^at5^^,_ H^' -«2af ''%.•>;& .^^AVi^^ SEP 18 1914 Dtyisioa /o / Scctloci / / ^C *0d. -/ / ^': r^ ^"f V ^' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/analogyofrel1876butl ■■ ^ THE NALOGY OF RELIGION, TO THE TO WHICH ARE ADDED TWO BRIEF DISSERTATIONS? I. ON PERSONAL IDENTITY.— 11. ON THE NATURE OF VIRTUE. BY JOSEPH BUTLEE, RCL. Ejus [Analogiap] hjec vis est, lit id quod diibium est ad aliquid simile, de quo nou quaentur referat ut iiicerta certis piobet. — Quintii . 1. 1. c. 6. WITH AN INTRODUCTION, NOTES, CONSPECTUS, AND AMPLE INDEX, HOAA^ARD AIALCOM, D.D. PRESIDENT OF THE UXIVERSITY. LEWISBLB^J, PENXSYLVAJTIA. EIGHTEENTH EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LTPPI NCOTT cl' CO. 1.^713. Entered accordins to Act of Congress, in the year 1857, fcy J. B. LIPPIiNCOTT & C3. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. CONTENTS. PAGI Editor's lyTKODtJcrroN 6 " Preface ^.. 19 *' coxspectus 21 A.UTHOR'8 ADTERTISEMEyT 66 ** ISTRODUCTIOX - 67 PART I. OF NATURAL RELIGION. Chap. L— A Future Life 77 Chap. II. — The Government of God by Rewards and Punishments 95 Chap. III. — The Moral Government of God 105 Chap. ^V^ — Probation, as implying Trial, Difficulties, and Danger 128 Chap. Y. — Probation, as intended for Moral Discipline and Improvement. 136 Chap. VI. — The Opinion of Necessity, considered as influencing Practice. 157 Chap. VII. — The Government of God, considered as a Scheme or Consti- tution, imperfectly comprehended 171 COXCLCSIOK 18# 4 CONTENTS. PART II. OF REVEALED RELIGION. Chap. I. — The Importance of Christianity 186 Chap. II. — The supposed Presumption against a Revelation, considered as miraculous 202 Chap. III. — Our Incapacity of judging, what were to be expected in a Revelation; and the Credibility, from Analogy, that it must con- tain things appearing liable to Objections 209 Chap. IV. — Christianity, considered as a Scheme or Constitution, imper- fectly comprehended 223 Chap. V. — The Particular System of Christianity ; the Appointment of a Mediator, and the Redemption of the World by him 230 Chap. VI. — Want of Universality in Revelation ; and of the supposea Deficiency in the Proof of it 247 Chap. VIL— The Particular Evidence for Christianity 263 Chap. VIIL — Objections against arguing from the Analogy of Nature to Religion ,. 296 Conclusion 306 DISSERTATIONS. Dissertation I. — Personal Identity ..., 317 Dissertation II. — The Nature of Virtue 324 Index to Part 1 33S Lndex to Part II ... 343 PEIITCE': RtC. SEP i: ^-■ THEeLOGIGiL Joseph Butler was born at Wantage, England, May 18th, 1692, the youngest of eight children. The biographies of that day were few and meagre ; and in few cases is this so much to be regretted ai? in Butler's. It would have been both interesting and profitable to trace the development and occupations of one of the mightiest of human minds. But no cotemporary gathered up the incidents of his life, and now all efforts to elicit them have been without success. His father was a prosperous dry-goods merchant, who, at the time of his son's birth, had retired from business with a competency, and resided in a suburban mansion called " The Priory," still in existence. Being a non-conformist, he educated Joseph at a " dissenting" academy at Gloucester, under Samuel Jones, a gentleman of great ability, and a skilful instructor, who raised up some of the greatest men of their day.* It was while a member of this academy, and about the age of twenty-one, that Butler disclosed to the world his wonderful power of abstract reasoning, in his famous correspondence with Samuel Clarke, in relation to that eminent author's '' Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God." This correspondence is now generally inserted at the end of that work. Mr, Butler having deliberately adopted Episcopal views, and re- solved to unite himself with the Established Church, his father, with praiseworthy liberality, sent him to Oxford, where he entered Oriel College, March, 1714. Of his college life there is no account; nor of the time and place of his ordination. He removed to London in 1718, on receiving the appointment of "Preacher at the Rolls." His famous Fifteen Sermons were preached in that chapel, and published before resigning the place, with a dedication to Sir Joseph Jekyl, "as a parting mark of gratitude for the favors received during his connection with that learned society." * Among these were Jones, author of the admirable Treatise on the Canon of the New Testament: Lardner, Mnddojc, Chandler, Archbishop Seeker, who had valiantly maintained its defence, he quietly walked out into the camp of the enemy, and spiked every gun ! It has been said that the whole argument of the "Analogy" seems to be built on Ecclesiasticus xlii. 24: "All things are double, one against ihe other, and God hath made nothing imperfect." If it be so, it involves no disparagement to have received thus the seminal idea of this immortal work. Who else has so gloriously discerned and expanded the profound philosophy of the son of Sirac ? Others have uttered sentiments which seem to involve the whole exposition of Butler. Origen affirms that "he who believes the Scripture to have proceeded from Ilim who is the Author of nature, may well ex- pect to find the same sort of difficulties in it, as are found in nature." Shall we assign to Origen the whole credit of the "Analogy"? As well might we bestow all our admiration for the delightful papers of Addison, in the Spectator, to the classical authors from whom he selected appropriate mottoes ! By such a rule, the entire merit of this most Christian work of Butler should be attributed to the pagan Quintilian, from whom he derives the motto which so appropriately graces his title-page. A rapid sketch of the outline of the argument will aid the student at his outset. He begins by taking for granted the existence of an intelligent Author and Governor of the universe. Then, from the con- ditions and changes observed in the visible world, he argues the folly of objecting to revelation on account of doctrines which do but declare the same general laws and the same principles of govern- ment. That there is this harmony, he proves ; and hence the proba- bility that the same sort of government will prevail hereafter, which prevails now. He demonstrates that man is under exactly such a probation in this world, and as to this world, as revelation affirms him to be under, as to the next; and that embarrassments produced by the doctrine of necessity, involve nature no less than religion. He then evinces the need that man should be placed in a state of train- iiig and trial, if he is ever to be qualified for better conditions ; and editor's introduction. 13 that this vvo^la, a» ^ow governed, is exactly adapted to give that training, and to produce such a character as will insure happiness under any possible contingencies. This is the argument of Part I. Proceeding to examine Christianity, he discusses its importance, its proofs, the unavoidableness of its containing strange things, the absurdity of expecting fully to comprehend its statements, and the abundance of its evidence for candid minds, though they are not, and ought not to be, irresistible. He answers not only the objeeticns to Christianity, but the objections against its proofs ; which he shows are very different things. Though he keeps rigidly to the refutation of objections, and nowhere meddles with the direct evidence of Chris- tianity, yet, by removing every objection, he does in fact confirm its claims. This clearing away of objections, after the usual proofs are presented, crowns and completes the evidence. Thus the ultimate result of a study of his book is not only negative but positive ; and such has been its effect on every candid and competent student. We should remember that we have no right to require the removal of objections, and that therefore the whole of Butler's work is in fact supererogatory; a concession and kindness to such as have doubts, either honest or captious. Our only rightful demand of Christianity is for credentials. It presents these in its nature, its miracles, its prophecies, its propagation, its influence, and its success. If these are competent, we should bow to its teachings. To suppose that we are capable of judging of the propriety of all God's law, or even to understand his reasons for it, if they were disclosed, is absurd. It is true we naturally presume that a revelation in words, and a revelation by natural objects and the visible order of things, would coincide ; but to find out the fact or the extent of such coincidence, is not our first business. AVe are to weigh the testimony in favor of religion, Embrace it, if sufficient, and attribute the obscurity of any part, to our present want of capacity. The solution of difficulties serves to confirm our faith in Christianity, but has no place in our ground of reception: and we have no right to wait for such solution, however painful and embarrassing may be the difficulties. Another, and perhaps even more important, use of the "Analogy," is to dissipate the prejudices and objections to Christianity which prevent a candid study of its evidences. These prepossess and poison the mind, and obstruct or abate the force of the best arguments. Few, if any, after a careful examinati(m of the positive evidences of Christianity, conclude them to be inadequate. But many are they, 2 14 editor's introduction. wh ) iiL,vrng heard objections which their scanty learning does not enable them to answer, and their no less scanty interest in the subject does not Induce them to examine, or which their inclinations lead them to cherish, cast it all aside. In this way they relieve themselves from the labor of investigation, as well as their compunctions of conscience ; while they indulge both their love of sin and pride of singularity. An instance of the use of this book to such a mind, we have in the case of Chalmers. He had read, when a young man, several infidel productions. Their semblance of logic and learning, and supercilious confidence of style, disposed him to regard all religion as mere super- stition. His mind was poisoned. Accustomed as he had been to the positive and precise reasonings of mathematics, he could not find similar proofs for Christianity. But he was induced, by some friends, to study Butler's Analogy. This, as he expresses it, took Christianity " out of the class of unlikelihoods." It brought him to the investi- gation, as if the evidence was neither plus nor minus. He examined the evidences as he would have done a declaration that Cicero weighed just one hundred and fifty pounds ; open to the smallest proof or presumption on the positive side of the question. Delivered from prejudice, not only against Christianity but against its proofs, he soon saw the madness of deism, and immovably accepted the word of God, though he did not, at that time, feel its transforming power on his own heart. Long afterwards he writes, "I cannot render sufficient homage to the argument, which first, addressing itself to the subject-matter of Christianity, relieves it of all disproof, and pro- nounces it worthy of a trial ; and then, addressing itself to the evi- dence of Christianity, relieves it of all objections, and makes good, to that evidence, all the entireness and efficiency which natively belong to it." Years afterwards he said, "Butler made me a Christian." Tha" it did far more for him than to effect his change of sentiment, that it continued to be a light in his firmament, is touchingly told in the Preface of his Bridgewater Treatise, where he says, "I have derived greater aid from the views and reasonings of Butler, than I have been able to find, besides, in the whole range of our extant authorship." To the sincere believer in the word of God the study of Butler is of great use. Doubts are among Satan's tried weapons, and often haunt the holiest, especially if of a contemplative turn. They see goodness oppressed, and vice rampant ; the world ruled by w u k{>d EDITOR S INTUODLCTION. 15 men, and truth making its way with difficulty. Their lieans are traitorous, their surroundings full of temptation, and the direct evi- dence of Christianity they may never have studied. To such the analogical argument comes with full power, meets a candid exami nation, and prevails. To no Christian is this book so useful as the minister. He is con- stantly confronted by the difficulties which Butler so triumphantly 'handles. Here he is furnished, not only with a shield to protect his own mind from subtle darts, buc a sword to demolish the cavil, and defend the system of which he is a public teacher. To all persons this book is of great value. We arrive at certainty in but few of our decisions, and are often obliged, even in matters of great moment, to act on probability. Thus we employ precautions when an evil is not certain to occur. If the evil would be very serious, we adopt the precaution, when there is but little probability, or perhaps a bare possibility, of its occurrence. Now, Butler has shown that if the proofs of revelation were weak, nay, if it had abso- lutely no proof, nay further, if on fair examination there appeared not even a probability of its truth, still there would remain a possi- bility, and this alone, considering the tremendous issues at stake, should make every man a Christian. This argument cannot be applied to Mahometanism or any other religion, because against those much may be advanced as disproof. Our author, having shown the utter absence of disproof, shuts us up to the reception of Christianity, were its truth barely possible. There have not been wanting persons to disparage the " Analogy," because it affords, as they say, no direct proof of revelation. As well might we demand a discussion of chemistry in a work on astronomy. Scores of writers prove Christianity, and here we have one to relieve us from the difficulties which beset it, and objections which still remain. There is an aspect in which the Analogy may be said to contribute the best of proof. What can go further towards establish- ino; a point, than to demonstrate that there is no proof of the con- trary? What can show the fallacy of a set of objections, more than to prove that they might be urged M'ith no less force against the -•bvious course of nature? This use of analogy is conformable to the •^ovprest logic, and though offering no pretence of positive argument, goes far towards establishing full conviction. "The probabilities," '»avs Stewart, "'resulting from a concurrence of different analogies. 16 editor's introduction. mny I'iso so high as to produce an effect ou the belief scarcely Jis cinguishable from moral certainty." When it is considered that Butler's argument is wholly in addition to the cumulative mass of direct and almost irresistible evidence, and removes even the objections which attend the subject, we see the rejection of Christianity to be inexpressibly rash and absurd. We see the skeptic condemned at his own bar, for acting in the most momentous of all possible concerns, in a manner the very opposite of < that which he calls sensible and prudent in his ordinary affairs. The "Analogy" establishes, beyond cavil, strong presumptiojis that Chris- tianity is true, aside from all inspection of its proofs. The man, therefore, who really understands this book, and refuses to be a Christian, is led by his lusts and not his reason. Some admirers of this book have lamented as a defect, its want of evangelical tincture, and its exclusive reference to natural things. To me, this is a prime recommenda,tion. Were it otherwise, the reasoning would be in a circle. The very structure of the argument demands that it should avoid quotations from the Bible. It must be admitted, however, that some expressions, taken just as they stand, without qualification by the current of the argument, tend to lead astray. For instance, "There is nothing in the human mind contrary to virtue." "Men's happiness and virtue are left to themselves." " Religion requires nothing which we are not well able to perform." "Our repentance is accepted, to eternal life." "Our relations to God are made known by reason." Such expres- sions are not to be taken alone, but as explained by the general drift of sentiment and doctrine. No one can be familiar with his works, without finding the fullest evidence that Christianity was to Butler infinitely more than a creed or a ritual. Nor should we forget that such expressions are not to be interpreted by the tenor of the "Analogy" only, but by that of his whole 'Works.' Even if it be judged that he everywhere fails to express himself in such phrase as we usually call evangelical, it should be remembered that he was a Church-of-England man, at a time when there was a powerful reaction against the evangelism of the Puritans, and when a real lack of emutioaal piety was general in his church. That he did n'>t enjoy in his last illness, which extended over a long period, that sustaining sense of the love of Christ which hearty Christians generally feel, is certain. A friend, trying to relieve his depression reminded him of his excellent life, and ospeeiaiiv nis editor's introduction. 17 wide liberalities. He immediately replied, "lam but a steward! All is His, intrusted to me, to promote his glory and the good of mankind ; how can I know that I have not abused the trust ? I reflect on all these things, and they fill my soul with terror by the feeling of responsibility they awaken." On another occasion, his chaplain sought to soothe his troubled spirit by referring to the extensive influence of his Analogy in reclaiming skeptics. His reply was, " I began the Analogy with a view to the glory of God ; but as I proceeded, visions of the fame it might bring me mingled themselves with my motives, and all was polluted and made sinful ! The book may be a blessing to others, but it weighs lik'> lead on my soul." "Admit all this," tenderly replied the chaplain; "yet has not Jesus said, 'Whosoever cometh unto me shall in nowise be cast out' ?" Instantly the Bishop raised himself in the bed, exclaim- ing, "How wonderful that the force of this passage never struck me before! 'Whosoever,' — all, all! *In nowise,' — no amount of sin can prevent acceptance ! Christ's righteousness will hide the iniquities of all who accept his offer of mercy!" From that time, for weeks, Butler spoke to all who approached him, of a full and free salvation. He died triumphantly repeating this passage. If all that is said of the lack of evangelical sentiment in Butler or his book be conceded, it certainly cannot impair either the value of the analogical argument, or the force of our author's use of it. Various circumstances conspire to make the study of "The Analogy" difficult. The nature of the reasoning — the conciseness, and often obscurity of the style — the dislocation of parts by frequent digressions — the arrest of a close course of reasoning to answer objections — and the abstruseness of the subject itself — combine to make the full comprehension of its import difficult. Mackintosh says, " No thinker so great, was ever so bad a writer." But this, like some other objections of Sir James, is stated too strongly. The language is good, sinewy Saxon, and will endure when much that is now lalled fine writing, will seem grotesque. Still it is possible to write philosophy in better phrase, as has been shown by at least two great men, Berkeley and Stewart. Had Butler but possessed the glowing style of Berkeley, or the smooth, graceful, and transparent diction of Dugald Stewart, his work, instead of serving only for close thinkers, or a college text-book, would have been read by all classes, aud banis)\ed that vulgar infidelity which flippant writers still dis- B 2- 18 editor's introduction. semintile. That it is thus restricted in its influence is a misfortune to the world. But he wrote for a class, and did his work completely. Literary infidelity was conquered. Vulgar, ignorant, licentious infidelity, will always exist, and is even now deplorably prevalent. Both Europe and America contain conceited and malignant igno- ramuses, who by their sneers, their cavils, and their audacity, make havoc of souls. Of these, Tom Paine is a type, whose book, the contempt of cultivated minds, continues to be sold and read. For this class of persons, "Baxter's Call," or "AUeine's Alarm," are far more suitable than treatises on the evidences of Christianity, or even Butler's Analogy. iHtor's 5Pnfate. The text is the result of a careful collation of the various principal editions. Occasionally solecisms are corrected, and a word transposed or put in italics, when a sentence could thus be made perspicuous. The author had a fashion of beginning a large proportion of his sen- tences with " and,'^ " but,^' " now,^^ " indeed," " however," &c., which often served to perplex, and in such cases they have been omitted. Long paragraphs, comprehending different topics, have been so divided as to correspond with the true analysis ; which will greatly assist the student in detecting the successive stages of the argument. Special pains has been taken to correct and improve the punctuation. Hundreds of sentences have thus been rendered more perspicuous, and many which were obscure, have been made lucid. In no respect 'vas Butler's style, as printed, so defective. The Conspectus is made much ampler than any other, for this reason : that students are apt to content themselves with such help instead of mastering the full discussion by the author. In the present case they cannot so do, for such is the fulness of the Conspectus, that if they master this, they have mastered the subject itself in full. Notes by the present editor are distinguished from those of the author by being enclosed in brackets. They are designed to open out further views, to elucidate the text, to facilitate extended researches, and to suggest topics for conversation in the class-room. The Index has cost far more labor than would be supposed, and may nut be of much benefit to the undergraduate. Its advantages will not be small to him in after life when he desires to recur to par- 19 20 editor's preface. ticu lar topiv^s. The general scholar will find it enable him to make use of the book for occasional reference. Without it the work is not complete for the class-room, still less for the library. That students of the Analogy need help, is confessed ; and all attempts to furnish it have been kindly received. As is remarked by Bishop Wilson, "His argument, clear and convincing as it is to a prepared mind, is not obvious to the young reader, whose experience of life being small, and his habits of reflection feelDle, has not the furniture necessary for comprehending, at first, the thoughts and conclusions of such a mind. The style is too close, too negligent, too obscure, to be suitable for the young." If it be asked why, with several existing helps to the study of the Analogy, I ofier another, I frankly reply, because I have found none of them satisfactory, either to the public or to myself. Some teachers prefer their text-books to be accompaniedyby a set of questions. Such will find in this edition all they desire. They have only to enunciate each sentence of the Conspectus in the interrogative form, and they will have every possible question prepared to their hand. ^. % fyni^tdn 0{ % Jlttt^0r's Inttfltatton. I. What is probable evidence f 1. It differs from demonstration in that it admits of degrees ; of al» degrees. 1.) One probability does not beget assurance. 2.) But tbe slightest presumption makes a probability, 3.) The repetition of it may make certainty. 2* What constitutes probability is likeness; in regard to the event itself, or its kind of evidences, or its circumstances. 1.) This daily affords presumptions, evidence, or conviction : according as it is occasional, common, or constant. 2.) Measures our hopes and fears. 3.) Regulates our expectations as to men*s conduct. 4.) Enables us to judge of character from conduct. 3. It is an imperfect mode of judging, and adapted to beings of limited capacities. 4. Where better evidence cannot be had, it constitutes moral obligation, even though great doubts remain. 1.) We are as much bound to do what, on the whole, appears to be best, as if we knew it to be so. 2.) In questions of great moment, it is reasonable to act when the favorable chances are no greater than the unfavorable. 3.) There are numberless cases in which a man would be thought distracted if he did not act, and that earnestly, where the chances of success were greatly against him. II. 77ie use and application of probabilities. Shall not go further into the nature of probable evidence, nor inquire why likeness begets presumption and conviction; nor how far analogical reasoning can be reduced to a si/stem/ but shall only show how^just and conclusive this mode of reasoning is. 1* In determining our judgments and practice. ^ 1.) There may be cases in which its value is doubtful. 2.) There may be seeming analogies, which are not really such. 3.) But as a mode of argument, it is perfectly just and conclusive. it In noting correspondencies between the different parts of God's govet*. ment^ "'* 21 22 CONSPECTUS OF INTRODUCTION. 1 ) We may expect to find the same sort of difficulties in the Bible, as we do in Nature. 2.) To deny the Bible to be of God, because of these difficulties, requires ua to deny that the world was made by him. 3.) If there be a likeness between revelation and the system ol nature, it affords a presumption that both have the same author. 4:.) To reason ^nTthe cojistruction and government of the world, without settling foundation-principles, is mere hypothesis. 6.) To apply principles which are certain, to cases which are not applicable, is no better. 6.) But to join abstract reasonings to the observation of facts, and argue, from known present things, to what is likely or credible, must be right. 7.) We cannot avoid acting thus, if we act at all. 3. In its application to religion, revealed, as well as natural. This is the uso which will be made of analog^' in the following work. In so using it, 1.) It will be taken for proved that there is an intelligent Creator and Ruler. — There are no presumptions against this, prior to proof. — There are proofs : — from analogy, reason, tradition, &c. — The fact is not denied by the generality of skeptics. 2.) No regard will be paid to those who idly speculate as to how the world might have been made and governed. — Such prating would amount to this : • All creatures should have been made at first as happy as they could be. • Nothing of hazard should be put upon them. • Should have been secured in their happiness. • All punishments avoided. — It is a sufficient reply to such talk that mankind have not faQulties for such speculations. 3.) We are, to some extent, judges as to ends; and may conclude that Na- ture and Providence are designed to produce virtue and happiness; but of the means of producing these in the highest degree, we are not competent judges. — We know not the extent of the universe; — Nor even how one person can best be brought to perfection. — We are not often competent to judge of the conduct of each other. — As to God, we may presume that order will prevail in his universe; but are no judges of his modes for accomplishing this end. 4.) Instead of vainly, and perhaps sinfully, imagining schemes for God's conduct, we must study what is. — Discovering general laws. — Comparing the known course of things with what revelation teaoheg us to expect. III. The force of this use of Analogy. !• Sometimes is practically equivalent to proof. 2* Confirms what is otherwise proved. CONSPECTUS OF INTRODUCTION. 28 3. Shows that the system of revelation is no more open to ridicule, than the ■ system of nature. 4. Answers almost all objections against religion. 5. To a great extent answers objections against the proofs of religion. IV. General scope of the book. 1. The divine government is considered, as containing in il; Chap. 1. Man's future existence. " 2. In a state of reward or punishment ** 3. This according to our behavior. " 4. Our present life probationary. " 5. And also disciplinary. " 6. Notwithstanding the doctrine of necessity. " 7. Or any apparent want of wisdom or goodnesB. 2. Revealed religion is considered, Chap. 1. As important. " 2. As proved by miracles. " 3. As containing strange things. " 4. As a scheme imperfectly comprehended. " 6. As carried on by a mediator. ** 6. As having such an amount of evidence as God saw fit to gire " 7. As having sufficient and full evidence. ^auptim at t\t Jlnatop. PART I. CHAPTER I. A FUTURE LIFE. Will not discuss the subject of identity; but will consider what analogy tag- gests from changes which do not destroy; and thus see whether it is not probable that we shall live hereafter. I. The probabilities that we shall survive death. I. It is a law of nature that creatures should exist in difFerent stages^ and in various degrees of perfection. — Worms turn into flies. —Eggs are hatched into birds. — Our own present state is as diff'erent from our state in the womb^ M two star.es of the same being can be. 4 CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. —That we shall hereafter exist in a state as different from the present m the present is from our state in the womb, is according to analogy. 2. "We now have capacities^ fur happiness^ action, misery, &c., and there is always a probability that things will continue as they are, except wheD experience gives us reason to think they will be altered. This is a gene- ral law; and is our only natural reason for expecting the continuance of any thing. 3. There is no reason to apprehend that death will destroy us. If there was, it would arise from the nature of death ; or from the analogy of nature. 1.) Not from the nature of death. — ►-We know not what death is. — But only some of its effects. — These effects do not imply the destruction of the living agent. — We know little of what the exercise of our powers depends upon; and nothing of what the poioers themselves depend on. -pWe may be unable to exercise our powers, and yet not lose them — e.g. sleep, swoon. 2.) Not from analogy. — Reason shows no connection between death and our destruction. — We have no faculties by which to trace any being beyond it. — The possession of living powers, up to the very moment when our faculties cease to be able to trace them, is a probability of their continuing. — We have already survived wonderful changes. — To live after death is analogous to the course of nature. II. Presumptions against a future life. I. That death destroys us. 'Ans. 1. This is an assumption that we are compound and material beings, and hence discerptible ; which is not true. 1.) Consciousness is a single, indivisible power, and of course the subject ot it must be. 2.) The material body is not ourself. 3.) We can easily conceive of our having more limbs, or of a diflFerent kind, or of having more or fewer senses, or of having no bodies at all, or of hereafter animating these same bodies, remodelled. 4.) The dissolution of a succession of new and strange bodies, would have no tendency to destroy us. kns. 2. Though the absolute simplicity of the living being cannot be proved by experiment, yet facts lead us so to conclude. We lose limbs, Ac. Our bodies were once very small, but we might, then, have lost part of them. There is a constant destruction and renewal going on, 1.) Thus we see that no certain hulk is necessary to out existence, and unless it were proved that there is, and that it is larger than an indissoluble atom, there is no reason to presume that death destroys us, eren if we* are discerptible. 2.) The living agent is not an internal material organism, whini, Ji«« ^Ith the body. Because CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. 25 — Our only ground for this presumption is our relation to other systemf of matter. But we see these are not necessary to us. — It will not do to say that lost portions of the body were not essential — who is to determine? — The relation between the living agent, and the most essential parts of the body, is only one by which they mutually affect each other. S.) If we regard our body as made up of organs of sense, we come to the same result. — We see with the eyes, just as we do with glasses. The eye is not a recipient, any more than a telescope. — It is not pretended that vision, hearing, |IgIl5lU ages. — And was not reasoned ow^but revealed. - 3.) These things are of great weight. ^Showing natural religion to be conformed to the common sense ol mankind. -. — And either that it was revealed, or forces itself upon the mind. — The rude state of the early ages leads to the belief of its being revealed, and such is the opinion of the learned. c<^^arly pretences to revelation indicate some original real one from which they were copied. /'3\XX^he history 9f revelation is as old as history itself. — Such a*'fact»-« proof of r^ligiftn, against which there is no pro- sumption. ' ■ — And indicates a revelation prior to the examination of the book said to contain it; and independent of all considerations of its being corrupted, or darkened by fables. 4«)It is thus apparent that the external evidence of religion is considerable J and is not affected by the doctrine of necessity. 1. The danger of taking custom, e must admit that we veed a revelation. Few, if any, could reason out a system, even of natural religion. If they could, there is no probability that they would. Such as might, would still feel the want of revelation. To gay that Christianity is superfluous, is as wild as to say all are happy. No exactness in attending to natural religion can make Christianity of smali importance. If Christianity be from God, we must obey, unless we know all his reasons for giving it: and also that those reasons no longer exist; at least in our cas«. This we cannot know. The importance of Christianity appears if we regard it I. As a republication of natural religion. 1. It gives the moral system of the universe. 1.) Free from corruptions; teaching that — Jehovah created all things. — p-overns all things. — Virtue is his law. — Mankind will be judged according to character. 2.) It publishes its facts authoritatively. 3.) With vastly more clearness; e.g. the doctrines of a future state: danger of sin : efficacy of repentance. 4.) With the advantage of a visible church, distinguished from the world by peculiar institutions. Ohjec. The perversions of Christianity, and the little good it has done. Alts. 1. Natural religion is no less perverted, and has done less good. 2. The benefits of Christianity are not small. 3. The evils ascribed to it, are not its effects. Things are to be judged by their genuine tendencies. 4. The light of reason, no more than revelation forces acquiescence. 5.) With the additional advantage that every Christian, is bound to instruct and persuade others. II. As containing truths not discoverable brj natural reason. !• A mode of salvation for the ruined. *l» I»uties unknown before. 3. Cur relations to the Son and Holy Ghost. 1.) Hence the form of baptism. 2.) Pious regards to Christ, and the Holy Ghost, based on our relations tO them. I. The manner of e.xtc 'nal worship. '16 CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. III. The fearful hazard of neglecting Christianity. 1. Tbose who think natural religion sufficient, must admit that Christianity h highly important, 2. Our rejations to Christ being made known, our religious regard to him is an evident obligation. 3. These relations being real, there is no reason to think that our negle.ct of behaving suitably to them, will not be attended with the same kind of consequences as follow the neglect of duties made known by reason. 'I. If we are corrupt and depraved, and so unfit for heaven, and if we need God's Holy Spirit to renew our nature, how can it be a slight thing whether we make use of the means for obtaining such assistance? 5. Thus, if Christianity be either true, or merely credible, it is most rash and presumptuous to treat it lightly. REMARKS. 1. The distinction between positive and moral obligations. 1.) For moral precepts we can see the reason : for positive we cannot. 2.) Moral duties are such prior to command; positive duties aie such becausf commanded. 3.) The manner in which a duty is made known, does not make it moral or positive. i. The ground of regarding moral duties as superior to positive. I.) Both have the nature of moral commands. 2.) If the two conflict, we must obey the moral. — Positive institutions are vieans to moral ends. — Ends are more excellent than means. — Obedience to positive institutions, has no value but as proceeding from moral principle. 3.) Both moral and positive duties are revealed, and so are on a level; but the moral law is also interwoven with our very nature, and so its precepts must prevail when the two interfere. 3. There is less necessity for determining their relative authority, than some suppose. 1.) Though man is disposed to outward and ritual religion, nothing can givo us acceptance with God, without moral virtue. 2 ^ Scripture always lays stress on moral duties. ?>.) It is a great weakness, though very common, to make light of positive institutions, because less important than moral. — We are bound to obey all God's commands. — A precept, merely positive, admitted to be from God, create? moral obligation, in the strictest sense. CONCLUSION. This account of Christianity shows our great obligation to studj th* Scriptures. ■^ CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. 47 CHAPTER II. PRESUMPTJONS AGAINST A REVELATION, CONSIDERED AS SIIRACUL0C8. Having shown the need of revelation, we now examine the presumptions against it. The analogy of nature is generally supposed to afford presumptions againtit miracles. They are deemed to require stronger evidence than other events. I. Analogy furnishes no presumptions against the general scheme of Christianity. 1. It is no presumption against Christianity, that it is not the discovery of reason, or of experience. 2. Nor is it a presumption against Christianity, that it contains things unlike the apparent course of nature. 1.) AVe cannot suppose every thing, in the vast universe, to be just like what is the course of nature in this little world. 2.) Even within the present compass of our knowledge, we see many things greatly unlike. 3* If we choose to call what is unlike our known course of things, viiracxdovs, still that does not make it improbable. II. There is no presumption against such a revelation, as we should now call miraculous, being made, at the beginning of the world. 1. There was then »o course of nature, as to this world. 2. Whether man then received a revelation involves a question not of miracles, but of fact. 3. Creation was a very different exertion of power from that which rules the world, now it is made. 4. Whetlier the power of forming stopped when man was made; or went on, and formed a religion for him, is merely a question as to the degree or extent, to which a power was exerted. 5. There is then no presumption from analogy against supposing man had a revehition when created. (». All tradition and history teaches that he had, which amounts to a real and material proof. III. There is no presumption against miracles, or a miraculous revela- tion, after the course of nature teas settled. I. Such a presumption, requires the adduction of some parallel case. *-i. This would require us to know the history of some other world. U. Even then, if drawn from only one other world, the presumption would be very precarious. To he vinrc particidar, I. There is a strong presumption against any truth till it is proved — which yel il 4 ^crcomc by almost any proof. 48 CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. —Hence the question of a presumption against miracles, involves only the degree of presumption, (not whether the presumption is peculiar to miracles,) and whether that degree is such as to render them incredible. 2. If we leave out religion, we are in total darkness as to the cause or circum- stances on which the course of nature depends. .^Five or six thousand years may have given occasion and reasons for miraculous interpositions of Providence. 3, Taking in religion, there are distinct reasons for miracles j to afford additional instruction; to attest the truth of instruction. •I:, Miracles must not be compared with common events, but with uncommon ; earthquakes, pestilence, 'ch ob'-er vat ions apply to almost all objections to Christianity, as distinguished from objections against its evidence. For instance, the disorderly manner in which some, in the apostolic ag«k !ued their miraculous gifts. I* This does not prove the acts not miraculous. D 5 50 CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. 2* The person having any such gift, would have the same power over it which he would have over any other ability, and might pervert it. 3. To say why was he not also endued with prudence, to restrain its use, is but saying why did not God give a higher degree of miraculoua endowment? As to which we are not competent judges. 4. God does not confer his natural gifts, (memory, eloquence, knowledge, Ac.) only on those who are prudent and make the best use of them. 5. Nor is worldly instruction, by educators, commonly given in the happieet manner. VI. There is a resemblance between religion and nature in several other respects. 1. In both, common and necessary things, are plain ; but to "go on to perfec- tion" in either, requires exact and laborious study. 2* The hinderances to both religious and physical knowledge, are the same in kind. A more perfect knowledge may be brought about, 1.) By the progress of learning and liberty. 2.) By students attending to intimations overlooked by the generality. 3* It is not wonderful that our knowledge of Bible truth should be small; for the natural world has laid open to inspection, for thousands of years, and yet only lately are any great discoveries made. "1:, Perhaps these scientific discoveries, are to be the means of opening and ascertaining Bible truth. Objec. The cases are not parallel ; for natural knowledge is of no consequen'^e, compared to spiritual. Alts, l.lhe cases are parallel; for natural knowledge is as important to our natural well-being, as spiritual knowledge is to our spiritual well-being. Ah8. 2. If the ciises were not parallel, there are plenty of other analogies, which show that God does not dispense his gifts according to our notions of their value. Objec. 2. If Christianity be intended for the recovery of men, why not sooner introduced, and more widely diffused? Ana. The objection is just as strong against the natural sciences. Nay, if the light of nature and of revelation are both from the same source, we might expect that revelation would have been introduced and diffused just as it is. 1.) Remedies for disease are known but to a few, or not known at all, nor to any without care and study. 2.) When proposed by discoverers, they have been treated with derision, and the use rejected by thousands whom they might have cured. 3.) The best remedies have been used unskilfully, and so made to produce more disease. 4.) Their benefit may come very slowly. 5.) In some cases they may be wholly ineffectual. 6.) They may be so disagreeable that many will not submit to use them, e>en with the prospect of a cure. 7.) Sometimes the remedy may be entirely out of reach if v/e were re«i»ljr to take it. All this reasoning may be applied to Christianity. CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. 51 VII. Having obviated all objections to Christianity, from lU con- taining things ice should not have expected, we tvill not* consider the objections against its morality. I. Reason may judge, as to whether revelation contains things contrary to justice, and wisdom, riiphecy fulfilled, and yet see enough fulfilled to perceive in it more than human ft)resight. 1. A Ivuy Stories of prophecies, all applicable to certain events, is proof that HUch events were intended. This answers the objection that particular prophecies were not intended to be applied as Christians apply them. 60 CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. Mythological and satirical writings greatly resemble prophecy. No^ •we apply a parablCj or fable, or satire, merely from seeing it capable of such application. So if a long series of prophecies be ojiplicable to the present state of the world, or to the coming of Christ, it is proof that they were so intended. Besides, the ancient Jews, before Christ, applied the prophecies to him, just as Chiistians do now. 3. If it could be shown that the prophets did not understand their own pre- dictions, or that their prophecies are capable of being applied to other events than those to which Christians apply them, it would not abate the force of the argument from prophecy, even with regard to those instances. For, 1.) To know the whole meaning of an author we must know the whole meaning of his book, but knowing the meaning of a book is not knowing the whole mind of the author. 2.) If the book is a compilation, the authors may have meanings deeper, than the compiler saw. If the prophets spoke by inspiration, they are not the authors, but the writers of prophecy, and may not have known all that the Divine Spirit intended. But the fulfilment of the prophecy shows a foresi";ht more than human. This whole argument is just and real ; but it is not expected that those will be satisfied who will not submit to the perplexity and labor of understanding it; or who have not modesty and fairness enough to allow an argument its due weight J or who wilfully discard the whole investigation. We now proceed to the general argument embracing both direct and cir- cumstantial evidence. A full discussion would retjuire a volume, and cannot be expected here; but sontetliing should be said, especially as most questions of ditficulty, in practical atfairs, are settled by evidence arising from circum- stances which confirm each other. The thing asserted is that God has given us a revelation declaring himself to be a moral governor; stating his system of government; and disclosing a plan for the recovery of mankind out of sin, and raising them to perfect and ;inal happiness. I. Consider this revelation as a history. I» It furnishes an account of the world, as God's world. 1.) God's providence, commands, promises, and threateningg. 2.) Distinguishes God from idols. 3.) Describes the condition of religion and of its professors, in o Mrorld considered as apostate and wicked. 4.) Political events are related as aS'ecting religion, and not tur th^ii importance as mere political events. 6.) The history is continued by prophecy, to the end of the worlJ 'Z. It ea braces a vast variety of other topics; natural and moral. CONSrECTUS OF THE ANALOG . 61 1.) rbus furnishing the largest scope for criticism. 2.) So that doubts of its truth confirm that truth, for i.. thi;. enlightened age the claims of a book of such a nature could bo e. A\y and finally shown to be false, if they were so. 3.) None who believe in natural religion, hold that Christianity has been thus confuted. 3> It contains a minute account of God's selecting one nation for his peculiar people, and of his dealings with them. 1.) Interpositions in their behalf. 2.) Ttirents of dispersion, Ac. if they rebelled. 3.) Promises of a Messiah as their prince; so clearly as to raise a general expectation. &c. 4.) Foretelling his rejection by them, and that he should be the Savior of the Gentiles. 4. Describes minutely the arrival of the Messiah, and his life amd labors; and the result, in the establishment of a new religion, II. As to the authenticity of this Itistory. Suppose a person ignorant of all history but the Bible, and not knowing even that to be true, were to inquire into its evidence of authenticity, he would find, 1. That natural religion owes its establishment to the truths contained in this ■ book. This no more disproves natural religion, than our learning a proposition from Euclid, shows that the proposition was not true before Euclid. 2. The great antiquity of revelation. 3. That its chronology is not contradicted but confirmed by known facts. 4. That there is nothing in the history itself to awaken suspicion of i!: CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. 10. That the Jewisn government was destroyed, and the people dispersed into all lands; and still for many centuries, continue to be a distinct race, professing the law of Moses. If this separateness be accounted for, in any way, it does not destroy the fact that it was predicted. CONCLUSION. 1. Recapitulation of the preceding ten observations. 2. Add the fact that there are obvious appearances in the world, aside from the Jews, which correspond to prophetic history. 3. These appearances, compared with Bible history, and with each other, in a joint view, will appear to be of great weight, and would impress one who regarded them for the first time, more than they do us who have been familiar with them. 4. The preceding discussion, though not thorough, amounts to proof of some- thing more than human in this matter. 1.) The sufficiency of these proofs may be denied, but the existence of them cannot be. 2.) The conformity of prophecies to events may be said to be accidental, but the conformity itself cannot be denied. 3.) These collateral proofs may be pronounced fanciful, but it cannot be said they are nothiny. Probabilities may not amount to demonstration, but they remain probabilities. 5. Those who will set down all seeming completions of prophecy, and judge of them by the common rules of evidencxi, will find that together they amimnt to strong proof. Because probable proofs, added together, not only increase evidence, but multiply it. 6. It is very well to observe objections; but it should be remembered that a mistake on one side is far more dangerous than a mistake on the other; and the safest conclusion is the best. 7. Religion, like other things, is to be judged by all the evidence taken together. Unless all its proofs be overthrown, it remjJ.ns proved. If no proof singly were sufficient, the whole taken together might be. 8. It is much easier to start an objection, than to comprehend the united force of a whole argument. 9. Thus it appears that the positive evidence of revelation cannot be destroyed, though it should be lessened. CHAPTER VIII. OBJECTIONS AGAINST THE ANALOGICAL ARGUMENT. If all made up their minds with proper care and candor, there would be no need of this chapter. But some do not try to understand what they condemn • aud our mode of argument is open to objections, especially in the ninds o.' those who judge without thinking. The chief objections will therefore be con- eidered. They are these :-\i does not solve difficulties in revelation to say '.bat there are as great in natural religion .-A-it will not make men religious to :A-it will not mal CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. 63 show tbem tliat it is o« important as worldly prudence, for showing that, does not make them prudent :-|-the justice of God in the system of religion, is not proved by showing it is as apparent as in his natural providence: — no reajou- ing from analogy can carry full conviction :l-mankind will not renounce pre- sent pleasures, for a religion which is not filee from doubt. To each of which a reply will now be given. I. .45 to requiring a solution of all difficulties Ij This is but resolving to comprehend the nature of God, and the whole plan of his government throughout eternity. 2. It is always right to argue from what is known, to what is disputed. We are constantly so doing. The most eminent physician does not understand all diseases, yet we do not despise what he d(ies know. 3* It is very important to find that objections against revelation are just aa strong, not only against natural religion, but against the course of nature. II. As to men's havii^g as little reason for worldly pursuits, as they have for being religious. 1* If men can be convinced that they have as much reason to be religious as they have to practise worldly prudence, then there is a reason for being religious. 2. If religion proposes greater than worldly interests, and has the same reasons for belief, then it has proportionally a greater claim. 3. If religion being left doubtful, proves it to be false, then doubts as to the success of any worldly pursuit show it to be wrong. Yet we constantly act, even in the most important aflFuirs, without certainty of being right. III. As to the justice and goodness of God in religion. 1. Our business is not to vindicate God, but to learn our duty, governed as we are ; which is a very different thing. It has been shown that if we knew all things, present, past, and future, and the relations of each thing to all other things, we might see to be just and good what now do not seem so: and it is probable we should. 2. We do not say that objections against God's justice and goodness are removed by showing the like objections against natural providence, but that they are not conclusive, because they apply equally to what we know to be facts. ?. The e.xistence of objections does not destroy the evidence of facts. The fact for instance that God rewards and punishes, though men may think it unjust. Even necessity, plead for human acts, does no more to abolish ,iustice than it does injustice. 1. Tliough the reasonableness of Christianity cannot be shown from analogy, the truth of it may. The truth of a fact may be proved without regard ic its quality. The reasonableness of obeying Christianity is proved^ if we barely prove Christianity itself to be possible. "», Though analogy may not show Christian precepts to be good, it proves them to be credible. 64 CONSPECTUS OF THE ANALOGY. IV. The analogical argument does not remove doubt. 1. What opinion does any man hold, about which there can be no doubt r Even the best way of preserving and enjoying this life, is not agreed upon. Whether our measures will accomplish our objects, is always uncertain; and still more whether the objects, if accomplished, will give us happiness. Yet men do not on this account refuse to make exertion. 2. This objection overlooks the very nature of religion. The embracing of it presupposes a certain degree of candor and integrity, to try which, and exercise, and improve it, is its intention. Just as warning a man of danger, presupposes a disposition to avoid danger. 3. Religion is a probation, and has evidence enough as such; and would not be such, if it compelled assent. 4. We never mean by sufficient evidence, such an amount as necessarily determines a man to act, but only such as will show an action to be prudent V. .4s to the small influence of the analogical argument. 1. As just observed, religion is a test, and an exercise, of character; and that some reject it is nothing to our purpose. We are inquiring not what sdrt of creature man is, but what he should be. This is each man's own concern. 2. Religion, as a probation, accomplishes its end, whether individuals believe or not. 3* Even this objection admits that religion has some weight, and of course it should have some influence; and if so, there is the same renson, though not so strong, for publishing it, that there would be, if it were likely to have greater influence. Further. It must be considered that the reasoning in this treatise is on the principles of other n)en, and arguments of the utmost importance are omitted, because not universally admitted. Thus as to Fatalism, and the abstract fitness or unfitness of actions. The general argument is just a question of fact, and is here so treated. Abstract truths are usually advanced as proof; but in this work, only /acfs are aerception and of action. It is here used in the former sense. When it is used in the latter, the e^'iihet present is added. The loss of a man's eye is a destruction of living powers in the latter sense. But we have no reason to think the destruction of living powers, in the former sense, to be possible. We have no more reason to think a being endued with living powers, ever loses them during its whole existence, than to believe that a stone ever acquires them. ^ [The next paragraph indicates that Butler does not, as Chalmers thinks, consider this argument as " handing us over to an absolute demonstration." It just places all arguments for and against the soul's future life, in that balanced condition, which leaves us to learn the fact from revelation, free from presump- tions against its truth. This view of the case entirely relieves the objection a« to the tuture life of brutes ; and shows how entirely we must rely ou revela- noD, as to the *''iture, buth of man and bejist.] 80 A FUTURE LIFE. part i. It, if there be no ground to think death will be our destruc- tion. Though I think it must be acknowledged, that prior to the natural and moral proofs of a future life commonly insisted upon, there would arise a general confused suspicion, that in the great shock and alteration which we shall undergo by death, we, i.e. our living powers, might be wholly destroyed ; yet even prior to those proofs, there is really no particular distinct ground or reason for this apprehension at all, so far as I can find. If there be, it must arise either from the reason of the thing, or from the analogy of nature. But we cannot argue from the reason of the tiling, that death is the destruction of living agents, because we know not at all what death is in itself; but only some of its effects, such as the dissolution of flesh, skin, and bones. These effects do in no wise appear to imply the destruction of a living agent. Besides, as we are greatly in the dark, upon what the exercise of our living powers depends, so we are wholly ignorant what the powers them- selves depend upon ; the powers themselves as distinguished, not only from their actual exercise, but also from the present capa- city of exercising them ) and as opposed to their destruction : for sleep, or certainly a swoon, shows us, not only that these powers exist when they are not exercised, as the passive power of motion does in inanimate matter; but shows also that they exist, when there is no present capacity of exercising them : or that the capa- cities of exercising them for the present, as well as the actuul exercise of them, may be suspended, and yet the powers them- selves remain undestroyed. Since then we know not at all upoa what the existence of our living powers depends, this shows fur- ther, there can no probability be collected from the reason of the thing, that death will be their destruction : because their exist- ence may depend upon somewhat in no degree affected by death; upon somewhat quite out of the reach of this king of terrors. So that there is nothing more certain, than that the reason if the thing shows us no connection between death and the destruction of living agents. Nor can we find any thing throughout the whole analogy of nature to afford us even the slightest presumption, that animals ever lose their living powers ; much less if it were possible, thai; CHAP I. A FUTURE LIFE. gl they lose them by death : for we have no faculties wherewith to trace any beyond or through it, so as to see what becomes of them. This event removes them from our view. It destroys the sensible proof, which we had before their death, of their being possessed of living powers, but does not appear to aiford the least reason to believe that they are, then, or by that event, deprived of them. Our knowing that they were possessed of these powers, up to the very period to which we have faculties capable of tracing them, is itself a probability of their retaining them beyond it. This is confirmed, and a seiisible credibility is given to it, by ob- serving the very great and astonishing changes which we have experienced ; so great, that our existence in another state of life, of perception and of action, will be but according to a method of providential conduct, the like to which has been already exer- cised even with regard to ourselves ; according to a course of nature, the like to which we have already gone through. However, as one cannot but be greatly sensible, how difficult it is to silrnce imagination enough to make the voice of reason even distinctly heard in this case ; as we are accustomed, from our youth up, to indulge that forward, delusive faculty, ever ob- truding beyond its sphere; (of some assistance indeed to appre- hension, but the author of all error,) as we plainly lose ourselves in gross and crude conceptions of things, taking for granted that we are acquainted with what indeed we are wholly ignorant of: it may be proper to consider the imaginary presumptions, that death will be our destruction, arising from these kinds of early and lasting prejudices; and to show how little they really amount to, even though we cannot wholly divest ourselves of them. And, I. All presumption of death's being the destruction of living beings, must go upon supposition that they are compounded;'' and « [Dodwell had published a book, in which he argues that human souls are not naturnlli/ immortal, but become so, by the power of the Holy Ghost, in re- generation. Dr. Clarke replied. The controversy was continued by Collins. .T)r. C. wrote four tracts on the subject. These "presumptions" form the base of materialism, and hence iht denis,i of a future state. Surely, thoughts and feelings, if material, have extension. But can any one conceive of love a foot long, or anger an inch thick? IIoW superior to the gloomy mists of modern infidels have even pagans been ! Cicerfl F S2 A FUTURE LIFE. paot I. SO, vi5:3jeiYtibie. But since consciousness is a single and indi- visible power, ii. should seem that the subject in whicb it resides must be so too. For were the motion of" any particle of matter absolutely one and indivisible, so as that it should imply d, con- tradiction to suppose part of this motion to exist, and part not to exist, i.e. part of this matter to move, and part to be at rest, then its power of motion would be indivisible; and so also would the subject in which the power inheres, namely, the particle of matter : for it this could be divided into two, one part might be moved and the other at rest, which is contrary to the sup- position. In like manner it has been argued,* and, for any thing ap pearing to the contrary, justly, that since the perception or cod- sciousness, which we have of our own existence, is indivisible, so as that it is a contradiction to suppose one part of it should be here and the other there ; the perceptive power, or the power of consciousness, is indivisible too : and consequently the subject in which it resides, i.e. the conscious being. Now, upon supposi- tion that the living agent each man calls himself, is thus a singlb being, which ihere is at least no more difficulty in conceiving than in conceiving it to be a compound, and of which there is the proof now mencioued j it follows, that our organized bodies are no more ourselves or part of ourselves, than any other matter around us. And it is as easy to conceive, how matter, which is no part of ourselves, may be appropriated to us in the manner which our present bodies are ; as how we can receive impressions from, and have power over, any matter. It is as easy to conceive, that we may exist out of bodies, as in them ; and that we might have animated bodies of any rtther organs and senses wholly different from these now given us; and that we may hereafter animate these same or new bodies, variously modified and organized; as to conceive how makes Cato saj', *' The soul is a simple, uncompounded substance, wi'^hout parts or mixture: it cannot be divided, and so cannot perish." And in another place, "I never could believe that the soul lust its senses by escaping from senseless matter; or that such a release will not enlarge and improve its powers;" and aguin, "I am persuaded that I shall only begin truly to live, when I cease to live in this world." Xinophon reports Cyrus as saying, in his last moment!?, ' my sons ! do not imagine that when death has taker me from you, I sha!J cease to exist."] * Sue Dr. ClarkeV Letter to Mr. Dodwell, and the defence? of it CHAP I. A FUTURE LIFE. gg we can animate such bodies as our present. And lastly, the dis- solution of all these several organized bodies, supposing carseives to have successively animated them, would have no more con? ccivable tendency to destroy the living beings oursoives, or de- prive us of living faculties, the faculties of perception and of action, than the dissolution of any foreign matter, which we are capable of receiving impressions from, and making use of, for the common occasions of life. II. The simplicity and absolute oneness of a living agent can- not, from the nature of the thing, be properly proved by experi- mental observations. But as these fall in with the supposition of its unity, so they plainly lead us to conclude certainly, that our gross organized bodies, with which we perceive objects of sense, and with which we act, are no part of ourselves ; and therefore show US; that we have no reason to believe their destruction to be ours : even without determining whether our living substance be material or immaterial. For we see by experience, that men may lose their limbs, their organs of sense, and even the greatest part of these bodies, and yet remain the same living agents. Persons can trace up •'he existence of themselves to a time, when the bulk of their bodies was extremely small, in comparison of what it is in mature age : and we cannot but think, that they might then have lost a considerable part of that small body, and yet have re- mained the same living agents; as they may now lose great part of their present body, and remain so. And it is certain, that the bodies of all animals are in a constant flux,** from that never- ceasing attrition, which there is in every part of them. Now, things of this kind unavoidably teach us to distinguish, between these living agents ourselves, and large quantities of matter, in which we are very nearly interested; since these may be alien- iitcd, and actually are in a daily course of succession, and changing their owners; whilst we are assured, that each living agent re- ^* [As every particle of our bodies is changed within seven years, an ave- rage life would take us through many such changes. If the mind (bauges with the body, it would be unjust for an old man to be made to suffer fur the sins of his youth. To escape this, the materialist is driven to alErm that the tchole is not altered, though every particle be changed. This argument from the constant ilux is irresistible. It proves our I'lentlty, and that matter and mind are not the same. Does it not also destro) al' pv© sumption that the Ego cannot exist without ibis particular body?] 54 A FUTURE LIFE. PAiti l Qiains one and the same permanent being.* And this general observation leads us on to the following ones. Fint, Ihat we have no way of determining by experience, what is the certain bulk of the living being each man calls him- self: and yet, till it be determined that it is larger in bulk than the solid elementary particles of matter, which there, is no ground to think any natural power can dissolve, there is no sort of reason to think death to be the dissolution of it, of the living being, even though it should not be absolutely indiscerptible. Secondhj, From our being so nearly related to and interested in certain systems of matter, (suppose our flesh and bones,) and afterwards ceasing to be at all related to them, the living agents, ourselves, remaining all this while undestroyed notwithstanding such alienation ; and consequently these systems of matter not being ourselves, it follows further that we have no ground to conclude any other (suppose internal) Hi/ateras of matter, to be the living agents ourselves ; because we can have no ground to conclude this, but from our relation to and interest in such other systems of matter : and therefore we can have no reason to con- clude what befalls those systems of matter at death, to be the destruction of the living agents. AYe have already several times oyer, lost a great part or perhaps the whole of our body, accord- ing to certain common established laws of nature, yet we remain the same living agents. When we shall lose as great a part, or the whole, by another common established law of nature, death, why may we not also remain the same ? That the alienation has been gradual in one case, and in the other will be more at once, does not prove any thing to the contrary. We have passed undestroyed through those many and great revolutions of matter, so peculiarly appropriated to us ourselves; why should we imagine death will be so fatal to us ? Nor can it be objected, that what is thus alienated or lost, is no part of our original solid body, but only adventitious matter. Because we may lose entire limbs, which must have contained many solid parts and vessels of the original body; or if this be not admitted, we have no proof, that any of these solid parts are dissolved or alienated by death. Though we are very nearly related to that extraneous or adventitious matter, whilst it continues united to and dit>tcnding tlie several parts .>■' * See l)l.-^erli.ii..n I. CHiP. I. A FUTURE LIFE. 8& our solid body, yet after all, the relation a person bear» to those parts of his body, to which he is most nearly related, amounts but to this, that the living agent, and those parts of the body, mutu- ally affect each other.^ The same thing, the same thing in kind though not in degree, may be said of all foreign matter, which gives us ideas, and over which we have any power. From these observations the whole ground of the imagination is removed, that the dissolution of any matter, is the destruction of a living agent, from the interest he once had in such matter. Thirdli/, If we consider our body somewhat more distinctly, as made up of organs and instruments of perception and of mo- tion, it will bring us to the same conclusion. Thus the common optical experiments show, and even the observation how sight is afisisted by glasses shows, that we see with our eyes in the same sense as we see with glasses. Nor is there any reason to believe, that we see with them in any other sense; any other, I mean, which would lead us to think the eye itself a percipient. The like is to be said of hearing; and our feeling distant solid matter by means of something in our hand, seems an instance of the like kind, as to the subject we are considering. All these are in- stances of foreign matter, or such as is no part of our body, being instrumental in preparing objects fur, and conveying them to, the perceiving power, in a manner similar to the manner in which our organs of sense prepare and convey them. Both are in a like way instruments of our receiving such ideas from ex- ternal objects, as the Author of nature appointed those external objects to be the occasions of exciting in us. Glasses are evident instances of this; namely of matter which is no part of our body, preparing objects for and conveying them towards the per- ceiving power, in like manner as our bodily organs do. And if we see with our e3'es only in the same manner as we do with glasses, the like may justly be concluded, from analogy, of all our other senses. It is not intended, by any thing here said, to affirm, that the whole apparatus of vision, or of perception by ' [The uiind affects the body, as much as the body does the luiud. Love, anj^er, ic. quicken the circulation; fear checks it; terror may stop it alto- s;ether. Mania is as often produced by moral, as by physical causes, anJ hence of late moral means are resorted to lor cure. The brain of a maniac, seldom shows, on dis.section, any derangement. But this does not prove thai Uierc was no fitnclional derangement.] 8 8f} A FUTURE LIFE. pabt *. any other sense, can be traced through all its steps, quite up to the living power of seeing, or perceiving : but that so far as it can be traced by experimental observations, so far it appears, that our organs of sense prepare and convey objects, in order to their ^eing perceived, in like manner as foreign matter does, without affording any shadow of appearance, that they themselves per- ceive. And that we have no reason to think our organs of sense percipients, is confirmed by instances of persons losing some of them, the living beings themselves, their former occupiers, re- maining unimpaired. It is confirmed also by the experience of dreams ] by which we find we are at present possessed of a latent, and what would be otherwise an unimagined unknown power of perceiving sensible objects, in as strong and lively a manner with- out our external organs of sense, as with them. So also with regard to our power of moving, or directing motion by will and choic^ ; upon the destruction of a limb, this active power evidently remains, unlessened; so that the living being, who has suffered this loss, would be capable of moving as before, if it had another limb to move with. It can walk by the help of an artificial leg. It can make use of a pole or a lever, to reach towards itself and to move things, beyond the length and the power of its arm ; and this it does in the same manner as it reaches and moves, with its natural arm, things nearer and of less weight. Nor is there so much as any appearance of our limbs being endued with a power of moving or directing them- selves; though they are adapted, like the several parts of a machine, to be the instruments of motion to each other; and some parts of the same limb, to be instruments of motion to the other parts. Thus a man determines that he will look at an object through a microscope; or being lame, that he will walk to such a place with a staff, a week hence. His eyes and his feet no more determine in these cases, than the microscope and the staff. Nor is there any ground to think they any more put the determi- nation in practice ; or that his eyes are the seers, or his feet the movers, in any other sense than as the microscope and the staff are Upon the whole, then, our organs of sense, and our limbs, are certainly histminents,^ which the living persons ourse'ves 'f'S. What shall we sa}', then, of the shoemaker? That lie cuts Tvith I if jOAP. I. A FUTURE LIFE. 87 make use of to perceive and move with : there is not any proba- bility, that they are any more; nor consequently, that we have any other kind of relation to them, than what we have to any other foreign matter formed into instruments of perception ana motion, suppose into a microscope or a staff; (I say any other kind of relation, for I am not speaking of the degree of it) nor con- pequently is there any probability, that the alienation or disso- lution of these instruments, is the destruction of the perceiving and moving agent. And thus our finding that the dissolution of matter, in which living beings were most nearly interested, is not their dissolution; and that the destruction of several of the organs and instruments of perception and of motion belonging to them, is not their destruction ; shows demonstratively, that there is no ground to think that the dissolution of any other matter, or destruction of any other organs and instruments, will be the dissolution or destruction of living agents, from the like kind of relation. And we have no reason to think we stand in any other kind of relation to any thing which we find dissolved by death. But it is said, these observations are equally applicable to brutes :^ and it is thought an insuperable difficulty, that they instrument only, or with his hands also? A. With his hands also. S. Does he use his eyes also, in making shoes ? A. Yes. S. But ai-e we agreed that be who uses, and what he uses, are different? A. Yes. S. The shoemaker, then, and harper, are different from the hands and eyes they use? A. It appears so. S. Does a man then use his whole body? A. Certainly. S. But he who uses, and that which he uses are different. A. Yes. S. A man then is something different from his own body." Plat. Alcibi. Prim. p. 129, D. Stallb. Ed. " It may easily be perceived that the mind both .«ees and hears, and not those parts which are, so to speak, windows of the mind." ''Neiiher are we bodies; nor do I, while speaking this to thee, speak to thy body."" "Whatever is done by thy mind, is done by thee." Cickro, Tusc. Disput. I. 20, 46 and 22, 52 "The mind of each man is the man; not that figure which may be pointed out with the finger." Cic, de Rep. b. 6, s. 24.] 8 [Butler's argument, if advanced for proof would prove too much, not only as to brutes but as to man ; for it would prove preexistence. And this is really the tenet, (i.e. transmigration,) of those who arrive at the doctrine of immor- tality only by philosophy. Philosophy cannot establish the doctrine of a tuture state, nor can it afford any presumptions oguinst either a future or ai prt-existent state. Nothing is gained by insisting that reason teaches the true doctrine of the Foul; any more than there would be by insisting that by it we learned the doctrine of a trinity, , w; av aKunf Kvojxhcji- eivar rov 61 davarov, yhcaiv ctg t6v SvrKOi iSiof, Kai rov evbaiyiOva rolg (piXoaobriaaai' Lib. XV. p. 1039, Ed. Amst. 1707. ["For they think that the present life is like that of those who are just ready to be born ; and that death is a birth into the real life, and a happy one to those who have practised philosophy."] To which opinion perhaps Antoninus may allude in these words, wj vvi> T:tpijikvtig, ndre e^(ipiov ck riis yaarpdi r/)j ywaiKOg aox) i\EKBi), ovmciii iKiixsadai, rfiv iopav iv y to tpvxdptov aov rov eXirpov rovrov SKTrEaeTTai. Lib. ix. c. 3. [As this last passage may, by some, be thought indelicate, it is left untranslated.] i [The increase of a force in any direction, cannot of itself change thit iir«c- tion. An arrow shot from a bow, towards an object, does not aim at som« othe' object, by being shot with more force.] CHAP. I. A FUTUUF. LIFE. 93 ance of. So tliat the destruction of a vegetable, is an eveni not similar or analogous to the destruction of a living agent. If, as was above intimated, leaving off the delusive custom of substituting imagination in the room of experience, we would confine ourselves to what we do know and understand; if we would argue only from that, and from that form our expectations, it would appear at first sight, that asCno probability of living beings ever ceasing to be so, can be concluded from the reason of the thing, so none can be collected from the analogy of nature ; because we cannot trace any living beings beyond death. \ But as we are conscious that we are endued with capacities of perception and of action, and are living persons ; what we are to go upon is, that we shall continue so, till we foresee some acci- dent or event, which will endanger those capacitities, or be likely to destroy us : which death does in no wise appear to be^ Thus, when we go out of this world, we may pass into new scenes, and a new state of life and action, just as naturally as we came into the present. And this new state may naturally be a social one.^ And the advantages of it, advantages of every kind, may naturally be bestowed, according to some fixed general laws of wisdom, upon every one in proportion to the degrees of his virtue. And though the advantages of that future natural state should not be bestowed, as these of the present in some measure are, by the will of the society; but entirely by his more imme- diate action, upon whom the whole frame of nature depends : yet this distribution may be just as natural, as their being distributed here by the instrumentality of men. Indeed, though one should allow any confused undetermined sense, which people please to put upon the word natural, it would be a shortness of thought scarce credible, to imagine, that no system or course of things can be so, but only what we see at present :* especially whilst the ^ [Our nature will ahoays be ours, or we should cease to be ourselves, and become something else. And this nature is social. Every one feels, at least somotimes, that he is not complete in himself for the production of happiness; and so looks round for that which may fit his wants, and supply what he can- not produce from within. Hence amusements, of a thousand kinds, are re- sorted to, and still more, society. Society is a want of the mind; as food is of the body. Society, such as perfectly suits our real nature, and calls out, in a right manner, its every attribute, would secure our perfect happiness. But gpch society must include God.] • See Part II. chap. ii. and Part II. chap. iv. 94 A FUTURE LIFE part i. probtibility of a future life, or the Datural immortality of the soul, is admitted upon the evidence of reason ; because this ia really both admitting and denying at once, a state of being difiPer- ent from the present to be natural. But the only distinct mean- ing of that word is, stated, fixed j or settled; since what is natural as much requires and presupposes an intelligent agent to render it so, i.e. to effect it continually, or at stated times, as what is supernatural or miraculous does to effect it for once. Hence it must follow, that persons' notion of what is natural, will be enlarged in proportion to their greater knowledge of the works of God, and the dispensations of his providence. Nor is there any absurdity in supposing, that there may be beings in the universe, whose capacities, and knowledge, and views, may be so extensive, as that the whole Christian dispensation may co them appear natural, i.e. analogous or conformable to God's dealings with other parts of his creation ; as natural as the visible known course of things appears to us. For there seems scarce any other possible sense to be put upon the word, but that only in which it is here used ; similar, stated, or uniform. This credibility of a future life, which has been here insisted upon, how little soever it may satisfy our curiosity, seems to answer all the purposes of religion, in like manner as a demon- strative proof would. Indeed a proof, even a demonstrative one, of a future life, would not be a proof of religion. For, that we ar^ to live •hereafter, is just as reconcilable with the scheme of atheism, and as well to be accounted for by it, as that we are now alive is : and therefore nothing can be more absurd than to argue from that scheme, that there can be no future state. But as religion implies a future state, any presumption against such a state, is a presumption against religion. The foregoing observations remove all presumptions of that sort, and prove, to a very considerable degree of probability, one fundamental doc- trine of religion; which, if believed, would greatly open and dispose the mind seriously to attend to the general evidenco of the whole. OTAP. n. GOVERNMENT OF GOD. 95 CHAPTER 11. ■THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD BY REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS. That which makes the question concerning a future life to be of so great importance to us, is our capacity of happiness and misery. And that which makes the consideration of it to be of so great importance to us, is the supposition of our happiness and misery hereafter depending upon our actions here. Indeed, without this, curiosity could not but sometimes bring a subject, in which we may be so highly interested, to our thoughts; espe- cially upon the mortality of others, or the near prospect of our own. But reasonable men would not take any further thought about hereafter, than what should happen thus occasionally to rise in their minds, if it were certain that our future interest no way depended upon our present behavior; whereas, on the con- trary, if there be ground, either from analogy or any thing -else, to think it does, then there is reason also for the most active thought and solicitude, to secure that interest; to behave so as that we may escape that misery, and obtain that happiness, in another life, which we not only suppose ourselves capable of, but which we apprehend also is put in our own power. And whether there be ground for this last apprehension, certainly would deserve to be most seriously considered, were there no other proof of a future life and interest, than that presumptive one, which the foregoing observations amount to. In the present state, all which we enjoy, and a great part of j what we suffer, is put in our own pou-er. Pleasure and pain are the consequences of our actions; and we are endued by the Author of our nature with capacities of foreseeing these conse- quences. We find by experience that he does not so much as preserve our lives, exclusive of our own care and attention, to provide ourselves with, and to make use of, that sustenance, by which he has appointed our lives shall be preserved; and with- out which, he has appointed, they shall not be preserved. In general we foresee, that the external things, which are the objects of our various passions, can neither be obtained nor enjoyed, without exerting ourselves in such and such manners : but by 90 GOVERNMENT OF GOD part i- thus exerting ourselves, we obtain and enjoy tliese objects, in which our natural good consists ; or by this meaus God gives us the possession and enjoyment of them. I know not, that we have nny one kind or degree of enjoyment, but by the means of our own actions. By prudence and care, we may, for the most part, pass our days in tolerable ease and quiet : on the contrary, we may, by rashness, ungoverned passion, wilfulness, or even by negligence, make ourselves as miserable as ever we please. And many do please to make themselves extremely miserable, i.e. to do what they know beforehand will render them so. They follow those ways, the fruit of which they know, by instruction, ex- ample, and experience, will be disgrace, and poverty, and sick- ness, and untimely death. This every one observes to be the gene- ral course of things ; though it is to be allowed, we cannot find by experience, that all our sufferings are owing to our own follies. ; Why the Author of nature does not give his creatures pfo> miscuously such and such perceptions, without regard to their behavior; why he does not make them happy without the instru- mentality of their own actions, and prevent their bringing any sufferings upon themselves, is another matter.* Perhaps there may be some impossibilities in the nature of things, which we are unacquainted with.* Or less happiness, it may be, would upon the whole be produced by such a method of conduct, than is by the present. Or perhaps divine goodness, with which, if I mis- take not, we make very free in our speculations, may not be a bare single disposition to produce happiness; but a disposition to make the good, the faithful, the honest, happy. Perhaps an infinitely perfect mind may be pleased with seeing his creatures behave suitably to the nature which he has given them ; to the relations which he has placed them in to each other; and to that which they stand in to himself: that relation to himself, which, during their existence, is even necessary," and which is the most " [Objections and dijQBculties belong to all subjects, in some of their bearings. Ingenious and uncandid men may start others, which care and candor may remove. It is therefore no proof of weakness in a doctrine, that it is attacked with objections, both real and merely plausible. Error has been spread by two opposite means : — a dogmatic insisting on doubtful points, and an unteachable cavilling at certain truth.] * Part I. chap. vii. * [Our relation to God is " even necessary," because we are his creatures: bo .;hap. ti. DY rewards AND PUNISHMENTS. cjy important, one of all : perhaps, I say, an infinitely perfect mind may be pleased with this moral piety of moral agents, in and for itself; as well as upon account of its being essentially conducive to the happiness of his creation. Or the whole end, for which God made, and thus governs the world, may be utterly beyond the reach of our faculties : there may be somewhat in it as im- possible for us to have any conception of, as for a blind man to have a conception of colors. However this be, it is certain matter of universal experience, that the general method of divine administration is, forewarning us, or giving us capacities to fore- see, with more or less clearness, that if we act so and so, we shall have such enjoyments, if so and so, such sufferings; and giving us those enjoyments, and making us feel those sufferings, in consequence of our actions. ''But all this is to be ascribed to the general course of nature."*-^ True. This is the very thing which I am observing. It is to be ascribed to the general course of nature : i.e. not surely to the words or ideas, course of nature; but to Him who appointed it, and pxit things into it; or to a course of operation, from its uniformity or constancy, called natural ;* and which necessarily implies an operating agent. For when men find themselves necessitated to confess an Author of nature, or that God is the natural governor of the world, they must not deny this again, because his government is uniform. They must not deny that he does things at all, because he does them constantly,* because the effects of his acting are permanent, whether his acting be so or not; though there is no reason to think it is not. In short, every man, in every thing he does, naturally acts upon the fore- thought and apprehension of avoiding evil or obtaining good: and if the natural course of things be the appointment of God, and our natural faculties of knowledge and experience are given that the relation must endure so long as we endure. But our relations to other creatures are contingent, and may be changed or abrogated.] * Pp. 93, 94. « ["The terms nature, and power of nature, and course of nature, are but <,iipty words, and merely mean that a thing occurs usually or frequently. The raising of a human body out of the earth we call a miracle, the generation of one in the ordinary way we call natural, for no other reason than because one is usual the other unusual. Did men usually rise out of the earth like corn we should call that natural." Dr. Clarke, Controv. with Leibnitz.] • G 9 98 GOVERNMENT OF GOD parti as by him, tlien the good and bad consequences which follow our actions, are his appointment, and our foresight of thode conse- quences, is a warning given us by him, how we are to act. ^J *' Is the pleasure then, naturally accompanying ever}/ particular gratification of passion, intended to put us upon gratifying our- selves in every such particular instance, and as a rewaj-d to us for so doing ?" No, certainly. Nor is it to be said, that our eyes were naturally intended to give us the sight of each particular object, to which they do or can extend; objects which are de- structive of them, or which, for any other reason, it may become us to turn our eyes from. Yet there is no doubt, but that our eyes were intended for us to see with.* So neither ivs there any doubt, but that the foreseen pleasures and pains belouj^mg to the passions, were intended, in general, to induce- manki/id to aot in such and such manners. From this general observation, obvious to every one, (that God has given us to understand, he has appointed satisfaction and delight to be the consequence of our acting in one manner, and pain and uneasiness of our acting in another, and of our not act- ing at all ; and that we find these consequences, which we were beforehand informed of, uniformly to follow;) we may learn, that we are at present actually under his government in the strictest and most proper sense; in such a sense, as that he rewards and punishes us for our actions. An Author of nature being supposed, it is not so much a deduction of reason, as a matter of experience, that we are thus under his government; under his government, in the same sense, as we are under the government of civil magistrates. Because the annexing of pleasure to some actions, and pain to others, in our power to do or forbear, and giving notice of this ^ [That man consists of parts, is evident; and the use of each part, and of the whole man, is open to investigation. In examining any part we learn what it iV, and what it is- to do: e.g. the eye, the hand, the heart. So of mental faculties; memory is to preserve ideas, shame to deter us from things shameful, compassion to induce us to relieve distress. In observing our whole make, we may see an ultimate design, — viz.: not particular animal gratifications, but in- tellectual and moral improvement, and h:ippiness by that means. If this be our end, it is our duty. To disregard it, must bring punishment; for siiauao, anguish, remorse, are by the laws of mind, the sequences of sin. See Law's Notes on King's Origin of Evil.] CHAP. n. BY REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS. 99 appointment beforehand to those whom it concerns, is the proper formal notion of government. Whether the pleasure or pain which thus follows upon out behavior, be owing to the Author of nature's acting upon us every moment which we feel it; or to his having at once con- trived and executed his own part in the plan of the world; makes no alteration as to the matter before us. For if civil magistrates could make the sanctions of their laws take place, without interposing at all, after they had passed them; with- out a trial, and the formalities of an execution : if they were able to make their laws execute themselves, or every oft'ender to execute them upon himself; we should be just in the same sense under their government then, as we are now; but in a much higher degree, and more perfect manner. Vain is the ridicule, with which one foresees some persona will divert themselves, upon finding lesser pains considered as instances of divine punishment. There is no possibility of answering or evading the general thing here intended, without denying all final causes. For final causes being admitted, the j)Ieasures and pains now mentioned must be admitted too as in- stances of them. And if they are; if God annexes delight to tome actions, and uneasiness to others, with an apparent design to induce us to act so and so ; then he not only dispenses happi- bess and misery, but also rewards and punishes actions. If, for example, the pain which we feel, upon doing what tends to the destruction of our bodies, suppose upon too near approaches to fire, or upon wounding ourselves, be appointed by the Author of nature to prevent our doing what thus tends to our destruction ; this is altogether as much an instance of his punishing our actions, and consequently of our being under his government,* as declaring by a voice from heaven, that if we acted so, he would inflict such pain upon us; and inflicting it, whether it be greater or less. Thus we find, that the true notion or conception of the Author •= [It is almost amazing that philosophy, because it discovers the laws of matter, should be placed in antagonism with the Bible which reveals a super- intending Providence. The Bible itself teaches this very result of philosophy, — vie. : that the world is governed by (jcucral laira. See Prov. viii. 29 : Job. vxxviii. 12, 24, 31, H'i: Ps. cxix. 90, 91 : Jer. xxxi. 35, and xxxiii. 26.1 IQO GOVERNMENT OF GOD part L of nature; is vbat of a master or governor, prior to the considera- tion of his moral attributes. The fact of our case, which we find by experience, is, that he actually exercises dominion or governnjent over us at present, by rewarding and punishing ua for our actions, in as strict and proper a sense of these words, and even in the same sense, as children, servants, subjects, are rewarded and punished by those who govern them. Thus the whole analogy of nature, the whole present course of things, most fully shows, that there is nothing incredible in the general doctrine of religion, that God will reward and punish men for their actions hereafter: nothing incredible, I mean, arising out of the notion of rewarding and punishing. For the whole course of nature is a present instance of his exercising that government over us, which implies in it rewarding and punishing. As divine punishment is what men chiefly object against, and are most unwilling to allow; it may be proper to mention some circumstances in the natural course of jDunishments at present, which are analogous to what religion teaches us concerning a future state of punishment ; indeed so analogous, that as they add a further credibility to it, so they cannot but raise a most serious apprehension of it in those who will attend to them. It has been now observed, that such and such miseries natu- rally follow such and such actions of imprudence and wilfulness, as well as actions niore commonly and more distinctly considered as vicious; and that these consequences, when they may be fore- seen, are properly natural punishments annexed to such actions. The general thing here insisted upon, is, not that we see a great deal of misery in the world, but a great deal which men bring upon themselves by their own behavior, which they might have foreseen and avoided. Now the circumstances of these natural punishments, particularly deserving our attention, are such as these. Oftentimes they foJlow, or are inflicted in consequence of, actions which procure many present advantages, and are ac- companied with much present pleasure; for instance, sickness and untimely death are the consequence of intemperance, though ttccompanied with the highest mirth and jollity. These punish- CHAP. n. BY REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS. 101 ments are often mucli greater, than the advantages or pleasures obtained by the actions, of which they are the punishments or consequences. Though we may imagine a constitution of nature, in which these natural punishments, which are in fact to follow, would follow, immediately upon such actions being done, or very soon after; we find on the contrary in our world, that they are often delayed a great while, sometimes even till long after the actions occasioning them are forgot; so that the constitution of nature is such, that delay of punishment is no sort nor degree of presumption of final impunity. After such delay, these natural punishments or miseries often come, not by degrees, but suddenly, with violence, and at once; however, the chief misery often does. As certaintyof such distant misery following such actions, is never afforded persons, so perhaps during the actions, they have seldom a distinct, full expectation of its following :* and many times the case is only thus, that they see in general, or may see, the credibility, that intemperance, suppose, will bring after it diseases ; civil crimes, civil punishments ; when yet the real probability often is, that they shall escape ; but things not- withstanding take their destined course, and the misery inevi- tably follows at its appointed time, in very many of these cases. Thus also though youth may be alleged as an excuse for rashness and folly, as being naturally thoughtless, and not clearly foresee- ing all the consequences of being untractable and profligate, this does not hinder, but that these consequences follow ; and are grievously felt, throughout the whole course of mature life. Habits contracted even in that age, are often utter ruin : and men's success in the world, not only in the common sense of worldly success, but their real happiness and misery, depends, in a great degree, and in various ways, upon the manner in which they pass their youth; which consequences they for the most part neglect to consider, and perhaps seldom can properly be said to believe, beforehand. In numberless cases, the naturaFcourse of things affords us opportunities for procuring advantages to ourselves at certain times, which we cannot procure when we will ; nor ever recall the opportunities, if we have neglected them. Indeed the general course of nature is an example of this. If during the opportunity of youth, persons are indocile «- See Part II. chap. vi. 9* 102 GOVERNMENT OF GOD parti, and solt-willed, they inevitably suifer in their future life, foi want of those acquirements, which they neglected the natural Be&son of attaining. If the husbandman lets seedtime pass without sowing, the whole year is lost to him beyond recovery. Though after men have been guilty of folly and extravagance up to a certain degree, it is often in their power, to retrieve their affairs, to recover their health and character, at least in good measure ; yet real reformation is in many cases, of no avail at al' towards preventing the miseries, poverty, sickness, infamy, natu rally annexed to folly and extravagance exceeding that degree There is a certain bound to imprudence and misbehavior, which being transgressed, there remains no place for repentance in the natural course of things. It is further very much to be re- marked, that neglects from inconsiderateness, want of attention,* not looking about us to see what we have to do, are often at- tended with consequences altogether as dreadful, as any active misbehavior, from the most extravagant passion. And lastly, civil government being natural, the punishments of it are so too : and some of these punishments are capital ; as the effects of a dissolute course of pleasure are often mortal. So that many natural punishments are finalf to him who incurs them, if con- sidered only in his temporal capacity; and seem inflicted by *■ Part II. chap. vi. f The general consideration of a future state of punishment, most evidently belongs to the subject of natural religion. But if any of these reflections should be thought to relate more peculiarly to this doctrine, as taught in Scrip- ture, the reader is desired to observe, that Gentile writers, both moralists and poets, speak of the future punishment of the wicked, both as to the duration and degree of it, in a like manner of expression and of description, as tha Scripture does. So that all which can positively be asserted to be matter of mere revelation, with regard to this doctrine, seems to be, that the great dis- tinction between the righteous and the wicked, shall be made at the end of this world; that each shall tlien receive according to his deserts. Reason did, as it well might, conclude that it should, finally and upon the whole, be well with the righteous, and ill with the wicked : but it could not be determined upon any principles of reason, whether human creatures might not have been ap- pointed to pass through othtM- states of life and being, before that distributive justice should finally and effectually take place. Revelation teaches us, *hat the next state of things after the present is appointed for tbe execution of this justice; that it shall be no longer delayed; but the mystery of God, the great mystery of his suffering vice and confu:'ion to prevail, sIkiU then be Jiniehed ; and he will take to him IiIh ijreat jwicer and will rdyn, by rendering t*? pverw one according to his works. CHAP. II. BY REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS. 103 natural appointment, either to remove the offender out )f the way of being further mischievous, or as an example, thougb fre- quently a disregarded one, to those who are left behind. These things are not what we call accidental, or to be met witn only now and then; but they are things of every day's expe- rience. They proceed from general laws, very general ones, by which God governs the world in the natural course of his providence.' And they are so analogous, to what religion teaches us con- cerning the future punishment of the wicked, so much of a piece with it, that both would naturally be expressed in the very same words, and manner of description. In the book of Proverbs* for instance, wisdom is introduced, as frequenting the most public places of resort, and as rejected when she offers herself as the natural appointed guide of human life. Hoic long, speaking to those who are passing through it, how long, ye simple ones, icill ye love folly, and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Turn ye at my reproof Behold, I will pour out my spirit upon you, I will make known my words unto you. But upon being neglected. Because I have called, and ye refused^ I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; hut yc have set at nought all my counsel, and icould none of my re- proof : I also will laugh at your calamity, I will mock when yonr fear cometh ; ichen your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a ichirlwind ; when distress and anguish come upon you. Then shall they call upon me, hut I will not answer; they shall seek me early, hut they shall not find me. This passage, every one sees, is poetical, and some parts of it are highly figurative ; but the meaning is obvious. And the thing intended is expressed more literally in the following words; For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord therefore shall they cat of the fruit of their own vmy, and he filled with their own devices. For the security of ' [Our language furnishes no finer specimens of the argument analogical. JButler here seizes the very points, which are most plausible and most insisted on, as showing the harshness and unreasonahlencss of Christianity; and over- throws them at a stroke by simply directing attention to the sa-rne things, in the 'aniversally observed course of nature.] » Chap. i. 104 GOVERNMENT OF GOD. part x the simple shall slaij them, and the proqicriti/ nf fooh shall de- stroy them. The whole passage is so equally applicable to wliat we experience in the preseut world, concerning the consequences of men's actions, and to what religion teaches us is to be expected in another, that it may be questioned which of the two was prin- cipally intended. Indeed when one has been recollecting the proper proofs of a future state of rewards and punishments, nothing methinks can give one so sensible an apprehension of the latter, or representa- tion of it to the mind, as observing, that after the many dis- regarded checks, admonitions, and warnings, which people meet with in the ways of vice and folly and extravagance, warnings from their very nature, from the examples of others, from the lesser inconveniences which they bring upon themselves, from the instructions of wise and virtuous men : after these have been long despised, scorned, ridiculed : after the chief bad conse- quences, temporal consequences, of their follies, have been de- layed for a great while, at length they break in irresistibly, like an armed force : repentance is too late to relieve, and can serve only to aggravate their distress, the case is .become desperate : and poverty and sickness, remorse and anguish, infamy and death, the eifects of their own doings, overwhelm them beyond possibility of remedy or escape. This is an account of what is, in fact, the general constitution of nature. « It is not in any sort meant, that, according to what appears at present of the natural course of things, men are always uniformly punished in proportion to their misbehavior. But that there are very many instances of misbehavior punished in the several ways now mentioned, and very dreadful instances too; sufficient to show what the laws of the universe may admit, and, if thoroughly considered, sufficient fully to answer all objections against the credibility of a future state of punishments, from any imagina- tions, that the frailty of our nature and external temptations, almost annihilate the guilt of human vices : as well as objections of another sort ; from necessity, from suppositions, that the will of an infinite Being cannot be contradicted, or that he must be incapable of offence and provocation.* Keflections of this kind are not without their terrors to serioup * See cbaps. iv. and vi. cnAP. III. THE MORAL GOVERNMENT OF GOD. xOb persons, e-^en the most free from enthusiasm, and of the greatest strength of mind ; but it is tit that things be stated and con- sidered as they real!}' are There is, in the present age, a certain fearlessness with regard to what may be hereafter under the government of God, which nothing but a universally acknow- ledged demonstration on the side of atheism can justify; and which makes it quite necessary, that men be reminded, and if possible made to feel, that there is no sort of ground for being thus presumptuous, even upon the most sceptical principles. For, may it not be said of any person upon his being born into the world, he may behave so as to be of no service to it, bui by being made an example of the woeful effects of vice and idly? That he may, as any one may, if he will, incur an intamous execution from the hands of civil justice, or in some other course of extravagance shorten his days ; or bring upon iiimself infamy and diseases worse than death ? So that it h;id been better for him, even with regard to the present world, chat he had never been born. And is there any pretence of reason for people to think themselves secure, and talk as if they had certain proof, that, let them act as licentiously as. they will, there can be nothing analogous to this, with regard to a future and more gene- ral interest, under the providence and government of the same CrOd ? CHAPTER III.' THE MORAL GOVERNMENT OF GOD. As the manifold appearances of design, and of final causes, io the constitution of the world, prove it to be the work of an in- telligent mind, so the particular final causes of pleasure and pain distributed amongst his creatures, prove that they are under his * [This chapter, more than any other, carries the force of positive argument. If in this Avorld, we have proofs that God is a moral. governor, then in order to evince that we shall be under moral government hcrenfter, we have only to Bupply an intermediate consideration, — viz.: that God, as such, must be un- chnngeable. The argument, as just remarked, assumes a substantive form, becau'je admitted facts, as to this world, exhibiting the very jifinciplcs on which G'^d's government goes at present, compel us not only to supitoee that *he prin- e^pi^o of God will remain, but to tudievc so.] lOtt THE MORAL GOVERNMENT OF OOD. part L givjrnraent; what may be called his natural government of creatuns endued with sense and reason. This implies somewhat more than seems usually attended to, when we speak of God's natural government of the world. It implies government of the very same kind with that which a master exercises over his servants, or a civil magistrate over his subjects. These latter instances of final causes, as really prove an intelligent Governor of the world, in the sense now mentioned, and before* distinctly treated of j as any other instances of final causes prove an intelli- gent Maker of it. But this alone does not appear at first sight to determine any thing certainly, concerning the moral character of the Author of nature, considered in this relation of governor; does not ascer- tain his government to be moral, or prove that he is the righteous Judge of the world. Moral government consists, not in barely rewarding and punishing men for their actions, which the most tyrannical may do, but in rewarding the righteous, and punish- ing the wicked : in rendering to men according to their actions, considered as good or evil. And i\\Q perfection of moral govern- ment consists in doing this, with regard to all intelligent creatures, in an exact proportion to their personal merits or demerits. Some men seem to think the only character of the Author of nature to be that of simple absolute benevolence. This, con- sidered as a principle of action and infinite in degree, is a disposi- tion to produce the greatest possible happiness, without regard to persons' behavior, otherwise than as such regard would pro- duce higher degrees of it. And supposing this to be the only character of God, veracity and justice in him would be nothing but benevolence conducted by wisdom. Surely this ought not to be asserted, unless it can be proved ; for we should speak with cautious reverence upon such a subject. Whether it can be proved or no, is not the thing here to be inquired intoj but whether in the constitution and conduct of the world, a righteous government be not discernibly planned out : which necessarily implies a righteous governor. There may possibly be in the creation beings, to whom the Author of nature manifests himself ander this most amiable of all characters, this of infinite abso- lute benevolence; fur it is the most amiable, supposing \t not, ab ■-•• Chap, ii CHAP. III. THE MORAL GOVERNMENT OF GOD. i07 perhaps it is not, incompatible with justice ; but he manifests himself to us under the character of a righteous governor. lie may, consistently with this, be simply and absolutely benevolent, in the sense now explained : but he is (for he has given us a proof in the constitution and conduct of the world that he is) a governor over servants, as he rewards and punishes us for our actions. And in the constitution and conduct of it, he may also have given, besides the reason of the thing, and the natural pre- sages of conscience, clear and distiact intimations, that his govern- ment is righteous or moral : clear to such as think the nature ot it deserving their attention, and yet not to every careless person, who casts a transient reflection upon the subject.* It is particularly to be observed, that the divine government, which we experience ourselves under in the present state, taken alone, is allowed not to be the perfection of moral government. Yet this by no means hinders, but that there may be somewhat^ be it more or less, truly moral in it. A righteous government may plainly appear to be carried on to some degree, enough to give us the apprehension that it shall be completed, or c-'Jrried on to that degree of perfection which religion teaches us it shall ; but which cannot appear, till much more of the divine adminis- tration be seen, than can be seen in the present life. The design of this chapter is to inquire how far this is the case : how far, over and above the moral naturef which God has given us, and our natural notion of him as righteous governor of those his creatures, to whom he has given this nature ;| I say how far be- sides this, the principles and beginnings of a moral government over the world may be discerned, notwithstanding and amidst all the confusion and disorder of it. One might mention here, what has been often urged with * The objections ngaiust relijjion, from the evidence of it not being univerp-il. nor so strong as ini^ht possibly liave been, may be urged against natural reli- gion, as well as against revealed. And therefore the consideration of them belongs to the first part of this treatise, as well as the second. But as the';e objections are chiefly urged against revealed religion, I choose to consider them in the second part. And the answer to them there, ch. vi., as urged ugairist Christianity, being almost equally iipplicable to them as urged against the religion of nature j to avoid repetition, the reader is referred to that thapter. t Dissertation II. I Chap. vi. H)^ THE MORAL (JOVERXMEXT OF (lOD. .-art I ^^reiii foi'oe, tbat, in general, less uneasiness and more satisfac- tion, are the natural consequences* of a virtuous than of a vicious course of life, in the present state, as an instance of a moral government established in nature ; an instance of it collected from experience and present matter of fact.'' But it must bo owned a thing of difficulty to weigh and balance pleasures and un- easinesses, each amongst themselves, and also against each other, so as to make an estimate with any exactness, of the overplus of happiness on the side of virtue. And it is not impossible, that, amidst the infinite disorders of the world, there may be excep- tions to the happiness of virtue; even with regard to persons, whose course of life from their youth up has been blameless : and more with regard to those who have gone on for some time in the ways of vice, and have afterwards reformed. For suppose an in- stance of the latter case; a person with his passions inflamed, his natural faculty of self-government impaired by habits of in- dulgence, and with all his vices about him, like so many harpies, craving their accustomed gratification ; who can say how long it might be, before such a person would find more satisfaction in the reasonableness and present good consequences of virtue, than difficulties and self-denial in the restraints of it ? Experience also shows, that men can to a great degree, get over their sense of shame, so as that by professing themselves to be without prin- * See Lord Shaftesbury's Inquiry concerning Virtue, Part IL *» [At the foundation of moral improvement, lies the conviction that what is right, is our happiness, no less than our duty. This again is based upon .a con- viction that God governs justly; and has all power over us for good or evil. As creation is full of the evidences of desiyn, so is Providence. And as tho human mind shows, in its structure, the most exijuisite marks of design, so the government of mind shows a final object for all our faculties. Among the attributes of mind we observe, conspicuous, a disposition to seek ends, lay plans, and sacrifice present indulgence to future and greater good: and a facility in learning how to subordinate one thing to another, so as to secure success iu our plans. This, with conscience to approve or disapprove our modes, constitutes an evident adaiAednesa to a moral government on the parf of God; and would be worse than superfluous, if there be no such governmenL Every rule of action, deduced by reason from the light of nature, may ftiirly be regarded as God's law; and the inconveniences resulting from wrong actions, are God's retributions. These retributions, felt or observed, are divine teach- ings, saying, emphatically, if you act thus you .shall receive thus. We do actually so judge, iu relation to physics. Every rule of motion, distance, gravitation, heat, electricity, «S;c. [It was contended by Mandeville in his "Fable of the Been," that prirale vices, as luxury for instance, are often conducive to the well-being of society. This idea is fully refuted by Warbuuton, Divine Legation of Moses, b. 1: Mehkeiev, Alinute Philosopher, Dial. 2: and by Brown, Characteristicg, Ess 2.] ^ [A strong illustration of this distinction is seen in the " delivering up" of lur isaviur to be crucified. As to the mere act of Jelivering up, we find it 312 THE MORAL GOVERNMENT OF GOD. parti. of every natnral passion, must be attended with delight; and acquisitions of fortune, however made, are acquisitions of the means or materials of enjoyment. xVn action then, by which any natural passion is gratified, or fortune acquired, procures delight or advantage ; abstracted from all consideration of the morality of such action. Consequently, the pleasure or advan- tage in this case, is gained by the action itself, not by the morality, the virtuousness or viciousness of it; though it be per- haps virtuous or vicious. To say that such an action or course of behavior, procured such pleasure or advantage, or brought on such inconvenience and pain, is quite a different thing from saying, that such good or bad effect was owing to the virtue or vice of such action or behavior. In one case, an action abstracted from all moral con- sideration, produced its effc ct : "in the other case, for it will ap- pear that there are such ciises, the morality of the action under a moral consideration, i e. the virtuousness or viciousness of it, produced the effect. Now I Fay virtue as such, naturally pro- cures considerable advantages to the virtuous, and vice as such, naturally occasions great inconvenience and even misery to the vicious, in very many instances. The immediate effects of virtue and vice upon the mind and temper, are to be mentioned as in- stances of it. Vice as such is naturally attended with some sort of uneasiness, and not uncommonly, with great disturbance and apprehension. That inward feeling, which, respecting lesser matters and in familiar speech we call being vexed with oneself, and in matters of importance and in more serious language, re- morse ; is an uneasiness naturally arising from an action of. a man's own, reflected upon by himself as wrong, unreasonable faulty, i.e. vicious in greater or less degrees : and this manifestly is a different feeling from that uneasiness, which arises from a sense of mere loss or harm. What is more common, than to hear a man lamenting an accident or event, and adding — but referred, 1. To God the Father, John iii. 16 : Acts ii. 23 : Rom. viii. 32. 2. To Christ himself, Eph. v. 2, and v. 25, d punish virtue and vice as such, so as that every i.ne shall; upon the whole, have his deserts; this distributive 126 THE MORAL GOVERNMENT OF GOD. part f justice wHl not be a thing different in kind, but only in degree^ from what we experience in his present government. It will be that in effect, towards which we now see a tendency. It wdll be no more than the completion of that moral government, the prin- ciples and beginning of which have been shown, beyond all dispute, discernible in the present constitution and course of nature. Thirdly, As under the natural government of God, our expe- rience of those kinds and degrees of happiness and misery, which we do experience at present, gives just ground to hope for, and to fear, higher degrees and other kinds of both in a future state, supposing a future state admitted : so under his moral govern- ment our experience, that virtue and vice are, in the manners above mentioned, actually rewarded and punished at present, in a certain degree, gives just ground to hope and to fear, that they may be rewarded and punished in a higher degree hereafter. It is acknowledged indeed that this alone is not sufficient ground to think, that they actually will be rewarded and punished in a higher degree, rather than in a lower : but then, Lastly, There is sufficient ground to think so, from the good and bad tendencies of virtue and vice. For these tendencies are essential, and founded in the nature of things : whereas the hinderances to their becoming effect are, in numberless cases, hot necessary, but artificial only. Now it may be much more strongly argued, that these tendencies, as well as the actual rewards and punishments, of virtue and vice, which arise directly out of the nature of things, will remain hereafter, than that the accidental hinderances (if them will. And if these hinderances do not remain ; those rewards and punishments cannot but be carried on much farther towards the perfection of moral government: i.e. the tendencies of virtue and vice will become effect; but when, or where, or in what particular way, cannot be known at all, but by revelation. Upon the whole: there is a kind of moral government implied in God's natural government:* virtue and vice are naturally re- warded and punished as beneficial and mischievous to society;! and rewarded and punished directly as virtue and vice.| The notion of a moral scheme of government is not fictitious, but * P. 109. t P- no, Ac. t P- 111. Ac CHAP. III. THE MORAL GOVERNMENT OF GOD 127 natural; for it is suggested to our thougbts by the constitution and course of nature : and the execution of this scheme ls actually begun, in the instances here mentioned. Ana these things are to be considered as a declaration of the Author of nature, for virtue, and against vice : they give a credibility to the supposition of their being rewarded and punished hereafter; and also ground to hope and to fear, that they may be rewarded and punished in higher degrees than they are here. All this i? confirmed, and the argument for religion, from the constitution and course of nature, is carried on farther, by observing, that there are natural tendencies, and, in innumerable cases, only arti- 'ficial hinderanoes, to this moral scheme's being carried on much farther towards perfection, than it is at present.* The notion then of a moifal scheme of government, much more perfect than what is seen, is not a fictitious, but a natural notion ; for it is suggested to our thoughts, by the essential tendencies of virtue and vice. These tendencies are to be considered as in- timations, as implicit promises and threatenings, from the Author of nature, of much greater rewards and punishments to follow virtue and vice, than do at present. Indeed, every natural ten- dency, which is to continue, but which is hindered from becom- ing effect by only accidental causes, affords a presumption, that such tendency will, some time or other, become effect : a pre- sumption proportionable in degree to the length of the duration, through which such tendency will continue. From these things together, arises a real presumption, that the moral scheme of government established in nature, shall be carried on much farther towards perfection hereafter; and, I think, a presumption that it will be absolutely completed. From these things, joined with the moral nature which God has given us, considered as given us by him, arises a practical prooff that it will be com- pleted : a proof from fact ; and therefore a distinct one from that which is deduced from the eternal and unalterable relations, the fitness and unfitness of actions. * P. 118 Ac. t See this proof drawn out biiefly, eh. vi. ] 8 PROBATION, AS IMPLYING TRIAL, CHAPTER IV. PROBATION, AS IMPLYING TRIAL, DIFFICULTIES, AND DANGER.* The general doctrine of religion, that our present life is a tate of probation for a future one, comprehends under it several particular things, distinct from each other. The first and most common meaning of it seems to be, that our future interest is now depending, and depending upon ourselves; that we have scope and opportunities here, for that good and bad behavior, which God will reward and punish hereafter; together with temptations to one, as well as inducements of reason to the other. And this, in a great measure, is the same as saying, that we are under the moral government of God, and to give an account of our actions to him. For the notion of a future account and general righteous judgment, implies some sort of ten)ptations to what is wrong: otherwise there would be no moral possibility of doing wrong, nor ground for judgment, or discrimination. But there is this difference, that the word probation is more dis- tinctly and particularly expressive of allurements to wrong, or difficulties in adhering uniformly to what is right, and of the danger of miscairyiug by such temptations, than the words moral governinent. A state of probation then, as thus particularly im- plying in it trial, difficulties, and danger, may require to be considered distinctly by itself.** As the moral government of God, which religion teaches us, " [This chapter is one of many attempts to account for the mixture of suffer- ing and enjoyment in this world ; and demands close examination both of its theory and its arguments. The student may consult, as he has opportunity, Mus^i Disput. : IIoltzsfusii Disp. de Lapsu Prim. Hominum : Skldkn de Laps. Angelorum : Stapferi Inst. : Wnsii Econom. Foed. : Bate's Harmony of the Divine Attrib. : Galcott on the Fall: Shuckford on the Creation of Man: Manton's Sermons: South's do.: Toplady's do,: Pearson on the Cre«5d : Le Clerc's Diss.: Henly's Dissert.: Kenxicott on the Tree of Life: and Fabricius de Primo Peccato Augelorum Lapsorum.] *> [The evils of life, are not to be regarded as entering, necessarily, into God's plan of probation ; and they are not here so presented. The Script'ires Bhow that all suffering is either punitive, or castigatory. Man at first wasi tc be tried by temptations, not by sufferings.] OHAP. IV. DIFFICULTIES, AND DANGER. i2t» implies that we are in a state of trial with regard to i future world, so also his natural government over us implies that we are in a state of trial, in the like sense, with regard to the pre- sent world. Natural government by rewards and punishments, as much implies natural trial, as moral government does moral trial. The natural government of God here meant,* consists in his annexing pleasure to some actions, and pain to others, which are in our power to do or forbear, and ^ giving us notice of such appointment, beforehand. This necessarily implies, that he has made our happiness and misery, or our interest, to depend in part upon ourselves. So far as men have temptations to any course of action, which will probably occasion them greater temporal incon- venience and uneasiness, than satisfaction, so far their temporal interest is in danger from themselves; or they are in a state of trial with respect to it. Now people often blame others, and even themselves, for their misconduct in their temporal concerns. And we find many are greatly wanting to themselves, and miss that natural happiness, which they might have obtained in the present life : perhaps every one does in some degree. But many run themselves into great inconvenience, and into extreme distress and misery, not through incapacity of knowing better, and doing better, for themselves, which would be nothing to the present purpose, but through their own fault. These things necessarily imply temptation, and danger of miscarrying, in a greater or less degree, with respect to our worldly interest or happiness. Every one too, without having religion in his thoughts, speaks of the hazards which young people run, upon their setting out in the world : hazards from other causes, than merely their ignorance, and unavoidable accidents. And some courses of vice, at least, being contrary to men's worldly interest or good ; temptations to these must at the same time be temptations to forego our present and our future interest. Thus in our natural or temporal capacity, we are in a state of trial, i.e. of difficulty and danger, analogous, or like to our moral and religious trial. This will more distinctly appear to any one, who thinks it worth while, more distinctly, to consider, what it is which constitutes our trial in both capacities, and to observe; bow Jiankind behave under it. * Chap. ii. 130 PROBATION, AS IMPLYING TRIAL, part l That wliich constitutes this trial, in both these capacities, must be something either in our external circumstances, or in our nature. For, on the one hand, persons may be betrayed into wrong behavior upon surprise, or overcome upon any other very singular and extraordinary external occasions, who would, other- wise, have preserved their character of prudence and of virtue : in which cases, every one, in speaking of the wrong behavior of these persons, would impute it to such particular external circum- stances. On the other hand, men who have contracted habits of vice and folly of any kind, or have some particular passions in excess, will seek opportunities, and, as it were, go out of their way, to gratify theuj selves in these respects, at the expense of their wisdom and their virtue ; led to it, as every one would say, not by external temptations, but by such habits and passions. And the account of this last case is, that particular passions are no more coincident with prudence, or that reasonable self-love, the end of which is our worldly interest, than they are with the principle of virtue and religion ; but often draw contrary ways to one, as well as to the other : and so such particular passions arf as much temptations, to act imprudently with regard to our wo*Idly interest, as to act viciously.* When we say, men are milled by external circumstances of temptation ; it cannot but be upderstood, that there is somewhat within themselves, to render those circumstances temptations, or to render them susceptible of inipressions from them. So when we sa}^, they are misled by pp^ssions ; it is always supposed, that there are occasions, circum- sUnces, and objects, exciting these passions, and affording means for gratifying them. Therefore, temptations from within, and from without, coincide, and nmtually imply each other. The several external objects of the appetites, passions, and affections, being present to the senses, or offering themselves to the mind, and so exciting emotions suitable to their nature ; not only in cases where they can be gratified consistently with innocence and prudence, but also in cases where they cannot, and yet can be gratified imprudently and viciously : this as really puts them in danger of voluntarily foregoing their present interest or good, as their future ; and as really renders self-denial necessary to secure «- See Sermons preached at the Rolh, 1726, 2d ed. p. 205 Ac. Pref. v- 2>, &o. Serm. p. 21, o secure it, passions inordinately excited, whether by means of example, or by any other external circumstance, towards such objects, at such times, or in such degrees, as that they cannot be gratified consistently with worldly prudence, are temptations ; dangerous, and too often successful temptations, to forego a greater temporal good for a less; i.e. to forego what is, upon the whole, our temporal interest, for the sake of a present gratifica- tion. This is a description of our state of trial in our temporal capacity. Substitute now the word future for temporal, and virtue for prudence; and it will be just as proper a description of our state of trial in our religious capacity; so analogous are they to each other.'' If, from consideration of this our like state of trial in both capa- cities, we go on to observe farther, how mankind behave under it ; we shall find there are some, who have so little sense of it, that they scarce look beyond the passing day : they are so taken up with present gratifications, as to have, in a manner, no feeling of con- sequences, no regard to their future ease or fortune in this life • any more than to their happiness in another. Some appear to b« blinded and deceived by inordinate passion, in their worldly con cerns, as much as in religion. Others are not deceived, but as it were forcibly carried away by the like passions, against their better judgment, and feeble resolutions too of acting better."^ And there are men, and truly not a few, who shamelessly avow, not their interest, but their mere will and pleasure, to be their law of life : and who, in open defiance of every thing reasonable, * ["If wc persist in our objection, notwiths^tanding these analo<;ies. then should we conclude, either that we are under the regimen of an unrighteous Deity, or that there is no Deity at all." — Dr. Chalmers.] ^ [Shall we be of such ? Shall we forget or disregard the great fact that when death has transferred us to other conditions, we, our proper selves, will remain ? No longer, indeed, united with flesh and blood, surrounded with nouses, lands, business, or enjoyments, such as the present, hut still ourselves. Still with wants to be supplied, desires to be gratified, and capacities to oe vmployed and developed !] 132 PROBATION. AS IMPLYINO TRIAL, part i will go on in a course of vicious extravagance, foreseeing, with no remorse and little fear, that it will be their temporal ruin 3 and some of them, under the apprehension of the consequences of wickedness in another state. To speak in the most moderate vfixy, human creatures are not only continually liable to go wrong voluntarily, but we see likewise that they often actually do so, with respect to their temporal interests, as well as with respect to religion. Thus our difficulties and dangers, or our trials in our temporal and our religious capacity, as they proceed from the same causes, and have the same effect upon men's behavior, are evidently ana- logous, and of the same kind. It may be added, that the difficulties and dangers of miscarry- ing in our religious state of trial, are greatly increased, and one is ready to think, are in a manner wholly made, by the ill behavior of others; by a wrong education, wrong in a moral sense, sometimes positively vicious ; by general bad example ; by the dishonest artifices which are got into business of all kinds; and, in very many parts of the world, by religion's being cor- rupted into superstitions, which indulge men in their vices. In like manner, the difficulties of conducting ourselves prudently in respect to our present interest, and our danger of being led aside from pursuing it, are greatly increased, by a foolish educa- tion ; and, after we come to mature age, by the extravagance and carelessness of others, with whom we have intercourse : and by mistaken notions, very generally prevalent, and taken up from common opinion, concerning temporal happiness, and wherein it consists. Persons, by their own negligence and_/b//y in temporal affairs, no less than by a course of vice, bring themselves into new difficulties, and, by habits of indulgence, become less qualified to go through them : and one irregularity after another, embarrasses things to such a degree, that they know not whereabout they are; and often makes the path of conduct so intricate and perplexed, that it is difficult to trace it out; difficult even to determine what is the prudent or the moral part. Thus, for instance, wrong be- havior in one stage of life, youth; wrong, I mean considering ourselves only in our temporal capacity, without taking in reli- gion ; this, in several ways, increases the difficulties of right \ii:ii>.jv. DIFFICULTIES. AND DANGER. 13H ^whavior in mature nue; i.e. puts us into a more disad''antdgcou.5 swte of trial in our temporal capacity. We are an inferior part of the creation of God. There are na>,nral appearances of our being in a state of degradation.* We ceuainly are in a condition, which does not aeem, by any means, the most advantageous we could imagine or desire, either in our natural or moral capacity, for securing either our present or futni-e interest. However, this condition, low, and careful, and unceftain as it is, does not afford any just ground of complaint. For, as men may manage their temporal affairs with prudence, and bo pass their days here on earth in tolerable ease and satis- faction, by a moderate degree of care : so likewise with regard to religit>n, there is no more required than what they are well able to do,* and what they must be greatly wanting to themselves, if they neglect. And for persons to have that put upon them, which they are well able to go through, and no more, we natu- rally Ovmsider as an eciuitable thing ; supposing it done by proper authority. Nor have we any more reason to complain of it, with regard to the Author of nature, than of his not having given us advantages belonging to other orders of creatures. [E EM ARKS,] The thing here insisted upon is, that the state of trial, which religion teaches us we are in, is rendered credible, by its being throughout uniform and of a piece with the general conduct of Providence towards us, in all other respects within the compass of our knowledge. Indeed if mankind, considered in their natural capacity, as inhabitants of this world only, found themselves, from their birth to their death, in a settled state of * Part II. chap. v. « [This is one of those passages, remarked on in our introduction, as a state- meut not properly explained or guarded. We cannot suppose the author, to have overlooked the great tact of man's fall and corruption. That the argu- ment properly considered, stands good, is the verdict of such a man as Chal- MKRS, After speaking of human helplessness in matters of religion, he says, "There is nothing in this [helplessness] to break the analogies on which to '"ound the negative vindication that forms the great and undoubted achieve- ment of this volume. The analogy lies here: — that if a man wills to obtain prosperity in this life, he may, if observant of the rules which experience and wisdom prescribe, in general, make it good. And if he wills to attain blessed- ness in the next life, lie shall, if observant of what religion prescribes, most certainly make *' good; in conformity with the declaration, *he that oceketb ficdeth.'"] 12 1K4 niOBATION, AS IMPLYING TRIAL, parti. xrcuritj and happiness, without any solicitude or thought of theii own : or if they were in no danger of being brought into incon- veniences and distress, by carelessness, or the folly of passion, through bad example, the treachery of others, or the deceitful appearances of things : were this our natural condition, then it might seem strange, and be some presumption against the truth of religion^ that it represents our future and more general in- terest, as not secure of course, but as depending upon our be- havior, and requiring recollection and self-government to obtain it. It then might be alleged, "What you say is our condition, in one respect, is not in any wise of a sort with what we find, by expe- rience, is our condition in another. Our whole present interest is secured to our hands, without any solicitude of ours ; and why should not our future interest, if we have any such, be so too?" But since, on the contrary, thought and consideration, the volun- tary denying ourselves many things which we desire, and a course of behavior, far from being always agreeable to us, are absolutely necessary to our acting even a common decent, and common prudent part, so as to pass with any satisfaction through the present world, and be received upon any tolerable good terms in it : since this is the case, all presumption ag*ainst self-denial and attention being necessar}?^ to secure our higlier interest,^ is removed. Had we not experience, it might, perhaps speciously, be urged, that it is improbable any thing of hazard and danger should be put upon us by an infinite being; when every thing which has hazard and danger in our manner of conception, and will end in error, confusion, and misery, is already certain in his foreknow- , ledge. Indeed, why any thing of hazard and danger should be I put upon such frail creatures as we are, may well be thought a ! difficulty in speculation ; and cannot but be so, till we know the whole, or at least much more of the case. But still the consti- tution of nature is as it is. Our happiness and njisery are trusted to our conduct, and made to depend upon it. Somewhat, and, in many circumstances, a great deal too, is put upon us, either to ^ [It comes to this : — good things, in this life, are not forced upon us; for we may refuse them, or turn any of them into evils. Nor are they oflered for our mere acceptance : but only as the results of self-control and painj-taking So is it, as to heaven.] JDAP. rv. DIFFICULTIKS, AND DANGER. L35 do, or to suffer, as we choose. All the various miseries of life; which people bring upon themselves by negligence and folly, and might have avoided by proper care, are instances of this : which miseries are, beforehand, just as contingent and undeter- mined as conduct, and left to be determined by it. These observations are an answer « to the objections against the credibility of a state of trial, as implying temptations, and real danger of miscarrying with regard to our general interest, under the moral government of God. And they show, that, if we are at all to be considered in such a capacity, and as having such an interest, the general analogy of Providence must lead us to ap- prehend ourselves in danger of miscarrying, in different degrees, as to this interest, by our neglecting to act the proper part be- longing to us in that capacity. For we have a present interest under the government of God, which we experience here upon earth. This interest, as it is not forced upon us, so neither is it offered to our acceptance, but to our acquisition ; and in such manner, as that we are in danger of missing it, by means of temptations to neglect, or act contrary to it ; and without atten- tion and self-denial, we must and do miss it. It is then perfectly credible, that this may be our case, with respect to that chief and final good, which religion proposes to us. 8 [They are an answer, but a cavil remains, — viz. : " the difference between temporal and eternal things, is so vast that the cases are not analogous." Fairly considered, the cases are analogous, differing only in degree, and not at all in principle. What would be wrong on a great scale, is wrong on a small one. Perhaps the analogy ma}' be pressed further. As the happiness and life of some animals, may be sacrificed for the benefit of man, why may not the hap- piness and life of some men, be sacrificed for the good of innumerable beings of a higher order, who witness the affairs of this earth? It would but bo securing "the greatest good of the greatest number." No analogies could teach this, for analogies of course teach nothing. But if the Scriptures con- tained this doctrine, immensely more repugnant than that which our author ii here aefending, would analogy offer repellant presumptions?] 13^ PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. part i r CHAPTER V. PROBATION, AS INTENDED FOR MORAL DISCIPLINE AND IMPROVEMENT. From the consideration of our being in a probation-state, of so much difficulty and hazard, naturally arises the question, how we can;ie to be placed in it? But such a general inquiry as this would be found involved in insuperable difficulties. For, though some of these difficulties would be lessened, by observing that all wickedness is voluntary, as is implied in its very notion ; and that many of the miseries of life have apparent good effects : yet, when we consider other circumstances belonging to both, and what must be the consequence of the former in a life to come, it cannot but be acknowledged plain folly and presump- tion, to pretend to give an account of the tvhole reasons of this matter; the whole reasons of our being allotted a condition, out of which so much wickedness and misery, so circumstanced, would in fact arise. Whether it be not beyond our faculties, not only to find out, but even to understand ; or, though we should be supposed capable of understanding it, yet, whether it would be of service or prejudice to us to be informed of it, is impos- sible to say. But as our present condition can in no wise be shown to be inconsistent with the perfect moral government of God : so religion teaches us we were placed in it, that we might qualify ourselves, by the practice of virtue, for another state which is to follow it. This, though but a partial answer, a very partial one indeed, to the inquiry now mentioned j is yet a more satisfactory answer to another, which is of real, and of the utmost importance to us to have answered, — viz. : What is our business here ? The known end then, why we are placed in a state of so much affliction, hazard, and difficulty, is, our improvement in virtue and piety, as the requisite qualification for a future state of security and happiness. Thie beginning of life, considered as an education for mature age in the present world, appears plainly, at first sight, analogous to this our trial for a future one : the former being in our teni poral capacity, what the latter is in our religious capacity. Sonio OHAP. V. PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. IS 7 observations common to both, and a more distinct consideration of each, will more distinctly show the extent and force of the analogy between them ; and the credibility, which arises from hence, as well as from the nature of the thing, that the present life was intended to be a state of discipline for a future one. I. Every species of creatures is, we see, designed for a par- ticular way of life; to which, the nature, the capacities, temper, and qualifications, of each species, are as necessary as their ex- ternal circumstances. Both come into the notion of such state, or particular way of life, and are constituent parts of it. Change a man's capacities or character, to the degree in which it is con- ceivable they may be changed, and he would be altogether in- capable of a human course of life, and human happiness; aa incapable, as if, his nature continuing unchanged, he were placed in a world, where he had no sphere of action, nor any objects to answer his appetites, passions, and affections of any sort. One thing is set over against another, as an ancient writer expresses it.* Our nature corresponds to our external condition. With- out this correspondence, there would be no possibility of any such thing as human life and happiness : which life and happiness are, therefore, a result from our nature and condition jointly: mean- ing by human life, not living in the literal sense, but the whole complex notion commonly undersfood by those words. So that without determining what will be the employment and happiness, the particular life, of good men hereafter ; there must be some determinate capacities, some necessary character and qualifica- tions, without which persons cannot but be utterly incapable of it : in like manner, as there must be some, without which men would be incapable of their present state of life. II. The constitution of human creatures, and indeed of all creatures which come under our notice, is such, as that they are capable of naturally becoming qualified for states of life, for which they were once wholly unqualified. In imagination we may indeed conceive of creatures, incapable of having any of their faculties naturally enlarged, or as being unable naturally to acquire any new qualifications. But the faculties of even • [That is, the son of Sinic, who snys, "All Ihings are double, one agains« aijother; aui He hath made notliing imperfect: one thing establisheth the good •f another :" Ecclesiaslieus xlii. 24.] 1'2» 1^8 PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. part I species known to us, are made for enlargement; for acquirements of experience and habits. We find ourselves, in particulai, en- dued with capacities, not only of perceiving ideas, and of know- ledge or perceiving truth, but also of storing up ideas and know- ledge by memory. We are capable, not only of acting, and of having different momentary impressions made upon us; but of getting a new facility in any kind of action, and of settled altera- tions in our temper or character. The power of the two last is the power of habits. But neither the perception of ideas, nor knowledge of any sort, are habits; though absolutely necessary to the forming of them. However, apprehension, reason, memory, which are the capacities of acquiring knowledge, are greatly im- proved by exercise. Whether the word habit is applicable to all these improvements, and in particular how far the powers of memory and of habits may be powers of the same nature, I shall not inquire. But that perceptions come into our minds readily and of course, by means of their having been there before, seems a thing of the same sort, as readiness in any particular kind of action, proceeding from being accustomed to it. Aptness to re- collect practical observations, of service in our conduct, is plainly habit in many cases. There are habits of perception, and habits of action. An instance of the former, is our constant and even involuntary readiness, in correcting the impressions of our sight concerning magnitudes and distances, so as to substitute judg- ment in the room of sensation, imperceptibly to ourselves. It seems as if all other associations of ideas not naturally connected, might be called passive habits; as properly as our readiness in understanding languages upon sight, or hearing of words. Our readiness in speaking and writing them, are instances of active habits. For distinctness, we may consider habits, as belonging to the body, or to the mind : and the latter will be. explained by the former. Under the former are comprehended all bodily activities or motions, whether graceful or unbecoming, which are owing to use: under the latter, general habits of life and conduct; such as those of obedience and submission to authority, or to any par- ticular person; those of veracity, justice, and charity; those of attention, industry, self-government, envy, revenge. Habits of this latter kind seem produced by repeated acts, as well as \he CHAP. V. PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. 189 foriner. And as habits belongino; to the body are produced by external acts, so habits of the mind are produced by the exertion of inward practical principles; i.e. by carrying them into act, oi acting upon them ; the principles of obedience, of veracity, justice, and charity. Nor can those habits be formed by any external course of action, otherwise than as it proceeds from these princi- ples : because it is only these inward principles exerted, which are strictly acts of obedience, of veracity, of justice, and of charity. So likewise habits of attention, industry, self-government, are in the same manner acquired by exercise; and habits of envy and revenge by indulgence, whether in outward act, or in thought and intention; i.e. inward act: for such intention is an act. Resolutions to do well, are also properly acta. And endeavoring to enforce upon our own minds a practical sense of virtue, or to beget in others that practical sense of it, which a man really has himself, is a virtuous act. All these, therefore, may and will contribute towards forming good habits. But going over the theory of virtue in one's thoughts, talking well, and drawing fine pictures, of it; this is so far from necessarily or certainly con- ducing to form a habit of it, in him who thus employs himself, that it may harden the mind in a contrary course, and render it gradu- allylmoreTnsensible ; i.e. form a habit of insensibility to all moral considerations. For, from our very faculty of habits, passive im- pressions, by being repeated, grow weaker. Thoughts, by often passing through the mind, are felt less sensibly: being accus- tomed to danger, begets intrepidity, i.e. lessens fear; to distress, lessens the passion of pity; to instances of others' mortality, lessens the sensible apprehension of our own. From these two observations together, that practical habits are formed and strengthened by repeated acts, and that passive im- pressions grow weaker by being repeated upon us, it must follow, that active habits may be gradually forming and strengthening, by a course of acting upon such and such motives and excite- ments, while these motives and excitements themselves are, by proportionable degrees, growing less sensible; i.e. are continually less and less sensibly felt, even as the active habits strengthen. And experience confirms this : for active principles, at the very luv^i that they are less lively in perception than they were, are 140 PHOBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. part i. found to be, somehow, wrought more thoroughly iuto the tempei and character, and become more eflectual in influencing our prac- tice. The three things just mentioned may aiford instances of it. Perception of danger is a natural excitement of passive fear, and active caution : and by being inured to danger, habits of the latter .are gradually wrought, at the same time that the former gradually lessens. Perception of distress in others is a natural excitement, passively to pity, and actively to relieve it: but let a man set himself to attend to, inquire out, and relieve distressed persons, and he cannot but grow less and less sensibly affected with the various miseries of life, with which he must become acquainted; when yet, at the same time, benevolence, considered not as a oassion, but as a practical principle of action, will strengthen: And while he passively compassionates the distressed less, he will acquire a greater aptitude actively to assist and befriend them. So also at the same time that the daily instances of men's dying iu'ound us give us daily a less sensible passive feeling or appre- hension of our own mortality, such instances greatly contribute to the strengthening a practical regard to it in serious men; i.e. to forming a habit of acting with a constant view to it. This seems further to show, that passive impressions made upon our minds by admonition, experience, or example, though they may have a remote efficacy, and a very great one, towards forming active habits, yet can have this efficacy no otherwise than by inducing us to such a course of action : and that it is not being affected so and so, but acting, which forms those habits : only it must be always remembered, that real endeavors to enforce good impressions upon ourselves are a species of virtuous action. Nor do we know how far it is possible, in the nature of things, that effects should be wrought in us at once, equivalent to habits; i.e. what is wrought by use and exercise. The thing insisted on is, not what may be possible, but what is in fact the appointment of nature : which is, that active habits are to be formed by exer- cise. Their progress may be so gradual, as to be imperceptible in its steps : it may be hard to explain the faculty, by which we are capable of habits, throughout its several parts; and to trace it up to its original, so as to distinguish it from all others in ou^ mind: and it seems as if contrary effects were to be ascribed to it. But the thing in general, that our nature is formed to yield CHAP. V. IROBi^TION AS A DISCIPLINE. 141 to use and exercise, in some such manner as this, is matter of certain experience. Thus, by accustoming ourselves to any course of action, we get an aptness to go on, a facility, readiness, and often pleasure, in it. The inclinations which rendered us averse to it, grow weaker; the difficulties in it, not only the imaginary but the real ones, lessen ; the reasons for it offer themselves of course to our thoughts upon all occasions; and the least glimpse of them is sufficient to make us go on, in a course of action, to which we have been ac- customed. Practical principles appear to grow stronger, abso- lutely in themselves, by exercise; as well as relatively, with regard to contrary principles; which, by being accustomed to submit, do so habitually, and of course. Thus a new character, in several respects, may be formed; and many habitudes of life, not given by nature, but which nature directs us to acquire. HI. Indeed we may be assured, that we should never have had these capacities of improving by-experience, acquired knowledge, and habits, had they not been necessary, and intended to be made use of. And accordingly we find them so necessary, and so much intended, that without them we should be utterly incapable of that which was the end for which we were made, considered iu our temporal capacity only : the employments and satisfactions of our mature state of life. Nature does in no wise qualify us wholly, much less at once, for tliis mature state of life. Even maturity of understanding, and bodily strength, not only are arrived at graduaHy, but are also very much owing to the continued exercise of our powers of body and mind from infancy. If we suppose a person brought into the world with both these in maturity, as far as this is conceivable; he would plainly at first be as unqualified for the human life of ujature age, as an idiot. He would be in a manner distracted, with astonishment, and apprehension, and curiosity, and suspense: nor can one guess, how long it would be, before he would be' familiarized to himself and the objects about him, enough even to set himself to any thing. It may be questioned too, whether the natural information of his sight and hearing would be of any manner of use to him iu acting, before experience And it seems, that men would be strangely headstrong and self-willed, and dis- p^-^d to exert themselves with an impetuositv, which would 142 PROBATION At A DISCIPLINE. pak. i render society insupportable, and the living in it impracticable, were it not for some acquired moderation and self-government, some aptitude and readiness in restraining themselves, and concealing their sense of things. Want of every thing of this kind which is learnt would render a man as incapable of society, as want of language would ; or as his natural ignorance of any of the par- ticular employments of life would render him ino^pable of pro- viding himself with the common conveniences, or supplying the necessary wants of it. In these respects, and probably in many more of which we have no particular notion, mankind is left by nature, an unformed, unfinished creature; utterly deficient and unqualified, before the acquirement of knowledge, experience, and habits, for that mature state of life, which was the end of his creation, considering him as related only to this world. But, as nature has endued us with a power of supplying those deficiencies, by acquired knowledge, experience, and habits; so likewise we are placed in a condition, in infimcy, childhood, and youth, fitted for it; fitted for our acquiring those qualifications of all sorts, which we stand in need of in mature age. Hence children, from their very birth, are daily growing acquainted with the objects about them, with the scene in which they are placed, and to have a future part ; and learning something or other, necessary to the performance of it. The subordinations, to which they are accustomed in domestic life, teach them self-government in common behavior abroad, and prepare them for subjection and obedience to civil authority.'' What passes before their eyes, and daily happens to them, gives them experience, caution against tieachery and deceit, together with numberless little rules of action and conduct, which we could not live without; and which are learnt so insensibly and so perfectly, as to be mistaken per- haps for instinct, though they are the efiect of long experience and exercise; as much so as language, or knowledge in particular business, or the qualifications and behavior belonging to the several ranks and professions. Thus the beginning of our days is adapted to be, and iSj^a state of education in the theory and practice of mature life>> We are much assisted in it by example, instruction, and the care of others; but a great deal is left to •> [Consult Millman's Hist, of Christ, vol. i. : Priestley's Institutes 0/ Nat and Rev. Rel., vol. i. ch. i • and Whately's Pol. Econ., bee. 5.1 CHAP. V. PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. 143 ourselves to do. And of this, as part is done easilji and of course; so pirt requires diligence and care, the voluntary fore- going many things which we desire, and setting ourselves to what we should have no inclination to, but for the necessity or expe- dience of it. For that labor and industry, which the station of so many absolutely requires, they would be greatly unqualified for, in maturity, as those in other stations would be for any other sorts of application ; if both were not accustomed to them in their youth. And, according as persons behave themselves, in the general education which all go through, and in the particular ones adapted to particular employments, their character is formed,*' and made to appear ; they recommend themselves more or less; and are capable of, and placed in, different stations in society. The former part of life, then, is to be considered as an im- portant opportunity, which nature puts into our hands; and which, when lost is not to be recovered. And our being placed in a state of discipline throughout this life, for another world, is a providential disposition of things, exactly of the same kind, as our being placed in a state of discipline during childhood, for mature age. Our condition in both respects is uniform and of a piece, and comprehended under one and the same general law of nature. If we were not able at all to discern, how or in what way the present life could be our preparation for another ; this would be no objection against the credibility of its being so. We do not discern, how food and sleep contribute to the growth of the body; nor could have any thought that they would, before we <= [We are too apt to overlook the effect of actions on the actor; (which is often the chief eflFect) in improving or impairing his own powers. A razor used to cut wood or stone, is not only put to an improper use, but spoiled for the use which is proper. But this is a faint illus^tration. The razor may be sharpened again; but how shall we restore a blunted sensibility, an enfeebled judgment, or a vitiated appetite? Our wrong-doing inflicts worse results ou ourselves than on our victims; and the evil may spread disaster over our whole future. Hence the young make a fatal blunder when they suppose that an occasional indulgence in impropriety may be compatible with general welfare, and improvement. Instead of balancing the pros and cons of a particular act, in the scale of utility or pleasure, they should mark well its efl"ects on themselves. See the description of bow an upright being may fall; in a subsequent part of this chapter.] 144 PROBATION AS A DrSCIPLIXE. part i. had experience. Nor do children at all think, on the one hand, that the sports and exercises, to which they are so much addicted, contribute to their health and growth ; nor, on the other, of the necessity which there is for their being restrained in them. Nor are they capable of understanding the use of many parts of dis- cipline, which nevertheless they must be made to go through, in order to qualify them for the business of mature age. Were we not able then to discover, in what respects the present life could form us for a future one ; yet nothing would be more supposable than that it might, in some respects or other, from the general analogy of Providence. And this, for aught I see, might reason- ably be said, even though we should not take in the consideration of God's moral government over the world. But, IV. Take in this consideration, and consequently, that the character of virtue and piety is a necessary qualification for the future state, and then we may distinctly see, how, and in what respects, the present life may be a preparation for it; since we want, and are capable of, improvement in that character, hy moral and religious habits; and the j^resent life is Jit to be a state of discipline for such imp)rovement : in like manner as we have already observed, how, and in what respects, infancy, child- hood, and youth, are a necessary preparation, and a natural state of discipline, for mature age. Nothing which we at present see, would lead us to the thought of a solitary inactive state hereafter. If we judge at all from the analogy of nature, we must suppose, according to the •'^'^irip- ture account of it, that it will be a community. And there is no shadow of any thing unreasonable in conceiving, though 4here be no analogy for it, that this community will be, as the Scrip- ture represents it, under the more immediate, or, if such an ex- pression may be used, the more sensible government of God. Nor is our ignorance, what will be the employments of this happy community, nor our consequent ignorance, what particular scope or occasion there will be for the exercise of veracity, justice, and charity, among the members of it with regard to each other, any proof, that there will be no sphere of exercise for those virtues. Much less, if that were possible, is our igno- rance any proof, that there will be no occasion for that frame of mind, or character, which is formed by the daily practice of those CHAP. V. PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. 14^ particular virtues here, and whicli is a result from it.'' This at least must be owned in general, that, as the government esta- blished in the universe is moral, the character of virtue and piety must, in some way or other, be the condit i on of our happi- ness or the qualification for it. From what is above observed, concerning our natural power of habits, it is easy to sec, that we are capable of moral improve- ment by discipline. And how greatly we want it, need not be proved to any one who is acquainted with the great wickedness of mankind; or even with those imperfections, which the best are conscious of. But it is not perhaps distinctly attended to by nvery one, that the occasion which human creatures have for dis- r-ipline, to improve in them this character of virtue and piety, is ^0 be traced up higher than to excess in the passions, by indul- gence and habits of vice. Mankind, and perhaps all finite croatures, from the very constitution of their nature, before habits of virtue, are deficient, and in danger of deviating from what is right; and therefore stand in need of virtuous habits, for a security against this danger. For, together with the general principle of moral understanding, we have in our inward frame rarious affections towards particular external objects. These affections are naturally, and of right, subject to the government of the moral principle, as to the occasions- upon which they may be gratified; as to the times, degrees, and manner, in which the objects of them may be pursued. But the principle of virtue can neither excite them, nor prevent their being excited. On the contrary, they are naturally felt, when the objects of them are present to the mind, not only before all consideration whether ^ [" It might seem, at first sight, that if our state hereafter presented no temptations to falsehood, injustice, rescnt experience to say, that this sense of interest is sufficient to restrain the.n from thus indulging themselves. And if by a se»«e of iutercM is meant a practical regard to what is upon the whole our happiness; this is not only coincident with the principle of virtue or moral rectitude, but is a part of the idea itself. And it is evident this reasonable self-love wants to be improved, as really as any principle in our nature. For we daily see it overmatched, not only by thq more boisterous passions, but by curiosity, shame, love of imitation, by any thing, even indolence : especially if the interest, the temporal interest, suppose, which is the end of such self-love, be at a distance. So greatly are profligate men mistaken, when they affirm they are wholly governed by interestcdnesa and self-love; and so little cause is there for moralists to disclaim tb^s priu- ciple. — See p. 131. CHAP. V. PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. 147 virtue, imjyroved into a habit, of which improvement loe are fhui capable, will plainly be, in proj)ortion to the strength of it, a security against the danger which finite creatures are in, from the very nature of propension, or particular affections. This way of putting the matter, supposes particular aifections to re* maia in a future state; which it is scarce possible to avoid sup- posing. And if they do; we clearly see, that acquired habits of virtue and self-government may be necessary for the regulation of them. However, though we were not distinctly to take in this supposition, but to speak only in general; the thing really comes to the same. For habits of virtue, thus acquired by dis- cipline, are improvement in virtue: and improvement in virtue must be advancement in happiness, if the government of the universe be moral. From these things we may observe, (and it will further show this our natural and original need of being improved by discipline,) how it comes to pass, that creatures made upright, fall; and how those who preserve their uprightness, raise themselves by so doing, to a more secure state of virtue. To say that the foru^er is accounted for by the nature of liberty, is to say no more, than that an event's actually happening is accounted for by a mere possibility of its happening. But it seems distinctly conceivable from the very nature of particular affections or propensions. For, suppose creatures intended for such a particular state of life, for which such propensions were necessary: suppose them endued with such propensions, together with moral understanding, as well including a practical sense of virtue as a speculative percep- tion of it; and that all these several principles, both natural and moral, forming an inward constitution of mind, were in the most exact proportion possible; i e. in a proportion the most exactly adapted to their intended state of life; such creatures would be made upright, or finitely perfect. Now particular propensions, from their very nature, must be felt, the objects of them being present; though they cannot be gratified at all, or not with the allowance of the moral principle. If they can be gratified without its allowance, or by contradicting it, then they must be conceived to have some tendency, in how low a degree soever, yet some tendency, to induce persons to such forbidden gratification. This ivnaeucy, in some one particular proi)ension, may be increased, |4« PROBATION AS A DISCIPLTNK. part i b}'^ the greater freqaency of occ:i-;i^ns nntiirally exciting it, than of occasions exciting others. The least vohmtary indulgence in forbidden circumstances,* though but in thought, will increase this wrong tendency j and may increase it further, till, pecuUar conjunctures perhaps conspiring, it becomes eifect; and danger of deviating from right, ends in actual deviation from it; a danger necessarily arising from the very nature of propension, and which therefore could not have been prevented, though it might have been escaped, or got innocently through. The case would be, as if we were to suppose a straight path marked out for a person, in which a certain degree of attention would keep him steady: but if he would not attend, in this degree, any one of a thousand objects, catching his eye, might lead him out of it. Now it is impossible to say, how much even the first full overt act of irregularity might disorder the inward constitution; un- settle the adjustments, and alter the proportions, which formed it, and in which the uprightness of its make consisted : but repe- tition of irregularities would produce habits. Thus the constitu- tion would be spoiled; and creatures made upright, become corrupt and depraved in their settled character, proportionably to their repeated irregularities in occasional acts.*^ On the contrary, * [Discipline is mainly promoted by a careful reg.ird to acts of small indi- vidual moment. The subjectini;- of trivial acts to moral considerations, is the sure, and the only mode of ^ell-culture. The^e acts are eu:bryo habits, and we may often see clearly the moral character of a habit, when the single act secma indifferent. Thus viewed, the importance of single acts will seldom seem small. A single cigar, one gl.iss of wine for convivial purposes, one story told with exaggerations, may change the complexion of our character, and of our whole destiny ! It is doing or refusing to do, from a law-abiding regard to consequences, that constitutes self-di:?cipline. Papists wholly err in teaching the repression of bodil}' desires as in itself virtuous. Indulgence maybe either an obstacle or an aid to moral progress, according to our reason for indulgence. When we can repress an appetite or passion whenever indulgence would be wrong, its mastery over us is broken ; and when the passions and appetites act rightly, from force of virtuous habit, without direct volition, discipline is complete. Ascetic acts are only useful as tuean>s, and so long as they are ahcctic (askesis) are proofs of imperfect obedience. Discipline is good only as discipline; and when complete, changes from a struggle between iirinciple and inclination, to a spontaneous habit,, and permanent mental peace.] f [Chalmers objects to this hypothetical fall of man, that it wants harmony with the Sc-ipture account. But I do not see the force of the ubjection. Butler c/ coume does not copy the Scripture account, for he would then depart from tke CHiiP. V. PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. 149 these creatures might have improved and raised themselves^ to a higher and more secure state of virtue, by the contrary behavior: by steadily following the moral principle, supposed to be one part of their nature : and thus witlistaiuling that unavoidable danger of defection, which necessarily arose from propension, the other part of it. For, by thus preserving their integrity for some time, tbeir danger would lessen; since propensions, by being inured to submit, would do it more easily and of course : and their security against this lessening danger would increase; since the moral principle would gain additional strength by exercise : both which things are implied in the notion of virtuous habits. Thus vicious indulgence is not only criminal in itself, but also depraves the inward constitution and character. And virtuous self-government is not only right in itself, but also improves the inward constitution or character: and may improve it to such a degree, that though we should suppose it impossible for particular affections to be absolutely coincident with the moral principle; and consequently should allow, that such creatures as have been above supposed, would forever remain defectible, yet their danger of actually deviating from right may be almost infinitely lessened, and they fully fortified against wbat remains of it; if that may be called danger, against which there is an adeciuate, effectual security. Still, this their higher perfection may continue to con- sist in habits of virtue formed in a state of discipline, and this their more complete security remain to proceed from them. Thus it is plainly conceivable, that creatures without blemish, as they came out of the hands of God, may be in danger of going wrong; and so may stand in need of the security of virtuous habits, additional to the moral principle wrought into their natures by him. That which is the ground of their danger, or their want of security, may be considered as a deficiency in themselves, aim and nature of his book. The Bible says man fell suddenly, no less in his stale than in his character. Butler says that we could not reason out how much disorder and damage would ensue from the first sin: and in saying this, avoids anv incongruity with the Mosaic account, which tells us how much. What B. Bays of the formation of habit, by repeated transgressions, certainly cannot be gainsayed. Adam "died," the very day he ate the forbidden fruit. The sinner "lives'" the very day he believes on the only-begotten Son of God. Increase of guilt, or growth iu grace are predicable in both instances. In both also there is ao tKuvant transitiou into a new relationship wiih God.J 13* IhO PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. part i. to which virtuous habits are the natural supply. And as they are naturally capable of being raised and improved by discipline, *t may be a thing fit and requisite, that they should be placed ]n circumstances with an eye to it : in circumstances peculiarly fitted to be to them a state of discipline for their improvement. ic virtue. But how much more strongly must this hold with respect to those who have corrupted their natures, are fallen from their original rectitude, and whose passions are become excessive by repeated -violations of their inward constitution ! Upright crea- tures may want to be improved : depraved creatures want to be renewed. Education and discipline, which may be in all degrees and sorts of gentleness and of severity, are expedient for those but must be absolutely necessary for these. For these, discipline of the severer sort too, and in the higher degrees of it, must be necessary, in order to wear out vicious habits; to recover their primitive strength of self-government, which indulgence mu»t have weakened ; to repair, as well as raise into a habit, the mora' principle, in order to their arriving at a secure state of virtuous happiness. Whoever will consider the thing, may clearly see that Itie present world is 'peculiarly jit to be a state of discipline for this purpose, to such as will set themselves to mend and improve. For, the various temptations with which we are surrounded; our experience of the deceits of wickedness; having been in many instances led wrong ourselves; the great viciousness of the world; the infinite disorders consequent upon it; our being made ac- quainted with pain and sorrow, either from our own feeling of it, or from the sight of it in others ; these things, though some of them may indeed produce wrong eff'ects upon our minds, yet when duly reflected upon, have, all of them, a direct tendency to bring us to a settled moderation and reasonableness of temper - the contrary both to thoughtless levity, and also to that unre- strained self-will, and violent bent to follow present inclination, which may be observed in undisciplined minds. Such experience, as the present state affords, of the frailty of our nature ; of the boundless extravagance of ungoverned passion; of the power which an infinite being has over us, by the various capacities of misery which he has given us; in short, CHAP. V. PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. 15 | that kind and degree of experience, which the present state affords us, that the constitution of nature is such as to admit the possibility, the danger, and the actual event, or creatures losing their innocence and happiness, and becoming vicious and wretched; has a tendency to give us a practical sense of things very different from a mere speculative knowledge, that we arc liable to vice, and capable of misery. iVnd who knows, whether the security of creatures in the highest and most settled state of perfection, may not in part arise, from their having had such a sense of things as this, formed, and habitually fixed within them, in some state of probation. And passing through the present world with that moral attention, which is necessary to the acting a right part in it, may leave everlasting impressions of this sort upon our minds. To be a little more distinct : allurements to what is wrong, difiiculties in the discharge of our duty, our not being able to act a uniform right part without some thought and care, and the opportunities which we have, or imagine we have, of avoiding what we dislike or obtaining what we desire, by unlawful means, when we either cannot do it at all, or at least not so easily, by lawful ones, these things, i.e. the snares and temptations of vice, ar*^ what render the present world peculiarly fit to be a state of discipline, to those who will preserve their integrity: because ^hey render being upon our guard, resolution, and the denial of rur passions, necessary in order to that end. The exercise of such particular recollection, intention of mind, and self-govern- ment, in the practice of virtue, has, from the make of our nature, a peculiar tendency to form habits of virtue ; as implying, not only a real, but also a more continued, and a more intense exer- cise of the virtuous principle, or a more constant and a stronger effort of virtue exerted into act. Thus suppose a person to know himself to be in particular danger, for some time, of doing any thing wrong, which yet he fully resolves not to do; continued -ecollection and keeping upon his guard, in order to make good his resolution, is a continued exerting of that act of virtue in a hi» troubled by it is undisciplined." Eibic. Nic. ii. o.l rtiAP. V. PEOBATTON AS A DISCIPLINE. 153 Indeed the present state is so far from proving, in event, a dis cipline of virtue to the generality of men, that on the contrary they seem to make it a discipline of vice. And the viciousness of the world is, in different ways, the great temptation which renders it a state of virtuous discipline, in the degree it is, to good men. The whole end, and the whole occasion, of man- kind's being placed in such a state as the present, is not pre- tended to be accounted for. That which appears amidst the general corruption, is, that there are some persons, who, having within them the principle of amendment and recovery, attend to and follow the notices of virtue and religion, be they more clear or more obscure, which are afforded them ; and that the present world is not only an exercise of virtue in these persons, but an exercise of it in ways and degrees, peculiarly apt to improve it : apt to improve it, in some respects, even beyond what would be, by the exercise of it, required in a perfectly virtuous society, or in a society of equally imperfect virtue with themselves. But that the present world does not actually become a state of moral discipline to many, even to the generality, i.e. that they do not ' improve or grow better in it, cannot be urged as a proof, that it f was not intended for moral discipline, by any who at all observe the analogy of nature. For, of the numerous seeds of vegetables and bodies of animals, which are adapted and put in the way to improve to such a point or state of natural maturity and perfec- tion, we do not see perhaps that one in a million actually does. Far the greatest part of them decay before they are improved to it; and appear to be absolutely destroyed. Yet no one, who does . not deny all final causes, will deny, that those seeds and bodies, which do attain to that point of maturity and perfection, answer the end for which they were really designed by nature; and therefore that nature designed them for such perfection. I can- not forbear adding, though it is not to the present purpose, that the appearance of such an amazing loaste in nature, with respect to these seeds and bodies, by foreign causes, is to us as unaccount- able, as, what is much more terrible, the present and future ruin of so many moral agents by themselves, i.e. by vice. Against this whole notion of moral discipline, it may be obi_ ^ected, in another way; that so far as a course of behavior, huiterially virtuous, proceeds from hope and fear, so far it is only ;54 PROBATION AS A DTFCIPLINE. parti. a discipline and strengthening of self-love. But doing what God commands, because he commands it, is obedience, though it pro- ceeds from hope or fear. A course of such obedience will form habits of it. And a constant regard to veracity, justice, and charity, may form distinct habits of these particular virtues ; and will certainly form habits of self-guvernment, and of denying our inclinations, whenever veracity, justice, or charity requires it. Nor is there any foundation for this great nicety, with which some affect to distinguish in this case, in order to depreciate all religion proceeding from hope or fear. For, veracity, justice, and charity, regard to God's authoiity, and to our own chief, in- terest, are not only all three coincident; but each of them is, in itself, a just and natural motive or principle of action. He who begins a good life from any one of them, and perseveres in it, as he is already in some de.^ree, so he cr.nnot fail of becoming more and more, of that character which is correspondent to the con- stitution of nature as moral ; and to the relation which God stands in to us as moral governor of it : nor consequently can he fail of obtaining that happiness, which this constitution and rela- tion necessarily suppose connected with that character. These several observations, concerning the active principle of virtue and obedience to God's commands, are applicable to pas- sive submission or resignation to his will: which is another es- sential part of a right character, connected with the former, and very muL-h in our power to form ourselves to. It may be imagined, that nothing but afflictions can give occasion for or require this virtue; that it can have no respect to, nor be any way necessary to qualify for, a state of perfect happiness : but it is not expe- rience which can make us think thus. Prosperity itself, while any thing supposed desirable is not uurs, begets extravagant and unbounded thoughts. Imagination is altogether as much a source of discontent, as any thing in our external condition. It is in- deed true, that there can be no scope for patience, when sorrow shall be no more; but there may be need of a temper of mind, which shall have been formed by patience. Fur, though self- love, considered merely as an active principle leading us to pur- sue our chief interest, cannot but be uniformly coincident with the principle of obedience to God's commands, our interest being rightly understood; because this obedience, and the pmvmi of CHAP. V. PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. 155 our own chief interest, must be in every case one and the sam'j thing: yet it may be questioned, whether self-love, considered merely as the desire of our own interest or happiness, can, from its nature, be thus absolutely and uniformly coincident with the will of God; any more than particular affections can :* coincident in such sort, as not to be liable to be excited upon occasions and in degrees, impossible to be gratified consistently with the consti- tution of things, or the divine appointments. So that habits of resignation may, upon this account, be requisite for all creatures: habits, I say; which signify what is formed by use. However, in general it is obvious that both self-love and particular affection in human creatures considered only as passive feelings, distort and rend the mind; and therefore stand in need of discipline. Now denial of those particular affections, in a course of active virtue and obedience to God's will, has a tendency to moderate them ; and seems also to have a tendency to habituate the mind, to be easy and satisfied with that degree of happiness which ih allotted us, i.e. to moderate self-love. But the proper discipline for resignation is affliction. A right behavior under that trial; recollecting ourselves so as to consider it in the view, in which religion teaches us to consider it, as from the hand of God, re- ceiving it as what he appoints, or thinks proper to permit, in his world and under his government; this will habituate the mind to a dutiful submission. Such submission, together with the active principle of obedience, make up the temper and character in us, which answers to his sovereignty; and which absolutely belono-g to the condition of our being, as dependent creatures. Nor can it be said, that this is only breaking the mind to a submission to mere power; for mere power may be accidental, and precarious, and usurped: but it is forming within ourselves the temper of resignation to His rightful authority, who is, by nature, supreme over all. Upon the whole : such a character, and such qualifications, are necessary for a mature state of life in the present world, as nature alone does in no wise bestow; but has put it upon us, in cneat part, to acquire, in our progress froni one stage of life to another, ;rom childhood to mature age; put it upon us to acquire them, by givring us capacities of doing it, and by placing us, in the * P. 145. 15<> PROBATION AS A DISCIPLINE. part i, begimiifig of life, in a condition fit for it. And this is a general analogy to our condition in the present world, as in a state of nioral discipline for another. It is in vain to object against the credibility of the present life's being intended for this purpose, that all the trouble and the danger unavoidably accompanying such discipline, might have been saved us, by our being made at once the creatures and the 'jharacters, lohich we were to be. For we experience, that what ice were to he, was to be the effect of what we would do: and that the general conduct of nature is, not to save us trouble or danger, but to make us capable of going through them, and to put it upon us to do so. Acquirements of our own, experience and habits, are the natural supply to our deficiencies, and secu- rity against our dangers: since it is as plainly natural to set our- selves to acquire the qualifications, as the external things, which we stand \a need of. In particular, it is as plainly a general law of nature, that we should with regard to our temporal interest, form and .cultivate practical principles within us, by attention, use, and d, scipline, as any thing whatever is a natural law; chiefly in the beg .nning of life, but also throughout the whole course of it. The alternative is left to our choice: either to improve our- selves, and better our condition; or, in default of such improve- ment, to remain deficient and wretched. It is therefore perfectly credible, from the analogy of nature, that the same may be our case, with respect to the happiness of a future state, and the qualifications necessary for it. There is a third thing, which may seem implied in the present world's being a state of probation; that it is a theatre of action, for the manifestation of persons' characters, wnth respect to a future one : not, to be sure, to an all-knowing Being, but to his creation or part of it. This may, perhaps, be only a consequence of our being in a state of probation in the other senses. How- ever, it is not impossible, that men's showing and making mani- fest, what is in their heart, what their real character is, may have respect to a future life, in ways and manners with which we are not acquainted : particularly it may be a means, (for the Author of nature does not appear to do any thing without means,) of their being disposed of suitably to their characters; and of its being known to the creation, by way of example, that they are CHAP. VI. THE OPINION OF NECESSITY. 15; thus disposed of. I^ut not to enter upon any conjectural account of this; one may just mention, that the manifestation uf person.*!* characters contributes very much, in various ways, to the carrying on a great part of that general course of n.iture, respecting man- kind, which conies under our observation at present. 1 shah only add, that probation, in both these senses, as well as in that treated of in the foregoing chapter, is implied in moral govern- ment; since by persons' behavior under it, their characters can- not but be manifested, and if they behave well, improved. CHAPTER VI. THE OPINION OF NECESSITY, CONSIDERED AS INFLUENCING PRACTICE. Throughout the foregoing treatise it appears, that the con dition of mankind, considered as inhabitants of this world only, and under the government of God which we experience, is greatly analogous to our condition, as designed for another world, or as under that farther government, which religion teaches us. If therefore any assert, as a fatalist must, that the opinion of uni- versal necessity is reconcilable with the former;' there immediately arises a question in the way of analogy, whether he must not also own it to be reconcilable with the latter, i.e. with the system of religion itself, and the proof of it. The reader then will observe, that the question now before us is not absolute, i.e. whether the opinion of fate be reconcilable with religion ; but hypothetical, whether, upon supposition of its being reconcilable with the con- stitution of nature, it be not reconcilable with religion also. Or, what pretence a fatalist, not other persons, but a fatalist, has to conclude from his opinion, that there can be no such thing as religion. And as the puzzle and obscurity, which must unavoid- ably arise from arguing upon so absurd a supposition as that of universal necessity, will, I fear, easily be seen; it will, I hope, as easily be excused.* " [The slu lent should leurn to distirigiii.--b between the kinds of necessity. There i.« — 1. " Logical necessity," which requires the admission of a consequent to a premise 2. ' Moral necessity," which requires means in order to ends* 14 158 THE OPINION OF NECESSITY, parti, Since it bus been all along taken for granted, as a thing proved, that there is an intelligent Author of nature, or natural Grovernoi of the world; and since an objection may be made against the proof of this, from the opinion of universal necessity, as it may be supposed, that such necessity will itself account for the origin and preservation of all things ; it is requisite, that this objection be distinctly answered ; or that it be shown, that a fatality sup- posed consistent with what we certainly experience, does not destroy the proof of an intelligent Author and GovernoF'oF naturey before we proceed to consider, whether it destroys the proof of a moral Governor of it, or of our being in a state of religion. When it is said by a fatalist, that the whole constitution of nature, the actions of men, every thing, and every mode and circumstance of every thing, is necessary, and could not possibly have been otherwise ; it is to be observed, that this necessity does not exclude deliberation, choice, preference, and acting from cer- tain principles, and to certain ends: because all this is matter of undoubted experience, acknowledged by all, and what every man may, every moment, be conscious of. Hence it follows, that necessity, alone and of itself, is in" no sort an account of the con- stitution of nature, and how things came tu he and to continue as they are; but only an account of this circumstance relating to their origin and continuance, that they could not have been other- wise, than they are and have been. The assertion, that every thing is by necessity of nature, is not an answer to the question ; Whether the world came into being as it is, by an intelligent Agent forming it thus, or not : but to quite another question ; Whether it came into being as it is, in that way and manner which we call neccssar^iJj/, or in that way and manner which we call 3. '.'Physical necessity," which is the compulsory connection of sequences to aoteccdents, in the material world. 4. "Metaphysical necessity," which be- longs to God only, as existing eternally and immutably. All these exist and operate, and by them Ave govern ourselves. But there are various other kinds of necessity, erroneous and pernicious, which may be grouped under two beads: — ]. "Atheistic," sometimes called the Dtmocritic, which ascribes all things to the uiechanionl laws of matter. 2. " Theistic," which admits the existence of God, but denies to him moral character, and makes him the arbitrary and only agent in the universe, and creatures not responsible. See Collings on Providence, Price's Dissertations, Rdtherford en Providence, Charnock's Sermons, and Whatelv'h Logic] CHAP. VI. AS INFLIIENOTNO PRACTICE. 159 freely? For suppose farther, that one who was a fatalist, and one who kept to his natural sense of things, and believed him- self a free agent, were disputing together, and vindicating their respective opinions; and they should happen to instance a house \ they would agree that it was built by an architect. Their difference concerning necessity and freedom would occasion no difference of judgment concerning this; but only concerning an- other matter ; whether the architect built it necessarily or freely. Suppose they should proceed to inquire concerning the consti- tution of nature. In a lax way of speaking, one of them might say, it was by necessity; and the other, by freedom : but if they had any meaning to their words, as the latter must mean a free agent, so the former must at length be reduced to mean an agent, whether he would say one or more, acting by necessity : for ab- stract notions can do nothing. We indeed ascribe to God a neces- sary existence, uncaused by any agent. For we find within our- selves the idea of infinity, i.e. immensity and eternity, impossible, even in imagination, to be removed out of being. We seem to discern intuitively, that there must, and cannot but be, some- thing, external to ourselves, answering this idea, or the archetype of it. Hence, (for tlih ahatract, as much as any other, implies a concrete) we conclude, that there is, and cannot but be, an in- finite and immense eternal being, existing prior to all design con- tributing to his existence, and exclusive of it. From the scanti- ness of language, a manner of speaking has been introduced; that necessity is the foundation, the reason, the account of the existence of God. But it is not alleged, nor can it be at all intended, that every th'ng exists as it does, by this kind of neces- sity: a necessity antecedent in nature to design: it cannot, I say, be meant that every thing exists as it does, by this kind of necessity, upon several accounts; and particularly because it is admitted, that design, in the actions of men, contributes to many alterations in nature. If any deny this, I shall not pretend to reason with them. From these things it follows; First, That when a fatalist Asserts, that every thing is hy necessity, he must mean, by an iir/e.U acting necessarily ; he must, I say, mean this, for I am very sensible he would not choose to mean it. Secondly, That the necessity, by which such an agent is supposed to act, does IGO THE oriNION OF NECESSITY, part i. not exclude intelligence and design. So that, were the system of fatality admitted, it would just as much account for the for mation of the world, as for the structure of a house, and no more. Necessity as much requires and supposes a necessary agent, as freedom requires and supposes a free agent, to be the former of the world. And the appearances of design and of final causes in the constitution of nature as really prove this acting agent to be an intelligent designer, or to act from choice ; upon the scheme of necessity, supposed possible, as upon that of freedom. It appearing thus, that the notion of necessity does not destroy the proof that there is an intelligent Author of nature and natural Governor of the world; the present question, which the analogy before mentioned suggests,* and which, T think, it will answer, i§ this : Whether the opinion of necessity, supposed con- sistent with possibility, with the constitution of the world, and the natural government which we experience exercised over it, destroys all reasonable ground of belief, that we are in a state of religion : or whether that opinion be reconcilable with religion ; with the system, and the proof of it. Suppose then a fatalist to educate any one, from his youth up, in his own principles; that the child should reason upon them, and conclude, that since he cannot possibly behave otherwise than he does, he is not a subject of blame or commendation, nor can deserve to be rewarded or punished. Imagine him to eradi- cate the very perceptions of blame and commendation out of bis mind, by means of this system ; to form his temper, and cha- racter, and behavior to it; and from it to judge of the treatment he was to expect, say, from reasonable men, upon his coming abroad into the world: as the fatalist judges from this system, what he is to expect from the Author of nature, and with regard to a future state. I cannot forbear stopping here to ask, whether any one of common sense would think fit, that a child should be put upon these speculations, and be left to apply them to prac- tice. And a man has little pretence to reason, who is not sensible, that we are all children in speculations of this kind. However, the child would doubtless be highly delighted to find himself freed from the restraints of fear and shame, wi*.h whicli * P. ir>7. CHAP. VI. AS INFLUENCING PRACTICE 16} his play-fellows were fettered and embarrassed ; and highly con- ceited in his superior knowledge, so far beyond his years. But conceit and vanity would be the least bad part of the influence, which these principles must have, when thus reasoned and acted upon, during the course of his education. He must either be allowed to go on and be the plague of all about him, and himself too, even to his own destruction, or else correction must be con- tinually made use of, to supply the want of those natural percep- tions of blame and commendation, which we have supposed to be removed; and to give him a practical impression, of what he had reasoned himself out of the belief of, that he was in fact an account.able child, and to be punished for doing what he was forbid. It is therefore in reality impossible, but that the correc tion which he must meet with, in the course of his education, must convince him, that if the scheme he was instructed in were not false, yet that be reasoned inconclusively upon it, and some- how or other misapplied it to practice and common life ; as what the fatalist experiences of the conduct of Providence at present, ought in all reason to convince him, that this scheme is mis- applied, when applied to the subject of religion.* But supposing the child's temper could remain still formed to the system, and his expectation of the treatment he was to have in the world, be regulated by it; so as to expect that no reasonable man would blame or punish him, for any thing which he should do, because he could not help doing it : upon this supposition it is manifest he would, upon his coming abroad into the world, be insupport- able to society, and the treatment which he would receive from it would render it so to him ; and he could not fail of doing some- thing very soon, for which he would be delivered over into the hands of civil justice. And thus, in the end, he would be con- vinced of the obligations he was under to his wise instructor. Suppose this scheme of fatality, in any other way, applied to practice, such practical application of it will be found equally absurd; equally fallacious in a practical sense. For instance, that if a man be destined to live such a time, he shall live to it, though he take no care of his own preservation ; or if he be destined to die -before that time, no care can prevent it, there- 'brf all care about pre^^erving one's life is to be neglected : which * P. l.')S. L u* 162 THE OPINION OF NECESSITY, part r lb the fallacy instanced in by the ancients. On the contrary, none ot* these practical absurdities can be drawn from reasoning, upon the supposition that we are free; but all such reasoning with regard to the common affairs of life is justified by experience. Therefore, though it were admitted that this opinion of necessity were speculatively true; yet, with regard to practice, it is as if it were false, so far as our experience reaches : that is, to the whole of our present life. For, the constitution of the present world, and the condition in which we are actually placed, is, as if we were free. And it may perhaps justly be concluded, that since the whole process of action, through every step of it, suspense, deliberation, inclining one way, determinino, and at last doing as we determine, is as if we were free, therefore we are so ^ The thing here insisted upon is, that under the present natural government of the world, we find we are treated and dealt with, as if we were free, prior to all consideration whether we are so or not. Were this opinion therefore of necessity admitted to be ever so true; yet such is in fact our condition and the natural course of things, that whenever we apply it to life and practice, this application of it always misleads us, and cannot but mislead us, in a most dreadful manner, with regard to our present interest. How then can people think themselves so very secure, that the same application of the same opinion may not mislead them also, in some analogous manner, with respect to a future, a more general, and more important interest? For, religion being a practical subject ; and the analogy of nature showing us, that we have not faculties to apply this opinion, were it a true one, to practical subjects; whenever we do apply it to the subject of re- ligion, and thence conclude, that we are free from its obligations, it is plain this conclusion cannot be depended upon. There will still remain just reason to think, whatever appearances are, that we deceive ourselves; in somewhat of a like manner, as when people fancy they can draw contradictory conclusions from the idea of infinity. ^ [Hdme says, "though man, in truth, is a necessary agent, having all his actions determined by fixed and immutable laws, yet, this being concealed froiu him, he acts with the conviction of being a free agent." Which is the same as to say that God intended to conceal from men ai» important fact, involving the whole subject of right and wrong, but Mr. Hun*- found him out ! ] CHAP. M. AS INFLUENCING PRACTICE. 163 From these things together, the attentive reader T^ilJ see it follows, that if upon supposition of freedom the evidence of reli- gion be conclusive, it remains so, upon supposition of necessity, because the notion of necessity is not applicable to practical sub- jects: i.e. with respect to them, is as if it were not true. Nor does this contain any reflection upon reason, but only upon what is unreasonable. For to pretend to act upon reason, in opposition to practical principles, which the Author of our nature gave us to act upon; and to pretend to apply our reason to subjects, with regard to which, our own short views, and even our experience, will show us, it cannot be depended upon; and such, at best, the subject of necessity must be; this is vanity, conceit, and un- reasonableness. But this is not all. We find within ourselves a will, and are conscious of a character. Now if this, in us, be reconcilable with fate, it is reconcilable with it in the Author of nature. Besides, natural government and final causes imply a character and a will in the Governor and Designer;"' a will concerning the creatures whom he governs. The Author of nature then being certainly of some character or other, notwithstanding necessity; it is evi- dent this necessity is as reconcilable with the particular character of benevolence, veracity, and justice, in him, which attributes are the foundation of religion, as with any other character : since we find this necessity no more hinders meti from being benevo- lent, than cruel; true, than faithless; just, than unjust; or, if the fatalist pleases, what we call unjust. It is said indeed, that what, upon supposition of freedom, would be just punishment, upon supposition of necessity, becomes manifestly unjust : because it is punishment inflicted for doing that which persons could not avoid doing. x\s if the necessity, which is supposed to destroy the injustice of murder, for instance, would not also destroy the injustice of punishing it! However, as little to the purpose as this objection is in itself, it is very much to the purpose to ob- serve from it, how the notions of justice and injustice remain, even while we endeavor to suppose them removed; how they * By will and character is meant that which, in speaking of men, we sliould express, not only by these words, but also by the words temper, taste, diapo- titions, practical prt/zc/jj/e'.- ; that whole frame of mind, from whence ue act i« one manner j tithcr than anotlicr. 1(54 THE OPINION OF NECESSITY, part i force themselves upon the mind, eveu while we are making suppo- sitions destructive of them : for there is not, perhaps, a man in the world, but would be ready to make this objection at first thought. But though it is most evident, that universal necessity, if it be reconcilable with any thing, is reconcilable with that character in the Author of nature, which is the foundation of religion; *' Yet, does it not plainly destroy the pToof that he is of that character, and consequently the proof of religion V By no means. Foi we find, that happiness and misery are not our JatCy in any such sense as not to be the consequences of our behavior; but that they are the consequences of it.* We find God exercises the same kind of government over us, which a father exercises over his children, and a civil magistrate over his subjects. Now, whatever becomes of abstract questions concerning liberty and necessity, it evidently appears to us, that veracity and justice must be the natural rule and measure of exercising this authority or government, to a Being who can have no competitions, or in- terfering of interests, with his creatures and his subjects. But as the doctrine of liberty, though we experience its truth, may be perplexed with difficulties, which run up into the most abstruse of all speculations; and as the opinion of necessity seems to be the very basis upon which infidelity grounds itself; it may be of some use to offer a more particular proof of the obligations of- rehgiou, which may distinctly be shown not to be destroyed by this opinion. The proof from final causes of an intelligent Author of nature is not aff'ected by the opinion of necessity; supposing necessity a thing possible in itself, and reconcilable with the consiitutiou of things,^ It is a matter of fact, independent on this or any other speculation, that he governs the world by the method of rewards and punishments :J and also that he hath given us a moral faculty, by which we distinguish between actions, and approve some as virtuous and of good desert, and disapprove others as vicious and of ill desert.§ This moral discernment implies, in the notion of it, a rule of action, and a rule of a very peculiar kind : for it carries in it authority and a right of direction; authority in sucb a sense, as that we cannot depart from it without being self-con- * rhap. ii. -J- P. 157, Ac. X Cliap. ii. g Dissert. II. CHAP. VI. AS INFLUii^Ci^(i i»RACTICE. lfi% demned.* And that the dictates of this momi facultjj which are by nature a rule to us, are moreover the hjws of God, Uiws in a sense including sanctions; may be thus proved. Consv';iousness of a rule or guide of action, in creatures who are capable of con- sidering it as given them by their Maker, not only raises imme- diately a sense of duty, but also a sense of securioy in following it, and of danger in deviating from it. A direction of the Author of nature, given to creatures capable of looking upon it as such, is plainly a command from him : and a command from him neces- sarily includes in it, at least, an implicit promise in case of obe- dience, or threatening in case of disobedience. But then the sense or perception of good and ill desert,"!" which is contained in the moral discernment, renders the sanction explicit, and makes It appear, as one may say, expressed. For since his method of government is to reward and punish actions, his having annexed to some actions an inseparable sense of good desert, and to others of ill, this surely amounts to declaring, upon whom his punish- ments shall be inflicted, and his rewards be bestowed. He must have given us this discernment and sense of things, as a presenti- ment of what is to be hereafter: that is, by way of information beforehand, what we are finally to expect in this world. There is then most evident ground to think, that the government of Gud, upon the whole, will be found to correspond to the nature which he has given us: and that, in the upshot and issue of things, happiness and misery shall, in fact and event, be made to follow virtue and vice respectively; as he has already, in so peculiar a manner, associated the ideas of them in our minds. And hence might easily be deduced the obligations of religious worship, were it only to be considered as a means of preserving upon our minds a sense of this moral government of God, and securing our obedience to it : which yet is an extremely imper- fect view of that most important duty. No objection from necessity can lie against this general proof of religion. None against the proposition reasoned upon, that we have such a moral faculty and discernment; because this is a mere matter of fact, a thing of experience, that human kind is thus constituted : none against the conclusion ; because it ia immediate and wholly from this fact. For the conclusion, that * Scrui. 2, at the liolls. I Dissert. IL 166 THE OPINION OF NECESSITY, part ,. God will finally reward the righteous and punish the wicked, is not here drawn, from its appearing to us fit''' that he should; but from its appearing, that he has told us, he will. And this he hath certainly told us, in the promise and threatening, which it hath been observed the notion of a command implies, and the sense of good and ill desert which he has given us, more dis- tinctly expresses. This reasoning from fact is confirmed, and in some degree even verified, by other facts; by the natural tenden- cies of virtue and of vice;! and by this, that God, in the natural course of his providence, punishes vicious actions as mischievous to society; and also vicious actions as such in the strictest sense. J So that the general proof of religion is unanswerably real, even upon the wild supposition which we are arguing upon. It must be observed further, that natural religion has, besides this, an external evidence ; which the doctrine of necessity, if it could be true, would not aft'ect. For suppose a person, by the observations and reasoning above, or by any other, convinced of the truth of religion ; that there is a God, who made the world, who is the moral governor and judge of mankind, and will upon the whole deal with every one according to his works : I say, suppose a person convinced of this by reason, but to know nothing at all of antiquity, or the present state of mankind : it would be natural for such a one to be inquisitive, what was the history of this system of doctrine; at what time, and in what manner, it came first into the world; and whether it were be- lieved by any considerable part of it. Were he upon inquiry to * However, I am far from intending to deny, that the will of God is deter- mined, by what is fit, by the right and reason of the case; though one chooses to decline matters of such abstract speculation, and to speak with caution when one does speak of them. But if it be intelligible to say, that it is fit and reaaonuble for every one to consult his own hnj^piness, then fitness of action, or l/ie ri(jht and reason of the case, is an intelligible manner of speaking. And it seems as inconceivable, to suppose God to approve one course of .action, or one end, preferably to another, which yet his acting at all from design iuipliea that he does, without supposing somewhat prior in that end, to be the ground of the preference ; as to suppose him to discern an abstract proposition to bo true, without supposing somewhat prior in it, to be the ground of the discern- ment. It doth not therefore appear, that moral right is any more relative t( perception, than abstract truth is ; or that it is any more improper to .'^peak of the fitness and rightness of actions and ends, as founded in the nature of thir ga than to speak of abstract truth, as thus founded. t P. 118. J P. 110, Ac. CHAP. VI. AS INFLUENCING PRACTICE. 1G7 find, that a particular person, in a late age, first of an proposed it, as a deduction of reason, and that mankind were before wholly ignorant of it; then, though its evidence from reason would remain, there would be no additional probability of its truth, from the account of its discovery. But instead of this being the fact, he would find, on the con- trary, what could not but afi"ord him a very strong confirmation of its truth : First, That somewhat of this system, with more or fewer additions aud alterations, hath been professed in all ages and countries, of which we have any certain information relating to this matter. Secondly, That it is certain historical fact, so far as we can trace things up, that this whole system of belief, that there is one God, the creator and moral governor of the world, and that mankind is in a state of religion, was received in the first ages. And TJiirdly, That as there is no hint or in- timation in history, that this system was first reasoned out; so there is express historical or traditional evidence, as ancient as history, that it was taught first by revelation. Now these things must be allowed to be of great weight. The first of them, general consent, shows this system to be conform- able to the common sense of mankind. The second, namely, that religion was believed in the first ages of the world, especially as it does not appear that there were then any superstitious or false additions to it, cannot but be a further confirmation of its truth. For it is a proof of this alternative : either that it came into the world by revelation ; or that it is natural, obvious, and forces itself upon the mind. The former of these is the conclu- sion of learned men. And whoever will consider, how unapt for speculation rude and uncultivated minds are, will, perhaps from hence alone, be strongly inclined to believe it the truth. And us it is shown in the second part* of this treatise, that there is nothing of such peculiar presumption against a revelation in the beginning of the world, as there is supposed to be against subse- quent ones; a sceptic could not, 1 think, give any account, which would appear more probable even to himself, of the early pre- tences to revelation ; than by supposing some real original one, (nmi whence they were copied. And the third thing above mentioned, that there is express * Chap. ii. KJg THE OPINION OF NECESSITY, paut i. liistorical or traditional evidence, as ancient as history, of the avstem of religion being taught mankind by revelation, this must be admitted as some degree of real proof, that it was so taught. For why should not the most ancient tradition be admitted as some additional proof of a fact, against which there is no pre- sumption ? This proof is mentioned here, because it has its weight to show, that religion came into the world by revelation, prior to all consideration of the. proper authority of any book eupposed to contain it; and even prior to all consideration, whether the revelation itself be un corruptly handed down, or mixed and darkened with fables. Thus the historical account, which we have of the origin of religion, taking in all circum- stances, is a real confirrLation of its truth, no way affected by the opinion of necessity. And the exfernal evidence, even of natural religion, is by no means inconsiderable. It is carefully to be observed, and ought to be recollected after all proofs of virtue and religion, which are only general, that as speculative reason may be neglected, prejudiced, and deceived, 80 also may our moral understanding be impaired and perverted, and the dictates of it not impartially attended to. This indeed proves nothing against the reality of our speculative or practical faculties of perception ; against their being intended by nature, to inform us in the theory of things, and instruct us how we are ».o behave, and what we are to expect in consequence of our behavior. Yet our liableness, in the degree we are liable, to prejudice and perversion, is a most serious admonition to us to be upon our guard, with respect to what is of such consequence, as our determinations concerning virtue and religion; and par- ticularly not to take custom, and fashion, and slight notions of honor, or imaginations of present ease, use, and convenience to mankind, for the only moral rule.* The foregoing observations, drawn from the nature of the thing, and the history of religion, amount, when taken together, to a real practical proof of it, not to be confuted : such a proof as, considering the infinite importance of the thing, I apprehend, would be admitted fully sufficient, in reason, to influence the actions of men, who act upon thought and reflection, if it were ad- mitted that there is no proof of the contrary. But it may be said ; *" Dissertation II. CHAF. VI. AS INFLUENCING PRACTICE. 169 *• There are manv probabilities, which cannot indeed be confuted^ i.e. shown to be no probabilities, and yet may be overbalanced by greater probabilities, on the other side ; much more by demon- stration. And there is no occasion to object against particular arguments alleged for an opinion, when the opinion itself may be clearly shown to be false, without meddling with such arguments at all, but leaving them just as they are.* Now the method of government by rewards and punishments, and especially reward- ing and punishing good and ill desert as such respectively, must go upon supposition, that we are free and not necessary agents. And it is incredible, that the Author of nature should govern us upon a supposition as true, which he knows to be false ; and therefore absurd to think, he will reward or punish us for our actions hereafter; especially that he will do it under the notion, that they are of good or ill desert." Here then the matter is brought to a point. And the answer is full, and not to be evaded, — viz. : that the whole constitution and course of things, the whole analogy of Providence, shows beyond possibility of doubt, that the conclusion from this reason- ing is false ; wherever the fallacy lies. The doctrine of freedom indeed clearly shows where: in supposing ourselves necessary, when in truth we are free agents. But, upon the supposition of necessity, the fallacy lies in taking for granted, that it is in- credible necessary agents should be rewarded and punished. That, somehow or other, the conclusion now mentioned is false, IS most certain. For it is fact, that God does govern even brute creatures by the method of rewards and punishments, in the natural course of things. Men are rewarded and punished for their actions, punished for actions mischievous to society as being so, punished for vicious actions as such ; by the natural instru- mentality of each other, under the present conduct of Provi- dence. Nay, even the affection of gratitude, and the passion of resentment, and the rewards and punishments following from them, which in general are to be considered as natural, i.e. from the Author of nature ; these rewards and punishments, being naturalli/f annexed to actions considered as implying good inten- tion and good desert, ill intention and ill desert; these natural rewards and punishments, I say, are as much a contradiction to * Pp. 68, 71. t Serm. 8th, at the EolU. 15 170 NECESSITY, AS INFLUENCING PRACTICE. parti. the conclusion above, and show its falsehood, as a more exact and complete rewarding and punishing of good and ill desert as such. So that if it be incredible, that necessary agents should be thus rewarded and punished; then, men are not necessary but free; since it is matter of fact, that they are thus rewarded and punished. If, on the contrary, which is the supposition we have been arguing upon, it be insisted that men are necessary agents; then, there is nothing incredible in the further supposition of necessary agents being thus rewarded and punished : since we ourselves are thus dealt with. From the whole therefore it must follow, that a necessity sup- posed possible, and reconcilable with the constitution of things, does in no sort prove that the Author of Nature will not, nor destroy the proof that he will, finally and upon the whole, in his eternal government, render his creatures happy or miserable, by some means or other, as they behave well or ill. Or, to express this conclusion in words conformable to the title of the chapter, the analogy of nature shows us, that the opinion of necessity, con- sidered as practical, is false. And if necessity, upon the suppo- sition above mentioned, doth not destroy the proof of natural religion, it evidently makes no alteration in the proof of revealed. From these things likewise we may learn, in what sense to understand that general assertion, that the opinion of necessity is essentially destructive of all religion. First, in a practical sense; that by this notion, atheistical men pretend to satisfy and encou- rage themselves in vice, and justify to others their disregard to all religion. And secondly, in the strictest sense ; that it is a contradiction to the whole constitution of nature,' and to what we may every moment experience in ourselves, and so overturns every thing. But by no means is this assertion to be understood, as if necessity, supposing it could possibly be reconciled with the ■constitution of things, and with what we experience, were not also reconcilable with religion: for upon this supposition, it demonstrably is so." <= [Consult, in favor of the doctrine of necessity, atheistical writers gene- rally ; such as Fichte, Hegel, D'Holback, Comte, Crousse, Martineau, Leroux, and Holyoake — also, Belsham's Essays, Collixs on Liberty, Crombie on Phil. Necessity, Hobbes' Liberty and Necessity, and Leviathan, Priestley on Liberty, Hartley on Man, and Edwards on the Will. Against the doctrine, see Beattie's Works, Part 2 j Rejjlies to Hobbes by CHAP. VII. GOVERNiMENT OF GOD, INCOMPREHENSIBLE, 171 CHAPTEE VIE. THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD, CONSIDERED AS A SCHEME OR CONSTITUTION, IMPERFECTLY COMPREHENDED. Though it be acknowledged, as it cannot but be, that the ana^ logy of nature gives a strong credibility to the general doctrine of religion, and to the several particular things contained in it, con- sidered as so many matters of fact; and likewise that it shows this credibility not to be destroyed by any notions of necessity : still, objections maybe insisted upon, against the wisdom^ equity, and goodness of the divine government implied in the notion of religion, and against the method by which this government is conducted 3 to which objections analogy can be no direct answer. For the credibility, or the certain truth, of a matter of fact, does not immediately prove any thing concerning the wisdom or good- ness of it; and analogy can do no more, immediately or directly, than show such and such things to be true or credible, considered only as matters of fact. But if, upon supposition of a moral con- stitution of nature and a moral government over it, analogy sug- gests and makes it credible, that this government must be a scheme, system, or constitution of government, as distinguished from a number of single unconnected acts of distributive justice and goodness; and likewise, that it must be a scheme, so imper- fectly comprehended, and of such a sort in other respects, as to afford a direct general answer to all objections against the justice and goodness of it : then analogy is, remotely, of great service in answering those objections; both by suggesting the answer, and showing it to be a credible one. Now this, upon inquiry, will be found to be the case. For, Firsty Upon supposition that God exercises a moral government over the world, the analogy of his natural government suggests and makes it credible, that his moral government must be a scheme, quite beyond our comprehension : and this affords a Bramhai.l and Lawson ; Replies to Priestloy by Pai.mkr and Rryaxt ; Grove on Liberty; Clarke's Sermons at tbc Boyle Loclures; Gibb's Contemplations; King's Origin of Evil; Rkid on the Mind; Watts on Liberty; Harris' Boyia Lectures; Jackson's Defence ; Butterworth on Moral Government.] 172 THE GOVEUXMENT OF GOD, pam i. general answer to all objections against the justice and goodness of it. Secondly, A more distinct observation of some particular tilings contained in God's scheme of natural government, the like things being supposed, by analogy, to be contained in his moral government, will further show, how little weight is to be laid upon these objections. I. Upon supposition that God exercises a moral government over the world, the analogy of his natural government suggests and makes it credible, that his moral government must be a scheme, quite beyond our comprehension; and this affords a general answer to all objections against the justice and goodness of it. It is most obvious, analogy renders it highly credible, that, upon supposition of a moral government, it must be a scheme. For the world, and the whole natural government of it, appears to be so : to be a scheme, system, or constitution, whose parts correspond to each other, and to a whole, as really as any work of art, or as any particular model of a civil constitution and govern- ment. In this great scheme of the natural world, individuals have various peculiar relations to other individuals of their own species. Whole specie s are, we find, variously related to other species, upon this earth. Nor do we know, how much further these kinds of relations may extend. And, as there is not any action or natural event, which we are acquainted with, so single and unconnected, us not to have a respect to some other actions and events; so possibly each of them, when it has not an imme- diate, may yet have a remote, natural relation to other actions and events, much beyond the compass of this present world. There seems indeed nothing, from whence we can so much as make a conjecture, whether all creatures, actions, and events, throughout the whole of nature, have relations to each other But, as it is obvious, that all events have future unknown conse quences; so if we trace any event, as far as we can, into what it connected with it, we shall find, that if it were not connected with something further in nature, unknown to us, something both past and present, such event could not possibly have been at all. Nor can we give the whole account of any one thing whatever; of all its causes, ends, and necessary adjuncts; those adjuncts, I mean, without which it could nut have been. By this most astonishing connection, these reciprocal correspondence:? CHAP. vn. A SCHEME INCOMPREHENSIBLE. 17? and mutual relatious, every tbing which we see in the course o^ nature is actually brought about. Things seemingly the most insignificant imaginable, are perpetually observed to be necessary conditions to other things of the greatest importance ; so that any one thing whatever, may for aught we know to the contrary, be a necessary condition to any other. The natural world then, and natural government of it, being such an incomprehensible scheme ; so incomprehensible, that a man must, really in the literal sense, know nothing at all, who is not sensible of his ignorance in it; this immediately suggests, and strongly shows the credibility, that the moral world and government of it may be so too.* Indeed the natural and moral constitution and government of the world are so connected, as ta make up together but one scheme : and it is highly probable, that the first is formed and carried on merely in subserviency to the latter; as the vegetable world is for the animal, and organized bodies for minds. But the thing intended here is, without in- quiring how far the administration of the natural world is bub- ordinate to that of the moral, only to observe the credibility, that one should be analogous or similar to the other: that theiefore every act of divine justice and goodness may be supposed to look much beyond itself, and its immediate object; may have some reference to other parts of God's n)oral administration, and to a general moral plan ; and that every circumstance of this his moral government may be adjusted beforehand with a view to the whole of it. For example : the determined length of time, and the degrees and ways, in which virtue is to remain in a state of war- fare and discipline, and in which wickedness is permitted to have * [Maimonides makes use of the following similitude. " Suppose one of good understanding, whose mother had died soon after he was born to be brought up on an island, where he saw no human being but his father nor the female of any beast. This person when grown up inquires how men are produced. He is told that they are bred in the womb of one of the same species and that while in the womb we are very small and there move and are nourished. Tho young man inquires whether when thus in the womb we did not eat, and drink, and breathe, as wo do now, and is answered. No. Then he denies it, and oflFers demonstration that it could not be so. For says he, if either of us cease to breathe our life is gone; and how could we have lived close shut up in a womb for months ? So if we cease to eat and drink, we die, and how could the child live so for months ? and thus be satisfies himself that it is imposaible mao «nould come into existence in such a manner.'"] 174 THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD, part u it3 pro2,Tefes; the times appointed for the execution uf justice j the appointed instruments of it; the kinds of rewards and punish- ments, and the manners of their distribution; all particular in- stances of divine justice and goodness, and every circumstance of them, may have such respects to each other, as to make up alto- gether a whole, connected and related in all its parts; a scheme or system, which is as properly such, as the natural world is, and of the like kind. Supposing this to be the case, it is most evi- dent, that we are not competent judges of this scheme, from the small parts of it which come within our view in the present life : therefore no objections against any of these parts can be insisted upon by reasonable men.'' This our ignorance, and the consequence here drawn from it, are universally acknowledged upon other occasions; and though scarce denied, yet are universally forgot, when persons come to argue against religion. And it is not perhaps easy, even for the most reasonable men, always to bear in mind the degree of our ignorance, and make due allowances for it. Upon these accounts, it may not be useless to go a little further, in order to show more distinctly, how just an answer our ignorance is, to objections against the scheme of Providence. Suppose then a person boldly to assert," that the things complained of, the origin and continu- ance of evil, might easily have been prevented by repeated inter- positions;* interpositions so guarded and circumstanced, as would *> [Let us imagine a person to be taken to view some great historical painting, before which hangs a thick curtain. The attendant raises the curtain a few inches. Can the spectator, from the unmeaning strip of foreground, derive any conception of the figures yet concealed ? Much less is he able to criticize their proportions, or beauty, or perspective, or even the design of the artist? The small fragment of a tree, or flower, or animal, or building, may seem quite unmeaning and even ugly, though the whole would present beauty, filness, or grandeur. Now the portion of Gud's dominions within our survey, is as utterly iusignitieant, compared to the universe, and its interminable duration, as an jttom compared to a planet or a man's age to eternity. The concluding observations of this chapter, abundantly remove every diffi- culty as to such ignorance being as valid against the j)roo/ii of religion, as it is against objections to it.] c [No truly philosophical mind can be arrogant; because the wider the range of thought, the greater are the discoveries of our ignorance. The young stu- dent may well hesitate to decide points, on which the profounde.st thinkers take opposite sides, and when conscious of inability intrust hiuiso"" to the guidance of those whose lives are best. -^*Pp. 177, 178. CHA.P. VIZ. A SCHEME INCOMPREHENSIBLE. i; ^ preclude all mischief arising from them. Or, if this were in*- practicable, that a scheme of government is itself an imperfectioa, since more good might have been produced, without any scheme, system, or constitution at all, by continued single unrelated act" of distributive justice and goodness; because these would have occasioned no irregularities. Farther than this, it is presumed, the objections will not be carried. Yet the answer is obvious : that were these assertions true, still the observations above, con- cerning our ignorance in the scheme of divine government and the consequence drawn from it, would hold, in great measure; enough to vindicate religion, against all objections from the dis- orders of the present state. Were these assertions true, yet the government of the world might be just and good notwithstanding; for, at the most, they would infer nothing more than that it might have been better. But they are mere arbitrary assertions; no man being sufficiently acquainted with the possibilities of things, to bring any proof of them to the lowest degree of proba- bility. For however possible what is asserted may seem, yet many instances may be alleged, in things much less out of our reach, of suppositious absolutely impossible, and reducible to the most palpable self contradictions, which, not every one would per- ceive to be such; nor perhaps any one, at first sight suspect. From these things, it is easy to see distinctly, how our igno- rance, as it is the common, so it is really a satisfactory answer, to all objections against the justice and goodness of Providence. If a man, contemplating any one providential dispensation, which had no relation to aity others, should object, that he discerned in it a disregard to justice, or a deficiency of goodness; nothing would be less an answer to such objection, than our ignorance in other parts of providence, or in the possibilities of things, no way related to what he was contemplating. But when we know not but the part objected against may be relative to other parts un- known to us; and when we are unacquainted with what is, in the nature of the thing, practicable in the case before us; then our ignorance is a satisfactory answer; because, some unknown relation, or some unknown impossibility, may render what is oojected against, just and good; nay good in the highest practi- sable degree. II. How little weight is to be laid upon such objections, will i76 THE GOVEKNxMENT OF GOD, part i further appear, by a more distinct observation of some particular things contained in the natural government of God, the like to which may be supposed, from analogy, to be contained in his moral government. First, As in the scheme of the natural world, no ends appear to be accomplished without means : so we find that means very undesirable, often conduce to bring about ends in such a measure desirable, as greatly to overbalance the disagreeableness of the means. And in cases where such means are conducive to such ends, it is not reason, but experience, which shows us, that they are thus conducive. Experience also shows many means to be conducive and necessary to accomplish ends, which means, before experience, we should have thought, would have had even a con- trary tendency. From these observations relating to the natural scheme of the world, the moral being supposed analogous to it, arises a great credibility, that the putting our misery in each other's power to the degree it is, and making men liable to vice to the degree we are; and in general, that those things which are objected against the moral scheme of Providence, may be, upon the whole, friendly and assistant to virtue, and productive of an overbalance of happiness: i.t. the things objected against may be means, by which an overbalance of good, will in the end, be found produced. And from the same observaticns, it appears to be no presumption again.-^t this, that we do not, if indeed we do not, see those means to have any such tendency, or that they seem to us to have a c;)ntrary one. Thus those things, which we call irregularities, may not be so at all; because they may be means of accomplishing wise and good ends more considerable. It may be added, as above, that they may also be the only means, by which these wise and good ends are capable of being accom- plished. It may be proper to add, in order to obviate an absurd and wicked conclusion from any of these observations, that though the constitution of our nature, from whence we are capable of vice and misery, may, as it undoubtedly does, contribute to the perfection and happiness of the world; and though the actual permission of evil may be beneficial to it : (i.e. it would have been more mischievous, not that a wicked person had himself abstained from his own wickedness, but that any one had forcibh CHAP. vn. A SCHEME INCOMPREHENSIBLE. IH prevented it, than that it was permitted :) yet notwithstanding, it might have been much better for the world, if this very evil had never been done. Nay it is most clearly conceivable, that the very commission of wickedness may be beneficial to the world, and yet, that it would be infinitely more beneficial for men to re- frain from it. For thus, in the wise and good constitution of the natural world, there are disorders which bring their own cures ; diseases, which are themselves remedies. Many a man would have died, had it not been for the gout or a fever; yet it would be thought madness to assert, that sickness is a better or more perfect state than health ; though the like, with regard to the moral world, has been asserted. Secondly, The naiural government of the world is carried on by gejierajL-Iaffis. For this there may be wise and good reasons : the wisest and best, for aught we know to the contrary. And that there are such reasons, is suggested to our thoughts by the analogy of nature; by our being made to experience good ends to be accomplished, as indeed all the good which we enjoy is accomplished, by this means, — viz. : that the laws, by which the world is governed, are general. We have scarce any kind ot enjoyments, but what we are, in some way or other, instrumental in procuring ourselves, by acting in a manner which we /oresee likely to procure them : now this foresight could not be at all,, were not the government of the world carried on by general laws. And though, for aught we know to the contrary, every single case may be, at length, found to have been provided for even by these : yet to prevent all irregularities, or remedy them as they arise, by the wisest and best general laws, may be impossible in the nature of thiugs; as we see it is absolutely iaipossible in civil government. But then we are ready to think, that, tne constitution of nature -emaining as it is, and the course of things being permitted to go on, in other respects, as it does, there might be interpositions to prevent irregularities; though they could not have been pre- vented, or remedied by any general laws. There would indeed be reason to wish, which, by-the-way, is very different from a light to claim, that all irregularities were prevented or remedied by present interpositions, if these interpositions would have no other effect than this. But it is plain they would have some I 7b THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD, parti. visible and immediate had effects : for instance, they would encourage idleness and negligence ; and they would render doubtful the natural rule of life, which is ascertained by this very thing, that the course of the world is carried on by general laws. And further, it is certain they would have distant effects, and very great ones too ; by means of the wonderful connections b'^fore mentioned.* So that we cannot so much as guess, what would be the whole result of the interpositions desired. It may be said, any bad result might be prevented by further interposi- tions, whenever there was occasion for them : but this again is talking quite at random, and in the dark.*!" Upon the whole then, we see wise reasons, why the course of the world should be carried on by general laws, and good ends accomplished by this means : and for aught we know, there may be the wisest reasons for it, and the best ends accomplished by it. We have no ground to believe, that all irregularities could be remedied as they arise, or could have been precluded, by gene- ral laws. We find that interpositions would produce evil, and prevent good : and, for aught we know, they would produce greater evil than they would prevent; and prevent greater good than they would produce. And if this be the case, then the not interposing is so far from being a ground of complaint, that it is an instance of goodness. This is intelligible and sufficient : and going further, seems beyond the utmost reach of our faculties. It may be said, that "after all, these supposed impossibilities and relations are what we are unacquainted with; and we must judge of religion, as of other things, by what we do know, and look upon the rest as nothing : or however, that the answers here given to what is objected against religion, may equally be made use of to invalidate the proof of it; since their stress lies so very much upon our ignorance.'' But, First, Though total ignorance in any matter does indeed equally destroy, or rather preclude, all proof concerning it, and objections against it; yet partial ignorance does not. For we may in any degree be convinced, that a person is of such a cha- racter, and consequently will pursue such ends ; though we are greatly ignorant, what is the proper way of acting, in order the most effectually to obtain those ends : and in this case, objection? « P. 173, Ac. t y- 15^5 BHAP. vii A SCHEME INCOMPREHENSIBLE. 1 79 against his manner of acting, as seemingly not conducive to ob- tain them, might be answered by our ignorance ; tnougH the proof that such ends were intended, might not at all be invali- dated by it. Thus, the proof of religion is a proof of the moral character of God, and consequently that his government is moral, and that every one upon the whole shall receive according to his deserts ; a proof that this is the designed end of his government. But we are not competent judges, what is the proper way of acting, in order the most effectually to accomplish this end.* Therefore our ignorance is an answer to objections against the conduct of Providence, in permitting irregularities^ as seeming contradictory to this end. Now, since it is so obvious, that our ignorance may be a satisfactory answer to objections against a thing, and yet not affect the proof of it ; till it can be shown, it is frivolous to assert, that our ignorance invalidates the proof of religion, as it does the objections against it. Secondly, Suppose unknown impossibilities, and unknown rela- tions, might justly be urged to invalidate the proof of religion, as well as to answer objections against it ; and that, in conse- quence of this, the proof of it were doubtful. Still, let the assertion be despised, or let it be ridiculed, it is undeniably true, that moral obligations would remnin certain, though it were not certain what would, upon the whole, be the consequences of observing or violating them. For, these obligations arise, im- mediately and necessarily, from the judgment of our own mind, unless perverted, which we cannot violate without being self- condemned. And they would be certain too, from considerations of interest. For though it were doubtful, what will be the future consequences of virtue and vice; yet it is, however, credible, that they may have those consequences, which religion teaches us they will : and this credibility is a certainj obligation in point of pruclence, to abstain from all wickedness, and to live in the conscientious practice of all that is good. Thirdly, The answers above given to the objections against religion cannot be made use of to invalidate the proof of it. For, upon suspicion that God exercises a moral government over the world, analogy does most strongly lead us to conclude, that rhis moral government must be a scheme, or constitution, beyond * Pp. 72, 73. t P- 68, and Part II. chap. vi. 180 CONCLUSION. PARTI our jompreliension. A thousand particular analogies show us, that parts of such a scheme, from their relation to other parts, may conduce to accomplish ends, which we should have thought they had no tendency to accomplish : nay ends, which before ex- perience, we should have thought such parts were contradictory to, and had a tendency to prevent. Therefore all these analogies >how, that the way of arguing made use of in objecting against religion is delusive : because they show it is not at all incredible, ihat, could we comprehend the whole, we should find the per- mission of the disorders objected against to be consistent with justice and goodness; and even to be instances of them. Now this is not applicable to the proof of religion, as it is to the objections against it;* and therefore cannot invalidate that proof, as it does these objections. Lastli/, From the observation now made, it is easy to see, that the answers above given to the objections against Providence, though, in a general way of speaking, they may be said to be taken from our ignorance; yet are by no means taken merely from that, but from something which analogy shows us concern- ing it. For analogy shows us positively, that our ignorance in the possibilities of things, and the various relations in nature, renders us incompetent judges, and leads us to false conclusions, in cases similar to this, in which we pretend to judge and to object. So that the things above insisted upon are not mere suppositions of unknown impossibilities and relations : but they are suggested to our thoughts, and even forced upon the observa- tion of serious men, and rendered credible too, by the analogy of nature. Therefore to take these things into the account, is to judge by experience and what we do know : and it is not judg- ing so, to take no notice of them. CONCLUSIOiN The observations of the last chapter lead us to consider this little scene of human life, in which we are so busily engaged, as having a reference, of some sort or other, to a much larger f»lan of things. Whether we are, any way, related to the more 4:8 * Serm. at the Rolls, p. 312, 2a ed CHAP. vii. CONCLUSION.' ISl V taut parts of the boundless universe, into which we are brought, is altogether uncertain. But it is evident, that the course of things, which comes within our view, is connected with some things, past, present, and future, beyond it.* So that wc are placed, as one may speak, in the middle of a scheme, not fixed but progressive, every way incomprehensible : incomprehensible, in a manner equally, with respect to what has been, what now is, and what shall be. This scheme cannot but contain in it some things as wonderful, and as much beyond our thought and con- ception, ■{• as any thing in that of religion. For, will any man in his senses say, that it is less difficult to conceive, how the world came to be and to continue as it is, without, than with, an intelli- gent Author and Governor of it '{ Or, admitting an intelligent Governor of it, that there is some other rule of government more natural, and of easier conception, than that which we call moral? Indeed, without an intelligent Author and Governor of nature, no account at all can be given, how this universe, or the part of it particularly in which we are concerned, came to be, and the course of it to be carried on, as it is : nor any, of its general end and design, without a moral governor of it. That there is an intelligent Author of nature, and natural Governor of the world, is a principle gone upon in the foregoing treatise; as proved, and generally known, and confessed to be proved. x\nd the very notion of an intelligent Author of nature, proved by particular final causes, implies a will and a character.^ Now, as our whole nature, the nature which he has given us, leads us to conclude his will and character to be moral, just, and good : so we can scarce in imagination conceive, what it can be otherwise. However, in consequence of this his will and cha- racter, whatever it be, he formed the universe as it is, and carries on the course of it as he does, rather than in an}^ other manner; and has assigned to us, and to all living creatures, a part and a lot in it. Irrational creatures act this their part, and enjoy and undergo the pleasures and the pains allotted them, without any reflection. But one would think it impossible, that creatures endued with reason could avoid reflecting sometimes upon all this; reflecting, if not from whence we came, yet, at least, 'thither we are going; and what the mysterious scheme, in the *■ ?. 172, Ac. t ?ee Part II. ch. ii. t P- 173. 16 i^'Z CONCLUSION. PART 1. midst of whiuh we find ourselves, will, at length, come out and produce : a scheme in which it is certain we are highly interested, and in which we may be interested even beyond conception.* For many things prove it palpably absurd to conclude, that we shall cease to be, at death. Particular analogies do most sensibly show us, that there is nothing to be thought strange, in our being to exist in another state of life. And that we are now living beings, affords a strong probability that we shall continue so; unless there be some positive ground, and there is none from reason or analogy, to think death will destroy us. Were a per- suasion of this kind ever so well grounded, there would, surely, be little reason to take pleasure in it. Indeed it can have no other ground, than some such imagination, as that of our gross bodies being ourselves; which is contrary to experience. Expe- rience too most clearly shows us the folly of concluding, from the body and the living agent affecting each other mutually, that the dissolution of the former is the destruction of the latter. And there are remarkable instances of their not affecting each other, which lead us to a contrary conclusion. The supposition, then, which in all reason we are to go upon, is, that our living nature will continue after death. And it is infinitely unreasonable to form an institution of life, or to act, upon any other supposition. All expectation of immortality, whether more or less certain, opens an unbounded prospect to our hopes and our fears : since we see the constitution of nature is such, as to admit of misery, as well as to be productive of happiness, and experience ourselves to partake of both in some degree; and since we cannot but know, what higher degrees of both we are capable of. And there is no presumption against believing further, that our future interest depends upon our present behavior : for we see our present in- terest doth; and that the happiness and misery, which are natu- rally annexed to our actions, very frequently do not follow, till long after the actions are done, to which they are respectively annexed. So that were speculation to leave us uncertain, whether it were likely, that the Author of nature, in giving happiness and misery to his creatures, hath regard to their actions or not yet, since we find by experience that he hath such regard, the "* [The remainder of tbis chapter is a recapitulation of the whole arguo em from ihfi beginning; and should be carefully conned.] CHAP. VII. CONCLUSION. 183 whole sense of things which he has civen us, plainly leads as, at once and without any elaborate inquiries, to think that it may, indeed must, be to good actions chiefly that he hath annexed happiness, and to bad actions misery; or that he will, upon the whole, reward those who do well, and punish those who do evil. To confirm this from the constitution of the world, it has been observed, that some sort of moral government is necessarily im- plied in that natural government of God, which we experience ourselves under; that good and bad actions, at present, are natu- rally rewarded and punished, not only as beneficial and mischievous to society, but also as virtuous and vicious : and that there is, in the very nature of the thing, a tendency to their being rewarded and punished in a much higher degree than they are at present. And. though this higher degree of distributive justice, which nature thus points out and leads towards, is prevented for a time from taking place; it is by obstacles, which the state of this world unhappily throws in its way, and which therefore are in their nature temporary. Now, as these things in the natural conduct of Providence are observable on the side of virtue; so there is nothing to be set against them on the side of vice. A moral scheme of government then is visibly established, and, in some degree, carried into execution: and this, together with the essen- tial tendencies of virtue and vice duly considered, naturally raise in us an apprehension, that it will be carried on further towards perfection in a future state, and that every one shall there receive according to his deserts. And if this be so, then our future and general interest, under the moral government of God, is appointed to depend upon our behavior; notwithstanding the difficulty, which this may occitsion, of securing it, and the danger of losing*it : just in the same man- ner as our temporal interest, under his natural government, is appointed to depend upon our behavior; notwithstanding the like difficulty and danger. For, from our original constitution, and that of the world which we inhabit, we are naturally trusted with ourselves; with our own conduct and our own interest. And from the same constitution of nature, especially joined with that course of things which is owing to men, we have temptations ;o be unfaithful in this trust; to forfeit this interest, to neglect it, and run ourselves inta misery and ruin. From these tempta- 184 CONCLUSION. part i tions arise the difficulties of behaving so as to secure our teuiporal interest, and the hazard of behaving so as to miscarry in it. There is therefore nothing incredible in supposing there may ba the like difficulty and hazard with regard to that chief and final good, which religion lays before us. The whole account, how it came to pass that we were placed in such a condition as this, must indeed be beyond our compre- hension. But it is in part accounted for by what religion teaches us, that the character of virtue and piety must be a necessary qualification for a future state of security and happiness, under the moral government of God; in like manner, as some certain qualifications or other are necessary for every particular condition of life, under his natural government: and that the present state was intended to be a school of discipline, for improving in our- selves that character. Now this intention of nature is rendered highly credible by observing; that we are plainly made for im- provement of all kinds; that it is a general appointment of Provi- dence, that we cultivate practical principles, and form within ourselves habits of action, in order to become fit for what we were wholly unfit for before; that in particular, childhood and youth is naturally appointed to be a state of discipline for mature age; and that the present world is peculiarly fitted for a state of moral discipline. And, whereas objections are urged against the whole notion of moral government and a probationary state, from the opinion of necessity; it has been shown, that God has given us the evidence, as it were, of experience, that all objections against religion, on this head, are vain and delusive. He has also, in his natural government, suggested an answer to all our short- sighted objections, against the equity and goodness of his moral government; and in general he has exemplified to us the latter by the former. These things, which it is to be remembered, are matters of fact, ought, in all common sense, to awaken mankind; to induce them to consider in earnest their condition, and what they have to do. It is absurd, absurd to the degree of being ridiculous, if the subject were not of so serious a kind, for men to think them- selves secure in a vicious life; or even in that immoral thought- lessness, into which far the greatest part of them are fallen. The credibility of religion, arising from experience and faces here con- 3HAP. VII. CONCLUSION. 185 sidered, is fully sufficient, in reason, to engage them to live in the general practice of all virtue and piety; under the serious apprehension, though it should be mixed with some doubt,* of a. rigliteous administration established in nature, and a future judg- ment in consequence of it: especially when we consider, how very questionable it is, whether any thing at all can be gained by vice,f how unquestionably little as well as precarious, the pleasures and profits of it are at the best, and how soon they must be parted with at the longest. For, in the deliberations of reason, concern- ing what we are to pursue and what to avoid, as temptations to any thing from mere passion are supposed out of the case, so in- ducements to vice, from cool expectations of pleasure and interest so small and uncertain and short, are really so insignificant, as, in the view of reason to be almost nothing in themselves ; and in comparison with the importance of religion they quite disappear and are lost. Mere passion may indeed be alleged, though not as a reason, yet as an excuse, for a vicious course of life. And how sorry an excuse it is, will be manifest by observing, that we are placed in a condition in which we are unavoidably inured to govern our passions, by being necessitated to govern them : and to lay our- selves under the same kind of restraints, and as great ones too, from temporal regards, as virtue and piety, in the ordinary course of things, require. The plea of ungovernable passion then, en the side of vice, is the poorest of all things; for it is no reason, and a poor excuse. The proper motives to religion are the proper proofs of it, from our moral nature, from the presages of con- science, and our natural apprehension of God under the character of a righteous Governor and Judge: a nature, and conscience, and apprehension, given us by him; and from the confirmation of the dictates of reason, by life and immortnlity hrovglit to light hy the Gospel; and the wrath of God revealed from heaven iKjainst all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. * Part II. ch. vi. f P. 108. END OF THE FIRST PART. 16^ PART II. OHAPTER I. THE IMPORTANCE OP CHRISTIANITY.* Some persons, upon pretence of the sufficiency of the ligLi of nature, avowedly reject all revelation, as in its very notion in- credible, and what must be fictitious. And indeed it is certain, no revelation would have been given, had the light of nature been sufficient in such a sense, as to render one not wanted and useless. But no man, in seriousness and simplicity of mind, can possibly think it so, who considers the state of religion in the heathen world before revelation,, and its present state in those places which have borrowed no light from it : particularly the doubtfulness of some of the greatest men, concerning things of the utmost importance, as well as the natural inattention and ignorance of mankind in general. It is impossible to say, who would have been able to have reasoned out that whole system. which we call Natural Religion, in its genuine simplicity, cleai '^ [There is a slight indication in this chapter that Butler falls into the old plan of settling the necessity of Christianity, before determining its truth. Paley discards this order of arrangement, in his very first sentence; and with good reason. The necessity of revelation is an abstraction ; the proofs of i'. are patent facts. To hold in abeyance the credentials presented by Chru tianity, till we first satisfy ourselves that God could or would make any sucl announcements, is unphilosophical and irreverent. This chapter discusses the importance rather than the necessity of revelation; and so is a fitting com- mencement of the discussion. Every truth disclosed in revelation, over and above the truths which natural religion furnishes, proves the necessity ot revelation, if we would know any thing of such truths. And it is such truths which constitute the very peculiarities of revelati ti, and teach the way rf salvation, for the sinful and helpless.] 186 CHAP. I. IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. ]87 of superstition : but there is certainly no ground to affirm that the generality could. If they could, there is no sort of proba bility that they would. Admitting there were, they would highly want a standing admonition to remind them of it, and inculcate it upon them. And further, were they as much disposed to attend to religion, as the better sort of men are; yet even upon this supposition, there would be various occasions for supernatural instruction and assistance, and the greatest advantages might be afforded by them,** So that to say revelation is a thing superfluous, what there was no need of, and what can be of no service, is, I think, to talk quite wildly and at random. Nor would it be more extrava- gant to affirm, that mankind is so entirely at ease in the present state, and life so completely happy, that it is a cootradiction to suppose our condition capable of being, in any respect, better. There are other persons, not to be ranked with these, who seem to be getting into a way of neglecting, and as it were, over- looking revelation, as of small importance provided natural reli- gion be kept to. With little regard either to the evidence of the former, or to the objections against it, and even upon sup- position of its truth; "the only design of it," say they, "must be, to establish a belief of the moral system of nature, and to enforce the practice of natural piety and virtue. The belief and practice of these were, perhaps, much promoted by the first pub- lication of Christianity : but whether they are believed and prac- tised, upon the evidence and motives of nature or of revelation, is no great matter."* This way of considering revelation, thorigh ^ [No one can read the writings of the great sages of antiquity withoat a full and sad conviction that in relation to the character of God, the sinful- ness of man, the future state, and the rules of living, those prime points on which we need knowledge, they were almost profoundly ignorant. See on this point, Leland's Adv. and Necess. : Chalmers' Nat. Theol. : McCosh's Div. Gov. : Pascal's Thoughts : Warburton's Div. Legation.] * Invenis multos propterea nolle fieri Christianos, quia quasi suflSciunt eibi de bona vita sua. Bene vivere opus est, ait. Quid mibi praecepturua est Christus? Ut bene vivam ? Jam bene vivo. Quid uiihi necessarius est Christus; nullum homicidium, nullum furtum, nullam rapinam facio, res *iienas non concupisco, nullo adulterio contaminor? Nam inveniatur in Vita Tiea aliquid quod reprehendatur, et qui repiehenderit faciat Christianum. Ju^ in Psv' xxxi. [You find many who refuse to become Christians, becj»'i»h \hey feel sufficient of themselves to lead a good life. "We ought to live wta. i«g IMPOPIANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. part n it is not the same with the foniicr, yet borders nearly upon it, and very much, at length runs up into it : and requires to be particularly considered, with regard to the persons who seem to be getting into this way. The consideration of it will likewise further show the extravagance of the former opinion, and the truth of the observations in answer to it, just mentioned. And an inquiry into the importance of Christianity, cannot be an improper introduction to a treatise concerning the credibility of it. Now, if God has given a revelation to mankind, and com- manded those things which are commanded in Christianity; it is evident, at first sight, that it cannot in any wise be an indifferent matter, whether we obey or disobey those commands : unless we are certainly assured, that we know all the reasons for them, and that all those reasons are now ceased, with regard to mankind in general, or to ourselves in particular. It is absolutely impossible we can be assured of this." For our ignorance of these reasons proves nothing in the case: since the whole analogy of nature shows, what is indeed in itself evident, that there may be infinite reasons for things, with which we are not acquainted. But the importance of Christianity will more distinctly appear, by considering it more distinctly : First, as a republication, and external institution, of natural or essential religion, adapted to the present circumstances of mankind, and intended to promote natural piety and virtue : Secondly, as containing an accouut of a 'dispensation of things, not discoverable by reason, in conse- quence of which several distinct precepts are enjoined us. For though natural religion is the foundation and principal part of Christianity, it is not in any sense the whole of it. I. Christianity is a republication of Natural religion. It in- structs mankind in the moral system of the world : that it is the work of an infinitely perfect Being, and under his government, that virtue is his law, and that he will finally judge mankind in aays one. "What will Christ teach me? To live well? I do live well, what need then have I of Christ? I commit no murder, no theft, no robbery. I <;ovet no man's goods, and am polluted by no adultery. Let some one find in me any thing to censure, and he who can do so, may make me a Christian."] o [The true mode of distinguishing a temporary, local, or individual com- mand from such as are of universal and perpetual ol ligation, is well laid ao-wsi by Wayland, JJ '-. Sd. th. ix. sec. 2.] CHAP. 1. IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. 189 righteousness, and render to all according to their ^.rks, in a future state. And, which is very material, it teaches natural religion in its genuine simplicity; free from those superstitions, with which it was totally corrupted, and under which it was in a manner lost. Revelation is, further, an autlioritative publication of natural religion, and so affords the evidence of testimony for the truth of it. Indeed the miracles and prophecies recorded in Scripture, were intended to prove a particular dispensation of Providence, i.e. the redemption of the world by the Messiah : but this does not hinder, but that they may also prove God's general providence over the world, as our moral governor and judge. And they evidently do prove it ; because this character of the Author of nature, is necessarily connected with and implied in that par- ticular revealed dispensation of things : it is likewise continually taught expressly, and insisted upon, by those persons who wrought the miracles and delivered the prophecies. So that indeed natural religion stems as much proved by the Scripture revelation, as it would have been, had the design of revelation been nothing else than to prove it. But it may possibly be disputed, how far miracles can prove natural religion; and notable objections may be urged against tliis proof of it, considered as a matter of speculation : but considered as a practical thing, there can be none. For si-ippose a person to teach natural religion lu a nation, who b^d lived in total ignorance or forgetfulness of it; and to declare that he was commissioned by God so to do ; suppose him, in proof of his commission, to foretell things future, which no human foresight could have guessed at; to divide the sea with a word ; feed great multitudes with bread from heaven ; cure all manner of diseases; and raise the dead, even himself, to life; would not this give additional credibility to his teaching, a credi- bility beyond what that of a common man would have ; and be an authoritative publication of the law of nature, i.e. a new proof of it ? It would be a practical one, of the strongest kind, perhaps, which human creatures are capable of having given them. The Law of Moses then, and the Gospel of Christ, are authoritative publications of the religion of nature; they afford a proof of God's general providence, as moral Governor of the 190 IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. part n world, V)A well as of his particular dispensations (;f providence towards sinful creatures, revealed in the Law and the Gospel. As they are the only evidence of the latter, so they are an addi- tional evidence of the former. To show this further, let us suppose a man of the greatest and most improved capacity, who had never heard of revelation, con- vinced upon the whole, notwithstanding the disorders of the world, that it was under the direction and moral government of an infinitely perfect Being; but ready to question, whether he were not got beyond the reach of his faculties: suppose him brought, by this suspicion, into great danger of being carried away by the universal bad example of almost every one around him, who appeared to have no sense, no practical sense at least, of these things : and this, perhaps, would be as advantageous a situation with regard to religion, as nature alone ever placed any man in. What a confirmation now must it be to such a person, all at once, to find, that this moral system of things was revealed to mankind, in the name of that infinite Being, whom he had from principles of reason believed in : and that the publishers of the revelation proved their commission from him, by making it ajDpear, that he had intrusted them with a power of suspending and chano'ino; the general laws of nature. Nor must it by any means be omitted, for it is a thing of the utmost importance, that life and immortality are eminently brought to light by the Gospel. The great doctrines of a future state, the danger of a course of wickedness** and the efficacy of repentance, are not only confirmed in the Gospel, but are taught, especially the last is, with a degree of light, to which that of nature is but darkness. Further. As Christianity served these ends and purposes, when it was first published, by the miraculous publication itself, so it was intended to serve the same purposes in future ages, by means of the settlement of a visible church :® of a society, dis- •* [Natural religion shows us the danger of sin ; but not the infinite danger of Qternal retribution, and the hopelessness of restoration after death. And as to the efficacy of repentance, it rather opposes that doctrine than teaches it At least it does not teach that repentance may be accepted, so as not only to cancel guilt, but restore to the favor of Grod.] * ["Christianity was left with Christians, to be transmitted, in like mannei as the religion of nafire had been left, with mankind in general. Th«re waa CHAP. I. IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. 101 tiDguished from common ones, and from the rest of the world, dv peculiar religious institutions; by an instituted method of Instruc- tion, and an instituted form of external religion. Miraculous powers were given to the first preachers of Christianity, in ordei to their introducing it into the world : a visible church was esta- blished, in order to continue it, and carry it on successively throughout all ages. Had only Moses and the prophets, Christ and his apostles, taught, and by miracles proved, religion to their contemporaries; the benefits of their instructions would have reached but a small part of mankind. Christianity must have been, in a great degree, sunk and forgot in a very few ages. To prevent this, appears to have been one reason why a visible church was instituted; to be like a city upon a hill, a standing memorial to the world of the duty which we owe our Maker: to call men continually, both by example and instruction, to attend to it, and, by the form of religion, ever before their eyes, remind them of the reality; to be the repository of the oracles of God; to hold up the light of revelation in aid to that of nature, and to propagate it, throughout all generations, to the end of the world — tbe light of revelation, considered here in no other view, than as designed to enforce natural religion. And in proportion as Christianity is professed and taught in the world, religion, natural or essential religion, is thus distinctly and advantageously laid before mankind, and brought agijin and again to their thoughts, as a matter of infinite importance. A visible church has also a further tendency to promote natural religion, as being an instituted method of education, originally intended to be of peculiar advantage to those who conform to it. For one end of the institution was, that, by admonition and re- proof, as well as instruction, by a general regular discipline, and public exercises of religion, the body of Christ, as the Scripture speaks, should be edijied ; i.e. trained up in piety and virtue for a higher and better state. This settlement, then, appearing thus however this diflFerence that by an institution of external religion with a stand- ing ministry for instruction and discipline, it pleased God to unite Christians into visible churches, and all along to preserve them over a great part of the world, and thus perpetuate a general publication of the Gospel." Butler's sermon before the Soc. for Prop, the Gospel. lie goes on to show, in that dis- course, that the?e churches, however corrupt any may become, are repositoriei for the wiitten " racles of God, and so carry the antidote to their heresies.] 192 IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. part a beneficial, tending in the nature of the thing to answer, and, in some degree, actually answering, those ends, it is to be remem- bered, that the very notion of it implies positive institutions; for the visibility of the church consists in them. Take away every thing of this kind, and you lose the very notion itself. So that if the things now mentioned are advantages, the reason and im- portance of positive institutions in general is most obvious; since without them these advantages could not be secured to the world. And it is mere idle wantonness, to insist upon knowing the reasons, wh^ such particular ones were fixed upon rather than others. The benefit arising from this supernatural assistance, which Christianity afi"ords to natural religion, is what some persons are very slow in apprehending. And yet it is a thing distinct in itself, and a very plain obvious one. For will any in good earnest really say, that the bulk of mankind in the heathen world were in as advantageous a situation, with regard to natural religion, as they are now among us : that it was laid before them, and en- forced upon them, in a manner as distinct, and as much tending to influence their practice 'i The objections against all this, from the perversion of Chris- tianity, and from the supposition of its having had but little good influence, however innocently they may be proposed, cannot be insisted upon as conclusive, upon any principles, but such as lead to downright Atheism; because the manifestation of the law of nature by reason, which, upon all principles of Theism, must have been from God, has been perverted and rendered ineffectual in the same manner. It may indeed, I think, truly be said, that the good eflects of Christianity have not been small; nor its sup- posed ill efi"ects, any efi"ects at all of it, properly speaking. Per- haps, too, the things done have been aggravated; and if not, Chris^tianity hath been often only a pretence, and the same evils in the main would have been done upon some other pretence. However, great and 'shucking as the corruptions and abuses of it have really been, they cannot be insisted upon as arguments against it, upon principles of Theism. For one cannot proceed one step in reasoning upon natural religion, any more than upon Christianity, without laying it down as a first principle, that the dispensations of Providence are not to be judged of by their pei cflAr. T. IMPORTANCE OF CnRTSTIANITT. 195 versions, but by their genuine tendencies : not by what they do actually seem to effect, but by what they would effect if mankind did their part; that part which is justly put and left upon them. It is altogether as much the language of one as of the other: He that is unjust, let him he unjust still : and he that is holy, let him be holy sfill.'^ The light of reason does not, any more than that of revelation, force men to submit to its authority; both admonish them of what they ought to do and avoid, together with the con- sequences of each ; and after this, leave them at full liberty to act just as they please, till the appointed time of judgment. Every moment's experience shows, that this is God's general rule of government.' To return then : Christianity being a promulgation of the law of nature; being moreover an authoritative promulgation of it; with new ligbt, and other circumstances of peculiar advantage, adapted to the wants of mankind; these things fully show its imparlance. It IS to be observed further, that as the nature of the case re- quires, so all Christians are commanded to contribute, by their profession of Christianity, to preserve it in the world, and render it such a promulgation and enforcement of religion. For it is the very scheme of the Gospel, that each Christian should, in his degree, contribute towards continuing and carrying it on : all by uniting in the public profession and external practice of Chris- tianity; some by instructing, by having the oversight and taking care of this religious community, the church of God. Now this further shows the importance of Christianity; and, which is what I chiefly intend, its insportance in a practical sense : or the high obligations we are under, to take it into our most serious considera- tion ; and the danger there must necessarily be, not only in treating «- Rev. xxii. 11. ' ["It is no real objection to this, though it may seem so at first sight, to say that since Christianity is a remedial system, designed to obviate those very evils which have been produced by the neglect and abuse of the light of nature, il ought not to be liable to the same perversions. Because — 1. Christianity is not designed primarily to remedy the defects of nature, but of an unnatural state of ruin into which men were brought by the Fall. And 2. It is remedial of the defects of nature in ti f/reat degree, by its giving additional advantages. 3. It might be impossible that it should be reuiedial in a greater degree than it is, without destroying man's free agencj' ; which wcuid be to destroy its own eni, the practice of virtue." — Fitzgerald's No..es.] N 17 £94 IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. part ii. it despitefullj, whicli I am not now speaking of, but in dis- regarding and neglecting it. For this is neglecting to do what is expresisly enjoined us, for continuing those benefits to the world, and transmitting them down to future times. And all this holds, even though the only thing to be considered in Chris- tianity were its subserviency to natural religion. II. Christianity is to be considered in a further view ; as con- taining an account of a dispensation of things, not at all dis- coverable by reason, in consequence of which several distinct precepts are enjoined us. Christianity is not only an external institution of natural religion, and a new promulgation of God's general providence, as righteous governor and judge of the world; but it contains also a revelation of a particular dispensation of Providence, carrying on by his Son and Spirit, for the recovery and salvation of mankind, who are represented in Scripture to be in a state of ruin. And in consequence of this revelation being made, we are commanded to he haptized, not only in the name of the Father, but also, of the jSon, and of the Holy Ghost: and other obligations of duty, unknown before, to the Son and the Holy Ghost, are revealed. Now the importance of these duties may be judged of, by observing that they arise, not from positive command merely, but also from the offices which appear, from Scripture, to belong to those divine persons in the Gospel dispensation ) or from the relations, which we are there informed, they stand in to us. By reason is revealed the rela^ tion, which God the Father stands in to us. Hence arises the obligation of duty which we are under to him. In Sci-ipture are revealed the relations, which the Son and Holy Spirit stand in to us. Hence arise the obligations of duty,^ which we are under to them. The truth of the case, as one may speak, in each of these three respects being admitted : that God is the governor of the world, upon the evidence of reason; that Christ is the mediator between God and man, and the Holy Ghost our guide and sanctifier, upon the evidence of revelation : the truth of the 8 [CHA.LMKRS (Nat. Tbeol., b. v. ch. iv.) makes this very plain. He shows the ethics of natural religion to be one thing and its objects another. Natural religion discloses no Redeemer or Sanctifier; but it teaches how we should regard such a person, if there be one. It teaches love and conformity to such a being by the relation in which we of course stand to him. How we are *o express that love and obedience it cannot teach.] CHAP. T. IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. 195 case, I say, in eacli of these respects being admitted, it is do more a question, why it should be commanded, that we be bap- tized in the name of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, than that we be baptized in the name of the Father, This matter seems to require to be more fully stated.* Let it be remembered then, that religion comes under the twofold consideration of internal and external : for the latter is ^s real a part of religion, of true religion, as the former. Now, when religion is considered under the first notion, as an inward principle, to be exerted in such and such inward acts of the mind and heart, the essence of natural religion may be said to consist in religious regards to God the Father Almi'jhti/ : and the essence of revealed religion, as distinguished from natural, to consist in religious regards to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. The obliga- tion we are under, of paying these religious regards to each of these divine persons respectively, arises from the respective rela- tions which they each stand in to us. How these relations are made known, whether by reason or revelation, makes no alteration in the case: because the duties ari^e out of the relations them- selves, not out of the manner in wnich we are informed of them. The Son and Spirit have each his proper office in that great dis- pensation of Providence, the redemption of the world; the one our Mediator, the other our Sanctifier. Does not then the duty of religious regards to both these divine persons, as immediately arise to the view of reason, out of the very nature of these offices and relations ; as the good-will and kind intention, which we owe to our fellow-creatures, arise out of the common relations be tween us and them? But it will be asked, "What are the in ward religious regards, appearing thus obviously due to the Sor and Holy Spirit; as arising, not merely from command in Scrip- ture, but from the very nature of the revealed relations, which they stand in to us?" I answer, the religious regards of revc- J rence, honor, love, trust, gratitude, fear, hope. In what external manner this inward worship is to be ex- pressed, is a matter of pure revealed command, as perhaps the external manner, in which God the Father is to be worshipped, may be more so than we are ready to think. But the worship, *■" See The Nature, Obligation, and Etficacy, of the Christian Sacraments, ♦c. Ibv Waterland,] and Collider of Revealed Beligion, as there quoted. I9b IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. tart n. the internal worship itself, to the Son and Holy Ghost, is no further matter of pure revealed command, than as the relations they stand in to us are matter of pure revelation : for the rela- tions being known, the obligations to such internal worship aie obligations of reason, arising out of those relations themselves. In short, the history of the gospel as immediately shows us the reason of these :)bligations, as it shows us the meaning of the words, Son and Holy (xhost. If this account of the Christian religion be just, those persons who can speak lightly of it, as of little consequence, provided iatural religion be kept to, plainly forget, that Christianity, even what is peculiarly so called, as distinguished from natural reli- gion, has yet somewhiit very important, even of a moral nature. For the office of our Lord being made known, and the relation he stands in to us, the obligation of religious regards to him is plainly moral, as much as charity to mankind is ; since this obli- gation arises, before external command, immediately out of that his office and relation itself. Those persons appear to forget, that revelation is to be considered, as informing us of somewhat new, in the state of mankind,'' and in the government of the world : as acquainting us with some relations we stand in, which could not otherwise iiave been known. These relations being real (though before revelation we could be under no obligations from them, yet upon their being revealed), there is no reason to think, but that neglect of behaving suitably to them will be attended with the same kind of consequences under God's government, as neglecting to behave suitably to any other relations, made known to us by reason. Ignorance, whether unavoidable or voluntary, so far as we can possibly see, will just as much, and just as little, excuse in one case as in the other: the ignorance being supposed equally unavoidable, or equally voluntary, in both cases. If therefore Christ be indeed the mediator between God and man, i.e. if Christianity be true ; if he be indeed our Lord, our Savior, and our God, no one can say, what may follow, not only '^ [If Christianity were but "a republication of natural religion," or aa Tindall says, "as old as creation," why do deists oppose it? It does indeed republish natural religion, but it adds stupendous truths beside. If it gave ua no new light, no new motives, it would be but a tremendous curse, niakfu^ an all the more responsible, and none the more instructed or secure.] CHAP. I. IMPORTANCE OF CURISTIANITY. 19/ the obstinate, but the careless disregard to him, in those high rehitions. Nay, no one can say, what may follow such disregard, even in the way of natural consequence.* For, as the natural consequences of vice in this life are doubtless to be considered as judicial punishments inflicted by God, so for aught we know, the judicial punishments of the future life may be, in a like way or a like sense, the natural consequence of vicerf of men's violating or disregarding the relations which God has placed them in here, and made known to them. If mankind are corrupted and depraved in their moral cha- racter, and so are unfit for that state, which Christ is gone to prepare for his disciples ; and if the assistance of God's Spirit be necessary to renew their nature, in the degree requisite to their being qualified for that state ; (all which is implied in the express, though figurative declaration, Except a man he horn of the fSpirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God:'^) supposing this, is it possible any serious person can think it a slight matter, whether or no he makes use of the means, expressly commanded by God, for obtaining this divine assistance ? Especially since the whole analogy of nature shows, that we are not to expect any benefits, without making use of the appointed means for obtaining or enjoying them. Now reason shows us nothing, of the particular immediate means of obtaining either temporal or spiritual benefits. This therefore we must learn, either from experience or revelation, And experience, the present case does not admit of. The conclusion from all this evidently is, that Christianity' being supposed either true or credible, it is unspeakable irreve- rence, and really the most presumptuous rashness, to treat it as a light matter. It can never justly be esteemed of little conse- quence, till it be positively supposed false. Nor do I know a higher and more important obligation which we are under, than that of examining most seriously into its evidence, supposing its credibility; and of embracing it, upon supposition of its truth. The two following deductions may be proper to be added, in order to illustrate the foregoing observations, and to prevent theii being mistaken. * P. 94. t Ch. V. t John iii. i. 17* li^g IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. part a First, Hence we may clearly see, where lies tlie distinction between what is positive and what is moral in religion. Moral precepts, are precepts the reasons of which we see: positive pre-; cepts, are precepts the reasons of which we do not see.* Moral duties arise out of the nature of the case itself, prior to external command. Positive duties do not arise out of the nature of the case, but from external command; nor would they be duties at all, were it not for such command, received from Him whose creatures and subjects we are. But the manner in which the nature of the case or the fact of the relation, is made known, this doth not denominate any duty either positive or moral. That we be baptized in the name of the Father is as much a positive duty, as that we be baptized in the name of the Son, because both arise equally from revealed command: though the relation which we stand in to God the Father is made known to us by reason, and the relation we stand in to Christ, by revelation only. On the other hand, the dispensation of the Gospel being admitted, grati- tude as immediately becomes due to Christ, from his being the voluntary minister of this dispensation, as it is due to God the Father, from his being the fountain of all good; though the first is made known to us by revelation only, the second by reason. Hence also we may see, and, for distinctness' sake, it may be worth mentioning, that positive institutions come under a twofold consideration. They are either institutions founded on natural religion, as baptism in the name of the Father; (though this has also a particular- reference to the gospel dispensation, for it is in the name of God, as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ:) or they are external institutions founded on revealed religion; as baptism in the name of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Secondly, From the distinction between what is moral and what is positive in religion, appears the ground of that peculiar preference, which the Scripture teaches us to be due to the former. The reason of positive institutions in general, is very obvious; *■ This is the distinction between moral and positive precepts considered re- spectively as such. But yet, since the latter have somewhat of a moral nature, we may see the reason of them, considered in this view. Moral and positive precepts are in some respects alike, in other respects different. So far as they are alike, we discern the rtasons of both ; so far as they are different, we d'soer^ tho reasons of the form'.r, but not of the latter. See p. 189, jection to what is here said of the coraparativo value of moral and positive institution?, it should not bo orerl'>okrd that somo- liuies, obedience to a positive rite is more indicative of a:i obedient «pirit, than obedience to a moral rule. The laiter is urged by its intrinsic propriety, over and above the command, and appeals to several of our finer impulse?- The former rests singly on our reverence for the will of God. There are manv who would repel a temptation to steal, or to lie, who yet are inseniible to ihe duty of bapti^m or tlie Loid'.s .viipper.] 200 IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. part n. Bideration, and taking the words, moral laio and positive institu- tions, in the popular sense, I add, that the whole moral law is aa much matter of revealed command, as positive institutions are: for the Scripture enjoins every moral virtue. In this respect then they are both upon a level. But the moral law is, moreover, written upon our hearts; interwoven into our very nature. And this is a plain intimation of the Author of it, which is to be preferred, when they interfere. But there is not altogether so much necessity for the determi- nation of this question, as some persons seem to think. Nor are we left to reason alone to determine it. For, First y Though mankind have, in all ages, been greatly prone to place their reli- gion in peculiar positive rites, by way of equivalent for obedience to moral precepts; yet, without making any comparison at all between them, and consequently without determining which is to have the preference, the nature of the thing abundantly shows all notions of that kind to be utterly subversive of true religion, as they are, moreover, contrary to the whole general tenor of Scrip- ture; and likewise to the most express particular declarations of it, that nothing can render us accepted of God, without moral virtue. Secondly, Upon the occasion of mentioning together positive and moral duties, the Scripture always puts the stress of religion upon the latter, and never upon the former. This, though no sort of allowance to neglect the former, when they do not interfere with the latter, is yet a plain intimation, that when they do, the latter are to be preferred. And as mankind are for placing the stress of their religion anywhere, rather than upon virtue; lest both the reason of the thing, and the general spirit of Christi- anity, appearing in the intimation now mentioned, should be in- eft'ectual against this prevalent folly, our Lord himself, from whose command alone the obligation of positive institutions arises, has taken occasion to make the comparison between them and moral precepts; when the Pharisees censured him, for eatiruj with ^mhlicans and sinners; and also when they censured his disciples, for plucking the ears of corn on the Sahhath daij. Upon this comparison, he has determined expressly, and in form, which shall have the preference when they interfere. And by delivering his authoritative determination in a pL'ovcrbial Luaumi t-HAP. I. IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. 201 of expression, he has made it general: I will have mercy, and not sacrijice.^ The propriety of the word proverbial, is not the thing insisted upon : though I think the manner of speaking is to be called so. But that the manner of speaking very remark- ably renders the determination general, is surely indisputable. For, had it been said only, that God preferred mercy to the rigid observance of the Sabbath, even then, by parity of reason, most justly might we have argued, that he preferred mercy likewise, to the observance of other ritual institutions; and in general, moral duties, to positive ones. And thus the determination would have been general; though its being so were inferred and not expressed. But as the passage really stands in the Gospel, it is much stronger. For the sense and the very literal words of our Lord's answer, are as applicable to any other instance of a comparison, between positive and moral duties, as to that upon which they were spoken. And if, in case of competition, mercy is to be preferred to positive institutions, it will scarce be thought, that justice is to give place to them. It is remarkable too, that, as the words are a quotation from the Old Testament, they are introduced, on both the forementioned occasions, with a declara- tion, that the Pharisees did not understand the meaning of them.^ This, I say, is very remarkable. For, since it is scarce possible, for the most ignorant person, not to understand the literal sense of the passage in the prophet ;•[■ and since understanding the literal sense would not have prevented their condemning the (juilt- less,\ it can hardly be doubted, that the thing which our Lord really intended in that declaration was, that the Pharisees had not learned from it, as they might, wherein the general spirit of religion consists : that it consists in moral piety and virtue, as distinguished from ritual observances. However, it is certain we may learn this from his divine application of the passage, in the Gospel. But, as it is one of the peculiar weaknesses of human nature, when, upon a comparison of two things, one is found to be of greater importance than the other, to consider this other as of scarce any importance at all : it is highly necessary that we re- mind ourselves, how great presumption it is, to make light of any. institutions of divine appointment; that our obligations to obey * Xiitt. ix 13, and xii. 7. t Hosea vi. 0. j; See Matt. xii. 7. 202 REVELATION CONSIDERED AS MIRACULOUS. part IL all God's commands whatever are absolute and indispensable; and that commands merely positive, admitted to be from him, lay us under a moral obligation to obey them : an obligation moral in the strictest and most proper sense. To these things I cannot forbear adding, that the account now given of Christianity most strongly shows and enforces upon us the obligation of searching the Scriptures, in order to see, what the scheme of revelation really is; instead of determining before- hand, from reason, what the scheme of it must be.* Indeed if in revelation there be found any passages, the seeming meaning of which is contrary to natural religion ; we may most certainly conclude, such seeming meaning not to be the real one.'' But it is not any degree of a presumption against an interpretation of Scripture, that such interpretation contains a doctrine, which the light of nature cannot discover;")* or a precept, which the law of nature does not oblige to. CHAPTER II. SUPPOSED PRESUMPTION AGAINST A REVELATION CONSIDERED AS MIRACULOUS. Having shown the importance of the Christian revelation, and the obligations which we are under seriously to attend to it, upon supposition of its truth, or its credibility, the next thing in - See ch. iii. J [Dr. Angus judiciously remark? on this sentence, "This sentiment, as un- derstood by Butler, is just, but very liable to abuse. Clearly, the Bible must be so interpreted as to agree with all known truth, whether of natural religion or natural science. At the same time, to correct the theology of the Bible by the theology of nature, as finite and guilty men understand it, may involve the rejection of Bible theology entirely; and of the very light and teaching it was intended to supjDly. The converse of Butler's statement is equally true, and even more important. If in natural theology there be found any facts, the seeming lesson of which is contrary to revealed religion, such seeming lessen is not the real one." Practically, it will be found that seeming meanings of Scripture, really erroneous, are corrected by other parts of Scripture itself. I understand Butler as only afiirniing that we must interpret Scripture according to immutable principles, and known truth. The infidel rejects it for n^ t coa forming to his oasumed hjjpothesis.l t P. 203. CHAP. II. REVELATION CONSIDERED AS MIRACULOUS. 2il3 order, is to consider the supposed presumptions against revelation in general; whicli shall be the subject of this chapter : and the objections against the Christian in particular, which shall be the subject of some following ones.* For it seems the most natural method, to remove the prejudices against Christianity, before we proceed to the consideration of the positive evidence for it, and the objections against that evidence. "j" It is, I think, commonly supposed, that there is some peculiar ^ presumption, from the analogy of nature, against the Christian scheme of things, at least against miracles; so as that stronger evidence is necessary to prove the truth and reality of them, than would be suflBcient to convince us of other events, or matters of fact. Indeed the consideration of this supposed presumption cannot but be thought very insignificant, by many persons. Yet, as it belongs to the subject of this treatise ; so it may tend to open the mind, and remove some prejudices, however needless the consideration of it be, upon its own account. I. I find no appearance of a presumption, from the analogy of nature, against the general scheme of Christianity, that God created and invisibly governs the world by Jesus Christ; and by him also will hereafter judge it in righteousness, i e. render to every one according to his works ; and that good men are under the secret influence of his Spirit. AVhether these things are, or are not, to be called miraculous, is perhaps only a question about words; or however, is of no moment in the case. If the analogy of nature raises any presumption against this general scheme of Christianity, it must be, either because it is not discoverable by reason or experience ; or else, because it is unlike that course of nature, which is. But analogy raises no presumption against the truth of this scheme, upon either of these accounts. First, There is no presumption, from analogy, against the truth of it, upon account of its not being discoverable by reason or expe- rience. Suppose one who never heard of revelation, of the most improved understanding, and acquainted with our whole system of natural philosophy and natural religion ; such a one could not but be sensible, that it was but a very small part of the natural and moral system of the universe, which he was acquainted with. He could not but be sensible, that there must be innumerable * Cliaps. iii., iv., v., vi. f Chap. vii. 204 REVELATION CONSIDERED AS iMIRACULOUS. part ii things, in the dispensations of Provideoce past, in the invisible goTernmen-^. over the world at present carrying on, and in what ; is to come ', of which he was wholly ignorant,* and which could not be discovered without revelation. Whether the scheme of nature be, in the strictest sense, infinite or not; it is evidently vast, even beyond all possible imagination. And doubtless that part of it, which is open to our view, is but as a point in com- parison of the whole plan of Providence, reaching throughout eternity past and future; in comparison of what is even now going on, in the remote parts of the boundless universe, nay, in comparison of the whole scheme of this world. And therefore, that things lie beyond the natural reach of our faculties, is no sort of presumption against the truth and reality of them; be-' cause it is certain, there are innumerable things, in the constitu- tion and government of the universe, which are thus beyond the natural reach of our faculties. Scconclli/, Analogy raises no presumption against any of the things contained in this general doctrine of Scripture now men- tioned, upon account of their being unlike the known course of ) nature. For there is no presumption at all from analogy, that the ivhole course of things, or divine government naturally un-^ known to us, and evcri/ thing in it, is like to any thing in that - which is known ; and therefore no peculiar presump*-lon against any thing in the former, upon account of its being unlike to any thing in the latter. And in the constitution and natural govern- ment of the world, as well as in the moral government of it, we see things, in a great degree, unlike one another: and therefore ought not to wonder at such uulikeness between things visible and invisible. However, the scheme of Christianity is by no means entirely unlike the scheme of nature ; as will appear in the following part of this treatise. The notion of a miracle, considered as a proof of a divine mission, has been stated with great exactness by divines; and is, I think, suflBciently understood by every one. There are also invisible miracles,'' the Incarnation of Christ, for instance, whicii., * P. 172. * [Papists urge that the actual conversion of ttie bread and wine in the Eucharist is an invisible miracle. But an invisible miracle is such because wrought under circuniitances which exrZ«(/f; exnminatiou : wbile transub^t.m- I CHAP. ir. REVELATION CONSTDEllED AS MIRACULOUS. 200 being secret, cannot be alleged as a proof of such a mission ; but require themselves to be proved by visible miracles. Revelation itself too is miraculous; and miracles are the proof of it; and the supposed presumption against these shall presently be con- sidered. All which I have been observing here is, that, whether we choose to call every thing in the dispensations of Providence, not discoverable without revelation, nor like the known course ot things, miraculous; and whether the general Christian dispensa- tion now mentioned is to be called so, or not ; the foregoing observations seem certainly to show, that there is no presumption' against it from the analogy of nature. II. There is no presumption, from analogy, against some opera- tions, which we should now call miraculous ; particularly none against a revelation at the beginning of the world : nothing of \ such presumption against it, as is supposed to be implied or ex- pressed in the word, miraculous y A miracle, in its very notion, is relative to a course of nature; and implies something differ- ent from it, considered as being so. Now, either there was no course of nature at the time which we are speaking of; or if there were, we are not acquainted what the course of nature is, upon the first peopling of worlrls. Therefore the question, whether mankind had a revelation made to them at that time, is to be considered, not as a question concerning a miracle, but as a common question of fact. And we have the like reason, be it more or less, to admit the report of tradition, concerning this question, and concerning common matters of fact of the same antiquity; for instance, what part of the earth was first peopled. Or thus : When mankind was first placed in this state, there was a power exerted, totally different from the present course of nature. Now, whether this power, thus wholly different from the present course of nature, (for we cannot properly apply to it the word miraculovs;) whether this 'power stopj^ed immediately after it. had made man, or went on, and exerted itself further in giving him a revelation, is a question of the same kind, as whether an ■.iation invites and facilitates examination. It is wrought publicly, and con- stantly, and 3'et cannot be discovered to be a miracle. Indeed it supposes the working of a second miracle, to make the first invisible.] ^ [Paley shows conclusively that a denial of miracles leads not only to a denial of revelation, but a denial of the existence of God, all of whose extraordinit.ry acts are necessarily miraculous.] 18 i»(.b BEVELATION CONSIDERED AS MIRACULOQS. part ii ordinary power exerted itself in such a particular degree and jiauner, or not. Or suppose the power exerted in the formation of the world be considered as miraculous, or rather, be called by that name; the case will not be different : since it must be acknowledged, that such a power was exerted. For supposing it acknowledged, that our Savior spent some years in a course of working miracles." there is no more presumption, worth mentioning, against his baring exerted this miraculous power, in a certain degree greater, than in a certain degree less; in one or two more instances, than in one or two fewer; in this, than in another manner. It is evident then, that there can be no peculiar presumption, from the analogy of nature, against supposing a revelation, when man was first placed upon earth. ^ Add, that there does not appear the least intimation in history or tradition, that religion was first reasoned out : but the whole of history and tradition makes for the other side, that it came into the world by revelation. Indeed the state of religion, in the first ages of which we have any account, seems to suppose and imply, that this was the original of it among mankind.® And these reflections together, without taking in the peculiar authority of Scripture, amount to real and a very material degree of evi- dence, that there was a revelation at the beginning of the world. <= [Whately, in his Logic, b. iii., has shown the folly of the Deistical at- tempts to explain our Savior's miracles as mere natural events. Having labored to show this of some one of the miracles, they then do so as to another, and thence infer that all were accidenial conjunctures of natural circumstances. He says, they might as well argue "that because it is not improbable one may throw sixes once in a hundred throws, therefore it is no more improbable that one may throw sixes a hundred times running." Fitzgerald says. " the improbability of a whole series of strange natural events, taking place unaccountably, one after another, amounts to a far greater improbability than is involved in the admission of miracles."] •i [That man, at first, must have had supernatural instructions, or in other words some revelations, is shown by Archliishop Whatei.y in his '■' Ongin of Civilization." Rev. Samuel Stanhope Smith expresses his conviction, both from reason and history, that man in his savage state could not even have pre served life without instruction from his Creator.] ® [The maintenance by the Jews, of a system of pure Theism, through so many and so rude ages, without being superior, or even equal to their neighbors. in science and civilization, can only be accounted for on the presumption of a tevelation.] CHAP. H. REVELATION CONSIDERED AS MIRACULOIS. 207 Now this, as it is a confirmation of natural religion, ana therefore mentioned in the former part of this treatise;* so likewise it has a tendency to remove any prejudices against a subsequent revelation. III. But still it may be objected, that there is some peculiar presumption, from analogy, against miracles; particularly against revelation, after the settlement and during the continuance of a • course of nature. Now with regard to this supposed presumption, it is to be ob- served in general, that before we can have ground for raising what can, with any propriety, be called an argument from analogy, for or against revelation considered as something miraculous, we must be acquainted with a similar or parallel case. But the his- tory of some other world, seemingly in like circumstances with our own, is no more than a parallel case: and therefore nothing short of this can be so. Yet, could we come at a presumptive proof, for or against a revelation, from being informed, whether such world had one, or not; such a proof, being drawn from one single instance only, must be infinitely precarious. More particularly : First. There is a very strong presumption against common speculative truths, and against the most ordinary facts, before the proof of them; which yet is overcome by almost any proof. * P. 166, &o. ^ [Mills (Logic, chap. 24, ^ 5,) points out what he deems a mistake of " some of the writers against Hume on Miracles," in confounding the improbability of an event, before its occurrence, with the improbability afterwards; that is, con- sidering them equal in degree. He fully proves *that the great Laplace fell into this error, and the student shoulil consult the passage. Prof. Fitzgerald holds Butler to have fallen into the mistake adverted to by Mills; and quotes the latter author in a way which seems to make him say thnt such is his opinion also. I do not so understand Mills, nor do I see thai Butler has confounded these meanings; but the very contiary. He expressly ^ffirlns, and most truly, that the strongest presumption may lie against '* the most ordinary facts before the proof which j'et is overcome by almost any proof." Butler's position here, may be thus illustrated. Suppose a hundred numbers to be put in a box, and it is proposed to draw out the number 42. Now there are 99 chances to 1 against drawing that, or any other giren number. 8ut suppose a Cuild tells you he put the hundred numbers into a box, and drew •jut one, and it proved to* be 42; you at once believe, for that was as likely to some as any other. Tlie pr'.>of of Christianity from prophecy becomes amazingly strong, thus v\ewed. There arc many predictions, for instance that Christ should be bom 208 REVELATION CONSIDERED AS MIRACULOUS. part ii There is a presumption of millions to one, against the story of Caesar, or of any other man. For suppose a number of common facts so and so circumstanced, of which we had no kind of proof, should happen to come into one's thoughts; every one would, without any possible doubt, conclude them to be false. And the like may be said of a single common fact. Hence it appears, that the question of importance, as to the matter before us, is, concerning the degree of the peculiar presumption supposed against miracles; not whether there be any peculiar presumption at all against them. For, if there be the presumption of millions to one, against the most common facts; what can a small pre- sumption, additional to this, amount to, though it be peculiar? It cannot be estimated, and is as nothing. The only material question is, whether there be any such presumptions against miracles, as to render them in any sort incredible. Secondly, If we leave out the consideration of religion, we are in such total darkness, upon what causes, occasions, reasons, oi' circumstances, the present course of nature depends; that there does not appear any improbability for or against supposing, that five or six thousand years may have given scope^ for causes, occasions, reasons, or circumstances, from whence miraculous interpositions may have arisen. And from this, joined with the foregoing observation, it will follow, that there must be a pre- sumption, beyond all comparison greater, against the jjarticalar common facts just now instanced in, than against miracles in general; before any evidence of either. Thirdly, Take in the consideration of religion, or the moral system of the world, and then we see distinct particular reasons for miracles : to afford mankind instruction additional to that of nature, and to attest the truth of it. This gives a real credibility to the supposition, that it might be part of the original plan of things, that there should be miraculous interpositions. at a certain time, and place, and under certain very particular circumstances. The probabilities against such a conjuncture of events are almost infinite; yet they happened exactly as foretold.] 8 [For instance, a mass of ice or snow, may imperceptibly accumulate for an age, and then suddenly fall and overwhelm a village. Or a planet, or comet, may have been gradually nearing our earth for a million of years, without pro- ducing, as yet, any effect on our orbit; but in process of time, its proximity may work great changes in our condition.] CHAP. III. REVELATION LIABLE TO OBJECTIONS. 209 Lastly, Miracles must not be compared to common naturai events, or to events which, though uncommon, are simihir to what we daily experience : but to the extraordinary phenomena of nature. And then the comparison will be between the pre- sumption against miracles, and the presumption against such uncommon appearances, suppose, as comets, and against there being any such powers in nature as magnetism and electricity, so contrary to the properties of other bodies not endued with these powers. And before any one can determine, whether there be any peculiar presumption against miracles, more than against other extraordinary things; he must consider, what, upon first hearing, would be the presumption against the last mentioned appearances and powers, to a person acquainted only with the daily, monthly, and annual course of nature respecting this earth, and with those common powers of matter which we every day see. Upon all this I conclude; that there certainly is no such pre- sumption against miracles, as to render them in any wise in- credible : that, on the contrary, our being able to discern reasons for them, gives a positive credibility to the history of them, in cases where those reasons hold : and that it is by no means cer- tain, that there is any pemdiar presumption at all, from analogy, even in the lowest degree, against miracles, as distinguished from other extraordinary phenomena : though it is not worth while to perplex the reader with inquiries into the abstract nature of evi- dence, in order to determine a question, which, without such in- quiries, we see* is of no importance. CHAPTER III. OUR INCAPACITY OP JUDGING, WHAT WERE TO BE EXPECTED IN A revelation; and the CREDIBILITY, FROM ANALOGY, THAT IT MUST CONTAIN THINGS LIABLE TO OBJECTIONS. Besides the objections against the evuhnce for Christianity, many are alleged against the scheme of it; against the whole oianner in which it is put and left with the world; as well as «g tnowu but to few now; probably many valuable ones are not inowr* yet. Great has been and is the obscurity and difl&pulty, * Ohap. vi. I Chap. v. 220 REVELATION LIABLE TO OBJECTIONS. part ir. in the nature and application of them. Circumstances seem often to make them very iuiproper, where they are absolutely necessary. It is after long labor and study, and many unsuccess- ful endeavors, that they are brought to be as useful as they are ; after high contempt and absolute rejection of the most useful we have; and after disputes and doubts, which have seemed to be endless. The best remedies too, when unskilfully, much more when dishonestly applied, may produce new diseases ; and with the Tightest application the success of them is often doubtful. In many cases they are not effectual : where they are, it is often very slowly: and the application of them, and the necessary regimen accompanying it, is not uncommonly so disagreeable, that some will not submit to them; and satisfy themselves with the excuse, that if they would, it is not certain whether it would be successful. And many persons, who labor under diseases, for which there are known natural remedies, are not so happy as to be always, if ever, in the way of them. In a word, the remedies which nature has provided for diseases are neither certain, per- fect, nor universal. And indeed the same principles of arguing, which would lead us to conclude, that they must be so, would lead us likewise to conclude, that there could be no occasion for them ; i.e. that there could be no diseases at all. And therefore our experience that there are diseases, shows that it is credible beforehand, upon supposition nature has provided remedies for them, that these remedies may be, as by experience we find they are, neither certain, nor perfect, nor universal ; because it shows, that the principles upon which we should expect the contrary are fallacious. And now, what is the just consequence from all these things ? Not that reason is no judge of what is offered to us as being of divine revelation. For this wauld be to infer that we are unable to judge of any thing, because we are unable to judge of all things. Reason can, and it ought to judge, not only of the meaning, but also of the morality and the evidence of revelation. First, It is the province of reason to judge of the morality of the Scripture ; i.e. not whether it contains things different from what we should have expected from a wise, just, and good Being; (for objectii us from hence have been now obviated :) but whether it contain? things plainly contradictory to wisdom, justice, or CHAP. 111. REVELATION LIABLE TO OBJECTIONS. 221 goodness; to what the light of nature teaches us of God. Ana I know nothing of this sort objected against Scripture, exceptint^ such objections as are formed upon suppositions, which would equally conclude, that the constitution of nature is contradictory' to wisdom, justice, or goodness; which most certainly it is not. There are, indeed, some particular precepts in Scripture, given to particular persons, requiring actions, which would be immoral and vicious, were it not for such precepts. But it is easy to see, that all these are of such a kind, as that the precept changes the whole nature of the case and of the action ; and both constitutes and shows that not to be unjust or immoral, which, prior to the precept, must have appeared and really been so : which may well be, since none of these precepts are contrary to immutable morality. If it were commanded, to cultivate the principles, and act from the spirit of treachery, ingratitude, crueltj; the command would not alter the nature of the case or of the action, in any of these instances. But it is quite otherwise in precepts, which require only the doing an external action: for instance, taking away the property, or life of any. For men have no right, either to life or property, but what arises solely from the grant of God. When this grant is revoked, they cease to have any right at all in either : and when this revocation is made known, as surely it is possible it may be, it must cease to be un- just to deprive them of either. And though a course of ex- ternal acts, which without command would be immoral, must make an immoral habit; yet a few detached commands have no such natural tendency. I thought proper to say thus much of the few Scripture precepts, which require, not vicious actions, but actions which would have been vicious, but for such pre- cepts; because they are sometimes weakly urged as immoral, and great weight is laid upon objections drawn from them. To me there seems no difficulty at all in these precepts, but what arises from their being offences: i.e. from their being liable to be perverted, as indeed they are, by wicked designing men, to serve the most horrid purposes; and perhaps to mislead the weak and enthusiastic. And objections from this head are not objections against revelation; but against the whole notion of re- ligion, as a trial : and against the general constitution of nature. isecondl^, Reason is able to judge, and must, of the evidence 19* 222 REVELATION LIABLE TO OBJECTIONS. part ii. of revelation, and of the objections urged ngainst that evidence: which shall be the subject of a following chapter.* The consequence of the foregoing observations is, that the question upon which the truth of Christianity depends, is scarcely at all what objections there are against its scheme, since there; are none against the morality of it, but ivhat obJectioHS there are against its evidence; or, ivhat proof there remains of it, after due allowances are made for the ohjections against that proof: because it has been shown, that the objections against Chris- tianity, as distinguished from objections against its evidence, are frivolous. For surely very little weight, if any at all, is to bej laid upon a way of arguing and objecting, which, when applied to the general constitution of nature, experience shows not to be conclusive: and such, I think, is the whole way of objecting treated of throughout this chapter. It is resolvable into princi- ples, and goes upon suppositions, which mislead us to think, that the Author of nature would not act, as we experience he does; or would act, in such and such cases, as we experience he does not in like cases. But the unreasonableness of this way of ob- jecting will appear yet more evidently from hence, that the chief things thus objected against are justified, as shall be further shown, f by distinct, particular, and full analogies, in the consti- tution and course of nature. It is to be remembered, that, as frivolous as objections of the foregoing sort against revelation are, yet, when a supposed reve- lation is more consistent with itself, and has a more general and uniform tendency to promote virtue, than, all circumstances con- sidered, could have been expected from enthusiasm and political views, this is a presumptive proof of its not proceeding from them, and so of its truth : because we are competent judges, what might have been expected from enthusiasm and political views.' * Chap. vii. f Chap. iv. latter part, and t. vi. ^ [This pregnant paragraph should receive very fall attention. We know much of men, little of God. What men are likely to do, or say, in certain circumstances, is often very clear; and generally may be guessed at. But what God would do or say in new contingencies, who shall attempt to prescribe or predict? We are poorly qualified to assert that such and such declarations could not have come from infinite wisdom; but we are quite competent to at- firra that such and such things could not have come from huraa;[i loi trivanoo or enthusiasm.] CHRISTIANITY, A SCHEME, ETC. 223 CHAPTEK IV. CHRISTIANITY, CONSIDERED AS A SCHEME OR CONSTITUTION, IMPERFECTLY COMPREHENDED. As hath been now shown,* the analogy of nature renders it highly credible beforehand, that, supposing a revelation to be made, it must contain many things very different from what we should have expected, and such as appear open to great objections : and that this observation, in good measure, takes off the force of those objections, or rather precludes them. It may be alleged, that this is a very partial answer to such objections, or a very unsatisfactory way of obviating them : because it does not show at all, that the things objected against can be wise, just, and good ; much less, that it is credible they are so. It will there- fore be proper to show this distinctly; by applying to these objections against the wisdom, justice, and goodness of Chris- tianity, the answer abovef given to the like objections against the constitution of nature : before we consider the particular analogies in the latter, to the particular things objected against in the former. Now that which affords a sufficient answer to objections against the wisdom, justice, and goodness of the con- stitution of nature, is its being a constitution, a system, or scheme, imperfectly comprehended;* a scheme in which means are made use of to accomplish ends ; and which is carried on by general laws. For from these things it has been proved, not only to be possible, but also to be credible, that those things which are objected against may be consistent with wisdom, justice, and goodness ; nay, may bo instances of them : and even * In the foregoing chapter. f Part I. ch. viL, to which this all along refers. * [*'It is the last step of reason to know there is an infinity of things which surpass it." — Pascal. " The wall of adamant which bounds human inquiry, has scarcely ever been discovered by any adventurer, till he was aroused by the shock that drove him back." — Sir Jas. Mackintosh. " Of the dark j)arts of revelation there are two sorts : one which may be cleared up by the studious; the other which will always reside within the shadow of God's eLrone where it would be impiety t<» intrude.'' — Warburton. ''A Christianity Without mystery is as unphilosophical as it is unscriptural." — Angus."! 224 CHRISTIANITY A SCHEME part ii. that the constitution and government of nature may be perfect in the highest possible degree. If Christianity then be a scheme, and of the like kind; it is evident, the like objections against it must admit of the like answer. And, I. Christianity is a scheme, quite beyond our comprehension. The moral government of God is exercised, by gradually con- ducting things so in the course of his providence, that every one, at length and upon the whole, shall receive according to his deserts; and neither fraud nor violence, but truth and right, shall finally prevail. Christianity is a particular scheme under this general plan of Providence, and a part of it, conducive to its completion, with regard to mankind : consisting itself also of various parts, and a mysterious economy, which has been carry- ing on from the time the world came into its present wretched state, and is still carrying on, for its recovery, by a divine per- son, the Messiah; who is to gather together in one the children of God, that are scattered abroad,^ and establish an everlasting kingdom, wherein dicellcth righteousness.'\ In order to it; after various manifestations of things, relating to this great and gene- ral scheme of Providence, through a succession of many ages : (For the Spirit of Christ uhich was in the p7'ophets, testified be- forehand his sufferings, and the glory that should follow : unto whom it was jrvealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto us by them that have j)r cached the Gospel ; which things the angels desire ic look into ;|) — after various dispensations looking forward and pre- paratory to, this final salvation : in the fulness of time, when in- finite wisdom thought fit; He, being in the form of God, — made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a. servaiit, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name, which is above every name : that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in the earth, and things under the earth : and that every tongue should confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.^ Parts likewise of this economy are the miraculous mission of the Holy Ghost, and his ♦ Jcbn xi. 52. f 2 Peter iii. 13. J 1 Peter i. 11, 12, ^ PhU. ii. I&ai.] CHAP. IV. IMPERFECTLY COMPREHENDED. ^26 ordinary assistances given to good men :^ the invisible govern- ment, which Christ at present exercises over his church : that which he himself refers to in these words : In my Fa4her's houst^ are many mansions — I go to prepare a place for you :* and his future return to Judge the world in righteousness, and completely re-establish the kingdom of God. For the Father judgeth no man; hut hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father.'\ All power is given unto him in heaven and in earth."^ And he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule, and all authority and power. And when all things shall he suhdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself he subject un^o him that put all things under him, that God may he all in all.^ Surely little need be said to show, that this system, or scheme of things, is but imperfectly comprehended by us. The Scripture expressly asserts it to be so. And indeed one cannot read a pAssage re- lating to this great mystery of godliness,\\ but what immediately runs up into something which shows us our ignorance in it; as every thing in nature shows us our ignorance in the constitu- tion of nature. And whoever will seriously consider that part of the Christian scheme, which is revealed in Scripture, will find so much more unrevealed, as will convince him, that, to all the purposes of judging and objecting, we know as little of it, as of the constitution of nature. Our ignorance, therefore, is as much an answer to our objections against the perfection of one, as agrinst the perfection of the other.^ II. It is obvious too, that in the Christian dispensation, as much as in the natural scheme of things, means are made use of to accomplish ends. The observation of this furnishes us with the same answer, to objections against the perfection of Christianity, as to objections of the like kind, against the constitution of nature. It shows *> [The influences of the Holy Spirit are not only "given to good men,' but aio sent upon many who live unmindful of eternity, quickening their con- sciences, enlightening their understandings and arresting their passions, a"?d tlius it is they are converted unto the truth in Chri.«t.] * John xiv. 2. f John v. 22. 23. % ^^^t. xxviii. 18. } 1 Cor. XV. 28. U 1 Tim. iii. 16. % P. 174, Ac. 226 CHRISTIANITY A SCHEME part IL the credibility, that the things objected against, how foolish^ €oever they appear to men, may be the very best means of ac- complishing the very best ends. And their appearing fooUsIi- ness is no presumption against this, in a scheme so greatly beyond our comprehension.')' III. The credibility, that the Christian dispensation may have been, all along, carried on by general laws,| no less than the course of nature, may require to be more distinctly made out. Consider then, upon ivhat ground it is we say, that the whole common course of nature is carried on according to general fore- ordained laws. We know indeed several of the general laws of matter; and a great part of the natural behavior of living agents is reducible to general laws. But we know in a manner nothing, by what laws, storms, tempests, earthquakes, famine, pestilence, become the instruments of destruction to mankind. And the laws by which persons born into the world at such a time and place are of such capacities, geniuses, tempers; the laws by which thoughts come into our mind, in a multitude of cases; and by which innumerable things happen, of the greatest influ- ence upon the afiairs and state of the world. These laws are so wholly unknown to us, that we call the events which come to pass by them, accidental ; though all reasonable men know cer- tainly, that there cannot, in reality, be any such thing as chance; and conclude that the things which have this appearance are the result of general laws, and may be reduced to them. It is but an exceeding little way, and in but a very few respects, that we ca-n trace up the natural course of things before us, to general laws. It is only from analogy, that we conclude the whole of it to be capable of being reduced to them : only from our seeing that part is so. It is from our finding, that the course of nature, in some respects and so far, goes on by general laws, that we con- clude this of the rest. If that be a just ground for such a conclusion, it is a just ground also, if not to conclude, yet to apprehend, to render it Bupposable and credible, which is sufficient for answering objec- tions, that God's miraculous interpositions may have been, all along in like manner, by general laws of wisdom. Thus, that miraculous powers should be exerted, at such times, upon such * 1 Cor. i. [18-25.] fPp. 178, 179. J Pp. ISO, '.81. CHAP. IV. IMPERFECTLY COMPREHENDED. " ^27 occasions, iu such degrees and manners, and with regard to such persons, rather than others; that the affairs ot tne world, Deing permitted to go on in their natural course so far, should, just at such a point, have a new direction given them by miraculous in- terpositions; that these interpositions should be exactly in such degrees and respects only; all this may have been by general laws. These laws are indeed unknown to us : but no more un- known than the laws from whence it is, that some die as soon as they are born, and others live to extreme old age; that one man is so superior to another in understanding; with innumerable more things, which, as was before observed, we cannot reduce to any laws or rules, though it is taken for granted, they are as much reducible to general ones, as gravitation, [f the revealed dispensations of Providence, and miraculous interpositions, be by general laws, as well as God's ordinary government in the course of nature, made known by reason and experience; there is no more reason to expect that every exigence, as it arises, should be provided for by these general laws or miraculous inter- positions, than that every exigence in nature should be, by the general laws of nature. Yet there might be wise and good reasons, why miraculous interpositions should be by general laws; and why these laws should not be broken in upon, or deviated from, by other miracles. Upon the whole then, the appearance of deficiencies and ir- regularities in nature is owing to its being a scheme but in part made known, and of such a certain particular kind in other re- spects. We see no more reason why the frame and course of uature should be such a scheme, than why Christianity should. And that the former is such a scheme, renders it credible, that the latter, upon supposition of its truth, may be so too. And as w it is manifest, that Christianity is a scheme revealed but in part, B^ and a scheme in which means are made use of to accomplish ■ ends, like to that of nature : so the credibilitj', that it may have ■ been all along carried on by general laws, no less than the course K of nature, has been distinctly proved. From all this it is before- B hand credible that there might, I think probable that there m would, be the like appearance of deficiencies and irregularities ■ In Christianity, as in nature: i.e. that Christianity would be 228 CHRISTIANITY A SCHEME paht a ODjections are answered by these observations concerning Chris- tianity; as the like objections against the frame of nature are answered by the like observations concerning the frame of nature. The objections against Christianity, considered as a matter of fact,* having, in general, been obviated in the preceding chapter; and the same, considered as made against the wisdom and good- ness of it, having been obviated in this: the next thing, accord- ing to the method proposed, is to show, that the principal objec- tions, in particular, against Christianity, may be answered, by particular and full analogies in nature. And as one of them is made against the whole scheme of it together, as just now de- scribed, I choose to consider it here, rather than in a distinct chapter by itself. The thing objected against this scheme of the gospel is, "that it seems to suppose God was reduced to the necessity of a long series of intricate means, in order to accomplish his ends, the recovery and salvation of the world : in like sort as men, for want of understanding or power, not being able to come at their ends directly, are forced to go roundabout ways, and make use of many perplexed contrivances to arrive at them." Now every thing which we see shows the folly of this, considered as an ob- jection against the truth of Christianity. For, according to our manner of conception, God makes use of variety of means, what we often think tedious ones, in the natural course of providence, for the accomplishment of all his ends. Indeed it is certain there is somewhat in this matter quite beyond our comprehen- sion : but the mystery is as great in nature as in Christianity. We know what we ourselves aim at, as final ends : and what courses we take, merely as means conducing to those ends. But we are greatly ignorant how far things are considered by the Author of nature, under the single notion of means and ends ; so as that it may be said, this is merely an end, and that merely a means, in his regard. And whether there be not some peciliar absurdity in our very manner of conception, concerning this matter, something contradictory arising from our extremely ini perfect views of things, it is impossible to say- ^?. 172, .to. CHAP. IV. IMPERFECTLY COMPREHENDED. 229 However, this much is mauifest, that the whole natural world and governmeut of it, is a scheme or system; not a fixed, but a progressive one : a scheme in which the operation of various means takes up a great length of time, before the ends they tend to can be attained. The change of seasons, the ripening of fruits, the very history of a flower, are instances of this : and so is human life. Thus vegetable bodies, and those of animals, though possibly formed at once, yet grow up by degrees to a mature state. And thus rational agents, who animate these latter bodies, are naturally directed to form each his own manners and character, by the gradual gaining of knowledge and expe- rience, and by a long course of action. Our existence is not only successive, as it must be of necessity; but one state of our life and being is appointed by God, to be a preparation for another; and that to be the means of attaining to another succeeding one : inlancy to childhood; childhood to youth; youth to mature age. iMen are impatient, and for precipitating things : but the Author uf nature appears deliberate throughout his operations; accom- plishing his natural ends by slow successive steps. ° And there is a plaii of tnings beforehand laid out, which, from the nature of it, requires various systems of means, as well as length of time, in or"der to the carrying on its several parts into execution. Thus, lu the daily course of natural providence, God operates in the very same manner, as in the dispensation of Christianity; making one thing subservient to another; this, to something further; and so on, through a progressive series of means, which extend, both backward and forward, beyond our utmost view. Of this manner of operation, every thing we see in the course of nature is as much an instance, as any part of the Christian dispensation. <= ["PrDvidence hurries not himself to display to-day the consequence of the principle he yesterday announced. He will draw it out in the lapse of ages Kven according to our reasoning logic is none the less sure, because it is slow." — (tltizot on Civilization, Lect. I. IIow impressively is this sentiment sustained by modern geology, aad as- tronomy !] 20 Z&() THE APPOINTMENT OF CHAPTER V. THE PATITIOULAR SYSTEM OF CHRISTIANITY; THE APPOINT- MENT OF A MEDIATOR, AND THE REDEMPTION OF THE WORLD BY HIM. There is not, I think, any thing relating to Christianity, which has been more objected against, than the mediation of Christ, in some or other of its parts. Yet upon thorough consideration, there seems nothing less justly liable to it.* For, I. The whole analogy of nature removes all imagined presump- tion against the general notion of a Mediator between God and man.^ For we find all living creatures are brought into the world, and their life in infancy is preserved, by the instniment-- ality of others : and every satisfaction of it, some way or other, is bestowed by the like means. So that the visible government, which God exercises over the world, is by the instrumentality and mediation of others. How far his invisible government be or be not so, it is impossible to determine at all by reason. The supposition, that part of it is so, appears, to say the least, alto- gether as credible, as the contrary. There is then no sort of ob- jection, froui the light of nature, against the general notion of ^ mediator between God and man, considered as a doctrine of Chris- tianity, or as an appointment in this dispensation : since we find by experience, that God does appoint mediators, to be the iustru- ments of good and evil to us: the instruments of his justice and his mercy. And the objection here referred to is urged, not against mediation iu that high, eminent, and peculiar sense, in ^ ["Philosophers make shameful and dangerous mistakes, when they judge of the Divine economy. He cannot, they tell us, act thus, it would be conl>-aiy to his wisdom, or his justice, Ac. But while they maki; these peremptory as- sertions they show themselves to be unacquainted with ihj lundamental rules of their own science, and with the origin of all late improvements. True philosophy would begin the other way, with ob^ierving the con.-titulion of the world, how God has made us, and in what circumstances he has placed us, and then from what he has done, form a sure judgment what he would do. Thus might they learn 'the invisible things of God from those which ar*» clearly Been' ihe things which are not accomplished from those wliich are.*' — -P-^welj/s Use and Abuse of Philoaophj/J] * I T^ji^. ii. 6. CHAP. V. A MEDIATOR AND REDEEMER 281 which Christ is our mediator; but absolutely against the whole notion itself of a mediator at all. II. As we must suppose, that the world is under the proper moral government of God, or in a state of religion, before we can enter into consideration of the revealed doctrine, concerning tho redemption of it by Christ: so that supposition is here to be dis- tinctly noticed. Now the divine moral government which reli- gion teaches us, implies that the consequence of vice shall be misery, in some future state, by the righteous judgment of God. That such consequent punishment shall take effect by his appoint- ment, is necessarily implied. But, as it is not in any sort to be supposed, that we are made acquainted with all the ends or reasons, for which it is fit that future punishments should be in- flicted, or why God has appointed such and such consequent misery to follow vice; and as we are altogether in the dark, how or in what manner it shall follow, by what immediate occasions, or by the instrumentality of what means; so there is no absurdity in supposing it may follow in a way analogous to that in which many miseries follow such and such courses of action at present; poverty, sickness, infamy, untimely death by diseases, death from the bauds of civil justice. There is no absurdity in supposing future punishment may follow wickediiess of course, as we speak, or in the way of natural couseque.ice from God's original consti- tution of the world; from the nature he has given us, and from the condition in which he places us; or in a like manner, as a person rashly trifling upun a precipice, in the way of natural con- sequence, falls down ; in the way of natural consequence of this, breaks his limbs, and in the way of natural consequence, without help, perishes. 8ome good men may perhaps be offended with hearing it spoken of as a supposable thing that luture punishments of wickedness may be in the way of natural consequence : as if this were taking the execution of justice out of the hands of God, and giving it to nature. But they should remember, that when things come to pass according to the course of nature, this does not hinder them from being bis doing, who is the God of nature: and that the Scripture ascribes those punishments to divine justice, which are known t^ be natural; and which must be called so, when dis- tinguished from such as are miraculous. After all, this suppo- 232 THE APPOINTMENT OF part n. sition or rather this way of speakins;, is here made use of only by way of illustration of the subject before us. For since it must be admitted, that the future punishment of wickedness is not a matter of arbitrary appointment, but of reason, equity, and justice; it comes for aught I see, to the same thing, whether it is sup- posed to be inflicted in a way analogous to that in which the temporal punishments of vice and folly are inflicted, or in any other way. And though there were a difference, it is allowable, in the present case, to make this supposition^ plainly not an in- credible one, that future punishment may follow wickedness in the way of natural consequence, or according to some general laws of government already established in the universe. III. Upon this supposition, or even without it, we may observe somewhat, much to the present purpose, in the constitution of nature or appointments of Providence: the provision which is made, that all the bad natural consequences of men's actions should not always actually follow; or that such bad consequences, as, according to the settled course of things, would inevitably have followed if not prevented, should, in certain degrees, be pre- vented. We are apt presumptuously to imagine, that the world miaht have been so constituted, as that there would not have been any such thing as misery or evil. On the contrary we find the Author of nature permits it : but then he has provided reliefs, and in many cases perfect remedies for it, after some pains and difficulties; reliefs and remedies even for that evil, which is the fruit of our own misconduct; and which, in the course of nature, would have continued, and ended in our destruction, but for such remedies. And this is an instance both of severity and of in- dulgence, in the constitution of nature. Thus all the bad conse- quences, now mentioned, of a man's trifling upon a precipice, might be prevented. And though all were not, yet some of them might, by proper interposition, if not rejected:*' by another's coming to the rash man's relief, with his own laying hold on that relief, in such sort as the case required. Persons may do a great ^ [The interposition of a man of known probity and worth often saves the thoughtless or the guilty from punishment. Mediation is seen in a thousand forms in the arrangements of social life; and the common sense of all mankind approves of it. The release of the offending, by the intercession of the good, and all the benefits of advice, caution, example, instruction, persuasion, ano authority, are instiinces of mediation.] CHAP. v. A xMEDIATOR AND REDEEMER. 233 deal themselves towards preventing the bad consequences of their follies: and more may be done by themselves, together w'th the assistance of others their fellow-creatures; which assistance nature requires and prompts us to. This is the general constitution of the world. Now suppose it had been so constituted, that after such actions were done, as were foreseen naturally to draw after them misery to the doer, it should have been no more in human power to have prevented that naturally consequent misery, in any instance, than it is in all : no one can say, whether such a more severe constitu- tion of things might not yet have been really good. But, on the contrary, provision being made by nature, that we may and do, to so great degree, prevent the bad natural effects of our follies; this may be called mercy or compassion in the original constitu- tion of the world : compast^iou, as distinguished from goodness in general. And, the whole known constitution and course of things affording us instances of such compassion, it would be according to the analogy of nature, to hope, that however ruinous the natural consequences of vice might be, from the general laws of God's government over the universe; yet provision might be made, possibly might have been origiually made, for preventing those ruinous consequences from inevitably following: at least from following universally, and in all cases. Many, I am sensible, will wonder at finding this made a question, or spoken of as in any degree doubtful. The generality of man- kind are so far from having that awful sense of things, which the present state of vice and misery and darkness seems to make but reasonable, that they have scarce any apprehension or thought at all about this matter, any way : and sume serious persons may have spoken unadvisedly concerning it. But let us observe, what we experience to be, and what, from the very constitution of nature cannot but be, the consequences of irregular and dis- orderly behavior: even of such rashness, wilfulness, neglects, as we scarce call vicious. Now it is natural to apprehend, that the bad consequences of irregularity will be greater, in proportion as the irregularity is so. And there is no comparison between these -rregularitics, and the greater instances of vice, or a dissolute profligate disregard to all religion; if there be any thing at all in religion For consider what it is for creatun^s, moral agents, 20* >8'i THE APPOINTMENT OF part il presumptuously to introduce that confusion and misery into the kingdom of God, which mankind have in fact introduced : to bkspheme the Sovereign Lord of all; to contemn his authority; to be inj jrious, to the degree they are, to their fellow- creatures, the creatures of God. Add that the effects of vice in the present world are often extreme misery, irretrievable ruin, and even death : and upon putting all this together, it will appear, that as no one can say, in what degree fatal the unprevented consequences of vice may be, according to the general rule of divine govern- ment; so it is by no means intuitively certain, how far these consequences could possibly, in the nature of the thing, be pre- vented, consistently with the eternal rule of right, or with what is, in fact, the moral constitution of nature. However, there would be large ground to hope, that the universal government was not so severely strict, but that there was room for pardon, or for having those penal consequences prevented. Yet, IV. There seems no probability, that any thing we could do would alone and of itself prevent them: prevent their following, or being inflicted. But one would think at least, it were impos- sible that the contrary should be thought certain. For we are not acquainted with the whole of the case. We are not informed of all the reasons, which render it fit that future punishments should be inflicted: and therefore cannot know, whether any thing we could do would make such an alteration, as to render it fit that they should be remitted. We do not know what the whole natural or appointed consequences of vice are; nor in what way they would follow, if not prevented : and therefore can in no sort say, whether we could do any thing which would be sufficient to prevent them. Our ignorance being thus manifest, let us recollect the analogy of nature or Providence. For, though this may be but a slight ground to raise a positive opinion upon, in this matter; yet it is sufiicient to answer a mere arbitrary asser- tion, without any kind of evidence, urged by way of objection against a doctrine, the proof of which is not reason, but revela- tion. Consider then : people ruin their fortunes by extravagance; they bring diseases upon themselves by excess; they incur the penalties of civil laws; and surely civil government is natural; will sorrow for these follies past, and behaving well for the future, alone and )f itself prevent the natural consequences of them ? CHAP. V. A MEDIATOR AND REDEEMER. 235 On the contrary, men's natural abilities of helping themselves are often impaired ; or if not, yet they are forced to be beholden to the assistance of others, upon several accounts, and in differ- ent ways ; assistance which they would have had no occasion for, had it not been for their misconduct ; but which, in the disad- vantageous condition they have reduced themselves to, is abso- lutely necessary to their recovery, and retrieving their affairs. Since this is our case, considering ourselves merely as inhabitants of this world, and as having a temporal interest here, under the natural government of God, which however has a great dea« moral in it ; why is it not supposable that this may be our case also, in our more important capacity, as under his perfect moral government, and having a more general and future interest depending?" If we have misbehaved in this higher capacity, and rendered ourselves obnoxious to the future punishment, which God has annexed to vice : it is plainly credible, that behaving well for the time to come may be — not useless, God forbid — but wholly insufl&cient, alone and of itself, to prevent that punishment : or to put us in the condition which we should have been in, had we preserved our innocence. Though we ought to reason with all reverence, whenever we reason concerning the divine conduct : yet it may be added, that it is clearly contrary to all our notions of government, as well as to what is, in fact, the general constitution of nature, to suppose, that doing well for the future should, in all cases, prevent all the judicial bad consequences of having done evil, or all the punish- ment annexed to disobedience. We have manifestly nothing from whence to determine, in what degree, and in what cases, reformation would prevent this punishment, even supposing that it would in some. And though the efficacy of repentance itself " [Mr. Newman notices a distinction between the facts of revelation, and ita principles ; and considers the argument from analogy more concerned with its principles than with its facts. " The revealed facts are special and singular, from the nature of the case, but the revealed principles nre common to all the works of God; and if the Author of nature be the author of grace, it may be expected that the principles displayed in them will be the same, and form a connecting link between them. In this identity of principle, lies the analogy of natural and revealed religion, in Butler's sense of the word. The Incarna- tion is a fact, and cannot be paralleled by any thing in nature: the doctrine of mediation is a principle, and is abundantly exemplified m nature." — Eas"^ on JJcvelopiiients,] 236 THE APPOINTMENT 01 part n. alone, to prevent what mankind had rendered themselves ob- noxious to, and recover what they had forfeited, is now insisted upon, in opposition to Christianity; yet, by the general preva- lence of propitiatory sacrifices over the heathen world, this notion of repentance alone being sufficient to expiate guilt, appears to be contrary to the general sense of mankind. '^ Upon the whole then 5 had the laws, the general laws of God's government been permitted to operate, without any interposition in our behalf, the future punishment, for aught we know to the contrary, or have any reason to think, must inevitably have followed, notwithstanding any thing we could have done to pre- vent it. V. In this darkness, or this light of nature, call it which you please, revelation comes in; and confirms every doubting fear, which could enter into the heart of man, concerning the future unprevented consequence of wickedness. It supposes the world to be in a state of ruin (a supposition which seems the very ground of the Christian dispensation, and which, if not provable by reason, yet is in no wise contrary to it;) and teaches us too, that the rules of divine government are such, as not to admit of pardon immediately and directly upon repentance, or by the sole efficacy of it. But teaches at the same time, what nature might justly have hoped, that the moral government of the universe was not so rigid, but that there was room for an interposition, to avert the fatal consequences of vice ; which therefore, by this means, does admit of pardon. Revelation teaches us, that the unknown laws of God's more general government, no less than the particular laws by which we experience he governs us at present, are compassionate,* as well as good in the more general notion of goodness : and that he hath mercifully provided, that there should be an interposition to prevent the destruction of human kind ; whatever that destruction unprevented would have been. God so loved the world, that he gave his only hegotten Son, that whosoever helieveth, not, to be sure, in a speculative, but in a practical sense, that whosoever helieveth in him, should d [The student will find the inadequacy of repentance to cancel guilt, beauti- fully exhibited by Wayland, Mor. Science: Magee, Atonement: Ilflwis. Living Temple.] * P 232. &c. I CHAP. V. A MEDIATOR AXD REDEEMER. 237 not pet ish :^ u:ave his Son in the same way of goodne?? to the world, as he affords particular persons the friendly assistance of their fellow-creatures, when, without it, their temporal ruin would be the certain consequence of their follies : in the same way of goodness, I say, though in a transcendent and infinitely higher degree. And the Son of God loved ua, and gave himself /or its, with a love, which he himself 'Compares to that of human friend- ship : though, in this case, all comparisons must fall infinitely short of the thing intended to be illustrated by them. He inter- posed in such a manner as was necessary and effectual to prevent that execution of justice upon sinners, which Grod had appointed should otherwise have been executed upon them ; or in such a manner, as to prevent that punishment from actually following, which, according to the general laws of divine government, must have followed the sins of the world, had it not been for such interposition."!" If any thing here said should appear, upon first thought, in- consistent with divine goodness; a second, t am persuad'ed, will entirely remove that appearance. For were we to suppose the constitution of things to be such, as that the whole creation must * John iii. 16. f It cannot, I suppose, be imagined, even by the most cursory reader, that it is, in any sort, aflSrmed or implied in any thing said in this chapter, that none can have the benefit of the general redemption, but such as have the advantage of being made acquainted with it in the present life. But it may be needful to mention, that several questions, which have been brought into the subject before us, and determined, are not in the least entered into here, questions which have been, I fear, rashly determined, and perhaps with equal rashness contrary ways. For instance, whether God could have saved the World by other means than the death of Christ, consistently with the gene- ral laws of his government. And had not Christ come into the world, what would have been the future condition of the better sort of men; those just per- sons over the face of the earth, for whom Manasscs in his pra3'er® asserts, re- uentance was not appointed. The meaning of the first of these questions is greatly ambiguous : and neither of them can properly be answered, without going upon that infinitely absurd supposition, that we know the whole of the case. And perhaps the very inquiry, What tcould have folloiccd, if God had not done as he has, maj' have in it some very great impropriety : and ought not to be carried on any further than is necessary' to help our partial and inadequate conceptions of things. • rhe "pra; er of JIanasscs" i? one of tl;e apocryphal books of tlif OM Ti->taiiKnt, whicli nevi precedes "Maccabcos."i 288 THE APPOINTMENT OP part ii. have perished, had it not been for something, which brod had appointed should be, in order to prevent that ruin : even this supposition would not be inconsistent, in any degree, with the most absolutely perfect goodness. Still it may be thought, that this whole manner of treating the subject before us supposes mankind to be naturally in a very strange state. And truly so it does. But it is not Christianity which has put us into this state. Whoever will consider the manifold miseries, and the extreme wickedness of the world; that the best have great wrongnesses within themselves, which they complain of, and endeavor to amend ; but that the generality grow more profligate and corrupt with age ; that even moralists thought the present state to be a state of punishment : and, that the earth our habi- tation has the appearances of being a ruin : whoever, I say, will consider all these, and some other obvious things, will think he has little reason to object against the Scripture account, that mankind is in a state of degradation ; against this being the fact: how difficult soever he may think it to account for, or even to form a distinct conception of the occasions and circumstances of it. But that the crime of our first parents was the occasion of our being placed in a more disadvantageous condition, is a thing throughout and particularly analogous to what we see in the daily course of natural providence ; as the recovery of the world by the interposition of Chnst has been shown to be so in general. VI. The particular manner in which Christ interposed in the redemption of the world, or his office as 3Iediator, in the largest sense, between God and man, is thus represented to us in the Scripture. He is the light of the ivorld ;* the revealer of the will of God in the most eminent sense. He is a propitiatory sacrifice ;j" the Lamb of God:\ and, as he voluntarily offered himself up, he is styled our High Priest. § And, which seems of peculiar weight, he is described beforehand in the Old Testa- ment, under the same characters of a priest, and an ex]iiatory victim.]! And whereas it is objected, that all this is merely by * John i., and viii. 12. t Rom. iii. 25, v. 11:1 Cor. v. 7 : Eph. v. 2 : 1 John ii. 2 : Matt, xxvi 28. X John i. 29, 36, and throughout the book of Revelation. g Throughout the epistle to the Hebrews. \ Isa- liii, Dan. ix. 24 : Ps. ex 4. CHAP. V. A MEDIATOR AND REDEEMER. 239 way of allusion to the sacrifices of the Mosaic law, the Apostle on the contrary affirms, that the law icas a shadow of (jood things to come, and not the very image of the things:^ and that the priests that offer gifts according to the law — serve unto the ex- ample and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God, when he was about to make the tabernacle. For see, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the mount :'\' i.e. the Levitical priesthood was a shadow of the priesthood of Christ; in like manner as the taber- nacle made by Moses was according to that showed him in the mount. The priesthood of Christ, and the tabernacle in the mount, were the originals ; of the former of which the Levitical priesthood was a type; and of the latter the tabernacle made by Moses was a copy. The doctrine of this epistle then plainly is, that the legal sacrifices were allusions to the great and final atonement to be made by the blood of Christ; and not that this was an allusion to those. . Nor can any thing be more express and determinate than the following passage.. It is not possible that the hlood of bulls and of goats should fake awny ^in. Wherefore ichen he cnmefh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering, i.e. of bulls and of goats, thou wouldcst not, but a body hast thou prepared me. Lo! I come to do thy tcill, God. By which will we are sanctified, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.'l And to add one passage more of the like kind: Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many: and unto them that look for him .shall he appear the .second time, without sin ; i.e. without bearing sin, as he did at his first coming, by being an offering for it; without having our iniqui- ties again laid upon him, without being any more a sin-offering: — unto them, that look for him shall he appear the srcond time, without sin, unto salvation.^ Nor do the inspired writers at all confine themselves to this manner of speaking concerning the satisfaction of Christ; but declare an efficacy in what he did and suffered for us, additional to and beyond mere instruction, ex- ample, and government, in great variety of expression : That Jesus should die for that nation, the Jews: and not for that nation only, but that also, plainly by the efficacy of his death^ * HeL. X. 1. t Ileb. viii. 4, 5. + Heb. X. 4, 5 7, 9, 10. § Heb. ix. 28. 210 THE APPOINTMENT OF part n. he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad ;* that he suffered for sins, the Just for the un^ Just ;f that he gave his life, himself, a ransom ;J that we are bought, bought with a price :^ that he redeemed us with his blood: redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us :\\ that he is our advocate, intercessor, diudi propitia- tion ;^ that he was made perfect, or consummate, through suffer- ings ; and being thus made perfect, he became the author of sal- vation .•** that God was in Christ reconciling the world to him- self ; by the death of his Son, by the cross; not imjjuting their trespasses unto them :')"'f" and lastly, that through death he destroyed him that had the power of death.^^ Christ having thus humbled himself, and become obedient to death, even the death of the cross; God also hath highly exalted him, and given him, a name, ivhich is above every name : hath given all things into his hands : hath committed all Judgment unto him ; that all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. ^% For, worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing. And every crea- ture which is in heaven, and on the earth, heard I, saying. Bless- ing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.\\\\ These passages of Scripture seem to comprehend and express the chief parts of Christ's office, as Mediator between God and man, so far, I mean, as the nature of this his office is revealed; and it is usually treated of by divines under three heads. First, He was, by way of eminence, the Prophet: that Pro- phet that should come into the world, ^^ to declare the divine will. He published anew the law of nature, which men hal corrupted; and the very knowledge of which, to some degree, was lost among them. He taught mankind, taught us authorita- tively, to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, in expectation of the future judgment of God. He confirmed * John xi. 51, 52. f 1 Pet. iii. 18. X Matt. XX. 28 : Mark x. 45 : 1 Tim. ii. 6. g 2 Pet. ii. 1 : Rev. xiv. 4 : 1 Cor. vi. 20. jj 1 Pet. i. 19 : Rev. v. 9 : Gal. iii. 1.3. ^ Heb. vii. 25 : 1 John ii. 1, 2. *» Ileb. ii. 10.: v. 9. ft 2 Cor. v. 19 : Rom. v. 10 : Eph. ii. 16. \X Heb. ii. 14. See also a remarkable passage in the book of Job, xxxiii. 24, g^ Phil. ii. 8, 9 : John iii. 35, and v. 22, 23. il|| Rev. v. 12, 13. \^ John vi. 14. CHAP. V. A MEDIATOR AND REDEEMER. 2 41 the trutli of this moral system of nature, and gave us additiocal evidence of it; the evidence of testimony.* He distinctly revealed the manner, in which God would be worshipped, the efficacy of repentance, and the rewards and punishments of a future life. Thus he was a prophet in a sense in which no other ever was. To which is to be added, that he set us a perfect ex- ample, that loe should follow his steps. Secondly, He has a kingdom ichich is not of this world. He founded a Church, to be to mankind a standing memorial of religion, and invitation to it; which he promised to be with always even to the end. He exercises an invisible government over it, himself, and by his Spirit : over that part of it which is militant here on earth, a government of discipline, for the per- fecting of the saints, for the edifying his body : till ice all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fidness of Christ. f Of this Church, all persons scattered over the world, who live in obedience to his laws, are members. For these he is gone to prepare a 'place, and will come again to re- ceive them, unto himself that where he is, there they may he also; and reign with him forever and ever:^ and likewise to take vengeance on them that know not God, and ohey not his Gospel.^ Against these parts of Christ's office I find no objections, but what are fully obviated in the beginning of this chapter. Lastly, Christ offered himself a propitiatory sacrifice, and made atonement for the sins of the world; which is mentioned hist, in regard to what is objected against it. Sacrifices of expia- tion were commanded the Jews, and obtained among most other nations, from tradition, whose original probably was revelation. And they were continually repeated, both occasionally, and at the returns of stated times : and made up great part of the external religion of mankind. But now once in the end of the icorld. Christ appeared to p>ut away sin hy the sacrifice of himself \^ This sacrifice was, in the highest degree and with the most ex- tensive influence, of that efficacy for obtaining pardon of sin, which the heathens may be supposed to have thought their saeri « P. 188, « Satisfactione : Chalmers, Discourses : Owen, Satis, of Christ.] CHAP. V. A MEDIATOR AND REDEEMER. 243 how far any thing which we could do, would, alone and of itself, have been effectual to prevent that punishment to which we were obnoxious, and recover that happiness which we had forfeited; it is most evident we are not judges, antecedently to revelation, whether a mediator was or was not necessary, to obtain those ends: to prevent that future punishment, and bring mankind to the final happiness of their nature. For the very same reasons, upon supposition of the necessity of a mediator, we are no more judges, antecedently to revelation, of the whole nature of his office, or of the several parts of which it consists; or of what was fit and requisite to be assigned him, in order to accomplish the ends of divine Providence in the appointment. Hence it follows, that to object against the expediency or usefulness of particular things, revealed to have been done or suffered by him, because we do not see how they were conducive to those ends, is highly absurd. Yet nothing is more common to be met with, than this absurdity. If it be acknowledged beforehand, that we are not judges in the case, it is evident that no objection can, with any shadow of reason, be urged against any particular part of Christ's mediatorial office revealed in Scriptnre, till it can be shown posi- tively not to be requisite or conducive to the ends proposed to be accoujplished; or that it is in itself unreasonable. There is one objection made against the satisfaction of Christ, which looks to be of this positive kind : that the doctrine of his being appointed to suffer for the sins of the world, represents God as being indifferent whether he punished the innocent or the guilty. Now from the foregoing observations we may see the extreme slightness of all such objections; and (though it is most certain all who make them do not see the consequence) that they conclude altogether as much against God's whole original constitution of nature, and the whole daily course of divine Provi- dence in the government of the world, (/.e. against the whole Bcheme of Theism and the whole notion of religion,) as against Christianity. For the world is a constitution or system, whose parts have a mutual reference to each other: and there is a bcheme of things gradually carrying on, called the course of na- *UTe, to the carrying on of which God has appointed us, in various ways, to contribute. And when, in the daily course of natural providence, it is appointed that innocent people should suffer for 241 THE APPOINTMENT OP part a the faults of the guilty, this is liable to the very same objection, as the instance we are now considering. The infinitely greatei importance of that appointment of Christianity, which is objected against, does not hinder but it may be, as it plainly is, an ap- pointment of the very same kind, with what the world affords us daily examples of. Nay, if there were any force at all in the ob- jection, it would be stronger, in one respect, against natural providence, than against Christianity: because under the former we are in man}'- cases commanded, and even necessitated whether we will or no, to suffer for the faults of others; whereas the suffer- ings of Christ were voluntary. The world's being under the righteous government of God does indeed imply, that finally, and upon the whole, every one shall receive according to his personal deserts : and the general doctrine of the whole Scripture is, that this shall be the comple- tion of the divine government. But during the progress, and, for aught we know, even in order to the completion of this moral scheme, vicarious punishments may be fit, and absolutely neces- sary. Men by their follies run themselves into extreme distress; into difiiculties which would be absolutely fatal to them, were it not for the interposition and assistance of others. God commands by the law of nature, that we afford them this assi.stance, in man^ cases where we cannot do it without very great pains, and labor, and sufferings to ourselves. We see in what variety of ways one person's sufferings contribute to the relief of another: and how, or by what particular means, this comes to pass, or follows, from the constitution and luws of nature, which came under our notice: and, being familiarized to it, men are not shocked with it. So that the reason of their insisting upon objections of the foregoing kind against the satisfaction of Christ is, either that they do not consider God's settled and uniform appointments as liis appoint- ments at all; or else they forget that vicarious punishment is a providential appointment of every day's experience. And then, from their being unacquainted with the more general laws of nature or divine government over the world, and not seeing how the sufferings of Christ could contribute to the redemption of it, unless by arbitrary and tyrannical will, tiiey conclude his suffer ings could not contribute to it any other way. And yet, what has been often alleged in justification of this doctrine, even ixovc CHAV. V. A MEDIATOR AND REDEEMER. 245 the apparent natural tendency of this method of our redemption; its tendency to vindicate the authority of God's laws, and deter his creatures from sin; this has never yet been answered, and ia I think plainly unanswerable : though I am far from thinking it an account of the whole of the case. But, without taking this into consideration, it abundantly appears, from the observations above made, that this objection is not an objection against Chris- tianity, but against the whole general constitution of nature. And if it were to be considered as an objection against Chris- tianity, or considering it as it is, an objection against the consti- tution of nature; it amounts to no more in c'onclusion than this, that a divine appointment cannot be necessary or expedient, be- cause the objector does not discern it to be so: though he must own that the nature of the case is such, as renders him incapable of judging, whether it be so or not; or of seeing it to be neces- sary, though it were so ! It is indeed a matter of great patience to reasonable men, to find people arguing in this manner: objecting against the credi- bility of such particular things revealed in Scripture, that they do not see the necessity or expediency of them. For though it is highly right, and the most pious exercise of our understanding, to inquire with due reverence into the ends and reasons of God's dispensations : yet when those reasons are concealed, to argue from our ignorance, that such dispensations cannot be from God, is in- finitely absurd. The presumption of this kind of objections seems almost lost in the folly of them. And the folly of them is yet greater, when they are urged, as usually they are, against tilings in Christianity analogous or like to those natural dispensa- tions of Providence, which are matter of experience. Let reason be kept to : and if any part of the Scripture account of the re- demption of the world by Christ can be shown to be really con- trary to it, let the Scripture, in the name of God, be given up. But let not such poor creatures as we are, go on objectiug against an infinite scheme, that we do not see the necessit}^ or usefulness of all its parts, and call this reasoning; and, which still further heightens the absurdity in the present case, parts which we are not actively concerned in. For it may be worth mentioning, Lastlt/, That nut only the reason of the thiug, but the whole i,ualogy of nature, should teach us, not to expect to have the like 246 THE APPOINTMENT, ETC. part n information concerning the divine conduct, as concerning our own duly God instructs us by experience, (for it is not reason, but experience which instructs us,) what good or bad conse- quences will follow from our acting in such and such manners : and by this he directs us how we are to behave ourselves. But, though we are sufficiently instructed for the common purposes of life : yet it is but an almost infinitely small part of natural provi- dence, which we are at all let into. The case is the same with regard to revelation. The doctrine of a mediator between God and man, against which it is objected, that the expediency of some things in it i^ not understood, relates only to what was done on God's part in the appointment, and on the Mediator's in the execution of it. For what is required of us, in consequence of this gracious dispensation, is another subject, in which none can complain for want of information. The constitution of the world, and God's natural government over it, is all mystery, as much as the Christian dispensation. Yet under the first he has given men all things pertaining to life; and under the other all things pertaining unto godliness. And it may be added, that there is nothing hard to be accounted for in any of the common precepts of Christianity : though if there were, surely a divine command is abundantly sufficient to lay us under the strongest obligations to obedience. But the fact is, that the reasons of all the Chris- tian precepts are evident. Positive institutions are manifestly necessary to keep up and propagate religion among mankind. And our duty to Christ, the internal and external worship of him; this part of the religion of the Gospel manifestly arises out of what he has done and suffered, his authority and dominion, and the relation which he is revealed to stand iu to us.* * p. 194, Ac. CHAPTER YI. THE WANT OF UNIVERSALITY IN REVELATION; AND TEE SUPPOSED DEFICIENCY IN THE PROOF OF IT It has been thought by some persons, that if the evidence of revelation appears doubtful, this itself turns into a positive argu- ment against it : because it cannot be supposed, that, if it were true, it would be left to subsist upon doubtful evidence. And the objection against revelation from its not being universal is often insisted upon as of great weight. The weakness of these opinions may be shown, by observing the suppositious on which they are founded : which are really such as these ; that it cannot be thought (rod would have be- stowed any favor at all upon us, unless in the degree which we think he might, and which, we imagine, would be most to our particular advantage; and also that it cannot be thought he would bestow a favor upon any, unless he bestowed the same upon all ; suppositions, which we find contradicted, not by a few instances in God's natural government of the world, but by the general analogy of nature together. Persons who speak of the evidence of religion as doubtful, and of this supposed doubtfulness as a povsitive argument against it, should be put upon considering, what that evidence is, which they act upon with regard to their temporal interests. It is not only extremely difficult, but in many cases absolutely impossible, to balance pleasure and pain, satisfaction and uneasiness, so as to be able to say on which side is the overplus. There are the like difficulties and impossibilities in making the due allowances for a change of temper and taste, for satiety, disgusts, ill health : any of which render men incapable of enjoying, after they have ob- tained what they most eagerly desired. Numberless too are the accidents, besides that one of untimely death, which may even probably disappoint the best-concerted schemes : and strong objections are often seen to lie against them, not to be removed or answered, but which seem overbalanced by reasons on the other side; so as that the certain difficulties and dangers of the pursuit are, by every one, thought justly disregarded, upoD *J47 24b REVELATION NOT UNIVERSAL: part n account of the appearing greater advantages in case of success^ though there be but little probability of it. Lastly, every one observes our liableness, if we be not upon our guard, to be deceived by the lalsehood of men, and the false appearances of things : and this danger must be greatly increased, if there be a strong bias within, suppose from indulged passion, to favor the deceit. Hence arises that great uncertainty and doubtfulness of proof, ivherein our temporal interest really consists; what are the most probable means oi attaining it; and whether those means will eventually be successful. And numberless instances there are, in the daily course of life, in which all men think it reason- able to engage in pursuits, though the probability is greatly against succeeding ; and to make such provision for themselves, as it is supposable they may have occasion for, though the plain acknowledged probability is, that they never shall. Those who think the objection against revelation, from its light not being universal, to be of weight,* should observe, that the Author of nature, in numberless instances, bestows that upon some, which he does not upon others, who seem equally to stand in need of it. Indeed he appears to bestow all his gifts with the most promiscuous variety among creatures of the same species : health and strength, capacities of prudence and of knowledge, means of improvement, riches, and all external advantages. As there are not any two men found, of exactly like shape and features; so it is probable there are not any two, of an exactly like constitution, temper, and situation, with regard to the goods and evils of life. Yet, notwithstanding these uncertainties and varieties, God does exercise a natural government over the world; and there is such a thing as a prudent and imprudent institution of life, with regard to our health and our affairs, under that his natural government. As neither the Jewish nor Christian revelation have been uni- versal; and as they have been afforded to a greater or less part a [This objection is a.bly urged by Tindall. The answer of our author is complete. We shouW remember, that twice in the history of mankind, revehi- tion has been universal. The first pair, and the occupants of the ark, o<^m- prised the whole population. But how soon was light rejected! Christianity is universal, in nature and intention : is to become so in fact; and accoraing to a very probable construction of prophecy, will continue to be universal, fur three hundred and sixty thousand years.] CHAP. vr. SUPPOSED DEFICIENCY IN ITS PPtOOP. s4^ of the world, at different times; so likewise at difFerenc -.Jies, both revelations have had diiferent degrees of evidence. The Jews who lived during the succession of prophets, that is, fro.u Moses till after the Captivity, had higher evidence of the truth of their religion, than those had, who lived in the interval be- tween the last-mentioned period, and the coming of Christ. And the first Christians had higher evidence of the miracles wrought in attestation of Christianity, than what we have now. They had also a strong presumptive proof of the truth of it, perhaps of much greater force, in way of argument, than many think, of which we have very little remaining; I mean the presumptive proof of its truth, from the influence which it had upon the lives of the generality of its professors. And we, or future ages, may possibly have a proof of it, which they could not have, from the conformity between the prophetic history, and the state of the world^ and of Christianity. • And further : if we were to suppose the evidence, which some have of religion, to amount to little more than seeing that it may be true; but that they remain in great doubts and uncertainties about both its evidence and its nature, and great perplexities con- cerning the rule of life : others to have a full conviction of the truth of religion, with a distinct knowledge of their duty ; and others severally to have all the intermediate degrees of religious light and evidence, which lie between these two — if we put the case, that for the present, it was intended that revelation should be no more than a small light, in the midst of a world greatly over- spread, notwithstanding it, with ignorance and darkness: that certain glimmerings of this light should extend, and be directed, to remote distances, in such a manner as that those who really partook of it should not discern whence it originally came : that some in a nearer situation to it should have its light obscured, and, in different ways and degrees, intercepted : and that others should be placed within its clearer influence, and be much more enlivened, cheered, and directed by it ; but yet that even to these ^ [May not this be a principal object of the Apocalypse? As the book of Daniel furnished a constant and powerful support to the faith of the Jew, by the constant development of prophecy, so the Apocalypse, rightly studied must ' powerfully, and through all time, support the faith of the Christian by the »vOntiDual uufokling and verification of its prediction.-^.] 250 REVELATION NOT UNIVERSAL: part u. it should be no more than a light i^hining in a dark place: all this would be perfectly uniform, and of a piece with the conduct •jf Providence, in the distribution of its other blessings. If the fact of the case really were, that some have received no light at all from the Scripture ; as many ages and countries in the heathen world : that others, though they have, by means of it, had essen- tial or natural religion enforced upon their consciences, yet have never had the genuine Scripture revelation, with its real evidence, proposed to their consideration; and the ancient Persians and modern Mahometans may possibly be instances of people in a Bituation somewhat like to this ; that others, though they have had the Scripture laid before them as of divine revelation, yet have had it with the system and evidence of Christianity so in- terpolated, the system so corrupted, the evidence so blended with false miracles, as to leave the mind in the utmost doubtfulness and uncertainty about the whole ; which may be the state of some thoughtful men, in most of those nations who call them- selves Christian : and lastly, that others have had Christianity offered to them in its genuine simplicity, and with its proper evidence, as persons in countries and churches of civil and of Christian liberty; but that even these persons are left in great ignorance in many respects, and have by no means light afforded them enough to satisfy their curiosity, but only to regulate their life, to teach them their duty, and encourage them in the careful discharge of it. I say, if we were to suppose this somewhat of a general true account of the degrees of moral and religious light and evidence, which were intended to be afforded mankind, and of what has actually been and is their situation, in their moral and religious capacity; there would be nothing in all this igno- rance, doubtfulness, and uncertainty, in all these varieties, and supposed disadvantages of some in comparison of others, respect- ing religion, but may be paralleled by manifest analogies in the natural dispensations of Providence at present, considering our selves merely in our temporal capacity. Nor is there any thing shocking m all this, or which would seem to bear hard upoa the moral administration in nature, if wo would really keep in mind, that every one shall be dealt equitably with: instead of forgetting this, or explaining it away, after it if acknowledged in words. . All shadow of injustice, and indeed aU CHAP. VI. SUPPOSED DEFICIENCY IX ITS PROOF 251 harsh appearances, iu this various ecouomy of Providence, would be lost, if we would keep in mind, that every merciful allowance shall be made, and no more be required of any one, than what might have been equitabl}^ expected of him, from th^ circum- stances in wbich he was placed; and not what might have been expected, had he been placed iu other circumstances: i.e. in Scripture language, that every man shall be accepted accordina to what he had, not according to what he had not."^ This how- ever does not by any means iuiply, that all persons' condition here is equally advantageous with respect to futurity. And Providence's designing to place some in greater darkness with respect to religious knowledge, is no more a reason why they should not endeavor to get out of that darkness, and others to bring them out of it, than why ignorant and slow people in matters of other knowledge should not endeavor to learn, or should not be instructed. It is not unreasonable to suppose, that the same wise and good principle, whatever it was, which disposed the x\uthor of nature to make different kinds and orders of creatures, disposed him also to place creatures of like kinds iu different situations. And that the same principle which disposed him to make' creatures of different moral capacities, disposed him also to place creatures of like moral capacities in different religious situations; and even the same creatures, in different periods of their being. The ac- count or reason of this is also most probably the account why the constitution of things is such, as that creatures of moral natures or capacities, for a considerable part of that duration in which they are living agents, are not at all subjects of morality and reli- gion ; but grow up to be so, and grow up to be so more and more, gradually from childhood to mature age. ^Yhat, in particular, is the account or reason of these things, we must be greatly in the dark, were it only that we know so very little even of our own case. Our present state may possibly be the consequence of something past, of which we are wholly ignorant: as it has a reference to somewhat to come, of which we know scarce any more than is necessary for practice. A system or constitution, in its notion, implies variety; and so implicated a one as this world, very great variety. So that * 2 Cor. viii. 12. v;)V KEVELATION NOT UNIVERSAL: part ]i were revelation uuiversal, yet, from men's diflferent capacities of understaDdiiig, from the difi'erent leugths of their lives, their diflereut educations and other external circumstances, and from their difference of temper and bodily constitution, their religious situations would be widely different, and the disadvantage of some in comparison of others, perhaps, altogether as much as at present. The true account, whatever it be, why mankind, or such a part of mankind, are placed in this condition of ignorance, must be supposed also the true account of our further ignorance, in not knowing the reasons why, or whence it is, that they are placed in this condition. The following practical reflections may deserve the serious con- sideration of those persons, who think the circumstances of man- kind or their own, in the forementioned respects, a ground of complaint. Flrstj The evidence of religion not appearing obvious, may constitute one particular part of some men's trial in the religious sense : as it gives scope, tor a virtuous exercise, or vicious neglect of their understanding, in examining or not examining into that evidence. There seems no possible reason to be given, why we may not be in a state of monil probation, with regard to the exer^ cise of our understanding upon the subject of religion, as we are with regard to our behavior in common affairs. The former is as much a thing within our power and choice as the latter. And I suppose it is to be laid down for certain, that the same character, the same inward principle, which, after a man is convinced of the truth of religion, renders him obedient to the precepts of it, would, were he not thus convinced, set him about an examination of it, upon its system and evidence being offered to his thoughts : and that in the latter state his examination would be with an impartiality, seriousness, and solicitude, proportionable to what his obedience is in the former. And as inattention, negligence, want of all serious concern, about a matter of such a nature and such importance, when offered to men's consideration, is, before a distinct conviction of its truth, as real depravity and dissolute- ness, as neglect of religious practice after such conviction: so active solicitude about it, and fair impartial consideration of its evidence before such conviction, is as really an exercise of a morally right temper; as is religious practice after. Thus, ihar -JHAP. Ti. SUPPOSED DEFICIENCY IN ITS PROOF. 253 religion is not intuitively true, but a matter of deducti m and inference; that a conviction of its truth is not forced upon ev^erj one, but left to be, by some, collected with heedful attention to premises; this as much constitutes religious probation, as much affords sphere, scope, opportunity, for right and wrong behavior, as any thing whatever does. x\ud their manner of treating this subject, when laid before them, shows what is in their heart, and is an exertion of it. Secondly, It appears to be a thing as evident, though it is not so much attended to, that if, upon consideration of religion, the evidence of it should seem to any persons doubtful, in the highest supposable- degree; even this doubtful evidence will, however, put them into a general state of probation in the moral and reli- gious sense. For, suppose a man to be really in doubt, whether such a person had not done him the greatest favor; or, whether his whole temporal interest did not depend upon that person; no oue, who had any sense of gratitude and of prudence, could possibly consider himself in the same situation, with regard to such person, as if he had no such doubt. In truth, it is as just to say, that certainty and doubt are the same, as to say the situa- tious now mentioned would leave a man as entirely at liberty in point of gratitude or prudence, as ho Wuuld be, were he certain he had received no favor from such person ; or that he no way depended upon him. Thus, though the evidence of religion which is afforded to some men should be little more than tbey are given to see, the system of Christianity, or religion in general, to be supposable and credible; this ought in all reason to beget a serious practical apprehension, that it mat/ be true. And even this will afford matter of exercise for religious suspense and de- liberation, for moral resolution and self-government; because the apprehension that religion may be true does as really lay men under obligations, as a full conviction that it is true. It gives occasion and motives to consider further the important subject; to preserve attentively upon their minds a general implicit sense that they may be under divine moral government, an awful solici- tude about religion, whether natural or revealed. Such appre- hension ought to turn men's eyes to every degree of new light irhich may be had, from whatever side it comes; and induce ^hem to refrain, in the mean time, from all immoralities, and live 22 254 BEVELATION NOT UNIVERSAL: part n. :a tliP coDBcientious practice of every common virtue. Especially arc tbey bound to keep at the greatest distance from all dissolute profaneness, for this the very nature of the case forbids; and to treat with highest reverence a matter, upon which their own whole interest and being, and the fate of nature, depend. This behavior, and an active endeavor to maintain within themselves this temper, is the business, the duty, and the wisdom of those persons, who complain of the doubtfulness of religion: is what they are under the most proper obligations to. And such beha- vior is an exertion of, and has a tendency to improve in them, that character, which the practice of all the several duties of reli- gion, from a full conviction of its truth, is an exertion of, and has a tendency to improve in others : others, I say, to whom God has afforded such conviction. Nay, considering the infinite im- portance of religion, revealed as well as natural, I think it may be said in general, that whoever will weigh the matter thoroughly may see, there is not near so much difference, as is commonly imagined, between what ought in reason to be the rule of life, to those persons who are fully convinced of its truth, and to those who have only a serious doubting apprehension, that it may be true. Their hopes, and fears, and obligations, will be in various degrees: but, as the subject-matter of their hopes and fears is the same, so the subject-matter of their obligations, what they are bound to do and to refrain from, is not so very unlike. It is to be observed further, that, from a character of under- standing, or a situation of influence in the world, some persons have it in their power to do infinitely more harm or good, by getting an example of profaneness and avowed disregard to all religion, or, on the contrary, of a serious, though perhaps doubt- ing, apprehension of its truth, and of a reverent regard i-o it under tjiis doubtfulness; than they can do, by acting well or ill in all the common intercourses among mankind. Consequently they are most highly accountable for a behavior, which, they may easily foresee, is of such importance, and in which there is most plainly a right and a wrong; even admitting the evidence ot reli- gion to be as doubtful as is pretended. The ground of these observations, and that which renders them just and true, is, that doubting necessarily implies aomt decree of evidence for that, of which we doubt. For no person would ^HAP. VI. SUPPOSED DEFICiExNCY IN ITS PROOF. 955 be in doubt concerning the truth of a number of facts so and so circumstanced, which should accidentally come into his thoughts, and of which he had no evidence at all. And though in the case of an even chance, and where consequently we were in doubt, we should in common language say, that we had no evi dence at all for either side; yet that situation of things, which renders it an even chance and no more, that such an event will happen, renders this case equivalent to all others, where there is such evidence on both sides of a question,* as leaves the mind in doubt concerning the truth. Indeed in all these cases, there is no more evidence on one side than on the other; but there is (what is equivalent to) much more for either, than for the truth of a number of facts, which come into one's thoughts at random. Thus, in all these cases, doubt as much piesupposes evidence, in lower degrees, as belief presupposes higher, and certainty higher still. Any one, who will a little attend to the nature of evidence, will easily carry this observation on, and see, that between no evidence at all, and that degree of it which affords ground of doubt, there are as many intermediate degrees, as there are, be- tween that degree which is the ground of doubt, and demonstra- tion. And though we have not faculties to distinguish these degrees of evidence with any sort of exactness; yet, in proportion as they are discerned, they ought to influence our practice. It is as real an imperfection in the moral character, not to be in- . fluenced in practice by a lower degree of evidence when discerned, as it is in the understanding, not to discern it. And as, in all subjects which men consider, they discern the lower as well as higher degrees of evidence, proportionably to their capacity of understanding; so, in practical subjects, they are iDfluenced in practice, by the lower as well as higher degrees of it, proportion- ably to their fairness and honesty. And as, in proportion to de- fects in the understanding, men are unapt to see lower degrees of evidence, are in danger of overlooking evidence when it is not glaring, and are easily imposed upon in such cases; so, in pro- portion to the corruption of the heart, they seem capable of satis- fying themselves with having no regard in practice to evidence acknowledged to be real, if it be not overbearing. From these L s-hiiicrs it must follow, that doubling concerninir religion implies 256 REVELATION NOT UNIVERSAL; part ii (Sucl. a degree of evidence for it, as, joiued with the 3onsideration of its importance, unquestionably lays men under the obligations before mentioned, to have a dutiful regard to it in all their behavior. Thirdly, The difficulties in which the evidence of religion is involved, which some complain of, is no more a just ground of complaint, than the external circumstances of temptation, which others are placed iuj or than difficulties in the practice of it, after a full conviction of its truth. Temptations render our state a more improving state of discipline,* than it would be other- wise : as they give occasion for a more attentive exercise of the virtuous principle, which confirms and strengthens it more, than an easier or less attentive exercise of it could. Speculative diffi- culties are, in this respect, of the very same nature with these external temptations. For the evidence of religion not appearing obvious, is to some persons a temptation to reject it, without any consideration at all; and therefore requires such an attentive exercise of the virtuous principle, seriously to consider that evi- dence, as there would be no occasion for, but for such temptation. And the supposed doubtfulness of its evidence, after it has been in some sort considered, aifords opportunity to an unfair mind of explaining away, and deceitfully hiding from itself, that evidence which it might see; and also for men's encouraging themselves in vice, from hopes of impunity, though they do clearly see thus much at least, that these hopes are uncertain. In like manner the common temptation to many instances of folly, which end in temporal infamy and ruin, is the ground for hope of not being detected, and of escaping with impunity; I.e. the doubtfulness of the proof beforehaiid, that such foolish behavior will thus end in infamy and ruin. On the contrary, supposed doubtfulness iu the evidence of religion calls for a more careful and attentive exercise of the virtuous principle, in fairly yielding themselves up to the proper influence of any real evidence, though doubtful; and in practising conscientiously all virtue, though under some uncertainty, whether the government in the universe may not possibly be such, as that vice may escape with impunity. And in general, temptation, meaning by this word the lesser allure- ments to wrong and difficulties in the discharge of our dury, ua * Part I. chap. v. CHAP. VI. SUPPOSED DEFICIENCY IN ITS PROOF. £57 well as the greater ones; temptation, I say, as such and of every kind and degree, as it calls forth some virtuous eiforls, additional to what would otherwise have been wanting, cannot but be an additional discipline and improvement of virtue, as well as proba- tion of it in the other senses of that word.* So that the very game account is to be given, why the evidence of religion should be left in such a manner, as to require, in some, an attentive, solicitous, perhaps painful exercise of their understanding about it; as why others should be placed in such circumstances, as that the practice of its common duties, after a full conviction of the truth of it, should require attention, solicitude, and pains : or, why appearing doubtfulness should be permitted to aflbrd matter of temptation to some; as why external difficulties and allure- ments should be permitted to afford matter of temptation to others The same account also is to be given, why some should be exer- cised with temptations of both these kinds; as why others should be exercised with the latter in such very high degrees, as some have been, particularly as the primitive Christians were. Nor does there appear any absurdity in supposing, that the speculative difficulties, in which the evidence of religion is in- volved, may make even the principal part of some persons' trial. For as the chief temptations of the generality of the world are the ordinary motives to injustice, or unrestrained pleasure, or to live in the neglect of religion, from that frame of mind which renders many persons almost without feeling as to any thing dis- tant, or which is not the object of their senses; so there are other persons without this shallowness of temper, persons of a deeper sense as to what is invisible and future; who not only see, but have a general practical feeling, that what is to come will be present, and that things are not less real for their not being the objects of sense; and who, from their natural constitution of body and of temper, and from their external condition, may have small temptations to behave ill, small difficulty in behaving well, in the common course of life. Now when these latter persons have a distinct full conviction of zne truth of religion, without Hny possible doubts or difficulties, the practice of it is to them unavoidable, unless they do a constant violence to their own minds; and religion is scarce any more a discipline to them, thaTj * Part I. chap. iv. .nnd pp. liiG, 157. ^58 REVELATION NOT UNIVERSAL: part n it is to creatures in a state of perfection. Yet these persons maj possibly stand in need of moral discipline and exercise, in a higher degree than they would have by such an easy practice of religion. Or it may be requisite, for reasons unknown to us, that they should give some further manifestation* what is their moral cha- racter, to the creation of God, than such a practice of it would be. Thus in the great variety of religious situations in which men are placed, what constitutes, what chiefly and peculiarly constitutes, the probation, in all senses, of some persons, may be the difficulties in which the evidence of religion is involved : and their principal and distinguished trial may be, how they will behave under and with respect to these difficulties. Circum- stances in men's situation in their temporal capacity, analogous in good measure to this respecting religion, are to be observed. We find some persons are placed in such a situation in the world, as that their chief difficulty with regard to conduct, is not the doing what is prudent when it is known ; for this, in numberless cases, is as easy as the contrary : but to some the principal exer- cise is, recollection and being upon their guard against deceits, the deceits suppose of those about them ; against false appear- ances of reason and prudence. To persons in some situations. The principal exercise with respect to conduct is, attention in order to inform themselves what is proper, what is really the reasonable and prudent part to act. \_Fourthlij.'] As I have hitherto gone upon supposition, that men's dissatisfaction with the evidence of religion is not owing to their neglects or prejudices ; it must be added, on the other hand, in all common reason, and as what the truth of the case plainly requires should be added, that such dissatisfaction pos- sibly may be owing to those, possibly may be men's own fault. For, If there are any persons, who never set themselves heartily and in earnest to be informed in religion : if there are any, who secretly wish it may not prove true; and are less attentive to evidence than to difficulties, and more to objections than to what is said in answer to them : these persons will scarce be thought in a likely way of seeing the evidence of religion, though it were most certainly true, and capable of being ever so fully prjved * Pp. 156, 157. CHAP. VI. SUPPOSED DEFICIENCY IN ITS PROOF. 259 If any accustom themselves to consider this subject in the way of mirth and sport : if they attend to forms and repre- sentations, and inadequate manners of expression, instead of the real things intended by them : (for signs often can be no more than inadequately expressive of the things signified :) or if they substitute human errors in the room of divine truth ; why may not all, or any of these things, hinder some men from seeing that evidence, which really is seen by others ; as a like turn of mind, with respect to matters of common speculation and practice, does, we find by experience, hinder them from attaining that knowledge and right understanding, in matters of common speculation and practice, which more fair and attentive minds attain to? And the effect will be the same, whether their neglect of seriously considering the evidence of religion, and their indirect behavior with regard to it, proceed from mere carelessness, or from the grosser vices; or whether it be owing to this, that forms and figurative manners of expression, as well as errors, administer occasions of ridicule, when the things intended, and the truth itself, would not. Men may indulge a ludicrous turn so far as to lose all sense of conduct and prudence in worldly affairs, and even, as it seems, to impair their faculty of reason. And in general, levity, carelessness, passion, and prejudice do hinder us from being rightly informed, with respect to common things : and they 07102/, in like manner, and perhaps, in some further providential manner, with respect to moral and religious subjects : may hinder evidence from being laid before us, and from being seen when it is. The Scripture* does declare, that every one shall not under- stand. And it makes no difference, by what providential con- duct this comes to pass : whether the evidence of Christianity was, originally and with design, put and left so, as that those who are desirous of evading moral obligations should not see it ; and *■ Dan. xii. 10. See also Isa. xxix. 13, 14 : Matt. vi. 23, and xi. 25, and xiii. 11, 12: John iii. 19, and v. 44 : 1 Cor. ii. 14, and 2 Cor. iv. 4 : 2 Tim. iii. 13: and that affectionate as well as authoritative admonition, so very many times inculcated, He that hath earn to hear, let him hear. Grotius saw so strongly the thing intended in these and other passages of Scripture of the like sense, as to say, that the proof given us of Christianity was less than it might have heen, hr this very purpose: Ut ita sermo Evamjeli! tnnquam la2)i>s eaaet Lydiua ad quevi inijeuia sanahilia exjilorarentur. De Ver. R. C. lib. ii. [So that the fiu^pel should he a touchstone, to test the honesty of men's dispositions.j iOO REVELATION NOT UNIVERSAL; i-ari n thai honest-miDcled persons should : or^ whether it coines to pass by any other means. Further : [^Fifthly.'] The general proof of natural religion and of Christianity does, I think, lie level to common men : even those, the greatest part of whose time, from childhood to old age, is taken up with providing for themselves and their families the common conveniences, perhaps necessaries, of life : those I mean, of this rank, who ever think at all of asking aftei proof, or attending to it. Common men, were they as much in earnest about religion, as about their temporal affairs, are capable of being convinced upon real evidence, that there is a God who governs the world : and they feel themselves to be of a moral nature, and accountable creatures. And as Christianity entirely falls in with this their natural sense of things, so they are capa- ble, not only of being persuaded, but of being made to see, that there is evidence of miracles wrought in attestation of it, and many appearing completions of prophecy. This proof, though real and conclusive, is liable to objections, and may be run up into difficulties ; which however persons who are capable not only of talking of, but of really seeing, are capa- ble also of seeing through : i.e. not of clearing up and answering them, so as to satisfy their curiosity, for of such knowledge we are not capable with respect to anyone thing in nature; but capable of seeing that the proof is not lost in these difficulties, or destroyed by these objections. But then a thorough examina- tion into religion with regard to these objections, which cannot be the business of every man, is a matter of pretty large compass, and, from the nature of it, requires some knowledge, as well as time and attention ; to see, how the evidence comes out, upon balancing one thing with another, and what, upon the whole, is the amount of it. If persons who pick up these objections from others, and take for granted they are of weight, upon the word of those from whom they received them, or, by often retailing of them, come to see or fancy they see them to be of weight; will not prepare themselves for such an examination, with a com- petent degree of knowledge; or will not give that time and attention to the subject, which, from the nature of it, is neces- sary for attaining such information : in this case, they must remain in doubtfulness, 'gnoiance, or error : in the same way an CBAP. VI. SUPPOSED DEFICIENCY IN ITS PROOF 261 they must, with regard to common sciences, and matters of com- mon life, if they neglect the necessary means of being informed in them. Perhaps it will still be objected, that if a prince or com- mon master were to send directions to a servant, he would take care, that they should always bear the certain marks, who they came from, and that their sense should be always plain: so as that there should be no possible doubt if he could help it, con- cerning the authority or meaning of them. The proper answer to all this kind of objections is, that, wherever the fallacy lies, it is even certain we cannot argue thus with respect to Him who is the Governor of the world : and that he does not afford us such information, with respect to our temporal affairs and interests, experience abtindantly shows. However, there is a full answer to this objection, from the very nature of religion The reason why a prince would give his directions in this plain manner is, that he absolutely desires an external action done, without concerning himself with the motive or principle upon which it is done : i.e. he regards only the ex- ternal event, or the thing's being done ; and not at all, properly speaking, the doing of it, or the action. Whereas the whole of morality and religion consisting merely in action itself, there is no sort of parallel between the cases. But if the prince be supposed to regard only the action ; i.e. only to desire to exercise, or in any sense prove, the understanding or loyalty of a servant ; he would not always give his orders in such a plain manner. It may be proper to add, that the will of God, respecting morality and religion, maybe considered either as absolute, or as only con- ditional. If it be absolute, it can only be thus, that we should act virtuously in such given circumstances ; not that we should be ' -ought to act so, by this changing of our circumstances. And if i'd's will be thus absolute, then it is in our power, in the highest and strictest sense, to do or to contradict his will; which is a most weighty consideration. Or his will may be considered only - conditional, that if we act so and so, we shall be rewarded; if otherwise, punished : of which conditional will of the x\uthor of nature, the whole constitution of it aftords most certain instances. Upcii fh*^ whole : that we are in a state of religion necessarily 262 REVELATION NOT UNIVERSAL. paht u implies, that we are in a state of probation : and toe credibility of our being at all in such a state being admitted, there seems no peculiar difficulty in supposing our probation to be, just as it is, in those respects which are above objected against. There seems no pretence, from the reason of the thing, to ^ay, that the trial cannot equitably be any thing, but whether persons will act suitably to certain information, or such as admits no room foi doubt; so as that there can be no danger of miscarriage, but either from their not attending to what they certainly know, or from overbearing passion hurrying them on to act contrary to it. For, since ignorance and doubt, afford scope for probation in all senses, as really as intuitive conviction or certainty; and since the two former are to be put to the same account as difficulties in practice ; men's moral probation may also be, whether they will take due care to inform themselves by impartial consideration, and afterwards whether they will act as the case requires, upon the evidence which they have, however doubtful. And this, we find by experience, is frequently our probation,* in our temporal capacity. For, the information which we want with regard to our worldly interests is by no means always given us of course, without any care of our own. And we are greatly liable to self- deceit from inward secret prejudices, and also to the decwts of others. So that to be able to judge what is the prudent part, often requires much and difficult consideration. Then after we have judged the very best we can, the evidence upon which we must act, if we will live and act at all, is perpetually doubtful to a very high degree. And the constitution and course of the world in fact is such, as that want of impartial consideration what we have to do, and venturing upon extravagant courses be- cause it is doubtful what will be the consequence, are often natu- rally, i e. providentially, altogether as fatal, as misconduct occa- fcioued by heedless inattention to «what we certainly know, or disregarding it from overbearing passion. Several of the observations here made may well seem strange, perhaps unintelligible, to many good men. But if the persons for whose 5ake they are made think so, (persons who object as above, and throw off all regard to religion under pretence of want of evidence ;) I desire them to consider again, whether their think- •* Pp. 100, 257, Ac. CHAP. VII. PARTICULAR EVIDENCE FOR CHRISTIANITY. 2C)?) 'ng so be owing to any thing unintelligible in these observations, )r to their own not having such a sense of religion and serious solicitude about it, as even their state of scepticism does in all reason require ? It ought to be forced upon the reflection of these persons, that our nature and condition necessarily require us, in the daily course of life, to act upon evidence much lower than what is commonly called probable : to guard, not only against what we fully believe will, but also against what we think it sup- posable may, happen ; and to engage in pursuits when the proba- bility is greatly against success, if it even be credible, that possibly we may succeed in them. CHAPTER VII. THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE FOR CHRISTIANITY. The presumptions against revelation, and objections against the general scheme of Christianity, and particular things relating to it, being removed, there remains to be considered, what posi- tive evidence we have for the truth of it; chiefly in order to see, what the analogy of nature suggests with regard to that evidence, and the objections against it : or to see what is, and is allowed to be, the plain natural rule of judgment and of action, in our temporal concerns, in cases where we have the same kind of evidence, and the same kind of objections against it, that we have in the case before us. In the evidence of Christianity there seem to be several things of great weight, not reducible to the head, either of miracles, or the completion of prophecy, in the common acceptation of the words. But these two are its direct and fundamental proofs : and those other things, however considerable they are, yet ought never to be urged apart from its direct proofs, but always to be joined with them. Thus the evidence of Christianity will be a long series of things, reaching, as it .seems, from the beginning if the world to the present time, of great variety and compass, caking in both the direct and also the collateral, proofs, and making up, all of them together, one argument. The conviction arising from this kind of proof may be compared to what they 2C)4 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part n. call the effect, in architecture or other works of art; a result from a great number of things, so and so disposed, and taken into one view. I. shall therefore, first, make some observations relating to miracles, and the appearing completions of prophecy; and consider what analogy suggests, in answer to the objections brought against this evidence. And, secondly, I shall endeavor to give some account of the general argument now mentioned, consisting both of the direct and collateral evidence, considered as making up one argument : this being the kind of proof, upon which we determine most questions of difficulty, concerning common facts, alleged to have happened, or seeming likely to happen ; especially questions relating to conduct. First, I shall make some observations upon the direct proof of Christianity from miracles and prophecy, and upon the objections alleged against it.* I. Now the following observations relating to the historical evidence of miracles wrought in attestation of Christianity ap- pear to be of great weight. 1. The Old Testament affords us the same historical evidence of the miracles of Moses and of the prophets, as of the common civil history of Moses and the kings of Israel; or, as of the affairs of the Jewish nation. And the Gospels and the Acts afford us the same historical evidence of the miracles of Christ and the apostles, as of the common matters related in them. This indeed could not have been affirmed by any reasonable man, if the authors of these books, like many other historians, had appeared to aim at an entertaining manner of writing, and hence interspersed miracles in their works, at proper distances and upon proper occasions. These might have animated a dull relation, amused the reader, and engaged his attention. And the same account would naturally have been given of them, as of the speeches and descriptions given by such authors : the same ac- count, in a manner, as is to be given, why the poets make use of wonders and prodigies. But the facts, both miraculous and natural, in Scripture, are related in plain unadorned narratives, » [See "WiTSii Meletemeta, Diss. IV. : Pfafii Di?put: Campbell on Miracles? : Douglass' Criterion : Farmer's Dissertatiot^s :. Palry's Evid. : Taylor's Apol. of Ben Mordecai : Tucker's Light of Nat. : Watson's Tracts, vol. iv. : JoRTiys Sermons : Bp. Flektwood's Essays : Boyle Lectures ; Lardneic s Credibility.] CHAP. VII. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 266 and both of them appear, in all respects, to stand upon the same foot of historical evidence.*' Further: some parts of Scripture, containing an account of miracles fully sufficient to prove the truth of Christianity, are quoted as genuine, from the age in which they are said to be written, down to the present: and no other parts of them, material in the present question, are omitted to be quoted in such manner, as to afford any sort of proof of their not being genuine. And, as common history, when called in question in any instance, may often be greatly confirmed by contemporary or subsequent events more known and acknowledged; and as the common Scripture history, like many others, is thus confirmed; so like- wise is the miraculous history of it, not only in particular in- stances, but in general. For, the establishment of the Jewish and Christian religions, which were events contemporary with the miracles related to be wrought in attestation of both, or subse- quent to them, these events are just what we should have ex- l^ectcd, upon supposition such miracles were really wrought to attest the truth of those religions. These miracles are a satis- factory account of those events : of which no other satisfactory account can be given; nor any account at all, but what is merely imaginary and invented It is to be added, that the most obvious, the most easy and direct account of this history, how it came to be written, and to be received in the world as a true history, is that it really is so; nor can any other account of it be easy and direct. Now, though an account, not at all obvious, but very far-fetched and indirect, may be and often is, the true account of a matter, yet it cannot be admitted on the authority of its being asserted. Mere guess, supposition, and possibility, when opposed to historical evidence, prove nothing, but that historical evidence is not demonstrative. The just consequence from all this, I think is, that the Scrip- ture history in general is to be admitted as an authentic genuine history, till something positive be alleged sufficient to invalidate *> [•' The miracles of the Jewish historian, are intimately connected with all the civil affairs, and make a necessary and inseparable part. The whole hi.story is founded in them ; it consists of little else ; and if it were not a history of them, it would be a history of nothing." — Boli.ngbroke, Posthumoofl Works, vol. iii. p. 279.] 23 266 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part ii it. No man will deny the consequence to be, that it cannot be rejeoted, or thrown by as of no authority, till it can be proved to be of none; even though the evidence now mentioned for its authority were doubtful. This evidence may be confronted by historical evidence on the other side, if there be any: or general incredibility in the things related, or inconsistence in the general turn of the history, would prove it to be of no authority. But since, upon the face of the matter, upon a first and general view, the aiypearance is, that it is an authentic history, it cannot be determined to be fictitious, without some proof that it is so. The following observations in support of these, and coincident with them, will greatly confirm the historical evidence for the truth of Christianity. 2. The Epistles of Paul, from the nature of epistolary writing, and moreover from several of them being written, not to particu- lar persons but to churches, carry in them evidences of their being genuine, beyond what can be in a mere historical narrative, left to the world at large. This evidence," joined with that which they have in common with the rest of the New Testament, seems not to leave so much as any particular pretence for deny- ing their genuineness, considered as an ordinary matter of fact, or of criticism: I say 'particular pretence, for denying it; be- cause any single fact, of such a kind and such antiquity, may have general doubts raised concerning it, from the very nature of human affairs and human testimony. There is also to be men- tioned a distinct and particular evidence of the genuineness of the epistle chiefly referred to here, the first to the Corinthians; from the manner in which it is quoted by Clemens Romanus, in an epistle of his own to that church.* Now these epistles afford " [An admirable work on this recondite mode of proving the truth of the New Testament narrative, is Paley's Horas Paulinae. The snrae department of e^i- (ience is ably handled by Birk, in his Horao Evansrelicae. and Horse ApostolicEe : Graves on the Pentateuch : and Blunt in his " Undesigned Coincidences both of the Old and New Testament." Grotius, De Veritate, has some excellent passages on the same subject.] * [Clem. Rom. Ep. 1. c. 47.] Clejtent, who is here quoted, lived in the first century, and is mentioned Phil. iv. 3. His epistle to the Corinthians, written in Greek, contains the passage here referred to, which may be thus translated; "Take the letter of the blessed Paul the Apostle. What did he write to you, in the first beginning of the Gospel? Truly he sent you a divinely inspired letter about himself, a-nd Cephas, and Apollos." CHAP. VII. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 267 a proof of Christianity, detached from all others, which is, 1 think, a thing of weight; and also a proof of a nature and kind peculiar to itself. For, In V them the author declares, that he received the Gospel in general, and the institution of the Communion in particular, not from the rest of the apostles, or jointly together with them, but alone, from Christ himself; whom he declares likewise, conform- ably to the history in the Acts, that he saw after his ascension.* So that the testimony of Paul is to be considered, as detached from that of the rest of the apostles. He declares further, that he was endued with a power of work- ing miracles, as what was publicly known to those very people, speaks of frequent and great variety of miraculous gifts as then subsisting in those very churches, to which he was writing; which he was reproving for several irregularities, and where he had personal opposers. He mentions these gifts incidentally, in the most easy manner, and without effort; by way of reproof to those who had them, for their indecent use of them; and by way of depreciating them, in comparison of moral virtues. In short he speaks to these churches, of these miraculous powers, in the manner any one would speak to another of a thing, which was as familiar, and as much known in common to them both, as any thing in the world. y And this, as hath been observed by several persons, is surely a very considerable thing. 8. It is an acknowledged historical fact, that Christianity offered itself to the world, and demanded to be received, upon the allegation, (I'.e. as unbelievers would speak, upon the pre- tence,) of miracles, publicly wrought to attest the truth of it, in such an age; and that it was actually received by great numbers in that very age, and upon the professed belief of the reality of these miracles. And Christianity, including the dispensation of the Old Testament, seems distinguished by this from all other religions. I mean, that this does not appear to be the case with regard to any other; for surely it will not be supposed to lie upon any person, to prove by positive historical evidence, that it Was not. It does in no sort appear that Mahometanism was first * Gal. i.: 1 Cor. xi. 23, Ac. : 1 Cor. xv. 8. + Rom. XV. 19 : 1 Cor. xii. 8, 9, 10-28. Ac, and xiii. 1, 2, 8, aud the whole V4th chapter: 2 Cor. xii. 12, 1.3 : Gal. iii. 2, 5. 268 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE parth. received in the world upon the foot of supposed miracles,* i.e. public ones :** ror, as revelation is itself miraculous, all pretence to it must necessarily imply some pretence of miracles. And it is a known fact, that it was immediately, at the very first, pro- pagated by other means. And as particular institutions, whether in Paganism or Popery, said to be confirmed by miracles after those institutions had obtained, are not to the purpose : so, were there what might be called historical proof, that any of thorn were introduced by a supposed divine command, believed to be attested by miracles; these would not be in any wise parallel. For single things of this sort are easy to be accounted for, after parties are formed, and have power in their hands; and the leaders of them are in veneration with the multitude; and politi- cal interests are blended with religious claims, and religious dis- tinctions. But hefure any thiog of this kind, for a few persons, and those of the lowest rank, all at once, to bring over such great numbers to a new religion, and get it to be received upon the particular evidence of miracles; this is quite another thing. I think it will be allowed by any fair adversary, that the fact now mentioned, taking in all the circumstances, is peculiar to the Christian religion. However, the fact itself is allowed, that Christianity obtained, i.e. was professed to be received in the world, upon the belief of miracles, immediately in the age in which it is said those miracles were wrought: or that this is what its first converts would have alleged, as the reason for their embracing it. It is not to be supposed that such numbers of men, in the most distant parts of the world, should forsake the religion of their country, in which they had been educated; separate themselves from their friends, particularly in their festival shows and solemnities, to which the common people are so greatly addicted, and which were of a nature to engage them much more, than any thing of that sort among us : and embrace * See the Koran, chap. xiii. and chap. xvii. * [Mahomet expressly declares that he worked no public miracles in con- firmation of his mission, "because the former nations have charged them with imposture." He claims, however, to have had private miraculous assurances ^f his mission, and most preposterous they were. Whately, in his Christian Evidences, has handled this aspect of miracles writh great ability. See also Paley's Evid^^rccs, sec. 3: and Gibbon's Decline and Fall, chap. 1.] I CHAP. vn. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 269 a religion.^ vhich could not but expose them to many incon veniences, and indeed must have been a giving up the world in a great degree, even from the very first, and before the empire en- gaged in form against them: it cannot be supposed, that such numbers should make so great, and to say the least, so incon- venient a change in their whole institution of life, unless they were really convinced of the truth of those miracles, upon the knowledge or belief of which they professed to make it. And it will, I suppose, readily be acknowledged, that the generality of the first converts to Christianity must have believed them : that as by becoming Christians they declared to the world, they were satisfied of the truth of those miracles; so this declaration was to be credited. And this their testimony is the same kind of evidence for those miracles, as if they had put it in writing, and these writings had come down to us. And it is real evi- dence, because it is of facts, which they had capacity and full opportunity to inform themselves of. It is also distinct from the direct or express historical evidence, though it is of the same kind : and would be allowed to be dis- tinct in all cases. For were a fact expressly related by one or more ancient historians, and disputed in after ages; that this fact is acknowledged to have been believed by great numbers of the age in which the historian says it was done, would be allowed an additional proof of such fact, quite distinct from the express testimony of the historian. The credulity of mankind is acknow- ledged : and the suspicions of mankind ought to be acknowledged too; and their backwardness even to believe, and greater still to practise, what makes against their interest. And it must par- ticularly be remembered, that education, and prejudice, and authority, were against Christianity, in the age I am speaking of. So that the immediate conversion of such numbers is a real presumption of somewhat more than human in this matter.* 1 « [Alexander, in his Evidences, and several other writers have placed tliis argument in a very convincing light. Arnobius, one of the earliest Christian writers, asks, "Shall we say that the men of those times were inconsiderate, deceitful, stupid, and brutish enough to feign having seen what they never saw? and that when they might have lived in peace and comfort, they chose gratuitous hatred and obloquy?" The rejection of Christianity by so many in the first age was the result of cue continued action of personal and hereditary prejudice and depravity 2a* 270 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE paut ll. Bay presumption, for it is not alleged ns u proof alone and by itself. Nor need any one of the things mentioned in this chapter be considered as a proof by itself: and yet all of them together may be one of the strongest.* Upon the whole : as there is large historical evidence, both direct and circumstantial, of miracles wrought in attestation of Christianity, collected by those who have writ upon the subject; it lies upon unbelievers to show why this evidence is not to be credited. This way of speaking is, I think, just; and what per- sons who write in defence of religion naturally fall into. Yet, in a matter of such unspeakable importance, the proper question is, not whom it lies upon, according to the rules of argument, to maintain or confute objections : but whether there really are any, against this evidence, sufficient, in reason, to destroy the credit of it. However, unbelievers seem to take upon them the part of showing that there are. They allege, that numberless enthusiastic people, in different ages and countries, expose themselves to the same difficulties which the primitive Christians did; and are ready to give up their lives for the most idle follies imaginable. It is not very clear, to what purpose this objection is brought. For surely, every one, in every case, must distinguish between opinions and facts. And though testimony is no proof of enthusiastic opinions, or of any opinion at all; yet it is allowed, in all other cases, to be a proof of facts. A person's laying down his life in attesta- tion of facts or of opinions, is the strongest proof of his believ- ing them. And if the apostles and their contemporaries did be- lieve the fact*, in attestation of which they exposed themselves to sufferings and death; this their belief, or rather knowledge, must be a proof of those facts: for they were such as came under the observation of their senses. And though it is not of equal weight, yet it is of weight, that the martyrs of the next age, notwithstanding they were not eye-witnesses of those facts. capable of resisting any snpposable evidence. The reception of Christianity ly multitudes, under the same evidences, and to their immediate personal damage, shows strongly that there was enough evidence to produce those effects. Thus the rejection by some does not countervail Ihe accep*^nce bj others,] * P. 294, &o. CHAP. VII. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 271 as were the apostles and their contemporaries, had, however. ^ulJ opportunity to inform themselves whether they were true or not. and gave equal proof of their believing them to be true. But enthusiasm, it is said, greatly weakens the evidence ot testimony even for facts, in matters relating to religion: some seem to think it totally and absolutely destroys the evidence of testimony upon this subject. The powers of enthusiasm, and of diseases too, which operate in a like manner, are indeed verj wonderful, in particular instances. But if great numbers of men, not appearing in any peculiar degree weak, nor under any peculiar suspicion of negligence, affirm that they saw and heard such things plainly, with their eyes and their ears, and are admitted to be in earnest; such testimony is evidence of the strongest kind we can have, for any matter of fact. Possibly it may be overcome, strong as it is, by incredibility in the things thus attested, or by contrary testimony. And in an instance where one thought it was so overcome, it might be just to consider, how far such evidence could be accounted for by enthusiasm; for it seems as if no other imaginable account were to be given of it. But till such incredibility be shown, or contrary testimony pro- duced, it cannot surely be expected, that so far-fetched, so in- direct and wonderful an account of such testimony, as that of enthusiasm must be ; an account so strange, that the generality of mankind can scarce be made to understand what is meant by it; it cannot, I say, be expected that such an account will be admitted of such evidence; when there is this direct, e^sy, and obvious account of it, that people really saw and heard a thing not incredible, which they affirm, sincerely and with full as- surance, they did see and hear. Granting then that enthusiasm is not (strictly speating) an absurd, but a possible account of such testimony, it is manifest, that the very mention of it goes upon the previous supposition, that the things so attested are incredible : and therefore need not be considered, till they are shown to be so. Much le.ss need it be considered, after the contrary has been proved. And I think it has been proved, to full satisfaction, that there is no incredi- bility ill a revelation, in general; or in such a one as the Chris- tian, in particular. However, as religion is supposed peculiarly liable t^-> entbusiam, it may just be observed, that prejudice* 272 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE parf n almost without niiiiiber, and without name, such as romance, affection, humor, a desire to engage attention, or to surprise, party spirit, custom, little competitions, unaccountable likings and dislikings ; these influence men strongly in common matters. And as these prejudices are often scarce known or reflected upon by the persons themselves who are influenced by them, they are to be considered as influences of a like kind to enthusiasm. Yet human testimony, in common matters, is naturally and justly believed, notwithstanding. It is intimated further, in a more refined way of observation, that though it should be proved, that the apostles and first Chris- tians could not, in some respects, be deceived themselves, and in other respects, cannot be thought to have intended to impose upon the world, yet it will not follow that their general testi- mony is to be believed, though truly handed down to us : because they might still in part, i.e. in other respects, be deceived them- selves, and in part also designedly impose upon others; which, it is added, is a thing very credible, from that mixture of real enthusiasm, and real knavery, to be met with in the same characters/ I must confess, I think the matter of fact contained in this observation upon mankind is not to be denied; and that some- thing very much akin to it is often supposed in Scripture as a very common case, and most severely reproved. But it were to have been expected, that persons capable of applying this obser- vation as applied in the objection, might also frequently have met with the like mixed character, in instances where religion was quite out of the case. The thing plainly is, that mankind are naturally endued with reason, or a capacity of distinguishing between truth and falsehood ; and as naturally they are endued with veracity, or a regard to truth in what they say: but from many occasions they are liable to be prejudiced and biassed and deceived themselves, and capable of intending to deceive others, in every degree : insomuch that, as we are all liable to be de- ceived by prejudice, so likewise it seems to be not an uncommon thing, for persons who, from their regard to truth, would not invent a lie entirely without any foundation at all, to propagate it with heightening circumstances, after it is once invented and ' [Co^lpare Butler's Sermons; on Baliiam, and on Self-deieit.'i CHAP. ni. FOR CHRISTIAXIiy. 27S set a-going. And others, though they would not 2:>roj}agate a lie, yet, which is a lower degree of falsehood, will let it pass without contradiction. But notwithstanding all this, human testimony remains still a natural ground of assent; and this assent a natural principle of action. It is objected further, that however it has happened, the fact is, that mankind have, in different agos, been strangely deluded with pretences to miracles and wonders. But it is by no means to be admitted, that they have been oftener, or are at all more liable to be deceived by these than by other pretences. It is added, that there is a very considerable degree of his- torical evidence for miracles, which are, on all hands, acknow- ledged to be fabulous. But suppose there were even the like historical evidence for these, to what there is for those alleged in proof of Christianity, which yet is in no wise allowed, but sup- pose this ; the consequence would not be, that the evidence of the latter is not to be admitted. Nor is there a man in the world, who in common cases, would conclude thus. For what would such a conclusion really amount to but this, that evidence, confuted by contrary evidence, or any way overbalanced, destroys the credibility of other evidence, neither confuted nor over- balanced ? To argue that because there is, if there were, like evidenoe from testimony, for miracles acknowledged false, as for those in attestation of Christianity, therefore the evidence in the latter case is not to be credited ; this is the same as to argue, that if two men of equally good reputation had given evidence in different cases no way connected, and one of them had been convicted of perjury, this confuted the testimony of the other ! Upon the whole then, the general observation, that human creatures are so liable to be deceived, from enthusiasm in reli- gion, and principles equivalent to enthusiasm in common matters, and in both from negligence ; and that they are so capable of dishonestly endeavoring to deceive others; this does indeed weaken the evidence of testimony in all cases, but does not destroy it in any. And these things will appear, to different men, to weaken the evidence of testimony, mi different degrees: in degrees proportionable to the observations they have made, or the notions they have any way takou up, concerning the weak- ness and negligence and dishonestj of mankind ; or concerning 274 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part u. the powers of enthusiasm, and prejudices equivalent to it. But it seerus to me, that people do not know what they say, who affirm these things to destroy the evidence from testimony which we have, ol the truth of Christianity. Nothing can destroy the evidence of testimony in any case, but a proof or probability, that persons are not competent judges of the facts to which they give testimony ; or that they are actually under some indirect, influence in giving it, in such particular case. Till this be made out, the natural laws of human actions require, that testimony be admitted. It can never be sufficient to overthrow direct historical evidence, indolently to say, that there are so many prin- ciples, from whence men are liable to be deceived themselves, and disposed to deceive others, especially in matters of religion, that one knows not what to believe. And it is surprising per- sons can help reflecting, that this very manner of speaking sup- poses they are not satisfied that there is nothing in the evidence, of which they speak thus ; or that they can avoid observing, if they do make this reflection, that it is on such a subject, a very material one.* Over against all these objections is to be set the importance of Christianity, as what must have engaged the attention of its first converts, so as to have rendered them less liable to be deceived from carelessness, than they would in common matters; and like- wise the strong ohligatlons to veracity^ which their religion laid them under : so that the first and most obvious presumption is, that they could not be deceived themselves nor deceive others. And this presumption, in this degree, is peculiar to the testimony we have been considering. In argument, assertions are nothing in themselves, and have an air of positiveness which sometimes is not very easy: yet they are necessary, and necessary to be repeated ; in order to connect a discourse, and distinctly to lay before the view of the reader, what is proposed to be proved, and what is left as proved. Now the conclusion from the foregoing observations is, I think, beyond all doubt, this : that unbelievers must be forced to admit the ex- ternal evidence for Christianity, i.e. the proof of miracles wrought to attest it, to be of real weight and very couvsideruble. ; though they cannot allow it to be sufficient, to convince th<^Hi jf th«i * See tLe foregoing chapter. I CHAP. VII. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 275 reality of those miracles. And as they must, in all reason, admit this ; so it seems to me, that upon consideration they would, in fact, admit it; those of them, I mean, who know any thing at all of the matter; in like manner as persons, in many cases, own they see strong evidence from testimony, for the truth of things, which yet they cannot be convinced are true : cases, suppose, where there is contrary testimony; or things which they think, whether with or without reason, to be incredible. But there is no testimony contrary to that which we have been considering : and it has been fully proved, that there is no incredibility in Christianity in general, or in any part of it. II. As to the evidence for Christianity from prophecy, I shall only make some few general observations, which are suggested by the analog}^ of nature; i.e. by the acknowledged natural rules of judging in common matters, concerning evidence of a like kind to this from prophecy. 1. The obscurity or unintelligibleness of one part of a prophecy does not, in any degree, invalidate the proof of foresight, arising from the appearing completion of those other parts, which are understood. For the case is evidently the same, as if those parts which are not understood were lost, or not written at all, or written in an unknown tongue. Whether this observation be commonly attended to or not, it is so evident, that one can scarce bring oneself to set down an instance in common matters, to exemplify it. However, suppose a writing, partly in cipher, and partly in plain words at length; and that in the part one under- stood, there appeared mention of several known facts; it would never come into any man's thoughts to imagine, that if he under- stood the whole, perhaps he might find, that those facts were not in reality known by the writer. Indeed, both in this example and in the thing intended to be exemplified by it, our not under- standing the whole (the whole, suppose, of a sentence or a para- graph) might sometimes occasion a doubt, whether one understood the literal moaning of such a part : but this comes under another consideration. For the same reason, though a man should be incapable, for want of learning, or opportunities of iiicjuiry, or from not having turned his studies this way, even so much as to judge whether particular prophecies have been throughout completely fulfilled; ^>76 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part ii yet he may sej, in general, that they have been fulfilled to such a degree, as, upon very good ground, to be convinced of foresight more than human in such prophecies, and of such events being intended by them. For the same reason also, though, by means of the deficiencies in civil history, and the different accounts of historians, the most learned should not be able to make out to satisfaction, that such parts of the prophetic history have been minutely and throughout fulfilled; yet a very strong 'proof of foresiyld may arise, from that general completion of them, which is made out. As much perhaps, as the giver of prophecy in- tended should ever be afforded by such parts of prophecy. 2. A long series of prophecy being applicable to such and such events, is itself a proof that it was intended of them : as the rules by which we naturally judge and determine, in common cases parallel to this, will show.^ This observation I make in answer to the common objection against the application of the prophe- cies, that, considering each of them distinctly by itself, it does not at all appear, that they were intended of those particular events to which they are applied by Christians; and therefore it is to be supposed, that if they meant any thing, they were in- tended of other events unknown to us, and not of these at all. Now there are two kinds of writing, which bear a great re- semblance to prophecy, with respect to the ujatter before us: the mythological, aod the satirical, where the satire is to a certain degree concealed. And a man might be assured, that he under- stood what an author intended by a fable or parable related with- out any application or moral, merely from seeing it to be easily capable of such application, and that such a moral might natu- rally be deduced from it. And he might be fully assured, that such persons and events were intended in a satirical writing, merely from its being applicable to them. And, agreeable to the last observation, he might be in a good measure satisfied of it, 8 ["Whenever a general scheme is known to he pursued by a writer, thaii Bcheoie becomes the true key in the hands of his reader, for unlocking the meaning of particular parts, which would otherwise not be seen clearly to refer to such scheme. The inspired writers had one common and predominant scheme in view, which was to hear teatimony to Jesus. Whatever passages occur in their writings, which bear an apt and easy resemblance to the hi?lorj of Jesus, may, or rather must in all reasonable construction, be .i.p)>lied to him."— UuKi) on the Proph., p. 117.] CHAP. VII. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 27'^ though he were not enough informed in affairs, or in the stor^ of such persons to understand half the satire. For, his satisfac- tion that he understood the meaning, the intended meaning, of these writings, would be greater or less in proportion as he saw the general turn of them to be capable of such application; and in proportion to the number of particular things capable of it. And thus, if a long series of prophecy is applicable to the present state of the church, and to the political situations of the king- doms of the world, some thousand years after these prophecies were delivered ; and a long series of prophecy delivered before the coming of Christ is applicable to him; these things are in themselves a proof, that the prophetic history was intended of him, and of those events : in proportion as the general turn of it IS capable of such application, and to the number and variety of particular prophecies capable of it. And though, in all just way of consideration, the obvious completion of prophecies is to be allowed to be thus explanatory of, and to determine, their mean- ing; yet it is to be remembered further, that the ancient Jews applied the prophecies to a Messiah before his coming,^ in much the same manner as Christians do now : and that the primitive Christians interpreted the prophecies respecting the state of the church and of the world in the last ages, in the sense which the event seems to confirm and verify. From these things it may be made appear : 3. That the showing even to a high probability, if that could be, that the prophets thought of some other events, in such and such predictions, and not those which Christians allege to be completions of those predictions; or that such and such prophe- cies are capable of being applied to other events than those, to which Christians apply them — that this would not confute or destroy the force of the argument from prophecy, even with re- gard to those very instances. For, observe how this matter really is. If one knew such a person to be the sole author of such a book, and was certainly assured, or satisfied to any degree, that one knew the whole of what he intended in it; one should be tiesured or satisfied to such degree, that one knew the whole *» [Consult ou this point, Gulick, Theologia Propbetica: Vitrixga, Observa- tiones: IIkngstknburg, Cbristologia: Horslky's Tracts and Sermons: King's Uorsols (*■ Criticism : Wacgh's Di^rsertations : Lyalls Propoedia Piophetica.] 24 27h THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part ii Qieuning of that book : for the nieauing of a book is nothing but the meaning of the author. But if one knew a person to have compiled a book out of memoirs, which he received from another, of vastly superior knowledge in the subject of it, especially if it were a book full of great intricacies and difficulties; it would in no wise follow, that one knew the whole meaning of the book, from knowing the whole meaning of the compiler: for the original author of them, might have, and there would be no presumption, in many cases, against supposing him to have, some further meaning than the compiler saw. To say then that the Scrip- tures, and the things contaiued in them, can have no other oi further meaning than those persons had, who first recited or wrote them, is evidently saying, that those persons were the original, proper, and sole authors of those books, i.e. that they are not inspired: which is absurd, while the' authority of these books is under examination; i.e. till you have determined they are of no divine authority at all. Till this be determined, it must in all reason be supposed, not indeed that they have, (for this is taking for granted that they are inspired;) but that they may have, some further meaniug than what the compilers saw or understood. And, upon this supposition, it is supposable also, that this further meaning may be fulfilled. Events corresponding to prophecies, interpreted in a different meaniug from that, in which the prophets are supposed to have understood them; affords in a manner, the same proof, that this different sense was originally intended, as it would have afforded, if the prophets had not understood their predictions in the sense it is supposed they did : because there is no presumption of their sen.-,e of them being the whole sense of them. And it has been already shown, that the apparent completions of prophecy must be allowed to be explanatory of its meaniug. So that the ques- tion is, whether a series of prophecy has been fulfilled, in a natural or proper, i.e. in any real sense of the words of it. For such completion is equally a proof of foresight more than human, whether the prophets are, or are not, supposed to have under- stood it in a different sense. I say, supposed : for, though 1 think it clear, that the prophets did not understand the full meaning of their predictions, it is another question, how far they thought they did; and in what sense they understood them CHAP. vii. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 279 Hence may be seen, to how little purpose those persons busy themselves, who endeavor to prove, that the prophetic history is applicable to events of the age in which it was written, or of ages before it. To have proved this, before there was any appearance of a further completion of it, might have answered some purpose ; for it might have prevented the expectation of any such further completion. Thus could Porphyry have shown, that some prin- cipal parts of the book of Daniel, for instance the seventh verse of the seventh chapter, which the Christians interpreted of the latter ages, was applicable to events, which happened before or about the age of Antiochus Epiphanes; this might have prevented them from expecting any further completion of it. And, unless there was then, as I think there must have been, external evi- dence concerning that book, more than is come down to us; such a discovery might have been a stumbling-block in the way of Christianity itself: considering the authority which our Savior has given to the book of Daniel, and how much the general scheme of Christianity presupposes the truth of it. But even this discovery, had there been any such,* would be of very little weight with reasonable men now; if this passage, thus applicable to events before the age of Porphyry, appears to be applicable also to events, which succeeded the dissolution of the Roman empire. I mention this, not at all as intending to insinuate, that the division of this empire into ten parts, for it plainly was divided into about that number, were, alone and by itself, of any moment in verifying the prophetic history: but only as an ex- ample of the thing 1 am spciikiiig of. Thus upon the whole, the matter of inquiry evidently must be. as above put. Whether the prophecies are applicable to Christ, and to the present state of the world, and of the church ; applicable in such a degree, as tu imply fiJresight: not whether they are capahU of any otlier appli- * It appears that Porphyry did nothing worth mentioning in this way. For Jerome on the place says : Dua% ponteriores bestiaa — in *mo Maccdunum regno pouit. And as to the ten kings; Decern rejea eniimerat, qui fuenint sceviasimi : ipaosque regea non uniua ponit reyni, verbi grtitin, Mocedoniie, Syrice, Asia;, et ^Eijypti ; aed de diveraia r-.-gnia minin efficit regmu ordineni. [" Tlie two hitter ♦easts he places in one of the Macedonian kingdoms." " He reckons up ten kings .vlio had been excessively cruel and these not kings of one country, as Mace- donia, for instance, or Syria, or Asia, or Egypt; but makes up his set of kinga ••ut of ditfcrent kingdoms."] In this way of interpretation, any thing may b« ■^ade o' any thing. 280 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part ii cation. Though I know no pretence for saying the p^eneral turn of them is capable of any other. These observations are, I think, just, and the evidence referred to in them real : though there may be people who will not accept of such imperfect information from Scripture. Some t^o have not integrity and regard enough to truth, to attend to evidence, which keeps the mind in doubt, perhaps perplexity, and which is much of a different sort from what they expected. It plainly requires a degree of modesty and fairness, beyond what every one has, for a man to say, not to the world but to himself, that there is a real appearance of great weight in this matter, though he is not able thoroughly to satisfy himself about it; but that it shall have its influence upon him, in proportion to its apparent reality and weight. It is much more easy, and more falls in with the negligence, presumption, and wilfulness of the generality, to determine at once, with a decisive air. There is nothing in it. The prejudices arising from that absolute contempt and scorn, with which this evidence is treated in the world, I do not men- tion. For what can be said to persons, who are weak enough in their understandings to think this any presumption against it; or, if they do not, are yet weak enough in their temper to be in- fluenced by such prejudices, upon such a subject'/ Secondly, I shall endeavor to give some account of the general argument for the truth of Christianity, consisting both of the direct and circumstantial evidence considered as making up one argument. To state and examine this argument fully, would be a work much beyond the compass of this whole treatise; nor is so much as a proper abridgment of it to be expected here. Yet the present subject requires to have some brief account of it given. For it is the kind of evidence, upon which most questions of diffi- culty, in common practice, are determined : evidence arising from various coincidences, which support and confirm each other, and in this manner prove, with more or less certainty, the point under consideration. I choose to do it also : First, because it seems to be of the greatest importance, and not duly attended to by every one, that the proof of revelation is not some direct and express things only, but a great variety of circumstantial things also; and that though each of these direct and circumstantial things ia indeed to be considered separately, yet they are afterwards to be CHAP. VII. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 281 joined together; for that the proper force of the c/idence eon- jsists in the result of those several things, considered in their respects to each other, and united into one view. In the next place, because it seems to me, that the matters of fact here set down, which are acknowledged by unbelievers, must b^ acknow- ledged by them also to contain together a degree of evidence of great weight, if they could be brought to lay these several things before themselves distinctly, and then with attention consider them together; instead of that cursory thought of them, to which we are familiarized. For being familiarized to the cursory thought of things as really hinders the weight of them from being seen, as from having its due influence upon practice. The thing asserted, and the truth of which is to be inquired into, is this: That over and above our reason and afi"ections, which God has given us for the information of our judgment and the conduct of our lives, he has also, by external revelation, given us an account of himself and his moral government over the world, implying a future state of rewards and punishments; i.e. hath revealed the system of natural religion : (for natural religion may be externally* revealed by God, as the ignorant may be taught it by their fellow-creatures) — that God, I say, has given us the evi- dence of revelation, as well as the evidence of reason, to ascertain this moral system; together with an account of a particular dis- pensation of Providence, which reason could no way have dis- covered, and a particular institution of religion founded on it, for the recovery of mankind out of their present wretched condition, and raising them to the perfection and final happiness of their nature. This revelation, whether real or supposed, may be considered as wholly historical. For prophecy is nothing but the history of events before they come to pass; doctrines also are matters of fact; and precepts come under the same notion. The general design of Scripture, which contains in it this revelation, thus considered as historical, may be said to be, to give us an account of the world in this one single view, as God's world: by which it appears essentially distinguished from all other books, so far as 1 have found, except sucb as are copied from it. l'^ begins with -tu account of C )d's creation of the world, in order to ascertain, * P. 1S9, &c. 24* 2S2 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part ii. and distiiiguish from all others, who is the object of our worship, 6y what he has done : in order to ascertain, who he is, concerning whose providence, commands, promises, and threatenings, this gacred book, all along, treats; [viz.] the Maker and Proprietor of the world, he whose creatures we are, the God of nature: in order likewise to distinguish him from the idols of the nations, which are either imaginary beings, i.e. no beings at all; or else part of that creation, the historical relation of which is here given. And John, not improbably with an eye to this Mosaic account of the creation, begins his Gospel with an account of our Savior's pre-existence, and that all things were made hy hum,; and loidi- out Mm was not any thing made that was made:^ agreeably to the doctrine of Paul, that God created all things hy Jesus Christ. -\ This being premised, the Scripture, taken together, seems to pro- fess to contain a kind of an abridgment of the history of the world, in the view just now mentioned : that is, a general account of the condition of religion and its professors, during the continu- ance of that apostasy from God, and state of wickedness, which it everywhere supposes the world to lie in. And this account of the state of religion carries with it some brief account of the political state of things, as religion is affected by it. Kevelation indeed considers the common affairs of this world, and what is going on in it, as a mere scene of distraction; and cannot be sup- posed to concern itself with foretelling at what time Kome, or Babylon, or Greece, or any particular place, should be the most conspicuous seat of that tyranny and dissoluteness, which all places equally aspire to be; cannot, I say, be supposed to give any account of this wild scene for its own sake. But it seems to contain some very general account of the chief governments of the world, as the general state of religion has been, is, or shall be, affected by them, from the first transgression, and during the whole interval of the world's continuing in its present state, to a certain future period, spoken of both in the Old and New Testa- ment, very distinctly, and in great variety of expression: Hie times of the restitution of all things .-'l when the mystery of God ihall he finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets :% when the God of heaven shall set up a kingdom, which shall never he destroyed : and the kingdom shall not he left to other * John i. 3. t Eph. iii. 9. J Acts Hi. 21. ^ Rev. Jt 7. CHAP VII. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 283 l>c()ijle^^ as it is represented to be during this apostasy, but judg- ment shall he given to the saints,1[ and thei/ shall reign ;J ana thS4 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part iv farther as to iflake up a continued thread of history, of the length of between three and four thousand years. It contains an account of God's making a covenant with a particular nation, that they should be his people, and he would be their God, in a peculiar sense ; of his often interposing miraculously in their affairs; giving them the promise, and long after, the possession, of a particular country; assuring them of the greatest national prosperity in it, if they would worship him, in opposition to the idols which the rest of the world worshipped, and obey his com- mands ; and threatening them with unexampled punishments if they disobeyed him, and fell into the general idolatry : insomuch that this one nation should continue to be the observation and the wonder of all the world. It declares particularly, that God would scatter them among all 2^eople, frorti one end of the earth unto the other ; but that when they should return unto the Lord their God, he would have compassion upon them,, and gather them from all the nations, lohither he had scattered them: that Israel should be saved in the Lord, with an everlasting salvation ; and not he ashamed or confounded world without end.* And as some of these promises are conditional, others are as absolute as any thing can be expressed : that the time should come, when the people should be all righteous, and inherit the land forever : that though God would make a full end of all jiations u-hither he had scattered them, yet would he not make a fidl end of them, : that he would bring again the captivity of his people Israel, and plant them upon their land, and they should be no more pulled up out of their land : that the seed of Israel shoidd not cease from being a nation for ever. "^ It foretells, that God would raise them up a particular person, in whom all his promises should finally be fulfilled; the Messiah, who should be, in a high and eminent sense, their anointed Prince and Savior. This was foretold in such a manner, as raised a general expectation of such a person in the nation, as appears from the New Testament, and is an acknowledged fact; an expectation of his coming at such a particular time, before any one appeared claiming to be that per- son, and when there was no ground for such an expectation, but from the prophecies : which expectation, therefore, must \n all * Dent, xxviii. 64; xxx. 2, 3: Isa. xlv. 17. t lea. Ix. 21 : Jer. xxx. 11 ; xlvi. 28: Amos ix. 14, 15 : Jer. xxxi. 3(^ , I CHAP. vn. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 285 reason be presumed to be explanatory of those prcphecics, if there were any doubt about their meaning. It seems moreovei to foretell, that this person should be rejected by the nation tc whom he had been so long promised, though he was so much desired by them.* And it expressly foretells, that he should be the Savior of the Gentiles^ and that the completion of the scheme contained in this book, and then begun, and in its pro- gress, should be something so great, that in comparison with it, the restoration of the Jews alone would be but of small account. It is a light thing that thou should est he my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel : I loill also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou may est be for salvation unto the end of the earth. And, In the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house shall he established in the top of the mountains, and shall he exalted above the hills ; and all 7ia- tions shall flow into it — for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the loord of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall Judge among the nations — aiid the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day, and the idols he shall utterly abolish. '\ The Scripture further contains an account, that at the time the Messiah was expected, a person rose up in this nation, claim- ing to be that Messiah, to be the person to whom all the pro- phecies referred, and in whom they should center : that he spent some years in a continued course of miraculous works ; and endued his immediate disciples and followers with a power of doing the same, as a proof of the truth of that religion, which he commissioned them to publish : that invested with this au- thority and power, they made numerous converts in the remotest countries, and settled and established his religion in the world j to the end of which the Scripture professes to give a prophetic account of the state of this religion among mankind.' Jjet us now suppose a person utterly ignorant of history, to have * Isa. viii. 14, 15; xlix. 5; chap. liii. : Mai. i. 10, 11, and chap. iii. •f Isa. xlix. 6, chap, ii., chap, xi., chap. Ivi. 7: Mai. i. 11. To which must be added, the other prophecies of the like kind, several in the New Testament, and very many in the Old ; which describe what shall bo the completion of the revealed plan of Providence. [See Davidson's Disc, on Proph. : Bi.anev on Daniel's LXX, Weeks : Hunn's In. rod, to the Study of Proph.: Jorttn's Ser. at Boyle Lect. : Ful- i.Eu's Gotp its o'*n Witness, part ii. : WArcHS Diss. : Apthorpe's Discouraee.1 286 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part ii. all this related to him out of the Scripture. ( )r suppose such un one, having the Scripture put into his hands, to remark these things in it, not knowing but that the whole, even its civil his- tory, as well as the other parts of it, might be, from beginning to end, an entire invention ; and to ask, What truth was in it, and whether the revelation here related was real, or a fiction ? And, instead of a direct answer, suppose him, all at once, to be told the following confessed facts; and then to unite them into one view. Let him first be told, in how great a degree the profession and establishment of natural religion, the belief that there is one God to be worshipped, that virtue is his law, and that mankind shall be rewarded and punished hereafter, as they obey and dis- obey it here ; in how very great a degree, I say, the profession and establishment of this moral system in the world is owing to the revelation, whether real or supposed, contained in this book : the establishment of this moral system, even in those countries which do not acknowledge the proper authority of the Scripture.* Let him be told also, what number of nations do acknowledge its proper authority. Let him then take in the consideration, of what importance religion is to mankind. And upon these things he might, I think, truly observe, that this supposed revelation's obtaining and being received in the world, with all the circum- stances and effects of it, considered together as one event, is the most conspicuous and important event in the history of mankind: that a book of this nature, and thus promulged and recommended to our consideration, demands, as if by a voice from heaven, to have its claims most seriously examined ; and that, before such examination, to treat it with any kind of scoffing and ridicule, is ; u off"ence against natural piety. It is to be remembered, that how much soever the establishment of natural religion in the world is owing to the Scripture revelation, this does not destroy the proof of religion from reason, any more than the proof of Euclid's Elements is destroyed, by a man's knowing or thinking, that he shouM never have seen the truth of the several proposi- tions contained in it, nor had those propositions come into hi' thoughts, but for that mathematician. Let such a person as we are speaking of be, in the next piuce,. ^ P. 250. CHAP. vn. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 287 informed of the acknowledged antiquity of the first parts of this book; and that its chronology, its account of the time when the earth, and the several parts of it, were first peopled with human creatures, is no way contradicted, but is really confirmed, by the natural and civil history of the world, collected from common historians, from the state of the earth, and from the late inven- tion of arts and sciences. And as the Scripture contains an unbroken thread of common and civil history, from the creation to the captivity, for between three and four thousand years ; let the person we are speaking of be told, in the next place, that this general history, as it is not contradicted, but confirmed by profane history^ as much as there would be reason to expect, upon supposition of its truth ; so there is nothing in the whole history itself, to give any reasonable ground of suspicion of its not being, in the general, a faithful and literally true genealogy of men, and series of things I speak here only of the common Scripture history, or of the course of ordinary events related in it, as distinguished from miracles, and from the prophetic history. In all the Scripture narrations of this kind, following events arise cut of foregoing ones, as in all other histories. There appears nothing related as done in any age, not conformable to the manners of that age : nothing in the account of a succeeding age, which one would say could not be true, or was improbable, from the account of things in the preceding one. There is nothing in the characters, which would raise a thought of their being feigned ; but all the internal marks imaoinable of their beinsr real. It is to be added also, that mere genealogies, bare narratives of the number of ^ [Hundreds of instances might be adduced, in which profane historians corroborate the statements of the Scriptures. The following are merely speci- mens : DioDORUs SicuLus, Stuabo, Tacitus, Pliny, and Solinus, speak of the des*^ruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The lives of David and Solomon are given in the remains of the Phceniciax Annals, in Damascenus, and Eirpo- LEMUS. Menander describes the carrying away of the Ten Tribes by Sal manasor. Suetonius, Tacitus, Pliny the younger, and Numenius, speak of Jesus Christ. His miracles are owned by Celsus, Porphyry, Julian, and Jewish writers opposed to Christianity. Suetonius, Tacitus, Pliny, Julian, and others describe his being put to death ; and Tacitus says that many were put to death for adhering to his religion. Phlegox mentions the miracles of Peter; and Paul is enumerated among eminent authors, in a friigment of LoNlilNUS.l •:38 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part il years, whicli persons called by sucli and siicli names lived, do not carry the face of fiction; perhaps do carry^some presumption of veracity: and all unadorned narratives, which have nothing to surprise, may be thought to carry somewhat of the like presump- tion too. And the domestic and the political history is plainly credible. There may be incidents in Scripture, which, taken alone in the naked way thoy are told, may appear strange; espcr cially to persons of other manners, temper, education : but there are also incidents of undoubted truth, in many or most persons' lives, which, in the same circumstances, would appear to the full as strange.' There may be mistakes of transcribers, there may be other real or seeming mistakes, not easy to be particularly ac- counted for: but there are certainly no more things of this kind in the Scripture, than what were to have been expected in books of such antiquity; and nothing, in any wise, sujB&cient to dis- ci edit the general narrative. Now, that a history, claiming to commence from the creation, and extending in one continued series, through so great a length of tilne, and variety of events, should have such appearances of reality and truth in its whole contexture, is surely a very remark- able circumstance in its favor. And as all this is applicable to the common history of the New Testament, so there is a further credibility, and a very high one, given to it by profane authors: many of these writing of the same times, and confirming the truth of customs and events, which are incidentally as well as more purposely mentioned in it. And this credibility of the common Scripture-history, gives some credibility to its miraculous history : 1 [This thought is elaborated with skill by Whately in his " Historic Doubts." He takes up all the popular infidel objections as to the life of Christ, and applies them with undiminished or even increased force against the evidences that such a man as Buonaparte ever existed. Johnson in a lively sally once said — " It is easy to be on the negative side. I deny that Canada is t;iken. The French are a much more numerous people than we ; and it is not likely they would allow us to take it.' * But the Govern- ment have announced the fact.' 'Very true. But the ministry have put us to an enormous expense by the war in America, and it is their interest to persuade us that we have got something for our money.' ' But the fact is confirmed by thousands who were at the taking of it.' ' Aye, but these men have an interest in deceiving us : they don't want you should think the French have beat them. Now suppose you go over and find it so, that would only satisfy yourself; for when you come back we will not believe you. We will say you have beeu bribed.' " — Boswell.] CHAP. Yii. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 281l» especially as this is interwoven with the common, so as that they imply each other, and both together make up one relation. Let it then be more particularly observed to this person, that it is an acknowledged matter of fact, which is indeed implied in the foregoing observation, that there was such a nation as the Jews, of the greatest antiquity, whose government and general polity was founded on the law, here related to be given them by Moses as from heaven : that natural religion, with rites additional yet no way contrary to it, was their established religion, which cannot be said of the Gentile world : and that their very being as a nation, depended upon their acknowledgment of one Grod, the God of the universe. For, suppose in their captivity in Babylon, they had gone over to the religion of their conquerors, there would have remained po bond of union, to keep them a distinct people. And while they were under their own kings, in their own country, a total apostasy from God would have been the dissolution of their whole government. They in such a sense nationally acknowledged and worshipped the Maker of heaven and earth, when the rest of the world were sunk in idolatry, as rendered them, in fact, the peculiar people of God. This re- markable establishment and preservation of natural religion among them, seems to add peculiar credibility to the historical evidence for the miracles of Moses and the prophets. Because these miracles are a full satisfactory account of this event, which plainly needs to be accounted for, and cannot be otherwise. Let this person, supposed wholly ignorant of history, be ac- quainted further, that one claiming to be the Messiah, of Jewish extraction, rose up at the time when this nation, from the pro- phecies above mentioned, expected the Messiah : that he was rejected, as it seemed to have been foretold he should, by the body of the people, under the direction of their rulers : that in the course of a very few years, he was believed on and acknow- ledged as the promised Messiah, by great numbers among the Gentiles, agreeably to the prophecies of Scripture, yet not upon the evidence of prophecy, but of miracles,* of which miracles we have also strong historical evidence; (by which I mean here no more than must be acknowledged by unbelievers; for let pious frauds and follies be admitted to weaken, it is absurd to say they * P. 267, Ac. T 25 290 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part u. destroy our evidence of miracles wrought in proof of Christianity :)* that this religion approving itself to the reason of mankind, and carrying its own evidence with it, so far as reason is a judge of its system, and being no way contrary to reason in those part? of it which require to be believed upon the mere authority of its Author; that this religion, I say, gradually spread and supported itself for some hundred years, not only without any assistance from temporal power, but under constant discouragements, and often the bitterest persecutions from it; and then became the religion of the world : that in the mean time the Jewish nation and government were destroyed in a very remarkable manner, and the people carried away captive and dispersed through the most distant countries; in which state of dispersion they have remained fifteen hundred years : and that they remain a numerous people, united among themselves, and distinguished from the rest of the world, as they were in the days of Moses, by the profession of his law; and everywhere looked upon in a manner, which one scarce knows how distinctly to express, but in the words of the prophetic account of it, given so many ages before it came to pass: Tliou shall become an astonishment, a proverhy and a hyword, among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee.-f The appearance of a standing miracle, in the Jews remaining a distinct people in their dispersion, and the confirmation which this event appears to give to the truth of revelation, may be thought to be answered, by their religion's forbidding them inter- marriages with those of other nations, and prescribing them many peculiarities in their food, by which they are debarred from in- curporating with the people in whose countries they live. This is not, I think, a satisfactory account of that which it pretends to account for. But what does it pretend to account for? The correspondence between this event and the prophecies; or the coincidence of both, with a long dispensation of Providence, of a peculiar nature, towards that people? No. It is only the event itself, which is offered to be thus accounted for: which single event, taken alone, abstracted from all such correspondence and coincidence, perhaps would not have appeared miraculous: but that correspondence and coincidence may be so, though the event * P. 270, &Q. t Deut. xxviii. 37 CHAP. VII. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 291 itsi.'lf be supposed not. Thus the concurrence of our Saviour'8 being born at Bethlehem, with a long foregoing series of prophecy and other coincidences, is doubtless miraculous; the series oj prophecy, and other coincidences, and the event, being admitted: though the event itself appears to have been brought about in a natural way; of which, however, no one can be certain. As several of these events seem, in. some degree expressly, to have verified the prophetic history already, so likewise they may be considered further, as having a peculiar aspect towards the full completion of it; as affording some presumption that the whole of it shall, one time or other, be fulfilled. Thus, that the Jews have been so wonderfully preserved in their long and wide dispersion; which is indeed the direct fulfilling of some prophe- cies, but is now mentioned only as looking forward to somewhat yet to come: that natural religion came forth from Judea, and spread, in the degree it has done over the world, before lost in idolatry; which, together with some other things, have distin- guished that very place, in like manner as the people of it are distinguished : that this great change of religion over the earth was brought about under the profession and acknowledgment, that Jesus was the promised Messiah : things of this kind natu- rally turn the thoughts of serious men towards the full completion of the prophetic history, concerning the final restoration of that people; concerning the establishment of the everlasting kingdom among them, the kingdom of the Messiah; and the future state of the world, under this sacred government. Such circumstances and events, compared with these prophecies, though no comple- tions of them, yet would not, I think, be spoken of as nothing in the argument, by a person upon his first being informed of them. They fall in with the prophetic history of things still future, give it some additional credibility, and have the appearance of being somewhat in order to the full completion of it. Indeed it requires a good degree of knowledge, and great calmness and consideration, to be able to judge thoroughly of the evidence for the truth of Christianity, from that part of the prophetic history which relates to the situation of the kingdoms of the world, and to the state of the church, from the establish- ment of Christianity to the present time. But it appears from a general view of it, to be very material. And those persons wao L>ff2 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part n. have thoroughly examined it, and some of them were men of the coolest tempers, greatest capacities, and least liable to imputations of prejudice, insist upon it as determinately conclusive. [Conclusion.] Suppose now a person quite ignorant of his- tory, first to recollect the passages above mentioned out of Scrip- ture, without knowing but that the whole was a late fiction, then to be informed of the correspondent facts now mentioned, and to unite them all into one view : that the profession and establish- ment of natural religion in the world is greatly owing, in differ- ent ways, to this book, and the supposed revelation which it contains; that it is acknowledged to be of the earliest antiquity; that its chronology and common history are entirely credible; that this ancient nation, the Jews, of whom it chiefly treats, appear to have been, in fact, the people of God, in a distin- guished sense ; that, as there was a national expectation among them, raised from the prophecies, of a Messiah to appear at such a time, so one at this time appeared claiming to be that Messiah; that he was rejected by this nation, but received by the Gentiles, not upon the evidence of prophecy, but of miracles; that the religion he taught supported itself under the greatest difficulties, gained ground, and at length became the religion of the world ; that in the mean time the Jewish polity was utterly destroyed, and the nation dispersed over the fiice of the earth ; that not- withstanding this, they have remained a distinct numerous people for so many centuries, even to this day; which not only appears to be the express completion of several prophecies concerning them, but also renders it, as one may speak, a visible and easy possibility that the promises made to them as a nation, may yet be fulfilled. To these acknowledged truths, let the person we have been supposing add, as I think he ought, whether every one will allow it or no, the obvious appearances which there are, of the state of the world, in other respects besides what relates to the Jews, and of the Christian church, having so long answered, and still answering to the prophetic history. Suppose, I say, these facts set over against the things before mentioned out of the Scrip- ture, and seriously compared with them ; the joint view of both together must, I think, appear of very great weight to a con siderate reasonable person : of much greater indeed, upon having J CHAP. vn. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 293 them first laid before him, than is easy for us, who are so familiar- ized to them, to conceive, without some particular attention for that purpose. All these things, and the several particulars contained under them, require to be distinctly and most thoroughly examined into ; that the weight of each may be judged of, upon such exa- mination, and such conclusion drawn, as results from their united force. But this has not been attempted here. I have gone no further than to show, that the general imperfect view of them now given, the confessed historical evidence for miracles, and the many obvious appearing completions of prophecy, together with the collateral things* here mentioned, and there are several others of the like sort ; that all this together, which, being fact, must be acknowledged by unbelievers, amounts to real evidence of somewhat more than human in this matter : evidence much more important, than careless men, who have been accustomed only to transient and partial views of it, can imagine ] and indeed abun- dantly sufficient to act upon. And these things, I apprehend, must be acknowledged by unbelievers. For though they may gay, that the historical evidence of miracles wrought in attesta- tion of Christianity, is not sufficient to convince them, that such miracles were really wrought: they cannot deny, that there is such historical evidence, it being a known matter of fact that there is. They may say, the conformity between the prophecies and events is by accident : but there are many instances in which such conformity itself cannot be denied. They may say, with regard to such kind of collateral things as those above mentioned, that any odd accidental events, without meaning, will have a meaning found in them by fanciful people : and that such as are fanciful in any one certain way, will make out a thousand coinci- dences, which seem to favor their peculiar follies. Men, I say, may talk thus : but no one who is serious, can possibly think these things to be nothing, if he considers the importance of collateral things, and even of lesser circumstances, in the evi- dence of probability, as distinguished in nature, from the evidence of demonstration. In many cases indeed it seems to require the truest judgmjnt, to determine with exactness the weight of cir^ * Ah the particular things mentioned in this chapter, not reducible to the Vead of certain miracles, or determinate completions of prophecy. See p. 263. 25-s 294 THE PARTICULAR EVIDENCE part u. curastantial evidence : but it is very often altogether as convincing, as that which is the most express and direct. This general view of the evidence for Christianity, considered as making one argument, may also serve to recommend to serious persons, to set down every thing which they think may be of any real weight at all in proof of it, and particularly the many seeming completions of prophecy: and they will find, that, judging by the natural rules, by which we judge of probable evidence in common matters, they amount to a much higher degree of proof, upon such a joirit review^ than could be sup- posed upon considering them separately, at different times ; how strong soever the proof might before appear to them, upon such separate views of it. For probable proofs, by being added, not only increase the evidence, but multiple/ it.™ Nor should I dis- suade any one from setting down, what he thought made for the contrary side. But then it is to be remembered, not in order to influence his judgment, but his practice, that a mistake on one side may be, in its consequences, much more dangerous, than a mistake on the other. And what course is most safe, and what most dangerous, will be thought a very material consideration, when we deliberate, not concerning events, but concerning con- duct in our temporal afi"airs. To be influenced by this considera- tion in our judgment, to believe or disbelieve upon it, is indeed' as much prejudice, as any thing whatever. And, like other pre- judices, it operates contrary ways, in difi'erent men; for some are ™ [Butler states this argument with more than his usual brevity, and its force is not seen without reflection. " If contrivance or accident could have given to Christianity- a»?/ of its apparent testimonies, its miracles, its prophe- cies, its morals, its propagation, or [the character of] its founder, there could be no room to believe, or even imagine, that all these appearances of great credibility, could be united together, by any such means. If successful craft could have contrived its public miracles, or the pretence of them, it requires another reach of craft, to adopt its prophecies to the same object. Further, it required not only a different, but a totally opposite art to conceive and pro- mulgate its admirable morals. Again, its propagation, in defiance of the powers and terroi's of the world, implied still other qualities of action. Lastly, the model of the life of its founder, is a work of such originality and wisdom, as could be the offspring only of consummate poweis '^»f invention, or rather never could have been devised, but must have come from real lite. The hypo- thesis sinks under its incredibility. Each of these supposicions of contrivance, being arbitrary and unsupported, the climax of them is an extra. ^agance."— Davison, on Prophecy.] CHAP. VII. FOR CHRISTIANITY. 295 inclined to believe what they hope, and others what they fear. And it is manifest unreasonableness to apply to men's passions in order to g-ain their assent. But in deliberations concerning conduct, there is nothing which reason more requires to be taken intc the account, than the importance of it. For, suppose it doubtful, what would be the consequence of acting in this, or in the contrary manner : still, that taking one side could be attended with little or no bad consequence, and taking the other might be attended with the greatest, must appear, to unprejudiced reason, of the highest moment towards determining how we are to act. The truth of our religion, like the truth of common matters, is to be judged of by all the evidence taken together. And unless the whole series of things which may be alleged in this argu- ment, and every particular thing in it, can reasonably be sup- posed to have been by accident (for here the stress of the argument for Christianity lies) ; then is the truth of it proved : in like manner, as if in any common case, numerous events acknowledged, were to be alleged in proof of any other event disputed; the truth of the disputed event would be proved, not only if any one of the acknowledged ones did of itself clearly imply it, but, though no one of them singly did so, if the whole of the acknowledged events taken together could not in reason be supposed to have happened, unless the disputed one were true. It is obvious, how much advantage the nature of this evidence gives to those persons who attack Christianity, especially in con- versation. For it is easy to show, in a short and lively manner, that such and such things are liable to objection, that this and another thing is of little weight in itself; but impossible to show, in like manner, the united force of the whole argument in one view. Lastly, as it has been made appear, that there is no presump- tion against a revelation as miraculous ; that the general scheme of Christianity, and the principal parts of it, are conformable to the experienced constitution of things, and the whole perfectly credible : so the account now given of the positive evidence for it, shows, that this evidence is such, as, from the nature of it cannot be destroyed, though it should be lessened- CHAPTER VIII. OBJECTIONS AGAINST ARGUING FROM THE ANALOGY OP NATURE, TO RELIGION. If every one would consider, with such attention as they are bound, even in point of morality, to consider, what they judge and give characters of; the occasion of this chapter would be, in some good measure at least, superseded. But since this is not to be expected; for some we find do not concern themselves to understand even what they write against : since this treatise, in common with most others, lies open to objections, which may appear very material to thoughtful men at first sight ; and, be- sides that, seems peculiarly liable to the objections of such as can judge without thinking, and of such as can censure without juviiging ; it may not be amiss to set down the chief of these objtictions which occur to me, and consider them to their hands. Th^y are such as these : '' That it is a poor thing to solve difficulties in revelation, b^ sayiejg, that there are the same in natural religion ; when what is Wfc.ntiug is to clear both of them of these their common, aa well as other their respective, difficulties; that it is a strange way indeed of convincing men of the obligations of religion, to show them, that they have as little reason for their worldly pur- suits : and a strange way of vindicating the justice and goodness of the Author of nature, and of removing the objections against both, to which the system of religion lies open, to show, that the like objections lie against natural providence ; a way of answering objections against religion, without so much as pretending to make out, that the system of it, or the particular things in it objected against, are reasonable — especially, perhaps some may be inattentive enough to add, must this be thought strange, when it is confessed that analogy is no answer to such objections : that when this sort of reasoning is carried to the utmost length it can be imagined capable of, it will yet leave the mind in a very uq- satisfiod state j^ and that it must be unaccountable ignorance ot' mankind, to imagine they will be prevailed with to forego then 296 CHAP. VIII. OBJECTIONS AGAINST THE ANALOGY. 29i present interests and pleasures, from regard to religion, upon doubtful evidence." Now, as plausible as this way of talking may appear, that ap- pearance will be found in a great measure owing to half views, which show but part of an object, yet show that indistinctly, and to undeterminate languao;e. By these means weak men are often deceived by others, and ludicrous men, by themselves. And even those, who are serious and considerate, cannot always readily dis- entangle, and at once clearly see through the perplexities, in which subjects themselves are involved; and which are height- ened by the deficiencies and the abuse of words. To this latter sort of persons, the following reply to each part of this objection severally, may be of some assistance ; as it may also tend a little to stop and silence others. First, The thing wanted, i.e. what men require, is to have all difficulties cleared. And this is, or at least for any thing we know to the contrary, it may be, the same as requiring to com- prehend the divine nature, and the whole plan of Providence from everlasting to everlasting ! But it hath always been allowed to argue from what is acknowledged, to what is disputed. And it is in no other sense a poor thing, to argue from natural reli- gion to revealed, in the manner found fault with, than it is to argue in numberless other ways of probable deduction and infer- ence, in matters of conduct, which we are continually reduced to the necessity of doing. Indeed the epithet poor may be applied, I fear as properly, to great part or the whole of human life, as it is to the things mentioned in the objection. Is it not a poor thing, for a physician to have so little knowledge in the cure of diseases, as even the most eminent have? To act upon con- jecture and guess, where the life of man is concerned? Un- doubtedly it is : but not in comparison of having no skill at all in that useful art, and being obliged to act wholly in the dark. Further : since it is as unreasonable, as it is common, to urge objections against revelation, which are of equal weight against natural religion ; and those who do this, if they are not confused themselves, deal unfairly with others, in making it seem that they are arguing only against revelation, or particular doctrines of it, when in reality they are arguing against moral providence; 't is a thing of consequence to show, that such objections are aa 298 OBJECTIONS AGAINST part ii. much Idvel'ed against natural religion, as against revealed. Ob- jections, which are equally applicable to both, are properly speaking answered, by its being shown that they are so, provided the former be admitted to be true. iVnd without taking in the con- sideration how distinctly this is admitted, it is plainly very mate- rial to observe, that as the things objected against in natural religion are of the same kind with what is certain matter of expe- rience in the course of providence, and in the information which God affords us concerning our temporal interest under his govern- ment; so the objections against the system of Christianity, and the evidence of it, are of the very same kind with those which are made against the system and evidence of natural religion. However, the reader upon review may see, that most of the analogies insisted upon, even in the latter part of this treatise, do not necessarily require to have more taken for granted than is in the former; [viz.] that there is an Author of nature, or natural Governor of the world: and Christianity is vindicated, not from its analogy to natural religion, but chiefly from its analogy to the experienced constitution of nature. Secondly, Religion is a practical thing, and consists in such a determinate course of life, as what, there is reason to think, is commanded by the Author of nature, and will, upon the whole, be our happiness under his government. If men can be con- vinced, that they have the like reason to believe this, as to be- lieve that taking care of their temporal aifairs will be to their advantage; such conviction cannot but be an argument to them for the practice of religion. And it" there be really any reason for believing one of these, and endeavoring to preserve life, and secure ourselves the necessaries and conveniences of it; then there is reason also for believing the other, and endeavoring to secure the interest it proposes to us. And if the interest, which religion proposes to us, be infinitely greater than our whole tem- poral interest; then there must be proportionably greater reason ifor endeavoring to secure one, than the other; since, by the sup- position, the probability of our securing one is equal to the proba- bility of our securing the other. This seems plainly unanswerable ^ and has a tendency to influence fair minds, who consider ivhat our condition really is, or upon- what evidence we are naturally appointed to act; and who are disposed to acquiesce in the ternid CHAP. VIII. THE ANALOGICAL ARGUMENT. 299 upon which we live, and attend to and follow that practical in- struction, whatever it be, which is afforded us. But the chief and proper force of the argument referred to m the objection, lies in another place. The proof of religion, it is said, is involved in such inextricable difficulties, as to render it doubtful ; and that it cannot be supposed that if it wero true, it would be left upon doubtful evidence. Here then, over and above the force of each particular difficulty or objection, these difficulties and objections taken together are turned into a posi- tive argument against the truth of religion; which argument would stand thus. If religion were true, it would not be left doubtful, and open to objections to the degree in which it is: therefore that it is thus left, not only renders the evidence of it weak, and lessens its force, in proportion to the weight of such objections, but also shows it to be false, or is a general presump- tion of its being so. Now the observation, that from the natural constitution and course of things, we must in our temporal con- cerns, almost continually, and even in matters of great conse- quence, act upon evidence of a like kind and degree to the evidence of religion, is an answer to this argument. Because it shows, that it is according to the conduct and character of the Author of nature to appoint we should act upon evidence like to that, which this argument presumes he cannot be supposed to appoint we should act upon : it is an instance, a general one, made up of numerous particular ones, of somewhat in his dealing with us, similar to what is said to be incredible. As the force of this answer lies merely in the parallel, which there is between the evidence for religion and for our temporal conduct; the answer is equally just and conclusive, whether the parallel be made out, by showing the evidence of the former to be higher, or the evi- dence of the latter to be lower. Thirdly, The design of this treatise is not to vindicate the character of God, but to show the obligations of men : it is not to justify his providence, but to show what belongs to us to do. These are two subjects, and ought not to be confounded. Though they may at length run up into each other, yet observations may immediately tend to make out the latter, which do not appear, by any immediate connection, to the purpose of the former; whi(;b is Jess our concern, than many seem to think. For, first, ;-iUU OBJECTIONS AGAINST pakt iv It is not nece&sary we should justify the dispensations of Provi- dence against objections, any farther than to show, that the things objected against may, for aught we know, be consistent with jus- tice and goodness. Suppose then, that there are things in the system of this world, and plan of Providence relating to it, which taken alone would be unjust: yet it has been shown unanswer- ably, that if we could take in the reference, which these things may have to other things, present past and to come; to the wiiole scheme, which the things objected against are parts of; these very things might, for aught we know, be found to be, not only consistent with justice, but instances of it. Indeed it has been sh(;wn, by the analogy of what we see, not only possible that this may be the case, but credible that it is. And thus objec- tions, drawn from such things, are answered, and Providence is vindicated, as far as religion makes its vindication necessary. Hence it appears. Secondly, that objections against the Divine justice and goodness are not endeavored to be removed, by show- ing that the like objections, allowed to be really conclusive, lie against natural providence: but those objections being supposed and shown not to be conclusive^ the things objected against, con- sidered as matters of fact, ore faither shown to be credible, from their conformity to the constitution of nature; for instance, that God will reward and punish men for their actions hereafter, from the observation, that he does reward and punish them for their actions here. And this, I apprehend, is of weight. Thirdly, it would be of weigtit, even though those objections were not answered. For, there being the proof of religion above set down; and religion implying several facts; for instance again, the fact last mentioned, that God will reward and punish men for their actions hereafter; the observation, that his present method of government is by rewards and punishments, shows that future fact not to be incredible: whatever objections men may think they have against it, as unjust or unmerciful, according to their notions of justice and mercy; or as improbable from their belief of necessity. I say, as improbahlc : for it is evident no objec- tion against it, as unjust^ can be urged from necessity; since this notion as much destroys injustice, as it does justice. Fourthly, Though objections against the reasonableness of the system of religion cannot indeed be answered without entering CHAP. Till. THE ANALOGICAL ARGUMENT 301 into consideratiou of its reasonableness; yet objections against tbe credibility or truth of it may. Because the system of it is reducible into what is properly matter of fact: and the truth, the probable truth of facts, may be shown without consideration of their reasonableness. Nor is it necessary, though, in some cases and respects, it is highly useful and proper, yet it is not neces- sary, to give a proof of the reasonableness of every precept en- joined us, and of every particular dispensation of Providence, which comes into the system of religion. Indeed the more thoroughly a person of a right disposition is convinced of the perfection of the Divine nature and conduct, the farther he will advance towards that perfection of religion, which John* speaks of.* But the general obligations of religion are fully made out, by proving the reasonableness of the practice of it. And that the practice of religion is reasonable, may be shown, though no more could be proved, than that the system of it maj/ be so, for aught we know to the contrary: and even without entering into the distinct consideration of this. Fifthly, It is easy to see, that though the analogy of nature is not an immediate answer to objections against the wisdom, the justice, or goodness, of any doctrine or precept of religion; yet it may be, as it is, an immediate and direct answer to what is really intended by such objections; which is, to show that the things objected against are incredible. Fourthly, It is most readily acknowledged, that the foregoing treatise is by no means satisfactory; very far indeed from it: but so would any natural institution of life appear, if reduced into a system, together with its evidence. Leaving religion out of the case, men are divided in their opinions, whether our pleasures overbalance our pains: and whether it be, or be not, eligible to live in this world. ** And were all such controversies settled, which perhaps, in speculation, would be found involved in great •^ 1 John iv. 18. — ["There is no fear in love," 2 Active and passive impressions. . 140 Advantages of virtue 113 may never recur IGl Affections, excited by objects. ... 145 need control 166 part of our constitution 147 Affliction, a discipline 150 chiefly of our own making. . . . lOO Agent, the living, not compounded SI Alienation of parts of our body. . 84 All things made double 137 Allurements, use of. 151 Analogy answers objections as to a pre- sent state of trial 135 as to modes of existence 78 carrying the force of positive argument [105 deals only with facts 171 indicates future punishment. . 101 may amount to proof. _. 168 objections which it cannot an- swer 171 the only proof of some things- 79 Antiquity of religion 167 Atheists not argued with, in this treatise ISl Beginnings of a righteous govern- ment seen on earth 107 Bible, teaches the existence of general laws [99 Bodies not necessary to us 82 not ourselves 83 only instruments 85, 86 their solid elements 88 Bodily and mental habits 334 Brain, does not think [89 Brahminical notion of death 92 Brutes, are they immortal ? [88 may have greater strength than man 119 under man's control 119 Capacities, state of in infancy 88 not destroyed by death 89 not dependent on the body. . . 79 Causes and ends incomprehensible 172 Changes compatible with iden- tity 78, 83 Character manifested by probation 156 not given but acquired 155 what it means note 163 Conscience, how it acts 164 333 334 INDEX TO PART I. Conscience implies government 115 a rule 164 authority 164 future retribution. ... 166 may be impaired 168 perverted 168 Consciousness an indiscerptible entity 82 presupposes identity [77 Consequences may sometimes be avoided. . . 102 may be foreseen 98 show a moral government. ... 98 Course of nature constant 97 Creatures finitely perfect 147 may fall 148 have each a way of life 137 Danger of wrong doing, how in- creased 132 Death and birth similar 91 enlarges our sphere 92 has no power over matter. . . . [91 is not a suspension of our powers 91 is not our destruction 80 what it is 80 Decay of vegetables, inference from 92 Definitions of identity 77 Delivering up of the Lord Jesus Christ [Ill Destruction of seeds 163 Different states of human existence. 89 Difficulties belong to all subjects. [96 exercise the virtuous principle. 162 Disadvantages of virtue tempo- rary 126 Discipline, its true nature and use [148 Disease not destructive to the soul. 90 sometimes remedial 177 Disorder produced by sin 148 Distress excites passive pity and active relief. 140 PAGE Distributive justice a natural rule. 110 Divine government a scheme, chap.vii. Domestic government 114 Dreams, what they prove 86 Earthly satisfactions attainable. . 183 Effects of actions on the actor. . . [143 Ends often produced by unlikely means 180 Enjoyments in our own power to a great degree 95 Error, how spread [96 Evidecceof natural religion 166 Evil, may possibly be useful. . . . 177 its possible origin 147 not a necessary part of proba- tion [128 Exceptions to the happiness of virtue 108 Experience indispensable 141 Faculties, human, not perfect at first 141 Fall of man 133, [148 Fallacy in fatalism 169 Fallen creatures require discipline. 150 Fatalism, — see Necessity. Fear a proper motive to obe- dience 154 Folly, destructive, as well as crime 132 Formal notion of government. ... 99 Foundation of moral improve- ment [108 Future advantages, how propor- tioned 93 Future existence probable. . . chap. i. of brutes [79 Future interest dependent on con- duct 95 Future life, a solemn subject 95 not an inactive condition. . . . 144 reconcilable with atheism. ... 94 this life preparatory to it. chap. v. Future punishment credible 103 Future retribution, how proved. 125 INDEX TO PART I. 335 PAGE Future state different from the present. ... 78 brings us into new scenes. ... 93 may have temptations [145 social 144 wiU not require such virtues as does the present life. . 154 General laws govern the world 177, [99 produce punishment 103 wisdom of them 178 General method of God's govern- ment. 97 General system of religion 124 Gradual improvement, a wise arrangement. ..... 141, 142 GOD an intelligent governor 106 determined by what is fit. . . . [166 governs by human instruments. Ill governs justly [108 has a will and a character. ... 163 his aims incomprehensible. . . 97 his attributes inferred from our own [115 his general government 97 his government just and good. 176 his indirect commands 165 moral government of. . . chap. hi. natural " " ii. necessarily existent 159 not indifferent to human ac- tions 125 not simply benevolent 106 rewards and punishes 169 the only necessary being 159 Good actions, how punished Ill Good habits necessary even to the virtuous 149 Good men befriended as such. . . 112 cannot now all unite 121 Good not forced upon us [134 Government, civil, an ordinance of God. . . Ill considered as a scheme. CHAP. vii. of God CHAP. II. PAGS Government, not perfected in this world. . . 107 the formal notion of it 98 the perfection of. 106 Habits, how formed, &c 139 necessary to us hereafter. . . . [145 of resignation 155 often ruinous 101 of virtue an improvement in virtue 147 passive 138 shape the character 141 Happiness not always the immediate re- ward of virtue 108 not given promiscuously 138 requisites for 137 the result of virtue 118 Helplessness of man [138 Higher degrees of retribution pro- bable 127 Hinderances to virtue 121 History of religion 169 Honest men befriend the honest. . 112 Hope and fear appeal to self- love 153 are just principles of action. . 154 Human life preparatory 144 Hume's wonderful discovery. . . . [162 Human powers may be overtasked. 152 Identity does not depend on the same- ness of the body 83 of living agents 77, 78 not explicable [77 Ignorance acknowledged on all subjects but religion 174 answers objections 175 the argument from 180 total, destroys proof. 178 Illustration of the modification of an action by its inten- tion fill 336 INDEX TO PART I. Imaginauon a source of discontent. 154 produces much error 81 Immortality of brutes 88 Improvement by discipline 144 by habit 147 of our faculties gradual 141 wisdom of this 142 Incomprehensibilityof God's plans 97 Inconsiderateness destructive. . . 102 Inferiority of brute force 119 Infidelity unjustifiable 105 Insignificance of our knowledge. . [174 Interest coincident with virtue. . . 154 not a suflScient restraint. . note 146 Interpositions to prevent irregu- larities 177 would produce evil 178 Intentional good rewarded 114 Irregularities perhaps unavoid- able 177 seeming may not be such. . . . 176 [nward peace attends virtue. . . . 112 Kingdom, idea of a perfect 123 Knowledge of man insignificant. [174 Liberty does not account for the fall 147 implied in our present condition 162 Life a probation 128 one part of it preparatory to another [142 what is it intended for 137 Living agent not subject to death. 79 Living powers see Death. Locke on human identity [77 Maimonides, his similitude [173 Slan an inferior part of creation. . . 133 a system of parts [98 by nature social [93 capable of improvement 145 connected with present, past, and future 181 dealt with as if free 162 Man has a tiiuTal nature Hi his fall not accounted for by his free agency. ... . . 147 bin helplessness [138 knows nothing fully 173 may become qualified for new states 137 not a competent judge of God's schemes 174 requires moral culture 145 Mania often produced by moral causes [85 Materialism, its philosophical ab- surdity [81 Matter and mind not the same. . . [83 afifect each other 86 Means learned by experience 176 man not a competent judge of the fitness of them 178 not always agreeable 176 Men often miss possible temporal good 129 Men's temporal interests greatly depend on themselves. . 131 Might of unarmed virtue [121 Mind influenced by the passions. . . 131 is the man [87 its eff"ects on the body [85 may survive the body [89 the only real percipient 85 uses the body as an instru- ment [87 Miracles, properly speaking, not unnatural 94 Miseries as contingent as conduct. 135 generally are avoidable 100 Mixture of suffering and enjoy- ment in this world. . . . [128 Moral and natural government of God similar to each other 184 Moral attributes of God may be inferred from our own. . [115 Moral discipline chap. T. INDEX TO PART I. 33: PAGE Moral government of God. . chap. in. Moral improvement, basis of. . . . [108 Moral world, its apparent irregu- larities 176 Mj'sterv of God, finished. . . . note 102 Natural, the true meaning of the word 94 Natural government of God. chap. ii. Natural religion, its evidences not affected by the doctrine of necessity. . . 166 proof of. 166 teaches the doctrine of punish- ment 102 Necessary agents may be punished 1 69 Necessary bulk of one's self. .... 84 Necessary existence of God 159 Necessary tendencies of virtue. . . 118 Negligence and folly disastrous. . 132 Necessity consigns us to a fallacy 169 contradicts the constitution of nature 170 destroys no proof of religion. . 170 different kinds of. [157 does not exclude design 160 doctrine of. chap. vi. not an agent 159 not applicable to practice. . . . 163 not in conflict with religion. . . 160 ourcondition indicates freedom 162 reconcilable with religion. . . . 168 the doctrine absurd 157 what it means 158 writers for and against .... [170 New scenes in the next world. . . 93 Obedience, reluctant, useful [152 Objections against a proof and against a thing to be proved 179 against the scheme of Provi- dence 174 analogy of plants 92 Christianity not universal. . . . 169 course of nature 97 W « PAGK Objections, destruction of seeds 163 difference between temporal and eternal things [135 discipline might have been avoided 156 God simply benevolent 106 good and evil may be mixed in the next world 124 gratification of appetites natu- ral and proper 98 ignorance, the argument from invalidates the proof of religion 178 immortality of brutes 87 incredible that necessary agents should be punished. . . . 169 irregularities of the moral world 176 necessity destroys the proof of religion 165 our powers may be overtasked 152 probabilities may be over- balanced by probabili- ties 169 punishments are only natural events 99 rectitude arising from hope and fear, sordid 153 rewards and punishments. ... 95 sin need not have entered the world 177 society punishes good actions. Ill special interpositions might prevent evil 177, 178 to the doctrine of neces- sity chap. VI. to the doctrine of future punish- • ments 100-103 virtue sometimes punished. . . Ill virtues of the present life not wanted hereafter 154 world disciplines some to vice. 153 Obligation certain, when proofs are not 179 Occasional disadvantages of virtue 117 Occasional indulgences in wrong- doing awfully dangerous [143 838 INDEX TO PART I. One period of life preparatory to another [142 Opportunities once lost irrecover- able 143 Organs of sense mere instruments 89 Our moral nature proves a moral government 115 Pain, no contrivance for it in man. [110 Partial ignorance does not destroy proof. 178 Passions carry away the judgment. ... 131 make otir condition one of trial 130 may account for the fall of man 147 may be excited ■where gratifi- cation is impossible or unlawful 146 may remain in a future state. . 147 should be subject to the moral principle 145 the i)are excitement of, not criminal 145 but dangerous 146 Passive habits 138 Passive impressions weakened by repetition 139 Passive submission essential. . . . 155 Peace of ftie virtuous 112 Perception, instruments of. 85 possible without instruments. . 86 Perfection ofmoral government 106,107 of an earthly kingdom 123 Persecution unnatural Ill I'bilosophy never arrogant [174 what it cannot teach [87 Pleasure - not a sufiicient reason for action 98 and pain mostly depend on ourselves 95 the distribution indicates moral government 105 Powers may be improved by exercise. . 138 may be overtasked 152 may exist and not be exercised. 80 Powers no reason for supposing that death will destroy them. 81 Practical proof, what 168 Present existence unaccounted for by atheism 94 Presumptions that death will de- stroy us 81 that it will suspend our exist- ence 91 Presumptuousness unjustifiable. . 105 Private vices not public benefits. [Ill Probabilities in favor of religion may be overbalanced by probabilities against it. . 169 Probation chap. iv. applies to the present life as well as the future 130 does not necessarily imply suffering [128 implies allurements 129 is more than moral govern- ment 128 requires severe discipline. ... 150 Proofs of natural religion 166 of religion not affected by the doctrine of necessity. ... 160 Propensions necessarily create temptations 146 are excited by their appropriate objects 147 Proper gratification of the appe- tites 98 Prosperity of a virtuous commu- nity 123 may beget discontent 154 Providence, objections to God's 140, 174 Public spirit a fruit of virtue. . . . 120 Punishment an alarming subject 106 especially considered 100 greater hereafter than now. . . 127 in a future state credible. 103, 125 is God's voice of instruction. . [108 is sometimes capital 102 not unjust 163 often long df'.ayed 101 INDEX TO PART I. 839 PAGE Punishment often overtakes suaueniy. . . . 101 of virtuous actions Ill religious and natural similar. . 100 results from folly as well as crime 132 the result of general laws. ... 103 Quotations. Aristotle [152 Chalmers [131, 138, 148 Cicero [82, 86 Clarke [97 Fitzgerald [145 Robert Hall [118 Hume [162 Maimonides [173 Mandeville [Ill Plato [87, 113 Son of Sirac [137 Strabo [92 Rashness, consequences of. 96 Reason an incompetent judge of means 178 gives power over brute force. . 119 needs experience 141 not dependent on bodily powers 89 requires a fair opportunity 119-121 Recapitulation of the whole argu- ment ISO Rectitude, \J self-interest a proper motive to it? 153 References to other authors. liates [128 Baxter. .*. [88 Bayle [88 Beattie [170 Belsham ; [170 Berkeley [Ill Bonnett [89 Bramhall [171 Brown [Ill Bryant [171 Butterworth [107 Calcotl [128 Capp [109 PAejs References to other authors. Chalmers [77, 79, 148 Charnock [158 Cheyne. . •. [88 Clarke 82, [81, 97, 171 Colliber [88 Collings [158, 170 Compte [170 Crombie [170 Crou«e [170 Davies [109 D'Holbach [170 Descartes [88 Ditton [88 Doddridge [109 Dodwell [81 Dwight [109 Edwards [88, 170 Fabricius [128 Fichte [170 Gibbs [171 Grove [171 Haller [89 Harris [171 Hartley [170 Hegel [170 Henly [128 Hobbes [170 Holtzfusius [128 Holyoake [170 Horseley [109 Hume [88 Hunt [109 Jackson [171 Kennicott [128 King [98, 171 Law [98 Lawson [171 Le Clerc [128 Leland [109 Leroux [170 Liefchild [109 Locke [88 Manton [128 Martineau [170 Martinius [liy Miiman [142 840 INDEX TO PART I. Keferences to other authors. Morgagni [89 Morton [109 Musaeus [128 Palmer [171 Pearson [128 Polignac [88 Porteus [109 Price [158 Priestley [142, 170 Reid [170 Rutherford [109, 168 Search [88 Seed [109 Selden [128 Shaftesbury 108 Sherlock [109 Shuckford [128 Son of Sirac [137 South [109, 128 Stapfer . [128 Strabo 92 Toplady [128 Topping [109 Twisse [109 Wagstaff. [88 Warburton [Ill Watts [77, 88, 171 Whately [142, 158 Willis [88 Wisheart [109 Witsius [128 Wittichius [109 Reflection not dependent on sensa- tion 91 reformation is attended with dis- comfort 108 may not prevent penalties. . . . 102 Relation between us and our bodies 85 Relations of things, limitless. . . . 173 Religion a question of fact 165 historical evidence of. 168 professed in all ages 167 its proofs not affected by the doctrine of necessity. . . 170 nor by our ignorance 178 Reluctant obedience profitable. . [152 Remedies often very disagreeable 176 Repentance may be too late 104 Requisites to the superiority of reason 119 of virtue 120, 121 Resentment of injuries 114 Resignation a temper consonant with God's sovereignty 155 essential to virtue 154 the fruit of affliction 155 the habit necessary hereafter. . 155 Retributions are divine teachings [108 Revelation, antiquity of. 167 not improbable 167 not universal note 107 Rewards and punishments, how distributed 126 Satisfactions of virtue 108 Scheme of God incomprehensible. 172 Self-denial, its relations to present happiness 134 not essential to piety 152 Self-discipline, what [148 Self-love a just principle of action. . . . 154 appealed to 153 how moderated and disciplined 155 not a sufficient restraint. . note 146 reasonable and safe 130 Sensation not necessary to reflec- tion : 91 Senses not percipients. . .* 85 Severe discipline necessary 150 Similitude of a historical painting [174 Simplicity of the living agent. . . 83 Sin, why not kept out of the world 177 Skepticism does not justify irre- ligion 105 Social, our nature essentially such [93 Society must punish vice 110 natural and necessary [93 sometimes punislies the eood 111 INDEX TO PART L 341 PAGE Sonl a simple substance 82 not destroyed with the body. . 79 not naturally immortal [81 Souls of brutes 88 Special interpositions of Provi- dence 177 178 Stages of existence 78 State of probation CHAE . IV. ■btate of discipline and improve- ment CHAP. V. 1 Submissive temper necessary. . . . 155 Subordinations exceedingly bene- ficial 142 Subserviencies in nature 173 SuflFerings may be avoided 95 not necessary to the cultiva- tion of virtue [128 Temporal and religious probation similar 132 Temptations increased by bad examples. . . 132 and by former errors 132 intended for our improvement. 136 involve probation 129 may improve or injure us. . . . 153 security against their evils. . . 146 sources of, to upright beings. . 147 the necessary result of propen- sions 146 Tendencies of virtue 118 hindered. 121 126 essential, not accidental Terms "nature" and "course of nature" [97 Theorizing no aid to virtue 139 Thoughtlessness often fatal 101 Transmigration of souls [87 Trials 156 147 may exist in a future state. . . produced by our propensions. 131 qualify for a better state 144 unreasonable ones are not in- flicted 133 why we are subjected to them. 136 29 PAOI Ultimate design of man [9& Understanding may be perverted. 168 Uneasiness produced by former sins 109 Union of good beings 122 Unjustifiableness of religious in- difference 105 Upright creatures may fall 147 need good habits 149 Universe and its government im- mense 123 Vice actually punished by society 110,111 must produce uneasiness 112 never rewarded as such 116 not only criminal but depraving 149 often increased by trials 153 punished as such 114 Vicious men lose their influence. [121 Virtue a bond of union 122 as such, rewarded on earth. . . Ill "brings its own reward". . . . [118 has occasional disadvantages. [117 hinderances accidental 121 how and why rewarded Ill improved by trials 151 its benefits to a community. . . 123 natural, not vice 116 not always rewarded in this life 108 on the whole happier than vice 113 secures peace 112 tendencies essential 126 tends to give power. ... 118, [121 Virtuous beings need virtuous habits 149 Virtuous habits a security 147 how formed 139 improve virtue 147 necessary in a future state. . . [145 Voice of nature is for virtue 117 Waste of seeds 153 Wickedness may produce some benefits 177 voluntary 136 842 INDEX TO PART I. Will and character of God, how determined. . note 166 what they mean note 163 Wonderful discovery of Hume. . [162 «\^orld a system of subordinations. . . 173 ft thoitter for the manifestation of character 156 PAAB World, (continued.) disciplines some to vice 153 fitted for man's discipline. . . . 150 governed by fixed laws 110 Youth a determining period 101 if lost, not to be recovered. . . 143 its beneficial subordinations. . 141 INDEX TO PART II. REFERENCES TO THE EDITOR'S NOTES ARE IN BRACKETS PAGE A common absurdity 243 Abstract truth distinguished from facts 305, [186 Absurdity of some objections to Christianity 245 Abuse of our natural endowments 217 Accidental, what events are so called 226 A«. countability gradually increases 251 Actions, definition of, in morals 261 distinguished from things done 261 their bad consequences some- times escaped 232 virtue and vice consist in them 261 Advantage, as proper a considera- tion in religion as in tem- poral affairs 298 variously bestowed 249, 312 Aualogy a confirmation of all facts to which it can be applied. . 306 affords no argument against the scheme of Christianity. . 203 nor against miracles. . . 203 answers presumptions against miracles 207 does not prove the wisdom of God 301 does not teach that the ichole of God's government is like that on earth 204 easily cavilled at, but unan- sweriil.lo 306 PaQX Analogy, (continued.) between natural information and that derived from inspiration 212 between the remedies of nature and those of grace 219 between the gospel and human discoveries 219 between the light of nature and of revelation 218 between the use of natural gifts, and miraculous. . . 217 between the government of God and that of a human mas- ter 261 its small influence on men. . . 303 how used in this treatise. . . . 306 may show our duty, but not the design of the requirement 246 objections to this mode of arguing chap. viii. shows that there may be infinite reasons for things, with which we are not ac- quainted 188 the only ground for some of our knowledge 306 Antidote to heresies [191 Apocalypse, its principal object. . [249 Appearances of men and things deceptive 248 Arguments proper as to human writings, are not so as to Scripture 214 :U3 344 INDEX TO PART 11. PAGE Atonement, how held by the ancients. . . . 241 makes the innocent suffer for the guilty 243 Author of nature taken for granted 298 Authoritativeness of revelation. . 189 Baptism a test of obedience [199 commanded and important. . . 194 why the form of words 194 Bible, how to be interpreted. [202, 215 Brutes, their great sagacity 216 Boundary of human inquiry. . . . [223 Candor necessary in judging of Christianity 302 Chance, really no such thing. . . 226 Characters drawn in Scripture evidently unfeigned . . . 287 Christ a mediator chap. v. a prophet 240 a priest and king 241 his history, as given in Scrip- ture 285 his pre-existence taught 282 bis satisfaction 239 his sufferings voluntary 243 manner of his interpusition. . . 238 not merely a teacher and ex- ample 242 offered himself a propitiatory sacrifice 241 Cnristianity a tearful curse, if it give no more light than natural religion [196 a question of fact 301 a remedial system [193 an authoritative republication of the religion of na- ture 188, 189 a particular scheme under a general plan 194, 224 a scheme imperfectly compre- hended CHAP. IV. Christianity, (continued.) a scheme revealed but in part. 226 brings life and immortality to light 190 could not possibly be a contri- vance [222, 294 demands attention, if barely probable 253 has evidences besides miracles and prophecy 263 in what degree remedial. ... [193 is a real revelation 213 is conformable to the constitu- tion of things 295 its benefits require the use of means 197 its establishment and preva- lence, the most conspicu- ous and important event in history 286 its evidences chap. vii. its good effects not small. ... 192 its precepts plain and obvious. 218 its proof historical 304 its proofs liable to objection. . 260 men bound to examine its evi- dence 197 miracles and prophecy its direct and fundamental proofs. 263 must have mysteries [223 no objection to the morality of it 214, 220, 222 not merely a republication of natural religion [196 not primarily designed to re- medy the defects of na- ture [193 not the discovery of reason. . . 188 objections to its evidence. . . . 210 objections to its nature 210 offered to some in a corrupt state 250 prescribes new duties 194 preserves natural religion in the world 191 propagated against all obstruc- tions [294 INDEX TO PART 11. 345 Christianity, Icontlnued.) rashness of treating it light- ly 194, 196, 197 requires means to accomplish ends. . 225 reveals a particular dispensa- tion of Providence 194 reveals important facts 196 some of its dark parts may be cleared up, others can- not [223 teaches more than natural re- ligion 194 the evils ascribed to it, are not its evils 192 the one great question concern- ing it 213, 214 the only religion professedly confirmed by miracles. . 268 to be transmitted by Chris- tians [190 universal, in nature and in- tention [248 what alone could disprove it. . 295 why not remedial to a greater degree 193 why not sooner promulgated. . 219 Christians bound to spread Christianity. 190 primitive, their testimony. . . . 267 Church men bound to support it 193 preserves a knowledge of reli- gion 191 visible, its design 190, 191 Circumstantial evidences of Chris- tianity 26.3, 281 often as convincing as direct testimony 294 Clemens Romanus, testimony of. 266 his letter to the Corinthians. . [266 Climax of infidel extravagance. . [294 Coincidence of natural and re- vealed religion. ... 211, 218 Coincidences of Scripture 266 Comparison, how it may mislead us 201 Compassion distinct from goodness 233 visible in the constitution of the world 233 Consequences of infidelity^ more dangerous than those of faith 294 of sin, often averted 233 Conversational objections to reve- lation 295 Conversion, how produced [225 Course of nature different from what we might have supposed, previous to experience 211 none at the beginning 205 our total darkness as to its causes 208 Creation Mosaic account of, referred to by John 282 a different exertion of power from government 205 why Scripture describes it. . . 281 Creatures of like moral qualities placed in different reli- gious situations 251 Credulity of mankind acknow- ledged 269 Cumulative proof of Christianity. [207 Daniel his book had more evidence ot authenticity than has come to us 279 his predictions a support of Jewish faith [249 quoted by Christ 279 Dark parts of revelation [223 Degrees of evidence have degrees of weight 255 require nice examination. . . . 258 Deistical explanation of Christ's miracles [206 Deists, why do they oppose Chris- tianity [196 Depravity of man obvious 238 doctrine of. [218 346 INDEX TO PART II. Desert of good and ill, the notion of. 305 Development, of truth 218 modern, doctrine of. [218 Differences of religious advantages may have like reasons as those for different tem- poral advantages 251 would remain if revelation were universal 252 Difficulties absurdity of requiring them to be all removed 297 as to the evidence of religion, analogous to those at- tending the practice of it 256 cannot be solved by analogy. . 296 speculative, may be the chief trials of some 257 the discernment which can see them, might suffice to see through them 260 Direct and circumstan tial evidence must be taken together. 280 Diseases of body and mind, analo- gous as to their reme- dies 220 Disobedience, without possible ex- cuse 253 Dispensations, preparatory one to another 310 Disregard of religion a great pro- fligacy 233 Distinction between moral and positive obligation. 198, [198 between acts and principles. . [235 between temporary, individual, and universal commands [188 Doubt affords scope for probation. . . 262 exercises our virtuous princi- ples 256 implies some evidence. 252, 254, 283 involves some obligation 263 puts us upon probation 253 Doubtful evidence should have sotite influence 255 Duties arising from revealed rela- tions 195 moral and positive 194 Earth, its appeai-ances confirm Scripture 238 Effect of Adam's transgression. . . 238 of combined probabilities. 294, [294 Efficacy of repentance [190 not taught by the light of na- ture 190 End, God's not known 246 Enthusiasm is not peculiar to religion. . . . 272 impairs no testimony for Chris- tianity 271 may often weaken testimony. . 271 sometimes mixed with knavery 272 the absence of all sign of it. in Christianity, a presump- tive proof in its favor. . . 222 will not account for the spread of Christianity 270 Enthusiasts make as great sacri- fices as Christians. . . . 270 Epistles of Paul, proof from 266 Eternal retribution not taught by natural religion. [190 Ethics of natural religion distin- guished from its objects [194 Events expound Scripture 219 Evidence of Christianity impregnable. . 295 collateral and direct to be viewed together 294 from miracles and prophecy. . 267 imperfect, should yet influence practice in proportion to its degree. 255 of circumstances may be most direct 294 of religion, open to all 260 of religion, the same in kind as that which controls us in temporal things 25S much lower than satisfactory often determines us . . 303 INDEX TO PART II. 347 PAGE ISvidence, (continued.) not only increased but multi- plied by a combination of probabilities 294, [294 reason the proper judge of. . . 221 requires careful sifting 256 candor in judging. . . 302, [303 safety always in admitting it. 294 why liable to objection 257 Evil, remedies provided for it. 219, 232 Exaggeration practised by many who will not lie 272 External manner of heart worship 195 Experience affords no presumption against Christianity 203 corroborates Christian doc- trines 245 teaches the eflfects of actions. . 246 Extravagance of some objec- tions 187, 188 Facts analogy the only proof of some 306 distinguished from abstract truths 305 of revelation distinguished from its principles [235 Fall of man, assumed as a fact. . . 236 confirmed by appearances. . . . 238 Falsehood, its degrees and induce- ments 272 False miracles have deceived many 273 have some historic evidence. . 273 Fatalists, their principles argued upon 304 Fear cast out by love [301 Fitness, moral 304, 305 Flippant objections to Christianity 295 B'oUy, a real vice 280 Foresight of brutes T . 216 Future punishments, all the reasons for them not known 2.34 not arbitrarily appointed. . . . 232 natural sequences 231, 232 p&ai Future punishments, rendered credible by temporal punishments 300 Genealogy of mankind given in Scripture 283 General laws a wise arrangement 227 do not render miracles in- credible 227 control the Christian dispensa- tion 226 few events can be traced up to them 226 miracles may be their re- sults 226, 227 the ground of believing there are such 226 things called accidental go- verned by them 226 Geology, its impressive lessons. • [229 GOD a master giving laws 261 all his reasons for giving a command must be cer- tainly known, and known to have passed away, be- fore we can safely disre- gard it 188 duties towards him as the Father 194, 195 governs by mediation 230 his government shows com- passion 233 progressive 229 his means and ends we cannot distinguish 228 his providence, objections to it idle 300, 301 his reasons not assigned 246 his will, as absolute or con- ditional 261 how he would act in contingen- cies, unknown [222 how to be worshipped, a pure matter of revelation. . . . 196 instructs us by experience. 21 1, 246 348 INDEX TO PART I L PAGE GOD, (continued.) little known [222 not indifferent as to who suffer. 243 reveals our duties, not his plans 246 the real author of the prophe- cies 276 Oood and evil unequally distri- buted 248 'Jovernment of God sometimes, apparently, tardy in its results 224, 225 Gradual growth of causes [208 Happiness not always secured by well-laid schemes 247 Hazard of neglecting Christianity. 262 Heathen world, condition of. 186, 250 Hieroglyphic and figurative lan- guage of Scripture 210 Hinderances to natural and spiri- tual knowledge similar. . 218 History of miracles 264 of the Jews confirmed by their condition 289,290 of the origin of religion 206 furnishes no parallel to revela- tion 207 prophecy is history anticipated 281 Scripture, has not been inva- lidated 283 Holy Spirit, its operations on the heart [225 Human contrivance unequal to some things [222 Human life, in what sense it may be called poor 297 Human testimony, reliable not- withstanding the preva- lence of falsehood 273 Identity of principle between na- tural and revealed re- ligion [235 Ignorance of heathen writers [1S7 p*ua Ignorance of other worlds, forbids objec- tions to Christianity on the ground of miracles. 207 of the laws of miracles, not greater than of natural laws 256 of the reason of our present condition 251 much of it our own fault. . . . 259 Imagination may fancy unreal coincidences 293 Immorality not authorized in Scripture 221, 222 Impassable limit to human know- ledge [223 Imperceptible accumulation of forces [208 Imperfect knowledge, better than acting in the dark 297 Imperfection of language 216 Importance of revelation. . . chap. i. an abstraction [186 precludes the idea that the first witnesses were careless. . 274 Improbability before and after an event [207 of the Deistical theory greater than that of miracles. . . [206 Inadequacy of repentance [236 Inattention to religion, real depra- vity 252, 307 prevents convincement 258 Incarnation an invisible miracle. 204 cannot be paralleled [235 Influence of the Holy Ghost. . . . [226 of the analogical argument. . 303 Innocent sometimes suffer for the guilty 243 Inspiration, the proper kind and extent of it not discover- able by reason 213 not to be interpreted like other writings 21 1 Inspired writers, key to their meaning [276 their one groat schempi. . . . [27t' INDEX TO PART IT. 349 PAGE Inspired writers, {continued.) show a foresight more than human 278, 279 Instruction from God to savages. [206 Intercession by the good for the bad [232 Interest, temporal, not always appareat 302 Interpositions of men for each other [232 Internal improbabilities weaken external proof. 215 Interpretation of Scripture [215 Irregularity, really no such thing. 226 whence the appearance of. . . . 227 Irregularities of men, conse- quences proportioned to magnitude 233 Irreligion an aggravated sin. . . . 233 especially in persons in high standing 254 not justifiable on any pre- tence 256, 312 Invention an irregular way of in- formation 216 Invisible miracles [204 things of God, how learned. . [230 Jews God's dealing with them .... 290 their continuance, a standing miracle 290 their history confirmed by facts 291 their system of Theism [206 Jewish miracles, a part of civil history [265 John, his allusion to Christ, in the beginning of his gospel. 282 his doctrine agrees with that of Paul 282 Kingdom of Christ on earth 241 Knowledge profound, not necessary to piety 218 ecientific and religious, have tlie same difficulties. ... 218 PAOk Knowledge of Scripture, improved in the same way as know- ledge of the sciences. . . 218 unequally distributed 249 Language necessarily ambiguous. 216 of the prophecies, often figura- tive 210 Laplace, error of. [207 Levity destructive to religious influence 259 Liberty belief of our, unavoidable. . . . 304 of the will, not discussed, note 304 necessary to the progress of knowledge 218 the principle so natural that language is formed on it 304 Life future, brought to light by the gospel 190 may be taken away by com- mand 221 not thrown away because suc- cess is uncertain 302 whether desirable or not 301 Light of nature displayed in the Scriptures. . . 188 does not teach our future con- dition 190 favors the doctrine of a Me- diator 230 has left the greatest heathen in doubt 186 Ludicrous turn, danger of. 259 Mahometanism not received on the footing of miracles. [268 Mahometans and ancient Per- sians, how situated as to revelation 250 Man • accepted according to what he hath 251 his circumstances no ground of complaint 252 30 i55o INDEX TO PART II. PAGE Man, (eouti tilted.) his obligation to study the Scriptures 202, 262 must be reuewed 197 Manasses, prayer of. [237 Manner of worship a matter of pure revelation 195 Martyrs could not l?ave been impostors 272 had full knowledge of facts 269,271 the full force of their testimony 269 their obligations to veracity. . 274 were not enthusiasts 271 Means as related to ends 22o Mediation seen everywhere 230 exemplified in social life. . . . [232 Mediator, appointment of. chap. v. the notion of, natural 230 the Scripture doctrine of. 238-240 whether one was necessary. . . 243 why most objected to 243 Medium between full satisfaction of a truth and full satis- faction to the contrary. . 313 Memory, eloquence, &g. impru- dently used 217 Men apt to be deluded by pre- tences 273 their conduct may be guessed at [222 Mercy seen in the constitution of the world 233 Messiah came at the expected time 285 his mission 224 Minuteness of predictions touch- ing Christ 207 Miracles admitted evidence for such as are false does not impair the evidence of Chris- tian 273 contrary to the course of na- ture? 206 denying them leads to Atheism [205 disorderly use of. 217 PAQl Miracles, (continued.) distinct reasons for them. . . . 208 large historical evidence for their truth 270 manner in which related .... 264 no argument of analogy against them 205-207 none parallel to those of Scrip- ture 207 not mere embellishments. . . . 264 not to be compared to common events 209 nowise incredible 209 occasions for them likely to arise in the course of ages 208 of the Old Testament, insepa- rable from history [265 operate by general laws 226 Pagan and Popish, were wrought after those sys- tems had obtained 268 peculiar to the Jewish and Christian religions 268 received as genuine from the first 268, 269 regulated by general laws. . . . 227 satisfactorily account for the existence of Christianity 265 should be compared to uncom- mon events 209 the credentials of Christianity 267 the evidence of their truth at first 249 the question of their truth only one of degree in point of evidence 208 the only satisfactory account of some events 265 the real nature of presump- tions against them 208 the term a relative one 205 their direct proof of Chris- tianity. 264 their evidence the same as that for common facts 264 their force as proofs 181» INDEX TO PART II. 351 Miracles, (continued.) visible and invisible. . . . 204, [204 what evidence arises from their having been accepted as true by the first Chris- tians 268 writers upon [264, 268 Miraculous power creation not properly an act of 205 misused by some 217, 267 pretences of, have deluded some 273 why bestowed 190 Misconduct creates need of assist- ance 235 Mistake of some of Hume's oppo- nents 207 Mistakes of philosophers dan- gerous [230 of transcribers, &c 228 Modern geology, lesson from. . . . [229 Moral action, the nature of. ... . 261 an action becomes such by command [221 Moral duties. See Positive. Moral faculty, its object 305 Moral government. See Govern- ment. Moral precepts. See Positive. Moral system revealed to man- kind 190 Morality of Scripture, reason a judge of. 220 Mysteries to be expected in reve- lation 223, 224 as many in nature as in Scrip- ture 246 Mystery of godliness 225 Mythological writings resemble prophecy 276 Narratives of Scripture unadorned 228 Natural consequences of vice are judicial punishments. . . 197 8.nd spiritual things analogous in importance 219 •nuowmenis often abused. ... 217 PAaa Natural light compared to revela tion 218 Natural religion and revealed, coincide 2H as much perverted as Chris- tianity 192 could not have been reasoned out 192 discloses no Redeemer [194 its ethics and objects distin- guished [194 its light wholly insuflScient. . . 187 might be authenticated by miracles 190 moral system of. 187 taught and confirmed by Chris- tianity 188, 286, 292 what it does not teach. . . [190, 194 Nature carried on by uniform laws 226 implies the agency of God. . . 231 its light insufficient 186 Nature and obligation of sacra- ments note 195 Necessity of revelation [186 Negligence prevents the recogni- tion of truth 258 wholly inexcusable 197 Obedience from dread [301 or disobedience, an important matter 188 to a positive rite, especially indicative of piety 199 Objections to certain precepts of Scrip- ture, as immoral 221 to prophecy, from its obscurity 275 to revelation, .are of equal weight against natu-al religion 97 to the analogical argument, as such CHAP. VIII. to the distribution of good and evil 248-250 to the doctrine of media- tion CHAP. V. 352 INDEX TO PART II. PAGE ObjectUTi!: ycontinued.) to the evidence for mi- racles CHAP. II. to the unequal distribution of religious knowledge. . . . 249 Jljections to Christianity as a matter of fact 301 as a remedial system. . . . [198, 219 as a roundabout, perplexed contrivance 228 as deficient in point of truth. . 247 as a scheme 209 as mysterious [223 as to its wisdom and good- ness CHAP. IV. as unimportant chap. i. atonement makes the innocent suffer for the guilty. 227,- 243 contains things unlike the course of nature 204 does not remove difficulties . . [223 has been perverted 192 has been productive of evils. . 192 has internal improbabilities 225-227 disclosed to the world so re- cently 219 disorderly use of miraculous gifts 227 has small influence 192, 303 if true would not be left doubt- ful 299 is not satisfiictory 260, 261 its doctrine of mediation, chap. v. its external proof weakened by internal improbabili- ties 215 its lack of evidence. . . . chap. vi. its late introduction 219 may be advanced flippantly, but cannot be so an- swered 295 natural things too unimportant to furnish analogies in its favor 219 not just and good chap. iv. not necessary 147 not universal chap. vi. 248 PAOB Objections to Christianity, {oon- thiued.) slowly developed 219 some of its precepts immoral. . 221 sufficiency of natural religion. 187 vicarious sufferings 245 Obligation arises from the bare supposableness of Chris- tianity 253, 262 Obligations to God arising out of relationship 196 Obscurity in part of a prophecy, does not impair the evi- dence of foresight 275 Offenders often shielded l)y friends [232 Offices of Christ as a mediator 238-240 Opinions must be distinguished from facts 270 Ordinary rules of interpretation. . [215 Pagan and Popish miracles easily accounted for 268 Parables show what the author intended 276 Partial views give an appearance of wrong 309 Passion hinders correct judgment 259 Paul, his separate testimony. . . . 266 how he received the gospel. . . 267 summary of his testimony. . . 267 Perfection of religion, what ? chap. viii. Persons for whom this treatise is written 309 Philosophy, its true mode of pro- ceeding [230 Piety superior to ritual observ- ances 201 Pleasures and pains, which over- balance ? 301 Political events, how mentioned in Scripture 282 Popish doctrine of a miracle at the Eucharist [204 Popular conversational objections 29.i Porphyry's mode of interpretation frivolous note 273 objections to the book of Daniel 279 INDEX TO PART 11. 35a Positive evidence of Chris- tianity CHAP. VII. ^itive institutions belong to the notion of a church 192 lay us under the strictest obli- gation 202 means to moral ends 199 men disposed to depend on them 200 necessary to keep up and pro- pagate religion 246 not to be made light of. 201 not to supersede moral obe- dience 200 the reason of them often ob- vious 198 two modes of viewing them. . . 198 {•ositive precepts compared with moral 198, 201 create moral obligations 221 t*ower of healing [217 Practice should be influenced by probability 254 Predictions of Christ very nume- rous and minute. . . 207, 208 Prejudice a hinderance to know- ledge 258 a mark of weakness 280 as hostile to truth as enthu- siasm 272 operates contrary ways 294 Preservation of the Jews as a dis- tinct race 291 Presumptions against miracles 205 against revelation as miracu- lous CHAP. II. none against the general scheme of Christianity. . 203 i:»rne peculiar to miracles. . . . 207 strong, overcome by weak proof. 207, [207 Priesthood of Christ 238 Jewish, ypicul of Christ 239 principles argued upon in this treatise 304 | PAQB Progressions in our existence. . . . 229 Progress in theology probable. . . [218 Probable proofs, by being added, not only increase evi- dence, but multiply it. . . 294 Probability should influence prac- tice 254 Profane history corroborates Scripture statements. . . 287 Proofs of Christianity a touchstone of honesty [259 level to common men 260 some important ones omitted in this treatise, and why. 304 why not more plain 261 Prophecy a joint review of prophecies furnishes a far stronger proof than examination in detail 294 a series of, being applicable to certain events, is proof that it was intended of them 276 compared to compiled me- moirs 278 created the expectation of a Messiah 284 confirmed by appearances. . . . 292 evidence from 275 expressed in figurative lan- guage 275 bow understood by ancient Jews 277 in relation to the Jews 284 is history anticipated 281 its obscurity 275 its proofs amazingly strong. . [207 may not always have been un- derstood by the writer. . 278 proves foresight 276, 279 sometimes obscured by inter- preters 210 summary of, concerning Christ 284 use of, to future ages 249 writers upun 277, 285 Prophet, Christ a 24i^ ao4 INDEX TO PART 11. PAGE Prcpliets not the authors of what they wrote 278 their sense of their predictions not necessarily the whole sense 278 whether they had in view the events which Christians consider fulfilments. . . . 277 Proverbial, use of the word 201 Providence, never hasty [229 objections to it useless. . . 300, 301 the course of, progressive. . . . 229 Province of reason 220 Prudence, its best plans often frustrated 247 often requires us to act with uncertain prospect of success 247, 248 Punishment follows wickedness, of course. . 231 instances of vicarious 244 not always avoided by reforma- tion 235 not promiscuously inflicted. . . 243 provision made for escaping it 232, 311 we cannot of ourselves escape it 234 we cannot know why such and such are inflicted 231 (Quotations. Angus [202, 223 Augustine note 187 Arnobius [269 Clemens Romanus [266 Davidson [294 Fitzgerald [303 Grotius [259 Guizot [229 Hurd [276 Dr. Johnson [288 Mahomet [268 Powell [230 Warburton [217, 223 VVhatcly [206 PAQB Rashness of interpreters 210 of treating religion lightlj. . . 197 Reason could not have invented Chris- tianity 206 could not ascertain the power of penitence 194 discovers our relation to God the Father 194 but not our relation to the Son and Holy Ghost. . . 194, 196 its limits very narrow [223 its proper province 220 must have right principles. . . 220 needs the aid of experience ia judging of the conse- quences of actions 24f not suflBcient to construct a system of natural reli- gion free from supersti- tion 1^6 our only faculty for judging even revelation 210 requires the importance of a question to be taken into account 295 teaches nothing of the certain means of either temporal or spiritual good 197 very incompetent to judge what a revelation ought to be 210-212 Reasoning by analogy to any extent, leaves the mind unsatisfied 296 Redemption agreeable to our natural no- tions 235 analogous to natural remedies. 232 conjectures about it must be uncertain 242 mode of, not discoverable by reason 243 men not competent judges of its plan 24i; on whom are its benefits. . note 237 Scripture a'^count of ... . 239, 24(J INDEX TO PART IT. 855 PAGE RacTemption, (continued.) ve should be thankful for it, without disputing how it was procured 242 References to other authors. Alexander [269 Apthorpe [285 Bayle [301 Benson [215 Birk [266 Blaney [285 Blunt [266 Bolingbroke [265 Boswell [288 Boyle [264 Butler [190, 272 Campbell [264 Celsus [287 Chalmers [187, 194, 242 Colliber 195 Damascenus [287 Davidson [285 Diodorus Siculus [287 Eupolemus [287 Featley [215 Fitzgerald [193, 206, 207 Fleetwood [264 Fuller [285 Gibbon [268 Graves [266 Grotius [266 Gulick [277 Hengstenburg [277 Horseley [277 Howe [236 Hurd [285 Jortin [264, 285 Julian [257 King [215, 277 Lardner [264 Leland [187 Longinus [287 Lyall [277 McCosh [187 Mackintosh [223 Magee [236, 242 Manasscs [237 References, (continued.) Menander [287 Michaelis [216 Mills [207 Newman [235 Numenius [287 Owen [24'> Paley [205, 266, 26J< Pascal [187, 223 Pfaffius [261 Phlegon [287 Phoenician Annals [287 Pliny [287 Porphyry. 279, [287 Samuel Stanhope Smith [206 Solinus [287 Spinoza [215 Stapfer [242 Storr [215 Strabo [287 Suetonius [287 Tacitus [287 Taylor [264 Tindall [196, 248 Tucker [264 Turretin [242 Vitringa [276 Warburton [187 Waterland [195 Watson [264 Waagb [277, 285 Way land [188, 236 Whately [206, 268, 288 Witsius [264 Reformation does not always pre- clude punishment 235 Regard duo to the Son and Holy Spirit 195 Regard to God as Creator, the essence of natural reli- gion 195 Rejection of Christ by many,at first, the argument from it. . . [269 foretold 285 Relations, being learned, duties are perceived 194 356 INDEX TO PART II. PAGE Rolatif^s of man to Deity 194 to ttie Son and Holy Ghost. . . 195 Religion a practical thing 298 a question of fact 301, 304 afiFords particular reasons for miracles 208 confirmed by the establish- ment of a church 191 considered as external and internal 195 doubt of its evidence does not release from moral obli- gation 254 has its end on all persons to whom proposed. . . 303, [303 if ti'ue, why susceptible of any possible doubt? 299 its acceptance safe 295 its general spirit intimated 200, 201 its great importance 254 its introduction into the world 206 its reasonableness fully shown, if it can only be proved that it may be reason- able 301 its very nature overlooked by those who insist that it should have overwhelm- ing evidence 302 may be true, though doubtful. 299 must be judged by its evi- dences taken together. . . 294 not a thing reasoned out 206 not equally taught to all men. 206 objections to it removed by analogy 300 presupposes candor in those who examine it 256,302, [303 reason may judge of its mo- rality 220 reasonable, for aught which can be shown to the contrary 301 the perception of. 302 the view of it taken in this treatise 299 PAfll Religion, (continued.) the evidence for it may be lessened, but cannot be destroyed 295 why its evidences are allowed to admit of doubt. 249, 253, 299 Relief for evils provided 232 Remedial nature of Christianity. [193 Remedies provided in nature 219, 232 may be unskilfully used 220 show the compassion of God 233 and also his strictness 234 Repentance cannot cancel guilt 236, [236 general sense of mankind on the subject 236 its eflBcacy not taught by na- tural religion [190 its efficacy taught in the Scrip- tures 190 not sufficient to preclude disaster 234, 235 Revelation a particular part of a great plan 224 accounts for the Theism of the Jews [206 at the beginning of the world, would not be miraculous 205 cannot be neglected with im- punity 260-262 considered as miraculous, chap. ii. considered historically 281 difference between its facts and its principles [236 discovers new relations, and so new duties 194 distinguished from natural re- ligion 195 does not compel assent 253 has twice been universal. . . . [248 how it could be overturned. . . 214 its disclosures, of course, could not have been antici- pated 211. 211 INDEX TO PART IL 357 Revelation, {continued.) its measure of evidence puts us on probation 253 its facts necessarily singular. [236 no more different from the course of nature than some parts of the course of nature are diflferent from other parts 312 necessary chap. i. republishes and confirms na- tural religion 188, 189 nothing incredible in it 271 teaches that God's laws are compassionate 236 the use of unwritten revela- tion 213 what is to be expected in reve- lation 210, 212 Reverence for the will of God. . . [199 Ridicule of Scripture an oflTence against natural piety 286 easier than examination 259 the great weakness of being influenced by it 280 Roman Empire mentioned 279 Rules for health very fallible and inexact 302 of Biblical interpretation. ... [215 Sacrifices commanded 241 expiatory 239 how the ancients regarded them 242 learned by the heathen from tradition 241 really eflBcacious 242 the prevalence of. 236 Sacrifice of Christ an objection to it 243 how efficacious, not taught. . . . 242 proper and real 239-241 puts us into a capacity for salvation 242 voluntary 244 Safety an important consideration in judging 294 Satirical writings, how under- stood 276, 27r Scheme of nature, vast 204 progressive 229 Scheme of providence, if under- stood, would justify facts which are objected to. . . 300 Schemes, the best may be discon- certed 247 Science confirms Scripture history 287 Scorn of prophetic diction 210 Scripture announces a general restora- tion of things 282 antiquity of. 287 characters evidently not feigned 287 confirmed by profane authors. 288 confirmed by the state of the earth 287 considered historically 281 contains an abridged history of the world 282 exposed to criticism 283 expounded by itself. [202 gives a history of this world as God's world 281 gives an account of civil go- vernments only as they affected religion 282 has internal evidence of truth 287 history genuine 265 how distinguished from other books 281-283 how to be interpreted [202 if false could be shown to be so 283 includes a history of thou- sands of years 283 includes the chronology of nearly four thousand years 284 its authority the great ques- tion, not its contents. . . 214 its chronicles confirmed by history 287 ?..V8 INDEX TO PART II. PAGE Scripture, (coniinued.) it8 evidences comprise a series of things of great variety and reaching to the bo- ginning of time 263 its o»ridences not intended to bo overpowering 253 its groat proofs are miracles and prophecy 264 its relation to miracles only to be accounted for on the supposition of their truth 265 its strangeness not surprising. 288 its stylo objected to 210 its truth must be judged of Vjy the evidence taken to- gether 295 may contain things not yet discovered 218 miracles, their first reception. . 265 naturalness of its statements. . 287 not composed by rules of art. . 210 nothing improbable related in any part 287 not to be judged by precon- ceived expectation 215 not to be judged exactly as other books 214 ordinary rules of interpreta- tion [215 our duty to search it. . . . 202, 262 precepts, some give offence. . . 210 reveals our relation to the Son and Jloly Spirit 194 the possibility of its truth de- mands investigation. . . . 258 truths not discoverable by reason 203 variety of topics introduced. . 283 written in a rude age 283 why it describes creation. . . . 282 Searching the Scriptures a great duly 202 Self-deceit, our liability to it. . . . 262 Serious apprehenhion may com- port with ioubt 313 PAQI Shameful mistakes of philosophers [230 Similarity of objections to reli- gion and nature 298 Sincerity of belief proved by dying for it 270 Skepticism no justification of irre- ligion 253 Sorrow cannot of itself restore abused benefits 234 Speaking with tongues [217 Speculative difficulties similar to external temptations. . . . 256 the chief trial of some. . . 257, 259 Spread of Christianity unaccount- able if it were an im- posture 290 Standing ministry, what for. . . . [191 Strangeness of some Scripture events 288 Stupidity of the martyrs, if in- sincere [269 Subserviences, the world a system of. 229 Success, temporal, always uncer- tain 302 Suffering, ignorance does not pre- vent it either in tempo- ral or spiritual things. . . 196 Sufferings of Christ vindicate God's law 244 of the early Christians 269 Sufficiency of light of nature pre- tended 186 Summary of Jewish history 284 of the historical evidence of Scripture 292 Supernatural instructions neces- sary from the first [206 Temporal interests not always discerned 247, 248 managed by prudent persons on the very principles proposed by religion as to spiritual interests 298, 299 Temporal interests often decided by considerations which INDEX TO PART II. r>r^f\ PAGE fall short of demonstra- tion 299 Temporary commands, distin- guished from perpetual. [188 Temptation a wholesome discipline 256 earthly and spiritual similar. . 256 calls forth virtuous effort 257 T ^stimony Jin bo destroyed only by counter-testimony, or by the incompetency of the witness 274 for miracles not mentioned in Scripture, does not im- pair the testimony for those there recorded. . . . 273 of Paul, separate and inde- pendent 266 of profane authors to the t^ut^ of Scripture history. . . . l:j»7 of the first Christians. . . . 269, 271 must be judged candidly. . . . [259 none counter to Christianity. . 275 slight, overcomes strong pro sumptions 40o unconfuted, must be admitted. 273 value of, lessoned by enthu- siasm 271 Theism of the Jews accounted for [206 Theology of the Bible, not to be corrected . . [202 Things which it is unreasonable to dispute 307 Ihuughtlessiicss of men 233 Tradition teaches that there was a revelation at the be- ginning 205 of the fall of man 311 Transubstantiation [206 Trial by speculative difficulties, analogous to other trials. 256 True philosophy inductive [230 Truth of Christianity proved, unless ihe whole of its history PAQ» and influence can be ac- counted for by accident. . 295 Truth, how developed [218 the, of an event may be fully proved, though no one of sundry proofs may bo complete 295 whether there is any such thing, denied by skeptics 305 Twofold effect of the analogical argument 306 Unbelievers, acknowledgment of. . 289 cannot deny a conformity be- tween prophecy and events 293 Understanding, its right use 215 Undesigned coincidences in Bible history [266 indeterminate language deceives many 297 Unequal distribution of religious knowledge 219 Unfair dealing of objectors 297 Ilnnxiisonableness of applying to passion for guidance. . . . 295 Unsatisfactory evidence, men often obliged to act upon it 302 Variety in the distribution of God's gifts 249, 312 Vastness of the scheme of nature. 201 Voracity of the first Christians. . . 274 Vicarious punishments witnessed every day 2 14 deter from sin 215 Vice appointed to bo punished. . . . 231 blinds men to just evidence. . . 256 its effects in tho present world 234 its natural consetiuenoos are God's judicial inflictions. 197 its real onoriuily 231 not palliated by any suftposed lack of evidence for ruli- gioii 255 800 INDEX TO PART II Vindicvuon of religion by ana- logy impossible 296 of the character of God, not attempted in this trea- tise 299, 300 Way of salvation for the helpless [186 Will of God, as absolute or con- ditional ... 261 tVoild, wickedness of. 238 Worship, mode of, a matier of pure revelation 195 Writers on the atonement [242 Christian sacraments [195 miracles [264, 268 necessity of revelation [187 prophecy [277-285 Scripture difficulties [2 i 5 undesigned coincidences. . . . [266 THB END. m'%' m 1 1012 01006 9757 wm^j^ •a %^^i«.^ ^a?r>4 iTM^^ ii^m^^; > -^