i^ ^ o^ o^ .j::^ i:^. "^^:2f OK THi: AT PRINCETON, N. J. x> o :v -'v T T C3 :%.- C» !•" SAMUEL A G N E \V , ( P K P H I I. A n E I, P H I A , PA. c) c Shelf, Section .'^3/ j! I -'.V. :::ip::i ^ 6c^S>ei<^^'&i'^S->G£>5S^£9^S3»«^^©'*f L U ■^J THE BROTHERS' CONTROVERSY ; A GENUINE CORRESPONDENCE BETWtKN A CLERGYMANXH' THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND -^-"^yii -L0.4UJ LAYMAN OF UNHARL^N OPINIOK8: CHIEKLY ON THE OT'ES/lOS HOW FAR BELIEF IS AN A( T OF THE WU.J. : ON THE USE OF REASON IN THE STIDY OF THE HLBI.E ; AND HOW FAR IT IS THE DL'TY OF ITNI.EAKNEI) < HKISTIANS TO EXAMINE v, " over all," or " above all," or " over all things :" 5t' ov, Heb. i. 2, is by some con- strued, " iUrough whom," or "by whom;" by some, "for vi'liom :" dpnayfibs, by some, " robbery," by others, " a prey," or " a prize :" Tcra, " like," or " as," or " equal with :" iTrrwxevae, " became poor," or " led a life of poverty :" Alwvfs, by some, " worlds," by others, " ages or dispensations :" iysvero, " was or were 7nade, or done," or " happened," or " came to pass." CONTENTS. LETTER I. PAGE C to S Fcbruari/ 6, 1823 .... 1—9 LETTER n. D to C February, 1823 10—15 LETTER in. C to D February 20, 1823 . . . . 16—22 In page 16, reference is made to pages 12 and 14 „ 21 35 LETTER IV. S to C April M,\823 23—17 LETTER V. D to C May 18, 1823 28—42 In page 29 reference is made to page 14 ■io 21 37 ib. LETTER VI. C to D January 19, 1824 . . . . 43—58 In page 43 reference is made to pages 30 and 31 , oO 39 CONTENTS. LETTER YIl. PAGE D to C Fehruary, \%2\: 59-82 In page C3 reference is made to pages 50, 4^, and 31 60 65 71 77 78 79 17, 30, 31, and 44 44 and 40 45 S5 50 109 67 D- LETTER VIII. toC JprU,l82i . ■ 83-92 LETTER IX. to D September, 1824 93—120 In page 95 reference is made to pages 61, 44, 66, and CS 108 79 and 80 111 21 and 35 112 35, 71, and 76 114 91 and 90 118 ......... 90 120 92, 61, and 62 LETTER X. D to C Februanj, 1825 121- In page 127 reference is made to pages 32 and 94 „ 128 95 „ 129 128 132 98 „ 134 9^ and 97 „ 135 100 ,, 137 102 „ 138 ih. „ 141 ......... . 104 andS6 „ 142 105 and 106 -148 CONTENTS. XI LETTEU XI. D to C April, \S2b 149—182 III jiage 150 reference is made to page 51 ,, 155 ib. „ 159 119 IC8 ib. „ 169 160 .. 170 119 LETTER XII. toD- Julij, 1826 183—21! In page 184, f/ scq. reference is made principally to Letter XI. page 150, el scq. 189 125 193 136 194 ib. 196 144 and iro 197 198 199 200 204 205 207 208 209 139 HO 141 142 143 ISO 152 153 176 211 178, 169, and 100 213 180 218 170 Tni s Work, which was at first printed only to distribute amongst friends, being now published, the Editor deems it not less than justice to one of the Correspondents, (with both of whom, as he has intimated in his Pre- face, he was upon the footing of the most perfect intimacy,) to observe, that one of them (to wit, he whose letters are subscribed C ) had no opportunity of keeping copies of his own letters, and, therefore, never had the correspondence, as a whole, before his eyes; while D , unengaged. Xll ERRATA. in any public or personal duty, certainly did keep copies, and had leisure to study his part. If, then, either unnecessary repetition, or even some apparent inconsistency, should, in any degree, seem chargeable upon C , the Editor, professing to give genuine Letters, considers it his duty thus to present each on its just and true footing. ERRATA. PAGE 31, /or Estlen, read Estlin. 32, last line, /or his, read this. 55, for Mozsey, read Moysey. 81, lines 11 and 12, insert parenthesis marks before 'to which,' and after 'punished.' 85, line 11, for has, read have. 98, line 7 from bottom, dele quotation marks before ' totldem,' and insert before ' haeretici ;' also place ' totidem verbis' in parentheses. 99, lines 1 and 3, for ci/ii; read c! /i>;. 103, line 17, /or hnoin'rn read t?roi'ti