PI if-! ■ H i;A- ;H A ,*> •" < ■':■ t!rt ■ ■■::' ' * I 'mWmT^- FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY z%0 m*£§ IrT W' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/wholebookofpsalm1705ster THE WHOLE BOOK O F O l\ JL Collected into Englifh Metre B Y Thomas Sternbold, John Hopkins, And Others : Conferred with the HEBREW. Set forth and allowed to be Sung in all Churches, of all the People together, before and after Morning and Evening Prayer, and alio before and after Sermons j and moreover in Private Houfes, for their godly Solace and Comfort, laying apart all Ungodly Songs and Ballads, which tend only to the nourifhing of Vice, and corrupt- ing of Youth. James 5. If any be afflitled, let him pray; and if any k wry, kt him fixg I'fahns. Colofllans 3. Let the Word of Cod dwell pknteoujly inyoa, in all iVifdom, teaching and exhorting one another in Pfalms, Hymns t and Spi- ritual Son as, finding unto the Lord in your Hearts. LONDON: Printed for the Company of Stationers. 1705, The Humble Suit of a Simin 5 Veni Creator. COme Holy Ghoft, Eternal God, proceeding from above, Both from the Father and the Son, the God of Peace and Love, Vifit our minds and into us thy heavenly Grace inipire; That in all truth andgodlinefs, we may have true defire ; Thou art the very comforter in all woe and diftreis ; The heavenly Gift of God moft high, which no tongue can exprefs, The fountain and the lively ipring , of joy celeftial, The fire fo bright, the love fo clear, and un£tion fpiritual. Thou in thy Gifts art manifold, whereby ChritTs Church doth ftand : In faithful hearts writing thy Law, the Finger of God's hand. According to thy promile made, thou giveft fpeech of Grace % That thtough thy help the praile of God may ftand in every place. O Holy Ghoft, into our Souls lend down thy heavenly light -, Kindle our Hearts with fervent love to ierve God day and night. Strengthen and eftablifh our weaknefi, fo feeble and fo frail; That neither Devil, World, nor Flefh againft us may prevail. Our Enemies put far from us, and grant us to obtain Peace in our Hearts with God and Man, without grudge ordifdain. A 2 And' And grant, OLord, that thou being oiir leader and our guide, We may efchew the Snares of Sin, and from thee never Hide. To us fuch Plenty of thy Grace, good Lord, grant we thee pray That thou mayeft be our Comforter at the laft dreadful day. Of all ltrife and difTention, O Lord, dilfolve the Bands -, Make faft the knots of Peace and Love throughout all Chriftian lands. Grant us, O Lord, through thee to know the Father moft of might ^ That of his dear beloved Son we may attain the fight. And that with perfett Faith alfo we may acknowledge thee. The Spirit of them both alway, one God in perfons three. All laud and praife to the Father, and to the Son equal, And to the Holy Ghoft alio, one God co-eternal. And pray we that the only Son vouchfaie his Spirit to fend To all that do profeis his Name, even unto the worlds end. The Humble Suit of a Shiner. M. OLord on whom I do depend, behold my careful heart ; And when thy will and pleafure is, releafe me of my fmart, Thou fee'ft my forrows what they are, my grief is known to thee ^ And there is none that can remove, or take the lame from me. But only thou whole aid I crave, whole mercy ltill is preft To The Humble Suit of a Shiver, To eale all thole that come to thee for fuccour and for reft. And fince thou feeft my reftlets Eyes, my tears and grievous groan. Attend unto my fuit, O Lord, mark my complaint and moan. For fin hath fo incioled me, and compals'd me about, That I am now remedilefs, it mercy help not out. For mortal man cannot releafe, or mitigate this pain •, But even thy Chrilt, my Lord and God, who for my fins was ilain. Whole bloody Wounds are yet to lee, though not with mortal Eye 5 Yet do thy Saints behold them all and fo I truft (hall I. Though fin doth hinder me a while, when thou (halt lee it good, I mall enjoy the fight of him, who Hied for me his blood. And as thine Angels and thy Saints do now behold the lame y So truft I to poffefs that place, with them that praile thy name. But whilft I live here in this vale where finners do frequent Aflift me ever with thy grace, my fins itill to lament. Left that I tread the finners trace, and give them my confent To dwell with them in Wickednefs. whereto nature is bent. Only thy grace muft be my ftay, let that with me remain 5 For if I fall, then of my felf I cannot rile again. Wherefore this is yet once again my fuit and my requeft, A 3 To Venlte, Exultemus. PSALM XCV. To grant me pardon for my fin, that I in thee may reft. Then mail my Heart and Tongue alfo be inftruments of praife, And in thy Church and Houfe of faints fingPfalmsto thee always. Veiiite, Exultemus. Pfal. xcv. OCome and let us now rejoice and fing unto the Lord, And to our only Saviour, alio with one accord. O let us come before his Face, with inward reverence, Confefiing all our former fins, and that with diligence. To thank him for his benefits always diftributing-, Wherefore to him right joyfully, in Pfalms now let us fing ; And that becaufe our God alone, is Lord magnificent, And is above all other gods, a King omnipotent. . His people doth he not forfake at any time or tide -, And in his hands are all the coafts of all the world lb wide. And with his loving countenance he looketh every where, And doth behold the tops of all the Mountains far and near. The lea and all that is therein are his, for he them made j Alio his hand hath fafhioned the earth which doth not fade. O come therefore and worlfiip him, and down before him fall ; And let us kneel before the Lord, the which hath made us all. He Venite, Exultemm. PSALM XCV. He is our God, our Lord and King, and we his people are, His flock and fheep of his pafture, of whom he taketh care, This Day if you will hear his voice, then harden not your heart, As in the bitter murmuring. when ye were in delart. Which thing was of their negligence committed in the time Of trouble in the Wildernefs, a great and grievous crime. Whereas your Fathers tempted me, and try'd me every way : They proved me and faw my works, what I could do or lay. Thefe forty Years have I beengriev'd with this generation j And evermorel faid they err'd in their Imagination. Wherewith their Hearts were cumbred fore* long time and many days ; Wherefore I laid alTu redly they have not known my ways. To whom I in my *anger fwore, that they fhould not be blelt, Nor fee my Joy celeftial, nor enter in my reft. GLORIA PJTRl All laud and praifebe to the Lord., O that of might art moft, To God the Father and the Son, and to the Holy Ghoft, As it in the beginning was for ever heretofore, And is now at this prefent time, and fhall be evermore. A 4 The Te Deum. The Saiig of S. Ambrofe, called Te Deum. V V the only Lord to be, tal Father, all the i -.. : vvorftiip thee. To thee ; ry, the heavens and all the powers therein ; Cherub and Seraphin , ry they do O holv, holy, holy Loj of Sabboth Lord the God, Through heaven and earth thy praife is fpread, and glory all abroad, The Apoftles glorious company yield praifes unto thee •, The Prophets goodly Fellowship praife thee continually. The noble and victorious hoft of Martyrs found thy praile $ The Holy Church throughout the World acknowledge thee always. Father of" endlefs Majefty they do acknowledge thee •, Thy Chrift, thine honourable, true and only Son to be. The Holy G hoft the Comforter -, of glory thou art King, O Chrift, and cf the Father art the Son ■everlafting. When finrulmans decay in hand thou tookeft to reftore, To! e inclos'd ; n Virgins Womb, thou dideft not abhor, When thou nadir overcome of Death thefnarpand cruel might, Then heavens Kingdom didft open fet to each believing wight. In Glory of the Father thou { \ fit on Gods right hand ; We TJie Softg of the three Children. We truft that thou (halt come our Judge, our caufe to underitand. Lord, help thy fervants whom thou haft bought with thy precious blood, And in eternal glory fet them with thy Saints fo good. O Lord, do thou thy people fave, blefs thine inheritance •, Lord, govern them, and alfo do for ever them advance. We magnifie thee day by day, and world without an end Adore thy holy name, O Lord, vouchsafe us to defend From fin this day ^ have mercy, Lord, have mercy on us all ; And on us as we truft in thee, Lord, let thy mercy fail. O Lord, I have repofed all my confidence in thee -, Therefore let no confounding fliame my portion ever be. The Song of the three Children. OAU the works of God the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, Praife him and magnifie him for ever. 2 O ye Angels of the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 3 O ye the Starry heavens high, blefs ye the Lord, &x. 4 O ye the Waters 'bove the sky, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 5 O ye the Powers of the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 6 O ye the fhining Sun andMoon, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 7 Oye the glittering Stars of heaven, bleisyetheLord, &c. S O The Sow of the three Children. 8 O ye the fhow'rs and dropping dew, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 9 O ye the blowing Winds of God, blefs ye the Loid, &c. 10 O ye the Fire and warming heat, blefs ye the Lord, &c. li Ye winter and the fummertide, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 1 2 O ye the Dews and binding Frofts, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 13 O ye the Froftsand chilling cold, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 14 O ye congealed Ice and Snow, blelsyetheLord, &c. 15 O ye the Nights and lightlbme Days, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 16 Oye theDarknefs and the Light, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 1 7 O ye the lightnings and the clouds blels ye the Lord, &c. 18 O let the Earth eke blels the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 19 O ye the mountains and the hills, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 20 O all yegreen things on the earth, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 21 O ye the ever-fpringing wells, blelsyetheLord, 8cc. 22 O ye the feas, and eke the floods, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 25 Whales, and all that in the Waters move, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 24 O all ye flying Fowls of th' air, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 25 O all ye beads and cattle eke, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 26 O ye children of mankind, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 27 Let Ilrael eke blefs the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 28 O ye thePrieftsof God the Lord, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 29 O BenediSm. 29 Oyethefervants of the Lord, blefsyetheLord, &c. 30 Yefpiritsand fouls of right'ous Men, blefs ye the Lord, &c. 3 1 Ye holy, and the meek of heart, blefsyetheLord, &c. • 3 2 Ananias blefs the Lord, blefs thou the Lord, 8ic. 33 O Azarias blefs the Lord, blefs thou the Lord, &c. 34 And Mifaelbleis thou the Lord, 'blefs thou the Lord : Praife him, and magnifie him for ever. The Song of Zacharias, called Benedi&us,. THe only Lord of Ifrael be praifed evermore ; For through his vilitation, and mercy kept in ftore, His People now he hath redeem'd, that long have been in thrall, And fpread abroad his faving health upon his Servants all. In David's Houfe his fervant true according to his mind, And alfo his anointed King, as we in Scripture find. As by his holy Prophets all oft-times he did declare, The which were fincethe World began* his ways for to prepare. That we might be delivered from thofe that make debate, Our Enemies and from the Hands of all that do us hate. The mercy which he promifed our Fathets to fulfil. And think upon his covenant made according to his will. And alfo to perform the Oath which he before had fworn To Magnificat. To Abraham our Father dear, for us that were forlorn : That he would give himfelf for us., and us from bondage bring Out of the hands of all our Foes, to ierve our heavenly King: And that without all kind of fear, alio in righteoufheis ^ And alfo for to lead our lives in ftedfaft holinefs. And thou, O Child, which now art born, and of the Lord elecf, Shalt be the Prophet of thehigheft, his ways for to direft. For thou fhalt go before his face for to prepare his #ays, And alio for to teach his Will and pleafure all thy days. To give them knowledge how that their falvation is near ; And that remiiTion of their fins is through his mercy dear. Whereby the Day-foring from on high is come us to vifit, And thole for to illuminate which do in darknefs fit. To lighten thofe that fhadowed be with death, and are oppreft h And alio for to guide our Feet the way to peace and reft. The Song of the Ble/fed Tlrgin Mary, callsi Magnificat. \A Y Soul doth magnifie the Lord, my Spirir evermore Rejoyceth in the Lord my God, which is my laviour. And why > becaule he did regard, and gave reipetl: unto The low eftate of his hand-maid, and let the mighty go. For Nunc dimittjs. For now behold, all Nations, and generations all. From this time forth for evermore, fhall me right bleffed call. Becaule he hath me magnified, which is the Lord of mighty Whofe name be ever lanftified, and prailed day and night. For with his mercy and his grace, all men he doth inflame, Throughout all generations to fuch as fear his name. He mewed ftrength with liis great Arm, and made the ground to ftart, With all imaginations that they bear in their heart. He hath put down the mighty ones from their fupernal feat, And did exalt the meek in heart, as he hath thought it meet. The hungry he replenifhed with all things that were good, And through his power he made the rich oft-times to want their food. And calling to remembrance hi* great mercy very well, Hath holpen up afiiftantly his fervant Ilrael. According to his promife made to Abraham before, And to his Seed fucceflively, to ftand for evermore. The So?ig of Simeon, called Nunc dimittis* OLord becaule my hearts defire hath wifhed long to lee My only Lord and Saviour thv Son before I die, The joy and health of all mankind, defired long before, Whick {gitiamque vult. Which now is come into the world, of mercy bringing ftore, That fuffereft thy fervant now in peace for to depart, According to thy holy word, which lightneth my heart. Becauie mine Eyes which thou haft made to give my body light, Have now beheld thy laving health, which is the Lord of might. Whom thou halt mercifully fet, of thine abundant grace, In open fight and vifible before all peoples face. The Gentiles to illuminate, and Satan over-quell ; Alfo to be the glory of thy people Ifrael. The Symbol or Creed of Athanafius, called Quicunque vult. r Hat man foever he be that falvation will attain, The Catholick belief he mult before all things retain. Which faith unlefs he wholly keep, and undeflledly, Without all doubt eternally he fhall be fure to die. The Catholick belief is this, that God we worfhip one In Trinity, and Trinity • in Unity alone : So as we neither do confound thePerfonsof the three, Nor yet the fubftance whole of one, in funder parted be. One Pet fon of the Father is, another of the Son, Another Perfon proper of the Holy Gholt alone. Of W 1 ghucunque vult. Of Father, Son and Holy Ghoft, but one the Godhead is : Like Glory, co-eternai eke the Majefty likewife. Such as the Father is, fuch is the Son in each degree : And fuch alio we do believe the Holy Ghoft to be. Uncreate is the Father, and uncreate is the Son, The Holy Ghoft uncreate, fo uncreate is each one. Incomprehenfible Father is, incomprehenfii^e Son, And comprehenfible alio is the Holy Choii of none. The Fathf - i ; eternal, and the Son eternal io, And in like fort eternal is, the Hoiy Ghoft alio. And yet though we believe that each of thefe eternal be : Yet there but one Eternal is, and not Eternals three. Asne incomprenenfible we, ne yet uncreate three, But one incomprehenfible, one uncreate hold to be. Almighty fo the Father is, the Son Almighty fo, And in like fort Almighty is the Holy Ghoft alfo. And albeit that every one of theie Almighty be , Yet there hut one Almighty is, and not almighties three." The Father God is, God the Son, God Holy Ghoft alfo: Yet are there not three Gods at all, but one God and no mo. So ^ulcunque vult. So likewife God rhc Father is, and Lord alfo the Son, And Lord the Holy Ghoft : yet are there not three Lords, but one. For as we are compell'dto grant by Chriitian verity. Each of the perfons by hlmfelf both God and Lord to be : So Catholick Religion forbiddeth us alway, That either Gods be three, or that there Lords be three, to fay. Of none the Father is, ne made, ne create, nor begot : The Son is of the Father, not create, ne made, but got : The Holy Ghoft is of them both, the Father and the Son 5 Ne made, ne Create, nor begot, but doth proceed alone. So we one Father hold, not thret, one Son alfo, not three, One Holy Ghoft alone, and not three Holy Ghofts to be. None in this Trinity before nor after other is : Ne greater any than the reft, ne leiTer be likewiie. But every one among themielvc-s of all the perfons three, Together co-eternal all, and all co-equal be. So Unity in Trinity as laid it is before, And Trinity in Unity in all things we adore. Therefore what man foever that falvation will attain, This faith touching the Trinity of force he muft retain, And ^uzcungue vult. And needful to eternal life it is, that every wight Of the incarnating of Chrift our Lord believe aright. For this the right faith is, that we believe and eke do know, That Chrift our Lord the Son of God is God and man alio : God of his Fathers fubftance got before the world began, And of his Mothers fubftance born in world a very man. Both perfect God and perfect Man in one, one Jefus Chrift : That doth of reafonable foul and humane rlefh fubfifb Touching his Godhead, equal with his Father God is he : Touching his Manhood, lower than his Father in degree. Who though he be both very God and very man alfb, Yet is he but one Chrift alone* and is not perfbns two. One not by turning of Godhead into the rlefh of man*- But by taking manhood to God* this being one began. All one, not by confounding of the fubftance into one y But only by the Unity that is of one Perfbn. For as the reafonable foul and rlefh but one man. is : So in one Perfon God and Man is but one Chrift likewife. Who fuffered for to fave us all, to hell he did defcend : The third day role again from death* to heaven he did afcend. B He The Lamentation of a [inner. He fits at the right hand of God th 1 Almighty Father there : From thence to judge the quick and dead agahi he (hall appear. At whofe return all men fhall rife with bodies new reftor'd, And of their own wotks they fhall give account unto the Lord. And they into eternal life fhall go that have done well : Who have done ill, fhall go into eternal fire to dwell. This is the Catholick belief: who doth not faithfully Believe the fame, without all doubt he faved cannot be. To Father, Son and holy Ghoft, all glory be therefore : As in beginning was, is now, and fhall be evermore. Tl)e Lamentation of a Jinner. OLord turn not away thy face From him that lies proftrate, Lamenting fore his. finful life Before thy mercy gate. Which gate thou openeft wide to thofe That do lament their fin : Shut not that gate againft me, Lord, But let me enter in. And call me not to ftricT: account. How I have lived here : For then I know right well, O Lord, How vile I fhall appear. I need not to confels my life, I am fure thou canft tell : "What I have been, and and what I am, I know thou know'ft it well. O Lord thou know'ft what- things be paft, Alfo the things that be : Thou Pater-Nofier. Decalogue. Thou know'ft alio what is to come, Nothing is hid from thee. Before the heav'ns and earth were made; Thou k'new'ft what things were then, As all things elfe that have been fince Among the fons of men. And can the things that I have done Be hidden from thee then ? No, no, thou know'it them all, O Lord, Where they were done and when. Wherefore with tears I come to thee To beg and to intreat, Even as the child that hath done ill, And feareth to be beat. So come I to thy mercy gate, Where mercy doth abound, Defiring mercy for my fin, To heal my deadly wound. Lord I need not to repeat What I do beg or crave : Thou knowli, O Lord , before I ask, The thing that I would have. Mercy, good Lord, mercy I ask. This is the total fum : For mercy, Lord, is all my fuir, Lord, let thy mercy come. The Lord's Prayer-, or Pater-Nofter, OU R Father which in heaven art, Lord, Hallowed be thy Name : Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, even as the fame In heaven is. Give us, Lord, our daily bread this day. As we forgive our debters, fo forgive our debts we pray, Into temptation lead us not, from evil make us free. For kingdom, power, and glory thine, both now and ever be. B 2 The The X. CommaiiUments. The X. Commandments. Andi^ Ifrael. Exod. 20. HEark Ifrael, and what I fay give heed to underftand - y I am the Lord thy God that brought thee out of Egypt Land, Even from the houfe wherein thou didft in thraldom live a flave ; None other gods at all, before my prefence (halt thou have. No manner of graven Image (halt, thou make at all to thee - y Nor any other figure elfe fhall counterfeited be. Of any thing in heaven above, nor in the earth below ; Nor in the waters under earth, to them thou fhak not bow. Nor (halt thou ferve •, the Lord thy God, a jealous God is he Punilhing Parents faults unto the third and fourth degree, Upon their Children that me hatej and mercy do difplay To thou land of fuch as me love, and my precepts obey. The name thou of the Lord thy God in vain fhalt never ufe ; For him that takes his name in vain the Lord will not excufe. Remember that thou holy keep the facred Sabbath-day -, Six days thou labour fhalt, and do thy needful works alway. The feventh day is fet by the Lord thy God to reft upon 5 No work then fhalt thou do in it, not thou, nor yet thy Son. Thy The complaint of a firmer. Thy daughter, fervant, nor thy maid, thine ox, nor yet thine aTs, Nor ftranger that within thy gates hath his abiding-place. For in fix days God heaven and earth, and all therein did make; And after thofe his reft he did upon the feventh day take. Wherefote he bleft the day that he for refting did ordain, ' And facted to himfelf alone appointed to remain. Yield honour to thy Parents, that prolong'd thy days may be Upon the land the which the Lord thy God hath given thee. Thou fhalt not murther. Thou fhalt not commit adultery. Thou fhalt not fteal. Nor witnefs falfe againft thy neighbour be. Thou fhalt not covet houfe that to thy neighbour doth belong : Nor covet fhalt in having of his wife to do him wrong. Nor his man-fervant, nor his maid, nor ox nor afs of his, Nor any other thing that to thy neighbour proper is. The complaint of a finner. WHere righteoufnefs doth fay. Lord, for my finful part, In wrath thou fhould'ft me pay Vengeance for my defert : I can it not deny, But needs I muft confefs, How that continually, Thy laws I do tranfgrefs, B * But TJje complaint of a [inner. But if it be thy will With finners to contend, Then all thy flock fhall fpill, And be loft without end. For who lives here fo rights That rightly he can fay, He fins not in thy light Full oft and every day > The Scripture plain tells me, The righteous man offendeth Seven times a day againft thee, Whereon thy wrath dependeth \ So that the righteous man Doth walk in no fuch path, But he falls now and then In danger of thy wrath, In, &c. Then fince the cafe fo ftands, That even the man right wife, Falls oft in finful bands, Whereby thy wrath may rife $ Lord, I that am unjuft^ And righteoufnefs none have, Whereto then fhall I truft My finful foul to fave > My, &c. But truely to that poll Whereto I cleave and fhall, Which is thy mercy moff, Lord, let thy mercy fall, And mitigate thy mood, Or elfe we perifh all, The price of this thy blood , Wherein mercy I call. The Scripture doth declare No drop of blood in thee, But that thou didft not fpare To fhed each drop for me. Now let thofe drops molt fweet So moift my heart fo dry 5 That I with fin replote, Mav live, and fin may die, That PSALM I. That having mortifi'd This fin of mine in me, I may be lan&ify'd By grace of thine in thee, So that I never fall Into fuch mortal fin, That my foes infernal Rejoice my death therein. But vouchfafe me to keep From thole infernal foes And from that lake fo deep, Whereon no mercy grows. And I mail fing the longs Confirmed with the juft, That unto thee belongs, Which art my only trull. ? The PSALMS of DAVID InMETRE. Beatus vir. Plal. i. T. S. TH E man is bleft that hath not lent to wicked Men his ear : Nor led his life as finners do nor fate in fcorners chair. 2 But in the law of God the Lord doth fet his whole delight : And in that law doth exercife himfelf both day and night. 3 He Ihall be like the tree that grows near to the rivers fide : Which bringeth forth molt pleafant fruit in her due time and tide. "Whofe leaf lhall never fade nor fall, but rlourifh itill and Hand : Even fo all things lhall prolper well • that this Man takes in hand. 4 So fhall not the ungodly Men ? they lhall be nothing fo : B 4 But PSALM IT. But as the chaff which by the wind is driven to and fro. 5 Therefore fhall not the wicked Men in judgement ftand upright : Nor yet the finners with the jufl, (hall come in place or fight, 6 For why > the way of Godly Men unto the Lord is known : Alio the way of Wicked Men fhall quite be overthrown. ^tiare fremuerunt ? Plal. ii. 7*. S. WH Y did the Gentiles tumults raile > what rage was in their brain ? Why do the people ftill contrive a thing that is but vain > 2 The Kings and rulers of the earth confpire, and are all bent Againft the Lord, and Chrift his Son, which he among us lent. 5 Shall we be bound to them ? lay they ^ let a! 1 their bonds be broke And of their Do£trine and their Law let us reje£l the yoke. 4 But he mat in the Heaven dwells, their doings will deride : And make them all as mocking-ftocks, throughout the world fo wide. 5 For in his wrath he fhall reprove tr eir pride and fcornful way : And in his fury trouble them, and unto them fhall fay, 6 I have anointed him my King upon my holy hill : I will therefore, Lord, preach thy law, according to thy will. 7 The Law whereof the Lord himfelf hath thus laid unto me, Thou art my only Son, this day have I begotten thee. 8 All PSALM III. 8 All people I will give to thee, as heirs at thy requeft : The ends and coafts of all the earth by thee fhall be potTeft. 9 Thou (halt them bruife even like to thole, that under Foot are trod : And as a potters velTel break them with an iron rod. 10 Now ye, O Kings and Rulers all, be wile therefore and learn'd, By whom the matters of the world be judged and difcerned. 1 1 See that ye ferve the Lord above, in trembling and in fear : See that with reverence ye rejoyce when ye to him draw near. 12 See that ye kils and do embrace his Son without delay : Left in his wrath ye fuddenly perifh from the right-way. 1 5 If once his wrath never fb fmall fhall kindle in his breaft : Then only they that truft in Chrift mail happy be, and bleft. Domine^ quid. Pfal. iii. T. S. OLord how are my foes increaft, which vex me more and more } 2 They break my heart when as they lay, God can him not reltore. 3 But thou (0 Lord) art my defence, when I am hard beftead : My worfhip and mine honour both, and thou holdft up my head. 4 Then with my voice upon the Lord I did both call and cry : And he out of his holy hill did hear me inftantly. 5 I laid me down, and quietly I ilept and rofe again • For PSALM IV. For why ? I know aiTuredly, the Lord did me iuftain. 6 If thouiands up againit me rife, I will not be afraid : For thou art ftill my Lord and God, my Saviour and mine aid*. Rife up therefore, fave me, my God, to thee now I do call : 7 For thou haft broke the cheeks and teeth of thefe wicked men all. 8 Salvation only doth belong to thee, O Lord, above : Who on thy people doft beftow thy blefling and thy love. Cum invocarem. Pfal iv. T. S. OGod that art my righteoufhefs, Lord hear me when I call .■ Thou haft let me at liberty, ' when I was bound in thrall : 2 Have mercy, Lord, therefore on me. and grant me my requeft : For unto thee inceflantly, to cry I will not reft. 9 O mortal men, how long will ye ? my glory thus deipife ? Why wander ye in vanity, and follow after lyes ? 4 Know ye that good and godly men the Lord doth take and chufe : And when to him I make complaint, he doth me not refute. 5 Sin not, but ftand in awe therefore examine well your heart •, And in your chamber quietly, lee you your felves convert- 6 Offer to God the Sacrifice of righteoufnefs and praife : And look that in the living Lord you put your truft always. 7 The PSALM VI. 7 The greater fort crave worldly goods, and riches do embrace : But, Lord, grant us thy countenance, thy favour and thy grace. 8 For thou thereby (halt make my heart more joyful and more glad, Than they that of their corn and wine full great increafe have had. 9 In peace therefore lie down will I, taking my reft and fleep : For thou only doft me, O Lord, preferve and fifely keep. Verba mea auribus. Pfal. v. T. S. INcline thine ears, O Lord, and let my words have free accels 2 To thee who art my God and King, from whom I leek redrefs. 3 Hear me betime, Lord, tarry not, for I will have reipe£t, My fupplication in the morn to thee for to direcl. 4 And I will truft through patience in thee mv God alone : Thou art not pleas'd with wickednefs, and ill with thee dwells none. 5 Such as be foolifh mall not ftand in fight of thee, O Lord : Vain workers of iniquity thou haft always abhorr'd. 6 The liars and bafe flatterers mall be deftroy'd by thee, Blood thirfty and deceitful men likewile mall hated be. 7 Therefore will I come to thine houfe, trufting upon thy grace : And reverently will worfhip thee, toward thine holy place. 8 Lord, lead me in thy righteoufnefs, for to confound my foes : Alio PSALM VI. Alfb the way that I fhould walk before my face difclole. 9 For in their mouths there is no truth, their inward filth is great : Their throat an open fepulchre, and tongues full of deceit. 10 Deftroy their falfe confpiracies, that they may come to nought : Subvert them in their heaps of fin, which have rebellion wrought. 1 1 But thofe that put their truft in thee, let them be glad always, And render thanks for thy defence, and give thy name the praile. 1 2 For thou with favour wilt increafe the juft and righteous ftill : And with thy grace, as with a fhield, defend him from all ill : Domine,ne in furore. Pfal. vi. T.S. LOrd, in thy wrath reprove me not, though I delerve thine ire : Nor yet correct me in thy rage, O Lord I thee defire. 2 For I am weak, therefore, O Lord, of mercy me forbear : And heal me, Lord, for why? thou know'fl my bones do quake for fear. 3 My foul is troubled very fore, and vexed vehemently : But, Lord, how long wilt thou delay to cure my mifery ? 4 Lord, turn thee to thy wonted grace, my fainting foul up take - y O fave me, not for my deferts, but for thy mercies fake. 5: For why > no man among the dead remembreth thee one whit : Or who (hall worfhip thee, Lord, in the Infernal pit ? 6 So PSALM VII. 6 So grievous is my plaint and moan, that I wax wondrous faint : All the night long I wafh my bed with tears of my complaint. 7 My fight is dim and waxeth old with anguifh of my heart, For fear of them that be my foes, and would my foul fubvert. 8 But now depart from me, all ye that work iniquity : Becaufe the Lord hath heard the voice of my complaint and cry. 9 He heard not only the requeft and prayer of my heart: But it received at my hands, and took it in good part. io And now my foes that vexed me the Lord will foon defame : And fuddenly confound them all, with great rebuke and ffiame. Domxne Deiis metis. Pfal. vii. T. S. OLord my God, I put my truft and confidence in thee, Save me from them that me purfue, and ftill deliver me. 2 Left like a lion he me tear and rend in pieces lmall, while there is none to fuccour me, and rid me out of thrall. 3 O Lord my God, if I -have done the thing that is not right, Or elfe if I be found in fault, or guilty in thy fight: 4 Or to my friend rewarded ill, or left him in diftrefs, Which me purfird molt cruelly and hated me cauflefs : 5 Then let my foe purfue my foul- let him my life down thruft : Unto PSALM VII. Unto the earth, and alfo lay- mine honour in the duft. 6 Stand up, O Lord, now in thy wrath, and put my foes to pain: Perform the Kingdom promiied, to me which wrong fuitain. 7 Then mail great nations come to thee -and know thee by this thing, If thou declare for love of them, thy felf as Lord and King. 8 And as thou art of all Men Judge, Lord, now judge thou me According to my righteoufnefs, and mine integrity. The feconcl part. 9 Lord ceafe the hate of wicked men, and be the juft man's guide : io By whom the fecrets of all hearts are fearched and deicry'd. ill take my help to come of God, in all my pain and fmart, That doth prelerve all thole that be of pure and perfect heart. 1 2 The juft man and the wicked both; God judgeth by his power : So that he feels his mighty hand even every day and hour. 1 1 Except he change his mind, I die ^ for even as he mould fmite, He whets his fword, his bow he bends, aiming where he may hit : 14 And doth prepare his mortal darts, his arrows keen and fharp, For them that do me perfecute, whilft he doth mifchief warp. 1 $ But lo, though he in travail be . of his dev'lifh forecaft, And of his mifchief once conceiv'd yet brings forth nought at laft. 16 He PSALM VIIL 16 He digs a ditch, and makes it deep, in hope to hurt his brother : But he (hall fall into the pit that he digg'd up for other. 17 Thus wrong returneth to the hurt of him in whom it bred, And all the mifchief that he wrought mall fall on his own head. 18 I will give thanks to God therefore that judgeth righteoufly, And with my Song will praife the name of him that is moft high. Domitte Deus nofter. Pfal. viii. T. S. OGod our Lord, how wonderful, are thy works every where, Thy fame furmounts in dignity above the heavens clear ! 2 Even by the mouth of fucking babes thou wilt confound thy foes : For in thole babes thy might is feen, thy graces they difcioie. 3 And when I lee the heavens high, the works of thine own hand •, The Sun, the Moon, and all the ftars in order as they ftand : 4 Lord, what is Man that thou of him tak'ft fuch abundant care ? Or what the fon of man, whom thou to vifit doth not fpare > $ For thou haft made him little lels than Angels in degree : And thou haft alfo crown'4 hiro with glory and dignity. 6 Thou haft preferr'd him to be lord of all thy works of wonder: And at his feet haft let all things, that he mould keep them under. ' 7 As fheep and neat, and all beafts elfe, that in the field do feed ; 8 Fowls PSALM IX 8 Fowls of the air, fifh in the lea, and all that therein breed. Therefore muft I lay once again, O God thou art our Lord, 9 How famous and how wonderful are thy works through the world. Conftebortibi^Dombte. Pial. ix.T.S. YU Ith heart and mouth unto the Lord will I ling laud and praife : And ipeak of all thy wondrous works, and then declare always. 2 I will be glad and much rejoyce in thee, O God molt high , And make my longs extol thy Name above the ftarry sky. 3 Becaule my foes are driven back, and turned unto flight : They fall down flat and are deltroyed by thy great power and might. 4 Thou haft revenged all my wrong, my grief and all my grudge. Thou doll with Jultice hear my caufe, moft like a righteous judge. 5 Thou doft rebuke the heathen folk, and wicked fo confound, That afterward the memory of them cannot be found. 6 Deftru&ions to an end are come, and cities overthrown ^ With them likewile is perilhed. their fame and great renown. 7 Know thou that he which is above for evermore fhall reign, And in the leat of equity- true judgment will maintain. 8 With Juftice he will keep and guide the world and every wight : And 16 will yield with equity, ■ to every man his right 9 He PSALM IX, 9 He is prote&or of the poor, what time they be oppreft : He is in all Adverfity their refuge and their reft. 10 And they that know thy holy Name therefore fhall truft in thee : For thou forfaketh not their fuit in their neceffity. The Second Part. ii Sing Pfalms therefore unto the Lord, who dwells on Sion Hill : Among the People all declare his noble a£ls and will. 1 2 For he is mindful of the Blood of thole that be oppreft : Forgetting not the humble Man thatfeeks to him for reft. 1 3 Have Mercy, Lord, on me poor wretch, my Foes do yet remain : For from the gates of death thou doft, ftillraife me up again. 14 In Sion that I may let forth thy Praiie with Heart and Voice, And that in thy Salvation, my Soul may ftill rejoyce. 15 The heathen ftick fail in the pit that they themlelves prepaid, And in the net that they did hide their own Feet are enfnar'd, 16 By judgments great the Lord is known, whilit wicked men are caught, And fall entangled in the work which their one hands,have wrought. 17 The wicked and deceitful Men go down to hell below, And all the People of the World, that God refule to know. 1 8 Be fure the Lord will not forget the poor mans grief and pain : C The PSALM X. The patient People never look for help of him in vain. 19 OLord arife, left Men prevail that be of worldly might : And let the heathen folk receive their judgment in thy light. 20 Lord, ftrike fuch terror, fear and dread into their Hearts, and then They will be ibrced to confels themfelves to be but Men. XJt quid, Domine. Pfal. x. T. S. y^f Hat is the cauie that thou, O Lord, art now fo far from thine, And keepeft clofc thy countenance from us this troublous time > 2 The poor do perifh by the proud, and wicked mens defire : Let them be taken in the craft that they themfelves confpire. 3 For in the lull of his own heart the ungodly doth delight : So doth the wicked praife himfelf, and doth the Lord defpite. 4 He is fo proud, that right and wrong he fetteth all apart : Nay, nay, there is no God, faith he, for thus he thinks in heart. 5 Becaufe his ways do profper (till, he doth thy laws neglecf, And with a blaft doth puff againft fuch as would him correft. 6 Turn, tufh, faith he, I have no dread, left my eftate mould change : And why ? for all adverfity to him is very ftrange. 7 His mouth is full of curfedneis, of fraud, deceit and guile : Under his tongue there nothing is but what's moft bale and vile. 8 He PSALM X. 8 He lyethhid in ways and holes to flay the innocent : Againft the poor that pafs by him • his cruel eyes are bent. 9 And like a Lyon privily lies lurking in his den, If he may fnare them in his net, and ipoil poor iimple men. 10 With cunning craft and fubtilty he crouchech down alway : u So are great heaps of poor men made by his ftrong Power his Prey. Hie Second Part. 12 Turn ! God forgetteth this, iaithhe, Therefore I may be bold : His countenance is calf afide, He doth it not behold. 13 Ariie, O Lord our God, in whom the poor Man's hope doth reft : Lift up thy Hand, do not forget the poor that be oppreft . 14 What Blafphemy is this to thee, Lord, doft thou not abhor it, To hear the wicked in their Heart lay, Tufh ! thou car'ft not for it ? 15 But thou feeft all their Wickednefs, and well doll underftand 16 That friend Jefs and poor fatherlels are left into thy hand. 17 Of wicked and malicious men then break the power for ever : that they with their iniquity may perilh altogether. 18 The Lord mall reign for evermore as King and God alone, And he will chafe the heathen folk out of the Land each one. 19 Thou heareft Lord the poors complaint their pray'r and their requeit ; C 2 Their PSALM XL Their hearts thou wilt confirm, until, thine ears to hear be preli : 20 To jud e chenoor and fatherlefs and help them to their right •, That thej r may be nomoieoppreft by men of worldly might. In Domino confido. Pfal. xi. T. S< TN God the Lord I put my truft, ■* why fay ye to my Soul, Unto the mountain iwiftly flie, as doth the winged Fowl. 2 Behold the wicked bend their bows, and make their arrows preft, To (hoot in fecret and to hurt the found and harmlefs breaft. 3 Of worldly hope all flays were fhrunk,. and clearly brought to nought : Alas, the juit and righteous man, what evil hath he wrought ? 4 But he that in his temple is moft holy and molt high, And in the heavens hath his ieat of royal Majefty. The poor and fimple man's eftate confidereth in his mind, And fearchethout full narrowly the manners of mankind •, 5 And with a cheerful countenance . the righteous man willufe : But in his Heart he doth abhor all fuch as mifchief mule. 6 And on the finners caiteth fnares, as think as any rain, Brimftone and Fire, and whirlwinds thick, appointed for their pain. 7 Ye fee then how a righteous God doth Righteoufnefs embrace, And unto juftand upright men fhews fbtth hispleafant face, Sal- PSALM. XII, XIII. Salvum me fac. Plfal. xil. T. S. HElp, Lord, for good and godly men, do perifh and decay .: And faith and truth from worldly men is parted clean away. 2 Whofo doth with his neighbour talk, 'tis all but vanity : For every man bethinketh how to lpeak deceitfully. ? But flattering and deceitful lips, and tongues that be fo flout, To fpeak proud words and make great brags, the Lord loon cuts them out •, 4 For they Jay ltill, we will prevail, our lips mall us extol : Our tongues are ours, we ought to lpeak 3 what Lord (hall us controul ? $ But for the great complaint and cry of poor and men oppreft, I will arife now, lakh the Lord, and them reftore to reft : 6 God's word is like to filver pure, that from the drols is tri'd, And hath no lefs than feven times in fire been purify'd. 7 Now fincethypromifeis to help, Lord, keep thy promile then : And lave us now and evermore^ from this ill kind of men. 8 For now the wicked world is full of Mifchiefs manifold, When vanity with worldly men,. fo highly is extolled. Ufque guo^ Domine. Pfal. xiii. T. S, TJOw long wilt thou forget me, Lord, mail it for ever be ? How long wilt thou entend to hide thy Face away from me > C 3. 2 In. PSALM XIV. 1 In heart and mind how long fhall I with care tormented be : And how long fhall my deadly foe thus triumph over me ? 3 Behold me now, my Lord, my God, and hear me fore oppreft, Lighten mine Eyes, left that I ileep, as one by Death poffeft : 4 Left that mine Enemy do fay, behold, I do prevail ; . Left they alio that hate my Soul, rejoycetofee me fail. 5 But from thy mercy and goodnefs my hope fhall not depart < In thy relief and faving Health rght gl d fhall he my Heart. 6 I will give thanks unco the Lord, and prai fes to him ling : Becaufe he hath heard my requeft, and granted my wifhing. Dixit hfipens. Pfal. xiv. T. S. THere is no God do foolifh men affirm in their mad mood : ^ Their drifts are all corrupt and vain, not one of them doth good. 2 The Lord beheld from Heav'n moft high the whole race of Mankind : And faw not one that fought indeed the living God to find. 3 They went all wide and were corrupt, and truly there was none : That in the world did any good, no not fo much as one, 4 Is all their judgment fo far loft, that all work mifchief {till, Eating my people even as bread, not one to feek God's wili ? 5 When they thus rage, t hen fuddenly great fear an them fhall fall : For PSALM XV. For God doth love the righteous men, and will prelerve them all. 6 Ye mock the doings of the poor, to their reproach and fbame : Becaufe they put their truft in God, and call upon his Name. 7 But who mall give thy oeople health ? and when wilt thou fulfill, Thy promile made to Ifrael from out of Sion hill > 8 Even when thou (halt reftore again fuch as were captive led, Then Jacob mall therein rejoyce, and Ifrael be glad. Domhe. qms. Pial. xv. T.S. Within thy tabernacle, Lord, who mail inhabit ftill? Or whom wilt thou receive to dwell in thy moft holy hill > i The man whole life is tfncorrupf, whofe words are juft and ftreight : Whole heart doth think the very truth, whole tongue fpeaks no deceit. 3 That to his Neighbour doth none ill in body, goods or name, Nor willingly doth move falfe tales, which might impair the lame. 4 That in his Heart regardeth not malicious wicked men, But thofe that love and fear the Lord he maketh much of them. 5 His Oath and all his promifes that keepeth faithfully, Although he make his cov'nant fa that he doth lofe thereby. 6 That putteth not to ufury his money and his coyn, Nor for to hurt the innocent doth bribe or elle purloyn. C 4 7 Whofq PSALM XVI. 7 Whofo doth all things as you fee that here is to be done, Shall never perifh in this world, nor in the world to come. Conferva me. Pfal. xvi. T. S. LOrdkeep me, for I truft in thee, and do confefs indeed, Thou art my God, and of* my goods, thou haft not any need. 2 Therefore I give them to the Saints that in the world do dwell, Namely, unto the faithful flock in vertue tha t excel. 3 Their forrows fhall be multiply'd, who run io haftily To offer to the idol-gods, that are but vanity. 4 As for their bloudy facrificQ and offerings of that fort, I will not touch, nor yet thereof my lips fhall make report. 5 For why ? the Lord the portion is of mine inheritance ; And thou art he that doth preferve my lot from all mifchance. 6 The place wherein my lot is fall'n in beauty doth excel : Mine heritage arlign'd to me doth pleafe me wondrous well. 7 I thank the Lord that cau fed me to underftand the right, For by his means my fecret thoughts do teach me every night. 8 I fet the Lord ftill in my fight, and truft him over all: For hedorh ftana on my right Hand, therefore I fhall not fall. 9 Wherefore my heart and tongue alio rejoyce exceedingly : My PSALM XVII. My Flefh likewife doth reft in hope, to rile again ; for why > io Thou wilt not leave my foul in grave, for, Lord, thou lovelt me : Nor yet wilt give thine holy one corruption for to lee. 1 1 But wilt me teach the way to life, where there is joy in ftore, And where at thy right hand there are pleafures for evermore. Ex audi, Domhie. Plal. xvii. T, S. OLord give ear to my juft caule, attend when I complain 2 And hear the Prayer .that I put forth with lips that do not feign. 2 And let the judgment of my caule proceed always from thee : And let thine eyes behold and clear this my fimplicity. 3 Thou haft well try'd me in the night, and yet could'ft nothing find That I have fpoken with my tongue that was not in my mind. 4 As for the works of wicked men, ' and paths perverie and ill, For love of thy moft holy I^ame, I have refrained ftill. $ Then in thy paths that be moft pure ftay me, Lord, and prelerve, ;l That from the way wherein I walk my fteps may never fwerve : 6 For I do call to thee, O Lord, furely thou wilt me aid : Then hear my prayer, and weigh right well the words that I have laid. 7 O thou the Saviour of all them that put their truft in thee, Declare thy ftrength on them that lpurri againft thy Maje'fty. 3 PSALM XVII. 8 keep me as thou wouldeftkeep the apple of thine eye : And under covert of thy wings, defend me fecretly. The Second Part. 9 From wicked men that trouble me, and daily me anoy, And from my foes that go about my foul for to deftroy : io Which wallow in their worldly wealth and are fo full and fat, That in their pride they do not fpaie to fpeak they care not what. 1 1 They lye in wait where I mould pafs, with craft me to confound : And mufing mifchief in their minds, to caft me to the ground, 12 Much like a lion greedily, that would h'sprey embrace, Or luicking like a lions whelp, within fome iecret place. 15 Up, Lord, in hafte, prevent my foe, and caft him at my Feet : Save thou my Soul from the ill man, and with thy (word him fmite. 14 Deliver me, Lord, by thy power out of thefe tyrants hands : Which now fo long time reigned have, and kept us in their bands. 1 5 I mean from worldly men, to whom all worldly goods are rife, That have no hope nor part of joy but in this prefent life. 1 6 Thou of thy (tore their bellies fill'ft with pleafure to their mind : Their children have enough, and leave the reft to theirs behind. 17 But I (hall with pureconfcien.ce behold thy gracious face : S© PSALM XVIII. So when I wake I fhall be full of thine image and grace. Diligamte^ Doming Pial. xviii. T. D 2 2 To PSALM XXII. 2 To thee, my God, even all daylong I do both cry and call-.- I ceale not all the night, and yet Thou heareft not at all. 3 But thou that in thy holy place continually doft dwell, Thou art the Joy the Comfort and glory of Ifrael. 4 And he in whom our Fathers old,, had all their hope for ever : And when they put their truft in thee, thou didlt them ftill deliver. 5 They were deliver'd ever when they called on thy Name : And for the faith they had in thee they were not put tofhame. 6 But 1 am now become more like a worm than to a Man : An out-caft whom the People fcom with all the ipite they can. 7 All Men deipileas they behold me walking on the way : They grin, make mouths and nod their heads, and on this wife do lay, 8 This Man did glory in the Lord, his favour and his love, Let him redeem and help him now, his Power if he will prove. 9 But from the Prifbn of the womb I was by thee releaft : Thou didlt preferve me ftill in hope, while I did fuck the Breaft. io I was committed from my Birth, with thee to have abode : Since I was in my Mothers womb, thou haft been ftill my God. The Secoyid Part. 1 1 Then, Lord depart not now from me in this my prefent grief : $nce PSALM XXII. Since I have none to be my help, my fuccour and relief. 1 2 So many Bulls do compafs me, that be full ftrong of head : Yea bulls fb fat as tho 5 they had in Bafan field been fed. 1 7, They gape upon me greedily, as tho' they would me flay, Much like a lion roaring out, and ramping for his Prey. 14 But I drop down like Water fried. my joynts in funder break. My heart doth in my body melt, like wax, I am fo weak. 1 5 My ftrength doth like a Potfherd dry, my tongue it cleaveth fait Unto my Jaws, and I am brought toduft of death at lalt. 16 And many dogs do compafs me, in council they do meet : Confpiring ftill againft my Life piercing my hands and feet. 17 I was tormented 10 that I might all my bones have told ; Yet ftill upon me they do look, and ftill they me behold. 1 8 My garments they divided have in parts among them all : And for my Coat they did caft lots to whom it might befal*. 19 Therefore I pray thee be not far from me at my great need : But rather, fince thou art my ftrength, to help me, Lord, makefpeed, 20 And from the fword fave thou my Soul by thy might and thy power : And ever keep my darling dear from dogs that would devoiir. 2 1 And from the lions mouth, that would me all in funder fhiver, D s : id PSALM XXII. And from the horns of unicorns Lord, fafely me deliver- 22 Then fhall I to my brethren all thy Majefty record : And in thy Church fhall praife the name of thee the living Lord. The Third Pan. 27, All ye that fear him praife the Lord, ' thou , Jacob, honour him : And all the feed of Ifrael wi th reverence worm ip him. 24 For he defpifeth not the poor he hideth not away His Countenance when they do call, but hears them when they pray. 2 $ Among the folk that fear the Lord I will therefore proclaim Thy praife, and keep my promife made for fetting forth thy name. 26 The poor fhall eat and be fuffie'd, and thole that do endeavour, To know the Lord fhall praife his name their Hearts (hall live for ever. 27 The coafts of all the Earth fhali praife the Lord, and feek his grace : The heathen folk fhall worfhip him before his blelTed face. 2% The Kingdoms of the heathen folk the Lord fhall have therefore, And he fhall be their Governour, and King for evermore. 29 The rich Men of his goodly gifts fhall feed and talte alfo : And in his prefence worfhip him and bow their knees full low. 10 And all that fhall go down to duft, of life by him fhall tafte : A feed mail ferve and worfhip him while any world (hall laft. 31 Thr PSALM XXIII. 5 1 They mall declare, and plainly fhew his truth and righteoufnefs Unto a people yet unborn, who fhall his name coniefs. Dominus regit me. Pfal.XXIIL TKJF. HTHe Lord is only my fupport, and he that doth me feed : How can I then lack any thing whereof I Hand in need. 2 He doth me fold in coats molt fafe the tender Grafs fall by : And after drives me to the ftreams which run moft pleafantly. 3 And when I feel my felf near loft, then doth he me home take, Conducing me in his right paths even for his own Name's lake. 4 And though I were even at Death's door, yet would I fear none ill ; For with thy rod and fhepherd's crook I am comforted ftill. $ Thou haft my Table richly deckt in delpite of my foe : That haft my head with balm refrefht, my cup doth overflow. 6 And finally while breath doth laft, thy grace mall me defend, And in the Houfe of God will I my life for ever ipend. Another of the fame, by T. S. \>i Y Shepherd is the living Lord, * nothing therefore I need - y In Paftures fair in waters calm, he fetteth me to feed. 2 He did convert and glad my Saul, and brought my mind in frame To walk in paths of righteoufnefs, for his moft holy Name. D 4 '3 Yen. PSALM XXIV. 3 Yea, though I walk in vale of deatlj yet will I fear none ill : Thy rod and itaff do comfort me, and thou art with me ftill. 4 And in the prefence of my foes my Table thou fhalt fpread : Thou (halt, O Lord, fill full my cup and will anoint my head. 5 Through all my Life thy favour is fo frankly fhew'd to me, That in thy houfe for evermore my dwelling place (hall be. Domini eft terra. Pfal. xxiv. J. H. T~He Earth is all the Lord's, with all her ftore and furniture ; Yea, his is all the world and all that therein doth endure. 2 For he hath faftly founded it above the Seas to ftand, And placd below the liquid flouds, to flow r beneath the land. 3 Who is the man, OLord, that fliall aicend unto thy hill, Or pals into thy holy place, there to continue ltill ? 4 He that hath pure hand? and heart, which nothing doth defile : His Soul not fet on vanity, and hath not fworn to guile. 5 Him that is fuch a one, the Lord moft highly fhall regard : And from his God and Saviour fhall receive a jult reward. i This is the frock of Travellers, infeeking of his grace : As Jacob did the Ilraelitc, in that time of his race. 7 Ye Princes ope your gates, (land ope the everlaltinggate: For PSALM XXV. For there ftiall enter in thereby the King of glorious ftate. 8 Who is the King of glorious ftate? the ftrong and mighty Lord, The mighty Lord in battle ftout, and tryal of the iword. 9 Ye Princes ope your gates, Hand ope the everlafting gate : For there mall enter in thereby the King of glorious ftate. 10 Who is the King of glorious ftate > the Lord of hoft it is : The Kingdom and the royalty of glorious ftate is his. Ad U, Domine. Pfal. xxy. T. & I Lift my heart to thee, my God and guide moft juft : Now fufFer me to take no fliame for in thee do I truft. 2 Let not my foes rejoyce, nor make a fcorn of me : And let not them be overthrown that put their truft in thee, 3 Butftiame fhallthem befall which harm them wrongfully j Therefore thy paths and thy right ways unto me, Lord, defcry. 4 Direft me in thy truth, and teach me I thee pray. Thou art my God and Saviour, on thee I wait alway. 5 Thy mercies manifold remember, Lord, I pray : Alfo thy pitty plentiful for they have been alway. 6 Remember not the faults and frailty of my youth : Remember not how ignorant I have been of thy truth. Nor PSALM. XXV. Nor after my deferts let me thy Mercy find : But of thine Nor yet my life among thole men that leek much blood to fpill. 10 For in their hands much mifcheif is,. there lives therewith abound : And nothing elfein their right hand but bribes is to be found. 31 But I inrighteoufnefs refolve my time and days to ipend : Therefore, that I may never iwerve, let thy grace me defend. 1 2 My foot is ftaid for all allays, it ftandeth well and right : Wherefore to God will I give praife in all the Peoples fight. Domimts illumlnatw. Pial. xxvii. J. H. THe Lord is both my Health and light, (hall man make me difmaid ? Since PSALM XXVII. Since God doth give me ftrength and mig it why fhould I be afraid ? 2 While that my Foes with all their ftrength begin with me to brawl, And think to eat me up at length, themfelves have caught the fall. 3 Though they in Camp againft me lie., my heart is not afraid : And if in battle they will try, I truft in God for aid. 4 One thing of God I do require, that he will not deny : For which I pray and will delire till he to me apply. $ That I within his holy place my life throughout may dwell, To fee the beauty of his face, and view his temple well. 6 In time of dread he fhall me hide within his place moft pure, And keep me fecret by his fide, as on a Rock moft lure. 7 At length I know the Lord's good grace fhall make me ftrong and ftout, My foes to foil and clean deface, that compafs me about. 8 Therefore within his houfewilll give facrirlce of praife : With Pfalms and Songs I will apply to laud the Lord always. The Second Fart, 9 Lord, hear the voice of my requeft, for which to thee I cry : Have Mercy, Lord, onmeoppreft, and help me fpeedily. io My heart confeffeth unto thee, I fure to have thy grace : Then feek my face, faid'ft thou to me ; Lord, I will feek thy face. Ii h fbALM AX VIII. 1 1 In wrath turn not thy face away,' nor fuffer me to flide : Thou art my help ft ill to this day, be ft ill my God and guide. 1 2 My Parents both their Son forfook, and call: me off at large: Yet then the Lord himlelf did take of me the care and charge. 1 1 Teach me, O Lord, the way to thee. and lead me on forth right, For fear of fuch as watch for me, to trap me if they might. 14 O leave me not unto the will of them that be my Foes, For they furmile againft meftill. falfe witnefs to depole. 1 5 I utterly mould faint, but that this hope fupporteth me, That in the land wherein I live God's goodnefs I mall fee. 16 Truft itill in God whole whole thou art his will abide thou muft, He will fupport and eafe thy heart, if thou in him do truft. A3 te, Domhte, clamabo. Pfal. xxviii. T. S; •"THou art, O Lord my ftrength and ftay, the fuccour which I crave : Neglect me not, left I be like to them that go to grave. 2 My voice and ^applications hear, when unto thee I cry, When I lift up my hands unto thy holy ark moft high. 3 Repute me not among thofe Men in fin that take their fill : That fpeak right fair unto their Friends, but think in heart full ill. 4 According to thofe wicked deeds which they did moft regard : And PSALM XXIX. And after their Inventions . let them receive reward. $ Becaufe they never mind the words of God, he will therefore Inftead of building of them up, deftroy them evermore. 6 To render thanks unto the Lord how great a caufe have I, My voice, my Praverand my complaint, that heard fo willingly. 7 He is my fhield and fortitude, my Buckler in diftrefs : My hope, my help, my heart's relief my long mall him confels. 8 He is our ftrength and our defence, our foes for to refift : The Health and the Salvation of his eleft by Chrift. 9 Thy People and thine heritage, Lord, blefs, guide and preferve : Increafe them Lord, and rule their hearts, that they may never iwerve. Afferte Domino. Pial. xxix. T. S. CZlve to the Lord, ye potentates, give ye with one accord, All praife and honour, might and ftrength, unto the living Lord. 2 Give glory to his holy name, and honour him alone : Worfhip him in his Majefty within his holy throne. 3 His voice doth rule the waters all, even as himfelf doth pleale : He doth prepare the Thunder-claps, and governs all the Seas. 4 The voice of God is of great force, and wondrous excellent ; It is moft mighty in effecl, and moit magnificent. 5 Tht psalm xxx; 5 The voice of God doth rend and break the Cedar- trees fblong y The Cedar-trees Of Lebanon, which are molt high and ftrong: 6 And makes them leap like as a Cal£ or as the Unicorn : Not only trees but mountains great, whereon the trees are born. 7 His voice divides the flames of fire, and makes the wildernefs : 8 It makes the defert quake for fear s that called is Cades. 9 It makes the Hinds for fear to calve, and makes the coverts plain : And in his temple every man his glory doth proclaim. 10 The Lord doth move the Flouds their fury to reftrain : And he likewife as Lord and King for evermore ffiall reign; 1 1 The Lord will give his People ftrength whereby they ifiall encreafe : And he will blefs his chofen flock with everlafting peace. Exaltabo te^ Domhie. Plal. xxx. J. H, A LI laud and praife with heart and voice, OLord, I give to thee, Which didft not make my foes rejoyce, but halt exalted me. 2 O Lord my God, to thee I cry'd in all my pain and grief : Thou gav'ft an ear, and didft provide to eafe me with relief. 3 Of thy good will thou haft call'd back rny foul from hell to lave : Thou didft revive when ftrength did lack, and kepfft me from the grave. 4 Sing praife, ye Saints that prove and lee the goodneis of the Lord : i In PSALM XXX. In memory of his Majefty rojoyce with one accord. 5 For why his anger but a ipace doth laft and flack again : But in his Favour and his grace always doth life remain. Though gripes of Grief and pangs full fore abide with us all night, The Lord to Joy mail us reftore before the Day be light. 6 When I enjoy'd the World at will, thus would I boaft and lay, Turn, I am fure to feel none ill, my wealth mall not decay. 7 For thou, O Lord, of thy good graci didft lend me ltrength and aid : But when thou turn'ft away thy Face, my mind was fore difmaid. 8 Wherefore again then did I cry, to thee, O Lord of might : And my complaints did multiply, praying both day and night. 9 What gain is in my Bioud, laid I, ^ if Death deftroymydays? Can dull declare thy Majefty, or give thy truth its praile ? io Wherefore, my God, fome pitty take, OLord I theedefire : Do not this fimple foul forlake of thee help I require. ii Then didft thou turn my grief and woe into a chearful voice : The mourning weed thou took'tt me fro, and mad'ft me to rejoyce. 12 Wherefore, my Soul inceffantly mall ling unto thy praife : # My Lord my God, to thee will I "give laud and thanks always. £ h PSALM XXXI. In te Domine. Pfal. xxxi. J. H. OLord, I put my trull in thee, let nothing work me lhame, As thou art jult deliver me, and let me free from blame. i Hear me, OLord, and that anon, to help me make good 1 peed : Be thou my rock and houle ofltone, my fence in time of need. 3 For why \ as ftones thy ltrength is try'd thou art my fort and tower: For thy Name's fake be thou my guide, and lead me in thy Power, 4 Pluck thou my feet out of the fhare T which they for me have laid : Thou art my ftrength, and all my care, is for thy might and aid. 5; Into thy Hands, Lord, I commit my foul which is thy due : Becaufe thou halt redeemed it, Lord my God molt true. 6 I hate fuch folk as will not part from things to be abhor'd : When they on trifles let their heart, my truit is in the Lord. 7 For I will in thy mercy ]oy^ 1 lee it doth excell : Thou feelt when ought would me annoy, and knowlt my Soul full well. 8 Thou halt not left me in their hand that would me overcharge : But thou halt fet me out of band, to walk abroad at large. The Second Part. 9 Great grief, O Lord, doth me alTail lome pitty on me take : Mine Eyes wax dim, my light doth fail, my heart with fear doth ake. 10 My PSALM XXXII. io My life is worn with grief and pain, my years in woe are pari, My Strength is gone and through difdain, my bones corrupt and vvafte. 1 1 Among my foes I am a fcorn, my Friends are all difmaid : My neighbours and my kinfmeri born to lee me are afraid. 12 As men once dead are out of mind, fo am I now forgot : As little ufe of me they find, as of a broken pot. 1 3 I heard the brags of all the rout,' their threats my mind did fray How they confpifd and went about, to take my life away. t 14 But Lord, Itruft in thee for aid, not to beovertrod : For I confefs and frill have faid thou art the Lord my God. 1 5 The length of all my life and age, OTLord, is in thy hand : Defend me from the wrath and rage of them that me withftand. 16 To me thy Servant, Lord, exprefs and fhew thy joyful face : And fave me, Lord, for thy goodnefs, thy mercy and thy Grace. The Third Part 17 Lord, letmenotbe puttofhame, becaufe on thee I call : But let the wicked bear the blame, andinto the grave fall. 18 O Lord, make dumb their Lips outright which are addifttolyes, And cruelly with pride and ipite againft the juft devife. 190 now great God thou haft in ftore laid up full fafe for them E 2 That PSALM XXXII. That fear and truft in thee therefore, before the Sons of Men ! 20 Thy prefence fhall them fence and guide from all proud brags and wrongs : Within thy place thou (halt them hide from all the ftrifeof tongues. 21 Thanks to the Lord that hath declare on me his grace fo far, Me to defend with watch and ward, as is a town of War. 22 Thus did I fay both day and night when I was fore oppreft, Lo, I am clean caft out of light, yet heard'ft thou my requeft. 2? Ye Saints, love ye the Lord alway the faithful he doth guide. And to the proud he doth repay according to their pride. 24 Be of good courage eve rmore, on God your ftrength depend : For thofe that put their truli in h'm he ever will defend. * Beati quorum. Pfal. xxxii. T- S. HP He Man is bleft, whole Wickednefs, the Lord doth clean pafs by : And he whole fin is likewife hid, and cover'd fecretly. 2 And bleft is he to whom the Lord imputeth not his fin : Which in his heart hath hide no guile, nor fraud is found therein. 3 For whilft that I kept clofe my fin in filence and conftraint. My bones did wear and wafte away with daily moan and plaint. 4 For night and day thy hand on mc fb grievous was and imart, That all my Blood and humors moift to drinefs did convert. 5.1 PSALM xxxm. ? I did therefore confefs my fault, and all my fins difcover : Then thou, OLordj didft me forgive and all my fins pais over. 6 The humble man mall pray therefore, and leek thee in due time : So that the rlouds of waters great mail have no power on him. 7 When trouble and adverfity docompafs me about, Thou art my refuge and my joy, and thou doft rid me out. 8 Come hither and I will thee teach how thou malt walk aright ; 1 will thee guide as I my felf. . have learn'd by proof and fight. 9 Be not fo rude and ignorant as is the Horie and mule, Whofe mouth without a rein orbit from harm thou eanft not rule. io The wicked man fhall manifold lbrrows and griefs fuftain : But unto him that trults in God, hisgoodnefs mall remain. ii Be merry therefore in the Lord, yejuft lift up your voice : And ye of pure and perfect heart, with chearfulneis rejoyce. Exultate jufti. Pfal. xxxiii. J.Tf. YE righteous in the Lord rejoyce ; it is a feemly fight, That upright men with thankful voice mould praife the Lord of might. 2 Praiie ye the Lord with harp and fong, in Pfalms and pleafant things : I With Lute and Inltrument alfo that foundeth with ten firings. 3 Sing to the Lord a fong moft new, with courage give him praiie .; E I 4 F° r PSALM XXXIII. 4 For why > his word is ever true, his workes and all. his ways. 5 To Judgment, equity and right, he hatha great goodwill : And with his gifts he doth delight the Earth throughout to fill. 6 For by the word of God alone the heav'ns above were wrought : Their holts and powers every one his breath to pais hath brought. 7 The waters great gathered hath he on heaps within the more : And hid them in the depth to be, as in a houfeof ftore. 8 All men on earth bothleaft and moll, fear God and keep his law : Ye that inhabit in each coall, dread him and Hand in awe. 9 What he commanded wrought it was at once with prefent lpeed : What he doth will is brought to pals with full effe£t indeed. io The counfels of the nations rude the Lord doth bring to naught : He doth defeat the multitude of their device and thought. ii But his decrees continue ftill, they never flack nor fwage : The motions of his mind and will take place in every age. The Second Part. 1 2 And bleft are they to whom the Lord as God and guide is known : Whom he doth chufe of meet accord to take them as his own. i? The Lord from Heav'n did caff, his fight on Men mortal by birth : 14 Beholding from his feat of might The dwellers on the Earth. The PSALM XXXIV. 1 5: The Lord, I fay, whole hand hath wrought man's heart and doth it frame : For he alone doth know the thought, and working of the fame. 16 A King that trufteth in his hoaft, mail nought prevail at length : The Man that of his might doth boaft, mall fall for all his ftrength. 17 The Troops of Horlemen all mall fail, their fturdy Steeds mail fwerve The ftrength of horie mall not prevail the rider to preferve. 18 But lo, the Eyes of God intend and watch to aid the juit : With fuch as fear him to offend, and on his goodnels trull. 19 That he of death and great diftrefs may let their Souls from dread : And if that dearth their land opprefs, in hunger them to feed. 20 Wherefore our Soul doth whole depend on God our ftrength and ftay : He is our fhield us to defend and drive all darts away. 21 Our joyful founds always proclaim his power and his might : For why ? in his moft holy name we hope and much delight. 22 Therefore let thy goodnels, O Lord, ftill preient with us be : As we always with one accord do only truft in thee. Bcnedicam Dom. Plal. xxxiv. T. S, I will give laud and honour both unto the Lord always, Alio my mouth for evermore mall fpeak unto his praife. 2 I do delight to laud the Lord in foul, in heart, and voice : E 4 That PSALM XXXIV. That humble men and mortify'd may hear and fo rejoyce. 3 Therefore fee that ye magnirle with me the living Lord, Let us exalt his holy name always with one accord. 4 For I my felf befbught the Lord, he anfwered me again, And me deliver'd inftantly from all my fear and pain. 5 Whofo they be that him behold, fhall lee his light molt clear. Their Countenance (hall not bedafht, they need it not to fear. 6 This poor diftrefTed man for help unto the Lord did call, Who did him hear without delay, and rid him out of thrall. 7 The Angel of the Lord doth pitch his tents in every place, To fave all fuch as do him fear, that nothing them deface. 8 Tafte and confider well therefore, that God is good and juft .• O happy man that maketh him his only Bay and truft. 9 Fear ye the Lord, ye holy ones, above all earthly thing : For they that fear the livnig Lord, are tare to lack nothing. 10 The lyons (hall be hunger bit, and pin'd with famine much : But as for them that fear the Lord, no lack fhall be to fuch. The Second Part. 1 1 Come near to me my Children dear, and to my words give ear : i will teach you the perfe£t way, how ye the Lord fhall fear. * 12 Wbrt PSALM XXXIV. 1 2 Who is the man that would live long., and lead a Godly life > 13 See thou refrain thy tongue and lips from all deiect andltrife. 14 Turn back thy face from doing ill, and do the godly deed : Enquire for peace and quietnefs, and follow it withfpeed. 1 5: For why ? the Eyes of God above upon the juft are bent :. His ears likewife to hear the crys of the poor innocent. 1 6 But he doth frown and bend his brows upon the wicked train, And cuts away the memory that lhou'd of them remain. 17 But when the juft do call and cry, the Lord doth hear them fo, That out of pain and mifery forthwith he lets them go. 1 8 The Lord is ever nigh to them that broken-hearted are : And for the contrite fpirit he ialvation doth prepare. 1 9 Full many be the miferies that righteous Men endure : But of deliverance from them all the Lord doth them fecure. .ao The Lord doth fo preferyeand keep their very bones alway, That not fo much as one of them doth perifh and decay. 2 1 The fin fhall flay the wicked maiL which he himfelf hath wrought, And fuch as hate the righteous ma n fhall foon be brought to nought, 22 But they that fear the Lord, are ever iafe and found : And as for thofe that truft in him, nothing fhall them confound. ?* PSALM XXXV. Jiidica me, Dombie. Pfal. xxxv. f. H, LOrd, plead my caufe againft my Foes, confound their force and might And take my partagainit all thofe that feek with me to right, 2 Lay hand upon the fpear andfhield. thy felf in Armour drefs : Stand up for me and fight the field, to help me from d litre is. 3 Gird on thy Sword, and ftop the way, mine Enemies withitand $ That thou unto my foul may'if fay, lam thy help at hand. 4 Cottfouiui them with rebuke and blame, that feek my foul tofpill : Let them turn back and flee with fhame, that think to work me ill.. 5 Let them difperfe and flee abroad, as wind doth drive the dull ; That fo the Angel of our God their might away may thrult. 6 Let all their ways be void of light and flipp'ry like to fall : And fend thine Angel with thy might to perfecute them all. 7 For why ? without my fault they have infecret fet their gin : And for no caufe have digg'd a pit. to take my foul therein. 8 When they think kalt and have no care. O Lord, deftroy them all : Let them be traptin their own fhare. and in their mifchiel tail. • 9 And let my foul my heart and voice, in God have joy and wealth : That in the Lord I may rejoyce, and in his faving health. Jo Then all my bones fhall fbeak and i i . mv parts fhall all agree : PSALM XXXV. thou great God of heaven and' earth, what man is like to thee > 77; 5 Second. Part. 1 1 Thou doft defend the weak from them, that are both flout and ftrong, And rid the poor from wicked men, that fpoil and do them them wrong. 12 My cruel foes againft me rile to witneis things untrue : And to accufe me they devife of things I never knew. 1 3 Where I to them did fhew good will, they quit me withdifdain : That they mould pay my good with 111, my foul doth fore complain. 14 When they were lick I mourn'd therefore my felf in lackcloth clad : With failing did 1 faint full fore, andpray'd with heart molt fad. 1 $ As they had been my Brethren dear, I did my felf behave : As one that mourneth heavily about his Mother's grave. 16 But they in mine adverfity did gather in a rout : Yea, abjeft Haves reproachfully at me did mock and flout. 17 The belly-gods and flattering train, that all good things deride, At me do grin with great dildain, and pluck their mouths afide. 1 8 Lord,- when wilt thou for me appear ? why doff thou ifay andpauie ? O rid my foul, mine only dear, out of thefe lions claws. 19 And then will I give thanks to thee before the Church always : And where molt of the people be, there will I mew thy praife. 50 Let PSALM XXXV. 20 Let not my foes prevail on me, which hate me for no fault : Nor let them wink or turn their Eye, that caufelefs meaffault. The Third Part. 2 1 Of peace no word they think or lay, their talk is all untrue : They ftill confult and would betray ail thofe that peace enfue, 11 With open mouth they run at me, their fury is like Fire : Well, well, lay they, our eye doth lee the thing that we defire. 23 But Lord, thou feeft what ways they take and what they do intend : Be not far off, nor me forfake, as men that fail their friend. 24 Awake, arife, and liir abroad, defend me in my right : Revenge my caufe, O Lord my God, and a id me with thy might. 25 According to thy righteoufnefs, my Lord God fet me free : And let them not their pride exprefs, nor triumph over me. 26 Let not their hearts rejoyce and cry, even fo we would it have : Nor give them caufe, to fay on high, he s funk into the grave. 27 Confound them with rebuke and fhame, that joy when I do mourn : And pay them home with fpite and blame, that brag at me with fcorn. 28 Let them moft heartily rejoyce, which love mine upright way : Letthem all times wkhheartand voice ftill praife the Lord, and fay, 29 Great is the Lord and doth excel, and he doth much delight To PSALM XXXVL To fee his Servants pfofper well, it is his pleafant fight. 30 Wherefore my tongue I will applj thy righteoufnels to praife : To thee the Lord my God will I give laud and thanks always. Dixit injujfus. Pfal. xxxvi. J. H. 'THe wicked by fyis works unjuft doth thus perfwade my heart, That in the Lord he hath nottruft, his fear is fet apart. 2 YetdothhejoyinhisEftate, to walk as he begun ? So long till hedeferve the hate of God as well as man. 3 His words are wicked, vile and nought, his tongue no truth doth tell : Yet at no hand will he be taught which way he may do well. 4 When he mould fleep, then doth fee muft his mifchief to fulfil : No wicked ways doth he refufe^ aor any think that's ill. ? But, Lord, thy goodnefs doth aftejyi above the heavens moft high : . So doth thy truth it felf extend unto the cloudy Sky. 6 Much more than hills lb high and ftceg, thy juftice is expreft : Thy Judgment like to Seas moft deep j thou iav'ft both man and beaft. 7 Thy mercy is above all things^ O God it doth excell : In truftwhereof as in thy wings, the Ions of men (hall dwell. 8 Within thy houfe (hall they be fed with plenty at their will : Of all delights they mail be lped, and take thereof trjeir fill Be- PSALM XXXVII. 9 Becaufe the well of Life moft pure doth ever flow from thee, And in thy light we are full fure the lalting light to lee. 10 From fuchas theedefireto know, let not thy grace depart : Thy Righteoulhels declare and fhow to men of upright heart. 1 1 Let not the proud on me prevail, Lord, of thy good grace Nor let the wicked me alTail, to thro' me out of place. 12 But they in their device mall fall, that wicked works maintain : They mall be certainly oft down, and never rile again. Noli &mulctri. Plal. xxxvii. li r jr. ^Rudge not to lee the wicked men in wealth to fiourifh ftill: Nor yet envy fuch as to ill have bent and let their will. 2 For as green gralsand the green herbs are cut and wither away : So mall their great profperity lbon pafs, fade and decay. ? Truft thou therefore in God alone, to do well give thy mind : So (halt thou have the land as thine, and there fure food Ihaltfind : 4 In God let all thy hearts delight, and look what thou wouldlt have. Or elfe canft wifh in all the world, thouneedlt it not to crave. 5 Call both thy felfand thine affairs- on God with perfect truft, And thou (halt lee with patience th' erFe£l both lure and juft. 6 Thyperfett life and godly namt he will clear as the light: S# PSALM XXXVII. So that the fun even at noon day, lhall not (nine half fo bright. 7 Be Itill therefore, and ftedfaftly on God fee thou wait then, Not fhrinking for the profp'rous ftate ofleudand wicked men. 8 Shake off defpite, envy and hate, let not thine anger rife : That thou maift not be drawn into fome wicked enterpriie : 9 For every wicked man will God deftroy both more and lefs : But fuch as truft in him are fure the land for to poffefs. io Wait but a while, and thou fhalt lee no more the wicked train, No not fo much as houle or place where once he did remain. TJje Second Part. 1 1 But merciful and humble men enjoy (hall lea and land : In reft and peace they fhall rejoyce, for nought (hall them withltand. 1 2 The leud men and malicious againft the juft conlpire : They gnafti their teeth at him, as men which do his bane defire. 13 But while ungodly men thus think, the Lord laugh* them to fcorn : For he doth lee their term approach, when they fhall figh and mourn. 14 The wicked have their iword outdtawn, their bow alfo is bent, To overthrow and kill the poor, whofe life is innocent. 1 5 But the fame fword fhall pierce their heart which was to kill the juft : So fliall the bow in 'drivers break wherein they put their truft. 16 Doubt- PSALM XXX vii. 1 6 £)oubtlefs thejuft man's poor Eftate is to be valu'dmore Than all theleud and wicked mans • rich pomp and heaped ftore. 1 7 For though their power be moft ifaong* God will it overthrow : Where contrary he doth preserve the humble men and low : 1 8 He fees by his great providence the good man's trade and way : And will give them inheritance which never (hall decay. 19 They fhall not be difcouraged.; when fome are hard beftead When others mail be hunger bit, they mail be clad and fed. 20 For whofoever wicked is, and Enemy to God, Shall like the fat of Lambs confume^ orfmoak that flies abroad. the fbttd Part. 2 1 Behold the wicked borrows much, and never pays again : Whereas thejuft by lib'ral gifts the needy doth fuftain. 22 For they whom God doth bleis ihall have the land for heritage : And they whom he doth curfe, likewife ihall perifliin his rage. 2 3 The Lord, the Juft man's itep doth guide and all his ways doth blefs : To every thing he takes in hand he giveth good fucceft. 24 Though he do fall, yetis he fure not utterly to fink : . For God upholds him with his hand, and from him will not fhrink. 25 I have been young but now am old, they didl never fee The PSALM XXXVII. The juft man left, nor yet his feed to beg for milery 26 He gives always moft lib'ral ly, and lends where there is need : By which he doth from God iecure a blefling to his feed. 27 Flee vice therefore and wicked nefs. and virtue do embrace So God mall grant thee long to have on earth a dwelling place, 28 For God fo loveth equity, and (hews to his fuch grace, That he preierveth them, but doth cut off the wicked race. 29 Whereas the good and godly men, inherit ifiall the land, Having as lords all things therein in their own pow'rand hand, 30 The juft man's mouth doth ever fpeak of matters wife and high : His tongue doth talk of judgment, and of truth and equity. 3 1 For in his heart the law of God his lord doth itill abide : So that where-ever he doth go his foot fliall never Hide. 52 The wicked like a greedy wolf . the juft man doth befet, By all means feeking him to kill, and take him in his net. The Fourth Tart. 33 But though he fall into his handsj yet God will luccour lend : Though men againft him fentence give, God will him yet defend. 34 Wait thou on God, and keep his way," . he mall preferve thee then The earth to rule, and thou malt fee deftrov'd theie wicked men. F ?5 The psalm xxxvm. 3 5: The wicked have I feen moft ftrong, and plac'd in high degree, Flourifhing in all wealth and ftore, as doth the laurel-tree. 36 But fuddenly he pafs'd away, and lo he was quite gone : Then I him fought, but could not find the place, where dwelt fuch one, 37 Mark and behold the perfect man, how God doth him ertcreafe : For the juft man ihall have at length great joy with reft and peace. 3 8 As for tranfgreifors, woe to them, deftroy'd they all (hall be : God will cut off their budding race and rich pofterity. 39 But the falvation of the juft doth come from God above, Who in their trouble lends them aid, of his meer grace and love. 40 God evermore delivers them from lewd men and unjuft : And ftill will fave them whilft that they in him do put their truft. Domine, ne. Pfal. xxxviii. J. H. PUt me not to rebuke, O Lord, in thy provoked ire : And in they wrath correct me not I humbly thee defire. 2 Thine Arrows do ftick fall: in me, they hand doth prels me fore : And in my fiefh no health at all appeareth any more. 3 and all this is by reafon of they wrath that I am in. Not any reft is in my bones by reafon of my fin. 4. For lo, my wicked doings Lord, above my head are gone. PSALM XXXVIII. A greater load then I can bear, they lie me fore upon. . 5: My wounds do ftink and are corrupt, _ and loathfom are to lee : Which all through mine own fooliflinefs doth happen unto me. 6 And I in careful wife am brought into fuch great diftrefs : That I go waling all the day in doleful heavinefs. 7 My loyns are filled with lore difeafe, my fiem hath no whole part : 8 I feeble am and broken fore, and roar for greif of heart. 9 Thou know' ft, Lord, my defire, my groans are open in thy fight : 10 My heart doth pant, my ftrength doth fail, mine eyes have loft their light : 1 1 My lovers and my wonted friends ftand looking on my woe : Alfo my kinfmen far away, are me departed fro, 1 2 They that do leek my life lay friars^ and they that go the way To do me hurt, feek lyes, and think on mifchief all the day. The Second Part. 13 But as a deaf man I became, that cannot hear at all ; 14 And as one dumb, that opens not his mouth to fpeak withall, 1 5 For all my confidence, O Lord, is jwholly fet on thee : Therefore, O Lord, thou art my God, do thou give ear to me. 16 This do 1 crave, that they my foes triumph not over me : For when my foot doth flip then they rejoyce mv fall to fee. F 2 71 And PSALM XXXIX. 17 And I am ready for to halt, I cannot ftand upright : Alfo my grievous heavinefs, is ever in my fight. 1 8 For while that I my wickednefs in humble wife confefs, And while I for my fint'ul deeds my forrows do exprefs : j 9 My foes do itill remain a live and mighty are alfo : they that hate me wrongfully, . in number hugely gtow. 26 They ftand againft me that my good with evil do repay Because that good and honeft things I do enfue alway. 2 1 Forfake me not, Lord my God, be thou not far away : 22 Halle me to help, my Lord, my God, my iafety and my ftay. D/.y/- atfloiiam. Pial. xxxix. J. H. Said, I will look to my ways, " for fear I fhould go wrong : 1 will take heed all times that I offend not with my tongue. 2 As with a bit I will keep fait my mouth with force and might, Not once to whifper all the while the wicked are in fight 3 I held my tongue and fpake no word, but kept me dole and ftill : Yea, from good talk I did refrain : but fore againft my will . 4 My heart wax'd hot within my breaft, with mufing, thought and doubt, Which did encreafe and ftir the fire : at laft thefe words burft out : 5 Lord: number out my life and days which vet 1 have not paft. c DO PSALM XXXIX. So that I may be certifi'd how long my life fhall laft. 6 Lord, thou haft pointed out my life in length much like a fpan : Mine age is nothing unto thee, io vain is every man. 7 Man walketh like a fhade, and doth in vain himfelf annoy, In getting goods, and cannot tell who fhall the fame enjoy. 8 Thetefore now, Lord, what wait I for ? what help dp I deiire £ Of truth my help depends on thee, I nothing elfe require. The Second Part. 9 From all the fins that I have done, Lord, quit me out of hand, And make me not a fcom to fools that nothing underftand. io I was as dumb, and to complain no trouble might me move, Becaufe I knew it was thy work, my patience for to prove. J i Lord, take from me thy fcourge and plague, I can them not withftand : I faint and pine away for fear of thy moft heavy hand. 1 2 When thou for iin doft man rebuke he waxeth woe and wan, As doth a cloth that moths have fi$t fb vain a thing is man, r 3 Lord hear my fuit, and give good heed, regard my tears that fall : I fojourn, like a flranger/here, as did my fathers all. 14 O fpare a little, give me fpace" my ftrength for to reftore, Before I go away from hence, and fhall be ibm no more. F 9 Expec P S A L M XL. ExpeBans expeftjvi. Pfal. xl. J. H. I Waited long and fought the Lord, and patiently did bear : At length to me he did accord my voice and cry to hear. 2 He pluckt me from the lake fo deep, out of the mire and clay : Upon a Rock he fet my feet, and he did guide my way. 3 To me he taught a pfalm of praife. which I mutuhew abroad, . And fing new fongs of thanks always unto the Lord our God. 4 when all the folk thefe thirigs fhall fee as people much a fraid, Then they unto the lord will flee, and truft unto his aid. 5 bleft is he whole hope and heart doth in the Lord remain, That with the proud doth take no part, nor fuch as lyes maintain. 6 For, Lord, my God, they woundrous deeds in greatneis far do pafs : They favour towards us exceeds all things that ever was. 7 When I intend and do devile they works abroad to fhow, To fuch a reck'ning they do rife, thereof no end I know. 8 Burnt offerings thou [deligrfft not in, I know they whole defire, With lacrifice to purge his fin, thou doft no man require. 9 Meat-offerings and facriflce thou woujd'lt not have at all : But thou, O Lord, haft open made mine ears to here withall. io But then faid, I be hold and look, I come with heart molt free : For PSALM XL. For in the volume of thy Book thus it is faid of me. 1 1 That I, O God, (hould do thy mind, which thing doth pleafe me well For in my peart thy law I find faft hlaced there to dwell. 12 Thy righteoufnefs andjufticel in great afTemblies tell : Behold my tongue no time doth ceafe, Lord, thou konw'lt full well. The Second Part, 1 3 I have not hid within my breaft thy goodnefs as by Health : But I declare and have expreft * thy truth and faving health. j 4 I kept not dole thy loving mind; that no man mould it know : The trull that in thy truth I find, to all the Church 1 mow. 1 5 Thy tender mercy, Lord, from me withdraw thou not away : But let thy love and verity, preferve me every day. 1 6 For I with many troubles am encompalTed about : My heart doth faint for very fear, 1 cannot ipy them out. 1 7 For why ? in number they exceed the hairs upon my head : My fins fo greatly *to increafe that I am almoft dead. 1 8 With fpeed lend help and let me free O Lord, I thee require: Make halte with aid to fuccour me, _0 Lord at my defire 1 9 Confound them with rebuke and fhame that feek my foul to ipill : Drive back my foes and them defame that with, me any ill. F ..;. For PSALM XLI. 20 For their ill feats do them defcry that would deface my name : Always at me they rail and cry, tie on him, fie lor fhame. 2 1 Let them in thee have joy and wealth that feek to thee always : That thole that love thy health may fay, to God be praife. 22 But as for me J am hut poor, opprefs'd and brought full low.- Vet thou, O Lord, wilt me reftore To health full well I know. 23 For why ? thou art my hope and truft, my refuge, help and ftay : Wherefore, my God, as thou art juft with me no time delay. Bejtus qui hitelligit. Pial. xli. T. S. 'THe man is belt that doth provide for fuch as needy be : For in the feafbn perilous the Lord will fet him free. 2 The Lord will keep him fafe, and make him happy in the Land : And not deliver him into his enemies ftrong hand. 3 And from his bed of languifhing the Lord will him reftore : For thou, O Lord, wilt turn to health his ficknefs and his fore. 4 Then in my fickneis thus faid I, have mercy, Lord, on me, And heal my foul which is full woe, that I offended thee, $ My foes did wifh me ill in hear:, and thus of me did fay, When fhall he die, that fo his name may perifh quit away ? 6 And when they coJiie to vifit me, they ask if I do well ^ But PSALM XLII. But in theirhearts they mifchief hatch, and then abroad it tell. 7 All they that hate me do confpire againft me craftily : Andftill devile how to procure my ruin iecretly. 8 Some grievous fin hath brought him to this ficknefs, fay they plain : He is io low that without duobt he, cannot rile again. 9 The man alfo that I did truft, with me did ufe deceit : Who at my table eat my bread, the lame for me laid wait. i o Have mercy, Lord on me therefore, and let me be preferv'd, That I may render unto them the things they have deferv'd, 1 1 By this I know afluredly tobelov'd of thee, Becaule my foes no power have to triumph over me. 12 But in my right thou haft me kept, and it maintained well : And in thy prelence place aflign'd where I mall ever dwell. 1 3 The Lord the God of Ifraei be praifed evermore : Even fo be it, Lord, will i fay, praife ye the Lord therefore. ^hiemadmodum. Pfal. xlii. J. H. Like as the Hart doth pant and bray the well fprings to obtain, So doth my louldefire alway, with thee, Lord, to remain. 2 Mv foul doth third and would draw near ' the living God of might : Oh when (hall I come and appear in prelence of his fight. q The PSALM XLII. 3 The tears all times are my repaft which from mine Eyes do Aide : Whilft wicked men cry out fo fad, where now is God thy guide > 4 Alas, what grief it is to think what freedom once I had ! Therefore my Soul as a pits brink moit heavy is and fad. Fori did march in good array, with joyful company : Unto the Temple was our way, to praife the Lord mod high. 5 My foul, why art thou fad always, and fret'ft thus in my breaft ? Traft ftill in God ^ for him to praife I hold it ever beft. By him I have fuccour at need againft all pain and grief : He is my God, which with all ipeed doth hafte to fend relief. 6 My foul within me is caft down, therefore, O Lord, I will Remember thee from Jordans land and Hermons little hill. The Second Part, 7 One grief another in doth call, . as clouds burft out their voice: The fiouds of evil that do fall run over me with noife. 8 Yet I by day felt his goodnefs, and helpatallaflays : Likewife by night I did not ceafe the living God to praife. 9 lam perfwaded thus to fay to him with reveresce, O Lord, rhou art my guide and flay, my rock and lure defence. Why do I then in penfivcnefs, hanging the head thus walk, W PSALM XLIII. While that mine enemies opprefs, and vex me with their talk ? io For why? they pierce my inward jparts with pains to be abhofd, When they cry ou t with flu bborn hearts, where is thy God the Lord > 1 1 So ibon, my loul, why doll: thou faint, wifh pain and grief oppreft ? Why do fad thoughts without reftraint, thus rage within my Breaft ? 12 Truft in the Lord thy God always, and thou the timefhalt fee To give him thanks with laud and praile, for health reftofd to thee. Judica me^ Domine. Pfal. xliii. T. S. IUdge and revenge my caufe, O Lord, . from them that evil be : From wicked and deceitful men, Lord deliver me. 2 For of my ftrength thou art the God, why am I put from thee ? Why walk I heavily, whilft that my foe opprelTeth me? 3 Lord, fend out thy light and truth, and lead me with thy grace, Which may conduct me to thy hill, and to thy dwelling place. 4 Then (hall I to thine altar go with joy to worffup there : And on my harp give thanks to thee, God my God moft dear. 5 Why art thou then fb fad my $oul, and fret'ft thus in my breaft ? Still truft in God ^ for him to praile 1 hold it always belt. 6 By him I have deliverance againft all pain and grief : He is my God which doth alway at need fend me relief Deus PSALM XLIV. Deus avribus. Pfal. xliv. T. S. OUr Ears have heard our fathers tell, and* reverently record The wondrous works that thou haft done in ancient lime, O Lord. • 2 How thou didft drive the gentiles out with a molt powerful hand : Planting our fathers in their place, and gav'ft to them their land. 3 They conquer'd not by their own fword the land wherein they dwell : But by thy hand, thy arm and grace : becaufe thou lov It them well 4 Thou art my King, OGod, who fav'ft Jacob in fundry wife, ;? Led with thy power we threw down fuch as did againlt usraife. 6 1 trufted not in bow nor fword, they could not lave me found : 7 Thou kept/ft us from our foes great rage, thou didlt them all confound. 5 And ftill we boaft of thee, ourGod. and praife thy holy Name : 9 Yet now thy go it not with our hoaft, but leaveft us to fhame. io Thou mad'ftus flee before our foes fb were we overtrod : They did us rob and fpoil our goods, we were diiperft abroad. 1 1 Thou halt us given to our foes, as fheep for to be flain : Amongft the heathen every where fcatter'd we do remain. j 2 Thy people thou haft fold like flaves and as a thing of nought : For profit none thou hadft thereby, no gain at all was fought, j ; And to our neighbours thou haft made of us a laughing ltock : And PSALM XLIV. And thofe that round about us dwell, at us do grin and mock. The Second Part. 14 Thus we ferve for no other ufe, but for a common talk : They mock, they fcorn, they nod their heads where e're they go or walk. 15 With fhameand great confufion I am afflicted fore : Yea, fo I blufh that all my face with red is cover'd o'er 16 For why ? wehearfuch flandrous words, fuch falfe reports and lyes : That death it is to fee their wrongs, their threatningsand their cries. 1 7 For all this we forgot not thee, nor yet thy covenant brake, 18 We turn not back our hearts from thee nor yet thy paths forfake. 1 9 Yet thou haft trod us down to dull, where dens of dragons be, And cover'd us with made of death, and great adverfity. 20 If we God's name forgotten have and help of Idols fought, 2 1 Shall he not fearch and find this out ? for he doth know our thought. 22 But 'tis for thy name's fake, O Lord, we always are ilainthus : As iheep unto themambles lent, even fo they deal with us. 23 Up, Lord, why fleepeft thou ? awake, for ever leave us not : 24 Why hideft thou thy countenance ? our thrall thou haft forgot : 25; For down to duft our foul is brought, our troubles come fo fait : Our belly, like as it were glu'd, unto the ground cleaves faft. 26 Rife r d n. Lj ivi JS.L, v . 26 Rife up therefore for our defence, and help us, Lord, at need : We thee befeech for thy goodntls to refcue us with fpeed. M Y EruBavh. . Pfal. xlv. J. H. heart doth take in hand fome godly fong to ling : The praiiethat I fhall ffiew therein pertaineth to the King-. ' 2 My tongue (hall be as quick his honour to indite, As is the pen of any Scribe thatufeth fall to write. 3 O faireft of all men, thy fpeech is pleafant pure, For God hath blelTed thee with gifts for ever to endure. 4 About thee gird thy fword, O prince of might ele£l : With honour, glory and renown thou art moft richly deckt. 5 Go forth with godly fpeed, with meeknefs, truth, and right : And thy right hand (hall thee initruft in works of dreadful might. 6 Thine arrows fharp and keen their hearts io lore fhall fting : That folk fhall fall and kneel to thee r yea, all thy foes, O King. 7 Thy royal feat, O Lord, for ever fhall remain : Becaule the Scepter of thy realm doth righteoufnefs maintain. 8 Becaule thou lov'ft the right, and doft the ill deteft. Therefore hath God anointed thee with joy above the reft. 9 With Myrth and favours fweet thy cloths are all befpread : Whea PSALM XLV. When thou doft from thy palace pais thereby to make thee glad. 10 King's daughters do attend in fine and rich array : At thy right hand the Queen doth (land in gold and garments gay. The Second Part. 1 1 O daughter take good heed, incline and give good ear : Thou muft forget thy kindred all, and fathers houfe moll dear. 12 Then mail the King defire thy beauty fair and trim : For why he is the Lord thy God, and thou muft worfhip him. 13 The Daughters then of Tyre, with gifts full rich to lee, And all the wealthy of the Land fhall make their fuit to thee. 14 The Daughter of the King is glorious to behold : Within her clofet (he doth lit all decktin beaten Gold. 1 j In robes with needle wrought, and many a pleafant thing : With Virgins fair on her to wait, (he cometh to the King. 16 Thus are rhey brought with joy and mirth on every fide, Into the palace of the King, and there they do abide. 17 Infteadof parents left (O Queen, the cafe fo (lands,) Thou (halt have fons whom thou may'ftfet as princes in all lands. 18 Wherefore thy holy Name all ages fhall record : The People mail give thanks to thee for evermore, O Lord. Den* PSALM XL VI. Deus nofter. Pfal. xlvi. J. H. nrUe Lord is our defence and aid, the ftrength whereby we ft and : When we with woe are much dilmay'd, he is our help at hand. 2 Tho' the earth move we will not fear, tho' mountains high and fteep, Be thruft and hurled here and there within the lea fo deep. 3 No, tho' the Sea do rage fo fore, that all the banks it fpills : And though it overflow the fhore, . and beat down mighty hills. 4 For one fair flood doth fend abroad his plealant ftreams apace, To fiefh the City of our God, and waffi his holy place. : 5 In midftof her the Lord doth dwell, fhe can no whit decay : All things againlf her that rebel, the Lord will furely flay. 6 The heathen folk and kingdoms fear, the people make a noife : The earth do melt and not appear, . when God puts forth his voice. 7 The Lord of hoffs doth take our parr, to us he hath an eye : Our hope of health with all our heart on Jacob's God doth lie. 8 Come here and lee with mind and thought the working of our God : What wonder's he himlelf hath wrought in all the world abroad, o By him all wars are hufht and gone. though countries did confpire : Their bows and fpears he brake each one, their Chariots burnt with fire. io Be ftill therefore, and know that F am God, and therefore will •V PSALM XLII. Among the heathen people be highly exalted ftifl. ji J i The Lord of hofts doth us defend, he is our ftrength and tower : On Jacob's God we do depend, and on his might and power. Onmes gevtes Pfal. xlvii. J. H, : V"E people &tt with one accord i clap hands and much rejoice ; ! Be glad and fing unto the Lord with fweet and pleafant voice. ; 2 For high the Lord and dreadful is, his wounders manifold : I A mighty King he is truly, in all the earth extoll'd. 3 The people mall he make to be unto our bondage thrall : And underneath our feet fhall he., the nations make to fall. 4 For us the heritage he cho.ie which we polTes alone, The excellency of Jacob his well-beloved one. 5 Our God afcended up on high with joy and pleafant noile, The Lord goes up above the Sky with Trumpets royal voice. 6 Sing praifes to our God, fing piaiie. ^ fing praifes to our King : For God is King of all the earth, all skillful praifes fing. 7 God on the- heathen reigns and fits upon his holv throne : The princes of the people have them jained every one. 8 To Abrahams people: for our God, which is exalted high, As with a buckler doth defend rhe earth continual 1 v. 'G Ab T H 4 VT Aictgnm Domttus. 1 7. H. /^Reat is the Lord, and with great ptaile, to be advanced ftill Within the city of out God, upon his holy hill. 2 Mount Sion is a pleafant place, it gladdeth all the land : The city of the mighty King on her north fide doth Hand. 3 Within the palaces' thereof God is a refuge known : Tor lo, the Kings are gethered and together they are gone. 4 But when they did behold it fb 5 they wondred and they were Aitoniftfd much, and luddenly were driven back with fear. 5 Great terror there on them did fall, for very woe they crv 5 As doth a woman when (he mail go travail inftantly. 6 As thou with eaitern winds the fhips upon the lea dolt break, They were deftray'd • and even as we heave heard our fatheas fpeak. 7 So in the city of the Lord we faw as it was told, Ye, in the city which our God lor ever will uphold. 8 O Lord We.wait and do depend on they good help and grace : For which we do all times attend within they holy place. o O Lord, according to thy Name forever is thy praife, And thy right hand*, O Lord, is full of righteoufhefs always, ic Let, for they judgments, Sion mou.it fulfilled be with jo] PSALM XLIX. Alfo of Judah grant, O Lord, the daughters to rejoyce. 1 1 Go walk about all Sion hill, yea, round about her go •, And tell the towers that thereon are builded on a row. 1 2 And mark ye well her bulwarks all, behold her towers there : That ye may tell thereof to them . that after fhall be here. i'3 For this moft mighty God, our God fore evermore is he : Yea, and unto the death alfo our guider fhall he be. Au elite h&Cj, omnes. Pfal. xlix. J. H. A LL people hearken and give ear •" to that* which I fhall tell, 2 Both high and low, both rich and poor that in the world do dwell. 3 For why ? my mouth mail make difcourfe of many things right wife: In underftanding fhall mine* heart, its ftudy exercife. 4 I will incline mine ear to know the parable fo dark : And open all my doubtful ipeech in metre of my harp. 5 Why fhould T fear affii&ion, or any careful toil ? Or eife my foes which at my heels are preft my life to fpoil f* 6 For as for fiich as riches have, wherein their truft is moll: ^ And they which of their treafure great themielves do brag and boft ; 7 There is not one of them that can his brother's life redeem, Or give a ranfome unto God iufficient for him. G 2 It PSALM XLIX. 8 It is too great a price to pay, none can thereto attain : So that he might his life prolong, or not in grave remain : o Thev lee wile men, as well as fools. iubiects unto death's bands : And being dead, ftrangers poffefs, their honies,. good, and lands. 10 Their ore is to build houfes fair, and fo determine fare To make their names upon the earth for ever to endure. • 1 1 Yet (hall no man always enjoy high honour, wealth and reft : 12 But fhall at length tafte of death's cup, as well as the brute beaft. The Second Part. i % ■ And tho' they find there foolifh thoughts to be moft lewd and vain , Their children yet approve their talk, and in like fin remain. 14 As fiieep into the fold are brought, they mall be laid in graYe : Death (hall them eat, and in that day the juff. fhall lordfhip have. 1 5: Their beauty and their royal port fhall fade and quit decay, When from their houie unto the pit with woe they pafs away. 16 But God will furely me preferrc from death and endlefs pain : Becaufe he will of his good grace my foul receive again. 17 If any man grow u'ondrous rich, be not afraid therefore : Although the glory of his houfe increafeth more and more. 1 3 For when he dies, of all thefe things nothing mall he receive, His glory will not follow him, his Pomp will take her leave. Yet PSALM L. 19 Yet in this life he counts iiimfelf the happieft under Sun : And others likewife flatter him, laying, All is well done. 20 But yet if he fhould live as long as did his Fathers old : Yet muft he needs at length give place, and be brought to Death's fold. 2 1 Man that in honour lives and doth not underftand, may be Compared unto the very Beafts, that perifh utterly. Deus deonnn. PfaL ; 1. IK W* THe mighty God, th' eternal hath thus ipoke. And all the World he will call and provoke ? Even from the Eaft, and fo forth to the Weft. 2 From towatds Sion which place he liketh belt, God will appear in beauty moft excellent . Our God will come before long time be Ipent.- 3 Devouring fire, mall go before his face - y A great Tempeft fhall round about him trace : 4 Then mail he call the Earth and Heavens bright. To judge his folk with equity and right ; 5: Saying, Go to, and now my Saints aiTemble, My pa& they keep, their gifts do not dififemble : 6 The heavens (hall declare his righteoufnels i G 3 PSALM L. For God is Judge • of all things more and lefs. 7 Hear my People, for I will now reveal ^ Liftlfrael I'll from thee nought conceal. Thy God, thy God am I, and will not blame thee, 8 For giving not all manner offerings to me. 9 I have no need to take of thee at all Goats of thy fold, or Calf out of thy Stall : i o For all the beafts are mine within the Woods : On thoufand hills Cattle are mine own goods : 1 1 I know for mine all Birds that are on Mountains : All beafts are mine that haunt the Fields and Fountains. 12 Hungry if I were, I would not thee it tell : For all is mine that in the world doth dwell : j t, Eat ItheFlefh of great Bulls or Bullocks > Or drink the blood of Goats, or of the Flocks ? 14 Offer to God praife and hearty thankfgiving, And pay thy Vows unto God everliving. 1 5 Call upon me when troubled thou (halt be : Then will I help, and thou malt honour me. 16 To the wicked thus faith th' eternal God, Why PSALM L. Why doft thou preach my Laws and tefts abroad : 17 Seeing thou haft them with thy mouth abufed, And hat'ft to be by difcipline reformed > My Words, I fay thou doft rejeft and hate : 1 8 If that thou fee a thief as with thy Mate ^ Thou run'ft with him, and fo your prey leek vui , And art all one with the adulterous rout ^ 19 Thou giv'ft thy felf to backbite and to flander : And how thy tongue deceives, it is a wonder, 20 Thou fits muling thy brother how to blame, And how to put thy mother's Ion to fhame. 21 Thefe things thou didft, and whilftl held my tongue, Thou didft me judge, becaufe I.ftaid fo long, Like to thy felf : yet though I keep long filence, Once (halt thou feel of thy wrongs juft recompence. 22 Confider this ye that forget the Lord, And fear not when he threatnethwith his Word : Leaft without help I fpoil you as a prey. 23 But he that thanks oftereth, prayfeth me ay, Saith the Lord God : and he that walketh this trace. G 4 PSALM L. 1 will him teach God's faving health to embrace. Another of the fame by J. H. "File God of Gods, the Lord, hath call'd the Earth by name: From whence the Sun doth rife, unto the letting of the fame. 2 From Sion his fair place, his glory bright and clear, The perfect beauty of his Grace, from thence it did appear. 4 Our God (hall come in hafte, to fpeak he mall not doubt : Before him fhall the fire wafte, and tempeft round about. 4 The heavens from on high, the earth below likewiie, He will call forth to judge and try, the People that are his. 5 Bring forth my Saints, iaith he, my faithful flock lb dear Which are in band and league with me, my law to love and fear. 6 And when thele things are try'd, then fhall the Heavens record,- That God is jutt, and allmuft bide the Judgment of the Lord. 7 My People, Ogive heed, llrael to thee I cry : I am thy God, thy help at need, thou can' It it not deny. 8 I do not fay to thee thy Sacrifice is flack : Thou ofFereft daily unto me moch more than I do lack. 9 Think'ft thou that I do need, thy Cattle young or old ? Or elfe fo much defire to feed . on Goats out of thv fold i 10 Nay PS AL M L. io Nay, all the beads are mine, in woods that eat their fills : And thoufands more of neat and kine that run wild on the hills. The Second Part, 11 The birds that build on high, in hills and out of fight ; And beafts that in the Fields do lie are fubjeft to my might. 12 Then though Ihungred fore, what need I ought of thine, Since that the Earth with her great ftore, and all therein is mine ? 1 5 To Bulls Flefh have I mind to eat it doft thou think > Or fuch a fweetneis do I find the blood of Goats to drink ? 14 Give to the Lord his praile, with thanks to him apply : And lee thou pay thy Vows always unto the God moll high. 1 $ Then feek and call to me when ought would work thee blame : And I will fure deliver thee, that thou maift praife my Name. 16 But to the wicked train, which talk of God each day, And yet their works are foul and vain, to them the Lord will lay, 17 With what a face dar'ft thou my word once fpeak or name ? Why doth thy talk my law allow, thy deeds deny the lame > 1 8 Whereas for to amend thy life thou art fo Hack : My word the which thou doft pretend. is caft behind thy back. The Third Part. 19 When thou a thief doft fee by theft to live in wealth, With P S A L M LI. With him thou run n ft, and doft agree likewiie to thrive by ftealth. 20 When thou doft them behold that wives and maids defile, Thou lik'ft it well, and waxeft bold to ufe that life moft vile. 21 Thy Lips thou doft apply to flander and defame : Thy tongue doth teach to cheat and lye and ft ill doth ufe the fame. 22 Thou ftudieft to revile thy Friends to thee fo near With flander thou wouldeft needs defile thy Mothers fonmoft dear. 2 3 Hereat while I do wink as though I did not fee, Thou go ft on ftill, and fo doft think that I am like to thee. 24 But fure I will not let toftrikewhen I begin : Thy faults in order I will let and open all thy fin. 25 Mark this, I you require, that have not God in mind : Left when I plague you in mire ire, your help be far to find. 26 He that doth give tome the facrifice of praife, Doth # pleafe me well, and he fliall fee ' to walk in godly ways. Miferere mel Pfal. li. if. W. OLord, confider my diftrefs, and now with fpeed fome pitty take : My fins deface, my Faults redrefs, good Lord, for thy great mercies fake. 2 Wafh me, O Lord, and make me clean from this unjuft and iinful Aft : And purifie me once again from this foul Crime and bloody Fa£l, 3 Re- PSALM LI. 5 Remorfe and Ibrrow do conftrain me to acknowledge mine excels : My fin alas doth ftill remain before my face without releafe. 4 Againft thee only have I fin'd, committing evil in thy fight : And if I mould no mercy find, yet were thy Judgments juft and right. 5 It is to manifeft alas that firft I was conceiv'd in Sin : Yea, of my Mother fo born was and yet, vile wretch, remain therein 6 Alfo behold, Lord, thou doft Love the inward truth of a pure heart -• Therefore thy Wifdom from above thou haft reveal'd me to convert. 7 If thou with HyiToy purge this blot, I mall be clearer than the Glafs : And if thou warn away my lpot, the Snow in whitenefs (hall I pals. 8 Therefore, O Lord, fuch joy me lend that I may praile thee with my voice : And that my ftre'ngth may now amend, and broken bones alio rejoyce. 9 Turn back thy Face and frowning ire, for I have felt enough thy Hand : And piftgemy Sins I thee defire, which do in number pais the land. io Make new my heatt within rnybreaft, and frame it to thy holy Will, And let thy Spirit in me reft, which may my Soul with comfort fill. The Second Part. 1 1 Call: me not, Lord, out from thy fight,, but fpeedily my torments end : Take not from me thy holy Spirit, which may from danger me defend. 1 2 Reftore me to thole joys again which I was wont in thee to find .• Let P S A L M LI. Let me thy free fpirit retain which unto thee may ftif my mind. 1 3 Thus when I (hall thy Mercies know I (hall inftrucl: others therein : And men that are likewife brought low by mine example (hall flee Sin. 14 O God, that of my health art Lord, forgive me this my bloody vice : My heart and tongue (hall then accord to fing thy mercies and juftice. 15 Touch thou my lips, my tongue untie. Lord which art the only key : And then my Mouth (hall tettifie thy wondrous works and praife alway. 16 And as for outward facriflce 1 would have ofFer'd many one : But thou efteem'ft them of no price, and therein pleafuretakeitnone. 17 The heavy heart the mind opprefs, O Lord, thou never doll: reject .* Becaufe in truth it is the belt, and of all facriflce th' EfTecT:. 1 8 Lord unto Sion turn thy face, pour out thy mercies on thy hill, And on Jeruialem thy Grace, build up the Walls and love it dill. 19 Thou (halt accept then our offring;;, of peace and righteoufnefs alway, Yea, calves and many other things upon thine altar will we lay. Jnother of thefenne by], H- HAve mercy on me, Lord after thy great abounding Grace : After thy Mercies multitude do thou my Sins deface. 2 Yea wafh. me clean from mine offence,- and mine-iniquity : For I do own my faults and ftill, my fin is in mine eye. 3 Agajnft thee, thee alone I have offended in this cafe : And P S A L M LI. And evil have I done before the prefence of thy Face. 4 That in the things which thou haft done upright thou may'fl appear : And when thou judgeft all may fee that thou art very clear. 5 Behold in wickednefs my kind and fhape I did receive : My iinful Mother at the firft in fin did me conceive. 6 But lo, truth in the inward parts is pleafant unto thee , And fecrets of thy wildow thou revealed haft to me. 7 With HyfTop, Lord, befprinkle me, I fhall be cleanled lb : Yea, wafh thou me, and 16 I mall be whiter than the Snow. 8 Of joy and gladnefs make thou me to hear the pleafant voice : That fo the bones which thou, O Lord, haft broken may rejoyce. 9 From the beholding of my fins, Lord, turn away thy face > And all my deeds of wickednefs do utterly deface. io O God create in me a heart unfpotted in thy fight : Within my Bowels, Lord renew a firm and liable fpirit. 1 1 Call me not from thy fight, nor take thy hoiy fpirit away : The Comfort of thy laving health give me again I pray. 1 2 With thy free fpirit flablifh me, and I will teach therefore Sinners thy ways that lb they may turn to thee evermore. The Second Pert. 1 3 God thou art God of my health, from blood deliver me : * hat fbALM LII. That praifes of thy Righteoufnefs , my tongue may fing to thee. 14 My lips that yet faft clofedbe, do thou, O Lord, unloofe : The praifes of thy Majefty Riy mouth mail then difclofe. 1 5; I would have offered facrifice, if that had pleated thee : But pleafed with burnt offerings I know thou wilt not be. 16 A troubled Spirit is Sacrifice, delightful in God's Eyes : A broken and an humble heart, Lord, thou wilt not defpife. 17 In thy goodwill, deal gently, Lord, to Sion, and withal, Grant that of thy Jerufalem uprear'd may be the Wall. J 8 Burnt-offerings, gifts, and facrifice of Juftice in that day Thou fhalt accept, and calves they fhall upon thine alter lay. giiidgloriaris. Pfal. 111. I J. H. WHy doft thou Tyrant boaft abroad thy wicked works to praile > Doft thou not know there is a God, whole Mercies laft always > 2 Why doth thy mind yet itili devife fuch wicked wiles to warp> Thy Tongue untrue in forging lyes, is like a rafour fharp. . 3 On mifchief why fett'lt thou thy mind and wilt not walk upright > Thou haft more luft falfe tales to find than bring the truth to light. 4 Thou doft delight in fraud and guile, in Mifchief, blood, and wrong : Thy lips have learn'd the flattering Stile, O falfe deceitful tongue. the Lord they call not on. 6 Even there they were afraid, and flood with trembling all difmay'd, Whereas there was no caufe at all why they fhould be afraid. 7 For God his bones that thee befieg'd, hath fcatter'd all abroad : He hath confounded them for they, rejected are of God. 8 O Lord give thou thy people health, and thou, OLord, fulfil. Thy promife made to Ifrael, from out of Sion hill. 5> When God his Peop'e mall reftore. that once were captive led, Then Jacob fhall. therein rejoyce., and Ifraelfhall be glad. Deus^ in Nomine. Pral. liv. J. H, £JOd, fave me ferthy holy name, and for thy goodnefs fake : Unto the ftrength, Lord, of the fame I do my caufe betake. 2 Regard, OLord, and give an ear to me when I do pray : Bow down thy felf to me and hear the words that I do fay. 3 Forftrangers upagainftme rife, and Tyrants vex me ft ill: Which have notGed before their Eyes, they feek my foul to fpill. 4 But lo, my God doth give me aid, the Lord is ftraight at hand : With them by whom my foul isftaid, the Lord doth ever ftand. 5 With plagues repay again all thofe forme that lie in wait : And in thy Truth deftroy my foes with their own fhare and bait. 6 An PSALM LV. 6 An off'ring of free heart and will then I to thee fhall make, And praiie thy name, for therein ftill great comfort I do take. 7 Thou, Lord, at length haft let me free from them that craft confpire : And now mine eye with joy doth lee on them my hearts defire. Exaudi, Deus. Pfal. lv. J. H. f^\ God give ear and do apply ^^ to hear me when I pray : And when to thee I call and cry, hide not thy felf away; 2 Take heed to me, grant my requeft, and anfwer me again , With greif I pray full fore oppreft, forrow doth me conftrain. 3 Becaule my foes with threats and cries, opprels me through dilpight : And lo the wicked fort likewile to vex me have deight. 4 For they in counfel do conlpire to charge me with lbme ill, And in their hafty wrath and ire :' they do purfue me ftill. 5 My heart doth faint for want of breath, it panteth in my breait : The terrors, and the dread of death, do work me much unreft. 6 Such dreadful fear on me doth fall, that 1 therewith do quake. Such horror overwhelmeth me, that I no iMt can make. 7 But 1 did lay, who will give me the iwift and pleafant wings Of lbme fair dove, that 1 may flee, and reft me from theie things? 8 Lo, then I would go far away, to fly I would not ceafe : H And PSALM LV. And I would hide my felf, and flay in fome greac wildernefs. 9 I would be gone in all the haite, and not abide behind, Till I were quit and overpaft thefe blafts of boiftrous wind. 10 Divide them, Lord, and from them pull their falfe and double tongue : For I have fpy'd their City fall of rapine, (trite, and wrong. 1 1 Which things both night and day thr out inclofe her us a wall : In midft of her is mifchief wrought, and i'orrow great withal, 1 2 Her inward parts are wicked plai^ her deeds are much too vile : And in her ltreets there do.h remam nothing but fraud and guile. The Second Part. 1 3 If that my Foes did leek my fhame, I might it well abide : Becaufe from all their checks and blame fome where I could me hide. 1 4 But thou it was my fellow dear, which frendfhip didft pretend, And didft my fecret council here, as my ftmiliar friend. 1 5: With whom I had delight to talk in fecret and abroad, And we together oft did walk unto the Houfe of God. 16 Let death in halt upon them fall. and fend them quick to heil : For mifcheif doth abide in all the places Where they dwell. 17 But I unto my God will cry, to him for help I flee: The Lord will help me inftantly, and he will luccour me. j 8 At morning, noon, and even-tide : nnto the Lcrd I pray When PSALM LVI. When I fo conitantly have cry'd, he did not fay me nay. 19 To pea ce he (hall reflore me yet 3 though war be now at hafld : Although the number be tail great, that would againft me (land. 20 The Lord that Ml and laft doth reign both now and evermore, Will hear when I to him complain, and punifh them full lore. 2 1 For lure there is no hope that they to turn will once accord : For why > they will not God obey, nor yet do fear the Lord. 22 Upon their friends they laid their hands, which were in cov'nant knit : Of Friendfhip to negle£l the bands they do not care one whit. 23 While they have war within their hearts as butter are their words : And though they were as loft as oil, they cut as (harp as (words. 24 Call: thou thy care upon the Lord, and he (hall nourifli thee : For in no wife he will accord the juft in thrall to fee. 25 But God mall call them deep in pit, that third for blood always : He will no guileful man permit to live out half his days. 26 Tho' fuch be quite deftroy'd and gone, on him is all my (lay : I will depend his grace upon, with all my heart alWay. Mlfereremei.YftLl. lvi. J. H. J-JAve mercy, Lord, on me I pray, for man would me devour : He fighteth with me day by day _ and troubleth me each. hour. h 2 2 My PSALM LVI. 2 My foes do daily enterprize to fwall ow me out right : To right againftme many rile, O thou moft high of might. 3 When they would make me fore afraid with boft and brags of pride, I trull: in thee alone for aid, by thee I will abide. 4 God's promife I do mind and praife,- O Lord,Iftick to thee: I do not care at all eflays, what fiefh can do to me. 5 What things I either did or fpeak they wreft them at their will And all the counfel that they take is how to work me ill. 6 They all confent themfelves to hide, 1 clofe watch for me to lay : They fpy my paths and fhares have ty'd to take my life away. 7 Shall they thus fcape on miicheif let * thou God on them wilt frown : For in thy wrath thou doft not let, to throw whole kingdoms down. S Thou feelt how oft they made me flee, and on my tears doft look : Referve them in a glafs by thee, and write them in thy book. 9 When I do call upon thy Name^ my foes away do ftart : I well preceive it by the lame, that God doth take my part: io I glory in the word of God, to praife it I accord : With joy I will declare abroad the promife of th^ Lord. I I I trull in God the Lord, and fay, as I before began, The Lord he is my help and flay, I do not care for mart. 12 I PS AL M LVII. 12 I will perform with heart moft free, my vows to God always : Andl, Lord, all times to thee will offer thanks and praife. 12, My foul from death thou doft defend, and keep'd my feet upright : That I before thee may afcend with fuch as five in light. Miferere mei. Pial. Ivrf, J. H. TAke pity for thy promife fake, have mercy, Lord, on me : For why ? my foul doth her betake unto the help of thee. 2 Within the fhadow of thy wings, Ifetmy felf full faft, Till mifchief, malice, and like things be gone and over pa ft. 3 I call upon the God moft high to whom I flick and ftand : I mean the God that will ftand by the caufel have in hand. 4 For he from heav'n hath fent his aid, to five me from their fpite, That to devour me have aftay'd, his mercy, truth, and might. 5 I lead my life with lions fell, all fet on wrath and ire : And with fuch wicked men I dwell, that fret like flames of fire. 6 Their teeth are fpears and arrows long as fharp as I have feen • They wound and cut with their quick tongue like fwords and weapons keen. 7 Set up, and fhew thy felf, O God, above the hea v'ns moft bright : Exalt thy praife on earth abroad, thy majefty and 'might. 8 They laid their net, and did prepare a privy cave and pit : A 3 Wherein PSALM LVIU. Wherein they thought my foul to fnare, But they are fa'Pn in it. 9 My heart is let to laud the Lord, in him to joy always : My heart doth ever well accord to fing his laud and praile. 10 Awake my joy, awake I fay, my lute, my harp and firing: And I my felf before the day, will rile, rejoyce and fing. ii Among the people, I will tell the goodnefs of my God, And Ihew his pr life that doth excel in heathen lands abroad. 12 His mercy doth extend as far as the heaVns all are high : His trarh as high as any ftar xhdt ihineth in the sky. 15 Set forth and fhew thy lelfO God, above the heavns moll bright ^ Extol thy ielf on earth abroad, thy majefty and might. Si vere ittique. Pfal. lviii. J. H. VE rulers that are put in trull to judge of wrong and right, Ee all your judgments true and juft regard ing'no man's might ? 2 Nay, in your hearts ye mark and mule in milcheif to conlent, And where ye fhould truth juftice ule, your hands to bribes are bent. 3 Tiie wicked forr from their birth day, have erred on this wile : And from their mother's womb a ".way have ufed craft mid lyes. 4 In them the poyion and the breath of ferpents do appear : Yea, like the adder that is deaf, and fa ft duth itop her ear. < B^ P S A LM LIX. $ Becaufe Ihe will not hear the voice of one that charmeth well : No, though he were the cheif of choife, and did therein excell. 6 The teeth, O Lord, which fait are let in their mouth round about : The Lions teeth that are fo great, do thou, Lord break them out. 7 Let them confume away and walle, as water runs forth-right : The fhafts that they do Ihoot in hall, let them be broke in flight. 8 As fnails do wafte within the fhetl, and unto flime do run $ As one before his time that fell, and never law the fun. 9 Before the thorns that now are young, to bufhes big fhall grow .• The ftorms of 3nger waxed ftrong, mail take them e'er they know. io Thejuft mall joy, it doth them good, that God doth vengeance take-, And they fhall wafh their feet in blood of them that him for fake. ii Then fhall the world mew forth and tell that good men have reward : And that a God on earth doth dwell, that juftice doth regard. Eripe me. Pfal. lix. J. H. CEnd Aid and fave me from my foes, O Lord, 1 pray to thee : Defend and keep me from all thole that rife and ltrive with me. 2 Lord, preferve me from thofe men, whole doings are not good : And let me fine and fafe from them that thirft ltiii after blood. 3 For lo, they wait my foul to take, they raee againft me itiil : H x Yea PSALM LIX. Yea, for no fault that I did make, I never did them ill. 4 They run and do themfelves prepare, when I no whit offend : A nlc and fave me from the fnare, and iee what they : rend. Or who to Edom will me guide , fo that I go not wrong ? io Lord, wilt not thou, which didft forfake thy folk, their land and eoafts, Our Wars in hand thou would'ft not take, nor walk among our Holts. ii Give aid, OLord, and us relieve, from them that us difdam : The help that Hoftsof men can give, is all but weak and vain . 12 But through our God we (hall have might to take great things in hand : He will tread down and put to flight all thofe that us withitand. Exaudi Bern. Pfal. lxi. J. B. "D Egard, O Lord, for I complain, ^ and make my fuit to thee : Let not my words return in vain, but give an ear to me. 2 From out the eoafts andutmoft parts of all the earth abroad, fn grief and anguilh of my heart I cry to thee, O God. 3 Upon the rock cf thy great pbw'r my woful mind repoie ; Thou PSALM LXn. Thou art my hope, my fort and tow'r mv fence againft my foes. 4 Within thy tent I long to dwell, for ever to endure, Under thy wings I know right well, I mail be fafe and lure. 5; The Lord doth my defire regard, and doth fulfil the fame : With Riches great will he reward all thole that fear his Name. 6 The King fhali he in health maintain and 1q prolong his days : That he from a^geto age ihall reign, with honour great always. 7 That he may have a dwelling place before the Lord alwav : O let thy mercy, truth and grace, defend him from decav. 8 Then (hall I fing for ever ftill, wkh praife unto thy Name : That all my vows I may fulfil, and dai'y pay the fame. Konne Deo. Pfal. lxii. J H. j^f Y foul to God (hall give good heed, and him alone attend : For why ? my health and hope to fpeed doth whole on him denend. 2 For he alone is my defence, my rock, my health and aid, He is my ffay,' that no pretence, mall make me much difmaid. 3 wicked folk, how long will ye, ufe craft, fure ye muff, fall : For as a rotten Hedge ye be, and like a tott'ring wall. 4 Whom God doth Jove, ye feek always to put him to the worie: v> Ye love to lye, with mouth ye praife, and jet your Heart doth curie. S Yer PSALM LXIII. $ Yet ftill my foul doth whole depend on God my chief deiire : From all ill feats me to defend, none but him I require. 6 He is my rock, my fort and tow'r, my health is of his grace. He doth fupport me that no Pow'r can move me out of place. 7 My glory and falvation doth on him alone depend. He is my ftreng'ch, my ftay, my wealth, and frill doth me defend. 8 O have your truft in him alway, ye folk with one accord : Pour out your hearts to him, and fay, our truft is in the Lord. 9 The Sons of Men deceitful are, on balance but a Height : With things moft vain do them compare, for they can hold no weight. io Truft not in wrong and robbery, let vain delights be gone : Though riches flow in fuddenly, let not your hearts thereon. .1 1 The Lord long fince one thing did tell, which here to mind I call : He fpake it oft, I heard it well, that he alone doth all. 1 2 And that thou, Lord, art good and kind, thy mercy doth exceed : So that all forts with thee (hall find according to their deed. D««, Dens mem. Pfal. lxiii. T. S, OGod, my God, I watch betime to come to thee in hafte : For why? my foul and body both do thirft of thee to tafte. And in this barren wildernefs where waters there are none. My PSALM LXIV. My flefh is parent for thought of thee, for thee I wifh alone. 2 That I might lee yet once again thy glory, ftrength and might, As I was wont it to behold within thy temple bright. 3 For why? thy Mercies far furmount this life and wretched days : My lips therefore fhall give to thee due honour, laud and praife. 4 AndWhilft Hive, I will not fail to worfhip thee alway : And in thy name I will lift up my hands when I do pray. 5 My foul is fill'd as with Marrow which is both fat and iweet : My mouth therefore fhall ling fuch. longs as are for thee molt meet. 6 When in my bed I think on thee, and in the wakeful night, 7 And under convert of thy wings, rejoyce with great delight. 8 My foul doth furely ftick to thee, thy right hand is my pow'r : 9 And thole that feek my loul to Hay, death fhall them foon devour. io The livord fhall them devour each one, their Carcafles fhall feed The hungry Foxes which do run, their pray ro leek at need. 1 1 The King, and all men fhall rejoyce, that do profels God's word . For liars mouths fhall then be ftopt^ and all their ways abhor 'd. Exaudi, Dens. Pfal.lxiv. J. H. OLord unto my Voice give ear, when 1 complain and pray : And rid my life and foul from fear of foes that threat to Hay. 2 De- PSALM LXV. 2 Defend me from that fort of men which in deceit do lurk : An J from the frowning face of them that all ill feats do work. 3 Who wet t -eir tongue as we have feen men whet and (harp their (words : They (hoot abroad their Arrows keen, I mean moft bitter words. 4 With privy Heights (hoot they there (haft, the upright man to hit: The innocent to ftrike by craft, they care or fear no whit. 5 A wicked work they have decreed, in council thus they cry, To ufe deceit let us not dread, what who can it efpy ? 6 What way to hurt they talk and mufe all times within their heart : They all confult what feats to ufe, each doth invent his part. 7 But yet all this (hall not prevail, when they think leaftupOn, God with his dart (hall fure aiTail and wound them every one. 8 Their craft and their ill tongues withal fhall work themfelves fuch blame That they which then behold their fall fhall wonder at the fame. £ And all that fee (hall know right well, that God the thing hath wrought, Andpralienis wondrous works and tell what he to pafs hath brought. io Yet fhall thejatt in God rejoyce, ftill truif ing in his might : So (hall they joy with mind and voice, whole hearts are pure and right. T Te decethymvm Pfal. Ixv. J. H. Hy praifc alone, OLord, doth reign in Sion thine own hill : Their PSALM LXV. Their Vows to thee they do maintain and evermore fulfil. 2 For that thou dolt their prayers hear, and doft thereto agree : The people all both far and near, with truft (hall come to thee. 3 Our wicked life fo far exceeds, I that we (hall fall therein : But Lord forgive our great mifdeeds, and purge us from our fin. 4 The man isbleft whom thou doft chufe within thy Courts to dwell: Thy houle and Temple he fhall ufe, with pleafures that excel. 5 Of thy great }u if Rehear, God, our healtn of thee doth rife : The hope of all the earth abroad, and the Sea-ccafts likewile. 6 With ftrength thou art befet about, and compals'd with thy power: Thou mak'ft the mountains ftrong and flout, to ftand in every fhow'r. 7 The fwelling Seas thou doft aflwage, making them very ft ill : Thou doft reft rain the peoples rage, and rule them at thy will. 8 The folk that dwell throughout the earth (hall dread thy figns to fee : Morning and evening in great mirth lend praifes up to thee. 9 When that the earth is chapt and dry, and thirfteth more and more, Then with thy drops thou doft fupply. and much encreale her ftore. io The flood of God doth overflow, and fo doth caufe to fpring The feed and corn which men do fow, for he doth guide the thing. I I With wet thou doft her furro ws fill, whereby her clods do fall : Thv PSALM LXVL Thy drops on her thou doft diftil : and bids her fruit withal. 1 2 Thou deck'ft the Earth of thy good grace with fair and pleafant crop : Thy Clouds diftil their dew apace, great plenty they do drop. 1 3 Whereby the defert fhall begin full great increafe to bring : The little hills mall joy therein, much fruit in them fhall fpring. 14 In places plain the flock fhall feed, and cover all the earth : The vales with corn fhall fo ( xceed, that men fhall ling for mirth. Jubilate Deo. Pfal. lxvi. T. S. YE men on earth in God rejoyce, with praifefet forth his name : Extol his might with heart and voice, give glory to, the fame. 2 How wonderful, Lord, fay ye. in all thy workes thou art ! Thy foes for fear fhall feek to thee full fore againft their heart. 3 All men that dwell the Earth throughout, fhall praife the name of God 5 The land thereof the world about is fhew'd and fet abroad, 4 All folk come forth, behold and fee, what things the Lord hath wrought : Mark well the wondrous workes that he for man to pals hath brought. > He laid the Sea like heaps on high, therein a way they had, On foot to pafs both fair and dry, whereof their Hearts were glad. 6 His might doth rule the world alvvay, his eyes all things behold j All fuch as fhall himdifobey, by him fhall be controll'd. 7 Ye PSALM LXVI. 7 Ye people give unto our God, due laud and thanks always •, With joyful voice declare abroad. and ling unto his praife: 3 Which doth endue our foul with life, and it preferve withal : He ftays our feet, fo that no ftrife can make us Hip or fall. 9 The Lord doth prove our deeds with fire, if that they will abide: As workmen do when they defire to have their metals trrd. io Although, thou fuffer us fo long in prifon to be calt : And there with chains and fetters ftrong to lie in bondage faff. The Second Part. 1 1 Although, I fay, thou fuffer men on us to ride and reign : Tho' we through fire and water run, with very grief and pain : 12 Yet fure thou doff of thy good grace difpole it to the beft, And bring us out into a place, to live in wealth and reft 1 3 Unto thy houferefbrt will I to offer and to pray, And there I will my felt apply my vows to thee to pay : 14 The vows that with my mouth I ipeak in all my grief and fmart : The vows, 1 fay, that I did make in dolour of my heart, 1 5 Burnt-ofPrings I will give to thee, of oxen fat, and rams : Yea, this my facrifice mail be of bullocks, goats, and lambs. 16 Come forth and hearken here fullfoon; all ye that fear the Lord : What he for my poor foul hath done, to you I will record. I 17 Full PSALM LXVII. 1 7 Full oft I call to mind his grace, this mouth to him doth cry: And thou my tongue make fpeed apace to praife him inftantly. 1 8 But if* I feel my heart within in wicked works rejoyce : Or if I have delight to fin, God will not hear my voice. i 9 But furely God my voice hath heard, and what I do require : My pray'r alfo he doth regard, and granteth my defire. 20 All praife to him that hath not put,. nor call: me out of mind : Nor yet his mercy from me fhut, which I do ever find. Dens miferecitiiY. Pfal. lxvii. J. H. T-IAve mercy on us, Lord, and grant to us thy grace : To (hew to us do thou accord, the brightnefs of thy face : 2 That all the earth may know the way to godly wealth : And all the nations here below may fee thy laving health. 3 Let all the world, God, give praife unto thy name, And let the people all abroad extol and laud the fame. 4 Throughout the world fo wide let all pejoyce with mirth : For thou with truth and right doft guide the nations of the earth. 5 Let all the world, O God, give praife unto thy name : And let the people all abraod extol and laud the fame. 6 Then fhall the earth increafe, great ftore of fruit fhall fall, And PSALM LXVIII. ~ And then our God the God of peace fhall ever blefs us all. 7 God (hall us greatly blefs, . and then both far and near, The folk which all the earth poflefs, of him fhall Hand in fear. Exurgat Dens. Pftl. lxviii, T. S. T Et God arife, and then his foes will turn themfelves to flight : His enemies for fear mail run, and fcatter out of fight. 2 And as the fire doth melt the wax, and wind blows fmoke away : So in the pretence of the Lord, the wicked fhall decay. 3 But righteous men before the Lord, fhall heartily rejoyce : They fhall be glad and merry all, and chearful in their voice, 4 Sing praife, fing praife unto the Lord 5 who rideth on the sky, Extol the great Jehovah's Name, and him do magnify. 5 The fame is he that is above within his holy place, The Father is of Fatherleis, and Judge of widows cafe. 6 Houles he gives, and llTue both' unto the comfortlefs : He bringeth 'bondmen out of thrall, and rebels to diftrefs. 7 When thou didft march before thy folk th' Egyptians from among, And brought'lt them through the wildernefs ; which was both wide and long, 8 The earth did quake, the rain poufd down, heard were great claps of thunder. Mount Sinai (hook in fuch a fort, as if 'twould break in f under. I 2 <9 Thine PSALM LVXIII. p Thine heritage with drops of rain, abundantly was wafht : And if io be it barren waxt, by thee it was refrefht. io Thy chofen flock doth there remain, thou haft prepaid that place: A nd for the poor thou dolt provide of thine efpecial grace. The Second Part. 1 1 God will give women cauies juft tomagnifie his name^ When as his people triumphs make, and purchafe mighty fame. 1 2 PuifTant kings for all their power, fhali flee and take the foil, And women which remain at home fliall help to part the fpoil. 1 3 And though ye were as black as pots, your hue lhall pafs the dove, Whofe wings and feather feem to have filver and gold above. 14 When in this land God mail triumph o'er kings both high and low : Then (half it be like Salmon hill, as white as any fnow. 1 5; Though Baian be a fruitful hill, and in height other pals : Yet Sion God's moft holy hill doth far excel in grace : 16 Why leap ye thus ye hills moft high, and thus with pride do fwell > The hill of Sion God doth love, and there will ever dwell. 1 7 God's army is two milions of u-ariours great and Strong : The Lord alio in Sinai is prefent them among. 18 Thou did (O Lord) alcend on high, and captive lad'ft them all. Which in times paft thy choien flock in bondage did inthral. The PSALM LXVin. ; Thou mad'ft them tribute for to pay ^ and fuch as did repine 1 Thou did'ft iu bdue, that they might dwell in thy temple divine. 1 1 9 Now praifed be the Lord, for that he pours on us fuch grace : From day to day he is the God | of our health and fblace. The Third Part. ! 20 He is the God from whom alone falvation cometh plain : ; He is the God by whom we, icape all dangers, death, and pain. : 21 But he will wound his enemies head, and break the hairy fcalp I Of thofe that in their wickednefs continue ft ill to walk. ! 2 2 From Bafan will I bring, faid he, my people and my fheep : And all my own, as have done, from dangers of the deep. | 23 And make them dip their feet in bloc4 of thole that hate my name ; And dogs fhall have their tongues embru'd with licking of the fame. 24 Thy goings they have feen, God, unto their own difgrace : How thou my God and: King doit go within thy holy place. 2$ The fingers go before with joy, the minltrels make no itay, 'And in the midft the damieis do. with timbrels fweetly play. 26 Now in the congregation, O Ifrael, praife the Lord : And Jacob's whole pofterity, give thanks with one Accord. 27 Their chief was little Benjamin, but Judah made their hoft, With Zabulon andNephthalim, which dwelt about their coaft. 28 As PSALM LXIX. 28 As God hath given power to thee, fo Lord nuke firm and fure The th'ng that thou haft wrought in us, ever to endure. 29 Then Li thy temple gifts will we offer to thee, O Lord : And in thine own Jerufalem praife thee uith one accord. The Fourth Part. Yea, and ftrange kings by us fubdu'd fhall do like in thofe days : For unto thee they mall prefent their gifts of laud and praife. 30 He fhall deftroy the fpear-mens ranks, the calves and bulls of might : And "make them tribute pay, and daunt all fuch. as love to fight. 3 1 Then fhall the lords of Egypt come, and prefents with them bring : the moors moft black fhall ftretch their hands to God their Lord and King. 52 Therefore ye kingdoms of the earth, give praife unto the Lord : Sing Pfalms to God with one content. thereto let all accord. 33 For hi doth ride, and ever did above the heavens bright : Ani by his fearful thunder-claps men may well know his might : 34 Therefore the ftrength of Ifrael afcribe to God on high, Whofe might and power doth far extend above the cloudy sky. 33; O God, thy holinefs and power is dread for evermore : The God of Ifrael gives -us ftrength } praifed be ,God therefore. Salvum me fac. Pfal. LXIX. J. H. C.Ave me, O God, and that with fpeed, the waters flow full fa ft : PSALM LXIX. fo nigh my foul do they proceed, that 1 am fore a^ait. 2 I fink full deep in mire and clay, where I can feel no ground : and in deep waters where I may molt fiiddenly be drown'd. 3 With crying oft 1 weary am, my throat is hoarfe and dry : My fight doth fail with looking up for help to God on high. 4 My foes that guilder! do opprefs my ioul, with hate are led : In number fure they are no lefs than hairs upon my head. 5 Thoigh for no caufe they vex me fore, they profper and are glad : They do compel me to reftore the things I never had. 6 What I have done for want of it, thou, Lord, all times canft tell •, And all the faults that I commit to the are known full well. 7 O God of holt, defend and ftay all thole that cruft in thee :• Let no man doubt or fhrink away • for ought that chanceth me. 8 It is for thee and for thy fake that I do bare this blame : In ipite to thee they would me make to hide my face for fhame. 9 My mothers fons, my brethren all reject me with difgrace : And as a ft ranger they me call, they will not know my face, io Unto thy Houfe fuch zeal I bare, that it doth vex me much : Their checks and taunts at thee to hear, my very heart doth grutch. The Second Part. 1 1 Though I do faft my flefh to chaft j yea, if I weep a 'vi mourn: This PSALM LXIX. This in my teeth likewife is caft by icorners every one. 12 If I fbrgreifand pain of heart in fackcloth ufe to walk, Then they anon will it pervert, thereof they jelt and talk. 1 3 Both high and low and all the throng that fit within the gate, They have me ever in their tongue ; of me they talk and prate. 14 The drunkards which in wine delight, it is their cheif paltime, To feek which way to work me fpite, of me thy iing and rhyme. 15 But unto thee, Lord I pray, that when it pleafeth thee, For thy great truth thou wilt away fend down thine aid to me. 16 Pluck thou my foot out of the mire, from drowning do me keep : From fuch as owe me wrath and ire, and from the waters deep. 1 7 Left with the waves I mould be drown'd, and depth my foul devour, And that the pit mould me confound and fhut me in her power. 1 8 O Lord of hofts to me give ear, as thou art good and kind : And as thy mercy is molt dear, Lord, have me in thy mind. 19 And do not from thy fervant hide nor turn thy face away, I am oppreft on every fide, in halt give ear, I pray. 20 O Lord, unto my foul draw nigh ? the lame with aid repofe, Eecaufe of their great tyranny, acquit me from my foes. The Third Part. .21 That I abide rebuke and fhame, thou know'ft and thou canit tell: For PSALM LXIX. For thofe that feek and work the fame thou fee'ft them all full well. 22 When they with brags do break my heart ibme help I fain would fee : But find no feiends to eale my fmart, not one to comfort me. 23 But in my meat they gave me gall, too cruel for to think : And gave me in my thirfl withal, ftrong vinigar to drink, 24 Lord turn their table to a fnare to take themfelves therein : And when they think full well to fare, then trap them in their gin. 25 And let their eyes be dark and blind, that they may nothing fee : Sow down their backs and do them bind in thraldom for to be. 26 Pour out thy wrath as hot as fire, that it on them may fall : Let thy dilpleafure in thine ire take hold upon them all. 27 As defarts dry their houfe diigrace their feed do thou expel : That none thereof polTefs their place, nor. in their tents e'er dwell. 28 If thou doll ftrike the man to tame, on him they lay full fore: And if that thou do wound the fame, they feek to hurt him more. 29 Then let them heap up mifchiefftill, fince they are all pervert, That of thy favour and good will they never have a part. 30 And rale them clean out of thy book of life, of hope, and truft : That for their names they never look in number of the juft. The Fourth Part. 3 1 Tho 5 I, Lord, with woe and grief have been full fore oppreff : Thy PSALM LXX. Thy help (hall give me fuch relief, that all (hall be redreft. 32 That I may give thy name the praife, that doth to thee belong : 1 will extol the lame always, with a Thankfgiving fong. 3 3 Which is more pleaiant unto thee, fuch mind thy grace hath born, Than either ox or calf can be, that hath both hoof and horn. 34 When fimple folk do this behold, it (hall rejoice them fure : All ye that leek the Lord, your life for ever (hall endure. 3 5: For why ? the Lord of hoft doth hear the poor when they complain : His prilbners are to him full dear, he doth them not difdain. 36 Wherefore the sky and earth below, the (ea, with flood and ftream , His praile they (hall declare and (how. with all that live in them. 37 For fure our God will Sion fave, and Juda's cities build : 38 Much folk pofTeflion there (hall have, her ftreets (hall all be fill'd. His iervants feed (hall keep the lame all ages out of mind : 39 And there all they that love his Name, a dwelling place (hall find. Deus in adjntorhim. Pial. lxx. J. H. OGod to me take heed, of help, I thee require : O Lord of hofts, with hafte and ipeed help me, I thee defire. 2 with (hame confound them all, that feek my foul to ipiil : Rebuke them back with blame to fall that think and wi(h me ill. 3 Con- PSALM LXX. 3 Confound them that apply and leek to work me fhame : And at my harm do laugh, and cry. So, fo, there goes the game. 4 But let them joyful be in thee with joy and wealth, Which only truft and leek to thee, and to thy laving health. 5 That they may lay always in mirth and one accord, All glory, honour, laud and praife be given to thee, O Lord. 6 But I am weak and poor j come, Lord thine aid I lack : Thou art my ftay, and help, therefore make lpeed, and be not flack. In te, Do?mne. Plal. lxxi. J. H. \A Y Lord, my God, in all diftrels ^ my hope is whole in thee : Then let no fhame my foul opprefs, nor once take hold on me. 2 As thou art juft, defend me, Lord, and rid me out of dread : Give ear, and to my fait accord, and lend me help at need. 3 Be thou my rock, to whom I may for aid all times relbrt : Thy promile is to help alway, thou art my fence and fore. 4 Save me, my God, from wicked men, . and from their ftrength and power : From folk unjuft, and alfo them that cruelly devour. ? Thou art the ftay whereon I reft, thou Lord of Hofts art he : Yea, from my youth I thought it beft ftill to depend on thee. 6 Thou haft me kept even from my birth and I through thee was born : Where- PSALM LXXI. Wherefore I will thee praife with mirth , both evening and at morn. 7 As to a monfture feldom ieen, much folk about me throng : But thou art now, and ft ill hath been my fence and aid molt ftrong. 8 Wherefore my mouth for ever fhali be filled with thy praife : Alfo my tongue fhall never fail to honour thee always. $> Refufe me not, Lord, I pray, when age my limbs doth take : And when my itrength dpth wafte away do not my foul fbriake, io Among them felves my toes inquire to take me through deceit : And they againft me do confpire, that for my foul lay wait. The Second part. 1 1 Lay hand and take him, now they fay, for God from him is gone : Difpatch him quite,. for to his aid moil fure there cometh none : 1 2 Do not a ablent thy felf away, Lord, when need fhall be : But that in time of greif I may in haft have help from thee. 1 3 With fhame confound and overthrow all thole that leek my life , Supprefs them with rebuke alio, that fain would work me ftrife. 14 But I will patiently abide thy help at all alTays •, Still more and more, each time and tide, 1 will let fortk thy praife. 1 5: My mouth thy juftice fhall record, that daily help doth fend : For thy great Benefits, O Lord, no numbers have, nor end. 16 Yet will I go and leek forth one, with thy good help, God, The PSALM LXXI. The faving health of thee alone to fhew and let abroad. 1 7 For of my youth thou took'ft the care and doft inirru£t me ftill : Therefore thy wonders do declare I have great mind and will. 1 8 And as in youth from wanton rage thou didft me keep and itay : Forfake me not in mine old age, and when my head is gray. The Third Part, 19 That I thy ftrength and might may (how to them that now be here : And that our feed thy pow'r may know hereafter many year. 20 O Lord, thy Juftice doth exceed thy doings all may lee : Thy works are wonderful, indeed, Oh who is like to thee! 21 Thou mad'ft me feel affliction fbre> and yet thou didft me lave > Yea, thou didft help and me reftore, and took'ft me from the grave : 22 And thou mine honour doft increale, my dignity maintain : Yea, thou doft make all grief to ceale, and comfort'it me again. 2 3 Therefore thy faithfulnefs to praile I will with Viol ling : My harp (hall found thy laud always, O Ifraefs holy King. 24 My mouth will joy with plsafant vaice when I lhall ling to thee; Alio my foul lhall much rejoice, for thou haft made me free. 25 My tongue thy uprightnefs (hall lound, and Ipeak it daily ftill ; For grief and fhame do them confound that leek to work me ill. Deui PSALM LXXIL Dens, judicium. Pial. Ixxii. J. H. f Ord, give thy judgments to the King, therein infirucT: him well : And with his Son that Princely thing, Lord, let thy juftice dwell. 2 That he may govern uprightly, and rule thy folk aright : And fo defend through equity the poor that have no might. 3 And let the mountains that are high, unto thy folk give peace : Let little hills alio apply, in juftice to increafe. 4 That he may help the weak and poor with aid to make them ftrong : And fo deftroy for evermore all thofe that do them wrong. $ And then from age to age mail they regard and fear, thy might : So long as fun doth mine by day, or elfe the moon by night. 6 Lord make the King unto the juft like rain to fields new mown ; And like to drops that lay the duft, refrefhing land hew fown. 7 The juft fhall tlourifh in his days, and all fhall be at peace, Until the moon fhall leave to wafte, to change and to increafe. 8 He fhall be Lord, and have command from more to mere throughout : And from the flouds within the land, through all the Earth about. 9 The people that in delarts dwell, fhall kneel to him full thick : And all his foes that do rebel, the earth and duft fhall lick. io The Lords of all the Hies thereby great gifts to him mail bring : Ar* PSALM LXXIL Arabia and Saba's Kings, give many, a coftly thing. The Second Part. 1 1 All Kings fhall leek with one accord in his good grace to ftand : And all the people of the world obey at his command. 1 2 For he the needy fort doth lave, that unto him do call : Alfo the fimple folk that have no help of man at all. 1 3 He taketh pity on the poor that are with need oppreft^ He doth preferve them evermore, and bring their fouls to reft •, 14 He mail redeem their lives from dread, from fraud, from wrong, and might: Alfo the blood that they lTaall bleed is precious in his light 15 But he fhall live, and they fhall bring to him of Saba's gold : He fhall be honour'd as a King, and daily be extoll'd. 16 The mighty mountains of his land of corn fhall bear fuch throng, That it like ceder-'trees fhall ftand in Libanus full long. 17 Their Cities alfo well fhall lpeed, the fruits thereof furpafs : In plenty ir fhall far exceed, and lpring as green as grafs. 1 8 For ever they fhall praife his name, while that the fun is light : And think them happy through the fame^ all folk fhall blels his might. 19 Praife ye the Lord of holts, and ling to IfraePs God each one : For he doth ev'ry wondrous thing, yea, he himfelf alone. 20 And blefled be his holy name, all times eternally : That PSALM LXX1II. That all the earth may praife the fame. Amen, Amen, lay I. §hicm bonus Deus. Pfal. lxxiii. T. S, JJ!Ow e'er it be, yet God is good and kind to Ilrael : And to all fuch as fafely keep their confciencepure and well 2 But as for me, I almoft ilipr, my feet began to Aide : Before that I was well aware, my fteps did turn afide. 3 For when I law fuch foolifh men, I grudged with great difdain, That wicked men all things frjould have without turmoil or pain. 4 They never fuffer pangs nor grief, as if death mould them fmite : Their bodies are both ftout and ftrong, and ever in good plight. 5 Always free from adverfity and every lad event : With other men they take no part of plague or punifhment. 6 Therefore preemption doth embrace their necks as doth a chain : They are even wrapt as in a robe, with rapine and difdain. 7 They are fo fed that even with fat their eyes oft-times out ftart : And as for worldly good they have more than can wifh their heart. 8 Their life is molt licentious boafting much with their tongue, How they the poor and fimple have opprelTed with great wrong. 9 They fet their mouth againft the heavens and do the Lord blafpheme : They proudly fpeak of worldly things, no one they do efteem. io God's PSALM LXXIII. 10 God's people often times turn back, to fee their proip'rous fhte: And almoft drink the felf-fame cup, and follow the lame rate. The Second Part. 1 1 How can it be that God, lay they, fhould know or underftand : Theie worldly things, fince wicked men be lords of lea and land > 12 For we may fee how wicked men in riches ftill *increale, Rewarded well with worldly goods, and live in reft and peace. 1 3 Then why do I fo carefully from wickednefs refrain ? And warn my hands in innocence, and cleanle my heart in vain ? 14 And fuffer fcourges every day, as fubje£t to all blame : And every Morning from my youth fuftain rebuke and fhame > i'j And I had almoft laid as they, milliking mineeftate : But then I Ihould thy children judge • as folk unfortunate. 16 Then I bethought me howl might this matter underftand : But yet the labour was too great for me to take in hand. 17 Until the time I went into thine holy place, and then I underftood right perfectly, the end of all thefe men. 18 Namely, how that thou fetteft them upon a llipp'ry place : And at thy pleafure and thy will thou doft them loon deface. 19 Then all men mule at that ftrange fight to fee how fuddenly, There are deftroyed and confum'd to death fo horribly. K 20 Much PSALM LXXIV. 20 Much like a dream when one awakes fo mall their wraith decays Their famous names in all mens' fight mall iail and puis away. The Third Part. 21 Yet, thus my heart was grieved then, my mind was much oppreit > 22 So fond was I and ignorant, and in this point a Beaft. 2 3 Neverthelefs hy my right hand thou hold'tt me always fait* 24 And with thy counfel dolt me guide to glory at the laft. 2 3; What thing is there that I can wifh but thee in heav'n above : And in the earth there is nothing like thee that I can love. 26 My fleih and fpirit both do fail, but God doth fail me never •, For of my health he is the ftrength, and portion even for ever. 27 But lo, all luchas thee forfake, thou fhalt deftroy each one : And thole that truft in any thing, laving in thee alone. 28 Therefore will I draw near to God,- and ever with him dwell : In God alone I put my truft, his wonders I will tell. Ut quid, Deus. Pfal. lxxiv. J. H. W'Hy art thou, Lord, fo long from us, in all. this danger deep ? Why doth thine anger kindle thus at thine own pafture-fheep ? 2 Lord, call thy people to thy thought which have been thine lb long, The which thou halt redeem'd and brought from bondage fore and ftrong. 3 Have mind therefore and think upon remember it full well, Th PSALM LXXIV. Thy pleaiant place, thy mount pion, where thou waft wont to dwell : ! 4 Lift up thy feet and come in hafte, and all thy foes deface : ! Which now at pleafure rob and wafte within thy holy place. 5 Amidft thy congregations all thy foes do rore, O God : They let as figns on every wall banners difpla'd abroad : I 6 As men with axes hew down trees I • that on the hills do grow : ! So mine the bills and fwords of thele within thy temple now. i 7 The deling faw'd, the carved boards, i . the goodly graven ftones, 1 Whith axes, hammers, bills, and fwords, they beat them down at once. i 8 Thy places they confLme with flame 5 their rage doth fo abound : The houfe appointed to thy Name, ! they rafe down to the ground. 9 And thus they fay within their heart, diipatch them out of hand : i Then burn they up in every part God's houfes through the land. 10 Yet thou*no fign of help doft fend, our prophets all are gone : To tell when this our plague mail end among us there is none. 1 1 How long, Lord, mall thine enemies 1 thus boldly thee defame? . Shall they for evermore bkifpheme thy great and holy Name ? 1 2 Why doft thou thy right hand withdraw from us fo long away : Out of thy bofom pluck it forth with fpeed thy foes to flay. The Second Part. 13 O God, thou art our King and Lord, and evermore haft been ; K 2 Yea, PSALM LXXIV. Yea, thy good grace throughout the world for our good help is ieen. 14 Trie leas that are fo deep and dead, thy might did make them dry : And thou didit brake the ierpents head, that he therein did die. 1 5 Yea thou didft break the heads lb great of whales .that are moll fell And gav'ft them to the folk to eat that in the delarts dwell. 16 Thou mad'ft a fpring with ftreams to rife from rocks both hard and high: c Thy mighty hand hath made likewile deep rivers to be dry. * 17 Both day and night are alio thine, by thee they were begun •, And thou likewile prepared haft the light of moon and fun. 1 8 Thou didft appoint the ends and coafts of all the earth about Both fummer-heats and winter-frofts thy hand hath found them out. 19 Think on, Lord, no time forget thy foes that thee defame : And how the foolilh folk are let to rail upon thy name. 20 let no cruel beaft devour thy turtle that is true : And always leave net in their power the poor that much do rue. 21 Regard, Lord, thy covenant, behold our milery : All the dark places of the earth are full of cruelty. 2 2 Let not the fimple man therefore, be turned back with (frame, But let the needy evermore ' . give praife unto thy Name. .2 3 Arrfe, O Lord, and plead thy caufe againlt thine enemies, Wl PSALM LXXV. ; Who daily do reject thy laws, : and thee with fcorn defpile. 2d The voice forget not of rhy foes, • for the preemption high ' Is moregnd moreincreaft of thole that hate thee ipittfully. Conjitebiimir tibi Pial. lxxv. J. H. TO thee, O God, will we give thanks, we will give thanks to thee : Since thy Name is 16 near, declare thy wondrous work will we. 2 I will uprightly judge when get convenient £tae I may ^ The earth is wKik, and all therein, but I her pillars ftay. 3 I did to the mad people lay, deal not fo furioully : And unto the ungodly ones, let not your horns on high $ 4 I laid unto them, let not up your railed horns on high ^ And lee that you do with ftiff neck not lpeak prefumptuoufly. 5 For neither from the eftern parts, nor from the weft likewile, Nor from fbrfaken wildernels, promotion doth arile. 6 But God who rules both heaven and earth the righteous Judge alone : It's he that puts down one, and lets another in the throne. 7 For why a cup of mighty wine is in the hand of God : And all the mixture of the lame himfelf doth pour abroad. „ 8 As for the lees and filthy dregs that doth remain of it, The wicked of the earth fhall drink and luck them every whit. K 3 e But PS \ T ,M LXXVI. 9 Rut I wil ' talk of God alway, a ' his great name odore : And will not ceafe to celebrate his praife for evermore. 10 In funder break the horns of all ungodly men will I: But then the horns of righteous men fTiall be exalted high. GLORIA TJTRL To Father, Son, and floly Ghoft, all Glory be therefore : As in beginning was, is now, and fhall be evermore. Ittjnita Pfal. lxxv%. H- TO all that now in Jewry dwell, the Lord is clearly known : His name is great in Iirael, a people of his own. 2 At Salem he hath pitch'd his tent to tarry there a ipace: In Si on alio he is bent to fix his dwelnng place. 5 And there, he brake both fhaft and bow, the §wor4, the fpear, and fhield, His enemies did overthrow in battle in the fild, 4 Thou are more worthy honour, Lord, mere might in rhee doth lie, Thar in rhe.frrongeiiof the world, that rob on mountains high' 5 But now the proud are fpoiFd thro' thee and they are all fallen afleep. Through men of War no help can be themfelves they could not keep, 6 Atihy rebuke, O Jacobs God, • when thou didlt them rcprnve. As half afleep their chariots flood, nc eri once did move. 7 Foi thou arp dreadful, Lord, indeed, what man the courage hath To PSALM LXXVH. To bide thy fight and doth riot dread when .thou art in thy wrath. 8 When thou doft make thy Judgments heard from heaven unto the ground, Then all the earth full fore afrade, in fifence (hall be found. 9 And that when thou, O God, doft ftand in judgment for to ipeak, To fave th' airlifted of the land; on earth that are full weals. 10 The fjry that in man doth reign mall turn unto thy praife : Hereafter, Lord, do thou, reftrain their wrath and threats always. ii Make vows and pay them to our God, ' ye folk that nigh him be Bring gifts, all ye that dwell abroad, for dreadful fure is he. 12 For he doth take both life and might from princes great of birth : And full of terror in his fight to all the Kings on earth. Voce mea. Pfal. Ixxvii J. H, T With my voice to God did cry, who lent a gracious ear : My voice I lifted up on high, and he my fuit did hear. i In time of grief I fought to God, by night no reft I took : Butfttetcht my hands to him abroad. my foul comfort forfook* 3 When I to think on God intend, my trouble then is more, I fpake, but could not make, an end, my breath was ftopt fo fore. 4 Thou doft mine eyes ib hold from reft, that I always awake : With fear I am fo fore oppreft, my fpe'ech doth me forfake. K 4 5 The ■ LM LXXVII. in mind I caft, and nk upon ;es Lhat Tire paft full many years ag< 6 By night my longs I call to mind, once made thy praife to fhow : And with my heart much talk I find, my ipirits learch to know. 7 Will God, faidl at once for all caft off his people thus, So that henceforth no time he (hall be friendly unto us ? 8 What ? is his goodnefs quite decay'd and paffed clean away ? Or is his promife now delay'd and doth his truth decay : 9 And will the Lord our God forget his mercies manifold > Or fhall his wrath increale fo hot, his mercies to with-hold ? io At laft I laid, this furely is mine own infirmity : But his right hand can help all this. and change it fpeedily. The Second Part. 1 1 i will regard and think upon the working of the Lord : And all his wou riders paft and gone I gladly will record. 1 2 Yea, all his works 1 will declare, and what he did devile : To tell his fa£ts4 will not fpare, and all his councel wile. •13 Thy works, O Lord, are all upright and holy all abroad : What one hath ftrength to match the might of thee, O Lord our God ? 14 Thou art a God that doft forth-lhow thy wonders every hour : And lb doft make the people know thy vertue and thy power, 15 And PSALM LXXVIII. 15 And thine one folk thou doit defend, . with ft'rength and ftretched arm, Thofe that from Jacob did defcend, and Joseph's feed, from harm. 16 The Waters Lord, perceived thee, the Waters law thee well : . And they for fear away did flee, the depths on trembling tell. 17 The Clouds that were both thick and black did rain full plentioufly : The Thunder in the Air did crack, thy fhafts abroad did fly. 18 Thy Thunder in the Air was heard, thy lightnings from above, With flafhes great made men afraid, the earth did quake and move. 19 Thy ways within the Sea do lie, thy paths in waters deep : Yet none can there thy fteps elpy, nor know thy paths to keep. 20 Thou led'ft thy folk upon the land as fheep on every fide : By Moles and by Aaron's hand, thou didft them fafely guide. Attendite populi. Plal. lxxviii. J.H. A Ttend my People'tomy law, and to my words incline : 2 My mouth fhall fpeak itrange parables and lentences divine. 3 Which we our felves have heard and learn'd even of our fathers old 5 And which for our Inftru&ion our fathers have us told. 4 Becaule we could not keep it dole from them that after came ; Who mould God's mighty power declare' and wondrous works proclaim. 5 To Jacob he commandment gave how Iffael fhould live, Wii< PSALM LXXVIII. Willing our fathers fhouldthe fame unto their Children give. 6 That they and their po fieri ty that were notfprung up thea. Should have the Knowledge of the Law, and teach it their Children. 7 That they might have the better hope in God that is above: And not forget to keep his laws and his Precepts in love. 8 Not being as their Fathers who rebelled in God's fight : And would not frame their wicked hearts to know their God aright. 9 How went the Sons of Ephraim their Neighbours for to fpoil : Shooting their Darts in day of War, and yet received the foil ? io For why ? They did not keep with God the Covenant that was made : Not yet would walk or lead their lives according as he faid : 1 1 But put into Oblivion his counleland his will, And all his workes Magnificent which he declared ftill The Second Part. 1 2 What Wonders to our Fore-fathers did he himfelf difclofe, In Egypt land within the Field . that calPd is Thaneos > 1 5 He did divide and part the Sea through which he made a way For them to pals, and in a heap the Waters made to flay. 14 He led them fecret in a Cloud by Day when it was bright : And in the Night when dark it was, with Fire he gave them light. 25 He brake the rocks in Wildernefs, and gave the People Drink : As PSALM LXXVIII. As plentiful as when the deeps do flow up to the Brink. 1 6 He diew forth Rivets out of Rocks that were both dry and hard. Of fuch abundance, that no flouds to them might be compar'd. 17 Yet for all this, againft the Lord their fin they did increafe : And ftirr'd up him that is moft high to wrath in Wildernefs. . 18 They tempted God within their nearts, like People of miftrift, Requiring fuch a kind of meet, as ferved to their luft : 19 They fpake againft him, and thus faid 3 in their unfaithfulnefs, "What can this God prepare for us a feaft in Wilderneis > 20 Behold he ftrake the (tony Rock, and floods forthwith did flow : But can he now give to his folk both Bread and Flefh alfo ? 21 When God heard this, f he waxeth wroth, with Jacob and his Seed'; So did his indignation 'gainft Ifrael proceed. The Third Tart. 22 Becaule they did not faithfully believe, and hope that he Could always help and fuccour them in their neceflity. 23 Wherefore he did command the Clouds, forthwith they break in funder •: 24 Andrain'd down manna for to eat, 2 food of mighty wonder. 25 When earthly men with Angels food were fed at their requeft, 26 He bid the Eaft Wind blow away, • and brought in the fouth iveff . 27 He rained down FJefh as thick as Duft, at\d fowls as thick as Sand : 28 Which PSALM LXXVIII. 28 Which he did caft amid ft the place whereall their tents did ftand. 29 Then did ehey ejt e: ceedingly, and all men had their fills : Yet more and more they did defire to ferve their lulls and 30 But as the meat was in their mouths, his wrath upon them fell, 31 And flew the ftrength of all their youth, and choice of Ifrael. 32 Yet fell they to the wonted fin, and ftill they did him grieve : For all the wonders that he wrought, they would not him believe. 33 Their days therefore he Shortened, and made their Honour vain : Their years did wafte and pais away with terrour and with pain. 34 But ever when he plagued them, they lought him inftantly, 35 Remembring that he was their ftrength, their help, and God moft high. 36 Tho' with their Mouths they nothing did but flatter with the Lord : And with their tongues and in their Hearts diflembled every word. The Fourth Part. 37 For why > their hearts were nothing bent to him, nor what he laid : • Nor yet to keep or to perform the cov'nant that he made. 3 8 Yet was he ftill fo merciful, when they deferv'd to dye, That he forgave them their mifdeeds, and would not them deftroy. Yea, many a time he turn'd his wrath and did not them furprize : And would not fuffer all his whole difpleafure to arife. 39 Confidering they wer^ but flefh, " like to wind or rain : Ptf- PSALM LXXV111. Faffing away and never doth return and come again. 40 How often times in wildernefs did they the Lord provoke > How did they move and ftir the Lord to plague them with his ftroke > 41 Yet did they turn again to fin, and tempted him full loon, Prefcribing co the mighty God, what things they would have done. 42 Not thfnking of his mighty hand, nor of the day when he Delivered them out of the hands, of the fierce Enemy. 43 Nor how he wrought his Miracles fas they th^mfelves beheld) In Egypt, and the wonders that he did in Zoan field. 44 Nor how he turned by his Power their waters into blood, That no man might receive his drink at river or at flood. 45 Nor how he lent them fwarms of flies, which did them lore annoy, And fill their Country full of Frogs, which did the land defcroy. The Fifth Part. 46 Nor how he did their fruits unto the Caterpillar give : And of the labour of their hands locuits did them deprive. 47 With Hail-ftones he.deftroyed their Vines fo that they all were loft : And aifo all their Sycamores, did heconfumewith froft. 48 And yet with Hail-ftones once again the Lord their Cattle fmote, And all the flocks and herds likewife with thunderboults full hot. 49 He caft upon them his fierce wrath and Indignation fore ; PSALM LXXVIU. Amongft them evil Angels fent, which troubled them yet more. 50 Then to his wrath he made away and fpared not tru leaft : But gave unto the Pdtilence the man as well as . eaft. 51 He it rake alfothefirft born all that up in F.gypt came • And all the chief of Men and Beafts within the Tents of Ham. 52 But as for his own People dear, * he did preferve and. keep : And carried them through Wildernefs even like a flock of fheep. 53 Without all fear both fafe and found he brought them out of thrall : Whereas thy Foes with rage of feas were overwhelmed all : 54 And Draught them out into the Coafts of his one holy Land, Even to the mount which he had got by his ftrong arm and hand. 55 And there call: out the heathen folk, and did their land divide : And in their Tents he let the Tribes of .Tiraelto abide. 5:6 Yet for all this their God molt high they ftirr'd and tempted ftill, And would not keep his Teftament, nor yet obey his will. 57 But as their Fathers turned back, even fb they went affray, Much like a bow that would not bend, but flip and Itart away. The Sixth Part. » 58 And griev'd him with their hill-altars, with offerings and with fire : And with their Idols grievoufly provoked him to ire. 59 For which his wrath began again to kindle in his breait : The FSALMLXXVIH. The wtckeenefs of Ifrael he did fb much deteft. ^o The Tabernacle he forfbojt of Silo, where he was, Right Converiant with earthly Men even as his dwelling Place. 61 Then fuffer'd he his might and power in Bondage for to ftand, . And gave the Honour of his ark ♦ into his En'mies hand. And did commit, them to the Sword, 62wrath with his Heritage : 6 b Their young men were devoured with fire 4 maids had no marriage. 64 And with the Sword the Priefts alfb did Perifh every one ^ And not a Widow left alive their Death for to bemoan. 65; Then did the Lord awake as one whom fleep could not confine : And like a mighty Giant that refrefhed is with wine. 66 With Erne rods in the hinder parts his Enemies he imote : And put them unto fuch afhame as mould not be forgot. " 67 The Tent and Tabernacle he of Joieph did refufe : Alio the tribe of Ephraim, he. would in no wile chule : " 68 But he the Tribe of Judah choofe, that he therein might dwell: Even the moft noble monnt Sion, which he did love fo well. °. 69 And there he did his Temple -build, both fumptuoully and lure : Like as the Earth which he hath made for ever to endure. 70 Then chofe he David him to ferve, his People for to keep .• Whom PSALM LXXIX. Whom he took op and brought away- even from the to 1 ^s of Sheep. 71 'As he did fbllpw th' ewes with young, the Lord did him advance To feed his people Iirael and his Inheritance. 72 Thus David with a faithful heart his flock # and charge did feed, And prudently.with all his power, did govern them indeed. Deiis, vencrunt. Plat, lxxix. J. H. OGod, the Gentiles do invade thine heritage to lpoil :" Jerufalem a heap is made, thy temple they defile. 2 The Bodies of the Saints moll: dear abroad to birds they caft : The flefli of them that do thee fear, the beafts devour and wafte. 3 Their blood throughout Jeruialem as water fpilt they have : So that there is not one of them to lay their Dead in Grave. 4 Thus are we made a laughing-flock almoft the world throughout The Enemies do jell and mock which dwell- our coafts about. 5 How long, Lord, wilt thou retain thine anger and thine rage :. And mall thy wrath and jealoufie not any more alfwage ? 6 Upon thofe People pour the fame, « which did thee never know : All realms which call not on thy name; confume and overthrow. 7 For they have got the uper hand, and Jacob's fee4 deftroy'd : His Habitation and his land they have laid wafte and void, 3 Bear PSALM LXXX. S Bear not in mind our former faults, with fpeed fome pitty mow : And aid us Lord in all alTauks, for we are weak and low. The Second Pjrt. 9 O God, that giv'ft all health and grace, • on us declare the fame : Weigh not our workes, our fins deface, for honour of thy Name, ic Why mail the Wicked ftill alway, to us as People dumb, In thy reproach rejoyce and fay, where is their God become. Require, Lord, as thou feeft good, before our Eyes in fight, Of ail thelefolk thy fervants blood, which they fpilt in defpight. 1 1 Receive into thy fight in hafte, the clamours, grief and wrong Offuch as are in prifon caft, and bound in Irons Itrong. Thy force and ftrength to celebrate, Lord, let them out of band, Which unto death are deftinate, and in their Enemies hand 1 2 The Nations which have been fo bold, as to blafpheme thy name, Into their laps feven fold do thou repay again the lame. 1 5 So we thy flock and Pafture-flieep will praiie thee evermore : And teach all ages for to keep for thee like Praife in ftore. ghii regis Ifrael. Pfal. lxxx. J. H. THou Shepherd that doft Ifrael keep, give ear and take good heed : ; Which leadeft Jofeph like a flieep, and doft him watch and feed. 2 And thou, OLord, whofe feat is fet on Cherubims moft bright, I Shevr PSALM LXXX. Shew forth thy felf and do not let, lend down thy beames of" light. 3 Before Ephf imand Benjamin, Manafft kewife. To (hew thy Power do thou begin ^ ord, arife. 4 Direct our hearts by thy good grace, convert us unto thee : Shew us the brightness of thy face, and then full fire are we. 5 Lord God of Hofts of Iirael, how longwiltthou delay ? 'And 'gainit thy folk in anger fwell, and wilt not hear them pray. 6 Thou doit them feed with forrowsdeep, their bread with tears they eat : And drink the Tears that they do weep, in meafure full and great. 7 Thou haft us made a very ftrife to thole that dwell about : Which much doth pleafe our Enemies, they laugh and jeft it out. 8 O take us, Lord, unto thy grace, convert our hearts to thee : Shew forth to us thy joyful face, and we full iafefhall be. 9 From Egypt where it grew not well, thou brought'ft a vine full dear : The heathen folk thou didft expel, and thou didft plant it there. i o Tnou didft prepare for ir a place and let its roots full faft ; That it did grow and ipring apace, and fili'd the land at laft. The Second Part. 1 1 The hills were cover'd roundabout, with fhadethat liom it came, Alio the Cedars ftrong and ftout, with branches of the fame. 12 Why then didft thou her Walls deftroy, her hedge plukt up thou haft : Thar PSALM LXXXI. That all the folk that pafs thereby the fame do fpoil and wafte. I 1 3 The boar out of the wood fb wild doth dig and toot it out : I The furious beaftout of the field devour it all about. 14 O Lord of hoft, return again, from heav'n do thou 1< 1 : Behold, and with thy help fuitain ! thy vineyard ovet thrown. I 15? Thy pleafant Vine, thinelfrael, which thy right hand hath let : ! The fame which thou did it love lb well, O Lord, do not forget. i 16 They lop and cut it off apace, they burn it down with fire : And through thefrowning of thy Face we perifh in thine ire. 17 Let thy right hand be with them now, whom thou haft kept fo long : And with the ton of man whom thou to thee haft made fb ftrong. 18 And lb when thou haft fet us free, and laved us fromfhame: Then will we never fail from thee, but call upon thy name. 1 9 O Lord of hofts, through thy good grace convert us unto thee : Behold us with a pleafant Face, and then full fate are we. Deo exult ate. Plal. lxxxi. J. H. : TDK light, and glad, in God re Joyce, ! which is our ltrength and itay ; Be joyful and lift up your voice to Jacob's God al way. 2 Prepare your Inftruments moft meet, fome joyful Pfalm to ling ^ Strike up with harp and lute moft fweet on every pleafant ftring. L 2 % Blow PSALM LXXXI. % Blow as it were in the new Moon, with trumpets of the belt : A s it is uled to be done at any iblemn feaft. 4 For this is untolfraei a ftatute which was made By Jacob's God and mult full well be evermore obeyed. 5; This claufe with Joleph was decreed, when he from Egypt came, That as a witnefs all his feed mould itill obferve the lame. 6 When God himfelf had io prepar'd to bring him from that land ^ Whereas the fpeechwhich he had heard he did not iinderitand. 7 I from his moulder took (faith he) the Burthen clean away ^ And from the furnace let him free from burning brick of clay. 8 When thou in grief didlt cry and call I help'd theeinltantly ^ And I did an liver thee withal in thunder iecretly. o Yea, at the waters of difcord I did thee tempt and prove ; i|iVhere thou the goodnefs of the Lord | with murmuring didlt move. 10 Hear, O my People, Ilrael, andPU alTure it thee : Regard and mark my Words full well if thou wilt cleave to me. TJje Secocd Part. 1 1 Thou malt no god in thee refer ve of any land abroad :, Nor in no wile bow to, or lerve a ftrange or foreign god. 1 2 I am the Lord thy God and I from Lgypt let thee free : Then ask of me abundantly, a-nd I will give it thee. 1.3 But PSALM LXXXII. 1 3 But yet my People would not hear my voice when that I ipake ^ And Ifrael would not obey, but did me quite forlake. 14 Then did I leave them to their will, in hardnefs of their heart 5 To walk in their own Counfels ftill, themlelves they did pervert. 1 $ O that my People would have heard the Words that I did fay ; And Ifrael wirh due regard, had walked in my way. 16 How loon would I confound their foes and bring them down full low ^ And turn my Hand upon all thole that would them overthrow ? 17 And they that at the Lord do rage, as liars mould be found ; But for his folk, their time and age mould with great joys becrown'd. 1 8 I would have fed them with the Crop and fineft of the Wheat ; And made their rock with honey drop that they their fills ihould eat. bmjetii. Pfal. lxxxii. J. H. A Mid the prefswith men of might the Lord himfelf doth ftand, To plead thecaufe of truth and right with judges of the land. 2 How'long, faith he, will you proceed falfe Judgment to award > Why have you partially agreed the wicked to regard ? 3 Whereas of due you Ihould defend the fatherlels and weak, And when the poor man doth contend in judgment jultly Ipeak. 4 If ye be wife defend the cauie of poor men in their right : L 3 And PSALM I. XXXIII. And rid ly from the claws of i; ' icq and might. 5; Bit nothingwill they know or learn, in vain to them I talk : They will not lee or ought dilern, but ftill in darknefs walk. 6 For lo, even now the time is come that all things fall to nought : And laws likewif; by every one for gain are fold and bought, 1 had decree'd it in my fight as gods to take you all : Children alfo of the molt high, for iove I did you call. 7 But notwithftanding youfhall die as men, and (c deca^ : O tyrants. 1 QiaU you: deftroy, and pluck ,r ^-: quke away. 8 Ur ] I ? and let thv ft rength be known and judne the world with might, For why * ill Nations arethine own to take r!:em as thy right. Peus, quid. Pfai. lxxxiii. J. H. DO not, OGod, refrain thy tongue, in fileft edc not ilay : WithoH not, Lord, thy ie>f fo long and ma! e no t v. 2 For why > behold thv foes, and iee how the do rage and cry h And thofetJ thee, hold up then ' ds on h 5 Againft thy folk eyiife deceit, ?uire • For thine El 3 in wait in cot ,,r .j they confpire: 4 Come on, (ay they, let us ..pel and pi.it'. the away , So that the name of Hrael may utterly decay. 5 They PSALM IXXXIII. $ They all conlpire within their heart how they may thee wichfland j Againft the Lord to take apart they are in league and band. 6 The Tents of all the Edomites, the Ifmaelites likewife -, The Hagarenes and Moabites, their plots do ftill devife. 7 Gebal and Ammon do likewife with Amalek conipire ^ The Philiftines againft thee rife, with them that dwell at Tyre, 8 AfTur is alfo joyn'd to them in their confpiracy ; And is become a fence and aid to Lot sPoaerity. 9 As thoudoft to the Medianites, to ferve them, Lord, each one, As unto Sifer and Jabin, befides the brook Kifbn. io Whom thou in Endor didft deftroy, and wafte them thro' thy might; That they like dung on Earth did lie, and that in open light. The Second Part. i r Make them now and their lords appear like Zeba andOreb then ; As Zaba and Zalmuna were, the Kings of Midian. 12 Which laid, let us throughout the land in all the coalts abroad PolTefs and take into our hand, the fairhoufesof God. 1 1 Turn them, O God, withftormsas fall as wheels that have no ftay •, Or like the chaff which men do caft with winds doth fly away. 14 Like as the fire with rage and fame the mighty foreit fp: : s ; And as the flame doth quite confume the mountains and the hiiis. L 4 15 So PSALM LXXXIV. 1 5: So let the tempeft of thy wrath upon their necks b^ laid ^ A nd of the llorrny wind and fliower, Lord make them all afraid. 16 Lord, bring them all, I thee defire, to iiich rebuke and fhame, That it may caufe them to require, and learn to feek thy name. 17 And let them daily more and more to fliame and iiander fall •, And in rebuke and obloquy confound and fink them all. 18 That they may know and underfland, thou art the God molt high 5 And that thou deft with mighty hand the world rule conftantly. <$uamiile&a. Pfal lxxxiv. J. H. HOa pleafant is thy dwelling place, Lord, of Hofts to me ! The TVjernacles of thy grace, how pleafant, Lord, they be! 2 My iouldorh long full lore to go into the Courts abroad ^ My heart and rlefh cry out alfo for thee the living God. 3 The Sparrows find a room to reft, and lave themielves from wrong : ■ Alfo the Swallow hath a nelt wherein to keep her young. 4 Thefe Birds fa 1 nigh thine Altar may have place to lit md fing ^ Lord or Holts, thru art alway my only God and King. 5 Otiiey be btefied that may dwell within thy houfe always ^ For they all times thy Facfs do tell, and evet give the praiie. 6 Yea, happy fure likewile are they, whole fcay and ftrength thou art. Which PSALM LXXXV. Which to thy houfedo mind the way and leek it in their heart. As they go through the vale of tears, they dig up fountains ftill ; That as a fpring it all appears, and thou their pits doth fill. 7 From ftrength to llrength they walk full fall, no faintnefs there (hall be j And fo theGod of gods atlalt, in Sion they do lee. 8 OLord of Holts, to me give heed, and hearken to my cry ^ And let it through thine ears proceed, O Jacob's God moft high. 9 God our Ihield of thy good grace regard and fo draw near -, Regard, O Lord, behold the Face of thine anointed dear, io For why ? within thy Courts one day is better to abide, Than other where to keep or llay a thoufand days befide. ■ Much rather had I kept a door within theHoule of God ^ Than in the Tents of Wickedneis to fettle mine abode. 1 1 For God the Lord, light and defence, will grace and glory give : And no good things will he with-hold from them that purely live, 1 2 O Lord of Hofts that man is blelt, and happy fure is he, That is perlwaded in his brealt to trull all times in thee. Benedixifti. Pfal. lxxxv. J. H. T~Hou hall been merciful indeed, O Lord, unto thy land ^ For thou reltored'll Jacob's feed from thraldom and from band. 2 The PSALM LXXXV. j The wicked ways that they were in, thou didit them clean remit, And tl on ciidic hide thy Peoples fin, Ml c'ofe thou ccver'd'ft it. 3 And thou chine anger dHft affwage, 1 1 thy wrath was gone ; Aiid ft d . thee irom thy rage, wirh rhein to be at one. 4 O God our Health, do now convert o thee 5 Put all thy wrath irom us apart, and angry ceafe to be. 5 Shall thy fierce anger never end, but ftill be poufd on us . ? And fhall thy wrath it felf extend upon all ages thus ? 6 Wilt thou not rather turn again, and quicken us, that we And all thy folk may evermore be glad and joy in thee ? 7 Lord, on us do thou declare thy goodnefs to -our wealth •, Shew forth to us, and do not fpare, thine aid and laving health. 8 I'll harken what God faith to me, to his he fpeaketh peace ^ And to his Saints, that never they return to foolifhnefs. 9 For why ? his help is ftill at hand to fuch as do him fear •, Whereby great glory in our land fhall dwell and fiourifh there. io For truth and mercy there fhall meet in one to take the ; r place ^ And peace (hall juft'ce with kifs greet, and there they (had imbrace. 1 1 Truth from the earth mall fpring apace andflourjih pleafantly-, So righteoufnefs fhall (hew her face, and look from Heaven molt high. 1 2 Yea, PSALM LXXXVI. 1 2 Yea, God himfelf doth take in hand to give us each good thing ^ And thro' the Coaits of ail the land, the Earth her fruit (hall bring. 15 Before his face fliall juftice go much like a guide or liay j He fliall direct his fteps alio, and keep them in the way. Inclina Domhte. Plal. lxxxvi. J. H. LOrd, bow thine ear to my reque'f, and hear meinftantly, For with great pain and grief oppreft, full poor and weak am I. 2 Preferve my foul, becaufe my ways and doings holy be j Andfavethy fervant, Omy God, that puts histruft in thee. 3 Thy mercy upon me exprefs, and me defend alway •, For through the day 1 do not ceafe to thee. O Lord, to pray 4 Comfort, OLord, thy Servants Soul that now with pain is pin'd : For unto thee I do exalt, and left my foul and mind. 5 For thou art good and bountiful, thy gifts of grace are free j Alfo thy mercy plentiful to all that c til on thee. 6 OLord, likewiie when I do pray, regard and give an ear ^ Mark well the words that I do fay, all my petitions hear. 7 In time when trouble doth me move, to thee I dp complain ^ For why ? I know and w eii do prove thou anlwerefl me again. 8 Among the Gods, OLord is none with thee to l?e compar'd 5 And PSALM LXXXVI. And none can do as thou haft done, the like hath not been heard. The Second Part. 9 The Gentiles and the people all which thou didft make and frame Before thy face on knees (hall fall, and glorifie thy name. 10 For why? thou art fo much of might all power is thine own h Thou workeft wonders ftill in fight, for thou art God alone. 1 1 O teach me, Lord, thy way, and I mall in thy truth proceed : O join my heart to thee fo nigh, that I thy name may dread. 12 To thee will I give thanks and praifc, OLord, with all my heart ^ And glorifie thy name always, becaule my God thou art. 1 5 For why \ thy mercy fhew'd to me is great and doth excel : Thou fetteft my foul at Liberty- out from the lowelt hell. 14 O Lord, the proud againft me rile, and heaps of men of might -> They feek my foul and in no wile will have thee in their fight. 15; Thou, Lord, art merciful and kind, full Hack and flow to wrath : Thy goodnefs is full great, I find thy truth no meafure hath. 16 Oh turn to me and mercy grant, thy ftrength to me apply : O help and five thine own 'Servant, thy handmaids fon am I. 17 On me fome fign of favour fhovi, that all my Foes may fee And be afham'd, becaufe, Lord, thou doft help and comfort me. Fun- PSALM LXXXVII, LXXXVIII. Fundamental Pfal. lxxxvii. J, H. T Hat City fhall full well endure, her ground work ftill doth ftay Upon the holy hills full fure, it can no time decay. 2 God loves the gates of Sion bell, his grace doth there abide ^ He loves them more than all the reft of Jacob's tents befide. 3 Full glorious things reported be in Sion, and abroad, Great things, I laid, are laid of thee, thou City of our God. 4 On Rahab I will call an eye, and bear in mind the lame ^ To Babylon alio apply, and them that know my name. 5: Lo Paleftine, and Tyre alio, with Ethiope likewile, A People old, full long ago were born and there did rile. 6 Of Sion they Dial) lay abroad, that divers men of fame Have there fprung up and the High God hath founded laft the lame. 7 In their Records to them it (hall by him be made appear, Of Sion, that the chief of all had his beginning there. 8 The Trumpeters with fuch as ling, there in great plenty be •, My fountains and my plealant lprings are compaft all in thee. Dominc Deus. Pfal. lxxxviii. J. H, LOrd God of health the hope and ftay thou art alone to me, I call and cry throughout the day, and all the night to thee * 2 O PSALM LXXXVIIL 2 O let my prayer fbon afcend unto thy fi^ht on hi Incline thine car, O Lord, attend, and hearken to my cry. 3 For why? with woe my hs&tt isfHl'd, and doth in trouble dwell-, My life and breath doth almoft yield, and draweth nigh to hell. 4 I am efteenfd as one of them that in the pit do fall 5 And made as one among thofe men that have no itrengthat all. $ As one among the dead, and free from things that here remain ^ It were more eafefor me to be with them the which are flain. 6 As thofe that lie in grave, I fay, whom thou haft clean forgot j The which thy hand hath cut away, ■ and thouregard'ft them not. 7 Yea, like to one fhut up full Aire within the lower pit, In places dark and all obfcure, and in the depth of it. 8 Thine anger and thy wrath likewife full fore on me doth lie ^ And all the ftorms againft me rife, my foul to vex and try. $ Thou putfft my friends far off from me and makftthern hate me fore •, I am fhut up in prifbn fall, and can come forth no more. io Mv fight doth fail thro' grief and woe I call to thee, OGod ^ Throughout the Day my hands alfo to thee I fuetch abroad. The Second Part. I I Dolt thou unto the dead declare thy wondrous works of fame ? Shall dead to life again repair, and praife thee for the fame j 2 Or PSALM LXXXIX. 12 Or (hall thy loving kindneis, Lord, be preached in the grave > Or fhall with them that are deftroy'd, thy truth her honour have > 1 1 Shall they that lye in dark full low lee all thy wonders great > Or there fhall they thy juftice know where men all things forget > 14 But I, O Lord, to thee always do cry and call apace - y My prayer alfo e'er it be day /hall come before thy face. 1 $ Why doft thou, Lord, abhor my Ibu!, in grief that feekeft thee ? And now, OLord, why doft thou hide thy face away from me > 16 lam affli£led dying ftill from youth many a Year, Thy Terrors which do work me ill, with troubled mind I bear- 17 The furies of thy wrathful rage full fore upon me lie. Thy terrors they do not aflwage, but prefs me heavily. 18 All day they compafs me about, as water at the tide -, And all at once wkh ftrearns full great befetme on each fide. 19 Thou fetteft far from me my friends and lovers every one •, Yea, and my old acquaintance all out of my fight are gene. Mfcrkordhs. Pial. Ixxxix. J, H. TO fing the mercies of the lord my tongue fhall never fpare ^ And with my mouth iron age to age thy truth I will declare. 2 For I have laid thy mercy fhall for evermore remain 3 In PSALM LXXXIX. In that thou doft the heavens fupport, thy truth appeareth plain. 3 To mine ele£t, frith God, I made a covenant and beheft ^ My iervant David to perfwade, I (wore and did proteit. 4 Thy feed for ever I will ftay, and ftablifh it full fait, And Hill uphold thy throne alway from age to age to laft. 5 The heavens do fhew with joy and mirth thy wondrous works, O Lord, Thy Saints within thy Church on Earth thy faith and truth record. 6 Who with the Lord is equal then in all the clouds abroad ! Among the Sons of all the gods, what one is like our God ? 7 God in ailembly of the faints is greatly to be dread : And over all that dwell about in terror to be had. 8 Lord God of Hofts in all the world, what one is like to thee ^ On every fide, moft mighty Lord, thy truth is feen to be. 9 The rage and fury of the Sea thou ruleft at thy will ^ Ind when the waves thereof arife. thou mak'ft them calm andltill. io And Egypt, Lord, thou haft fubdu'd, thou halt it quite deftroy'd •, Yea, thou thy foes with mighty arm haft fcatterd all abroad. The Second P^rt. 1 1 The heavens are thine, and ftill have been, likewife the Earth and land -, The world and all that is therein, thou foundeft with thy hand. 12 Both north and fouth, with eaft and weft, thy felf didftrnake and frame : Both PSALM LXXXIX. Both Taber Mount, and Hermon Hill, rejoice and praife thy Name. 13 Thine arm is ftrong and full of power, all might therein doth lie «, The ftrength of thy right hand each hour thou lifteft up on high. 14 In righteoufnefs and equity thou haft thy feat and place j Mercy and truth are (till with thee - y and go before thy face. j 5: That folk is bell: that knows aright the joyful found, O God-, i For in the favour of thy fight j they walk'full fife abroad. ■ i 6 For in thy Name throughout the day ; they greatly do rejoice,. j And thro 5 thy righteoufnefs have they ' a pleafant fame and noife. 1 17 For why ? their glory, ftrength, and aid- in thee alone doth lie • And thy goodnels that hath us ftaid, fhali lift our horn on high. 18 Our ftrength that doth defend us well the Lord to us doth bring 5 The holy one of Ifrael, he is our guide and King. 1 9 Sometimes thy will unto thy Saints in vifions thou didlt fhow j And thus then didft thou fay to them thy mind to make them know, 20 A man of might I have ere£t, your King and Guide to be^ And let him up whom I eleft among the folk to me. TJje Third Part. 21 My lervant David I have found, for he doth pleale me well 5 And have anointed him King of my People Ifrael. 22 For why ? my hand is ready ftili with him for to remain - y 'M And PSALM. LXXXIX. And with mine arm alio I will him ftrengthen and fuftain. 23 The enemies fhall not oppefs, they fhall him not devour : Nor lhall the Ions of wickednefs on him have any power. 24 His foes likewile I will deftroy before his face in fight 5 And.thofe that hate him will I plague and ftrike them with my might. .25 My truth and mercy alio (hall upon him ever lie • And in my Name his horn lhall be exalted very high. 26 His Kingdom I wilj fet to be upon the Sea and Land •, Alfo the running Floods lhall he embrace with his right hand, 27 He lhall depend with all his heart . on me, and thus lhall lay, My Father and my God thou art, my rock of health and ftay. 28 As my firft born I will him take of all on earth that fprings, His might and honour I will raile above all earthly kings. 29 My mercy fhall be with him ft ill, as I mv felf have told, My faithful covenant to fulfil my mercy I will hold. 30 Alfo his Seed I will fuftain for ever ftrong and fure^ So that his Seed itill lhall remain while heaven and earth endure. . The Fourth Part. 3 1 If that his Ions forfake my Law and fo begin to fwerve ^ And of my judgments have no awe, nor will not them obferve. 3 : Or if they do not ufe a-right my laws for them prepar'd ^ But P S ALM LXXXLX. But let all my Commandements light, and will them not regard. 3 3 Then with the rod will I begin their doings to amend. And lb will fcurge them for their lin 3 whenever they offend. 34 But yet my mercy and goodnefs I will not take away From him, nor let my faithfulnels in any wife decay. 37 But fure my Cov'nant I will hold, with all that I have fpoken ^ No word the which my lips have told lhall alter or be broke. 36 Once fware I by my holineis, and that perform will I ; With David I lhall keep my promile, to him I will not lye. 37 His Seed for evermore lhall reign, alio his throne of might ^ As doth the Sun it lhall remain for ever in my light. 38 And as the Moon within the Sky for ever ftandeth fall A faithful witneis from an high, fo lhall his Kingdom laft. 3? But, Lord, thou doll: him now reject, and put him in great fear - y Yea, thou art wroth with thine elect, thine own anointed dear. 40 The cov'nant with thy Servant made. Lord, thou hall quite undone 5 And down upon the .ground olfo halt call his royal Crown. The Fifth Part. 4 1 Thou pluck'it his hedges up with might his walls thou doll confound, Thou beatell all his Bulwarks down, calling them to the ground. 42 That he is fore deftroy'd and torn of comers by throughout j M 2 And PSALM LXXXLX And fo is made a mock and fcorn to all that dwell. about. 43 Thou their right hand haft lifted up that him lb fore annoy, And all his foes that him devour, lo, thou haft made to joy. 44 His (words edge thou dolt take away, that mould his foes withftand $ To him in War no Victory thou giv'ft, nor upperhand. 45 His glory thou doft alio wafte, his throne, his joy, his mirth, By thee is overthrown and caft full low upon the earth. 4'6 Thou haft cut off and made full fhott his youth and joyful days •, And rais'd of him an ill Report, with fhame and great diipraife. 47 How long away from me, Lord, for ever wilt thou turn > And fhall thine anger ft ill alway as fire confume and burn ? 48 O call to mind, remember then, my time confumeth fall ^ Why haft thou made the Suns of men as things in vain to wafte? 49 What man is he that liveth here, and death (hall never lee > Or from the Hand of Hell his Soul fhall he del ilver free > 50 Where is, O Lord, thine owngoodnefs fo oft declar'd before, Which by thy truth and uprightneis to David thou haft (wore > 5 1 The great rebukes to mind I call that on thy fervants lie ^ The railings of the people all, born in my breaft have I, 12 Wherewith, O Lord, thine enemies, blaiphmed have thy Name $ Tfad PSALM XC. The fteps of thine anointed one ; they ceale not xo defame. J55 All praile be given unto thee, O God the Lord moft high, From this time forth for evermore, Amen, Amen, lay I. Daminus refughm. Plal. xc. J. H, "THou, Lord, haft bten our fure defence, our place of eafe and reft, In all times paft, yea ib long fince as cannot be expreft. 2 E'er there was made mountain or hill, the earth and world abroad j From age to age, and always ftill, for ever thou art God. 3 Thou grindeft men thro' greif and pain to Duft or Clay, and then, Thou unto them again doft lay ^ return ye fons of men. 4 The lafting of a thoufand years what is it in thy light > As yefterday it doth appear, or as a watch by night. 5; So foon as thou doft leaner them, J then is their life and trade, Even as a fleep, or like the graft, whole buty foon doth fade. 6 Which in the morning Ihines full bright, but fadeth by and by : And is cut down e'er it be night, all withered, dead and dry. 7 For through thine anger we confume, our might is much decay'd ^ And of thy fervent wrath, O Lord, we are full fore afraid. 8 The wicked works that we have wrought thou fett'ft before thine eye'-, Our privy faults, yea, all our thoughts thy countenance dotrripy M 3 f For P S A L M XC. 9 For through thy wrath, our days do wafte therefore doth nought remain ^ Our ) ears confume as doth a blait, and are not calFd again. 10 Thz time of our abode on earth, is threefcore years and ten ; But if we come to forefcore years, our life is grievous then. The Second Pjrt. ii For of this time the ffrengthand cheif we dote fo much upon, Is nothing elle but pain and grief, and we as blafts are gone. 12 What man doth know what power and what might thine anger hath > Or in his heart who doth thee fear according to thy wrath > 1 3 Inftruft us, Lord, to know and try how long our days remain ; That fo we may our hearts apply true wifdom to attain. 14 Return, O Lord, how long wilt thou in thy great wrath proceed ? Shew favour to thy fervants now, and help them at their need. 1 5: Refrefh us with thy mercy loon, and then moll chearfully, All times io long as life doth laft, in heart rejoice will Ave. 16 As thou haft plagued us before ♦, now alio make us glad And for the years wherein full fore affli&ion we have. had. 17 O let thy work and power appear, and on thy fervants light : And fhew unto thy children dear thy glory and thy might. 18 Lord, 1-jt thy grace and glory ftand on us thy fervants thus ^ Confirm the works we take in hand, and proiper them to us. PSALM XCI. Lord, I only reft and flay my hope on thee ; In the molt high I put my truft, my fure defence is he. • io No evil thou fhall need to fear, with thee it fhall go well ; M 4 No P,S ALM XCII. No plague (hall ever once come near, the houfe where thou doft dwell. 1 1 For why } unto his Angels all with charge commanded he, That ftill in all thy ways they mall preferve and profper thee.' 12 And in their hands fh all bear thee up, ilill waiting thee upon;" So that • hy foot Qiall never chance to dafh againft 2 ftone. 1^ Upon the Lion -hou (halt go, the Adder fell and long; And tread upon the Lions young, with Dragons ftout and Ifrong, 14 Beeaufe ne lets his love on me, Fll fave him by my might 5 And him advance, becaule that he doth know my Name aright. 1 j When he for help to me doth cry, an anlwer I will give 5 And from his greif take him will I in glory for to live. 16 With length of years, and days of wealth Iwill fulfil his timcj The goodnefs of my faving health I will declare to him. Bomim eft. xcll. J. H. TT is a thing both good and meet to pralfe the higheft Lord * And to thy Name, O thou moft high, to ling with one accord. 2 To (hew the kindnefs of the Lord, betimee'er day be light ; And to declare his truth abroad when it doth draw to night. 3 Upon ten ftringed Inftruments, on lute and harp; fo fweet •, With all the mirth you can invent of Infirument moft meet. F PSALM CXIL 4 Far thou haft made me to rsjeice in things fo wrought by thee^ That I have joy in heart and voice thy handy works to fee. 5 O Lord, how glorious and how great are all thy works lb ftout ! So deeply are thy counsels ler, that none can find them out. 6 The man unwife hath not the wit this work to pals to bring ; And all fuch fools are nothing fit, to underftand this thing. 7 When as the wicked at their will like grafs do fpring full fa ft, And when they flourifh. in their ill, they fhall for ever wafte. 8 But thou art mighty, Lord, moft high, and thou doft reign therefore In every time eternally, both now and evermore. 9 Behold, O Lord, thine enemies mail be deftroy'd alway ^ And all that work iniquity fhall perim and decay, i o But thou, like as an Unicorn, mail lift mine horn on high With frefh and new prepared oil anointed King am I. ii And of my foes before mine eyes fhall fee the fall and fhame j Of all that up againft me rife, mine ears fhall hear the fame, 1 2 The juft fhall flourifh upon high as palm-trees bud and blow ; And as the Cedars multiply in Libanus that grow. i ? For they are planted in the place and dwelling of our God; Within his courts they fpring apace, and flourifh all abroad! 14 And PSALM XCIII, XCIV. 14 And in their age much fruit mall bring both far and well be feen ^ And pleafantly both bud and fpring with boughs and branches green. 1 5; To (hew that God is good and jufl, and upright in his will ^ He is my rock, my hope, and truft, in him there is none ill. Vominns regnavit. Pfal. xciii. J. H. HTHe Lord doth reign and cloathed is with Majefty moil bright : And to declare his ftrength likewife, hath girt himfelf with might. 1 The lord likewife the earth hath made and fhaped it fo fure, No might can make it move or fade, at flay it doth endure, 3 E'er that the world was made or wrought thy feat was let before ^ Beyond all time that can be thought, thou haft been evermore. 4 The floods, O Lord, the floods do rife, they rore and make a noife j The floods I fay, do enterprife, and lifted up their voice. $ Yea, through the florms arife in fight, though Seas do rage and fwell •, The Lord is ftrongand more of might, for he on high doth dwell. 6 O Lord, thy teftimonies great, are very fure ^ therefore Doth holinefs right well become thy houfe for evermore. Dens ultiomtm. Pfam. xciv. J. H. OLord, thou doft revenge all wrong, vengeance belongs to thee ; Since then it doth to thee belongs declare that all may fee. 2 Set PSALM XCIV. 2 Set forth thy felf, for thou of right, the earth doft judge and guide ; Reward the Proud and men of might, according to their pride. 3 How long {hall wicked men bear fway with lifting up their voice ? Shall proud and wicked men alway, thus triumph and rejoice } 4 How long fhall they with brags burft out and proudly prate their fill ? Shall they rejoyce that be fo flout,- whole works are ever ill > 5 Thy Hock, O.Lord, thine heritage they fpoil and vex full fore ^ Againft thy people they do rage ftill daily more and more. 6 The Widows which are comfortless, and ftrangers they deftroy : They flay the Children fathcrlefs, and none doth put them by. 7 And when they take thefe things in hand this talk they have of thee, Can Jacob's God this underftand > tulh, no he cannot lee. 8 O folk unwife, and people rude, lbme knowledge now dilcern 5 Ye fools among the multitude, at length begin to learn. 9 The Lord which made the ear of man, he needs of right muft hear ^ He made the eye, all things muft then before his fight appear. 10 The Lord doth all the world correct, and make them underftand ? Shall he not then your deeds detecl: > how can ye Tcape his hand ? The Second Part. 1 1 The Lord doth know the thoughts of man his heart he fees full pain j And PS ALMXCIV. And he their very thoughts doth fcan, and findeth them but vain. 1 2 But, Lord, that man is happy fute 5 whom thou do.lt keep in awe, • And through correction doft procure to teach him in thy law 1 3 Whereby he fhall in quiet reft in time of trouble 'fit - y When wicked men fhall be fuppreft. and fall into the pit. 14 For fure.the Lord will not refute his people for to take ^ His heritage whom he did chufe, he will no time forfake. 1 $ Until that Judgment be decreed to juftice to convert ^ That all may follow her with fpeed that are of upright heart. 26 But who upon my part fhall ftand againftthe curfed train > Or who (hall rid me from their hand that wicked works maintain ? j 7 Except the Lord hath been mine aid, mine enemies to quell ; My foul and life had now been laid amoft as low as hell. 1 8 When I did fay, my foot doth Hide, before that I could call ; Thy mercy, Lord, moft ready was to fave me from the fall. 1 9 When with my felf I muled much, and could no comfort find , Then, Lord thy goodnels did me touch and that did eafe my mind. 20 Wilt thou accuftom Lord thy felf, with wicked men to let ^ Who with pretence inftead of law much mifcheif do commit > 21 For they confult againlt the life of righteous men and good •, And PSALM XCV. And in their counfels they are rife to fhed the guiltlefs blood. 22 But yet the Lord is unto me a lure and ftrong defence ^ To him I flee becaufe he is my ftrength and confidence. 27, And he fhali caufe their mifchiefall^ themfelves for to annoy : And' in their malice they fhali fall, our God fhali them deftroy. Vemte^ exukemus. Pfal. XCV. J. H. OCome let us lift up our Voice, and fing unto the Lord ^ In him our Rock of heatlh rejoice let us with one accord. 2 Yea, let us come before his face to give him thanks and praife ^ In finging Pfalms unto his grace let us be glad always. 3 For why > the Lord he is no doubt a great and mighty God, A King above all Gods throughout, in all the world abroad. 4 The fecrets of the earth fb deep, . and corners of the land. The tops of hills that are fb fteep,. he hath them in his hand. $ The Sea and Waters all are his for he the fame hath wrought ? The Earth and all that therein is j his hand hath made of nought. 6 Come let us bow and praife the Lord, before him let us fall j And kneel to him with one accord, the which hath made us all. 7 For why he is the Lord our God, for us he doth provide : We are his flock he doth us feed his fheep and he our guide. S T© PSALM XCVL 8 To day if ye his Voice will hear > then harden not your heart ; As ye with grudging many year provok'd me in defart. 9 Whereas your Fathers tempted me, my power for to prove ^ My wondrous works when they did lee yet ftill they would me move, i oTwice twenty years they did me grieve and I to them did lay, They err in heart, and not believe, they have not l^nown my way. 1 1 Wherefore I Iware when that my wrath was kindled in my breaft, That they Ihould never tread the path to enter in my reft. Cantate Domino. Pfal. XCVI. J. H. CIng ye with praile unto the Lord new longs with joy and mirth, Sing unto him with one accord, all people on the earth 2 Yea, ling unto the Lord alway , praile ye his holy Name •, Declare and mew from day to day Salvation by the lame. 3 Among the heathen all declare his honour round about ; To Ihew his wonders do not ipare in all the world throughout. 4 For why > the Lord is much of might, and worthy of all praile •> And he is to be dread of right, above all gods always. 4 For all the gods of heathen folk are idols that will fade ^ But yet our God he is the Lord that hath the heavens made. 6 All praile and honour alio dwell ever before his face j Both PSALM XCVI. Both power and might likewife excel within his holy place. 7 Afcribe unto the Lord therefore all men with one accord. All might and worfhip evermore afcribe unto the Lord. 8 Afcribe unto the Lord alfb the glory of his Name •, Alfb into his Courts do go with gifts unto the fame. The Second Part. 9 Fall down and worfhip ye the Lord within his temple bright ; Let all the people of the world • be fearful at his fight : io Tell all the world be not afraid, the Lord doth reign above ; Yea, he the earth 16 laft hath ftay'd that it can never move. 1 1 And that it is the Lord alone that rules with princely might To judge the Nations every one with equity and right. 12 The heavens ihall joyfully begin, the earth likewife rejoice. The Sea and all that is therein fhall fhout and make a noife. 1 3 The field (hall joy, and every thing that fpringeth on the earth ^ The wood and every tree mail fing with gladnefs and with mirth. 14 Before the pretence of the Lord, and coming of his might ; When he fhall juftly judge the world, and rule his folk with right. ^ Domimis regnavit Pfal. XCVH. J? "• THe Lord doth reign, whereat the earth may joy with pleafant voice : Alfo the ifles'with joyful mirth may triumph and rejoice. , PSALM XCVII. 2 Both clouds and darkneft likewife fwell and round about him beat •, Yea, right and juftice ever dwell and bide about his feat. 3 Yea, fire and heat at once do run, and go before his f?ce^ Which all his enemies (hall burn abroad in every place.. 4 His lightnigs great full bright did blaze, and to the world appear j Whereat the earth did look and gaze with dread and deadly fear. 5; The hills like wax did melt in fight, and pretence of the Lord 5 They fled before that Rulers might, which guideth all the world. 6 The heav'ns likewife declare and mow his juftice forth. abroad. That all the world may fee and know the glory of our God, 7 Confufion fure Ihall come to fucH as worfhip Idols vain .* Alio to thole that glory much dumb pictures to maintain, 8 For all the idols of the world, which they their gods do call ; Shall feel the power of the Lord, and down to him mall fall. 9 With joy (hail Sion hear this thing ^ and Judah mall rejoice ^ For at thy judgments they mall fing, with a moil chearful voice. io For thou, O Lord, art fet on high, in all the earth abroad ^ And art exalted wondroufly above^ach other God. 1 1 All ye that love the Lord do this hate all things that are ill ; For he doth keep the Souls of his from all fuch as would them fpill. 12 And light doth fpring up to the juft; with pleafure for his part ^ Glad- Pfalm xcviii. 193 Gladnefs and joy like wife to them that are of upright Heart. 13 Ye righteous in the Lord rejoyce, his holinefs proclaim ; And thankfully with heart and voice, be mindful of the fame. Cantfte "Domino Plal xcviii. J. H. OSing ye now unto the Lord a new and pleafant Song ; For he hath wrought throughout the world his wonders great and ftrong, 2 With his right hand full worthily he doth his foes devour, And gets himfelt the victory with his own arm and power. 3 The Lord doth make the People know l]is faving health and might ; And alfo doth his Juftice fhow in all the heathens light. 4 His grace and truth to Ifrael in mind he doth record ^ And all the Earth hath feen right well the goodnefs of the Lord. 5 Be glad in him with joyful voice, all people of the Earth ; Give thanks to God, ling and rejoice to him with joy and mirth. 6 Upon the harp unto him ling, give thanks to him always : Rejoice before the Lord our King, with trumpets found his praife. 7 Yea, let the Sea with all therein for joy both rore and fwell ^ The earth likewife let it begin, with all that therein dwell. 8 And let the Flouds rejoice their fills, and clap their hands apace •, Yea, let the Mountains and the Hills, triumph before his Face. N 9 For 194 Pfelm xcix. 9 For he (hall come to judge and try the world and every wight ^ And rule the people mightily with juftice and with right* JDominMsregnavit. Pfalmxcix. J. H. THe Lord doth reign although at it the People rage full fore ^ . Yea, he on Cherubims doth fie, though all the world do rore. 2 The Lord that doth in Sion dwell, is high and wondrous great ? Above all folk he hoth excel, and he aloft is fet. 3 Let all men praife thy Mighty Name, for it is fearful fure ; And let them magnify the fame, that holy is and pure. t 4 The princely power of our King doth judgment loue and right. Thou rightly rulcft every thing in Jacob through thy might. 5 To praife the Lord our God devife, all honour to him Ihew ; And at his footftool worfhip him, that holy is, and true, 6 Mofes, Aai*on, and Samuel, as priefts on him did call ^ When they did pray he heard them well and gave them anfwer all. 7 Within the Cloud to them he fpake, then did they labour flill To keep fuch Laws as he did make according to his will. 8 O Lord our God thou didft them hear and anfweredft them again ; But their inventions punifhed, which foolilh were and vain. 9 O praife our God, and Lord therefore within, his holy hill F«r Pfalffi c. ci i^S For why? our God whom we adore, is holy ever ftill. Jubilate Deo. Pfal. c. J. H. ALL people that oa earth do dwell, fing to the Lord with cheerful voice : 2 Himferve with fear, his praife foith tell, come ye before him and wjcice. 3 The Lord ye know is God indeed ^ without our aid he did us make > We are his flock he doth us feed ^ and for his ftieep he doth us take. 4 O enter then his gates with Praife, approach with joy his Courts unto : Praife, laud and blefs his Name always, for it is feemly fo to do. 5 For whyf the Lord our God is good, his mercy is for ever fure ; His truth at all times firmly flood, and (hall from age to age endure. Another of the fame, by J. H. IN God the Lord be glad and light, praife him throughout the earth 2 Serve him and come before his fight with finging and with mirth. 3 Know that the Lord our God he is, he did us make and keep, Not we our felves : for we are his own flock and pafture fheep. O go into his gates always, give thanks within the fame Within his courts fet forth his praife, and laud his holy Name. 5 For why ? the goodnefs of the Lord for evermore doth reign - 7 From age to age throughout the world his truth doth ftill remain. Mifericordiam. Pfalm. ci. N. I Mercy will and judgment fing, O Lord God, unto thee ^ a O let me underftand the ways that good and holy be, N 2 Within 195 Pfalm. ci. cii. Within ray houfe 111 daily walk, with heart pure and upright-, 3 And I no kind of wicked thing well Tet before my fight. I hate their works that fall a way, they (hall not cleave to me • 4 From me (hall part the froward heart, none evil will I fee. $ Him 1*11 deftroy that Qandreth his neighbour privily • The lofty heart I cannot bear, nor him that looketh high. 6 Mine eyes (hall be on them within that land that faithful be ; In perfect way who walketh, (hall be fervant unto me. 7 I will no guileful perfon have within my houfe to dwell - 7 And in my prefence he (hall not remain that lyes doth tell. 8 Betimes I will deftroy even all The wicked of the land : That I may from God's City cut the wicked workers hand. Domine, ex audi. Pfal, cii. N. HEar thou my Prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come unto thee ^ 2 In time of trouble do not hide thy face away from me. 3 Incline thine ear to me, make hafte to hear me when I call : For as the fmoak doth fade,fo do my days confume and fall. 4 And as an hearth my bones are burnt, my heart is fmitten dead, And withers like the grafs,that I forget to eat my bread.. 5 By reafon of my groaning voice my bones cleave to my skin -, As Pfalm cii. ip7 6 As Pelican in wilderneft, fuch cafe now am I in. And as an Owl in defart is, lo, I am fuch an one ; 7 I watch and as a Sparrow on the houfe-top am alone. 8 Lo, daily in reproachful wife my foes they do me fcorn : And them th3t do againft me rage, againft me they have fworn, 9 Surely with alhes as with Bread, my hunger I have fill'd : And mingled have ray drink with tears that from mine eyes diftill'd. io Becaufe of thy difpleafure, Lord, thy wrath and thy difdain ; For thou haft lifted me aloft, and caft me down again. 1 1 The days wherein I pafs my life are like the fleeting made • And I am withered like the grafs, that foon away doth fade. 12 But thou O Lord, for ever doft remain in fteady place-, And thy remembrance ever doth abide from race to race. The fecond part. 13 Thou wilt arife, and mercy thou to Sion wilt extend \ The time of mercy, now the time forefet is come to end. 14 For in the very (tones thereof thy fervants do delight : And on the duft thereof they have compaflion in their fight 1 5 Then fhall the heathen People fear the Lord's molt holy Name \ And all the Kings on Earth (hall dread thy glory and thy fame. N i 16 Then 19S Pfalm cii. 1 6 Then when the Lord the mighty God again fhall S on rear •, And then when he moft nobly in his glory fhall appear. 17 To prayer of the poor defolate when he himfelf {hall bend ; When he fhall not difdain unto their prayers for to attend. 1 8 This fhall be written for the age that after (hall Succeed •, The people that are yet unborn. the Lord's renown fhall fpread. to From his high San&uary he hath looked down below ^ And out of heav'n moft high he hath beheld the Earth alfo. 20 That of the mourning captive he might hear the woeful cry : And that he might deliver thofe that were condemnM to die. 2i That they in Sion may declare the Lords mod holy Name, And in Jerufalem fet forth the praifes of the fame. 22 That when the People of the Land and Kingdoms with accord Shall be aiTcmbled to perform their Service to the Lord. The third part i$ My former force of ftrength he hath abated in the way ; And fhorter he did cut my days, thus I therefore did fay, 24 My God in midft of all my da.ys, now take me not away ; Thy years endure eternally, and never do decay. 25 Thou the foundation of the Earth before all time haft laid ; The heav'ns alfo they are the work which thine own hands have made. 2 return unto thy reft- For largely, lo, the Lord to thee his bounty hath expreft. 8 Becaufe thou baft delivered my Soul from deadly thrall? My rnoiftned eyes from mournful tears, my Aiding feet from faU. 9 Before the Lord 1 in the Land of life will walk therefore •, io I did believe therefore I fpake, for 1 was troubled fore. The fecond Tart 1 1 I faici in my diftrefs and fear, that all men liars be? 1 2 What fhall I pay the Lord for all his benefits to me ? 13 The wholefome Cup of faving health I thankfully will take •, And on the Lord's Name I will call when I my Prayers make. X 4 I to the Lord will pay my vows with joy and great delight ; Even at this very prefent time in all his Peoples fight. 1 5 Right dear and precious in his, fight, he always doth efteem The PSALM CXVII. CXVIII The death of all his holy ones, whatever mea do deem. 15 Thy fervant, Lord, thy fervant, lo, I do my felf confefs, Son of thy hand -maid, thou haft broke the bonds of my diftrefs. 1 7 Therefore Til offer up to thee a facrifice of Praife •, And I will call upon the Name of God the Lord always. 1 8 I to the Lord will pay my vows within his Temple bright, Even at this very prefent time in all his Peoples fight. 19 Yea in the courts of God's own houfe and in the midfl: of thee, O thou Jerufalem ^ Therefore the Lord our God, praife ye Laadate Domimm. Pfal. CXVII. JV. OAll ye Nations of the world, praife ye the Lord always ^ And all ye People every where fet forth his noble praife. 2 For great his kindnefs is to us, his truth doth not decay -, Wherefore praife ye the Lord our God, praife ye the Lord alway. Confitemini. Pfalm. CXVIII. N. OGive ye thanks unto the Lord, for gracious is he : Becaufe his mercy doth endure - 7 for ever towards thee. 2 Let Ifrael confefs that his mercy doth ever dure 5 3 Let Aaron's houfe likewife confefs his mercy's ever fare. 4 Lee alt that fear the Lord our God evea now confefs and fay, P 4 The i'bALM CXVIII. The mercy of the Lord our God endureth Hill awav. 5 In trouble and in heavinefs unto the Lord I cry'd, Which lovingly heard me at large my fuit was not deny'd. 6 The Lord himfelf is on my fide, I will not ftand in doubt, Nor fear what man can do to me, when God (lands me about. 7 The Lord doth take my part with them that help to faccour me -, Therefore I (hail fee my defire, upon mine enemy. 8 Better it is to truft in God, than in man's mortal feed \ Or to put confidence in Kings or Princes in our need. io All Nations have enclofed me, and compafled me round ; But in the Name of God (hall I mine enemies confound. 1 1 They kept me in on every fide, and did me quite furround : But in the Lord's moft mighty Name I'll caft them to the ground. 12' They came about me all like Bees, but in the Lord's great Name 1 quench'd their thorns that were on fire, and will deftrcy the fame. The Jccond Part. 13 They did with force thruft fore at me that 1 indeed might fall ^ But through the Lord 1 found fuch help that they were vanifht all. 14 The Lord is my defence and ftrength my joy, my mirth and fong; He is become for me indeed, a Saviour moft ftrong. 15 The right hand of the Lord our God doth bring to. pafs great tfiiDgi He PSALM CXVIII. He caufeth voice of joy and ftrength in righteous mens dwellings. 1 6 The right hand of the Lord doth bring molt mighty things to pafs ; His hand hath the pre-eminence, his force is as it was. 17 I mall not die, but ever live to utter and declare The mighty power of God the Lord, his works and what they are. 18 The Lord himfelf hath chaftened, and hath corrected me ^ But not me given over yet to death, as ye may fee. 19 Set open unto me the gates of truth and righteoufnefs- That I may enter into them, the Lord's praife to exprefs. 20 This is the gate even of the Lord, which open (hall be fet; For good and righteous men alway (hall enter into it. The third Part. 21 I will give thanks to thee, O Lord and ever will praife thee Who haft me heard, and art become a Saviour unto me. 22 The Stone which e're this time among the builders was refus'd Is now become the corner-done and chiefly to be us'd. 23 This was the mighty work of God this was the Lord's own fa&; And it is wondrous to behold with eyes that Noble a&. 24 This is the joyful day indeed, which God himklt hath wrought Let us be glad and joy therein in heart, in mind and thought. 25 Now help us Lord, and profper us we wifh with one accord ; 16 Blefied PSALM CXVIII. GXIX. 16 BlcfTed is he that come to us in the name of the Lord. 27 God is the Lord that (hews us light bind ye therefore with cord Your facrifice to the altar, and give thanks to the Lord. 28 Thou art my God, I will confefs and render thanks to thee^ Thou art my God, and I will praife thy mercy towards me. 29 O give ye thanks unto the Lord, for gracious is he ; Becaufe his mercy doth endure for ever towards me. Beati immaculati. Pfalm CXlX. W. W. ALETH. LefTed are they that perfect are, and pure in mind and heart-, Whofe lives and converfations from God's Laws never ftart. 2 BlefTed are they that give themfelves his ftatutes to obferve • Seeking the Lord with all their heart, and never from him fwerve. 3 Doubtlefs fuch Men go not affray, nor do no wicked thing But fteadfaftly walk in his way without any wandring. 4 'Tis thy commandment and thy will, that with attentive heed, Thy noble and divine precepts we learn and keep indeed. 5 O would to God it might thee pleafe my ways fo to direft, That I might always keep thy laws, and never them reject. 6 So mould no (name my life attain, whilft 1 thus fet mine eyes, And bend my mind always to[mufe on thy facred Decrees. 7 Then PSALM CXIX. 7 Then will I pralfe with upright heart, and magnifie thy Name, When I (hall learn thy judgments juft, and likewife prove the fame. 8 And wholly will I give my felf to keep thy laws moll right; Forfake me r;ot for ever, Lord, but mew thy grace and might. BETH The Second Part. 9 By what means may a young man belt, his life learn to amend ? If that he mark and keep thy word, and therein bis timefpend, io Unfeignedly I have thee fought, and thus feeking abide : O never fuffer me, O Lord, from thy precepts to (Tide. 1 1 Within my heart and fecret thoughts thy words I have hid ft ill •, That I might not at any time offend thy godly will. 12 We magnifie thy Name, O Lord, and praife thee evermore } Thy ftatutes of moft worthy fame, O Lord teach me therefore. 13 My lips have never ceaft to preach and publilh day and night The judgments all which did proceed from thy mouth full of might 14 Thy teftimonies and thy ways, much more my heart rejoice, Than all the treafures of the earth, which worldlings make their choice 15 On thy precepts I will ft ill mufe, and thereto frame my talk^ As at a mark, fo will I aim how I thy ways may walk. 16 My only joy fhall be fo fixt, And on thy laws fo fet; That nothing (hall me fo far blind, that I thy words forget GIMEL ?SA.LM CXIX. GIMEL the Third Part 17 Grant to thy fervant now fuch grace, as may my life prolong ^ Thy holy word, then will I keep, both in my heart and tongue: 18 Mine eyes which arc dim and (hut up, fo open and make bright ; That of thy law and wondrous works I may have the clear fight. 19 I am a ftranger in this earth, wandring now here now there, Thy word therefore to me difclofe my footfteps for to clear. 20 My foul is raviftYd witn defire, and never is at reft: • But feeks to know thy judgments high, and what may pleafe thee belt 21 The proud man and malicious thou haft deftroyed each one , And curfed are fuch as do not thy laws attend upon. 22 Lord, turn from me rebuke and (hame which wicked men confpire •, For I have kept thy covenants with zeal as hot as fire. 23 The Princes great in council fate, and did againft me fpeak ^ But then thy fervant thought how he thy ftatutes might not break. 24 For why ? thy covenants are the joy and folace of my hearty They are my faithful councilors, from them I'll not depart. DALETH. The fourth Part 25 I am alas, as brought to grave, and almoft turn'd to dull ^ Reftore therefore my life again, as thy prOmife is juft. 16 My ways when \, acknowledged, with mercy thon dk!# hear ; Hear PSALM CXIX. car now alfo, and me inftruft thy laws to love and fear. 27 Make me, O Lord, to underfhnd thy precepts evermore ; Then on thy works I'll meditate, and lay them up in ftore. 28 My foul 1 feel fo fore oppreft, that it doth melt for grief • According to thy word therefore hafte Lord to fend relief. 29 From lying and deceitful lips let thy grace me defend. And that 1 may learn thee to love, thy holy law me fend, 30 Thy way of truth both (height and fure I chofen have and found ; Before me I thy judgments let which keep me fafe and found. 31 Since then, O Lord, I readily thy covenants embrace ; Let me therefore have no rebuke nor check in any cafe. 32 Then will I run molt joyfully where thy word doth me call ; When thou haft fet my heart at large, and rid me out of thrall, HE. The Fifth Part 33 Inftruct me, Lord, in the 'right way of thy ftatutes divine • And them to keep unto the end my heart will I encline. 34 Grant me the knowledge of the Law, and I (hall jt obey ; With heart and mind, and alt my might, I will it keep alway. 35 In the right paths of thy precepts guide me, Lord, I require; None other pleafure do I wi(h no greater thing dears, 30 Incline PSALM CXIX. 36 Incline my heart thy laws to keep, and covenants to imbrace $ And from all filthy avarice, Lord, fheild me with thy grace 37 From vain defires and worldly lulls turn back mine eyes and fight •, Give me the fpirit of Life and Power, to walk thy ways aright. 38 Confirm tby Gracious promife, Lord, which thou haft made to me, Which am thy fervant and do love and fear nothing but thee. 39 Reproach and ftiame which I do fear } from me, O Lord, expel : For thou doll judge with equity, and therein doll excell. 40 Behold, my heart's defire is bent thy Laws to keep alway : Lord, ftrengthen me fo with thy grace that it perform I may. VAV. The Sixth Tart 41 Thy Mercies great and manifold, let me obtain, O Lord ; Thy faving health let me enjoy, according to thy word. 42 So fhall I flop the flandrous months of lewd men and unjufl^ For in thy faithful promifes, (lands my comfort and trull. 43 The Word of truth within my mouth let ever Hill be prcft ^ For in thy judgments wonderfull my hope doth fland and reft 44 And whilft that breath within me doth this natural life preferve. Yea till this world fhall be diflblv'd, thy law will I obferve. 45 So PSALM CXIX. 45 So walk will I as fet at large, from dread and danger free^ Becaufe I ftudy how to keep thy precepts faithfully. 46 Thy noble a&s I will defcribe, as things of moft great fame ^ Even before kings I will them blaze, and fhrink no whit for fhame. 47 1 will rejoice then to obey thy juft commands and will Which evermore I have lov'd belt, and fo will love them ftill. 43 My hands I will life to thy laws which I have dearly fought, And praftife thy commandements in will, in deed, and thought. ZA1N. The Seventh Part. 49 Thy promife which thou mad'ft to me, remember, Lord, I pray ^ For therein have I put my truft and confidence alway, 50 It is my comfort and my joy when troubles me aflail ^ For were my life not by thy word, it fuddeniy would fail. 5 1 The proud and fuch as God contemn ftill made of me a fcorn ; Yet would I not thy law forfake as if I were forlorn ^ 52 But call to mind, Lord, thy great works fhew'd to our fathers old j Whereby I feel my joy furmount my grief an hundred fold. 53 Horror hath taken hold on me, becaufe the wicked do, Forfake thy righteous law, and will have no regard thereto. 54 But PSALM CXIX. 54 But as for me, I fram'd my fongs thv ftatutes to exalt, When I among the ftrangers dwelt, and grief did me aflault. 55 I thought upon thy Name, O Lord, by night when others Deep ^ Thy law alfo I kept always^ and ever will it keep. 56" This grace I did obtain, becaufc thy covenants moft dear I did embrace, and alfo keep with reverence and fear. CHETH. The eighth Part 57 O Qod, which art my part and lot, my comfort and my ft ay, I have decreed and pfomifed thy laws to keep alway. 58 Mine earneft heart did hmubly fh'e in prefence of thy face • As thou therefore haft promifed Lord, grant to me thy grace. 59 My life I have examined, and try'd my fecret heart j Which to thy ftatutes caufed me my feet ftreight to convert. 6*0 I did not ftay nor linger long, as they that iiothful are ■, But haftily thy laws to keep I did my felf prepare. 61 The cruel bands of wicked men have made of me their prey • Yet would I not thy law forget, nor from thee go aftray. 62 Thy righteous laws and judgments arc fo very great and high ^ That even at midnight 1 will rife thy name to magnifie. 0*3 I am companion to all them which fear thee in their heart, And never will for love nor dread from thy commandments ftart. 5 4 thy PSALM CXIX. 64 Thy mercies, Lord, molt plentioufly do all the world fulfil $ O teach die how I may obey thy ftatutes and thy will. TkTH. The ninth Part, 0*5 According to thy promife Lord, (6 haft thou with me dealt, For of thy grace in fundry forts have I thy fervant felt. 66 Teach me to judge always aright, and give me knowledge fure, For certainly 1 do believe thy precepts are moil pure. 67 Before that I afflicted was, I err*d and went aftray •, But now I keep thy holy word, and make it all my ftay 68 Jhou art both good and gracious giving moft liberally ^ Thine ordinances how to keep, therefore, O Lord, teach me. 69 The proud and the ungodly have againft me forg'd a lye ^ Yet thy commandments ftill obferve, with all my heart will I. 70 Their hearts are fwoln with worldly wealth they are exceeding fat •, But in thy law I do delight, and nothing feek but that. 71 O happy time may I well fay, when thou didft me correct * For as a guide to learn thy laws thy rod did me dired. 71 So that to me thy word and law, is dearet manifold Than thoufands of Silver and Gold or ought that can be told. JOD. The tenth Part. 73 Thy hands have made andfaftilon'd me thy creature for to be • Q, Make PSALM CXIX. Make me to underftand thy law, and keep it faithfully. 74 So they that feat thee (hall rejoice when ever they may fee ^ Becaufe I have learned by thy word . to put my truft in thee. 75 When with thy rod the world is piagu'd I know the caufe is juft • So when thou dolt correct me, Lord, the caufe right needs be muft 76 New of thy goodnefs I thee pray fome comfort to me fend ; And as thou haft me hitherto, Lord, ftill me defend 77 Thy tender mercies pour on me, and I mall furely live, For joy and confolation both thy law to me doth give. 78 Confound the proud, who do mefeek per verily to deftroy ; But as for me thy laws to know 1 will my felf employ. 79 Whofo with reverence do thee fear, to them let me retire ; \And fach as do thy covenants know, and them alone defire- 80 My heart without all wavering let on thy laws be bent -, That no confufion come to me, nor any difcontent. CAPH. The eleventh Fart,' 81 My Soul doth faint and ceafeth not thy faving health to crave ^ And for thy words fake ftill I truft my hearts defire to have. 82 Mine eyes do fail with looking for thy word and thus I fay, O when wile thou me comrort, Lord, why doft thou thus delay. S3 Like PSALM CXlX. 83 Like as a Bottle in the fruoke, 10 am I parent and dry d, Yet will I not out of my heart let thy commandments' Hide. How long, O Lord, fhall I yet live, before I fee the hour, That on itiyfoes which-'m'e tprment, ' thy vengeance thou wilt pour ? 85 Prefumptuous men have digged; pits thinking to make me fure^ Thus contrary unto thy law, onT ?q my hurt they do procure. ? m lo1 85 But thy commandments are all true, 1 3ua and caufelefs they me grieve -, To thee therefore I do compain, that thou may'ft me relieve. ' , 87 Almoft they had me clean deftroy'd, and brought me quite to ground ; Yet by thy fratutes i abode, and therein fuccour found. 88 Reftoreme, Lord, again to life, for thy mercies excell ; And fo (hall I thy cov nants keep till death my life expel, LAMED The twelfth Tart. 89 In heaven', O Lord, where thou doft dwell thy word is ftablifht fure; And (hall to all eternity, faft fetled there endure, 190 From age to age thy truth abides, as doth the earth witnefs? Whofe ground work thou haft laid fo fure as no tounge can exprefs. 191 Even to this day we may well fee how thou dolt them preferve • I According to thine ordinance, for all things do thee ferve. 92 Had it not been that in thy law my foul had comfort fought Q. 2- Long PSALM CX1X. Long time e're now in my diftrefs I had been brought to nought. 93 Therefore will I thy precepts keep in memory full faft ; Becaufe that thou by them, O Lord my life reftored hafte. 94 No man to me can title make, ¥ for I am only thine -, Save me therefore, for to thy laws mine ears and heart incline. 95 The wicked men that feek my bane, for me do lie in wait; But 1 Will meditate upon thy teftimonies great. $6 For nothing in this world I fee which hath at length no end ; But thy commandments and thy word, beyond all time extend. MEM. the thirteenth Part. 97 What great defire and fervent love unto thy law I bear *, On it my daily ftudy is, that fo I may thee fear. 98 Thy word hath taught me to exceed in wifdom all my foes ; For they are ever with me, and do daily meoppofe. 09 My teachers which did me inftruft, in knowledge I excel: Becaufe I do thy cov'nants keep, and them to others tell. 1 00 In wifdom 1 do far furpafs ! the ancient men alfo; And that becaufe 1 keep thy laws and fo refolve to do. 1 01 My feet I have refrain'd likewife from every evil way, That fo I might thy word obferve and keep without delay. 102 I PSALM CXIX. id I have not from thy judgments fwerv'd nor fhrunk, as thou canft tell ; For why ? thou haft me taught thereby to live godly and well. 103 O Lor<^ how fweet unto my ftate I find thy words alway ? Doubtlefs no honey in my mouth do tafle fo fweet as they. 1 04 Thy laws have me fuch wifdom learnt that utterly I hate All wicked and ungodly ways, in every kind or rate. NVN. The Fourteenth Tart. 105 Even as a lantern to my feet, fo doth thy words Ihine bright. And to my paths where- e'er I go it is a flaming light. 106 I have both fworn and will perform in truth and faithfulnefs, That 1 will keep thy judgments juft and them in life exprefs. 1 07 Affliction hath me fore oppreft, and brought me to death's door 5 O Lord, as thou haft promifed, fo me to life reftore. 108 The ofPrings which with heart & voice moft freely I thee give, Accept and teach me how I may after thy judgments live. 1 09 My Soul is ever in ray hand, great dangers me aflail - r Yet do I not thy law forget, nor it to keep will fail, no Although the wicked laid their nets, to make of me a prey, Yet did I not from thy precepts once fwerve or go aft ray. in Thy Law O Lord, I taken have mine heritage to be \ Q.3 , Becaufc PSALM CXll}. Becaufe . fucli great rde light and joy it doth 'afford to me. 112 For evermore I, hare been bent thy ftatutes to fulfil ; Even fo .likew-jfe unto the end I will 'conVinoeftill, SslMECH. The fifteenth ?art. w$ AU thoughts tjiat vain and wicked are I do" always deteft •, But for ihy precepts and thy laws 1 love them ever belt. 114. Thou art my hid and fecret place, my fhield and ftrong- defence, Therefore have I thy promifes, lookt for with patience. 115 Therefore ye evil-doers all away from me be gone, For the commandments will I keep of 'God my Lord alone. 116 As thou haft promis'd fo perform that I may live and be Never afhamed of the hope which thou haft given me, 117 Uphold me, and I mall be fafe for ought they do or fay ^ An4 ip thy ftatutes pleafure take will I both night and day. 118 Thou haft,$rpd fuch under thy feet as do thy ftatutes break •, For nought avails their fubtilty, their counfel is too weak. . . 119 Like drofsthou caft'ft the wicked out where e'er they go or dwell. Therefore can I as ! thy ftatutes love nothing half fo well 1 20 .My rlefh doth quake : ;for fear of thee my foul is much dismaid •, By reafon of thy judgments great, niy heart is fore afraid. ! PSALM CXIX. AIN. Tbefixteentb Fart. 121 I do the thing that lawful is, and give to all men right \ Refign me not to them that would opprels me with their might. 122 But for thy fervants furety be in that thing which is right \ And never let the proud opprefs me with their rage and fpight. 1 23 Mine eyes do fail with waiting for thy health which I do crave \ And for thy righteous promife, Lord, whereby thou wilt me fave. 1 24 Entreat thy fervant lovingly, and favour to him (how : And thy ftatutes moft excellent teach me alfo to know. 12$ Thy humble fervant, Lord, I am, grant me to underftand. How by thy ftatutes I may know beft what to take in hand. 1 26 It is now time, Lord, to begin for truth doth quite decay • Thy law likewife they have made void, and none doth it obey. 1 27 This is the caufe wherefore I love thy laws much more than gold, Or Jewels fine, which are efteem'd moft coftly to be fold. 1 28 I thought thy precepts all moft juft and fo them kept in ftore. All crafty and malicious ways I greatly do abhor. PE. The Seventeenth Part. - 129 Thy cov'nants are moft wonderful and full of things profound j My foul therefore doth keep them furc when they are try'd and found. Q.4 130 Tte PSALM CX1X. 130 The entrance of thy word doth give to men a light moft clear. The fimple likewifc underftand when they it read or hear. 131 My mouth I open'd and did panfc^ becaufe my foul did long For thy commandments which always do guide my heart and tongue. 132 With mercy and companion Lord, behold me from above, As thou art wont fuch to behold as thy name fear and love. 133 Dirett my footfteps by thy word, that I thy will may know ^ And never let iniquity thy fervant overthrow. 134 From flandrous tongues and deadly harms preferve and keep me fure ; Thy precepts then will 1 obferve, with heart and upright pure. 135 Thy countenance which doth furmount the fun in his bright hue, Let mine on me, a,nd by tby law teach me what to efchew. 336 Rivers of waters from mm^ eyes continually do fall ; Becaufe 1 lee how wicked men thy laws keep not at all. TZADDI. The eighteenth Tart. J37 In every point, Lord, thou art juft, although the wicked grudge • And when thou doft fentence pronounce thou art a righteous judge. 138 To render right, and free from guile are two chief points moft high: And fuch as thou halt in thy law commanded us ftraitly. 139 My zeal hath even confemed me and f sun pia'd away, Becaufe PSALM CXIX. Becaufe my foes thy word forget and will it not obey. 140 Thy word is very pure, and it doth my heart rejoyce; Therefore thy fervant nothing more can love or make my choice. 141 And though i be nothing fet by , as one of bafe degree : Ye do I not thy laws forget nor fhrink away from thee. 1 41 Thy truth and righteoufnefs, O Lord, for ever lhall endure • Alfo thy law is troth it felf, moft conftant and molt pure. J43 Trouble and grief have feiz'd on me and brought me wondrous low ; Yet do I ftill of thy precepts delight to hear and know, 144 The righteoufnefs of thy judgments doth lafr for evermore, Then teach them me becaufe in them my life lies up in ftorc. KOFH The nineteenth Part 14$ With fervent heart I call'd and cry'd now anfwer me, O Lord \ That thy commandments to obferve I fully may accord. I46* To thee my God, I make my fait, fave me, I humbly pray ; Thy Teftimonies then will I always keep and obey. 147 To thee I cry even in the morn before the day appear ^ Becaufe I hoped in thy word, and thee alone dp fear. 548 Mine eyes prevent the night- watches, before they call, I wake That meditating on thy word, I might fome cQmfort take, 149 Incline PSALM dXlX. 149 Incline thiae ears to hear ray voice, and pity on me take. As thou waft wont, fo quicken me, left life mould me forfake. i$o My foes draw near, and greedily do after mifchief run : From thy law they are far gone back, and wickedly it mun. 1 5 1 Therefore, O Lord approach thou near for need doth fo require, For all thy precepts are moft true, then help, 1 thee defire. 152 Concerning thy commandments, I have learned long ago, That they remain for evermore, thou haft them grounded fo. RESH. The twentieth Part. 153 My Trouble and Affliction confider and behold; Deliver me, for of thy law, I ever take faft hold. 154. Defend my good and righteous caufe, with fpeed fome fuccour fend \ From- death as thou haft promifed, Lord ever me defend. 755 As for trie wicked far they are from faving health and grace * Becaufe the way thy laws to know they enter not the trace. 1 $6 Great are thy mercies, Lord, I grant, what tongue can them explain : According to thy judgments good let me my life obtc? 157 Tho many men did trouble me, and perfeoite me fore^ Yet from' thy laws I never {hrunl$, nor went afide therefore, 158 The great 'tranfgreflbrs I beheld with great anxiety •, Becaufe PSALM CXiX. Becaufe they did not keep thy word, nor ever feek to thee. 159 Behold how I do love thy laws with a molt upright heart •, Then quicken me, O Lord, for thou moft good and gracious art. 160 Thy word from the beginning hath been ever true and juft \ Thy righteous judgments every one, always continue muft. SCH1N. The twenty Firfi Tart. 161 Princes have perfecuted me without a caufe, but faw It was in vain, for of thy word my heart did ftand in awe. 1 62 And furely of thy word I was more joyful and more glad, Than he that of rich fpoils and prey, great flore and plenty had. 163 But as for lyes and falfities, them I hate and deteft ^ Becaufe thy holy law I do above all things love belt. 164 Ten times a day I praife the Lord, imging with heart and voice ^ Becaufe thy righteous judgments do greatly my heart rejoice. 165 Great peace and reft (ball all fuch have as do thy ftatutes love ; No danger fhall their quiet ftate impair or once remove. 166 My only health and comfort, Lord, I look for at thy hand ; And therefore have I done thofe things which thou didft me command. 167 Thy laws have been my exercife, which my foul moft dcfii'd , So .much to them my love was bent, that nought elfe I requii'd. 168 Thy PSALM CXIX. 1 68 Thy Statutes and Commandments I have kept with heart upright ; For all my doings and my ways, are prefent in thy fight. TAV. The twenty Second Part. i6p O Lord, let my conplaint and cry before thy face appear, And as thou haft me proraife made fo teach me thee to fear. 170 O let my Supplication have free accefs to thee ^ And grant me Lord, deliverance, as thou haft promis'd me. 171 Then (hall my lips thy praifes fpeak aftej moft ample [fort • When thou thy ftatutes haft me taught, wherein ftands my comfort. 172 My tongue fhall freely preach thy word and evermore confefs, Thy famous a£ts and noble laws are true and righteoufnefs. j 73 Stretch out thy hand, thee befeech, and fpeedily me fave , For thy commandments to obfervc chofen, O Lord I have, 174 Of thee alone, Lord, I crave health for other I know none : And in thy law and nothing elfe I do delight alone 17$ Grant me therefore long days to live thy name to magnifie : And of thy judgments merciful let me the favour try. 176 For I was loft and went aftray much like a wandring ftieep^ O feek me, for I have not fail'd thy ftatutes for to keep; Pfarn PSALM CXX. CXXl Ad Dominum. Pfalm. CXX. T. 5. IN trouble and in thrall Unto the Lord I call, And he doth me comfort. 2 Deliver me, I fay, From Liars lips alway And tongues of falfe report. 3 What vantage, or what thing Gett'ft thou thus for to fling, Thou falfe and flattering liar ? 4 Thy tongue doth hurt, I ween, No left than arrows keen. Or hot confuming fire. 5 Alas ! too long I flack, Within thefe Tents fo black, Which Kedars are by Name. By whom the flock ele&, And all of Ifaac's fe£ Are put to open fhame. 6 With them that peace did hate, I came a peace to make j And fet a quiet life, 7 But when my tale was told, Caufelefs I was controuFd By them that would have ftrife. Levavi oculos. Pfalm. CXXI. W. W. I Lift mine eyes to Sion hill, From whence I do attend That fuccour God me fend. a The mighty God me fuccour will, Which heaven and earth framed, And all things therein named. 3 Thy foot from flip he will prefervc, And will thee fafely keep, For he will never fleep. 4 Lo, he that Ifrael doth conferve No fleep at all can him catch, But his eyes ihall ever watch* 5 The PSALM CXXI. CXXIF, 5 The Lord, is thy warrant alway, The Lord he doth thee cover As at thy right hand ever : 6 The Sun (hall not thee parch by day Nor the Moon not half fo bright Shall with cold hurt thee by night. 7 The Lord will keep thee from difttefs, And will thy life fure lave •, And thou fhalt alfo have In all thy bufinefs good fuccefs. 8 Where-ever thou goeft in or out, God will thy things bring about. ' n . Latatus [urn. Pfalm CXX1I. IV. K. I Did in heart rejoyce To hear the peoples voice, In offering fo willingly : 2 For let us up fay they. And in the Lord's houfe pray, Thus fpake the folk full lovingly. 3 Our feet that wandred wide, Shall in thy gates abide, O thou Jerufalem full fair Which art fo feemly fet Much like a City neat, The like whereof is not elfe where 4 The tr-ibes . with one accord, The 'tribes of God the Lord Are thither bent their, way to take. So God before did tell That there his Ifrael Their Prayers fhould together make. 5 For there- are thrones ere6t, And that for this refpeft. To fet forth juftice orderly: Which thrones right to maintain To David's houfe pertain, His folk to judge accordingly. 6 To pray let us not ceafe For jerufalems Peace, Thy f bALivi LAAH1. UAAIV. Thy friends Goji profper mightily, 7 Peace be thy walls about, And profper thee throughout Thy palaces continually. 8 I wilh thy profperous ftate, For my poor brethren's fake, That comfort have by mearis of thee 9 God's houfe doth me allure Thy wealth for to procure, So much as lies in me. Jdte levavi. Pfalm. CXXIII. T. S. OThou that in the heav'ns doft dwell I life mine eyes to thee • Even as a fervaht lifteth his, his mailers hands to fee. 2 As handmaids watch their Miftrefs hand fome grace for to atcbieve. So we behold the Lord our God, till he do us forgive. 3 Lord, grant us thy companion, and mercy in thy fight •, For we are fill'd and overcome with hatred and defpight. 4 Our minds are ftuft with great rebuke the rich and worldly wife Do make of us their mocking flocks ; the proud do us deipife. Nifiqitia£)om. Pfalm. CXXIV. W. W. NOw Ifrael may fay, and that truly - 7 If that the Lord had not our caufe maintain'd, 2 If that the Lord had not our r-igjht fuftaind When all the World againft us furioufly Made their uproar, and faid we fhi&M \ PSALM CXXIV. CXXV. 3 Now long ago they had devoured us all, And fwallowed quick for ought that we could deem j Such was their rage, as we might well efteenk 4 And as the flouds with mighty force do fall, So had they now our lives even brought to thrall 5 The raging dreams molt proud in roaring noife, Had long ago o're whelm'd us in the deep, 6 But lov'd be God, which doth us fafely keep : From bloody teeth, and their molt cruel voice, Which as a prey, to eat us would rejoice. 7 Even as a bird out of the fowler's gin Efcapes away, right fo it fares with us $ Broke are their nets, and we have 'fcaped thus. 8 God that made heaven and earth is our help then : His name hath fav'd us from thefe wicked men. Qni confidant. Pfalm. CXXV. W. K QtUch as in God the Lord do truft, {3 As mount Sion mall firmly ftand And be removed at no band. The Lord will count them right and juft; So that they (hall be fure For ever to endure. 2 As mighty mountains huge and great, Jcrufalem about do clofe ; So PSALM CXXV. So will the Lord do unto thofe Who on his godly will do wait; Such are to him fo dear, They never need to fear. 3 For though the righteous try doth he By making wicked men his rod, Left they through grief forfake their God, It fhall not as their lot ftill be. 4 Give, Lord to us thy light, Whofe hearts are true and right 5 But as for fuch as turn afide, By crooked ways which they out- fought, The Lord will furely bring to nought. With workers vile they (hall abide^ But peace with Ifrael For evermore fhall dwell. Another of the fame by W. W. THofe that do put their confidence upon the Lord our God only, And flee to him for their defence in all their need and mifery : Their faith is fure ftill to endure Grounded on Chrift their corner-ftone, Mov'd with none 111, but ftandeth ftill Stedfaft like to the mount Sion. And as about Jerufalem the Mighty Hills do it compafs, So that no enemies come to them to hurt that Town in any cafe. So God indeed in every need his faithful people doth defend, Standing them by afTuredly from this time forth world without end. Right Wife and good is our Lord God ? and will not fuffer certainly ^ the finners and ungodly's rod to reft upon his Family : Left they alfo from God mould go, falling to fin and wickednefs. R O PSALM CXXV. CXXVI. O Lord defend world without end Thy Chriftian flock through thy goodnefs. O Lord, do good to Chriftians all . that fteadfaft in thy word abide ^ But fuch as from the Lord do fall, and to falfe do&rine daily Hide, Them will the Lord fcatter abroad with hypocrites thrown down (to hell. God will them fend pains without end but, Lord, grant peace to Ifrael. Glory to God the Father of might, and to the fon our faviour, And to the Holy Ghoft, whofe light ihine in our hearts, and us fuccour That the right way from day to day we may walk and him glorifie^ With hearts defire all that are here worlhip the Lord, and fay, Amen. In convertendo. Pfalm. CXXVI. W. JT, WHen that the Lord again his Sion had forth brought From bondage great, and alfo fervitude extreamj His work was fuch as did furmount mans heart and thought ; So that we were much like to them that ufe to dream. 2 Our mouths all were with laughter filled then Alfo our tongues did fhew us joyful men. The heathen folk were forced then this to confefs. How that the Lord for them alfo great things had done 3 But much more we, and therefore can confefs no lefs - 7 Wherefore to joy we have good caufe as we begun. O 4 PSALM CXXVII. 4 O Lord, go forth, thou can ft our bondage end, As to defarts the flowing Rivers fend. 5 Full true it is that they which fow in tears indeed j A time will come, when they fhall reap in mirth and joy 6 They went and wept in bearing of their precious feed, For that their Foes full oftentimes did them annoy But their return with joy they fhall furely fee; Their (heaves home bring, and not impaired be. Nifi Dom. Pfal. CXXVII. W. IV. EXcept the Lord the houfe doth make And thereunto doth fet his hand \ what men do build it cannot ftand - 7 Likewife in vain men undertake Cities and holds to watch and ward Except the Lord be their fafeguard. 2 Though you rife early in the morn. And fo at night go late to bed, Feeding full hardly with Brown bread * Yet were your labour loft and worn i But they whom God doth love and keep Receive all things with quiet fleep. 3 Therefore mark well when e're ye fe« That men have heirs t* enjoy their land It is the gift of God's own hand ; For God himfelf doth multiply., Of his great liberality N The bl effing of Pofterity. 4 And when the children come to age They grow in ftrength and a&ivenefs In pier fon and in comelinefs; So* that a ftiaft (hot wit^ Courage r % m PSALM CXXVill. CXXIX. Of one that hath a moft ftrong arm* flies not lo fwift, nor doth like harm. 5 Oh well he is that hath his quiver Furnifht with fuch Artillery • For when in peril he fhall be, Such a one fhall never quake nor fhiver When that he pleads before the judge Againft his foes that bear him grudge. Beati omrtes. Pfal. CXXVIII. T. S. BLefled art thou that fearefb God, and walkeft in his ways : 2 For of thy labour thou (halt eat, happy (hall be thy days. 3 Like fruitful Vines on thy houfe fide,, fo doth thy Wife fpring out ; Thy Children ftand like olive- plants thy Table round about. 4 Thus art thou blefl: that fearefl: God, and he fhall let thee fee, 5 The promifed Jerufalem, and her felicity. 6 Thou (halt thy childrens children fee, to thy greats joys increafe; And likewife grace on Ifrael, profperity and peace. Sape expugnaverunt. Pfal. CXXIX. N. OFt they, now, Ifrael may fay, me from my youth affail'd j 2 Oft they afTail'd me from my youth, yet never have prevail'd. 3 Upon my back the ploughers plow'd and furrows long did cafl ; 4 The righteous Lord hath cut the cords of wicked men at laft. 5 They that hate me fhall be afham'J, and turned back alfo } 6 And made as grafs upon the houfe which with'ereth e'er it grow. 7 Wherefore P S A L|M CXXX. 7 Wherefore the mower cannot find enough to fill his hand ^ Nor can he fill his lap that goes to glean upon the land. $ Nor pafTers by pray God on them to let his blefling fall } Nor fay we blefs you in the name of God the Lord at all. Be profundi*. Pfal. CXXX. W. W. LOrd, to thee, I make ray moan when dangers me opprefs ; 1 call, I figh, complain and groan, trufting to find releafe. 2 Hear now, O Lord, my requeft, for it is full due time ; Let thine ears always be preft unto this prayer of mine. 3 O Lord our God, if thou weigh our fins and them perufe; Who flwll then efcape and fay, I can my felf excufe ? 4 But, Lord, thou art merciful, and turn'ft to us thy grace, That we with hearts molt careful, mould fear before thy face. 5 In God I put my whole truft my foul waits on his will > For his promife is moft juft, and I hope therein ftill. 6 My foul to God hath regard wilhing for hiovalway, More than they that watch and ward to fee the dawning day. 7 Let Ifrael then bodly in the Lord put his trull j He is that God of Mercy that his deliver muft. For he it is that muft fave Ifrael from his fin, R 3 And PSALM CXXXIII. CXXXIV. CXXXV. Ecce quam. Pfal. CXXXIII. W. W. OHow happy a thing it is, and joyful for to fee, Brethren together faft to hold the band of amity ! 2 It calls to mind that fweet perfume, and that coftly ointment. Which on the Sacrificers head by God's command was fpent. It wet not Aaron's head alone but on his beard did fall ^ And finally it did run down on his rich garments all. 3 And as the lower Ground doth drink the dew of Hermon hill, And Sion with his fiiver drops the fields with fruit doth fill: 4 Even fo the Lord doth pour on them his bleflings manifold. Whofe hearts and minds without all guile this knot doth keep and hold, Ecce mnc Pfal. CXXXIV. W. IV. BEhold and have regard, ye fervants of the Lord, Which in his houfe by night do watch, praife him with one accord. 2 Lift up your hands on high unto his holy place, And give the Lord his praifes doe, his benefits embrace. 3 For why ? the Lord who did both earth and heaven frame, Doth Sion blefs, and will conferve from evermore the fame. o Laudate Nomcn. CXXXV. N. Praife the Lord praife him, praife hiu) praife him with one accord ^ O PSALM CXXXV. O praife him ftill all ye that be the fervants of the Lord 2 O praife him ye that ftand and be in the houfe of the Lord ; Ye of his court and of his houfe, praife him with one accord. 3 Praife ye the Lord for he is good, fing praifes to his Name ; It is a comely and good thing, always to do the fame. 4 For why the Lord hath Jacob chofe, his very own ye fee; So hath he chofen Ifrael his treafure for to be. 5 For this I know and am right fure the Lord is very great ; He is indeed above all gods moft eafy to intreat. 6 For whatfoever pleafed him, all that full well he wrought In Heaven, in Earth, and in the Sea. which he hath made of nought. 7 He lifts up clouds even from the earth, he makes lightnings and rain, He bringeth forth the winds alfo, and nothing made in vain. 8 He fmote the firft-born of each thing in Egypt that took reft ; He fpared then no living thing, the man, nor yet the beaft. 9 He did likewife fhew wonders great on their inhabitants, Upon King Pharaoh, and alfo on his fevere fervants. io He fmote then many Nations. and did great adts and things He PSALM cxxxvr. He flew the great and raightieft and cheifeft of their Kings ii Sihon King of the Amorites And Og King of Bafan; He flew alfo the Kingdoms all that were of Canaan. 12 And gave their land to Ifrael, an heritage we fee, To Ifrael his own people an heritage to be. The fecond Part. 13 Thy Name (hall flill endure and thy memorial likewife Throughout all generations that are or ihall arifc. 14 The Lord will furely now avenge his people all indeed : And to his fervants he will mew favour in time of need. 15 The idols of the heathen which are in the coafts and lands. Of Silver and of Gold they be the work even of mens hands. 1 5 They have their mouths but cannot fpeak and eyes that have no fight. 17 And they have ears, but hear nothing their mouths be breathlefs quite. 18 Wherefore all they are li£e to them, that fo do fet them forth ; And likewife thofe that trull: in them, or think they be ought worth. 19 O all ye houfe of Ifrael, fee that ye praife the Lord And ye that be of Aaron's houfe, praife him with one accord. 20 And ye that be of Levi's houfe,' praife ye likewife the Lord. And ye that ftand in awe of him, praife him with one accord. 2i And. PSALM CXXXVI. 21 And otit of Sion fend his praife, the Great praife of the Lord. Which dwelleth in Jerufalem, praife him with one accord. Confitemini Dom. Pfal. CXXXVI. PRaife ye the Lord for he is good, for his mercy endurethfor ever 2 Give praife unto the God of gods for his mercy, &c. 3 Give praife unto the Lord of Lords for his mercy, &c. 4 Which only doth great wondrous works, for his mercy, &c. 5 Which by his wifdom made the heavens, for his mercy, &c 6 Which on the waters ftretch the earth for his mercy, &c. 7 Which made great lights to mine abroad, for his mercy, &c. 8 As Sun to rule the lightfome day. for his mercy, &c. 9 The Moon and Stars to guide the night, for his mercy, &c. io Which fmote Egypt with their firftborn, for his mercy, &c. 1 1 And Ifrael brought out from thence for his mercy, &c. 12 With mighty hand and ftretched arm, for his Mercy, &c. 13 Which cut the Red-fea in two parts, for his mercy, &c. 14 And Ifrael made to pafs there through for his mercy, &c. 1 5 And drowned Pharaoh and his holt for his mercy, &c. 16* Through wildernefs his people led, for his mercy, &c. 17 He which did fmite great noble Kings," for his mercy, &c, 18 And PSALM CXXXVI. 6 Yei, he the heavy charge Of all the earth did ftretch ; And on the waters large The fame he did out-reach. For certainly, &c. 7 Great lights he made ^ for why, His mercy lafts alway ; 8 Such as the Sun, we fee, To rule the lightfome day. For certainly, &c. 9 Alfb the moon fo clear, Which fhineth in our fight, And ftars that do appear, To guide the darkfome night. For certainly, &c. io With grievous plagues and fore All Egypt fmote he then The firft born lefs and more He flew of beafts and men. For certainly, &c. 1 1 And from amidft their land His Ifrael forth brought ^ 1 2 Which he with mighty hand and ftretched arm hath wrought. For certainly, &c. 13 The Sea he cut in two, Which flood Op like a Wall ^ 14 And made through it to go His chofen Children all. For certainly &c. 1 % But there o're whelmed then The proud King Pharaoh, With his huge hofl: of men, And Chariots alfo. For certainly, &e. 16 Who led through wildernefs, His people fafe and found : 17 And for his love endlefs, Great King's he brought to ground. For certainly, &c. 18 And PSALM CXXXVI. 1 8 And which hath flain the mighty Kings* for his mercy, &c. 19 As Sehon King of Amorites, for his mercy, &c. 20 And Og the King of Bafan land, for his mercy, &c. 2 1 And gave their land for heritage, for his mercy, &c 22 Even to his Servant lfrael, for his mercy, &c. 23 Remembring us in bafe eftate, for his mercy, &c. 24 And from oppreffors refcued us, for his mercy, &c. 2 5 Which giveth food unto all flefh, for his mercy, &c. 16 Praife ye the Lord of heaven above for his mercy, &c. 27 Give thanks unto the Lord of Lords, for his mercy, &c. Another of the Same, by T. G. OLaud the Lord benigne, whofe mercies ne'er decay -, 2 Give thanks and praifes fing to God of gods alway For certainly, his mercies dure Both firm and fure eternally. 3 The Lord of Lords praife ye, Whofe mercies ever dure •, 4 Great wonders only he Doth work by his great power, For certainly, &c. 5 Which God omnipotent, By his great wifdom high The heavenly firmament Did frame as we may fee. For cert?inlv, &c, 5 Yea PSALM CXXXVII. 1 8 And with puiflant hand Slew King's of mighty fame 5 19 As of Amorites land Sehon the King by name. For certainly, &c. 20 And og (the Giant large) OfBafan King alfo^ 21 Whofe land for heritage He gave his People to. For certainly, &c. 22 Even unto Ifrael, His Servants dear, I fay, He gave the fame to dwell, And there abide alway. For certainly, &c. 23 To mind he did us call In our mod bafe degree ^ 24 And from opprefors all In fafety fet us free. For certainly, &c. 2$ All flefh in earth abroad With food he doth follfil ; 26 Wherefore of heaven the God To laud be it your will. For certainly, &c. Super flumina. Pfal. CXXXVII. W. W. WHen as we fat in Babylon the rivers round about, And in remembrance of Sion, the tears for grief burft out - 7 2 We hgngd our harps and inftruments the willow-trees upon j For in that place men for their ufe had planted many a one. 3 Then they to whom we prifoners were faid to us tauntingly, Now let us hear your Hebrew Songs, and pleafant melody. 4 Alas ! faid we, who can once frame his heavy heart to fine fh PSALM CXXXVIII. The praifes of our loving God, thus under a ftrange king ? 5 But yet if I Jerufalem out of my heart let Hide ; Then let my fingers quite forget the warbling harp to guide, 6 And let my tongue within my Mouth, be ty'd for ever faft, If that I joy before 1 fee thy full deliverance pall. 7 Therefore, O Lord, remember now the curfed noife and cry That Edom's Sons againft us made, when they rais'd our City ; Remember, Lord, their cruel words, when as with mighty found, They cried down, yea, down with it unto the very ground. 8 Even fo fhalt thou, O Babylon, at length to duft be brought ; And happy (hall that man be call'd that our revenge hath wrought, 9 Yea, bleffed (hall that man be call'd that takes thy little ones, and daflieth them in pieces fmall, againft the very ftones. Confitebor tibi. Pfal. CXXXVIII. N. THee will I praife with my whole hear! my Lord my God always j Even in the prefence of the Gods I will advance thy praife. 2 Towards thy holy Temple I will look and worfhip thee^ And praifed in my thankful mouth thy holy Name (hall be. Even for thy loving kindnefs fake, and for thy truth withal ^ For thou thy Name haft by thy word advanced over all, 3 When PSALM CXXXIX. 3 When I did call thou heardeft me, and thou haft made alfo The power of increafed ftrength within my foul to grow. 4 Yea, all the kings on earth they fhall give praife to thee, O Lord ; For they of thy moil holy month have heard thy mighty word. 5 They of the way! of God the Lord in finging (hall intreat ^ Becaufe the glory of the Lord it is exceeding great. 6 The Lord is high, but yet he doth the lowly man refpect ; The proud he knows far off, and them with fcotn he doth reject. 7 Although in midft of trouble I do walk, yet fhall I ftand Reviv'd by thee •, for thou, O Lord, wilt ftretch out thy right hand. Upon the wrath of all my foes and faved fhall I be By thy right hand, the Lord God will, perform his work to me. 8 Thy mercy lafts for evermore, Lord do me not forfake, Forfake me not that am the work which thine own hand did make Domine, pobaftu Pfal. CXXXIX. OLord, thou hafl me try'd and known my fitting down doft know, 2 My rifingup and thoughts far off thou underftandft alfo. 3 My path, yea and my lying down thou compaffeft always; And by familiar cuftom art acquainted with my ways. 4 No word is in my tongue, O Lord, that is not known to thee ^ 5 Thou PSALM CXXXIX. 5 Thou haft befet me round about, and laid thy hand on me, 6 Such knowledg is too wonderful and paft my skill to gain ; It is fo high; that I unto the fjme cannot attain. 7 From fight of thy all- feeing Spirit, Lord, whither mall I go? Or whither fhall I fly away from thy prefence alfo. 8 To Heav'n if I do mount alofrj lo, thou art prefent there \ In Hell if I lie down below, even there thou doit appear. 9 Yea, let me take the morning wings, and let me go and dwell Even in the very utmoft parts where flowing feadoth fwell ; io Yet certainly there alfo fhall thy hand me lead and guide; And thy right hand fhall hold me fait, and make me to abide, ii Or If I fay, the darknefs fhall fhroud me quite from thy fight ; Even then the night that is mofl dark, about roe fhall be light. 12 The darknefs hideth not from thee but night doth fhine as day - 7 To thee the darknefs ;nd the light are both alike alway. The Second Part. 1 3 For thou poflefled haft my reins, and thou haft covered me, When I within my Mothes womb enclofed was by thee* 24 Thee will I praife, made fearfully and wonderoufly I am, % Thy PSALM CXXXIX. Thy works are marvellous, right well my foul doth know the fame. 1 5 My bones they are not hid from thee, although in fecret place I have been made, and in the earth beneath I fhaped was. i<5 When I was formlefs then thine eye faw me -, for in thy Book Were written all, nought was before that after fafliion took. 17 The thoughts therefore of thee, O God how dear are they to me. And of them all how pafling great the endlefs number be ! r8 If I mould count them, lo, their Sum more than the fand I fee ^ And whenfoever I awake, yet I am ftill with thee. 19 The wicked gnd ungodly thou molt furely wilt flay ; Therefore now all ye bloody men, depart from me away. 20 For they againft thee, O my God do fpeak full wickedly ^ They take thy name in vain, and are great enemies to thee 21 Hate I not them that hate thee, Lord and that in earneft wife? Am I not grieved with all thofe that up againft thee rife? 22 I hate them with a perfect hate, even as my utter foes. 23 Try me, O God, and know my heart my thoughts prove and disclofe. ^4. Confider, Lord, if wickednefs in me there any be^ And in thy way, O God my guide, for ever lead thou me. Pfal psalm cxl: Eripe me. Pfal. CXL. N. Lord, fave me from the evil man, and from his pride and fpite, 2 And from all thofe alfo which do, in violence delight. Which make on me continual War, their tongues lo they have whet 3 Like ferpents ; underneath their Lips is adders poifon fet. 4 Keep me, O Lord, from wicked hands preferve me to abide Free from the cruel man, that means to caufe my fteps to Aide. 5 The proud have laid a fnare for me 9 and they have fpread a net With cords in my path-way and gins for me alfo have fet. 6 Therefore I faid unto the Lord, thou art my God alone • Hear me O Lord, O hear the Voice wherewith I pray and moan. 7 O Lord my God, thou only art the ftrength that faveth me ^ My head in day of battle hath been cover'd (till by thee. 8 Let not, O Lord, the wicked have the end of his defire^ Perform not his ill thought, leaft he with pride be Ctt on fire. 9 Of them that compafs me about, the cheifefl: of them all, Lord, let the mifchief of their lips upon their own heads fall. 10 Let coals fall on them, let them be caft in confuming flame, And in deep pit, fo as they may not rife out of the fame. i i For no backbiter ihall on earth be fet in ftable plight $ S z Am PSALM CXLI. And evil to deftruftion ftill fhall hunt the cruel wight. 12 I know the Lord the affli&ed will revenge, and judge the poor : 13 The juft fhall praife thy Narae,and (hall dwell with thee evermore. Domine, clarnavi. Pfal. CXLI. N. OLord upon thee do I call, ' then hafte thee unto me; And hearken thou unto my voice when I do cry to thee. 2 As incenfe let my prayers ftill be directed in thine eyes : And the uplifting of my hand as evening facrifice. 3 For guiding of my mouth, O Lord,, fet thou a watch before ; And alfo of my moving lips, O Lord, keep thou the door 4 That I mould wicked works commit, incline thou not my heart ; With ill men of their delicates, Lord, let me eat no part 5 But let the righteous fmite me, Lord for. that is good for me ; Let him reprove me, and the fame a precious oyl fhall be. Such fmiting fhall not break my head, the time lhall fhortly fall, When 1 fhall in their mifery make prayers for them all. 6 And when in ftony places down their judges fhall be caft; Then fhall they hear my words, becaufc they have a pleafant tafte, 7 Our PSALM CXLII. 7 Our bones about the graves mouth are all fcattered and found } As he that heweth wood, or he that diggeth up the ground. 8 But, O my Lord my God,mine eyes do look up unto thee • In thee is all my truft, let not my foul forfaken be. 9 Keep and preferve me from the foare which they for me have laid ^ And from the gins of wicked men, whereof I am afraid. io The wicked into their own nets, together let them fall : While 1 do by thy help efcape the danger of them all Voce mea^ Pfal. CXLH. N. UNto the Lord God with my voice 1 did fend out my cry^ And with my drained voice unto the Lord God prayed I. 2 My meditation in his fight to pour I did nor fpare • And in the prefence of the Lord my trouble did declare. 3 Although perplexed was my foul, my path was known to thee^ In way where I did walk, a fnare they flily laid for me. 4 I look'd and view'd on my right hand, but none there would me know \ All refuge failed me, and for my foul none cared now, 5 Then cried I to thee, and faid O Lqrd my hope thou art ^ S 3 And PSALM CXLIV. And fcatter them, thine arrows (hoot, confume them with the fame. 7 Send d^wn thy hand from heaven above, O Lord deliver me ^ Take, me from waters great, from hand of Grangers fet me free. 8 Whofe iubtile mouth of vanity with flattiring words doth treat, And their right hand is a right hand of falfhood and deceit, o A new (bug will I fing, O God, and finging will I be On viol and on inftrument ten ftringed unto thee 10 Even he it is that only gives deliverance to kings. Unto his fefvant David help from hurtful fword he brings. 1 1 From (hangers hand me fave and fhield, whofe mouth talks vanity, And their right hand is a right hand of guile and fubtilty. 12 That our fons may be as the plants whom growing youth doth rear ^ Our daughters as carv'd corner-ftones, like to a palace fair : 13 Our garners full and plenty may of fundry forts be found 5 Our fheep bring thoufands, in our ftrects ten thoufands, may abound. 14 Our Oxen be to labour ftrong, that none may us invade ^ There be no goings out, nor cries within our frrcets he made. 1 5 The people blefled are that with fuch bleffings great are ftor'd j Yea, bleiled all the people are whofe God is God the Lord. Pfal PSALM CXLV. Exaltabo te: Pfal. CXLV. N. i THee will I laud, my God and King, and blefs thy name alway ; 2 For ever will I praife thy name, and blefs thee day by day. 3 Great is the Lord, mod worthy praife, his greatnefs none C3n reach ; 4 From race to race they lhall thy works praife, and thy power preach. 5 1 of thy glorious Majefty the beauty will record ; And meditate upon thy works mod wonderful, O Lord. 6 And they lhall of thy Power, and of thy fearful acts declare And I to publilh ail abroad thy greatnefs will not fpare. 7 And they into the mention (hall break of thy goodnefs great j And I aloud thy righteoufnefs in finging lhall repeat. 8 The Lord our God is gracious, and merciful alfo ; Of great abounding mercy, and to anger he is flow. 9 Yea, good to all ^ and all his works his mercy doth exceed , 10 Lo, all thy works do praife thee, Lord, and do thy honour ipread. 1 1 Thy Saints do blefs thee, and they do thy kingdom's glory fhow ; 12 And blaze thy power, to caufe the fons of men thy power to know. The fecond Part. And of his Kingdoms Majefty to fpread the glorious praife. 13 Thy Kingdom, Lord, a kingdom is that doth endure always: And PSALM CXLVII. 5 Great is the Lord, great is his power, his wifdom infinite, 6 The Lord relieves tLe meek, and throws to ground the wicked wight 7 Sing unto God the Lord with praife unto the Lord rejoice ; And to our God upon the harp advance your Tinging voice 8 He covers heaven wit 1 ; clouds, and for the ^rth prepareth rain ^ And on the mountains he doth make the grafs to grow again. 9 He gives to beafts their food, and to young ravens when they crv, io His pleafure not in ftrength of horfe, nor in mans legs doth lie •, n But in all thofe that do him fear the Lord hath his delight, And fuch as do attend upon his mercies mining light. The fecoftd Part. 12 O praife the Lord, Jerafalem, thy God O Sion praife ? 13 For he the bars harh forged ftrong, wherewith thy gates he ftays. 14 Thy Children he hath bleft in thee, and in thy borders f,e Doth fettle peace, a u d jvith the flour of wheat he filleth tnee ; 15 And his cornmandement upon the earth he fendeth out; Alfo his word with fpeedy courfe doth fwihly run about 1 6 He giveth Snow like wool, and froft like aflies frattereth wide, 17 Like morfels calls his ice, thereof the cold who can abidt ? 18 He fendeth forth his mighty word, and melteth them again \ His PSALM CXLVI1I. His wind he makes to blow, and then the waters flow amain. 19 The do&rine of his holy word, to Jacob he doth (how • His ftatutes and his judgments he gives Ifrael to know. 20 With every nation he hath not fo dealt, nor have they known His fecret judgments, ye therefore praife ye the Lord alone. Laudate Dominum. Pfal. CXLVIll. J. H. Ive laud unto the Lord, _T From heaven that is fo high ; Praife him in deed and word, Above the ftarry Sky, 2 And alfo ye, His angels all, Armies royal, Praife joyfully. 3 Praife him both Moon and Sun Which are fo clear and bright The fame of you be done Ye gliftring ftars of light ; 4 And you no lefs, Ye heavens fair, And clouds of the air, His laud exprefs. 5 For at his word they were All formed as we fee ^ At his voice did appear All things in their degree, 6. Which he fet fafi; ; To them he made A law and trade Always to laft. 7 Extol and praife God's Name On earth ye dragons fell j All deeps do ye the fame, For it becomes ye well Him PSALM CXLIX. 8 Him magnifie, Fire, Hail, Ice, Snow, And ftorms that blow, At his decree. 9 The Hils and Mountains all, And trees that fruitful are, The Cedars great and tall Histforth/ praife declare. 10 Beafts and Cattle, Yea, Birds flying and worms creeping, That on Earth dwell ii All Kings both more and lefs, With all their pompous train, Princes and all Judges That in the world remain, Exalt his Name. 12 Young men and maids Old men and babes, Do ye the fame. 13 For his name (hall we prove To be moft excellent, Whofe praife is far above The earth and firmament. 14 For fure he (hall Exalt with blifs The horn of his, And help them all 1 5 His Saints all (hall forth tell His praife and worthinefs, The Children of Ifrael Each one both more and lefs; 16 And alfo they That with good will His words fulfil, And bim obey. Cantate Domino, Pfal. CXL1X. N. Sing ye unto the Lord our God, a new rejoycing Song 5 And PSALM CL. And let the praife of him be heard his holy Saints among 2 Let Ifrael rejoyce in him that made him of nothing •, And let the Children of Sion be joyful in their king. 3 Let the found praife with voice of lute, unto his holy Name; And with the timbrel and the harp fing praifes to the fame 4 For why ? the Lord his pleafare all hath in his people fet ; And by deliverance he will raife the meek to glory great. 5 With glory and with honour now let all his Saints rejoice ; And now aloud upon their beds advance their ringing voice. 6 And in their mouths let be the high praifes of God the Lord ; And in their hands likewife a {harp and double edged fvvord. 7 To plague the heathen and correct the people with their hands ; To bind their Irately kings in chains, Their Lords in Iron bands. 8 To execute on them the doom that written was before, This honour all his Saints Ihall have praife ye the Lord therefore. Laudate Domir/ttm. Pfalm. CL« N, Yield unto God the mighty Lord, praife in his Sanftuary • And praife him in the firmament, that fhews his Power on high. 2 Advance his Name, and praife him in his mighty afts always \ According to his excellence and greatnefs give bira praife. His praifes with the princely Noife of founding trumphets blow } S 4 Praife Prayers. Praife him upon the viol and upon the harp alfo. 4 Praife him with timbrel and with flute, organs and virginals ; With founding cymbals praife ye him, praife him with loud cymbals. 6 Whatever hath the benefit of breathing praife the Lord To praife his great and mighty Name, agree with one accord. The end of the Pfalms. PRAYERS. A Form of Prayer to be ufcd in private Houfes every Morning and Evening. Morning Prayer. ALmighty God and molt merciful Father, we do not prefent our felves here before thy Maje- fty, crufling in our own merits or worthiaefs, but in thy manifold mercies, which haft promifed to hear our Prayers, and grant our requefb which we lhall make to thee in the name of thy beloved Son Jefus Chrifc our Lord *, who alfo hath command- ed us to alfemble our felves together in his Name, with full alfuiance that he will not only be amongft tis, but alfo be our Mediator and Advocate towards thy Majefly, that we may obtain all things which ihall feem expedient to thy blefled will, for our ne- ceflities. Therefore we befeech thee, moft merciful Father, to turn thy loving countenance towards us, and impute not unto us our manifold fins and offen- ces, whereby we juftly deferve thy wrath and fharp punilhment, bnt rather receive us to thy mercy, for Jefus thrift's fake, accepting his Death and Paflion as a juft recompence for all our offences, in whom thou art well pleafed, and through whom thou canft not be offended with us. And feeing that of thy great mercies we have quietly paffed this Night : Grant ( O heavenly Father ) that we may bellow Ihis day wholly in thy fervice, fo that all our thoughts ftaytrii thoughts, words, and deeds iruy redound to the glory of thy great Name, and good Example to all Men, who feeing our good works may glorifie thee our heavenly Father. And forafmuch as of thy meer favonr and love thou haft not only created us to thine own fimili- tude and likenefs, but alio haft chofcn us to be heirs with thy dear Son Jems Chrift, of that immortal Kingdom which thou preparedft for us from the beginning of the World ; we befeech thee to in- creafe our faith and knowledge, and to lighten our hearts with thy holy Spirit, th3t we may in the mean time live in godly Converfation and Integrity of Life, knowing that idolaters, adulterers, covetous men, contentious perfons, drunkards, gluttons, and fuch like, fhall not inherit the Kingdom of God. And becaufe thou haft commanded us to pray one for another, we do not only make requeft, O Lord,, for our felves, and for them that thou haft already called to the trueunderftanding of thy hea- venly willj but for all People and nations of the World ^ who, as they know by thy wonderful works that thou art God over all, fo they may be inftru&ed by thy holy fpirit to believe in thee their only Saviour and Redeemer. But forafmuch as they cannot believe except they hear, nor caunot hear but by Preaching, and none can Preach excepe they be fent ^ therefore, O Lord, raife up faithful diftributers of thy Myfteries, who fetting apart all worldly refpe&s, may both in their life and do- ctrine only feekthy Glory. Contrarily confound Satan, and Antichiift, with all hirelings, whom thou haft already caft off into a reprobate fenfe, that they may not by Se&s, Schifms, Herefies, and Errors, difquiet thy little Flock. And becaufe, O Lord, we be fallen into the latter days and dange- rous times, wherein ignorance hath gotten the up- per hand, and Satan by hisMinifters, feeketh by all means to quench the light of thy Gofpelj we be- feech thee to maintain thy caufe again ft thofe ra- vening Wolves, and ftrengthen all thy Servants whom they keep in prifon and bondage. Let not T thy Prayers. thy long-fuffering be an occafion cither to increafe their tyranny, or to difcourage thy children,nei- ther yet let our fins and wickednefs be an hin- drance to thy mercies,butwith fpeed O Lord,con- iider thefe great mtferies. For thy people Ifrael many times by their fins provoked thine Sanger, and thou punifh'd them by thy juft judgment : yet tho' their fins were never fo grievous, if they once returned from their iniquity, thou re- ceived'ft them to mercy. We therefore, moft wretched finners, bewail our manifold fins, and earneftly repent us of our former wickednefs, and ungodly behaviour towards thee : and whereas we cannot of our felves purchafe thy pardon, yet we humbly befeech thee for Jefus Chrift's fake, to fhew thy mercies upon us, and receive us again to thy favour. Grant us, dear Father, thefe our requefls, and all other things neceflary for us and thy whole Church, accord- ing to thy promife in Jefus Chrift our Lord : In whofe name we befeech thee as he hath taught US, faying, Our Father which art y &c Evening Prayer. OLord God, Father everlafting and full of pity, we acknowledge and confefs, that we be not worthy to lift up our Eyes to heaven, much lefs to prefent our felves before thy Majefly, with confidence that thou wilt hear our prayers, and grant our requefls, if we confider our own defervings, For our confciences do accufe us, and our fins do witnefs againft us, and we know that thou art an upright Judge, which dofl not juftifie the finners and wicked men, but punifheft the faults of all fuch as tranfgrefs thy command- ments. Yet, molt merciful Father, ilnce it hath pleafed thee to command us to call on thee in all our troubles and 3dverfities, promifing even then to help us, when we feel our felves as it were fwallowed up of death and defperation, we ut- terly renounce all worldly confidence, and fiie to thy Prayers. thy fbvereign bounty as our only ftay and re- fuge : befeeching thee not to call to remem- brance our manifold fins and wickednefs, where- by we continually provoke thy wrath and indig- nation againft us. Neither our negligence and unkindnefs, which have neither worthily efteem- ed,nor in our lives fufficiently expreffed the fweet comfort of thy Gofpel revealed unto us,b:t rather to accept the obedience and death of thy Son Jefus Ghrift, who by offering up his body in la- crifiee once for all, hath made a fufficient recom- pence for all our fins. Have mercy therefore up- on us, O Lord, and forgive us our Offences. Teach us by thy holy Spirit that we may rightly weigh them, and earneftly repent us for the fame. And fo much the rather, O Lord, becaufe that the Reprobate and fuch as thou haft forfaken cannot praife thee, nor call upon thy name, but the repenting heart, the forrowful mind, the con- fcience oppreffed, hungring and«thirfting for thy grace, fhall ever fet forth thy praife and glory. And albeit we be but Worms and Duft, yet thou art our Creator, and we be the work of thine hands j yea, thou art our Father, and we thy Children ^ thou art our Shepherd, and we thy Flock : thou art our Redeemer, and we thy Peo- ple whom thou haft bought : thou art our God, and we thine inheritance. Correct us not there- fore in thine anger, O Lord, neither accord; ig to our deferts punifh us, but mercifully chafhfe us with a Fatherly affection, that all the world may know, that at what time foever a fiuner doth repent him of his fins from the bottom of his heart, thou wilt put away all his wickednefs out of thy remembrance, as thou haft promifed by thy holy Prophet. Finally, forafmuch as it hath pleafed thee to make the Night for man to reft in, as thou haft ordained him the day to travel in, grant, O dear Father-, that we may fo take our bodily reft, T x that Prayers. that our Souls may continually watck for the time that our Lord Jefus Chrift fhaH appear for our deliverance out of this mortal Life : And in the mean feafon that we, not overcome by any fantafies, dreams, or other temptations, may ful- ly fet our minds upon thee, love thee fear thee,and reft in thee \ furthermore,that our fleepbe not ex- eefTive or overmuch, after the infatiable defrres of our flefh, but only fufficient to content our weak nature, that we may be the better difpo- fed to live in all godly converfation , to the glory of thy moil Holy Name, and profit of our brethren. So be it. A Godly Prayer to be [aid at All Times. HOnour and praife be given to thee, O Lord God Almighty moft dear Father of Hea- ven for all thy mercies and loving kindnefles fhewed unto us, in that it hath pleafed thy gra- cious goodnefs, freely and of thine own accord, to eled and chufe us to Salvation before the be- ginning of the world. And even like continual thanks be given to thee for creating us after thine own Image, for redeeming us with the pre- cious blood of thy dear Son, when we were ut- terly loft j for fanctifying us with thy Holy Spi- rit in the revelation and knowledge of thy Holy Word j for helping and fuccouring us in all our needs and necefllties, for faving us from all dan- gers of Body and Soul \ for comforting us fo fa- therly in all our Tribulations and Perfecutions } for fparing us fo long, and giving us fo large a time of Repentance. Thefe benefits, O moft merciful Father, like as we acknowledge to have received them of thy only goodnefs, even fo we befeech thee for thy dear Son Jefus thrift's fake, grant us always thy Holy Spirit, that we* may continually grow in thankful nefs towards thec, to be led in all truth, and comforted in all our adver- Prayers'. \ adverfities. O Lord, ftrengthen our Faith, kin- dle it more in ferventnefs and love towards thee, and our Neighbours for thy lake, Suffer us not, molt dear Father, to receive thy word any more in vain : But grant us always the af- iiltance of thy Grace and Holy Spirit, that in heart, word and deed we may fan&ifie and do worfhip to thy Name ; help to amplifie and en- creafe thy Kingdom, and whatfoever thou fend- eft, we may be heartily well content with thy good pleafure and will. Let us not lack the thing, O Father, without the which we cannot ferve thee *, but blefs thou fo all the works of of our hands, that we may have fufficient, and not be chargeable, but rather helpful unto others. Be merciful, O Lord, to our offences, and feeing our debt is great, which thou haft forgiven us in Je- fus Chrilt, make us to love thee and our Neigh- bours fo much the more. Be thou our Father, our Captain and Defender in all temptations } hold thou us by thy merciful hand, that we may be delivered from all Inconveniences, and end our lives in the fan&ifying and honour of thy holy Name, through Jefus Chrift our Lord and only Saviour. So be it, Let thy mighty hand and outftretched arm O Lord, be ftill our defence } thy mercy and lov- ing kindnefs in Jefus Chrift thy dear Son, our Salvation, thy true and holy word, our inftru- ction j thy grace and Holy Spirit, our comfort and conlblation, unto the end, and in the end. So be it. O Lord encreafe our Faith, A Confeffiof? for all Efiates and Times. O Eternal God and moft merciful Father, we confefs and acknowledge here before thy Divine Majefty, that we are miferable finners, coneivced and born in fin and iniquity, fo that in us there is no goodnefs- For the flsfh evei> T 3 more Prayer's. more rebelleth againft. the Spirit, whereby we continually tranfgrefs thy holy Precepts and Commandments, and fo purchafe to our felves through thy juft judgment, Death, and Damna- tion. Notwithftanding, O heavenly Father, for- afh:uch as we are difpleafed with our felves for the fins that we have committed againft thec, and do unfeignedly repent us of the fame, we molt humbly befeech thee for Jcfus Chrift's fake, to fhew thy mercy upon us, to forgive us all our fins, and increafe thy Holy Spirit in us, that we acknowledging from the bottom of our hearts, our own righteoufnefs, may from hence- forth not only mortifie our finful Lufts and Af- fections, but alfo bring forth fuch fruits as may be agreeable to thy moft blefTed will : not for the worthinefs thereof, but for the merits of thy dearly beloved Son Jefus Chrift our only Saviour, whom thou haft already given an oblation and offering for our Sins, and for whofe fake we are certainly perfwaded, that thou wilt deny us nothing that we fhall ask in his name according to thy will. For thy Spirit doth afiiire our Confci- ences, that thou art our merciful Father, and fo loveft us thy Children through him, t;iat no- thing is able to remove thy heavenly grace and favour from us. To thee therefore, O Father, with thy Son, and the Holy Ghoft, be all ho- nour and glory World without end. Amen. A Prayer to be faid before a Man begin his Work, OLord God, moft merciful Father and Sa- viour, feeing it hath pleafed thee to com- mand us to travel, that we may relieve our need, we befeech thee of thy grace Co to blefs our Labour, that thy blefling may extend unto us, without the which we are not able to continue j and that this great favour may be a witnefs unto MS of thy bountifulnefs aad aflljdance, fo that there- Prayers. thereby we may know the fatherly care that thou haft over us. Moreover, O Lord, we be- feech thee, that thou would'ft ftrengthen us with thy Holy Spirit, that we may faithfully tra- vel in our eftate and vocation, without fraud or deceit, and that we may endeavour our felves to follow thy holy Ordinance, rather than to feek to fatisfie our greedy affections, or defire to gain. And if it pleafe thee, O Lord, to profper our labour, give us a mind alfo to help them that have need, according to that ability that thou of thy mercy fhalt give us. And knowing that all good things come of thee, grant that we may humble our felves to our Neighbours, and not by any means lift up our felves above them, which have not received fo liberal a portion, as thou of thy mercy haft given unto us. And if it pleafe thee to try and exercife us by greater po- verty and need than our flefh would defire, that thou would'ft yet, O Lord, grant us grace to know, that thou wilt nourifh us continually through thy bountiful liberality, that we be not fo tempted, that we fall into diftruft, but that we may patiently wait till thou fill us, not only with corporal graces and benefits, but chiefly with thine heavenly and fpiritual treafures, to the intent that we may always have more ample occafion to give thee thanks, and fo wholly to reft upon thy mercies. Hear us O Lord of mercy, through Jefus Chrift thy Son our Lord and Savi- our. Amen. ' A Prayer for the whole Eftate of Chrift? s Church, r A Lmighty God and molt merciful Father, Xx. wc humbly fubmit our felves, and fall down before thy Divine Majefty, -befeeching thee from the bottom of our hearts, that the feed of thy word now fown amongft us, may take fuch deep root, that neither the burning heat, of perfecuti- T 4 on Prayers. on eaufe it to wither, neither the thorny cares of this life choke it , but that as feed fbwn in good ground, it may bring forth thirty, fixty, and an hundred fold, as thy heavenly wifdom hath appointed. And becaufe we have need continually to crave many things at thy hands, we humbly befeech thee, O heavenly Father, to grant us thy Holy Spirit to direft our petitions, that they may proceed from fuch a fervent mind, as may be agreeable to thy mofl blefled will. And feeing that our infirmity is able to do no- thing without thy help, and that thou art not ignorant, with how many and great temptations we poor Wretches are on every fide enclofed and compafled ? let thy ftrength, O Lord, fu^ ftain our weaknefs, that we being defended with the force of thy grace, may be fafely preferved againft all aflaults of Satan, who goeth about continually like a roaring Lyon feeking to de^ vour us. Encreafe our faith, O merciful Father, that we do not fwerve at any time from thy heavenly word '-, but augment in us hope and love, with a careful keeping of all thy Com- mandments, that no hardnefs of heart, no hy- pocrifie, no concupifcence of the eyes, nor in- ticements of the World, do draw us away from thy obedience. And feeing we live now in thefe mofl perillous times, let thy fatherly Providence defend us againft the violence of our enemies which do feek by all means to opprefs thy truth. Furthermore, forafmuch as by thy holy Apo^ file we be taught to make our prayers and fupplica- tions for all men: We pray not only for our felves here prefent, but befeech thee alfo, to re- duce all fuch as be yet ignorant, from the mife- rable captivity of blindnefs and errour, to the pure underftanding and knowledge of thy hea- venly truth, that we all with one confent, and unity of mind, may worihip thee our only God and Saviour : And that all Paftors ? Shepherds and Prayers. and Minifters, to whom thou haft committed the difpenfation of thy holy word and charge of thy chofen people, may both in their Life and Doct- rine be found faithful, fetting only before their eyes thy Glory ; and that by them all poor Sheep which wander and go aftray, may be gathered and brought home to thy Fold. Moreover, be- caufe the hearts of all Rulers are in thy hands, we befeech thee to diredt and govern the hearts of all Kings, Princes, and Magiftrates, to whom thou haft committed the Sword. Efpecially, O Lord, according to our bounden Duty, we be- feech thee to maintain and encreafe the honou- rable Eftate of the Kings Majefty, and all his molt noble Counfellers and Magiftrates, with all the fpiritual Paftors and Minifters, and all the whole Body of this Common-weal. Let thy fa- therly favour fo preferve them, and thy Holy Spirit fo govern their hearts, that they may in fuch fort execute their Office, that thy Religion may be purely maintained, manners reformed, and fin punifhed, according to the precife Rule of thy holy Word. And for that we be all Mem- bers of the Myftical Body of Jefus Chrift, we make our requefts unto thee, O heavenly Father, for all fuch as are afflicted with any kind of crofs or tribulation, as war, plague, famine, flcknefs, poverty, imprifonment, perfecution, banifhment, or any other kind of thy Rods, whether it be ca- lamity of body, or vexation of Mind } that it would pleafe thee to give them patience and conftancy, till thou fend them full deliverance out of all their troubles. Root out from hence, O Lord, all ravening Wolves, which to fill their bellies feek to deftroy thy Flock. And fhew thy great mercies upon thofe our Brethren in other Countries, which are perfecuted, caft into Pri- son, and daily condemned for the teftimony of thy truth : and although they be utterly deftitute of $11 mans aid, yet let thyfweet comfort never de- part Prayers. part from them \ but fo inflame their hearts with thy Holy Spirit, that they may boldly and cheer- fully abide fuch tryal, as thy good wifdom fhall appoint j fo that at length, as well by their death as by their life, the Kingdom of thy dear Son Jefus Chrift may encreafe and mine through all the World. In whofe Name we make our hum- ble Petitions unto thee as he hath taught us. Our Father which art % &C. A Confejfion of the Chrifiian Faith. T Believe and confefs my Lord God Eternal, Infinite, unmeafurable, incomprehenfible, and invinfible, one in Subftance, and three in Perfon, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft 3 who, by his Al- mighty Power and Wifdom, hath not only of nothing created Heaven and Earth, and all things therein contained, and man after his own Image, that he might in him be glorified ^ but alio by his fatherly Providence governeth, maintaineth, and preferveth the fame according to the pur- pofe of his will. I believe alfo and confefs Jefus Chrift the only Saviour and Meffias ^ who being equal with God* made himfelf of no Reputation, but took on him the lhape of a Servant, and became man in all things like unto us, except fin, to aflTure us of mercy and forgivenefs. For when through our Father Adam's tranfgreflion, we were become Children of perdition, there was no means to bring us from the yoke of fin and damnation, but only Jefus Chrift our Lord } who giving us that by grace, which was his by nature, made us thro' Faith the Children of God : Who, when the fulnefs of time was come, was conceived by the power of the Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary according to the Flefh, and preached in Earth the Gofpel of Salvation, till at length by tyranny of the Priefts, he was guiltlefs condemn- ed Prayers. ed under Pontius Pilate then Prefident ot Jewry, and mo/t flanderoufly hanged on the Crofs between two Thieves, as a notorious Tref- pafler, where taking upon him the punifhment of our fins, he delivered us from the curfe of the Law. And forafmuch as he being only God could not feel Death, neither being only man could overcome Death 5 he joyned both together, and fuffered his humanity to be punifhed with moll cruel Death, feeling in himfelf the anger and fevere judgment of God, even as he had been in extreme torments of Hell, and therefore cryed with a loud voice, My God, my God, why baft thou forfaken me ? Thus of his mercy with- out compulfion, he offered up himfelf as the on- ly Sacrifice to purge the fins of all the World : So that all other Sacrifices for fin are blafphe- mons, and derogate from the fufficiency hereof. Which death albeit it did fufficiently reconcile us to God, yet the Scriptures commonly do attri- bute our regeneration to his refurre&ion. For as by rifing again from the Grave the third day, he conquered death; even fo the Vi&ory of our faith ftandeth in his refurre&ion : and therefore without the one we cannot feel the benefits of the other. For as by his death fin was taken away, fo our righteoufnefs was reflored by his refurreaion. And becaufe he would accomplim all things, and take pofleffion for us in his King- dom, he afcended into Heaven to enlarge the fame Kingdom by the abundant power of his Spirit, by whom we are moft allured of his con- tinual interceffion towards God the Father for h I; ril r, ° Ug r h he be ? Heaven as aching his corporal prefence, where the Father hath now fet him at his right hand, committing unto him the adminiftration of all things, as well n r^refent wiT aS £ ^ SS* b ™> 7* * he 5?hfworM nS - Members, even t0 the e " d ot the World, m prefervmg and governing >k with his effectual power and grace, 8 Wh^w hen all TrayertZ all tilings are fulfilled which God hath fpoken by the mouth of all his Prophets fince the World began, will come in the fume vifible form in the which he afcended, with an unfpeakable Majefty, Power, and Company, to feparate the Lambs from the Goats, the Elect from the Reprobate : fo that none whether he be alive then, or dead before, (hall efcape his judgment. Moreover, I believe and confefs the Holy Ghofl, God equal with the Father and the Son ; who regenerateth and fanftifieth us, ruieth and guideth us unto all truth, perfvvading moft afTu- redly in our confciences, that we be the Chil- dren of God, Brethren to Jefus Chrift, and Fel- low-Heirs with him of life everlafting. Yet notwithftanding it is not fufficient to be- lieve that God is omnipotent and merciful, that Chrifl; hath made fatisfaclion, or that the Holy Ghoft hath his power and effect, except we do apply the fame benefits to us which are Gods Elect. I believe therefore and confefs one holy Church j which (as Members of Jefus Chrifl: the only Head thereof) confent in faith, hope, and charity, ufing the gifts of God, whether they be temporal or fpiritual, to the profit and fur- therance of the fame. Which Church is not leen to mans eyes, but only known to God : who of the loft Sons of Adam hath ordained fomeas Veffelsof wrath to damnation, and hath chofen others as Veffels of his mercy to be fav- ed - 7 the which in due time he calleth to inte- grity of life, and godly converfation, to make them a glorious Church in himfelf. But that Church which is vifible and {qch to the eye,' hath three tokens and marks whereby it may be known. Firft, The word of God contained in the Old and New Teflament : Which as it is a bove the authority of the fame Church, and only fufficient to inftruft us in all things concerning filvation j fo is it left for all degrees pf men, to Prayers. to read and underftand. For without this word, neither Church, Council, nor Decree can eftablifh any Point touching falvation. The fecond is the holy Sacraments, to wit, of Bap- tifm, and the Lords Supper. Which Sacraments Chrift hath left unto us as holy figns and feals of his promifes. For as by Baptifm once re- ceived, is fignified, that we (as well Infants, as others of age and difcretion) being Stran- gers from God by original fin, are received into his Family and Congregation, with full aflurance, that although this root of fin lye hid in us, yet to the Eledt it fhall not be imputed : fo the Sup- per declareth, that God as a molt provident Father d^th not only find our Bodies, but alfo fpiritually nourifheth our Souls with the graces and benefits of Jefus Chrift, which the Scripture calleth eating of his flefh and drinking "of hit blood. Neither muft we in the adminiftratioa of thefe Sacraments follow mans fantafie •, but as Chrift himfelf hath ordained, fo muft they be miniftred, and by fuch as by ordinary vo- cation are thereunto called, therefore whom- ever referveth and worfhippeth thefe Sacra- ments, or contrariwife contemneth them in time and place, procureth to himfelf damnation. The third mark of this Church is Ecclefiaftical Difcipline j which ftandeth in admonition, and correction of faults. The final end whereof is Excommunication by the confent of the Churcli determined, if the Offender be obftinate. And befides this Ecclefiaftical Difcipline, I acknow- ledge to belong to this Church a Politick Magi- ftrate, who miniftreth to every man juftice, de- fending the good, and punifhing the evil • to whom we muft render honour and obedience in all things which are not contrary to the word of God. And as Mofes, Ezechias, Jofias, and other good Rulers purged the Church of God from fuperftition and idolatry : fo the defence of Chrifts Trayws. Chrifts Church appcrtaincth to Chriftian Magi- ftrates, againft all Idolaters and Heretic ks, as Papifts, Anabaptifts, with fuch like Limbs of Antichrift, to root out all Doctrine of Devils and Men, as the Mafs, Purgatory, Limbm Tatrum, Prayers to Saints, and for the dead, free-will, diftinelion of Meats, Apparel and Days, Vows of fingle life, Prefence at Idol^fervice, mans merits, with fuch like, which draw us from the Society of Chrifts Church wherein ftandeth only remiflion of fins, purchafed by Chrifts blood to all them that believe, whether they be Jews or Gentiles, and lead us to a vain confidence in Creatures, and truft in our own imagination. The punifhment whereof, although God oftentimes deferreth in this life, yet after the general re- furre&ion, when our fouls and bodies fhall rife again to immortality, they fhall be damned to unquenchable fire : and then we, which have for- faken all mens wifdom to cleave unto Chrift, fhall hear the joyful voice, Come ye blcjfed of my Father^ inherit the Kingdom prepared for yon from the be- ginning of the World; and fo fhall go triumphing with him in body and foul to remain everlafting- ly in glory, where we fhall fee God face to face, and fhall no more need to inftruct one another ; we fhall all know him from the higheft to the loweft. To whom with the Son and the Holy Ghoft, be all praife, honour, and glory, now and even So be it. FINIS. A Table for the whole Number of the Pfairns, Tfalm A 30 A LL laud and praife 49 **■ All people 78 Attend my people $2 Amid the prefs 100 AJJ people that B 81 13 E light and glad 119 u Bleffed are they * 128 Bleffed art thou 134 Behold and have 142 Before the Lord 144 Bleft be the Lord D 85 £)0 not, O God 117 I? Xcept the Lord] 29 /^Ive to the Lord 37 VJ Grudge not to fee 48 Great is the Lord 54 God fave me for 10? Give praifes unto 107 Give thanks unto 1 48 Give laud unto H 12 UElp Lord, for IS How long wilt 51 Have mercy on me ?6 Have mercy, Lord 67 Have mercy on us 73 However it be 84 How pleafant is 91 He that within »oa Hear thou my I 5* lNcline thine ears 11 * In God the Lord 20 In trouble and 2? I lift my heart 34 I will give laud 39 Ifaid, I will 40 I waited long 43 Judge and revenge 77 1 with my voice ' 92 It is a thing 100 in God the Lord 101 I mercy will and I03 In fpeechiels Tfalm 1 16 I love the Lord no In trouble and in 121 I lift mine eyes jiz I did in heart L 6 T Ord in thy 16 *-" Lord keep 26 Lord, be my Judge 3? Lord, plead my 42 Like as the Hart 68 Let God arife 72 Lord, give thy 86 Lord, bow thine 88 Lord, God of 130 Lord, to thee 140 Lord, fave me 143 Lord, hear my M 13 M Y Shepherd is 4? 1Y * My heart dot& 62 My foul to God 71 My Lord my God 103 My foul give laud 104 My foul, praife the i4ji*My foul, praife thai I n? ^OT unto us 124 Now Ifrael O 3 r\ Lord how are 4 ^-s O God that art 7 O Lord my God 8 O God our Lord 1? O Lord within thy 17 O Lord give ear 18 OGod myftrengt'-. 21 O Lord how joyful 22 O God my God 31 O Lord, I put my 44 Our ears have hear! 51 O Lord, confider j? OGod, give ear 60 O Lord, thou didii 65 OGod, my God 64 O Lord, unto my 70 O God, to rr.e 79 O God, the Gentiles 94 OLord, thoudoft 9? O come let us 98 O fing ye now 102 O hear rr,y prayer 108 O God, my htAr' T77 Tfalnt - 117 O all ye Nations 11 S O give ye thanks 123 OThou that 1 29 Oft they (now 131 OLord, I am not 133 Ohow happy a thing 1 35 O praife the Lord 1 36 O laud the Lord 139 OLord thou haft 141 O Lord, upon thee P 38 pUT me not to 106 r Praife ye the Lord 136 Praife ye the Lord 147 Praife ye the Lord * R 61 12 Egard, O Lord 131 1X Remember Davids S 59 CEnd aid and fave me 69 " Save me, OGod 96 Sing ye with praife ' 125 Such as in God 149 Sing ye unto T i HThe man is bleft • 14 There is no God »9 The Heavens and 13 The Lord is only 14 The earth is all 17 The Lord is both 28 Thou art, O Lord 32 The man is bleft 36 The wicked by 41 The man is bleft that careful 46 The Lord is our 50 The mighty God A Table Vfalnt 53 The foolifhmm 57 Take pity for thy 6s Thy praife alone, 7C To thee OGod 76 To all that now in 80 Thou Heard that 8? Thou haft been 87 That City fhall 89 To fing the mercies. 90 Thou, Lord, haft been: 93 The Lord as King doth 97 The Lord doth reign 99 The Lord doth reign no The Lord did fay 1 iz The man is bleft 125 Thofe that do put 138 Thee will I praife 14* Thee will I laud U 14* TjNtotheLor* W 9 Vv With heart and 10 What is the caule if Within thy tabernacle j 2 Why doft thou Tyrant 74 Why art thou, Lord in With heart I do 114 Whenlfraelby 1 26 When that the Lord 137 When as weiat Y 35 vE righteous in 47 Ye people all with 58 Ye Rulers that 66 Ye men on earth 113 Ye Children which 150 Yield unto God Thefe ye fhall have in the be- ginning of Che Pfalms. \7E»i Creator v The humble fuit of a Sinner Venite % exultemus Te Dmm The Song of the three Children Benediilu-s Magnificat 2{t*nc demittis Quicuncfne -vu.lt Tie lamentation of a Sinner The VaUr nojier The ten Commandments The Complaint of a Sinner Thefe ye fhall have after the end of the Pfalms. pRaife ye the Lord, ye Gentiles Behold now give good heed Attend my people The Lords Prayer The Creed A Prayer to the Holy G!;oft Dapacem O Lord, in thee is all my A thankfgiving Preferve us Lord ■'VW Mm m^. >mmm^ rvyshi *6> Trr, ^ra**s \ T€ S* A> •*»> *» '.'^ *. % ;' ■ '&W& v *>* ► : *v BOS &£ ':'■•■■' ■ ■ - ' ■ ■