lftE7 z o 0) z hi m Q J < a: \ii o N h (A 5 o .^ " Praise ye the Lord ; for it is good to sing praisea unto our God. Sing nnto Mie Lord willi thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God." — David. IVINETKKNTH KDITIOJV. AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. VHU.JJDELPHM: NO, 148 CHESJVUT street. 1827. Stcicolypud !iy L ADVERTISEMENT. The favourable reception given to the preceding editions of the Hymn Book, by the friends and teachers of Sunday Schools, has induced the Committee of Publication to stereotype the work, that a constant supply might be ensured to the great and increasing demand.* Before giving to it such a permanent character, they conceived it their duty carefully to revise the collection, to ascertain if any improvement could be made in the choice or arrangement of the Hymns ; that they might be presented as perfectly adapted to the object of their publication, as it was in the power of the Committee to render tliem. Aware, however, of the inconvenience which would temporarily * More than 95,000 copies have been soJ