rur-F CyfrtTP .PHRASES. WITH TUNES FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. Q. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY */6fS <3J0J«W«$£ THE PSALTEBu*£ A REVISED EDITION OF THE SCOTTISH METRICAL VERSION OF THE PSALMS WITH ADDITIONAL PSALM-VERSIONS: WITH ACCOMPANYING TUNES, THE HARMONIES REVISED BY SIR EOBERT PRESCOTT STEWART, Mus.D., PROFESSOR OF MUSIC IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN- PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN IRELAND. BLACKIE & SON: 89 TALBOT STREET, DUBLIN, AND DONEGAL STREET, BELFAST. 1880. PREFACE. In this Psalter the Scottish Metrical Version of the Psalms has been revised. The time, it was believed, had come for attempting to remove the blemishes which mar to some extent that admirable version. As it is now more than two hundred years old, several of its words and phrases, and not a few of its grammatical forms, have become antiquated ; while, through the progress of Hebrew scholarship, and the labours of critical expositors, some of its renderings have been shown to be inaccurate. In the present work an attempt has been made to remove these blemishes, by emendations of those portions where there are erroneous renderings, errors of syntax, faulty rhymes, obsolete words, or want of correspondence between the rhythm of sense and the rhythm of sound. "While the Old Version, out of regard for the place which it has in the memory and affections •■ >f the people, has been very tenderly dealt with, it is hoped that something has been done to make it a more faithful conveyance of the original, and a more suitable vehicle of the Church's praise. The additional Psalm-Versions give a little more variety of metre than is to be found in the Scottish Version. Great care has been bestowed upon the Music, both in its selection and its preparation. The Tunes, it is believed, will be found good, simple, melodious, sacred in style and associa- tion, and suitable for congregational use. It is a sufficient guarantee of the excellence of the harmonies that they have been carefully revised by so eminent a musician as Sir Kobert Prescott Stewart. In addition to the Tunes strictly so called, a number of Chants have been introduced. These will enable congregations to sing many of the Psalms entire, instead of in small portions, and therefore with a fuller understanding of their meaning, and a deeper sense of their impressiveness and beauty. As it is generally admitted to be a matter of great importance that the words and music of the Psalms should be wedded to one another, and the same words always sung to the same tune, a suitable tune has been attached to each Psalm, or, in a few instances, to each portion of a Psalm. But to meet the views of those who are not convinced of the desirableness of this plan, or whose musical attainments would not enable them to take advantage of it, an edition with a cut page has been issued, by means of which it will be possible to use any tune that may be deemed appropriate with the psalm H|_» lic.'dfid, .Mi I waited for the Lord my God, 40 Psalm In Judah God is known, his name, ... 76 In gods' assembly God doth judge, ... 82 I mercy will and judgment sing, ... 101 I love the Lord, because my voice, . . . 116 I in my strait cried to the Lord, . . . 120 I to the hills will lift mine eyes, . . . 121 I joyed when to the house of God, ... 122 I with my voice cried to the Lord, . . . 142 I'll thee extol, my God, O king, . . . 145 Jehovah hear thee in the day, 20 Jehovah, in thy strength the king, ... 21 Judge me, O Lord, for I have walked, 26 Jehovah is my light, ... ... ... 27 Jehovah is enthroned as king, ... ... 99 Jehovah said unto my Lord, 110 Keep not, O God, we thee entreat, ... 83 Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not, ... 6 Lord, thee I'll praise with all my heart, 9 Lord, keep me, for I trust in thee, ... 16 Lord, hear the right, regard my cry, ... 17 Lord, I will thee extol, for thou, ... 30 Lord, I will thee extol, 30 Lord, hear my voice, my prayer attend, 61 Lord, thee my God, I'll early seek, ... 63 Lord, bless and pity us, 67 Let God arise, and scattered, ... ... 68 Lord, thine heart in love hath yearned, 85 Lord God, my Saviour, day and night, 88 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place, 90 Lord, thou hast been a dwelling-place, 90 Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry, 102 Lord, from the depths to thee I cried, 130 Lord, thou hast search'd me, and hast known, ... ... ... ... 139 Lord, from the ill and froward man, ... 140 Lord, hear my prayer, regard my cries, 143 My God, my God, wherefore is it, ... 22 My heart brings forth a goodly thing, 45 My heart inditing is, 45 My God, deliver me from those, ... 59 My soul with expectation doth, ... 62 Make haste, O God, me to preserve, ... 70 My voice I will lift up to God, ... 77 My soul, praise the Lord, 104 My heart is fixed, O God; 111 sing, ... 108 My heart not haughty is, O Lord, ... 131 Not unto us, Lord, not to us, 115 Not ours the glory make, 115 Now Israel may say, ... ... ... 124 O Lord, how are my foes increas'd ! ... 3 O Lord my God, in thee do I, 7 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent, ... 8 O blessed is the man to whom, 32 XVI TABLES. Psalm O God, we with our ears have heard, ... 44 O God, thou hast rejected us, 60 O God, give ear unto my cry, ... ... 61 O God, be merciful to us, ... ... 67 O God, to save me haste, 70 O Lord, my hope and confidence, ... 71 O Lord, thy judgments give the king, 72 O God, why hast thou cast us off? ... 74 O God, why hast thou cast us off? ... 74 O God, into thy heritage, 79 O Lord, do thou bow down thine ear, ... 86 O Lord, the God to whom alone, ... 94 O come, and let us to the Lord, ... 95 O come, let us sing to the Lord, ... 95 O sing a new song to the Lord, 96 O sing a new song to the Lord, 98 O all ye lands, unto the Lord, ... ... 100 O Lord, unto my prayer give ear, . . . 102 O thou my soul, bless God the Lord, . . . 103 O thou the God of all my praise, . . . 109 O all ye nations of the earth, ... ... 117 O praise the Lord, for he is good, . . . 118 O thou that dwellest in the heavens, 123 Oft did they vex me from my youth, . . . 129 O Lord, thou hast me searched and known, ... ... ... ... 139 O Lord, I unto thee do cry, ... ... 141 O Lord, my prayer hear, 143 O blessed ever be the Lord, ... ... 144 O Lord, thou art my God and King, . . . 145 O praise ye the Lord ! 149 Plead, Lord, with those that plead; and fight, 35 Praise waits for thee in Zion, Lord, ... 65 Praise ye the Lord, for he is good, . . . 107 Praise ye the Lord : with my •whole heart, Ill Praise ye the Lord. The man is blessed, 112 Praise ye the Lord : who serve the Lord, 113 Praise ye the Lord, the Lord's name praise, 135 Praise God, for he is kind, ... ... 136 Praise ye the Lord : him praise, my soul, 146 Praise ye the Lord ; for it is good, . . . 147 Praise God ! 'tis good and pleasant, . . . 147 Praise ye the Lord. From heavens him praise, 148 Psalm Praise ye the Lord : unto him sing, . . . 149 Praise ye the Lord. God's praise within, 150 Save me, O God, by thy great name, ... 54 Show mercy, Lord, to me, for man, ... 56 Save me, O God, because the floods, ... 69 Sing loud to God our strength ; with joy, 81 Sing a new song to Jehovah, ... ... 98 That man hath perfect blessedness, ... 1 That there is not a God, the fool, ... 14 Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength, 18 The heavens God's glory do declare, ... 19 The lofty heavens proclaim, ... ... 19 The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want, 23 The earth belongs unto the Lord, ... 24 To thee I lift my soul, 25 To thee I lift my soul, O Lord, ... ... 25 The Lord's my light and saving health, 27 To thee I'll cry, O Lord, my rock, ... 28 To thee, Jehovah, will I cry, 28 The wicked man's transgression speaks, 36 The mighty God, the Lord, 50 The mighty God, the Lord, doth speak, 50 That there is not a God, the fool, ... 53 Thy mercy, Lord, to me extend, ... 57 To thee, O God, do we give thanks, ... 75 Thou hast been favourable, Lord, ... 85 To render thanks unto the Lord, ... 92 The Lord doth reign, and clothed is he, 93 The Lord is king and weareth, ... ... 93 They in the Lord that firmly trust, . . . 125 Thee will I praise with all my heart, . . . 138 Unto the voice of my complaint, ... 64 Upon the hills of holiness, ... ... 87 Unto my Lord Jehovah said, 110 "Why rage the heathen? and vain things, 2 Wherefore is it that thou, O Lord, ... 10 Within thy tabernacle, Lord, 15 Why boast thyself, O mighty man, ... 52 When Israel out of Egypt went, ... 114 When Israel had from Egypt gone, . . . 114 When Zion's bondage God turned back, 126 Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice, ... 33 Ye dwellers all on earth, give ear, . . 49 Yea, God is good to Israel, 73 METRICAL INDEX. No. S.M. Narenza, 1 Potsdam, 2 St. Bride, 3 St Michael, 4 Swabia 5 D.S.M. Augustine, 6 Pilgrim, 7 CM. Abbey, 8 Bangor, 9 Bedford, 10 Belmont, 11 No. Chester, 12 Corona, 13 Dundee, 14 Dunfermline, 15 Durham, 16 Eden 17 Elgin, 18 Esslingen, 19 Evan, 20 Farrant, 21 French, 22 Gauntlett, 23 Gloucester 24 Grafenberg 25 Jackson, 26 No. Kaltenthal 27 Kilmarnock, 28 Leicester, 29 Martyrdom, 30 Martyrs, 31 Moravia, 32 Nativity, 33 Newington, 34 Newlands 35 New London, 36 Nottingham, 37 Old Winchester, 38 Paisley, 39 Parry, 40 Patton, 41 A THE PSALMS. Psalm I. Dunfermline, 15. 1 IT1HAT man hath perfect blessedness J_ Who walketh not astray In counsel of ungodly men, Nor stands in sinners' way, Nor sitteth in the scorner's chair: 2 But placeth his delight Upon God's law, and meditates On his law day and night. 3 He shall be like a tree that hath Been planted by a river, Which in its season yields its fruit, And its leaf fadeth never: And all he doth shall prosper well. 4 The wicked are not so; But like they are unto the chaff, Which wind drives to and fro. 5 In judgment therefore shall not stand Such as ungodly are; Nor in the assembly of the just Shall wicked men appear. 6 Because the way of godly men Unto the Lord is known; W r hereas the way of wicked men Shall quite be overthrown. Psalm II. New London, 36. 1 ~\T T HY rage the heathen? and vain things \ V Why do the people mind? 2 Kings of the earth do set themselves, And princes are combined, To plot against the Lord, and his Anointed, saying thus, 3 Let us asunder break their bands, And cast their cords from us. 4 He that in heaven sits shall laugh; The Lord shall scorn them all. 5 Then shall he speak to them in wrath, In rage he vex them shall. 6 Yet I my King appointed have Upon my holy hill; On Zion mount his throne is set, Established by my will. 7 The sure decree I will declare: The Lord hath said to me, Thou art mine only Son; this day I have begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and for heritage The heathen I'll make thine; And for possession I to thee Will give earth's utmost line. 9 Thou with a rod of iron shalt Beat down and break them all; Them, as a potter's vessel, thou Shalt dash in pieces small. 10 Now therefore, kings, be wise; he taught, Ye judges of the earth: 11 Serve ye the Lord in holy fear; Join trembling with your mirth. IV No. Richardson, 42 St. Anne, 43 St. Bartholomew, 44 St. David, 45 St. James, 46 St. Mary, 47 St. Paul, 48 St. Peter 49 St. Stephen, 50 Smart 51 Stainer, 52 Tallis, 53 York, '■ • 54 Zwingle, 55 D.C.M. St. Matthew, 56 INDEX. No. L.M. Breslau, 57 Calvary, 58 Cannons, 59 Eisenacdi, 60 Mainzer. 61 Melcombe, 62 New Winchester, 64 Old Hundredth, 65 Soldau, 66 D.L.M. New Peterborough, ... 63 55,55,65,65. Hanover, 67 Houghton 68 66,66,66,66. Broadlands, 69 No. 66,66,4,44,4. Darwall, 70 66,66,88. Bevan, 71 Dykes, 72 St. John, 73 76,76. Bremen, 74 Kocher 75 76,76,76.76. Aurelia 76 77,77. Redhead, 77 86,84. Goss 78 Olmutz, 79 PSALMS III. IV. V. x 12 Kiss ye the Son, lest in his ire Ye perish from the way; For suddenly his wrath may burn: Blest all that on him stay. Psalm III. Eden, 17. LORD, how are my foes increased ! Against me many rise. 2 Many say of my soul, For him In God no succour lies. 3 Yet thou my shield and glory art. The uplifter of mine head. 4 I cried, and from his holy hill The Lord me answer made. 5 I laid me down and slept, I waked; For God sustained me. G I will not fear though thousands ten Set round against me be. 7 Arise, O Lord; save me, my God; For thou hast struck my foes Upon the cheek; the wicked's teeth Hast broken by thy blows. 8 Salvation surely doth belong Unto the Lord alone; Thy blessing, Lord, for evermore Thy people is upon. Psalm IV. Abbey, 8. 1 /^1 IVE ear unto me when I call, vJT God of my righteousness; Have mercy, hear my prayer; thou hast Enlarged me in distress. 2 O ye the sons of men! how long Will ye love vanities? How long my glory turn to shame, And will ye follow lies? 3 But know, that for himself the Lord The godly man doth choose: The Lord, when I on him do call, To hear will not refuse. 4 Fear, and sin not; talk with your heart On bed, and silent be. 5 Offerings present of righteousness, And in the Lord trust ye. 6 O who will show us any good? Is that which many say: But of thy countenance the light, Lord, lift on us alway. 7 Upon my heart bestowed by thee, More gladness I have found Than they, even then, when corn and wine Did most with them abound. 8 I will both lay me down in peace, And quiet sleep will take; Because thou only me to dwell In safety, Lord, dost make. Psalm V. Kilmarnock, 1 /~1 IVE ear unto my words, O Lord 28. My meditation weigh. Hear my loud cry, my King, my God; For I to thee will pray. Lord, thou shalt early hear my voice: I early will direct My prayer to thee; and, looking up, An answer will expect. For thou art not a God that doth In wickedness delight; >.'< Lther shall evil dwell with thee, Nor fools stand in thy sight. All evil-doers thou dost hate, Cutt'st off that liars be: No. 87,87, trochaic. Mentz 80 Stuttgart, 81 87,87, iambic. Shepherd, 82 87,87,887. Luther's Hymn, 83 Zoheleth, 84 886,886. Manna 85 88,88,88,88, anapaestic. Fareham, 86 10,10,10,10,10. Old 124th, 87 12,11,12,11. Roxburgh, 88 INDEX. No. CHANTS -Single. Anonymous, 89 Blow, 90 Fan-ant, 91 Felton, 92 Gregorian, 93 Humphries, 94a Humphries, 94 b Nares, 95 Double. Ahlrich, 96 Attwood, 97 Boyce, 98 Boyce 99 Crosthwaite 100 a Crosthwaite, 100 b Crotch, 101 Crotch, 102 V Wo. Crotch, 103a Crotch, 103b Dupuis 104 Fitzherbert, 105 Flintoft, 106 Higgins 107 Langdon, 103 Mornington, 109 Mornington, 110 Nares, Ill Norris, 112 Radcliff, 114a Radcliff, 114b Robinson, 113 Hobinson, 115 a 'Robinson, 115 b Soaper, 116 Woodward, 117 PSALMS V. VI. The bloody and deceitful man Abhorred is by thee. 7 But I into thy house will come In thine abundant grace; And I will worship in thy fear Toward thy holy place. 8 Lord, lead me in thy righteousness, For foes do lie in wait : Thy way, wherein I am to walk, Before my face make straight. 9 For in their mouth there is no truth, Their inward part is vile; Their throat's an open sepulchre, Their tongue is full of guile. 10 O God, condemn them; let them be By their own counsel quelled: Them for their many sins cast out, For they 'gainst thee rebelled. 11 But let all joy that trust in thee, For aye lift up their voice, For them thou sav'st: in thee let all That love thy name rejoice. 12 For, Lord, unto the righteous man Thou wilt thy blessing yield: With favour thou wilt compass him About, as with a shield. Psalm VI. — 1st Version. Soldau, 66. 1 T ORD, in thy wrath rebuke me not; J-J Nor in thy hot rage chasten me. 2 Lord, pity me, for I am weak: Heal me, for my bones vexed be. 3 My soul is also vexed sore; But, Lord, how long stay wilt thou make? 1 Return, <> Lord, my soul set free; O save me for thy mercies' 5 Because those that deceased are Of thee shall no remembrance have; And who is he that will to thee Give praises lying in the grave? 6 I with my groaning weary am, And all the night till morn appears, Through grief I make my bed to swim, And water all my couch with tears. 7 Mine eye, consumed with grief, grows old, Because of all mine enemies. 8 Hence from me, evil-doers all; For God hath heard my weeping cries. 9 God hath my supplication heard; By him my prayer received shall be. 10 Shamed and sore vexed be all my foes, Turned back and shamed suddenly. Psalm VI. 2nd Version. Bangor, 9. 1 TN thy great indignation, Lord, JL Do thou rebuke me not; Nor on me lay thy chastening hand In thy displeasure hot. 2 Lord, pity me, for I am weak; Have mercy upon me: And heal thou me, O Lord, because My bones much vexed be. 3 My soul is vexed sore: but, Lord, How long stay wilt thou make? 4 Return, O Lord, my soul set 6 Save for thy mercy's >ake. 5 Because of thee in death there shall No more remembrance be: Of those that in the grave do lie, "Who shall give thanks to thee? G I with my groaning weary am; All night till morn ap] GENERAL ALPHABETICAL INDEX. No. Abbey, CM 8 Arnold, CM Ap. 4 Augustine D.S.M 6 Aurelia 76,76,76,76 76 Ballerina, CM Ap. 5 Bangor, CM 9 Barrow CM Ap. 6 Bedford, CM 10 Belmont, CM 11 Bevan, 66,66,88 71 Bexley CM Ap. 7 Bremen, 76,76 74 Breslau, L.M 57 Broadlands, 66,66,66,60 69 Calvary, L.M 58 Cannons L.M 59 Chester CM 12 Coleshill, CM Ap. 8 Corona, C.M 13 Darwall, 66,66 Duke Street, L. M. Dundee, C.M. Dunfermline, C.M. Ap. No. 70 21 14 15 Durham CM 16 Dykes, 66,66,88 72 Eden, CM 17 Eisenach, L.M 60 Elgin, CM 18 Esslingen, CM 19 Evan, CM 20 Falcon Street, S.M Ap. 3 Fareham, 88,88,88,88, anap. 86 Farrant, CM 21 French CM 22 Gauntlett, CM 23 Glasgow, C.M Ap. 9 Gloucester CM 24 Goss. 86,84 78 PSALMS VI. VII. Through grief I make my bed to swim, My couch to flow with tears. 7 By reason of my vexing grief Mine eye consumed is; It waxeth old, because of all That are mine enemies. 8 But now, depart from me all ye That work iniquity : Because the Lord hath heard my voice "When I did mourn and cry. 9 Unto my supplication's voice The Lord hath lent his ear; "When to the Lord my prayer I make, He graciously will hear. 10 Let all be troubled and asham'd That enemies are to me; Let them turn back, and suddenly Ashamed let them be. '0 Psalm VII. Esslingen, 19. LORD my God, in thee do I My confidence repose; Save and deliver me from all My persecuting foes; 2 Lest that the enemy my soul Should, like a lion, tear, In pieces rending it,- while there Is no deliverer. 3 O Lord my God, if it be so That I committed this; If it be so that in my hands Iniquity there is; 4 If I rewarded ill to him That was at peace with me; (Yea, even the man that without cause My foe was I did free;) 5 Then let the foe pursue and take My soul, and my life thrust Down to the earth, and let him lay Mine honour in the dust. 6 Rise in thy wrath, Lord, raise thyself, For my foes raging be; And, to the judgment which thou hast Commanded, wake for me. 7 Of nations the assembled host Around thee shall draw nigh; And over them do thou return Unto thy place on high. 8 Jehovah shall the people judge; My judge, Jehovah, be, After my righteousness and mine Integrity in me. 9 O let the wicked's mischief end; The righteous fortify; Because the righteous God art thou "Who heart and reins dost try. 10 In God, who saves the upright in heart, Is my defence and stay. 11 God is a righteous Judge, and God Is angry every day. 12 If he do not repent a7id turn, Then he his sword will whet; His bow he hath already bent, And hath it ready set: 13 He also hath for him prepared The instruments of death; Against the persecutors he His shafts ordained hath. 14 Behold, he with iniquity Doth travail as in birth; A mischief he conceived hath, And falsehood shall bring forth. INDEX. No. Grafenberg, CM 25 Hanover, 55,55,65,65 67 Houghton, 55,55,65,65 68 Howard, CM Ap. 10 Irish, CM Ap. 11 Jackson, CM 26 Kaltenthal CM 27 Kilmarnock, CM 28 Kocher, 76,76 75 Lancaster, CM Ap. 12 Leicester, CM 29 Luther's Hymn, . . . .87,87,887 83 Mainzer, L.M 61 Manna 886,886 85 Martyrdom, CM 30 Martyrs, CM 31 Melcombe, L.M 62 Mentz 87,87, trochaic. . . 80 Moravia, CM 32 Xarenza, S.M Nativity, CM Jsewington, CM Nevvlands CM New London, CM New Peterborough, . .D.L.M New Winchester, L.M Nottingham, CM Old Hundredth, L.M Old 124th, 10,10,10,10,10. . . Old Peterborough, .... CM Ap. Old Winchester, CM Olmutz, 86,84 Paisley, CM Parry CM Pascal, L.M Ap. Patton, CM Pilgrim, D.S.M Potsdam, S.M No. 1 33 34 35 36 63 64 37 65 87 13 38 79 39 40 22 41 7 PSALMS VII. Till. 15 He made a pit, and digged it deep, Another there to take; But he is fallen into the ditch Which he himself did make. 16 On his own head shall be returned The mischief he hath wrought; The violence that he hath done, Shall on himself be brought. 17 According to his righteousness The Lord I'll magnify; And praise will sing unto his name, Who is the Lord most high. Psalm VIII. — 1st Version. St. Peter, 49. 1 TTOW excellent in all the earth, XI Lord, our Lord, is thy name ! "Who hast thy glory far advanced Above the starry frame. 2 From infants' and from sucklings' mouth Thou power didst ordain, Because of foes, that so thou mightst The vengeful foe restrain. 3 "When I look up unto thy heavens, Which thine own fingers framed, Unto the moon and to the stars, Which were by thee ordained; 4 Then say I, What is man, that lie Remembered is by thee? Or what the son of man, that thou So kind to him shouldst be? 5 For thou a little lower hast Him than the angels made; With glory and with dignity Thou crowned hast his head. 6 Of thy hands' works thou madest him lord; All 'neath his feet didst lay, 7 All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts That in the field do stray; 8 Fowl of the air, fish of the sea, All that pass through the same. 9 How excellent in all the earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy name! Psalm VIII. — 2nd Version. Goss, 78. 1 /^V LORD, our Lord, how excellent \J In all the earth thy name! Who hast thy glory set above The starry frame. 2 From infants' and from sucklings' mouths Is strength by thee ordained, That so the avenger may be quelled, The foe restrained. 3 When I behold thy spacious heavens, The work of thine own hand, The moon and stars in order set By thy command; 4 O, what is man, that thou shouldst him In kind remembrance bear? Or what the son of man, that thou For him shouldst care? 5 For thou a little lower hast Him than the angels made; With honour and with glory thou Hast crowned his head. 6 Lord of thy works thou hast him made; All unto him must yield, All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts Which roam the field. 7 Fowl of the air, fish of the Ma, All that pass through tin- same; O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth How great thy name] Vlll INDEX. No. Redhead, 77,77 77 Richardson, CM 42 Roxburgh 12,11,12,11 88 St. Anne, CM 43 St. Asaph, D.C.M ...Ap. 20 St. Bartholomew, .... CM 44 St. Bride, S.M 3 St. David, CM 45 St. George CM Ap. 14 St. James, CM 46 St. John, 66,66,88 73 St. Lawrence, CM Ap. 15 St. Mary, CM 47 St. Matthew, D.C.M 56 St. Michael S.M 4 St. Paul, CM 48 St. Peter, CM 49 No. 50 16 17 18 82 51 St. Stephen, CM Salzburg, CM Ap. Scarborough CM Ap. Sheffield, CM Ap. Shepherd, 87.87, iambic. . . Smart, CM Soldau, L.M 66 Stainer, CM 52 Stuttgart, 87,87, trochaic. 81 Swabia S.M 5 Tallis, CM 53 Tiverton, CM Ap. 19 Westminster, S.M Ap. 1 Wirksworth, S.M Ap. 2 York, CM 54 Zoheleth, 87,87,887 84 Zwingle, CM 55 PSALMS IX. X. Psalm IX. Kaltenthal, 27. 1 T ORD, thee I'll praise with all my heart, JLj Thy wonders all proclaim. 2 In thee, most High, I'll greatly joy, And sing unto thy name. 3 When back my foes were turned, they fell, And perished at thy sight: 4 For thou maintainst my right and cause; Enthroned sittst judging right. 5 The heathen thou rebuked hast, The wicked overthrown; Thou hast put out their names, that they May never more be known. 6 The desolations are complete That fell the foe upon; Their cities thou hast razed quite, Their memory is gone. 7 The Lord for ever doth endure; For judgment sets his throne; 8 In righteousness to judge the world, Justice to give each one. 9 So shall the Lord a refuge be For those that are oppressed; A refuge will he be for them, What time they are distressed. 10 And they that know thy name in thee Their confidence will place: For thou hast not forsaken them That truly seek thy face. 11 O sing ye praises to the Lord That dwells in Zion hill; Among the people everywhere His deeds declare ye still. 12 When he enquireth after blood, He doth remember them: The afflicted he doth not forget That call upon his name. 13 Lord, pity me; behold the grief Which I from foes sustain; Even thou, who from the gates of death Dost raise me up again: 14 That I in Zion's daughter's gates May all thy praise relate; And that I may exult with joy In thy salvation great. 15 Sunk are the heathen in the pit Which they themselves prepared; And in the net which they have hid Their own feet fast are snared. 16 The Lord is by the judgment known Which he himself hath wrought: The sinners' hands do make the snares Wherewith themselves are caught. 17 The wicked shall be turned back Into death's dark abode; And all the nations that forget The great and mighty God. 18 For they that needy are shall not Forgotten be alway; The expectation of the poor Shall not be lost for aye. 19 Arise, Lord, lot not man prevail; Judge heathen in thy sight; 20 That they may know themselves but men, The nations, Lord, affright. Psalm X. Dundee, 14. 1 T\THEREFORE is it that thou, O Lord, \ V Dost stand from us afar? And wherefore hidest thou thyself When times so troublous are? 1 . Narenza. s.m. Koltier Gesangbuch. 1 r — i — H 4- J ' 1 j *&— Al ' ^ ?^ IT*— — • -£=H*=*F¥=N a =F-H s --f? ± ^ :J i ii ' L j A. A. i j J i rT-r-tr r ^=p= H- — i p- p4 i u i — 4— 4-^-H PSALMS X. XI. 2 The wicked in his loftiness Doth persecute the rjoor : In the devices they have framed Let them be taken sure. 3 The wicked of his heart's desire Doth talk with boastful word ; The covetous renounceth, yea, He doth despise the Lord. 4 The wicked in his haughtiness Upon God doth not call ; And in the counsels of his heart There is no God at all. 5 His ways at all times grievous are ; Thy judgments from his sight Removed are: at all his foes He puffeth with despite. • J Within his heart he thus hath said, I shall not moved be ; And no adversity at all ►Shall ever come to me. 7 His mouth with cursing, fraud, ami wron< Is filled abundantly ; And underneath his tongue there is Mischief and vanity. 8 He closely sits in vim He slays the innocent : Against the poor that pass him by His cruel eyes are bent. !i !!<• lion-like lurks in his den; He waits the poor to take, And when he draws him in his net, His prey he doth him make. 10 Himself he humbleth wry low, He eroucheth down withal, That so a multitude of poor May by his strong ones fall. 11 He thus hath said within his heart, God hath it quite forgot ; He hides his countenance, and he For ever sees it not. 12 O Lord, do thou arise ; O God, Lift up thine hand on high : Put not the meek afflicted ones Out of thy memory. 13 Why is it that the wicked man Doth God thus still despise? Because that God will it require He in his heart denies. 14 Thou hast it seen; for wrong and wrath Thou seest to repay: The poor commits himself to thee ; Thou art the orphan's stay. 15 The arm break of the wicked man, And of the evil one; Do thou seek out his wickedness, Until thou findest none. 1G The Lord is king through ages all, Even to eternity ; The heathen people from his land Are perished utterly. 17 O Lord, of those that humble are Thou the desire didst hi u ; Thou wilt prepare their heart, and thou To hear wilt bend thine ear; 18 To judge the fatherless and those That are oppressed sore : That man, who is but of the earth, May them oppress no more. Psalm XI. York, 54. 1 T IX the Lord do pul my trust: -L How is it then that \e 2. Potsdam, s.m. From J. S. Bach. t =t m m T r r r F S^. 3 Z=S. = Jfl r r g - £ ^H PSALMS XI. XII. XIII. Say to my soul, Even as a bird Unto your mountain flee? 2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, Their shafts on string they fit, That those who upright are in heart They privily may hit. 3 If the foundations be destroyed, What hath the righteous done? 4 God in his holy temple is, In heaven is his throne. 5 His eyes behold, his eyelids try Men's sons. The just he proves : But his soul hates the wicked man, And him that violence loves. 6 Snares, fire and brimstone, furious storms, On sinners he shall rain : This, as the portion of their cup, Doth unto them pertain. 7 Because the Lord most righteous doth In righteousness delight ; They shall his countenance behold Who are in heart upright. Psalm XII. Elgin, 18. 1 TTELP, Lord, because the godly man XI Doth daily fade away; And from among the sons of men The faithful do decay. 2 Unto his neighbour every one Doth utter vanity: They with a double heart do speak, And lips of flattery. 3 God shall cut off all flattering lips, Tongues that speak proudly thus, 4 Our tongues prevail; our lips are ours: Who is lord over us? 5 For the oppression of the poor, For him in need that sighs, To save him from his scornful foes, God saith, I will arise. 6 Jehovah's words are words most pure ; They are like silver tried In earthen furnace, seven times That hath been purified. 7 Lord, thou shalt them preserve and keep For ever from this race. 8 On all sides walk the wicked, when Vile men are high in place. Psalm XIII. — 1st Version. Martyrdom, 30. 1 TTOW long wilt thou forget me, Lord: XI Shall it for ever be? O how long shall it be that thou Wilt hide thy face from me? 2 How long take counsel in my soul, Still sad in heart, shall I? How long exalted over me Shall be mine enemy ? 3 O Lord my God, consider well, And answer to me make: Mine eyes enlighten, lest the sleep Of death me overtake. 4 Lest that mine enemy should say, Against him I prevad ; And those that trouble me rejoice, When I am moved and fail. 5 But I have all my confidence Upon thy mercy set ; My heart within me shall rejoice In thy salvation great. 3. St. Bride. S.M. Samuel Howard, Mns.D., 1762. PSALMS XIII. XIV. XV. 6 Unto Jehovah then will I Sing praises cheerfully, Because he hath his bounty shown To me abundantly. Psalm XIII. — 2nd Version. Aurelia, 76. 1 TTOW long wilt thou forget me? XX O Lord, for evermore? For ever wilt thou let me Thine absent face deplore? How long in fruitless wailing Shall I consume the day? And thus how long prevailing My vaunting foe bear sway ? 2 O, do not thou forsake me! Enlighten thou my gloom; Lest fatal sleep o'ertake me, The death-sleep of the tomb ; Lest then my foe insulting Should boast of his success, And impious men exulting Triumph in my distress. 3 Lord, in my tribulation I tmst thy mercy still, And surely thy salvation My heart with joy shall fill. Thine aid thou didst afford me, Thy praises I will sing; And for his mercies toward me Will bleflfl my God and king. Psalm XIV. Moravia, 32. 1 rTlHAT there is not a God, the fool X Doth in his heart oonclude: They are corrupt, their works are vile, Not one of them doth (rood. 2 The Lord upon the sons of men From heaven did look abroad, To see if any understood, And did seek after God. 3 Corrupt they altogether are, They all aside are gone ; And there is none that doeth good, Yea, sure there is not one. 4 These workers of iniquity Do they not know at all, That they my people eat as bread, Nor on Jehovah call? 5 There feared they much; for God is with The whole race of the just. 6 You shame the counsel of the poor, Because the Lord's his trust. 7 Let Israel's help from Zion come: When back the Lord shall bring His captives, Jacob shall rejoice, And Israel shall sing. Psalm XV. Tallis, 53. 1 "IT7ITHIN thy tabernacle, Lord, VV Who shall abide with thee? And in thy high and holy hill Who shall a dweller be? 2 The man that walketh uprightly, And worketh righteotu And as he thinketh in his heart, So doth he truth express. 3 Who doth not slander with his tongue, Nor to his friend doth hurt ; Nor yet against his neighbour doth Take up an ill report. 4 In whose eyes vile men are despised; But those the Lord that fear MAJOR. 6. Augustine, s.m. Gregorian. ^=£=2 7 1 -=t -4 w — 1 ! -f~ ! ■ -i — ~s — — f— 1 — — H 1 - — ma l 1 -m- I J P2- 1 1 4- 1 3 =*=F ~w — 1 _J -* — J. := ?2 — 1 1 1 ^i* 1 — r— — i —* — — h — L — 1 — 1 1 1 =fc -fs — 1 u — I 1- (• — -f= -r — r~ £* 1 I J 5— — * 1 — • m 1 A j=i i i J -J J J. 1 1 -•- J r i 1 L_j — 1 — 1 1 H r -t- F -H- — •— — 1 1 10 PSALMS XVI. XVII. He honoureth; and changeth not, Though to his hurt he swear. 5 His coin puts not to usury, Nor take reward will he Against the guiltless. Who doth thus Shall never moved be. Psalm XVI. St. Paul, 48. 1 T OED, keep me, for I trust in thee; -Li To God this was my cry, 2 Thou art my Lord, and above thee Not any good have I. 3 To saints on earth, The excellent, There my delight's all placed; 4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied To other gods that haste: Of their drink-offerings of blood No offering will I make ; Their very names into my lips I will not even take. 5 Of mine inheritance and cup The Lord's the portion sure; The lot that fallen is to me Thou dost maintain secure. 6 Unto me happily the lines In pleasant places fell; Yea, the inheritance I have In beauty doth excel. 7 I bless the Lord, because he doth By counsel me conduct ; And in the seasons of the night My reins do me instruct. 8 Before me still the Lord I set ; Since it is so that he Doth ever stand at my right hand, I shall not moved be. 9 Because of this my heart is glad, And joy shall be expressed Even by my glory ; and my flesh In confidence shall rest. 10 Because my soul unto the grave Shall not be left by thee ; And thou wilt not thine Holy One Corruption give to see. 11 Thou wilt me show the path of life : Of joy there is full store Before thy face : in thy right hand Are pleasures evermore. Psalm XVII. Grafenberg, 25. 1 T OED, hear the right, regard mj cry, J-J L T nto my prayer give heed, That doth not in hypocrisy From feigned lips proceed. 2 And from before thy presence let My judgment come to me; Turn thou thine eyes to upright things. Look thou on equity. 3 My heart thou provest, and by night Dost visit and me try, But findest nought ; for my intent My mouth doth not belie. 4 As for men's works, I, by the word That from thy lips doth ilow, Have kept myself out of the paths Wherein destroyers go. 5 Hold \ip my goings, Lord, me guide In those thy paths divine, So that my footsteps may not slide Out of those ways of thine. i Augustine — Continued. P _j j- * ^ 5az a :f AA FT "W^ J J J , J J J T PSALMS XVII. XVIII. 11 6 I called have on thee, O God, Because thou wilt me hear : That thou may'st hearken to my speech, To me incline thine ear. 7 Thy wondrous loving-kindness show, Thou that, by thy right hand, Sav'st them that trust in thee from those That up against them stand. 8 As the apple of the eye me keep ; In thy wings' shade me hide 9 From wasting deadly foes, who me Beset on every side. 10 In their own fat they are inclosed; Their mouth speaks loftily. 11 Our steps they compass, and to earth Down bowing set their eye. 12 He like unto a lion is That's greedy of his prey, Or lion young, which lurking doth In secret places stay. 13 Arise, and disappoint my foe, And cast him down. 6 Lord: And from the wicked man my soul Deliver by thy sword. 1 1 From worldly men, Lord, by thy hand Let me delivered be, Who only in this present life Their part and portion see; Whom with thy treasure thou dost fill: They many sons receive ; And of theii great abundance they Unto their children leave. 15 But as for me, I thine own face In righteousness will a& ; And with thy likeness, when I wake, I satisfied shall be. Psalm XVIII. Bedford, 10. 1 rpHEE will I love, O Lord, my strength. 2 JL My fortress is the Lord, My rock, and he that doth to me Deliverance afford : My God, my strength, whom I will trust, A buckler unto me, The horn of my salvation sure, And my high tower, is he. 3 Unto the Lord, who worthy is Of praises, will I cry ; And then shall I preserved be Safe from mine enemy. 4 The cords of death encompassed me, Sin's floods made me afraid ; 5 Bands of the grave were round me drawn, Death's snares were on me laid. G I in distress called on the Lord, ( 'it to my God did I ; He from his temple heard my voice, To his ears came my ciy. 7 Earth as affrighted then did shake, Trembling upon it seized: The hills' foundations moved were, Because he was displeased. 8 Up from his nostrils came a smoke. And from his mouth there came Devouring fire, and coals by it Were turned into flame. ' 9 He also bowed down the hi And thence he did descend : And thickest clouds of darkness did Under his feel attend. 10 And he upon a cherub roi And thereon he did t!\ ; 7. Pilgrim, d.s.m. G. W. Mania. •aRftr ! -d — d — d — d~t ' 1 1 i— — d- 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 ^*^T^1 ^ ?' , J ^x^— ££= r ^— f-^- i *£>- j? ff (, | -p- -p- p — p — i 1 1 t r — j— — i — 4 — ^- -^ — ^ — d , — -, — -j |— _J____| — rt 11 r i i i i i'ii r r - r 1 1 ! i i i J i ' i ill ,-d <-d ^? ,d ^ j " lS " jS-^ «*-*=*<*=». 1 ?=> "?= ~ — 1 - 1 ^— i- -i — H 1 1 i — ^-r i i- ■ ^l—J 12 PSALM XVIIL Yea, on the swift wings of the wind His flight was from on high. 11 He darkness made his secret place: About him, for his tent, Dark waters were, and thickest clouds Of the airy firmament. 12 And at the brightness of that light, "Which was before his eye, His thick clouds passed away, hailstones And coals of fire did fly. 13 Jehovah also in the heavens Did thunder in his ire ; And there the Highest gave his voice, Haflstones and coals of fire. 14 Yea, he his arrows sent abroad, And them he scattered ; His lightnings also he shot out, And them discomfited. 15 The waters' channels then were seen, The world's foundations vast At thy rebuke discovered were, And at thy nostrils' blast. 16 And from above the Lord sent down, And took me from below ; From many waters he me drew, "Which would me overflow. 17 He rescued me from my strong foes, And such as did me hate ; Because he saw that they for me Too strong were and too great. 18 They came upon me in the day Of my calamity ; But even then the Lord himself A stay was unto me. 19 Unto a place of liberty And room he hath me brought ; Because he took delight in me, He my deliverance wrought. 20 According to my righteousness He did me recompense; He me repaid according to My hands' pure innocence. 21 For I the Lord's ways kept, nor from My God turned wickedly. 22 His judgments were before me, I His laws put not from me. 23 Sincere before him was my heart, Upright with him was I ; And watchfully I kept myself From mine iniquity. 24 According to my righteousness The Lord did me requite ; After the cleanness of my hands Appearing in his sight. 25 Thou to the gracious showest grace, To just men just thou art ; 26 Pure to the pure, but froward still To men of froward heart. 27 For thou wilt the afflicted save In grief that low do lie ; But wilt bring down the countenance Of those whose looks are high. 28 For thou thyself wilt light my lamp, That it shall shine full bright : The Lord my God will also make My darkness to be light. 29 By thee through troops of men I break, And them discomfit all ; And, by my God assisting me, I overleap a wall. 30 As for God, perfect is his way; Jehovah's word is tried ; Pilgrim — Continued. w ~-zzl SEggE^E J lA r sszz^rrs: ^ ^=h H- J (S> -J =d= -^ — ^==t=J=r~ — ! _ r __ 1 i