xojnje- FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY •SCO 67 70 PM40B Section I % 1* W W 1 i V f:J < MM V. W v\\\\ WAN \ ^' V(\ / MP VIP £in «" ■ t, i T H^ SEP 19 1936 CHRISTIAN^DUTY, EXHIBITED IN A SERIES OF HYMNS, Colle&ed from various Authors, Designed for the worship of god, And for the edification of christians. RECOMMENDED, To the Serious of all Denominations, Sf By the fraternity of baptists. While I live will J praife the Lord: I will fn:g Praife j unto my God while I have any Being. Pfalm cxlvi. 2. Andwhen they had fing an HYIWN, they went out into thz Mount of Olives* Matt. xxvi. 30. l 9 And at Midnight paul and si las prayed and ) fang Praifes unto God. Acts xvi. 25. Ifl ^ SECOND EDITION, IMPROVED. 1 Germantown : printed by Peter Leitjert, 1801. I flS^fl& a *S?^8S s Mi^^ I INTRODUCTION. 'Nasmuch as it hath pleafed the moft high God, _ to enlarge the Place of our Tent, and the Curtains of our Habitation ; it behoveth us to render Thanks and Praife to that beneficient Be- in t, in whole Hands is the Life and Breath of all Things: and who doth according to his Will in the Army of Heaven, and among the In- habitants of the Earth, and none can ftay his Hand nor fay unto him what doft thcu Tho* the Heaven is his Throne, and the Earth is his Footftool, yet unto Man he faith, < 4» PREFACE. D Early beloved Brethren, and feJlovv Heirs of the Grace of God ; the Apoftle exhorts us, (i to let the Word of (Thrift dwell in us, richly in all Wifdom, Teaching, and Admonifhing one another in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpiritual Songs, finging with Grace in your Hearts, unto the Lord. You are therefore here prefented with a Choice Collection of HYMN's, of" the moft approved Authors, fuitable to almoft every Cir- eumftance of Life, which we are call'd to pafs through, and correfponding with the Tenor of the Gofpel, and adapted to commemorate the Birth, Life, Death, Refurrecuon and Afcention of our Saviour, and his Sefiion at God's Right Hand, and his Interc^ffion there ; the Commif- fionofthe Apoftles on Baptifm, and the Lord's Supper, and the fecond Coming of Chrift, with- out Sin unto Salvation. My Brethren, in the Performance of this noble Part of Worfhip, we mould have our Minds de- voutly fiVd on God, who heareth Prayer, and inhabiteth the Prailes of Ifrael ; not railing our Voices only, but endeavouring to fing with the Spirit, and with the Underftanding alfo : left we be found among the Number of them over whom God laments, faying: This People draw near to me with their Mouths, and with their Lips do honour me, but their Hearts have they removed far from me, and their Fear towards me is taught by the Precept of Men, Let us therefore ftrive to PREFACE. to offer in an acceptable Manner, the Sacrifice of Praife to God continually, that is the Fruit of our Lips, giving Thanks to his Name. The Reafon for printing this Hymn Book is : becaufe of the inconvenience arifing from having feveral Sorts of Hymn Books in Meeting at once, it was therefore thought prudent to remove this Inconvenience, by collecting the moft approved Hymns, of the feveral Books, and reducing them into One finall Octavo, with a compleat Index, ■which is wanting in the Hymn Book which we have latterly ufed ; altho it was otherwife truly excellent* Dearly beloved, let us be encouraged to look forward, to that happy Period, when "all the Kings of the Earth fhall praife the Lord ;'' when they fhall hear the Words of his Mouth, yea, they fhall fing in the Ways of the Lord ; for great is the Glory of the Lord. When he fhall turn to the People a pure Language, and they fhall ferve him with one Confent, when they fhall come and ling in the Heights of Zion ; and flow together to the Goodnefs of the Lord. Under thefe C on fi derations and cheering Re- flections we may freely fay with David: "Let every Thing that hath Breath praife JEHOVAH* Hallelujah 1 Germantown, May 18, 1791. J+ *#* HALLELUJAH. * * C* THE CHRISTIANS DUTY, EXHIBITED I N A S IE R I E S OFSELECT HYMN S. H Y INI N t ■ 'f* K^gJom of Cod not in Word but in Power. 1. A Form of Words, tho' e'er fo found, ~l± Can never fave a Soul • Jnd ? Swf muft ^" e the Wound, And make die wounded whole. 2. Tho' God's Election is a Truth, -mall Comfort there I fee Till I am told by God's own Mouth i hat he has cholen me. 3. Sinners, I read,* are jnflify'd . By Faith injEsu's Blood: Butv,hentoME that Blood's applv'd, Tis then it does me good. 4- To Perfeverance I agree, A The ( 2 ) The Thing to me is cle^ar, Becaufe the Lord has promis'd me. That I fhall perfevere. Imputed Righteousnefs I own A Doctrine moft divine ; For Jefus to my Heart makes known That all his Merit's mine. . That Chrift is God I can avouch ; And for his People cares, Since I have pray'd to him as fuch, And he has heard my Pray'rs. . That Sinners black as Hell, by Chrift Are fav'd, I know full well : For I his Mercy have not miis'd ; And I am black as Hell. 8. Thus Chriftians glorify the Lord, Fis Spirit joins with ours, In bearing Witnefs to his Word, With all it's raving Pow'rs. H Y M N II. A Funeral Hymn for a Believer. 1. AH! lovely Appearance of Death, A No Sight upon Earth is fo fair ; Not all the gay Pageants that breathe, Can with a dead Body compare. 2. With folemn Delight I furvey The Corps, when the Spirit is fied, In Love with the beautiful Clay, And longing to lie in his ftead. «. How bleft is our Brother, bereft Of all that coidd burthen his Mind i How eafy the Soul, that hath left That C 3 ) This wearifbme Body behind ! 4. Of Evil incapable thou, Whofe Relicts with Envy I fee ; No longer in Mifery now, No longer a Shiner like me. 5. This Earth is affected no more, With Sicknefs, or maken with Pain ; The War in the Members is o'er, And never mall vex him again. 6. No Anger henceforward, or Shame, Shall redden this innocent Clay : Extinct is the Animal Flame, And Pailion is vanifh'd away. 7. This languifhing Head is at reft, Its Thinking and Aching are o'er 5 This quiet immoveable Breail Is heav'd by Affliction no more. 8. This Heart is no longer the Seat Of Trouble ftnd torturing Pain j It ceafes to nutter and beat, It never fhall nutter a gain. q. The Lids he fo feldom could clofe. By Sorrow forbidden to fleep, Seal'd up in eternal Repofe, Have ftrangely forgotten to weep. 1 q. The Fountains can yield no Supplies, Thefe Hollows from Waters are free ! The Tears are all wip'd from thefe Eye^. And Evil they never ill all fee. 1 1 . To mourn and to differ is mine, While bound in a Prifon I breathe ; And (till for Deliverance pine. A -2 And C 4 ) And prefs to the Ifliies of Death. 1 2. What now with my Tears I bedew, O might I this Moment become, My Spirit created anew, My Fleih be confign'd to the Tomb I HYMN III. 1. A LAS, my God, that thou mould be ii To me fo much unknown ! I long to walk and talk with Thee, And dwell before thy Throne. 2. Thou know'ft, my Soul doth dearly love The Place of thine Abode ; No Mufic gives fo fweet a Sound, As thefe two Words, My God. 3. 1 long not for the Fruit that grows Within thefe Gardens here ; I find no Sweetnefs in their Rofe When Jefus is not near. 4. Thy gracious Prefence, O my Chrift, Can make a Paradife ; Ah, what are all the goodly Pearls, Unto this Pearl of Price ? 5. Give me that fweet Communion, Lord, Thy people have with thee ; Thy Spirit daily talk* with Them, O let it talk with me. 6. Like Enoch let me walk with God, And thus walk out my Day, Attended with the heav'nly Guards, Upon the Kings High Way. 7. When wilt thou come unto me, Lord ? O C f come, my Lord, moft Come near, come nearer neai I'm well when thou art near S. When wilt thou come unto me, 1 languiih for thy Sight ; Ten thoufand Suns, if thou art ftran^ Are Shades inftead of Light. 9. When wilt thou come unto me Lord ? m for till thou doit apear, I coimt each Moment for a Day, Each Minute for a Year. 10. Come, Lord, and never from me go, This World's a darkfom Place ; I find no Pleafure here below, When thou dolt veil thy Face. 11. There's no fuch Thing as Pleafure here, My Jefus is my All ; As thou doit fliine, or difappear, My pleafures rile and fall. 12. Come, fpread thy Savour on my Frame, No Sweetnefs is fo fweet ; Till I get up to fing thy Name, Where all thy Singers meet. H Y M N IV. Godly Sorrow arifng from the Sufferings c/Xhrift. I . ALAS ! and did my Saviour bleed ! l\ And did my Sov'reign die \ Would he devote that i acred Head For fuch a Worm as I ? [2. Thy Body flaiii fweet Jefus thine, And bath'd in its own Blood, While all expos'd to Wrath divine, A 3 The ''! 6 ) ff'rer flood ! ] nes that I had done, ipon the Tree ? ! Grace unknown ! beyond degree ! 6 ht the Sun in Darknefs hide, fhut Ins Glories in, a GOD the Mighty Maker dy'd For Man the Creature's Sin. 5. Thus might I hide my blufhing Face, While his clear Crofs apears, Difolve mv 'Heart hi Thankfulnefs, And melt my Eyes to Tears. 6. But Drops of grief can ne'er repay The Debt of Love we owe ; Here Lord, I give my felf away, 'Tis all that I can do. H Y INI N V. UNBELIEF. I . A LL you that love the Lord draw ne v ar, Jl\ To my Complaint pray lend an Ear, And help mc to condole my Grief, For I'm diftreft by Unbelief. 1. Sometimes I'm fadi a ftupid Clod I doubt the exigence of a GOD; But ftill his Terrors woik my Grief. \\ Idle Hoj>e is drown' d in Unbelief. 5. When thus I*m fore diftreft all day, When evening comes I fain would pray, And bes: for Pardon, nnd Relief; But there's no GOD: "fays Unbelief. 4. But who did all dungs firft create t Was C 7 ) Was it not GOD, the Wife and Great ? While thus I would ailwage my Grief, You have no Soul :" fays Unbelief. 5. But then I make this quick Reply, What makes me then afraid to die, And after Death to dread the Grief Which I muft have for Unbelief ? 6. Behdes the SAVIOUR came to die, The Souls of Men to purify ; Which clearly proves for our Relief, That Men have Souls, O Unbelief ! 7. Bleft be my GOD, that now I fee That JESUS gave himfelf for me ; I'll praife his Name, who bore my Grief, And faves my Soul from Unbelief. H Y M N VI. Christ crucified. 1- ALL ye that pafs by, -tA. To Jems draw nigh, To you is it nothing that Jefus mould die ? 2. Your Ranfbm and Peace, Your Surety he is ; Come fee if there ever was Sorrow like his. 3. For what you have done, His Blood doth attone ; The Father hath puniili'd for you his dear Son. 4. The Lord in the Day Of Anger did lay Your Sins on the Lamb, and he bore them away. $. Ke anfwer'd for All ; Oh, come, at his Call, And low at his Crofs with Aftoniihment fall, A 4 6. For (8 ) 6. For you, and for me, He pray'd on the Tree ; The Pray'r is accepted, the Sinner is free. 7. That Sinner am I, Who on Chrift rely, And come for the Pardon God will not deny, 8. My Pardon I claim, A Sinner I am, A Sinner believing in Jefus's Name. 9. He gives me the Grace, Which now I embrace ; Oh, Father, thou knoweft he dy'd in my Place. 10. His Death is my Plea, My Advocate fee, . And hear the Blood fpeak that hath anfwer'd for me. 1 1 . Acquitted I was By's Death on the Crofs ; And lofing his Life, he hath carry 'd my Caufe. II Y M S VII Holy FORTITUDE. 1, A M I a Soldier of the Crofs ? jtx. A follower of the Lamb ? And fliall I fear to own his Caufe ? Or blufh to {peak his Name ? 2. Muft I be carry* d to the Skies, On flow'ry Beis of Eafe ? While others fought to win the Prize, And fail'd through bloody Seas ? ■;. Are there no Foes for me to face ? Mutt ] not ftem the Flood ? ^ Js this vile World a Friend to Grace, To help me on to God ? 4. Sure C 9 ) 4. Sure I muft. fight if I would reign i Increafe my Courage Lord : I'll bear the Toil, endure the Pain, Supported by thy Word. J. Thy Saints in all this glorious War, Shall conquer though they die ; They fee the Triumph from afar, And feize it with their Eye. 6. When that illuftrious Day fhall rife. And all thine Armies fhine, In Robes of Vict'ry through the Skies, The Glory fhall be dune. H Y IM N VIII. Triumph over Dec.lh, in Hope of thj Refureflion* 1. AND mini; this Body die ? A This mortal Frame decay ? And muft thefe acftive Limbs of mine Lie mould'ring in the Clay ? 2. Corruption, Earth and Worms, Shall but refine this Fleih, Till my triumphant Spirit comes To put it on afrefh. 3. God my Redeemer lives, And often from the Skies Looks down, and watches all my Dull, Till he fhall bid it rife. 4. Array'd in glorious Grace Shall thefe vile Bodies mine, And ev'ry Shape, and ev'ry Face, Look heav'iijy and divine. 5. Thefe lovely Hopes we owe A 5 To '■A ( 10 ) To Jefus' dying Love ; We would adore his Grace below, And ling his Pow'r above. 6. Dear Lord, accept the Praife Of thefe our humble Songs, Till Tunes of nobler Sound we raiie With our immortal Tongues. HYMN IX. For New Tear's Day. N D now my Soul, another Year Of thy mort Life is paft ; I cannot long continue here, And this may be my laft. 2. Much of my dubious Life is gone, Nor will return again ; And fwift my palling Moments run > The few that yet remain. 3. Awake, my foul, with utmoft Care Thy true Condition learn ; What are thy Hopes, how lure, how fair, And what thy great Concern ! 4. Now a new Scene of Time begins, Set out afrefh for Heav'n ; Seek Pardon for thy former Sins, In Chrift fo freely giv'n. c. Devoutly yield thyfelf to God, And on his Grace depend ; With Zeal purfue the heav'nly Road, Nor doubt a happy End. H Y M K X. N D why, dear Sa\ 'our, tell me why, Thou thus would'it fuffer, bleed and die r what '■A C n ) What mighty Motives could thee move ? The Motive's plain, 'twas all for Love. 2. For Love of whom ? Of Sinners bafe, A harden'd Herd, a Rebel Race ; That mock'd and trampled on thy Blood, And wanton'd with the Wounds of God. 3. When Rocks and Mountains rent with Dread, And gaping Graves gave up their Dead : When the fair Sun withdrew his Light, And hid his Head to ihun the Sight, 4. Then ftood the Wretch of human Race, And rais'd his Head and ihew'd his Face, Gaz'd unconceni'd, when Nature fail'd ; And fcoff'd, and fheer'd, and curs'd and rail'd. 5. Harder than Rocks and Mountains are, More dull than Dirt or Earth by far, Man view'd umnov'd thy Blood's rich Stream, Nor ever dream'd it flow'd for him. 6. Such was that Race of (infill Men, That gain'd that great Salvation then ; Such and fuch only Hill we fee j Such they were all, and fuch are we. 7. The Jews with Thorns his Temples crown'd, And lafh'd him when his Hands were bound ; But Thorns, and knotted Whips, and Bands, By us were furnhVd to their Hands. 8. They nail'd him to th' accurfed Tree ; They did, my Brethren, fo did we ; The Soldier piere'd his Side, 'tis true, But we have piere'd liim through and through. 9. Oh Love of unexaiypled Kind ! That leaves all Thought fo far behind, Where C 12 ) Where Length, and Breadth, & Depth, and Height, Are loft to my aftoniih'd Sight. io. For Love of me the Son of God Drain'd ev'ry Drop of vital Blood ; Long Time I after idols ran, But now my God's a martyr'd Man. HYMN XI. 1. A R I S E, O King of Grace, arife, Jl\ And enter to thy Reft ; Lo thy Church waits with longing Eyes, Thus to be own'd and bleft. 2. Enter with all thy glorious Train, Thy Spirit and thy Word ; All that the Ark did once contain Could no fuch Grace afford. 3. Here mighty God, accept our Vows, Here let thy Praife be fpread, Blefs the 1 Provifions of thy Houfe, And fill thy Poor with Bread. 4. Here let the Son of David reign, Let God's Anointed ihine ; Juftice and Truth his Court maintain, With Love and Pow'r divine. 5. Here let him hold a lafting Throne, And as his Kingdom grov\ 3, Frefh Honours fliall adorn his Crown, And Shame confound his foes. H Y M N XII. I ARISE, my tend'reft Thoughts arife, To torrents melt my ftreaming Eyes ! And thou my Heart with Anguifh feel, Thofe Evils which tliou can'ft not heal. 2. See C 13 ) 2. See human Nature funk in Shame ! See Scandal pour'd on Jefu's- Name ! The Father wounded through the Son ! The World abus'd, the Soul undone 1 3. See the fhort Courfe of vain Delight Clofing in long and dreadful Night ! In Flames that no Abatement know, The briny Tears for Ages flow. 4. My God I feel the mournful Scene ; My Bowels yearn o'er dying Men ; And fain my Pity would reclaim, And liiatch the Fire-brands from the Flame. 5. But feeble my Companion proves, And can L u t weep where moft it loves ; Thine own aU faving Ann employ, And turn the.f e Drops of Grief to Joy. H Y M M XIIL *. AWAKE, an4 f m g the fong -lx. Of Mofes and «-he Lamb, Wake every Heart a u d e vVy Tongue > To praife the Sav^ ^ r >g No- ie , 2. Sing of liis dying Lb» c Sing of his riling Pow'r, Sing how he intercede s above, For thofe whofe Sim Vi<- l>nre. 3. Sing till we feel our k ;ttt _ Afcending with our Tongues, Sing till the love of Sin departs. And grace infpires our Songs. 4. Sing on your Heav'nly Vay, Ye ranibm'd Sinners fii.o- ; Sing on, rejoicing ev'ry Day^ In Chxift th' eternal Kii 12: . C i4 ) 5. Sing till you hear Chrift fay, Your Sins are ail t forgiv'n; Sing on rejoicing ev'ry day, Till we all meet in Heav'n. 6. Soon mall ye hear Chrift fay, u Ye blefled Children come ; " Soon will he call you hence away, And take his Wand'rers home. HYMN XIV. Morn i 71 g. 1 • AWAKE, my Soul, and with the Sun, ^*> Thy daily Stage of Duty run ; . Shake off dull Sloth, and earrw^fr To pay thy morning Sacrifice. 2. Redeem thy mis-fpent Time that's pall, Live this Day as if 'twere thy laft ; T' improve thy Talents take- due care, 'Gainft the great Day thy felf prepare. j. Let all thy Converfe be frncere, Thy Confcience as the J^oon-Day clear : Think how th' all-feeing G °d thy Ways, And ev'ry fecret Thou4 nt Purveys. 4. Glory to God, who fa/k hath kept ; * And hath refrtih'd me' w hile I flept ; Grant, Lord, when I, from Death ihall wake, I may of endlefs Life partake. f. Direcl:, controul, fuggeft this day, All I defign, or do, <>r fay ; That all my Pow'M with all their Might, In thy fole Glory pay unite. 6. Praife God, from frhom all Bleflings flow, Praife him all Creates here below ; Praife him above, ye heav'nly.r^ft. Praife C t? ) Praife Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. HYMN XV. ASo?ig of Praife for the Birth ofChrift, 1. AWAY dark Thoughts, awake, my Joy ; xa Awake, my Glory fing ; Sing Songs to celebrate the Birth, Of Jacob's God and King. 2. O happy Night, that brought forth Light, Which makes the Blind to fee ! The Day Spring from on high came down, To chear and vifit Thee. 3. The wakeful Shepherds, near their Flocks, Were watchful for the Morn ; But better News from Heav'n was brought, " Your Saviour Chrift is born.'* 4. " In Bethle'm Town the Infant lies, " Within a Place obfcure." O little Bethle'm poor in Walls, But rich in Furniture ! f. Since Heav'n is now come down to Earth, Hither the Angels rly ! Hark, how the Heav'iily Choir doth ling, Glory to God on high ! 6. The News is fpread, the Church is glad, Simeon o'ercome with Joy, Sings with the Infant in his Arms, Now let thy Servant die. 7. Wife Men from far beheld the Star, Which was their faithful Guide, Until it pointed for the Babe, And him they glorify' d ; $ I While Heaven and Earth rejoice and ling, . Shall C «6 ) Shall we our Chrift deny ? He's bom for us, and we for him; Glory to God on high ! HYMN XVI. i.T>EFORE Jehovah's awful Throne, X3 Ye Nations bow with facred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone. He can create, and he deftroy. 5. His Sov'reign Pow'r, without our Aid, Made us of Clay, and form'd us Men. And when like wandring Sheep we ftray'd He brought us to his Fold again. 3. We'll crow'd thy Gates with thankful Songs, High as the Heav'ns our Voices raife ; And Earth with her ten thoufand Tongues Shall fill thy Courts with founding Praife. 4. Wide as the World is thy Command, Vail as Eternity thy Love ; Firm as a Rock thy Truth muft ftand, When rolling Years mall ceafe to move. HYMN XVII. The Pkarifee a?id Pub It can, Luke xviii, 10, &c. I.TIEHOLD how Sinners difagree, JD The Publican and Pharifee ! One doth his Righteoufneis proclaim, The other owns his Guilt and Shame, 2. This Man at humble Diftance ftands, And cries for Grace with lifted Hands ; That boldly riles near the Throne, And talks of Duties he has done. 3. The Lord their different Language knows C 17 ) And different Anfwers he beftows ; The humble Soul with Grace he crowns, Whilft on the Proud his Anger frowns. 4. Dear Father let me never be Join'd with the boafting Pharifee ; I have no Merits oi my own, But plead the Suff 'rings of thy Son. HYMN XVIII. A fieiu Song to the Lamb that tuasftain, Rev. v. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12. i.T> EHOLD the Glories of the Lamb -D Amidft his Father's Throne ; Prepare new Honours for his Name, And Songs before unknown. 2* Let Elders worfhip at his Feet, The Church adore around, With Vials full of Odours fweet, And Harps of fweeter Sound. 3. Thole are the Prayers of the Saints, And thefe the Hymns they raife : Jefus is kind to our Complaints, He loves to hear our Praife. [4, Eternal Father, who fhall look Into thy fecret Will ? Who but the Son mould take that Book,. And open e\°ry Seal ? 5. He mall fulfill thy great Decrees, The Son delerves it well ; Lo, in his Hand the Sov'reign Keys Of Heav'n, and Death and Hell. 6. Now to the Lamb that once was flain Be endlefs Bleffings paid j B Salva- ( i8 ) Salvation, Glory, Joy remain For ever on thy Head. 7, Thou haft redeem'd our Souls with Blood, Halt fet the Pris'ners free, Halt made us Kings and Priefts to God, And we mall reign with Thee. 8. The Worlds of Nature and of Grace Are put beneath thy Pow'r ; Then fhortcn thefe delaying Days, And bring the promis'd Hour. HYMN XIX. The Nativity of Chrift Luke i. 30, &c, Luke ii. 10, &c, i.T>EHOLD, the Grace appears, £> The Promife is fulfill'd ; Mary the Wond'rous Virgin bears, And Jefus is the Child. [2. The Lord, the higheft God, Calls him his only Son ; He bids him rule the Lands abroad. And gives him David's Throne. 5. O'er Jacob mail he reign With a peculiar Sway ; The Nations mail his Grace obtain, His Kingdom ne'er decay.] 4. To bring the glorious News, A heav'nly Form appears ; He tells the Shepherds of their Joys, And banilhes their Fears* 5. Go humble Swains, faid he, To David's City Fly, The promis'd Infant born to Day, Doth in a Manger lie, 6. With ( i9 ) 6. With Looks and Hearts ferene, Go vifit Chrift your King ; And ftrait a flaming Troop was feen ; The Shepherds heard him hug* 7, Glory to God on High, And heav'nly Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men, to Angels Joy, At the Redeemer's Birth. [8» In Worfhip fo divine, Let Saints employ their Tongues; With the celeftial Hoft we join, And loud repeat their Songs. o. Glory to God on High, And heav'nly Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men, to Angels Joy, At our Redeemer's Birth.] HYMN XX. Love to Enemies : or, the Love of Chrift to Sinners, typified in David, •B EHOLD the Love, the gen'rous Love, That holy David mows ; Hark ! how his founding Bowels move To his afflidled Foes ! 2» When they are fick, his Soul complains, And feems to feel the fmart ! The Spirit of the Gofpel reigns, And melts his pious Heart. 3. How did his flowing Tears condole, As for a Brother dead ! And fading mortify'd his Soul, While for their Life he pray'd. 4. They groan'd, and curs'd him on their Bed, B 2 Ye; ( *> ) Yet dill he pleads and mourns ; And double Bleflings on his Head The righteous God returns* 5, O glorious Type of hev'nly Grace ! Thus Chrift the Lord appears; While Sinners curfe, the Saviour prays, And pities them with Tears. 6. He the true David, Ifr'el's King, Bleit and belov'd of God, To fave us Rebels dead in Sin, Paid his own deareft Blood. r B HYMN XXI. Chrift The Fou7idation of the Church. EHOLD the fure foundation Stone, Which God in Zion lays, To build our heav'nly Hopes upon, And his eternal Praife* 2. Choien of God, to Sinners dear, And Saints adore the Name, They draft their whole Salvation here, Nor mail they fuffer Shame. 3. The foolifti Builders, Scribe and rrieft, Rejeift it with Difdain ; Yet on this Rock the Church fhall reft, And Envy rage in vain. 4. What tho' the Gates of Hell withftood Vet mud this Building rife ; 'Tis thy own Work, almighty God, And wond'ious in our Eyes.. HYMN XXII. T^t rspenthig Prodigal. 1. "O HOLD he Wretch whofe Lull and Wine JD Had wafted his Eftate, He ( xi ) He begs a Share among thd Swine, To tafte the Hulks they eat ! 2 # "I die with Hunger, here he cries ; "I ftarve in foreign Lands ; " My Fathers Houfe has large Supplies, "And bounteous are his Hands. 3. "I'll go and with a mournful Tongue "Fall down before his Face ; "Father I've done thy Juftice wrong, "Nor can deferve thy Grace/ l 4. He faid and haften'd to his Home, To feek his Father's Love ; The Father faw the Rebel come, And all his Bowels move. 5. He ran and fell upon his Neck, Embrac'd and kifs'd his Son : The Rebel's Heart with Sorrow brake, For Follies he had done. 6. "Take of his Clothes of Shame and Sin," [The Father gives Command] "Drefs him in Garments white and clean, " With Rings adorn his Hand. 7. "A Day of Feafting I ordain ; "Let Mirth and Joy abound; "My Son was dead, and lives again, Was loft, and now is found. " HYMN XXIII. The Poof ofBethefda. i.T> E SIDE the Gofpel Pool .D Appointed for the Poor ; From Year to Year, my helplefs Soul Has waited for a Cure, B 3 2, How ( & ) 2 ¥ How often hare I feen The healing Waters move ! And others, round me, ftepping in Their Efficacy prove ! 3. But my Complaints remain, I feel the very fame : As full of Guilt, and Fear, and Pain, As when at firft I came. 4. O would the Lord appear My Malady to heal [ He knows how long I've languiuVd here, And what Diltrefs I feel. 5. How often have I thought Why mould I longer lie ? Surely the Mercy I have fought Is not for fuch as I. 6. But whither can I go t There is no other Pool ; Where Streams of Sov'reign Virtue flow To make a Sinner whole* 7. Here then, from Day to Day, I'll wait, and hope, and try : Can Jefus hear a Sinner pray, Yet fuifer him to die ? 8. No : He is full of Grace ; He never will permit A Soul, that fain would fee his Face, To perifh at his Feet. B HYMN XXIV. ESTOW, dear Lord, upon our Youth The Gift of faving Grace ; And let the Seed offacred Truth Fall in a fruitful Place. 2. Grace 03 ) 2 # Grace is a Plant, where'er it grows,, Of pure and Keav'nly Root ; But faireft in the Youngeft fhews, And yields the fweeteit fruit. 3. Ye carelefs Ones, C hear betimes The Voice of Scv reign Love ! Your Youth is ftain'd with many Crimes, But Mercy reigns above* 4» True, you are Young, but there's a Stone Within the youngeft Breaft ; Or half the Crimes which you have done Would rob you of your reft. 5. For you the public Pray'r is made, Oh ! join the public Pray'r ! For you the fecret Tear is fhed ; O ftied yourfelves a Tear ! 6. We pray that you may early prove The Spirit's Pow'r to teach : You cannot be too young to love That Jefus, whom we preach. HYMN XXV. Chrift our Wifdom, Right eousnefs, Salification and Redemption „ 1 Cor. i, 30. BELIEVERS own they are but blind They know themfelves Unwife ; But Wifdom in the Lord they find, Who opens all their Eyes. 2. Unright'ous are they all, when try'd; But God himlelf declares, In Jefus they are juftify'd ; His Right'ousnefs is theirs. 3, That we're Unholy needs no Proof; B 4 We ( M ) We fbrely feel the Fall : But Chrift has Holinefs enough To fanclify us all. 4 . Expos'd by Sin to God's juft Wrath, We look to Chrift and view Redemption in his Blood by Faith ; And lull Redemption too . 5. Some this, fome that, good Virtue teach, To redtify the Soul ; But we firft after Jefus reach, And riclily grafp the Whole^ 6. To Jefus join'd we all that's Good, From him, our Head, derive ; We eat his Flefh, we drink his Bloo$, And by and in him live. HYMN XXVI. The Beatitudes. [i. T> LESS'D are the humble Souls that fee JD Their Emptinefs and Poverty : Treafures of Grace to them are giv'n, And Crowns of Joy laid up in Heav'n.] [2. Blefs'd are the Men of broken Heart, Who mourn for Sin with inward Smart; The Blood of C h r 1 s t divinely flows, A healing Balm for all their Woes,] [3. Blefs'd are the Meek, who Hand afar From Rage and P anion* Noife and War; God will fecure their happy State, And plead their Caufe againfl the Great.] £4. Blefs'd are the Souls that third for Grace, Hunger and long for Right'oufnefs ; They mail be well fupply'd and fed, With living Streams and living Bread.] [5. Blefs'd [$. Blefs'd are the Men whofe Bowels moVc?, And melt witft Sympathy and love ; From Christ the lord mall they obtain Like Sympathy and Love again.] [6. Blefs'd are the Pure, whofe Hearts are clean From the defiling Pow'r of Sin ; With endlefs Pleafure they mall fee A G o d of fpotlefs Purity. "| [7. Blefs'd are the Men of peaceful Life, Who quench the Coals of growing Strife ; They lhall be call'd the Heirs of Blifs, The Sons of G o d, the G o d of Peace."! [8. Blefs d are the Suff 'rers, who partake Of pain and Shame for Jefus fake ; Their Souls lhall triumph in the Lord, Glory and Joy are their Reward,] H Y M N XXVII. On ths Death of a Saint, I.DLESSED are they ( the Scriptures fay ) -D That dying win the Prize, For reft they mail, their good works all Do follow them likewife. 2. Death's but a Sleep, why mould we weep For thofe in Chrift who die ? Since this we know to peace they go. And Joys poflels on High. 3. Altho' to Duft their Bodies muft Be turn'd beneath the Clod, Yet they fhall rife above the Skies, And ever live with God. B 5 4. Chriit (z6 ) 4. Chrift will aloud before the Croud Compos'd of Adam's Race, Confefs them dear, who own'd him here. And bore for him Dhgrace, 5. Robes they mall have that will outbrave The Whitenefs of the Snow ; Moft pure and bright, like mining Light ; Such Jefus will beftow. 6. Then why need we dejected be ? Our lofs is their great Gain ; For they mail Hand at Chrift's right Hand, And with their Saviour reign. 7. Their happy Days are fpent in Praife, While here we figh and groan ; ' Could we but fee how bleit they be, 'Twould make us ceafe to moan. 8. If there was End, 'twould Trouble fend, And would eclipfe the Joy, But 'tis not fo 3 they'll never go Out of that fweet Employ. 9. When they've been there ten Million Years, And Millions more are done, They've no lefs Days to fing God's Praife Then when they firft begun. HYMN XXVIIL A biejfid Co/pel. 1 . DLEST are the Souls that hear and know The Gofpel's joyful Sound ; Peact, (hall attend the Path they go, And Light, their Steps furround. 2. Their Joy mall bear their Spirits up, Thro' their Redeemer's Name ; HiB C *7 ) His Righteoufnefs exalts their Hope, Nor Satan dares condemn. 3. The Lord our Glory and Defence, Strength, and Salvation gives; Ifrael, thy King for ever reigns, Thy God for ever lives. HYMN XXIX. A Song of Praife for the GofpeU I # DLEST be my God that I was born, To hear the Gofpel found ; That I was born to be baptiz'd, And bred on holy Ground : 2» That I was bred where God appears With Tokens of his Grace ; The Lines are fallen unto me In a mod pleafant Place. 3. I might have been a Pagan bred. Or elfe a veiled Jew, Or cheated with the Al Koran Amongft the Turkifh Crew. 4. So in a Dung'on dark as Night I might have fpent my Days ; But thou haft lent me Gofpel-Light, To thine eternal Praife* 5. The Sun that rofe up in the Eaft, And drove the Shades away, Its healing Wings have reach 'd the Weft, And turn'd the Night to Day, 6. Bleft be my God for what I fee, My God for what I hear, I hear fuch blcfted News from Heav'n Not Earth nor Hell I fear. 7. U8 ) 7. J hear my Lord for me was born, My Lord for m 1 did die, My Lord for me did rile again, And did afcend on High ; 8. On High he ftands to plead my Caulfe, And will return again, And fet me on a glorious Throne, And I with him mail reign. HYMN XXX. Charity to the Poor : or, Pity f the Affliaed. 1. IDLEST is the Man whofe Bowels move, *-* And melt with Pity to the Poor ; Whofe Soul, by Sympathizing Love, Feels what his Fellow-Saints endure. 2. His Heart contrives for their Relief, More Good than his own Hands can do ; He, in the Time of gen'ral Grief, Shall find the Lord has Bowels too. 3. His Soul fhall live fecure on Earth, With fecret Bleflings on his Head, When Draught, and Peftilence, and Dearth, Around him multiply their Dead. 4. Or if he Languifh on his Couch, GOD will pronounce his Sins forgiv'n, Will fave him with a healing Touch, Or take his willing Soul to Heav'n. HYMN XXXL 1. "DLEST is the Man who fhuns the Place Where Sinners love to meet ; Who fears to tread their wicked Ways, And hates the Scoffer's Seat ; 2. Bui: in the Statutes of the Lord Has plac'd his chief Delight ; By (^9 ) By Day he reads or hears the Word, And meditates by Night, 3*. (He like a Plant of gen'rous kind, By living Waters fet, Safe from the Storms and blafting Wind, Enjoys a peaceful State, ) 4. Green as the Leaf, and ever fair Shall his Profeffion mine, While Fruits of Holinefs appear Like Clutters on the Vine. J. Not io th' Impious and Unjuft ; What vain Defigns they form ! Their Hopes are blow'n away like Duft, Or Chaff before the Storm. 6. Sinners in Judgment fhall not ftand Amongft the Sons of Grace, When Chrift the Judge at his right Hand, Appoints his Saints a Place. 7. His Eye beholds the Path they tread ; His Heart approves it well ; But crooked Ways of Sinners lead Down to the Gates of Hell. HYMN XXXII. The Lord's Day ; or, the Refurreftion of Chrift. 1, "DLEST Mornincr, whofe young dawning Rays Behold our rifing God, That faw him triumph o'er the Duft, And leave his dark Abode. 2. In the cold Prifon of a Tomb, The dear Redeemer lay, Till the revolving Skies had brought, The Third, th'appointed Day. 3. Hell ( 30) I , Hell and the Grave unite their Force. To hold our God in vain, The fleeping Conqueror arofe, And burft their feeble Chain. 4^ To thy great Name, Almighty Lord, Thefe facred Hours we pay, And loud Hofannas mall proclaim The Triumph of the Day. [5, Salvation and immortal Praife To our Victorious King ; Let Heav'n, and Earth, and Rocks and Seas> With glad Hofannas ring- J HYMN XXXIII.- The jubelee. 1. DLOW ye the Trumpet, blow, The gladly folemn Sound, Let all the Nations know, To Earth's remoteft Bounds The Year of Jubilee is come, Return ye ranfom'd Sinners home* 2. Exalt the Son of God, The all atoning Lamb ; Redemption thro' his Blood To all the World proclaim : The Year, &c. 3. Ye, who have fold for nought, Your Heritage above; Come take it back unbought, The Gift of Jefus Love : The Year, &c. The Gofpel Trumpet founds ; Let all the Nations hear, And ( 3* ) And Earth's remotefl Bounds Before the Throne appear : The Year, &c. HYMN XXXIV. 1. "DRIGHT burning Beam of gofpel Grace Hafte Lord, for to difplay ; For to burn up in all thy Saints Their Stubble, Wood, and Hay. 2. Break forth O Sun of Right'oufnefs Unto, the perfect Day ; Hafte Holy One unto thy Throne, Our Jefus, hafte away I 3. But O, who may abide the Day When Zions King fhall reign ? Who may abide, when he the Pride Of all proud Flefh fnall ftain ? 4. Tremble ye carelefs Ones, that are At Eafe in Zion, and Wonder and Stay, becaufe that Day Is very nigh at Hand ; 5. It now doth dawn ; the glorious Morn Begins for to appear j What elfe doth mean thefe Lowings, and Thefe Bleatings which we hear ? 6. The Saints do ling to Chrift their King, Whilft others rage in Pain, Becaufe His bright and dazzling Light Shines thro' the World amain. 7. Redeemed Ones, fing Praifes, for This Fire's but fent to try, And purge your Drofs, that by its Lofs Chrift may yoU purify, HY MN C 3* ) HYMN XXXV. Few faved: or, The Ahnoft Chrijlians y the Hypo* criiesy a?id Apofiate. j. D R O A D is the Road that leads to Death, And Thoufands walk together there ; But wifdom fhews a narrow 'r Path With here and there a Traveller. 2* t)eny thyfelf, and take thy Crofs, Is the Redeemer's great Command ; Nature muft count her Gold but Drofs, If fhe would gain this heav'nly Land. g. The fearful Soul that tires and faints, And wslks the Ways of God no more, Is but efteem'd almoft a Saint, And makes his own Deftnuftion fure. 4. Lord, let not all my Hopes be vain, Create my Heart entirely new, Which Hypocrites could ne'er attain, Which falfe Apoftates never knew* HYMN XXXVI. 1. "DURIED in Baptifm with our Lord, ^ We rife with him, to Life reflor'd : Not the bare Life in Adam loft, But richer far ; for more it colt. 2. Water can cleanfe the Flefh we own ; But Chrift: well knows, and Chrift alone, How dear to him our Cleanling flood, Baptiz'd with Fire, and bath'd in Blood, 3. Hn was a Baptifm deep indeed, O'er Feet and Body, Hands and Head, He in his Body purg'd our Sin : A little Water makes us clean, 4. Not ( « ) 4* Not but we tafte his bitter Cup ; But only he could drink it up, To burn for us was his Defire : And he baptizes us with Fire. 5. This Fire will not confume but melt, How foft compar'd with that he felt 1 Thus cleans'd from Filth, and purg'dfrom Drofi, Baptized Chriftian, bear the Crofs. HYMN XXXVII. 1. nY what amazing Ways, JJ The Lord vouchfafes t'explain The Wonders of his Sov'reign Grace Towards the Sons of Men ! 2. He fhews us firft, how foul Our Natur's made by Sin ; Then teaches the believing Soul The Way to make it clean. 3. Our Baptifm firft declares, What need we've all to cleanfe ; Then fhews that Chrift to all God's Heirs Can Purity difpenfe. 4. Water the Body laves : And if 'tis done by Faith, The Blood of Jefus furely faves The finful Soul from Death. 5", Water no Man denies ; But, Brethren reft not there : 'Tis Faith in Chrift that Juftifies, And makes the Confcience clear. *> Baptiz*d into his Death, We rife to Life divine. C The ( 34) The Holy Spirit works the Faith ; And Water is the Sign. HYMN XXXVIII. 1. T> Y whom was David taught Jk-J To aim the dreadful Blow, When he Goliath fought, And laid the Gittite low ? Nor Sword nor Spear the Stripling took, But chofe a Pebble from the Brook. 2. 'Twas Ifrael's God and King, Who fent him to the Fjght ; Who gave him Strength to fling, And Skill to aim aright, Ye feeble Saints, your Strength endures, Becaufe young David's God is yours, 3. Who order'd Gideon forth, To Storm th' Invaders Camp, With Arms of little Worth, A Pitcher and a Lamp? The Trumpets made his coming known, And all the Hoft was overthrown. 4. Oh! I have feen the Day When with a flngle Word, God helping me to fay, « My Truft is in the Lord ;' • My Soul has quelld a Thoufand Foes, Fearlefs of all that would oppofe. 5. But Unbelief, Self- Will, Self-Right'oufnefs and Pride; How often do they ileal My W eapon from my Side ? , Yet David s lord, and Gideon's Friend, Will help his Servant to the End. HYMN ( V ) HYMN XXXIX. 1. At A N fuch poor feeble Worms as we V-/ Praife and adore our Saviour's Name? Or bring a Tribute, Lord, to thee ? Or half thy Pow'r and Love proclaim ? 2. We (land amaz'd, when we behold Thy Glory and thy Beauty, Lord ! Thy Love and Grace can ne'er be told, Which thou to Mortals doft afford. 3. Yet Lord, we would attempt thy Praife, We would exalt thy Holy Name ; Lord, we would walk in thy fweet Ways ; And fing, and tell thy wond'rous Fame, 4. Fain would our Souls mount up to thee, And Feaft forever on thy Love ; And praife the facred Deity, As Angels do that dwell above. HYMN XL. Refting under the Crop, U /CHILDREN of Ifrael fee what Shade, V~> The Crofs does us afford ; It was for weary Travelers made, We thank thee for it, Lord. 2. Here let us fit, and all prepare To fing his worthy Fame ; Who to redeem us fojourn'd here, Chrift Jefus is his name. 3. We fing thy SufPrings, Wounds and Blood, The Virtue of thy Pain : We fing thy Griefs, thou Son of, God, Thou Lamb for Sinners flam, *. We hail thee, thou by Jews revil'd, C 2 To ( ?6 ) To thee we bow the Knees ; Hail ! very God, the promised Child, The Prophets fang of thee. 5. While others Praife an unknown God, We each will fing of thee ; " Jefus has wafli'd me in his Blood, And liv'd, and dy'd for me." HYMN XLI. The VUgrwis Soxg. I. /CHILDREN of the heav'nly King, V-/ As ye Journey fweetly ling. Sing your Saviour's worthy praife, Glorious in his Works and Ways ! 2^ Ye are trav'ling home to God, In the Way the Fathers trod : They are happy now, and ye Soon their Happinefs fhall fee. 3. O ye banihVd Seed be glad ! Chrill our Advocate is made ; Us to fave our Flefh allumes, Brother to our Souls becomes. 4. Shout ye little Flock, and bleft, You on Jefu's Throne mail reft, There your Seat is now prepar,d, There your Kingdom, and Reward. 5. Fear not Brethren, joyful (land On the Borders of your Land; Jefus Chrift, your Father's Son, Bids you joyfully come on. 6. Lord, obediently we'll go, Gladly leaving all below ; Only thou our Leader be, And we Hill will follow thee ! HYMN L C 37 ) HYMN XLII. 1. /CHRIST the Lord is ris'n to Day, \*s Sons of Men and Angels fay ! Raife your Joys and Triumphs high, Sing, ye Heav'ns, and Earth reply. 2. Love's redeeming Work is done, Fought the Fight, the Battle won ; Lo ! our Sun's Eclipfe is o'er, Lo ! he fets in Blood no more. 3. Vain the Stone, the Watch, the Seal, Chrift hath burft the Gates of Hell : Death in vain forbids his Rise, Chrift hath open'd Paradife. 4. Lives again our glorious King, Where, O D^ath is now thy Sting ? Once he dy'd our Souls to fave, Where's thy Victory, O Gi ave ? 5. Soar we now where Chrift hath led, Foil 'wing our exalted Head ; Made like him, Ii^e him we rife, Ours the Crofs, the Grave, the Skies, 6. What tho' once we perifh'd all, Partners of our Parents Fall ; Second Life 'we all receive, In our heav'nly Adam live, 7. Hail the Lord of Earth and Heav'n ! Praife to thee by both be giv'n ! Thee we Greet Triumphant now, Hail the I .efurrecftion — thou ! S. King of GhVy ! Soul of Blifs ! Everlaftin^ Life is this — Thee to J^now — thy Pow'r to prove, Thus to fling, and thus to love. C 3 HYMN ( 38 ) HYMN XLIII. On the Passion. I. y^OME, all ye Chofen Saints of God, K^/ That long to feel the cleanfing Blood, In penfive pleafure join with me, To fing of fad Gethfemane. 3, Gethfemane the Olive Prefs ! (And why fo call'd, let Chriftians guefs) Fit Name ! Fit Place! where Vengeance (trove* And grip'd and grappled hard with Love. 3. 'Twas here the Lord of Life appear'd, Andfigh'dj andgroan'dand pray ' d and fear'd ; Bore all incarnate God could bear, With Strength enough — and none to fpare. 4. The Pow'rs of Hell united prefs'd, And fqueez'd his Heart, and bruiz'd his Breafl ; What dreadful Conflicts rag'd wihin, When Sweat and Blood f orc'd thro* the Skin • 5. Difpatch'd from Heav'n an Angel ftood, Amaz'd to find him bath'd in Blood ; Ador'd by Angels, and obey'd ; But lower now than Angels made. 6. He ftood to ftrengthen, not to fight Juftice exacts its utmoft Mite. This Victim Vengeance will \purfue ; He undertook, and muft go through. . 7. Three favor'd Servants leltnoA far, Were bid to wait and water 1 r the war; But Chrift withdrawn, what W) tch we keep ! To< fhun the Sight, they lung in Sleep. 8. Backwards and forwards thrid 1 he ran, As if he fought fome Help from Man ; Or ( 19 ) Or wifh'd at leatl they would condole ( 'Twas all they could ) his tortnr'd Soul. 9. Whatever he fought for, there was none ; Our Captain fought the Field alone ; 'Soon as the Chief to Battle led, That Moment ev'ry Soldier fled. 10. Myfterious Conflict ! Dark Difguife ! Hid from all Creature's piercing Eyci ; Angels aftonifh'd view'd the bcene, And wonder yet what all could mean. 11. Oh, Mount of Olives ! facred Grove ! Oh, Garden, Scene of tragic Love ! "What bitter Herbs thy Beds produce J How rank their Scent 1 How harm their Juice ! 12. Rare Virtues now thofe Herbs contain : The Sav'our fuck'd out all their Bane. My Mouth with thefe if Confcience cram, I'll eat them with the Pafchal Lamb. I3 # Oh, Kedron, gloomy Brook, how foul Thy black polluted Waters roll ! No Tongue can tell ( but fome can tafle ) The Filth that into thee was cafl. 14* In Eden's Garden there was Food Of ev'ry kind for Man, while good ; But, baniftVd thence, we fly to thee, O Garden of Gethfemane, HYMN LXIV. The Love of Christ fhed abroad i?i the Heart, I. pOME, dearefl: Lord, defcend and dwell V_/ By Faith and Love in ev'ry preaft ; Then mail we know, and tafte, and feel The Joys that cannot be exprefs'd. C 4 2. Come ( 40) 2, Come, fill our Hearts with inward Strength? Make our enlarged Souls poflefs, And learn the Height, and Breadth, and Length, Of thine unmeafurable Grace. 3, Now to the God whofe Pow'r can do More than our Thoughts and Wifhes know, Be everlafting Honours done By all the Church, thro' Christ his Son. 1 C HYMN LXV. OME, defcend, O heav'nly Spirit, Fan each Spark into a Flame, Bieffings let us now inherit, Bleflings that we cannot Name, * Whilft Hofannas we are fmging, May our Hearts in Rapture move, Feel new Grace in them itill fpringing, Breathe the Air of pureft Love, Let us fail in grace's Ocean, Float on that unbounded Sea, Guided into pure Devotion, Kept from Paths of Error free : On thy heav'nly Manna feeding, Screen'd from ev'ry envious Foe ; Love, O Love for Sinners bleeding, All for thee we would forego. , Keep us, Lord ftill in Communion, Daily nearer drawn to thee ; Sinking in the fweeteft Union Of that heart-felt Myftery; Keep us fafe from each Delufion, Well protected from all Harms ; Free from Sin and all Confufion, Circle us within thy Arms* HYMN ( 4i ) HYMN XLVI. Redeeming Love, 1. ^>rOME heav'nly Love, infpire my Song, V./ With thy immortal Flame ; And teach my Heart, and teach my Tongue, The Saviour's lovely Name. 2. The Saviour! O what endlefs Charms Dwell in the blifsful Sound ! Its Influence ev'ry Fear difarms, And fpreads fweet Comfort round, 3. Here Pardon, Life, and Joys divine, In rich Effufion flow, For guilty Rebels loft in Sin, And doom'd to endlefs Woe. 4. God's only Son, (ftupendous Grace!) Forfook his Throne above ; And fwift to fave our wretched Race, He flew on Wings of Love, 5. Th* Almighty former of the Skies Stoop'd to our vile Abode ; While Angels view'd with wondring Eyes, And hail'd th' incarnate God, 6. O the rich Depths of Love divine I Of Blifs, a boundlefs Store : Dear Saviour, let me call thee mine, 1 cannot wifh for more, 7. On thee alone my Hope relies, Beneath thy Crofs I fall ; My Lord, my Life, my Sacrifice, My Saviour, and my all, ' C 5 . 1 HYMN ( 4* ) HYMN XLVII. 1. /^OME hither ye, that fain would know \^/ Th 1 exceeding Sinfuinefs of Sin : Come fee a Scene of matchlefs Woe ; And tell me what it all can mean. 2. Behold the darling Son of God, Bow'd down with Horror to the Ground, Wrung at the Heart, and fweating Blood, His Eyes in Tears of Sorrow drown'd, 3. See how the Victim panting lies, His Soul with bitter Anguim preft, He lighs, he faints, he groans, he cries, Diimay'd, dejected, fhock'd, diftreft. 4. What Pangs are thefe that tear his Heart ! What Burden's this that's on him laid ? What means this Agony of Smart ? What makes our Maker han«; his Head * 5. 'Tis Juftice with its Iron Rod, Inflicting; Strokes of Wrath divine : 'Tis the vindictive Hand of God, Incens'd at all your Sins, and mine. 6. Deep in his Breaft our Names were cut, Ke undertook our defp'rate Debt, Such Loads of Guilt were on him put, He could but juft fuftain the Weight. 7. Then let us not ourfelves deceive : For while of Sin we lightly deem, Whatever Notions we may have, Indeed we are not much like him. H Y M N XLVHl. Breathing after the Hoh Spirit ; or, Fervency of 1 Devotion defired. 1, pOME, Holy Spirit, Heav'nly Dove, V»/ With all thy quiek'ning Pow'rs, Kin- ( 43 ) Kindle a Flame of facred r Love In thefe cold Hearts of ours. 2, Look, how we grovel here below, Fond of thcfe trifling Toys ; Our Souls can neither fly nor go, To reach eternal Joys. 3. In vain we tune our formal Songs, In vain we ftrive to rife ; Hofannas languifh on our Tongues, And our Devotion dies. 4. Dear Lord ! and ihall we ever lie At this poor dying Rate ; Our Love ib faint, fo cold to th Harden'd to Stone, or froze t© Ice I I fee the blefled fair one bend, And ftoop t' embrace me from the Skies. 2, O ! 'tis a Tkought would melt a Rock, And make an Heart of Iron move, That thofe fweet Lips, that heav'nly Look^ Should feek and wiih a Mortal's love . 3, I was a Traytor doom'd to Fire, Bound to fuftain eternal pains ; He flew on Wings of ftrong Defire, Afliim'd my Guilt, and took my Chains. 4. Infinite (44) 4* Infinite Grace ! Almighty Charms ! Stand in amaze. O Earth and Skies ! Jesus the God with naked Arms, Hangs on a Cro(s of Love and dies. 5, Did Pity ever ftoop fo low, Drefs'd in Divinity and Blood I Was ever Rebel courted fo With Groans of an expiring Gopf 6. Again he lives, and fpreads his Hands, Hands that were nail'd to tor t' ring Smart ; By diefe dear Wounds, fays he : and ftands And prays to clafp me to his Heart, 7» Sure I muft Love ; or are my Ears Still deaf, nor will my Paffions i'nove ; Then let me melt this Heart to Tears : This Heart fhall yield to Death or Love, HYMN L. • To Jefus Cbrifl. 1 . f^i O M E let us all unite to praile v^/ The Saviour of Mankind, Our thankful Hearts in folemn lays, Be with our Voices join'd. 2. But how fhall Duft his Worth declare, When Angels try in vain ; Their Faces veil when they appear Before the Son of Man. 3. O Lord, we cannot Silent be, — . By Love we are conftrain'd To offer our beft Thanks to Thee, Our Saviour, and our Friend ! 4. Tho' feeble are our beft Eflays, Thy Love will not defpife, Our C 45 ) Our grateful Songs of humble Praife, Our well -meant Sacrifice. 5, Let ev'ry Tongue thy Goodnefs fhow, And fpread abroad thy Fame ; Let ev'ry Heart with Praife o'erflow, And blefs thy facred Name ! 6. Worfhip and Honour, Thanks and Love, , Be to our Jefus giv'n I By Men below, — by Holts above, — By all in Eearh and Heav'n [ HYMN LI. The Tree of Life, I. /^O ME, let us join a joyful Tune y*s To our exalted Lord, Ye Saints on High around his Throne, And we around his Board. 2. While once upon this lower Ground, Weary and faint ye ftood, What dear Refrefhments here ye found, From this immortal Food ? 3„ The Tree of Life, that near the Throne In Heav'ns high Garden grows, Laden with Grace, bends gently down Its ever fmiling Boughs. £4, Hov'ring among the Leaves, there ftands The fweet celeftial Bove ; And Jefus on the Branches hangs The Banner of his Love.] [5. 'Tis a young Heav'n of ftrange Delight, While in his Shade we fit; His Fruit is pleafmg to the Sight, And to the Tafte as fweet, I 6. New (46 ) 6. New Life it fpreads through dying Hearts, And cheers the drooping Mind ; Vigour and Joy the Juice imparts, Without a Sting behind.] 7. Now let the flaming Weapon ftand, And guard all Eden's Trees, There's ne'er a Plant in all that Land, That bears fuch Fruit as thefe. 8. Infinite Grace our Souls adore, Whofe wond'rous Hand has made This living Branch of fov 'reign Pow'r, To raife and heal the Dead* HYMN LII. CHRIST JESUS, the Lamb of GOD, worjhipped by all the Creation, 1. f^i OME let us join our chearful Songs V^ With Angels round the Throne ; Ten Thoufand Thoufand are their Tongues, But all their Joys are One, 2. Worthy the Lamb that dy'd they cry, " To be exalted thus ; " Worthy the Lamb, " our Lips reply," For he was flain for us. 3. Jefus is worthy to receive Honour and Pow'r Divine ; And Blefling more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever thine. 4. Let all that dwell above the Sky, And Air, and Earth, and Seas, Confpire to lift thy Glories High, And fpeak thine endlefs Praife. 5. The whole- Creation join in One, To ( 47 ) To blefs the facred Name Of him that fits upon the Throne, And to adore the Lamb. HYMN LIII. The PENITENT THIEF. COIN OME fee the Pow'r of Chrift our King, hen on the Crofs the Saviour hung, His Grace a dying Thief did bring, To own him with his Heart and Tongue. 2. One Malefactor fcorn'd Chrift's Name, The other did his Sin reprove ; Then faid by Faith to God's dear Lamb: " Remember me O Lord above. 9 ' 3 # What noble Faith in him appear 'd, That he could trull the dying Lord ! He foon the bleised Jefus heard Pronounce this fweet reviving Word : 4» Amen, this Day thy Soul fhall be " With me in Paradife above." This made the dying Pris'ner free ; Thefe Words were full of boundlefs L 5. What Comfort did this Speech convey, To his poor guilty wretched Mind ! When thus he heard the Saviour fay- Great Peace the Criminal did find. 6. Thus Jefus Chrift forgave the Thief, And fhew'd great Mercy to the Man j So in the midft of Woe and Grief, His Joy and Happinefs began. 7. O how he lings the Saviour's praife, Who took him at the very laft, When he his youthful Strength and Daj Jn Satan's Caufe had fpent and paft ! 8, Now ( 48 ) S. Now he adores God's holy Name, And ftands before the Saviours Face ; And will eternally proclaim The bound lefs lliches of his Grace ! HYMN LIV. De firing to praife worthily, 1. /^r OME thou Fount of ev'ry BleflingJ V^ Tune my Heart to ling thy Grace! Streams of Mercy never ceaiing, Call for Songs of loudeft praife ; Teach me fome melodious Sonnet, Sung by flaming Tongues above; Praife the Mount — Fin fixt upon it, Mount of God's unchanging Love! 2. Here I raife mine Ebenezer, Hither by thy Help I'm come ; And I hope by thy good Pleafure, Safely to arrive at Home ; Jefus fought me, when a Stranger, Wandering from the Fold of God, Ie to refcue me from Danger, Interpos'd his precious Blood. h, to Grace, how great a Debtor, Daily I'm conftrain'd to be ! t that Grace, Lord, like a Fetter, Bind my wand 'ring Soul to thee ! one to wander, Lord I feel it ! Prone to leave the God I love- tere's my Heart— Oh take and feal it! Seal it for. thy Courts above ! Oh that Day when freed from Sinning! I Ihall fee thy lovely Face ! Clothed in thy Blood-wajh'd Linnen, How (49 ) How I'll fing thy Sov'reign Grace ' Come dear Lord, no longer tarry, Take my raptur'd Soul away ; Send thine Angels down to carry Me to Realms of endlefs Day. $. If thou ever didft difcover, To my Faith the promis'd Land, Bid me now the Stream pafs over, On the heav'nly Borders ftand ; Now furmount whate'er oppofes, And to thine Embrace I '11 fly ; Speak the Word thou fpake to Mofes ; Bid me , "Get me up and die." HYMN LV. I* y^iOME thou long expected Jefus ! V^ Born to fet thy People free ; From our Fears and Sins releafe us, Let us find our Reft in thee ! Ifrael's Strength and Confolation, Hope of all the Earth thou art ; Dear Defire of ev'ry Nation, Joy of ev'ry longing Heart ! 2. Born, thy People to deliver, Born a Child, and yet a King ; Born to reign in us for ever, Now thy gracious Kingdom bring ! By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our Hearts alone ; By thine All -Sufficient Merit, Raife us to thy glorious Throne. HYMN LVI. Invitation, rs Poor a ounded, D Jefu? I. POME ye Sinners Poor and Wretched, Weak and Wounded, Sick and Sore, ( 5-0) Jefus ready ftands to fave you, Full of Pity, Love and Pow'r ; He is able, He is willing ; doubt no more. 2. Ho! ye Needy, come and welcome, God's Free-Bounty glorify, True Belief and true Repentance, Ev'ry Grace that brings us nigh, Without Money, Come to Jefus Chrift and buy* 3. Let not Confcience make you linger, Nor of Fitnefs fondly dream: All the Fitnefs he requireth Is to feel your Need of him; This he gives you, 'Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring Beam. 4» Come ye weary, heavy laden, Bruis'd and mangled by the Fall; If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all ; Not the Right'ous, Sinners Jefus came to call. 5» Agonizing in the Garden, Lo, your Maker proftrate lies ! On the bloody Tree behold him, Hear him cry before he dies, « It is finifh'd," Sinner, will not this fuffice? 6, Lo ! th' incarnate God afcended, Pleads the Merit of his Blood; Venture on him, venture freely, Let no other Truft intrude : None but Jefus, Can do helplels Sinners good. 7, Saint* ( !ft ) 7. Saints and Angels join'd in Cone t, Sing the Praifes of the Lamb, While the blifsful Seats of Heaven Sweetly Echo with his Name, Hallelujah ! Sinners here may do the fame. HYMN LVIL The Difciples at Sea. 1. /^rONSTRAIN'D by their Lord to embark, V> And venture without him to Sea. The Seafon temped' ous and dark, How griev'd the Difciples muft be ! But tho' he remain'd on the Shore, He fpent the Night for them in Pray'r ; They ftill were as fafe as before, And equally under his Care. 2. They drove, tho* in vain, for awhile, The Force of the Waves to jwithftand; But when they were weary'd with Toil, They faw their dear Saviour at hand ; They gladly received him on Board, His Prefence their Spirits reviv'd : The Sea became calm at his Word, And foon at their Port they arriv'd. 3. Believers now like them are toft By Storm,s of a perilous Deep ; But cannot be poflibly loft While Jefus has Charge of the Ship ; Tho^ Billows and Winds are enrag'd, And threaten to make them their Sport > This Pilot hath firmly engaged To bring them, in Safety, to Port. 4. If fometimes we ftruggle alone, And he is withdrawn from our View, D 2 It ( 5* ) It makes us more willing to own We nothing without him can do ; Then Satan our Hopes would aflail, But Jefus is ftill within call ; And when our poor Efforts quite fail, He comes in good Time, and does all. 5. Yet, Lord, we are ready to fhrink, Unlefs we thy Prefence perceive ; O fave us ( we cry ) or we fink, We would, but we cannot believe : The Night has been long and fevere, The Winds and the Seas are ftill high ; t)ear Saviour, this Moment appear, And fay to our Souls, « It is I !" HYMN LVIII. The Day of Judgtnent, 1. TTVAY of Judgment, Day of Wonders! jLJ Hark ! the Trumpet's awful Sound, Louder than a Thoufand Thunders, Shakes the vaft Creation round! How the Summons Will the Sinner's Heart confound '. 2. See the Judge our Nature wearing, Cloth'd in Majefty.. Divine ! You who long for his Appearing, Then mall fay, "This God is mine! ,, Gracious Saviour, Own me in that Day for thine ! 3. At Ins Call the Dead awaken, Rife to Life from Earth and Sea ; All the Pow'rs of Nature fhaken By his Look, prepare to thee : Carelefs Sinner, What will then become of thee i 4. Hor- (53 ) 4. Horrors paft Imagination, Will furprize your trembling Heart, When you hear your Condemnation , •' Hence, accurfed Wretch depart ! « Thou with Satan "And his Angels, have thy Part!" 5. Satan, who now tries to pleafe you Left you timely Warning take, When that Word is paft, will feize you, Plunge you in the burning Lake : Think, poor Sinner, Thy eternal All's at Stake ! 6. But to thofe who have confefled, Lov'd and ferv'd the Lord below ; He will fay, M Come near ye Blefled, " See the Kingdom I bettow ; u You for ever " Shall my Love and Glory Know," 7* Under Sorrows and Reproaches, May this Thought your Courage raife I Swiftly God's great Day approaches, Sighs mail then be chang'd to Praife: We fliall Triumph When the World is in a Blaze. HYMN LIX. A dying Saint 1 s Farewell. i, irjEAR Friends farewell, I go to dwell ^ With Jefus Chrift, on High ; There for to fing, Praife to my King, To all Eternity. 2. While I've been here you have been dear, I've always found you kind ; But now thro' Grace, 1 quit this Place, And leave you all behind. . D 3 3. Weep ( 54 ) * 3« Weep not for me, for here yon fee My Trials have been great ; But now ( 'tis true ) I bid adieu, And change my mournful State. 4. 'Twill not be long before the Throng Will all together be ; And you that know the Lord, below, Shall then your Saviour fee. 5. There we fhall join in Songs divine, God's holy Name fhall Praife ; And view thrift's Smiles, forget the Toils Of thefe few evil Days. 6. There we fhall ftand at his right Hand, And in his Prefence dwell ; And him adore, for ever more, So Brethren, now farewell. HYMN LX. Cod the only Refuge in Trouble, i, T^EAll Refuge of my weary Soul, On thee when Sorrows rife ; On thee, when Waves of Trouble roll, My fainting Hope relies, 2. While Hope revives, tho* prefs'd with Fean, And I can fay, " My God," Beneath thy Feet I fpread my Cares, And pour my Woes abroad, 3. To thee I tell each rifing Grief, For thou alone canfl heal ; Thy Word can bring a fweet Relief, For ev'ry Pain I feel. 4, But . c **■ ■•) 4. But oh! when gloomy Doubts prevail I fear to call thee mine; The Springs of Comfort feem to fail, And all my Hopes decline. 5. Yet gracious God, where mail I flee I Thou art my only Truft ; And ftill my Soul would cleave to thee, Tho' proftrate in the Dull. 6. Haft thou net bid me feek thy Face ? And fliall I feek in vain ? And can the Ear of Sov'reign Grace Be deaf when I complain ? 7. No, ftill the Ear of Sov'reign Grace Attends the Mourner's Pray'r j O may I ever find Accefs, To breathe my Sorrows there. 8. Thy Mercy-Seat is open ftill; Here let my Soul retreat, With humble Hope attend thy Will, And wait beneath thy Feet, HYMN LXL 1. T"\EAR Lord, how wond'rous is thy Love jlJ To fuch unworthy Worms as wej Thou haft fent down the heav'nly Dove, To fet our Souls at Liberty, 2. We that were doom'd to Woe and Pain, Expos'd to Death of ev'ry kind, Thro' Jefus Chrift, the Lamb once flain, Do Life, and Peace, and Pardon find. 3. Shall \ve forget our Saviour's Grace, Who ; dy'd to fave our guilty Souls, And bring us to his Father's Face, Where endlefs Peace and Pleafure rolls ? D 4 4 . Forbid, * ( *6 ) 4, Forbid, O Lord, each wand'ring Thought, May Chrilt be all in our Kfteem ; Let earthly Things be all forgot, And counted Lois, compar'd with him* 5, Lord Jefus, make us bear in Mind Thy rich, thy pure redeeming Love, Till we mall be for ever join'd With thofe that ling thy Praife above.. 6, Then Ihall we (land before thy Face, And Shout with all the ranfom'd Throng ; Our Cry Ihall be, "Free Grace, Free Grace," While endlefs Ages roll along, HYMN LXII. Advances of Heaven : or, a Saint prepared to die, [1, TH\EATH may diflolve my Body now, jL/ And bear my Spirit home; Why do my Minutes move fo flow, Nor my Salvation come ? 1. With Heav'nly Weapons I have fought The Battles of the Lord, FiniuYd my Courfe and kept the Faith, And wait the fure Reward.] 3. God has laid up in Heav'n for me A Crown which cannot fade ; The right'ous Judge of that great Day- Shall place it on my Head. 4. Nor hath the King of Grace decreed This Prize for me alone ; But all that love, and long to fee Th* Appearance of his Son. Jems ( "57 ) 5, Jefus, the Lord, fhall guard me fafe From ev'ry ill Defign ; And to his heav'nly Kingdom take This feeble Soul of mine. 6. God is my everlafting Aid, And Hell lhall rage in vain ; To him be higkefr. Glory paid. And endlefs Praife. AMEN. HYMN LXIII. Death dreadful or delightful, 1. 'pvEATH! >Tis a melancholy Day, JL^ To thofe that have no God, When the poor Soul is forc'd away To feek her laft Abode. 2, In vain to Heav'n fhe lifts her Eyes, But Guilt, a heavy Chain, Still drags her downward from the Skies, To Darknefs, Fire and Pain. 3 # Awake, and mourn, ye Heirs of Hell, Let ftubborn Sinners fear ; You muft be driv'n from Earth, and dwell A long for ever there. 4. See how the Pit gapes wide for you, And flames m your Face ; And thou, my Soul, look downwards too, And fing recov'ring Grace. 5. He is a God of Sov'reign Grace, That promis'd Heav'n to me ; And taught my Thoughts to foar above, Where happy Spirits be. 6. Prepare me, Lord, for thy right Hand, Then come the joyful Day, D 5 Come C S 8 ) Come Death and fome celeftial Band, To bear my Soul away* HYMN LXIV. i» "TJESERTERS, to the Camp return, Refume your former Poft, Bewail your Crimes, your Bafenefs mourn ; For yet ye are not loft. 2. Your's is a fad, a dang'rous Cafe, Be humble, and repent , Mercy you'll find, tho e'er fo bafe, The Moment you relent, 3. Sinners are fav'd by Jefu's Blood, How vile fo e'er they be ; Eternal Life's the Gift of God ; And Gifts are always free. 4. 'Tis not by Works of Right'ousnefs Which any Man has done ; But God has fent his Son to blefs ; . Return, and kifs the Son. HYMN LXV. 1. T) I D our I M M A N U E L die for us, To fave fuch poor rebellious Men ? Did he difplay his Pity thus, That we might eome to G O D again? 2. All human Language wants a Name, For this imfathom'd wond'rous Love: This pure Immortal fervent Flame, Sprang only from the GOD above. 3. What can we add ? Our Speech is faint ; We fink beneath the pond'rous Load : This Love no Eloquence can paint; 'Tis grand ! 'tis worthy of a GOD. 4, O'er- ( 59 ) 4> O'erwhelm'd with this Abyfs of Love, We ftand aftonifh'd at the Grace, That brought the Saviour from above, To die for all the fallen Race 1 5. Bid our IM MANUEL die for us \ What more can be by Sounds expreft? For Sinners CHRIST was made a Curie : Eternity muft tell the reft. HYMN LXVI. 1. "T\ISCIPLES of Chrift ^ Ye Friends of the Lamb ; Attend, and aflift In finging his Fame : Eternal Thankfgiving The Faithful mould pay, The Living, the Living, As we do this Day. 2 # A Body of Clay He humbly put on, And then took away The Sin we had done ; And in it endured The Wrath to us due, The Curfe we incurred, Our Stripes and our Woe. 3. Not only he dy'd, But alfo arole ; Laid Weaknefs afide, And over his Foes, (Sin, Death and the Devil,) He triumphM, and o,er This World, and all Evil, Dominion and Pow'r. 4. o r. ( 6o) jl. O merciful Lamb, Who (its on the Throne, We bow at thy Name, The Saviour we own, Deferving our Bleffing, And Bleffing we'll give, Without ever ceafing, So long as we live, HYMN LXVII. Difrzifiott. i. "pvlSMISS us with thy Bleffing Lord, LJ Help us to feed upon thy Word. All that has been amifs forgive ; And let thy Truth within us live. 2> Tho' we are guilty thou art good, Wafh all our Works in Jefu's Blood. Give ev'ry fetter'd Soul Releafe ; And bid us all depart in Peace. HYMN LXVIIf. Before Servian* l 4 "pxOES it not Grief and Wonder move, JLJ To think of Ifrael's dreadful Fall ! Who needed Miracles to prove ! Whether the Lord were God or Baal ! 2, Methinks I fee Elijah (land, His Features glow with Love and Zeal, In Faith and Pray'r he lifts his Hand, And makes to Heav'n his great Appeal. 3. « Oh, GOD, if I thy Servant am It is thy Menage fills my Heart, Now glorify thy holy Name, And mew this People who thou art." 4, He ( 6i ) 4. He fpoke, and lo, a fudden Flame Confum'd the Wood, the Dull, the Stone, The People (truck, at once proclaim : "The LORD is GOD, the LORD alone." 5. Like him we mourn an awful Day, When more for Baal than God appear; Like him, Believers, let us pray, And may the GOD of Ifrael hear. 6. Lord ! if thy Servant fpeaks thy Truth, If he indeed is fent by thee, Confirm the Word to all" our Youth, And let them thy Salvation fee. 7. Now may the Spirit's holy Fire Pierce ev'ry Heart that hears thy Word 3 Confume each hurtful vain Defire, And make them know thou art the LORD, HYMN LXIX. Believers burled with CHRIST in Baptlfm. *• T^° we not know that folemn Word, A-/ That we are bury'd with the L o r d ; Baptiz'd into his Death, and then Put off the Body of our Sin? 2. Our Souls receive diviner Breath, Rais'd irom Corruption, Guilt, and Death: So from the Grave did Christ arife, And lives to G o d above the Skies. 3. No more let Sin or Satan reign, Over our mortal Flefh again: The various Lufts we ferv'd before, Shall have Dominion now no more. H Y M N ( 6z ) HYMN LXX. Every Creature at GOD's Command, 1. TTpLIJAH's Example declares, -XL* Whatever Diitrefs may betide, The Saints may commit all their Cares ♦ To him who will always provide, When Rain long withheld from the Earth, Occafion'd a Famine of Bread ; The Prophet, fecur'd from the Dearth, By Ravens was conftantly fed. 2. More likely to rob than to feed, Are Ravens who live upon Prey ; But where the LORD'S People haye Need, His Goodnefs will find out a Way: This Inftance to thofe may feem ftrange, Who know not how Faith can prevail; But fooner all Nature fhall change, Than one of GOD's Promifes fail. 3. Nor is it a fingular Cafe ; The Wonder is often renew 'd ; And many may fay to GOD's Praife, By Ravens he fendeth them Food. Thus Worldlings, tho 1 Ravens indeed, Tho' greedy and felfiih their Mind, If GOD has a Servant to feed, Againft their own Wills can be kind. 4. Thus Satan, the Raven, unclean, That croaks in the Ears of the Saints, O'er-rul'd by a Power unfeen, Adminifters oft to* their Wants ; GOD teaches them how to find Food, From all the Temptations they feel j This Raven who thirds for my Blood, Has help'd me to many a Meal. 5 t How ( <*3) 5« How fafe and how happy are they Who on the good Shepherd rely! He'll give them out Strength for their Day, Their Wants he will iurely fupply, He Ravens and Lions can tame ; All Creatures obey his Command : Then let me rejoice in his Name, And leave all my Cares in his Hand, HYMN LXXI. The Deity and Humanity of Christ, John i. *> 3> 14, and Col. i. 16. and Eph. iii. 9, io, 1. T7 ,, ER the blue Heav'nswereftretch'd abroad, -L From Everlafling was the Word; With God he was ; the Word was God, And muft divinely be ador'd. 2. By his own Pow'r were all Things made;. By him fupported, all Things ftand; He is the whole Creation's Head, And Angels fly at his Command. 3. E'er Sin was born, or Satan fell, He lead the Hoft of Morning- Stars ; ( Thy Generation who can tell, Or count the Number of thy Years • ) 4. But lo, he leaves thofe heav'nly Forms ; The Word defcends and dwells in Clay, That he may hold Converfe with Worms, Dreft in fuch feeble Fleih as they. 5. Mortals with Joy beheld his Face, Th' Eternal Father's only Son ; How full of Truth ! how full of Grace ! When thro* his Eyes the Godhead fnone* 6. Arch- C 6 4 ) 6. Arch- Angels leave their high Abode, To leam new Myfl'ries here, and tell The Love of our defcending God, The Glories of EMANUEL. HYMN LXXIII. 1. T^TERNAL God, thy Pow'r make known,- m j Make the whole Earth confefs That thou art God, and thou alone Doft rule in Right'oufnefs. 2. May the whole Earth thy Glory fee, And thy Salvation know ; And to thy Saints, who wait for thee, Thy Works and Wonders mow. . 3. Lord Jefus, come, and take thy Pow'r, And rule us by thy Grace : We wait for that expected Hour When we mail fee thy Face. 4. Our Souls are longing for the Day When Jefus mall be King ; When he our ftubborn Sins mail flay, And we his Praife mail fing. 5. Our Hearts rejoice in Jefu's Name, His Word forbids our Fear ; We love his Gofpel to proclaim That all Mankind may hear. 6. But deareft Lord, let us enjoy That everlafling Peace, That nothing ever fhall deftroy, Nor caufe it to decreafe. 7» Lord here we wait to know thy Will, And to obey the fame, May we our Courfe on Earth fulfil, In Honour to thy Name, HYMN ( *S ) f HYMN LXXIII. Praife to the Creator. 1. TfTERNAL Majefty on High, m d Thou God of Pow'r and Love, Thy Hands have fpread the ftarry Sky, And form'd the world above. 2. This Globe below mews forth thy Might, Thy Goodnefs and thy Skill ; The Sun, the Moon, the Day, and Night, Thy Pleafure do fulfill, 3. Beafts, Birds, Fifh, Infects all declare Thou art the mighty God ; Fire, Hail and Storms, Earth, Water, Air, Declare thy Name abroad. 4. Trees, Mountains, Rivers, Rocks and Plains, Gardens, and fruitful Lands, Proclaim, "The God of Goodnefs reigns/' And will while Nature ftands. 5. All Things below, and all above, God, Wife, Good, Great proclaim j Then let the Children of his Love Delight to blefs his Name* 6. The heav'nly Father, and the Son, And Spirit we adore ; s Tis now as 'twas when Time begun, And mail be evermore. HYMN LXXIV. Chrift the Beloved defcribed. 1, TpAIR Salem's Daughters aik to know Jl Why I mould love my Jefus fo ; E What ( 66 ) What are his Charms, fay they, above The Objects of another's Love ? 2* Yes, my Beloved, to my Sight Shews a fweet Mixture, Red and White; All human Beauties, all Divine, In my Beloved meet and mine* 5. White is his Soul, from Blemifh free ; Red was his Blood he fried for me; The Faireft of ten Thoufand Fairs ; A Sun among ten Thoufand Stars. 4. His Head the fin eft Gold excels ; There Wifdom in Perfection dwells, And Glory, like a Crown, adonis Thofe Temples once befet with , Thorns* 5. Companions in his Heart are found, Hard by the Signals of his Wound ; His Sacred Side no more mall bear The cruel Scourge, the piercing Spear. 6. His Hands are fairer to behold Than Diamonds fet in Rings of Gold ; Thofe heav'nly Hands that on the Tree Where nail'd, and torn, and bled for me. 7. Tho' once he bow'd his feeble Knees, Loaded with Sins and Agonies, Now on the Throne of his Command, His Legs like Marble Pillars ftand. 8. His Eyes are Majefty and Love, The Eagle temper'd with the Dote ; No more mall trickling Sorrows roll, Thro' thofe dear Windows of his Soul # o. His Mouth that pour'd out long Complaints Now fmiles, and chears his fainting Saints ; His Countenance more graceful is Than Lebanon with all its Trees. 10. All (67 ) 1 I©, All over Glorious is my Lord, Muft be belov'd, and yet ador'd; His Worth if all the Nations knew Sure ev'ry one would Love him too. HTMN LXXV. Cod glorious } arid Sinners faved. 1. p A T H E R, how wide thy Glory mines'. JL How high thy Wonders rife ! Known thro' the Earth by Thoufand Signs, By Thoufands thro' the Skies, 2. Thofe mighty Orbs proclaim thy Pow'r; Their Motions fpeak thy fkill, And on the Wings of ev'ry Hour We read thy Patience ftill. 3. Part of thy Name divinely ftands On all thy Creatures writ, They fhew the Labour of thy Hands, The Imprefe of thy Feet. 4. But when we view thy grand Defign To fave rebellious Worms, Where Wifdom, Pow'r and Goodnefs fhine, In their moft glorious Forms. 5. Our Thoughts are loft in rev'rend Awe; We Love, and we adore, The holy Angels never faw So much of G o d before. <$. Here God hath made his Nature known, And Thought can never trace, Which of his Glories brighteft fhone, tn our Redeemer's Face. E 2 7, © ( 68 ) j. O the fweet Myft'ries of that Crofs Where Jefus lov'd and dy'd, Her nobleft Life my Spirit draws From his dear wounded Side. 8. Now the full Glories of the Lamb Adorn the heav'nly plains ; Sweet Cherubs learn Emmanuel's Name, And try their choicelt Strains, p. O may I bear Tome humble Part In that immortal Song ! Wonder and joy mall tune my Heart, And Love command my Tongue. HYMN LXXVI. i . tji A T H E R, I ftretch my Hands to thee, Jl No other Help I know; If thou withdraw thyfelf from me, Ah 1 whither fliall I go ? 2, What did thine only Son endure, Before I drew my Breath I What Pain, what Labour to fecure My Soul from endlefs Death ! 3, O Jefu, could I this believe, I now mould feel thy Pow'r; Now my poor Soul thou would'ft retrieve, Nor let me wait one Hour. 4, Author of Faith, to thee I lift My weary, longing Eyes ; O let me now receive that Gift ! My Soul without it dies ! HYMN LXXVII. ATHER of faithful Abra'm, hear Our earneft Suit for Abra'ms Seedf Juftly 1. "p C 69 ) Juftly they claim the fbfted Fray'r From us, adopted in their Stead : Who Mercy through their Fall obtain, And Chrift by their Rejection gain, 2. Outcafts from thee, and fcatter'd wide Through ev'ry Nation under Heav'n, Blafpheming whom they crucify'd, Unfav'd, unpity'd, unforgiv'n ; Branded. like Cain, they bear the Load, Abhorr'd of Men, and curs'd of God. 3. But haft thou finally forfook, Forever caft thy own away ? Wilt thou not bid the Murd'rers look On him they piere'd, and weep and pray ? Yes gracious Lord, thy Word is pall : All Ifrael mail be fav'd at laft. 4. Come then, thou great Deliv'rer come ! The Veil from Jacob's Heart remove .' Receive thy ancient People Home ; That quicken'd by thy dying Love, The World may their Reception find, Life from the Dead for all Mankind. ' F HYMN LXXVIIL B apt if? A'. A T H E R of Heav'n, we Thee addrefs ( Obedience is our View ) Accept us in thy Son; and blefs The Work we have to do. 2. Jefus, as Water well appli'd, Will make the Body clean ; So in the Fountain of thy Side, Warn thou the Soul from Sin. Eg 3. Celedial ( 70) 3* Celeftial Dove, defcend from High, And on the Water brood ; And with thy quick'ning Pow'r apply The Water and the Blood, 4» Great God, Three-One, again we call And our llequefts renew, Accept in Chrift ; and blefs withall The Work we've now to do. HYMN LXXIX. The promised Land, 1. T7* A R from thefe narrow Scene? of Night # Jl Unbounded Glories rife, And Realms of infinite Delight, Unknown to Mortal Eyes. 2. There Pain and ficknefs never come, And Grief no more complains; Health triumphs in Immortal BJoom, And endlefs pleafure reigns. 3. No Clouds thofe blifsful Regions know, Eor ever bright and fair ! For Sin, the Source of mortal Woe, Can never enter there, 4. There no alternate Night is known, Nor Sun's faint fickly Ray ; But Glory from the facred Throne Spreads everlafting Day. 5. O may the heav'nly Profpect fire Our Hearts with ardent Love, Till Wings of Faith, and ftrong Defire, Bear ev'ry Thought above. 6, Prepare 6, Prepare us, Lord, by Grace Divine, For thy bright Courts on High; Then bid our Spirits rife and join The Chorus of the Sky,. 1 F HYMN LXXX. ROM all that dwell below the Skies, Let the Creator's Praife arife ; Let the Redeemer's Name be fang, Thro' ev'ry Land, by ev'ry Tongue. Eternal are thy Mercies, Lord; Eternal Truth attends thy Word : Thy Praife fliall found from Shore to Shore, Till Suns mail fet and rife no more. HYMN LXXXI. Queen of Sbeba. ROM Sheba a diftant Report F Of Solomon's Glory and Fame, Invited the Queen to his Court, But all was outdone when fhe came ; She cry'd with a pleafing Surprize, When firft me before him appear'd, t€ How much what I fee with my Eyes, " Surpafles the Rumour I heard." 2. When once to Jerufalem come, The Treafure and Train flie had brought ; The Wealth fhe poflefled at home, No longer had Place in her Thought; His Houfe, his Attendants, his Throne, All ftruck Her with Wonder and Awe ; The Glory of Solomon fhone In every Object flie faw* 3. But Solomon moft fhe admir'd, Whofe Spirit conducted the Whole , E 4 His C 7* ) His Wifdom, which God had infpir'd, His Bounty and Greatnefs of Soul ; Of all the hard Queftions me put, A ready Solution he fhew'd ; Exceeded her Wifh and her Suit, And more than fhe afk'd him, beftow'd. 4. Thus J when the Gofpel proclaim'd The Saviour's great Name in my Ears, The Wifdom for which he is fam'd, The Love which to. Sinners he bears; I long'd, and I was not deny'd, That I in his Prefence might bow ; I faWj and transported I cry'd, " A greater than Solomon Thou !" 5. My Confcience no Comfort could find, By Doubt and hard Queftions oppos'd; But he reftor'd peace to my Mind, And anfwer'd each Doubt I propos'd ! Beholding me poor and diftrefs'd, His Bounty fupply'd all my Wants ; My Pray'r could have never exprefs^d So much as this Solomon grants, 6. I heard, and was flow to believe, But now with my Eyes I behold, Much more than my Heart c©uld conceive, Or Language could ever have told : How happy thy Servants muft be, Who always before thee appear ! Vouchfafe, Lord, this Blefling to me, 1 find it is good to be here. HYMN LXXXIR 1. f^ETHSEMANE, thou dolefome Place, VJT Near Kedron's Brook, to which the Lamb, Who ( 73 ) Who lov'd to be in lonelynefs, With his Difciples often came, Where out of boundlefs Love to me, He wreftled in an Agony. 2. There, quite o'erwhelm'd with Grief, he faid; t{ My Soul is forrowful to Death,' 9 And fuff'ring freely in my Stead, He drank the bitter Cup of Wrath ; Now on his Knees, then on his Face, He weeps, and fvveats, and bleeds and prays. 3. So lov'd me the Eternal God, That he became the Son of Man, And took my Sins' prodigious Load; My Soul admire his gracious Flan! Thy Stripes, thy Guilt and Curie be bore; Believe and thankfully adore„ H Y M N LXXXIU. Praife to the Trinity, GLORY, Glory, Glory, Glory, Glory be to God on high ; Glory, Glory, Glory, Glory, Sing his Praifes round the Sky. Glory, Glory, Glory, Glory, Glory be to God moll kind ; Glory, Glory, Glory, Glory, Heav'n and Earth, and Sky be join'd. Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hofts j Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST. Worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy, Worthy is the LAMB of GOD, Worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy, Who lov'd and wa&'d us in his Blood. E S H Y M (74) HYMN LXXXIV. Evening, 1. ^ 2, 3, 4? 5> 6. 1. T T O W honourable is the Place, ■1 A Where we adoring ftand, Zion the Glory of the Earth, And Beauty of the Land ! 2, Bulwarks of mighty Grace defend The City where we dwell ; The Walls, of ftrong Salvation made, Defy th'Atfaults of Hell. 3, Lift up the Everlafting Gates* The Doors wide open fling; Enter ye Nations that obey The Statutes of our King. 4. Here ihall you tafte unmingled Joys, And live in perfeci Peace; You that have known Jehovah* s Name, And ventur'd on his Grace. 5. Truft in the Lord, for ever Truft, And banifh all your Fears, Strength in the Lord Jehovah dwells; Eternal as his Years. %. What though the Rebels dwell on high, His Arm mall bring them low ; Low as the Caverns of the Grave, Their lofty Head fhall bow. 7. On ( 95 ) 7. On Babylon our Feet fhall tread, Jn that rejoicing Hour; The Ruins of her Walls fhall fpread A Pavement for the Poor. HYMN CVIII. True Happinefs. * i.UOW happy is the Chriftian's State t His Sins are all forgiv'n ; A cheering Ray confirms the Grace, And lifts his Hopes to Heav'n. 2. Tho' in the rugged Path of Life, He heaves the penfive Sigh ; Yet trufting in his God he finds Deliv'ring Grace is nigh, 3. If, to prevent his wand'ring Steps, He feels the chaft'ning Rod ; The gentle Stroke fhall bring him back To his forgiving God. 4. And when the welcome Menage come* To call his Soul away ; His Soul in Raptures fhall afcend To everlafling Day. HYMN CIX. A Profpefl of the Refurreftion. 1. I-JOW long fhall Death the Tyrant reign, And triumph o'er the Juft, While the rich Blood of Martyrs flain Lies mingled with the Duft i 2, When fhall the tedious Night be gone ? When will our Lord appear ? Our fond Defires would pray him down, Our Love embrace him here, 3. Let ( 96 ) 3. Let Faith arife, and climb the Hills, And from afar defcry, How diftant are his Chariot Wheels, And tell how fait they fly, 4. Lo, I beli old the featuring Shades, The Dawn of Heav'n appears, The fweet Immortal Morning fpreads, Its Blulhes round the Spheres. 5. I fee the Lord of Glory come, And flaming Guards around ! The Skie6 divide to make him room, The Trumpet makes the Ground, 6. I hear the Voice! " Ye Dead arife; '* And lo, the Graves obey, And waking Saints with joyful Eyes Salute th'expecled Day. 7. They leave the Duit, and on the Wing Rife to the middle Air, In ihining Garments meet their King. And low adore him there. 8. O may my humble Spirit Hand Among them cloth 'd in white I The meaneft Place at his Right Hand Is infinite Delight. 9. How will our Joy and Wonder rife, When our returning King Shal&bear us homeward thro' the Skies On Love's triumphant Wing. HYMN CX. Happy FRAILTY. O W meanly dwells th'immortal Mind ! How vile theie Bodies are I Why X -H (97 ) Why was a Clod of Earth, defign'd T' enclofe a heav'nly Star ? 2. Weak Cottage where our Souls refide, This Fleih a tott'ring Wall : The frightful Breaches gaping wide, The Buildings bend to fall. 3. All round it Storms of Sorrow blow, And Waves of Trouble roll ; Cold Waves, and Winter Storms, beat through, And pain the Tenant Soul. 4. " Alas, how frail our State ! " faid I, And thus went mourning on, Till fudden from the cleaving Sky A Gleam of Glory in one. 5. My Soul all felt the Glory come, And breath'd her native Air ; Then fhe remembered Heav'n her Home, And lhe a Pris'ner here. 6. Straight fhe began to change her Key, And joyful in her Chains, She fung the Frailty of her Clay In pleafurable Strains. 7. "How weak the Pris'n is where I dwell ! " This Flefh a tott'ring Wall ! *' The Breaches chearfully foretell, "The Houfe rauft fhortly fall. > 8. "No more my Friends, mall I compRiin, " Tho' all my Heart- Strings ake, " Welcome Difeafe, and ev'ry Pain, "That makes the Cottage fhake. 9. " I have a Manfion built above, "By the eternal Hand, G "And ( 98 ) " And mould the Earth's eld Bafis move, " My Heav'nly Houfe mult {land. 10. "Yes for 'tis there my Saviour reigns; " ( I long to fee my God ) "And his immortal Strength fuftains " The Purchafe of his Blood. II 4 Ci Hark, from on High my Saviour calls,