^. /iy.c>^ . ^ PRINCETON, N. J. *i^ Presented by Wi2/\( , ^ £>Ve/Y- cArv A (S/r'^on, Divisiofi .. O'^-l-l- I O hog A N G i: L U S ^ Through the medium of this Truly Marvelous Instrument Music has become the Universal Language ^ The Angelus was the first instrument of this character manu- factured in the United States, and is still foremost. ^ The Phrasing Lever — is the heart of the Angelus. ^ The Melodant — accentuates the Melodic note or Theme. ^Thc Melody Buttons — separate the Melody from the Accompaniment. ^ All the above features are patented and are exclusive with the Angelus. ^The Angelus mechanism is also installed in the Knabe, Emerson, and Merrill Pianos. A complete instrument that any member of the family can play* Send for fall information, to THE WILCOX (SL WHITE CO. Jt^ents Everywhere Merlden, Conn. NEW AND SUCCESSFUL HYMNALS Church Hymns and Tunes Edited by Rev. HERBERT B. TURNER, D.D., and WM. F. BIDDLE Introductory Prices : Full Cloth, y^ cents ; Half Morocco, go cents. 661 Hymns, 753 Tunes, with Chants, Responses, the Psalter, and Scripture Selections. " I have yet to look for a hymn of real value which the volume does not contain." Rev. H. H. Tweedy, Bridgeport, Conn. " The very best arrangement of hymns and tunes for public worship." Rev. W. H. Bolster, D.D., Nashua, N. //. " The very best Church Hymnal ever published in America." Rev. Stanley Ross Fisher, Los Angeles, Cal. " It is the leader of, all first-class Church Hymnals." H. Augustine Stnit/i, Director of A/usic, Chicago Theological Seminary. Hymns and Tunes for Schools Edited by Rev. HERBERT B. TURNER, D.D. 307 Hymns, 323 Tunes, with Chants and Readings Full Cloth, Introductory Price, ^^^.oo per hundred "I am amazed and delighted at the wealth of material in the book, all so admirably adapted to its purpose." Rev. F. S. I/unnewell, ReadtJig, A/ass. " I am so delighted with it that I shall introduce it at once into my boy choir. It is the ' best ever.' " //. Augustine Smith, Director of Music, Chicago Theological Seminary. " The finest Sunday-School Hymnal published. Send 200." C. E. Iluhach, Choirmaster Plymouth Cong. Church, Lawrence, A'ans. " Please send 700 ' Hymns and Tunes for Schools.'" Central Congregational Bible School, Brooklyn, A^. Y. Sample copies (reluniable) of either or both sent free for examination. A. S. BARNES & CO. 11 East 24th Street New York ^ r Estey Pipe Organ in New First Congregational Churcli, Chelsea, Mass. -*- YOU ELIMINATE ALL ELEMENT OF CHANCE OR UNCERTAINTY IF YOUR CONTRACT CALLS FOR AN Estey Pipe Organ The quality is of th& same highest grade as that main- tained by the Estey Organ Company since the inception of the business in 1846, the continued excellence of which has resulted in making the Estey Organ the accepted world's standard :: :: :: :: Your correspondence is respectfully soUciled -^- ESTEY ORGA/N COMPA/MY, BRATTLEBORO, VT. Branches : BOSTON, 120 Boylston Street NEW YORK, 7 "West 29th Street PHILADELPHIA, 1118 Chestnut Street ATLANTA, GA., PeachtreeStreet ST. LOUIS, 1116 Olive Street LONDON, ENG., Oxford Street CHURCH FURNISHINGS IN WOOD, METAL, STONE AND MARBLE. STAINED GLASS, EMBROIDERY, ETC. Church Changes or Decoration Executed or Estimated on for any Part of the Country and we will show such parts as can be executed advantageously by LOCAL LABOR MEMORIAL WINDOWS AND TABLETS >« Vt JortriDirEVAncai/T SUNDAY SCHOOL BANNERS Monuments for the Cemetery CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Send for our Illustrated Handbooks and Photographs of Work Executed. MENTION IN WHAT YOU ARE INTERESTED 23, 25, 27 Sixth Avenue J&R L.A/A& New York N. Y. Wheaton Seminary for Young women Was founded in 1S34 under the superintendence of Mary Lyon, and is an endowed college-preparatory institution. Certificates to college. Advanced courses for high-school graduates and others. Art and Music. Native French and German. Modern gymnasium, with resident instructor. Christian home influences. Steam heat, electric lighting, and perfect sanitary equipment. New dining hall and dormitories. Beautifully and healthfully situated within thirty miles of Boston. Extensive grounds, tennis, basket ball, field hockey, etc. Expenses, #350 per year. Deductions to daughters of clergymen. Seventy-fourth year begins Sept. 16, 1908. For catalogue and views, address Rev. SAMUEL V. COLE, A.M., D.D., President, Norton, Mass. Church Plans BENJAMIN D. PRICE MAX CHARLES PRICE Architects .A-ri_A.IM-riC IHIGI-ll-AIM C3S, r>i . J. Catalogue containing description and price list of a great variety of CHURCH PLANS FREE TO MINISTERS. TO OTHERS, 20 CENTS Price's Paper Imitation of Stained Glass 3,500 Churches have used it. Circular and Samples Free , It is decorative and obviates all annoyance from sunlight through the plain glass. SEND FOR SAMPLES -^.^^ RND PRICES ^- PERMANENTLV "~" -^ ELASTIC I ^>^.W.BENTCO> , 93 CAUSEWAY ST. BOSTON Individual Communion Service Many ^Designs in Silver and Aluminum (Special Finish) and in Other cMaterials Give name of church and number of communicants. Send for full particulars and catalogue No. 65. " Your service is the simplest, neatest, easily and surely handled." — F. P. Shutmvay, Boston, Jl/nss. "Admirable in design, splendid workmanship." — R. A. Simms, Raleigh, I\'. C. " More and more convinced that this selection was of the best." — Alexander Lewis, IVorcester, Mass. " Send us 28 trays." — Baltimore. " .Send us 20 trays." — Northfield, A/ass. " Sen4 us 20 trays." — Jilt. Holyoke College. GEO. H. SPRINGER, Mgr., 258 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Knowles BuiUling Boys' Hall Stone Hall Girls' Hall Model Home The Offlethorpe School and Carnegie Library are not shown here. ATLANTA UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, Ga. EDWARD T. WARE, PRESIDENT 7f HIGH School, Normal School and College, with Manual Training for boys and Domestic Science for girls. A home where stu- dents are brought under wholesome Christian influences. A center for gathering and disseminating accurate information regarding the Negroes, which service to the cause of fairness in judging a people has had, through the help of the graduates, signal success, and has brought the Sociological Department of Atlanta University an inter- national reputation. The Alma Mater of many of the most successful teachers and influential men and women of the Negro race in the South. Directly and through its 560 graduates, a source of encour- agement and inspiration for thousands of the people for whose sake it exists. This is what 39 years have proved Atlanta University to be for the Negro race. Each new year, with the increasing number of grad- uates, makes the possibility of useful service greater. The work, however, is hampered by lack of funds. The endowment amounts to $72,000. At least $500,000 is needed to maintain the work as at present organized. Such an endowment would result in great increase in the efficiency and power of Atlanta University, for it would release for the work forces which are now absorbed in the anxiety and effort incident upon money raising for current expenses. Bequests in wills should be made payable to " The Trustees of the Atlanta University," in Atlanta, Ga., and attested by three witnesses. Address : President EDWARD T. WARE, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. THOMAS TODD Book and Job Pnnter " The Congregational Printer " Have been in the printing business over forty-one years, and during that time have constantly received flattering testimonials from my customers. I guarantee that all work intrusted to me will be executed in the most approved manner. A special aim in my business has been to deliver work promptly and at the promised time. For fifty-nine years have been connected with the compo- sition of '^he Congregationalist. Church Creeds, Sermons, Church Histories, Programs, and all work needed by religious societies carefully attended to. Prices as low as is consistent with good work. Commercial Printing. In all the branches of Commercial Printing I am fully abreast of the times. CONGREGATIONAL HOUSE 14 BEACON STREET, BOSTON Telephone Haymatket 60 1 Why Not? Why should not every minister and interested layman who reads The Congregaiionallsi and Christian Wb#*/f# assist us in making its message still more effective by placing it in every Congre- gational home ? Why Not •'^■^^■aken your friends to the real spirit of Congregationalism l>y bringing them in tonch with the best current Congregational news, week by week 7 <^ y^hy Not aid the local work of your church by bringing to it good cheer and wise methods from other churches ? Why Not (delegate someone in your church to make a really lire personal can- vass and note how many families (to not receive regularly any church paper 7 Wlhy Not send us the names and addresses of friends and parishioners who should take the paper ? Over 400 ministers have done so. "Will you do your part, and do it now ? 3IA\HATTA\' COSGREGATIOML CHIRCH BROADWAY AND 76TH STREET OFFICE : 213 W. 76TH STREET NEW YORK CITY lENRY A. STIMSON, D.D., PASTOR 159 W. 86TH STREET Xew York, Dee. 24, 1907. My dear Mr. Cary : I leant to ea/^-fss my appreciation of the rcisdom of " The Congregationalist " in distribnthuf the Reader's Bible as a pre- iniumfor nerv subscribers. My copy has just come. I feel that no greater service could be rendered the Chris- tian community than to sectire a wide distribution of this book. Your scheme for doing this is admirable. Apart from the method of getting new subscribers to the paper, which is imj)ortant, it jt^nces this bonk in the hands of a m,\dtitude who otheru-ise would not see it. I hope you will have ercnj success in securing a wide dis- tribution. Cordially yours, HEXRY A. STIMSOX. Wwh'y Mot place in every family in your church The Modern Reader's Bible Absolutely Free ? tyWITH EACH new subscription, together with S3.00 to pay for the same, we will send, postage or express paid, this work exactly as described below, absolutely free : Modern Reader's Bible: The Sacred Scriptures presented in modern literary form. Edited with an Introduction and Notes, by Richard G. Moul- Tox. M.A., Ph.D. Complete in one volume, octavo, about 1,7.50 pages, jjrinted in beautifully clear tj'pe on Croxey Mills famous Bible paper, specially imported, and attractively bound in cloth, with gilt top and title. The text used is that of the Revised Version; and the Chapters and Verses of the King James Version are noted in figures on the margin. The General Divisions follow the topical arrangement used in the volumes of the smaller separate editions. This is the first time that modern typographical methods have been applied to the printing of the Bible as a whole. THIS WORK is sold by all booksellers at $2.00 net, and postage 17 cents, at wliich price we will "supply additional copies. Send for complete circular to Lm Mm Gary, Business Manager, 14- BeaCOn Stm, Boston "To say that a Bible is Yet the Oxford The New Editions will JUST ISSUED I OXFORD Teachers' Bibles With New 20th Century Helps ar- ranged in One Alphabetical Order. OXFORD S. S. Scholars' Bibles With New Helps Under One Alpha- >et. "The most complete and best arranged of all the helps in vari=» >us Bibles." SEND FOR CATALOGUE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AMERICAN URANCH 01 and 93 Fifth Ave., New York ASIC FOR THE an Oxford is sufficient. keeps on improving. prove a delightful surprise. "_ — Christian Natiot NOW READY I FIVE NEW EDITIONS OXFORD Black Faced Type Bibles Pearl 32mo. A rvonderfut dec type in a small-size book. Minion 16mo. Ready October, iqo A model hand Bible. Brevier 16mo. Large iype_ in sma compass. "A quart in a pif tneasure." The Oxford Bijou Gospels On the fatnous Oxford India paper Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Leather binding, 50 cents each. The set in leather case, 2(2.50. ^B^%=- OXFORD EDITION EVERY CONGREGATIONAL MINISTER should have in his library a copy of the International Council Proceedings, BOSTON, 1899. We have one hundred copies on hand. They will be sold at a great sacrifice. Send ^i-oo and postage, 22 cents (not by check). DO YOU KNOW what was done at one or more of the twelve sessions of the National Council with respect to anything of interest to the churches ? The Digest will tell you at a glance. EVERY MINISTER AND EVERY CHURCH LIBRARY SHOULD HAVE A "DIGEST." Cloth, 7S cents Paper, SO cents Mdd. Postage, to cents ASHER ANDERSON, 614 Congregational House, Boston, Mass. I TWENTIETH CENTURY EDITION THE BEST HYMN-BOOK FOR CONGREGATIONAL USE I Samples will be sent to churches considering a change, and special rates for introdtictioa will be quoted on application to the publishers C^-<^ Charles £. Merrill Co. SUCCESSORS TO Haynard, Merrill % Co. I 44-60 East 23d Street :: :: New YorK City | To the Ministry of Congregationalism Who among your members are the best Sunday-school teachers ? Whom can you call upon to lead a meeting ? Who are your generous givers ? Who make up the membership of your board ? Are they not the ones whose hearts have been quickened by the weekly visits of the denominational paper ? One pastor who in less than two years received over seven hundred to church membership, said: "I like The Jidvance ; it aids me in my work. I must have a paper full of faith and hope." T/t« Jidvance occupies a unique position among church papers : it is read from cover to cover. It first published "Stepping Heavenward," the great religious story of the last generation. It gave to the world " In His Steps," the most mdely read story of the present decade. Its Sunday-school lesson expo- sitions are fine; its prayer-meeting notes are a great help for the devotional meeting. It publishes the greatest volume of church news. Its Pastor's Depart- metit, edited by Dr. William E. Barton, is made so intensely interesting that busy laymen find time to read and enjoy it. ^2.50 per year; ^2.00 if paid in advance ; 50 cents for four months. The Jidvance S24 Dearborn St, Chicago CHURCH ORGANS All Sizes. Fair Prices. Latest Improvements. High- est Awards in Every Instance. Trustworthy, Enterprising and Experienced. Largest Capacity and Production. Equal Attention to LARGE and SMALL ORGANS. Organs for CHURCHES, HALLS, and MUSIC ROOMS. Earnest Attention Given All Orders. Most Approved and Scientific Methods. OVER 2,100 ORGANS in Churches, etc., all over the country have made our work known and recognized as pre-eminently the best. Organs in hundreds of CONGREGATIONAL churches and in nearly every State. BOSTON .\EW YORK PBIIADELPHIA DALLAS Main Office and Works: HASTINGS, MASS. Established 1S27. CHICAGO LOUISVILLE P. O. Address : KEIVDAL GREEK, MASS. Write for circulars and information. 41 The attention of church clerks and ministers is particularly called to the Editor's introduction to the Year- Book, especially that portion which relates to the making of returns. R. Geissler.... 56 West 8th Street NEW YORK MEMORIAL WINDOWS, ANTIQUE AND MOSAIC STYLE — ORNAMENTAL GLASS. MEMORIAL, FOUNDATION AND ENDOW- MENT TABLETS IN BRASS, BRONZE, MARBLE. ARTISTIC PULPIT FURNITURE IN WOOD, BRASS, MARBLE. BAPTISMAL FONTS IN MARBLE and WOOD, HYMN TABLETS. ftimumon ^m ■•^-^s-^csurcs^^li PLERGYMEN and church \J officials of every denomi- nalion will be interested in our special Communion Ware Catalogue, in which is illus- trated and described a full ine of Communion Sets of the conventional type as well as sets with individual cups, together with the accessories, Pew Racks, Cup Fillers, etc. Collection Plates, Alms Basons, Chahces, Crucifixes, Vases, etc., are also shown. These designs are the result of care- ful study of the requirements and are both artistic and dig- nified. Made by the makers of" 1847 ROGERS BROS." 5//i;er Plate that IV ears, and sold by leading jewelers. Send for " Special Catalogue 78." MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO.. Meriden, Conn. Clnteruatioii^l Silver Co., Successor.) THE POPULAR VINTAGE PATTERN V'Siluer Plate that Wears" V. "1847 ROGERS BROST The designs bearing this well-known trade mark are noted for the beauty, style, finish and qualities of endurance that make desirable silverplate. Sold by all leading dealers. Send for Catalogue "7«)," showing latest patterns. MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO.. MERIDEN, CON N . (International Silver Co., Successor) D For the Dyspeptic Half a teaspoon of HORSFORDS Acid Phosphate in half a glass of water after meals gives perfect digestion. Horsford's Acid Phosphate cures nervous and sick headache, the sense of oppression, distress and "all gone" feeling. It reaches forms of Dyspepsia and Nervous troubles that no other medicine seems to touch. A Tonic for Mental, Nervous and Physical Weakness. Horsford's Acid Phosphate If your druggist can't supply you, send 25 cents to Rumford Chemical WoKKS, Providence, R. I., for sample bottle, postage paid. EDWARD L. SHAW President ADNA B. SHAW Vice-President Established 1780 SAMUEL USHER Treasurer Shaw Furniture Company Successors to A. B. 8 E. L. SHAW COMPANY OUR CATALOGUE showing many interesting designs of pulpits, chairs, reading desks, communion tables and other Church Furnishings will be mailed on request. 81 Causeway Street Boston, Mass. Opposite NortK Station THE CONGREGATIONAL YEAR-BOOK, 1908. ISSUED I'XDKIl Till-: SANCTION OF Till'; National Council of tlie Congre<^ational Clmrches of the United States BY ITS PUBLISHING COMMITTEK, AND CONTAINING THE GENERAL STATISTICS OF THOSE CHURCHES FOR THE YEAR 1907, Including Salaries, Value of Property, Ina'ested Funds, Amount of Debts, etc. An Alphabetical List of the Congregational Ministeks, and of the Officers AND Students of Congregational Theological Seminaries; the Annual Record of Changes; the Vital Statistics of Congregational Ministers deceased in 1907; Statements of the National Co-operative Societies; the Nation^al and State Organizations of Churches, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. VOLUME IsTo. 30. NUMBER OP COPIES, 12,600. SAMUEL USHER 176 TO 184 HIGH STREET BOSTON, MASS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Treasurer's Statement '. . 3 Introduction 4, 5 Annual Record 6-9 Necrology 10-42 The National Societies: American Congregational Association 43 American Board 44, 45 Congregational Education Society 46, 47 Congregational Home Missionary Society 48, 49 American Missionary Association 50, 51 Congregational Church Building Society 52 Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society 53 Ministerial Relief 54 National Federation of Woman's Congregational State Home Mis- sionary Organizations 55 Woman's Boards of Missions 56 Seaman's Friend Society 57 Other Societies: Congregational Board of Pastoral Supply 58 SchaufHer Missionary Training School 59 Chicago Commons; Chicago Institute of Social Science 60 Theological Seminaries : Atlanta, 61; Andover, 63; Bangor, 65; Yale, 67; Hartford, 60; Chicago, 71; Oberlin, 72; Pacific, 73; Students, 74. College Education of Students 81-83 Summary 84 Colleges 85 Congregational Clubs 86, 87 Schedule for Biography 88 Annual Statistics of Churches and Ministers 90-463 Foreign Mission Churches 464, 465 Mission Sunday Schools 466-479 Congregational Ministers in Foreign Lands 480, 481 Congregationalism 482 Annual Meetings of National Societies 482 Annual Meetings in Order of Date 483 National Council Committees 484, 485 Summaries of State Schedules 486-501 Gains and Losses 502-504 " In Other Tongues" ' 505 Salaries, Property and Funds 506, 507 Table of Admissions 508 Table of Memberships 509 Ministerial Relief 510, 51 1 Table of Comparisons 512 Ministers' List 513-55:) Licentiates Reported 554, 556 Ministers of Other Denoniinations Supplying Congregational Churches . 556-557 1908] Treasurer's Statement. THE TREASURER'S STATEMENT. On the recommendation of the Finance Committee it was voted, that in view of the condition of the funds of the Council and of the needs for the next three years, the Committee on Finance recommend that the Treasurer of the National Council be instructed to call for two cents per mem- ber from the churches for each of the three following years. — From the published Minutes of the National Council, Cleveland, Ohio, October, 1907. Congregational Year-Book. [1908 INTRODUCTION. The Year-Book, including the reports of the churches for 1907, will come to the brethren without the familiar designations of " p." and " p. c." The National Council, Cleveland, Ohio, 1907, approved the Report of the Commit- tee on Polity, in which was embodied the suggestion that pastors installed by Council be marked " i." and such as were received or recognized by Council be marked " r." The other pastors are without any designation. It may be that in some instances the changes involved were not clearly appreciated, for which cause errors might have found their way into the report^ from the states. The next issue of the Year-Book will doubtless correct them. In other respects the Year-Book appears in its usual form. The attention of the state secretaries is called to the method of distribu- tion, as it differs from that of previous years. The rule will be followed in respect to Year-Books not delivered, which directs that after all possible effort to have the books delivered, copies on hand in the post offices and express offices will be ordered to the care of the secretaries of the states, respectively, where they may be kept until correct addresses shall have been ascertained. Ministers and clerks would save not a little money to the treas- ury of the National Council, if they attended at once to the preparation of their reports for the state secretaries, and so hastened the issue that the distribu- tion could be made before pastors and clerks left their homes for the vacation period, and also advised the editor of tlie Year-Book concerning changes in post-office addresses. We regret that a number of changes were sent too late for insertion in the schedules. We suggest that ministers especially bear in mind that omissions and errors could not be corrected for the above reason. The complaint is general that the Year-Book is published at too late a date. It need not be deferred, many write, until after June 1. Why the clerks of churches do not appreciate the necessity of making prompt returns, we cannot comprehend. We have often wondered whether there is any reason in waiting until a meeting of the church has been held for elections. The figures for the year could be sent within a fortnight without any inconvenience. Changes in names of pastors and officers could be sent afterwards. As it is, state secretaries are compelled to write three, four, and five times, to secure reports. Some secretaries have even traveled to distant points and called upon clerks personally. It has been suggested that the schedules be printed in the Year-Book according to the order' of dates received. It has also been suggested, that on April 1 the folios of such states as have been received be printed, in order, and other " states " not received on or before that date, be printed in the order in which they are received. That one or the other of these suggestions will be adopted by the Publishing Committee is quite likely for the speedy publication of the issue of 1909. The schedules for the next issue will call for the reports to be sent at once. Ministers and clerks will see how im- portant it is to attend to the business in hand without delay. The great and increasing demand for the Year-Book makes the earliest issue possible impera- tive. For the Y^ear-Book, schedules were received as follows: Nevada, Feb- ruary 5; South Carolina, February 10; West Virginia, February 13; Cuba, 1908] lniroducil(,n. 5 February IJ^; Arizona, Mississippi, February 15; Arkansas, Porto Rico, February 19; Ohio, February 26; Utah, February 28; Michigan, Wyoming, February 29; District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, Wisconsin, March 5; New Hampshire, Oregon, March 9; New Mexico, March 10; Maine, March 11; Iowa, March IS; Floricla, Kansas, March 16; Vermont, March 20; Alabama (Convention), IMissouri, March 21; Alabama (Association), March 24; Alaska, March 25; Tennessee, March 27; California (Northern), Con- necticut, March SO; Illinois, Minnesota, Washington, March 31; North Carolina, April 1; Indiiina, Oklahoma, April 2; North Dakota, Api'il 3; New York, April 8; Hawaii, April 9; Georgia (Conference), April 10; Ken- tucky, April 15; Idaho, Rhode Island, South Dakota, April 16; Massachu- setts, April 17; Colorado, Pennsylvania, April 18; Georgia (Convention), April 23; California (Southern), Aj^ril 28; Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, May J,. That a large number of churches and ministers have not received copies of the " Minutes of the National Council," Cleveland, Ohio, 1907, we know from the copies which remain in this office. Kindly advise us and a copy will be mailed at once. The following note, which explains itself, has been received from the Registrar : " Througli inadvertence no record is made in the Minutes of the adoption of the recommendations of tlie Committee on Polity. The action reported on page 413 uvder the caption ' Conmiission on the Relation of the National Council and the Benevolent Societies ' sJiould read as reported in recommendation XI, page 34-6." State secretaries and registrars or scribes should consult the Minutes carefully that the following resolutions be considered by the churches : Ameri- can Bible Society, p. 404; Delegates, Expenses of, p. 426; Federation and Unity, p. 402; Finance, p. 425; Marriage and Home, p. 403; Polity, pp. 340- 352 (see Registrar's note above) ; Property, pp. 414, 415, also 264, 402; Tem- perance, pp. 414, 415. With the hope that this issue of the Year-Book will find the great favor which lias been freely accorded to its predecessors, and with a sense of grati- tude for very many expressions of appreciation of the work done, the Editor submits his work to the churches, and is glad to subscribe himself as the servant of the Body. ASHER ANDERSON. Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 ANNUAL RECORD. ORDINATIONS AND INSTAL- LATIONS. In this list " o." denotes ordination with- out installation; " o, p.," ordination as pastor; " o. /. m..," ordination for foreign missionary service; " i.," installation; " r.," recognized. But owing to indefinite re- ports, " o." may sometimes be an error for " o. p." ATNSWORTH, HENRY, (Jloverdale, Cal., o. Nov. 21 AINSWORTH, I., Revere, Mass., i. Nov. 26 ALDRICII, BENJ. F., Lincoln Park Ch., Chicago, III., rec. p. Sept. 8 ANDERSON, W. J., First Ch., Amherst, Mass., i. .June 12 ANDREWS, GEO. A., Monson, Mass., i. May 29 BABCOCK, JOEL M., Buffalo, Wvo., o. May BACON. ALVIN C, New Britain, Conn., o. M:iy 17 BANDY, JOHN VAN NEICE, Sheridan, Wvo., o. May BARBER, ARTHUR, Trinity Cli., Lawrence, Mass., i. Jan. 9 BARKER, RALPH A., Scar- boro, Me., o. Sept. 24 BARNETT, JOHN W., Marble- head, Mass., i. Nov. 20 BARNHILL, OSCAR F.,Irona- ton, Ala., o. Mar. .W BARROW, EDWARD F., Union Ch., Ne^vport, R. 1., i. April 16 BAST, C.WM., Lee Center, 111., o. April 23 BELL, E. FRAZER, Bancrofc, Mich., o. May 17 BENNETT, THOS. E., Suttons Bay, Mich., o. May 14 BERLE, ADOLPH A., Crombie St. Ch., Salem, Mass., i. May 5 BEVAN, NOAH. Welsh Hil!, Pa., i- Juno 26 BLOOM, JOSEPH V., Chicago Lawn Ch., Chicago, 111., o. March 6 BOLAND, A. T., Canterbury, Conn., o. Oct. 29 BOSWORTH, T. K., Neosha Falls and Geneva, Kan. o. BOULT, WM. T., Eaton, N. Y., I. Jan. 16 BROTHERSTON. BRUCE W., N. ConwHy, N. H., o. rec. p. Nov. 21 BROWN. D. F., Equality Ch., Nash. La., o. Oct. 27 BROWN, FREDERICK, Buck'sport, Me., o. i. June 26 BROWN, HUGH E., E. Hamp- ton, Conn., o. Sept. 4 BRYANT. SEELE, Olivet Ch., •Springfield, Mass., i. Sept. 27 BULLOCK, MOTIER C, Grandville, Mich., i. Nov. IS BURKHARDT, JESSE B., People's Ch., Council Bluffs, la., o. Nov. 7 CALDERWOOD, CHAS. M., Mianus, Conn., o. i. Nov. 15 CARTER, LUCY W., Gettys- burg. So. Dak.,' o. Oct. 30 CASTOR, GEO. D., Berkeley, Cal., o. Dec. 10 CAWARD, O. M., Mattoon, 111. i. Oct. 28 CHAMPLIN, CHARLES C, Black Diamond, Cal., o. CLAPP, R. G , Phillips Ch., So. Boslou, Mass., i. CLARK, JOHN L., Bushwick Ave. Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., i. CLARK, ROBERT. Warren, Vt., o. COFFIN, JOSEPH. Atlanta, Ga.. o. COOKE, A. E., Zion Ch., Mon- treal, Can., CI. COOLIDGE, HENRY A., Me- mori.al Ch., Quincy, IViass Tec p CRANE, W. N., Richn.o'nd', Mass., i. JOHN B., First Ch., Wilkesbarre, DAVIES, Welsh Pa., DAVIES, J. W. F., Plymouth Ch., Chicago, 111., o. DAVIS, AUSTIN I., Sanford, Me., i. DAVIS, C. H.. Hollis, N. H., i. DAVIS, J. WEBSTER, Craw- ford, Neb. o. DAVIS, REUBEN L., Lisbon, N. Y., o. DAVIS, WILLIAM, Slatington, DE BERRY, PERFECT R.', Thebes, Ga., o. DOBES, JOSEPH, German Ch., Ansonia, Conn., o. DR,\WBRIDGE, R. W., Pepperell, Mass., i. DRIVER, GEO. H., First Ch., Exeter, N. H., o. i. DUNtt^AP, RAYMOND B., Alexandria, O., o. DYCKMAN, HENRY M., First Ch., Westfield, Mass. i. EASTMAN, F. E., Northfield, Minn., o. ev. EASTMAN, VINTON P., Litch- field, N. D. o. ECHTERBECKER, CHAS. F., First Ch., Hyde Park, Mass., o. EVANS, EDWARD, Winthrop Ch.. Holbrook, .Mass., i. EVANS, HARRY, Ipswich, So. Dak. o. EVERETT, HARRY L., St. Paul's Chapel, Brooklyn, N. Y., o. FISHER, LUCIEN C, Union Ch., Painesville, O., o. FORD, ERASTUS E., Forest Ave. Ch., New York. N. Y., FORD, EUGENE C, Spring- field, So. Dak., l. FOUST, BENJ. S. H., Shelby, Ala., o„ FRANKLIN. CHAS., No. Haven, Conn., i. FRANKS. Z. L., Eros, La., o. FRASER, DONALD, Berlin, Vt., 1. FRAZIER, ALBERT. Bazille Center, Neb., i- FRENCH, GEO. W., Holden, Me., o. i. GALE, SULLIVAN F., Mt. Dora, Fla., i. Nov. 12 June 13 Jan. 29 June 18 May 5 March 14 Dec. 11 Nov. 15 Nov. 23-24 Nov. 4 Oct. 16 Feb. 13 May 13 Oct. 23 March 30 Sept. 24 March 21 Nov. 26 Nov. 15 Feb. 11 June 26 May 7 Nov. 20 May 15 April 13 Nov. 15 Nov. 14 Jan. 27 May 2 March 30 Nov. 14 Oct. 27 Dec. 31 1908] Annual Record. GALL, C. J., J>ittle Rock, la., GARDNER, HAROLD I., Jiel- ville. No. Dak., o. GARFIELD, JOHN P., E. Cleveland, O., i. GASQUE, WA LLAGE, At- lanta, Ga., o. GODDARD. R. J., Passaic, N. J., i. GREGG, A. E., Eastport, Me., HALL, F. L., Danbury, Neb.', HARNED, HARRY E., JeEfer- .sonville, Vt., o. HARPER, 0. W., Collyer, Kan., HARRIS, O. E., Kansas Cityi Kan., ". HART, FRANK W.. RedSeld, So. Dak., o. HEAPS, A. R., First Ch., Whit- ini^, la., o. HEATH, JEAN E., Pierrnont, N. H., 0. i. HESS, VVM. M., Trinity Ch., Bronx, New York City, i. HILL, GEO. W. C, North Ch., St. Johnsburv, Vt., i. HOLDEN, ROLLIN B., Het- land, So. Dak., o. HUGET, J. PERCIVAL, Central Ch., Galesburg, 111., i. HULBERT, G. A., Nutley, N. J., o. HULBERT, H. VV., High St. ■ Ch., Portland, Me., i. HUNT, ARTHUR C, W. Brookslield, Mc, o. HUNTINGTON, GEO. H., First Ch., Milton, Mass., o. IDE, H. C, Mount Vernon, N. Y., n. I. JACKSON, H. E., Christian Union Ch., Upper Montclair, N. J., i. JANSEN, JACOB E., Alvord, JOHNSON, EUGENE a'!] Union Ch., Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 25 Aug. 6 Nov. 12 May 5 Feb. 7 Sept. 26 June 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 20 Oct. 22 May 28 Oct. Feb. 21 Oct. 31 Oct. 23 Oct. 7 Nov. 25 June 19 Oct. 3 Sept. 11 May 31 Feb. 21 Nov. 12 Nov. 14 i. April 1 1 JONES, CARL S., North Ch., Detroit, Mich., i. April I'J KAMOKU, J. N., Hawaii, i. Nov. 3 KASHIBA, SABURO, Oberlin, O., o. f. m. May 7 KEDZIE, WM. R., Pontiac, Mich., i. KELLEY, A. C, Sharrard, 111., o. June 24 KILBOURN, H. J.. Mystic Side Ch., Everett, Mass., rec. p. June 5 KIRK, WM. N., Brighton Park Ch., Chicago, 111., o. Aug. 12 KIRKER, JAMES K., Dogden, No. Dak., o. July 2 LAPPA LA, RISTO, Finnish Ch.. Ashtabula, O., o. Oct. 7 LEDYARD, H. C, Kinder, L.a., o. LEE, ISRAEL S., Trinity Ch., Pittsburg, Ph., i. March IS LEWIS, T. J., Abington, Mass., March 12 LILLB.\CK, J. E., Quincy.' Mass., o. June LYNDE, CHAS. E., Manches- ♦er. la., o. March 3 LONG, HENRY B., Trinitv Ch., Cleveland, O., i. Jan. 14 MADSEN, A. A., Durham, Conn., V. MADSEN, AXEL, Danish Ch., Jamestown, N. Y., o. MAGEE, C. A., First Ch., McKeesport, Pa., i. MAIER, HENRY W.. New Britain, Conn., i. MARTIN, EVERETT D., First Ch., Lombard, 111., o. MASON, OMAR G., Green Mountain, la., o. MATTHEWS. R. B., Ellsworth, MAY'NARD, N. C, Eliqt Ch.i Newton, Mass., o. McINTYRE, JAMES, First, Buffalo, N. Y., o. McINTYRE, W. A., Danby. Vt., o. i. McMANIMAN, G. E., Spring Vallev, N. Y., i. MEEKER, JACOB E., Compfon Hills Ch., St. Louis, Mo., MERRILL, FREDERICK G.] Pilgrim Ch., No. Weymouth, MEYER, W. H., Clackamas! Ore.. o. MIETTIENEN, PEKKA, May- nard, Mass., o. MILLER, WM., Bristol, Vt., MOE, W. C. H., Enfield, N. H.', MONTGOMERY, ROYAL 3.', South Ch., Maywood, 111., o. NAKUINA, MOSES K., Hawaii, NUGENT, THOS. E., Meriden,' Conn., o. OILI, SOLOMON K., Hawaii, i. PAISLEY, JOHN O., Melrose Highlands, Mass., i. PARK, J. E., Second Ch., W. Newton, Mass., o. r. PARSON, A. B., Free Evang. Ch., Pro\Tdence, R. I., o. PARTCH, LEROY C, Olm- stead Falls, Ohio, o. PERSON, H. GRANT, EHot Ch., Newton, Mass., i. PETERSON, OSCAR W., Cor- nish and E. Baldwin, Me., i. PETTENGILL, D. E.. Pine St. Ch., Lewiston, Me., o. PHELPS, ISABELLE, Pitts- ton, Me., I. PLEASANT, E. E., Lakot.i, No. Dak., o. POTTER, CLAYTOxNT J., Sims- burv. Conn., i. PRIOR, CHARLES, Big Woods, 111., o. PULCIFER, ALEX. WM., Crockett, Cal., o. PYE, WATTS O., Oberlin, Ohio, o. f. m. RAVI, VINCENT, Manchester, Vt., i. REESE, JOHN D., Second Ch., Elvria, Ohio, o. REGER, OTTO W., Center, Neb., o. REID, D. C, First Ch., Stock- bridge, Mass., i. RICE, AUSTIN, Wakefield, ROBERTS, ARTHUR B.i Ferndale, Cal., o. ROLLINS, (5EO. S., Hope Ch., Springfield, Mass., i. Oct. IS Dec. 5 April 9 May 6 Oct. 1 June 12 June 2S April 23 Nov. 20 Feb. 2S May 21 Jan. 13 March 20 Dec. 11 June 14 Nov. 3 Oct. 25 Nov. 10 Jan. 3 Dec. 12 Dec. 20 May 14 Jan. 2 June 3 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 20 Nov. 8 March 29 June 21 May 7 Oct. 30 Dec. 10 June 11 Nov. 20 May 28 Oct. 25 Congregational Year-Booh. [1908 ROOD, JOHN S., Sleepy Eye, Minn., i. ROUSE, F. T., First Ch., RUGE, l'oUIS'h., Manchester! by-the-Sea, Mass., i. RUTAN, R. N., Union Ch., Boston, Mass., rec. p. SALMON, E. P., St. Luke's Ch., Elmira, N. Y., i. SARGENT, JAMES B., North- field, Vt., i. SCHAFFER, S. C, Oswego, 111., o. SCUDDER, DOREMUS, Cen- tral Union Ch., Honolulu, T. H., i. SECCOMBE, CHARLES H., Bethel Ch., Ontario, Cal., SENTER. GEO. A., Lyman! Me., o. SHAVER, M. A., Alton, N. H., SHERMAN, E. T., Brookfieldi 111., u. SINKS, PERRY W., First Ch., Tampa, Fla., i. SMITH, ROBT., First Ch., Middletown, N. Y.. o. SMITH, STEWARD H., Gar- retson, So. Dak., o. i. SPANGENBERG, LOUIS F., Dawson. No. Dak., o. SPRAGUE. G. E., Bear Grove, STEELE, ALBERT T., Bethel', Conn., i. STEVENS, FRANK V., Yank- ton, So. Dak., i. STIMSON, CYRUS F., West- minster Ch., Kansas City, Kan., i. STOCKDALE, ALLEN A., Union Ch., Boston, Mass., i. SWARTZ, HERMAN F., Web- ster Groves, Mo., i. SWARTZ, JOEL, First Ch., Webster Groves, Mo., i. SWEET, JOHN E., First and Second Ch., Brookfield, Vt. rec. p. SWIFT, BENJ., Woodstock, Vt., rec. p. SWITZER, ANNIE E., Day- ton, Wyo., o. SYMONS, HENRY, Ada, Minn., o. TAFT, J. N., Ehzabeth, N. J., TAMBLYN, A. T..' Bedford Park Ch.. New York, N. Y., i. TENNY, WM. L., Sioux City, la., i. THOMPSON, KARL O., Hope Ch., Springfield, Mass., TIBBETTS, A. T., Cannon Ball,' No. Dak., o. i. TOMS, JOSEPH, Steamboat Rock, la., o. TOTTEN, GEO. A., Lawton and Tolna, No. Dak., o. TUBBS, CHAS. S., Oberlin, O., o. f. m. TWEEDY, HENRY HALLAM, South Ch., Bridgeport, Conn., i. UPCHURCH, JAMES, Hawaii. o. i. VAN DER PYL, NICHOLAS, Center Ch., Haverhill, Mass., i. April 9 Nov. 21 Nov. 13 Nov. 19 Oct. 10 June 2S Nov. 21 March Oct. 24 Feb. 7 Dec. 6 Sept. 26 July 11 Oct. 24 Nov. 19 Feb. 2 June 18 Nov. 19 April 5 Oct. 3 Dec. 10 Oct. 21 May 7 April 4 Nov. 29 April 3 Oct. 27 April 10 Nov. 11 May 7 Nov. 3 VAN HORN, FRANCIS J., Plymouth Ch., Seattle, VAN WAGEN, OLIVER j!,' .Sunol Glen, Cal., o. VINCENT, C. A., Immanuel- Walnut Ave. Ch., Roxbury, Mass., V. WARD, EDWIN ST. J., Broadway Tabernacle, New York, o. /. m. WARREN, BERTRAM A.. Quaker Hill Ch., PawUng, N. Y., i. WARREN, WM. F.. Second Ch., Peabody, Mass., i. WEBSTER, F. M.. Whiting, Ind., rec. WESTENBURG, ARTHUR E., Middlebury, Conn., o. WITHINGTON, WILFRED, Sunol Glen, Cal., o. WOODRUFF, WATSON, New Britain, Conn., o. WORCESTER, EDWARD S., Broadway Ch., Norwich, Conn., i. WRIGHT, RICHARD, Pilgrim Ch., Cambridije, Mass., i. YOAKUM, G. D., Hannibal, Mo., o. i. YOUTZ, EDWIN S., Brent- ford, So. Dak., o. i. May 16 March June 4 Feb. 27 June 6 Dec . 1 March May 17 Sept. 10 Oct. 29 Jan. 16 July 15 MINISTERS MARRIED. BABBITT. THEO. P., and Cora M.ay James, both of Cleveland, Ohio, July 10. BACON, ALVIN C, and Elsie P. Bisbee, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., at Hartford, Conn., June 4. BARNHILL, OSCAR F., and Delia Lee, at Ironaton, Ala., Oct. 13. BARNWELL, HENRY S., and Augusta F. Bibbs, at Lake Charles, La., Aug. 28. BENTON, JOSEPH A., and Mrs. Clara (Harwood) Kenwood, both of Paradise, Cal Dec 25 ENNIS, MERLIN W., and Ehzabeth Logan, Endeavor, Wis., Feb. 21., A. B. C. F. M. GREENE, SAMUEL, and Flora T. Bunnell, in Seattle, Wash., Oct. 1. HAM, RICHARD K., Gr.ass Valley, Cal., and Paiiline Collins, of Oakland, in Oak- land. Cal., April 23. HARTWELL, H. LINWOOD, and Nora Ellen Downing, at Princeton, 111., Aug. 21. HULBERT, Prof. HENRY W., Portland, Me., and Annie E. McMaster, at Bangor, Me., July 17. HUME, ROBERT, Ahmednagar, India, and Laura Caswell, Milltown, N. B., at Milltown, March 15. JELLIFFP:, WM. R.. and Catherine M. Kitchel, in New York, N. Y., June 6. MARSH, BURTON E., of Farragut, la., and Bertha M. Dempsey, at Fitchburg, Mass., June 21. MARTIN, EVERETT D., Lombard, 111.. and Miss Esther W. Kirk, Oak Park, 111., at Oak Park, 111., April 30. MERRILL, CHAS. C, and Bessie L. Nichols, in Wincheudon, Mass., Oct. NEVINS, ROY K., Oxford, Mich., and Edna Triphagen, of MulUken, Jan. 7, 1908. RUSSNELL, J. A., of Lake Linden, Mich., and Prudence E. Bundy, at Sidney, N. Y., April 18. 1908] Annual Record. TENNY, WM. L., Sioux City. la., and Bessie Brodie, at Watertown, N. Y., June 25. TINKER, LEONE, and Emma E. Riley, in Florence, Mass., Oct. 15. TOLSON, GEORGE T., Berkeley, and Edith Russell, Oakland, in Oakland, Gal., April 25. WELLES, S. B., Velva, No. Dak., and Anna W. Matlhews, of Three Rivers, Aug. 15. ZUMBRO, WM. M., Madura Mission, India, and Harriet S. Hyde, Yantic, Conn., Nov. 12. DISMISSIONS. ALVORD, JAMES C, Globe Ch., Woon- socket, R. I., April 30. ANDERSON, WILBERT L., First Ch., Exeter, N. H., April 9. BARNETT. JOHN VV., Jefferson, O., Sept. 24. BUSHEE, GEO. A., Madison, Conu., Sept. 26. CALHOUN, NEWELL M., Second Ch., Winsted, Conn., July 16. CATHCART, SAMUEL M., Central Ch., Middleboro, Mass., Jan. 31. CHANDLER, JOSEPH H., Fond du Lac, Wis., Sept. 30. COOL, PETER A., Linden Hills Ch., Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 7. COVELL, ARTHUR J., North Ch., Lynn, Mass., Dec. 31. CURTIS, JOHN S., Candia, N. H., Aug. 16. DEWEY, HARRY P., Ch. of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 3. DOANE, FRANK B., North Haven, Conn., Jan. 16. DYOTT, LUTHER R., United Ch., Brook- lyn, N. Y., Sept. 28. EATON, EDWARD D., St. Johnsbury, Vt., March 19. ERICKSON, C. TELFORD, Wethersfield Ch., Hartford, Conn., April 19. FISIvE, G. WALTER, High St. Ch., Auburn, Mo., Sept. 3. FLINT, IRVING A., Warren, Me., March 26. FULTON, ROBT. N., Littleton, Mass., Julv 9. GARFIELD, JOHN P., Enfield, Conn., Aug. GEORGE, JOS. H., First Ch., Burlington, Vt., .A.ug. 24. GEORGE, ROBT. A., Trinity Ch., Cleve- land, Ohio, Julv 30. GRISBROOK, EDWARD O., Poquonock Conn., March 21. HERRING, HUBERT C, First Ch., Omaha, Neb., Feb. 21. HOUSE, EL WIN L., First Ch., Portland, Ore., Feb. 18. HYDE, F. S., Groton, Conn., Dec. 3. JOHNSON, FRANK A.. New Milford, Conn., Oct. 4. LELEIWI, WM. K., Hawaii, Oct. 12. LEWIS, EDWIN J., Plymouth, Conn., Julv 23. LINCOLN, C. A., Manchester, Mass., Nov. 13. LOBA, JEAN F., Evanston, 111. LUCE, T. CLAIRE, Richmond, Mass., March 4. MARSH, EDWARD L., WaterviUe, Me.. Mav 21. MARTINI, FRITZ W., German Ch.. Fitch- burg, Mass., July 5. MUTCH, WM. J., Howard Ave. Ch., New Haven, Conn., June 10. PARK, J. EDGAR, West Ch., Andover, Mass., Nov. 18. PILLSBURY, HERVEY G., Chicopee Falls, Mass., April 23. RAE, ROBT. L., Waldo Ch., Brockton, Mass., Sept. 3. RAYMOND, FREDERICK W., Hamilton, N. Y., Dec. 17. ROUNDY, RODNEY W., Ludlow, Vt. Aug. 12. RUT AN, F. N., Wreutham, Mass., Oct. 1. SMITH, EDWIN R., Pawtucket Ch., Lowell, Mass., Sept. 17. STOCKDALE, ALLEN A., Berkeley Temple, Boston, Mass. SWARTZ, HERMAN F., East Ch., East Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 2. SWIFT, BENJAMIN, OrweU, Vt., March 26. TREFETHREN, EUGENE B., Waubay, So. Dak., Sept. 10. VINCENT, CLARENCE A., Central Ch., Galesburg, 111. WALKER, HERBERT, Bartlett, N. H., May 6. WEBSTER, F. M., Bangor, Mich., Nov. 15. WILLIAMS, GEORGE, New Wind- sor, 111. WINCH, GEORGE W., First Ch., Holyoke, Mass., Jan. 15. WOODROW, SAMUEL H., Hope Ch., Springfield, Mass., April 3. WOODSUM, WALTER H., Hampstead, N. H.. Feb. 26. WRIGHT. RICHARD, Belleville Ch., Newburyport, Mass., Feb. 19. 10 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 NECROLOGY. BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES OF CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS WHO DIED IN THE YEAR 1907. Adams, Ephraim, d.d., son of Isaac and Sarah (Perkins) Adams, was born in New Ipswich, N. H., Feb. 5, 1818. Studied at Phillips Academy. Was graduated from Dartmouth College, 1839, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1843. Was ordained by the Denmark Association in Denmark, la., Nov. 5, 1843. Was home missionary at Mt. Pleasant, la., 1843-44; acting pastor at Davenport, la., 1844-47, and pastor, 1847-55; agent for Iowa College, 1855-56; agent for Western College Society, 1856-57; pastor at Decorah, la., 1857-71; superintendent of home missions, residing in Decorah, la., 1872-81; pastor at Eldora, la., 1883-89; pastor at Hudson, la., 1891; without charge, 1891 until death. D.D., from Iowa College. Trustee, Iowa College. Publica- tions: The Iowa Band, pp. 184, Congregational Sunday-School and PubHshing Society, Boston, 1880; second edition, new and revised, pp. 240, Pilgrim Press, 1902. Married, Sept. 16, 1845, in Hanover, N. H., EUzabeth Sylvia, daughter of Jabez A. Douglass, deceased. Five children, two living. Died in Waterloo, la., Nov. 30, 1907, of old age, aged 89 years, 9 months, 25 days. Allbright, William Hervey, d.d., son of John and Elizabeth (Chambers) AUbright, was born in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England, Nov. 25, 1849. Studied at Whitestone Seminary, 1872. Was graduated from Hamilton Col- lege, 1876, and from Auburn Theological Seminary, 1879. Ordained to the Presbyterian ministry in Auburn, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1879. Pastorates: Auburn, N. Y. (Pres.), 1879-87; Stillwater, Minn. (Pres.), 1887-90; Dorchester, Mass. (Pilgrim Cong. Church), pastor by council, June 10, 1890, until death. D.D., Hamilton, 1895. President General Society Hamilton Alumni, 1903; presi- dent of Boston Congregational Club, 1904; trustee Congregational Board of Pastoral Supply; director Boston City Missionary Society; secretary Evan- gelical AUiance; member of Sabbath Protective League ; vice-president New England Federation of Men's Clubs. Married, Sept. 16, 1879, in Camden, N. Y., Mary Esther, daughter of Rev. Elizur Newell'and Cordelia (Ingerson) Manley. Seven children, four living. Died Dec. 7, 1907, in Dorchester, Mass., of appendicitis, aged 58 years, 12 days. Allender, John, son of John and Elizabeth (James) Allender, was born in New London, Conn., Oct. 11, 1840. Received his academic training at East Greenwich (R. I.) Academy, and was graduated at Chicago Theological Seminary, 1868. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Laclede, Mo., Feb. 23, 1869. Pastorates: Laclede, Mo.; Prairie City, la.; Glenwood, la., pastor by coimcil, 1873-76; Red Oak, la., pastor by council, 1876-84; without charge, 1884; post-graduate study, Yale Theological Seminary, 1884- 88; New Haven, Conn. (Taylor), pastor by council, 1885-88; Champaign, 111., pastor, 1888-92; without charge, 1892; Middlefield, Conn., pastor, 1893 190S] Necrology. 11 until death. Married, June 20, 1872, in East Lyme, Conn., Ann Eliza, daugh- ter of Allen W. and Lydia (Warren) Manwaring, deceased. Two children, one living. Died June 14, 1907, in New Haven, Conn., of internal tumor, aged 66 years, 8 months, 3 days. Archer, Marmaduke D., was born in Yorkshire, England, Dec. 22, 1820. AVas ordained to the Methodist ministry. Entered the Congregational min- istry at Genoa Bluff, la., pastor, 1874-83; Grand River and Wells, la., pastor, 1884; Orient, la., pastor, 1885-87; Bondurant and Berwick, la., pastor, 1888-90; without charge, 1891 until death. Married Marietta, daughter of Mary Ann (Carder) Seaman. Twice married. Wives not living. Seven cliildren, two living. Died Nov. 19, 1906, in Mitchellville, la., of Bright's disease, aged 85 years, 10 months, 28 days. Atkinson, William Henry, son of William and Sarah (Salt) Atkinson, was born in County Bradford, England, May 29, 1838. He attended schools in England, removing to America when about sixteen years old. Graduated from Illinois College; graduated from Chicago Theological Seminary, 1867. Ordained April 18, 1867, at Chicago, 111. During his seminary course he was especially active in arousing interest in foreign missions. With four of his fellow-students he volunteered for work on the mission field. Pastorates: In 1867, directly after his marriage, he and his wife booked on a trading vessel for India, where they spent nine years in mission work under the A. B. C. F. M., being stationed at Ahmednagar, Sholapur, Wadala, and other stations. His pastorates in America were all in home missionary fields: Orchard, la., 1876- 81; Rapid City, So. Dak., 1881-86; Green Mountain, la., 1886-87; San Rafael, Cal., 1897-1907. In his senior college year the entire class enlisted in the Union Army, Mr. Atkinson joining Company C, 145th Regiment, Illinois Volimteer Infantry. Married, July 7, 1867, to Calista Hatch, who survives him. Six children, four living. Died at Soquel, Cal., Dec. 28, 1907, of Bright's disease, aged 69 years, 6 months, 29 days. Atwood, Louis P., son of Levi and Sarah (Green) Atwood, was born in Dalton, Mass., Sept. 27, 1829. Studied in academies at Rochester, Middle- boro, Wareham, and Wilbraham, Mass.; " Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle," 1884-88; and theology with Rev. Mr. Bane and Rev. John McEl- downey, Cleveland, Ohio, and Rev. Cyrus Prindle, Pittsfield, Mass. Was ordained to the Methodist ministry in Rockport, Mass., April 12, 1855. Joined the Congregational Church in 1860, and for twenty-five years labored under the Home Missionary Society. Pastorates: Norton, Rockport, North Roches- ter, Windsor, Washington, North Blandford, Westport, Chatham, South Den- nis, and Otis in Massachusetts; Exeter, N. H.; Williamson, Ontario; New York City in New York; missionary. West Greece, Palmer, South Bristol, Stewart's Corner, Reed's Corner, Gorham in New York; DeKalb and Union, 111.; Lowell, Westfield, South Troy, and West Newbury, Vt.; without charge, 1900 until death. Publications: Fifty Years in the Gospel Ministry, pp. 15, the Joy Press of South Weymouth, Mass., 1905. Married, in 1850, in Pittsfield^ Mass., Helen Maria, daughter of Hiram and Lavinia (Root) Chapman. Five children, living. Died Dec. 24, 1907, in South Weymouth, Mass., of heart failure, aged 78 years, 2 months, 27 days. Ayer, Charles Lathrop, son of Rev. Joseph and Frances Mary (Rogers) Ayer, was born in North Stonington, Conn., June 25, 1826. Studied at Col- chester, Conn., and Andover, and at Yale Di\dnity School one year, 1846-47; discontinued on account of ill health, and studied with his father, being 12 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 licensed to preach at Mansfield Center, Conn., Nov. 6, 1855. Pastorates: Wauregan, Conn., pastor, November, 1855, to May, 1858; Line Meeting House (between Voluntown and Sterling), pastor by council. May, 1858, to November, 1863; Mansfield Center, Conn., pastor by council, November, 1863-68; Plain- ville. Conn., pastor, October, 1869, to November, 1872; Taftville, Coirn., pas- tor, December, 1872, to September, 1874; Sauersville, Conn., pastor, October, 1874, to July, 1883; Rocky Hill, Conn., pastor, ten months; Three Rivers, Mass., pastor, July, 1884, to April, 1888; West Stafford, Conn., pastor, Septem- ber, 1889, to May, 1894; Betlilehem, Conn., pastor, 1897, to March 1, 1899; without charge, Windsor, Conn., 1900 until death. Married, November, 1849, in Lisbon, Conn., Mary Bishop. Ten children, seven sons, three daughters. Died Jime 4, 1907, ki Windsor, Conn., of old age, aged 80 years, 11 months, 10 days. Bacon, Leonard Woolsey, d.d., son of Rev. Dr. Leonard and Lucy (Johnson) Bacon, was born in New Haven, Conn., Jan. 1, 1830. Was gradu- ated from Yale College, 1850; studied in Andover Theological Seminary two years, and was graduated from Yale Divinity School, 1854. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Litchfield, Conn., Oct, 16, 1856. Pastorates: Litchfield, Conn., 1856-61; Stamford, Conn., 1862-65; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1865-70; Baltimore, Md., 1870-72; in charge of American Church, Geneva, Switzerland, 1872-77; Norwich, Conn., 1878-82; Woodland Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1883-86; Savannah, Ga. (Pres.), 1886-87; Nor- wich, Conn., 1887-1902; Assonet, Mass., 1902-06; without charge at Assonet, 1906—. Degree: d.d., Yale, 1879. Married, Oct. 7, 1857, in New Haven, Conn., Susan, daughter of Nathaniel Almoran and Almira (Selden) Bacon. Thirteen children, nine living. Married, June 26, 1890, in Philadelphia, Pa., Letitia Wilson, daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Jane Kirk (Wilson) Jordan. One son. Died May 12, 1907, in Assonet, Mass., of arterial sclerosis, aged 77 years, 4 montlis, 11 days. Bacon, William Nathaniel, son of John Wright and Harriet (Hubbard) Bacon, was born in Orwell, Vt., Oct. 11, 1829. He attended the academy at Castleton. Was graduated from Middlebury College, 1853, and from Auburn Theological Seminary, 1859. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry, Windsor County Conference, in Pomfret, Vt., Dec. 28, 1859. Pastorates: Pomfret, Vt., pastor, 1859-63; Shoreham, Vt., pastor, 1864-83; Coventry, Vt., pastor, 1883-89; Bridport, Vt., pastor, 1889-1904; without charge imtil death. Married, July 26, 1855, in Orwell, Vt., Harriet Emeline, daughter of Loring and Emmeline (Murry) Cutts. Two children, living. Died Jan. 27, 1907, in Bridport, Vt., of general debility, aged 77 years, 3 months, 16 days. Baker, Seymour Augustus,' d.d., was bom in Arlington, Vt., Feb. 28, 1815. Received collegiate education at Genesee Wesleyan College in Lima, N. Y. Was ordained in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Rochester, N. Y., as deacon, Sept. 15, 1839; in Danville, N. Y., as elder, Sept. 5, 1841. Began to preach when eighteen years old. Pastorates: Brooldyn, N. Y. (State Street Congregational), ten years; New York, N. Y., ten years, laying foundation for church (48th Street), now owned by Reformed Presbyterians; organized in Kansas City, Kan., after 1886, three Methodist Protestant churches and Plym- outh Congregational. President of Adrian College, Mich., four years. He was active in the anti-slavery movement; one of the founders of the Repub- ican party. Degree: d.d., Adrian. Editor Western Evangelist, Free Demo- 1908] Necrology. 13 crat of Detroit and Detroit Daily Democrat. Five children (two adopted), four living. Died Feb. 4, 1907, in Armourdale, Kan., of pneumonia, aged 91 years, 11 months, 7 days. Barber, Luther Humphrey, son of Alson and Hannah (Humphrey) Barber, was born in Canton, Conn., Sept. 3, 1815. Studied in Amherst Acad- emy. Was graduated from Amherst College in 1839 and from Hartford Theological Seminary (then East Windsor), 1842. Was ordained by the Litchfield North Association at Riverton, Conn., Oct. 25, 1843. Pastorates: Riverton, Conn., pastor by council, Oct. 25, 1843, to March 1, 1861; Scotland, Conn., acting pastor, October, 1861, to October, 1862; pastor by council, Oct. 22, 1862, to May 25, 1869; Hanover, Conn., acting pastor. May 25, 1869, to June 1, 1878; Bolton, Conn., pastor, June 1, 1878-89; Vernon, Conn., 1889-92; without charge until death. Married, Aug. 23, 1842, in Canton, Conn., Lucinda, daughter of Daniel Taylor, deceased. Died Aug. 17, 1907, in Danielson, Conn., of apoplexy, aged 91 years, 11 months, 14 days. Bates, George Ethelbert, son of William G. and Elizabeth (McCreary) Bates, was boiTi in Arnprior, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 17, 1875. Was educated at McGill University and studied theology at Wesleyan Theological Seminary. Ordained to the Methodist ministry in Brockville, Ontario, June 4, 1899. En- tered the Congregational ministry at Maplewood, Mo., 1901, serving the church imtil 1905; pastor at Birmingham, Ala. (Pilgrim), 1905-07. Married, July 1, 1903, in Maplewood, Mo., Cora M., daughter of H. W. and Pauline (Schiff) Sander. One child. Died Sept. 6, 1907, in Birmingham, Ala., of typhoid fever, aged 32 years, 20 days. BiCKEORD, Isaac Burbank, son of Isaac and Mary (Weeks) Bickford, was born in Porter, Me., June 7, 1847. Received his college training in Hillsdale College, from which he was graduated in 1865. Studied theology under the direction of the Methodist Episcopal Conference, and was ordained to the Methodist ministry at Sparta, Wis., being constituted a deacon Sept. 18, 1881, and elder Sept. 30, 1883. Pastorates: Radcliffe, la., pastor, 1903-04; Buf- falo Center, la., pastor, 1904-05; Lakeview, la., pastor. May 14, 1905, until death. Married, April 14, 1870, in Creston, 111., Helen A., daughter of Slocum and Lucinda (Dimock) Woodard. Died Jan. 9, 1907, in Lakeview, la., of pneumonia, aged 59 years, 7 months, 2 days. Billings, Edward Nelson, son of Daniel and Susan (Mowry) Billings, was bom in North Smithfield, R. I., July 22, 1865. Received his academic education in Woonsocket, R. I. Was graduated from Amherst in 1892 and from Hartford Tlieological Seminary in 1896. Was ordained to the Congre- gational ministry in Slatersville, R. I., Nov. 8, 1896. Pastorates: Smithfield and Tarkihi, R. I., 1897-98; Londonderry, Vt., pastor, 1899-1901; Chepachet, R. I., pastor, 1902-04; Tiverton, R. I., pastor, 1906-07. Degree: a. b. Amherst, 1892. Married, in North Smithfield, R. I., Oct. 13, 1896, Huldah A., daughter of Oilman and Sally (Mowry) Brown. Died Feb. 21, 1907, in Tiverton, R. I., of acute tuberculosis, aged 41 years, 6 months, 27 days. Blenkarn, William Thomas, son of George and Caroline (Smith) Blen- karn, was bom in London, England, May 9, 1832. From the common schools of London he went to the Congregational Institute for Theological and Mis- sionary Training, Nottingham, from which he was graduated in 1868. He was ordained to the Congregational ministry at Watton, Norfolk Coimty, England, Sept. 16, 1869. Pastorates; Watton, England, 1869-71; Milton, England, 1871-74; Dover, 111., 1874-77; Wabaunsee, Kan., 1877-79; Madura (Wake- 14 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 field,) Kan., 1879-82; Osborne, Kan., 1882-83; Gaylord, Kan., 1883-84; without charge because of ill health, Emporia, Kan., 1885-86; Oswego, Kan., 1886-88; without charge, Wabaunsee, Kan., 1888-89; Strong City and Elm- dale, Kan., 1889-91; without charge, Wabaunsee, 1891-92; Junction City, Kan., pastor, 1892-94; without charge, Topeka, Kan., 1894-95; without charge, Wabaunsee, Kan., 1895 until death. Made 'pastor emeritus, Wabaun- see, 1906. Offices: Secretary of the State Ministerial Relief Fund. Married, May 7, 1856, in London, England, Mrs. Maria (Ardley) Turner, daughter of Abraham and Emma (Hart) Ardley, who died Dec. 16, 1897. Nine children, six living. Died Feb. 16, 1907, at Wabaunsee, Kan., of mitral regurgitation, aged 74 years, 9 months, 7 days. BoARDMAN, Moses Bradford, son of Francis and Sarah Eaton (Bradford) Boardman, was born in Francestown, N. H., May 25, 1833. Received his academic training at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H. Was gradu- ated from Amherst College, 1860; studied at Union two years and was gradu- ated from Andover Theological Seminary, 1 863. Was ordained to the Congre- gational ministry in Lynnfield Center, Mass., Oct. 1, 1863. Pastorates: Lynnfield Center, Mass., pastor by council, Oct. 1, 1863, to Nov. 7, 1870; Brimfield, Mass., pastor by council, Dec. 1, 1870, to Nov. 1, 1873; retired on account of ill health, but served as assistant and acting pastor at different times in New Britain, Conn.; New Britain (First), acting pastor, Oct 1, 1905, to April 9, 1907. Married, Sept. 17, 1863, in Harwinton, Conn., Ellen Emeline, daughter of Orville and Emeline|(Brooks) Barbour. |J Four children, three living. Died Sept. 23, 1907, in New Britain, Conn., ofj cancer, aged 74 years, 3 months, 29 days. BoNNEY, John Randolph, son of Hezekiah and'Marietta (Dewey) Bonney, was born in Nelson, Ohio, April 9, 1830. Studied at Oberlin College. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Matteson, Mich., Jan. 28, 1863. • Pastorates: Batavia, Mich., pastor, September, 1857, to March, 1862; Matte- son, Mich., pastor; West Gilead, Mich., pastor; Bronson, Mich., pastor, 1862- 78; Orland, Ind., pastor, 1878-80; Bronson, Mich., pastor, 1880-86; Desmet., S. D., pastor, 1887-90; Orland, Ind., pastor, 1891-96; Married, March 8, 1855, in Camden, Ohio, Malvina Amanda, daughter of [Harrison and Rebecca (Stilson) Hurd. Three children, one living. Died March 4, 1907, in Bronson, Mich., of old age, aged 76 years, 10 months, 23 days. Bright, Jesse Levi, son of Rev. Jolm Collins and Ann Maria (Stoner) Bright, was born in Westerville, Ohio, May 28, 1859. Received his^academic training in Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio; studied at Oberlin, Ohio; and his theological training at Yale Divinity School, New^Haven, Conn., where he was graduated in 1890. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Columbus, Ohio, and installed pastor of the South Congregational Church (which was formed at the same time), Nov. 24^ 1890. Pastorate: Columbus, Ohio, pastor by council, Jan. 9, 1895-96. Retired because of ill health. Degree : b.d., Yale, 1890. Married, July 17, 1890, at Grinnell, la., Florence Adella, daughter of David A. and Elizabeth Rose (Newell) Beard. Two chil- dren, one living. Died, Jan. 12, 1907, in Columbus, Ohio, of creeping paraly- sis, aged 47 years, 7 months, 15 days. Burr, Enoch Fitch, d.d., son of Zalmon and Mary (Hanford) Burr, was born in Westport, Conn., Oct. 21, 1818. Was graduated from Yale College, 1839, and Yale Divinity School, 1842. Licensed to preach, 1842. Was or- dained at Lyme, Conn., Oct. 3, 1850. Pastorate: Lyme, Conn., pastor by 1908] Necrology. 15 council, Oct. 3, 1850, until death. Degree: d.d., Amherst, 1868. Offices: lecturer on Scientific Evidences of Religion at Amherst, Mass., Sheffield Scientific School, Williams College; also in Boston and New York. Publica- tions: The Neptunian Theory of Uranus, 1848; Ecce CcBlum, 1867; Pater Mxmdi, 2 vols.; Ad Fidem. Married, Aug. 12, 1851, in Lyme, Conn., Harriet A., daughter of Peter and Mehitable (Gillette) Lord. Two children, living- Died May 8, 1907, in Lyme, Conn., of old age, aged 88 years, 6 months, 17 days. Clark, James Beatty, son of Robert (?) and Eliza (Beatty) Clark, was bom in Plain Grove, Pa., Dec. 5, 1840. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Pescadero, Cal., 1884. Pastorates: Pescadero, Cal.,- pastor, 1884-86; Butte, Mont., pastor, 1887-88; Colville and Chewelah, Wash., pastor, 1889-94; Eagle Harbor, Wash., pastor, 1894-97; without charge, 1897 until death. Member of Company H, 78th Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol- unteers. County superintendent of public schools. Rooks County, Kan. Married, April 21, 1864, in Clinton, Pa., Susannah E., daughter of John and Susannah (Woods) List, deceased. Two sons, one daughter. Died March 3, 1907, in Seattle, Wash., of paralysis, aged 66 years, 2 months, 26 days. Clarke, Samuel W., son of Benjamin Franklin Clarke, was born in Buck- land, Mass., Feb. 7, 1828. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Warwick, Mass., 1874. Pastorates: Holyoke, Mass., pastor by council, 1878; without charge, 1879-80; New Salem, Mass., pastor, 1881-83; Westport, Mass., pastor, 1884-87; Edgartown, Mass., pastor by council, 1887-89; Fal- mouth, Mass., pastor, 1889-92; without charge, 1893; West Barnstable, Mass., pastor by council, 1894-98; without charge, 1898; Westford, Conn., pastor, 1899-1901; without charge, 1902 until death. Married Catharine Bruce. Five children, two living. Died Nov. 16, 1907, in Willington Hill, Conn., of paralysis, aged 79 years, 9 months, 9 days. CoiT, Joshua, son of Robert and Charlotte (Coit) Coit, was bom in New London, Conn., Feb. 4, 1832. Studied at New London Union and Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. Was graduated from Yale College, 1853, and from Andover Seminary, 1856. Studied in Berlin and Halle, Germany, 1857-58. Was ordained by council in Brookfield, Mass., Nov. 13, 1860. Pastor by coimcil, Brookfield, Mass., Nov. 13, 1860, to December, 1870; Law- rence, Mass. (Lawrence Street Church), May 13, 1874, to Jan. 1, 1883; dis- missed by council, Feb. 25, 1885; secretary Massachusetts Home Missionary Society, Jan. 1, 1883, to May, 1903; treasurer, Massachusetts Home Mission- ary Society, May, 1903, until death. Secretary Massachusetts Prison Com- mission, 1871-74. Married; Oct. 2, 1860, in Concord, N. H., Mary Lyman, daughter of George and Susan (Smith) Chandler; living. Four children, three living. Died Dec. 15, 1907, in Winchester, Mass., of heart failure, aged 75 years, 10 months, 11 days. t Colburn, Henry H., son of Ezekiel and Johanna (Bartlett) Colburn, was born at Groton, N. H., Oct. 4, 1833. Was educated at Thetford Academy and studied theology with Rev. Quincy Blakesly, of Campton, N. H., and Rev. Liba Conant, Hebron, N. H. Ordained to the Congregational ministry. May 19, 1869, at Roxbury, N. H. Pastorates: Roxbury, 1868-71; Washington, 1871- 77; Stoddard, 1877-80; W. Stewartstown, 1880-83; Salem, 1883-90; Dan- bury, 1890-94; Brentwood, 1894—1901; Dalton, 1901-07. All his pastorates were in New Hampshire. Married, Feb. 15, 1858, at Hebron, N. H., to Fran- t Too late for summaries. 16 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 cena M., daughter of Ethan and Rosetta (Cummings) White, who died July 4, 1890. Married, March 25, 1892, at Keene, N. H., Mrs. Mary A. (Dow) Bick- nall, who died Nov, 25, 1907. Seven children, two living. Died Sept. 27 , 1907, at Monson Hospital, Whitefield, N, H., of injuries caused by being thrown from a carriage, age 73 years, 1 1 months, 23 days. CoLTON, Willis Strong, son of Rev. George and Lucy (Cowles) Colton, was born in Royalton, N. Y,, June 25, 1828. Received his academic training at Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H. Was graduated from Yale College, 1850, and from Yale Theological Seminary, 1856. Was ordained by the Hartford Association in Wethersfield, Conn., Sept. 17, 1856. Pastorates: Wethersfield, Conn., pastor, 1856-66; Washington, Conn., pastor, 1866-77; Warren, Conn., pastor, 1877-88; Wayne, Mich., pastor, 1888-93; Greenspring, Ohio, s. 8., two years; Alexis, Mich., s. s., two years; West Toledo, Ohio, s. s., 1897-99; Ridgeville, Ohio, s. s., 1899-1900; without charge until death. Degrees: a.b. and a.m., from Yale. Offices: Tutor at Yale, four years. Pub- lications: Occasional articles and poems. Married, May 22, 1857, in Wells- boro. Pa., Lucy Parsons, daughter of Dr. Otis L. and Emeline Barton (Par- sons) Gibson. Seven children, five living. Died Nov. 26, 1907, in Toledo, Ohio, of elephantiasis, aged 79 years, 5 months, 1 day. Condon, Thomas, son of John and Mary (Roch) Condon, was bom near Fermoy, Cork County, Ireland, March 3, 1822. Studied at Camillus Academy, N. Y., and Auburn Theological Seminary. Was ordained to the Presbyterian ministry in Auburn, N. Y., 1852. Pastorates, Congregational: St. Helens, Ore., pastor; Forest Grove, Ore., pastor; Albany, Ore., pastor; The Dalles, Ore., pastor, 1859-74. Teacher in Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore., 1874-76; professor geology. State University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore., 1876. Degree : ph.d., from Pacific University. Publications : The Two Islands; magazine articles and several pamphlets. Married, Oct. 31, 1852, in Niagara County, N. Y., Cornelia J., daughter of Arnold Holt. Ten children, five living. Died Feb. 11, 1907, in Eugene, Ore., of la grippe, aged 84 years, 1 1 months, 8 days. CoNKLiNG, Benjamin Drake, son of William Marsh and Elizabeth (Glenn) Conkling, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, May 9, 1840. Studied at Miami University three years and was graduated from Marietta College, 1865 ; at Lane Seminary two years, and was graduated from Andover Theological Seminary, 1868. Ordained to the Congregational ministry in Kent, Ohio, Dec. 23, 1868. Pastorates: Kent, Ohio, pastor, October, 1868, to Jan. 17, 1871; Flint, Mich., pastor, Jan. 18, 1871, to Oct. 1, 1871; Hudson, Mich., pas- tor, 1871, to December, 1874; Whitewater, Wis., pastor by council, December, 1874, to October, 1880; in American Missionary Association work. Savannah, Ga., one year; Watertown, Conn., s. s., Nov. 1, 1881, to Nov. 1, 1884; Olathe, Kan., pastor, November, 1884, to June, 1886; Burlington, Kan., pastor, June, 1886, to September, 1890; Hiawatha, Kan., pastor, October, 1890, to Febru- ary, 1894; without charge, 1894 until death. Mayor of Lyons, Kan., 1897-99; member of Board of Education. Married, in Stratham, N. H., Caroline New- man, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Lane) Sinclair, deceased. One child. Died Aug. 18, 1907, in Lyons, Kan., of heart disease, aged 67 years, 3 months, 9 days. CooLiDGE, Amos Hii,l, son of Aaron and Catherine (Hill) Coolidge, was born in Sherborn, Mass., Aug. 17, 1827. Received his academic training at HoUiston and South Braintree, Mass. Was graduated from Amherst College, 1908] Necrology. 17 1853, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1856. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Leicester, Mass., April 21, 1857. Pastorates: Leicester, Mass., pastor, 1880-87, and as installed pastor, 1887-93; without charge, Worcester, Mass., 1893 until death. Publications: Memorial of Rev. John Nelson, d.d.; Relation of the Y. M. C. A. to the Church; History of Leicester, Mass., 1889; and other historical essays. Married, Dec. 30, 1856, in Palmer, Mass., Harriet, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (Brainerd) Cooley. Four children, three living. Died Feb. 16, 1907, in Worcester, Mass., of old age and pneumonia, aged 79 years, 5 months, and 27 days. Crane, John Fletcher, son of EUhu L. and Accious (Cheney) Crane, was born in Parma, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1839. Ordained to the Congregational ministry July 7, 1887, at Horton's Bay, Mich. Pastorates: Horton's Bay, Mich., 1885-1888; Superior, 1892; Pine Grove, 1893; Rapid River, 1894-98; Maple City, 1898-1901; retired from the ministry, November, 1901. Married, at Suspension Bridge, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1862, Helen E. Fairchild, daughter of John F. and Sally (Hoyt) Fairchild, who survives him. Three children, all living. Died Nov. 21, 1907, at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., of Bright's disease, aged 68 years, 9 months, 16 days. Cranq, Frederick, m.d., son of Dr. James and Susanna (Hay) Crang, was born in High Littleton, Somersetshke, England, April 11, 1822. Was gradu- ated from Oxford University and the University of Glasgow. Ordained to the ministry of the Church of England. Studied medicine and became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons and a surgeon in the British army. Emi- grated to America in 1856. Practiced medicine in New York City; Grandy County, 111. ; and Olivet, Mich. Entered the Congregational ministry in Olivet, Mich. Pastorates: Keeler's Center, Mich., 1866; Columbus City, la., 1867; organized church in Webster, la.; Franklin, la., pastor, 1868-73; Glenwood, Mo., pastor, 1873; Cahoka, Mo., pastor, 1874-75; Astoria, Ore., pastor, 1875-79; without charge. Forest Grove, Ore. Married, in 1848, in England, Emma Owens, who died in 1853. Three children, one living. Married, March 15, 1856, Catherine Walker. Nine children, seven living. Died in Forest Grove, Ore., Sept. 25, 1906, of old age, aged 84 years, 5 months, 14 days. Cutler, Calvin, son of Amos and Sarah (Topliff) Cutler, was bom in Holliston, Mass., Feb. 19, 1833. Studied at Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass. Was graduated from Dartmouth College, 1856, and from Andover Seminary, 1861. Between college and seminary taught two years in St. Johnsbury, Vt. Licensed by the Norfolk Association in Randolph, Mass., Jan. 29, 1861. Pastorates: New Ipswich, N. H., ordained and installed, March 12, 1862, to April 11, 1867; Auburndale, Mass., pastor by council, May 9, 1867, to May 9, 1895; pastor emeritus until death. Trustee, Appleton Academy, New Ipswich, N. H.; trustee, Lasell Seminary; member of School Committee, Newton; secretarj'-, Ministers' Union; director, Congregational Education Society. Publications: The Brethren of Our Lord; The Chris- tian's Appeal; No Room at the Inn; The Work of the Church and Minister for Twenty-five Years; Why You Should Join the Church. Married, Sept. 9, 1862, in Medway, Mass., Sarah Daniels, daughter of Rev. David and Sarah Parkhurst (Daniels) Sanford, deceased. Five children, four living. Married, Aug. 18, 1875, in Medway, Mass., Martha Elizabeth Sanford; died January, 1902. Two children, not living. Died Oct. 6, 1907, in Auburndale, Mass., of pneumonia, aged 74 years, 7 months, 17 days. 18 Congregational Year-Book. » [1908 Davies, George Hices, son of Rev. William and Rebecca (Dicker) Davies, was bom in Hailsham, Sussex County, England, October 8, 1833. Studied in London University and Stepney College. Was ordained to the Baptist min- istry in Andover, England, 1858. Pastorates: Andover, England, 1858-61; Houghton Regis, England, 1862-68; Abingdon, England, 1870-80; Bathgate and Hamilton, No. Dak., 1884-87; Lisbon, No. Dak., 1887-97; Wahpeton, No. Dak., and Breckenridge, Minn., 1897-1903; Hillsboro, No. Dak., 1903-05; Hawley, Minn., 1905-07. Married, 1864, Annie Cook, who died in 1868. Married, July 19, 1870, in Trowbridge, England, Gertrude M., daughter of Wil- liam and Sarah (Standerwick) Barnes. Nine children, seven living. Died May 12, 1907, in Hawley, Minn., of nephritis and internal tumor, aged 73 years, 7 months, 4 days. Dean, William Nathan Tisdale, son of Nathan and Eliza (Durfee) Dean, was bom in Fall River, Mass., July 18, 1846. Received his education under the tuition of Rev. Edward A. Buck, Fall River, Mass., and studied theol- ogy in Bangor Theological Seminary, 1873, and Union Theological Seminary, New York. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Somerset, Mass., Feb. 3, 1875. Pastorates: Somerset, Mass., pastor by council, Jan. 23, 1875, to June 19, 1876; Norton, Mass., pastor, September, 1876, to Septem- ber, 1881; Orange, Mass., pastor, December, 1881, to April, 1886; Oxford, Mass., pastor by council, January, 1887, to November, 1893; Woodstock, Conn., pastor, November, 1893, to September, 1896; temporary supplies, 1896-1900; Whately, Mass., pastor, April, 1900, until death, which occurred in the church, being stricken when in the pulpit. Publication: Sermon in Memory of Deacon Samuel Chandler Paine, m.d., of Oxford, Mass., 1888, press of Charles Hamilton, Worcester, Mass. Married, Aug. 1, 1876, in Randolph, Mass., Clara Frances, daughter of Joseph Briggs and Clarissa (Rogers) Copeland. Two daughters, one living. Died Feb. 4, 1907, in Whately, Mass., of heart failure, aged 60 years, 6 months, 17 days. Dickinson, Charles Albert, d.d., son of Alvin and Elizabeth (Titcomb) Dickinson, was born in Westminster, Vt., July 4, 1849. Received his aca- demic training at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Was graduated from Harvard University, 1876, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1879. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Portland, Me., Sept. 25, 1879. Pastorates: Portland, Me. (2d Parish), 1879-82; Lowell, Mass. (Kirk Street), 1883-88; Boston, Mass. (Berkeley Temple), 1888-1901. Made pastor emeri- tus. Degrees: a.b.. Harvard, 1876; d.d., Dartmouth, 1895. Offices: Class poet, Harvard; trustee. United Society of Christian Endeavor; member of Prudential Committee, A. B. C. F. M. Publications: The Indwelling God; Easter Immortelles, published by the Golden Rule Society; Blessed Are They that Mourn, by Vox Populi Press, Lowell, Mass.; The Temple Service; Ser- mons. Married, July 2, 1879, at Westminster, Vt., Esther, daughter of Austin and Harriet Ballou (Reynolds) Goodridge. Two children, living. Died Jan. 9, 1907, at Corona, Cal., of hemorrhage of the lungs, aged 57 years, 6 months, 5 days. Diffenbacher, Benjamin F., son of Frederick and Eliza (McCormick) Diffenbacher, was bom in Center County, Pa., Oct. 25, 1831. Studied in Commercial College at Meadville, Pa., and had three years of theological study. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Springfield, Neb., 1879. Pastorates: Sarpy Center, Neb., pastor, 1880; LouisviUe and Sarpy Center, Neb., pastor, 1882; Louisville and South Bend, Neb., pastor, 1883; Arlington 1908] ' Necrology. 19 and Fontanelle, Neb., pastor, 1884-85; Hay Springs and Rushville, Neb., pastor, 1886; ' Hay Springs, pastor, 1887-88; without charge, 1889-94; Ulysses, Neb., pastor by council, 1894-97; Eagle, Neb., pastor by council, 1898-99; Irvington, Neb., pastor by council, 1900-03; without charge, 1904; Omaha, Neb., pastor, 1905 until death. Offices: Chaplain, Nebraska Legis- lature, 1891-92; chaplain, U. S. Grant Post, 1905-07. Married, Aug. 30, 1863, in Platteville, Wis., Bella A., daughter of John and Anna (Marney) Gabriel. Tliree daughters, not living. Died March 11, 1907, in Omaha, Neb., of paralysis of the bowels, aged 75 years, 4 months, 14 days. DiNSMORE, John, son of Thomas and Sally (Houghton) Dinsmore, was born in Anson, Me., April 20, 1821. Received his academic training at Gor- ham. Me. Was graduated from Bowdoin College, 1848, and from Bangor Theological Seminary, 1852. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in North Hampton, N. H., Nov. 18, 1852. Pastorates: North Hampton, N. H., pastor by council, Nov. 18, 1852-62; Winslow, Me., pastor, 1862-80; Anson and Athens and other towns in Maine, supply, 1880-84; Harpswell, Me., supply, June, 1884, to November, 1888; supply, in Maine towns, 1888-1901; without charge, 1901 until death. Married, Sept. 27, 1852, in Mechanic Falls, Me., Althea Chase, daughter of Nathan and Catherine (Wharff) Cobb, who died in 1859. Married, May 20, 1861, in North Hampton, N. H., Katie Cobb, sister of first wife, who died October, 1872. Five children, two living. Mar- ried, Jan. 12, 1875, in Winslow, Me., Mrs. Sarah E. (Cobb) Chapman, sister of first and second wives. Died Dec. 8, 1907, in North Harpswell, Me., of old age, aged 86 years, 7 months, 18 days. Dudley, Joseph Francis, d.d., son of Joseph and Sarah Dudley, was born in Raymond, N. H., Jime 11, 1830. Education, academic; Pembroke Acad- emy, N. H. Was graduated from Dartmouth College, 1858, and from Bangor Theological Seminary, 1862. Resident licentiate, class of 1863, at Andover Seminary. Licensed by the Penobscot Association, Maine, Nov. 12, 1861. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 28, 1864. Pastorates: St. Paul (Plymouth Church), Minn., pastor, 1863-66; Winona, Minn., pastor, 1866-69; Eau Claire, Wis., pastor by council, 1869-95; Fargo, No. Dak., pastor by council, 1895-1901; without charge, Fargo, No. Dak., until death. Degree: d.d., Beloit College, 1885. Offices: Trustee, Ripon College, 1874-80; trustee, Chicago Theological Seminary, 1882-1905. Married, April 22, 1864, in Bolton, Mass., Jessie D., daughter of George and Elizabeth (Field) Grassie. Three children. Died June 4, 1907, in Fargo, No. Dak., of heart disease (incident to old age), aged 76 years, 11 months, 24 days. DwiGHT, Melatiah Everett, d.d., son of Jolin and Nancy Shaw (Everett) Dwight, was born in South Hadley, Mass., Oct. 15, 1841. Studied at the grammar school of New York University. Was graduated from College of the City of New York, 1860, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1866. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Onarga, 111., Feb. 25, 1869. Pas- torates: Onarga, 111., pastor by council, Feb. 25, 1869-79; Fairfield, la., pas- tor, 1879-88; retired because of ill health. Secretary of the National Federa- tion of Churches, 1904; chairman of Committee Inter-Church Conference on Federation, 1905; president of New York Genealogical and Biographical Society of New York, 1905; member of Executive Committee; trustee of Congregational Church Building Society, 1906. Degrees: m.d., Bellevue Medical College, 1864; d.d.. Parsons College, la., 1906. Publications: The 20 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Kirbys of New England, 1898, pp. 451; Journal of Captain Nathaniel Dwight during Crown Point Expedition, 1902, pp. 21, Married, June 23, 1870, in Jacksonville, 111., Helen McClure, daughter of Rev. William and Hannah McCIure (Wolcott) Kirby. Five children. Died Sept. 14, 1907, in South Hadley, Mass., of heart disease, aged 65 years, 10 months, 29 days. Earl, Theophilus R., son of Theophilus Richard and Eliza Jane (Bowes) Earl, was born in Toronto, Canada, March 19, 1848. Received his collegiate and theological education (probably) in Toronto, Canada. Was ordained to the Methodist ministry at the London Conference, Canada, Jvme 8, 1879. Pastorates: In the Methodist church, Dutton, Tuterville, Tyrconnell, Am- herstburg, Canada, circuits; joined the Congregational church in Colorado and supplied churches at Greeley and other points; Buena Vista, Colo., pastor, 1888-93; Chula Vista, Cal., pastor, 1893-95; San Diego (2d), and La Mesa, Cal., pastor, 1895-1902; San Francisco, Cal. (Park), pastor, June, 1902, to Oct. 15, 1907. Married, Aug. 20, 1879, in Milton, Ontario, Canada, Charlotte A., daughter of Austin and Jane Ann (Bowes) Willmott, who died in 1891. Two sons, living. Married, Aug. 14, 1895, Emily J. Clarke, of Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Died Nov. 15, 1907, in San Diego, Cal., of acute rheuma- tism, aged 59 years, 7 months, 27 days. Eells, Myron, d.d., son of Rev. Gushing (d.d.) and Myra (F.) Eells, was born at Lehimapain Mission, station of the A. B. G. F. M., Spokane, Wash., Oct. 7, 1843. Was graduated from Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore., 1866, and from Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn., 1871. Or- dained to the Congregational ministry at Hartford, Conn., 1871. Pastorates: Boise City, Ida., 1871-74. Missionary imder the American Missionary Asso- ciation, holding pastorates at Skokomish, Wash., 1876-80; Seabeck, Wash., 1880-85; Dungeness, 1882-90; Holby, Wash., 1891-1902; Twana, Wash., 1897, and Mt. Constance, Wash., 1897. Degree: d.d.. Whitman Coilege, Wash., 1890. Offices: President, Bible Society of Idaho, 1872-74; trustee, Tualatin Academy and Pacific University since 1878; assistant secretary of the board, 1882-88, and since 1895; secretary, 1889-95; trustee. Whitman College, since 1888; president of board of trustees, 1893-96; superintendent of the Ethnological Department of the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, for the state of Washington, 1893; clerk of the Congregational Association of Oregon and Washington, 1874-85. Publications: Minutes of Association of Oregon and Washington, twelve years ; Twana Indians, pp.58, 1877; Funeral Sermon of Mrs. M. F. Eells, 3 pp., 1878; Chinook Jargon Hymns, 1878; second edition, 1889, 40 pp.; History of the Congregational Association of Oregon and Washington, 124 pp., 1881; Life of S. H. Marsh, d.d., 58 pp., 1881; History of Indian Missions on the Pacific Coast, 278 pp., 1882; Justice to the Indian, 9 pp., 1883; Marcus Whitman, m.d.: Proofs of His Saving Oregon to the United States, 34 pp., 1883; Whitman Controversy, 1884-85, 23 pp.; Duties of Parents to Baptized Children, 20 pp., 1885; Worship and Traditions of Aborigines of America, 33 pp., 1885; Fifty Years of Congregationalism in Oregon and Washington, 17 pp., 1885; Ten Years at Skokomish, 271 pp., 1886; Twana, Chemakum and Clallam Indians, 77 pp., 1886-87; Hand of God in the History of the North Pacific Coast, 15 pp., 1888; Relations of Congre- gational Colleges to Congregational Churches, 16 pp., 1889; Thunder Bird, 8 pp., 1889; Journal of Mrs. M. F. Eells across the Plains in 1838, 36 pp., 1889; Journal of Mrs. M. Whitman across the Continent in 1836, and Whitman Bill, 1908] Necrology. 21 39 pp., 1891; Aboriginal Geographical Names of Washington, 9 pp., 1892; Chinook Jargon Language, 13 pp., 1894; Stone Age of Oregon, 13 pp.; Ad- dress at the Inauguration of Dr. T. McClelland as President of Pacific Univer- sity, 4 pp., 1892; Sketch of the Life of G. H. Atkinson, d.d., 79 pp., 1893; Father Eells, 342 pp., 1894; Worship and Traditions of the Aborigines of the Pacific Islands, 18 pp., 1895; Funeral Sermon of Mrs. Mary R. Walker, 12 pp., 1897; Whitman Myth, 30 pp., 1898; Life of Rev. S. Parker, 32 pp., 1898; Life of Rev. H. H. Spalding, 85 pp., 1898-99; Fur Traders and Missionaries on the Pacific Coast, 6 pp., 1900; Life of Rev. A. B. Smith, 10 pp., 1901; Reply to Prof. E. G. Bourne's, The Whitman Legend, 123 pp., 1902; also has furnished the Smithsonian Institution at Washington about ten thousand words and phrases in the following seven Indian languages of Washington: Twana, Clallam, Nisgually, Upper Chehalis, Lower Chehalis, Chemakum, and Chinook Jargon. He had in manuscript a dictionary of the Chinook Jargon language of four thousand words; a biography of Dr. Marcus Whitman; a description of the Indians of Puget Sound, and a history of Pacific Univer- sity; also twelve hundred and fifty newspaper articles. Married, Jan. 18, 1874, at Boise City, Ida., Sarah M., daughter of F. S. and Levia (McClelland) Crosby. Five sons: Edwin Fayette, Arthur Heman, Chester Gushing, Walter Crosby, Roy Whitman. Died Jan. 4, 1907, near Union City, Wash., of heart disease, aged 63 years, 2 months, 28 days. Elliot, Lester Hall, son of Ezra and Eliza (Hall) Elliot, was bom in Croyden, N. H., Aug. 1, 1835. Studied at the academies in Underbill, Essex, and Johnson. Was graduated from University of Vermont, 1861, and from Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1864. Was ordained to the Congre- gational ministry in Winooski, Vt., May 2, 1866. Pastorates: Colchester, Vt., pastor, 1864-65; Winooski, Vt., pastor, 1865-66; pastor by council, May 2, 1866, to Jan. 30, 1872; Bradford, Vt., pastor, 1873-80; Thetford, Vt., s. s., 1880; Keeseville, N. Y., pastor, 1881-84; secretary Vermont Bible Society, 1884-1907. Offices: Superintendent of schools, Winooski, Vt.; Rep- resentative in House of 1892. Publications: Manly Strength, 1875; Life and Labors Commemorative of Rev. Silas McKeen, d.d., 1878; Orange County Conference, 1880; Bible Society Annual Reports, 1884-1906. Married, Oct. 2, 1866, in Greensboro, Vt., Lois Maria, daughter of Enoch and Abigail (Cook) Tolman, who died in Winooski, Vt., Feb. 6, 1871. Married, Nov. 30, 1875, in Campton, N. H., Phoebe Elizabeth, daughter of Ezekiel Harper and Almira (Dole) Hodgdon. Four children, none living. Died July 20, 1907, in Water- bury, Vt., of progressive bulbar paralysis and progressive muscular atrophy, aged 71 years, 11 months, 19 days. Fay, Osmer Willls, son of Hubbard Newton and Eunice (WiUis) Fay, was bom at New Alstead, N. H., July 6, 1831. Attended Kimball Union Acad- emy, Meriden, N. H. Was graduated from Dartmouth College, 1856, and from Chicago Theological Seminary, 1863. Ordained to the Congregational ministry at Burlington, Wis., July 2, 1867. Pastorates: Montgomery, Ala., pastor, 1881-82; Talladega, Ala., pastor, 1882-83; Rock Falls, 111., 1885-87; Stillman Valley, 111., pastor, 1887-89; without charge, Chicago, HI., 1889 until death. Offices: Principal, Granville Academy, Ohio, 1856-57; in missionary service, 1863-67; also engaged in the work of the public schools, Coliunbus, Ohio. Married, in Hadlyme, Conn., Fannie, daughter of Zebulon and Caroline Brockway. Three daughters, two living. Died Jan. 23, 1907, in Chicago, 111., of pneumonia, aged 75 years, 6 months, 17 days. 22 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Fay, William Edwards, son of Samuel E. and Miriam E. (Long) Fay, was bom in Louisville, Ky., Nov. 8, 1855. Received his academic training at Marietta, Ohio. Was graduated from Marietta College, 1878, and from Ober- lin Theological Seminary, 1881. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Springfield, Ohio, July 28, 1881. Appointed by the American Board to the West Central African Mission, he sailed from Boston, March 9, 1882. Returned to United States when the mission was expelled, in 1884. Attended medical lectures and later took a course of study in^the London School for Tropical Dis- eases. Married, March 10, 1886, in Watertown, Mass., Annie M. Kimball (adopted name), daughter of William Paul and Louise (Erni) Razoux. Six children, five living. Died Oct. 13, 1907, in Cleveland, Ohio, from surgical operation, aged 51 years, 11 months, 5 days. FiSEE, John B., son of Horace and Mary (Adams) Fiske, was bom in Waterford, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1828. Studied at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., and was graduated in 1848. Received his theological training in Kalamazoo and Princeton seminaries. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry, Nov. 15, 1855. Pastorates: Dexter, Mich., 1856-58; Amherst, Mass., Grand Haven, Mich., 1866-70; Manistee, Mich., 1870-75; Anamoosa, la., 1876-87; Bonne Terre, Mo., 1888-1902; without charge. Bonne Terre, Mo., 1902 until death. OflBces: Moderator of Iowa District Association; member of School Board, Anamoosa, la. Married, 1856, at NorthviUe, Mich., Mary, daughter of William and Rachel (RamsdeU) Gregory. Four children, one living. Married, 1893 (?), Susan Clency, who survives him. Died March 15, 1907, in Bear Lake, Mich., of old age, aged 78 years, 4 months, 25 days. Ford, Robert, son of Archibald and Polly (Searle) Ford, was bom in Danbury, N. H., Sept. 26, 1833. Studied at Highland Lake Institute and Kimball Union Academy. Preached in Wilmot, N. H., 1881-84, and Croyden, N. H., 1885-86. Ordained by Merrimac Association at Centre Harbor, N. H., June, 1887. Pastorates: Centre Harbor, N. H., April, 1887, to November, 1893; Campton, N, H., November, 1893, to June, 1903. Married, in 1860, Mary Aim, daughter of Isaac and Rebecca (Locke) Towle. Five children, four living. Died July 11, 1907, in Danbury, N. H., of valvular heart trouble, aged 73 years, 9 months, 15 days. Foster, Addison Pinneo, d.d., son of Rev. Dr. Eden B. and Catherine (Pinneo) Foster, was born in Henniker, N. H., Sept. 25, 1841. Education: Lowell High School; PhiUips Academy; Williams CoUege, graduated, 1863; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1864-65; Andover Seminary, 1866. Li- censed by Hampden Association, Mass., and ordained in LoweD, Mass., Oct. 3, 1866. Pastorates: Lowell, Mass. (Eliot Church), pastor by council, 1866- 68; Maiden, Mass. (Trinitarian), pastor by council, 1871-72; Chelsea, Mass. (Winnisimmet, now First), pastor by council, 1872-77; Jersey City, N. J. (Tabernacle), pastor by council, 1877-86; Boston, Mass. (Roxbury, Imman- uel), pastor by council, 1886-93. Secretary for New England of the American Sunday-School Union, 1893-1902. Degrees: b.a., Williams, 1863; a.m., Williams, 1866; d.d., WiUiams, 1886. Member of Executive Committee, A. M. A., eighteen years; trustee, Berea College. Publications: Four Pas- torates; Memorial of Rev. Eden B. Foster, d.d., LoweU, Mass., 8vo; Manual of Sunday-School Methods, Philadelphia, 12mo; Monday Club, sermon, twenty -nine years, Boston, 12mo; A Bird's-eye View of Christianity, Boston. Correspondent for over twenty years for The Advance. Married, Aug. 8, 1866, in Springfield, Mass., Harriette, daughter of Sherebiah Butts and Harrietts 1908] Necrology. 23 (Sampson) Day, who died Aug. 1, 1896. Five children, four living. Married, Sept. 22, 1898, in New Paltz, N. Y., Gertrude, daughter of Theodore and Mary (Elting) Deyo, deceased. Died June 18, 1907, in New Paltz, N. Y., of chronic gastritis, aged 65 years, 8 months, 24 days. Frazee, John Hatfield, d.d., son of Henry and Jane (Fisher) Frazee, was born at New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 28, 1829. Education: Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J.; New Brunswick, N. J., Theological Seminary, R. C. A., 1860. Ordained by presbytery of New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 2, 1860. Served Presbyterian ministry twenty-seven years; pastor of Pilgrim Congregational Church, Knoxville, Tenn., May 7, 1886, till death. Received a.m. from Rut- gers College, D.D. from Knoxville University. Offices: Chaplain 3d Regiment, New Jersey Cavalry; judge advocate of the 3d Division Cavalry Corps, Gen. George A. Custer commander; practiced law several years. Married, April 27, 1853, at New Brunswick, N. J., Chrissie Letson Terhune, who is deceased. Married, Oct. 4, 1860, at Orange, N. J., Carohne AmeUa, daughter of Charles M. and Sarah (Colburn) Saxton. Five children, two living. Died of general debihty, following intermittent fever, Sept. 29, 1907, Knoxville, Tenn., aged 78 years, 7 months, 1 day, t French, Edward Beecher, son of Jefferson and Elizabeth (Spaulding) French, was born Nov. 20, 1832, at Lowell, Mass. Educated at Mr. HoUis Seminary, Holliston, Mass., and Harvard Theological Seminary, 1859. Or- dained to the Congregational ministry, May, 1860. Pastorates: Chatham, Mass., Babylon, L. I. (Presb. Ch.). He was chaplain of the 39th Mass. Vols. Married, May 1, 1860, at Harwich, Mass., to Emily P., daughter of Sidney and Lucy (Sherman) Underwood. Married, January, 1879, in Mexia, Tex., Mrs. Luthera Jackson, died September, 1906. Died July 14, 1907, at Harwich, Mass., of cancer of stomach, aged 74 years, 7 months, 25 days. Goodale, David Wilder, son of James Allen and Elizabeth (Putnam) Goodale, was born in Douglass, Mass., Dec. 28, 1847. Studied in Monson (Mass.) Academy. Was graduated from Amherst, 1875, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1878. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Troy, N. Y., Oct, 1, 1878. Pastorates: Troy, N. Y., pastor, 1878-83; Brookfield, Mass , without charge, 1883-84; Sudbury, Mass., pastor, 1884-87; Hillsboro Bridge, N, H., pastor, 1887-95; Suffield, Conn., pastor by council, 1896 until death. Married, July 9, 1878, in Worcester, Mass., Mary Lydia, daughter of Henry and Frances Ellen (Bliss) Reed. Four children. Died May 6, 1907, in Suffield, Coim., of typhoid fever, aged 59 years, 4 months, 8 days, Gordon, Robert Frame, son of Andrew and Anne (Ferrier) Gordon, was born at Glasgow, Scotland, May 23, 1828. Educated in Glasgow and Edin- burgh. Ordained to the Congegational ministry. Fall River, Mass., May 12, 1875. Pastorates: East Milton, Mass., pastor, 1875-79; Neponset, pastor, 1879-86; while at Neponset conducted services at schoolhouse, Atlantic, which led to formation of the Memorial Church, which he was instrumental in building; city missionary, Boston, 1886-88; Wayland, pastor by council, 1888-91; Weston, pastor, 1891-99; Ohvet Church, Boston, pastor, 1899 till death; all in Massachusetts. Publications: Some Christian Songs, Boston, 1898. Was well known as a hymn writer. Married, June 6, 1851, at Glasgow, to Annie, daughter of Archibald and Annie (Downing) Macnair, who died Jan. 26, 1893. Seven cliildren, six living. Died Sept. 14, 1907, Brookline, Mass., of arteriosclerosis, aged 79 years, 3 months, 21 days. t Too late for mimmaries. 24 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Greene, Edward Percival, son of Manson and Mary Adelaide (Stevens) Greene, was born in Shelburne, N, H., July 2, 1852. Studied at Lyndon Insti- tute, Lyndonville, Vt., and was graduated from Bangor Theological Seminary, 1893, Was ordained to the Congregational ministry at North Rochester, Mass., Aug. 22, 1893. Pastorates: North Rochester, Mass., June 17, 1893, to June 17, 1895; Guildhall, Vt., July 7, 1895, to July 7, 1897; Shelburne, N. H., six months; without charge because of ill health; Lyman, Me., July, 1900, to July, 1901; West Brooksville, Me., May 28, 1905, to May 28, 1906; without charge imtil death. Married, June 8, 1893, in Bangor, Me., Annie, daughter of George W. and Eleanor (Sanborn) Whiting. Died Feb. 28, 1907, in East Orrington, Me., of valvular heart disease, aged 54 years, 7 months, 26 days. GuNN, Elberry B., son of Nicholas Paintan and Mahalie Gimn, was bom in Upson Coimty, Georgia, Feb. 11, 1830, Educated at home and in common schools in Georgia. Was ordained to the Methodist ministry in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, Sept. 21, 1860. Pastorates (Congi-egational) : Dadeville, Ala., pastor, 1892-96; Sturdevant, Ala., pastor, 1896-97; Meadow, Ala., pastor, 1897-98; Phoenix and New Site, Ala., pastor, 1898-99; Bluff Springs, Ala., pastor, 1899-1900; Jackson's Gap, Ala., pastor, 1899 — , Married, Nov. 30, 1873, in Roxana, Ala. Nine children, eight living. Died Nov. 1, 1907, in Jackson's Gap, Ala., of dropsy of the heart, aged 77 years, 8 months, 21 days. Haff, Stephen, son of Cornelius and Mary Haff, was bom in Amityville, Long Island, N. Y., June 22, 1818. Was ordained to the Methodist ministry in New York, 1842. He preached in Georgetown, Va.; New Jersey, New York City, and Brooklyn, N. Y.; and Bayshore, Long Island. He was a shoemaker by trade and refused to take any salary for pastoral service. Married. One child, not living. Died in Amityville, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1907, of old age, aged 88 years, 7 months, and 27 days. Hall, Richard, son of Richard and Lucy (Farrar) Hall, was bom in New Ipswich, N. H., Aug. 6, 1817. Received his academic training in Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Was graduated from Dartmouth College, 1847, and from Union Theological Seminary, 1850. Was ordained to the Congrega- tional ministry in New Ipswich, N. H., Sept. 4, 1850. Missionary under the American Home Missionary Society, 1850-56. He began work at Point Douglas and Cottage Grove, Minn., and labored also at Prescott, Wis. Ap- pointed, 1856, superintendent of home missionary work and continued until 1874. Aided in the foundation of more than eighty churches and also Carleton College. Was secretary of the St. Paul Society for the Relief of the Poor, 1883-93; was disbursing agent of the society until death. Married, Aug. 20, 1850, in New York, N. Y., Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Laertes and Laura (Colton) Chapin, who died Jan. 14, 1897. Two children, not living. One adopted son living. Died April 1, 1907, in St. Paul, Minn., of old age, aged 89 years, 7 months, 26 days. Harrison, James Kirkland, son of James and Clarinda (Kirkland) Har- rison, was bom in Chicago, 111., Aug. 26, 1856. Was graduated from Olivet College, Mich., 1882, and Chicago Theological Seminary, 1885. Was ordained by council, Chicago, 111., Feb. 26, 1886. Pastorates: Central Park, Chicago, m., pastor, 1885-88; Santa Rosa, Cal. (1st Church), pastor, 1888-1903. Superintendent of Home Missions for Northern California, 1893-1907. Mar- ried, April 14, 1886, in Chicago, 111., Emma A., daughter of Henry S. and 1908] Necrology. 25 Mary E. (Foote) Isham, who died in Berkeley, Cal., January, 1899. Seven children, five living. Married, second, Sarah N. Isham, sister of Emma, Oct. 3, 1901, living. Died in Berkeley, Cal., of inflammation of the brain, Aug. 27, 1907, aged 51 years, 1 day. Hatch, Franklin Samuel, son of Samuel Wright and Laura Chandler (Dickinson) Hatch, was born in Chelsea, Vt., Aug. 12, 1846. Received his academic training at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Was graduated from Amherst College in 1873, and from Hartford Theological Seminary in 1876. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in West Hartford, Conn., June 7, 1876. Pastorates: West Hartford, Conn., pastor, 1876-83; Ware, Mass., s. s., Jan. 1 to May, 1886; Colchester, Conn., s. s., February, 1887, to October, 1887; Monson, Mass., pastor, 1887-1900; Newton, Mass., s. s. (Ehot Church), 1905-06. Degree: m.a., Amherst, 1878. Offices: Financial secretary, Hart- ford Seminary, 1883-86; lecturer on Bible, Mt. Hermon and Northfield, Mass., 1887; president, Massachusetts State Christian Endeavor Union; gen- eral secretary. United Society Christian Endeavor, India, Burma, Ceylon, 1901. Publications: Occasional sermons and addresses. Married, Oct. 29, 1879, at Hartford, Conn., Helen, daughter of William L. and Caroline A. (Kimball) Gage. Two children, living. Died Dec. 24, 1907, at Brookline, Mass., of pneumonia, aged 61 years, 4 months, 12 days. Hawks, John S., son of George and Isabella (Nixon) Hawks, was bom in Tyrone, Ireland, March 23, 1842. Studied in Hayesville, Ohio. Served in the Civil War and was prisoner for one year. Was ordained as pastor by the Evangelical Association, in Cleveland, Ohio, March, 1868; June, 1887, removed to Hennessey, Okla.; installed pastor of the Congregational Church, King- fisher, Okla., May, 1892. Organized Hennessey and Hope churches, serving them until 1894; organized and built the church in North Enid, Okla., serving as pastor one year; organized churches in following places: Carrier, Alvaretta, Coldwater, Hillsdale, Springdale, and Glenella, all in Oklahoma, serving them as pastor during six years. Without charge, 1900 until death. Married, July 8, 1867, in Basil, Ohio, Mrs. Rosina Snyder, daughter of Samuel and Anna (Gaster) Bader. Three children, two living. Died Sept. 13, 1907, in Hen- nessey, Okla., of tuberculosis, aged 65 years, 5 months, 21 days. HiLDRETH, Edward, son of Richard and Lucy (Johnson) Hildreth, was bom in Sterling, Mass., Sept. 10, 1833. Received his academic training at Cambridge and Berlin (Mass.) Academy, and was graduated from Chicago Theological Seminary, 1861. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Clifton, HI., December, 1862. Pastorates: Clifton, 111., one year, from December, 1862; Wabasha, Minn., 1864-67; without charge last years of his life in Los Angeles, Cal. Publications: Hymns, — Builder of All Things, by Thy Hand; Saviour, Make Me All Thine Own. Married, Sept. 10, 1863, in Chicago, 111., Sarah Geraldine, daughter of Philo and Ann (Thompson) Car- penter, who died in 1895. Seven children, four living. Died June 23, 1907, in Los Angeles, Cal., of chronic bronchitis, aged 73 years, 9 months, 13 days. Hill, Calvin Grout, son of George and Sylvia Hill, was born in Elmore, Vt., May 10, 1842. Studied at Andover Academy. Was graduated from Amherst College, 1867, and from Bangor Theological Seminary, 1871. Was ordained by council in Hamilton, Mass., Sept. 5, 1872. Pastorates: Water- ville. Me., supply, nine months; Hamilton, Mass., pastor by council, 1872 to June 6, 1876; Walpole, Mass., pastor, July 1, 1876; pastor by council, Sept. 27, 1876, to Aug. 1, 1881; Falmouth, Mass., pastor, 1881-82; Milton, Mass., pas- 26 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 tor by council, February, 1882, to Oct. 1, 1888; West Medway, Mass., supply; Maiden, Mass. (1st Evan.), associate pastor, Dec. 1, 1890, to June, 1899; without charge at Milton, Mass., until death. Scribe of Essex South Confer- ence. Married, Dec. 1, 1868, in Rehoboth, Mass., Mary Ann Borden, daughter of Gustavus Adolphus and Electa Ann (Miller) Reed. Two children. Died Oct. 11, 1907, in Milton, Mass., of heart failure, aged 65 years, 5 months, 1 day. Hitchcock, Albert Wellman, ph.d., son of Dr. Homer O. and Fidelia (Wellman) Hitchcock, was born in Kalamazoo, Mich., Jan. 19, 1861. Was graduated from Amherst College, 1882, and from Yale Divinity School, 1889. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Newburyport, Mass., Dec. 15, 1891. Pastorates: Newburyport, Mass., pastor, 1891-1901; Worcester, Mass., pastor, 1901 — . Taught in Vermont, 1882-86; studied in Berhn, Germany, and Oxford, England, 1890-91. Degrees: ph.d., Clark University, Worcester, Mass., 1906. Married, Dec. 17, 1891, in Salem, Mass., Margaret Manton, daughter of John C. and Martha E. (Whipple) Osgood. Three chil- dren. Died April 9, 1907, in Worcester, Mass., of appendicitis, aged 46 years, 2 months, 20 days. Holmes, Henry Martyn, son of Rev. Otis and Sarah (Preston) Holmes, was bom in Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 13, 1832. Received his academic training in Pembroke, N. H. Was graduated from Amherst College, 1860. Studied theology in Bangor Seminary one year and was graduated from Andover Seminary, 1864. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Lvmenberg, Vt.,-May 10, 1866. Service: Was field agent. Christian Commission, 1864-65. Pastorates: Lunenberg, Vt., pastor, 1865-66; Ticonderoga, N. Y., pastor, 1866-67; superintendent Children's Aid Society, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1867-68; Greenwich, N. Y., pastor, 1868-69; Benson, Vt., pastor, 1869-75; Southboro, Mass., pastor, 1875-78; Ayer, Mass., pastor, 1881-82; without charge, Ayer, Mass., 1882-83; Orleans, Mass., pastor, 1883-85; Meriden, N. H., pastor, 1885-86; Rye, N. H., pastor, 1886-90; without charge, Bartlett, N. H., 1891-94; Ayer, Mass., 1894-95; and Provincetown, Mass., 1896 imtil death. Married, in Princeton, Mass., Lizzie, daughter of Ivory and Louise (Wilson) Wilder. Three children, living. Died Feb. 18, 1907, in Province- town, Mass., of la grippe, aged 74 years, 2 months, 5 days. Homes, Francis, son of Henry and Isabella (Porter) Homes, was bom in Boston, Mass., July 17, 1826. He received his academic training at PhiUips Academy,- Andover, Mass. Graduated in 1843. Was graduated from Am- herst College, 1848, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1854. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 29, 1854. Pastorates: Missionary at Carrollton, Mo., 1854-55; Westfield, Mass., 1856- 57; West Granville, Mass., 1857-60; Marblehead, Mass., 1860-63; mission- ary. Tower Hill (under care of First Church, Lynn, Mass.), 1865-69. Secre- tary of the Essex South Sunday-School Association. Ill health compelled retirement at Tower Hill. Resided in Andover, Mass., two years. Removed to Easton, Mass;, residing there imtil 1901 . Removed to Hancock, N. H. Organ- ized a mission Sunday-school in Easton, of which he had charge six years. Married, Dec. 9, 1864, at Marblehead, Mass., Sarah Hooper, daughter of Glover and Lydia (Hooper) Broughton, who died March 13, 1865. Married, Jan. 8, 1867, at Lynn, Mass., Mary Angelina, daughter of Jolin C. and Angelina (Richardson) Tuck. Died Jan. 13, 1907, in Hancock, N. H., of paralysis, aged 80 years, 5 months, 27 days. 1908] Necrology. 27 Hubbard, Thomas Swan, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Hubbard, was born Dec. 20, 1811, at Franklin, Vt. Educated at Middlebury College and Andover Seminary. Ordained to the Congregational ministry at Stockbridge, Vt. June 18, 1839. Pastorates: Stockbridge, Vt., pastor, 1840-46; Chelsea, Vt. pastor, 1847-54; Stockbridge, Vt., pastor, 1855-56; Cabot, pastor, 1857-59 Presbyterian Church at Dunton, 111., 1862-64; Gaysville, Vt., 1864-68 Rochester, Vt., 1868-77; Pittsfield, Vt., 1878-81; without charge, 1881-86 Tunbridge, Vt., pastor, 1886-90; without charge till death. Offices: Member of House of Representatives, Vt., 1857-58; Senate, 1860-61. Married, Sept. 24, 1839, to Mary Paige Fay. Three children, one living. Died, Stockbridge, Vt., Feb. 28, 1907, aged 95 years, 2 months, 8 days. Hudson, Alfred Sereno, son of Martin Newton and Maria (Reed) Hud- son, was born Nov. 20, 1839, at Sudbury, Mass. Educated at Wadsworth Academy, South Sudbury, Mass.; Williams College, 1864; Andover Seminary, 1867. Ordained to the Congregational ministry at Burlington, Mass., Dec. 19, 1867. Pastorates: Burlington, pastor, 1867-73; acting pastor, Easton, 1873-76; Linden, acting pastor, 1876-81; Maplewood, 1876-83; Ayer, pastor, 1883-91; West Groton, 1892-1903; supphed at Still River, Mass., several months preceding August, 1906; without charge till death. Offices: Ad- mitted to Suffolk Bar, Feb. 10, 1893; served in Civil War, Wadsworth Rifle Guard, Massachusetts Volunteers, South Sudbury, Mass., 1861; United States Sanitary Commission at City Point, Va., 1864. Publications: History and By-Laws of the First Congregational Church, Ayer, Mass., 1887, pp. 137; Fireside Hymns, Ayer, Mass., 1888, pp. 50; History of Sudbury, Mass., Bos- ton, 1889, pp. xxii, 660; Home Melodies, Boston, 1890, pp. 61; The Annals of Sudbury, Wayland and Maynard, Middlesex County, Mass., 1891, 357 pp.; Luther Blanchard, Fifer of the Acton Minutemen, West Acton, Mass., 1899, pp. 100; History of Concord, Mass., vol. 1; Colonial Concord, 1904, pp. xviii, 512. Married, Sept. 26, 1867, in Boston, Mass., Lydia Richards, daughter of Ira and Eunice (Rutter) Draper, died April 4, 1907. Died April 1, 1907, at Ayer, Mass., of pneumonia, aged 67 years, 4 months, 11 days. Ingersoll, Edward Payson, d.d., son of William and Samantha (Bassett) Ingersoll, was born in Lee, Mass., May 6, 1834. Received his academic training in Oberlin, Ohio. Was graduated from Williams College, Mass., 1855; also from Ohio State Law School. Admitted to the bar, 1859. Was graduated from Andover Theological Seminary, 1863. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry at Sandusky, Ohio, Dec. 29, 1863. Pastorates: San- dusky, Ohio, pastor by council, Dec. 29, 1863-67; Plymouth Church, Indian- apolis, Ind., 1867-70; Brooklyn (Middle Reformed), N. Y., March 31, 1870, to Nov. 20, 1882; Brooklyn (Puritan Congregational), N. Y., pastor by coimcil, Dec. 22, 1882, to Oct. 26, 1891; St. Paul, Minn., pastor by council, Dec. 1, 1891, to Nov. 26, 1897; Brooklyn (Immanuel), N. Y., pastor by council, June 21, 1898, to Dec. 26, 1901. Degrees: a.m., Williams, 1859; d.d., Williams, 1877. Office: Secretary American Bible Society, 1901-06. Married, Sept. 11, 1860, in Cleveland, Ohio, Juha, daughter of Tracy R. and Julia (Sutherland) De Forest, who died September, 1865. Two daughters. Married, Oct. 25, 1866, in Andover, Mass., Helen E., daughter of Henry W. and Ehza Ann (Frye) Abbot, who survives him. Died Feb. 5, 1907, in Montclair, N. J., of complica- tion of diseases and heart failure from pneumonia, aged 72 years, 9 months. Jackson, George Anson, son of Jerome B. and Lydia Ann (Ward) Jack- son, was born in North Adams, Mass., March 17, 1846. Was graduated from 28 Congregational Year-Book. ' [1908 Yale College, Scientific Department, 1868, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1871. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., Sept. 26, 1872. Pastorates: Fort Leavenworth, Kan., pastor, 1871-73; Globe Village, Mass., acting pastor, 1874-78; Swampscott, Mass., pastor, 1878-97; secretary General Theological Library, Boston, Mass., 1897- 1907. Degrees: sc.b., Yale, 1868; a.m., Yale, 1864. Publications: The Christian Faith, Boston, 1875, pp. 44; Early Christian Literature Primers, New York, 1879, pp. 203; The Fathers of the Third Century, New York, 1881, pp. 211; Post Nicene Greek Fathers, New York, 1883, pp. 224; Post Nicene Latin Fathers, New York, 1883, pp. 231; New Creed Catechism, Boston, 1885; Infant Class Catechism, pp. 23; Teachers' Catechism, pp. 24; Pastor's Cate- chism, pp. 64; The Son of a Prophet, Boston (H. M. & Co.), 1893, viii— pp. 394; The Ladye Susan, Boston, 1904, pp. 52. Married, Nov. 21, 1871, in Andover, Mass., Belle, daughter of William C. and Agnes Bain (Smart) Donald, de- ceased, Dec. 30, 1906. Two children. Died May 8, 1907, in Swampscott, Mass., of heart weakness, aged 61 years, 1 month, 21 days. Jagnow, Albert August, son of Carl and Julia (Jeffke) Jagnow, was born in AUstadt, Stolp, Pomerania, Germany, Sept. 1, 1873. Came to United States in 1880. Studied in the German Theological School of New Jersey, Bloomfield, N. J , five years in the academic department and three years in the theological department. Was graduated from the latter in 1903. Was ordained by the Presbytery of Nassau in Elmont, Long Island, N. Y., May 28, 1903. Appointed by the American Board to the mission in Micronesia, he sailed June 12, 1903, and located on the Island of Truk. Married, Dec. 31, 1904, on the island of Ponape, Maria E. J., daughter of Wilhelm Michel and Henrietta Wilhelmine (Piguch) Gliew^. One son, living. Died Oct. 16, 1907, in Douglaston, N. Y., of typhoid fever, aged 34 years, 1 month, 15 days. Jones, Franklin Chappell, son of Rev. Elisha C. and Julia (Chappell) Jones, was bom in New London, Conn., March 20, 1837. Studied at Lewis Academy, Southington, Conn. Was graduated from Yale College, 1857. Tutor in Beloit College, one year; one year of theological study at Princeton; two years at Andover, from which he was graduated, 1861. Licensed to preach by Woburn Association at Wilmington, Mass., 1861. Ordained in 1863 . Pastorates: Franklin, Conn., pastor by council, 1861-80; summer of 1881, supply, Franklin, Conn.; Boulder and Manitou, Colo., 1882-83; Hydesville and RohnerviUe, Cal., 1885-86; Vailsburg, N. J., 1888-94; res., Norfolk, Mass., 1896; teacher, 1897-98; Dover, Mass., pastor, Nov. 1, 1898, to April 1, 1901; Norfolk, Mass., without charge, 1901 until death. Publications: His- torical Discourse at One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Church in Franklin, Conn., in " History of Franklin, Conn.," New Haven, 1862; address on " Life and Character of Samuel Nott, d.d.," in papers of the General Con- ference of Connecticut. Married, May 7, 1863, in Carbondale, Pa.. Harriet Lathrop, daughter of William and Lucretia Jeanette (Lathrop) Wurts. Four sons, three living. Died Dec. 10, 1907, in Norfolk, Mass., of angina pectoris, aged 70 years, 8 months, 20 days. Kingsbury, William Henry, son of Rev. Samuel and Mary (Babcock) Kingsbury, was bom in Jamaica, Vt., March 18, 1833. Received his academic education in Hampden, Me. Was graduated from Brown University, 1853, and from Bangor Theological Seminary, 1857. Was ordained to the Congre- gational ministry in Corinth, Vt., Jan. 1, 1859. Pastorates: Corinth, Vt., pastor, 1858-61; Essex, Vt., pastor, 1861-64; United States Commission, 1908] Necrology. 29 1864; Pomfret, Vt., pastor, 1864-67; West Woodstock, Conn., pastor, 1867- 70; in New York state, teacher, editor, evangelist, 1870-81; New Haven, Conn., without charge, 1881-1907. Offices: Superintendent of schools. Married, in 1858, in New York state, Eliza Whitlock, who died May, 1896. Died Oct. 5, 1907, in Woodhaven, Long Island, N. Y., of enlargement of heart, aged 74 years, 6 months, 17 days. Knowles, Richard, ph.d., son of Robert and Sarah Ann (Emett) Knowles, was born in Bacup, Lancashire, England, July 25, 1868. Education: Green- wich Academy and Taylor University (M. E.), Upland, Ind. Ordained to the Congregational ministry, Nov. 10, 1902. Served a Methodist Episcopal church at Eastford, Conn., 1898-1902; ordained pastor, Wellfleet, Mass. (Cong.), 1902- 05; pastor, Aquebogue, Long Island, N. Y., 1905^till death. Married, in Fall River, Mass., Aug. 8, 1893, Annie, daughter of James and Jane (Whittle) Lee. Three children, living. Died July 31, 1907, at Fall River, Mass., of Bright's disease, aged 39 years, 6 days. Lawrence, George W., son of Archibald and Phoebe (Califf) Lawrence, was bom in Rockland, Me., July 24, 1856, Received his academical training in the public schools of Lynn, Mass., and School of Oratory, Boston; attended Bates College two years and studied two years in the theological seminary in New Hampton, N. H. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Tiverton, R. I., Feb. 14, 1888. Pastorates: Tiverton, R. I., pastor, two years; Medfield, Mass., pastor, one year; Bennington, N. H., pastor, three years; Brookfield, Conn., pastor, one year; Haverhill (Plaistow), Mass., pastor, three years; WiUsboro, N. Y., two years; St. Albans Bay, N. Y., M. E. Church, six months; South Royalston, Mass., pastor, 1902-03. MaxTied, Feb. 18, 1884, in Fitchburg, Mass., Mrs. Wealthy (Chase) Lang, daughter of Alanson B. and Jane (Gould) Chase. Died June 17, 1906, in Newfane, Vt., of tuberculosis of the throat, aged 49 j'-ears, 10 months, 24 days. Leonard, Seneca, son of Bemice and Abigail (Torrey) Leonard, was born in Worthington, Mass., Feb. 8, 1808. Received his education from the com- mon schools. Was ordained to ministry of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ in Osceola, Ohio, in 1860. Entered into the Congregational ministry and was engaged as temporary supply. Married, Sept. 6, 1834, in Richfield, Ohio, Sarah Ann, daughter of Charles and Betsey (Wilson) Foote, not living. Five children, three living. Died Dec. 29, 1906, at West Millgrove, Ohio, of old age, aged 98 years, 10 months, 21 days. Mason, Edward Beecher, d.d., son of Timothy Battelle and Abigail (Hall) Mason, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, March 7, 1838. Education: Rev. Mr. Blake's school. Gambler, Knox County, Ohio. Graduated from Farmer's College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1858; Andover Seminary, 1861. Ordained by council at Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1862. Pastorates: acting pastor, Ra- venna, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1861, to March, 1863; pastor by council, March, 1863, to April 29, 1873; served Presbyterian churches from May, 1873, to Jan. 13, 1882; pastor by council, Arlington, Mass., March 9, 1882, to April 2, 1889; pastor by council, Brunswick, Me., May 7, 1890, to March 26, 1903; without charge till death. D.D. from Farmer's College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Offices: President of Maine Charitable Society; trustee of Maine Missionary Society. Publications: The Ten Laws: A Foundation for Himian Society, pp. 196, The A. D. Randolph Company, 1897; Forty Sermons in the Monday Club Books; Memorial Address for Pres. James A. Garfield, Detroit, Mich., Sep- tember, 1881, pp. 16; Historical Sermon delivered at the dedication of the 30 Congregational Year-Booh. [1908 Arlington Church, February, 1883, pp. 22; hymn, and its music, words and music for this dedication service; Memorial AddressT.for Edward Chipman Guild, Brunswick, Me., November, 1899, pp. 14; quartet. Building on the Sand, Cleveland, Ohio, S. Brainard's Sons; Song for Sappho, pubhshed for the Dana Hall School. Married, July 15, 1863, at Cuba, Allegany County, N. Y., Almira, daughter of James Moore and Mehnda (Morey) Campbell. Two children, both hving. Died of cancer of the larynx, Brunswick, Me., Oct. 1 , 1907, aged 69 years, 6 months, 25 days. Merrill, William H., was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Ochiltree, Kan., March 14, 1900. Pastorates: Ochiltree, Kan., pastor, 1900- 02, and Wellsville, Kan., pastor, 1902-03; Wellsville, Kan., pastor, 1903-05; Fredonia, Kan., pastor, 1905 until death. Two sons. Died in Fredonia, Kan., Nov. 1, 1906. Montgomery, John A., son of James and Jane (Caldwell) Montgomery, was bom in Argyleshire, Scotland, Dec. 18, 1839. Received his academic training at Marengo, HI. Was graduated from Wheaton College, 111., 1863, and from Chicago Theological Seminary, 1866. Was ordained to the Congre- gational mmistry in Dwight, 111., 1866. Pastorates: Dwight, HI., pastor, 1866-73; Morris, 111., pastor, 1873-84; La Grange, 111., pastor, 1884-91; without charge, 1891 until death. Office: Justice of the peace. La Grange, 1895. Was graduated from Chicago College of Law, 1898, and admitted to the bar, 1900. Married, July 12, 1866, in Morrison, 111., Alice A., daughter of Loyal C. and Mary (Herendun) Twitchell. One daughter, living. Died June 4, 1907, in La Grange, HI., of abscess on the glottis, aged 67 years, 5 months, 17 days. Moore, John Wright, son of Merrt and Mary (Wright) Moore, was born in Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 11, 1872. Studied in Ionia, Mich., High School; ^n college, Wooster, Ohio, and was graduated from Chicago Theological Semi- nary, 1900. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Trevor, Wis., July, 1899. Pastorates: Woodstock, 111., pastor, 1900-03; Wheatland, Wyo., pastor, 1903-07; Douglas, Wyo., pastor, 1907, two months. Offices: State registrar; member of state Home Missionary Committee. Married, in 1900, Luella Gould. Two daughters. Died May 8, 1907, in Douglas, Wyo., by accident through moving train, aged 34 years, 7 months, 27 days. Morgan, Edward, son of Jacob and Maria Morgan, was born at Taffswell, near Cardiff, South Wales, Jan. 28, 1843. Educated at public school at Taffs- weU, also four years at Mostyn, South Wales, imder the tutorship of Rev. Dr. E. Ian Jones. Ordained at Llansffraid, Glan Conway, North Wales, May, 1873. Pastorates: Llansffraid, Glan Conway, 1873-80; Caper Cerig, near Bethesda, Wales, 1880-91; Cambria and Randolph, Wis., 1892-1900; Cam- bria, Randolph, and Emmett, Wis., 1892-1906. Married, Sept. 3, 1877, at Llandudno, North Wales, Jane Evans. Ten children, eight living. Died at Cambria, Wis., July 31, 1906, of heart disease, aged 63 years, 6 months, 2 days. Morrison, Nathan Jackson, d.d., ll.d., son of Nathan Smith and Su- sanna (Chase) Morrison, of Franklin (Sanbornton), N. H., was born in Frank- lin, N. H., Nov. 25, 1828. Received his academical training in Kimball Academy, Meriden, N. H. Was graduated from Dartmouth College, 1853, and from Oberlin Seminary, 1857. Was ordained to the Congregational min- istry in Rochester, Mich., Feb. 11, 1858. Pastorates: Rochester, Mich., pastor by council, Nov. 18, 1858, to Sept. 18, 1859; Olivet, Mich., acting pastor, 1859; Mattoon, El., 1872. Degrees: d.d., Dartmouth, 1868; ll.d., Univer 1908] Necrology. 31 sity of Missoui-i, 1884. Offices: Professor in Greek and Latin, Olivet College, 1859-65; president of Olivet College, 1865-72; president, Drury College, 1873-88; professor, Marietta College, 1888-95; president, Fairmount College, 1895 — . Married, July 8, 1863, in Brooklyn, N. Y., Miranda Capen, daugh- ter of Isaac M. and Sarah C. (Capen) Dimond. Two sons, living. Died April 12, 1907, in Wichita, Kan., of pneumonia, aged 78 years, 4 months, 17 days. NoRRis, John Samuel, son of John and Harriet (Chalk) Norris, was born in West Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, Dec. 4, 1844. Was educated in Canada. Ordained to the Methodist ministry in Oshawa, Canada, 1868. After serving in the Methodist ministry in Canada, New York and Wisconsin, he entered into the Congregational fellowship at Hammond, Wis., then served churches as follows: Mondovi, Wis., Hixton, Wis., 1878; Grand Rapids, Wis., 1879-81; ShuUsburg, Wis., 1882-83; Ames, la., 1884-86; Webster City, la., 1887-89; Parkersburg, la., 1892; Des Moines, la., without charge, 1892-98; Peterson, la., pastor, 1899; Tripoh, la., pastor, 1900; without charge, Chicago, m., 1901 vmtil death. Iowa state evangelist. Wrote over one hundred songs, mainly sacred : " Empty Me of Self, Dear Saviour " ; " The Golden Years are Rolling On "; " The Lord is my Shepherd "; " Where He Leads, I will Follow," etc. Married, 1870, in Sunderland, Canada, Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Elizur and Phoebe (Goldsmith) Hurd. Seven children, three living. Died Sept. 23, 1907, in Chicago, 111., of enteritis, aged 62 years, 9 months, 19 days. Palmer, Willl\.m Stratton, d.d., son of Stephen West and Nancy (Stratton) Palmer, was bom in Orfordville, N. H., Aug. 6, 1827. Studied at Thetford (Vt.) Academy. Was graduated from Dartmouth College, 1853, Andover Theological Seminary, 1859-60. Resident licentiate, 1860-61. Ordained to the Congregational ministry in Wells River, Vt., Feb. 19, 1862. Pastorates: Wells River, Vt., pastor by council, 1862-74; Norwich, Conn. (2d Church), pastor, 1874-89; in Europe, 1889-90; St. Louis, Mo., pastor, 1890-91; without charge, Norwich Conn., until death. D.D., Dartmouth, 1880. Publications: A Discourse at Funeral of Edwin P. Fisher; Centennial Review of 2d Church, Norwich, Conn.; Fifteen Years of 2d Church, Norwich, Conn. Married, Feb. 5, 1855, in Brookfield, Vt., Fannie Parish, daughter of William and Fannie (Parish) Walbridge. No children. Died May 17, 1907, in Norwich, Conn., of chronic interstitial nephritis and uremia, aged 79 years, 9 months, 11 days. Parsons, Julius, son of Augustus and Mary (North) Parsons, was born in Sharon Center, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1862. Attended high school, Berlin, Wis.; studied at Cornell University, and was graduated from Oberlin Seminary, 1892. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Prentice, Wis., Nov. 18, 1892. Pastorates: Prentice, Wis., pastor, 1892-95; Cumberland, Wis., pastor, 1895 to May 30, 1901; Roberts, Wis., pastor, 1901 (supplying at Baldwin and also at Kinnickinnic) to May, 1907; Morris, Minn., pastor. May, 1907, vmtil death (two months). Director of the Elk Mound Training School, Wisconsin. Married, July 7, 1892, in Berlin, Wis., Harriet E., daughter of Lewis and Caroline E. (Nichols) Richardson. Died July 3, 1907, in Morris, Minn., of erysipelas, aged 44 years, 6 months, 21 days. Pirinen, Edward, son of Anth and Maria (Leppanen) Pirinen, was bom in Eno, Finland, Jan. 14. 1879. Was educated in State High School, Bjorne- borg, Finland, and Institution for Missionaries, Helsingfors, Finland. Was ordained to the Congregational mini.stry in Pigeon Cove, Mass., Dec. 18, 1902. Pastorates: LanesviUe, Mass., Dec. 18, 1902, to June 15, 1903; Ashtabula and 32 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Coimeaut, Ohio, July 5, 1903, to March 18, 1904; missionary from March 18, 1904, imtil death. Publications: Kotimatkalla, a book of poems and trans- lation into Finnish of the "Heart of the World" (Sheldon) and "Christian Questions of Time of Talmage." Married, March 20, 1903, in Pigeon Cove, Mass., Laina, daughter of Fredrik and Sofie (Eklund) Wyberg. One son. Died Jan. 15, 1907, in Nasel, Wash., of consumption, aged 28 years, 1 day. Plumb, Albert Hale, d.d., son of Joseph and Caroline Robbins (Hale) Plumb, was born in Gowanda, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1829. Received his academic training at Oberlin and Brown preparatory schools, at Oberlin College, and was graduated from Brown University in 1855, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1858. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Chelsea, Mass., Nov. 10, 1858. Pastorates: Chelsea, Mass. (Winnisimmet), pastor by council, 1858-71; Roxbury, Mass. (Walnut Avenue), pastor by council, 1872- 1906; Roxbury (Immanuel-Walnut Avenue), pastor emeritus, Feb. 15, 1907, until death. Degree: d.d., Brown University. Offices: Prudential Com- mittee, A. B. C. F. M.; secretary, Boston City Missionary Society; president. Congregational Club, 1899; vice-president, Massachusetts Total Abstinence Society, et al.; president trustees, Wheaton Seminary. Publications: Dr. George A. Gordon's Reconstruction of Christian Theology, Bibliotheca Sacra Company, Oberlin, Ohio, 1896, reprinted from Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. liii. No, 210, article vii, pp. 325-369; Eternal Life through Belief, pp. 11, Boston, 1903. Married, Oct. 27, 1858, in Chelsea, Mass., Harriet EUza, daughter of Joseph and Eliza (Denison) Dart, of Buffalo, N. Y. Three sons, two living. Died Dec. 4, 1907, at Roxbury, Mass., of sarcoma, aged 78 years, 3 months, 11 days. PoTwiN, Lemuel Stoughton, d.d., son of Thomas and Sarah (Stoughton) Potwin, was born in East Windsor, Conn., Feb. 4, 1832. Received his aca- demic training at Monson, Mass. Was graduated from Yale University in 1854 and studied theology at East Windsor Hill (now Hartford Theological Seminary) and Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Conn. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry at Bridgewater, Conn., Litchfield South Association, Oct. 3, 1860. Pastorates: Bridgewater, Conn., 1860-63; Greenwich, Conn., s. s., 1863-65. Degrees: a.b., Yale, 1858; a.m., Yale, 1861; d.d., Yale, 1886. Offices: Tutor, Yale, two years; editor Boston Tract Society, 1865-71; pro- fessor in Latin and philology and English literature, Western Reserve College, Hudson, Ohio, 1871-1886, and in same college (name changed to Adelbert College and removed to Cleveland, Ohio), Western Reserve University, imtil he was 74 years of age, when he was made professor emeritus. Publications: Articles in Bibliotheca Sacra and in other periodicals; Here and There in the Greek New Testament, pp. 220, Fleming H. Revell Company, Chicago. Married, Sept. 12, 1860, in Caldwell, N. J., Julia Hedges, daughter of Nathaniel S. and Julia Ford (Hedges) Crane. Died Jan. 9, 1907, in Cleveland, Ohio, of heart failure, aged 74 years, 11 months, 5 days. Pride, Edward W., son of William and Mary Ann (Wilkins) Pride, was bom in Donegal, Ireland, Dec. 16, 1839. Education: Academic, Wayland University, Beaver Dam, Wis.; collegiate, Brown University. Was gradu- ated in 1865. Theological, Newton Theological Institute, and was graduated in 1868. Was ordained to the Baptist ministry in Roxbury, Mass., June 10, 1869. In September, 1891, he removed to Andover, Mass., having entered into Congregational affiliations. Chaplain and librarian at the state hospital, Tewksbury, Mass., 1891 until death. Publications: A Brief History of Tewks- 1908] Necrology 33 bury, and various historical sketches. Married, Sept. 12, 1872, in Roxbury, Mass., Charlotte Richardson, daughter of Nathaniel Oliver and Alice Marshall (White) Hart, deceased. Two children. Died May 6, 1907, in Boston, Mass., of pneumonia, aged 67 years, 4 months, 20 days. Reiter, David H., d.d., son of Jacob and Rachel (Herner) Reiter, was born in Amityville, Pa., Dec. 1, 1838. Collegiate education, Franklin and Marshall, Pa.; theological, Heidelberg and Tiffin, Ohio. Ordained to the German Reformed ministry in 1863. Pastorates: Reformed Church: Stoystown, Pa.; Fulton, Mich.; Berrien Springs, Mich.; Congregational: Vicksburg, Mich., 1883-88; Mancelona, Mich., pastor, 1888-89; Athens, Mich., pastor, 1890-92; Hammond, Ind., 1892; without charge, 1893; Vicksburg, Mich., pastor, 1893-98; without charge, 1898-99; Rochester, Mich., pastor, 1899 until death. Degree: d.d., from Heidelberg University. Offices: Member School Board, Berrien County, Mich.; member Board of Examiners, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. Married, June, 1861, in Stoystown, Pa., Anna M., daugh- ter of Peter and Margaret (Otto) Ewalt, deceased. Five children, four living. Married, Oct. 12, 1881, in Constantine, Mich., Ida I., daughter of Rodney and Eliza A. (Rote) Beckwith. Died July 20, 1907, in Rochester, Mich., of apoplexy, aged 68 years, 7 months, 19 days. RoBBiNS, Silas Wright, son of Lucius Sessions and Anna (Baldwin) Robbins, was born in Dorset, Vt., Jan. 12, 1827. Studied at Poultney Acad- emy. Was graduated from Wesleyan University, 1847, and at Yale Divinity School, 1849-50. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in North Haven, Conn., Jime 16, 1853. Pastorates: North Haven, Conn., pastor, 1852-56; East Haddam, Conn., pastor, 1856-71; Manchester, Conn., pastor, 1871-90; without charge, Hartford, Conn., 1891 until death. Degrees: b.a., Wesleyan University, 1847; m.a., 1850. Taught in high school, Middletown, Conn., 1847, and in Newark, N. J., 1848. Married, May 20, 1856, in Troy, N. Y., Lydia W., daughter of George and Polly (Walker) Andrews. Four children, three living. Died May 31, 1907, in Hartford, Conn., of acute bronchitis, aged 80 years, 4 months, 19 days. Ross, James Henry, son of Joseph and Ahnira Ross, was born in Troy, N. Y , Aug. 21, 1851. Studied in Troy high school. Was graduated from Princeton College, 1874, and studied theology, 1875-76, in Union Seminary, and two years in Princeton Seminary, 1876-78. Ordained at Newburyport, Mass., Feb. 22, 1878. Pastorates: Newburyport, Mass., pastor by council, 1878-82; South Norwalk, Conn., pastor by council, 1884-88; East Somerville, Mass., pastor by council, 1888-94; without charge at Cambridge, Mass., 1894 until death. Since 1894 he devoted himself to journalism, especially in con- nection with the work of the benevolent societies. Publications: Life of Robert Ross, Martyr, pp. 350, Earle & Co., 1894; Hymns and Singers of the Yoimg Men's Christian Association, pp. 77, Pilgrim Press, 1901. Married, Feb. 27, 1878, in Milton Falls, N. H., S. Jeannie, daughter of Seth and S. Amanda (Sheldon) Folger. Died Dec. 7, 1907, in Clifton Springs, N. Y., of exhaustion, aged 56 years, 3 months, 16 days. Scott, George Hale, son of Thomas Woodbum and Jerusha (Shattuck) Scott, was bom in Bakersfield, Vt., April 23, 1839. Studied at Maloiie Acad- emy, New York. Was graduated from Williams College, 1865. Studied in Lane Theological Seminary, 1871-72, and was graduated from Andover Semi- nary, 1873. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Plymouth, N. H., Sept. 3, 1873. Studied law, 1866-70, and practiced in Vergennes, Vt. 34 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Served in the Civil War. Pastorates: Plymouth, N. H., pastor, 1873-81; Lawrence, Kan., pastor, 1882-84; Rockland, Me., pastor, 1884-85; Ipswich, Mass., pastor by council, 1885-92; Atkinson, N. H., pastor, 1893 until death. Offices: Member of Vermont Historical Society, 1867-70; member School Committee, Plymouth, N. H., 1880-81. Married, Oct. 23, 1866, in Charles- town, Mass., Celia, daughter of Calvin and Cliristina Goodspeed. Married, June 1, 1875, in Andover, Mass., Mrs. Lydia R. (Tucker) Cutler, daughter of Samuel and Eliza (Hall) Tucker, who survives him. Died in Atkinson, N. H., March 12, 1907, of paralysis, aged 67 years, 10 months, 17 days. Sewall, David Brainerd, son of Jotham and Rachel Crosby (Bradbury) Sewall, was born in Chesterville, Me., Jan. 18, 1817. Received his academic education in Lincoln Academy, Newcastle, Me. Was graduated from Bow- doin CoUege, 1836, and from Bangor Theological Seminary, 1841. Was ordained to the|Congregational ministry at Robbinston, Me., Jan. 19, 1842. Pastorates: Robbinston, Me., pastor, 1842-59; Fryeburg, Me., pastor, 1859- 73; York, Me., pastor, 1873-88; without charge at South Berwick, Me., 1888 until death. Married, Jan. 6, 1842, in Bristol, Me., Mary, daughter of James and Jane (Little) Drummond, who died in 1898. Four children, three living. Died Jan. 13, 1907, in South Berwick, Me., of bronchitis, aged 89 years, 11 months, 26 days. Seymour, Joel Martin, son of Erastus and Mary Ann (Chapman) Sey- mour, was born in Rootstown, Ohio, Feb. 3, 1842. Received his academic training at Hiram Academy, Ohio. Was graduated from Western Reserve College, 1870, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1873. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Brookfield, Mass., Oct. 8, 1873. Pastorates: Brookfield, Mass., pastor, 1873-77; Fort Wayne, Ind. (Plymouth), acting pastor, 1877-84; Norwalk, Ohio (1st Pres.), pastor, 1884-96; Presbyterian missionary, 1896-99; Alliance, Ohio, without charge imtil death. In business and preaching frequently for Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregational churches. Offices: Sergeant in 42d Regiment, Ohio Volxmteers, Civil War, under Colonel Garfield. Publications: The Hero of the World, addresses, and sermons. Married, Oct. 1, 1873, in Alliance, Oliio, Edna, daughter of WiUiani and Eva Margaret (Zembower) Speaker. One daughter, living. Died Nov. 25, 1907, in Alliance, Ohio, of heart failure, aged 65 years, 9 months, 22 days. Smalley, Albert Lucius, ph.d., d.d., son of Lucius and Abigail (Hill) Smalley, was born in Malone, N. Y., July 23, 1844. Studied at University of Wisconsin (Laurence University), 1860-64; University of Michigan and Lane College, 1865; and received his theological education in the Black River Con- ference, 1867, studying also in Harvard Summer School, 1901. Was ordained to the Methodist ministry at Auburn, N. Y., April 18, 1869. Served in the Methodist ministry imtil 1886, when he became the installed pastor of Pilgrim Congregational Church, Buffalo, N. Y.; Ottumwa, la., pastor by council, 1888-90; Chicago, 111. (Pilgrim), 1890-96; Jamestown, N. Y., pastor by council, 1896-1906; Cleveland, Ohio, pastor (Highland), 1906 to April, 1907. Degrees: ph.d. and d.d., Chicago University, 1897. Regent, Sons of the Revo- lution, 1904-07. PubHcations: Sermon on IngersoU's Creed, Binghamton, N. Y., 1885; Thanksgiving Address, 1878. Married, 1866, in Skaneateles N. Y., Mrs. Angeline (R.) Briggs, daughter of David J. and Hannah (Doane) Redway, deceased. Married, March 21, 1895, in Des Moines, la., Mrs. Anna Percival Hill. One daughter. Died June 9, 1907, in Buffalo, N. Y., of heart disease, aged 62 years, 10 months, 17 days. 1908] Necrology. 35 Smith, Arthur, son of Rodney and Rebecca (Kilburn) Smith, was born in Hadley, Mass., Sept. 18, 1852. Received his academical training in Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Mass. Was graduated from Amherst College, 1877; studied in Yale Divinity School one year, and was graduated from Andover Theological Seminary, 1885. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Scarboro, Me., May 5, 1886. Pastorates: Scarboro, Me., pastor, 1886-89; South Freeport, Me., pastor, 1889-98; without charge, at Piermont, N. H., 1898-99; pastor, 1899-1904; Scarboro, Me., pastor, 1904 until death. Mar- ried, Jan. 1, 1890, in Portland, Me., Frances M., daughter of Benjamin C. and Sophia L. (Sweetzer) Fuller. Three daughters. Died Jan. 31, 1907, in Scar- boro, Me., of cancer, aged 54 years, 4 months, 13 days. Snow, Benjamin Poor, son of Samuel Stillman and Mary Stevens (Hoyt) Poor, was born in Rumford, Me., Feb. 14, 1831. Studied at Norway Academy, one year in Colby University, and was graduated from'Bowdoin College, 1855, and from Bangor Theological Seminary in 1861. Was ordained to the Con- gregational ministry in North Yarmouth, Me., May 10, 1870. Pastorates:- North Yarmouth, Me., pastor. May 10, 1870-72; Alfred, Me., pastor, August, 1875-82; Houlton, Me., pastor, 1882-84; Willard, Me., pastor, 1886-90; without charge at Yarmouth, Me., 1891-1904, and at Alfred, Me., 1904 until death. Offices: Teacher, Evansville, Ind.; tutor, Bowdoin College, 1858-60; teacher, Fryeburg Academy; teacher in North Brookfield, Me., 1866; teacher in Wakefield, Mass., 1868; editor Portland Inquirer; editor and proprietor of the Christian Mirror, Portland, Me., 1872-75; superintendent of schools, Biddeford, Me.; principal. North Yarmouth Academy; principal Gould Acad- emy, Bethel, Me.; superintendent of .schools, Alfred, Me., 1905-06; librarian of Parsons Memorial Library, 1903-07. Married, Aug. 26, 1862, at New Sharon, Me., Anne Louise, daughter of Jason S. and Cathrine B. (Clark) Chandler, who died Feb. 11, 1907. Two daughters, one living. Died Feb. 13, 1907, in Alfred, Me., of pneumonia, aged 76 years. Speare, Stephen Lewis Bates, son of Dr. Sceva and Jane (Merrill) Speare, was born in Corinth, Vt., May 6, 1834. Studied at Thetford Academy and at St. Johnsbury, Vt. Was graduated from Dartmouth College, 1854. Engaged in business, 1855-73; studied in Andover Theological Seminary, 1854-55; in Chicago, 1867-68, and Andover, 1874. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Newburyport, Mass., Jan. 30, 1874. Chaplain, State Prison, Mass., 1873-77; Bangor, Me., pastor, 1878-81; IVOddlebury, Vt., pastor, 1881-87; Brooklyn, N. Y. (mission work), 1888-89; Minneapolis, Mmn., pastor, 1889-91; without charge, Newton, Mass., 1893 until death- Married, Dec. 18, 1856, in Bradford, Mass., Abbie Godfrey, daughter of Hum- phrey and Alice Bartlett (Sawyer) Hoyt. Two daughters, one living. Died Jime 3, 1907, in Newton, Mass., of leukemia, aged 73 years, 28 days. Stanton, James, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Saunders) Stanton, was born in England Sept. 11, 1847. Received his academic and theo- logical education in England. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Platteville, Colo., 1887. Pastorates: Eaton, Colo., pastor by council, 1889-95; without charge, 1896 until death. Married, Oct. 11, 1866, in Plym- outh, England, Jane, daughter of John and Mary (Pahnear) Wasley. Eight children, five hving. Died Oct. 31, 1906, in Platteville, Colo., aged 59 years, 1 month, 20 days. Stearns, George Warren, son of Rev. George L and Amelia D. (Jones) Steams, was bom in Windham, Conn., Dec. 24, 1856. Studied in Phillips 36 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Academy, Andover, Was graduated from Amherst College, 1878, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1881. Ordained by council in Patten, Me., Aug. 1, 1883. Pastorates: Missionary for Sunday-School and Publisliing Society in Patten and Island Falls, Me., 1881-85; Hadley, Mass., pastor, 1885-87; Acton, Mass., pastor, 1887-91; Middleboro, Mass., 1st Church, pastor, 1891-1905; Gloucester (Lanesville), Mass., pastor by council, 1906 until death. Sermon: Bi-centennial, First Congregational Church, Middle- boro, Mass. Married, Oct. 21, 1887, in Island Falls, Me., Sarah E., daughter of Oliver Smith Dow. Two children. Died Aug. 10, 1907, in Walpole, Mass., of intestinal tuberculosis, aged 50 years, 7 months, 17 days. Stuart, Isambert Brunell, son of Thomas W. and Sarah M. (Barter) Stuart, was born in Boothbay, Me., Nov. 25, 1856. Received liis academic education in New Hampton Classical Institute. Was graduated from Bates Seminary, 1888. Ordained to the Congregational ministry in North Yarmouth, Me., Dec. 11, 1889. Pastorates: North Yarmouth, Me., pastor, 1889-91; 'Acton, Me., and Milton Mills, N. H., pastor, 1891-92; Alstead and Langdon, N. H., pastor, 1892-1900; Hooksett, N. H., pastor, 1900-04; Cohasset (Beechwood), Mass., pastor, 1904 until death. Married, Sept. 22, 1877, in Boothbay, Me., Georgia A., daughter of William and Martha J. (Pinkham) Greenleaf, who died in Alstead, N. H., Jan. 27, 1895. Six children, three living. Married, 1900, Emma R., sister of the first wife, who survives him. Died Feb. 20, 1907, in Boothbay, Me., of cancer, aged 50 years, 2 months, 6 days. Taylor, George Edward, son of James and Elizabeth Taylor, was born in Meltham, Yorkshire, England, July 22, 1849. Received his academic edu- cation in Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass. Was graduated from Am- herst College, 1877, and from Hartford Theological Seminary, 1880. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Broad Brook, Conn., May 27, 1880' Pastorates: Harvard, Neb., pastor, Jiily 9, 1880-82; Clay Center, Neb., pas- tor, July, 1880, to April, 1886; Indianola, Neb., pastor, April, 18S6, to April, 1888; missionary in Nebraska, April, 1888, to July, 1894; field secretary, Doane College, Crete, Neb., July 1, 1894, to Nov. 1, 1900; Pierce, Neb., pastor, Dec. 14, 1900, to Sept. 15, 1906; Syracuse, Neb., pastor, Oct. 1, 1906, until death. Married, June 24, 1880, in Southampton, Mass., Clara, daughter of Stephen E. and Henrietta (Bliss) Searle. One son. Died April 3, 1907, in Syracuse, Neb., of pneumonia, aged 57 years, 8 months, 12 days. Thomas, Reuen, d.d., son of William and Ann Cotton (Wilkins) Thomas, was born in Walmly, Warwickshire, England, June 14, 1840. Was educated at the collegiate school of Sutton Coldfield, England. Was graduated from the University College, London, 1862, and from the Rostock University, Ger- many, 1865. Was ordained to the ministry, 1862, as assistant pastor to Rev. Newman Hall, Christ Church, London. Became pastor, in 1865, of the Berke- ley Street Church, Liverpool, England. In 1868 was called to succeed Rev. Andrew Reed, d.d., at Wycliffe Chapel, London, England. Was called to the pastorate of Harvard Church, Brookline, Mass., in 1875, which he served until death. Ph.D., Rostock University; d.d., Bowdoin College, 1887. Mem- ber of Philosophical Society of Great Britain; life member of benevolent and literary societies in Europe and America; served as governor of London Hos- pital several years. Publications: Divine Sovereignty, pp. 293, 1885, D. Lothrop & Co.; Through Death to Life, pp. 163, 1888, Silver, Burdett & Co.; The Kingship of Souls, pp. 295, 1899, Little, Brown & Co. ; Leaders of Thought 1908] Necrology. 37 in the Christian Church, pp. 191, 1892, D. Lothrop & Co.; Grafenburg People, pp. 291, 1S86, D. Lothrop & Co.; Tliree Messages, pp. 109, 1898, Riverside Press; sermons, A Christian, What, How, Why? 1874, Congregational Simday- School and Publishing Society; Habit Making, 1896, Alfred Mudge; The Christian Sacraments, 1877, Williams & Co.; On Church Going, 1881, Congre- gational Sunday-School and Publishing Society; The Universal Peace Con- gress, 1890; Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1903, Congregational Sunday-School and Pubhshing Society; Daniel Webster, 1901, Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society; A Christian Catechism for the Young, 1898, Riverside Press. Married, in England, 1859, Elizabeth, daughter of Jolm and Elizabeth (James) Cotton, died in Brookline, Mass., Sept. 15, 1899. Married, Oct. 24, 1905, in Brooldine, Mass., Lydia Cotton. Died Nov. 9, 1907, in Brookline, Mass., of apoplexy, aged 67 years, 4 months, 26 days. ToMLiNSON, Johnson Logan, son of Eliphalet and Polly (Logan) Tomlin- son, was born in Washington, Conn., May 1, 1826. Studied theology at An- dover and was graduated from Yale Divinity School, 1854. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Chester, N. H., Oct. 1, 1863. Pastorates: Chester, N. H., pastor by council, 1863 to Jan. 18, 1870; Simsbury, Conn., pastor by council, Dec. 7, 1871-78; without charge, Hartford, Conn., 1878-81; Cromwell, Conn., 1881; Berlin, Conn., 1882; Simsbury, Conn., 1883 until death, residing a part of the time after 1894 in New Haven, Conn., Lakewood and East Orange, N. J. Married, Sept. 7, 1869, in Chester, N. H., Mrs. H. M. Hazelton, daughter of John and Joanna (Abbot) Picket. Died Sept. 19, 1906, in East Orange, N. J., of Bright's disease, aged 80 years, 4 months, 18 days. TwoMBLY, Alexander Stevenson, d.d., son of Alexander Hamilton and Mary (Perley) Twombly, was born in Boston, Mass., March 14, 1832. Received his academic training at the Latin School, Boston. Was graduated from Yale, 1854. Studied at Heidelberg and was graduated from Andover, 1858. Or- dained to the ministry by the Presbytery of Otsego County in Cherry Valley, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1859. Pastorates: Cherry Valley, N. Y. (Pres.), 1859-62; Albany, N. Y. (State Street Pres.), 1862-67; Stamford, Conn. (1st Pres.), 1867-72; Charlestown, Mass. (Winthrop), pastor, 1872-91; without charge, 1891-94; 1894, Honolulu, H. L (Central Union), acting pastor four months; without charge, 1894 until death. In January, 1896, became literary editor of the publishing house of Silver, Burdett & Co., Boston. Degree: d.d., from Yale, Jime, 1883. Offices: Chairman, Boston Yale Alumni; member Examining Committee of Boston Public Library, two years. Publications: Life of Dr. John Lord; The Choir Boy of York Cathedral and Other Stories; Hawaii and Its People; Kelea, the Surf Rider; Masterpieces of Michael Angelo and Milton; and edited ten volumes of English classics. Married, Dec. 23, 1858, in Boston, Mass., Abby Quincy, daughter of Jacob and Martha Howland (Gray) Ban- croft. Five sons, living. Died Nov. 19, 1907, in Newton, Mass., of malnutri- tion, aged 75 years, 8 months, 5 days. t Van Auken, Chauncy Fillmore, son of Henry and Esther (Houghtaling) Van Auken, was born in Cayuga, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1851. Studied at Michigan Agricultural College, and at Olivet College (was not graduated) . Was ordained by the Michigan Conference to the Methodist Episcopal ministry, Sept. 9, 1877. Entered into the ministry of the Congregational churches in 1880(?) after serving the Methodist churches in Alamo, Ithaca, Siberia, Danby and Bowen, all in Michigan. Pastor at Augusta, Mich., 1881-82; Charlevoix, Mich., t Too late for summaries. 38 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 1882-86; state evangelist for Michigan, 1886-92; missionary superintend- ent for the upper peninsula of Michigan, 1893; state evangelist for Illinois, 1894-1903; independent evangelist in Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois, Ken- tucky, Indiana, Utah, and Florida, 1904 until death. Married, Dec. 8, 1875, in Lansing, Mich., T. Miriam, daughter of Niager B., and Emma (King) Albro. Died July 5, 1906, in Jacksonville, Fla., of uremic poisoning, aged 58 years, 7 months, 28 days. Webber, George Nelson, d.d., son of Ariel and Lucina H. (Holmes) Webber, was born in Pomfret, Conn., Aug. 27, 1826. Received his academic training in Worcester, Mass. Was graduated from Amherst College, 1852, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1855. Was ordained to the Congrega- tional ministry in Andover, Mass., Dec. 5, 1855. Pastorates: St. Johnsbury, Vt., pastor, 1855-59; Hartford, Conn. (North Church), pastor, 1859-62; Lowell, Mass. (1st Church), pastor, 1862-67; Troy, N. Y. (1st Pres.), pastor, 1874; Middlebury, Vt., pastor, 1891-93; Northampton, Mass., without charge, 1893 until death. Offices: Tutor, Amherst, 1854-55; chaplain, 1st Connecticut Volunteers, 1861. Married, May 4, 1858, in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Charlotte, daughter of Thaddeus Fairbanks, deceased. Married, Aug_ 29, 1871, in Middlebury, Vt., Caroline K., daughter of Rev. Daniel Ladd, Died Dec. 20, 1907, in Northampton, Mass., aged 81 years, 3 months, 23 days. Wells, John Hagadorn, son of Thomas Robinson and Maria (Potter) Wells, was born in Kingston, R. I., Jan. 28, 1817. Studied in Kingston Acad- emy. Was graduated from Amherst College, 1837, and studied in Brown University. Studied theology with Rev. Dr. Shephard, Bristol, R. I. Princi- pal of Uxbridge Academy, two years. Teacher in Poughkeepsie Collegiate Institution. Prepared himself to practice law. Preached as a licentiate in Abington, Conn., Eastham, Mass. Ordained to the Congregational ministry in West Yarmouth, Mass., 1851. Pastorates: AVest Yarmouth, Mass., 1851- 56; taught school in Kngston, R. I., 1856-62; Kingston, R. I., pastor, 1862- 77; without charge, Kingston, R. I. Member of Governing Board, Rhode Island Temperance Union; secretary of Washington County Temperance Union. Married, in 1851, Annie Maria, daughter of Capt. James and Ann (Greene) Wells, died 1862. Three cliildren, two living. Married Sarah Sim- mons Coe, of Newport, R. I., deceased. Married, 1869, Abigail, daughter of Dr. George H. Perry, of Hopkinton, R. I., died March 24, 1907. Died July 20, 1907, Kingston, R. I., of old age, aged 90 years, 5 months, 22 days. Wheelock, Edwin, d.d., son of Samuel and Patty (Adams) Wheelock. was born in Cambridge, Vt., Nov. 17, 1822. Received his academic training in Burlington (Vt.) Academy. Was graduated from Vermont University in 1849; taught in the South, and in 1853 began the study of theology with Rev. Dr. James Dougherty, of Johnson, Vt. Was ordained by council in Cam- bridge, Vt., in 1855. Pastorates: Cambridge, Vt., pastor, 1856-74; Winooski, Vt., s. s., 1875-76; Cambridge, Vt., s. s., 1876-1901. D.D., from University of Vermont, June 16, 1902. Offices: Town superintendent, town representa- tive, co-senator and chaplain of senate. Publications: Historical Sketch of the Town of Cambridge, Vt., pp. 15, Montpelier, Vt., 1876. Married, July 30, 1851, in Eden,Vt., Laura, daughter of Daniel Pierce, who died Sept. 22, 1886. Six children, four living. Married, Oct. 19, 1887, Mrs. Lucy (Payne) Eaton, who survives him. Died Dec. 18, 1907, in Cambridge, Vt., of Bright's disease, aged 85 years, 1 month, 1 day. / 1908] Necrology. 39 White, Isaac Gushing, son of Isaac Hersy and Harriet (Harding) White was born in Abington, Mass., Feb. 24, 1822. Studied at Roxbury Latin School Was graduated from Oberlin College, 1845, and from Oberlin Seminary, 1849 Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Abington, Mass., Oct. 23 1850. Pastorates: North Abington, Mass., pastor by council, Oct. 23, 1850 to Feb. 21, 1860; Nantucket, Mass., acting pastor, Jan. 14, 1861, to Feb. 1 1862; without charge, Boston Highlands, 1862-65; Newmarket, N. H., pastor June 1, 1865, to July, 1887; Bridgewater (Scotland Church), Mass., pastor April, 1888, to July, 1894; without charge, Providence, R. I., 1894-95 Worcester, Mass., 1895-96; Plymouth, Mass., 1896-1907. Offices: Superin- tendent of public schools, Newmarket, N. H.; honorary member Historical Society, Bridgewater, Mass. Publications: Farewell Discourse, North Abing- ton, Mass., Feb. 26, 1860, Boston, pp. 16; National Crises, Nantucket, Mass., 1861, Boston, pp. 16; Memorial, Perley W. Tenney, 1870, Boston, pp. 16; Semi-centennial Sermon, Newmarket, N. H., 1878, Boston, pp. 17; Memorial Discourse, Hon. William B. Small, Boston, 1878, pp. 13; Memorial Discourse, Gay Post No. 18, G. A. R., Newmarket, N. H., 1882, 22 pp. Married, July 11, 1860, at Plymouth, ]\Iass., Hannah Bartlett, daughter of Schuyler and Sarah Taylor (Bartlett) Sampson. Four children, living. Died Feb. 17, 1907, at Plymouth, Mass., of heart failure, aged 84 years, 11 months, 24 days. White, Levi, son of Samuel Stephenson and Ida (Farley) White, was born in Hamilton County, Indiana, June 3, 1851. Studied at Carmel (Ind.) High School, at Wheaton College, 1872-73, and Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Course, 1884. Received his theological instruction imder Dr. Walker. Was ordained by the Wesleyan Methodist Conference at Westfield, Ind., Sept. 13, 1871. After serving in the ministry of the Methodist Church until 1888 he became pastor of the Congregational Church, Plymouth, 111., 1888-91. Labored as an evangelist in Indiana, 1891-93; Marion, Ind., fifteen months; Fair- moimt, Ind., 1896; and South Side Congregational Church, July, 1897, which later became Trinity Church, where he was installed Sept. 17, 1899, and dis- missed 1903; People's Church, Indianapolis, Ind., pastor by coimcil, Sept. 15, 1903, imtil death. Abundant in city mission work. Pubhcations: Borderland of the Supernatural, IndianapoUs, Grace Publishing Company, pp. 445, and Christian Witness Company, Chicago; Was Christ Depraved? Cleveland, Ohio, 1883; Poems, pp. 58, 1899, Indianapohs; Gospel Melodies W. R. Smellie, Cleveland, Ohio, 1885; Jacob Eli, or Scenes in Jerusalem during Last Week of our Lord's Life, including His Death and Resurrection. Married, Aug. 15, 1878, in Newcastle, Ind., Mary Belle, daughter of David and Sarah (Turner) Hudelson. Three children, Hving. Died Feb. 6, 1907, in Indianap- olis, Ind., of heart disease, aged 55 years, 8 months, 3 days. Wilcox, Warren Pollock, son of Noyes and Martha (Pollock) Wilcox, was born in Elba, Genesee County, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1833. AVas ordained by conference to the Protestant Methodist ministry in Charlotte, Mich., 1878. Pastorates: Bellaire, Mich.; Chippewa Lake, Mich.; Ada Parish and North Ada, Mich.; Allendale, Mich.; Alpine and Walker, Mich.; Chase, Mich.; without charge, Bellaire, Mich., 1902 till death. Married, January, 1856, in Ingham, Mich., Marian, daughter of Amaziah and Arvilla (Abbott) Winchell. Ten children, eight living. Died April 24, 1907, in Bellaire, Mich., of heart disease, aged 74 years, 2 months, 19 days. Williams, Samuel, son of John and Ann Williams, was born in Manches- ter, England, Nov. 23, 1837. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry 40 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 in Riverton, Neb., May 10, 1905. Pastorates: Riverton, Neb., pastor, Nov. 1, 1904, to Nov. 1, 1905; Dewitt, Neb., pastor, Nov. 1, 1905, until death. En- gaged in reformatory work twenty-five years previous to entering into the ministry. Married, June 13, 1879, in Pontiac, 111., Ann EHzabeth Cady Wat- son. Died Jime 4, 1907, in Riverton, Neb., of paralysis, aged 69 years, 6 months, 12 days. Williams, William T., son of Dr. Mortass and Lucy Jane (Thornton) Williams, was born in Moorefield, Neb., Jan. 25, 1832. Received his aca- demic training in Moorefield schools; collegiate in Dickeson College. Was ordained to the Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1871. The greater part of his work was in the Methodist church. Congregational pastorates: Dustin, Neb., pastor, 1890-95; Aten, Neb., pastor, 1895-1903; without charge, Nebraska and Cahfornia, until death. Married, in 1856, at Waupun, Wis., Harriet, daughter of Harvey Gains, deceased. Three children, two living. Married, in 1884, at Norfolk, Neb., Mary S., daughter of Robert and Isabel (Henry) Clark. Died July 29, 1907, at Ceres, Cal., aged 75 years, 6 months, 4 days. Wood, Will Converse, son of Moses, Jr., and Mary Porter (Converse) Wood, was bom in Boston, Mass., Jan. 24, 1839. Attended Boston Latin School. Was graduated from Harvard University, 1860, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1868. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry at Lanesville, Mass., Oct. 15, 1868. Pastorates: Lanesville, Mass., pastor, 1868-70; Wenham, Mass., pastor, 1870-76; Assonet, Mass., acting pastor, 1877-79; Scituate, Mass., pastor, 1879-82; East Marshfield, Mass., pastor, 1879-80; Derby, Vt., pastor, 1882-83; without charge, Boston, Mass., 1885 until death. Died Feb. 15, 1907, in Boston, Mass., of consumption, aged 68 years, 22 days. Wright, Benjamin Mead, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Mead) Wright, was bom in Greenwich, Conn., July 17, 1861. Studied at Greenwich Acad- emy. Engaged in business imtil 1883; then entered Bangor Seminary and was graduated, 1886. Was ordained to the Congregational ministry in Bridg- ton, Me., March 4, 1887. Pastorates: Bridgton, Me., pastor, 1886-87; post- graduate course, Yale University, 1887-89; Kent, Conn., pastor, 1889-96; Orange, Conn., 1896 until death. Studied at Yale during this pastorate and received the degrees of b.d. and m.a. Married, Sept. 8, 1891, in Greenwich, Conn., Emily J., daughter of Solomon and Mary Elizabeth (Dayton) Mead. Five children, three living. Died Nov. 17, 1907, in New York, N. Y., of sec- ondary meningitis, aged 46 years, 4 months. WuERRSCHMiDT, CHRISTIAN WiLHELM, SOU of Hcinrich Adam and Ger- trude (Steuben) Wuerrschmidt, was born in Heldra, Hessen, Germany, March 27, 1850. Studied in Heldra Gymnasium and in the xmiversities of Leipzig and Berlin. Ordained to the Congregational ministry in Hutchinson County, South Dakota, Oct. 4, 1885. Pastorates: Missionary to the Germans, South Dakota, 1885-89; Sioux Falls, So. Dak., pastor, 1889-91; Sioux City, la., pastor, 1891-95; Hastings, Neb., pastor, 1895-1904; without charge, on account of blindness, until death. Married, Oct. 10, 1876, in Furth,'Bavaria, Anna M., daughter of Johann and Elizabeth (Rottenberger) Thurn. Five children, four living. Died June 19, 1907, in Grand Island, Neb., of paralysis, aged. 57 years, 2 months, 23 days. 1908] Necrology. 41 SUMMARIES. — DISEASE OR CAUSE OF DEATH. Abscess on glottis, 1 ; accident, 1 ; apoplexy, 3 ; appendicitis, 2 ; arterial sclero- sis, 2 ; bowels, paralysis of, 1 ; brain, inflammation of, 1 ; Bright's disease, 4 ; bronchitis, 2; acute — ,1; chronic — , 1; cancer, 3; — of larynx, 1; consump- tion, 2; elephantiasis, 11; enteritis, 1; erysipelas, 1; exhaustion, 1; gastritis, chronic, 1; general debility, 2; grippe, 2; heart — angina pectoris, 1; disease of the — , 1 ; dropsy of the — , 1 ; enlargement of — , 1 ; — failure, 7 ; — trouble, 1 ; valvular — , 1; — weakness, 1; hemorrhage of lungs, 1; leukemia, 1; malnutrition, 1 ; meningitis, secondary, 1 ; mitral regurgitation, 1 ; nephritis, 2 ; old age, 9 ; operation, 1; paralysis, 8; — bulbar, 1; pneumonia, 12; rheumatism, acute, 1; sarcoma, 1 ; tuberculosis, 1 ; — acute, 1 ; — intestinal, 1 ; tumor, internal, 1 ; typhoid fever, 3; unknown, 11. Tabular View, 1875-1907. — I. Nttmber, Age, Service. (Figures given for 187.5-1900 are totals in j^ears, months, and days for twentj'- five years, presented for purposes of computation.) Whole No. of Deaths Average Age Average Length of Service 1875-1900 I 2,143 1 1,745 yrs., 145 mos., 346 dys. |930 yrs., 131 mos., 396 dys. 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 96 86 96 80 96 93 103 68 67 66 70 68 66 68 13 28 7 29 11 23 5 31 37 28 33 28 32 29 10 3 3 8 7 S 10 Total I 2,793 | 69 yrs., 5 mos., 6 dys. | 36 yrs., 4 mos., 22 11 4 18 17 20 10 19 dys. II. Age, by Decades. Year Over 90 81-90 61-70 51-60 41-50 31-40 Under 31 Un- known 1875-1900 41 427 684 I 455 I 275 | 176 | 132 | 52 | 11 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 3 23 24 20 8 12 6 0 3 17 18 19 15 11 3 0 3 13 31 20 10 9 8 2 4 14 25 18 10 6 2 1 8 12 28 20 15 6 7 0 4 19 25 17 14 6 5 0 4 10 37 26 14 7 4 1 Total I 70 I 535 I 872 | 595 | 361 | 233 | 167 | 56 | 14 III. Edttcation. Collegiate. s < c 'o 1 o .a o E c o 's •a > a X 3 •a 1 .2 > "a > 1 > .C 6 1875-1900 238 94 50| 182 30 29 81 99| 52| 36 121! 296 291 654 1901 9 4 0 6 1 2 0 12 2 1 2 18 30 9 1902 9 2 2 7 1 1 4 6 1 2 4 9 25 13 1903 12 4 0 8 2 1 0 2 2 2 4 11 27 21 1904 11 3 0 4 1 3 4 6 1 3 4 6 21 13 1905 11 2 0 9 4 0 0 2 1 0 5 13 24 25 1906 8 5 0 7 1 1 2 4 1 0 3; 9 29 23 1907 14 3 4 8 1 2 2 3 1 2 4! 9 28! 22 Total 312 117 56| 230 41 39 93 1 134! 61 46! 147| 371 1 4751 780 42 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 IV. Education. Theological. o c o c o c i c § > > o 13 s 43 « Tl c o '^ u u < .a rt 0 s 0 (3 i .a t; S .a Q Q Ill s J3 Q .a J3 1 * 1310|229ll62| 98|506|463|2U|103| 18|24|227|119) 1,434 | 1,036|273|184|292| 975|254|58 1901 16 7 7 4 16 25 6 2 0 0 5 2 50 40 15 2 28 63 3 1 1902 6 6 3 6 18 14 5 3 2 1 7 3 41 32 10 7 15 44 20 3 1903 9 9 9 5 16 19 9 3 0 0 5 2 48 38 14 5 22 52 12 1 1904 8 3 8 2 13 22 7 2 0 0 9 1 45 30 13 5 9 44 13 1 1905 11 11 8 4 18 11 7 5 2 2 11 1 67 34 7 6 19 53 13 3 1906 10 6 9 3 9 12 5 6 2 1 11 3 46 29 15 9 18 51 14 2 1907 11 9 5 8 17 26 11 3 2 2 11 4 57 62 8 7 18 44 20 0 T'l |381|280|211|129|613|692|261|127| 26|30|286|135| 1.7781 1.311 1355|225|421| 1.316|349|69 * 1875-1900. VI. Employment. Year >> ^ M . s c , -2 4) w 3 rt c"C '3—' ^ 1= fe •SO >. B £ 3 ^u (S ^ ^ W (U t/3 C 4)^ X C 1875-1900 I 222 I 271 I 1,437| 71 | 10 | 4 | 30 | 62 | 46 1901 4 33 49 0 0 0 3 6 1 1902 2 20 52 5 0 0 0 7 0 1903 9 16 59 3 0 1 0 4 4 1904 5 19 48 1 0 0 1 4 2 1905 11 21 53 4 0 0 1 2 4 1906 8 19 51 5 1 2 3 4 0 1907 7 27 54 7 0 0 4 2 2 Total I 268 I 426 I 1,803| 96 | 11 | 7 | 42 | 91 59 1908] National Societies. 43 THE NATIONAL SOCIETIES. THE AMERICAN CONGREGATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Organized, 1853. Chartered, 1854. Headquarters, Library, Congregational House, Boston. OFFICERS. President. — Willi.^.m O. Blaney. Vice-Presidents. — Samuel, B. Capen, ll.d., Boston; S. S. Rogers, Chicago, III. Corresponding and Recordinq Secretary. — Rev. A. E. Dunning, d.d., Brookline. Treasurer. — Augustus S. Lovett, Brookline. Librarian and Assistant Treasurer. — Wm. H. Cobb, d.d., Newton Centre. Auditor. — H. N. Ackerman, Medford. Directors. — Marquis F. Dickinson, Boston; B. F. Hamilton, d.d., Roxbury; Thomas Todd, Concord; Willi.ajvi O. Blaney, Boston; DeWitt S. Clark, d.d., Salem; William H. Emerson, Cambridge; Mortimer B. Mason. Boston; Charles B. Rice, d.d., Dan vers; A. E. Dunning, d.d., Brookline; Augustus S. Lovett, Brookline; Arthur C. Farley, Auburndale; Rev. Morton Dexter, Boston; Rev. Edward M. Noyes, Newton Centre; Franklin P. Shumway, Melrose; Alfred M. Ziegler, Roxbury; Arthur S. Johnson, Boston; D. C. Brewer, Boston: L. A. Crossett, Boston; Timothy Smith, Roxbury; Jacob P. Bates, Boston ; Sylvester B. Carter, Boston ; A. S. Covel, Boston ; Rev. C. E. Stowe, Bridgewater; Samuel L^^sher, North Cambridge; A. H. Well- man, Maiden; Thomas Weston, Jr., Newton, F. O. Winslow, Norwood; Edwin S. Woodbury, Dorchester; Rev. C. H. D.4.niels, d.d., South Framing- ham. objects. To maintain, in the city of Boston, a Congregational House; to care for and perpetuate a library of books, pamphlets, and manuscripts, and a collection of portraits and relics of the past ; and to do whatever else — within the limits of its charter — shall serve to illustrate Congregational History and promote the general interests of the Congregational churches. financial. During the year, the debt on the Congregational House has been reduced by $8,000, bringing it down to $150,000. It is a matter for wonder that our Asso- ciation is almost always left out of the scope of testamentary bequests. Surely, there could not be a more stable and permanent investment, or one that should more commend itself to those who have the best interests of Congregationalism at heart, than a legacy whose income would be a perpetual endowment for each and all of our missionary societies. In August, 1907, the mortgage on the Con- gregational House was renewed, and although the property is worth several times the amount of the mortgage, it would be far more productive for Christian work if it could be used more fully for the purposes of the Association. Every con- tributor to our missionary societies is directly interested in the cancellation of this debt. The Association exists for the benefit of these societies, and of the Congregational Library. The average annual rental of the Congregational House, after deducting fixed charges, amounts to about $10,000; the interest on the mortgage is about $6,000; if the debt were paid, the appropriations to all the missionary societies could be largely increased, without diminishing the appro- priation to the Library. Now, suppose that a number of bequests amounting to $150,000 were distributed among the different benevolent enterprises that center in the Congregational House. The total result, at four per cent interest, would be an annual gift of $6,000 to these causes. Suppose, on the other hand, that this $150,000 was devoted to wiping out the debt on the House. The present surplus of $10,000 would be increased by the interest on the mortgage, namely, $6,000, and the whole $16,000 wotdd be availa- ble for the missionary work of our churches, — $16,000 annually, instead of $6,000. It is clear, then, that the same amount of money, whether bequeathed or given directly, will go much further for Congregational work when invested in the Con- gregational House, not to urge the greater security of the investment. the library. How can the inertia of church clerks be overcome? We are constantly urging these oflBcials to send the Library two copies of the latest manuals, histories, etc., of their respective churches; but few respond, and a mortifying gap exists at this point. Perhaps the many fail to understand that this material becomes more valuable as the years pass. 44 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. Organized in 1810. Incorporated in 1812. President. — Samuel B. Capen, ll.d., Boston, Mass. Vice-President. — Henry C. King, d.d., Oberlin, Ohio. Corresponding Secretaries. — James L. Barton, d.d. ; Cornelius H. Patton, d.d. Treasu rer. — Frank H. Wiggin. Editorial Secretaries. — Elnathan E. Strong, d.d., Emeritus; Rev. William E. Strong. Associate Secretary. — Harrt Wade Hicks. Assistant Secretary. — Rev. Enoch F. Bell. Publishing and Purchasing Agent. — John G. Hosmer. District Secretaries. — Middle District: Charles C. Creegan, d.d., 4th Ave. and 22d St., New York; Interior District: A. N. Hitchcock, ph.d., 153 Lasalle St., Chicago; Pacific Coast District: Rev. H. Melville T-::nney, Barker Block, Berkeley, Cal. Prudential Committee. — The President and Vice-President, ex ofjiciis; Edward C. Moore, d.d. ; Hon. Arthur H. Wellman; Rev. Albert P. Fitch; Henry H. Proctor; Francis O. Winslow; Arthur L. Gillett, d.d.; Charles A. Hop- kins; Herbert A. Wilder; Rev. Edward M. Noyes; Rev. John H. Denison; Rev. George A. Hall. The American Board is the only foreign missionary society of the Congrega- tionalists of America, including Canada; friends of other denominations often give through its channels. The Board has a famous history and a prestige unsur- passed by any missionary society at home or abroad. Its work is conducted tlirough twenty missions in nine countries with 579 mission- aries (200 men and 379 women) and 4,135 native workers. Connected with its missions are 580 churches, with 68,000 communicants, of whom over 6,000 were added by confession the past year. Its educational work includes over 1,400 schools with 65,000 scholars; of these schools, 13 are theological seminaries and 128 colleges, boarding or high schools. Forty-seven missionary physicians are busy in medical work of the Board, with 34 hospitals, 45 dispensaries and over 275,000 patients annually. Using 27 different languages, the Board prints millions of pages of books, papers, pamphlets, etc., for use in its schools, churches, hospitals, and the homes of the people. In such ways are Congregationalists endeavoring to evangelize the 75,000,000 of the earth's population assigned to us under the comity arrangement in force among the leading foreign missionary societies. The cost for the work last year, viz., $877,631.95, seems moderate when we consider the magnitude of the opera- tions. We could name more than one university in the United States whose annual budget is greater than that of the American Board. In this connection it should be kept in mind that the native churches, out of their poverty, contributed during last year the sum of $226,271. In two of our missions, Japan and Natal, the churches are self-supporting, and in all of our missions a large measure of self- support has been attained. Surely it is a pri\'ilege to help those who show such a disposition to help themselves. 1908] National Societies. 45 SUMMARY OF THE REPORT OF TREASURER OF THE A. B. C. F. M, FOR THE YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 1907, EXPENDITURES. Cost of Missions, Mission to West Central Africa $28,265.76 Mission to East Central Africa 10,649.47 Zulu Mission 41,471.93 Mission to European Turkey 35,051.16 Mission to Western Turkey 101,874.87 Mission to Central Turkey 41,331.80 Mission to Eastern Turkey 45,423.34 Marathi Mission 90,634.50 Madura Mission 61,557.67 Ceylon Mission 15,961.77 Foochow Mission 53,383.93 South China Mission 6,869.57 North China Mission 65,257.97 Shansi Mission 9,732.28 Mission to Japan 101,230.64 Hawaiian Islands 350.00 Micronesian Mission 26,089.60 Mission to Mexico 24,043.50 Mission to Spain 14,139.69 Mission to Austria 11,034.93 Philippine Islands Mission 2,494.13 .$786,848.51 Cost of Agencies and Young People's Department 40,106.34 Cost of PubUcations 13,773.30 Cost of Administration. Department of Correspondence $15,360.44 Treasurer's Department 9,775.41 New York Qty 1,619.83 Rent, Annual Meeting, and miscellaneous charges. . . . 10,148.12 36,903.80 Total $877,631.95 RECEIPTS. Donations, acknowledged in the Missionary Herald. . . $646,724.99 Legacies as acknowledged in the Missionary Herald. . . 166,830.54 Interest on General Permanent Fund 21,411.1 7 $834,966.70 Balance due Aug. 31, 1907, from Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior 4,089.06 Balance due Aug. 31, 1907, from Canada Congregational Foreign Mission Society 1,940.67 Balance at debit of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Aug. 31, 1907 36,635.52 $877,631.95 FRANK II. WIG GIN, Treasurer. 46 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 THE CONGREGATIONAL EDUCATION SOCIETY. i 612 and 613 Congregational Building, Boston, Mass. Officers for 1908-1909. President. — William R. Campbell, d.d. Vice-President. — Henry C. King, d.d. Directors. — William R. Campbell, d.d. ; Henry C. King, d.d., ex ofjiciis; J. Converse Gray; Simeon Gilbert, d.d. ; Rev. Frederick H. Page; B. F. Hamilton, d.d.; C. B. Rice, d.d.; Thomas Weston; David Fales; W. E. Barton, d.d.; Edward P. Merriam; Thomas Todd; G. S. F. Savage, d.d.; Walter K. Bigelow; Frank K. Sanders, d.d.; Rev. Harris G. Hale; Rev. Samuel C. Bushnell; Albert Bushnell Hart; C. H. Beale, d.d.; Rev. J. F. Loba. Honorary Director. — Joshua W. Wellman, d.d. Corresponding Secretary. — Rev. Edward S. Tead. Honorary Secretary. — J. A. Hamilton, d.d. Treasurer. — S. F. Wilkins. Auditor. — H. N. Ackerman. Western Field Secretary. — Theodore Clifton, d.d., 153 La Salle St., Chicago, III, Field Superintendents. — New Mexico, Rev. J. H. Heald; Utah, Rev. S. H. Goodwin. Five Departments. Theological Seminaries, Colleges, Academies, Mission Schools, and Student Aid. theological seminaries. Chicago Theological Seminary, Foreign Departments, Chicago, 111. Revere Finnish School, Mass. There are sections in the West solidly foreign. New England has an increasing foreign population. While the children of newcomers eagerly learn the English language, their parents will probably be satisfied to speak their mother tongue. The graduates from the foreign departments at Chicago and Revere, Mass., are able to preach in both English and the mother tongue. colleges. Rollins, Winter Park, Fla. Kingfisher, Kingfisher, Okla. Fairmount, Wichita, Kan. Redfield, Redfield, So. Dak. During the last ten centuries Christian universities and colleges have trained the great leaders in human progress. Wise, far-seeing, and unselfish leaders are now needed more than ever. The problems and perplexities of our national progress will increase rather than diminish. Educated Christianity is the hope of the world, and the reign of Clirist over human thought must result mainlj'' from Christian institutions. academies. Eighteen academies receive financial aid. Several other academies, closely allied, indorsed and helped. Gordon, Utah. Rogers, Arkansas. Proctor, Utah. Ward, South Dakota. Franklin, Nebraska. Windom, Minnesota. Chadron, Nebraska. Northland, Wisconsin. Weeping Water, Nebraska. Southern Collegiate, Illinois. Gates, Nebraska. Northwestern, Oklahoma. Eureka, Kansas. Paradise Institute, California. Kidder, Missouri. Phillips, North Dakota. Iberia, Missouri. Thorsby Institute, Alabama. 908] National Societies. 47 Many states in the West and South make no provision in their statutes for high schools in the rural districts, so that there are large sections of our country, em- bracing in some localities several counties with thousands of settlers widely dis- tributed, without any schools of higher grade. Our Christian academies prepare teachers for public schools and young people for college, and afiford liberal culture to many others who go forth as Christians to be the seed and strength of home missionary churches. mission schools in utah. Bountiful. Lehi. Coalville. Vernal. Heber. Gordon and Proctor, elsewhere given as academies. Reasons. — Mormon leaders are making strenuous efforts to extend Mor- monism. Its missionaries are active in this country and abroad. There are nine Mormon conferences on the Atlantic coast from Maine to Virginia. The leaders have a distinct poUtical aim to gain firmer hold in national affairs in order to further the interest of their church and gain larger liberty for their irreligious practices. Mormon church influence controls the pubUc schools in Utah. MISSION schools IN NEW MEXICO. San Rafael. Atrisco. Barelas. Cubero. San Mateo. ' Seboyeta. Poor, ignorant, and superstitious Mexicans appeal for Christian light. The poverty, prejudice, and backward condition of the people are a strange anachronism in the midst of our American life. The upUfting of homes and establishing of churches will come through the children and their schools. student aid. Money is loaned or granted to meritorious and needy young men for studying for the Christian ministry. Competent committees at seminaries and colleges examine each applicant and give estimates of his worth. 48 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 CONGREGATIONAL HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. OfRce: Fourth Ave. and Twenty-second St., New York. Incorporated under the laws of the State of New York; was organized in New York City, May 12, 1846; and incorporated Feb. 6, 1871. President. — Charles S. Mills, d.d. General Secretary. — Hubert C. Herring, d.d. Associate Secretary. — Willis E. Lougee. Honorary Secretary. — Joseph B. Clark, d.d. Treasurer. — Washington Choate, d.d. Secretary of Woman's Department. — Miss Miriam L. Woodberry, superintendents. Moritz E. Eversz, d.d., German Department, 81 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Rev. F. RisBERG, Swedish Work, 81 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Rev. O. C. Grauer, Dano-Norwegian-Slavic Work, 81 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Rev. W^. G. PuDDEFooT, Chicago, 111. Geo. R. Merrill, d.d., Minneapolis, Minn. Rev. W. W. ScuDDER, Jr., West Seattle, Wash. Rev. W. B. D. Gray, Cheyenne, Wyo. Frank E. Jenkins, d.d., "Atlanta, Ga. W. H. Thrall, d.d., Huron, S. D. Rev. G. J. Powell, Fargo, N. Dak. Rev. Geo. A. Hood, Denver, Colo. Rev. Geo. A. Chatfield, New Mexico and Arizona, Nara Visa, N. M. Rev. A. J. FoLSOM, Forest Grove, Ore. Rev. A. E. RiCKER, 287 Fourth Ave., N. Y. Rev. C. G. Murphy, Oklahoma City, Okla. Geo. L. Todd, d.d., Havana, Cuba. secretaries and treasurers of constituent states. Maine Missionary Society, Rev. Chas. Harbutt, Sec., 34 Dow St., Portland, Me. Maine Missionary Society, W. P. Hubbard, Esq., Treas., Box 1052, Bangor, Me. New Hampshire Home Miss. Society, Rev. E. R. Smith, Sec, Concord, N. H. New Hampshire Home Miss. Society, Alvin B. Cross, Treas., Concord, N. H. Vermont Domestic Miss. Society, C. H. Merrill, d.d.. Sec, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Vermont Domestic Miss. Society, J. T. Ritchie, Treas., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Masachusetts Home Miss. Society, F. E. Emrich, d.d., Sec, 609 Cong. House, Boston Mass. Massachusetts Home Miss. Society, Henry N. Hoyt, d.d., Treas., 609 Cong. House, Boston, Mass. Rhode Island Home Miss. Society, Rev. James H. Lyon, Sec, Central Falls, R. I. Rhode Island Home Miss. Society, Jos. Wm. Rice, Esq., Treas., Providence, R. I. Missionary Society of Connecticut, Rev. Joel S. Ives, Sec, Hartford, Conn. Missionary Society of Connecticut, Security Co., Treas., Hartford, Conn. New York Home Miss. Society, Rev. C. W. Shelton, jSec, 4th Ave. and 22d St., New York. New York Home Miss. Society, C. S. Fitch, Treas., 4th Ave. and 22d St., New York. Ohio Home Missionary Society, Rev. Charles H. Small, Sec., Cleveland, O. Ohio Home Missionary Society, Rev. Charles H. Small, Treas., Cleveland, O. Illinois Home Missionary Society, Rev. G. T. McCollum, Sec, ) 153 La Salle St., IlUnois Home Missionary Society, John W. Iliff, Treas., S Chicago, 111. Wisconsin Home Miss. Society, H. W. Carter, d.d.. Sec, Beloit, Wis. Wisconsin Home Miss. Society, C. M. Blackman, Esq., Treas. ^ Whitewater, Wis. Iowa Home Missionary Society, Rev. P. A. Johnson, Sec, Grinnell, la. Iowa Home Missionary Society, Miss A. D. Merrill, Treas., Des Moines, la. Michigan Home Missionary Society, Rev. J. W. Sutherland, Sec, Lansing, Mich. Michigan Home Missionarj'- Society, Rev. J. P. Sanderson, Treas., Lansing, Mich. Kansas Home Missionary Society, Rev. L. C. Schnacke, Sec, Topeka, Kan. Kansas Home Missionary Society, Rev. H. E. Thayer, Treas., Topeka, Kan. Nebraska Home Miss. Society, Rev. S. I. Hanford, Sec, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska Home Miss. Society, S. A. Sanderson, Treas., Lincoln, Neb. So. California Home Miss. Society, Rev. John L. Maile, Sec, Los Angeles, Cal. North California Missionary Society, Rev. L. D. Rathbone, ^ec, Berkeley, Cal. Missouri Congregational Home Miss. Society, A. K. Wray, d.d.. Sec, Carthage, Mo. Missouri Congregational Home Missionary Society. — Lewis E. Snow, Treas., St. Louis, Mo 1908] National Societies. 49 The Home Missionary, a magazine published by the Society since 1828, is now issued monthly at fifty cents a year, including postage. It gives a running accoimt of the progress of the work in all parts of the country, largely from the pens of the superintendents and missionaries personally engaged in it. In Congregational Work, the monthly organ of the Seven Congregational Societies, the pages allotted to Home Missions keep their readers in constant touch with the workers in all parts of the wide field and present the freshest intelligence therefrom. The price is only ten cents a year. An Annual Report sums up the results of each year. Leaflets and tracts for the times are published as occasion calls and fiinds allow, designed to help pastors, Sunday-school officers, and friends of home missions generally, m awakening and keeping alive an intelligent, practical, growing interest in the work. These may be had, free of charge, at any time, by addressing the officers of the Society at its rooms. Fourth Ave. and 22d St., New York. For eighty-one years the Society has been organizing churches in the West and South, and aiding in the support of their ministers till those churches are able to assume the whole expense. Its missionaries have, from the first, organized Sunday-schools, provided proper teachers for them, and by watchful oversight have secured their permanence and growth into churches. In cormection with the labor of its missionaries, 7,076 churches (a) have been organized, and 3,388 have come to self-support. It has collected and disbursed in cash $23,861,633.40 and in clothing, books, and other suppUes, largely the offerings of Christian women, $2,761,156; in all, $26,622,789.40. The additions to the churches have been 535,492. The number of missionaries employed in its eighty-first year (1906-1907) was 1,585; 1,015 of them in states and territories west and south of the Middle States. They preached regularly in 1,881 stations, and at frequent intervals in many hundreds more. The number of Sunday-school and Bible-class scholars was 117,263. The additions to the churches were 5,447, 3,667 of them on confession of Christ. Churches organized, 40 ; reached self-support, 45. The eighty-first year's receipts were, in cash, $478,576.57; in suppHes, $42,432; in all, $521,008.57. In 1883, a Woman's Department was opened. Its object is to interest the women of our churches all over the country, and through them the children, more directly in the work; not to the diminishing of their helpful labor in the way of home missionary boxes (of clothing, etc.), but to secure also their gifts of money for the support of missionaries all over the country, and for various special uses, as called for from time to time. Their aid in this line is steadily growing, but much more is needed. . The Society is doing much more work than ever before among the foreign-born in all parts of the country. At nearly every meeting the Executive Committee is urged, too often in vain for lack of means, to appomt chosen men for new fields at the front, where they are greatly needed, but where their support involves heavy outlay by the Society. For securing the means essential to the carryingon of this great work the Society depends, vmder God, on the zealous co-operation of the pastors and members of the Congregational churches of the land. At least $100,000 more than last year's receipts are required to carry on this work, besides an equal advance to meet indebtedness for work already done. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The Receipts during the financial year ending March 31, 1906 (not in- cluding loans), were, from congregations and individuals, $106,- 377.35; ditto transmitted by Constituent States, $14,044.16; from Legacies, $88,997.00; Conditional Gifts, Interest and Literature, $34,395.03. Constituent States' Receipts apphed to work in their own fields, $234,763.03. In all $478,576.57 Payments during the same year (not including loans paid) : Cost of Missions, $155,770.98; Constituent States, $19,833.12; cost of Communicating Information, $22,694.59. Administration, $24,- 343.44; Estate Expenses and Interest Accoimt, $17,126.85; Con- stituent States, for missionaries, labor, and expenses, $234,763.03. Total expenses $474,532.01 Additional cash and supplies disbursed by direction of the donors, including Constituent State Societies $30,000.00 FORM OF BEQUEST. I bequeath to my executors the sum of dollars, in trust, to pay over the same in months after my decease to the person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the Congregational Home Missionary Society, formed in the city of New York, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-six, to be applied to the charitable uses and purposes of said Society, and under its direction. (a) About 1,600 of these churches, planted in the earlier years, were Presbyterian. 50 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. 2S7 Fourth Ave., New York. Organized Sept. 3, 1846. Incorporated under the laws of the State of New York. President. — Rev. Amory H. Bradford, d.d. Honorary Secretary and Editor. — Rev. A. F. Beard, d.d. Corresponding Secretaries. — Rev. James W, Coopeb, d.d.; Rev. Charles J. Ryder, d.d. Treasurer. — H. W. Hubbard, Esq. Secretary of Wotnan's Bureau. — Miss D. E. Emerson. District Secretaries. — Rev. G. H. GtrxTERsoN, 615 Congregational House, Boston, Mass. ; , 153 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Field Representative. — Mrs. I. V. Woodbury, Congregational House, Boston, Mass. Secretary Emeritus. — Rev. J. E. Roy, d.d.,* Chicago, 111. FIELD extends from the Atlantic Coast to the Hawaiian Islands, and from Porto Rico to Alaska. It includes in the South the Negroes and the Whites, both in the mountains and the lowlands; in the West the Indians; on the Pacific Coast the Chinese and Japanese; in Alaska the Eskimos; and in Porto Rico and Hawaii those of various races. PURPOSE AND METHOD. The American Missionary Association is training leaders for these different races. This involves an INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP. The Association years ago introduced into its schools Industrial Training. All our principal schools now give this training. The aim is not simply to instruct the few in handicrafts, but to give to the many an intelUgent and efficient industrial leadership within their own race, which shall encourage industrial activity and lead to economic development. AN INTELLECTUAL LEADERSHIP is also furnished through the colleges and higher institutions. No race can be lifted up by means of industrial training alone. The larger development of intel- lectual life is essential to secure to any race influence and power. This the Asso- ciation recognizes and provides for. In its normal schools hundreds of teachers are trained for the pubhc schools. This training of teachers is of s\ipreme import- ance in the elevation of any people. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS LEADERSHIP. Departments of BibUcal and theological instruction, in which ministers and missionaries are trained for the service of their own people, are provided by the Association. Character building and religious instruction are everywhere a part of school training. High moral standards can be met only by a well-trained moral and religious leadership. EDUCATIONAL WORK includes normal, theological, college, academic, and grade teaching, with instruc- tion in manual training, domestic science, mechanic arts, and agriculture. Its chartered institutions are Fisk University, Talladega College, Tougaloo University, Straight University, Tillotson College for colored students. Piedmont College and Atlanta Theological Seminary for whites. Among its secondary schools are Glou- cester School, Va. ; Saluda Seminary, Lincoln Academy, J. K. Brick School, Greg- ory Institute, Washburn Seminary, Peabody Academy, N. C. ; Avery Institute, Brewer Normal, S. C. ; Ballard Normal, Beach Institute, Allen Normal, Dorchester Academy, Albany Normal, Knox Institute, Ga.; Fessenden Academy, Orange Park Normal, Fla.; Joppa Institute, Emerson Institute, Lincoln Normal, Burrell Normal, Trinity School, Ala.; Lincoln School, Moorhead Industrial, Mt. Hermon, Miss.; LeMoyne Institute, Grand View Normal, Pleasant Hill Academy, Tenn.; Chandler Normal, Black Motintain Academy, Ky.; Santee Normal, Neb.; Blanche Kellogg Institute, Porto Rico. One hundred schools in all. CHURCH WORK. The Association has 231 Congregational churches under its care, besides many preaching stations. The Indian Dakota Association is developing a vigorous church life. In the Chinese fields, while there are few churches, many pagans have come into the Christian life. In Porto Rico the field is white to the harvest. The South greatly needs the liberalizing and ethically tonic influence of our free, intel- ligent, self-governing, unsectarian churches, for both races, and many such churches are being sustained by the Association. * Died March 4, 1908. 1908] National Societies. 61 MAGAZINE. The American Missionary is published monthly, except July and August. New form, fresh material, and general illustrations characterize it for 1908. Pastors of contributing churches, superintendents of Simday-schools, college and theological libraries and missionary societies will receive the Missionary upon application if so desired. Subscription is fijty cents per year. ' STATISTICS, 1906-1907. The South. Church Work, — Churches, 206; missionaries, 125; mem- bers, 11,351. Educational Work. — Chartered institutions, 6; theological seininaries, 4; normal and graded schools, 44; common schools, 23 ; instructors, 551 ; pupils, 15,406. (Included in the above are 47 white churches, with 1,422 members; 9 schools, with 2,260 pupils. Porto Rico. — Churches, 6; members, 481 ; out-stations, 35; schools, 1 ; teachers 5; missionaries and evangelists, 17. The Indians. — Churches, 18; out-stations, 57; members, 1,477; schools, 1; pupils, 395; missionaries, teachers, and native pastors, 60. Alaska has two mis- sionaries, 2 native helpers, 1 church with 216 members. The Chinese and Japanese. — Chm-ches, 3 ; members, 92 ; schools and out- stations, 21; teachers, 60; pupils, 1,966; conversions, 182. Hawaii : missionaries, 4; Chinese and Japanese evangelists, 19. Summary, — Churches, 231 ; members, 14,309; schools, 100; pupils 17,852. woman's bureau. The Association has a Bureau of Woman's Work, to assist in collecting fimds for the elevation of women in its various fields. It specially invites the co-operation of the Christian women of the churches in this form of work. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. current work of the year. The Receipts during the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1907, were, from churches, Sunday-schools, missionary societies, and individuals, $204,539.31 ; from estates, $125,198.90; from income, $12,568.31; income, estate of Mrs. Brick, $7,335.98; from tuition, $63,596.19 ; from Slater Fund, paid to institutions, $4,500.00. Total, $417,738.69. 'The Payments were, for the South, $281,535.19; Porto Rico, $16,669.72; Indians, $25,264.63; Chinese, $19,506.68; Hawaiian Missions, $8,000.00; publica- tions, $11,246.83; agencies, $20,448.00; Honorary Secretary and Editor, $2,000.00; administration, $18,970.63; annual meeting, etc., $1,135.58. Total, $404,777.26. Debt balance Oct. 1, 1906, $67,912.61. Debt balance Sept. 30, 1907, $54,951.18. DANIEL hand EDUCATIONAL FUND FOR COLORED PEOPLE. INCOME account. The Receipts. — Balance on hand, Oct. 1, 1906, $4,995.08; income collected for the year to Sept. 30, 1907, $75,864.35. Expenditures, $75,617.98. Balance on hand and appropriated, $5,241.45. SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR. For current work, $417,738.69; income from Daniel Hand Fund, $75,864.35; Endowment Funds, $57,025.91 ; income not in Current Receipts, $4,652.96. Total, $555,281.91. FORM OF A BEQUEST. I bequeath to my executor (or executors) the sum of dollars, in trust, to pay the same, in days after vay decease, to the person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of " The American Missionary Association," New York City, to be applied under the direction of the Executive Committee of that Association to its charitable uses and purposes. This will should be attested by three witnesses (in some states three are required, in other states only two), who shall write against their names their places of resi- dence (if in cities, the street and number) . The following form of attestation will answer for every state in the Union: " Signed, sealed, pubhshed, and declared by the said (A B) as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who, at the request of the said (A B) and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses." In some states it is required that charitable bequests should be made at least two months before the death of the testator, but this rule does not apply to bequests in New York State to this Association. 52 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY. 105 East Twenty-second St., New York, N. Y. LtTCiEN C. Warner, ll.d., President. Mr. Aaron B. Mead, Chicago, 111. \ I Mr. Elbridge Torrey, Boston, Mass. / Vice- Officers of the Society. / Hon. H. Clark Ford, Ohio. _ I Presi- " ^, Rev. C. S. Mills, d.d., Missouri. / dents. 'Rev. Washington Gladden, d.d,, Columbus, O. \ Rev. Harry P. Dewey, d.d., Minneapolis, Minn. / Charles H. Richards, d.d.. Recording Secretary. ( Wm. H. Ward, d.d., ll.d.. Chairman. Officers of the Board. \ Charles H . Richards, d.d., Corresponding Secretary. ' Charles E. Hope, Treasurer and Recording Secretary. ( Rev. W. W. Newell, d.d., Chicago, 111. Field Secretaries. \ Rev. Roy B. Guild, Boston, Mass. ( Rev. II. H. WiKOFF, San Francisco, Cal, Assistant Field Secretary. — Mrs. C. H. Taintor, Clinton, Conn. Trustees. — Mr. Ernest Greene; Rev. W. H. Kephart; Rev. C. I-. Goodrich; L. C. Warner, ll.d.; Rev. Frederick Lynch, 1906-1909. Wm. H. "\^ ard, d.d., ll.d.; Rev. John S. Penman: Rev. C. L. Kloss, d.d.; Mr. Charles A. Beck- with; Mr. John H. Allen, 1907-1910. Mr. W. J. Httnt; Mr. John D. Cutter; Kev. William D. Street; Mr. Dyer B. Holmes; W. W. Leete, d.d., 1908- 1911. Finance Committee. — Messrs. Warner, Hunt, and Holmes. Application Committee. — Messrs. Ward, Cutter, Warner, and Kephart, Voting Members. — Fifty Dollars constitute the giver a Life Member of the Society. Any church contributing to the treasury within a year may send its pastor and two delegates to the annual meeting as annual members. Officers and Trustees are ex-officio members. Annual Meeting. — The Annual Meeting of the Congregational Church Building Society is held on the third Thursday of January, each year, in New Yorli, at half past three o'clock p.m., unless otherwise ordered and due notice given. Form of Bequest. — I give and bequeath to " The Congregational Church Building Society, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York," the sum of dollars, payable in ; month after my decease, to be applied to the charitable uses and purposes of said Society, under the direction of its Board of Trustees. The Work Done. — In fifty-four and a half years tliis Society has helped to complete 3,892 churches, and 1,028 parsonages. Its receipts have aniounted to $5,695,315.47. It has helped to secure church property worth nearly $20,000,000, and has been an important factor in securing nearly 200 per cent growth in our denomination in a half century. Last Year. — Its receipts in 1907 were larger than in any j'-ear but two in its history. Two hundred and sixty-two applications were before the Board, asking $317,400; 105 church grants or loans and 38 parsonage loans paid, $280,352. The rest were deferred for lack of funds. Needs. — At least $400,000 a year, as adAnsed by National Council's Committee. The income for 1907 is as follows : Received from individuals and 2,907 churches $96,227.67 from legacies " 34,274.48 for particular churches, specially designated 7,095.10 for parsonages 7,827.49 payments on church loans 85,123.68 payments on parsonage loans 24,721.30 for Church Building Quarterly 101.53 for interest and dividends, including interest from Annu- ity Fund 12,735.40 from .Annuitants 8,910.08 from sale of securities donated to the Society 9,000.00 as payment on mortgage donated to the Society 1,000.00 Total receipts for the j-ear $287,016.73 1908] National Societies. 63 CONGREGATIONAL SUNDAY-SCHOOL AND PUBLISHING SOCIETY. Congregational House, Boston. 175 AVabash Ave., Chicago. OFFICERS. President. — Henry Chxirchill King, d.d. General Secretary. — Frank K. Sanders, Treasurer. — Henry T. Richardson. PH.D., D.D. Editor. — M. C. Hazard, pii.d. Acting Missionary Secretary. — Rev. Business Manager. — Luther H. Cary. William Ewinq. the missionary department reports for 1906-1907 about 93 superintendents, missionaries and helpers employed; 391 Sunday-schools established in destitute places during the year; 281 Sunday-schools reorganized; about $27,200 received as Children's Day offering. the department sustains Sunday-school missionaries ; furnishes Sunday-school helps, libraries, and other literature to new and needy Sunday-schools, either gratuitously or at reduced cost. Contnbutions are used only for missionary work. District Secretary. W. F. McMiLLEN, D.D., Ass'n Bldg., No. 155 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana Superintendents. Rev. J. D. Stkwart, Aurora .... Neb. Rev. H. P. Case, Los Angeles . . . Cal. Rev. Wm. Ewing, Olivet .... Mich. Rev. Samuel Greene, d.d., Seattle, Wash. Rev. C. M. Daley, Huron ... So. Dak. 11. P. Herrick, D.D., Minneapolis . Minn. Rev. E. H. Stickney, Fargo . . No. Dak. Rev. E. W. Butler, Thorsby .... Ala. A. W. Curtis, d.d., Raleigh . . . . N. C. Rev. James P, O'Brien, Kansas City, Mo. Rev. Allen Shaw Bush, Denver . . Colo. Rev. W. B. D. Gray, Cheyenne . . Wyo. Rev. Chas. G. Murphy, Oklahoma . Okla. Rev. H. A. Lee, Weiser Idaho. Rev. John F. Blackburn, Jacksonville, Fla. Rev. J. Edward Ingham, Topeka . Kan. Rev. Howard N. Smith, Portland . Ore . Rev. O. L. Robinson, Madison . . . Wis. Rev. Henry W. Tuttle, Grinnell . Iowa. Rev. Geo. W. Chatfield, Naravisa, N. M., N. W. Texas, N. Mex., and Ariz. Rev. M. B. Fisher, Berkeley .... Cal. Rev. J. B. Gonzales, Jennings . . . La. Rev. Herman Seil, Faigo . . . No. Dak . Missionaries. Rev. L. J. Parker N. W. Okla. Rev. W. R. Stewart Vt. Rev. M. C. Davis Ore. Rev. O. E. Reade Wyo. Mrs. W. B. D. Gray Wyo. Rev. T. W, Howard Minn. Rev. J. H. Clark Minn. Rev. Clarence Beard Texas. Rev. E. S. Shaw N. Dax. Rev. Benj. M . Southgate .... Dl. Rev. H. F. Burgess Wash. Rev. J. F. Okerstein . . . Swedish Work Rev. John Willan, Chippewa Co. . Wis. Rev. John T. Perctval . . . . E. Wash. Rev. W. J. CoNARD N. Minn. Rev. Jeremiah M. Dick . . . W. Wash. Miss Lillian Benkeh .... N. E. Neb. Mr. Fred Dahlberq, Amarillo . . . Tex. Rev. Joel M. Babcock .... N. Wyo. Rev. L. O. Pearson .... N. W. Neb. Rev. Edmund Owens Ariz. Rev. J. L. Hershner S. Wash. Rev. J. C. Noyce S. W. Neb. the business department publishes the Pilgrim Series of lesson helps, adapted to all grades of teachers and scholars; the Little Pilgrim Story Lessons and the Beginners' Course for Primary Classes; The Congregationalist, our oldest denominational paper; the Well-Sfring, Pilgrim Visitor, and the Mayflower, weekly papers for youth and children of all ages; the Pilgrim Teacher, monthly; books for Sunday-school libraries, etc.; and a full line of requisites for Sunday-schools and churches. It also issues books on general religious subjects and on matters of special interest to Congregationalists . Books and tracts from ail publishers may be purchased or ordered by m,ail at lowest rates. Directory. 1. General correspondence concerning the general interests of the Society should be addressed to Rev. Frank K. Sanders, Secretary, Congregational House, Boston. 2. Contributions should be sent to Henry T. Richardson, Treasurer, Congrega- tional House, Boston, or to the Superintendent of the State within which it is given . 3. Correspondence relating to manuscripts, articles for periodicals, tracts, etc., should be directed to M. C. Hazard, Editor, Congregational House, Boston. 4. Correspondence relating to The Congregationalist should be addressed accord- ing to its subject-matter, either to the Business Manager or to the Editors of the paper. 5. Orders, and correspondence relating to bvisiness matters, may be addressed to the Manager, Congregational House, Boston, or 175 Wabash Ave., Chicago. 54 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 CONGREGATIONAL BOARD OF MINISTERIAL RELIEF. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. Rev. Henry A. Stimson, Pres. Rev. Elliott W. Brown. Rev. J. H. Selden, Rec. Sec'y. Rev. L. F. Berry. Rev. AsiiER Anderson. Rev. George H. Merrill. T. C. McMillan. Martin Welles. Guilford Dudley. Rev. Charles H. Richards. Rev. F. J. Goodwin. B. H. Fancher. H. Clark Ford. Dr. Lucien C. Warner. FINANCE committee. Martin Welles, Chairman. B. H. Fancher. H. Clark Ford. Rev. Joseph H. Selden. Dr. Lucien C. Warner. local committee on details. Rev. Henry A. Stimson. Rev. Joseph H. Selden. Dr. Lucien C. Warner. Rev. William A. Rice, Secretary, 287 Fourth Ave., New York, Room 523. B. H. Fancher, Treasurer, 287 Fourth Ave., New York, Room 523. CONGREGATIONAL BOARD OF MINISTERIAL RELIEF. A Board organized " to secure, hold, manage, and distribute funds for the reHef of needy Congregational ministers and the needy families of deceased Congrega- tional ministers." The basis of claim to relief is " character and extent of service," and the deter- mining conditions are " age, extent of disabilitj', and degree of need." Only the income from the Endowment Fund may be used for pensioners. This is supplemented from the current receipts from churches and individuals, while all legacies not otherwise designated, and all gifts so designated, are added to the Endowment Fund. The original idea was to create an Endowment Fund, only using the income in pensions. The National Council, Portland, Me., 1901, instructed the Board, in building up the Endowment Fund, " not to neglect the present needs." Hence the policy now is, first, to meet the present needs of the aged ministers, and second, to increase the Endowment Fund as rapidly as possible. The receipts from all sources, from the first gift in March, 1887, to Dec. 31, 1907, have been $348,891.69. The receipts in 1907 were $28,668.53. The National Coimcil " urges all ministers and churches to enter into hearty co-operation with the Board, to the end that the claims of this cause may be duly recognized by all, in all pa,rts of the land." The Board appeals 1. For an annual ofifering from each church. 2. For subscriptions to the Endowment Fund, from ministers during their earning period, of $1.00 a year or more. 3. For special gifts and bequests from individuals. FORM OF BEQUEST. / give to the "Congregational Board of Ministerial Relief " Dollars, for its uses and purposes. SECRETARIES OR CHAIRMEN OF STATE ORGANJZATIONS OR COMMITTEES. Rev. Walter Frear, E. Oakland, Cal. Rev. Jos. H. Bennett, Clay Center, Neb. Rev. Thomas Hendry, Los Angeles, Cal. Rev. J. F. Aiken, Concord, N. H. Rev. Joel S. Ives, Hartford, Conn. Rev. T. D. Phillips, Chardon, Ohio. Rev. Geo. W. Colman, Chicago, 111. Rev. C. F. Clapp, Forest Grove, Ore. Rev. T. O. Douglass, Grinnell, la. Mr. Herbert J. Wells, Kangston, R. I. Rev. P. B. Lee, Sta. B., Topeka, Kan. Mr. Chas. S. Adams, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Rev! O. W. FoLSOM, Bath, Me. Rev. H. A. Miner, Madison, Wis. Rov. Fred. E. Emrich, Boston, Mass. Rev. S. V. S. Fisher, Minneapolis, Minn. Rev. F. Blomfield, Muskegon, Mich. Mr. John Edmands, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Wm. H. Gimblett, Fargo, N. D. Rev. A. H. Bradford, Montclair, N. J. Rev! William H. Hopkins, Denver, Col. Rev. S. M. Newman, Washington, D. C. 1908] National Societies. 55 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF WOMAN'S CONGREGATIONAL STATE HOME MISSIONARY ORGANIZATIONS. Organized May, 1905. President. — Mrs. B. W. Firman, 1012 Iowa Street, Oak Park, 111. Vice-Presidents. — Mrs. James L. Hill, Salem, Mass.; Mrs. F. Eggert, Portland, Ore.; Mrs. H. B. Wey, Atlanta, Ga. Secretary. — Mrs. G. H. Schneider, 919 Warren Avenue, Chicago, 111. Treasurer. — Mrs. H. A. Flint, 604 Willis Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. This Federation is the only national organization existing among Congrega- tional women. The constitution in part is as follows: Object. — Its object shall be the unification of all state organizations of women that labor in any corporate waj' for the advancement of home missionary work in connection with Congregational churches. Membership. — All state organizations of women connected with Congrega- tional churches, seeking to promote woman's missionary work in our country and its newly aUied territories, shall be eligible to membership in this Federation. Meeting. — An annual meeting shall be held in connection with the gathering of the Congregational Home Missionary Society, inasmuch as other of the national societies hold afiihated meetings in connection with this gathering. The Federation has proved itself worth of being, — it having brought about a fellowship and a mutual helpfulness between the states, which would be impos- sible were there not a central organization. Each state continues independent as to its plan of work, treasury, etc. Amon^ the advantages to Congregationalism are that federation gives us centralization in our home missionary activities, — a necessary factor in coming in contact with other denominational bodies; it will also tend toward stimulating the gifts of the women of our country to home mis- sions. "The officers are glad of every opportunity possible to be of help in any wayy anywhere. Congregational Work is the official organ of the Federation. VICE-PRESIDENTS EX OFFICIO, Being Presidents of State Organizations that have Joined the Federation. Illinois Mrs. B. W. Firman, Oak Park. New York Mrs. William Kincaid, Brooklyn. New Hampshire Mrs. James Minot, Concord. Connecticut Mrs. Washington Choate, Greenwich. Oregon Mrs. E. W. Luckey, Portland. Florida Mrs. E. M. Winslow, Interlachen. Missouri Mrs. M T. Runnels, ICansas City. Minnesota Mrs Walter H. Nugent, Minneapolis. Iowa Mrs. D. P. Breed, Grinnell. South Dakota Mrs. H. K. Warren, Yankton. New Jersey Mrs. J. M. Whiton, Plainfield. Utah Mrs. C. T. Hemphill, Salt Lake City. Nebraska Mrs. J, E. Tuttle, Lincoln. Massachusetts and Rhode Island .... Southern CaUfornia Mrs. George Robertson, Mentone. Vermont Mrs R. P. Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury. Michigan Mrs. C. R. Wilson, Detroit. Arkansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee . . . Mrs. G. W. Moore, Nashville. Ohio Mrs. C. H. Small, Cleveland. Washington Mrs. W. C. Wheeler, Tacoma- Indiana Mrs. W. A. Bell, Indianapohs. Colorado Mrs. F. D. Baker, Denver. Oklahoma Mrs. Alice M. Brewster, Chickasha. Wisconsin Mrs. T. G. Grassie, Eau Claire. North Dakota Mrs. John M. Fisher, Fargo. Alabama Mrs. M. A. Dillard, Selma. Kansas Mrs. J. E. Ingham, Topeka. North California Mrs. D. W. Lucas, Berkeley. Louisiana Miss Mary L. Rogers, New Orleans. Pennsylvania Mrs. E. E. Dexter, Philadelphia. 56 Congregational Year-Book, [1908 THE WOMAN'S BOARDS OF MISSIONS. The three Woman's Boards are corporate bodies, chartered under the statutes of Massachusetts, lUinois, and CaUfornia, respectively. Each co-operates -witli the Ainerican Board and assumes the support of a part of the work under the care of the American Board. They collect money through Branches, Auxiliaries, and Mission Circles, and support missionaries as teachers, evangelists, doctors, and nurses. Their missionaries receive appointinent from the Prudential Committee of the American Board, and are enrolled as its missionaries. Although the fimds of the Boards are forwarded to the mission field through the treasury of the Ameri- can Board, all the money has been previously designated by the Woman's Boards, each of which has its specific work to be suppoited out of its own funds. The women, girls, and children of the churches are the constituencj' upon whom rests the responsibility of providing these funds. The organ of the three Boards is Life and Light for Woman, published in Boston. These Boards also co-operate with the American Board in publishing the Mission Day spring, for children. THE WOMAN'S BOARD OF MISSIONS. 704 Congregational House, Boston. Organized January, 1868. President. — Mrs. C. H. Daniels. First Vice-Presideni. — Mrs. A. A. Lincoln. Home Secretary. — Miss E. Harriet STANWoon, Foreign Secretary. — Miss Kate G. Lamson. Field Secretary. — Miss Alice M. Kyle. Associate Secretary. — Miss Helen B. Calder. Secretary of Young People's Work. — Miss Lucia C. Witherby. Treasurer. — Miss Sarah Louise Day. Assistant Treasurer. — Miss S. Emma Keith. Editor of " Life and Light." — Mrs. Charles M. Lamson. The territory of this Board includes New England and the states east of Oliio. It supports 130 missionaries, including assistants; also 33 boarding schools, including 3 colleges, about 300 daj'' schools, in whole or in part, and 225 Bible women. Its receipts for the year 1906-7 were $158,041.52. The aimual meeting of 1908 will be held in Hartford, Conn., Nov. 11 and 12. THE WOMAN'S BOARD OF MISSIONS OF THE INTERIOR. Room 523, 40 Dearborn St., Chicago. Organized October, 1868. President Emeritus. — Mrs. Moses Smith. President. — Mrs. Lyman Baird. First Vice-President, — Mrs. L. A. Carton. Secretary. — Miss M. D. Wingate. Treasurer. — Mrs. S. E. PIurlbut, 1454 Asbury Ave., Evanston, 111. Assistant Treasurer. — Miss Flora Starr. Editor of "Mission Studies." — Miss Sarah Pollock. The territory of this Board includes the states from Ohio to Wyoming and Montana, inclusive. It supports 75 missionaries, 100 Bible women, 260 native teachers, 3 colleges .and 22 boarding schools, besides village and day schools, training schools and kindergartens. The total receipts for the year 1906-7 were $100,761.17. The annual meeting of 1908 will be held in St. Louis, Mo., Octo- ber 27-29 Monthly publication, the magazine, Mission Studies. THE WOMAN'S BOARD OF MISSIONS FOR THE PACIFIC. Organized, 1873. President. — Miss Laura N. Richards, Saratoga, Cal. ^ Home Secretary. — Mrs. W. J. Wilcox, 576 East 14th St., Oakland, Cal. Foreign Secretary. — Mrs. E. R. Wagner, 355 Reed St., San Jos6, Cal. Treasurer. — Miss Mary C. McClees, 361 Adams St., Oakland, Cal. The territory of this Board includes all the states west of the Rocky Mountains. It has about 150 auxiliary societies, supports 9 missionaries and aids in school and evangelistic work in several mission fields. The receipts for the last year were $9,055.96. The annual meeting for 1908 will be held in San Francisco, Cal., September 2. 1908] National Societies. 57 BOSTON SEAMAN'S FRIEND SOCIETY. Office: Room 601, Congregational House, Boston. Organised in 1827 by a body of Congregational ministers and laymen in Dr. Lyman Beecher's chuxcli, the basement of which was at that time the home of the American Board. Incorporated in 1829. President. — Rev. Alex. McKenzie, D.D. Secretary. — Charles F. Stratton. Vice-President. — Samuel Usher. Treasurer. — Charles F. Stratton. Board of Managers. — The officers above named and Luke W. Fowle, Charles W. Wrightington, William A. Paine, Alpine McLean, FrankUn P. Shumway, Francis J. Ward, Edward B. Wilder, Albert Murdoch. Corresponding Secretary. — Rev. Cyrus P. Osborne. Object. — This Society is devoted to the material, moral, and spiritual welfare of seamen. It aims to promote temperance, thrift, morality, and religion among a class of men whose privations and hardships, temptations and perils are extreme, and who at the same time respond to helpful moral and religious influences more readily than any other class of men. It also undertakes to relieve the wants of these men when shipwrecked and destitute. Scope. — This work is not local. It has to be done where seamen are, at large commercial centers Uke Boston, or on great thoroughfares of navigation, like Vineyard Sound. The work is necessarily prosecuted at points on the coast, but it cares for sailor boys who have come from every state in the Union. Every year naval recruiting parties cover a large part of oiu" country with their operations, and enlist young men for sea service from states as far west as Colorado. To these lads, separated from the influences of home, church, and Sunday-school, our bethels and reading-rooms, with their varied entertainments, furnish a safe and cheerful resort free from the temptations of the saloon. The work is not only for sailors from every part of our land, but for men of every race and nation. These men are followed by correspondence to all parts of the world; so that while this work has its centers upon our coasts, its circima- ference includes all seas and shores where sailors are found. Methods. — The work is not simply preaching to sailors, but a ministry to all the wants of seamen. Good reading is supplied to men remote from books and news stands. Entertainments, concerts, and sailors' suppers are given for the social side of the sailor's life; the earnings of men are received and placed on deposit, with interest; invalids in naval or marine hospitals are visited with cheer and comfort. The temperance pledge plays an important part, a dozen or more sailors often signing at a time. Power launches are maintained to minister to the wants of Jack afloat as well as ashore. Attractive singing is provided, not only in our bethels, but at the navy yard and in hospitals, and sailors afloat are regaled with gospel songs that touch the heart, sung by young people on board our harbor launch. Food, clothing, and shelter are supplied to men shipwrecked and destitute at all seasons, especially in the rigors of winter. Large numbers of these unfortunates have been cared for during the last winter. Results. — Many men have been led to save their earnings, an aggregate of thousands of dollars. Hundreds of men have been helped and befriended in time of dire distress. Many thousands have had a cheery and homelike place of resort in reading-rooms, fitted up with games as well as with books and magazines. All this is additional to the regular evangelistic work of the Society, which is unsurpassed in its way. But the most noteworthy results of the work are of that intangible kind, affect- ing the heart and life, which cannot be tabulated. In our Sailors' Rest and Chapel, 287 Hanover St., Boston, there are religious meetings Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday evenings, and from the middle of November to May there is hardly a meeting without requests for prayer. At our Vineyard Haven Bethel there are conversions every month, nearly every week in the year, and our Chaplain has a list of about one thoiasand men who have within four or five years asked for prayer, and with most of whom he is in correspondence. The spiritual value of the work accomplished is beyond all estimate. Needs. — The Society needs an annual donation from every church, Sunday- school, and Endeavor Society. It greatly needs at tliis time special gifts from favored donors, amounting to at least $15,000, to make changes and improvements in our Boston Bethel, by which two thirds of that fine building will be available for bethel work instead of one third, as at present. It needs to have its revenues supplemented by an occasional bequest from generous patrons whose living gifts fail us. It needs the sympathy and prayers of all who care for the sailor and have any^sense^of the great debt we owe to him. FORM OF BEQUEST. I give and bequeath to the Boston Seaman's Friend Society the sum of .1? to be applied to the charitable uses and purposes of said Society. The Corresponding Secretary will gladly visit churches, Sunday-schools, and societies to explain the methods and results of this most interesting work 58 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OTHER SOCIETIES. THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD OF PASTORAL SUPPLY, 610 Congregational House, Boston. Directors. — Rev. Frank W. Merrick, ph.d., Chairman; Edward B. Bayley, Herbert A. Boynton, Rev. Arthur J. Covell, Rev. Frederick E. Emrich, d.d., Frank L. Fish, William S. O'Brien, Rev. Charles H. Oliphant, Henry H. Proctor, Rev. Edward A. Reed, d.d., Rev. William E. Strong, Appleton P. Williams. Secretary. — Rev. Charles B. Rice, d.d. This Board is maintained and directed by the General Association of Congrega- tional Churches in Massachusetts. It is an agency wliich acts in an advisory way with respect to pastoral settlements wherever it is called upon to do it. It under- takes nothing in behalf of any church except in answer to direct official request. The Board has no shadow of authority over the churches; but it is itself responsible to the churches. This fact of complete public responsibility is char- acteristic and is meant to be controlling. Our business is to set before the churches clear and impartial and considerate testimonies relative to ministers concerning whom they make inquiries. We give names of men available for the pastorate, if that is desired ; and we designate and engage men to preach with reference to settlement wherever that may be left with us. We also furnish temporary or occasional supplies wherever they may be wanted. The Secretary visits churches when requested to do it, and, when the distance allows it, supplying the pulpit and meeting the committee of the church. The consultations which are thus had are often more satisfactory in their results than written correspondence. The work of the office is large. We have carefully recorded statements concern- ing nearly three thousand Congregational ministers. The churches served by us are most largely in Massachusetts and in the other New England states, but our business reaches to almost every state, and passes even a little beyond the bounds of the Union. It is not meant that anything should be done as a matter of merely personal favor or disfavor. It is not intended either that the individual judgment of any one person should be much put forward as of decisive weight. In matters concern- ing ministerial character and capacity it is meant that there should be gathered in as far as possible the general judgment of discerning men who have had oppor- tunities of knowledge; and it is the business of the Secretary to place this general judgment as best he can before those who have need to know and the right to know what it is. The expenses of the Board are borne chiefly by contribution from the chiu-ches of the state through the treasury of the General Association. Fees are charged, however, to ministers, for the furnishing of opportunities for the occasional supply- ing of pulpits, and also for aid in securing pastoral settlements outside of Massa- chusetts. Within the state of Massachusetts there is no settlement fee. No charge is made to churches an5rwhere. But churches outside of Massachusetts have often considerately assiuned the payment of office fees which might otherwise have been paid by the ministers concerned. 1908] Other Societies. 59 THE SCHAUFFLER MISSIONARY TRAINING SCHOOL. 5111 Fowler Ave., S. E., Cleveland, Ohio. CORPORATION. H. Clark Ford, of Ford & Snyder, Attorneys-at-law, Cleveland, O. E. H. Bakkr, Business Manager, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland, O. Edward I. Bosworth, Dean of Oberlin Theological Seminary, Oberlin, O. Dan F. Bradley, Pastor Pilgrim Congregational Church, Cleveland, O. C. W. Carroll, Pastor Hough Ave. Congregational Church, Cleveland, O. G. Walter Fiske, Professor in Oberlin Theological Seminary, Oberlin, O. .John G. Jennings, Secretary and Treasurer, Lamson & Sessions Co., Cleveland, O. B. G. Mattson, Pastor First Congregational Church, Mansfield, O. L. F. Miskovsky, Dean of Slavic Department, Oberlin Seminary, Oberlin, O. Thomas Piwonka, Attorney-at-law, Cleveland, O. Chas. H. Small, Sec. ct Treas. of O. H. M. S. and Supt. of Slavic Work, Cleveland, O, Edward A. Steiner, Professor in Iowa College, Grinnell, la. Henry M. Tenney, Pastor Second Congregational Church, Oberlin, O. P. J. Twiggs, Professor in East High School, Cleveland, Ohio. board of trustees. H. Clark Ford, Chairman. E. H. Baker. Thomas Piwonka. Dan F. Bradley. Ch.vs. H. Small. John G. Jennings. P. J. Twiggs. FACULTY AND LECTURERS. D.vn Freesian Bradley, d.d.. President, The Prophecy of Isaiah, the Minor Prophets. Mrs. Mary Wooster Mills, m.a.. Principal, The Old Testament, Church History, Christian Ethics, Psychology. Mrs. H. A. ScHAUFFLER, History of Missions, The Epistles to the Romans and Hebrews, the Psalms. Rev. John Prucha, Bohemian Language and Literature, the Use of the Bible in Meeting Infidelity. Miss Ella Hobart, The New Testament; Bible Characters; Polish Bible; The Use of the Bible in Meeting Religious Prejudices. Miss Marie Reitinger, Bohemian and German Bible. Miss Mary H. Deas, Stenography and TypewTiting;The Keeping of Church Records. Miss Ella Hobart, Piano, Organ, Theory. Miss Fanny Mairs, Physical Culture. Mrs. Elizabeth Osborne, Matron, Domestic Industry. D. L. Leonard, d.d.. Foreign Missions. Prof. A. H. Currier, d.d., The Problems of Poverty and Crime and their Cure; The Use of the Bible in Personal Work. Rev. C. W. Carroll, The Teachings of Jesus. Miss Lillian G. Towslee, m.d., PhA'siology and Hygiene. Rev. Edgar S. Rothrock, The Modern Sunday-School. Rev. Charles H. Sm.a.ll, Religious Origins in the United States. Weekly Lectures by the Oberlin Seminary Faculty. history and object. The Schauffler Missionary Training School was opened in Cleveland in IS^^e. It was the outgrowth of the need of " native helpers " in the newly begun home missionary work of the Congregational Home Missionary Society for our Slavic population. It was at first open only to Bohemian young women, but within a few months it began to receive other nationalities and is now open to all young women desiring home missionary training. Seven nationalities have been in training at one time. Over one hundred and forty young women have studied in its halls and sixty have been graduated. These graduates are working in seventeen different states, in five different denominations, and among seven different nation- alities. In 1905 a new department was added, that of training young women for pastors' helpers, by givnng instruction in stenography, tj^pewriting, and the keeping of church records, in addition to the regular missionary course. From this course four have been graduated and seven are now in training. NEEDS. The School needs an endowment of $50,000 to insure enlargement and per- manency. Thirty-five thousand dollars is already pledged. Will you help? Send contributions to the Schauffler Missionary Training School, 5111 Fowler Ave., S. E., Cleveland, Ohio. For information address the Principal, Mrs. Mary Wooster Mills, 5111 Fowler Ave., S. E., Cleveland, Ohio. 60 "' Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 CHICAGO COMMONS. A Social Center for Civic Co-operation. Grand Avenue and Morgan Street, Chicago, 111. Graham Taylor, Resident Warden. Locally, a neighborhood center of the most cosmopolitan, family ward in Chicago, including day nursery, kindergarten, classes, clubs, gymnasium, indoor and outdoor recreation, domestic arts, hand crafts, pubhc library delivery station and reading room, poUing place, auditorium and halls for public assemblies and neighborhood church organizations, and providing for the Tabernacle Congre- gational Church and its Children's Chvirch. Educationally, the center for the class work and the normal practice of the Pestalozzi-Froebel Kindergarten Training School, the Chicago Institute of Social Science and the clinic of the Chicago Theological Seminary and other academic and professional schools. Charities and The Commons, a weekly journal of philanthropy and social advance, edited by Edward T. Devine, New York, and Graham Taylor, Chicago. Literature furnished on application. Visitors welcome. CHICAGO INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE. A Training School for Civic, Social, and Philanthroisic Work. Class Rooms : 51 La Salle Street. Office address: Grand Avenue and Morgan Street. Classes and field practice fitting for charitable, reformatory, preventive, and constructive social work in pubUc and private institutions, civic agencies, schools and churches. A year's full course, requiring students' whole time; specialized training and department of research, under faculty of specialists. Directors. — Graham Tay^lor, Julia C. Lathrop. Associate Director. — Allen T. Burns. Board of Instruction. — Prof. Charles R. Henderson, University of Chicago; Ernest P. Bicknell, Chicago Bureau of Charities; Hastings H, Hart, Children's Home and Aid Society; Alexander Johnson, National Conference of Charities and Correction; Sherman C. Kingsley-, Chicago Relief and Aid Society; Vacl.w H. Podstata, m.d.. 111. Northern Hospital for the Insane; Henry W. Thurston, Chief Probation Officer, Juvenile Court of Cook County; and directors. Terms moderate. Seventh year opens October 4, 1909. Summer School, June 29-August 7, 1908. Address inquiry to The Registrar, 180 Grand Avenue, Chicago. 1908] Theological Seminarieis. 61 THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES. ATLANTA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Atlanta, Gkorgia. Opened for instruction, 1901. faculty. E. Lyman Hood, st.a., ph.d., President, and Professor of Church History. Samuel W. Howlaxd, a.m., d.d.. Professor New Testament Greek and System- atic Tlaeology. Alvan F. Sherrill, d.d.. Professor Homiletics and Pastoral Theology. Lawrence Phelps, m.a.. Professor Biblical Theology. Fr.\nk E. Jenkins, d.d., Lecturer on Parish Problems. The Seminary aims, (1) to develop the practical side of the religious life, and thus produce an evangelistic and spiritual ministry; (2) to give the student an insight into modern methods of interpretation, but so as to produce a constructive scholarship; (3) to find God and the Holy Spirit in history and the Church; to see Christ in the lowUest forms of philanthropic endeavor ; and thus preach a Gospel for the whole Ufe. The Seminary airns to enable the student to have definite convic- tions and yet a mind open to the advances of scholarship. The courses of instruction are arranged to meet the needs of the Southern field. The classical theological course embraces three years of study. At its completion, the degree of b.d. or b.b.l. is given. Candidates entering upon tliis course must have a college course or its equivalent. The English theological course is designed to meet the needs of a great many pastors who are desirous of entering upon a course of study, but who are too advanced in age to take the regular college preparatory requirements. In such cases the course embraces three years of study besides the regular English preparatory studies. The third course is the Correspondence, for home study. It is given to meet the needs of pastors who are so situated that they cannot leave their work to attend the Seminary for a regular coxirse. The fourth is also for non-resident students, and is designed especially for the graduates of this and other seminaries, who desire to continue, under wise and experienced leadership, systematic study. To all non-resident students books are sent, lessons are assigned, and examinations are given. The books of our large library will be sent to pastors and teachers, free of cost save postage, to all who comply with the usual rules safeguarding their return. Terms of Admission. — Candidates for admission must be members of some evangelical church. Courses are opened to students of either sex. Expenses. — No charge is made for tuition or room rent. Board can be obtained for S2.00 and upward per week. A limited amount of student aid is given to worthy men. All active young men can find employment in the city that will enable them to pay all expenses. Practical work in cormection with the prosecu- tion of studies is urged. Preacliing and missionary work will enable the student to get a clear idea of some of the phases of work which are to be his. Thus we shall give to the churches men with a practical as well as a theoretical knowledge. For further information address President Hood. 190S] Theological Seminaries. 63 ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Andover, Mass. Chartered, June, 1807. FACULTY AND INSTRUCTORS, 1907-8. Edward Yoi'ng Hincks, d.d., Abbot Professor of Christian Theology; Smith Professor of Bibhcal Theology. William Henry Ryder, d.d., Norris Professor of New Testament Interpretation. Charles Orrin Day, d.d.. President; Bartlet Professor of Practical Theology. John Winthrop Pi.atner, d.d., Brown Professor of Ecclesiastical History; Taylor Profes.sor of History. William Rosenzweig Arnold, ph.d., Hitchcock Professor of the Hebrew Lan- guage and Literature. William Ladd Ropes, a.m., Librarian Emeritus. Owen Hamilton Gates, ph.d.. Librarian; Instructor in Hebrew; Curator. Irvah Lester Winter, a.b., Jones Instructor in Elocution. John Bachelder, Instructor in Vocal Music. Edward Caldwell Moore, d.d., Hyde Lecturer upon Foreign Missions, 1907-1908. John Winthrop Platner, d.d., Southworth Lecturer upon Congregational Polity, 1907-1908. Calendar. — The next seminary year begins on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1908, and ends June 10, 1909, with a recess from Dec. 17 to Dec. 31. Admission. — Students are admitted upon presentation of certificates of mem- bership in some Christian church, and of graduation at a college or university, with personal testimonials from former instructors or pastors. Applicants who are not graduates are sometimes received as special students ; but can only quahf y for the regular course after meritorious work and examination. Course of Study. — The aim of the course is to prepare men thoroughly for the practical work of the ministry. The fundamental studies in the Old and New Testaments, the History of the Church, the System of Christian Truth, and the Work of the Preacher and Pastor, are prescribed; numerous elective courses enable students to pursue some of these subjects farther, or to take up others sub- sidiary to the main topics of instruction. The Hyde and Southworth Lectures provide expert instruction in missions and poUty. To give students an actual acquaintance with the work of their calling and some experience in it, they are, as far as possible, associated individually with pastors of churches in Boston and vicinity, whom they assist in various ways and from whom they receive personal counsel and guidance. * Degree. — The degree of Bachelor of Divinity is conferred upon students who satisfactorily complete the three years' course of study; it is requu'ed that the recipient hold a college degree. Graduate Students. — Graduates in Theology pursue advanced studies and researches under the personal direction of the professors, and are admitted to such courses of lectures as they may elect. Library and Museum. — The Library contains over 58,000 volumes. Every provision is made in the several alcoves for their accessibility and use by the students. The museums contain the John Phelps Taylor Palestinian Collection, the Newton Cabinet, the Fiske Missionary Collection, and other objects of interest. Location. — Andover is twenty-three miles from Boston, and is reached by the Western Division of the Boston & Maine Railroad in thirtj-'-five or forty minutes. For catalogues or further information address the President of the Facultj'. 1908] Theological Seminaries. 65 BANGOR THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Bangor, Me. Opened, October, 1816. FACULTY. David N. Beach, d.d.. President, and Fogg Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and Oratory, and Lecturer on Pastoral Theology and Sociology. John S. Sewall, d.d., Fogg Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and Oratory, and Lec- turer on Pastoral Theology and Sociology, Emeritu.s. [Literature. Charles J. H. Ropes, d.d., Hayes Professor of New Testament Language and Francis B. Denio, d.d., Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature and Lecturer on Church Polity. Eugene W. Lyman, d.d.. Buck Professor of Christian TheologJ^ Warren J. Moulton, ph.d.. Associate Professor of New Testament Language and Literature. C.iLViN M. Clark, b.a., Waldo Professor of Ecclesiastical History. Ch.\.rles E. Beals, b..\.. Instructor in New Testament Greek, English, and Vocal Culture. BOND FOUNDATION. Prof. Leslie A. Lee, ph.d., of Bowdoin College, on Biology, Geology, Evolution (in successive years). . Prof. Frank E. Woodruff, ph.d., of Bowdoin College, on the History of Greek Literature. convocation week. Rev. Washington Gladden, d.d., ll.d., Enoch Pond Lecturer on Applied Clu-is- tianity. Prof. Edward C. Moore, dd., of Harvard University, George Shepard Lecturer on Preaching. Prof. Henry van Dyke, d.d., ll.d., of Princeton Universitj^, Samuel Harris Lec- turer on Literature and Life. OTHER LECTURERS. Rev. Henry L. Griffin, d.d., on Comparative Religion. Prof. Robert J. Spraque, ph.d., of the Universitj' of Maine, on Sociology, librarian. Professor Ropes. The sole purpose of Bangor Theological Seminary is to train men and women to become preachers, pastors and teachers, and missionaries. Its curriculum and all the supplementary means of instruction seek this one end. It is open to Chris- tians of all denominations. It offers to college graduates and to those who have received equivalent dis- cipline the opportunity to gain a thorough, modern, practical, ministerial training, and makes it possible for good students who are thus qualified to complete in three years the studies required for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. At the same time it makes provision for those who are belated in beginning their ministerial preparation and who have not had the privilege of the usual full and unbroken academic training. The studies are adapted to their needs, with the hope that they will be able, in a somewhat longer time, to cover the full course. A considerable experience has shown that there are many earnest young laymen in our churches whose early studies, practical experience and natural gifts qualify them to prosecute successfully theological studies. They often become most able and efficient ministers. Attention is called to the Seminary's Library of above 26,000 volumes, well selected and steadily growing; to its fine gymnasium under a competent physical director ; to Convocation Week, with its group of eminent lecturers and its gather- ing on this occasion from northern New England of a great company of working ministers; and to the Seminary's practice of holding each year Conferences on Christian Work, which bring to the front important aspects of practical religious effort. By reason of the location of the Seminary in an inexpensive center, and because of the adoption of the co-operative plan in the boarding-house, the necessary ex- penses of the student may be kept witliin very moderate bounds. The Seminary year extends from the last Wednesday in September to the first Wednesday in June. Requests for catalogues, letters of inquiry, or applications for admission sliould be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary, Prof. Warrex J. Moulton. 1908] Theological Seminaries. 67 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE UNIVERSITY, New Haven, Conn. Opened for service, 1822. FACULTY AND INSTRUCTORS. Arthur Twining Hadley, ll.d., President. Oegrqe Park Fisher, d.d., ll.d., Titus Street Professor of Ecclesiastical His- tory, Emeritus. Lewis Orsmond Brastow, d.d., Professor of Practical Theology Emeritus. Edward Lewis Curtis, ph.d., d.d., Holmes Professor of the Hebrew Language and Literature and Acting Dean. Harlan Page Beach, m.a., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Mission-S. Frank Chamberlain Porter, ph.d., d.d., Winkley Professor of Biblical Theology. Benjamin Wisner Bacon, litt. d., d.d., ll.d., Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation. WiLLisTON Walker, ph.d., d.d., Titus Street Professor of Ecclesiastical History. Ambrose White Vernon, d.d.. Professor of Practical Theology. Marion LeRoy Burton, ph.d., Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology. Charles Cutler Torrey, ph.d., Instructor in Semitic Languages Charles Foster Kent, ph.d., Instructor in Biblical Literature. William Bacon Bailey, ph.d.. Instructor in Sociology. Edward Morgan Lewis, m.a.. Instructor in Elocution. Raymond Gilmore Clapp, m.a.. Instructor in Biblical Literature. Albert Alonzo Madsen, ph.d.. Instructor in Palestinian Geography. Ernest Frank McGregor, m.a.. Instructor in Sociology. special lecturers. President William H. P. Faunce,'d.d., ll.d., of Brown University, Lyman Beecher Lecturer. Prof. Georg Wobbermin, of the University of Breslau, Nathaniel William Taylor Lecturer. Rev. "Herbert Atchinson Jump, b.d., of Brunswick, Me., Alumni Lecturer. Relation to the University. — The Divinity School is one of the co-ordinate departments of Yale Universit)^; its students enjoy all the general advantages of a university residence, and receive from the Corporation, on completing their three-years' course, the degree of b.d., and are enrolled among the alumni of the University. Courses of Study. — The studies are of two classes, prescribed and elective; and are grouped in three main courses, all leading to the degree of b.d., but empha- sizing respectively the Historical, the Philosophic and the Practical aspects of Christianity. Students at the close of the second year of study have the option of continuing as candidates for the degree of b.d., or of becoming, by enrollment also in the Graduate School, candidates for the degree of ph.d. Graduate or Fourth-Year Class. — Students of approved scholarship, who have completed a three-years' course of theological study, here or elsewhere, are admitted to the Graduate Class, in which advanced studies in theology are pursued vmder the direction of the professors. Members of this class may become candidates for the degree of m..^., of for that of ph.d., by enrollment also in the Graduate Department of the University. The school has two Graduate Fellowships for the encouragement of further theological study in this country or abroad. Expenses. — The charge for the care and heating of each room is, approxi- mately, $40 per annum. Board costs from $3.50 to $5.00 per week. The necessary expenses of a student for the school year of thirty-two weeks, exclusive of cloth- ing and personal expenses, range from $180 to $245. Opportunities for Self-Help. — Scholarship aid is now considered not as_a gift but as a means of livelihood obtained by religious work. The scholarship funds of the school are used to create opportunities for employment in New Haven and vicinity, through which the students may receive training in pastoral work. The average amount of time spent is six hours per week, for which the remuneration is $125. Further opportunities for self-help, if needed, may be obtained through the Director of Religious Work. Prize scholarships of $100 and $50 are also offered to students of high rank in scholarship. Term of Study. — The next year will begin on Thursday, Sept. 24, 1908. Application for Admission. — The conditions of admission are membership in some evangelical church, and a liberal education at some college or university. Catalogues and forms of application for admission may be obtained by addressing the Dean, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. m < o o c hJ o W H P Pi O t< K 190S] Theological Seminaries. 69 HARTFORD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Founded, 1834. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Chester D. Hartranft, d.d., Honorary President. Wm, Douglas Mackenzie, d.d., President, Systematic Theology. Melancthon W. Jacobus, d.d., Dean, New Testament. Austin B. Bassett, d.d.. Secretary, Experiential Theology. Waldo S. Pratt, mus.d., Music and Liturgies. Edwin K. Mitchell, d.d., Early Church History. Cl.\rk S. Beardslee, d.d., Biblical Homiletics. Alexander R. Merriam, d.d., Pastoral Theology. Arthur L. Gillett, d.d.. Apologetics. Lewis B. Paton, ph.d., d.d., Old Testament. • Duncan B. Macdonald, b.d., Semitic Languages. Edward E. Nourse, d.d.. Biblical History and Theology. Curtis M. Geer, ph.d., Mediaeval and Modern Church History. Charles S. Thayer, ph.d.. Librarian. Samuel Simpson, ph.d., Ajnerican Church History. George E. Dawson, ph.d.. Psychology. Edward P. St. John, Pedagogy. John W. Wetzel, ph.b.. Elocution. John H. DeForest, d.d.. Foreign Missions. Ch.\rles W. McCormick, d.d., Methodist Polity. George M. Stone, d.d.. Baptist Polity. Charles S. Lane, m.a., Presbj-terian Polity. Edward W. Capen, ph.d.. Special Phases of Sociology. Mardiros H. Ananikian, S.T.M., Assistant Librarian. Samuel Angus, ph.d.. New Testament Greek. Frederick B. Hartranft, German. The Seminary aims (1) to develop a vigorous spiritual life as the only sound basis for scholarship and service, (2) to train in scientific methods of exegetical and historical research, (3) to discover the truth of God as revealed in the Scriptures, and the leading of his Spirit in history, and to apply that truth in the realms of thought and endeavor, so as to meet the present needs of the world and promote the spread of his Kingdom. The Curriculum is arranged in accordance with a system of Grouped Elec- tives. It is thereby adjusted to the needs of students wishing either a balanced covirse, or one rather closely specialized. It is also fitted to University students prepared to acquire advanced standing. The Missions Course, on the Lamson Foundation, provides opportunity for thorough Mission study. The Hartford School of Religious Pedagogy, affiliated with the Seminary, suppUes an invaluable supplement to the instruction in this department. Graduate Study is strongly encouraged. The degrees of s.t.m. and ph.d. are given under carefully defined conditions. Two fellowships are offered in the undergraduate department, each for two years of foreign study. One fellowship, j'ielding $1,000, is offered in post-graduate work. The Apparatus includes a library of 88,000 volumes (excluding duplicates), museum, reading-room, gymnasium, music-room, etc. Terms of Admission. — Candidates for admission must be members of some Christian church and graduates of some college. Those who are not college gradu- ates rnay, after examination, be admitted on probation during the first term. All courses are open to women on the same terms as to men. Expenses. — No charge is made for tuition, rooms, furniture, and bedding, except a nominal fee of $25 for use of steam and for supervision. Board is provided under the care of the Students' Association, at about $4.00 per week. Scholarship aid is pro\'ided for those needing it, in addition to the grant from the Education Society, varying in amount according to scholarly rank. Calendar. — The seventy-fifth year begins Sept. 30, 1908, and closes May 26, 1909. Address inquiries to the De.\n. 1908] Theological Seminaries. 71 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Founded, 1856. TACULTY AND INSTRUCTORS. George N. Boardman, d.d., ll.d., Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology. G. Buckingham Willcox, d.d., Emeritus Professor of Congregational History, Politjr, and Special Studies. Graham Taylor, d.d., ll.d.. Acting President and Professor of Social Economics. Hugh M. Scott, d.d.. Church History. Edward T. Harper, ph.d., d.d., Old Testament and Biblical Theology. Frank W. Gunsaulus, d.d.. Acting Professor of Science and Art of Preaching. , Professor of Pedagogy. Frederick W. Ellis, b.d., Dean of the Christian Institute. Frederick M. Blanchard, m.a.. Pulpit Oratory. H. A. Smith, b.a., Sacred Music. Clarence A. Beckwith, d.d., Systematic Theology. Ralph Hall Ferris, Acting Professor of New Testament. Herman F. A. Obenhaus, b.l., b.d., German Institute. MoRiTZ Earnest Eversz, d.d., m.a., German Institute. R. A. Jernberg, b.d., Danish-Norwegian Institute. Otto C. Grauer, Danish-Norwegian Institute. Fridolf Risberg, s.m.c, Swedish Institute. Magnus E. Peterson, Swedish Institute. E. F. Williams, d.d., Church Polity. Charles Cuthbert Hall, d.d., Foreign Missions. Florence A. Fensham, b.d.. Christian Institute. Florence M. Freeman, Acting Librarian. Admission. — Candidates for admission must be college graduates or have equivalent preparation. Women are received on the same terms as men. Course of Study. — The curriculum covers three years, and leads to diploma and b.d. degree. It is arranged in a system of grouped Electives, which give a general course with opportunity to specialize where desirable. The studies set out, from the point of view of Cliristian experience, are carried on in a reverent, liistorical, and critical spirit, and aim at a culmination in practical fitness for the ministry. The courses in philanthropic, civic and social work offered by the Chicago Institute of Social Science are open to all students. Foreign and Christian Institutes. — In these independent courses men are trained to preach in both English and the German and Scandinavian languages. For the German a high-school training, and for the Scandinavian a good common- school fitness, is required. In the Christian Institute men and women are trained for various forms of church work. Chicago Commons, the Social Settlement, of which Dr. Graham Taylor is resident warden, is a laboratory in practical work for the students. See page 60. Apparatus. — Hammond Library contains over 20,000 carefully selected volumes, current theological and literary magazines, all arranged according to departments in separate alcoves for easy reference. There are a reading room, music room, a gymnasium with physical director, and light, airy, quiet dormitories looking out on Union Park. Expenses and Aid. — The only charge is a nominal fee of $1.00 a week for heated, lighted and furnished rooms. Board can be secured near the Seminary for $3.00 or $4.00 a week. Loans from $75 to $175 a year are granted worthy men, in addition to the grant from the Education Society. Each graduating class is offered also a fellowship, the income of $10,000, for two years of foreign study. Calendar. — The next Seminary year begins Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1909, and ends the second Thursday in May, 1910, with vacation of two weeks at Christ- Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OBERLIN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Oberlin, Ohio. Opened for service in 1835. Henry C. King, d.d.. President, Finney Professor of Theology. Edward I. Bosworth, d.d.. Dean, Professor of the New Testament Language and Literature. G. Frederick Wright, d.d., ll.d., Professor Emeritus of the Harmony of Science and Revelation, Albert H. Currier, d.d., Holbrook Professor Emeritus of Sacred Rhetoric and Practical Theology. Albert T. Swing, d.d.. Professor of Church History. Kemper Ftjllerton, a.m., Secretary and Registrar, Professor of the Old Testament Language and Literature. William J. Hutchins, Professor of Homiletics. G. Walter Fiske, a.m.. Professor of Practical Theology. Louis F. Miskovsky, a.m.. Principal of the Slavic Department, and Professor of the Bohemian Language. William G. Caskey, a.m.. Professor of Elocution. Albert B. Wolfe, ph.d.. Professor of Sociology in Oberlin College. The Seminary is open to students of all denominations. It has a full corps of professors of its own and offers its students all the work essential to a theological training. In addition, students are admitted to the college classes without charge. Applicants for admission must present college diplomas. Upon graduation the academic degree of Bachelor of Divinity is conferred. The minimum requirement for all candidates for a degree is 1,440 hours of lec- tures and recitations. The most essential courses of each department are required ; this work amounts to 920 hours. Hebrew being elective, the required amoimt of work in the Old Testament department may be done either in Hebrew Exegesis or in Introduction and Biblical Theology. In addition to the required work, a large number of elective courses is offered, aggregating 1,432 hours, from which each student elects at least 520 hours. These courses cover a large range of more advanced work in the several departments. There are in the ministry many who have not received adequate training for it and who soon discover their need of theological study. The reasonable require- ments for admission to the regular courses of theology place such training beyond the reach of many men of this class. In the interest of a better educated ministry the Seminary offers its advantages to a limited number of ordained ministers who have already held a pastorate, and who wish to enter upon theological studies for not less than a full year. They may enter such courses as they are prepared to pursue with profit, and will be given certificates for all work completed. Slavic Department. — The object of this department is to train up pastors for the Slavic immigrants to this coimtry. Thorough instruction is given in the Bohemian language. The course of study varies to suit the needs of indi\'iduals, and culminates in the regular theological course. Spear Library contains about 107,000 volumes. Expenses. — Council Hall, the Seminary building, has fully furnished rooms with hot-water heat for fifty students. Those rooming here pay a moderate inci- dental fee, varying according to location of room. Other students pay a fee of $6. Aside from this fee, there is no charge made by the Seminary. The price of board in Oberlin is from $2.40 to $3.50 a week. Other expenses are correspondingly low. '--- Pecuniary aid is granted to those who need it, from the Congregational Educa- tion Society, and from Seminary scholarship funds. The amount ordinarily received from the Education Society has not been less than $50. The Seminary funds are awarded for excellence in scholarship in the form of merit scholarships varying in amount from $50 to $100 each year, and in the form of remuneration for country and city mission work which is abundant in the vicinity. There is also a loan fund. There has generally been abundant opportunity for work in Home Missionary fields and elsewhere during the summer vacation of four months, and occasional preach- ing for remuneration is possible during term time. The year of study consists of thirty-two weeks in two semesters. The next year begins Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1908. For further information address Dean Edward I. Bosworth. 1908] Theological Seminaries. 73 PACIFIC THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Berkeley, Cal. Opened for service, 1869; established at Berkeley, 1901. FACULTY. John Knox McLean, d.d.. President, and Lecturer on Pastoral Methods. Charles StjmnerNash, m.a., d.d., Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology. William Frederic Bade, b.d., ph.d., Professor of Old Testament Literature and Semitic Languages, and Secretary of the Faculty. George Dewitt Castor, b.d., ph.d.. Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis. John Wright Buckham, d.d., Professor of Christian Theology. George Tolover Tolson, m.a., b.d.. Instructor in Church History, and Acting Librarian. Miles Bull Fisher, .'V.b., b.d., Instructor in Elocution. J.-VMES Alexander Chamberlin, d.d., Lecturer in Sociology. The Faculty is further strengthened by co-operation -with Dean Hiram Van Kirk, b.d., ph.d., of the Berkeley Bible Seminary, Pres. Claiborne Milton Hill, d.d., of the Pacific Baptist Divinity School, and Dean Earl Morse Wilbur, m.a., of the Unitarian Divinity School. Also, from the University of CaUfornia, George Holmes Howison, m.a., ll.d.. Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy; George Malcolm Stratton, PH.D., Professor of Psychology; Charles Mills Gayley, litt.d., ll.d.. Professor of the English Language and Literature; Cornelius B. Bradley, m.a., Professor of Rhetoric; Alexis F. Lange, ph.d.. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Education; John Fryer, ll.d.. Professor of Oriental Languages and Literatures; Thomas Rutherford Bacon, a.b., b.d.. Professor of Modern European History; William Popper, ph.d.. Associate Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures; Chas. Rieber, PH.D., Associate Professor of Philosophj'. The Seminary is located at Berkeley, the seat of the University of CaUfornia. It is thus enabled to avail itself freely of the advantages of this University, among the foremost in the United States, all of its courses being open, without cost, to the Seminary students. Courses by the nine professors of the University named above have been incorporated in the Seminary curriculum, these men forming, to all in- tents and purposes, an associate faculty. The Library of the University (over 150,000 volumes) and the special library of the Seminary (10,000 volumes) afford large opportunities for special study. Preparation in the languages of China and Japan can be had in the Oriental Department of the University, or in medicine in the Medical School. The chmate is remarkably even, constantly cool, stimulating and favorable for study during the entire year, knowing nothing of debihtating spring changes or prostrating summer heats. The main purpose is to train men for the practical ministry, especially the Con- gregational ministry. The usual courses in Exegetical, Historical, Systematic, and Practical Theology are provided. The prescribed courses, about two thirds of the whole, are arranged to cover the fundamental parts of all departments. _ For the rest the student, so far as prepared, is allowed to choose freely among electiyes cov- ering all recognized branches. Eighty units of credit are the required minimum for graduation, a unit representing one class-room exercise a week for a half year. Hebrew is not required (Greek is) for the degree of b.d., but unusual faciUties are furnished for acqmring it. The University of CaUfornia has estabUshed an excellent course in modern charities. The Seminary is open to students of every Christian denomination, to women as well as to men. A college diploma, or in lack of that, e^ddence of literary and scientific attainments equivalent to an a.b. degree, is required for admission to regular standing as a candidate for the b.d. degree. Advanced courses are pro- vided for graduate students. Special students ma}^ be received, as in the Uni- versity, to such studies as they are qualified to pursue. Regarding expenses and pecuniary aid, and for further information, address President McLean. The next year begins Aug. 18, 1908. 74 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 STUDENTS. Names and Residences * College and Year of Graduating tSeminary and Class Adolphson, Charles Axel, Lincoln, Neb. Agar, (Miss) Winifred Garfield, Berkeley, Cal. Akana, Akaiko, Hawaii. Albarian, Sarkis Manoog, Hajin, Asia Minor. Albert, Paul Bradshaw, Faribault, Minn. Alcock, James, New Bedford, Mass. Alcorn, Ajina S., Chicago, 111. Alexander, William Herbert, Derby, Conn. AUin, Ernest A., Brainard, Minn. Allingham, Robert, Downers Grove, 111. AUison, Wilham Talbot, Middlefield, Conn. Altarelli, Carlo, Newark, N. J. Anderson, Jonas Wilhelm, Worcester, Mass. Anderson, William R., Macon, Ga. Andrews, Denmer Lorenzo, Butler, Ohio Angell, David Morrison, Brewer, Me. Angus, Samuel, Ballymena, Ireland. Anhorn, Fred, Carlock, So. Dak. Aoto, Hiro3aiki, Matsue, Japan. Arnot, Eli Jacob, Monrovia, Ind. Arnot, John Kivett, Monrovia, Ind. Bacon, Al^^n Converse, New Britain, Conn. Baker, Henry, Brooklyn, N. Y. Banninga, John J., Madura, India. Barclay, Lorne Webster, Poplar Hill, Ont. Basye, Arthur H., Lawrence, Kan. Beach, Fred. Paul, Los Angeles, Cal. Beals, Charles Elmer, Bangor, Me. Beardslee, Raymond Augustus, Windsor, Conn. Beckwith, Holmes, Berkeley, Cal. Beckwith, Ruth, Los Angeles, Cal. Bell, Robert, New Haven, Conn. Bennett, Richard H., Fall River, Mass. Bentson, Henry Arthur, New Gotland, Kan. Berg, WiUiam VanDerveer, Hartford, Conn. Bergliuid,Nils Johnson, Thief River Falls, Minn. Bersagel, Andreas, Stavanger, Norway. Bonnarjee, Basanta Chandra, Calcutta, India. Boyd, Edward W., Atlanta, Ga. Bradley, Ernest Bausor, San Rafael, Cal. Briggs, Leshe Burdette, Berkeley, Cal. Brown, Herbert Stanley, Darien, Conn. Buergi, George John, Rheinfelden, Switzerland. Burgess, John Stewart, Trenton, N. J. Burgh, David Tosh, Westbrook, Me. Bm-net, Arthur Russell, E. Orange, N. J. Bums, Josiah, Eagle Springs, N. C. Burrows, William, New Haven, Conn. Burtner, Elmer E., Hinton, Va. Bushnell, John Frederick, La Grange, 111. Butler, Alix Douglass, Cliicago, 111. Butterfield, Ray Evans, Perkinsville, Vt. Bysshe, Ernest W., Rowa>"ton, Conn. Campbell, Royal Hilton, Highland, Cal. Campbell, Thomas, Chicago, 111. Carleton, Charles Reed, T^'interport, Me. U. of Cal. 1906 Tarsus, Drury, 1901 1902 Chicago, Sw. Jun. Cheshunt, 1901 Hamline, 1904 U. of Toronto, '99 W.L'f'y'tte, 1905 R. U. of Ire. 1902 Wasada U. — Indiana U. 1907 Indiana U. 1907 Williams, 1904 1898 1906 1904 1898 Hope Col. Bethany, U. of Kan. Michigan, Dartmouth, 1907 Yale U. 1905 U. of Cal. — Pomona Col.1907 Lafayette, 1905 Calcutta, — U. of S. Cal. U. of Pac. Yale, Princeton, Harvard, St. Stephens, Otterbein U. Knox, Knox, Dartmouth, ColumbiaU. Pomona, Moodj' Inst. 1899 1905 1881 1905 1905 1902 1906 1906 1906 1906 1901 1903 Pacific. Hartford, Yale, Hartford, Bangor, Chicago, Yale, Chicago, Chicago, Yale, Yale, Chicago, Sw. Sen. Atlanta, Jun. Oberlin, Mid. Bangor, Jun. Hartford, Grad. Chicago, Ger. Jun. Mid. Spec. Grad. Jim. Jun. C. I. Grad. Jim. Sen. Grad. Mid. Pacific, Yale, Yale, Hartford, Bangor, Oberlin, Yale, Yale, Oberlin, Bangor. Hartford, Pacific, Hartford, Yale, Yale, — Chicago, Sw. Sen. Hartford, Sen. Chicago, Sw. Mid. Chi'go, D.N. Sen. Jun. Jun. ,Jun. Fel. Jun. Grad. Mid. Jun. Grad. Sen. Spec. Spec. Sen. Oberlin, Atlanta, Pacific, Pacific, Yale, Chicago, Oberlin, Bangor, Oberlin, Atlanta, Yale, Yale, Chicago, Chicago, Hartford, Yale, Pacific, Chicago, Bangor, Jun. Jun. Grad. Sen. Grad. Sen. Jun. Mid. Jun. Jun. Grad. Mid. Jun. Spec, Mid. Grad. Jxin. Spec. Spec. * A dash in the column of colleges implies that the student has never been connected with any college; the name of a college followed by a dash in place of year implies that the student was connected with that college, but did not complete the course. A list of the colleges and universities may be found at the end of this Ust. t " Sen." means Senior. " Mid.," Middle. " Jun.," Junior. " Spec." means Special Course. " Grad." means Graduate Class. "D. N.," "Ger." "Slav.," and "Sw." mean Dano-Norwegian, German, Slavic and Swedish Departments, in Chicago and Oberlin. C. I. means Christian Institute. 1908] Theological Seminaries. 75 Names and Residences College and Year of Graduating Seminary and Class Carter, Leonard J., Danville, Va. Cassel, Isaac, Pleasant Hill, Ohio. Chamberlain, Oscar M., Boston, Mass. Champlin, Charles Chaffee, Petaluma, Cal. Champlin, Frederic Rogers, Westerly, R. I. Chandler, Robert Elmer, Auburndale, Mass. Christiansen, C'harles John, Miranda, So. Dak. Christie, Mary Phelps, Tarsus, Asia Minor. Christie, Ralph Aldrich, Berkeley, Mass. C'lapp, Rajanond Gilmore, Boston. Mass. Clews, WiUiam, WasMngton, D. C. Clippinger, Arthur R., Shippensburg, Pa. Coates, Matthew Wesley, Berkeley, Cal. Condit, Frank Harvey, West Orange, N. J. Connelly, Howard G., Baltimore, Md Cooley, George IT., Springfield, Mo. Craig, Robert J., Berkeley, Cal. Cran, John Newell, Everett, Mass. Crocker, Mattie, St. Louis, Mo. Crocker, Myron J., St. Louis, Mo. Crossland, Edgar, Portsmouth, England. Crusius, Carl Frederick, Perlcinsville, N. Y. Curtis, Allen Lewis, Berlin, Germany. Curtis, W. Hallowell, Dennysville, Me. Dahlstrom, August Henry, Minneapolis, Minn. Dako, Kristo Anastas, Kortcha, Albania. Davis, WilUam Benjamin, Columbus, Ohio. Dean, Frank Warren, San Lorenzo, Cal. De Haan, Arie Benj., Pella, la. Denny, Walter Bell, Newark, N. J. Deyo, John Maurice, Fairfield, Conn. Dickson, John Luther, Pleasant Valley, Conn, di Domenica, Angelo, New Haven, Conn. Diehl, Grover Louis, Lewisville, Ohio. Dole, George Stuart, AVilmington, Del. Dole, Louis Alexander, Wilinington, Del. Donat, Anton S., St. Charles 111. Dougherty, Rob't Chambers, Kansas City,Kan. Dow, D. Howard, Worcester, Mass. Duerr, Otto Eugene, Berkeley, Cal. Dunham, Charles Ernest, Berkeley, Cal. Dymacek, William, Milwaukee, Wis. Dysart, John Paden, Granville, III. Each, Joseph, Iowa, La. Eaton, Samuel Charles, Sullivan, N. H. Ebersole, Amos A., Sterling, 111. Ebertz, Louis, Ems, Germany Egbert, James Kipton, Ohio. Eidsvaag, Edwin Ajidreas, Christiansund, Norway. Eiserer, Herman, Chicago, 111. Elgin, Thomas E., Atlanta, Ga. Elmen, John Emanuel, Worcester, Mass. Erikson, Jolin, Fennoville, Mich. Escaler, Jos6, ApaUt, P. I. Evans, James Eraser, Georgetown, Ontario. Evans, Katherine, Chicago, 111. Fairfield, Wynn Cowan, Washington, D. C. Favor, Paul Gordon, Lowell, Mass. Ferris, Walter Lewis, Oak Park, 111. Fischer, Theodore A., New Haven, Conn. Fisher, Park William, Demarest, Ga. Fisher, Mrs. Winnie, Lake Charles, La Fjeldsgaard, Adolph B., Chicago, 111. Flenung, Isaac, Berkeley, Cal. Folta, Adam Paul, Milwaukee, Wis. Foote, Frederick William, Veazie, Me. Forsj'the, John, Belfast, Ireland. Holiness U. Defiance Col. Oberfin Sem. U. of Cal. Ch. Bib. Ins. Yale U. Redfield Col. Bryn Mawr, 1907 1904 1906 1902 1904 1904 1905 Boston U. 1900 Leb'n Val. 1905 Cal. Col. 1905 Princeton U. 1907 Bethany, 1905 Drury, 1907 U. of Pac. — Frankfin, — Elmhurst, Beloit, 1905 1901 Yale, Oberlin, Chicago, Pacific, Bangor, Yale, Chicago, Hartford, Bangor, Yale, Atlanta, Yale, Pacific, Hartford, Yale, Chicago, Pacific, Bangor, Chicago, Chicago, Bangor, Hartford, Chicago, Bangor, Jan. Sen. Grad. Mid. Jun. Jun. Sen. Sen. Jun. Grad. Sen. Jun. Spec. Jun. Sen. Jun. Jun. Jun. C. I. Grad. Sen. Mid. Fel. Mid. Bucharest, 1905 OberUn, 1907 Doane, 1895 Iowa, 1906 Oberlin, — W.L'f'y'tte, 1904 Yale, 1906 Yale, 1906 Carleton, 1905 Washbiu-n, 1902 Haverford, 1903 Cal. Col. — Illinois, 1906 U. of Chicago, '99 Hiram, 1904 Manila, 1902 Toronto U. 1893 Oberlin, 1907 Dartmouth, 1904 Beloit, 1905 Tufts, 1896 Brown U. 1903 R. U. of Ire. 1904 Chicago, Sw. Sen. Jun. Jun. Grad. Mid. Jun. Sen. Spec. Sen. Sen. Sen. Jun. Spec. Spec. Spec. Jun. Jun. Jun. Sen. Sen. Sen. Chi'go, D.N. Jun. Cliic'go, Ger. Mid. Atlanta, Jun. Chicago, Sw. Sen. Chicago, Sw. Jun. Yale, — Grad. C. I. Jun. Sen. Mid. Spec. Jun. Mid. Oberlin, Oberlin, Pacific, Oberlin, Chicago, Yale, Yale, Yale, Oberlin, Yale, Yale, Hartford, Chicago, Atlanta, Pacific, Pacific, Oberlin, Oberlin, Atlanta, Bangor, Oberlin, Chi'go, Ger. Oberlin, Yale, Chicago, Oberlin, Andover, Yale, Yale, Atlanta, Atlanta, ~" 'go, D.N. Sen cific, Grad Spec ^_ ^ Sen Hartford, Grad Chi' Pac Obcrli 76 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Names and Residences College and Year of Graduating Seminary and Class Foss, Christian, Farsund, Norway. P"oster Ora Delmer, Anderson, Ind. Frank, Sydney Joseph, Chicago, 111. Franklin, Charles, North Haven, Conn. Fredfelt, Joel Frederick, Providence, R. I. Furuya, Magoziro, Los Angeles, Cal. Gait, Elmer W., Shenandoah, la. Gause, Noah Cadwallader, San Francisco, Cal. Gidart, Augustus W., Nybygget, Sweden. Gilmore, Arthur Harold, Attleboro, Mass. Glurna, Joseph, Monessen, Pa. Good, Charles Martin, Bethlehem, Conn. Goodwin, Reuben Albert, Groton, Yt. Gordon, Edwin Ruthven, E. Providence, R. I. Granholm, Oscar Arvid, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gray, James Hanford, Hartland, Me. Grin\es, Harry, Brodhead, Wis. Gronlund, Herman, Springfield, Mass. Gross, Daniel Irving, Andover, Mass. Hacke, Augustus C, Sherman, Tex. Hall, Charles Walter, Stockville, Neb. Hall, Fred Lyman, Danbury, Neb. Hall, WiUiam Ralph, Pontiac, Mich. Hallberg, Carl August, Pittsburg, Pa. Hamlin, Christopher Robert, Hartford, Conn. Hankorsky, George, Braddock, Pa. Haraguchi, Takeyjiro, Nagasaki-ken, Japan. Harris, Robert Nelson, New Haven, Conn. Harris, Wilhani Henry, Wardsville, Ont. Harrison, Robert A., Lincoln, Neb. Hart, Ernest Belden, Bristol, Conn. Hartshorn, Harold V., Claremont, Cal. Hartzell, Jacob Lott, Hartford, Conn. Harvey, Edwin Deeks, Rock Ferry, England. Hatfield, Charles Abner, Calais, Me. Hatfield, George Bennett, Batavia, Ohio. Hawkenson,Gunnerd Sigfried, Compton, R. I. Hawkes, Albert Scott, Wilson, Conn. Heath, Archie M., Mountain Creek, Ala. Hedegaard, Samuel, Tliisted, Denmark. Heikes, Nelson Niles, Bangor, Me. Heinrich, Ernest Henry, San Francisco, Cal. Held, Fred, Clinton, Mass. Henderson, Luther B., Newport, N. J. Hendricks, Wilham E., St. Croix, D. W. I. Henry, Bertram Curtis, Wollaston, Mass. Heyman, Arnold Cyrus, Bellevue, Ohio. Hickman, George L., Atlanta, Ga. Hill, William K., La Grange, 111. Hoersch, Henry, Hebron, No. Dak. Hoffmann, Levi Samuel, East Green\'ille, Pa. Holden, John Lemley, Ticonderoga, N. \. Holt, Jesse E., New Haven, Conn. Houghton, Roy Mac, Derby, Conn. Howell, WiUiam Rabon, Wilson, N. C. Hoyt, Friend E., Shelton, Conn. Huizinga. .A.rnold van Couthen, Methuen, Mass. Hunt, John Eugene, Sherman, Me. Hunter, Jesse Montague, Ashland, Ore. Hutchinson, Jason H., Billerica, Mass. Inghrani, Mark G., Waj'nesburg, Pa. Jackson, Roderick Colin, Roger's Hill, Can. Jenkins, Elias Ambrose, Boverton, S. Wales. Jenkins, James Garfield, Ebensburg, Pa. Jenkins, William A., Colerain, N. C. Jones, Arthur, Tonganoxie, Kan. Jones, Augustine, San Jos^, Cal. Jones, Paul W., Three Rivers, Mich. M'nchester, 1906 Central, 1895 Tabor Col. 1906 Cornell, 1900 U. of Chi'go, 1907 .\niherst, 1906 Mt. Pleasant, — OtterbeinU. 1904|Yale, Dartmouth, 1906 Andover, 1907 Chi'go, D.N. Jun. Oberlin, Sen. Yale, — Yale, Grad. Chi'go, Sw. Sen. Chicago, C. I. Chicago, Mid. Pacific, ■ Grad. Yale, Ando^•er, Oberlin, Brown U. Mt. Allison, Beloit, Bowdoin, Oberlin, Doane, Doane, U. of Mich. 1905 1902 1907 1904 1905 1905 Boston U. 1893 Wasada U. 1905 Wes. Mont. U. of Neb. Wilhams, Pomona, 1907 1907 1907 Yale t'. C. of Bible, Oberlin, Oberlin, 1893 U. of Cal. N. Y. U. 1906 Harvard U. 1886 Heidelb'gU.1904 Redfield Col. — Brown U. 1907 Olivet, Milligan, 1902 1904 Groningen, 1897 Eug. Div. S. Colorado, W'burg C. Queen's U. 1904 U. of N. C. 1907 Friends U. 1903 L. Stan. Jr. 1905 Chicago, Olivet, 1904 Oberlin, Jun. Mid. Spec. Grad. Jun. Jun. Hartford, Chicago, Sw. Sen Bangor, Jun Yale, Sen Chicago, Sw. Mid Sen. Mid. Andover, Oberlin, Yale, Yale, Hartford, Chicago, Sw. Sen Hartford, Grad Oberlin, Hartford, Yale, Yale, Chicago, Andover, Andover, Hartford, Yale, Bangor, Oberlin, CMcago, Sw. Jun I lartf ord, Grad .\tlanta, Jun Clii'go, D.N. Mid Bangor, Pacific, Chi'go, Ger. Yale, Yale, Andover, Chicago, Atlanta, Chicago, Chi'go, Ger. Hartford, Bangor, Jun. Sen. Spec. Jun. Spec. Grad. Jun. Jun. Jun. Spec. Jun. Spec. Sen. Spec. Spec. Mid. Mid. Mid. Sen. Jun. C. I. Mid. Jun. Jun. Yale, Yale, Yale, Yale, Hartford, Bangor, Pacific, Bangor, Yale, Yale, Bangor, Bangor, Yale, Yale, Spec. Mid. Spec. Grad, Jun. Spec. Mid. Jun. Jun. Sen. Mid. Jun. Sen. Sen. Sen. 1908] Theological Seminaries. 77 Names and Residences College and Year of Graduating Seminary and Class Johnson, Carl Gustaf Edward, Chicago, 111. Johnson, Elmer Ellsworth, E. Greenville, Pa. Johnson, Obed Simon, Lanyon, la. Johnson, Oscar Fritjof, Hartford, Conn. Jonsvold, Oluf, Brooklj^n, N. Y. Jowers, Benjamin T., White Pond, S. C. Judy, Clayton, Andover, Mass. Juell, Hans C, Fargo, No. Dak. Ivalaidjian, M. T., Everek, Asia Minor. ICammerUng, Walter William, Chicago, 111. ICanawaka, Kannosuke, Toba, Japan. Kauerz, Henry, Essen, Germany. Kellogg, Edwin Dwight, Orange, Mass. Kellogg, Ira Phelps, Phelpsville, Vt. Kerian, Sarkis Ohan, Troy, N. Y. Kierstead, "William O., Oakland, Me. Kilbourn, Albert Sidney, Townsend, Mass. Kirkpatrick, John Erving, Oxford, Conn. Kiyama, Kiyogoro, Tokyo, Japan. Kjeldgaard, Christian, Brooklyn, N. Y. Knapp, Ezra Charles, Blissfield, Mich. Kochera, John, Braddock, Pa. Kodaira, Kimio, Wakuya, Japan. Kosliiba, Saburo, Tokyo, Japan. Koukol, Charles Josepli, Upland, Ind. Kubushiro, Naokatsu, Kumamoto, Japan. Kurtz, Daniel W., Lake, Ohio. Lamonds, Alexander, Star, N. C. Lancaster, Archibald A., LTnionville, Conn. Lang, Stephen Christian, New York, N. Y. Larkin, Ralph Baxter, Long Beach. Cal. Lathrop, Theodore B., Ashland, Wis. Latourett, Kenneth S., Oregon, Oliio. Leavitt, Darwdn Ashley, Beloit, Wis. Le Clerc, Frank Walworth, Grand Junction, Col Lehman, Eugene H., New York, N. Y. Lent, James M., So. Windsor, Conn. Lindblad, Adolf Ragnar, Brockton, Mass. Lippinberger, Karl, Solnhofen, Germany. Lippitt, LeRoy A., Duluth, Minn. Lohman, Hermann, New York, N. Y. Longsworth, William H., Freeport, Oliio. Loud, Harry Steavens, Andover, Mass. Luci, Carmelo, Molochio, Italj'. Lyon, Sherman Lorenz, Akron, Ohio. McAlister, Milton Vosmus, So. Paris, Me. McBride, Arthur A. McCombe, John Warren, New York City. McCord, Robert Bryan, Tallahassee, Fla. McCoy, Robert Clarence, Iowa, La. McCoy, Mrs. Stella G., Iowa, La. McDonald, Lawi-ence Free, Parkton, Md. McDougall, George Lafayette, Creston, 111. McFadyen, Robertson, Forest, Va. McGinty, Lucius Franlc, Brunswick, Ga. McGregor, Ernest Frank, Clinton, Conn. McK^y, Richard Abram, Ashland, Ala. McNeill, Prederick, McNeill's Mills, P. E. I. Maddox, John Lee, Deering, No. Dak. Madsen, Albert Alonzo, Durham, Conn. Magee, Jolin Gillespie, Pittsburg, Pa. Maier, Karl K., Hosmer, So. Dak. Martin, Alfred, St. Louis, Mo. Martin, Harry Stratton, Spring Valley, Wis. Mathews, Burleigh V., Vineyard Haven, Mass. Mathias, Pearl Eugene, Highspire, Pa. Matthews, (Miss) Margaret L., Berkeley, Cal. Maurer, Wasliington I., Beloit, Wis. Princeton, Carleton, 1899 1907 Otterbein U. 1903 Fargo, Tarsus, L. Forest, T. Gakuin, Northw't'n, U. of Vt. Tarsus, Bates, 1905 1900 1899 1902 1899 1906 Ch'go T. S. 1905 Tohoku Ga. 1898 U. of Mich. 1902 N. Japan C. 1907 U.Christian, 1904 Taylor Acad. — Sh'n Ga.T'yo,— Juniata, 1905 Albion, 1904 Amity, — Ivnox. Col. 1892 Beloit, 1903 McMinnv'e, 1904 Cliicago, Sw. Sen, Hartford, Fel. Chicago, Mid Cliicago, .Sw.Mid, Chi'go, D.N. Mid, Atlanta, Mid, Andover, Mid. Oberlin, Sen. Yale, Grad, Chicago, Jun Yale, Grad, Chi'go, Ger. Mid, Bangor, Mid, Chicago, Mid. Hartford, Sen, Yale, — Bangor, Hartford, Pacific, Jun. Grad. Mid. Ch'go,/). A'. Mid. Beloit, Park, Yale U. 1904 1907 1902 1907 Carleton, W.Lafayettel906 1906 1905 Sapientza, Hiram, Bates, U. of Minn. 1900 Durham, Eng. '96 Fla. State, 1905 Wesleyan, U. of Chic. 1906 1898 U. of Minn. 1901 Denison U. 1904 Moravian, 1900 Yale, 1906 Redfield Col. — - Carleton, 1903 Boston, 1900 Leb'n Valley, '95 U. of Cal. 1899 Beloit, 1904 Chicago, Oberlin, Pacific, Yale, Oberhn, Pacific, Yale, Atlanta, Hartford, Bangor, Oberlin, Yale, Yale, Yale, Chicago, Yale, Yale, Chicago, Sw. Jun Chi'go, Ger. Sen Hartford, Jvm Bangor, Sen. Spec. Jun. Grad. Spec. Spec. Sen. Mid. Sen. Mid. Grad. Sen. Fel. Jun. Spec. Yale, Bangor, Oberlin, Oberlin, Bangor, Andover, Hartford, Yale, Atlanta, Atlanta, Hartford, Chicago, Chicago, Atlanta, Yale, Atlanta, Bangor, Yale, Yale, Yale, Chi'go, Ger. Mid Bangor, Sen. Yale, Mid. Hartford, Sen. Yale, Sen. Pacific, Spec. Yale, Mid. Mid. Mid. Jun. Jun. Jun. Mid. Fel. Grad. Sen. Jun. Jun. Mid. Mid. Sen. Jun. Grad. Mid. Sen. Sen. Grad. Spec. 78 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Names and Residences College and Year of Graduating Seminary and Class May, Mary Belinda, Gould, R. I. Meserve, Marshall Wm., San Francisco, Cal. Meyer, Frank J., Cincinnati, Ohio. Milbury, George D., Bethany, Conn. Miller, Malcolm Foote, Abingdon, Til. Minaker, Rodman Weldon, Sumas, Wash. Mix, Harry Houston, Cedar Rapids, la. Montgomery, Bertha Kemjj, SiTiith Cen^ Kan. Montgomery, Royal J., Smith Center, Kan. Morgan, Walter Amos, Lunenburg, Vt. Morrill, BoUe Chapman, South Hadley, Mass. Morris, Luther, Frondeg, No. Wales. Morsell, Samuel R., Baltimore, Md. Moseley, John Henry, Gt. Barrington, Mass. Munger, Earl .\ugustus, Cedar Rapids, la. Myers, F.lmer Henry, Camden, N. J. Nelson, Henry, Baltic, So. Dak. Nelson, Per Albin, Chnton, la. Neumann, Geo. Bradford, New Britain, Conn. Nielson, John A., Drammen, Norway. Ohlson, Algoth, Brevik Hvena, Sweden. Okubo, (Miss) Ochimi, Oakland, Cal. Ota, Yutaka, Okayama, Japan. Overman, N. E., Demarest, Ga. Palmquist, Anders Magnus, Chicago, 111. Pardee, John .lay, West Berkeley, Cal. Parker, Asa Merrick, Worcester, Mass. Parry, John Burford, Mold, No. Wales. Partch, Le Roy Clifton, Olmstead Falls, Ohio. Patch, Don Ivan, Boston, Mass. Patterson, Victor M., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pease, Charles B. F., New Haven, Conn. Pendleton, Norman Wilfred, Berkeley, Cal. Peyton, Frank, Andover, Mass. Pierce, Jason Noble, New Haven, Conn. Pike, David, Watford, Herts, England. Pillasch, Carl Herman, Chicago, 111. Polhammen, Jolin Titus, Lindsborg, Kan. Porter, George William, Agawam, Mass. Powell, Thomas B., Scranton, Pa. Powers, Lawrence Clement, Tiskilwa, 111. Reece, Ernest James, E. Cleveland, Oliio. Reed, Hugh Francis, Everton, Ont. Reed, Rev. Thomas O., Broadway, Ohio. Reiersen, Elbert Nicolai, Clucago, 111. Richard, Floward MacM., New Haven, Conn. Richardson, George O., Windsorville, Conn. Richardson, Rev. J. B., Newark Valley, N. Y. Richter, Emily F., Chicago, 111. Risley, William David, Berkeley, Cal. Rittenhouse, Daniel Franklin, Berkeley, Cal. Robb, William John, Beecher, 111. Roberts, Benjamin Lee, Thorn well. La. Ross, (Miss) Sarah Vida, Whittier, Cal. Rowlands, William Francis, Penarth, So. Wales. Runyon, Clay Triplett, Berkeley, Cal. Rybar, Andrew, Braddock, Pa. Sakariassen, Brent, Tromsoe, Norway. Sanderson, Ross Warren, Lansing, Mich. Sato, Sozaburo, Kumamoto, Japan. Schumaker, Albert Jesse Ringer,New Castle,Pa. Scott, Arthur Pearson, Cliicago, 111. Scott, Lewis Ensign, Healdsburg, Cal. Sea ley, H. Jeptha, Cedartown, Ga. Shackleton, Robert Arnold, Guiseley, England. Shattuck, Angelo E., Columbus, Ohio. Shelton, Wilham Arthur, Poteau, Okla. Sherman, Edwin T., Brookfield, Til. Welleslev, 1907 MoodvB.In.l903 Bates, Hedding, Brandon, Coe Col. U. of Kan. U. of Kan. 1905 1905 1903 Hartford, Pacific, Atlanta, Mt. Holyoke, '05 Oberlin, 1907 Cal. Col. Bucknell, 1903 1901 Wesleyan, 1905 Joshi Gak'n 1903 Doshisha, 1895 Hiram, — Williams, — Bristol, Eng. — Hillsdale, 1905 Cliicago, Pacific, Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, Bangor, Hartford, Bangor, Yale, Bangor, Oberlin, Chicago, Chicago, Sw. Jun Yale, Spec Hartford, Sen Chi'go,D.A^ Sen Yale, Jun Pacific, Mid Pacific, Jun Atlanta, Mid Chicago, Sw. Mid Jun. Sen. Mid. Grad. Sen. Spec. C. I. Mid. Sen. Mid. Mid. Mid. Jun. Mid. Mid. Grad. 1S86 Williams, U. of Cal. Kingfisher Amherst, Bates, — RedfieldCol.— 1907 1903 Amherst, 1906 Bucknell TJ. 1906 Illinois, 1907 W. Reserve, 1903 Hiram, 1905 Pacific, Bangor, Bangor, Oberhn, Bangor, Yale, Yale, Pacific, Andover, Yale, Hartford, Chicago,Ger.Mid Chicago, Siu. Sen Hartford, Jun Yale, Oberlin, Oberlin, Oberlin, Oberlin, Jun. Jun. Jun. Grad. Sen. Spec. Grad. Spec. Jun. Grad. Jun. Mid. Jun. Mid. Sen. Spec. Wesleyan U. 1904 Knox Col., Wheaton A. - Philomath, 1906 U.of Pacific.1907 U. of Cal. 1906 Cardiff, — Sch. of Evan. '99 Chi'go, D.N. Jun." Yale, Hartford, Oberlin, Chicago, Pacific, Pacific, Chicago, Yale, Pacific, Hartford, Pacific, Oberlin, Sen. Jun Spec. C. I. Spec. Spec. Sen. Spec. Spec. Jun. Spec. Spec. Oberlin, Doshisha, Marietta, Princeton, U. of Cal. 1905 1887 1905 1904 Leeds, Eng. — Beloit, 1905 Hargrove, 1905 Hanover, — Chi'go,D.iV. Jun Oberlin, Oberlin, Hartford, Cliicago, Pacific, Atlanta, Bangor, Yale, Yale, Chicago, Sen. Sen. Sen. Jun. Spec. Sen. Mid. Sen. Sen. Spec. 1908] Theological Seminaries. 79 Names and Residences Siebel, Wallin E., Westerville, Ohio. Sikes, Erie Brainerd, Petersburg, Neb. Singleton, Rev. Wesley, Irvington, Ky. Sinninger, Norman E., Dallas City, 111. Sisson, Howard Robert, Lynn, Mass. Sjoblom, Gottfrid Leonard, Renovo, Pa. Slaght, William E. A., New Haven Conn. Small, Charles Reuben, Hartford, Conn. Smith, Rev. Benjamin Kent, Oberlin, Ohio. Smith, Charles George, New Haven, Conn. Smith, Clarence Mitchell, Springfield, Ohio. Smith, Eugene Barnard, S. Framingham,Mass. Smith, Walter Alphonso, Buckport C, Me. Sneath, George Mack, New Haven, Conn. Sondenaa, John, Cliicago, 111. Sone, Sanji, Sanuma, Japan. Spaulding, Edward Lytton, Berkeley, Cal. Sperry, Willard Learoyd, Reading, Mass. Steele, Albert Thomas, Bethel, Conn. Steele, Claude Melvin, Jefferson, Ohio. Stein, Henry W., Chicago, 111. Stevens, Wilmot Eddy, Grand Rapids, Mich. Stewart, Andrew L., Atlantic City, N. J Stewart, Gustavus A., Ft. Niobrara, Neb. Stock, Benjamin, Glen St. Mary, Fla. Stokely, Jessie Mae, Newport, Term. Stone, Ohver B., Atlanta, Ga. Sumner, Frederick Azel, Milford, Conn. Suyehiro, Asajiro, Usa, Japan. Swainson, WiUiam, Mold, No. Wales. Swift, Samuel Ross, Beaver Falls, Pa. Taylor, William, Gt. Harw'd, Lancashire, Eng. Tereschenko, Maxin Arsen, Edwardsville, Pa. Thomas, Clark Stetson, Chicago, 111. Thomas, Ernest Lenwood, CedartowTi, Ga. Thomas, James Jasper, Cedartown, Ga. Thompson, Clifford G., Bogart, Ga. Thorne, Emil, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tontz, James Garfield, Highland, III. Tontz, Knowles Shaw, Marburg, Germany. Trenery, Jacob Eh, Berkeley, Cal. Trueblood, Charles E. C, Sandoval, 111. Tucker, Samuel Gordon, Bangor, Me. Turner, John C, Atlantic, Ga. Tuttle, Harold Saxe, Berkeley, Cal. Twichell, Joseph Hooker, Hartford, Conn. Tyler, William Finney, Seattle, Wash. Uhlir, Joseph, Cleveland, Ohio. Unger, Louise O., Chicago, 111. Vancura, Vaclav F. J., Paramaribo, D. Guiana, Varjahedian, Benj. Sam'l, Adabazar, Turkey. Vasku, Francis, Bijou Hills, So. Dak. Veazie, Carl Hewitt, Dallas, Tex. Voorhees, Frederick Franklin^ Wilson, Conn. Vrooman, Rolla Houston, Chicago, 111. Wakeman, Earl Seeley, Campbell, Cal. Walter, Howard Arnold, New Britain, Conn. Wathnee, Albert, Farsimd, Norway. Weatherbee, Wade H., Grand Saline, Tex. Webb, Christopher Columbus, Section, Ala- Wehrhan, Anna Penrose, Hartwick, la. Wehrhan, Nelson W., Hartwick, la. Wessell, Myra, Chicago, 111. Whitehead, Phihp B., Janesville, Wis. Whitehead, Robert B., Hontzdale, Pa. W^hitmer, Paul Emmons, No. Lima, Ohio. Wickes, Dean Rockwell, Chicago, 111. Wik, Adolf, Trondhjem, Norway. College and Year of Graduating OtterbeinU. 1903 Doane, 1905 Ch.In.Chi.S. '97 U. Toronto, 1S9S Harvard U. — Wittenberg, 1907 Bates, 1904 Seminary and Class Andover, Oberlin, OberUn, Chicago, Bangor, Sen. Mid. Spec. Spec. Sen. Chi'go, Sw. Mid. Yale U. 1907 Clii'go Seni. 1906 U. of Cal. — Ohvet, Adrian, Oberlin, Drury, Oberlin, 1903 1896 1905 1905 1894 Wilberforce, 1901 Virginia In. 1904 Atlanta Sem. — Oberhn, 1891 Steele C.Jap.l894 Geneva, 1906 Penn. Col. 1906 Y. Harris, 1903 IlUnois, 1902 lUinois Col. 1901 Wis. St. Nor. — U. of Pacific, '06 Yale U. 1906 Yale U. 1907 B'h'm'n B. A. Robert, 1890 U. Iowa, 1907 U. of Denver, '97 Wesleyan, 1906 Lel'd St'nf'd, — Princeton, 1905 Yale, Hartfprd, Oberlin, Yale, Hartford, Hartford, Bangor, Yale, Chi'go, D.N^. Jim Chicago, Grad Pacific, Yale, Yale, Oberlin, Chicago, Oberlin, Atlanta, Oberlin, Atlanta, Yale, Chicago, Yale, Grad. Sen. Spec. Spec. Jun. Mid. Jxin. Jun. Spec. Grad. Grad. Mid. Sen. Grad. Mid. Sen. Jun. Pacific, Bangor, Yale, Bangor, Oberlin, Chicago, Atlanta, Atlanta, Yale, C. L Grad. Jun. Jun. Mid. Sen. Spec. Mid. Jun. Mid. Jun. Chicago, »Stw. Jun. Iowa Col. Iowa Col. 1906 Beloit, 1906 Adrian, 1889 Oberlin, 1907 U. of Chi'go, '95 Oberlin, Chicago, Pacific, Chicago, Bangor, Atlanta, Pacific, Hartford, Hartford, Oberlin, Chicago, Oberlin, Oberlin, Oberhn, Cliicago, Hartford, Chicago, Oberlin, Hartford, Chi'go,D.iV, Atlanta, Atlanta, Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, Yale,_ Oberlin, OberUn, Yale, Chi'go.D.iV, Mid. Fel. Spec. C. I. Jun. Jun. Jun. Jvm. Jun. Spec. C. I. Spec. Grad. Jun. Jun. Mid. C. I. Jun. Mid- , Jun* Jun. Jun. C. I. Sen. C. I. Mid. Mid. Sen, Mid. . Jun. 80 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Names and Residences College and Year of Graduating Seminary and Class Wildman, Charles E., Atlanta, Ga. Wiley, Henry Orton, Berkeley, Cal. Williams, Albert, Rhys, Great Britain. WilUams, Thomas A., Cricceith, Wales. WilUams, Thomas Eynon, Marietta, Oliio. Wilson, Edmimd Graham, Philadelphia, Pa. Winslow, Dana Edmund, Daytona, Fla. Wismer, Ernest Lionel, No. Bradford, Conn. Withington, Wilfred, Humboldt, Kan. Wittier, Milton F., Sea ttle,_ Wash. Wolfe, Andrew Jackson, Isis, Va. Wolfe, Martin Rilfey, Berkeley, Cal. Wood, George Ernest, Elhngton, Conn. Worrell, William Hoyt, Leipzig, Germany. Wuflestad, Krag, Cooperstown, No. Dak. Wyland, Benjamin F., Harlan, la. Yamaguchi, Kinsaku, Okayama, Japan. Yard, James Maxon, Farmingdale, N. J. Yearwood, C. Hubert, Georgetown, B. Guiana, York, Harry Clinton, Leonard Bridge, Conn. Zavodsky, Louis, Cleveland, Ohio. Ziegler, William H., Chicago, 111. Ore.St. Nor. Marietta, Marietta, Marietta, Lafayette, Olivet, Kan. St. IT. Pomona, MilUgan, Amherst, U. of Mich. S. U. of la. Doshislia, Wesleyan, Yale U. Moody B.In, 1898 1904 1905 1906 1907 1904 1901 1907 1893 1906 1903 1901 1905 1905 Atlanta, Pacific, Hartford, Yale, Hartford, Hartford, Oberlin, Yale, Pacific, Yale, Oberlin, Pacific, Chicago, Hartford, Chi'go,D..K Yale, Pacific, Hartford, Yale, Yale, Oberlin, Chicago, Mid. Sen. Fel. Sen. Mid. Jun, Sen. Sen. Jun. Sen. Spec. Mid. Fel. Mid. Sen. Jun. Mid. Spec. Spec. Spec. 1908] Theological Seminaries. 81 COLLEGE EDUCATION OF THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. In this table, a number in parentheses denotes that that number, although once con- nected with the college mentioned, did not complete the course. The figures not in paren- theses denote graduates of the colleges mentioned. Seminaries COLLEGES In V > o •V c < a c < g> B n PQ o ta a U 1 O 1 H > .J < 1 1 2 Albion College, Micliigan 1 1 1 Amherst College, Massachusetts m 1 1 4 (1) (2) 3 (1) '"'i (1)1 2 7 2 1 Beloit College Wisconsin Bethanv College, Kansas 2 2 3 Bowdoin College, Maine 1 (1) (1) (1) 3 Bristol, England (1) Brown University Rhode Island 2 (1) 1 (1) 1 1 1 1 2 (1) (1) (1) 1 (5) 4 (1) 4 California College (1)1 (5)4 Cardiff (1) 2 Carleton College Minnesota 1 1 1 1 1 Chesliunt College 1 Chicago Training School 1 1 i 1 1 2 4 Christian Biblical Institute 1 1 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) (1) 1 College of the Bible (1) (1) Columbia University 1 1 I Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. . . Defiance College Ohio 2 1 .... 1 4 1 1 1 1 Denver University 1 Doane College 1 1 1 2 2 4 Doshisha College, Japan 3 Drury College, Missouri 2 1 1 1 3 1 Elmhurst College, Missouri 1 Eugene Di\'inity School (1) 1 (1) 1 Fargo College 1 1 1 1 Franklin College (1) (1) 1 Friends University 1 1 1 Gronengen University . . 1 1 Han dine University 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 Hargrove College 1 Harvard University, Massachusetts. . . . Haverford College 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 1 1 Hedding College, Illinois . ..|... 1 1 82 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 COLLEGE EDUCATION OF THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. Seminaries COLLEGES V > c < OS a .2 < c a P3 a •a a O « "a < 1 1 1 3 1 1 (1) (1) 3 1 1 \ 1 3 4 2 2 (1)1 2 1 (1) 3 (1) 1 1 "i (1) "i 1 1 (1)1 1 (1) 3 1 1 2 .... 2 (1)1 (1) 3 2 Lafayette College Pennsylvania (1) (1) 2 2 (1) (1) (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 4 .... 1 1 "i 2 1 2 (2) 1 (2) 1 1 Mt. Allison Nova Scotia (1) (1) 1 1 (1) ^1) (1) 1 Nebraska University (1) New York University 1 1 1 Northwestern 1 1 N. Japan College. 1 "i ■ "2 2 "2 1 (1) 1 (1)7 2 (2)10 Oregon State Normal School 1 2 4 . . . (1)3 (1) 3 1 Park College 1 1 Pennsylvania College » 1 1 1 "i 1. Pomona College 1 1 3 "i 4 Princeton University, New Jersey. 1 5 Queen's Universitv (1) (1) . (3) 1 1 Redfield College, South Dakota (3)1 Robert College 1 Royal University, Ireland 2 2 Sapientza University 1 1 Shemmon Gakuin, Japan 1 "i (1) 1 Southern California University. ...... Steele College, Japan 1 St. Stephen's College 1 Tabor College 1 1 Tarsus 1 2 1 3 1 3 Tohuku Gakuin, Japan 1 2 Toronto University .... 3 1 1908] Theological Seminaries. 83 COLLEGE EDUCATION OF THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. Seminaries COLLEGES > c C < c < s « P3 u It e O 1 > < h e2 1 1 .. .1 1 1 (1) (1) 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 (1) 2 3 Wes. Mont (1) 1 1 1 1 Williams College, Massachusetts 1 (1) 1 1 (1) 3 (1) 1 (1) 1 3 9 1 1 12 1 1 11 0 0 Total graduates. . . Partial college courses 0 0 28 2 8 30 26 13 58 42 4 3 40 5 12 25 13 1 74 3 19 220 46 Others 151 Total 11 28 40 97 49 57 39 96 417 84 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 SUMMARY OF OFFICERS AND STUDENTS, 1907-OS, AND TOTALS FOR PRECEDING YEARS. Seminary 2 2 1^ ►J'u 5 = > a Undergraduate Students "■a Andover . Atlanta . Bangor. . Chicago . Hartford Oberlin. . Pacific . Yale 5 4 7 8 15 11 4 9 -08 63 -07 68 -06 68 -05 65 -04 68 -03 62 -02 61 -01 58 -00 59 - 9 64 - 8 64 - 7 64 - 6 63 - 5 58 - 4 52 - 3 52 - 2 46 - 1 46 -90 47 - 9 47 - 8 46 - 7 44 - 6 44 - 5 44 - 4 47 - 3 39 - 2 32 - 1 36 -SO 36 - 9 39 - 8 35 - 7 35 - 6 36 - 5 37 - 4 35 - 3 35 - 2 34 - 1 32 -70 31 - 9 31 - 8 26 - 7 25 - 6 22 - 5 24 - 4 24 - 3 23 - 2 25 - 1 24 5 1 8 12 10 0 4 10 0 0 1 4 7 5 4 24 3 2 8 19 11 15 4 15 3 9 12 22 9 9 4 13 4 17 17 31 15 13 9 16 0 0 3 18 3 15 18 28 10 28 40 90 38 52 35 72 11 28 41 96 49 57 39 96 Totals, 1907- 1906- 1905- 1904- 1903- 1902- 1901- 1900- 1899- 1898- 1897- 1896- 1895- 1894- 1893- 1892- 1891- „ 1890- 1889- 1888- 1887- 1886- 1885- 1884- 1883- 1882- 1881- 1880- 1879- 1878- 1877- 1876- 1875- 1874- „ 1873- 1872- 1871- 1870- 1869- 1868- 1867- 1866- 1865- 1864- 1863- 1862- 1861- 1860- 50 49 45 40 41 38 27 22 21 25 25 25 20 27 27 38 39 35 27 27 21 22 IS 18 11 24 27 19 15 13 19 22 22 22 16 11 12 11 9 11 11 10 10 9 9 11 9 7 7 7 6 S 14 12 13 19 22 27 19 24 19 23 15 11 12 9 10 7 9 10 7 6 9 3 13 11 17 8 13 8 9 13 12 13 16 IS 7 16 9 16 19 19 10 16 18 14 45 42 34 34 38 39 45 34 17 10 28 22 24 16 29 29 22 33 22 22 23 19 28 16 16 25 21 6 77 81 122 91 93 95 99 90 112 110 94 108 109 92 109 104 98 110 104 88 96 99 97 94 104 84 85 103 107 95 113 97 112 124 110 122 117 114 121 129 119 130 124 148 146 117 128 163 109 124 147 120 117 143 117 120 130 92 113 132 92 101 114 100 104 103 86 101 126 96 87 107 74 97 90 84 73 100 94 86 79 89 90 93 96 96 90 82 101 96 83 99 109 87 93 103 70 98 99 102 86 93 83 105 103 93 88 116 74 89 92 72 73 98 74 72 81 87 68 65 97 92 65 51 98 85 53 58 84 66 53 43 SO 53 58 90 103 58 96 95 81 93 100 94 85 113 70 51 31 38 33 34 69 66 111 130 108 81 102 137 182 169 189 153 113 86 53 32 23 15 16 7 16 31 36 29 36 35 36 32 23 29 13 18 4 8 10 2 1 3 11 365 391 371 363 341 350 320 325 342 371 433 486 460 459 520 545 562 549 556 490 420 393 366 322 284 272 275 279 298 310 327 312 303 316 327 329 278 272 240 238 258 242 205 162 193 252 275 298 417 440 411 405 393 401 379 378 381 408 480 532 503 498 564 585 596 591 588 519 452 422 401 344 309 300 309 296 315 318 340 320 312 329 339 342 294 290 247 254 267 258 224 181 203 268 293 312 1908] Colleges. 85 Sac OC'^f^OC'I'tDO soot^ — o i"n."o'co'o"c' oo'o'io'im" _ _ _ Tt-H005COCOOOOO — ooc- OOIOSOOCO-^iO'tiOO^'^t^t-t-'-" t XClOOMC^'M'-'iM "-co "-I •OiOOOOOO •ONOOOOO •0>-iOOOOO •©■^ooooo • o « o o_o_-<_o . O -H C^ t^ O 00 00 ui sauiniOA OOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfflOOOOOt^C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO-^OCOtOOOOOOOC OOfflOOOOOCO'OiOO^Ot-'^OOOO'OOOOiO'^COO'^OOmOOt^C oooo O'O'O OO'-* O'O O o'NW O'o0~0>'-* ■* W W ■* O0CDC0 sjuapnjg }0 ■ON 1«10X «0t~l0i0'^C0-^OMi-Hi000OO'tOO05Ol0OC>5Q'-':00t^'0b-0SOO-O'«l<'-'00! O«0t>-OO'HO'000'-^b»t-»^Oi0iMQ«D>0-H>ni-l^t^OOt-OQ0O0>03OO0»OC COO'*'COWOCOOOMt-e^iOCOC'l(MJ ,^' ij ^■^ ^" - . a u a d) r ^' a c. a ■ >4 . a -h I— • cj 3 c3 II - c=s s n ^ >-" . g' Q <| -M a|-£:^'5 cf/cW^oasa »Hfl lulli, °^A^S 3 S o;? US OJQ J £?-,■ t; £ >i & oK C t- u m fL|l-H C^ pS|' -a a) o a Q : O t« K^ o a a . f-" J a ►J .-! . - ' ■ O > >"> B 0) 0) Q> 0) • V 3 ■« c.B«^ e-2-30U oo-^O ^ o 3 g *- -2 ^1^ C — •r' Jz i_. ^? *' O"^ » w"^'::^'^*. w ^SOSj«OSSOPQ«e^&HH^^^O m1>b3* •<* * * -(-*** * * * * * * * ^°a ':S S a; > 3 o >. 5 V $ja-i.. ^.-^ Q 3 m -^ e^ =9 O 9 * * * * * * * H — I—* paziuBSjQ .-|®co'l'0'-Mmt^'i'ooco'*'^^050'Ooo^»^-0) — NW'*>oiO'HT-(U5u5t^oooO'*''rtjj; 86 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OOOOOOOOlOOOOOOO .,"OOOOOOOOOCOOO aJOOOOOOO p o p o o o p O N p p p p p p g p p p p "O p p p p p p p iq g p p p p p p p 00 U5 to id in CO CS O 'i-ii-HN'o''<^lO' 0>0'-io''-i i-< rt rt rH N i-H ui OCOr-iWr-ir-iiHt.' o aJoooooo ojoo «i ojoo ajoooo oJ222 6 c a O.^'O'O'-iNCCio' OfiN O OiMIN OlOi-i"5'-< ON.-C'-f O O O 0>-i Orti-Hi-irHrH O O 3 (d" ajOiOO !z:^ ^ ^ ^ ^ oS o^'2 2S aj ' o » oJ <»" <»' «S oScM'^SSflfloaaaaacoaacflS r^'-'nC^n'-^v'loOOOOO^OOOOOOO 'S'OOffli'-lOOOO'OOOOWOt^ •tOmcDOlOOOO)050COO>«5e^OiOOOO -o sSul)33]^ OOtOU5'*>0'*COOOOO'*0!000'*eO'-i'fllN«0'l"C<5e 03 ■ 03 a .2 G 3r>j'^> Ci: eLirttm^tfpneL, PuoiS zo s > > >< . 0) < ^^ >■ a >■ a >■ 13 0*73 O 1* 01 o) • o a) t. >i . KK,'ffiaci^a(Oca paziuBSjQ 05(Nu;iOU5t~ClOOSr-i(M(NC<3CCCOCCCOWOOOClOOO©0050'-l'-i(NNCC-*'*""^U;iOU50 tD^»^-^-^-^~^~^-ooooooooooooooococoocoooocooooooo»®05030soC5050>oso>0505 OOOOOOOOOCQOQOKOCOGaOOOQOOOQOQOQOaoaOOOQOOOOOQOaOQOOCOCOOOOaOMOOaCOOOOQO aaqiuiii.^ 1908] Congregational Clubs. 87 oooooooooooo O O lO O O O p U5 O p p O eii-i ".-iioNi-irH 'coi-i.-; PC a a cHPa"-;c a". iH O O O Orlr-I O O O—l a c d c2j o o o o*^' ' o o o o o Ziz;z!2;z OOOOOlOOf^OiOlOO-H — ilOOO'00'-'r-'OCO" ^ >^ > > >^ > > O 03 ©7; » (B ffl . 4) ^OP^CL.OIgWHJ •-2 fl C^ O 03 ^z 030S0JOOOOOOOOOO 0000X00)00^0)000)003 ocoO'-iNW'^ifttor-ocoo «gT3-§ d d *" - 3 Mco-d I* u Oo « « p » a H »>» t> .— ,02 9fe - ea^aag UO,-|Tf P-l "» g S o R. 0 SoM— iCO 3oOOo «•« «»~ •S "O 88 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 SCHEDULE FOR BIOGRAPHY. FORM TO BE FOLLOWED IN PREPARING BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. To be filed in the office of the Secretary of the National Council, 14 Beacon Street, Room 614, Boston, Mass. We wish ministers might find it convenient to file their biographies to date with this oflBce. Several hundred have already done so. This will save time, trouble, and expense. 1. Name (write out each and every name in full). 2. Parentage Name of father Maiden name of mother. 3. Birth: Place Year Month Day 4. Education (state names of institutions; give year of graduation) : Academic Collegiate Theological 5. Ordination to the ministry: By what ecclesiastical body ordained Place Date 6. Pastorates : Be exact as possible in dates of resignation, dismission by council, years of supply; and state definitely, if possible, pastor, pastor installed, received, recognized, supply. 7. Honors and Offices (name title and institution and year) : Degrees conferred Offices held 8. Publications : Give full title, number of pages, date and place of publication of books, pamphlets, sermons. Need not include newspaper articles. 9. Marriage : Date ; place ; name of wife ; name of wife's father ; maiden name of wife's mother. State if wife is living or deceased. 10. Number of children: Total. Li\an2 Annual Statistics Churches and Ministers. 90 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 ANNUAL STATISTICS OF THE CHURCHES AND MINISTERS. The following pages contain the statistics as collected in 1907 by tlie statistical secretaries of the several State organizations, and compiled for this publication by the secretary of the National Council, under vote of the publishing committee. They are all of date Jan. 1, 1908, except that ministerial supply is, as far as possible, brought do'wn to date. The secretary, as heretofore, in no case presumes to insert or omit the name of church or minister on any authority but that of the State secretaries representing ' their ovra organizations, or of councils subsequent to the date of annual reports. The contents of the statistics are as follows : 1. The statistics of the churches and their ministers, by States. 2. Statistics of Sunday schools, independent and missionary. 3. List of Congregational ministers in foreign lands. 4. The National, State, and local organizations of the churches, with officers, and dates of next sessions in 1907-1908. 5. General summary tables for the year. 6. Tables of summaries, 1858-1907. 7. Tables based upon the statistics. 8. Alphabetical list of ministers, with P. O. address, and indexed to pages. 9. Alphabetical list of licentiates. 10. List of ministers of other denominations supplying Congregational churches. RULES OF COMPILATION. 1 . To arrange in alphabetical order everything capable of it ; except that the churches in any one town or city arranged, as they should be, under the name of that town or city, are placed according to age. 2. To make new tables each year. " Last year's report " (if known to be such) is always omitted. But, while old reports are not to be inserted in the table, the aggregate of such last reports from churches failing to report, in the items of church and Sunday-school membership, are included in the summaries. Justice to the churclaes which do report requires this, as their real progress may be apparently diminished or reversed, by lack of the figures from their less faithful neighbors. The special attention of State secretaries is called to this point, as it has often been disregarded. The list of cliurches of this year is compared, name by name, with that of last year, and all variations which change the place of the church on the list are specifically mentioned with the State summary, so that each church can be traced from year to year. 3. To examine carefully all the tables, with a view to correction or addition by correspondence, especially to correct " pastoral supply " to the latest moment. Proof sheets have been sent to secretaries and some home-missionary superintend- ents who could be reached in season. But no such changes have been allowed to affect the summaries. 4. The prime name in a table line is always supposed to be the name of the place, town or city, in which the church is located, as determined by the place of the meeting-house. This is also the name of its post-office, unless followed in line or margin by a name in heavy-faced type. In such cases the latter is the post- office, and THIS EMPHATIC TYPE in LINE Or MARGIN, is USED EXCLUSIVELY FOB NAMES OP POST-OFFICES. If this postal word is an adjective, it goes with the preceding name, c. g., " Newton West "; if itself a name, it supersedes the other, as " Newton, Auburndale." Postal designations are not repeated on the second page, and spe- cial church names are sometimes given in the second page line, for which there was 1908] Statistics of Churches and Ministers. 91 not room in the first. In general, the two pages, being invariably opposite, are treated as one, and marginal references on the second page are made to foot-notes on the first, without repetition when they occur there. MINOR EXPLANATIONS. 1. Any church given in brackets is one organized since January 1; not in- cluded in the summary, but inserted for information. A few churches temporarily not associated are inserted by their own wish. A star (*) denotes churches not associated. 2. Pastors installed by council are marked " i.," and pastors recognized by council are marked " r." ; others in service are not marked, but arc considered pastors except where otherwise distinguished. Blanks in the column of pastoral supply, meaning no regularly engaged minister, are left blank for the convenience of those who note pastoral changes. 3. The tables are not a postal, guide to the addresses of ministers, antl any person so using them runs his own risk of error. The General Alphabetical List of Ministers gives their laost-offices. Special attention is called to this fact, which is often overlooked. 4. The two columns following the names of ministers in the tables of churches denote (1) the year of ordination, (2) the year when the minister was installed, or commenced ser^dce with that church. 5. A star (*) in the General Alphabetical List of Ministers denotes that the person so designated appears in the tables, reported by some church, as its minister, but is not reported to be a member of any association or conference of ministers or churches in the United States; or that he is found supplying some church, or did so as pastor by council last year and may be presumed to be in transitu, though his name is not in the State alphabetical list. 6. Licentiates are not reckoned as ministers. Churches supplied by such are so considered and not included in list of vacant churches. When churches are suppUed by ministers of other denominations it is so stated, and they appear under the head " Supplies." Churches actually vacant are found in column marked "vacant." The names of licentiates and ministers of other denominations wUl be found, not in the Alphabetical List of Ministers of Congregational Churches, but in lists following the regular list of Congregational ministers. The General Alphabetical List includes only Congregational ministers. 7. The names of some Congregational ministers are missing; but it is solely because they are not reported by any organization of churches or ministers. 8. Under " Church Members," " Absent " are included in " Males," " Females," and " Total." Under the head of " Removed," " Died," " Letter," and " Disci- pline " are represented by the abbreviations. It should be borne in mind that in the tables, " R, " includes Discipline and Roll revision. In the General Summaries the letter " R. " is used, and includes Revision and Discipline. 9. Blanks in any column of figures are such as were so left in the State Minutes. They ought always to signify " no report," but some States do not follow the proper rule of inserting a cipher where " none " is meant, and the examiner must conjecture, in any given case, whether " none " or " no report " is intended. In our General Summaries, a blank invariably signifies " no report." 92 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 (NOOOOIMOO OOOOO OOOO CC O O 00(N OOO OOCO ■^OOCOOMOO (NOOOOOtNOOCOOC^KMCTtiiO 0>-iO r-(i?)00 e^rtrti-KCi-^Oi-H'^ OOO 00)00 (MOi-iONOOi-HO t-hO'-h-^CDOOO OOCC'it'OOOOOMOlMOOtNO OOO OCOO'-iOO-* iMOOi-hOOOOiNCKMi-iOOOCJ OOO O— 'OO (N O O t^ CC r-1 (N O CO O (N O -t CO CIO Ot^r- rt -^ O IN oaioO'*(NO^'S< OOOt^OOOOOt^OOOCO'OCO OCOiO OOIOIN Ol^OOt-OCOi-i'* noooc<5^(nococ<;n'X>'*'o^] O ^ 01 --1 (N O O 00 O O OO (N Q Cl-HCO oococoo CJ00O5 00(MTt;« «2ffi .O oPli ; . 3 .W c -2 £ . .03 COM H z; c^ -; Q gPPn •^O Ml o a.. ;- HS3 ~ . >^ >>'^ 03 2 03.2 s33 (-1 03 03 en (N O Tf 05 00 05 00 05 00 CO OOO OOO 05 CO 05 QC t^ rt rH rt O 05 05 05 05 05 OO oc 00 X OO t^ Tf O I C5 05 05 ( 00 00 00 ( ) OO ) 05 05 ) 00 CO TJH -^f O 1-1 O O 05 05 cr- O5C0 00 O (N (N ■* 1 CO X05 t^ V 00 OO CO 00 < I CO CO i-i^a 13 d = -t; :51s a 3 -u fc< 3 c -.5? S.H M 1-0 O.Sii^ C3 bf) rj ^ G ^ • ■ c3 U U - -1-1 to K._ lwt.cS 00 03 O) o d :d o 00 03 a"' *^ r, .^ rd 2 di^x:S-5t^iJ^^-eta2c2o a)(Daj0Oi:3cji;.2o>iC3iI>OO o O o3 1908] Statistics. — Alabama. 93 s .J t < jqaa JO luiv 8 8 CO o spunj juauijsaAUi 8 CO *550 *250 *200 *800 20,000 oooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOtOCOOiOOOOO COMrHl^-COtC** (N^COrrl^i-it^t^ ******* ******** OO OO « 88 CO»C * * • i)Djnq3 JO '92 1902 '94 1904 1907 '88 1907 '80 1905 '98 1906 '90 1905 '97 '96 1904 1904 (NO 05 05 xco 05^5 •3)3 'XjElEg o oo>oo lO lO IM (N O rt o lO "OOiOM lOOOOOiO IN r-OINCO ^lOiOWiOIN -)-r-1 H — 1— H- O o CO lOiO COIN SiiHipusdxg auiojj t^003MiOO(NOO ■&&CO r-i OrHCOlO rt »0 GO O O ^ t^ O O M O CO CO IN C^) CO Oi-HCO IN CO ■-( -f CO (N lO CO^rt S8SS g Id u Z td o b U z u « I^IOX OC0OOO(NOOC0 OOOOOOOOOO-HXt^Or-tO rH 00 ooi> OINOO S3IJUEq3 OOOOOOOOCX y-l OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CO ooo oooo piVI.Jajsiuij^ OOOOOOOOrt OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO »o ooo OINOO ooq 'qnj puE •g -s -auoo OOOCOOOOiO OOOOOOCOOOOOM<0000 OOfO OOOO uoijBioossy •ssii\[ 'uiy OOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooo ooo OOOO SUOISSIJ^ auiOH 0(MOOO(NOOO 00 0000'* 2 z a saaquiaj^ O lO o CO ^ lO CO lO O "C O lO lO ■* CO CO (M co-^co COCOIO COiOO CO 03 "O CO IN c u •o c c V a. 3 CO John A. Adams, Rev. Turner Wright, J. Greene, J. C. Arthur, W. M. Aldridge, Rev. C. A. Milstead, T. O. Ingraham," H. C. Ridgeway, D. J. Teal, R. D. 1, H. M. Hill, S. W. Maddox, .J. E. Kimball, J. T. xNewton, R. D. 5, J. M. Sayers, W. J. Nelson, Mrs. J. F. Taylor, Dea. J. M. F. Thomas, Chester Allen, James L. Miles, < s III X S U s Addison, Andalusia, Ant'h, ,, New Home, „ Mt. Olive, Arlev, Ashl'd, C. Home, ,. Pleasant Hill, Bangor, Birmingham, Bradley, Brantley, Calera, South, ,, Pilgrim, Central, Channahatcliee, Clanton, Cleveland, Clio, Courtland, Deatsvdlle, Delta, Dexter, Dothan, Dozier, East Tallassee, Eclectic, Elba, Florala, Fort Payne, Fyffe. Gate City, Georgiana, Goldville, Goodwater, Goshen, Hackleburg. 94 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OOOOOO-iOOOCOO OO (N oo o o o n Ort o OCO t^ O lO-* .HO O O OiO O oo lO O rH O COrt O Tt* O O^ .-< O O(NC0 O OO .-I I (MOO rH CO n d M H ►J s Q < U OOOOOiOOOOOcO(NOO-hO ooco OOO o OOrO rt iOO.-H^ OrtfOOi-HOOi-irHOOOOOIN OOrHO ooo '"' CO COM O t^O .-H O CO (NrtOOrtOOOOO^OrH^rtt-H OO^O OOO o 00.COi-i CO o ■HCO ^ (Nr-o-tMrH iMr-^CCTr-* laot^^to^oocoooor^cot^.GC'O CO Tto o CO 05CC' ^ (N t^ (Ncooococe^ 1-1 rt CO IN (M CD CC -^ CO OrfOJrt ->' o . I-H CO --H IN p^ O • > > ro 7 i3dd O l> l-S »-3 02 O tliW > ■ XiCC lO lO -Tf C 05 C: 03X X Ort CO 0> C33 03 XXX O IN 03 Oi X X IN X OiOOOlOifflOX' XX r^ CO 01 C) o o CO c t^ C I X o OO' 03 03 C ) 03 O i X 03 •?5 > I'ii cstn - p -r o c n o • 0)1^-1 +^ - rt & S" o :^Mp^ 'g.Mo||-a33 fa -S 4^ ar> 0:02 1908] Statistics. — Alabama. 95 Gn 30< i>a in ^M OO OO OiO O O 000(N * * * * * * OO o o ooo O lO O O O CO (Nr>- o CO 1^ -- N * * - * * * * Tt< OOO -^ ■* ■o O CO o O OSOOOO o 005GO " - OlOl Ci- - o-~ as oot^o-* lo OO o-H ooo ooio oooo ooo Offl ,oS o o OO o o o o o OO OO o o o oooo o o o o o Ol ^ OOOOOOOOiOOi-HOOOOOiO oooo* ooo occ ooo ooo OOtOiOOOOOOOOOOOrt OOOO coo coo coccco COt^OiO(NOOOCOOOOC001 oooo ooo cc* ccocoo O OO O OOO oooo OOO OO oooo ooo ooo occcco coo occcco oooo ooo coco CO ooo 05 coco ooo coo cooocc occoooooooooocoo coco ooo coc cooooo coo OCOOO(M lOiO CO t^ c o 0(N CO O K (NCO coco ■* CO COrt ■*C0 CO . ^ ^ S w ^^;5 c3 C O I— O tc ^ !r -^ S bH " to '^ c . o 01 -.". TO ^ J: = c c u ' d o ri c3 - o a) , ■ O S' -^jn _r ^ r\ O X O -a "S t; 2 > .=jK IS ¥ '3 ^, O r= P5 c3 -3 .- ^y § a" 'i'i'i r C O 96 Congregational Year-Book. M H H I -A Q < o OOOOOOr-t MOOO C O OO-^OOSO rHOO.-H —1 ■"-H^COOOOONOOIN OOOOOOOCMOrtO oooooooooco c COOOt^O^OOOrOO(M ^ OCOi-iOC^t^Ot^O^ CO CO O O «D O OCOO CO OrH T-H (NiO->S<(NrHOCOOOOCO a coicoiasoc^cor^coi-iTjH CO OlOt^COtCKNt^COI^COrt COCOi-H to rt Tf CO (N rH IN ■*»o(N;D(N(M05'-03'Oco r-IIN C0r-1(N,-Hrtrt IN l^ lO »0 lO "-I •^ to c^ to ppppppp pp .-.-^ en 03 3 to _ ._ O Ci OC0X05CC00O00 CSC: 00 00 CC 00 CO »c CO .21 Qp d o O TO to rt +J O) P4H 3 c3 JJ3 O'E C Ok^ ►$ a, . ^ ^ 8,C !/,' to <^_-r flH 2 .. o3 o CO 0 gH H C is t4-4 c S oo t; (N o 2 ^ ~ Ph "^ " •J o" > o3:;:'3 <'^ tr. -bl,)i i: n _- 2 -^ o g 3 "< W "^ cH D K Q_r a; M n, K K « >.^ B fl < XX fccoo H W H g" K a C CO jc 1908] Statistics. — Alabama. 97 "o ^ I »J J= 1^ u H HI ii 00 o o S ■ COt^-* OiOOiMCO (N ■* a ii s© o n « H — c« i) O M O lO lO ^ ,- 1- Cl 0 ^ lO I^ ■* (N CO ^ rH -t e© (M x» _ (MiNO.-iC0OOOO.-iO o 5 e© lO w o H k- MOO.-IOOC0OOOO o j: €^ (N Cl O = ■3 OOOOOOrtOOOO o e© ooooooooo.- CO O lO ^ o (D -s iJ o o X ^ u C VI T3 >• < c V -f Q z D a 3 t/2 tl'i III 03 cfe<; ^ii; 5 ^ ^piH ^d^ K.- fcT oT r 01 X u s N a a X u rt s a2H E-ihhHfHH>>^ W.2 ■a o - 0 ' p: ■cr-'~:cc J2 5 "0 Fore Missir Tot moun 0 02 . 4) O "^ 50 Sin •- (N C(N 05 -OSfeTf a A •^ . - Ji C >o 7: Ol'T^'V^ "^ ^ CI 0 «^ ^10 -t M..-ft r — «© a; fc, J2 0) €^Ib ^ t <=i ^^ .~ of c Chii ister 0. of nee. »c2 .-10 0 .. = ?;i; boT E^.S -ft ■■ t' -i^iE >^ a CoNTRIB Educa Schoo Home E Increas a g K 0 a ill oi C3 '"■.0 0 coHH , ^- d . . ■liOOt- OqC'CO t-i -HCO oi|§ .-1 c JS ^'>>^ »o Cl aTXS '-' 0 gtooo ^ 1 S 0 0-- ^=ii S X ^2-^ ^ 00 Ti r-pS'* lis ••00 o rt~a2 3.^ o a *^rt X ft 2 a ^^ 2 S < ° ft s § 5 98 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 .2 S oii i0i-hOOC0OOOOC0OOO(NCC(NC>OO-*O OOCi-HOJOOt^i-HWiMOCOOi-itOi-iOOOO COT-iOO'OOi-iO'^r-i(NOi-iCOt-HO(NOiOcC(M '*CCOiOrtrtO (lOOCQOIN'OiOiO'HOOffit^i-H^COO a c5 IS §^ j3 o cTS _^ S I ? n O 10 M 4,K=S!»w2»-'^ 1-. '"5 i^^ CO ^ S3 4^ W^ll|WS-2^0SS 0) 7) TO rH M 03 C lO t— I <0 lO CO ■ t^l^ CO O 00 I CO CIO O) 05 CO ( < COCq COC0lO■ • O 05t^ 05. CO 00 00 'S S|3 g SI2 02 --I rrt «" sf fl" 3 J v'« 5 o a IrS^g'm . <<;fflfflm6 feSo^iH-^WSgScgjc^H wsoc- -- iJ(» ^. c ^ '-'r-'ca ^ o o".2 a ^ <4-. o a °'» o dvS.2 ^§S CO o •" of - ^- S o-^ I c^ &fo S< i OS < .J < in jqaQ JO 'Juiy OO O lO e© o N spunj )U3UI)S9AU{ o o o o o «# c o Xjaadojj OO ooooco ooooooooco c OO 00«50000000000* o o Ol^ 0 01*'-<«0000i0000 O fO x'of x'-'" * CO* rt"* ^"(NTjTtOio" -t» * «©* * ^j. r-t* * * M^-inHOJO O LO rJH -X) (N CO IM lO -:»< iC O C) (M CO 'l* CC rr oor^ oco cjt^occt^ot^xi^t^ot^ r^ •0J3 'XjEJBC; C OiCOOO'OOOiCOOOCCOOC'O O •^OiO-^OOC^lOOC't'CDOOTCCOlCtN -# QO CO O CC >-< CO i-H lO O ■* lO ■^CO'-l sjnjipuadxg aiuojj C^I^OOiOOiOiOiOOOOiOOfflOOIt^COC-. C0« '-it^O(NiO-HOt-CO(MiO'H^C2»00^(N H u Z y b H z u n I^JOX 00.uoo-*-t*^'*t^O0(M.-HO'*'-ioO■ 2 z a sjsquiai/^ C«OCOCO»0 0(Ni.'5 0'n> .- oi ^=^ c fe w^ § X 5 ^ c " n iP c K ,^P, a> ._ o '^ M «^ OD eign M Mission s, $24; to j3 tf fc, lO V -— C '/■^jSfZj to < ■^ men iting g, *1 Sunc 1. +^ — CO '-< 0 o ^ e/5 ■„ •J- t-^- -3 -02 o ^ o s a K d H (N «■ 00 O ►J CO o Q c ^ 0 H H h S 0 < d IN CO' J Tti o u 00 CO K U 03 S a lO (N d ^lOi-H"* IN fa oici^oc .-HIM rr rt t^ !0 t^ -^ O) CO •T3 U p p u z i •2 o s o t^ O 00 0 i i HH 1-5 Mi K U U i . 0 a; 1 ^ s u u X u o c o H o >. O 00O.-HC0 OlOOO 00 ro 05 03 -" 1 CO ^ i ""^ .CO .2 § X fa S ii 0 % ^ o ^ ^ 3 o a: M td I— I ^ r, <1 3 ^00 o <; rt 0 ri 0 0) C i-ilO 10 ■* 0 OKN (NO 03 t^ l^ W ^ oco 0 OTf t^OIN 0(N 0,-lOr-l 10 (N «3.-hC IN CO 030 CO(N CO (NO 000 iC »0 00 10 rt CO " I>O0 CO CO CO C2t^(N03 C- ^ r^iS ^ CO O OS ^ XcD OiiO .-I (NN CO lO CO h- CC COI^ ? P PPPP e c3 Q^ u CJ c^ c H3 ,^; ^ C jj cc tc 1— ■ CO 00 t^ rt !N C'J CC o o: 00 00 03 O 00 03 00 X 00 00 03 00 J ^ '^ "m 5 O M« £ c d " S o ji aj o 3 r^5 .3 2 d.S . o 73 CO CO g.2iN 5 r-i C M 3.2 -s « I S ^ «^"-"^ I CO -^ CO S • '^ .. o 00 i3 tc '^^ ^ S M . H C ^ r- ►-I U y b O ojt-i g o ■ " 0) . N«5 SCO 5 »r cj '? < ^ t^ u S oi CO i; rr_ s fe. a g S o s r M 2;^S§ 190S] Statistics. — Alaska; Arizona. Q ij-i= o l« >:l e© w" fa "Bs o < lio: o in oc u >M «%* ■< .J < sj 1^ o «^: o 'n « M W |«© o O o t^ ^ X o a W «© o o — o •o ij N H o o V C-J ^ m O C-3 ^ lO m ox U Z M w m ^' ,• o o U (N (N 2;5 e© til E V 00 i-H > 'S. oooo e C.COiO *^ CO *5 J O ^ s 71 •a I, < ^ C Q z •c "3 fe a V c „ o. c c. C/3 0 Q c K S X U ^ ■i a CL| S .M u ■^11 O 0 e3 P^> 0 ■0 c a^ m ^ (N E o 0 X a p o t. UJ d cr >. 0 W £ c ^ 0 CO CO oT o o ?^ r/! rr J2 o > w ^ c 71 b3 g fQ P. >< U a W * < W^C . oc S 'J", '^i Kg - S go bC'E •'S c • CO fc CO K ^ £•2 .-O "^T "'OX •43 O '*^ . a; O o 00 "S tc 2 2 (-» o ^ S « c^ 3 oa^2^ c s= S = a" u R E -^ >- 00 000 0 e©o 0 ■* 0 ♦;^ »— t •*C^) 0 l« '"' (N CO 0 u (/I «© H K-^ « ti, U -* 0 COCO 0 e-KN 0 0000 > „2;q^^ OiMOO ^ (M 10 'O ■^co 0 «^ >o < to -f 0 ■* C5 ^ OC >J 0 0 C-. c m c r- Si ^ii rooi- CT. Oi~ . 0 0 0 0 0 05 IM 0 (t ^ 00 CO t^ »o "n " «© tA) ■-1^(N t- 0 0 X ■^ 00 0 10 01^ t^ «© CO 10 rt( 00 (N 0 eeoo 00 cot^ 0 CO H ^ 10 "5XO j= «3 T^ rt rt< e© f— t 0 c-a ». 0 (N SC Id e© 0 0 0 r-.ooo n coo or^ooo -c-n m^ 10 u3 00 oco m ■u M 00 l^OfNO .2? ■"■ o& 1-1 . 0(N 0 (MOO 0 H (NOO «D p« V > S 10 IC (Nr^ct^ H coco O-H05O ^^ >j 0 0 X s bi u •a 0 - -./«g > < a 2 u c 5i 0. -C 0 3 3 p csd ^K^ c3^ ^ -f^fc m> Ih §d gOdS CA Id ^ S u 0 u a 2 0 s s S 5 ax! 0 1 S o. ^-/» 0 a; ro ;> 0) r\ >2 0 -0 C 3 CO ^ 0 Q (NO . ^«-< 00 «o ^ r^ m ii( a rn 0 £ (U m C 2; ^S ^ a CO a fcd W 0) a a a 0 0 w |j-i tc Q oi" «© 0 rfT 0 0 -^iN ^"1 Ss?l^ .^■^ afOO «5 3 SS -■2 2 g'E '55 „- 2i oS o "C " ^ O M (D U ■•"p o >. a --3 o °t^ O ^^ -r^ CB O >iO00 Z blOiC 02 C "-I ^ a cc -o • —- K' ^ r^ _- ss •^ o 3 f^ t; 0-t ^^ u3 5 b 000 102 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Pi I iO(NO g ■^ lOO b •—■ 0.-0 c •t: 5 0\-^ r-* < CO t^ 1-1 6 Q H ooo lit > O pi WOr-l u ►4 "-< PS rtt^O S CO coo Q o" (N (N H COrtCC i-i ot^-* < u (N iOt-IN <; (NfOt^ « d t^r-Crt n s H I-( T-l Mt-hiO "* 00 t^ :~ 0(N(M <« S MCOTt< T3 oopo u •H MTt<05 X)pcc O K III s ■^■l"^ 2 rt sM s c3"S I* -i^" a «1 OS u s 15 P4H ^ u • -M IB £0.22 • 0 .-1 I-H bO 00000 o 01 00 00 c (/) S u o a H ■ u u O ,y u >> 0 q c Oh-lPn M H 0 (N H t^ 0) 00 05 a> . (N t^ S^- 0 Ceo 0 s^ « n rl Tt< ri "^ 0 u H +j a rt ai Tl o3 1 fl a ^ 00 .„ "o s 0 r! t^ 0 •"S f. Iz; -^ -c 3 04 -^ L m ^T ff 0 r/; K b ?! w III rH m a s; h ►J ^ 0^ h < -f1 S ffi[^ ^ !m 0 rt 0 ftTJ 0 0) -1 I- 0 a w ^_, ai 73 ^ OJ ^ CO G bl ,— 1 0 0 ^ >>a <.,-« .- r ^ 'S ^5 •S.S iij 3 03 0 &,a ^ si n . 0 w 1 t- -TH « s: ' &C>2 ■ w Q-r H ' ^6 g 1908] u 3 < > K < in jqsCi JO -jinv i ° spunj o o Xjjsdojj *$1 ,500 2,000 3,500 q34nq3jo uonosi^ aiEQ ooo CO 05- - •DJ3 'XjEieg ooo OIMO t^ -f 00 sjnjipusdxg SUIOJJ toioo CO CO -H H Id o b u U n I«0X (NOON 95 S3UUBH3 oo»o piVI,43JSIUII^ ooo •Dog 'qrij pue •g "s -Suoo Tt<,-100 uoijEioossy •ssij\[ -luv ot> o SUOISSIJ^ woo ■gpia M0Jnq3 coc»o noijEonpa ooo u3l3iOj[ oot m CO •ui3i^ •sauaioog ot^o ICCOCO o o X y > < Q Z D Sj3qai3{^ o iCCO 00f^«O c V c •c 3 D. L. Kost, Frank M. Turner, h J. G. McCiinley, HI X u PS a X u s Gentry, Little Rock. Rogers, Statistics o\ dtD (N O (N — ( (Ne«& Ki _- «) g c3 ~2 o^i^S "•^11 r, .$25. mt, S\ of Pro ; Ben ; Othe amoL Value rs, 24 ^co"-,-^ ^..E^i ^•^^2 ~ as 2 ^tk^ >>« ><^«^ J £iK ^ churcl Home Sunda t^ u^ ^ ^^ tion No rs, 3 les, OJ 03 •• S O .- mX3 t- sionary Assoc ME Expense rease: Mem crease: Chu Id a m ■« a) O .2 0 ^ w S o '" a ^ a -2 CO U WE „- ^ 02 SS u S'^ Si Eg .- >- iPtO J3 1^01 r..«^ •"t3 • W)„- fe — Arkansas. 103 gco .3M .S b a • " ^:3 (M ^3 ^ * * c; '^ t^ W 3 _ S S^ 3 01 O O J •■ 12; - IB CC O o 3 5^ c p; g ^ ^ 0 3? r^ '., w O -< ^ aj 3 Q :? HT3 104 Congregational Y ear-Book, [1908 O'-iOOOOOiOOiOO'OiOOOOOOOOOCO ^.C 0(NOOOOOOiOO(N COrt (M --H THOOOO'-it>.0'*CO:tO(NO'*0 00(NOOiHiCO'HOOOOCD'0 0«OOCO OC0OOOOC^O-<*if0Ci0(Nl>.OOOOO(NWOCT-iOOO(NOOl>'-HOOOOO 'CiC0OOOTt-Ttf05'^OOOOOOO(MOOO-i ■* iO OC liMOTfiOOWt^OtOiOCOOOiOO" ) CO O CO CO -H -^ CD ( CO t-(. OOOcOMINCOCOCOf I -f 5C -^ 00 Tf M rt ( I CO t^X -»■ CO 3 a ! (-1 1-> r^ o ^H M .^s 03 C *- -S o3_- CI, Q. fe " ^ as. *- o3 > ^w ^« OJ o C g D lie ^ (^ .-i o S-p3 g: O i~ 3< o >-* . o a u s ■r o a > 0) 01 i±iOC tc r- 3 o I- ^ ►4 ^ 03 — .5P oT Si _.• -? ^- a .P4 ;^^ >P-i o-i-' cj^ 3^ O 3 I- -.-. CJ -^ o ^ 'W J m c3 iw U Qj t- 03 03 S S) -2 , 02 o3 m S OcC^g 03 -OS t. f. t.t. ^\i. -9^ r*^ t-t-.-H O 73 S g g § 3^' m m o3 to o3 m" ' t. .— I- t, r- u , I ^ C g e3> 00 C5 O c 00 t^ C ( 00 00 O t ! CO O lO lO CO ) OO O to t^ O ) 00 05 00 00 CO »0 ■V CO (M oc; ! to 1^ cz) ro r^ ( 00 CO CO 00 CO c 1 1^ CO c c; ; o X O!' X > o X X X CO. ■* CO C OJtO OIX X c; T-H r^ CO CO o to oxx c; o X C X X X 02 O ^ ^ LO. 10 to X to en t^ X X X X X ■^ IC CO C: C. O X X o p. s o3 !:^§i:^-3'a3 1(21 .S3 g - " « ^ E St;o« :: <1nq3 uoijBonp3 SOOISSIJ^ uSisiOj lO^LOOOOOOt^OcOO-.t^rtO'OOOOOOOlOiO'tOINlNOOCOCOTfOiOcOO «©coco>-H T-HiNOoo; ooio oOi-H i-ic-irtw (N OrH^ ^ •uiaj^ -saiispog s_3[d03£ §uno^ lOiOOOiOiOOOiOOOOCOiCOO iCOOOOCOOiOiOiC OOiOCOCOCOOO iNt^OO t^iMi0OC0i0Ot^c0c0l^»0 i-ii-iiOiHCOOCOt^COC) OXiOCOCO>OiO ,S o 0 t,- OJ -^ 3'^ -T -3'- ? ^ _K ^ ^-^_0J <<<<< C " o o o mc:^ 1«P3 106 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 t^-OiOOOOOcDOiOrtiOCOOOiOOOOOOOOtOOOtO'OOQO'O'OO'OOOOOiOO C;0C(M02O'*(NC-l CDi-KMO-^Ol'Of-tMCQ (NO CI Tfi-li-l <-l (M rl 1-1 r-l O '-I COr-li-H(N i-iCt-iC'OOCDOOOt-iOOOOO-^Ot-4 10 0C01COOOccOOO'OiOOOOOiOO(MO l>Or0iMC0(Ni-iC0(N'*OrtOOO»C(M'-iOOrte000e0OC5O'-iOi-i(N(Nt^c<0Ot^XC0t^'-i CO rH rH r-l lO t-H i-H CO r-t rt< (NO> ( ■* rf 1>- O T-i i-H O lO 0:(NO(NTt. C ( ^ (N (Ml I IM O C) t^ CO '1^ lOOO CO O ■* CO ■ (33 O ^ < . C5 IMi •tOfflOOO-^iOCOCOl l(N (30 O lO O CO O ( «W 0+2 a 0; 2Q "5 3 o C3 (^ 1^. Ci,KC2 ►S— i H^ K g s: g g ^ k-J ^5 fil C^ <^ 03 tj ■" - S s^ MS ! bJO ci Wo .so i-' CO t^ - J_0 o o fl S ^ a" ^ y til ^n o ^-^^ ^ . S ^ O ccOi^ o C 3 Kairt£ogo-^fx;fe tc in 02 oJCC "3 ^H u tH ti -" (M (M CO -»■ a i^ 'f: p; :W c'4 ;3 0) §S a o-'^^,- a- ^ s s £:£ ; I (NO. > 03 O ( ) CO O ( iio-*cooOTtiiot^(yDi 1 T}* Tjl (N CC ) I^ 05 X t-- ) OO (50 (» OO IN (NGO-r o ■ CO l^ O 05 O ( IX) 00 (» X O ( I »0 T}< ,-1 ( 1 O t^ (Z) I ) O OC t» ( )C0 O 1-H (35 1 lO CO iC C» ) CO cZ' X oo 0{X) >* CD CO t^ CO X 00 ■-H^ O (N CO X X CR o o X X X 05 <32 .S ;3 g- O >^>; n n (1) o S] -^ oT 0) "rt"^ to -3 1 5 > >;> XT. CD s 3 03 0 •/I c o3 O 0 d o > "3 hC OOC5 ^ K S? '-/< hJ J o i^l 'Jl° ;:i;^^J Jk^ J> --si sii sou bct^ t?—^ tr> cd3 ;oo"^°3i^^^oSajrSc3 ;>;g ,.ti ^(NPH^dnSfl, 1908] Statistics. — California (Northern). 107 o „ >U OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOiOO lOOiiOO O'OOOOC^O oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo «© coo lO o o r-'t" O" i-T OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO OOOOOOCOOO OOOO OOOOOCC O OCCOCCO OOOOO O 0__0__0 0__0_0_^0_^0 (N O O lO lO O 0_^0 O t--_«3 00 O^ O_C0 co^»o_^o__o 0_ 10_0_0__0_0 OCOiOCOrH lO X OOf^>-i CO'CiOi-H 05 01 t^r-HOt>. 1-HCtCD ^5coocococococO'*'(Ncoc:50lOOO^r^lO-t^oOlMco^ooooffioooNrtcooo■*0(^^^^(NlMco OGOO^OOdOOXOOO --H COt-hCOCC i-H INi-lCO CO'^'^COiH lOtOt^'-O'-H OiOi-iT-.^^ CO C-J^IM (MiO eot^iM OOOCOCOO OOOOOOOOOiOOt^'OOOOOOOOOOOO^'OOOCOOO^O «©oco(N(M i-hO CO eoa^ci'Oco I-H tH (N (M__ O) -^OIOOOOCOOOUOOOOOOO CO>OOOiOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOt^OOO t^ 1-1 t^COOO-H t^-HX— lOCOiMOOOOf- lOOOOO OOOOO'OOOO0003C3O'OO»0ii0O rt IN^O IN^ rt CO «200»00000000 OOOOOOOOC000COOOC0G0OOO10OU5O rl CO ■* C Tt< »00 N IH rt CO IN as UCQ OiO»00-^00^ OiOOC^OiOO' oo i-H IN rH ,-( IN 1-t i-HCO 1 c o o o "O o o oo o oo ooo o ooooooioo 5S rHiooixiiOrtiO'Ouoicoioiocr'O Ci0(/)OOW-*t»-*k00>01-*iNINi-i i-H 1-1 IN ^ IN 1-1 OOiOmoiOiNlNOO 0«0 OOiOOOOCOOOOOiOOO 05iNcOt^cOTl r2-=' s ^ • -i^cdfa -P-i ■■ • 03 ^ I— I I— ( ;j K- to J- § . .!> ,/ "3 s pi v<3 O > aj > > . O ti Qi O ^ "02 .ti '^ hJ J3 1> M « « «-S CI >>■ - >> t to fl g m Q) >r; d OJ 2 -M -4) -^ ^ •^«2 S'5 ^.SS^'O CD_g r-5'S^ C c^Sos-t;5"3^— i-ci^ - - ,*^oac3m 73 (N P-i ^ E S E -S „- rt 108 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OiOOOCiOOiOOt^OcOOOCOOOO lOOOOOCCOOOOC^'-HOCOrtO-* oo i-l(NO '^ OOOOMr-iO rtOO00OO.-^CCOO!ClMOXO'*e0-*OC0OC0OTfO«5O M 1-1 OOiOOO 1-1 -HOINiOCO OtH OOiOt^OOiOC^C OOOOiOOCCCOOiOOcoOOC(NO CO MO -HOr-< iOOC<5IN(N'-i(NO;'-OOOOXOQ(Nt^rt .-H (N CO liOrt Oi i-HiNiOOCOCIOtOiOINCOCOOOiM'-'rtO '*'C20a (M 1-1 (N(N(N 00000(NOOOOCOT-nOTrOt^OOOOOOO«OCOOOiOOOOC<5000«00 OOCOTt(rt(NOOTtONOiC'(NOO-Hi-it^^)COC005^'*iOaicO(MC-A (M ?O^rt(N rr 'f^ £ VJ '"^ ^2 "^ M K a? cJi -;^ f/J c%=? =^ ^ S '^ r = ^. ^ O W 72 ^ cj ;2; o3 o ' c3 o O c3 ^gH-^;^ ■Bp^W^f^^ C.2 ?5§S|^| PiPi X OO M 00 d O G; 10 Tfl 1-1 . cc o r^ cc lo G5 < X CJ 00 GO CO CW ( ; (M o ^ ; O to t^ 1 X X CO Tf C. C O cr. C5 CO »C CO ■* [^-fCO-fcOOtCt^X X X C. X X X X X X X CO O CO X Ci o XXX CO -t lO < o c cr> c X X X c - t^ t^ O O f CO O O t^ X CO o i C5 O X X X X s^ fc< C .'"i Cri.T'CC g o coi^^ pi; t> t, c3 ^ ^ OOOChC '0-2 g" g o s c3 oTfiH -. 0) 3 o 3 OJ > 50 ~ n o3 OJ o P^P^PL, O tH Ph^i ee >^ . OJ t^ » S g _ IS p^p^p^p:;p^ - _'-3 ^l- 01 '^ ^ ^ .^ 'J? -S; hS !^ "^ ^* .'^ •- I %^% \ § g^;^E^c»o^c^fSm§'c«o^Ss^^^Sp^' cS c3 mm 1908] Statistics. — California (Northern). 109 >5 o c o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo occco ooooooooooocooo ooooooccooccoooooo o oooo oo o OO r-l ;OOOCOOC;OC!OC:OaOOOOOOC:0 loooocooo o o c c: o ooo oo ^o^o_,oi_iq^iq_o__q o_^ c^io^o^t^ q. o__o o_^ o_o_ " f^* o' '-<'§o"' c"o" -* * 5^ 'M M CI * V * * * ooooooooocoooo cocooco oooooo o_c_c_c_o_io_o__ >o o_^o_c_c_o__ lO 10 "oco c' c-f lo" cfcfic im' lo co" * * * * * o o o c o o o o o o o o oc oo 10 O <© CM CO CO "O ooooo ooo oo oooco OOiOCZ)0 oo oo OOOOIM W Ol 10 '* C O O 01 lO CO O CI w t^ OOOOOO 00 O O C O o Tfi CI O l^ lO (M OOOiOOCOOiOt^t^ or^OJOO-rciM ■>*02'0(N'-ilOOM W >0 O ^ --^ O O Oi C O O- CO (» lO O CO O O »0 Oi 05 lO lO >— I rl lO oo l^ r-( C) rt oo;^c oo CI CO t^ lo c CO 00 iO C 10 ■0 0'-iC)'-iiOTti-^i002C«DO'-<'*-Hrt<0300'-'a>OC|iC'-'0'00»OXt^OXC5'-iOOCOOOOO CO Olt^iOfrtCOOriO CO^Tt<>-HCI t^rHcoiCClCl CJOCOO CCMCO O'^OC) ■-Hciojco TiT-ici CO a>t^ r-in t-i,-i,-i xci i-hci u 6 COOCD»OOOCOO--HOO-fOCOO'-HOO'OcOiOOCOOOOOOTfOOOOCO OiOO e^xci th M<(»t^'*co t-HOco »o C) O cf s5 0 00010000050 0010000000000 i-HOOO OOOOOOOOiOOOO «© o o COOfOCOCliOOcC005-H002000CIOOOOOiOI>OiOOO»OiOOiOU5COOOOCOOO-tiO CldrHrt^N^rt CO rHCOCI CI CO.-I 3< OOOOOOO^O iOOt^OiOOC003000t^O>OCIOCOOOOOO-*MOO>0000 ^"Oi-iiO CICDCI 05 iOf^T-(t>- ooo cOi-H CI CI CI lOOiOiOCOOOiOCOOOOdiOOTt^-^OOOO^iOOOO^OiOiOOWOOOOOOOCOOJO O500COt^ t^ COi-HCOtHGO COrH-HCOCO CldCOCl O OiCJCO CO rH coco CO ffiS Om 000050000COOOOO oor-coooooooooccoooooooo»ocoo COO»OCJt^C]0-*'I^O^OOO'tOOOOOOiOOiOO^OOOOOOOOTt<00001-HOQO lOlO-HCl ^r-(00^ O '^OtHCOOO'* tHi-HCI 00 ^rHtOO — Cll-Hr-I i-HCOCl coco OOOcOO'-iOOOi-il^OOCOOiOOt^OcOQOOOiOcOOO'O'OiO't LOlO'^^COTfiOTpoO-HCOOlt^t^OClCJOOO CIOO t^M-t CO CO ■-1CI T-H ^ g ^ cu"bl) - ri S CO „■ ■r. rp o += ^:; ^ « ^ 03hH ■ '^ _ Oj v. :^ o 0) ^ 5 =5 S ^ « O Pi^ g I-:" § h= 'r-^— Ci S.2 S^; -5 I-. u rt — -. . — ' *-< 73 cj rt d o So cj i: ■; ^ _o. fl '^^'^ o S-S O C3 O .- O C - 0) t£ o 3 ^ O O; g g o ^> ^ . CO^- o — 75 CC ^^^tf 110 Congregational Year-Book, [1908 i O'OOiOOCsONOOOC-^OiOOOO iO(NTtit^OiOOcOiOCDOfO .-Hf^iOCOCq COrH rt,-l,-,,-lrH ,-1 i < n c CIC^O(N'-i'-iOi-i(Ni-iC<:(NOO(NOOO < t^I-~iO.-iOOOT-HCO(N.-iOOOOOOO COrH Q s S u ^ ©CRO(Nr-.(:0Ct^(MC0OTt.CC!l-~Oi-iiOO>CO(N'-otOO'-i-*'00(M'*OOOCOOOO COIN —1 K III n s Or-OO(MC0N'00C0O-*C0'*C^«5'0G3ffl lOi-H .-I.-Ii-Hi--i-I(Mt-I 1-1 OOCOOjOOiM-^OCOTfrtiOC/SINr-ioOI^M Oi-i I-l '-•'-1 ^ ocooO'-HooMcooo-^wio-^ai'-iT-iojoi OCOdOl^OO'-Hn-COOtOO'^CCOt^OOfO O^ lO CO ^ IM t^ •* ^ t^Xt^!NOT} C! ^ 5J > 1 cT O o o" Q; "a c >«) u -fj cS i--^", 3 0 o t« 10 £ ;iH 03 r/3 tT CO c3 .. to "S a: Oj CO C/i 0) f ^ K ' .^ 0 t- n CO 03 o 2; lU O g o o 0 0 o o o a tJ o Si 33 CC CE a; -< -|j 03 J ? " .I- fc ■ • a S o, OH .2 2^Q g IS li. c K § "3 s s w g c Kg S rS C3 03 ^ ofe < ^ a i fc- ►^ o S 2; a: b S o g^ Tf) H w a K o c; « K p ti a S ^( D U o ^ fa 0 53 O :l! >■ w nl s s ^ ;2i 1908] Statistics. — California (Northern). ^^ oooooooccoooccccco o „ ^ C C Ci "-I *:-° o t>. CC X If OOOOOOCOCftOOOOOOOCC M «© (N & >•■§ CO ^ ►3 3 ao" B fc. oooooocoococccocco -I "o £■ oooooooccooo oocc < > o (N q_ o^ co_ o_ »o_ io_ c c_^ i^_^ c. r-_ c_ o^ c^i^ c^ _3flH ■^" oo" i-T TjT CO rt TtT lo lo" co" M-' (m" «' ic r-T co" «- rt ^ C<3* * ****** * e© < CO w« c-^ oo; c: (Nfflio lococio .J J3 t) O2O3CI^CC/;t--.COcO00OC0 cooict^ < UcS ""■wo-'-'^'o- ~~o- OO O O O CO c: c occo coc ^H OO OCCOOCCCC (MOO oca ccot^ccocioct^'-o t^ccc n " ■-Ti-T ■*" — "i-T"' — "" "' — *" t/i e© u . E 0. O X (N(N OO WOCO woe C COC OCQO OOC -*IMO COW lOiCO OO >-io 03C>o "-M cic-jr^ x» rt«NCCOt^»00-* "rt t^Ol COiOXt^C-^-^Ol «0(NCO e2 rH^CO O r^o rt -4" ^ tH ■^'fOOOCOXCOCCCC'OOCC u t^ CO CO --1 O (M j: Tl< ,-( 5 ^ c"^ ClTtiOCOCO^COOCOCOCCOC S^ «# CiOOiOOOiO-HOOOOiOCCCCOCO eft C^l (N .-1 rt u z u 11 e© t^OOOt^O OOtOOOOOOOOCO u ■* lO lO o b H Z «^ ■*cOC»-iC)L-;cciOiC00'* coco TJ< .-H 1-1 00 0^ rt rH 00O(NiO OCCOCCOCOOCCO T3 CO 1-1 U s s ^XOiOXrHCOCCiOCCiOOOOOiO c CUO uj (M T-l .-< (^ J^ 0010'*000>M®CP1-*OCiOTfOC Oh 15C0 10 CO(N(M 'i'CO — iT}HiN >' s V iCt^COiO (NOCOOiCINOOOOiO OtDClCO l> t' 00 O O r-^ (N " CO C l^ lOr-l -H ^.-H ,-^ rt c— — .J r-" C~ § -i t2 3 '■? X c u "2 i 1 .^4=, 1 > < Q Z s e u c S. 3 •o T) u o n" 5 S ^ «r '^'" o" ■— - aJ u PS 3 X C 2 -£^ ^ = cr^.£ flic Si ad § c >. C«5 : — ^ - CO :t: r^ c (7i s ;co CcB „ » 2 a- o) a ^.cl-S^ ^^: 1" lean M rial Aic No. o hes, 4; 10,104, t, OJ • • u ^ 6; Am ; Minis XPENSE e: Chu olence, 0. fl d^ -< £0 .. ■*" « ^ 0 CI o ^ ^ o ^ co'i^^H a flco K3 Ch2 dt^' a v~ tT rftO o <^l'^l•3! 0 0 CO t^ r-1 kJ CD r. OC-0.2 ■^ fl.2S 0-3 c ^ ^ .6 9.^ CO "S .5P£ r ^ 1. 1— I t. «0 OHH g CO ■* - .CO O -^ rt< .2 o' Tf I ^ ■^"^r I :%o^S S i-H '^ ^ So" 6 .°^«, <^L0 • . • «^ c^ -i (1- ^"o ^- K C_^ W a cs . <; f- s ° * s z W -c 3 O S^ H r- •-. CQtD 5 s-.^ "■ -^ p o c Congregational Year-Book. [1908 oooooioooooooocooiocoom fOiOCOiOOt^iOt^OOiO^iOi-i riCOl^O'-i ^ (N CO (MCO tOTT-^ t^ 1-1 0)0 0»0 i-H OO O O CO O O t^ O OOO O C O O OO i-H C "O O i-H O O O «0 03 O O O O O « O lO O O O O O O O O -^ C O O 0«5 O COOOi-iClOO QC O __ CO-* OOO O O O t^ O O O O O r-i O O O O dO OOOOOOO O ■<*' (NCO'HOOCS'-iWOOt>-OCO'*i-HOOOOOiO(Ni-iOOt^O t>->-iT-iOOOO'OCOas ■^ 2 CiNOOi-^Oi-iiOOOiNOOOOOrHOOOOrHO OOOi-iOOi-iiCfNCO (N !>• CO O IN < Ot> "H CO rt !D OC o;-* CO 0-* ' lOOt^-^COOtDOO-^COOt^O COCOr-icOl-OO CO CO O OCO r^ rH 1-1 (N ^ CO 1-1 O O Oi-H ■* O CO O O 00 (N 0>-iOO-*«00 (NtJ. (N (N Tf rt > OOGO C) -* 1-1 o MCO t^ (M:^: (N-^ CO ^ O CO 1-1 lO rH CO 1-1 O lO rt CO a. X «3 £3 . c3 .a SPUi S t: 5 H °^W a; K;i:<«2' ci 03 03-2.5^ u 03 05 bC o t/j .- :=! S ^ ^ OJ O r- sis c J; "= d °, O _a; ., ~ _5 ■^ ■75 n" .d d few 5 n i^^- :d «W d > d 0 ^-5 0 0 0 d cc M d 0.2 Tt< 02 M 1-1 02 00 O O CD 00 05 03 IN t^ ^3 ! 01 M O < 00 00 02 ( >i-^CO iClO JOOC: X t^ CC t-~ 01 t 00 00 O CO «) : 00 CO Oi 00 00 ; • t^co ■ G0O5 ) GO CO r^ CO t^ ■ COOC 02 01 o; c ) 1^ iC t^ > C5 05 O ) CO CO O: -^ -^ f^ t^ Tf r^ O 005 GO O CO GOO CO GO 03 00 ' ' d - Td R-a - Mo3 td ^ ddi fc . a> r-np d^ fe^ g 3 x.^ £ bbad .^'> 03 03^ 315.^.^-3 5 o 3 rf 0* -3 o3 3 0 0 C c3 0 0 oj S-J3 "rt i-4 "bC 7 QQCWW&q ^ Jz rM i-p 5b 03 rd -3 • i.^ 03 c3 > ". O 4 d^- d o_aj-< ^ S'B, w d 0) .t: o h-)_iK:ii-:; C3 .d 1908] Statistics. — California (Southern). 113 'a }° '"^v spunj ^uaunsaAuj UOI)33i3 SJBQ •DJ3 'XjBlEC; 3jn]ipu3dx;3 IBJOX S3UI-IEH3 "H'O piVI.JaisiuiIM •305 -qrij puE •g •§ -3003 UOIJBIDOSSy SUOISSIJ/^ auiojj CO CO O C C CO c c c (N y~CO 00 00 000000 0000 00 00 c in_ (£(0 00 00 00 000 CO o o »o CO 10 o 01 c o ■^ '*' ;D lO ■* to OOOOOOiCOi O 0000(N0 (Ni-r-^-T^N* * » * * : 00 00 00 00 c c o c o 000 000 i^ t^ CO c^) >o CI CO ^ 00 CO t^ t^ 0000 CO o C"j 02 " C; G: O ICt-H CO C-.Ci 000 o c "o 00 C^ M oooooooocooo occooo o>ooo CO o CD 00 o) t^ H— t^ c; t^ 00 O lO •<* CO 00000 CO 10 10 lO t^I^ CO •^ as iCCCOO COCCO-HTfOl «*&C^IOO r-( Tjf O 00 CO O --H •*•*■* i-<_»0 05 »C^00 O__05_ -HIN r-T CO" ^"^^ 5 c coo >o 000 00 r-1 IM »0 c ■* 0(N COTt< O ouOO t^(N ^ ■* (N CD t^ 10 (M lONCOOOfOiOOOOCt^CO «©0:« t^ ■* c: CO IN ■* CO CO IN 03 t^ OI^fOt^OiOQOOOO'-i'^ O CO (Nt^-* CO-* lOIN (N 10 t^ O O "O 05 00 "-I X »0 CD '^ O CD »0 00 N th »0 O lO C^ t>- 00 O CO O Tfi ^■0 10 (N '-' 00 oc 00 oco 00 c 000 10 >o INO OlIN rH lO ■* 00 COCO GOl^ 10 100 9% lOOOt^ rt iNt^ IOC ooiooco OINrH coo (N 0»0 OCO-* 10 --^IN 209 42917 Ot^O 00 0 ■* CO CO CO ooocoo oco oomoo 01 00) 0 ■* ic lO t^ 00 0 t-iCO(N 10 ^ r^ 0 OOCOO O—iO (N 00»0 00 IN IN t^c 000 IN lOcDiOCiOOiiC-Ht^CC CDOTt0»0 CO COCCC^CiOO CD'Ot>.>-. 5:^ 'to O c't^ o g :£ o lllllil -2^ O CJ o hT n '^ (^ ^ ir > cj ci 2:ca; :^ C O O >CQOO : 2 >-^ M-r. o fe •^, O OJ O 03 Jn PQCHW is carl t-^ .. — . SPh i'S.SP>-.= u rt c3 < hin 1^ H^ 1-5 h1( 1— i h- 1 > \6% t §:§ ph y Ji-aj J 114 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 O »0 O O C O ■^ lO M O lO O O Oeo OiCHO 0(N O O O lOO o CO C^) rH M C) --I rH tH C-] .-I(N --1 (N (NO(MC0C»(M00f0 OOOO--iOOOOOOO^C0OOaDOOrt(MC0.-iOO0iOi-tO>-H 000«OOOOi-i'*u:)iOfflOOO(MOOOOOOOiOCO(NOO'-iOSOi-iOOO'-i0500COO(N n d H J S « < u OOiOfflOO-*COOOOOOOO 1-1 (N 1-1 OiNOOOrHOO-tOrH OOCOOOOOOOIOOIN MC005-*CDOOCCI 0010IM010.-H ^ Ot^-*COO(NI>U3t^t^rH ^ CO t^TftlOfNrH rf CO lO CO O CO o !N CO COOrt IXNOC^-H r-lrt OOrnO-' o rnOOrHO-^OOlOrHO rHrHOt^N rHOOOrHCOOO C5 i-i coooci05-*t^C0C0C0»0»0 rH, (N COrH(N W (M(NrH OS rt lO .-1 (M .-!oo(Nt^a50coTt(cDeoco rH lO CO 0> O 'O TjH o X CO •* ■coooTtit^ TjHC0cOCOC0iOiO(NcOiO»O'O-tl>rHiOCO (MiO'0'OOCOCO»OCOOiO-.CO-**CO rH pppppppppppppppppppppp p pp pppp 00000200005 „ J^ ID'S ps iJh rH 2 ,^ -, tin h. O O >2 <= 5 T ° HI W1>Pl, . . . . -g I c:l 3:i ji fc ^,12; a-SI^^'^ 2 ,^ S aj S . >'^Ph-2 1-. . a m > a t^ o « c3 - o3 t. 2 tJ 03^03 S3r5t |g 12 >,t.r'PH o3 ■ s =3 Ph 03 .s s c i c3 2 CO si ^^ c3 X - 'm (fS 6 OJ k. 01 -+ "* lO t>. t^ 00 ( 00 OD OD GO X 00 (. . OOOOOOCOQOCOOOOOOOOOOiOlOOJOlOOcaXXt I Oi 03 t>- 00 00 00 c3 cj bo's J2 sis ffi '53 gfi* o o3.i^^j?;r^ ol5 t- C ci o +3 ©K •- -"3. ^g>WP^^(iHOP3!:cpqhO:S-§ g '^ ^ '^■ :2 2 o - O'C o3 1) PL^Ph 0 0- PuPhP^Ph 1 -p- .s ■; -•- 03 o S P £'^P3 0).- .- 0 S Pi Pi {ij Pice 1908] Statistics. — California {Southern). 115 fa oooocoooooooocoo C3 O O lO lO »o n i-T oooo c oooo ooooocooo ocoooo oooooocooocooooo ooooooscooooooco o_ o^ o^ o_ o^ o_ o_ o_ o^ c_ q_ o_ lo^ rr<_ co o^ (Xr'O00'"i-rO(M'"'*"«f •^'" •^'' ocoooooooooocooooooooo ooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o iQ o o ca »o * ci'-^'-'fcc (N o"cc'o"o M •*'•*" I-T coo oic"o" IN co" * * * r^* (Nco* IN »c CO C000>OC0rHTt1Ot^COrH 0C03OOOOOOO05 ^ ^ 050500505001" >-i(NCOt^C0 (NTftT-Tfl^i-Hl-^t^ COCiO(Nt^CJ«0 050005OC<; 00030COOOOOO . 00 05 0500051^ ~ " Oi" 05 05" 05 " 05" " 0505" - - - - o oooooooo C 000«5C00 0 00 r-( (M 05 l^ "O IN "O ■* cooooooooooccooocoooooooooooo OOCOOCOOOiN IN OO 'OOOOOOOO OOiXOCCC C t^ O ■— CO C5 O «3 t^ t^ O lO O lO lO CI IC O (^ t^ C^ t^ O t- - (M X o o o =< g<) as Om pS » H 0* u >>■ s 0 0 005i0 0t^0 O 000>OCD "O O IN O O C5 O O O IN t-^ 'O (N to O O rt O -*i O 1-0 05 (/"j t^ 00 t^ O O i-< t^ O O O O Oj 05 «2_ '-l'^.'^_'^_'-2 CD^ !0 >-'_t^ CO Tt lO O M O CO M< N CC CO ■* rH C^lCO^rHCO^" 1-H r-1 IN"iN" b-'lNIN'*" iHCo" I-T CO" I-(* C^" CO" -"T cocoioidNicooocoiotOr-i coooco'*ioco-t<-* --I oo rt jv] , IN r-T rt" m" |^^■ ( '2 >> INCOCOOOOtCOOsOOINCO CO INt^T-l Tt ININ rt IN Tt 00»00>OCOOO ^ CO C1(N OOOO fOiO-*0-^'~i|>ocOT-i050'OiNC005-f»OCO'^OOiOO»CW IN CC^ CO-HIN lOrHrHlO rH CI OOOiOOOOO X IN OOOO ooooooooiooo^t^tot^r^oooocot^oooo •O t^rtTj*,-! 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[190S OmiNOOOOcD lOOOiO ■ < o "c t>-i-iOTfOi-HOOC0OOOi-i-* T3 '-i(NOC005050>-iOOOt^OlN 0 u > o s a e2 O(NC^-iOOOi-iOO(N 'a H i Q < o H •J U COCOiC-^COC»t^05t^OOO-^CJ o CO ^^ —1 050'0'*TiHrt<»rtoo-ot^05'Ocococ^>oi^«oi^r^r^t^ ppp:ppppppppppp OS Id h Z S o V E ;2; oOTfiQC»0-*Ococ£-Hr^co^-i?C^ ppj^pooooooppcoccpojp (A PS .J U n X u PS X u ci O a o '0 lO «0 GO O N 02 1^ O CO to 2 CM S m C c« rr>^ ^ -'^ C° ti a fl fl c ci-^ 0) t^-c c= S:3S rts cjc3o3o3cejn.2 c^^-^t^^^ = £?| J-" -t^oo • . ="=> ,- £ c (N i 0 -C ~ f-i -Cos ... •' eg «^" * K 2: 03 CO fcC 0)5 aj „ w s C §0 0; m 2^^ o 13 <: o pi — o H ^ o ^ -o ^ O ■" > CO -2^ ;? ^r Ul o S I' 1^ g w ra o J— Cu _ c; 1908] Statistics. — California (Southern). 30, o X o o o o o o o oocoooooo ooooooooo OiCOOOOiOOO o ooo o oo o o_co oT cfi-T CO'OC' CO to Tj- t^ 1-1 X o gi CO oo p c~ o o". oi oi oooooooo (MOOOCOlOO r^C3icio»ot^oo(Z) oc ooo OOCC lO O CO COiO i-i lOOO-HCCClt^COi-OGOiM COCOOOMrf-t^lMOK^ "'-HClC5ClCii-(0Ot-»t^ 00 o c CO o CO CO 00 O 00 coco ^ 05 'H iM O CO 1-1 --I ^ 11 o O'OfOCi-'J'OCCCO OlCOOC! 1-1 I^ 'OOW'l'OCOOO cooo OiOOiTjiCCOOOOO oooofo 3< Xt^OOOiCI^OO-* OTt< oo ^ 03000 10 K2 u£ OS '00500CDCOOW-^CO'-i eewcoaooco-^ioooffl "0 rt CO '^l t^ rt 1-1 OiO^t^OOCOTtiOt^ C0'<^03C0cOOC0tJ*iC Ot^i-iI>CT)00500 eeco oi >o 1-c CO 1-1 (NOOOOOOOO rfOOO "^ _: ^5 '^■~ S ^ b o ?! > 5^ o js: =: S ~'jovj •;; — s ?; 1^ i/J -J:; . ^^ _q k m ^ ,?i e.f^tf .^ ■♦J U^ wM .2 -. fl 0/-> c3 -t^O < MM S \^^! r/I CO M3 ^5 «;• ^Sa ..IS S'c^ t;-* sec , 'c .,"£ --2 O u n O fl to O ^,^ OJ >, O) c^ t- £ n ^< ° 00^ :« -H ^ S « i; S g X 00 CO ooo ^ •s H. io^»o |cS fi C tn ^■*^ •SO 5 Or? I-I CO P^ ■■" ti Zr ^ o f' «0 rv^ -° - 1. rsm CO O S3 1-1 1 0) 00 1 -d S".| «" i'^^^^ 03 -"S 8 ■§^0^ C .^ : Mei Soci No. ation, <3o\ '^CO . n H tc =3 ..^TfH ° 3 2^3 e^ c o rit^?. S cW < i^ e: ~ tT, ^^ ►-, ^H 1^ 2 T! dO OJ 5 O '"' c d _2J 0 s u< -- a; o o 0:= •i> ^ M C O ;z ■ o < a w H !3 O •g^c: c 4) Ph W o3 o I-' >i o 83 ^« ^ "? n Ml: °. o g 5 3i o Congregational Year-Book. [1908 oo C-l rH OOOiOOO lOOCOOiQCl iCCOOOO COC^Ot^COO t>.COiOOt>.^ ■*«30"*i00 iM ^ .-hC^ICOiM (N (N IM >0 oo t>.OC0OOO Of^'flt>C0-*O 00t^0»0-*0^-*0 OrfiOO -^o"^ :^^ Q oo OOiOOOO O O O 10 rt rt O rt i-H ■!*<-*•* CO rt rt O CD O e<5 O O NO O -^ Tfi O 00=: 01-I C ^ CO C (N lO opco< Ot>Tt<-* 00 OOOCOOINOS )t^ Tp CO O O -^ Oi: Ot^O(N CO >OCC00 (Nt^(N( > ^ 00O3 10 J ,-1 coco IN 10 (N I -H cc C )05 CO r-H t (N CON t^ O (N >-l CO O >-i 00 ) (NO COtJh I ■* 10 (N i-H CO --I I CD, — ^CD CO "C "3 '^i u ^ CQ >i<^ rH C a) >- jj^ _^ .^ _( Oi TO J^ O Cj .5 a J Is a3 CS t; ^ Cl g cT ^- I ^ E'^ T3 ^- C •'t T ;a - ^ .Pi 2 ]> -p o3 ^ o <= • .c 1$ % .^^ &>G o „ g 3 S .__ o3t..Ji:c3l-J!H iG ,K ^ w n c3 "5 ■ to CO to 43 2 t- 03^ So (N 10 00 00 --HO-* (N OOCOO 05 C: 00 Oi ^O OCC 0100 • 00 O Cl ) 00 OJ X C 0(N 0000: moo 00 •*05rt CD t^ M 00 GO 00 (MCOTt< 00 00 00 00 CO 00 TjiiOOO 02 Ort 00 (» 00 00 05 01 00 M 00 00 00 00 cj 00 GO 002 r 03- C Qj o3'"5 -T< 3t1 r- - H ^ ~ . to - »? b£ e o o ;h ^ ^ s^'o'o'o imccpQffloooo 3 £ M ^"H iJ-C Sao S'^ ^:S _ gg(NcompHeLHpHOKcc>z OOOOOQ 1908] Statistics. — Colorado. 119 jqsQ JO -juiv spunj luauHsaAUj Xjaadojj il3jnq3jo UOipSi^^ 3'E(J •013 'XjBlBg ajnjipusdxg SUIOJ^ I^'OX s3nuEq3 ■ iamo piVI,J3JSlUIJ\[ •oog "qnj pue •g -g -auoQ uoijEioossy •ssii\[ -uiv SUOISSIJ^ SUIOJJ •Spia H^-inHD uoijBonp3 suoissi]^ u3J340J s,3id03^ SnnoA sjsqius}^ C lO c o o o o ococcoooco oooo oo oooooo oooocoo oooocoooco oooo cooooo o o oo .-> o oo ooo oooo oooooo o 0 0_0^0__i0_ * 00 i-l* oooooooooo oooooooooo o^o__o^o_o^o_o_ io_o_^ o_ «c x'o^io'o'o'io'i-rio o" * * * # * oooo oooo oooo O lO o »o o o oco 0(N oo X 00 ■* 00 oo oooo o O O lO o o o fO t> »p 0_(N_0 oooo oooo oooo oooo to 05 -^ CC^CJDJ-^ CD^ oo oo oo O C: n' -^ O C 00 O O (M lO lO O iC^ ■* C rt (N fOO 03 CO (N ^ O CO Tfi eo If: »o . O'^W-^-^CO rt ^ CO lOiOOOOOOO OOO lO O Oi CC O »0 O (M O O coioc^iioxcoco t^O'^ r^cot^coiot^ oo: J>0 S ^ o -kp 53 t>iW>. ^ ■ t^r^ -^ oh-* ^§ _»-« fl5 2iJ 13-^ ^ fe fe fa C C S o o o'E d 3^'o'o'o 1 •: k. ■" ?■ OOOQCO - - - S oij C 5 c3 oo oo lOO "O CO CO cot^ to C0»O C: ooo rtTft^t--OC0'* c:;o:0:" - " O:" " O" - - - - o: •*'**' *^ O: f-i •-I •-I T-l >-l -H ^ 1-1 —H tH "-• oo COt^OOO-* -* 00 00 1^ Tji o: lO O O 00 rt .-KN'l* OrH CO OOOCOIOIOOCOCOC CO OX(N lO --1 O CD ^ ■* O, OCOOO CO ooo g° oooooo- '*-hOOO o OO OrHOOOO OOO Tt O o 00-* OOO t^ CO O 'i* (M CO O i-H to IN 00 OIXNOOOO OOO I-l Mt^ 03 OOrH 0(N0 OC^lOi-HiOi-iO'-i '"' Oi-H ^co— iNrtO OOCO 0--1 o •O T}H rt COrHrt< 00o lOCO (N 03 eO-HrH fOlMOCOOOCOCOO-HlMCOO (NOJOOIM^-HCOiMOit^iM-* CO O-H ■-HO It lO lO (N CO CO -H^OiOO (Nrt (N fflO^ >OC<5 COCO T-l CO ^ M CO COOC^OCO^^COOCOCD r^ rt 00 rt r-1 t^ CO t^ CO "* CO CO (N CO 't' Tt< t^ CO CO o^^o lOt^OO lO ^(N (Nt^ o CO ppppppppppppp pp P CO p f^ in r^ oor^ ppppp ot^co pop u^ -t" t^ »t< pppp I— (.-1 -+<03 COI^Tf-rt* ! 03 03 i-rO CO 00 O 03 00 *■ " -s 13W 03^ ..2 ^S cs-^ ^ ■ "t^K a^ Q, iJ m p- ■ — 1 n* t- v^ ^ o o oi 01 S"?! >>CJ dw Oife § 0) N C 3 i ot.20 » to 011-3 53^ o ^ t" ^ i_ WO § c O. 3 O) CJpL. ^^^^ to !z;>-:i S3 (» m c » Ph o 5 S .2 3-T cw " ^ ° ij S a o < o O g M PHH.-S CJ dl^^ M ^ nJ S CO t^ CO O OOO 03 csoo CO 00 (N CO O 00 OO C3 (X) 03 03 C/} TJH CO O OOO t^ O O 03 lO 1-1 0 03(^03000 O3 00 OOOO 03 OO Tf O >0 IN ^ 03 03t O 03 O t^OOO t^ c 0300 03 00 O300 00 c < CO "O 00 ) o OO 00 1 03 00 00 ^OCOOO 0(NiO o 00 o t^(Z) oo 03 00 03 00 OO 03 (33 1908] Statistics. — Colorado. 121 oco oooooo lo o c: o -HOO CO cocooo ceo oco oooocooooooo CO oooooo ooo ooo ooooooooocoo c to oooooo ooo ooo* ooo o coo c ^#0 CO ooo* lO^CO 0_^ fflOO O^ 0_tC^O_iqX'0 C^ CO o__ oo^o^o_o__ ci* i-T rt" o" ■*'"* o'co'm -*■ co' lO" I0"i0'0"'0" O C-j CO O C3 "* t^ o t^ o O MOO X OOOOO " O 03 ~ 05 03 O 03 - lo c^i Tfi o O O OlOt 03 o~ " OOO lO O CO OOOOOOO o WOO (MiOOOOOOOOOiOO CO CO -H .-1 C; O C: O lO lO "O C3 i-H CO c looocoo ooo c-1 r^occoio ooo t^ ^ Tt< I--. CO (M 1-1 coo »0 S 9- lOiOiOOlOOI^cOt^OOXCO ooocoooo >cii-ioaocoox 00 lO 00 CO CO W t^ -t IN GC t^ O ^co COt^ t^o OCOOOOO OCOO lO lO O O O 00 CI o 7-1 1-1 a t^ i>i co>-hm coco •CO o CJ-t* r-l ocoo ooo»o 'O C»O00 oo o o oooo t^ Ol lO 03 o-iooo »C "-I O C) X CO COI> ■t 'i* C3X OiO OX CO (N ■* OXCO CO O CO^ O^COCOOifO CO o o rH O i-Ht-hN (NO'-1'HX01'-i»0 7-1 r-< -H^ t>. l>. lO tH CO N ■* CO -^ r-< lO CO CO OOOOt^OO»0OOC3OOO ■O CI X -t X C) ^ O OO OOOOOO iooco COt^ o s C0000000i000-*000 o oo OOOOOO oot^ OO o g (MOXO'*O(N(NOC0CCO^O d (N >-l --ICO O OO OiO lOCO lOO X OO coo CO 8 LOOOiMOOOOOOt^-fOX rH CO o OO OiOOOOO o cr^ 7-t c o ^ MS Ocn g cooooicoooo^-^coco 1-H Tt< O: -* .0^ rH o oco o O t^ CO O CO (N -^CO r-1 OOO ■*o CO o m COOOOOOOOOO- 'OOCO rt CI 01 o OO OOiOOOO CO OOrH -*o o !■* '^ .2 •OOiOt-iOCCIOCOCD O CIO tOO»CC1>00 oox t>. cOOOCiXCOdLO O t~-X -rt^TtHCI^h-CI X X ^ ^^rtrt OICl^'-i CO c S t-'-d o oj o --5 w n ffl <: ^- ~ K a m o pl; K ._^ bO -a o ^ ■ Hi :pHpq s * -i g Oj o3 O^ ^a;^a OH • P^ s Qi§6 o . $^ c^ ^ -* ■ ^ . 2"^ ■ O o)—; I; oT^cn ■oi S (3 a* ^ 1-H^C o c3^ o : S is 5 h-t ■'52 o 122 Congregational Year-Book. t^ OOiOOCO i-O o c t^ "-O o ; S Tt- CC ■* IM O M "-7 (M 1-H T— t (N o b! (_• O COOMCOOM c oo r-H ~o < c T3 O rtOCr-^rt^Or-, rH oc .-( "^ s < C OCO^ C-r'*rH c: 1-1 CO (N "cT d p H o oooooooo O oo O "o" [II > o «' C OOOCO'^tC c rt w o oo CO T— ( a d f^ rt T-t (M H H C: iMr^COi-icCt^rtO 't oo (N ~iO i 0 >-i r— » T-H T— 1 1—1 -H C.^.-HOr-lrHrH^ l-H oo l-H ~«o < J O C:(M(MTt<(M(MOiO o t^>o •* ^^ < ,H rt -< r-( (M (N '"' '"' IN « r^ rtooojoico-^o CO CO t^ CO "o es d CO (NfOCOr^-^MlMO t^ 1-CO C) Ol S u H '"' '"' o Tt^ociocccoro (M I^CO t^ ~co S tL. CO rtrtlMOCCM^t^ »o C-l '"' o (^ f»Tjc t3 f^ ^ I^-f t~. r^ I^ "r^ b P p pp p p o p " ' ,- O ^^ IN (N IX! 1—1 ^ p p G d « "B i ^^ ^ ««|| ^ C- a. 1 1 H 1 1 SIIh r-i |o e3 c3 •sVl d'fel-^ ^ "rt m U. .-1 U ll u •A 4^ 1= S .2W o b-^oi'^oSg-S ^ m o M !/; ^ to oj 35 m 02=5 S v^S K K }-> ^ u u, . i t, e,. •_ •_ s_ rf t- ":; SO§ ggSCSSSj S §^. S ^ tf O O 00 t^ '^'~ ^ ''^ ^ D a: u O a u 1904 1900 '81 '92 1904 '89 s ^ O: g occ o oooo 'OOOCOiO(NO ^ IC th Ol 00 (M lO ic o o o o o o o X K SS Um M's. o c c c ■.■: Lo o c oooooooc oooccooo O C O ■= lO o c T-T* o'lo'* dec * * oo oo (NIC X "O o lO or O -t C O h- -w rf LO (N lO rt Tf t^ CO CC iC (NO _ 00 iC t^ o o SB C 01 O C O O O 00 c CO c (N ~ CO s O C C 3 O O C O o >co o o ^ cooooooo o or- 't l> a? oocooooo o oo o o %l oooooooc o (MO o o s^ oooo oooo o oo o " & 45* -S ^ -r: c-^^ 3 > s^^^ll .,■ x'^Ha g » s S^^igg c^ bC a » 5 (S E^ ;5^ § ^ o OT O J2 ^ o3 e3 a— 3 S i^ — fe --- ~ oO-^-i^ S^ 5 XI aj • - nO .-1-1 CO t- 14- ■* o ^ w OJ a: '^ C !r r-< ^ (L 111 ko :i-oo 5 o 2 SSf: ^ i-.£ 1 (N § c a^ 9 t^" •- ■-< _ .S 03 S 3 ^ 00 .i: C c c§ o o ^ 2 -i2^ VP (S^ ^ o - •• §-r =<^ P • - • .. 0; X r; loo !"^^ 124 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 f» S -R o lOOOOOOOOiOCCMCO'MOO 0>OC!OOOiOi050C>00-*00'*CO'^ lOCOOt^OOOOCOIMC^iOiOO'q^COOO Ot^ — OOr-(NC<3TtOOtO«5 OOrHt^OO'*OT-(OQ0 C5.-i»0-*(N(N(N00O(N(Nt^OOO'-iOO00 OOOOOOOC0O-Hrt(NOO(Nr-H TjtrtTturjowOOOtOOrHOOOOINOr-i ooiNoooc c ^ oo o ooo o 1-1 Ort oio^fflooo Oi-H oo coo O O c w H H Q < u MOCOi-iOO«-c*- 00.-i(NiOO(NOOO'-iOCOC<5iO.-HO(Nr^(Nt^iOT}i(Ni-it^OO"0"0'*0'-i OO'*0 ^ xCi 0000^ 00 00 i-iO OO>-iOOOOOOOOOOOC<5OOOOO00c<3OOOOO05OOOO COOOOO 0030001000 »00 OtOOOOOOOO ci(N-(oco CO 00 00 0^(N oooooocooooocoooooC' 00000000000000 ooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooo 0»0>CCOOOOO'0 0_^'*_^0__0 lO 0_^0__0_0_^0_^0_'0_^0_0_ O_^O_^0D^C<5 o__»o_io_o__co o_^ rH"io"(N"arci'tD"i>fo"o TirTjrco"tN.' of o o'co'tt io"o"o i-i »o w ■^"1-1 io'o~cd"«c t-Tco" 10" fOtAif5a500S»OlM(MOOOOCOCOCOOOO'-i(MOC<5t^Mtr<^'^^'*'<^'^Q2'*'*'*' •3J3 'XaBJES 3jrnipu3dxg aiuojj I^IOX 00000000 oooooico- o o o o ro O "5 01 '-I ^ -^ 00— o-^oocor-^o^coo(^lt^lMoooLQt^OlO«5 0^oo2g■2^;Cooo;oooo ^0050000I^OiOTl<0-HCOCOCOrtH0 01'-=0003COO)'f-*'-*OGOO)CvlO)OT-H2^ fOfHr-<02-HOOOOOOO)OCOO©'000»OO^c»CirHM^OC002g5NOOCD'*0 ^ "^-^i^WfO »CO OOIOJCO OOt^00-'-i'HiOh- p «© lo 0 CO oi 00 '^^'-''^'*,'^ '-1'"' '^ ^^ ^ f^ '^ "^' '"' ^ "^ ,H",-rTir of c-f o |oooioooooqoooo«)coot^"OOi»OiOi-'Oit^>ooc<3050ooto-*oor^o»occoiooo ^ CO oi ^ TtfcocorHoo t^ cOfHi-i n uo;iconp3 0»OOOOOOOOt>'*t>COO-5'COCO'*'(/300000<£)OOOeO»0010>0000'f m Ol OICOOrtOr-H -^rf iHiH suoissip^ uSiafoj OO00C0OO03 01Oc0C0t^05O00O'-HC0l^'-ia3OOO0lO0Ja5(Na300Xt>.'>*CD oirHO 01 (N CO cot^co »o TtH rt oi t^ r^ o «0'* th 00 o co ■* 00 1-1 10 a&Ol CO COCOiOt-icO O '-' ■uiai\i •sapapog s,a|d03j 3nno^ '-<01001000'00'*(NtOTt0 siaquiaj^ XO00(MOO>O0>Or-OlTt*i0Oi0i0CTtOt^OOC0]0JOO'^0J»00Jfc2 0:t^-tt^ 0"*'-iNOOiO-iCOO ?^ 0) CO 01 01 CO'-iCOi-HiOCOO)'-!'-! —CO i-i>-' '-' "-ij :=ffi 9^ >:^:5-; »J J I— < I— ' eg 0 fcH O 0) . ; i: 'S M +^ 0 S ^ ■2 t::^ 2 _"■ OS i' £ *ffi ■3W 'it * rr *^ ^-y^ r^ p^ pO r^ rr 3 3 oj eS c3 campQMooo 126 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 b OoOOOOOOCiOOOOOiOOOOiOOOOOlNOiOOl^^OJOiOOCOOO'^OCIOffl tM r-H rt rt (N rH ^ rt t^ (N rt rt ,-( rt ^CO -0 00000 .-1 i-H 01 a > o s u u e3 rtI-lOoolOoOl-l'0'-'^l^^»Ol^5'C03«cCl0^5l©T-^t^rtcOl^^lO-*o»Hl^^lOCco^5^^coooto«OT-l OOlNOOOOOOOOOOOriOOOOOOT-iOOOOOOOOOOOOOtOOOO hj i-iOlN(Ni-iiMOOt^O!Mrt'*IN^COOO'-iiO00iMC0WrtWTt3OC0X>CiMO-H(MlOlCC<3C<;O(N>-ii0'<*i'-i a H H H s Q < d H OMC-JCOi-irt-^0-*'»C-*Ot^i-OXiOOCDC«OiCCC30i-iOC<50t^"5.-iC2C01^r-(NC<500 lO(N'-lC0C<0i-i(NO-^COC^C0IMCi^C^t^l0O'OO'*00'-iOC0Ct>-i-iT-H(NC<3(Ni-iC^OOO U ■*Of-iOCCO(NOOiO-*0'*C001(NQOaiCOOOO'C0100000-*OI^O>OOOCOOO a S u E J3 COt^OCO'*I^!N(X)(NCOOeoai'*'-iTt-^t^tOCCr^!Ot^OOCO iOiOX>OOCi(NCCrO-fCZ)OOiO(Mt/:'iM-*-HiOOr-nO-*t^t^-*C0 0(NOi-lo:iiC05»0 (NiNcooofflooOrt-^oiooicocMi^cp^cs'CoiTr^oicoco^iM'-irotO'-icO'-HOrH^onoro t 35SS'^^z:""*'^°0^'^~**<^f^'''O3t^i^i^coio-h^ Tt.r^ix) CTtHoioocioi p pppppjpooppccpppppposppppppp ppppp ooppppp h Z i •p" 6 o e a 00 ppQopj^ t- acppt>- 1^ oopp oooopr^ pppt^ r^t^ppx oo o o oooo 1 iilMrfiifiiiffil lii i|}i Id O o B ;z: Id X u OS a a u 6 e o >< o 1 '" - - fl ^ ee -5 fifiirfli iLiii J J f ililifi^lllli O»J3^^a000 00 Ou^ S S ^ Si "> Sso3c3o3c3o3-(SeS;a3c«s3rt UOOOOOOOO 00 OOP QOQP Q QHHHHHH HK KHKa 1908] Statistics. — Connecticut. 127 .oooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooocoocc i^Q OlO'O'+iOOOOCOOiOOOOOOt^OOOOOOOOOOOt^lMOOOOOOa^C D^M^-ooooocolOooop (mo o loopoooQtot^opo pep 00 io"io'»Oio" lO ;3 o' ^^ v«^ «— ' u** W> ^^ ^-' ^^' 1^ <>«' ^^ '^^ p, p, f ^- "*
    ."* O'*(/3»0t^03CC0Ot^t^OO?; S oooooooooooooo o^»'--^c^lO(^^TflTj^^c'0<-lco "--o o_^ th r-T^-^-Ti-T ■* '"-^"im'"*" ^'co'co"' 01 Ol IM ,-1 .-H .-H . 1-1 CI '-"03 o~-.cco'^i'^ia3co'-oiot^oO'-icoX'-coc: ci'-^oo't c-^ot^cooO'tC'cooco OC'-OOCO^OO^OlMt^OOOJOO— 'CO-tCOOlOiCCl (MiO»OOCOO^O.-iC-. C't o;:x^oi;5-ti^oiO(Mi^t^'^rO'0 t--__oo o^co ci^o^t^ o o '-•^ '-'^.^^'^.w.'^.co ■* c-\_co_^cvim^!» WW .-i'td.o'^'(N''i-rof Co'tJ^C^T o'sO^iO io'^'-^'m" t-'iOt-." Co't-Tt-i r-i of lO r-T 01 CO ^ "-I *^ "^ 1— I .— 1 01 ■-< OCOC5(MfOO-HLOrtO'^'*'I>'CO-i'*C3 iiOfflClTfTi^Oa'-HiN ■^Ot^01C0^l^rH,-iO0^C0O00OOC0t^ipc003C0'-^ OOl— "^rHTjIOIXl-Ol 1-1 OO^l© O^iq^rH >-^_00^ CO,N Tt<_^'*l ■"* "' " ■ '" * ^ ^o~co'' T-Trt" i>co"ofio~ eo^i-T --■^"of CO^iOMOOt^r-l,-! -^ OO < t^ O ! 5^01 1 CO CO lO ( I rt t>. -t ■ 1 O^ ' (OO'tiOOO-^OCOOiOiO'-KMCOOOOt^OlOOiOtOOIINO rHOOOOCOi-lOKM OdOCOCO C^T-lC0i-l(NI>t>-^(NO1 c-3 >0 O O CO O ( )X-H o-*')' aiO00Oi0C0O'-iOOt^O'-it^Q0»0C0O(MOI>(M02-*OTt< lO Tjl-f 01 CO --I "-Ir-lOl >-l iHi-ICli-lT-l>-l )OTt<330XOO'-OCOOOO-*'5fiOOOOTtit^010'N'Ot^'t CO Tt<-Hir:oi icoi'-iOiocir^oic0 C^ O LO O O CO O lO O O "-O -rf 00 ii-4 oco^cooi-ix>-^ocr. 0(N-H .-i.-ii>cooit~oiicco Xi0l>O CCt^ (MOt^ (N i-i T-HT-i as )Xooocoo-^oio(MO'#LOi-ioa>ooco : O O Tf O •* O O ' )t^OOOt^OO»00-HO- ,°s ) X t^ (N O I ; 01 1^ CO o t (NOl CO ; o t^ X lO • LO CO lO CO ! 01 CO >-< f^t^OINOiOOiOOlOOO'OtOTjHOffiLOOl iO'*'-l01iCOX'*COCO-*XiOt^CO'00'*iC OCLOTti-^X T-i lOi-iO ; — OOOi - i^ g ci o -=_-^ -i _r b£ oT— - 2 2 ^ u2 o ij mo « COS .^ ot4 TJ^'O O 03 c3 be Nellie S. Ha cis H. Atwoc ford S. Seagi ur F. Whitin amin W. Bro Stoddard, r F. Howard ur F. Upton, ur E. Sweet-, gfaffi '^ J3 — "^ .ti -^ ■^ _ S »:s -1^ 3 1:^ -ir "^ . ■ . it:o5H^ = ^ £:_o ■at- J j^D^g: 2§ ^z :z z 2: 2;zz o . ■^^:Stfj=^^S u t^ u u ;o o c o zs: 254 Congregational Year-BooJc. [1908 lOiOOOOOiOCOO'OiOOO OOMOMiOlNOOOiOOOiCiNOOOOOCiOCJO oco t^OOOOOiOONCO'*Or^OOOC'-iOO^t>OI>C-^00 t^,0 (Z) O O O M i-i t-,rHCO OrHOfOOCOrt0 003'-ii-(000(NOOOCOCCO(NOOiM»00000'-iOiN OC-i 0'*-^t^OI>XOOOt^t^ffl<£>CD-*rtOt^C0c:;O0OOOO oco Ti*(NOC»3O'*'*iC<5Tt<0Ct^'OXi0THOOC0OOM00O'*O-*rHOGCOOOlNC»5rt.-i tO(NC<)-*OC<5-*t>.C*5CJO'-iOOi-i(NrtO'*OOiOCr-icC-*rHiNOI>OOOOT-iiOOiO eo^o C^CO'*>OU3iOC<3M'-TfiTf(oOC<3^t^ -.TfCO (NiO^'-i'-i(NrtTH,-iXM(N®(NrHOOOOOOXO-^'00(Nrt010WrC(»!MrHCO iC (N rt OrtO'*'*) .-1 i-C C fM iC rt M (M rt .X C^) M ^ 'f r- " CO ® cooo^»OlOcOT^^Tl^^^(Nrt(^^^-lOOlorot^^^C5lOcc^T-^c-^ooOl^^^^O!^^xc2o;0505 (N ^ CO rt rH (NO! C^ C^ 10 lOC^ CO rt ■<*' xoo 0>OCD(N'OT-i;OrtHrHO:C0050iO-*rtl^01'#CC30(~'*'-C^OOQ05X oco OCOCa^COrMOOiMt^NrH rtto^ ^CrHOO'iMWf-lX Orti-HCO »0 x«o coco CO CvlOiOiOCDX t^ OX — OI^VO » t^XCO^«COCOt-'*>Ot^C^O Or-TiCC: •-'5^- p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p O p p p p p p p p r~ p p p p in °° S ii II a" a J3 3 o o < 5^ ^1 03 Oh" jg -^ a . pq a Q f=H ^ S a On3:3 S ;m < — I -V ' •ftp O tp o4 o3 .,: S ^- ^ .- cT^'^ ^r, < P5 a 03 S o >> a ^"S 3 g 5^— . ■ o a — ^ r/1 t-^ > ?= « MI g £ £ s-5 5 £ g 1 2«h4 q; CI Po rr O fci .i^:a ^« ■J-l ej 03 ao 03.ii H 0 .S^3^ sw ^ ^ S a ^ !-t rr a s £^:§ oS o Soi sssg^ w -^ O p OPg .2 O CO >o ^ -JO t^ coco CO o cs ^ •* X XXX CO CI •-< o t^ -^ •.^ t^ .^7 'V^ -^ f^ CO t^ I^ t-- X X r^ CO ■* CO I O ^ t^ X : t- t^ X X : ■ O CO >o -* ' r- M X CO • r^ Z t^ t^ o oi^co Tt< lO 02 o X X X C3 X X -H -(H ^ ( X CO o ~ o ! t^ f^ X X ~ : i CO -r -+" 01 i 01 CO --I CO X I^ t^ X K " 5 O O S T- H-'-< M 02 Ph fen s a g s" SPhOi=5 03 4) ~:S 5ga"o3« "o o S o la ."S fW Ph Ph Ph pL, fL| 2^ tcj g -a g '3 >-i 0 4^*^0 ^ a o (B a 73 r] '^ >>£•§ o- SPjPhPh: 1908] Statistics. — Massachusetts. 255 |W S a. o X S"< '^< O O OOOOOCOOOOOgOCCOCCOOCCOCOOOOCOCOOOCOO -lOOi 5000000000 oooooooooooooxi coo ) O OO OOO Ot-IMOCO oooo •^ CO o_ o^ o^o^(N_ t>-^r^ lojs lo ci ci ?o »o ooooooooo J10000 o N O LO »0 CO o o o o lo o X I-.--* o Lo c o -r o :--! o 1 ccC'Ooo oooo~^cooS O O' O I - L- o o o - "T M C~l O LO £>, w iq^o^o^ ct^c o I?: c^ c^i w o co'^f o -v' (N* ■-1 ^(M* • l> ^ ■* > poococooc (»oc--6ciX?ioJDoot^f^5i?io-t'Mc5ooi?)c-5c55 55 f-<£>oSi2c5§s; eoc2orcoor-'Oiooccc:c"iooooooi-ooro'M0 7"-*oooioci-foo-tt^Oi.'^-' •-; CO ■* lo lo r^ o o ci -f c/: -H o c o X M -.o o l'j — o ~ — -,; re lO c t^ c-i o o -f< oi o ■* m ir\ ^i rtH t^ -H CO C-l M O X 01 iC I^ X t^ ^ 00 i-H X --I -ff LO' X 1-0 O O CO •* X >— CO t> lO X t-- 00 o c^ ^ <-< r» Tf,-! rt ~ 'fCOCO-^-<0:0'Ni-0!NCOCOi 05 X (M C: 01 1^ >-< O) 0^ X O 00 05 ' ■~ H X rt O "* JlOiC'C'-iOliCOlXX'^LOiO^OCOOJ O'-iffl-^'fl-OOJ-^C; t5rtr>.^cow — o(Mi^ooio-H or-oooxcoi-oo „ [Titrtoo oooo-^^»ooiicooiioooio«T-ii-(Oroioot^eor^ ot^iOTttoi^oiOrt |w-!cOCO.-ir-; ^01 -O 01 X -H o Tftr-it^ CO -iCD (M(N^^00O%h as j3™ mco-'ooooo— i-*r;-*ooooooo •aCooioii-H i-HT-Hi-iro rncoXi-i .-h l-^i^ M .^ Si • OCOOt^O'00-PO'-'5 000cOt>OOL0 0001'-0-<*(--0-^OTti CXOCO^Oinx Hi^^M ^'^fO rtrtCO^-i CO -iMO c ■^00!^O^CMO-TiOO-<*iO'*OU3 0100 t^ O lo O Ol CO'*! OOCCOOOlOOcO gtc* o 'tmio (n oifccoi on-ococO'f r-Ht^ro TTC eo-^oo-^^c a iMiflOM'i'OOijroccs'-o icC'^oo-<*it^oi-0'--xcooiicoco oiooi-q^io-^-nccrt 5 oxoicoo oxcoLOX— r^ xcooicoiioooo-^cocicuor-* rfcc-^^coot^oS 5CO CO .-« -H coco -rH CO - S i- C . cj G cj -:; ■^ '- ^ '^ ^ ^ h-X 5P3 ,- ?='5 M -s o 3 O d p \B< 0« «5>-|l-50 f3 '-' S - b "^ o C _§ O rt a, 'zcz > tH(N o ^M ^ 0-3 1^ -S-S § o o CI -r •3_r •^ Li^^ ^t^, .sa - - eS CI .- ,0.3 0-3 - - - ' u 1. u -^ 256 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 QXr-HCOOt^C^CC'^O'-iOOO OC^CCCOiOC^CC^COi-HOCOO^OC^iO^CO^C Si:; '■^ ceo — -HCiOOC^iCi(N.-iOC-* COCOOfNOOCCOOOOCOOOCOTftNi-HOOi-'JC 1— t fH ^ — OCOr-nOrlCOO'-lOOOO OOOOOCO'^OOOOCOOOOOOOOCOO O — Ol'T'OCCC — TCOWCCOO C5 OOiOOC — ^0<>>03(NiCI>OOOOCCOOtOOC rtO'-H--i N Ct^OO02X(NCt^iMOlN»0IN-^Ot^^O>0CiC0O^ (NOTTCaC — CXC— OCO(M OINCOcCMClO'-OOCOliC — — IOC — '* — iCCOfO — CO ^ rt,^„„^c:;c:oc;t--rTfcc:o O'COOCO'CCOONlMCOO^COOt^OW't'-HCOt^C — OJ — — = 0 •OCOCCOCOMOCOOMCi^COi-OO r-H — ^rt — — _ n iCT^(MXOC;Ot^C:c0 01t^Ot^0C(NOOQ00CC3C3C0'* i-l — TJ- — rH C^ — rt — ^ ^ s^j;?^^g??^8^si;gj?3ss iocooco?oiotiococ'<*"coocot^xt^-Hxio — ooioio; -*(NO3iCC0 — t-iC0'*(MC0iCTt— 0(N-HTJ ?r GO WW 0 QJ ^> o if! ^'^ s - s ^ . aj tc .see iJ S- ^ c c3 p h > Si ;a2 03— a I' ^ ^ Tj -^ ■^c ^ _-g^ aorrO OS . ;-<- ti t. a; ,^ o if 2:; >. ^ ;^ O t^ CJ „ o c te r: 33 ■3 £ ^-S 2 & S'^ .^■~ > M^ C 3 'S a-' • S e >^W <1 ci " — +^ -is! « S cj-S a o 0<_;;e"^ cS 9 ? 3 £ :d^^ !^H "« if e £ ' ■ rt aj 0 E c += tc OJ b &c ° ^■^^.^^^oa ) 1^ — : C. CO d CJ ^S •- i-O 31 — X X — ■M X XX IC CO CO t>- CO UO tt O LO X —I LO t^ t^ t^ X X t^ -r 01 C-. 5C t^ I^ ~ CO W CO X " C t^ X 01 CO . - t^t^t^Xt^XcOI^ X 10 X -H X CO X ■* X O X t^ iC C c o CO t^ 10 X t^ t^ X o X CO 01 01 O) -rt xt^t~ 1i 1: ia "3 «^fe,PH^-e r' >; 0 ^ ^0 c - ^"— —• "■C C c3 " D d 03 --fH 5 P' aid] b _d c £:2 2i C^f^ o o o o ■;: e Co e .0 ^.^"^ - O O y:; ^ »^ ego 1908] Statistics. — Massachusetts. 257 CO C^l COOOCiOOOOOOOOOOOXOOOOOCO lOOOO OwOCMOClOOO'i U^ oo cwrt rtoo fo OOOOOOOOiCOOOXOOOOOCOOOOO in ooo o -^oo t^ o occD co :r O "--^ ■ «© M --HIM rtrtr^ **0 * * Jc * c im' ic c o w' c- ^c CO oo" ^H oocooooooooocco ■^CCOCOOOOOOOOOCO 00 ffi IN C0_O 01 C^X (N iC C I^ o t- o_ OOOOCOO 5 O O X OC I^ ^ 1.0 rt ** e n. 35S '-iCl'MO t-hcO-hc; — CCCO-t t^ O C: O C: X w C^) C t^ X lO 'O X^ ~„ C^. 0_ t>.^ C^)^ O'l^ oi_ ^_^ o^ --r w -^^ lOXOC-^OCCCf-LO — COOO-1-HlM<-HOX01C:t^LOi-i C5 LOCOLOCXLOOIC^>-iOIOO^^LOt^T-<'-o-*ooooo'*>-ooi»^',ocooioxo COCO^CO'-i LO i-l ■^T-iCC'^OI'-'CO 01 "-1 O01i»OXCC0C»HOt>-Ot-C;^ ^CO ^ C^^ ^LO .-i»0 rH 01 L0-^XOC:L0 010»05DXX^'^-^C)I---Ha OCC1CO>-i ,-1 Oi-HLOO lO rHCOMCI LOCOX-t" CCCr-l 01 >-< o£ .5S CO'tir^iOO-^COOOt^'M'OLOCO COOiNXtOiOOOOiOOCOOCOLOOX — OT-^r^XCt^ a& a> i^-* -Ht^ i< CO oi-H^,-i»o X cooi'-i t^^c: -~ci-it^L0Ti4 T^ieO ^:rH T-i rtr^Cl (M 1-1 01^ irjOOOOO lOOCO'^INcrCOO t^OSt^'SOO t^-^oioiococoo-j rt ^^ LO.-lT^CO-H CO ■,SX(M-*-*OtOiO — XOO^^CCLO coTfoxxLO'-ioocococDLO'-HCic; r-H ,-H ^ lO 1-H 1-HCO 'f Ol C CC c cc Ci-- CXXt-( rli-HOIi-l t-H C: CI . — =« - ^ S§£?:^ ."* r^ _^ o ji c3 ^ ' ■■ :2 = e£:Ss§^: •2 » to __• C . ^^ -t^-< ,,-L:i ^ — ^ - — SP — ir cL^S : ^^ ^— -< fcV*— ^ |2 |v;g A — 3 x 0 -za ^C'Vj .-a: IQ" - - _ - ii- o „- c 0 = . c ^2 "^ -2 "3 "^ CQ - can >..t^ g^.gS^^-J 5 bb -IS o"^" -~" u ^ .—9^ S) 1 3 E£S 0 >^,5 M -^ c ^ y 3 rt^ o =* 1^ 1^ 0.= •- 3 o3 c: o -C s: s: m mmmm-Ji zn-Ji'T^n 258 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 (NCOOOCCCLOiCCCOfOCdOiCiOt^WJC^Oi-HiCiOOO'^iOClOOCii-HCOt^'OO'O ^r-ir-i.^OLTOMt^M'-OOOl^OOOCOl^OMi-ir-.or-iOOJ'OCOQO-TOOOCJOrHINOcSI^ i-HiMOJOCOClt^OOOOT-nOOOOO-^CCiNCOOOO'-HOOOCCiOr-f^r-r-iOOOfNI O»0OC0C^OO'-HCOC00O»0r-it>OC0MOC0(MO(MOOr>.iMOOO'*T-iOi-iOC0OC-H(X>CO-*tHTt'(Nt>.iO-*l^t^iOO'*'r-HC^(N'-i'-'2ii30I>0»0(NOOC<:i-HiOioOCO(NeO iLONC^otoO'-iT-iC'-i^'*cot>Ci'-':it>.Tt'Oc-i.H.--i(Nr-'0(Nooot^cjioioW"*Oi-i'*ot^ ) lO »0 C) rt O 1-1 •*! c ' re ffl -^ O •* ■ O- T-1 ,-1 1 O C!l O — ( )LOC<)(M^oocccoo«3occoc-. ■^oroor-'^ccot^o-^oooiNiMOi-Hcoicoco I OOt O OO 1 :OMCOOO(NO--.':(M.-^ i th O -1< rt C lO lO 1 Ci rt CO --I CO c-i c/: W O C 1^ --H -^ I ) .-' >C CO ' lO CO CI (N iC O ' -* CO •^ c CI CI i-H ! O ^ O iC CI X "O G! C5 O O t^ O rt ; CI •>* I-H N LO LO r-lO) rHrt ,-^ cq o o cc o t^ t» t^ ® o i^ooacicicioco-*'* r^OJ-^OTfici-tcocoo CI 1-H 1-H d ^ d CO ) w c:: cot ) CI CO CO < )C0 CJ ^ ^ < lO CI O 10 CI CO CO T I o CO t^ ^ o CO lo I I rH CI CO CI CO CO . ) CI 00 'f cq I - CO ^ !>. CI -^ C. CO >pppppv:p S.. ; ^- C C C o -. ■-r-. S C3 r- ^ 9 ^ r", S_bp a-j «; o '^ ^ o - . - '" IT Cj •S''^ *^>; «« d!^ c =5. 'i- OJ O C O > wa ^-2 s .§?§^ too 23 5 r= -S o Ph-3 (u 5 tot: lt a-' pr ^ iT w^^ te--^^^ 7^^ c OS J ^"2 p . . h - S '"l 2 S g _- .ig 5 ':;c3r^ .A^^IJ^^X oj O o o JO c ^" -oTo o 0) o ^ a ^'<:2iFr Si S-. u s _ Cj CJ o o t^ ~ a 4-. . o s. ^■"bC S-^3 . '^ ^H o "i^^ r^ S -^ ^ ii II _.- --7^ = ^. te '^ ' ,5 .-,7 iS) CS Qi _ Cj FK 1-hPh; -rj Q c '^ HH (-L( J:J 03 ^ C^ ^ ^^ L- ^■0 ►— 2 v_ 'XJ i> -3 ^-"^"^^II^JiH CO o . fl J §^o :gG -HO C0"0 coco ^■* •* CO CO I^ t^co 00 00 00 c^ •* CO r-l LO — I C- -t ' 05 -* CO CO ~ CC CI I c« t^ 00 o: X i^ z I ) CI C0( ! GC GO C ) CO CO fr^oo ) CO CO 00 CO ( CO 00 ( CO 00 ( ) CI C -f C) -t< -t< C3 CI ) CO o; C2 uo CO CI CI CI ) Oj CO X X 1^ X t^ 00 CO C X O CO 'f r-l d t^ CO t^ 1^ CO 1^ 1-1 -f CO CI X CO X ffi= - SOT « Ti -TV, ~ O 05 o .s *fi x iffl^eiH ^2 £ o o3^ o o ^ "^ 5 fe § >; ^O^.^ w oTi^ - ^1 •r hH , J2" • •*J -P -H C.S S 3 -1 ® I- O O o a& 02 32 ccajco i'S c J3 Qfe I"* S a « .!2 c3 -k^ ^>; y 3 _y 3 _aj 4) 0 0 O S *' *-< GO 32 muimmm :fe> 1908] Statistics. — Massachusetts. 259 >d OOOOOOiOCCOOOOOOOOOCOOCOCOOOOOOOOCOOOCOi M5iOOOwt~ iCCl coocooco o OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOSOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOffiOOOOCO ^O w OOOOOOOO OCO oOO~~'~'"^ O (N O O O ifl 1-c C: cq .-<^ tT^CO, CI o^ _000 OCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOiQOOOOCOOOCOCCOOCO ?>. cooo ocooiocoooocoocoooot^c-^occcoiocccinsS — 9 CM--Mxor-oeor^i»000'-';(MOCOCOiOOO(M-^0(M'-^CO(NO^ C; Tji O ^ (N (N .-I !>■ (N CO CI (M N i-i »0 O ^OC:C0OOOOOOC0t^(NC>D-<^e<5Ttococc^or-- ^^^-}<(>j(MC0L-3i-i tOCOOOi-dOOCOi-iC^ C:iN i-iOO OiOCji-t-* JOCOC3 (>■ •^ 1-H— li-li-H r-((N-^Oi--';0000(NOO(NO>Ci»COOCCCO ^,_(t>.rt- —I Tfi ^ IC ■* I-I 1-1 CO C5 iH T-l i-^ lOO'^i— — lOl^I^t^OI^O-ft^d-fi.O'COli-^OOOr^i-iCOiOC'i'C^I'O'^iOOr-iOr^C'O iCOi-iOC-l-^iO^ 050 01iOCOMO(Z)iOTt- ^ Ti4rH 1-1 ^ COi-1 G0d(NC5-* 10 1-1 rH rt i-< (N Tf t-o-tcrococ'ii-iooooirtioct^oc-iXcai-iooo'coo^ioo'^iNi-icoO'^'cC'iooT-c iO-t'OCC:CCO(Nt--01t^'-Ht^i^li-iOC5t^OO(N Ot^OCOl^Xt>-OOOt^00'*i-iC0iCM iC».0C"O1(Mt)<-- i-iCOCOi-^'+'t^Oli-iCOi-iO i-iCOOl^MCO Old Cli-iCO CO c -^ 7, M d £ c ^ ^, .oj -- S-; *-i iJ c "^ .>^ • ^ I' «?< -*^ -j: S 2 fe C i3 ^ K-_o 1^ 5 o K b£ c c r* ;r: C >- ^ ^ C >.. — • r-' - • ? k- ^ S g g g rt b— '^ $ '? ^ a c^fa: K ^- I— I := ^- — . rt ^ — -^ ^_o > (J ._ "d ^- a "^ m t> g v5 tn ■^ t< t- o £ 0.5 3 0 - - - - rr^3J-3 ^ -o -^^ ^^H ^ts ?■ S^'S'-^-S MJJ; 1-3 3 -00 'CO 50 =5-3 >:^ Q^ - ■3T- b'T; ■ '"' "3 "bi S = « 3 3t:5^ - O C 3 ii £ CO S S § £ J3 g 3 3 ^ n 260 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 OCOOOlMtDOOOOOCOXOCTfiOO'OOO'OOcOOCOOOOOiOO-^OOL'^L-JO "O lOOOOCOCOOOOOCOro^TvCOCDOi-ir-KNOOO'HCiCOOOOC'COOX O CO OC-*OC^OCOOCOOOOCC!MCiC/3ciO,-i'-<,-<»OOtDOOiOOOO'^OiMOOC> C^)-* I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O "-H --I >-< ,-1 !M "-I O O O O O O "-I O O O O C i-^ o o o ^o > 0(N(N'*>-((N(NO'*OOOro'^tZ!NM'^iO'0(M01'Ci'-i500LOt^t^MOO>-Hl^(Mt-iiO COIN 03C<5INCOr-iC"1i-ilMOOOO-*-vffl,-H'*X'-i'*0,-HCOO»00'^"*"*'*OOC1000IM OIN -H-*iC3O00OC0r^CCOO-*IN»0C-j'-i^t-l^i^'-'5'-i^lNl^;O' )i-<0000,COOCCO t^o- >-i^rtCI>.OOt^OOOOt^(NOt^OINOOiOCOOCOiN'l O (N ^ OOOOOi-iOCOOOOOt^3'OiMiM'*l^iMi-HiN. I O O O ■^f o o o ■ nocz)a)c>ooiNoat>-'H( ) O CC ^ "* lO lO • < CO c 00 I ) C t^ N < CI CO N ' < CO C-l t^ < ) t^ 05 O I CO ^■ ffl 03 (N ( CO CO t^ ! C) I-H ) lo 05 CO 00 ffl j't t^ CO coco I T-H M COM t^( I OO lO iM O O O ( I 'i* CO •* CO ^ CO ( I (M r^ CI f^ ;^ ~ Or- S -o = 03O _Of5JCj •^Cr'ra Ms: cj'n-?, Oh C '5£ o-=c a^ « S 3 1; cS fa o 6 H o "o O P C , ;Hi^ :iw -:3 Ph ij 1 m rf ct ^ u a u CO J to c3- o ,_; -""S " ;a J t^ CO CO (N CO lO COCO 00 M 00 GO ^ lO t^ t^ CO OS 00 1^ t^ CO-* rH COCO^ CO t^ 1^ ,--- ^- jj >ji ;>•;-( ;- ,ij ^ 'J-' i- c/j ^ ^ ^ '/J -H ^ Hga' o -1 > :2 o r^ o r?5 o j3 fin hJ -H fa Ph o E •■d o >- •^ a oS 5 *5 d "^C rfi 2 '^ S "^ S o CD c3 l-H Q O! to fil^ §CQO 3 .2 S S c3 C3^ O ¥. a)— 1 M fa ClOOiO o 't CO CO CO CO 00 t^ t^ Tft d t^ CO CO ce O N ^ CO o C-1 C2 lO Cl CO X CO' t^ X I^ CO G2 lO t^ 00 00 GO 00 X) (M CO 03 00 C« I^ t^CO CO •# INCO C» t^ 00 I> ^ CI t^ CO t^ CO t^ o C3-Ht^ t^ t^ CD CO 00 too GO 00 ;£ += o s -^ I p' -* C3 *! F o'o o «2 - H . t^ o3co^aa)^ Sc -O OUcPO— 'too 103 o3 -03c3Sc3e3aia) OJ j3 ra *2 ■rt S a «« =-5 - J3 -3" -2=6 m -— H --a~2^£2 IM .^f 2giP===c§ O o o OJ a QJ o >>>>>> > > ?*p-;--p» P- 1908] Statistics. — Massachusetts, 263 ^q1 CC — ^ — COOOOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO O C (M 1^ »o o o tOCOOOiOOO'^OOCOOMOOOlOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO'* OINOr-(OOOCTt< of co" ec in" r-T c000 >u IMC0C:W(MOI^(Z)00Q0C0(Mt^00OtOC0!0-T'C0i-ii0(M(MrtOC0OCC'*C0rt~C^O .C«3lX-HrtH-#C0(N't-C0OC0'fI^OiOC0-I<'^C0O00C0OW 2SS 5 5ci c1 c-coocrooooooccooco^O'Ocoocgogioooccooo OCCIL'^cOi^tLOCCCOOOI^OCOOOOOOOOOOI-OOOOOgO OC". CCOCO'OOCOOOOlMIN'OO'XaOOffliMOCOClCOOOt^fOCO C^iO^X O QO_C;_^t» E Q- irt„^i;oq ^^Tjfo "-I CO cj in •<*OCiCOOOOrl'OO2"^'^°^<^S' Ot>-COOO-^a30iOOO-*0(NiO(NOiOO»OOOC<500«000OOOlN(N-^iO(NCOCCO ^ rf, ,n ^ rr, l\^ iH .-H (N i-H rt C<1 no CO CO •* CO OJ as i<£io»ot^OiCOO(N00Ot/)iNiOi0t>.G0Oa5OO>0C.oieoiOio (M ,-1 O(Ne0 (N rHTt"*!^ t~.|>t-((N t^(>OCOTtiGiCCOOO»OMt^01CO(N-*OOt^t^Tt!0(MOfflMCO'^QCO'-iiO(NCO'CCOO'OCOb;N |rt^rt(Ni-lr-l,-ieO. a; oti A. Seagrav Augustus L). D S. Allen, Ph" 1 £ p 1; — -c :■? Sr^ u 'T^ fj ni C t? ri > c > o s ^ £ ^S T^ < rj 2 ^ -5 >K il .^(^•. S^S-2-f tf= 3 o « ' — ^r— H /?S ci a a Ja S d --■■c'S'2 i S ^, g -TS g' Ph eS-^M-i^S ■ c3 !- d a> G •-" 5 S qK 3—3 -'S S :: ~~ "H: i: S § !- o ' :, O O o t- --T K ., ^ S .^"^^ ^ gcc ^- K ^-^ __ r ;5tq --r o ~ O 5^ o ' •^r -^ >- r^ C .^*i -5 e d c 2 5 ^^5i ;t>t^ L. U U -1^ t>> Sua i gMqa ?- ^ r«» K^ li^ 35 CO to Ci O O 0) I +J ^ -.ti fe >: 262 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 o o o o 00 o »o o aejocrtioo^ocoiooooioiooo'OC'OOOioioo'OOfflOt- O' »MSoi(Nt~-®MS;feoOCC®'0®l^r^t--HOC5t-Ot--*fflNOOOC5'J Cj- ,-lrHi— I i-li— ti— I (M CO rHT-l^H T-Hi— I OlOO'— I i— ITjt i-< ^ jvj^„ OOOOOOOOOi-i'-i'00 00(N(NO(NOi-iT-ii-i OOCOj-jOOi-iiO (MM coocc c c o — loooocoo'* coorooci'-i'-i'-iOi-i (N otNco'f'iN oixNt^ coo 3 rtX(Mi0NOINC2i0^-*(NM-^'-'O^«:^C0C0'^OOi-iOCC(NOCOO(N(NCOOOr-iOC^ COO to (N( 0 100-* co(N02Cioooio^o^cooeo-*i--ocO'* oco(N(NQOio^tDi>t^cc>o coco ,H_I ^ r— t T"! T"* C^ ^^ ^ OiCO'f COINO-fOOlNOCOOOCOO'HTfOOiOT-iCOO'-iO^^OCOi-iiOrtOCO (NO OOOO OOTtH!MOOOOCOO-*OOiMCC3r-(iMT-(0(NM'-i'*»00»00 l5D'-iNC-JCi0C0t^C0- i-H CO CO IOO-*CO(MC33^-IN(N®'OOiOO-tI--.0-*^t^01t^'-' (NCOCO-^TtKiOCOOintNCO^O^ClCOlNt^-OIMOKMt^ !i-i-t-ococ:^c-iocSL'5 0cs( ) o o o c o o «o o O' o o o o o 'r. o X o o o r- ! o 3 S ij to a N oj ^^' -^^ 3- t; o fe-5 =: m; ^-^ii^^E: S'9' :^' ,.►1-1 J . _: . <. o3 c« >>■- ■ J -J .S t: g g t- a. ^^"3 S ^ ^ ^-^ >-.^ o 3 ^ v01-5 i Oi o "^^ sc "S o > ; 3 03 M153J " ^ o 2 ' S ^ Qi — ' J ; K O O C - .-^ I— 1 -—I cc . O - +i •^ t- Q' o __~ c i; a u^ bC ;p m § si- « CO Gaa i-r-i^c; fS . S «j c m « O c3 ^.2 O OJ <1< — J g to cj £ OJ Pi paQHQ d gw vT S ■zi =3 ^d§ . w . MOW !- ^ t- . o 2 ai >3 5 t, 03 03 o o ■ rj I- C '^ gtf^ OKP KOCOfflOl^^OlX— iXCOXOCOi-it^OOCOCOi-H M0l^(N'*O 0 n 0 0) (u j^jUt:^ --- ^r u o c n *^ G ^ta !5 ^^fe 1908] Statistics. — Massachusetts. 263 u a < > ■A s < < in "fa. "a n i! oooo OOOOOOO ooooooooooocooooo cc 0 c 0 c c 0 0 0 oioooooo 0 00 N ■n'" co" r^ ^\ oooo ooo»o C2 0-) lO »o 5,432 3,550 0 4,400 4,733 750 0 0 10.000 4,745 0 33,000 10,300 4,270 5,000 2,500 0,700 2,500 14,000 8,000 0 0 0 3,500 2,949 4,000 2,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 oooo oooo o^io o. o^ L-i~t--''n.' 0"^ 5,000 12,000 10,500 *25.000 1 ,000 6,000 4,000 8,500 19,500 24,250 31,000 25,000 43,000 0,500 29,050 14,000 4,500 23,000 18,000 43,000 10,000 5,400 15,000 *2,500 *20,000 45,000 0 4,000 8,500 80,625 13,500 10,000 W CO T}<;-l ic 0 0 -H c; CO CO 01 c^i Tt< X ■>! c-i -r c^ii^ t^ t- ic -H X -r 0 "t" 0 CO ■* 1^ c 0 oi .h ippi^t^xcocoxcouopi^>po-ror^r-coiocoj'pffl»p;*ip ;*»Sxc; ■OOOO 0 (N 0 0 xt-«o oooo OOOO' 00000 O'Ocoo^ 000000000000000 OOOOtOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO'-'JOOiCOOOOOiOOCO^ 0 0: ^V^l^' ^ '.^ ^' ® ^l.'-''. =^.P.^l'^ •^J^^fjC^.':^. 0 0 10 0 >0 co^iq X »C iM_ iq ,-; X IS- OiOcOO »or^05X (MiCO-^OXOi-HOiOOOCOOOOMi-OiOCOOlO-il^COXCXOt^^Ot^ C1l^^-COT^^OlOtOC'1-_O_C3_C0 Oi C T-4 T}< !N c^x^(M_t^_O_X_C0^^_X t^ X_X ^ lO ^ '^l.-l^: \<:i'>^'^^-^'-^T^^n r-T cor-" cfa '-<'<-<" Id u ■A Id u b Id Z 03 V 6 CO 0 CO 0 — OINO •.r rt (M .-H Tji 0 0 io 0 1^ 0 0 o lo X c^i 0-1 X 0 lO 01 -j: c: X CO ic CI r^ --I 0 -^ cc ic c-ii^ ■* (M |>CO<-HC3 CO— '— iC;COC:'1<004t-i-OX>-0''t^CO ■*C0'tC0^CC)X(NC0O CO'l'iO "O (Nr-iMO-HCOrtCl^CO 01_(M 10 .-1 X X >-i 02 i-i rt O-HIOX M 0 1^ «o oox(^^oo»ooo-Hffll^l(^^X'-^co'*T^^^coc;oo oco coiociciccooo i-ioiCi-H CO ^oioo^coxocoooeo^ ^fco coo-^io o>ooeo OOXCDO'*CO<-iOOOOOOOCOOt*0'-'5 0»OOOOCOCC'^OCOOX ^ — CO r-l rt IC uOXfflO coxcocoooc0'-ioooo-*0'0'-oo-*io-. xotoiooic-. .-C01XOOXi.'3cOOOt^Tt<0 01010COX010101CDOXiO -(_01 tHi-h '^OIIOOI'-OOI^COCOCDCO -HCOX^Or-'t'Ol^XCO'i* o o X u > < z d XO— iTjf •<* iO 01 O O CO »0 lO X ■* 01 O CO "O O --^ CO uo O O O O O X 'O tZ 01 O X lO cc lO •* r-OC00301C0CD01C0C0XOi0C0I---^-Hl0C0t^— iC. OlOt-f^O^OOl^COO T-Hi-H 01 01-HOl CO--^ -Hrt-H ,-,01 COiC^ .-^■*01l-^ B O ■a e u 3 1 lenry M. Clapp, Arno 10. Hm(l," h Miss Edith M. Forsyth, h Henry H. All, Mrs. Augusta D. Tripp, I'^rank M. Spooner, h lOdwin Smith, Nelson Sherburne, Mrs. Angle S. Patterson,'' li William W. Bartlett, Ulysses E. May hew, Mi.ss Louisa E. Humphrey, Dea. George C. Torrey, h ('. Etlwarcl Mayo, II. S. Stowcrs, h Charles L. Seabury, Charles A. Randall, C;iarenco J. Allis, I loward S. Baker, IOthell)ert BliR.s,° li •losep M. Perry, William R. Damon, (Icorge F. Loomis, I'^rederick 11. Howard, Steven A. Hickox, ii Rev. William R. Stockiu, li lOdgar C. F^olkins, James E. Teel, h Homer W. Abbott, h Dea. George S. Cabot, h Tellis F. Kelley, Rev. R. H. Abercrombie, m Mrs. Nellie J. Teague, George F. Bean, Dea. B. F. KimbMll. h Gustavus O. Anderson, li u u IS 3 S u u M Westhampton, Westminster, AV. Newbury, 1st, 2d, Weston, Westport, W. Springfield, ,, Mittineague , „ Park St., W. Stockbridgc, ,, Village, West Tisbury, West\\ood, Weymouth, 1st, „ Old South, „ & Brain., „ Union, „ Pilgrim, „ l.st, East, Whately, Whitman, Wil!>raham, North. William.sburg, ,, llaydenvillc, Williamst'n, 1st, ,, South, „ White Oaks, Wilmington, Winchendon, 1st, North, Winchester, 1st, 2d, Windsor, Winthrop, Woburn, 1st, North, „ Scand., 264 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 1 i O OO (NOOOCOOOiOOOOOOiOOOOiCOC rt OiO iOO-*Or-l'<34lO(NOOOCOiO(MiO(Z)iOCO(N ^ O ■* CO CD d >-l to (N t-H ^ t-H rH ,-1 C3 rtrt < n c O — lO C;rt'*COOt^TjH(rooOOCO--<(N'*Or-((NO (M ,1 ,-4 < O -- ■^ O dCO O O -* rH101> Tt< lO ©'-(CO — < t^ rt o Q U > o s u K d H Tf wco Tt»i-HOocDtocoiooioOrHooc^icor^(OC 0^ J (N OOi-t !y?C0Ot^^O(M(MTtiO-( T-H rt 5 rt "OlO COIMN(M(NOT}-00 OC5»OCO-*CO£^C00300ifflCOt^01W«IMC T}H(N (N (N lO (M OO C: IM (N rH IN o rH ►J CO t^I^ C^t>.0;rtOOXC'*INtOrt,-c*T}<(Mi-iO O -* IN U O OrH 00(N'»■ OCO 00'<*<(N OiOiOOt^Olt-. >-iiOTt-l i-H S CO -? O ^ O O I-H 10 lO O 00 CC I-H -H Tt< O -^ 03 Tf ic 10 T-H fc-rt< cio>oi>-t>.coi^cz)eoccco-^-+oot^co'-Ort Tj< -< ,-H Ol (N (N C^l T3 u i»t^tOXCCl(M»OCOXO>0.-< t^COCO-^t^iOCB LOO pppt^pppppppp ppppppp pp u Z i •d O 1 c^i-ta)cr)t^Tt, (J ^ OO oioanNOiot^oiooi-KNTTiQc^iMcr. c q; thin cooot^cooooOGOcoo!C!CR05cr.t^ocoTf 00 t^ 00 CO GO 00 GO 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 r^ O O OO 1 il ||lllM|lllll_ 1 1 1 . .............. lip ■5 Sd2 g ?oo ^~ -^ •' «j "o ^ -co M — "—I 00 &: . 5 3«l o •- ^ ^ ^lO h 5 a: cc m C c-s . .2 2 cO m K ~ "O LO M g -73 o"£ffi 23 tH ■ t^ Ci . S S cT'-loo " .5 - C •. s r cos-- ■^ S =" (M S LO TfrM s^x-fcoxr^iN ^ cii-f - -IM LO - »"' »~^ »r> ■^+j r^ ^XNOOCLO-^CCOCMOOOOOiOWiOlvO ^ r-H (N(M i-iiCTfiMOOOCQO-^iOOiOOOOOTH^OOO 01 ,— TJH ^ ^ O-HX-HOJOXOCOCOOCOOlCOOXXiO^XiO -^C00 01 XOtOXO^OCO^eO ^>-IC0O5 «^C0__C0_^O_ ^_^CO_^r- . |^feS§-a^.^5^«<:S| : ~ o ^ » ^/^ . 7; "1 1-. «. --K ., y. • _s r;'"' 5 ^.r = ri-^ =:;3 M^ tc^ ?- ; t> =^ -=^ J? 5 5 ^f ^ r? t > ,i "3 .i k2 ~, :o^<=:'o-::; KS^ << > m 1^ t^ c3 ^ 5 O ££:o:^S&Hci(C<2PHP-iQi=!j?3^cc> s . = : ; s s t = s ;i = = ; i;>> CXI t St- O •-'O .. g 2 fj •*^~o O O 'T X o s^co'^T-ic -«© ^-== «© c .s i ft.2 ..^3^ S L) CI • - = c 0-r ■ c ^ .-..2 > ^ ■" r-"0 fe O O -50 Kuj J •-• -^^ LO o^ g I. ^»X CO o ^ O rn M L? of-H'>r S C — " V '^ ^ \£~ 9 c c^w c o ^ .2 -5 cou . 2 03 ^-~ X '-lOl ."^ '/j "M CO --I t^ , CCO O ^Tf-S'nc "- ^ _rs^«© S —1 i .i; 10 "s t- ■5 rH O C c oTOi O a; CO c ■ 2 aj ■ p- A"K £ 2 S S ®X! ic a 7; C H cK £ ra-^-n£o^ =co- 2 3 ^^^cfe.t: ■^ c^ -c .. a J I— < 1— I , ^-c! CO .X' C3 0 - c co' C, CO S'^ >.=^* ;-: o -a e© LO S a, C ^-O -g -^ JC -g'«^ =« x • - cut? Oqco p a/ Oi -r- O o C- Jj '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * w Jh HH ^^ ^ o^«© S O 03 -+^ --0 -- 1^^S Sf^5 --.ecu c • - 5 o Q ""■ ^ -•^ &^ m^i-iO - -2 .C c3 -t^ ^ %& — 'tis; S*^ ^" ri "^ -f tT C ^ ^-O o M,c3 S 2 ^ aC o o W-c .0 0*5 W • C >-^ rr; 5 .0 ^fe ^S c .iOOOOOOOr-(0-^0 (M lX)M'^OIOTf'-(O01O«(N(NOO -d < CDOOOOO'-HOOOC3OOOeOOOOC0t>OOOOOOOOO(N©05OO .-1 CO --XM Q U > o u e5 C-1^ rHrt (NrH .-l(N(Nr-l pi XOOOOOOOiOriOrH OOO(N0J'-iOOOOOC0OOOi0CCCOC0 00pC5 h4 5 (M 1-1 T-J rt O'-iOOOOtNOO-t.(N ■* ■* -^ (NCO O 00 TrC0(N.~'*C0 0-)r- Tti,-iCO-^i.0iO'-h^ — 1 Ol CO -- CSI (M ^ ^t^CO— iOOt^iO-fO-lCO-OCCG3COaiO.MCOI>OOOiO'Mt>.t^C20CCCiOl^X-t<000 — • w _, ^ •a ppppp pop Qppp ppppp op pppppppp H S O E i-H-tHcctco -H-tf (N>oor- ot^o-^o o ooojxcot^-^-f pOOppp pp pppp ppppOO p poopppf-pp M OS -) u 1 n) a; gS « ^ ^ i« j?| ?5 £g^ £ ?g S'> a 2 2 " £ 3 /^ =i; ^ 0 ;^ :^'a x ;:?fi|s « X u « D S U o a h o >. U OJ<0'rt^05«5cyD'-^(MC»C^lC3»Ot^OOOOtOC5CiOCOCOiMMt^i-0(MCCiM®CO«OXO Tt'Xior^cJ5rocD«305- K < jqaa JO -juiy 300 1 ,250 150 270 200 3,575 700 spunj )U3UI)S3AUJ O 00 Xjjsdojj rt'rHfc ^"'-1 iNoo CO i-TcTic -* c 1-"^" 'r<>fL-fco'"* orr-Ti-icrcrcor ^* * ** « IMIM w * * * * Ci* • * * * 0000 0 0000 0 01 10 c 0 in -co'i-~:o" oi * * C) * * qoanqQ jo rtcccoTtoi.oo 2^ ^ CO «3 (M -< iq_CD -H CO^t^ CO C Cite -< CI CO O CZ) CO (N rH 01 CI O X ^ CI ^c^i co-T rt" lo fo" 125 2,919 1,050 75 170 u Id u la lEJOx i2ioc5<+r^cv5,^of--oco»0'*ioci?Dt-»ooci050XiO'*;o-*Tt<»0'*' «© i-( i-l lO 05^ uo 33 3,780 1,011 2 S3UUEl{3 ■ iamo CO M CO CI 01 lO O C T}< rt .JO g ^ CO « CC. jr ^ tj cm ■or- 01_— 1 co" piV],J3JSlUIJ^ g o . ^^ -* 01 •oog 'qnd puE •*i-(C2CliO -H^Xt^O-^ XCOO; C0XtC0>OC0C1C0 l~ e© i-H — 1 ci ^ T-H X 01 01 d CO noijBiDossv ■^ O 01 O CO CO -t- T-I lO (-» rt ^ '^t^ OJ T-^ LO X rt 0-* SU01SSIJ\[ a'luojj CjTtr^ — oxr^-^co'-icDt^ CI -^occ^-.lool-':c^-oo1c■lo^t^-^ Tt< -H -M oi -^ ^ rr -* rt C2 O LO t^ 01 ^01 -1 01 01 d lO 10 CO 01 01 01 •3pia najnti3 lo iceocoiox^co CO 01 cj 0 9° uouEonp3 ■Tti CO ^ 01 lO 0 CO .-H 8© ^ COO COO SUOISSIT\[ oSpjo^j fO-T'l^ 0-. i-'JC0'-iO'>*01iDrt C CO 0 e^ -H 01 -c X> 01 Ij 01 ^01 CO-* — CO — 01 •ui s *H •ssuapog 9|d03j Suno^ 00x01 01.-'occ^-oooooco0rt010oocq^-ooo 0 -iOi ci^TfoiTi^coio ^oi cococo 010 0 CO 0 01 0 c 01 coca 8 X u > a sisquiai^ C-*00>-OOXO^Cr-OOCDOOOOOr^OOO'-OX'HXiOCOOOOOrt»0 OCOXCSt^LOt^t^CO— 'XCO —LOi^OH-OXf^O'-iOr-J^oiCOCOLO OICcOOICO B V c 3 B. R. Clinton, F. E. Hill, A. E. Widdifield, ^Valte^ Rector," Mrs. Mvcrs, Perry Tift, Rev. Jolm H. Hoffman, ii Robert Pritchanl, .John Sumnierby, Mark Farley, Will A. Priiice, Mrs. Eleanor Averill,'' Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, Cieorge A. True, Simon B. Hartinan, Mrs. F. C Harper, Miss Birdie Moore, Rev. Albert S. Willoughby, I'Aigenc E. Harris, 1'. W. Oilbert, William H. Hubbard, Charles W. Nye, Mrs. John Prentice," Miss Ida Mitchell, h I>nest B. Perry, Mrs. Samuel Rickard, E. W. Jordan, h liyron Brown, Sidney M. Youngs, A. R.'Arford, Herbert B. Woodward, h I'Vank Wooten, Mrs. Ida E. Cranson, h in td X D X u V MiififlflilifiMllililfi r v^ tf 268 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 d b ^^• C < •a < 6 H a Id > o s (K u H-) PS .^ Q 0 o' H i Q H J < U ^' < K CQ H bl . E ta rt" s •o u T3 o K Id h z E :>j S !2; tm O c Ul % Id o a H a X U ^ rt(N rH,-lClrt--li-l ■^T" O-^rtCOt^'fOOOOOlMO OOi-HCCOO OOC'-'MOCO-Ht^COi-iOOO'-HO rtO'^Oi-iOOOOOOOCrt OOOOOIO JrHrtOT-HrtT-lOrtOOOOOOT-lO — ir:— iMWcC'Ocnc<;0000 0 0»COfOC]C>OCiO»OOOClC»C •-i(N OO'-i'-i OO (NO'-iC^C0rtC<-iTj0(M0-^IOM(NC1COCO( 1-1 1H 1-1 Ol 1-1 C) I O CO (Mt^ lO (M 10 O )COC'5r-HlOr-ITt<0^ 1^ t^ to X X ppppp ii 2 ;: -^ b. aJ 5 ., fi ?r'^ " bO w Eq5q tftf ^-5 '^^ G ^ §2jSS2. ^^ o^ 50 „ ffl d S ^ 5 - O O ej fc Sec c =g S cO o' O ej rf -J, >^ 5 ^- 2 t. c3 S 01 !-i S^ to C3 y] S — o-^ d g-c ^Si^^-; <: » P a; ;<< = !^ ■*^ -- r^" r- II o — '—< m -Ji tc aj ^ u • Or:? W : o K-2 < ^s ^02 'c ^ o ^ ^7 ^ ^'" ^g'-^'^ M'\^j C3 Sod - '^ A _• kJ d - - 03 _- 00 . 5^ r- oco I C/D t^ 05 C ; O t^ t^ ) XXX X to (N CO CO CO O C5 X t^ X OSX X X 05 CO XX 10 CO IN t^ N t^ X t^ X o X X X X C5 CO O -^ O (M rt CO C CI 011^ -t< >0 IM Ot^XCOXiOt^Ot^-1^c a ■'d " Mb£ OocuajSojOtuSdSiJS ,2i=: -^fi, M_fcc-5 S 2 3 3 S g ° ^"^^ i. u U l^ u CJ -ri ■ SB'S . 2 S o 5 ::1 n ;/; Tj n ^•J d Pir^:: O O O ^r "2J .1^ ice ^ = :i o «55 a, - -J O) OJ " '" )00 - d o S t: o ^ ^ 5 i3 i: ii ;5 o ooooocoo 1908] Statistics. — Michigan. 269 M 3 fa >u oo oo ooooooocc — occo 00 0 000000:^0000 O O (N "O O O O lO CC' o o c^i »o o o o o o o o o o ?i o o o OOppl^OOOOOXOOOOlXf* SCOt-Gcj.-r-pociiooC'Ocr-ScJ'^ OiOOCCOOiCOt^OOCO Ot^iNiOOOOMOOLOOOLT oooo O O O lO ^^ QC IN w OOOOOOOOOCOOCCiOCO OOiOOCiO'MOOCiCOOOClOO O to ^3 ^ r}< -H 1^ 01 c>(M rt ^-+^ .^ r^\ »^ i_ rM ^1 ^*i if^ rv"» c^ '•*, c"i MS Om pS . C^l (N t' iC 6) o^5>^ o oooo O O 04 O " ec o lo 't C^U^-OOOiOOCOOOiOOrOiCiCCO OOiOOOGOOrOi-OMJ^ClCOiOl^OO ■* O CO CO^O --I -^Ct^Clrtr^c^CO-^tiM i-TiN rt^r-Tco i-T .-h" 05»0 0-*IN(NiO-tiO«5CC(NWCO '^O rH^:c5to(NrtW MOJO W rt CO ■* 0'^00»0'*G5vOINOiOTf CO -f lO ■* O o lO-tOOClOIOCOCOCOiOt^iCClCOtN OGOCOOiOOO-J-OCO O O oo O OOOLOOiOOCOOOOUiOOCOiO ^ Ol Ol Ol "^ "^ CO CO C^ O C>1 *C 'N OOOOOOOOOOO»0OOO50OOi0r^i-'5OiMO-*l:^Oi0»0»0«0(--.i0iCO00OiC0Tt< •^loiccoicoiccoiccooox'-': TjHOicot-ot^cocooci^iocoxt^cocoiMcooqiocooix iSgv c a . c - r < a: o 1 s S 2 5 2 o u 7. ;i >: -p ~ ?: > S ^ c c o > ^ 1 ■N^ <; -r ►rj ^ .->» i s! ^ o o • i^.i^; p - •^ < o , . 3 s .- p — -kJ x* o .^ tl^ ^ a § P <: d ►^ «"» t-H O =5 =03 c3 ■£- ^ . 2-^& . ■?■ ->i S - M ^ 1> s .Or c^.^:^ P2CQ aCQttJQpCS-ZSffiKOOOOOUOCQOodoO -3 £> tn fc- re t» ouo CO 3 5 OJ S - oooo b O c o COCO C S 270 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 C5 O C O Cl iC O O 10 o o O) O O (N lO t^ 1> CO t^ (N ^ CCOOOOOt^COOOOOt^'CONO OaOCOO'>JCDiO'*'*COt^'*iCM(MOj-liO l>rtro.-irccC'Tr rn t-h oot^»co(N0020iooooa; CONCt^-iOOOOCOO QO "* O ■* '0 CC M -*OOr^ClMO CO OOOOr-1 O COiOOOCOOI^iOO O rt IN rt O CO :^ OOrHOOCT^ oo O O O O '^^ c -tlM Ol ^ ^rt CO O O O IM (M --1 CO oco lO O t^ ^ CO o: OCCCIOOOC — oc it-hCOCCO COCC^CC Of) C0OOOOC-- _ oot^'H.-iOr-t^o.roc lO -t CO lO ci O O 04 O lO C C (N ■-' ; O O O 10 o N c OOOOrtOOC0O'-0 OCOOOCOOr-iOi-iC-lC CS C't CO lO o t^ o (Ni-ii-iOOCO oo OOiNOrt O 000<-i'*0"OM-*r-i cC' IN »o c^i Lo cr. c. •O .-1 ^ .- (M (N OiCINOOOtN CO OO 000»0c00 00 0-. O ffl W CO lO CO O O 00 !M -1 W rtO «; -^ -i c o ^ c iC -t 01 --H (N rt 0 o ;/:■ (N lO CO CO 01 ^ ,-1 rH •HIN lO r-H IN M Tt< (N CO rH QO CO c:3 1^ rt" IN CO C 0-. rs)cO"t-IGC-^OCOOl-0!N C O CI o: T r- •-! O t-~ CO rt O IM i-H Oi IN CO -i Tf CM '^ iC O O -< O O --H C: «0 1-1 --^ t^ »0 »0 oooccccocc CO .-H .-1 .-1 CO T-l lOCOrti-ifflO-^CDOX't t^NCO-ii^i-iTtirt-tCOM i-O — I tC O O (N CO O d (N t^ LO ■* t^ c: ^ (N (N -H IN CO O OC -* O CO O CO CO O >.0 CO CO (N(N O0I-- CO O rH o (N C.^^y-i LO G! CO I in t^ .-H ■ CO r-^ ■ I^ IN r. CO [^ < -3 --5 r--' _2 — •*:= !- " - o " o ^ -¥^ ^ ^ cT-e s^-5 ^ ^-^ <1 >- ?= I—" c^ r; g rf) c! cj ,? >> c3 r/) — * £S: «2t _ Si- ;o5 M' M O _C< O S o^ W 2 ?i6 O'SO o iHy.^COr-pH_^W-^ 3 b^- ZgJ S ~ O -~ •-" fvf''^ 2 '^^ „ hi t4 " K 15 .u2 . . . W) .2 en .1^ &^# -- ^ S £— " - 'O > h> l> ^ 0«[ c- O =- -^""S g.5 -^^ -2 s o oT W 2-3 'Jew ^ .^ o ffi2 fe 2 Ph ^'S ^ 1< r^^ ._QJ^ 5^ ^ «<1 jfi ^'s d » c3 SK »Jh K M t; k »j ^►^r^^>.^ -^ s§ ? • -is o -T^i; cc » K '^ >,'1 ~ 'o.~Cr^ 5 tH CO 00 iC O O) 00 00 CO IZ3 CO O (N CO O t^ — : 02 -f C3 r^ O t^ I^ I^ : X CC C/j rx) Vj (X OJ s „ £5 0 0) ^ „-C3 - O tt) o en S-. CI) II ^ = = I ; xter, ver, fcC- c3 u o a> ) T}i oi c: M c; " cc ^ o lo 1- .-< ffl -^ C-. C O Cir-C* C-C:O0CXCZ;iCCCfflXOl^X OCOCCOOOOOO CC O O lO O '-0 O »C O lO LO (N CC X (M C (NO(Neo OXOOCO(NCCCi:0(NOLOiOOOPO X t^c^o COLOOOCCOCCOlO^t^t^MCi-iO Ol OiOOO i^ 0_CO_0_^10__0__X__0 1-^ M O^ X'-<__COX rH CO (NrtCO- CO --I rf ^ (^ ,_, rt rt C^ .-^ l>- X ■* >*< tH lO "-H ^ O ,-1 -t" t^ X ^ (M Ot-O ^ iOtJhcO CO ,-1 '^ '^ CO t^ CO X »H X ""* iC IN ^ C t^ — I LO LO -* (N LO O) X X LO 10 CI i-H N t^ ^ 1 Um CO t^ OO rl lO O a;5 ■* c: iC >0 O O: O X LO -* iC LO (M ^ CO i-H ,-H ' CO --H CO 't 10 b- ^--TT "^ s ; ^K oi-^_.- SP:^ ^ h,fi ^ ►-^ -'- '^ r — ^ Pi ? 9 '^ '£ 9 ^ '" « S — S ^ So: c3 ess J § ^ 2 ■^ . S .> .03 S tr.'Z a I" x '^ ted S"^""^ St*^ tZ ^ O t-< r- •—( ,— I IK ., «^ ad ft . OS (^ Were S oO o CfihH > 3 -"S - rl O -e OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOU o o a) ^ 4) - fl -O 0CCCt.d3e3c5cedcie3e8c30 272 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 ^lOOiOOiOOOCOOOOOCiOOOOcOiOiOOOOOOOOOOOOiCCiO-HCOOCO IN 0O'-i-irtOC<;OC0^OT-iOrtt-iO(Mt-'tirtiO(M'-< '-Ort'^OCOIMNrt ccco >-HCOOOiOC5'-iOO»0'*C<5COIN-*-*CCTt'c<30^MI^C;CCC)CC'OMOOtOOC<»CO (N ^ (M CO rt lO C^ i-H i-H OOt^OOOOO'O^'-COCO'-HCOC^IM'-iOIM^IM^-^C'-^r^CCt-OTr-HC-. OiOOrtCO M ^ C^l i-H rt -^ OOiC .-iOOOOOXOOO(MeOO'-iCCO'*^COrt(MOcO;Ct^LOiNOC(MM.-OrtOi-iCO (M (M rt r-( CO "-1 -^0;-J ocooior^ffiiciccooiN-t^OOTl^x®(N^Oi>^0 0;--r-.:OOC^5^^C/■COO■^(MC.acOCC ■-((M t^t^CO(MCOG5-*IMCi 00-^COO'OCOO'-iCOa3COC>Ot^-*COIMOLO'-HINOiO i-H^ rt r-l rtOCOCOrHIN t-l -^CO CO rt > O '^t O c I -H CC CO ' rH c. OJ ? t^ COOO rt 00 CO ( K^ ,1=!; -? :r,-^ a^ c2 Qpq "3 o d a r^-i- ?S 0 a ^ ' •jj^ o •/J p t- --; 3 >.§ O c C o eS .! = So S S o . fi " O ' C am^ 4 t- 1^ !_; jlj o "3 "^ ^ fl-P ►^ ::::^ a H^D Q C fcn g i^s^ cg -= ::: , a pfe; c, " U. Fr L. Ly Anna d Zieg E. M. Helen David =: i- o > a o <1d^-a 3WU S:£^ Eg X 75 ^^ ^ ^ ?3 E? £ CO C3IM t^ '^ SO r- r-oo C5 00 00 00 » OD IN C0( o 00 1 CiCTj C ) t>.cc c ) CO O c ■ 10 CO )X00 CO 00 I^ 00 00 00 >Ot^ CO 00^ c^ X CO 10 en Tt< CO < CO CO I 00 X ( : X X 'M -r CO 3; 10 ■ 1^ X ~ r: CI CO CO i X X X X X X X N X IN t^ X CO 10 r^ CO X CO X X X X X X X > *r^ 'T^. fca 0 XI 1 - i i^ i-T 1 -ai -- -^5 fl) a ^ 0 M-s a ~ S ell, tte, ick, , Oust City, Rock, "C 0 a 0 a -6 oT g ffl a ^4 -! C^ IN c» '^ p, 0 1^ -^ -3 -3 ts -s ar\\ aye en\i ern iler lat lint It 0 P S "3 ■3 C« a -3 a a a a a j=c3c3c3rtc3o5 :;:::: t^PLHtMfl^fs^litfe, ^ hH hH hfa ji< ooocoocooc •r)CL.U^^~ ^-a --^ c '-'-' 1^ ^^ 1^ '^ , T* ^ e:) n "2^ s-SS- ? a ; r c3 c3 0) c^ ^ c2 c2 ^ ccoffiaaaffi 1908] Statistics. — Michigan. 273 o ^ Jo ooo 5 LO X 5 3 i^ iS c S S 'O c\o ^' o c ic_ c; i- c r c :q c-t i -_ r^ r i - . .. -.i CO t^'x'^' " c X c: ci C'm'"! ?i * * * * O O Cn-i M cc CO ^ l^ C-l 'O ■ -H IN TfT-iO'-iOlC^t^.'OCO'-Ht^.OSOOCCliOCD'-HTfXOOiXCOCCOO'^OlOOC-ll'^I^Tfi t>- 05 oooot^(OC3t>-t^i^tD05t^a)00co(--xocsoxccc20ioiot^t^i^-_ (N 0_^ M t^ 01 •^ « 1^04 rn lO uoi^ r-Tcf I-T rH rt' rt' i-HofcfTf^'w cf C0~ »o" '-'* X U3 X c<) '^xt^-oxoooocat^-corHxcsoi-^^occiocoxc; '*C!(MCOtf)'OrHis. >> -H CO TjtOi-HrH (Mrt Xr-l03THrHXC0'*XI^(NC0O'*C0»0 lO-HrtlNCOdi-H oj (N rH (M Tjljn rt* (N rH CO C rH — ■^ rn" « g.lOC rH C: O 1>(N OrH o lO X lo CO (N s© o >o ■* O -^IN cot> l(5rH(N . O rH(N (N X -T CO 1 2 (NCO 05 COCl t> lOrH I^iOCO«3'*t^»OXt^iOt^(M»-OI^i.'MOC50C^ rHX CO ■* INiMrHCOW 0-*COXCOCO l>^ rH O O rH L-:) ^ OCOt^ rH ^ CO oa 05 CI ■* t^i>. o = C) CO 01 CO o m X CO CO OC0-* CO o o t> rH iOC>C OiOiOXOO-HXt^'CiOiO'— O-rOO'OOt^COOCOtOCO'-OOO'OCOO t^rHco cot--c c3 o'S ^ 3 kgS «a2^.2S STcE ii .S '^ g-^^ls Ella SI Jay B. L. R. I Miss M Mrs. F. Byr Frai Cieu (J. I Jam c3 VP - r Ph e bC O ' ■> K .'Z '/. r.'~' ^ ; c aT'-x'* a C X •sJ t^ a- C , c3^ fc. c> B HH . ^ pHfi^ . C^ O ;0 CO 10 iC »C O lO "3 (M O lO .-Hrt (NiM -* i-H TftiO OOOCOi-iOOOOr-1 •*oooo Ot^rt* OO coO(N oor- rlO-^OOOrtlO COOOOOOOOrtO or-ooo OrHt^OO OO^i-<,-hC OOOOCOOiOCO (N ■^or^Xi-n^-rtocoi^o cr. o -T o o O (M t^ (N CO (N(N rl lO >0 CO o o o COOt^COOOOOOiOO OOCrtOI>rtiN(M(NO t^(M-*ioO 0(M-*(MC1 iOtJicOOOO (NiO^i-HtDOI^M rtOOr-i,-iOOOi-iOO (MCOOC^O Ot^ClOO OrHicOOO COT-HOCOrtOrrC^J t^OOClCOOO'J'OOOO OXOOO Ot-hCIOOJ I>CCit^i-^51 rtO^CXOOr-i iCOOiMCOOO'tOiOIN OOOiOO OOOiMOO OOOC5eO'. ^' M g ^-p d U t- 2 ?? " bJ3 ,c3 r-o r ti Q 1§ &5 ^ c S : 5 "!/: '^^ -■■3" tlj ^^ d Oh-5 ^^^ K(i^§_^.5J p. ^Q-K "^ b: c3=: O Q ^:::i }^'n . hin . .I-H o o -r ^ 2 o3 1 II *.c3 ji O 1^ rt t, c3 o ., . . i2^ :sQs Tt< C3 O CO ^ X 00 00 X 'X 3 3 Co , a ■ -J - « o o<^ So o a. - 3 ■; o "3 - o § S g _^^Sg§ g^2.^ 'fi O 'Ji §5§ X O CTMO X X X X X O lO CO cc X C3 O 32 CO X X X XX t^t^x xx~ C20. X o ■ X Ci c ) t^ N lO 10 ) O O CO CO ! X o X X lO X lO t^ X C5 XXX C5 -f 01 -t* M "M C-.' -t< CO lO CO O X O Ci n" CO C5 xxxxxxxxx • u *^ IB a5s q; oj .StiTh O o o O S S 3 3'p O h- 1 K K K w M M e= ^- iSW -Pi 2=3 o S =1 » fl . a c3 bX) ^ "^ t-tod 0)0000 H-i-HH^ t-5 1-5 ►-, H, 1-5 r< d^ii^-^tJ ^O O O O -r- "S ^ ?3 flj .^ * J '^ '^ '^ '^ .. .. O O .3 J3"3'^'^' 1908] Statistics. — Michigan. 275 So, U30 NO ■*o COO o>oo OOOOOOOOOOOCOCOOO OOOOOOOOOOOCOCOOO lo 00 o »-'; c CI lo 00 '— 1 1-0 o o o o^»o_o_^'c^ IN* cf C^"(N r-rr-r(M'~rH rjTtCrM M M (NO t-H »&**** **(N * ooooocoooccccoc^coc OO M oooooo~ = occcccc:ccoco b OOOiOO'CiOOC'CUC'CL-^COCXC'O S OOO^iOO^O^ to*** *o ** ■rt o O O O X' O O C C-1 O O O O o o CCOC'CirtCCSiC OOiQCO ■• M ^ (N '^ iOOOCOLtiOTt1_M lO C, rH T-H O C") lO © OD C^ O O I-H O iH rH Ot1( -H M GO o »o as Om oS «© ^ o^50 rt -t r-H i^>o CO lO lO 00 o (N CO CI CO MCO 10 :^i(N CO lO rt (M o 10 ^; ^ (M o CO 10 Tfto t^iOOO CO O lO CO oo'^co oc lOo «o o lO^ 1" C oo CO lO m o G5 CO lO t2 CO C^l lO «# -* - ^ r- 10 ?:iM o X »OC0 «# oco lO'H ^ ^ o t CO o N »o t^O »0 O CO « R fi. > s lOO'OOO'OiOOXiOOO'-iOOOOOOiOCOOO C>OCOXiO»OOiO^O»00000 (N CD PO CO'X CO CO b- -* O 10 'OOOC5'* 01 ■* !M ^O CO O 01 IM CO O »0 t^ CO (M CO O O O O >-H ,_( 01 ■ 01 (M 't "-I — "H CO "^ %< o o -^ •/-« « 1 3° OS'S ■s ^i ^e • .fi cJv« "v* V *-^ H^ 1— I— 1-5 l-5'HH >i( tin >i< I— I 3 S c ii ^ . (5 ^ J3 -^ S oj -(f tJ jo <; k- w' -^ - c ^i*^ o o o o 2 'ro ~ ci c3 e^ c^ ^ c3 ^ 276 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 1 COCOCOOOfOLOCCi lo »c fo »o lo rt o in t^ 00 oo (M ^ rt rH OCJOOOOLOiOOOCCO i-io;»o>ot>cicococ^-T50o; lOOOOO ClOOOt>Oi0 COOiCOiO rHCOCO-^ OCl rt CI rHrt < n < rtCci-':>cDOOOi-4C»o NOOOOOCOOOCO CC:Ot-,«; OriOOOO'-i rtMCCCOOC'-i.-HCCO OOOCOOCCCOTfCC ococrort oooo-ico? 0 a > o s m B ^ C.CGCC0Q0O00>O(NO0C ■*OTj<^rtCI'*C^Cl'-iO-* CI T-l 1-1 (A 5 00CCC!(NOCCC-^C OOiCIOt>OC^OOOO tOCOOO r-i-.*— iC COrtCIOC^«0 OCr-.(M-*O^C'^(N»C cqcoMCCioo^d-iCCJ CJOOOOO OO.-HCOO^'* a t i Q < e2 ►J ■^030CCOOrli05>Ot>.0 CH>Tt<0--iOC'«"C«OC'0 ■* ffi 0 lO 0 0 T-H C --l 0 ■* t- WiOOCOO--iO(N-*fC C t^ X C O CO o o c c c ■^COOI^C COOOO'*'-* ^-^occooeooocoMW C]OffiOiOOO-*CiOO"5 OMOMO Oi-hOi-iOCCO K a m i s J3 <; e2 —iCZJCOOOOCCDt^tMt^CO 1-1 rt CI CO t^ M i^ ^ " -< rt OOO'TCX rt (£> CI CO 0 CO 0 b 0'*'*-^«5t^iooctx)C)cz: OfC0C'*'*^»CC0Ot^0: CrtOxoeocSLiot^ojcxoocit^-^'-O'^ciMOXoooxt^ ^ cc ClMOOO-^iOttGC't^COCO'OOOLOX'^CiOQO-^CDl^ -^-HrtCJ-H d^lO^O CCKS.-HCI rtCl C5 COCC-i't^XiOCOCC-^TfCCGCC OCICJCO ^ ^ CICC T3 a i^ cc ro r^ 00 ocit^i^r^coccx -}* pppppccip p CO 10 X CO r^ t^ (^ 0 CO t^ ppppcj p p pop K m H 2 i O E p p p ooc;qo =^ £r > ~ = -^ Is ^ J^l 'X-* dO! QCO (N jop CO Cioo 00 V) r -.f ilccai ^^ OCQCJ^QCGC 00 PPP M^^ c -a " 0 ^ V- -^ -^ — " i '-^ s U V 15 Sj — _- r O n '^ 0 ^■e p^ c'^ ?;Ch cr- ii ^£ -^ 3.= & ^-X = d 2; cS~^ . gS n- n ceo — § S -t S -x'S S S § § S ~ '3 , 0 c -P T S- - ^-1 0/ tc 0 -ii i- ^ S • > • J • .t: . . . a X D X U o c o >. O ^; r- L- t^ L.--: i- C-. X X - X X X X X X X M C T T 1 t^ t^ r^ C C C X r: cc t^ r c t - u X i: X X -r x i^ cs -r x • r. X X X X " X X X X X X a: L- t^ X c r. c". t^ CO CO CO 0 1^ r^ CO C L- u- r; L- — X C i-'^ u: -^ X -r CO — XXXX" xc^xxx- XX P o 1 o c « « 1 ^ asdj c! c _2 ^'^ ^ a - lljISs'g 2 J -§| «i| §\..2 J%| ^. ^..:g 1 3 |||ti| 1908] Statistics. — Michigan. 277 i < > td < < in fa "« r-' O 6© 350 400 1,000 ^ 1 ooooo ooooo O 0_^0_^00__iO ro"-* M''cfco' * OOOOO OOOOO t~-_^o__o^o_o^ co^'^^gTco"-*' * * * ,-1 ooooooooooooo ooooo oooooooo iO lO O lO^O^iq^O o__io_o o o t^ t^" t>r O" i-H~ of IN IN lo" of "2 r-T co" * * CD * * * * * 3,500 7,000 *2,000 40,000 3,000 o_o_o_ ic_o_t>._^io_^ OXiOtOTf I,-- ^ 00 ;* ^ "O t^ O -H CJ p GC' o 5p 00 uOrHiNOXOOlTjit^XCOOCO OXp5XcpXXpXf-J^cpt;» CO CO o >o i^ J^ £_-- p 00 X 01 -t ^ Tf r>. CO o oxcot^xioco o' - - - - - n " en ooooo GOlOCO^O 650 400 750 700 1,500 OOOOOt^OLOOOOO OOOOO 01 C00100COO ■0 >o o t^ o CO CO^iO CO 00 o O CO O lO t^ O O O O X w ic ax ■ o 01 1-~ o CO o r^ -r X o 01 o 'HCO'+OiO-rflOX-^iOTtiCO t^ O -^^IN t>. CO 1-H^CI t^ CO o 790 1,380 473 5,626 167 rH c C C >0 O IN CO o o o r~ o CO tm CO ■^^^lO IN lO 05 M U 2 U y b H z u n coco OO-^ CO CO O (M O'l O: O -1 LO Cl rt -H ^ i-( CO t>. OOII^OOt-iOCOCOOINO COCO'O t^ CO^IN-^-HlO COCOiOI^COtM OXCO COO •^ X 05 CO CO O 05 o CO u . E i2 uS B A c .£?<"■ 10 IN •M 01 (N r-l ^ CO 01 O ■* X -H lO — 1 IN CO rt 10 to 01 CO "O «© •* 01 (M r- CO -H lo X t lO ■* (N ■* ic ^ §5^?5 coo OrtOICDCOiOINTf 1-r rt INrt t^ CO'T CD Oi-I 5D (N lO t^ -1 Tf CD o CO CO 01 — (N (Mi-H e© -* TtH 01 01 01 Tt< CD 01 oioxcou; t-iooooio t-i^X CO ^OlOI^—ilN 01 OO lO CO iH I^ Tt< XX TfiTt* o 1-1 rt eo»c CO 00 lo lO O IN CO !>• 50 01 O CO CO lO looi Tt< ,-, e© '<^ -^ ?^ 01 lO CO •* oo -^lO rH,-H t^ €© ti CO CO -H 01 »0 rH 01 1^ O X ^ 'f X -I rt XM t^ c-oco o M rt lo coo -1 Tfrt > E (NOOOO (N (N(N xomor^ (NrHCO X 00 00(N0 00 OOOOO lO X CO CO CO OOOOO ooooo>oi^ TjfCO'* CO-* .J § X u > < Q Z in 6 rt I> r-H o O O O iO -H O LO O CO >0 « lO iM lO O O »0 lO O O LO T-H t^ -"i* lO t^ O O t^ ^ X -^ CO CD CO O M t^ t> CO Tt< IC lO CO (M (N -H^W rtO) rt O CD O lO O X lO 1 1^ o 01 CO X »o CO ceo ior~ -# CO O CD '— iC IN u Q V c 3 N. A. Holley, J. A. Brokaw, Mrs. Dora Turner, C. Allen," J. Russell Baggerly, James Hadden, A. J. Hetchler, Miss C. A. Turrell, h Earl Hunter, Guy D. Smith, S. B. Poole, Warren Palmer, h F. W. AVliite, Andrew Fisher, Mrs. Myron D Carlisle, Burt E". Bolton,'' E. R. Palmer, h George W. Bartlett, C. A. Smith, S. Ella Kclley, J. D. Ballard, F. L. Blake, A. C. Gilbert, O. E. Green, Walter J. Fish, L. P. Haight, m Rev. Frank Blomfield, E. C. Jjowrey," James II. Edwards, F'rank Carey, Charles L. Phelps, Elmer Lewis, h Forest P. Knapp, Mrs. W. J. Thomas, H X u OS D S u s Lansing, Maytl'r, Lawrence, Leonidas, Leroy, Leslie. 1st, „ 2d, Lewiston, Linden, Litchfield, Lowell, Ludington, Luzerne, Mackinac Island, Mancelona, Manistee, Maple City, Mattawan, Mattoson, May bee, Memphis, Merrill, Metaniora, Michigan Center, MiddleviUe, MiUetts, Mio, Moline, Morenci, MuUiken, Muskegon, 1st, „ Highl'd Park, Nahma, Nevins Lake, Newaygo, New Baltimore, New Haven, Newport, North Adams, Northport, 278 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OOO'^O O O'C>0OOt}(OO»0i0Oi-1OOOI-'5i-C»0OOOO i-irt'*CM O OCCll^-*i0f0c0O'-ir-i-ilNOO(NOO'*iNOrHOOOOrH(NO.-iOC^(NOTt(OOOrt O O O 00 »o 0) o (N-*^o®.oiococoGOi-ii-i(aNTroo:icoco OOC Crt OOMOCOOCOT-HCiC^r-icCCOOOCOCCOMOClOCJOCC 000»CC<3 O i-HWOC'*'OC0i0O00t-iOC0(MC«:-*OC0rtC0OT-ir-(C)rt04OCIMOffl O C C rCi-H c i-'fJiMOC4(MC:"i-HOMCCOOOOC)NO(NOC(M'-^OOC;C0C:O O O 1-1 ffl <-i CO eo-*OCOTliT-iCOC^OOOOCOCO(NOOCOiMiOO^Ot^COCJTfC(MOC-) rt 1-1 CO 1-1 rH ^ 00"CC^ CO iCCO. (M(MN'-iMOO-0-*iCliMCOi-iC~-lO"*<(Nt^ 00 '-HcO'-iMrHT«(NC^co©cotot^'-^-Hoicccz;cc-M:ocD"T-iMcocc'0,-iCXt-c<;c<:(Mcc w lO-t(M^t^t^CO«30CC(Z)coOCJfCCOt^t^C)^C-*'riOC-.-r-it^03'*t^COCOOOClt'-'^^iO CO CO t^ :rj T^i p pppp pppppppp ppppppp pppp ppp p pop a. 7-^ '-5 fc -"S r-T ~ e oj G — 2 ^"o C 0) C s o a; (N ceo 7 c^^ .-s t- ■ "^ o fe c3 : -^ sc .§' K~ C r- ci ^ j; ~ 3 2 U! — '-' 5^ i i^ ^ >•. o3 !-. u 'Tj : 5 u q t. n o d • . s^^ PnChS • 0! K ^^ rt c3-f K - <= S S 0 0-? = ■ — -a ^1>C^^^r-^ r"r~'y^>^ ^^ g=i S c RS c^ 2 S-S ; o ojCC h-5 n s I £ ^^ ^ O "5 ;S ^ '-- o -*^ o .^ s c -^ Ph 0;= o^ !K " 3 ^^ — "^ X X '-c' K rvP 0.0 p I :5 c3 ^W I S cc K 5C=i c rt 7: • 2 c '^ s j^: T. v: ^- K,^f^, Q 2d ^^ r/ -^ I X G; LO ! • TJH t^ Tjl C i 00 00 CO c ! iM !0 CO t^ C-l c: 1^ r. X r r-t CO rt : ) X sO »0 CO t'- 't t^ I^ -t X C CO CO ■ )XXO0XX)XXXXXXXXC ' a c: C 1- -H X ■ C -f > c: X( > X X I- ' . -r X X ! ) X X X ( ' !M (M I^ I ■ t^ r^ (M ■ ! X xxc ; --ti X CO »o ; X oq X i> )XXXX :i -r* V •-» ^ -eg.m "S 0.0 siS _i;:= a « c'i: 0) ^ 0 o u c o t> ^ A a; ,3 .t5 2^5 o 3 ciS 1^ -^ -.'z; -S S: a; 3 sP5 " ■ >■.■:: ^ ^-"^ £53. ^._„ ^OOOOOOOOOOOCuPHfLiPHPHt £ ^ c3 o OH)., S ££& c O d bo--; 3 o '^ fl C tn ppCiOf-LOpf-pi:-OD^-3gcOcpp»pOp ipi iC O iC C (N O O CI iC Tf C OC (^ a l>- CO (N "C occcooc oocooocoooccoc OCCOiOiCio OCCOCOOOOOiCOb-C C) C CO O '-I O ^ »0 CO CO C ^: CI l^ C~. CI -^ M O "3 --r-!— .-I H— -I— i-H— •(--•)— so- '^ :-*coocoo'OOiocc: i-ot-- • C: O 'O O 00 lO t^ M 1^ C iM CO r^ f^ -. -^^ w ■^-^^-^ — -^ ,w.- C: X CI iC t-^ C. O O 1^ t^ O •- C: "O CJ t^ C: O 'O O 00 lO t^ M 1^ C iM CO r- f^ rf o; (M C) O'l rt< CO O 1^ C O t^ ■-< Ol lO COOOr^OQO'*05 (MCOCO COCOCO iOC0cO'tr}ir}C'-i-^C0 C»50'-<^ XCO ^lOC^HOC^OO-^iOr-c t^(N e© oc Tf CO CO t^ 0O(M CO CO CO o ■* CO ° rt 1-, CO e© CO CD C CI — lO ^ IC CO •* m UOCD CO cc l~ O O M ^ (N OO '-'; CO o LO CO — c — CO — (N lO oo X o ^ r- 1^ ON ■* CO t>- m i-O CO rnX CO fi CJ c t^Tt-iOi-nOiO'S<0:NiO"OCOCCO'-^t>- ■*t^l>COLOOCCOCOCO'^ONOO — _> p ^ o w! .2 0 is i 3 ei -d iz: ^ - c3' ?5 a 5.2 5^-: 2.bSc«=5?:^S CO cj ocooooooo " s-2 a aj.-._ c3S •r I— e K u tr-- S — ^ O &HPL|( 3 . , S iv^ ;7, -^ ; I : o '^OT^CJOO'OGC - - - _ - ^ « 0-- o o o o o c 280 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 lOO ooo (N "3 O to CO Tt r-l lOOiOOOOLOOOOO CiOOrtiOOiO O t^iOOOOOiCOOO (N(N --H H(M OMiOO-^Oi-h t-i OC0-*O'^OOO»-hO 1-1 CO r-. --I OO 0(Ni-* COCOCOOCOCDC^'-iI>i-iCO 0(N'*'*OiMO O O'^C-ICOO'-hiNI^CCI .-H ^ rH M IN "-I '-I OO ooo -^(NtMOOC^Oi-KNOC^l Oi-nC^CO-fOO oooct^oooot^ OO l>.-ii-H COOOOC-ICONOOIOO COOO-^OOO O 0(Nt^00C0Wrt0 —J »-H t—t OO (MrtO «3--t >-i O O O ■* t> N CO ■* O O O >— O lO O (M O O t}" t^ O •* ■* O O CO o 0•.-: <^ ^'-^ ^ iL J} 7Z '/^ f- ^' /■ S phH F^ C r^ « i3 c3 ;a • cS-^Ci 03,/ o^ f-S P v: ,r, tiW ,^ ,»- 1^ i_i M r- tH e: ^ 2 K K o C) O3C0 CC 'f O X 00 o 1^ o lo ro C» 00 CO O ( CO CZ) t ; 00 00 X 1- ?1 : X' X c C-. X I ; X lO - , XX ! ; X -r I , X X ( ; 1^ S ; XO CI -r t- CO t^ X CO 1^ lO C;-tC0C0CCM^C0»O X X X X —. X X X X ^ ?■ g.a ^rH bjo c O p -Ohh-,1-, - Bii' -Oh „^ 5j oDtH i: ij ■„ o jH M ;3 . "H^-soiQ^a^aj.-H,— ^fl o3 03 d-Cj3j3-CC.;i.2 O ri cj r^ hl-H H S 53 !>)5 sSfQ -£ to ■^ bo HH to C 72 ?0 •• JO 03 0)- 0) 5 2 Sftc3 tf -3 o o § O b'S-H 1908] Statistics. — Michigan, 281 o „ 3q oo oo . 00 t^ 00 »O00»O CJO0-* y~^ •*(N (N lOO »o ■n" C5 -t j^ 1— t 1-1 1—1 I— 1 «© o CT) »o o> O o ^ w t- lO CI 00 X lO CO(N 1— t c\ o o T— 1 e© '"' coco ooo .-iCOi-iO-^I^tOi-fiOt^iO -H O 1-1 "* O0i-ii-<00)" CO»-ii-i «fe o ^ CO oci ■* 1-1 1^ »o lO lO lO 1-1 Offl ,°2 00iOOOOOOi-iO'OCii0Oi-0Ot--i0'0»0i0i0OQC'(NOOOiO coo »000 00i0O»0I^MOiNa>l^N-(Ne0C000»CC0t^'^i-iO (N^M^rt ^ CO^ oiocoiocno^ot^LO (M IM O O 0> CO N 00 00 t^ >> -c^^ ==-0 s 2 o art m1^ 2^ 72^P^ rn ^-;'~^ ^ ►-5 2i tH o ;i m . 0X3 > b >i^ ^ Cj^ 1U.2 O Oq tf>(25 ^3 CO " fS " ^s^^ 3 3 uT fl >,•-:» w rt s- 'o . . r^ M — M oi ^OH Ch:! S fl -X .^ ra -- ^ ^1|£ d :; C u 3 cs o o c3 03 o3^^j3. '4 Si a A c3 ^1- ! 5 03 c3 '^ cS g» X 2- C(5,-o 3 3 c3 « OQCCHH > SCO 282 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 oococo o O O lOiOiO (N O O O C O X o o c b UI05 050COCO to CO O) ■* 00 (M CI ® iO ffl 1-1 cot>. io»c b (N "^ < a c OOiOOOO (N ON(NC0o Ci.-) O rt O o .-irrOO -HOOOO c O C) (M CO C: M CO O C C (M C0!Mt^0 (M — O CC (M -(ioxococioiM-f,-icoo5(NxcicrxTj< a o »OTt-o'M-t ^ t" E k^ 3 £^^ o6 & ■e '2 :? *-" 0 «" ^-^ rt X HI ■J 2 5 o^f^ . >'Z^^^K Hi|g«pZSg . ^ T C/: "^ r- --^ . 0 ce r — « « hqS^s:^ g^rgadsi^c^ f^ ds^lS ^00. t-.^ ::: tr m 0) .« .1i .t: u s u q: 3 s u o O S 0 g .a tT s ojc3c3o;a)(i)ajc;-C.a.r!-s >^^^^^^^^^^i?£?^^^^;:: CT. .- O »0 Tf 05 •* o;x ii 5 ^-o H g5"-.= X .^ -2 «flC =3 S C ■-ix ? 2 53 ,/'5 if;^ £ "T^^ P S 0 fl =" pasi nist No. CO , 42 •r; P . ^ • - a t^ c -^ X^tO 1 ? O C^l 1 — « T3 5- o ^- 1 a) S i-i £ Q ^^ .r.S Ir Pi i =l3^'5 '—i 0 ^3 ^ S 2; CI T2 Tt< PLI 55 CO t^ o s d-^" io 0 C i-« u Q < rHH S g nti « g -302 fS3i -^ a S .^^ •- m-^ a) ^ OO cjK ^ D W •• H fti C U ft w z o a < ^ c X 0 W cc H W K S B tC u y o p; « K S t) P a ffi So o o c |z oc a; a: K o W H W S 2 S S ^ <: ^ c5 c lo io i--__LO o^co o^oo 5 c__ c o o o c O O C Q O * ro(N ,; 00 •* M CO ! : 5 05 CO ffl CO ( COC0 05-*00505-*»Or-i05 00 05'^ CCCCOI^h-t^CI^ O c: c O 00 o OOOOOCCOCO COi0OC5^O-tC ■^ 05 X' M 00 ^5 »o o oo c c oc c c CO ■* ffl M" V C -f C: O O C ox C: O X 01 M L- OCCt^OiO'OrOO ■-< O O C -t C: t^ lOI^ X 'f t^rco^:cJc ceo CD -H o CO c X t^ -< t^ — I O CO CD 02 1-1 lO i3 03 coco O CO-T< cccnx^ X (N t^ CO on S CDX-* CC«Q ^01 ^ g ^.-^ »c CO c<:>o 1-H IN M -* Tt< ^^- c3 c; 2'^ bCK M ;JCi 3:" .K o S S -3c ■e -:5'3 T;-Stf°a;2 - ■2^-^ = ^ 5 250 •>> IN^ 05 4J~ O . _ « t® i:-§s% ■J} a ,~ y ^ . (i< .. >^ ■■ l3 91 CO K CO S S'o«3 O O c CO s§ « 1^ co 5P 5 'O'iS X S K 3 o CD-? 02 h CD -r ^e— o .- I O »3 ' t. CD f^ip 5§go>.f2 Q (si •0 Members, 35 ociETii s: S 0. of cliurcli on, $21,251 ; in Missionar ial Aid, $1, S.Z' ..^'Z--^.2 fe C.O Schools People's BUTIONS : 00; Educa 08; Amor 1 ; Minist ^■a J*^ c " 3 5 c; S =» *_§ CI C-1 6% 284 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 CHURCHES IN MICHIGAN UNITED IN SUPPORT OF A PASTOR. Church. United with Ada, 1st Ada, 2d. Ada, 2d Ada, 1st. Alba Mancelona. Algansee East Gilcad and Bethel. Allendale Bass River. Allen ville Brimley, Pine Grove, and Rosedale. Alpine and Walker Alpine Center. Alpine Center Alpine and Walker. Athens Leonidas. Atlanta Big Rock and Lewiston. Bangor, 1st Bangor, West. Bangor, West Bangor, 1st. Baroda Bridgman. Bass River Allendale. Beacon Hill Redridge. Belford Grand Blanc. Berryville Vanderbilt. Bethel East Gilead and Algansee. Big Prairie White Cloud. Big Rapids, 1st Big Rapids, Township. Big Rapids, Township Big Rapids, 1st. Big Rock Atlanta and Lewiston. Bradley Wayland and Hopkins, 1st. Bridgman Baroda. Brimley Pine Grove, Rosedale, and Allen ville. Bronson Mattison. Buckley Sherman, Cleon and Marilla. Butternut Crystal. Cannon . ' Cannonsburg. Cannonsburg Cannon. Carmel Chester Station. Carsonville Port Sanilac. Cedar Maple City. Cedar Riui Lake Ann. Cedar Springs East Nelson. Central Lake Ellsworth. Ceresco Fredonia. Charlevoix Iron ton. Chase Hersey. Chesterfield New Haven. Chester Station Carmel. Chippewa Lake Rodney. Clare Dover. Clarksville South Boston. Cleon and Marilla Sherman and Buckley. Coloma Watervliet. Columbus Richmond. Cooks Isabella and Nahma. Copemish Thompsonville. Coral Howard Cit}^ Corinth Moline. Crystal Butternut. Custer Fern. Dover Clare. East Gilead Bethel and Algansee. Eastmanville Lamont. East Nelson Cedar Springs. East Paris Grand Rapids, Plymouth. Edmore Six Lakes. Ellsworth .V Central I>ake. Fayette . . '. Garden. Fenwick Sheridan and Sidney. Fern Custer. Flat Rock Newport and Rockwood. Fredonia Ceresco. Fruitport Muskegon Highland Park and Nunica. Garden . Fayette. Grand Blanc Belford. Grand Rapids, Plymouth East Paris. Grandville Jenison. 1908] Statistics. — Michigan. 285 Church. United with Hamburg 7 7 7 ? 7 PinckneN*. Hartland Highlauci. Hersey Chase. Hetherton Johannesburg. Highland Hartland. Hilliards Hopkins, 2d. Homestead Honor. Honor Homestead. Hopkin.s, 1st Wayland and Bradley. Hopkins, 2d Hilliards. Howard Oty Coral. Ironton Charlevoix. Isabella Cooks and Nahma. Jackson, Plymouth Sandstone. Jefferson Ransom. Jenison Grandville. Johannesbvirg Hetherton. Kenton Trout Creek. Laingsburg Victor. Lake Ann Cedar Run. Ijamont Eastmanville. Leonidas Athens. Lewiston Atlanta and Big Rock. Linden Tyrone. Luzerne Mio and Ryno. Mancelona Alba. Maple City Cedar. Mattison Bronson. Mio Luzerne and Ryno. Moline Corinth. Muskegon Highland Park Fruit port and Nunica. Nahma Cooks and Isabella. Nevins Lake Stanton and Westville. New Haven Chesterfield. Newport Flat Rock and Rockwood. Nunica Fruitport and Muskegon Higliland Park. Oakwood Oxford. Omena Buttons Bay. Oxford Oakwood. Perry Shaftsburg. Pinckney Hambvirg. Pine Gro^•e Rosedale, Brimley, and AUenville. Port Sanilac Carsonville. Ransom Jefferson. Redridge Beacon Hill. Richmond Columbas. Rockwood Flat Rock and Newport. Rodney Chippewa Lake. Rondo Wolverine. Rosedale ... Pine Grove, Brimley and AUenville Ryno Luzerne and Mio. Salem, 1st Salem, 2d. Salem, 2d Salem, 1st. Sandstone .Jackson, Plymouth. Shaftsburg Perry. Sheridan Fen wick and Sidnej^ Sherman Buckley and Cleon and Marilla. Sidney Sheridan and Fenwick. Six Lakes Edmore. South Boston Clarksville. Stanton Nevins Lake and Westville. Suttons Bay Omena. Thom psonvUle Copemish. Trout Creek Kenton. Tyrone Linden. Vanderbilt Berryville. Victor Laingsburg. Water vliet Coloma. Wayland Bradley and Hopkins, 1st. Westville . Stanton and Nevins Lake. White Cloud Big Prairie. Wolverine Rondo. 286 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 CC<0 O O ■* IN O ri iCOOM O T-t (N •^ O "-I (N -^ M »-i O O O i-h CO M 1-1 O ■* (N '-I TjH O --H (N C C IN OO lO O T-i CO l> --1 1-1 O (M O OC N r- (N (N O 'S" O 1-1 -*ooor>--*oo i>i-h( •i-iO»00 OCO INO 1-1 rt — 53 5 tli^H bi SoQ >X3-5 mS' c cart o ST-.^ M O cS i-( CO IN t^ O »0 1-1 O I-- i-i th COCO OO ,; i-iOi*C0OOC^lO OOOiO OO Oi-iOOCOrtOOO OO Z> Oi OO (u NNINiCOXINO (Ni-lOO OIN iOO-*C^)COCi-^OOi-i i-iO CO-* OObO OfHININOOINO COOOi-i OIN IN O (N O i-i i-i O i-i O C C i-i OO OO ■i-0 O CO CO -^ OS --I lo c^i oo t^ t'- c -f CO r-i M r>. t^ ic '.o IMOOOOOOOJ t^OOOCOOCOCO •*TjCC0 O CO LOOClOlO OiOOlMOiOCO OOOOOO CO 00 O tOOCOO >0 OC0- •; d o3 s CCCQOOO 1- ; to ie-T- oo c OiO S C O - •O "5 .; M lO CO O l^ CZ) O CO !M -- -^C O O t^ o TfOCSOCOt^OC CO 1-1 COIN ^ (N t^ o o o o •* CO -H CD.-I INC ■> OiQ -4J O ~R ?^ U o c3 . <^ fcL> (X Sr •f. v: (U So ss a c - «• c >, c O C 03 •r; r to )000 288 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 oooid'O'tioo't CO lO lO (N (N N •* rH i-HOiC (N >OOi-i -^OOOiMC^CvlO O t^ O O 't O O O.-iO(NOi0OOOOO X O O O O OOOC OO O IM CO O O t^O lOIMOlOCOOCO Ot-iOO-^COOOCrtiC (NOiOOiOCCC^C-^CCXNl-l-lMCOrtt^ 00'-c>00'*rtM'9'(NCO OOCCOOOCCOC'-iOOOl^'-iCO OOOOOOOOCO ooooooooooo iMOrtO0OOO-<}OCOOOOOiN(Ni-(OI>0 OOJ-^OCIOCDOO rl r-< CO 1-- i-H T-H .— I 0'-iOC3'*'tOOO'00 05 O: O < : CO O ^ lO o ,-1 rt^ I o: 00 C CO to N CD 0 0 0 Q, * ;! (N* T-iOiOt^M(Nt^iOiOCOr-COGCC.O'-i(N COOOO-OXCjt^CCit^CXOOOOCOO £•,; OO OOOiOiOOOOOOCOCC >0 (N O O O t^ t^O 0»0 O O CO C lO o cct-1 (Ncco'^'-^xoocciooo -i-t^ CO -^ ooo O OiO O (M— I c o im" .-r >oo !00 OO O"* OTJH O X aw INMOtOlO tOTfOC^OOO — NO OT'COCt^ ocot>. ■*COC0C) (ZJOOI^O'i'TfCIC CJ^NC'IC Ot^fO --H t^ o " C5 o >o (N^'^^c^^x C5,io X r-_r- Tf^ co •* (N ^"t^-^- -h' r-Ti-T tJh" (N" lOOi— iC'OiOCOO^'Ot^ O O O iC X IT u-3 O CO t^ 01 CO CO L0 1-1 •* 1^ CO -"S^ o X lO —I ■*ooc ■* CO CO .-I (N rH OO o i^OO(NOC0O-*^O05 O^ CI t^ iMTtH oooo 2 S lOOO CO OOOOOOOOLOCDLO CI OO o COIMOOOOOOOOX oooo lOCO OCCCOOOOOOO oco OIOOC0005000X O50-* CO XOCOCl iM a LOt^Ol -hOOOOOOCOOO OO O oocr^Loooj«5CCX O O (M X r-( rt TfH COOrt (NCOOOOOOOOCO as OCQ LOO o .-Hiooacot^coOi-ioxt^i-i ohooim -^coo olooci^ — '*coioc;in u Sfe ■* X Xi-iN OlOCOON Tf '*rt(M(N'-X(NOO(NL'0t^O'-iO X OC5 01OI CO (Nt^O (N 000'*OiMCO'0»0'J< CO o C:OCCOOOOOOiO oooo lOL-JC (NOOOCCCOOOO OOOiOiOOLOCO c CO c; CO o CO 01 to c-i O S'n^'C tnfl. O O , OJ 1-3 ■t;. . t-.!-: IT* !- 6a X h ^P-^ -ops.-. '^ O >S CP:Jg ^tn-3 M^ to a g::s i^ Mi o ^ OS. fe 2~S MS 3 ^ fv O >■ "-I +J .-I - o s c3 ■73 -^ iJ O O b O U t. _fc; 0?5 a:3 ~ > 4s -TwoTsSoooctoS Cos ?>c3 jj c« c3 ^ b u t. 290 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Oi©COC0»0C00"3»0t>'«0O(MO ocoo iOi-IX(NC5'-iO OO'H COOMW iCOt-iO ^ .-I CO lO CO lO ooooocoo Tf^co«o CCiO(NOOOOi0i-iO'*'-'(NO-*OO(MC0O(M ■* -"t CC 00 O-hOOOOO OOINO ooooooooooeoooo^coiOTfioo OtHCO,- rt-HO-t O O O O O O O t^ (M O O C O O O O O O O O CO •^ O O O C^ O O O O O O Tf <-! CO O O O •^ (N 1-1 O IN C --I ^ O O •* O^ -*i C •<1< O OO COeO OlOM OrH lO t^ (N O i-H T*i CC ^ 'HOOINOINO^'-iiMCOO OC^OO'CO'-<00000 O^OOOCOO^INOCOC ooocot^cooo^^Ol^Ol^^ocoocoo«cc^■^ -Hl^CO-* Tf ■* CO »o OOOOOrtOOOOOOC OOOlNr^OOOt^O^Or-^O'MOC-^O'-i'H C-HOOOiOO—KNOiOO OCO'-. CO lO 'I* (NrfiOeC-i'^OCOOO^X T-i,-HO00(NOC0iCCOlTt'CX'-il^r-iCC0«iOO O QC «C 10 lO 00 GO t^ O3t^«coco;ot^oocxco-^ t^ IM t^ Ti t^ IN >-i«2t>.tHI^rt^ c ,c3 •- 12 f^'3'E 3 "^ r >^0 . . . W fo .^►^ & fn -"-= Oh m tK >— • 5 M Ph& 1^, ;^ r^ 3 a a, it/ (S ■J-i: i 5 ■3 J c3h^ ^-=_ .H »;::rd'^^_a) P^o" ■ -^ 3 fe ^ "C c3 :i: i-c ^ t-njs-ajt-o,' c.ct-. .rt..Ht(ajt< tr^-5%^-^./=i 5 a c^^ n<< <1K > 'O '.4-' hn t. H- -— 5r, S «; 5? K co-C 02 ■l" .^ ./ -G ^.<.-d w cc 3 »i t- t. o '- Oj ^ Oi ^1 — I a *v^ *-• 35 ^1— I g c3 a ^ aj o • 'O u . .S rt CO 03 00 CO 00 CO 03 00 00 CO ICO ooooo lO Oi o O00O3 O 00 CO O CO 00 Ki 00 00 iO(N 00 i-H CO o CO 03 00 05 00 CO 0 03 00 00 00 CO IN IN CO t^ OOO M 03 GO (N CO lO O 03 03 00 O I^ 'X GO X' 03 X 00 X t^ IN t^ lO X X X X X X X CO ■— I t^ !^ CO w O 10 "^ CO f- w 05 no CO X X . X CO O CO (N l^ f^ CO *0 X ^^' ^^ "i.' ^i-^ »"• XXXXX03XXXX 5 ^ ? 3 [x3^ >>^ o o CO cc aj +5 o^^-^y-g o-g tea a amp— .-*f-t;rort>y_M c3c3d~3Ccjt-"g"3 CO i> 03 -^ CO 2^ ^-S c? _ar O d a^ j= a ri 03 t. is +j S a) cs "a a&T'C £ c3 o3 o3 c3 C3 Cy a £ c J- 5 a o O * a; a V fc. PhPhPh N t3 a o3 a) aj ._ ._ ii fl ; r : 1908] Statistics. — Minnesota. 291 "o „ Si •< Q > ■a q -^ 3 fa "o "^ 3 1, > fi j: O U . J u C/J c ocococcccoc c o>io o o c c CC CO ocoooo oooc ooooooccoco oo o c o o c o oc oc o «©* * * * ocooo ooooocccoocoo ooooooo ooooo oot^oicocooicooo cccooao •ci ;::;£;» 00 — I rt O CO t^ t^ CJ CO t^ — LO c cooscoicioooojocr^ffio Ci' iC O C: C o ooo o ooo CO O Ol lO C0»O'-ii-nO-*CD'4^ s CO > O t^ CO lo cjx xoiLoooooieocoxx '0 030C»XXX05r-iOt^ rHCOO^M^-^T-nOCO'* MO lO t^ ■* CO X 'H CO o •^ >-( lo o -^ CO »o irt lO 1-1 05,0 CO IC CO" r-l' r-T --T oooooxoooooo «^ 05 ^ o CO OXiO'-iOl^OOOO C^l M i-H o CI o t^ Tf Tf rH O CI lO eOr-H c) ooooot^oooooo o WCOO ooooco o o O O X i-O "5 0-^ CI OOCOO-^TfOOOOO ■* CJt-COTjiOiOOCOOO '^ X '^ lo-r M' o (NOCOOt^OCOOt-O ^ OCOOOOOkOOiO o o o Ot^ lOOi »OC X C) cat i-H t>. i-H rt( M CO C C 05 50 ^ C) O I^ "-I O 1— I 05 t OOiOOOl-JOOCO-hO i-h r^-^OdOi-iOOiOiCO O O CO iC o o »o t^X "ICl ooctoooooot^o oooooooo«ooo CI T-( M O 00 o ^ y-t O O lO rti O O^OCIM-OOOOOCOO CI Tt< X ■* o looo t-o oo — COiO Tt< rH Tt* IC •* rH O oo o>oo COCIi-H OiO "O d f^ CO X lO »0000'*'fOOOCO»0 CO-^Ot>.M<(^CJ'*-tLOCOO OOiOOiCMOOOiOiOXX t^OClOCJ^O'^CCOOfOCO lO o o »o o o t^O-i*-HOX oou: ic OC CI t^ coco icl-: fi- C ;ncc>t^C as ~ r- t" O S C ° " C ^ C G - 32 ii M 03 5 !- ^ • ^ -1 n 1-^ » *r^ — _ 1-1 ^•n o -- o •—• U TT. C O P cS C O fc! fe QJ S OC S O >- o — 2^51 Office hJ 0) O C30 >-..-tf •" g s3 2 2!! r'^>.§;^ "3 tj d cj ffiffi a- |Jh l-C h-l W4 k£ ^ . ^a - i 03 CIS 0) 7i. ^ G- c3 cs; S5 S1? ^-■2.2 ay. ^►5-73- c ^ c aa'C t: o oe d d ce ci rf rt jSSSS SSSS O c3 S- o c3 rt ci o 0) rs .3 c 2 -.= c8 s. h " 292 Congregational Year-Book. OOOOOOOiOOiOO . u-\ u _u ■ — ^ /-^ /— \ .Ti -^, if^ ir\ i-i(M(M^.-iM:Or-i CO 1-1 tH .HlOOMOJOlCKNOiOOO {NOO'OOOOOOCOOOOOi-iCOMO'-iOOCOCO ■-iCOOt^COiOOOiNfN 00'-Hl^OOO'-o t^- iCDMOiOC^Oi-iOOWCOOCOOOlNu:! 003 iNCJCDCOCOiOr^OCO-*-* c0«5CCCOC:00'- a a o H a -5 Q. s •'a c' g c3 t' „-cj ^J o a '^ m r' qO ^ 03 cE 'S rH c • ^.aP-e - a o a -S o l-^rtd "^ o v5 o3 ai ai K K "6 03 .* -.2 S J5 03 03 ^- S a . u t. . m a 03 t- K c3 O K m-2CL( O t- — (V, t- .,- -* h^ *^ r^, r -l '^ '^ t» CO CO 00 CO ^ CO CO CO CO 00 00 < 00 00( ) O 03 )O0 X )C0 00 O-H, o o < (K oo ( < t^ t^ M so oo )O0CO o oo o o (M CO -* Tti-COCO OC1 t^iOOl--I^OOCO OOOOCOCOOOOOOCiOO COCOCOCOCDCOOI^ OOOCOiOOOt^iO COOOOOOOOOCOOO ■<*< CO 05 O CO CO CO 00 00 CO CO X iZ) CO CO up r*^ 03 o i 3^3 a a o 1 en asstf ja ^^ (UC>Q Ph «"& ^ £ S cj O 0) w^ coH ■S-2 a c-S^-^ O .S ^ .« rJl CT3 ra^ o a go -5)3 a -sis - ^ '■00600o3^j-,t4 o^ >.;a 03 -ir^ OClOCOOOOCOCI^t^CJOlOOOOOGCOOO )00 >o o 00000000000 OOiOOOOOL^oOO o ic 10 10 c^^'* c_^cc o^o,^'*^ ^ rt (m" rt' of ■*" ^^ T-T cf 000000 O' oooooocoooooooo 00-*0«OCO LOOOWOOOO-^OOM 00 (M(NOOOCOO<£> t^-COO'^iM-^t^Oi-it^l^ i-hcc K« OWCCO'-'r-HCO C5 10 10 OClOCOMX-f COt^^ Ot^OOTjHO COOCt^OOiOCOOOOrtiOOOO "OO iC d O lO O 30 -f O --H O O O O >C 10 CO O O 10 1-1 O' CO O CO CO c 0 w_^o^^_ic_eo r-__ ic_i— lo c/; 10 c-i w t^ o ci i^ >-i ic co too o - -j^rt-focir-ococ^t^co CO^OCOOC^OO rtiOCO ^ Tf (M IC lO ■-< O OOOC0'*01C0C0^C/;i-irHCvl01(Nf000(Nl^OC0O"* Tt-iOiM'0-*OOOOt0C0O'iM rt 03 >Ot>. 03 i-H i-H 00 0 =■2 So r^iOOOtOOOOO 00 r-xo OOOOOOOO 000000 — ocoooffl oc c T}*t>.t^ot^cocoo COIN 10 ^■*0000;OOiMOOOCO(NOC0005^ 1-1 IM T-i tH rt INCOOCOO'* 05C 0 ^' 0-*00(N0CC0 10 00 O^OOOOC^iO-^CO-fOCOCOCCOt^OOOOO -<'*< (N IM r-H— 1 00 00 CO ks 10 lO CO CO CO t^ lO < (MO O O 01 CO Ol CO Om pS > ,-1 10 Ol O) COOiCOt^'OCOiOOOI'O 0"*iO(MOOr^O'COOOl>.0'OCOU50tD>OiOO'-i OiO a>ioiMt>'Ci^or-0'H.-r!<(ococ50»ocoO(350co ooco 1-1 (M ^ .-I O 'f T}( 1-ii-ilN (NCO'HiN CO i-< (N i-ii-i CO ^ IN ^ _ o O (ki 3< . "=^ Ci, S -S 1— I o.-t: (XP-, ^ O 3 — . cc i- C 'f. S cc '^ ^ 5 (S C K s- S fl O o CO S ^ 3 ~ "«' o ? ;s c- i-^ - s — i_i^ ? 3 r ^ pi. S K Ch ~ -H C' ;??K::^g' »c o c o o M-f C -u J 2 . c30a>a)iuoo!>iu ^;zz;z:;2:;2;;2;;z;c iS -■" ■w %: t. ?*.:::: _ • 00 33 .. (iieH P-t-Sn 294 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 O OiO«> O O O »0 »C O CO O C "* O lO OOIO t^ N C OCiO i-H lO O O "* O O O lO NOW O ffi IM (M»0 t^O l> rt M COiO CD 1-1 O I^ lO ■* N CO '-i O t^ i-H i-h tO CO ^ O CO (N O t^ i-i O N n d H hJ s a «! U O iH OO IN O OO O Ot^ OCO O O X OCOiO O (N i-H O Ot-ilN ■* 1-1 T)H OOrH O 0(N 00(N O O CO CO O O (N O O CO O O C t^ O (N l> Oi-iOOOOOC0OC5C(NO0:OO OOO OOOr-OOO.-0 O O CO Oi-t O O O "* COOO 00 »0 CO OCO O O ■* TjHOO OO CO 050 O CO>H O 1* ■"*< OO N Ot^Oi COiOOi-nOCOOOO'-^iOCOCDOO'^CO COOOi-iCOOOO^COCOt^(MO»OCOiN-* IM 1-1 (M (N 1- (M (N rH rt o ■^ CI 1-1 TjicOOO'Ht-OONXOOlkCicO-*^ i-icD(M CDCOIN COINOOCO TTtt^ 05 — »Ot^(Ni-l (N CO N T-i IN (Nrt r-ii-l (jOTtit^t^OCJlCOliOiOOCi-iCOCCI^t^ cooco 1-IO INCOCOOOOO-tOOOOCO'O'-HM'^ <>\ ^ C1iNC0»0'OOiOC0INi000O>0COTt.C5pcopt^pQOJ;»GCf-f-t;~ tC^ m ^«f^hJ> "^ tj m M 0>' I'J rt -1-3 S ^ C ^^ > Qj.t; cS i « S as iToW w ^^f2;tfc^«5> I .§ ■— ' (D ,J5 w d O ^ o ^ S I § 5S S 'f^ S § 0) g rXO U op; P £^ 3 S o5 5 as 4^ oj ^ .a^t as- "" O H t- 1i ^ o c o S !- S.O.Oi-d'^rS Si > rn ^ * fl b ss Can 0; bc-T; j ^ CE -^ K oe EC S x Eg CD C/3 CO (N O lO "-O t^ C5 10 ao CO 00 COO) CO GO IN oo O CO CO tZ) 00 CO CO CD t^ 00 CO 00 00 CO 00 CO CO 00 COOO CO oo o >o CO 00 O Oi OO M coco LO CO t^ OOO OOO o IN LO 05 1^ ' C lO 00 CO ' C-J 00 GO 00 c I TtH C5 1 : X 00 ( I rt CO ioot» IN coco O Ot^iO © CO CO xoo IN t^ O CO o CO 00 00 03 00 CO 00 1.2 gf^ o3 p-l o . fill -" > Ph "S OOfM ; o o o ,^.0^ — u o^^^- >..oiog gfj-og -jw^:^> .-g 5 B o- o X aw o£ » p. 0* V > s OOOOOOOOiOOOO oooo oo 28 °®2^o ooo ooo g CO occoo ooo ooo OOOOCOOOOCCCO'O; OOCOOOCOCCCOOC: io^io_w c__!Xi^o__c o^c c w c r o : io"eo~rt -H'~o'"t>-'~o' o~c ic c 1-' c --' ; * * * * * 1 oo oo ot^ occ oo cooo ccoo oocoo ■" "" " ■ o >-< o 1-1 " C^l M * * 1-H ooo loiooo xRo_^_^5_ oSo ooo ooo LI O O * * rH O' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOiOOOOOOOOCiCOiOOO o^'^^^M w o_^o t>._o ^ >o lo CO '-'5,c<; o o_^ oo ooooo O CO O lO Tt< lO o o -^ CI 1^ r- o ioc5o (NOSOS 05— Hi-tiocc-* — --CO — coo oo 0 t^ O C. 01 O 0_0 C' "-I -"Tco" rt''-roi'ofrt'~i--'oi-H'~of r-T rt" -t'COOiO'OXi.O'.OOt^t^Ci-'OO O/OO) X^Ot^C:t^'-(t^Clr- o ■^Ol-Ht^cCcOO-^t^'+OlOOdt^QCOMOOOiO COtOT-HO^COOcOM^CCiOTfcOOltO ClOD «© lo ^ ^ ro CO -H g; o o X lOlr-T-iciOOXO-ft- COr-t O »0 lO O tC Ci QtOiCO^OOXiLOOiOOCOMOCO oo ~bS CvlOCOiOcOTfOGC t^ 00 1^ CO -^ CO 01 .-H CO OOO 01 UO O00C0Ot^O»CC0-*OC0L0MO»0 0(N ooo ooocoiooeocoos CO 0ocoo»oco — iN OlOOCOOl-HO — 1 Cl. lOOl -H o coo OCOX OO-HTtH.3:c0(ZJI>O i-H CO 'i* >- CO cooo 0 50 ^-rtCOOCO»0^:rt^ClOOO CO 01 .-H oa rt ^ iC^ iC O CD to OOOOOOT) oooo OOOOOlt^OOO ooo COOCOt^OOXCOiOOTt-OCiiOiOCl iCO «©1-- OfOOi-iCCi-H'-(i-0 rH CO —1 01 OJ OOOt^TfOOlcD^OOcDi-OLOiOO OiOCO OOOO MCOOOiOOOOCOeO OOiO kO r-toicocooTfocococoLoco'* 01 ■* CO ^01 ocooicox-* CO t^o»oiooooocoiOiO'oico>-o oiLoo 0'^i-oo>ot^o»oiOf-00 0C'-0 0H0MTfHO01.--Ht^oC005 10030 -HOI -Hr-l-H01r-iCOr-<'-l--01 T-Irt ^i^J^^ JSJ g 2 cs ^. ^3 <§^;;:^ 5 =fe O O X! C . r-. a^ , -^ t: v; t- tf s Sffi s ot: c\=< 7:»v5 X'-^ • c3 - sl^ o-f? -s^-.s . (S d I-+2 O b3 III 20 ^; i? f- : t X >■ P5 r-S L_: _:-■ ti'r" f- j£ c I^ ?< ri ? £ K 5«ffi^ 9 = o a 5 S E ?, S > _r? K>i CJ -3 r-~S-^ S c>^ o J go Qa^t;gC; ^^t:;DJ-^t;g gc;. .- T- - c;> to E -7- ^ -' SO-rs 'CO. !3 b 53 Onaitftf! 296 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OOOOO -"t-^t^ fO 00 lO >0 1^ 1-f i-iiC (N O (N --i O OOOOO OOO O O M OrO O O 00 O O O O lO OWOiNCO OiOCO ■<*'00iOr-T-lO(N>-HtD-<*i(NOTfC0 lO OOOOM OiOO OOO OO't O O O O (NOTt< (N O 0(NOt-iO tOOiN C0C0-t-H T-1 (N r-lO O (N O "-I Ti* T-1 O O O ■ (MOMOC t>.iOO C0MCi«5C0rtC0Xi-i! ooiNOO eo»co ocooor-Ht-iOTfi-ioooooo oo MOOOO -^OO C0OC0t0(NCC<5-*O< OOi-HOOO •. C)t^C ■? • s tj;-^ Fine Sho Bool 3d, ^ .hH J S: o fe S S o^ ^ -P g g M ^03=3=3 o^ § ^^'U^ n .2 S ^ g QJ 3^5 So .S pH .J3~ s? s «J ^w 03 s:s s J3o AH feO i-Ch-; ;0 a3 o3 u d; a w 1=^ O u5 ^tfeus. ; js 03 rt O >-i O X a-o GO 00 05 OS rt CO 00 oio 00 00 Ol oo 05 00 o o 00 C3 00 00 o 00 00 00 CO cot^ 00 M O CO rf 00 oir^ 00 00 00 00 O rt o t^ oc 00 CO O) -t> t^ rt< lO 00 05 QO X OS O ujco O t^ (Xi Ot^ Ol "O 00 02 00 00 00 — 03 02 .f? o ^ — T) t: o3 S ^ "^ ^ Cl OJ O) J5 o * fc-'^C d, st ^^ c5 aj ^ c3 c3 c3 iS.S fci O 03 . 2-s.S 0 0 3_aj-3 t, u ^■5 "^ ';3 ^ ^ :: c g fc fi g .3J5 O = g ^ LO t^ TfCOCO (N - - aj.2 'd:2.2 O— 0, $ .2 "d cTS . c ^ ^ -.S -2 .3 ^ P fcl-^ 2 CO 0) y o-^l - ^^. o .°^ ^^ i; . ^1^ . .3S^« . . 05 ^ 00 -3 ~:- o !r' ftco^^^Sgg S-O O 0 f- 2 c g in (K a o _- ?» 5 cr- << = S -^^ 03 -<■ ~o -IN 5 rt W H ^ g -O (N » +J "8 [»•" O .« 0) a; ,3 S 3 o3 (/i «Ph O 0) h o3 190S] Statistics. — Minnesota. 297 :0000 )(M C W C»3 w CO io »c o ocooooooc coooooooo COCOOOLOOO cooc oooc CO t^o aw C-3 as ss ccTf<(Mco-*(NC5C^'-it^tocoor- CCiOOOOOt^OOt^OOOOODOOCC -H CO CCOCOCiOOCOCCCO CCCCOO'-iCCOOC-JiOC T}O'^00C0(Z!'-o oj c C-fOOO'-OOCOCCOC'MC o lo c t^ O' i^ o C' o c cc CI "* c "-Oi-HCOOOCOCOCOCClOajrl^ ^(Nt^cct^ -t cr.-Tf CCCCC COO cc oc o *" ^'C 1^' :1k K o K ■/: ;(^ >■ §d SS cfcipi C iC C C CO ■ C «3 - O — t- ' tK72 E-HH •>ein;5 — ^3oai C3.S ^^t 5 P ? - s c 0 = 3 f^ jr r3 ^- 0 g OJ 3ca •£ s — 00;3 d lo (» S ^-"-"S-" c;..-*^o mbers, 36 member of Debt, e Estate, , Pilgrim S c si; 03 [lurches, 4; Sunday Sch 6,990; Amo he Anson B Wingate Est 0) £ E O «©H g CO •• M « --X 5 H ao 0 c Tncr Decb Ex Lega Th a 01 m a a K 2 2 o '■^ m tc ^ C rn 2 2" ■^ ^ 2 i» pi o s OOi-HOCO a J K »ooc^ c^ oo 5 'T' O CC (M t^ IM Q d Id h i lO C ^ W C-l o c; O IN O iC N < d J3 t^ r^ -^t K2 o T-H >-( to IM O IN i-H ^ Ki X d 1^0 IN CO C h g -fc T5 ^T! & -e O t^ m L,,5 Qi i :! Silas A. Gambl Jerry M Edwa Marion S. Jone Jerrv M. Edwa Frank G. Wooc Silas A. Gambl a o m ^ ■£ K td >J U John L. Thomas, Miss Rebecca H. Jac Louis W. Barron, Daniel A. Edwards, iMiss Estella M. Real Oliver Hodo, M IN M IN CO ^ 'f i- CO occor~o o CO C5 CC 0~. IX 05 (B a -2 > , of in a X u K D c o , Piney Gr 1st, Bolton 1st, le, 1st, Bol Union, apel, Caled X U c3 Caledonia Jackson, Meridian, Orangevil Tougaloo, Woods Ch g m c >05 .- 2 02 0 M SS ^a? ■r. CO ■ o^ Oi 5 o •■rr « C3 ■ <; < p O « « 5 r^ H H S H 'S-T CO CO 01 2 rg S g S 5 iqsa JO """v § spanj JU31UJS3AUI $10,000 12,000 15,000 200 1900 1901 1903 •DJ3 'iOElEg O (NC i < i Q 1 z siaqniaj^ O O >OC "SCO ^ tH CI 00 CO c s c •n 3 1/3 Wm. Woods, p. (}. Cooper, Rev. Marion S. Jones, Rev. J. M. Edwards, Rev. F. G. Woodworth, iii Oliver Hodo," III X s X u 1 ^ s Caledonia, Jackson, Meridian, Orangeville, Tougaloo, Woods Chapel, 2 3 2 3 ^ S lO 'u ^. ^ o 5! a g rf> ■ 10 ;.; :; 4 Increase Debt, $ Decreasi 2 § O <0 C^' fc « • •~ ^ - a o ^n .2 •o ^•^ 0 crt r/rji^ D G C cA ■^"^2 o TJH >H (3 s© o ^ J3 ^ ^t5 M —3 +- ► ■< 2 CO s o C.2 0 \^ 03 •^^-.-q '^ to ^..^ ^ 'Eco ■# ft c ■ a tH IfS 2 J o -s •- u -r ~ t; ^ ^3-2 ,_( » z ■A z 0 0 03 a V Q si o a S ^ r* -^ ir. ■+ ;<) z ;^ ;hci <5S© o o M Congregational Year-Book. [1908 (N (M O O "O (M I^ T t- t^ CC O O CO ooccooco O'-'i-ic0'-i(NOr-oo«c oo— i'*t^oicqroooooc<:r-Oi-<>0'-iC!C5 I>.COIOI— Ot^t>-C<30»OC^l O^i-H^OlNr-l i-H O O IM 1-1 -H O O O '-I 1-1 rlOi-ICDi-lOi-lCOi-lFli-tOOCi Ot^^^OOC Oft^0 Oi ffl ) .^ ,-1 O CO 01^ -t., oj .s ~ £: X CO f^ to 30X O lO O lO 00 CO CO l> X CO - CO X c X X ( ) O CO CD Oi cc o CO o; r^ XXX « +2" t; "3 _j' ^s.2 a 3 01 60 O -s S oi o r r::: o !_ b c mCQCQCQu C3 Qj >cc o C d o g 530do^fc,to ooooooo ooooooo O^O^UO w o__o_^cc 0^0_: '.£ CO ( ooooocooooooooo » o_o_o o o_ O O 5 O O O O O I^ "-T'H o'o' i-o c^\ C _' J ■ . ' ^r **(MOCl*rtiaOcO*** 1-1 * * * > O CS »-i C) lO -,0 X 1-1 ;O05(NXC5iO-Hi0(»0)C0'*X-*'<*t Xt^OCXClOOCOXOCOOlt* H0jnq3jo •3J3 'XjEjEg OOOOOO ooo oo O O X oco ooooow oo ooooot> oo 050X1000 (MiO oooooo o o coo looooco o o ooo •-I ci_o_ic_o_'-<_ lO ic Noieo ajnjipuadxg^ O oo O X "-H — I O O -H t^ t^X !-■ O CO tOiO-^COOt^>C^iOiOO t^ 01 o -H o c-i 1^ o i^ -H oj C^Tr-T rt (N ^" O -O C>1 O -- CO X CO C O O O O L-. X CO X >-< -^ r^ o CI X CI ic "C i^ uo c; o •* co__o_'-'_t-__x__o_cc_co t^ LO '-'^__o -r M''cr(M''T-rcr(M''co" t-t^' I'^'OX XOr-fNTflTfOrHCOrt'l' •^xocot^-* CO lO CO CO 1-1 IM LO 1-1 (M •+it^ror^X»OsC-'0'j"COfO-*C.C"3r-< o' co" S3IJUEl(3 piVI,J3)SIUl],\[ OOO^OiCCJ OOCOO>-OOOCO(NOO OOOOO-hOO^ OCOO-hO-* S •DOS "l^d P"^ ■g "s •auo3 OCOrtfi-OC-. (NtOt^OCO noijBonpg O lO O O O O O O O lO O O O O 0 "* t^ 'f 1-1 1-^ <£ O O 1^ . lO ffl 1"""* ^ OiOTji Oi-'5I^>COO'*C0»COiO ■^•^iM cot^t^itoiooior^ifo _ yi r-' ^ r- 0\ y-< —li- 1-1 (N ^ 3 ID o - ^a o' s ^ 3 Pi rt' .S 0) c3 0 ?: o O O !>< T3 ci 73 >vJ o C ^ O 2 W ° — 3 ^^ g j; ^ o G. O r^ •— K *i. i> • Q o . "" ^^— Q > 5|o C 3 (D zz o fflM ■ o o O MS O 0^ J =: 5 <^ o », c4 O capQooo QQ ^^11^ = 2 2 2 £ 3 V. u. .- .^ =, >, .- ^ C3-5 3 0)' -3 . O (u °3 t- '" O i3 C cj >■ £p:i'3 S §-^-0 Congregational Year-Book. [190S •^O^ OOi-iOt^dt^OOiOiO^COO '-lOC'MIMiOi-i C-^N O) lO CO rt ■* C> --^ ^ IM ^ 1-1 -^ IM -^ OC-lOOCO^OOOrf OCCOOOOfO^CfC Oi-ii-i 03000N(N'-ir-.0'-HCaffiCt>-*0000'*0000(MOO ooiot^io-^r-o-^oo C^t^OI> i-nr- '-iCOO'-i>00!0»OOCDcO'OOCOtP00100>-hOOOO!00 (N IN --I CO 1-1 T-l (M -H (M IM ,_« r-i ICCOi— 1 —Ht-Ht-Hi— Ir-ti— 1( )0(N(N«r-iOOCO>i-iO iO3C;c0i-i-*oo't^ OO.-iOOrtOiOOO'^'OiO'OOCOOI ooc 00 ■ M lO O iM CO-* ^ 00 o; CO c < 1 1^ CO IM < lOCO ^c C0>0 iO I CV3CO -^ t^ " )rt (N COt^i IN(N ,rt ^ rtot^ ot ) CO OC ^ . ra S.22 ,-csi .2 oii; =: c c3 ^ 02 hM ^ to C3 (D — s 2 IV -2=-S''3 0 3 ^"2r5s ri p O O 3 tc :^s ^ ; CO ■^-S Kh^, 0; a o»S^ C '-' -^ '■ ►S^^-'JggK gfel =3 . K ? -^ k o wit ^1^ -t" CO -t 00 oi < O CO CO t^ 00 I C2 X X OO X t > 0(N< • 05 t^ I ; X oo c ■ X CO )XX xo X » (N CO lO CO X X ) 05 02 ^ -H iM ) CO t^ X X X ) X X X X X CO'^ »0 lO X X X X X X X X '-^ tH -* I" X Ol 02 O 03 o X X X X o X CO -H 05 ■* X CO 05 cox X X X X X XXX XXX CO^ X CO 05 CO XXX H'^S m O) - u Tt cs h o i^ - OJJQ .is & > Oh^PhC 2f^-c .» 2f^. r o: ^^ 9 goi 1$ org 53-^ = > DO aS ^- z +j ^^ '-^ t: y bC -■ S 4J D--3 mm o S O ft ^- * te 2 * fl, -*- P a; 1908] Statistics. — Missouri. 303 o „ >0 ooocooococc ooc o c cc oca C C; c c o CCCCOOiOO'fOOQOO lO O t^ 'M O 05 O irj W (N t^ CO lO ooo ooooooooooc oo oo ooooooooooo CO >oooooooooo )000Q000030 l_0 CO 0_0 CO o^o^o^w o_ (,-1 * * rlr-i !N ooo ooo ooo r0 O * rt (M * * OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQPOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO o_io_o_ o^o__o__o__o_o_o_o_io o_^o__(/:_c/. o__ro_^o_co__o__x^o ©"■^'ado o^'Oio'cfofr-'co'"* lifo'i-rrt' o'"co''o'~co'"x'"T-rc-r * * * * * -r * 800 oo ooo iOO-fCO-*OOOCOt^-*iO '1-0^O5 lO^iO "5 1-1 (N aw O r^ !0 »o o owoot^ OCO-^XiO OXLO -^ (MX 03 -H 0)_C0__»O 0J_ •^TffiM .-icr-M^X'OO-^OOO'-OOCOCOiCiMOOCO'JDO-riO lOXO: -^<<00^05iO-MCO>n^ oo C0C0»0Ot>.C0X»0'-X L': '0_X__ iq^05 0_0__X^Tf X 't,'^.^.'^^ '^«'~'. "-^ ^-^ ^.^ Tt( 1-H i-H 0^ COO^C000050C10Xi-OXC<10XX^t-HOXXt^^O!C5 r^ X (N .-H X T-i C5 o t>. CO o coo c^'tcoocow ■^'-i O-^OCMOCOOOCO oo»o (N 0:(M QIC = ■3 000»C OOCOICO ooo i-iOi'^ .-H OO O lOO 05 OOO •* OCOO OC lO O OeOi-i OOr; OO e© IN (N i-H •-< -i-< O C0O5-* ,-(^,-ic^ ,-t T-i CIO »o C4C0 —I rt05iM Tt>-iO^00'0 ,-1 O -^ -H ^-^X ■* CO •* ^ ^ to OiM CO CO -^ CO -^ OCO (N • CO 1-1 (N ,-( ^ ^ BBS OSQ oo n ?; i?>; "3 CO o Oi.ti o ^-^ a u £§ o fl O 3 ^ C3 "t^ =" ?: ,,^M c3 .~ o cc .. Hi CM H .. a 1 to 0) o 3 « ^ r-! o « o w OJ a M 0.3 M <1 O S§ a o *^ o bf) IH O 0) s to H to O ■*-' a -rt Ui a E Ki O >1 ►J tH 03 ;3 0) n o H 0) rl , — 1 a 03 O 1? O rl (.; o !^ O O a Oh-1 <^ ^ n d Id H .4 % < J OO OOOOOiOOOO '"' CO 01 -1 © rt rH >-< "O IM (N '"' C5 T-HIN O '"' lO '"' ao CO rH o lO •* -^ (N (N (NtHCO CO-Ht^ o cort rH CO(M rt MI> o (Nt-1 '^CCt^ C»lO rH CJW ■"^ rHlO COCDCO rJH rH CO CD rHr^(Mcocooo"0 o t^iOCO CO ■^C- 03 -iSK ^h" -^ 2 ^ cS >. Mp, • ^■tjr|_ . nj OJ S • . ii !> C? . 1^ .2 "S to o O -^ 111 +r PhPh.1:^ • u '^ HPh to to^ '■^ rA '/i yi '^7;i 'fi to 33 0 03^.^ -^-d .:a ) CO o f^ r^ 1 005 OO 1 O t/) 03 03 CO t^ "O OI rH OO O O C/D o 00 05 coco ce 73 to • • m -to t/3 O g £| to ^■•^ogg§ CO ■* o ic o o o o 00 00 00 00 CO c^ - 3 tH 03 -^- p H a -QBaoo3 Loa* OOOKOCOffi a o tOi_3 a a 03 ;j::3s Etf^ oH 4j s ^n to" c3 >.,9 fe.. -Q.5 .DtJ< > 00 ti s a f-g 'ri •» aTO. 0.2 =-^ a r/T •^-r?" 1 ..-"a t."=^"" ^h'S a a . •1^-^ |5 o -:: o3 tfj 02 in J tc to Z) oa w 1 < <:• c to i-i r-T a M a - s^ i a § § ^ 5 ^ poo ffi fe < 1 2 CO jj C3 S 2 ^ .a • ■3 i a o ■>.-Sh Ot- O CO ^ a, o a-""^Ho tn O O '"^ Tt* •- <; --ro g--*^ a S tr tK'« S £ S'o Oa « -^ .^ o j2 S o a. . - to . rt o a a ^ -' ^ "--^ "> o < z ^ o S O g K « ?^ f5 !3 < ^ < a 3 HrH-« g t^ c3 H to += n --^ SH a 190S] Statistics. — Montana. 305 JC t^ n CO o T-H 42 (N ^ t lO «.' aj l~ C- > -a om ^ CO o P ■^'' S o c O ^ o >s ■^ o cc «fe s "o CO SB d 0 ^' IS 00 0 H 3 d c J2 ^ >. ^ (/i en C3 0C *— ^5o ■D ^H w * o dci 1 ■) o br 'Ji ^ s && u • - 3 t^ o tT K.t^ /-^ <; ci 1 c i. 0 1 d -^■" c ~ i-O d c o — ^ -^ '/i C § u te «5 Cj >i OJ (D 1^ -a C r^l c F^^ o n^ a d d ^ OJ "^^ O4 .S"C /=" aT t- 5 K icco <; o ;^ ■- ^-00 H H d g " §s "^ s bf c r^ c Cl ■^ c ly) 0 i."; C5 . (^ !£ S bl Tt* § hr 0 ,;: : o oj p O ^r^ ra2 i-^' W CO ,x ^ "i cc^ 3 a r/: u ►J z3 P5 o? p. s z ^ KPhCO jqaQ JO juiy spunj )U3UI)S9AUJ •D)3 'Xje|ec; sjnjipuadxg 31UOJJ l^'OX S3IJI-IEq3 ■ iamo piyi.-iajsiuii^ •oog "qnj pue uoijBpossy •ssij\[ -uiv SUOISSIJ^ auiojj •3pia M3-inq3 uoijEonp3 SUOISSIJ^ uSisjoj •uiaj^ •sauapog G SJsquisp^ 00 CO 10 00c 000 0«50 000 000 t^ (MOO e© - - 50 "^ o c • t- d 000 000 "00(N O OQOOCOO o 0000000 •o^ io_ o__o 0_>0 iC o i-T CO .-To" Vcc o N p 05 O rt t^ CO Tf< ,-1 (M c; c o O: O CB c 0> 0~ " ~ 05 o c? c CO cr. o Cj2 »o O l; — >0 CO O "5 C) T)H_ C_0 CO iC r- t-^CO .-T .-Tin'" i-T (MiO»0 ^ IM 0 (M 0 oo»o 00 CJ^ «© iC cc 0 f If; CI lO 10 1^ 0 ^ (N so oc •OCOO 0 CS ^ (N •* T}i 10 05C0C0 «^ (N CO C£ Lt i-0 -^oo t^ 0^ ^ t^ iC lO r.-^ 0 'N^ — . ^ C t- r- ^"^ ° w ■ • ^^ . ■ cc;i-.c;dfc.oo Ji il ,6 §£d O -'^Q ^ c ^ >, C G 0/ ?: oooocoo OOOOCCCl ,;=• t> CI Tf CO 00 >-i c; cc J ,„ -_ja g -3 0) d .. ^ .S^rS d -G o -^ '- O:^ d_oi - sR^-^ - Q ti u C o CCKKJ^S P- d JO g S c 'i' c in W » "O -^ CJ fj «^ c; c r^, in r^ c t4_. ' ' ij 0 J. u C r* •/. r/J > F- u. -t; 0 0 e, d CI 9&C b&C h C^ r^TS:} r^ «©oo 3 m J2 05 C— - 0 d 3 P 3 •^H ^ 0 0 ■ 1 ^ t^ hS 0 ^ d .- 2; ^ c a: c rr *; tcQ c «? S.. H-n py c a .- E; IOCS 05C0 O •* ■* (Mrt ■^ O CO"* -^ICO^DO OTl^r-^l©TJ^O■*000«00■^'-| iMQiCiiOOO^t^'-iMO O'* OiOO'^O OI>OOCOt}h|>(NOOO: Oi-H oeor-irt o Oli-HCO ( 1-1 0«2 > T-HIN -' I- o if _i3 -3 "^ o 8S P90 o o c:i< ■■ -ceiH .22§WO fHOija2> Kffl to o3 ^- :3^^»> &,tH i"^ ^ '^ig fl o OhJ O 5 <" 00 O 00 1^ )oo cz: oc 00 T-H OSCO C; C3 0-J CO 00 cc O 01 CO CVJ lO o o CO o ro GO 00 00 00 CO CO lO 00 rt M 00 1^ CO c; t^ 00 CO oci CO X Mj- bo ra iZ! .- 73.- gSo^oC^flO"2^'-^- i^sJiijq'ECtrSm-HS^leg^SSaJ.y^JSJ:^ a^ S S S „ .,. -S bJOTJ.b o P-S S ^7? ^^^^^>5«5«5<«^^-5mmmfflmmmSSSmmmf3m(a rSaafc » cd C3 ^ OOOO 6 1908] Statistics. — Nebiaska. 307 |00000000003000 coocoooooco oo jqsQ }0 juuv spun^ juauijsaAUj •DJ3 'iCiBlBS OO oc o oo »o OC5 CO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OO OOOCOOOOOOCC ooo oo OOOOO r^_^coo_ o_o o^o^co^io^o.^ oooocoooooo OOOOO ^ <_^ ^ ^_^' ^.^ ^^ ^^1 ^.^ w ^.^ W^ ^^ «— ' ^ _ - _ occio o oo oo o 0_0_0^ OiCC^O 0__ "^."J 0__"5^ iC lo'co"-*" (M"'*»-'f ^" eo'ci o'n m" OfOO C^ O lO lO lO IM !i5 Tt< OOOO 005XOOOOCOO 005" OJ" " " OOO" OOOOOOOOOOOOOO lOOOrtiO O iO(NO OO -Hooor^i^ t^ (M»oo oio OOOOOOOOOOO oo OOOOO oic ooiMCOoc ino c-io o c<5 .-iCCt^XO(NM Ot- OCO -J 34niipu3dxj[ SUIOJ^ OCOOOiOOOtOONiOOOiO O'^O'CCC' OO(»<»C0-*IMrt ■MrHOCOiO Ot^0t1<00 COO OOOOO OOt^t^iOOOO— lOOOCOO ^ .-H (N O 0«3000(N'-t^ QOCO t^-^O OiOOOWO— iOi-t<£)OOTt<0 OOO COTt<00 00 (MO OOOOtO snoissij^ ■spia M3->nq3 COOO'+OOCDO'COOO OO OOMiCOje (N _ uoijB3np3 SUOISSIJ^ •iu3i\i •sauspog s,3[d03^ Sunoj^ sjaqms]^ OOOOOOOt^-' r^ o a, "3 I. PhCC s . _ a> c • ^ o S ^ Dock J3 o 5 !i' •i^ og a . ."o S bc-T a; ja c.c'o o3 c3 A X ococ a; - O XI 308 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 COOOOiOOOOCtOiOO C-lr-Ot-4C0'*OOOO»0C0OCOOt^ 00000000»0 OMiQC^t^ONOO-^OCO OCOC^I^DOC^thOOO'COOOOOO 0M00iMC'^'-<0 r-iX»Ot^OOOOOOOO COOOtMOSOOiMiOCOOt^t^OOOOOCOO NC3'-ie0O5«O'-i»O00 M O O O (M OO O OO) O O OCO OO O O O O O t^ "* (N O O O M O i-i 03 CI "-i O •*! O O O O'-OrtOQiOOJiOeO'^COCOOOMOINOl INOOOCCtNiMOS-^t^ lOOOt^-^OOOOCOOt-O OfC i-irt r-(0 O CO (NTf 00(N O i-Hrt O 1-1 rt O O O 1-1 1-1 1-1 O CO CO O t-i C<5 (N O O i-i (N O O-*i-iOC0O00C)i-i IOCOOO(NO OOCOOOCOiOCNOOrtiMOOOCrHi-i OO^OrtO-^i-nM dOfO^Or-iOOOi-KNO (N T)i iCr-H coo CO IN O O CO O OCO 00(N O t}i O O (M O ■^ rH 03 I OiCiO 0500 I ot^oocoo )X(NO(NO O O rti rH CO -^ (N < CO t^ •"*! ■ (Nt 1-1 1-t 00 CO C 10 O C3 ( CO lO 1-1 O CO C5 £ rHCOiH CViH d -3 S aJJ^LJ u > H w w ^ s M n, c C S ■£ o3 sj ^'^ ws «W cc 03 S S '^6< l-H "^ H r> C 03 i-a E-i F- "^ Mh c-i ^^^^"Zl ^1-03 IbH -^ g_e3 Q HpQcq'r = ■q. • . !^- 03 - C o3 il^ S o 5 t; os'S'S HCOcB £ g S 0) o c S.H p^*- -^ %^ a . oi'SO e 5 c . ^ t-S -2 fl S to tc «2t a q; t-i Ui U> t-i t-> 3 O i-H ai c»S C§SS»§g o) Lo CO 0) 0 00 1^ CO 01 CX) CO 00 O CO lO CO 05 CO O t^ 00 GO XOQOOOGO 01-H rt t^ t^ r^ 00 X X vOt^CO OOO 00 o; Gooo ■xooco o t^ t^ oooooo 00 X 00 X ~ --O o ^ O X CI C5 C: X X X !M CO Ol XXX lO r^co o xo XXX r- . >:.^ ; g c3 (D 01 - O O tn K~ ; c3 60 __ . »'C .+s oooc )OOC :a C >'^'0 C C m £;^ © t. £:;3c3do3a>OOS33S>i!o3 C ^ H o cu a t- Ui ^ -a-*^" ^ 5 ^ .K c ag eva oa, man 0-3 03 S. 2 "P P ir 03 ej 4) u 6 o- o X as 0:S ss ooooooooopoocoooo oocooocoo oooooooocooc OOOOO OO OO S"5 o c o o c c; s c; J s oo oo o ocooooooooco ooooooocoooooc;oc;o coo OO OO O O O O O lO o o o o fO O iq,i0_O00^O_O_'O iO_0_t-_^»0_(N o_o^ COiO COOrco"(NC^'~tD'<*CO"«DCO'(Ni-r(NO~ oocoocooo oo o oo oo oocoaooooooo OOCOOOOOOOCHO OOOiCOO>OOOt>-t>.(N CO Tf lO OU^ t^ IM M O 01 1^ t^ coGOoocoxtzjococoooo oooooooocococcooo OOOOO OiOOOOOCCOOO ocooo ooo IT' O O) c o »o o fO •* ■-< 01 00 o o oococoooocoo coocoooomioooo coo--2 0'^oi>eoec?oooo ■>*O-*t^t^OOO(MvCC0COCOC(M f, lO r-i >-i O O "-I lO IN CO ICO O O; --H 00 ■* CO O rH o "C C5 05 O (N -^ 00 "-I -^ CirtCC^CO'-iMO'-i CfOOMOt^OOiOiO--iO Ot^COrHfNC^coOC ■Tf-tO'-^O'l'CDOClClOiO lOiOt-H (M (M lO Q0 (M 00 l> i-l 05 ■* r- «D 05 '-I 00 »0 «0 i-i CO 05I^iOONiO»OOC5 iO"*00(NCOC'^C>lt^>00 IC(M rHCO Tt'00O5i-iOit-»'-''*'-C0 C<3>-i !>• iC COl~-(N 1-1 -4 ^ OMOCCi'*00'-nOC5MOOCOO»0 O0)COOOC0^C5 MiCOiOOOOt^OiMCO liCi-l "-I OJlOi-H-tr-lr-tC-l (NOOOOOOOOt^C^l "O OOOCOO iO-hOO»00 O O O O O O CO O ^ » O O « CD CO O O] O O 6%iOC0^IN i-l (Nt^ Tjti-irH 05'-'S -HCOOCO—lM'-H 0'OOCD05'*»OCD t^i0i0K5Ot»CC0 M co^ ^ ic t^ o CO S ■3 :^ '^ ,-^'Hg o t<.- -a .pa ^"Mfcillal ?„W a' 5 o ^ ■feh^S >■. 3 u a •A 53 ,sspa 1^ O toW c3 OJ . c3 - ojrjra x S > ^- > o o c; fc -j; i: 1^ a „- a 3'o-d ■r'^'? Q a .-Hi c ^' ooSodddduoo ooQGQQQPOOHHWfe >s £ too d-5 s g£5 - '' a g ^ S>^ Ht g So o = aj.aj^Js o o o o u i-c b ;-er3 a >'^T3 a a 2 h o3c3cja)Ooap rnam, anklin cmont end, neva, noa, miant afton, and Is Pilgr a> Tjt t>. o ooioooiooi'-i'^coooo 03 oo t^ (N co co i-h ■-• 05 (n o o >-< lo (n o 0"ffi OOeOCOO OOi-i-*010t^OOMOM OOCi CO * s £^ 05 GQ j;^;::; o ■* o ■* o oO'^oooinO'-i-^'^o cj '^gjo^-^o oc 50 OCO O O ■* O OOCO-^-ffN-^O O Ot^O'-iO^'-i cot ,:;r-^ c-.iO^^Ci 0 CI -1 -^ r-" '^ C ^ 03 d .-;.SiT ?„ -S aj Oj:; 3 a ! w - ( - - __OOCji. Ii .CO 03 OJ :"a=-5 3Z' i-.O . . . See -S t"' S g m C c3 te-I Q t. CO — WS jHW t^ CO 05 IN 00 05 00 t^ 00 00 00 00 (N O l>05 oooo (NO 05 oo 00 CO oo 1-1 t CO o 05 < 00 05 s! «. . • n rH , flj . -^ a a,c a if^ o ^ O W ^ t/j ■ r 1 S-i d 1 t-1 C t— a a:5 •" 03 3 .- agp^l o a pJ 2 ^5 g a^cdiz og6g<^c§g^ lO W O (N O O i> r^ o t^o 05 00 oooo 00 OJ CO o t--o to 0 00 050 05 00 00 00 t^ <35 O >0 lO 00 o:) (35 05 05 X 00 CO CO 00 Ort CO OOt^ O5(J5C0 Tt fees c5 M' co"_r ^ -*n^ CO J^ g u ;-. M t^ « ^ c3 s3 I (U 3 ~ '- 53 03 (K.Sf^rl HH 3h K HH H^H 'oTO o - a-T3 O +3 !. to a Qj _>>+; ^ 3 3 .2 "3 & 3 Ma .r-e -r.-t^7; ^a'a'a .a o3 a > k a a o^O o o^ " - o ; O 4) ^ a 1908] Statistics. — Nebraska. 311 ■- oo ooooo ooooooooooo o »o o c o c coooooooo oo oooco ooooooooooo ooc oo ocoooooi>.o oo oo oo ooooo ooooooooooo OOOOO 00 1.-0 0 oooo »00000 (N0«0 lOOOtO o o oo o o oo ooc oo O »C lO pi IN CO »o »0 w fC C) i-» i^ Oi 05 ■^ r- 'o CO oooooioooooooo oo oo ooooo oooooooooooo ooo-*ic o omoooooo o OlCMOCL'J T-^ t-^C>lt^i-ICC-*00 rH oo ooo o O O O O C (M O X t^ iQ 10 t^ ooo ooooo O OOOOiO oo oo ooo lO »C »0 O lO t^ 01 CO -t M 1^ ,-. O^iC o 051000 OOIN oo OOiO lO OCOCOiOOO'-'OClt^ CO o rt rt< (M_^iM t^ T-i 01 Tt* cq_0 --I O O ■* O t lO o •O GO O -H -f O c\o t^ --_co o_^ oo'io" cT .-T OOrtTjiOOO'^O ^COO OOCO Ol CO lO t^ t--. «o^t>.ot .-100^ OC: t^COOt^OOt-"-* 0 0-* CO COM-H i-(CC-*00 05 (M CO OCO Tfi 00 C0(N CO CO CiCO 03-* 00 ■* C0<-( O'OO'-iO'-iTtHTt'Ci ooo ■* -^ coo o O W Ol .-< o O "O IM rH I-l ON CT3 1-0 ooo OOOOOO-fOSOOOO lO OOOOOOOOOOO coos NOOOOOO O t>.0 00-* tOiOOOOOO o Ot-OOOC0Ot>.Tf< oio c:3t^coo 00000000000 o (N OQOOOOCOOOO IM CO O »0 N ^ •* -^ T-H rt CO OCC lO OCO (N oo 1-H CO Or-i 0-* rt o£ u .2 Ot^O^OO O-^OOO(N00OO (N O »0 ^ rt (N ?2* OCO^-HCOOO O O 0»-iOtJ( rH O 1-H ocodOTjH ca CO t>.eo^ QOrtOoc oioc^-wocnot-iooo >-> i-lTt10t> CO(MeOTtH-*TlH,-lC1(Nt^ CO rH •^ (M CJ -H CI t-H a)ioo»ooo OOI--000000 CO -^ M t^ C O l> »0 -^ -t (O rt (N r^ N Ol l-H rt cajg a ■^ i 4) ME O ^3 OJ 5k; ,3 IB O OS ir d^ eg . c aj £?«■ e; ^^ u k- m ^ c3 cd c3 c^ Kffil o.ii^:T: o o ;:~i— ? g c3 d C3-H 03 a >. ■-J > 0) 4) 4) HH I— HiH )i( pt( g C «3 rg .*; s i^'rpf^e sB ss 312 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 n d Id H i-i s Q < u C2 coi-ior^oioo coo t-hqio t-- to oiaooo r-ico o iO(N Ori o iHiorHTtor-ioooocco O'* o iQO>-i ■0 O (N O O O -H o OO OO o >-hOO lO CO rt 1-1 O 03 cc -^ ^■*o CiO(N 000.-I0005 o OOO 0(M !>1 '"' C»Ot- lO i-i(N O i-H 05« rHTH CO (0 0500^0t^03COOiO-*OI^ ^-(NOTl^^Ct>•■*■'*■*rtOC<5 CO CO M i-H !-( 00 coo coot^ lO ^ 03 CO IN O rH CD ■*! t^ (N i-i •* r- t^ t^o CD lOINQCOiOO-HWI^CliOiO TtirtO(NiOCOOCO(M(N lO t^ CO (M CO-^ t>-ccco CO iC o CO O) t^ 00 Oi 00 COINiCX (NTt< lO •OiO r- o 01 Ttor^'-H03t^or~coco pt-pOGOpppcOppp 3-0 03 O- ccc • hH -«J -M te * tC ? O t-i SiW gw O'-TO o tu —CO O.SP- Ol_] 0) S ci ^ > 03 c-a „• cS fl " Mj > H 0'_ ■|.2|^!:-tii S SO O J o 02 f^ tad 03 >- bcja> .60 o O H WO ws ^-« ^ to •^ -J^ fc; O ^ —TO) O — c3 "So ^ Co O cc S o^< •r >- . X 03 m CO I-H „ So§ SS^ Cc5 ffj "^ c3 (-. (D 00 0-0 03 i-H 10 ^ 03 CO O O 03 03 00 03 03 GOCO T-H CO "* ^ O 00 cor- CO o 00 00 00 X' C3 o; o CO CO ■* 10 CO 03 t^ 03 O GO t- lO 00 CO CO 0 X X CO CO 10 10 00 00 (» X 00 00 CD coco 10 GC 00 00 03 CO 00 OS CO (M C »0 •* C3 O3 00 « 00 (Z) CO 00 CD C-1 10 CO oox 00 COOOO 03 (NiOt^ t^t^O 00 00 C3 CD l^ 03 00 ^ 00 t^ cot^ t^ CO 00 00 00 GO ^ a; d"' 000 o ;.2i^— -o o. c3 .S - « cS ^S ^ii rtS i=Im - 03 (D 5 m;s a 000 ■3d do.2.2 CL| di Ph Ph Ph Cm O 5^ (^1 a P^Ph O CU s C B c u p> P-iP^PhPS S§.sfe Pi Pi Pi Pi c3-a n 1908] Slatistics. — Nebraska. 313 < \ ooooooooooco ooc coo oooooco ■* O O — I o -t c iM CI 1- O (N l^ ooooooooooc coo coo oooocootr >u b„. o o oo 00 o ocoosocococo 00100=0000000 00 "O (N 00 =^0 O O O lO O iM coo oco O OiO OOOOOOO oooo oo O 00 O O ICO C2 CO(NfO t>- CO .-itHCOffl rtCO COOOOOOOOOOO 000100 0 010 oo CliOOKNOOCOiO oo ooo ooo lOCO OOOOCOOO lO O O CO o CO t^ t^ i-H 10 S 5- i:i as rOOCcOO^OOcO'OiO'O cooo-^occior-ii^rtco o> 00 i-H CO oco^io^co rH !/;_o_-< lO lO O CO o w w C ^ 0) o COiDOrHtOOOOOlNOO 1-- ^ OOiO oco ■* o t- 1-1 oo o IN t^cOCCOOTtiO)OOOOOiOO .-<(N(NO00C5 -^CO lO t-i !J03 O O OX' X OOOOWOXOO-*i-iO OOiO (NOlO OO00»OI^C0O •-icot^OJ 1-1 c-i Ni-(Ncoi-ii-i -* CO OOO loor^ I O t^ Ol O t- lO lO (M 05 lO o .lOrH'^lO^COCOCOt^t^ ^ CJ (N .-< >-i 1-1 y. c-1 c • <5 Wr^; -SI is ^ "^ ■^ V -" ^ K 000 OO— lOOOWO'OiOt^O ^ copp,_,oo tC B C !C'^ ■2 ^ s Sffi^ ^ " si fl fe cj t- C! I=! S w O'J^ g, o ^O S 3 M^ 03 >i 0) 3 S t« -3 ^.C 3 C ajHHHHHPPt'>> ) 03 ■ 03 e3 ^ CJ VI m V} V o o a Statistics. — Nebraska. 315 OOOCOO C C O O C C O CCCOOOO OOO CCCOOCOOOOO Q &•„• cooooo ccoocoo ooooooo coo ocoooooooco oocooo oo oo lO O lO lO OOOOOOO O O OOO 00 O C IN lO OOOOOOO o o o oo o f^. 0_'0_0_iO_0__ OOO ooooooooooo oo ocoooooooo to "-^^ CO o_ o_ (N iq >o_ r-_^ o_ p t^ C-f CC •* CO rn" rt lo' CO " coo OOO o r^ o o lo o o 05 t> t^ C5(N OOOOOOO OOO o c<3i>r^ (M OOOOOOO o oo o»o CO O CO O iM OOO OOiO O i-H M OOOOOO— lOOOO lOOOO'^O'OCO r-r^cO'OcoiMtocO'H 6 a. O X ffiS Um ,oS o OI^ lO O X o t-. lO ffi CO CC CO CO t^ to toco C2 o d o o to o C". lO •* to oo lOtxN r^co O' O O O C lO o O O t^ o ^ o CO O CO 1^ o »o tOiOiO OOt^0500'0>-iCCCCC'O i^cor^ ■-HCi'-iCiOiic'MO'-i 00 1-1 to Tt< OOO to CO o_^'-<_co r-i CO eooo CO oco X r-lCC to-* (N --I C2 "^ X t^ oo lO IC ■* t^ ,-1 O IN (N T-H C»00 OOiOOO oo COOOTt* ^ O iO O CO O O O O O lO O O O ■* OOOOOOO OOO O O O O O ■* O O 0(N >-H t^ t--.0'"*'cOCO OOt^COOtOt^<-iOCOCO rtO0,-i,-((M T-HCOCO'-H (NCO'-i'-i (NCOCOOl CO'-H'-H JCOt^OOCO O'i'iOINOOX COCtDt>-00»0 •*00 OOXOCtOCOOiOCOCO O OO'COCSO OOiOOOOO OOi-IO-^OO OOO OOtOt-OCOO^OI^fO Sa to (M(N CO rH lO to COlO .-H O OOiOOXIN>0 1^00C O (NCO^'-i^ X (I4 a c of >, .yj c r' c3 ^ X C K^ ^- ^'E^ <^ d^ <; G . p «<^ ss < t; :;: -"^ G x "t; Tr > f5 ^ ^ C- 3 y= C S O t-o g S sS C ^ C ^:~ I=Sh O H-l r H 2 ^ r- >-.W. 03 ., ""^ =:; ^^ i^ fe^ ^ sg^a<;>5.y:i-;;go 1r^ o -O . C j^ bC TO 03 i^ >^ Mrt! Ji ^o J S^ S3- s.S.Sc =_ S ^ S S ^ C1.I5 0) 0-Cr2 o -.- -^ -S "5 -S ^ .. ^ cc c- H H H H t^ P tJ o . S'O-c r >> tp^~ d 03 H) S > d o3 316 Congregational Year-Book. S lOiOOOO (NfO •* Tf O fa tN ,_• O O O (M l> ~ c h 5 n 13 (MiOOOO (^ o s lO O rH rt Ttt u >4 1-1 K r O O 0»H (M S Q U H H S Q ji "O CO o ■* i-H Oi (N ►4 t-i !M O CO (N ■* rH O i-IO> < u J3 OOOOOiO < -HCO M Ui 03 GliO O O Q X ,o »0 CC CO •* CO n H CO pci S fa< CO CD lO .-H 0> o^ s -* r;* (N COCO HH 1— ( * «" CO CO O 03^ .£f S ^ CI -1 (M (N 2 -o lO t^ CO t^ s U pp pp Xi •d 10 r- lo -i< O cop poo OS u 4J u i3 'S-S h z, s a :2: Sk_" ^ o OtS gtf oT ^ e3 1^ W tf 0 ^ c J3 « a u u «3 a; j^ jr fc4 ^§hV^^ bA X3 CO rt Oco i; t^ CO 00 00 00 o X) 00 00 00 00 c ja" Ul .SP H o ^4 S H e u OS iz; 3 o «" •# u 3 ea ^ ( Mi C Tji 01 (»t^CO o ^ £ H >- ^ o y—< ■* 1— t , , CD r^ 0-* a n m 0) '"' ^ rt a rt ■^ ^, I fl ^ no I o3 m OJ O 00 2 5^ . K ^ O CO o o '^ if . i; S • -^^ O ^ 9, CO ^ -< eC S g ^ 03 c3 2 1-! !^ s-Q o o t' s Q Ph <^ .2 ft w CD w rT ° ■*^ ^ 03. tl£.2 c q '>,'a ao cc ^^ <■ -4 H n3 2 W ? -'" ^ ^-^3 fc J o w S* ° ^ g o g E:^ g o S K "^ *' S 5 5 f^ ^ go J .s .: Oi e »o n (M fa i_; 00 c* h" < CQ •d ^ < 6 ^ ■H Q T o III > oi 0 s lO H hJ B . -* s -• o Q O (M H H H J 2 0 . «3 < u 4 ^ cj en ft: O 00 h CQ H '^ <2 .: "^ "3 s ta 2 o «■ 05 s 1 * 0) T3 "^ ^ u P tH O ■d ■» Iz; 5 ^ o . cl *Ti .2 fi .1 Ul << § PS V > 3 2 1 ' Z a; ^1 i § CI J , u o" c 1908] Statistics. — Nebraska; Nevada. 317 III •< > s s < in 1 jqsQ JO •juiy ooooo e© o o spunj ]U3UI)S3AUI oo oo Xj43dOJJ HDjnqo anjEA ooooo O O lO o o 0_^0^oo piyi.-iaisiuij^ ooocoo •g -s -Suoa O (N 05 O lO ^ -H CO noijcpossv CiOOt^iO SUOISSIJ\[ s'uiojj ClOX'*<(N >0(N (NOO •Spia MDJnq3 lO— lOiN to noijEonpj lOOOOCO SUOISSI}^ t>.ioo »o to e©co 00 s,3icl03> .. Cj »0 c3 rr H^'O NSE Chu S37, Sun w W^ P §11 tt ■^- -a &s^-~ 02 o 2 i-trj ge© :co'^iK:H -3:2 §2 ,-^^§§ • C ti cc j3 S^ CO ; 3rt C^ ' 1^ C5 .i "2 ^^ §s3 1 Z v-^ «3 E ^-3 £.3 S •> a toooo M CO CO 00 K -^CO(N iq'a J° "lu'v spunj ]U3UI1S3AU^ Ajiadoj J ijDjni{3 JO UOI)39J^ 3JBQ •0J3 'XjeiBg ajnjipusdxg 3UI0JJ I^'OX S3IJUE113 piVI.-Jsjsiuii^ •DOg -qnj puB •g -g -auoo uoijBioossy •ssij\[ -UIV snoissij\i auiojj •Spia qojnqo uoijEDnpg SUOISSI}^ •uiaj^ "sausiDog >HU 318 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 iOt^OOCOOiOiOO(NTt<00(MOOi00300COiOOOOOOOiOOOiO oooo^ooooooooooooot^ooeoooc^>-iowooo CO o ■*O'-iOCOOOMt^C<3OO'*O(MO(MOO(MCOOOOOi0OOO CO o (NrtrHCOCO.-HCO'--'-i>-H(NcC'-i^'-ii-i(NTH.-iC0iM(N(N(N«O-H(r0C0C<0C0OO ■* c Tj(C«5^O'0O0000;-*GiO'*iOt^MI^(Nt>0500 (N 00 iCr-i00ait^00C0r-icv;-t^f^,-HTt<(NC01^i^ ;r; aj_2 cS d O ^^ '^ r^ rv^ rvr I-; Or: O flj flj G S . fli ^ t< ^ ^ ^ w 2 1^ S b « (t S o3 eSoa OB CO 00 CO ( Tf CO t^ ( 00 00 CO c ! CO t^ O lO ! O ■* CI 02 ) OO t^ X t^ ■* ^ o 00 >fl 1 Tt< t^ CC CO CO < t^ t^ t^ GC 00 ( (3 " c S c o £* ^ SH '5 IS c3 d c3 o a> O) O Kffip5aepq« "2 ii! 0„ o .3 o Wfq 05 S ;, t, IB /1^ " (1^ ni til 03 o3 „ _ o3 oJ c3 0) j3 -C -C ooooo oo 1908] Statistics. — New Hampshire. 319 iqaCI JO 'lu'V spunj )U3U1)S3AU] q3Jnq3jo "Dja 'AjElEg l^000OO0C00CO00ro00Tt<0O0C00CCi3000^ iCOO OO COMC OOO "0 O O C2 O C5 o r^ S rrs o s o o o c o «o o^ -_o^o^c^o o^»o_io^o_o_io^io^o o_c_o «3 q^c^o o o o S c o •*' rt" c^f c~ o" o" c0 O OC' "O lO oc «a -I— " -4— -1 — I — p — 1 — 4— - -)— J— . aiiiiipuadxg 3UI0JJ I^'OX S3I}IJBq3 ■jaqiO piVI,-i3)S!uij\[ 3og 'qnj puc •g -g -auoo UOTJEIOOSSy ■ssii,\[ -uiv suoissii\[ SUIOJJ •Spia qDJnq3 uoijBonpg SUOISSIJ^ u3;3iOj •uiaj^ -sauspog s_a|d03j Suno;^ siaqmaj^ oodcwi^-Hiooo'OiOflOicC'^oi^oooocoooocooxo; •^OOOMC^CC(NCC(Nt^t^t^O-ri0C>OO'O^C0C00OOOC0Oi0 C5 (N CO o CO r- "* i-i i^ >-i ic r^ rH o) o CO t-- o CO o o c^ »o co ^ t~- o i^ to o OI^O'->Or^00C0»0!MC0iOrHcoiO01O)IMQ0iO'*i-iOOt^'-icD00iO'*'-i o r-< •^ ca i-H'X b. r^oaorHrt'.rt* lOooiMxcoco lo-^occ^c^jio r- O (N Ci-i rt O OC O O r-H O OO CO toco t^Tfi (N O O C C O O CO OO (N Tf T}< tOI>.iOOOOCOOa.C'l>COOCOOOCDCC050"+OOOCO'*05000 •* t^ B '-I •* eo rt coN^ T-i r^ rt rt N >> XOOX»Cr^»-iX001COC«5>OOOtDO-^COOCC300T!.X'1<00":i (M lO ■^ T-i rH lO 01 CO ■* (N .-i .-I T-1 i-H -"t .u:)00^05'.-iOCOiCCOCOOMOO'tl~iO'^OOt-- lO CO (N-M CCOI rtCOiOt^'-H'-IINO IMC^TfiCO -HCO C ;fe fe :? J= ~ Q S ; rt . . i SCO ^-? ■^ — '.S I— ; So §.^5=^ 0fiKSSeS??d>Ji0(Se3> c;.- I. iJ s r-,h k;:^ . ZTti 8s ia2 a m .OH ,^^ o .. .« - So c ceo. c S -SK etc ;-^ 3 ej « c3 5 O 01 ;i 2 t? t- aj- c^ CO) - o a> Q> ccoaffiKfflMs; aecffics ooooooooo 320 Congregational Year- Book. [190& -hOO OOi0O»Cr^»000Oi0OOi0'COOCOC0'«OOOOOi05)Or0OO-;i-'Ct>-V' Smo i5iot^ot^(Nt>-'^?5corHOco.-i-*":OTt<»oeC'<*'-*ot:^io-Ort'*-^CO — iiOt^ CO^iOTttO-^00000.-HfOOOOiO»OOCOt^C<50COiOt>.OOOiCiO(NOC^OCOOO'*CO(NOOOTtOOiNOOCO0CO'-iNt-.OOOO-^ ) ■^ CO CO 01 M ( rH i-H < ICIO CO ( 1-1 -"Jl ) i-i CI c; C5 S _r .t^ „- i2 r-- S -, ij; g t-. t^ cS O o3 3 75 t. ■> c c P fe — P ;::i,fa > T" K 5 otiJ £:► . C^ c3 oj c3 to to > S? flj U t- O •-- PS-:::- OMO t^OCO f^ OO t^ CO t^ O) CO CO ■^ 00 coco 00 CO --H CO CO t^X 00 t^ r-l 02 01 O) ot>oc- 00 t-t^ 03t^ oo .-ICO CO t^ X CO t^ 05 OO ! I X rh 1 COTt< ■ COt^ COtT OJ CO O (M 1-1 (M (M CO l> t^ CO 00 X t^ t^ N 01 O) o r^ CO C Oi o ■* X X l^ I^ X W -t; -W 4J - S w (I . C t* O-T- ^y, r.1 K» >r i> a; W a o1 o ^-S--^2«l 03 trWQ 3 a o u ..S'p o nCC.« >, K o rs S o ID t- 2 y IT* c3 0) QJ flj QQ c3 ?3 C G Q §6§ to CI ■ -- o += _ a, to (u Ofci'sicSaJSaj "03D3caax OOGPQGO PPPPHWHW - £ N S o^ a O^ o3 d a s c3 03^ S" o H cc _ +^ c3 Oi 3 to r^ r- tc5C~"^ a zj o 1908] Statistics. — New Hampshire. 321 >- .uOOOOOCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOCCCO o ^ 1 10 L- o o c; •J3 T CI lO 1^ r-1 " u ~ • - - = Q X o o c o c of C" --(" Cf r-i CO" t^" TlT lO (M ■* CI CO (N W ) O w 3 : C O C^ oooooocaooooooocoooogooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwOOOOOOOCO O O »0 O p_lN_M O_O_O^O_O_O^C0 0^0^0_CO_0_'0_0_'0 O 0_'i*_^i(5 O U5 O »0 C O "im"(N (n'n M'*"* ■^'^-"oTf~^o"^o"^fc^"co o^-^'o'iot^TTiToec cocic■^lOI-^lo^-"^o * ■ CB.-i^«00>OOOOI--CZ)t^O(Z)MCO— iXCl'Ct^'^iMiOOCO-^iOINlMINCOOl ;0'f'.'5CO'CCOJOCOrOiMt^irOTt• to t>.__t^ CO 00 CO -; iiOtOOCO(M.-'QOOOiOr-0-^-+"MCOOO-^05(NOOMrtOOOOOO'OINCOt>.OOr^Tf<0 lr-(lOC0C0IN(M(NOOOOrH OfMOOOOTIN COOOOO-^OOi-H «^ -^ 0 r-1 000(NOOO-0 00'OOrO rirnOt^ (N^Cl>H>ClOCO00IM(N(N'HTjHrtCOI:^ 'OrH -H -ti »0 ^ --I (N o£ C. 'Ot^'*r^C5OOOOC'OOO00OrHC0ClOOt>.-(NrHOI>"3U5C0OOC000(N Ot^^iOCO ^ COiOC^rHOOOXWCNtNOO ■^■* ^COr^ ^(MCO CO(M-H rt i-Hr-H -^u'^iMi-iiOXwO(M'*OOOCCOOO»OOOCOOCOOOiOOOOOXOOOOOeOO iO(N'*rt<'^iOCO'-0r-ii-( CD (N (N (NC^ 0'0i-'5OOC0'0 Tj. C^l>-CO(Neo r-<(Mi-l — 1,-i-H 1-1 1-1 ^^ ,-, ^ ^^^^^^f-if-tf-if-ir^ ^H H ^2 ^2 rj ^^ ^^ rj f^ rj o o II iJ d o o 3 tfi — - O ^^ O -3 o 00 b d c3 5 ,-Jo : >,□ d ucC a w) o 033S2D.0.X tO-d O C 1-1 &, d ^ - o _2 -t; d;- o 0:2 g ^ - s ; S g d d ■ - ' _ ^ dtc^ > B^mj^^ S S S - "-■ - K S 4, 33 322 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 O OiOO OO-^OiOOOCDiOiOOrHOOOOOCOiOt^LOiOOOOOiOCOO CiOClN iM (^^ (N N rt T-4 , O 00(M Or-.005000^CMi-iOOO'-i.-i'*Tt"«CO^Ot-HC:-*(Ni-l-H^Ot^QO-C o^r- OOiM'3<0000'OCO-*(NOOOOl^t^-Hrtt^COOCO(N^iNtOO -^•-H003 M oooooor-coii:i'-H'#coor-ioooirico T-( O O t>. CO CO (NIC <«2i°'^5;!;-?^??g2S::§Sf2^S2§S2^j;;2-*^g to^oo CO to 00 CO Tf 00 00 I^l>-*OOOiOO(MOXt^OO^NCOt-'MiO>OCOiMOOCI^COCOiOcOO COo ceo -^ lOCO'-i'-00-tt^ClCO^iOrHr-icO^(/Drtt^-HTfCOOCr. T-HIM-^O^O OJ^OOrftNO-. THOJOCNCOr^f^CO^^TfioiOCC-HMC^T^rHOOOCi ^^-H COO) ^^ ^^ ^ CO »0 CO CO ^rH C0O3 r-l o 01 !0 lO 00 •* O) CO -;^???52;:^25{:;g-g2g3gi5^;:^:?.-«^-^-'^j§S (NOOiM 001^ lO lO ffl o poccpccc &g^SfeS^§Sfe^p^SS§§§p8gppS;3fe8§ COiOt^O pppp rt tK ^ tir. CO ^ §8gjt£5S^?i^S§S§^gSSg§^S^8g^gI^8S§ 8§ iM IC CO -^i t^ t^ t-^ o I ttI-S I ^ tj »: P fc. C J ,c3 c o O rt " !==• ; >■. c ^-ti c S pi5 T- r— Qj ►^ t* 3*^ S 2 > t;:Si; £ o ?s S^ •P= 2 c ;^' c ci t- ca^' a;^ c^ &.0 ,- -^ ■^^ °:^ :oO w'^S^^^^^SwoSSc^as^ :3^ O 2 " • J >^ fep^ cP-rS &^,i;-5 5 S P .'T'.9>-I &H =^ .^-4;U fei^ii^' i^:S9^«'S * c3r-i i^cB^g to c3 c3 aii M K C rt g ^- K O •- 15 3 o u = ^"' ■t- OJ ^ oTg^ ■"^^ ^ ^ 'c o >A 0 K rX Oj PQ ffi h-; .s t^ c3 Q ciSS *iigaH^c;i?§Scc5^§ssc; ; c/; X i/i L O • — O ■ — • — • — t- K ra a; 'o > . . . % C J- cj OJ O i!,geHCO X(/;'-i rH C O CO a COOC't^ 1^ ^ 02 C I - COt^t^ i^ 00 1^ ro r- CO rH CO CO CO CO CO^ C/D t^ I . lO iC Tf ) CO IM N ; t^ t^ 00 -* O X o Ol (M CO Tti t^ X t^ X I^ rH X CO CO X t^ O X t^ X X (N C; rn t^ X 02 X t^ iC M X t^t^t^ X ® ho « hi S S So w « Iek 0-- n hhPh h- iKtCK WS HH hIh h^ HH HH 1-5 .ai C cS'P, S 5 P « InHH-Jh-I J |_! h^ h-; hJ HH — w ^ - f- -3 1908] Statistics. — New Hampshire. 323 — cooooo oc oo o coo coooc oooo oocoocoooo ocoo 2q OOOOOOOOOfOC")OOOC:OCCCOCCOwOOCO»'OOOCO OOOOOOO -rTTTTrO'OO'OOCOOCCOOOOOOO^COOO O O lO ^ O C4 CO ■* r-( -q* ■* M t^ lO CiO^'T C^J 0_CC lO 1-1 iC_0^0_e»3_^CO_i© t>.__0 r-( .-H 2 •*'"(» CO i-H to Qcnr^ t-iHC» «o o c^oio •^"t-H o'co to' '^'" OTfiOO 0CU50 OCOfNt^ w occooooooooooooocc5oooo^c-;>_o5cgoo ooococo*oooooocooocooccc:ccooccooo C O i0_0 lO l^ iq^ lO irt 0_0_C_^0__C_0_iq x lO C__0__0__C_l>.^0_0^'0 c_c o_^o_^c_o ^"cTt-- c"cic<5 O oTo Tji'oc'o'o"'* iC CO X 1-1 O^O CN CO p lO >-< Ci of lO (m'oo o" (M (N(N* l^rt rt t-l CO C OOO ccoo C iC uo o CI i^'co'o rhCOO'O'-iOO O-^CiiNtO'-i'^COCliMtNO^CC'iOiOilO^OCOC-. ■— lOMW ■^■*(M05'^'*co ccoc(Ooeo(^^o•*oo-+lco"-'^co®oclo■*Ttl(^^T^cccot^co OOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCCCO CCO( OOOO CiOOOOOOOOOOr^OOOOOOOOC'OOOOCCOO o>oo< O: 00 CO t^ Tf t^.O lO OO O "O (M O O CO CO CO lO t> ^• lO CD '7D C CO r~ '1> C to IN O C) CO I^ CO I E a. O X WW !COOiO'.oc:ooo>o>oco-rccooct^(MOoocoo-roo;'-0 CO — _ CO l^iO ^ C 1-0^0) t^ ■># GO rH 't ,-<_ r CO" ^"^ rH iC^'rHrt ^'o'cf rHlO'co" CflO •"< CO' O C 'O iM >0 C -»■ CO COC •* CO ,-H 00 (N-- (^ CO «©fO iC O IC ■* i-O iO O ■># r-i C-l lO iCl lO f lO M CO CO t>- CO CI CO O t^ rt OD 00 IN O CO ^ CSCC 00'0»OCOiN(N'*.co--iLo -- ^t^t^-ro ox O'it CI 73 -* M CI .-H C5 rt O CO CI CO O00O-* ^ C-3 K<5 0;3 u .2 iitir^ o c CO lO Ot^OiOOOClOOC^iO-^OOOGOOrHCir^Clt^CJOOCDi-OiO-^Ol^^OOCO ocoot^ CO O C4 1^ C0 CO t^ 00^ lOt^Cl coco -^ CO e^1-Ht- T-li-1 rHt^i-H i-HrHrH ^Cl I-HOO ;0500COOOCCi-i-HOOiOOOOOOiOcOOC10 0COOOOOc 3-*co'toi (NcicoOcO'-icot^ cioico^iOr-c^ic r^coe J-^iOCOt^OOOCiCvtiOCOODOOOOOOcOOCClOrHOiOCOCt )coo5-<#T«cot^-^t^coco-^0'tt^if:io»-0'or^io-Ht^cor^'Ocoiocit ,^^ ^rt oci locj cirt.--< or- lo CI CO 00 CIO .-H O hC ^ a w-s :^ S-^-t ;? 0 S5 . oK £ C'c3 ^-;mK^H^-<^H g jC S- O ^ ■ ~ r S ^ E .-o "^ o Kt:; 5<5 ■c^ _2-- '■o'S a L*^^ ^ c3 c3 i; y: - 3,i^ " ■ — 2 «3. ■set Q > K >^ ^ c5 c2 c^ £ ^ ^ 0 >^ fl^ 0 fC CJ -2'- -^ o3 c3 o oj r::.-;3 SPh ffiKKS ■3 fl o o - 5 g fl = O 0.-0 !a:K> ,^ ;— ra ra 03 ^ ^ ^ J JJh-1 O m 3 a fl g 324 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 OQOOOOiOCDC^OOOO'Ot^'l^OOO'^Oi-iOiOOOCOOOOOOiCOCOiOiOQOOOOiO 0§St-^-'OCOOO'^MSiOt^C^10'HTl<0(NOiOTl<0©'*a)(NOO«W'*kO;HlN.--i(NCOOC<5 iOOOOOOOOi-hOOO-^OOC OCOOCOiMOOOOOOOC^JOTfC^.-HOO^O'-iO T^id'OO.-iOCDCvlOOOJCOOC^ '-hOOC-*'-iOC!(N'-iOJ iflOOOOCOOO-^COCO : O OO OOO OO O O O 05 00 Kg Ph g y oj ^ Qj ri t, « t. rH in i- 3 c:_r2_c; 0) oj^^ KP72H oo ^ rH t^ ,, : ^ ■ ^ »sc - £ -Cjr-; '^ o £s S aj !-. 5 N o S3 S =^ ="l^ ^?r= rS S^ ^OJ ,.-Q E^ .5 |]HCC " 1 03 c3 m E? c3 ICQSSP W) »3 OJ ^'.H 73 J" EC fl •f^ ;i rf i; K d c3 . o3 (K r/5 ri c3 ^ O 3 o • o^S^ai^K^.^^-^ PK Isg m o '■'i ^ g^gopp^ -Ko, ^ s s ess O o3 HCKPSPSSSP! r g S ) 0*0 Eos ■ .fej ■ ffi . • "5 ' ;^K^_^ u ' CO CC C<1 'O r- ' X t^ t~ rH t^ j CC t^ t-- 00 I^ Ol 00 >0 t-H O lO ■ (N 00 1-1 (^ OO CO ( c» t^ o) oc t^ cc ( I O lO O 00 < I CO ^ O C^ I 1 t^ t^ t^ 00 I ) t» O 0-1 < ; c: t^ (M < ■ t^ t^ GO t >TtH^I^(Mi-l0300'#-HCO 1 C: lO CO CI t^ 00 00 CO to t^ (» >oot^t^iX)t>-t^t^t^r^«oco O CO CO ■ fit 02 W2 "5 ^-.M 7 r3 ;:: r/2 ^ is s ^ M H fe f^ 5 rt S- 7} t^ U 0.^c;HHs2-.S-dT;o S^ ^-t5 PHPH^|fL,PHP.P-lpHPHPHpiPStfi 1908] Statistics. — New Hampshire. 325 o ^ >5 &>,: e a. o X Om ,°S oooooooocooooccoooocccooooooocoocooccooo 0000000'«'000>-0 O O IC o c o S oo'c^co CO sO* io";o"i-r'o"eo"'o"c«; ci^co co (m ^ co t^ co -^ toco (N c m cc •^'"c/f (M't^o"io"i-r,-."c">o!i-i0DOC^C0(ZJC0a)O»0Ot^(N(MC0G3t^C0(X'l^«;''r'CC'«}^0(^^0'*(^5MeCI>•C)CO^O^COOC^C:X'1< OOOOOOOOCOOCOOOiOOOCCOCOOOOOCOCOCCCCCCCCO OOOCOOCCOO OCOOOr^OOCCCOOCC'OCOCiCOCCCC occc ■^(N00'*i»O5Tt<(NC> t-'.t^O'^t^c^rtHOt^'-iOCSMiCCDiOXI-C-^Cil^CCCO CJt^^tC ^ r- la 050iOO«C"OOOOCC5CCOrOO(XOOO-HOOO(MOCOCCCCC«5.-'CCOOCCOOr- •^ »0 CO lO O i-<^'-< OC^i-H 05 O^oq^lN »0_-* »0 t-^^ i-'5_t^__0 •* Cl CO Ol OI^CO »C CO iN_t- 05 CI O U5 C (N o ^-"(^^r-^ .-T NiH tOTfT i-T rn (Nr-r ih" (M" r-T .-rK3 rH r-i C>f (X)C5(NQ00500005-^OcOCOC/)COiOi-i(M050t^«OOOOOt^(Ncn05fO>-iu:iOO(N05»00'ONC<)N M t>. CO t- O iH O CO i-H CO >-< CO CD lO 00 (M CO rH o Tt< ■^ lO th TtH (N (N "* C: CO --I CO ri ffi 00 t^ >0 l^(^^,H,-^INCO (MO lOiM T-trH(N(M rt(N.-i (M rHOOiCOCOt-OCOOOOOOOOOi-iC^lOOiOO-^OSOCOt^OOiOOOiOOOMt^OOCOCOCO O TjHCO ^ 1-1 lO OOOiMOiOO S° '^ OOOlOrtO rtl^OOOGOOOOOO rtiOt^OOO'*COCOCC30t^O .-H(N .-.--(00 d oo lO (N O (N O CO O rH i-l " OrtiOC(NO i-iOOC0C0OOOOOO'0OOl^C'*Tj<'^OOOCO lO rH CO IH lO rt-^lOl^^oot^O(N^-.foooco-^lC(MOOOoo(NOfOTt^oOlOt-(^^.-lcoo3col^^oo.-lC50C COOrirHOX (N C0-^.-i(M-^0'00'0(MCOOC'0'*l^(©0005»OiOiOiOCOOOOr^O r^(Mt^t>.C0OC K . . (-i 2 tB ^ s§6 £ o QJ CU O K o >■ ^ f^ 3 =3 O OJ o . t. i* C tf CL O t. Q . • (« > C cS 0.03 o g , o^' okoh-e 2 .^ >>ci3 O £ ^CO CO d «; "b ^ 03 o (-1 u ,D -T3 c ■ L. cS CS «i aj 0) s S s ss -3 ^- > =« §s sz »3 C S - cj*j CO - - fi "C '-HOOOOOC0OO00--iOOC0t-iOO(MCCOO'-'IMOOr-((NOOOCOOO'-iOC^>-( THO!Ni-i'-tO(NO--<'-Hi-lcci> c -P OJ W r r! - ffi^. 52 ^" O S cc « § bt* ?R^ «3- cK g-S S S5 2 ,^ OS C s h >->■ .S M 03 a, . ■ ^ r S ^- M c .r-^ M H^ff fc3 ^ 5 03 c, as ;e o, >^\.« ;mw w«, " £ £ S "^ £ ™ S "* d. g{ -Ph ;i^.2 affi 03 03 7J 3^ = ) O CO . • C/5 t- CO [^ t^ CI t CO rt C2 I (^ t^ t^ c • CI --I 01 I ' C-. t^ C4 . ■ t^ t^ 00 I ) CO 1^ : CO X 1- X X ■^ « ::; ) m o3 2 ■ -c -t o I CO CO CO I'XOO 3 fe ^ 2 . o3 o ^ 5 - DO O , «? i ■e h " C cS SJ2 ■o a (U O t- — o3 .^ ^S- C ^ fc" o 5 o H^ ^ ^ O or? p:^^^^'^^ 1908] Statistics. — New Hampshire. 327 _ ,0000000 oooocoocoooooooooooooooooooo Jfll OCCOCOOOOOOCOJOOOOOOCOOOO'OOOOlOOOOOOiOO locoocco 00^0 00000 'O -too ojocc'Ooci-^ !M CO t^_CO t^_0^ 10 00 t-^__'C l^ ^^R,'**. '~, t--__ CC lO^oq^ i-l O 'O 1-1 1 - O C 03 0000 c o o o O O iC 10 COOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCCOOO OOOCOCOOOOOOOCCCOOOOOOOOOOCCCCC OCI^rtOOOOCIO'OTtCOCC ^ O O O 1-0 C O -1-0 O C 'C "C O O C O O O O O C O H— I- C O 'C t^ O o o ClO-^OC'* CI CO OdCltOCOiC'COtCOiCOO OiOO'CiCOCOO Ot^COOOOO-— lOOOOOO-^OOCI^'— OCt^OOOMOOO^OOtZ) S^t^incOiOiOT-iOl^I^dOOOOOOOiONtOl^iCt^r-HiO (NOCOi-it^OCOM i0t^-^C0>Cd(Nt^Oi-it-»C0'CC000tDiC0C00'0-*O0)'-i !Ct^'* ;D,-.t^rH OiO'-'COiOrHCOOlNOOC>':t>-0-*itOT-irJ'oO^OiM'Ot>.OiC05'-iOO'-; ^K gall c -/; > £ c3 "^"^^Jjio ^ r-i f^ "-> 0 t. Q JJ^^ fc; . • i 2 £ o ^ g S^-fl "w O o +^ •Co^. cs J: « o o dec ■so rtllH c S "EC ^ciSco fc- Q; cc c3 J>. r- t- C; c'oSC S3 K o 6§£ fc"5 3 . 3 >- c ►HWoiccajai 51' 3 2 !:j5 -.t; -^ -s c 3 ^; ?i; = --3 S '-' o *J ScScJO) OUOi" iSp^t?! M 2 ,^ ^ o o og - .■s.S'o 32S Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 32 M tc "S "3 C: ,^o c oo" H J-H C3 »OiO -l" coo ^0(NiM Qj d o CC O !« cc (N >> cc X u '-I oT ^ (N or- 1^ "cS IC' (N S fi ! (N TJH OC o ■•■ CO •-< b^ 1 "__ ■=< i if" siZ g "tj CO X n, S hr sq «----<< 5 tf s >:s .2 '^a ^ ^ 1 -SS O o 5i3 Mo a oeo ■3 Q W) M O, ►J o o^ < fO dH -< "^ 03 ^ K § p3 £ 2 • ^ ^ -^ poo g a,50 c3 s ■< 5Q to o ti 03 0.tC C.tQ < o5 B ■*" 2 w 'o ;2i o S 1908] Statistics. — New Hampshire. 329 e^lis^i '-I --.Wo -o ^-• O 'O oso 3 ^ ^«^ ^ ^ -2 §=?V:.^|i . c -12 oct:«ft'=i. ai^^«.c_.^ )0; Exe 12; 1st, 00; mpl( al, $ w S CO .3 ^'^ r^ ^0^ C-3-3 _ on, mi, into Na? rfor 100 50. IS ^ r" 0 u5 • -r£^ <0 .."«©00 b+i -£c •- -q,g s C r? 0 ^ C {/i t — C -^ «© iC tr, ir^ |C > itrim, a, $67 iugto iker, 0; Li Ipswi 0; Sf $500; < 5 ;:= S 3 "■ c _- <.X: t- 3iO ^c\ — oOOOSMs 3 73 2 0 0 C 1c LC ,^ 0 iuuutus^ a -v» •— ' m 1-1 10 lO 2 £ (N « ^. D 5 -< X .-< X « » S 330 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 ■^OCHOOiOOOO 1-1 fO(N O -^ O »0 O O O Ci 1-1 1^ IN lO O 1— 1 1— t ^ O (N O lO O O O iC lO 00 M O t^ 01 1-1 CC 0.-nO 1-1 Ti 1-1 O O O ■* r-ii-itZ)«3cO'-i'-i'Ot^-*(N'* i-itJiOi-iCO t- ^ 1-1 C lO (N IN • J-^OCOrH IC-*1-I(NOO t^ o Oi-i C CC5i-"-<- COOcOC.i-iCCO OOCt^OCOOC-rOffli-i TCOOOJOi th o» 1-1^ cc; lINiCCOOXiO t^(NC5T-il iccr^o 1-1 ,-1 rH o a> l> OCOO CO CO "5 ■-H t^ OTf CO OOC o c» < 1-1 CO 1 (NCO lOiN 1 lO .-i(N 1-- 1-^ I Tf lO CO CO CO rtCO rt ) 1-1 r-. "# lo ■ ) 03l> Nl^ , ' ^(NC ) (N CO CO ^ O M (N (N ( t^ CO o; oo 1 CO (N I t/3 CO t^ "O : C CO CO 1-1 . (M T-H N (M CO 00 1-1 1^ O O (N CO C 1-11-1 1-1 o coco t^ t^-* pop poo *: '^ t! CMC 03 CJ O fc § fi M-3 ^ o Ti to u a a ^ H Wm^ 5^ o -.2 So ^^ • o3 TS t- K 'u ^ O fl o £ C ^ ■ S^ZH ■ 3 C<13H --r. ** = -^^-s 3 o ►> += -Q S < S z o ;) t- I— I . 2 Qj^ ^■" s -SO fj raC^ 03 ^ ^^ ■ 02 1-3 c3 0 ^fe- o.b> C .SZ Sf _05;rS.S ^O =3~ Sfe :;:3 to O :o§ ffiSi O taw 1 CO 03 CO ) t^ 00 t^ ) 00 00 GO O t^ 1* CO O rt< t^ CI CO t^ t^ 00 GO M CO COCO M^ GO 00 CO CO GO 02 X GO •^ O 00 ( C5 0 lO C 00 00 GO < 1 0 t^ 00 o 1 GO M O 10 ^00 02 10 O 00-00 CO ^ O 01 W CO GO O Ot^ I^CO COCO 00 00 00 00 V2,. o > t^< o3 flj ' 'O w y,; i; -L uj OJ3J=^ O 33 iOOOOGH g-M"c3 2^ go - ;i H ■§ dj OJ q; t ,- iSkc:; 1^ ci3 ^ - O M 53 t, ■S o3 t- CD -iJ -' t- 03 03 c3 -SI'S 190S] Statistics. — New Jersey. 331 jqsQ JO -jiuy spunj[ JU3U1JS3AUJ Xusdojj qDJnn3 JO •3}9 'iOB|ES ooooo OCO o OCl o o o o o o o lO oo ooooo o o o O M CO OOOOOOOOO oio »0(N OOOOO o o ooooo o o oo oo >oooooooo JOOiOCOOOO ) o_^o__i^^o^o^o_o_o__ '* * * o o ooo c o o o o o o o o lO to O O N O O ooooo OOOOO -i_o o_o_^q^ TtriCo''o"'oo' * ox rH oooooo o o o c o o ico^ 0^0^0.0^ CO 10 o'~t^(M'io'~ * to o * rt c; * * ooooo ooooo ooooo oiiocsoicoiGOi-iTriTtt^oo CSOt^OOO: ClOlt^OCOlO 00 ooooo 00 10 C O X C) o c t^ ■* cc t>. t^ 's~~f 000 000 000 o o ■* o »0 LO oooooocc OtOOOCOOO CO C5 c^i-o i-H '-':__ C5 ■^^^ ■*" t^'cocf^" IN OOOOO OOOOO 10 01 "O to o sjnjipusdxg 9UIOI1 C30 woioioiM'O m--iot>oo^o 01-H ooiMtorooo oeoioc-iicioci o^ cctO'-itor^co 'N^"' "^ '^V '~1,'~1. m"'*^ (N~i-r^' to" to" c^ ci 00^ --""to 10 ^ o to o (M -t O O O CO c^ "O >o o o w ro o c to OCOO oo M 00 co ■^ too r-tc: C: n i-i in t>. (NO CO lEJOX fflit^tOOOCOOO'-0 ■* rH (N X CI SUOISSIJ^ auiojj (M tO>0 t^ O O XX O OOSXtOCO^tO COO 00 rtiO(N-H «^ CI to O C3 (N XOOiOOOOX-^OCOCO t^ X (N CI CO •3pia M3Jnq3 (NiOOX OtOCIO 0 ,-^(N lO-H OOOOOX^ .-1 1-1 (N XOOXOOOTfiCOOiO OCO rH 1-llN CJ lOtOOOX lOOlOOOOOOiO e©t^ .-ici OOtOXCOOO CICOOiOOOOOOOOCO co^-c^ '-H(N OtOOOiO ,-4 10 suoissij^ uSiaiOj OCOiOi-hOXO^O OC(NXCOO(N C^OO»OXOO»C(NOiO(31 OXOOtI* lO'fCOCOCKN .-IC0 1005 i-iXO (NCOtOi-iCOl^ X ajco toco CI (jiCJ-HrHCO"* lO ■ui3i\[ -sanapog sjaquiaj^ lO X "5 OiO >0 CO C ^ OCOiOiOO c-j,^^t>.^T}nor~ci roococi»c (^Jrt ,-1 10.-1 i-lrHd >0 O O O CO 10 -^ t^ »o o ■* to xo o >o CTtnoOiOCifor^ococoo cooi 'fiN "(N lOCO^-H cOTf (NCI Cl^ (N ^ ^g^^^ ^ g-^ ^ s £ s is aj O ra ^ 7; c ^ p^ ^^ o c s I cj fc; 5'^a^ d C D5 tS K Q COScC £ 5 5:1 ,- ■;_-d ■-iSaiS^fceis = . E M :Ph ^ 2Q o9K O J5 ci • ^ c . rt £ " . • ^Z" '^ ty U '-' 'A tn t- *■ 3^'0>T^ -^ =5' • • • -*^ a; c3 '^ r- " " ■►S'o a3i-i .03,: s c 01 r.' a C ci b^J= ■.a -s ^H a J2 3t3 03 o 5 > 2 oaouoPK r-l OJ > ^ :"« >^ ^cSC''^ 5~"tc— *' tu =2 a ctD^p.tg^CQffi^i-g S < S _ d . . 3 E s s 332 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 . to 00000 0 E (N TT » 10 IN to lO « b ^• ^ 0 r-l 0 0 o % u 0^ o" oo^cwco 0 p; o~ 1-! 0 tH 't' 0 (M CS ia cT I^ C >0 rH rt ,-1 »o D ,d CO 1— 1 t6 S Q < H cT" OOiOOO^ (N J o" t^OOr-(rHO CO d . CO o~ r^oooio -^0 Ci CO cT T)< — CO SC CO 1-1 00 pg o T 10 CO GCN C30 r- n a u s H 01 cT «5 "-H -H rH C-l t^ V (N CO (N »0 -^ 0 ^ ■X b< co~ 00 03 (N 10 COO 1—4 ^ CO ^ CO C^J 0 •o io~ CD r^ t^ t^»* !2 u p ppppCi p •s pT" UOCC (N M lO p 5^ op p p o CJ 2 K '^' • T' r _- ■^ s. .^ E i 3 ii-^^^.c C ^; tr .--. _ 71 ^ >-< 2 i 0 CJ O ^13 t?.^^^ >. 0 ^s^^s u a •S c s s 1 -ij' 1 s . Id .J U n "l| Is -4J u be c^rfl «'i 02 OJ c t, 0 . d ^ Qfcp5 eo fi^ U) -H 0 t^ C5 CO Ort rtO o OOOOOt^t^OO o 03 cna 0000000x00 1 ^ a c "^ 0 u 1 ^ ^'■ c X s a u "0 c ^ 0 i t< -t^ fl ^ s: fct— 01 a 0 oi t- w 0 g; '5 2:2 3.> £ fc.S C5 0 0 OJ E ^^^^ t2 ^3 -i^oeo ccot^ ecc "^ d 6 1 tc & ^ g ^^ 0 ■d (N "rt £! c c LO" Ti 1 T. _C) F^ «r 1 ~ ca 2 :;3 CTh g; s 0 0 -^ m r! ^^ A. rH 0 hcfe^. s s« ■4^ Q? H o,w QJ ftC5 3 S to K COrH OlO CD ■^ S S ^ -c SH ft"' -c > C 3 C K D < o < <; c O K H ,• a fi '/J s ^►^^ w a w g w ^ S-M TZ^O 1908] Statistics. — New Jersey. 333 ^*. 3 oc or o 3 O- O oo oo — -o 1 lO ro 0_ T i~ _ 1^ «^ r^ CC" O OOO OO o s >i a& OC^ «r fa '"' u ^ OO o o o o J o &■ ^ oc o o o o < > o o_ iq_0 C^ic o o _3fl< ^"^ ox^Sr^d' u-f Ui *« ^ e^ * * * -ti T- (M HI < >d * * # ^ 00 1^ o (M < Uc2 O o p^ p^ o 00 ^ OOO o o o 3 OOO e o o t^ CC o ^ o o o^ •i-^~ ^•' co" °r1 ~ O CO cc "-O O lO o to o o icco oeo CO CO t^ (N c«: w 5S CO w« 1-1 i-H •-I of FT O O IM (M K- O 00 y^ in T-H ^ C^l t^ n m ,- (N "O H ^ ^^ o~ OOiOOcC '^ a> (N t> (M o *C m o c-a ^ 000.-lr- o iji 6^ (N o — ; O 0-* rH C »0 (M C/3 S# o u b H c/5 1) ^ '^ ~ 2 - " 2 CI ^5" O OOC "SiOiO M a as «# C5 j:^ co" O O O LO r-. -:r CO oS «© ■;;- _c ^ ooeoor- o T3 l# o _w_ c o" O O M O t^ LTJ r~ o (/: Ss ^ ■* oS ta ' s s O CO X -o o cc o O CS O CO CO o LO s ^ •"* '"' >% J o o s c u o > z •T3 c u 4 is 0-; c S n: (A D- w S ^ ►S'^ u o h-H , fi . 1— : • do x p— 1 > O-S •- O Or- So aJ § 2 S a s t u M c^ l-l i s a. vE c .— tl —^ 3 ^ c; 1^5 > :H 5c-^ 5 3 5 "c ^ 71 0 "oj '3 a ■:: ■= > o t- c c3 O 0 1) S 55c5Sr->->- ^^?: ^ ^ ^E O >.d - r . rtxr:^ o §1;^- o 3 ;2 S = - ^^ X ^-^s^ o o n, 8 05. 38; mem o OCO_^M "■*^ co" s — a 0) c3(N-z: S o -St; a 5: fc -rx Kco >..o£? as iona 945; Sun c«© lO^ gt; oco af'o S-^^2 Americ misteria ENSES ; Churcl §2 792; 07; M E Exp ease: .112. c--^ S F«o fea «©€# 5 -%? /-*. ^ >-< ^^ i-i *■ .-< a) §s X £ tt. o ^ u — CO "^ — ' 0 ^ a; CJ C,J «r ■/• =! o ". ^ rj c ';: o t^ C/J s~ a o s Si ■?z-=^ 'p in |J "b a: u T^ Tt< /-» Z ■^ < -* 2 0. C y « a; 334 Congregational Y ear-Book. • C lO M O IM f E O (M (N lO b 4^' CO-KN CO c t < a T3 OOO OO Q fS r- o o o o i-H r-(CO OO > o »j '^ o o o o III J 1-H K (N OO OO i5 a u j2_ n (N XI i^ f~t~- r^ u pop p "O r-H CO C^ lO s poo p o (3 ^ T:? ^^ ^ Id H B A^^ "^ J2 0 OJ i 15 1=1 ^ C c -; ,2 _K _2 hH -; : -H o • a; tT aj ,- (-, QJ rt s B >-,j:: 0*~> T3 OS ec/"' 0 . S n cc^SW Pi u C d ^ ^ ^ OS rn s Tf > 0 0 .^ TtH 0 f-H ^ q; r? fl o fM O o.2:g K d ■ Co o y S H [H tr H w '^ cl. r* 6 * — V C £1, C' to ^ cc rH c 01 fc( t/J C e 0 > a C fl, c a <;;^'~ m K K .O I* S fe o 2 ° H 5 H *s Zj »- ^ :z; K g So O c^ t- K j£ '^ Si; " 1908] Statistics. — New Mexico. 335 OOOOO c C Tt* iqaci JO juiy 2~ "" u e© oo ooc & spunj )U9U1)S3AU[ 3 o o o o o c ceo 10 o Xjjadojjj Ciooc - c < V c c i." /- ^ -« 2 s - ^ t- a i 0 j-r; c3 3 =11 1 <; d sT "^ u ^ E- -^cs" ^ K fc- o y - ~ s &i o ^-^^^ s u l§^l^45 ^i;ss'irS <;;j2;^-sl ffi-H~ 6 -f- CO O C O S bf K<1 C '■^ r^ c n c tl ^4 - ^ (.(M , OJ !>i U\ T & s C c^ .ij o a "S s c c o t*-. 0 o D c m Z <;. > Ci ,c CS (^ ir. tH c U 3 Z ^ 02 iM CO ■* X K fcj^ w <; 0; H H w C ►T^.^n - r3 '^ SW c c^ u .2<:_- > « fie© c3 -P P -t; o -J bia o K fi 3 O iS02 '^'f - •• -^M to ifCs© . u • =■::_- C o-.:s ri •^ O 0 -V-M Sh w ?=<©< ^. " c bco - r- O fc, ►-, r' "c •— -kj 336 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 > I p. b (^' c 0. ■< a -a < 6 H 0 a > Pi S u iJ K • M Q d H H H s Q H J < U J3 o o 00 o mco ooocooooi-htpo t> C-iTti o~ OOOOOlM-*(NX'-lrtrHOCO(MCOOC '-iOOOOO'-iOOOC000005'C-0(N' ! rt IM 03 1-H 0> •*CC;iO(NC^— <-*T-iT-iTrC^ c c 2 ^ii o S M=^ ^s «! r^ ^33 2 ^ ' S^OQ^ H^fa I'll a5 i?!MO — ^3-?oS^>^ K ^ SH _. a§ E^tfa- u o a si- a o3 Wo -^ kT o j3 3 01 ^>v^ -n = « -^ -5i 0-5 Co S .MM. . fl( H f^ ^ i-j' H "a C rS C 1^ — o o >- . O M CO 05 O CO o 00 CO rH CO lO O IM 05 IM CO CO CO ooGot^cocor^oooooooo 00 (N 00 00 O O lO (M CO CO C5 C (?"H0 CO (X) C5 GO t^ -H CO CO cr5 05 c; C5 05 00 GO t^ t^ s s ^ uO^ O "^ ^ '■^^=^ si ife ~ OOQ . >■. d c s 2 cs ■- o a- -r oioMK^ bC O 00 GO CO ^ -n ^ to CO lO IC CO O CO CO 00 00 CO 00 00 CO i-O t^ o cor--t^t^ 00 CO CO CO CO CO c3 0 a; -3 .^ 03.0 4 c c erg :2 Mt. >.33 rt_rc3 > -^ y' f K .is! J3 J= M 75':3c3c3o3aja>o.3 J ■< > < jqsQ JO 'luiv gooooooooogo OOOOOOOOOOO o 7. £ o S !>-■ — iC 0 20,000 0 50,000 800 4.000 0 spunj 1U3UUS3AUI oooooooooooo ■ (N Sr o^ c ~'~o~oi?5~^ lO O O CI -•f — o'cf CI oooooo oo o ICI XjiSdOJJ oooooooooooo OiOOOOOiOOOOOO o__ CC o^ o^ o_ O^ O iO_ lO >o o^ o^ 2,000 110,000 11,000 *8,000 4,500 12,000 * 1,700 60,000 6,000 3,000 200,000 100.000 *200000 SS9999 OSS o ,— I.-, -c o' -r c !?, co" c r 1 ;; -- o * a „* O O K^ CO M t^ O O (N (M — 1 05 ffiXCDI^Ot^OOTfiTjlOOX "-'"""""" 05"~ OCliOiOOfO — «iOCl-*0'0 COppop CI pp CO — ;^ipj,0 Cl — G-. IC X CT. ^ X r- 1^ p o o X 0-. X O" •. - ~ •3)3 'Xjeiec; o o oooioior^oo O r o' •*" — CI CI lOOCO — "OTfOOO CI O 1< C) O CI CT. 1^ o O^iO ■^^x,^-* c o_ — »x'"co'"x'" — — cT u z u u z u Q lElox «OClt-'fOI^COCOtOOOiO r- COiOtOO tOtOCOIMOO 0__ CI CI i-H (N Tfi ocoi^cocooceooocoi^ co LOOCl O OCO CI "# O^ — — Tf O "O o_ cT lo t-- CIXCl — o — t^oo "OCO CO O X 10 t^ ci_co_— o c^in^ x""— lo'io" lO CI S3UiJBq3 ' "mo (NOO»Of^(NO^'<*Ou:>0 00 t^ (N to 1-1 i-H CO OCOOOOt^O— iiOOI^ t- OCl lO lO CO CI o 1-1 lO X 2 « ■*iOOOOOt^C)0 1^ ■* 1-1 o I** lO ca ■*Tt< CO cs^- 03 lO- piVI.J3JSIUlI\[ i00-<*"1<000t^l^00»0 CI OiOOiCOOOOOO t^ CO — or-oooo OO d o DOS '^"d P"^ COOiOOtCrfOI^OO — o OOOOiOOOOOiI^CO GO CI— X C O t^ lO O lO »o O CO lO 1-1 t>- UOIJEIDOSSV Tf CJIN— ^co 1-1 O O O OCOOOCO OCO CO Tt coo C5 r^i^XI^OO CO r-o X X lO— CI suoissij^ a'uiojj oor-co-^ioc-^oooio CO i-lt^N iOi-1 1-11-1 u OOOOO'TCliO — O CO O W O tO-rf O o — 00 OCliOClCO OO OC5C0t^ — c-. ^OX CO ci" cf •3pia qajnqo -OlO COrt COiO Ot^OCIOClr-i^ — O 't O CO T-i t^ "C t^ t^ CI — LO — OClTfOO t^O — o CO CI — lo •O^CO — I- •ui s 3]^ 'sausioos 3|d03j Sunoj^ -H ot^OC:Ot^OiravOOOOO(NCOO»000 0 0'* ■* "^r^io Tfococoio ocotoiNO o CO OCOOOOO CIO o — lo CO o o u > < 0 z 3 sjsquisp^ «D K5iCOiCiOOOCOCOCiOiOOCOt^O'"MC5'*'OCCXO(Mt^-tOiOiOOC~. CIO (M x---*CHO-OC)C;CIC10i-iCCiOCa'*iOCl't-Hi.OO;OCOC1 — COCOKC — -^ Cvj ^^^rt „ 04r-i CO — — — — COt^CCC COO-TCO C^t^ — CI c u •a c u a 3 to l<:dward .1. Abbott, h No school,] Rev. (J. Vj. Ilenshaw, h Cassius Marsh, Herman H. Wells, h Frank K. Mason, h .John Armsdon, K. F. Terry, m Mrs. L. T. Hughes, S. St. J. Gardner, Rev. E. P. Armstrong, in .\rtliur E. Smith, iii R. Price Jone.s, \V. T. AVilliams, C. l<>ed He.ss, Ivan Cireenman, Alva (). Cline, Rev. Edward Roberts, Marcus Sears, Mrs. Winfield Bore, .\rthur .1. Derbyshire, in .Jav B. Rogers, (}."H. BlLss, Holcomb, Horace H. L(>avitt, jr., n George W. l^ardwell, ii Arthur S. Beale, n Herbert B. Brush, h George II. Pfeiffer, ]■ J. Wm. Wells, Heman P. Smith, F. J. Parr, Rev. II. B. Gantt, Dr. John Mickelborough, in .James Brackenritlge, h Henry Garrison, X u K S a u n 5 Albany, Altmar, Angola, Vntwerp, Aqiiebogue, Arcade, AshviUe, Kaiting Hollow, Bangor, Barryville, liay Shore, Berkshire, liethany. Bethel, liiiighamton, 1st, East, FJlack Creek, iilooming Grove, lirandon, liriarcliff' Manor, liridgewater, Bristol, lirooklyn, Pil., ,, Plymouth, ,, Clinton av., ,, South, „ Central, „ Puritan, „ Parkville, „ Park, „ Rockawayav., „ Nazarene, ,, Tompkins av., ,, Lewis av., „ Canarsie, 338 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 OOOOOOOOOOOCCOiOOCOOiOO 0000»0(N(NiO»OOe<300C20iOTt (N O CO lO CO i-i i-i i-t ■* CO 00 ot^coco-^i-iooi-ieoooo(Noo( lIMt^CO l>(N O OC OiQIN (N O CO t^ lO t> CO ( o ot^ lo oo O:- CO l^ ^(M CO ooo lOOl CO M OO X ■ CO O t^ CO! co»o ) Ol CO lO ;r? ) CO (35 1-1 (N >r^ o oico ) r-l CO 05 ■^ 1-1 CO 't I O CO CO 03 > OJ COTt< T-i CO 1-t^ < 03 O 05 CO 100 01»0 CO r-ICO CO GO T-H 1-t CO oo- OOi OlrH o E^ 5 G _ i- fl t< ri t, 03 r; O rj ^"3^ ■^■e a ci-:i. ^ S i_; 3J > T3 O '3 ->^ C. . . 3 ^ -P j- C o; S c3X!^ >" o fe £^ to u o S »3 S C o c3 L< V! S-. HOfa ^-2 s- ^,=s gO 5^:; -p CO '^ ffi * W feT)flfeb.2 '-' !r~ f=^ 2 MS b- 01 o3 OJ j2 M ^-3 t;-^ 5 c? _r.2 ►-'►° ss ^ 0; I* . '5'=-| ^-5-T^ J--:?^ w 53 d ^ ^ »-; ^ M o « . d S ^s c s c;z; oj . C3 § c8 -so Pi §3 • O o3. 03 > 72. S -Sfca K O ,; !fi 2 — -p . ■ flea o o to^aj £0.2 £ £ ^ . _ (X| -P Q, o tr a^P-irl o^ to 1 ^ t> 00 1 05 05 Ol 1 00 00 00 OD 03 -H 05 02 O tZ) 00 Oi ^ CO CO O CD o CO ^ r^ CO O O O 02 O Oi t; 00 ooo coo CO X X (33 X X X X rti t^ t^ t^ 03 1-I t^ ^ X X X X CO X o X 05X X t^ r^ C3 X LO O ! O O CO CO c t^ X X X ( I Ol rH CO CO X I )« C32 lO O CO ) X X X" X OrHt^ 05X o XX05 '/2 01 i> to g fl 3-73 o -p s::: ,=t:; 03 — -^ to S§^ cj j:: ^ d JTj 'R^c'S IlilJ-ail bC O^ O g fl g CO •«— ;^ jr" ::3 s? h c3 ii .t-i ii~ (-:»■ r' ^^ >* ^^ ^ bfl PiZP^a s -M fe-3 «^0 0 05^ = i =b|sssgrczdc3g3^ff^au& --.tnuS 33o3o3o3o3o3e3^0^J3^^JtOOOO "ttpqpQ p3PQoooooooooooouuaou j= « P s p= fl. 1908] Statistics. — New York. 339 Q >0 o o o o o o o o o o o O !-> C (N oocooooo '-? O O "3 oooooooooo ooooooooo ooo oo oo oooooc ooooooocco C 00 O lO c o c ooo oooo 1-H C) rt ooooo ooooo o o_o^o_^o_ 5^ o'lo'c-fo" * * * * oooo oooo o_o o o_ cfo'co d" * * o c o o o o o o oooooooo OiOiCOOOOO OOOOOOO'OOO OOOOOOOOOO O O^ u'J o_ o__ o^ o^ o_ iC o^ cc cni6iO'-* ooooooooo ooooooooo iq^ 0_^ 0_^ 0_ iO_ 0_ 0_ 0__ 0_ ■* CO >-no .-I cTic on * iS- * lO t- CO I~ OS o »o O O O 00 05 rf O' c. ~ " - - ooo OOOOOiO ooo OOOOCrr OlNiO (MCOOOOO(M ooo (MOO MOO oooo oooo O OiQ O) o o o o o o o lO lO O O' o o o r^ •<*< o •^^n o,'*_ OiOOOOOOOO O 1^ IM lO M "O O O O IC ^ O t- ■-< O (N X O S 9- o -^ 01 -H ^ o 0-) o o ocico CCOt^t^C:-^CCrH CO-fOOO-tOi-i o_o oc^eo^-^ i-^_(« o__ rt o o r^ -*'-': r- c o lO O 'O O O t^ h- O lO <-l ■* O O rH oo T-l N M r^ ,-h" (N" rt' TjT r-T fH (M t^ O 't O O O O ^oc:0CJO(N-* o ■^_^o_^o__^ o^«c 00_ OOOCtZ'iOt^iOOt^ r^OO Or-HNt--.^t>. ■-H CO lO (N ^ •* iH rt. rH a;ooO'-i'Hic(^(Mio .-ICO --HrH OOOOCOOi-iOiOO ooio o ooiCQOco O CO CO 01 CO (N cOt^CJiOO'*iOt^ (Nrt Tr< -H CR rt oo • Tf lO (MiOINOOOrhOOO 01000000000 -H Tj<^0O-*iO rt 01 CO I-H 'H O O O O '.O o o . >o oooooooooo ooooooooo o ooooooooo ooooocoioo ooooo o^^oo^^o ot^5Di>oooooi O 00000501CO OOOtOOOOlOt^iO OC^lt^OOOOCOOiOO lOO'C'OOOt^'tO a ■* lo ooicoirH 00-HOI-HC51OO1 T-< i-iio Tfi ,-ioi rH oi^ffl o CO r— -^ »o '"'2 Om S OOOOO) ooo OiOOOO^iOO OOI000003COOO iCOOOOOOOO^ 5^00-^ OlTjH-HTf ^01 CO"^ o .2 o oo»oiooiooro ooo:i.ooioo»o oot^o^-ioaiooio octocoooiot^o ^ tv. T^^^t^ ,-, C^T-i t^t^CO .-I lOTj-OO^l--. r)0t--000>0 0100 -HiOt-OOOOOOOt^cB---H0 01C0010CO C01XC0OCC0101O01 COiOOOOOCOi-iiC'+i^ OIt-01-* X^— I r- — 01 -^co 0>0t--000>0 0100 lOOOO 050t--0 ■^f o t^ -- -^ C ri. r^zr u £c§^^;Sglc5^'-^(^(^KH>l^ a" c3 c ;r c ^ "^ -2 ^i* ^ ■♦r r/"i 0, . wm — ^"^ -^§ tl O o3 rf^ OO^'"' ' c3 ii-''"^*" MJ 03 - =-fv;S ^''SjS^ H ii; rt . c - > i;2^CgS^5^J : T^ r^. ^ rr\ (^ ."^ m r>- "■> J ^ ii( ^ •-: .^ J^ ^ w ^ w (i;,— ."^"^,rt?C''7'r'' "t-'J^ la - -i; -^ "3 jf *^ rr* •-, ' --^r— — "^ ;^ u b S > s :h ?- -'^^ .- M- -i 1^ c 1 1 J f -H =^ =p5ffla ' rS^cSdSrJddri c -=-:: — — — OCOO 340 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 eOOOCNOOOOO'^O'O'^O ^OO OOCOOOOOOOOOiOOCC^CiCCl-O OOOOO OO O 0>-H OO «00<-'OrHO Ot^ (N Tji CO (NO(N ■* O CCOO tO(MOt>-*COr-iOOOOO 00-*OfCO Oi-i COt^lN COOO (NO INT}<00 Ct^O'OOO'OOOT-iiOi-iC'O'-iNrHC^OCI OOlOOOt^COr-iC-lWCOOiO'-H -*OC^OOOOT-ii-iC1000'-iOr>-0 «5iM'-il> »-irOOeOC^(NOOOOTHOCO'-i(N'-i'-HO(N Ot^OOOfNOOlCKNOi-iOCCi-i rt'-tT-iuo 00-^OOOHOi-iO'-iiOOOOM0050'*03 0000000^010CO'-Ht^O'-<->3 OC-0»0 (MINOCO'^'OJOO'-ilMOOOCOOCCOOO OiNOOOt^(NiOOO'-H(MC(NCO OOi-iOO ;ooior^»0'Vi-iooo5ooooooc'^o oooooc205"*ocoo>ooo50 mxoo • Ot^CZ) iC^t^iOiOtMCiO^DiCiOOfOf rt rt (N I O O C- C^ t^ -^ 01 I o t^ rt lo (~ lo r- •<1< CO "-I rH ,-1 O CO CO coco 'C ' I •^ r- 1^ I lOp pC ) CO lO tH O c > O 00 03 o o O 03 o o O fl gj b s^^ ^^ SCbB - CO - - —4—1 ^-t r^ uJ I— I "-^ r!5 i— ' *-" '"^ ^ . Kn a CO 03 S S s s.-^^T^-o j-JP ^ „• ^m^^^z£^^^g.gg:itf^>^M Q a C n -^ Q S* a; Burroug Blackn Ireland, > O WW Foster, r. . Smiley, r. Symonds, P30 ^ ^'^f^ P5H 0 (-, 5 M c a ii 3 cS 'Si 03. J5 !3 c fl^ « Ss &S 0 S JJ Offi<1 S^ 0-^^ -r^ O o § . ^ "o .2 02 re 3 CO 2 a SOh 3 03 >H 03 P« O c3 .O ^^a (D .s -« p L^ o 0- ^rn a: H^ m to 11 » to If > 33' lid ^ a 03 OJ O" ■ ►Ho O-SffinJ^K.-T, >.l' ^ r?( IT » hhW a ^^^ 03 c3 002 >J . - o o — . ,i: § -:: .J a O d 5g « » 2 S « =3 OO'** o CO (» CO 00 CO CO CO lOlM o 00 00 00 OOCOrfH ■* lO 05 O lO 00 00 00 00 O) O lO T-H o o looo coo 00 00 00 00 00 O ^ O] ; O (M "O ( t^ OO CO ( ) 00 o ^ ) lO CO lO 00 X 00 -t< CO " OO t O t^ ( ) 't lO ) O CO ) CO 00 t^n< (M 00 CO 00 O ■2^53 03 .-r a a fl OO > m s o3 S a doa)aja>u3ggsa5±i^:a=3^>"5'5S-2^ £i-Eo3c«g_-„,- ^ a'So!- oT a >^— ^ OhwI-i ■a > g « o g _o c > a 5 c^ r^ n^ r- n H 1908] Statistics. — New York. 341 occcto ooooooo ooo; : 3 O C O O O >u coo coo COM CCOCCOOO O O O lO O O O ot^ oooooocooco oo O O O C lO u? ^ . _. L'? ro O O 01 t^ CI o i-T t^ CO CI L-; t^ OOC CO C O O CI iO rt t^ O X (N OOOOOOO oo COCIO OOOCiOOO CO COttO T CI C 'O O "t O CO 'O X lO ^ O t^ioiooo»oo ceo to CI iO O ^ CO Tf O I-- Tt< oi i-H X o "it CO t^t^ O ■* O c o o >o t^ CO ^ CI o c t^ >-< Cs O C lO O lO ^cc rtOC-oooo o-T O'frc) -r CO O -t O lO CI O LO X ox O X C) -r Cl'-i'-H X0 1^r-<000 OO Cl^ClCO t^rt ^r-( .-C LI rtC) " O t^OOCl lOO r; : CO lO lO ■* 00 ■* ocoO'^t^oc-ruoio OOO 1.0 ooo O O rf O O CI CI O t^ 1-1 O X O O ■■<• CI CI 1-H rt lO ^ o c ci o o o rt d == § rtOCCOO lO ClTt< t^OOOO>C»OOOOC5 CI .- CI w 0-rt<0i000t>. lO rH OOOiOO rHO COO o O "O O O lO o ooocco^woxoco COOTf OCl-t XOO'* C^Cl coo o t>oxooo O C O O CI 1-0 CO O O O CI rH C^ c o o ox •* o < too O o o •* c COO o O O to O lO TT xoooxoci — 0-* 1-1 lO COi-i rt i-l ■^OOCCCIC O CO O;- Um OOC^OOO C>-OOOOOCI05»0OC0 rHOOOOCIt- 5r rH rH rt CO "^ coooorHco coo O O CI o o o OOCOt-CCCiOCX cooooco-c l-rHOCMC'* ttO M I rH CO CO 1-1 COOOCXt^'tCOXOt^ rHOOfOOOCI O rHrHrHCOCO CO O Cl'H' lO rH CO rH Tf >■« d§( Sot o iJ K H^ H S a ^- S •< t^ O t, . ^ >y< jT r-< b» rt S = " = Si a) ■ . u — ;. [JH O pH [^ (I' ^ C- ^Cl ^^ s p c3 u (u aj 'o-< ■5 « — 1,;=^ 0) « 03 7? -yi +J 0-c c: s =•= s e- i c3 c3 2 S c3. -j; c ■> t 0 > I— ( ^ -3 c 73 u rs = 6 CJ c - > z c! cj ^ « u [i< ■Jh c c c J ;: w aj O C 5 342 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 l^TttOClOiOOCiOOO (N tH IM i-h lO O O C O O lO O lO O O OO lO O lO lO (N(M!-ii-ii-H iM.-< rt OO (N O O O 05t^l> 1-1 OOOOOOO OO OOO) Ort OOO TjiCO I-H O i-i OO rHOOO .-H'-lO .-lOOOOOO OO OOOC INO r-l (MOO rfco T-H{N ,-1 ■* (NMt^fOO'-H-^O^INO W OCO O •* i-iO OO rHCOOO-^OOO ■ Tjf -^ O CD rf 00 OrHOT-l OOOOOOOOj^OO OOOOOOO OO OOOOIMO OOOOOO OOOO --hcCOOOOOINO'-hO'O 1-H (N OOOOOOO OO OCO^'TINCO rH (N O lO T-H lO 0(N00 iH005COO^Ot^o 00 CO "O 03 ^ •* •^ ■* o r- ■* ^ (M(N(N(N ^ COI> 03 CO lO ■o 00 00 o o ci CO OJIO CO CO(N(N(/) IN o-toooooot^oiaoxiOrt •*COOlC^C0iMiO(NCOt^00 (N-H (N (N oooo^-^cooo r}H (N (N to r-H N CO «5fO 05(NidHTtH01 (NCOCOOiOCO Tti o o ^ O3 00 oic cooo '0^~ rt co^ CO 05 10 00 (NlOrHlQ r^ i-H CO CD pppp 01 ■:S CO 3 -Q "£ ^ t^ b fe g OS 2 ffi fc^ <;s w t — I s. 9i 5^ b M>2'to ,- fcfe* 1,0 <« OJ :^l -ij t; -" , ^ O CO :d«^ ^'^ bCpj S o ^ O 02 'a a P CO ^ c 1-5 ■ c3 2 .^ ^ o - »rcq r -1 ^ . d ^►2 So. M t3 ■ o3 (3 2 w - = cl to ■ » u c3 jQflH ^ D ^ HH W-^-^ ^ s"3Wco > t::c:j>goJJotf -^ o 3W K to ►>, ► — 0>S > ,^ >" c3 3 := Ph 5 ,"? O , QJ o3 0) o O 5 t< OJ 3 Oj 03'^ J 1—1 h— I ^ 3 1^ S ^ gj d d rd ^ -M-d § ^ o 2 oooof- _ _ _ .___. Tf< CO O t^ C»(>DOOOOtX)Xt^OOOOOX0300COtr3GOXXOOOOCCMCCGC]l>OOOOCOM I .-1'* I O lO ) 00 00 00 I^ O 03 00 X 00 or^ lO t^ O 00 00 CD O -^ t^ OiOOC X 03 00 CO COIN lO o r- t^ CO CO W I O OS IN O T X 00 00 CO ( I CD IN t^ < I 03 ■* 02• ) CC GO l> C CO r^ 03 OO rt t^ 00 00 CO CO lO CO CO oc 00 00 t^ 03 O CO 00(N IN 00 00 00 coooo OOiO 00 X CO cfP^ >^J2 cr fe^ KM i d S^ " o o ^ Uc P d TO f3 fl o o o o_d ~ ~ I-hPh3hKKi-HH-I>-5'-5 ; > sToJ cj d -^ d :>■ d 2 6 > >• o 1-1 <( .■S o ^^ .g (_ t> t- ;?g§ggg§ §sg:g; 1908] Statistics. — New York. 343 ■-- OOCO OO OOO COCCOOiO coo coo ooooo OOO O OOO go ^o OQOCOOO O O O O C O s OO coo OOO OCOOCCOOOOO OOCCOCOCOOO O^iq^C C^'0_iO_0^iO_0_0_^0 oo" of o" cT f" rt lo" of o" ffl o" O O C C lO O O OO COOOt^OC OO C C O O ffO »o >0 OO c c c o c o o o o c c c 0_'0,0^0_CI^^ ■* cc to »o lo c/o" * * OO oooo oooooo c_^ o__ o_ io_ o__ o X CO rfi do" of of Xr-1 O OO O OO ■* Tt- O OOO OOO >q h- 1-H^ of fO~ OOO OO O "O lO lO lO TfOlOl MCO OOOOOO oooooo lO ■* O) QC so CO O O OOO CO OO iC 00113 Ot^.-H CO OO NO 4<±.dt- CO ct^ to -^ »c to S — o(:±^ OI 02 0>M ■S — S — ^?uS- to CO Tt* CO O t^ lO O o lo to -^^^ o co^ of Of^" r-i ^T3 04 c c »o CO coi^ o WJtO O'-O of»o"i-r C-3 UCQ ,°s OCCOtOCOCOOtOtOCO OIOIOCO rHtO TfCOtO «©.-( to to to .-I CO CO t^ o) o c 1^ r-( 00 ^ rj" iC t^ ^O) rt coot^oct^coscoo seto c CO 00^ o r-i CO O) 01 OOOCO OO O) tOOOOO rt toio '*-< ONOO C O O 00 O CO C to OS o 6#lO rt OlrHrH lO OCCOO CO OOO OO CCCCClTt* coco oo»oVocooo-^i>-* «# Oli-H Ol Tj* 00 OOOOO OO O rt GO O o ^01 t^^OOOCO ocooo I-l OOOI-HOCOCTfOCO m o}o to lo CO OOOCO OO CiOOIC c-^ rHX 01 ifliCOCOO 1-1 coco CiOTt.OCOtO>0 I-l 10 o t^ to Ol 6© 01.-I .-H --H to lOCCCOO OO OOCJtOCCOOCOOCCO o OOOiOO CO coo oco O O O O 00 CO coco CCOiOCCOCOCCO e© .-1 oi CO o occcc OO coo 0.-H oooooo coco OiflOOGOCC^COltOtO 1-1 xto i-ii-i cooito «# oaoi 01 CO ^ OOOOO CO lOiOOCOIC oocst^ciccoo'-ooor^ TflcOiOiOtOOtiCffltOt^OO CON 01 01 COOOCO lOOl »o>o lO t^ r^ CO 1-1 01 01 >-i c3 - <: o to g US tft! S CI. c3 e^ o ir f-s .s TJ o' » ^ ^ . ^ >. w ^ Ih ■-0 OJ t. ■ i '2 B o'^ h P ^ C u PS pad§b^s;=^3 S^dH (U O O O O O O 0J2 c3 03 tn O 03 OJ !« rt fl "" " d 7^ C> 2 ^ t2» jpc^cboSS d- > "eS e3 fl S S S ?i — E ^ w i^ ra 0^ c3^^ ^^ cT^iT o3 cJ bi'^Jj =5 d OS o a>.s.i:.-.T; o ■^ or; ^ > o c3 ;; -^ ^ .S 0 m—i -—.2 u. 't- ii o3o3c3.S :S0OCO 344 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 1 'p* b. 4^* < T3 0 « u J a (5 " n ,d u H H t- J s 0 < U ^' ( < s 6 H t is «' c •o c u •a c O OS td t- s S u. u S td a ,J •r, tuo o d lA % Id o X H S X >. u OOOOO O t^O OCO 0»0000>00i00 o lOl^OCM l^ 0.-iiOO(M»Oai"5INiNiNi0 01 -* O rH CJ r-l C) IN rtC-lMr-iOOOcoOOOOO OC^IOC0 00'-^0^3 OOOOOOi rHINO OO OOiOO-*Ot^lNOOOiMO OOCO O O O O O O «3 "O (N O O O O O O O l> OO COrtCO'-irMiNOM'Oi-i(NO(N I^Tj0 0> rH 00 O O (N (N ■* (N C0>O(Nt-i O i-i 00 OOOt OO or^-i-it^-T-iOt^MO lO 1— I iH CO »o v;* ^ CCiCCjiOOO-^OCOOOCOGOXd OCOOiO iO(M'C'N^Ol^Ol POMCO OC-i'0'-OiO(NOT)< COi-iiOO C^lrt-*,-!^ ■*■* g S 2 .-- 1-, '"' -J ~ 0,-^ !- O O , Oj '^ OJ c pL| jD "S a. S'S ..Tn-t- M fc> r^-: ^p^s -.2 L^ g ^ •^"-S .^ '- ^ -^ 3" --^^ c H u o -^ "ill 0) X . . . j^o; oi _2 ,1; o o3 3 ^— ' '^ 0; u. rt C J -3 O := a JK C3.S S-^§K •i M --^ £? 9 O 01 CO GO C3 01 t>.00 00 00-* 00 00 Odd ^1^ ." "^ ■^ r^-i rri 1^ rM r^ in CJ 3 •Ph O ^ ff.^. r2 "^ o ►^ S Si £ TSl 1—3 2i &Z^.%A^%<< o ^ . O -jjj^ f^ >..OCC'< .S oSl^ gg OCOOlt^lMt^iOiO lOOOO^t-O^IM COGOOOOOI^OOOOOO :t;^'ffi§giCu§§OS O-H 00 00 C3 M 00 00 t^ CO t^ 00 00 00 00 00 GO (N CO O 05 GO 00 CO C C^l CO ai o o o 00 ffl 03 CT5 10 1^ 10 r^ O'^lO-H t^ Tf CO ^ CO rH 00 GC~ CO t^t^ Tf 00 Tt< -* (N rt 10 00 00 X 00 CO 3-2W 3 w^w ^•i^^ rg ST" CJ .-^ ' "!:3 ct: 3K JDH>>Hf g M OPk ♦S^g t^TS .fit TZ (U'C O QJ ■ -' ^^ o o ■ . S-S g js)^^ 9 o cj eQHZP5;^§'^H5fe,Ohj>; - :: I = -^ 1908] Statistics. — New York. 345 ,00000000000 3 0 oo oooooo o ooo o R^.o, o -^'r-TcT oo oo iC o CI T OOOOOOOOOiCOOO o o o o r^ o CO .•5 lO O (N 05 O i-O lOO ooo OOO o o c o o o o o o o o o o oooooocoooooo MOiOiOOiOOOOOOOO OOOOOCOOCOOO coooooccoo o o o^qo o^o :;_(N_c o co^ o'oj" c S o' 'O o' Tf c S cf oCCOOICOt-iO Ol ^ CO CO CO ■* 01 o — i(N(N -H OOiO»0 01C0 01iO-hC>.-iI^O OOOOMOOCO'OCOt^'fOiCOOl 01 oi CO C0 1-1 CO OJ n* CO ■* OMCOCOiOOOO OC0U2-<*< Ol •* Ol 1-1 1-1 C0>-* oooocoot^r^oiocot-^oo lOrJtlOCO't'OJOt^t/SO CO rt^O ^Ol r-(T}( OrtOOCOOOC^ OOOO 0300000JOO>OOOMOO 00 r-l ,-(00 00J>0 OiOO OOO COOlTtCOCOOCO €f3 01i-l oco^i> COIOOOOOOOCOCOOIOO <-i ,-1 ,-1 (N CO OOOOO OCOO OOIO XM^OCOOOCD «©rtOI O-^OO COiOOMOOiO«00OIOO t^ (NC3 OrHOO-i CO ^ ^,_( OOCOO ooo OOlO B T3 -+0t-"3000M< OOOO -iifJOOOOOOOOOlOO CO CO OOOO ot^o 0,-iO pS OHOOCOt}( OiOOCDCOOOOl rtXOt^Ol COt^iOOOOlTfi coooooi^icooooooio'oojo'o oiooo »oeo 0)COiOCt^»OiOC00 0101CC010'-t.-(00 CO'-'O'-O Ol'^ -tOlrtOlThi-IOr^CO--* 1-1 .-IrH^Ol i-li-l-H CA T-l X t£ '/. u '^ ^ --^ o 1) «' '"/> K ^ ^ — ^ a a ^ o a ^ M - O "5 " (-< 03 b. C 1- , K ^O 5 o rt o -s J£ _o S "c ^ • ^ --^ o R ? >-, S g ^- h^ "^ « J . ►i: . o •-<-::; ::: .S 15 3 -a . .~ • ^S ffiSPo &SM S^-T^K^S^ -r'3 s^" o -^ - S -— O O =2 rT 3 — o ■" ," > E - _ .. ,- Si W eS C — i.S o o =3 -:P^-f?o U t^ t^ ^4 t^ u u ooo _ O O O 346 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OOOC CCOiOOOCiOOCOCOOOOOOOOCOiOO OtOOl^iOOOCOOiOiOO C^ 1-1 ^r-, r-l (N(N ,-( rt rt rt (N ^ C^ (N r-4 TjtOCO OOOrHMO INi-H (N^(MOO00 (MCOr-i^rtt>cOIMC;iO'tO^ OCl(N . Cs -^ Ol 00 03 -^ CO -^ Tfi ^ O O O t^ Tt< lO rn ^ Tt( •«1( to CO lO O flj M .-H CO^ M rH CO T-H rH rH rH lO --H (N rt rH (N IM(2 ■^Cqi-i <0O-^OC0C0rH^(MfflI^C0i0i0t^Q0(M'*^t^Or^»0Tt0 -^ CO CO CO r^ O^ CO 10 <0 0 (N CO lO t^ 00 CD CO -. c ., .- - S ^ P !? C o !£ c3 C Sis -- O 33 .2 tig; CT3 cj 3 *=! fe * a so r-^i-s :0 ffitf S' _-fe flfe' fL 3 '5 t-=: -a 0 li c ^ 2 d -►J O j3 cot- ^ M c; M o 000 -rf G5 00 00 CO »0 CO CO CO CO lO t^ CC QC CO t^ 01 cc^ o C) ^ CO CO » ■* ac 1^ 10 10 O*"' IM 10 05 01 Ol O; 00 i-* CD CO OOOCXGOOCt^t^QOI^OOCOOCX 10 ^ t^ CO ^ t^ CO' c; 1-^ CD CO o cr- 10 CO cc c/; C: O 00 CO l-O CO X' CD ~ CO 'I* -^ I^ ^ O) OC CI X - 00 00 'X CO " OC' X 00 CO CO X 00 X X CO X arti «0 O CO XXX 3 i2;coc _ai o zzj: ^ c33 o 2 > 000 7; MfcC >< d c3 M,--rT-7; -^ ,-71^ o S^ii :0 rt w^3-3 2-^ o^ — c o-3-=.^i3oooofc;t;3c|c -d (STI ^1 0 1908] Statistics. — New York. 347 o c o r- CM iCOCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO OOOOCt^OOOOOOO OOOOOOCOOOOOO(NOOOOOOCO Q lOOOO'* OO OOOOOOOOOOOQO o c o o o o ooo ooooocoooo C O O O O O C C O lO O O lO lO lO C 'O »c o t^ oooooooocoo oooooooocoo OCOOO»OMiOOOOC ooooooocococo OOCOCOOOOCCC3 io^c_q_io^c o^o_o_o o o c io CM >o o Tp CM lo o cm"cm~c<3 cpNeo ooo QOO ?0 CM® OOOOOO OO COOOOOOOOOOOOO OOiOOCO OOcOOCC^JOOOOCCO'Oio ^CCCOOt^O -^O'^t^iOiOOCOOOOUC'OtOt^Cl OOOO OOOOCOOiO U500>0 o >o O O O "O c o • »0 CM O O CC CI 00 CM O) C>1 G 5- •tiQCO iCT-iOOr~C: QCiOiOCnOOOOt^ OOt^OrH OC -t O GC X M CO O "^ CM O O 'M CO lO lO O O) lO O t^ O CO 05 iq_oo o_i^ •* CO X i-o__ '^^-to^^-^^i^^x -H_co_t--^ » o__t^ o_oq_ 0in>ooc-t<05ocoooco >0 iC — O O C^J -t O O O LO 1-H o 'OCOOCOTfrHOOD'+lOCOOOi-H — i-*iOiCOCOOCiOCO-*05C01^C<»C5CM.-iO'10500t^ ■^IOCO'*'-HO COCOCMiOCOi-tQOO-^CMi-iO OC'l CM T*t^ ,-1 rf «0 ■* 1-H rt ^ lO ■*eo«o»otooT-ieo-*ocMO 1-liOt- ^ ,-, o-l i:<\ '-^ rtO COOO CM •CO'-H i-iiOO'C Ot^00«>O CO »COOO>COCCI CO O OOOOOt-OCM O OCM lO T-llO rt i-Hl> Tfl.Ol-HTfOO.-H 00 i-H m r-<,-l *N I-H C. ^ CO-* OOOOOQOO'^OO'ONr-lOOOOOOSOX® OOOOOOM OCOOOOOO e© i-H,H.-H „_< eoc^i cox 000»Or-100eMCOCOOTfHOOt^t^ OOCIOCOOit^CMOOOTj* «& C<) i-H tH c^ C<1 .-H.H CM N CM O 1-H TJH Tf C O Tf OO Ooo t^O OO Tf U3 i-H toOOOiCOOO ^ O O OOC0005iO rt OOO Tf ^th Tf eor-t lo rH® c^.Hco ■* Tf cCiCiOOOinOMOeOt^iOOOOcO d e^iOi-H O-HC0.-HCMTtH TfTf^ CM OCM CM .-hoO .-iMONb-?-© CMOO C0c0C0iCt^C0i0O^05"3OO>0t^OO0> 050005 oooocicoTj(C5a)c>Dh "EC I- <5 ^ -=• >> C c3 St; i2~ - ''^ fc* tzioooooooooooooHfrHOH&HeLiaHaiPH W M^ -<_ •> c« O -— __ _ . $'0 +^ :e.2.2 & o fc: — . to - -=! 2*3 — .*j T3 i5 o o PhPhPh fe S «3 O O h CuPliPh i-g-a "5 c3 S !r; C-TTl t. OS OS o u bC > 548 'Congregational Year-Book. [1908 «C lO 1.0 o o (NrH 0000'0000-C<10iO OtO'^OfCC3000C5>0'OXi-iTtCCOfOOOIMTtt (N0500CO CO(N(N(NeOO 'I* OOCOOOINO O.-iO-*C0O OrH (M th -H ^ O O "5 O o: oec lO (N (N.-l!NCOf-^(NM^OCOCOiMOOCOOOCOrtCOO»OOOQO 0>rtCqfO(NiOOQO ^OOrHO OOOOOO lOOOO^O-^OOOOOO'-iOOCOO CO OOOOCOOO Ttf t^ (M O IN r-iOrHM'-iOCOOl'-iOiNCOCOOMOOO^OOi-HOCOCO 1-^ 01 •-0 O - ■* 05000 CO oo)ccoqcococo00(NOO^»-<0000 r^coxcoo-^ifNuo (N 1-H »0(N'<*'COCO(NCOiO(NOOOr-i-^0000(NO»OCOTt— I > ■ -- "^ CO O CO o o T-l 01 COO3iOOliOt^C000iOt^^C5l>'*(/)^-*t^C!OliOO3Ol'^C/) ^ OlrHi-IOO'-l-^'O'-iOO'* t^r^(MT-l.-ITt r < 00 05 03 tin !- ^ t: 03 O -"O CI ^ "^ ^ . ^ fl p a " v.S g s 2 OJ ^ j? > Q :zH m a 03 ja 1^ a £23 ■S s- te t-T ^ S r- O s: e ^ ..5 nils rH ' — ^ a^ ^ ^ affl a u ^ ts^ ^H ^^ c c a a : 5l >, ^.a .:2 a :j q S = -a o ■fe-K' :o>a . OJ M o o ^ a bjo ^fc. .2 ^ - 3 a a - • a a s oj o o a o. c o.si 'n'3 i'p'i 'a >"a' O CJ QJ ^ a> - o t^-E^ a <^ c3 : "o Z .-jS ' -ai-5 . .S S £.2 S b s e o S-b * r^^r:? £ •^ O g £ J^. =a>^ r-i r,ia • — ' _;>^ '^ O o3 05 CO CO lO CO 05 CO CO o o OCX" 00 o i-ioiosiot^ocor^ lO OOOt^'-iGOiOOl 00 ooooooaoooocoocc 00 CO ^ 03 03 T* >0 I^ C Ol CO C5 CO 00 ffl lyD 00 1^ CO CO OJ o ic -t< OC'CC 00 T* O IC O CD -I* 01 Ol O lO 05 o oo r^ X 00 CO 00 r^ CO ^ lO CO 01 lO CO 00 CO X X 00 X CO t^ CO -t< X O t^ X ox C! o X O 003 X OIX cCfKCQ ■C tT ^ o3 O C3 rH" bD M — ' G; c3 - -s^ a .£; o o o o tfp5p5p5rt OT a 03 _ o a a-TS >i_3 cu a:a j- ; 'C ^ be o3 > 0) i a £: a > >.xi 3 o3 o3 o3 03 d u ! 03 OD CO CC CO CO ^ to hJ^o3 2 ^a 9 a - — ' ^ , - "CO ^ >) a -1^ 1i:a £ ^3 2 03 OH ^'^ a "tog — ^c3 o 0) o^ ;;5P^QOOa2PH a aj o c^ Cj g « i--^ — '^ C 2-S O a g>a 3 g g aj o iD^.yra.a coo C- ci<« .2 2 a 1908] Statistics. — New York. 349 1° a ii ooooo CO (N C3 OCOOOOOOCOCOOOCOOCOOOOOOO O O 0(N OO o O O iq_ 1-1 to ^„C^ lO o oooo^scoo lO ■^ O W C M O ccooo co»cooooooo OOOOOOr-cOOOOOOO O OOI o Tfl . CO CO o oooocooo oSS 5 5 •M (M ^ * ■* C '*' CO T 01 w t^ -^' 1^ -T lO C. ul '^ (m' -.t^w' ■^"Ci w" i-TiO Tf" .-^ --1 TT (M (N ■* 1-i CO r-( i-l rtrt -^ oocoocco ooooocoo 0_0_C>_(N_iC C ICO "5 00 t^Ti-i -"ii' ci lO in ^X — C0010COOCiOOt^'OOC«5'"5000'*»0 o o o o - o o c o o O lO W to C! 00>000300COOOOOO cior-ooo — oco-^ooco 00'CO"*>0 0010GOX-*0(MN O OO OO OO O OO OO OO O ■* O O -^ f- lO ooocoooo oooooooo t>. 1-1 1-H O to C: O O) rt ^ (M ,-(rtrt aw to Ot^ o o 01 O lO lO o O O X X cc t'ooooxc;— 'O— "+"0000 ocoioocoo o^-i X-t-fiOiCOOtO-HCOCOOOOO .-I'TCrHrO >oo X to O 01 "O lO O W O X (M CO to rt O t^ Tt< O ■* O 01 to ocoioor^ooo cot^t^coooo ox — l>OCOOO 01 1-1 rt CO 01 CO — 01 01 i-(rt to u^ O — I^ O O 01 CO t^ i-< i-< lO >oo5b-^r^xt^cou:iiotooxooaooX'i0 0000»O^OOOOOI^(NOOO ocooooooo OlOiOOOOliOOOiCltOOt^tO — OOtOOXXOOtOO i-it^X'J<>0>-0OX — — CO oi — X 1-1 01 CO — 01 o o — CO dco xto — r-i CO — O— 01. Om u .2 •* O ■<*i O O X ■* O X t^t^ in COiOiO O O O O COOOXO ICIO OOOC5 Oi-i to OIOiCiO o O'toa — ocooi— »o oitoo i-it>.oi t^ojo — cococo 01 X — CO .H MXtCOi-t Xi.tt0 0i.ot>.0-*00i0 000t>-t0 ooico—x iot>. — cot>.oot--oir-oico:o»-iOT}< OICOCO — — — — — (M rt^(Mrt— -H0101 XO'Ot^cOOOO: t^OLOOXtOtOiO Tfot^OOIOIt^O Ot^X—'fOXiO 01— — -rf- — — — — — - s-^ ^ ■=- .J Pi' ^t:'5d~a ^^; «P3 dct.- 2 — McK O O " 5 £; OS ■ .a ciS ^Hi: S O »3 03 5 o t: . ~r! . =s -^ !W> ^e off ;^_-H Sc.' c3 ^ "SdrjCcaTo^rt!^ 3^ fcn+^ Sou Cj — -r, — c3 .- o o o >. 3 o =: - g o c3 3 >; d ^ . O O^ O 3 J3 •TO ^ >i —"^1^^ '^ ^ CJOiJ ) 3 . iPici o) ; fc. a) I. c o" S 0-3 3 fcO o to 0:3 d OOcbPh § "S d d c3 d d o fc K* VL* •-• C ^ CJ «>^TL 13Sj3.:ir2.3boo ac^ 3 .2 2 3 350 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 1 S 0"3»OOtOOlM«OXOOOOOOO»C»OTt<0 ro IN (N (N rH rl r-( OOOOOiO (N ^ < a c < Ot>- OO OC0OT-iC5i-iC<3C0C0OOTfO'^'OC»3 CO(N »005(N'*CO(Mr-iO(NO'-i (N r-l rt tH^COOOOCO '-ii0jOi-i,-ioo rh .-H IM O O O (^l'Oc<30rtO'-l(»(^l■*colO(Nt^c-^oo1-lO-^ 03rHrHOC0O d iM^-^OWO-irHC Oi-4.-iiOiO;00'-iOOC5 tH CO CO r-l lOOi-iOCOO s ill J3 < O0t-.0<-i OCOCOOOOi-nOOtJOCOTfOiO •-HiOi-i(M O -^COiO ■* "*fH CO CO^ O lO O rH »0(NCOOOOO^>OINOOiOTfOlN«^00 000 C0C0COCO!OOCOTt.i-li-i05t^'-i^ i-H CO TtH CO rH I-H i-H rH lO "# «3 t^ (X lO «5 •* INCO rHO (N rH iOcOt^t^C000C0-ti05>0C0^OC0t^'-''*OC0i-l ^ CO t^ e^l IN N C-1 !M 1-0 0) --H (M ^ t^ lO i-H iC CO rH t^ O lO rH lO CO O 00 ^ (N rH t^ CO p pp ppxpappppp pppp rH IC CO 05 t^ pop pp 111 1- z i o 4) a cooo t^ r-otcicr- t>. enico QOp p J^poOGCpp 00 p?ooo OOOO (Nf^ poo ?>P CO 5* 5 gel ^ 111 i" Kl J U H- d m" 0 . :: c ^ .2f ^ G c3 a" a S ^ .^ .-0 g m to ^= ig D X U o a o >^ c3 r^^iMCOMiOiOCOOOOtCKMr^COCir^ffiNCOO cnTt."0 .00 ^ " ><- t^ 10 o ;^ 0 oi r^ ., s r O CO ■-( 2 o J . '» -^^"=1 fl a o - ce;: j; a IS o Q P3 00 S CO <^'. r^; f- i§i I-i>TS - ^ . i^""^- 7 -2 — " Mo H .£ a CO Cy i;;^ G> 72 in "^ CO p C s fi pt^x •-' 0 - 0 _-J 5 O tc -i^ » s t- fe a ^ _ijr 1^ ej « Q C te I «5 ^ W • - K e N g-a g tr.H -^ "^ < a " 2 'ZO 1908] Statistics. — New York. 351 o „ 3a 53^ c-a .< 5 s oooooooooooooooooooco ri o o o o O00rt<00000000000000 O O) o ooo o o IM »0 O t-H O O O W oooooooooocoooooooooo oooooocooocoooooooooo o o_ o^ lO^ o^ • .■:!_^ c C3 c o c ^-o o o_ io_ o c o c i_ o^ r-^ s© * * (Nr^ocococo-foooocoioot-t^'ococs'tt^. oooo oooooo ooo coo to o ooo M O ■* lO IN CO M Ci ccooo lO o o >.-; (N tDi©(N05t^ OOC:Ot^O(NOTt-H00OOOC0OOOOQ0(NO CO wot^ oo ^ -^.-i > IN (M C^ CO OipOOOOOOOO OOCOt^ 0'<*i000050 o«5eoo»o >o C5 t^oo^ o ocoooO'^-^ loooco (MtO 10 »0 1-H OtO 1-H CO -*C0 CO CO (N tHi-i OOt^OOOCOOOOOOOOCOOINOOOO 00^'0»OOOOCOC>INOOc o t^ oo coco C5C1 OLOO>OOOOOt^»00(N CJ3OO5C0003CDC0 •^(N'^Or-lrti-^OCOb-iOLO «Ot^fOO"5t>-t^OO rHlO '-^ O— ICO IN >-lr-< rH INIO d" ^ OOOOO OOO oo OOOOO IN O C^l O O COCOOOQOO O O iC O O O O IN O O o ^ "5 r-1 o ocD ri r^ooooi cococo ocoooco t^o o t^ lo cr. O' rt rH C3 c T-irc o c-1 1^ 1-. ^ o .-I oq_o o o^io CO t^ to co_^c> co_^ o t~* 000005 ooocoo OOOOO -H _M - 3 a> 2 « 3 O o.'^^-i tt> o ,^- -H ^ ^H ,/ '^. ^^ r^ ,^ r\ ^ r^ 'r^ Pi >i ^ '" ^ ;-3 o ^.^>HO ~-d o3 O O >, - 1-1 -3 fcgcf 2:§£3 ... mS-h '-^ :i ^ a a ^. a a ci ■^ . c3 .J" fl g u o .,• P^ r^ fcr H c fe:=.2 0-8 00 g ^ S •"--.- 0-2 ai ■i rjrs — s— I- £: oO^F"~ i t; '^o — _- en -0 7} 75 r/j •«•— ^N — ::2_3 C :ioooocjoii)-50or;~.2 rt--l ^ CO o e© g ^- o cS as rt-d o >,«- CO - ti C)~<0 . StO •S«^ >-. oo o ""IN^^ p , 1^ ■-— - t^.O el toi^ ■!; COCO o <^ S; " 5 B.5 o _ .. • coco lis o-'co Ml SCO a ^ f k 'H go § 5^ <^' &< .. a =1^ o c o K4; p.-; .2.2 o o^ oa ^§ 3C .J3 ' a2. S^ iC cc- ii> ^ ^ '3 S 1 ^lllF j= 10-- r j= " CO i i r: >.n:? g ga:i; .. -o ^ ■ • = CO = ^f E-i <" K - S-- ^ ++ Si c "^— ".5'-r St' . c" " _ ^ 0. D '^ X ■ - a r' coo 1.- .- « C) iC "C •-hCO OiOOOOOOOC OOO OOOOO o lOO OO C5 lO 0 CO (N-^OOl^ ■<*I> eooi COM-HiOI^OOOCiO OlOiO (Nt-H-H t^oo'ocqoot^ CO 00 (N CO i-KM r^ OOOr-Ht^ O tH >-l tH CO ■* 00.-icOQ0t>Ot^cOO •rtl CO 03 (N 1-1 r-ICO O lO CO (N (NCOTt^^^^p^p^ pp^d ames ulius Ibert Ibert llison enry ^enry _. r^ W ^ c S >^r2.<^« 3 m. '& 6;Sd f^.>^ ^ffi ) lO CO LO lO lO ■ s C O CI OS 00 ( ) 00 © M ce 00 c 1 ^ Tjl o "O " -f ( ) 05 O I^ CO o o < ) 00 OS 00 GO c:^ © c • lO COO ) C3 O 03 )C0 oco CD lO O uO O CI O 02 O: 00 -■ CO tO-^^COiOWT-iCOiO OOOOOlCOt^COOO COQOCBO!X)GOCOOOOO OO oc 03 03 1 ^ 0) ;^ota^s: O c3 J O , X > rt <;OCOOi« ifJO O •^^CiCdO COO ^ H— COH-i-H- OiftOUtiOOOOO t^iOO Oi--^ — LOOiO o i-o -h^O01th 01 01 iCCOOMCiOO^Ol ©"-hOI OiCfOlCOi SUOISSI I,\[ aiuojj o o rHoooo 00 000000000 000 ccoooo •Spia qoJinqD O .-H -hOOOO OOl •OOIOOIOOOOIO "OOO OOOOCOO ^ o rt 00000 OOJ uoiiEOnpg; 000000000 000 000000 .:: o --H 00000 oco cocooooor-io oco OOICOOO SUOISSI J^ uSJaJOj •ui3i^ •sausioog s_3ido3j §anoj^ i3 < % -■? 3 s 0 2 .2 >> r ^ Jose Phil Jam Flft Neil . C >.3 ^"5 SK c^^- o ;i r:: V- ^ X 5?asa^ .—I 01 teg ~ ^ to X c . C C *J 354 Congregational Year-Book. CO 1-1 i> ^ t-iW i-H(M-i)OlM M (N o Or-tOrtOCO OOOrtlNOrHOS 03 »-l •O Q U > 0 s III as s o o O-*OOOC<-iOOOi-i(Ni.0rt.-iO rt (N o o o OC>?OOOOOCOOOOOrHMOcorH«ococo.-ic; (M (N .-H IN o o 0-^0 0(M0 0050'-HrtOC'-HCC o w c O-^OrtOLOi-iCOOIN 0*0 CO (N 1-1 O (N u n S H S J3 •< d H IN '"' "OOO-hO^CCOOCOC^O^'I' 'T' CO (NrooOrHrtioot^coioioo^i.'O'-i'C 00 CO CA I-l 0-*05t>C: (NCOCO-*t^COG0(M'*00Tj< ^O;0 C0t--*(NCCC0»O£^IN CO CO IN o 2 OOt^C^OXOC2T-i(Mt^iOCOt^OO-o •o U p p pppppppoppppppcc p III H Z •d O V S B CO s s g .2 OS -C o 53 N GO oT c o s s 03 JS O 03 N QCCOOO-HOOCOOOCOQOCOlM .-HlCy, CI r^ccopf-poocjcoco ccacop -a .5 .S p a iir'^ c3i; S;5 rtij S£ sj^S'^"^ ? ? < PS u u i o 0 o |-S:=r|f ^ ill ^ ^ . Sol's =^>,P ^.2^=i^o^g 2 1 K .2 c CO u CO "H III X s X u bO o e o >. '0 OaOlXCOrocOOC-. XOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOCiOOO - s s i " 1 csttd , >-= >s^ ^^ S w) 2 -S ii - "S J- s '^-s ^ ■> S t! -^ c 5 -^ S -is - d 'm.S i= t^ - ^ S > >>t -.^3 -^ «r s: 3 "-0 X r3 -3 3 -M-*00 ^_; ocoo i^coH „^ t« 6X) tc QJ r~ .s oiN ^e 3 apply , 1,87 by le revisi bo " « "-•js I ors, num of f si on, 31 on, past Total ; No. confes lismis o Ji^ o ^ t^ t^ .-H S 1 = ?P»r'_- f-S t g 0 O'e 1 Paste Witl No. 4. .1 ovah, 5 3 n'S K Cj . INIS Tot EMB Abs 166 315 Ah ^ § P5 2 ° hH C^ o "■ ^pq •• ft. ^ o • • 2 » § H « c 2 ^ ^ 5 p r, S y s K Z tf C E- 2 P'« ^ P E.2 o '^ « o S \5. S 's. ^ .. I a pj. < < 1^ O o oooooco ooooocoo o C: CO CI sl coccoco coooooco o So: o o* g* CO OOOOOOOiOiOOOOOOCO o oo* OOOCCC)0>000000* Cl^iq lO OC O O^O iq_y-l -f t^ O, CO "O co'ci * 'S*" i-T* * o'* * * I-l i to ■*X too OOCOOtOtO^ (NO o t^o O500 ciot^oooc oo r^ "05 "" "O-OO'.CaOl *■ o c •CCOOiCOiO ICO OOOiOO (N -0) O CO CO CC »C O (M^-l-tOO O^'-OH-'*' COM^ -l-(N rHTf -HCDO-I-CO -1- Si O X o -^t^O'-OiOOiO O-tiCOOCOiO 00 Tt< tC •* Tf L'J r-1 Ol t^ lO C; C Ol C~- "C cd u z Id u b U z a a 1 00 CO CtCO^OTfOtOOOSWOO-H^jH iCi u O o c OiftOOlCOO 0-*0-*10'OMO c = ■3 o " O— OOOOO O^OOMOOO O CO c« 3^ o 000(NOC)OCOWC)OiOOO CO C OO00>OOaOrHO(NO(NOO o CI 't lO rtOr-H Tf (M § X u > < Q Z a B u oo 01 ^ OCOOc^OOTO to lO O lO t^ lO tH t^ c: CO CO r^ ic CO (N 02 CO (M lO ox 4-* c o Q C u o. 3 Thon\as McDonald, H. R. Burwell, W. A. Caldwell, William I.edbetter, Joseph H. Palmer, Hurchie Cross, Robert Gray, J. H. Tilman, Thomas Watts, Birtis Smitherman, Evander M. Raeford, A. J. Reaves, Romulus Smitherman, .John Orr, Mrs. Maggie Milton, Hilliard Moore, Stephen Dick, a u a U Mt. Gilead, McNat, Nails, Pekin, Pleasant Cirove, Raleigh, Rankmsviile, Rockingham, Sanford, Salem, Shinnsville, Southern Pines, Statesville, Strieby. Stewart Mission, Tempting, Troy, Try on. Union Grove, Vander, Wilmington, Wardsworth, 00 •- oo c p 5/ _; \< €fe U^ C CO CO o tJ:o —^ >. y .. •; u c^ Oj o ;~^ c y- ^1 Oj o T i- c P-i "E r\ CO fN o 1^ O t.; " a:> O 0 o - n ii ^ iz; ^ S a> rr r1 t^ w 01 ^ !/) ^ U, '^ ii 3 (N o CL< C/J^ +r w W 03 > ffi^ Q (P CO ^ ci^: S £ S o tf. c o 1^ Is S z 5 a: ^ ■ 0 S,>^ C--3 356 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 1 R 1 Eb ^ B < o d H Q > 05 S u i-J (S _; P, Q o s Q H ►J < U J3 < a 6 s H u b rt S •T3 o TJ o u h Fi a z •^ S PS V •J iz; ei) O B U) » HI O S H D X >, U Tt< rt oco rtTtrt lOCON COrt CO 03 '-' '"' 1< CO rtT)H(M CO ^ !>■ (N '"' (N CO-H ION'S* CO IN rtCO coco I^ CO t^ rt CO coi^ '"' ""^ c^eo CO rtCO t^ lO ^ (N CO(NTt< ^ »< '"' IH (N ^ """^ (N '"' '^ ""* CO rt (N OOt^ O lOrt (NiCiOCO (N rtrt^XfN'* (N •o O ^ CO 00 rt rtt^rt(N t^ 00 TjHrt Tfrt -' ^ CO (NO 00t>(N»O rtOO-*rt ■*C0 I^IN-* '"' '* M CI t^ 00 CO o o •* CO lOO rtiO ■* (N{N r-l a T-t 10-* OJt>-0SC0'-i'*Ot^OC000t^O'-'"*'O'-i(N»0C0Ci0O rt rt rt 1-1 Tt< -^ lO i-H CO l-H rt Tfl (N CO lO (N CO rH rt(NTrooooo»ooa3r- rtt^'^l^OKNrt rt t^ 00 1^ INtOOOOCOO)OCO-^I^I>iOiO-*COOJf^»COC»OiCOO(N rt(Nrt(N ^ Ti,r:^-^y^-^r-* u5 rtiO t^rtOSOOiOOJO^CD (NINi-H rtTttcOiOCOiO^TtfiOOOrtCOiOiOCOt^COOOiOiOrtiC rt ^^^r:^ ^ iNrtcOrt (M t^lN (N PPP P .S t^ CO rt CO CD t^ l~- ppppppp pp p eor^(Ni^t^ ppppp CO t^ !>. t^ CO t^ pppppp M 00 rt rt 2 " u-3-r; 0; C3 O ►^"m 3 «^i-H o^ .fe . .MJ2 a o 1- o "u o 2 • i' "o ^^ j" MkS , ^ o' w o i_5 ■; ^ Mi-Jrt 5^ 03 1- -r _D _Q M~ 2^ giSJ '^ ^ • +^ rt .-^o-g Or?5rt.S?- tirt'o - rt • :n c3 o >, r o . ' ^ t^ ^ rl rt L- iO t- h-3 tC- ^f-;3fig^g> ^.t is| 2;> £ ~ C -33 S O >, Mrt 1 CC K . '^ «J ^ • '_. t^ . . . . ' ^ c3 (K 'J2 cc O ; 03 rj t- t-i (h r; ?^ .-E; J* y li.s^^'^^'pi WO as ^2 2^ §S §S lO "O Gf) 00 O C35 00 CS 00 t^r^ CO Ci O OOO Oi G5 0(» 00 OCOOr^rtt^iC(NiM( 00C20000001 oiococicsffioaiosi 5 •* t-- rt O CO t^ t^ I 5 O O ffl 00 X O X < 3 00 ffl 00 00 00 O GO ( 1 ^ CO CO "C ) O 05 o o ) O GO 01 01 CO t 'X O X o> 05 X X CO IC CO oxo X X CI J2 01 W XI - cl I-H O cc ^vT ^^ 2o © fi r: ^ u n c g 4i s -. j;„s o )OOOUO "^p a r^- fi QJ 1908] Statistics. — North Dakota. 357 Id u < > s < jqaQ JO juiy g 8 IN CO 100 3,443 800 spnn_j JU3UIJS3AUJ 1 iCusdojj $1,800 *800 *2,300 4,500 3,000 2,000 1,300 *3,000 *3,000 300 2,200 * 1,750 *3,550 *2,000 *2,500 6,700 1,500 27,000 *2,350 *1,600 *3,000 9,050 OO OO Ot^ qojn43jo uoiioajg^ 9JEQ '87 1905 1903 '86 1901 1904 1903 1906 1904 1900 '95 CO C". 1^ 0-. CM O h- CO CO O OOOOO 00 OO OOOOD coo ffi CO •3J3 'AjB|Bg OO OO C OiOOOOO o LOiC OO o ot^oooo o -H C-1 (M OO X (N CO -H M O -^r s/i-i— 1— -f— -1- -1— H — 1— ■h- 800 150 250 800 t300 1,050 250 300 100 1,100 OO OiO COM 1 ainjipuadxg 3UIOH $295 240 186 13 894 1,000 100 090 75 250 695 273 570 956 2()0 225 50 1,260 10 5,600 175 1,907 125 2,470 co__eo u u z a y b u z HI P3 lElOX OOCOfOINOOOOOO 00 OCOOOOQO-H CI (M01O)(NlO^ -^rt-^COCO-HO ^ rH rt (Mrt ■<* OOOCO N ^ IN •* O COi-i -H rt (Nt^O-H,MpH (Nt^ rt C^l CO CO t^ t^r- 1 »C lO 'HO COmo OrH €© (Nl-H 1-H ^ (N-* rt CO -^lOtN 1— 1 ^ P!V I.-'3'5!"!K ^ (N 0) ^ CC •DOS q^d P°« "S 'S '^"00 -H COOt^OO CO CO C0G0»O ^ rt M i-H 1-1 COCOINWO O (N>C lOO r-t (N Tt< 05 10 I-l uoijEioossy OS O (N (N t^ saoissijv auiojj Tf CO C O IM -H O CO OON^OO Tf-Tfi ^ ^ o "ocooo coo (N -* .-1 rt(N CO 00 •gpia H3J"q3 OCO 00»0(N CO(N e© r-i CO r>.(N (N »0 CO (N .-H (N uoijEonp3 1-1 (N --• (N eo t>.»o »o o (N SUOISSIJ^ (N (N^OO •<}■ 2 2 Sisqins)^ C0O'-0IN»0i0OO00«DO>-i«C>C'-'3OO»C OCOMrtCOO(N-*COIM(N.-iCOeCOO^OO I-H tH i-'3 0COO»0000«COinu30 ■*(NtO(NO>OOTtiC<3«ONC<100 i-H N t^O OCO c c 3 W. C. rtcox-ille, h A. F. Mayer, Rov McCrae," J. Fleig, Walter W. Todd, Robert B. Reed, Christina Rath, R. L. Redding, hm H. J. Roberts, C. Taylor, Gottlieb Grueneich, C. C. Cooke, Mrs. Vivian Morgan, ■T. L. Jordan, Miss E. Welther, m John Handel, Louis Kroh, h Robert S. Mclntyre,"^ \[. Louden, (Jharles C. Benson, Miss Louise T. Reevo, Mrs. Alvin Briggs, h (). S. Gulbro, C. C. Converse, Arthur Jjofthand Boar, A. D. Parker, Ads Ilorst, W. E. Dada, Miss Nannie Gardiner, Christian Grueneich,'^ Mrs. W. N. Ostrom, E. S. Hamilton, >.2 u s u OS a s u n Abercrombie, Atlanis, Adler, Alfred, Ambrose, Ainenia, Anamoose, Eb., 1st, Aplin, Argusville, Ashley, Barlow, Barric, Beach, Berthold, Bloomenfeldt, Blue Grass, Bordulac, Bowman, Buchanan, Buxton, Caledonia, Calio, Cando, Cannon Ball, Carrington, Carson, Cayuga, Cleveland, Coldwater, Colfax, Cooperstown,lst, Park, Crary, Cummings, Davenport, 358 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Tt^inlO CIO IN (MCO(N(NCC>-l'* C MCOfNO-* (Mt^lN —lO^,-!,-,^ CO (MW rt ©IN in ^' ^ CI CO cc^ >o ■x> rort .H »o C) COCOTt<0»0'-irtCO^- OC CO CO c) coco CO CO (N N -1 (N C-1 '"' (N ^ o O r-l ;0 t^ ^ lO lOCOCO C<1 OICC CO CI CO CO CO lOiO 050 •* C0»OC^Oo ^o; "5 o s3-2^ 2 2-2 ^^ .2 8 J Q s3 C " s axi W-< . 5 ? w it ^ "^ S °l> &4 gee K?— o G O fft L>- ^-^ '-H 1^ §0. K^ £ 2 5 Serf b • 2 S^W"^ ^:§^m CM s o*^ o S? ov CCS -H-.., 0-5 O . C/ c o ^tf^S W K K t. -Jj M W^ ^ t^ ? cs ^ (M t^ CO CO O (/) 01 O O 05 00 CO 01 01 00 l> CD 000 GO 01 coys 000 rooo CO o 00 00 CO CO 000 o coooc! 000 10 CO CO 00 05 05 00 CO 00 OlOt CO C5( ) 10 05 CD I^ icooiooo ) 00 CO 03 00 OCDCD 000 00 © Oi t^co »o 0000 ffi G5 00 CO ■<*< 10 ffiOO CO ClOs t^ CO ^ t^ t^ o 00 000 05 05 05 ©CO •J s ? >>.a - ISJ o 3 c3 o C .-1^" o ~+i-ri'0^ Mo; - --^ - -- So o - s- 9 r< (- fcc Uc CJ (h .S O O O c3 d fiH fl^ fe fn O O c . c3 0 Hi 2 'S ^~ c CQHZ 0 & s- ^ ■^ ,n P t; > m S - 5 c3 00000 000 K 1908] Statistics. — North Dakota. 359 oo oo eo>o oo o oo o o o o o x o oocO'Oroooooooo oco o '~ c — , c_ --<_ o_ o rH lo lo o^o lo i^ o t>- IM— "OPOiCOiCOOOOltOt^OO OOp>0503©000000000010 — . ^ -* -» ^ ^ ^^ ^ .^ ^^ ^ ^ OQO C. o~ - oc oo ooooooo O O >C lO O o o (N 0_^ ^ CO C_iO oco oo o lOOtC ooo eoooeo »-i t>. co oo oo O 00 !D lO O'* COQO iCO«D 01 10 C2 0(M CO t^o r^ IT- O O O c«;00««5 OC) O OMlOClO rfO o o ojooo-^ looo 70 icoi^or^ oo 1-H :^i o o.o_!M o^ CO lo oj o o) o o OiCOCOOCCKNiC i-iTt<(MC0iCC0OC<5»0-HlC 00 Tfit- r^ (N o -^ —i-^n CO OJ Ol CJ 01 - i »o (N« o C*5 0C CO t^ O lO -H (MM o CO ^ (N ^ . CO(Nt)< Ol ttikO CO o «© t^ (N t^ COO COO CO o Ol 00 Urn iC lO o l^ lO O lO CO 0> lO Ol o o O) ^ OrH O-H ss ic o CO t^ »o tf ^ TfiOOO OiCCiOOOO O'CCOiOiOTfiO lOiO'COOl-'J'OOiM lO iC- — s< u 2 S ..-i^ O - O M ^ 2 > - u t. P l^ - I, ; O rt 03 .fc • u s ^ a 360 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Nco c^ TftMOl lO rtlNCOrr CO »o INrH O !N i-l rH CO rHO ■*C0 (NiO (NCOCO '"' -HC COOOO rtTPCOiO^OSOSOiCOCOt^ 1-H rH C^l tH .-1 iH rlO O00^00T:t< CI"* ooco o Tt( CO ici rH 00 CO ■* -H 03 •c IN (N ::2 CO(Nt>CO rH OrHCOlOC-ir^t^ 1-1 lO ooctco^ t^T^ IN w 00 rHlOr}- TjfincO —1 IN ■* CO CO CO CO O CiO r-l T}< c<3 C-] --I COCOOOt>OOi-iOOOCO'-. I^'*NC^r»05t^05'-iTtCOCOiO»(3-<*GOCOCO-0-*I>0 i-H iH i-H i-H rH rH (N >0 rH C^ 01 rH ,-1 .COCO>0-i-l-'lH'>*COCOCOCCO-*I>lO p cor-coooi^r^i^io t^rttr^iot^ pppppppp ppppp COCOCOCDcOCOCO.^l^t^CO t- ooooooooooo c COiCiCO)iOCO"*iO 0:0<330C005C r^ r^ O .^ ,,• . Ih ^ ffiO ci r^ ^ r* !:. o .H rf o P^r 0000000^, MH W ^H |Hh Ph K K °'3 t:ts 53. S — ^^ o = KH-C-< M a^ S H ^<<^^^^Sa£c ►^ f3 C-- pH a> ,-53 _^ 2_5) fad ■Jh . o ^ K d 2 >. - o o 5- 5 -^ ii^-.,--^ St:;- ^ = 53 Si^J: ^•^ 03'^ h-i 53 V2 ' — > VI rri cc f^ > P» N r^ GrQ t.'^B llor ITur Hur Ink. Jam Jvul Kel. Ken Kni Kul Zj O Oi 0) 0 WMWW hH hH HH l-H 1-Ih hM EMWffi ? "S o^Si. Hi'-" c bD t§ ^ bjoa J ij^:;^-;^:! 1908] Statistics. — North Dakota. 361 sa«i • o ooo o oc c; OO c: oc 01 C" 3 C: O O C C 000003 c ooooo oc>oooo • (NLO iHOCO i-HCOOJiM--" 1-1 rH CO rt CO — •* '~^ lO •o o ■* to one iC o OiO CO V >.n ,—4 LO LO IM r— t ^ o o CO T— t lO »o CiN O CO CO s< m '"' o o lO X ooccico >o Tf OLO — IN CO o in I-l T-t (M 1— ( w m to • CO CO C/1 Q lO iC o "'i'^ (M f= c f_, c o f— 4 m c» o l^ 10 o o C5 »oco LO o o H ^ N lO ■* lO 05 pS oT 'S-i^ "^C^I^^mm"? K -~ _^ .~ CK-c'o 4i i;^ ^- .- o o !^^:s^ ?---<£ jj; "/ S C n^ - t^ - - - _^ 72 5 u " >,a CQ c: 'S 2 (A si l-M 1^ HU |Jh HI I— I iXi l- W 362 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 rt ^CZ! (N n 6 H J s a < u ^ •^ '"' '"' O ^ rH M CO rH ,-rt TjH CO — t> Tf lO t^ t^rHCOlOrHX—rH ^ coco CO o IM CO t^ r ■^ CO •* CO OCOCOIN t^ lO rH CO Ol rH rH — Irt ,-H — '"' (N 05 00 CO a IN(Mt)h (Nt^ coco CO(NrH Tl< CO lO ■* CO rHrHiM (D »o ■* Tj< (N •* — ro i-OCO CO CI rH O) —1 Tf ■* OS (N o t^ o o ^^ (N CO t^ — CO tH c^ t^XOMCOOCOt^rfit^C rH»oOC-^OC0010005iOT!i-Hi0l>r-icO'O rH rH 10 ■* CO rH rH rH rH rH r-t ,-^ rH ■«< 00 CO ■* o 00 ■^ i-H T-H ^ oiMt-oiocoioor^ioxtN rHXiO(N'OI---*rHO'ttDCOOOCOCl'*0000 rH C^NrHrH— — t^i^t^co oCN(M r^t-^oo >ooo i^osLoco t^t^ r^QO t^t> oppo '^P p PPP PP P PPP PP P P PP SPh^O^ fe 3 ^o t. g - - - . n^ s « to .-S^ ■•C ?^ Li? ^i" I ■ S-c t- ^11 > c o •'^ a. k2 a ; o J 03 too ?^< -^■^ M ^ 02 ,-:• 01 . — ' t-i ^OJ tCrO ■Q ^^ as <:; 2 +^ 5 >> o ^.s « S" S K ^ gP^d loss : M^ ^ o „■ .,• to c £ £ » c . tr-^ - t^r^cocococ-io — rHcot^cDOico OOOOOCOiCOOOOOOO OiO2O5fflOlO500O2C:O5O3OiCOG'. C Oc c; CI < ) lO CO > oco ! C! CO CO CO -f OOO o 00 c; o CO UO t^ ( 05 O O : 00 O G>' I iCCO (M ) CO 00 (» ) OO OO tZi 't cc >o o o o o o^ C5 O C3 CO CD (M lo r~ CO r^ 0C500C0 cr. 00 oi o 03 o 5-^ S2 D> ;3 ^^Ph !C (U 5 (11 T? T) C CI a dS 2 fl S c3 c3 rt oj u o HI O «3 sz C o o K^p:? ^ ^ ^ O 0) « . Z2Z c ,^- " y V zooo ll.sl OCLiEPh a "S 9i a to .s q o o Pi Pi Pi 0-- H^Ph 1908] Statistics. — North Dakota. 363 < I oo OO o o o o o c o o ooc ooo 00 ■* '-l''5,0__rH O •* * * * oooooo o io 5 c O N C' (Zj O t^ O f) (» lO c o o O 02 o> I^ t^ O Ol S ro 5 "' iC (M 1^ •* CO O t/3 OO C OO ~ O c: O C-. O TfTfrtXt-^i^ t^ r^ G5 to 00050000 C: C X O " " " ' Ci c. "c;~C5 800COO cooo ooooo oooo a 3 OO lOO CO t>. OO O OO ooooo lOOOO OCO 01 iOOiC >o c^j ic r^ (N' in OOCOiOOOOiCiCOOCL-IOCLOOGCOO ^^ lO-^ic-Hioooc^it^ooc-iooccoc-tcoo co rt •^ M ■* (N Tf ^ O C iC iC rt lO lO CO C-l 1^ o -^ o ~ o a o c or^cz:oco»or»(Nu:i>ocDcoiC'-' rtO-l-OO^ rt■r^r-^ M "^ O) O) -H -^s o 0-1 rt ■>*.t^'^o Om S.!5 o to -Hco in rH Tft^ ( -^ 55 tC 1*^ s c ■o s '^ 5i 73 O M U r- U o »^'~ 1— i •♦^ rS S ^ 'Sr^ lli.f w^^^s^ 5S^i.= op ^,^o£gE^;B5-"^ • •T -f ■] tH M _; . fi ^til iiS -Sod ttj cs ci . aJ^^r t; o o .'^ jh:S • d g^t' Co , i^ ^ o £"3 . £.2 to o JA E? » - 'l-J - J- ^ :^ 'U e*-i ^ ^ "•" ^ "■* lZi '^ .S c o o 364 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 CM ■* CO (NOS Tt* O) CO (N (M •^ .-^(N rt OO lO t^ T N CO -* 0(Mt^ '5< c CO CO .»0 (M Tti rt ■* rt rt 1-1 10 X CO 00 o; Tf CO c) CO rt (M.-< (N lO lO (N 02 -1 CO CO (N t^ ■ 3^ 4) ' ^ :: r O hj . O .M C2:£ fl 2 ^ ^ 5< S ;3 5 5^^ ,5^ K O CC tC ^ J. c . ^^B ■^9 Spic ^^S §§ gfcSdfeM g^Sfcg op :::; O ?■ to O I X ^r. ^. C-. c-. yt x C-. Si C-. ~. a^. cT) X &. Oi >,«J « O & C ^ C ^ '? 1st, Emi ton, Neu urn, on, Frie ->> > 1 -Igs'gF ^2 42 f5 .s SJ 5 -5 -3 O 3 Ph o s 1! -1q U! ii- ailed, 10 tal, 180. ors, 49; I number ■S O +i 03 +^ t. 2 f-H CO +i S 03 0 t^ 2 "^ an Ph 01 B o rn o K a IT. 03 -a oT _C o 3 M w o s o « t3 > aca ?Ph 1 K K c3 O O M .-, Tf< O tf a: 00 K CO rn m ^ c3 > « c3 5 O H ^^ O § Q ;^ o > o 2 .s-g'^sia^-^cr- " Ph h2 o c -J hi, •-^-> |agiP:;-a^ "^ at^-s ^^ xi 0) .t: o3 '■^ 'S 53 O • , D .~ O . .. ^\M-^ I-. «; ^ 03 S -3 0) < < -ji .-^>q35 O H W g .. kCh « o K S -J /-^a^- 1908] Statistics. — North Dakota. 365 5S « — K« S2 u£ oS «3 rt lO o oo o o c o o t^ O lO o oo oo OC5 o o c coo OiOC^I oooo oooo 0.-I oo rt* * CO Ol O O O CJ lO 00050 oo oo "^ *■ O O O Oi "* oo ooo O O OiOO iM lO 00 00 (M OO OLO oooooo oooo oiooooo oct-»o iC-^TjHrt^-KN O^ ^ O t^ O O O o o o r^ LO M lO (M CO (M O'O oo CM C-l O lO O C~l O O lO o o c; o 01 o f^ o o t^ lO lO .-Ht^Cl'-COCOO0MCOt^ ^5 1^ >-( rt TjH (M '^ , d O "-I c > > 3 ^ b >> 2 >> ! O . ' IT 3 3 ,3 3-^ s'co O '*>00 CO CiOO ^ .ij 'jr ^ ; _ O o o23 ? 5-r KJ3 a9 9< " 3*^0 a 5Ho -?-Q 3 3^ ^,_r'5'^K^ o««g< d S s"3 •• CJ QJ "'^ H [2 a -H CO M -H oco :s o c^i t^ g ^"co--; Q o o •-'-^ . (N OJt« o >o o X 3 o 3 fc .. ^ ■- . k1 H O O § oPCae. h2 z Q O O (N tS n 10 3 0, PL| K 3 S a a o . r;.' t-* H < c; no b -< II ffit^02>H 366 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 "5 s < COO(>.«500'0(NOiOC<:010»000»OOCt^OiOC(NO(NO(NOiCOiOiOO CO i-H rt !M OJ rH rH C) W •-' IN 05 COOiOC<300COCCiOt>-iCOrtOdO(NO(NOOOOOOOOrOr-OrHOO C^ -^OCOOCCOiMOOOOOOO^OMr-iOr-iOOOOOOOOOOOOO CO '♦O-^COOO'HOrtrttOOOO^iMOOOOOlOOOOOOOOCOOCl (N i-'JCOOOO(£iiX)'-i'0000-iO(NOO'*oiMOOC0C;O (N N C; rH T-l T-H S iOOC<300^'0'0<>)T}HrHOCO»'-<(MCCO^O-HO«5'l> «^ -3" " ^^ C 5 . %~ o §1 ^ 0) fe 0 ^^ d£i 3 & Di^ ^ ►i: J^ o o s t>2 ^3 ^ c3 fl -« CO o3 ^ O > C O c c3 : 3 > aj<5is 3 a ■;; ^•c^ to- w +=" >-l m o - b 02 Hi ^ ^ QJ ^ a" o 9 -2 fe' 2x^2:S3£^§g:S3.|g| ~Q2-^S fc^ x fl c3 e3 O) ^1^ Q ^s'^ ■ [i. o tT"^ « ^2 a - 9, ~ V «■ ^3 3 a, £ a S pi 1908] Statistics. — Ohio. 367 jqaQ JO -juiy spunj JU3UnS3AUJ ooooooooooocococoooooooooooooooooco 93 o o o o o Ajjadojj ocooccccoooooooocooccocoooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOiQOO ooo * * ai'*'OO^COOiM»OOiO'-H• i^ o -^ 00 50 "o ■* 00 Tfi o 'I* i^ "c o CO Oi t>-coo5 •DJ3 'XjBIBg OOO'0OOOOOCOOOOOOCCOOOOOOOOCO'*'X«OCDOOO lOCXMOi-Hl^cO TtirjHMt^ i-i'^-t- „-^- -^ ^"^-^- H- ^- ^- ^- W- ajnjipnadxg auiojj IBJOx piy I,J31sinii\i •oog-qnjpuE •g -s -3003 noijEiDossy •ssij\[ -ujv saoissijv auiojj •fpia qoinqo uoijBonpg saoissij^ •xii3j\[ 'sanspog s,3|d03j Suno^ ~t^ Ot^OOiC'-iO"-OC-1COiOCl'M-*00 01t^OiZlOOOO'-iiOO'HCtCOOO ="X_ TjOOOOOMO^OOOO»OOC<50000fOOt-»000'OM MC tHM COeOO»0'*OrtiO(N-#OT-HCit--»000 N r-i(N'-iQO >0 O t-iO0-*r-'-i CO i-t (N T-^OOt^'OOCOiNiO'^COOOiO^OiC^t^'NOiOOO'-iOOt^OiNOOOOO coo; rH i-H (^ lO r-H CO 00 CO i-H C CO --l (N •-< lO CO rt 0-CCO)»OOiOOOO»00(N^OOCO«0'000000 OCl O'*b.C0'^C0C0XI>rCi-irtrt CO CO -^ St^COmOO'^-^OCOOO'-OiOcocOOiCiOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOO C0O>0»0OOOOO'0O'1, m ,'"' ^ ^ fe OJ c •-3 "S M •- g ^ P5 n ^ s F^i^ * ^ ^ tH . ~; _-■— ■ p ~ s o ►r' a,--! J „ _ OD -50 Oi C C J3 3 ■*^'^ rnH^ «"^ .o c^ -d Si- S cS" <<< ^1 60 _- 5 ° •9 ?:; S ef'H <;<; o P. « Ill J K (5 n d s 0 H J < U j' < in a o o H ii T3 u ■d O u h F Z s u K m u z 60 bi o d in S a o X H a X >, U lO »0 lO o o o o t^ 01 o o X rt r-H O) C^l CVl rt »OOOC C! M C lO 3 O M lO (N(N OOCi0(MC-JOOiMOCvlC1O-*COOOO00I^TlH0t^C0' l>. lO X I^ t» -tf rt lO ^ C^l ^ O O O 01 o o OOOOOOOOiOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CO X O -H IM O OOO(N-< o -Ht-iioocoiO'-icO'M'OX-'tioifflcoxro'^oi^ot^co -r ao-* o CO »o xt^x o iOt--iO"0»OI>fOt^^O-*fOCStCCOiCt^O^IM:DXGi XX-fO'*?'! OOTt.Tf-#X'-irtiO iMXt^COCi ' ro lO t^ >C wo .S CI -5 cs ifei a ::: o3 C G K - S . - o E o p^fe' Si, " fl ms > ■Is' 2 ?S 2 O 03^ S h <» oj^ o ^^ 2 2^ ^ o. -o^a: c3 -^ t- 2 o C r,' 2 . ^^§^rt£-«c4-T3::5 23 o 3 ^^Jp^.-cj ^"f^ m t; O o c3 -2 - r. !J >- S 2 2 S „-^ g d W -2 -^ a o ■-0 bc 3 g .2S> S. ■ 3'"^ c o o „ " cS , C c~ to" to" J . . • ^ tc to c3 ^i^^ CO "3 73 S _.„._. t. rj h^ '^ p tH c3 rt o3 gs Ci Q hJ 0& . O D M r-" C3 J QJ C3 r^ . p^ IP ^"^11 ^- K^- f-H iJh "-: r— ' u^ ^ p2 o o XiO XX xo 03 CO XX iOt-h ^ c; I^rt CO ^ X X X X M ^ (M O t^ en CO CO n< CO X X X X X Tj< lO c: CO t^ X X X Cs C-1 X X X X X 01 cr. -f CO Ol i-H CO ■* X X X X 01 01 X o lO »0 lO iC XX X X 'I* O CO --< CO X CO t^ r- X X X X X X X X X 05 O >-H CO ■* X C: a Cni C' X X X X X Jfe •=5 o" - tn p p n to 3^^ r ^ [fl O c3 ^ < .-, bc 5"^ ifl-S o 2 rf j; gga}-IO ^2 b£ •„ "d ^ "m — 'S >5c3oic3ga>r22 ::;: ooouoouo p^pS .i >>o -T-^'H'^wE^i^E ^StL^cPm c?a; ^3 ci 0^-n ^ . W r" :_i 1908] Statistics. — Ohio. 369 o ^ OOOOOOOOOI 1-1 (N ^ coooooooo o o lO o oo o (N CO OOOOOOOOOi oocoooooo oo :3CC3'C;0000 0 0 0< O •.-, "O o c ■ oo c o c o o ) c o c o o o o ! O O O O O' o o ClO C4 »- " lO * oocoooooo ooooooo-ro o_ o_ o__ o_ o_ o_ o_ o_^o c ic o o o' OC X cc~ c^f I— i,-ii— 1*^,* I— ilO * * * * oo oo o.c .-1 1^ * * t^iOOiOr-(iOCM(NO co^•oooopocp■. piO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOiOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOO lOO OOiOOiO»OOOOOOiO(MOC^1tJOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOtZiOOOOO -H 00(N«3i-ioiOrtC00 01 -!— lO O "5 -H O) •* 0OTOOOOOOt^i-i'*OOO'*'0t^t-H0OOl>- CX>OOi-0-t<0 0-*iOO'-iOiOOC/DC)rt<^Ot^X't (M »0 (N 05 i-H t^ O -^^ X C^ ^ " lO t-' CO IM O 00 rH lO Tf 1^ CI rtMrtrtiO ■* lO 05 X -I rt "-I Tf O O lO M O O 05 CJ T-lOOCOi-^iOClOOO r»_Tt< X T-ito (NO o_^o rt" (N cf .t^t>OOCO^OXO-«>COOiOiM'-OOiO I --Oi-HCS !>• 05N.»00 OOlNMC'l'+ifOoCt-^OTfi OOlNMC'lTfifOoCt-lOTfi rH (M C-) O ^ X C) xxcjt^oiot^iow CO Tt< O CU^ >0 X 1-H (M ■* (N rt CI C) rH CI CO V o ooooocixooooioooooxoo>ot^ci'*io'-':io m cii-oi-i ^co-HM locoO'-i'*'^^ "CO CO CO CO X rt" cf OClt^t^^-ft^t^-* COiO-^OCI^t^iO CI 1-1 1-H rt Ttl oo co»o CI COOiOCOOOOOOOOCIOOOOOCOOSOOiOOCI se-H" --^ dco— ix OOOOOOOOCO oo CO c« t^oo-tcicot^MOOxocoooTfoocooeot^cc»oci «© ^^ ^ ci Tf 1-1 lox iM r^ OiOiOi-XCOOXX CI »-i i-< 1-H CO CI-* t~cc 3< cccTfcr. oo-^oooxt-i-HOcoo^ooi-H^-Hioox S% N CO >C N. i^i^OCI CO r-, CJ OOOiOOOOOCl oo OOCOiOC1030!000»CXi-HCIOO'i<"*0'Ot^X-" .t2 -tJ r- S of' S U H ► >.s £ "3 5a2 . O C3 =>i Sm^ «s is^ c o '^ t^ hT : I— ipQJEpi " U^<1 S G g O P -^c^ d'?^'^ p '^' > S iwl !^;s^<;, gHOfS^.^.^ o W K;^"tJ"^ O c fl - £ -r 53 .2 o ~ - --^ > ^ 370 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OCfOOOiN<00«300iOOOCC*3TtiCTt*OCOOOC:OOOiMINOO iO«iCOOOt^ o r-i Ti< o lo 't oio lo o (N o t^io -iC<3OOO OO(NO(MC0O T-.'*,-H00(NOOO-^iMOO(NiMC0-*Oe<5OO'-ii-HC0(Ni-iOO-*OOO(N Ortl~-l^rtOO O(NOr-iO^iMCD(MCD0COf0dC0(NOiMOOC0-^(N(MO(NMC0(MOOO OOMNrt*-*^ O IN (N CO 00 rt O CCrHOOI^MO't'O'-iiO'^Cl'-OtNCOOOt OO (N CO-^ 'i* O CO "* •^ t^ 00 ' IOOiNI> r-i 1-H O OrH O (NOOO 0(NOO-*t^O OiOC-*l~'-*(N'^-*CO< ■^COOiOOOOO-^OCCOCCOCOOOOt OJ (M CO "* 1^ rt I ((NLOiCKSiO-HOO-* ) 01 CO C5 O -^ T)< LO )-* CO t-l rH r-l CO ■*O'*(Z)OOTtiT«XC0tDC0C^1-HCO'-Ot^t^O'-HCO^-tiO IM(N I M ■-I Ol .-I lO .-H rt rH 1-H ,-1 OO I tz! X o t^ ■* r^ lo o ;(^ -- CO O C--S qS «~ m>-i. 1^ o 03 3^^ c3^ O-t: c3 2: .^ tBp; O o O M *» to OJ 03 ^« E OJ t. > p dJ rf C I' — _ o ■3.2 o S fl^ ^^ I— I S M: ;G^Scc^a2 "S w s° « •r o r ^ - ;'^^ o3>-H i^.s •2Ph >^ CO ^ »} K' lC K O 2^ 03 o3 f- ^-t O oo W u Qi ;^ ^ -Q.SPh t- C3r c3> i£^ „ ^ „ M" 1^ „■ l5 ?? kS kH O ) O t^ O LO c coo>ocooo«cooooocococooooocccccooo 3fe OOOOOOOOOiOl^OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOCOCCOOOOO e© CO ^ti f"^ (^ f^ f^ L^ y— \ oo oo oooo O lOrt lO ^ t^ « ■^ r>.t:^ oo !_ ooo; o O »C ! '^ iCM * * * OCOC'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOC'OCOOOOOO ;ji_Jt_)OOOOOOCOOOCOOCOOOCOiCOOOCOCO 0_C^0_ C_^0_^C_^0^0_»0_IN »0 O 0_^0_^0_^0_C_^0_0_10 CiOt-iOC^OOOOuO o o "o'cfic c^r-Tcfr-rT^ c'^o'^^lo'(^^(^5^.'f o"i^"* o>* * re »co'(N x>o'(N ■Sr*** **» **^ ^ ) t^ 01 <£■ -r > X o c o JOj,. rooOC>r-~CR>Ot^'OTt(c<3iCCO'*01050'*tO"tilC-tCCC!rtOi-'^OOOt^O--Ci-itDX >-iOO M CCXOwt-^-*(N >— _ C2__ro cc c:__r- oc^c:t^ioiot>cc-^ ti< n to a con c:;Ct-< i-h co x cc cc ts m (NC^OlOXXOMiOiOr-*0 O t^ i.0^OOCCO(MOC'*XCO ?C»OeO»CrftiO O-tMrfLOiOiM ■*>-t.-iMr)<»Ot^ O CO n 03X 'OW «©'-<-H(M (N«;0(NC<3rHTt< INN-* t^ --^CO C0Or0OO»0Oi0CCM--i0Ol^i0>0O-HOOI^OO'-iOO?0C0 «Oi-iOO Ol-H t^l-l OXOTtOOtOOO '*iMOC0O(>)OOCXXC3OO-*-*OO(Ni0(NC0Ot0OO'*XOOOCOOt0(MO-^OO — COClCl'-H'-i'C— ii-ir}.ML':ior- t- ••*.-ixoi^;Dt^C5(MO(M ;ccot-r^c 1-iWXi-i Cli-ir0CO(M<-^i-H(NC0i-i (M,-,,-!^ TflNi-H ^N s-^ Kr^ jK Sn CD u 1 >:^ ■ d^ ^ ■S.2 p o S^ • -(^ .'S ^ a 3 _- -i -2 !_- S -- 5- y -S .-<" =i > J) s * > '. -c - !~ O tc: c > 2^>, !^-= S C3 stf'^ ._- fe C3 > to o o o oo •* o fl ^ -^ ^ ?"> U ^ -5 ce" £ 3 O c3 ci oj'dZ? ooQiaataaa IS c 1-HlN Wo &::=: _£j > :: C eg t- c o S S r? C <^ 3 tag ceo 372 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OOC^OOt^iOOOOOOiOOCCC^iOOOOOOOINOOiOOtCOT-iOOCOOiOCiiOOOO-* t--000»OOO^OOt>(NvOi-iOlNOOOOCvlOO»0000-*OOOOCCi»OCOCOCOOM020 ;;^"' « OOOOOOO'-iOO-^OO«3Ot^OT-HO'*'aOOOOO'-iO00OOOlM(N>0O(NCCOO iO-*'^>OOdOOOCOOcOOtO'-('-nO-iiOOOCO-*'*t>.OOOiMl--.iO-^'-i^(rOT-it»0 CCrtO^O(NCrtOO^'OOt-iOCOT-a3OOXOO00OO^O03OOO'0Ort'*'OOOf0O'*OOOG0t^C5OO0>^O u< -5 o 3 rt C OJ C S C-tCO05OOO- )COiMOOt^t^050(MI>'-HOOTt 05 .1 ^ .•^ 02 . fl pf^ H^ 3^ r:; CI ' — 1 ■" ."' bfioj •.r rt .i; IS >o H^ o3 T^ m ~ ^ O O S O S-S §00 '^ hJ c -i -^ >>^ s 3 S i: 2-s ar O '-; >-■ r^>^ 1^ ^ C S 0) Coo; d oj t- g 3 0^:5^^ !^ t: rt n S ■ t. O -~-P O > " +J >-5 o o s ^ ' — ' ^ • •^-,- b I' '^ 5 > S ^ lh^ P P t- — S *- =3 o^ rP-3 cu 03 S "^-^ cn*^ tf ^ '■'"-' ti 2 ri Oj =3 (L O . « .2 r- S H S O S S ? • . . J g \ W ,/~ i ". S e J- f3 o o o -9 H .'j . 03^ .« g OJ ^ •a* u ■73 ^■jj oj'S ho t» r^ tf3 ^ CJ e ii >>o3 •^ 03 ;/ x6% m Pin S.S I? Q tin' I C f 1 G-. lO iM -t I I 'X' O C O 'M to : _ _ _ I X CTj- t»00i»COCX)~ CC00CCQ0COCO'30»Da'OilX-''O05ca5 ) C^ICO 1 t^ 05 CO 00 coco -* CO (X) ^ CO H c 53^:P+j g 03 03 aj o 2 S B^ „ ocoaocKWiiK Q > bO ■3 "-^ i^tJ Gi5 ' hn H-i t. t- m oj t-H HW ^H HH I— t •— ; ' to fl CQ O O 01 jy p ^ o .3 03 3 '" OJ 3 — — ,3 iJ ^ .^-3 .t:.^ o o o ■e *i-^ s ! « C3 &Q ;^fe (N M 3^' - o 3 3 > t3 3 03 03 1908] Statistics. — Ohio. 373 o ^ fa ^1 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc»occc;ococcc OOOOOOOOOOOOCiOOOOOOt^OOOO>COOOOOOOOOOOOMCO ^ !>. lO OO "5 (N •* O th" ^"^^ (Nr-T M** * ***#1-C t^* ** r-H**** SCO* * ^T-Hi-H OC) COOOOOOiOO O .-H lO O lO »o «3 (M OO ■* c- CO rt i-H c o ccc c o coocco C-) TT C! 0~. C lO O X aw oooicco-^oiooic 'X CO f^ -* ■f lO >o o) ■•* lo 00 ••* >-i •* • a coocoicC'+iocoi.'jiNioccxoccocsx-^occcc-rC'rO.S ooo—cociOO'-ioci^cocoocic -hC'-ixoccl';'— cico » OC t-» 1-1 i-H OJ (M C-l O C^) '-' O >-i CO -" t^ O "O O •-< "-I C) Lt lit c: t^ lO C) !M -S rH ,4" CJ oo^oocoocoooococooococor^r-ooo'^QOt^oiot^-fiooO'^oiooocffic-.'Cicocco O (NCOX'^'* O0«D(N-'* O'-"*C0iC(M kO .-(rttO CC i-"*COiCCC^C0(M(M CO r-l ICr-H^eO CO i-Ii-It-I t-1 ----. — IM IM --I H cOOOOOiOOOOO'tirtOOO>C»Oa5t»0000 0 00'l"OC^OOl'C:^C'OC^«Ort 5 ;s as 'OOOOXOOOOOOOi-iOOOOOOOOi-^OOOOtD»OiOOOOOO'rOO»COCCO om oS iOOOCOOO»0OO»O00C0OO00iOO OO CICCOCCOOO OO »OOOCOOt^?D CQ lOOOOOOOOOOiNOOOOOOO-iOMOOCOOOOOOOOiCOCO-'I'biOOO . .-^Ci0OC0'-iC0Or^OO(NC0O'*OC0OrtC0«0'-HTt0O^O^''5 01'-iiCOTj rl-^i-lrH Tj*iOCOfOt^O(M -= C0i«OOOOOOOO00OOOC^Os toMco»ccooi to»o iccocoiQ co^^^^(^■^ cc mcocoo: g lOCOOOOCOiOOOOCOCOiOOOIiOiOt^COiMiOOOOOOiMCOOO GCOiOOOiOQO^O OO OO-HOIOCO COOCOOiN-tCOOeOINT*i C0-'*cCi-Oi.O't<(MTf Ot^COi-it^OitC-- J -: U 5 ^- ^-'C ., t; »: ^ < ^ ^ -^ >- 374 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 >-'5 0L';i>xiN'-i'0'*00(NOlC»0 0>OCOinOiOOOt^OCOOCOO'000>OOOOOQO i-iT(NO(NC^OQ0OOOOC0O'-iCOOC'--^(NO'-lCO-*»0'*0«:/'^OOOIM(N(NTl-l'-i fe ^^ ^H CO C<5 "-I "^ OCC(NOM»CClOOOCO'-i:^Ort'-COr-lCZ)-H(NC^lrH01Cr-4 iOiOCOO'00(M-*OOOOiO(NeO'«'«3X-*e<50(M0 MO (i(. iOO'*OCOt>-COt~-OCOO'-iOCOM05Dt-ifCiCOOC«300COi-(eC03'-iC!OOOi O -}< t^ !M L-J O O ' I O ■* t^ O C C5 lO 00 O O ( ) i-O "-I t^ iC lO CO CI O C "— ' O 1 1 CI ^ (N -* CC ^ O I CJ CI '-^ so t^coo CI I^ CO rHlO C5 00 t>. i-H CO ' i-H C4 O CO C ^CO ! ^dCliOCOt^i-i'Tt'CliOCO'H' .C005050Cl'00'OC)t^«DI I 00 ■* CI CD O lO < Iffi'fOlCD'OOCIOOLOr-iOlOCDClCO'OCOl I lO CI CO CO iC CI CD -^ -H C5 CI CO CI rt ( T^ CI ^ .CJ Ij t^ 5, g >, " s - ^"^ -^ ; o CO >> u.b . OJ 7i M ;2"^ZK ?^ G -^ . c-p ^ H.- ,=: fl=S;:3 C '^ ^ ;_^ 7— U tf^l^i ~.^ o ^ r' (1) K C3 ■ H O =^ rH R f1 i r" — . — • j ^ 0:2 3j 2 ■St: >;^ S; ^ ID - c3 -;;; =■= Q -- S S o C3 ID fc. rt g o •5 o fe 05 u si M O roO 2 S g o • ■ 2h K "^ ""^ •-3 O' ^ti !et3(: •hS^ S ■< "S ^ c.? 1^ K ^ 02 03 02 d B tc M -t^ O • S-S » '-' bc ^^ o o— r ~.'Q - o-JojoJ-coSoji^P^jjP G . 5c e: S C33 -S 6^ S.w £ a^ S? pis coo o 00 1^ 00 Ol CO -^ lOi^ CD 00 00 00 M © I IN rt . 00 GO ( ) cOOi ) lOOC >0C Of. •^■^cOOfflCtOlOO^'^cOi-iCIt^^ CCiO^-*t^(Z)t--tCJ'^i-i^t--ClCC't< cc cr. 00 X cr oc cc 00 oC' X 00 X CO oc X or. -to CO CD XX COO'* CO 1-1 01 XXX CO O Ol COC! CI XXX Tt^ COLO •+ CO CO XXX o "5 r- HH CI . Hi 4i 3.2 zi 03 < ^ o S C3 0) 3SS oioJoi.SOOcuaicD S -^OJtCji^gm^T >-^Or^,-H^r-'r.<^^.03|T|.^ H/iDCOOOOOOO eS^ :z;2Z;2;2;z;^;2;2;ZCO . o ■ ^|— t-l i_J 0313 .^ — . 03 flH a< Oh II4 CL| CLi 1908] Statistics. — Ohio. 375 ^ .00000 OO CO ccoooooo c o - o o i2 •S'CO O «2 ooccooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooo aa 000 MC 00 ** M0»0 r-iOO(N * ;^ __^ 0»OI^C5CCU^>-ie'1iN50(NOOI^OCO'ti-'5!33(MOt---^'J''*C^C;MWO>0(N OO^C>Ot^":00'tt^«CXOXC^OX0C!t^'*'C-:ticsiQCI-«5t^;^t--*O 00 "* o «:: »oio CO t>- CO 03 Ttt t^ ocoo 0000 oio o o o o o o o o o o o o 00 o o o o o o o ■»< o 00 o o o OOC 000 L- l^OCC(NOOOOXO«ONCD»OiCOCOC^10CD«50»COOO 00 c/ i c; o i i> o .-lOt^iccMoc.ooocooocooooorcccccicccococcio o «:'iC(MQC' ofo xi^oo'-on-roc^joo-toor^cinciiociccci-o-^oocc'-ic (N t^ .-H O M .t>''*''*C005O»CXe0C3(N •coo "-H X O COiCt^OlOrf^O iMIMt^ONXO'l''^ COXCOCOCD oT ci 'fj" to'"(n'~ ^_,r-.r^OOOf^OOOOOO'OOOrHON»O^OC00005-*OOWOi-iNC<50>0ft0 coo Lt 0000 '0'-*Ot^OX(NO P5 U.L-IC0CO ^ 01 CO t-iT-!CO(NCOOCOt^cO(MOCC'-HOOO»OOJ^Ot>.OiM lO'^ltCQaJO^Xt^ '^ COt^f^»Crr05(NCJCOXOXX(NCOW»003C;OXWCC5;Oa5'OX ,10 (M .-I Tf I-' ^rtrtr-..- T-, — rt(M >*M.-lTO B a . g?:aoiScS £ 6 I I ^"S "p 6 73 rt ? fl " . . a; caQQ >.^ t- *3 .goj^ .^— .1-. :>.n-7io? fQ£^ :HvS Jfet- — +^^ - c3 t- tl _ _ _ . c3S --rtcJcooo '3'C err; V ., ^ . - c ^c^ rt 2 tf 0 r C > cS c3 n 0 0 1^ 0 0 . ., V. b 0 0 a; rt 0 c ->.c^ § o5^ i:1 Si), -iJ o §;g SSSSSSSSS:?:^^; ..& c:i: . t t . . . C "COJOOCOOOOO 00 CCL, 03 S3 0) ESS 376 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 LOiOOOiQiOiOO'OiOiCOOO'^Ci'OOOOtOCOOCKMOOOOCNOiO'OOOi.OOOOOM Ot^C0OOOO00OOO01OOOOTtiO OOOOOOOOOi-hOOOOOOOOCiIvO^COOOOOOOOOOOO^iNC^COOIOm :5 « Tt-iOTtH(Nrtr-tOI>.rtMWOiOr-HtOOrtlNQ I> O O to r t^N.O»HCOOOO(Ni-iC3'-l(£.t^OOO-*i( > O) r-i(N O "* c »a O C iM < -*050000QC(N050rtCOI:^OqOOOOOiOOiOt^O'-i(NOeoOt^OOOWt^03'-H(MtZ)-H do COOOCr--lCO T-l COt^OCO>O^COC5CiOiNCO-~ CO (M(Mrt00rH-^iMcO^Tt. !> 1 1-H (M ) I-H t^ 02 lO CO ( ) t^ 1-1 o ^ ' (M CI OS c CO CICO ( ) CO -* ■* c ) O C) CO ' CI ^co- CO o » J- Opq •-2 \_r c3 3 !, t^ tp N U. p ^^ S ""-! ■' 3 O • d C-1 1 -p J CB O >> 3 OJ +J "7^ ^ t. o "^ Ch 03 rrt rr C3 rj C.3. -5M ^ . 35 ►^ b Q !« i 5 cS 33 cS "o cr O O m ^ C OJ 3 -5 C ^ 3 0) S ^ T^ G r^ . "Tj - iS M <1-^ aw^ffl Fh' q Qp^ m ^?w eio ac ill- 4J ,- J.CQ .1-5 ^ fe » 5 JS - O M>< ■/) _ fcH E O ii c3 Q ^^c-^O !^gSQ en » p to" . '/J c Tf S OS c3>^ S^ i ^-t 5 ^ fl ^ a:'-'.rr. >>4§«^bWW^|^ -^ is tx. i:gagaQ< c3 o3 c3 «3 v^ G cu O !- -i: OC1COOC010002 Cl o - CO CO _ _ __ _ Ot^OGlt^COCOC 03-*COr- CO Cl ■# Tf 00 00 CO a; CO GO 00 CO ^ M CO Cl t^ CK CO' 05 CO X M X (» CO Q - Sh g H - mi ;0 tf- •-t^-^. >-.>^ ,^J __- 6S. o ^ ^5 _r3'S)2 -^ M-?, g^ o g S.T3 o^ 2 o -rj O O o O M ^00003 (D._^ tc C >> c3 03 O 0 03 oi^j::^. ■ r-§?^M 0) — r ^- rH o a C ri S S.2 S-3 g^^ 6Dg d 3 g ■4- +i +i 3 >i >> 03 i^i ^ K tn - o3 C fe --i-"_r o3 c >, c; « f« tj s. >(S 1908] Statistics. — Ohio. 377 .ooooooooocoooooooooooo OCCOOOCOOCOO! = o o o c o^ "OX (M >C C OO : cfo" i^6 a i! OOOOOOOOCiOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOMOOOO GOOOtp OI^O CO OiO (M Oi (M CO '-I iC O^ -""^^ CO (N ooo oo o lo o o ooo: O O O C iO O) O ' lOOO lOOO > oo 10 ooo ooo ooo o o oo lOO . OlrfiOCO^' CcOO'-Hr-i OOOOOOOOOCO'OOOOOO OOOOOOO'OOO'OOOOOOO (M -i rt o o oo O oo CO o coco O O C LC c :■ lO rt* -* (M C-) ' -r cc ^ * * * * * JOOO'-iOCCtCOOfOC'l'O-^XiO'-H^XI SOOOOCOCCr. lOiXiOO-^iOiMTClOl " " " C " C " " " o- - - - ~ - • OCOCOOCOOCCiOOOCCOOOO-^OOCiOOCOOCCC»OOCCOCCCC - OCO'OiOO'OCi.tOt^'OOCC lOCOOOOOCOCO O (MiOOOCCOCCO 00iOu:)»-<(Nc5c0t^t>O -)-0 lO t^ lO rn ^ CO CI >0 X -f-Tti t^t^t^ C r-HCOOC-lGCCCCCO*^ I 1-1 C^I M ■— .-< Or-nCCOlOO-fO (N O C O t^ "O .-t o CO O O rt CO iMOOWOCO'CC»COCO^iOC!MO;OCOOCO'OCOCOOCOt~-OXO»COt^iMI>-C'-irtCO Mt^(M „o) CO T--i OiCCOiOOCiiOiOt^OCI>t^C(N(>)OCCl'CcOt^»OOCOOOOOOOCCOiOiOCOCOiMCO -C rt CO (N N OiMiOiOiOiOOiC0050COOOiOCOOCOOiO-^'OiOO"*OOOOOOt^iOiCCOTt< COCOC01OT}f TjHiOCCOINOCCOiOlMOiMOl O C01'OC0'0(MC00r,1< ,-lC) rHrti-H Cl^ t-t .-UNrHCl^lMOJ COCO'OI'CI^ Q ooo -^ tT 2 §^' "3 o^'ls ■ s= > c:^Sci§ rr r^ -^ r ^ . C3 rH t- +j rt :;« t. a cj M_2 c ^ 0^ &v- X u > >> (aiS &H ". c « ^ — c- :3.^ . C3 tH CD ^''^ rH c3 » • fc- t^" 1." '^ . o t3 O g o 5 ?: - '" 02 ^.Og ^6MI«. t. ryj c3 2 a. S> ?0 g_5 Si 75 — ! o cj cj O 60 ,H^ O O O O 3 = 2-3 P^~ 3 c— ^ . gt,-^6£cjajf-iCC;0(N;0. ■-it^.-iCCi«5C3'* OO(NOiNC:CTtHt^(MaiCOClO(M'-iC0OTti-^ JlNiHOlOiOX^iOOOOiOO 'f OiO i-H CO < ! M rfi CO ( )■* O O 1 CO — I -H IC00200(Z)IO^C^I 1-H ,-1^ ,- >. o S 53 fe 2 o S j:: ^ra ^ -H c3 . "oJ o T3 . -o >- mo O O ^< oo OJ O 1/2 S^ «, 0»t^. gK oi is -g Jc'B O', C! dj rt . 1- ai Q^S^Sh'Sq^H ^ . o t. :S^g 'j: m O rt vj fl " ^ • • - !- C3 t. -t" S^C I -H -Jl O I ^ CO X ) CO X c« 00 •* CC rt O Ol ^ ^ O CC lO CO 00 00 QC X X CC 'T' X -^ CO (M rHlO --H X X X X lO O --I CO CO >-< XXX CO t^ o lO S „- CO L'S t^.S^ ■* e 0 rrTo (_d CO (!<' rt 3 ^ +^ to cs^ 3 V » . . ,□ -1^ O -3 g br S&^r°rH"<; O a 3 K ^ -.. •r; " tc . K to tU n 3 (d (Nt^'K K ■3 3 , CD 1— ' ■n' 'r* »-i O S CO «. ^ & to -iJ a ■* rt >. ;^ ri § K b. *- ^'■ n o o fn M^ 2; .-'O'-' o o(M ^ o ^ ,,, o Cj t/j O 2 O g < o M n {4 so o pi 1 a .2 O O S^ » ^ tc ^C aCn 3 H 1ll!« 2 Z '3 .. ^f^""* O o Is"; 11 P ISl O PJ a O B 3 H H C H 0 ° tcG ^'^^ ^1 <: «5 Jj 5^ 2 <; ^ -=: <; 5 !- S Z !^h;z;o g 1908] Statistics. — Ohio. 379 i in U uT a a < "fa « i: ooocoooocccocccocccco €^ coo O O INOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO P* o o SSSSii2isggggg8S§gS88 t^^ 0_ O C_^ lO^ o__ o_^ o_^ o_^ »o^ o_^ c_ o_ -T c_ x_ o_ o_ c^ c o_ ■c x" o" cl o 10 c o" ■* r-T M rt .-T ;o -^^ r>-' im' cf «©* f)^* CO* **(N.-i * * * co^TOttKcC'T-^TT-iooo^ioioocot^coo TfOC CI cc r^rHior^t^OTt. t - o o o c c 1^ o — lO >- -? — c c K rjoaCTot^cc :^co-t-H^O «ferH .-i(MTt< CCCO »0 (N (N fOOcOi-HiOCOO-tOOOOOiOOiOOrtOiOO XOcOCOcCOt^-iCOfOiOOiOiCOOtONOiC CCCt^CCkOCOOfMOOiCOINfOfOOO'^^OO ^ (M X (M rt ■^Ot^t^XOt^t^t^iOOrfXiOOiOOt-t^OX ■* --Hi-KNiOrtX XO (N rtt(N .-1 e© -H N ■wCClOiOrtOtOOOOlOMiO— iiOOCJ'-<00 O CO CO ^ (MO(NOiOCOO'OiCOiO'* M (N CI 1-0 iO(N(N(M rtrHiOi-H ■>*iC^ o o s > < a z a E fOOCXOC)iCiOiOCiOf^Ct^iO(Mt^iOiOCOO ocoocr. cDCiCt^t>-^rtX--ccct^X'*'T-n^rHO c V -o a o a •c V o. 3 {/) C. E. Riley, Johnnie Richards, J. C. Phillips, Miss Belle Reese, Mrs. F. C. Morgan, Myron Shelton, \A'alter I''lemn\ing, \\. T. Hudson, .laeob F. Ikes, J. L. Allen," ^V. R. Wean, Lyle S. Peck, C'has. 0. Rissor, \\. W. Hart, Merton O. Perkins, h John Phelps, 0. E. Smith, Milo E. Branch, Dan J. Jones, Arthur Plughes, D. Blair Jones, H S u K I U Twinsburg, TjTi Rhos, Unionville, Vaughnsville, Vermilion, Wakeman, Washington, Wauseon, Wayland, AVayno, Wellington, West Andover, West Millgrove, W. Williamsf'ld, Weymouth, Williamsfield, Windham, York, Youngstown, ,, Plymouth, Zanesville, d ^ o e^fCi^ A iM a>p_|X-3 C u t: ? = ^ j.,-0 C i-cg^"Cg^_ * t 3 tv. 0 .5 t- 1^ •- .,<;.^o ^X oT CuiC ^ oo « -'^m o '-' fl '"' -C! 03 {!< I-H .. CO O S H|gi§o •(- OJ K X o o § » ■» „ o t .%^^ 0, CD -■^ ^ -1 M lO E^i«^co*x O •< Kf ^ CD c tiir^ X C< O Id o^-S<0 ^- CL, & 02 CO • - a . " KOiTj-x £ :: o s ci-g r: Q ?^ h c^ t- ^- 380 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 n 6 M H H H J p. a < U i-HM Ci 1-1 >-< (N CO(Nr-. (M ^ (N CO l>rH •OIN (N lO LO t> -^ 1-1 »o ^ OC O CD ^ CO 1-1 O) ^ OiO CO t^ 1-1 CO a OiO-* 1-1 Ol 01 CO COrt rH i-l "* -^ 03 wo 04 (N ■*'* CO 04 O iQiO t^ n<^ T^ uO CO •* CO (M '"' o-* CO 1-1 030 Ol '"' .— rH 1-1 1-1 rt Tjirt 7-1 r^ LQ »0 CO COmOOCOiO (M CO (N OC«C0 0»0 rOTt< 00 CO CO CO 03 1H CO 03 10 CO COCO CO-HiOiOCOM (M ■* C3 Tt* rJH (N CO 0) (N (NOO rH OJ ;i!'^ (M (M ■*IN ^ CO ^ CO C3 Oi - CO IC IN 0) O-^OlOCOCOrHCDlOOt^-CCI^OOlO Tt0 rH r- 1-1 iC0iO»0i003l>r000iNCOI>OrH03 COI^O300CDcOrH00CO OiO OiiOt^cOt^cOO H pqo _- "^ •S (^ •^ - - '^ ,S G5 Q S ^ oi ^H • cChJ^ 3 ^ b. . co-iH O ?5 S S S o^ S.5 3 W«' ;-.3.S L'o g o^ ^•g.^ 6g.gaOdJ a HO d3 oj 2 S re 73 ■^pi x.i^ ^^ O • i: ra r^ . M . . . fcn 02 cd ^ 02 M c3 ;« ^^ t-i U t^ r" ^-o > 1^6 .si S S oj C3 ^ I — I 1-5 ■ \J ^ CO CO »0 CO rH , O 03 03 C3 O C 03" 00 00 03 c I lO OJ rtl ) 03 03 03 s 'X X CO O CO »o O 003 X 03 X -JHrfliOOCOOIr-l-* 03 03 C O 03 03 C C X X '03 X X " 03 ~ XXX: ! ^?^ S i< :^' S S^ I •+ ^•^ ~ <-. — I- -t< CO : C3 ~ X ~. C 03 03 O .XXXX03XXCT1 p4p4 02 ra ca ^ hog 2 rt c3 Cj ., .- c .^ si § fell I -^'-fSaE-S.22 i; d 03 (S -d O > - tn t- ? « c3r!5 .!>>•£ o o ^ O J cC o:;: c3 1908] Statistics. — Oklahoma, 381 jqaQ JO -juiv spunj )U3ui)saAUj X)J3doj(j ooooooooooooooooooccoococcocccoooooo OOiOOOiOCOOOOOOOOCOOOOCCOOOOOOCOOOOiOOiO CI, CO lO C;_0 CO -^ "S-_(M CO wo O p,CO lO 0,0_0 K «3 iq^p M O i-q^OO iOtO>CC:iOiCC3iCiM -H* * CiOf* * (NCf* Cf'-l'lM-'-H'H* C0O"d* 1--Cr'i0"*e<3'*i(N'i<-*' CO lO lEiox S3IJIJEq3 piVI,jajsiuij\[ •oog -qnj puE •g -g -2003 UOIJBI30SSV •ssij,\[ -uiv «© 5 CC . rH 0 0 0 10 c 10 CO I^ ■* O) TfCO «© ' (N ic-*co ■* CO IN CO CO 0 t^ t^ 0 COiM coco OC' ■*o^t^ CO(N CO «© 00 t CO I rH CO 10 (N CO t^ Tt< suoissii\[ auiojj •§pia M3-inq3 uoijeonpg 10 lO 1-1 10 10 01 -^uOCO 00 (NiO CO CO coco 0 »o 05 i 0^ iO 0 CO 0 = CO SlIOISSII\[ uSisjoj •ui3j\[ •saijapog s,3ido3£ 3unoj^ >£n5 cj?- Qf3 0 -H . >-. rt ■^-^J^ t---< o^^d s^ S =3 O Ji o ^-^ hJi S2..^o s ° fin;" O; ti ^ >.§: ^^^ -S ccS ; o >> (1) 0) s ^^^K< O H ego £"'^^2 ;0 ^ E P S tc gffi CCQ^K^i .pin -J3 ^►Jh (D o , fe = V u .- fi c3 O 3 S Mf ^ K K "= c 2 I •• to— a C o ^ 03 -1- oti:^ is c — -c cS c3 0) oj 382 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 d C<1 OOO OOOOGOt-i'*iOOOiOO'-0(MiOOi-'OOCOOCiOC < c < 1-1 " (N CO rH ,-1 rt ic 0 s u K ^ OiOiOO'^'iNO coco COI^ i-i t^TT ■* ■*i-i05t^O '-"H rt C-l rt rt CO oi (N(N(NC<5O0i-i (N J CO l-H ^H T— t ,-H CJ COC0C0O3 CO OOO rH .-<(NO r^OOCOCOXi-l .t^i-(C0Tt.COiOMt^COC0WC0'tCOiOi0rtC0Ol-*CO-*COt^ M '*COiOOO'tCO'-i(MN(NOT-i,-l-*CO'*(MIMCcO^O^OOO>C'C(M(N .-1 P3C0C0»O.-<05^^^ S^ ^ ^ S^-a g S ^= ^fiS 5 g= g= s^-n c^ U B n U S o s a u O c o H o >. CO-HC0(NO4a: iMCOiOCOCO-O-r— 't^01COiOCt^iCCOiOCOOt^TjOCnCiCJ5C:C; !» GO cc .30 X CO Oi 05 c; cc cr. :/■ X y: r.^ ^ oo go oo o oo c- c. oi co " oo x x oc cr. i 'k '-- £<^- s^ . J 1 i fl s 11 ^-n °l i pi ,- ° i l|i1l-=liKilili|rrilfeliUli o --^^ : 00 1-1 ) CO OJ ,NrH H r;-. 1 -i^_0 ui tT . El S'- 5 02°- 2 ^ — , Ol o w S M %Q a; "5&S? (In CO 03 O « u « a 0) «c6< ■i; CO o. K J! I-i ^ l> o OiO oc o 00 00 00 000000000 O CO o_ '^ >c o_^>c o o r-T* co'* cociciM'* OlOt^T --I CO CO t^ lO OCiOO O OOp2C5 LOCOOt^r^OOlO-* OCiXOOOOOiO o^ ^ 0200:0" o OOOOOOOOOO'OiO'OO'OCiOOOOOcO'OOOOCO L100 0 00 0 0iOOI^'tt^iOt^XOOOO»-Oi-i(NOOO(NiO T55^^ — grs biic±!o5oioO!iix^-+ioi.'^6^4o6&oO'^t^-t'0 0 DOXO'-TCOOOOOOI^^OO'ti-OOO'MOiOIMXW'-'iC )<_i-0 O't-^i-iCCr-i^Tti rttD(NC0^C0iMC0(NO, "-iMiOO-*!-^ O O CO lO -H CO 1-H X 'S-= e (UO 'o d s ic.J ° ==Se ?- ^ *~z 1 «5 «:■ r.-Sf^ Tf, m §§gS0HS§ S -d ^ ■2 J- 0 b-"S 00 ;:i 3 >-.cS 11 d c3 CD 0.- >>> ^^^ ^^ «© ii u 10 0) o O CO ^- a; O coCQfo *^x , so j;; liO j2' 3 V f= S5' c. ^{2 C3 a; o CO ^ CO J: <^ H e© «© ~ £ ° iC .2|t:ci5S •2^ ?^c^ . « .C^" ii O o ii o -^ <; CO -C ;:i TjT 3 •SO O J:; s • - 1 X i:-^ K a c 3 u ^^ ^ fl^ O _i: a "^ » X Si c c r; ^ w tc o3 C a g ^fc; S z g zH < t= o o^ 3S4 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OXOT OC;(NC^T)-MooCC<5rtlNC^XiOO'MMC-lC(NO)^OOiOO 0000 s-^ 'jf ■7 C c3 0 O ^ K ^ 0 U CC Xi ^ £ >! 0 0 w d 1 U r. S -^ < '^ = -i i if 2 c-^ 2< Sa 5 — — "S ^S u — tJ S ,"- ■ «i: r-; X '^■^ cj ►-< 5 r* Lh a; X !SS r- ■/. M >Q^^Ph fi-a' to" S bCr« b£ C m-1 o ej S3 o o oP-iO ' CC O O r^ r-. LO t^ C : ! X O X C-. ~ ~ X c: ! X X 'X X X X X X : ! CO LO XX X O V X X i i X X CO o ox O X t^ "M -^ XXX 01 -^ -1 C X lO C X X - ^ II ^^3 eft: _^ ^ ,t_5 K — X m a> o'O ,:S :s -.2 Ph -2: -fe c; y r M-C3 >72 C . Sfa- ^ "i » ;:5oddo aK;=,;i MS^Eix^^ 3 5^=-r!.2c-?;-jX^ ^^1: §^-c K d c3 OJ O ocLiC-eLiai 1908] Statistics. — Oregon. 385 "I'a }° "'""v spun^ )U3UIJS3AUJ •3)3 '.Oejec; oooo oooo'ooooooooooocooo oooo; a&O (XiOCO lOO c oooo O O O O OO O O O O O O O OO O O O O OOOOC ■^ -* (M lO O CC O 1-1 0—"IN O"— COt^t^'OCO OO ceo lO CC CO c o ooo o o oooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooo ooo ocoo ooooooooooo ooooooo oooo ooo ~ LO O lO lO O lO !M O^O ■* to 0_0_0_ »0 >0_0_0__0 lO^O O_C0 0_0__ CO io_o ajnjipuadx^ t^OOOCOOOiOt^M — COiOOMOO-f CO M M O "O O O -r -* f— lO CI t^ O -fi 00 CO =0 rH CO ■^ CI t^ rt CO 0 O M -t lO l^ >0 CO C". rt rH CO (N t^ FJOX M CO O CO •* CO -< CO !>• iC t^o ■^ rt CO >-i rtCOOOCOOOt>-COCOCOOi-H>000»000 1-1 (N CO lO ^ CD r-H IN C^ C O '* O (^ OCt^ cooco CCOOCOOOOOOCOC^C^CO'OOOO oooco 0003 "5 OCiOCO OCC^lO-^OOOCOCD-tiOO'CCOcO'O 1-1 1-1 N IH OCOIOCO 0-*ffl ooo >> sao!ssii\[ SlUOfJ •3pig ^OIu^J oooo o o o o o o c o c c OO CO coo lo o CO o oooco uouE0np3 SUOISSIJ^ uSpjoj •uiaj^ 'sanaiDOg S,3ld03^ 3uno^ sisquis]^ (M 1-1 rt to O --" C3 u-^ .- 3 '— O O 1-1 Q SSfeO 1-^ CQ • " ,° ffi fe > K C ti -^ S'c3 q c3 > tj"_rl §■ -<= 2 c ..« Q tig I^JKP^ ^f^ I -ffl- ; c3 d 1 u u g O eS .O _ c3 > d d CLiPi a> O PnfL, 386 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 c2 •<*<000>COOiOCiOOOiOOOtO < pa c (NCOi-il^SOOOOOOOCrHOOO CO oo TPC:(NO«;(NOOO'-iOO-i IN •<*< OO INOCO-*'-.00(NCO<£iOOt^ t> (N t; ppGipppp P P P K H Z i o « E B Paul Rader, '04 Daniel S. Thomas, '88 John J. Staub, '92 John H. Hopp, '03 Edward S. Bollinger, '89 Wm. H. Meyer, '07 F. L. H. Von Lubken, '05 Gustavo Walter Nelson, '03 Plutarch S. Knight, '66 [Joseph E. Cowman, Lie] Neil Carmichael, '05 s L) U s rt Miss Edith A. Wright, Miss Bessie Dupce, Sylvester C. Pier, Heinrich Schwartz, ,Tas. R. Newgent, Miss Margaret Hart, Dca. W. H. Dean, Mrs. L. M. Hooghkirk, Mrs. Clara Goold, Geo. G. Brown, Mrs. A. E. Mclntire, Mrs. Rose E. Watts, Chas. T. Hall, Lenard Smith, gCQ WW if. T. H X u ■ B a X u O o >. o Portland, Hassalo st., 1871 „ Mississippi av., 1887 Sunnyside, 1892 Ebenezer, 1892 Highland, 1903 „ Laurel wood, 1905 ,, Universitv pk., 1905 Rainier, - 1891 St. Helens, St. Johns, 1905 Salem, 1st, 1852 „ Central, 1894 Scappoose, 1889 Sheridan, Sherwood, 1896 Tualatin, The Dalles, 1859 Willard, Macleay, 1893 Willsburg, Milwaukee, 1892 3 00 -^d ^ q,^ o fe- ., "3 OC0~ o H.,.2 ■ a^ >^ ^ C IN .~ (N g(Nt^ ., •=S -CO « £ d « 2 03 OJ^i A to .:so2i -c O^ I o S 5 « |"S " 3 £3 ■<* OJ -*^ o o ^ "^ ?§H^ "S m § n_go < K ._= K W t. c3 < a:, g; ' H J c; 5-> 00 ce U Gi o 5 P W K g ft S « S g 3 -:; ^ -< S "^ o Oh CO ^ Q _ W H o o ■w O -s o Pi P S 3 g s WWPQPq -e > o fcj > -tJ te'3 c3+iS3 1908] Statistics. — Oregon. 387 i in u < > in a < 5 "3 „ a ii OOOOt^OOO coco OO CO oo oooooocc oooo o oo oo oooo o lo o lo C_ iO_i.O (N l-OOO-INrH oo oo CiO_ oo OiO 0_^C4_ —ilN £-000500000 •• •" - oooo- CO 'f cc r-< oooo o o o - TfO »0 CO pp oooooooo oooo OpcOCCOO O O lO lO (NNiOOOOClM MCJfOO e©-t- H- -)-■ -)- O O O CO CI C Q rt LO lO O O -t O O CO O__co_l^ ^^^l^^"^ ^-^ IN -""cf-H't Co" 0 0*00 cc t^ cc o cc C0_ (N 0_^ co' -T o o OiO "C CO H U h H Z bj n 1 u 5 i'< s a c C lb COINOOOOCOOOCO (XiX>0000(NcoC^ IM >*« (N »' CO t^ lO t^ d OC (N IN (N CO OCO MINCOOOOOOO Tjf Tt* CO OC cc rH IM CI CO o o »o LO oo oo OOClOOOOO oooo oo oo «D»000-f OtOO oo OCO TfOlOOOr-^OO oooo o o oo OOiOOOioOX CO CO r- 00 C» oo OiO (NCO OiO •*OOOO'1''*c0 rH CO •q' d -^ CO OiCOOOOOlM CO cc '-I fo OCIOM coo IN Ct^ i V (N00Q0»0(NO«O CO ■^ CO 00 iC O CO — O'* o ClCO 'T ot^ coco — < c CO § X > 2 z a in s u s c « a c s. 3 OcDOuot^iflCO lOOO'- IN coco C^IN(NINCO -H,- r- o lO O' COrt"-' O 1-0 c o •-I c f-" c ^" ~ "3d K c.Si K 0 (2 Diss 1 o s 0 cS HI X u B a X u <: -2 . .^ cB Si OJ 2 2^=.-::; Oh c^ajaiO) a2a:a3HH?:> CO X! 02 a 0 OS . -p* s T5 00 a o 0 3 o I^ CO CO d t^ o «© cj-^'CB c:_r .. Sfe >> •^ •^ ^.e2 « ?, 3 o ■+3 IN ^g p ai CS-* 0 t>. •2 00. 0-1 CO ^i^ -< u- o 2 fc^l s •- §5^ C) s o CJ Sfe t*H . fc .25 '^ a; (N l^-H o c ^ c 33 w > c 3 £ _ 2tt u *? C« w 0< w K o 0.22 w n w <4 1— 1 p CO 5 '"' ..CO ' i6 00 CO of ^ O o ^CO X • • .. o h - a ^ s z < < t> -1^ t> 01 02 ■- co-r! o 3 ^ u o i c °S" w OD ^ l^-n n t;W M P- u ... m>-i O F- c ss >.o 388 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 tc to c2 < < Q Id > 0 S Id B 6 H s Q U H S Q < j2_ J 'J Id m S J3 < K U h z i •a O s u 1 td S X u O a u O >, c 0>C<1 OCeO OiOMCiOTfCi-HCD(NOOfO'-HOOOOOOI>«)-*000(NO CD (NOOO 3 t-iOTPOOi-ir-tCO'-iOOOOOOOOOOt-'CDOOD'-H O OOOO ' COOO OOOOOOOOOO O COO) i-HOCO(NOOOOOOOiOO OOOOCON OO "* OOOC0O"3OC'OC0>-iO00O O (N -^W (N O OOrH O C "-I IN --lO (NO i-iOO O 1-1 ■* IM (M 1-1 O OO O O (N CO d O O O »0 r-i O thOi-i i-iiOi-it>.C(N-<*. "ah fl . . 'r, a -Ji-<-: CCX tr c ^§ cc C'^ c3 ? ^ . S -^ ^ ^. "^ ^ ^ •r p o o 5 O O •/: ^ »■ ■ c3 O . ,- 2 >> .S " r^ ci J !-. S ^ ^ • S S •- CO >-• te o o « 5 - 3H-( '^ o^ c o3 'J3 en ^^'^S^ :^§^^^f : ^ '^ t:^ > G ■^ a a 037; « «5( o3 CO ?l c3-Q ^i:^3S£o ;2^, CO r-l o o 00 05 00 t^OO 00 >o CO CO CO 00 CO(N CO 00 CO CO o 1-^ 01 ( 00 CO Cft CO CO 1 CO X X 00 CO ! s CO O tT lO M ) X -f CO CD 01 ) O) CO X CO CO 10 10 CO 1 r^ 10 CJ5 ! 00 00 CO ( • O t^ GO J CO CO CO . CO 00 00 CO 05 »0 t^ CO 00 00 CO CO 00 CO 00 CO O CO t^ o c 00 00 05 00 tZD CO t^-H M .2 w <.i2jii -sf S • 1st, 2d, 1st, Vail elsh St, d. wedi Slai 1st f .^ -^ iiiii^r =^ar£P r/Tfl 3 udenr angor lossbu raddo arbon atasai- entre\ iandl( larles ifford Daldal orry, elta, u Boi uques bensb Off) CQ uoooooo OaQQH g^--^?feffl Zee >'l3 +^ a ri ; c3 03 to "p. O 0 ^ te 0^ S C St WW 190S] Statistics. — Pennsylvania. 389 iqaQ JO -juiy spunj 3U3UIIS3AUJ H3jnq3 JO •0J3 'itlElEC; ooocooo ooo ooooooooootoc oooo oooooo ^C'.COOOOO O CO CO O W O »-1 p 01 lO ■^^^ 1-1 o_ oo~ ^"^ oi -<" of .-T oooocoo ooo ooooocooooocoooo ocoooo ^ oo o o rHTt (N CO oooooo oooooooooooococooocooo OOCOOOCOOOOiCOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOO lO (M C' CO o o o o__o__o_ 0__CO_^0__iO^CO__iO i0__0_^0__0_0__0__0_0_ C_^i0^0__0__ (N'"rt'io'co'"oo'~co''o''cf -^'o' o'l^'o'i-Tirf r-ri-»'~fo"'io'"cD ^ _r-^ ^tss •p^ k^o-o- fe^ ^. ;s^ !«cWi^> o ^ ^H c^ c ^ gi oc^>^;:<;p:g-s.^ y c3 H e c8 cj >-.tS c3 o a-^^ s:--;-- HT'S C few -SH^dS rt ^H o & 02^ - ^ 5 OJ !D cl ' i2 c-S -^ o O M ,5(^,2= ^ -^- > bD ^ =3 ff^-t. _^ 0 T3 Jill u +^ C cs c3 a QJ2 — ^ W uuou •|2 "C t5 ^ "S "^T! t3 ->J o - W) _ ■ ftl )oo oPcoa ^ is g S a cz S 2 •€-6 o oSS »3 o o 390 Congregational Year- Book. [1908 b C^ O "O ^GiOi O lO O O (M .-1 .-1 c^rt ^ OCOOIOOO »0 l> 00 •* kO "* IN 1-1 com 0 ONiMiOOO — 0 C(N04 0 OlOi-KNCOCO — »0 COtNIN 10 — .1-1 — (N < a G -6 < 1-1 1-1 1-1 CO O) 00 CO 10 0 CI i-< Tf<(N— t^t^COiO — COOOOcOTfiio 1-1 ooco CO1-1 1-iiOOOOOrtt^ OCOOOM »0 CO CO 0 0 M COO^iCO OOCOOOOOOOiO — 0 a > o s Kl j2_ (5 00 oi i-i eo CO .-< o 00 rH C5 CO 00 OS 10 rt rt CO 0: IN COOi-i'-i'-iO'^iO — WINO>OCO>C ■* CO CO CI CI 1-1 OOOi-iOOOrti OCOOOCO ■* 00 0 0 T-^ C •* ^OOOOOrtHOOOOCIOOO CI 10 CO 00 t>. 1-1 O CO 1-1 O (N CO O ■* CD IM OCOOCOOO (N CliOOi-icOOOiNOCli-iOOCO — 1-1 OClOiNCOOON lO CO Tt* IM rH 1-iOt-icO 00 t--*iNOiOOOCO.-iC — OiNCiTt* a III H H S Q < d H U O t^ O 1-1 CO CO CO 00 t^cocococo 1-4 rH iH IN i-l(N 10 CO CO ot^ CO 00 rt (N 1-1 1-I "Ot^-.ooo^^co — co — CI c^ — d — CO K U ta S Id < A 1-1 0 CO (N --"O T-i (Ni-H i-i(Ni-< OOCOCSiOt^CO'^O iMt^'tcOCO 030iNINCOrtCOt>.O500 COOCOiOiOi0 05i-i^COCOCOCO'*I^O)cOGOOCO'*<0 t^OOiOcO-* to-*cOOCO(NCO''*<'-HCOt^COt^(N^ O in CO ^ t> o CO r-i 00O05C000 t^CO(N(N00(NrHCO -*^00»OW ffiiOCCOOOCOXCOt^CicOI^COOOWC^ffiiNCOO COiOlO'MINOl coco— lOC". 'OINiOr-H05'*(N-<*i03CO — w 01 1-1 — ■ lO'^COiNt^iN 1^ CO CO-* pppoipp p p oop COTt'CO ft^ pop pp ■* ■* CO CO t^ CO r^ t^ r^ t^ CO 10 1^ CO pop ppppppppppp Ul cs H "2 o a 2; cDiococoor- CO t^ -H CO ppppcooo p p. ccp s.' . . .^ 2 jj +jio a t. ^ g '^ el's O^M^c^^S ^o J §1 OQCO t^co poop oOf- lOiOCO CO t^ CO t^ ■* 0^ — ^ OOpp pppp p pcOOOM »r 5 5 - '^ ►^ r." s; r3, U T)O'-H-+CTilNi.':(NOt^t^iN'tiaii-H-*00C0iOCOt^iOCCcDT} >o oooooooooocccoooo-jcz)ooa3ooooooooooocooooooooooooooooocoooa3fflo:ooooQOoo 00 0 0 > 1 ll sll =«|l |lli i fill •■111 1 = = = = = = = =1 = = = =1 Statistics. — Pennsylvania. 391 Q oocooooo aooc o _ -.00 o (M CO '-'2.0_ »0_ 1^ CO CO "^ '-^ c 00000 o o 00 o o 00 o 000000 OOiOiO O 000 00 O lOiCOO rr(Nrtt>. "O c_c_t^ X 10 o_ c^t^o_c> »C00"o' r-((N •*" (N 00 "-T .-I rt IN ■* rt 00000000 0000 000000 00000000 oocooo 000 000 000 0000 0000 iOO(N O CO o 00 o o c 00 o 10 o o o oooooooocoooooo 000000 000000000000000 cooooo o_o_o^o_o^o_o^o o_^o_o_o_o__o^o^ o 0^0 o 0^0 co"o"'o''Oici^"cc St>-'»o"cc'cj o'lo'tc'jt Sio'-^'odt^'"^" *rHrt C^l* 2oooo oic 000 00 OOOOOCCO tHOOO (Nt^ OINOO (MOO OiOO(MOCiNcn Tt<,-0 'i"__Xi o '-'.co^ "-!'*„ "-Tci co" lo'io'i-T'-r 000000 OioOCO'-HOOOO'fOOO'CO lOOOr^OO OCOOCDOOCOOOOOOOt^O lCiCC^>CL0O OiOOOOCOi-iiCO-fCO f^„o_ CO^O i-T rt" rt" (m" CO co" 00" '^ -^ ^ oi r^ i-H o" "-i" rt o ■* CI t^OCOOOOO C)rtiTto oot^ o o o o o s o o r- 10 10 0-*000(N00 as ot^ 10 o o u£ ocooooooco 00000 0000000 -^OCOO 00000000000 »3 looooooo (NTt■ ^ o ^^fii S CJ o . -"^ >.> ,-- s 0 S S 2^ S f^'S^ J^ 2 § S S tr-;: rf c3 c3 (u s ^ "5 or:;.— .-. S C! 3 C O O O c3 =-=0—0 o o JV rt j; ,- d r o > - ^ m r3 t. > o ."S 5.f,S 3^0) ?:::■- c 3 h !» - 2;z; £ 392 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 fi B b v-' < ■d < d Q H > « o p. a J » Q n ,d u H t> h J S Q < U J2 <; U) K Id o £ H as fa T3 u •d O K h Fi Z J^ s in 1 u ^ io Vh O c u> % b) 0 X H S o X u OOOCOOO'^ (N O O O O O C> O O CO O OCO^ iOTt<0«0'*i'-H-- (MCOOiCCCDOOiO'^COiOT-iTtl 77" lO ;0 CC O O OOCO OO "*«•*■* TjH coOi 05 O -^O O O 00(NO(NO O O "* COiNO'OOO'-HOOOOO-'tTfOfOOr-OCiOO O Oi-H oo o ooo C0l>C0C«3OOrHOOO'*Of0O :tf: 0; 03 c;) ! W 'S ; :" ml .0; 03 ? Ml2 IH a c3 0 IS Ph q" § cS 1-5 -n a .TJ ti <; - fc- M ^TJ LP "^ . — ^ _^ c3 "^ '•'■* ^ • -^ . .^ *-^ cu *-" *-■ .3 ^ So O 05 i-H O 1-1 INrH M qPQ 5(M^CO00 ^00 CO OO 00 ^ *ipH g =3 i3 SO ^ OtJ jh '^ a>-cS COTt'-t ^ GO to GO 01 00 goo:' 00 CO X c • 02 00 "* N ' ) GO "O 00 O ' ) M OOGO 00 ( JCOOJ ) lOGO ) CO cc to -^ n< • 00 Oi to 1 O) CO 00 C I C^l CO -H ) o to o ) C. X CO Ol lO o lO t^ to M CO 00 tool ^00 CO 00 't O O) 03 CO CO 05 t^ toco O) 00 00 00 CO r-|Mg- ■TS O » » I fl - - ' C<5 ^Ph^^HPh . o c3_r > r O Qi a ;S<^ PLiPh !4r 03 O ■ Oj3 > J-O-O O » fl fl c 5 03 0) 0) . -, _ _ nPiP^PiP^P^PlicB =a c3 c3 ccco §^ Mil MM tt) rt "S c3 u. iM fc^.*' 1^ S, ctt; xliTS rt(N 01 c o3 03 -9 cS , 3,- >> =3 Hf^ fets ^^ 1908] Statistics. — Pennsylvania. a So, COOOCOO COOOOCOOOOOOOO-* 2 q o o gioooo c; looo m 'l"^ lO M •^ 0_(M C^W^CJ_ O 1-1 C,»0 CO oocooooooo oooo oo o :COOOOOOOOOOOO 00000050000 coSc £o cccccrccccSxoo? Sr?),'~^o Oo ^"^ — — — — — — — — — '"^ — ^.^'^ 'f CO IM O OOCOCOOOO COrtlN-^iOOiCiC-^O XOX'CCtCWt^O - " •■ C. c: - O •■ - C5 OOOOCO^tHOO O O CI O lO IN •)— O C5 C t^ CO rH to Cl oo lOO COOOOOOOOO COOCCOCiO OO M (M O O LI t^ t^ ■^ O C CC O lO lO o oo oo OiO E i o >« ^cwoocooo oocofficoco'^cocoeo ■OiO — oiOOOOO OO^iOXClO'-H'^OO'^OO O_0p0 O^C-l^i-l CO to CO CO C^CO 0_(M__t^ «iO -<' r-T to" iC O ^ O •* O O CD CO •-' lO o CO c) -t i^ I— I O I^ 1— I o t^ oo CO --o Tt<00C0OC5CiOO'O(NO'^iOrtC0C0L0i0t---*O'* e©-H(NCO ,-|iO(NO-HC5(Nr-< rti-( t>. = ■0 OOOpOi-HOOOO OOOOOOOOOO O O O rt o oc o b oooooooooc^oocoocooocoooco OOOOOOOOOO ■^(MWOO-^OOOM ass o oo 1^ NOO»OOOOOOU30i-i01>.00000000 UCQ OOiOOOOOOOiO OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO 0000000 00(N O 00=* OOOOOOOOOO M.2 r°S CO^OCOO lO (N OOO'-''-ii0»OOiOi.0Oi000 lO CO t^ •* lO t» -^ lO t^ lO O CO CO d lO lO (M iC t^ CO r'=fe -.3 i; 32 c3 o o >-. *— . _, ,_, r^ i—i •— ' ^S ^^ ^-^ p-i'E OJ o :^^g;S-3.= &: SSh^ t^^ ^•s^'^^csd^Klg^S 3 5^ o (ll C C3.S i-s w ?i s: — ffisi o to "-s CP* _ra ^p^m So O J2 >= 0.5 ft-2 o m-C— n > O C c3 5 2 c~ :s > :i iS - "2 "2 5 S °5 ^ 2S S'-^MStcM^^ PhPh c3 tt) o.H.i; O h z t z t^ a ^ sis caa 3 CD <» > 3 3 !CC02 ; ^ C t-i +3 o3 c3 4^ C3 C3 .^ . 394 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OiO (N ti IMrH C) rt (X. >-■ ^O O h ^] a •a OO O C3t^ to H 0 a > 0 fi OO o s CO CO »o u h-l B „• Wl-H O Q Q H OOi-H 05 H S Q hJ Nt^ o to •* Oi < U OO IN < CO to oo-H o O-^ lO H CO(N u • oio 00 s 0(N (N (M -( (Z3CO (N S OOO J •?", C.3 (^ .lames G. J Dea.C.W.H Thomas J. lO CO O r-l u OD O 00 Ol O 00 05 00 00 .-H >-l 1-1 rH s 3 X H PU . u u 0) t- fe X >< tala " m K d (J Ikesb lliam lliam ndG ^^^^ 1 "* 3 M-m-S Ti .-S ^ t o o -d !Ot>. > CO CO . °^ 2 i t^'s ;is > m boo "*- ., O ,S c -•^ 5 . m-3 m o3 o i< o •- c'3 .~ ' (M-r .3 m I co^g^ 1 11 3 r2 CO S- [/" 03 '-' t- >> tC C ^ -s, W M .. O CO S -J 3 o -S OOO § § aT O a.2 ? 3t^"a3 o St ° 3 5 to OC tH to c» Q o g. o g-3 , ty i/J CJ W g H u 5 O 5 S-, |o^o s? 'z 03 tK-^ N,0 £2 Q PM pa O K « O Q IS.-" L, kO-__ 0-g O &, aj-d § 6. O H aj o O „ a > 03 H S K o ^^o 50 W ft o Pi w o o ti 3 m o (u aj Sj^r* o Pi o Pi . P-i £ 3 w - H M o w 3 -O St3 c „ £c tH'C 3 c3 > E a cj oj 0^:3 -tJ OKSSOOO cS 03 CO ! es" - O c3 d >,0 (U ■K' Om ,T3 f-» _^ o3 c3 S ,^ 3 « 3^ ^ ^ II g 15^2232 *<<:p3ooQp^ 1908] Statistics. — Pennsylvania. 895 CiO C; 0 t^ O -•J 1 ^» r^ e- O < ' "-I u oo o ii « "^(i U J ^i -^ o ^ < ^ c o Q > cc »o 3 i, •> c o N u 5-c CI fO •< >a * , oco t^ < J= V 'X o p ^ - o •s c^o~ o ^O c o n H Tft-.^ 1-H n " ^-Ti— r CO t^o J^ E o- y^ S X ! (M c: CO a W CO CO to 00 o "rt fflt^ O "-1 H k* Offl o 05 6 c-a 0(N o i± w X t^ o U w M O h U 2 U m £ OiO o bo ES- ^ B 0 K2 a 00 ic o c * a CM o T3 H c lO »o o U) ^ (Ma oi ti. ui cw c ft,* »o w > s 6 — c 0) (N«0 to S ^^ -J o o X u V c~ > c ciT < K-o e3 z Sr.-; c D OJHH VI a 3 ^ C t_ m c jo 3 in ^«-c 1 Hi X V ^ u p. X n c3 ix (n cS 3 X d, -SESO 1 u o c3 c3 T) p^ — « d K* \^ •■^ f co-O 0) 2 O rf fl«© KSCO ^)J " ^ 03 0*^ «; lO'S oooi.a mm;.~ C-l c^'g ^ ". b. .^ ?>.c? CJ tu ': o! 03 is ^-1-3 o X to < s w « o5 J w w lO C Coo Oco *7 'wS^ o-j §i^ S „. O (M C i^ CO w SO >-< ^ o '".If^ c3 a ~ 3 00 C . O £oO^- to 03 oH.S t^ i 3 £ a "x 2n « 2 * •• g-r-d'aJ § « 93 3 oi:? « £ ^ o M 5 — ' 2 s o « w oooooo ) Q C: 02 O O 02 .a |l4 M ,C3 ^ 3 cS d 5 >S .* <^ "*^ ^ ^^ o IN -*^ H o IT >.«) o^ ed a fi o o c 0) •> ID o c M 0 . ^ c h- ^ OJ a" oo' a 0 .2 tn ri (N 'z3 fl « 7J O "i 1 -c d 1 g M t*_< I- o o ^•, ci3 -^ 1 Hi X CO* T Q K m C ft ?: » to ■x boc3 n rS WW ^ d ?i i. o (fi O K 00 H n Pi N c iE^ c OOOOOOO-tOCdOOO WIN-HiOi-KNiOiOINCCKNCOC-KM TH-i0C>C0O'O ■-1 C-( COlNr-KNtHOOOOC^TfOOCO t'-O'-iQOOINC^t^COINCOOOJ 0'-H-*ooo5cococooxo3'-^eo 0'*rooooocDr-oo2>-ioocooi' >-l CO IM --I rH i-H u 'OC20000»O(NI^COCO00t^(Nt^iO :> >-.'o' ■ ^ 1_H _- S45l ., a -y S3 Js! o M a> a a"^ S"? O cS 03 c eS ^ ,c3 w}Qr> PPh' T)H ;Ph >3 .-a a^ a g oT t. 32 i! ."71 o ^ -k^ ,S a o3 o o g o3^ -3 i» a 03 — ■ _ 02 T-l 00 't GO t^ O t» COCO CO 00 M o 02 CO CZ) CO 02> CO c^Z - o fe^ rt- a o e--p " _ri a OP .2 a a)MPK -g E."2 c 2 S o P 03 t- Qi jC ?: t- vj <:CQfQOo6 OK 190S] Statistics. — Porto Rico; Rhode Island. 397 MO e a. as pS lo ooo-* ^o O) rt (N t-i rt CO 0(N50 oeo o C(NO oeo ooo oo to g^° CO 5< g°° oo ooo oo oeo oo ooo oo ooo o o H -5 s s CO cS O p»^ aj " w ^ 03^5 d <^ * 3^2^=5 n ^ _t .^ lO T" '-■^.^ en & 0€^ < •< iq^a i° "'"^v 'OOOOOOOO'-'IOOOOO t^ O iO O o o O 05 i-H Tt< rr ^ spunj }U3U1JS3AU£ OOOOOOOOOOOOOMO e©t^ o o o 3^ o io^o,o_io_ coo_ A}43dOJJ oooococotooooo OOOSOOC'OiOOOCOO oo O 0_ 0_ O^ O^ 0_ C0_ IN 0_ C^ 0_ "O o_ c^" Iff o" o" t-»" oopvr'§20 ?• ■D13 'XlElEg ooooooocoooooo OOOOOOOCOTt^OOOOO tO00iM«5C5l>O'*>O O CO ro IN 0_ ajnjipusdxg auiojj 0r-0^000-f0.-i0C0 0 CD-^O^HC^lCOC^CCi— I*— 'OOCO O •* iO O O 00 C|_t> t^ q.-* '-'.M (N u u z til y Id Z HI n I^'OX f^^Tti|^iOOO^Cl©'0»-i'00 saijUEio ooo(Moa)iNoacgh-r-oco ^■*t>.0>0 CO OINCO O 1-1 05 T-l piVI.-iajsiuii^i O ~00000C0iOCO i-HrHCOOCOiOIN o 0 X u >• < Q z a SJaquiaj^ CdNiOOOiCOOOiO-^^OCOiO tOCOiCfflCOOOCC'^^'OCOt^O .-1 r-H CO th IN 05 -1 Superintendent John B. Nystrom, h Frederick P. Church, h Chandler H. Coggeshall, Robert Cushman, h Stephen C. Irons, Clarence L. Durfee, Benjamin T. Peck, Edwin S. P. Hawkinson, Frank Johnson, Dea. Arthur C. Bradley, h Rev. Frank L. Bristol, h Cornelius L. Bourne, Thomas C. Carpenter, Herbert J. Wells, u u K a s u Auburn, Barrington, Bristol, Central Falls, Chepacliet, Cranston, How'd, „ Edgewood, Crompton, E. Greenwich, E. Providence,N. ,, Riverside, „ United, ., Hope, Kingston, 398 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 b OvOOiOOCiOOO^OOOOOOOOiOOOiOOOOiOOOr-O tOiOTt<00'OCOOO'-liOOOOiOOG2W'-OOt>.iOi-'5cO'^OOOCO'0 O^i-iOC^I(NO-OOO'-iXO!NOOOOO>-iC0'-iO(NOOOOC0 C^ C^l »— t T— I C^ rH tOC5C^COrHt>.cOiO(N(MiO'+iO.-H'OiOT-it^(MOCI>iOO-*0!0-*OCC OOCOt2C>O'-iOCC-)C^OiMi-iOOTfir-(OOOO'-0OrtiN(NOi0iMOrtOMTjHOCC 0-*'-iOOOOi-"*i-iCOiMO(NCOI>OC001«30COOOO(NINOr-i o-*-*r»cot^rHCrt'^^iooo-*^0'-ir^r>.oc«5-<^oo)'*oo(Moo »H I>10OiOIN(MtO!£)iCiOt^t^iOC50i.OMC3Xt^.t l5o'^^Z-Mi-^. I- O O is O o SQO^ o g o a, .-W^ltf c§t^^* 1^^ s.a wK- -M.; WD. 3 H S ? — -o^ ,c3 C K P o . . . W^ Acs 2^ CO -* a M 01 ( O CO Ol O) (X) 03< t^ CO CC 00 CO M c . c3 " <" ri • ^< G \. •«" . u y .G H -»-• - =s o :; -p S a !^ C W a; ^ O rt §:° O S o c3 O I— I •-: ^ 01 lO 02 1 lO CO CD ) (» X CO rt oor^oo t^ t^ 00 CO CO 00 00 CO 10 10 CI C5C1-* CO 00 00 O 00 CO Ol CO CO 00 1-1 00 ■^ 00 00 CO 00 r^ CO lO rt< Tt< c:5co 00 00 CO ri 1^ S o.ti.2 -I c3 3 3 ^ H a "a, ~ eS-eC-i :3 >>§t3 I J2 £; -ggggSr^-algii" .2 o as ,-n3 a a. S a m ti L. ^ o s-i a ■ -r Ph o ^ 0) a •- \.'^ CO '3 1-1 o a t a o a H -c § 21 S" ^ 2 ^1 CO . . Adults, 7,732. 3HOOLS : ople's S a_r_H- ^ W !h ^ " Q 2 rQ 0 0 ^HH »- S ^: t= 2^t: - Kaoi "S-a"** a o«o k) t4 CO 0) a> "* CO fa g ^ w .3 » Q in aTa'- 0 1 — ; ^-H«SI a Q c3 O tf to _a Sod o o 0! 14; 11. 252, N fS z 1 =^^S O "« g ■&■ ^ a s ^h . w "CO O H g .. &< E -H H ft a -S '^ O t* C Ph :• H cs a 1908] Statistics. — Rhode Island. 399 o X aw g-'"o'" IN ccfo co~o"co"o' (N* * rr * lOCO^-l'^'-i'OINOOM^COOOiO'OOlCOCR o p ^ r-.r- oooopt--cr. T}o O «^ IM^ oo oo oo oo oo oo INM OO'tOOOOOO O CO 'O o o o o o O ^lOOOOCOCDIN "l-l 1-H 00 ' r- o OO CO rt ffi 0 05 -H OIM ,-Ht^.-OiO-*i-HC5'*i'^»Ort-it^a0C)»-it^M00Crt05O "* O_^C0 rH Tj* 0__ C^ C^V f^ C3^"^ O: CO IN (N i-< CO co_ c^fi-T "-T (N co~ ^ Or^C^COO^C^iOCOt^01t--0'OOCOC<10000000>-0»OC0050 'O'*i'-i03— iC)iOOiNr-»OCOi-iCOt^CDCOOCOi-lCOiO --I ^ o ^Oi '-' Q_ --I CO 0__ O^"-! C: IN i-H M rH ICO 00 O O UO Oi^ OCO CO (N O 05 O oo OOiO iCOOOiO lO o c: i-iOCO'^ rHOO lOCOMIN »0 W l-H CO ^ l/)OiNOC0J:c0t^OX»0.--t>i0i0O00TlHC000'COO'-HO-^"*ININ (Nt^ TfrtC^Ji-iCOiO C5C0 00 (NO IN -^t^ "5 •-< ^C a© (N lO rt ^ •<*< ^ IN OiOO'-iOOt^OCOOOINOCO^OOOOOOOOOOOCOOO C0'-HOO'-Oi« lOLO OOOr- GOO IN^^COt^OCO ■* lOO CO i-H^ t^ ^"OOC^J r-llO T}<OCOr^O>0»OcD lOOiOiOONXCOiCTfitOt^r-HCOr^iO'-i'-H'^COOC'OOi'-iCOt^lNCO'C 1-1 lOt^-iO C^ICO (NC0^(NOC0'-^C0C^I^-H(M ^^ ^ N W-^ . c3 > c; ^5 S ^ 'i'- .c rf ."t; >- ^ 2 i|a I O , , :3 :3 S S .J^,"? "3 «- s ! 5 a 3 « S o c "S oT "t,c-. u -P a ■> c o 0 0) o u > «-T3 tc 0 o 0 c 0 0 EcH ^^ ^ tOM CO*^ o (o CO a 2 .-I s«- s a mS a^ v3 o t, o o^ G.O . r^ Xl ^ Ttt S 9^^ ico' dj g £ g « ill" w w s^ s g K(N o O "«^K 7} V> 71 .2.2 o ^►^ 3«e •^.S -o O r- O C) t-. Ji +-> 5 c30 pi • - C IN t; ::: .2 ^- co :^^ • • s ^ ^ a; S 2ii S^< G fe" -..§ n ■* 00 ... I- LO t^ _, 400 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 i t^OM-l* O MI> (N I" rt --I (N fa i-' • .-H> O O O 01 rt i ^ a O O O O rt LO rt n ■6 < — OO O O) O CO o 6 Q H Or^OO o oo > o s ei — iXl t-( o o o c^ o u J K MOO C CM O "-HO 5 CO GO O PI 00 OS 1-1 Q d HI H (M(MOO t^ -^O q i-H to O C^l rH U5 ,-1 < d IM O O O 00 C £^ J3 (N^ <; r^OO»0 0(NOOiOCDtOO PS o t-t^ CMf-lMTlMMCOtNr-^ S H r-l (MrHCOOlOrHOOCOCOr^tfJ fa IC(M '^fi-HrHrtC^l-H Oit^CM— i(NC3C^1-. s fl a S g ■-5 0} W 03 •^ c S C C o Oj u c3 >■ f M Be £ s '^ S 3 S > r^ 2 PS s U 2: S C3 ejS H^ •= ^ Cool" . ir-2 E? OI^C0lN'*t^W'*-*C0r-( &ocoooc:5cr. 00302 05 0 o <0M0003CCXOC»CC0001 0) H s u PS a c o X o 6 aa^ioffi^^ o o „- (N O ^ 03 o^ o g ■r. ^i ^ C ~ n c3 ■^ t2 d •" 'o x: i> ^^ 151 -. ^ "8 ■^ ^ P^ ^ 1 < X CO -& b- 5 r. M ■r, PC s s c^ g CfcH ,-H O t^ 53 cs-S S ^> ^ ^- < -O Tj' c ■Tl o O H HH C X H n :* '.- •< Kry^ i 05 H <■ O! O ■r 7; O K W O tf ■/. s ^ c§ 190S] Statistics. — South Carolina. 401 iva }° ■'"■¥ spnnj JU3UJ1S3AUJ •0)3 '.ClElEg ajniipuadxg 3U10JJ I^JOx S3niJEq3 ■ iamo P!V I.-'3'^!°?K •oog -qnj puE •g -g -auoo uoijEioossy •ssii\[ "uiy suoissijv; •gpia HOJtiqo uoijBDnp3 SUOISSIJ^ •uiaj^ •sauapog s.ajdoaj Snno;^ siaqmaj^ oo oo ©"oo" 00 0-* C 10 c. 5 o rt -^ 00 c OCO ccoc 0 CO goco 0 00 0000 iC 00 000c o 00 c 000 o 00 0000 o 00 0000 O (MO ;^' (^ o 55^ ^- -^" -^l^ £5 ^ K §5 5 b S 2 C5 . > OJ , -^ iX <;,j *^ ^ — -2 " "~>C C ^ *- Ji ^•»C o .P-, I- o CO s ttii c s 6 o •c S -lO' -^ --AT O-H^ •• O OX! Si si a.T. K W C ^^B Hh I— I (-' 2^ c^i « »r^<^ 2 " » ■j; !- ■O •- ^^ •^ o c ai' c ='"-.2 §r/^ C 2 ■;- '^ o 21^ •■■« O «, »: .2 - c £ -t^ ..> C ^ o c3 c ? t- So 402 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Tj(,-lrt.-HOOOOOC<500 IM Oi-HQiOO^i-HOOOOOtNOOi-irHOOOO CO OOOOO O O O ■^ O O i-i (N OOM'-hO'-iO'O 00(N t^ rt 00(N i-iOO O ,-H O (N ■* O IN tH CO 00 i-H O (N M "OCOO 050 lOrii-iOOOO (N OCO O 0I>00 (NMOC OO OOOO O O rH T-H O CON ■^ OOO "-I OOi-H CDO T-t OiO O OIN OOO CO 00-*»00»0 iC 0-iOOOOO'-i-*Ot-ItHiHOOOO^OO(N «5(MOOOdOOO(M»0(N (N ■*rtO00'-HO(M'-ii-i(Mrt^'-i(NOIM<3)rtO(N-! ;^^: m,--:5 w e o T* ^ C "^ «1 CO CO 0^ c3 m K ■., ». -J '^ .a^fi 03 o3 ?5pq o l^^^SSg-- tC— ■— o * c Moj.i:! b^-p o . > > ''J S^-^ to m^ o m o o t- _ . , »> 03 O o O OOIM 05 tZ) O 00 00 03 t^OOCDIM r>. 00 00 O) 00 ' 0000 CO 00 05 00 00 CO 00000000 COM (» t^ 00 O O I^ 00 03 000 too coo 000 coco CO 05 00 00 f ^ CO o CO CO rt O C: 00 t^ 00 X CO O: CO 00 CO 00 03 00 00- CO 03 COM C^lCOt^ 0 0)0 03 00 05 lOO coco 00 00 O {3 O d o c3 S .-^ .^ - o ^ 3 d to S o o O d H -W ! O-g g^ .a J o -s o .-s ^ O !-i ■^ ^- » o aj" o o -3 s S. oAR a d r^ '^ ^ Eh -^ d d ' w d ^ „ +^03oooo0-5OOCCt.'d3c33c303oJ3 .■¥■ 003 j=-d^ 000 - d 0„r ^^ . d a tT ) O up )000 1908] Statistics. — South Dakota. 403 jqaCI jo •Jiuy spunj )U31U)S3AUJ •Dia 'jOejbs Sinjipusdx^ auiojj l^JOX " isqJO P! V I.-^'^FIW •DOS 'IM P"« •g "s -31103 UOIJEIDOSSy •ssij\[ 'uiy SUOISSIJ^ auiojj •Spia HOJnqo nouBDnp3 SUOISSIJ^ uSjsJO^j OOOOOOO C CC CO c ooccocoooooo oo>oo oo ■O O O 0(N tS Uj (N CO O oooooooooooo o oooooooooooo oooo oo oocooooccoco oocooooccooc: iq io_ re lo^ "O lO^ co_ iq O) o_ o_ co o ooooooooci-oooo cooo oo o oo C'c ooocicoo oooo oo O O^O^ ^.^„ ■"'.'^^"^.'""'v— '^ OOt^O O lO * IN'"*' 0COOt^OOOO»0 00 OSOiOO WOt- 00 O i-H o t^ -I— CO 00'-i^O(N i-iXO0t>- i-ct^ rt u_ .i— I I .1 — -^ J— >^ ' .1 I _i_ r^ •uiaj^ -sanapos s,3[do3j Sunoj^ Si3qui3l^ oooo „, ^. . - , - ^. ^. , , ,. t^ X O -H O«5f000C-i(NOCO (MOCO 05 05CO'*(N^05rt(N(N'-iTticO(N 12; ^ iOiCOOOO^"OOiMO O 0000(MOOOOOOOOOOOi-iOOOO .2 CO t^OO O O '-tCOO ^ O O O 00 O-* lO O O OiO oo coco ■* Oi-iiO COOI^ ^'t S ico-^r^oofficoO'-H'-iio o ooocoiOrHocaiooocoooi-HOiooooio oo oo o Ot-i rt o coo o o o oo o oooo oooeoio o oo(N oooo OOO-^OiOOOOO^OiO O lOO-^OCJOOC^HOOCOOCOOi-HOOiOOCOO : j^ i^ n =3 o a* . ^.-; IcH leH to « o— o 2i Qj t, 25 S a ?r. 1^ S^-o iiePQ '^'^ Ci— 1 Sir" .wJ*'''-' O rt fc.-in'^'-i O r' p > c 5 ^' Ch s -c n' s- . .^ ri 3 — c3 t. u £ ".s o t- :z: 03^ S^KHOSogg g O 4 K ^ tf § 000'-iu'5 0t--0'-'5 t^OOiOMt^cOON . ^Tt00 CJiMOXOt^COO'> O^O OCO-^-^OCO O 000(N0 rtCOOOO'^OOOO iOOOOt^(NOOO(Mr: OOOOiO O^OOOOO'J'COtNO 00(N-0 "3 rr "^ < '5. o M CJ fe, O C - U O c ~ o O OS 03 S^ g K fe' 5 o o iC J= Oj H g 0 a g J H J2 m ^t5£ ^ d JO S^ S I 6 ?5 a «^ 5 r^ ^ ^ i^ o ^ cj .Z^ " rr ffifQ 2 g" c t; 1 1: ■= O ^ O o o o pH o *: >- ir ^ 1-5 (S o oj o C !3 r/. -t^ += -*J g 03 i; t, t. tH -5_o C^£^ ►!;<: ciff;»^; i-i^^ '^■' o„- ;r!cj^ oJSNgSCfl u X. % J- O Q a ^^ <0 u i-^'^ X. _^7^ .i-J So3t.3 — .- ^W aj t«H =« a;. S'^-E g g^^l^ « to to^ t« tc M tc S » ^ .M l^aJ^ISS gpg g^jgg^ao ^ ^Sd>g-^gs£c<: t^Cicot^cocoicr. •+-+-r-+^ic-c'M'~. co'tiooo)oiNooocoa;!^-*-H t^t^cooost^crr. cccC'r. c:co~.C5oooa:Masoiooococooo5ceocoooo30oooiooc3 oc CO CO o M 00 ix r. ~ c; C-. cr- 'X a c: c. CO X 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 © oC' GC CO X (Z) c; CO M X o O) cC' X 00 |oS|5=^^i^S -I i^Sgsi§^^l^gg£sfct$S.5fS ,- =* 1908] Statistics. — South Dakota. 4()5 OCOOOOO C OO'OCO ooooocococ occoocooo ooo ooooooo o ooooo oooooooooo ooooooooo _3aH " r-' ■3 " ooooo o o Lo "fi o t^ 10 CO t^ c O iC O' C' c o o o o o O^IO'OOCOOOO 0__~_^(Z1 iC 0__C_ 0_^ O 1-t' 'O * * OOOOOOOOO 0000 00 o 0 0 10*0 00 -^ O 1-- M ■* -* M «) o o o - - a ci o I^ CO ■* to 00 000 0=5~ - t^ CO Ci3 C5 o o X c; ^' ?; 000 000 IM O ^ -- 1— OOOOO 10 10 o o o r-i t^CC O t^ oooooooooo OOOOOOOiOiCO 00 0000 o 10 10 — . o o 00 O CO CO t^ S a. o 100 o 000 OOrH 10 'M O GO -i< O t^ CO -^ lO C-1 »o O O lO o o »o o I^ O) to t^ 10 1^ O O 1^ o OCO'-i(NtDOcO(N'-H o o 10 o 10 "o 000 O X "*H 10 ^ CI 10 t^ 10 lO I^ CO O ■-! r^C0T}(i0C0Ot^^rfiTt< ic ^ 0 (NGOCOOO 00 0 0 ox TOO M M CO t^OTfOOCOiMOOO 00 t^OOdOO rt 0 to 000 0 0 0 »0 0 O' 0 0 ooooo TfrtOOOOOOOO ooooooooo OCOO 00 (N lO 0 10 0 0 0 0 > =" £ a lt --^ £ fc C.ii — ^ :3 — S o is o O X O S It; o 4) j: ^ c 9i oi ^ '-s'"!^ cO.2 tJ u ;; -r, " ii* u •-■ t- t; ii •-■ u c3 -:S O '^ M p-o§ r< S '^ S S «3 -a o ^ o o „»- -1 ci _ "Sod g o 5 2 3:ag-S 3 - u S e3 « (U^ o .— 3 S u c^ . r-. r». Tt. r- tf i^ ►^ c. >. 0 D. 0 -^ > -^d. n -^ _x a £. ^ 0 s^-S >, _ K T3 _ 'Si-cJS +^ t. feci tK 1— . jO 406 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 "fcoo- oimooocwo OOOCD(Nt^»OOOOOOOOCOOOrtOOWOOOC100(M>-iOO ©--lOOi-iCOO O C O ■^'3 (N O O W;0 COOOOOO'^OOO'-tCOOCCiO OO rhCO OOOOO'MI^O OOOO00OC<5OOOOOOOOOiX>>-iO'-iC0OOOOOC<5O'*t^00 oooooooo i-iOO^-*r-iOOOOOOrtOOO'-iCr-iOOOOOOO'-i-*OOi-i fOOOOOOC n d H J s Q < U Ttio^'HG;-*ooo^(Nc«:oo(Nooot^co(Nfooooo5rHO'^coo-* ot^i-HGCrHt^iMio a OOCC^ffi'OOOO-^(NC0OOC<3r^OC<3C0(NOOOOr>.i-2r/ "qj "S "o "^ Tj << B p^ ^ S r_ji^ >^ <(;-< OO-JS-t^MCfe-ci . o'-o &.t: tf-fl S.2 K>iiS S.S § g-'g a;,«-sO- C ^ g t^ c3 +f '^ ^ T? ■ 2^ CC H-l 9 o 0-2 . -G o o b ■ O 03 rt — '^i t^'J} d O 5 S§ S - Mm S -3"C tr" CO .-*^ (U 0) 02 » c3 :3 "^ >.o rT.S -fe ° 0 2 2 P-S3 - S o »J-| hH hJ-l I— I I— I eS.S 0,5? -= s .►C- -«"M M - .K ^oT^^ >'2 a* J? w aJ 0) ' * e3 c3 _ .c oT^ S o „ c-b ,^/^ 2 g o S? d o a S , fld^'Sm-2>>£MO!SOK5^^^fc.i:Hoj: d O 4) O Oi 0) 0).+^ O O 0=ia^i-v3v3^^L3Lr;*=« IS o H 3 0) C n" c3 02 0) o ^3 fl) of s P^ m 5 oooooooo cooooooooocoooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooooo oooooooo oooooooo o o o o o o o O O lO O lO O lO OCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO OO OOO OOiO o o o io_o^i^_ lO^oq^ o_o_o^ o_cci^ i6 c^ in r-^ c-i r^ c^'eo" (Ni-<"cOCOCO(XOCO OOOOOlt^CCCC - CJ'' " " " ^.Ci OOOOOO OOOO O OiC ^ O CI t^ TT lO iCOOOOOOOOOOOfOOOOO (N t^ O >0 0(M 05 O O O O >* "O CO O O O O O lO O o o CO o t^ O CO (M t^ CC t^ 01 Zi lO O O "O o c c £ i lo o t^ — 1^ c o _ ^ C5 -- X I^ K« ^ ^',-- O'-OOOOOiOOOOOiOCOOOtOOOt^ i-OOOi-H-^OOOOO CJ-HiOMCOCiOCC i-H O Tt( lO CO .-H lOCO (N-* ■* oox lO iC O lO 1-1 c o t^ CI O i-H o o ^ (Nt>"»ococ5-*r-ou:ioooocoiNcno-^Tt-— I d 45 ^ cS C ^ ^- S • -3 .5 ^ .^ a . i^"a2 Alice J. Osmun id Patterson, . Lindner, Olive E. Wood E. Collins, Anna Jackson, Edith Emery, Harriet Beadle E. E. Cook, Ragalz, Brown, Yellowhaw' . Arthur, P5^ i 73 > U fg d a5 f^ ct . » 2 g-^ IgQ^jgCSSSC 2^'^ci M -S. -"^ o 5^ 'O _ c . . — i -2 5 M— g a ospi; 2 =i P MX S S3"2 O O 3 - =. w ^ 62 aj" c ,^'.§»ii||g^£ _ § -Hfegs 5">?^^; ^^ U I- u 2 5 s 8 J HH HH hH »— ( . ..aje5o3c3a)a)a>a)iDo.t:c 408 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 t^i-HiOi-OOiOOOiOOi-OiOCOiOCOiOtDOiOOOOOiOOOCOiOOOO lOOOOh-iO i-Hrt,-HOCl(Ni-IC^,-HM(Ni-ICO(MlOOMr-(i-(.H(NlHrH(N (Nr-lCSTjHCOOOIN •^1-HUD't(NlH ■*f0r-iOOOi-iOOl>(NOWO'-HO-*C0C0OI>(NC0»Cr-iCCDC0e0i-iO'-i'-i OfOOO-^O O 0(N OO-*OOC0(Ni-iOt^> i-100THO'-iO'HOC<30(NOOi-iOOOOOC<300C;000»-'OOOOrt OOOOOO TjHQ'^'OCOOOOCCHCt^Ot —I rt O) ( >MO^O»0 0OOrtO'r)'-i(NCOOiOCOOOOOOOOlMOOO( )00 (NOr^UJQOO I 1— I 1— I 1— I tH C^ rH r-1 ) rt 1-1 rt i-H (M ,H rt ( CO OOt^ •JS' ii o o. N 0) >^ ^ O^i^S (» Em U< ^ t^ O Cj CJ CJ (P 5)3: tCbDbD cj Cd ^ c^ <^ 1^ i-j 1^ 1-5 "-3 r^ c3 o3 o3 ff3 c3 '— b t^ U t. l-( 0 c fl a c s c3 O O O O O t. o a o o o fa a; (DO'S CD J2 .2 S Cjj 3 e "S^ 6 SP3-S ■•CCCB 5 C bCJj " 3 c o ■a;_ « a; > S± C3 si » ^ .2 S p: -£ c '"'"' ego 0>-3 S . '3 a G 03 » G — .-^ 3<'^ J ^ o5 ^ 02 > - C u bl^ kij ^ u^ u^ t-, s- q; ^ "o .2 !i o m 6.2 .i -2 •* oc o oocc'ooo - OC O500 Jo ^.2 § 0) § S (D o OM o a 03 c3 . 03 O f h«3 ax!^ » . . . r- OJ O . aW a"^ fid . a oj Oh:! >■< §§W2 3 O ci o •^ c ^ >iO a « 03 "-a M Ol O "* 05 CO O 01 00 GO OJ 00 r^ooo O t^ 00 05 00 00 irj coco COOC C5 0O O 00 o> c 00 00 O3 00 00 c ) 00 CO ( ) 00 GO I I ■* O '^ --I lO i-i 00 CO 05 O5 00 00 00 00 00 ^1 ^^ £ a 0.2 s J3 S ^crs'^ s~ &■ ?P1 e8 c> O to -t; = a „,- <0 0) " uj t( 3 S d 3 a aTg^ > i 0 i^ h rt P a 2*; P^Ph a ° o -t'3 , S 0) o , iSx aJ rO j'^hS =3 'f C'S hJ-l T3 0) S > m -y; "tr ;; o m g 3^^ fe fc^ 3 ^ 3 "S :3 .iT ryj S" ^ K! a:: § a s^ Ch C.«2 liore, eld, n, St •les, bon, uth's earfis ringfi nbeai Clia mple1 oy, rton, ndal] O ^ C 3 -iJ P tn -J P-i KrcmccccfHHHH Statistics. — South Dakota. 409 •-r ooooooo ccoccooooccoccoooocoocooo cccooo >u ooo c o oo oooooooocococooocoo oo CO cc ooooo ooocoo OOC'OOOCOOOOOOOOOCOCOOO lOOOCOiC O COOOOOCOOOOOO Ci^iO O O O C)_ O^ O O IM 0(» iO^(M CO O ffi '"l.Q.'^l i-T^'^'t^'coi-T i-T o'^''-<'^''-i~rt<_ cooooo OO OOOO t^ ooooo CO CO O (M t^ (N 00 c o o o ooo •cooooooooico ooo (M O lO O O ■^ lO O 0(N O O CO 0(N(N(M-H^Cl(NOrt-^ to >-i OOOO OiO lOO oo>c t^ o OOOOO o ICO oo CO i-H t^ a)«o K" IC OiOOOiO OiOCCCCOOOOO t>. iCOOiNt^ iO00'*'Ct-(IO>O »00 (N (NCO-*(Nt-* ^f^OO^iOOO (N>-i ^ oo" r-^r^ ^ ocoooo O lO C: lO O O CO O >0 >-i I— I lO OOOCOO o lO CO O'-i ic to CO Mffit^^ >-< THO«ooN'-icooo«3ootD'. i-HriC^CliCN CO CO OO-^fNiO a&i-H coooi-H '-' rfi-i V O COO'0 00^(NOOt^'OOOOCOOiOOO»00'^OCOOO'rt0000 e© i-H i-H -^t^ CO c^ o «c coo»o >o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00i0'-nC'-<^C0OOOOO(NO'OO ^ —iCO^ OOOOiOiC 00'000'0»OOOtDOONO(NOOO'-iO"500(NCOOOO(NCt^O rtrt.-! '-^CVl'-l i-HTtflH rt r-1 tH m 0«000»0(N 3^ OOOL0OOOOO(N'*OOOC0OOOOO(MOOOOOO-*O(NOCO «© ^ (N(N ^ N 000'*<>C0 as Om OOOOOiCOOOiOr-OOO^COOOOOOOOOOOOiOMOiOO OOOOIOO a§ rt rHr-H OOOCOOiOOiOi-0 000":i(MCOX(NOOOOOOOO 000(N C^iO'^O't C'1'*CO>+(M»O00C0' _ > o "Si C O . e to 410 Congregational Year Book. [1908 ClCOOCOOt^O'-tCCH^OOOOO (MCOrHiC OOC0OO:CO'-iOOt)<(NO-h fOOO' O O O CO OO (N O O OO O m t^ •<* CO o o OO O "-I ri O O O O - 5 I >C COi-l 1 •^ Ol CD M c •^ -SS ^-bi^ ^O £,2 „:- d P-S -^o gl"! m ^l> 3 2 £ 5:? b 1.. n ri ^60 h3 -^ ir 2 oJi;. 2> V: r: rfi T/i ui C qCC^- to t^ t- 05 05 O XOt^-^i-Hf^-fOl^ t^f-J. OOoXt^Os XXXOSOIO-.XXX — ' to -t ■* -* ic ( lyj X o X X oi < X X 02 X X X ! cc feN' : r. ?>•- C C n . c Ol t-- s -lOlO CO IN cox ^ rb LO lo CO a .2 ^ X H— ' (u o^ Cj 2 X >, ^,^ ci^:^ o_ 2£ '^ ^ 03 CO j;; a. "2 lO _ as iO o '2 ~0 .. oj lO ^HTji aT o|^ 4^ c3 0 or-' a."^ l^ct^ o •-e:S o •o c ^?i +J Zrl"^ X (Up- » 1 03 05 S to CO w =3-"S'e^ O _nx ^:|§ ?1S ooir' 6 .°^ ^^ oi pL, . . .'-' -t .2^ 1- -03 " o fe S' =^ 03 cc CO 0; s^^^ 2 a-2 K<^H S S fS c3 o S OJ i« P •- N 0 0 0 'tOOO O O O "O irs Lt O O O lO O 'C O O >'' O O lO-^iocOLOTfir^ or^ocio arooo •-I i-< CO O --I (N 03 ■* ■* CO GO o: t-- Tf lO OOOt^O(NC0OOMCCC^ — 1< 3^ ^ o •<*' »cu; CO OOOt^OT-HOOOOCOClOO ooooc o OOOiOOOOOOiCiOOt^O OOl — CO --"O lOOOiC lO CO o lOOOOXO'OOOOOOiOO C-llNCOCO'-HiOCO C^1f-0 b-t^ OCOO o o 00 •* -* < fc s J d oQ s ;i'<% ^ '^ (N(NOOC0 0100 000<000(N050C >0 lex-* fO(N-*(NO0 a% -^N^ -hCO 0005 00 —1 cq_ OOOt^WOOOOOCOOOOO e^ -^-H co^ tN.lCQ0O «5^ to OOO00OOOOOO-*ONO CO r-l ■"HOOOO W(NOt^»O'^OO00Ot^(NOO ©B ^-H CI ^ . "^.5 .--aco "C I. cc o 00 S 2 ^ 3 o 3 5< ft, •-'* X M ft" ?o _K S o 5 n " ^ r~ -^ gco jj u i; COO S K^ O mm o '^ o K Wh2 c §g aj CO ©a •-3-3 00.2 ^^ g§SO a, o § o d a cc ■/: SJ ^-* O "^ £ 3 3 ^- O E 5 "C S a < D 0 O ^ 412 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 n 6 u % a H J < U O o CO ooo OOOCOCOO'^'O '^ ^ O O '"' 00 o^^ CO CO O O --i 00 c- o CO '"' o o o ooo lOOOO'HOTtHO s o o o o «5 o^o O^OOOlOrHO tH '"' '"' o ^ (M oo^ --HINOOOCCC^JO '"' (N o CO - OO OCOO ■^■^OTflCOCO^O oc w o o ^ '-' ocoo O-^Oi-HC-ti-iO CO 00 o o CO a t^ ooo ■'J'OOCOCOOSOO o Tt<(N O (NOO (N CO ^(NO t^COOOO^OO CO Tt<.-I »o OCD IC-H O 10 05C0 CO ^ 00 o 00 lO t^co rH ^ CO POt^COCJt^OJOiCq "5 (N N CO i-H 02 (N .-1 dr-t 00 050 t^ CO (N.-H CO C0O5(N CO CO CO o CD CO COOOliOCOt^t^O COOS-H-H COIM^ (M ■+C0 CO 05 O §s^ t^ Tt o o 00 OO 02 OO CO lO OO Olio 00 GO 03 O 02 cs 00 00 00 © 00 00 lOiOCOCDMOCOCOOCt (/DOOa}OOGOOOCOCO( OOCOOOOOOOOOOCOM( ) lO -^ CO 00 CO t^ > 03 03 o CO r^ 03 ) 00 00 00 O) GO GO T-H r^ in ■* >c O 00 GO Ol 00 O GO CO 00 00 J3 . o. •3o& .2 5 •? so c :=i O SjS u S * c3^ii O ti^ cQooooPwtqoeoM .^"So >i t» o « ^ -o'S ^ aj rj fi CS O .2 ^ - >i > 2? >< -^ - HH « O 1^ c? i-M >-; *-5 hS t— -2 . (N t^ oj CO r^ r-i o CO ooo IN 01 lEJOX S3IJUEq3 ■jaqiO piVI,-13JSIUIJ\[ ooooooo ■Dog 'qnj puE •g -s •3uo3 1-HOOWrtOO UOIJEIDOSSy ■*OOO^OiO saoissij^ auiojj •Spia qo-inqo noijEonp3 m o o o oooooo OICO Ol CO T-H lOO o o m o o c ooocoioo ^ CO o o o o ^ O o o ooooooo oo o o suoissij^ •uiaj^ •sauapog moooocioo sjaquiaj^ g S —■ o c < -d o < o 6 H Q o > O Pi o a >-i K o Q o a d H 0 H •4 o o < d ^ o <; J 15 "i u to 't 0 U) "OCOCO-H £r OOOlt^O O 00 00 00 03 (- '«3 fl c o X W4 o >> J 1 u O ~50!> .5-^ »0 ® fcT . O -5. TO 00 »o sa •o ' 2 c3 ^ .1 Ph ?■-'■■ 00 : • -^ E ^ w ^ -^ -1^ -; O Qj 0; Tt< Oi" -J n cj ^ 4-' S o _- !E H-1 - a C3 gM z ^q1 S ■■ §f^ H c ft I < H ft 5 50' O TT S a: 73 H t) f- t-^ _«^ fe iJ b O H O < fa Mi « H ») . 0 0 n "a o c-o a< tn u . s s •b c 0.2 0 ^ ° ^ <= 0 «. ° > E 0 o o X < o z en u c u T3 c V c s. D C/3 r» a g tn 0 0 1 H X u 3 X U V 1 ^ nil ^"5 -s 5!^; Statistics ■-0 K3 cr r^ I--CO (N . -jrfN -f «^«© '5 5J ~ e^Sa =; opn o-~ 0 Sec 2 03 3 .. ■'•d 0«> — Tennessee, 415 flc^ StM "%J— " c cc « OS 'T '_> a C z i J 0 n 0 o3 c Cj P V K C n 0 'Ji X K ■^ < 2 " < H - S ^ S ?: W O fl o 416 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 T-H IN (N l> C-) O (N (N 01 fO (N (N (M I© IC -H rt T-i (NCO(N (N (N (N 0 INCJ COCO CD COCOCOCO NdTfN 10-* t^ O OiZD OOOOOOCO'-iOiCO'-i ^(NlN (NCOOi.-OOi CO5OtO>CC00 000 CO "O 1^ 1< 00 5D ( CO CT. >* CO ■* CO ,• .CQ'3 H-3i-5 .o Tripl Foils ofield, onald. Welle fe Hr? ^0^5 o -"§ i i£ 12 S - ^ c c3 • to ^ >- S So cP^ _S o 0 i^ StflHS ii^^sg - O 0 CO lO t OCO o » 00 o LO CO O CO o 00 r^ 't* (M I^ X c- CO GO 05 C ry-; Kg OJ n ^ . 0; 05 o cj t: O CO 01 CO CO criQOOc o 00 00 C/} C2 Ol "S oOK ^ g I £.^ 12 " 5^ ;^ » '" "^ %< OQj , d • I d Tf< t lO 1-0 ' • 03 1~- o o c c )~ ~ 03 OJ 05 C OJ « to g L.0 o o CO o o 00 oioi O lO o coo o or OJOi ^ s H m Xh 1? 0 O >. nH O ? C ^"S 'o flu P — "m :r S "-I >-.' rt *** fe O -^ Cm Q _r.- ' ^-> O o3 So ■ J ^ O O O ^ ^ 0_ 03 O 03 O'E OJ O.S-O OPHiHf^OOOffiK-;;^ r 3 +^ CliPh eutfP4 hi =^ 4j -»C m o Statistics. — Texas. 417 S a- O C OOCJiOOO OOcO OOCT- oooo oo o O* O* OOOMOO* COoO* 00-'.C00O iOO01t-»O00 iOOCOCDC>ll'>l>-iO ot^ o ■*! X ttJ -^ 'JH Ci -H Ut i-H GC O 00 X Tt< 00 t^ t-- o »o IC iCOi-^X i-l>-iX_ '-IC5 !O^I^ ^ fO (N «^ o X r-l o. CO 00 -HOO — lO X rt C^) IC M «© rtO ^rt CO CO 9? o ^^ -o CO c ^ ^t^ lO iM03'-i 7i to C^) o rt ■* ^ CO Cj (N rf CO as CO • in 6s m CO (MiC lO ^x C-} -* o 10 e c5 CO ^x PS OOC tO-^^-^I^iO Ot^COO^OiCCiiCIMOO'OiC »COLOOOO lOCSCO (NlOXiCCON l^XO-^CI-fCO-HCOvDXCOC^lt^ OUCCOiO'C-'t S c -r Or- S ? ^ o -:-^^ ^ :J ^ fflm c ^-^ T-K ^^ 2a .. .^ or—' t" , 'HE'—' -' r/i 2^ So fa"-;" Ds: >. C3 O SS o oT I5e ^ .. -S ? O «-xr ^ m*-' c-^ "■ S S >^ o Mii c c3 Oj-O s-o eS t^ 75 >< a — X go 3 o - tool - fS ^ ^•^- 'c --x'o >, 0; ^ (M N --I ^ ^ ■•■gt^ tc £. oj H 1° O 33 3 1 M 5 a- 3^ O c3 , r^ = a S o a ^ • -■ CJ 2;(M -w 0^ ,^ "s ■*" .-#=■ >§ ,/• n1 5i| 3j a-j ja E •^ s o vT^ o o(mS b x S sEnT -00 OCOMt^'O « b . T)iO(N-*O00 O O ■* m Z H rH — 1 IC CI ■^oO'-ic/ooi^»c-*eoco s fa' ^— ICOI-IMCDCO -t*CO ^ co^ ej lOt^-OCOCDCDCOr-H^CO _§_ Tf iM CO O t^ IM ^ 13 lO CO O CO —1 ^ t^ U p p p pp pp -^ lO to O CO t^ c o o~. p p p p o rr c K .«i3 o u d - ^ Vl ' 2 z i s 1^ :§ g~:3 11 ^li-S cc o g ;z; o "^.J § ^"^ c«H CCjS 3 "-^-sl 0) M iJ ^ ^ fefc 8> O > ^ ^ ^ OS Zt:l w^ Bfln tfJ ^' I'l-. a =lii %ii a u £ £ ^ £ g 5^-^ ^ £ ^ ! -H i^ ,^ ^ cr. Tf t^ (M CO CO 1 )-« ODOOOOCt^t^OiOlO O QOcnccocMocooGCGOc;! 3S td X eS i. -s u K U X u o U JDCO ^2 3-H 03 05 ■gCD H ;-- . CO QJ gx . in; s*^ C_M^' ^ a-M- ^ ;s q- IN S oil J 42^ ■» •^^ • ^to o H - Q B- 3 Z ■< < tD < % o »t SO o 5 'i' O K g- -^ <; s ^'^6 ^ 1908] Statistics. — Utah. 419 & in Id 3 t U < < in 'I'Q i° ■»"■¥ lOOOOOOQOOO CI o o »o «3 S r-T Zr spunj[ luauijsaAui ooooooocoo Ajjadojj o oooooooco £2 o- oT CO c i> CO 1-H —' * q3inH3jo uoijoajg 3}E(j gc ocosccsca «:o ~~0-. -0--0: •313 'AjElBg o c o "C o c c oc ooct^iccc cc (M C C ^^t^ »C CO cc 00 ajnnpuadxg araojj cc c ?■) C C- c oc c5 CO c iM :£o -< CO CI Id td y b U Z u o I^IOX o: c cc i-O' o ■* cc »o IN c O coo C: t z B 1 ! i SJsqiusi^ lOOiCOCC; ococ CJiOt^'Ot^-i-O'f'OCOtC -H .w —1 CO CI i-i c -o c u a *n 3 CO 1 )r. K. p. Mills, Mrs. F. W. Hoyt, Miss Lucy B. Davis, Mrs. Nellie H. Diehl, F. A. Timbv," L. H. Page,''' Chas. A. Broadus, Rev. R. S. Nickerson, Miss M. Alice Lsely, 1 Id s .S CO ■£^cd~ m fcH *n Cl u C "^ oa j3 aj*^ ,- •-'i-j -5^ •• o t^ 5 S S ^ F^ M ►^'-^ 2 r-< ■a M C .£ o s:-i o m M -r .2 a ■a 3 o o aj c H ,::|o|' « « aj H .3 s .i |.S -CO O "TJiO'O «»> «2 Oi-gel^- o -fC _,«© .a 4) G^r. g^ V in « . c >i: nt B cr. ^ '- «© o 2 c o 0) K t- O-m-5 § en 420 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 fe ii 00000300iOO>Oii:)L'3oC10iOiOOCOOOOiOiOO»OOOCJOt>-<-<0»0 1-ltD rt (N C^ 1-1 rt (N rt^CO 1-1 1-1 OOOO-^OOO IM to-* (M OO O Oi lOOOO'^rtOOCCOi-iO 0(N0 OOOOOOCO OOCCdrt^iCOrtCKNWOOfOOOtNOOOOOOO -^-^o OM(NOC0t>.OC.i0Tfi-^OOO-^C0OiO'Ci0^00'OC0MCCi(N»OC0i0 00t^(N1^O»0OC0.< i--rri J? ^ $ S M c& ^ g ti^j? cj OS WW xn aro t^_io o_c_^o_^o_ o_c_>.j o_o_o_o_o_o_o_ CiO~-*'cro'"oo"o'"t^'"tO 10 MO O'-H CS-^'iO im'oo"(N CC lM'- 1>. 000 000000 00^ 0(M»010>00 OIQOCO lOOCOCOMN Si3qU13I^ 030eoioioo c^i o'O'+coo'O'^oioiNOiooiOoooiooocoooioco C0(N(N»OMiO CO O-*OOI^C0rtOOO^" " (M ■<*i-Hb.o CO 00'-i'*t^OI>cDc0C-lC:cO lO-tiooOcOOiOO-^OOOiO COCO'-HTttcOCOt^t^'OiOIMt^^ TtTcfeo" tH i-T .2 Ot^OO--<»0"*(MC:C0Ot^lM lO f-H >0 t^ iM O t^ Crs O IM O Tf -H -H^ IN (N_'f t^ CO iH rH (M oO'Mr^r^coiN-^OcO'fNOco OCOt-iO-* C000i-i-^000000»000 00 W (U oo-*oo»o lOCDt^CO^Oi-HOOOOTl*-*-* — 0) o OOOOOCD ,-iOiCC:iOC0>OC0C0OiCC0^O'0^2OOOC0T-iOQ0C0>C too ^ K> CO C0C0C0»O(N^--< (M.-'CD '^'OCO CO rH looooiocoo -•#orococo^(MoocoiM'--(NiNOi^cogoaicoco»ccoo>oo ;5^o IN -H 1-HCO rtS oor3io--io r>.0'-Hcoiocoiot>.«cooeo»ooot^'-iiNt^oo(NOOcooo 00 s% CO rHoo-H(Nco r-t cox in O (M N tH r-( ■*Ot^l:~-'00-*iOO'-i»OOi'^Cc-H(Z) r^oo.-'Oioooooi'OiN^'Hooooo^o oor^ooocor-- ooio ^^^5^^^ Ub:^(MiOOiN05l>COOOOrt<^tOTtro - . o ccn » S 3 3 3 g a c: a: u iR rt c3 ^- == r^'—T O ;c^Sr; HOt^ (N ,-H (N T-i .-1 rt rt IN „ r^ rH (0000000(N(N»00(N>--I'*(N--hO(NOO rtO'^CO^OOOOOOCOOOCOCvlO-HOO COO!CO'-lCOrtCO'HrtCi-lt^OCO',-lC<5,-(rtrt rHOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO— lOOOO— lOOOO'^OOOOOOO ■*(£)rt^O^-^OrtTtirtri(OCrtOOt^'-^ t^ rH CO ^ i CO (N C. t^ tv. 1 1-; •« .o §-> H^-S ^ Sec ii_5j '-5 -S-? O ^fe^ OJ o 5 t- o CI OS 5 fa ^ Q^ ^ K* ^ ffi C W irlC ^ — ■ t-. bC o sj o to" go — ■ - S fe " ^^ao rT' .^ V ^S- 3i_i o 03 w f^ 3 a-^S ^-«,^-i f^ t4a .^ go ■faPQco H o ci - 03 c3 oj.t: 03 5g » 03 It L- fi) as y 15 CO.; H-] flfa 0.3 4J a ^ — 71 • ^ 73 ^ O) 1^ t. 03 :tfcK CSS >i o3 t. "S !- .- 03 O W>coc3>^SeStco3 -c , O) t, o U ^ ►^ _. i_ -. i-" ) rH lO Ol 00 ) O O 05 0 ) 00 OJt^oo Tti ■* lO (M 03 00 ># o 05 00 t^ oo Ol t^ t^ CO iM t^OO O (NC 00 001 I CIO ) r~ 00 (M r^ •* t^ 00 05 C5 O M «5 O t>- t^ 00 t^ C/D 00 t^ lO O "-H COOO r^ 00 X X I^ 03 O lOCO Ol CO O X o CO CO '^ lO CO M t^ t^ CO rt 01 05 XX 1^ o KG q; q; _c3 bfl W) ^■^ a s^d o3 03 o3 o3 03 -C OOOOOO O c3 t-"d mj3 o3-S^ C— ^ o a o is 5-D tf ^^^^■q O O O S * ^ <^ O O 3 3-3 C » OOOOOOOOOQCQQ QQGHWH fa fa b rt a; a • Qj t; 03 (u fafaCC 1908] Statistics. — Vermont. 423 o ^ _3CL, >u : V in 1 n ii l« " ooooooooooooooooooooocco ogoooooooor-oooo «©00 O O 0»0i0"5 O OOOOOOOOOMOCOOOOOOOOCOOO OO "3 0 ON o o o ooooo "3 W^ '^*~~., '^•"^ C5 O U3 lOCOXOM o o OO OO r- 1 iC O ^ O lO C — Lt ^ l-T tC * tt" rt rf -^r t' oi i~ Z. ~f o o OO :i 1--; CD CO rC3 CO O C-l M "^ ^ K ro X CO CO iC iC CO l^MCO'lN .2 OOO OiOO O COOOO-* OO OOiO ■MMOIOOOOOCOOO 10 O CO lO'-iOJOCOXXOCO'OCD NN tH OOOO O O OOOOO OO O OOOOOOO »CO OOO OO COOI^O OO lOiOOCOO OOt^t^OJOCOOM'ONiO^iOOCO 1-iiOOt^OliO 0-3 i5 K§ Om ss O -H O © O "O O i-"^ 1^ "t 'O O >— I o o ocooicooiocooc-i-f'HCOOc:; Cst^O'-H^-Ht^TfOOMO.-i-^OCO l^iOO-rOQOOiOO'OOOOCO OOOt-^LO'tC: O COC-)O^OC^lCOCOtOCOG:'Oir--.iO OMOOiOiOO o (NOOOC^O— catOJO^INtDCO C^t--C0C>3N^C0 'i^ (MiOCO(Nt^OOOTt<(MlOCO>OOOGCO lO O IN © r-( (^ CI -# •^ 05 lO iH tv. TjH <-.i0t^I-00O00lNf-ib.C0 CO^(NCOC>)COOOO C0»O>-H»tii-l(NrtC0COrt!O'M03 r^ CO c^i rt N r» c^ th c^i CONCOClOt^-^COOcocCt^ — -HO 0-ti>-H .-' t^ (N to CO --< <-< CO M OCO^OfOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^OO t^l^t^OOOONCOtOI^iNNCOO »00'*COC^ffiCOO'.OC:r-C0C^)iCOt0 COCOC-l PI ■"T"-'* C^OiO t-^IN rtjoioOOO-tt^OiC-HCOOOcO M^- ^s -o ■So -i "^ In 5- fa « S 'i'nx'^ 9 X. '?''~- 0.2. o~z ci — D-c:SC;. ■o^ t, +^ o ^ — ^ t>I ^ *t^ ^ _5 ; feH gtor Coll idg( idg .on, i; :^ 'S S a m c3 liario ticlse aren 3 « « * o3 oJJ3 CQ oooooo OOOO o-r r OO IS a_2^-r >>-S O b £ »2 d Qj o OOOQQQD ■as. ^ ^ "■ S 3 X 53 QGQwaa a 1-53 '^ At I— ( rt) -3 a ' to ^ -7"-r rt M 7Z. 2 CO 424 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 "JONiOOOOOiOOiOiOCHOLOOOOOOiOiOOlOiO COt--t^>CO'OiO>OiC>-0 0000 "*O-HOOO0qi>OO^I>OOOOOOt^OC^(NOC<5OOOC«5OOCJ'MOOO(NOt0O r^ 1-1 o (N o IN o»o oooooor-T-ic^(Mrti-(Or-ioc;ooooooO'-i'*ooo^ooo ®C^OC^OO.-iGO-*iOWO(NINOC<300-*OiOMiOCC(Nt^OOOCOC«0>Oi--it^Tt<(NrtC<3t^O>^ !-,-: §^ 5 c - t. T! 3 ai C 9 3 ^^ csi ffl ^^ K ec rt >> "a! r-1 h ei 2 2 rt c -■-3 --r s3'3 I S g ^"^ .oc 11 b.J ^ .pi • X>^ o 2'^ fl 0^ -w ■oCESS = 02 o3^^ o ^:i; M oTW I oj u t; " ~* "■ ^•^ 5;-32 § 0::3 i^ o '^ i CC C3 03 CC CO CO - t- OJ 03 S-" *" ^ -.5 o ■ a, Oi r^ ^ ^ ^ T, -rT J? r^ -^ r_ I— ^ r^ til C^ "^ S ''^ 03 0; (U.r fU ^ Hi T! '^^ i^'6 ^|S:5^?^P5 .C>-.H. 3 tj S cj ^_; ^ I/.' (/-' "^ wj J. J- • 10 lO ) t^ 00 Tt^ Oi Cl O 03 03 00 1^ 00 CO Tt< oo cot . rl CO t^ : o; W -H ; t^ X X t^ O CO t^ O CO (X OiCC CO CO M rHOO GO CO 00 i-H r^ OO OD © ■* iX> o o (MOO t^ O © C» t^ t^ 00 t^ O^ CO OC O lO r^ X GO go ^ 3 o s'fr-H >=- fl a;^23'g 00C3000W d.SP.S O 3 >, K H-l HH Ph W fC - O _ >-i(N 1 3 -.2 ° 2 J 03 c -t^ r g-x. C3 O fe > o - -a >. >>>^- 0) ^■t.S a ^-^ a ^ ;-; Q O O 3 3 ►i; fci! J J J J iJ 0) oj ■3!^ ^3 « 5^ ^ o OCJO OOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOO ooo OOOO OOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOOiOOOOOOOO OOOOiO'i;iOiOOOOOCOiOO!MOiOu'3ioOOO'Ot^ e a. o X KM co»ot---^cO'-<'Oooo3rt-ioo3(MOi-iooio'Oco«; CO'tiM-*'0'OOSIM04CO't-*lOOO«30COiOOOOr-CO'Oa)fO't-*02»OINt>.iOt^.-IOOO". o ^ .-I rH '-H 00000000~OOOOOOOOCOOOOOO OOirtOOOOOOOOOCO inOOOO>0OOOOOi--;oO--'C-000»OOC>-COt~- (N-<*»Ot>COOOt^lMiOiOiOt^O e© H— )- ^- •<- -I- -t-rt" "'"■'" i-T .-("■'""'"i-r 'COO!Mr^a^O0;OiOO^OOCO'00'OOr^OiO^O»000'--'0 00 'OOiCT:fH'Mt~^0^^0'Ot^CC'MOO'0-*iOO-*OOCOO (MO'NMOOOC'IMCOOCCO'OO ociCt-iximco— '-^occt^iMcocNiocooct^ajo t-^co iq^i-H i-H (M CO i-H^LT w io_a) i^_t- (m o_o co »COOOCOt^(Nr^'-iO-. i0O"0i00i0lNtOO0pOb- t^O»0-^0>OOMO'NMt^OO'^'CO-*OOMiOOrtOOOO»COO'*OOi-iOO'-0 IN IN io'»O~00''j<. o . --< --i (N * ■* * -of OOO'*'OINOOOOOOOO-*OO-HiCrtOC0Ot^OOOOOO-*OOOOO00'O'-^ COOIN'^OC^HOOOOOO'tOiNO-^O^rHOOCOeOCOONOOt^OININOCOOOCOOiO l-H I-H N r-t iH IN IN t~- E S o— — y SSi -> I £ j3°?|COOOOOr-(iocOOCOOOOOcOONOOCOt^t^O»OOOOOCi00050iiNOiOOi-iOC5 > Um;«^ rt ,j< ^^ ^ ^ •- C COOOOOOiNOOCOOiN-^OWO'OiOOINO-t^OiOOOOOOOOt^OOOOOOO'O V ^ \m ^ .!2«© T-l r-liHIN(N o2 OOOOiOOCOiOiNC/. 't00-<*"OOO-^00NOiMOC0iOOc0»0OI^»000Oi0t^C<105'*Ol'-iO Xi-OOOINeOC^IIN— 'Xt^i-nCC0t^OO'^CDOt^"*00t^ CO'ft-'COOCOCDCO'-i-^'-iCOOOi r-l-Hi— C .— I-J ,-!,— 1,-| IN I— (i-li— li— IT-H Oh , ciXi ice ' ■C,^H !^.S cK i-^§ rt rt rt s:^' :2^§2Sn:S-<^^4^ II cj^Coj'-'K'-lr/: S!- ii ^-u ■is-^t; P^S^^K S S g ;0 d rt ^ >SK > ci ^ ■ . o '- s3 o I- a; o • - ' 1^1 9 -S ;00 — ^-^ cow op t" ^-T^. e3 o ;Ch - 3-3 5-3 .. _ ^ = S S13 -.3 O 3 1-5 h-» -5;:; a) o O 3 3 >> >^2 kS ^2 ^2 c ;s 2 426 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 COi-HiCOOOOOi-OO OOCOOrtO(NTt0203cco-*(N-^t^»oro »ocoot^coiorO'-it^i-.t-~iy;coofo-* CO .-H rt 1-1 rt rt rH rt rt (N i-H rt -^ N Ot^OOi-iOOINOiO OOOtJI O 00 O ^ i-h O O O O ■* O O O O r^ O O O (N (N O rHiO Tt< Ot^O-^COi-KNOOt^ OOt^r^O'*OCOOfOMCOOM»CCOO ThOOOC^OOi-iC^INeoO CDr-i-^C0^iCC0'*»0(M(Nr-iOO0i^'*O0CrtC^ONrti -tiOOOOWOONCOiO COi-ifNOaXOOOT-ilMC^i-iOOCO^C^OmOOOOlOC 0(NO-<*<»0'-iNOOCO 00(N010»OCO'^-, m m m bjD oT^ w ^ — 3-^.S' . g'^ o o o:3 S OK 03 .1-5 ;g H § ^ g gssffi§_ffi§ Q g ^ :g o c C F^.2^ zi ■^ 'Ji* ^7= 0;- » J 7J .2 §.2- §Pg :a M§H 3 Si- rs 6g( C2 =- S 5S 2 §i >.1^ c3 03 aj m Qj fc- d OS 03 oj 0) a> CQP OP-i"E C^[^ .-H O IMOCO OOGO ccoo t^ 1^ -t 1^ ' 00 t^ t^ c 03 CO o: —I ^ r^ 00 'X . . GOcot^t^cot^xccit^i-i-^xi>ooajr^x 1 ■* t^ CO 10300 ■^ Oi CO X O X t^ I- i^ 02 o . CO X " X l> t I X CO ■ I X 1^ 1 ) X r^ ; CO CO .-I c XOO( r^ o.' X c ) t^ X CO ) I^ CO X ) t^ X 1^ X 02 CO xxo t^ X X 0) p o c 3 !*. 3 2 5-g o M a d 2 o - 1 a a u I-, f ^ ^ Su c g > ^ o t. t^ ce a OS'S® ^ffl iS M o S -o3u^2S- '•'^^Po-tiSS OJ ■©.-.- .2 O O O O i. 3 s ts pL,pL,pL,CL,pLieHMi,&,^p-, cypi .2.=r o o o O 2 Oi 1908] Statistics. — Vermont. 427 ■^-1 ^■^ l« i >:l in H J OS- < > 'rt ' a >u < J= V m <-^u3 ^ >> a a "a " C/3 OOO'OOOOOOOOCOOOOOCCOOCOOOCCCOOCOO'OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOroOOOOOOOrt-^OOOOCOOOOOOOOO OOOiraOOOOOOO OO lOOOM o S lo (N r^ iw r-_o^(N (N_» «c cD_ ©as o_c<^ oo CO CO c-iOi 1-1 ■^ . .XC<5i-iCOCOOOX-*Tt(XM050iTHMr~iOCOOrti-i0100C;(M-* ° MO^OiOMMpp£0;7i;jf':jf';jt^ -t< O lO -H I- -i< O 0^ -H t-- O O LO g CO M c ^ (N^-H ^'§|2coio^§^^'0'*coo'0'*'Ct^cooi©oaoi-*>-o^^ o)_^tih cc oj- -t e r: 1-1 .-I CO gS'^'^i^'^^^Kc/-* 'OrH ^ o .M toco ^ ---w o__ gOOO«0(NC;^U5g;tOOM^JOOgOO®OOOOOg;OOOOgO^OiOr1r.OCO^«5 'cooOO ■*C0O»0'*^OOCT)OOt^O(N^(NiMOOOOOO-*a0iCO>0OC0OWOOJ;- aaoj CO tH^ 1-1 i-ii-Hrt 1-1 (N ^i-noc-* pS OiOi-iOOOOlCOOOOi-fOOTtHOOINOt^CiOWCOOCOOOOlI^OINOGOOiO^OO [3 roMiOiO-^i-HtO lOrH ■*Q0i-''-*'i-MO g fMiolMinini-itDiNtS'-iCiCO'iS'^CTiCOOOOCtOOO^-Oi C0t0COC0C0Ot^OtDOO00i*O g^ '2S^^C^Oe0'0 ■-=> ^ Ol 0< COO tOOCOOOO'*OiO»OrHO(NOOO^'00;3; Si-H CO (N "* (N 1-1 ^lO CO OCCO tcO(NO'0»0000(NOOOOOiOQOOO'0 0-#0'*X-*0»OCt^OG0050(M a&.-(CO'-l'-< IM "-I '"' 1-it^CO r^cOQO «^(MtOC»C5CSi-ii-ii-COO(NOOOO00»0 -fOOOOINOiOOi-iTtHO^-OOCCiMCOuoOtOiO SM»occoiocco cotoc5tEi^to-*Tfxto'cicoto NCO.-<'-i(N'-^^C■. cs "^ ^.-t; -/I — ;- o 9 Onn . J ^i^ ft >; Ph ► X — >- = . O rX,2 u o ^ •Tj > S &,0 -702 >-.&H KCeiCKC «-: 73 K 5 o E t. = 0 a;i -= cd£?E| "^iifc^'-t^SisJ^ liO4J00l.u,ci § s SSZ ZZ^ZISOGt, . U 3 » X ;-. a cj.-.-iJ OlCHd-CHO, ^i5 -1 <-i t"^ P-iFM 6-:: ^ S pL, Ph Pli Ph C?ffi t: n J3 : 0)^ --3 CIS "S ~< ^ 428 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 E Cb <— * c fc -o <; d H Q U > a! O s III J " .^ Q Q o' U i H J < u ^ <; U) o H (^ rt S -o u T3 o K U H p rt Z 2; S g fi III u :?: eJo O a (A % bi o a H » X O COcOt^t^OOJOOCOOOSfNOcai^CJ uJ Oa5IN(NOi0OOOOOOC«3OO OI>OOOOOOOOOOi-iOC«3000(NOOOO OC^O(NOOOOOOO'-i-*C^C O'-iOOr-iOO'-tOO'-iOC^i-ieO'-iOCOOOOOO t0-HrH«C000>-(i-ii-c*OtNCri0»O O.-lt^OC0CC0rH-*,-l(NC0^'-l(NC0O.--iC003-*0<-i 0(NCCOOCOO'-iOCO o w 3^ ,'rnU^ ^ oTkJ 9 ^ ow 5"^ .K_g_^^_, S-C 3 C d o3 (L— «= :§itf N^ j; -1^ bc=: =: — ~'7 v- >5 r£ 01 ^ 2 0.2 3" . _0 ,0 > Oi g M K -ef* ^ J fs tT tr> -^ |||i|si|t vj S 0).-. ^in^ci; ^|'<^>^ cS > cd > — 0) o c OJtr o aj oj q -j^, M^ t. r ej 5 S o ^a ass tc ri > M > ;- Qj O t- q; ^^^^ ■ b£ ii g 2 J _sc jt K X 5;! -5 g^- «3« o H.^o ■43 o o jj C- P5 h4 = _§&« tc aJ c3 ryj j3 _M 5 2 £3k 0»0 C0O2 ) COSOt^OOt^t^XOO ^ ^ CO CO 01 o t^ t^ t^ CO t^co r^ X X CO 1^ Tf .-H CO t^ CO O O O X 05 X X t^ r- t^ C^l CO CO Oi O Ci t^ X l^ lO -H X X o en X X (^ toco LO 03 (N r^ X cot^ § 0 WcE ^ o .2 t^ "3 ci CCGO 6 ° 22' (S'o ^ J. .gs ■:5 ti-c rS a; -T" 'Ari \A ^ 3 .5 O D.«^ „ b tH O fc coccH ■=k -a So- O 0 ,3 o "Ji o !- H "he^5>>^^ ^^^^ o3 « 19081 Statistics. — Vermont. 429 o X OOOOCOOOCOOO CCOCC coco OOCCCOOOCOOOwOOOO «^ o o o o 10 O o >— I to -r OOOOOOOOO o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOiOOOO "OOOOOOOOO OO O O O U5 O O -^ O .>OC>)0 o tOiO 00«510C1 t^ C«305 (NCCn-i (M CO 1-H lO iHCO i-H ^ (Nt^ COiO oooooooooooo oooooooooooio "O^ o_ o__ o__ o_ o__ o^ o__ O^ O^ C (N in" o" o" o" o cT ■0(MOOiOO (NiOGOOOC lO ,-( O C3 (M 05 iM (M O lO O ■^C^lO'-i'OO O^-hO o OOO'OC'-HOOOOCOCOOCit^ONOOOC'OO'OO OiOOiOOMCCOOCCiOO-fC^l-t'OOK^iOCOt^OOt^OlO lOO-HOOI-^COt^I^OOlfO'-iI^OiNOOt^.M'OOiOCOCOi-i t^— iiO0000»OO0:C5iO»0iN ■* O lO ■* ■* O --I X ■^'O GO 0>-HCOGOOCOGOiO-*iOiMXCiOr^XC50?Ot^C«5rOCOiO'-i'-l 1-H i-H M T-i ocooimococo^o;doo K» CO r-H IC lO "-I C.0 0-HOO -^ O OC •* (N C-) €^ CO CO ■*0'^00'-iO>OOC-)C^01t^O'*OiOOOO a&OOJ^'^iO (NCOCO 'ti CO O rri ■* »0 »0 .gSr--p^di5 -■ t^ , — , o , — — w' a; t- O O ^ ■ --, CJ ci t- O S- K*" »■■ ci ■/-■ w cj cj j; cs ci s jr; > "x; :;; 5 "> " ^^ -. P.HJ3 i:^' Hi 2: o o.O; ■ -■ "^ ^ ■- s^as :^ S3 cU CCCQ a g § S ^ o cj u oj o C ■J-i C o St) J^ a^ ID O Uj - -^ Z "2 ■' ^ =s =« ^-5 J2 o >- '-' ^"O u (1) D ^ o3 c3 cj 430 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 COOCO^OOOOiNOi-iOCO'-iOOOOl'-icDO OO'^OiOtNCJi-iOOCOrtOi-iOi-iOOOOOO COOOiOCO?MOOOO<»0(MO.iOCv:OCiDi0iO'*Tfl>^ 01-*C^tMCOOii-H(MO(N'OCOiOi-i(M'^COOOiMT-HCOIM t-. tNiMt^Clr-iO;(Z;CO.-i(MiOC)C2t^XC3t^^3!SS^ !(NO''jTtNOO oo oooco ooocooopp pp Mi: o . <: S e 1^ i-r ►-) • SiS ^ ^ 53 CO .•:: ^ ^ u _aj — ^ a - "^ c e ^ ^ -^ W)g_£ " .5 o3 o3 >ss w acQ O g ^ C-. M cS o5 ri t- G. t- O §G§G bJt O O.n: 2 S :3 o >. ill's £b^^ -- . S3 Cfj y^ (^ o3 03 o3 O ^ , CJ 00 (M O 00 < CO -*0 rH C 00 00 00 00 c i :o o CO ) O Oi t^ • t/D t^ 1^ ■<* o; CO lo o C5 c; CO Oi o t^ t^ 00 t^ ^ lO uo cc 00 xi^ o 00 lo rt -^ CO -Ht^OOlM to f*, s "a i^ SF.-fl o 2 S w) i ^'-^ ■ 3 C. Si ' i$ .s.- O o o o o o -e.o 0.2 0:3 I "* .0 0) ID B •= to ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ■-< «; +^ CI 4) ■^02 -I-' 01 »3 to ' 1-1 * O CO ■m w toO P o P-, a w ^ . « 1 5 a w H M d !^ o 0, g g u "^^ < -!■ t3 o M_.-g .- =* t;'5 33 t; o tu-g ft^f-t p -o " '^ s a o a-oi jX 00 C fU -"TJ WJtC ^ I -= 5 »r H '2 da o H a o £ -= § g o « S " o 2 ;^ 6 S IS StaMstics. — Vermont. 431 ►5 3 >d E g- o X KM o QOOO(NOt^OON CT-^ CO 02 t^ lO CI C 9%0C M"*-^ o -t< tH rt lO -H -H ^ coojo CO OCOi-HiOOOOOOiOt-iOOlCOOlM oot^o Ot^OO'OiMOCOOt^OO'-icoOOO-^CO ooooo J^ 0«COCt^»0«)OOC^OOi03t^OMOt^ OOiOO ks OcS pS OOOOOQOOOO-*OOOOOOOOOOt^O o looooo tri i»o o »c ooo r- ooooo oooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOCO-OOOOOOOIOO* OiOCOOIO'OOOOOiOiCiCOiOOiOOOO'-iO |^(MTj(coO'Cr---^03000i-i03C~)0"t(MOOOOC<5(MOO fO-*>pO;^£OC^ip5MQOTt<;^a);^coa)po>CO£Ot^p oooooooo oooooocooooo ooioooooio oMooiooocoocog 0(MCO'0^»«0'*'C<3 lO O CO 00 C^ «0 •^ 00 "J >o M"* io-*0t^OOi005INC0--<'0-*OiCO»0'*i0C0r^CpO ^Ot-1 o-^S5'-'-^(NCC>0»0(MfOCOt>-0'-<'-' C^ •0 1M1-1.-1 5D'-i (N.-<.-i»-i ■* O iC W O «0 >-hO 10 fOOO t^ M 0(N "5 "O O O O O t^ O O »COO CO 050 O OfO lO (N 01^ »0 CO O O OOCTiO 5K ■*^ ^ cs a a r"5 tT !* 2 ft ■KpQ 3^ Koii; O) a> cj oj 2-2 . Q - >^-^-, u Ctf- ■-"l^ *:r 5 c 5 K -^^ [f •is +^ C t, E ^ >- r- j2:t::7:r:r:;.y.s.3 o 0 o o r^^'s^^^^m^ S^ c cS'B Wo! ..o .-^^^ 0 ^ jj-^ o oc^-£3Ph ^ oq. O "5 c— . St; « So e4^ fcio C 01 to tC ^ ■-gio io C5?5 1^0 30 o ts lo^ (N (Id ^ to 3 >- o>< t P^:; .2.2 o o ry) » ;^ CO " ^ 0) >-.CO GO 10 9& ,-^ CO XD^GO L_| 00 P3 ^ . i(« (N CO O) 3-5 O (M bC ( _£'3V3 ^ C •-. IS.2 00 5 ifM .3 « n >. O 01 o e ■ r?-^; »3 5.2KSc ^"C S S i 3. H ... Oh .. |:iO X w P5 CO lO (N H v. >-- IXNCO -f. S co""<^l°l a w M r! 2 o 3 0! U> o 432 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 CHURCHES IN VERMONT UNITED IN SUPPORT OF A PASTOR. Church. United with Ascutneyville Claremont, N. H. Athens (M. E. Ch.) Cambridgeport. Berkshire, East Montgomery. Braintree, East Braintree, 1st. Braintree, 1st Braintree, East. Brookfield, 1st Brookfield, 2d. Brookfield, 2d Brookfield, 1st. Brookfield, East Williamstown. Burke, East Burke, 2d. Burke, 2d Burke, East. Cambridgeport Athens (M. E. Ch.). Ca.stleton M. E. Ch. (Federation). Charleston, East Morgan. Claremont, N. H Ascutneyville. Corinth (M. E. Ch.) Vershire. Dover Wilmington. Duxbury Moretown (M. E. Ch.). Fairfield Fairfield, East. Fairfield, East Fairfield. Fairlee Piermont, N. H. Gaysville Pittsfield. Highgate Swanton. Holland Rock Island, Que. Jeffersonvillc Waterville. Jericho, 2d , Underhill. Leicester Whiting. Ludlow Tyson. Milton, West M. E. Ch., Milton. Montgomery Berkshire, East. Moretown (M. E. Ch.) Duxbury. Morgan Charleston, East. Pawlet, West Rupert. Piermont, N. H Fairlee. Post Mills West Fairlee. Pittsfield Gaysville. Proctor, Swedish Rutland Center, Swedish. Randolph Center M. E. Ch. (Federation). Rupert Pawlet, West. Rock Island, Que Holland. Rutland Center, Swedish Proctor, Swedish. Salisbury SaHsbury West (M. E. Ch.). Salisbury, West (M. E. Ch.) Salisbury. Swanton Highgate. Thetford Thetford, North. Thetford, North Thetford. Troy Westfield. Tyson Ludlow. Underhill Jericho, 2d. Vershire M. E. Ch., Corinth. Wallingford Wallingford, South. Wallingford, South Wallingford. Wardsboro, South 7 M. E. Ch., Wardsboro. Wardsboro (M. E. Ch.) Wardsboro, South. Waterford Waterford, Lower. Waterford, Lower Waterford. 1908] Statistics. — Vermont. 433 Church. United with Water ville Jefferson ville. Weathersfield, 1st Weathersfield, East. Weathersfield, East ....... 7 ... . Weathersfield, 1st. West Fairlee Post Mills. Westfield ; ." ; 7 . . . . Troy. Wliiting Leicester. WilliamstowTi Broolifield, East. Williston • M. E. Ch (Federation). Wilinius'tou Dover. 434 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 « •*MO ^ b "JC^I"** "A ^■ "OC^COO c oT i. d < CO ■d oooo c3 < u o o M'*iO(N -u H «2 - c3 s OOOO W > o s b) K PJ J (NINCCCI :3 rt(N(NO S' x»oo-* ">> Q _^ [3 »J CO •'J'O (N 0 'H iO.-iO(N < U ori J3 T*<(NOO i-H ^n [/I OCO »0 05 "fc. K 6 OCCt^-* o n s H "^ 2; 00^- tot^ o s pS' ■* CO-* (N {^ JC • M vC 01(M s lOIN (N(N •T3 i^ rt r^f^ (^ b poop •d 'ti 10 »0 03 3 ocox 00 [O o - - - ^ c3 0) t^ +> ^ V s: t-j t/1 o" bC a .-^ s ^ u s gi z 3iO ^ s c3 esZ^ . o c3 :j:^ 0 y" :!^sb o tT '3 CO Jz , 03 GJ Cj d" •-5 i^^ ^ V 3 C" >1 LI iz; -^tf S a 0) 3d tio 00 CO CO lO ,•-5 05t-~ too CO o 00 00 00 CI ■w -(3 iS td o 4) ■jO X H O u ■y - X u O m fliS ■^V, W)=3 >- t. U &1 (U c3^ O ■c< mfeWPn (N^ --H ;z;<2 Ut ^H- 1 So pi ■? Eh -3 •J- tn oo , at: <^ K Id u 1 1 o . ; C 'A M 2 a td X u CA D X u o a o >. a 00 oc a" P tr o.S 05 (h ^ ^na 1908] Statistics. — Virginia; West Virginia. 435 i in Id s < > < < iqaa JO iinv spunj )U3UI)S9AU^ $0 $500 0 300 0 156 0 700 Xjjadoij *S1,000 *3,000 5,000 *9,000 UOIJ3315J 3JBQ Ot^t^O •3^3 'AjBlEg OOOO >ooo>o l>-t^00O 9Jn)ipu3dx;3 9UI0JJ $350 1,761 719 1,400 i U b U Z HI n le'OX (NO^CO SaiJliBlJQ J311JO COOINO piVl.Jsjsiuij^ IN05OC0 ^ (N •30S qnjpuB OO^O uoncpossv OMOC SUOISSI}^ o>coo •2pia M^JiqD ■*t^OO uoiiE3np3 O-iOO suoissij^ OiO^O OOOOO o o s u < Q z 3 Sisqius}^ •<*H CO iC a •a c «j c 'C a a t/3 Geo. Mancos, R. G. Nourse, Arthur Rohb, S. Clerburn Browne, U X u K X U « Begonia, Falls Church, Herndon, Portsmouth , -- r<=i OS ^•s b (M«e V3 S a -a S "^^ ^ a« y—t 3 aj m -^ n bO ,d SAT S IS5 >> m js o 9 > a" IN '3.-2 d ■'« w £ a <; * £ 3 a*Jw" o uK «■; S w .2i1 a"^ ..5Pvr o ita £ a o .::iM CD -^ o o ^-'.S 3 K i„ o S O ° 3 «© ^ 6 ;^ ^ - § o 2 a 0 y J^ O n <: S K a "Of hTJ s <5 g s^a -^ U O o^ 5; u in a < jqaa JO juiy 00 spunj )U3U11S3Aiq 00 00 00 ICO e© < a z a saaquis]^ '5p - ^1 03 . a' 0 -§■2 a i 0 c 'C u a a CO X X U S s -H "3 Sr-0 "3 a'" •- -a2 ■ D- - ^ 0) a w S S £ oS § ? o 1^ S 03 "^ «#.- O 73 .-<— I S o s^ a 0) ^ ^.20 a .. 5 m 2 ^S"© IN rOQ > S , raco .2 a^ * .2 § wa tJ en a 3 •• £"3c;o* w 3eQ«© P""^ a"" o 6 — .S o 2 a->> E H.2 5s cu i^ -^ a '^ a g_2 436 'Congregational Year-Book. fl908 >-iCDW-r"S. o O rt rt O Tt< O « .-1 -H (NlOOr-HOOCOOOCOCOrHdCOtNOO l-H (N »Ot-icCiO o o o^ooooooo OOt^i-iOOOOOOOCOOOOOO .-H^OO o o ^>0(MOOOC0OOMC^t^r-H(N>-lOO I^OtCO "^ o OOtHOOOOO-* '-lO.-lOOOOOOrt^r-XC0(NCDCO-*iOCliOOll>«3I^00t^00 ^COCO .-H rH 03 IM CO r-H ,-( lOr^ lO CO t^ Tt Til rtXoo^■5^:^lOo^co rHOC r-.-^GOO-^t^MOh-^t^OCOOJOO-^CO -H C<^^r-^^ lO rH ^ CO CO C CO ^ •* (N (N CO p CO p pppp pppp (MO CO I^ CO CO t^ t^ CO t^ (M CD CO CO CO pp p ppp pp pp pp ppp t^ Tt( CO lO pppp t^ fc- >-, > '^mOk: o3'o5 §-3 ' "^ '*" !-I , • V O tT S " r/^ • -: l-l <: CE r -■ ^ "IJ ,^ 32 - 0/ J-T3 . ?: 5 4) fc. ::i: cW Sin ^ ft! ? C g s. Elizabc s. C. P. B s. J. U. C omas S. J s. Ida R. orge Artl ward Col gli Marti Uiara A. §^s i S 3 " a '^ n '-5 ► ^ . o'-'JS' m C3 32 to - «^ ^ «!!; S>-)^ c3 O 3 s s„- ^ "OS'S a; :'z l-H S ;s sscs ti O (N CO CO CO O t^ 't' O CO -^ <7 oiot^ooat^ooooi O COOOOOOOOJGCQOOCTjOiCO CO CO WCO 00 00 o t^ o c 00 CO C?5 02 CO 00 00 00 !>lO CO o o o 00 00 00 ^C5CD O xt^oo c; 00 00 00 X CO t^ o t^ t^ CiXXXX ^CO o 05 O X xox W C. Ol CO X X y.' o XXX 03 .5 S"— O > C L4 CJ -fj >•. r. ^- s "Sb -^' Q .t: .0) 1) o o" ;; 53 c3 0) aj =3 S ID U rti ^-1 rr o ' to di O* D c3 CO — -So"© o^ «5 M ^-3 SMMoOOQOOOOOdQDOQHHHa "5).2 S_^ >, °p-2 1908] Statistics. — Washington. 437 'va j° ■'"'V spunj JU3U1JS3AUJ •3J3 'Xje|bc; ajnjipnsdxg lE'oX S3HiJEq3 ■ iamo P?V I,J"5iui j^ •DOg 'qnj puc uoijEioossy SUOISSIJ^ •3pia H3Jnq3 noijEonpg suoissip^ u3J3iOJ •ui3i\[ 'sauapog s,3icl03j guno;^ sisquis}^ r ^ < O oooo>ooooc cccoxcc o t^ -^ o o o o OCCOOOOOOO 'CCCC ic o o 1^ "o OOOOiOOOCO CO O O OOOOOOCOOO.OOOOO COOO ooooooooo ooo oo oo iM 00 lo "5 c; lo o ooocoooc ooooooooo oooo ooooooooooiooooooo oooo iq^0__'0^i0_'0_0 o o o_^o_^co O O lO o_c^io O O "5 iC^ ^fec '-""i-Tc^Ti-rVci'M 1-H r-T^o lo co o'eo i-T TtTi-Teo ci" * * .-I * * t^ coco OOO © O 05 0(N oo C50000000 I^ O O O 'O o o ■<1< rH CO O t^ t- O CO lO O O O O O O O OOOOOO '^MO-HOiOO'OO GOOOOOO OOOO OOiOO GOiCO o 0!0i-ioi--ot^a5oc loocor-ooooocicc' ^ O (N 1^ C<5 c; -H OCOCOOOOONiMOOO»OOCOC 00 (N to CO O O -H O ^ C/0 lO 'O t-- Q ffi o Tjit^lN Tji O C CO CD -H t^ O »0 C«t O O oc oo O t^iOO o co-^^oo CO (N ooo«ooooocoo 04 O CDCOOOl^OiOOOOOOOOOiOiOO lO " COiOi-H (N CO 00»0 05 CD t^ g o oooooocoooo OOOO 0(N OOO oo-^ooo-^o OI>OlN (N O«0i-HOOi0C000t^ -i(N'-i ^.-H S ^— " -r-S^ hnA c g t- t- CL- « S q; gOCoBO o^ s to ■jT tit . 3 3 ffiPC o ^i£ « ? S lS Cj CO fc. PL, ^^s^-aSJfe ;5^§ S K > 03 ^ (U t4 j^^ ± 5i ^C3 to C" .^ w fl flj '" 5 .H "Sc^'o ^■3 c5: s t. V oi 03 >P5 PD Mi 03 -r ' cK 01 OOOOOOOOOPPPPWHKW 438 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OCOOOCOO OTPOr-HOOO oo oo iOTfrt(M 0^*11-10000 OOOOINO COOOi-iOOi-i oo 00 -^ t-- O: ■* '3 OJ S 03 i? a" g a £ fS-sOJ ^ h-; M 1-^ M L_j !.: t/j 0 5S ;__! ^ c i-l O O 7/ C ; s:i . o 0 WS c hJ = H K-5 tit^ Pi I G :z K > tC *" 22 o u w ^ ^ K .• P . Garr Bown G.Bla Ande . Rich Garr iSon, (D c3 03 <; Spencer G Frank A. [Cuthbert Harold E. William I Spencer C [J. M. Die < ■a CQ f^fi;K ^^§£^£ Is Ih I-: oT.- ^ OhJqW > O 03 CC ^ rt CO i: >■. O <: SK' S P^ ^'• I*- 1 ^ '3 "3 .r2 CO C3 '^ C «5 CO u t- Cj , ^ t- t- ^ SQOco^SPh COCOCOCOCOrHOt^lN OOQOCROOOcnCO OOCOCCXfflOOOOOO r- iM •* 03 O 03 GO 05 QO CO C> CO c O 00 o o 02 CO 05 00 ^ ^ rt CO CO t^ O O X C. C3 o c:5 o CO 00 X 01 M O 0-1 ( O O-.' O ( 02 CO O ( I t^ CO > O 00 ) GO 00 -f CO 10 ■n' c; -t< o o o o O O O X O: 05 O O 02 X X ,-o o o3 ,1^ t- y d S ^ s --s^c ■C <1J o3 &-S'^ JCQPh hJ 3 > oj.S-ii o t ^»2a d i.'3 1^ ;-: L^i «« »3 cu o o ■^s -- c d CO- -r:: d g"t^ -£> S § ,S k^-- O d t-+J OjOPh &.;S O^ s-SS-C >-,E fi d X . . oo''3''S''Scjo(U(D:do oo+j+i 190S] Statistics. — Washington. 439 00C'*00 coooocoooo ooc oooo oooooo S r/^ Sir OO >C O oooooo oooooooooco ooo oooo oooooo n if 22S2'-"-' 232 — 2 — ^ — ^=^ ooo oooo oooooo 22S2 oooooo oiooio o oooo oob-o o_o^oo_»o_ q_x Lo o i-Toio !M lo o o f-^woJ too o * * * CO(N T-HIN ^o 05M'*»OOCO(MCOC<3CO ■^ OlOOiOClOCJOOO Ol ■■0!"03~0:-OC". 03 000(NOC OOOOOOOOO OOIO^O "OOOOOO 'OOO lot^'* CO (z;(>)o;-hO OCCOOOO (NKO Oi-i o X Looc^oioo oioo ooi-- -)"Tt< t^ I ~ O lO CO O (Z) CO iC '-O 1-1 o C^l CCrt-f (NrHt^ O'**'* COM rt lO CO COOOOC o •* t^ rt o o o o >o o i-( rH CO .-IO0-^.-IO0 CO oo oooo ooooooc oooooo lo oooooo oo (NOOO ooo N ooo M OOOIOOO OC0t>-C(NO'-i (NO O^ oooo C0OO(NO;iO CO OOOOOO t^oooooco oo o o oooo ooooooc 55" oo 00(N0 OOOOOOi-H i-H X'S, c "-•oxooo t^ooo^foo coo oo OCINO (MOOOOOO COOOOOO OOOOOOO OO oo MOOO OOOOOOO COOO-^OO ■* CO O rt< O O O oo OOOO CJCOOINOOO 1^ <- 2 §.2 O O C a; w C Si So x t: rt I— 1 1—1 1^ si-S ^' o ci; cj PXH ^ (^ U Q; CO +i ^ '^rQ 0; aj ej > 5 fe Kg >gag g^-^g^<^ ^ ,Se! ;5co r*j — ,^^2 * .2 s -- (u.a.rC o I- : -ii =i X 5 2 ." 2^ OK 2-aJ o > MM 3^^ d C S c8 c3 o O ^-2 - ' -'c3c3ot)-i i-H oooo lO O i-hO rH 00 OCO CO 00 OOOOOOOOC0(N ON OO^-iT 0^i»0000(NOO OrtOOO^ ■*to,-liOOTfiO 03C0 Tt< O (N 10 IN 05X --CM coco ) O CO r^ O oo^- ^ CO t^ . cS (L^ oj^ o-t; s K K H ffi i-i o«o a 3 U O/P-l OS >-, s- IS =3 ,r h J^ a; . o Q ?^a d f% ^ ffiw -5 — ^ CI ci O - o t- C oj P§6 5^Q c3 S (ID fli H •^ (ii_m O £^ N M G3 COO O 00 Ot» ■*oo OI^ o ©00 Ol OOl'^TflCOCDlOO'OfMCOOOCTiCK'O OOOOt^OCiOODOOCOt^COCi 03050c;ooc3(X)oooociffloocooooo CO O (N CO -H c^ t^ 00 CO 05 05 ffl O) 00 C» X CO CO 00 C/D CO '^ t^ ffl '*< C5 00 o 02 O C3 03 00 CO o 00 CO OO CO 00 00 00 O CO O ^ CO CO CO 00 C5 01 OOflOOOQOOO pi s fccc; , C CO - i 0) +3 g g I- t. o3 _ <^ ~ r (D r\ c! .It bCl o g fe 2^ a ^^CHo§^>^OsS 5 o 6 fe E E P^ li 0^ IX dI; fC oi G'tf tf tf i'i-t:c3^.°iOOOO > : s Pifsi a ■ =0 Kmm 1908] Statistics. — Washington. 441 ~ , o oo o Sv a CO o c c c o c; o o oo cooo oooooooo o i-o o --< o lO -H !0 CI o o ooc ooocoooooo oooooo oo o CIO o o c occoocccoo oooo occocccccc oooo o c N * oi^c^tqcco o_w_o^o_ O OCOOOiOOO c c c c c c C M O C C iC CO c o o o O t^(N CO C<5 (N PC>0 OC0^- rt I^ (N -^ o po oo o C5 " O C5 oocr-o o o^o t^ OO'-KN oooo ooooo t^OiO ocooo -tCt^ (NOOOOOt^ oooooo O O O GC' o O O 00 CO C5 01 O —1 to 02 I 05 CO C3 C O CC ( ^ - - - 05- ( C oo OOOOO O ■-!■* OiOOOO O 10 O.iOlM^RO O X -f .-^ -^ o CC 01 "O o -# c to lO m coo CO O t^ 01 •* c/) C o COX'f'H C<< lOOCO ■-H t^ O CO o o r^ Lo CO o t^ 10 oo .-''t —I CI O C to CC' o o lO — < 01 t^ C-1 r- LO lO -* Tf CO CC (N CO^ o" (NO't-T tOiOrt-^^-Ht^ -H CO CO o) C3 ■* Oi ■-H rt CO oco QCC500 OOOIOrt OOOOOiO U:S 5S coo oo»o ooooot^ > ,23 r£ £1. O af . i^ ■5 s :xS ^:5ds~c c s j2 ^<: feot^ t:^ s:§ti I O C3 O »0 O CO CO t^ (M rt to COCO toooco lOOOO -mMOO-H OOOOOrH o OiOOiOCOOO lOOOOO lOtOCOO rt< lO Tl* C to OOOOOO o OCOiCCOC^OiON cot^ coWrt OOOOCO c t>- to c LO Til O ^ -^ OOOOOCO o oioooocrsioo to (N lO lOOtOOO lO lO TT O Tf C^ O-i C^OOOt^ "5 o OiNO = OtOiOCO ~ r-l(N ooooo coco o-*oo-^ ooc oooo ^ OOOOOiOiOO to COOOOO (N ^ »0 oooo CIO! OCOOON oooooo CO o Ot^-^iOOWOW -H |> r-, LO t^ CJ OC-*OO00 to •* O lO -t LO ooiot^ oto-o to to O LO lO lO C0C3t^-*t^ ooc lO (N o lOOOi-iO^OINO ^^cocoooco -< to CO (M CO c -■■■> K - 0) -^ ? c ci .-2 fcg 3 1-5 > aS > >'^'sO c3 . c3 t- o OJ • u . o 2 - j= P £. "is: n o o g a I- ^. o ■=^(^3 0 = >^ -=■= C ■ u oK ttiS! I O 0T3-, . . 2ZO •■ - - 2 ' .a >. tC QJ QJ rtcS fe - ^ o ~ ^ - ^ . ■ •- "^ ri 33 fl -H' . « _"T3 - c B 5 " " ^ g = -^ N M dc 03 .2 ^ :t: s^i: 5 5 5 S Ss 3 = o.S.t^ ~ " " "o o o^ ;O0H^Ci,pHaieLiPL,pHCHCL,O'tfCr5tf tftitftn s s p 2-2 tl" M > 3 ;^-^ hJO Cl aj m 442 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 CiOOiCCOiCOOK) (MM r^ OLCOCOOCDOOOIO INt>OOOO'-i'000l>(N >-i lO CO (M (N rt lOOCOOOOCiOCD ■*Nr-.it^OiOW>-i CO (M TjtoO-HOOOOOO ■^THiOOO-^tOi-iOOCOO ,-lT-,Ci3Tj-HTtH(M(MCOC i-0C2OO'*00'*(MOO ■(MTti(Mrt,-i t^.-i Oi T}1'-iOCOC10t^ (M"*Oi005-^IM-*(MC<'.'« OOiO'-ir^(>)CDOOOC3 (X)O0<35a5t^-* ^(J5(M^^C0. »0 Tf TpiO COOlT}iO(Mrt(M C0t-i(McO (^^ ,-<03^ rHOrH(Mi-l Tfl 00 l>C5(31t^C0O»0l>t~-OC0 C»O5t^Cit^(N(NTH-^-*00 00 -- rH >. » (C fl S O ^ CO _s -, flj ^ y^ ^ -^ c/! fli T! oj ?^ i^- -. . IJ 3 oi ^^. ^ss^a ^^ c-ri j3SS'^Sa;-5M< 2^1^ g 4- M bC-3 ^ c3 ^ w -.* ■ — _ w • a: a^ O W S fe fK'- ,H Ph P5 . ~CC^ M C OJ (U Oj ^i-i o o 0) ci Cfefe 3 02' SCO ' 3 cj ;=!;=; O O^W 1^ ^ t' 2 C5 |Jh •— .3=; 03 43 3 " ■^ p. ^'^ Mg-zT ^S > ^o4dg§Qg^§ 'CQa C w ai J* n i^ C •^ S X ■r o ai — aj .,+j -- K S ^' s d S s>c<< S3 S 'O 4) *-— ( 3 8l« gg; : r- U 01 r^ 05 'H (M 05 05 o o X GO 05-- c-1 cot ooc 05 05 ( > (X) lO lOO ) C5 C5 -* Oi-t 03 000 1-^ (j5 05 r^ CO (35 00 CZJ (X) OO OO (X) IX' C5 iO(M O OC0(J5 CO ■* (^^ (^^ -* Lo oo 03 o or^ c/D GO (» (35 (XI OO (Z) 00 "O oc (35 C5 t^ (>) CO O 05O 05 00 05 Tf (^ (33 05 05 (35 xoooo »OiO to to C5 05 00 (XI GO ^ ^ p • -3 IS P-. Sfi-? SK-S ^-n-? hJO ^ . O O r; (S "03 O O 3 O j::m c o a o 5r mm 4% — tj 4) c3 (ij ^ ~ ; :: o 0) ^•- u ^iii ^— 3 aj-3 O O HHHH '-'•3 e 03 QJ 03 1908] Statistics. — IVashington. 443 So, iOCOCCOOOOCOCCOC o o o o o o o 1^ O CO LO .-I CO -^ O lO o o o oooooo cooooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooo ocoobo C O 3 O C O C oooooo o o o >o M X' ooo oooooooooococooooooiooo oo oooooocoooooco oooot^*o t-.__q^ o_o_o_o_^o_o o_o__io_q_o_»o_(M_ o_oo_,o^x o ** i-i*t^C0'-irt*** * lO* oooooo oooooo o CO .-I CO -r CO oooooo O O 0~. Gl O Ci CO t--. oo (N'-HCOtOO'-iOitO 002C50030050 -* oco o OvOO o ~ C505 OCO O COiC o 00 C2 oo t^ iM (M C O O 05 O OCCl 05 O: C! O ■■ ' OOOOOOOO OOOO OOOOOOTfOOOOOOC O OOCOO OOOCOOO O i©OOC^ OOOOOOiOOiOiOOOOO O CiOOO 00»0'-i(NO lO 030000 00rtiOkCiai rfOOOO CO lOt-t^OO ^'eO~ '^'r^ -^ -^CO'^- r-r-l--^^- •<- (N^-^--^ -^ -^ ^- E 5- O O CO '•t o o o CO CO t^ t CO 01 lO t-i o t^OLO cot^ci>-iooon"Ooo>n-f.-iLOC300^coo ccoL-^rHoo CO W 10 C) CO C) O 10 "O CO t^ O t^ -H 01 -t Tt( lO t^ 10 O 01 O (Z3 CO t^ o o t^ ■* iH rt__0 0_^C^O O CO 10 lOiO CO CDO CO CO O --^ CO^^C't t-H Ol -^ lO O iO_^ i-H C: '^ CO O -H -h" i-H to"'-'' "-T oo" Tt< i-H CO CD OOCOi-H -* lOOl COOOCOi-HO-^00)'OCO(Z3LOi>.cO(Ni-llO --llOe0i-li-l>O>-l-:l000 O OlO O ooo OOCO O "* OO O COO ^ OO O OOOCOOO 1 01 o o lo CO 00 o I oco»oo o o "j**! '^ !000 oooooooooo ooocoxo(Nooo oooooo •* CO lO t^ i-H -^ (M X O ( COt^ Ol 1 05 CO-* OiO CO r-nO COOOO »0 OCO lO CICO QOlO »0 Tti C* t~» ■<* O o COt^ OJ-^Ol rHrt 01 COOCOCO C^iS CO "-H i-l ■* ^ 62 fficOCOOlrt^OOOOO oxo^coLoiooi-*cooiooo'*i~oa)ooio OC0 03 O O-"* 01 OOOOi-iOOOOO ^01 OOXOOOOOOOOO CO O '^ o o o o o Ol oooooo c .-Ht^cOOt^OOOOO OOCCOOiOOOOOlOODOO'-HOtiOCOOOiO OOIOOOO OO-*OO»0OG0i0OOO COOOt^X'-icoO 0>0i00 LOO500iO-*t^iOrtCOCOTtiO> OJiOO^i-HOOOsiO (^t+icOt^ ^OJ.-lNC0^rt,-l CO-hOI t-hOI -£- ■ ='^ ci-E =: c K^' >^ o T-I fcffiT g +J ^ , - -J O fc. 6 sd;g :§d CJ . — « . <(! m O <••-= a; c3' '^; > . o rtd o^ P 0) > .Omo c^ a ►H t/ > — :t: Ch :^ O D a "-: O - i c o 2.53 &.S ^~g ,M2 >. ~ p s; cj s = > 5 o3 >-2 444 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 d lOOOrHlOOOO (NiO(NcO(N'0'tiO r" CI -J b 1^* O-'I'CO^O'-UDO < to (NOOrtrt,-iOO <; ■*COO^OOOOO a j3_ (M (NOOOOOCOO > o s w '"' orooofoor-o M hj K (NOO.-I OOOO 5 oo n 04 Oi -^ -rff aa -^ Q o' CO H H s Q H hi COCOtOfflC0(N«5M IMOtOCOi-ilNiMrt < u r-t OOIMO^OO-* en C0CO (A i - C i^.t^ M 0) fl stors vaca ed 0 W 6,72 byl visio 03 •-.>t>: ^■;h'S o <^ £: - g .,10 s s OH o w o ^ -T ™ . v^ G "^ C .2 P'S H « ^1 S S o S "^ S 19081 Statistics. — Washington. 445 >~ OOCOOOOO' ° - 1 lO o o -■•Si — 1 lo m i |«i^ |1 ^oooooooo < > "ZI *^ ocooccoc Jft, CO OO CO i0_0_ '-vP, C lO ofei (Ncf o"(N (A [X] < "n -• «©* * lo t>- wo .-1 o mI X u O O 00 C o t^ < (ft ^ 05 O - O: 03" *—*»—» 1-M »— ' t • CO CCCCC CO CCCCC « i: r^ ''-o r3 -H(N .- CO^(N ^ lO s d '10 ^ (N O t^ O CO o iCCJiOf^'-H-'t^t^ s i-H i-H E .J o o s ^ s -a bfj ^ c -'C < w •s ~a Q G 1- ^-*^ 4^ z D (A t 3 2 ^l-^'^l it: CO ::d^^^t;^§ —"*;"' «> id ^■^5 .-r^ o' 0 S V -— • ^-' •— " rt i "^ S u ■^ c3 c — -^ — ' K- - ^ tJO o ." ^ ^ K « 3 X s ^ ifgS55r^^ U cS 3-3 - - ^ ^i^ 02 -t- .„<" ^-§^ 2Si2 S c •- ^ . ^ > ^^ e© (N (M o oT O) ,-( C lO -'C , c CO g oo" u;?; ^ jh CO o 2 ^ cdt- t. E O •s -" ^ .2 "2^ --.OS S 2 w 3C0 ^ E5-CO« u (U ... - X (VJ K (© OO— I ^ K^-^-iM ^€© O gtH«© c^ i4 C) 4^0 tC -;t^ C ^2g E« CO < » ^ c^ '^ 2 H - C (- <= /^ < < & MS •'S o OS 01^ wis ? c« ,02 -go -« 2- K-r CO *-• ^ tH O C c « "S o 2a H E- Ph 1= •- CO li (S o >'0 H -- '*" a r2 ^ > ■a H 446 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 — '^ OOC5iOO»OOiM-*t>.COt>-OOiOO»0 0>0 tOiO'OiOGOiOMCJOOiO'OiO'-OcO'O iOiO'-i(MO(NiO^'-ieO(N(N(MiOCOCOt-- Olio iOC005t002t^lMO(Nt^'-i-i i-H 1-1 fCiooc^O(NooO'-H(NOoroo(Nc«: coeocoooO'-iC^oooooiNiooo OOOO'-iCOOOOOOOOCOi-itO OOOOOOOOiMCOOOOOi-Hb-t-i Ot^Ot>-*i-i(NOOC3O'*(NOt>.Q0(N ^OC^'^OINO'-iOOlMOOOOONCO O'—OrHCDi-iOOOOrtOrHOC^aiN 00'-i(MOO'-HC0'*t^CMCClOOrt,-ii-iOO I O O O CO "O ^ c oicot>ooc;^:0'*t>oxooMi(M't(Mi-i OOOt^^OOOOTt-H I -^ OOO ( ( 05 O (M ( tCCe0 5O«5rH ) (Nt--00t^CD r-1 ■*(£) ) C5t>- C5 I I lOOOt-fO r-i I iM ro CO oco ipppppppppppppppppp »/" TO "^ •■ (HOC) c; d OS a . fcCoffi CS^OOO re o5_0 ^— ^-O CI QJ rt CJ -J d-^ fl fl ^ b r^43-H "Scq ns o tin'-. (B-5 >. o .2 g fl i N rt cS-.- cS o fl C^ CO 05 d o5 >H t( O t- o - ° 6C d - ,^ . a M.2 ^•2 C o ^ bC'o <^.2 'S>:> -o [=2 (^ o tc iM ^Tf (N ooioco Oi 00 0200 0000 CC•. 2 ti-S-Q t.t,t.t.33PoS 1908] Statistics. — Wisconsin. 447 ^va }° ""v OOCOOCOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOO 00C30 ^ 5 <^l ocooooocoo "OOOOOOOO OOOOOOO oo oo CO •DJ3 'XaeiEg IE'°X piVI.-iaisiuii^ O O ^ - o >o o o o o O CO O O 05 o -ico o' o" Cl" OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOiOOO oooooo o ooo O^OOO O iq ol»0 O O 0__(N i0 0^0_0_0_0^ O^ ^ «» °- «- o'"cGOC^»OCCCiOOOCOOOXCJOCOO^OO O ^ O O O O to O'O rPOOOCOOCJ^OtNOeOMC^lCdOOOOOOOOOCOt- "o^^-cTco o-HoooiNOOOoorl'-''5g=^c^oo-Hu^oooiooo o o m o o -oW^^^O^COj;3000jHOOgOOO.^C.r.^^OOC.O£ "2 2 ^2 2 Ji S ' S ~ >r, O O yj O ^'Tj ^ -^ ^ fl ^^. BO O 2 ^> "S ^ P j5 c3' W > ^ '72 X S ^ o 2 t- u " .i '='3 3 W^ o <^ S5^ ,- ^ " Qi fc- _ ^ ■ ■ ^ CIh -3^ q ■^ a a &iO< -- 2 g s;2 "-^ ^ (N bC O > PL, . M . . *n r| ^ o -- ?< n .S c3 03 a 0 o 0 t3 h( rt el o o 0 a: '■^ Eh X« « e £U w - ^^ CQ 32( - ^ - cS a 03 > 1 "S, S d Tl TJ Ji! .3 p o n n 3 ^ u *- ,i3 Tl ffi r*^ -"/> EC rTN S3 :i: a 448 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 °^'° 0'-iojc^oTPt^o-jror-icoooooo(NC--.020co>coT-.iNOrHeo — ;^. — t^'n^ Oi-io Oi-iooc; TTOowo-^oooo Tj0,H ^ ^CMO Og2(NCC0^>0M^O^OOOCq=:I>f0OTj.00O'OOCCC0i0MC0 O CCOS-* OI^IN C3 Tji (M Tt< ,-1 (N o CO CiO -* CO C5 t;'CO'<*t^O(MO(Nt^iOi-'»CO-^iOO(M-r-*'CO (MOO COOJ.^ ^0'*.^TIoococDO(Xior-ot^ow,^^eo^iot^oror^o»ooo t^,^co gg g ^Sgoococo lO^ fcton; o ot-XTtn »o » co t- c^i .o r- o oi o^r- ~ " - P;r';r'PPPPP PPP O OOpO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0500 OOO (N 04 0COCO CO 00 CO COn"-^'-i>C t^Tfrr CO occpp coop popooo 00 a; o ■5S «r. .c. ~ o o ^ -5CK ■5 E"^ -OSij !r-^ _2 -^ '^ 1^' t^ tc o o ^ cj *" •2 O ^ tE o o c I'sHKSo^'^ -^-= e "-c i: ►^ -^ +i s "5 "o ? < o PhMWhh Cl O CO O OO CO 00 00 00 CO tZi t^ CO < C3 lO t^ Ol I 00 00 00 00 t < O OHO • O 00 o ) ooco o rfHoC^ 00 00 00 OOO o»o^ 00X00 PL, 1^ 03 02 O X o • 0050 )X COI^ O O 02 »OX X XXX t^ o CO o O 05 "t o X X X05 O O (N ■* a "o XXX Q c3 JS - ':S c a '~SS §3^ 01.2.2 OOO OOO m-MO e = 0 3 ^-x -^i=:;z! o o 3 ^ c3 ., OOOOGC "3 « oj o PQQP oi . ^ f: i; bfl eg '^ "3 S p o3 ra c3 e3 o3 PHHWHH . tH 3 O -C \ -^3 d 3 M C c! a o^ S a P^ hSSShSSk £ a > 1908] Statistics. — ]Visconsin. 449 o „ m 3 >5 occoooooo = o CI o ooooooooo ooo ooo o oooo ocoo o ooo oo 0000:^0500 0000000 icio55i^oxxoo oioooiHoi-o oooo-^oooo C O O O O' o o o O OiO-TCCOOO 00O(N »0 i-iC"-! l>NC0OrtC)M iM I© o 00c o 000 o_ 0__i0_0 MOTMrtCOOO N(N 'frOXt^— I r>-Ot>. OOt^ClOrtCNO CJ a io a z> t^ t^ c C5 CO oio-^oo 000000 "5 oowoccsooo 00 ^ ^ ^ O "^ ** ** " "^ "^ C5 ** Ci O -s -» -^ •» .^ .N ^ ^^ "^ C5 ooooooooo»o OOOrtOOOOOC^l •^OX(N(MWl>0OOtN 0»000i0000000"000 0 0 000 (NOOWOOOOOOt^COOr^OOO ^CO0C^(N>OO5Xr-(-t( Ol^Oi-HNOt^ 1000 IN IN 000 Olt O CI -< 6 a LO O O -^ — ^ O O O O lO O O lO O O O O (N O 10 O ■* O O >0 -r 01 -t lO O O C O 0-1 t^ -f C-) o t^ o o "O o o cc o "O o t>. M o t^ o i^ -f Tji c 'f o t^ -t 01 1~ in "O o o o o oi co lO rt CO L':^^^^o^ 01 04_c; 01 t--^M 00 c__iM'* o rH 01 Tf Tf^o o loot^oioiox in ot^o ^ -Hrt" of -T .-i^~ of i-Trt nn'.-rof — r r-T « ^ 000 O»0OC0O»0OOO»0C"5OOOOO(J5OOOt^Ot0OOOOCaO IC (N "H 01 0 rHTfrt 0 000 01 g°° OOOOOCOOOOrtOOOCOOOOOIOOOOOOIOioOOOOO 0 0001 MOO OOOOOiOOXCCiCOOC1000000lOO-*00005mC3C"2TjH_ Ol rtt> ^ Ttl -1 N ^ CO O.-1C0 s°° COOOOOfOOOCOLOOONOOOOi-OOCOOOOOOOTtHO CO i-H 10 CO rt 10 oo-^ CO ss t>-OC0 OI>-t^»-(01-*Tt.COCOOt^OOi-'5»OC:«0 ■* coocr^ ^ T-HiO rtrH-HCOi-iOaTHiO 0101 to y-t 01 O CO OltH Tt< CO'^O -H 01 rH -^ 01 r-l Un C BO ^ U.2 • s goo ooi^'*OTriooooicoo»oooooiooiinooO'*ooioo-t^ Ol'-i rt 01 0 ^ 0 C^LO 8°° C'*XOO-*Or-iOCOI>'OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOiOT-iCOOLO -^ (D ^ ^ 01 -H 0 0100 Tf<'^05'*0003^»0 00100oiOOOOOOOiOO-OOcOWO"0;0 UO OC-* ^ to ooi.-n 0 CO CO oi 01 ^ M 0 00 om-* 011-0 o 0 in 0 tD-<0'T)Ho»ocoxt^oo»nin>nr^inccoooooin T-(coooio-*ooeoNinococo— i^oiMxot^ m 4-+ in 0 1^ 0 0 0 0 -* 0 r^ a -T< -?• -f 01 -t* ^^ T^ X I^ 00 t^in«o !Jtf Z ^gs6 ; v; — =3 , rt ^ ^ ./ it- :;;o ooc oyooCCQcac " "S ssiKasH M^^;:: 5-- .="2 ^— s 450 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 OOO 1-1 O •* ■* ^ O --I (N T-i 0(N tH (NIMO O .-I COi-iOOO OO^ rtO ^Ort tpO --lOO T-l n o H ►J •?. 0 <: U 100»0 Tt< O lO lOO O O OO oo'^ooor-iicooco o»ooo:oooou:i»or>- eo C^ O500 lO M Ort 00 th O O (N lOi-H^ lO O r-i CO "*< 05 1-1 1-1 C500 OOCSOi-iOOOO Or~iHCOOOOOi-iiOCOOOOOOOO'^'-iOCCH>»0000 IH 1-1 1— I 1— t (N 1-1 1-1 O'*00'-<000 OTt*i-ii-iOiOO(N'.ot^i-ii-*cor-t>ico ot^'T'coeooo«floo»oooooofo O »0 OCi O TjiO COM O IN OO IN OO O 1-1 coo •* 'OCOINiNO^l>Ot^'*0 ■~CO—i IN TJi 1-1 1-1 C^ i-H th ^ CO (N -T 01 i-t 1-1 i0'Oi^iNO'*ii-ic0OC0OC0(MrtC0-t Ol O CO i-( 1-1 IN 1—1 IN 1—1 1—1 1—1 lO 1— I *) iCC0»O0000«000iOt^C00i'O00t^t>.iOO5r^r^t>.COIN»OINCOi-i00C0O'*OlNO»OiOOCO00C0Q0iT INCOt-H 1-1 (NrH OTfrHrHrH COCOININ CO rH IN lOi-IINl-l K r' .CD p pc>p pp ppp pc>c>p p ppp ppppppp f-703 i0'*'tiC0IN»0C0»0 Cc;C3pp5poOOOpt;»p tf Jr "3 ^. CO ^ t c = J 5H 'S« S>^' >w S-^ h r»? « 0? c 5 ^ £ fe- O ■+^— .r.-E-s .r ' C3 a^jjj o >l^ '^s a s; ° ^ pq .^^^tstHn^s > Q ' ^ i- ^ o oi t^ ^ 0; oj—H .k-l," CJ^ O rt H °^ s « - • - J . - O Oj. — -c •5 C Md >, . c . ^ HH , , to r/^ _, . *^ /r ^ tci^HH m « c3 yi t- O! 5 7^ cn . ... ^. :j ^ -. ■ -ffi re m '^ r— r CO M 3S 0:2 02 «^-.-.== >,o IN CO 1- OOO O O Gl IN 05 lO »0 OOO ■* CO OX 00 00 CO t^ rH (N CO lO CO lO J^ T}< 00 X 00 00 CO >Ox OiC Ox CO o cot XX X i-i CO r^ IN CO LO t^ O Tf -t< X X X X X XX t^ 1-1 t^O X05 CO 03 o o (NiO>0 XXX t^ lO X ox CO XXX COOINCO t^ CO O Tji X X03~ ta ? « o 1-" '73a„S.«S^rrt^^Som,Oc3g a ''S C O <» S niJ^ CCS .oooo'E3c;cQjCi. c3 rt csr^ o C _ C ^'^ t- S S .C c3 C O S! C c3 05 O ►-5 1-5 1-5 ■ 03 .o t-' lOiOOOOOOiOO t^OOOOOOOO >-^MXC)X(M>CCO<» OOOOOOOOOOOO >000 01000iOOOOO (^^co_^io o) CO r-i C2 1^ c; X OOOOOOO lO 00>0000»00 ^T-i X OX(N O X 1-1 r- (N •* O X ICC X i-O Oi lO 10 CI (>1 1^ LO (M 10 C-\ lO t^ C". CO O CO o OO'-iXOOOO'OO O 'O X LO O O »0 O "-I lO CO^CJ^O XX CO t^ IM^ O COOOOCOiOX <0 lOOi-iOOiOCJO .-I rt o_rt o t>._o__co ^ lo" r-rco"r-r ■>aOTt00»-iOiO'000>0'txCO i-i i-( c^ CO i-i ooo OOtPOOO.-iOO OOOOOOcOCOOiOOO -1 ox-^o ^ o; t-i ■<*' « CO OOO —lOt^OOiOC^OO OOOeOOO(MT»00 0»0»00 O lO lO IN OO t^O-HTt<0 oo t^COiN CO CO CO X --I "O X f (N (M iM O oo Tf O O C-l w Tt* ;0 ■^ O t~ CI CI lO'tCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Nooioiocoxoiooc^diocai- ci rt ^co --I OOCOfflOOOO o "F MO i: S; sQ.- rC ^^ '"' ^ = IS ■ ^1^ ^^< o ^^ 9 £ a •o C3 I- c3 oi :W h J k= ^ r-' C o C m ^ S^ sx- PC" s ■ Hi L. •IbH "I fc^^_cM^5 § § § S <: § s ^ 0; O rt o-£ 5 S3 c- s c ■r 0;^- o e3 y 3 fafe::^i.fat,fet.fetL:i'^^?-?WW;s!U;WW 452 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 'OOOOO'O'-iOOtOOiOi-tOOOiOiOCO iC OOOOOOOOiOoOtOO'OO C^l rH CO --IH .-* (N --I OrocOOCO'^fOOiOOOOO'-HOClOOOOO 1-H tH lOOOIMOOOCO'OCSC^OltfiOOOO OOlMi-it^rt-^o'OOINOOOOO-^'OOOtNO O— ICSOOOCC(Nt^rH1-lOOO(NT}"-ioo!Oocor^'*c<5'-ico'^'-ioo «50000000000(Mi-iOOi-iOOOOO coot^ooooooooooooo O'-HC0OC0(NOOOrHOCJO'-i-*O00iOO(NO T-iO"*«JOt^(N-*C3cO'*-itOtX30i>lC^fOOO!CCOOOC'.cO-*OiOOOCOO"*<0500r^O-i 1-1 'CCl^Oc0C0d-lOC3OC3»-0T}it-irt COOO'OrHOlOWt^OIOOCOrHi-iO-'*''* CO TtKM-^OlOO-^CO OJ 1-1 a)cot^c:oiooo»oa)i-ico-*^'*'(Ncoi-it^cooo oi(Mi-co»ocoo5oacOi~'OiTHTi. -TtH ^ ,-1 CO ^ lO 't CO 1-1 p coop pp pp CO pp p ppppp pp g^^o -I 2- isr'^^O S Scc^^O^^ a^p^p. S'a '^ - o . ■ J a ? 0 ?,'M 3J3 ?^ = s -^1 8 ►^ ;^ M ^^ -C " s K^J^^ gg^isiSgSsg^ £.s.2 £ 8^5 £ § £ £ t £.2:=-- ■r. 5' J m 5 c3 !-• O . .020 t: o c o rt g .S tj t. fci Uc oi oi o in o t^ O 10 O lO CO -^ CiCCGi" 00 00 CO 01 05 o • ■Ti o o to ( X OO CO OO ! I lO 00 -^ o I oi o 00-^ ) 00 00 X 00 CO o O O 01 05 O M - - > . »j3 o o ai ell i|§ -p4 c . bflo >-. t< ce at S ai 9 O H - o - a c a T a o ^ 1-1 1-1 00 iH t^ , ) O i-< X ) 02 03 Ol ) OC CO oo ffl"00 ooot^ OICO 05" c:a «•;: o O >^;^ '= .£fi ' c3 o c a S ?3 H r£ « 1^ -O a cScScjcSdrtOiOcra gg o^ o 1908] iStatistics. — Wiscon.sin. 453 o „ O CO C00000 0 03COOOOOOO ^oooccc; coooo ooooooo oooooo-^ooo oocooo 00 N ooccooo oooco ooooooo ooooooo ciooc ooooooo (N O lO .— __0 "-O^O^ O^CO 0_^0_^ W_0 0__0 O 0__(N ^ O' ■* r-T IC 't of r^ t-T ^^ r^" T-To »C CO" '-^ r-T CO IN -H r-< O oocooooooooo oooo oo ooooooo o CO oooo 0_ iC C_ 0__ C__ 0_^ O^ O, 0_ 0_ 0_ iO_ t^ 0__ (M 00 if5"co"o"c3 rt't/fo'o o'loo'io" Mj-Tm" ^•^ « » iO c o__iN C3 lO o^ic Lo o o "-I 'TC) CI -r lOXuo^oooTfOioiccocoxiOT-^r^r^coiN" e^'-'OX— -xoco -^rtr-i ^rtxx X f^ "-I IN O i-< Ot^XlN.-i(N--i-iXOt^CniOO'tO-^ ,-.,_it-,,j,;C-^OOOiO'tC1 TTO O '-I O CO CO^ i-( CD co" ooo-'j'iNo^cocoor^iftr-itN.i.oi.ooco ,-( ^ C) O C -1 uo IN .-1 (N 't CO o__^ o Ot-OOr-TT<(N(NOOC0OOO oo CO o o o o S&(N CO »o 00'9<0'^-Hr^O'-Ot>.-*OCOOO IN o ooot^ojotocooxoirai-o ooooooo e©co^ CO rt T-i t- C4 >-H ■^rHXt^-OOOOOOJOOOOOOO Tf< r-l rH ■^ -^ rH C^ i-H rt >-l ocooooooioooooooooeooooo •ot^ioeooio lO •^LOiNt^XIN'Ti-^CO'-i^ Ol 00 ~' - - uo O '-I OiS ss O'^i-OOOXCNOOCOOCOi-iOOOOOC €^IN -^ I- iCi-H IM LOiO'OOCO.-iOCOOOCOXO'^OCO -irt" (N^O'-< ■* CO t-H O^OOiNXOlNOOOOOOOt^CSOO-HO 6©00 l-Ort Tj< LOi-i-^OOOOOOt^OOiOOOOO rt O O —O UOCMCOcO'^'-iXCOiOOM OXi-OiCO'OOOiOOOOiO'OOOO co>-Hc:^XNXx-fc>)Ti« J ci o ; r i* t: k* .gr c3 C3 O ^ j; <;>J P rt h>-S « 2 r. rt ^ *— a rr J* ^ ^o -3 p c c -5 r ■- a c! e! d a d ^ OJ u ^^ -4 J JJ *c ->-i t- E Mij ii> , " u i; ii C — C c3 ci g-QO-sS^ ^_t;^~ o g o g — Sf-' o 454 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 O O OMOO iHOCCOiOI>kOCDOO00OOOC^OCDOO(NOC; 0(N OeoiOOOOWO •^O i-fCOOM '-iO(MOOO»Ot^CO>-^»OiHOT-ioOCOOOC)OOCCC O (N O -<'-i-*iO (N-Hrt rj<(>jrt r-( COi-lrH,^ rH ,^(N 1^0'^OOM'*l^(X)(NOt>.C3COOOT-i«3t^T}'-it^CqC.t>. CD (35 1^ CO (N t^ t^ CO t^ pppp ^pppppppp (3; r^ (/) --ti (N M ■* ;o OO CC X Cl CO °^ ^"S fl o . 5 S' S o cii '^• so ^3 CD O^ , g 3,^ O So- 'MS - ^^ oj o PQ £ffi fc:- :c-< CO 0, c zoic ^6 O 0 CO g ffi5 1 = o « tu te «3=i O > !- 1^ j:; cj c3 . ^S ggg, 3 (Sh-ji^ OS ■ ;z;hop^ X' w tc 6 t-. t- ^ o C fl bfe O'CCl '■*-! .a c ^ o PL, Oj Ph ■^ n1 C S o p Ft' o t>-^?^: fc^OCC^ • ^ K) • - CO • • tr K ±; •_-- iK t/: a^ K w^ 7^ o c! •2~| >: a >i^ o3rST S F O C Oj'"' 0O oiH g"« o'^ r' 03 s s ¥ OJ Hg^OO^_ d X W «i -J ^ /;- fl t/; CO o; g c3 ^ (U C - >- C C - OJ S o • EeSo .•^ .^g !>-.W ■*^ W p^ g m C ^2 to s c a w) .1-: s c3 E3 2 i^ I— I . ,w fep^g-^H do S§g (X)t^ 00 00 CO O 00 00 )iOO 1 O"* : O 2C' 0(X)< OC 00 < ) CO t^ > coo ) 00 X X o coco CO ■* o lO X X- . X ^ •* O IN xocoo X O X ' . t^ lO r-' X O »C o o o •* CO '^ Q^. 0) o a> 0) c 2 -§1 ^1 ■ hhW (D O „ O O c3 (Hi -a p: s o > Q) - r- > p p ?3 2 ■ o c . .C" Ph, (U +? o . - - „ 2-g-S.o bo) •0) S d-is J= Oh Ph pLi PL, p^ Ph pu PLi a d^ j?o o o £ PhOh PIhPLiPh d 01 0 ".S" 1908] Statistics. — Wisconsin. 455 >".a oooooooooooo OOO OOiOOOOOOO coc oo oo oooo oooooooooo (N oooooooooooooooooo oo oo O lO c o o o oooo oo "Or-* 00 --H lOiO N(N oooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooo ooo ooooooo ooooooo _ _ OO'OO ooo 000i00>00 00 O 0_t^ O 0__CC ^,'^.''5'^ ^.P. t^W^-^ t>. Tt< CC Ttl O COC5100 oooo 050 - - - a --- -C3 0<0 Q0(NO5>O-^M^t^lN01C0'f C-1(N COOO c005»OOOC505«OC5iOi-'^0 t^»c s S- aw o to C CO O rH =2 as Oa t> .3 O OiOO O ■* K CO c: ^ OCioaoyOt^OOCO uOirjOO'OOOiCOOCOCMC^i-OOOCt^ S^^oooi^wc^i^o t^ciooc^iooi-oooci 2r;S'*'~'J2S2 rt ^ ^ O M ^ rt 0(N O-iOO coo iOC<)tCO'*OOC^OC^10(»t<01^GOMI^t^»0.-0 IM OJIO rt rH T^ C5 10 wo >or^ oo -trtOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOiOOOXOOCMOWOCOO r-1 0-* "-H OO^OOOOt^OOiOCT>OOOOr--000 >oo ■*-*cc iOOOO(NXC)OINO'0000-*OC0»C>0'*'X)C500^t^-^00»0 0"500 t^OOOOCOOOOOOOOOO(NO'-iOOOO»-OMOO»000000 ^:3"m tot^ o o oo^or^»ciN»coo — oicoGOGoo-^ociOrteo-*ooocjiooT}-OOOCOOgO to >-< iH lO »-i 0»0 tO'-i'-' '-' t^ "^ 030 OOO 05005 ooo in O lO O O O ©■* O O O O O OOOO OOO OOiO O OOO OO CO (N ■>i-H(N-*NTfi to r^Tt*^" .~.^— _u CI PSi-i co>-i •*■* "ON inOOiNOOOOcOiOOOiOiC iOO»OiOO(NOiO'0(N»CC'0>00000 0(^000 r-iiN XX xair^t^u5toc*ico — cotoo-^-^xtorocO'^p^o -H >-lrH CO-H— 1— •'-I .-I'-iCl "-^ •-' 1— C^ P3 2 . .;i O -Sffi^ Ga eia -^ '2-£sss-'--^-^;cdc t; r. <*. -s ■«= ■ r^ tt C Jj O j^ I— T. .if > eS S C S :5S?c§§ ttfe §> o" -£ -3 = 0 ^ -5 fl d 0 koosa wCh w Lis -J 5 cT 5 2 ^ 3 J S 1 - C? (D o £> U ffi o c gz^zizizziszizoc oo « tc O ,C ^ ^^^ '^ -^ ^ I— I > S O M rt O ' O c —^ .— ^ CI rt^i "^ , .> 1 :> e3 03 o o:::.S.^JSJi!^j:-' _ )OC-lCL|QHfUP-<0-lPHP-l&H&4C^&4 > ■- 2 •- OHeLiCH&HCup-c-c; 456 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 rfOOOO O'CcoOCZiOOOCliOOOiOCOO'OO Tr.-lrH(N rt rll-IIN OO C 0-*C300--i(NOOOOOC0ThOl>O-*OC«5T-('*OOi-i00N'^(NCCT-i (NOOOI>0000000 o OOOOOOOI-OOOOOOOOOfNOOOOOI^ rtOi-i(MOTtii-it^Oi--:(MO 1-H OTt-l O OOOCOOq (Mi-I O --H irrOOC0OrtOOOOO(N"OO(NC (NOCOC-ICOI-^OIOCOCSOIM O cocoodo^Moooizx O O 04 O »C T-H C O M IM(M O O OrHT-ifflOrtl^lMOCOO'OOOOCOINOiMO-^C'-O wo Tt< (N r-i O O O lOOIXN O CO(MOlOOOOCOCiCOt^(ro< iC 01 O O -t ( JiOCOCOTCC-^iOO I C) CO r-l rt rH ■ Tf -"t o lo (/: ' I fO CC t^ rH t^ ( )iMC>OOCOC-ioo-*ocoa)t^t>. < Cv) ^ rt CO (M »0 Ol LO >pppppppppp '-? ^ >r ■M ."Sb.^ r-- •^ ►? '1^ .« — -^ • . rt o >- ffi O Sti =5 ^!>i: c3 C j^ ^ ; o^i^> C; >^ O 3 d .CKt> ^ c^ ^ fe- ■ - S c - o aw ■ o ^ cog -2 -So -< d 5C c •?:-Q ^J; _3 0^ S -»^ S; ■/ ry; "^ S £ ^ ^ < O 10 (M 5 10 10 t^ D O) GO 00 tt ^ « c/} a) rt C Cj-C|_ P-l Ho T « ^ . .-^ fc, CJ . • . GJ ^ QJ c3 a: d i^-S o ^' 2" o . c b C3 O! C3 7-' » « .--rf -r; f c3 to 03 'c & ^ rH Qj tr; [? to (NOW ( 0^0 I CI 00 CI ( O OOrti TT -* lO CO coco 1^ ■* lO < 05 t^ ■* I 000000c ! -f (X) -r Tti • ^ Tt^ CD O ) C» CO GO 00 lo d CO 01 CO 0 10 O 10 10 01 CO 01 CZ) 00 CI »0 t^ t^ CO CC I> 10 CO 10 01 00 •^ oc crj i^ V} cc '3 § g d O a CG >,'^ .2 C* 3 3 « — — -3.:::: o ' c| bD M M iD btpu ct: e c d d fl'/ ^ d u T'C'C 'C 53 o D-aaaaa-S CC CB CK CC CC CC CC JB d .r= Slo- an's d & S3 CO CO 03 CK CO CO CC -72 o - iH^ bC^ 1- u s d o o o oj d 5 19U8] Statistics. — Wisconsiri. 457 u in a < > tn « 'o ^ -.a "fc. rt ii O 00 ocoooooo S© CO o o o ooooo oooooooo occoooo ooooot- c ooooo O^O »C 'O^ 0_rt CO O__C0 CO o o in CO OOO^COOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >0 O r^ (N CO O i-O (M O O) LO C C O lO O X O "0 C O O CO l-O^lO CO !>• 01 O CO ■^^^ 05 CO t^ C-l -< -t -f Cj CI ^^CO GO V . E o- O X O O i-O C^ Tf lO CO CO l^ c O lo X r-( o -^ -no •* O CD d^ OiCCCWrtOCO «-0 00 00 t^Ot^'O^OiOOOOCOCCtCO OOOcoCt^OfflO COiOI^-TOrtOOOiM— lOO iQCOTtHOOOOJOOOO Tjto-^-^iN-^occpoc-. ooc« ^ _ -H CO'O-iMIN CO C0O'^0>C0t^i-ic0I>.0500C0C0O»0t^C0O-*OC0OC0 ^ -f lO CO >-< i-< 1-H 1-1 r^ 05 CO rt CO r- r- r-1 O 00 CO .0-Ht^C0O ^ CO 02 'H O . rt •<}< 1-1 ei CO OO-HOi0O05OO'# < 0 z s E u c «i •o e V c o. 3 S^S S{2|^Spg;§S m OOOI^i0 03000Tti0O(NO5t^C0 Alonzo Pendell, Thomas West, David Home, P. 10. Bobb, Mr.s. A. D. Daniels, Kennedv Seott, Prof. Win. J. Mutch, Mrs. L. II. Clark, Wm. II. Graham, Miss Emma Russell, F. II. Seribner, L. H. Williams, 2" a a oi d O Chas. A. Baitenger, F. W. Axley, Hugh Martin, Geo. Donaldson, H. E. Gates, J. W. L. Kauffman, Ed. Deifenderfer, Rev. Geo. Loos, Mrs. W. E. Kellogg, Walter M. Givler, Edward Hartshorn, Mrs. Nettie Hayes, T. C. Wilsie, Mrs. Geo. Logan, Gomer Jones, Theodore Isle, .lohn S. Jordan, F. P. Storm, l'\ M. Jensen, Mrs. Dora Peterson, E. G. Karker, Mrs. C. A. Lewis, A. D. S. Gillette, U) X u a s u i Randolph, Raymond, Retl Granite, Rccscburg, Rhinclander, Rio, Ripon, River Falls, Roberts, Rochester, Rosendalc, Welsh, Royal ton. Sand Lake, Saratoga, Saxeville, Seymour, Sheboygan, Sliiocton, Shopiere, ShuUsburg, So. Milwaukee, ,, German, Solon Springs, Sparta, Spring Brook, Spring Green, Springvale, Sjjrlng Valley, Spring Water, Star Prairie, Sterling, Stockbridge, Stoughton, Steuljen, Sturgeon Bay, Sun Prairie, Superior, Pil., 458 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 O 0>-l O ■* O ■* COCCI i-i-r 0(N th Oeo CD (N 10 O iMOONONCOO o 0200(N Tj(OCC0O'-i-*OOOOOi-H OOO CO CO O O (N i-i O coo O O (N OOOO CDOOOO O 0(N >-i O O O O "3 O O O CO O ■^ CO C<5 Oi-i 0-* "-I O rt O O »O00 lO T}i lO CI (N Ot^ t^ (N ■* O O O O O OU2 >hOO i-H i-iN OC^Oi-H OOCOO 'i'CO O i-H t>- O t-i N O O c3,^; . o o g-f^^^^ a- a^ 0) 03 m to £ g Ok; 03 ^02 .5 rt CO tT !33 0 C- XC5" Ot^cOl looo O' OO 00O5( )oooo Tf CI "O rt< OiO 00 O5O0 2^ £ ® £;' •^ O O o3 . o . »jmdj5 o 3 O C O) 3 ns o ccHH c8 rtctcc5o2-2o^ O O >-• ti l-ij^vh'r-'r-'b. -a"- a a s Oc/-i 'a ~ 3 omH a"S fe.=5 gjcc^ to-tJ=5 ;;^3^a5 c3 c3 o3 03 03 0 V ^-c4 ro>-^. J^-n J S officssSdS § Spa 03 a'M a D O es O S "5 9 03 CJ -rg — rS -h' -S So cooi-H CO* IN tTO ^ a; O o3 Jiis c3 CO bD '^^-.! ■g S S .J ojM 0:3 m -H to fe fl 03 o3 '^ "^ o ^■- g O CQ o'a;* d S<^' •^ a-S t- I ^ CO I ^ +3 °^ 2 1 i "2 o.a cj S ^-^ a ^^% ^ =^' s "^3 -=^ :S - OQ .^ (^ O 2; tc S S ^^ M o f" a f2 K ■ - £ 53 " K a_-_- w o c; rt z:S 01 01 ■> ^ £ . >. ^ Od fe boa w=3 -.£.2 E^ .2 ^. .-a S « S^ >-.o*^ .-^"o a > a a P -2 a —3 Oi ••O Q C^ i::! a ^1 K « O « * !i . t/l . a W ^ ij M — ^ K -J- W £ K S 2 O P h^ r^ o a O ,^ . ~ fe O S fe ' » SP t» cJ a; > 2 z ^i 1908] Statistics. — Wisconsin. 459 i in Id 3 < > in a < IS ii S ^ ooo ooooicoooooo oo CO o lO CO oooo ooo CO o (X, " ooo ooooooooooo oo ooooooo N o o o o c oco t^OlN «'(»(N ooooooooooo oo ooooooooooo oo iOO_0_X_0__0_iCiq_0^0__0^ O^iO^ (N N^T'-ric cf ;o''-<'x'~t^" t>r (o'o" rH 1-4 i-H oo o oooo ooooooo io_o^o^o_ico^o^ t> i-Tco'co co"io co" C<1 o o lOOt^ t^ lO t^ CO -t t^ 't t^ N O 05 1-1 CO 10C510C50C50XOIOO o>o - - ~ - 05" O" O- ~ 05XOOCO ~ - OC5- >o o 5 o o oo o o o o o o o ■* o o o oo oot^ooo icoooo-f o oo oo IN O 00 X iC O 00 X^ 00 -H o "-^ •* IN lO OOOOOOOO 0000i000»0 X rt 't^^l-O T^ t^ '^^ --H o o CO V . iO-H0001C IN CO 05 >0 "5 (N lO CO CO '*< CO CO CO t^Ciio r;05 .-H (N CO IN >0 co~ t^COOCOi—iCXt^ X en -i^ (N o »- (^^ C5 o o §^ w t/5 V . B "A »0 O O O CO lO O O O CO O CO O O O CO iC o i-l 1-H r-l (N O IN IN OO-*TtHOC0OO ^ o c. o OOCiOOOOOCOO'-OiOOOOC t^o oo ^00»00(N o -*> O coo ■-< OTfO O CCOO 030M (N 00 lO o ■t o o oi lo oo ■* o iNiOCOOOOtOO(N^COOOO (NO -H CO C^ --1(35 INOI^OOiCOO ^ o o COO'fOOOOOtDOSI^M-HMCOOOm'O oo -H eo^ 1-H -H Tjt ,^ 05 (N (Nl>0 SCO CO(NCOiOX05»-'5 0 O -r IN CO 0 C QOO O O >0 Tj<,-1T)<0»0-*COO 1-H '^J* o COOOiOOOiOOQ0(N-iOO>COO CO OO^OOiNOO IN lO tH o '^HOCOiOOOiOO'00'*TJ<0>00(X> COiO «© CO -H"0 O IN »0 05(N (NOOiOCOt^OiO t ^ o c^ •n 0.' V ^ ox OCOO(NOX'00 ot^ ot^ ^(N n COt^iNTjH(N '^(N X(N o ooxo o CO CO r-l(N o (N o o s Q z »1 S a S c V •o c u c *c a 3 s ■* (N O' oo t^iOiCOOOO-tt^XO coo C^lTjHCOOlNiO-f^'^iO-H rH ^ ^r-l ,-< — (N ^CX o t^ 0-* X CO r^ X oio X CO o CI a o o o 1 i £^' 1 If c P-i hH ■ ' •■« m cS ^ . K fe ^ 2 ^ J '-< c c ■g 1 s s u jn i^ .1= .t; -^ -g S o c a c sy o -2 — rs ."S .t3 o >■. >i > ■s o: X o (nK o •^coc^i so«© oO o cse© rt»: QIN - ^ rt £ "^ 2 « "^ ao 3^ IN ■;: o oj w _- CO a i- CO -3 (N Oj Clh ^- . „ g « ^, '^ ogo o t; X tf _s (^ iy~ -^ =5£ 2 * CO sCCt^ °<< cj „ ^co j^ O 5 o o a^-cc^ . .. o>-< c OOJo t^Xi oj b t£o - w 3 a c: -^ o '"' t« S n !^ fl -J'^ ft. •• H ■■ _-S vT t/T oT .2.2 o tc m o .5PS'^ o O (N ^f ■=! a - .,^co d M bJD (N (N'42 w — ' ;« O S M So «c So S H -.H rn »- Q £ p. S Z P < < s c ^ --Sx Sg.oig O O rt c3 ^^ -a T^ (-1 oK<; ^ ?!.-^ POO •- eQO-^--i •2 LOX^ g (N '0"'> t, t-i-iiN 460 Congregational Year-Book. lOCOCOOiOOiO t^lMOOiOOOOINOIN O lO O O »C C CJ O O' O CO (N -^CSCOCOOOCOIOIN I-< i-H CM 1-H 1-1 oe CO 040IN CO IC CO CO -1 0»0^-'-DCOtOOCCOINCCr-i ^ 1— ) 1— t T— 1 r-" CO t^ O (M CO »o OC C-, CO CO cz; 1-1 cc IN t~ (N CO»OCOCOCOCOO CO -H CO CJ c; -lT-lCOCl(N.-l t^T-H 5 ^ 3 S >■. "g 2. ofa-5-^ < "3 "S f? -J 03 c3 QQ >^ MM O <12 CO Ofc .2 M-g c.SK - S oca>5 ^ZG i-pcB'g s 0 ■ . c ^ o M m M M O .---5'a;:= 5 o ^ OH^Sj ^ffi^^HQ^O^HC [/; 73 K L> t4 ki .X iS§; 1 jc o3 m m c« r^ -t en CO (X) o 00 CO ro CZ) Ol 00 00 00 t^ r-l (M 00 oo CO 02 GO O t^ CO ooo a Gi ci O IN 00 03 00 CO r^ t^ rM OOCZ) 05 01 00 — I CO CO lO OOOOi 00 e. cs GC' MM^^ o <^c5 Or-H ^ fnOO^O CO — , >o „- >• _- U 1— I V- "^ u M K^ C 00 a-^siN O ^ "^"O ^ u « ^- i ^j2 S Oij^ S S C 0 H "I a: to .- <;^ !2 Si c.S -j: .- S s f 3 o CK "~ o Z 0) ^ 5 C op^ T, 03 Z ■■ Oh C Q 1 t^S 1 p a D K Ci C K a 1908] Statistics. — Wyu?ning. 461 3 ■< > < (A 'R9(I i° ■i"'V o o o o coo X - spunj JU3UIJS3AUI XjiSdOJJ o ooocooo oo oo o oooocoo oo oo o_ o^^o^cqio o "O o i-'s lO lOO c^"* ooVico-^'c-fr-T^^ M-Tj, „ coo" «> CO # * •»**'* H0jnq3 JO U0U33i3 3JBQ o OOOOC5C5 oo ooo dCi •313 'itiEIES t$700 t 1 1,000 1,750 t700 1,100 t tsoo tsoo t t t tsoo 1,200 ajnjipuadxg 31UOJ1 t^ Tj-LOL-i^ o oo or^ -1 CO lO (M O C5 02; LO 0 !N 0 t^ 0 0 01 --1 CO t- ".O ^ ^-co- -" a u z u u £ u 2 Id P I«'°X lOO^^■*^:coT-^^^c^^■»Ji oooi^iNO^ ,^ ,-1 10 -+i ^ 0 ^ M >-H 10 M - S3U1JE113 -■3450 0 piVI.-iaJSiuii^ e# •305 'Vd P"^ ■g -g -auoo in 0 IM to LI lO ^ M (M'-*! LO CO " IN t-" ^ U0IJEI30SSV •ssii\i -uiy 00 MN rji 10 "-I SUOISSIJ^I auiojj 0 0 0 LO 0 r^ -* lo 0 ^ w CO T- CO ca "M ^ —1 •§pia M3Jnq3 CO (M 0 ^ 0 ,-i(N'-< CO uoijEonpg ^ SUOISSIJ^ uSiaJoj 0 LO CO 10 ■ui s 3I\I -sauapog 3|d031 CO lO t>. Tf 1 u a z 3 sjaqmaj^ 00 01 10 >0 0 0 0 0 lO 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 »o l-.(NCOt^O0cOCO0OfO"*CC»--5-^CO-rriOC3 c u ■a c 1. 3 CO Jerome F. lirown. Prof. F. Jenkins, Mrs. F. W. Daniels, A. 11. Doanc, Mrs. Ida Frazier, Hiram R. Daniels, Mrs. John Boyd, Mrs. (!eo. Faber, Geo. D. Palmer, W. N. Colie, C. E. Winslow, Mrs. Lida I?. Rouse, Mrs. E. B. Willson, Mrs. J. F. Patterson, Mrs. J. Mitchell, Mrs. Sarah Sheddcn, Mrs. Geo. P. June, Geo. E. Hosick, U) u X u OS 3 X u Big Horn, Big Pincy, Buffalo, Cheyenne, Dayton, Douglas, Gleudo, Green River, Guernsey, Hudson, Lander, Lusk, Manvillc, Pinedale, Riverton , Rock Springs, Sheridan, Shoshoni, Torrington, Wheatland, 0 3'cPh O °iM ^^ CC --* bc3 •- .CO -5 So^ c3 M -rj 3 "" 5i ir a. 3 g-gr2 0 ^S a 0 <*- 0 . ^ °^':'Kg ^ 0 . CO .2 ^MZ 0) d ;-o SS? 'C 1 2 w^ a 0 3 -< 6< .. 0 t», . -^ a "0 a bcoa -r.>B so; <; 0 0 c** H K a 3 a 0 _r s a '-' "" •Ss&o^K-*^ C5 UJ u x -j: 5^ "S (/^ s « «a cj ca a i* >i M a 5 CO.? .- k< ^f-^Tj^ . 01 0 T. .rf< U< fc06© ^^1 ~ o^§ •* CO 0 co" ?j r* -J? a "0 «© h(l '^ a c a in 0 u -3 ^ 'J. 3 23 a:^ T 5 CO - 0 0 2 p < 0 0 3 S^ pL, a 0 J < 0 f- s§ C < S 2 < D 0 n 4I K li.a2>^!J 462 Congregational Yeor-Book. lOCO c o oo" C CO CO C CO oo OOOCOOOOOOOOO i-t'*i-iOCCOOO(NCit^-^ OOOO—iOr-KMOiC-iCD OOOOOOOCOO^CO OOOOOOOOOIOOCO OOOOrtO^INOOOO ^Tjfi-ioeoooO'*oi~-i> OOOOOOOC(NOCO oo oo" '-i'*^OC0OOOo 111 «i-i S og5 !«-< ^^ +^ CC tJO K 0) r- (1) ;.< (h Lh Ch o o M (N IM O N C^ C; O O Ci X 00 0 0)00 lOi-i oo ooo o^o ooo 05 0 00 ,-1 MCO o oo 00 CO o CC 0(N ooo o oo t^ ? o M o t: o Co j3 QJ U) o, 3 C O c3 03 0) t. CQCOOO J3f3uP>^ t-_j'Oo3 n N. < "^ n o 0 CO r-i ci ,_^ M rl :^ ^' 0 0:1 H tT O o ^ CO SJ Ol h- >! cc 01 ^ C O 03 ^ .^ H "O > I^ii 5 '— I _ s «r i"- ^ ? S oo-t-7. o .2:510 • -"S c3 - O-Q 0; ^ ..iJ , 3 . • -^ "S '-' S . ^^^ B TtH ~ • • . . !C (N C CO tC H S S w ■ ■ +^" s "^ -! I P ^ ^ 5 §2§ l-H O - _J3 ■* s cc o • • •; ^ fe S (=5 M K o 5 o ^ H tH H g 5 s 2 °^ Z o § « &4 Jo lU M c .^s S« c3 c3 s ^ r3 03 PLhC ^ -r-r o — r < KB 2S u^ "S "s"? T'l o o PL. pL, d wi Lau Lau OJ 3 Unite pton, pton, SE cS 03. 2 c3 00&H<0 <; PC <. to-— > U ^ ? =* ^ > g OP-PntKO} 2P^ OS 05 a 'C Wig CO I— I ^',0 03 03^ >r bp_- 03 :5n=o 0-30 4/ ra C t- o -t u I- «3 ■:?, 2 2 &i ?^ 2 ^ S c3 o 03^ ci H K < iqaa jO juiy occccooocooooooc ^ CO spunj JU3U1JS3AUI oooooooooo ocooo XMsdojj LOCO uOCOCMOirsO i-no;o>o«D ilD4nq3jo aOU33i3 SJBQ '93 1904 '92 1907 '90 1907 '99 1906 1906 1901 1904 •3J3 'XjejBg 1-1 Tji rH ajnjipuadxg auio^ COOOOCi-OiOCO OOiO ?^ -H O lO LO LO rt r-1 O i-l Id u z H U HI z u o I^'OX O CO s3niJEi{3 c CO piVI,-I3JSIUII^ c o •oog "qnj puE •g -g •3uo3 = = UOIJBIDOSSV = ■= SUOISSIJ^ a'luojj C 10 ■3pia il3Jnq3 => ° uoijEonpg; = ^ uSisj'oj = ° •ui3j^ •sauapog s^ajdosj 3unoj^ 1— ' ^ o o X > < Q z a sjsqius}^ OOOOOC0(NtO t^OiOIN ^ CO — CC. Tj< (M C « •rjt C3 CO Superintendent .James Brown, J. V. Anderson, John Burleson, Daniel Gortlon, James Greene, Oscar Ricluird, Lewis E. Bowers, William Marler, Nelson N. Gibson, R. B. McGuirk, William Philips, Thomas P. Rhoads, B. Edwards, HI s u B a a u Place Angoria, Aiitioch, Boggy, Calvary, Campton, Center Ridge, Crestview, Destin, Florala, Ala. Laurel Hill, Marv lOsfhcr, Oak Ridge, Pilgrim Rest, Purl Cha])el, Shady Grove, Svea, CI LO ^ - •-9 >> 2 St 2~'o C 03 c3 >,a -GJ2 a r K § 01 ._ fc: O CD 0 d z CO o «© rr ^' «^.^ in 3 oT o e 0) X a 0 p W 33 > -t 0^ w w c 0) c o o w", Mh '"' ->^ o X!(N •^ o oT 33 !3i S S c«© ? o 5 oj 464 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 TABULAR VIEW OF THE MISSIONS OF THE A. B. C. F. M. FOR THE YEAR 1906-07. Missions W. Cent. Africa . South Africa: Zulu Branch. . Rhodesian Br. Europ'n Turkey Western Turkey Central Turkey^ Eastern Turkey^ Marathi Madura Ceylon . Foochow^ . . . South China North China Shansi^ Japan' . . . Philippines Micronesia Mexico . . . , Spain Austria . . . . Totals . . . 1880 1835 1893 1859 1819 1847 1836 1813 1834 1816 1847 1883 1854 1882 1869 1903 1852 1872 1872 1872 18 21 5 57 97 51 77 132 381 33 105 42 90 7 102 Missionaries 1,429 10 2 10 21 6 12 14 15 3 8 2 14 3 23 1 8 5 1 2 1693 24 10 10 5 9 28 7 16 17 14 3 10 2 18 3 21 1 6 69 20 Native Laborers 5 15 5 31 184-' 30 16 5 12 35 37 34 18 160 17 80 38 58 5 15 12 1875 571 321 637 2,176 29 51 305 215 152 32 345 361 117 38 58 6 29 372 18 44 27 24 110 116 40 110 53 Church Statistics Oi 17 1,011 92 485 13 100 424 279 228 496 643 430 318 86 178 19 115 130 24 31 44 17 231 19 61 122 56 65 59 381 44 157 43 97 12 122 149 45 16 74 O 4,135 ],770 309 4,860 131 1,453 4,816 6,224 3,170 6,618 6,227 1,922 3,001 4,000 3,795 75 12,604 6,177 1,391 308 1,871 29 326 46 62 247 236 183 545 540 108 261 537 307 25 1,358 1,014 84 36 187 580 68,952 6,131 • The s*:atistics of the Kumi-ai churches and of the Japan Mission are combined. ' Statistics of Fen-cho-fu not included. 3 Of whom 12 are also physicians. 1908J Tabular View of Missions. 465 TABU-LAR VIEW OF THE MISSIONS OF TJIE A. B. C. F. M. FOR THE YEAR 1906-07. Church Statistics Educational Statistics Missions IS c ■a < 1 B « U B V 1 J3 o m •c a a "o o JS u tn H i o u H u 'a S V 3 c T3 3 u •a tJ5 1 c« j: bo S c rt M c o ca a. 3 Ph o o JZ u m u 6 a 3 1 c •u c 1 s 3 12; — c a c e2'^ B .2 2 c o U > rt z "a e2 U . Cent. Africa South Africa : Zulu Branch 3,155 16,980 4 39 1,222 2,087 1 7 4 302 22 59 2,081 3,855 2,081 3,964 S51 845 Rhodesian Br. 1,300 4 170 3 160 2 98 273 European Turkey . . . 4,003 53 2,535 1 5 ) 71 3 166 25 578 820 6,123 Western Turkey .... 16,876 118 11,830 1 8 3 353 17 1,857 132 5,995 8,347 76,023 Central Turkey^ 18,189 68 10,789 1 12 3 331 16 922 116 5,138 6,403 23,265 Eastern Turkey'' 10,306 59 6,534 2 8 1 242 14 557 75 5,367 6,174 9,870 13,062 175 8,089 8,237 1 ''0 8 9 923 1,260 150 208 3,735 6,940 7,167 8,736 Madura 19,812 292 2 54 1 482 2,452 11,142 Ceylon 63 3,413 1 84 2 317 128 10,208 10,609 8,143 7,058 73 2,018 2 11 2 67 8 444 120 1,667 2,205 12,715 South China 4 300 2 1 44 33 581 627 3,582 North China 6,500 23 1,368 14 1 35 14 426 31 374 1,213 3,056 Shansi" 250 2 59 3 58 117 Japan' 38 7,832 1 24 2 968 3 447 95 421 1,860 39,912 Philippines Micronesia 3,995 56 1,.564 5 no 97 979 2,942 2,332 3,071 33 1,384 1 7 3 282 7 375 667 Spain 1,535 28 947 J 61 24 874 947 6,325 18 567 Totals 132.417 1.148 70,886 13 172 15 2,633 113 8,337 1,327 1 49,324 65,152 S226,271 ■* Of whom 10 are physicians. 6 In part figures of previou.'i year. ' Of whom 6 are physicians. 466 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 SUNDAY SCHOOLS, INDEPENDENT AND MISSIONARY. " C " indicates schools counted in State Schedules. ALABAMA. Name Membership Birmingham (East), 12th Ave. Union, 60 Joppa, Institute, 65 Total, schools, 2; membership, 125 ARIZONA. Acme, Gold Roads, Union, Gold Roads, 24 Arkansas Flat, Gila Bend, 12 Bowie, Teviston, 20 Crown King, Union, 24 Cherry, 40 Dewey, 30 Dos Cabezos, 20 Eldorado, Dos Cabezos, 25 Gleeson, 30 Gila Bend, 24 Granite Reefs, 50 Iron King, 18 Jerome Jc, 35 Pearce, 50 Skull Valley, Union, 23 Texas Canon. Union, Dragoon, 30 Wilgus, Union, Dos Cabezos, 15 Whitewater, Union, 24 Total, schools, 18 membership, 494 ARKANSAS. Gentry, Bloomfield, Cross Roads, 35 35 Total, schools, 2; membership, 70 CALIFORNIA (NORTHERN). Berkeley, Peralta Park, 26 Boca, 25 Bowman, 25 Campbell, Meridian, 30 Carnegie, 20 Colma, Colma Prot. S. S., 60 Copperopolis, 35 Dorris, 20 Eureka, Cutten, 20 Glencoe, 10 Glen Frazer, Martinez, 32 Hanford, Rustic, 30 Knowles, Granite, 12 Mantica, South, Sunflower, Lathrop, 30 Martinez, Vine Hill, 20 Mendota, 30 Mohawk, 25 Mt. Eden, 27 Mt. Hamilton, 8 Mt. View, Purissima, 27 Oakland. Goodwill, C Mayflower, c Olivet, 22 Piedmont, C Pollasky, 17 Name Membership Prattville, 30 Railroad Flat, Baimer, 25 Ruby, 30 San Francisco, Sunnyside, 35 Santa Rosa, Hall's District, 25 San Quentin, 25 Sattley, 12 Soudan, Kinney Union, Mills, 30 Success, South Tule 20 Tesla, Carnegie, 20 Therm alito. 10 Vallicita, Union, 30 Wawona, 25 West Point, 40 Woodside, Redwood, 6 Worth, Porterville, 30 Total, schools, 41 ; membership, 884 CALIFORNIA (SOUTHERN). Ambov, 20 Bagdad, 12 Bay City, 15 Beardsley District, Bakersfield, 20 Capistrano, 30 Casmalia, 21 Daggett, 26 Dulztira, 10 East Newport, Newport. 35 East Vale District, Corona, 30 Eliseo District, Santa Paula, 18 Encinitas, 25 Forest Home, 45 Fruitland District, Los Angeles, 30 Greenfield District, Bakersfield, 35 Gaviota, 18 Hawthorne District, Ingle wood, 35 Heber, 40 Hesperia, 15 Howard District. Los Angeles, 45 Jamul, 12 Jonata District, Santa Yuez, 22 Laguna Beach, 55 Lakeview, 12 Lemon, 42 Los Angeles, El Club Belen, 40 First Cong'l, Chinese, 30 Bethlehem Star, 55 First Cong'l, Japanese, 30 Ludlow, 24 Manvel, 15 Mountain View Dist.. Ontario, 25 Mill District, Ventura, 7 McKittrick, 15 Moreno, 24 Old River District, Bakersfield, 45 Oro Grande, Halleck, 15 Pasadena First Cong'l, Chinese, 10 First Cong'l, Japanese, 22 Palm Springs, 15 Paloverde, 20 Perry, 36 Pizmo, 20 1908] Sunday Schools. 467 Name Membership Pomona, Mexican, 30 Prado, 22 Riverside, First Cong'l, Chinese, 15 Santa Barbara, First Cone'l. Chinese, 14 San Diego, Chinese and Japanese, 60 Santa Margarita, 30 Spencer Valley District, W3mola, 15 Sunderland District, Klan, 12 San Pasqual District, Escondido, lo Sunset, 25 Sunset Beach, 35 Schneider District. Perris, 25 Valley District, Chino, 15 Victorville, 25 Total, schools, 57; membership, 1,454 COLORADO. Amethyst, Upper Creede, Arickaree, Ault, Wyatt, Avon, Axial, Axial Basin, Bachelor, Teller, Baileys, Barbee, Morrison Creek, Bernard, Parker's Basin, Berthold, German, Boulder, East, Bovina, Fairview, Brighton, County Home, Buftalo, Burlington, Cascade, Collbran, Clover, Little Creek, Colorado Springs, Hasting's Mem- orial, Vv^olfe Chapel, Cope, Weaver S. H., Craig, Little Bear, Waddell Creek, Cripple Creek, Elliott Chapel, Crested Butte, Howeville, S. Crystal, Deep Creek, Denver, Chinese, Glen Park, North Capitol Hill, Olive Branch, Olivet, Rocky Mountain Lake, Dolores, Lakeview, Mildred, Eaton, German, Edwards, Englewood, Roosevelt, S. H., Falcon, Flagler, Glenwood, Huntley, Kaufman, Rocky Point. Fondis, East Bijou, Fort Collins, Fort Morgan, German, Fowler, District 24, Fruita, German, Oilman, Gorham, Eldorado Springs, 50 50 20 30 8 90 IS 25 27 "'9 35 25 49 40 90 20 15 70 25 75 35 17 18 14 28 20 22 35 60 18 100 13 15 Name Membership Grand Junction, Pomona. 10 Greeley, German, 57 Green Mountain Falls, Green, 29 Hahn's Peak, 12 Hale, 19 Harmon, Maple Grove, 45 Hayden, Morgan Bottom, 12 Henderson, Rose Hill, 35 Ironton, 10 Lancaster, Coates S. H., 100 Lily Park. Lily, 6 Limon, Walk s Camp, 30 Littleton, Platte Canon, 11 South Broadway, S., R. F. D., 25 Washington Park, 10 Loma, 36 Longmont, German, 18 Lujane, McConnell, 35 River Portal, 23 Maybell, Cross Mountain, 15 McCoy, 15 Molina, Georgia Mesa, 17 Montrose, Chapel, 29 Riverside SI Morrison, Girls' Industrial Home, 50 Norton, 35 Gain, 40 Pagoda, 17 Portland, 35 Pyramid, 10 Ramah, 22 Gould's Ranch, 40 Prairie View, 29 Red Mountain, Guston, 25 Seibert, Pleasant Valley, 19 Vona, 23 Shawnee, 23 Steamboat Springs, Mad Creek, 16 The Mesa, 20 Stratton, Pious Point, 50 Pleasant Plains, 16 Sulphur Springs, William's Forks, 15 Telluride, Savage Basin, 15 Vega, 14 Whitewater, Pride, 28 Purdy, 35 Total, schools, 97' membership, 2,834 CONNECTICUT. Bozrah, Bozrahville, Yantic, 25 Goshen, Westside, 18 Hartford, Warburton Chapel, 126 Lyme, Union, South, 30 Madison, East River Union, East River, 70 Stratford Putney Oronoque, 15 Thomaston, Eagle Rock, Rejmolds Bridge, 50 Torrington, Union, Burrville, 20 West Hartford, Union, Elmwood, 64 Wethersfield , Griswoldville, 89 Total, 10 schools; inembership, 507 FLORIDA. Dorcas, 39 468 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 GEOKGIA. Name Membership Atlanta, Berean, 135 Betsey Wood, 89 Decatur St., 57 Irvin St., 115 Peach Tree, 59 Baxle}-. Apling, 78 Breeman, 56 Posey, 86 Colbert. Choruthers, 47 Daisy, Beaut}^ Spot, 35 Dawsonville, Shoal Creek, 73 Fort Valley, Quick's Academy, 66 Grady, 39 Griffin, East First, 64 Kemp. 54 Kramer, 33 Landrum, Harmony Grove, 58 Mcintosh, Hammond, 41 Midway, 50 Mineral Bluff, Cain, 49 Hot House, 36 Myrtle. Martha's Chapel, 32 Oneida, 26 Swainsborough. 51 Trayisyille, 58 Waycross, Beaver Dam. 26 Woodbury, Tarvers Chapel, 79 Total, schools, 25 ; membership, 1,592 IDAHO (CENTRAL AND SO.). Atlanta, 40 Bavhorse, 12 Bear, 15 Bruneau, 25 Clax'ton, 18 Clyde, 18 Council, Beulah, 12 Goodrich, ' 15 Middle Fork, 35 Custer, 25 Eldorado, 15 Ellis, 18 Falk's Store, McFarland, 15 Gibbonsville, North Fork, 18 Grandview, 30 Heath, 10 Hot Springs, 15 Howe, 20 Landore, 10 Lardo, :McCall, 18 Star, 20 Lenox, 12 Mav, 25 Meadows, Gilbert. 20 Mineral, 18 Murphv. 25 New Plymouth, Valley View, 40 Orchard, 18 Oreana, 16 Patterson, 12 Pine, 18 Riddle, 16 Rocky Bar, 10 Salmon, Iron Creek, 15 Trinity, 25 Ulysses, 10 Warren, 10 Name Membership Weiser, Chapel, 12 Crano, 20 Eaton, 15 Wickahoney, IS Total, schools, 41 ; membership, 759 IDAHO (NORTHERN). Anderson, 25 Athol, Cedar Mountain, 30 Black Lake, Springston, 12 Dudley, 25 Canyon, Dudley, 40 Cul de Sac, i\Iountain View, 25 Ferdinand, 30 Forrest, 60 Freeze, Deep Creek, 20 Harpster, 40 Kellogg, Eik Creek, 20 Government Gulch, 25 Kingston, 40 MuUan, Larson, 28 Murray, 50 Palouse, Wn., East Cove, 35 Tolo, 40 Waha, 25 Woodside, 25 Total, schools, 19; membership, 595 ILLINOIS. Albion, 50 Aldridsce, 50 Allright, 65 Alton Mission, 60 Austin, Swedish, 360 Barreville, Union, 4.5 Batestown, 45 Beardstown, Edgewood, 60 Beechwood, Valley Recluse, 45 Boner, 45 Braceville, 60 Canton, Ordendorf Addition, 55 Cedar Point, 70 Champaign, Sunshine, 119 Chenoa, Trimmer, 70 Cherry, 100 Chesterfield, Albany, 40 Chapin Home. Canton, 40 Chicago, Armour, 860 Ashburn Station. 60 Bethel Evang., 110 Bridgeport, Swedish, 112 Chinese Mission, 35 Commercial Ave., 160 Drexel Ave., Chinese, 38 Faith, 110 Forty-eighth St., 250 Forty-second Ave., 125 Garfield Park, 160 Grace Evang., 65 Grand Ave., Christiana Ave., 85 Grand Ave., Fortieth Ave., 75 Grayland, 160 Hanson Park, 40 Immanuel, 90 Infirmary, 60 Irving Park, Immanuel, 325 Mizpah, 120 North Ave., 85 1908] Sunday Schools. 469 Name Mem bership Xo. Berwyn, 115 Oakwoods Union. 1.30 Pilgrim Mayflower, 140 Stony Island Park, 50 Woodlawn Park, 95 Creal Springs, Ralls Chapel. 40 Dallas City, Pleasant Hill, 22 Dalzell. 85 Dayton, 40 Dunning, 80 E. St. Louis, Eldorado, 50 East Union, 35 Farmdale, 55 Fishback, Marshall, SO Fox Lake, 80 Gary, 55 Geneva, Van Nortwick, 55 Georgetown (colored). 30 Gilmer, 40 Granville, West Side. 64 Grape Creek, 30 Hainesville, 40 Half Day, 45 Harvard, 55 Hazel Grove, 40 Hazelwood, 30 Hegewisch, 65 Hillery, 45 Himrod, 60 Hollywood, East Grossdale, 35 Hooton, 55 _ amestown, " Celley ville (colored) . 40 20 Kelley's New Coal Mine 5, 55 Lakeside, 90 Lehigh, Elmwood, 55 Maple Grove, 40 Monaville, 35 Mossville, 50 Mt. Pleasant, Hungry Hollow, 45 Nelson, 50 Oak Grove, 45 Oak Park, Harvard St., 140 Iowa St., 165 Pana, Lake view, 115 Peoria Heights, 50 Peoria, North, 135 S. Washington St.. 200 Pocahontas, 45 Poyer, S. H.. 65 Prophetstown, 45 Pekm, 125 Rago, 40 Roberts, 42 Shermerville, 60 Southport, Elmwood, 43 South Westville, 42 Speer, SO Spring Valley, Italian, 95 Summit, 60 Sutter, Mt. Vernon, 40 Tamms, 50 Three Bridges, 55 Wayne Center, 35 West Northfield, 40 West Union, 45 West Shabbona, 60 Wilson, 45 Ziegler, 50 Total, schools, 108; membership, 8,837 INDIA JSfA. Name Membership Benson, Owensville, 60 Benton Grove, 40 Blountsville, 55 Coal Bluff, Davis S. H., 45 S. H. No. lo, 40 E. Mt. Carmel, 60 Gary, 100 Gibson, 35 Grassy Valley, 55 Hammond Branch, 75 Haney, Princeton, 45 Indianapolis, Garfield Park, 85 Gibbs, 75 Gospel Mission, 40 La Crosse, 50 La Grange, Oak Grove, 60 Lake Station, 55 Liber, 60 Little Rock, Decker, 40 Tanner, Clover Valley, 40 Twineham, 34 Total, schools, 21 ; membership, 1,149 IOWA. Brvant. 23 Buxton, 19 Cincinnati, Miners' Union, 21 Council "Bluffs, Woodbury Ave., 40 Dubuque, Eagle Grove, 141 West Hill, 30 Ellsworth, Rose Grove, 27 Eddyville, Green Ridge, 20 Gardner, Union Mission, 45 Iowa City, Bethlehem, 75 Kingsley, Pilot Knob, 40 Kellogg, Champion Hills, 27 Melbourne, Fairview Union, Marshalltown, S. W. Mission, 50 Spring Vallev, 20 Millville, Turkey River, 34 Muscatine, 200 Nashua, Bradford, 60 Newton, North Newton, 60 Ottumwa, Friendly Mission, Polk City, Lincoln, 40 Popejoy, Hale, 35 Preston, Van Buren, 20 Radlyn, 12 Sioux City, North Side, 30 Tead's Grove. 45 Wesley, Funnemark, 20 Total, schools, 27; membership, 1.134 KANSAS. Alma. Halifax, Halifax, 20 Union Center, Alma, 30 Alton, Pleasant Valley, 32 Argentine, West End Union, 2.S Ashland, Red Banks, 35 Atwood, White Dove, Rexford, 27 Cora, Pawnee, Womer, 33 Diamond Springs, Hymer, Hymer, 40 Wilsey, Wilsey, 35 Fowler, East Fowler, 48 Garfield, Bowlus, 55 Hillside, 25 Grainfield Harmony, Grinnell, 20 470 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Name Membership Howard, Fiat, 42 Jetmore, Hodgeman Center, 40 Lenora, Hendricks, 35 Longton, Illinois Union, 35 Oak Rid^e Union, 20 Muscotah, btony Point, 35 Overbrook Springhill, 35 Valley Brook, 40 Pleasant View, Sunnyside, Laurel, 25 Prairie Home, Haltett, 35 Pittsburg. Cambria, 25 Camp No. 15, R. R. 2, 30 Dunkirk, R. R. 1, 42 Midway, Midway, 47 Mulberrv, Mulberry, Pleasant Valley, R. R. 6, 30 St. Mary's, Stone S. H., Belvue, 30 Scott, Zenobia, 18 Sherman, Miller. Danbury, Neb., 30 Stockton, Bethel, R. R., 40 Hope, Sugar Loaf, 30 Pleasant Valley, 40 Tonganoxie, McGinness, 35 Topeka, Mission Center, 35 Tennessee Town, 70 Valley Falls, Blue Mound, 35 Wabaunsee, Bean School, Alma, 40 District No. 75, 35 Tabor Valley, Zeandale, 42 Total, schools, 42; membership, 1,424 KENTUCKY. Woodbine, Corn Creek, Rockhold, LOUISLA.NA. Areola, Ard District, Big Woods, Edgerly, Fields, Gueydan, Collins, Iowa, English Bayou, Mermenton, New Orleans, Pilgrim, Laforest Planvmg Memorial, Nunez, Springhill, Sulphur, Sulphur Mine, Toomev, Vinton, Nibletts Bluffs, Granger Cove, 42 60 30 20 40 21 35 30 20 25 20 30 25 25 30 Total, schools, 14; membership, 411 MAINE. Dead River, Union, 25 Deer Isle, Reach. 15 Sunset, 50 Duck Island , McKinley, 12 Gorham, North, 50 Kineo, 14 Mt. Desert, Pretty Marsh, Pretty Marsh, 15 Staceyville, Center, Sherman, 25 Total, schools, 8; membership, 206 MASSACHUSETTS. Adams, Zylonite, 50 Becket, Home Dept., West, 12 Name Membership Boston, Chinese, 105 Parental School, C Brookline, Bethany, C Erving, Farley, 50 Great Barrington, Three Mile Hill, 28 Melrose, East Side, Highlands, C Millbury, Union, West, 40 Monson, East Hill, 25 Silver St. Dist., No. Wilbraham, 27 No. Adams, Braytonville Union, 105 Pittsfield, West, . 34 Richmond, North, Pittsfield, 9 Stockbridge, Union, Glendale, 60 Taunton, Arlington, SO Templeton, Hospital Cottages, Baldwin ville, 103 Wendell Depot, W. Orange, Orange, 20 West Stockbridge, Friedley ville, Housatonic, 15 Windsor. East, 12 Total, schools, 20; membership, 775 MICHIGAN. Alamo, Union, 30 Arland, 40 Bagley, 30 Bellaire, People's, 50 Benzonia, Eden, 50 Town Line, 40 Beulah, Union, 40 Big Rapids, Branch, 35 Brampton, 22 Channing, 28 Chestonia, Rockery, 25 Covert, Kinney, 30 Packard, 50 Paulville, 40 So. Covert 42 Delhi Mills, 50 Detroit. Oakwood, 60 Polish, • 120 Faithorn, 20 Finkton, Churchill, C Echo, C Hitchcock, 15 Rockery, C Vance, 35 Grand Rapids, Knapp Ave., C Home, 18 Grayling, Center Plains, 45 Jacobsville, 24 Kenton, Spargo District 12 Lemon Lake, 40 Leroy, Coates, 45 Lewiston, Thompson, 25 Marlboro, 25 Mio, Pioneer, 35 Morley, Greenwood, 25 Muskegon, Jackson St., C Nathan, 21 Gardner, 27 Neibish, 25 Northland, 37 Nunica, Taylor, 30 Rapid River, Ensign, 25 Red Ridge, Edgemere, 25 Rose Citv, Abbott, 25 Rosedale", Bethel, 30 Strongs, 40 1908] Sunday Schools. 471 Name Swanson, Trout Lake, Vanderbilt, Logan, Wallin, West wood, Williamston, Sherman, Woodlawn, Finn District, Swanston District, 'W5^nian, Total, schools, 56; membership, 1,597 MINNESOTA. Aitkin, Pineknoll, Pineknoll, 40 Akcley, Swedish, 20 Akron, Ortonville, 30 Alexandria, Garfield, Garfield, 50 Anoka, Fair Oaks Br., Constance, 15 Trout Brook, Anoka, R. No. 1, 35 Arago, 8 Appleton, Hope, 20 Arlmgton, 30 Backu.s, White Fish. 25 Badoura, Chamberlain, 18 Baglev, Forrest, 15 Beard, 43 Beaudette, 50 Becker S. H., Osage, 25 Bena, 12 Leech Lake Dam, 20 Benson, Be Graff, De Graff. 20 LcTke Hazel, 22 Bertha, Pleasant Grove, Eagle Bend, 30 Big Fork, Park Rapids, 12 Birchdale, . 30 Bowstring, 15 Brownton, Sumter, Sumter, 32 Brownton, L'nion Branch, 17 Burtrum, Da vies S. H., 26 Cable. St. Cloud R. No. 1, 50 Carlos, 25 Cedar Park, Blackduck, 25 Crookston, Hindle, R. No. 1, 40 Dawson, Hamlin, 24 Deerwood, Oberg, 30 Eagle Bend, Pleasant, R. No. 2, 30 Edgerton, Fuller S. H., 20 Kingsbury District, Woodstock, 30 Eldred, ' 30 Elk River, Bailey's Station, 35 Lavonia, Zimmerman, 30 Meadow \'ale, R. No. 1, • 35 Erskine. 30 Estherville. Wabedo, 20 Excelsior, Chanhassen, 25 Fertile, Dugdale, Dugdale, 20 Woodside Union. ' 32 Foreston, R. No. 1, 25 Frankfort Center, Grand Meadow, 30 Freedom, Alma Union, Alma City, 3-5 Frontier. 25 Georgetown, 25 Gesperson, 35 Gould, Leech Lake Dam, Bena, 10 Bena, 15 Glvndon, Averill, Averill, 19 Stock-wood, 30 Graceton, 30 Grand Rapids, Spl'thand, 50 Name Membership Guthrie, 35 Hackensack. 30 North White Fish. Backus, 33 Hanson, Manitou, 12 Hastv, McClellan, 30 Hill City, 40 Hutchinson, Lake Alley, 21 Indus, 15 Itasca, Itasca Union, Lake Itasca, 25 Jenkins, 25 Judson, 10 Kimberly, 1.5 Lac qui Parle. 20 Lake Park, Cuba, 28 Lake Stay, Arco, Arco. 35 Lambville, Mildred, 11 Leonard, 25 Lincoln, Foreston, 20 Lingren, Leonard, 15 Little Falls, Mission Friend, 15 Swedish, Flensburg, 15 Loman, Bethany, 30 Longville, 20 Mahnomen, 21 Mankato, Decoria, Rapidan, 20 Rapidan Mills, Blue Earth City, 20 South Bend, R. No. 1, 24 Spring Island, R. No. 1 23 Marcell, 20 Milaca Bogus Brook, 30 Benson, 25 Mildred, 25 Minneapolis, Pillsbury House, Shev- lin Carpenter Liimber Co., 275 Golden Lake, New Brighton, 30 Immanuel, 225 Lynhurst, 40 Manhattan, 36 Montevideo, Baxter, 25 Reynolds, R. No. 1, 30 Morris, Morris Branch, 25 Morrison, Mildred, 15 Nashwauk, 30 Nelson, 35 New Richland, Brisbane, 40 Holbrook, Otisco, 25 Russ, 25 New Paynes ville, W. Paynesville, 25 New Ulm, West Newton, R. No. 1, 20 New York Mills, Davies, Davies, 25 Northfield, Greenvale, 20 Stone S. H., 25 Water ford, 40 North Ridge, St. Vincent 25 Park Rapids, Green Vallev, R. No. 1, 30 15 25 30 15 30 35 25 20 15 vSunnyside, Pelican Rapids, Bangor Union, Pine City, St. Croix, Pitt, Pleasant Grove, Plummer, Pontoria, Rochester, Marion Valley. Ronneby. Round Prairie, Oak Haven, Grey Eagle, Ruffy Brook, Rushford, Swedish. Sandstone, Crooked Creek, St. Clair, Beiview, Smith's Mill, R. F. D., 17 25 15 20 40 472 Congregational Ycar-Book. [1908 Membership 28 20 22 30 25 60 58 45 70 60 41 15 40 23 15 Name St. Cloud, Clearlake, Quarries, White's Park, St. Hilaire, St. Paul, Children's, Bell Chapel, Forest St., Gladstone, Gladstone, Hazel Park, Tatuin Chapel, Sauk Rapids, Bridgman, Watob, Shevlin, Union, Sleepy Eye, Golden Gate, Solway, Spencer Brook, Bradford, Cam- bridge, R. No. 3., 15 Oxlip, Oxlip, 53 Springfield, Cobden, Cobden, 24 Stillwater South Stillwater, 40 Stromen, Upsala, 17 Swanville, Pleasant Hill. Fawn- dale, R. No. 1, 25 Tosca, Bock, 21 Turtle River, Bass Lake, 30 Twin Valley, 40 Tyler, West Coon Creek, 25 Upsala, Palm, 20 Vemdale, Union, R. No. 3, 60 Wadena, I^eaf R^ver, Leaf River, 45 Wadena, Wadena Prairie, 20 Waseca, Meriden, Meriden 25 Wealthwood, 28 West Dora, Star Lake, 23 West Fork, West Fork Union, Loman, 20 Wicklow, Moose Hill, 20 White Clover, 20 Wilton, 20 W^inona, Lakeside, 105 Winthrop, Hegsburg, 25 Wyonette, Swedish, 28 Total, schools, 174; membership, 4, 957 MISSOURI. Afton, Nursery, 65 Almartha, 20 Aurora. Eureka, 30 Barren Fork, Romance, 20 Benners, Freedom, 50 Bevier, Dewey, 45 Billings, Oak Hill, 25 De Soto, Lee, 65 Dillia, 30 Eldon, Skinner, 40 Excelsior, Wild Rose, 25 Fairview, Thomfield, 21 Granby, Hebron, 45 Grandin, Camp No. g, 40 Hunter, Hunter, 33 Hannibal, Lindell Ave., C Isabella, 32 Joplin, East Town, O Grand Falls, 17 Kansas City, Bethesda, Rosedale, Kan. 50 Elmwood, 90 Lebanon, Thornfield, 30 Longnm, 40 Name Membership Low Gap, Oakwood, Chadwick, 40 Neosho, Hammers, 60 Kiddoa, 65 New Cambria, Hammack, 35 Nichols, Lake View, Springfield, 40 Noble, Clark, Squire's, 40 Noel, Oak Grove, .50 Oak Grove, Noble, 25 Longrun, 25 Pleasant View, Gainesville, 40 Pond Hill, Nottinghill, 20 Riverdale, Central, Ozark, 40 River dale, Rosedale, Nixa, 40 Shiloah, Theodosia, 40 Silica, 13 Springfield, Whitlock, . 45 St. Louis, Gordon ^lission, 62 Greenwood, 140 Park, 30 Wheaton, 60 Turkey Creek, Thornfield, 25 Webster Groves, Brentwood, C Total, schools, 45; membership, 748 MONTANA. Aldridge, 60 Belknap, 20 Billings, Lockwood, 35 Bonnes, Swedish, 20 Cokedale, 35 Crow Agency Gov't School, 103 White, 22 Custer, 30 Electric, 25 Fish Tail, 30 Foster. 30 Glasgow, 30 Glendive, 60 Grey Cliflf, 25 Hardin, 30 Heron, 30 Huntley, 30 Jordan, 12 Noxon, 25 River View, 30 Silver Star, 35 Trout Creek, 15 Washoe, 30 Total, schools, 23; membership, 67i NEBRASKA. Ainsworth, Beulah District 76, Huffman, 35 Hay Flat, District 43, 34 Hillside, Raven, 28 Lakeland, District 18, 34 Midvale, District 23, 40 New Hope, District 6, 42 West S de. District 21. 40 White Caps, 28 District 25, 23 Arabia, District 50, 38 Clear Lake, 25 Aten, Elm Grove, District .3, Yankton, S. D., 27 Bancroft, Springer, District 10, 35 190S] Sundai/ Schooifi. 473 Name Membership Bassett, Svbrant, District 77, Sy- brant.' 45 Thurman, 28 Union Grove, 30 Beverly, Union, 30 Bloomfield. Lukcns, District 100, 32 New Home, District 19, 40 Brewster, District 3, 20 Goose Creek, District 23, Purdum, 23 Pleasant Valley, 28 Bridgeport, Evergreen, ?5 Lamore. District 34, 20 Pleasant Valley, District 6, 35 Brownlee, District 93, 38 Brunswick, District 77, 30 District 78, 18 Burwell, Wood's, District 1, 31 Darling, District 2, 20 Cottonwood Grove, District 3. 23 Happy Hollow, District 27, Elake, 34 Ida District, 21 The People's, District 56, 20 Mid vale, 35 Saunders, District 20, 51 Carroll, Prince, District 63, 45 Clarks, Charity Union, District 25. 35 Comstock. Long^vood, District G, 24 District 232, 34 Crawford, Valley Star, 35 Creighton, Ehvo'od, District 22. 34 Crete, AVest Side, 40 Crofton, Tatum, District 119, 18 Cuba, Spring Arbor, 65 Curtis, Armstrong, 28 District 75, 35 Dalton, 45 Doniphan, Platte, 25 Duff, District 3, 30 Dunning, Lucy, Lucy, 55 Mispah, 27 Dustin, Clay Creek, 28 Elizabeth, District 102, 40 Elsmere, 3.S Famam, Mount Hope, 30 Austin. District 68, 24 North Congregational, 45 Franklin, Lookout -Mountain, 35 Georgia, Plum Brush, District 73, 39 Gordon. East Side, 27 Hay Creek, 21 Halsey, 30 Harlan, Happy Hollow, 21 Hartington, St. Clair, District 77, 42 Parsons. District 79, 40 Spring Hill, District 84, 30 Irving, Centerview, District 79, 28 Kennedy, 37 Lewellen, Clear Creek, 20 Lincoln, West Side, 200 Madrid. Pleasant View. 28 Sawyer District, 42 McCann, 40 !VIerriman, Center, District 74, 26 Mills, 28 Donalson, District 82, 32 Shaw, District 84, 15 ^lonowi, Masden. District 97, 15 ^loorefield, District 57, 36 Mullen. District 69, 22 Xatick. Thedford, 15 Xeligh, Lawn Ridge, District 44, 3S Name Membership Newton, 40 Norden, Riverside, District 12, Pekin, District 49, Penbrook, District 22, Penbrook, Mountain Peak, District 77, Norfolk, Ray, District 73 Norway, Oakdale, District 2, Oasis, Ogallala, Spring Creek, Le Moyne, Riverside, Omaha, Chapel of Carpenter, Oshkosh, Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Kowanda, Kowanda, Pleasant Plat. Palisade, Hoagland, Prairie Union, Star, Pierce, Lanman, Di.strict 26, Dein, District 40, Plainview, Cook. District 52, Eden Valley, District 11, Larson, District 12, Purdum, Compton, District 35, Rose Hill, District 13, Randolph, Weber, District 82, Rene, District 123. Antioch, Sargent, Antelope Valley, Cummings Park, District 100, Walworth, Hall, Distr.ct ISS, Somerford, Somerford, Zion Hill, Seneca, Crow Valley, District 11, District 18, Simeon, District 32, Simla, Springview, Alpha. District 33. Enterprise, Pense, District 54, Spring Creek, District 66, Stanton, Clintom, District 16, Butterfly, District 30, Fairview, District 24, Hoosier Hollow, District G, Mortimer Ranch, Madison, Pofahl, District 10, Raphler, District 42, Leigh, Sherer, District 14, Vogel. District 28, Taylor, Strohl, District G, Madi.son Square, Cooleyton, Thacher, District 62, Thedford, Antelope Valley, Trenton, Cornell, Cornell, South Side, Valentine, District 25, Niobrara Falls, District 100, Wallace, Alpha, Strickland, Phebe, Schoonmakers, Wauneta, Catherine, Catherine, Wood Lake, Cherry Valley, District 23, Breezy Summit, District 103. Schleters, District 95, 27 42 36 20 21 38 26 25 15 25 50 60 30 25 45 20 35 35 30 45 15 40 35 23 38 35 30 40 27 20 26 25 33 32 26 27 28 50 12 28 47 34 26 28 20 42 31 25 23 24 45 31 , 67 60 30 29 28 32 35 IS Total, schools, 148; membership,4,889 NEVADA. Wudsworth, Fanny Crosby, 25 474 Conyreyational Y ear-Book. [1908 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Name Membership Keene, George St., C Newport, Union, Guild, C Total, schools, 2; membership, NEW JERSEY. Bound Brook, Chimnev Rock, NEW MEXICO. Atrisco, Barelas, 64 Cubero, 50 Des Moines, Union, 30 Double Wells, Texico, 40 Kettner, Union, 25 San Mateo, 97 San Rafael, 52 Seboyeta, 50 Texico, New Hope, 40 Lakeview, 37 Total, schools, 10; membership, 485 NEW YORK. Brooklyn, Park Ave., C Willoughby Ave. Chapel, C Lake View, Park District Union. Hamburg, 25 Roscoe, Morton Hall (Home Dept.) C Total, schools, 4; membership, 25 NORTH CAROLINA. Blowing Rock, Skvland Institute. 75 Enfield, ' 206 Gum Springs. Moncure, 30 HiUsboro, 50 Jamestown, Highpoint, 20 Keech Town, " Earnest Workers," Mildred, 40 Lassiter's, Stricby Mission, 16 Littles Mills, Lumber Mission, 20 Marion, South Marion, 20 Saluda Seminars'. 33 Troy, Mission. ' 22 Total, schools. 11; membership, 532 Scandinavian, Edmunds, NORTH DAKOTA. Alsen, Anamoose, Antelope, Howard, Antelope, Argyle, Argus ville, Arrowood, Ashtabula Barlow, Columbia Heights, Beaumont, Pleasant \'alley, Berthold, Killboume, Blabon, Bordulac Bottineau, Scandinavian, Broncho, Brush Creek, Buchanan, Prairie. Butte, Steffenson, Canfield, Estherville, Carrington. Pleasant Valley, 20 30 25 25 80 35 30 30 45 20 35 20 28 15 30 35 25 30 23 Name Membership Cart Wright, 25 Cathav, Fairview, 24 Caugh'ev, 20 Christine, 20 Free Mission, 25 Clare, Round Top, 25 Cleveland, Canadian Settlement, 32 Steams, 28 Clifford, 26 Cooperstown, Scandinavian, 32 Crary, Lennen, 40 Crystal Springs, . 25 Cummings, Scandinavian, 30 Dawson, Dodds, 20 Deering, McCoy, 40 Dore, 25 Elbowoods, Ft. Berthold, C Independence. C Shell Creek, C Elling, Round Grove, 26 Esmond, Annis, 27 Gaines, 30 Garrison, Bethanv, 30 Enders, ' 25 Geneseo, 25 Gerber, Colby, 30 Gladstone, Graher, 30 Glen, 25 Glen Ullin. 25 Goa, 30 Granville, Bethany, 30 Woodward, 25 Hanover, 25 Harmon, 35 Harwood. Scandinavian., 20 Hazen, 27 Hebron, 25 Hensler, 22 Hickson, 25 Hult, 20 Hurdsfield, Lamoine, C Wyatt, 20 Ingersol, 35 Johnson, 25 Kindred, 60 Krem, 25 Kulm, 40 Lakota, Illinois township, 35 Larrabee, 25 Leigh, 25 Leipzig, 25 Lamer t, 25 Lignite, 25 Marshall, 20 Marston Moor, 30 Martin, 20 Maxbass, German, 20 McHenry, Blaskey, 20 Lake \'iew, 25 Paradise, 20 Medina, Western Plains Union, 20 Waltermate, 20 Menoken , 30 Midrigan, Melville, 35 Montpelier, 20 Mott, Lookout Butte, 30 Moyerville. 25 Nesson, 25 New England, Strehlow, 35 New Rockford, Craig District, 25 New Salem, Pilgrim, 25 190S] Sunday Schools. 475 Name Me inbership Nome, 30 Oberon, West Antelope, 35 Oriska, Fairbanks, 30 Perley. 30 McGill, 20 Phoenix, 30 Fairview, 40 Richmond, 25 Richardton, Gerbers, 25 Rutland, Johnson District, 25 Sanborn, Clark City, 25 Hillside, 35 Rhodes, 20 Sand Creek, 25 Sandalie, 25 Sawver, Pleasant \'allev, 25 W'elty, 25 Sentinel Butte, Chama, 20 Rocky Butte, 30 Sharlow, 20 Stanton, 40 Svea, 30 Sykeston, Roosevelt, 35 Tappen, Monumental Mound, 20 Tonner, Poplar Grove, 25 Underwood. Basto, 30 Velva, Dahl District, Benedict, 40 Gilbert District, 20 Snure, 20 Washburn, Iowa Settlement, 25 Pope District. 23 Whitney, 25 Williston. Garden Valley, 25 Riverside, 30 Stony Creek. 25 Windsor, 20 Total, schools, 125; membership, 3,358 OHIO. Belpre, Pine Grove. 55 Cleveland, Rosehill, 100 Danish-Norwegian, 50 Mizpah, 155 Columbus, Bethel, 150 W. Goodale St., 35 Parsons Ave., 120 Danburv, 40 Elyria, East, 90 Lake Ave., 75 South, 65 Kirtland Riverside, 40 Marietta, Oak Grove, 70 Putnam, 80 Rainbow, 40 Unionville, 28 Wayne St., 85 Oberlin, Riissia, 35 Richfield, Bath, 60 Oak Hill, 22 Youngstown, Emma St., 50 Total, schools, 21 ; membership. 1,445 OKLAHOMA. Agra, Osage. 41 Oakdale, 38 Binger, Mitchel, 40 Buffalo. Fairview, 50 Ft. Diamond, 40 Name Membership Chaney, i\It. Olive, 30 Chandler, Morning Stai*, 50 Darlington. Cheyenne, Doby Springs, 125 75 Highlandview, 60 Guymon, Fail* Plains, 20 Pleasant Hill, 22 Hydro, Hopewell, 60 Lookaba, St. Paul, 22 Lyford, Tex., Union, Madison, Benton, 60 30 Meridian, Tohee, 50 Pleasant Hill, 30 Miami, I. T., 60 Miami, Pilgrim, 58 Mohawk, Coal Creek, 20 Murray, Lone Tree, 40 Oklahoma City, Central Union, 35 Pilgrim Chapel, 100 Omega, Otter, 35 Orlando, Lowe Center, 25 Palace, New Hope, 50 Perry, Fairview, 38 Morning Star, 18 Readout, 50 Vinita, I. T., Kelso. Kelso, 50 White Oak, White Oak, 35 Waynoka, Elm Vallev, 40 Pleasant Hill, 25 Weatherford, Harmony, 50 Wellston, Lone Star, 73 Total, schools, 36; membership, 1,645 OREGON. Alto Park, Oswego, 30 Alville, Igo, Condon, 40 Argenti, Sublimity, 15 Beaver Lake, Wilhoit, 36 Belleview, Ashland, .30 Bolton, Oregon City, 20 Burkemont, 30 Cascade, Derby, 25 Chumas, Elgin, 50 Cow Creek. Glendale, 30 Deer Island, 30 Dell, Evergreen, 40 Desert, Eagle Point, 35 Drewsey, 40 Eagle Point, 50 Earl, 30 Elk Creek, Trail, 30 Ely, Mt. View, Oregon City, 40 Empire, 40 Erwin. 20 Flourney Valley, Looking Glass, 35 French Settlement, Melrose, 50 Gates, 45 Glendale, Ferndale, 30 Golden. 30 Grove, WoUey, 10 Hereford, 30 Howell Prairie, Silverton, 30 Kellogg, 20 Center Bend, 40 Little Canyon, Oakland, 20 LlewelhTi, Central, Madison, 70 Mound. Agate, 30 Mt. Pleasant. Oregon City, 40 North Deer Creek, Dixonvilie, 40 476 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Name . Membership Olene, 40 Panther Point, Gunter, • 20 Park Place, 90 Peyton, 60 Placer, 30 Portland, Pilgrim Chapel," C Prospect, 15 Reese Creek, Eagle Point, 25 Sitkum, 20 Starvout, Green Mt., 40 Table Rock, Central Point, 50 The Meadows, Anchor, 15 Trail, 30 Unity, 40 Vale, 60 Westfall 40 White Oak, Grove, 25 White Star, Vale, 20 Willow Creek, Vale, 25 Willow Springs, Central Point, Wilsonville, 35 25 Winchester, 35 Wolf Creek, 30 Total, schools, 58; membership, 1,946 RHODE ISLAND. Providence, Portuguese, C Tiverton, King Road, , 25 Total, schools 2; membership, 25 SOUTH CAROLINA. Greenwood, Brewer Normal, 105 Chester, 25 Total, schools, 2; membership, 130 SOUTH DAKOTA. Bangor, German Cong'l, 25 Belle Fotirche, Broomfield, 20 Lake View, 26 Black Hawk, 25 Bowdle, Jacob Grosz Mission, Ger- tnan, 20 Buffalo Gap, " W. G." Flat Union, 35 Cherry Creek, Touch-the-Clouds, Ind., 45 Creston, 15 Fairburri, 35 Folsom. 25 Ft. Pierre, Hope Cong'l, 25 Geddes, Pleasant Valley, 25 Gregory, Whetstone, 25 Grosse, West Point Union. 20 Hall, 30 Hayward, 15 Hermosa, Spokane, 30 Bender's, 20 Hot Springs, Falls, 15 General Home Department, 125 lona, 30 Iroquois, Logan Center Union, 20 La Foon, 25 Little Eagle, Flying-By, Indian, 30 Oak Creek, Indian. 40 Thunder Haw^k, Indian. 20 Milbank, Elmira, 27 Name Membership Miranda, 35 Mitchell, Beulah Center, 40 Mystic, 15 Oacoma, Cooper District. 20 Jensen, Chris Myhr, 17 Pleasant Hill, _ 25 Oahe, Hone Station, Indian, 15 Thunder Butte, Indian, 15 Otis, 35 Ouinn, 45 Rapid City, U. S. Indian School, 250 Redfield, College Neighborhood, 20 Reliance, Medicitae Butte, ■ 16 Rockerville, 25 Scenic, Kube Cong'l, 23 Seim, 25 Grand River, Rosebud, 25 Upper Grand River, 30 Smith, Little Grindstone Union, 20 Smithwick, 25 Spearfish, Crow Perk, 25 Elmore, 15 St. Charles, 25 Tabor, Mayflower, 25 Thule, German Cong'l, 20 Tolstoy, 45 Top Bar, Mt. Pisgah, 44 Vale, 32 Blaine, 46 Van Metre, 35 Wall, Crooked Creek, 54 Lake Flat, 25 Wasta, 18 Webster, South Webster, 50 West Nahant, 35 Worthing, Wiggin, 25 Total, schools, 64; membership, 2,013 TENNESSEE. Chattanooga, Steele Home, 138 Coalfield. Union, (50 Cumberland Gap, Harrogate, 150 Shadeland, Oakgrove Union, Total, schools, 4; membership, 348 TEXAS (CENT'L AND SOUTHERN). 232 100 20 150 Dallas, Pilgrim Chapel, Central Church ^lission, Nuecestown, Paris, East Paris, Total, schools, 4; membership, 502 TEXAS (NORTHWESTERN). Frio, Friona, Friona, 25 Granada, Isom, 25 Kiowa, 23 Lipscomb, Mitchell, 14 Lone Star, Miami, 20 Perico, 22 Prairie view, Texhoma, Okla., 22 Spring Creek, Alhambra, 40 Westbrook, Taz, 20 White Deer, Westbrook, 40 Total, schools, 10; membership, 251 1908] Sunday Schools. 477 UTAH. Name Membership Name Membership Greenwood, Meyers Falls, 45 Coalville, New West. 12 Groshong, White Salmon, 25 Heber, 30 Half Moon Prairie, Wayside, 35 — Harper, 25 Total, schools, 2; membership, 42 Highland, Chelan, 10 Homestead, Mabton, 24 Home Valley, 35 VERMONT. Hope, ChehaUs, 100 Bennington, Guideboard, 85 Horse Heaven, Pilgrim, Huit, Hunter's Creek, Alyea, 31 35 25 Cambridge, East, Dorset, South, 20 c North, E. Rupert, Dorset, Northfield, Gliddens iMill, 19 Irving, Cathlamet, 20 40 Kelley Lake, Sumner, 20 54 Kuhn, 10 Orwell, Mt. Independence, Wright, N. Y., 23 Lakeview, Bossburg, Lonerock, Seabeck, 30 25 Richmond, Union. Jonesville, 35 Lopez, Central, Lyle, Marshland, Snohomish, Meadowdale, Meskill, 25 25 50 17 30 Rochester, West Robinson, Stowe, Moscow, Troy, North, Union, North Troy, 24 88 64 Total, schools, 11; membership, 452 Monte Cristo, Mora, 20 55 WASHINGTON. Moses Coulee, Beulah Land. Ham- mond, 15 AUyn, 20 Mountain View, Prosser, 17 Avondale, Woodinville, R. D., 30 Valley, 30 Belieplain. Pataha City, 20 Northlight, Washtucna, 20 Bethel. Prosser, 20 Oakeshill, Meyers Falls, 30 Biglake. 60 Orin, . 50 Bingen. 20 Oso, 40 Black Rock, 25 Otter Creek, 9 Blewett. 14 Outlook, Granite Falls, 25 Boundary Hill. Blaine, 15 Palmer, 20 Bow. 40 Penrith. Newport, 33 Bryant, 45 Pettit, Dayton, 35 Buckeye. 35 Pilchuck, 25 Buena" Vista. Prosser, R. F. D. 1, 37 Pine Hill, Lyle, 30 Camden, 35 Pleasant View, Prosser, 30 Cape Horn, 20 Pomeroy, Skyhawk, 33 Carrollton. 20 Port Ludlow, 40 Mt. Plea.-^ant. 37 Poulsbo, 40 Cedar Valley. Edmonds, 25 Ouillcedar, MarysviUe, 20 Central Valley, Silverdale, 25 Rattlesnake Mt., Summit, Prosser, 26 Chenowith. 20 Redmond, 35 Chewelah, Fairview, 30 Richards, Kennewick, 30 Graham, 30 Richardson, 14 Olivet, 38 Rockport, 20 Chumsticks, Leavenworth, 20 Rollingbay, 30 Cliffs, via Rufus, Oregon, 30 Ronald, 20 Clifton. 25 Roosevelt, 25 Cottonwood. Chewelah, 25 Samish, Samish Island, 20 Covington, Kent, 24 Seattle, Maple Leaf, 25 Cowlitz Bend. Toledo, 26 Prospect, 75 Dead Canyon. Alderdale, 35 Shaw Island, 27 Deer Creek, Colbert, 25 Shaw's Camp, Granite Falls, 20 Dupont, Tacoma, R. F. D., 45 Silvana, 55 East Camden, Camden, 40 Silverdale, 75 Echo. 40 Clearcreek, 50 Edgecomb, 44 Silverton, 20 Fertile \'allev, Westbranch, 25 Six Prong, 35 Fir Grove, Washougal, 30 South Alki, Seattle, 35 Forest, 35 Spanawav, 35 Forest Center, Springdale, 25 Spring \'allev, Siinnyside, 20 Fruitland, 30 Summit. 40 Gardena, Touchet, 40 Sunrise, Siinnyside, R. F. D. 1, 30 Garden Spot, Loon Lake, 38 Tacoma, Center St.. 96 Getchel!. 32 Park, 20 GifTord. VaUey, 40 Tampico, 30 Glade, Mabton, 20 Taylor, 35 Grace, Woodinville, 30 i Sherwood, 20 478 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Name Memb srship Teller, 30 Tower Hill, Pine Flat, 5 Tuchannon, Dayton, 25 Twelve Mile, Addy, 31 Two Rivers, 20 Uniontown, Sunshine, 21 Usk, 30 Van Horn, 25 Walla Walla, Willow St., 75 Washougal, Mt. Norway, 35 Sunnyside, 35 Washtucna, Five Mile, 35 Weatherwax, Valley R. F. D. 1, 15 Wenas, 30 Williams, Ryan, 16 Youngstown, 45 Total, schools,132; membership, 4,060 WISCONSIN. Amy, Union, Elkmoimd, 70 Appleton, People's Chapel, C Aspen, 8 Atlanta, 26 Avalon, C Beaver, La Tarte, Greenwood, 32 Black Creek, First Cong'l, 40 British Hollow, Beracha, Potosi, 20 Bruce, Amacoy Lake, 45 Calumet, Calumetville, Peebles, 35 Cavour, 18 Cayuga, 43 Centerville, West Prairie, Trem- pealeau, 50 Chicog, Stunce Brook, Menah, 24 City Point, 30 Clearfield, Union, New Lisbon. 55 Colburn, 20 Union, Goloma Sta., 17 Coles, 13 Deer Creek, Welcome, Welcome, 16 Dellwood, Cherrjrville, 23 Donald, 20 Drummond, 75 Earle, 37 Eggan, 12 Emerson, Swallow, 40 Fairview, Hope, 35 Filbey, Tadpole, 27 Fond du Lac, Zion, 55 Forest, Camp Creek, Viola, 32 Gagen, 19 Gordon, Union, 21 Hackley, 44 Hannibal, 15 Hixon, Goodwin, Withee, , 20 Holmes Junction, Walton, 11 Jim Falls, 34 Kansasville , 30 Kaukauna, Oak Grove, 42 Kreinersville, 20 La Crosse, Bethany, 100 Lakewood, 14 Langlade, 38 Laurel, Pleasant Hill, 25 Leef, Welcome, 20 Leeman, Main No. 3, 39 Leola, Hancock, 50 Longwood, Poppe, Greenwood, 35 Name Membership Minong. Gilmore Lake, 23 Arlington, 18 Mills, 38 Kimball Lake, 17 Moqua, 7 Nashville, 22 Pahquayahwong, Leonard, 27 Pittsvill'e, Home Dept., C Pleasant Hill, 50 Roy, 22 Spooner, Dunn Lake, 21 State Line, 30 Stockbridge, Ouiney, H. D., C Stoughton, Bass Lake, 25 Sumner, Tracy Valley, Osseo, 17 Swiss. 20 Tioga. Hope, 35 Tomahawk, Jersey City, 45 Tomahawk Lake, 13 Tripoli, 26 Two Creeks, Two Rivers, 16 Veteran, 20 Wagner, 12 Wauby Lake, Lakewood, 17 Weblake, Deer Lake, 30 Plymouth Cong'!, 40 Wicklow, 30 Withee, District 5, 14 Total, schools, 75; membership, 2,086 WYOMING. Atlantic City, Union, Bamum, Beaver, Beckton, Union, Bennett Creek, Beulah, Big Sandy. Union, Boulder, Union, Cheyenne, South, Cottonwood, Crow Creek, Gilbertson, Granger, Grant, Gregg, Greub, Hermosa, Iowa Flats, Union, Kamey, Kaycee, Keas, Klondike Lander, Lost Cabin, Lost Spring, Mayworth, Mine No. 4, Moody, Muir, New Fork, Oleson, Ono, Orin Junction, South Pass, Story, Wolton, 48 45 35 42 42 30 23 •42 65 40 17 30 20 12 60 21 25 30 32 39 30 30 45 30 12 38 100 50 60 9 15 27 32 28 23 17 Total, schools, 36; membership, 1,244 1908] Sunday Schools. 479 SUMMARY. Schools Members Alabama, • ) 125 Arizona, IS 494 Arkansas, 2 70 California (No.), 41 884 California (So.), 57 1,454 Colorado, 97 2,834 Connecticut, 10 507 Florida, 1 39 CJeorgia, 25 1,592 Idaho (Cent. & So.), 41 759 Idaho (Northern), 19 .595 Illinois, lOS 8,834 Indiana, 21 1,147 Iowa, 27 1,139 Kansas, 42 1,424 Kentucky, 1 42 Louisiana, 14 411 Maine, S 206 Massachusetts, 20 775 Michigan, 56 1,597 Minnesota, 174 4,9,57 Missouri, 4.5 748 Montana, 23 672 Schools Members Nebraska, 148 4,889 Nevada, 1 25 New Hampshire, •-) 0 New .Jersey, T 0 New Mexico, 10 485 New York, 4 25 North Carolina, 11 532 North Dakota, 125 3,358 Ohio, 21 1,445 Oklahoma, 36 1,645 Oregon, 58 1,946 Rhode Island, 2 25 South Carolina, 2 130 South Dakota, 64 2,013 Tennessee, 4 348 Texas (Cent. & So.), 4 502 Texas (Northwestern) 10 251 Utah, 2 42 Vermont, 11 452 Washington, 132 4,060 Wisconsin, 75 2,086 Wyoming, 36 1,244 1,712 .57,168 480 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS IN FOREIGN LANDS. All not designated by a star (*) are working in connection with the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. MINISTER ANO LOCATION MINISTER AND LOCATION Abbott, Justin E., Bombay, India Aiken, Edwin E., Paotingfu, China Allchin, George, Osaka, Japan. . . . Allen, Orson P., a Allen, Herbert M., a Ament, VVm. S., Peking, China. . . *Anderson, Chas., Rob't C. [Ms.] a. . Andrus, Alpheus N., Mardin, Turkey, Atwood.I.J..M.i..{ Fene|K.i". } • Baird, John W., Salonica, b Baldwin, T. A., Brousa Ballantine, Wm. O., m.d., Rahuri, e. . Banninga, J. J., Tirumangalam. d. . . Barnum, H. N., Harpoot, Turkey . . . Barnum, H. S., a Bartlett, S. C, Otaru, Japan *Bates, George L., Africa *Beard, Willard L., Foochow, China . *Beckwith, E. G., Honolulu, T. H.. . Bennett, Henry J., Tottori, .Japan . . Bingham, Hiram, Honolulu, T. H. . . Bissell, H. G., Ahmednagar, India . . Black, Robert F , Davao, P. I *Bhss, Daniel, President of Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, Syria . . *Bliss, H. S., Beirut, Syria Bridgman, F. B., Durban, c Brown, G. G., Uddupiddi, Ceylon. . . Browne, J. K., Harpoot, Turkey. . . . Bruce, Henry J., Satara, W. India. . *Cady, Chauncey M., Kyoto, Japan. Carey, Edw. F., Harpoot, Turkey... Gary, Otis, Kyoto, Japan *Case, Alden B., Guerrero, Mexico. . . Case, H. E. B., Guam, The Mariana Islands Chambers, W. N., Adana, Turkey . . . Chambers, R., Bardezag, Turkey ... Chandler, John S., Madura, d Channon, Irving M., Ocean Island . . Christie, T. D., Tarsus, Turkey Clark, Albert W., Prague, Austria . . Clark, Alden H., Vadala, e Clark, C. A., Miyazaki, .Japan Clarke, J. F., Sofia, Bulgaria Clarke, Wm. P., Monastir, b Cobb, Edward S., Niigata, Japan . . . Cole, Royal M., Bitlis, Turkey Corbin, P. L., Taiku, China '. . . . Curtis, Wm. L., Niigata, Japan Crawford, L. S., Trebizond Davis, Jerome D., Kyoto, Japan. . . . DeForest, John H., Sendai, .Janan . . Dickson, .J.H., Kankesanturai, Ceylon Dunning, Morton D., Kyoto, .Japan. Eaton, J.D., Chihuahua, Mexico . . . Ellis, E. W., Pang Chuang, China. . . Elwood, Willis P., Palani, India .... Emrich, Richard S. M., Mardin, Tur. . Ennis, Merlin, Africa, h Ewing, Charles E., Tientsin, China . Fairbank, Edward, Ahmednagar, e . Fairbank, Henry, Vadala, e Fowle, James L., Cesarea, Turkey . . Gait, Howard S., Tungcho, China. . . Gates, Lorin S., Sholapur, India. . . . '99 *Gates, C. Frank, Robert College, Constantinople Goodenough, H. D., Johannesburg, Transvaal, S. A Goodrich, C, Tungcho, p Goodsell, F. F., Aintab, Turkey .... Gray, Thomas, Ponape, / Greene, D. Crosby, Tokyo, Japan. . . Greene, Joseph K., a Gulick, O. H., Honolulu, T. H Gulick, S. L., Kyoto, Japan Gulick. W. H., Madrid, Spain Hager, C. R., m.d.. Hong Kong, Ch'a, Haskell, Edward B., Salonica, b ... Haskell, Henry C, Samokov, bb . . . . Hazen, Hervey C, Tirumangalam, e . Hazen, William, Sholapur, India .... Herrick, David S., Battalagundu, e . Herrick, G. F., a *Hill, Charles W., Hilo, T. H. Hinman, G. W., Foochow, China . . . Hodous, Lewis, Ponasang, Foochow, China Holton, Edward P., Mana Madura, d. Hoi way, Theo. T., Salonica, b. . . . *Houlding, H. W., Tientsin, China.. House, J. H., Salonica, b Howland, J., Guadalajara, Mexico . . Hubbard, G. H., Foochow, China. . . Hume, Robert A., Ahmednagar, e . . Hume, Robert E., Ahmednagar, e . . Hunsberger, Byron K., Bombay, India Jeffery, Frank E., Melur, India Jones, John P., Pasumalai, d King, Thomas, g Knapp, Geo. P., Harpoot, Turkey . . Learned, D. W., Kyoto, Japan Lee, Lucius O., Marash, Turkey .... Lee, T. S., Wai, e LeRoy, A. E., Adams, c Lombard, Frank A., Kjoto, Japan. . Macallum, F. W., Marash, Turkey . . Marsh, G. D., Philippopolis, bb Maxwell, Chas. H., Durban, c *Merrill, Selah, Jeru.salem Miller, John X., Pasumalai, d Neipp, H. A., h Nelson, Charles A., Canton, China . . Newell, H. B., Matsuyama, Japan . . Olds, C. Burnell, Miyazaki, Japan . . Ostrander, L. F , Samokov, bb Partridge, E. C, Sivas, Turkey Pedley, Hilton, Maebashi, Japan . . . Peet, Lyman P., Foochow, China. . . Perkins, H. P., Paotingfu, i Perkins, .1. C, Aruppukottai, d Perry, Henry T., Sivas, Turkey .... Pettee, J. H., Okayama, Japan Pixley, Stephen C, Inanda, c *Porter, Harvey, Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, Syria fMs.] Porter, John S., Prague, Austria . . . Pye, Watts O., Fenchofu, China. . . . Ransom, Charles N., Adams, c Raynolds, G. C, m.d., Van, Turkey . . Riggs, Charles T., a '81 '81 '65 '07 '00 '69 '59 '70 '87 '71 '82 '91 '62 '67 '00 '94 '59 '94 '98 '01 '91 '01 '97 '72 '82 '84 '74 '07 '03 '98 '78 '05 '90 '75 '80 '03 '01 '04 '90 '72 '06 '03 '04 '92 '87 '03 '02 '00 '89 '88 '82 '85 '66 78 '78 '55 '55 '80 '91 '07 '90 •79 '00 1908] Congregational Ministers in Foreign Lands. 481 MINISTER AND LOCATION MINISTER AND LOCATION Riggs, H. H., Harpoot, Turkey... . Jtowland, G. M., Sapporo, Japan . . Sanders, W. H., Kamundongo, h . . Sheffield, Devello Z., Tungcho, p . . Smith, A. H., Pang Chuang, t .... Smith, Edward H., Ing-hok, China Sprague, Wm. P., Kalgaii, China . . Stanford, Arthur W., Kobe, Japan. Stanley, C. A., Tientsin, China .... Stanley, C. A., jr.. Pang Chuang, I. Stapleton, 11. S., Erzroom, Turkey. Stimson, Martin L., Truk, Mic, /.. , Storrs, Chas. L., Shaowu, China . . . , Stover, W. IM., Bailundu, h Taylor, W., m.d., Osaka, Japan. . . . . *Thompson, F., Seamen's Chaplain Valparaiso, Chili [C; .] Tracy, Charles C, Marsovan, Turkey Tracy, C. K., Smyrna, Turkey Tracy, James E., Periakulum, d . . . Trowbridge, Stephen v. R., Aintab Turkey '02 '86 '80 '69 '72 '01 '74 '86 'G2 '04 '97 '98^ '04 IW '82 '73 Ussher, C. D., m.d., Van, Turkey . . . Van Allen, Frank, m.d., Madura, d. . . Wagner, H. T., Hermosillo, Mexico . Walker, J. E., Shaowu, China Walkup, Alfred C, Kusaie, / Wallace, William W., Madura, d. . . . Warren, C. M., Kyoto, Japan *Washburn, George, President Rob- ert College, a Wellman, Freel C, m.d., Sachikela, h . White, George E., Marsovan, Turkey, White, S. S., Okayama, Japan ilcox, Wm. C, Ifafa, c Wilder, George A., Chikore, g Wilder, Geo. D., Tungcho, p Williams, Mark, Tungcho, p Wingate, Henry K., Cesarea, Turkey, Woodside, T. W., Sakanjimba, h . . . Wright, A.C., Riva Palacio, 2, Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico Yarrow, E. A., Van, Turkey Zumbro, Wm. M., Madura, d '98 '88 '94 '72 '80 '97 '03 '58 '96 '90 '90 '91 '80 '94 '66 '90 a Constantinople, Turkey, Bible House. b Macedonia, European Turkey. 66 Bulgaria, c Natal, South Africa. d Madura District, Southern India. e India. / Caroline Island.*, North Pacific Ocean. g Melsetter District, Rhodesia, Africa. h Care of American Mission, Benguella, Africa, via Lisbon. p Peking, China. t Tientsin, China. N. B. — As postal directions, the places named are often inadequate, and subject to change. Correspondents of missionaries of the American Board are advised to send their letters, enclosed, to Frank H. Wiggin, Congregational House, Boston. 482 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 CONGREGATIONALISM. (See Congregational Tear-Books of England and Canada.) COUNTRIKS Churches, Chapels, and Stations Members Sunday- School Scholars Englaad and Wales 4,661 214 41 12 21 8 62 28 14 17 40 82 46 62 84 36 35 48 335 49 46 1 48 3 15 93 2 5,989 '580 459,663 36,714 2,256 320 816 279 5,537 2,338 957 234 5,389 5,048 2,147 3,408 4,117 1,389 2,241 966 16,465 2,406 1,196 500 3,122 405 498 11,922 83 708,913 68,952 689,812 Scotland 34,483 Ireland 4,680 Channel Islands . 372 Canada : 717 New Brunswick 103 Ontario Quebec 4,481 2,129 582 Newfoundland 36 British Guiana 4,654 New South Wales 8,662 Queensland 9,339 South Australia 5,861 7,543 Western Australia 1,889 New Zealand 2,633 1,901 South Africa 7,748 2,225 Natal 1,243 Sierra Leone 250 .lainaica 1,593 448 India 418 Japan 8,373 United States 679,044 Independent and Mission Sunday Schools .... A. B. C. F. M 57,168 70,886 12,672 1,348,281 1,609,273 ANNUAL MEETINGS OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETIES. A^nerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. — Brooklyn, N. Y., October 13, 14, 15, 16. Americmi Missionary Association. — Galesburg, 111., Tuesday, October 20—22. Congregational Home Missionary Society. — - Boston, Mass., Park Street Church, May 18-20. Congregational Education Society. — Congregational House, Boston, Mass., sec- ond ^^'ednesday in June. American Congregational Association. — Congregational House, Boston, Mass., last Monda.v in MaJ^ Congregational Church B^iilding Society. — Fourth Avenue and Twenty-second Street, New York City, second Thursday in January. Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society. — ■ Congregational House, Boston, Mass., first Mondaj^ in April. Woman's Board of I\Iissions. — Hartford, Conn., November 11-12. Wo7nan's Board of Missions of the Interior. — St. Louis, Mo., October 27-29. Woman's Board of Alissions of the Pacific. — San Francisco, Cal., September 2. Woman'.'f Home Missionary Association. — Last Wednesday in October, Boston, Mass. 1908] Annual Meetings. 483 ANNUAL MEETINGS IN ORDER OF DATE. 1908. Indiana, Elkhart, Tuesday, May 12-14. Rhode Island, Providence, Tuesday, May 12-13. Wyoming, Cheyenne, Tuesday, May 12-14. Iowa, Waterloo, Tuesday, May 19-22. Michigan, Lansing, Tuesday, May 19. New Hampshire, Lebanon, Tuesday, May 19-21. New York, Patchogue, Tuesday, May 19-21. Pennsylvania, Scranton, Tuesday, May 19-21. Illinois, Peoria, Monday, May 25-28. Vermont, St. Albans, Tuesday, Jime 9-11. South Dakota, Rapid City, Thursday, Jxme 18-21. Hawaii, Hilo, Wednesday, June 24. Cuba, Havana, Tuesday, Sept. 8. Montana, Billings, Tuesday, Sept. 8. Washington, North Yakima, Tuesday, Sept. 15-17. North Dakota, New Rockford, Tuesday, Sept. 22-24. North Carolina, Beaufort, Wednesday, Sept. 23-27 Colorado, Greeley, Tuesday, Sept. 29-Oct. 1. Califorina (Southern), Santa Ana, October. Utah, Salt Lake City, October. Texas, Thursday, Oct. 1. Idaho, Ontario, Ore., Tuesday, Oct. 6. AVisconsin, Tuesday, Oct. 6. Minnesota, Faribault, Tuesday, Oct. 6-8. Nebraska, Monda.y, Oct. 19. Oregon, Portland, Tuesday, Oct. 20. California (Northern), Tuesday, Oct. 20-23. Georgia (Conference), Barnesville, Thursday, Oct. 29. Arizona, Tucson, November. Connecticut, Rockville, Monday, Nov. 9. Alabama (Convention), Wednesday', Nov. 11. Georgia (Convention), Macon, Wednesday, Nov. 18-22. Mississippi, Meridian, Friday, Dec. 4-6. Alabama As.sociation, Louisiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Florida, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, Kansas, Ma.ssa c hu.se t ta, Ohio, 1909. Florence, Lake Cliarles, Baltimore, Md., El Reno, Lexington, Norway, Springfield, Newton, Boston, Park St Mt. Vernon, Saturday, March 27. Thursday, April 1. Tuesday, April 13. Saturday, April 24. Tuesday, April 27. Tuesday, April 27. Wednesday, April 28. Wednesday, April 28. Wednesday, May 5. May. Tuesday, May 11. Church, Tuesday, May 18-20. Tuesday, May 18-20. 484 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 THE NATIONAL AND STATE ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CHURCHES. THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES OF THE UNITED STATES. — Organized Nov. 17, 187L Officers for the Session of 1904. — Moderator, Hon. T. C. MacMillan, Illinois; assistant moderators, Pres. J. G. Merrill, Tennessee ; Rev. F. S. Goodspeed, Massachusetts; secretary, Rev. Asher Anderson, Massachusetts; registrar and treasurer, Rev. Joel S. Ives, Connecticut; assista7it registrars. Rev. Edgar L. Heer- raance, Minnesota; Rev. Robert J. Thomson, New Jersey; Rev. George A. Hood, Massachusetts. Officers for 1904-1907. — The moderators hold office until their successors are chosen; and the presiding moderator appoints a committee of nominations at the opening of the next session. The following officers and committees were elected for the next three years : Secretary, Rev. Asher Anderson, of Massachusetts; registrar and treasurer. Rev. Joel S. Ives, of Connecticut; auditor, David N. Camp, of Connecticut. Committees, 1907-10. standing. Provisional. — Col. Charles A. Hopkins, Massachusetts; Hon. T. C. MacMillan, Illinois ; Rev. C. L. Kloss, Pennsylvania ; Rev. Dan F. Bradley, Ohio ; Rev. Charles L. Noyes, Massachusetts; Rev. Francis L. Hayes, Kansas; Rev. W. H. Day, Cali- fornia; Charles W. Osgood, Vermont ; Rev. Alexander Lewis, Missouri ; Rev. A-sher Anderson, Massachusetts; Rev. Joel S. Ives, Connecticut. Pxihlishing. — Thomas Todd, Massachusetts; Arthur H. "Wellman, Massachu- setts; Rev. F. J. Goodwin, Rhode Island; Rev. Asher Anderson, Massachusetts; Rev. Joel S. Ives, Connecticut. Trustees. — Rev. H. A. Stimson, New York; H. Clark Ford, Ohio; Rev. F. J. Goodwin, Rhode Island; Guilford Dudley, New York; Rev. William H. Allbright,* Massachusetts; Rev. F. R. Merrill, Minnesota; Rev. J. H. Selden, Connecticut; Rev. Charles H. Richards, New York; Rev. Asher Anderson, Massachusetts; Rev. Elliott W. Brown, New Jersey; B. H. Fancher, New York; Martin Welles, New York; Lucien C. Warner, New York; Rev. Louis F. Berry, Connecticut; Hon. T. C. MacMillan, Illinois. Benevolent Societies. — Rev. John P. Sanderson, Michigan ; Samuel B. Capen, Massachusetts; Rev. Charles S. Mills, Missouri; Rev. William R. Campbell, Massa- chusetts; Lucien C. Warner, New York; Rev. Amory H. Bradford, New Jersey; Charles H. Rutan, Massachusetts; Rev. Dan F. Bradley, Ohio; Rev. L. O. Baird, Nebraska; O. M. Carter, Illinois; Rev. Jean F. Loba, Illinois: Rev. S. A. Norton, Massachusetts; John F. Huntsman, Rhode Island ; Rev. John De Peu, Connecticut; Rev. Edward M. Vittum, North Dakota. Calvin Centenary. — Prof. Williston Walker, New York; Prof. A. C. McGiffert, New York; Prof. H. M. Scott, Illinois. Church Property. — Rev. I. W. Metcalf, Ohio; Hon. H. Clark Ford, Ohio; Rev. H. A. Stimson, New York; Rev. H. C. Herring, New York; Rev. C. H. Richards, New York ; Rev. Asher Anderson, Massachusetts. City Extension Societies, Federation of. — William Spooner, Illinois ; Hon. H. Clark Ford, Ohio; Rev. H. A. Bridgman, Massachusetts; H. F. Swartz, Missouri; Rev. H. A. Stimson, New York. Comity, Federation and Unity. — Rev. Washington Gladden, Ohio; Rev. W. Douglass Mackenzie, Connecticut ; Rev. Charles S. Nash, California ; Rev. W. Hayes Ward, New Jersey; Hon. John H. Perry, Connecticut; Hon. T. C. Mac- Millan, Illinois; Pres. H. C. King, Oliio; Lucien C. Warner, New York; Rev. .1. W. Strong, Minnesota : Rev. W. H. Day, California; C. H. Rutan, Massachusetts; David I. Carson, Georgia; Hon. H. M. Beardsley, Missouri; Rev. S. Parkes Cad- man, New York; Rev. Oliver Huckel, Maryland. * Deceased. 1908] National and State Organizations of Churches. 485 Congregational Brotlierhood. — Fres. J. H. T. Main, Iowa; Samuel B. Capen, Massachusetts ; Prof. A. P. Hollis, North Dakota ; Rev. E. B. Allen, Ohio ; Rev. G. G. Atkins, Michigan; William Shaw, Massachusetts; Rev. E. N. Hardy, Massa- chusetts; Rev. E. H. Rudd, Massachusetts; Rev. C. A. Vincent, Massachusetts; Rev. E. L. Smith, Wasliington ; Justice David J. Brewer, Washington, D. C. ; Hon. H. M. Beardsley, Missouri; A. W. Benedict, Missouri; Fred ^Veitzel, Nebraska; Arthur Arlett, California; Rev. E. Lyman Hood, Georgia; W. L. Lougee, New York; H. W. Darling, Kansas; G. W. Bailey, New York; Judge C. W. Rosa, Wis- consin; Pres. H. C. King, Ohio; Lloyd E. Harter, Illinois; Victor F. Lawson, Illinois; Graham Taylor, Jr., Illinois; Judge Orrin N. Carter, lUinois; Rev. Frank G. Smith, Illinois; Rev. Frank Dyer, Illinois. EratKH'listic Work. — Rev. William T. McElveen, Massachusetts; Prof. E. I. Boswortli, Ohio; Rev. F. J. Goodwin, Rhode Island; Rev. Clarence A. Vincent, Massachusetts; Rev. Samuel G. Smith, Minnesota; Rev. H. H. Guernsey, New Jersey; Rev. W. H. Spence, Vermont; Rev. G. L. Cady, Iowa; John B. Sleman, Washington, D. C. ; Geo. W. Marston, . Incorporation of National Council. — Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin, Connecticut; Charles E. Mitchell, Connecticut; Verrenice Mungcr, Connecticut; Rev. Asher .\nderson, Massachusetts; Rev. Joel S. Ives, Connecticut. Indwstrial. — Prof. Graham Taylor, Illinois; Rev. C. A. Jones, New Jersey; Rev. W. M. Short, Missouri; Van A. Wallin, Michigan; James Logan, Massachusetts; Edgar D. Clark, Iowa ; Rev. F. N. White, Illinois. Inter-Church Relations. ■ — Rev. Raymond Calkins, Maine ; Prof. E. A. Steiner, Iowa; Rev. A. E. Dunning, Massachusetts; Rev. Washington Gladden, Ohio; Rev. W. Hayes Ward, New York ; Rev. F. T. Rouse, Nebraska ; Rev. G. A. Gates, California; Re\-. R. H. Potter, Connecticut; Rev. G. Glenn Atkins, Michigan; Hon. George F. Roley, ; Rev. W. A. Bartlett, Illinois; Rev. A. J. Lyman, New York; Pres. M. H. Buckham, Vermont; Rev. 'E. B. Sanford, New York; Rev. W. H. Bolster, New Hampshire; E. H. Pitkin, lUinois; Rev. Doremus Scud- der, Honolulu, T. H. ; Hon. T. C. MacMillan, Illinois ; Rev. Asher Anderson, Massa- chusetts; Rev. Joel S. Ives, Connecticut. International Council, Delegates to. — Primarii: Hon. Samuel B. Capen, Massa- chusetts; Hon. T. C. MacMillan, Illinois; Rev. Nehemiah Boynton, New York; Rev. C. W. Hiatt, Ohio ; H. B. MacFarland, Washington, D. C. ; Prof. C. S. Nash, California; Rev. C. S. Mills, Missouri; Rev. F. E. Jenkins, Georgia; Hon. D. P. Jones, Minnesota ; Rev. F. L. Goodspeed. Massachusetts. Secundi: Rev. S. G. Smith, Minnesota; Hon. H. M. Beardsley, Missouri; Rev. Peter Roberts, Pennsylvania; Rev. H. H. Proctor, Georgia; Hon. O. H. Ingram, Wisconsin; Rev. Joel S. Ives, Connecticut; Rev. E. L. House, Washington; R. J. Bennett, Illinois; Rev. N. McGee Waters, New York; Pres. William D. Hyde, Maine. Ministerial Education. — Prof. C. S. Nash, California; Rev. Nehemiah Boynton, New York; Rev. W. D. Mackenzie, Connecticut; Rev. W. R. Campbell, Massa- chusetts; Rev. H. P. Dewey, Minnesota; Rev. Dan F. Bradley, Ohio; Prof. Graham Taylor, Illinois; Rev. F. E. Jenkins, Georgia; E. E. Brown, Washington, D. C; Clarence E. Bowen, New York; W. H. Laird, Minnesota; Pres. J. H. T. Main, Iowa. Oriental Immigration. — Rev. C. R. Brown, California; Rev. O. S. Davis, Con- necticut; William I. Washburn, New Jersey; W. D. Wood, Washington; Prof. E. A. Steiner, Iowa. Polity. — Rev. F. K. Sanders, Massachusetts ; Rev. S. B. L. Penrose, Washing- ton ; Rev. A. E. Dunning, Massachu.setts ; Rev. L. O. Baird, Nebraska ; Prof. Curtis M. Geer, Connecticut; Rev. H. M. Tenney, Ohio; Rev. F. S. Fitch, New York; H. M. Darling, Kansas; Benj. F. Blair, New York. Religious Education. — Rev. Frank K. Sanders, Massachusetts; Rev. A. W. Hitchcock,* Massachusetts; Rev. C. A. Brand, Massachusetts; Rev. James A. Blnisdell, Wiscon.sin ; Hon. Samuel T. Dutton, New York; Rev. A. E. Dunning, Massachusetts; Rev. William Horace Day, California; Prof. E. I. Bosworth, Ohio; Pres. Mary E. M^ooUey, Massachusetts. Temperance. — Rev. Charles L. Morgan, Illinois ; Rev. John Fa villa, Illinois; H. L. Whitehead, Indiana ; Rev. J. B. Gonzales, Louisiana ; Rev. t*. A. Coo!, Minnesota. Wor.'^hip, Order of Public. — Rev. Charles L. Noyes, Massachusetts ; Rev. R. J. Thompson, New Jersey; Rev. C. H. Richards, New York; Rev. L. H. Thayer, New Hampshire; Prof. E. I. Bosworth, Ohio; Prof. J. W. Platner, Mas.sachusetts ; Prof. J. W. Buckham, California; Prof. W. S. Pratt, Connecticut; Rev. H. P. Dewey, Minnesota. * Deceased. 486 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 sjaqiuaj^ lO i-t rt OOOOOCOiOCCOOO'OO-^O'-iOOCOO^OOOOO'-i SJOJSBjJ iCt^C^COOO-*a>iOOO-^»003(Nt^cCCOO-HOCO—iOOXO CO^ t^iOOO -^C1r-i-HCJCl C5 -hO OOCOCl .-• W r-< CI rH i-H p,S033^ JO ppsy; sjojSBj OOOO'-ilNO-*INOM0 -HCICI^O ^-^ OON r-i IN ^ >-i ro IN »-i p3ZITl8033'^ JO P.03H SJOJSBjJ OOOO'HOOO'^ClOCOOCOO'-iOOOiO'-iOSOO-^OOO paijwsui SJOISBJ o<1 P a Za2 2X! M «S 3 2 a!!-; 1=^ fl ri H >3 OS °'-3 s o o fl aj ao «3 .5.5:3 "u bC M 03 O • — tj tj > .^ •2« ? e3 QQC5C50-*02^00'<*t^COO^":iC<)(MC<5iOO^tOtO N ■>4< 'ti-i 00i-iiH«O i-iT)< 1-1 CI lO (M »0 C3iOX't»0'-i'OOOt^Ortit~C:C. cC(N-*I^OtO«D'-iC>a)CDO 1-1 CO C-1 rt i-H 01 coo: lOXioiooc-icr-Tfi^ccocoC'Oi-^oococoo^c^cooioooc: OlCDlNOC-lrHO'OiO'MiMcCiOrri^XCOCOiOCO'Mrtl^COCOiCC^eO ■^■^tlMt-iMTtiCiMfOlX'OCO-tCCC' rtCC'COX'O-ti-H'-i'-li-ifO'O C!Mt^ 00-* -^ ^0 OO'^ OLOOOiOtOiOi-H ■^rtt^'iiCO^'-i to CO 01 CH a. S P OJ P -i a, a^ 4- * 4. b Oiji! £; g o-C § § § aj * «.S:k?k? CI 5}"m io C M ■3 C! o S o o .2 ^ 4SS C ongregational Y ear-Book. [1908 OOOC;OCiHt>.Gl-^t^OOt^"*t^'H(Nt>.|>Tj<4Ct»«'-'5(MTf^OCOCOOCOCOO -t'GOIMOrtO'O'tClCO'-lOCOeOiOiOOOd'-iCOt^.OlMOt^CC'-iOCiOC. i.-5CO(N(N!M'-ii-(MOOr^OHOCOiXuOCOCOcO'0 00>OiO'-IC003-* t^-'HooO'*'-f*'^oocoioi>0'-.a5'-iocii-io»ci050 COiOrH OCOroiM'-i 05 CO CO T-^ IN CO CD 00 ■* »0 00 lO 1-1 O Ol t- CO(Ni-i CO lo^rt"* T-i rtrt -Hcooco N i-Hooco CO ci CO'^C005COOOiOOi0^00500CO'-irtiOCC:-*t>-iO-^OCnt^>-ii-H(NiOOO rHffiTt<(M i-H C'-HCOO; CO lOOCC IQ O •<:ti(Ni-c^ooocor-coicr»0'-iocO'-icocor^co-*coo2cocooiooJ0500Tf< COIN OiNOOrt CO-*INi-iCO^iOT} Olr-iOO rtrt TH rt lO CO 1-1 ■* 1-1 Tj* 1-H 1-i iOt>.»0'*i-it^OCJC0-*C0iNI>t^r0l^iNC0t^'OG0rt-*OINC0't00C0QCrtO lOCaiOiNiOCO^COiOINClt^COCOOM'fCROOCOOtMt^.OliOt^'INOOINtOlM i*i-Hr-l OCO(NCO'-IINlNrtO)C)'-lOO-*TtININ 1-1 OOlNTlHTl.i-i-^COt>.COOt^lNCOCO-H(MOO^>-HCC'-icO'-ilNOiOO-* OOiQ THINC000t^»0-^Oi-i(N0000an0C0t^i0 00iO(N-t-**>Ci-iTlDrt i-i NOCDCO'-I'-* OOlNtMt--. C0C~JO5C0iOt^ ■-iO-hOO'. rtOli-iCOOl^Or-i-^OllNiOt^-^OOiOOiNINOOOOOOt^CD lOrtCOl^lNOOlOO— HO^iOWOlOOOOiTjtcO.-iCAiO-^rHIMrtCyS^^ i-i t^iOiOCO ,-1,-iT-iT-HO OC^Ji-iCO r-it>. 0-*IN O I— OO^t-''-iOOOOlNIN003INt^OOO)-(i»ocoioiO'^'-;oo5rHcor^oo'rtt^oot^ooi^oooo ic ci TjT i-T't'co*' r-T in" nc>oo'-iG0t^i0-'*f^(NC0O'O0C'0^i0Ttt^-Ht^t^COCOi-ir--C0005t^t--Ci'0'0 02COCOOt^'-iCO r-(_01i-i Cvl i-lt^-^O cq^O ^ Ol^OIN 0_IN 05 0 0CO p^LO ClCOiOt^r-llOtHOlCOiO'-i of ooi>'o'co'^ ri -H i-H IN co" (oco-^c: ^o r-T of •^'~ co o •* CO -i-*iXii-i'C00'#iNC^OC3'-Ot^O00i--i(NiO01^O00C0OC0CTi'*?0t--i0t^'-i(^Tj(O>0Ot--iNI^-'1i iq^o T-I rH r-4 1* x^ i-<_ t-_ CO '^^o^oo ■*,'t.'n< oo^»o_oo__»o_co o o_c^ '-^^V'^^ "l^ ^- — " ^ co'co'cf -H~f-r t-Tfo" oo" r-T of Lo" (S r-'o't^-" co" ts 1908] Summaries of Statistics. 489 •^<0 t^ t^ lO "* c<5 X -^ Tt< Ol i-i C^ r-i(N t^ C5 (M 50 CD"* Ni-H t>. CO t>- t^ f-l CO (N (N t> rHOOOO"*<00000)Ot^Ot^«D0005.i-l i-H iH N CO N CO Ol'Ht^.oOiOOfflOC'^CCrJ'TfcCOOCOXCO'^iOOOOCO OOiO'-H-HrtC>)XC200(Mt^-xococot^or>-05a)'-Hcoxcoc3Ci05co02t^ r^ 05 T-< lO r-i CO CO X CO C O Tt<05iO(NO iOi-iC5'*< Nrt ic (NiNi-Hi-iCO IN CO ■* ^ t> UO rH ,-1 COCOC^OCO'*t~COCOXC3iMrt-*CDCOCOCDt^(MlOt^'-0 COO(Nr?COt^'OfOiOi-OMC^COCOOCOiOOi-lr-( t^co X O 0_-H O O^iO "* '-"^'-1 CO O^i-H 01 -^ O^ CO^ (N^-H ■qT co" 1-1 rH rt" i-T of lOOJXO-^t^t^xojcooico'ooiooiO'HOii-ii-iaii-i C0C0i-.C0O'tC0C00101XT-iC0-<*<05C0»O Ol CiX Ol CO t^ TfCOOlOlCO iH lO ■* Ci t^ i-H-l<'*X0ir^X i-o^o_o^co^o oi co__oi t^__Oi x'x" t^'ofoco'of-* co" o" x^oToTt-Tor o" co' l-llO-*i-li-l OlrHOl XI^CiOOliHOOXOlOlO^COOICOOCOt^XCOCOCOO eo-txi^i^oir^rt^oio-*iHXcoon^co>conooi'C C<1_"* rt 01^X_^O]_C0^X_^CD_iq_Ol 1^__C0 C0^Ol^^__X X_^rt t>.^i-< co_^co eo'o x"'^'"co''x'~^"ofoo co" lO'^r-^ -^ co' x" .-I CO Ol ,-1 ^ XXOlCOCOO-^OOOlXOlOOJCRXXXCuOOirtX t^01-Hf-.rtO>OOOiOCO»OOCOO'*01^01Xt»l^X C0_O_i-< 'O rt_0_t>.__0_-^_rH 01 01_T-i ^JX) X •* OI_i-H lO CO 01 Iff co" c^^r^-t^'^tS CO n 1^ co" x" CC c — o C>» o .^ p S (3 t-. .— ^ c3 ^ ?! •5 Mi - „. 2'3-p o 2 P i:. ? ? ^ u.-^ jtct; 2Bs d ><'S S"&1| « §. 490 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 »& KlCit^CC coco '-I lO .-I lO G2 QO 1-1 Tt< <-H^ O «5 05 '-I >-< NrHr-tM t^ CCi-H IM t^ Tfl (N r-l (N OO O O O iC o ; >t^OOOOOOOOOC:OOOOOtOiOOOt^O: lO lOO cjio.-ia)LO.-^o CO O (N lO ■-^ O^iO^O O^ ("^ '*_'"' '^„'^^'*,^"* "'1^ COXit^r-'OC»t^C^'-iiX> CO (M 'O^OCO»Or-lr- o 05 o I— I w M ;? o o fOt^ ■* CO T-i = "2 Tf-iOcO M»0-^(MC0 Mffl005PO'-tCO(N (NOOiCX O "^ iN-^ioooco.-ixi^0500ir^r>.(Noooi-it^co®(Ni^oMO'-i'-OwOoixi-o ■*C«(N^T-cCcOCOCOt>.0(M0005t^ COOX «© 'MiftiO.-i N-^ -H t^»HOO >0 O"*c0 00-hC^ I -* rt --I rt O05O'Ct-.t^iC05'^OOO'*O0i(NCDt>-(Nc000t^C0O'-ic001t^iC00t^t^ 9&C0t)ho -^OOOi© CO Ol CO CO (M t^ OO (N to "5 CO •^ Oi ' aJt^lM-^iC I^N i-i ^ T-^OCOOO 1.0 COCO tO^OcO -HC^ -^Nt^.'-^OO o oeoiN ^ -H 3. -5 u c 3 O t^t^or^u5co^^t^o-o_'-hco__ CO'^^-^jTo" rH to" TtH-rHQo'tC o" INOTco" i-H OO" rHrt CO CO ^ -t<(N(N ^ C^r-iioOOOO-^cOr-iOOaiCOiNXOt-OOCOIN'— t^-^oOCOClt^tOCOcOXX-H «©^itO'Ocococor^ oo'Com Tj<^»0^o^ (NCO (NIC --1 05-* cot- "NCO^ t^."** "KM CO ■*N'-*o" r-^ cc co' r-i o'co— •" cT -h" OfNOO lOCO ^ CO O00t-WOOC5'*Ot~-»C«5O00OX-*t>.t^>0tC^— I' ^•^occco 00-* 00 Tt< 1-1 Tft T}( r- r^ .-I CO ■* (N t^ lo t^ tOiQINC) •-'CO -^ M -HiO rt^ OlMCO O'-iOOJ-'tiWX-^XOt- CO T)H -^ rt CO to t^ lO (N C iC03tO^Tt.OXX-*OOtOG2 ^ to -H 00 CO -^ »0 1-1 O lO O 1-1 C5 O O CO CO lO lO CO -^ ^t- rt 05 C^ 'I* r-l ^ O ^OC^OOOOCO o ^ tooiMr-cor-.-^cico'HiO'^^iNcoootooiO'-iooci-HTiii-icoM'COs-^cO'-i C<1 IM .-lOOtOfN CO th CO t^ 1-1 05 CO to »0 i-i C 05 05 05 CO i-i tO .-I CO IN (Ni-i IN iCNii --I V ID ;z;a} O IB 03 cs : • J.S.S o fl c; ^ c3 s CI fl-c fl s >>c8 IISII-USI S.Q > 1908] /Summaries of Statistics. 49i i-IC00>i0 0000'*iOO>Ct^C<5t>.01iMt>.C)(NC0t>.G>>-HC0 «o T-<_c<5 cq_ce cq^CR o_co_t-^-* o^'<^_(n oq_-^_'-<^o,(N_i^^co_r~_i© COOOOOOOOO'OOOOOOOO'COOOOO i-<_CM (N >-H C5 •*.'-t"*."^^„ CO »-t CO CO CO t-T >-H .-I i-Toj I oo --H t^io OOiO(N'-Ht^i-i(NOO'lOOOiOiMt^CO'^COOcOO O'** CO lO^ i-iCC tOO»00i-iiM-*-*COt» 00 CIO O I-"© '-'CO iM IN X (N CX) iOt^(NCi030000^»OOi-(OCO(N(N©(N>-irt<(Nt-i05 OiON»0 OCOOO COCO M 01 -H -(l* t>. T}t to >-H O i-t 1-1 •<* ■^ •* M -H r^ ci^co CO CO to 3s ^^1 t^^""* ^'' of rt^of i-T T-T of or-cO'HtOrHi^i^cxooo'OOOioiiooocooooooQ'o DOS CO "5 0« ■* CO N >0 O -^ CO I>- "Ti I-H .-1 tP ■* O "^co co^r-LO t^o CO o^i-* oo o oii-< »00»»-iCOXCOeOUOCOOOXOeOiC01CO>OiO'*00'* '-iCst^COb-Ol'^OOt^ t^ 01C0-hO0)C0C0C0-*0) ror- io_ oi_'-__'0 t-_c« tj<^ o_'-< i-f^co oi_ co_ (» ■* Xci" of co't^-' ^""H i> co" -^ x" OC lo" M 1-1 1-1 OC0i-i»OO-*C000C0 0CO0)O00'Ct^Ot-»i-il>C0C0C0 t>- 1-» o» oi CO ^ CO t^ o "5 " »o oi t^ CO t>. CO o) o rH CO oa r-t^ OC xicoiioo o CO co oo t^ i-ioi ;ooeoco50eocoa>c0 O O^O* 1-1 1-1 00 lO^ -t< CO O 1-1 T^ r-T ofoo'co" of r^' co" OOt>.^'^'*,-i©,-ii-nOCC-*OJt^CO'-i>OOC003C005CO •H U5 CD •^ p i-i 05 1^ © CD >OrHOOr-OXCOI^ COiO O500 •"ijic oici«oc5cooOi-< r- j--.i-ioci-ir-» a >ooi rt 01 1-1 1-1 0-. ^Ol 03X-^-*oo « « u 83 * ocQ * ^ .S-2 OQ s s-SfoSp'S^^a^aj §:s|^og &--^-*'0 Bi bD^ HX*''^ d «J>fl H 'En's 'm t' * O 0,f3J< fc. 4) o-^ S S « «:^ *-SiCKilitC 492 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 f^ 5 2 O SS01 UIEO SSCJ i-i« 05 en O ■* CO CO CD 0:__ (NO(N Ot--GOI^COl^r-iCO CO.-I«OOCOCOO«0 CO « (N CO »0 CO OC CO_ C0 02 CO to O CO o CDiO Tti 00 t>. 00 tJO(M Tj* CO 05 M lO 05 t^ lO»C 00 CO(M of rt" (N •05 05 • ir • t^iO . CO .C005 • r- ■ CD t^ ;co ■ (N • ut) • Oi • ^ . (N005 •(N 050rt • lO Ol 05 GO 03I>10 t^oo UIBQ COO ooo oooo^o—i 05 COCOt^ lO CO (M COtJ< 05 SSO'J coo O03 05O>t^ COTt< 0 03 S 2 niEO • -TjiOO . • rt o • -coco C^CC • TfHOO • iO(N • . ■* * ■* •(M CO M • lO t^05 lii • . . •Tt< iOt^ •* • • ■ •0) (N • • • FJOX (MOOC C0OC5OOO OOOCO'-HW^OOt^Ol-TTCO SJOJSEJ pajlBisuj SJOJSEJ OOOO -^OCOOOO OOOCOO'-HCOOOiCOXCOrH (NOOO (NO.-1COO OOOOO^— iOOPOOeOiOOI^(NiN passiuisiQ OOOO OOOOOO O^OCOOOOOOCOOiO rHi-H P'la (NOOO (NOCOOOO OOOOrH— irtOOfNOOs-HCl P3ZIU3033^ JO paiiEjsui OOOO 1-iOt^OOIN 0'*0'*rH(N— 'OOt>005COO psurepjo NOOO 1^005000 CONOOJOOOCOOCOI^OOOCJO SSCJ • IN • . -CD • • • • CO • •(NOO • - -O ■ ■ -00 ■ . -CO • ■ ■ • •COO • • (N • ■ -rf . . . . t • (M . UIBQ ooco •cci-'O • .-H 1-1 00 —H rHio i-H lo -^ • t^ o • • --H 00 00 -co coco •eoiN-'f • CO --KN CO CO i-H i-( ^^ M -00^ • -ooioo -co rH • (N rfi -OIN -^ -COQO • • i-it>. -CO paddoiQ I^-OOO^IO^ININOOCOOOOCOOOOMOCOOCOOOCO-^O (NO 000031^03 rHOOlOWi-HOOOCOT-KN-^rHN (NOO l-H-* S s 03 ^CC ^ c -c n-i"! H H C3 (S O O J3 w w w -r^ ■■ CO o P.o o3 O oat >>o3 S Sa S 03 o hSMM^jS^SSIS 190S] Summaries of Statistics. 493 IOCS CO 00 ocoo •oo--r-i00O5 M CI rH O 01 1^ 00 »0 O w_ao iM >-< --I CO ;o o"o~io"c. ^ C^) CO CO .-I !C — C-l « -^ o c^i t^ o ^ M CO (M lO <>) COt^ -H c c; o CO N r- 1^ OOCiOOCOi-HOt^Oi-iiOrt^OOINOOrHOOTtiOfOOOrtO 000'-iO(NT-iO»00'-(«0<-ii-iOOi-iOOOOOTtHOCOOOOO 0OOT}O^OOCO o^O'*OfOrtOxot>-oooi-icoO'-o -H M csco o ot^ CO lO c<) to ^ ^ • o . ■ ni t- C: • • o . (M • ■0\ ■ O • OOOOOOOOC'- ^ ^ ^ fe ■ ^ -l H w C Eh O K ta <1 s s t3 a: ^ -< u ^ H v> H -< H C/j CC spueq siaisimj^ I^JOX )0U uouiso j [EIOJSEJ UI W^ I^iox I sstjddng SJOJSB^ s3M3JnH3 IE)Ox jou uoijipuo^ l«'0X oai'>*-*c30oofooocococo lOOTjHcOt^OOOsOlOfNt^-COOOilNOCOl^OCOOOlOOt^COIMO « TP_iO_ffl ffl ffl fflt~_^CC «_0C 05_C5^O_rM_(N C^_C)_« CO 't -t »0 lO t>. t^ tN. (N(Nc^c^(NO)(N(NC^(N(NiM ofcc CO CO fc co'co CO r^' co'co'"p5^i:o~co~co t^OOOC0050COC5.-iC50CCCCrOCCC:OOOOCOOO (Ni000300COC^COiOC3'-iOLOG0001-*f^-*05COCOOi>flCOt»l-- OC^03-<^-0 000»OTtiT)«coo:iO-^COCOOOOJ'v; lOOiOcfflcotOOtOOOOOXOOOXffiCSOiOlOJOJOrtt-iFHC^rt^ zJ2S2S';2S'^;2S'2°^'^" — °o<^"*— 'O'tcoooiNcoiooi f'--'^<» °0 ® "^l^^ i^.l^ C5_05_rt rt --,_^M IN N CO.CO C0_CO CO ^ Tt< tH o «5 --<^^,-i^,-i,-ir-irHrtrH(N(M(N o^" csT of n' (^f l^^ c^" cvf in" (N c>f cf c^" OiNt^i000'-i.i0iOO--iL.0OCSOCCC:CC:O333 = S — -^ ^!NlOt^C!O^Tj<^t^Tt.C0G0lNTj((Ni0-<^(N^rt'<*(01t>.t^O»0'^C^Tt('*rtOt^r^00 iOCOuOOOCCOOCOt^030-H,-H(NiNCOCOCOCO'tTtOCOt^CTlOOCO(Ma:COr-I^C00500N.lSl-<(M l2S2r^£2J2S'^3'^<^"^'33--icO-H(MfO»CfOt^O>rt<0-*«OiO<00 ;^SF;;°£'2°^'^"®<^'=^-HicTf(Noco(Nocoo«>ojt^^iocoS C0_C0_iO lO >0 i0_®_0 t^_N.__(» C5 C '^^W C3_C0__'* Tt<_lo lO O O f^ OO CI c CM (M iM c^ (M (M (M (M ckTim -it^cot^ct^o-*'tccirt'*eo»o oo c^ •* ON. a:CO>Ct^0100iNiOiCr-,OC»t^Oi-iT)-ii^oo LO»OU5»OcDO!SCO«OOiOOOtOt>.OOOOr~- OcOu:nOiM05CO-«t03'tt^'<*-'3COCOCO"«OTt<000>0-*CO 00t^CO?Ol^CC^(NM(MNiM(M cf of W (N C^f C^f m'n (N (N IN CsTc^" (n'co" ClCOOO'^OCOh-OOCO^OOCOCOOCOCOOCOOOOO (NO-^lOCO^OlOiCONiOTfUO w-_ww^>^^wv_/v_; (N(NiO'OOC0iOC0eOO5Oi»C oiojooi't^oiwiMxcoNcoofoocoO'-icoooaJoai'-i'-HOC'O h-'*'-<00C0O»O00t^C502OC0C0OL0c0'*t^O00O9D'-it>-t>-cD 3!255SSSJSJ2J^x2!252o^=^3^^o^«i'^Mai-io5oot^cieo aiaoooQ005XX(»ooooooxc:o:c:G2(/)05a>030oo;Ma!ooc5Ci ooocooXMcoooccxooooxooooxooooooooxooooaoooooojao 1908] Summaries of Statistics. 495 oo'i'oiooo'^'-iTHOooooTPot^.c'jrtco 00_ 0_ 0_ o" vo" >o lo cccccccococoooooo CC'*"N._oo rt" r-T rt" ^ rt" c^' of of of of of of of of of of of OI-*'*TtHC>0'-oicoaiCO)'-'Ooco ©C:o;oOXXOOOiOXX(X)C:Ci020XOO OlOt^'^oOlt^LOCcOOlOlO'+'O-tO C:N.t-»OOX-^X'^CO'tX'*'-i010»0 C_-^_-**_'^iC_0 X 05 -- 0< CO ■* lO CD_^50 o, tP •*' of tF •♦"■^"tjT-^'io" ic"iO lO'iC lO" >0 lO lO cccccccccoccooooo oij^oi-<*-r^-*>ocDO»-iXcoo ^OlO:XiOOl"*t^^COt^O5a5COt^I^C0 cco^ojcococo-^cooioiojcococoeo XXXC5050C:00:CiO:OOa3000 X o o --I t^ o CO 01 oj t^ ffl c. "-I c; CO lo K- cicoMt-iocior^oiXTtfi^t^j^iocooi rti-io)OJOiNcoeOTtt~'>t'"'0 X 'H X Tf S5 CD >-0 i-O 1^ O t^ O ^ 1^ 01 lO rH '^_oi^cr).'-H_o»_co_'t o X, c^c_.-i_oi_i-^oi_co_ of of of '-H'of of of of of of co'co'co'co'co'co^co" iXXXXXXC: C;C:C5C5XX ■*L0Or^X0lO^0IC0-tii-0Ot^X05Q xxxxxxo50ioo20305aioo>030 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOi 1»=J0X r» >o i-H OJ CO o 01 i-H i-n>. lo CO o t^ r>.__ o_ o_ o^ 05_ OS, o^ lo CO tcT co~ »c iffl" 'o" »nom!AV l^JOi SuiAjddng 3SIMJ3l{]Q p3Zia3033^ JO p3AI333^ SiOJSBfJ p3[[BJSUJ SJOJSEJ^ I^iox JUBDBy^ S3i|ddng S3JEIJU33I'J SJOISEJ p3Zni3033^ pailEjsnx SJOJSEJ O CO to X X Ol >-H CO CO l> b- t>. X t^ i-H i-H IH l—i 1^ 1-4 »0 •* r^ CO ■^ -"ji t^ X tH ■* 1-1 Ol 0^ l> o X^O tH i-«_^01 X X r-rofofofi-r,-r-H CO XX lO OICO^* O CO «C CO O Ol t^ Oi^Qi Oi^Oi O O O cocoso"co Tt<'"'-i Ol CO C 1-H CO ■ocor~i»oit>-coo5a>'OOiocjcocO'*«oc<5iococor-HOiOO-*co S (O^cc'Soo io~u:r»o'~<»'~co"o5~o~o~o'"oi"o"o"o~o~o''aro~Groroi~o"rt -h oi cc co o x in rtrt^ rt ^ T-H i-H ,-1 T-l rt ^ rt ,-1 ,-H (M '-^ r-i Q 05CO'-'5r-ioOOO-*0050CiOOcOOrtU5Tt ■*.'-^.'^. ^l co" CO co~ co" CO CO ■*"•*"' ■<*i" TfT TjT TjT ■ LOOlTti—i— lM(MC0'-iC0C0C0C0O(M.-ir^i0t^iCXC0Oi-ii-iioO00 (M005>00;cOCOt^COCO'fl'*CCCDC6tO(M'-iOOOC01^t^C:»OtOC>005-*-^iO-" to to" to" to" t^-"" 00 ^ ^ of ^ o~ o" --h rn (n" (n o" r-T o" o" -^'' of co" co" o' lo' to" oT o" ^^rt,_(,_(rtt-lT-lT-HT-HT-lT-HT-<.-HrtrtTHT^.-'^01rtOJ C0050It001CDiCOIOC5t^01l>'-i.-|iOC005tO-*QOOOClO»-<05 0COClOO'*tO -Hr-iooooiCitococO'^oicocoot^-*^t^O'*coa5ooco-HcoC'0)oitoiooioo o'of o^-"^oto"^■.'o^"^"o~«f»o"eo"co"co"eo'»o~^»"o"■*"o"to"of.-^co"•*'^-"-^^-"1-H"l^^ T-^o^ rt rt rt v-irt rt ,-ii-ir-ii-i^OI 0101>Hi-hiHt-^.tW^010>'*0I0< •-iCOOtOTtOOOaC50CiCOi0^t^tOCOCOOOItOt^05-HOOOOO»00000-<*iO oj05oaio-oioi'* c>pt< co »o coto»otocoa500'*CX)00C»0000X0205O3OOOOO^'-hO1O10^OIO1O1C0C0C0-*»O'OO t^xo5C;^o«co-*»otor^ooo--OrtOico-*"Otot^coc3 0'--iojco-*ioS!i^S lnlnloSto^DtDtotototDtoto^^^~t^t^^^^-^^t^t^t^-i(M-^iOO5>-i00-^.''oc"croJ'o''c-'5Xt^eOt>.-f05C0003 -f 1^ fM I^ CO CD 1^ 'C (M C 't t^ CI t^ o -r >o OOOX.-<-frO>OCO^XOOCO'00(MOW t^ C: C-l CO C ••'J 00 -- iM C-1 to O -^ ^ rO M -f t^'fCOO-TC'lCX-H0^0005-*COlM T^ C_ "* Cl^ C:_ C^_ ^__ IN 05_ a ffl_ 0_ »q_ t--_ C\ O^ C>_ t-^cc ccxt^x xcct-^ooao Oi COX CiOi CO c^ioc — C'MC-^oiiOiMCir^'-HaoiNco r>c;ioiocr. Cioci-^— icDGO«oio>-'t^io Oit^OS'-'OCOiMOI^CCOCO^O'tHO ^■*05^0Ci'*.-^COOO'*iTtO'-HC<5'-iTt1 O lO C5 ■* "* cocoI^ooQOC^t^C'-^t^co(Nl^^rt fflCOCCOOCO-^CS'-HCOO'-it^COOOrt'-i CI t~ iC -H C-- I^ "-O -t TtH Tfi 05 ■* 02 C ^ IN CO CO CI 01 CO CO lO CS CO CO t^ -* 05 "* C (N IN IN OOCI^cOiCiC'-iooo5 -lO ^ot>•cooooo^->-lOcO'-lco-*oocoo^»^• 3 »- ••*i005t^(N'*OOi05'-^OW2r-iO>OrClf^05 ; rt* r4~ r-T rt" r-T i-H -H (N —T (N « IN CO m" CO" CO 2 ° «Ot>-O00I>i0iC-^C0Ot---*c000Oi-i(N00iO05'*»OCBiOC0 ■.rtcO'-i«oocno5t>-ooor-((Ncortooi£i O O t^ 01_iq_0 O 00__00 00_'-H_O^»0_cq^00^O^(N^>-H^«_O^C5_(N_(N_'*_iq_ -•o"co ■*'"o'~cit^iroxco''or^ lO o" .-icO(N(N(M(X)»0>00-HOOTtHOOrtiCOCO(MXCO(MOr>-030 ■*i000305020iT-iM.«5COC0X'O;OOt^O-*-^I>00'-iiOt-Hr)< •rHT}-iOt--.C0 ooq^Ni>-^oo_^r-(^r-_o_t>^o_ . ^ CO 00 00 05 oco 0500 Tf coo r-t i-H rH ^ rt r-l (M T-I(N (N (N CO 1-lT-Ht^-^t^lOrHt^Oit^CO'^ oco o cooo a> o C3 1^ CO ■* o OJ.'^,'*,'* '^.^.^^p,^^'^^^^'^ '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ;i-r(N(N(Nofc^"cffo'"cc'~Co'~M~CO" TH(N'^iC.C^-*(M'<*GOOMCOOCOCOCO-H^.-j_rH^.-(^o^o oi^o^-H^oi t^'0_C5_'-( oo__w »o co_03_co_co_^cq_oo --^^co^Oi^co aiO^T}(cOC3'^iOt^CO»HC3COCOMcOOr0005-^005iCCC05 IMiOiOCO(N(Nt^(N(Nc005COO(^t>.05-fCOrtCCir^05COa>t^010t^-i_Tt<_C0_^O_C5_(N_t--__G0_^O CO_t^__CO__00__00 l^ rf CO CD_CO_00__>O Oi_CO_C5 »0_0_-h_0 oco"N"c.r-r^r>-r>-i^t>-t>.t--t^ooooxooooxooooco oooooooooooooooooooocoooooGOooooooxooooooooooooooooxcooooo^ioo 1908] Summaries of Statistics. 499 ® Cl_ C£ 0_ CO « O ^_ t^_ 0_ .-^_^ O to 0_ lO^ iC (N !-(_ ^r^ ^Hco»0'Ot^^HCoiowt^o>-''^coO'^ _^ O^ r»__ 1-H O^ O^ ^»_ OC i» t^_ CD -t lO^ C:_^ 05_ co_ -^^ iO_ o co";o"r-~t^"t^" ;d co <0'0 i>t^ t^t> o" oo" oo' 06 M"*fOTti05Cl>OQOi-HOO-^CO(NOO(Nr^(N o o '-1CO"** ict--_i~-_x^-^_^x,05_o_oo^o C5oq m" •*"■*"•*' Tf" TjT r^" tJh" V -^^ 't" '*<" 10" 10' 10" "f ■*" 't t^<-ii-0(NO;'-iC;tO'^CXW»H(NOit>.'3irfi(£i O rH X 00 CO .-i^C^'-(" (N (m" m" (N (N (N (M" (N i-HnO'^"5C5Ot^^-#c0'*O»CO0005O r-->4'coiocO"*»Hco»OTiHicoTtHr^.-i oo_C)_^__co_T(<^»o^»o_oo oo^oc oo_ ac^ci a:_ ocq o^ CO ^ ^ ^ ^ ^* ^ *^ ^^ "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ OCOLOO(M'Ht^LOC5'^C;XiCl^COi-iiM03 ■*Tf05i0O ''i ® "'^ *". f^ ^. ® "^^ 't. "^^ "^^ "^^ f^_ p. r^-" co" lo" ■* cd" r-' -" 10 oT of «" 00' c" ^"^ >-<" co" 10 CjrtC^T^-.^r^oowccooMr-'Ccot^t^cccD lOcDCDCDCDcDcDOcDcDCDCDCDcDcDOCDCD OOXOCOl^cOTfUitOOSlNCOCOCOOCDCOt^ XXt^?5-#iCOCOCO'*XXCO'*OOi-i(N M05C-C;^C>lOl^iMi-t,-Hi-HC^C^1C0«OTt<'f cDioicor-iocO'-H'CiNoooomcooosN X'00-f'*0-*XeOOC!'-<'^OtD(M(NOO t^_ 10 t^_ p (N !-- C5_ X 0_ (N CO O t>._ C!_ t-_ C0_^ "-^^ 0_ ff c^"-f 'f'lo ^>^lOTJ^'co"-^"c^-H"rt'"-H'.-^l^^ •<+ co C-C-^NCO-l<>OCDr»XC5Q-HNc*3-^"5CO t xnciociocjosciciooooocoo c X XXXX XXXXXX C; 00 © O C5C: C2 500 Congregational Year-Booh. [1908 td a Z H Id Z MO 3SB3J33Q J3^ 9SE3J3UJ JSJvJ o • t>.co • «o • lO (>■ • •T • oo • t— 1 ofio : fO . OIN . CO 10 05 00 00 coo 00 oi (NO oO^iq^C)^ TjTco'Tir ssoT[ jajj «!« O »3N 00 Ci 0> "O (M Tt< T+i . ri O rp t>. CO C^ CO ■* -fi O r^ 00 O) •* CO (M 00 05 o OO CO CO "O 00 t>- CO • 05 03 CO 05 CO !>• CO »0 OO O a; (X) 1-1 CO iM (N (M lO (N (N-H00C0COO-* -lOiOCO Ci^Cl ■*_'-l■*.^-.'0 rH TiH_c^_i>^r-(^o__05^»0_(N_ "i>'co'"eo''.ij • UJ WJ (.'J 'J^ >j^ *^ ^^^ *^^ ^^ ^— ^ ^^ ^-*-' ' ' ^*^ (N-H00C0COO-* -lOiO M^ C.''cr ■ CO^t^^^O l>.' •>^ »C CO Tf iC -^ »0 CO CO CO CO "O 10 !>• 00 00 CO t» t^ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ ^ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ -OOC^COCOT-HiOOOOl-^Ot^OO CO ■* -^ •* CO CO lO Tt< CD -^ •* »o '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ ^ ^ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ •COOOrHrH(MOt^'-lT-l(MrHlO "-I rH T-H iH T-( (Nl-lT-l(M.-l '■ ^~- '■ '■ "■ '■ •TtioO(NOOOCD'^OCO(N0^0505>-iOQOO-* '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ •^CO(N'^000(MOOCOCOt^050iOCOOt^r» lOcocoic-^Tjidoioot^ioiOiOcot^oocotc '■ ^ '■ '■ '• ^~- •TtHiO(NiOOi-'5rtOCOOOOCjOOiOC'?(NOi-it^ OC0C<4i0C0 0J(MC0©O-lCTia)r^t^C0.-(rH '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ ^ •Tj<00iN00OC0--tO^C0'-iC0OC0(NrHO'-c:5oooot^oo>02 '■ '■ '■ ■ '■ ■ ^ -t^lNr-ioOt^OCOCOOiOTtHCTlOt^iOiOCOTHOO -*^-fcO^>0':tCOCOCO't t^C0C0Cir^C0'0t^t^>0'tOOOC'lC0 01C)i0t^OO'NC0"+t^O COOO'-iCDiOOO'tuCiOCOC^'I'OcOCDO^Ol-tCOiOOOOiOCOC-)-* cq^ o_ co_^ o\ rH__ o__ co^ CO i-H. (N__ co_ co^ i-h io_ cc t--_^ t^__ en o? oi_ o^ oo^ i> co_ c» co_^ cq 0"'lO'co''-r(N CO^IN TjTrH IN CrCO'"lO"c0'~TtrC0''t>-'"cf-t'"o'~CO'~'--rrH''rt'"00"'L'i' (N '■ ■ ■ • • • • •nilNai(NOOt^iNiNC0C)C0')OiC»000 '■ '• "• '• ^~'- '■ •i-ii-irtTtiTt(rHOO-*OOOCOOOOCOCOt>'©(Nt~- ^ IN O -"^ (N ■* IN -* CO O (N i-i --I O (N CO CO 00 t^ 0005Oi-ilNC0'*int0l>00OOT-ilNC0TtH0CDt^00OO'-i-t-t~-I>l>t^l>l>t^OOOOOOOOOO 00 00 00 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 00 0000 OO 00 00 00 00 OOOO 000000 OO 00 00 00 passimsiQ paiQ psziuSoDs^ 10 paijEisuj pauiEpiQ siaqiuaj^ q3jnq3 JO (SSOq JO) niBQ }3^ ssoq 13^ ureg WN paddojQ Ava^^ 190S] Summaries of Statistics. 501 •O CO '.n t^ .(N O00tJ< ■*r-l,-l 1^ o ■*(NO C<5(MC0 o •* q,cc C0'c^f H rH 1-H .-I CO OO T-iOOC5 00 001t^i-<5000 00<0«5XCOOi'*fOO>>OOSC-ii-ii-i OX'MOWG0(M--0C;C5OOOC0O'-iC000C0C0tD-* 001>-I-»'OOOOCOLO«-,CO'*00 •COMM(Nas(N • >ClCl-Hto-^-HCCCC5'-.ooc5C>^iNecj<»o^t^coo50^iNeO't"otD OOOOOOCCOOOlOlClOlOOOiClOOlOOOOOOO OOOOXQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOXOOC0 05 05 05 05 05 05C5 O «-3 £■53 S 3 , O t' ti -o » ' o o 2 X - u ■c o •c ^ o ^ ^& O b S^ "^^g-l 2 Eg o c o a M K eS O c^ P o3 O r* rt >>ca a 502 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 O pq C < I— t a f^ C 1^ •X o> ■^ ■^ • Cv 05 • ON .... C • ® c oco • . . • ot « ■m~ (/ e© o^ ! ! : ; c U) o « c H - I-) 0& €^ ^ 5 S H Z CO Tit C^ lO IT (> a t^-HOO If • • O CO CO o c c ) CO M 05 Ol^O — CS Ol COOCO M o IN ic ooir N M X fl >o NO5_^0C t> . r-_^ 00 oq_cc c IN O CO »0 Cw r- -. "l H '3 O »H co''-H~Tf'"ir c c CO iC' IN "^r-" (Nc^ fv ,^ CO COIN c to -H Tj CO «» e^ »S » «« 55^ r-* -O ex C£ t^ • 00 ■* o ■Oi ■ ■ or a5c^« Oi oc CJ (N ■ t^ -^ a 00 a 50 W IC ■* CC OC a • 00 CO t>. 00 c en i t>.' CC c ~ *^ ;ca--^- Z J ««i ^ i P 3 y~i T-H CS o • cocor^ .^ooa ir t^ H tH "fl CC o; oot^oi i-iiOX a c. Z CO u: a (M OOi^ o o a iC c ir ~ m •*'"o'" c_ oT rt lO If ■"f o ~ » ^ > lO ® ir. (M ■a>ct* O T-( ^ l_) H h 0- S ^ o T-4 CC* ^ OiO ■ • -(N-* -iNQOiOC^ OC s 5c/3 c 1— i r-IO Q- o ■* WIN CO t^ o >r IT o "3 (N lO^ OC ^ t^ C .^ i-H c- - ™l >< O '"' l?0 -4" ■*os . 't OC • u «i l^O_ t^ CO IT . o o 1—* T_ o X J u > IN ■t^OJh- iC T-iOO^COQOt^O-*'-iCO -i-^ CC CO u MQOO C-. 1— -^C^COt^iO^C-. CO^Ol Q( CO s _c ® t^ Q- s (M --H CO >C (N CO c c_ ■« *H ,_ (N •c . ■ r-< ' . CO M X u Bi J c (N (N IN 'tCO -COIN t-. f«l . s *c3 IN C^J o o d '3 r— 1 m a CO * £^ _p o3 o3 m ^la^i ■© C oi C a o 1| ill 1|l ci o -d >, '"o'S n"© a;^ fc. ci g S ret; oj ^.2 _o>_« co_ a M-' 'iC rH ,-H c- ^"ouf ■*" S «© CI c «© rt e* w ■Oi ■ ■ ^ -CO • -HOC « l£ ot^-asoj • • •*i^ -ooNco-Ha a o3 iC o> C5 t^oc 0- 00 MCt^«n lO'O oO"*oic• a- «: -'fc -HTfOlO ^ 1-4 ^ ■0 1— t IT cicc CC -HN — t-- t «@ « > ■rt -roc . t^ t^ cr e«Tt<_ g: O « "* a» «^ CO f" cf a t: lO — c »o o •« ■ •« (>■ ,_ ■ f— 1 -H lO CC •oil© --^p: cs OlOt^ -H Ol "* a "5 Oi-i-^ 0-9" -itC c iO;C •* l~- q_ • CICC t^ a ■* t^t^ lO t M CI ^«t-_ «o t^lc >c c 't 0 ^ ■ cc «c • • -r-H -C^ • "^ i~- t O t^ •0- -HCOO- • -CC t£ t~- oc oc T)* M C5 OCOO o- 1^ ■* Tf ■* CO CI c •* J- Olio o»c 00 ■^05 C ■I-- •lOC3 • -Ml^ Ci ■ c c- -ft Ort (N« 1—1 lOCJ t^O g «D t^ OS-l t^ c to ^ ■* rH .-< fC '^ _ ■00 (^ -(N • X s »o o- t^oo • --^00 • -c 1 .o MOC5CC — 1 CO o o • o- t CO 00 -- >0 t» M O t^ CO -c i^ c^ ■*- l-H b- r- ■ooo M — IC O rH CJ - — QC ""1. '^" — ^N-t.. iC • " (N c " • • v^ 1— t (N t^(N-H ■*w>*c«-io -cofNu: c: 00 N iC '* d •o ' — ' fc .5 h ■ a ^ ac H-' 03 • c U 0 o b ■< a s 01 e ■s Oj - J---^ 03-^ 33 1!S <5 r- ^ ^ w ■5 D Alabi Illino India Kent Michi Missi; Ohio Tenn West Wisn, c 4 or C "a 2 t- :z !t Cm Z 1 S ii 1 504 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 U) H O u III H P4 U o a o > t^OO o rt iCi c> M (N lO C5 CO CO o r- CO ^ Q0OC5C0C0iM(N00 O^l-- CO_(M -* t>. N --ICO CO rHCO CO COM CO CO • iM ■* rt t^ rt IN"** O OS ^m C eS T;^ — P '^-' > C3 .5 S5 C8 OC o co" CI CO o CO CO LO X co'~ CO a CO 5^ (N 00 OC O CC CO o o C-l 10 o CO o o CO CO 3 c c c "a 1 Z CO^O" W C^ CO CO CO y M CO 2 CO ^ IS» a 2 m'x" < — CI -5 e^ g:^i ~ to LO .a ;a.g w n o a a a ■f> to 3 3 1908] " In Other Tongues." 5U5 "IN OTHER TONGUES." B e a It 'S 's E £ 1- o V V c c 1 rt Q 'c c E u c c n V O c c 1 1 u u c B a « c 1 « X e rt x s ■& V t u 3 3 1 o 1 > n c/3 •5 u > n c ■-3 e a u t/2 1 "rt California, Nortliern . . 2 . 2 1 7 1 1 1 .. . 17 3 1 20 5 1 1 1 3 9 2 1 23 3 2 . . 26 6 2 5 49 7 7 2 1 28 6 6 6 27 1 8 1 4 4 15 2 7 8 1 1 2 7 2 2 . . 14 7 3 1 2 5 6 2 5 3 3 4 78 32 16 2 9 1 Nebraska 17 4 8 19 6 New York 1 . 1 1 1 13 39 9 . 1 . . 13 North Dakota 15 Ohio 1 2 31 Rhode Island 18 5 48 Texas 1 5 8 2 110 \ 9 . 1 7 19 1 1 2 7 8 ^?. 12 4 3 8 ' 6 4 S 8 352 506 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 piy Xjbuoissij^ m O <; >^ o P4 l-H P^ < < O lO OOO CO (N on' IN C^ rt •* S3q3jni{3 JO 'Ofj o c CO CC o s3qojni[3 JO -Ofj OOO o o CO o »o o Oi '-H M GO OiO C iM T-TlN IOC". OOOO^t^OCO^OT-H-^t^iO t>.oco02icococ»t^(MO(Mr^crj-+i COCOIMt^'fcOiOWCCCOO^iOi-' O O OCC CO O "O 05 focooin O O OCO O OOCO O CO lO ■* O O lO 00 CO OCO C-l rt (N CO lO OCO OTff OO O CO O O t^ (M (N CO CO •* (N >0 iO(>JCOCO -i-Hi-iMCO-^O ^ COrt (N rH CO OOiOOiO'Of>.OC0(MOOOt^i-HO O IM lO 01 "-I CO t--_^0_CO__t^ lO^CO 02_iO_t-^_~j^»O_(M__ O" o" t^-" O" co" CO" m" im" t^ I> Co" CO 00 lo" •^'' t-~ co" tC t>-OCOM<0 ^t^t^^'*iI>OcOOO(MTt-'"co'"co''>o -*" TfiiO CO lO M CO t^ Qg loooi^ ic S3ijDinq3 JO 'O^^ iocor^'-- GO ^ CD t^ "^^"^^"^ ^^ "^ 05^00000000 i-iXO—iOlOCsMtO O ■* >* t^ 0-. -< O t^ Tt* O'*i0I^T*(Q0i0i0<-HL0O'-;^OSMC0O iCC5COtOO>-^0(MWCO'^'*it^OM>-iOp o)(Mi-4cocooOG005 05 M_o_-*_GO__(^^_<^^_OJ_o__^• o'cD ■>^'~t>-'~co'"co''c5'-r~'-Hr^'"r)<"o CO to CO GO GO ^^ -^T-tocooc; "-I -^ l-H 00 lO CO (M l-H I>i-iT-i S3q0Jnq3 jo 'o^vj '*t>.(Ncoioooc3500»ocoC!r-»iO'*^'*oco CO (N CO CZ) m O CO lO CO l-H 00 t^^t^ CO (N l-H -H lO (Ni-H a " O to ^< ss 03 c3 ^«l ■H-OO, r> c3.2.2:s g"d hCbX) 03 O i; 'C 'h J- > j: j.vtnoOOSo3.S"3 5 o3 >)03 m u ca C >, tr - _ ^ •— >- <« C3 D Q ^ C^ rt So? - i3 to <^<-3. CO C> -^S ^ I' CO C 'O 3 CO t£) CO lO ^ i^ i>) CO iM r^ ro lO o i^ oooo OOOO OC0!» co'i-To" •00 lOCO • •00 (N CO •t>. (NO • !»o •* . ol C ,. .(N (N . O •-I t^ ■ t^ •^ • O" oo t^co CO r^ O O ■* COO Q coco >-< o OOOOOOO'OOiCOOOcOO'^'OOiCTtO'OOOOOC oooooo'OiMcor^osiMcocooo'OOi^iooooooT r»000'OCO-*__OOCCOt^'00005'0'*X^iC^OO_CSiOGJO(N'OI to" r»' o* r f co" c^f o" lo to" ciO'*t^'-iON( C^__ X C5_(N_ C0_ CO 00__-H CO Tj<_ (N_ «0 rt rH Oi_ Oi c i-T r^",-!'" to" Co" '-''" >-<" '-''" ' co'^t^^"*ciioor'COXco'0'*co-^-*xtDc^050'^ocOCOC5'^COXXO>r^05 ■*'*Tt<-HC-CO CO ■* >-i -^ lO CO X -r^'*(N^-HOlN'*tO(NC005 • CO (M -H (N O r-1 CO »H 1— I .-H 01 := : • : c J : : • s g ^ gi " • - >V3 « s3^ S . ■r s '"' ;j O M . ' ^. ,, to -,— - - 3 O o ? o 2 ifi"^ M ti:^ _> tl ^ i: e ^t= r„ ^ 0 d sz = Z ^; o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Alabama (Convention) . . . Alabama (Association; . . , Alaska Arizona Arkansas Calif oriiia (Northern) . . . California (Southern) . . . Colorado Connecticut Cuba District of Columbia . . . Florida* Georgia (Convention) . . . Georgia (Conference). . . . Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersej' New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Porto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 38 12 0 3 1 41 25 26 151 1 0 31 10 17 54 11 139 12 131 61 6 10 110 2 308 142 88 4 25 8 71 0 89 18 1 117 26 67 IW) 28 20 46 4 23 6 80 8 14 2 114 3 63 1 91 9 11 4 1 1 2 31 31 25 71 4 2 3 5 4 11 1 79 14 54 26 1 9 18 1 112 38 28 1 16 4 35 1 16 9 1 55 4 30 55 13 8 33 2 9 0 26 4 5 2 23 0 33 0 58 6 3 0 0 0 0 11 14 13 28 1 1 2 0 2 4 2 42 4 30 24 0 1 10 bi 0 20 18 0 14 1 16 0 3 11 0 18 0 4 16 1 5 7 2 5 0 8 0 2 3 4 0 11 0 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 5 3 15 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 27 1 14 7 0 0 2 0 22 5 6 0 4 0 5 0 2 0 0 17 0 0 12 2 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 5 1 24 5 0 1 0 42 12 8 66 0 0 18 3 11 19 4 46 15 58 28 11 3 109 0 100 99 61 1 14 0 49 0 73 2 3 72 16 0 58 0 15 20 0 4 1 52 6 0 3 70 1 23 1 81 0 14 0 2 2 0 0 4 24 0 0 1 9 12 26 13 6 14 0 28 23 2 5 15 3 4 27 21 0 4 6 25 0 4 7 1 25 12 79 1 23 5 11 0 0 4 6 22 11 0 1 0 27 0 15 4 Totals 2,478 1,036 438 181 1,308 548 5,989 * Including West Florida and South Alabama. 1908] Membership in the Churches. 509 TABLE SHOWING MEMBERSHIP IN THE CHURCHES. States 1. .\labama (Convention). 2. Alabama (Association) . 3. Alaska 4. Arizona 5. Arkansas 6. California (Northern) . . . 7. California (Southern) . . . 8. Colorado 9. Connecticut 10. Cuba 11. District of Columbia . . . 12. Florida* 13. Georgia (Convention) . . 14. Georgia (Conference) . . . 15. Hawaii 16. Idaho 17. Illinois IS. Indiana 19. Iowa 20. Kansas 21. Kentucky 22. Louisiana 23. Maine 24. Maryland 25. Massachusetts 26. ^Michigan , 27. Minnesota 28. ^Mississippi 29. Missouri 30. Montana 31. Nebraska 32. Nevada 33. New Hampshire 34. New Jersey 35. New Mexico 36. New York 37. North Carolina 38. North Dakota 39. Ohio 40. Oklahoma 41. Oregon 42. Pennsylvania 43. Porto Rico 44. Rhode Island 45. South Carolina 46. South Dakota 47. Tennessee 48. Texas 49. Utah 50. Vermont 51. Virginia 52. Washington 53. West Virginia 54. Wisconsin 55. Wyoming 23 4 2 3 0 22 14 10 15 0 0 24 6 6 17 5 16 3 28 23 3 2 35 0 13 55 33 3 7 5 34 0 16 2 2 12 13 75 20 17 11 10 2 0 2 53 6 10 0 14 0 33 0 48 Totals 173 765 0 0 0 26 17 18 45 0 0 18 12 10 29 5 42 9 55 28 6 8 76 0 84 80 35 0 9 6 37 0 42 6 2 49 15 47 35 29 18 18 0 3 5 53 23 6 1 3 1 28 23 18 87 2 0 9 4 13 25 4 89 17 67 41 2 9 62 134 76 46 3 20 2 52 0 61 11 0 80 13 14 55 11 8 33 3 11 2 31 3 7 2 73 2 25 1 58 2 60 3 40 28 1 3 29 1 109 42 32 0 12 0 23 0 24 6 0 33 3 5 40 3 2 19 2 9 0 11 2 0 1 29 1 7 1 31 0 0 3 1 0 0 15 11 10 56 3 0 4 1 3 3 0 68 8 58 19 2 1 24 0 108 25 23 0 11 3 15 1 20 4 1 56 1 2 43 0 7 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 9 63 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 42 3 26 8 0 0 14 1 100 23 12 0 11 0 10 0 14 8 0 33 0 1 39 1 1 14 0 10 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 14 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 11 0 4 3 0 0 1 0 34 5 6 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 12 0 0 5 0 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 01 0 13 0 0 0 0 4 1 24 0 0 1 2 2 25 14 6 14 0 30 19 1 5 15 3 4 9 20 0 4 3 25 0 4 7 0 20 12 12 1 5 5 7 0 0 0 6 19 2 0 0 0 26 0 10 1 90 21 4 7 3 134 91 99 331 6 6 63 30 60 102 25 347 46 315 169 20 28 264 7 606 331 222 6 77 19 201 1 187 47 6 304 58 180 252 67 54 119 8 43 11 172 40 32 10 213 4 163 2 266 20 1,179 1,378 703 711 504 124 42 29 381 5,989 * Including West Florida and South Alabama. 510 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 CO OOD O Ot^ •O t^ ■» lO ,-H rt TJ( to lO O OO "O CO o o ^ o ■^ (N (M O CO (MO. t^ t^ O (N t^ O CO lO X (N r-i O "^ CO rHOO !-(« t— < < CO oo COiO COCO Ooo 05 CD o3 - a o i-H >> . "2 > > !» Ofoo CO(N(N COrHM ocgo 0'-<0 rest's ^ > > (U U 0) 00 05 00 00 a>o»o CD 00 CO 00 CO CO Zee -gill c/j -y -Y "^ a a m H r* i o o )00 5q ^?l"i^1.i=^s|:i§hi:i 5:z; 2 >:: 53 oj o cS 1^ d.^.— .— -^ u -' CO Giro o <>i CO « r-iOX N»-l^ c s O OC o o 0) in to "0 8 § g 1 05 - t^ t^ ^ g5 8 t o o S8 Cl co_ oo_ CO 0 cr x e > 9. Pi . s 0 1 t a X 1- a ) > s- C -2 V 0 < a: § a T h a c i •< > 4. 00 • 00 • 00 00 OS • to • 00 • l-H • 00 i-i •(N •00 •00 • T-( > 1 ■e<- c 4. a 1- c t 2 •<* o! c C z c c c C e! E C X C c i c c cc _2 'c c: &. G t: c S H c p: 5 a "c 1- c cc c 1 c^ 1 c c c 3. tc 1 t > 'c ■£ > (X •* i t IE 'c > or t O DC '5 c c c c > CO ) 512 Table of Comparisons. 1908] COMPARISONS. Comparisons between the figures reported last year and this year : Number of Churches, January 1, 1907, as printed 5,923 Churches added to the list 171 Cbiu-ches dropped from the list 105 Net addition 66 Total number of churches 5,989 Total A. B. C. F. M. churches 580 Grand total 6,569 Number of Church Members, January 1, 1907, as printed. . . 696,723 Gain in 39 states 14,180 Loss in 14 states 1,990 Net 12,190 Total membership 708,913 Members of foreign mission churches 68,952 Grand total 777,865 Number in Sabbath Schools, January 1, 1907, as jjrinted. . . . 665,041 Gain in 31 states 22,090 Loss in 22 states 8,087 Net gain 14,003 Total 679,044 Number in independent schools 57,168 Grand total 736,212 Number of Members in Young People's Societies, January 1, 1907, as printed 158,466 Gain in 27 states 5,798 Loss in 23 states , 10,027 Net loss 4,229 Total number 154,237 Benevolent Contributions, for j'ear ending January 1, 1907 . . $2,446,256 Increase in 32 states $262,293 Decrease in 21 states 116,856 Net increase 145,437 Total amount $2,591,693 Home Expenditures, for year ending January 1, 1907 $8,594,129 Increase in 36 states $525,777 Decrease in 17 states 133,179 Net increase 392,598 Total amount $8,986,727 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 513 LIST OF CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS IN THE UNITED STATES. REPORTED BY THE SEVERAL STATE ORGANIZATIONS. The following is a compilation of the alphabetical lists furnished by the State Asso- ciations and Conferences, corrected by correspondence with their secretaries to the latest possible date. The S€-cretary of the Council in no case presumes to insert or omit a name upon his own responsibility. The State organizations (or later councils) are alone respon- sible; but the secretar}- has used his utmost endeavors to obtain a complete and correct list. If any names are omitted, it is because they are not reported by any organization, in any state, or a conflict of reports leaves the editor in doubt of the facts. The figures refer to pages where the name will be found in the tables, in the Vital Statistics, in the service of the Benevolence Societies, of the Theological Seminaries, in the list of foreign missionaries. • In some cases the page is left as in tables, when the post-office is changed since the tables were put to press. Names starred (*) are of persons who, although mentioned (usually as suppljung churches) are not reported as members of any organization of Congregational churches or ministers. A few names are also retained with a * of those who were in active service last year, and may be presumed to be in transitu. Such names are not continued a second year, without specific report. Some post-office addresses are antiquated, but the best possible has been done. Licentiates are not included in this list, but a list of licentiates follows this, and a list of ministers of other denominations, including also names of those whose position is not reported. Names of persons in last year's list, deceased since the issue of 1907, are retained, and are indexed to pages of the " Vital Statistics " when found there. Some errors will be found in first names, initials and spelling. No pains have been spared to secure accuracy ; but, effort failing, the compiler has not ventured to follow even his own con^^ctions, against the unmistakable testimony of the reports. Names of ministers without pastoral charge, as they do not occur in the preceding tables, have no numeral page reference, and in place of it the j-ear of ordination is given. Names of persons variously employed are indicated by Ch., chaplain ; Ed., editor ; Ev., evangehst;il/2/., missionary: P/., professor; Pn., principal; Pr., president; jSec, secretary; S/., superintendent; T"., teacher. Abbe, Harrv A. G., Stowe, Vt. 428 Abbott, Ephraim E. P., San Diego, Cal. 116 Abbott, Ernest H., Ed., Yonkers, N. Y. 1S96 Abbott, Justin E., A. B. C. F. M. 4S0 Abbott, L., Ed., Cornw'l-onHud'n, N. Y. 1S60 Abel, George E., Kirwin, Kan. 208 Abercrombie, Ralph H., Windsor, Mass. 262 Achenbach, Solomon T., E. Charleston, Vt. 422, 424 Ackerman, Arthur W., Torrington, Conn. 138 Adadourian, Haig, E. Orleans, Mass. 254 Adams, Allison D., Waseca, Minn. 296 Adams, Charles D., Pf., Hanover, N. h. 1S8.5 Adams, Chauncev C, Essex Junction, Vt. 422 Adams, Clinton B., Philadelphia, Pa. 390 Adams, Daniel E., Welleslev Hills, Mass. 1860 Adams, E. A.. Chicago, 111. 1864 Adams, Edward B., Ramona, Cal. 114 [Adams, Ephraim, deceased, 10 Adams, Frank H., Winslow, Wash. 438 Adams, Geo. C, San Francisco, Cal. 108 Adams, Geo. I., Lehi, Utah, 1896 Adams, Harrv C., Danvers Center, Mass. 240 Adams, Hubert G., Columbia, S. D. 402, 406 Adams, J. A., £^.,3267 Vernon av., Ch'go, 111. 1880 *Adams, John, Columbia, S. C. 1900 Adams, Lucien H., Derrv, N. H. 1862 Adams, Mvron AV.. Pf., Atlanta, Ga. 85, 1885 Adams, Robert, Harlan, Mich. 1876 Adams, Silas N., Freeport, Me. 222 Adams, Willifim C, Barnstable, Mass. 1897 Adams, William W., Fall River, Mass. 242 Adkins, James B., Belchertown, Mass. 236 Adrian, Isaac N., Huntiy, 111. 1884 Adriance S. W., Winchester, Mass. 1877 Ahlberg, C. M., Hartford, Conn. 130 Aiken, Edwin E., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Aiken, Edwin J., Sec, Concord, N. H. 54 *Akeson, Lud wig, Cleveland, O. 368 Aikins, J. E. S., Windham, Me. 230 Ainslie, James S., Chicago, 111. 168 Ainsworth, Henry, Cloverdale, Cal. 6, 104 Ainsworth, Israel, Beachmont, Mass. 6, 256 Aiu, Joseph, Kilauea, T. H. 1903 Akina, Joseph A., Waimea, T. H. 158 Albert, John H., Faribault, Minn. 288 Albright, E. H., Gava, la. 192 Alcorn, Wm. A., Earh-ille, la. 186, 190 Alcott, William P., Boxford, Mass. 246 Alden, Da\-id A., Myrtle, 111. 1892 Alden, Edwin H., Chester, Vt. Alden, E. J., 196 Cass av., Chicago, 111. 1858 Alden, West, Springfield, Mo. 302 Alderson, John, Canova, S. D. 402 Aldrich, Benj. F., Chicago, lU. 6, 164 Aldrich. Lysander J., New Rockford, N. D. 356 Alexander, A. C)rval, Denver, Colo. 118 Alexander, Mark W., Paris, Tex. 416 Alexander, Wm. H., Derbv, Conn. 126 Alford, Elbert H., Denver, Colo. 118 Alger, Frank G., Lowell, Mass. 248 Alirott, C. J., McKeesport, Pa. 390 [Allbright, W. H., deceased, 10 Allchin, George, A. B.C. F. M. 480 Allen, Abram B., Oberlin, O. 1869 Allen, Charles F., Middletown, N. Y. 342 Allen, C. J., 360 Marion St., Brooklyn, N. Y.338 *.\llen, Edward P., Auburndale, Mass. 1886 Allen, E. B., 1933 Wash. St., Tol'do, O. 376, 485 Allen, Fred. H., 2191 Broadwav, New York, 1874 Allen, Garrett L., W. Stewartstown, N. H.1899 514 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Allen, Herbert M., A. B.C. i?.M. 480 Allen, Herbert O., Osage, la. 196 Allen, Mrs. I.ydia M., Beaver Dams, N. Y. 1902 Allen, Melvin J., Southwick, Mass. 258 Allen, Orson P., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Allen, Paul Riley, Norwich, N. Y. 344 Allen! Ralph W., Eldred, N. Y. 336, 340 Allen, Wm. C, Washington, Ind. 1892 Allen, William C, Grass Lake, Mich. 272 [AUender, John, deceased, 10 Aller, Nathan S., Bndgewater, N. Y. 33b AUin, Ernest A., RoUa, 111. 176 Ailing, Morris E., Pn., Rogers, Ark. 1903 Allingham, Robt., Downer's Grove, 111. 168 Allington, A. A., Traverse City, Mich. 280 Allis, Wm. B., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 1S93 Allison, Alex. L., Wolverine, Mich. 278, 282 Allison, Wm. T., Middlefield, Conn. Allworth, John, Loda, 111. ^^ 172 Altvater, Ernest W., Burr's Mills, N. Y. 338 Altvater, Winfred, Lexington, O. 1904 Alvord, Henry C, S. Weymouth, Mass. 262 Alvord, James C, Boston, Mass. 9, 1888 Amburn, A., Beresford, S. D. Ament, William S., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Ames, George, Springfield, Mo. 1891 Amundson, Albert A., Pme River, Wis. 1900 Ander, Ernest G., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1899 ♦Andersen, C. A. H., Chicago, 111. 1897 Andersen, Gustav A., Naugatuck, Conn. 132 * Anderson, Albin, San Francisco, Cal. 1897 Anderson, Asher, Sec., Boston, Mass. 5, 64, 484, 485 Anderson, August L., Brooklyn, N. Y. 254 338 *Anderson, Carl, San Francisco, Cal. 188b ♦Anderson, Carl G., Mankato, Minn. 1900 Anderson, Carl J., Washington Depot, Conn.138 Anderson, Charles, Constantinople, 480 Anderson, David R., Two Rivers, Wis. 458 Anderson, Edward, Quincy, Mass. 1858 Anderson, Emil A., Sandstone, Minn. 1895 Anderson, Frank H., Newell la. 196 ♦Anderson, Frank J., Missoula, Mont. 1897 Anderson, Frank O., Danville, N. D. 1S96 Anderson, Frederick R., Forrest, 111. 170, 178 Anderson, George S., SomerviUe, Mass. 258 Anderson, Harold E., Elk, Wash 436, 438 444 Anderson, James A., SomerviUe, Mass. 1889 Anderson, Jonas, Montclair, N. J. 330 Anderson, Joseph, Woodmont, Conn. 138 Anderson, M. T., Chesterfield, Mass. 240 ♦Anderson, Oscar L., Everett, Wash. 1896 Anderson, Wilbert L., Amherst, Mass. 6, 9, 234 Anderson, William, Dover, 111. 168 Anderson, Wm. S., Montague, Mass. 1897 Andress. John H.. Weeping Water, Neb. 314 Andrew, Ralza E., East Andover, N. H. 318 Andrews, Charles E., Walpole, Mass. 1881 Andrews, Edwin N., Chicago, 111. Andrews, Geo. A., Monson Mass. 6,250 Andrews, Geo. W., P/., Talladega, Ala. 1867 Andrews, George W., Dalton, Mass. 240 Andrews, Samuel B., W. Barnstable, Mass. 234 Andrews, Stephen M.. Millington, Conn. 132 ♦Andrewson, Andrew, My., Houston. Minn.1885 Andrewson, Severt M., CUntonville, Wis.448 454 Andridge, Andrew A., Cincinnati, O, 1885 Andrus, Alpheus N., A . B. C.F. M. 480 Andrus, J. Cowles, Oberhn, O. 366 Angel, Bernhard, 250 Havemeyer st., Brook- lyn N. Y. Angel, Samuel D., Oxbow, N. Y. 1890 Anthony, Charles W., Defiance, la. 1872 Appleby, Andrew B., Newton, la. 19b Appleman, Hiram H., GnggsviUe, 111. 170 Appleton, Fayette G., Nebraska, 1884 Appleton, Harry, Calumet, Mich. 1891 Apraham, Sarkis A., Marlboro, Conn. 130 Arthorp, Rufus, Cleveland, O. l|ol Archer, John M., Kansas, ,\ [Archer, Marmaduke D., deceased, 11 Archibald, A. W., Newton, Mass. 1876 Armes, A. Herbert, Westminster, Mass. 262 Armitage, Durand E., Sioux City, la. 1894 Armstrong, A. C, jr., Pf., Middletown, Ct. 1887 Armstrong, A. H., Oak Park, 111. 174 Armstrong, Edward P., Bay Shore, N. Y. 336 Armstrong, J. C, Sec., 153 La Salle, st., Chi- -*^ cago. 111. 1874 Armstrong, J. H., Union, la. 200 Armstrong, Lyman P., San Jose, Cal. 1891 Armstrong, Thomas, Algonquin, 111. 6, 164 Arn, Arthur J., Kansas City, Kan. 1895 Arnold, Arthur E., Thawville, lU. 178 Arnold, Henry T., Norwich, Conn. 1871 Arnold, Lewis D., Akeley, Minn. 286 [Arnold, Seth A., deceased. Arnold, William A., Cathlamet, Wash. ♦Arnold, Wm. R., Pf., Andover, Mass. Arthur, Charles W., Syracuse, N. Y. Artman, James M., Chicago, 111. Asadoorian, A. M., Erwin, S. D. Ashby, John H., CHnton, Mich. Ashley, Barnabas F., Ravenna, O. Ashley, Walter H., Deadwood, S. D. Askin, John, Pierre, S. D. ♦Atcheson, Wm. H., Freewater, Ore. Atherton, D. Frank, Watertown, Mass Atherton, Isaac W., Los Angeles, Cal. Atkins, Doane R., So. Haven, Mich, Atkins, G. Glenn, Detroit, Mich. Atkinson, George E., Campbell, Cal. Atkinson, Henry A., Atlanta, Ga. [Atkinson, John L., deceased. Atkinson, Robert K., Davenport, la. [Atkinson, William H., deceased, Atwood, A. Ray, Quincy, Mass. Atwood, Charles B., Jericho, Vt. Atwood, Eugene F., Hartford, Conn. Atwood, F. S., Lamberton, Minn. Atwood, Ireneus J., A. B.C. F. M. [Atwood. Lewis P., deceased, Austin, James, Canada, Austin, Leon H., Roslindale, Mass. ♦Austin, Thomas J., Pn., Helena, Ark [Avery, Frederick D., deceased. Avery, Henry, Des Moines, la. Averv, Oliver P., Blaine, Wash. Axtell, Archie G., Blair, Neb. --- Axton, J. T., Ch., Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. 1902 [Ayer, Charles L., deceased, 11 Ayer Edward P., North Guilford, Conn. 134 Ayer, Edwin I., Traverse City, Mich. 1883 Ayer, Franklin D., Concord, N. H. 320 Ayers, Alfred W., Onaga, Kan. 208, 210 Ayres, Milan C.,Ed., New'n H'l'ds, Mass. 1874 Babb, Thomas E., Holden, Mass. 246 Babbit, Will A., Lockport, N. Y. 342 Babcock, J. M., Buffalo, Wyo. 6, 53 Bacheler, Francis P., Hockanum, Conn. 126 Bacheler, G. H., New Lebanon, N. Y. 344 Backus, C. W., 1900 Central av.,Kan. Qty, Kan 1873 Backus, Jabez, Elizabethtown, N. Y. 340 Bacon, Aaron S., Lenora, Kan. 208 Bacon, Alvin C, New Britain, Conn. 6, 8, 132 • Bacon, B. W., Pf., New HaA^eu, Conn. 67 Bacon, Edward E., Saybrook, Conn. 134 Bacon, Joseph F., Belgrade, Minn. 1881 g$acon, Leonard W., deceased, 12 aeon. Miles E., Gettysburg, S. D. 1880 Bacon, Thomas R., Pf., Berkeley, Cal. 1879 Bacon, Wm. A., Littleton, N. H. 322 [Bacon, William N., deceased, 12 Bade, W. Frederick, Pf.. Berkeley, Cal. 73, 1894 Baer, Allen U., Tyndall, S. D. 408 Ba>?naU, Fred., Hart, Mich. 272 Bailey, Amos J , Brooklyn, N. Y. 1871 Bailey, Arthur W., Keene, N. H. 322 Bailey, Daniel W., Saybrook, O. 1878 Bailey, George H., Middlebury, Vt. 430 Bailey, Gurdon F., Westbrook, Conn. 138 Bailey, Henry L., Longmeadow, Mass. 248 Bailey, John G., Rogers, Ark. 102 Bailev, J. Webster, Ottawa, 111. 174 Baines-Griffiths, D., Spuyten Duyi-il. N.Y. 1892 Bainton, Charies M., Walla Walla, Wash. 444 I Bainton, J. Herbert, Colfax, Wash. 436 1896 234 404 268 1857 404, 406 408 1894 322 1859 1877 270, 485 104 150 190 11 254 424, 428 1875 290, 296 480 11 1905 238 1889 1860 382 306 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 515 Bair, William R.. Oakland, Cal. 108 Baird, C. Stanley, Kansas City, Mo. 1899 Baird. John W., ^. B. C. F. A/. 480 Baird, Lucius O., Omaha, Neb. 312, 484, 485 Baker, Albert S., My., Kealakekua, T. H. 156 Baker, Ernest L., North Weare, N. H. 326 Baker, Frank H., So. Bridgton, Me. 220 Baker, George, Maehias, Wash. 436 Baker, George H., Aberdeen, S. D. 1897 Baker, Henrv R., Cottonwood, S. D. 1887 Baker, OrrinG., Wakefield, N. H. 326 Baker, R. M., Topeka, Kan. 1872 [Baker, Sevmour, deceased, 12 Baker, Smith, Lowell, Mass. 1860 Baker, T. Nelson, Pittsfield, Mass. 254 Baker, William H., Toledo, O. 376 Baker, Wm. Hardv, Slocum, Ala. 1887 Balcom, Fred. A., Plainfield, Conn. 134 Baldwin, Arthur J., Plains, Mont. 304 Baldwin, Albert K., Brunswick, Me. 1905 Baldwin, Cvrus G., Palo Alto, Cal. 108 ♦Baldwin, David J., Los Antceles, Cal 1865 Baldwin, Fritz W., Melbourne, Fla. 144, 330 Baldwin, Manuel L., Greensboro, N. C. 352 Baldwin, Theodore A., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Ball, Albert H., Westfield, Mass. 1871 Ball, James E., Farmington, la. 190 Ball, Robert H., Fairhaven, Vt. 86, 422 Ballantine, Henrv W., E. Orange, N. J. 1861 Ballantine, John W., West Stafford, Conn. 136 Ballantine, Wm. G., T., Springfield, Mass. 1880 Ballantine, William O., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Ballou, Henry L., Chester, Vt. 422 Bandv, J. Van N., New York, N. Y. 6 Bandy, Paul S., Red Lodge, Mont. 1903 Banham, Henry E., Martinez, Cal. 106 Banister, Chas. D., Merrill, Mich. 276 Banks, George W., Springfield, Mass. 1866 Banninga, John J., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Barber, Arthur, Lawrence, Mass. 6, 248 Barber, Clarence H., Danielson, Conn. 126 Barber, Mrs. Dora R., Forest Grove, Ore. 1893 Barber, Henry A., Rye, N. H. 326 Barber, Jerome M., Forest Grove, Ore. 384 [Barber, Luther H., deceased, 13 Barber, Wilbur C, Valley Junction, la. 1899 Barbour, Thomas W., Cass Lake, Minn. 286 Bard, George I., Meredith, N. H. 324 Barker, Franklin W., Amesbury, Mass. 234 Barker, Herbert A., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 238 Barker, James I., Eclectic, Ala. 92 Barker, Otis W., Newtown, Conn. 1893 Barker, Percival H., Richmond. 111. 176 Barker, Thomas, Ladvsmith, Wis. 452 Barnard, Elihu C, Whitewater, Wis. 1866 Barnard, Henry T., Mclndoes Falls, Vt. 424 [Barnard, Pliny F., deceased. Barnes, Albert E., Minneapolis, Minn. 1899 Barnes, George B., Minneapolis. Minn. 292 Barnes, Henry E., Brookline, Mass. 1862 Barnes, H. C, Chicago, 111. 164 ♦Barnes, J. Rodney, Chicago Heights, 111. 1865 Barnes, Joseph A., Helena, Mont. 1881 Barnes, O. A., North Branch, Minn. 292, 296 Barnes, Or^^lle O., North Branch, Minn. 1903 Barnes, Robert J., Milwaukee, Wis. 1905 Barnes, Stephen G., St. Johnsbury, Vt. 86, 428 Barnett, John H., Granada, Minn. 190, 288 Barnett, John W., Marblehead, Mass. 6, 9, 250 Barnett, Weldon, Eastport, Ga. 1887 Barnhill, Oscar F., Ironaton, Ala., 6, 8, 98 Barnum, Henry S., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Barnum, Herman N., A. S. C. F. A/. 480 Barnum, S. H., Jericho Center, Vt. 42 Barnwell, Henrv S., Lake Charles, La. 8, 216 Barrett, .John P., Wheaton, 111. 1877 Barrett, Mandus, Olivet, Mich. 1891 Barrett, S. Allen, Florence, Mass. 252 Barrie, Nels C, Bottineau, N. D. 1893 Barron, George C, Chattanooga, Tenn. 412, 414 Barron, John W., Alma, Mich. 1888 Barrow, Edw. F., Newport, R. I. 6, 398 Barrows, Ir\'in, Gregory, S. D. 404 Barrows, John O., Stonington, Conn. 1864 Barstow. John, Lee, Mass. 248 Barth, William L., Carpentersville, III. 162 Bartholomew, Chas. M., Owego, N. Y. 346 Bartholomew, Noyes O., Denver, Colo. 118 Bartlett, Dana W., Los Angeles, Cal. 114 Bartlett, Edward O., Harrington, R. I. 1863 Bartlett, Ernest C, Philadelphia, Pa. 1903 Bartlett, Lyman, Springfield, Mass. 1861 Bartlett, Samuel C, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Bartlett, William A., Chicago, 111. 164, 485 Bartley, William T., Bethlehem, N. H. 318 Barton, Francis M., Wheaton, 111., 1871 Barton, Jas. L., Sec., Newton Center, Mass. 44 Barton, Robert J., Cambridge, Vt. '422 Barton, William E., Oak Park, 111. 46, 86, 174 Bascom, George S., Hurdsfield, N. D. 360 Bascom, John, P/., Williamstown, Mass. 1859 Bashford, Alfred E., Long Pine, Neb. 310 Baskerville, Mark, Spokane, Wash. 1882 Bassett, Austin B., Pf.. Hartford, Conn. 69 Bassett, Franklin H., Edmunds, Wash. 1894 *Bassler, Henry G., Perry, Me. 226 Bast, C. William, Hamilton, Mo. 6, 172 Bates, Charies S., Truro, Mass. 260 Bates, Francis W., Indianapolis, Ind. 182 [Bates, Geo. E., deceased, 13 Bates, Henry L., Pn., Forest Grove, Ore. 1881 Bates, James A., S. Royalston, Mass. 1860 Bates, Mrs. Juanita, Brookton, N. Y. 1892 Bates, Newton W., Austinburg, O. 366, 370 Batt, W. J., Ch., Concord Junction, Mass. 1859 Batten, J. H., Grand Forks, N. D. 358 Battey, George J., Avoca, Neb. 306 Battey, Richard H., Minneapolis, Minn. 1882 Bauer, Philip E., Salem, Ore. 1901 Bauman, Benj. R., Lincoln, Neb. 310 Bauman, Gustav B., Antigo, R. F. D., Wis. 454 *Bauman, Henry, Hosmer, S. D. 402 Bausman, Joseph H., Rochester, Pa. 392 Baxter, Geo. W., Telford, Tenn. 1897 Baxter, Thomas G., Ransom, Mich. 274, 278 Bayley, Dwight S., Missoula, Mont. 304 Bayley, Frank T., Denver, Colo. 118 Baylis, Charles T., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1897 Bayliss, E. Ebenezer, Boston, Mass. 1869 Bayne, John J., Joplin, Mo. 300 Bayne, John S., Holdredge, Neb. 310 *Bazata, Benjamin V., Paia, T. H. 1897 Beach, Alex. D., Wibaux, Mont. 304 Beach, Arthur G., Ypsilanti, Mich. 282 Beach, David N., Pr., Bangor, Me. 65 Beach, Elmer J., Northford, Conn. 1877 Beach, H. P.. Pf., New Haven, Conn. 67, 1883 Beach, Samuel J., Redfield, S. D. 408 Beadenkoff, Thomas M., Baltimore, Md. 1880 Beadle, Harry A., Franklin, Conn. 128 Beale, Charles H.i Milwaukee, Wis. 46, 452 Beale, William T., Dorchester, Mass. 238 Beals, Charies E., Stoughton, Mass. 1894 Beals, Charles E., Hallowell, Me. 65 Bean, Abram L., Stoughton, Mass. 258 Bean, D. O., Bellaire, Mich. 266 Bean, Ebenezer, Urbana, 111. 1864 Beard, Augustus F., Sec, New York, N. Y. 50 Beard, Clarence, Mis., Tex. 53 Beard, Gerald H., Bridgeport, Conn. 124 Beard, Henry B., Minneapolis, Minn. 1876 Beard, Joseph R., Independence, Kan. 206 Beard, Reuben A., Fargo, N. D. 358 Beard, Willard L., Foochow, Chiva, 480 Beard, William S., Durham, N. H. 320 Beardslee, C. S., Pf., Hartford, Conn. 69, 1884 Beardsley, Frank G., Harlan, la. 192 Beardsley, Josiah, Ripon, W^is. 1874 Beaton, David, Chicago, 111. 1877 Beatty, Squire T., Lane, S. D. 402, 406 Beaver, Charles H., Anamosa, la. 186, 187 Bechtel, Philip, Loveland, Colo. 1S95 Becker, James A., Grand Junction, Colo. 120 Beckwith, Clarence A., Pf., Ch'go, 111. 71, 1878 Beckwith, E. G., Hamakuapoko, T. H. 480 Beckwith, Geo. A., Saratoga Sp'gs, N. Y. 348 Beddoes, Arthur E., Peoria, III. 174 516 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Bedford, Robert C, Sec., Beloit, Wis. 1875 Beebe, Julius R., New Rockf'd, N. D. 356, 362 Beers, Robert W., Somerville, Mass. 25S Begg, William P., Paxkersburg, la. 198 Beiler, John M., Machias, Me. 224 Beitel, Julius H., Franklin, Neb. 1891 Bekeschus, Edward, Garden City, Kan. 206 Belanger, J. Alphonso, Wells River, Vt. 430 [Belcher, Wm. J., deceased. Belknap, John D., Ev., Syracuse, N. Y. 1S86 Bell, Abraham, Bloomer, Wis. 446, 458 Bell, E. F., Woodville, N. Y. 6, 350 Bell, Enoch F., Boston, Mass. 44 Bell, Ira W., Pittsford, R. D., Mich. 1874 Bell: Robert C, Granby, Mass. 244 Bell, Thomas, Saugerties, N. Y. 348 Bell, William S., St., Helena, Mont. 1881 Belsey, George W., Fruita, Colo. 120 Beman, Albert M., Kidder, Mo. 300 Benedict, Arthur J., Tombstone, Ariz. 100 Benedict, George N., Abington, Mass. 234 Benford, George, White Cloud, Mich. 268, 282 Bennett, George A., Brookhne, N. H. 318 Bennett, Henry J., A. B.C. F. M. 480 Bennett, Jos. H., Farnam, Neb. 308, 354 Bennett, Robert C, Potosi, Wis. 454 Bennett, Thomas E., Sutton Bay, Mich. 6, 278, 280 Bennett, Wm. R., Marion, Ind. 1898 Benneyan, Hachidoor, St. Louis, Mo. 1901 Benson, Ernest L., Belvidere, III. 162, 163 Bent, George, 211 Wabash av., Chicago, 111. Bentall, Alfred, Northport, Mich. 276 Bente, Christ. H., Woodstock, 111. 178 Bentley, Frank D., Sylvan, Wash. 442 Benton, Adoniram J., Fayette, la. 194 Benton, Joseph A., Orloff, Cal. 8, 1901 Benton, Ledyard E., Crete, Neb. 1864 *Berckmann, Wm. O., Williamsburg, Ky. 214 Berkeley, William E., Alstead, N. H. 318 Berle, Adolph A., Boston, Mass. 6, 236 Berle, Theodore P., Cambridge, Mass. 1893 Berry, Edward A., Cedar Rapids, la. 1872 Berry, George R., Cincinnati, O. 1890, 87 Berry, James T., E. Northfield, Mass. 1898 Berry, John Fans, Cleveland, O. 54, 368 Berry, Louis F.. Stamford, Conn. 136, 484 Bessey, F. C, Washington, D. C. Bessey, Will. N., Blue Island, 111. 1889 Best, John, 144 Howe st., Chicago, 111. 166 Betts, E. M., 119 W.S2st.,NewYork, N.Y. 1869 Betz, Allison J., Kings Mt., N. C. 352 Bevan, Noah, Welsh Hill, Pa. 6, 388 Bewer, J. A., P/., 700 Park av., N. Y. City, N. Y. Bickers, William H., Flat River, Mo. 1895 [Bickford, Isaac B., deceased, 13 Bickford, L. E., Los Angeles, Cal. Bickford, Thomas. Brewster, Mass. 254 Bickford, Warren F., Muscogee, I. T. 1876 Bicknell, John, Kennebunkport, Me. 224 Bidwell, Charles A., Brookline, Mass. 236 Bielby, Robert P., La Grange, R. D.. 111. 1898 Bigelow, E. Victor, Lowell, Mass. 248 Bigeow, Frank E., Newport, Kv. 214 *BTgelow, Herbert S., Cincinnati, O. 368 Bigelow, Warren D., Guilford, Conn. 128 Biggers, Lorenzo J., Phcenix, Ala. 1891 Billig, Clinton A., Little Falls. Minn. 290 Billings, Charles S., Los Angeles, Cal. 112 [Billlings, E. N., deceased, 13 Billings, Osmond J., Worcester, Mass. 264 Billington, James, Indianapolis, Ind. 1866 *Billman, Howard, Kentland, Ind. 1881 Bingham, Hiram, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Binkhorst, Arie. Battle Creek, ]\Iich. 1895 Bird, G. H., 9135 Ontario av., Chicago, 111. 164 Bird, Martin B., Denver, Colo. 118, 120 Bisbee, Charles G., Arlington, Neb. Bisbee, Marvin D., P/., Hanover. N. H. 1874 Bishop, Albert W., Morris\'ille, Mo. 1880 Bishop, Edwin W., Oak Park, 111. 174 Bishop, John L., Postle, Okla. 1895 Bishop, Sereno E., Honolulu, T. H, 18.52 Bissell, Arthur D., Pf., Claremont, Cal. 1884 Bissell, Frank A., San Ijorenzo, Cal. 106 Bissell, Henry G., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Bissell, Henry M., Fuerte Sinaloa, Mexico, 1882 Bissell, Jonathan E., Oberlin, O. 1877 Bissell, Oscar, Brimfield, Mass. 1856 Bissell, Shelton, Long Beach, Cal. 1902 Bissell, William F., Brimfield, Mass. 1902 Bixby, Wm. S., New York, N. Y. 1895 Bixler, James W., New London, Conn. 132 Bjorklund, Ernest V., St. Cloud, Minn. 294 Bjuge, Cari B., Cleveland, O. 370 Black, George D., Yellowsprings, O. 1877 Black, Robert F., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Black, William A., Minneapolis, Minn. 294 Blackburn, John F., .Si., Jacksonville, Fla. 53, 1895 Blackman, V. W., So. Killingly, Conn. 136 Blackman, W. F., Pr., Winter P'k, Fla. 85, 146 Blackmer, E. F., Gainesville, N. Y. 340 Blackmer, Walter R., Twinsburg, O. 378 Blackwell, William, Spokane, Wash. 442 Blair, Allen J., Jackson, Mich. 274, 280 Blair, David G., Big Rapids, Mich. 268 Blair, J. J. .Court sq. Hotel, Springfield,Ms. 1874 Blaisdell, James A., Pf., Beloit, Wis. 446, 485 Blaisdell, William S., Victoria, Fla. 1868 Blake, Elmer T., Chariestown, N. H. 318 Blake, Henry A., Stafford Springs, Conn. 136 Blakeley, Daniel W., Montour, la. 198 Blakely, Josiah B., Neenah, Wis. 1874 Blakely, Quincy, Farmington, Conn. 128 Blakeslee, Allen D., Wakeman, O. 1875 Blakeslee, Erastus, Brookline, Mass. 1880 Blakeslee, N. T., Port Wash'n, Wis. 86, 454 Blakeslee, Walter C, Chicago, 111. 1901 Blakeslev, Linus, El Paso, Tex. 1865 Blanchafd, Addison, Dallas, Tex. 1S68 Blanchard, C. A., Pr., Wheaton, 111. 85, 1878 Blanchard, Edgar F., Hudson, N. H. 322 Blanchard, E. B., Sherburne, Mass. 256 Blanchard, F. Q., E. Orange, N. J. 330 Blanchard, John L., Denver, Colo. 120 Blanchard, John T., Sloan, la. 200 Blanford, Levi D., Rockwell, la. 1S6 Blankinship, Jefferson D., Esto, Fla. 1891 Blanks, James L., Webster, S. D. 1900 Blenkarn, Osborn E. A., Carbondale, Kan. 204 [Blenkarn, Wm. T., deceased, 13 Bliss, Alfred V., Utica, N. Y. 350 Bliss, Charles B., Hampden, Mass. 244 Bliss, Daniel, Beirut, Syria, 480 Bliss, Edwin M., U. C. bldg., N. Y. City, 1877 Bliss, Francis C, Max, N. D. 1898 Bliss, George C, Springfield, Mass. 1895 Bliss, Howard S., Pr., Beirut, Syria, 480 Bliss, J. Henrv, W^ebster, N. H. 326 Bliss, John, Crvstal, Mich. 1863 Bliss, Leon D., Pittsfield, Mass. 1889 Block, John, Jefferson pk., Chicago, 111. 166 Blodgett,C.E.,7724Normal av., Chic'go,Ill. 1884 Blomberg, C. R. A., Flensburg, Minn. 288, 290 Blomfield, F., Muskegon, Mich. 54, 272, 276, 278 Blomfield, Stanley F., Woodbury, Conn. 140 Blomgren, Gustave, Chicago, 111. 342 *Blomquist, Chas. F., Leavenworth, Wash. 1898 Blood, Charies R., Chandlerville, 111. 164 Bloom, J. Vernon, Lockport, 111. 6, 172 Bloom, W. Knighton, Oneida, 111. 174 Bloomfield, George J., Wilmington, Mass. 262 Blount, Harry, Indianapolis, Ind. 182 Blovebon, Addison, Denver, Colo. 118 Blue. James M., Chariestown, Mass. 236 Blyth, Robert B., Buriington, Wis. 446 Boardman, Charles P., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 Boardman, Geo. N.,P/., Pittsford, Vt. 71, 1854 Boardman, J. R., Y. M. C. A., N. Y. City, 1898 Boardman, Joseph, Plymouth, N. H. 1861 [Boardman, M. Bradford, deceased, 14 Bockoven, William A., Wadena, Minn. 296 Bodine, John E., Indianola, Neb. 310 Bodman, F. H., Battle Creek, Mich. 1895 Bodwell, Charies S., Killingworth, Conn. 130 Bodwell, Flaviel A., Leona, Kan. 208 190S] List of Congregational Ministers. 517 Bodwell, Joseph C, Machiasport, Me. 1S72 *Boggess, Eliot B., Palmyra, Wis. 448, 454 Bohn, Harry F., Hiteman, la. 102 Bohn, W. Frederick, Berlin, O. 1902 Boland, Almon T., Canterbury, Conn. 6, 124 Bole, Andrew S., Coventry, Vt. 422 Bolger, Thos. F., Tenipe, Ariz. 100 Bohn, Nels J., Foreston, Minn. 296 Boiler, Benjamin F., Los Angeles, Cal. 114 Bollinger. Edward S., Portland, Ore. .386 Bolster, F. E., Portland, Me. 1903 Bolster, Wm. H., Nashua, N. H. 86, 324, 485 Bolt. William W., Lawrence, Kan. 208 Bolton, James, Cocoanut Grove, Fla. 1891 Bond, Andrew W., Weiser, Ida. 160, 384 Bond, James, Nashville, Tenn. 412 Bond, John J., Lake Grove, N. Y. 187.5 Bond, William J. C, Kewaunee, 111. 1879 Bonfils, E., 147 Union av.. Jamaica, N. Y. 1889 fBonney, John R., deceased, 14 Bonnichsen, Hans M., Colorado, 1904 Booch, Herman R., Pavson, 111. 168, 169 Booth, Edwin, Oberlin,"0. 1866 Booth, Edwin, jr., Norfolk, Neb. 306 Booth, Henry K., Berkeley, Cal. 104 Booth, Milton H., Creston, la. 1903 Boothbv, Clavton D., Madison, Me. 224 *Borg, Lars G., Collinsville, Conn. 1897 Bormose, Neils N., Lemon Grove, Cal. 112, 113, 116 *Bortel, Harvey B., Oliio, 1899 Borton, Carl D., Bowen, 111. 1893 Bosard, Wesley R., Grandin, Mo. 300 Boss, Roger C. Fountain, Colo. 204 Bosworth, Anthony R., Flasher, N. D. 1892 Bosworth, Edward" L,P/..Oberlin, O. 59, 72, 485 Bosworth, Linneus M., Deer Isle, Me. 220 Bosworth, Richard H., Woodhaven, N. Y. 350 Bosworth,Theo.K.,Neosha Falls.Kan. 206, 8, 10 Bosworth, Uriah C, Neosha Falls, Kan. 1878 Bosworth, William A., Wichita, Kan. 212 Boughton, Clement A., Wisconsin, 1898 Boult. William T., Eaton, N. Y. 6, 340 *Boulware, Henry S., GreenN-ille, S. C. 400 Bourne, Alex. P., Cambridge, Mass. 238 Bouton, Tilton C. H., Henniker, N. H. 1881 Bovey, Wesley E., Traer, la. 200 Bowden, Henrv M., So. Enremont, Mass. 242 Bowdish, A. Craig, Mitchell, S. D. 402, 406 Bowers, Albert, New London, O. 374 Bowers, Bertha J., Creston, la. 1899 Bowers, George, Warrenville, N. J. 1872 Bowers, Roy E., Ashland, O. 87, 366 Bowlby, Noble O., Wilder, Vt. 430 Bowler, Stephen L., Bangor, Me. 1853 Bowman, John Elliot, Ferrisburg, Vt. 422 Bowman, Rodney S., Bay Shore, Mich. 1892 Bown, Frank A., Medical Lake, Wash. 4.38 Bowron. Joseph S., Steilacoom, Wash. 442 Bovd, Herbert W., Forest Grove, Ore. 384 Bovd, Richard T., Sylvania. O. 376 Bovd, William, St. Louis, Mo. 302 Bovl. Elliott A. [N. Y.] 1900 *Bovlan. F. G.. Colorado. Boyle, Frank W., Dallas. Tex. 1890 Boynton, Francis H., Florence, Mass. 1864 [Bovnton, G. M., deceased. Boynton, N., Brooklyn, N. Y. 336, 485 Brackin, Elisha, Headland, R. D. 1, Ala. 1896 Bradford, A. H., Pr., Montclair, N. J. 50, 54, 86, 330, 484 Bradford, Emery L., E. Weymouth, M^ss. 262 Bradford, Geo. F., Lvndeboro, N. H. 322 Bradford, Park A.. Falls Village, Conn. 128, 136 Bradley, Charles W., Andalusia, Ala. 92 ♦Bradley. Cornelius B., Pf.. Berkeley, Cal. 1871 Bradley, Dan F., Cleveland, O. .59, 368, 484, 485 Bradley, Edward E., Lincoln, Ma.ss. 248 Bradley, Nelson S., Saginaw, Mich. 280 Bradshaw, John W., Oberlin, O. 374 Bradstreet. Albert E., Hubbard, Ore. 384 *Br.adv, Alexander, Marvsville, Wash. 1898 Brainerd, Frank G..-S'«., Kansas City. Kan. 1893 Braithwaite, Edw. E., Cambridge, Mass. 258 Braithwaite, Thos. S., Wantagh, N. Y. 350, 351 Brakemeyer, Gust's L., Gerni'town, Neb. 308 Branan,Leroy H., Midland City,R.D.l,Ala. 1906 Branan, S. R., Midl'd City, R.F.D. 1, Ala. 94 Brand, Chas. A., Ed., Boston, Mass. 485 Brande, Alfred G., Pierce, Neb. 1870 Brastow, L. O., Pf., New Haven, Conn. 67 Bray, Henry E., East Taunton, Mass. 260 Bray, William L., Sheldon, la. 198 Breck, Aaron, Russell, Kan. 210 Breck, Charles A., Methuen, Mass. 1894 Breckenridge, D.M., Prairie du Chien, Wis. 144, 5 Breed, Dwight P., My., Grinnell, la. 1873 Breed, M. A., Box 188, Monticello, la. 196 Breed, Reuben L., Fort Dodge, la. 192 Breeze, Aaron, Union Grove, Wis. 458 * Breeze, Emanuel, Fox Lake, Wis. 1900 Brehm, Wm. E., Garden City, Kan. 1890 *Brekhus, Edward, Hoboken, N. J. 330 Brereton, James E., Emmetsburg, la. 190, 200 Brereton, John, Huttig, Ark. 1884 Brewer, Frank S., Palmer, Mass. 254 Brewer, William F., My., Atlanta,, Ga. 150, 1882 Briant, S. IngersoU, Westboro, Mass. 1868 Brickett, Harry L., Marion, Mass. 250 Bridgman, Frederick B., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Bridgman, Howard A., Ed., Brookline, Ms. 484 Briegleb, Gustav A., Tuckahoe, N. Y. 348 Briggs, Erastus T., Westfield, la. 200 Briggs, Howard A. M., Jersey City, N. J. 1900 Briggs, Leslie B., Berkeley, Cal. 104 Briggs, Ritchie J., Austin, Tex. 416 Briggs, Walter A., Stewart, la. 200 [Bright, Jesse L., deceased, 14 Brimscombe, George, Ceylon, Minn. 188 Brintnall, Walter A., Endeavor, Wis. 1892 Bristol, Frank L., E. Providence, R. I. 396 [Broad, L. P., deceased. Brock, Geo. A., Lockport, N. Y. 342 Brockie, John M., Orono, Me. 226 Brockington, J. S., 68 st. & 12 av., Br'k'n, N.Y. Brodie, A. M., Watertown, N. Y. 1888 Brodie, James F., Brookline, Mass. 1882 Brokenshire, J. J., Pawtucket, R. I. 398 Brokenshire, William H., Ontario, Can. 1894 Bromfield, Edwarth T., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brondson, A. A., Shirley, Mass. 256 Bronson, Oliver H., New York, N. Y. 1898 Brooks, Charles S., Wellesley, Mass. 1869 Brooks, Edward L., Gaines, N. D. 288, 364 Brooks, G. Wolcott, Dorchester, Mass. 236 Brooks, Hans A., Kelly Brook, Wis. 1896 Brooks, Isaac W., Ogden, Utah, 1898 Brooks, Jonas G., Ev., Kewaunee, 111. 1893 Brooks, J. W., Duluth, Ga. Brooks, Raymond C, Oakland, Cal. 104, 106 Brooks, Wiilard H., Little River, Kan. 208 Brooks, Wm. M., Redlands, Cal. 1866 Bross, H., Wahoo, Neb. 314 Brotherston, Bruce W., No. Conway, N.H. 6,320 Brower, Chas. DeW., W'inter Park, Fla. 1888 Brown, Albert R., Hutchinson, Minn. 290 Brown, Amasa A., Gregory, S. D. 1861 Brown, Charles, Lake Grove, N.Y. 340. 344 Brown, Charles R., Oakland, Cal. 106, 485 Brown, Clarence T., Hinsdale, 111. 170 *Brown, D. F., Nash, La. 6 Brown, Daniel M., Chamberlain, S. D. 402 Brown, Edwin C, Jonesport, Me. 222 Brown, Mrs. E. W., Powhattan, Kan. 1905 Brown, E. W., Glen Ridge, N. J. 330, 354, 484 Brown, Frank J., E. Chicago, Ind. 182 Brown, Frederick K., Bucksport, Me. 6, 220 Brown, Geo. W., Clay Center, Kan. 204 *Brown, Gustavus A., Sweden, 1902 Brown, G. B., 2116 Warren st., Toledo, O. 1886 Brown, G. E., Running Water, S. D. 406, 408 Brown, Giles G., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Brown, Henrv E., Ev., Cleveland. O. 1866 Brown, Henry M., 1864 Morris av., N. Y. 344 j Brown, Henry W., Childersburg, Ala. 98 I Brown, Herbert S., Darien, Conn. 126 I Brown, Hugh E., East Hampton, Conn. 126 518 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Brown, James, Anniston, Ala. Brown, James B., Lakeside, Neb. Brown, Jesse L., Henagar, Ala. [Brown, J. Fletcher, deceased. Brown, John A., Grinnell, la. Brown, John L., Colorado, Brown, J. Newton, Eliot, Me. Brown, Luther E., Wayne, Mich. Brown, Oliver, Alstead, N. H. Brown, Paul W., Moline,' 111. 98 1892 1878 1881 1897 222 282 318, 322 172 Brown, Richard, My., Livingston, Mont. 304 Brown, Robt. E., New Haven, Conn. 132 Brown, Samuel A., Boston, Mass. 238 Brown, Sterling N., Pf., Washington, D. C. 142 Brown, Thomas J., Chicago, Hi. 166 Brown, Victor F., Pueblo, Colo. 120 Brown, William J., Dickinson, N. D. 358 Brown, William M., Windham, Conn. 1880 Brownback, George W., Athens, Mich. 266, 276 Browne, John K., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Brownville, John W., W. Gloucester, Mass. 244 Bruce, Charles R., Ed., Elk Point, S. D. 1886 Bruce, Henry J., A. B. C. i?". ilf. 480 Brue, James, Walnut Lane, La. 216 Bruechert, Fred H. W., Omaha, Neb. 312 Brundidge, Hiram A., Altoona, Kan. 1861 Bruner, Charles A., Stillman Valley, 111. 1894 Brunk, Wm. R., Chipley, Fla. 144, 146 Brunker, James, Sec, Maize, Kan. 1874 Bruno, Frank J., Colorado Springs, Colo. 1902 Brunstrom, David V., New Haven, Conn. 1896 Brj'an, George A., Norwich, Conn. 1849 Bryant, Albert G., Porterville, Cal. 108 Bryant, Charles M., Torrington, Conn. 138, 139 Bryant, Samuel J., West Haven, Conn. 1876 Bryant, Seelye, Springfield, Mass. 6, 258 Bryant, Stephen O., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1868 *Bryant, W. M., Stringtown, I. T. 1899 Buchanan, Wm. J., Greenville, Me. 222 Buck, Benjamin F., Anthonv, Kan. 204 Buck, George H., Crown Point, N. Y. 1894 Buck, John W., Smith Center. Kan. 1885 Buck, Samuel J., Pf., Grinnell, la. 1863 Buckham, John W., Pf., Berkeley, Cal. 73, 485 Buell, Lewin F., Woodfords, Portland, Me. 226 Buell, Seth H., Ravenna, Neb. 312 Buffkin, Lindlev H., Ed., Lynville, la. 1876 Bugbee, Rolla G., Peterboro, N. H. 324 Bugbey, Willard S., Rose\ille, lU. 176 Buie, Joseph, Lincoln, Cal. 106 Bulfinch, John J., Waldoboro, Me. 218 Bull, D. M.,364 Seymour st.,Syrac'se, N.Y. 348 Bull, Edward, Pomona, Fla. 1869 Bullock, Motier A., Lincoln, Neb. 310 Bullock, Motier C, Grand ville, Mich. 6, 272, 274 Bumpus, Isaac C, Sherman Mills, Me. 228 Bumstead, Horace, Pr., Brookline, Mass. 1872 *Bundy,Henry,£r.,385Mohawk,C'go, 111. 1878 Bundv, W. R.. Dinsdale, la. 186, 190 Bunker, Fred R., Olivet, Mich. 1889 Burch, Henrv H., Aurora, Mo. 300 Burdeshaw, J. J., Dothan, R.F.D. 4, Ala. 94 Burdick, Chas. A., Iowa, 1904 Burdick, Charles H., Prophetstown, 111. 176 *Burdin, M. J., Anderson, S. C. 1884 Burdon, Henrv F., Ludlow, Mass. 248 Burgess, Edmund J., PondCreek, Okla. 380, 382 Burgess, George H., Warsaw, N. Y. 350 Burgess, G. A., Pawtucket, R. I. 1882 Burgess, Hubert F., Sunnyside, Wash. 53, 442 *Burgess, J. G., My., Crow Agency, Mont. 1893 Burgess, I^ouis F., Ridgeburv, Conn. 136 Burgess, W., Highland Park, 111. 1886 Burhans, F.D.,5413 Calumet av., Ch'ga.Ill. 166 Burhans, Paul C, Glendive, Mont. 304 Burkart, J. J., Baltimore, Md. 1893 Burket, John W., Wellington, Kan. 212 Burkett, Casabianca E., Fishpond, Ala. 92, 94, 96 Burkhardt, Jesse B., Council Bluffs, la.' 6, 188 Burkhardt, Paul, Wellington, Colo. 1891 Burkholder, Clarence M., Youngstown, O. 378 Burling, James P., Des Moines, la. 190 Burnaby, Sidney A., Boston, Mass. 1881 Burnap, Irving A., Broad Brook, Conn. 124 Burnell, Arthur T., Pn., Mobile, Ala. 1883 Burnett, Wm., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1901 Burnham, Collins G., Chicopee, Mass. 234, 240 Burnham, Edmund A., Syracuse, N. Y. 348 Burnham, Herman L., Havelock, Neb. 310 *Burns, William C, Honeoye, N. Y. 1882 Burr, Almond W., Pf., Beloit, Wis. 1875 [Burr, Enoch F., deceased, 14 Burr, Hanford M., T., Springfield, Mass. 1888 Burr, Horace M., Oneida, R. F. D., 111. 174 Burr, Horace Walter, Kansas City, Kan. 206 Burr, Huber, Weaverville, Cal. 110 Burr, Marcus, Yantic, Conn. 128 Burr, William N., Tulare, Cal. 110 Burrill, Arthur S., Nahant, Mass. 250 Burrill, George H., Easthampton, Mass. 242 Burroughs, Charles H., Albion, R. F. D., N. Y. 340 Burt, Charles W., Lisbon, Conn. 130 Burt, Enoch H., Ivoryton, Conn. 130, 131 Burt, Henry D., Minneapolis, Minn. 1904 Burtner, D. Emery, Lynn, Mass. 394 Burtner, Otto W., Ansonia, Conn. 124 Burton, Charles E., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 Burton, Marion L., Brooklyn, N. Y. 67, 336 Burton, Nathan L., Wataga, 111. 178 Burton, Robert W., Rio, Wis. 456, 458 Burtt, Benjamin H., Ludington, Mich. 276 Busfield, Theo. E., No. Adams, Mass. 86, 252 Bush, Allen S., St., Denver, Colo. 53, 1885 *Bush,Frank R., 6S0 Hamlin av.,Ch'go,Ill. 166 Bush, Fred R., Middle\'ille, Mich. 266, 272 Bush, Frederick W., Douglas, Mich. 270 Bush, Harvey S., Constantine, Mich. 270 Bush, Jones, Zebulon, Ga. 1869 Bushee, George A., Madison, Conn. 9, 1896 Bushell, Jonas, Seattle, Wash. 1893 Bushell, Richard, Seattle, Wash. 436 Bushnell, Albert, St., Kansas City, Mo. 1873 Bushnell, C. W., Seattle, Wash. 1896 Bushnell, Henry A., Lagrange, 111. 170 Bushnell, Samuel C , Arlington, Mass. 46, 234 Bushwell, Jesse, Mantorville, Minn. 86, 290 Buss, Henry, Aurora, 111. 1856 Buss, William H., Fremont, Neb. 308 Bussey, Robert D., jr., Pittsburg, Kan. 210 Butcher, Stephen G., New Orleans, La. 85, 406 Butcher, William R., Roodhouse, 111. 170, 176 Butcher, Wm. T., Salem, la. 198 Butler, A. D., Chicago, 111. Butler, Edward P., Sunderland, Mass. 258 Butler, Elmer W., Thorsby, Ala. 53, 92 Butler, Frank E., S. Hadley Falls, Mass. 258 Butler, Gardner S., Pf.. Charleston, S. C. 1877 Butler, George M., Medford, Mass. 250 Butler, H. E., 758 W. 67th st., Ch'go, 111. 1864 Butler, James E., WTieatland, Wyo. 460 Butler, Jesse C, Eclectic, R. F. D. 1, Ala. 92, 96 Butler, John H., Olympia, Wash. 1885 Butler, William, Partridge, Kan. 208 Butler, Willis H., Northampton, Mass. 252 Butterfield, Claude A., Foxboro, Mass. 242 Buttram, Elijah A., Esto, R. F. D., Fla. 1885 Buxton, Albert J., Racine, Wis. 454 Buxton, Wilson R., Millis, Mass. 250 Byers, Ralph C, Brighton, R. D. 64, Colo. lis, 120, 122 Bjangton, Edwin H., Beverly, Mass. 236 Byington, George P., Ballard vale, Mass. 1868 Byrons, Edward H., New Fairfield, Conn. 132 Cadman, S. Parkes, Brooklyn, N. Y. 336, 484 Cadmus, William E., Peoria, 111. 174 Cadwalader, John, Big Rock, 111. 162 Cadwalader, Morris J., Wild Rose, Wis. 456 *Cady, Chauncey Marvin, Kyoto, Japan, 480 Cadv, George L., Dorchester, Mass. 190, 485 Cady, William J., Charles City, la. 188 Cain, Frank E., Bruce, Wis. 446 Calderwood, Chas. M., Brooklyn, N. Y. 6, 128 Caldwell, William E., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1863 Calhoun, Chas. S., Dexter, Mich. 1901 Calhoun, John C, Farwell, Tex. 416 Calhoun, John S., Indianapolis, Ind. 1898 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 519 Calhoun, Newell M., New Haven, Conn. 9, 1874 Calhoun, Soltau F., Stockton, Cal. 1872 Calkins, Ravmond, Portland, Me. 226, 485 Calkins, Wolcott, Newton, Mass. 264 Calland, William C, Sec, Springfield, Mo. 1880 Callecod, H. Matthew, Carpentersville, 111. 1904 Calvin, F. J., Pasadena, Cal. 112 Cameron, Alex. J., Portland, Me. 226 Cameron, Donald, Cottonwood, Cal. 1893 Cameron, John H., Pewaukee, Wis. 454 Cameron, M. J., Hillsboro, Wis. 4,50 Camfield, Lewis E . Academy, S. D. 402, 404 Camp, Edward C, Watertown, Mass. 260 Campbell, Andrew, Sonierville, Mass. 1896 Campbell, Clement C, St. Paul, Minn. 294 Campbell, Gabriel, Pf., Hanover, N. H. 1868 Campbell, HoUis A.. E. Hardwick, Vt. 424 ♦Campbell, James, Brighton, Wash. 1869 Campbell, James M., Sierra Madre, Cal. 116 Campbell, John P., Downs, Kan. 206 Campbell, Thos., Chicapo, III. 166 Campbell, Walter W., Rockport, Mass. 256 (Campbell, William, deceased. Campbell, W. R., Pr., Roxbury, Mass. 46, 236, 484, 485 Campbell, William T., Chesterfield, 111. 1894 Canciee, George, Toledo, O. 1862 *Canup, A. J., Oakdale, Tenn. 1884 Capron, Harold S., Rochester, N. Y. 348 Capshaw. Benj. P., Harwinton, Conn. 130 Garden, Wm. J., Hanceville, Ala. 92, 94 Carey, Edward F., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Carhart, Charles L., Dorset, Vt. 422 Carlson, August T., E. Orange, N. J. 330 Carlson, Carl E., Cromwell, Conn. 18S9 Carlson, Peter J., Providence, R. I. 396 Carlson, Thomas A., Dracut, Mass. 242 Carlson, Walter G., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 Carlton, V. Albert, Rowen, la. 192, 198 Carmichael, Niel, Tualatin, Ore. 386 Carnley, George M., Stella, Fla. 144, 146 Carpenter, Charles C., Andover, Mass. 1860 Carpenter, Chas. M., Sandwich, Mass. 1890 Carpenter, Philo H., Worcester, Vt. 1879 Carr, Edwin S., Cherokee, la. 188, 189 Carr, J. Scott, Tiskilwa, R. F. D. 1, 111. 176 Carr, William, Poquonock, Conn. 134 Carrick, Charles W., Grand Rapids, R. D.14, Mich, 1881 Carroll, Charles W., Pittsburg, Pa. 59 Carroll, W. Irving, Dallas, Tex. 1893 Carruthers, John B., So. Deerfield, Mass. 240 Carson, J. William, Manitou, Colo. 120, 306 Carter, Charles F., Lexington, Mass. 248 Carter, Clark, Andover, Mass. 1868 Carter, Elijah, Edgerton, Minn. 1881 Carter, Fernando E., Michigan City, Ind. 182 Carter, Homer W., Sec, Beloit, Wis. 48 ♦Carter, Mrs. Lucy R., Gettysburg, S. D. 6, 404 Carter, Nathan F., Concord, N. H. 86 Carter, Ray F., Southington, Conn. 136 Carter, Robert E., Washington, Conn. 138 Carter, Stephen B., Plainfield, Conn. 1879 Carter, William C, Powersville, Ga. 1893 Gary, Joseph P., Anacortes, Wash. 1899 Carv, Otis, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Gary, William B., Windsor, Conn. 140 Case.-Albert M., Rockford, la. 1871 Case, Alden B., Guerrero, Mex. 480 Case, Bert F., Middle Haddam, Conn. 130 Case, Harlan P., SI., Los Angeles, Cal. 53, 1871 Case, Herbert E. B., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Case, Horatio M., Emmetsburg, la. 1871 Cash, William L., Savannah, Ga. 148 Caskey, John A., Atkinson, 111. 162, 168 Castor, Geo. D., Berkeley, Cal. 673 Gate, Geo. H., West Newton, Mass. 1879 Cathcart, Sam'l M., Westerly, R. I. 9, 398 Causey. George W., Roberta, Ga. 1902 Caverno, Charles, Lombard, III. 1866 Caward, O. M., Mattoon, 111., 6, 172 Cerreta, Canio, 1031 No. av., Bridgeport, Conn. 124, 125 Chaffee, Frank M., Emporia, Kan. 1864 Chakurian, E. E., Guerneville, Cal. 1897 Chalmers, A. B., Worcester, Alass. 264 Chalmei-s, James, Fitchburg, Mass. 242 Chalmers, Thos., Manchester, N. H. 322 Chalmers, William I., Riverhead, N. Y. 1872 Chamberlain, H.W., ^fy., Honolulu, T. H. 1897 Chamberlain, Jas. P. [Wis.] _. 1861 Chamberlin, Edward B., Sharon, Vt. 1856 Chamberlin, Jas. A., Berkeley, Cal. 1879 Chambers, Chas. A., Bellevue, la. 186 Chambers, George R., Grinnell, la. 196 Chambers, Robert, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Chambers, William N., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Champlin, Chas. C, Black Diamond, Cal. 6, 104 Champlin, Oliver P., Fargo, N. D. 1870 Chancy, Nathan B., Bonifay, Fla. 1895 Chandler, Edward H., Danvers, Mass. 1892 Chandler, E. S., No. Judson, R. D. 3, Ind. 216 Chandler, Fred D., Laconia, N. H. 1869 Chandler, John S., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Chandler, Jos. H., Chicago, 111. 9, 1883 Chandler, Watson H., Ev., Wheaton, 111. 1873 Channon, Irving ^l.,A.B,C.F. M. 480 Chapel, Elmer O., Arena, Wis. 446 Chapin, Charles H., New Salem, Mass. 254 Chapin, Franklin M., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1880 Chapm, Franklin P., Campello, Mass. 1857 Chapin, George E., West Newbury, Vt. 1879 Chapin, George F., Saxton's River, Vt. 428 Chapin, Roswell, Oberlin, O. 1874 Chapin, S. Abbie, Mission Hill, S. D. 406 Chapin, Samuel W., Bangor, Me. 1878 Chapman, Edw. M., Lvme, Conn. 134 Chapman, Francis H., Bristol, Wis. 446, 452 Chapman, Richard K., Mitchell, la. 196 Charlton, John W., Oberlin, O. 1870 Charnock, Geo. A., Alturas, Cal. 104 Charron, Chas. L., Lowell, Mass. 248 Chase, Charles E., San Francisco, Cal. 108 Chase, C. Thurston, Meadville, Pa. 388, 390 Chase, Edward, Kennebunkport, Me. 1863 Chase, Edward A., Wollaston, Mass. 254 Chase, Ezra B., New London, R. F. D., O. 376 Chase, Lei-i G., Concord. N. H. 1870 Chase, Loring 13., Medway, Mass. 250 Chase, Samuel B., Lewiston, Ida. 160 Chatfield, G. W., Naravisa, N. Mex. 48, 53 Cheadle, S. H., Colorado Springs, Colo. 1881 Cheney, Burton H., Monona, la. 196 Cherington, Reed B., Sunnyvale, Cal. 110 Cheung, How Fo, My., Hilo, T. H. 156 Chevis, E. C, lona, la. 186, 192 Chickering, Jno, W., Pf., Wash'gton, D. C. 1860 Child, Bernard V., Belle^'ue, O. 372 Child, Frank S., Fairfield, Conn. 128 Childress, John F., Ellis, Kan. 174 Childs, Irving H., Deerfield, Mass. 240 Childs, Jas. H., Northbridge Center, Mass. 252 Childs, Lucas S., Glencoe, Okla. 380 Childs, Truman D., Andover, Conn. 1873 Childs, William, Kalkaska, Mich. 1891 Choate, Charles W., Kokomo, Ind. 182 Choate, W., Sec, New York, N. Y. 48 ♦Christ, Wm. L., Terre Haute, Ind. 184 Christie, George W., Berkeley, Mass. 236 Christie, Sarah E. M., Kilbourn, Wis. *■ > 446, 448, 450 Christie, Thomas D., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Chunn, Clay D., Waterbury, Conn. 136, 137 Chute, Edward L., Conwav, Mass. 240 Chutter, Frederick G., Littleton, N. H. 1887 Chynoweth, John T., Ev., Racine, Wis. 454 Claflin, A. H., Allegheny, Pa. 388 Claflin, John, Eaton Rapids, Mich. 270 Claibourne, Cyrus H., Thebes, Ga. 1886 Clancy, Judson V., Portland, Me. 87, 226 Clancy, William P., Becket, Mass. 236 Clapp, C. F., St., Forest Grove, Ore. 54 Clapp, Ellery C, Lisbon, N. H. 322 Clapp, Raymond G., New Haven, Conn. 6, 67 Clapp, Richard H., Farmington, Me. 222 Clapp, Winfield S., Coaldale, Pa. 388 Clardy, E. M., Dallas, Tex. Clark, Albert W., A. B. C. F. M. 480 520 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Clark, Alden H., A. B. F. C. M. 480 Clark, Allen G., Nekoma, N. D. 356, 362 Clark, Asahel L., Elizabeth, N. J. 1901 Clark, Calvin M., P/., Bangor, Me. 65 Clark, Charles, Millers Falls, Mass. 250 Clark, C. W., St. Albans, R. F. D. 2, Vt. 422 Clark, Chester M., Wichita, Kan. 1891 Clark, Cyrus A., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Clark, Daniel J., East Haven, Conn. 126 Clark, Daniel W., So. Framingham, Mass. 1882 Clark, De Witt S., Salem, Mass. 43, 256 Clark, Edson L., Dalton, Mass. 1859 Clark, Edward L., Boston, Mass. 1861 Clark, Ernest E., Plymouth, Pa. 392 Clark, Francis E., Pr., Auburnd'e, Mass. 1876 Clark, Frank G., Wellesley, Mass. 1869 Clark, George L., Wethersfield, Conn. 140 Clark, George V., Cleveland, O. 1882 Clark, George W., Brooklyn, Conn. 124 Clark, Grant V., Rhinelander, Wis. 458 Clark, Isaac, P/., Washington, D. C. 1861 [Clark, James B., deceased, 15 Clark, J. H., My., Minnesota, 53 Clark, James S., Beechwood, Mass. 240 Clark, John L., 47 Linden St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 6. 338 Clark, J. B., Sec.,4th av. & 22d st., N. Y. City, 48 Clark, Kimball K., Dawson, Minn. 288 Clark, Moulton N., Caledonia, 111. 162 Clark, Orville C, St. Paul, Minn. 294 Clark, Robert, Warren, Vt. 6, 428 Clark, Victor F., Neligh, Neb. 312 Clark, William A., Wilmington, N. C. 1886 Clark, William C, Lyndon, Vt. 424 Clark, William J„ Hinsdale, 111. 1869 Clarke, Alfred T., Macon, Ga. 148, 149 Clarke, Almon T., West Palm Beach, Fla. 92 Clarke, Charles F., Whitney\-ille, Conn. 1889 Clarke, Charles F., Seattle, Wash. 442 Clarke, Clement G., Minneapolis, Minn. 290 Clarke, James F., A. B.C. F. M. 480 Clarke, Joseph B., Tulare, Cal.. 1881 [Clarke, Samuel W., deceased, 15 Clarke, William P., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Clary, Timothy F., Mattapan, Mass. 1860 Clayton, Francis T., Williamstown, Mass. 262 Clayton, John B., Kirkwood, Mo. 1881 Cleaves, Charles P., Limerick, Me. _ 224 Clements, Arthur, Spencerport, N. Y. 348 Clemmer, Ephr'm B., T., Austinburg, O. 1888 Cleveland, Henry C, Vale, Ore. 384 Clews, William, Atlanta, Ga. 150, 152 Clifton, T., Sec, 1.53 La Salle st., Ch'go, 111. 46 Clyde, John P., Watertown, S. D. 410 Coate, Henry, Morenci, Mich. 1874 Coate, Robert M., T., Atlanta, Ga. 1895 Cobb, Edward S., A. B.C. F. M. 480 Cobb, Elisha G., Northampton, Mass. 252 Cobb, Wm. H., Newton Center, Mass. 43 Cobleigh, Elvira C, Walla Walla, Wash. 1892 *Coburn, Wallace L, Paola, Kan. 1885 Cochlin, Demas, Traverse City, Mich. 280 Cochran, Florenzo C, Lincoln, Neb. 1880 Cochrane, Robert H., Weymouth, Mass. 262 Codella, Pasquale, Waterbury, Conn. 138 Coffin, Joseph, Venton, La. 6, 216 Coirswell, Jos. S., Dummerston, Vt. 422 [Coit, Joshua, deceased, 15 [Cokely, Benjamin F., deceased. Colburn, Carv S., Percival, la. 198 Colburn, Eugene E., Wells, Me. 230 Colburn, Harvey C, Columbus, O. 370 [Colburn, Henry H., deceased, 15 Colbv, John, Fitzwilliam, N. H 1855 Colcord, Daniel H., P/., Claremont, Cal. ISSl Colcord, Samuel, New York, N. Y. 1875 Cole, James Henrv, Millerville, Ala. 92, 94, 96 Cole, John A., Chicago, 111. 172 Cole, Royal M., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Cole, Samuel V., Fr., Norton, Mass. 1SS9 Cole, Thomas W., New Lisbon, Wis. 454 Collidge, William A., Chicago, 111. 1885 Collier, Christopher W., Bangor, Me. 218 Collin, Henry P., Coldwater, Mich. 268, 276 Collins, Elbert J., Lamoille, 111. 172 Collins, George B., Manchester, Okla. 380 j Collins, Josephus, Ivingfisher, Okla. 1874 Collins, Mary C, Little Eagle, S. D. 404, 406 Collins, William, Kincardine, Ont. 1890 Collins, William H., Quincy, 111. 1852 Colman, G. W., Sec, Chicago, 111. 54 Colp, Donald G., Minneapolis, Minn. 1899 Colton, Alfred E., -Sec, Dorchester, Mass. 1884 [Colton, Willis S., deceased, 16 Comin, John, New London, Wis. 1896 Commander, S. Franklin, Vaughnville, Ala. 144, 146 Compton, Herbert E., Chicago, 111. 1892 Conard, W. J., My., Park Rapids, Minn. 53,1889 Condit, Henry J., Flushing, N. Y. 340 [Condon, Thomas, deceased. 16 Cone, James W., Lyons, Colo. 120 Cone, John H., West Hartford, Vt. 1900 Congdon, Merritt J., Utica, N. Y. 1895 Conkle, Noble W., Amenia, N. D. 356 [Conkling, Benjamin D., deceased, 16 Conley, Henry W., Ellsworth Falls, Me. 1891 *Conley, Isaiah B., Michigan, N. D. 362 Connelly, Howard G., Avon, Conn. 124 Conner, James R., Conneaut, R. D., O. 374 ♦Conner, Wm. L., Tallassee, Ala. 1905 Connet, Alfred, Laverne, Okla. 1861 Connolly, Charles P., Leavenworth, Kan. 208 *Connor, Walter L., River Falls, Ala. 1905 Conrad, Arcturus Z., Boston, Mass. 236 Conrad, George A., Leigh, Neb. 310 Conrad, William O., Harrisville, N. H. 322, 324 j *Conrey, O. D., Los Angeles, Cal. 1903 Constant, Edward, Ipswich, Mass. 246 Converse, Edward J., Columbus, O. 370, 372 Converse, Wm. A. C, Lyme, N. H. 1S87 Cook, Arthur W., Nekoosa, Wis. 450, 454 ' Cook, E. Albert, Big Timber, Mont. 1901 Cook, Silas P., My., Pittsfield, Mass. 1870 ■ Cook, William, Chicago, 111. 164 Cooke, William H., Oakland, Cal. 1881 - Cookman, Isaac, Guthrie, Okla. 380 Cool, J. W., 103 E. 125th st., N. Y. City, 1902 • ' Cool, P. A., Buffalo, N. Y. 9, 485 ••. Cooledge, Chalmer H., Eden, Vt. 422 .. "1 Cooledge, Charles E., Collinsville, Conn. 126 " ! *Cooley, Canfield T., Medimount, Ida. 1905 ' Cooley, H. George, Long Beach, Cal. 1891 Cooley, William Fobes, New York, N. Y. 1884 i [Coolidge, Amos H., deceased, 16 Coolidge, H. A., Dublin, N. H. 254 , Coombe, Philip, San Francisco, Cal. 1881 Cooper, Harold, Ironton, O. 372 Cooper, J. W., Sec, New York, N. Y. 50, 1868 Cooper, John H., Los Angeles, Cal. 114 Cooper, Samuel B., No. Brookfield, Mass. 252 Copping, Bernard, Stratham, N. H. 324, 326 Coquillette, Wm. E., Byron, 111. 1876 Corbett, Fred W., Adrian, Mich. 1892 Corbin, Oliver L., San Francisco, Cal. 108 Corbin, Paul L., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Core, Harley R., Rockford, la. 372 Corey, Ephraim M., Bellaire, Mich, 270 *Cornellessen, Fred T., Jamestown, N. Y. 1905 Corson, Thomas M., Mason, N. H. 324 Corwin, Carl H., Chicago, 111. 166 Cory, Isaac L., W^aukesha, Wis. . 458 [Cot^, Thomas G. A., deceased. Cotton, Harry A., Godfrey, 111. 170, 172 *Couch, Charles N., Buffalo, N. Y. 1898 Couchman, T. B., Independence, la. 186 Coulter, CjTenius N., Traverse City, Mich. 1867 Countryman, Franklin, Stony Creek, Conn. 138 Courter, John E., Pittsford, Mich. 1883 Cousins, Edgar M., Thomaston, Me. 218, 228 Covell, Arthur J., Fitchburg, Mass. 9, 58, 242 Cowan, John, Lyme, N. H. 322 Cowan, John W., Crete, Neb. 30S Cox, S. H., Flatbush, Brooklyn, N. Y. 338 Crabtree, Allan, Kansas City, Kan. 206 Crafts, Daniel L., Foxboro, Mass. 1876 Cragg, Amos E., Moline, Mich. 270, 276 Cragin, Charles C, Campbell, Cal. 1870 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 521 Craig, Geo. M., Xew Hope, X. Y. 1906 Craig, John E., Cortland. Neb. 30S .310 Craig, Timothy C, Ch., Wethersfield, Ct. 1893 Cram, Delbert W., My , Bettles, Alaska, 189.5 Oram, Elmer E., Maxbass, X. D. 1900 Cramer, Frank L., Des Moine.«, la. 1898 Crane, Benson B., Buford, Ca. Crane, Charles D., Sec, Waterville, Me. 1874 Crane, Edward P , jMinto, X. D. Crane, Frank, Worcester, Mas.«. ■'64 Crane, Henry C, Central Village, Conn. 1873 fCrane, John P., deceased, 17 Crane, Kendrick H., Howell, R. D., Mich. 1874 Crane, Loujs B.. P/., Chicago, 111. 1896 Crane, \Vni M., Richmond, Mass. 6, 2.56 [Crang, Frederick, deceased, 17 Crater, George W., Hansen, Ida. 1889 Crathern, C. F. Hill, So. Braintree, Mass. 238 Crawford, Charles H., Excelsior, Minn. 1876 Crawford, John C, Boone, la. 1888 Crawford, Lyndon S., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Crawford, Oliver C, Albany, X. Y. 1893 Crawford, Otis D., Fairmount, Ind. 1872 Crawford, .Sidney, Wayhind, Mass. 260 Crawford, William, Mazomanie, Wis. 452 Credeford, Geo. H., E. Milton, Mass. 250 Creegan, C.C.,6'ec.,4th av. & 22d st.,X.Y.City, 44 Cressman, Abraham A., Red Cloud, Xeb. 310, 312 Cressman. Edmund L., Lawrence, Kan. 1879 Crips, Philip M., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1878 Crist, Wm. L., Terre Haute, Ind. Cristy, Albert B., Sec, Providence, R. I. 1879 Crocker, Herbert G., Brooklyn, X. Y. 336 Croft, Charles P., Weatogue, Conn. 1873 Crofts, George W., West Point, Xeb. 316 Croker, George H., Whiting, la. 1888 Croker, John, Exeter, Xeb. 306, 310 Croiper, Jeremiah C, AVellington, O. 378 Crook, Isaac Clark. Likely, Cal. 106 Crooks, Chas. M., Saunders\ille, Mass. 244 Crosbie, Hadley M., Salem, la. 1876 ^ Crosby, John F., Madbury, X. H. 1892 .Cross, Allen E., Brookline, Mass. 236 Cross, James F., Wales, Alaska, 100, 101 Cross, Judson L., Trumbull, Conn. 138 Cross, Roselle T., Ft. Collins, Colo. 120 Cross, Rowland S., St. Louis Park, Minn. 292 Cross, William H., Berkeley, Cal. 1870 . Croswell. Micah S., Sta. I, Los Angeles, Cal. 1869 . Crouch, Williams., Maple Hill, Kan. 208 Crowder, Francis J., Columa, Wis. 1860 Crowdis, Edwin G., Kennebunk, Me. 224 Crowell, Preston R., Petersham, JIass. 254 Crowell. Zenas, Attleboro Falls, ilass. 252 "Growl, Theodore. Sterling, 111. 178 Crowson, John R., Calera, Ala. 1894 Crum. John H.. Indianapolis, Ind. 182 Cull, J. A., Antioch, Cal. 104, 106 Cullens, Archibald. Mass. 1S98 Culpepper, Lewis P., Stroud, Ala. 1857 Culver, Franklin J., Pasadena, Cal. 1890 Culver, William C, Mountain Creek, Ala. 94 Cvunings, John M., Denmark, la. 190 Cummings, Arthur G., Middleboro, Mass. 250 Cummings, Geo. H., W. Bovlston, Mass. 260 Cummings, Henry, Strafford, Vt. 428 Cunningham, John, Duke Center, Pa. 1848 Cunningham, R. A., South Bend, Wash. 442 Curran, Edward, Condon, Ore. 1893 Currie, A. Harlan, Wyandotte, Mich. 1906 Currier, Albert H., Pf., Oberlin, O. 72, 1862 Curtis, Anson B., Edelstein, 111. 1886 Curtis, Asher W., Southern Pines, X. C. 53, 1868 Curtis, Charles B., Pr., Kalmia, Ala. 1873 Curtis, Charles H., St. Paul, Minn. 294 Curtis, E. D., St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1883 Curtis, Edward L., Pf., X. Haven, Ct. 67, 1883 Curtis, Ethan, Buffalo, X. Y. 338 Curtis, Gilbert A., Mittineague, Mass. 1876 Curtis, John S., Indian Orchard, Mass. 9, 258 Curtis, Xorman R., Pueblo, Colo. 120 Curtis, Walter W., West Stockbridge, Mass. 262 Curtis, William C, Bethel, Me. oig *Curtis, William C, Xorwalk, Conn. 1863 Curtis, William L., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Curtis, William W., Oberlin, O. 1873 Curtiss, George, Kent, Conn. ]865 Curtiss, Payson L., ,' Dana, Samuel, H. Exeter, X. H. ' 320 Danford, James W., Minneapolis, Minn. 1885 Danforth, James R., Groton, Conn. 128 Danforth, J. Romeyn, X. London, Conn. 132 Danforth, Ralph E., igoi Danforth, Wm. E., Elmhurst, III. 1896 *Daniell, X. Carter, Chicago, 111. 168 Daniels, Chas. H. So. Fram'ham, Mass. 43, 244 Daniels, Joseph L., Pf., Olivet, Mich. 1876 *Damelson, Carl A., Washington, Conn. 1898 Darling, Marc W., Glencoe, fU. 170 Darling, Marion, Red Wing, Minn. 1901 Darnell, Elias, Dawsonville, Ga. 1878 Darrah, John M., Springfield, III. 1892 Dascomb, Arthur S., Eagle Pass, Tex. 1901 Dascomb, Harry X., Grinnell, la. 192 Davenport, Harry, Bridgewater, Conn. 1873 Davenport, Henry A., Bridgeport, Conn. Davenport, John G., Waterbury, Conn. 138 Davenport, Merriam B., Glendale, Cal. 1895 *Dayey, Robert G., Upper Montclair, X. J. 1892 Davidson, James A., Stoughton, Wis. 456 Davidson, John X., Green Lake, Wis. 4.50, 4.54 Davidson, Wm. E., Janes\'ille, R. D., Wis. 448 *Davidson, Wm. W., New Haven, Conn. 1888 Davie, Chas. X., Xo. Bridgton, Me. 220, 2''2 Davies, Arthur, Marietta, Minn. 290, 292 Davies, Arthur E., Pf., Columbus, O. 1893 Davies, D. Dyfri, Granville, O. 1879 Davies, D. E., Sprague, Wash. Davies, David F., Catasaucjua, Pa. 388 Davies, David J., Chicago, 111. 170 [Davies, George Hicks, deceased, 18 Davies, Henry, Bangor, Wi-^. 1867 Davies, Howell, So. Portland, Me. 228 Davies, James, Mound City, 111. 172 Davies, John B., Wilkesbarre, Pa. 6, 392 Da^-ies, John D., Chicago, III. 1844 Davies, John F., Emporia, Kan. 204, 206 Davies, John F., Colton, Cal. 1873 Davies, John I.., Columbus, O. 370 Davies, John W., Shabbona, III. 176 *Davies, J. W. F., Chicago, III. 6 ♦Davies. J. Parry, Pittsburg, Pa. 1884 Davies, Rachel E., Watertown, Wis. 4.50 Davies, Richard R., Vergennes, Vt., 428 Davies, Roderick, Xanticoke, Pa. 1897 Davies, Theophilus, Miners Mills, Pa. 390 Davies, Thomas D., Cornish, X. H. 320 Davies, Thomas E., Hartford, Conn. 1865 Davies, Thomas M., Mancmet, Mas.s. 254 Davies, Thomas T., .Sandy Creek, X. Y. 346, 348 Davies, William, Los Angeles, Cal. 114 Davies, AVilliam C, Walton, R. F. D. 3, X. Y. 344, 350 522 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Davis, Albert P., Los Angeles, C'al. 1894 Davis, Austin I., Sanford, Me. 6, 228 Davis, Charles H., HoUis, N. H. 6, 322 Davis, Ernest C, Lawrence, Mass. 248 Davis, Frederick L., New Haven, Conn. 132 Davis, George W., No. Yakima, Wash. 1886 Davis, Jerome D., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Davis, John H., Torrington, Conn. 138 Davis, J. Webster, Crawford, Neb. 6, 308 Davis, Lemuel, South Hartford, N. Y. 1897 Davis, M. C, My., Oregon, .53 Davis, Oscar F., New Richmond, Wis. 1895 Davis, Ozora S., New Britain, Conn. 132, 485 Da\ns, Perley B., W. Roxbury, Mass. 1862 *Davis, Reuben L., Lisbon, N. Y. 6 Davis, Samuel I., Nanticoke, Pa. 390 Davis, Smith C, T., Lamar, Mo. 1887 Davis, Travis, Argyle, Ga. 152 Davis, Valentine T., Grand Saline, Tex. 416 Davis, Virgil E., Steuben, O. Davis, William, Slatington, Pa. 6, 392 Davis, William V. W., Pittsfield, Mass. 254 *Davis, Wm. V., Robinson, Utah, 1890 Davison, Joseph B., Sec, Milwaukee, Wis. 1866 Davison, Thomas W'., Springfield, JIass. 258 *Davisson, Augustus, Charleston, S. C. 1883 Dawson, William E., Blaine, Wash. 1884 Dawson, William L., Seattle, Wash. 1899 Dawson, William T., Armour, S. D. 402 Dav, Charles O., Pr., Andover, Mass. 63, 234 Day, Ernest E., Excelsior, Minn. 1889 Day, Ernest Ellsworth, Spencer, la. 200 Day, Philemon R., W. Hartford, Conn. 3 864 *Day, Richard C, San Francisco, Cal. 1900 Day, Rodney C, Richville, N. Y. 1872 Day, Warren F., Los Angeles, Cal. 112 Day, William C, Sonoma, Cal. 110 Day, William H., Los Angeles, Cal. 112, 484, 485 Dazey, Jonathan C, Verden, Okla. 382 Deakin, George B., Prairie City, la. 1886 Deakin, Samuel, Cowles, Neb. 308 Dean, Benj. A., Vershire, Vt. 428 Dean, Edwin B., Northfield, Minn. 292 Dean, Frank Vv'., San Francisco, Cal. 108 Dean, Lee M., Westbrook, Me. 1902 Dean, Martin G., 1734 West st., Topeka, Kan. 1852 HDean, William N. T., deceased, 18 Deane, James, Herkimer, N. Y. 336 Deane, John Pitt, Beloit, Wis. 1901 Deans, John, Providence, R. I. 1896 De Barritt, Alfred, Cienfuegos, Cuba, 142 De Berry, P. R., Thebes, Ga. 6, 148 De Berry, Wm. N., Springfield, Mass. 258 De Bevoise, Gabriel H.,Walpole,N.H. 86, 1865 DeBoise, Charles M., Berkeley, Cal. 1906 Dechman, Arthur, Groveland, Mass. 244 Decker, Frank H., Providence, R. I. 1882 De Claybrook, William E., Frankfort, Ky. 1876 De Forest, Heman P., Lexington, Mass. 1867 De Forest, John H., A. B. C. F. M. 69, 480 De Groff, Charles F., Ed., Waubay, S. D. 410 De Harpport, W. E., Seward, Okla. 382 Deiss, Harry J., Fountain Springs, Pa. 388 De Kav, George H., Berkeley, Cal. 1890 Dell, Frank E., Los Angeles, Cal. 114 De Long, D. D., 64.39 Jackson av., Ch'go, 111. 166 Delzell, Finis E., Exeter, N. H. 318 Demeritt, John P., Exeter, N. H. 1870 Deming, Vernon H., N. Wilbraham, Mass. 262 Demond, Abraham L., Buxton, la. 1891 Demorest, Wm. L., Chicago, 111. 1880 De Mott, George C, Bath, Me. 218 Denio, Francis B., P/., Bangor, Me. 65 Denison, George B., Cando, N. D. 356 Denison, John H., Williamstown, Mass. 44 Denison, John H., Boston, Mass. 236 Denison, Robert C., Janes ville. Wis. 450 Denney, Oscar H., Candor, N. Y. 338 Denney, Wilson, Cedar Rapids, la. 188 Dent, Thomas J., Aberdeen, S. D. 402 De Peu, John, Bridgeport, Conn. 124, 484 Depew, Arnett W., Rockefeller, III. 176 Depfer, Harry A., Elmira, N. Y. 1894 De Puy, Wellington, Grand Ledge, Mich. 1884 De Riemer, William E., Washington, D. C. 1867 Derome, Jules A., Valley Springs, S. D. 410 Derrick, Thomas H., Andover, Me. 218 Desha, Stephen L., Hilo, T. H. 154 Detling, William C, Saybrook, O. 1897 Dettmers, C. A., 1000 la. av., Muscatine, la. 196, 197 Devitt, Theoph. S., Branford, Conn. 124 De Weese, Frank M., Plainview, Neb. 312 Dewey, Harry P., Minneapolis, Minn. 9, 52, 290, 485 Dexter, Daniel W., Elmira, N. Y. 1901 Dexter, Frank N., My., Ripon, Wis. 1885 Dexter, Granville M., Berkeley, Cal. 1873 Dexter, M., 387 Marlboro st., Boston, Mass. 43 Dibble, William L., Columbus, Neb. 166 Dick, Jeremiah M., My., Seattle, Wash. 53 Dickensheets, John 0., Philip, S. D. 402, 410 Dickerman, Geo. S., New Haven, Conn. 1868 Dickerman, Josiah P., Montevideo, Minn. 292 Dickerson, Orson C, Earlville, III. 168 Dickey, Fred M., Tuxedo, Md. 1891 Dickey, John G., Elkader, la. 190 Dickey, Myron P., Milton, N. H. 324 [Dickinson, Charles A., deceased, 18 Dickinson, Charles H., Middlebury, Vt. 424 Dickinson, Cornelius E., Belpre, O. 366, 368 Dickinson, Ferdinand W., Homer, N. Y. 1868 Dickinson, G. Lyman, Chester, Mass. 240 Dickinson, Samuel W., Sec, St. Paul, Minn. 1874 Dickinson, Selden C, Eaton, Colo. 120 Dickinson, Walter B., Wh. Plains, N. Y. 350 Dickson, James H., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Dickson, John W., Superior, Wis. 458 Didriksen, David M., Roxbury, Mass. 1892 Didriksen, Sevrin K., Danbury, Conn. 126 Diefenbach, Ar. C, Benton Harbor, Mich. 266 Diehl, Wilhelm F., Naperville, III. 172 Diehlamong, Frank, Oceanic, N. J. Dietrich, Emil, Glen Ullin, N. D. 358, 362 *Dietrich, Henry J., Butte, Neb. 1901 Dietrick, Will A., Peabody, Mass. 254 [Diffenbacher, Benj. F., deceased, 18 Dike, S. W., Sec, Auburndale. Mass. 1869 Dill, Arthur C, Honeoye, N. Y. 342 Dingwell, James D., Amesbury, Mass. 234 Dinsmore, Chas. A., Waterbury, Conn. 138 [Dinsmore, John, deceased, 19 Disbrow, Edward D., Lysander, N. Y. 342 Dixon, Sarah A., Lowell, Mass. 248 Dixon, Theo. M., Raleigh, N. C. 1896 Dixon, Wm. R., Geneva, 111. 170 Doane, Frank B., Chino, R. F. D., Cal. 9, 1893 Doane, John, Greeley, Colo. 120 Doane John W., Angels Camp, Cal. 104 Dobes, Joseph, Ansonia, Conn. 6, 124 Dobson, Andrew W., Anadarko, Okla. 380 Dodd, Augustus R., Goodland, Kan. 206, 207 Dodd, Leonard, Nashua, N. H. 1878 Dodd, Thomas B., Williamsburg, Ky. 1868 Dodge, Austin, Lyndeboro, N. H. 1866 Dodge, Carleton A., Warsaw, N. Y. 340 Dodge, George S., Boylston Center, Mass. 238 [Dodge, John E., deceased. Dodge, Prescott D., Tallmadge, O. 376 Dodge, Rowland B., My., Wailuku, T. H. 158 Dodge, Seward M., Berkeley, Cal. 1878 Dole, Charles J., Springfield, O. 376 Dole, James H., Ravenna, O. 1887 [Dole, Sylvester R., deceased. Dolliff, Frank S., Brooks, Me. 1892 Donaldson, Isaiah, Dallas, Tex. 416 Donaldson. Levi J., Medina, O. 1874 Donnell, Albert, Slatersville, R. I. 398 Donovan, David, Dundas, Minn. 1887 Donovan, John I>,, Chicago, III. 1905 D'Ooge, Martin L., Pf., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1878 Doolev, John, Jlonterev, Mass. 250 Doolittle, John B., Wallingford, Conn. 124 Dorland, Chester P., Long Beach, Cal. 112 Dorn, Wm. H., St. Louis, Mo. 302 Dornan, William W., Plymouth, Mass. 254 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 523 *Dorward, James C, Methuen, Mass. 1889 Doty, Micajah, Carthage, S. D. 1888 Dougherty, Jas. G., Kansas City, Kan. 206 Dougherty, M. Angelo, Cambridge, Mass. 1869 Douglas, Alexander, Sentinel Butte, N. D. 356, 362, 364 Douglass, Francis J., Pomona, Cal. 1869 Douglass, H. Paul, St., New York, N. Y. 86 Douglass, Roscoe D., Dunlap, la. 190 Douglass, Solomon J., New Haven, Conn. 1863 Douglass, Truman O., Sec, Grinnell, la. 54 Douglass, Truman O., jr., Vermilion, S. D. 308, 410 Dow, William W., Portsmouth, N. H. 1866 Dowd, Quincy L., Roscoe, 111. 176 Dowden, William H., Hanover, Mass. 1863 Dowding, Henry W., Portsmouth, Va. 434 Downs, Allison O., Burlington, Kan. 204 Downs, Charles A.. Hudson, N. H. 1900 *Doyle, Amos A., Pomeroy, Wash. 440 Drahms, August, Ch., San Quentin, Cal. 1878 Drake, George B., Mt. Hope, Kan. 208 Drawbridge, Robert W., Pepperell, Mass. 6, 254 Drawdy, Sylvester M^ Hahira, Ga. 1899 Drennan, Manuel J., Evanston, 111. 1866 Drew, Charles E., Hydro, Okla. 380 Drew, Edward P., Worcester, Mass. 264 Drew, Frank L., Pomona, Cal. 114 Drew, Wm. J., Dwight, 111. 168 ♦Drew, Wm. P., Rio, 111. 176 Driesbach, Charles H., Redfield, S. D. 402 Drisko, Raymond C, Herndon, Va. 434 Driver, Geo. H., Exeter, N. H. 6, 320 [Dudley, Joseph F., deceased^, 19 Duflf, James E.. Hydesville, Cal. 106, 108 Duff, Rolph J., St. Clair, Mich. 1893 Dugan, William R., Montague, Mass. 1880 Dumm, B. Alfred, Stoneham, Mass. 258 Dumm, William W., Palms, Cal. 1886 Dunaway, Willis J., Alexander City, Ala. 1888 Dunbar, R. W., Haverhill, Mass. 246 Duncan, Calvin W., Oklahoma City, Okla. 382 Duncklee, Maurice J., Saxonville, Mass. 322 Dungan, George W., Otis, Colo. 1880 Dungan, Thomas A., Fairmount, Minn. 288 Dunham, Dwight, Pearl, Ida. 160, 161 Dunham, Warren N., Cheyenne, Wyo. 1868 Dunlap, Geo. H., Bennington, N. H. 318 Dunlap, Raymond B., Oleander, Cal. 6, 108 Dunlap, Roger A., Paterson, N. J. 330 Dunlap, S. P., 1955 Deming pi. .Chicago, 111. 1877 Dunn, Charles W., Lebanon, Mo. 300 Dunn, Henderson H., New Orleans, La. 216 Dunnels, A. Fred., Lowell, Mass. 248 Dunning.Albert E., .Bd.,Brookline, Mass. 43, 485 Dunning, Morton D., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Dunton, Abram L., Gilbert, la. 1897 Dutton, Charles H., Watertown, N. Y. 350 Dutton, Horace, Auburndale, Mass. 1868 Dwight, Charles A, 8., Winchester, Mass. 262 Dwight, Henry O., Roselle, N. J. 1880 [Dwight, M. E., deceased, 19 Dwight, Timothy, Pr., New Haven, Conn. 1861 Dyas, Joseph P., Sandwich, III. 1880 Dyckman, Henry M., Westfield, Mass. 6, 260 [Dyckman, Samp. B., deceased. Dyer, Almon J., Sharon, Mass. 256 Dyer, Edward O., Chester, Conn. 126 Dyer, Frank, 843 Cornelia av., Chicago, 111. 166, 485 Dyer, Nathan T., Deep River, Conn. 126 Dyer, Thomas L., Amarillo, Tex. 416 Dyott, L. R., Portland, Ore. 9, 384 Dyrness, Christen S., Chicago, 111. 164 Eakin, John A., New Hampton, la. 196 Eames Charles O., Athol, Mass. 234 Earl, James, Minneapolis, Minn. 286, 288, 294 [Earl, Theophilus R., deceased, 20 Early, Alonzo, Mallet Creek, O. 378 Earnshaw, Albert F., Mystic, Conn. 132, 240 East, Rudolph F., Alexander City, R. F. D. 6, Ala. 94 Eastman, Adelbert S. FN. Y.] 1884 Eastman, Andrew J., Strafford, Vt. 428 Eastman, Mrs. Annis F., Elmira, N. Y. 1889 Eastman, Edward P., Union, N. H. 326 ♦Eastman, F. E., Northfield, Minn. 6 Eastman, George P., Orange, N. J. 230, 330, 434 Eastman, Harvey M., Temple, N. H. 326 Eastman, Lucius R., Framingham, Mass. 244 Eastman, Samuel E., Elmira, N. Y. 1875 Eastman, Vinton P., Litchville, N. D. 6, 362 Eastman, William R., Albany, N. Y. 1862 Eaton, Edw. D., Pr., Beloit, Wis. 9, 85 Eaton, James D., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Eaton, James F., Wheaton, 111. 1879 Eaton, Samuel, Brimheld, Mass. 238 Eaton, Walter S., Wenham, Mass. 260 Eaves, George, Birmingham, Ala. 92 Ebersol, Charles E., Avon, 111. 162 Eby, Albert B., Cleveland, O. 370 *Echterbecker, Charles F., Hyde Park, Mass. 6, 246 Eckel, Frank E., Highland Lake, Colo. 120 Eckerson, Ray, 7012 So. Park av.,Chic'o,Ill. 166 Eckles, William E., Berkeley, Cal. 1901 Eckman, James K., Osborne, Kan. 1869 Edds, William T., Hamilton, N. Y. 1887 Eddy, David B., East Orange, N. J. 330 Eddy, William D., Smyrna, N. Y. 348 Edmonds, Robert H., "Mansfield, O. 372 Edmunds, John S., Lindenville, O. 378 [Edson, Henry K., deceased. Edwards, F. Bovd, Brooklyn, N. Y. 336 *Edwards, Geo. N., Seattle, Wash. 440 Edwards, Jerry M., Bolton, R. F. D. 1, Miss. 298 Edwards, John, My., Fajardo, Porto Rico, 396 Edwards, Jonathan, Sprague, Wash. 442 Edwards, Leland A., Cleveland, O. 368, 369 Edwards, Nicholas T., Los Angeles, Cal. 1883 Edwards, O., East Ivoryton, Conn. Edwards, Richard H., Madison, Wis. 1906 Edwards, Thomas A., Eros, La. 216 Edwards, Thomas C, Kingston, Pa. 388 Edwards, William R., Scranton, Pa. 392 Eells, Dudley B., Payson, III. 1861 [Eells, Myron, deceased, 20 Egbert, George D., Norwalk, Conn. 134, 135 Egerland, Franz, Fresno, Cal. 106 ♦Egerton, George W., Robbins, Tenn. 1899 Egerton, Thomas R., Pratt\'ille, Mich. 278 *Eggan, Mons J., Chicago, 111. 1896 Eggleston, DeWitt C, Sound Beach, Conn. 128, 129 Eggleston Frank O., Oberlin, O. 1896 Egleston, Nath. H., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1845 Ekins, Grove F., Millbury, Mass. 250 Elder, Hugh, Fowes, Scotland, 1868 Elderkin, Noble S., Ogden, Utah, 418 Eldred, John W., Carrier, Okla. 380 Eldridge, Arthur F., Malcom, la. 1891 *Eldridge, Edwin R., T., Fort Payne, Ala. 1901 Eldridge, Ernest W., Quechee, Vt. 426 Elkins, Wendell P., Bath, N. H. 318 Elledge, William M., Olathe, Kan. 208 [Elliot, Lester H., deceased, 21 Elliott, Charles, Ault, Colo. 118 Elliott, Stephen G., Aurora, Mo. 1864 Elliott, William A., So. Lorain, O. 372 Ellis, Emery W., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Ellis, Fred. W., P/., Chicago, 111. 71, 1898 Ellis, Giles A., Craig, Colo. 118 Ellis, John, Wheaton, 111. 1872 Ellis, John T., Burwell, Neb. 306 Ellis, J. Lincoln, Hillyard, Wash. 438 Ellis, Walter M., Endeavor, Wis. 448 Ellis, Willis A., Oak Park, 111. EUms, Louis, Hopkinton, N. H. 322 EUstrom, C. G., Brooklyn, N. Y. 338 ♦Ellsworth, Alfred A., Qumcy, Mass. 1S62 Ellsworth, Fred K., East Machias, Me. 220 Elmore, Carl H., Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. 336 Elsesser, Paul D., Boston, Mass. 238, 246 *Elsesser, Rene, Pittsfield, Mass. 254 Elwell, T. Robert, Port Gamble, Wash. 440 Elwin, James E., Douglass, Mass. 242 Elwood, William, Pierce, Neb. 312 Elwood, Willis P., A. B. C. F. M. 480 524 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Embleton, John S., Topeka, Kan. 1875 Embree, Jehu H., Orange, Cal. 1877 Emerson, Fred. C, Owatonna, Minn. 1885 *Emerson, James O., Germantown, N. Y. 1880 Emerson, Oliver P., Farmington, Conn. 1871 Emerson, Stephen G., San Diego, Cal. 114 Emerson, Thomas A., Hadley, Mass. 244 Emery, Clarence P., Kittery, Me. 224 *Emery, John C, New Boston, Mass. 256 Emery, Samuel F., Rochester, N. Y. 1891 *Emery, Samuel H., Interlaken, Mass. 258 Emery, Vernon, Marysville, O. 374 Emmons, Abram S., Syracuse, N. Y. 1878 Empson, Geo. C, Gladstone, Mich. 272 Emrich, F. E., Sec., Brighton, Mass. 48, 54, 58 Emrich, Richard S. M., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Endy, George P., Pittsford, R. D. 30, Mich. 282 English, William F., East Windsor, Conn. 126 Englund, Theodore, Plainfield, N. J. 332 Engstrom, Alfred P., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 Enlow, Charles E., Galena, Mo. 1891 Enman, James E., Warner, N. H, 326 Ennis, Merlin, A. B. C. F. M. 8, 480 Ensminger, Fred. P., My., Tampa, Fla. 146 Epler, Percy H., Worcester, Mass. 264 Eppens, Edward H., Memphis, Mich. 276 Erickson, Andrew, Forman, N. D. 358, 360 Eriekson, C. Telford, West Seattle, Wash. 9 *Erickson, Aug., Boston, Mass. 238 Ernest, Frederick W., Dorchester, Mass. 1880 Erskine, John W., Mich. 1900 Essig, Gottlieb, Beaver Creek, Ore. 384 *Essig, William F., Park River, 111. 1898 Estabrook, Frank J., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 344 Estabrook, Wm. A., Middlefield, Mass. 250 *Estep, James E., Maize, Kan. 208 *Estes, Robert F., Arlev, Ala. 1902 Ethridge, Albert, Marseilles, 111. 1857 Etheridge, William, Roscommon, Mich. 278 Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans, Evans Evans Evans, Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Arthur T., Steamboat Springs, Colo.122 Benjamin I., Scranton, Pa. 1869 Daniel, North Cambridge, Mass. 238 Daniel A., Wayland, O. 1891 D. Ellis, Ashland, Wis. 446 David E., Kingston, Pa. 1866 David H., Augusta, Me. 218 Edward, Holbrook, Mass. 6, 246 Edward, jr., Hyannis, Neb. 306, 308 Edward R , Gloversville, N. Y. 340 Ella, Springdale, Wash. 438, 442 Evan, New Preston, Conn. 134 Evore, Germantown, Pa. 390 Frederick T., Lansford, Pa. 390 George S., Canton, S. D. 402 Griffith R., Joliet, 111. 1858 Gwendolen, Thurman, O. 366, 368 Harry, Ipswich, S. D. 6, 406, 408 Howell M., Pittsburg, Pa. 1894 James J., Springdale, Wash. 438, 442 John, Oak Hill, O. 366, 68 John C, Kearney, Neb. 1867 J. Charles, Wayne, 111. 178 John E., Bonesteel, S. D. 402, 404 J. Frazer, Falls Village, Conn. 1899 John G., Vaughansvdlle, O. 378 J. Lewis, Frostburg, Md. 232 [Evans, John M., deceased. Evans, J. Merle, St Mary's, Kan. Evans, Lewis D., Camden, Me. Evans, Matt, 296 Bates av., St Paul Evans, M. O., Cincinnati, O. Evans, Spencer E., Terryville, Conn. Evans, Thomas, Comstock, Neb. Evans, Thomas, Dodge\ille, Wis. Evans, Thomas Z., Berlin, Wis. Evans, Walter A., Plainfield, 111. Evans, Wilbur M., Stillwater, Minn. Evans, Wm., Wheaton, 111. Evans, William J., Youngstown, O. Evans, W. R., Sharon, Pa. Everest, Charles H., New York, N. Y *Everett, Harry L., Brooklyn, N. Y. Everett, John E., Smith Center, Kan 210 220 Minn. 294 368 138 308, 314 446 446, 456 1886 294 178 370 1885 1861 6 210 *Everly, Milton M., Morena, Cal. 1885 Eversz, M. E., -S^., 155 La Salle, Chicago, 111. 48, 71 Evert, Henry S., De Soto, Wis. 448, 450, 456 Ewell, Edwin, Anoka, Minn. 286 Ewell, John L., Pf., Washington, D. C. 1871 Ewell, William S., Winchester, N. H. 326 Ewing, Charles E., Pekin, China, 480 Ewing, Edward C, Newcastle, N. H. 324 Ewing, George H., Norwich, Conn. 134 Ewing, J. Newton, Atlanta, Ga. 152 Ewing, William, St., Boston, Mass. 53, 1879 Ewry, O. C, Denver, Colo. 118 Extence, George, Cleveland, O. 368 Faduma, Orishatukeh, Pn., Troy, N. C. 354 Fahlgren, Chas. A., Smith Center, Kan. 1903 Fairbank, Edward, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Fairbank, Henry, A. B.C. F. M. 480 Fairbank, John B., Sec, Jacksonville, Ala. 162 Fairbanks, Arthur, Pf., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1892 Fairbanks, Chas. G., Fargo, N. D. 1891 Fairbanks, Edward T., St. Johnsbury, Vt. 1868 Fairbanks, Francis J., Royalston, Mass. 256 ♦Fairbanks, George H., Cleveland, O. 1880 Fairbanks, Henrv, St. Johnsbury, Vt. 428 Fairfield, Fred'k W., Pf., Wash'ton, D. C. 1871 Fairley, James A., T., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1894 Fales, David, jr., Galesburg, 111. 170, 171 Fales, Elisha F., Philadelphia, Pa. 1874 Fallquist, Peter G., Forestville, Conn. 124, 34 Farman, M. Winslow, Ch., Westfield, Vt. 1901 Farnam, Geo. E., Oshkosh, Wis. 454 Farnworth, Arthur K., Melrose, Cal. 1893 Farnsworth, Lynn V., Hampstead, N. H. 322 *Farnsworth, Wilson A., Glenridge, N. J. 1852 Farr, John T., Columbus, Ga. 150 Farrar, Henry, Gilead, Me. 1867 Farren, Merritt A., So. Acton, Mass. 234 Farrer, Wm. D., Forman, N. D. 1904 Farrill, Edgar T., Kenosha, Wis. 450 Farrow, J. E., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1890 Farwell, Parris T., Wellesley Hills, Mass. 260 *Fasteen, Karl G., Waverly, Neb. 314 Fate, Francis A., Glastonbury, Conn. 128 Fath, Jacob, Treynor, la. 200 Faubion, Nathaniel G., Lakeside, Wash. 438 *Faulk, Joseph, Arcadia, Okla. • 1890 Faville, Henry, La Crosse, Wis. 452 Faville, John, Appleton, Wis. 446, 485 Fawkes, Francis, Kalo, la. 196 Fay, Amasa C, Exeter, R. D. 2, N. H. 1891 Fay, Amasa C, Hanover, Mass. 244 Fay, Henrv C, Lexington, Mass. 1858 [Fay, O. W., deceased, 21 Fay, Prescott, Saxonville, Mass. 1856 Fay, Rollins B., Essex, Vt. 422 Fay, Solomon P., Dorchester, Mass. 1849 [Fay, William E., deceased, 22 Fay, Wolcott, Nantucket, Mass. 1884 Fayson, R. L., Endicott, Ga. 148 Feary, Frederick, Clayton, N. Y. 1903 *Feast, Harold, C, Amherst, Mass. 234 Feather, Franklin J., Bedford, Mich. 266 Feemster, Samuel B., Noble, Mo 1876 Fehlandt, August F., West Salem, Wis. 458 Fellowes, Edward C, Unionville, Conn. 138 Fellows, Chas. B., Ev., Minneapolis, Minn. 1878 Felt, Jesse B., Newark Valley, N. Y. 344 Fenenga, Melmon J., Pn., Ashland, Wis. 1898 Fenn, William H., Portland, Me. 859 Ferguson, Wm.D.,972 W.Superior st.,Ch'o, 1876 Ferner, John W., Tabor, la. 200, 201 Ferrier, Wm. W., Ed., Berkeley, Cal. 1892 Ferrin, Allan C, Lowell, Mass. 248 Ferris, Hiram J., Oak Park, 111. 1870 Ferris, Jeannette L., Seattle, Wash. 1893 Ferris, Leonard Z., Rumford, R. I. 396 Ferris, Walter L., Pekin, 111. 174 Ferris, W. Chester, Corona, Cal. 112 Fetterholf, J. F., Macon, 111. Ficke, Herman, Dubuque, la. 190, 191 Field, Aaron W., Gilsum, N. H. 320 Field, Floyd C, Albion, 111. 1889 Field, Frederick A., Los Angeles, Cal. 114 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 525 Field, James P., Sec, Sprinsfield, Mo. 300 Fifield, James W., Er., Kansas City, Mo. 1S94 Finger, Carl F., Chicago, 111. 166 Finger, Charles F., Davenport, la. 1866 Finster, Clarence, Rockford, Mich. 1878 Fischbach, Basil, Marietta, O. 374 Fischer, Herman A., 7'., Wheaton, III. 1878 Fish, Samuel E., Valley Citv, N. D. 358, 64 Fishburn, M. H., Richmond Hill, N. Y. 1876 Fishburn, M. Ross, Washington, D. C. 142 Fislier, Albert V., Kensington, N. H. 322 Fisher, Charles F., Le Mars, la. 194 Fisher, Chas. Russ, Sec, San Francisco, Cal. 1902 Fisher, Charles W., Epping, N. H. 320 Fisher, Edward C, W. Westminster, Vt. 430 Fisher, Elmer K., Medina, O. 1894 Fisher, Geo. P., Pf., Kew Haven, Conn. 1854. 67 Fisher, Herman P., Elmore, Minn. 288 Fisher, James G., Ridlonville, Me. 224 Fisher, Jesse L., Folkeston, S. D. 404 Fisher, Lucien C., Painesville, O. 6, 374 Fisher, Miles B., My., 2615 Channing Wav, Berkeley, Cal. 53", 73 Fisher, Oliver M., 400 W. 57th st., N. Y. City. Fisher, Oren D., Storrs, Conn. 130 Fisher, Stanley R., Los Angeles, Cal. 114 Fisher, S. V. S., Roberts, Wis. 54, 450, 45G Fisher, Sylvester, Cliicago, 111. 1883 Fisher, William B., Kansas City, Mo. ISSO Fisher, William P., Andover, Mass. 1S73 Fisk, Chas. L., Sabetha, Kan. 210 Fisk, Daniel M., Pf., Topeka, Kan. 1886 Fisk, Franklin L.. Shirland, 111. 170 Fisk, Perrin B., Plainfield, Vt. 426 Fisk, Pliny B., Ceres, Cal. 104 Fisk, Wilbur,' Freeborn, Minn. 288 Fiske, Elisha S., Montpelier, Vt. 1884 Fiske, G. Walter, Oberlin, O. 9, 59, 72 fF'iske, John B., deceased, 22 Fiske, Pliny H., Mitchelville, la. 196 Fiske, Samuel A., Berlin, Conn. 124 Fitch, Albert E., Er., Los Angeles, Cal. 1896 Fitch, Albert P., Boston, Mass. 44, 236 Fitch, Chas. N., W^ Cornwall, Conn. 126 Fitch, F. S., 45 Lexington av., BufTalo, N. Y. 338, 485 Fitch, W'ells H.. Riverhead, N. Y. 348 Flagg, James W., Merrimac, Mass. 250 Flagg, Rufus C, Newport, Vt. 426 *Flammer, Wm. J., Kent, O. 372 Flanders, Charles N., Porterville, Cal. 1874 Flanders, Walter B., Brockton, Mass. Fleming, Moses G., I3owman, Ga. 150 Fletcher, Francis W., Morris, Conn. 132 Fletcher, R W,, Univ. sta., Seattle, Wa.sh. 436 Fletcher, William, W^orthington, Minn. 296 Flint, Elbert E., Fruitvale, Cal. 104 Flint, George H., Dorchester, Mass. 238 Flint, Irving A., Woodfords, Portland, Me. 9, 226 Flint, William H., Saranac, Mich 1881 Floody Robt. J., 15 Etna st., Worc'r, Mass. 1887 Flook, Jacob, 2123 Miami, Omaha, Neb. 306 Flvnn, Dallas J.,?Augusta, Ga. 148 Fobes, J. Warner, Peacedale, R. I. 39S Fobes, William A., Worcester, Mass. 1855 Fogelin, Olof P., Nelson, Me. 226 Fogg, Charles G., W. Tisburv, Mass. 262 Foht, John B., Plantsville, Conn. Foley, Roy W'alham, Marblehead, O. 374 Folsom, Arthur J., St., Forest Grove, Ore. 4S Folsom, Omar W'., Bath, Me. 54, 21S Forbes, C. A., Chicago, 111. 166 Forbes, Frank S., Los Angeles, Cal. 1888 Forbes, Samuel B., Pelham, N. Y. 1857 ■ Forbes, Washington H., New Sharon, Me. 222, 226 Forbush, Andrew C, Georgetown, Conn. 128 Forbu.«th, Wm. B., Detroit, Mich. 270 Ford, Edward T., Tacoma, Wash. 442 Ford, Eugene C, Springfield, S. D. 6, 402, 408 ♦Ford, Erastus E., New York, N. Y. 6 Ford, Jesse, Baxley, Ga. 1906 150, 52 1870 136 242 354 22 1881 1883 1877 340 206 1874 1875 1872 1860 1900 416 480 442 1883 [Ford, Robert, deceased, Forrester, James C., Hoschton, Ga. Forsyth, William, Bucksport, Me. Fort^, Gilbert L., Sharon, Conn. *Foss, George A., Erving, Mass. Foss, Herbert E., Southern Pines, N. C [Foster, Addison P., deceased, Foster, Benjamin F., Topeka, Kan. Foster, Festus, Kansas City, Kan. Foster, Frank H., Olivet, Mich. Foster, George R., Oswego Falls, N. Y. Foster, Guy, Kansas City, Kan. Foster, Jesse D., Berkeley, Cal. Foster, John, Lawton, Okla. 1 Foster, Lauren M., Berkeley, Cal. Foster, Lucian M., Charles City, la. i Foster, Richard[\Veiser, Ida. I Foust, Benj. S. H., Shelby, Ala. Foust, Joseph D, Blountsville, Ala. Foust, Malchus F., Corpus Christi, Tex. Fowle, James L., A. B. C. F. M. Fowler, Olin L., My., Tacoma, Wash. Fowler, William C, Genesee, Ida. Fowles, Raymond A., No. Attleboro, Mass. 252 Fox, Almon K., Denmark, la. 1859 Fox, Andrew N., Chicago, 111. 1904 *Fox, Daniel F., 1294 Wilcox, Chicago, 111. 164 Fox, Frank, Sioux Falls, S. D. 408 Fox, Paul, IBrecksville, O. 366 Frame, Ezra E., Springfield, 111. 176 France, Parvin M., Colona, Mich. 1873 France, Wm., Hillsboro Center, N. H. 318, 322 Francis, Arthur J., Chicago, 111. Francis, Cyrus W., Hartford, Conn. Francis, Everett D., Springfield, Mass. Francis, George A., McGregor, la. Franklin, Chas., No. Haven, Conn. *Franks, Z. L., Eros, La. Frantz, Milton N., Osceola, N. Y. Franzen, Hubert L., Little Ferry, N. J. Frary, Eugene M., Bernardston, Mass. Eraser, Arthur E., Kansas City, Mo. Eraser, David, Manchester, N. H. Eraser, Donald, Berlin, Vt. Eraser, J. G., 44 Knowles st., Cl'vl'd, O. 366, 72 Erasure, Chas. A., Sherburne, N. Y. 1896 Frazee, Fenton E., West Newbury, Mass. 262 [Frazee, John H., deceased, 23 Frazier, Albert, Niohara, Neb. 6, 306 Frazier, Francis, Santee, Neb. 314 Frear, Walter, Oakland, Cal. 54 Fredenhagen, Ed. A., St., Topeka, Kan. 1890 Freedlund, A. J., Ridgway, Pa. 392 Freeland, S. M., 310 E. Harrison st., Seattle, Wash. 1861 Freeman, G. E., Belmont, Mass. 1858 Freeman, Henry A., Brewer, Me. 1880 Freeman, Marston S., Madison, O. 372 French, Charles L., Appleton, Wis. 1896 French, David E., Lincoln, Neb. 1885 French, Edgar B., Brockton, Mass. 238 [French, Edward Beecher, deceased, 23 French, Edward G., Lyndonville, Vt. 424 French, Geo. W., Brewer, R. F. D., Me. 6, 220, 222 French, Henry H., Maiden, Ma.ss. 248 French, Herman A., Ed., Lincoln, Neb. 1873 French, Howard Dakin, Hampden, Me. 222 French, Howard D., Chicago, 111. 1901 French, Robert M., Tolland, Conn. 128 French, S. Franklin, West Derry, N. H. 1864 Frickstad, Taral T., Berkeley, Cal. 1877 Eriedstrom, Carl, Renova, Pa. 392 Frink, Benson M., W. Brookfield, Mass. 186'' Fripp, Edgar T. R., White City, Fla. 1869 Frisbie, Alvah L., Des Moines, la. 190 Fritsch, H. Samuel, Billings, Mont. 304 Fritzemeier, W'illiam, Chicago, 111. 166 Frizzell, John W., Washington, D. C. 1889 Frost, Mrs. Amelia A., Andover, Mass. 1894 Frost, George B., Andover. Mass. 1S83 Frost, Lewis C, Standish. Mich. 280 166 1867 1895 1887 6, 134 6 346 330 236 1899 324 6, 420 Frost, Merle A., Brighton Sta., Seattle, Wash 442 526 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Frost, Robert D., Tiverton, R. I. 398 *Frost, William G., Pr., Berea, Ky. *Frost, W. Jerome, Williamston, Mich. 282 Fryer, James F., Cheboygan, Mich. 268 Fryling, William, Easton Center, Mass. 242 Fulgham, Philip O., Fremont, Ind. 182, 266, 270 Fulkerson, Frank, Thompsonville, Mich. 270, 280 Fuller, Americus, Los Gatos, Cal. Fuller, Augustus H., Ballardvale, Mass. 234 Fuller, Edgar R., Bakersfield, Cal. 112 Fuller, Frank A., Preston, Conn. 134 *Fuller, George P., W. Newburv, Vt. 228, 230 Fuller, Homer T., Fredonia, N. Y. 1870 Fuller, Jonathan K., Johnson, Vt. 424 Fuller, Montie J. B., Plainfield, Mass. 254 Fuller, Nathan E., Corning, N. Y. 338 Fullerton, Bradford M., Brockton, Mass. 1868 Fulton, Albert C, Somersworth, N. H. 326 Fulton, C. S., Denver, Colo. 1876 *Fulton, Robert N., Littleton, Mass. 9 Furbish, Edw. B., Bath, N. Y. 1868 Furbush, A. Chesley, Georgetown, Conn. 1900 Furness, George A., Swanzey, N. H. 326 Futch, James M., Elarbee, Fla. 144, 146 Gadd, William W., Richmond, Mich. 270, 278 Gafert, Frederick, Sioux Falls, S. D. 408 Gaines, Marshall R., Pn., Coffee, Va. 1884 Gale, Clarence R., St., Seattle, Wash. 1887 Gale, Sullivan F., Mt. Dora, Fla. 6, 144 Gale, Tyler E., Greenville, N. H. 320 Gales, Thomas P., Lehigh, I. T. 1897 *Gales, Thomas, Alton, la. GaU, C. J., Littlerock, la. 7, 194, 288 Gallagher, Elmer D., Wahpeton, N. D. 364 Gallagher, George W., Geddes, S. D. 404 Gallagher, Wm. S., T., Braintree, Mass. 1874 Galloway, Enail R., San Francisco, Cal. 1893 Galloway, Joseph F., Okahumpka, Fla. 1871 Gait, Howard S., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Gam, Jee, San Francisco, Cal. 108 Gambleton, Silas A., Caledonia, Miss. 298 Gammell, Sereno D., N. Brookfield, Mass. 1868 Gammon, Robert W., Decatur, 111. 168 Gane, Wm. H., Greenfield Hill, Conn. 128 Ganley, William, Salem, N. H. 326 Garabedian, Hohannes B., Osceola, N. Y. 1888 Gardner, Austin, Willington, Conn. 140 *Gardner, Edward V., Severy, Kan. 210 Gardner, Francis W., Strang, Neb. 306, 314 Gardner, Harold I., Melville, N. D. 7, 356, 362 Gardner, Nathan E., Arborville, Neb. 1863 Gardner, Rufus P., St., Franklin, N. H. 1884 Gardner, William, Dewitt, la. 190 Garfield, Frank L., Castleton, Vt. 422 Garfield, John P., E. Cleveland, O. 7, 9, 370 Garner, Alexander C, Washington, D. C. 142 Garvin, Hugh C, Eldon, Mo. 300, 2 Garrison, S. C, McMurray, Wash. 436, 438 Gasque, G. Wallace, Lake Charles, La. 7, 216 Gates, Albro C, Pinckney, Mich. 272, 278 Gates, C. Frank, Constantinople, Turkey, 480 Gates, Carl M., Saco, Me. 228 Gates, Charles H., No. Wilbraham, Mass. 1851 Gates, George A., Pr., Claremont, Cal. 85, 485 Gates, Herbert W., Pf., Chicago, 111. 1904 Gates, LorinS., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Gates, Owen H., Pf., Andover, Mass. 1891 Gause, Noah C, San Ftancisco, Cal. 108 Gavlik, Andrew, Duquesne, Pa. 388 *Gay, Henry H., Groton, Mass. 1889 Gaylord, Edw. D., Syracuse, N. Y. 86, 348 Gaylord, F., St. Petersburg, Russia, 1894 Gaylord, J. Howard, Saratoga, N. Y. 1899 *Gearhart, Chas. D., la. 1890 Geer, Curtis M., Pf.. Hartford, Conn. 69, 485 George, David M., Williamsburg, la. 1871 George, Edward A., Ithaca, N. Y. 342 George, Joseph H., Springfield, Mo. 9, 85 George, Robert A., Cleveland, O. 9, 1886 Gerrie, Andrew W., Ridgefield, Conn. 136 Gerrie, William A., Milwaukee, Wis. 452 Getchell, E. Plumer, Cleveland, O. 368 Gibson, Andrew, Chatham, Mass. 240 Gibson, John, Iron River, Wis. 450 Gibson, John C, Edmore, Mich. 270, 280 Gibson, Nelson H., Florala, Ala. 462 Giddings, Solomon P., Washington, D. G. 1842 Gidman, Richard H., Rockville, Conn. 1867 Gier, Leon E., Colo. 1902 Gifford, W. H., Colesburg, la. Gilbert, Elias, My., Cavite, S. D. 1894 Gilbert, George E., Rosendale, Wis. 448 Gilbert, George H., Northampton, Mass. Gilbert, S., Ed., 423 N. State st., Chi'go, 111. 46 Gilbert, Thomas H., Meadows, Ida. 160, 161 Gill, Charles O., Hartland, Vt. 424 Gillam, Ralph, Ev., Melrose, Mass. 1895 Gillespie, John L., Sturgis, Mich. 1896 Gillett, A. L., Pf., Hartford, Conn. 44, 69 Gillett, William R., Chicago, 111. 1885 Gillette, Edwin C, Canaan, Conn. 124, 125 Gilman, Burton S., Gardner, Mass. 244 Oilman, George P., Fresno, Cal. 1872 Gilman, William L., Morrison, Colo. 1886 Gilmore, Charles H., Rock Rapids, la. 198 Gilmore, George W., Ed., 189 Greene av., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1886 Gilmore, Wm. C, Hood River, Ore. 384 Gilmour, George, Seattle, Wash. 1904 Gilmour, G. S., Mattawan, Mich. 276 Gilpatrick, Howard, Hillsboro, Ore. 384 Gimblett, Wm. H., Fargo, N. D. 54, 258 ♦Gimlet, W. H., Casota, Minn. 290 Gipson, Jacob M., Phoenix, Ala. 94 Giroux, Lewis F., Pf., Springfield, Mass. 1889 Gist, William W., Pf., Cedar Falls, la. 1881 Gladden, Washington, Columbus, O. 52, 65, 370, 484, 485 Glasby, Robert L., Heber, Cal. 112 Glasson, Joseph ,Ypsilanti, Mich. 1873 Gleason, Avery K., Raynham, Mass. 256 Gleason, Charles A., Seward, Neb. 314 Gleason, Charles N., Henniker, N. H. 322 Gleason, George L., Topsfield, Mass. 246 Gleason, Herbert W., Boston, Mass. 1887 Gleason, John F., S. Amherst, Mass. 234 Goddard, Dwight, Cleveland, O. 1898 Goddard, Henry M., Essex, Mass. 242 Goddard, John C, Salisbury, Conn. 136 Goddard, Louis A., Baraboo, Wis. 446 Goddard, R. J., Passaic, N. J. 7, 330 Go£f, Edward F., Claremont, Cal. 1875 *Goff, Edward N., Whitehall, 111. 1891 Goffin, John W., Pescadero, Cal. 108 Goin, Edward F., New Haven, Conn. 132 Golder, Arthur L., Me. 1891 Gonzales, Frank C, Buffalo Center, la. 188 Gonzales, John B., Jennings, La. 53, 485 Good, Chas. M., Bethlehem, Conn. Goodacre, James J., Hamilton, Mass. 244 [Goodale, David W., deceased, 23 Goodell, Isaac, Haverhill, Mass. 1877 Goodell, John H., Pacific Grove, Cal. 108 Goodenough, A., Winchester Center, Conn. 140 Goodenough, G. F., Northfield, Conn. 134 Goodenough, Herbert D., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Goodheart, Simon F., Whiting, Vt. 424, 430 Goodhue, Henry A., Brattleboro, Vt. 1863 Goodrich, C. I,., Plainfield, N. J. 52, 142, 232, 434 Goodrich, Chauncey, A. B.C. F. M. 480 Goodrich, Darius N., Olivet, Mich. 1865 Goodrich, John E.. Pf., Burlington, Vt. 1860 Goodrich, Joseph A., Jefferson, O. 372 Goodrich, Lincoln P,., Taunton, Mass. 258 Goodsell, Dennis, Ceres, Cal. 104 Goodsell, F. F., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Goodspeed, Frank L., Springfield, Mass. 258, 484, 485 Goodwin, Frank J., Pawtucket, R. I. 54, 86, 398, 484, 485 Goodwin, George K., Bethel, Vt. 420 Goodwin, Sam H., Provo, Utah, 46 Goodwin, Sherman, So. Royalton, Vt. 426 G.wdwin, Wm. M., Kent, Conn. 1892 Goodyear, De Mont, Haverhill, Mass. 246 Gorden, Henry E., Pf., Iowa Oty, la. 1899 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 527 Gordon, Charles E., E. Pro\nclence, R. I. 396 Gordon, George A., Boston, Mass. 236 Gordon, G. Andrew, Southbridfre, Mass. 258 Gordon, John, Grand Kapids, Mich. 272 Gordon, Robert, Somerset Center, Mich. 280 [Gordon, Robert F., deceased, 23 *Gordon, William, Eureka, Cal. 1870 Gordon, William C, Westfield, Mass. 252 Gorton, Dempster I)., Southboro, Mass. 258 *Gorton, Philo, Naponce, Neb. 1862 Goshen, Elmer I., Salt Lake City, Utah, 418 Goss, Winfield S., Pf., Talladega, Ala. 1895 Goudy, Arthur L., Kinsley, Kan. 204, 206 Gould, Edwin S., Prowdence, R. I. 1873 Gould, John H., Norridgewock, Me. 226 Gould, J. Sidney, Hanrock, Mich. 272 Gove, J. Sherman, Marlboro, N. H. 324 Grabill, Dell Q., Evansville, Wis. 448 Graedel, Gottfried, Odessa, Wash. 440 Graf, John F., Baltimore, Md. 1864 Graf, Walter C, Gavs Mills, Wis. 44S, 4.50 Graff, Franklin L., Port Huron, Mich. 278 Graham, Hugh F., Patten, Me. 899 Graham, James M., Gate City, Ala. 92 Graham, John, Warwick, Mass. 254, 260 Graham, Moses A., Syamore, Ga. 1877 Graham, William H., Meansville, Ga. 150, 152 Grange, Wallace S., Wheaton, 111. 1888 Grannis, Geo. H., Indianapolis, Ind. 182 Grant, Edwin E., St. Johnsbury East, Vt. 428 Grant, Frederic L., Plainville, Conn. 134 Grant, John B., Courtland, Ala. 1881 Grant, John H., Meriden, Conn. 130 Grant, Lathrop C, Menominee, Wis. 452 Grant, M. Lee, Chelsea, Mich. 268 Grant, Perley C, Newport, N. H. 324 Grantham, Lewis J., Moline, I 1. 172 Grauer, Otto C, P/., Oak Park, III. 48, 71 Graves, Arthur G., Corning, la. 188 Graves, Lucien C, Granville Center, Mass. 244 Gray, Annette, My., Chevenne, Wyo. 53 Gray, David B., Portland, Ore. 1863 Gray, Edwin W., St. Charles, III. 1894 Gray, John, Basin, Neb. 1863 Gray, John A., Orient, N. Y. 346 Gray, Richardson, Sedalia, Mo. 302 Gray, Samuel H. T., Hensler, N. D. 1899 Grav, Thomas, Topeka, Kan. 481 Grav, Wm. B. D., Si., Chevenne, Mvo. 48, 53 Grav, William D., Grantwood, N. J. 1S86 Gray, William J., Merriam Park, Minn. 294, 86 Greeley, Clarence D.. Prairie du Chien, Wis. 454 Greeley, Frank N., Los Angeles, Cal. 1877 Greelev, Leslie C, Newburvport, Mass. 252 Green, Chas. C, Gentry, Ark. 372 [Green, Charles E., deceased. Green, Edward F., Ashland, Ore. 384 Green, Everett E., Geneva, O. 370 Green, F. D., Upper Montclair, N. J. 1888 Green, J. M., S627 Prairie av., Ch'go, 111. 1857 Greenawav, Brandon, Britt, la. 188 Greene, Chester W., Chatham, O. 368, 372 Greene, D. Crosby, A. B. C. F. M. 480 [Greene, Edward P., deceased, 24 Greene, Frederick W., Middletown, Conn. 130 Greene, George E., Fort Pierre, S. D. 402, 404 Greene, John C, Rockaway Beach, N. Y. 348 Greene, John M., Lowell, Mass. 248 Greene, Joseph K., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Greene, Maurice N., Amherst, Mass. 234 Greene, Richard G., 5 Beekman st., N. Y. City, N. Y. 18.56 Greene, Sam'l, St., Seattle, Wash. 8, 53 Greenfield, A. Norris, Baltimore, Md. 232 Greenlee, Clyde W., New Plymouth, Ida. 160 Greenwood, Victor L., Rochester, Minn. 294 Greenwood, Wm., T., Des Moines, la. 1874 Gregg, Arthur E., Eastport, Me. 7, 220 Gregg, James B., Colorado Springs, Colo. 118 Gregg, James E., Pittsfield, Mass. 246, 2.54 Gregory, Alfred, Webster, S. D. 410 Gregory, James C, East Millinocket, Me. 1892 Gregory, Lewis, Lincoln, Neb. Grain, Albert L., Buffalo, N. Y. 338 Grey, Fred., Stockton, Kan. 210 Grey, Ira M., Chicago, 111. Gridley, Albert L., Parsons, Kan. 1876 Grieb, Edmund, Seattle, Wash. 440 *Grier, S. B., Chester, S. C. 400 Grieshaber, Charles O., Shelby, Mich. 280 Griffin, Edward IL, Baltimore, Md. 1868 Griffin, Henry L., Bangor, Me. 65, 220 Griffin, Owen A., Waycro.ss, Ga. 1898 Griffis, William E., Ithaca, N. Y. 1877 Griffith, Frederick W., Seattle, Wash. 442 Griffith, John T., West Groton, N. Y. 350 Griffith, T. H., West New Brighton, N. Y. 1874 Griffith, Thos. L., Cambria, Minn. 294 Griffith, Thomas M., Wheatland, Pa. 392 Griffith, Wm., My., Princeton, Minn. 1879 Griffith, Wm. E., Plainview, Minn. 292 ♦Griffiths, David R., Catasauqua, Pa. 1882 ♦Griffiths, Frederick R., Beverly, Mass. 1903 Griffiths, Griffith, Oakland, Cal. 106 Griffiths, Henry, Elgin, Neb. 1873 Griffiths, Thomas, Geneva, Neb. 308 Griffiths, William A., Eau Claire, Wis. 446, 458 Griffiths, W. R., Taharnow, N. Walc", 1887 Grjggs, R, Eugene, Breckenridge, Mich. Grimes, Frank J., So. Hadley, Mass. 1875 Grinnell, Eugene I., MuUiken, Mich. 276 Grinnell, Joel E., Madrid, la. 192, 193 Grinnell, Orlando S., Big Rock, III. 162 Grisbrook, Edward O., New Hartford, Conn. 9, 132 [Griswold, A. Linley, deceased. Grob, Gottfried, Springfield, Mo. 302 Groezinger, Christian, Wareham, Mass. 260 Groop, Andrew, Fitchburg, Mass. 242 Grosvenor, Edwin A., P/., Amherst, Mass. 1872 Grosz, John D., Loveland, Colo. 120 Grove, Jacob F., Leipzig, N. D. 356, 360, 362 *Grover, Daniel R., Harvey, III. 1886 Grover, Richard B., Gloucester, Mass. 244 Groves, Samuel B., Thorsby, Ala. 96 Grupe, Charles W., Hillsboro, N. Y. 1890 Grupe, Fred W., Java. N, Y. 360, 351, 342 Guernsey, Henry H., Westfield, N. J. 332, 485 Guild, R. B., Boston, Mass. 52 Gulick, Edward L., T., W. Lebanon, N. H. 322 Gulick, Hervey, Charlotte, Vt. 422 Gulick, Nelson J., Germantown, Pa. 1888 Gulick, Orramel H., St., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Gulick, Sidney L., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Gulick, Theodore W., Hill Citv, Minn. 290 Gulick, U. Hart, Waterburv, Conn. 1862 Gulick, William H., A. B.C. F. M. 480 [Gunn, Elberrj' B., deceased, 24 Gunner, Byron, Columbia, S. C. 1884 Gunsaulus, F. W^, 2618 Prairie, Ch'go, III. 71 Gurney, Mrs. Ella, Cortland, N. Y. 1894 Gurney, Henry E., Cortland, N. Y. 338 Gustin, Byron F., No. Amherst, Mass. 234 Gutterson, Geo. H., .Sfc, Winchester, Mass. 50 Haarvig, John O., Allston, Mass. 238 *Habbick, John D., Los Angeles, Cal. 1897 Hack, Rollin T., Gorham, Me. 222 Hacke, Augustus C, W^ellington, R. F. D., O. 374 Haddan, James F., Doerun, Ga. 1888 Hadden, Archibald, Muskegon, Mich. 276 Hadden, Jacob W., Bruce, Wis. 1885 Hadden, Robert A., Sec, Ironton, O. 1895 Hadlev, Willis A., Keene, N. H. 322 Hadlock, E. H., .SVc, San Francisco, Cal. 1893 *Hadsell, Wlllard L., Hvannis, Neb. 1905 Haecker, M. Claude, Chickasha, I. T. 380 [Haff, Stephen, deceased, 24 Hageman, James C, Portland, Mich 278 Hager, Chas. J^.., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Hager. Charles S., Albany, N. Y. 336 *Haggblom, John R., Hammerland, Finland, 1902 Hague, William B., My., Gorham, Me. 1880 Haigh, Jeffrey G., Middletown Springs, Vt. 424 Haines, Oliver S., Anglin, Wash. 436 Haire, William C, East Jordan, Mich. 1886 Halbersleben, Henry C.,Petersburg,Neb. 312, 14 Halbert, Charles T., Gilbert, la. 1S96 528 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Halbert, Leroy A., 43 N. 1st st., K. City, K. 206 Hale, Edson D., T., Vaca\'ille, Cal. 1888 Hale, Harris G., Brookline, Mass. 46, 238 Hale, Morton W., Keene, N. H. 326 Hales, John J., Olds, la. 196 Hall, Albert E., Chester, N. H. 1880 Hall Archibald M., Bloomington, Ind. 1898 Hall, Charles L , Elbowoods, N. D. 358 Hall, Elliott C, Jamestown, N. Y. 1860 Hall, Fred E., Centralia, Kan. 204 *HaIl, Fred L., Danbury, Neb. 7, 308 Hall, George A., Brookline, Mass. 44 Hall, George E., Dover, N. H. 320 Hall, Heman B., Oberlin, O. 1851 Hall, Isaac H., New Orleans, La. 216 Hall, John C, Sturbridge, Mass 258 Hall, L. E., No. Abington, Mass. 1882 Hall, Lyman B., P/., Oberlin, O. 1881 Hall, Martin S., Oak Park, 111. 1871 Hall, Newton M., Springfield, Mass. 258 Hall, Ransom B., Prairie City, la. 1898 [Hall, Richard, deceased, 24 Hall, Robert D., Rosebud, S. D. 408 Hall, Samuel A., Netawaka, Kan. 1861 Hall, Thomas, Island Point, Vt. 424 Hallett, Horace F., Ashfield, Mass. 234 Halliday, Jas. L., Greenville, Mich. 272 Halliday, Joseph C, Orange City, Fla. 1865 Hallock, L. H., Minneapolis, Minn. 1867 Hallock, William A., Jamestown, N. Y. 1860 *Halmertz, John E., Woburn, Mass. 262 Ham, Richard K., San Fransisco, Cal. 8, 108 Hambleton, Ira G , Sebastopol, Cal. 110 Hamilton, Benjamin F., Roxbury, Mass. 43, 46 Hamilton, Charles S., East Albany, Vt. 1872 Hamilton, Gilbert M., Locke, R. F. D., N. Y. 348 Hamilton, Henry H., York Center, Me. 230 Hamilton, John A., Cambridge, Mass. 46 Hamilton, Joseph F., Friend, Neb. 308 *Hamilton, Jos. S., West Chicago, 111. 1903 Hamilton, Ralph R., Wenona, Ga. 1896 Hamilton, Washington P., Talladega, Ala. 1888 Hamilton, Wm. John, Chicago, 111. 164 Hamlin, Charles H., Easthampton, Mass. 242 Hamlin, Chris. R., Killingly, Conn. 126, 140 Hamlin, Cyrus, Pf., Tougaloo, Miss. 298 Hamlin, WilUam R., Hyde Park, Vt. 424 Hammer, H. A., Binger, Okla. 380, 382 Hammond, Charles L., Fairfield, Neb. 308 Hammond, H. O., Olathe, R. D. 4, Kan. 1902 Hammond, Joseph, Hebron, N. H. 322 Hammond, Joseph R., Harrison, Ark. 1901 Hampton, William S., Dodge, Neb. 308, 310 Hanaike, Joseph B., Lihue, T. H. Hancock, Charles, Denmark, la. 1861 Hancock, George H., Grand Rapids, Mich. 272 Hand, Clifford N., Los Angeles, Cal. 114 Hand, La Roy S., Richland, R. F. D., la. 188 Handy, Harrv, Carthage, N. Y. 338 Handy, John C, Paola, Kan. 208 Haney, Richard S., Moline, 111. 172 Hanford, Samuel I., Lincoln, Neb. 1887, 48 Hankemeyer, Nath'l W., Rowley, Mass. 1891 Hanks, Carlos H., Owosso, Mich. 278 *Hanks, W. S., Middletown, N. Y. 1880 Hanna, Charles W., E. Canaan, Conn. 126 Hanna, John L., Hendlev, N. D. 358, 360 Hanna, Thomas, Prado, Cal. 112 Hannaford, Wm. H., Lancaster, Wis. 452 Hannant, Norrison E., Morris, Minn. 292 Hannum, Henry O., Holvoke, Mass. 246 Hanscom, Frank I., Creston, la. 198, 199 Hanscom, Fred. L., Pittsfield, 111. 174 Hanscom, George L., Jacksonville, Fla. 144 *Hansen, W. A., Oto, la. 196 *Hanson, John H., Centerville, la. 188 Harbridge, Clara L., Ev., Highland, Mich. 1893 Harbridge, Edward H., Ev., Highl'd, Mich. 274 Harbutt,C.,Sfc.,34Dowst.,Portla'd,Me. 1SS8, 48 Harbutt, Robert G., Me. 1883 Hard, Jasper W., Huntlev, 111. 1902 Hard castle, W., Iowa Fails, la. 194 *Kardee, Robert L., Herndon, R. D. 2, Ga. 1902 Hardendorf, C. W., E. Rockawav, N. Y. 340 Harding, Albert E., Cincinnati, O. 368 Harding, Henry P'., Hallowell, Me. 1855 Harding, Philip E., No. Amherst, O. 374, 375 Harding, William F., Arkansas City, Kan. 204 Hardy, Edwin N., Quincy, Mass. 254, 485 Hardy, James W., Sedgwick, Kan. 1898 Hardy, Millard F., E. Jaffrev, N. H. 322 Hardy Owen E., East Burke, Vt. 420 Hardy, Vitellus M., Morrisville, Vt. 1872 Hardy, William P., Redondo, Cal. 114 Hare, Alfred W., Eagle Rock, Cal. 112 Haresnape, William, Buena Park, Cal. 112 Harger, Charles H., Hubbell, Mich. 274 Hargrave, John W., St. Petersburg, Fla. 145 Haring, E. Ernestus, Torrington, Wyo. 460 Harlow, Edwin A., So. Windham, Me. 1863 Harlow, Samuel A., Grafton, Mass. 244 Harmon, Elijah, So. Braintree, Mass. 1867 Harmon, Willard P., Riverhead, N. Y. 346 *Harned, Harry E., Jefferson\alle,Vt. 7, 424, 428 Harp, Cyrus D., Providence, R. I. 1886 Harper, Aimer, Port Byron, 111. 1853 Harper, Cecil, Nantasket, Mass. 1879 Harper, C. W., CoUver, Kan. 7, 204, 208 ♦Harper, Edward f ., Pf., 730 W. Adams st., Chicago, 111. 1896, 71 Harper, James P., No. Bennington, Vt. 420 Harper, Joel, Denver, Colo. 118 Harper, Thos. H., Oklahoma, Okla. 382 Harrington, Charles E., Boston, Mass. 246 Harrington, Myron O., Topeka, Kan. 1877 ♦Harriot, W. C, Annawan, 111. 1901 Harris, Benjamin, Radnor, O. 376 Harris, Mrs. Bertha J., Lakewood, O. 1897 ♦Harris, Charles E., jr., Hvannis, Mass. 1904 Harris, Charles L., Asheville, N. C. 1874 Harris, Chester E., Wolfboro, N. H. 326 Harris, Edward A., Sheffield, 111. 1895 Harris, Everett G., Louisville, Ky. 214 ♦Harris, George, Pr., Amherst, Mass. 85, 234 Harris, Harry R., Mcintosh, Minn. 290 Harris, Henry, East St. Louis, 111. 168, 9 Harris, Oscar E., Kansas City, Kan. 7, 206 Harris, Ransom C, Crossville, R.D.I, Ala. 92, 4 Harris, Robert N., New Haven, Conn. 132 Harris, Rupert W., Lakewood, O. 1891 Harris, Theodore W., Oxford, N. Y. '346, 344 ♦Harris, Thomas B., Clark, Colo. 1902 Harris, Waldo B., Seward, 111. 176 ♦Harris, William, Blackbutte, Ore. 1895 Harris, William, Saugus, Mass. 242 ♦Harris, William R., Hampden Fla,. 1886 Harrison, Charles H., Durham, N. H. 1904 Harrison, Charles S., York, Neb. 1859 Harrison, Fosdick P., Townsend, Mass. 260 Harrison, Hiram B., Hastings, Neb. 310 Harrison, James H., Oskaloosa, la. 1868 [Harrison, J. K., deceased, 24 Harrison, Mar\'in B., Scribner, Neb. 314 ♦Hart, Frank W., Wall, S. D. 7 Hart, Hastings H., Sec, Oak Park, 111. 1881 Hart, William D., Wilton, Conn. 140, 141 Hart, William O., Elgin, 111. Hart, William W., Cliicago, III. 168 Hartranft, Chester D., Pr., Hartford, Conn. 69 Hartshorne, Joseph W., New Haven, Conn. 1873 Hartsough, D. Maurice, Minneapolis, Minn. 1866 Hartsough, Walter W., Valley City, N. D. 1899 Hartwell, Arthur E., La Harpe, III. 172 Hartwell, H. Linwocd, Bonne Terre, Mo. 8, 300 Hartwell, Minot S., Marshall, Minn. 1880 Harvey, Edward H., Paw Paw, Mich. 1872 Harvey, Jasper P., Chester, Mass. 240 ♦Harvey, William R., Derby Line, Vt. 1900 Harwood, C. M. G., MilUown, N. B. 224 Ham'ood, Jas. H., Orloff, Cal. 1863 Harwood, Thomas W., Bakersfield, Vt. 420 Haskell, Edward B., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Haskell, Henrv C, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Haskell, Jos. N., Prof., Nashville, Tenn. 1900 ♦Haskell, Joseph, Nashville, Tenn. ♦Hart, Frank W., Wall, S. D. 7 Haskett, Charles A., Dayton, O. 1897 Hasldn, Spencer C, Milwaukee, Wis. 452 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 529 Haskins, Robert W., Reading, Mass. 1S72 Hassel], Richard B., Everett, Wash. 1898 Hassold, F. A., Dunkirk, Ind. 182 Hastings, Richard C, Pr., New Orl'ns, La. 1887 Hatch, David P., Franklin, N. H. 320 Hatch, Elias W., Danville, Vt. 1866 [Hatch, Franklin S., deceased, 25 Hatch, George B., Ware, Mass. 260 Hatch, Reuben, Oberlin. O. 1850 Hatfield, Geo. B., Oberlin, O. 374 Hathaway, Warren, Blooming Grove, N. Y. 336 *Hatt, Thomas B., N. Anson, Me. 218, 224 Haughton, R. J., Boston, Mass. 1891 Haugland, Lars N., Pulcifer, Wis. 454 *Hauptnian, William, Search Light, Nev. 1899 Haven, Sherman W., Patchogue, N. Y . 346, 347 Hawes, Edward, Hartford, Conn. 1858 Hawk, Ira T., Waterbury, Conn. 138 Hawkes, Albert S., Somersville, Conn. 1901, 136 Hawkes, George B., McCook, Neb. 310 Hawkes. Winfield S.. Caldwell, Ida. 1868 Hawkins, Charles W., Kern, Cal. . 112, 113 Hawkins.Chauncey J., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 238 Hawkins, Newman H., Palisades, Neb. 308, 312 Hawkins, Obadiah W., Strieby, N. C. 354 [Hawks, John S., deceased, 25 Hawks, Theron H., Springfield, Mass. 1855 Hawley. Calvin F., Alpha, 111. 1854 Hawley, Henry K., Ft. Atkinson, Wis. 450 Hawley, John A., Shelburne Falls, Mass. 256 Hayden, Frederick S., P/.,Jacksonville, 111. 1874 Hayes, Edward C, Acton, Mass. 252 Hayes, Francis L., Topeka, Kan. 210, 484 Hayes, James, My., Danville, 111. 168 Hayes, Joseph W. W., Warrior, R. F. D. 3, Ala. 1877 Hayes, Wm. H., Windsor. Vt. 430 Hayley, John W., Tuftonboro Cen., N. H. 1864 *Hayner, Augustus J., Freeport, 111. 1882 Haynes, Artemas J., New Haven, Conn. 132 Haynes, C. Stephen, Athens, Ga. 148 Haynes, Chas. S., Reed's Ferry, N. H. 324 Haynes, Edward C, Rodman, N. Y. 1882 Haynes, William, Vernon, Mich. 282 Hayward, Chas. E., Sec, Springfield, Vt. 1895 HajTvard, Silvanus, Globe Village, Mass. 1861 Hazeltine, Edwin A., Rushville, N. Y. 348 Hazen, Austin, Thomaston, Conn. 138 Hazen, Azel W., Middletown, Conn. 130 Hazen, Carleton, Portland, Conn. 134 Hazen, Frank W., Falmouth, Mass. 242 Hazen, Hervey C, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Hazen, William, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Hazen, William S., Beverlv, Mass. 426 Head, Wm. W., Maltbv, Wash. 438 Heal, Edward G., Binghamton, N. Y. 336 Heald, Josiah H., Albuquerque, N. M. 46, 334 Heald, Katharine P., Albuquerque, N. M. 1896 Healey, Sullivan S., Tacoma, Wash. 442 Healy, Franklin D., Chewelah, Wash. 436 *Heaps, A. R., Whiting, la. 7, 200 Heath, Archie M., Mountain Creek, Ala. 96 Heath, Jean E., Piermont, N. H. 7, 324, 422 Heath, Squire, Benson, Minn. 286 Heator, George W., Cadillac, Mich. 1886 Hebberd, Stephen S., La Crosse, Wis. 1S88 Heberlein, Frederic W., Bevier, Mo. 300 Heckendorn, Geo. M., Milwaukee, Wis. 1890 Hedberg, Emil O., Ev., Sueden, 1897 Hedges, William, Colebrook, Conn. 126 Hedstrom, J. H., McPherson, Kan. 1899 Heermance, Edgar L., Mankato, Minn. 290, 484 Hefner, Henry J., Sherman, Tex. Heghin, Samuel S., Gann Vallev, S. D. 404 Hegner, Herman F., De Pue, III. 168 Hein, George, Durango, R. D., la. 190, 198 Helming, Oscar C, Chicago, 111. 164 Hemenwav, Frank W., Zionsville, Ind. 1889 Hemphill, Gray W., N.ishville, Tenn. 1890 Hempstead, Cari W., Eddviille, la. 190 Hench, William R., Dundee, 111. 1S89 Henderson, Arthur S., Atlantic, la. 186, 187 Henderson, Geo. W., Pf., Nashville, Tenn. 1888 Henderson, John H., La Vergne, 111. 172 Henderson, John R., Oconomowoc, Wis. 454 Henderson, Thos. H., Milton, Ore. ' ■ 1868 Hendeey, Harry B., Tacoma, Wash. 86, 336, 442 Hendrick, Webster L., Norwich, Mass. 246 *Hendry, Thomas, Los Angeles, Cal. 54 Henkelmann, Gustav L., McCook, Neb. 310 Henness, Peter J., Williston, N. D. 364 Henrikson, John M , Ivoryton, Conn. 1896 Henrikson, J. Mathias, DuBois, Penn. 388 Henrikson, Karl F., Quincy, Mass. 1896 *Henry, Emma K., Pasadena, Cal. 1898 Henry, F. Edmonds, Garner, la. 192 Henry, J. Addison, Seattle, Wash. 442 Hensel, William A., Butte, Neb. 306 Henshaw, George, Sharon, Penn. 1880 Henshaw, Gordon E., Angola, N. Y. 336 Henshaw, Thomas D., Chagrin Falls, O. 368 Henson, R. H., Paris, R. F. D. 1, Tex. 416 Herald, Chades C, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1889 Herbert, Ebenezer, Lakeview, la. 194 Herbert, Jos., Touchet, Wash. 442 Herbert, Lemuel G., McComb, O. 1890 Herbert, Sherman H., Hope, Ida. 160 Herforth, Albert, Scotland, S. D. 404, 406 Herman, Frederick W., W. Seneca, N. Y. 348 Herman, J. E., New Preston, Conn. 134 Herod, James A., Abbeville, La. 216 Herold, Joseph G. W., No. Madison, Conn. 134 Herr, Horace D., Humboldt, la. 192, 200 Herriek, David S., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Herrick, Edward E., Milton, Vt. 424 Herriek, Edward P., Matanzas, Cuba, 142, 143 Herrick, George F., A. B. C. F. M. 480 *Herrick, Henry M., Stockton, III. 1887 Herrick, John R., Elgin, 111. 1854 Herrick, Malcolm D., Seattle, Wash. 1867 Herrick,Robt.P.,S^,Minneapolis,Mi^n. 1883, 53 Herring, H. C, Sec, New York, N. Y. 9, 48, 484 Hersey, Charles F., New Bedford, Mass. 1894 Hershey, Simon B., Rochester, N. Y. 1873 Hershner, John L., Hood River, Ore. 1880, 53 *Hertell, Arthur F., T., Exeter, N. H. 1898 Herzog, Jacob, Prescott, Wis. 454 Hescock, Gus. B., Monson, Me. 1889 *Hess, Henrv, Butte, Neb. 1864 Hess, Wm. M., New York, N. Y. 7, 344 Hesselgrave, Chas. E., Walla Walla, Wash. 330 Hewitt, George R., W. Medway, Mass. 250 Hewitt, John L., Kenosha, Wis. 1874 Hewlett, Benj. F., Long Beach, Cal. 1888 Hewson, E., 2739 Dalton av., St. Louis, Mo. 302 Heydenburg, Frank H., Winona Lake, Ind. 1898 Heyhoe, Albert Geo., Norwich, Vt. 426 Heyse, Henry E , Salina, Kan. 210 Hiatt, Caspar W., Cleveland, O. 368, 485 Hibbard, Augustine G., Torrington, Conn. 1881 Hibbard, Rufus P., Sayville, N. Y. 348 Hicks, Henry R., Pawpaw, III. 1868 Hicks, Iri R., Ed., St. Louis, Mo. 1887 Hicks, Lewis W., Wellesley, Mass. 1876 Hicks, Richard, Melrose Highlands, Mass. ,1861 Hicks, William C., Minneapolis, Minn. 1864 ♦HifTord, David S., Gorham, Me. Higginbotham,J.K.,r., Pleasant Hill, Tenn. 412 Higginbotham, Robt. G., Bridgeport, Conn. 125 Higginbotham, T. Matison, Waukegan, 111. 178 Higgins, Lucius H., West Hartford, Conn. 1864 Higgins, Robert M., Berlin, Wis. 446 Higgons, John A., Chelsea, Mass. 240 Higgs,Isaac W., 92 La Salle st.,Chicago, 111. 1866 Hightower, Asa D., Arlev, Ala. 92, 94, 96 Higley, Henry P., Castleton, Vt. 1865 Higuchi, Kwan, Hilo, T. H. 154 Hihio, John K., Kaanapali, T. H. 154 *Hild, Albert, Alexander, Kan. 204 [Hildreth, Edward, deceased, 25 Hildreth. Homer W., Prospect, Conn. 136 Hilkerbaumer, Richard, Friend, Neb. 308, 314 Hill, Abner, Bethel, N. C. 352 *Hill, Albert L., Enfield, N. H. 320 [Hill, Cahdn G., deceased, 25 Hill, Charies F., West Terre Haute, Ind. 185 Hill, Charies J., Orange, Va. 1856 Hill, Charies L., Janesville, Minn. 288 530 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Hill, Charles W., My., Hilo, T. H. 480 Hill, Dexter D., Pasadena, Cal. 1869 Hill, Eben L., Pf., Kansas City, Kan, 1876 Hill, Edwin S., National City, Cal. 114 *Hill, Emmett C. W., Kendrick, Ida. Hill, Fred D., Pf., Northfield, Minn. 1903 Hill, George, Dundee, Mich. 270 FHill, George A., deceased. Hill, George E., Indianapolis, Ind. 1854 Hill, George W. C, St. Johnsbury, Vt. 7, 428 Hill, James L., Salem, Mass. 1875 Hill, Jesse, Portland, Me. 226 Hill, T. Hughes, Ferndale, Wash. 440 Hill, Virgil B., Alcester, S. D. 402, 404 Hilliard, D. Lee, New Haven, Vt. 426 Hilliard, Samuel M., Frankfort, S. D. 404 Hillis, N. D., 31 Grace ct., Br'kl'n, N. Y. 336 Hillman, Alfred T., Conway, N. H. 320 Hilton, Charles A., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 Hilton, John V., Boulder, Colo. 1860 *Hincyey. Mrs. Abbie R., Fairfax, S. D. 1892 Hincks, Edw'd Y., Pf., Andover, Mass. 63, 234 Hindley, George, Helena, Mont. 304 *Hindley, John G., Derby, Vt. 424 Hindley, William J., Spokane, Wash. 442 Hinds, John M., Julesburg, Colo. 312 Hines, Frank B., Pr., Albion, 111. 1891 Hinman, George W., A. B.C. F. M. 480 Hinman, Herbert J., Cresco, la. 188 Hipio, John K., Hawaii. Hird, John W., Pawlet, Vt. 426 Hitchcock, A.N., Sec, 163 La SaUe.Chi., 111. 1877 [Hitchcock, A. W., deceased, 26 Hitchcock, Charles E., Claridon, O. 368 Hitchcock, L. Potter, Alameda, Cal. 104 Hitchcock, Milan H., Winchendon, Mass. 1857 Hitchcock, Philo, Red Granite, Wis. 446, 456 Hitchcock, Samuel, Hope, N. D. 360 Hitchcock, Wallace C, Pf., Ashland, Wis. 1901 Hix, Lemon B., Marshalltown, la. 194 Hjetland, John H., Winthrop, Minn. 288, 296 Hoadlev, Horace G., Waterbury, Conn. 1888 Hoag, Mrs. Alice Barnes, Great Falls, Mont.lS96 Hoar, Allen J., Challis, Ida. ' 160 *Hobbs, Edwin, Saskatoon, Canada, 1879 Hobein, Edward L., Clinton, Mass. 240, 242 Hock, Alvin S., Albia, la. 1905 Hocking, Chas. L., Rhinelander, Wis. 456 Hodel, Abraham, Leipzig, N. D. 358. 60, 62, 64 Hodgdon, Frank W., Des Moines, la. 190 Hodgdon, Thomas M., W. Hartford, Conn. 138 Hodges,Arthur,204 St.Johns pl.,B'l'n,N.Y. 1904 Hodges, H. A., Telluride, Colo. 122 *Hodges, W. R., Kremmling, Colo. 120, 121 Hodous, Lewis, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Hoelzer, Jacob, Fort Collins, Colo. 120 * Hoffman, C. A. Theo., St. Louis, Mo. 1902 Hoffman, J. J., Odessa, Wash. 440 Hoffman, John H., North Reading, Mass. 252 Hofstead, H. O., Ev., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1904 Hogan, Harding R., David City, Neb. 446, 456, 458 Hogberp, Adolf F., Thomaston, Conn. 138 Hogen, Bert H., Pn., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1899 Holbrook, Chas. P., Columbus, O. 1905 Holbrook, David L., Union City, Mich. 280 Holbrook, Fred F., Rapid City, S. D. 408 Holbrook, Ira A., Toledo, la. 1893 Holcombe, Gilbert T., Clayton, N. Max. 1875 Holden, Edwin K., Kilbourn, Wis. 1885 Holden, Frederick A., Huntington, Conn. 130 *Holden, Rollin B., Hetland, S. D. 7, 402, 404 Holden, Samuel, So. Royalston, Mass. 256 ♦Hollars, John A., San Francisco, Cal. 1895 *Holley, John B., Los Angeles, Cal. 1897 HoUister, Frederic M., Cromwell, Conn. 126 Holloway, John W., Newark, N. J. 330 HoUowav, William H., Thomasville, Ga. 148 Holm, Charles J., Fitchburg, Mass. 242 Holman, Andrew J., Dexter, R. F. D. 1, Ala. 92 Holman, Da\'id A., Ev., Freeport, Mich. 1891 Holman, William H., Southport, Conn. 136 Holmes, Henry, Minneapolis, Minn. 292 [Holmes, Henry M., deceased, 26 Holmes, John A., Champaign, 111. 164 Holmes, Otis H., Algona, la. 18& Holmes, Thomas, Chelsea, Mich. 1844 Holmes, Wm. T., Grand Island, N. Y. 340 Holmes, William T., Watertown, Conn. 138 Holp, Lincoln A., Sycamore, R. D., 111. 172 Holt, Arthur E., Pueblo, Colo. 120 *Holt, R. A., N. Anson, Me. 1904 Holton, Charles S., Newburyport, Mass. 252 Holton, Edward P., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Holton, Horace F., Kansas City, Mo. 300 Holway, John, OberUn, O. 1863 Holway, John W., Seattle, Wash. 189& Holway, Theodore T., A. B. C. F. M. 480 [Homes, Francis H., deceased, 26 Homi, John, Ashtabula, O. 1905 Hood, E. Lyman, Pr., Atlanta, Ga. 61, 485 Hood, Edward C. .Wellesley Hills, Mass. 1874 Hood, G. A., Sec, Denver, Colo. 48, 484 Hooker, Amos H., Santa Ana, Cal. 116 ♦Hoover, Alden R., Chicago, 111. Hoover, Francis T., Lockp't, R.F.D., N. Y. 338 Hope, Arthur H., Middletown, Conn. 131 Hopkin, Robert, Columbus, Wis. 448 Hopkins, F. E., 6360 Harvard av.,Ch'o 111. 164 Hopkins, Harold L., T., Albany, Ore. 1898 Hopkins, H., Pr., Williamstown, Mass. 85 Hopkins, H. L., Albany, Ore. 1898 Hopkins, Wm. Herman, Albany, N. Y. 86, 104 Hopkins, William H., Denver, Colo. 64, 118 Hopley, Samuel, Lee, Mass. 1865 Hopp, Johannes H., Portland, Ore. 386 Hopwood, John L., Ch., Honolulu, T. H. 1903 Horine, Stephen D., Grinnell, la. 1890 Home, F. M., Trenton, N. J. 1906 Home, Gideon, Meansville, Ga. 150 Horner, John W., Revere, Mass. 256 Horsey, Harold I., Ottawa, Ontario, 1896 Hoskins, Emanuel, Beulah Heights, Cal. 106 Hotaling, S. P., Graham, R. D. 3, La. 112 Hotze, Wm. Herman, Cherokee, la. 1900 Houghton, Roy M., Derby, Conn. 126 Houlding, Horace W., Tientsin, China, 480 House, Albert V., Worcester, Mass. 264 House, Elwin L., Spokane, Wash. 9, 485, 442 House, J. Henry, A. B.C. F. M. 480 House, J. T., Pr., Kingfisher, Okla. 85, 1896 House, R. E., Fredericksburg, la. Houston, Ira J., Cleveland, O. 368, 36» Houston, Robert, Rapid River, Mich. 278 Houston, Warren H., Eureka, Kan. 1887 Howard, Charles E., Comstock, Neb. 1897 Howard, E. L., 60 W. 4th av., Columbus, O. 370 Howard, Henry C., Lunenburg, Vt. 424 Howard, Martin S., Wilbraham, Mass. 262 Howard, T. W., Bordet, Minn. 53, 286, 290 Howard, William, Hartford, Conn. 185» Howe, George M., Groton, Mass. 242 Howe, Samuel H., Norwich, Conn. 134 *Howell, Edward, Horrell, S. C. 1867 *Howell, William, Tavlor, Pa. 1883 Howes, Albert W., Fitzwilliam, N. H. 320 Howie, David, Hopedale, Mass. 1889 Howie, John Lloyd, Olney, 111. 174 Howie, Robert, Fairfax, la. 1905 Howkins, Charles W.,Pr., Nicholson, Penn. 190O Howlands, Mrs. Elizabeth T., Chillicothe, O. 368 Howland, John, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Howland, Sam'I W., Pf., Atlanta, Ga. 61, 873 Hoyem, Isaac, Bridgeport, Conn. 124 Hoyle, John T., Clevel'd Mills,R.D.l, N. G. 1888 Hoyle, Joseph L., Pelham, N. H. 324 Hoyt, Charles E., Mansfield, Penn. 1877 Hoyt, Frederic V., Spokane, Wash. 1883 Hoyt, Henry N., Wellesley Hills, Mass. 48. 248 Hoyt, Hiram L., Pn., Pomona, Cal. 11& Hoyt, James Ard, Couch, Mo. 1868 Hoyt, Jas. Howard, New Canaan, Conn. 132 Hoyt, James P., St. Petersburg, Fla. 144 Hoyt, John L., Hudson, O. 372 Hubbard, Charles L., Arlington, Mass. 1868 Hubbard, David B., Middletown, Conn. 130 Hubbard, George H., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Hubbard, George H., Haverhill, Mass. 246 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 531 Hubbard, Horace L., Binghamton, N. Y. 1879 fHubbard, Thomas S., deceased, 27 Hubbard, W. B., Centerbrook, Conn. 126, 480 Hubbell, Fred M., Mayville, N. D. 362 fHubbell, Henry L, deceased. Huckel, Oliver, Baltimore. Md. 232, 484 Hudson, Alan, Brockton, Mass. 238 IHudson, Alfred S., deceased, 27 Hudson, Dorr A., N. Chelmsford, Mass. 240 Huelster, Anton, Michipcan City, Ind. 182 Huelster, Edward W., Homer, N. Y. 342 Huelster, William, Elcin, 111. 1866 Huffman, S. J., Aurelia, la. 186 Huget, J. Percival, Galesburg, III. 7, 170 Hughes, Evan P., Grant's Pass, Ore. 1884 Hughes, Henry R., Plymouth, Penn. 392 Hughes, Hugh P., Woonsocket, R. I. 1891 Hughes, John, Ogd'b'g, R. F. D., N. Y. 1879 Hughes, John E., Murdo, S. D. 406 Hughes, Lewis T., Bangor, N. Y. 336 Hughes, Richard, Holland Patent, N.Y. 342, 344 Hughes, Richard C, Pr.. Ripon, Wis. 85, 1887 Hughes, Robert W., Oskaloosa, la. 1873 Hughes, W. Tanner, Rupert, Vt. 426 Hughey, Thos. J., E. Tallahassee, Ala. 92 Huizinga, Arnold C. P., Hartford, Conn. 1905 Hulbert, Cah-in B., So. Dennis, Mass. 1859 Hulbert, George A., Nutley, N. J. 7, 330 Hulbert, Henry W., P/., Portland, Me. 7, 8, 226 Hulbert, Jay M., Batavia, 111. 162 Huleen, John J., Everett, Wash. 438 Hull, Geo. H., Boothbay Harbor, Me. 218 Hull, Irvine T., Springfield, Mo. 1870 Hull, John H., Frankfort, Mich. 272 Hull, Lyman, Manhattan, Kan. 1872 Hullinger, Frank W., Colorado City, Colo. 118 Hultgren, Peter A., Kewanee, 111. 170 Humberd, Isaac A., Mound City, III. 168 Humby, Stanley M., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 IHume, Edward S., deceased. Hume, Robert A., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Hume, Robert E., A. B. C. F. M. 8, 480 Humfreys, John, Angola, Ind. 182 Humphrey, Robert, Dighton, Mass. 240 Humphrey, Wm. B., 136 E. 17th st., N. Y. Citv, 1896 Humphreys, Oliver M., Milford. Neb. 310 Humphreys, Thos. A., Taylor, Penn. 392 Hungerford, Edward, Burlington, Vt. 430 Hunnewell, Frank S., Reading, Mass. 256 Hunsberger, Bvron K., A. B.C. F. M. 480 Hunt, Arthur C., W. Brooksville, Me. 7, 220 Hunt, Emerson L.,A/j/., Charlestown, JIass.1894 Hunt, Eugene F., Maynard, Mass. 250 Hunt, Henry W., Romeo, Mich. 278 Hunt, Theo. C, Rice\al!e, la. 194, 198 Hunt, William S., Pocattello, Ida. 160 Hunter, Hamilton D., Carthage, Mo. 300 Hunter, J. D., Chicago, 111. 164 Hunting, Harold B., Rochester, Wis. 456 Huntington, Charles W., Toledo, O. 87. 376 Huntington, Geo., Pf., Northfield, Minn. 1864 *Huntington, Geo. H., Milton, Mass. 7 Huntington, Henry S., Constantinople, Turkey, 250 Huntlev, Abi T., Templeton, S. D. 1892 Huntley, Sanford F., Templeton, S. D. 1886 Hurd, Alva A., Preston, Ida. 1872 Hurd, Edwin T., West Charleston, Vt. 422 Hurd, Favette, Springfield, Mo. 1863 Hurlbut, John E., Wapping, Conn. 136 Hurlbut, Wm. H., Gage, Okla. 1893 Hurless, Parker, Bureau, 111. 162 Husband, Charles H., Linwood, Kan. 208 Husted, John T., Grand Rapids, Mich. 266, 276 Hutchins, John R., Litchfield, Conn. 130 Hutchinson, Henry H., Burlington, N. C. 1869 Hutchinson, John F., Flat Rock, Mich. 272, 276, 278 Hutchinson, Wm. A., Granvnlle, 111. 170 Hutton, Milton L., Marion, la. 194 Hyatt, Albert R., Medford, Okla. 380 Hvde, Albert M., Brockton, Mass. 238 Hyde, Charle.s L., Chicago, 111. 1884 Hyde, Forest E., Garnett, I^n. 206 Hyde, Frank B., Wadesboro, N. C. 1896 Hyde, Frederick S., Groton, Conn. 9, 1894 Hyde, Henry, Winchester, Mass. 1882 Hvde, William D., Pt., Brunswick, Me. 85, 485 *Hyden, Green D., Tolt, Wash. 442 Hyslop, James, St. Johns, Mich. 280 laea, Isaac D., Haiku, T. H. 154 Ibanez, Jose M., El Paso, Tex. 416 Ide, Henry C, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 7, 344 *Iden, Alpheus J., Chase, Mich. 1876 Imes, Benjamin A., Prairie, Ala. 1880 *Imes, G. Lake, Nashville, Tenn. 412 Imrie, A. B., Johannesburg, Mich. 274 Inaina, Joseph P., Keokea, T. H. 1888 Ingalls, Edmond C., Colchester, Conn. 126 ringersoU, E. P., deceased, 27 Ingham, J. Edward, St., Topeka, Kan. 53, 1896 Ingraham, Alexander M., Cleveland, O. 1898 *Inouye, R., Seattle, Wash. 442 lorns, Benjamin, Carthage, S. D. 402, 404, 408 Ireland, Edwv S , Richardson, Wash. 1891 Ireland, William F., Gasport, N. Y. 340 Irons, John, Sheldon, Vt. 428 Irwin, Corydon S., Plain City, O. 1874 Isaacs, William J., Sargent, Neb. 314 Isakson, Andrew J., Warren, Penn. 392 Ives, Henry S., Westhampton, Mass. 262 Ives, J. S., Sec,, Hartford, Conn. 48, 54, 87, 124, 484, 485 Ives, Joseph B., Oakland, Cal. 1877 Izard, John, Netawaka, Kan. Jaekman, George W., Madison, W^is. Jackman, Richard H., Oglesby, 111. *Jackson, Brooks, Plains, Mont. 1887 Jackson, E. G. H., Amethyst, Colo. 1904 Jackson, Frank D., Milton, Wis. 308 Jackson, George A., deceased, 27 Jackson, Henry E., Upper Montclair, N.J. 7, 330 Jackson, John A., Columbus, Mont. Jackson, Joseph S., Steubenville O. 1890 Jackson, Samuel N., Burlington, Vt. 1866 Jackson, W. Parkyn, St. Albans, Vt. 426 Jacobs, Herbert H., St., Milwaukee, Wis. 1898 Jacobs, William J., Detroit, Mich. 270 Jacobus,Melancthon W.,P/.,Hartf'd,Ct. 69, 1884 [Jagnow, A. A., deceased, 28 *Jamarik, Paul, Disputantia, Va. 434 James, Allen, Beloit, Ala. 1881 James, Bartlett B., Baltimore, Md. James, Benjamin, Arnot, Penn. 388 James, D. Melancthon, Newton, Mass. 1887 James, George W., Morris, 111. 172 James, Horace P., No. Yakima, Wash. 1880 James, Mrs. Lydia I., Wales, Europe, 198 James, Owen, Fall River, Mass. 242 James T. Illtyd, Wales, Europe, 1885 James, Wm., Brooklvn, N. Y. 344 Jamison, Henry W.,Beresford, S. D, 402, 408 Jamison, Robert W., Sioux City, la. 1881 Janes, Elijah, Campbell, Cal. 1874 Janes, George Milton, Burlington, Mass. 238 Janes, Henry, Newton Falls, O. 374 Jansen, Jacob E., Alvord, la. 7, 186 Jaquith, Charles A., Neligh, Neb. 136 Jefiferies, J., Neb. City, R.F.D.3, Neb. 306, 310 JefTerson, C. E., New York, N. Y. 344 Jeffery, Frank E., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Jelinek, John, Hornestead, Penn. 1892 Jelinek, Joseph, Milwaukee, Wis. 452 *Jelliffe, W. Raymond, Boston, Mass. 8, 236 Jenkins, David, Milwaukee, Wis. 1876 Jenkins, D. Llovd, Los Angeles, Cal. 1868 Jenkins, Da\nd T., Minneapolis, Minn. 290, 296 Jenkins, Frank E., Atlanta, Ga. 48, 61, 485 Jenkins, George C, Richmond, R. F. D. 2, Me. Jenkins, James, Ebensburg, Penn. 388 Jenkins, J. Alex., Cleveland, O. 368 ♦Jenkins, John J., Sharon, R. D. 67, Penn. 1866 Jenkins, Jon. L., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1855 Jenkins, Josiah H., Cincinnati, O. 1S65 Jenkins, Owen, Greenwich, O. 372 Jenkins, R. C, Garvin, Minn. 288 Jenkins, Thomas, Madison, N. Y. 1858 532 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Jenkins, T. P., Dawn, Mo. 300 Jenkins, William M., Lake Beuton, Minn. 290 Jenkyns, Ebenezer H., Falmouth, Me. 222 Jenness, George O., Charlton, Mass. 240 Jenney, E. Winthrop, Ev., Yankton, S. D. 1873 Jennings, Isaac, Bennington Center, Vt. 420 Jennings, Wm. L., Cabot, Vt. 422 Jensen, Chas. J., Elderon, Wis. 1S93, 446 *Jensen, Martin, Murphys, Cal. 1898 Jernberg, R.A.,P/.,744 Monroe st.,Ch'o, 74, 1887 Jertberg, Carl A., Springfield, Mo. 302 Jessee, C. C, 1050 Central pk.av., Ch'ga, 111. 164 Jevne, C. Arthur, Oak Park, 111. 174 Jewell, George C, Iowa City, la. 1874 Jewett, E. H., Hydro, Okla. Jewett, Henry E., Berkeley, Cal. 104 Jewett, John E. B., Pepperell, Mass. 1851 Job, Herbert K., Kent, Conn. 130 Job, Philip A., Carlisle, Mass. 240 Johansen, Bernt, Forest City, la. 1S72 John, John, Chicago, 111. 166 Johns, Reading B., Enfield, N. C. 1886 Johnson, Albion H., Roslindale, Mass. 246 Johnson, Ansel E., Monrovia, Cal. 114 Johnson, Arthur W., Taylor, Neb. Johnson, B. Otto, Collinsville, Conn. 126 Johnson, Calvin C., Ev., Harrison, Ark. 1886 Johnson, Christian S., Osseo, Wis. 454 Johnson, Eugene A., Philadelpliia, Penn. 7, 390 Johnson, Francis H., Andover, Mass. 1861 Johnson, Frank A., New Milford, Conn. 9, 1871 Johnson, George H., Swampscott, Mass. 260 Johnson, George H., New Milford, Conn. 132 Johnson, Harry W., Washington, D. C. 1896 Johnson, H. T., R.F.D.l,Andersonville, Ga. 148, 149 Johnson, James, Sedgwick, Kan. 210 Johnson, John A., Lynn, Mass. 248 Johnson, John E., Pigeon Cove, Mass. 256 *Johnson, John M., Gallup, N. M. Johnson, J. Wesley, St. Louis, Mo. 1859 Johnson, John Wm., Hinsdale, 111. 1904 Johnson, Ludwig, New Haven, Conn. 132, 133 Johnson, Nels E., Providence, R. I. 398 Johnson, P. Adelstein, Sec, Grinnell, Ia.48,1898 Johnson, Samuel, New Haven, N. Y. 1856 Johnson, Samuel M., jr.. Friendship, N. Y. 344 Johnson, Thos. L., Middletown, Ga. 1903 Johnson, William, Mead\alle, Mo. 300 *Johnson, Wm.H.,1419 Medell av.,Ch'o, 111.1902 Johnson, William J., Springfield, 111. 176 Johnson, William L., Lexington, Ky. 214 Johnson, William N., Lakeside, Wash. 1898 Johnston, Frank L., Kansas Citv, Mo. 300 Johnston, John B., Crystal Lake, 111. 168 Johnston, L. H., Norwood, N. Y. 344 Johnstone, Wm. G., Western Canada, 1892 Jolly, Franklin P., Joliet, 111. 1897 Jones, Abram R., Alexandria, O. 366, 376 Jones, Albert N., Turner, Me. 1872 Jones, Burton H., Oswego, Ore. 1897 Jones, Carl S., Detroit, Mich. 7, 270 Jones, Chas. A., St., Hackensack, N. J. 485 Jones, Charles W., Wyandotte, Mich. 266 Jones, Clinton M., W. Woodstoclc, Conn. 140 Jones, David, Scranton, Penn, 392 Jones, David C, Coolville, O. Jones, David E., Ellington, Conn. 128 Jones, D. Jerome,7'.,164 42d pl.,Ch'go, 111. 1844 Jones, D. Todd, Reading, Kan. 1866 Jones, Edward I., Cincinnati, O. 1862 Jones, Ernest, Viola, Wis. 450, 452, 458 [Jones, Franklin C, deceased, 28 Jones, Frederick V., Niles, Cal. 106 Jones, George, Meadville, Penn. 390 Jones, Geo. Jas., Oak Hill, O. Jones, Gustavus W., Winchendon, Mass. 262 Jones, Harry H., New Smyrna, Fla. 144 Jones, Homer, Rust, La. 216 Jones, Howard M., Kalamazoo, Mich. 274 Jones, Hugh, Neath, Penn. 1896 Jones, Hugh W., Delta, Penn. 1894 Jones, Idrvs, Be%'ier, Mo. 300 Jones, Ira B., Toledo, O. 1879 Jones, J. Twyson, Ebensburg, Penn. 388 Jones, James A., Sedalia, N. C. 352, 354 Jones, James A., W. Pittston, Penn. 392 Jones, James L., Stewarsville, Minn. 294 Jones, James V., Carroll, Neb. 306 Jones, James V., Pittsburg, Penn. 390 Jones, Jay J., Douglas, Wyo. 460 [Jones, John A-, deceased. Jones, John B., Sharon, Penn. 392 *Jones, John D., Spokane, Wash. 1885 Jones, John E., Pingree, N. D. 358, 362 Jones, J. Lewis, lone, Ore. 384 Jones, John M., Hammond, N. Y. 342 Jones, John P., Fabius, R. D. 1, Ala. 94, 480 Jones, Jonathan, Mazomanie, Wis. 1864 Jones, Marion S., Meridian, Miss. 298 Jones, Morgan P., Shandon, O. 376 Jones, Newton I., Thompson, Conn. 138 Jones, Richard, Herrick, S. D. 404, 408 Jones, Richard M., Portland, Ore. 1867 Jones, R. T., Clinton, la. 198 Jones, Seneca, Suisun, Cal. 1 10 Jones, Spencer L., Winnsboro, S. C. 400 Jones, Thomas, Verdon, Neb. 314 Jones, Trevor C., Durand, Mich. 270 Jones, W. Caradog, Utica, N. Y. 350 Jones, Wm., 4078 76th st., Cleveland, O. 368 Jones, William C, Homestead, Penn. 390 Jones, Wm. H., Hammond, Ind. 1876 Jones, William L., Cloverdale, Cal. 1854 Jones, William M., St. Louis, Mo. 302 Jones, Winfield S., Heath, Ala. 94 Jordan, Albert H., St. Louis, Mo. 302 Jordan, Israel, West Falmouth, Me. 222 Jordan, John W., Shiocton, Wis. 448, 456 Jordan, William H., Wyoming, 111. 1856 Jordan, William T, Ottawa, Kan. 208 Jordan, Wilham W., Clinton, Mass. 240 Jorden, Frank F., Torrington, Conn. 1880 Jorgensen, Theodore, Newm'ns' Gr've, Neb. 312 Josefson, Matthew, 159 St. Ann's av., N. Y. City Josephson,Hans F.,iVf2/.,Cooperstown,N.D. 1895 Josephson, John A., Steuben, Wis. 450, 452, 456 Judah, Solomon B., Esto, Fla. 144,146 Judd, Hubert O., Hiawatha, Kan. 206 Judson, George W., Winsted, Conn. 140 Julien, Matthew C, New Bedford, Mass. 252 Jump, Herbert A., Brunswick, Me. 67, 220 Junkins, Frank A., E. Concord, N. H. 320 Kaai, David, Kalaupapa, T. H. 156 Kaaia, Solomon P., Waianae, T. H. 160 Kaaiakamanu, Da\ad K., Kipahulu, T. H. 156 Kaailua, Solomon K., Keanae, T. H. 156 Kaalouahi, John, Halawa, T. H. 154 Kaauwai, Isaiah K., Kapaa, T. H. 156 Kaeo, Charles W. P., Hookena, T. H. 1901 Kahooio, Daniel, Laupahoehoe, T. H. 1890 *Kakani, Lyons K., Hana, T. H. 1897 Kalaidjian, Mihran T., New Haven, Conn. Kalaiwua, W. M., Kailua, T. H. 1884 Kalev, John A., No. Ridgeville, O. 374 Kalino, John, Paia, T. H. 158 Kamakawiwoole, C. M., Honokaa, T. H. 154 Kamau, William, Pahoa, T. H. 156 Kambour, Gabriel B., Lower Waterford, Vt. 428 Kamoku, Job N., Waiohinu, T. H. 7, 158 Kantner, William C, Seattle, Wash. 440 Kapali, David, Moanalua, T. H. Kapu, Samuel, Lahaina, T. H. 1888 *Kashiba, Sahuro, Oberlin, O. 7 Kasson, Frank H., Ed., Wellfleet, Mass. 260 Kauaolalena, Geo.Masaka.Honokohau.T.H. 154 Kaufifman, D. C, Wadhams Mills, N. Y. 350 Kauhane, John, Waiohinu, T. H. 1864 Kaulili, Solomon K.. Lihue, T. H. 156 Kaumeheiwa, Lincoln B., My., Hana, T. H. 154 Kauwealoha, Samuel, Uapou, T. H. Keagy, Franklin W., Lewis, la. 194 Keala, John, Hookena, T. H. 154 Kealoha, Moses C, Kohala, T. H. 1897 Kebbe, David L., So. Dartmouth, Mass. 240 Kedzie, William R., Pontiac, Mich. 7, 278 Keedy, Edward E., Cumberland Mills, Me. 230 Keedy, John L., No. Andover, Mass. 252 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 533 Keeler, Arza B., Henry, S. D. COO, 402, 404 Keeler, Ernest M., Loomis, S. D. 406 Keeler, John AV., Roscoe, K. Y. 348 Keeler, Seneca M., Danbury, Conn. Keeling, Geo. P., Denver, 111. 168, 178 Keeling, James H., Deer River, N. Y. 340 Keene, Josiah L., Kellocg, Ida. 160 Kekahuna, Joseph K., naianae, T. H. Kekuewa, Samuel W., Kohala, T. H. 1878 Keliipio, Levi D., Waiialua, T. H. 154 Keller, Charles E., Coolville, O. 1904 ♦Keller, Ezra, Ontario, 111. Keller, Lewis H., Fond du Lac, Wis. 450 Kellev, A. C, Sherrard, 111. 7, 176 Kelley, Frederic I., ]:ast Derry, N. H. 320 Kelley, Georse W., Portland, Me. 1872 Kellev, Samuel E., Reed City, Mich. 278 KellinRton, Herbert H., Howell's Depot,N.Y.342 Kellner, Charles J., Drummond, Okla. 380, 382 Kellogg, Fred. B., Waterbury, Vt. 428 Kellogg, George N., Morrisville, Vt. 1878 Kellogg, H. Martin, Moosup, Conn. 138 Kellogg, Howard W., Delavan, Wis. 448 Kellogg, Royal J., Bowman, N. D. 356 Kelly, B. D.,San Antonio de los Banos,Cuba, 142 Kelly, E. P., Pigeon Cove, Mass. 256 Kelsey, Henry IL, Hartford, Conn. 128 Kelsev, William, Vernon, Kan. 1876 Kel^^ey, William S., AUston, Mass. 1885 Kelso, Charles C, Columbus, O. 370 Kemp, George H., Oshkosh, Wis. 1880 Kempton, A. Joseph, Addison, Mich. 1901 ♦Kenaston, Ovando V., Butte, Neb. 1872 Kendall, Robert R., Pf., Sanford, Fla. 146 ♦Kendall, Sidney C, Long Beach, Cal. 1883 Keneston, Luther M., Brattleboro, Vt. 420 Keniston, Wm. B., Harpswell, Me. 222 Kennedy, Daniel R., .jr., Suffield, Conn. 138 Kennedy, Wvatt R., Hagan, Ga. 148 Kenney, Charles H., Old Orchard, Me. 1873 ♦Kenney, Mrs. Julia L., Jackman, Me. 1905 Kenngott, George F., Lowell, Mass. 248 Kenniston, George N., Danville, 111. 1890 *Kent, Evarts, Enosburg, Vt. 422 Kent, Laurance G., Kibbie, Mich. 1896 Kent, R. J., 605 Hancock, Brooklyn, N. Y. 336 Kent, Thomas, Boscobel, Wis. 446 Kent, Wm. H., 1151 N. 40 st., Chicago, 111. 166 Kenvon, Frank E., Wauseon, O. 378 Kephart, Harry C, Denver, Colo. 1900 Kephart, Wm. H., New York, N. Y. 52, 344 Kern, Andrew, Inland, Neb. 310 Kern, Herbert A., Reading, Mich. 1886 Kershaw-, John, Braddock, Penn. 388 Ketchen, Chas. P., Wolcott, Conn. 140 Kettle, Joseph B., St. Joseph, Mo. 300, 302 Kettle, William F., Oswego, N. Y. 346 ♦Keyes, Russell M., Ludington, Mich. 1865 Keyser, Cahin, Goshen, Mass. 244 Kidder, Albert A., Los Angeles, Cal. 112 Kidder, Josiah, Westford, Vt. 430 Kidder, Samuel T., Springfield, Mo. 302 Kidder, W. James, Norfolk, Neb. 1858 Kiest, Chas. F., Dongola, 111. 168, 172 Kilbon, Charles W., .Springfield, Mass. 1873 Kilbon, Geo. L. W., A.shton, S. D. 402 Kilbon, John L., Springfield, Ma.<=s. 86, 258 Kilbourn, Henry J., Maiden, Mass. 7, 242 Kilbourn, James K..St. Johnsb'y Cenfer,Vt.l873 Kilburn, Da\nd, Allegheny, Penn. 1884 Kilburne, William, Spring Vallev, 111. 176 Kilgore, Wm. C. J., Wiklwood, Fla. 1892 Killen, John T., Barnesville, Minn. 286 Kimball, Edward P., Waterloo, la. 1852 Kimball, Harry W., So. Wevmouth, Mass. 262 Kimball, Henry S., Trov. N. H. 326 Kimball, Jere., Duluth, Minn. 1891 Kimball, John H., San Mateo, Cal. 108 Kimball, Joseph, Groveland, Mass. 324 KimViall, Lucien C, Chichester, N. H. 318 Kimberly, F. A., Perry Center, N. Y. 346 Kincaid, John, Elbridge, N. Y. 340 ♦Kindred, George W., Seattle, Wash. 1895 King, Christopher C, Atlanta, Ga. 150 King, E. Alonzo, Sandusky, O. 376 King, Henry C, Pr., Oberlin, O. 44, 46, 53, 72, 85, 484, 485 King, Henry D., Kinsman, O. 1856 King, Hines E., Candor, N. C. 1901 King, James H., Ilopkinton, Mass. 1884 King, James Duke, Wilmington, Vt. 422, 430 King, S.W., 244 Willoughby av., B'yn, N.Y. 1889 King, Thomas, A. B. C. F. M. 480 King, Walter D.,Coopers'le, R.D. 3, Mich. 270, 274 King, Willet D., Omaha, Neb. 312 Kingman, Henry, Claremont, Cal. 112 Ivingsbury, Fred L., A'entura, Cal. 116 Kingsbury, J. D., ^7., Bradford, Mass. 1856 Kingsbury, Lucius, Sioux Falls, S. D. 1876 [Kingsbury, William H., deceased, 28 Kinmouth, Albert E., Ledyard, Conn. 130 Kinne, Thornas C, Montague, Mass. 1875 Kinney, George E., Lee, N. H. 322 Kinney, George W., Kalamazoo, R.D. 12, Mich. 270, 284 Kinzer, Addison D., Kent, Wash. 440 Kiplinger, Orville L., Michigan City, Ind. 1897 Kirby, Edward N., Pf., Washington, D. C. 1885 Kirbve, J. Edward, Medina, 0. 374 ♦Kirchner, A. F. C, Granby, Mo. 1905 ♦Ivirker, James K., Do^den, N. D. 7, 358, 364 ♦Kirk, F. Lazarus, Brainerd, Minn. Kirk, Wm. N., Chicago, 111. 7, 164 Kirkland, Hugh, Diamond, Ind. 1900 Kirkland, Lemuel A., Allegheny, Penn. 388 Kirkpatrick, John E., Topeka, Kan. 134 Kirkwood, James, Cromwell, la. 188 Kirkwood, Wm. A., 23 W. 93d st., N. Y. City, 1893 Kirtland, Chas. C, Redwood City, Cal. 108 Kitchel, Cornelius L-.T"., New Haven, Conn. 1870 ♦Kitchen, Thomas A., Corbin, Ky. 214 Kittell, James S., Albany, N. Y. ■ 1902 Kittleson, Glaus, Junction City, Wis. 1877 Klock, Edwin J., No. Stonington, Conn. 134 Klopp, John J., Stanton, Neb. 314 Klose, Wm. H , St. Louis, Mo. 174 Kloss, Charles L., Phila., Penn. 52, 390, 484 Kloss, Daniel, Tempe, Ariz. 1860 Knapp, Chas. E., Williamsfield, O. 378 Knapp, George P., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Knapp, George W., Riverton, Neb. 312 Knapp, S., jr., Worcester, Mass. 264 Knappenberger, J. Wm., Niantic, Conn. 134 Knight, Edward H., Pf., Hartford, Conn. 1883 Knight, Frederick T., Northbridge, Mass. 252 Knight, Plutarch S., Salem, Ore. • 386 Knight, Wm. A., Brighton, Mass. 236 Knipe, Samuel, Svkeston, N. D. 1898 Knodell, James R., Portland, Ore. 1879 Knopf, Frank E., Austin, Minn. 86, 286 Knouse, William H., Deep River, Conn. 1859 Knowles, Matthew, Bridgman, Mich. 266, 268 [Knowles, R., deceased, 29 Ivnowlton, Stephen, West Medway, Mass. 1865 Knox, William J., Ithaca, N. Y. 1862 Knudson, Albert L., San Jacinto, Cal. 114, 116 Koch, Chas. E., Philadelphia. Penn. 390 ♦Koch, Johannes, Ritzville, Wash. 1888 Koch, Oscar F., Chandler's Valley, Penn. S3S 3S8 Koehne, J. B., 928 N.48th av.,Chicago,Ill. ^1886 Kokjer, Jordan AI., Creighton, Neb. 308 Kolmos, J. J., 373 W. Hoyne av., Ch'o, 111. 164 Kopa, George L., Kohala, T. H. 156 Kovac, Andrew, Alleghenv, Penn. 388 Kozielek, Paul, Detroit, Mich. 1905 Kraemer, Julius H., Hav Springs, Neb. 310 Kraft, Oscar H.,P/.,648 Park av., Ch'go, 111. 166 ♦Krause, Frederick C, Douglas, AlasKa, 1899 Krey, Martin, St. Louis, Mo. 1891 ♦Ivroh, Philip H., Anna, 111. 1863 Krom, Asbury E., Providence, R. I. 398 Krum, John P., Kingsville, O. 1889 Kuhl, Edw. P., McLean. 111. 172 Kuikahi, Moses, Waikane, T. H. 158 534 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Kyle, Robert J., Gilead, Conn. 12S, 130 Kyte, Joseph, Abington, Conn. 124 Labaree, John C, So. Dennis, Mass. 240 Lacey, Albert T., Bloomington, Wis. 446 Lackey, Carson P., States\'ille, N. C. 354 *La Cour, Paul L., Jonesboro, Tenn. 1894 Ladd, George E., Red Oak, la. 198 Ladd, George T., P/., New Haven, Conn. 1870 Lade, James, Bristol, N. H. 318 Laird, James H., Hinsdale, Mass. 246 Lake, George E., Chelsea, Vt. 422 Lamb, Alonzo T., Plainfield, Mass. 1893 Lamb, Henry, Bridport, Vt. 420 Lamb, Samuel G., Etiwanda, Cal. 112 Lamb, William A., Ixjs Angeles, Cal. 1874 Lamb, William A., Pitts, Ga. 150 Lambert, A. E., T., Framingham, Mass. 1896 Lambly, Morley, Jennings, La. 216 Lambrecht, John, Howard City, Mich. 270, 274 Lamont, John M., Dublin, N. H. 1906 Lancaster, E. G., Pr., Olivet, Mich 1889, 85 Landers, Warren P., Westport, Conn. 140 Lane, Bradford B., JIaxwell, la. 1869 Lane, John W., North Hadley, Mass. 244 Langdale, Thomas G., Tewksbury, Mass. 260 Lange, J. G., My., New Mexico, 1885 Lanphear, Nath'l D., Olivet, Mich. 1876 Lanphear, Walter E., Mansfield Center, Ct. 130 *Lansborough, John F., Granville, N. D. 1900 Laporte, Charles R., Bliss, Ida. 1896 Lappala, Risto, Harbor sta., Ashtabula, O. 7, 366, 367 Larisy, William F., Waycross, Ga. 152 Larke, Edmund, Baglev, Minn. 286 Larkin, J. Wallace, Stockham, Neb. 308 Larkin, Ralph B., Oberlin, O. 372 Larkin, William J., Austin, Tex. 416 Larry, John H., Providence, R. I. 396 Larson, Anton, Jamestown, N. Y. 1896 Larson, Anton R., Lake Preston, S. D. 406 Larson, Ernst R., Georgetown, Conn. 1905 Larson, Karl F. [Mo.] 1872 Lash, Abraham H., Bangor, Mich. 266 Lash, James H., Rialto, Cal. 114 Latham, Ernest R., McPherson, Kan. 208 Lathe, Herbert W., Prescott, Ariz. 100 [Lathrop, Chas. A., deceased. Lathrop, Edward A., Trvon, N. C. 354 Lathrop, Stanley E., Ashland, Wis. 452, 456 Lathrop, William G., Shelton, Conn. 136 Latimer, J. N., Washington Mills, N. Y. 350 Lavender, James M., Friendship, Wis. 450, 452, 458 Lavender, Robert F., Newton, la. 202 Lawall, Wm. H, 475 Pacific st., B'k'n, N. Y. 338 Lawless, Alfred, jr., New Orleans, La. 216 [Lawrence, George W., deceased, 29 Lawrence, Harry A., Pulaski, N. Y. 346 Lawrence, John A., Marshfield, Vt. 1894 *Lawrence, WTiitnev L., Hollywood, Cal. 1903 Lawson, Carl O., Bfattleboro, Vt. 1906 Lawson, Francis F., Alhambra, Cal. 1847 Lawson, Harvey M., Brookfield, Mass. 238 Lawson, W. Ellsworth, City of Mexico, 1897 Lawton, Robert, So. Gardiner, Me. 222 Lay, Corliss W., Sec, Kewanee, 111. 1890 Laybourn, George M., Udall, Kan. 210 Layfield, Robt. L., Er., Kansas City, Kan. 1891 Leach, Adoniram J., Reading, Mass. 1889 Leadingham, John, Pomona, Cal. 1887 Learned, Dwight W., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Leary, William A., Platteville. Wis. 454 Lea\-itt, Ashley D., Concord, N. H. 320 Leavitt, Burke F., Belmont, M.ass. 236 Leavitt, Frederick W., Franklin, Neb. 312 Leavitt, George R., Beloit, Wis. Lea^dtt, Horace H., Somer^^lle, Mass. 1873 LeBar, Wm. H., Pf., Hildreth. Neb. 316 LeBosquet, John E., Turners Falls, Mass. 250 Ledin, Charles J., Ishpeming, Mich. 1895 Lee, Dorrall, Blackstone, Mass. 236 Lee, Frank T., Topeka, Kan. 1877 Lee, G. Stanley, Northampton, Mass. 1888 Lee, Herbert A., St., Weiser, Ida. 53 Lee, Israel S., Pittsburg, Penn. 7, 390 Lee, Lucius O., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Lee, Phineas B., Sta. B., Topeka, Kan. 54, 210 Lee, Samuel H., Pr., Springfield, Mass. 1862, 85 Lee, Theodore S., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Lee, Vinton, Onawa, la. 196 Leeds, Paul, Ivinder, La. 214 Leeds, Samuel Penn, Hanover, N. H. 322 Leeper, Edward A., Ft. Recovery, O. 370 Lees, John W., Marshfield Hills, Mass. 250 Leete, William W., New Haven, Conn. 52, 132 Leggette, Thomas, St. Charles, 111. 182, 183 *Legler, Carl, Fresno, Cal. 106 [Legler, Jacob, deceased. Lehtinen, Franz, Ashtabula, O. 1889 Lekelesa, John S., Kamuela, T H. 1903 Leichliter, Albert M., Spencer, la. 1891 Leleiwi, James B. K., Hanapepe, T. H. 1892, 9 Lemkan, August, Fairmount, Neb. 308 Lemmon, Charles H., Cleveland, O. 370 Lemmon, Wm. G., Guthrie, Okla. 1902 Lemoine, Chas., Kennebunk, R.F.D., Me. 1875 Lennox, Alexander, Port Huron, Mich. 278 Leonard, Arthur E., Menasha, Wis. 452 Leonard, Arthur T., T., Columbus, O. 1905 Leonard, Delavan L., Oberlin, O. 1863, 59 [Leonard, Edwin, deceased. [Leonard, Seneca, deceased, 29 Leppert, David, Portland, Ore. 1896 Le Roy, Albert E., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Lesher, Everett, Owatonna, Minn. 292 Leslie, Wm. W., Ashtabula, R. D. 2, O. 1892 Leverett, Theodore L., Rensselaer Falls, N.Y.346 Le^ack, Stephen, Wichita, Kan. 1869 Lewis, Alex., Kansas City, Mo. 300, 484 Lewis, Daniel M., Peirce City, Mo. 302 Lewis, David M., Blocton, Ala. 1885 Lewis, Edwin J., Valley City, N. D. 9, 364 Lewjs, Everett E., Haddam, Conn. 128 Lewis, Franklin C, Rock Springs, Wyo. 460 Lewis, Frank F., Chillicothe, 111. 168 Lewis, George, South Berwck, Me. 228 Lewis, Henry, New York, N. Y. 1896 Lewis, Jacob H., Freeland, Mich. 1863 Lewis, James M., Sandwich, 111. 176 Lewis, John R., Huntington, Mass. 246 *Lewis, John M., White Salmon, W^ash. 1896 Lewis, J. R., Wolcott, Vt. 1901 Lewis, Lewis E., Lisle. N. Y. 338, 342 Lewis, Thomas E., Cleveland, O. 368 Lewis, Thomas G., San Juan, Cal. 108 Lewis, Thos. J., Abington, Mass. 7, 234 Lewis, Thos. S., So. Hartford, N. Y. 348 Lewis, Watson, L., Whitewater, Wis. 458 Lewis, William, Martin's Ferry, O. 374 [Lewis, William, deceased. Lewis, William D., Johnstown, Pa. 390 Libby, Edgar H., Chicago, 111. 164 Libby, Frederick J., Magnolia, Mass. 244 Lich, John, Sutton, Neb. 1885 *Lich, Peter, Martin, No. D. 1893 Life, Robert H., Havdenville, Mass. 262 Liggett, Geo. A., Richmond Hill, N. Y. 346 Light, Nestor, So. Coventry, Conn. 136 Liljengren, Adolph, Middletown, Conn. 130 Lil.ienstein, Jonas P., New London,Conn.l32, 134 *Lillback, J. E., Quincy, Mass. 7 Lillie, Isaac B., Hudsonville, Mich. 274 Linaberry, William L., Philadelphia, Penn. 1892 Lincoln, Clarence A., St. Louis, Mo. 9, 302 Lincoln, George E., EastGranby, Conn. 126, 127 Lincoln, Howard A., Dorchester, Mass. 220, 222 Lincoln, William E., Paines\-ille, O. 1866 Lind, Nels Johan, M%j., Chevenne, N. D. 1897 Lindegren, Oscar, My., E. Boston, Mass. 1893 *Linden, Archibald W., Nashua, la. Lindh, Eric I., Pawtucket, R. I. 398 Lindholm, Frank A., Lowell, Mass. 248 Lindholm, Lambert T., Woodstock, Conn. 140 Lindquist, August J., Du Bois, Penn. 1899 Lindsay, Alex. H., Franklin, N. Y. 340 Lindsay, George, Ottumwa, la. 1882 Lindsay, Robert S., York, Neb. 316 Lindsay, Wilfred, Rochester, Mich. 278 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 535 ,0 286, 292 260 1S76 1876 1905 236 1863 Lindsley, Edwin E., Wadena, Minn. *Lindstroni, Peter, Waltham, Mass. Link, Frederick W., Jefiferson, R. F. D. Linkletter, Elihu, Benzonia, Mich. ♦Lister, Stanley R., Little, Arthur, Dorchester, Mass. ♦Little, Joseph B., Middlebury, Conn. Little, Wilbur G., Sanborn, la. Livingston, S. T., Hartford, Conn. Livingston, Thomas, Middletown, N. Y. 342 Livingston, William W., Jaffrey, N. H. 322 Livingston, Herbert R., Newport, Wash. 440 Livingston, T. Steph. T., Bridgton, Me. 220 ♦Lloyd, Jordan, Savannah, Ga. 1894 Lloyd, Rhvs R., 821 Sunnvside av., Co, 111. 1887 Llovd, William, 359 W. 57th st., New York,1881 Llovd,Wm.A.,258.5Hern)itoge av.,C'go, 111. 1862 Loba, Jean F., Pasadena, Cal. 9. 46, 114, 484 Locke, J. Frank, Long Prairie, Minn. 294 Locke, Robert J., Ottumwa, la. 196 Locke. Robert L. Binger, Okla. 380 Locke, William E., Welleslev, Mass. 1868 ♦Lockett, J. H., 85SIEdKewaterav., Ch'go, 111. Lockhart, Burton'W., Manch'st'r, N. H. 324 Lockwood, George, Glenolden, Penn. 3S8 Lockwood, John H., Springfield, Mass. 2C0 Lockwood, John W. H., Edmonds, Wash. 1871 Loder, Achilles L., Thetford, Vt. 1877 Lodwick, William, Hartford, Wis. 450 Logan, George^A., Wells, Me. 230 Lombard, Frank A., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Lombard, Herbert E. Rowley,R.F.D. Mass. 252 London, Joseph N., Chandler Springs, R. D. 1, Ala. 1883 Long, Byron R., Ashtabula, O. 366 Long, Clarence W., Ovid, Mich. 278 Long, Frederick W., Huron, S. D. 406 Long, George O., Crarv, N. D. 356 Long, Henry B., Cleveland, O. 7, 368 Long.Henry H.,1186 9th st.,DesMoines, la. 1869 Long, Joseph B., Perris, Cal. 114 Long, J. Hall, Vergennes, Vt. 1903 Long, Luther K., Calumet, Mich. 268 Long, Nicholas M., Memphis, Tenn. 412 Long, Samuel, Midland City, R. D. I.Ala. 94, 96 Long, Samuel A., Bvron, 111. 162 Long, William J., Stamford, Conn. 1899 Longfellow, Charles H., Pasadena, Cal. 1896 Longnecker, G. W., Minot, N. D. 358, 362 Longren, Charles W., Longmont, Colo. 1887 Lono, William N., Honolulu, T. H. 154 Loomis. Alba L. P.. Randolph, Wis. 456 Loomis, Charles W., Ashbv, Mass. 234 Loomis, Eli R., Olympia, Wash. 1878 Loomis, Elihu, Centerville, Mass. 1851 Loomis, Henry, Middletown, N. Y. 1859 Loomis, Samuel L., Bedford, Mass. 1880 Loos, Geo., South Milwaukee, Wis. 456 Loos, William, Davenport, la. 190 Lord, Albert J., Meriden, Conn. 130 Lord, John M., Wevmouth, Mass. 1851 Lord. Orlando M., Auburn, N. H. 318 Loring. Levi, Pasadena. Cal. 1863 Losey. John B.. Omaha, Neb. 312 Lothrop. Charles D., Los Angeles, Cal. 1854 Loud. Halah H., Lynnfield Center, Mass. 248 Loud, Oliver B., Box 231, Lawton, Okla. 8, 380 Love, A L.. New York, N. Y. 1879 Love. George W.. W. Springfield, Mass. 262 Love, William D., Hartford^ Conn. 130 Lovejoy, George'^E., Lawrence, Mass. 248 Lovejoy,O.R., 24 9th av.,N.Mt. Vn, N. Y. 1895 Lovejoy, Wallace W., Oakland, Cal. 1880 Loveless, Evan J., Heflin, R. F. D. 5, Ala. 94 I>ovell, Charles N., Manchester, Conn. 130 Levering, Joseph F., Somerville, Mass. 1880 Low, Warren F., Georgetown, Mass. 244 Lowe, C. Marshall, Cole Camp, Mo. 300 Lower. David M., Webster, la. 192, 200 Lowry, Oscar, Ev., Cedar Falls, Ta. 1902 Luark. Marcellus J., Montesano. Wash. 1890 Lucas, Burton A., Lynn, Mass. 248 Lucas, Oramel W., Berkelev, Cal. 104 Luce. Mrs. Emma B., Etna Mills, Cal. 104 Luce, Frank L., Dorchester, Mass. 238 Luce, Fred L., Cazenovia, N. Y. 346 Luce, Irving J., Etna Mills, Cal. 104, 106, 108 Luce. Silas P.. Kewaunee, Wis. 450 Luce, T. Claire, Dalton, Mass. 1886, 9 Luck, Charles W.. Weiser. Ida. 1887 Luckenbach, Harv. A., No. Yakima, Wash. 440 Luckey, Frank R,, New Haven, Conn. 132 Luethi, Louis J., Cleveland, O. 370 Luke, Joshua C, Carbondale, Penn. 388 Lundgren, Carl A., Joliet, 111. 1893 ♦Lunquist, David, Busti, N. Y. 1893 Lunsford, Charles P., Bear Creek, Ala. 1894 Lusty, Geoge, Oriskany Falls, N. Y. 1888 Luter, Elvis D., Wildwood, Fla. 144 Lutera, Martin, Makena, T. H. 156, 58 Luther, Clair F.. Providence, R. I. 398 Lutz, Adam R.. Bloomfield, Conn. 124 Luxford, Frederick W., Buffalo. N. Y. 1879 Lydgate, John M., Lihue, T. H. 156 Lyle, Andrew J., Oakwood, Ga. 150 Lyman, Albert J., Brooklyn, N. Y. 336, 485 Lyman, E. Fenn, Great Falls, Mont. 304 Lyman, Eugene W., P/., Bangor, Me. 1901, 65 Lyman, Frederick B., Fair Haven, Mass. 242 Lyman, Harvey A., Eales, S. D. Lyman, Henrietta C, Madison, Wis. 1896 Lyman, Henry M., Er., Covert, Mich. 270 Lyman, Jos. B., Pittsfield, N. H. 324 Lyman, Payson W., Fall River, Mass. 242 Lyman, Wm. D.. Pf., Walla Walla, Wash. 1904 Lynch, Frederic, New York, N. Y. 52, 344 Lynd, S. Edward, Berkeley, Cal. 1895 Lynde, Charles E., Manchester, la. 7, 194 Lyon, Asa P., 70 St.James pi., B'kl'n, N. Y. 1863 Lyon, Clarence C, Haddam Neck, Conn. 128 Lyon, F. Emorv, 634.Unitv Bldg.,Ch'go, 111 1891 Lyon, Jas. H., Central Falls, R. I. 48, 396 Lyon, Wilford H., Wheaton, 111. 1895 Lyons, Eli C, Minneapolis, Minn. 292 Lytle, James A., No. Middleboro, Mass. 250 Maar, Frederick H., Oakland, Cal. 106 Macallum, Frederic W., A. B. C F. M. 480 See Mc MacAyeal, Howard S., Akron, O. 366 MacBriar, Thomas, Brookline, Mass. 1890 MacCallum, Hugh, Walpole, Mass. 260 MacColl, Alex., Morristown, N. J. 1897 MacColl, John A., Providence, R. I. 398 MacDonald, Dun. B., Pf., Hartford, Conn. 69 ♦MacDonald, J.J., 125 St. M'k's pi., N. Y. City, 1896 MacFadden, Robert A., Danvers, Mass. 1896 Macfarland, Chas. S., So. Norwalk, Conn. 136 MacGeehon, Seldon E., Southampton, Mass. 258 Mack, Charles A., Oberon, N. D. 356, 358, 362, 364 Mack, J. A., 821 Warren av., Chicago, 111. 1860 Mackay, Charles C, Pro\adence, R. I. 398 Mackenzie, W. D., Pr., Hartford, Conn. 69, 484, 485 Mackintosh, Peter D., Cedar Grove, N. J. 330 MacMahon, Edward T., Cincinnati, O. 368 Maimiman, G. Edw., Spring Valley, N. Y. 7, 348 Macnair, Wm. M., Mansfield, Mass. 250 MacNeill, Samuel M., So. Kaukauna, Wis. 450 MacQiieen, Peter. Charlestown, Mass. 236 Macv, Herbert, Newington, Conn. 132 Madge, Walter W., Oakland, Cal. 107 Madsen, Albert A., Durham, Conn. 7, 67, 126 ♦Madsen, Axel, Jamestown, N. Y. 7 Mage, Alexander, Lowell, Mass. 246, 258 Magee, Carl A., McKeesport, Penn. 7, 390 ♦Maggs, Wm. B., Chase, Kan. 204 Magnus. Daniel H.,P/"., Minneapolis, Minn. 1886 *Mahi. John K., Waimea, T. H. Mahihila, Da^'^d P.. Hanalei, T. H. 154 Mahn, Lawrence W., Lexington, Ky. 1898 Maier, Henry W., New Britain, Conn. 7, 132 Maile, John L.. St., lx)s Angeles, Cal. 48 Mair. William M., T., Sioux Falls, S. D. 1896 ♦Maka, Robert, Waikane. T. H. Makepeace, F. Barrows, Granby, Conn. 128 536 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Malcolm, John W., Berea, O. 36G Mallard, Fraaklin B., Raleigh, N. C. 354 Mallard, John R., Concord, N. C. 352 *Mallard, Julius W., Moncure, N. C. 352 Mallary, R. DeWitt, Housatonic, Mass. 244 *Mallory, Ira O., Otho, la. 196 Mallows, John H., Los Angeles, Cal. 114, 115 Malone, Samuel J., Topeka, Kan. 1896 Manase, Hezekiah, Honolulu, T. H. Manavian, Garabed M., Worcester, Mass. 264 Mank, Herbert G., Lawrence, Mass. 248 Mann, George E., Freedom, Me. 1906 Mann, Wilford E., McGregor, la. 194 Mann, Wm.G., My., Cumberland Mills, Me. 1882 Mannhardt, E., 62 2d st.. New York, N. Y. 1S90 Manning, Frederic W., Nantucket, Mass. 250 Manning, Samuel, Auburn, N. Y. 1866 Manwell, Augustine P., Canton, Mass. 240 Manwell, John P., Whately, Mass. 262 Marcelius, David, Chicago, 111. 1896 March, Daniel, Woburn, Mass. 262 Marcy, Frank L., Milford, Kan. 204, 208 *Marden, Geo. N., Colo. Springs, Colo. 1862 Margetts, Henry G., Chazy, N. Y. Markham, H. F., Elmont, R.F.D. 9, Kan. 1880 Markham, Lucius C, Topeka, sta. B, Kan. 212 Markley, J. Monroe, Denver, Colo. 1894 Marks, Julius, Darlington, Wis. 448 Markwick, Wm. F., Worthington, Mass. 264 Marlow, Richard T., Sapulpa, I. T. 1854 Marsh, Alfred F., Fairfield, la. 200 Marsh, Burton E., Farragut, la. 8, 190 Marsh, Byron F., Daytona, Fla. 144, 146 Marsh, Charles E., Peoria, 111. 174 Marsh, David D., West Hartford, Conn. 68 Marsh, Edward L., Providence, R. I. 9, 398 Marsh, Francis J., Upton, Mass. 1876 Marsh, George, Hammond, La. 216 Marsh, George D., A B. C. F. M. 480 Marsh, Geo. F., Paso Robles, Cal. Marsh, Geo. H., New Richmond, Wis. 454, 456 Marsh, George L., Paso Robles, Cal. 114 Marsh, Hammond L., Eldorado, Kan. 1886 Marsh, Lucien J., Lincoln, Neb. 1904 Marsh, Thomas, Chicago, 111. 1886 Marsh, William B., Tallmadge, O. 1866 Marsh, Wilson J., Albuquerque ,N. M. 334 Marshall, Charles G., Cresco, la. 1900 Marshall, Charles P., Westford, Mass. 260 Marshall, Henry, Rogers, Ark. 102 Marshall, Henry G., Hampton, Conn. 128 Marsland, John, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1877 Marston, Percival F., Chicago, 111. 164 Martin, Albert A., Wauwatosa, Wis. 1886 Martin, A. Edward, West Townshend, Vt. 428 Martin, Benj. F., Galesburg, 111. 170 Martin, Cynl P., Sherman, Tex. 416 Martin, Edwin, Boulder, Colo. 1883 Martin, Everett D., Lombard, 111. 7, S, 172 Martin, George, Garretts\'ille, R.F.D. , 0 . 1882 Martin, George E., Lowell, Mass. 248 Martin, George R., McCall, Ida. 1900 fMartin, Joel, Ev., deceased. Martin, John J., Chicago, 111. 166 Martin, John L., Gait. la. 192 Martin, M. A., Norwalk, Cal. 114 Martin, Samuel A., Doniphan, Neb. 308, 314 Martin, Wm. L., Ridgeville, Ind. 184 Martini, Fritz W., Park Ridge, III. 9, 174 Martyn, Sanford S., Plants^^lle. Conn. 1868 Martyn, William C, Acushnet, Mass. 252 Marvin,F.R., 539 Western av.,Albany,N.Y.1878 Marvin, John P., Oxford, Mass. 254 Marvin, John T., Grinnell, la. 1886 Mason, Charles E., Mountain Home, Ida. 160 Mason, Clarence W., Port Leyden, N. Y. 346 Mason, Edward A., South Bristol, Me. 220 [Mason, Edward B., deceased, 29 Mason, Harry E., Dayton, Wash. 436 Mason, Henry B., Duxbury, Mass. 242 Mason, Horace C, Seattle, Wash. 440 Mason, James D., Waterville, Minn. 292, 296 Mason, John R., Shipsewana, Ind. 182, 184 Mason, O. G., Green Mts., la. 7, 192 Mason, Philip H., Rockton, 111. 176 *Mason, William, Osage City, Kan. 1887 *Mason, Wm., Bryant, S. D. 402 Mathais, Pearl E., Bridgeport, Conn. *Mather, J. Bruce, Denver, Colo. 91 Mathes, George F., Escondido, Cal. 112 Mathews, James L., Deerland, Fla. 462 Mathews, Luther P., Crete, Neb. 1853 Mathews, Robert J., Emporia, Kan. 206 Mathews, Rubert B., Ellsworth, Me. 7, 222 Mathews, S. Sherburne, Roxbury, Mass. 1874 *Mathews, Wm., Racine, Wis. 458 Mathison, Robert L., Rome, N. Y. Matthews, George A., Auburndale, Mass. 1895 Matthews, James T., Plymouth, Penn. 1882 Matthews, John H., Worcester, Mass. 1891 Matthews, Newman, Kane, Penn. 390 Matthews, William D. A., Onarga, III. 1872 Mattson, Bernard G., Mansfield, O. 59, 372 Maurer, Oscar E., E. Barrington, Mass. 244 Maurer, W. Irving, Bridgeport, Conn. Mavromatis, Lazarusk, Chicago, III. 1903 Maxwell, Charles H., A. B.C. F. M. 480 *Maxwell, Thomas, Kamrar, la. 1890 May, Nelson H., Oacoma, S. D. 406, 408 May, Oscar G., Berkeley, Cal. 1870 *May, Thomas F., Kellogg, Ida. 1897 Mayhew, Wilmot M., Highgate Springs, Vt. 1875 *Maynard, Newell C, Newton, Mass. 7, 252 Mayos, Lydia S. Brock, Stafford, Kan. 210 See Mac McAllister, Denis, Philadelphia, Penn. 1898 McAllister, Frank B., Cohasset, Mass. 240 McArthur, W. W., Denver, Colo. 1888 McBride, W. Henry, Bluehill, Me. 218 McCallie, Thos. S., East Lake, Tenn. 412 McCann, Herbert L., Gray, Me. 222 *McCann, Robert J., Knoxville, Tenn. 1897 McCarthy, John, Huntington, W. Va. 434 McCarthy, Samuel R., Spearfish, S. D. 408 McCartney, H. R.,Goffstown, N. H. 320 McChesnev, Jas. H., Grand Marsh, Wis. 1869 McClain, John E., Newton, Kan. 208 McClane, Wm. R., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 McCleary, Owen L., St. Charles, Minn. 294 McClelland, A. Lincoln, Hillsboro, N. D.356, 360 McClelland, R. G., Fredericktown, O. 1881 McClelland, Thomas, Pr., Galesburg, 111. 1882 *McClements, H. J., Hastings, Okla. 1892 *McClure, Edwin S., Portland, Ore. 1901 McColl, Ray J., Peoria, 111. 174 McCollum George T., Chicago, 111. 48 McComas, Henry C, Cambridge, Mass. 1900 McConaughv, Frank C, Kalama, Wash. 438 McConnehev, John R., Fargo, R.F.D.,N.D. 1891 McConnell, Herbert, Grand Rapids, Mich. 272 McConnell, James E., Providence, R. I. 396, 398 McCord, Arcliibald, Taunton, Mass. 260 McCord, Robert L., Lake City, la. 1887 McCorkle, Edward R., Central City, la. 188, 194 McCorkle, Wm. A., Tripoli, la. 200 McCoy, Clifford C, Vinton, La. 1905 McCoy, Robert, Iowa, La. 1906 I McCuilagh, Archibald, Worcester, Mass. 1871 McCullaugh, A. W., Homer City, Penn. 390 McCully, Charles G., Calais, Me. 220 McDermath, Chas. C., Aberdeen, Wash. 436 McDermid, Duncan, Boston, Mass. 1886 McDonald, Alex. P., My., Bar Harbor, Me. 1894 McDonald, Angus M., Bar Harbor, Me. 222 McDonald, James S., Delta, Ala. 94 McDougal, William H., T., Belmont, Cal. 1884 McDougall, George L., Creston, 111. 168 McDowell, C. Spurgeon, Harford, Penn. 388 McDowell, Henry M., Neosho, Mo. 302 McDuffee, Charles B., Three Rivers, Mass. 254 McElhiney, Charles H., Searsport. Me. 228 McElveen, William T., Evanston, 111. 485 McGee, Clyde M., Clinton, Wis. 448 McGiffert, A. C, Pf., U. Sem., New York, 485 McGown, Alfred J., No. Yarmouth, Me. 226 McGrath, Carlos S., Zanesville, O. 378 McGraw, John J., Appleton, Ala. 1889 McGregor, Alex., Whittier, Cal. 116 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 537 McGregor, Duncan, Antwerp, N. Y. 336 McGregor, Ernest F., Clinton, Conn. 67, 126 *McHenry. Arthur C, Cleveland, O. 368 Mclnnes, James S., Seatonville, 111. 176 Mclutire, Oscar G., \V. Woodstock, Conn. 1S86 Mclntire, Wm. A.. Danbv, Vt. 7, 422 Mcintosh, David C, Lanark, Onl. 1886 Mclntyre, Andrew, Coventryville, N. Y. 1868 Mclntyre, Daniel, Townshend, Vt. 428 Mclntyre, James, Buffalo, N. Y. 7, 340 McKay, Charles G., Ashland, .\la. 92 McKay, Henry T., Lineville, R. D. 2, Ala. McKay, Thomas C, New Haven, Conn. 1890 McKee, James H., Westmoreland, N. Y. 350 *McKenney,J.E.,44 Bedford st.,B'st'n,Ms. 1S97 McKenzie, Alexander, CambridKe, Mass. 57, 238 McKenzie, Alex. L., Wiiithrop, Mass. 262 Mclvinley, Charles E., Rockville, Conn. 136 McKinley, George A , Clear Lake, S. D. 402, 408 McKinney, S. T., Cripple Creek, Colo. 118 McKinnon, Norman, Middleboro, Mass. 250 McKnight, Harry C, Coventry, Conn. 126 McKnight, John A., Lowell, Mass. 1893 McKoon, Hosmer, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 1905 McLane, Donald B., Taftville, Conn. 134 McLane, W. R., Alexander, la. McLane, William W., New Haven, Conn. 132 McLaren, J. H., Riverside, Cal. 114 McLaughlin, R. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. 272 McLean, John K., Pr., Berkeley, Cal. 73 McLean, John R., Florence, Ala. 98 McLean, Thomas D., Plymouth, Mass. 1893 McLeod, Andrew J., Andover, Conn. 124 McLeod, Thomas B., Binghamton, N. Y. 1873 McMillan, Hampton, Orange, Tex. 1893 McMillan, Peter, Worcester, Mass, 264 McMillen, W. F.,5cc.,153 LaSaIlest.,Ch'go,I11.53 McNair, David C, Wavne, Mich. 1879 McNeel, Albert W., Madrid, la. 1895 McNeil, William J., Winslow, Me. 230 McNeill, Jerrv E., Moncure, N. C. 354 McQuarrie, Neil P., Key West, Fla. 144 McRae, Isaac, Clay Center, Neb. 308 McRae, Matthew N., Mebane, R. F. D. 2, N C. 352 McRob'erts, Thos. R., Charlotte, Mich. 268 McSkimming, David D., Atwood, Kan. 204, 206 McTier, Neptune H.. Coe, Ga. 148 McWhorter, Andrew T., South Paris, Me. 228 McWilliams, John W., Alva, Okla. 1862 Mead, C. M., New Haven, Conn. 1866 Mead, Elwell O., Mt. Vernon, O. 374 Meader, John R., Lakeport, N. H., 1888 Means, Frederick H., Winchester, Mass. 1893 Means, Oliver W., Springfield, Mass. 258 Mears, Charles L., Reno, Nev. 316 Mechling, George Z., Hamilton, O. 372 Medlar, William H., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 Meek, Stafford W., Yorkville, 111. 178 *Meeker, Chas., 267 Forquer st., Ch'o, 111. 166 Meeker, Jacob E., St. Louis, Mo. 302, 307 Megathlin, Henry G., Wollaston, Mass. 256 Mellish, John H., Day\nlle, Conn. 1855 Melton, Jesse J.. Plant City, Fla. 1892 Menke, Henrv, Westmoreland, Kan. 212 *Mente, Gerhard R., Sandusky, O. 1900 Menzi, Ernest U., Peninsular, R. F. D., O. 376 Mercer, Henrv W., Seattle, Wash. 186.5 Meredith, Robert R., Pasadena, Cal. 114 Merrall, Joseph H., Berkelev, Cal. 1873 Merrell, Edward H.. P/., Ripon, Wis. 1869 Merriam, A. R., Pf., Hartford, Conn. 69 Merriara, Charles L., Derry, N. H. 318, 320 Merriam, C. W., Greenfield, Mass. 244 Merriam, Frank N., Newburyport, Mass. 252 Merriam, George F., Holbrook, Mass. 1865 Merrick. Frank W., Springfield, Mass. 58, 236 Merrick, Solomon G., Miami, Fla. • 1886 Merrill, Adams H., Wolverton, Minn. 1886 Merrill, Benjamin B., Skowhegan. Me. 228 Merrill, Charles C. Winchendon, Mass. 8, 262 Merrill, Chas. H., Sec, St. Johnsburv, Vt. 48 Merrill, Charies W., Saratoga. Cal. 110 Merrill, Fred. G., No. Wevmouth, Mass. 7, 262 Merrill, George A., Foxcroft, Me. 222 Merrill, Geo. E., Vermilion, O. 378 Merrill, George P., Newburyport, Mass. 252 Merrill, Geo.R.,>.S7.,Minneapolis,Minn. 48, 54, 484 Merrill, Harry E., Fairiee, Vt. 1896 Merrill, Henry A., Wentworth, N. H. 326 Merrill, James G., Pr., Nashville, Tenn. 85, 484 Merrill, John L., Winchendon, Mass. 1860 Merrill, John M., Oberiin, O. 1876 *Mernll, John P., Litchfield, N. H. Merrill, Selah, Jerusalem, 480 Merrill, Truman A., Maiden, Mass. 1858 Merrill, William C, Santa Barbara, Cal. 116 fMerrill, William H., deceased, 30 Merrinian, Daniel, Worcester, Mass. 264 Merrithew, Frank, Ellsworth, la. 190, 194 Merritt, Charles W., Stockbridge. Wis. 448, 456 Merritt, Robert F., Rosendale, Wis. 456 Merritt, William C, Ct., Tacoma, Wash. 1883 Merry, Isaac J., Buxton, Me. 220 Merwin, Nathan T., Milford, Conn. 1865 Meserve, Harry C, Banbury, Conn. 126 Meserve, Howard C., Milford, Conn. 130 Meserve, I. Curtis, San Francisco, Cal. 108 Meserve, Marshall W., San Francisco, Cal. 1908 Meske, Fred L. V., Glencoe, Minn. 288 ♦Messinger, Albert L., Lakeview, N. Y. 342, 344 Metcalf, Arthur, Des Moines, la. 190 Metcalf, Irving W., Oberiin, O. 484 Metcalf, John M. P., Pf., Talladega, Ala. 85 Metcalf, Paul H., Quincy, 111. 1900 Mevis, Lyman, Cotuit, Mass. 234 Mevis, Martin F., Northampton, N. H. 324 *Meyer, John, Wash. 1904 Meyer, Wm. H., Portland, Ore. 7, 384, 386 Meyers, Chas. W., Palestine, Tex. 416 Michael, George, Walker, Minn. 296 Mickels, Peter A., Worcester, Mass. 1902 *Miettienen, Pekka, Maynard, Mass. 7 Milburn, J. A., 2339 Mch'n av., Chi'go, III. 164 Miles, Arthur, Marshall, III. 172 Miles, Harry R., Brattleboro, Vt. 420 fMiles, Thomas'M., deceased. Millar, Morgan, Bridgeport, Conn. 124 Millar, William, Galesburg, Mich. 1892 *Millar, William, Bristol, Vt. 7, 420 Millard, Martin J., Strang, Neb. 1900 Millard, William B., Geneseo, 111. 170 Miller, Albert C, Clark, S. D. 402 Miller, Charles G., Sterling, Kan. 210 Miller, C. Perrv, Alamo, Mich. 266 Miller, Elisha W., Wakefield, Kan. 212 Miller, Eva Kinney, Peoria, III. 1896 Miller, Frances E., Fargo, N. D. 1906 Miller, Frank A., Ev., Elgin, III. 1881 Miller, Geo. A., Syracuse, N. Y. 1859 Miller, Henry G., Lockeford, Cal. 100, 106 Miller, Jason G., Ashburnham, Mass. 234 Miller, Joel D., Ed., Leominster, Mass. 1866 Miller, J. DeWitt, Rochester, N. Y. 1881 Miller, J. Wood, Urbana, 111. 1896 Miller, John W., Pierpont, O. 374 Miller, John X., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Miller, Louis, Destin, Fla. 462 Miller, Paris E., Cumberland Center, Me. 220 Miller, Richard. Janesville, Wis. 1873 Miller, Robert D., Maiden, Mass. 1856 Miller, Samuel, Sherburne, N. Y. 346 Miller, Samuel D., Albany, N. Y. 1895 Miller, S. H., Peoria, 111. 1880 Miller, Thomas C, 572 E. 178th St., N. Y 1889 Miller, William S. A., Ambrose, N. D. 1896 Miller, Willie G., Dorcas, Fla. 144 Millerd, N. A., Grinnell, la. 1861 Millett, Thomas F., Gorham, Me. 1879 Milligan, Henry F., Chicago, Til. 164 Milligan, John A., Oakland, Cal. 1883 Millikan, Silas F., Manuoketa, la. 1860 Milliken, Charies D., Wnimea, T. H. 158 Mills, Augustus W.. Framino-ham, Mass. 1872 Mills, Charies L., W. Terre Haute, Ind. 184 Mills, Charles S., St. Louis, Mo. 302. .348, 352, 484, 485 Mills, Frank E., Hubbardston, Mass. 246 53S Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Mills, George A., Limerick, Me. 1866 Mills, George S., Bennington, Vt. 420 Mills, Harlow S., Benzonia, Mich. 266 Mills, Harry E., Spokane, Wash. 442 Mills, Henry, Canton, 111. 1854 Mills, H. L., 2513 N. 30th st., Omaha, Neb. 86, 312 Mills, Richard B., Bristol, Me. 220 Milne, Alexander, Duluth, Minn. 288 Milne, George, Fontanelle, la. 190, 198 Milne, William B., Roberts, 111. 176 Milstead, Charles A., Calera, Ala. 92, 93 Minchin, William J., Ames, la. 186, 194 Miner, Henry A., Sec, Madison, Wis. 54, 46 Minnis, Thomas W., Christopher, Wash. 436 Mintier, James H., Polk, la. 198 Minty, William A., Lansing, Mich. 274 Mirick, Edward A., Wahpeton, N. D. 1869 Miskovsky, Louis F., Pf., Oberlin, O. 1S91, 59, 72 Mitchell, Charles L., Winchester, Mass. 1871 Mitchell, Edwin K., Pf., Hartford, Conn. 69 Mitchell, Frank, Vanderbilt, ftlich. 266, 282 Mitchell, Fred G., Los Angeles, Cal. 1893 Mitchell, George A., Oak Park, 111. 1889 Mitchell, George W., Chadron,Neb. 308 Mitchell, James J., Mex. 1885 Mitchell, J. Lee, Attleboro, Mass. 234 Mitchell, J. Spencer, Munnsville, N. Y. 344 Mitchell, William, Detroit, Mich. 1857 Mix, Clifton H., Worcester, Mass. 264 Mix, Eldridge, Grand Rapids, Mich. 1S60 Moats, John W., Pownee, Okla. 1885 Moe, William C. H., No. Pomfret, Vt. 7, 426 Moffatt, T. Aird, Newark, N. J. 330 Mohr, Albert G., New York City, 338 Mohr, Charles A., Silverton, Colo. 1901 Mohr, Ursinus O., Branchville, Conn. 1887 Molander, Conrad M., Crompton, R. I. 396 Moncol, A. J., Braddock, Penn. 388 Monosmith, Albert W., Scappoose, Ore. 384 Monro, Egbert N., Westfield, Mass. Monroe, Alex., Albion, 111. 162, 178 Monroe, Thomas E., Akron, O. 366 Monson, Azel J., No. Granby, Conn. 128 ♦Montgomery, Da\-id W., Wash., D. C. 1893 Montgomery, G. R., Pf., Northfield, Minn. 1901 [Montgomery, J. A., deceased, 30 *Montgomery, R. J., Detroit, Minn. Moody, Calvin B., Bristol, Conn. 124 Moon, Francis, Chiltonville, Mass. 1880 Moon, Hiram E., Portland, Ind. 1891 Moon, Orrin D., David City, Neb. 1891 Moor, David G., Odell, 111. 174 Moore, Adna W., Colorado Springs, Colo. 118 Moore, Albert W., Lynn, Mass. 1873 Moore, Arthur A., Brandon, Wis. 446, 456 Moore, Charles A., Bangor, Me. 218 Moore, Charles A., Davenport, la. 190 Moore, Charles D., Des Plaines, 111. 168 Moore, Daniel M., Orange, Mass, 1880 Moore, Edson J., Hill, N. H. 322 Moore, Ed. C, Pf., Cambridge, Mass. 44, 63, 65 Moore, Edward W., Wiscasset, Me. 230 Moore, Frank L., Chej^enne, Wyo. 460 Moore, Gainer P., Battle Creek, Mich. 1889 Moore, Geo. F., Pf., Cambridge, Mass. 1876 Moore, George W^ My., Nashville, Tenn. 1877 Moore, John F., Clear Lake, la. 188 Moore, John K., Orange, Mass. 254 [Moore, John Wright, deceased, 30 Moore, Lewis B., Pf., Washington, D. C. 142 Moore, Nathaniel S., Newfane, Vt. 426 Moore, Newton, Wellington, R. D., O. 366, 376 Moore, Rob't G., Dixon, 111. 168 Moore, W. Howard, la. 1903 Moore, William, Wyoming, 111. 178 Moore, William A., Pittsburg, Penn. 1872 Moore, William E. B., Scotland, Conn. 1865 *Moore, William N., West Branch, Mich. 1S94 Moorland, Jesse E., Sec.,Wash'gton, D. C. 1891 Morach, Jacob, Fairfax, S. D. 404 Morain, Jesse L., Barstow, Cal. 1905 More, Edwin, Tacoma, R.F.D. 3, Wash. 440 Morehouse, D. A., Hancock, N. H. 322 Moorhouse, Ezra S., Kalamazoo, Mich. 1894 Morehouse, Geo. E., Brainerd, Minn. 286- Moreland, Mary L., Chicago, 111. 1889 Morey, Lewis W., Putney, Vt. 426' Morgan, Charles, Hampton, Conn. 1862 Morgan, Chas. L., Elgin, 111. 168, 485 Morgan, David D., Wales, 1901 [Morgan, Edward, deceased, 30 Morgan, John W , Chester, N. J. 330 *Morgan, Thos. B., Wales, 1906 Morley, John H., Springfield, Vt. 428 Morris, Ebenezer J., Wilkesbarre, Penn. 394 Morris, George, Alameda, Cal. 1860 Morris, Maurice B., Sec., St. Paul, Minn. 294 Morris, O. Lloyd, Kingston, Penn. 388 Morris, Samuel T., Grand Rapids, Mich. 272 Morrison, George M., Pasadena, Cal. 114 [Morrison, Nath. J., deceased, 30 Morrison, Thomas, New Hill, N. C. 1894 Morrison, William H., Telluride, Colo. 1902 Morrow, Cornelius W., Pf., Nashville, Tenn. 412 Morrow, Horace E., T., Rapid City, S. D. 1886 Morse, A.L.,ilf2/.,3548 S.Rockwell st., C'go, 1884 [Morse, Chas. E., deceased. Morse, Charles F., St. Johnsbury, Vt. 1856 Morse, Charles H., St. Johnsbury, Vt. 1884 Morse, Edgar L., Fontana, Wis. 450 Morse, Henry H., Danbury, Conn. 1888 Morse, James M., Selma, Ala. 98 Morse, Warren, Brewer, Me. 220 Morson, Robert R., Yarmouth, Me. 230- Morss, George H., Stowe, Mass. 1864 Morton, George F., Itasca Lake, Minn. 1892 Morton, Howard A., Essex, Conn. 128 Moses, Albert C, Chicago, 111. 166- Moses, Dighton, Weston, Conn. 140 Moses, Elliot L.,Middleton, Mass. 260 Moses, Vincent, Ossipee Center, N. H. 324 *Moslander, Franklin V., Mason City, R. D. 4, 111. 1894 Mosman, Wm. D., My., New Haven, Conn. 1877 Mote, Henry W., Puyallup, Wash. 187& Mott, Herbert J., Hastings, Neb. 1888 Moulton, E.C.,717W.19th st.,DesMoines,Ia.l875 Moulton, James W., Canton Center, Conn. 124 Moulton, Warren J., P/., Bangor, Me. 1899, 65 Mousley, William H., Ticonderoga, N. Y. 348 Mowbray, Henry B., Oakland, Cal. 106, 107 [Mowry, John R., deceased. Moxie, Charles H., Alton, la. 18& Moxom, Philip S., Springfield, Mass. 258 Mova, Jesus M., San Mateo, N. Mex. 1905 Mudie, Howard, Portland, Me. 226- Mueler, K. F. Otto, Westville, 111. 178, 179 Mueller, Rudolph C, Box 103,Medina, N.D. 362 Mueller, Samuel, Chicago, 111. 164 Mullen, Matthew, Toledo, O. 376 *Mullenbach, Jas., 11 Sheldon st.,Ch'go, 111. 1901 Mullineaux, Hannah M., W. Somerville, Mass. 1894 *Muller, Otto, Walla Walla, Wash. Mulnix, Andrew H., Brighton, Mass. 238 Mumby, Robert, Independence, la. 1888 Mumford, James T., Correctionville, la. 1879 Munger, Earle A., Oberlin, O. 378 Munger, Theodore T., New Haven, Conn. 132 Munro, George A., Columbus, Neb. 308 Munsell, John H., Saratoga Springs, N. Y 1875 Munson, Mvron A., W. Hartford, Conn. 1866 Murkland, Chas. S., Wolfboro, N. H. Murphy, Charles G., St., Oklahoma, Okla. 48, 53, 1891 Murphy, Jas. S., St. Louis, Mo. 302 Murphy, Thomas F, Trempealeau, Wis. 468 *Murphy, Maurice F., Madison, Minn. 290 Murray, David, Kaupo, T. H. 156 Murray, Edward W., Rock Falls, 111. 176 Murray, William J., Boston, Mass. 1879 Murrman, Adam, Millbank, S. D. 406 Musgrove, Geo. N., Sherman, Cal. 116 Musfl, John, 40 Cyril st., Cleveland, 0. 370, 371 Mutch, William J., Ripon, Wis. 9 Muttart, LoreoBO W., West Woolwich, Me. 23Q 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 539 Muttart, Wm. L., Auburn, Mass. 234 Myers, Benj. F., Miles, la. 194 Myers, Elmer H., New York, 1905 Myers, Harry W., jr., Philadelphia, Penn, 390 Myers, Joha C, Gridley, 111. 170 Myers, Noah J., Beldinp;, Mich. 266 Mvers, Simon P., Guthrie, Okla. 1872 Mylne, Geo. W., I-ainssburK, Mich. 274, 282 Nakuina, Moses Kuaea, Honolulu, T. H. 7 Nash, Charles S., Pf. Berkeley, Cal. 73, 484,485 Nash, Frank .!., Chepachet, R. I, 396 *Nash, Fred.W., Livingstone Alta, Canada, 1895 Nason, John H., Superior, Wis. 1862 Nawahine, Obed, Waihee, T. H. 158 Nayler, James W., Coldwater, Okla. 1901 Naylor, B. Dent, Haywards, Cal. 106 Neely, J. Wesley, Lonpmont, Colo. 120 *Neiian, Joseph D., Wallace, Ida. 160 Neilson, Ernest E., Newburgh, N. Y. 344 Neilson, Mclnnes, Ravenna, O. 376 Neipp, Henry A., ^. B. C. >\ A/. 480 Nellor, Chas. H., Geneseo, Ida. 160 Nelson, Andrew P., My., Minneapolis, Minn. 1894 Nelson, Charles A., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Nelson, Charles E., Grand Rapids, Wis. 1899 Nelson, Frank, Titusville, Penn. 392 Nelson, Gabriel, Hartford, Conn. 130, 131 Nelson, Gustave W., St. Johns, Ore. 386 Nelson, John W., Kewanee, 111. 170 Nelson, Otto, 713 E. 137th st., N. Y. City. Nelson, P. Alhiu, New Haven, Conn. 132 Nelson, Roscoe, Windsor, Conn. 140 Nelson, Samuel B., Minneapolis, Minn. 290 Nesbit, A. Hamilton, Elgin, Neb. Neuenschwander,Dan'l, £i'.,Fessend'n,N.D 359 Newberry, Charles E., Coupeville, Wash. 436 Newcomb, Aaron S., Villa Park, Cal. 116 Newcomb, Edw. H., Newburyport, Mass. 252 ♦Newcomb, Francis L., Los Angeles, Cal. 1903 Newell, A. F., 603 W. 25th, Kearney, Neb. 310 Newell, Horatio B., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Newell, Wm. W., Sec, Chicago, 111. 52 Newkirk, Ward D., Mooresville, N. C. 352 *Newlands, Robert W., Scotland. Newman, George H., Colfax, Wa-^^h. 1886 Newman, George M., Centerville, Penn. 388 Newman, Geo. N., Buffalo, N. Y. 1894 Newman, Ralph, Elk Grove, Cal. 1899 Newman, S. M., Front Royal, Va. 54 Newport, Fred., Oxford, Me. 226 Newquist, K., Minneapolis, Minn. 1886 Newton, Albert F., No. Leominster, Mass. 248 *Newton, B. Gwernydd, Pittsburg, Penn. 1889 Newton, D. Augustine, Winchester, Mass. 262 Newton, George J., Rowlev, Mass. 1897 Newton, Howell E., Lindale, Ga. 162 Newton, J. Edward, New Haven, Conn. 132 Newton, Wm. H., Dothan, R. F. D. 4, Ala. 92 NichoUs, Richard D., Spokane, Wash. 442 Nicholls, Sampson, Colerain, Mass. 240 Nichols, Anna O., Sioux Citv, la. 1898 Nichols, Geo. T., Columbus, O. 370 Nichols, J. F., Asbury Park, N. J. 1891 Nichols, Jesse G., So. Hadlev, Mass. 258 Nichols, J. Henniger, Parkville, Mo. 1892 Nichols, John R., Marietta, O. 374 Nichols, John T., Asburv Park, N. J. 330 Nichols, Nathan R , Sudbury, Vt. 428 Nickerson, Roscoe S., Sandy, Utah, 418 Nickerson, Sylvester S., Somer^-ille, Mass. 1876 Niemever, H. W^ A., St. Paul, Minn. 1888 Nims, "Granville W., Walton, N. Y. 350 Nine, L. Walter, Iowa, 1895 Nissen, Niel, Okarche, Okla. 382 Nixon, Theodore M., Philadelphia, Penn. 390 Nobis, Louis B. [Wis.l 1888 Noble, Charles, Pf., Grinnell, la. 1873 Noble, Edwin L., Bangor, Me. 1896 Noble, Franklin, Falls Church, Va. 86, 1862 Noble, Frederick A., Phillips, Me. 1862 Noble, J. W., Lewiston, Mich. 266, 268, 276 Noble, Ma-son, Lake Helen, Fla. 144 Noble, Thos. K., Washington, D. C. 134 Norcross, Flavius V., Newcastle, Me. 1860 ♦Nordlund, Anders A., Georgetown, Conn. 128 FNorris, John S., deceased, 31 Norris, John W., Marietta, O. 374, 388 Norris, K. F., Olympia, Wash. 440 Norris, Thomas F., Plympton, Mass. 254 Norseen, Oscar G., Ed., Worcester, Mass. 1898 North, Walter H., E. Moline, 111. 168, 169 Northrop, Byron W., Farnhamville, la. 190, 200 Northrop, C. A., Harriman, Tenn. 1878 Norton, Edward, Quincv, Mass. 254 Norton, Edwin C, Pf., Claremont, Cal. 1884 Norton, Mrs. Mary E. D., Oberlin, O. 1890 Norton, Milton J., Three Oaks, Mich. 280 Norton, Reuben, Hudson, S. D. 1854 Norton, Smith, Oberlin, O. 1859 Norton, Stephen A., Woburn, Mass. 262, 484 Nott, Jairus L., Minneapolis, Minn. 1885 Nourse, Edward E., Pf., Berlin, Conn. 69, 1892 Noyce, George T., Trenton, Neb. 314 Noyce, Jos. C, Ogallala, Neb. 53, 1892 Noyes, Charles L., Somerville, Mass. 25S, 484, 485 Noyes, E. M., Newton Center, Mass. 43, 44, 252 Noyes, Frank J., Cambridge, Mass. 240 Noyes, Frederick B., Scituate, Mass. 256 Noyes, Henry H., Island Falls, Me. 222 Noyes, Warren L., W. Peabody, Mass. 2.54 Nua, John, Wailuku, T. H. 1892 Nugent, Thomas E., Meriden, Conn. 7, 131 Nugent, Walter H., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 *Nutting, A. L. P., Auburndale, Fla. Nutting, John D., My., Cleveland, O. 1895 Nutting, Wallace, Southbury, Conn. 1889 Nuuhiwa, Solomon D., Kahuku, T. H. 1897 Nyreen, And'w G., New Rochelle, N. Y. 344 Oadams, Thos. S., St. Cloud, Minn. 1885 Oakey, James, San Bernardino, Cal. 1875 Oakley, E. Clarence, Oregon City, Ore. 384 Obenhaus, Herman F. A., Pf., Chicago, 111. 71, 1893 O'Brien, James P., St., Kansas City, Mo. 53 Oehler, Frederic H., Sauk Center, Minn. 294 Oehler, William, St. Paul, Minn. 1876 Ogih-ie, Andrew U., Elkhart, Ind. 182 Ogle, W. H., Galva, la. 194, 198 *Ohlson, Karl F., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ohlson, Olaf, Pawtucket, R. I. 398 Oili, Solomon K., Pearl City, T. H. 7 Okerstein, J. F., My., Minneapolis, Minn. 63 Okubo, Shinjiro, Oakland, Cal. Oldfield, W. Judson, Clark. S. D. 1903 Olds, Alphonso R., Walla Walla, Wash. 1889 Olds, C. Burnell, A. B. C. F. M. 480 *01ds, Otis C, Los Angeles, Cal. Oleson, William B., Honolulu, T. H, 154 Olin, Da\nd P., Red Wing, Minn. 1903 Olinger, Wm. G., Portland, Ore. 1884 Oliphant, Charles H., Methuen, Mass. 58, 250 Olmstead, Charles, Fulton, N. Y. 346 Olmstead, Edgar H., Kensington, Conn. 130 Olmstead, Julian H., Clarion, la. 188 Olmstead, Nirum P., St. Paul, Minn. 186, 294 Olsen, Severt, My., Velva, N. D. 1904 Olson, Algoth, Danbury, Conn. Olson, Anton, Swanville, Minn. 1901 *01son, H. Martin, Clav Center, Kan. 1903 Olsson, Carl F., Oxlip, Minn. 294 Omans, Chester C, Addison, Mich. 266 O'Neill, Wm. B., Birnamwood, Wis. 1906 Opunui, Da\ad N., Huelo, T. H. 154 Orchard, John, Sec, Fargo, N. D. 1892 Ormes, Manly D., Colo. Springs, Colo. 1889 Orr, James B., Santa Cruz. Cal. 110 Orth, Andrew P., Melvin, 111. 172 Or\as, Gurney M., Dubuque, la. 190 Osborn, Joel, St. Joseph, Mo. 1892 Osborn, Naboth, Burlington, la. 188 Osborne, Cyrus A., .SVc, Chicago, 111. 1895 Osborne, Cvrus P., Sec, 14 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. 57, 1865 Osgood, Geo. W., Lvnn, Mass. 1878 Osgood, Lucien E., Lake Mills, Wis. 452 Osgood, Robert S., Seattle, Wash. 186, 187 Osten-Sacken, Fred'k V., Park Falls, Wis. 4.^4 540 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Osthoff, Eugene C, Muscatine, la. 1896 Ostrander, Lincoln, Bancroft, Mich. 266 Ostrander, L. F., A. B.C. F. M. 480 *Ostrom, T. Aug., Montclair, N. J. 1905 Otis, James A., Grand Junction, Mich. 1899 Otis, Jonathan T., Grand Junction, Mich. 1877 Otis, Norman L., Palo, Mich. 1859 Ottman, Henry A., Richford, N. Y. 346, 347 Ousley, Benj. F., Pn., Mound Bayou, Miss. 1884 Owen, Edwin P., Ballaire, Okla. 382 Owen, Geo. W., Lynn, Mass. 248 Owen, Owen G., Delta, Penn. 388 Owen, Richard, Hyannis, Mass. 234, 264 Owen, Richard H., Ethel, Mo. 204 Owen, T. Newton, Bristol, R. I. 396 Owen, Wm. H., New Paynesville, Minn. 1876 Owen, W. Moreton, Providence, R. L 1905 Owens, Edmund, McCloud, Cal. 53, 100, 107 Owens, J. Franklin, East Corinth, Vt. 422 Oxley, Charles G., Peterson, la. 198 Oxnard, Henry E., Newton, Mass. 252 Packard, Edward N., Stratford, Conn. 138 Packard, Harrison L., lungston, Mass. 246, 254 Packard, Herbert L.,New Vineyard, Me. 226,228 Packard, N. Luther, My., Lincoln, Neb. 1886 Paddack, George E., Boise, Ida. 160 Paddock, Edward A., T., Weiser, Ida. 1876 Page, Charles, Totoket, Conn. 126 Page, Charles E. 1873 Page, Frederick H., Waltham, Mass. 46, 260 Page, Harlan, Hardwick, Mass. 240, 244 Page, John, Denver, Colo. 118 Page, Wesley E., Ellsworth, Cond 128, 129 Page, William D., Lincoln, Neb. 1885 Paine, John A., T., Tarrytown, N. Y. 1867 Paine, Samuel D., Jacksonville, Fla. 1869 Painter, Harry M., Almira, Wash. 436 Painter, Hobart K., Minneapolis, Minn. ' 292 Paisley.John O., Melrose Highlands, Mass. 7, 250 Palmer, Alice R., Waverly, Neb. 314 Palmer, Albert W., Oakland, Cal. 106 Palmer, Burton M., Fruitvale, Cal. 106 Palmer, Charles R., New Haven, Conn. 124 Palmer, Edward S., Binghamton, N. Y. 1856 Palmer, Frank H., Braintree, Mass. 1880 Palmer, Harry, Sweden sta., Ashtabula, O. 366 Palmer, Orange S., Milwaukee, Wis. 1886 Palmer, Oscar A., Springfield, Mo. 1873 Palmer, Willard H., Wilton, Me. 230 [Palmer, Wm. S., deceased, 31 Pangburn, L. E., New Haven, Conn. 1885 Papazian, Manasseh G., New York, N. Y. 344 Paris, Sandy A., Marietta, Ga. 148 Park, Andrew J., Leonard's Bridge, Conn. 128 Park, Austin L., Redlands, Cal. 1864 Park, Frank, Boscawen, N. H. 318 Park, J. Edgar, West Newton, Mass. 7, 9, 252 Park, William E., Obeplin, O. 1867 Parker, Charles L. Collinwood, O. 370 Parker, Charles O., Berlin, Mass. 236 Parker, Edwin P., Hartford. Conn. 128, 129 Parker, Francis, East Haddam, Conn. 126 Parker, Frederic, Sherman Mills, Me. - 228 Parker, Henry H., Honolulu, T. H. 154 *Parker, Herbert E., San Diego, Cal. 1891 *Parker, Horace, Lynnfield Center, Mass. 1861 Parker, J. Homer, St., Kngfisher, Okla 1S73 Parker, Johns D., E. Orange, N. J. " 1865 Parker, Joseph J., Genoa, Neb. 308 Parker, Lawrence J.,Mv.,Guthrie,Okla. 53, 1890 Parker, Leonard F., P/., Grinnell, la. 1862 Parker, Lyman B., Sulphur, I. T. 1894 Parker, Robert H., Lowell, Wash. 1889 Parker, Thomas, Grandville, Mich. 1870 Parks, Avery G., Grav Eagle, Minn. 286, 296 Parks, William U., Belmond, la. 186 Parmelee, Wm. J., Worthington, Mass. Parr, John H., T., Castle Park, Mich. 1884 Parr, Leonard A., Edgerton, Wis. 448 Parr, Walter R., Anderson, Ind. 182 Parsons, Artley B., Pro\adence, R. I. 398 Parsons, Charles, St. Joseph, Mo. 1894 Parsons, Edward L., St. Joseph, Mo. 302 Parsons, Edward S.,P/.,Colo.Springs,Colo. 1888 Parsons, Henry W., Minneapohs, Minn. 1872 Parsons, James, Sedalia, Mo. 302 Parsons J. Franklin, Plymouth, 111. 174 •Parsons, John, Dorchester, Mass. 1857 [Parsons, Julius, deceased, 31 [Parsons, Willard, deceased. *Partch, Leroy C, Olmsted Falls, O. 7, 374 Partington, Ina, Somerset, Mass. 258 Partridge, Chas. F^ Woodstock, Vt. Partridge, Ernest C.,A. B.C. F. M. 480 Partridge, Horace E., Pomona, Tenn. 412 Partridge, Lewis C, West Chazy, N. Y. 1860 Pasco, Martin K., Ev., Berea, Ky. 214 Paske, William J., Chicago, 111. 164 *Patch, Isaac P., Boston, Mass. 1877 Patchell, Charles T., Bay City, Mich. 266 Patchell, William T., San Jose, Cal. 108 Paton, Lewis B., Pf., Hartford, Conn. 69 Baton, Robert, Carrington, N. D. 356 Patrick, Henry J., Newtonville, Mass. 1854 Patten, Arthur B., Santa Rosa, Cal. 110 Patterson, Geo. L., Colorado Springs, Colo. 118 Patterson, Geo. W., Castine, Me. 220 Patterson, Sam'l C, San Francisco, Cal. 108 Patterson, Talmadge M., Cherryfield, Me. 220 Patton, Carl S., Ann Arbor, Mich. 266 Patton, C. H., Sec., Boston, Mass. 44, 1887 Patton, Matthew,Greenwich, R.D.26, Conn. 128 Patton, M. O., Attleboro, R. F. D. 1, Mass. 1894 *Patton, William L., Craborchard, Tenn. 1895 Paulu, Anton, Vining, la. 194, 195, 200 Paxton, Robert F., Green River, Wyo. 1887 Pay, George F., Bala, Pa. 1859 Payne, Charles A., Wauwatosa, Wis. 1885 Payne, William B., Tonganoxie, Kan. 210, 308 Payne, Wilbur N., Sauk Rapids, Minn. 286, 94 Peabody, Albert B., E Boxford, Mass. 1860 Peabody, Harry E., Hartford, Conn. 130 Peacock, Richard M., Milton, N. H. 1880 Pearce, Henry H., Savannah, N. Y. 348 Pearce, Franklin F,, Soquel, Cal. ' 110 Pearson, Arthur H., Oberiin, O. 1880 Pearson, Daniel J., Pearson, Ga. Pearson, James B., New York, N. Y. 1860 Pearson, John L., Lajolla, Cal. 1899 Pearson, L. O., Purdum, Neb. 53, 312 Pearson, Samuel, Warrensburg, 111. 170 Pearson, Thomas J., N. Topeka, Kan. 210 Pease, Charles, Long Beach, Cal. 1896 Pease, C. B. F., New Haven, Conn. 1889 Pease, Clarence H., Gurleyville, Conn. Pease, Frank W., Postville, la. 198 Pease, William P., Snohomish, Wash. 1874 Peck, Charles H., Hanover, Conn. 128 Peck, Henry P., Mont Vernon, N. H. 324 Peck, William J., Corona, N. Y. 1881 [Peden, Anthony, deceased. *Pedersen, Jens, Pullman, 111. 1896 Pederson, Jens H., Wesley, la. 200 *Pederson, Ludwig J., Roxburv, Mass. 230 Pedley, Hilton, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Peebles, Arthur B., Boston, Mass. 238 Peebles, David, Eureka, Cal. 1871 Peebles, George, Naperville, 111. 172 Peet, Lyman P., A. B.C. F. M. 480 Peet, S. D., Ed., 438 E. 57 st., N. Y. City, 1854 Peffers, Aaron B., Stoneham, Mass. 1855 Peloubet, Francis N.,£'rf.,Aub'nd'le, Mass. 1857 Pelton, George A., New Haven, Conn. 1865 Penman, .Tohn S., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 52, 346 Pennell, Orrin H., Unionville, O. 378 Penney, Edgar J., Pf., Muskogee, Okla. 1880 Penniman,A.B.,698 Montrose av.,Ch'go,Ill. 1886 *Penniman, Andrew O., Fort Scott, Kan. 1882 Penniman, Henry M., Pf., Berea, Ky. 1884 Pennock, Benjamin W., Grafton, Vt. 424 Penrose, S.B.L., Pr., Walla Walla, Wash. 85, 485 Pentz,J.W.,231 W.121st st.,N.Y.Citv,N.Y. 1898 Penwarden, Brenton H., Post Mills, Vt. 426, 430 Percival, Charles H., Rochester, N. H. 324 Percival, .lohn T., My., Spokane, Wash. Perkins, Benjamin F., Hampton, N. H. ]S65 Perkins, Charles E., Keosauqua, la. 194 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 511 Perkins, Elisa B., Breckenridge, Okla. 380 Perkins, George C.. Moline, 111. 1857 Perkins, Henry P., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Perkins, James C, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Perkins, Sidney K., York Village, Me. 230 Perkins, Sidney K. B., Kaynham, Mass. 1860 Perrin, David J., Belle Fourche, S. D. 402 Perrin, J. Newton, Sanbornton, N. H. 326 Perry, Alfred T., Pr., Marietta, O. 481, 85 Perry, Augustus C, Dawsonville, Ga. 150, 52 Perry, Charles A., Sharon, Mass. 1882 Perry, Cyrus M., Bolton, Conn. 124 Perrv, D. Brainerd, Pr., Crete, Keb. 85, 306 Perry, Frank S., Mounds, 111. 186, 92 Perry, George H., Pocatello, Ida. 1886 Perrv, George H., Lakeville, Mass 246 Perry, Henry T., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Perry, Lawrence, Wayland, Mass. 1894 Perry, Lewis K., Aver, Mass. 234 Perry, Peter W., Western Springs, 111. 1856 fPerry, Truman S., deceased. Pershing, James E., Vinita, I. T. 382 Person, H. Grant, Newton, Mass. 7, 252 Persons, Frederick T., New Haven, Conn. 140 Pesaturo, P'rancesco, New Haven, Conn. 132, 3 Peters, John, Hancock, Minn. 290 Peters, Richard, Chicopee, Mass. 240 *Petersen, Carl Edward, Cambridge, Mass. 1899 Peterson, Anders O., E. Greenwich, R. I. 396 Peterson, Carl J., E. Berksliire, Vt. 420, 424 Peterson, Charles W., Centerville, la. 1899 Peterson, J. Martin, Ahsarolen, Mont. 304 *Peterson, J. O., Butte, Mont. ♦Peterson, Karl E., Sauk Rapids, Minn. 240 Peterson, Magnus E., P/., Chicago, 111. 71, 166, 7 ♦Petersen, Mathias, Grantsburg, Wis. 1885 ♦Peterson, Olaf P., Worcester, Mass. 264 Peterson, Oscar W., Cornish, Me. 218, 220 ♦Peterson, Peter W., Green Bay, Wis. Peterson, Samuel, Lake Citv, Minn. 290 Pettee, James H., yl. B. C. F. AT. 480 Pettengill, Daniel L., Jackman, Me. 7, 222 Pettibone, Charles H., Denver, Colo. 118 Pettigrew, Julius D., Mabton, Wash. 442 Pettigrew, Nina D., Spearfish, S. D. 1894 Pettit, Samuel A., Clark, Colo. 1875 Petty. Orville A., Aurora, 111. 162 Pevton, Frank, Andover, Wis. 240 Pfeiffer, Harry N., Meriden, N. H. 324 Pharr, Theo. A., Andalusia, R. D. 1, Ala. 92 Phelps, Charles H., East Smithfield, Pa. 1880 Phelps, Edwin, Lindsay, S. D. 1894 [Plielps, Frederick B., deceased. Phelps, Isabelle, Gardiner, R.F.D. 16, Me. 7,226 Phelps, Lawrence, Pf., Atlanta, Ga. 1878 Philbrook, Charles E., Olympia, R. D. 1, Wash. 1874 Philbrook, Nathan P., Tilton, N. H. 1854 Phillips, Chas. H., Jamestown, N. D. 356, 8, 60 Phillips, Ellsworth W., Whitman, Mass. 262 Phillips, George W., Shrewsbury, Mass. 1864 Phillips, James G., Granby, Conn. 128 PhilUps, John, San Francisco, Cal. 1870 Phillips, John W., Oakland, Cal. 107 Phillips, Thomas D., Chardon, O. 54, 368 Phillips, Watson L., New Haven, Conn. 132 Phillips, William I., WTieaton, 111. 1876 Phillips, William O., Demorest, Ga. 150 Phipps, G. C, Newton Highlands, Mass. 1868 Phipps, William H., Waterbury, Conn. 1866 Pickett, Cyrus, New Haven, Conn. 1867 Pickett, J. M., Des Moines, la. Pierce, Albert F., Campello, Mass. 238 Pierce, Charles M.. Worcester, Mass. 1863 Pierce, George J., Worcester. Mass. 1872 Pierce, Jason N., Brooklyn, N. Y. 132, 336 Pierce, Leroy M., Medfield, Mass. 250 Pierce, Lucius M., Primghar, la. 198 Pierce, Nathan W., Linden, Mich. 1869 Pierce, Pavson E., Albany, N. Y. 346 Pierce, Robert S., Holdrege, Neb. 314 Pierce, William, Cambridgp. 111. 162 Pierpont. John, Williamsburg, Mass. 262 Pierson, Isaac, Sec, Wellesley Hills, Mass. 1870 Pihl, Gustaf E.. New Britain, Conn. 132 Pike, Clarence, Ashland, Mass. 234 Pike, Ezra B., East Brentwood, N. H. 1863 Pike, Granville R., Eau Claire, Wis. 448 ♦Pile, Francis, Peru, N. Y. 1896 Pillsbury, Hervey G., Racine, Wis. 9, 456 Pillsbury, T. C, t)etroit, Mich. Pinch, Pearse, Fairfield, la. 190 Pinckney, Anthonv C, Guthrie, Okla. 380 Pinckney, Wade, Hudson, S. D. 278, 406, 410 Pingree, Arthur H., Norwood, Mass. 254 Pinkerton, Henry M., Chicago, 111. 1901 Pinkerton, William B., Eugene, Ore. 384 Pinkney, Clarence W., Eagle River. Wis. 448 Pinney, Ira E., North Hyde Park, Vt. 424 Pipes, Abner M., Havelock, Neb. 1876 [Pirinen, Edward, deceased, 31 Pitts, Edgar T., Cliftondale, Mass. 256 Pitzer, Harlan H., Toledo, la. 182 Pixley, Stephen C, A. B.C. F. M. 480 Place, Lorenzo D., Hicksville, L. I., N. Y. 1874 Plant, George E., Mondovi, Wis. 448, 452 Plass, Norman, Pr., Topeka, Kan. 85 ♦Platner,JohnW.,P/.,Andover,Mass. 63,234, 485 Piatt, Dwight H., Alma, Neb. 306 Pleasant, Ellis C, Lakota, N. D. 7, 360 [Plumb, Albert H., deceased, 32 Plumb, Albert H., jr., Roxbury, Mass. 1899 Plumb, Joseph C, Baxter Springs, Kan. 1S69 Poai, William K., Honolulu, T. H. 1900 Poepoe, Henry K., Honolulu, T. H. 1903 Poeton, Josiah, Irasburg, Vt. 424 Pogue, John A., W. Wareham, Mass. 256 Pofing, Daniel V., The Dalles, Ore. 1892 Pollard, George A., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1855 Pollard, Samuel W., Elroy, Wis. 448 Poison, August, Heshult, Sueden, 310 Pomeroy, Albert E., Saginaw, Mich. 1898 Pomeroy, Edward N., Welleslev, Mass. 1868 Pond, Benjamin W., Washington, D. C. 1862 Pond, Chauncey N., Sec, Oberlin, O. 1866 Pond, Evarts W., Windsor Locks, Conn. 140 Pond, Wm. C, Redwood, R. F. D. 2, Cal. 1852 Poole, Francis A., Barre, Vt. 420 Poor, William G., Topsfield, Mass. 260 Pope, Charles H., Cambridge, Mass. 1865 Pope, G. Stanlev, Arkansas, 1872 Pope, Howard W., Svpt., Chicago, 111. 1874 Pope, Joseph, Park City, Mont. 304 Porter, Edward C, Boston, Mass. 1884 Porter, Frank C, Pf., New Haven, Conn. 67, 1895 Porter, George Edwin, New Haven, Conn. 1905 Porter, George O., Jewell, la. 194 Porter, Har\'ey, Beirut, Syria, 480 Porter, Henry D.,^. B. C.F. il/. 480 Porter, Henry W., Des Moines, la. 190 Porter, Horace, Montclair, N. J. 330 Porter, John, Wellington, Colo. 122 Porter, John S., A. B. C. F. M. 480 Porter, Robert, Eau Claire, Wis. 448 Porter, Samuel F., Oberlin, O. 1836 Porter, William, Pf., Beloit, Wis. 1847 Posey, Rufus, Blountsville, R. F. D. 3, Ala. Post, Albert M., Vernon Center, Conn. Post, Aurelian H., Clinton, N. Y. 1862 Post, Martin, Chapin, 111 170 Post, Roswell O., Jacksonville, III. 170 Post, W. Stanlev, Ludlow Center, Mass. 248 ♦Postulka, Frank, Littleton, Colo. 1906 Potter, Clayton J., Simsbury, Gonn. 7, 136 Potter,'Edgar A.. Milwaukee, Wis. Potter, Edwin, 342 Hancock st..B'lvn,N.Y.1870 Potter, Frank C, Middletown, Conn. 1879 Potter, L. Eugene, Tabor, la. 1894 Potter, Rockwell H., Hartford, Conn. 128, 485 [Potwin, Lemuel S., deceased, 32 Potwin, William S., Independence, Ta. 1872 Pound, William H., 801 Lunt av.. Chic, 111. 166 Pound, W'illiam M., Atlanta, Ga. 02 Povev, Jesse, Perry, la. 198 Powell, Gregorv J., St., Fargo, N. D. 48 Powell. Henry A. U., Knoxville. Tenn. 216, 412 ♦Powell,' J. B., Wapella, Ass' a. Canada, 1887 542 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Powell, Mrs. Katherine W., Custer, S. D. 402 Powell, Richard. Olyphant, Pa. 390 Powelson, Alfred P., P/., Tacoma, Wash. 1879 Powley, M.Gerald, Perry, Mich. 278, 280,346 Pratt, Arthur P., Bellows Falls, Vt. 420 Pratt, D. Butler, Springfield, Mass. 1889 Pratt, Dwight M., Cincinnati, O. 368 Pratt, George H., Paxton, Mass. 264 Pratt, John R., Verona, N. J. 332 Pratt, Lewellyn, Norwich, Conn. 134 Pratt, Magee, Le Raysville, Penn. 390, 392 Pratt, N. Miller, Cleveland, O. 368 Pratt, Richard, Ix)s Angeles, Cal. 1864 Pratt, Theodore C, Candia, N. H. 318 Preiss, John M., Wilson Creek, Wash. 1890 Prentice, Dwight N., Greenfield Hill, Conn. 1884 Prentis, John H., Detroit, Mich. 1903 Prentiss, George F., Schenectady, N. Y. 348 Prentiss, Wm. C, E. Hartford, Conn. 126 Prescott, Matthew, Lamar, Ala. 94 Pressey, Edwin S., St. Paul, Minn. 294 Prestidge, William J., Lake Odessa, Mich. 274 Preston, Bryant C, Muscatine, la. 196 Preston, Charles W., Lincoln, Neb. 310, 114 Preston, H. L., Trent, Wash. 440, 442 Preston, Jared R., North Adams, Mich. 276 Preston, Joseph P., Wheaton, Kan. 212 Preston, Riley L. D., Saginaw, Mich. 1873 Preston, William F., Jackson, Mich. 1887 Price, Edgar H., San Bernardino, Cal. 114 Price, Francis M., Berkeley, Cal. 104 Price, J. T., Los Angeles, Cal. 114,115 Price, Thomas M., Highland, Cal. 112 Price, Wm., Edgerton, R. F. D., Wis. 450 [Pride, Edward W., deceased, 32 Pringle, H. N., Sec, Waterville, Me. 1894 Prior, Arthur E., Harvard, Neb. 310 Prior, Charles S., Naperville, 111. 162 Pritchard, Arthur O., Scarsdale, N. Y. 350 Pritchard, David E., Rome, N. Y. 1854 *Pritchard, Wm. S., Spokane, Wash. 442 Proctor, Henry H., Atlanta, Ga. 148, 485 Proctor, Wm. M., Ritzville, Wash. 440 Provost, Joseph, Torrington, Conn. 138 Prucha, John, 5236 Buettner ct., Cleveland, Ohio, 59, 368 Prucha, Vaclav, New Richland, Minn. 292 Prudden, Theodore P., W. Newton, Mass. 1874 Puddefoot, W. G., .Sec, Indianapolis, Ind. 48 Pulcifer, A. Wm., Crockett, Cal. 7, 104 Pullan, Fred'k B., East Orange, N. J. 1876 Punki, Robert, Kilanea, T. H. 156 Purdue, Roland W., Cobden, 111. 1875 Putnam, Daniel E., Mystic, Conn. 1899 Putnam, George A., Millbury, Mass. 250 Putnam, Glen H., Humeston, la. 192 Putnam, Holden A., Charlevoix, Mich. 268, 274 Pye, Watts O., A. B. C. F. M. 7, 480 *Pvke, James T., Providence, R. I. 1884 Pyle, Hezekiah L.,598E. 3d st.,B'lyn,N.Y. 336 Pyner, Alfred, Ottumwa, la. Quarnstrom, G. A., Stamford, Conn. 1902 Quattlebaum, W. H., Worth, Ga. 1893 Queen, Charles N., Fresno, Cal. 106 Quick, Abram J., Pottsville, Penn. 1864 Quimby, Langdon, Gardiner, Me. 222 Quint, John H., Rockland, Me. 228 Quivey. Elmer P., St., Omaha, Neb. 1893 Racer, H. M. L., Lafollette, Tenn. 412 Rackett, E. Irving, No. Pownal, Vt. 426 Rader, Paul, Portland, Ore. 386 Rae, John, Mill Valley, Cal. 1869 Rae, John T., Boston, Mass. 1873 Rae, Robert L., Camden, N. Y. 9, 338 *Raeburn, Geo. W., Grand Island, N. Y. 1885 Ragland, Fountain G., Birmingham, Ala. 98 Raine, James W., Berea, Kv. 1898 Ralph, Edwin A., Beloit, Wis. 446 Ralph, Philip H., Reinbeck, la. 446 Ralph, William J. C, Milwakee, Wis. 1889 Ramage, James, North Troy, Vt. 428 Ramsay, Wm. G., Winthrop, la. 188, 200 Ramsdell, F. E., New Bedford, Mass. 252 *Rand, Frank E., Newington, N. H. 324 Rand, Wilbur, Burlington, Vt. 1883 Rand, WiUiam A., South Seabrook, N. H. 326 Randell, Alfred E., Wyanet, 111. 178 Randies, Walter M., Minersville, Penn. 390 Rankin, Isaac O., Ed., Boston, Mass. 1880 Rankin, James H., Conneaut, O. 370 Ranney, William W., Hartford, Conn. 128 Ranslow, Eugene J., Swanton, Vt. 424, 428 Ransom, Charles N., A. B. C. F. M. 480' Rasmussen, Peter, Cope, Colo. Ratcliffe, Charles A., Norton, Mass. 252 Rathbone, Leland D., Sec, Berkeley, Cal. 48 Rathbun, Mrs. Annis A., Syracuse, N. Y. 1890 Ratlifif, Joseph, Lyons, Kan. 210' Ratzell, J. Perry, Eureka, Cal. 104 Ra^^, Vincent, Manchester, Vt. 7, 424 Rawson, Edward K., Ch., Annapolis, Md. 1872 Rawson, Briggs H., Orchard, la. 196, 20a Rawson, George A., Los Angeles, Cal. 1860 Ray, Benj. E., Holyoke, Mass. 1898 Ray, Geo. W., Fort Worth, Tex. 416 Raymond, C. Rexford, Flushing, L.L.N.Y. 340 Raymond, Frederick W., Proctor, Vt. 9, 1902 Raynolds, George C, A. B.C. F. M. 480 Read, Eugene B., Lockport, 111. 1876 Read, Frank, Jacksonville, 111. 1883 Read, James L., Stratton Colo. 118, 122 *Reade, O. E., My., Worland, Wyo. 53 Redfield, Charles P., Kingston, R. I. 396 Reed, Arthur T., Madison, Wis. 452 Reed, C. F., Chicago, 111. • 1873 Reed, David A., Springfield, Mass. 1881 Reed, Edward A., Holyoke, Mass. 58, 246 Reed, Ernest E., Sherwood, Ore. 384 Reed, Frank H., Ossipee, N. H. 324 Reed, George H., Concord, N. H. 320 Reed, George W., My., Fort Yates, N. D. 358, 402 Reed, Lewis T., Brooklyn, N. Y. 338 Reed, Lucius F., Hyde Park, Mo. 426 Reed, Marion D., Weatherford, Okla. 382 Rees, George M., St. Paul, Minn. 1883 *Rees, Jacob G.,1 301 Thomas st., Ch'go, 111.1890 Rees, James E., Oak\dlle, Conn. 134 Rees, Le\'i, Ellington. N. Y. 340, 346 Rees, Luther, Paris, Tex. Rees, Rees J., Scranton, Penn. 392 *Reese, John B., Elyria, O. 7, 370 Reese, Pleasant H., Buford, Ga. 1875 Reese, Thomas P., Tracv, Minn. 1892 Reeve, J. C, Garfield, Kan. 206 Reeves, Charles E., Princeton, Mass. 254 Reeves, Floyd D., Aurora, Neb. 306 Reeves, Franklin H., Lovell, Me. 224 Reger, Otto W^ Center, Neb. 2, 308 Rehm, Henrv C., Wauwatosa, Wis. 458 Reid, David "C, Stockbridge, Mass. 7, 258 Reid, David 'R.,Ed., West Seattle, Wash. 1889 Reid, Francis W., Berkeley, Cal. 1898 Reid, John, Franklin, Mass. 244 Reid, John H., Tacoma, Wash. 1880 Reid, John W., New York City. Reid, Matthew D., Palms, Cal. 114 Rein, Robert, Brooklvn, N. Y. Reiner, Fred., Steger, 111. 168, 178 Reister, John F., Quincy, Wash. [Reiter, David H., deceased, 33 Keitinger, Philip, Chicago, 111. 164 Reitzel, John R., Blue Island, 111. Remele, Wm. A., Waitsfield, Vt. 428 ♦Remington, Eliza M., Woden, la. 202 Rend, W. Robert, Oakland, Cal. 1892 Renshaw, William E., Deansboro, N. Y. 340 Reoch, Adam, 937 E. 166th st., N. Y. 344 Rexford, George W., Weiser, Ida. 1888 Reynolds, Charles, Downer's Grove, 111. 1864 Reynolds, Chas. H., Cortland, N. Y. 338 Reynolds, Geo. W., So. Manchester, Conn. 136 Reynolds, Lauriston, Wessington Springs, S. D. 408, 410 Reynolds, Thos. J., Line-ville, R.F.D.2, Ala. 92 Reynolds, William J., Westport, Mass. 262 Rhoades, Winfred C, Roxbury, Mass. 236 Rhodes, Bert J., Blairsburg, la. 186 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 543 206 1877 234 54 Rice, Albert R., Waverly, la. 454 Rice, Augustus M., Dunstable, Mass. 242 Rice, Austin, Wakefield, Mass. 7, 260 Rice, Charles B., Sec, Danvers, Mass. 43, 46, 58 Rice, Charles W., Cleveland, O. 1895 Rice, Edwin W., Ed., Philadelphia, Penn. 1860 Rice, George G'., Council Bluffs, la. 1851 Rice, Gilman, No. Auburn, Me. 1881 *Rice, Guy H., Hillyard, R. D., Wash 440 Rice, John H. J., Emporia, Kan. Rice, Othello \'., Ix)s Angeles, Cal. Rice, Walter, Agawam, Mass. Rice, Wm. A., .Sec, 287 4th av.. N. Y. City, ♦Rich, Charles S., Colorado Springs, Colo. 1896 Rich, Ulysses G., Gaylord, Mich. 272 Richard, E. E., Curtis, Neb. 308 Richards, C. H., Sec, New York, N. Y. 52, 54, 87, 484, 485 Richards,Emanuel, 3105 E.16 8t.,K.C.,Mo. 1872 Richards, Fred'k B., So. Boston, Mass. 238 Richards, George S., W. Hartland, Conn. 136, 138, 139 Richards, Howard A. N., Barberton, O. 366, 367 Richards, James A., Newport, R. I. 1904 Richards, James M., Angel's Camp, Cal. 1889 Richards, Jehiel S., Litchfield, Me. 224 Richards, John A., Fort Scott, Kan. Richards, John R., Johnsonburg, N. Y. Richards, Thomas C, Warren, Mass. Richards, William J., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Richards, Wm. J., Egg Harbor City, N. J. 330 [Richardson, Albert M., deceased. Richardson, Chas. A., Marion, Kan. Richardson, Cyrus, Nashua, N. H. Richardson, Daniel W., Bedford, Mass Richardson, D. A., Minneapolis, Minn. 1851 342 260 1867 1872 324 1862 1888 Richardson, Frank H., Vallev Junction, la. 200 *Richardson, Henry M., Hillsboro, Colo. 1892 Richardson, Horace J., Independence, la. 1898 *Richardson, Jas. A., Newport, R. I. 398 Richardson, John B., Hiawatha, Kan. 1880 Richardson, John P., New Boston, N. H. 1880 Richardson, Jos. B., Oberlin, O. 374 Richardson, Martin L., Montague, Mass. 1860 Richardson, Wm. L., Monroe, Wash. 438 Richert, Cornelius, St. Paul, Minn. 294 Richie, Da^^d H., Shelby, Mich. 1889 Richmond, James, Wilmot, N. H. 326 Richmond, Wm. A., Bingham, Me. 218 Ricker, Albert E., Indianapolis, Ind. 48 Ricker, George S., St., Wichita, Kan. 1872 Ricketts, Charles H., Norwich, Conn. 134 Rideout, Bates S., Norway, Me. 226 ♦Ridings, Edward J., La Salle, 111. 172, 173 Riedinger, Jacob, P. W. Park. R. F. D., O. 376 *Rieker, Gottlieb, Ritzville, Wash. 1904 Rigbv, Wm. E., Hartford, Wash. 1896 Riggs, Alfred L., S<., Santee Agency, Neb. 1863 Riggs, Charles H., Bristol, Conn. 1869 Riggs, Chas. T., Constantinople, Turkey, 480 Riggs, Charles W., Oberlin, O. 1899 Riggs, Ezra J., Pembroke, N. H. 324 Riggs, Geo. W., Clackamas, Ore. 384 Riggs, H. H., A. B.C. F. M. 481 Riggs, Thomas L., Oahe, S. D. 406 Rilev, Charles A., Lvons, la. 194 Rilev, William W., Oil Center, Cal. 114 Ring, Christopher C, Stone Mt., Ga. 152 Risberg, F., Pf., Chicago, 111. 48, 71 Risser, Henry A., Neillsville, Wis. 454 Ritchie, George, Arkansas, 1853 Rivers, Marcus L., Trinity, Ala. 1904 Rives, Charles J., Westmoreland, Kan. 204 Rivoire, Enrico, Plymouth, Mass. 254 Robbins, Anson H., Orient, S. D. 1870 Robbins, Benson C, Freesoil, Mich. 1883 Robbins, Horace H., Grinnell, la. 1874 ri{obbins, Silas W., deceased, 3.3 KoV)prt, Joseph T., Denison, la. 1879 Roberts, Arthur B., Ferndale. Cal. 7, 104, 5, 6 Roberts, Clarence E., Dover, Kan. 1900 Roberts, Edward, Caneadea, N. Y. 336 Roberts, Griffith, Big Rock, 111. 1878 Roberts, Henry B., Sec, Tucson, Ariz. 100 Roberta, J. F., Kingfisher, Okla. 1867 Roberts, J. G., Duuton, L. I. 340 Roberts, James H., Southbury, Conn. 136 Roberts, John, Crofton, Neb. 192, 308 Roberts, John W., IS Beck .st., N. Y. City, 344 Roberts, Owen W., Minneapolis, Minn. 1885 ♦Roberts, O. Jones, Watcrville, N. Y. 350 Roberts, Peter, Philadelphia, Penn. 388, 485 ♦Roberts, Robert E., Edgerton, Minn. 288 Roberts, R. E., Columbia, S. D. 1884 Roberts, R. Lloyd, Effingham, 111. Roberts, Robert P., Ainsworth, la. 194 Roberts, Rose, Dover, Kan. 204, 212 Roberts, Ruel W., Abingdon, 111. 346 [Roberts, William G., deceased. Robertson, Albert A., Roekwill, la. 196 Robertson, George, Alentone, Cal. 114 Robertson, James G., Chester, N. H. 318 Robertson, J. D., 4056 Ind. av., Chi'go, 111. 1861 ♦Robertson, Wm., Sandwich, Mass. 256 Robertson, Wm. J., Harlevsville, Ala. 94 Robie, Edward, Greenland, N. H. 320 Robinson, Alice M., Los Angeles, Cal. 1896 Robinson, Charles F., Milford, N. H. 324 ♦Robinson, Charles W., Stonington, Me. 228 Robinson, Clarence E., Lansing, Mich. 276 Robinson, Edward A., Hingham, Mass. 246 Robinson, Edwin B., Holyoke, Mass. 246 Robinson, H. W., Watertown, R. D. "B," N. Y. 348, 349 Robinson, James M., Pn., Detroit, Mich. 1878 Robinson, Joseph H., Columbus, Ga. 150 Robinson, Orrin L., St., Madison, Wis. 1887, 53 Robinson, Stephen H., Dunbarton, N. H. 320 Robinson, Wm. A., Syracuse, N. Y. 348 Robinson, William H., Los Angeles, Cal. 1892 Roblee, Henry S., Sycamore, 111. 178 Rockwell, Wm.W., Pf., U.Sem., N.Y.City, 1905 ♦Rockwood, Arden M., Boston, Mass. 1899 Rockwood, Fred'k B., Acworth, N. H. 318 Rodger, John A., Moravia, N. Y. 342 Rodgers, Levi, Portchester, N. Y. 128 [Roe, Alvah D., deceased. ♦Roehrig, Otto, Ness City, Kan. [Roger, George, deceased. Rogers, Alfred H., Altoona, Kan. 1893 Rogers, Charies H., Lincoln, Neb. 87, 310 Rogers, C. W., New Gloucester, Me. 224 Rogers, D. Miner, A. B. C. F. M. Rogers, Edson, Cincinnatus, N. Y. 1899 Rogers, Enoch E., Orange, Conn. 1862 Rogers, Lewis G., Buffalo, N. Y. 1887 Rogers, Osgood W., Gage, Okla. 380 Rogers, Robert W., Petaluma, Cal. 108 Rogers, S. J., Sec, Minneapolis, Minn. 286 Rogers, Wm., Sebastopol, R. D., Cal. 107 Rogers, William O., Sec, Okla. City, Okla. 1900 Rollins, George S., Springfield, Mass. 7, 258 Rollins, Walter H., Waterioo, la. 200 ♦Rominger, Henry V., Laurel, Mont. 304 Ronald, William B., Saugus, Mass. 256 Rondeau, Samuel P., Fall River, Mass. 242 Rood, Francis D., Montreat, N. C. 1886 Rood, John, Minneapolis, Minn. Rood, John S., Sleepy Eye, Minn. 8, 294 Root, E. T., Sec, Pro\ndence, R. I. 1891 Root, Edward P., Somers, Conn. 136 Root, Theophilus H., Alton, R. I. 398 Roper, C. Fremont, River Point, R. I. 396,398 ♦Roper, Elijah H., Salem, Mass. 1897 Ropes, Charies J. H., P/., Bangor, Me. 65 Ropes, James H., Pf., Cambridge, Mass. 1901 Ropes, William L., Andover, Mass. 1853 Roraback, Albert E., Pro\'idence, R. I. 1905 Rose, Edwin, Westmore, Vt. 430 Rose, George W., Denver, Colo. 1877 Rose, Henry T., Northampton, Mass. 252 Rose, Henrv W., Mountain Grove, Mo. Rose, Luman P., Cleveland, O. 1875 Rose, Samuel, Reed's Ferry, N. H. 324 Rosenberger, Henry C, Bondurant, la. 186, 194 Rosewarne, J. Vincent, Seattle, Wash. 1895 Ross, Andrew W., Tnkster, N. D. 360, 362 Ross, Arthur B., West Glover, Vt. 424 544 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Ross, David C, Halifax, N. S. Ross, George G., Old Orchard, Mo. [Ross, James H., deceased, Ross, John A., Hampton, N. H. Ross, Wilham, London, England, Rotch, Caleb L., Cooperstown, N. D Roth, Victor W., Clark Fork, Ida. Rothrock, Edgar S., Cleveland, O. 59, 368, 369 Roundy, Rodney W., Hartford, Conn. 9, 130 Rouse, Fred. T., Omaha, Neb. 8, 312, 485 Routt, Thomas L., Marion, Ala. 98, 99 *Rowan, William L., Pasco, Wis. 118 Rowe, Alfred L., Nanticoke, Pa. Rowe, James, Withee, Wis. Rowe, Wm. H., Clayton, N. Y. Rowel 1, George P., Hampton, N. H Rowell, John A., Mondovi, Wis. Rowell, Joseph, San Francisco, Cal. 302 33 322 1883 356 1885 390 454, 458 338 322 1880 18.50 Rowell, Nathan L., Sta. G, Los Angeles, Cal. 114 Rtowell, Wilfred A., New Haven, Conn. Rowland, George M., A. B. C. F. M. Rowland, John H., Durand, Wis. Rowland, Le-vi P.-fiti., Grand Rapids, Mich. Rowley, Charles H., No. Craftsbury, Vt. [Rowley, George B., deceased. [Roy, J. E., deceased. Royce, LeRoy, Cleveland, O. 446 481 448 1896 422 1853 Rudd, Edward H., Dedham, Mass. 240, 262, 485 Ruddock, Charles A., Lyle, Minn. 290 Ruddock, Edward N., Glenwood, Minn. 1858 *Ruder, Peter, Fruita, Colo. 120 Ruegg, Samuel G., Stockbridge, Wis. 1901 Ruge, Louis H., Manchester, Mass. 8, 248 Ruland, George W., Keene, N. H. 1871 Runalls, John H., Rantoul, 111. 176 Ruring, Victor H., Plaza, N. D. 308, 362 Russell, Henry A., Winsted, Conn. 1854 Russell, Howard H.,67 W.127th,N.Y.City, 1885 Russuell, J. A., Lake Linden, Mich. 8, 274 Rutan, PYederick N., Boston, Mass. 8, 9, 236 *Rutepohler, Benj. H., Seattle, Wash. Rutherford, Abner D., Jacksboro, Tenn. 412 Rutherford, Thomas H., Clanton, Ala. 1889 Ryberg, Ernest A., Bay City, Mich. Ryder, Charles J., Sec, Stamford, Conn. 50 Ryder, Henry A., Harwich, Mass. 244 Ryder, Wm. H., Pf., Andover, Mass. 63, 234 Sabin, Levi P., Emmett, Colo. 1872 *Saer, John B., London, England. Safford, Albert A., Demorest, Ga. 1878 Safford, A. W., Antioch, 111. 172, 173 Safstrom, John, Gwinner, N. D. 358, 9 Sage, Chas, J., Elmwood, 111. 168 Sahlstrom, L. A., My., Fosston, Minn. 1899 Saito, Masakuni, Papaikou, T. H. 158, 9 Sallmon, William H., Pr., Northfield, Minn. 85 Salmon, Edgar T., Elmira, N. Y. 340 Salmon, Edward P., Beloit, Wis. 8 Salter, Ernest J. B., Winnipeg, Canada, 1895 Salter, William, Burlington, la. 188 Saltmarsh, Frank N., Alton, N. H. 320 Salvado, Jos(5 Fortuny, Guanajaj', Cuba, 142 Sample, Philmer A., Cambridge, Mass. 1904 Sampson, Cassander C, Tilton, N. H. 326 Samuel, Benj., Oberlin, O. 1904 Samuel, J. J., Iowa City, la. 196 Sanborn, Edward S., E. Barrington, N. H. 318 Sanborn, Frank A., West Boxford, Mass. 238 Sandbrook, William, Salmon Falls, N. H. 324 Sanders, Charles H., Rovalston, Wis. 456 Sanders, Frank K., Topeka, Kan. 46, 53, 485 Sanders, William H., A. B.C. F. M. 481 Sanderson, Edw. F., Providence, R. I. 398 Sanderson, Horace, St., Denver, Colo. 1892 Sanderson, J.P., Sec, Lansing, Mich. 48, 266, 484 Sandford,Elias B.,.Sfc,90 Bible House.N.Y. 485 Sandford, John I., Denver, Colo. 1890 Sands, John D., Belmond, la. 186 Santikian, Hohannes K., Fresno, Cal. 106 Santos, Manuel G., Paia, T. H. 159 Sargent, Benj. F., San Diego, Cal. 1877 Sargent, Chas. F., Winthrop, Me. 230 Sargent, Clarence S., Wichita, Kan. 212 Sargent, Edward C.W.Greenville, Mass. 244, 260 Sargent, Frank D., Putnam, Conn. 136 Sargent, James B., NorthHeld, Vt. 8, 426 Sargent, Sumner H., Turner, Me. 228 Sargent, Wm. H., Ev., Chicago, 111. 1899 Sarkeys, Elias J., Brodhead, Wis. 1895 Sarles, Jesse E., Viroqua, Wis. 458 Sather, Bernhard B., Christine, N. D. 1894 Sattler, Ferdinand, Avoca, la. 186 Sattler, John, Tyndall, S. D. 408, 410 Sauerman, William E., Washta, la. 280 Saunders, Eben E., Ed., Heaton, N. D. 360 Savage,G.S.F.,628 Washington b'd, Chicago, 46 Savage, John W., Seabrook, N. H. 326 Sawyer, J. H., Pf., Easthampton, Mass. 1888 Sawyer, Roland D., Haverhill, Mass. 246 Sayles, Harold F., Ev., Oak Park, 111. 1896 *Scafe, Charles R., Fruita, Col. 1905 Schaeffer, S. Carlyle, Oswego, 111. 8, 174 Schaefle, John M., Los Angeles, Cal. 112, 114 Schaerer, John, Canton, Mo. 1865 SchaufHer, Henry P., New York, N. Y. 1898 Scheibe, Otto J., My., Humacao, P. R. 396 Scherfl, Frank C. F., Hallam, Neb. 312 Schermerhorn, L. V., Chicago, 111. 266 Schermerhorn, Peter, Cresco, Mich. 268, 272 Scheurle, John A., Hartford, Vt. 424 Schlichter, John B., Sterling, Kan. 1873 Schmavonian, A. B., Constantinople, 1899 Schmidt, Geo. J., Alliance, Neb. 306 Schnacke, Leon C., Sec, Topeka, Kan. 48 Schneider, John F., Danville, Vt. 422 Schoenfeld, F. W., Dodgeville, Wis. 448 Sehofield, Albert B., Smithfield, E., Penn. Schofield, John, Toronto, Ont. 1886 Sehofield, William, Williamstown, Vt. 1874 Scholander, Ferdinand, Kane, Penn. 1893 Schomp, E. Justus, Rockhn, Cal. 106, 108 .Schoonover, Hiram G., Angola, N. Y. 1891 Schrock, Perry F., Deer Park, Wash. 436 Schroeder, George W., New Windsor, III. 174 Schumaker, W. W., I>a Grange, 111. 182 Schurr, Daniel G., Lincoln, Neb. 310, 406 Schwab, Elias F., Kansas City, Mo. 300 Schwab, S. Herman, Lincoln, Neb. 1889 Schwabenland, J. C, Ritzville, Wash. 440, 444 Schwarzauer, Max M., Fairford, Ala. 98 Schwimley William A., Sibley, la. 198 Scofield, C. Ingerson, Dallas, Te.x. 416 Scofield, Frank E., Dora, Ore. 1884 Scofield, Wm. C, Westhampton, Mass. Scoggin, Alex. T., Cedartown, Ga. 150 Scoles, Richard, Leverett, Mass. 248 Scotford, H. C, 7143 Perry av., Chicago, 111. 166 Scott, Abner, Harrison, Ga. 148 [Scott, Charles, deceased. Scott, Darius B., Lancaster, Mass. 246 Scott, Edward E., Montgomery, Ala. 98 [Scott, George H., deceased, 33 Scott, George W., Moreton, 111. 172 Scott, H. M., Pf., 520 W. Adams, Ch'go, 111. 484 Scott, James F., Candia, N. H., 262 Scott, James W., Janesville, Wis. 1868 *Scott, J. J., Memphis, Tenn. Scott, Willard, Worcester, Mass. 264 Scouten, M. F.. Valley Falls, Kan. 210 Scovill, Edgar E., Cleveland, O. 370 Scroggs, Jos. W., Pf., Kingfisher, Okla. 1880 Scudder, Doremus, Honolulu, T. H. 154, 485 Scudder, John L., .lersey City, N. J. 330 Scudder, William H., Rio Vista, Cal. 108 Scudder, W. W., jr., St., W. Seattle, Wash. 48 Scull, James H., Orient, la. 192, 196 Seabury, Jos. B., Wellesley Hills, Mass. 1875 Seagrave, James C, Hinsdale, Mass. 1851 Sealey, H. Jeptha, Atlanta, Ga. 1905 Searles, Geo. R., Spencer, Neb. 312, 314 Searles, H. Clay, Brasher Falls, N. Y. 1890 Searles, Wilbur G., Los Angeles, Cal. 1894 Sears, Langley B., Charlestown, Mass. 236 Seaver, Charles H., Wilson, Kan. 1877 Seaver, Norman, Rutland, Vt. 1860 Seccomb, Sam'l H., Chicago, 111. 166 Seccombe, Charles H., Ontario, Cal. 8,114 Secord, Albert, Lake View, Mich. 274 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 545 Secord, Alfred A., Alexandria, Minn. 2S6 Sedgwick, Arthur H., Shrewsbury, Mass. 256 ♦Sedgwick. Edward C, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1900 Seeley, Nicholas J., Avon, Conn. 1853 Seeley, William T., Iowa City, la. Seelye, Benj. B., Kansas City, Mo. 1898 Seelye, L. Clark, Pr., Northampton, Mass. 85 Seibert. Albert E., Mazon, 111. 172 Seibert, J. Addison, Kansas City, Kan. 206 Seibert, Samuel S., Minneapolis, Minn. 292 ~ " 53, 85,1903 Sell, Herman, Fargo, N. D. Seller, Galen W., Hillsdale, Mich. Selby, A. Clark, Poplar Grove, 111. Selden, J. H., Greenwich, Conn. *Self, William O., Columbus, Ga. Seliger, C. H. B., Union, Me. Sell, Henry T., Fort Wayne, Ind. Sengstacke, H. A., Savannah, Ga. Senter, Geo. A., Lyman, Me. Seth, John E., Spokane, Wash. Severance, CM., 12lW.90th st., N.Y. City, 1890 Severance, Milton L., Burlington, Vt. 424 *Sewall, B. Frank, Walla Walla, Wash. 1899 [Sewall, David B., deceased, 34 Sewall, John L., Randolph, Mass. 1882 Sewall, John S., P/.. Bangor, Me. 1J^59, 65 Sewall, Jotham B., Brookline, Mass. 1855 Sewall, Oliver D., Brookline, Mass. Seyfert, William H., No. Colhns, N. Y. Seymour, C. R., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Seymour, Edw. P., Williamstown, Mnss. [Seymour, Joel Martin, deceased, Shaeffer, Grant L., Barton Landing, Vt. *Shafer, Theodore, Trinidad, Colo. Shank, Charles H., Newbury, Vt. Shannon, Wm. H., Morenci, Mich. Sharp, John, Wilmington, N. Y. Sharpe, Perry A., Chicago, 111. Sharpe, Robert W., Orange, N. J. Shatto, Charles R., Toledo, la. Shaver, Melville A., Alton, N. H. Shaw, Benj. J. H., Ambov, 111. *Shaw, Chas. F., Clare, Mich. Shaw, Edwin S., Minot, N. D. Shaw, Edwin W., Hastings, Mich. Shaw, George W., Fall River, Mass. Shaw, Henry H., Marlboro, Vt. Shaw, Harry B., Jacksonville, Fla. Shaw, John T., Pf., Oberlin, O. Shaw, William A., Chicago, 111. Shaw, William B., Beardstown, 111. Shaw, W. H., Utica, N. Y. Shay, John H., Streator, HI. Sheaff, Robert L., Newcastle, Me. Shear, A. Lincoln, Sidney, N. Y. Shearer, Herman A., Paradise, Cal. Sheffield, Devello Z., A. B. C. F. M. Sheldon, Charles F., Danville, la. Sheldon, Charles M., Topeka, Kan. Sheldon, Frank M., Rockford, 111. Sheldon, Harry D., Lorain, O. Sheldon, Stewart, Topeka, Kan. Shelton, C. W., Sec, N. Y. City, 174 54, 128, 484 1899 228 182 148 8, 22 442 238 338 344 262 34 420 126 422 276 350 164 1889 1895 8, 318 162 53, 1890 1S58 1884 424 144 1885 166 162 224 348 106, 8 481 190 210 176 372 1854 48 Shepard, Herman T., West Epping, N. H. 1891 Shepherd, Robert G., Ironton, O. 1898 Sheppley, Edward H., Superior, Wis. 456 ♦Sheridan, George H., Porter, Ind. 184 Sherk, Abraham B., Torovto, Canada, 1861 Sherman, Edwin T., Brookfield, 111. 8, 170 Sherman, Floyd E., Topeka, Kan. 1879 Sherrill, Alvan F., Pf., Atlanta, Ga. 61 Sherril, Dana, Hoopeston, 111. 1873 Sherrill, .'=!am'l B., Clifton Sprines, N. Y. 1863 Sherwood, John W^, Wells, Mich. 282 Shingler, John J., Montrose, Colo. 120 Shipherd, Theo. M., Newark, N. J. 330 Shipman, Frank R., Andover, Mass. 87, 234 Shirley, Arthur, Stratford, Conn. 1872 Shively, John L., Churrhville, N. Y. 338 Shoemaker, E.Ellsworth, Cambridge, Mass. 1894 Short, Geo. W. D., 15 Robert ct., Ch'go, III. 164 Short, Wallace M., Kansas Citv, Mo. 300, 485 Short, Wm. H., Wabasha, Minn. 296 Show, Arley B., Pf., Stanford Lniv., Cal. 1884 Shall, Gilbert L., Red Lodge, Mont. 304 Shultz, Jacob K., Elk River, Minn. 1882 Shuman, Henry A., Arcadia, Neb. 306 ShurtlefiF, Ernest W., Paris, France, 1889 Sibson, John J., Charleston, Penn. 388 Silva, Ernest G., da, Hilo, T. H. 154 Simmons, Abraham, Jenifer, Ala. 98, 99 Simmons, Daniel A., Tallahassee, Fla. 1896 Simmons, William B., Enid, Okla. 87, 380 Simmons, Zachariah, Mt. Gilead, N. C. 352, 354 Simms, Thomas, Braintree, Mass. • 1885 Simons, J. H., 7250 Madison av., Chicago, 111. 1876 Simpkin, Peter A., Salt Lake City, Utah, 418 Simpson, Alexander, Cambridge, Neb. 306 Smpson, Charles, Detroit, Mich. 1870 Simpson, Herbert A., Centerville, Mich. 1896 Simpson, Samuel, Pf., Hartford, Conn. 69 Sims, Frank W., Memphis, Tenn. 412 Sims, James P., Charleston, S. C. 400 Sims, John R., Gadsden, Ala. 98 Sims, Josiah, Nevada City, Cal. 106, 107 Sims, Richard V., New Iberia, La. 216 Sims, Thomas, Melrose, Mass. 238, 250 Sims, Yancy B., Little Rock, Ark. 102 Sinclair, Carl E., Berkeley, Cal. 1892 Sinden, Arch W., Nashua, la. 196 Singer, Edwin J., St., Burlingame, Cal. 57 *Singer, W. L., Lawton, N. D. Single, John, Highmore, S. D. 1883 Singleton, J. H., Colorado, 1889 Sink, Reuben H., Stockton, Cal. 110 Sinks, Perrv W^, Tampa, Fla. 8, 146 Sinnett, Charles N., Edmore, N. D. 1875 Sinninger, Norman E., Dallas, 111. 168 *Sjoberg, C. O., Cleveland, O. 1896 Skeele, Arthur F., Olivet, Mich. 278 Skeels, Henrv M., Denver, Colo. 118 Skentlebury, Wm. H., Grand June, Mich. 272 Skiles, James H., Glenwood, la. 192 Skillings, Robert B., Portland, N. Y. 346 Skinner, Charles L., Colebrook, N. H. 320 Skinner, David E., Ceres, Cal. 1886 Skinner, George, Colchester, Vt. 422 Slack, Ezra A., Brookhne, Mass. 1881 Slade, William, Thetford, Vt. 428 Slade, William F., Berlin, N. H. 318. 320 Slater, Sheldon, Maddock, N. D. 360, 362 Sleeper, Henry D.,P/., Northampton, Mass. 1891 Sleeper, William W., Wellesley, Mass. 260 Sloan, Alex., Enfield, Mass. 242 Slocum, Geo. M., D. Utica, N. Y. 1879 Slocum, W^m. F., Pr., Colo. Sp'gs, Colo. 85 Slyfield, Frederic A., Black Earth, Wis. 446 Small, Andrew J., Chaplin, Conn. 126 Small, Charles H., Sec, Cleveland, O. 48, 59 Small, Charies R., Hartford, Conn. 130. 131 Small, Harry E.. Goshen, Conn. 128 [Smalley, A. L.. deceased, 34 Smart, Geo. T., Newton Highlands, Mass. 252 Smart, I. Chipman, Burlington, Vt. 422 Smart, William S., Brandon, Vt. 1861 *Smidt, HelmerT.,743 Harrison st.,Ch'o, 111. 1894 Smiley, Elmer E., Groton, N. Y. 340 Smiley, James D., Farmington, N. H. 138, 320 Smiley, Samuel R., Penacook, N. H. 318 Smit, John, Princeton, Neb. 312 Smith, Albert D., Milton, Mass. 252 Smith, Albert H., Hancock, Wis. 448, 450, 452 Smith, Alex. D.. Hamline. Minn. 292 *Smith, Allen, 1891 Smith, Andrew J. I., Elmhurst, Cal. 187 [Smith, Arthur, deceased, 35 Smith. Arthur H., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Smith, Azro A., Reading, Mass. 1864 Smith. Caleb E., Roxburv. Vt. 426 Smith, Carev D., Red Level, Ala. 1905 Smith,Chas.C.,j1/j/.,24.W.67thst.,Ch'go,I11.1902 Smith, ChaHes H.. Barre, Mass. 86, 234 Smith, Charles W.. Svkeston, N. D. 364 Smith. Charles W., P'hcrnix. Ala. 94 .Smith. Clifford H.. Pittsford, Vt. 426 Smith. Edward C... Templeton, Mass. 260 Smith, Edward H., Oshkosh. Wis. 4.'54 546 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Smith, Edward H., A. B.C. F. M. 481 Smith, Edward L., Seattle, Wash. 442, 485 Smith, Edwin B., Overbrook, Kan. 208, 210 Smith, Edwin R., Concord, N. H. 9, 48 Smith, E. Ellsworth, Glen Ulin, N. D. 1894 Smith, E. Lornie, Yankton, S. D. 406 *Smith, Ernest C., Green Bay, Wis. 450 *Smith, Ernest M., Ferndale, Wash. 438 *Smith, Felix G., Shepherd, Tenn. 1877 Smith, Frank G., Chicago, 111. 166, 485 Smith, Frank N., Rosalia, Wash. 1897 Smith, Frederick C, Hopewell, O. 1898 Smith, Fred H., Fredonia, Kan. 206 Smith, G. Ernest, Morton Park, 111. 172 Smith, George, Austm, 111. 1868 Smith, George A., Boone, Okla. 1905 Smith, George H., P/., Wheaton, 111. 1876 Smith, George H., Copenhagen, N. Y. 338 Smith, George LeG., Bellevue, O. 366 Smith, Green N., Baxley, Ga. 150 Smith, Hay W., Portchester, N. Y. 346 Smith, Henry F., Yankton, S. D. 1905 Smith, Henry G., P/., Goshen, Mass. 1886 Smith, Henry P., P/., Meadville, Pa. 1875 Smith, Henry W., Lee, Mass. 1905 Smith, Hinds, Oberlin, O. 1871 Smith, Howard N., St., Portland, Ore. 53, 1889 Smith, Isaiah P., Lawrence, Mass. 1864 Smith, James E., Everett, Wash. 438 Smith, James E., New Orleans, La. 216 Smith, James G., Fayetteville, N. C. 352, 354 *Smith, James R., St. Louis, Mo. 302 Smith, James Robert, Quincy, 111. 176 Smith, John E., Fremontville, Cal. 1877 Smith, J. Arthur, Waynoka, Okla. 382 Smith, J. Challen, Provo, Utah, 418 Smith, J. Franklin, Kellogg, la. 194 Smith, J. Lloyd, Brodhead, Wis. 446 Smith, Jonathan G., Tomah, Wis. 458 Smith, Joseph E., Chattanooga, Tenn. 412 *Smith, Mrs. Margaret J., Ev., Mont Eagle, Tenn. 1893 ♦Smith, N. Fay, E. Northfield, Mass. 252 Smith, Nicholas, Field's Landing, Cal. 104 ♦Smith, Orville S., Delavan, Wis. 1874 Smith, Oscar M., Java, N. Y. 1863 Smith, Otterbein O., Council Bluffs, la. 188 Smith, Ralph J., New London, O. 1884 Smith, Richard, Woodburn, 111. 178 Smith, Robert, Montclair, N. J. 330 Smith, Robert L., Henrietta, N. Y. 8, 342 Smith, Samuel G., St. Paul, Minn. 294, 485 Smith, Stephen, Lebanon, Conn. 130 Smith, Stephen D., Atlanta, Ga. 1875 *Smith, Stewart H., Garretson, S. D. 8, 404 Smith, Thomas, Gosneyville, Ky. 214 Smith, Wesley W., Middlebury, Vt. 1887 Smith, William, St. Louis, Mo. 302 Smith, William, Wakeman, O. 378 Smith, William A., Groton, N. Y. 1864 Smith, William H., Aurora, 111. 1879 *Smith, William H., Bridgeport, Conn. 1901 Smith, William S., Worcester, Mass. 1854 Smith, W. R., Good Water, R. D. 2, Ala. 94 Smith, Zwingle H., DeSmet, S. D. 404 Smits, Bastian, Jackson, Mich. 274 Smyth, Newman, New Haven, Conn. 132 *Smythe, George H., Holyoke, Mass. 246 Snape, J. C, Kennewick, Wash. 1906 Snape, William, Cathlamet, Wash. 436 Sneath, Isaiah W., New Haven, Conn. 132 Snelgrove, Andrew H., Olivet, Mich. 1881 Snell, C. Y., Los Angeles, Cal. Snell, David W., New York, N. Y. Snell, Frank W., Dennvsville, Me. 220 *Snell, Laird W., New York, N. Y. 1900 Snell, Roy J., Wheaton, 111. 1906 Snell, Spencer, Mobile, Ala. 98 Snider, Asa B., Portland, Ore. 1895 (Snow, Benjamin P., deceased, 35 Snow, Everard W., Winsted, Conn. 140 Snow, Frederick E., Guilford, Conn. 128 Snow, Walter A., Glenwood, Minn. 288 Snowden, 0. L.,2056 W.94th st.,Ch'go, 111. 1897 Snowden, Frank R., Sligo, Md. 1897 Snowden, James E., Cedar Falls, la. 188 *Snyder, Harry A., Washougal, Wash. 436, 438, 444 Snyder, Henry C, Galesburg, Mich. 272 Snyder, Henry S., Gilbertville, Mass. 244 Snyder, Owen M., Hennepin, 111. 1897 Snyder, Peter M., Rockford, 111. 176 Snyder, W. F., Nickerson, Kan. 208 Soares, Antonio V., Honolulu, T. H. 154 Soderholm, Henry, Chicago, 111. 1892 Solandt, Andrew P., Wichita, Kan. 1888 Solandt, James A., Rutland, Mass. 256 Someillan,HenryB.,GKona6acoo, Cuba, 142, 143 Somerville, T. E., Chicago, 111. Soper, George E., Pomona, Cal. 114 *Souders, Walter G., Blue Island, 111. 1899 *Soule, A. F., Green River, Wyo. 460 Soule, Sherrod, Naugatuck, Conn. 132 Southgate, Benj. M., My., Chicago, 111. 53 Southgate, C. M., St., Boston, Mass. 1870 Southworth, Francis, Portland, Me. 226 Sowles,Langdon L.,DodgeCenter,Minn. 286, 288 Spalding, George, jr., Stonington, Conn. 1901 Spangenberg, Lewis F., Dawson, N. D. 8, 358, 359, 364 206 380 336 1900 346 35 112, 116 1890 280 1892 172 426, 485 194 150 404, 408 462 106 302 314 280 8, 186 204, 205 481 1854 Spangler, Alpheus M., Eureka, Kan Spangler, George B., Edmond, Okla. Spanswick, Thomas W., Arcade, N. Y. Sparhawk, Willis T., Randolph, Vt. Spaulding, W., Bedford Pk., N.Y.City, fSpeare, S. Lewis B., deceased, Speers, Luther, Compton, Cal. Speers, William J., Santa Cruz., Cal. Spelman, Henry O., St. Clair, Mich. Spelman, Levi P., Covert, Mich. Spence, Jos. M. A., Chicago, 111. Spence, Walter, Metropolis, 111. Spence, Will H., Rutland, Vt. Spencer, David B., River Falls, W^is. Spiker, William D., Kingsley, la. Spillars, Ashbell P., Albany, Ga. Spittell, Jabez, Estelline, S. D. *Spivey, G. Monroe, Crestview, Fla. Spoolman, Jacob, Kenwood, Cal. Spooner, Walter, St. Louis, Mo. Sprague, Elmer E., Thetford, Neb. Sprague, Frank M., Tampa, Fla. Sprague, F. P., Saranac, Mich. ♦Sprague, George C, Atlantic, la. ♦Sprague, Wm. A., Douglass, Kan. Sprague, William P., A. B. C. F. M. Spyker, Simon, Richland Center, Wis Squire, Wm. P., Colchester, R. D. 3, Conn. 136 Squires, Norman J., West Haven, Conn. 138 Staaf, Gustaf, No. Minneapolis, Minn. Staats, Henry T., Pasadena, Cal. Stackman, C, Cheshire, Conn, Stackpole, Everett S., Bradford, Mass. Stackpole, Markham W., Andover, Mass. Staff, Fred., Grand Rapids, Wis. ♦Stahl, Karl C, Ritzville, Wash. Stahmer, Henry, Crete, Neb. Staley, John J., Manistee, Mich. Stanford, Arthur W., A. B.C. F. M. Stanley, Charles A., A. B. C. F. M. Stanley, Charles A., jr., A. B. C. F. M. Stanton, George F., Boston, Mass. [Stanton, James, deceased, ♦Stanton, Jay B., Sulphur Springs, Colo. Staples, J. S., Geneva, Neb. Stapleton, J., Brooklyn, N. Y. _ Stapleton, Robert, Saginaw, Mich. Stapleton, Robert S., A. B. C. F. M. Stark, Charles W., Sun Prairie, Wis Starr, Edward C, Cornwall, Conn. Starr, Harris E., Mt. Carmel, Conn. Starr, M. Angelo, Philadelphia, Penn. Starr, Otis A., Excelsior, Minn. Starr, William H., Supt., Thornton, R. I. 1865 Staub, John J., Portland, Sta. C, Ore. 386 ♦St. Aubin, T. S., Perkins, P. Q., Canada, 1893 Stauffer, Henry, Milwaukee, Wis. 452 ♦Staunton,' Benjamin, Mt. Pleasant, la. 192, 196 1889 116 246 1902 450 1902 308 276 481 481 481 1866 35 338 280 481 456, 458 126, 127 132 1870 1870 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 547 Staver, Dan'l, Forest Grove, Ore. 384 St. Claire, Chris. C, Morrisville, Vt. 426 Stead, James R., Morgan Park, 111. 172 Stearns, Charles C, Claremont, Cal. 1875 Stearns, Edw. R., Lancaster, N. H. 322 fStearns, George W., deceased, 35 Stearns, William F., Norfolk, Conn. 134 Stebbins, Chas. E., W. Chicago, III. 178 Stebbins, Herbert W., Boston, Mass. 1880 Steele, Albert T., Bethel, Conn. 8, 124 Steele, John T., Dickens, la. 190 Steele, Joseph, jr., Ankeny, la. 186, 188 Steele, William, Ford, Kan. 206 Steelman, J. Newton, Crown Point, N. Y. 340 Steere, Charles, East McDonouph, N. Y. 1871 Stein, Henry W., Waukegan, 111. 178 Steiner, Dennis R., Alma, Kan. 204 Steiner, Edward A., P/., Grinnell, la. 59, 485 Stembridge, Alfred E., Wilmington, Mass. 1890 ♦Stemen, John A., Stevens Point, Wis. 1886 Stephens, Fred'k A., Des Moines, la. 274 Stephens, J. Vinson, Pittston, Penn. 390 Stephens, Thad. A., Lacon, 111. 170 Sterns, Wallace H., Pomfret, Conn. 134 Stetson, Oscar F., Sutlon, Mass. 258 Stetson, R. K., E. St. Louis, 111. 168 Stevens, Almon O., Elkhorn, Wis. 448 Stevens, Charles H., Canton Cen., Conn. 138 *Stevens, Charles L., Phippsburg, Me. 226 Stevens, Charles M., Thebes, Ga. 1891 Stevens, Clarence H., San Rafael, Cal. 108 Stevens, Frank V., Yankton, S. D. 8, 410 Stevens, Henry A., Brighton, Mass. 256 Stevens, J. M., Peoria, 111. 174 Stevens, John L., Thawville, 111. 1899 Stevens, Julius, Ft. Dodge, la. 1865 Stevens, Moodv A., Milford, N. H. 1862 Stevens, Wm. t)., Warwick, N. Y. 1889 Stevens, Wilmot E., Oberlin, O. 1900 Stevenson, C. H., Des Moines, la. Stevenson, John O., Waterloo, la. 186 Stevenson, Wm. D. J., Watervliet, Mich. 268, 282 Stewart, Jeremiah D., St., Aurora, Neb. 53 Stewart, John R., Natural Bridge, Ala. 1899 Stewart, William J., Buda, 111. 162 Stewart, W. R., My., Montpelier,Vt. 1895, 53 *Stickel, E. C, Nashville, Tenn. 1875 Sticknev, Edwin H.. St., Fargo, N, D. 63, 358 Stiles, Hubert W., Dundee, 111. 168 Stiles, W. C, Ed., 44 E. 23d st., N. Y. City, 1876 Stillman, Orson A., My., Eugene, Ore. 1902 Stimson, Cyrus F., Waterville, Me. 8, 230 Stimson, H. A., 159 W. 86th, N. Y. 54, 344, 484 Stimson, Martin L., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Stiver, Samuel L., Pn., Bunker Hill, 111. 1879 St. John, Benjamin, Benicia, Cal. 104 Stockdale, Allen A., Boston, Mass. 8, 9, 236 Stocking, James B., Arbor\-ille, Neb. 306 Stocking, Jay T., Newton^^lle, Mass. 252 Stocking, Wm. R., Williamstown, Mass. 1871 Stockwell, Cyrus K., Bloomington, 111. 162 Stoddard, Eugene W., T., Berkeley, Cal. 1886 Stoddard, John C, Bunker Hill, 111. 162 Stokes, Wm. T Brooklyn, N. Y. 1883 Stone, Dwight C., Stonington, Conn. 138 Stone, Edward G., Burlington, Conn. 124 Stone, Edward P., Rutland, Vt. 1861 Stone, Ira D., Winnebago, 111. 1894 Stone, Justus V., Griswold, Conn. 128 Stone, OUver B., Ashkuni, 111. 162 Stoneman, A. H., Grand Rapids, Mich. 270, 272 Storer, Frederick A. S., Syracuse, N. Y. 1886 Storm, Julius E., Ir\'ington, Neb. 310 Storrs, Chas. L., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Stough, Henry W., My., Wheaton, 111. 1896 Stoughton, Lewis H., Standish, Me. 228 Stover, Howard C, Council, Ida. 160 Stover, Wesley U., A. B.C.F. M. 481 Stover, William B., Alva, Okla. 380 Stowe, Charles E., Bridgewater, Mass. 43, 238 Stowe, Wilbur F., Kingston, N. Y. 1889 StowelJ.'Alex.'D., Binghamton, N. Y 1858 Strain, Horace L.. Iowa City, la. 194 Strandine, Axel, Cohoes, N. Y. 350 Strang, Clement J., Benzonia, Mich. 272 Strange, William L., Portland, Ore. 1893 Stratton, Lemuel N., Lockport, R. D., 111. 170 Strayer, Charlton B., Green's Farms, Conn. 128 Strayer, Luther M., Glastonbury, Conn. 1903 Street, Wm. D., White Plains, N. Y. 52, 350 Streeter, Clayton M., Lafayette, Colo. 118 Streeter, Willard E., Oakham, Mass. 254 Strickland, Geo. D., Druinmond, Mich. 270 Stringer, Firth, Highland, 111. 1872 Strohecker, John H., Ritzville, Wash. 1902 Stromire, Geo. D., Kiowa, Kan. 206 Strong, Chas. B., Harwinton, Conn. 1882 Strong, David H., Williamstown, Vt. 420, 430 Strong, Dwight A., Highland Lake, Colo. 1890 Strong, E. E., Ed., Auburndale, Mass. 44 Strong, Frank P., Osborne, Kan. 208 Strong, Jas. W., Pr., Northfield, Minn. 484 Strong, Josiah, New York City, 1871 Strong, J. Selden, Limington, Me. 224 Strong, Sydney, Seattle, Wash. 442 Strong, William E., Ed., Boston, Mass. 44, 58 Stroup, Charles A., Mechanicsburg, O. 1896 Strout, Joseph W., Kingston, N. H. 322 Struthers, Alfred L., Alfred, Me. 218 Stryker, Garrett V., Mill River, Mass. 252 Stuart, Irving W., Detroit, Mich. 266 [Stuart, Isambert B., deceased, 36 *Stuart, Mrs. Rosine E., No. Yakima, R. D. 1, Wash. 1898 Stubbins, Thos. A., Harvey, 111. 170 Stubbins, Wm. H., Clifton, 111. 168 Stubbs, Robert S., Ch., Tacoma, Wash. 1864 Stump, George E., Ed., Chenoa, 111. 1896 Sturgis, Frederick E., Natick, Mass. 1868 Sturtevant,J.M.,832 Wilson av.,Ch'go,Ill, 1860 Stutson, Henry H., New Richland, Minn. 1897 Suber, Gustav A., Attleboro, Mass. 1902 Suckow, William J., Grinnell, la. 1888 Suffa, Andrew, Hastings, Neb. 310 Sullens, A. J., Gary, Ind. 182 Sumner, Charles B., Pf., Claremont, Cal. 1868 Sumner, Fred A., Milford, Conn. 130 Sumner, Mark N., Mill Creek, Tenn. 412 Surdival, William, Gomer, O. 372 Sutherland, John M., Toulon, 111. 178 Sutherland, John W., Sec, Lansing, Mich. 48 Sutherland, Ward T., Wellsville, N. Y. 350 Sutherand, Wm. L., Great Bend, Kan. 204, 206 Sutley, Wm. J., Brantley, Ala. 1887 Sutton, Samuel, Williamsburg, Ky. 1867 Swain, Augustus C, No. Cambridge, Mass. 1873 Swain, Carl J., Excelsior, Minn. 288, 290 Swain, Richard L., Laconia, N. H. 322 Swanson, Isaac J., Lima, O. 372 Swanson, J. E., Lincoln, Neb. 1888 *Swanstrom, August, Cleburne, Kan. 1892 Swartout, Edgar P., Turton, S. D. 408 Swartz, Charles K., Baltimore, Md. 1892 Swartz, Herman F., Webster Grove, Mo. 89, 302, 484 Swartz, Joel, Maplewood, Mo. 8, 300 Sweet, George E., Pro\'idence, R. I. 1892 Sweet, Milo J., Hudson, Mich. 274 *Sweet, John E., Brookfield, Vt. 8, 420 Sweet, William I., Everett, Mass. 242 Swengel, A. Wilmer, Harrisburg, Penn. 1886 Swenson, Frank O., So. Manchester, Conn. 136 Swertfager, Geo. A., Princeton, Minn. 294 Swift, Benjamin, Woodstock, Vt. 8, 9, 430 Swift, Clarence F., Fall River, Mass. 242 Swing, Albert T., Pf., Oberlin, O. 1878, 72 Swinnerton, G. F., Caledonia, Minn. 1897 Swinnertop, Wm. T., Springdale, Conn. 1877 Switzer, Annie E., Dayton, Wyo. 8, 460 Symons, Henry, Ada, Minn. 8, 286 Tade, Ewing O., St., Los Angeles, Cal. 1861 Taft, Clinton J., Binghamton, N. Y. 336 Taft, Jay N., Elizabeth, N. J. 8, 330 Taft, Rufus M., Ev., Worcester, Mass. 1893 Taggart, Charles E., Litchfield, Mich. 276 Taintor, Jesse F., Pf., Ripon, Wis. 1878 548 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Taisne, Telesphore, Auburn, Me. 218, 224 Talmadge, Elliott F., Sec, Wauregan, Conn. 138, 139 Talmage, Charles H., Taunton, Mass. 1882 Talmage, Luther C, Minneapolis, Minn. 86, 292 Tamblyn, Albert T., New York, N. Y. 8, 344 Tanaka, Giichi, Wailuku, T. H. 158, 159 Tangemann, Gottlob D., Etiwanda, Cal. 1893 Tanner, Allan A., Alton, 111. 162 *Tarr, Jas. J. G., Lanesville, Mass. 244 Tasker, Joseph O., Pittsfield, N. H. 1887 Tate, Albert J., T., High Point, N. C. 352 Tate, William J., Higganum, Conn. 130, 131 *Taulbee. James M., Highland, Kan. 1889, 206 Taylor, A. Wilber, Seneca Falls, N. Y. 348 Taylor, Charles I., Clarksville, Mich. 1886 Taylor, Frederick C, So. Britain, Conn. 136 [Taylor, George E., deceased, 36 Taylor, Glen A., Denmark, la. 1899 Taylor, G., P/., 180 Grand av., Chicago, 111. 60, 71, 164, 485 Taylor, Herbert J., Hawley, Minn. 290 Taylor, Horace J., Anacortes, Wash. 436, 438, 440 Taylor, J. G., Arlington Heights, Mass. 234 Taylor, J. Phelps, Pf., Andover, Mass. 1868 Taylor, Lawrence, Plevna, Kan. 210 Taylor, Living'n L., Canandaigua, N. Y. 338 Taylor, Marcus B., Brooklyn, N. Y. 336 Taylor, Raynsford, Dimond, Cal. 1878 Taylor, Samuel, Hartford, Mich. 272 Taylor, Wallace, A. B. C. F. M. 481 *Taylor, Walter P., Boston, Mass. 1891 Tead, Edw. S., Sec, Somerville, Mass. 1878, 46 Tebbetts, Arthur H., Minneapolis, Minn. 1873 Tedford, J. E., Edmands, Wis. 436, 440 Teel, William H., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1868 Temple, Wm. H. G., Sacramento, Cal. 108 Tenney, Edward P., Gill, Mass. 244 Tenney, Henry M., Oberlin, O. 374, 485 Tenney, H. Melville, Sec, Berkeley, Cal. 44, 59 Tenney, Leonard B., Scotland, Conn. 136 Tenney, William A., Oakland, Cal. 1856 Tenney, W. L., Sioux City, la. 9, 198 Terborgh, Isaac, Brant, Alberta, Canada, 1894 [Terhune, Edward P., deceased, *Testa, S. L., 66 Cheever pi, BTn, N. Y. 1889 Teuber, Adolph C, My., Hebron, N. D. Tewksbury, Elwood G^ Brooklyn, N. Y. Tewksbury, Geo. A., Concord, Mass. 240 Thacker, Joseph, Mexico, 1897 Thain, Alexander R., Wauwatosa, Wis. 458 Thayer, Charles S., Pf., Hartford, Conn. 69 Thayer, Frederick D., Dudley, Mass. 242 Thayer, Henry E., Pr., Wichita, Kan. 48 Thayer, H. O., New York, N. Y. 1866 Thayer, Lucius H., Portsmouth, N. H. 324, 485 Thayer, O. Franklin. Korn, Cal. 112 Theodore, John T., Centerviile, Mass. 234 Thiel, Peter J., Minden, la. 194 Thing, Milo J. P., Ryan, R. D. 2, la. 192 Thirloway, Timothy, Green River, W>o. 1896 Thistleton, Alfred E., Schenectady, N. Y. 348 Thom, A. Alexander, Prairie City, la. 198 ♦Thomas, C. H., Healdsburg, Cal. [Thomas, Chandler N., deceased. Thomas, Charles M., Glenview, 111. 170 Thomas, Chas. N., Riveredge, N. J. 332 Thomas, Clark S., Minooka, 111. Thomas, D. Theodore, Portland, Ore. 386 Thomas, Evan, Essex Junction, Vt. 422 Thomas, Ivor, Bangor, Penn. 388, 394 Thomas, John G., Lima, O. 372 Thomas, John P., Newcastle, Penn. 390 Thomas, Lewis J., Duxbury, Mass. 1878 Thomas, Morrison J., Newark, O. 374 Thomas, Owen, So. Sharon, Penn. 392 Thomas, Percy E., Winona, Minn. 296 [Thomas, Reuen, deceased, 36 Thomas, Thomas D., Red Oak, la. 1881 Thomas, Thomas P., Oberlin, O. 1885 Thomas, W. Arthur, McKee Citv, N. J. 1882 Thomas, Wm. A., Salem, N. Y.' Thome, A. M., 133 Lincoln av., Ch'go, 111. 1866 Thome, James A., Chicago, 111. 1886 Thomlinson, W. H.j Muscatine, la. 198 Thompson, Albert H., Raymond, N. H. 324 Thompson,A.W.,Bakersfield, R.F. D. 1, Cal. 114 Thompson, Carl D., Elgin, 111. 1898 Thompson, Karl O, Cedar Springs, Mich. 8, 268, 270 Thompson, Frank, Ch., Valparaiso, Chili, 481 Thompson, Franklin, Charlemont, Mass. 240, 246 Thompson, George O., Truro, Mass. 1889 Thompson, Hiram F., Lexington, O. 1893 Thompson, Howard S., Chardon, O. 372 Thompson, James B., Rose Creek, Minn. 294, 296 Thompson, J. C, Golconda, 111. 1876 Thompson, J. Herbert, Los Angeles, Cal. 112, 116 Thompson, M., Goliad, Tex. 416 Thompson, Nathan, Laurel, Md. 1865 *Thompson, Ole, Clintonville, Wis. Thompson, Thomas, Larchwood, la. 410 Thompson, Thos. B., Milwaukee, Wis. 450 Thompson, Wm. S., Exeter, N. H. 1862 Thompson, W. Sherman, Somerville, Mass. 258 Thomsen, Ludwig, Pn., Vernal, Utah, 1900 Thomson, Alex., Wis. 454 Thomson, A. Eugene, Berea, Ky. 214 Thomson, Charles, China, 1898 ♦Thomson, James, Hampton, la. 192 ♦Thomson, Robert, Samokov, Bulgaria, 1881 Thomson, Robert J., Bound Brook, N. J. 484, 485 Thoren, Herman H., Big Timber, Mont. 304 Thornbury, Benj. R., Somonauk, 111. 176 Thorp, Charles N., Chelsea, Mass. 240 Thorp, W. B.,3977 Drexel blvd., Ch'go, 111. 164 Thorpe, John, Dolgeville, Cal. 112 Thorpe, Ole O., Concord, Mass. 1894 Thorpe, Walter, Wallingford, Vt. 428 Thrall, J. Brainerd, Leicester, Mass. 248 Thrall, W. Herbert, St., Huron, S. D. 48 Thrasher,Geo.W.,Town Creek,R.D.3,Ala., 92, 96 Thrush, John O., Webster Citv, la. 200 ♦Thurston, Chas. A. G., Ev., Chelsea, Mass. 1877 Thurston, John R., Whitinsville, Mass. 252 Thurston, Oakley B., Manhattan, Kan. 208 Thurston, Thos. W., Albert Lea, Minn. 1851 Thwing, Charles F., Pr., Cleveland, O. 1879 Thwing, Edward W., St., Honolulu, T. H. 154 Thygeson, Hanson E., Hutchville, Mass. 242 Thvholdt, Paul C, Jacksonville, 111. 1881 Tibbets, Arthur T., Cannon Ball, N. D. 8, 356 Tibbetts, Dallas D., Eldon, la. 1881 Tice, J. Hammond, Hutchinson, Kan. 206 Tillett, Barton C, Uehling, Neb. 314 Tillman, Wm. H., Atlanta, Ga. 150 Tilton, Frank P., Wallula, Wash. 444 Tilton, Geo. H., No. Woburn, Mass. 262 Timoteo, Enoch S., Honolulu, T. H. 1880 Tingle, George W., Wellston, Okla. 1893 Titcomb, Arthur, Springfield, Mass. 234 Titsworth, Judson, Milwaukee, Wis. 452 Tobey, Benj. F., Ithaca, R. D. 36, N. Y. 340 Tobey, Rufus B,, Boston, Mass. 1880 Todd, Albert G., Worcester, Mass. 264 Todd, David E., Payson, 111. 174 Todd, George L., St., Havana, Cuba, 48, 142 Todd, Henry C, Glasgow, Mont. 1883 Todd, John W., Centerviile, S. D. 402 Todd, Ouintus C, Pf., Tabor, la 1879 ♦Todd, William E., Drummond, Okla. 1890 Toleman, Charles B., Sterling, Mass. 258 Tolson, George T., Berkeley, Cal. 9, 73, 1904 Tomblen, Chas. L., Montague, Mass. 250 Tomblom, A. Ferdinand, Pittsburg, Penn. 390 Tomlin, David R., Kirkland, Wash. 438 [Tomlinson, J. Logan, deceased, 37 Tomlinson, Joseph A., Philadelphia, Penn. 1872 Tompkins, James, Alto Pass, 111. 1867 Tompkins, Mrs. Salva M.A., Oberon, N. D. 362 Toms, Joseph, Springfield, Neb. 8, 314 Toomay, John B., St. Louis, Mo. 302 Toothaker, Archie, Council Grove, Kan. 204 Torbet, Howard L., E. Boston, Mass. 236 ♦Torrence, James S., Joliet, Mont. 1900 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 549 Torrens, David J.. Fairport, N. Y. 340 Torrey, Charles C, Andover, Mass. 1855 Torrey, Charles C, Pf., New Haven, Conn. 67 Torrev, Daniel T., Agt., Providence, R. I. 1888 Torrey, David C, Bedford, Mass. 236 Torrey, Elbridge C, Sheffield, Mass, 256 Torrey, Joseph, Stratford, Conn. 258 Torrey, Reuben A.,£;r.,SOInst.pl.,Ch'go,Ill. 1878 Totten, George A., Mayville, N. D. 8, 360 Totusek, Vincent, Stockdale, Pa. 392 Tower, Charles E., Ma.-^on City, la. 194 Tower, William H.,Mihon-on-Hudson,N.Y.1897 Towie, James A., I'/., Jamaica, N. Y. Town, Willard O., Bowling Green, O. 374 Towne, Salem D., Boston, Mass. 1885 Townsend, Arthur C, Albion, Neb. 306 Townsend, Jewett C, Fremont, Mich. 272 Townsend, Morris B., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1894 Townsend, Stephen J., Interlachen, Fla. 144 Tracy, Alfred E., Chula Vista, Cal. 112 Tracy, Charles C.,^. B. C.F.M. 481 Tracy, Charles K.. A. B. C. F. M. 481 Tracy, Isaac B., Hayward, Wis. 450 Tracy, James E., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Trask, John L. R., Springfield, Mass. 1867 Traudt, Adam, Denver, Colo. 118 Traut, G. Albert, Moorhead, Minn. 292 Travers, Robert M., Haven, Kan. 206 Tra\-is, A. Ferdinand, Hopkinton, Mass. 246 Travis, David Q., Los Angeles, Cal. 1889 Travis, Lee J., Ashtabula, O. 366 T^a^^s, Thomas A., Montclair, N. J. 330 Trcha, Charles J., St. Paul, Minn. 294 Treat, Edward P., Richmond, Vt. 426 Treat, J. Calvin, Burton, O. 366 TreFethren, Eugene B., Ipswich, S. D. 9, 1900 Treiber, Daniel J., Hood River, Ore. 1885 Treiber, Michael, Sutton, Neb. 314 Triplett, Harry M., Grafton, Neb. 308, 314 Triplett, T. H.. Tyler, Tex. 416 Tripp, Ira J., Yampa, Colo. 122 Trow, Wm. A., Sherburne, N. Y. 348 Trowbridge, John P., W. Groton, Mass. 244 Trowbridge, S. v. R., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Trueblood, Wm. J., Sandoval, 111. 176 Truesdell, Arthur L., Wendell, Mass. 248, 260 Truman, Daniel, Newavgo, Mich. 272 Truslow, Arthur, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1896 Trussell, William F., Champlin, Minn. 1895 Tsuji, Mitsutaro, Lihue, T. H. 156 Tubbs,Charles S.,GrandLedge,R.D.,Mich. 8, 282 Tuck, Edward A., West Concord, N. H. 320 ♦Tucker, F. D., Pf., Mason City, la. 1896 Tucker, H. A., lurkwood, St. Louis, Mo. Tucker, Wm. J., Pr., Hanover, N. H. 85 *Tull, Harvey V., Jonesboro, Ark. 1884 Tupper, Leland E., No. Craftsburv, Vt. 1887 Turk, Morris H., Natick, Mass. 250 *Turner, Benj. R., Independence, Okla. 1873 Turner, Edward B., My., Paia, T. H. 158 Turner, Herbert B., Ch., Hampton, Va. 1879 ♦Turner, John M., Avoca, la. 186 Turner, Jonathan, Armada, Mich. 266 Turner, Leonard A., Oklahoma Citv, Okla. 1897 Turner, Tell A., East Woodstock, Conn. 126, 134 Turner, W. Jay, Shenandoah, la. 198 Turrentine, Wm. J., Athens, Ala. 98 Tuthill, C. Julian, Mattapoisett, Mass. 250 Tuthill, Wm. B., Leominster. Mass. 86, 248 Tuttle, Henry W., Grinnell, la. 1889, 53 Tuttle, John E., Lincoln. Neb. 310 Tweedv, Henrv H., Bridgeport, Conn. 8, 124 Twichell, Joseph H., Hartford. Conn. 130 [Twomblv, Alexander S., deceased, 37 Tyler, Charles M., Pf., Ithaca, N. Y. 1857 Tyler, Henrv F., Lansford, Penn. 390 Tyler, Henrv M., P/., Northampton, Mass. 1872 Tyrell. F. JI., Netawaka. Kan. 1886 Udd, John, Cambridge, Ma.ss. 1896 Um.sted, Owen, No. Yakima, R. D., Wash. 436 Underwood, Ruf us S.,/^)\, Springfield, Mass. 1867 Unger, Samuel L., Wabaunsee. Kan. 212 Upchurch. James, Kailua, T. H. 8, 154 Updike, Eugene G., Madison, Wis. 452 I Upham, Clement, Sherman, Mich. 268, 280 Upshaw, William L., Portland, Ore. Upson, Henry, 7'., New Preston, Conn. 1862 ! Upton, Jonathan S., Atwater, O. 366 Upton, Rufus P., Appleton, Minn. 286, 288 Urban, John T., E. Fairfield, Vt. 422 Usher, William, Smithville Flats, N. Y. 1885 Ussher, Clarence D., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Utterwick, Henry, Rutherford, N. J. 332 Uzzell, Thomas A., Denver, Colo. 118 Vahlstrom, Charles J., E. Norwalk, Conn. 126, 127 Vaile, Charles S., Claremont, Cal. 1882 Vaill, Henry M., Staffordville, Conn. 1861 Vaitses, Stephen, My., Melrose H'ds, Mass. 1903 Valdez, Cayetano D., Tampa, Fla. 1892 Vallentine, James W., Glen Ellvn, III. 170 Van Allen, Frank, A. B. C. F. M. 481 Van Auken, Abram, Vanderbilt, Mich. 1879 [Van Auken, C. F.', deceased, 37 Van Auken, Carl H., Strongsville, O. 376 Van Auken, H. R., Indianapolis, Ind. 182 Van Auken, John C, White Cloud, Mich. 1884 Van der Pyl, N., Haverhill, Mass. 8, 246 Van Epps, Frank N.. 65 Central Pk. W., N. Y. Van Haagen, Henry C, Hinesburg, Vt. 424 Van Horn, F. J., Seattle, Wash. 8, 440 Van Home, Mahlon, Antigva, B. W. I. 1866 VanKeuren, Mailler O., Little Valley, N. Y. 342 Van Luven, S. A., Portland, Ind. 184 Van Norden, Charles, East Auburn, Cal. 1866 Van Sickle, Cecil H., Winter Park, Fla. 1904 Van S'wearingen,O.M., Strawberry Point, la. 200 Van Valkenberg, H. C, Ainsworth, Neb. 306 Van Vleet, William M., Mt. Pleasant, la. 1891 Van Wagnen, Oliver J., Auburn, Cal. 8, 104 Van Wagner, Allen J., Sedalia, Mo. 1873 Varkanian, Arpar, My., Providence, R. I. 398 Varley, Arthur, Yarmouth, Mass. 264 Vater, William, Genesee, Wis. 450 Vaughan, C. Stanley, Manumadura, India. Vaughan, George W., Heflin, R. D. 2, Ala. 94 *Vaughan, Lewis B., Vicksburg, Mich. 1901 Vaughan, Stephen, Hopkins, Mich. 274 Vaughn, Howard R., Elk Mound, Wis. 448 *Vauthier, Leon P. F., Haverhill, Mass. 1905 Vavrina, Vaclar, St. Louis, Mo. 302 Veazie, Walter C, Dallas, Tex. 1884 Ventosa, C, S. Antonio de los Banos, Cuba, 1901 Vernon, Ambrose W., New Haven, Conn. 67 Vernon, D. E., Spokane, Wash. 1901 Vetter, John, Eldon, Mo. 1863 Viehe, Paul G., Halifax, Mass. 244 Viets, Francis H., West Acton, Mass. 238 Villiers, J. Charles, Kingston, Ont. ♦Vincent, C, Staples, Minn. Vincent, Clarence A., Roxbury, Mass. 8, 9, 236, 485 Vincent, Corwin D., Staples, Minn. 294 Vincent, Samuel L., Windham, Vt. 430 Vincent, Thomas H., Webster, Mass. 260 Vining, Roscoe W., Svracuse, N. Y. 348 Virgin,Sam'l H., 251 Lenox av., N. Y. City, 344 Vittum, Edmund M., Fargo, N. D. 85, 484 Vodola, Pietro F., Hartford, Conn. 130 Vogel, Albert H., Kulm, N. D. 356, 360, 364 Vogler, Henry, LaCrosse, Wash. 1884 Vogt, Wm. F., Beaverton, Ore. 310 *Vonckz, John, Chicago, 111. 164 Von Lubken, Fred'k L. H., Portland, Ore. 386 Voorhees, Frank, Baiting Hollow, N. Y. 336 Voorhees, J. Spencer, Adams, Mass. 234 *Voris. Geo. A., Shoshone, Wyo. 46 fVose, James B., deceased. Vradenburgh, Edgar S., Hubbardton, Vt. 424 Vrooman, W. A., Portage La Prairie, Man. Wacker, Friedrich J., Gackle, N. D. 356, 368. 360 Wade, William G., West Newfield, Me. 224 Wadleigh, Thomas B., Ev., Chebanse, 111. 164 Wagner, Conrad, Selby, S. D. 408 Wagner, Horace T., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Wagner, Wm. Austin, Pittsfield, Mass. 254 Waiau, George W., Hookena, T. H. 1882 550 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Wailes, Prince O., New Orleans, La. 1895 Waite, Foster R., St., Hartford, Conn. 1879 Waite, H. R., Orange, N. J. 1872 Waites, G. W. Cornelius, Hamilton, R. D. 4, Ala. 92, 94 Wakutemani, H.W.,M2/.,Little Eagle,S.D. 1902 Walcott, E. D., Sioux City, la. 1906 Waleott, Philip C, Hartford, Conn. 1904 Walden, H. R., Dockery's Store, N. C. 352, 354 Waldo, Edwin A., W. Palm Beach, Fla. 146 *Waldron, Daniel W., Boston, Mass. 1867 Waldron, Geo. B., Ormond, Fla. 144 Waldron, John D., Buckland, Mass. 238, 246 Waldrop, Isaac M., Fowler, Kan. 206 Wales, Fred'k H., Imperial, Cal. 1876 Walker, Avery S., Wellesley Hills, Mass. 1857 Walker, Charles S., Pf., Amherst, Mass. 1871 Walker, D. A., W. Andover, Mass. 234 *WaIker, H. E., Cavuga, N. D. 356, 364 Walker, Henry H., Boulder, Colo. 118 Walker, Herbert, So. Ashburnham, Mass. 9,234 Walker, John J., Westboro, Mass. 260 Walker, John T., Dowagiac, Mich. 270 Walker, Joseph E., A. B.C. F. M. 481 Walker, Joseph N., Lebanon Centre, Me. 224 Walker, William H., So. Haven, Mich. 280 Walker, William S., Newington, Conn. 1891 Walkup, Alfred C, A. B. C. F. M. 481 Wall, Arthur A., Highland, 111. 280 Wallace, David, Presque Isle, Me. 226 Wallace, Geo. R., Toledo, O. 376 Wallace, Louis, Murphys, Cal. 106 Wallace, MacH.,342 Warren av., De't.Mich. 270 Wallace, Robert W., Hillsboro, N. H. 322 Wallace, Strvker A., Chicago, 111. 168 Wallace, William W., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Wallar, Wm. C. A., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 456 Waller, Edward, Tipton, Cal. 1871 Walters, Thos. W., Colfax, Wash. 1878 Walton, Gilbert, St., Chattanooga, Tenn. 1901 Walton, James A., Elburn, 111. 168 Walton, Richard C., Kansas City, Mo. 1879 Walton, S. A., Green Ridge, Mo. 300 Walton, William, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1877 Waltrip, Theo. A., Phcenix, N. Y. 346 Walz, Ernest L., San Francisco, Cal. 108 Wannamaker, Henry S., Canton, O. 1887 Ward, Arthur N., Somer\'ille, Mass. 1879 Ward, Earl J., Meredith, N. H. 1868 *Ward, Edwin St. J., New York, N. Y. 8 Ward, Frank G., Lansing, Mich. 274 Ward, Geo. M., Pr., Aurora, N. Y. 1896 Ward, Hiram Q., Orford, N. H. 324 Ward, John A., Pf., Minneapolis, Minn. 1894 Ward, Wm. H., Ed., New York, N. Y. 52, 485 Ware, Edward T., Pr., Altanta, Ga. 85 Warfield, Franke A., Milford, Mass. 250 Wark, William O., Bellingham, Wash. 436 Warkentien, Emil, New Hampton, la. 192, 196, 197 Warner, Alexander C, Walworth, Wis. 458 Warner, Charles C, Crookston, Minn. 190 Warner, Lyman. Salisbury, Conn. 1857 Warner, Thos. H., Newark, O. 374 Warner, William J., Windsor, Wis. 452, 458 Warner, Wilmond A., Barton, Vt. 420 Warren, Albert, Excelsior, Minn. 1872 *Warren, Bertram A., Quaker Hill, N. Y. 8 Warren, Brooks A., Sherburn, Minn. 294 Warren, Chas. M., A. B. C. F. M. 4S1 Warren, Edgar, Atkinson, N. H. 318 Warren, Henry K., Pr., Yankton, S. D. 1893 Warren, Jasper C., Argentine, Kan. 204 Warren, Joy M., Olivet, Mich. ISSS Warren, Leroy, Old Mission, Mich. 1862 *Warren, N. G., Brooklyn, N. Y. 338 Warren, William F., Peabodv, Mass. 8, 254 Warren, Wm. H., Sec, Detroit, Mich. 266, 270 Warren, Willis A., Lake City, Minn. 290 Washburn, Mrs. B. C. H., Lodi, Cal. 1905 Washburn, C. H., Dorchester, Mass. 236 Washburn, Francis M., Lodi, Cal. 106 Washburn, George, Cov.ifantinnplp, 481 Washburn, George T., Meriden, Conn. 1859 Washburn, George Y., Everett, Mass. 242 Washington, A. G., Big Lake, Minn. 28& Waterbury, Joseph H., Decatur, 111. 1874 Waterman, W. A., Elgin, 111. 1868 Waters, Frank P., Rocky Hill, Conn. ISe^ Waters, George F., Woodstock, Conn. 140 Waters, N. McG., 488 Tompkins av., Brook- lyn, N. Y. 336, 485 Waters, T. Frank, Ipswich, Mass. 246 Waterworth, John A., So. Portland, Me. 228 Wathen, Charles B., Rehoboth, Mass. 256- Wathen, John M., Claremont, N. H. 320, 420 Watkins, Thomas R., Scranton, Penn. 1884 Watson, Carey H^ Greenfield, Mass. 244 Watson, Charles C., Lynn, Mass. 1867 Watson, Charles E., Los Angeles, Cal. 1883- Watson, James, Highmore, S. D. 404 Watson, James J., Shell Rock, la. 174 [Watson, Robert H., deceased. Watson, Wm. H., Rochester, Vt. 42& Watson, Wm. Howard, Roseland, La. 21& Watt, James C, Maxbass, N. D. 360, 362 Watt, Richard, Normal, 111. 174 Watt, Thomas E., Barstow, Cal. 112 Watt, William J., Alcester, S. D. 1889' Wattenbarger, O. T., Woodward, Okla. 189& Wattle, Charles, Shoreham, Vt. 428 Way, Wm. H., Rensselaer Falls, N. Y. 1883 Weage, E. D., Seattle, Columbia Sta., Wash.440 Weatherby, Seaborn, Rhonesboro, Tex. 1888 Weatherwax, F. W., Fayette, la. 190 Webb, Henry W., Pn., Warren, Me. 230 Webb, Thomas [N. Y.l, 1890 Webber, B. L., Marshall, Minn. 1894 Webber, Edwin E., Reinbeck, la. 1866 [Webber, Geo. N., deceased, 38 Webster, E. C, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1890 Webster, Frank M., Whiting, Ind. 8, 9, 184 Webster, Franklin G., DeRuyter, N. Y. 340 Webster, George J., Long Beach, Cal. 1875 Weckbacher, Geo., New York, N. Y. 1897 Weed, Fredmund C, Waupun, Wis. 54S Weeden, Charles F., Lvnn, Mass. 248 Weeks, William M., Lebanon, Tenn. 1881 Wehrhan, Nelson W., Red Lodge, Mont. 1903 Weidman, Milo R., Wisner, Neb. 316. *Weidman, Peter, Clay Center, Kan. 1864 Weimer, Morrison, Arkansas City, Kan. 1890 Weir, George, Norwalk, O. 374 Weiss, Geo. C, Wisconsin, 1901 Weiss, Joseph, Snohomish, Wash. 442 Welch, Moses C, Pomona, Fla. 144 Welch,V.P.,3/v.,441 S. Leavittst.,Ch'go,I11.1881 Welcher, Manfred P., Wilton, Conn. 1880 Welles, Simeon Bryant, Velva, N. D. 9, 360. 364, 365 Welles, T. Clayton, Eddington, Penn. Wellman, Frederic C, A. B. C. F. M. 481 Wellman, Joshua W., Maiden, Mass. 1851, 46 Wells, Arch. C, Mountain Creek, Ala. 94 *WelIs, Charles W., Arietta, Ore. 1890 Wells, Clayton B., Dallas, Tex. 416 Wells, George W., Marietta, O. 1871 Wells, Herman J., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1890 [Wells, John H., deceased, 38 *Wells, J. Van Kirk, jr., Atlanta, Ga. 1899 Wells, Mark, Baltimore, Md. 232 Wells, William L., No. Fairfield, O. 374 Wellwood, Samuel D., Lodi, O. 372 Welsh, John W., Princeton, 111. 176- *Wendstrand, A. E., Milwaukee, Wis. 452 Wentworth, H. H., Terre Haute, Ind. 184 Wersels, Nils J., Worcester, Mass. Wescott, Wm. D., Western Springs, 111. 178 *Wessell, N. J., Worcester, Mass. 264 West, Lester L., Norwich, Conn. 134 West, Parley B., Magnolia, la. 194 Westenberg, Arthur E., Middleburv, Conn.S,130 Westervelt. Wm. D., My., Honolulu, T.H. 1874 Westlake, C. Milton, Hawarden, la. 192 Westman, C. L., My., Vienna, 111. 1895 Weston, Bartlett H., Georgetown, Mass. 262 MTialev, Adam D., N. Amherst, O. 1895 Whalley, John, Cresbard, S. D. 402, 406- 1908] List of Congreyaiional Ministers. 551 Wheat, Frank I., Los Angeles, Cal. 1S90 Wheat, Nathaniel M., Aurora, Mo. 1880 Wheeler, Charles T., Ev., Paola, Kan. 1895 Wheeler, Edgar C, Rockland, Mass. 256 Wheeler, Edward F., New Ulm, Minn. 292 Wheeler, l<:dward P., Chicago, 111. 1876 Wheeler, Robert F., Hartford, Conn. 128, 129 Wheeler, Sheldon II., Long Beach, Cal. 1875 Wheeler. W. E., Pn., Pleasant Hill, Tenn. 1889 Wheeler, Wilson C, Seneca, Kan. 204, 210 Wheelock, Albert H., Marlboro, Mass. 250 fWheelock, Edwin, deceased, 38 ♦Wheelwright, Joseph, Tamworth, N. H. 326 Wheelwright, Sidney A., Richland Center, Wis. Whiddon, W. Z., Tyler, Tex. Whipple, F. L., T., New Britain, Conn. 1895 Whitby, Henry J., Emporia, Kan. 1883 Whitcomb, George C, Coldwater, Mich. 1878 Whitcomb, Wm. A., Hankinson, N. D. 358 ♦Whitcomb, Wra. F., Westminster, Vt. 430 White, Austin B., Los Angeles, Cal. 1861 White, Berry F., Runge, Tex. 416 White, C. Bouck, New York, N. Y. 1904 White, Charles A., Woonsocket, R. I. 1873 White, Chas. E., Amherst, N. H. 318 White, David W. K., Lahaina, T. H. 156, 158 White, Francis D., Saugatuck, Mich. 280 *White, Frank N., Chicago, 111. 164, 485 White, George E., A. B. C. F. M. 481 White, George H., Grinnell, la. 1856 [White, Isaac C, deceased, 39 vVhite, Isaac J., Andalusia, R. D. 1, Ala. 1877 White, James W., Sheboygan, Wis. 456 [White, Levi, deceased, 39 White, Ralph H., Cununington, Mass. 240 •\Miite, Schuyler S., A. B.C. F. M. 481 White, William A., South Hero, Vt. 428 White. William D., Phoenix, Ala. 1900 White. William F.. Hinsdale, N. H. 322 ♦Whitehead, J. M., Genoa Bluffs, la. 192, 193 Whitehill, John, Oldtown, Mass. 252 Whitelaw, James D., My., Portage. Wis. 1887 Whitham. Frank E., Pocatello. Ida. 1889 Whiting, Elbridge C, S. Sudbury, Mass. 258 Whiting, John C., New York, N. Y. 344 Whitley, John E., Lebanon, N. H. 322 Whitlock, Frank M., Cleveland, O. 368, 369 Whitmore, O. B., Selah, R. F. D. 2, Wash. 440 Whitney, Charles H., Cambridge, Mass. 1871 Whitney. Henry M.. Branford, Conn. 1869 Whitney. Joel F., Royalton, Vt. 1871 Whiton,J.M.,£;d.,28W. 128th st.,N.Y.City, 1865 Whitt, M. Wm., New Iberia, La. 216 Whittelsey, C. H., Sec., Toweon, Coahuila, Mexico, 1868 Whittier, Charles, Bangor, Me. 1860 Whittlesey, Eliphalet, Washington, D. C. 1851 Wiard, Hiram DeF., Winslow, Wash. 436 Wickett, Richard K., Howard, R. I. 396 Wicks, J., 1859 Roscoe b'l'v'd, Ch'go, 111. 1849 Widing, Carl A., £i;., Warren, Penn. 1893 Wiedenhoeft, Wm., Stanton, Mich. 276, 280, 282 Wieder, Franklin E., Philadelphia, Penn. 390 Wiedman, M. R., Wisner, Neb. Wiggins, Aaron W., Tonica, 111. 172, 178 Wiggins, Hillerv G., Esto, R. F.D.I, Fla. 1887 Wiggins, Wm. C, Fitzgerald, Ga. 1897 Wight, Andrew M., Ogden.sburg, N. Y. 346 Wight, Charles A., Chicopee, Mass. 240 Wikoff, H. H., Sec, Berkeley, Cal. 52 Wilbur, George H., Colville, Wash. 436 Wilcox, Asher H., Norwich Town, Conn. 1865 Wilcox, Charles E., Florahonie. Fla. 1893 Wilcox, C. H., Pf.. Lawrenceville, N. J. 1884 Wilcox, Frank G., Tabor, la. 1890 [Wilcox, Warren P., deceased, 39 Wilcox, William C, A. B. C. F. M. 48 Wild, Azel W., Cambridgeport, Vt. 1864 Wild, John, Medford, Mass. 250 Wild, I^ura H., Pf., Crete, Neb. 1901 Wild, Levi, Rovalton, Vt. 1893 Wilde, James, White Citv. Kan. 1882 Wilder. C. S., E. Longmeadow, Mass. 242 Wilder, David, Beaufort. N. C. 1905 Wilder. George A.. A. B. C. F. M. 481 Wilder, George D., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Wilds, Philip E., Waycross, Ga. 1906 Wiley, Horace S., Spring Valley, Minn. 294 Wilkins, Harry J., Manson, la. 188, 194 [Wilkinson, William, deceased. Wilkinson, W. A., Hartland, Wis. 450 Willan, John, My., Huron, Wis. 53, 446, 450 Willard, John, 7013 Union av., Ch'go, 111. 1855 Willard, Wallace W., Aurora, 111. 162 Willcox, G.B.,P/.,512Wash. b'd, Chi.,111.1853,71 Willcox, Inman L., Worcester, Mass. 264 *Willett, George, Minneapolis, Minn. 1896 Willett, George, San Luis, Obispo, Cal. 116 Willett, Mahlon, Decorah, la. 190 Willev, Samuel H., Berkeley, Cal. 1848 ♦Williams, Augustus W., Santa Paula,Cal. 1873 Williams, Ben.j. A., Knoxville, Tenn. 412 Williams, Benjamin J., Glen Lyon, Penn. 388 Williams, Charles H., Worcester, Mass. 1867 Williams, Charles H., Gloucester, Mass. 244 Williams, Chas. W., Avalon, Cal. 112 Williams, David L., Fairhaven, Vt. 422 Williams, David Talog, Columbus, O. 370 Williams, D. Thomas, Blossburg, Penn. 388 Williams, E. F., 281 E. 46th st., Ch'go, 111. 164 Williams, E. M.,81 Ashland b'd, Ch'go, 111. 1869 Williams, Edwin S., Saratoga, Cal. 1864 Williams, Evan R., Susquehanna, Penn. 392 Williams, George, New Windsor, 111. 9, 162 Williams, G. C, Keokuk, la. 194 ♦Williams, George H., Wheaton, 111. Williams, Harriot E., Lone Rock, Wis. 452 Williams, Henry T., Sec, Harrisburg, Penn. 1894 Williams, H. DeWitt, Waterbury, Conn. 139 ♦Williams, H. B.,14 Delaware pi., Ch'go, 111. 1905 Williams, Isaac T., Plainfield Center, N. Y. 346 Williams, James, Scranton, Penn. 392 Williams. J. Christopher, Orwell, Vt. 426 Williams, John H., Redlands, Cal. 114 Williams, John K., Peacham, Vt. 426 Williams, John M., Kettle Falls, Wash. 1901 Williams, Lewis, Utica, N. Y. 1867 Williams, Lloyd, Oskaloosa, la. 192 Williams, Mark, A. B. C. F. M. 481 Williams, Mark W., Winfred, S. D. 404, 410 Williams,M.H.,Brf.,1816 Chestnut, Phila. 1868 Williams, Peter O., New Salem, N. D. 1901 Williams, R. Calvin, Coaldale, Penn. 1898 Williams, Robt. H., Perkins, Okla. 382 [Williams, Samuel, deceased, 39 Williams, Starr C, Atlanta, Ga. 150 Williams, Stephen, Granite Falls, Wash. 438 Williams, Theo. C, Cheboygan, Mich. 1901 Williams, Thistle A., Chicago, 111. 1902 Williams, Thos., Richmond Hill, N. Y. 338 Williams, Thomas P., Houlton, Me. 222 Williams, Walter B., Boxford. Ma-ss. 238 Williams, William, Mt. Carmel, Penn. 390 Williams, William D., Potts\Tlle, Penn. 392 Williams, Wm. H., Springfield, Mo. 1875 ♦Williams, Wm. H., New Cambria, Mo. 1888 Williams, Wm J., Wayland, O. 368, 378 [Williams, Wm. T., deceased, 40 Williams, Wm. T., Shamokin, Penn. 392 Williams, Wm. T., Fredericksburg, O. 370 Williams, W. Tvrer, Downs, Kan. 1893 Williams, Wolcott B., Charlotte, Mich. 1854 Williamson, Allen J.. St., Cleveland, O. 1889 Williamson, James S., Haverhill, Mass. 246 Willis, Herbert M., Atchison, Kan. 204 Willis, John F., Bossburg, Wash. 1891 Willis, Josiah G., Wilbraham, Mass. 1876 Willis, J. Vincent, Niantic, 111. 1875 Williston, Martin L., Barrington, R. I, 396 Willmott, Ben,i. A., Lowell, Mass. 248 Wiiloughbv, Albert S., Baldwin, Mich. 266 Willson, Theo. B.. New Haven. Conn. 1879 Wilson, Alfred G., Plymouth, Wis. 454 ♦Wilson, Alfred J., Walpole, N. H. 326 Wilson, Clinton W., Plymouth, N. H. 324 Wilson, Daniel E., Spokane, Wash. 438, 442 Wilson, Da^^d L., Belfast. Me. 218 552 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Wilson, Edward, MiUord, la. 194 Wilson, Edward P., Fryeburg, Me. 222 Wilson, Fred. A., Andover, Mass. 234 Wilson, George H., De Kalb, 111. 168 Wilson, George H., Dudley, N. C. 352 Wilson, Henry, Covert, Mich. 1877 Wilson, John H., De Long, 111. 168, 169 Wilson, John J., Morrill, Tex. 416 Wilson, John R., Robbinston, Me. 220, 228 Wilson, John W., Lake Geneva, Wis. 452 *Wilson, Lawrence A., Hardwick, Vt. 424 Wilson, Sherman B., Wilmette, III. 1862 Wiltberger, Louis W., Paonia, Colo. 120 Wiman, Gustaf, Proctor, Vt. 426 Winch, George W., Barre, Vt. 9, 420 Winchester, Benj. S., Winnetka, 111. 178 Windsor, John H., LaGrange, 111. 1858 Windsor, Wm., Los Gatos, R. D. 2, Cal. 1858 *Winev, T. S., Lauder, Wyo. Wingate, Henry K., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Winger, James J., Tempe, Ariz. 1865 Winn, Fred E., Ware, Mass. 260 Winship, Albert E., Ed., Somerville, Mass. 1876 Winslow, Edward C, Brookline, Mass. 1881 Winslow, Jacob, Cocoanut Grove, Fla. 144 Winslow, Lyman W., Woodland, Cal. 110 Winter, Benj. B., De Soto, Mo. 300 Winter, Paul, Medford, Minn. 290 Wirt, Loval L., London, England, 1891 Wismer, Ernest L., Branford, Conn.,R. D. E, 134 Wisse, I., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1905 Wissler, Henry L., Grinnell, R. D. 2, la. 188 Wiswall, Alex. A., Uxbridge, Mass. 260 Wiswall, Fred. M., Newfane, Vt. 1890 Witham, Frank E., El Paso, Tex. *Withey,Fred'k N.,139 E.56th st.,Ch'o,Ill. 1901 Withington, H. J., La Cynge, Kan. 1901 Withington, Wilfred, Portland, Ore. 8 Wolcott, D. M., Rutherford, N. J. 1871 Wolcott, Edgar C, Anon, la. 198 Wolcott, William E., Lawrence, Mass. 246 Wolcott, William H., Allison, la. 186 Wolfe, Joseph, Oberlin, O. 1875 Wolter, Carl W., Peoria, 111. 174 Womer, Parley P., St. Paul, Minn. 294 Wood. Abel S., Keuka Park, N. Y. 1867 Wood, Alfred A., BloomBeld, Neb. 306 Wood, Arthur M., Camden, N. J. Wood, Benjamin C, Rochester, N. V. 1894 *Wood, Charles F., Providence, R. I. 398 Wood, Franklin P., Acton, Mass. 1871 Wood, Irving F., P/., Northampton, Mass. 1894 Wood, Lambert L., Nome, Alaska, 100' Wood, Morgan, Cleveland, O. 1891 Wood, Samuel, Almena, Kan. 204 Wood, Samuel J., Houston, Tex. 416 Wood, Steven R., Ch., Oakland, Cal. 1892 Wood, Sumner G., Blandford, Mass. 236 Wood, Wallace H., No. Collins, N. Y. 1898 [Wood, Will C, deceased, 40 Woodbridge, R. G., Wallingford. Conn. 138 Woodbury, F. P., P/., Washington, D. C. 1865 Woodbury, W., So. Framingham, Mass. 1868 Woodcock, Albert C, Pelican Rapids, Minn. 292 Woodcock, Henry E., Kansas City, Mo. 1848 Woodcock, Thomas J., Elk Point, S. D. 404 Woodhull, Geo. H., Waubansee, Kan. Woodin, Herbert P., Auburn, Me. 218 Woodlock, Alfred L., Dexter, Mich. 270 Woodman, Geo. E., jr., Monmouth, Me. 224 V>^oodmansee, Frank M.,Hudsonville,Mich. 1898 Woodring, Wm. H., Ashtabula, O. 370 Woodrow, Sam'I H., Washington, D. C. 9, 142 Woodruff, Alfred E., Cuvahoga Falls, O. 370 Woodruff, Emily C, St. Johnsbury, Vt. 1893 Woodrufif, Frank E., Pf., Brunswick, Me. 65, 1883 Woodruff, Henrv C, Bridgeport, Conn. 124 Woodruff, Lvle D., Cleveland, O. 368 Woodruff, Purl G., Crestview, Fla. 144, 462 Woodruff, Watson, New Britain, Conn. 8, 133 Woods, Herrick W., Wichita, Kan. 212 Woods, Robert M., Hatfield, Mass. 246 Woodside, Thos. W., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Woodsum, Walter H., Biddeford, Me. 9, 218 Woodward, Geo. H., Philhps, Me. 1897 Woodwell, George M., Princeton, Me. 226 Woodwell, William H., Pomona, Fla. 144 Woodworth, A. V., Pn., Grand View, Tenn. 412 Woodworth, Chas. L., Portland, Me. 1889 Woodworth, Darius W., WilliamBfield, O. 1861 Woodworth, F. G., Pr., Tougaloo, Miss. 85 Woodworth, L. S., Providence, R. I. 398 Woolworth, Wm. S., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1890 Worcester, Edw. S., Norwich, Conn. 8, 134 Worden, Sylvanus A., Utica, N. Y. 1880 Worrell, William B., Valencia, Kan. 1899 Worthington,Wm.,P?7., Walla Walla, Wash. 1904 Worthley, Harry O., Brownville, Me. 220 Woth, Frederick, Grand Island, Neb. SOS Wray, Alfred K., St., Carthage, Mo. 48 Wright, Abiel H., Ch., Portland, Me. 1866 Wright, Alfred C, A. B. C. F. M. 480 Wright, Amzi C, Hollywood ,R.F.D.2, Cal. 114 [Wright, Benjamin M., deceased, 40 Wright, Cassius E., Washington, D. C. 1871 Wright, Edwin F., Ogalalla, Neb. 306, 312 Wright, Eugene F., Lexington, 111. 1873 Wright, G. Frederick, Pf., Oberhn, 0. 1S63, 72 [Wright, George F., deceased. Wright, George W., Boston, Mass. Wright, John, My., Champaign, 111. Wright, Malan H., Northfield, Mass. Wright, Newell S., Detroit, Mich. Wright, Reuben B., Boise, la. Wright, Richard, Cambridge, Mass. Wright, Turner, Ashland, Ala. W ight, Walter E. C, Pf., Olivet, Mich. 1877 1882 1873 160 8, 9, 238 93 1868 Wright, William E., Middletown, Del. 1902 Wrigley, Francis, Granite Falls, Minn. 288, 294 [Wuerrschmidt, C. Wm., deceased, 40 Wuflestad, §wen. My., Cooperstown, N. D. 1904 Wyatt, Charies, Burke, Ida. 160 Wyatt, Francis O., Cheney, Wash. 436 Wyche, Lewis H., Trinity, Ga. 148 Wyckoff, Herbert J., New Haven, Conn. 133 Wyckoff, James D., Stark, 111. 178 Wyckoff, James L. R., N. Woodbury, Conn. 134 Wyman, Benson N., Salamanca, N. Y. 348 Wynns, J. C, Harrison Ark. 1903 Yaeger, Edward J., E. Weymouth, Mass. 262 Yager, Granville, Concord ,Mass. 1876 Yale, David L., Enfield, Conn. 128 Yarrow, Ernest A., A. B. C. F. M. 481 Yarrow, Philip W., St. Louis, Mo. 302 Yarrow, Sidney R., Mill Valley, Cal. 106 Yarrow, William H., Lowell, Mass. 1876 Yauger, Francis A., Denver, Colo. 1895 *Yoakum, Guy D., Hannibal, Mo. 8, 800 York, Frederick E., Eagle Grove, la. 190 Yorke, Burt L., W. Medford, Mass. 250 Youker, David G., Gowrie, la. 192 Young, A. A., Winona Lake, Ind. 1836 Young, Arthur G., Wahpeton, N. D. 358, 362 Young, Charies S., Northwood Center, N.H. 324 Young, Fred P., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Young, Harry W., Seattle, Wash. 1893 Young, James C, Riverside, Me. 230 Young, William E., Portland, Ore. 1893 Younkin, Cyrus L. D., Boston, Mass. 1893 *Youtz, Edwin, Brentford, S. D. 8, 402 *Youtz, Herbert A., Pf., Montreal, Canada,1897 Yukl, Adolf, Cleveland, O. 370, 371 Zellars, Edwin G.j Spencer, Mass. 258 Zickefoose, Francis A., Ottumwa, la. 196 Ziegler, Wm. H., Park Ridge, 111. 174 Zimmerman, B. C., Cheyenne Agencv, S. D. 1902 Zottarelli, Giuseppe V., Cleveland, O. 1898 Zumbro, William M., A. B. C. F. M. 9, 481 Zumwalt, Clerin, White Cloud, Kan. 212 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. ~ 553 We are pleased to present to the Churches the following analysis of tlie List of Ministers, which will illustrate the distribution of service. If such as are " starred," deceased, and many in foreign lands, are not included, the number of ministers will equal that reported by the states, 5,972. Pastors, 3.785 Secretaries, Without charge (including supplies), 2,090 Superintendents, Chaplains, 13 Teachers, Editors, 30 Deceased, Evangelists, 31 Missionaries, 223 Total, Presidents, 46 Professors, 149 " Starred," Principals, 15 6.687 376 554 Congregcttional Y ear-Book. [1908 LIST OF LICENTIATES REPORTED. This list contains the names of those apparently reported as under care, with references to the pages where any such are mentioned as supplying churches. It includes also some names starred (*), which denotes that these persons, while reported as supplying churches, are not reported to be approbated by, or under the care of, any Congregational organization. Further. 1. Tliis list does not agree with the number given in State Minutes, because all ordained since the lists were reported are here dropped. 2. The post-office addresses are often delusive, the place being that of temporary service only. 3. Names followed by State only are of persons approved in the State mentioned, no residence being reported. 4. The list is incomplete, because some States make no full report of Ucentiates. 5. The contracted name of a State in brackets means that the name was reported by that State although the person may reside elsewhere. 406 118 120 208 272 272 Ainslee, Thomas, Carsonville, Mich. 268, 278 Akina, Joseph A., Hanapepe, T. H. 154 Allen, Eugene V., Whitneyville, Me. Alseth, Oswald S., Lesterville, S. D. Ananikian, Maediros H., , Conn. Archibald, Warren S. Ashby, T. E., Denver, Colo. Babb, Joseph C, Fountain, Colo. Babcock, Frank, Washburn College, Topeka, Kan. Baltzer, Melbourne O., Harpswell, Me. Barnes, Henry J., Harrison, Mich. Beardsiee, Raymond A., , Conn. Beldin, Orrin J. N., Farwell, Mich. Belle, Peter S., Denver, Colo. Benedict, H. Hawthorne, Berg, William V., , Conn. Betta, William W., Rosemond, 111. 176 Blackbourne, Cuthbert G., Meyers Falls, Wash. 436, 438 Blodgett, Ernest A., Flagler, Colo. 118, 120 Blomfield, Edward A., Muskegon, Mich. Booth, Harold G., Sioux City, la. 198 Bowins, William C, Cooks, Mich. 270, 274, 276 Bowman, Henry W., Sierraville, Cal. 104, 110 Boyd, Albert C, Denmark, Me. 220, 222 Brainerd, Ezra, Middlebury, Vt. Breen, Frank L., Nora, 111. 174 Erocaw, Miss Martha A., Fondis, Colo. 120 Brooks, J. Z., Volina, Ala. 96 Brown, David W., Rosedale, Mich. Brown, George E., Crystal, Mich. 268, 270 Brown, Henry B., Agra, Okla. 380 Buckham, Matthew H., Burlington, Vt. 485 Buergi, Geo. John, Emington, 111. Burger, Charles C, Waukomis, Okla. 382 Butterfield, Ray, Lyme, R. D., Conn. 130 Capen, Edward W., , Conn. Carmen, Arthur L., Chicago, 111. 166 Carnley, Joe., Laurel Hill, *'la. Carter, Franklin, , Conn. Chamberlain, Oscar M. Charlton, Allen S., Heath, Mass. 246 Charlton, B. M., Cambridgeport, Vt. 422 Chase, Bernard L., Gilmanton, N. H. Child. Francis S., Sturbridge, R.F.D., Mass. 246 Childs, Mrs. Sophia C, Coldwater, Okla. 380 Clapp, Ellery C, Lisbon, N. H. Clark, J. H., Mankota, Minn. Coats, Martin D., liingfisher, R.F.D., Okla. 380, 382 Collins, Edrie, Hersey, Mich. 268, 274 Collins, Edward D., Johnson, Vt. Collins, Howard W., Machiasport, Me. 224 Coman, Geo. H., Kendall, Mich. 274 Cooke, Vernon W., Freewater, Ore. 384 Cookson, Wm. J., Chicago, 111. 166 Cornell, Alfred, Brattleboro, R. F. D. 3, Vt. 424 Cowman, Joseph E., Sherwood, Ore. 386 Cox, Homer, Hemingford, Neb. 312 Craft, E. Garrett, Heflin, Ala. 94 Craig, Eber E., Quincy, Mass. Crowell, Edward P., Amherst, Mass. Cudworth, E. S., Solon, Me. 228 Cummings, Charles S., Auburn, Me. Curtiss, William O., Thorp, Wis. 456 David, Handford, Ashboro, N. C. 352 Dick, Guy L., Bellevue, Wash. Dieman, Henry, Ashland, Wis. 454 Dimond, R. E., Lebanon, No. 4, Kan. 204 Donat, Anton S., Chicago, 111. 164 Dougherty, Robert C, , Conn. Dunham, Samuel E., , Conn. Eddenfieid, John, Svea, Fla. Edwards, Otto E., Deep River, Conn. 126, 130 Ehlers, J. Henry, Huntlev, 111. 170 Ellis, Walter, St. Ix)uis, Mo. 302 Elmer, John E., DeKalb, 111. 168 Elmquist, Axel E., Perth Amboy, N. J. 330 Eiwell, Levi H., Amherst, Mass. Emerson, Samuel F., Burlington, Vt. Evans, Arthur W., Cincinnati, Ohio, 376 Evans, Mrs. Gwendolen C, Oak Hill, Ohio. Ewing, Walter L., Maiden, Mass. Exley, C. A., Miller, Ind. 182 Favor, Paul G., Littleton, Mass. 248 Fish, J. F., Peshtigo, Wis. 454 Fisher, Albert V. Fisher, James O., Calumet, Mich. 278 Foote, Frederick W., Veazie, Me. 230 Fukuda, Junkyo, Paia, T. H. 158 Gage, Emeda, W. Minot, Me. Gains, John H., Trenton, N. J. 332 Gardner, Harold I., , Conn. Garland, Miss Ida M., Aurora, Me. 218 Garretson, John, Popejoy, la. Gifford, Addison F., Prescott, Mass. 254 Greenough, James C., Westfield, Mass. Grimes, Harry, Canaan, Conn. 126 Gross, Daniel I., Andover, Mass. Grove, Ernest R., , Conn. Habberley, Robert C, Otis, Mass. 254 Hall, George A., Boston, Mass. Hanna, George F., Lyndon, 111. 172 Harper, H. R., Lakewood, N. Y. 342 Harris, Mrs. Emma E., Mcintosh, Minn. 290 Hasstedt, Rudolph, Eureka, Kiin. 212 Hathaway, W. B., Eustis, Fla. Hayes, Charles M.. Bethlehem. Conn. 124 Havener, Chas. E., Gray's Lake, 111. Hawkins, Mrs. Belle W., Palisade, Neb. Heddon, R. G., Cashton, Wis. 448, 452 Helfenstein, Roy, Des Moines, la. 186 Herring, John P., Redmond, Wash. 440 Hershey, Cloyd D., West Hanover, Mass. 244 Hoffman, Arthur W., Chicago, 111. 166 Hov, Miss Jeanie, Lebanon, S. D. 406 Hudson, James D., Beach, Wash. 436, 442 Hudson, R. G., Cashton, Wis. Hughes, Mrs. John E., Murdo, S. D. Hunt. Herbert E., Lisle, 111. 172 Huntington, George H., , Conn. Imrie, Norman A., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 266, 268, 278, 280 1908] List of Congregational Ministers. 000 402. Inagaki, Kakuma, Waialua, T. H. James, Da\-id M.. Revillo, S. D. Jarrard, L. D., Mintuni, Colo. Jenkins, Elias, Milford, Me. Jenkins, Garfield, Horatio, Pa. Johns. Hannibal, Wagner, S. D. Johnson, Arthur W., Almeria, Neb. Johnson, Joseph A., Portland, Me. Johnson, T. A., Hinsdale, 111. Jones, Augustine, Oak Park, 111. Jones, Emery H., Windham, Vt. Jones, Helen M., Cable, Wis. Jones, I. N., Tiffany, Wis. . Jones, WilUam E., Marietta, Oluo, 372, 374, Juel, Hans C, Oberlin, Ohio. Kaiwi. James K., Pahoa, T. H. 154, Kalohelani, J. K., Pelekunu, T. H. Kapoopii, Joseph K., Naikhu, T. H. Kauffmann, J. W. L., Shullsburg, Wis. Kelley, Arthur W. Kellv, Edward L., Mohall, N. D. Kidder, Charles W.. Newburyport, Mass. Kikuchi, Junshiro, Puunene, T. H. Koch, Wm. E., Phila., Pa. Kotani, H., Koloa, T. H. Kui, Yee, Waimea, T. H. ^ Kuyper, John W., Anamoose, N. D. La.ssiter, Jesse, Gordon, Fla. Lathrop, Theodore B., Plymouth, Conn. Leach, E. M., Wicliita, Kan. I*a\-itt, Darwin A., , Conn. Le Febre, Jan 8., Spring Valley, Wis. I^eslie, Francis H., Niagara, N. \. 356, Linderman, Herman W., Spnngview, Neb. Ling, Ting Ah. Wailuku, T. H. Lyon, W. E., Honor, Mich. Maeda, Kametaro, Ewa, T. H. Marler, William T., Destin, Fla. 144, Marlett, Homer C Springfield, Mo. Martin, Harrv S., Brookfleld Center, Conn. Mathias, Pearl E., Bridgeport, Conn. Maurer, W. Irv-int', Bridgeport, Conn. Mayo, Miss Ella F., Little Deer Isle, Me. Mavos, James C, Stafford, Kan. McBride, Arthur, Andover, Mass. McDonald, Lawrence F., Shutesbury, Mass. Mclnnes, Peter J., Westmoreland, N. H. McKay, R. A., Stroud, R. D. 2, Ala. McKenzie, Duncan, Garden, Mich. McLean, John B., , Conn. McVav, Ambrose G.. Francestown, N. H. MeserVe, Marshall W., San Francisco, Cal. Milford, Harry, Spring Brook, Wis. 450, 2 Miller, Clifford L., Haverhill, Mass. Mix. Ralph H., , Conn. Miyamori, Takejiro, Honolulu, T. H. Moore, J. Garrie, Kangley, 111. Morgan, Walter A., Orland, Me. Morris, Arthur H., Steuben, Me. Mower, Wm. M., Sutton, Neb. Nathaniel, William, Poultney, Vt. Nesbitt, A. H., Elgin, Neb. Ne\-ins, Rav K., Oxford, Mich. Nordberg, T. E., Paterson, N. J. Norv-ill, Jas. Ij., Steamboat Springs, Colo. Nvhan, Joseph E., Van Cleve, la. Ohlson, .Algoth, Danbury, Conn. Ohol, Augustine D., , Conn. Okumura, Taku, Honolulu, T. H. Olive. L. L., Noma, Fla. O'Neill, Chas. A., Seymour, Wis. O'Neill, Jas., Birnamwood, Wis. 446, 448, Orton, Richford D., Butternut, Wis. Otto, W. G., Curtiss, Wis. Owen, George D., Pennington, S. D. Owen, George W., Pennington, S. D. Owens, Frank, Bethel, N. Y. Parks, Pascal, Leonard. Minn. 286, 288, 292, Parmiter, Chas. A., Maple City, Mich. 268, Parsons, St. Clare. Vermontville, Mich. Patrick, M.. Buford. Ga. 158 408 120 224 388 410 314 226 174 446 456 376 368 156 158 1.56 456 258 158 1.56 158 356 134 272 456 362 314 158 274 154 462 124 124 124 220 210 256 326 94 272 326 6,8 246 154 170 226 228 312 278 330 200 126 154 456 454 446 448 410 294 276 282 Payne. Horatio C, Monticello, Minn. Peacock, Chas. R.. New Ipswich, N. H. Perdrian, L. H., Kenton, Mich. Perry, C. H., Farley, Mass. Peters, John C, Chicago 111. Peterson, Ernest, Cumberland, Wis. 446 Pickett, Chas. A.. Cornwall Bridge, R. D.. Conn. Pinch, Fred, Sheridan, Mich. Ping, U. Cho, Kohala, T. H. Plummer, Cecil H., Ludlow, Ky Pratt. Waldo S., , Conn. Prestou, Mrs. C. W., Lincoln. Neb. Price, G. M., Columbus, Ga. Prigmore, Joseph D., Ellsworth Falls, Me. Pur\ds, Chas., Pearson, Ga. Pyche. Howard H., Campbell, Neb. Reese, Daniel D., Big Horn, Wyo. Remmey. John J.. Philadelphia. Pa. Richards, William, Clarke, Colo. Richter, Jean P., Rockford, R. D. 26. Mich. Robb, Wm. J., Beecher, 111. Robertson, Robert N., Steele, Ala. Robinson, E. W., Crested Butte. Colo. Rookus, Geo. H., Ivanhoe, 111. Rutt, Raymond J., Molina, Colo. Sass, Fred W., Conklin, Mich. SchoU, Louis E., Index, Wash. Scott, Carlton W., Central Lake. Mich.^ Scully. F. M.. Springfield, Minn. _ 288. Sharpe, Joshua P., Young Creek, Ky. Shaw, Fred, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sheets, George W., Backus, Minn. Shepersky, Paul G., Leslie, S. D. Shimamura, Teisaku, Paauhua, T. H. Shiraishi, ICirinshi, Kukuihaeli, T. H. Shoemaker, Charles D., Brimfield, 111. Sikes. Erie B., Oberlin, Ohio. Sisson, William R., Belle Fourche, S. D. Skidmore, Lewis H., Medford, Wis. Slocum, W. E., Salesbury, Vt. Smith. Mrs. C. W., Gem, N. D. Smith. Geo. A., Lempster, N. H. Smith, G. Bvron, Iberia, Mo. Smith, Mrs. Luella M., Sykeston. N. D. Sokabe, Shiro, Honomu, T. H. Solomon, J. L., Pearson, Ga. Sosebee, A. J., Mineral Bluff, Ga. Speer, Gordon, Cedar Run, Mich. 268, Squire, Guy P., Burdette, S. D. 402. 408, Starr, Charies L., Ree Heights, S. D. 404, Steensma, WiUiam, Chassell, Mich. Stevens, Charies L., Phippsburg, Me. Stever, Frank A., Harwood, N. D. 256. Strom, Carl G., Missoula, Mont. St. John, WilUam I., Royal Oak, Mich. Swanson, Emil O., W. Everett, Mass. Swenson, Ernest A., No. Easton, Mass. Takahashi, Sadayoski, Makaweli, T. H. Taylor, Irwin, Beemer, Neb. Tegnell, Gustaf N., Springfield, Mass. Test, Elmer E., Littleton, Colo. Tinker, Wellington H.. New York, N Tolbert, R. Bertrand, Aquebogue, N Towle, Frank Z., Railroad Flat. Cal. Thomas, Franklin C, . Conn. Thomas, James I., Halifax, Mass. Thomas, William, Granville, N. Y. Thompson, Karl O., , Conn. Trueblood, Charles E. C, Garden Praine. Ill Tsung, Ho Tsz, Hilo, T. H. Turner, James M., Utica, Mich. Turner, Joseph W., Old Missions, Mich. Tuttle, Harold S., Sunol (Jlen. Cal. Tuttle, W. W., Geneva, la. Tweedy, Harry E., Wallace, Neb. Tyler. "WilUam P., Buckingham, Conn. Vaughn, Jona W., Jackson, Me. Vreeland, Henry S., Chicago, Wis. 450, Wadleigh, WiUiam N., East Lansing, Mich. Wagner, A. G.. Lynxville, Wis. . Y. Y. 292 324 274 448 138 280 156 214 306 460 118 94 118 170 120 270 438 270 294 214 .368 286 406 156 156 162 366 402 452 428 258 322 300 362 154 274 410 408 268 260 304 280 242 242 156 306 258 118 336 108 170 154 280 278 110 188 314 124 458 452 556 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 Wakeman, Earl S., Oberlin, Ohio, 376 Walker, Williston, Pr., New Haven, Conn. 484 Washiyama, N., Kohala, T. H. 156 Waters, S. A., Jennings, Okla. 380 Waters, Wayne L., Grant Ledge, Mich. 272 Weidman, Milo R., , Conn. Wells, George L., So. Wardsboro, Vt. 428 Whitford, Everett T.. , Conn. Whitmer, Paul E., Oberlin, Ohio. 366 Willard, Sherman A., Joplin, Mo. Williams, Albert R., , Conn. Williams, Miss Florence L., Lancaster, Wis. 446, 450, 4.52 Wilson, J. C, Ft. Valley, Ga. Wilson, T. E., , Kan. Wolfington, W. E., Macksburg, la. Woodrow, Isaac A., Racine, Wis. 454 Woodruff, Elijah W., , Conn. Wooley, Edwin, Custer, Mich. 270, 272 Young, Mrs. A. G., Barrie, N. D. 256 Young, James C, — — - — , Conn. Youngclaus, W. J., Maybell, Colo. 120 LIST OF MINISTERS OF OTHER DENOMIN.^TIONS SUPPLYING CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES, INCLUDING SOME WHOSE POSITIONS ARE NOT KNOWN OR SPECIFIED. Aiken, William A., Pres., Morrisville, N. Y. 344 Allan, George E., Meth., Paxton, 111. 174 Allen, Eugene V., Meth., Whitnevville, Me. 230 Allen, Wallace W., Meth., Oshtemo, R. D., Mich. 280 Allin, F. l..,Chr. AIL, St. Louis, Mo. .302 AHison, William T., Pres., Middlefield, Conn. 130 Armentrout, T. S., Pres., Ceredo, W. Va. 434 Babcock, Daniel C, Meth., Newmarket, N.H. 324 Babcock, Milton H.,Bap<.,Washtucna, Wash. 444 Bain, Collin C, Bapt., Grand Meadow, Minn. 288 Ballou, William J., Pres., Ludlow, Vt. 424, 428 Bengtson, Gustaf, Sved. Cor., Troy, Ida. 160 Berry, L. F. R., M. E., Miller place, N. Y. 344 Bickford, Levi F., Pres.. Los Angeles, Cal. 114 Black, David T., Meth., Wayzata, Minn. 296 Black, James H., Pres., Hammond, Wis. 450 Blanchard, J. M., Rapt., So. Granville, N. Y. 348 Bogenholm , William, Sued. Mis., Grantsburg, Wis. 458 Boicourt, William 'L.,Meth., Woburn, Mass. 264 Bradley, Matthew H., Pres., Painesville, O. 376 Brown, Miss Florence P., Friend, Pittsville, Wis. 4.54 Bryant, Robert A., Prfs. .Hanson, Mass. 244 Bryant, Stowell L., M. E., Windham. O. 378 Calfee, William I., Meth., Denver, Colo. 118 Campbell, Fred S., Pres., Canaan Four Cor- ners, N. Y. 338 Chappell, George, Bapt., Westford, Conn. 138 Childress, W. L., U. B., Grand^-iew, la. 192 Clemo, Cleo. W., il/e<;i.,Clarksville, Mich. 268, 2S0 Coates, R. W., Ochevedan, la., Meth. 196 Connell, Arthur R., Meth., Greenfield, N. H. 320 Conway, James, Pres., Orange City, Fla. 144 Cummings, Charles S., Meth., Auburn, Me. 218 Curling, Clarence, M. P., Mavbee, Mich. 276 Curtis, Walter R., Chr., Pittsfield, Vt. 422 Cutler, Gilbert B., F. B., Boston, Mass. 238 Dann, Frank, Bapt., Thompson, O. 376 Davenport, Harrv, P'res., Bridgeport, Conn. 124 Davis, ViriEcil E., U. B., Chicago, R. D., 111. 372 Dav, Dennis D., Bapt., Pavnesville, Minn. 292 Dav, Fred W., M. E., Derbv, Vt. 422 Dell, George W., Luth., Carson Citv, Mich. 268 Dickensheets, D. F., U. B., Iroquois, S. D. 406 Dickerson, Jesse, M. E., E. Pharsalia, N. Y. 340 Dickson, James M., Ref. Church, No. Yakima, R. D. 1, Wash. 438 Dinton, Herbert J., Bapt.. Bartlett, HI. 162 Dracas, Arthur, Pres., Keene Valley, N. Y. 342 Dubois, William L., Meth., W. Stockbridge, Mass. 262 Dunbar, Simon T., M. E., No. Madison, O. 374 Eckardt, Simon T., M. E., No. Madison, O. Eckardt, L. Russell, Meth., Georgetown, Mass. 244 Edson, Hilan O., M. E., Tracy, Cal. , 104 Eggers, Charles, Advent, Mahnomin, Minn. 290 Evans, Ernest, M. P., Flint, Mich. 272 286 404 374 Evers, J. Upton, M .P., Scranton, Penn. 392 Eves, Mrs. Gertrude L., Meth., Denver, Colo.120 Felch, Albert A., Meth., Natick, Mass. 250 Finch, Walter C, Pres., Villard, Minn. 296 Fisher, G. R. G., Pres.. Lakeland, Minn. 288, 290 Flanders, Charles R., M. E.. Derby, Vt. 422 Foster, Ora D., Ger. Bapt., W'ellington, R. D., O. 374 Gage, O. J., 17. B., Lander, Penn. 390 Galusha, Irving, Bapt., Volnev, N. Y. 350 Gallaudet, Herbert J., Pres., Boston, Mass. 236 Ganse, E. N., Friend, Mound Citv, Kan. 208 Gantt, Henry B., M. E., Brooklyn, N. H. 336 Garretson, F. V. D., Pres., Franconia, N. H. 320 Giese, J. A., Ger. Evan., Sublette, 111. 178 Goodell, Willard A., Meth., No. Truro, Mass. 260 Gray, John, M. P., Adrian, Mich. 282 Griffin, John E., U. B., Springfield, Mo. 302 Grove, William F., M. P., Adrian, Mich. 280 Gulick, U. Hart, Ref., Waterbury, Conn. 138 Haggquist, F. G., Swed. Cov., Cannon Falls, Minn. Hardie, Robert, TFe.s. Meth., Canova, S. D. Hevlow, John W., U. B., Cortland, R.F.D., O. Hinckman, W. H., M. E., Jamestown, N. Y. 342 Hover, Seth W., Bapt., Berthold, N. D. 356 Humphrey, E., M. E., Wayland, Mich. 282, 268, 274 Humphreys, G. F., Pres., Clayville, N. Y. 338 Hunt, C. C, M. E., Jamestown, R. D. 81, N. Y. 342 Kegel, Ger. Pres., Church, la. 188 Kelley, E. M., M. E., Riga, N. Y. 346 Kempton, Austin T., Bapt., Lunenburg, Mass. 248 Kent, Burt M., M. E., Williston, Vt. 430 Kimberlin, Robert O., Meth., Assonet, Mass. 244 Jackson, D. G., M. P., Texfine, Tex. 416 Jameway, Frank L., Pres., Hanover, N. H. 322 Jones, David C, M. P., Coolville, O. 366, 370, 372 Jones, Paul W., M. P., Litchfield, O. 372 Lackey, Raymond R., U. B., Con-y, Penn. 388 Lewis, J. Dewey, U. B., Lamoille, la. 194 Lewis, A. G., Chr., Moira, N. Y. Long, Samuel E., U. B., Baxter, la. Lumlev, James A., Meth., Duluth, Minn. Mahohy, J. G., Bapt., W. Newark, N. Y. Marsh, Fred. R., Pres., Winter Park, Fla. McCali, John, Pres., Canandaigua, N. Y. McPherson, Hector, Pres., Chicago, 111. Meese, Ira, E., U. B., Bertha, Minn. Metzger, Eraser, Chr.. Randolph, Vt. Miller, David E.. Meth.. Loudon, N. H. Mitchell, D. D., F. W. Bapt., Sofia, N. D. Moore. Alex, Bapt.. Cleveland, O. Mott, Herbert J., Friend, Grant, Neb. Oakes, J. Adams, M. E., Sherwood, Mich. Ogg, William D., Pres., Lowell, Mich. Olson, H. M., Swe. M., Green, Kan. Orwick, John E., M. E., Jackson, Mich. 342 288 350 146 346 166 286 426 322 368 310 266 276 206 276 1908] List of Miniders. 557 Ottarson, Willard F.. Pres., New York, N.Y. 344 Palmatier, Charles, M. T., Delton, Mich. 274 Phelphs, George O., Pres., Prospect, N. Y. 346 Phillips, Milton E., M. E., Whitneyville, Conn. 140 Potter, Ernest T., Bapt., LouisAdlle, Kan. 208 Prigmore, Joseph D., Pres., Ellsworth Falls, Me. 222 Pughj^ David, Welsh Pres., Mineral Ridge, O. 374 456 376 110 282 Pugh, F. W. Walker, Bapt, Sparta, Wis Quiggin, George, Disc, Hiram, O. Rathbun, David L., Pres., Cotati, Cal. 104 Ravn, A. H., M. E., Dexter, Mich. Record, Charles F., Pres., Wading River, N. Y. 360 Rickert, William D., Wes. Meth., South Shore, S. D. 408 Richter, W. Jean, Evan., Rockford, R. D., Mich. 268 Roberts, Robert P., U. B., Columbus Junc- tion, la. Roberts, William N., M. E., Duxbury, Vt. 422 Robinson, N. G., Meth., Gosneyville, Ky. 214 Rundt, C. H., Evan., Ceylon, O. 368 Rvan, M. H., M. E., Milton, Vt. 424 Rvdein, Carl G., Sued. Cov., Millville, Mass. 236 Sanderson, D. C, M. £'., Freewater, Ore. 384 Schultz, Edward J., Meth., Riley, 111. 176 Schwartzmann, , M. E., Schroon Lake, N. Y. 348 Sexsmith, Matthew, Meth., Prospect Grove, . Mo. Shelland, James C, Meth., Hopkins, Minn. 292 Shelton, William A., M. E., Columbia, Conn. 126 Shields, Curtis E., Pres., Hilo, T. H. ^ 154 Simonton, J. M., Pres., Jamesport, N. Y. 342 Smith, J. C, M. E., East Bloomfield, N. Y. 336 Smith, Oscar S., Meth., Maiden, Mass. 248 Snider, W. E., Advent, Endus, N. D. 362 Spencer, David B., Pres., River Falls, Wis. 456 Spivey, Garrion M., Meth., Crestview, Fla. 144 Sterling, William, Prim. Meth., Ash\Tlle, N.Y. 336 38 176 178 Stewart, William, Chris., Shiocton, R. D. 28, Wis. 452 Stoker, Daniel, M. E., Maine, N.Y. 342 Sutherlin, H., M. E., Forks, Wash. 438 Symonds, Fred G., Bapt., Groton, R.DjN.Y.340 Tate, Joseph G., Pres., White Salmon, Wash. 444 Taylor, Charles M., Pres., Otsego, Mich. 278 Tealdo, Emmanuel, Pren., Brooklyn, N. Y Temple, O. M., Pardeeville, Wis. Thomas, Clark S., Bap<. Minooka, 111. Thompson, J. M., Pres., Warsaw, 111. Thompson, Ole, Evan. Scand., Winona, Minn. 296 Turner, Sebastian D., Meth., Brockton, Mass. 238 Varce, Harry, U. B., Claris.sa, Minn. 286 Vaughan, Jona. W., D. Ref., Brooks, Me. 220,222 Vernon, Howard A., Bapt., Chesterland, O. 368 Waghn, Clyde L., Meth., East W nlpole,Ma.ss.260 Walker, H. E., Meth., Hankinson, N. D. Webb, H., M. E., New Milford, O. 370 Webb. William H., Pres., W. Springfield, Mass. 262 Webitzky, Edmund, Bohemian, Silver Lake, Minn. 294 Wells, Fred A., M. E., Randolph Center, Vt. 426 Wendel, Cornelius, U. B., Pullman, Wash. 442 West, J. L., Free Bapt., W. Valley, N. Y. 340 WTieelwright, Sydney D., U. B., Twin Bluffs, Wis. 450 Whitton, Ezra P., Free Meth., Miller, S. D. 404, 40S Wikholm, M. K., Swed. Cov., Upsala, Minn. 296 Wildey, John E., Pres., Antrim, N. H. 318 Williams, Edward E., V. B., Lucas, O. 372, 378 Withrow, John L.. Pres., Boston, Mass. 236 Wolfington, W. E., U. P., Greenfield, R. D., Conn. 192, 194 Woods, William, M. E., Ogden, Utah, 418 Wright, I ouis C, Meth., Somerville, Mass. 258 Wright, William J., Meth., Amethyst, Colo. 118 Wurtz, William, U. B., Somerdale, O. 376 Young, T. W., Bapt., Bismarck, K. D. NAMES OTHER THAN THOSE GIVEN IN PRECEDING LISTS. Algott, C. J., McKeesport, Penn. 390 Allen, Alice B., No. Windham, Conn. 134 Andrus, J. Cowles, Brownhelm, O. 366 Baker, Albert S., Kailua, T. H. 154 Barker, Owen A., Atlanta, Ga. 150 Beaumont, William K., El Reno, Okla. 380 Bluecloud, John, Moreau River, S. D. 406 Blueyes, Thomas, Buffalo, S. D. 402 Bryant, Martin B., Oriskany Falls, N. Y. 346 Cathcart, Miss Lillian S., Kings Mt., N. C. Chase, Bernard L., Gilmanton, N. H. 320 Chenoweth, Francis, Esmond, N. D. 358 Cook, Thomas, New Baltimore, Mich. 276, 278 Coxon, Leroy, Schriever, La. 216 Cross, Edward W., McHenrr, N. D. 362 Cross, William H., Palermo, Cal. 108 Dustin, Mabel J., E. Arlington, Vt. 420 Edwards, Grace, Stepney Depot, R. D. 14, Conn. 132 Evans, Howell M., Pittsburg, Penn. 390 Ewen, Mrs. Isabelle, S. A\oodbury, Vt. 430 P'arrington, Franklin I"., Chifn^o, 111. 166 Frazier, Charles, Ro.«ebud, S. D. 4C2 Gage, Emeda, W. Minot, Me. 224 Gay, Charles, lanai, T. H. 166 Grosvenor, Charles H., ¥.. Braintree, Vt. 420 Hall, Fred L., Madison, Conn. 130 Henry, James A., I ilesville, N. C. Hernandez, S. L., Albuquerque, N. Mex. 334 Johnson, John M., Cialhip, N. Mex. 334 Kaeo, Charles W. P., Kealakekiia, T. H. 156 Knight, Albert P., Overly, N. D. 362 Koki, Abraham, Virgin Creek, S. D. 410 Lash, J.Tnics H., Bloon>ington, Cal. 112 I.aster, Joseph C, Haw Branch, N. C. 352, 3.-)4 Lindquist, J. Albert, Webster Groves, Mo. 302 Lyford, George D., Port Huron, Mich. 278 Maunders, James E., Detroit, Mich. 270 Miller, Louis, Angoria, Fla. 462 Millington, E. J., Cadillac, Mich. 268 Moya, Jesus M., Cubero, N. Mex. 334 Parker, J. Homer, Kingfisher, Okla. 380 Peters, John H., Oklahoma City, Okla. 382 Peters, Joseph C, Chicago, 111. 164 Porter, Harry H., Youngstown, O. 376 Red Fox, Eugene, Chevenne River, S. D. 402 Robb, William J., Beeeher, 111. 162 Robinson, David A., Nashville, Okla. 382 Roeers, Osgood W., Gage, Okla. 382 SaiKi, Sensui, San Francisco, Cal. 108 Scroggs, J. W'., Hennessev, Okla. 380 Shaw, Charles F., Clare, Mich. 268, 270 Smith, Arthur H., Tallman, N. Y. 348 Singer, Edwin J., Burlingame, Cal. 104 Sontos, Manuel G., Paia, T. H. 156 Spearman, Elvis, Bexar, Ala. 98 Stanley, Grace E., Weston, Vt. 430 Steele, George W., Trov, N. C. Stewart, E. E., Brooklyn, N. Y. 336 Temple, O. M., Pardee\ille, Wis. 464 Thomas, Owen, Hubbard, O. 372 Tucker, Hibbird A., Ft. Scott, Kan. 206 Turner, Leonard A., Goltry, Okla. 380 Ward, Geo. M., Palm Beach, Fla. 144 Watkins, Edward T., Paruna, Okla. 382 Wilson, J. A., Capron, Okla. 380 Wood, Linton B., Evarts, Ky. 2!4 Yellowhawk, Stephen, Lower Cheyenne River, S. D. 400

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CLO'CCc-. c. rOOOO'*cOI^MOiOO-1COOM05COM01^00MOOOOO(»OOTf05»Ot<>Oi-lOi£>CCfO'OMO OtNiOlM CO 01 !-i COCOOI Ol OlCOOOliM i-(COi*i-i(N r-iMC". c;ot^ i^»OM»0'HcocoNOOoaO'0)0CO M'iHCIiCt^OCrtM S^i-HOtHtHt-I r-l-^,-! 'OCOi*M"*00«t-OMOC:005COOOClCDC50rHX»OiMTtCO0 '-H O --I QCCi^Oi iot^rHcoxoccocooo^o^ococoiooor^coo'-'5>Oi-iO>ocoiooiooco>-i-*co»ooocoo lococoioi-ioi oo^"* oio^TirtO oao-^oooo oo'^o-^o (NOcsOoooic OJ M --I CO 00 >-l rt O --I <-! OTtlTtoooco>ocicoooo>oOi-it^oi^cocr)cOi-icoiococoO'-ir^o-*iuoc)(Mco 0-<**MTt<»0'^CO'^i»t>.X-^COCOOCOt^COC3-^rt<0000000000(NC005COOOXO> o3 _ ^ -^ o 3 1-^ ^ . o o .- ^ . - , ; o K rt CO j'^.S o c >; o o 2 S c Q .^ .-i a 130 Congrtgational Year-Book. [1908 COCOCOCO .-irtrtT-i rt (N(M ®C<5 COW CC>-< Lo (M CO o c rt ■--: -i(NI>OC0C«:O 00C0OOT}HTt'(Ne0C0r-irtiMCrt00C0Ni-iC000l>'-iOC0iOiO"-iC (iot-it^t^i>iocooa)»o'0'*0' COIN rt cot (M CO. lOLO < CX) CO < •OJiOONCOOliOCOiOCOt^-ticOt ■■ — ' OC OC' CO CO rH 00 iM IM CO (M a. • I lOOOCO ■ (MOOOC »or^i^ioiNcot^r>.ooii ppooooooccoi ^ Q -pp f^ fN'*'OCCt^COt^(M'+iOiO(M' l>O3t>O3G3roOOC3C000t^: 3 ^^p^ S o S-r;^' ■ >^ S oi u c; Q clh cc I J -s ft'^:^ S 5 ^ ky^ t-< _«^ »-f \U ^ ^ T ^^^'^ as 3 5j£ < ffiS „7 t- .- o ^' ;3 C 9— rt KfcHT.O ^ cK § o'y ■i far/1 O OJ^-- J o :^"t- bW §^ ^ t, w^ s- ^ • .P5 "2 - ■^ w- c: ■<-• --; y> i_ r.j yj ^-- ffij . ^ rj IN 1.0 O CO 05 lO CO 1^ t^ oo (Z) (Z) CO M CO CO t CO oc 35 Ol O CO _ _ coGcc;t^i^GCt^(Z)coiz)t^i^t-~i^Gioi>r^t^t>.r^oot^t^t--.t^t^f^ I 00 IN lOO: • X CO IOIN.-I O) O IN rH ^ CO O IZ) t^ 1^ t-- 1^ O CO ^ IN IN GOi>r^ iQ CO t~- rt O IN ■* O lO --1 t^ t>. r^ 00 1^ Ol OK ••* l-O00N. '^ «) CO ■* t^QO CO t^ CO CO 05 rt t^oo cot^ > rc3 1- to a S 9 S^ to -' c fl c a R -?_g tua ?:> • M - i' g^ 5^ 5 S^ .r o -^ S H) Oj (D , ' d c« ci 03 S ;-H '^ -^n^ ^ ^ ^ ssss 1908] Statistics. -^— Connecticut. 131 o ^ C'OOOOCOOOOCOOOOOO'-ICCCCC i> o c; o iM CI to Ol Ci f ccccoccccoooooo t-- iC c c O O O C C C O OO O C O O O C (N O O 03 CO o o o o OOOCOCiCiSOOOCiOCiCCCC T)< ic CO 50 CO __oo_ co_^c^ co" r^ t^ "c co" CO (>f c-J cf cT = OOOOOO c oooo ; o c; o CO lO lO >u SOOOOOCCOCOCOCCCOOOCOCOOOOOOOOCCOO OOOOO'OOOOOOCOQOOOCOC'OCICOOCCOOCOO o o lo "5 o Tt< >o io^o^o^c;^i--'^o^o^'o_oo^c^o^c^^co_c::^c_»o_»o_(>3_o_o_c.io_io c «c tC 03 o~ co" rt' co" <^i~ oT >— --h" cT T|i" '^^ M ^" c^" c" co" oc" co" c^~ ^-" ^~ oT co" co' co" o" i> CO iO%-irt(N i-itH CO* CI CO CKCOi-H 0000 *C^C1 OOCTiOiMr^cOt^-^Cit^COCOCCi(M'*Cli»OCOO'-iCiOOCl'C ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocccoooooo OOOOXCOOOOOOOOCJiOOOOOiOOOCOCOOCOCCiCCCCOCCOOO ooocoococit>:i-o-*ococ5coooooocoxco»ciccO'^(N>-ot^i— t^ccoococcicoc". coco l!2; O X o =■■3 CO lO CI rt rt ' -H r-l"^'^rt,-l —"^CC^ .-<^(N(M JO-* ot^ CO o ;0 ^ OiO o lO CI c t^ ^ Tt< ^ CO CO o OOO lO o o o CI CO t^K 00^ CO C^ CI CO CI w o -- CI iC CD cc lO -p cr. c Clio o c O) CO t-- Lt lO M CO •-' CO M r-( rt rlrH i-H OOiC'^O'Oi-H^iO'^'COOt-OO'-'O CO'COOOCIiOOOOCC^QO'^OO'CO Tt< a)^CO_^Cl_C0^C0 CO_0_CC_rH_cO C:__(XJ_'0_-*__'-'_CO_ ^ C0"cf'-H"i-r O0'co">-ri-r CC"0:".-1 i-< co r-l ' a> coc 00 at ) O »0 ! I 00 0 t iCJcO' 1 1^ ,-1 )O00 ( 1— I CO CO 00 C5 05C CO 1-1 ' jOXOCOCCOCO'-i-^CO'C ) ■* •* Tt< »o COCOOOOt-lO lOCDi-H COr--< CI CO lO CO coo O O 00 O 05 CO "O ^ CO d •* "-I O ■* ^ ■* lO OC-0 Olio O ■*!> OIO i-i CO'-iO'000000«30'OOCOOO'Ot^COOi-iOC100I^COCO< r}< CO lO CI r-l .-I CO e#ci !000'--OOcOOOCOCOOC00303-*OOOiOOO»OC100< O CI < 3 0( a&CO > LO O M O CO t 0 010»0 00-*CQ— 1- ( OO CO Oco — 00 I i-H CO -^CICJ lO CI O ■* o o lOCD ■* CD 03 OC' CO Om ,oS ^CO ooo< •*C32i 10dO'*0003000cDOi-HCO'OCOCIOCOiOiCiCt^'HOOOClt^'005Xt^^CIC)OCJCD jcooocici ■'for^ CO icosQOCioociioi^ci cir-co »Hcot^o-*cio.-no coco (CO rH CI tH 1-H O '-I CJ ~" ^ ^ "^ oco ^ -^ '-HCO t>.0(>DOOO'*CD"*»0'-ii-iW000005CD>OiOOOOiOCl-*COOOCO»0005CiOQOCDr^Oa: OOOCO ^ CI«OCO»OCC COCOC1.-hCOcO'*'*'*'-iW>OCO C^COt-htJi-^NIvcOCDCICDi-h COCOC1C^-*OiOrt*CO'-'OOCDiOCOr>.-*'Ot^OOOOGOOCCl'*00'-HC102"20Cl'-iOi-HTtK ■^ ..'K-n £ o W < cc Pi C _>2 2J "3 ^ s5 -C 3 >vfl " - 2 3!t! ScoeoCQ' ^"^^^: i a .- 3 P P o ID ~ ^, S -"^ '^ O^ i .i U 0) ^cc ^ O CO "■5^ .^ = =5=5 §s 132 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 6 H C^iOONiOrHiOOOOOOOiOOCOOOOiOO COOCOt^OOOOOiOOC^OOOiOOO r-i CO to O (M y-i rt i-H lO 1-1 lO (M rH o iC CO CO -^ CO ti CO CO C^ COi— IINtJHCO 1— I.— Ii— I (N ,—1 ,_! O-^'-iiNCO-^COOtOO'-i'-it^OfNCOOiOT-it^ fflOiOt^COCOCO'*(N(NCO'-i-*OCO-t<(NO(N ■* iO-OOOOOC0 COOOOOiMCOcOO-HOCOiOCOOLOO- i-iOOiMr-ilN'^COT-ii-iOi-iiOCMOCO'-KM'-icO tOOOCO^CO'-iC^OOT-(T-iOrHrtCOiOrtOTh OOlOi-iOt^COiOta-IN- O(NO'^(NC005'-iC^»0M'-i-^00C0C0>--i«JCDCO'*i-tTfiO-*i-iOOOtO(MI^OiO _rH l-< CO T-l C^ 1-1 C^ ,-< Ct^Ot>.COTlHTtlTjC0O3iO'^ ** .ft COTt< rt ^( > ■* rH 00 CO (N 00 CO CO 1^ « <0 rH '* O CO O M t>0 r^ CO CO CO INC rH CO t^ a: IN ffl '!< to CO to rf t-( O C O CO CO TT M O "--J rtiNC0>-i(NWXC/DiOiNi-it^t^ ■-lOlNt^— OXlTfrr-^JiOCOCO ■* ^ -^ ■* 1-^ r-( IN ■* CO ■* 1 CO 03 to 00 CO to o • I T)< ,-( CO »-H (N O 10 t iOt^(N t-H ■-iTtI lO IN >OIN •O "-I 00 OS t^ to r-l to CO (^ T}f t^ Tfl CO to r-< O '-0 00 O lO o tDcDcoa;t^to»c^-*c lO 10 ■ C^iCO 01 ■ CO N ' >r • CJ H r^,U r- ^ ^s^H^s^s^orf s■E« s o » IJ p ;2 . o ra'-'jj. ' ej 0) ^ o3 cS »j nj fl O "3 3 i. Oj ^5 S OOMCC ^ !S >-, tH g O Q^ 2 ?^ >>^ X S. ^.2s^=2-+:^ OM SZ-< ^ oJ ttf ="5 S C c3 O, vA ^ P3-E^ 3;2t3 in "3 t- fe a^ CO 00 IN CO 02 CO i^-a> -*(N00 CO(NCO C I' o C 5 >^£ o xjS. '^S. ^ ^ t- ^ g a h"C 3 lu d a - bcii a o :c<1&:; 2 M=; sS o a . C) fc- I- . a ^= o • " 11,3 ^3 ^ OM . aiS OK -5r3^..-a q; aj A- ) MP ^ 2 - M ■*! P >-. . a g S ;- _ "3 o. kiift >-,,.• o3 ^ a •Ktecc£^&:6;4^ TtllN CO lO 00 05 t^ CO r- CO CO t^ Ol -* (^ '+I lO rti 00 C CO I- 00 CO C. CO IN 00 cn M CO ■* IN CO Tfl t^ t^ 00 cor^ (N CO CO X CO OO N 00 00 CO CO CO i - _ _ _ , OOXOCGOCOXMCOOO ) CS-Hi )COI^ ( ) OD CO t OC0(N 00 C2t^ (N »0 10 CO '1)53 ^ S X5 73 a" « ^ to a-2'H': a •0 -^ MC^JtC §-^ ^ &^^^ -l ZZ 1908] Statistics. — Connecticut. 133 occcccccc a >u CCOCCOCCCOOCCOCOCOCCO: c o o o o o o rt" irfr-* coco iCCOCCCOOOCOOO! Tfoocoaooo ooo c c c c CO 1-1 o o; o ooo ^OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOM ooo OLOO OOOOO O ooo 05 o o_x o_-*,o_^ loo^i^^co^ oq_ (n_o_(N_ (n_ iM^r-T o'l-HCo" .-1 iO^i-Tlo" cf lO f-H o" O OOOOO oooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo oq_ ro o_^ o o o__ lo lo o^ o o^ o_^ o_ o^ o_ "c^ o OOOOOOOOOCCC'OOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o c o o c o o o o o ooo o o o o --I o o o o o o lo c o o o o ooo o * CO t^ -H "* C5 * ^ ' : CO »0 t^ >-0 C t^ W >-i »C O CO T-H c3 COClT-ll^t^iOOOlCOOll^iOCOO £OCJCOM<;*;:^;^ipop^jppKi ) IJO -* lO O CO --I lO (M O CI CO I- (M (>) M CO I^ C) CO )(V)rt^C0ipOf0t;~p^t_--tp«)00C;O 03JPP CO c ■^'OOOiOXOOOOIOO-r-^iOOOOOOiOOI-O^CO'-O'-HOOCOiOCCCO cDr>.-tocococoO'Hr^->i>Tt< j^coioo-. ■^■'tcoccpc^icj «© l-H i-l(NC0i-lr-lrHOSC0 O t-H CD t^ "-I CO Tf^^lN CO_^iC CO 1^ 0_ 00 CC(M_t^_ 0_ t^r cTco't-T co^co" i-T -^'co'^ i-i" <^ E:: "^ OOOtv.(NO'-iOO'00(N-*0200iOt---*iCC500't--icOI^OOCO>OiOOOiOCO»0-*OcO "S m Oi-i COIN O5CO00COCO o (Moo^t--ocot-cocoo r-(rHrHoocoTtHTtCO OCOiO'-iO'-iOOcOOt^0000500iCCOiOOOOlOOO 00 CO O O 'T' «© ^O "3XO0CO CO NrHCDC^'-i O'O'I' OWTf<-*COO'*OOOOOOCDOO>C»OTHOOOCOt(NOCOCC0000000050iOO»C efe i-H »o coco coi-i(M'-i'^.-H(M iocoi> rH (N »-l jQ-^COOCOOOOlOr-OlOOCOOt^OOOt^OiOCOiOCOCOOOCOOOOOiOt >-i.-(co»ocO'-i'Ococo »o cococoi-HcocoTtiMt^t^ (N-* a • y-i O) CO I-H 1-1 CO >0'*^OiOOOO(NCOCOCO-*OOCOOOOOC500»Ot^OX-*l>OCOOCO I r-(COCOOi-iCOt~COiO lOr-KNTfO (NM^OiOt^ -^-^ i-iO 02 CO OC-]^ COCOC^IMCOM^ iH ^ CO CI CO Tt< I-H ^ CI .-' CO o ■* KS O-*'*'-OC0 00 »o 1-iCD T»(uOi-ii-t OCOClCOKOi-i iH ClTt< »o o oo CO 0> CO lo 00 CO 00>OOCOi-OiO»0«0C0CDCOC cS C -- t; a; ^ ^ ^ ^ .;- „j ■ X^ SS-Sgdo O ?i-r dWO'^: - J 1^ o c " n t^ cj Svj' QCgS sill ^ . OS ^ • cj C^ gs - iO e3 13 J:' 95^ "B ,^ -^ c 2 ' __00-ii>>e3 _n o oj fc4 . bfl aj u . - ^ aj c ;z:2 - ~ ''^,'z 5 c c. c3"5:= -t3 o'> 6C OJ != C fe r3 C3 O ac 0^ S 134 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Q 6 s Q H J < u oooomoo«ooco50io»o»ci-t»oo icooth ooTj'-OcCOi-(rti>.C>)t>.OC<50 OONOOi-iOOOOOtPOOOOiC OrHOO O^ONOOINCIOOOO^'-HOOO 1-1 (N r^—iojoc i0Q0iO(Nt^-*L'5,-(OOrtC<5O(N00i0iO Q •^3 0-*000000000CCT-ni.';00 0005D 0000»0000000000(NOO COi-i'OC'-HOOMOt-O'O^'-iOCiO C0G0C0»O CO-*iO(NCCO(NOO'OOiOOrtiO(NC<5 o,S (NCJi-i^iOIMMOOOtOtNCOCOC^OOO TfMTft^ (N'*OO0i-iX'*<»MrtC»5(N CO-*O®(NCOC0C0(N — 0"(N00 00(NON'-HOOCOMO®0(N(NiOCOOft 0 0lM0'T'-i0O0'-i01>O0O0rH ••**00t^fflO>C00COC'-HCi00 0C^-?000»0 t>-c-icot^r^ CO»C.-H(N rHOOO-^t^MOC-.i-H^Ct^Oi-HOClCOiO t>Dt^t^(M rH-rt<.-iO001^TfXt^'-i'*aj00>-lO3OC0 joo lo -^ Tfir^ o ■* ro -^ ^ "Cio o c<5iOTt<(M oo in t» im ci o lo lo co (N oo --h t^ co t^ ■* CO _ COt^iOt^eOOOO'O'-iOOCOOtOCO.-iM iOOt-hO OlN-<*<»CC0IN(NrH^03C000MiNrHC-1l (N'-HiO'HOCO"rt»00(N'H,-i OOWt^ lOrtCOO OOOJ (NO'OiOeOiNI^WGiCOn'COCOl oiox 00 8 C w « O,^ o o nj cs ? a . 1^ o S5W — O 1-5 x M rf C3 -— - rv .-I Wo rt O g o bcfe-SJ c^ r' O a: 03 — o^o IN — p. I — I P-i W '^ '^ 3 w S E; 5 ►^fefe&H o J tu as o 0) c a- F 0) !- C o w SI ^fl a M ffis<:c "i- a CQ ^ O) g g CS ^03 1 Tj ►^ C c3 cc X ri 51 (-! cj ' cc ►jH K ^ ■>:; :=3 PJS : 03 cj c3^ OJ 3 ,=- > > S ,=- 5 iiH !> !5^ W [j-i •f^K • oi 2 • to Tf O )^(N CO I^iOO (N Gi lO lO GO rt (M t^ IN rH lO 00 (N t^ t^ t^ t^ I-, lOCO^IN 05 rt CCIC 00 GO 00 CO OOMIN CO CO COTtH CO t^ 00 CO CD t^ 00 00 lO IN CO o o © GO 05 CO CO LO CO lO o CO CO (^ t^ 00 IN lO OiO OCCt T-H C5 X t^i-~ rH-lCO -t w o oot^o ^ a J|| o o ' o o 3'2o3«iSO.-00 . c3 e3 ?! „ o ^ , ^Zlz;!;^;^;^;;^^^;^^:^; ^ OOOOOCLiPh o a o c .^ w u o o; o a a G a-p c/j ^J-,-0 O O iH di Oh Ph Pli Ph Ph 1908] Statistics. — Connecticut. 135 o „ ^,r COOt^OOCOOOr^>COOCOOOOOOOCOCwOOOO 1^ o ce -^ o z) o OOOOOceOCOOOOOOOrtOOCOOCCOOOOOOCClOCCOCOOOCO --— "- - OOOi-iO ooooco t^ O w CO 5C >o 1^ O iC w o OOiOOOiOO'OCt^ M CO © ■*_ C5 lO^ O C:_ C^ 1_ »0_ ■-T ■^" ■*'" r-" TjT lo' 1-1 CO i-i" i-T i-i c;' CO CO c lO jccoooocoococoooccc ceo CO ceo ~ . /— ' -— « ^ -— . /— V f — ^ ^ — s /— ^ '— r~\ '~^ r^ ^^ ' — ■ i — (^ • — ■ i — s '~^ r^ '•^ f^ ^-^ r~\ rK OOOOCCCCCCOOOCOCCOCCCOOCOOOCOCCCOC! O O O O O C C C C C O c; O OCCOOOOCO OCCOCOCOOC: OC^O'-t^a^-^oc/0 co-^^c^^'-'-^^Ci CO coco'o CO lOiM of tjTm CO ccco'o e© rl O i-l 1-< l-tl-H rt * TJ< rH (N M lO >-l QC * •-• 1-H rt rt * C^ ,-1 rH ,-1 rt rt coTfooooco-HCj^c^imt^co;© OTfOi'-i'C-^t^-*-* r- o50»otoC'-ic£i^(Ncoco iOWOt>--HTf.co cs^^-* •* c-)^-* ffiTjH N o__o_^c e o^c^'H c_^t^_^Q0_^LO_^x 00 N 00 t^.co ic in «c ^_ 33W < CD rt CO --I i-i M-HT-trt^^ OOOI^02^'• (M ■<*< 0_.-i^ (NOD (NO) 1-- LO^'^_^U0LO_^^iq_ i-HCOb-IM COiOt-hCO^"* CO «OCcOCCiOiNOCOCOOt^CD>0 0(N^ rfi i-H -^i-Hi-irtrtCO CO (N^CCOC^CCCOO) lOTfM UO •^^CO (N^ «^ IN T-< .M Tr< lO (N T^O'-iOOi-HXCDO'-it^OKOCDOOOLOTtt'TiCi-^OCfHl^COCCiTf.-tXCOt^t^l^-^rtiTjtiO u^ OOOCDOOt^-^OiOiOcyCfOCC-rtitNCDr-CO-^iOl^OOOoeOCOOcOi-iOOCOCOiO — ffl^^NLO lO "0 iN»OOCO.-i(NiC'-iM O'-i'-i00'-iC3iO-<*■ S 050Ttoco'- S := ^ ~ '^ ^ o • n _ . , . ■> (v* '/3 • S w cj ^ ^.' d t; -; -^ fi ^ >. c-r; u. o o " S d O hn-l *-^ 3 .-it- O » c3 _^ C c5 P^-O fcCJ3 __^ . M a> 3^§ s • '■'^ • l^ u^\^ *-• ^ ^ ri r-> » fl B ^ TO -^ |5 •X 0)00. -d ^- ■ o o c _ _i:: s; — ^:2: 22 ri==°c§ : vS ->i »j .» L^ :-• t-< 3 O O O >:-^, 2S.2t:-5cS3-2 ►t< >-!.-? d - O - --^>i^> ?3v- >. ^ TS^O ^^ .U, 00000 000000 X C3 C3 Dh^P-i dec O c3 O O O S PhP-^P- 136 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 INC^OOOOOiOO'-iO'OOOiOO'OiO'OCiOOCOCCOOOCOCI^C-^Q'COt^OO T-HOO (Nt^i0OC0O(Nffl(M^t^(Nffi0000(>JMOOC0iOOC3OTtiI^(MOC;t>Oi0O(NOMC0 OC0OcC(NCC0OOOi-iOl--OO(MTtiOCiiM^OCOOOeC^(N(NkO(N'-iMOC0'*'t^lN00 C'^OCOO(NOC0WOO00^MC1'*Oi-iO(NOOOOOO(NOO-iOg50iO»OTt<03i-lt^»00-*CO'^tOCO(N(NO"5 oJ OOOOO'-iOlOi-i'-iCCOWOCOCOCCTfiOOOOOOO'l'OOCOOOOOOCO M C>rHO'X)^OOi-iXr-iOO-*Oi0O00i-i'^C0'*C0OOO oi a . :C0C;Cl->j(NO ^, (N 0000'-<00000'OI>OOOi-iiOl^OCCOiMCO>-iOOC:cD-(MiOO^r^Tt-^ iO'-HTtiomcococMNr»(M05TfGOOiocO'-ico )OlNC000020!NlM(N»C'-l'*OOM(MCO'fCOCO C<1 O) CO -H T-H d ^ rt (N»00?OOOC )'*(Z)COt^^C(M-*^rt< CO^IM r >ii a; rt 3 . ^ '^ 6(^6« fc- J< i- — C b^',3 C fi O oi OS M'rS ^ C CQfaOt>'-5i-3 t5 F^ -t^ O^ c3 ^ Ph ^: c ^ . g C _- ; il o'i SS (i3 •" y. b s ^ kS cT'" • t? W^ .ri^ Q o o P-( bC S 5 S o ^ » ii t^ h C c c3 Qi-aO 3o^ „. o s 2 i£ P3 «fe-Cnf QJ QJ t-i * yT* ^1 fer^ ?.?.„r "3^ oo .s „ „ 0-5 -5 f^ "5 '^ J _ M 03 "C CS tf^eSzis^g^oSs ^ 1 2 ntt O >;" G 'C • Q* . O 3S o 00 »o 00 C5cn (N Ol i-H Tt* (N to t^ r- 1^ GO i> t^ rf< Tt< t^ 1-1 ^ CO t^oo 00 t^ TJH 00 ^ lO >-. l^ 3 3aSn§ltJ«|oa3|ll ,'Z o3 o3 o o J J1 j3 3 3 3 GOO 02 02 CO oocooooooo N-5 g ^ as •^a2r - Ih tH i_ COO sti st3 sn c3 eS d ^ O ;s aimuim 1908] Statistics. — Connecticut. 137 booooooocooooooooooocooooooo o"© cocococo o c -^ e©iO OOLOCi-OOOOOiOOOOOOOOOOcOCOOCiOMOCCCOCOCiCCC) n OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOCOCOgOOC OOLOCi-'5 0000'OOOOOOOOOOcOOOOC»0(MOCCCOCOC'C. CO) t^tO'-':(M-tCOOOOOC>Oi-iO(MI>XC3000>0'^0:iXli-iiOiOOOCOt^t^t^lM'y>t^^t;- ■Ct3 ss COCOCOCC-OCOOi-HOOOOOOOCO: " c; -r Oi o o o « C) (N ■* coco CCOOCOCOOOOOOCC: CC c c c c t^ » C) ^ i-i CO CMOOOO(NOOC0Ol^OO o-'T'OOOc:® ocoot^iNO ■* CO O O O Q ■* X CO O lO O O COOCO'^OOCOOOCOOiCCOOOJ.-iOOt^OOO Tt* c>ococ;ocooc:cooc-j>ooi^coio tpco rH lOOl^CiOOOtOCOOiOrHOOiOOOCO COCOO r-lf-'*C^'0(NX t^rHTfi-Ht-HlO t-I COO»OOCOlOCOOU^>-ICOl-l ^OCOOCO COrHi-H coaoooooocoooo ooooooocoooooo OO0C300CCC0OOCOC0 000OOO ooooaaoc:oc»oocococoooocc ooiot^aoocoiot-oocioioi-'jo^cortioc coo CO OO io-*oortTt.iN^r..c>'i<050oooooio«Dix>(^co»oot^.-iO'*ocoa)ooo>ooo(Nt>-Tt*t~-r^ O »00(M>Oi-h-hC^ CCOtO00«3r»G0C000C0 01C0'*t^»0'-- THiOOOOlOM^i-HO Q0OH> 0(N ■* r-iT-H M 00-*i-H5OiOOCOOI-->0>-iO»00'*OiC t^ rfi lO lO OrH(NiO-HCOCO(NiM t^^O 00C0C0O3 lO CO lO "« CO rH CO CO rH (M rt rt M (M t^ O --1 (M Or?0'*OCO?OOi-it^OOOCO^(NOO(^000-^00001^(NOOOiOiOi-H'-'5lCCO(MO(MO e© 00 N r^>-i uo t-iOi-H^-rticxN co i^ oo (N(MI>>-i •* . >^ o Oh ffi C-^0i-~0-iOTtC(Z)iC'*0(MCO'+iOC^ «© (MO -^.-tOt^ COTf-H r-il>(N(N(NC0CO t-i(Mt-ico CCthCCCOCOM r^ ^J (N CO ^ (M (N ^i-< CI (N 't (M ot~0'-^uK>^ccQccooaa!i: PUfLiOi ^4 o "^ feci ^.s o mmzn ' C OS 2 S r bC 01— ■ 3 o c o o C HH C " ^ wo u 0; ci.t 3 3 . '33 . . o o o o o o j= =^>: tS-S-O tl - - „ tj tw t- O o ~ .!!! ^ 03 oj cS ^ " d +i -4J -ti *i • ° cccocca: 138 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 N.OOOiniMOOOOOKIOCrHOOOOOO'OOt^O'-OO Oid-HOOOOltO-^t^OOO |J %j;;:^X<.-lC»5CS ^T^tr-lrtrH CO'-HIOOC^ ^ r-l CO CO r\ 0'-'*'^01^0(N »CCCrt;0C0r-i«;c^C>O(NOai ^ OOC0(N'OTtti-i-^i-ii-i(Ni-iOMO'-iC0(N-^iM(NC0i0>C.H05 0. » 0(NTt( t^t^ 1 > o •^ ic r-l o c; cc c (OTfOOlOroCjt^ I Ort T-1 lOr- ! O(MM0lT-iC1 T-H rt rt ( OO -H IC® ! )C-l>00>'-iOXOXO:»0 O^; I t^ r-l O Tf O C I C5 05 ■ lOrHt I iMCOt ) t^ CO ox • ;C0 02 ® CO ' Ort r^ C CO O' CO O ' (M iM ^ ^ C^ 1 rt t^ O ^ C ).-i XO (N< . OD to Ot^C )OJ OO 1-H r (N rH > )Op OO 1 OiO «CI^ O i=! S3 Eh 0 ^ >:; "^ .!>fL,i-J "p ^ bC i' QJ !-, ^ 5 S cc » p5 01 2^2 .- i't-' y^ '^<: ■ H 2- = ^ = S S i; oj . a- 1-5 i> ^tf ^iicWc-H: to 3 o — St^fSJ -^ s c3 O c: ^ 3 _ ■5 « ►^*< O 4 "m ■^M%\ i^?55 '^•' 5 = 2 b5B PQoo ' CO t^ 05 • CO t^ CO _ _ JXXCOCOXXXXX OC0r-ITtH< CO O OJ O OJ a ,1 o3 03 ^^ 1908] Statistics. — Connecticut. 139 o „ OOOOOOOOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOiOOOCCOCC: e©o "5 I- o o c cc Tt< t^ C-1 >C 05 (N « O oo oo O0O0000C00O000IN-*0OCCC<500C000 OiOO oo OOiOOO .-HOI ooo^o c »OCiTj< OiC ^O C-iOO T-t 05C5 C^iOi>D»Ct^ o '3< rH— (I^ lOOTjHC^rt iON rHI^lOCO rt O MO O00O»OOC CO Si -f lOOCOINOCO^ •r !>. cc cq CO o_ C'T^ ^5 .2 cc c" t^" (N io CO c" pq oo oo o o ^co* oocoooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0__'0_iq_0_iM_'.0 iO^(N 0_^0 lO^iO^iO i-H^OO_iO_0_^>0_iq^O_^CO C_^iC o__o o t^" CO r^-" TiT co" r-<' T-T i--" cT TjT o~ ^jT oo" x" rt" lo" rp © lo" r-" co o" co' lo" lo to oooooooocoo ooooooocc 0^iq^Tt<_iO_0_0_^0_W 0_ 10 r-T co" (N I"-." (N to" c-f o" N ^ C'l * CO * CO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOiCOOCOOOOOOOOrtCZ)1<(MO»-0 0 COOOOOOOOC-. OOCS'OCOOiOCOCOOOOCC^MCCOCO^l/i'l'CZ) (N^^^^ (N tH^^CO ^i-< . 6 o. O X OOr^O'-i'OiOOC^lt^CCOcrsT-icOOC'^OOOOX'OOOlOt^'CCCOltOiOOKMOKCCtC OOOCt^^jL.oi^tDTjH^OOOOOCfflO^OO'OOOOO'CCOO'^X-TCOK'^tDOOOOCIr-- co_^o c; »-~^^^'^_oc_i.'?^(N co__co__o__--j^ (N_t>-^oo_co lo co t^ co_-* o o_o_o oj^'-i o_o o_'S" to co c^i co_^co co_^ rHcf co^o^ofcoof ^■~rt-,H'~.-H*' rt-'iHi-T N •*" Ci^c^'f^ i-Tcfcr T^ >n ■* CC.-I— (COCOLl-t^OOO'^OO'^'OCCiOi-iOTriOrtHCOOOiOCCi'OO-^I^COOCOOC^iOOt^ C0i-H(NO>C^10C:5CI 't'O rtr>.Tt0 (M OCO OGIN O t^ l~- ?fe.-H.-.0CCO>0OOC0C0'OrtOO-fOC!O(MiCt^tCOO.rt'^(NiO TPOCOtOOC .-H 00(Nt>.CO>OCOiOiOO'COOOCOiO»0.-H0100MiCr^COCC(M.-H.-'*iOO-i- z; o c W c3 O ■h S fl i- r3 flS 'T' o 5 u — ^hH ®>- - 01 _ tTo c3 C3 u^ O---- O tc • ^-c ri S^' c^ 05 c3 o. Si 3 P-t-S iX! . - "EH s- „G 5 O ^ ^^ rf3 '^E::; K, ^^1 . opt, to OJ :■ -t! 0) O o2 iS !32r o >>£ o ^ CO— r OS J2 O Mt-H iS t- ^ CJ -^ — < a -T O O g >>(NCOi^CD P o- O OJ cj ^ o3 o3 - lU 3 *a *i +j -t^ -5 to 03 03 Cj CQ <1< U (U ?»p» ; in ai .^ r' P- f* P» K* to m 140 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OdCOt^CCi-iOOCOOi-OOOOOOCXC 1-1 IN r- CC 1-1 rH rl >-l CO CO .-I rt i-irtC0OOOOC0:pOrHOC0T-n>(Mt>O«i-H> C^OO'^(N• -^ oOO' CC^ ^c^ O t^ 01 CO I t^ LO CO -1" ■ t^ i^ 00 r^ I J c S & ICOOOt^ ffl ) 00 iM (N IN ■ CO CO t^l-~ rH O Orfl t^ O CO '* l> t^ 000 ^T}* CO ooiot^ l^OOt^ IN O 00 "1* r^ C5 C3 1^ CO «D 00 1 O W 53 .s § 2 § - t---- „'-' «<| "'go .S CO . -•" fl "c? 06 -a 0^ ^ -Jig . rj 0! t/j M ogco > h s cafe »o ico 03 t- W-G IN 03 4J 2 -fe'^r-ri 1^ 73 S S'^ H P 03^ "« -S I tJ ^ «3 0; CC c3 >-^ CO a "* ■ •BPQWtg i o gco „- * 05 q5 ^••^2^' ^ (M A < o ^ -S J o C ^ t, B3 42-13 c Z fe ° o ^ M K -fJ • a;OrgO >o ..^ --loS r. Z „ CE fe g ^ E- 0;- OB 1908] Statistics. — Connecticut. OOOOCOOOCCOOOCiCOOOOCOO a < > id s < < "a, >u n i: e© o lo o o oo 01 lO CO p^ CO^ t^ CO co__ 'HOOOOOOOOCOOCiNCCOO'OOOO COOOOiOOOO lO O O lO O (M C C O OOOO o cTo" i>."r-ro''(N' i-Tio to"o c cfco'c^" r-rtdcco" o_ K q. io_ q c c c "C l-:_ c i - c c c t^_ 3_ c c q_ tq co" '*" or o u-o' c' o" z: c6 ~J lO l-' o o cf oc o" •^'~ -h -+ o" * t^cocO'*o>oc5 oi^oi-^oocir^-co-^corHcqp I^---"!-!^ -"(^'•'•(^•'02 OOOOINOOOOOCOCOCOCOOCOO oooo^ooooooocooocoocoo iOC0Ot000C0INTt<00C0C:Q0O(NINOX'OO(N00t0 V 5 OiOOiOC5CO'-icOOOO-HX'*00'tiCiC>CCOO Ot^Ot^CO^iOI^OO— lOOO^OCOt^iOt^CCtCiO «3 o_io t^ ■* lo ■* CO LO CO o r-<^co_c-i_(M_ qcc 0_CO.t--^>0^(/j ^ r-T m" (N (m" co" (N rH ^^ m" co' tJh' Tf' t-T t-h ,-1 rt u z u u b U z It] o Tj<01'H — CiCOf^OlCOINOS'Oori'Mt^OO-^IMt^'OCO 05-iOOO'*cO(M-Hrt(MCO»OCiOCOCOCOOOiOXipC5<0 i# cort -Hco c^ ntnt^-^QO^^ -^iNio J3 O en ij _• cao Uca a T3 C 60 ui r°S COOCO(N050COOOCO(MOOOOCCOt^eOtDO rH CO-H >OIN --H oocot^ooooooiot^ioooortHt^coe^coo «© rH r-l ,-1 ^ »0 i-l i-H T-H fOOMiOO-^OOO-^OOOOCOt^iOCCWLOOfflCfO «© ^ Th (N rt (Mt-iClCCCO (M-iTf* ^OiMTt<»OCOOr(-irtOCO 1-H COINTtfC-IOCOOO co-^o ^ .-1 ^ rt 01 <-! '-i©i^C'jiocji^OOco»oooooo:t^(M-*'Ooot^coco ^ rH CO rH r-l ^ C_01 Tt< I-< T-H OC--! ,-H rH O CO CO IN i-H 50 OOi£!OOt^"000.-iOCiOMGCC'*COC'»CO(NCOO e© ^ Nrt rH IN iOoOrHOi,^o«:3t^ccot^r^ co»o»o ©& lO T-H tH IN C^l q^lN CO rH ,- u5 5^ OlOiCiOOCOt^OiCHOO-^OscOOOJi-Offl^OOINO (N COrHINCO-^INN..^ OOOiO 50 0■ < a z D (A s o s c B c iOOt^OO!NOI^OOiOOtCXCCCiOO»COOCOiO INXOO C;iOCOiO ? __.':Sco_Q^ 3 'tis "n .-? i to ?: C >, coCh .,-3^ a^-:3 iM i 3 -; r-' o Sco; 5W- ~ ~ -- -H K- 1^ -'5-^' ---2 IN 3 CO 'i* a^ r-" J^ ^ 2 CC CO " of ^- j^ tc ^ g ". - -c LO C'^ ^ CO . -To .■■ C5 giz ^Z .J '0~ s^ -+ o ^LO S^S oT 3;c^^ - ' r-'«C ■o , ....... ... ^ lC- Ci -* £ o -H tiTfrH^iJO t~ ^ 3 «fe e© -^ _r ri LO 3 -r o ..:a s a^r! ^ '5 S'Scc 3 ^ ... -(N irlstol, $2 $100; Ch 0; Danit Hartford, rnis, .$500 Higgani >. c3^ '"^ ,-0 ^ n •"■ H _cj CO = txTo a 0 II ice, $20,688. 3rl, 2d, $1,0 Central Vil entry, 2d, list, $1,000; ,960; Green rd, lat, $47 >, o a ^ o"^ o-c^'a v.. ? MlliC g ."S a> Z~^ S-C <=i H .a 0^2; p?^ s« 0) c ts Ci _ jz ---S S .-co fl- Z £ o F M 2 N^ C: ..S, C8 ^^ lC ^ e2 Lo^iT^ J^ rt ■o a a 2S ILOO^~. COCxPo, u t" K^ 01 CO — I > _ _= U i-Z ffi(fi¥f<' f- o m 142 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 CO t^ . i-H (N N n d u H H h _) S Q < cJ Tl !~ c (U -3 cd "^ *^ — ~ _ K r? Hi ti S > fl»^ 5 :s g so; § £-73 o O N O S 'O "^ 5- ^ o M 1^ ^"^ r ■♦^ cL 2^ S:^' g,4 g s o ^ c 3 cj'p ^'^ S o o ^ -r = rt :4 Q ;::::;::: a tt C3 ^ CO C 01 rt ffl o o o o o X Oi O: 05 Oi 05 M S o3 ^- S3 S 3 03 03 C (3 -H - (3 Ct «3 S fi 2 3 3 03 03^ "<2 O W -£ c3 . „'x 01 cc aj c s~.- - "^ ^ o « g- . - .. ' I T! o ^ ^ 5h o ..|o el's , oi.o y ci, CD H S S . 03 K £ ir; fc( H K 0^ « g 2 S J p z g c o ■=0 so o o fa c Eh ^^ Pi $: . 172 -. . n ?4 .2 >. ■a Qi o c a tC C3 0) K bl r, r o •"; O © ih; ^ TKN -^M fe >3 "-I lOOO o ^ 5 l>COO o •^ ^CO (M -Jj • b. - e2- 4^. O O CO o t^ h cS © CO r-. O lO fe o a < COCO CO CO CO 2H H CO rt -H «^ a «■ (NOO— IrH — 0 CO o s J IN ?f (5 J3 1 CO CO 00 M rt ^ Ort -rf r^ a u CC(NOrt(N 't CO -^ ■* CO o CO CO 0) 73 T- Q lO COh-^ t^ eg O K < U J3 < O CO OOO 00 So N (NM CO (0 OOrt 32 o CO +2 o OO OOr-i o t^ en" =0 a H O (NOO -^lO 5f^=S 0, i-i § 2-S- ■^S H Cb r^ o 00 oi d s rH OOOT'O -S-3 •- S ►-I CO M Tt< M CO (M O CO O rH ll^ Sr^ § t^ CO M CO i-H CO CO ^ (M T3 1^ t^ -f CO rt ■J'-Tl u p c: p p p oi o-CTt 55 1^- '^ E V 00 --I --i CO LT S 0 o ooppcco K gT .„t t^ '1 s E ^ - 1- - ^ s 2: ^° S^ f^ 2 c3 0 doi E 1 2 ^ o ^^§^.'^ c3 fc. ^ 1 ■SCO §"5 33 ~ O i-l 03 C_-— o OJ 1421 ^ - V B c 3 > (D u ^: ■&■ 3 -g i 56 c o3 a^ MJ lO " CO t-H rt CO *"'"! CO 00 CO Oi C3 c o OOCOOOOO" -, •^ s ^"^ ^-S i So 2 -o-r Z o3 5 6 o- ,"30010 »CO 05 0 lo (N ic;o 032 u£ 52 02 S . - ucc >- o t: ^ o_i:-- a; o 3 cS ^c ciil OO'-l 1-1 0) «* c a .. S^ ooo -S .S S ^S ;. u 03 "to: c■<^^ .. 0) H S lC — cu R CO .i o 002 a lO O s ~iS o c S p— I d 2 s i ^ K H ►: Q g H S Z g 15 o P. o 12; Q , ^^ ,00000 o „ «©iOlOO -■ J= i ■^ : b 00000 'o 'i: o O O O C 1 > 3C1. oc 000 gco'o'c ^ CI C2 CO CO {/I >u < „• 00 >o 0 lO CI CO w rJ^^CC « O) «©-(- (N OCOOO G S- 't 0 ceo -* IM M CJ CO KW •t 0 -rpcom .-H r-l CO CI 1^ o»c CO X CM .-< ■# H ^ 00 OCD 00 0 CI -H 0 0 CO CJ 0 e© S 0 CO 00 S"J •'^ (N h- 10 0»0 ® 10 >-H u z u CO 10 —1 1^ C t-- < OCO to CJ CO I-H u «© a OS CI CO 0 c 6 S CI 0 CO CO 0 ^ -t "-H as a& r ?!' © .-> c:3 oc Om CO --1 CD rH CO c -H occooo ' 0 10 N c ■5.5 e© O.-1 .-i0»0 t^ "-1 10 r^ CO CO bS m Ul E '*< CICO OiC -t Tt< dCOCI >•• S ^ rt i-H E -^ »- « cc 10 Cl» COlOCl § t' CO --I-* ^ o o X > ■s - 2 - §■ z ;§|fgl a 3 t- d; 1— 5 yi ■<->" « , " K ,2 "S ^a a: u OS a 8 1 i o . CO CD a; O 4) g£ c-S ;=; ^K, o ffi .-- o >>>. «3 aj 0 rr Sh X R n w W < aj < 0 1 0 w p .- 'H C5 0 0 CI 'fr s& gg 7i S 60 g C « fcCCO^ • - c ut __- O ri . to "- S •O o 3 a: - c c"!Sx c: c^_- •• c^'u~ ►-oic.£ O 144 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 '-Hior-'^cocO'-irti-HM (Ni o (N c^i ^^ o (N rt CO — I lO oooooorocooo OCOO'-'Oj2° ooooo rs,Qrtl> O IM O ■* oooo^oooo^ C-l'*iOOt^OOO r-lOOINO OOOO OrHO-* CDrtOO-^COOOCO"* OOCCCOt^o OOOOOC0OOM'-< OOOO'-iOiOO o-^T-iaxo OOOO OOOO cc'-itooiNoooooo OOOrO^(N(N(N (NOCOO O .-lOfN-* oooo COOOO(N-H cDot^Oioro-^ccoo OiOOCOCOOt-l^ O(MOC0 O -:r i-HCOI^ O CO coo C5COT7-COO«5(N05"*Ot^(M01Mt^OC3'*cOfO«5r^ Cl— -HIM c3 3'^ o ■ e3 O ;•. > 1^ £ -5 ,S 11) -5 ■^' C 2^ cc O Q ^ S :£ H r^ !S Ei I — I ^ C/J p*^ K* ^ ^"^ «- ■/" 'fi >; 3 ^ O O ? ~ fa ^ „• ,= I? !S: >v >^, O ^ '* U l« S Q Q rt OS o3 1 (U mHULOO i S S G OJ cj o-y -r; .P « iss^" ^' ^ g K _ ^11 a -^ O ^ . m -ii b/D cs S o"J pi] ^ 30 0 ; Ph = «§ W S-5i ^ ^cj iH t( t^fflO W bC' •/•aJ-o' ;se O.S ^ -5S ^ o^ Ci^'^ O c3;2o £ GZ O M 03 ^CIh 05 O 01 < 00 Gccc ; 1 or^ o : O t^ O ; GO SO 05 ©05 0 M 00 05 CDI> C X o; c CO ■* (M CO ^ t^ o m coo 00 0100 00 so O -* CO .O0 OOOO o GOco cz; CO CO CO (N GO 05 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 Q d s s ^6 ^"5 - O - !- O o S « o d oi O O tH 000 0 >, OS c CJ u t- s 6 03 0 G 0 u r, "o -3 a — ^ yw w ^ K ►::; ? fc;:^ s^ s ® - (H-r ,cs a -t^ oT ^ (U^ ojSc o;S 'r ? 2:3-sg^fio^5G= 5^ ^ 03 >.^ 7;, G S s. t. ^ H OJ^ C3 O O O O Qj o 5j^ hC Ji t. ti 2 « a; "fa ^ G C oS C — tH tH CS OS a O m G cS-G O 4j 1908] Statistics. — Florida. 145 jqaa JO -jiuy LC CI OCCCCCCCCO OOOOCOCC CwC o oooc ccoo spunj JU3U1JS3AUJ loooooocooo OOOCO CC C C; C 3 c OOOO OOOO OCOiOOc-. OOO *OOCO OO COOOO OOOO OOOO j'OTro*oco ^:oo CO'OO^O^* OJ * * cfo iCCO * -^ (N* CtOIMiO OOiOO COt-lOO ^-* J,,-* * rCH'(N(c * * r-To" * « * * >-l ijDinqf) jO iNiM-*X(NTtiO'*C0C»5 OCOlOCC' COt^ COt-t^ CO Oiol^-* 0«t^<5 c;o:C300!c»oc500 00:000 Oioo cooo oi t^oococo oooooco •3J3 'jCie[ec; 00 OOOO looo lo cooo (N'OOOOO t--00 (N Ct-COO r-(CO»OC)r-HO CO CO ^ tOt^ ajnjipnadxg auioji COClOlOOO O t^OLO^KCXO r-^iOiOCCO OCO'f O'^ O TJ< O CI X O CI r^ I^ lO LO 10 CO I^ t^ C". O C C O '-I o ■X r- CI i-H CO i—^^ ^ -r ■* CO C^CO i-O C: 0_ ^"^ t-" n' y* '-'' IBlox S3IJIJBq3 C -H 10 C O C C O O CO 00 — "-lOOOOO CO 00 O C CO 00 ■* lO 03 oco^ci ;:^ o CO rH rt ,-, CO CI piVI,J3JSIUIJ\[ lOOClOCOOOOO fit CI OOO'-<'0COC0 r-< 0 10 »0 OOt^OC 0 C 0 CD rt CO 0 0 CI lO Tt< ^Cl J WJ ^j '^ r- CO ^ l-i •ooc; 'qiid puB COCCOCOOOOOO OOOCICOOC^CO "CCOOO ■^ooci ooo-* UOIJBIDOSSV ■ssijv -uiv o c o c o c3 o o o o oooooot^^ oooco oooc o c to -^ SUOISSII^ SUIOJJ •Spia q3Jnq3 uoijEonpg suoissii^ •uigj^ •sauBioog s,3id03j gano;^ Siaqiuaj^ ^?l oxcoco 0 OCOCOD NCI OOC 0: CO ooocoo occ-o CO CO 0 r-lCJ ^1^0 Tj-CO 'X 0 C— ( QOCO LO CI C. ^ ? § 8 5 s >^« § s ^ H0Ctr|»S'S^tiJ_;g:g§gS;2;!z;:z;000 O 0) O aj c3 ■ 146 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 tHOWO-* o o t^ o c o -^ o E rHCDCM^ t>. -^ ^ iC 'i* t^ '- Or-iOOO (NOO 0 O --1 "* OIN < a .-lOOOO rtOO O O »0 O O N < (N 0(Ni-0 OOrt rH o o o "-I f-i 00 o CO t^- Q H OOr-HOO TtOO lO oo o o o m > o 0^ !N t^ '"' ^OClr-tOO -* M r-1 oc COCOO J i-H NO -HO ooo -CC-H,-,© Q rHlO-lOO OOIN COfflCOOO-* Q H H S 0 H J o ■* --^O o t^O-i o CO ooo® .-<'-iOOO CO o ^ CO O tt O O 00 < 'O < •* (NOcq'* (N-^O O O O COGC "O IM coco 00 o ooo'-iio '-1'-^ woo copoofgi-i 1 K III m H '"' .-^uot^coI^coo<»0^^^^000^;CD S tb • t--iO'-it^^(M'-iWWfOCOi»"*'Mg2 (M rt(M ^^ 01 ^IM'* ^ ■a t^ »o a; o lo 00 r^ U ppppp o pop cop -* 00 C OiO ■* CO ,-^ ■-♦< lO t^ 10 O t^ O 02 o t^ c; CT. o o o o u C6 ^ !^ Z i « .1 i Utii f=-S fc £ o 0-1 •^ - ^ a> .n _5 0 g dj ^ ^" a tS 3 -u fc 3 ct: a ^ o q a j i .-) •z §i-^§^ >^ s« 3 £ CSS ClOiOCOCO'OiOtDiO^tOQO'^Tj'iO-* COOOOOOOOoOMCOOOJOsOOOO o QOoocnoooiooooooocoooooooocooo c -1^" Ui < ^ :§W^^ u o >i u K s X H o (D JS C g g 03 u c3 o -SO o3 ^ m .-°."S^|t -SlJ-si" 03 ^Moj 0 a g^^^^ 03 i» CC X! 05 OD H H H H t5 1>^ ^ ^ ^ O O ■3^ S( --Q ^' O bS ■0 d OJ i3» '^ ^ 0) - n^3 :sl fc. O 2^ °-s !g ^^ a . ..£^ o 00 OfO ^■^ -O ca S -rT 1§1 o C -^^ tc [0 ^ o M ^1 rr CO o II c^v> rfj o ^ O) OJ a 7 f- C 3 S S 2 < >ooo ..33.0 oxt '■ -Hi 'r! •• ^ a D C. t^ ■? W kPh g g £ I ^ *^ Lit o 0-0 5 a: !»'C "2 w K.«.2 StT pq o ; S OOCOOOO O COiO'C* * .-HO* C) * * * (M * * OOOO O OOO * OOthO OOOOO CI- - oco COiO o o i-H(N O lO CO'*' O .-H C 10 c lO lO lO m ^ Ci^ OOOOC ~ "" CO oogc^o^ OOOOO ^ Co OOO OO oocooo -t '^O OOO OO I-H OO CO o (MCC OOO OO IM Ci O 01 O (N>flt^ CIOO '='^ O O c o o --0 "5 oc § *== O lOOOO h-OCO O O O (M O O oco OO o t-oc CO M OO c eg OOO occ o o t^ o CD lO CO c^ o»oo ■^ M o o CI >OiC c ^'3 2 Q tf -c > .^ c 3 M ■H m < 6 32 h^ w u 3 t- C d Oq.S ■ . ^ S ^2 ^ £ ° e dl5:='3 « s S S bd'5 S S S.2 S COCK to «©^ S 'I' e3 p r1 CD 31 P-t GO '-' CB « v^ O -"^^ O ^-£-3^ - ■ a" s rt .so o ■* J2 CI OCO 2«^a}ra t- i^ n ft- - o •- ^ --S K>o g SCO S jj — r a ^ ^ ^ "c y = a K^ Q 2^- S CI m S ^H O U3 o g (N w a>co a -to hfO ^ s ■-(3 efe CD U) _^ T! fl fH 3 a) T _, -02 ji 3 - o " — W a 5 o^ ! 0 O*^ ^O o o ? "^ i« 2 J 5 H S Q i § ^ <; -i CO O •* (N 1-1 J-l N O-' rtO«OC ooco OOrf COOl-^ c o oc OOOrC oooo ooo .-H .-HIM 1-1 o o — C — C r-l ooo- coco CO (M CO Oi-i N -* I-" COCC-. '*' tH CO >o^ i-H cot^»c OOLO 00 T CI OICO OO'* O O^rt^ ooco ooo rlO '" (NCC c?o>o-<*t -I'INIH O COl^(N O O ifl l> ■* O X CO O M '-' t^ C 0-*t^O(M O 1-1 t-TT o CO CO ! o "Ot^ o o < rtiOCO(MCOOOOOt>Ot>COCOO>OOt^ ^1-ICOCI rH^ 1-1 -*llO'*'-<0)'-< t> L~ C» (N 00 O tH lO 1-1 1^ 1-1 OS lO ■* CO (M C^ CO f-i 1* 05 o o; p o p p popp pop lO CO O Ol ppp? pp p - v. . - ~ 0) C to >-i-2 pL, CO a >> S>^ O r- -lSr°^ >>>>>■. '73'd'C aj 0) oj CSC ii Qj 01 ly.1 k^ k^ Jij H 5 1-^ r^-M vy w ^'•J ."" '^ * !:> ■^ ^ 7j U - Of -p -p +j e^- ^ fl'S aj ■£ S ",'? •Q ^ -so .02 K*"^ -; 5- 2h s o •« 5 >i3 ^1 ac:=: t> aj ■°g ^c >.'^ ^ ^^tc »>'. » ^ c a.r -p g Elmo Rev s. A. I). W s. Matchie vid A. Bak tcliel Ilann "am Brown vid E. Kni in W. Ken bert C. Ba ill • •_ t. cj-- .- oe-s c r^SSCS ^tdiX'^ t-- LO o LO lo lo o; 1-1 )OCl-OOC50005COt^C~. OC~. OOCOCOt^ )OOC3Xa)OOOCC;XtKCCGCCCO:iyjC/300QCCCOC CO iC Tt* 00 lO C5 lO O C. t^ 00 03 t^ c. 05 00 OS 00 00 oo oo OJ ^ ^p^. c^ 0; ri E-i o 1-1 P-I ^^-cfflPK 03 C -p ■p S >> O C fc-^ O''^' a -p s js-i S.03 -.o5i'Sc:M,"-tr'„o3 S 03 cj o3 o o -r a; .yj C „ ggSS(ip:;p^p^c^ a; 3 -p d CD O t< ^§^ •S e3 c3 CC • • . u ID . t^ id" ->3 K '3^ g 5 -oo" c ^ <« O a O'S o c ^1 oo'-' »r CD 03 pa -P c s; 03 C .2 CD • ■cc a, Gi K C K o oo oo ooooo»oo <© 00 O O CO !>• o e©-* i-H o OCO -^ "-H iO o o Tf< r)< t>. 10 |>1 (N 00 00 - O-^ro ^ e* >> g5 a '^ 0) 0 a 3 fJ > tS Ph ti • >« •| 1 n to cm t^ O -i* O O O O CO O CC 'O CO lO -M to O lO C^ O O O -HtOiOO OOOl OiMrt O 01 O O lO o o o o -ho oo O-i^ 0< O IN SUOISSIJ^ •3pia qoanqo noijBonpg fO OCOO ^■*03 oo OOIO) o o o o o o ^ rlO oo Or-.-* SUOISSIJ^ u3l3JO_j s^3[do3j Sunoj^ Sisqus}^ 7) O O O O M ,_; o,' §c3 o . ^^ face I' !3 cj . S 3 > ■o"5i^ OS ^ 35 § 03 >i u d >i-^. i3 ^ j3 — 3 li^ s^ ^ :fQPW <: 3 , fe C o §1^ c 5^-: •- s •i- o 0 . f^g:2 .1-^ t.E'^'S d .--t^ 3«^ S -Q -S Sc^ O M 1^ o.2e© 0)^ m o " 2 u c 2 3 C^^ IjI-^CC! o^^ •€©■« 2:; bc? sa^ aj'O .^ Zr^Tt* : 2^82 S ^ -«© sill H^ 03 o 5C'oH 150 Congregational Y ear-Book. OOC OO C OOOOOO IOC OOO CO^O W (Mi00-^C»0 OICC IM ,-< r-i .-I M -(O- CO o 0000*00 OO OOOO OO OO OO tH rH ■* OiO (© COOO OO (N CO OCO OO OO (N C(N CC O CO OO (N O-^ CO (N 00t> OO OOO-H OO OrH OiN -i(MTfi CO (M r}i CO CO ■* oo OO OO 00tO»O(Nr-l C 03 1^ O -t lO lO (N T-H rl 05 a> -H CO 00 03i^ ■<1< C3 CO 1^ t^ ^^ oo>o — < fM -^ ^ IN (N CO CO (N Tfi cot^ IN 00 (NOO .-co TtHCO CO CO 02 CO »o (NOO 1-1 lO^ 02 00 CO --^ CO .-1 CO CO IN CO CO t^ (N(N OCOt^ffi .-irt rtCO CO 10 O'^ (» 00 (N-- CO CO (N ?5§ »o ■*t^t^ OCOCO i-lt^(N-1iiOrt (NOO (N(N ^OlTjHlO rt .-i(N ?5?1 (N-* 1-1 Tt< CO lO psopppc p (N J^f^ t^ -H t^ pppppp 99 >0 lO QO lO p p p p r^co 99 (NCO pp Tf (N 99 ii: t-i ^ ^ ^ S ^ o CO O 5 O S • s c3^ few HI OS 0).- «3 aj 2 cs 0; n ^ .^ MJ^Tr cj M H-l O P>ffl . « fe<; -S EC K ^ s ^o i ^ tf^ "jHitfO Q 53 O ^ O S 5c ^l:oK C c3 O) . ^1 Kg -SW do (L 0 03 ? ^►5 OC c 1-^ . |5 ^ (NTt* (» 00 00 00 (N (N O O 05' OCO (N 0 10 05 05C» OO t^iO O5(>0 00 (X> CS 00 t^ CO (30 00 IN t^ O 03 05 M o CO 050 00 05 O CO I (Zj 00 <_ _____________________ oO(Z)(»ooc5a;c5(Z3xooooooooO(X05oo(Zjc-. O500 l05-*OCOl^(N(N(N05r} +J^ Ct! to 03 O « o"c ^ ^ a OOO OOOOQOPOP 3c 0) - o o3 oc,:ia2g ^■• r^g; « 03 ,^S ■03 -d ID 9 •^ 03 o -a u rs c 03 fe CCW 3 _-(U <; (D-- W 1908] Statistics. — Georgia. 151 iqaa JO -jtuv spunj )U3UUS3AUI Xj49d0J(J qojnq3jO = 0 10 CO c ooocoo oo ooocoo oc ooo oo o O O O O O' o o^cc o_o__o_c^_ ^6 r-i\D X r-^ r^ c ooooo o oooo lO lOQOCfO -^ oooo ooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oc oo oo O 00 I> X iM o •313 'XaB[ES OOiO o o O r-d^ t^ cs COOOOO CO (M O O lO lO lO lO ■qt tH O i-l sjnjipuadxg 3UIOJJ CO lO "t «? o 't M ^ ■* 1< oc O C O [^ -f CO ■* C C-l (» i-O ICO 00 o lo o IBJOX -f ■.'ti ro ■q^ c oo -jo CO "-I a a ' iaqJO 00 (M 00 CO CO CO o c P!Vl,-"3'S!uix\i oooco oo o oooooc oo CO oo C! MiOIN Ot^ O 0000(N0 CO Mcc oo o ooccco oo oo oo CO oo OO o o •§Pia ^^ln^J uoijEonpg suoissip^ u3i3J0j ■ui3i^ 'saiisioog s.aidoaj §nnoj^ •^OC^ oc C -hOCCiOC Or-) sjaquiaj^ •S -S ^:g. ■* O iOO\ CO c S'OI^ «00 c C C M< c w c CO c C C0O-* oo coc lO o COM c CI CO ^ CO CCf^C CI CO OOOiO ICC oo oc coc OO CO CO C CO coo O CO coo c c OOCCO c c ^ "- ^ C LOi C -f o o c o r^ o LO CO M —1 c Tt< o r-io CO lo CO -^oico CO COLO o occ CO CO r^O CO Is '^ " o .. ^ O c3^ T3 4) O o3 c3r= o OOffi ^ c; (u .. s p M 152 Congregational Year-Book. [190! ooo o o oo o o o o -^o o '"' (NO too CO oo . t' w^ P^ S§^ g .2 »j OS •J >w tc 5^ 20rtOr-HCO-*05 OOOOOOCKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fflOOOOMM" COXOOOOOOOOC'OOOOOOO l-§ fl Oi oJ -cS ^.2 I—! u a o Jo -' O c S ^ <^ ; rt X o :=i S „- u q t: S CD s Sp^_S ■C ri r; i" ^ 1° 3 3 pi 3 t»c»HE-t ?i m o 0) - -.- C O fl J ) tf.' ^ t? t. o of'^ S S o o c^tj >■. C! tn O O c3 ors O O W^: "5 h(i-- Q to m a*?! § 0,0 CD 01 11 1 "9 II t3 J 1 s§^ E oi;' fe^te- tc =£ 0 >i^ a K oj- c ^X e bD EC 0) ao- z b. t< • "-- C 3 i ? ,. ^ = 'k O i^ ^ », Z B 0 S « < 33 .S ?^ 0 0^ ts* tC Z tc ? !> 5 p 5^^ , ■< -;o^3> 0 o Sfc. oo^-S CS §«S^^ s^ ^ss^2 50 zz Statistics. — Georgia. 153 t.r o ooo o oo o «©oo o OOlO r-l o o c o o =c o CI •* c o O CO o C ^ iM O lO 1-1 2 9- o •< KS Um CC o c oo O :c I^ rt T-H CO (N 00 05 0050 o o 2 OOiO ' ooo o o "^ OMrt o 8^° o o o ^fOO o g°° o o o ooo o M .-1 C<1 (N t!t ooo o -* o CO-H o lOOO c o o O'O c ■^ o o o o o o ooo o ::: c > T ■r. j; 3 > 2 S K o o ;:: o o 5£co.ii Ofo.S .2 N o o (nW CO CC ■ CO Si bj.-^ 'E no . -*^;r CO— ■ Cico js 5 c'-' - ~ o CO ^ 22 c— ., ico« § r txM " 1/.' r .^ *^. CSS' o t^ ^ a ^ •-■^ ? w i o (!...■■ ^ K « •- ^ • ^ r-, ra "^ <>1 a « K - occoo ^[^£ « •- .^ |Sg ^ 'S 0 o 0 d-S ■ji 0;S 1H 1 1-H fl w _ -" rt KX ^ y -ai^ .d ,^ H s-2 c . n s a CO il 6"^ of to H 'Jl ..IN 1 '^ 3 a K C ^ ^. 0 H O r/: t-i EMB Abs 237 ?63 E ^1 g K i, 154 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 T-i O OCOt-< iCO OOOiOCCfflt^O OOfOOO^O(NfOCO (M ^ COIN a)<00(NiHi-iiOOOO»0(N IHCOO ;i-iO(NO(N.-io (NO^O-fOOlt^O T-iOOOiMOOOOOOO 0(N0 OOJrtOCOINuOO C0C0(N'*'-iiMOM^ 03O'-iO'-ilN00-T^O rHiO'^COCCIMOCO (M »0(N OOOrtO-^ClOOOCOOO rt (N CO(M.-i (N CO CO Ot-.-H COC000 05COO(NCO TfHCOfNOC— i-*0(N OCOCIM^COINCOOO C0-*"O(N(N05r-HC0-H lMr-1 T-H CO(N t^COCO(MlMCO-*COiOCO(MO oocor-coTji^oi.-icococort .-H 1-lMi-IC0^T-<'*lrH coTrcct-(Mcocotz)X' cooo «o 0 t^o 1-1 (N^ NOCOrrOCCI^t-ClOJC^l'O t>. t>. Tti tT CO ■* i-Hi-lr-i 10 CO^O (NCOCO 00 CO CC rH CO rt -Ht-. CO '-!'-' lOlO CO CO t^NMiOClCCOOCO OCOrrCO"-!-* LOrH COrH IOCCOCOO^OC!I^05CO"00»0 -H ^ CO 03 .-H CO 'S* rtr-((N -HCO -H 10 10 10 •"Tl CO 00 CO CO ffi 10 CO >o t^ c p oc p p p c ococogooigco^ ot^ot^co-^co-fcoiocco ppppppcpppxp cor^t^ ppp •-.0-3^ c c3 — ^ c3 O .a: r-.u C to c3 3 03 £-^ 3 c3. ^fi CI B. ci^ 5 r=-?^ >aD- a^~' [S S5jS -p '-, i> ,~ fs SE = 000 r-3 "^ ^ H E~' '^ o o c 1^ k J c;-^0 S-^ ^1^ - O — o ^ - 3 e ?5 P^ii nP-i rt-^ 03 c; ) 3 jii ,M t:^ ^ " g M^^'Sd^E^' C3 MJ Q ?;; ,1^ o . c |dM||Wt^|«_ .^ilf^^j 5 0) cj O _ r:; «S*W«I CO lO 10 10 t^ I-~ T. t^ O 10 CO CO X! 00 M X 00 CO i§ fg^c5§aa;-^^rx £:g-^i^ = x-aaG^r|.°^- »C O CO I CO O CO ( X 01 X ! ) l> O (M .^ O ffi X t^ 03 t^ (M -t< I CO 05 03 O Xi-iCOCOI>XO o )XXX05 XXXXXXX C3 ffit^ CO o •^ X lO X XX XX I coco ) XX c § s « , ■is *~5 C a> c3 .° ^ «» c3 &03c3c3c3c3c3Sc3 s S.?-C3^3 = c3 0 ~ iv« s-3_x:sc3r3'-^P^>~< :§ s.^W[i;saH6^i^«^f:^^ ^- 3 =3 _ fc 5 o^ --CO --00 o o O 3 .-Tci ..-M S SK MKWWmW fcs) 1908] Statistics. — Hawaii. 155 jqaa JO 'JUiy spnn^ }U3mjS3AUI ■3J9 'jUbIES COCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOCjOOOOOOCCOCCO OOOOOOOOOQOOOCOOO-^OOOOOOOOiOOOOOt^OOt^ MO' r. 0-. - COi-H 010 MO O O •* 01 «c 00 05 0-.- - - " 0000000000(NOOCOOOOOOOOO(NOOOO«00< cotoocv:oooiMOOia)Tt OCO OC O O O O IN UO rH rn o O O ^rt 1-1 tH(N ■* O rH O rl »0 (M (NCO O 00000000 000000000 000 000000000000 = (N000»0000»0 OOCOCOOOf^COCO 000^'-JOO. ^ --lrtT-lr^CO: fl.-- d^ " 3 S •3> S her Sever an Higuc . Barron, nohiwa, ^ r^ s. Lut V. Kw nes H 1 Hip, M. Lc .CEW '- aj 3 d • COS ^Pi^^Sc ■i3^ 3 Oi ^-1 y =>PQ i-5;5J^g 5^-3 ^ 03 <^ S ^ O =3 g£s £: ■coll! O ^ j' _ m CO a fs c3 c3 « «4, -^ss.j- f^M 3-3 ^ d c3 HMSSKWStiJHIS r; -^ -! •- -P -H -G ^ '^ B ri S o :^^ c c c 3 o " c3 rt d d d drn -i. F-iH ^^ wj w n dj c ^ '•^ •-' ^ " oj d^ o .^f O S d d "d. 156 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 CO o lO O CO r>. CD ■^ Si Is j3 O o3 o oc^Pa U) 0-3 :+-■.«-■ S ^ 3 IIS^^ S3 « 03 V •2 S & 1^ P EUlIIi m j3 ill ' ci o 3 > 03 O 2"^ S can o 5« ti O Oi c3 O S o3 o3 dj o jaJgPPO Q ;3 c3 ^^ OC 03 p^ O c3 3 S cB d w h3 z trl =6'^ 3 o3.„- sa oj 03 03 ^g -a o .S - ^ "" " c3>^ s^^5,-5 3 . Qj" . 03 03 . PP^WliJPH COIN CO CO CO 00 t^O OO o CO CDiO lO CO o 00 w CO(M CO CO 00 00 I^ 00 o COlNt^ COOJ 00 MCO 00 C3 00 CO Qj ,:5 ;J ■ oa c3^ a^ IS g^ -"o S 3 <» O fi,3 ^ 03 , (JDS OS'S !3|2^^. = 03 S 3d - k2v2k^.5v5- " 8 O s ca ^ >^ -3 a ■^ 3 ^ (J 1| C3 „ ^ a 3 0 ^ =,;: c3 1908] Statistics. — Hawaii. 157 ^< KS pS OOOOOOOOOOiOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOI^OCSO oooccco 0000 00 00 oooooco 0000 00 00 0_(N CO »0 0^0_0_ -^ >0_0 O O •* -rt" o ic" lo"!^?©" i-rco"i-r T-T I> CO -t o o 000 too Oi O " CI 0000 0» (N O M CO rt CO 0000 OOOOOOOCOOOO 'tiMOO (NOr^O-*(NO'-iXO Oar-iiCCO r-lCO'OCOIN'^INlO'-t'rt 000000000000 to oooooco H-IM tOOOOOINCOCO © (N OCO.-H -HCOtOtOOl-* --I 1-H i-( CO C OOOOOOiOOIOOOOOOOiOt^OO «© o a-fzst>a> O'ooooco ^ o (M (NTfr-l C^ r-llO«5lOlO^ rH CO 000C5t^0t--0-* O'OC'-JOOh-COO O CJIMO'^^O OiOC; i-ii-H-jHOO O^ l-H C\CC »0 CO CO 1-H rH (N" t-T rH o-* o oco »oo coo cor^ooTfooc ■* rHOOrH (O -^ Mr- 0 oooocooooooooooooo 00000 LO 000 OOOOIMOOO (M rH 0 OOCCO(NOOOOO(NOOO00OO coooooooo 00000000 0 COOOiNO(NOOOOOO(NOOCC CO rH 000000000 OOOOOINOO 0 as OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMOOOOOOO OOOOOrHOO O OOOiCOO«000000000000 OeOOOOOOOOO lOOOOOOOO r' ^O OCOiOO(NrH CO »o 3 o o o c o o o o o o o 000 o 00 00 000000000 00000000 .:« X S _!; oJlZ a- .-.--^ ^T" .- -^ ^i ►^ .z- :3 ^ c S S 3 a ^gQ a >>£' Ph . o M . t^ o u • — r • =3 f=HH c3. 02 ^ •- L., rt c; g ai3 i rt c3 o ' 2 s 'l4Ui 0) 0) w«t^ ^t3 II cj" a -0 d s s 0 W w J 1-1 hJ -c3o3c3dc3ii -^ o - ei ■d 30Ph 2 «-fl " fl oi o3 OPL(0h 158 Congregational Year-Book. O '*' ^ NOOIO^ >OiOO CsC CO 00 re ^ '"' .cD(Naj-i < sa •d O^ 0(N O t-oo (NiMr-(NC0O CO O O IN CO rH«5000 O-^OO-* OO Q 6 H (N t-ifO.-iCO ooo lO 1-1 T-H iM --I O ocooo ooo oooooo OOOOi-H OO > o »! (NC(NO'-i ooo o o o o o o i-<0 1-1 IN O CO O Id (5 OrtrHrt(N ooo Oi-iT-^C^^O OCOOrt--! OCO O) IN U3 r-l •* •*oo QOi-H 05 ^OO iH ■* .^ O "-I N i-H a a i a -i(N (N iH 1— 1 000005 ooo i-hOOOOO OOr-(NO 1-1^ (N CDIO rH in Tfl O O t^r-^Oi-lOO rt T}. OOO i-H 1-1 o < u ^~* OO C OOi-i o cooo o o w ooo rl CI M O O 00 O < rH -i Tfi T)< lO — 1 coco CO E fa O coco O IM M(N J — Slli i f -- O "^ '^ K j( rt.- a-:; 03 4) . 05 rH O "t NfO ^ t^ Tji -ft O 00 t~ ti"^ 2 5^SS O CO -^ '^i -^ CO 00 CO O ao 0> CO IN O'*'* o 00 C/3 05 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO C» CO 00 CO 050000 i oT os" a X u X a X u u O 1 j5 3 c3 a> fl a _r -^ fl o S c3 ;i = '3'5'3"3'3"3 3 «- S ^ g 3c§sW .«" -3^ mil JI4^. -.^„s2 "^ 2 ^ - " " rt a ; -"o "p. ^ M 1 1 o_o b oHH 3(Nod 0001-1 H -^ u r- •0:^.2 CO ej m <=1"> CO f^ta .-^ ^ tc ._ •- o^%^ c3oi?2 a »o ""^ '^ c"c t« 0 0 O'm'S d '"■a Z a g — 0-0 ^H ,404 on 36; -CD 1" -H at~ o3 - a. -£73 .a : S:t;ot- aco^ !3 c3 •- ? goi 0-* a < - o 10 oi OD •• ^ a o O S s a s'aoi Z'5 O c3 .. o 1908] Statistics. — Hawaii. 159 i in a < OJ '^ 0) CO oooooooo oooooo>oo OlOOOOOrHO 2 (N'-HIN r-i .-T IN 600 1 ,000 2,000 2,S00 2,500 ooooo oooooo OOOOOOOOOOO CO__iO 0_^0_ 0_^0_0 CO O O "O '89 1902 '89 19G6 1905 1907 t cO-*cD ;* CO CO CO OOt^r-tl^OOrtlO CO COCOOOCOt^iO 1^ OOOOXiO CO »OOTfO(N(N OO (M CO lO O lO CO CO o»oooo IMCO -^ O CD T(< (M C^] CO OOXCOOCDO O ■* O 00 O O »0 O -1-00 COcOiOOCOi-i-* "* cio«o*'o -foo r^ lo CO T-H 00 ci o CO o CO o -f 1,025 50(J 1,287 215 20 590 1,000 4,025 14.3 276 3.50 190 H U z H y u n o H O OiC^O C3 o CO CO ■* i-H t^"»> o coo COCO rH Ot^UiOX IN-* •*rH TtCO CO-* O gC0 OiOOOOOOl iN-*0 CO J o o X u >• < i uo c lO '-' r^ 00 o CO t^iM •^ CO •* CO t^iOOC<>00 CO ^ LO 01 Ol lOOlOO Office CO -t T< -H X (N M* c -^ G u c a D. B. Murdock, Rev. John Kaluna, J. Fukuda, Rev. Manuel G. Santos, m Rev. M. Saito, J. Makalei, J. Kikuchi, K. Inagaki, Solomon Majm, R. J. K. Nawahiue, J. Kaoheloalii, Mrs. Kawahic, Miss C L. Turner, in Rev. G. Tanaka, Euoka Kekahuna, Isaac K. Kai^uniai, Mrs. Yec Kui, John K. Kekaula, bi U as D a . u 8 n Paia, M., Foreign ,, Hawaiian, „ Japanese, „ Portuguese, Papaikou, Pearl Gty, Pelekunu, Piikoo, Puuuene, Uhii)alakua, Waialua, Waianac, Waihee, Waikano, Waikapu, Wailau, Wailuku, K., „ Union, „ Chinese, ,, Japanese, Waianianalo & K. Waimea, 1st, „ Union, ,, Chinese, Waiohinu, 1st, ,, Kapaliuka, Waipio, -r -^ O) ~ g|fi o|> Bm •- 03 o ■43 .- o t" rt iS ft S • 00t« O CO C". o «| 2 S a^ B, .. jy •» X f=^ 2.9 1^ <; o IN H a 3 53" O o33^ W o o;i; 00 ? 0) Of IN • oW >, -^ --J 252 oi-^-'-'^io- x^ m .-- H S M .S^ g.3 'S'^-i -* 43 3.2 • ■5 cj -2 Si'-' •• 3 ...S3 H H -3 lo" CI 5 " '*.2 0 O . -§ CO O d C^co OJi? 0 3?© .,* .. 03 u-3 Ai o"^ a— I A p .- .« QJ ^ p CO Tt< ^J fe KCio'd 160 Congregational Year-Book. i C; O O O O I^ iC O O O O CO ^ CI M OOC»CO(NOOCCO O CO O t^ »0 .-1 CO »0 lO »o c i-H CO -' —1 S5 c < OOiOOOO OOOCOO'S'OO'J-OO oo 0(NiCOOO OOOtCOOOOCOO 1-H 0(N > o s u B e2 rH(Nt^O'-l1-l ■*O(N00OC0. r- c -^ "O .-HO(NOdt^C2THO«00 Ot- t^00(NOr-.(N CO OOi-H^Clt^C-HOCOO oco Wrfi lO O CO CO C4 -HO—ioi^OiaooNO 0-* H a u J3 < lO TJH lO (M O C CO O C t^ W 1^ ^ LO CS CO 1^ ^ 'H (M (M CO C-1 « t^ LO o c o Tf Tt< coo ^OiOOCOCOOCO^-^i'Ort" (N (Mt^(N(Mr-^OlC0THC0 ^C5 ■-.lO c oo^oco OCO^ COTh coooo3cooC'"0050i'*o;3; rH rHlOi-lt^ lO rt ^ CO C) ^ t^ 1-1 011^ 0.-I .-H 00i-iO5'O»Ol^'* o 0!^ O ^ c C =2 pp £^ K III J U 1 s 2; .1 ii 'H C> K CG C3 If :i 1 fe o o •- P - ^ -^ .C^i^-Jit^o ^ he's '^. m ^ T- T- T- ■/■''o ^ Y- o o :5 -^ ^- '- td S u B D X u O c 5 o >. O ^ 01 W CO --H Ci C-1 r-H t^ IM T+< CD W ^ — 1 IM 01 O -H -t CO -f X CO CO OO0iOO00OOOOOO02OOC:Oa)OOCO'~. CO (»C50oo503oooi(X)ooc302 0) CO 731-0 ~ o 03 .- Sosi-i o o S ^=^•3 T-H '^- '"-' ci g 0 03 0 ^ , ^ ■1^ TS c ce 1 Cf) ^ ■^ 0 ^ . •r" ;^ "« i: ci Cli (M < x_ 0 0 71 a^ .-/! K fl H a 0) rr n IS < PL. < < . ~ C i-t ~*x U S liJ o « g oc < > 03 O <^:: :^° oT g" a H 03 3 y ''5 cj go-* g ^ §: H O iT ■«* hH <^ o - 03 £ fe H ^ o es g r- £ " K s e? g Mi 03 rt O g 190S] Statistics. — Idaho. 161 iqag JO -juiy spunj )U3UI)S9AUX Xjjsdojj H0jnq3 sniEA qojnq3 jo •313 'Xjejec; sjnjipusdxg atuojj FloX s3n!JEii3 ■Jamo pTVI.Jajsiui}^ •Dog 'qtij piIB •S "S "^"OD iioijEioossy •ssii\[ -uiv suoissi i^ auiojj •Spig qoJiiqQ SUOISSI i^ u3l3JO_J •uiajij 'sapspos s_3ido3j Suno;^ sasquiaj^ oooooo O M o^r^ r-i CO of OLO CO of o o OOOOOO ooooooooooo OO $14,000 1,000 1,500 0 2,750 2,500 lOOOOOOOOOOOO oiooocLO oooooo * CO I^_^iO iq Ol^iO^ o c_ o o o * co't^"rH'oT-rioo{oi'o''co'~ * * * * * 01 1,.500 0 0 7,000 '96 1904 '92 1903 '90 '96 1905 1907 1903 1901 1901 01 tH OO 05 05 $1,800 1,000 1,100 100 900 750 oooooccooooo ooooooooooo t>.oooooa3or-oxco 1,500 O o o c c >o O OOCCCh- iq^i-o to Tf '*< •N — T 550 175 1,000 2,715 1,000 1,390 1.50 1,1.3G 460 300 3,075 -^01-oot- oo»ocot^ooiooc:2t^ O OICO Ort xoo ■o OOI ^LO OOC5OOC0 0»OOOOCOO"*0 o •* 00 01 o OO (NOOOOO ■•^'OOOOCOOloo o T-H 01 h- O LO O CO o 1^ CO OlOOtOOOOOC o OiO O O (M O O O COOOOOOOCOO o OlOl O O ■* O O LO 00 (N rHlO IN COiOOOr- oi rtco o» Ol 01 OOOCOOOt^ ^rt CO »00»000"00-hO Ol lO cooiN ooo OOOOOCOOOIO o OOI COOffli-iOO COOOOOOIOOIO CO 01 Ol OiO (N O t^ O O l^ OO CO(M (N OOOOOCOOIOOOOIO 01 coo 01 00 LO 01 'iH o lO O LO O lO o CO lO r^ ■<*< r^ o lOOOOCOr-^OCOO OLOooor^-^o-^LO ^^ 01 01 o 01 (teorge Prout, C. W. Campbell, Mrs. K. Cameron, h Mrs. M. W. Macvenj', Ceorge C.regg, .James Jackson, J. (i. Benehley, (■laud Johnson, Lewis Thomas, M. D. Mills, h Rev. T. II. C;ilbert, Oliver E. Norcll, Mrs. T. D. Anno, W. S. Ilinchliff, A. T. Sandquist, Rev. 1). Dunham, Judge W. D. Standrad,. Cj Boise, Burke, CUiallis, Clark Fork, Council, Genesee, CJibbonsville, IIopo, Indian Valley, Kellogg, Le\\'iston, Meadows, Mountain Home, Mullan, New Plymouth, Nora, Pearl, Pocatello, Priest River, Rosetta, Summit, Thornton, Wallace, Weiser, Westlake, '-"cc o" ^i^> R MHH 2ix;5 o lO w =-t^ » 0 O . _ ■/. » 'f- 2 u ^l& 2 T. Zl£\ r^ fi - 01 3 02 E ••^of f •^_ a>-i©|, S «oi^ a C M z ^— 1 l-H u -— IS ■|«^g S^o ^ -.-05 ^ hc?;^ 544. I'orc hools, o -£'X: - ^ 5^"^ .-> = Mh-= O - _H C ? *^ ^ ~ lO -) 13; trib ing 2; •^ rH -CTJt^ w o.-z:^ j^ ni "o W^ S o -H CO S^2>. u ;j U Ct^- tj '^^ = g to .2 -T. .^ ;. ■■■>-■ a •n ■^, •/: c3;q ~i - Z =i,i^€e j!^ L^ S ^ < ^ ■ - t, _-( ^ ::cc ;: i5a< o ^-i 162 Congregational Y ear-Book. 1908 1/5 t-- O O lO lO lO (M O CC (M iM CO CO 1-1 C<\ T-i OOiOiOiCOOO cor^t^t^OrHooco (NtH 1-1 1-1 iC C -H ,-1 ,-1 o ooo«Tt00"3'*NrtHiH(NOCO CCCii-<(NCCC0O OCOO'i»(Ni-Ht^iMi-iOiOC<5i-i 00 1-1 ^ 1-1 1-1 (N LO-2 ii 2 t- 5 S g? ? .'^ o • O ^' >^ lii -7' -^ •; 2 i !? 5 bCT- d OJ ^ -1^ cj C i=!jt> ►-> C- cE § ts „-<1-5" ffl b ^1 ^'^ aS u I- ~ s c t« - ^ ca ^r^? Si*?? Q> ^^ O I — I G n ^ '^ - -"^ 3 O g fc-iij,rr-'^ •5§ a u a (3 3 >>d OSPC 3-=! fii-! g -J, S c 6 t; cjC.t H K H^ ^ » ?,, d '■ ; '— 2 t: ^ ^r ^ • K I— m ■ m to Q w ! 0»0 ^ -^ 05 )I^ 00 lOiO CD > X X 00 COCO CO t» 00 lO Tt< lO " CO CO lO 00 t^ CO ■ GO 00 00 X CO 00 ( ■ 05 lO lO ) CO 00 CO CRcjc3!ua) e3 S, c3?S^cat.t-a; S-Jii^ O O'C 3 3 3 >,'S. fQPQcQfqeqfQeapQppQo MO 3 una ^ o a) 3 ti &1 190S] Statistics. — Illinois. [O c ooooo jq3Q JO -luiy oooooooooo O 0(N ooooo o oo oooooooo spnnj )U3TU)S3AU]^ oooooo< oooooooooo ooooo oooooooo oooooooooocooooooo oooooooooooooooooo C^O_C^_7t< 0_0^0_0^0^»0 0^0^'0t:i_0_0 0_^0^ a&^* '-HOO-00C100 sjnjipngdxg avion OC^ O oo-^ t^ o ~ o o -H lo CO 0_0 O X i-iiO -T cirti-T or^oocot-ocoo^ ONQOOt^O — OOlO CO 00 cy:;o_o^(N o^w-i" (M_ o o -f oo O O IN O Ol lO IN •^ (N t^ cot^oococooooo OO'OOiMCOCOOCINO 1-H M t^ 1-1 o co_ o o_"* o_^ ^■^■^r^ ,-1' T-Tc-fof IK'OX (Nt^iOTfOOCliCO'-HO'-iOO-tioCO WiOOOOO Xt~ CO -^INTt^OCO rHi-IO CO !-< .-l.-C^ -tiOtNOCOCOWTfrfOO 0005-H(OcoiCd»00 C O iC ■<»( N UOIJEIDOSSy •ssij\[ -uiy snoissij^f 3Ul6{J O COOJt^iO't OCD0>^^Or~-OO!^OC000-*(NO ^5•^(Mt •Spia qDJnq3 nopEonp3 snoissii\[ 00 O-^CMMO 00»0-+< O O'J' O OOOeC OiOON lO -H oO'-HO r-cst-H rtio "-I coeoco «© cq oo(N ^ 1-. t- TO S^ ;f^ -p o . ^ o . c . - o *- -C •r .- -^ ■S ^2-2ofi c S ^ 15 ~S u i p _J, g s . s§ .— 'tiw ^ ^ ■;_; OH 0/ l' O.-i^^ ^o,t.ci £rf5^^^ ffiH^- §cg; J3 = 5 MC 5^< •■ U > _i S -3 — .KCcc-1^3 -r-cSdcuoc O —I ^ to o --^ c3 S q-3 c li t; o ff t: OOu333>imSS 164 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 00 N O OOOOOOiO NIC CO OiCCOOiOC^ ,-< .-icOCO(NO-HIM OC0C0'*iO(Nf0i-l'!ti.-l-*i-irfOC0O'-iTHT-iC— li— IrH iH i )COOL'^iOC5CO(MO'*i-( OCOIN-* CO t>- IN CO to CD t> ) r>. ,-1 lO o CO CO -^ ( lO 1-H (N i-H COCO(Nt^ CO i-l i-H C5 10C0 o "^iNcoro IM t^iHr-l CO T-i CO o CO-* (MCOTtHC lOci CO l(N COr-H )rt CO(Mt^ t ) 10 t>. CO CO ( -HTtHCOlMl Tt COrt (N tt>. rt CO T-1 ( I O O CO -* > -H COIMtH COt^t^O T !»■* lO O- (N— ii-K ) CO O rH t^ no O c ) O 03 CO O O O C si- a o. Cj 'o ;:H M ?=1^ ^^-i.^^ii c o ^^r-> .'^ C*^ OS o 7} ►-» u • S CO r^ > t. CJ W oQ o ci 0^0 2 O O O C3 jj fl s --^ ^ A- 3 f^^ :ccW '^.55>.fe3s t/} c5 ^ c3 rn "^ :^^^g:^-^Q 3_D Ph -=,r^ h e^ <^ .[V, d^m O o wo C; i^ H . rf Sr to t, c3 g d O hb. '-'^hi. I"v30-ac3— S ^g>-;ogPHagi:gQrj}oo_ ^^^ o^:p — CO rt t^ CO CD 00 00 "0 CO CO 00 CO coco t-^OO CD-* 00 00 i-H(M CO C lO 10 10 c 00 CO CO c 000000c 0-* coco CO t^I^ t^ 00 00 coco «) CO coco CO O t^ t^ t^ CO X (» 00 CO IMNCO 00 00 00 00 CO 00 coco 0000 CO O) CO CO 00 CO 00 CO CO >0 lO CO CO (» CO CO 00 00 00 00 l>CO 00 CO Oi 00 CO 00 00 00 " " 00 X 00 M L^ eg vs •£"Ei) c3 _,'o 3 flpL, _ __^ o H 3 fe S ^.cf) „-^^ rS 13 [n a" ! 2 g^ d ra g ) ^ .a x: .a ja -q )OCOOOO I-5H 190S] Statistics. — Illinois. 165 o „ 3a< oooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooco a&o ou:)Oo oooo 5:- O O t^ O (N OiO OO 05 oooooooocooooooooooooocooooooooooooooo oooo oooo o^o^c^oo ooo ooo ooo •^(NXj^iOO r-. '^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOO 0_^0 0_0^0. O^O^O 0^0^0^0_0_,0_'O^C\C__0_0^0^0_0_^CC_0_iq o_o_^o_o_ '>o >o"io"o"oo'~o'S o"co"(^^''lo"^o''o'~o'''-^co■o~':o co'r-Tio'o'io'"'* io"io't^''co" i-l(NM(N"3((NSC0(Ni-l(Ni-lrHi-l* * OrH ++* i-Hl^eo* CO* * * """ ** * **** * rt * * * Tt< IC "f ' t^O Ol " OCl" 10?0'HOiOC»'*0(M-*(NLOOOOOOCO-^'fCO COt^iOi-iClOCOOCl ■ CO OIO OJOOOO 05X O O O <»0D OI^OO 00 CI O CO X CI O CO CTiO CC 00 " ^ l^^ •* »* ^ •* "* •* — ^ ^ *«*«*« *^ r« *t h -^ •* •s •» ^^ .^ »* — - »» •* OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO COOOOCOOOOO; OOXOOOOOO'OOCOOOOOCOCOO COOC'CCO-+C'XOi 1.0 O__ro_o 0__-H_0 10 C) C) -i< C X "O O 0^iM__l> 02 "*^ >o__o_oo o o_ CC^iq^X »o__-^ >o_< ^■J 2' ^'^ ClOfOtit-COt^CO^OMOOt^'-O-^t^LOiM OOI^I^OI^'-iO O CO OC5(N»iOOOCOOOCOO.-iOt^^OC1'-i01t^ OOOOOf^iOiMO o^ c<5_ ;o t>._^.-H_o oo_'*_^o__C5_oq_cq^»o^<-i i-ijoja ^^'-^.t^^'^.c^^ o^o,^--! o oo_^co^o_^(n_ CO t^ o CD CO "O oco o K-^ o iM t-- CO r~ (>) o CO ■^< lO — I X o r^ c> -^ (M O M C> O ^ t^ t^(Mi-iCO>Oi— c0'tt>.COt^rOiO LO Tt< O lO O ( ) O lO 1-1 J0) ^ CO O r-llOt^ tO(NOOX O— Tf<^ T-lX 1-1 i«C5C!-*iCI:^OOt^C0Oi0OOOOi0OXC0 0:OO O (N (NiOi-irH i-i ^ o TttXOiOCSXON COOt^i-i>OC30cO ■^ IM i-< lO (N (N (N 0>0-*iOOOOTt.(N(NXC50»-OrHioOiOOiMi0002'* CO (N (N (N lO CO T-1 CO rH ,-1 (N CO t^ CO 1-1 IM N CO Tj< CO 1>(N iM 1-1 ll z- ^^ . oK o .• " is rl . ' ss 5 o ct 0) ^.& d K fe o 3 hH H '^ oil- » fe 2^ •-: O ri M Fi'<- KC O § c. . ^~ .iA ~ri t- Pn o 03 .-f; 5 S^ CC(i- rS-^ -rft^'^ br op4 •.5P C o c3 o 2 o3 rt o 1l:=i o " ^Si ^ *-• ci > -^ -r-S b£-= ^ -i- ±± w ■-! u bC o'ci ^.2:^^ 5;G > - ^ S ct: ff^pH .2pH;?;P^^HJP3Hjp5c»MOP3pL.SoC2JCiua.i:a6HPWcBK C'-'P-i o ;; :^^ o o c; o 166 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 rOOOXOOOfO M0«0 OO O O OO O OOO O O OO O T-o oioo oio o 03 (N as 1-(lO(M CO i-H r-i tH CO CCMi-Hr-lrH IC lH 00 -^ I-H TtttOiOOOOt^-i-iOOOPOCOOlOCOtNOt^Or-iOOCOiOtOT-HOOOlM ,H rH l-H r-l IN .-I CO C--]iO(NOOOOOOCOOOOCO(NOOOi-i(N(NO-<*iOOO'HrPOOO OOOrtOCOOOO'0 00«OaOO'*COC100COr-iO'-<0000 0)TpiOO(N(NOOOO'-i(M0(N(MiOOJOI>X 00 i-< fH o i>t lOrHCOt^OlS-^COlOO ) Tt< --H i-i (N CO CO )0 M t^-^ t ) rHO CO 00 C t T*» l-H >-« t ' Ttt t^ M O < ) (NOO CO 00 ( 1-1 CO(N i-ti-H 1-1 (M (M CC -^ 1-1 (M ) O CO t^ >o T > 00 "3 M 00 C T3 ir'3"s b^ t • ^ s g ES _3 ^ S ^ *-< ) It- .=§ ^ > r^ ,P4o^H^^d -'^ *-* u c3 03 ►-5 ,> O 5 fo^is: S s-y lO O O O O lO t^ l^ O O 00 (N 1-1 NCO(N(N loo coo OCO »OiO lO 00t~» o O O rfi CO to o CO CO TJH CO •* 00 C 1-1 COIN thO IN O O CO 1>IN 1-1 1-1 IN. ft£ - ^ - a S r/> Cj ^ t. kT ia C CO O fl r-;^ "■gjsW ;;^ cK^-^Cj.- sS ^j3 • «j O -^llS > O c3 c3 S -5 .s^t 3o^ . ( _^ a c^ CO «-^ s ■-SO -^^^s HJ 01 c CO CO CO ^; O cS as b _: H tn m W CO J- CT^-^ SI JdSoK^tSsJ^^^c^llllffigS 0 0 0 ) 05 02 )00 00 )oooo P-l 73 « cc*^ei . j; h P 1 O O'J 5 HCi-5 02 Oi 0> 03 o 00 00 00 00 05 000000 00 00 OOOOi-i« Ci 03 G5 03 (32 C xxooooooc I IN IN (N CO ■*'Tt< TjH I ) 02 02 Oi 02 C5 C2 O ( ) X 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 > 02 02 )oox 10 CO CO 02 02 02 00 00 00 CO CO (>• 02 a 02 00 00 00 00 0000 02 02 02 CO 00 00 5> .g o3 0) -*J :OfQ ^^ ■ g CO ^ 6^^ s S 0,0 OSes o -fj- <1PPli 'O-HS.^il- ' -'a > ".5* 0 c3 fer.5 .'m.S^^^''cu'^i2a3PLH^Ot,5Wo-5: = >»05 Pvr t- m^i-S^S ti OOOOOOO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 O o o OOO'-OCOOO OOCCIM 00000000-* (NOt^ONO 0_^0_(N M CO^"* t^ 00 oo »0,0^l> CI lO 00_^»q^O CO OOiOt^ t^CDi-HiOrtO OrtCO--ClTt<-fH0C0C'*t^OlMO(N-*C:»0 -Hr^o-^OOtZj--^ OiOOOCOOOCO^CC'O'-OOOiCOlOMOO lOOqaDOt^CCMiM '0_o_rt_-*__rH_oo_co_c« C3^T--i_u7_-*_^M^io_t^_^o_^_o__cq_co -* co lO o^co i-o^eo (M i-H ■•# lO i-H^CCT-t"'— ^ 1-H i-l C^'o".-! i-< 1-1 IC'C^ r^r-T'"^" T-T lO -^ oooooo 0-* oco oo C^ M (M CO i-o O e a- O X aw o o L-^ CO o o O O O d O CO OJ lO CO O C^ Tt< MCO-^cDO(NTt(C0Oi0(N«0(M01(M IQ «= -* ^ (M TH Tt< ^ (M — I ON rtHC t^ 01 -H r-l CO CO i-i CO oo »0 O Tt< O CO o o o o 10 CO O Ol Tfio-*o^oo)cocoo(NioO"*oo500050'-ot^coeO'-HCO.-^?ooo «(I>0(M0(X1 COO0»-i IN-* M ceo (NC0 lO CI i-H r-1 (N g«! OOOOCOOOOJOO«)OOOOiO»000.-iOOOOiOOOOOO OOt^C OO ■ »C CO IM ■* lO O lMOiC»C(N(MiC'-iCSCi'CCOO(Nt^OOCOI>iOiOOeO'0-*0^'*OT 6E;ioi> (N lO CO o o o -- CO T-H Oca ,°s OCOOiQCO '^O'-tOOOOOOt^OiOiNOiOOOt^'OINCOi-HOOOOI^-^'-HicOO S^iOCD lOCOt^ O oo-* 1-irHiMiO 0 CO M lO (M t^ r- — O 1-1 (N -I lOOOOOiO'^ClCliOiOOt^iOOOCOOOOOOr^OOOCOt^COCO-* (NiCiOCOO-H-t^OOOOOt^-*OOMO i-iiC(N {N'O-*cOLOi-ii-t(M00i-i(N-t< CO (M(M ico-^ o oo N 30 CO ^ O M 01 Ol « N IM in -p. _;>^ J O Oj .■S 2 b Sfe--2.2 a . ^>:l ^ 5 ^ g^^^K^ •ccW I -si ii > o — -i^' :£: "a' 5,^ C! ffl H ^ tt ^ p: ?i (5 ►S ^ o 0-73 a >^ O 0; (U Q T "^fc^ "^ '^ "^ ^ ai*"* 2 g!^ o o o ^-s^^s ^ a S ^ ^ H K ; O fc.'C O a} CO fc- lo S M 168 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 O O LO 1-0 LO O O O X 10 O lO o f-H O iM I^ O lO 05 (N CO CS -^ CO ^ ,-1 r-l rl r-l lOOOOt-H^CiOOiOO'.'JiCiOiOOOOCOCOOO'O t^iOiO(N'*'-lO(NiO(NOOiM(M(N(N«)'*COMOOOMOOO 1-1 1-1 (N 1-1 r-l(N rH 1-1 i-l 1-1 O 1-1 1-1 T*! C0M-*C<5(NC<3OOOOOOO l>.T}(i-(i-iOOCCi'*OOOi-.INCOOW(Ni-iOi-i(Ni0003iO(N(NiOO-<*'i-it^r^rN.(NO 1-1 1-1 rH 1-1 i-H CO (M 'Oi-H(Mr-tOOOOi-'i-iOi-iO O>H00(NOi-ii-i-t>(Ml>O-^O-*l>OOOC0r-Tjit^i-i00OO JOOOOO )coi-.< JOOCOiOO^Oi-^O • O t^ O -^ CO »0 CO : I>CO O3C0 1-1 ■ CO M tH I-l 1-* 1-< OJ lOC-lOOI t^ O <* ! 1-HOl rt ) C2 (N lO 05 -H -. ) Tt< c: Oi O ) -* »0 1-1 o 00 rH S o c3 M o £ o s HH Q boo O d) ~C.i3 M 0 fl - 03 «.a flcB "niO S^ W C3 l^^^^^M^ S'X >^ ►sei tn 2 Cl t. C ■ GJ O ^ O ^ Ot^ ^ ,r H.- ;:- o^ eS o ^ t-r: H n3 aj li ij ^ ^ I— ; ^ • 2^ gS^^S o— S^i r^ -c 0 0 M^r oT'^ -3 C M 03 t, ^-^cc rn . a 6Pi ^^■^^ C u = P 0 = .PQh," 03 o h^l ■ w & J§§ » £ O 50 m M S'^ '£ 'J ''^' Sfa 1^ ^5 <^ S i2 en j *>.H. -t; < CO •* T*< : C O 35 i05' 00 05 10 01 10 00 © 00 00 00 ■* r~ as CO 10 -^ 0000 GO ;^s ^ PL,^ — ooSsSt.ET^'S a>o 0000).!-; 000 OOOOQOOGP PQ PQGQPQQQ 3 ^ 03 PPH cS c3 WW fl g « c^ HWWKfa 1908] Statistics. — Illinois. 169 o ^ 3q JOOOC 000000 00000 00 "O 10 000000000 LOOOCOOO lOOO 00 '-i-r lOO (NO ) o 10 o • to (N -fa r- Tr_ (M oc r-T 10 i-T (N 1-1 lOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooocooooooo 2 ^ O Oi 000; o o io ' : 00 o !. 0,0^10 )'o*(n'(>j * * o 000 ooooooocooot^ 000000 000 000000 000 000000000000000 0000 00 OOOOOOt)( lO O 1-0 O O O "O 0^0_^0_^0_^»0_^>0^0^0__-^_^0__0__i-i_0_^0__>q_0_^CI^-T^'-0_0_0_^0_^0 CO (n"''*"^ ic'o"'--rcc o'~o"-*"'o"co~co"o xcco>ot^oi"~co'o cScoKi lo'c^'o^o't^r * ***-* >-l O ^ CO 1^ M CO 03«0i0Oc003OO00C/)O Nl^iO'1<'-HCCt>iOC0-*^C0(Z)Tt '0__(» CO 1^ -+ O 0^0 CO O 0_(N Cvl -^ (N CO^C'V^ ^-'^'^ ® aw IM t^iM LO QO ■^ 't CO t^ c o OiOOO>00-fCO Ot^r^O-nOlMCO C0»O(N(NC0C0a)»O inoocoo C) o o t^ o t> «5 a3_io i-<_ Co'lN fH O.-^ OlCOS^-fO-fiO OOOl't OtOO(M ^ot^t^r-iTficocz)^ oM'--oc5t^eo>oo0'00'-it^ OiGOOJCOiO'^iMr^OrtOLOCOOO ^tHCOOCO»Oi-1'-< (MiO (N OiM-^fO (NrHOi-iCOiO O O o ■* O > TfCOOO(NO»OiO(^OiMClCOO'MOOCOOiNa30'-0 iO(NO> rt COTf 00 — -H o rt O COt^- t^ CO O CO T)H rH CO i-l ■* 0 <-; O O O O iXl O O OO't O 00 OOr^ OOOOiOtH O >-( 005000000 00 O O 00 CO -t- O >C O O 001 L'^OOOOOOO'^OOOO'-tO XNOOOCOOb-O ocoooc»oco-*ocooo50 Oca ss 00OOOOiMOOOt}hO-*O )t^000000 00 i-irH(N-HOO»00000'-iiOr-iMOOOt^'.2 OiOOiOCOiOOOOOr-iiOO coeoTfiiocOQCioiOTftioioco'O •^ ^ Oi T^ ■^ r-t rt OOTfcOOO'fiCt^OiMOOiOOOlMOcoOOOiO U5t^t005'C05'*t^i.ti0 05»C|>a)iO«OOiOOCOiOt^ OlrH rt(NlM'-< ^ !0^rt(N .£ ^ c3 X !- Sfir so = v ■" 2 Ck^ MTi g-^i -^^ OjhH "— ^ &t- . fTt cs ""^^ r^ ^r »i; oT o x 1^ ,3 a 02 "o iJr- 5 f^ rZ; c3 E CO o ffij - 0; o O « hr^--! bffi 0\_: ^2 •/5 .,p^ tf 5'^':^ 'tf »2 :K .• -3 5,-0 o "^0 =^? = 5'f S^- t. O) o O I. Ih !l,0 «S S;£ B u OS c3 ooPQ QQ (uiuajo.-oob^&d 170 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 b OOOCOOOiOOOCO »0 O O O lO CO O lO lO lO o OC' O uo 1.0 1.0 l^ o OCO oo l>TtiO-* CO rH i-H 1-1 rH tH i-H Q > o Id j1 S O'-i'4-iC0OOOO ^ oooo OOrHO OOCc:0 CO CO COCO I-l >-( i-iOO'CXrt'*'^lNO-tCO(NO> rt»Hr^CiNi-iiO-*(N(NOrt o o«oo rt^,_l,_ (N.-Hr-iO'*OOiNOC^OlN'*IN Ot^OOiQCOOOM-*OOiHt^ ^ .-HINOO Ttt(Nrt CO 000.-iCOcoOO(N'*INO«ieO "H XM< N a u H H s a < 6 H ©•^COOOMOOOOOOi-Ht>. Tf OINOO (M(NOC0 COOi-iClCOOONi-OOOtHiO OCOiOt^OOMCCiCNOO CO B .-lOOO (NO^O CDOOOt^COOOOOINOOX BS U O S a J3 < HD O CO O O -^OcD CO O O COIN-^OICOi-htH-^ cOt-i ?5 a IN COO coco Tti rtOOiOC0035000I^XWrt Ci"+iOCO-^OXOJCi'J''^(>> t..-.^r^uococoOTfioiocot> ^rtlMt-HCO IMi-H-Hi-l §8 IN .-^UO Tf 1-1 C0 00(N>O I>>OIN-< C005C;0<-HTtt>.t^C0-*OXt^X t>C002Xt^N-^CO(NCOrtX»00 (N t^ IN T-i rt< .-iLOi^r^>ooiocioiooco CO lO X M CO XX r-1 CO IN»OCOO rt (N rtOt^OJXXC3iOCOI>XOcOiO i0C0>C»-0C0i-iCJC^rtC0O»0^i0 iOfflC0OC5OC0CiTtIN(Nrt (NC3C^OCOCOXiNOt^!MC5'-2 ccr-co t^ o to o t^ 5; li pop ppppppp p CO CO t^ CO pppp p p ppp ppppppp pp i o S 2; 05 o o ^p P ^ P P 2^ 0 Co - i-o5ScSflSC (N p .s *r-* M s CC t^ CO ppprx, s C-; > fi to" 1 1 1 i P o -H CO LO 't- IN , C-- CO — 1 CO C-J p X J-. p p !• CD p p p X §>^ ^ .^ nCI o ^> ^~ in M! K td ■J U Z £ 5?. 1 CO j? x ;:g gj-B i feS fe 1 J P O O piS; 73 f— 1 >- C !- . Orj . ot; 0 £ S £ zIjT: fiS ^ C ^. C -* C K X u K D s O a 5 o >. C0C0r^-tOiOCSCOCOC5-*Ot^'OC:C;OCCO cococooooocoooMoocxjoococcxxooooxaoxxiZ'OOoocccoooooxMX- ooxxooxccao i 2 II s f=-Pi<0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOKWaWKK j? - b .9 •« «■£ 5 ft S If ill! .^. . h-l l-H ^ >■ " O 0 i> i> lv< > J '^ 'a K ffi KH 1— 1 1-5 l-S 1-5 1^ k5 W htll-Jh-] 190S] Statistics. — Illinois. £"„• OOOOOOOOOOOO OCOO lOOOO ooooocoooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO oooc oooo oo o oo oo oooo o oo S ~ 2 2 o o O ^ O^ O 0_ lO "^ ■* C5 r-T ooOwOoooocoo o oooo oiooooooooooo o oooo "5 00 o_ic i0,t--__0^0_0^0_i0 o o iC o o >o t2 0"0;^0(NofiOo'~rt"rtO (© «D^-'~l0^3" 6© >-1*rH ,_,rH(M,H* ,-« ** oooo oooo 00 o oo ocoooooooooooo CwOOO oooooooo iQiOOOO lOiOOOiOOOOCO (NCC^O MIN'OWOl »0r^005»00'0'00 0'. Olio OOOOOOOOOOOO o oooo oooo oooiooc>ioooo«3io o oooo oooo 00'0 0(Nt^-*C»OOiM-0 OOOOO OOOCOCOO OiMOOO ucciOCOOCO ■^ t>- CO "O lo lo LO --I c-1 oo cc o lo .<: .-tlL0i-HC0OO'*OC0O W -< 1-H i-H lO OOOt^r^OCMOOkOOOCOO -H M CM lO — O t^CMt^CMOOCM'TfCOOO'C CO CMrtOO CO O OCS i-O i-o »0000"30CMOOOOCOI^ OcS SS t^OO>0.-HO^O-HT}HOt- e© ^ Mr- CO LO ,-H lO CM xooo o ocoo —1 CO OOOOCMOCOOOOOOOCMUO ^ CM oo 05 i000OCMOt^r-O-*OOO e© c^i 1-HCM . CO fOOO C^IOOCC iC o OOOOCMOt-OOt-OOO-H O CM O LO rH C>1 oiooooi-Hot^cit^-^o CO cocooo -Hcoeoo icooc^icooooooooo-* CMOrHioc^i oO'-io i> CO lo oto 00 CM^- cMto t^ r-0>0 O-^CO lO CKOOiO t^COi-HTf lOOO'^OOCMLOOCOLOiOt^O CMOX'OOCOt^ -^cni^iO CM CMCMXCM OiOCOO COOOO-^MCOt^CO-t^'-COtC-* .-l'-lOCMCM'-lr-(rHi-IC0rHrt C^r-lCM ---CM^ OOl-HLO c c si a.;r '- U3 ^ JsJ^ K m ^fe . rs O N_/ O O i- . Ih O t. O^ . oO o S^!^ ?^ o^ S £^ o ?? £ g c3 °€ =f Mc; K O ■~i If 3 fl ^ S — rt o -H d C S 0 - rS tic-i a Or -r^S ■ H^- c ^- p:J a o3 o c3 - PL, - „ p --< ^ A (d d o d d o o o « C d >.= kK » O I- I. t< u u fct^ « * O ^ c3 G; C; 02 ji; r b -d CO fe ?, Md ^ SdSS-^sTdS^ " § -,-1=1 ~ 5 <^ ^ o t- T O tlC 172 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 OiNt>-C;OCO'*'i-i-^O'-HO-*'-iC0'*OO>-t t^OO'rPOOOr-KNi-ltHi-HT-iiOOO'OTtt -^O0>'-0OOOOOOO'-i(NOOOOOOeCO'*OOINOOOC0O C0C0C^C'*<(MOC<3OO(N«DO-*O'0C0r-tt>.T-ii0i-ir0'-i(NroO(NO(N'^(N00iM(NOO00i-i rtrtCOC<50rtCCrHi-HOWO'-i(NT-iuoOr-iCOO(NiOT-H.-((NCOi-iOO(NrtC^OOOi-iCCiO r-1 ,-,rH(N r-lT-li-lWrHl rHOlMCOCiOLO(MO'OCOCOOO-*l--IN'l<»00'*OiMOO'Ml>CO'<*COTtOfOWOt-Ot^OT IO'0-HO(N(N!N050i-iTt --I CO IM ■ 1 CO --H t^oo o < '3a^ .St £ s 53 S ■^^ kH >S Jl^lyl » 5 iS m »5 bDMd 5P so aj 0) a !W ^ " s O N X 'S. 0 t," c oP-l ^ _ -. cj c3 »5 c3 CSCC OJ f tn 0 rtOt^t^C0~. — O-t-HCOCl t>- o t^ X CO X -« c^ -t c; o o X X X X X X X X X X c: X Q (X rt 10 CD ■* lOOJX X X X X hJSi-:o g CO X 05 CO X O X to CO 05 X X X X X ■^ ^ '" '" g OJ -^ F— ^ rS CO rf o3 d 1-1 -5-; -n3 c3 c3 c3 c3 n * S c3 ci ce c . .2-^ c § S S - C5 oii^i^l^ - - > OOOOOOO+JeS 1908] Statistics. — Illinois. i a < > in u a < .J < in fa a H OOOOOOOOOOCCOOOOOC0 0 00 010 003000000000CCO as o ro o o I- o lo TT o o =' O00OOO0OO000O0000OOOO0O0O0C5O00O000000OC e©=5 o o lo o o (N_ O^ 0_ -H CO 'T^^ 000000030000000000000000000000 0 0000000 0 ooo ooooooooooooo oooooooooooooocoooooo o^(N o_^ o__io^i.T o_io^o_'q^x^q_o^o^o_o^ o^o^o^o_^o^o^o c^_ o o "o o_^co o o iq ^:^x -h o_^o^ io"r-"o"' io'~c4'^'"o'"vO^'.''o'~t>.'"»0'-H'LO'.0'i'"o cc co'-o'o'c-f ^'o^x" ^ IN * rt rtOOOiOOOt^rt^t^a2XOCOX t^COX t^iOCO^CDl^XiOWOtOt^OJ XCJt^XOOicOOlOXOXOiOOOXXCOOO OOOiO OXCOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOCOO O O OOO lOOOX OOMOOOiOiOOOOOiO OiOOOOOOOO O OOOOiCO lOOO X X CO CO I^ (N X X iO lO !0 lO t^ (M_ (N O^t^ X^OXOXCOO^ 0_^0_10_^5^0 0_^t^ O C'l ^^LO COCOOOOh-O-^CJOXOSX iHO-^OCOXOOOiOi-^MOCO'OiOCliOO'MOOOt^O OaOOXiOfNiOClt^T^IMI^O '-'5-tX-t.X01INiOO(Ni0^rOOCl>-ir^(NCO i-H iM WLO^ lO-*^ OrHrH ,HlNCOT-((NrH 'l* ^" 0 0»OTt-'000»OC50L'5iClCOOOOOO»CO r-l(N ,-HU5C0>-H^r-lXr-<>-l^rt W CI IM cooioootoo"i»o- — oo^oodoc;oiO'00co(Noooooo--oo (M(N ICOrH 1-0 rt 1-H COOCOr-liHrH -JH m (N lo t^XL'3u:)OXO'-io»oc5eoioo(NOiOTtiCCOt^(NOOCOCOO^Ot>.iOOOOO(NCO rtO ■* i-l r-I t^ i-H T-i ^ -^ .H 1-1 rt 6%(M (N OOOOOOOOr^COOOO'OOOXOCOCOOiOiOO'OO^ONOXOOOOOOOO -Hrt fOC^ t-HC < Q Z. OOOOOOiOiNOOiOOO>0-HOdiOO'OiOiOOOOOOO000000 OXXTt-iOr^«500^0cOIM'^00(N-f-t'CO c -o a u c s. John M. Lyon, Charles C. Edwards, Rev. E. J. Ridings, William Beggs, Dea. George Sinmions, Mrs. S. L. Sliaw, h Mrs. Alice V. Lacey, h Guy Godfrey, F. F. Butzow, h Henry C. Taylor, John Manning, I'Alnumd R. Vial, Noah fiard. Miss IClinor Brundage, Prof. E. A. Collins, Mrs. Robert L. Warriner, S. R. Evans, li Mrs. Ella Fulkerson, Frank K. Mann, h J. H. Barber, Miss J. A. Challacombc, Jacob Holverson, D. 11. Myers, Wallace Stevens, Rev. A. W. Safford, h Benjamin Davis, Harrv Ainsworth, W. L". Stange, W. P. Himt, James Chalmers, h V. A. Violet, Mrs. Dora M. Hoolon, James Leigh, L. D. Stopl)let, Willi.nni Gallion, Miss Mary Morelionse, Miss Minnie Gunn, Irving Goodrich, Carl Ilageman, X a u V « Laharpe, Lamoille, Lasalle, Lavergne, Lawn Ridge, Lee Center, Lisle, Lockport, Loda, Lombard, Lyndon, I^yonsville, McLean, Malta, Marseilles, Marshall, Mattoon, Mayfield, Maywood, Mazon, Melville, Melvin, Mendon, Metropolis, Millburn, Mill Creek, Moline, 1st, „ 2d, „ Union, Morgan Park, Morris, Morton, Morton Park, Mound City, Mounds, Mount Forest, Mt. Palatine, Naperville, „ Ger., — S s !3 " — 3 f„ 3 174 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 « o o o o OOOCOOOOOiO'-HOiMCiCOr—0000000'OTtOrtOO-*00'00(NOOOi-i(N-<*iOOO coo coc o > Oi "O t-- o o ■* >o < 4 CO rH X r^ 00 t> (N TtiC --lOO )C2THOOCO(M(N>OlN-^OCOC<5i-i(Nt^t-~C<:MOO'-ICO'*i-iC CO M t^ O O . irj o t>- > ) coco rt 00 00 1 CO CM CO •O-*! t-H ( IN ■* ■* t T-H (Ml 00 (MOO ( »o COCJ 10 IM CO ( COC-) ^ ) 10 02 w -^ ffl < ) CO CO C-1 rH (N (M -H otuA cS tc p ?. > o r-n-i' • • ■ -^ '-'fen; S* 'U 3 ^ r^ is ° ^ --^ o ^- ^ d^ 12 _2 rQffi «~j3t? '^S'y -^ " -r? '"' 1^ C o C3. K «< *-- a iC^d^Sc^S ^ Mo3 ^ o >^ »0(M O ioi> t^ 00 00 03 CO 10 ffi ' looco c CO GO OOC ! CO 03 )00O2 ) C/j CO OlOCO 000 00 05t^ CO C35 t^coi^t^ ooxcccc »0 00 t^ OCO ' 10 -+ -t CO •* c CO X X CO a; ; I CO CO "* 1^ ■ ! >o CO 10 Oc ! CO' X CO o t I X o ! X o; ) X X CO CD CO a oio X X 02 CO t^-<*< 10 CO CO XXX XCO w •O CO CO X X X h c ea ^ r 00 ©^"""^^IW^HH >. +^" C S 3 > ^ u CO P t- rs '^ C3 03 oooOOOcjd 2;z:z;2:z;:z;00 -s a c 0 M "3;:; — -3 3 3 3 m +.; oooooooco Pi .« c PL, CLi O.S c I ?= c3-- I ■<> o^ o3 o Oj P-iPhPh 5 ;S<^ S -'> s 2 3 >>§ 3 o j- S -t^ '^ 3 > t ^ o - > tS cs „- o tj m 3 2 fl^ •> - 3 "^ .3 3 o .t; J3 ^ X- b Ph Ph PL| Ph P^ P-l 1908] Statistics. — Illinois. 175 o „ Jo ooooo cooocooooocoooococoooooooooooooo oo o c >5 ^H QOOOO ooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo OiOOO o (N C3 lO O lO coo OO o lO oo ooo o o o ooo oooooocooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o c o o o o o o o occooooooooo _05 lO O iC_0_C__0__0_0_C'5^0__0__0__ O O^C__'-'3 0__'*_0_0 o o »o o *r-l *t^T-H 1-1 ^^M* **r-(rt* ) o t>. 02 05" OOt^'OCOr^'OrtHlMO CCOiO 1^ O C5 CO O ip C5 J;- t;^ CO j; OO ooo ooo ooooo oo o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o c ooo oc^iooo oooooocoooooooooooooooooo OiOOC»(M t^lOOCOt-C^100(MOCO>OiOOCOCOCO(MOoc>)co»ot^^oi^iMOt^coo OOUOt^-flO^rHi-Hi-HOIMt^t-t^O ooo ooo O 00 05 WOOCO^ ^HtN r-1 lO rH tH . OC0iCOOC'00OO»O05O OOC-llOOOOOCOrHr-lC •fj< t^ (M CO (M i-H 0_ lO^OO O O 00 00''(NCO'' i-T (M"rtt>r 00->S<00(NO'*iOO00C0»O00O(NC0O'tO'^O(NOO CO CO'^t^i-HTfLO i-H-f lOi-i O CIO OCOO e© o co_^co ■^ LO M o^ « CO CO *^ c-a lOOOOO Um °s "OOOOO r-Tf(O»0OOOt--O>OOO'O05»0Oi0(NOOc0r»O>OO00t^OiOC0t^ O -t O -^ 1-H IN »0 rH T}< -^ .-H C0t^1-H OTft> i-H CO « rt C1_^I^_^0__ .H CO >-i(N (N_ CO c" i-h" CO »0 O O O Tf ^OOOO r-CCCOOCOOOOOeOOOOOOOOcOOOCOOOOiOOOOOOOi-HCO ©CIO T^l -"to --tOIN rHrH 00 oo <-< 1-1 .-I ■ >-l 00 O C' O 't ocz)Oi^t^coooeo'00'too5'*io»o>oooooo»oooO'*oooeooiM (NiOO^ 03 "^N ON eOOCO 0-«J<(N I> t>- COi-H LO "M O O "-I O i-i ooooo C CiiOiOOOiOOO-^CO'-Ot^OOOCOOiOOCO 0>'t(N(N'*0-*COC5>Ot--»0-«l01t^ •^ •'^ Tji M I-H ^ I-H Tj* rH i-H r-( -^ lOOOOOCOiOOOiOl^ r^t^io-*-*OT-icO'i S g s-sJ|.^-S '3:3 — ^ fl fi rt SS c3 OOOOOOOOODi 3 . 3 o ■St3 -aJCbiM c3 c5 OJ C-PhPh ^ o « ID Pi Hi -32 „ -S tn O > in— O PhP-iCLh 176 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 t^OOOO OOCOi-iOOCOiOOOOOOOOTfiO CO'-HOC^1OO(Ni-'3i0!MC!Q0OOi0p 05(N(NOrtti-iOO^'-iOO(Mi0OOOOi-iOO OCOI>NJ>OiOOt^C001^00NCOCO (Z)COO(N'^000 0-*C^rHOO(NOTjHC10'0(N OOCSOOOiMOiO-^OO^C«COIM(N iOOCO-*-*MOO'0'^M(Nt^^'--iOOC^tOfOfOOO-*»OOlT--<(Na)0 0(NC>l'-ir005lXll>>C OOOOO(NO(»O(NOOOOOOOOOOCON'-iOOOOO-*OOOOOO-^C0O O03(N'-iOrHC0OO-( .-l(N r-H 1-1 , itOOCO(NOOO'*-^i OCO(M(Nt^'-i'-iOOT-i(N(MOOOO'MlM'*'00":i»0050'*000(N^Ort'-nOXC^-*'*Oi icOOCCO'-<»Ot^t--iOt^OO'-i(NOt^iOCOO(NOOCOO'*OCOo:iOO'--'(NT} icoi^ ) l> O lO (M lO ( ) cq 00 cc oi o • ^ .-H ^ CCt ' .-^ rt lO -* CO o M I CO ^ CO Oj L-: CO GO t- ffii •* lO t 05 Tt< M CO t I OO — I O O C I ) I> CO ,-H t^ TtH 1 ) i-O CO 1 ) C^ rt ^ C: O Ol >-0 CO 01 ^ )i-HTt*(N COi-HOlO'-llO t^ t>. O ( <^ — _- „- o . - S ici O » 03 ^"5 . S2.2 5 st:^" ri o ■5^1^15 3'~" csS Ir ^ c3 Fi^-^^ 0) o :«= 33^^;^gf2s^^SH '/■ ^ O O - c3- •'^ •-■ rS 1-^ K >-:"m . . . . u uifl, rr ■ • ••- .t*d^^'j3:3 . Jr ^ m " COiOCOCOCO'-it^.CiCOCOi-lO'-iCOCOT+H - .-- - - -_- - -- - -COCOt^-^iOLOCOiOiOO-^t^Ot^CJiO 00COCC~.CC(>D(>0CCO000COCZ)COO00000XCOCOCC)MCOCOGOO00000«jC/^o6aD lO CO lO ffi -^ oc lO 00 t^ Ceo CO O 00 OD (M CO OGO ccoo ^ t" S M s .S o :3 bo > (3 >>« 03 b •S.S Q h of -^'" '^ 'P5-I O fiH PM ph PL, art pc3 p5 p5 Ph P4 tf 05 p5 i^^^ o o o o o o^ S S S K ScJS d" 2 "3 S-flS^-S^ cS > abb aw, efHo erra irlai mon eer, ring ^W) -a IH . J=^j3-d^ O C£- a xjimmmxnxnwfi Oi 190S] Statistics. — Illinois. 177 ^ ,cccccocc;c5ocooooooooo COOOOOwOO'-OOOOOOOOOO O L-i IS o o O O O ( O O o ; : O O coo oo o (JOGC_C * .-r(N * * ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo oooo 0^iO_0_^0__0_0^0^0^'0^"*^0__0 0__0^0_0__0^0__0_0^0^0_0__0^ o^o^o o__ C^CO"(X^o"o"^-">-H"•*"lO"■^'~•^~^»"to'~»o";o"■^"rt^Ta^ln"(NO"l^3~C^rl^ o^N^cftcT <0>O * #1-1 * rt* ,1 -^^*rt f-l , * * |iO'fi!005'*Ot-»'OC'3!~-iOiO:^iOCOi-lOrHOitOOOiO>-i(NOi-iC502t^ ■ f-pt_--cp05>ppt^iC?p>0rt<055pp5Op00t;^pp01OOOO000000 OOCOOOIM ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOCOOICO OOiOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOiOOOO OOOiOOiOOO 00>Oi-i(:»OiCt>- tHMt^iOOiCOiOt^OiOOt^OiO-^OOt^-ti-^O ©^(MOfOOTO T-H rl 1-1 i-H § 6 9- O X WW OO^Ot^OOcOC/JiCiZJOO'^'OTft^Oi-i^O'fOOCOiOiOOOOCriCO-'^iOMOi-'WiMC:' 0>0^iOOO^i-iOOOOOt^t^COOt>.(MC1COOOO)0-fC1'OiOi-(0-^'+t»>Oi0 010'"*CO ^ 0_(M_C5 i-'^'^^^CO th lO i-H_0 t--_^i-<_O^00 l> t^ O CO 0_^0_i0 O t^ O lO 1+1 10^ IM iCi C) (N ■^__C0 t--__lN (N 0__ OOCOOt/)CCrtit^(N>OiOCOO'*COr-icDOOI--0005'*i-i(Mi©iOMfOMeOOO-^00'Oi005»Oi-i ODO-^OCCOOM i-l-^COi-c(NCOOOi-iOb.CO^-*CDiHiOTHOOCOiO(>. C3iO 05INO»0 lO -^CC(^^CO i-'i-iOC^I'HiHOOi-iiOCOi-ii-iiO'C .ho 1-t ^^ co" i-T^" ,H rM^ LO C-3 MS OcS 5S '-OOOOOOiMOOC'OOiCiOOOOOi-'CO^r^OOOiOOiOOiOCOfOOi-iOlNrHTjii-iiOOOl COCOeOCO-1 -e >- > _bt> ^.1 ^' o o o Hh4 o 0 C r-- 178 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 ecicooooi'OooocO'-^t^LO (Nt-I ,-H M —1 O -* O O (Nt^O Ot> --H O O O O O CO O Oi-H ffl iO(N OIN Oi-H O CO Oi-i(M t^OCOOOOt* N IN CO.-tO'-HOO^OOtOOOINi-iOM IM ^ 000^(M(Nt>. oot^O'-i'O-HOffifooeoeorHi-H COMO'^'i^^'HIN'-i^iOOCOOOO CO O •* lO LO CO r-t ooooooooooooooo oooooooiooooior-oorH CO CO OOO-HiNi-HO (NCOtCOCiOOOC'-OCOO^'Nrt.-i C0^OC0(M-irt (N .-iC^OO IM CO t^ o 1-^ "-H 00 1^ t> T-l (NtOCOOOOOOO(NOCO(NO'* (NOOiNOOINtNOOCOOO'^OOTti .-1 CI T^ (N OO^OINOO •^^OlMM'OO'HCOCOOMO^'-f —1 (N CO IM "5- a- m^ (Si cc'kS^ r-\ "2 a a ^ C S- V§ a^ cs^ i^K fe.2 a SI Q :g g d s ^ § :^ 5! ! (U CO m 73 g 03 C3I-I ;.^T3 a -c3 CD ^ W.S 1° c3 M S 5 ^ c3 o rt a r- 1' cr a o . G/ o a hf^. Z . ■ T £ K.K o K^ Z*^' W 72 ^ g ^ to 03 _ f^ 5-hH a--: t^^ a« >,fl . cs a. ^ !_; ^ w s ;a Sa^o?:^^^ lOO t-- 00 02 lO GO XOO GO 00 CO ' lO 05 00 t CO cooo c I coo • CO -* )oox Ot^ CO COiO Tfi 00 CO 00 ooo CO rfi X CO 00 00 00 01 ^ »o C: 00 Ci 00 GO 00 CO 1-0 CO Clio rt< X OO 00 UOCO XCO XX -H O t^ r^ ^ X XXX ■* "-H CO OO -* xcrix X lO iC t^O l^ X C5 X co-^oiococo-^co Ttt^Tt*cocot^>oec xxxxxxxx "3) -3 --> ^.a c> — ^ o a '^^ "^ ir r -p 4^ -ti -t= •^ <> K tJD W X C3 OJ » 0) 0 o a 1908] Statistics. — Illinois. 179 o „ OO COCOOOOOCOO CO cccocco OOOOCC CCS OOOO C CO oc coooooooo oo cococoo ooooooooocccc c coococcooccoo oo oocoooc 3 o o o c c o o o o o o o o o oo o o c o o o o o o o o oo ooocooo C lOOOOCOOOi.tOOOO CI ot^o»ocoooooocoo oo OiOOCOOO ^ MCCOt^-t^-OCiOi-iCiM "(NO C0C^r-OC2'-it>>- (N CO (N CO OCO O O T-( GC lO •* Ol »0 lO lO -f CC OlO •<* rH Of oot^cot>. o" o~ - - - COOOCiOOO COOOiO OOOOOOCO COCO(M ■* lO O .-^ (M (N «0 CO C: O CO o oco oooooccoo coo O oco lOOOOOOO'OO o>oo (M lO O O iC O O O) lO CI O lO •* lO ooocooo oo oci oo o lO o o_t-- 0,(N cc (N -T -h" O»O00C0Oi0OOi0>-iOO ooor^ocooo»oco(Z)0'-i CO CO O T}< (N CD CO i0_0 (M CO CO CO oo i-H o lo^ oq_'. INX'-^OOINCO (N— iiOOCI OOCOOCOOOO lOfNOCO 1-H ■* CO COt^ MCO t^ 1-1 T}< 1-1 ijaa ,°s COOiO t^t--r-000 O 1-1 OI> »0 iO(N oo 1-1 "Ot^ 00 -H .'*COC5cOT}->>> 6 ^."^^S 2 = >>>fe^^^ fe' >-. >•. >■. s 180 Congregational Year-Book, [1908 .„ p 00 .q ^ " 2 oj l^* "^5 "-H ■^S ff . -tJ „- o d S ii< IM i" t- •- _ ^ -^-f O ^ O O ■ jJ"'"'' - . . . I S g c:^cZ>, ^ ^ ^iT o.S 'oT c ^ < Ph CO o ^S T K ^ H G y OJ I ) § ^ CC: M ^ - o 5 2 |ir- -g^-^;? <^ tv '-' qj rH ,.^ ^ o :M3^ c 2- fiPi 03 ,Ti— - fs-S'i^ ^ :j o § o _S5 g g K ^ H § H ■■^^ HS est: ^ 2; 2:: ^ o 1908] Statistics — Illinois. p ^ c3(N PL, fix,- ^ rH Oh gas ^ a — ■■ ^ 02 — P ^ O .2.2 1^ (Cm m K K o o S-H 2?->2 S ■■g 2 C ^ M O fc. oi 0) . g- , — d 0 0^ rt>; ti-r Hi •• •• 2 2i « u E- Sj P '^ LQ • -^-^ a -^^ ^ ^ t-^ r; ^ •- L-5 3 g 5r.' «• ^ 3 181 182 Congregational Year-Booh. [1908 tJ n M m <" a C3 j^ ' K 1^ K hJ o +j O ti) ^ |i) c; o 'A c . -% H o d o o rr 73 rr,' <; s J < K 0 W a, ^ cj (MiOiOOO'OCOO»000'00000000'OOOiOOOTt*OOCiOi5iClO»OOCiO CO I-H (N IH iH iH .-i(N rt CO rHOOO(NOOO(Ni-HiCi00200(NCOOi-HOOOlM'-iOO-*0000'*0000 COOCOTtiOOOO(M(NC^e0C0OOO'*OOi000Tt-iO'^0»000000000(MO T-H I-H i-l (N rH -^ >-i --H "^ •^iNOCO-^iOiOt^C ! 00 »0 '-H CO o o ■ >I^C0OOOOT-HO00Ot^OOOO(N I OCO lO e ) r-H C^OO t T-H(M c3 u O S fcD K ? — COPh ?^ pi 2 s^-S fefe-< WOi s s sS O ^f^o^' Wo o l« i^ Han How Geo. Fran O O 3 fg^ a^^ J c3 +j 01 S^SfeS hs o3 Qj s CO e > »H CO as ■* G5« ! O 00 o t^ i>< ) 00 cc 00 oo 00 c 5 fe S" -s >> c a_,,-rH u-^ 2 g 5 3« An 0) gS g« s'B ^/bSS Or,T MfS . CO " J g £ 2 3 • ^ c3> O PH 0 i. S o o SiQ •s £ rj; •a ) 05 lO c» o ■* ) CO 05 CO t^l^ ) 00 ooooooGO or- oo 05 o 00 00 ' t» 00 ( .03 05 O ) CO 00 o JODCOOO © O GO 0 >0 T-H CO 1-H O CO Oi03 o ci 00 oooooi ^3 Oco •* CO 00 00 .2 fl rt fl S 3 S3 = S:2^-3 5 S 5 S y - SCO 1908] Statistics. — Indiana. 183 '99a j° ■'"■¥ OOCOOOOOOOOOOL-iCCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC c o L-: o c C 3 O CO ooccoocccc coooooo oooooooooo spunj )U9UI)S3AU2 Cl~. XOr^0iC;C;c:CC3 CIXO gOcpCCC. C:0:C5C;l^OCOa5XCJ< •Dja 'AjE[Bg OO CO c c CO X N O l> OC C O C OO o c c c c c c CO O lO T" I^ O C) OCOCOOCCCO COOOOOCOOO ooo^ooooooooi^t^. o o»cooc o O O CI C lO >o o lO (M CD iC (N (N O sjnjipusdxg aiuojj 12 C coo O C PO c o o >: 1^ (M o c c o CO •* .-H c .J^l:^.-l ^'_r_r,-r.-r ^tT inn ^ I^JOX ^OOOOOCOOOONCOCOOrtiOOOtDOCOCO'^ClOl'^I^OOON COiO coco ^COLOOl-fO CO C>JiOC<10"*COi-i CO S3IlIiEll3 ■ iaqJO piyi.-iajsinij^i •305 "qnj puE •§ -g -Suoo U01JBID0SS\r •ssii\[ -uiv 000aiTtH0OOOOOrt<.-iO00O0OO0C5000 O O 'IHiNOONO i::;;2: SUOISSII\[ auiojj »ooooeoooO'-iOioc;r^»ooooo(MOc;ooiooo (N POi-< >C-00«0>0 SUOISSIJ^ •uiaj^ 'sanapog s,3|d09 j 3anoj^ ooooo r^o o OO o o»o o lo >oooo o OO o c GO lo c cioooooioico O 00 O t>- iC O O (N lO O (N p d o ir^'S P .STZ c ? "^Ti Co tfO bC - « _ _^, ■- - ^ j3 5j 4J > . o O^- c3 '^ > > r/; , C w ^— a-g o s^ > ^ ^ '^•— «- -e ^ c fl a £ ^ ^ 5 S=d^-a o £ s S 5^3 ^^ = «S>:.5a.£5 __-|^_c|.g|H^ -.a -a »- b d SCO 184 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 O O lO O O -H O »0 lO lO H 5>OCO-*INOOCC«5IM ^ (N "-H "-I fa "c Tt'* o P5 OOOOOO^i-iCNCO kJ — lrtlNOOOC0C0'-i'-< Q Cit^COOOOO.-;CiO o ,_! IC (N rt H H S < H d OiO<0cgp q2 Xt^00c0C0-*l^OCDt^ td n S u s H Ot^^-*(NiOC5f-iOOO [i: lO'^iO-^'-iCO'^tOlM'^ . OO^-^rH-^rtiCCJCOJl s M CO CO M (N -' to ^ 'MN oor^r^tD '^t;Sfe u pppp pppp o p p 00 pppp i 5 K Hi ="^ i i z eTmI a- te 3 ?? ^^(N>-0CC-*Tjc3^^ o S >: ^ d- O COCO J2 S '^ ^ -H- ? « ^ o x" ' _- c g s : P p m c O ^ 1— 1 r. a s fe J ii o o 3 O 02 0 < u ;^ ^ ^ z o S ■n a A p u > o -^ I— I rt p:i o P^ -^ H :! I— I Q 1^ 'OK -rt 2 izs?; 1908] Statistics. — Indiana. 185 OOOIOOOOCOO «© lO O t^ iC o oooocooooo o >< pS oooooooooo oooooooooo ■OiOrfiiOceoOCCifOI^Tf CJCiOOCOiOOOiOffl ooc~o ooco OOIOIO oooo lOooccxM oocnoo lO O 10 ■* --^ o o ^ „ o "S d 4^ .0 >'>';3-^ o o,O lO o lOco a. IN 05 o 6;^ a ooo-t oooo ¥^ _ c2 o ^ fO X 3 ^ SP-i -'Si o ■J! ^ 2 i^ S H 2 ? aj a i K o e; F, U hi 5 ^'s 00^-3 tc • o. 10 01 CO " 1^ -5 .•-« .Si S'5«©o 0.2 ^\: c^ ■ ■ 3.:: 3(N t: K u mS ss °a>,« S O . ^ u"-^ § O O a cS *? .. -^.^ o C -^ '^ Si:^<3^ «r S O ~ _ ci'" Q ^ H _r 2 "C a}>^o 186 Congregational Year-Book. OOO^OINCOiOi-OLOCiOCdO'CO'-iOO O O O OOO lO O O OCO (N O -I OO O OO O O OOiO-^iO oooo cocJOi-KNOooojioooiooofMOoio oo»oo»H oooo OOOCOOOOOC^-^O'COOOOOOOOO OOO'-Hi-iOO'OOOiMlMOO'^INOOOO t^i-HOOC<5 00030 O OO O th O O O OO ■* IN ri O '-I CO O O OCO O O (N N CQ .-h O lOO O O (M01>lM't OOOO OOrHOcooOfMCOO-^CCK-HNOMCOTffOOOl OOOOt^ OO^O 1 (M T-t rt* ^ 05 < OiNINiOfh (N0(N0 • CO o a ITtH (N O o:r^ coo 00 OCO.-HTfi lO CO --< t^t^Tfiost^oi'^eoo ^ r-H (N .-H t-- CO M 00 C .-H Ttnc O S,3 ^ 8 ^ ^ ^-:s s i^ e .sT S c S . :— r- "^ .23 3" .5 k'^ H .^ lu >- n 03^ ., ,r. OS a ffi o ^ §>^ •S Pir . St OS u o >> ^ c o " K . • SSqJhS; _ o £S£ g - X c , ^ ~ ^ -J W ,o ^ M " ^^ c3 . 03-^2:5 S s Ml-- S .t ^--^ „ _ _ ^ o aj -^ 3 3 -am sss^il CJ^SggiSQ P-i'^E :j£ E • J:* ss s Sfc^i^ o lo o t^ CO O 05 O O lO o 00 oo oo 00 00 lO < 00 CO c 1 05 O )oooo ooc 00 ooc )co t^eo ) O CO X ) c: oooo Ot-h o»o t^ o; o 00 OD 00 CO 00 •<* -t lO CO t^ tN. t>. t^ t^ CO 'ti o 00 CO CO oo w 00 coco CO lO o Tt^CCO c c 00 0-. or o: Oi CD r- s i-3l.2^ ■°~t9 -w''^dc3S=:=:^ ^Ji^ « K r3 QJ OJ _ _ _ _ o^-j: OX! o § Ei S.^^3^ o ^>r rA A-\ ^^r> i-v^ /^r^ "T" 1908] Statistics. — lovxi. 187 .oooooooocooooooooooo jqsQ JO -juiy ooocooooo 1--5 O o oooo ooooooooo o o oooo ooooooooo spnn^ )U3UI)S3AUJ XlisdOij qojnq^ jo uonoaig 3JEQ •0)3 'XjEIBg oooooooooooooooooooo oooooocooooooooooooo So io o P- o o iq^tN M q_q_q_o_o_o_iq^o_o_«o^io^ m * * T-l *(N(Nr-l**TH * oooooooco ooocoocoo O^CO C_0 "-T CO 00 O X r^00O00t^CilM'-HC^C:c0'O00rt<02'a<'O'*'OC OiOOOlOOOOOOsOlOlOOOlOOOOOt-^CSOlO 00OOOOO>OOOOOOOCOOOCOO C<5 O O O Oe< O O OO C >0 OO (N O lO o o CO 03 O t^ r^ (N 00 0 0'JOOO'-ic»OOOt^'-iO OOOrfiOOOOO lO O CI ^ "O tZJ lO CO t "-^ r- r-( M< 1^ pH OOMOOO'000»0 OOOCOOOOOO noijEonp3 SUOISSIJ\[ u3i3ib_j s,3(do3j §nnoj^ oocoooM'*oo— icoooioecowoo' lOINNXfC CO iC 'J* ■* i-H •* IM i-H (M I sJ3qin3}^ 15 >^ - r\ O (-1 c c3 c E -Ti .2 « fl -"-i^ 2 rf f. o 2 § § o ^ S.-S^ o d g § (£-2 Si's ^ »" i^ ceo ^Ph g g g .o_rj= 5^ S b rS-^ot-5aioCH2;s&^'2^^^e^ de3(i)vv0' >C0OOCr.(N(N f0(NC0O-*O- OOOO®C:OOC0( OfNOJiOOOOOOCO i Tf CO X rt o o •>*< 'flMiOOlO-^OOONO CO rt< coco .-1 I lO X 1> CO C5 C C^lCO' >r- i-H 00 ! ! CO ClO I coo to XMrHi-i ■-I CO c^ •* ) 00 N M ' ) C^l (M O < ( CO-H CO OiMi ' --H O) t^ . 1 C: CO Ci •* t^ wo aa g o^S8 C OS,"" 03 tn fcn OC n3 flS ■5 >^ . to rz. dOi-' ^■p s e asrS 2 3 £ S JS o a c 3 a .3 S -^ Hi. d — — -; y£ cc flj 5 ^-r- 0 a o OS'S 03 £-£2.1 I i2££i2£'^"j£"=|g . 03 -12 3 B -^ — ^ > r>'5^ O „0-H^ --; to J* ^ pi si 03 O =3 « . . OO !0 to 3 t. t. tc CJ a: OS 03 .•< .0 i S § 3-? lO O) 00 CO (N Tt( 10 t^oo oi 01 as ,_ .- 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 MOOOOOO I 00 10 to CO 1-1 )C0 Olio 00 05 00 CO t^ 00 00 CO IN CO C3 00 00 c;5 00 o c; "o >o 00 00 C3 00 00 00 CO c 10 -* 10 t^ CO CO X 00" CO t^ 01 N C CO O t^ '^ t^ C5 'X X X X X CO o o CO •* t^ XXX T-^ CO CO X CO' ~ O CO "O 1-1 o 10 t^ t^ c t^ X X X 05 X >> is - c8 «i: « ID'S oi fl £ C "3333 cam McQfflffl : 03 ^ :fep:i t-i r/3 7; 73 '^ '^ o3 S3 c3 c3 tu O 000000 §■330 t, t. t, o3 C 0 O 0) u •? .03 ..SI3-3- -a fl c d 5 u O! m o -S 00000000000000 ^ to > 3 ^ .SM £f 3 M-43-H o-^.S S'S +^ tc 3 P e cii c t: 3 30000 00000 ^E 190S] Statistics. — Iowa. 189 CCCC 5 c ~ c o coooo o o o o oooo ooo ocoooooooco oooo oooooooooo oooooooooo o oo o oc ooooooooooo oooo oo oc ooooooooooooocooooooo COOOOCOOiOOOOCO'COOOOOC 0'-Cfo»ioooocoicc::;oC'XiooTpco t iC (N O Tji O ■* ( ;>;SSe2c>^oo -oococoooo ; o Lo o '. I c o "O >c o lOi-ocoi^rHcr. otoocc^ot^OQOoo^ocNTt* ociooooioo cojoocorooooooDOOo Ir^iMOCOOWOMM C- 0303C:- OiOOO OOOiCOOOOOOOOOO OOCOOO OOOOOOOOOOO Ot^OtO C Ot-(NOOOO»000^0 OOOOOO OOO oooo OO aw XOOO CCOOiCOOCCOOW-tOO-r CI i-O 00000 r-HOOCOCSO-*OCXCO NrtCC'1 t>. Ot^'MOOOO-:t. oc^,-( (N lO x^ to c<\ '-''„— »^ '^ ■* ^''J^ ^ '^>^.'^^'~' "^ 02 '^ 'X; c.-^Ci a la (N 00c (N ci COCOOO NOOMOCOiOI^iOiOCOTfcOOOOOC^OieO'^NfO OOOOXi-iiCCCiClOC^O C5 10 i-i O (N -H GO i-H (M CO O O a-3 M2 o£ oooo 1-H .-hOOO 00 iMiO -^Cl t-»CO O O lO O O lO M Tt< O 00 O t- O O O O C5 O O CO iZ. o CI CI CO co'^o cor-n> coci^ (^w* r^ottcooo & > CO i-ld rH O ,^ ,-1 C^ rt rH _C3 oooo CLOOOO^COClOCOOOOt^OiCOO-Hl^OO MOCiONCOOOOClO S ' — I r-i CI 1^ rt t^ COCIOOCOClCOCOCOCOTtco>o»clooooic CO coo ci»o^ ocociOrH,-H CO — cit^ c< cq mmwcoco OOi-iOOCOOt^COiO. -. _ CI -H 00 00 lO IN O: CO lOOl 00»COO O coo 00 c^ ooco CI l-lr-l,H CJt-I CI — CI — d i-H f^ 5 o o ta'^ 53 fe o 03 . (u o O^ CI -a -4^- K - rO aTO^ ,^ - 5"33 "^SO S 3 S raeapq !->f^tf 3 s CO ;: o t. t^ ««« K o: x-C-3 :;d a fl A lA <& (a o ID 0) O OOCUU OOO ^ t! h ?3 .5 15 '^ C3 2 ooooo =2 ^ bC -CK' — Ph ^ g jH~3 M"-^— :; r, ■? O =3 — -^ ?; c3 (U So 3 ai CD - o p j2 J2 J= ^ _= ^S — J3 ja s ^ _o _o ^O _0 oo c3 O- £"5, OOOOOO oo oo o o 190 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 b I^OXOOOO iC ■* CO lO lO o o •*Ot^'0»0»0C0OOO'0OOor^lN00Oi0OT-n0 -*iOrtCOI^CO(MCCO'OCOiOooo»ooo r- O: (N iC t^ lO O 1-0 < MCOOOCDOO rt-HOOCCC^XOCOrtt-COO»00"OOOC tH CO NOOXOOOOO •* "3 C (N IN "-I O OOOOlNOOOCOO-*COCOI^OOTt<-n'(NOOO rt 1-1 tH C<1 COOOCOX^O(NO CO i-< rl Q M > o s u e2' -H !> rH OC CO "3 CO (N(N CO M co-^oca-^ooorHooi-i-*rHOi>coco'-H o (N CO lOOOCOOMiNOOiOOCOOlOCDCOINININOcOlM'* IN 1-H1-. fflCOOOi-iCSTpt^CO rH IN --1 rH O C<3 to rHIN(N(NT-l.-lOOC0'-lr-((NOr-(Ol-l(N(N-*,-lOC O ^ O 1-t O .I r-( (N .-1 Q U H H Q < o H CD IN O (N 00 iC IN Tt< 1-1 lO C^'*0'0^'*Ot>.MTfOOcOr-00(N- 04 .-H roor^ico^oOrtio-^cDcot-Tfooo-^-^cocooo CO -t 0) rt CO -H -H^COOC0O-*O Ol COIN r-i U s Id J3 < -H C5 r^ o c co»o C» i-H CO i-l CO r~TriooocnO'^uoc;ooioo:i^cr^;OrtO)-i'Ci ^CO'lNi^rt IMCO 01 IN rtr^o—i -Hcooicoocr. lor- lO 04 1-1 lO ^ IN ^ OO 05 I> CO CO lO ■* O -* rncD UO rt 00 — iio.-n^TtO>O'^—ii-l -^^ -^^OlrHi-l— 1 -H xacrHt^xcot^rt 01CO C0COIOO105X s CO CO «■ CO g; CO »o LO 't rt 10 CD CO O ^ (N coxoiocoTt. O C C (^ o o _--- 0 J^ oT 1 lll^ll s U £ srn fl 0 §^2 ^.9 ttr. . ^ . V-, . . . O i ?■- 7-" M 'J3 to Sid ^ ■- t- - t-i ^3|fSm|^^ ^-i^Ss-jS tv^»-§SO Id X u a u o c eS o >> O " ■^ Tti Tt< 00 t^ CO O IC ffi lO CO lO 00 00 00 W 00 xoo III 1 "Coo r^ S ^ u e m TO ra oj o at XCOLOXCOOl^rtOOXOOX'HO'CXCX-t'-^Olt^OtOlCOClOGJ'O'OO t^XXffiOThiCiClffliMcD©»0-^ . _^ b -T ^il i ^|=^llL^i J J ^rflllil £-xS S S SSo3iST3-C2_S — =:icXi33ci«3o3o3o30 PQQQP PPWHHHHHHKaHHHfefefefefefet^ 1908] Statistics. — Iowa. l&l ^ ,000000 o'^ o o CO ^ LOOOooQOOoooooooooooooo 00 000000 000000 000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOi^OOO 0( 000 r- ; 000 i-O 000000 0000000 0000000 10 oioo 000 0000000000000000000000 00 oooooooooooooiooooooooo 00 iO_0_0)^0_^'^_^0_^iq^O_^0_^0_^'0^0_0_^'.'5_u5 i0_i0_0_^0^0 C^_0 O lO 000000 000000 05_iC ©.O^iO^iC I^ -H (N (N lO O rt T)< O O CO OS 00 - 05 O " - - O OCOQO'OCOiO'-iOOOCOCOt^i-it'W-HCCCiiCt^CC OToogioooppopooooh-opGOcpoiocopooo 000000 O '^ O O CO o w. 01 1^ O) CO X OOCOOOOOOOOOOOOiOiOiCirsCOOiO OOC0OCOOOOOOOicOI^(Mt^C^ = M t^ rcc<;t^xcocofOO>oi>i.oOMOiococ) oi> lo oc 00 O O OOOiO O O O iC »C Ol o) t^ o X 00 10 OCOOXOcDO(NOOiO-^'tOOO-*iOOO-^-^ jri lOiOCOCDOfflOtOi-lOl^CD'^LOOt^'-iC^llOCDCOiM l_rH_ -rl^^rt i-HOrH_lO CO O^Tf O 0__iO_!rC IM_^0«I(N l~-^0_ r- 1—1 O t- -^ CO CO O rtH O O -H I^ CO O (M 1-H O C^l iC 0(N i-H tH ■*" C0~ -h" N~ t-T Tl<" 100 00 i-H o 10 CO CO lO 10 Ol (N 05 '*! (N O® 00 IN MOO lO-H o O O OCO 03 CO 05 -t< -- O CO (N I^ r^ O CO lO '-<-t>. i-lt>. COOi-i CO t^ r- ^ 1-H rt 05 10 5D T-l(N(NCOCO THIN CO'^O'-i'-H 't 00 O t^ 1-1 OiO 1— I 1— I CO 10 r- 1 rH .— I moi to to 0000«OOOOCOCOOOtJ0 O »0 -^ O lO ot^ o O CO CO t^ »0 CO to r-i CO rt ,-H CO j^M OOMOCOOO Tf o o o; o CO o OOOiOOO pS uj H 0. V > s Tjt (N O O O C5 00 (M t^ -^05iO i-l i-H O iO-*COOl>OOC005(NOOOOOOOOOW30'0 COO MCOM* ^r-ITj'MO X 05'* '-I — I -H rt CO ■* M i-H 01 -H ,-1 ,-1 T-l a 5^ r'' o (0 S -■ o pi d << a i "Sp^ J^ps I- ?l ■• sc o 03 i^ i; ^ ^rQ 9 a a * S S S^ O.oS "s ^■^:§i:s CM mis >^ b-y^-d ^ 3 baj agaaciciS^tr:§^;gJ-|-G O ^ 4) m PQ 03 O . rt O O SSh^KS w Is -- 0. d > - - r--^ — d a cj3.o..5r:3 = t. d ^- ^ 22 o J 0 f|) g)5 -2 '> R 4) > ■>- u 'hil S3 ei •t; oj c wji^' =: ^^"•'TJTS^ur^ o d g 5-B.2.- E u E >,d 192 Congregational Y ear-Book. COC10iOCO»0'-hoOOOt)(000 O O coo •* coo C -*! O O rt C CC O 10 coo OO OO O Tf 0(N O ^ O O i-HOO o OO lOO ^OC0OOOO(NO TtHOO 0»0i0 O OOiO ^Tt<0 1 I'OOOO'^t-. OCO ■^OINt^cOb-t^COt^-OOOOCCn-ii* OOi-i(NOOOiNOOOOOffiiOCO 1-1O1 o-*oooo-^tooooioooo !MO'-i(NrtC0O(NT-iOO02O00O^ rt Odr-frHlM O 000 i-llMi-l Tt 0(N rtOO OOiH010^0(NOOOOi-HiOIM OOCO-^ClcOt^T-HOOLOOlOOOCO COiQOO 0^rHCOOCOtO®C^(NOO(N(N(N OOt^-^-^COCl-HOOCCTP-^T-lOCO COrHM COOOXOt^OOO(N»0tD-^OO O ■* O CO^COiOIXNOli-nOOOWC^O Or-toooo-^^i-Hr^ooooeq I d o o CO ot CD f^ O 03 Tt< CO I iH CO CD CO CO »0 i rt o c^ 01 ) t> CO (N 10 ) OO1-ICO ■* >-H X ^ 05 -* ( i-t (M CO rf -t CO ( CO rt -H 5 CDt^ -* I^ O 't I^ CD PPPP Za- ?i'-^ S --i ^^■5 9 ^ *- ~ "cno 3 !^ ^^ HO 5 o P h> to sj^ (^^ 3 3- .'^d 3 S"3 ■•/ — i^ T- ""-^ £ § ^" aT CO . >— i t"! • - . a ti .jS 5 073 ojii S:^ g§ f-H^^^WH 3'n N ^ N O 53 r/ ?■- ■-H t^ CD CO O rt t^ O lO «3 I^ CI O) 00 X OD O) !X) a -o 1^ Oa CD (N O O CO »0 03 O) X 0000 00 O) ^uSK^s^g^gp^^^dSS 00 (Nr-I Ot^ OTf O CO Carlton, Westlake Staunton Bohn, r. Herr, r. Putnam, > ivian A. Milton enjamin S. Perr arry F. orace D enn 11. d S >ocni,KKa w C 3 O th CD O 01 --I " I^ CO lO CD t^ G3 I «) 00 CO 00 00 OO t )l-0 ) lO OO 00 00 !>• >0 00 05000 00 CI CO t^ lO t^ lO IC lO 00 00 CO' rt ^ lO CO CO i^ C t^ C5 O) 00 X cz) 00 CO t^CZ) CO CI CO 00 lO ^ ^ CO 'X 03 53 O t^ O OS O X 3 X X C- X X X O i-H r-H rt rt rt r-l C« O O O c3 r3 3 Oj r- O U N 2 3 (^ ?^ QJ 0) a qT c3 o- ^5 coo 3 P 3 CK r> S-s 9 2^5355 -•-H-HOOOOl.t.tjtl OOOOOOOOOO 3 3S-3r5 _, >>^" -s b" o "s >> £; 3^5 OO aj.3 OO 03 c3 03 c^ S-i: 2 u ^■^ 2 0) g a d S.S.S.t; 3 3 Ph K HH HH K HH pH »JT3 3 3 Is S^s" 3'S « W3 O I— IhH .1908] Statistics. — Iowa. 193 ooo oc cc c :;c o cc c c oo oooooooooooooooo ooo o c o 3 w c o o o c o c oo • u : V as u« oS ooocooococcooooo oooooooooooooooo o^o^o_^c^i^^q_q_w Lq_ic_o_^oq_oo o o o OiOO or-o oooooooooooooco l--C^-*i-iCDT}<;OrtO(N(NOi-i>-HO;0 OC:OCOOCDrMiOiOCOCCt--.OOrHCCiO oco-.oi^c;c«ct^Citz;Oc--ooo ^^ - - ^ » ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^_ ^^ -fOOOOCOOOOOOOOOiO l0L';0O0OO0O^-OOOOl0t^ rH ,-1 lo lo t^ X '-': c^ to r^ t-- IN CO lo Tj< ooo ooo oooooooocooocoo OOOiOOLCOOO OOOiO ro OcOCC (NCO o: MO (Nl^OO io»o-Hccoor^'HOOMC~oc'-oo iCO-^OOO^'OOO'-QOOIMI^CO ,9S9 ooo-TMoor-c/ji-O'Oocrt SS5 »ocoot-ii:it^co-t<(M coooo cC' T-i o CO o_^c__co_t-__co o c-j o i-i t>- ic 1-1 •H to CO 1-1 1-1 rH rH i-h" iOi-ii^TjC^lC5C<5tO OOC5i-i'*cO(MiOC-HOLt)iOtCt^ 1-1 CO t^ CO to >H t>- ■* C (M t^ CO 1-1 1^ CO IM rt .-. >COCj -^OINi-ICO CONNCOCOi* Cj CO OOONM'iMOt^iOOI^TjiOOOW lOOO oooootooooo(Noo(r»oo ooo ^■^ ^ '^ ^ ^ » d ^ 1^ ^ r -1 ^,^^ sa >^ gj > -U! t- :S C 2S P" f^Jg^f o"|-5k|' 111^ ■>'-' >.>,, v:!^ 5Sc*^ ■/i i^ 5 2 ^xSj -/H S B r: ? ^c;^s^ss:^^§j ^Hgis be S ^ C2 O 0 -iO»OCCO— lOCOOO OOOi-HrHCOMOCCOOOiNO'-itOOONCOC oc ^ coth ococo»oc*5(Nr-roooO(MO OOOO C'-. ci 00 ■ OM(N< cc CO coco CO t^ (M ■* 05 cot^ o CO C3 CO lOCO ( CO CDC ( ■-I CSICO 1 C-l CO CO I ) (M l> t^ ' I ^ »-( CO ) 05^ ffif~ 1 03 S -«d *^.S ^-- a^-u - jS — S G o ^ c.t: cs-^^ .1.1 i m| J :3^ti( O e3^ »--& >-. a; fc *J a^ J^ c; fc. c a j3^- S ° S g g S^'oc CCr-, IpI .- ^ g ^ § *- - ""- s: v^ '-*^ >-- n T' ^ . ^ . a ^ Qi 0-13 - O o a^ o C3 Jh a; ^ - o y'^- *P '-t" a" iJf^K-^ o £ 3 X c3 .hJh O g - t-" Qj u o) c: 2 -^ "2 ti id JKKpq g d<^Kr^S a c^ X -IS J^ cS C So % .< ■art ;o^5 P a"^ §^ P S ~a 03-a ^-0 o^ - o ^ t» ^_« o3;> rv.PJSOi ■ 0) ti; H 'ol y' c3 t: O K r? -x =302 OJ OJ g fflC § "3 .; J o.w >- c3 O. CO CO •-< CO 1 »0 lO ©00 c 00 00 oocc t I CO 00 "* n" CO ■* 1 1^ CO »0 Tt* CO 03 ) 00 00 QO 00 M 00 lO O CO CO -H 00 05 00 00 t^ GO 00 00 00 00 "OOO -H CO ©t^ CO 00 05 05 00 00 GO OC QO 00 CO 05 011^ Tt< 03 CO 10 X 00 00 00 00-* CO 00 0000 O5 00 CO 00 CO IC T- •Tt< X 00 00 ixicc X •^ CD 10 0x0 t^ X 05 XXX (il^s 1-1 fit a -a - s. . .s ,r c- >>=: ii g 4) o l| S^k3JK3i>i<.^>J;5.5 c3 ^ c3 S rt o a; S.5. ■7^ -^S tr .0 O 0) - oOh-i'5 §§ ^""0 S "s ^ -rf a" 2; ;!-•-■« o K CO acTt-fc-rcOt*-.?; 1908] Statistics. — Iowa. 195 oooo coocoooooooo o o o o o o o o o c o c o o c oc coo c c OOOO oooo INOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooooo ooooocoooooo C»-':oooc;ocoooo (N 00 ro_ C^ iq 0_ 0_ ic o_ 0_ O^ 0_ i-T * CO c' I--' ■*' cc c-i CO -* -s'' --r IM * * oooo oooo o oo^o ooooooooooc oooooo coo> "C O O Ol "O O OOOI ^22 g O < * --H .-.-hCM* rH00(NI^Q0t^tDO(Nt^50C0 OOOOOUOOOOOOOOOOICOOOOOO OOOOOOI^Tt05 ^ .s J -. ^ J * - ^ ^ - OOOO o c o>o •O O) IC t^ iCiOCOOOiOOOOOO (Nt^COOOOlNOiOO (N 00OOCTi»0-< --i" CO 00 (N 00 t; iO »fl t^ o o C/3 OOOO CO — '^OO-^'OOOO^'fCOO 00 .-iO(N — iCiC^OOOOOO-*OCMOCI-OOC0O IN -H,-(— coco (N-I-Offi rH — O lO lOOOO NOOO^OOOOCQOO -^■OOOIMOOOOOOOOOOOO^OOOOO rH 00 Tf Oi o O^OO-^CCOriCOOO OiOO00OOOO(NTtHOO»0O(NO»CiOO;0OC0 rH (M rH ,_! CO ss OJi-iOffiOLOOb-JOrHOOO T-<(Mr-it^»ciocO'-HeoO'* OrH 05 OOrf<©COOCOCOOCO(NOOCCO'C»CO(N(N(NOO COt^fO(NC0 1M ^0:(N OOrHCOTflOCOtCOGOOi (Nth rt (NiO T^i-KMOOIMrHr-i UM (NOOO iNO(Nt^O(NOOOOiNO OOOOOOOCOOOO (N T)<00 tH rHCO (N (NrH COOOt^-i-OiOOOCOOt^O t^OOrHOOOOiOO-^OO^TfCCiNt^OfMiOOO ooco oo cot^ot^ lOCcorH — I(N t-H (MrH CO oc OC5 OOOrttt^ (N— 1 •*OOOiOOCOI^1^0it-»-^00»OiOO'000'*0»0 T-H-^-^-^iOiONOl^-^CO-^Ot^OOiCttO'OiCOt^ l-lrH rHrH ,_|rt^rH(MCO .- ^ ^s C. 1/. Tinner, J. J. Mills, D. C. Welch, J. A. Keck, Mrs. Ella Rosenf Herbert E. Jones C. F. McFarland David Williams, Geo. S. Knowle.s Walter Kester, Lewis Miles, A. H. Kelch, Mrs. Anna Kirke N. E. Getman, J. E. Landon, CHS s - -^'or'^Kas >>:iH c3 fcCrt SP -if ^ .-- *^ H- 1 ^^ -r- n, w Be w -4 tf > a* ^ .;ffi > 6 Pi iH^ SP^' 0 , o3 d 0 OJ ?: is ^ 0 flj h-(>-Hi-ai-5 J'O W3 .^ ij .0 ^ 25 t£ i^ o u k5 k5 k5 1,5! k5 kil k:3 15 c3 c3d S c3 5 01 aj.S.b.-t^ o s >., -Sa^'o 0 2 •~==o CJ.- . C j^ 7! i..-' . O -J r3 -MS 196 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 1 O O O O ' no to 0(N C ) lOCOOO OiO iCO-HT}(OOOi-HOOrt'OrtO'* OtOMO rjHrt ■i#Tj(0000t^'-it>OC>-^C0(N-rt<<0(N-*O"3O'*'i0C0>O05C^OOCC(M01 OW'-''t r-i O OOO»0C0 t^(N O O 1-1 O OOi£> OO O O (M OMOCOOO O O O (M O OOOO ^50 -^ (Ot^eO (NCOCOO COCOM 05O 0«OIN O»O00-^ tHIO IN t^(M O O® Ot>- O OC Ol O i-H »-l "-• 1—1 1—1 j(Ni-ilNOC0OOC«5-t(N'*'0!OMIN005t^lNINO'-ifflOiOC C>^ iO,-i(MO<0'-i IN t^ -^ C3 o ooco iOO»OOOOOCO(NOOlNNIN(NOOiOOTt-iO'-i O lO O CO C I -^ TfH CO T-( ( (N -H Cf 00(N IN(N iH-* (N 1-1 cS ~ g^"^ b-^ o £m W^ •05 . 'SW c<\ 'S ^>, O o '^ 71 ri i-, u A (3k "S 002 £ o . i.§ o o . o CQ CQO<; OP^*^W*^ o *^ :SPi ^ l" -jO " o - >"z^ '"» ^ ~ « y flj g c3 fl § .p CQ S< E: fl I- iS ^ g re mi= S fc s S ^ S c3 ri 03 .a, 83 .-c:^ :3W OJ' -^K ^S.-ti 2 =s is: -^ G, o W re Oj H o3 ™ .2 - " S n » ChJ^ 6 '3-0 ££ - S g « OWS PQ CO to oS-^ c3 el . M C3 Eg g 03 10 t^ I-- 00 OOOO 00 10 O lOt^ 10 CO »0 00 00 00 00 00 rt 10 OCO CO-"* o ■^ 00 -* t^ CO 10 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 iz) rH 00 CO t^ 10 1^ 00 00 tZ) COrH t 00 (» c ) t^ CO > lO 00 )00 00 00 o CO 00 CD «* xcooo -f X t^ 1-1 10 lor^ (Z) 00 GO OOOO 00 •* 1+1 »o to •* 0"5 00 00 0100 CO coco O 1-1 05 ■^ 00 00 o CO OOOO 00 C3 f4 -^^ 6 = l^to —-^■3 una, ticello tour, riand, ingo, itclic itclie onda a a a 0 OOOO ph -.a i= rt ;3 ef'^ ggggggggggg c3 aj (D o bo . O 02 - > fij fc! ^-,2 o o >^^ g >,flg y 5-g oT^-^ . 0) O Hi O 03 0 tC— J;flt4k.TO!CCC-l- Z2z:?;oooocooooooo to'O ~ tT rt-« g s K 0 0 0 !* 0 00 1908] Statistics. — Iowa. 197 III < > S 5 3^ «© OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOc-iOOOCOOOO ■Ortt>.OXOt^r-HC'tOTP'fi-i{Mt-HCOCiO'OCOiO(MC)>-iCO'*rt->t COOOt^ffllC oooo-foopt^t^c30ocooppooocr. cicit^ococoo-* ccat^CiO «© OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'OcCOOOiOOOOt^'OOCOOO OO OOiOOO COlO 0000-#OC;OOOt^OOOoiMOO«000 Ot1< CC 0_^0 C^l 0_ CD t^ 31 (N O rt_^iO (N^rt C-l t~- OC O ■* O t^ 0_(M 'O «0_IM_ t^ t^ O_00 Of! oo 'COC-t"0000(N"*OrtCOeO<£>t^t>.Tt T-(CO(N (N '-<„'-i Cl(Mi-HiO CO rt,H,-i(N,-H rH^rt l-H t- hh" i-h o w CO ii oo OOOlO-iOiOOOOt^OCOOOOOMOOOOOXiOCClOOOOOOOOOOO CO rt _i ^°^' oo^ooooioeoooeoococ: oooi-HOOciocoo-HooooiaDoc rt ,-( CO CO ^°;: OOiN000 0100MOO(>)OC»00.-HOO:OIN0005COO'-it^OOOPOl^O _rtrt >0(N.-( r-i rt CO •* ^°^ 00»Ct-OC0OCiOOO(NO"5O(NO^^I^OC0(N(NOOO00OOOO(NOO C^OIN CD -H r-(00 (M0:»0 ■* CO lO 0(N 00 1-1 t^ 0-*-*0 — lO O Oi i-i (N .I.-" 1-1 CO M > w ==§ OOOiOCOO'tOOOOOOiNX>OOOOCOO»OOOiOOOO'OiOOO^CO>OM < D E u o^ »occ l-H >OC5iOOt^OOOOOOOiO(N(MMr-(0»OOOOOt^'OCOO-*'00'*OiOOO OOlt^ OOiOOl-H TtNOJC^-fiO-t^OCOCOi^t-OJ-HOlCOfNOl C00>0»0>0 _^ ^ rf (N ,-0 OOi-iOOOOO lO -^ ■* O O O O O O O O IN O i-i-*-*00 O O 0(N 00 O C COOO CO N O O O T-H iH t> O 0-* _( C3 .0 • ^ o g: 5: g^ a Sp4 c3 tE"0 Oj-- c3 g W» m c .-i « o to 1^ 03 K 4^^^- ^^^ »1t K ■J a 35 'H ■■'- §^a "^ . c •r <^ 1. a jS ^ 1^ a b^ • . ^ ^ O I— I >T' ^ P •« feffiSSg^^^p:gg 05 05 r-l CO (N 00 CO 000 00 00 00 X 00 00 «2 ^ ® XiO 02 X X 10 G5 X~ XXX O ® X o>o to C3X X Tj< oo»o iox«o XXX CO Ot^ X X X X X XX CO XXX CO O CO >0 CO i-J 05 05 O ■* kC 05 X X X X X X t^ t^ 05 t^ X X X X 0 t. b, >o^ a --t^ -t^ o s- a a h .? a 0? 03 ^ .0 a o3 - CO e « ■?■> IS "S 039 . K 3 O cc -« - "S 5 _5 r-" o oj o (^ «= ^" 03 .00 e3-C. Ph jii Cl< PI4 i1h li (i (£ (i S c?tf C^ ffj C^ (^ tf f:^ Ph O4 dc QD CE OQ OD !» OD <— l—lP O O C !h lH"t- tH a;.S000003' gr^a; a E^ P 83 oja^jajri^.s 1908] Statistics. — Iowa. 199 OOOCOOCO O— C = =! 3 c o c; O w oococ ccccocooco OOOOOOOO OS OOOOOOCO O SOOOO C3COOOCOOO O O !0 o c c O C (M C C C _ . - - O CD P4 LC r^ O CC 'O Lt L' ■~ !-^ c io S 5 C =:_ 5^'0_CI_ -r ^f t' * ci •^" C M cTiv o c c o c o c; o t^ c o »o»o c o X o c c coco ■ z: c^ <=: c^ c: a a : = t; CC C C >0 O O « -^ (N O rH ( !>. O C X 05 00 ( 10005Oi0iCT)iTtilNWTt0C ■ c9QCpp^r>ccoooor- OOOOCOCO OOCOOCTiOC ca CO (N to c^i -< .-I o CCOCC^iCCCCCCO ccicct^fooociccc CJCOu-JC^MM^t^OOCOO c c c o >o »o c c cr^ occ«oo«occco C'COf-Ot^COCO OJ_CO C CI c_co c_oi_x o. OOr^Tto c cc— H M i^ c fo io_-* ec 'T ■*_cq cf cf ^" lOi-Ti-irt" ii5C50-*ccicco"OCcr^mci 'Hcioc cir»cio«ciT)< •* " CO CI CI rt -f CO -H CD C ■^ciocor^oicc (^ CO '-^ CO 1^ -< CO rt -^ oooooococo a«5 COO«OOOOOC OOOCOOCOCOOCCC C1CCCC XOOOh-CTOOCO t^Ot^utiOOCO O-^OPJCDOOCC-.OCCIO COt--XOC XXCOOOOOCIO ^ SB OOOOOOCIOO OOCOCOOO^COOCCO COCOO^C .OS CD005COCICC tOO'OOOO'CO OO OOO OC O O O C o o oocco oooooooooo XOOiOOTfO© OOcOC'CC'O'-iOOOOlM OOOCUi 1-OClXOOO'tCCX CI r^- CO t-- CI CI Tt* •^ O lO iC ■^-=^ 21^ ^■fc!|-;|||KS CigK-ScS i-^z<; Zk-^ X = 5 •= ? ^ ^ ^" i^ = c j= ;= -A H. H. B Austin, Cieo. Br Hoin, Ellis, . Brack] Sias, Booth, s C. Par Edga Mrs. Mrs. Willi L. J. I ^^-- ^> 00 g 03 "fl tt"^ P as e OCUCm « .^' !^_2 .- C?- u. o a (2 £ £ (ij £ (Jp^ ti S tf ;5 tf f2 tf (5 cc ^ !» c» ^ CIS )-sr"i;2o3it.= c2 -i M -* O r^ --I O O --I oo OINOOO ■* 0>-H O t-'* O rH O O O C t^ C O ri (N (N OOOOOOCCCC oc~. OC"* 05r-)0'-ioc.-iooi^'*iooo oo o ■* O OOC2C'4COTrr-lCOO ■*^0(N(M CiM O O O Mt^.-.lN'Cl^T-i OO r-i O 00 ■* --I oOt-h^oo-il'::.-! O i-H O i>i 0(N- 1^0GOi-ir-i CO(N(MC0' l(N-*0(Nl^iO -^rt CO ?0 OOOOiOrt'ids|£ ^s S> .^ PQ -S M rH . C3 ► 0-1 ^^^^^^H^^. K tcC « w s s* 03 CD a§ S 1 O r^ CD (MI> •* • O) cso t-- o 01 ! 00 M- 00 CO 00 Co 10 o o t^ TD 00 GO 00 C35 O 00 lO 10 c o o t^ O 00 00 CO CO CO CO 020 CO CO 00 CO CO t^ Tt< LO O < 00 lO C t^ O 00 < 00 00 o 00 CO 00 c • •* CO CO 1 CO o c ) 00 00 C-. (M 00 O O LO CO t/j 00 00 (4 .0 <1> '3 f^ 5« o p ac3 CC 03 02 GO o3 ip! C M J C3 .fc O «(^ :: tj 0) > w tn C' 3 > oS^^'m 03 o3 v a> a; v -v-^ j^ •-•— . c W.2 bflS o c c t; •c— c 1908] Statistics. — loira. 201 i tj < > < < < S ccoccoooo o oc; CO 000 ccooooooccooco c c~ cc ' 11 DO oooccocoo oocoo ccccoooooooooc oc c 0 s coooo coo oc o_^o^o^o^o_^ co't''co'"x' * c_»o_c_^.^_'--j_o c_i5 c 0 000 io~co'~co'~'-i rt c^fc '0~»o c 01 01 ic i-T * * oc oc oi_c_^ rn'lO * t^" 00 l-" M t^ CZD CO -^ iC 0 03 0 0 » C ■OOOlOCO-ftOt^CO-^t^CiXOOD C3 1-»t^PpC0COil^C!0Ct>.C-. t» 00 c: 00 05 0 1 i-O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IM ® 10 0 0 0 0 C r-H-^cooMcooeo c 000c 0 0 0 CO 0 COCO>OOCCOOCOCC 0000 C~. coco CiOiOC'* OiOl^iO-.COr-00"OQO-f CO [» ~. 0 M t^ 0 0 CC 0 to 0 0 0 0 ■* C^l lO 0 .-Tin 0 0 0 01 >0 CO to to to C LO 0 0 c C Ol t^ 0 Oi rH O) CO I-- — C^ LO 0 L- 0 t> !Z) rt rH C CC •* (Z) -t Ol CO »0_rH rH in rH of rH CO lO CO c co^ co_ U Z b) u b Id n ■« X. O =■■3 CO CO (N>000^(N«5(NCO ■^ CO 10 0 ■* tot^o lO 00 r^ »c rt co_^ LOXrHt^toc-^r^iOMLococi-o oioco rHt^Qoooi»ooiiocot-H rH t^ ^ rH tO ceo CO 01 0; 10 CO 8 COiOOOOCO^O r^(M CO 00 0 -^ rt 0 0 OCOOOOOOOOOOiOiC rH rH 00 " (N CO 10 c o oocoooooco 0 (N CO 0 0 oooccocccoooco CO t^ t- fe OOiOOOOtOtOO CINOC 0 COIN ocooootooocooqt^icotoc rHrH rH ^ M ^ 00 CO C5 coooococoo t- (MCO 0'-i(NCC Ct^COOOlrHOTfOJC-tiOO -* CON "^ CO c (N § coooOrtiNxr^o 0 "O 0 "O ■* 10 0 CO coco iOrHOlt^tOtOTjOC»O tONtO rHrHl^CrnO "* O °?5 CO rH CO B ■^ m XC«OOOXI-t^O 0 rH 0 M 0 (N ^ oct^ooon^oor^coi>o>o OC >o •0 Sfi- OCCCOC-OCCO ooccc COOOCOlTCiO'^CNiOO rp rH OJ 00 s 01 =2^ co to .-IOOOO0505Q0C0 ^0: r^»o CO Ot^NOO(NOCOC:CO'*'C lO CO C N ■* >0 Oq rH 00 g 1 CO E u QiOOlOOiCOOC .-HINCO (N K> T-1 CO r-l l-O (M •OOlCOOtOOOOltOCOCO rH Ol Ol 01 to 0 0^ CO 00 0 »o 01 Ol CO CO 01 o o X > •< Q Z D o 000 ^^ (N rH 10 01 OlCOOOCThOCOOC OSCOXCO'^OOOlOtO-^l'^rHCOCl 01 rH rH 01 cc 01 ■* Ol •0 cc c V T3 B O _B V a 3 :=~ . « S « d i ^^ Si's ^W J i.s q6 g 1- 'E, 1 in U S u a 1 u J ^ £ fl-lfet 1 a-l IS Hill rt -5" -1 >; g 1 202 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 S lOiO INM [2 ^^■ OO a i < n < oo o (N Tf a H OO Id > o s ti (N-* u k4 « CO Q 0(N Q U H H S Q o (N J M(N ooo < d '"' J3 (NO OJ-'J' OS 6 l^.-( cd a S Cd H ;oo s fa ■^ W lO J2 CO «5 T3 pp L) ■H r- 00 oop o K 0; 3 H t; +^ h a 0 hjO 2 n) Oj c z ^ dE s '3 i !9 u 2; O >- * »ooi C7 s ^ H o a> X H ^ u a: D o 01 u 42 o .t: o 0(M a 15;^ .o^oT 0^ r^-HTj< O N CO ^ ^ ^>" u Id o cc --a <^2 ::g o a s"* i -°o S.2o° tt^; 'M CO O c^S 10 riH/^<; !r> ^ a CO" ■- « m ^r * Ui O o ■f: "c — k^ ^ p. o K < ~ '^ -f* g ^ « 1 o ■ V oo rr a « < o*o i'd O !- M 0) qj ^ .- a^ CO rj O ^ tnCC a^ PQ K a 9 K P^ o a H eJco -53 a_p « O « g 2 fa fcl r^ tC H 0! 03 0.0 a o m :ii 03 o3aao3o>-Ofc:t; o^s-o-aKTcsS-n CQKOP^ffl^paoOT W H :? o o Of o ■^■JS 2 o aW:=: a ^i^ailgS>^^c«J^ 55lg§g§£^^.2a||§ •J3 oj O O " a g-^^a^gj a g >> o o a M to S a^^ S cSOir'-'tJ'^.Si^'r''^:— c3"cl ^S a 0:S ;5 'O 2 ZZ U 5 gS"!i* "■fi-:: e ^^^ffi« o a a—; l§ P3eQ fc- ^ — !-• 3 3 : a o 1908] Statistics. — Iowa. 203 i < > in u < < "t2 CO oo oo ^* JO 05 oo u . is- 0^1 -^ M U Z H y b M Z, 111 (9 CCC coq .c O i° coo oo Tt < a z s in s u s a u •T3 a u c *u u o. 3 in OM O'l' X u a X u i s 01 o .t: o >> 2 ft «J s -^ ooo c o cc 7j CO «© 0 o g 3 s o s Oj o a >1 ,^ K— 1- (M >, 1— ' r-o 0 d o_ rr j; a^ c §^ w S c . - ^_"^ « 3 OJ _2 ~ t- •/! ' o; 53 •3 t ^>>; ^ I r/3 with int. tf 1 -j.'SB hJ .-;-■£?; M-( o rt K- oi.3^ ci 0^ s^ o: c a S oj O -.13 o «3-;5>jss 73 C ^ 204 Congregatio7ial Year-Book. [1908 o?ooo'-'C! •<*< ooc oo;o >-( i-i rtCOCOCOOr-HOOr-l-^ OO>-(i3iC0O eOOOOlNiOr-iC »o O OOC0-* i-iO O (NO'*© OCDO OTflOIMMOINCTHr-lr-ITfi-ICOlOCOC^ CO O r-l CO O |> »0 rf rH O 00 CO 00 i-H CD rt OINOOOO OOOOC0>-iOt-(OO o o CO o coo 0OOCOC00010CCOOOOCO(N (N T-l Tfi-H OTjfO iH 0 0-*t^'*COOiOrtOOi-iOCOO'-iO CO rt CO O 00 ■>* OO OO O rH O OCOO r-il^ OCO O I-I O CD O O C (M N OOOO •" r^i^'O'tr^cC'^t^co ppppppppp -O Mfa ,- J£ t^ c S S-r. pK^fed < =5 d H K M - cij S 0 d M ^ o s •i: ^ ^^ ISO o O o rt_iS Ct3 •^ ■ S 5 03 o5 0^ m CO 03 S c3 i^ t/5 tc o3 »: f/ 'i' or rt:i3 -- IB >> . ^ -oT OJ r> rt (^ "*^ .-3 OJ d o k^ o ^ L^' I.J lIj ti^ L^ lIj i~-- .1^ • lT^ ,^^ ^ . •■; . ^ _^ flJ/-\ ^ "- ^ t««^ Q^ (-(fc*.-^ o 3 03 03 0^ rA J lO CO lO i-H ClCl t^ 1 1^ 00 1^ r^ t-~ CO 00 : 00 M OO CO OD 00 00 03 00 00 COt^iO 00 CO 00 00 CO rt CO lO (N 00 00 t-» o t^ t^ CO 00 00 00 CO 00 CO C3 rt 00 ■ t^ CO t>.l^ ( 00 CO OOOO ( J CO CO I^ )aD ooco ■*03 OCOiOCO 00 0"J 00 t^ N- CO CO CO' 00 00 00 oc --I OO (N 00 ot^t>. CO CO 00 00 IB O 51 5 e-;3 ffi.S o o '3 aj^_ss5|a^^>-g3^^| M_o.2 o o 5 < in a a < < jqsQ JO -jiuv O LO O O O 10 o spunj jtiaiujsaAUi «4> Xjjadojjj H3J"HD 3'iFA $0 1,500 5,000 4,0(J0 3,147 4,000 3,000 *7,()00 18,000 *1,200 *8()() *12,000 1 ,500 4,000 900 1,000 *2,500 1,500 2,000 *1,(100 7,200 4,000 2.000 5,000 *500 * 1,200 2,500 9,000 *500 *1 ,000 2,500 qajnqo JO U01JD3J3 3JBQ ■<*< 00 a> 05 05 O lO rH 00 IN CO O CO CO t^ Of'OOOOh-OOOGs^-OOpJOOajOO 00 00 O Ol CO 0-*(N ■^ 00 lO ■<*i O »0 Tti M rj< cpooj-ppocoooo 2000000000000^ •313 'Ajeiec; OOOOOOOOOOOOC^OiOOO >0OOO"5iCOOO«5OOO»0C0Oi0 «© lo t^ CO CO 05 00 o_05 CO o^ o,co ■* i-i tj< (^^ o o ooooopoiooo ooo O O OpOOcOiCIMOO lOOO o 'O - o t^ ^co rt^(Nioa> coooco ajruipuadxg 31U0JJ OOrHO-^OOCOOOOOOfO'OCO ^ ?^c.co oco_>o -^ ^ -t^co .LO M U Z Id u b Id Z Id a lEJox r>'t^C2M(NiMCDO>OOCOt^dO'*C ^COt^eOCO (MOIIMOJiOCOiNINrH ooiLOiococoioioocococoo i^or-- LO 01 01 rH 01 01 — 1 01 O ^ lO "* •Spia M0Jnq3 •*>0IN NOCOOI^ -H «© CO LO o o LO CO -r o o LO LO CO o r-n o uoijBonpg OO OO ooo ^o lO OO O T-H OOOiCO o o SUOISSIJ^ u3'i3i"o_j -fiOiO OO-* lOiOi-O CO COCOIO ^ —ICO OlCOOCOiO OOOOOO-^Ui LOOO to ^Ci -^ CO ■-< — CI •in s jj^ •sauspog aid03^ Sn'noj^ O ooo O^I>00(M-*10 o t^lO OrH Tlirt rt ■ooo ^5 OLOOOO-^LO oxo i-H LO 01 CO lO 01 CO 8 a o > < c z s sjaqui3i/\[ CDiOOO-<0»OOiOOOcOiOf«^000 -^Olt^OliNOICOCOCO-ticOcOMCOiO^iO OLOOOCOOCOiOOOiOOiOOLOCO Xt^0 01GCL0 010»C'OiCCOO't-r«0-** c c c 3 W. J. Cheney, Christian Black, A. Robertson, Wm. E. Malcolm, Mrs. Henry S. Woodard, Mrs. Mary S. Rives, W. F. Brbckctt, Mi.ss Charlotte Forsythe, Mrs. W. E. Moore, Mrs. R. N. Owen.s, Clias. Vanderlip, Miss Elizabeth C. June, .lames Wherry, Mrs. Dora Walker, W. T. Da-\des, Clias. Riggs, .L M. Miller, Mrs. Leila A. Downs, R. K. Stalcup, P. W. Robinson, A. C. Daveriuanburg, •J. C. Cunningham, Wayne I'kl wards, Mrs. J. A. Link, Mrs. J. II. Kerby, Mary Lewis, George Morrell, Benjamin Van Dalsen, Charles Stoop, A. C. Van Camp, A. G. Cole, Mrs. 11. S. Loomis, Rev. W. A. Sprague, Matliew Peterson, u a u a a u i S ? S cf g fl § 2 ? 5 gf^-^-s 8 rS S«^.S 5 3 g 2 g ^-^'-' Vi A ■ §"33^ -5 — — -- — — St.i-u-/3*.'-Hi^JC3cSi;jSt,rei3c3o3£-fij2.aoOOOO-J?-i:05 206 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 Of^OO'C-«'COL'5iOCOi«00030'OCi'*OOOOiOO»OOeCO ^(NOiOC<3»OC^Tt O (N"-! OOOCO COt-h •* T^O O (N as (M IN t^ O (N O O to OOOCrHO'*MOOOO->-iOOT-iOi-HOO'*iO OrtOOOO l>0-*i-iOOOO'-i CO"*O'*'*O'*O«i-iOO-^Oi-HOO(N'*00l>C000>-i OOiO(NOCOCOiO(N ■ O'-(M ■* t^ > CO O CO (N ;0X O 00 O ( C-l i-H )C2iN(M'OOOi0003( I rt i-l rH r-lOO ^ ^ -C oj oT oT ^1! ^ S J: &M^ ll^^W'yr^-P >^ S3g '0,3 §) =■ 3. S'3 bi)-^. OJ ;a2 P^Q Jr* ^ !3 ' 0- Qj c: -§Sffi ) -^ ^ CD O ^ t. Q I cS O g ^ ^^ Q Sp: -c is 0 <53 ^0 ^ 0 ^3;^ s "3 QQHH H ^> 0 C3 •^2 e3 c3 0 0 0 -- |j^ !JH t-4 Ph t^ ^ 00 QJ O -^ ^ ^ -t^ fc- >i ;:; o a; o d o3 oi O O fc- 000000 ffi Ph l-M ffi K I— I *-^ 1908] Statistics. — Kansas. 207 1^ , o oc oc: o oc O ee oooooooo oooooooo q_iN_00 IM^C o o o^ OCr-T* rt'Ll'o'tM'cT e« * * (N 1-1 rt J oooooooooo OOOOiOOOOOO oooocoooo oioooooaoo b." co"co">o'"co~eo o'co" c-t o co o co co ic -4",h"o5~ oooccooooo occooooooo irjcoooiooiaoo OI^OOr-QOXQOO Mr^000COt^l>0OCOXOlC» OOOlOCiCt^OO tOOQCCCCOlCXJO o CO coco c c o c o c c O (NO5 00 t-O X 00000000*00 OOOOOOO«0N00 ooi^ooooot^co-'-ico OOOOOOOO 0»00000«OU5 «3 ■* O t^ O 00 (M ^ oooocoooo OOOOCOOOO 00(N0CCOOOO05 <0'*OOOiOO»OOOr^OOCOiMO»0 ONOOOOiOOOO 1000^I^C^OO>OiO(NCOOOOOOOt>. OOOOOO COO I© 0__ C0_ >0 "C 0_^ CO 00 C50t^'-itoro»oooa;c»0'*0'*oooioo»ooor^oocoiM< 'too^-t^^^-o^coo(^lOiOoo^^^c^oo>o^o(Ncoooooo^ C^J'i<-HOO00CDM'-i0 CO 't ci_- -T co" i-To" r-Tt-T i-T .-i (n" rt' .-r 1-1 V O o COCO '-'^s »oo ■* Oit5 o ° Ot^iOOOO 2 "=^ ea (N ■=■2 i= cooo CO eoo O-H t^ o <£>0 ooo •O WOO m 00 CO " t^t^o o; »Ct^ C "* © CO lO o N Ol 0100-* 1-H doc 00(N o o ooo TjHOO locooo »o u£ r- CO 40 't Tf< 50 N M Tfi © .-1 O »0 CO 00 »0 O CO lO CQ (N 05 O O -H O lO (35 CO »0 t-- 00 (N CO IN t^ Ci C—i i*COt-iC WO C^i-HrHh-TfieOC^ to '-iCO'*'t-i-it^CO>-i t^OCOiO lOINt^ C^ lO »0 i-H --I M* N lO i-H >-i ^ ^ OiOCO'00(N'OOTt0 «% CO "^^ 0i0OOQ0OX COiOOOOO t^Tt< -#COCOC^fO(»!NiOCO'^ifft^C0 01C00500 •* O ^COt^OCO^TfiCO .-ir} o fc^ rt ^cog^'g c CD.SH .SiKipi>:gg i5aJ> o3 j3 >, -1^ CO p c3 (1) 10000(Nt^(N lOOO'^OOrfiiOCOCO'-H oioooo T-l Tji O 0) (N 10 OTtHiOiOOCOOl^vO XT}H(N(NCD-<*iCOr-Tt< OiO "O "O •<*< o ■* o o 00 (» rH 10 rH CO "O . < a a < ^foo.-HO ^ too .-lOO r^acD i-<00(N CD-*00 OrH O O COC0r-( OINOi-iO .-H0-*0 1-1 N "-H r-. Tj< Tt< OOt-i lOONrHOCIM'-iCO rH TJH OrH COCOOOCO^l^ o s u K j1 pi S lOINrt'-HO CO O O Tt< Tt ot>io»ot>.'--n>Tt(o (N rH coco 00 (N »0 Ol rH 00 >0 (MOOCOO 00 o oooo ■^ OtH OOOCOO oo oo o ooooo IN (^ O CO O 1CC»OCO (NOt-i rH COrHTtl OOCO>OTtH(NrHCO(MO rH rH (NIC »0 (N lO (N rH t^ CO i-H IC r-lO O O TT r-t i-l INO>0 0 INrHM (N^OrHIMO-*INO rH rH n OOOrH(N Q U h h S Q < u (NiOCO-^COOiCOO GO T-i (N (M 00O(N-* (N 1-1 00 (N oeoo-^c.j^c^co =?? t>. rH O »0 (N ■* CO rHTl< ,_! IMa)OiO(NOC<5(NiOO ■*(NO>(N OlOrH lOOOOrHC^COi-lO oco r>.C5 lOrH coco Ot^OOINCOCOCOOO CO rH M C^J ■*-*CO(N r-H tHCO>-I rHCOOrHCOOQOrHCO (N •^ oo 0(N OrH,-(CO r^CO rH K a M S M J3 < COOCl'Ot^OO^IN'* lO CD O lO (N'-i'* 030CO OiMt^ G-. OClrHto ^rHrH COCO o -t rH O CO O -^ rH lO •* (N CO OlOlOOTtHiO-^rJioOIN t- O CO 1^ C5 (N CO O Oi (N lM-*rHO0 CO t^ CD lO (N (M OOCn oocor^ COrHiOCOOCOCHOrfH COrHlOt-^COCOXrHCO 2g '^ rH lO rr" 00 O rH O CO CO O rH (N O MC5Cc0C0C0^O-^t^ rt CO ^ lO t^ lO lO C0-*lOrt< CO CD CO iO CO lO CDCOIO'OOOCOOOO'* O CO CO -^ t^ (N CO t^ (N ICO rHO O C-l O t^ O >0 00 CO t^ rH C3 rH 00 lO 00COiO-^r-iO5C0TiHl^iO COOrHioCO (MCOC^ (N t^ r^ CD CO O worn t^-* CD C^lOOrH(NOMt^O lO-*(NCDlOrH»OC0rH TflrH rt< 03 CO t^ 00 •* CO CD »0 rH lO ttl ■^ T3 lO -t 00 lO t^ O CD t^ rv ppppppop p 00 f^ CO CO pppp lO (N >0 ppp to t-(^ -*co p pp pp CO p t^ lo CO 00 r^ pp pp p H H Z i o u E B CO (Z) O lO ^ CO (M pp ppppp fcij "^ ^ r* Qj ;h CO §3 g s ^ S S^ c C^1(M CD 00 p p 00 OO p p f >;> !« ■ g -^ 1 ^'-' t- -rl- lO O p pp pp 1 p i< . Sec i-'^-j o p a 2 -a a c: .HiO CDt^ O pp pp p a ^■^ a M 2 Is 3a % U u 1 § ^- to > rJsS 2 |ffiO CS !C 6 CO fi< c -1 £ ££| 2'^ £.1 iJh s ^« ^ -J, o II a« 1 o;a to a to i-'S cs _- c| OJ p J ^T) bJD . y, g-g . • X D X U to O c S o 'O-'tCOOO^'OMCOiMt^r^CO'HCOiCCOC/JC^iOOOCO.-ICCl-^OJOs'OXiCCOCONOOCOrMr^CCCOCO t^iocoiooooor^t^oocO(Z)t--r^iot^Ococot^oocot>.t^oot^oococo(>Dt^>ot^coi^o~-05ccct^i^ ooajGoooooooccioooooocooooooooociMooooooooooooooooooooccxxooooooccoo" ooooooo rtrt^,H,-H ,_lrt rtrt,-l,-l,-lrH.-Hl-li-lT-(1-lrtrt rHr-lr-ii-I^TH.-H.HT- si «■ « s -^^ ^ |i j|||iri||||i|||^||i|iliirlii iNli 1 1908] Statistics. — Kansas. 209 3Cm 5-= occoocco ooooooco oooo oooo ■-I (N* ooo ooo O X o oooocooco OOiOOOOOOO lOOOOOiOODiCiOO oc oo oo ooooooo oooo oo o »o»o>o OiC rt w I ,— I ^^ ^^ OOOO o ion o ooo C lO o oooooooooo OCOiOOOO^OiO t^'*C0050t'4C. t^co OO o»o oo oo ot^ ■OOCffii-HCCOOO ■*0'-iCOCO^i.TC<3 rt CO •«• 05 LOO o CO O -H 00 'Hr- t^^Or-tO COCOO ■*C00010 WiOO t^ O I^ (N lO O oo CO O C<1 CO-+030 «e - 900 00 ^ lO O CO (N M CO -^ .-H ic ^ to o (M (M CO ^ iCCOOO (M c o o ■* ■* °^ t^oco LO CO t^ OO OIM CO t^c CO ^ c »o ^ o o ■* iOOO «3iMOO coco (N O o oor^(N<-iaioeo(N'^.-i t^OicO-* cxi-^ci C0-<4.IMTti O LOt^ lOOCOOO C LO LOO o o t^CO t^ o .-lO O O IN ic ooo Tio looooo o^oo co»oo5 ooN't',-! 00«5 CO(N CO (N 0(Ni-Hr}< iOIN(N «3 ^ CO ■* «©C0 ,-1 ^ ,- M, O O t^ LO LO T lO r-( OLO lOOlO ^ ^- o -! J J ill o c^^ ■^- -a O) .03' -S I^X! o rt c3 ^''^'^►^►^o 2 > c t^-p m d"ra ■p. M MP ■'-b^^d;?', ■s^S'o'^dSsS^S^^J^coTei- 4) C' 210 Congregational Year-Book. [19U8 ooooocooioioo O 0»0 O too lO <0 -^ lO O !C"0 !>• rH lOOCOCO C^d-HT^tMOOOI^ COOOi-H 00(NCli-H O CO o 50(N'-hO OcOOOCiOOIN OirHlNrH CD O IN rH C-. ■* 1^ C'O 0(N00 '-* »O(NWC0 OO-^lOlOC^JOINrH CO 00 CO r~ ClrHrH C lO 00 CT. t>- t~- !>■ IN CO "S COO-^ O o OOO O O OOCOCO CO t>- -^ O OOOO IN rnO CO o '^(NINCC i^N":)^(NOioco 03rHO(M O ^ t^ (N »0 ^ t^ (N (N OtJH INOrHO '-' 1-1 O 1-H O i-H(MOi-iOOi-*T}1O»HC!00 (N CO i-H(Nt-H lO rH IN LO O O Tfi o (Nt^ O rH CO OO o^co o 00 CO COO o-^-^'^'^'Oioc^'O 10 iNrH »OrH(NC0 a O O) LO CO lO rH Ol IN rH OCO 0OCiOC100C»COTt< rH r^ IN(N O OOCO CO 05 OOrHt^CO o TfWCi CO 0(N OOO 1-H OOOCOOrHrHOCOO WOOCO^M'-tCOOCO CO (N rHrHrH TtOOlCC0'^0005CMOrHMTtcoco'0 rHlOMCO-* QOCOOO IN rH rH Ojt^-^oot^iOTtHOJr^cot^-^oo-^ooci (NINOCDCOC'lfOrfHCOCOCDCO t^C^ rH CO CO ■* t^ -^ Tjl rH rH IN CD 1-H rH tf si ^ ^ o o - C -J fl ^ § S § 2 SB ^s QOh a" :2 tils:"! HH tC . (^02 . c3 —Tea c3^+3 1X1 J ^ ICmi^M 'CrJ W !C > QjtH K » ^ I lO CO IN CD (M IN J C 00 02 O cOt^ ) 01X00 05 00 00 ooc 00 lOt^ GO OOOO 00 t^ IN CDC t^ t^ COCO 00 00 00 X lOCO c OI^X 05XX N CD CI X C5 X r- t^x X 02 CD XX X X XX lO 05 X "O lO CO X o XX X X Tf OrH C XX O X X t^ COI^ O X C X t^ 03 05 O lO 05 t>- X X X C5X X X eja » Oh Oh g ^ o (D O) 6fl CO -a § iSO •H tOli , XrHRi »"2 Jh - ., C o3*idcjaja)iii-flB-iJ-t^->i->i>-, >> o o c3 ^'1 -2 _ cf'G S-TJ CI 1908] Statistics. — Kansas. 211 $ u 5 < .J < 2^ m S 5 = X lO of 01 |1 fa ^ •* O Jo: n H « « en U5 * oooo OCOOO q,* q,»o o" cocx tH * OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO »q_o^O^O O^iO M,P,Q, * 1-1* 0^0_01,0^0^'0^'0_^iO o_o_^o_®_ o'~co"-^"o'~'o'~rH"orco"o''>o''o'~'^'' rH rH * ^* CI * * OO * 01 OOO o - CO o cooo ic rn'rH-O * * * * 00 pi CD 00 CO o ood Ci " - INiX)-0-^1'N01rHO'*0 01Cl»0 OONOXOONXNXOl Cl~"0-OC:-~"-- 00^ t OTti OOX 01 ci- o o OiOOO o^oo OOOOOOOOO OOOiOOiOOiOO T^NININO OQON OOOOO OOOOOO OiOOOO OiOOOOiC OCDXXN ■;l< O ■. lO 'I'Ol CO CrHO Tt00 N CO CO O -t< CI CDOlNNrH 01C00 01CC-* 10 N CO lO 01 CO OO 01 t «© NO lO O IN O INN r-i 01 OIINCDO OX^>000 rH COOl rH CO CD B c ^ OO C^ N O O r-^ rHrH lO rH t-hO OOX -^O rH CO T-l rH rf O (N rH OO -* «© iOO»ON lOrH O 0>0-* •^(O lO 01 01 01 lO 01 CI lO CO TJH N CD rH COrH 01 rHTjIrH >OC0 CD ■* OO -^ en O OOINCN CO Or-1 OrHlOOO 0»00 Ol N 'J* •* X ■* ID COINrHO OOXOOiO LO rH CO N 01 rf t^ CO »0 CD ?i OiO 01 § X u > < z en e 01 IM ON lOiOCOOOiOiOCOCO OlOlC0NTt d « Valencia, „ Plymouth R., Valley, Valley Falls, Vienna, Village Creek, 212 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 O OO C Oi (N O 3 C O O CO ^ IN O lO O lO iC lOO t^ to (N -* 00 (N O ^£a^ os^§ ~ -^ F tti ? n .s dj h ~ CO u s 25 Susan L. 1 Donnel, Must on, er C;. Mooc Hattie B. Francis, H. Washb 9 S = S c s^ PQ Js Co e3 > > - h- g lo 00 o lo >o (/) 1^ O) r^ i^ CO 00 00 00 00 00 -Ci^SSC rt CO 00 OO CO OO < QC 00 ( • CO ■* : 05 OO 32cSi^S 33 c3 a3 3 "^ « C3 Ci O I"* = i-7 K -3->>-^= f^ OO i? ci.-==; y SJ-a-s-S ^ =- 5 ^^ ) CO CO 5 ij r^ O »0 ■71 ,,r>-or I - ^3 o cc J.S.2 .S a'S O "3 C CO ■" u Cj'-l t Pl,cs^ .. cTG cc i£ 3 £- OJ ^ 5^H £ s d d c .. 00 := K C ■ • « r" CO O l!0 >-i SXJ^CO c- tr c3 c c ^ 5 W o m 1 O C — 03 <; -<^^ S i in fa O OOOQOOO oooo c J "o ci. O O O O I^ O iC oooo < ° o O O C lO (N lO t^ oo^o_o^ q > 4> J" So, T}i rt O O 1-1 04 (M Vcfco'ic ,_, wT e© -1* (N * * < >d * ^ -^ (N tH rh CO 1-1 rt 05 1^-* ~c^ < jii ^ cp M 00 p 00 OO £;- r- oi oi o - - - 05 00 o o o o 00 o o oooo f" OOiOOCOOO oooo 1^ CO lO O i-H t^ lO CO ■* (N 0_^ ■« " ^ (Nrn'rH" w c^i o o rt o o t^OOO O X 0^-^CD»0 CO CO LO o co__->*< X "* i-H 00 CO rH GC^ KM ^ lOrHr-T (N t^ 05 lO ■* lO I^ ot^oo - "lo ■« <0 00 00 00 IN ■* —1 '=^25 SS N •* rH IN 00 t2 Ih «# c^f OOrtrtOCCOO oco 0) t^ rt ■'^ 0(N J^ «© -I r-l CO I-l H z M c/5 t^ T}( ^ oo oo cooo Id z u a r-l (MrH t^ (N ■* O I^ ■* '* lOClO 4> 00 CO rH CT> i-KN --1 rHCS-^ ^ I-l -^ o»o ffl o r-l as o rjco irxNioioooo oo a© oo 13 cot^ B t^ tH Tt< LO rH O CO 00 rH-* £? ui »o M 00 »o rHOO 53 tfl «© 1-H oS ti. ^ rH OOOOOO CO (NCOCSOl "o &< CO CO (N rH (N s S O O OO O CO lO ooo oooo CO CO O © t^ CD 1^ r-(NOcoio ^H J_ '^ (NWM ^ o , ,•* > o x c tl (/} •a u^ O > s C (0^ Si •s •s ^ _n o o 3 ^ -•S s^ c/tT » d S';3 c3 030. 5^5^ D O C-' 2 H-i -i, • -H .3 CO "• "ts t- --sees O O^ CU X X! ,„- a: C^ (m 0; eft >> . -'ti ^ o Q f- 2 i: g 4J 01 S^ 2 g fl g ■2o2^ 2 o « — =— So 22 .- o .« 2 3 in CO . I— i i-l CO (N iCIN t^i-fOlCO OOCOOOOOOr-KNOOCOOOO i-iO ,-.OOCO>-iOOOOrtOOOOOO oo eO'-lO'-ICOt-i'000(NCOOrHTjiOtDO ox C-iiOOOO OrH ^C0OOC>-HOCOCOOOTfOCO iC"* O^OOCOOOCO OOi-hOOO oo^ .-HoaccorHooooooocoooo CI lOIN OOOOC-OOOCOC^OiOCiCCOOO 5m INMt--^^t-iO (NOJ (NM CD 00 (NO t^lNCOCOTfCOOOOOO'J'COCOrHCOGOlO 02^ oc t^ CO 00 o i^ 't CO 02 1-1 o rj£2g£ pp ppppppciC^p PPP pp O .-I'-i . _- - rT r. S i ^1 S o J!; V"^ &"? O rt S S ^ « '- ^ ■^^' Mi tuc— PQ Ph *> bo •^ Ob >> "^ > c3 ^-^ bC 3 > m XI 00 CO ooo Shoo : 't o S^JS ^bS SCO 5; CO «-2^ O < rco .. 1-3 B - i- a: sg ■T^ V J e; a c ..,9 E (V A; S ^ &• w c ^ ^ e3 ^ 5 K n t ^_, CS [-1 ^^ 0 O ?; -1 o — « * t/J D o es o c3 o C O a? > 3 ^' (-1 w ^ %. W IS rt — i ;3 ■r> c^ z -d fS > q3 0 M J (N o ^ N n :2^ >- o" Z K -c OJ^ Q n T-, C o 511 u K O 03 h-" ^P-l oT «r b lib OJ H J; 0 c s C ^ < 0, 5 :2;z o S 1908] Statistics. — Kentzicky. 215 OO ooo ooooo ooooo ^ jqaCI JO -juiy (D OO ooo ooooo ooooo s spunj *^ in a 3 juauijsaAui i OO ooo ooooo ooooo OO* * ooo* * ooooo* o«oo o o > Avi'doij lO O) TfiOX ooxcso q,^g"^o 2 HDjnn3 an IE A e# * * * * 1-H * "^ M(N XtOQO rtC')Oi-i'l< CO •>* CO o^ il^-mqo jo OCR XOOOO 0505050100 00 00 00 05 X uoijaajg; 31E(i ffl- oo o>co ooo o O OO -* O O (N O c o ^ t^ •^ auioji ^ rt (N oc on0 o O Tf o o o •* oco Ct^ OtJhoX O O C«5 lO — ■-( fO - 8 8 i i 1 u — (- o a > •0 S K — :3 o; >• .^ M < a z 3 , c 3 •5ffl ^ 1^^^ 1 clfc c ^ ^ '^ ^ c>. .s: K C X ►— rS m C w ^ fa gs ^ s -o £r X U a: 3 S U § S 1 03 ^ 04^2 -w |5ei§g-S5g2-?:-3^§|:^ .a ij 0 -0 kc pQcaoa O 0 <■ — ' O « O 3^ w (p o S O .-iC 6 ^4^? g^^ §=^2 ^•o .2 K 0 fc a 'o w 0 < w K 0) 1 w CS K tt" or , f^ 10 "Z ^ .n K g S .. (M c M <^ 0 S 0 C fa s c o(i Kt/j >> bfir- CS C(N ^ ^ 3 . OJSO to t- i_l ^o ";; (»«© i^ f;^ _p 0 ^ S e H 0 "i (N '. 1 < 0 ■* >■, aj J1 ■*-• ;z; _ c ■-' c ^, r T "^ S i-H c ^ ^ ^ T3 K Si c. ^ (^ K ^ !1J cj 0: 9ft- < 0 216 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 "*(N05Cq Oi© Ot^(NOi0 05 O O toco CO (M-*t^NOO oco O-iCOCOOO O ^ -^ "-I to C0IMO'*'OC0iHrtO(N CO o oo oo rtOOO^O OCOOOt^ CO COfOOOOO oooo O i-i OC^OOCOO OC0OO.-I COOOOOiM ^OrHi-l OfC O ^ ■* O OiH oco CO 0(N ,-iOT-irtOO 0(N (NOOSOJO I-I rH OOt-CO^rH 1-1 (N 1-H (M O C-J i-iO'*co 0(N CO -hOiOi-iOO «0 O 05CO o COOOtOOO Oi-it^C0 oo rtiNOOOCOO COt^-^i-ii-i QO W T-i U3 O IN Oi-i O"* t^ 00 iCiOCD 00(NO(N Xi-hCOOCO (N toco c ^l^g^ Is - ^^ cc [U S offi c . ST ►-•" bsj . O jj .00 ill ^ o ^ O O a o • -(^— M — W .72S ^ >> ji; SJ o >> .S.- 03 Ph S °ffl 01" 3 3 >« W flj .t-.s OS O « C3 s S'^ s~ec ^S^Pi g§ gOgg^N •"3 w ?! dJ [ft ^a m p^ 03 tsD ^° WO O'k %< 10^ 000 00 05 (N CO"* 00 00O5 00 CO 00 CD r- t^oo 0000 0100 00 CO 00 00 CO c^r^ 00 o 00 00 o 00 05 o; CO C5COO ooco c: t^05iM ocot^ rt* 05 t^ 050 O COOO CRf^ 05 00 00 XQC -ho 000 0505 00O5 0000 0000 !3Ph COcQN 1^ s 5 1— I -^ -^ •-L^enSl-J^S C3w5=!^ S 0) "O 'to o3 OJ ^.> O fl ! 2 o o S o 1 1-1 irT^ PrH ..05 00 "^x (N " o o (D I ~ o3 .0 a> c-^ 0 rr< -S" :z; li 0 AX (N ii4 K C Ul fl^ C9 a <5 Oi 5 w 3 w CO O) rt * w •« _^ H H 0 fi Ph S Z g -< < b O '^ 3 ►J o;^ ^ ^ .. - - a o c^ 9 1^ J^ J OS .. 3 2^ o > to t< o3 OJ w O w to ^! y Q 5 H H O -< 0 (B N Q Q 5t «= 1I t«3 H O W S K a O « fe O <^ a5 O aj aj S H H H g S S S TJ ;5 u^ o3 I J^ m a g=o6.S § '^ a g.o1g o s Ph"- i^z:?; o B 3 W bo u c3 H !-i Pi o 2 cS 1908] Statistics. — Louisiana. 217 jqaQ JO luiv spunj )U3UI)S3AUX q3jnq3 jo •0}3 'Xjejes iCOOO CO OCOOOO OOCOO >-0'*CO o e© -^ »o M i-i fo oooo oo oooooo ooooo oooo o s ooo oooo O O X ffl oo oo CO o o o ■c o o o O O M O OiO O lO o to ^ ■^ ooooo oooo O Ort o O C^ t>. (N lO ■<* oooo o oooo o ■^__o_^M_r-_ ic lO rt O CO oo OCO oo:- " C5 O " O O O " 3jnjipu3- O i-H OOOOO ■^co o-* lO t^ O uo oo o ■*(M O Xi-i o t^-HOO X t^ ^ o ox)0»o oo ox X CO OiO (N lO M lO O »-H O CO O (N O (N O O (N --H OOOO CO CO O X 1^ lO t^ Tt< t^ O X --ICO o t^oo»o 6© rt oo ox Oh- O O OrHCOCO o O O 01 O CO o t^ o o t^ CO o 01 oooo oo C OOr-iOO 000.-I0 (NOOO o >oooo oo OOCIN 0(N O(N01C0rH XOOO t^ oooo oco ooo'^ooi ooor^o ^ooo o oooo oo .-1 O O ■* i-H o o 01 ooocoo Ol oooo 01-* o ^oa OO 0005D00 ooooo t-hOOO o O ^A ^^ SlS ^ .'^> so ^ ^.2S ^ .ii 'o ,^ trr= :? s^ o-^co «^ fe C C8 ™ rt S QJ 2 ooci oo 3 3 ^ffi CO ;jSS s -. O-n-p'S s^iiii >--uS -J .S-gfGffiD^ 5.5^ ;J^ 5 ■£ ? -- JS 3i o ;zz5 > 03 T3 O O -s 'x -S ^ c o: o 73 o ^ ^-^ > > 'JJ t"' f-'K- 'E ^ +3 — _^ "C >^ w $ . -3x w »2 =3 ^ § S •3»2 Q ^ OS ~ ••• I •j; O 1-H .3 "* 'S 5 •- - K s© bCO -off e -^ i-i — - ^ "P5 '" 'irC O' ,. o 3 -^ • -^ t. 3.-CO o 3 J3 C I^ t< ^ O = t^ 3 o -^^.^ ° 2 >^, S o ;2;cg°S5 .••J3 if:o 93 50 « cS „ Eo g-c g 218 Congregational Year-Booh. [1908 0e0»0>0 lOiOC ONOO OOOO OOOiOiOOOi-iiOOOO ■* lOO •^i-HCO 1-1 CO CO rtrtrH 1-1 >-l OOO OOOOOOOi-i^OOINOi-tOOO-^OOC^JOOOOOOOOOOO ,_irti-iI--.i-iO(N'-iW^iMiO.-(0(X)'0'OTtH»OTt<(NTt000010i-i'*»OCCiOOi-iOOOfflCOO"*OCOOOOOrOO lOOC003!N0050r-ii-i03l^COOO-*COiH(MOi-ii-iOCOCONi-iCOiOO OOOOOC0-*CCCOO0'*'r^;0'*coo50fflioci^ a i-lW(NCO COi01>COOr5 0501i-il>ICOiOiffllMCOCOOCOi-i(MCO(M(N^rtOCOI> t^ 9 i-HlO^OiOiOOCOt^tDiCiOIMC5OCOO-^02'0^ 1-11-1 CJ 05 •'*C0'O(NtT^<^"O iMOO-HCOi-ilNiMOlO O(N(N00i-iCCiOiNC0 lO ^ tr^i 1— I rH ^^ r^ t.N 1— I ^^ ^^ -'iUOC! So ^ OC P 5 ° ffi = ^ s "3 t: Cl I' ^ D T^ a ^ 0) Ill "--(DO oSpLn S M 3 ?8 _^ Vi a :fj , • 'tr i~t ^ .-* »- yj '^ .— ■ » c3 c! c3 C m CJ O u pffig .S J^S c^cB § S' ^-^ r^ C3 g 'J? PK§ ^H^tf^P^g ^ o 1w' OK d o) • '3 '^ s" ^ i ^P5 P>^ci • • ■ • d g £ £ 2-G ic 1— I c- 1— I o t^ G5 O 05 O 00 t^OO l^ t^ OOr-l O CO O 00 05 OC' o) 00 00 to ^ 10 CO CO GO ■rf r^ ,-1 05 05 IM 1^00 CO T-l CO 1-1 CO 00 CZ) t^ CO Tjl b- CO 00 to CO lO »o ■■* C5 O C5 CO O 00 05 t-- C0C5 OOOO 05Ttl lO t^ CO 00 05 o lo 10 O5C0 o o 1^ I> CC CO CO C) CO 00 05 CO I^ CO ^ (N CO t^ t^ CO 00 -•O ^ -tJ §^-tf' > - Q ) 03 £ c3^ °- T3 «3-Q 05 03 ^6 - ^'^ fS-e o O Mt^ .3 (B -ass - ■ aj (U o3 _r r afe„- os^rs 0 0 « :: J 0 ■- "S -— '^ bCd 0) ■a ^^ o 2 |23CCnCQ (Q C 03 = o 1908] Statistics. — Maine. 219 i J) a H K < 'q^a j° ''"^v ooocoooccoccoco o ooooooooooooooo 8° spunj JU3UnS3AUX OOOO O O oo O oo O O C O O O C O O O O O O O C O C O O lO SfeoSooOO C 0U5 0 OCOCOO iOtbi^ •* 01 -v o__o 0_ O_O_Wi0t3 iNr-T-* (N oTi-T (n" -TiC CO CO $2,500 1,000 1,500 7,000 1,000 4,500 5,000 3,000 31,000 *2,0()0 6,500 40,000 *1 ,000 2,000 40,000 36,000 * 100000 *2,000 *2,0(10 *1 ,500 20,000 19,000 12,500 1,500 * 6,000 1 ,000 24.000 7,000 1,000 4,500 oo t>-"" «3t^ ■0^ C»t>._^ O^ 0_ 0_t^'-<«5 ^ T-T ci (m'(n"(n"" t-Ti-T rH i-T T-T 8 o^ auiojj oo(MO-*oooixcoo iooo;o»o»ooo coo C' oo cc o 1-0 c. LO o •.-; o o re o "O 0) o -r CO ^ C-) lo o t^ uo c i o o o oi w c^i o_ 1.0 o t^ -^ o CO o '* CV3 «:__'*(>•__ -H ^ ioo_ c^'-i co__ c^oc t^ ^ o\ i-Tco r-Tco"" eor^o" co in ^h" in X o -r CO Id o Z td y b Id Z u n lE>o,L 00©INOOi»OMOC00^010XiOOC»COOOCiCOOCOC50-<*OC^>-iOO m^ (N ^(Nco 00 r^o coOOiCOOOOOOCOOt^t^COOOOOTrOO»00000»OOON m (N looo ciccz; cochin ^hin " "COCO '*'"*0 lOOl oo piy i,J3jsiuii^ 000000 000000000-H-*OOOtDOOl^COO(NOOOOO ^ 01 TtH"(Mr-i,- rHN oo SUOISSIJ^ uS'pj'oj 00»0»00'1'000(NOiOOOOOC/;OOOOCCI^O(NOOr^O'-00«5 «© " (MT-iQO"COOt^ (NNO (N z siaquiaj^ O ox -fOiCOOCOO COOiOXOOOOO 0510 "3 lOOiCiO T« ojx lOt^xoocQio (NOTt<"eO'tt^co-* oco co "XN'* _ ^C^ _ "TJHOI "" " " oo c •3 a V c o. 3 Mrs. Elsie Harmon, George W. Littleticld, W. E. Ciuiimings, Leon C. Akcr.s, h [No school.] Dea. John L. Bailey, Mrs. T. M. Steward', h Mi.ss Florence L Bnston, F. I'l lAidden, H. K. Anderson, John C. Woodrow, Dr. Wm. S. Thompson, [No school.] Mrs. Frank Brown, Rev. C. H. Cutler, Chas. D. Dennett, h J. G. Blake, Dca. Charles Wiley, Andrew Evclcth, Hosea JelUson, Dea. S. T. Snipe, Wm. R. Kimball, Mrs. Emma Torrey," Dea. H. M. Prentiss, Harry A. Furbish, [No school.] Belle F. Purington, [No school.] Harold J. Staples, Elmer A. Baker, Ralph Ames, Fred A. Fisher, etc II Id X U d: a B u u a Abbot, Acton, Albany, Alfred, Alna, Amherst & Aur'a, Andover, Anson, Ashland, Auburn, High st., „ West, „ 6th .St., Augusta, South, „ Church Hill, Baldwin, Bangor, 1st, ,, Hammond st. ,, Central, „ East, „ North, „ Forest av., Bath, Winter st., „ Central, Bed'ton&Dcb., Belfast, 1st, „ North, Benton Falls, Bethel, Biddeford, 1st, 2d, Bingham, Blan chard, Bluchill, Boothbay, Harbor, Bremen, ^ o. 220 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 00>OGC 00 O^ O 0(N U5>OiOO O OCOiO O CO O t^fflC0«CD«5(NC-*»Cr»(MMO(NOC0-* Ct-iO (Ni-H^ i-Hi-i i-KNt-H t-i i-H (N Ot-oo 000-iOt^ occoooooooooooocooo ooo OC OO OOCOOOOOOrtO'* iOO.-Hi-HTtf,-OOOOrt(NCO(N(NOOtO too rHr-lOrt OCCOCOOOOOOM CO(N(N W HH»-lO^I-l O 0, - S rt m Jr S cS C/ K IB ^ o o - 2 r ►5 ^ X o £?S S! rt S a § - So « " =J o "CO 5CQ c3 bc ^ ^ c c .S o o o<:^ 22 2 J fc ^ • 03 O o 0} o3-< oj-Pi ? c3 6 ICO o s a; Ox .^^s fJ - S X C s'-^ r8fc-S,c-c ;-(^ Kg Go g C t;^ ^ oK p- 03 K ^^ rri hJ *^ ITl § c3 0; w >— uo; S •- r3 S crni_?W''"5f5'* r/i > ti m o; ^ L^ u m X tl ci ft 03 W X ^ OfO ■* O-* CO 00 00 t^ 03 (N 01 CO 00 00 CO COOK o o o< I^ O Ol ) O -* O t^ CO t^ CO ! 01 O -H CO O OJ CO ■ CC X X' t^ cc cc t- 01 lO lOM 00 00 o o OO OO t^ lO t QC O O CZ) O GO ocoo c; CO 01 CO t o o 00 CO' CO x t^ 05 "-H CO X lO © "^ O lO 02 OO CO 1^ 00 CO Ci lO -t" 01 O CO OO COCO' CO CO OO: Oi Ci 01 rt 00 t^ CO OC C3 *>" . 4:3 1 O >. U XX ti cj-d 0 c d y. CO (D 0) (P -oo 03>0 0 0'*GOXOO>OC>JO:« OCiOM o -^ O (N OOOCOC OOOOO oco OOi.0OO»0 OOOOO ooo X O CO O t^ t-» LI O 1^ O CC ■^ (M -^ oooo OOOO OOOOO 00 00 OOO OOiO i-i in o ICO c t^ rt CC CO WiO rf to oocr-ociot^ooo^ 00 o —I ■* O OIM M O lO O CO o o IN t^ r- ox f^ c >.o o o o •* Oi lO X O CO o o CO t^ 01 CO LO C-) o X IMX rt O CO Oi-< m^ V— ' ^^ ^ ' ■-^ **J I— V™^ ^— ' ^— ' NJ' lO "O ^ -f »0 t^ ^ I- CI 0-. i!5 lO O i^ g cc — . ao3 ^3i -^ ;S iTs-K lel Merri bert K. Spofford, Barker, J. Merry ill," A. Mure 8S£ K^fej-si "1^0 •?>'^^>^= a . . c3 EC K s^£g^^^ c§§ '^9 3 fe -~! ^W 0--3 b H-j ej ^ & '^ f- ^, ^ Cfc a> o _r :q jsj^ ; r CQ CflCC 22 — --S o P3 _ M'a t. ^ z; "o >; ■^ r>53 > 7; a"S)c CO C O to" Re den tun' oil. ben berl 1 Ri S 03 - ■Si:"!? -83 . fl " ^ SE S 5 ^ Lrf ffl^CQ 6 "d 03 05 03 o3^ O C 3 a; « OUOOOOUOOPP i ^ fc- 0/ ! fl S^ O ) aj aj fc. )QQQ -? *J *J i; (» 33 3 c3 cj 222 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 d a H H S 0 H hJ < U 000(/5(M ,_, ,_|IM -iOC;0 OOOOOOOOOCOi-iNIN^iNOCO'-^rtOOCCOCOiMOC'tiMOiMOOi-ii-iO'-iO i-t g n j»50,-(THMOC^rf>-iiOO'000>HOi-iCOOOi-iC 1-1 (N rt 02'*i000tflC0i0C0i-lt^-*OC0C0-^l^iCOt^CiO(M'*CCGi0I^NiOOCi»0r-'iOiOO«CaiO, O(MWTt<(Mi0.-iC0TtHC0(Mt^'OINl>i0C0C1O(N-*rHC0J^C0C^OiO (NrHCOCOi-irt^cOM to M rO lO CO to CD t^ lO IM ^ (^ pp p pp p pp p p ■^2 S C C O isOfcC 1^ .^^f^ •s^ o o ^ g t;:^ bjo fcc 01 g«0 W-2. ^^ m Jo OJ 1J^ i^, fl S ^ , rr S 0) S5 Ph ° c _- C3 S o 3 . 5^"^ is: ■g '^ >-5 "oj . JSQ^^SSC <7 ■S _- fc a a'iJ r St; fl fl s;=K j 02 03 ^ d t- • c5 '^ ^ '-r' * H-i o P^ " 2 o -SO CO 01 CO rH COOOOIM 00 cat-- t^ 01 lO lO Tti C T-H ao ooio ( 00 CO 00 r^ ( I 01 .-^ 00 I Olio lO ) 00 CO 00 03 1^ 1 00 lO I t^ CO I ) »0 CO c • CO 00 1 > 00 O -t< CO 03 O t^ CO o o ( rt lO C O O C: rt lO 01 Ol :o0t^O500Xt-0OI:^XO0 00 rH oc c; t^ o 01 01 rH O lO lO Ci 1-1 CO OO 00 CZj M C« 00 2^' -iz; 01 > "3 6-*-^'—- 1^ .Q mc = 3 ■= 3 (1 ■« o „g > -o a aj->^ & ■ -a - (J D - M 0 0! j~ ■o "T3:ia c3 ri a HWW ta fe -p 5 g (B (u fc 5 03 . pq OlCOf- — iOtOO.-i(M1^05(MrtC:t-~-*'*02iOCvOGCOO-*OCO>C'.OCOOIMCCiC5r-i->!t. to CO CO r^ OOOC i/J -* O o CO CO 00 "O occcccoo COOOCiOOC 05 CO 00 tow (N to coco OC OO O tOiOCl 6 o- C 00 C CT: O O (M lO CO O lO C O C -t (M (M CO CO 1^ lO Ci rt t>. (MOl^iOCOCCCO 1^ rt ■* 05 >* "O o c t^ OOl-^t^OO'OiOt^CO to "O -^ cv; •CM rt I^ (MCO Or- '*iC'-(/)OiOOO'*COO'-0>0 to iM O to —I Ol lO O CiiO iM'CCi CCOtOt~-»OIN'<*'0 CCCOtOIN I-H COtH tH ?-l rH CO iOOOrOCO»OM'-HOOi-H^'*tCNCOt^»Or-.Tt<05C305t^O»OiCif5i-iiOOC'l"liOO lOrH X-HIN (NfOCO iOTt< rt ^tOCClF-i Tf^cOr-i-toCtOOi-Ht^ M IM i-H (M r-l ---IN t^ MCI CO O JJ O coco L0Ot0OrtO05OOOOO05O(MCO(M(Nt^O TriiOINrHCrsOOClOCO t> 0(M (NW .-H05 rHrH --H(N.-H(N "O l> rH (N Ol OOOOOOOOOC5OOOOOOCC0Ct0OO01C.-(O-H(MTt— r r~^'?'== K O^ t(iOi>^ -"t^uSo -aii^osota' S?:^'J:^ = JS! gee's S?-cj:^ i?§f£'i^cfeP^ w n ri^ r^ rTr^. 's r-, ^ ^ S M fe a rl rr^ i o § 53 P c3 O ^^i' Q Q g o +2 o c Hi ■p n 0) b/j O w -3 "* "1 ~ 'i' UJW ti M i2 ^ 5 L. j;< CS O O u u, b O JC "^ -gZ: _ g 'C o3 — - s; " cy ^ ii « p .2 P £ 5 -^^ JTJ ;; » t. t- &'i- Zr--:i '^ U^ '^fcinfefa tnC UCC50C .=2 r K r ►■ r^ r H r": i-H hH 1— itH ►-< hyH I— S w m rt ^ - « f= s s 5 c o /: &, e G m to [C s! ji;^ o oj 1, » o o C fi m c3 cS 0 O — ,^ ^ i-T-s 224 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 OiOOOCOOl^OtNCOOOO'-^OOOO OOO OOOO'-HOOCOOO OO— lO 00)0"CO;OC:-*(NOOOOi-iOCOOO rtOO MOOOJOOOOINO OOOOO (N!00(N--lrtOO(N(NO>-H(NCO»0.-it>.'*C<5 .-lT-<0 CO COOOi-i^COOrt(N(N O OO O O O OO O O O O C O O O O OO O "O O OOOOOOOOOO OOCOO O (N 0(M O THt^O ri O O O (N O IM i-i(N OO O CO O "O O O O b- O O O IM (N lO --i >-( O (NTtiOT-HT-HOCCO^MOr-iOMCOOiOTtiM lOO i-iOO^TfCOOrtOO iOOi-iO O TtiOiN CiNt^OffliO OO (NOrt i-HCOOO WOO O -^ O rt O (N iC O (N W O O iM O O i-H O OO (MOO (N O -h CO O O O O (M O OC O ■* »0 OcoOT-iOOWOTfClOOOOt-iOCOOO lOO OONOCOOOOOOO t>.ooo O cx)0 lO t^r^ ( ) CO Tf (NOO )00 CO rt (NCO .2 b^" C ' — ^ S [z] ^ O 3 C---^ .^ ,iS Ph ■ P 3 3 t- Oj §►2 ►2=^ ,2 ^ > - -=13 • o o ^ o .s. Ci 3 o_ -i2 — ' 3 t- 3 ? > ^ cT 3 3— =* Ci 5 ^1 ■ • »b£ 2>3^ ^^s^ -;0 SPPC M 3 - 3 o ■^5^ O -5 '2 01 hfc « ^^ e _" -3 r-- < "3^ g'^ ... 3 f. r: rf. ^ qJ 3 • •-3 P-» ^i=i 5 pqcc ... ^ -TCK' \ o3 j^ CO ■«c g ; C 03O 3 =:;<; aJ"S -"? 3 S5lb« • CPU . cu >, o . i§'3 £:'S u ^ ^-S:^ 3 2 ■gOT Oj ^ ^ a 03 5 t/j re X '^- f2 — o3 „ .. ^ r o3cd c;;3 " . ^ C re • . o3 o: re ■3 <^ J- .P^o o3k-> cc Kg •^ CO o ro c^i CO co (Z; t^ I-- GO lO CO • O3 00 C i O GO ■ i CC O : i 30 r^ : 1 1.0 r^ ; X X X ■* o c X o OOIN -* Cl (M XXX Ol t^ lO 01 CO r.^ 01 o ox o -^ o c o oi X ox t^ X CO -H o . UO Ol t^ < X X X ( o p 3 3 're.O.a ^ aj « S S S Kittery Point, Lebanon Center Lewiston, Limerick, Limington, Lincoln, Litclifield, Long Lsland, Fre "3 o 3" c3 Macliias, Machiasport, Madi.son, East, Marshfield, Mac Masardis, Matinicus, Mechanic Falls, Medwaj', Mercer, Mexico, Ridlonv Milbridge, Milford, Millinocket, Milltown, N. B., Minot," „ West, Monmouth, Monson, Mount Desert, S 56 Newcastle, Newfield, West, New Gloucester, New Portland, N 1908] Statistics. — Maine. 225 «J3 J C4 =►;■? „- fa td .1 "o o. < " O > "o, >5 < J3 V a H „ F a « W _ i5 o H — ^ O = ■3 a-1 w u u z u CO • y b 3< z u u . ca S !1! • on Uffl c •o M c Mm* 1^ >■ S d ^ _] o s y >. c < Q c Z in a, 3 CO M f. O !^ 3 p^ X u CO ooo ocoooooooo ocoo OOCOOOOOOOOOOCOOO "^OOO CO O O Ol- io (M__0_ o_>-H_ 00 to o^cq_ r-l of O" t- ih" i-T C0»0 COOOOOOOOOO t- 1^ ooo X O (MOO 70 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO _aoooooooooooooooooo o 0_^0__0__'0 0__0__0_i0 0__l— O C__0 »0 ■^ O 00 00 r^ >N CM t-H cc o 'o (£ CO CO c-i CO t^ K a: r^ (O ■^ th "-H1-I 00 # l-li-l** OOO OOO OlOGO O'^OO c o o o c o o~oooooooo o__ oO__0_^0_CI o o_^c_^io c^ d C'^Tt- 'o'Tii-H u-5 -* (m" * l2* '-I * ocoo oo oo (M_0_i0 0^ 05rt'-i COi-irt ooo o o iOOOOO "50050 CO CO 0»OOI-OCOOC<10000cOt-000(N CDOO O COX lOOOOO OOCOO < «©(N rt ^ rH CO ^ o lo o o o o o o ooooootjioooo ooo o oo OOOOO »oo oo o CO OOCO O OOOOiOTfO IN O 'i* IN t-CO'O oo o o X o ooo lO CO OOino COTjt N O O O O lO o (Mi~T}ir-t-t- lOOOOiC O) ':}< O t- t- IN -H o CO rtXX lO iC "-1 o lO oooxo oo >0 t- CO (N-* t-»0 Oi00>0 X COO o -* a ^ hi -. D •r; 0 is c3 mer A. Colbv, Stticki fe i! -^2 T Oi PhS o "t^ r ^ -/! '.j _ p I rt _. ^ ci ^"^ > -1^ Oi -3 -• ^ :^ = 5'S 5 ■/: ? > d c3 cs S a ;fe^ 2 ? ? — .i - .2 4Soc-j- - .- O O 0/ o r^ r"^ • o s = o o a »^ S w Q . , d d . : • o o -w U o3 m t— ' ^ O ocd '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (3J ID O O O O O iCC -rt" O »0 O lO CO O.-HOOOOC01iMrtOC0OO (N rt CO CO r-H Tf CO .-I ^ 1-1 rt OOOO O rH T-H iffl O O CO O O CO c OOO(MO'-H-^C0Ot^-*COLCCCr-00'*'iO-*OCO Orj (MOt-hO Oi-hCR (Ni-iO^(MiNOr-i TlHi-ic0'-iiMOt^XO^00(N05a:>O(MC0'*'-iOi-i OOOOO OOO (NOOOOOOO OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO(NOOOO >H O (N i-H O O C CO OOOOO^OO OOO'^OO^CC00DOC0-^OOC S w (N (N O O Or-iCO O --H O rH (N •-! O "-H 't rt CO O (M O ffl CO O (M -^ >0 (N ■» t~- (N 1-1 O --I O ' OOOi-i f-H rt CO iOO>-iCOOOOO OCCi-i OCi C0O.-i-iT-iC^ (NOOi-iOOOO O'CO'-iCOffiCOCDOOOOOr^Oit^'OCCOINCO'^ ■^lO-^CqrH OJMi-tO-^C-. O'*C0O-+C0(M'-H0 Tj< CO >-< Tti (M 1-H •<** "O ^ 0(NC35>OOt/3t^iOLOiOCO (P m O >; 'CB -5 ^S"'"'? SO SS£PtfSO . ^ 1-iCq CO OCO 01 00 00 00 t^ CD CO (N CO 05 CO O O lO t^ 00 CO CO oo OTfi oo Ol CO lO "O 00 00 00 oo 00 -* t^ -* t O) CO o o ( CO 00 t^ o c ) (M 01 ) CO 00 lO d lO COr-H(M t~ 00 oc CO t^ 1-1 IC C (M O 00 CO CO -* lO C3 I^ 00 00 oc oc (/; (M CI CO lO CO t^t^ 00 00 OOOO li o ^ .. eg .S . s p t- . . P K- c <« fl goSiS CO CO 00 1-1 "O a; (X Oj ffi 1-^ CO to CO " cr X 00 00 (B ^'d s o „ ■ ^ m O „ p tO'O p: ^ ^ in m ID - _ - _ :H;:2;;z;;2;!z;;z;iz: t< t- fci t, ; ^ OOOO ^ il OO -T ^+5^ kT^-t-O S2, "3 o" 5P 2 g t; OOOOOOf o, 55 OTJ bc 3 ^: S .S*" ^ -£ -£ I ^ ^ ."t; o o o Ph di p4 Pi P^ Oh Ph - bC? P3^ < o o — ' IB O" -^O (D O fep^lz; -"2-g 5 2- aJ fl Co » t» <» o O iM ki PhPh.^ 1908] Statistics. — Maine. 227 ooo ccoooooo oooooco oooooooo oooo o O CO O O C5 6q >c5 6 o. O X as oooo oo (NO ooo ooo (N«Ct^ oooooooo ooo rt o o w o ^ o ooooooo w o o -^ oooooo oooo oooo oooo X O O CO ooo ooo o»oio O'TOOOO oo o"3cooooico oooo o wo o lo CO o o OO'OOOOOCOOO ococcooooco lOOOiOOOCOCCO COi--< OCI^iOIXt^O(NO c::i-0 00 Tjiio I000'*'*0"*0000 o OOlMiO t^OJ COO'0 1^(MO-*0(^OOP< 'T O__C0 CO t--.0 (MCI t^ »0 r-H^OO lOOOC^ Cl^O ^ t>-ot^oo>o coo 00 00 TflOCOCOr-N"— MOM<' Tti CO O ooo O O O T-H ■* o o o >C> --^ CO CO oooooo oo COOOOOCitOt^OOON .— CO ceo CCC0>-^Ort I-" X ICCO r- 05 --I O O ooo O O O N O O O CO c ooo COOOOCOOCOO OOCOO'O (MO iOO»Ort<0 s o o ooo oooooooo oooooo Th O lOOO QC 1— O O oo O CO rr, 00 O^ 1-1 CO O r^'OOO 000»OC^)000 OOCOOOO oo .— OOiOr-^OOOOOOpt, i Tf o TtH*< .-100 o o oo O 2 ■>* rHco 1-1 t^cot^coco o COO'S lO O lO »0 CO t>. CO -"t coco r-iOooo(N --Hrt bD'u ^^^uX. . t- " i; - a ■;- m 83 Qj a) o 0 0 o u 'Z'Z^'Z'Z'Z'^ r^ 0 O Q CO ^ T3 C S Ah c f ig-y^s^J^-lsig^^-i C t- u 228 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 ,-, ^ ,H rt 00'-'2 0®0'-<00C^ ! OIN r-iCcOO "OiOCii-iOCt-i OOOO TtHCiO O O O CO O ■a ^Cvj,j-i-.i-irtO-*0-TOOC; OO-^OO^CCNC'rOO OOO-^ OOOO 0 -la g g bJDg < =1 ~ffl &1.0 <°. K 3 3 O KM t, ifi tc 3 a; o^ « S 5;i O OS t< coo 5-c. ^m^ . O '^ < i^S CO OS O -C Ml • OSZ--co-g o la's J-E 13 ^ !» CO cc S" S ""- S5 "2 tn £ ^% ^ ^ ^^v, ciC^' U' ^> u^ rr. C _52^ .2 oT 03 ■OJ ScO ^— (-I . . o ^'~' bx) . m O SI fK ^-^o COO c G^ 03 "E 03loH.= K ^ s S ° • • S .Q oj K ^ £ 03 .S '^m'^r^trH O ej tc CO IB m m w 03^ gw cS ^n ^ ft K-- g w QJ w 3 tc PQ §c- t^ r-l CO CO ^ cc OOX 00 •^ CO 0 lO o O CO ^ O o o o t>C X X X OS 00 oc >C 1—1 ox O iM M ( X OO ! t^l^ X ( iSPQ ~ d Oil Cu_r o -rtX! o o H .« o o o S ^ a) COCO ^ t-ct. J p t^ t-t of WPhPh o^ ^ c Vim ;H H ;i3-:; J o3 o3 O c3^ 0) 03 « - n S 0 fl O 5 bC - C oJ -^^ O.S r- fl C 5SSSi 5 S^^^ o 73C»(/}COCKC»r-iHHHH dec J 2 o e g 1908] Statistics. — Maine. 229 — OOO OOOOOOOOOOCCOOC'C OOC2 ooooooc (N O.-iL-JiOOOOOOOOOOOO! ocoNt^-r o »oocoo OOO ooooooo QOU5 oot^ CO eo ooo ocooocoocccooo ooo o o o o o o o o c o o c o o O 0_^ O^ '0_ o_ o^ o_ c_ o__ o__ r-_ iO_ o_^ t--^ o o^ o^ MLo'o" -"ho r-To'od'o'io " o o'co^oTcTto' rt * * ooo ooooooo O ooo,; n ooo ooooooo O 000-S>di 0_ t^^iO 0_i0 0\ iq iq 10 O O O O i-h ^ '^ ci^-TM CO c^' -H M M * m" ^ cirMrf a * i lO t^ O (N O "O OC •* 3rtiO(~-OCO(M-HC<5 o>oo e©r^o CO o O OOOOtOiOOOOOO O COiOO^t^OOOOO c»5 OOOOiN* Tfi CO (N CO t^ ■* >0 Ort ooo ooo oco'oococii^ooicoooor^'O OiOCCC^Ot^C^lOiQCOOOOiOOO 0OrtCOiCn'COr-icOt>0'*OIO)rtT}<'-i'-H E a- OOiO COiMCOiCO CO-^r-HOt^ o»o NiOOO -^INCOCOO COGOMOCO lOt^ (N CO .-H .-I t>._^-^ ^_OJ (M Tt< O^O LO t^_^iM ^ co" cf ofrt" i-Tof r-Trt" N C-l 00 " -g O O O C'l CO O O ' CO rt CO X o o ■ 00 ri 'C>lrH00OC0t^O0000Ot^t>O 0(Ni-OIMiOO>0 0(N 4OC0:« c s • ■_; o o ^ -^ w ..5 . !Kr>^ o cS ! o — 15^ Ot •t^^ Sijfi ^ CK -£ d g ^ C • C G -tS . to » o T 'C a; - 1-1 o w-i K -/ 'A ■; 2 !=: f '"' t: — «^ ^ .^ a; W^ E ^i « ?- X ? 3! 'S! 'S! -7 ^ M ►i !t! >S! C R 01 ^ " ;siN o S y o r-cTt ■dtS ^ ^ ,^ c I d 3 -.5 C - C ^3 ^ M-R-i^ 73,4; g 0~'3 C -^ -S ^ a; O^ 3 3 . O O >c3g t: a; M CQ 02 CO E-i H E-i J3 O J- 5 o c g 2 S C - ^ u S « - ~ Q O S 3 C O. :_ t_i c_ ^. '-^ o u ■s ^ 230 Congregational Year-Book. U210 iCOOOO X '^ ;0 O Tt< ■* cc rt i-i 1-ieo >C 10 ooooo (M t^ C^l O O 00 ■*ooocoocoeo OOOOOOOOOOO^OOM^ OOOIN^COOOO oo;ooooooiooooooOr-i Oi-KNi-HOOOOiOr-KN ,-(,-((0«0«>00liCOCO'-i-*'-i'-i-^-^«50000INO'-ii-i>-HiOMO OOO-^COiOOOOOOOOOCOCO-^MiCO'-' O O .-H (M PI OOOINIMWOOOiOOCOOOOOCOMOOOOOCC^O OCO(N'-iCOOOOiOOOOOOOOOi-iOiOOi-i 0O.-O(N (NCO'-OC)0>-i00-*iOO00rt< rt C^ .-ICO --I 01 t^oot^coo>oioiNoooooc5r-(c;co^co»-iOiOO— '-^ (Mi-It- COlOT-HO^fTtlOCCCO .-( ^ ^ Ol '-I s s . o o^ g S £ tT^ C d 3 j (D 3 S c o o a K ;3 +^ o OS 2; O) o ■ ^ 2P=: SS at ^^ c o.i; =- ^i3 3 -a m I» CO • CC « (/3 W =2 3, 2 — OK Wk5 . O .1^+^ ° ^ Ca a c o ■ • ^ tC 02 05 c3 ►?■ ■ 03 » (£.2.2 S 8 S.S.2 2^2^ ) CO CC ( I oc c:. ( ; CO oj < 11^ X I • 05 IC X I C5 CD (N ;t^x X 02 T-l rt o o CO Xl> X (M ffi CO C X CO CC CO CO .-I X X X X X CO X C CO ^ (M(N t^ t^ X X r- CO »0 C CO N t^ cr CO t^ CO I> t^ t^ C I^ a ^ c3 Pi 5 O e3 w_, < 03 03 5?'e3 rt o; rt cj ^ ^(NO -1^ .-535 ^03 c3 o dJ ~ O be V .^^ a^^-s- ■^■^X^ C C C C VI '^ U' u . isior- ■f^XiO 0 cc (N h - > HI O SiJ-^ Pi<' Pi -/«■"■* « -^^- ^ ■l31 3 •o "-3 Vh c3 a2o^ fe J H •O O < _ ^ 03 O ■" H fc< H o y « --2 rf 2; z6 § 1908] Statistics. — Maine. 231 fa * u : u 'A S S2 Um :ss oooocoooo o o o o o oo o o oo o o c o c c M oooooo 05 1^ OOOOONOOOOOOOOO (N lO O'* OO occ ; oc f^ »c X i~ •,:. c CI 5 S >o 5 c c; c c "fi 5: c_ io '-" lo x_ 5_ x_^ic o^c 1^ (M lO "O (N rH (M C3 CD 00 O -* t^ 'i* •* CCt^-* COCOMOOCOC0 IN O lOI-OiMOOOOCt^OOOOOiX OO'OOt^O 00 lO O ro O O "O O O LO O O t^ C O <0 r^ O 'O (M O -f O "H ■* C5 Ci CO CC N 03 O O O^O^i-H X M__0 01_ -<.^'_CO 0_^tD ■^ l^rtiM(NO-<*iiOOO'-iiOOi-i'-(50(N COOOOt^'O OOOiMiO t^(N lOCCiO OOCO ^r-lOfOrHrH ■OOO OlO>O^^OOOOOrt(N«000'-^0»0 iO CO O CO N ri IN (M t^ iC t^ to O O -HIM ooo OOOOOCOOOINOOOOINO oooooo ooo OOOOOCOOOOCJOOOOiOt- O O O O IN O «@ XOOiOOOOOt^CCOCOOOO -1 IN t^ — X ^ OOt^OINO INrHCO (NCOO OOOOOOiOOOINCOOO^Ow r-HOOXXO ooo ox O OOiCO OOXOOOOiOt^ OOOOt^O OO o»ox o lOcO O r-iiOLOOOt^OOiOOO •^o ■* CO-^COXiOfOO-^OOOt^ i-H CI T-i CO --( CO lO IN lO M ^ CO "t oco bC C 3I-.I-H o rt o . s « k; w » r M m IS . 01 fl 5 2;o I— -IH <(< tC o3 Q m' '■^S 4^fi tCi-^ c^ ?-s ■ 9 r5 » . -P • ■~ ~ L^ lJ '-' S S o3 p^i-j -;^ rt »-;■ QOESgCcS§'^^^Qgp:z£SSQKSt? E- £ '".d'i S^.2.c3 :Z' o 2 o 2 :2 O ■3 si cj si 53 05 -*^ ^ — :: 03 CS o o o r: i-^ v^ it - « 5 3, li ...._ 8§' d c c c w S o^c z 0 3 0 «©"-«© 0 05 ."u o" B M c 0 0 a <=-- 0 Cd g dT '2 ^ g 0 Is 0 •-'^ ox '-' ^ flS^ £ i^a-^- . S ^ cb-cOg 0 3 J3 00 5 ++ i c3 s *"=-i-i •-^ rr > i|s|l| 0 n 0 0 kI 01 ^ -. - -* • -s ■-• W IB K c c 0 rt Hi ■a 10 02 Q S 0 0 0 -5 0 „"§ 0 =« cco_^ l4 (U U ^ ^•Epq.S^t: i-H s t,-^ jj»j5 X)iH d X a u > W ^ y-i "-^ a-^^i^ IN £ « o««S-Tf ° (N n ^ ^ - i c> ii3 s ^ J Z-^ - M .5 — '"' ^ (^ 52 .-S ■^Kfl ^. -.S o , < " . — I OiO p, p Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 rSO* CD U fcDM O cj O o ■^: 3y=i c o OCO iO(N CJrH o IN IM l> -* 0(N o oc CO OJM iM a OO O a 00 (M 1-1 o 1-1 i-H 1-1 '~' o (N 05 (N "O 10 (NIN Ol > O 2 o g g-^ ■e s-s w O GC o -^o •* O CC 05 05C t^ 05 CO 00 OOO GO - Pm - --R-c e 3 I co=2 -S '><* fU m '' -Tj-- ^ a: '^ 3 o S H >, ^ 2; " < fi S H H ° ^1^ fc S g K tj e- d "5 0(M 5 ^.-^ ;c/^' ■ ci ^5 ^-..« CC O O BcogS 12; o 1908] Statistics. — Maryland. 233 o o c o i ' ""* o o o_^ ! jqaCI JO """V u5- in" ^H m Q oc c o o H spunj g o JU31UJS3AUI O Id ^— ^ (3 o ^ o o o > Xuadojj c "v c «r qoinqo sniEA. (N en * t>. S 1"" * H0jnii3 JO c C-. cr- < U01J03J3 31EQ o"" oc o CO o •D13 'XjCJEg c oc «; o CO lO r>- aanjipusdxg ^ ■^ 10 — 3UI0JJ o ^■~ £_ lO CO CC •-s (N ^ »o I^lOX ■»!■ C3 oc O S3UUEq3 CO " "VO ¥} . w 1— t c ptyi.jaisiuij^ (N o o 1 •3og 'qn,! puB (N U 2 •S -S "^uoo m o~ o o td uoijEpossy «© y b Id •ssii\[ "uiv lO o lo CO z lO u SUOISSIJ^ CO n suioH «e 00 O iC o •3pia H3Jnq3 ai> lO o o noneonpg o~ «oco lO suoissij^ CI '~ uSiaioj •uiajM •sauapog o s,3id03j Suno;^ c^ CO LO Siaquiaj^ 00 00 »c ~ u o o a u > c ^ tT •< Q Z V i c a s. *n 07- ^ S3 > 3 o '^O s +^ tc "a! o 56 S "5 'C u c5 C_ Ci^ c s ^ m u 1 = 1 u OS D 1 £ fl -- ^ £? u "K lu ; s r 2 i< "2 3 1 pa feH • K ^K§ ^ «^ c 1< n^ (N a: < o -C ^^ c ^ o o ^ rl: K^ ^ o t- 9& (_ rr ■^ O CO «-^ o r/T ^ n > (J OiOOC3C>OiOOcoC)OiOOM-t<00(M>C':t<0000(NiO(NO»0000>0'OOCO OINOO;DOiOCOO'-(iOC501'^(NIM'-it^tOC»OOCOOOOilN(NO(M©02001>OCO (Ni-H Tjl (N rt O) i-H CO (N C^i-H>-li-l i-l rH M ■^ i-H iH i-H i-H OOt0OOO'-iOOC0OO'-H'-iO(NC0C0O>-it>.C0OOCC(Mi-iiMC0Oi-iC0OMO«0 1-1 CI (N'-i(NO»CO(NOO-*'-iOOr-O(Ni0-iOOCCi00»C OOOOOOOOOO-mOOOOOOC^OOOOOOOOOO^OOOOOOOO * CO tJ i-iNOOXOC0010(Mi-iCOCO'0005IN(NOO'^iOOr--*^Ort'-nOOCO)000-i'-iOCCCO-rfOOCOOCOOOCOi-i'*; lOi-HOCMiOO s ' C5 C lO t^ CO O CO ; CO (N 1-H .-H (N ) 02 CO lO Tt< t^ CO (N 00 -H O-hO- ' .-( X I^ ( ■ O X CO ' ' CO c c/: ( ) rt t^ CO ( . GO CO -f 1 ! CO O CO I 1 M -t oj i< es eu G^ ^ Y, a < ^ >. j3 a o 1-5 3 o j> 'a « l-J -- --H • - faQi b ^ s _.-t: ^^"e^S^^..s Kr^W-s -►^ 1^-75 r-O t, 5P 0) O ^,i^ F^ M ^ F^ _■ "i ,^ SK-., WHO. 5" 03 d^ w '-' ^ r-" t- JO o3 M c; ^ -c S ^ ^ w m g ~ SW ^ a 9"^ tf ia:i ^^3 O 03 . S c3 c3 QJ Qj OJ MQQ ?: s rt .2 t- OS . CO ..CQ I 05 01 I CO CO ■ 00 00 CO O O) 05 T-l 1 05 ■>:*< CO '-^ CO ( 00 00 t^ OOOOC I -fi CO CO ) 01 O) 'M • OC' CO cc t-»T-H CO CO ^ O t-^ C-1 -* LO C: t^ GO 00 00 lO C>1 05 O < CO -f C5 CO C CO M 00 t^ C > 05 CO 1.^ CO ) 00 t^ lO O CO t CO CO Ttl I 00 00 t^ I ) o •+ o t^ 1 -+ lO O IM ! 00 CO 05 00 << <; < s .- ho "a a 0 •TJ '3 '3 a> §5 Pm ^ >> fl s 03 ^ . 03 a <(! ^ > I- . . O - "C Oj 5 -c t. tC CC tC r/> C3 ~ a pi . si T-piHMcG / ^- ^ >.S2 •, 03 1908] Statistics. — Massachusetts. 235 iqaCI JO 'JuiV spun^ )U9UnS3AUJ ooooooooocccooooooo oocooooooooooooo o o o o OOOOOOOOMOOOOOOCOwO icooooomoot O O lO -^ ( » O CI o > lOOOOO OO o ooo OiO o o o OO o o o o o o o o o o o »c c o o o OOOOOOOOOt^OOOO O O O CO >o C_ 0_^0_^O^tD O^O^CC^iC icToTc^'cTio' o' o"o o * lo o uo o CVI IC t-( l-H I-l lO IN T-H TJ> OO o o O M o o o__io o c o o OO c < OO o< OOO! i So ooco OO OO iC o o o .TtOfflCOiOOCO'-iCO'HC(NCOC2 ' O-HINCC'-iLO'-iCOCCHO lOC-lO'tOCCi-i rO'-i t^O"-! 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OOOOOOCOO OOOOOOOO COOOOOOO CO OOO O OOOOOO'OO'O OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OO OOIC c ~^ .« ^ ^ ^, ^•. .r, r/^ ,-> 0,0 o_^oo 00 cc IN c-i, o_o_^o_^cqo,o,o cc^ ^y^^ "'.o^^ "^ C-fi-^'i-T ■*" r-T "t O'co'w'fO'rH'rH'r-T Nr-T COofr-T Cvf ooooocooco-^ocooocooo OM'-ot^'ooicoooci— oo ccoo--r~ lO r^ in — 1 o c CO o cC' 00 o o o o •* CO CO o o ~ -^ c: i- t~ r-i C5 c -i o o cc^ o: oi o ti o eOCO'*i-it^lOr-i-it--.COiOOCOOi-i CO__CO C0__ O CO X CO_ -t CO o ci o_ c_ o o_ w co^i^_^ o,ct o *^ rt■"^-^-(^^■~^"'rt'~ i-('oco"co' of M ic o6~i-H ic o'oj'co''4< Tji'ic c-i cioi-i'tzi -^"co' IN rH rH C0IMC000C0r^rH(M00ClO05i^ t^iNOCO COOOiNLOt^t^ (NO-H C0Q0IN"*O 00 ""' ■ " Ot^THC0OrHrtCOOOOrHOOOOOOrHOOOCOOOOOOOO ^ rH C.l->.01i0O'*0>00t^rHi0C0O "•HO IN 1-1 rH r~ ■* CO r^C0O'*rHOOt^(NO»0rHt^t^C0CC'NC;iOC0t^C0-*l-0X0lrHC0lNC0 rHrHOCO-^lNCOrH COOCOCOrH IN l>0»-OCOCOCOC5rHrHOOOrHr^'ML'5COOO(NCOO COrH OCO'l^TJHQCCOlNCOrHitlOr^rHCCCOrH as CJm rHiocOOOrHCO-^OT}iOO(NOOiOnO = '*-*rtio;00-*iC-^«OOcOOrtC O IN Ol rH IN O C CI O CO (NrHOa " _r " o " 7j c fe- ^ O bC ~ 311 t, 9 «3 ^"^ O O t; „- § f^ § fe^ .2 fl Sei 3 hZ ci _- rH f_; o o 1 o Q u^ D c ^ o c a ^ 2 R-i:^=3 O 3 a " "2:3 .COQ^ 5:3 .c. i3tf-i> > Bite:- ::3 -^ O ]0<>\ 238 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 iO»CiOOOiCOGO»0000 t>r^t— 'Oior-'-ic«5i-OCOOiCiOCOCO 0«00»0 X500 Trrrot^'-ncO'O'jtoooot^coiot^o ioi-icxn imo«o ^ I-lr-HCJrH (-,£^1^^^ <£) ^^ Ifl COCOCO iO'-iMffliM(NCO(M>OOC10'* (MOOiOt-iCO(NOOOOt>-"*OiCiOO»0 t^O>-iC0 Or-iiO (N O O ^ O rH o t^O OI> O Oi-H (N (N O(NOC0 t» 1-1 ^ i-H T}< O rt O 0>0 •* O O O t^ CO i-h O«0iN(NOC0O(N ■<)*000 O O O O O O O O «C O O O 05 O O 00-*l>CO rH rH i-H (N IN ^^ Tjl COCO(M^ OCOCO iC'*(NI^-HCOeOC0(N'* t» CO IN O i-H 10 02 (COO-* O5O0-* T-HOt^ .-iO(N t^ 1^ O C) (N CO t^ 00 t^ t> CO CO r-oicoooioococioO'-HCO iCOOiOOfflCOONOiOOO-^iWCOiOOOCOOO TtOi-ic^o)t^^(Mfflo^c;cr. o r-l 1-1 i-< (M i-l(M Tirt,-l 00 lO o 0 •* CC O CO IC rt T-( 00 O M CO r^ 10 lo- co 1010 5C0-*iO5O00'O(MC! t^'OC0ai'-lrt(M-t<0)iM(MC0(M^(Mr^(NO i-iO(MCO 5C0.-i>-iC^C/3t^C0Ol OCOOO-*t--iOt^-*(MiOC^iOOC- T-IOC003 1-1 1-t CO CO IQ to rH 1-1 10 NCOCD 00 05D (N CO CO OOCOIMh-iOIMQOCCt^tD-*-HOOCO'-''-iOO C0(N-rti(NC0tB(MO iMiMt>rHCOC0-*(M00 t^iOt^ m Oio 00 o __^H_r-l pq CO-*»OiOiMCCtO(N pppocpoio 00 w • i^ .Sfd 2 « ■£ K "oj H 2t.^(:3bCa-_S3 } ^ > ^ l^ ^ Si 0 H ^ ' SP"^ ^ —' o -^ o S ^ ( •< J 1-5 1? O hij^J cc <; y2 ^" fcT 'J3 ci O c ^ aj o --.* rr ri ^ H- 1 r/1 p.i j.qr^ tu cjK g 03-3 -So f^S CQ 03' r/2 -S "K c3 •a g P a, t, JJi— I -. -a>Sa- §23 3d^ cl 0 _- i-M ffl r^ « 0 S 71 3 -.; e3 bC o3 CO »5 :=: .2 c3 cS"" ^g1«^ gw, aj c3 O ^ C— . -g (S to o ^ a g O o !h o S o3 c3 I >o ® ) CO 00 ) CO CO CC CO 00 o >o 00 00 00 01 o CX3 CO CO 00 CO t^ CO < 010 ! 00 ©• )COTt3'? 0=3 c3 f^ <^ fl d S " 0) o o ^ 03 o3 q . " M C -M S r ff> ^- o) S m o "^ ti -t-^ -^ C " ? fa c3 oc3C50jpf^0503cot^ioor^ o o»-0(MC!00cr-0(Z;ooococoo.-iC>cocot^cC'* -M c-i CO ^ o lo CO o 'O o cr. i^ v: ci o O' c o. o o >o -t" c. o .-H_t^ (X_o_o__ci_o_io -f o t^ -t !Z> C-- 'X' X;C cr^o_^c; t^_iM_co m S 5- OOO-^C- CO t^O(MOO CO C-. -t< Ol >0 Tf CO iC CO O CO CO -*< C^I "O CO >o O O O -f o_ co^r-^i-Tt-'Lo'co"" o" .-r(NC>f rt o' -t IN O O iC uo ^ *— * »— I »-^ a! t^^o-tr-.-HO— iioo-^i-H O 00 O O CO ■* lO r-i ,-1 .-■ t^ ICO'-^MINCO O ^ >-'5'»*-0(M-^cocoior^coo -, t^OCiCOC>IO-tOC5 O C5(M e# o th c-i t^OC005>C^oc^'-it>''*0'- 1-1 oo M CO 1 >OOOCOOCOOCOOOOO T}< O O t^ 00 T-l (M ^00 ^ (N(NOOOCOOr-<(Nt^OOOOOCOOO'OCO(NOOCO'r-o-*ol-:. loO'-H-f'Oiooc COiOTj0OOOC0OL0Tt< ^Tt. C — c3 rf a; o'S, . Id - pq_5 t^^ j_ cj p:!^ -H •;= G^^=^ c g o fc ^ S 0) w^-S WC' =^ s cii abi ;:::;=:KKCi Ci-^Q ^.1- '0CKS-5^^^0C3 c3 Oj o •a • c: o • ■ OT -5?rKO C C J= o ChSQ ^5 S (O ^-'5 s. « S, ryj !- rt to ^ S - Eo^ca^»£c^ll d 5 c 0-3 . o o •mca CO t-H o s n o o (1) »J d br >> 53 - -u ^ Sd 'a !ffl C5 -1 e - u" o'S -£ ^ "^"^ "3" o Sc > _ S ^ S^ 0 — T) c 0) C c " ■ ^^ 3 Ok!*.* cj<;^ .5 o^P-i>-'P"-< o o 3 3 5 - - . fiffio - - = 240 Congregational Year-Book. [1908 OOiOOiOCliOtOOOiOOOOO— iO'0(NiOOOOiO(MCO(MOOONOOOOi-'COt-40'C O'Ol^O-*'*<;0CCC0iC-^OOO'7-iC0(»MO00Oi0OC«5»OO00«DC0(N00O'^ CO"-!.-! (N'-ITJICO'-li-lT-HCCli-Hi-l (NiHCO'-H-^CIi-l 1-1 iOOI>OOC'-iC)OOXrHt>COOOOT-iO(NOOO'HCOOCO'-100«OOiNOINOOOOO O^OrtOOrHOC^OOO^GOOO-*OOrtiM(NOOO(N(N(Nr>-»00'riOOOOOO"*0 l^OOi-iO-^'-iOOOOOOO'-iOOC^OONeOOOOlNOiCO-^t^.iOJOOOOOOO t^co-*'^'*ioooooro»oot^O'Hi-irHO"i''*c^oooi^»oO'-iooO'ooioc'50cO'-i(N (i^ i0'0(NrtOOi-iCDCO'-HOO'OOOI^OiN»000(NTjH(NO»OC^ O'0C:iMOO'-iO(N( )00»OOCOCO(NCOWOOa>(N(MC/3^0CC'-HO(Ni-HOO-*0 O Ci lO "-H 01 C<5 CO ' ■ cor^(N(N Ic<; 03 1 ) -H CO CO M C (N ^ CO C/j N Ci < )Ol^OC0O--iO CO i-l t^ O -H ( )C0 to l>(N 00 ' CO "* s ° oqPhoS . <" a S CI S o U Q -A ^ow t, 03 -; J5 , i2 ^.P< rt - to ,- £ S m !- r- -n 0-0-5 g 2 s o ?: i=i g O . ? "12 Ji"' bC m o - ^^ g^« ^.;g; J OS S ^ t-. -a at. 4 0/ .•3 ^ ■:: _o^ i; ^ g o n 33 -d cu biD^ ,«3,5i O d-iS-^ r"o so o3 c3 ci a ti O) I> o a-q :OQ E ri ai OJL-" I- K'-o ^-r o..|d=^ ;ffl -, _^K^i-; 20H S £ !5 ^ •; > O ^ -fj oS^ "S S o ^ oSn 0; r*! bC^ ^ 3 g g £ g £ -73 ^ ^ - O tc S- J^.S^ d &! 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CO'tW OOOOCOOMO00O0O0000O0OOO0OOOO0OOOOOOOO0'*O 00000>OOrtOOOO>OOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCC)0 OOOOXOiCfOCOt-^OOlb-iO'Ot^OOOiO'OCOt^cOOt^OCCCCOiOOlOt^CC'^CiOOOiCO ^ ^ 01 (N O X aw r^Cr-HCiCt^'O-HO C0C0OO0'"JCC''0OOOr^COO«5r^OOO'-0L0MOt/DC0iX>iMOOC>O^ oaici-fCJc»cit^C5 0-*c)o;eo'too;coio>otcai C1-*XC0»0 CO CI 1-1 Oi-hCIX rHO-^dCOiOi-i^COt-l t-( iOOC<50t> t^ «©C1M ClrH ■rlTt<(NOWTtoo5^cio^o h «© ■* ,-iCllOrH (MrtdrHT-l CO OfHlON>-< S ocoot^t^cocoO'tOrtr^©cico-*i-'5xo«5toioooiocoo;o5Xi^ooi>oooio»oooo t^ CI rt^rtrt i-HdCJCl l-Hi-HOO-*!^ t^TH OCOC^ X.-lC5^rtCOlO r-tr^ ^ i-l r-l CI rH CO CO x^ Uco sS XOi-HOlXOOl-^iOCOX'-OOX'-iiOClCDOlOOSX'OOlXCIi-iXi-idClXiO'OCOr-iOOl'tO rt CO ^ CO --H <0 O I XOOC5'-iOiO'+ir-<0'OiOCOOOt^X'*t^COOO'OX005-^0>OOl^OMOX xcow iOOt^!00300'**t^X»OCOf^l^C)XcDcO^'-iOCOOsCSCqt^XX-*ClCl'Or^^OX CO^iC Cli-lCl— i "-I COrHOO i-lrHlO-HrH i-H lOi-l|>rHC0'-l i-H fl a; "S "m 3 tfi OJ HH 4) S << &H P: t^ +J tc sS ^ S C^< :.= c ^-5 Ph. S.5^ -5 i) H ^ ?"5 r ^ (u , -; -Tt I-H -7', . a C Cr-, « m rf . 5J p- ,5^ iia| ^ H trf "^ ^ L^ . 1j tj J— ' M QJ , ■OS P3 3 ! > d ^~ ■3 M-t; c ^ s c 03 ^ 0 o > .^ 11 £ ^0>^i^ 5 ■3^ 0'3 Nill J B tL. Q a S :?: -rtK'S-3'^ ""^ 5'-'w ^ s 33 rt sS. OOOC . SM 3? kS c3 O OO o o; 1 Jils -| _ O-O0O3 oJ o o oooo O "fl 5 03 > 5JS c3 e3 y3 Q Q 242 Congregational Year-Boo^. [1908 rt>0 COOOOOCMOOOXiOTl'OiCCCiOCOC^OiOM'-iO'^OXOiOOOOOO ■C«5t>-COOOOOMiOOCi-*OiO'-nOK>rtiOO iH »-( i-HrtNTjl .-IrtlOi-KNrtr-IIM'* 1-lrH COIQ '^(N O^S OOOrH(N-^i-ii-icOXiOO-^(NiO(M'-iOCOO'*-*tOaiNO N 1-1 T-( OO OOOfN'HOOOt^i-H^OO'-HOOOOC^t^OCi-it-KOIXN^rtOOOOt^^OOOO OO OOOi-HOrOOOOOOOOOOrtOOO-^OOOOOrHOOOOOOOOrttOO OCO CCiiO(NTtHOOt^05iMi-i»00-^COOOt-0-*00(NOrHOiC(NOOO CJ^5 lO o r- O lO (MM (N-:fO0 (Ni-i C<50-H(Mt^T}(- >OOC0OiMOOOXO-*l>O 0>-i OO C«30'HOCD>-icO(NOOCi-HrtO»000'OWOMi£i000 01X'^00(NOO--T}<0-*>-'0 £ ^ _rH_ (M,-! o OOOiM'-HCOJOt^C<)OOT-(OCSIOOO-*Tf'y. (Ni-iiOr-,(M(NCOOOOCCi-*COtDOE to-* ) r^ C5 lO (M 00 ( >0(NiO^IN )0 02 1O O-^ 1 CO C3 --I GO 00 < (M Tt< ,-t ,-1 CO (N CD rt OOOi-HCO 1-1 (M O 03 rH IM < o CO CO t- ( i 00 00 rH 1 CO N CO CO OO lOiC r^O(N t^(N to T-i (N (NOO »oco o ^v i . '^ rid 1^ '"' fe CU S ?<= b.5 i=J'^ C^r^ ii .5 o ? ^ C ^ ^ p: ^ „ :ri,^ ts: o t< -/; C 11^ 9 S*-^ u^ m ^ o "C 3 t- 1; " C 03 -III ••a u 1-5 Id sl- ::5-^ -r.o ^<§ 'i ^ffi rfr* O S cc L^ oj cj (U CD PQ c3fi.tO=^ 0> ^^ 'OTi O^ CS ■^ (D fl r; O •— :"■ <:QC1 ;£w- w^ f^ fl 2".w ,0 '^■§ ^ a^ ^ t~» c OJ O Hi OGP c3 oj ^ F5 ^ -^ wc O o3 ::3 o ^co r-00 00 ^ t^ 01 CO C-1 -+ CO oor~ X t^ r^ CO CO lO -* C-1 iO(N r^oo C3 10 CO (M CO O M 01 IM 00 'ti rt X CO X t^ X CO X t^ X CO X CD X r^ CO '^ ^ c O 05 O 05 ' X X O t^ C • -t X ) o c }Xt^ ^C0O3 (N CO^ XXX O X X 05 N X O CO X ffi X t^ X X X lO Ol o t^ xt^ QQ !>>c3 JS to S-B fl 3 fl QP 5 K "S . (S fl o o ■ -^t. >^-- fl t4 k. fl j!J tc CO 3 03 c3 QWW n C3 0) --3 we t. -p . O m +3 -U 0< O 2 ^ cs o c^ ° S 3; ~hJ g 03 d WW t §2 '^ -■ is s i> S ^; wwwwwi ^ -s,s,s WW 1908] Statistics. — Massachusetts. 243 |«1 occooccoooooooocococccccc O OOOO lO t-TlNcf't CD CCOCOCOC-OOOC oo oo ^,3 oo oo (NX OOCTrOOOOOOCOOiOOOOOOOOOCCCOOOOOMOCOOON ooooo o i^ oa>OC>M'*X CI CCOOCO -£^~(^-~--~~-~ t^"l>0 o'"""'"""'t^t^'''"''~~'"~C2'' ~o coocccooooooioc ccc— oooooooooococc oo O S| o oiMOOOcco-iiXOCO'-iO^MOOOOa<_»o_(N^oo_o_o_c:3 in^ o lo oq_^_'0_c_-* i^^-<^»o c-i.c-i^o t^ m ■* o^r-^o o_(m_(n j^ NO 6© CO OOOOtO»OOOrHiOt^ON(MCO(NON'*GOC>'1>Ou:iOOC<3XOCO(MOiOCOCOCXt^-^OC''^ coco '-io-*'foO"*ifOGOcot^r^>oooiooo(NOOco-t-^ r-i(N(N-*r-(-*COC^OCiOO Ol 0(Ni-i COiOOiO-* »0 !0 •*•* Cl-^tO 1-Hi-H i-H M CJ CO CO I-H 00 rt CI «s Ok ,°s lOOCcCOClClOaOOOiOi-HOOCOt^iOOiOiCOOOiOOiC-HMOOt^OOOiOiOOO rt.-ii-iC)C5COU5iO Tt0OiOOd0O'COM-*O COiOOOO'-i(NO ■<50G;i-i05i0CCC)r^i0»0r-(L0>-ic0OO OO'-H>.OOOO'--0 00'OC«3^©rtTHOCO-'^INO'Oei5(Ni-ieOi-i(NOO S iMO-HCOOC^fNOiNOlNTrCCOi-HfNCOT-irtOW-^^^OCOCOCOiOOOOi-iNOIVCOrHrti-H >|3 Wi-KOOCOiNasiX>i-icOO;»Oi-HOCOOCOOffi(NiOCOt^t^Oc005CO >0"*a)l^NOOOC0»-^C-l»O:0'*C0-*(»-*C~^^T-HO00Ot^lNi-ii-i>-i0)Ci^'^C0C0i-0C0iOCD C-)i-l'*INlO'^ CO'-I r-lrtr-1 COlMi-ICOi-Hr-HrtCqT-l rt oooi^t^r-Hoooioo2i-iooot^'0-*iocoo5iotoioo2co-Hcoooai!r)Oioco(Nooooot^coio t--OCOOi(MCOt^t^^-*COOOCOC')C00203'-^(M'-iCOTtHOQOt^(N(MOO-t- ^^s -; o^^ O) o ' S: += ; o b :J3 2 a= >-:t! b ^ ►£ rH r T Oi ►_, '^\:cd ^.i5^/^oi-:<'j: 0) ^ X O 5 Sr^ »• "^t> •'-5 ,„^^*^ 02 Pi _o3 ^ ^ y rTi o _ 2 O^ gr^i >. lA-a P jlkiO 3' ^ -^ £ !-JSf=H'^ OJ D-i i*^ i ^ g o ^ g SqWow ^- . • . O '-C c3 TO O) ^ OJ — -t: fcH ,/^ »-< O — h, O C£ 0; tc c3 ci . Ok o ^- a; o-_— ^ u o3 0)'^ ,, d cc „ 9r ci :2^S5^ >.u c3 c3 Cw i-ri /~ A-i ^ '^ rr ill^S-iffl ■ kJ «! S cS CO c§::gcK§c§Kcei<»;ofa ) CO X I ! t^ CO ■ ^ * 2 osoa c ►* - ■02 O ) (N •* O ) CO ffl 05 i2S ® o: O I ^ 05 CO < I^ CZJOD ( ' O iM t^ --< CO ! i» CC ^ CC -t ■ 00 I^ t^ t^ t^ -f lO i-< -^ oc r~ 00 r^ ■* CO t^ c CO 03 01 1 CO 00 t^ < ) Tf< 10 OD (»t>-CO to OtO lO CO tOX O XX Sf Urn pS 10 R cu > S t^iOOXOiOC.CCrtC:C<505(N'OC<5(NO'^I^'*I^X'M'^05CO^OCOXC-. tOOlOiOC OiOWN r-i(MXtCI^COI^^OtDXCl'*COi-iC«50t>.t^'^Tt" iO>OXO-^iMCO'*rt0050iM'000005fOOt^OtOt^'-^--OXi'5XO^ — -^t^-^-^OOr^ lOIMC^I ^Tt<05X CO 1-H rHCD-^M rtCO'-iX'-iX t-hOX (NCO CC'0iNOO»0 0:Ot0"*OOi-0i0 ^ OiO >OXXi-(i-it^ lOINNiO i-ii-i rtit^i.OC-. COC^ W'* lO— t-ic^lrtioo ■^r-(NCO (N (Mi-irtiOCO (MrH '^ONIvOt-iOOi-tOOCOOJOOCaCltO^OiOtOXiOOi-iOOOOOOCOO^iOOOlCOC^ »OOtDX(NCDOX»OiOOOO(NOO(M'*CO(NX01^0^01CO(NiCOClTfiiOO'OC:50005CO ^3 COTf tO'* rt CO Tf COiOOliM^ t^TtiiCrt(Ml^O>CCl (MtOiO "e0'*tO»O(M lOOJ-^tO IN (Ni-i<--OX(M'^ lOCOt^'*COOO»0'*Co o ti; c too "^ -= a gQK_ar. - ^ ^^ 5^^ ^■s-^ c c'- 6k = a .^«Sti WP^r-^ r^ . "T v-^ i- - U ^ J3 1) 01 ^ -"^ ~ - Q C . c^ ::: — wS b» ^ ■'^ i — ::: > X V, 5j . i 5 X c — - '^ ^'S ^ •/! kS M ^ --0 3 _a; < ■£ <: >.,_C; g ^ O Ji -- o ,0 ; a* *j to ■3 S as - cS « ^3 O -— o - u. >H IS 4) rs -5 - „ d (U CO OO g fl c3 o 00 o o I-- ^ ^-o^ - -PC -co O O 00 ■o^i £ '2 - 5"3 offi d d d 246 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 OOOOLOLOONiO iOiOOI^iOGCOOOOiOC<3iOOOMOOCOCOC^10iO»0(NO C>t>-OiOiOO r-l 1-1 (N ■* lO CO (M rH ClOOOOOOT-HTjiOrH.-HC.Oi-iO(NrHO(N-^,''X 000000003 cOOi-iOOiOOOiCO(NOOCOCOOMOiMOO>OOOOiOOOrHrHt^ ,_( r-1 rH 03 CO rH 100 cD(N>0»0Ci0OOC ) 10 O 0 CO t^ 03.5 > CO "Ot-i ' COl^ CO < (M CO 1 ) rtl O 00 t» ( < '^ 000 rfii -JlTtl rH rH ) 03r^(M ) 01 CD O rH(M l> C^ 03GC < O IM CO to < T^ (NCO( ) O CO IN < ) O O rt< ■ rHCD 1 0 © lO I IM CD lO t rHC^ 1 rH O C CO CO O lO O CO < t^ rH CD 10 < rH 0-1 ( i05 ■ThCDCJrhOGOCT.i l(N 1* ,H^ rH r-< rH( _ ■ t- Oh O ■^S-^ ff fc s . o jccfe: 2^c3 . OJ On S 0) I- c >-'S. o O > O (D.S S K- o W3 &« ffi^Q^ ifeO 0Q Oj (U tH --2 '-'^ CD cS ■ — C&H _^ o S ^ c is >;§ ••- oT M ^ e !AhQ^ Ph b3 ■ 5S .Ph S — C >i tH M q3 J .^? C. 3^ S « t^ .^5 • wJ "3 • - ;=^ ; tH Ct> SO ko Qi ^ Q- tH ra ij _. ;W CI-- c3 o3^_5^ 03 c3 aj c3 I »0 ■*! CO 03 'i* ) CO Tt< CO iC oo ) t^ t^ QC 00 " rH CO CO (M 00 C3 03 03 O t^ 00 00 00 03 t^ »0 (M I^ iCCD IM O ■* O 10 00 00 00 1^ ■» (N »0 00 C3 O CO Tt< ^ CO tM 03 ■*< 00 (M t^ t^ t^ t^ 00 00 1^ 0 05 r^oo (^ 00 00 CDCOO ■* t^ t^ Tti CD 00 CO Tt< r^ CO oD 00 cor^ 03 00 10 •* (M c^i t^ M t^ 03-* t^ C0COrt< t> i^ CJ tl O 2 3^ 7D O O C3-H S - fi^ S tH- -^ -hSW o22 c3 c3 cj ,2^ ^'OiSr^J ^03*3 OJi-) ~ fi !3 e -Om j '^'c'0'0'0'0 W ffl W HH HH W Ph I-Lh hM PhHhWW i— I C aJ (u J3 OS +^ 0 ra ? d > - - M a> c; c:-^ c! D. o i3 0.2 fPoT 1908] Statistics. — Massachusetts. 247 o- "•? I« \ |1 "o o- > Si < j: u ^W ^ h . n i: « f tn OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoCJOOOOOOOOOOOOO iq^ q_>0^^ CO O t^iO § c^ IM lO l-H r-T rt lO rH* 1 OO CO ) OOCO o o o o o o OOOOO 000000000)00 CMO OOO OO O 0>0 OOri r- ic o "5 ""t o_^ o f~^ CO o o OO OO OO OOO OOO 00^ lo 00 t^O (MOO OCO-* OOO OOO ■^ O o OOO: O O O ( tOOC : O'r-Tu'fc 1-1 * q 0_ ■*_ "^ "O^ 0_ 0_ C_ 1-0 O C O iQ o c'ic'"x"'.'f of oflN o'l-i'iC 04 (N 1-1 o'o" t^'co'o'Tr'aj'co uo ic'l-:' ofrt" c c c o IQO OOO OOO OOO 1-1 r-(COl-l (M CO o -^rt* •OOJOOOt^TtioiNiMiNC^It^OOr^COOiOJGCOasMCOCO rtt^0)iOO:00t>.COI^Qnc5 rt rM^ ;P:??*£^?'£^i:''S'^F?F'O:*Ttoooo ogooooooocooimoioo fe 0_^'0 O (N 0_0^ 05COOCOt^>00(M(N'tO>CO(N'0 U:S pS _Tj«,-iTficcocot^-tc<5X'Ot^'tciicxeo'*oc50»ooc3t^i-i-*ooe<5TfTtt^oxO'*cciOfOr-iffooi(NOCiX'*i-((N C^I't'M CDOOIM-H COIOOON COcOeO i-i,-ii-i o; MCOi-i M (N oco>oooNcou:)iccoooo:iOi-i050oooo5cooooo®o»-*«3«oo>o ^(N CO (M 00 01 CO rH •* o M O5C0»O t^ CQ lO CO ■* ^ lO 00 CO CO IN »0 N CO (N t^ 1-H eot^ eo •-< ^ < *fcj k^ v_y g 0"*I>(MO-*OiOC^1000»OiO'*iOOCO-*OOt^^C;OCnOrHiOi-it^»OOOOCOCOiOOt--'*< se'tr^d 010COiOi-i(N lOOliOO OOCO 1-1 CO CO O OIN»H,H(Ni-H o (N(M lO iHOi-Hi-HiO»0 iOi-t i-itO OCOCOOi-i00050000C^i-HCli-i'-i'-i0500CO'*OCD'^"*iOCOtOTtCi-i t--.COt^»Oi-ii-iCOCOCOOO'-it^i-iCOCOCOCDOO OCOi-iCOl^OOcOOOJOJCOOO i-lN»H COCOCON rt ^i-l(Ni-( r-llOO rH 00 r^rt^r-l AAA A AA -T- • »J CJ rt ? ) _0 C3 g do » S C3 p— t P2hJ «^ .^ t- :3 Mo a> c ^ O i^ « . O O Ql ^s , ^ OJ 0£. OdSS^ Sii P'^ --M 2*^ Jii^ o o >■ ttJP-'H'o ti .. OJ > . 1-1 "^J J^^O >.H s- . . ■ b • c5 X K ^ « ^ _-; I. u QJ O 0) .flH 03^ — S * is « 5 zi c3 c3 O^CJ 2'-5 t- c "=^►^.2- cc>- 1-1 p- - c3 c3 •^ 2 ---a Q i-i(N H o -^^JS c S g a -&^ a^-5 A-nSA >> 00000 KM (U c3 •r' -an ^ 2^ S f/3 > 03 CQ - - bD QJ u 4) ~ -a^ a c :'^ w o3 c3 248 Congregational Y ear-Book. [1908 (NiOOOCOOOiOOOiOOiOOOiOOiOO rHIMOOOJOOOt^OOC-^COiOiOr-iOiNO lMi-l':l OiCL-OOOLTJOOOiOO OOOOOiOO C0 01COl-^COO(MeO-^C'-i^t>.N-*TtnO(N 03 0-*C5'-ir^.-lC-. 0':t*l--0>-iOOO(MC--00(N (NO-iC0(NC5 I> •^MiroOINX'-ir-iKt^O'-'^rtOOiOOOrti 00»OiO«0(N't-*COr-<0(NO0 I^ I^ 01 N O CI Oi t^ (N ^ CO ■>-< CO '-I Or-iT^OLOt^COOC^X MG0-^(N00^t^COCOI^ (M rt rt rt Tfl^ GC'CO «5i M (NCC c >0(N < )^ MOO CO ■* OO00X>O(MT)'S t--ss .-^ ■ Oj ^ ohO O O !3 f^ t-"-^ ^~ "o S c s sj ^ j-.^ c s ^ ., ' 3 oj.t; S^o' 2-; >.- -gjjf*, S O) J ^ !ii3-C''^03og^»^bD s> \-* u^ Lj — ^ ^ i^- Co ^^ '^ ^ oj fT( r" '■^J _j o^HS^aHogg^mg-?o:^g>^Qa tO-^ 3' 3 O i £p J O u 3 :iOfa S s o -^a ion _o 30' ;3 «c d ^3 -^^ o 5 o3 |3 ffi g e.2 :5-<-1c=^ 3 "E m XI oj2 75 i" ox: 33 CO CO CO CO CO t^ CO CO CO 00 OO 00 OC3©( 00 --H CO ( t^ t^ t^ ( ) OC t^ CO CO t^ O CO C35 CO '^ Tt< ^ CO O? t^ 00 t^ t^ CO CO 05(M(M t^OO M lOCO cooo t^ Tf lO C: I OC X CO t^ : I OO C5C ! to CO CO C : X 00 X C ' O ^ CO t^ CO I ^ r^ I^ C5r-I ) CO CO CO OO t^ CBf^Ht) -3 ■;: o g ^-^ .2 3 .--C^" T. rr. 7^ O H c3Pht-<-< a M_9 is 3 — J J^K^^J ^ ^ - C .ij fc. to 03 C ^ j^x: S^"^ e•- hi( H-t *, HH £/;' 03 3 u -^ C o ^ a> -S'^53 3M 0-3 O g-C c - ca , o 3 3 ■3 3 - - - .-a d 3 3 t< '2 r 2 g 190S] Statistics. — Massachusetts. 249 i«- iOOOOOO»COOOiOOO>OOOCO oocooooooc:ooc»o oooooo O *i O O t^ tv. C^ O O O C. CI o Ljja ■* 0_ O (M M C5_ iq^ O l--_ -o C^V 3a. o ^ aw C-3 MS UcS o .2 OOOOOffliMO 00 00c 00000 ¥3 "2 OOCO 00 00000 O O^ tDiOO_ 10^00 O^iO^O^iq^l-- 0_ OO00OOO(NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 000 r-l 000 00 O p.'* (>4_ co_ o_>-<,io o^ oq_ o__ or ■^ .-I CO -"t W O rl OOOOOOCOOOOOOCOOCOOOQ 000 00c O'lC oooooo 00 00 o o_ o^ o_^ o__ o_ iO_ o^ o_^ o_ o o_ iC o_^ t ~ o_^ :o_^ o_ o__ o^ lO c" o" "c to" o" ■^'' 10 o" S o' Li' o' cc co" c^ d" to o * IT* * * ;cn>-t^'-nowc3ococ0'-ioxx-*co .ipcs^oor't^iopppoopcco o O O C O C C 5 5 C '~ C-1 O O O O O O : (M O i-o Tl X C-l "M O X O CO 01^ O O W C^\, ^"^J :0 0' 0000000 000 ■ 000x0x0000 10 o ; LO 0_^i0 X x__t^ o_o_t^ o^(M_ q_ rcico'cf r-T I-T,-? ^"cvj"^" oooooo r-o CO o CO O' CI X CI CO--" e^ coooocofcoooocot^oo-ro>oco t^ X O lO CO r^ i.O O iC O O t^ lO t^ !•» t^ C: "-O CO'^CI-HiCXI^iOCOOCO C0__C0__CT_O_^C0_'O^__ CO ^'"io'co'~co'"'-<"ci''^"i-r Tf "-H rH CI CO o X o-^oiccio-icociLjcic^: ^000 w^ — u-or^coocoot-t~xocoo i2X2^:r^S (^) ^j ^ ,-4 co__o o_o CI t^_^o_r-_'0 x^ •* <^l^^'*L'^' R, iCtdrj" Ttr^-i-Tcf '-h'iC !0""*"co'cf t^ C5 1-1 CO ■^XX-^COXiOl^t^OCIOCOCOO'^CCO di-iciosxiocoNcoor-iooxot^or^ i-< lo-HCJiOiooci -^"^ t--»nxio OLOoiocioxco»-ido»-0'-ixOr?'Pfi$£'^S2 i0005>-i'*>0'*Ot^OOi-iX'<* 0C10C5 o X-*,-! 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