neudoerffer, August .1905 200 Neudoerffer, Ernst Wil¬ liam .1900 182 Nickel, Warren .1897 166 *f* Nicum, John .1876 88 Nolde, Otto Fred.1923 249 Nonamaker, Edgar Vasco. 1912 222 Nothstein, Ira Oliver.1900 183 Nutzhom, Carl William.. 1922 247 Obenschain, Arthur Bittle. 1910 217 Oberleiter, Leo George... 1912 222 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page ►p Oberly, Frank Clarence. 1892 32 144 Ochsenford, Solomon Erb. 1879 30 97 Offermann, Henry Carl... 1917 235 Offermann, Henry Fred- 19 erick . 20 29 30 44 45 Ohl, Jeremiah Franklin... ,1874 81 Orr, Joseph Hart. .1885 112 Oswald, Frederick Wil- liam ... .1881 103 Otten, Friedrich Wilhelm, ,1915 229 Otten, Kenneth Peschau. .1920 241 Palleske, Theodore Emil.. 1901 188 ►p Park, James Clark Neff . 1889 130 Passavant, Detmar Luther. 1889 130 ►p Passavant, William Al- 14 fred . 1879 97 Paul, Frank I. 1903 195 Paules, Howard Samuel.. 1911 218 Paulson, Stephen Marma- 30 duke . 1899 52 53 176 Pestke, Paul John Walter. 1904 196 ►p Peters, Hiram . 1874 30 54 82 Peterson, Daniel William. ,1875 84 Petrea, Henry Matthew.. 1891 138 Pfatteicher, Carl Fried- rich . ,1906 203 Pfatteicher, Ernst Philip H. .1898 29 30 171 Pfeifer, William Freder¬ ick .1907 208 Year Page ►p Pflueger, Asher Par- menio .1876 89 4* Pflueger, Oscar Erwin. 1887 120 Pflum, Henry Jacob, Jr... 1921 244 Pifer, George B. McClel¬ lan .1911 219 Plagemann, Otto August Wilhelm .1915 229 Podszus, Fritz Emil.1909 214 Poensgen, Carl Eduard... 1907 208 ►p Poensgen, Gustave -1898 172 Poesche, Frederick Wil¬ helm Otto .1894 151 *p Pohle, Edward Her- 54 man .1878 94 Porath, Paul Emil.1920 241 Posselt, Franz Adolph.... 1914 227 Posselt, Theodor Otto Ferdinand .1901 188 ►p Potts, Alpheus D.1875 84 Potts, Edward McNeil.... 1897 166 Preuss, George Ulrich Joachim .1895 155 Princell, John Gustav.... 1872 76 Putra, Paul Andrew.1912 222 Quade, Edward Christian. 1907 208 Rahn, Charles Snell.1899 176 Raker, John Henry.1892 144 Ramer, Adam Lauben- stein .1895 156 Ramsey, Alfred .1885 112 ►p Rath, Myron Oscar_1877 92 Rausch, John Charles.... 1893 53 148 Reber, Owen .1888 124 Reck, Samuel Henry.1891 138 ►p Reed, Ezra Leiss.1868 30 53 69 Reed, Luther Dotterer-1895 17 19 21 264 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Reed, Luther Dotterer.... 1895 23 47 48 54 156 Rees, Gomer Christmas... 1898 18 172 Rehrig, Wilson Meyer.... 1882 30 105 Reichard, Francis Edward. 1907 208 Reichardt, Charles Julius August .1896 162 Reichert, Albert Julius... 1890 133 Reichert, John Charles_1898 172 Reinartz, Johann Gott¬ fried .1886 116 •f* Reinhard, Milton Uriah. 1899 177 Reisch, Conrad Ruppert.. 1923 249 Reisner, Karl Luther.1913 224 Reissig, Frederick Ed¬ ward .1920 241 Reissig, Herman Freder¬ ick .1923 249 Reiter, Daniel Henry.1881 103 Reiter, Frank Horace... .1908 212 Reiter, Frederick Adolphus. 1909 214 Reitz, James Jefferson.... 1887 121 ►f* Rengier, Richard Court¬ ney .1904 196 Repass, Bernard .1901 188 Repass, Ellis Arthur.1900 183 Repass, Stephen Albion. 1869 30 71 Reumann, William Paul.. 1916 232 Rex, Willoughby Frank¬ lin .1902 192 4* Rhodes, George Heilig.1875 85 Rhodes, George Heilig, Jr.1907 208 Richards, Edward Ray... 1904 196 Hr* Richards, Frank .1867 66 Richards, Henry Branson. 1895 155 Richards, Herbert Frank¬ lin . 1899 177 Year Page Richards, John Elroy.1904 197 Richards, John William.. 1890 18 53 133 Richter, Alexander_1878 14 53 54 95 4* Rick, William Freder¬ ick .1893 149 Rickert, William Henry.. 1871 75 Riffer, Peter .1877 92 Ritchie, Chrisenberry Alex¬ ander .1905 200 Ritter, Horace Bean.1907 208 4* Ritter, Irwin Bean.1893 149 Ritter, Jeremiah Henry... 1886 53 116 Ritter, Norman Yergey.,1907 208 Roeder, Austin Henry.... 1893 149 Roeder, Robert Daniel_1885 53 54 113 Rohde, Walter Christoph Nathanael .1895 156 ►J* Rohrig, August Wilhelm 20 Emil Franz .1906 203 Roney (Ronge), Wil¬ liam Ernest .1889 131 Ronge, Paul Richards.... 1923 249 Roof, Edwin Franklin Ky- zer .1921 251 Roth, David Allen.1898 172 Roth, David Luther.1876 89 ►f* Roth, John David.1870 73 Roth, Theophilus Bassler.1878 95 Roth, William Henry B...1906 203 Rowoldt, Paul Martin Luther .1923 249 Royer, Paul Leeds.1919 239 Rubrecht, George Keller.. 1905 200 Ruccius, Walter Martin 52 Wilhelm .1917 54 236 265 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page •b Rudh, Paul Herman... 1911 219 Rudy, Charles Elmer. 1909 214 Ruff, George Grant. 1892 145 •b Rumple, John Wilson.. 1873 79 Ruphoff, Herman Henry August Christoph . 1894 151 Sadtler, William Augus- tus . 1888 125 Sander, John . 1880 100 Sandt, George Washing- 30 ton . 1883 53 107 Sandt, Jacob Henrv. 1900 183 Sandt, Walter Correll.... 1913 224 Sanjek, Louis . 1914 227 Savacool, Jacob Steeley... 1915 229 4* Schaeffer, Charles Fred- 9 erick . 10 12 34 *b Schaeffer, Charles Wil 10 liam . 12 14 15 16 37 38 Schaeffer, Frederick Wil Ham .. .1905 200 Schaeffer, George James.. .1887 121 Schaeffer, Henrv .. .1917 251 *b Schaeffer, William Ash 16 mead .. .1869 30 53 54 71 Schaible, Matthew ... .1878 95 •b Schaidt, John George. .1875 85 *b Schantz, John Wil- liam B. .1909 214 Schantz, Joseph S. .1904 197 Scheehl, Luther Buch.... .1916 233 Scheffer. John Amos.... .1875 85 Year Page Scheffer, Nathaniel .1885 113 Scheidy, George Morris.. 1887 121 Scheirer, Oscar Sylvester. 1891 138 Schenck, Archibald Clar¬ ence .1900 183 Scherer, Paul Ehrman.... 1916 233 Schettler, George Erie.... 1890 134 •b Schindel, Jacob Daniel. 1867 30 67 Schindel, Jeremiah Jacob. 1899 177 •b Schlenker, Charles _1866 66 Schlenker, James Oliver.. 1886 117 Schlick, Emil Rudolf Wil¬ helm .1913 224 Schlotter, Robert .1906 204 *b Schinauk, Theodore 12 Emanuel .1883 14 19 20 22 28 29 30 45 46 107 Schmidt, Nelson Freder- 53 ick .1889 131 Schmidt, Reinhold .1897 166 Schmidtkonz, Louis.1917 236 Schmieder, John .1911 219 Schmieder, Paul Henry Coelestin .1912 222 Schmitthenner, August Frederick .1921 244 Schmitthenner, John Wil¬ liam .1918 238 Schmoyer, Arthur Harri¬ son .1913 224 Schmoyer, Melville Benja¬ min Charles .1896 162 *b Schoener, William Fran¬ cis .1886 117 Schofer, Henry Morris... 1900 183 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Schofer, John Addison... 1904 197 Scholl, Jacob F.1908 212 4* Schoppe, Herman Fred¬ erick Christian .1875 85 Schorling, George John Victor .1914 227 Schott, J. Frederick Wil¬ liam ..1915 229 Schreiber, Otto Louis.... 1906 204 Schuchard, Carl Bernhard 54 Christian Friedrich ....1898 172 Schuchard, Georg .1906 204 ►F Schultes, Augustus ...1872 76 Schultz, Julius George.... 1900 184 Schumann, Giles Van Buren .1900 184 Schweikert, Charles Ed¬ ward .1897 166 Schwenk, Elwood .1921 244 *F Seaman, Charles Schock .1882 105 Seaman, George Schock.. 1882 105 Seegers, John Conrad.... 1891 23 30 50 51 138 *F Seip, Frank Muhlen¬ berg .1890 134 ►F Seip, Theodore Lo¬ renzo .1867 67 Sell, Harvey Tilghman... 1917 236 Semmel, Henry Emil.1881 103 Seneker, Hiram Frederick Josiah .1894 152 ►F Seyler, Harry Levi Youse .1911 219 Shaud, John Ira.1907 209 Shealy, Joseph Alonzo.... 1921 251 Shetlock, Bela.1920 241 Shewed, Jehile Edward... 1910 217 Shiery, George Henry Un- ruh .1913 224 Shirev, Frederick Walter. 1922 247 Year Page *F Shunk, John .1886 117 Shupp, Floyd Edwin.1923 249 *F Siebert, Albert Frank¬ lin .1873 80 Siebert, William Lorenz.. 1903 195 Siebott, Henry Daniel Emanuel .1890 134 Sieg, Paul .1892 145 Sieger, Edgar E.-.... 1900 184 Sieger, Hiram Franklin.. 1904 197 Sieger, Petreus George... 1896 162 Siegner, Herbert Ludwig. 1917 236 Sievert, Eugene Albert... 1914 227 *F Sigurdson, Thorkell Olaf .1895 156 Sipes, Hiram Hill, Jr.1920 241 Smeltzer, John Milton, Jr.1901 189 Smith, Arthur Lewis.1906 204 Smith, Charles Jacob.1905 200 •F Smith, Edgar Manual.. 1881 103 Smith, Edwin Bittle.1915 229 Smith, Frisby Davis.1908 212 Smith, George Cowles.... 1885 113 *F Smith, Jacob Lawson.. 32 65 Smith, John Wilbur.1898 172 Smith, John William.1886 117 *F Smith, Lewis .1877 92 Smith, Luther Jonas.1895 156 *F Smith, Oliver Peter.... 1874 29 30 53 82 -F Smith, Preston Blair... 1890 134 Smith, Robert Morris.... 1887 32 121 ►F Smith, Willard L.1889 131 Smoll, Edwin Harrison... 1885 113 Snable, Harvey Grant... .1892 145 •F Snyder, Benaiah Chris¬ tian .1875 85 Snyder, Charles Clinton.. 1894 152 Snyder, Clarence Mitman.1915 229 Snyder, Corson Cressman. 1920 241 267 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Snyder, Elmer Elwood.... 1898 173 Snyder, Frank Carl.1911 219 Snyder, Harvey Cressman. 1923 250 Snyder, Howard Elias.... 1906 204 Snyder, John Franklin.... 1899 177 Snyder, Russell Dewey... 1922 247 Snyder, William Al¬ fred .1897 166 ►i* Spaeth, Adolph . 12 14 15 17 18 19 30 39 40 Hr* Spaeth, Henry Douglas. 1893 30 149 Hr* Spieker, Charles Ge- rash .1895 156 Hr* Spieker, George Fred- 15 erick .1867 20 30 43 44 67 Spiggle, Charles Krauth.,1911 219 Hb Stahlman, David Benja¬ min .1891 139 Steensland, Martin Mel- anchthon .1893 149 Steik, Peter Edward.1914 227 Steimle, August .1891 30 139 Steinbicker, William Henry .1909 177 Steinhaeuser, Albert Theo- 30 dore William.1898 173 Hh Steinhaeuser, Jacob ...1875 30 85 Steffens, Karl Paul.1923 250 HbStelljes, John Henry Miles .1907 209 Year Page Sterner, Leidy Benner.... 1909 214 Hr* Stetler, Daniel Morgan. 1874 83 Stetler, Eugene .1896 162 Stetler, Isaac Henry.1895 157 Stettler, Marvin Harold.. 1899 177 Stoeckius, Alfred .1896 162 Hb Stoepel, Charles .1876 89 Stolte, John Frederick_1909 215 Hh Stopp, Samuel Augus¬ tus Bridges .1901 189 Stough, William Lincoln. 1893 53 54 149 Hb Strassburger, Christian Adam Herman .1899 178 Straub, Harvey Lyman... 1903 195 Hr* Strauss, William Henry .1870 73 Streich, Carl John.1896 163 Stremel, Alexander War¬ ren .1920 244 Strenge, John Henry... 1906 204 Strickler, Luther Warren. 1922 247 ►E Strodach, Henri Jean Baptiste .1874 83 Strodach, Paul Zeller.1899 178 Hb Stuecklein, Frederick ..1866 66 Stump, Alfred Milton.... 1911 219 Stump, Joseph .1887 31 121 Stupp, Solomon Berger... 1883 107 Sullenberger, John Klein- guina .1901 189 Sultzbach, Daniel Isaiah.. 1907 209 Sumons, Adam C.1888 125 Sutter, Frederic .1897 167 Swank, Martin Jacob.1907 209 Swavely, Clarence Hess.. 1922 6 247 *T* Swickard, William Ross .1893 150 Tamke, George Robert Former .1921 244 268 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Tapper, Andrew Edward Henry .1921 245 Tappert, Wilfried Carl Heinrich .1920 241 Teichmann, Frederick Wil¬ liam Ernest .1922 248 Tieman, Christian Fred¬ erick .1880 100 4* Timm, John Arend.... 1881 103 4*Titzel George Edward. 1883 108 Toebke, Carl Gustav.1916 233 Tope, Homer William.... 1888 125 Trabert, George Henry... 1870 54 74 Trafford, Edward Henry. 1895 54 157 Trebert, William .1900 184 Trexler, Charles Daniel.. 1906 205 4* Trexler, Daniel Diet- rich .1868 69 Trexler, Henry Alexan¬ der .1886 117 Trexler, Samuel Geiss.... 1899 178 Trump, Lewis Smith.1903 195 Tyson, Hobart William... 1923 250 Uhler, Jacob Peter.1881 104 Uhrich, Frank H.1884 110 4*Uhrich, John Michael.. 1875 86 Ulrich, George Leon.1922 248 Ulrich, Lewis Domer.1899 178 Ulrich, William Slocum.. 1899 178 Umbenhen, John Henry... 1883 108 4* Upp, Jacob Quickel_1877 92 Urich, Frank Mock.1905 201 Valentine, Charles Wilson. 1899 179 Veit, Frederick Martin... 1872 76 Veit, Walter Carl George. 1905 54 201 Vesper, Herman Freder¬ ick John .1919 239 Vogt, Frederick Carl.1914 227 Voigt, Andrew George... 1883 18 108 Year Page Von Bosse, Siegmund George Rudolph .1913 225 Vorberg, Robert Trau- gott .1892 145 Wacker, Henry Albert Diedrich .1916 233 Wackernagel, Edward Jonathan .1904 197 Wackernagel, Frederick William .1897 167 4* Wagenhals, Samuel ... 1868 69 Wahrmann, Herman Er¬ nest Christian .1897 167 Waidelich, John Henry... 1889 53 131 Wallace, Ira Melvin.1897 167 4* Walter, Asher Wilson. 1881 103 Walz, Adolph Frederick.. 1885 113 Walz, Adolph Raymond.. 1922 248 Walz, Matthias Frederick. 1914 228 Wanaerka, Carl E. R.1893 150 Warmkessel, Henry Wil¬ liam .1889 131 Warnath, Oscar Julius.... 1917 236 Warns, Anton Friedrich.. 1898 173 Wasmund, Henry Charles August .1898 173 4* Waters, John Arm¬ strong .1885 113 Weaver, Herbert Alexan¬ der John .1911 220 Weaver, Homer Arthur.. 1919 239 Weaver, William Marion. 1899 179 Weber, Adam Monroe.... 1888 125 Weber, Emil William.... 1907 209 Weber, Ernest Adam.1920 241 Weber, Herbert Trimble.. 1909 215 Weber, Paul Charles.1922 251 Weibel, George Luther... 1908 212 4* Weibel, George Theo- philus . 1875 86 Weicksel Luther Melanch- thon Conrad .1876 89 269 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Weicksel, William .1888 126 HhWeidner, Revere Frank- 31 lin .1873 53 80 Weigand, Hermann Au¬ gust Friedrich Ludwig.. 1888 126 Weiskotten, Charles Peter. 1894 152 -b Weiskotten, Frederick 30 William .1868 53 54 69 Weiskotten, Herbert The- berath .1920 242 Weiskotten, Samuel 20 George .1887 122 Weiskotten, Theodore Frederick .1900 184 *b Welder, Benjamin G...1886 118 Hh Welfley, Elmer Sick- man .1886 118 Weller, Harvey Americus.1889 31 131 Weller, Paul M. W.1893 150 Wendel, Hugo Christian Martin .1907 209 Weng, Armin George.1922 248 Wenner, Wesley Edgar... 1901 189 Wenrich, John Merkel.... 1891 139 Wenrich, Solomon Martin. 1904 197 Werner, Oscar Victor.... 1907 210 Wertz, Henry Morris.1915 52 54 229 Wessinger, Benjamin Da¬ vid .1903 195 Wessinger, Elmore Lafay¬ ette .1896 163 Wetzler, John Nicholas... 1882 106 Weyl, John Andrew.1893 32 150 Whitmore, Franklin El¬ lis .1893 150 Whitteker, Herman Da¬ vid .1912 222 Year Page Wicklund, Edward Ray- mond . 1917 236 Wiebking, Carl Clifton... 1923 250 Wiles, Charles Peter. 51 Wilker, Conrad . 1906 205 Hb Wischan, Frederick ... 1871 31 53 54 75 Wischkaemper, Henry Lewis Richard . 1904 197 Wismer, Isaac Keil. ,1885 114 Witman, Emil Maximilian. 1889 132 Wittekind, John . 1907 210 Wohlsen, Peter Nicholas. 1913 225 Wolper, Paul Berndt. 1914 228 Wolters, Karl Ludwig.... 1890 134 Worth, John Howard. 1905 201 Wright, Preston E. 1891 139 Wuchter, Astor Clinton... 1885 114 Wuchter, Moses LeRoy... 1921 245 Wunder, Frederick Charles . 1915 230 ►r* Wyse, John Hope. 1888 126 Xander, Edgar Peter. 1899 179 Yeany, Ralph Waldo Em- erson . 1906 205 Yehl, Elias Amandus. 1888 52 53 126 Yeisley, Wilson . 1883 108 Yerger, Nathan Benjamin. 1913 225 Yiengst, Levi W. 1918 238 Young, Charles J. 1899 179 Yount, John Arndt. 1904 198 Yount, Paul Luther. 1913 225 Youse, Alvin Edward K.. 1906 205 ■T* Zahn, Jean August Julius . 1876 90 Zamke, Conrad F. 1894 152 INDEX OF NAMES Year Page Zeitfuchs, Otto . ....1892 145 Zelm, Carl William.. ....1922 248 Zentner, Jacob .... ....1867 67 Ziegelbrier, Charles Jo- seph . ....1902 193 ►h* Ziegenfuss, Henry La- fayette . ....1869 71 *r* Ziegenfuss, Samuel Ad- 31 dison . .... 1873 53 54 Year Page Hh Ziegenfuss, Samuel Ad¬ dison .1873 80 Zimmerman, Robert Me- 53 lanchthon .1879 97 Zuber, Theophilus .1893 150 Zuber, William Henry.... 1887 122 Zweier, Charles Drucken¬ miller .1897 167 Zweizig, Martin Luther.. 1880 31 I Princeton Theoogical S e min ar y Librari es 1012 01252 0617 DATE DUE GAYLORD PRINTED INU.S.A. 1