^Rf OF PRINCR^ PHILIPPIAN STUDIES LESSONS IN FAITH AND LOVE FROM ST PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 7s. 6d. COLOSSIAN STUDIES. Crown 8vo., cloth, 5s. TO MY YOUNGER BRETHREN ON PASTORAL LIFE AND WORK. 55. OUTLINES OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 2S. 6d. (In the Theological Educator .Series.) VENI CREATOR : THOUGHTS ON THE HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE. Third Kdition. Crown 8vo, 55., cloth. LIFE IN CHRIST AND FOR CHRIST. 32010, rs., cloth. ' ■ NEED AND FULNESS. " i s. , cloth. "PATIENCE AND COMFORT." is., cloth. THOUGHTS ON CHRISTIAN SANCTITY, is., cloth. 30th Thousand. THOUGHTS ON UNION WITH CHRIST, is., cloth. 22nd Thousand. THOUGHTS ON THE SPIRITUAL LIFE, is., cloth. 12th Thousand. SECRET PRAYER, is., cloth, nth Thousand. " AT THE HOLY COMMUNION." Thoughts for Preparation and Communion. IS., cloth- " THE PLEDGE OF HIS LOVE." Thoughts on the Lord's Supper, is., cloth. THE NEW BIRTH. A Brief Enquiry and Statement. 2d. THE CLEANSING BLOOD. A Study of i John i. 7. 2d. JUSTIFYING RIGHTEOUSNESS. 4d. THE CHRISTIAN AND THE WORLD. 2d. THE NET AND THE DELIVERANCE, id. A MORNING ACT OF FAITH. 3d. per dozen. THE CHRISTIAN'S OWN CALENDAR OF PERSONAL AND FAMILT EVENTS. IS. 6d. With an Introduction by Rev. H. C. G. MoULE. PRAYERS FOR THE HOME. 2s. 6d. THE CHRISTIAN'S VICTORY OVER SIN. 2d. "GRACE AND GODLINESS." Chapters on Ephesians. as. 6d. "CHRIST IS ALL." Sermons. 2s. 6d. COMMENTARIES ON THE ROMANS (3s. 6cU ; EPHESIANS (2s. 6d.) ; PHILIP- PIANS (=s. 6d.) ; COLOSSIANS (2s. 6d.) in the Cambridge Bible for SclwoU and Colleges ; and on the PHILIPPIANS in the Cambridge Creek Testament. Also en the ROMANS in the Expositors Bible (7s. 6d.). "BETWEEN MY LORD AND ME." A Card containing Morning and Evening Acts of Faith and Devotion. 2d. CHARLES SIMEON. (In English Leaders 0/ Religion.) 2S. 6d. BISHOP RIDLEY ON THE LORD'S SUPPER. A Reprint from the Original Edition, with Life of Ridley. Notes, Appendices, etc., and Illustrations. 5s. "IN THE HOUSE OF THE PILGRIMAaE." Hymns and Sacred Songs. 2S. 6d. / PHILIPPIAN STUDIES LESSONS IN FAITH AND LOVE FROM ST. PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS H. C. G. MOULE, D.D. PRINCIPAL OF RIDLEY HALL AND FORMERLY FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE "Let US pray to God, that we may speak, think, believe, live, and depart hence, according to the wholesome doctrine and verities of His IVord." The Homilies, i. i. SECOND EDITION LONDON HODDER AND STOUGHTON 27, PATERNOSTER ROW 1898 Printed by Hasell, IVatson, <§• Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. TO THE REV. G. A. SCHNEIDER, M.A, VICE-PRINCIPAL OF RIDLEY HALL, CAMBRIDGE, THIS BOOK IS INSCRIBED IN TOKEN OF WARM FRIENDSHIP AND WITH A GRATEFUL SENSE OF THE BENEFIT OF HIS INVALUABLE CO-OPERATION "Thou the Way art, Thou the Prize That beyond the journey lies ; Thou the Truth art, Thou the Guide, Gone before, yet at our side ; Everlasting life below It is truly Thee to know: Such to Thy saints wast Thou of yore ; Unchangeable Thou art, and shalt be evermore." MONSELL. PREFACE THE plan and purpose of the following pages will be soon evident to the reader. The whole aim is towards edification. What is said in the way of historical introduction, what is done in the course of the chapters in the way of rendering and grammatical explana- tion, all has this aim in view. The Epistle is handled throughout with the firm belief that it is an Oracle of God, while that Oracle is conveyed through the mind and heart of one of the greatest of the sons of men ; and the Expositor's aim accordingly is always, and above all things, to expound. To put it other- wise, his highest ambition is to call attention to the sacred text, and let it speak. May the Lord of the Apostle, of the Philippians, of ourselves, only grant that His Vlll PREFACE mercy may rest upon this poor contribution to the exegesis of His inexhaustible Word. May it be permitted to throw a quiet light upon some of the treasures of this apostolic casket, to the help, in any measures, of the disciples of our day. Then will the Expositor indeed give thanks to the Master at whose feet he lays his work. Ridley Hall, Cambridge. CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY .... PAGE 3 CHAPTER H THE INTIMACY OF HUMAN HEARTS IN CHRIST . . 25 (PHIL, 1, I-II.) CHAPTER HI THE apostle's POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES . . 43 (PHIL. i. 12-20.^ CHAPTER IV THE christian's PEACE AND THE CHRISTIAN'S CON- SISTENCY 65 (PHIL. i. 21-30.) CONTENTS CHAPTER V PAGE UNITY IN SELF-FORGETFULNESS : THE EXAMPLE OF THE LORD ........ 87 (PHIL. ii. I-II.) CHAPTER VI THE lord's power IN THE DISCIPLE'S LIFE . . lOg (PHIL. 11 12-lJS.) CHAPTER VII TIMOTHEUS AND EPAPHRODITUS ..... 131 (PHIL. ii. 19-30.) CHAPTER VIII JOY IN THE LORD AND ITS PRESERVING INFLUENCE . "that I MAY KNOW HIM " ..... 153 (PHIL, iii I-II.) CHAPTER IX CHRISTIAN STANDING AND CHRISTIAN PROGRESS. . 1 75 (PHIL. iii. 12-16.) CONTENTS XI CHAPTER X PAGE THE BLESSED HOPE AND ITS POWER .... I97 (PHIL. iii. 17-21.) CHAPTER XI PURITY AND PEACE IN THE PRESENT LORD . . 219 (PHIL, iv 1-9.) CHAPTER XII THE COLLECTION FOR ST PAUL : THE FAREWELL , 243 (PHIL iv. 10-23.) " Holy Scripture is the Letter of God Almighty to His creatures ; learn God's heart in God's Words." Gregory the Great, Epist., iv. 31. INTR on UCTOR Y O Gracious God and most mercifull Father, which hast vouchsafed us the rich and precious iewell of thy holy worde, assist us with thy Spirit, that it may be written in our hearts to our euerlasting comfort, to reforme us, to renew us according to thine owne image, to build us up, and edifie us into the perfect building of thy Christ, sanctifying and increasing in us all heauenly vertues. Graunt this O heauenly Father, for lesus Christes sake. Amen. From the Geneva Bible, 1557. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY THE Epistle of St Paul to the Philippians is, to careful and loving Bible-students, one of the fairest and dearest regions of the Book of God. It is true that the Christian who genuinely believes that "every Scripture is God-inspired " (2 Tim. iii, 16), and who realizes that the "Divine Library" is never- theless, and from a higher point of view. One Book all through, will be always on the guard against a mistaken favouritism in his Scripture studies. He will strive to make himself in some sense familiar with the whole Book, as a whole, and to recognize in all its parts the true Author's hand and purpose. Yet it is inevitable that in this supreme Book, as in other books, though all parts are " co-operant to an end," all parts are not equally important 3 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES for the deepest needs of the reader. The reader therefore will have to be more familiar with some parts than with others. Acquaint- ance with the whole will indeed deepen insight into the part. But it will not supersede our study, loving and special, of the part which, in a degree and manner peculiar to itself, " is able to make us wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus." The present simple Studies in the Philippian Epistle will accordingly be pursued with the desire to remember as we go the whole scrip- tural revelation of God and salvation. But we shall also approach the Epistle as a pecu- liarly precious Scripture in itself, containing in its few short pages a rare fulness of messages and teachings, meeting the inmost wants of the heart and the life. Amongst the Epistles of St Paul Philippians shines out with singular light and beauty. In such a comparison we scarcely need consider the great Epistles to Rome and Corinth ; their large scale and wide variety of topics set them apart. Nor need we consider Hebrews, with its difficult problem of authorship. Looking CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EPISTLE 5 at the other Epistles, each with its own divine and also deeply human characteristics, we find Philippians more peaceful than Galatians, more personal and affectionate than Ephesians, less anxiously controversial than Colossians, more deliberate and symmetrical than Thessalonians, and of course larger in its applications than the personal messages to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Meanwhile it is as comprehensive almost as it is brief. It presents more than one important passage of doctrine, some of these passages being revelations of the first order. It is full of pregnant ^irec^epts for Christian character and conduct, whether seen in the individual or in the community. It discloses in a way ot the utmost interest and significance the circumstances and experiences of the writer, and also, in a measure, of the readers. And the whole is suffused with a singularly sweet light of "joy and peace in believing." It is written by one who was, as he wrote, at once resting and moving in the peace of God which passes understanding, and in the love of Christ which passes knowledge ; and what is felt in his soul comes out inevitably PHILIPPIAN STUDIES on his page. The letter, written in a prison, and addressed to a mission-church always exposed to insult and assault, yet seems in a wonderful way to call us " apart, to rest awhile." "A glory gilds the sacred page," the glory of the presence of the Lord in all His majesty of Godhead and nearness of Manhood ; in His finished work, and living power, and wonderful coming again. A peculiar sort ot joy, which is impossible without at least the experience, if not the presence, of sorrow, rests and shines over the whole. It is the joy of the heart which has found at length " the secret of the Lord," His hiding-place from the tyranny of circumstances and time ; the way how always to be of good cheer, naturally yet also supernaturally, not by a hard-won indifference to life, but by living, amidst everything external, " hidden with Christ in God." Let us approach the beloved pages once again. They can never wear out ; there will always prove to be " more to follow." Perhaps we have loved and pondered them for long years ourselves. Perhaps we have heard them THE BIBLE IS EVER YOUNG expounded by voices silent now, " in days that never come again," in chambers or in churches which we seem still to see, but which in fact have passed from us very far away. The heart is full and the eyes are wet as we look back. But the melancholy of the past has no permanent place in Bible-study. The Book is divine, immortal, and ever young. He who was in it tor our fathers is in it for us. And since He is in it, as He is in no other literature in the world, (because no other literature is His Word Written,) therefore it springs up to us ever new ; it is always con- temporary with every generation of believers. Even so, come, Lord Jesus, and let us meet Thee in Thy Scripture now again. A very simple " Introduction " will suffice for our present purposes. These chapters make no pretension to be, in the technical sense, critical. I say next to nothing, for example, about the Authenticity and Genuine- ness of the Epistle. Let me only remind the reader that from the early dawn of the literature of the Church we have unmistakable 8 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES testimonies to its existence as an apostolic Scripture. Ignatius and Polycarp, quite early in the second century, shew us that they have read it. A little later, in the " Epistle of the Churches of Lyons and Vienne " (a.d. 177),^ it is quoted. Clement of Alexandria, and Irenseus, and Tertullian, all in the second century, use it as "the sword of the Spirit" to assert truth and confute error. So it floats down into the broad stream of the patristic literature at large. Not till the rise of an ultra-sceptical criticism in quite modern times was Philippians ever seriously questioned as the work, in its integrity, of St Paul. And Baur's objections, all due to an a priori theory, not to an impartial literary enquiry, have been repudiated even by critics even less orthodox than himself: Renan, for example. It is quite as certain, in a literary sense, that in Philippians we have the very words and heart of St Paul as that we have Addison in the papers signed C. in the Spectator, or Erasmus in the correspondence with Colet. And what a thought of strength and joy 1 Preserved by Eusebius, Hist. EccL, ii. LITTERA SCRIPTA MANET this is to the believer of our latter day! Littera scripta manet. How impressive is the permanence of every written reflexion of the mind, and of the life ! Who has not felt it, even in the reading of a private letter to himself, written years and years ago ? We have St Paul speaking to us in this indelible page as really as if we were seated with him in " his own hired house," and were listenins' as he dictates to the friend beside him. And as we recollect this, we reflect that all he is saying, all he has thus left written, is just so much testimony to the Lord Jesus Christ, contemporary, direct, inspired. When the words we are about to read were written, scarcely thirty years had passed away since the Son of Man died outside the gate of Jerusalem, and rose again. Perhaps my reader cannot look back over thirty years, perhaps not over twenty, with conscious memory. But I can ; and beyond the thirty I can see a long vista of the still earlier past. Thirty years ago ^ ; — at that time the great conflict between Austria and Prussia was preparing, ' Written early in i{ lO PHILIPPIAN STUDIES the issue of which was so long a step towards the unification of Germany. I was then a master in a public school. The discussions of the impending war in our common-room, and the men who joined in them, are very present still to my mind ; certainly not the faintest haze of mythical change or dispro- portion has had time to gather over those scenes in the interval. With some differences, no doubt, the world of this day is yet essen- tially the same as the world of that day ; I certainly still, in my whole personal conscious- ness, am the man of that day, only somewhat developed in experience. Well, what the date ot the battle of Sadowa (Koniggratz) is to me, such was the date of the Crucifixion to St Paul, when he wrote from Rome to his dear converts at Philippi. And I venture to say that, while St Paul's tone about the Lord of Calvary is of course immeasurably different in the highest respects from what mine might be had I to speak of the makers of European history of 1866, it is in one respect just the same. It is as completely free from the tone of legend unreality, uncertainty. With the THIS SAME JESUS II same entire consciousness of matter of fact with which I might write of the statesmen or generals of my early manhood, he writes of One who, in his early manhood, overcame death by death, and " shewed Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs." Only, there is this wonderful difference ; that for St Paul the Jesus Christ of recent history is absolutely One with the Jesus Christ of his present spiritual experience. The Man of the Cross is also, for him, the Lord who is exalted to the throne ot heaven, and is also so related to the writer that Paul is "in Christ Jesus," with a proximity and union which enters into everything. "In Him" are in- cluded the very actions of the disciple's mind and the experiences of his heart. He is the Lord who lives in the inmost being of His servant, and who yet is also expected to return from the heavens, to transfigure the servant's very body into glory. The Christ of history, the Christ of the soul — it was " this same Jesus" then; it is "this same Jesus" now. 12 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES " Can length of years on God Himself exact, Or make that fiction which was once a fact? Fix'd in the rolling flood of endless years The pillar of the eternal plan appears ; The raging storm and dashing wave defies, Built by that Architect who built the skies." ^ For me and for my reader may the two aspects of "this same Jesus," the historical and the spiritual, ever combine in one mighty harmony of certainty ; faith's resting-place to the end, " the rock of our heart, and our portion for ever " ; at once our peace and our power, in life and in death, and through the eternal day also, in which we shall need Him still in the experiences of heaven. What shall we say of the place to which the Epistle was sent, and of that from which it was written ; and of the writer, the bearer, the readers ; and of the occasion and the time ? Philippi now, so travellers tell us, is a scene of beautiful and silent ruin. Near the head of the fair Archipelago, amidst scenery of exquisite beauty, near the range of Pangaeus, now Pirnari, on the banks of the quiet Gangas, ^ Cowper, Conversation. PHILIPPI 13 lie the relics of the once busy city, visited only by the herdsman and the explorer. By it or through it ran a great road from West to East, called by the Romans the Egnatian Way. The double battle of Philippi, B.C. 42, when the Oligarchy fell finally before the rising Empire, made the plain famous. Augustus planted a colonia in the town. It thus became a miniature Rome, as every " colony " was. It had its pair of petty consuls {duumviri ; the (TTpaTrjyoL of Acts xvi. 20) and their lictors (A.V. " Serjeants," pafiSovxot). And it faith- fully reproduced Roman pride in the spirit of its military settlers. It had its Jewish element, as almost every place then had ; but the Jews must have been few and despised ; their place of worship was but a " prayer-house" {irpocrevxv)' outside the walls, on the river's bank (Acts xvi. 13). We need not recount in detail the history of the first evangelization (a.d. 52) of the difficult place. We recollect sufficiently the address to the pious Jewesses and prose- lyte-women in the "prayer-house"; the con- version and baptism of Lydia ; the rescue of the poor girl possessed with the "spirit of 14 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES Pytho " ; the tumult, and the trial before the duumvirs ; the scourge, the inner prison, the hymn at midnight, the earthquake, and the salvation of the jailor's life and soul ; the message sent through the lictors in the morn- ing, then the respectful approach of the magistrates themselves, and the retirement of the Missionaries "to another city," along the Egnatian road. It is enough now to remember, what the very existence of the Epistle reveals to us, the growth and life of the little mission- church planted amidst such storms, and in a climate, so to speak, full of possible tempests at any hour. In the Epistle, we arrive at a date some nine years later than the first visit of St Paul. Twice during that period, and perhaps only twice, we find him at Philipp' again; late in a.d. 57 (Acts xx. i) and early (it was the sweet spring, the Passover time) in A.D. 58 ; this last may have been a visit arranged on purpose (in Lightfoot's words : Philippians, p. 60) " that he might keep the Paschal feast with his beloved converts." No doubt, besides these personal visits, Philippi was kept in contact with its Missionary HOW THE MISSION CHURCH HAD GROWN 1 5 between a.d. 52 and a.d. 61 by messages and by the occasional visits ot the Apostle's faithful helpers. But on the whole the Church would seem in a very large degree to have been left to its own charge. And what do we find as the issue when we come to the Epistle ? A community large enough to need a sta^ of Christian ministers, " bishops and deacons," " overseers and working-helpers " {iiTLo-KOTTOL Kol SLaKopoi) ; full of love and good works ; affectionately mindful of St Paul in the way of practical assistance ; and apparently shewing, as their almost only visible defect or danger, a tendency to separate somewhat into sections or cliques — a trouble which in itself indicates a considerable society. If we may (as we may, looking at the ordinary facts of human nature) at all estimate the calibre of Philippian Chris- tianity by the tone in which the Apostle ad- dresses the Philippians, we gather that on the whole it was a high tone, at once decided and tender, affectionate and mature. The converts were capable of responding to a deep doctrinal teaching, and also to the simplest appeals of love. Such was the triumph of the mysterious 1 6 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES Gospel over place, and circumstance, and character ; the lily flowered at its fairest among the thorns ; grace shone and triumphed in the immediate presence of its " adversaries." But the evil we indicated just above was present in the otherwise happy scene. When Epaphroditus crossed the mountains and the sea to carry a generous gift of money to St Paul, risking his life (ii. 27) somehow by dangerous sickness in the effort, he had to carry also news of differences and heart-burn- ings, which could not but cloud the Apostle's loving joy. The envoy found it needful to speak also of the emissaries ot error who at Philippi, as everywhere, were troubling the faith and hope of the believers ; " turning the grace of God into lasciviousness " ; professing a lofty spirituality, and worshipping their appe- tites all the while. And side by side with them, apparently, might be found Pharisaic disputants of an older type (iii. 3, 18, etc.). Such was the report with which Epaphroditus found his way from Macedonia to Rome. Where, in Rome, did he find St Paul, and at what stage of his Roman residence ? Our WHERE WAS THE EPISTLE WRITTEN ? 1 7 answer must begin with affirming the convic- tion that it was to Rome, not elsewhere, that Epaphroditus went. The reader is aware that the Epistle itself names no place of origin ; it only alludes to a scene of imprisonment. And this does not of itself decide the locality ; for at Csesarea Stratonis, in Palestine, as well as at Rome, St Paul spent two years in captivity (Acts xxiv. 27). Some modern critics have favoured the date from Csesarea accordingly. They have noticed e.g. the verbal coincidence between Herod's pr^storium (A.V. "judgment- hall ") of Acts xxiii. 35, and the pratorimn (A.V. "palace") of Phil. i. 13. But Light- foot^ seems to me right in his decisive rejection of this theory and unshaken adherence to the date from Rome. He remarks that the oldest Church tradition is all for Rome ; that the Epistle itself evidently refers to its place of origin as to a place of first-rate importance and extent, in which any advance of the Gospel was a memorable and pregnant event ; and that the allusion to " Csesar's household " * Philippians (ed. i.), p. 30, note. 2 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES (though it is not so quite decisive as it might at first sight appear to be) " cannot without much straining of language and facts be made to apply to Csesarea." If now the Epistle was written from Rome, during the " two whole years " of Acts xxviii. 30, at what point in that period may we think that the writing fell ? Here again is a prob- lem over which much thought and labour has been spent. A majority of opinions no doubt is in favour of a date towards the end ot the imprisonment, so that Philippians would follow after Colossians and Ephesians. It is held that (i) the tone of the Epistle betokens the approach of a closing crisis for St Paul ; and that (2) it seems to indicate an already developed Christian mission work at Rome, as if St Paul had worked there some while ; and that (3) Epaphroditus' visit cannot be adjusted with any probability if we do not allow a good time for previous communications between Rome and Philippi. But here again Lightfoot's view commends itself to my mind decisively. He holds that Philippians was the £rst of the " Epistles of the Captivity," WHEN WAS THE EPISTLE WRITTEN .'* 1 9 and was written perhaps within the first few months of the " two whole years." Two of his reasons seem adequate of themselves to make this likely. The first is, that St Paul's allusion to the profound impression made on the Roman Christians by his " bonds in Christ " (i. 13, 14) goes well with the hypothesis of his recent arrival as a prisoner for Christ's sake, but not with that of his having been long present on the scene. The other is that the great doctrinal passage (iii. 4-9), where he repudiates " his own righteousness " and com- mits himself to " the righteousness which is of God by faith," is evidently akin to the group of Epistles to which Romans belongs ; and that it seems more likely that the divine Inspirer, in His order of revelation, led His servant so to write while the occasion for the writing of Romans was still comparatively recent, than long after, when the different (though kindred) sides of saving truth dealt with in Ephesians and Colossians had become prominent in his teaching. With reason, I think, Lightfoot " cannot attach any weight " to the argument from Epaphroditus' visit, 20 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES which may well have been planned at Philippi before St Paul actually reached Rome, and planned thus early on purpose, so as to reach him promptly there with the collected gifts of love. Nor are the allusions to a prob- able impending crisis in the trial before the Emperor important for the date ; for quite early in the imprisonment it may well have seemed likely that the case would be soon decided. As for the comparatively advanced state of Roman Christianity, the Epistle to the Romans is evidence enough that a vigorous and extensive mission-church, however it was founded, existed at Rome some years before St Paul arrived. I will venture then to take it for granted that it was some time in a.d. 6i, or at latest early in a.d. 62, that Epaphroditus came, with his collection and his reports, and struggled through his illness, and then prepared to return to Macedonia, carrying this precious Letter with him. We seem to see the scene as he converses day by day with St Paul, and as at length he takes his leave, in charge of this Message of " faith and love." We see a large "the word ENDURETH 2] chamber in one of those huge piles of building, storey over storey, of which imperial Rome was full. The window looks perhaps north- westward, up the stream of the Tiber, towards the distant hills of which Soracte is the most prominent. The sentinel, perhaps himself a convert to the Lord, sits motionless at a little distance, chained to the Apostle. The saints pray, converse, and embrace ; and then Epaphroditus descends to set out for Ostia, or for Puteoli, on his way home to Philippi. "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the Word of the Lord endureth for ever." The graves of the blessed ones who worked for the heavenly Master then are more than eighteen centuries old now. But the Letter to Philippi is to-day as new as ever. It is addressed to us, that we too may " believe, unto life everlasting," on " that same Jesus." "Man, like the grass ol morning, Droops ere the evening hour; His goodliness and beauty Fade as a fading flower; But who may shake the pillars Of God's unchanging Word ? Amen, Himself hath spoken ; Amen, — thus saith the Lord. Bishop E. H. Bickersteth, THE INTIMACY OF HUMAN HEARTS IN CHRIST 23 " I LEARNED without bookc almost all Paules Epistles, yea and I weene all the Canonicall Epistles, save only the Apocalyps. Of which study, although in time a great part did depart from me, yet the sweete smell thereof I trust I shall cary with me into heaven." Bishop Ridley, 1555. CHAPTER II THE INTIMACY OF HUMAN HEARTS IN CHRIST Philippians i. i-ii LET US begin our verbal study ot the Letter which Epaphroditus carried to Philippi. We attempt first a translation of its first main section, interspersed with an ex- planatory paraphrase. This will be followed by a brief meditation upon one of the main " Lessons in Faith and Love " suggested by the section. Ver. I. Paul and Timotheus, bondservants of Christ Jesus, to all the holy ones in union with Christ Jesus who are living at Philippi, Overseers, Workers, and all.^ * 2vv eTTia-KOTTois Koi bioKovois. I render the words as literally as possible, not to discredit the distinctive functions of the Christian ministry, but to remind the reader of the natural origin of the titles by which Christian ministers are desig- nated. And it is important here to remember that our word bisho;p, while derived from eVi'o-KOTroy, cannot properly translate 25 26 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES Ver. 2. Grace to yau, and peace — all the free favour of acceptance and of divine presence, and all the repose which it brings, within you and around you^ from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Vers. 3, 4. I give thanks to my God (He is mine, as I am His) over my whole memory of you; always in each request of mine on behalf of you all forming and expressing {nroiovfievo'i^) that {ti]v) request with joy; Ver. 5. on account of your participation with me in regard of the Gospel, your active co-operation with me, by prayer, by work, by gifts, in the Gospel work, Ver. 6. from the first day up to this present. For (the thought of your long consistency suggests the assertion) I am quite sure of just this, that He who inaugurated {ivap^d^evo'i : the word has solemn, cere- monial connexions) in you the ^ good work will perfect it as it is used in the New I'estament. For inidKonos is not used there as the special title of a superintendent pastor set over other pastors. Such superintendents, however the office originated, are found in the New Testament, and early in the second century are called distinctively eVto-KOTroi : but the term so used is later, on any theory, than the origin of the office. But I do not purpose in these devotional chapters to discuss at length such a question as that raised here. The reader should by all means consult Bishop Lightfoot's Excursus in his Commentary on this Epistle, 7he Christian Ministry. The views advanced in that essay were, as I personally know, held by the writer to the last. ' The middle suggests a certain fulness of action. * I think the definite article should be supplied in English ; the reference is to the work of works. THE APOSTLE AND HIS CONVERTS ONE 27 it, will evermore put His finishing touches to it (eTTtTeXeVet), up to Christ Jesus' Day, the Day of His promised Return, and of our glorification with Him. But this is by the way ; I return to my joy and my Ver. 7. thanksgivings over you : Even as it is just that I, I above all men (e'/u-ot, emphatic, not //,ot), should feel ((f)povelv) like this over you all, on behalf of you all,^ because of my having you in my heart, as those who, alike in my imprisonment (Sea/xol^) and in the vindication and establishment of the Gospel, the defence of it against its enemies, the developement of its truths and its power in the believing, are copartners, all of you, of my grace ; my grace, the grace granted me, the glorious privilege of suffering and of doing as a Missionary of Christ. Your loving, working sympathy has inextricably united you and me, alike in my prison and in my apostolate. Ver. 8. Yes, I feel this in my inmost being. For God is my witness, how I yearn, as with a homesick affection {iTmroOla), for you all, in the heart {airXdr^x^a) of Christ Jesus ; for to His members His heart is as it were theirs ; our emotions are, by the Spirit, in contact with His. Ver. 9. And what are those " requests " which I make for you with joy ? This is my prayer, that your ' I give both the possible renderings of vnep. Both would certainly be in place, as he thought of them and prayed and gave thdixiks/or them. 28 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES love, in the fullest Christian sense, but above all in the sense of your love to one another, may abound yet more and more in the attendant and protective bless- ing of spiritual knowledge (i7rL7 of the whole. Let us welcome it home. Let us question ourselves, in presence of it, and before our Lord, first about our personal possession of the Cause, and then about our personal manifestation of the effects. Let us put to our own hearts some very old-fashioned interrogations : Am I indeed in Jesus Christ ? Is He to me indeed Possessor, Lord, Giver of grace and peace ? Is my life so lived and my work so done in contact with HiTn that through Him, and not merely through myself, " my fruit is found " ? Is His promised Day the goal and longing of m^y heart, as I suhnit myself to Him that He may perfect His work in me by the way, and watch over inyself that I may meet Him single-hearted and " withoiU offence " at the end? Is He the pervading and supreme Interest of my life ? Is He the inward Power which colours my thought and gives direction and quality to 7ny affections ? No answer which a heart fully wakeful to God can give to such deliberate inward questionings can possibly be an easy or *' light- hearted " answer. The gladdest and most thankful utterance of such a heart will carry 38 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES along with it always the prayer, "Search me, O God, and try my heart " ; " Enter not into judgment with Thy servant." Yet we are assuredly meant, if we are in Christ, so to know the fact as to rejoice in it, and to be strong in it ; we are invited, without a doubt, so to know Him as to know we know Him, and to find in Him " all our salvation, and all our desire." Let us not rest till, in great humility but with perfect simplicity, we so see Him as to leave behind our doubts about our part and lot in Him, and, " believing, to rejoice." And then let us covet the developement of those results of possession of Christ, of union with Christ, which we have specially studied in the opening section of our Epistle. Let us welcome the Lord in to " the springs of thought and will," with the conscious aim that He should so warm and enrich them with His presence that they shall overflow for blessing around us, in the life of Christian love. I do not mean for a moment that we should set ourselves to construct a spiritual mannerism of speech or of habit. The matter is one not of manufacture but of culture ; it RESERVE IN CHRISTIAN INTERCOURSE 39 is a call to "nourish and cherish" the gift of God which is in us, and to give to it the humble co-operation of our definite wish and will that it may be manifested in the ways commended in His Word. It is a call to desire and intend to '■'■adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour," in the outcoming of His presence in us in our tone, temper, and con- verse, towards those around us, and especially where we know that a common faith and common love do subsist. If I mistake not, there is far too little of this at present, even in true Christian circles. A certain dread of " phraseology," of "pietism," of what is foolishly called "goody- goody," has long been abroad ; a grievously exaggerated dread ; a mere parody of rightful jealousy for sincerity in religion. Under the baneful spell of this dread it is only too common for really earnest Christians to keep each other's company, and even to take part in united religious work, and to be constantly together as worshippers, aye, perhaps as ministers of the Word and Ordinances of Christ, and yet never, or hardly ever, to 40 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES exchange a word about Him, heart to heart ; still less to " speak often one to another," and share fully together their treasures of experi- ence of what He is and what He has done for them. The very dialect of the Christian life has greatly lost in holy depth and tender- ness, so it seems to me, since a former generation in which this over-drawn fear (it is a mere fashion) of " phraseology " was less prevalent. It ought not so to be. Let us each for himself come closer to our eternal Friend, converse more fully with Him, "consider Him" much more than many of us do. And then we too shall discover that " our mouth is opened, our heart enlarged," for holy converse with our fellow-servants, in that wonderful interchange of souls which is pos- sible " in the heart of Jesus Christ." "Oh days of heaven, and nights of equal praise, Serene and peaceful as those heavenly days, When souls, drawn upwards in communion sweet, Enjoy the stillness of some close retreat ; Discourse, as if releas'd and safe at home, Of dangers past and wonders yet to come. And spread the sacred treasures of the breast Upon the lap of covenanted rest." ^ ' Cowperr Conversation. THE APOSTLES POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES 41 'Yield to the Lord, with simple heart, All that thou hast and all thou art, Renounce all strength but strength divine. And peace shall be for ever thine." Mme de la Motiie Guvon, translakd by Cowper. 42 CHAPTER III THE APOSTLE'S POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES PhILIPPIANS i. I2-20 ST PAUL has spoken his affectionate greeting to the Philippians, and has opened to them the warm depths of his friendship with them in the Lord. What he feels towards them " in the heart of Christ Jesus," what he prays for them in regard of the growth and fruit of their new life, all has been expressed. It is time now to meet their loving anxieties with some account of his own position, and the circumstances of the mission in the City. Through this passage let us follow him now ; we shall find that the quiet picture, full of strong human interest in its details, is suffused all over with the glory of the presence and the peace of Christ. Ver. 12. Now I wish you to know, brethren, that my position and circumstances {ra kut if^e, "■the things 43 44 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES related to me'*) have come out, have resulted, rather for the progress of the Gospel message and enter- Ver. 13. prise, than otherwise ; so that my bonds, my imprisonment, with its custodia militaris, are become unmistakable {^avepovi) as being in Christ; as due to no social or political crime, but to the name and cause of the Messiah of Israel, the Saviour of the world. This is the case in the whole Praetorium,^ in all ranks of the Imperial Guard, and among other people in general (rot? XoiTroi? wdat^). And Ver. 14. another result is^ that the majority (rov<; TrXetom?) of the brethren in the Lord, the converts of the Roman mission, feeling a new confidence in connexion with my bonds,* animated by the fact of my imprisonment, realizing afresh the glory of the cause which makes me happy to suffer, venture more abundantly, more frequently, more openly, fearlessly ^ See note at the end of this chapter. ' The A.V. rendering "in all other places" is obviously due to the belief that npatTupiov signified a place, not a body of men. ^ I thus convey the force of wore, across the break we have made in the original sentence. * Literally perhaps, "relying on my bonds," as a new ground for their assurance of the goodness of the cause. — It is possible to render here, " the brethren, having in the Lord confidence^ are, in view of my bonds, much more bold," etc. But the rhythm of the Greek is in favour of our render- ing (which is essentially that of A.V. and R.V.). DISLOYAL " BRETHREN 45 to speak the Word, the message of Christ, of the Cross, of Truth, of Life. There is a drawback in this Ver. 15. welcome phenomenon : some indeed actually (/cat) for envy and strife, while others as truly («at) for goodwill, are proclaiming the Christ. The latter^ Ver. 16. are at work thus from motives of love, love to the Lord and to me His captive Messenger, knowing that on purpose for the vindication (airoXoyiav) of the Gospel I am posted (Ke2/xat, as a soldier, fixed by his captain's order) here. The former from Ver. 17. motives of faction, partizanship (ipiOeia) in a self-interested propaganda of their own opinions, are announcing the Christ, not purely, thinking and meaning to raise up (iyelpetv, so read) tribulation for me in my bonds; as so easily they can do, by detaching from me many converts who would other- wise gather round me, and generally by the mortify- ing thought of their freedom and activity in contrast to my enforced isolation. Shall I give way to the trial, and lose patience and peace ? Must I ? Need Ver. 18. I ? Nay ; what matters it (tl rydp) ? Is not the fiery arrow quenched in Christ for me? Is it not thus nothing to me? Yes — yet not nothmg, after all ; for it brings a gain ; it spreads the Gospel so much further ; so that to my " What matters it ? " I may add, Only, in every way, fair or foul, Christ ^ I adopt here the order of the Greek clauses which is best attested. 46 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES is being announced; and in this I rejoice, aye, and rejoice I shall ; the future can only bring me fresh reasons for a joy which Hes wholly in the triumphs of my Lord, and can only bring fresh blessings to Ver. 19. me His vassal. For I know that I shall find (/iot) this experience result in salvation, in the access of saving grace to my soul, through your supplication for me, which will be quickened by your knowledge of my trials, and through a resulting full supply {eTTLXopvy^o, : the word suggests a supply which is ample) of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; a de- veloped presence in me of the Holy Ghost, coming from the exalted Saviour, and revealing Him, and applying Him. Such blessing will be exactly Ver. 20. according to my eager expectation (dTro- KapaSoKia) and hope, that in no respect shall I he disappointed (alaxwOrjcrofMac : with the " shame " of a miscalculation), but that in all outspokenness (Trapprjcria) of testimony, whether in word or deed, as always, so also now, Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether by means of life or by means of death. The passage is full of various points of interest. It is interesting, as we saw in our first chapter, in regard of the historical criticism of the Epistle. It gives a strong suggestion (I follow Lightfoot in the remark) in favour of dating the Epistle early in the " two years " INTEREST OF THE PARAGRAPH 47 of Acts xxviii. For it implies that the fact of the Apostle's imprisonment was a powerful stimulant to the zeal of the Roman Christians ; and this is much more likely to have been the case when the imprisonment was still a new fact to them, than later. St Paul's arrival and first settlement, in the character (totally new in Rome, so far as we know) of a " prisoner of Jesus Christ," would of itself give a quickening shock, so to speak, to the believing com- munity, which had suffered, so we gather, from a certain decadence of zeal. But when he had been some time amongst them, and the conditions of the " hired house " had become usual and familiar in their thoughts, it would be otherwise ; whatever else about St Paul might rekindle their ardour, the mere fact of his imprisoned state would hardly do so. The passage is further interesting as it indi- cates one particular direction of the Apostle's influence upon the pagans around him. It was felt, primarily, " in all the Praetorium," that is to say, in the large circle of the Imperial Life-guards.^ We gather here, with reason- ^ See note at the end of this chapter. 48 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES able certainty, that from the Life-guards were supplied, one by one, " the soldiers that kept him" (Acts xxviii. 16); mounting guard over him in turn, and fastened to him by the long chain which clasped at one end the wrist of the prisoner, at the other that of the sentinel. It needs only a passing effort of imagination to understand something of the exquisite trial to every sensibility which such a custody must have involved, even where the conditions were favourable. Let the guardian be ever so con- siderate and civil, it would be a terrible ordeal to be literally never alone, night or day ; and too often, doubtless, the guardian would be not at all complaisant. To many a man, certainly to any man of the refined mental and moral nature of St Paul, this slow fire of indescrib- able annoyance would be far worse to endure than a great and sudden infliction of pain, even to death. It is a noble triumph of grace when such a test is well borne, and turned by patience into an occasion for God. When Nicholas Ridley, for a long year and a half (1554-5) was committed at Oxford to the vexatious domestic custody of the mayor and THE VICTORY OF PATIENCE 49 his bigoted wife, Edmund and Margaret Irish, it must have been nothing less than a slow torture to one whose fine nature had been used for years to the conditions of civil and ecclesiastical dignity and of a large circle of admirable friends. And it was a spiritual victory, second only to that of his glorious martyrdom (Oct. 16, 1555), when the close of that dreary time found the once obdurate and vexatious Mrs Irish won by Ridley's life to admiration and attachment, and also, as it would seem, to scriptural convictions.^ But it was a still nobler result from a still more persistent and penetrating trial when St Paul so lived and so witnessed In the presence of this succession of Roman soldiers that the whole Guard was pervaded with a knowledge of his true character and position, evidently in the sense of interest and of respect. It must have been a course of unbroken consist- ency of conduct as well as of openness of witness. Had he only sometimes, only rarely, only once or twice, failed in patience, in kind- ^ I venture to refer to my book, Bishop Ridley on the Lord's Supper (Seeley), pp. 54, 55, 72. 4 50 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES ness, in the quiet dignity of the Gospel, the whole succession of his keepers would have felt the effect, as the story passed from one to another. As a fact, the " keeping power of Christ " was always with him, and always used by him, and the men went out one after another to say that here was a prisoner such as never was before. Here was no conspirator or criminal ; his " bonds " were evidently (ver. 13) due only to his devotion to a God whom he would not renounce, and whose presence with him and power over him were visibly shewn in the divine peace and love of his hourly life. We can please ourselves if we will by imagining many a scene for the exercise of that influence. Sometimes the Saint would be left much alone with the Praetorian. Some- times a long stream of visitors would flow in, and for a whole day perhaps the two would scarcely exchange a word ; the Guardsman would only watch and listen, if he cared to do so. Sometimes it would be a case where ignorant and ribald blasphemies would have to be met in the power of the peace of God. THE PR^TORIAN SENTINEL 5 I Sometimes a really wistful heart would at once betray its presence under the Roman cuirass. Perhaps the man would attack the Apostle with ridicule, or with enquiries, after some long day of religious debate, such as that recorded in Acts xxviii., and the silent night would see St Paul labouring on to win this soul also. " These ears were dull to Grecian speech ; This heart more dull to aught but sin ; Yet the great Spirit bade thee reach, Wake, change, exalt, the soul within : I've heard ; I know ; thy Lord, ev'n He, Jesus, hath look'd from heaven on me. * # * * • * A Christian, yes — for ever now A Christian ; so our Leader keep My faltering heart : to Him I bow. His, whether now I wake or sleep: In peace, in battle, His : — the day Breaks in the east : oh, once more pray ! " ^ The passage before us is interesting again because of the light it throws on the very early rise of a separatist movement in the Roman mission-church, and on the principles on which St Paul met it. Extremely painful ' See the close of the volume. 52 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES and perplexing the phenomenon was, though by no means new in its nature to St Paul, as we well know. It was a trouble altogether from within, not from without. The men who " preached Christ of envy and strife " bore evidently the Christian name as openly as their sincerer brethren. They were baptized members of the community of the Gospel. And their evangelization was such that St Paul was able to say, " Christ is preached " ; though this does not mean, assuredly, that there were no doubtful elements mingled in the preaching. Now for them, as for all the Roman Christians, he had every reason to regard himself as the Lord's appointed centre of labour and of order. There he was, the divinely commissioned Apostle of Christ, at once the Teacher and the Leader of the Gentile Churches ; only a few short years before he had written to these very people, in his inspired and commissioned character, the greatest of the Epistles. Yet now behold a separation, a schism. That such the movement was we cannot doubt. These " brethren," he tells us, carried on their mis- sionary efforts in a way precisely intended to SEPARATISM, AND HOW IT WAS MET 53 " raise up trouble " for him in his prison. The least that they would do with that object would be not only to teach much that he would disapprove of, but to intercept intercourse between their converts and him ; to ignore him altogether as the central representative of the Church at Rome ; to arrange for assemblies, to administer Baptisms, to practise the Break- ing of Bread, wholly apart from the order and cohesion which he would sanction, and which he had the fullest right to enjoin. All this was a great evil, a sin, carrying consequences which might affect the Christian cause far and wide. Is it not true that no deliberate schism has ever taken place in the Church where there has not been grievous sin in the matter — on one side, or on the other, or on both ? Yet how does the Apostle meet this dis- tressing problem ? With all the large tolerance and self-forgetting patience which come to the wise man who walks close to God in Christ. No great leader, surely, ever prized more the benefits of order and cohesion than did St Paul. And where a fundamental error was in view, as for example that about Justification in 54 THILIPPIAN STUDIES Galatia, no one could meet it more energetic- ally, and with a stronger sense of authority, than he did. But he *' discerned things that differ." And when, as here, he saw around him men, however misguided, who were aiding in the "announcement" of the Name and salvation of Christ, he thought more of the evangelization than of the breach of coherence, which yet most surely he deplored. He speaks with perfect candour of the unsound spiritual state of the separatists, their envy, strife, and partizanship. But he has no anathema for their methods. He is apparently quite uncon- scious of the thought that because he is the one Apostle in Rome grace can be conveyed only through him ; that his authority and com- mission are necessary to authenticate teaching and to make ordinances effectual. He would far rather have order, and he knows that he is its lawful centre. But " the announcement of Christ " is a thing even more momentous than order. He cannot stay to speak of that great but inferior benefit, while he " rejoices, aye, and is going to rejoice," in the diffusion of the Name and salvation of the Lord. ST PAUL S SECRET 55 It is an instructive lesson. Would that in all the after ages the Church had more watch- fully followed this noble precedent ! The result would have been, so I venture to hold, a far truer and stronger cohesion, in the long run, than we see, alas, around us now. What was the secret of this happy harmony of the love of order and the capacity for tolerance in the mind of St Paul ? It was a secret as deep but also as simple as possible ; it was the Lord Jesus Christ. Really and literally, Jesus Christ was the one ruling con- sideration for St Paul ; not himself, his claims, position, influence, feelings ; not even the Church. To him the Church was inestimably precious, but the Lord was more. And all his thoughts about work, authority, order, and the like, were accordingly conditioned and governed by the thought. What will best promote the glory of the Lord who loved us and gave Himself for us? If even a separatist propaganda will extend the know- ledge of Him, His servant can rejoice, not in the separatism, not in the unhappy spirit which prompted it, but in the extension of 56 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES the reign of Jesus Christ in the human hearts which need Him. Surely, even in our own day, with its immemorial complications of the question of exterior order, it will tend more than anything else to straighten the crooked places and level the rough places, if we look, from every side, on the glory of the blessed Name as our supreme and ruling interest. This view of the supremacy of the Saviour in the thoughts of St Paul about the Church leads us to a view, as we close, of that supremacy in all his thoughts about his own life. Our paragraph ends with the words which anticipate a great blessing, a new de- velopement of " salvation," in the writer's soul, in answer to the believing prayers of the Philip- pians ; and then comes the thought that this result will carry out his dearest personal ambition — " that Christ may be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death." Let us take up those final words for a simple study, before God. " According to my eager expectation," my anoKapaSoKia, my waiting and watching, with outstretched head, for some keenly wished-for arrival, or attainment. Such is this man's HIS '• EARNEST EXPECTATION " 57 thought and feeling with regard to the " mag- nification " of Christ through his Hfe and death. It is his " hope," it is his absorbing " expectation." It is to him the thing with which he wakes up in the morning, and over which he Hngers as he prepares to sleep at night. It is the animating inner interest which gives its zest to life. What art is to the ambitious and successful painter, what literature is to the man who loves it for its own sake and whose books have begun to take the world, what athletic toil and triumph is to the youth in his splendid prime, what the fact of extending and wealth-winning enterprise is to the man conscious of mercantile capacity — all this, only very much more, is the "magnification of Christ in his body" to the prisoner who sits, never alone, in the Roman lodging. It is this which effectually forbids him ever to find the days dull. Its light falls upon everything ; comforts, trials, days of toil, hours of comparative repose, prospects of life, prospects of death. It quickens and concentrates all his faculties, as a great and animating interest always tends 58 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES to do ; it is always present to his mind as light and heat, to his will as rest and power. It secures for him the quiet of a great dis- engagement and liberty from selfish motives ; it continually drives him on, with a force which does not exhaust him (for it is from above) in the ambition and enterprise which is for Christ ; giving him at once an impulse toward great and arduous labours, and a patience and loving tact which continually adjusts itself to the smallest occasions of love and service. Reader, this is admirable in St Paul. But after all, the ultimate secret of the noble phenomenon resides not in St Paul but in Jesus Christ. "It pleased God to reveal His Son in me" (Gal. i. 15, 16). The man had seen his Saviour with his whole soul. And because of — not the man who saw but — the Saviour who was seen, behold, the life is lifted off the pivot of self-will and transferred to that of " the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." The same " revealing " grace can lift us also. We are not St Pauls ; but the Jesus Christ of St Paul is absolutely the same, in Himself, for us. We will, in His " CHRIST MAGNIFIED 59 name, place ourselves in the way of His working, that He may so shew us His fair countenance that we may not be able not to live, quite really, for Him as the enthralling Interest of life. Let us look at the words again : " That Christ may be magnified,''' may be made great. In what respect? Not in Himself; for He is already "all in all"; "filling all things"; " higher than the heavens." Such is He that "no man knoweth the Son but the Father"; the mind of Deity is alone adequate to com- prehend His glory. But He may be magnified — relatively to those who see Him, or may see Him. To eyes which find in Christ only a distant and obscure Object, however sacred, He may be made to occupy the whole field of the soul with His love and glory. As when the telescope is directed upon the heavens, and some " cloudy spot " becomes, magnified, a mighty planet perhaps, or perhaps a universe of starry suns ; so it is when through a believer's life " Christ is magnified " to eyes which watch that life and see the reality of the power within. 60 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES Ah, have we not known such lives our- selves ? Has not the Lord been made very- near to us, and very luminous, in the face of father, mother, brother, sister, friend, or pastor? Have we not seen Him shining large and near us in their holy activities, and in their blessed sufferings, shedding His glory through all they were and all they did ? He has been magnified to us by saints in high places, whose dignity and fame have been to them only so much occasion for the exercise of their " ruling passion " — the glory of Christ. And He has been magnified to us also by saints in comfortless cottages, imprisoned upon sick-beds in gloomy attics, but finding in everything an occasion to experience and to manifest the power of their Lord. May He make it always our ambition to be thus His magnifiers. But may He keep it a really pure ambition. For even this can be distorted into the misery of self-seeking ; an ambition not that Christ may be magnified, but that His magnifier may be thought "some great one" in the spiritual life. "In my docfy." Because through the body, IN MY BODY " 6 1 and only through it, practically, can we tell on others for the Lord. Do we speak to them ? Do we write to them ? Do we make home comfortable and happy for them ? Do we " meet the glad with joyful smiles and wipe the weeping eyes " ? Do we travel to those who want us ? Do we nurse them ? Do we think for them ? All has its motives in the regenerate spirit, but all has its effect through the body. Without brain, eyes, ears, lips, hands, feet — how could we serve, how could we shine ? Our life would have no articulation to others, nor our death. " I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice." So be it, for writer and for reader. Then blessed will be our life, as day by day brings ceaseless occasions for the pursuit of our dear ambition — " that Christ may be magnified." * * 'Ei^ oXw Tw 'TTpaLTopico (ver. 13). — The word npaLTcopLov occurs in e.g. Matt, xxvii. 27. Acts xxiii. 35, in the sense of the residence 62 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES of a great official, regarded as prcetor, or commander. The A.V. here evidently reasons from such passages, and takes the word to mean the residence at Rome of the supreme prcetor, the Emperor ; the Palatium, the vast range of buildings on the Mons Palatinus which has since given a name to all *' palaces." Bishop Lightfoot however has made it clear {a) that such a use at Rome, by Romans, of the word Prcetorium was probably not known ; (b) that the word Prcetorium was a familiar word for the great body of the Imperial Life- guards ; and that it would probably be often so used by the (praetorian) " soldiers who kept him." On the whole it seems clear that, at Rome, the word would denote a body, not a place. It never appears as a name for the great camp of the Praetorians, outside Rome at the east. THE CHRISTIAN'S PEACE AND THE CHRISTIAN'S CONSISTENCY 63 O God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed ; Give unto Thy servants that peace which the world cannot give ; that both our hearts may be set to obey Thy commandments, and also that by Thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies may pass our time in rest and quiet- ness; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. The Second Collect at Evening Prayer, 64 CHAPTER IV THE CHRISTIANS PEACE AND THE CHRISTIAN'S CONSISTENCY Philippians i. 21-30 Ver. 21. For to me, to live is Christ ; the conscious- ness and experiences of living, in the body, are so full of Christ, my supreme Interest, that CHRIST sums them all up ; and to die, the act of dying,^ is gain, for it will usher me in from an existence of blessing to an existence of more blessing still. But Ver; 22. if living on, in the flesh, be my lot ; if the present suspense issues in my being acquitted at the Roman tribunal, this will prove to me (tovto fiot) fruit of work ; it will just mean so much more work for the Lord, and so much more fruit ; I shall welcome 1 Observe the aorist infinitive, to dirodave^v, of ;fhe crisis, dying, contrasted with the present infinitive, to (rjv, of ^Ae process, living. — It may be noticed that the renderings of Luther, Christus ist mein Leben, and Tindale, Christ is to me lyfe, are untenable, though expressing as a fact a deep and precious truth. The Apostle is obviously dealing with the characteristics, not the source, of "living." 65 5 66 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES it not as being the best thing in itself, as if I chose mortal life for its own sake, but because of its cease- less opportunities for my Lord. And which alterna- tive I shall choose, I do not know, I do not recognize (yvoapi^o), as one who seeks to be sure of the face of Ver. 23. a friend amidst other faces). Nay (Se), I am held in suspense on both sides ; ^ my personal desire being ^ in the direction of departing, striking my tent, weighing my anchor {dva\va-ai),^ and being with Christ (for this is what " departing " means for us Christians, on its other side) ; for it is far, far better, by far more preferable, ttoXX&j fiaWov Kpeiaa-ov — aye even than a " life in the flesh " which " is Christ " ! But Ver. 24. then the abiding by {e-mfieveLv) the flesh, the brave, faithful, holding fast to the conditions of earthly * 2vvfxofiai fK rav fiuo : literally, "I am confined, restricted from the two (sides) " ; as if to say, " I am hindered as to my choice, whichever side you view me from." ' Literally, "having the desire " ; not "a desire," which misses the point of the words. He means that his emdvuia lies in one direction, his conviction of call and duty in the other. T/ze desire, the element of personal longing in him, is for " departing." ^ The Vulgate renders here, cu^z'o dissolvi, as if avakvaai meant, so to speak, to "analyse" myself into my elements, to separate my soul from my body. But the usage of the verb, in the Greek of the Apocrypha, is for the sense given in our Versions, and above; to "break up," in the sense of " setting out " HE WILL BE SPARED TO THEM 67 trial, is more necessary, more obligatory, more of the nature of duty as against pleasure, on account of you, and your further need of me in the Lord. And feeling Ver. 25. confident of this, I know that I shall remain — aye and shall remain side hy side {TrapafxevM) with you all, as your comrade, your helper, in order to your progress and joy in your faith ; ^ so as to promote your growth in the exercise of loyal reliance on your Lord, and in the deep joy which is the natural issue of such Ver. 26. reliance ; so that your exultation may be over- flowing in Christ Jesus, in your living union with Him, in me (eV ifiol), " in " whom you see a living example of your Lord's love, shewn to you by means of my Ver. 27. coming back to you again. Only, whether am thus actually restored to you or not, order your life ^ in a way worthy of the Gospel of Christ (above all, worthy of the unifying, harmonizing power of the Gospel) ; so that whether coming and seeing you, or ^ Literally, "your progress and joy of the faith." The Greek suggests the connexion of both "progress" and "joy" with "faith." And St Paul's general use of the word Tr/ortj favours its reference here not to the objective creed but to the subjective reliance of the holder of the creed. ^ IloXirevfo-^f : literally, " live your citizen-life." But in its usage the verb drops all explicit reference to the ttoXitt]!, and means little more than " live" ; in the sense however not of mere existence, or even of experience, but of a course of principle and order. See Acts xxiii. i, the only other N.T. passage where it occurs ; and 2 Mace. vi. i, xi. 25. 68 PHILIPPIAN STUDIES remaining absent, I may hear ^ about your circumstances, your condition, that you are standing firm in One Spirit,^ in the power of the One Strengthener, and, with one soul, one life and love, the resultant of the One Spirit's work in you all, wrestling side by side, with enemies and obstacles, for ^the faith of the Gospel, for the main- tenance and victory of that reliance which embraces Ver. 28. the truth of Christ ; and refusing to be {firj) scared out of that attitude in anything by your {rSiv) opponents, the unconverted world around you. Such {r)TL