.. L BXGe50 .P5F5 A4 First Baptist Church Philadelphia, Pa. Pastor's Ret)ort, for 1887, ^^KM OF P/?/iV^^ -^ njL 9 1910 rrr- A i"55S5'25^5S5c^c!5S53SSI53S^iDG!t30i5SS35S5SS3SS5S5^5553iDc!i3[i5&5S5&SS5&SSS^5i2S3S&5B5B5D Tg5B5B55E'B5^555^5^5^5^5S5^555rJ'nn][nggg5E5^5^ggggigg5ggggggg^ggggg^g^ggggggg^gg^ 'iFSte Bapteisfe Ghyreh, Philadelphia l^asti©p's Rep©Fti. 1©I)G . jSggggsgsgssBcja Ej^ssgsgggsg sgsggggsggsg^gsgsgsssg^gjgasgsgggggs'gsgsgijgg^sssgsggg 55S5gg&!J3 0^55^55^55555^13 GJ^GjgSSgSgSgSSigQlkidiapllaGJSSB^ESg^Ei^SSgS^SS^BggB^ TPsFe ^^^OFPB/A^ JUL 19]P ^06mi%i\^\^ First Baptist Church, PHILADELPHIA, PASTOR'S REPORT, FOR 1887. MOTTO FOR THE YEAR: Cro7i/ m the grace and knoruledgc of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." —II. Peter iii. i8. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTING HOUSE OF ALLEN, LANE & SCOTT, Nos. 229, 231, and 233 South Fifth Street. 188S. 1887. in la. A. 1>. Founded 169S CONSTITfTKD 1746 IN'CORPORATED . . 1826 Present Meetin(. Horsi-: Dkiucated iSs6 EXTRACT FROM THE CHURCH RECORDS. " Resolved : Tliat the Pastor be requested to prepare, ami have printed at the expense of the Church, on or about the first of January of each year, a Parish Report, giving the work of the Church in its various activities." Reports of the Schools, Societies, &c., are printed in the order of their organi- zation. By preservifiz these Annual Kefiorls, each member will possess a conlinuous his/oiy of the Church. Shyr^Qh gileedeF. Public AVorship, Sunday, 10.30 A. I\I. and 7.45 ?• M. At Immanuel Chapel, Sunday, 7.30 P- ^^■ Main Bible School, Sunday, 2.30 P. M. : in Summer months, 9 A. M. Immanuel Bible School, Sunday, 2.30 P. M. Young People's Meeting, Sunday evening before PubHc Worship. Holy Communion, first Sunday morning in each month. Pastor's Lecture, Wednesday evening. Church Devotional Meeting, Friday evening. Monthly Inquiry Meeting, Monday evening before last Sunday in each month. Monthly Church Covenant Meeting, Friday evening before Holy Communion. Monthly Missionary Meeting, Friday evening after Holy Commu- nion. Monthly Trustees' Meeting, last Monday evening of each month. Quarterly Business Meeting, first Monday evening after second Sunday in January, April, July, and October. Annual Business Meeting (for election of officers, &c.), first Monday evening after second Sunday in January. Rental of Pews Semi-Annually ; due ist of April and October, each year. Annual Collection for Our Dorcas Society, first Sunday in January. Annual Collection for Home Missions, third Sunday in January. Annual Collection for Publication Society, third Sunday in February. Annual Collection for Foreign Missions, third Sunday in March. Annual Collection for General Association, third Sunday in April. Annual Collection for Orphanage, third Sunday in May. Annual Collection for Our Sunday-Schools, third Sunday in October. Annual Collection for City Missions, third Sunday in November. Annual Collection for Ministerial Education, third Sunday in De- cember. Annual Church-day for Prayer, last Friday in January. Annual Childrens' day, third Sunday in June. (3) OFFICERS, PASTOR : iC GEORGK DANA HOARD.MAN. Settled May, 1864. Address, 3S15 Walnut street. PASTORS ASSISTANT: lOliiee vao;mt. 1 DEACONS: NATHAN R. SITLEE, JOSI-.I'II I . I'AGi:, T. SEVMOIR SCOTT, WILLIAM A. LK\KRI\G, WILLIAM W. KI.I.N, AUGISTIS THOMAS. TREASURER: CLERK: WILLIAM A. LHVICRIXG, 1S17 Vine St. WILLIAM G. HOPPER, 2S South Third st. TRUSTEES: STEPHEN' A. CALDWELL '^/'r.-,c/,/^«C I, B. OGDEN LOXLEV (Srcr^/aty), SAMIEL LCLEVENCiER, WILLIAM A. LEVI:RING. JOSEPH K. PAGE, WILLIAM' H. EORD, WILLIAM H.MacXAMEE. T. SEVMOCR SCOTT, HARRV S. HOPPER. HOWARD B. MARTIN, ACGrSTrS 'PHOMAS. WILLIAM W. KEEN, lAMES S. MOORE, lAMl'S S. WILKINSON. HORACE LADD, SUPERINTENDENT OF BURIAL GROUND: ISAAC H. O'HARA, 329 Chestnut street. AUDITORS: JOHN P. ONDERDONK (Chairwaii). A. ERANK CUSTIS, GEORGE L. ENGLISH. COMMITTEE ON PEWS: T. S. SCOTT (Chaniiiii)i\ S.J. CLEVENGER, H. S. IIOl'PICR, B. o. LOXLEY. J. S. WILKINSON. COMMITTEE ON MUSIC: W. W. KF,EX (Chairman), F.D.CROMWELL, A.THOMAS, MRS. C. \'. LITHER, G. L. ENGLISH, MISS H. M. DEAN, MRS. A. B. STCBBS. T. S. SCOT T. MRS. M. V. HANNA, COMMITTEE ON VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS: J. H. SCOTT {Chairman), S. J. CLEVENGER, T. S. SCOTT, MRS. E. L. SPENCER, H S HOPPER, H. G. THOMAS, MRS. M. E. WILKINSON. \V. H. MacNAMEE, T. II. WALKER, COMMITTEE ON FINANCE: W. A. LI-:\'KRING (ChiiirmanK S.J. CLEVENGER, H. S. HOIMM'.R, W. W. KE1:N, J.E.PAGE, T.S.SCOTT. COMMITTEE ON PROPERTY: W. A. LEVERING (Chairman), J. S. MOORE, J. E. PAGIC. COMMITTEE ON HOUSE: J. F. PAGE (Chairman). H. B. MARTIN. W. II. MacNAMEE. COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS: S.J. CLEVENGER (Chairman). W. H. I'ORD, j. S. WILKINSON. USHERS: E. T. DARBY, B. O. LOXLEY, H. M. SHEPPARD, J. F. FOREPAUGH, H. B. MARTIN, E. L. TCSTIN, W. H. HENDERSON, Jr.. C. W. SCOTT, J. H. WALKER, H. S. HOPPER, ). IL SCOTT, W. M. WILSON. W. G. HOPPER, SEXTON: JOHN ALLISON, 1225 Vine street. Minutes of Special Church Events. January i. Our \e\v Year's Meeting was held from 8 to 9 A. M. Al- though the weather was very inclement, one hundred and forty-seven were present. The Pastor read the Church Necrology for 1S86, the con- gregation standing. Our Church Motto for 1887 was this: — "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : " (II. Peter iii. 18.) The Pastor's New Year's Wish for his People was as fol- lows : — " May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, in the power of the Holy Spirit : " (Romans xv. 13.) January 10-14. Our Church held special devotional services in connec- tion with the Philadelphia Evangelistic Union. January 23. After the morning sermon, our fellow member, Rev. Dr. H. L. Wayland, made a plea for the extinction of our church debt, to which the congregation responded by liquidating it and leaving a large surplus for repairs, &c. Our Church suspended the evening service to join in the Evangelistic Union Service at Armory Hall, Broad and Callowhill. January 28. Our annual Church Day; services at 11 A. M., 3 P. M., 7.45 P. M. One hundred and sixteen were present at the morning ser- vice, two hundred and nine at the afternoon, three hundred and four at the evening. January 31— February 4. The Pastor was kindly aided by his brother, Rev. Dr. Edward Judson, of New York City, in special evangelistic ser- vices afternoons and evenings ; also by Mr. Heinrich, a blind German musician, of Boston, Massachusetts. February 15. Anniversary of our Young People's Working Associa- tion. February 27. The Pastor began a series of discourses on "The Future State." Topics:^" The Revealed Immortality;" "The Intermediate State;" "The Second Advent;" "The Resurrection-Body;" "The Last Judgment ; " "The Future Punishment ; " " The Eternal Life." March 27. Pastor A. R. Schevie, of Russia, made a plea for the Bap- tist Church in St. Petersburg. March 31. Nineteenth anniversary of our Immanuel Mission. April 8. Passion Friday. Service at 3 P. M. Topic :— "The Lamb of God." (John i. 29.) April lo. Easter Suiulay. Topic : — " Poult of Christ's Resurrt'ctioii." (I'hiiippians iii. lo. ) Rev. Dr. ICdward Judson, of NVu \ork City, made a plea for the "Judson Memorial Fund." May 29. The Pastor preached the Baccalaureate before tiie .Souliiern Baptist Theolo^^ical Seminary. Louisville, Ky. June S. The Pastor preached before the .Missionary .Society of tiie Theolo,i;ical Institution, Newton, Mass. June 27. Tiie Pastor read a paper before the Philade!|)iiia (Quarterly Conference at Wesley Hall on " The Unity of the Church." July. Sunday mornin.a^s the Tabernacle Church worshiped with ours ; Sunday eveniuijs we worshiped at our Immanuel Chapel. August. Sunday mornings our Church worshiped with the Tabernacle Church ; Sunday evenings we worshiped at our Immanuel Chapel. September 18. The Pastor held a special service in recognition of the Centenary of the Signatures to the Constitution of the United States. October 16. The Pastor began a series of lectures before our Voung People's Working Association on " Christian Growth," as outlined in II. Peter i. 5-7. October 19. Our Voung People's Working Association gave a recep- tion to the Pastor. November 10. Eighth Annual Meeting of our Baptist City Missions was held with our Church. Addresses by Rev. Dr. W. W. Boyd, of Newark, N. J., and Rev. R. H. Conwell, of Grace Church; our ladies gave the delegates a supper at .St. George's Hall in connection with our Baptist Orphanage. November 15. The Pastor read a paper on "The Problem of Ecclesi- astical Unity," before the Baptist Congress held at Indianapolis, Ind. November 24. Thanksgiving Day. Our Church worshiped with the Arch Street Methodist Episcopal Church, the Pastor of our Church preaching the sermon. Topic : — "The Goodly Heritage." (Psalm xvi. 6.) December 7-8. The Baptist Sunday-school Institute of Philadelphia met with our Church. December 16. Oiu' Church voted to appoint a visiting conuuittee in connection with the Piiiladelphia Evangelistic Union. December 27. Christmas festival of our Inuiianuel .School. December 29. Christmas festival of our Main .School. The Pastor's Wednesday Evening Lectures. Probably the characteristic featiwe of the ministry of the present Pastor is his Wednesday Evening Lectures. They were begun October ^th, 1S64, and have been continued, with occasional hiterruptions, ever since. In these Wednesday Evening Studies we have gone through the tzventy-seveti books of the New Testament atid the first ten books of the Old. It has sometimes occurred that zuhen we came to a topic of peculiarly public im- portance, as, for example, the Hebrew Monarchy or the Prophetic Office, the lecture was delivered on the Lord's Day. The Pastor mentions this to account for the occasional acceleration of dates. The following is a list of the topics studied in 1S87 : — Jan. 5. The Story of Ruth. (Ruth i.-iv.l Study 812 Jan. 12. The Birth of Samuel. (I. Samuel i.-ii. i-ii.) " 813 Jan. 19. The Doomed Priesthood. (I. Samuel ii. 12-36.) " 814 Jan. 26. The Call of Samuel. (I. Samuel iii. 1-21.) " 815 Feb. 2. The Troublesome Ark. (I. Samuel iv -vi.) " 816 Feb. 9. The Prophet Statesman. (I. Samuel vii. 1-17.) " 817 Feb. 16. The Hebrew Monarchy. (I. Samuel viii. 1-22. > " 818 Feb. 23. The Prophetic Order. (I. Samuel /ajjzVw.) " 819 Mar. 2. Samuel's Farewell Address. (I. Samuel xii. 1-25.) " 820 Mar. 9. Character of Samuel ... " 821 Mar. 16. Saul the First King. (I. Samuel ix.-xi.) ... " 822 Mar. 23. Saul the Reprobate. (I. Samuel xiii.-xv.) " 823 Mar. 30. Saul at Endor. 'I. Samuel .xxviii.) . . " 824 Apr. 6. Death of Saul. (I. Samuel xxxi. ; II. Samuel i. 1-27) . " 825 Apr. 13. Tragedy of King Saul ' 826 Apr. 20. David the Shepherd. (I. Samuel xvi. 1-13.) ..." 827 Apr. 27. David the Minstrel. (I. Samuel xvi. 14-23.) " 828 May 4. David the Champion. (I. Samuel xvii. 1-58.) " 829 May II. David the Courtier. (I. Samuel xviii. 1-30) ' 830 May iS. David the Friend. (I. Samuel xix.-xx.) " 831 May 25. David the Wanderer. (I. Samuel xxi.-xxiv.) " 832 Oct. 5. David the Avenger. (I. Samuel xxv. 1-44.) " 833 Oct. 12. David the Refugee. (I. Samuel xxvi.-xxx.) " 834 Oct. 16. David the" King. (II. Samuel ii.-v. ; I. Chronicles xi. 1-9.) " 835 Oct. 26. David the Churchman. (II. Samuel vi. ; I. Chronicles xiii.-xvi.) . . " 836 Oct. 30. David the Type. (II. Samuel vii. ; I. Chronicles xvii.) " 837 Nov. 2. David the Warrior. (II. Samuel viii.-x.) " 838 Nov. 9. David the Husband. (II. Samuel xi.-xii.) " 839 Nov. 13. David the Fugitive. (II. Samuel xiii.-xviii.) " 840 Nov. 20. David the Father. (II. Samuel xviii. ig-33 ; xix. 1-4.) " 841 Nov. 23. David the Organizer. (I. Chronicles xxiii.-xxvii.) " 842 Nov. 30. David the Psalmist. (II. Samuel xxii. 1-51 ; Psalm xviii.) " 843 Dec. 7. David the Hero. (II. Samuel xxiii ; I. Chronicles xi.) " B44 Dec. 14. David the Numberer. (II. Samuel xxiv. : I. Chronicles xxi.) .... " 845 Dec. 21. David the Man after God's own Heart " 846 // is easier to read these numerals than to grasp the time and the toil they have involved. Chanircs in the Mcmliur Roll. GAINS BY BAPTISM. Jan. 30. Miss Jenny Haiina from hunianutl School. Miss Mary Hanna " John W. Likens " Fell. 27. Miss .Sarah J. Bennett " Miss ^^arion .Schmoele from Main Mar. 27. Miss Martha Anderson from Immanuel Miss Martini Bennett " " James M. Campbell " " Albert DeHaven Abram I. Doctermen George A. Elliott " John A. Elliott . " William Green Charles Johnston INIiss Jennie Neil . " William H. Parker " Miss Rebecca Woldon " " Ai^ril K). Miss Florence Addicks from Main Miss Lizzie B. Barrenger " " James L. Bryan Cadwalader Clegg Miss Esther Fitzell Mrs. Susan S. Henzey Miss Carrie Johnston John F. Ostrom Miss Edith Roue A])ril 24. Miss Jessie Dennison diaries Jobson Miss Lydia Thibault from Immanuel May 22. Miss Agnes M. Bennett " James C. Bennett " " James W. Conner " " Henry Gorman " " Miss Margaret Keen from Main Miss Mary McCaulay from Innnaniul June 26. George W. Clauz " June 26. Adam J. O'Harra from Main School. Miss Addie Roach from hiimanuel Miss Lynda Schmoele from Main " Total 39 June July GAINS BY TRA Feb. 4. :\Irs. Eliza P. Ball . Joseph E. Sagebeer j\Iiss Edith Olevvine Robert H. Farley Mrs. Clara G. Farley Charles W. Roberts Nov. 4. Miss Caroline Levering Miss Martha A. Leverin Miss Sallie E. Levering Thomas F. Moody . . Horace E. Taylor . . Mrs. Harriett A. Taylor 2. INIrs. Augusta C. Prindle Total Dec. NSFER. from Spring Garden Church. Newtown Square Ch. Pottsville Church. ^Memorial Church. Gethsemane " Memorial Church. Spring Garden Church. Cuthbert, Georgia. Williamsport, Pa. First Germantown Cli. GAIN BY EXPERIENCE. Mar. 25. Miss Annie F>ame. Total I Gross total of gains 53 LOSSES BY DEATH. Jan. Apr. May June 9- I. 30. 21. 2. Edward C. Wilson. 29. Mrs. Mary D. Reed. 9. Mrs. Josephine C. A. John- son. Miss Eliza Ann Williams. July Miss Lenna Schmoele (in Rome, Italy). Aug Miss Nellie L. Dodd. Mrs. Mary B. Van Aken. Aug. 15. Joshua Morgan. 2. Mrs. Mary Ann Holbrook. Total 9 LOSSES BY TRANSFER. Jan. 21. Richard H. Austin . . Mrs. A. E. Austin . . John M. Austin . . . Calvin McCormick . . Feb. 4. Miss .Sarah J. Headley Mrs. Laura Lippincott to Tenth Church. " Los Angeles, Cal. " Dallas, Texas. " Bustleton, Pa. " Haddonfield, N. J. lO Mar. 4. William H. Garey to Hope Clnirch, Port Richnioiul. Mrs Khocla Garey " " Miss Emily A. Ilko ..." Mt-inorial Church. Nov. 4. Miss Anna J. Uyerly .... " rowdlon Avenue Church. Total 10 LOSSES BY ERASURE. lune 17. Miss Clara T. Hill. June 17. Miss Fannie Page. James H. Miller. Total 3 Gross total of los.ses 22 Net gain 31 Present number 670 Treasurer's Report. GENERAL ACCOUNT. To amounts received as follows : — Frf)m pew-rents I6.339 39 voluntary contributions 1,696 37 sale of cemetery lots 54 9° commissions, &c., on trusts 313 35 Showing regular income for 1887 58,40401 "Debt and Repair" Fund to meet this deficit, lS:c. . . 1,200 00 Total receipts $9,604 01 Cr. Ijy balance overdrawn beginning of year 5i93 9' By payments as follows : — For Pastor's salary 55. 000 00 " pulpit supplies 112 50 " music 911 ^5 " main Sunday-school 500 00 " Immanuel Mission : — (.Support, I500 ; preaching, $400 ; ground- rent, I170) 1,070 00 Carried forward, l7>594 35 $^93 9^ $9,^4 01 II Brought forward, |7,594 35 $193 9^ I9.604 oi For sexton 495 5° " coal 225 40 "gas 344 82 " fire insurance 3^ 5° " water-rent 29 00 " repairs and exterior painting . . . 385 24 " printing 70 10 " advertising Sunday services .... 46 66 " care, &c., of cemetery lots 85 50 " miscellaneous objects ....•• 64 78 Showing total for 1S87 9.377 85 9,571 76 Leaving balance on hand I32 25 Philadelphia, January 7th, 1888. Examined and found correct : John P. Onderdonk, Alfred Frank Custis, George L. English, Auditors. DEBT AND REPAIR FUND. To amount of subscriptions received by Treasurer l5.44o 08 " amount received for Church's share from sale of seats on " Constitutional Centennial " stand, &c. . .' 32600 Cr. By payments as follows : — For floating debt |2,5i7 00 " "general account" of Church to meet 1S87 deficit 1,200 00 " disbursements through W. H. INIac- Namee, viz., painting walls, ceiling, wood work, &c., of lecture, Sunday- school, and Dorcas rooms, vestibule, &c foS7 50 5,766 08 Carried forward, I587 50 13,717 00 |5,766 08 12 Brought forward, $5S~ 50 13,717 00 55,766 08 For y:ikk-d strips for ceiling 23 32 range, boiler, &c 71 50 plumbing 20 00 oak map case, &c., for lecture room . 94 00 gas fixtures 93 58 tables for Dorcas Society 6 34 carpentering, &c 136 56 1.032 80 new car]:)et first tloor rooms 564 66 gas fittings " " " 109 15 curtain Sunday-school library 14 11 repairs, ()ils, cS:c . criulcudeul. \\'oman's Foreign Missionary Society. Re-organized 1872. To the Pastor : Prcsidott ■ I 'ire- Presidents OFFICERS: -Mrs. j. V. P.\GK. Mks. G. D. Boardman, Mrs. T. S. Foster, Mrs. M. J. Chase, Mrs. C. K. Inc.lis. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. (i. E. Sti'ishs. Recording Secretary Mrs. C. W. Rav. Treasurer Mrs. .-Vroi'sris Tmo.m.' A Board of Twenty Managers. TREASURER'S REPORT. Dr. The following donations for .salary ot General Secretary, Mrs. |. N. Gushing: — -Mrs. T. S. Foster Mrs. D. S. Stone Mrs. Augustus Thomas The following donations for Mrs. Seagrave's Medical Course : — Mrs. T. S. I'oster Miss M. L. Bonney . Carried forwartl, $270 00 Sioo 00 25 CX) 25 00 no 00 10 00 23 Brought forward, Isjo oo Mrs. J. F. Page lo oo Mrs. Washington Butcher lo oo j\Irs. H. G. Keasbey lo oo Donation, Mrs. T. Foster loo oo (For the English and Eurasian Churcli, Rangoon, Eurmah.) Donation, Mrs. T. S. Foster 50 oo (For Dr. Cushing's assistant.) Coral ^\'orkers 20 00 Coral Workers 12 57 (For Mr. Ashmore's scliool, Swatow, China.) Deficit (Room 20 for 1S86) 10 00 Through ^lissionary Inquirers 25 00 (For Life Membership of Herbert X. Gushing.) Annual subscriptions 125 06 ^^642 63 Cr. ' Printing reports for 1887 $12 00 B}- checks and cash to treasurer of Woman's Baptist Foreign Mission Society of Pennsylvania 630 63 ^642 63 Examined and found correct : Augustus Thomas, Joseph F. Page, Auditors. (Signed) MRS. J. F. PAGE, Prcsidfitf. P. S. — In addition to the above are contributions which have not passed through the hands of the Treasurer, as follows : — Mrs. J. F. Page, for Mrs. Cushing's salarj^ $10 00 ]\Irs. G. D. Boardman, books for INIissionaries 25 00 Making additional contributions that have come to the knowl- edge of the Treasurer ^35 00 Add contributions through the Treasurer 642 63 Total ^677 63 24 Committuc on \'oliintary Contrilaitions. OrRaiiized January slli, 1S77. OBJECT OF THE COMMITTEE: To secure eoulributiotis for the _E^euera/ expenses 0/ our Church ; for the support 0/ our Suintay-sc hoots aud Mission M'oric ; for the support of the Pastor s assistant ; and for ivhatever other objects our Church may direct. Nuniher of contributors using envelopes, 1886 167 Number of contriljutors not using envelopes, 1SS6 . 13 Total number of contributors, 1SS6 180 Numl)cr of contributors using envelopes, 18S7 195 Nunibe-r of contril)Utors not using envelopes, 1887 10 Total number of contributors, 1887 205 Average number of envelopes used each Sunday, 1S86 85 1887 105 Average amount contributed in each envelope in 1S86 fo 21 " 1887 18 Total amount of weekly contributions from all sources in 1886, including the Sunday morning collections ?i,546 33 Total amount of weekly contributions from all sources in 1887, including the Sunday morning collections 1,69637 Increase of amount contril)Uted in 1887 I150 04 Tile conuuittee desire to call the special attention of our Church to this matter of systematic voluntary offerings. It is gratifying to note the increased number using envelopes tiie past year, and also to report in- creased receipts. We believe this amount could be largely increased if all using envelopes would see that their contributions are uniform, and that every Sunday in the year is represented by an envelope deposited in tile basket. (Signed) H.VKKN' S. HOriM-IK. Chai) iiia)i. riiii.AUKLi'iii.v, January 9th, 18S8. 25 Woman's Home Missionary Society. Organized May iSth, 1S77. To the Pastor : officers; President Mrs. Washington Butcher. r.. r^ . r , ( IMrs. William B. Hanna. Vice-Presidents n ,, , t- t:. I Mrs. Julia T. Rav. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. T. Seymour Scott. Recording Secretary Miss Mary O'Harra. Treasurer Mrs. Deborah L. Hopper. Life members of parent society at Chicago 45 Life members of Home Mission Circle 43 A Board of twenty-five Managers. TREASURER'S REPORT. Dr. To balance in treasury January ist, 18S7 ^25 46 Mrs. Washington Butcher for Thomas Downing Ind. Universit}- 100 00 " " church building in Mexico ... 5000 " " training school, Chicago .... 50 00 " " Medical Mission 25 00 " " Miss Seil's salary 25 00 " " special city mission work .... 190 00 " " loss sustained by Union 20 00 Miss Mary L. Bonney for educational work 150 00 Mrs. M. J. Chase for Homceopathic Dispensary Medical Mission 100 00 Mrs. T. Seymour Scott, Medical Mission 25 00 Nickel fund for Union 17 10 Friday evening collection for Medical Mission Friday evening collection for training school, Chicago From officers and managers of Mission Circles Parlor Bazaar by Managers Baby Band and Missionary Gardeners December 30th, received in cash 15 27 II 20 232 61 210 68 S 05 Il .255 37 2 GO ll 257 37 26 Ck. Cash to Treasurer of Union lor missionaries' salaries, and B. H. M. C; S44S 00 For educational work 250 00 For Honireopathic Dispensary Medical Mission 100 00 For building fund Mexico Church 50 00 For Medical Mission 65 27 For special city mission work 190 00 For training school, Chicago 71 20 For Miss Seil's salary 25 00 Nickel fund for Union 17 do Printing reports for 1SS6 12 50 >i,228 97 Balance in Treasury 28 40 $1^257 37 Value of boxes sent to missionaries during 18.S7 5150 51 Examined and found correct : W'm. G. Hopi'EK, December 30th, 18S7. (J^gned) MRS. WASHINGTON BUTCHI-R, I'lTSitfl'llf. The Coral Workers. Organized 1S77. To the Pastor : OFFICERS : President Miss Lilian B. Morgan. ,,. „ . , , ( Miss Marv M. Kinskv, Vice-Presidents , . l^ Miss Amy Jones. Recording Secretary Miss Agnes Woodriff. Corresponding Secretin y Master Augi'sti'S Spkncfr. Treasurer Master Meredith Hanna. Number of meetings during 1887 9 Membership 27 Average attendance 15 27 TREASURER'S REPORT. Dr. To balance in treasury January ist, 1887 /. 82 To subscriptions f „, , , I32 57 lotal ■ Cr- * For Morton Lane Girls' School 1-07 For support of boy in Swatow, China ^ J ForwardedtoW.B.F. M.S. in Boston, Mass _5_oo Total ^33 From October to December extra weekly meetings were held to pre- pare for a kitchen party and sale of ..././ articles, to be held the first of '^Yp^n has been a subject of study for the last three months. Audited by \V. Henry Henderson, Jr., Albert Hill. ^^.^^^^^^ ULIA^ B. MORGAN, President. The Memorial Band. In Aid of the Philadelphia Home for Incurables. Organized October, 1877. Althouc^h the Memorial Band represents six denominations, yet its orgaiatton has been from the beginning largely influenced by mem- beSof our own Church. It is proper, therefore, that an account of it should appear in the Pastor's Report. To the Pastor: officers: . Mrs. Caroline K. Inglis. President.^ ■ ■ ■ Miss M. Virginia Ashton. Honoraf-y President l\ L c Maprt^ f Miss Mary S. Harris, Vice-Presidents I Miss Isabel McIlhenny. Recording Secretary ^^^'^ Or^nKM * .... Miss Emma L. Ugden. Treasurer 28 Number of managers 64 Number of life members 38 Number of meetings held during tlie year 11 Average attendance 24 Amount ci)llected by mciiil)ers of tin- Mtininial liand in llie First Baptist Church . . J249 81 (Signed) i:.MMA L. OCDKN, Treasurer. Missionary Inciiiirer; Organized February, 1S80. To the Pasfor OFFICERS: Preside!// Mrs. I^i.i.f.n H. Cishing. I Dk. \V. W. Keen, riee-Presideu/s s Mrs. D. L. Stone, ' Mrs. AiGLSTLs Thomas. Rceordhig Secretary Miss Lilian B.Morgan. Correspotidiiii; Secretary Miss Mary M. Kinsey. Treasurer Miss Bertha Ogden. Librarian Miss Gertrude V. Peterson. Chairman Map Committee Miss Mary A. Levering. Chairman Music Coinmittec Miss Laura S. Lehr. Chairman Industrial Committee . . . . Miss RL Morgan. Chairman Prof^ratmne Committee . . . Mr. F. D. Cromwell. Chairman /iutertainment Com>nittee . . Miss Emma P.nrkkr. Chairman J/etn/>e/ship Committee . . Miss L. B. Morgan. Membership S5 Number of life members 4 Number of new members 3 Members connected with other churches 5 Number of lite members of Woman's Baptist I'oreign Missionary So- ciety by the payment of|l25 41 Number of missionary concerts of prayer 5 " social meetings 3 " extra " 3 Total number of meetings 11 29 Correspondent : Mrs. Alice R. Roberts, Bhamo, Burma. Readings: The Congo, McAll Mission. Subjects sfiidied : Japan, Geography and History. Addresses : Our Pastor and Rev. Dr. R. M. Luther. (Signed) F:LLEN H. GUSHING, President. Bertha Ogden, Treasurer, in Account with "The Missionary Inquirers." Dr. To balance from i8S6 ' |i6 93 subscriptions from 1886 i 20 " for 1887 73 70 donations for 1S87 35 00 offering in memory of Miss Irene Seipt proceeds from rental of Japanese Suits amount of collections Cr. By amount forwarded to Boston, May 5th, 1887 . . . . " " " " " June 2ist, 1887 . . . " " " " " December 7th, 1887 . " " " " " December 28th, 1887 " balance, 1887 3 20 6 50 ii 27 I169 80 f42 80 30 00 25 00 25 GO 47 00 I169 80 Life members made during the year : Miss Mary R. Morgan, Miss Liz- zie Auner, Miss Jennie Clegg, and Mr. Herbert H. Gushing. Audited and found to be correct : G. Ogden. Baltimore Avenue Mission. (Near Fiftv-second Steeet.) Organized January, 1881. To the Pastor : The Mission has been sustained almost entirely by the contributions and labors of members of our Ghurch and School, though the Mission is not formally connected with our Ghurch, nor is our Ghurch responsible 30 for it. I)iiriii.LC the year tlie annex for the Infant Department has been comjileted and paid for, and the lot fenced. Since October i6th, our fellow-member, Mrs. A. C. Prindle, has labored on the held as Mission- ary and Deaconness with much fidelity, and };reatly to the benefit of the Mission. A portion of her report is subjoined :— 1 have called upon most of the families from Forty-si.xlh to I'ifty- fourth street, and from Market to Darby road. I have j;iven hundreds of tracts and of .Scripture texts on cards — ^John iii. i6. I have scattered 6000 since tiie middle of Aui^ust. So nearly as I can estimate I have called at more than 200 houses, leaving tracts and cards whenever the people were absent or failed to admit me. I have called more than once at most of the homes. I have been well received, most of them kindly inviting me to call again. Aicusr.v C. Prinui,e. Tlie Mission is very much indebted to our Pastor and Main School, Class 2S, Mrs. Foster, Brethren S. A. Caldwell, W. \V. Keen, J. F. Page, W. A. Levering, G. McDermond, J. S. Moore, A. Thomas, and others, for generous contributions; also to the Pa.stor, and Pretluen D. Clegg, H. E. Lincoln, and G. McDermond for personal visits. CALENDAR: Sunday afternoon, Hible school. .Sunday evening. Praise-meeting and Preaching. Wednesday evening. Prayer-meeting. Friday evening, Neighborhood Lending Library. .Saturday afternoon. Hand of Hope. .Sewing-school. BIBLE-SCHOOL: Officers and teachers 14 Scholars 71 Total. 85 Average attendance 3^ Volumes in library 276 l*'or Home expenses 5i>7 5° l-'or Haptist Orplxinage I"i>r Ciun-ch in Mexico, aftcT address by lion. I'rancis W'ayland, of Connecticut For Ciiildren's Country Week . . l'"<)r Ril)le Day, Publication .Society Total collections 5'5o 06 (Signed) II. L. WAVI.AXD, SiipcriiUotdoit. GO 5 00 5 00 2 56 31 Summary. MEMBER ROLL. Gross total of gains 53 Gross total of losses 22 Net gain 3^ Present number ^"o SCHOOLS. Gross total of schools 3 Gross total of officers 18 Gross total of teachers 75 Gross total of scholars 73i Gross total of average attendance 467 Gross total of members S24 Gross total of contributions (besides ^1300 to Debt and Repair Fund) ^709 47 Gross total of baptisms - • 08 Gross total of volumes in libraries Uo4 CONTRIBUTIONS BY OUR CHURCH (IN PART). To our Church Expenses : Pew Rents ^^6,339 39 " " " " Weekly Offerings 1,69637 " " " " Communion Offerings 218 01 " " " " Debt and Repair Inmd 5,44008 To our Dorcas Society 87 96 To American Baptist Home Mission Society 532 08 To American Baptist Publication Society 382 09 To American Baptist Missionary Union 1,648 12 To Pennsylvania Baptist General Association 3"o 89 To Philadelphia Baptist Orphanage 339 75 To our Sunday-schools (additional to regular annual appro- priations) To Philadelphia Baptist City Mission 449 00 To Pennsylvania Baptist Ministerial Education Society ... 181 54 To Judson Memorial Fund 57° 94 To miscellaneous objects 4,874 21 Carried forward, ^23,329 16 268 32 ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS BY SOCIETIES IN OUR CHURCH. lirou.^lu forward, J23.329 16 Main School (besides J650 to Debt and Repair l-'uiid) .... 254 53 linmamiel School (besides 565010 Debt and Repair Fund> . 304 88 Baltimore Avenue School 150 06 Dorcas Society (inckiding: boxes, garments, &c '53 85 V. P. \V. Association (besides 1 100 to Debt and Repair Fund) 223 17 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society 642 63 Woman's Home Missionary Society (including boxes) . . 1,231 89 Coral Workers . 13 82 Memorial Band ... 249 81 Missionary Inquirers 152 87 (iro.ss total of contributions $26,706 67 N. B. — Of course, this gross total is far from including all the offerings of our Church. Only tho.se are here reported which have come, either formally or informally, to the knowledge of our Treasurer. The Pastor requests, not for the purpose of ostentation, but of truthfulness, that all offerings, so far as possible, be reported to our Treasurer. God Bless our De.\r old Chircii PAMPHLET BINDER 6AYLOfiD BROS. In*. SyrMui*, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. |i;.t,:'Y', ,