^':.v^*i?.-x Ireeman Family >.-;■/ ■,'■¥•; I ^<:i . • .^ >. > ■ ■%'':■''>■«} STEEN ^!AX. I 3 Michael Freeman continued to live and cultivate a farm in Queen Anne County, Maryland, for more than five years after his marriage, during \\hich time two daughters were born. But in the summer of 1797. Michael and Joseph Freeman, in connec- tion with a company of emigrants to the far West, undertook that which at that time was a truly heroic task, i. e.. the removing with their young families from the eastern shore of Maryland to the forests of the great Xorthwest Territory, to build homes for themselves and tlieir childreri. At the time of leaving Mary- land Michael Freeman was 32 years of age, and his wife was not yet 27 years old, and with two little children, the oldest being less than five years and the youngest less than two years old, they began the long, v.eary, tedious and dangerous journey to the Northwest Territory. The dangers, hardships and trials to be endured on the journey, and after their arrival, may be better imagined than described. We must remember that the forest must be felled, fields prepared for cultivation, houses built with- oui carpenters, neighbors few and far distant from each other, beyond the reach of physician in case of sickness, the wooded hilis inhabited by every kind of wild l.enst, and still more cruel men, for the savage Indian then roamed the forest, and might at any time appear with tomahawk in hand, ready for blood v work. These men, with tlieir wives and little children, left the dear asso- ciations of the old home, never expecting to return ; they bid fare- well to those they loved ; the sweet society of friends : the hal- lowed privileges of the sanctuary where they delighted to wor- ship; and with a faith worthy of all commendation, committing themselves to the tender care and special i:)rovidence of God, they set out for the far-oft great Northwest Territory. At first thev join-neyed northward slowb: along the eastern shore of the Chesa- peake Bay. then onward in a northwesterly course along the valley of the Susquehanna River, until they reached the eastern slope of the Allegheny Mountams, which, after a long, weary and tedious struggle, they successfully crossed, and reached the Ohio River, at Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. Flere they were detained for a while brailding flatboats and securing accommodations for their journey down the river. When the flatboats were com- pleted and put m readiness, they, with a large number of other emigrants to the West, Avent on board. It was while floating down the Ohio River that they became acquainted with a real estate agent, with whom they made an arrangement to possess their own lands, and settle permanently on Bine Creek 14 BIOGRAPHV OV Till; FREEMAN EAMIEV. and on Scioto Brush Creek, in what is now known as Adams County, Ohio. Thev landed at a place near the mouth of Ohio Brush Creek, not far from where the village of Rome now stands, and journeyed inland about eight miles and located upon the ea?t bank of Blue Creek, about a mile above its mouth, or envrance into Scioto Brush Creek, where they found a small but fertile tract of "bottom" land. Here, in that earlv day, and in the forest wilderness, Alichael Freeman with courage and energy began the work of cutting' down the forest, preparing fields for cultivation, determined to build a home for himself and family. After several years of faithful and suc- cessful work, having accimiulated sufficient means, he purchased a large farm three miles distant, through which flow^ed the waters of Scioto Brush Creek — the east fork — where he permanently settled and spent the remainder of his life. This old "Freeman farm" is located on the main road from West Union to Ports- mouth, Ohio, about ten miles east of West Union, two miles west of Blue Creek, and about ten miles from Rome, on the Ohio River, in Adams County, Ohio. Michael Freeman was an honest, industrious, generous Christian man, and well respected by all who knew him. After his removal from ]^Iaryland he connected himself with the Old School Presbyterian Church at West Union, Ohio, in which he remained until deacli. Although belonging to a different denomi- nation of Christians, aiid at a time when religious lines were generally very strictly drawn, he cheerfully donated the land upon w)i'ch a Baptist Church was built upon his farm, and attended services there. He died at his home on the east fork of Scioto Brush Creek, April 14, 1835, after a married life of more than forty-three years, and in the 70th year of his age. Elizabeth Duncan Freeman, a daughter of Charles and Keziah Duncan, and wife of Michael Freeman, as before men- tioned, was born in Queen Anne County, Maryland, November 25, 1770; was married January 3, 1792, and with her husband and two little children, one a mere babe, and the other a prattling child, she came to the Northwest Territory in 1797 — less than ten years after the first permanent white settlement had been made in what is now the State of Ohio. She cheerfully endured the pri- vations and hardships connected with early pioneer life in the new country, and as a faithful Christian mother brought up a family of nine children on the old home farm on Scioto Brush Creek. After the death of her husband, in 1835, she continued DESCEXD.iXTS OF MICHAEL FREEM-\X. I 5 to live at the same place nith her } oungest daughter, ^Slary, and her husband, who, in 1834, at the request of Mr. Freeman, had come to hve with them in their old age. take care of them, have charge of the farm and the management of all the business of the estate. This duty he continued to perform for a period of four- teen years, or thirteen years after Mr. Freeman's death. In the fall' of 1848 Aaron F. and Alary Freeman Steen removed with their family to their own farm, near Mt. Leigh, Adams Countv, Ohio, and the next season Mrs. Freeman came to live wdth them, w^ith whom she coniinued to make her home until her death, April 23, 185 1, in the 8ist yea*- of her age. Her body was taken to the Blue Creek cemeter}- and buried b}' the side of her husband. Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan Freeman was a woman of generous heart and kindly spirit, an humble and devout Christian, greatly beloved. To Alichael and Elizabeth Duncan Freeman were born nine children. CHAPTER I. Xancy Knight Freeman, the eldest child, a daughter of Michael and Elizaijeth Duncan Freeman, was born near Queens- town, Queen Anne County, on the eastern shore of the Chesa- peake Bay, in Maryland. October 3. 1792. Wlien a small child she was brought to the Northwest Territory, when it was a very new country indeed — less than ten years after the first perma- nent settlement had been made in what is now the great State of Ohio. She was never married, and lived with her parents until after her father's death, then with the family of her youngest sister, at the old homestead, on Scioto Brush Creek, until 1848, when she removed with the family to their residence near Mt. Leigh, Adams County. Ohio, with whom she continued to make her home. Again, in 1865, she removed with her younger sister, her hus- band and family, to Xenia, Greene County, Ohio, and resided with her brother-in-law. Aaron F. Steen, until her death, in the auiimin of 1867, aged 75 years. Her body was 'Duried in the beautiful \\'oodlawn cemeterv. near Xenia. Ohio. l6 BlOGKAI'in' OF TITK FRF.I'MAX I'AMILV CHAPTER II. Huldah Freeman, the second daughter of 2\lichael and Eliza- beth Duncan Freeman, was born near Oueenstown, Queen Anne County, on the eastern shore of tb.e Chesapeake Bay, in Mary- land. February 7, 1795, and was brju.qbt to the Northwest Terri- tory by her parents, when a child onl\- tw o years old. She lived with her parents, and spent the happy days of youth at the old home on Scioto Brush Creek, two miles west of the mouth of Blue Creek, where she grew to womanhood. Here, at the home of her parents, she was married, in the year 1814, to George Anderson, and died . To them were born seven children. I. — Elizabeth Anderson, the eldest child of George and Huldah Freeman Anderson, was born about 1815. n. — D}cie Anderson, the second daughter of George and Huldah FVeeman Anderson, was born about 1817. HI. — Sarah Anderson, the third daughter of George and Huldah Freeman Anderson, was born al^out 1820. 1\ . — Xathaniel Anderson, the fourth cluld and elder son of George and Huldah Freeman Anderson, was ])orn about 1822. ^ . — Catherine Anderson, the tilth child and fourth daughter of George and Huldah FVeeman Anderson, was born about 1824 A'[. — Paulina Anderson, the sixth, cliill and fifth daughter ot George and Pluldah Freeman .Xiiderson, was born about 1826. Yil. — George Freem.an Anderson, the seventh and youngest child, the secoPi'l son of George and Huldah Freeman Ander- son, was born about 1829. CHAPTER HI. Fannie Freeman, or Frances, the third daughter of ?\Iichael and Elizabeth Duncan Freeman, was born on Blue Creek, in the' Northwest Territory, now Adams County, Ohio. ]\Iarch ,^, 1798. She was taken by her parents when a young girl to their home DESCENDANTS OE MICHAEL FREEMAN. 1 7 on Scioto Brttsh Creek, where she spent a happy youth, and grew up to womanhood. She was married at the home of her parents, about 1817, to Isaac WilHams, a son of Jesse Williams, who was a brother of John Williams who was married to Mary Duncan in Maryland, a sister of Fannie Freeman's mother. Fannie Freeman Williams died April 8, 1822, aged 24 years, i month. and 5 days. To Isaac and Fannie Freeman Williams were born three children. I. — Nancy Williams, the eldest child of Isaac and Fannie Free- man Williams, was born about 1818. II. — Elizabeth Williams, the second daughter of Isaac and Fannie Freeman Williams, was born about 1820. III. — Jesse Williams, the third and youngest child, and only son of Isaac and Fannie Freeman Williams, was born about 1822. CHAPTER IV. Isme Freeman, the fourth child and eldest son of Michael and Elizabeth Duncan Freeman, was born on Blue Creek, in the Northwest Territory, now Adams County, Ohio, June 22, 1800, and died at his home, in Scioto County, Ohio, Apri^ 11, 1856, in the 56th year of his age. He was brought up on his father's farm until he grew to manhood. He was a prosperous and suc- cessful farmer, owning a good farm and having a pleasant home on the west fork of Scioto Brush Creek, in Scioto County, Ohio. He was married on Scioto Brush Creek, October 5, 1820, to Susannah Oppy, a daughter of David and Elizabeth Oppy, she having been born June 23, 1805, and died at her home, August 2, 1849, in the 45th year of her age. Isme Freeman was married a second tim.e to Mrs. Martha Thompson, widow of Thomas Thompson, and whose maiden name was Martha Blair. To Isme Freeman and his first wife were born twelve children, and to his second wife two children, fourteen in all. I. — Elizabeth Freeman, the eldest child, a daughter of Isme and Susannah Oppy Freeman, was born in Adams County, Ohio, October 15, 1821, and died November 13, 1822, aged i year and 29 days. lO BIOGRAPHY Ol- THK KRlvRMAN FAMILY. II. — Michael Freeman, the second child and eldest son of Isme and Susannah Oppy Freeman, was iiorn in Scioto County, Ohio, August I, 1823, and died in April, 1896, in the 73d year of his age. He was brought up on his father's farm, and became an industrious, intelligent, and useful man. He followed the occupation of merch.ant, farmer, hotel keeper and Justice of the Peace. He was married first by Isaac Smith, Esq., f January 26, 1843, to Amanda Thompson, a daughter of George mid Margaret Thompson, she having been born October 8, 1823, and died at Rarden, Ohio, May 29, 1863, in the 40th year of her age. To this marriage were born nine children. Michael Freeman was married a second time by James G. Free- man, Esq., to Mrs. Sarah Jane Nevvland, widow of J. W. Newland, and a daughter of Charles and Sarah Johnson, she having been born near Dunkinsville, Adams County, Ohio, March 9, 1832. To this marriage were born two children. Residence, Rarden, Scioto County, C)hio. I. Susannah Freeman, the eldest child, a daughter of Michael and Amanda Thompson Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, December 3, 1843. She was married bv Thomas Beaver, Esq.. January 10, 1863, to John Henry Thompson, a son of Washington and Margaret Thompson, he having been born July 2, 1841 — a farmer. Residence, near Rarden, Ohio. To them were born nine children. /. — Inez Thompson, the eldest child of John H. and Susan- nah PVeeman Thompson, was born March 3, 1866. She was married by the Rev. James McNeilan, at McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio, November 30, 1884, to George F. Thorp, he having been born November 13, i860. To them were born three children. 1. Roy L. Thorp, the eldest child of George F. and Inez Thompson Thorp, was born October 23, 1885. 2. Harry Thorp, the second son of George F. and Inez Thompson Thorp, was born November 4, 1887. ?. Wilbur Thorp, the third son of George F. and Inez Thompson Thorp, was born February 4, 1890. //. — Minnie Estella Thompson, the second daughter of John H. and Susannah Freeman Thompson, was born Decem- ber 24, i{ DESCEXDAXTS OF MICHAEL I- XEI'.M AX. I9 ///. — Laura Belle Thompson, the third daughter of John H. and Susannah Freeman Thompson, was born October 5, 1871. IV. — Elizabctli Margaret Thompson, the fourth daughter of John H. and Susannah Freeman Thom.pson, was born January 29, 1874, and died February 10. 1874, aged 12 days. V. — Freeman Thompson, the fifth child and eldest son of John H. and Susannah Freeman Thompson, was born January 8, 1875. JV. — Charles Hannon Thompson, the sixth child and second son of John H. and Susannah Freeman Thompson, was born October 2, 1877. VII. — James Alva Thompson, the seventh child and third son of John H. and vSu.sannah Freeman Thompson, was born October 19, 1880. J 'III. — Rosa Alyrtle Thompson, the eighth child and fifth daughter of John H. and Susannah Freeman Thompson, was born April 7, 1883. IX. — Cora May Thompson, the ninth child and sixth daugh- ter of John -H. and Susannah Freeman Thompson, was born Alay 14, 1885. 2. Washington Freeman, the second child and eldest son of Michael and Amanda Thompson Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, Februar}' i, 1845, and died the next day. 3. George Polk Freeman, the third child and second son of Michael and Amanda Thompson Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, February 11, 1846. and died Septem- ber 4, 1850, aged 4 years, 6 months and 24 days. 4. Mary Ann Freeman, the fourth cliild and second daughter of Michael and Amanda Thompson Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, December 4, 1847, ^^id died October II, 1850, aged 2 years, 9 months and 14 days. 5. James Richard Freeman, the fifth child and third son of Michael and x\manda Thompson Freeman, was born August 6, 1850. He was married, November 6, 1873, by James G. Freeman, Esq., to Elizabeth Ann Thompson, she having been born in Scioto County, Ohio, May 22, 1850. To them were born seven children. 20 BIOCRAPHY OF THP) FREEMAX FAMILY. /. — Alpheus Edniond Freeman, the eldest child of James R. and Elizabeth A. Freeman, was born April 2, 1875. //. — Vernon Everett Freeman, the second son of James R. and Elizabeth A. Freeman, vvas born June 5, 1877. ///. — Iva Estella Freeman, the third child and only daughter of James R. and Elizabeth A. Freeman, was born April 4, 1879. IV. — Michael Elza Freeman, the fourth child and third son of James R. and Elizabeth A. Freeman, was born April 5, 1881. V. — John Crayton Freeman, the fifth child and fourth son of of James R. and Elizabeth A. Freeman, was born June 30, 1883. VI. — William Buchanan Freeman, the sixth child and fifth son of James R. and Elizabeth A. Freeman, was born December 20, 1885. VII. — Charles Leslie Freeman, the youngest child of James R. and Elizabeth A. Freeman, was born October 14, 1888. 6. Margaret Jane Freeman, the sixth child and third daughter of Michael and Amanda Thompson Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Oliio, August i, 1852. She was married by James G. Freeman, Esq., November 25, 1870, to William Jefferson Thompson — a farmer and blacksmith — a son of John and Catherine Thompson, he having been born in Brush Creek Township, Scioto County, Ohio, October 10, 1847. Residence, Rarden, Ohio. To them were born twelve children. I. — Michael Alfred Thompson, the eldest child of William J. and Margaret J. Freeman Thompson, was born in Scioto Countv, Ohio, December 25, 1871, and died September 6, 1872. ' //. — Ida Melvina Thompson, the second child and eldest daughter of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born December 29, 1872. She w-as married by John Davis, Esq., September 17, 1892. to James M. Lanthron. ///. — John Davy Thompson, the third child and second son of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born April 18, 1874. DESCENDANTS OF MICHAEL FREEMAN. 21 IV. — Charles Crayion Thompson, the fourth child and third son of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, August i6, 1876, and died Sep- tember 6, 1879. J\ — Cora Ann Thompson, the fifth child and second daugh- ter of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born November 13, 1877. ri. — Enza Ethel Thompson, the sixth child and third daugh- ter of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, August 20, 1879. ['//. — Zola Jane Thompson, the seventh child and fourth daughter of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, August 12, 1882. I 'I II. — Harley Buchanan Thompson, the eighth child and fourth son of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, September 11, 1884. IX. — Clara Lenora Thompson, the ninth child and fifth daughter of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, September 9, 1886, and died February 22, 1889. X. — ^Jesse Earl Thompson, the tenth child and fifth son of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, March 28, 1888. XI. — Dollie Olive Thompson, the eleventh child and sixth daughter of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born in Scioto County, Ohio. October 30, 1890. XII. — William Elden Thompson, the twelfth child and sixth son of William J. and Margaret J. Thompson, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, September 4, 1892. Tsme Wilson Freeman, the seventh child and fourth son of Michael and Amanda Thompson Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, June 2, 1854, and died April 14, 1856. Buchanan Freeman, the eighth child and fifth son of Michael and Amanda Thompson Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, July 13, 1856. He was married by James G. Freeman, Esq., July 4, 1880, to Ida Windle, a daughter of Grafton and Lorena Windle, she having been born June 22, 1862. Occupation, a cooper. Residence, Rarden, Ohio. 22 BlOC.P.AVnV OF THE FREF.MAX FAMILY. Q. Julia Freeman, the ninth child and fourth daughter of ]\Iichael and Amanda Thompson Freeman, was born in Rar- den. Scioto Ccuntv, Ohio, December 24, 1859, and died July 16,1860. 10. Charles Samuel Freeman, the tenth child of Michael Free- man, the eldest by his second wife. Sarah Jane Free- man, was born in Rarden. Scioto County, Ohio. September 18, 1865 — occupation, a cooper. He was married by J. N. Kates, Esq., at Byers Station, Ohio. November 25, 1886, to Mary Delia Stiers, a daughter of R. B. and j\[. L. Stiers, she having been born July 30. i860. Residence, Rarden, Ohio. To them were born two children. /. — Infant son of Charles S. and Mary D. Freeman, was born and died August 25, 1887. //. — Clovis Clyde Freeman, the second son of Charles S. and Mary D. Freeman, was born December 8, 1889. 11. William Alfred Freeman, the eleventh child and seventh son of Michael Freeman, the second son by his second wife. Sarah Jane Freeman, was born in Rarden, Scioto County, Ohio, February 8, 1869. He was married to Dora Steward in Rarden, Ohio, in December, 1893. Residence, Rarden, Ohio. in. — David Freeman, the third child and second son of Isme and Susannah Freeman, was born in Brush Creek Township, Scioto County. Ohio, September 6, 1825. and died in the same neighborhood, March 12, 1884, in the 59th year of his age. He was a successful and prosperous farmer. David Freeman was married by George Thompson. Esq., January 27. 1848, to Martha Caroway. a daughter of Henry and Delia Caroway, she having been born ]March 14. 1830. and died at their home October 22, 1864. in the 35th year of her age. To this mar- riage were born three children. David Freeman was married a second time by his brother, ]\Iichael Freeman, Esq.. January II, 1866, to Emily Hazelbaker, a daughter of John and Sophia Hazelbaker. she having been born ]\Iarch i. 1845. To this marriage were also born three children. I. John Freeman, the eldest child of David and Martha Caro- way Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, April 9, 1851. and was brought up on his father's farm. He after- wards became a merchant at Rarden, Ohio, where he died, March 26, 1876, in the 25th year of his age. John Free- DESCENDANTS OE MICITAi;i, EREEMAN. 23 man was married by James G. Freeman, Esq., March 7, 1872, to Elizabeth Margaret Tracy, a daughter of Joseph W, and Mary J. Tracy, she having been born January i, 1850, and died March 2y, 1875, in the 26th year of her age. To them one child \\as bo:-n. /. — Lovinia Freeman, daughter of John and Elizabeth M. Freeman, was born in Rarden, Ohio, August i, 1873. She was married in 1894. Henry Franklin Freeman, tlie second son of David and Martha Caroway Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, December 5, 1852. He removed to the West many years ago> and has not been heard from. ' Thomas Fletcher Freeman, the third son of David and Martha Caroway Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, December 10, 1858 — occupation, a cooper. He was married by J. N. Kates, Esq., May 17, 1888, to Julia Ann Windle, a daughter of Grafton and Lorena Windle, she hav- ing been born December 6, 1870. To them were born three children. Residence, Rarden, Scioto County, Ohio. /. — Ida Lenora Freeman, the eldest child of Thomas F. and Julia A. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, November 15, 1888, and died October 25, 1889. U. — Leslie Alfred Freeman, the second child and elder son of Thomas F. and Julia A. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, September 23, 1890. ///. — Cloyd Freeman, the third child and second son of Thomas F. and Julia A. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, May 13,. 1892. Sophia Ann Freeman, the fourth child and eldest daughter of David Freeman, the eldest child by his second wife, Emily Hazelbaker Freeman, was born near Rarden, Scioto County, Ohio, September 20, 1867, and died October 2^, 187 1. , Mary Jane Freeman, the filth child of David Freeman, the second daughter by his second wife, Emily Hazelbaker Free- man, was born near Rarden, Ohio, February 28, 1869. Nora Estella Freem.an, the sixth child and third daughter of David Freeman, the third child by his second wife, Emily Hazelbaker Freeman, was born near Rarden, Scioto County, Ohio, October 27, 1879. 24 BIOGRAPHY OF THE FREEMAN FAMILY. I\'. — William Freeman, the fourth child and third son of Isme and Susannah Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, November 15, 1827, and died in Otway, Ohio, March 25, 1895, at 2 o'clock P.M., in the 68th year of his age — a farmer. He was married by the Rev. Mr. Gatch, October 6, 1846, to I\Iar- garet Thompson, a daughter of George and Margaret Thomp- son, she having been born November 25, 1827. To them were born thirteen children. 1. Isme Taylor Freeman, the eldest child of William and Mar- garet Thompson Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, June 20, 1847. He was married, August 18, 1865, to Lucinda Brown, by whom he had five children. I. Taylor Freeman was married a second time and had two children. I. Taylor Freeman was married a third time and had four children. He was thus the father of eleven children. 2. George Thompson Freeman, the second son of William and Margaret Freeman, was born October 15, 1848, and died August 5, 1854, in the 6th year of his age. 3. John Jefiferson Freeman, the third son of William and Mar- garet Freeman, was born February 10, 1850. He was mar- ried to Martha Ann McCan, by whom he had seven chil- dren. 4. Samuel Oppy Freeman, the fourth son of William and Mar- garet Freeman, was borii May 23, 1851, and died December 12, 1853. in the third year of his age. 5. Jesse Edward Freeman, the fifth son of William and Mar- garet Freeman, was born March 10, 1853, and died December 18, 1867, in the 15th year of his age. 6. Mary Jane Freeman, the sixth child and eldest daughter of William and Margaret Freeman, was born December 17, 1854. She was married, December 20, 1877, to Jasper Wamsley, a son of William Wamsley. To them were born two children. /. — Carey Wamsley. //. — Clara Beatrice Wamsley. 7. Charles Freeman, the seventh child and sixth son of Wil- liam and Margaret Freeman, was born August 30, 1856, and died May 9, 1891, in the 35th jear of his age. He was mar- DESCHXDAXTS OF MICHAEL FKEEMAX. 25 ried. July 3, 1878, to ^Mary Virginia James, by whom he had two children. 8. Laura Belle Freeman, the eighth child and second daughter of William and ]^Iargaret Freeman, was born December 31, 1858. She was married, March 13. 1879, to Hugh George Davis. They had four children. 0. William Finley Freeman, the ninth child and seventh son of William and ^Margaret Freeman, was born January 28, 1861, and died February 12, 1862. 10. Margaret Ann Freeman, the tenth child and third daugh- ter of William and Margaret Freeman, was born February 10, 1863. She was married, September 21, 1881, to John H. Davis. To them were born three children. 11. Edward Sherman Freeman, the eleventh child and eighth son of William and Margaret Freeman, was born July 22, 1865. He was married, August 17, 1887, to Caroline Potter. 12. Joseph Freeman, the twelfth child and ninth son of Wil- liam and Margaret Freeman, was born December 19, 1867, and died the same day. 13. Sabrina Elsie Freeman, the thirteenth child and fourth daughter of \\'illiam and IMargaret Freeman, was born Sep- tember 6, 1869, and died August 8, 1870. \ . — Elizabeth Ann Freeman, the fifth child and second daughter of Isni" and Susannah Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, February 7, 183c. She was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, near Otway, Ohio, ^Nlay 30, 1850. to Samuel Bolton Wamsley, a son of William and Elizabeth Wamsley, he having been born December 28. 1829. They have resided on a farm near Wamsley, Adams County, Ohio, where Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Freeman Wamsley died, October 12. 1883, in the 54th year of her age. To them were bcrn ten children. 1. William Freeman Wamsley, the eldest child of Samuel B. and E. Ann Wamsley, was born near Wamsley, Adams County, Ohio, August 2, 185 1. He was married, September 2, 1874. to Mary Frances McCormick, a daughter of Charles and Rebecca McCormick, she having been born March 5, 1854. To them were born two children. /. — Clement Lloyd Wamsley, the elder child of W. Freeman and Mary F. Wamsley, was born December 18. 1876. 26 BIOGRAPHY OF THE FRKKMAN FAMILY. //. — Charles Samuel Wamsley, the second son of W. Free- man and Mary F. Wamsley, was born July 15, 1879. 2. Damaris Omi Wamsley, the second child and eldest daugh- ter of Samuel B. and E. Ann Wamsley, was born November 2.2, 1852, and died February 8, 1858, in the 6th year of her age. 3. Elizabeth Jane Wamsley, the third child and second daugh- ter of Samuel B. and E. Ann Wamsley, was born March 3, 1855. She was married, September 3, 1874, to William Legit Neary, a son of Matthew and Sarah Neary, he having been born September 28, 1841. To them .were born eight children. , /. — Samuel Tilden Neary was born October 23, 1876. //. — Floyd Edward Neary was born April 7, 1878. ///. — Melvin Owen Neary was born ]\Iay 24, 1880. IV . — Mary Florence Neary was born January 22, 1882. V . — Essie Blanche Neary was born Alarch 20, 1884. VI. — Loy Clifton Neary was born June 7, 1886. VII. — Ann Lee Neary was born October 3, 1888. VIU. — Harley Pearl Neary was born November 7, 1890. 4. Emma Alice Wamsley, the fourth child and third daughter of Samuel B. and E. Ann Wamsley, was born near Wams- ley, Adams County, Ohio, December 24, 1856. She was married, March 3, 1876, to George Duncan McCormick, a son of Charles and Rebecca AlcCormick, he having been born October 5, 1845. I'o them was born one child. /. — Edgar Eugene ]McCormick, son of George D. and Emma A. McCormick, was born jMarch 22, 1878. 5. Florence Wamsley, the fifth child and fourth daughter of Sanmel B. and E. Ann Wamsley, was born near Wamsley. Adams County, Ohio, December 20, 1858. She was mar- ried to George Ryne. Residence, Mineral Springs, Ohio. 6. James Franklin Wamsley, the sixth child and second son of Samuel B. and E. Ann Wamsley, was born near Wams- ley, Adams County, Ohio, December 26, 1862, and died January 12, 1863. 7. George McClelland Wamsley, a twin brother of the preced- ing, the seventh child and third son of Samuel B. and E. Ann DESCENDANTS OF MICHAEL FREEMAN. 27 Wamsley, was born December 26, 1862, and died March 22, 1864. 8. Electa Ellen Wamsley, the eighth child and fifth daughter of vSamuel B. and E. Ann Wamsley, was born near Wams- ley, Adams County, Ohio, July 12, 1864. She was married November 25, 1882, to Alien Marshall Wamsley, a son of Peter W. and Sarah E. Wamsky, h€ having been born May II, i860. To them was born one child. /. — Ocie Alice Wamsley, daughter of Allen M. and Electa Ellen Wamsley, was born December 19, 1883. 9. Dora Sabrina Wamsley, the ninth child and sixth daughter of Samuel B. and E. Ann Wamsley, was born near Wams- ley, Adams County, Ohio. August 20, 1868. She was mar- ried by the Rev. R. F. Wamsky, at White Oak, Ohio, Jan- uary 20, 1891, to John A. Jones — a farmer — a son of A. J. and Jane Jones, he having been born April 16, 1868. ID. Harley Rufle Wamsley, the tenth child and fourth son of Samuel B. and E. Ann Wamsley, was born near the village of Wamsley, Adams County, Ohio, September 9, 1872, and died August 25, 1898, in the 26th year of his age. VI. — John Purnell Freeman, the sixth child and fourth son of Isme and Susannah Freeman, was born May 2, 1832, on his father's farm, in Scioto County, Ohio, where he was brought up. He was by occupation a farmer. He died near Wams- ley, Adams County, Ohio, April 13, 1891, in the 59th year of his age. He was married by Noah Tracy, Esq., in Brush Creek Township, Scioto County, Ohio, January 9, 185 1, to Elizabeth Jane Jones, a daughter of Andrew B. and Vienna Jones, she having been born October 10, 1832, and died April 6, 1898. To them were born ten children. 1. Andrew Bird Freeman, the eldest child of J. Purnell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, June 8, 1852, and died June 14, 1852. 2. Franklin Pierce Freeman, the second son of J. Purnell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, April 10, 1853, and died December 21, 1853. 3. Thomas Benton PVeeman, the third son of J. Purnell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, November 5, 1854, and died December '9, 1861. 28 BrOGRAPHV OF THE PREEMAX FAMILY. 4. Artemisi Freeman, the fourth* child and eldest daughter of J. Purnell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, August 8, 1857. She was married by James G. Freeman, Esq., October 27, 1879, to Isaac Dixon McFar- land, he having been born January 24, 1847. To them was born one child. /. — Robert ^lelvin IMcFarland was born July 3, 1881. 5. Sarah Salome Freeman, the fifth child and second daughter of J. Purnell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, September 8, 1859. She was married by the Rev. H. B. Hill, May 14, 1890, to Wesley Ralston, a son of Robert and INfary Ralston, he having been born September 14, 1852. To them was born one child. /. — ^Martha Jane Ralston was born ^ larch 17. 1891. 6. Clement Laird Valandigham Freeman, the sixth child and fourth son of J. Purnell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, May 20, 1862. He was married by the Rev. R. F. Wamsley, September 27, 1889, to Lenora Liston, a daughter of George and Matilda Liston, she hav- ing been born February 15, 1872. To them were born three children. /. — Clarence Leslie Freeman, son of C. L. V. and Lenora Freeman, was born Jul\' 18, 1890, and died in November, 1892. II. — Homer Freeman was born in 1892. III. — Harry Thomas Freeman was born in 1894. 7. Crittenden Freeman, the seventh child and fifth son of J. Purnell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, a twin brother of the pre- ceding, Clement L. V^. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, May 20, 1862. 8. Donie Neosho Seymour Freeman, the eighth child and sixth son of J. Piu'nell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, April 11. 1865, and died July 31, 1869. 9. Martlia Jane Freeman, the ninth child and third daughter of J. Purnell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, August 7. 1868. 10. Cora Arbana Freeman, the tenth child and fourth daugh- ter of J. Purnell and Elizabeth J. Freeman, was born in DESCENDANTS Ol- MICHAEE FREEMAN. 29 Scioto County, Ohio, August 5, 1871. She was married by J. G. Hazelbaker, Esq., January 11, 1890, to John Miller, a son of Jacob Miller, he having been born March 20, 1869. To them were born the following twin children: /. — Charles Crittenden Miller, son of John and Cora A. Miller, was born March 25, 1891. //. — Obada Bethel Miller was born March 25, 1891. Yll. — ^James Fletcher Freeman, the seventh child and fifth son of Tsme and Susannah Freeman, was born at Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, September 13, 1834 — by occupation a black- smith. He was married by the Rev. Mr. Tole, near West Union, Adams Coumy, Ohio, December 20, 1857. to Sabrina Elizabeth Hazelbaker, a daughter of Joseph and Sarah A. Hazelbaker, she having been born in Rome, Adams County, Ohio, June 6, 1841. To them were born four children. 1. Minnie Delle Freeman, the eldest child of James F. and Sabrina E. Freeman, was born in Rarden, Scioto County, Ohio, January 24, 1865. Resides with her parents at Wamsley, Ohio. 2. Anna Jane Freeman, the second daughter of James F and Sabrina E. Freeman, was born in Wamsley, Adams County, Ohio, February 2, 1868, and died June 16, 1868. 3. Icie Pearl Freeman, the third daughter of James F. and Sabrina E. Freeman, was born in W^amsley, Adams County. Ohio, November 11, 1878. She was married near Wams- ley, Ohio, by the Rev. William Hill, ]\Iarch 24, 1897, to Samuel Layton, a son of Robert and Sarah R. Layton, he having been born in Harrison County, Kentucky, May 25, 1874 — a farmer — and removed w^ith his parents to Adams County, Ohio, in March, 1887. Residence, near Wamsley, Ohio. To them was born a son. I. — Denver Freeman Layton, born January 3, 1898. 4. Catherine Bertella Freeman, called "Kate," the fourth daughter of James F. and Sabrina E. Freeman, was born in Wamsley, Ohio, January 2y, 1881. She was married at tht* residence of her parents in Wamsley, Ohio, by the Rev. Hiram Runyan, a minister of the C. U. Church, April 16, 1898, to James O. McCormick, a son of J. W. and ]\Iary I. 30 BIOGRAPHY OF THE FRKEMAX FAMILY. ]\IcCormick, lie having been born in W'amsley, Adams County, Ohio, Aug-ust 25, 1876, and is by occupation a farmer. To them was born a son. /. — LesHe Everett ]\IcCorraick was born at W'amsley, Ohio, 3.1arch 10. 1899 VIII. — ]\Iary Catherine Freeman, the eighth child and third daughter of Isme and Susannah Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, February 8, 1837, and died November 11, 1839, aged 2 years, 9 months and 3 days. IX. — Xancy Jane Freeman., the ninth child and fourth daughter of Isme and Susannah Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, September 27, 1839, and died near Wamsley, Ohio, on Sunday, ^MarcJi 17, 1895. in the 56th year of her age. She was married near \\'amsley, Adams County, Ohio, August 18, 1858, by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, to Moses Wamsley, a son of Wil- liam and Flizabeth Wamsley, he having been born June 5, 1838. Mr. Wamsley is a farmer, and continues to reside near Wamsley, Adams County, Ohio. To them were born seven children. 1. Josephine Wamsley, the eldest child of i\Ioses and X. Jane Wamsley, was born near Wamsley, Ohio, March i, 1859. She was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, March 15, 1884, to Arthur Xelson Covert, a son of Larkin X. and Martha Covert, he having been born in Ripley, Brown County, Ohio, March 25, 1859. He is a farmer by occupa- tion. Residence, near Wamsley, Ohio. To them were born three children. /. — Arthur Cloyd Covert, son of Arthur X. and Josephine Covert, was born July 3, 1885. U. — Estella Larkin Covert, was born August 22,. 1887. ///. — Izora Molet Covert w^as born April 8, 1890. 2. James ]\Iartin A\'amslev. the second chikl and eldest son of ]\Ioses and X. Jane Wamsley, was born near Wamsley, Ohio, June 25, i860. He was married by John P. Young. Esq., December 25. 1889. to Mary Jane Montgomery, a daughter of William H. and Mahala Montgomerv. she hav- ing been born in Rome. Adams County. Ohio. Xovember 13, i86[. To rhem were born two children. Residence, near W'amslev, Ohio. DESCKXDAXTS OF MICHAEL KRlvKMAN. 3 I / — Pansy EstcUa Wanislev, daughter of James M. and Mary J. Wamsley, was born November 4, 1890. //. — Rutl\ Wamsley was born . 3. Andrew Crovvell Wamsley, the third child and second son of Moses and N. Jane Wamsley, was born near Wamsley, Ohio, May 18, 1863, and died January 11, 1864. 4. Mary Estella Wamsley, the fourth child and second daugh- ter of Moses and N. Jane Wamsley, was born near Wams- ley, Ohio, x\pril 26, 1866. She was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, December 9, 1886, to William Henry Jones, a son of Andrew J. and Jane Jones, he having been born at White Oak, Adams County, Ohio, May 31, 1859. ^e is a practical farmer. To them was born one child. /. — Flossie Pearl Jones. 5. Samuel Kinton Wamsley, the fifth child of Moses and N Jane Wamsley, was born near Wamsley, Ohio, January 29, 1869. He was married, May 4, 1892, to Dora Montgomery. To them was born one child. /. — Clyde Owen Wamsley, son of Samuel K. and Dora Wamsley, was bcrn in December, 1893. 6. Alton Clyde Wamsley, the sixth child and fourth son of Moses and N. Jane Wamsley, was born near Wamsley, Ohio, December 24, 1871. 7. Chalmers Wiley Wamsley, the seventh child and fifth son of Moses and N. Jane Wamsley, was born near Wamsley, Ohio, March 2, 1876. X. — Joseph Oppy Freeman, the tenth child and sixth son of Isme and Susannah Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, January 13, 1842, and died August 10, 1843, aged i year, 6 months and 28 days. XI. — Sarah Ellen Freeman, the eleventh child, and fifth daughter of Isme and Susannah Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, May 3, 1844. She was married by the Rev. Mr. Middle- ton, October 8, 1863, to George Marion Wykoflf, a son of James and Rachel Wykofif, he having been born near Wams- ley, Adams County, Ohio. Sarah Ellen Freeman Wykol? died October 23, 1887, aged 43 years, 6 months and 15 days. To them were born four children. 32 BIOGRAPHY OF THH FRTJEMAN FAMILY. 1. James Marshall Wykoll, the eldest child of George M. and Sarah Ellen Wykoff, was born in Adams County, Ohio, Feb- ruary 14, 1866. He was married by Henry Hall, Esq., near Jay Bird, Adams County, Ohio, January 5, 1888, to Ann Etta Newman, a daughter of M. H. and Sarah Xewman. To them was born one child. /. — Mmnie Marie Wykoff, daughter of James M. and Ann E. Wykoff, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, March 6, 1889. 2. Minnie Estella WykofT, the second child and only daugh- ter of George M. and Sarah E. Wykoff, was born in Adams County, Ohio, September 22, 1871. She was married by Henry Hall, Esq., April 29, 1888, to James Renwick Davis, a son of Thomas and Elizabeth Davis, he having been born July 27, 1866. Occupation, a merchant clerk. Residence, Rarden, Scioto County, Ohio. To them were born two children. /. — Dora Edna Davis was born in Rarden, Ohio, January 16,. 1889. //. — Edith Lucile Davis was born in Rarden, Ohio, March 24, 1891, 3. John Wolf Wykoff, the third child and second son of George M. and Sarah E. Wykoff, was born in Adams County, Ohio,. December 22, 1872. 4. William Alfred Wykoff, the fourth child and third son of George M. and Sarah Ellen Freeman, Wykoff, was born in Adams County, Ohio, April 5, 1878, and died July 6, 1898, in the 2 1 St year of his age. XH. — Moses Edward Freeman, the twelfth child and seventh son of Isme and Susannah Freeman, was born in Brush Creek Township, Scioto County, Ohio, February 26, 1847. He removed to the West about 1870 and settled in Iowa. Since 1875 he has not been heard from ; probably dead. XHI. — Isaac Blair Freeman, the thirteenth child and eighth sort of Isme Freeman, the elder child by his second wife. Martha Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, March 10. 1851, and died July 6, 1861, aged 10 years, 3 months and 26 days. XIV. — Mary Alice Freeman, the fourteenth child of Isme Free- man, the second child by his second wife, Martha Freeman,. DliSCExVUANTS OF MICIIAE). FREEMAN. 33 was born in Scioto County, Ohio, August 23, 1853, and died August 20, 1861, aged eight years, lacking three days. CHAPTER V. Isaac Freeman, the fifth child and second son of Michael and Elizabeth Duncan Freeman, was born on Blue Creek, in Adams County, Ohio, December 25, 1802, and died in his own home, on Jake's Creek, Delaware County, Indiana, January 5, 1864, in the 62d year of his age. He was brought up on his father's farm, on Scioto Brush Creek, in Adams County, Ohio. He was a practi- cal and successful farmer. Isaac Freeman was married near Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio, December 26, 1822, to Jemima Moore, a daughter of John and Sarah Moore, she having been born in what is now Adams County, Ohio, February 21, 180 1, and died at the old home, on Jake's Creek, Delaware County, Indiana, February 15, 1871, where she had lived with her husband and family many years. She survived her husband for several years. She was a faithful and devout member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Isaac Freeman remained in Adams and Scioto Counties, Ohio, about a dozen years after his marriage. About 1834 he removed with his family to Delaware County, Indiana, and purchased a farm on Jake's Creek, four miles north of Muncie, where they continued to reside. He was. a prosperous, contented, and useful man, although for many years before his death he v>'as afflicted with a peculiar and severe- form of indigestion, which made it difficult for him to retain food' upon his stomach. Isaac Freeman was of devout spirit, earnest and active in Christian work, and for many years a steward, class leader, and local preacher, or exhorter, in the Methodist; Episcopal Church. Isaac and Jemima Freeman brought up a family of seven children, some of whom still survive to revere- their memory and call them blessed. Nearly all of them were members of the church of their father and mother, devout in their Christian lives, and blessings to society. 34 BIOGRAPHY OF THE FREIv.MAX FAMILV. I. — Sarah Freeman, the eldest child of Isaac and Jemima Free- man, was born in Adams County, Ohio, November i6, 1823, and died in Eaton, Delaware County, Indiana, June 15, 1878, in the 55th year of her age. She spent her childhood in Ohio, and removed with her parents to Delaware County, Indiana, about 1834, with whom she continued to live. In 1856 she taught school in Adams County, Ohio, near where she spent her youthful days. She was married by the Rev. Nathaniel Williams at the home of her uncle, Aaron F. Steen, near Mt. Leigh, Adams County, Ohio, December 24, 1857, to William Alexander Blair, a son of William L. and Catherine E. Blair, he having been born near Winchester, Adams County. Ohio,, April 15, 1832. They resided in Adams County, Ohio, and in Selma and Eaton, in Delaware County, Indiana. W. Alexan- ' jaer Biair now resides in Muncie, Indiana. To them were born three children. 1. Dora Ette Blair, ihe eldest child of W. Alexander and Sarah Freeman Blair, was born near Winchester, Adams County, Ohio, October 29, 1858. »She was married by the Rev. O. M. Todd, a Presbyterian clergyman, in Eaton, Indi- ana, August 19, 1875, to Zechariah Young, a son of Enoch and Catherine A. Young, he having been born in Delaware County, Indiana, May 6, 185 1 — occupation, a merchant. Residence, Eaton, Delaware County, Indiana. To theni were born three children. /. — Theodore Ovid Young was born at Eaton. Indiana, March 3, 1877, and died at the same place, April 3. 1877. //. — Ralph Blair Young was born at Eaton, Indiana, Febru- ary 23, 1891, and died June 9. 1891. ///. — Mary Eve Young was born at Eaton, Indiana. July 9, 1892. 2. Austa Ellen Blair, the second daughter of W. Alexander and Sarah Freeman Blair, was born near Winchester, Adams County, Ohio, February 19, i860, and died in Milroy, Indi- ana^ September 4, 1883, in the 24th year of her age. She was married at the home of her parents, in Eaton, Indiana, l^y the Rev. Thomas Sells, a M. E. minister, in April, 1882, to James L. Walters, a son of Jacob Walters, he having been born in Delaware County, Indiana, and died in Eaton, Indi- ana, December 18, 1882. DESCENDANTS OF MICHAEL FREEMAN. 35 3. Ora ]\Iaud Biair. the third daughter of W. Alexander and Sarah Freeman Blair, was born in Selma, Delaware County, Indiana, November 7, 1868. She was married by the Rev. Frank H. Hays, a Presbyterian clergyman, in Muncie, Indi- ana, October 26, 1892, to Irving Allen. Residence, Hart- ford City, Indiana. IT. — John Freeman, the second child and eldest son of Isaac and Jemim.a Freeman, was born in Adams County, Ohio, January 26, 1825. He was taken by his parents to Delaware County, Indiana, when he was about nine years old, and here he was brought up on his father's farm, about four miles north of Muncie, Indiana, situated on Jake's Creek. He was married in Delaware County, Indiana, by the Rev. John B. Birt. July 19, 1849, to Mary Jane Wier, a daughter of Thomas and ^^lary Wier, she having been born in Delaware County, Indiana. Postoffice address, ]Muncie Indiana. To them were born three children. I. Jamics Birt Freeman, the eldest child of John and Mary Jane Freeman, was born at their home, near Jake's Creek, Delaware County, Indiana, August 21, 1850, and died July 31- T851. :2. Paulina Jane Freeman, the second child and only daughter. of John and Mary Jane Freeman, was born near Jake's Creek, in Delaware County, Indiana, January i, 1852. She was married at the same place by the Rev. Benjamin Smith, September lo. 1872, to Fernando C. Storer, a merchant in Muncie, Inrliana, a son of Margaret and Asher Storer, he having been born jn Delaware County. Indiana, June 19, 1850 — members of tJie Quaker Church. To them were born two children. /. — Elizabeth Blanche Storer. the elder daughter of Fer- nando C. and Paulma Jane Freeman Storer. was born in Delaware County, Indiana, April 20, 1873. //. — Jessie Pearl Storer. the second daughter, was born in Delaware County, Indiana. September 9, 1875. 3. Thomas Jefferson Freeman, the third child and second son of John and i\Iary Jane Freeman, was born near Jake's Creek, Delaware Countv, Indiana, November 14, 1858, and brought up on his father's farm. He was married by the iRev. R. IT. Smith, December 20, 1882. to Birdella McColm, 36 BIOGRAPHY OI' THE FREEMAN FAMILY. a daughter of Henry A. and Harriet McColm, of Delaware County, Indiana, she having been born in Adams County^ Ohio, May 20, 1862. To them was born one child. /. — Gran Freeman, son of Thom.as Jefferson and Birdella Freeman, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, July 10, 1886. III. — Mary Jane Freeman, the third child and second daughter of Isaac and Jemima Freeman, was born in Adams County.. Ohio, July 18, 1828, and was brought by her parents to Dela- ware County, Indiana, when about six years old. She was married on Jake's Creek, Dela^vare County, Indiana, April 20, 1852, to Andrew R. Hoover, a son of Eli and Margaret Hoover, he having been born in Delaware County, Indiana. They con- tinued to reside in Delaware County, Indiana, until 1881, when they removed to Florida and located near Ocala, Marion County, Florida, where they still live. To them were born seven children. 1. Eli Freeman Hoover, the eldest child of Andrew R. and Mary Jane Hoover, was born in Delaware County, Indi- ana, April 8, 1854. He was married, December 11, 1877, to Dora Shick. 2. John Emery Hoover, the second son of Andrew R. and Mary Jane Hoover, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, August 23, 1857. -He was married, December 8, 1886, to Alice J. Cook. 3. Jemima Arabella Hoover, the third child and eldest daugh- ter of Andrew R. and Mary Jane Hoover, was born in Dela- ware County, Indiana, March 8, 1859, ^"^1 died April 2, i860. 4. Cassius Lemon Hoover, the fourth child and third son of Andrew R. and Mary Jane Hoover, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, March 23, i860. He was married, November 28. 1884, to Eveline Sayers. 5. Olive Ann Hoover, the fifth child and second daughter of Andrew R. and Mary Jane Hoover, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, April 10, 1861, and died January 25, 1864. 6. Wilbur Fiske Hoover, the sixth child and fourth son of Andrew R. and Mary Jane Hoover, was born in Delaware DESCEXDAXTS OF MICHAEL FREEMAX. 37 County. Indicina, May 15, 1865. He was married, Novem- ber 21, 1889. to Flora Helva. 7. Lulu Dell Hoover, the seventh child and third daughter of Andrew R. and i\Iary Jane Hoover, was horn in Delaware County, Indiana, February 3, 1873. IV. — Louisa Freeman, the fourth child and third daughter of Jsaac and Jemima Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, January 18, 1830. She was brought to Delaware County, Indiana, when she was a little child, and brought up on her father's farm. She died in Adams County, Indiana, January 20, 1877, aged 47 years and 2 days. She was married at the home of her parents, on Jake's Creek, Delaware County, Indi- ana, by the Rev. Benjamin Smith, January 15, 1861, to James Wesley Jones, a son of William and Elizabeth Jones, he hav- ing been born in Rockingham County, Virginia, in 1836. Family residence. Willshire, Van Wert County, Ohio. To them were born nine children. 1. Jemima A. Jones, the eldest child of J. Wesley and Louisa Freeman Jones, was born in Delaware County. Indiana, December 14, 1861. She was married in Adams County, Indiana, to John i\I. Allspaw, a son of Robert and IMargaret E. Allspaw, he having been born in Adams County, Indiana. Residence, Blufifton, Indiana. To them were born four children. /. — Blanche Allspaw^ the eldest child of John M. and Jemi- mia A. Allspaw, was born in Willshire, Van Wert Countv, Ohio. November 15, 1882. //. — Charles Floyd Allspaw was born in New Carlisle. Clarke Countv, Ohio, September 14, 1884, and died March 14. 1885. ■ ///. — Cecil Allspaw as born in Van Wert County, Ohio, Sep- tember 15, 1885. /r'. — Harry Allspavr was born in Willshire, \^an Wert County. Ohio, July 9, 1887. 2. William J. Jones, the second child and eldest son of J. Wesley and Louisa Freeman Jones, was born in Delaware County. Indiana, January 31. 1862. and died IMarch i, 1862. BIOGRAPHY OF THE P^REEMAN FAMILY. 3, 4, 5. Triplets, two boys and a girl, children of J. Wesley and Louisa Freeman Jones, were born in Delaware County. Indiana, September 5, 1862, and died the same day. 6. James Lewis Freeman Jones, the sixth child and fourth son of J. Wesley and Louisa Freeman Jones, was born in Dela- ware County, Indiana, July 26, 1864. Residence, Palo, Linn County, Iowa. 7. John A. Jones, the seventh child and fifth son of J. Wesley and Louisa Freeman Jones, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, March i, 1867. ^^ ^^'^^ married by Samuel McClintock, May 10, 1893, to Nora Mather, she having- been born January 20, 1873. Residence, Palo, Linn County, Iowa. 8. Mary E. Jones, the eighth child and third daughter of J. Wesley and Louisa Freeman Jones, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, February 8, 1868, and died August 3, 1877. 9. Margaret M. Jones, the ninth child and fourth daughter of J. Wesley and Louisa Freeman Jones, was born in Adams County, Indiana, May i, 1872, and died August 31, 1877. V. — Emily Pilcher Freeman, the fifth child and fourth daughter C)f Isaac and Jemima Freeman, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, February 12, 1832, and was brought by her parents to Delaware County, Indiana, when a little child, and grew up to womanhood on her father's farm on Jake's Creek, four miles north of Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. She died ii> Muncie, Indiana, February 27, 1890, aged 58 years and 15 days. Emily Pilcher Freeman was married at the home of her parents, in 1858, to David Hoover, a son of Eli and Margaret Hoover, he having been born in Delaware County, Indiana, and died June 7, 1881. He kept a meat market in Muncie, Indiana. To them was born one child. I. Charles Sumner Hoover, sen of David and Emily P. Hoover, was born on Jake's Creek, in Delaware County, Indiana, in 1859, ^nd died in Muncie, Indiana, in 1882, aged 2^ years. VI. — Elizabeth Ann Freeman, the sixth child and fifth daughter of Isaac and Jemima Freeman, was born on the old home farm on Jake's Creek, Delaware County, Indiana. July 13, 1839. She was married by Samuel McClintock, Esq., May 13, 1873, DKSCENDAXTS OF MICHAEL FREKMAX. 39 to Levi Denny Lewis, a son of John and Elizabeth Denny Lewis, he having been born in Guernsey County, Ohio, June 28, 1829. Residence, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. John Lewis, the father of Levi D. Lewis, was born in Pennsylvania, September 12, 1794, was married to Elizabeth Denny, March 6. 1821, she having been born in New Jersey, November 2, 1801. To Levi D. and Elizabeth Ann Freeman Lewis were born two chil- dren. 1. Nellie Lewis, the elder child of Levi Denny -^.nd Elizabeth Ann Freeman Lewis, was born August 29, 1874, and died the same day. 2. John Freeman Lewis, the second child of Levi Denny and Elizabeth Ann Freeman Lewis, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, November 2J, 1876. Residence, Spring- port, Henry County, Indiana. VII. — William Freeman, the seventh child and second son of Isaac and Jemima Freeman, was born on the old home farm on Jake's Creek. Delaware County, Indiana, October 14, 1837, and was brought up on the farm. He is by trade a carpenter. He was married by the Rev. Benjamin Smith, in Delaware County, Indiana, September 26, i860, to Nancy Catherine Munsey, a daughter of Skidmore and ]\Iaria Munsey, she hav- ing been born in Delaware County, Indiana. Residence, Eaton, Delaware County, Indiana. To them were born three children. 1. Laura Belle Freeman, the eldest child of William and Nancy C. Freeman, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, August 24, 1862, and died August 11, 1865. 2. Charles Skidmore Freeman, the second child and only son of William and Nancy C. Freeman, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, October 21, 1868. Residence, Eaton, Indiana. 3. Dottie Dell Freeman, the third child, the second and only daughter now living, of William and Nancy C. Freeman, was born in Delaware County, Indiana. July 19, 1878. Resi- (jence, Eaton, Indiana. VIII. — James Lewis Freeman, the eighth child and third son of Isaac and Jemima Freeman, was born on the old home farm on Jake's Creek, in Delaware County, Indiana, Septem- 40 BIOGRArHY OF THE FRKKMAX FAMILY. ber 21, 1844, and there grew up to manhood and assisted on the farm until his father's death. He was married by the Rev S. H. Brooks, in Muncie, Indiana, December 20. 1864, to Mary Frances WalUng, a daughter of Thomas and Susannah Wall- ing, she having been born August 8, 1843. James L. Freeman :s a prosperous farmer. He and his wife are faithful members of the Society of Friends, or what is usually called the Quaker Church. Their post-office address is Springport, Henry County, Indiana. To them were born five children. 1. Carl Volney Freeman, the eldest child of James L. and ^Mary F. Freeman, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, June 12, 1869. 2. Susan Freeman, the second child and elder daughter of James L. and Mary F. Freeman, was born in Delaware Covmty, Indiana, January 8, 1871, and died September 7, 1871. 3. Mark Huber Freeman, the third child and second son of James L. and Mary F. Freeman, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, April 6, 1872. 4. Joseph Emery Freeman, the fourth child and third son of James L. and Mary F. Freeman, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, December 18, 1874. 5. Nellie Emeline Freeman, the fifth child, the youngest, a daughter of James Lewis and Mary Frances Freeman, was born in Delaware County, Indiana, November 17, 1876. CHAPTER VI. James Freeman, the sixth child and third son of Alichael and Elizabeth Duncan Freeman, was born on Blue Creek, in Adams County, Ohio, June 12, 1805, and died on his own farm, two miles- east of the mouth of Blue Creek. February 18, i860, in the 55th year of his age. James Freeman was brought up on his father's farm, and for many years he lived on a farm adjoining that of the old home, on the east fork of Scioto Brush Creek, near its source, and about ten miles east of West Union, Ohio, on the DESCENDANTS OF MICHAEL FREE:«AN. 4 1 main road leading to Portsmouth. He was by occupation a shoemaker, and an excellent workman at his trade. He also superintended the work on his farm, notwithstanding a lameness in one of his legs. In the year 1852 he purchased from J. M. Walden a line farm of 300 acres on the east fork of Scioto Brush Creek, about tw'o miles below the mouth of Blue Creek, in Adams County, Ohio. This place v^-as about fifteen miles east of West Union, on the main road, and twenty miles west from Ports- moutli. It was also about eleven miles by way of the Blue Creek Road to Rome, a village on the Ohio River, which was his prin- cipal business or trading point. James Freeman was a man of genial nature, kind-hearted and social, an agreeable companion, delighting in society, ever ready to confer a favor, and well respected by all who knew him. He was married near West Union, Ohio, January 29, 1829, to Ann Prather, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Wilson Prather, she having been born near West Union, Ohio, June 15, 1808, and died at her pleasant home, Jaraiary 28, 1870, in the 62d year of her age, beloved by all who knew her. John Prather and Elizabeth Wilson Prather, the father and mother of Ann Prather Freeman, were brought up on the eastern shore of Maryland, and were married in Queen Anne County, Maryland, near where Moses and Nancy Freeman first settled in America. They removed to the Northwest Territorv and settled in what is now Adams County, Ohio, about the same time, and probably came in the same company of emigrants to the West with Michael and Joseph Freeman and their families. John and Elizabeth Wilson Prather were the parents of two sons and eleven daughters, all of whom, were married and had fami- lies of their own. To James and Ann Prather Freeman were born four children. I. — George Marion Freeman, the eldest child of James and Ann Prather Freeman, was born in Jefferson Township, Adams County, Ohio, about two miles west of the mouth of Blue Creek, December 18, 1829. George M. Freeman was an influ- ential citizen, was frequently elected a Justice of the Peace, and was universally respected. He was never married, and was for many years manager of the old home farm. He died at the Old home farm of his father and mother, two miles below the mouth of Blue Creek, in Adams County, Ohio, January 29, T891, aged 61 years, i month and 11 days. 42 BIOGRArHY OF THE FREEMAN FAMILY. II. — Levi Freeman, the second son of James and Ann Prather Freeman, was born near Blue Creek, in Jefferson Township, Adams County, Ohio, September 14, 1832, and died at his own home, only a few miles from the same place, May 11. 1868. in the 36th year of his age. He was by occupation a farmer, and resided upon an excellent farm, adjoining that of his father. Levi Freeman was married by Henry Prather. Esq., near West Union, Adams County, Ohio. October 25, 1854, to Narcissus Smalley, a daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth Smalley, she having been born October Q. J^^i. She was also a grand- daughter of John and Mary Williams, who was formerly Mary Duncan, a sister of Elizabeth Duncan, who married Michael Freeman, in Maryland. It is probable also that John and Mary Duncan Williams came from Maryland to the North- west Territory at the same time and in the same company of emigrants to the W^cst with ]\Iichael and Joseph Freeman, and John Prather and their young families, but that John Williams and his family first settled in Kentucky. They afterwards located in Adams County. Ohio. Thus it appears that Lev! Freeman's grandm.other. and his wife's grandmother, were sis- ters, and that they themselves were second cousins. To them was born one child. I. Volney W^ilson Freeman, a son of Levi and Narcissus Smal- ley Freeman, was born near Blue Creek, Adams County, Ohio, October 26, 1855. He lives upon his mother's farm, and has full charge of all business matters. He is the onlv heir to the estate. He was married in Portsmouth. Ohio, by Rev. David S. Tappan. November 26. 1894, to Anna Cora Ham. a daughter of Clark and Martha W. Ham. They have no children. His post-office address is Blue Creek. Ohio. HI. — John Prather Freeman, the third son of James and Ann Prather Freeman, was born near Blue Creek, in Jefferson Township, Adams County, Ohio. July 5. 1838. He was by occupation a farmer, and resided upon his father's farm, two miles below Blue Creek, on the east fork of Scioto Brush Creek. He was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, September 18, 1861, to Belle Elliott, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Elliott. Less than four months after his marriage John P. Freeman suddenly sickened and died from typhoid fever, at the old home, where both his parents died, January 9, 1862. in the 24th year of his age. No children. DESCENDANTS OF MICHAEL FREEMAN. 43 IV. — Wilson Shannon Freeman, the fourth son of James and Ann Prather Freeman, was born near Blue Creek, in Jefiferson Township, Adams County, Ohio, November 21, 1840, and was brought up on his father's farm. He is a successful farmer and prosperous in business. He was always fond of the chase, delighting very much in the fox chase or deer hunt, and usually returned with good success. He is a fine marksman — almost a sure-shot — and woe to the animal that comes within the range of his trusty rifle. When just a young boy of perhaps a dozen years, he quite surprised his father and older brothers by com- mg home hurriedly and saying that he had killed a deer while he was out looking- for squirrels. They could hardly believe the report, but followed him to the place and found the deer dead, its throat neatly cut with his pocket knife. The fatal bullet from his squirrel rifle had entered its heart. During the winter season he delights to spend a few w-eeks in some remote locality looking for game, and seldom returns home empty- handed. One season he went far down the Ohio and Alissis- sippi Rivers into Arkansas and secured a large amount of game. W. Shannon Freeman was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, at the residence of the bride's parents, one mile from his father's house, September 18, 1862, to Rebecca Ann Brad- ley, a daughter of James ^Madison and Eliza Peters Bradley^ she having been born August 12, 1839, and died at the family home, March IQ, 1891, in the 52d year of her age. After his marriage, W. Shannon Freeman lived in the old family home of his parents, on the East Fork of Scioto Brush Creek, two miles below Blue Creek, a happy life of more than twenty- eight years before his wife's death. He has no children. His present post-office address is Wamsley, Adams County, Ohio. CHAPTER VH. Moses Freeman, the seventh child and fourth son of Michael and Elizabeth Duncan Freeman, was born on Blue Creek, in Adams County, Ohio, February to, t8o8, and was brought up on his father's farm. He was married by the Rev. James Smith, near Jacktown, Ohio, January 13, 183 1, to Margaret McCormick, a 44 BIOGRAPHY OF THE FREEMAX FAMILY. daughter of James and Hannah AlcCormick, she having been born September 4, 181 1, and died in Otway, Scioto County, Ohio. March 12, 1900. in the 89th 3^ear of her age. After a long, happy, and useful Christian life, her mortal remains were lovingly borne to the White Oak cemeter}^ and laid by the side of her husband. After his marriage he purchased a farm and located upon it near the moulh of the west fork of Scioto Brush Creek, in Scioto County, Ohio. Upon this farm the village of Otway was after- wards built, and near by the old home is the railway station of the Cincinnati, Portsmouth & Virginia Railroad. At this place Moses Freeman lived liappiiy and prosperously with his family until his death, August 10, 185 1, in the 44th year of his age. He was a devout and earnest Christian man, of excellent spirit, a member of the M. E. Church, and so also was his excellent wife, and so his children afterwards becanie, all being highly esteemed and greatly respected. To j^.Ioses and Margaret ^IcCormick Freeman were born fcur ciiildren. i. — Alary Jane Freeman, the eldest child of ]\Ioses and Margaret I\IcCormick Freeman, w^as born at Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, January 4, 1832. and died in Otway, Ohio. She grew up to womanhood on her father's farm. She was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, March 25. 1849. ^t Otway, Ohio, to Joseph W. Tracy — a farmer — a son of Jonathan and Eliza- beth Tracy, he having been born near Otway, O., and died at Alt. Pleasant, Iowa. To them were born four children. 1. Elizabeth AI. Tracy, the eldest child of Joseph AV. and Alary Jane Freeman Tracy, was born at Henly, Ohio, January i, 1850. and died at Alt. Pleasant, Iowa. 2. Emma A. Tracy, the second daughter of Joseph \\\ and Alary J. Tracy, was born at Henly, Ohio, Alarch 20, 1852, and died at the same place, May 18, 1857. 3. James F. Tracy, the third child and elder son of Joseph W. and Alary Jane Tracy, was born at Henly, Ohio, April 23, 1854, and died Alay 28, 1857. 4. AIoscs U'illiam Tracy, the fourth child and second son of Joseph ^\^ and Alary J. Tracy, was born at Henly, Scioto County, Ohio, August 18. 1856. and died at Alt. Pleasant, Henry County. Iowa, September 24, 1865, aged 9 years. II. — James Gavitt Freeman, the second child and only son of Moses and Margaret AlcCormick Freeman, was born on his father's farm, where the village of Otwav now stands, in Scioto DESCEXDAXrs OF illCIIAEIy FREEMAX. 45 County, Ohio, March 3, 1835. Here lie was brought up. Ke has followed the profession of a teacher, and a successful busi- ness man. He has frequently been elected a Justice of the Peace, entire confidence being placed in his judgment and integrity. He is an earnest and faithful Christian man, and brought up his family in the AI. E. and C. U. Churches. He was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, near Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, September 11, 1856, to Aliilie Eliza Tracy, a daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth Tracy, she having been born in Adams County, Ohio, July t, 1834, and died from pneumonia at Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, February 21, 1899, in the 65th year of her age. Her body was tenderly laid away to rest in the Otway cemetery. Residence, Otway, Ohio. To them were born five children. 1. Moses Franklm Freeman, the eldest child of James G. and Millie E. Freeman, w'as born near Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, April 22, 1861, and died February 2, 1863. in the sec- ond year of his age. 2. James Watson Freeman, the second son of James G. and Millie E. Freeman, was born near Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, June 27, 1864. He was married by Joseph Ashton, Esq., at Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio, September 8, 1886, to Harriet Eliza Dear, a daughter of Albert and Alar- garet Dear. Residence, Nocatee, De Soto County, Florida. 3. Edwin Jonathan Freeman, the third son of James G. and jMiliie E. Freeman, was born near Otway, Ohio. June 30, 1868, and died April 15, 1870, in the second year of his age. 4. William Milton Freem.an, the fourth son of James G. and Millie E. Freeman, was born near Otw^ay, Ohio, May 6, 1871. He was married by the Rev. William Hill, near Blue Creek, Adams County, Ohio, October 5, 1890, to Jennie Humble, a daughter of Elias and ^largaret Humble, she having been born in Adams County, Ohio. 5. Joseph Alva Freeman, the fifth son of James G. and ]\Iillie E. Freeman, was born in Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, July I, 1873, and died July 26, 1896, aged 23 years and 25 days. HI. — Elizabeth Hannah Freeman, the third child and second daughter of ]\Ioses and Margaret ]McCormick Freeman, was born at the home of her parents, on the farm where the village of Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, now stands, October 17, 1840. She was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, in Otway, Ohio, 46 BIOGKAPHY OF TPIK FREEMAN FAMILY. April L2, 1863, to Thomas Hart Benton Jones, a son of Andrew Bird and Vienna Jones, he having been born on his father's farm, four miles west of Otway, Ohio, Marcii 5, 1838. He resides with his family upon the farm on which he was born — a practical farmer. To them were born six children. Residence, i!ear Otway, Scioto County, Ohio. 1. Emma Estella Jones, the eldest child of Thomas Hart Ben- ton and Elizabeth Hannah Freeman Jones, was born near Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, January 5, 1864. 2. James Mockley Jones, the second child and eldest son of Thomas H. B. and Elizabeth Hannah Jones, was born near Otway, Ohio, August i, 1865. He was married near Min- eral Springs, Ohio, March 5, 1891. to Alartha A. Liston, a daughter of Francis M. and Sarah C. Liston, she having been born near Mineral Springs, Adams County, Ohio, December 29, 1869. 3. Bertha Ethel Jones,^ the third child and second daughter of Thomas H. B. and Elizabeth Hannah Jones, was born near Otway, Ohio, March 24, 1872. She was married near Otway, Ohio, October 26, 1890, to William E. Brown, a son of James G. and Almedith Brown, he having been born in Scioto County, Ohio, August 12, 1871. To them one child was born. /. — Grace Myrtle Brown, a daughter of William E. and Bertha Ethel Brown, was born August 29, 1891. 4. Thomas Carey Jones, the fourth child and second son of Thomas H. B. and Elizabeth Hannah Jones, was born near Otway, Ohio. June 16, 1874. 5. Edwin Watson Jones, the fifth child and third son of Thomas H. B. and Elizabeth Hannah Jones, was born near Otway, Ohio, January 2, 1878. 6. Alva Burton Jones, the sixth child and fourth son of Thomas H. B. and Elizabeth Hannah Jones, was born near Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, April 6, 1882. IV. — 'Sarah Emeline Freeman, the fourth child and third daugh- ter of Moses and Margaret McCormick Freeman, was born on her father's farm, where now stands the village of Otway, Scioto County, Ohio, October 16, 1847, ^"cl died in Otway, Ohio, May 30, 1891, in the 44th year of her age. She was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, in Otway, Ohio. Octo- DESCENDANTS OF MICHAEL FREEMAN. 47 ber 16, 1872, to Joseph McDowell Reynolds — a farmer of Peebles, Ohio — a son of Oliver and Zylpha Reynolds, he having been born in Brown County, Ohio, July 14, 1842. To them were born three childien. 1. Oscar Freeman Reynolds, the eldest child of Joseph M. and Sarah Emeline Freeman Reynolds, was born May 8, 1874. 2. Jesse Truman Reynolds, the second son of Joseph M. and Sarah Emeline Reynolds, was born June 3, 1876. 3. Maud Reynolds, the third child and only daughter of Joseph M. and Sarah Emeline Reynolds, was born August 19, 1884, and died near Otway, Ohio, October 26, 1892, in the 9th year of her age. CHAPTER VIII. Mary Freeman, the eighth child and fourth daughter of Michael and Elizabeth Duncan Freeman, was born on the old "Freeman farm," on the east fork of Scioto Brush Creek, two miles west of Blue Creek, Adams County, Ohio, October 7, 1810, and died in Knoxville, Tennessee, July 27, 1895, at 6:30 A.M., in the 85th year of her age. Her body was tenderly laid away to rest in the beautiful Woodlawn cemetery, near Xenia, Ohio. Mary Freeman was brought up in her father's family, early gave her heart to Christ, and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at the residence of Josiah Williams, on Blue Creek, when about thirteen years old, and ever afterwards maintained a con- sistent and devoted religious life. She was married at the residence of her parents, on the old Freeman farm, on Scioto Brush Creek, two miles west of Blue Creek, Adams County, Ohio, March 25. 1830, to Aaron Faris Steen, a son of Alexander and Agnes Nancy Steen, he having been born near Flemingsburgh, Kentucky, August 23, 1807, and died at his residence, near Xenia, Ohio, February 15, 1881, in the 74th year of his age. His body was buried in the beautiful Woodlawn cemetery, near that city. At the tim.e of the marriage of Mary Freeman to Aaron F. Steen, the streams were so swollen by the heavy rains that had prevailed for several days previous, that the minister who was to 48 BIOGKAPHY OF THE FRKEMAX FAMILY. have married them — the Rev. John I\Ieek — failed to reach the place, and the ceremony was performed by John ^^'illiams, Esq., a Justice of the Peace, who was present as an invited guest. After her marriage she removed with her husband to a farm which he had leased for five years. It was situated on Brush Creek, at the mouth of Elk Run, two miles from Winchester, Ohio, and about the same distance from the Mt. Leigh Presbyterian Church, with which they soon became connected, and were regular in their attendance. In the fall of 1834, the lease having nearly expired, at the earnest request of her parents, they returned to live with them in their old age on the old home farm on Scioto Brush Creek, she to care for the family, and her husband to take charge of the farm and manage the business. The following spring, April 14, 1835, her father, Michael Freenian, died, but she and her husband continued to live there for thirteen years, and have charge of affairs as before, during which time they were members and attendants of the Presbyterian Church at West Union, Ohio. In the autumn of 1848 she removed with her husband and family to a farm he had purchased near Alt. Leigh, two miles from Youngsville, and three miles from Winchester, Adams County, Ohio, brmging her mother and eldest sister to make their perma- nent home with them. Here they connected themselves again with the Alt. Leigh Presbyterian Church, of which, the next year, iVir. Steen was ordained a ruling elder, and continued such until his removal from the place. The children were all baptized in this church, and regular attendants. In the summer of 1865 Mr. Steen sold his farm, near Alt. Leigh and purchased a tract of eleven acres of land adjoining the city of Xenia, Ohio, to which they removed the same season, and where they continued to reside. Here they united with the First Presbyterian Church in Xenia, under the pastorate of the Rev. V.'illiam T. Findley, D.D. The fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Aaron F. and Alary Freeman Steen was appropriatelv celebrated at their residence, near Xenia, Ohio, March 25, 1880. It was a delightful occasion, which but seldom occurs. All their living children and grand- children were present with but a single exception, together with many friends and '■elatives. including Airs. Catherine E. Blair, a sister of Air. Steen. and who was present at the wedding fifty years before. Dr. John A. Steen, of Ripiey. Ohio, presented his uncle with a gold-headed cane. Several short addresses were made, a number of presents given, an elegant dinner served, a very enjoyable social gathering, and the whole concluded with. DiCSCEXDAXTS OF MICHAKL FRHEMAX. 49 religious services. Less than a year after this golden wedding, February 15, 1881. Aaron F. Steen died, and his body was lov- ingly laid away in Woodlawn cemetery. After her husband's death, Mrs. Steen and her daughter moved into Xenia and lived together until the latter 's marriage, in 1885, then for two >cars in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and from 1887 until her death, in 1895, at the home of her son, Prof. E. Watson Steen, in Knoxville, Tennessee. During this time, however, she made extensive visits to her daughter, who lived at Westboro, Massachusetts, and afterwards at Cincinnati, Ohio. While residing at Knoxville she was a member of the Third Presbyterian Church (Southern), in which she delighted to worship. ]\Iary Freeman Steen was devotedly attached to her children, and faithful in religious instruction and Christian training. She was permitted to see the fruit of her labors, all of them being brought into the king- dom. \\'ell does the writer remember how she used to take him to some private chamber alone, or under some tree in the orchard, and talk to him earnestly and lovingly after he had l^een guilty of wrong-doing, and with tears in her eyes kneel down and pray to God for his pardon and grace to make him a better boy. God wa.-^ pleased to bless her instructions and prayers to his conver- sion, and to the life work of a Christian minister. She was one of God's noble women, v/hose influence was not only exerted at home, but whose povrer for good w^as recognized wherever she was known. She was noted for her generous hospitality, her genial social nature, kindness of heart, and benevolent disposition, ever ready to make sacrilices for the good of others. vShe died at the ripe old age of ne?.rly 85 years, in the full hope of a glorious immortality. She was the mother of nine children. I. — Wilson Freeman Steen. the eldest child of Aaron F. and Mary Freeman vSteen. was born on the farm, two miles east of Winchester, Adams Countv, Ohio, May 11, 1831, and died in Xenia, Ohio, March 20, 1882, aged 51 years. 10 months and 9 days. He wa^ brought up on his father's farm, where he worked in summer and attended school in winter, "\^^^en he became of age he spent a winter in Delaware County, Indiana, where he taught school. In 1853 he returned to Adams County, Ohio, and engaged in teaching near the place of his birth. When a youth he Avas a regular attendant at church, nnd a diligent student in the Sabbath-school, an enerefetic and industrious young man. He early gave his heart to Christ and 50 BIOGRAPHY OF THF, FRKF.MAX FAMILY. united with the Mt. Leigh Presbyterian Church on profession cf faith, in 1849, maintaining ever afterwards a devout, consist- ent and useful Christian life. He was always fond of music, andj like his father and grandfather, had a natural talent for it. After a special course of study at the Musical Normal School, he became a teacher of vocal and instrumental music. He taught very many classes in Adams, Brown, and Clermont Counties, often as many of three or four upon each secular day of the week. In i860 he removed to Xenia, Ohio, where he followed his chosen profession until 1867, when he removed to Cincinnati, and in addition to his music classes he opened a store for the sale of musical instrumicnts. In 1867 he removed to Ludlow, Kentucky, just across the river, but continued his business in Cincinnati, as before. Here himself and family connected themselves with the First Presbyterian Church, of which his brother was pastor. He was elected, ordained, and installed a ruling elder m this church September 15, 1878, in which position he became an efficient officer and a very useful man. He w^as possessed of a kind heart, gentle spirit, and was interested in every good work. As leader of the music and teacher in the Sabbath-school, his labors were exceedingly profitable. In the autumn of 1882, owing to failing health, he was obliged to quit his business. He returned to Xenia, Ohio, to spend his last days, but continued very meek, patient, and imcomplaining to the very last. He died, March 20, 1883, in the sure and certain hope of a blessed inheritance, a man greatly beloved by all who icnew him. His body was laid away in Woodlawn cemetery, near Xenia. Ohio. W. Freeman Steen was married by the Rev. William Fee, in Xenia, Ohio, Decem- ber 25, 1862, to Emma Marie Stipp, a daughter of Dr. Nathan B. and Eh'za J. v'^tipp, she having been born in Bellebrook, Greene County, Ohio, October 8, 1842, and died in Cincinnati, Ohio. October 3, 1899. To them were born three children. 1. Edith Marie Steen, the eldest child and only daughter of W. Freeman and Emma M. Steen, was born in Xenia, Ohio. March 28, 1864, and was brought up in her father's family. She was married in Cincinnati. Ohio, by the Rev. Edward Anderson, September 17, 1882 (?), to Charles William Tjogart. the only child of John H. and Anna M. Bogart, he having been born in Ludlow, Kentucky, April 20, 1864. They have resided in Ludlow, Kentucky; Cincinnati, Ohio; ' Covington, Kentucky, and Hamilton, Ohio. Charles Wil- Dl^SCENDANTS Ol' MICHAEL FREEMAN. 51 liani Bogart is a fine musician, an excellent wood engraver, and a skillfn! niachujist — manufacturer of gas engines. Residence, Bufifalo, New York. To them were born six children. /. — Charles Franklin Bogart, the eldest son of C. William and Edith M. Steen Bogart, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio July 12, 1883. //. — Edwin Richard Bogart, the second son of C. William and Editii AI. Steen Bogart, was born in Ludlow, Ken- tucky, December 28, 1885. ///. — John x^lbert Bogart, tlie third son of C. William and Edith ]M. Steen IJiogart, was born in Ludlow, Kentucky, February 18, 1889. /J\-^James Helmus Bogart, the fourth son of C. William and Ed.ith 'M. Sieen Bogart. was born in Ludlow, Ken- tucky, August 26. 1891. r. — Lawrence Wilson Bogart, the fifth son of C. William and Edith M. Sleen Bogart. was born in Covington, Iven- tuckv, February 2, 1894. J 'I. — Marine Dewey Bogart, the fifth son of C. William and Edith ^1. Steen Bogart. was born in Hamilton, Ohio, January 30, 1898 2. Earnest Linden Steen, tiie second child and elder son of W. Freeman and Emma M. Steen, was born in Xenia. Ohio, November 2, 1865. He resided with his parents until his father s deatli, and 'ifterwards in Cincinnati, Ohio. Lie died in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 8, 1894, aged 28 years. 8 months and 6 days. 3. Clarence Freeman Steen, the third and youngest child of W. Freeman and Emma M. Steen. was born in Lu.dlow, Txen- tucky, February 23, 1879. After his father's death he resided with his mother until 1890, then spent four years with his uncle. Prof. E. Watson Steen. at Knoxville, Tennessee, attending school. In 1894 he returned to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he learned his tnide, and resided with his mother until her death. Clarence F. Steen is a bookbinder by trade. Residence. Toledo, Ohio. II. — Eli \A^atson Steen, the second son of Aaron F. and Mary Freeman Steen, w^as born at the home of his parents, on Brush Creek, near the mouth, of Elk Run, two miles east of Winches- 52 BIOGRAPHY OF THE FREF,:MAN FA^IILV. ter, Adams County, Ohio, August 6, 1833. When less than two years of age he was taken by his parents to the old Freeman farm, on Scioto Brusli Creek, two miles west of Blue Creek, and ten miles east of West Union, where his happy l^oyhood days were spent, attendmg school and assisting his father on the farm. He removed again with his parents, August 31, 1848, to the farm his father had purchased, near ]\It. Leigh, and about a mile from the place where he was born, and where he assisted his father until he became of age. He was a regu- lar attendant at the Mt. Leigh Church and Sabbath-school for many years, early gave his heart to Christ, and united with the church m 1849, ^"^1 ever afterwards maintained a consistent Christian life. He was very fond of music, and. like his brother, father, and grandfather, possessed a talent for it. After he became of age he pursued musical studies in Xormal musical schools in Russellville and Decatur, Ohio, under the direction of Prof. D. H. Baldwin. He afterwards became a proficient and popular teacher of vocal and instrumental music. Sometimes he would have charge of two or three classes in different parts of the country on each secular day of the week. He possessed a sweet voice, was a fine singer, and to some extent a composer of music. His services were eagerly sought for musical institutes, conventions, and as an instructor in Normal music classes, m which he was eminently successhil. In the summer of 1862 he enlisted in the army as a private in Company E, Ninety-first Regiment Ohio A'olunteer Infantry ; was promoted to Second Sergeant, on a few occasions acted as Captain, and was stationed principally in West A^irginia. Owing to the failure of health, he v>'as honorably discharged from the service in i86-|. In 1867 he sold his farm near Mt. Leigh and removed to Xenia. Ohio, and continued to follow h"; profession for several 3^ears. He then became a traveling agent ior the music house of D. H. Baldwhi tt Co., of Cincinnati. For several years he was in very poor health, unable to attend to business, and living at Xenia. Ohio. In May,. 1880, he lemoved to Knoxville. Tennessee, and in connection with another gentleman opened a music house under the firm name of "Steen & Marshall," but in a year or two dissolved the pn'-t- nership and continued in btisiness by himself alone. After the death of his father he was made executor of his estate. In 1887 his mother came to reside in his family, where she remained until her death, in 1895, but she spent a coiisiderable DKSCSNDANT? Ot" MICHAEL i^REEMAN. 53 part oi the time with her daughter, at Westboro, Massachusetts, and in Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof. E. Watson Steen was married by the Rev. James Dunlap, in West Union, Adams County, Ohio. October 25, 1855, to JuHa Emily Lilly Diboll, a daugh- ter of Dr. Victor AI. and Philena L. Diboll, she having been born near Sardinia, Brown County, Ohio, December 7, 1839, and died at their pleasant home, in Knoxville, Tennessee, Sep- tember 17, 1896, in the 57th year of her age. Her body was interred in the beautiful Woodlawn cemetery, near Xenia, Ohio, September 19, 1896. To them were born three children. Family residence, 19 Pearl Place, Knoxville, Tennessee. After their removal to Knoxville, Prof. E. Watson Steen, his wife, daughter, and mother all united with the Third Presbyterian Church (Southern), in which he was duly elected, ordained, and installed a ruling elder, which office he still holds. 1. Laura Alice Steen, the eldest daughter of Prof. E. Watson and JuHa E. L- Steen, Avas born at the home of her parents, on the farm near Mt. Leigh and Youngsville, Adams County, Ohio, August 18, 1856, and continued to reside with her parents there until their removal to Xenia, Ohio, in 1867, when she was about eleven years old. At Xenia she early united with the First Presbyterian Church, and maintained a consistent Christian life. Here also she obtained a good English education in the Xenia schools. Like her father, she possessed splendid musical talents, which were culti- vated to a high degree, so that she became not only an accom- plished singer, but an excellent teacher of instrumental music as well. Miss L. Allie Steen was a young lady of good social qualities and attractive manner: but. alas, her genial and useful career was soon cut off by that dread dis- ease, quick consumption, from which she died at the home of lier parents in Xenia, Ohio, June 5, 1878, in the 226. year of lier age, and in the certain hope of a blessed immortality. Her funeral took place from the Presbyterian Church, and her body was laid away to rest in the beautiful Woodlawn cemetery, near Xenia, Ohio. 2. Mary Estella Steen, the second daughter of Professor E. Watson and Julia E. L. Steen, was born at the home of her parents, on the farm near Mt. Leigh and Youngsville, Adams County, Ohio. January 13, i860. She was brought by her parents to Xenia, Ohio, in 1867, when she was a little girl seven years of age, where she was brought up and educated. 54 BIOGRAPHY OF Tllli FRlvEMAN FA^[]LV. She early united with the First Presbyterian Church in Xenia, and maintained a consistent Christian Ute. She secured a good Enghsh education in the Xenia schools, and was an interest- ing and accomplished young lady, possessing considerable literary talent. She published several interesting original stories of high merit, one of which was entitled ""Book Learning vs. Housekeeping." Mary E. Steen was married by her uncle, the Rev. Moses D. A. Steen, at the Grand Hotel, in Cincinnati, Ohio, March 16, 1880, to Earnest L. Lawrence, of Xenia, Ohio. After their marriage they resided in Xenia for about five years, where Mr. Lawrence was agent for the Xenia Powder Company. In 1885 they removed to Chicago, Illinois, where they continued till her death, March 19, 1890, at the age of 30 years, 2 months and 6 days. Her body was interred in Chicago, Illinois. To them were born two children. /. — Mildred Lawrence, the eldest child of Earnest L. and Mary E. Steen Lawrence, was born in Xenia, Ohio, June I, 1884. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. //. — Meredith Fay Lawrence, the second child of Earnest L. and Mary E. Steen Lawrence, was born in Chicago, Illi- nois, X'ovember 10, 1889. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. 3. Julia Emerine Pearl Steen, the third and youngest daughter of Prof. E. Watscn and Julia E. L. Steen, was born at the home of her parents, in Xenia, Greene County, Ohio, August 8, 1871, where she resided until 1880, when she was brought by her parents to Knoxville, Tennessee. Here she received a good English education, and became an attractive and accomplished young lady. She is possessed of fine musical talents, which, under her father's direction, have been culti- vated to a very high degree. vShe is not only a cultivated, classical, and very popular singer, but an excellent instru- mental performer in public as well. She has composed and published many pieces which are quite meritorious. She took the first prize ofifered by the Atlanta Constitution for the best musical composition, open to the musicians of several States, besides other prizes. J. E. Pearl Steen was married at Knoxville, Tennessee, December 4, 1899. to Dr. Charles A. Garratt. Residence. Knoxville, Tennessee. HI. — Samuel Martin Steen, the third son of Aaron F. and Mary Freeman Steen, was born on the old Freeman homestead, on DESCENDANTS OF MICHAEL FKICEMAN. 55 the east fork of Scioto Brush Creek, two miles above the mouth of Bhte Creek, and ten miles east of West Union, in Adams County, Ohio, July 5, 1836. Here he continued until he was twelve years of age, going to school and assisting his father as he v^as able. In 1848 he removed with the family to their new home, on his father's farm, twenty miles distant, near Mt. Leigh, Adams County, Ohio, where he continued to work on the farm in summer and go to school in winter. He was also a regular attendant at the Mt. Leigh Church and Sabbatli-school. Hav- ing secured a good common school education at Mt. Leigh, he afterwards attended the State Normal School at Lebanon. * Ohio, under the direction of Prof. E. H. Holbrook, and became a teacher. S. Martin Steen was a young man of brilliant tal- ents, a natural mathematician, delighting in difficult problems. He was also able in argument, and extremely fond of it. Often, he would present a proposition to his brother or other friend to' see which side he w^ould take, then take the opposite and use such strong arguments as to compel his opponent to admit that he was wrong. Then, taking a good hearty laugh, he vv^ould take up the other side of the question and convince him back again that he was right after all, and enjoy another hearty laugh. He had the peculiar faculty of doing this without giv- ing offense, and purely from the love of debate. He was a }'oung man of great energy and perseverance, and had his life been spared, he would probably have made his mark in the world. He taught quite successfully several terms of school, the last one being at Sandy Springs, Ohio, near the Ohio River, which closed in Jrme. 1859. While living here he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church upon profession of faith in Clirist. Here also, while engaged in teaching, he caught a very severe cold, which settled upon his lungs and developed into quick consumption. S. Martin Steen died at the resi- dence of his parents, near Mt. Leigh, Adams County. Ohio, with an assured hope of a glorious immortality, October 13. 1859, aged 23 years, 3 months, and 8 days. His body was laid away to rest in the Mt Leigh cemetery. IV. — John Truman Steen, the fourth son of Aaron E. and ]\Iary Freeman Steen, was born at the old Freeman homestead, on Scioto Brush Creek, in Jefiferson Township. x\dams County. Ohio, May 18, 1838. His earliest associations were thus con- nected with the home of his mother's parents, who came from Maryland into that locality in 1797. and v.here his mother was 56 BIOGRAPHY OF THE) FRKEMAX FAMILY. born and brought up. When a Httle child he went to school on Blue Creek, two and one-half miles away, near the mouth of which beautiful stream there was a junction of the roads leading lo Portsmouth, Rome, and West Union. There was also a post-ofhce, country store and blacksmith shop, where the local business Avas principally transacted. In 1848. when Icn years of age, he was taken by his parents to their new home on the farm his father had purchased, three miles from W'in- rJiester, on the road leading to Mt. Leigh, where he grew to manhood. In the Mt. Leigh school he secured a good com- mon English education, afterwards attended the State Normal vSchool at Lebanon, Onio, and qualified himself for a teacher, in vrhich profession he was especially successful. He was exceed- ingly fond of music, and is said to have had the finest and most natural talent foi it of any member of the family. His social (jualities were also of ?i high order, and his company was sought and enjoyed by ail his acquaintances. J. Truman Steen united with the Mt. Leigh Presbyterian Church on profession of faith in Christ, June 9, 1858, and continued to be an earnest, devoted and useful Cliristian. While engaged in teaching school at Harsha's Mills, lie caught a very severe cold, which developed nito consumption. Pie died at his father's residence, univer- sally beloved and greatly lamented. June 25, 1862, aged 24 years, i month and 7 days. His body was lovingly laid away to rest m the cemetery at ^It. Leigh, Adams County, Ohio. \'. — Moses Duncan Alexander Sceen, the fifth son of Aaron F. and Mary Freeman Steen, was born at the old Freeman home, on Scioto Brush Creek, two miles west of Blue Creek, and ten miles east of West L'nion, Ohio, April 24. 1841. His earliest recollections were of the old house in which he and also his mother were born, the orchard, the creek, rocky clilTs and cedar trees, the high bridge, the sugar camp, the old church grave- yard, and the surrounding hills. The death of his little brother in the autumn of 1844 was never efifaced from his memory. His first day at school on Blue Creek remains as a vivid picture, one brother holding each hand as they walked along until they came 10 Smalley's store, where they bought a "primer." with bright pictures, and proceeded to the school-house, where the teacher took him on her lap. The school exhibition which occurred later on, at which he recited "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," and the long Sabbath services of the Seceders, at Waite's ^lill, have never been forgotten. He was taken by his parents DESCENDANTS OF MJCIIAI-E !• lilCE-M AN . 57 LO their new home, near Alt. Leigh, August 31, 1848; was Ijap- iized in the Alt. Leigh Presbyterian Church l)y the Rev. James Dunlap. together with each of his elder brothers, (October 2, 1848. He was afterwards a regular attendant at the church, Sabbath-school, and district school, and Sabbath afternoons were devoted by his parents to the religious instruction of their children. Aloses D. A. Steen united with the Mt. Leigh Pres- l>yterian Church on profession of faith, June 8, 1858, and began a course of study in North Liberty Academy, afterwards spent three years in Salem Academy, imder Rev. Dr. James A. I. Lowes, one year in Hanover College, and completed his classi- cal course in Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, from which be graduated, receiving the degree of B.x\., June 27. 1866. He entered the United Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Xenia, Ohio, September i, 1866, where he spent one term. He afterwards attended the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the Northwest, at Chicago, Illinois, from which he graduated April I, 1869. having spent the autumn session of 1868 in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey. He was licensed to preach the Gospel in Hillsboro, Ohio, by the O. S. Presbytery, of Chillicothe, April 8, 1868, and spent the sum- mer months in preaching in Alt. Sterling and Sharpsburgh, Kentucky. Immediately after his graduation from the The- ological Seminary, in April, i86q, he took charge of the church in Worthington, near Columbus, Ohio. The next year he accepted an invitation to the church in Vevay, Indiana, and in that church was ordained to the niinistry by the Presbvtery of New Albany, September 8, 1870. In January, 1872, he accepted a call to the pastorate at Solon, near Cleveland, Ohio, ^^hich he resigned in April, 1873, to accept a call to Conneaut- ville, Pennsylvania, which church he resisfned in December, 1874, and took charge of the church at Waterford. Pennsyl- vania. In Alay. 1875. he accepted a call to Ludlow\ Kentucky, opposite Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained six years and three months. Through his patient and persistent labors a heavy and pressing mortgage debt was removed, and the church placed upon a substantial basis of prosperity. In the summer of 1877, while in charge of this church, he made an extensive journev through Europe, traveling in Ireland, Scot- land, England Holland, Belgium. Germ.any. Switzerland and Erance, and returned to his work with renewed vigor. He resigned his church at Ludlow, Kentucky, to accept an invita- 58 BIOGRAPHY OF THl; I'KEKMAX FAMILY. tion to the church at Pleasant Ridge, a suljiirb of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the next season he accepted an invitation to Davis- ville, California, and entered upon his work September i, 1882, but a few months latei returned East and supplied the churches of Troy and Edwardsville. Illinois. October i. 1883. he accepted an invitation to Tabernacle Church. Gunnison. Col- orado. The next year he went to Black Hawk. Colorado. In T885 he went to the Pacific Coast, supplied the First Church, Tacoma, Washington, a few weeks, and then the Snohomish Church. Washington, for one year, the churcli doubling its membership during that time. In July. 1886, he accepted an invitation to the church at Woodbridge, California, to begin his labors September i, 1886. where he was aftc^wirds installed pastor, and where he aill remains. ]\Ioses D. A. Steen and his ■wife have devoted their leisure hours to special courses of study together, receiving diplomas from the C. L. S. C. in T88g. and afterwards the Guild of the Seven Seals. They completed the Bible Correspondence School Course of seven vcars. and received their diplomas in 1890. In connection with his work in Woodbridge. California. Dr. Steen organized a Presbyterian churcii at Clements, fourteen miles distant, where no church ■ of any denomination had existed before, September 29. 1889, and supplied it at regular intervals for several years. With a membership of only nine persons, he was instrumental in hriild- Ing and dedicating, without debt, on this mission field, a l)eau- tiful and substantial church, edifice worth $5,000. In 1888 he was invited by the faculty to preach the annual sermon at San Joaquin \'a]ley College, and a few days later at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees thev conferred ujion him the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. In 1889 the Univer- sity of Wooster conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy upon thesis and examination. The twentv-fifth anniversary, or silver wedding, of Rev. Dr. and Airs. AT. D. A. Steen was appropriately celebrated in the church at Wood- bridge. California, under the auspices of "The King's Daugh- ters," and was a most delightful occasion. Dr. Steen has fre- quently been chosen Moderator of the Presbytery with which he v.'as connected, and since 1893 has been the Stated Clerk and Treasurer of the Presbytery of Stockton. He was chosen Commissioner to the Presbyterian General Assemblies at Aladi- son. Wisconsin, in 1880; at Omaha. Nebraska, in 1887; at Saratoga Springs, New York, in 1894. In 1895 he was chosen DESCENDANTS OF MICHAEL FREEMAN. 59 by the General Assembly at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a dele- gate to the "Council of Reformed Churches throughout the world, holding the Presbyterian system." to meet in Glasgow, Scotland, in i8g6. On this occasion he was accompanied by his wife, and after the Council they extended their journeys throughout British and Continental Europe, returning to America b}' way of the Xorthern Route, by the Coast of Lab- rador, through the Strait of Belle Isle, the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence to Quebec, and ]\Iontreal. He has traveled extensively in the L'nited States, the Provinces of Canada, and Mexico. Includmg missionarv work in the West with other journeys, he has visited every State and Territory in the Amer- ican Union except Alaska, and preached the Gospel in many of ihem — in the forest, in log cabins, in frontier settlements, in school-houses, on ri\er and ocean steamers, in village and city churches, among Indians, ^Mexicans, and all classes and con- ditions of people, rich and poor, learned and illiterate. Rev. Moses D. A. Steen v.ns luarried bv the Rev. William R. Par- sons, at the home of the bride's parents, in Worthington. near Columbus, Ohio. Jtme 22, 1870. to Mary Foster, a daughter of Archibald and Harriet Fester, formerly of Sugar Creek, A enango County, Penn«\lvania, she having been born at vSugar Creek, Pennsylvania. July 21. 1843. She united with the Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church upon profession of faith, June 8, 1858, and is an amiable, devout, and tiseftil Christian. To them was born one chihl. Residence, AA'oodbridge, California. I. Lulu Grace Steen, the only child of Rev. Moses D. A. and Mary Foster Steen. was born in Conneautville. Pennsylvania. July 4. 1873, and died in Ludlow. Kentucky, July 3. 1876 aged three years. vShe was a general favorite, a remarkablv bright and interesting child, affectionate, obedient, patient, and yet full of life and enthusiasm. She was intelligent beyond her years, and devotional to an eminent degree. On her third birthday, July 4, 1876. the centennial of American independence, her mortal remains were laid awav to rest in the beautiful \\'oodiawn cemetery, near Xenia, Ohio. \ T — Josiah James Steen. the sixth son of Aaron F. and ]\Iary Freeman Steen. was born on the old Freeman farm, on Scioto Brush Creek, two miles west of Blue Creek, in Adams County. Ohio. February 25. 1844. and died September 8, 1844. aged 8 months and 13 days. His body was laid awa}' in the Blue •6o BIOGRAPHY OF THE FRKEMAX FAMILY. Creek cemetery. "A sweet little bud taken from earth, to bloom m heaven." VII.- — Sarah Catherine Stcen, called "Kate," the seventh child and only daughter of Aaron F. and Mary Freeman Steen, was born at the home of her parents, near j\It. Leigh, and three miles east of Winchester, Adams County, Ohio, April i, 1853 She continued to reside with her parents on the farm, near Mt. Leigh and Winchester, Oliio, and attended the public school, the church and the Sabbath-school at Mt. Leigh until she was twelve years of age. when she removed with her parents to their ne\v liome at Xenia, Ohio, where she was brought up r.nd educated. S!ie graduated from the Xenia High School in 1872, and in early life united with the First Presbyterian Church of that city. Like her father and elder brothers, she possessed fine musical talents, which she delighted to cultivate and exercise, and under the instruction of skillful teachers she soon acquu'ed a cultivated voice, skill in execution, and became an accomplished teacher of vocal and instrumental music. In 1879 she taught for six months in Clarksville. Tennessee. After the death of her father, in 188 1, she and her mother moved into the heart of the city, where they lived together, and she taL'.ght music privately tD many pupils. In 1883 she accepted the position of teacher of vocal music and voice cul- ture in Atuioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, still making jier home with her mother in Xenia until after her marriage. S. Kate Steen was married by the Rev. John S. Axtell, in Xenia, Ohio, December 24, 1885, to the Rev. Elijah Alfred Coil, and January i, 1886, they removed to Yellow Springs, Ohio, talving her mother with them. The Rev. E. Alfred Coil was a son of Jesse A. and Lydia Coil, and was born Alay 2, 1858, and brought up on his father's farm, near Delphos, Allen County, Ohio. His mother died when he was a little child only five years old. He attended school in the neighborhood, and ■secured his higher education at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, where, as his m_usic teacher, he became acquainted with his future wife. He accepted a call to the pastorate of the Christian Church at Yellow Springs, Ohio, September i, 1885, and continued in charge two years. Then. Septem.ber i, 1887, he accepted a call to the First Unitarian Church in Westboro, Worcester Countv, Massachusetts, where he remained in charge four years. Then again he removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, September i, 1891, and became pastor of DESCEXDAXTS OF MICHAEL FREEMAX. 6: the Unity 'nsiiip. -Adanis County. Ohio, about three miles west of the mouth of IMue Creek, and not far from her grandfather's (.Michael Freeman) farm. June 8. 1844. and died near Rome, Adams County. Ohio. (Stont's Post-office.) March 29. 1862, aged 17 years, 9 months and 21 days. Sarah M. K. F. Free- DESCEXDAXTS OF MICHAEL FREEFAX. 67 man was born after tiie death of her father, and brought up in the family of her uncle and aunt, Aaron F. and ]^Iary Freeman Steen, three miles east of Winchester, Adams County, Ohio, and near Mt. Leigh, where she attended church, Salibath- school, and the district school. She was married at the resi- dence of her sister, Matilda Ann, near Rome. Adams County, Ohio (Stout's Post-officeJ, by Esquire Cook. Alarch 29. i860, before she was sixteen years old, to Samuel Ashbury Mont- gomery, a son of Samuel and Huldah ^lontgomery, he having been born near Rome, Stout's Post-office, Adams County, Ohio, August II, 1839. lo them v/as born one child. I. Alice Belle ]\lontgomery. the only child of Samuel Ashbury and Sarah Mariah Keziah Fear Freeman Montgomery, was born near Rome, Adams County. Ohio, (Stout's Post-ofifice,) January 13. 1861, m which localit}- she grew up to woman- hood. She united, with the Christian Union Church, in . Wamsle) , Adams County, Ohio, in 1882, and has maintained a devout Christian character. She was married by Jona- than Tracy, Jr., Esq., near Rome. Adams County. Ohio, (Stout's Post-ofihce,) August 12, 1877, to John Cedar Stout, a son of Obadiah and Jane Stout, he having been born near Rome, Adam.s County, Ohio, (Stout's Post-ofifice.) January 26, 1832, and w^as by occupation a miller and merchant. There were no children to this marriage. She was married a second time by the Rev. J. E. Bailey, in Jef¥ersonville, Fav- ette County, Ohio, June 8, 1894, to Franklin Geneva Myers, he having been born near Portsmouth, Scioto County. Ohio. May 6; 1858. Mr. Myers is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church, and by occupation a carpenter, builder, and contractor. Residence. Jeffersonville. Favette Countv, Ohio. BOOK TWO, THE DESCENDAXTS OF JOSEPH FREEMAN. Joseph Freeman was the second son of Aloses and Xancv Knight Freeman, and was born in Queen Anne County. ^larv- land. on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, about 1768; was married to Elizabeth Higgins about 1795, and removed to the X'orthwest Territory with his family and friends, in company of emigrants to the far West, in 1797, and brought up a family of live children in Adams County, Ohio. Joseph Freeman, the second son of Moses and X'ancy Knight Freeman, was born near Queenstown, on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, in Queen Anne County, Maryland, about 1768, and was brought up on his father's farm. He lived in that local- ity until he was nearly thirty years of age. He was married in Queen Anne County, Maryland, about 1795, to Elizabeth Hig- gins, who was born and brought up in the same locality. In the summer of 1797, in company with his brother Michael Freeman and family, and a goodly number of other emigrants to the far A\'est, they left the home of their childhood, bid farewell to dear friends, never expecting to see them again, and journeyed along the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, in a northeasterly direc- tion, then along the valley of the Susquehanna River, until they reached the Alleghenv Mountains, which were crossed with diffi- culty, thence down the Monongahela River to Pittsburgh. From this point they came down the Ohio River on flatboats and landed at a place near the mouth of Ohio Brush Creek, in what was then the great Northvvest Territory, thence they journeyed inland, and Joseph Freeman located on lands near the Scioto Brush Creek, east fork, in what is now Adams County, Ohio, DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EREEMAN. 69 where he continued to reside until his death. Tliis settlement was made when the Northwest Territory was indeed a very new country, less than ten years after the first permanent white set- tlement had been made in what is now the great State of Ohio. Here Joseph and Elizabeth Higgins Freeman brought up a family of five children. CHAPTER I. Nancy Freeman, the eldest child of Joseph and Elizabeth Higgins Freeman, was born in the great Northwestern Territory, about 1800, and brought up at the home of her parents, on a farm in Adams County, Ohio. She was married to Joseph Fry. To them were born three children, as follows: I. — Elizabeth Ann Fry. II. — Joseph Fry. III. — Louisa Fry. CHAPTER II. Mary Freeman, the second daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Higgins Freeman, was born on her father's farm, in Adams County, Ohio, about 1803, where she grew to womanhood. She was married to Isaac Wamsley. To them were born two chil- dren, as follows: I. — Matilda Wamsley. II. — Elizabeth Wamslev. yo BIOGRAPHV OF THE FRKEMAN FAMILY. CHAPTER III. William Freeman, the third child and eldest son of Joseph and Elizabeth Higgins Freeman, was born in Adams County, Ohio, about 1805, and brought up on his father's farm. He was a farmer, and lived near the west fork of vScioto Brush Creek, not far from the old Ohio Brush Creek iron furnace. He was mar- ried to Tamar Beach, and brought up his family on the old farm. To them were born five children, as follows: I. — Joseph Freeman, who married and brought up a family. II. — Elias Freeman, who married and brought up a family. III. — Sarah Ann Freeman, who was married and brought up a family. IV. — Elizabeth Freeman, who was married and brought up a family. V. — Stephen Freeman, who married and brought up a family. CHAPTER IV. Milby Freeman, the fourth child and second son of Joseph and Elizabeth Higgins Freeman, was born in Adams County, Ohio. June 24, 1808, and died at his own home, on a farm adjoin- ing that of his father's old hom.e. March 25, 1864, in the S4th year of his a.ge. He was a farmer, and brought up his family in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Milby Freeman was married in Adams County, Ohio, May 31, 1827, to Elizabeth McCormick, a daughter of Jam.es and Hannah McCormick. she having been born October 31, 1809. To them Vv-ere born four children, as follows : I. — Sarah Jane Freeman, the eldest child of ]\Iilby and Elizabeth McCormick Freeman, was born in Adams County, Ohio, Sep- tember 16, 1828, and brought up on her father's farm, and died de;sce;xdants of joseph freemax. 71 lulv 2^, 1869, in the 41st year of !ier age. She was married at the home of her parents by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, June 13, 1849, to William AlcCall, he having been born in Scioto County, Ohio, July 6, 1819, and died October 14, 1891, in the 73d year of his age. To them were born ten children, as fol- lows : 1. Elizabeth AHce ^IcCall, the eldest child of William and Sarah Jane Freeman ^NlcCall, was born in Adams County, Ohio, June 7, 1850. She was married by the Rev. Jesse Wamsley, September 9, 1875, to Allen Trimble Freeland. Residence, Mineral Springs, Ohio. 2. Ann ]^Iedora AlcCall, the second daughter of William and Sarah Jane Freeman McCall, was born in Adams County, Ohio, May 16, 1852, and died May 11, 1879, in the 27th year of her age. 3. Delila Jane McCall, the third daughter of William and Sarah Jane Freeman McCall, was born in Adams County, Ohio, December 20. 1853. She was married by Sumner Jones, Esq., about 1893, to Joseph McDowell Reynolds, formerly a farmer living near Peebles, Ohio, and whose first wife was Sarah Emeline Freeman, a daughter of ]\Ioses and Mar- garet McCormick Freeman, of Otway. Ohio. Joseph ]\I. Reynolds was a son of Oliver and Zylpha Reynolds, and was born in Brown County, ( jhio, July 14, 1842. Residence, Otway, Scioto County, C)hio. 4. W^illiam Franklin McCall, the fourth child and elder son of William and Sarah Jane Freeman McCall. was born in Adams County, Ohio, April 9. 1856. He was married by the ■Rev. Jesse Wamsley, April 28, 1875, to Harriet Elizabeth Suttle. Residence, Cedar ^^lills, Adams County. Ohio. 5. Mary Amanda McCall, the fifth child and fourth daughter of William and Sarah Jane Freeman McCall, was born in Adams County, Ohio. August 15, 1858. She was married. June 14, 1882. to James Alonroe Bennington. Residence, Cedar Mills, Adams County, Ohio. 6. James Uriah McCall, the sixth child and second son of Wil- liam and Sarah Jane Freeman ]\IcCall, was born in Adams Countv. Ohio. Februa'"v 2H, i860. He was married. Decem- 72 BIOGRAPHY OF THE FRF.EMAX FAMILY. ber 23, 1887, to Anna Patterson. Residence. Russell. Ken- tucky. 7. Sarah Ella AfcCall, the seventh child and fifth daughter of \\'illiam and Sarah Jane Freeman McCall. was born in Adams County, Ohio, January 18. 1862. She was married, January 22. 1882, to Christian Henry R\an. Residence, Mound City. Missouri. 8. Louisa Addic McCall. the eighth child and sixth daughter of William and Sarah Jane Freeman McCall, was born in Adams County, Ohio, February 13, 1864. Residence, Cedar IMiliS, Adams County, Ohio. 9. Emma Isabel McCall. the ninth child and seventh daughter of William and Sarah Jane Freeman McCall. was born in Adams County, Ohio, January 15, 1866. and died August 6, 1867. in the second year of ner age. 10. Laura Maria McCall. the tenth child and eighth daughter of William and Sarah Jane Freeman McCall. was born in Adams County, Ohio. February 13, 1868. and died March 24, 1869, aged I year, i month and ti days. IL — Xancy Ann PVeeman, the second daughter of ]\Iilby and Elizabeth McCormick Freeman, was born in Adams County, Ohio, December 15, 1831, and brought up on her father's farm. She was married and brought up a family. HI. — William H. Freeman, the third cliild and elder son of ]vlilby and Elizabeth McCormick Freeman, was born in Adams County, Ohio, November 27. 1833. and brought up on his father's farm. He was married, and brought up a family. Residence, Cedar Alills. Adams County, Ohio. IV. — Joseph James Freeman, the fourth child and second son of Milby and Elizabeth McCormick Freeman, was born in Adams County, Ohio, November 20, 1841, and was brought up on his father's farm. He 1? by occupation a farn.ier, and lives near the old home of his parents. He w-as married, and brought up a familv. Residence, Cedar Mills. Adams County. Ohio. DESCliN'DAXTS OF JOSEPH FREEMAN. 73 CHAPTER V. Sarah Freeman, the fifth and youngest child, the third daugh- ter of Joseph and Ehzabeth Higgins Freeman, was born upon her father's farm in Adams County, Ohio, about 1811, where she grew to womanhood. She was married, first, to a Mr. Jones, who died without children. She was married a second time to a Mr. Purnell, by whom she had one child. I. — A son of and Sarah Freeman Purnell, was born in Adams County, Ohio. GENERAL INDEX, AUfii. Ora Maud Blair One, V.1..3. Allen. Irving One. Alls])a^-, Jemima A. Jones One, V.4.1. Allsjiaw. John M One. All spa w. Blanche One, V. 4.1.1. AUspaw, Charles F One, V.4.1.2. AUspaw, Cecil One, V.4.1.3. Allspaw, Harry One, V.4.1.4. Anderson, Huldah Freeman One. II. Anderson, Georsre One. Anderson, Elizal)eth One, II.l. Anderson. D.vcie One, II.2. Anderson, Sarah One, II. 3. Anderson, Nathaniel One, II. 4. Auder.son, Catherine One, II. o. Anderson, Paulina One, II. 6. Anderson, George F One, II. 7. Bennington, Mary A. McCall. . .Two, IV.1.5. Bennington. James M Two. Blair, Sarah Freeman One. V.l. Blair. AV. Alexander One. Bogart, Edith M. Steen One, VIII. 1.1. Boaart, C. William One. Bogart. Charles F One, VIII. 1.1.1. Bogart, Edwin R One, VIII. 1.1.2. Bogart. John A One, VIII.1.1.3. Bogart, James H One, VIII. 1.1.4. Bogart, Lawrence W One, VIII. 1.1.5. Bogart, Marine D One, VIII.1.1.6. Coil, S. Kate Steen One, VIII.7. Coil, E. Alfred One. Coil, Emery W One. VIII. 7.1. Coil, Harold One, VIII. 7.2. Coil, Aifreda One, Vni.7.3. Coil. Marion One, VIII. 7.4. Covert, Josephine Warasley. . . .One, IV.9.1. Covert, Arthur N : One. Covert, Arthur C One. IV.9.1.1. Covert, Estella L One, IV.9.1.2. Covert. Izora V One. IV.9.1.3. Cox, Matilda A. Freeman One, IX. 1. Cox, Allen T One. Cox, Albert C One, IX.1.1. Cox, Charles M .♦ One, IX.1.6. Cox, Elizabeth Newman One. Cox, Willis F One, IX.1.7. Cox, John S One, IX.l.S. Cox, Andrew S One. IX.1.9. Cox, Alfred N One, IX.1.10. Davis, Laura B. Freeman One, IV.4.8. Davis. Hugh G One. Davis, Margaret A. Freeman. .One, IV. 4. 10. Davis, John II One. Davis, .Minnie E. Wykoff One, IV. 9.2. Davis, James U One. Davis. Dora E One. IV. 9.2.1. Davis. Ijlith I One, IV.n.2.2. Eodge, Mary J. Freeman One, IX. 3. Fodge, Harvey One. Franz, Elizabeth A. Cox One, IX.1.5. Franz, George L One. Franz, Maud » )ne, IX. 1.5.1. Franz. Minnie J One, IX. 1.5.2. Franz, Elsie M One, IX. 1.5.3. Franz, William R One, IX. 1.5.4. Franz, Ida F One, IX.1..5.5. Freeland, Elizabeth A. McCall. Two, IV.1.1. Freeland. Alien T Two. Freeman, Moses. Freeman, Nancy Knight. Freeman. Nancy. Freeman. .John. Freeman, Michael One. Freeman, Elizabeth Duncan One. Freeman, Nancy Knight One, I. Freeman, Isme One. IV. Freeman, Susannah Oppy One. Freeman, Martha Blair Thompson One. Freeman, Elizabeth One, I V.l. Freeman, Michael One, IV. 2. Freeman, Amanda Thompson One. Freeman, Sarah Johnson Newland One. Freeman. Washington One. IV. 2. 2. Freeman, George P One, IV. 2.3. Freeman, :>[ai-y Ann One, IV. 2. 4. Freeman, James R One, IV.2.5. Freeman, Elizabeth A. Thompson One. Freeman, Alpheus E One, IV.2.5. 1. Freeman, Vernon E One. IV. 2. 5. 2. Freeman. Ivy E One, I V.2.5.3. Freeman. ^Michael E One, IV. 2.5. 4. Freeman, John C One, IV.2.5. 5. Freeman, W. Buchanan One. IV.2.5. 6. Freeman, Charles L One, IV. 2. 5. 7. Freeman, Ida Windle One. Freeman, Isme W One, IV.2.7. Freeman, Buchanan One. IV. 2. 8. Freeman, Julia One. IV. 2.9. Freeman. Charles S One. IV.2.10. Freeman. Marv D. Stiers One. Freeman, Clovis C One, IV.2.10.2. Freeman, Williaiu A One, IV.2.11. Freeman, Dora Steward One. Freeman, David One. IV. 3. Freeman, Martha Caroway One. Freeman, Emily Hazelbaker One. Freeman, Jolin One, IV. 3.1. Freeman. Elizabeth M. Tracy One. I'reeman. Loviiiia i . . .One, IV. 3. 1.1. Freeman. Henry F One, IV. 3.2. Freeman. T. Fletclier One. IV. 3. 3. l''reeni.in. Julia A. Windlo One. FrecuKUi. Ida L One. IV.3.3.1. Freeman. Leslie A OiU'. IV.3.3.2. Freeman. Clovd Om(\ TV..3.3.3. Fr«'eman. Sophia A ( tne. IV. 3.3.4. Freeman. Marv J i >ii,.. 1 V.3.3..5. GKXKRAL INDEX. 75 Frceinaii. Xoi-a i: One. I V.S.S.d. FrtH'iiiaii. Wiiliaiu One, IV. 4. Kreenian. Marjraret Thompson One. Freeman. I. Taylor One, IV.4.1. Kreeuiaii. Liu-inda Brown One. Freeman. Ceorgo T One, IV. 4. 2. Freeman, lolm .T <»ne, IV.4.3. Freeman. Martha A. McCan One. Freeman. Samuel O One. IV. 4. 4. Freeman. .lesse E One, IV.4..">. Freeman, Charles ( )ue, IV. 4. 7. Freeman, ^larv V. James One. Freeman, William F One, IV. 4. 9. Freeman. Kdward S One, IV. 4. 11. Freeman. Cornelia Potter One. Freeman, .Joseph < >ne. I V.4.1"-*. Fn-eman. Sabriua E • »ne. IV. 4. 13. Freeman. .1. Purnell One, I V.(>. I'^reeman. Elizabeth A. Jones One. l-'reeiuan. Andrew B One, IV.fi.l. Freeman. Franklin P One. IV.G.2. Freem.in. Thomas B One, IV.G.H. Freeman. <'lement I>. V One, IV. 6. (i. l-'reeman, Eeonora I.iston One. Freeman, Clarence I One. IV. 6.6.1. Freeman, Homer One. IV. 6.6. 2. Freeman, Harry T One. IV.6.6..3. Freeman, Crittenden One, IV. 6.7. Freeman, Donie X. S One, IV.6.S. Freeman. Martha J One, IV.6.9. Freeman, James F One, IV. 7. Freeman. Sabrina K. Hazelbaker One. Freeman, Minnie !> One. TV. 7.1. Freeman, Anna J One. IV. 7.2. Freeman. Mary C One. IV. 8. Freeman. Joseph O One, IV. 10. Freeman, Moses E One. IV. 12. Freenmn, Isaac B One, IV.13. Freeman. Mary A One. IV.14. Freeman. Isaac One, V. Freeman, Jemima ^Moon^ One. Freeman, John One, V.2. Freeman, Mary J. Wier One. Freeman, James B One, V.2.1. Freeman, Thomas J One, V.2.3. Freeman, Birdella MeCalni One. Freeman, Oran ( »ne. V.2.3.1. Freenaan, AVilliam one. V.7. Freeman, Nancy C. Munsy One, Freeman, Laura B ( )ne, V.7.1. Freeman, Chariest S One. V.7.2. Freeman. Dottle D One. V.7.3. Freenijin. James L One, V.8. Freeman, Mary F. \\'allin:r One. Freeman. Carl V One. V.S.I. Freeman. Susan One, V.8.2. Freeman. Mark H One. V.8.3. Freenum, Joseph E One. V.8.4. Freeman, Nellie E One. V.8..5. Freeman, James One. VI. Freeman. Ann i'rather On?. Freeman. Geors'e M One. VI. 1. Freeman. Levi One. VI. 2. Freeman. Narcissus Smalley One. Freeman. Volney W One. VI.2.1. Freeman, Anna C. Ham One. Freeman, John I' One. VI. 3. Freeman. Belle Elliott One. Freeman. "\V. Shannon One, VI. 4. Freeman. Rebecca A. Bradley One. Freeman, Moses One. VII. Freeman. Margaret McCormick One. Freeman. James G One. VII.2. Ereem.an, Millie i:. Tr.icv One. Freeman. Muses E ' ( >ne. VII.2.1. Freeman. James N One. VII. 2. 2. Freeman. Harriet E. Dear One Freeman, l-^dwin J On<«. VII. 2.3. Freeman. William M One. VII.2.4. Freeman, Jennie Humble One. Freeman, Joseph A One. VII. 2. .5. Freeman, Charles One. IX. Freeman, Keziah (Jsman One. Freeman, John J ( )ne, IX. 2. Freeman, Marj' M. Scudder One. Freeman, Charles H One. IX. 2.1. Freeman, John AV One, IX. 2.2. Freeman, Ettie J. Hardister One. Freeman. Ida J. Shirley One. Freeman. Albert K one, IX. 2.2,1. Freeman, Mabel B One, IX, 2,2.2. Freeman. Joseph Two. I'T'eeman, Elizabeth Iliugins Two. Freeman, AVilliam Two. III. Freeman, Tamar Beach Two. Freeman. Joseph Two. III.l. Freeman. Elias Two, III.2. Freeman. Sai'ah A Two, III. 3. I-'reeman. Elizabeth Two. 1 1 1.4. Freeman. Stephen Twn. III,."), Freeman, Alilby Two, IV, Freeman, Elizabeth MeCormiik Two, Freem.in. Xancy A Two. IV. 2. Freeman. AVilliam Two. IV. 3. Freeman, J. James Two. IV. 4. Freem.in. Sarah Two, lY.T,. Fr.v, Xancy Freeman Two. I, Fry. Joseph . , , Two. Fr'v, Elizabeth Two, I.l. Frv. Joseph Two, 1.2. Fry. Louisa Two, 1.3. Oarrntt. J. E. Pearl Steen, .One, A'lII. 2,2,3. (JarraU, Charles A One. Harri>;. Alinnie J. Cox (^ne. IX. 1.11. Harris. John C ( )ne. Harris. Elsie J One. IX. 1.11.1. Hoover, Mary J. Freeman One. V,3, Hoover, Andrew P One. Hoover, Eli P One, V.3.1. Hoo\er, Dora Shick One. Hoover, John E One, V.3.2. Hoover, Alice J. Cook One. Hoover, Jemima A One. V.3.3. Hoover. Cassius 1/ One. Y.S.-i. Hoover. Evelyn Sayers One. Hoover. Olive A One, V.3..5. Hoover. Wilbur F One, V.3.6. Hoover. Flora Helva One. Hoover, Lulu D One. A'. 3.7. Hoover. Emil.v P. Freeman -""ne. V.,". Hoover. David One. Hoover, Charles S One, A'. .5.1. Jones, Dora S. AA'amsley One. IV. 5. 9. Jones. John A One. Jones. Alary E. AVamsley One. IV.9.4. Jones. AVilliam H One. Jones. Flossie P One. IA'.9.4.1. Jones. Louisa Freeman One. A^.4. Jones. James W One. Jones. William J One. A',4,2. Jones, James L, F f)ne. A', 4, 2, 6. Jones, John A One, A^4,2.7. Jones. Xora Mather. One. 76 BIOGRAPHY OF THK FRli^MAN FAMILY. Jones, Mary E One, V.4.2.8. Jones, Margaret M ( )ne, V. 4.2.9. Jones. Elizabeth H. Freeman. .. .One, VII. 3. Jones, Thomas H. B One. Jones, Emma E One. VII. 3.1. Jones, James M One, VII. 3.2. Jones, Martha A. Liston One. Jones, Thomas C One, VII. 3.4. Jones, Edwin AV One. VII. 3. 5. Jones. Alva B One, VII.3.G. Lawrence, Mary E. Steen. . . .One, VIII.2.2. Lawrence, Ernest L One. Lawrence, Mildred One, VIII. 2.2.1. Lawrence, Meredith Fay ... .One. VIII. 2.2.2. Layton, Icie P. Freeman (^ne, IV.7.3. Layton, Samuel One. Layton, Denver F One, IV.7.3.1. Lewis, Elizabeth A. Freeman One, V.6. Lewis, Levi D One. Lewis, Nellie One. V.6.1. Lewis, John F One, V.6.2. McCall, Sarah J. Freeman Two, IV.l. McCall, William Two. McCall, Ann M Two, IV.l. 2. McCiill, William F Two, IV.1.4. McCall, Harriet B. Suttle Two. McCall, James U Two, IV.L6. McCali. Anna Patterson Two. McCall, Lonisa A Two, IV.1.8. McCall, Emma I Two, IV.1.9. McCall, Louisa M Two, IV.1.0. McCormick, Emma A. Wamsley.One, IV. .5. 4. McCormick, George D One. McCormick. Edgar E One, IV. 5.4.1. McCormick, James O One. McCormick, Catherine B. Freeman One, IV.7.4. McFarland, Artemis Freeman. .One, IV.6.4. McFarland, Isaac D One. McFarland, Robert M One, IV.6.4. 1. McGovuev, Maria K. Cox One, IX.1..S. McGovney, Scott H One. McGovney. Alexander H One. IX. 1.3.1. McGovney, Albertine One, IX. 1.3. 2. McGovney, Annie One, IX. 1.3.3. McGovney, William S One, IX. 1.3. 4. McGoMiey, Mary A One, IX. 1.3. .5. Mason, Samantha A. Cox One, IX. 1.2. Mason, Christopher C One. Mason, Sarah A One, IX. 1.2.1. Mason, F:iza E One, IX. 1.2.2. Mason. Maggie M One, IX.1.2.S. Mason. James A One, IX. 1.2.4. Mason, Mattie M One, IX. 1.2.5. Mason, Charles W One, IX. 1.2.6. Mason, Wheeler L One, IX. 1.2. 7. Mason, Chester O One, IX. 1.2.0 Alason, Martha M. Cox One. IX. 1.4. Mason. James W One. Mason, Everett W One, IX. 1.4.1. Mason, Elva M One. IX. 1.4.2. Mason, Esta F One, IX. 1.4. 3. Mason, Arthur C One, tX.T.4.4. Mason, Katie A One, IX. 1.4.".. Mason, Charles W One. IX. 1.4. 6. Mason, Allen C One, IX. 1.4.7. Miller, Cora A. Freeman One, IV.6.10. Miller, Jolin One. ;Miller, Charles C One, TV. 6.10.1. .Miller. Obada One, IV. 6.10.2. M((nlg()mery, Samuel A One. Montgomery, Sarah M. K. F. Freeman. One, IX. 4. Myers, Alice B. Montgomery Stout One. IX. 4.1. Myers, Franklin G One. Xe Ne Xe Xe: Xe; Xe Ne Ne: Xc Xe; iiry, iiry, iiry, >ry, :try, ;iry, i^i'y, ;iry, Iiry, :\ry, Elizabeth J. Wamsley . ..One, IV.5.3. AVilliam L One. Samuel T One, I V.5.,3.1. Floyd E One. IV.5.3.2. Melvin O One, IV.5.3.3. May P One, IV.5.3.4. Essie B One, IV.5.3.5. Lay C One, IV. 5.3.6. Ann L One. IV.5.3. 7. Harley P One, IV.5.3.8. I'urnel .Two, IV.5.1. Kalstou, Sarah S. Freeman One, IV. 6. 5. Ralston, Wesley One. lialston, Martha J One. IV.H.5.1. Reynolds, S. Emeline Freeman .. One, VII. 4. Reynolds, Joseph M One. Reynolds, Oscar F One, VI 1.4.1. Reynolds, Jesse T One, Vn.4.2. Revnolds, Maud One. Vll.4.3. Reynolds, Delilah J. McCall Two. IV. 1.3. Reynolds, Joseph M Two. Ryan, Sarah E. McCall Two, IV. 1.7. R.van, Christian H Two. Ryne, Florence Wamsley One, IV. 5. 5. Ry ne, George One. Steen, Mary Freeman (")ne. VIII. Steen, Aaron F ( )ne. Steen, W. Freeman One, VIII. 1. Steen, Emma M. Stipp One. Sleen, Ernest Linden One, VIII. 1.2. Steen, Clarence F One, VIII. 1.3. Steen, B. Watson One, VIII. 2. Steen, Julia E. L. Diboll One. Steen, Laura Alice One. VIII. 2.1. Steen, S. Martin One, VIII. 3. Steen, J. Truman One. VIII. 4. Steen, Moses D. A One. VIII. 5. Steen, ]Mary Foster ( )ne. Steen. Lu!u Grace One. A'lll.5.1. Steen, Josiah James ( inc. VIII. 6. Steen, Isaac Birt One, VI U.S. Steen, William Wirt One. VIII. 9. Storer, Paulina J. Freeman (»ne, V.2.2. Stiirer. Fernando C One. Storer. Elizabeth B ( tne, V. 2.2.1. Storer, Jessie I' ( )ne, V. 2.2.2. Stout, John Cedar One. Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Tlnnnpson, Tlionipson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Tlionipson, Thomi)son, 'IMiompson, Thompson. Tliompson, Thompson, Thompson Susannah Freeman.. One, IV. 2.1. John H One. Minnie E One. IV. 2.1. 2. Laura B One. IV. 2.1. 3. Elizabeth M One, IV. 2. 1.4. Freeman r)ne. Charles H One. James A <^ne. Rosa M One. Cora M One. I V.2.1.9. Margaret J. Freeman One. IV.2.G. William J One. Michael A One. IV. 2.6.1. Ida M One, IV. 2.6.2. John D (»ae. IV. 2.6.3. IV.2.1.5. IV.2.1.6. IV. 2.1.7. IV. 2. 1.8. GENERAL INDEX. 77 Thompson, Charles C One, IV.2.6.4. Thompson. Cora A One, IV. 2. 6. 5. Thompson, Enza Ethel One, IV.2.6.6. Thompson, Zola Jane One, IV.2.6.7. Thompson, Harlev K One, IV.2.6.8. Thompson. Clara I One, IV.2.6.9. Thompson, Jesse E One, IV.2.6.10. Thompson, Dollie O One, IV.2.fi.ll. Thompson. William E One. IV.2.6.12. Thorp, Inez Thompson One, IV. 2.2. Thorp, Georire F One. Thorp, Ray L One, IV. 2.2.1. Thorp, Harry One. I V.2.2.2. Thorp, Wilbur One. IV.2.2.3. Trac.y, Mary J. Freeman One, VII. 1. Tracy, Joseph ^^' One. Tracy, Elizabeth M One. VII. 1.1. Tracy, Emma A One. VII. 1.2. Tracy, Jane F One. VII. 1.3. Tracy, Moses AV One. VII. 1.4. AValters, Austie E. Blair One. V.1.2. Walters, James L One. Wamsley, Mary J. Freeman. . .One, IV. 4. 6. Wamsiey, Jasper One. Wamsley, Carey One. IV. 4.6.1. Wamsley, Clara B One, IV.4.6.2. Wamsley, Elizabeth A. Freeman. .One, IV. .3. Wam.?iey , Samuel B One. Wamsley, William F One, IV..).l. Wamsley, Mary F. MeCormick One. Wamsley, Clement L One. IV..3.1.1. AVamsley, Charles S One. IV..3.1.2. Wamsley, Damaris O ( )ue. IV. .5.2. Wamsley, James F < )n('. I V..5.fi. Wamsley. Georae M ( )n('. IV. .5.7. Wamsley, Electa Ellen One. IV..5.8. Wamsley, Allen M One. Wamsley, Ocie Alice One, IV. 5. 8.1. Wamsley, Harley R One, IV. .5. 10. Wamsley, Nancy J. Freeman One, IV. 9. Wamsley, Moses One. Wamsley, James M One, IV. 9.2. Wamsley. Mary J. Montgomeiy One. AVtHusley. Pansy E One, IV. 9.2.1. AVamsley. Ruth One, IV.9.2.2. Wamsley, Andrew C One, IV. 9.3. Wamsley, Samuel K One. IV.9..5. Wamsley. Dora Montgomery One. AVamsley, Clyde O One, IV.9..5.1. Wamsley. Alton C One. IV.9.(i. Wamsley, Chalmer.s W One. IV. 9. 7. Wamsley, Mary Freeman Two. II. Wamsley. Isaac Twn. Wamsley. Matilda Twd. II. 1. Wamsiey. Elizabeth Two. II. 2. Williams. Fannie Freeman One, III. Williams, Isaac One. Williams, Nancy One. III.l. Williams, Elizabeth One. III. 2. Williams. Jesse One, III. 3. WykollV S. Ellen Freeman One. IV.ll. Wykoff. George M ( )ne. Wykoff. James M One. IV. 11.1. AA'.ykoff. Ann K. Newman ()i\ ■. AVykoir. .Alinnie M One. n'.ll.l.l. Atykoff . John W One. I AM 1 ..;. AA'ykoil". William .\ One, IAM1.4. Vouni:. Dora E. Blair r)ne. A'. 1.1. Young. Zechariah ( ine. Yonug. Theodore Oyid One. \M.1.1. Y'ouiig. Rilph Biair O'm". V.l 1.2. Young, Mary Eye (^nc \'.1.1.3. ^m^ • • '^, V ... . . ''uv; v>r'r'i'/ r v( i ^ it, * (■ . .'V'^^